From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== Set in 2013, the main character, Hugo Cornelius Toorop (hero of The Red Siren), is a mercenary whose mission is to escort a young woman with schizophrenia, Marie Zorn, from Siberia to Quebec on behalf of a sect. It appears that the young woman is the surrogate mother of twins, representing the next stage of human evolution. ===== Set in the fictional Shandong town of Wali, the novel explores the enduring culture and psychology of the Chinese people. The plot is non-linear and events move into and out of and around certain events in the first forty years of the People's Republic of China. Although these events, as a background to the ancient patterns of the struggle for survival in Wali are almost inconsequential, they also have profound repercussions. Although the reader might identify the struggle for land reform, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Sino-Vietnamese war and the “reform and opening up”, these milestones in the history of contemporary China are unmarked, their anonymity serving to deny, for the author, that linear time has any meaning or relevance for the ebb and flow of Chinese life. Liberation in 1949 and the period of the Five Year Plans are referred to in passing as “By then an earthshaking change had occurred in our land, characterized mainly by pervasive turmoil. The people were confident that it would take only a few years to overtake England and catch up to America” (p. 9). The masking of such familiar milestones and the moving backwards and forwards between them simultaneously upsets the Western mind's reliance on a linear time structure and brings to the fore a concentration on what the author sees as innate Chinese characteristics that are as much a part of the Chinese mind as ancient walls and ancient ships are part of its landscape. The dominating motif of the novel is an imposing and ancient glass noodle factory. Its presence is felt in the same way as the distillery in Red Sorghum and the silk dyeing plant in Ju Dou. In so far as Wali might be a microcosm for all of China, the factory can be taken to symbolise China's industrial infrastructure: the struggle for control of the factory between the Sui and Zhao clans mirrors the struggle for control of the means of production unleashed by Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms. Although his family has lost its control of the factory to the Zhaos, Sui Baopu sits at his machine each day, ignoring events in the village and refusing younger brother Sui Jiansu's earnest calls for rising up against the Zhao's and reclaiming the factory. Baopu represents a compliant working class, still in the grip of the Communist Manifesto, but unable or unwilling to follow its call to action. Their uncle, the seafaring Sui Buzhao further blurs the reality of time, suffering delusions about being in the company of, and having conversations with, the Ming Admiral Zheng He whose navigating manual fulfils his spiritual needs just as the Manifesto does for Baopu. Surrounded by corruption, a lone Party street committee secretary rails against the abuse of power by higher ups and always pays for his tickets to the movies. This quality, together with Buzhao's unexpected act of selfless heroism at the novel's end, is the key to the town's survival and growth and is the human equivalent of the underground waters that promise to rejuvenate the town's dying river. ===== In the drawing room of the Gilpins' stylish Mayfair flat in London, Walters, the maid, takes a telephone message for her employers. The caller is Mrs. Rawlingson with whom Maureen "Piggie" Gilpin and her friend Maud Dalborough once stayed when temporarily stranded in Samolo in the South Pacific during a world cruise. On seeing the message, Piggie explains to her husband, Commander Peter Gilpin, RN, that Mrs Rawlingson and her husband are visiting London and, having asked them to tea, Piggie has forgotten the appointment until now (extending or accepting and then forgetting invitations is a habit of hers). She makes urgent phone calls to recruit friends to join her to entertain the Rawlingsons, and Peter persuades a naval colleague to invite the visitors to tour the naval dockyard at Portsmouth during their stay. As soon as the Gilpins leave the room, Walters ushers in Mr and Mrs Wadhurst, a couple whom Piggie and Maud met in Malaya. As with the Rawlingsons, Piggie has invited them to tea and then forgotten about the appointment. Another visitor is shown in: Mr Burnham, a young employee of a company that is designing a speed boat for Peter. He and the Wadhursts make polite, slightly stiff conversation. While they wait for the Gilpins to appear, Clare Wedderburn and Bogey Gosling, close friends of the Gilpins, arrive. Clare and Bogey make themselves loudly at home and liberally hand round cocktails. Piggie enters, greets her old friends and welcomes the Wadhursts, whom she mistakes for the Rawlingsons. Conversation is continually interrupted by the telephone on which Piggie and later Peter and Clare are called to talk to other friends, which they do uninhibitedly, to the confusion of the Wadhursts. At one point, Burnham rises and tries to give Peter a long roll of cardboard, but is thwarted when Peter is again called to the telephone. The conversation is interrupted again when Piggie takes a call from Mrs. Rawlingson, who apologises that she and her husband cannot come after all. Piggie, realising her error, tries to discover tactfully who the Wadhursts actually are. Just as they are about to leave to go to the theatre, Mrs Wadhurst mentions Pendarla, where she and Wadhurst live. This finally jogs Piggie's memory, and she bids them an effusive farewell, inviting them to dine one evening and go to the theatre. She and the Wadhursts leave the room. Clare, like Piggie, has assumed that Burnham is the Wadhursts' son. She is puzzled when he does not leave with them. He explains who he is, and that he has brought the designs for Peter's new boat. Piggie, meanwhile, takes another telephone call and apologises to her caller for forgetting their engagement that afternoon. As Burnham creeps out, she, still unaware that he is not the Wadhursts' son, bids him goodbye: "It's been absolutely lovely, you're the sweetest family I've ever met in my life." ===== The action of the play begins and ends in the Gayforth's house in Mayfair, London. It is about midnight when Vicky Gayforth comes into her bedroom with her friend, Martha Cunningham. They have been to the theatre together, but Vicky refuses to accompany Martha to a party because Simon Gayforth, her husband, is sure to be there with Sybil Heston, to whom he is clearly attracted. Vicky intends to go to bed, and takes three strong sleeping tablets. Her admirer Michael Doyle rings up, and she tells him brusquely to call back tomorrow as she is too tired to talk now. Simon comes to tell Martha that George, her husband, is waiting impatiently for her. Simon too has decided not to go to the party, and he asks the Cunninghams to make his excuses for him. When they have gone he begins a serious conversation with his wife: he asks her to divorce him. She agrees, noting sadly that they have been married for just five years. The sleeping tablets begin to take effect making her head swim. The action becomes shadowy, confused and dreamlike, and is evidently seen through Vicky's drugged eyes. Music is heard; it stops and then starts again. Simon dances a few steps. The music becomes more insistent. Simon and Vicky sing a duet, "Then", about transitory joy. This is followed by a second song, "Play, Orchestra, Play" ("We Must Have Music"). The lights fade to nothing. Sybil Heston appears in a pool of light, telling Simon that they must let Vicky know the truth; they are joined by Michael Doyle, who asks them to give her his love. The lights fade on a reprise of "Play, Orchestra, Play". The scene changes to a moonlit garden. We see the first meeting of Vicky and Simon, at a country ball. Their dialogue is a mixture of what they said at the time and their current comments on it: :Vicky: What do you do? :Simon: I'm in a bank. :Vicky: High up in a bank? Or just sitting in a cage totting up things? :Simon: Oh, quite high up, really. It's a very good bank. :Vicky: I'm so glad. :Simon: How lovely you are. :Vicky: No, no, that came later – you've skipped some. :Simon: Sorry. :Vicky: You're nice and thin – your eyes are funny – you move easily – I'm afraid you're terribly attractive. :Simon: You never said that. :Vicky: No, but I thought it. :Simon: Stick to the script. They sing a duet, "You Were There", finishing in each other's arms in a spotlight. The dreamlike mood continues. Lena, the maid, is seen spotlit, carrying sleeping tablets and a glass of water, and singing "Then". In another pool of light, Martha and George are seen in a car discussing the Gayforths' matrimonial troubles: Vicky runs on and accuses them of "spoiling it all". There follow hallucinatory images of the Gayforths' honeymoon journey to Venice and a noisy nightclub where Sybil Heston and Michael Doyle dance together in a brilliant spotlight. Another spotlight picks up Vicky and Simon, and the two couples dance on, constantly switching partners, faster and faster, as voices from the darkness rhythmically chant the names of night-clubs: "The Florida, The Cocoanut Grove, The Four Hundred, The Blue Train". The noise crescendos and then stops suddenly, with a blackout. Lena, spotlit, is seen telephoning Martha asking her to come back to the house because Vicky is suffering from an overdose of sleeping tablets and Simon is alarmed about her. In the final scene the lighting returns to normal. Simon, Lena and Martha are at Vicky's bedside, giving her black coffee. Simon tells her, when she asks for explanations, that, under the influence of the drug, "you just went mad, that's all – raving … you began dancing about the room". Deciding that Vicky is now safe, the others leave her alone with Simon. When she asks him about the divorce, he declares that he wants nothing of the sort; everything is all right again between them. He lifts her on to the bed, covers her over with the counterpane, and lies down on the sofa at her feet. ===== In a country very similar to France under German military occupation, two people are murdered at the same moment. Ève is poisoned by her influential husband, who wants her money and her naïve younger sister, Lucette. Pierre, a worker and a leader of the resistance, is shot by an informer. Meeting in the afterlife, the two fall in love. As they were fated to do so, but prevented by others, they are granted 24 hours back on earth. Their first mission is to do a favour to a dead man who was worried about his young daughter. Then, after brief sex, they address unfinished business. Ève confronts her evil husband and tries to convince her sister of his treachery. Pierre goes to a meeting of resisters and tries to convince them that their organisation is compromised by traitors. The 24 hours are up and most of the time was spent not on enjoying and deepening their relationship, which was often edgy, but on efforts to help others. Back in the afterlife they agree to part. ===== As Germany is in the throes of losing World War II, a number of wealthy Nazis and some French sympathizers head for South America in a German submarine leaving from Oslo. The film's narrator is a French doctor (Henri Vidal) who has been kidnapped to tend a sick woman, Hilde Garosi (Florence Marly), the wife of one man and the lover of another, both aboard. The doctor realizes he will be murdered at any point once the woman has recovered so he tries various stratagems to escape. All fail. The mission slowly disintegrates as the war ends and its reasons for being dissipate, with some passengers either trying to escape or committing suicide. Forster (Jo Dest) tries to continue the mission even after Berlin has fallen and orders have gone out for all U-boats to surrender at the nearest port. Part of the crew finally mutinies against the insane ones still fighting the war. The doctor ends up alone on the Nazi sub for days writing his memoirs until an American ship rescues him and finally sinks his infamous abode at sea. ===== Songwriter Terry Trindale is attracted to Consuelo Croyden, a woman he sees nightly at a Palm Beach casino. He finally works up the courage to approach her and express his feelings, but she rebuffs his advances. When he later accrues a $3,200 gambling debt to her, Consuelo agrees to hire him as her secretary to work off what he owes her. One of Terry's duties is to assume the role of her fiancé in order to discourage the insistent attention of Tony Barling, to whom Consuelo once was engaged, and to keep her from succumbing to her former beau's charms. Tony refuses to believe she loves someone else, and, when he recognizes Terry from the casino, his suspicions are aroused, despite Terry's outward displays of affection for Consuelo. Tony convinces her to join him on a friend's yacht, but Terry reminds her of his responsibility, and keeps her from going. Four weeks later, Consuelo finds herself still saddled with Terry, who has refused to accompany his songwriting partner Chappie Champagne to New York City to promote their latest tune. Consuelo insists she no longer has any interest in Tony, and offers to cancel the rest of Terry's debt so he can join Chappie. Terry departs, and moments later, Consuelo receives a call from Tony and invites him to the house. Instead, it is Terry, who had disguised his voice, who arrives, and he berates Consuelo for her lack of self-control. Complications arise when Tony actually does arrive on the scene and finds Terry, wearing Consuelo's satin pajamas, in bed. When Terry refuses to admit the truth, an angered Tony departs for his hotel, Consuelo follows, and Terry is not far behind. The two men engage in a brawl, and eventually are arrested. During their hearing on charges of disturbing the peace and assaulting a police officer, Chappie arrives with money from the sale of their song to pay for Terry's fine. Tony proposes to Consuelo, but she realizes she's in love with Terry, who is arrested for grand larceny when he arrives at the airport with Chappie. The bogus charge, brought by Consuelo in order to stop Terry from leaving, is dropped, and the two embrace. ===== Two cousins, Fred and Warren, live together in Hollywood. Fred, an aspiring horror-movie director with developed skills in SFX and animatronics, desperately tries to shoot his first movie in their house, but Warren, who plays the main male protagonist, keeps on flirting with Laurie, the main actress. When she can't stand it anymore, the project is over, and the bills are pilling up. Out of the blue, Warren is called out to the reading of his grandfather's will and testament. The boys end up with an old clock, inhabited with the spirit of Warren, Karl's grandfather's deformed butler. The benevolent spirit, having appeared to Fred in the night, as well as showing him a flashback of the day he and Warren's grandfather Karl died, which Karl poisoned himself, and sealing himself in the basement with all his money to prevent his family from getting any, and unfortunately the butler dies falling down stairs. The dream inspires Fred in making a new script for which he builds an animatronic version of the butler, whose spirit inhabits. The butler and the boys will help each other as they face a new problem the son of Warren's grandfather's partner who managed to swindle Warren;s family out of their property, Producer Stan Gordon, who wants the grandfather's heritage to be kept secret, and try to get Fred's new movie made. It will all end in a race against the clock in an old house basement, and a fight against a demented ghost armor, as the movie pays homage to the late 50-to-70's Sci Fi B movies. ===== Felix Milne (Meredith) is an overworked psychologist with psychological problems of his own. Molly Lucian seeks Milne's help in treating her husband Adam, traumatised from his experiences in a Japanese POW camp. Adam is about to become severely schizophrenic. To make matters worse, Felix finds his own home life deteriorating. ===== Much of the story is set in Russia, where Gabriel Allon tries to rescue Russian defector Grigori Bulganov, who was introduced in an earlier book in the series. Bulganov had been kidnapped, and Gabriel Allon must save him from the clutches of Ivan Kharkov, also from the previous book. ===== The film follows aging, overworked actor Mack Cameron (Timothy Bottoms) as he struggles to keep up with the demands of career and family life. Cameron accepts a lead role in a low-budget independent film despite schedule conflicts with a major movie role he's lined up for, because it will be filmed in his small hometown of Littleton, Texas. Cameron sees the project as an opportunity to mend fraying relationships with his wife, Liz (Meredith Baxter), and sons Tyler (Dylan Michael Patton) and Joe (Emilio Mazur). Cameron's frustration boils over when he learns he has been removed from his role in the upcoming blockbuster because of his decision to work close to home. Cameron lashes out at the people around him, further alienating his family and wreaking havoc on the set. Cameron's child co-star, CJ Kinney (Ben Estus) is particularly affected. CJ's desire for a performing career alienates him from his peers and family, especially from his overbearing father Cal (Brandon Smith). Interaction with CJ inspires Cameron to re-assess his priorities; ultimately, he opts to put his family and life in his hometown ahead of his career. ===== The lives of Dashiell Hammett (Shepard) and Lillian Hellman (Davis) are set against the golden era of Hollywood, HUAC and the issue of McCarthyism of the 1950s. This intimate look at the lives of two of this century's literary titans follows their tumultuous affair, drinking bouts, career highs and lows, and activities in support of left-wing causes including Hammett's public avowal of Communism and his membership in the Communist Party and Hellman's sympathies for the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union before World War II. ===== ===== John Walden, a light-skinned African-American lawyer, returns to his family in North Carolina after being away for 20 years. Walden has passed as white and been successful. He discovers domestic turmoil: his mother is trying to dissuade his sister Rena, who is also light-skinned, from being romantically involved with Frank Fowler (Carl Mahon), a dark-skinned African-American businessman. With his mother's blessing, Walden suggest that Rena abandon Fowler and move with him to another part of the city, where she could pass for white. After Rena reluctantly agrees, her brother sets her up in a fancy home with African- American servants, who are initially unaware of Rena's African ancestry. Rena is pursued by a white high-class man who proposes marriage. Becoming uncomfortable with the situation, Rena tells her brother that she is a "negress" and is "tired of being a liar and a cheat". Rena reunites with Frank and they elope.Gevinson, Alan, Within Our Gates: Ethnicity in American Feature Films, 1911-1960, University of California Press, 1997, , p. 1096.Corliss, Richard, "An Oscar for Micheaux", Time Magazine, June 6, 2002. ===== The cast enters a mansion to compete on a new reality show for $1 million but with an unexpected twist. Mysteriously, a cast member disappears but without a formal elimination ceremony. When more and more castmates start disappearing in this fashion it is up to the remaining cast to discover how this game is really played. ===== Set in London, the novel tells the story of a dying man called Bruno and his family. Narrated in the third person that allows for multiple character perspectives it follows Bruno, Bruno's son Miles, Miles' wife Diana and her sister Lisa, Bruno's son-in-law Danby, Bruno's nurse Adelaide, Nigel (the messianic figure consistently found in Murdoch's novels) and Nigel's twin brother, Will. The novel ends with all the different people, other than Nigel, coupling up. Couples: Miles and Parvati (1st wife), Miles and Diana (2nd wife), Miles and Lisa (Diana's sister) they love each other but never get together. Danby and Gwen (1st wife and Bruno's daughter), Danby and Adelaide (his maid/mistress), Danby and Diana- they go dancing once and he proposes an affair, but it doesn't come to fruition. Danby and Lisa (they end up together at the end of the novel. Bruno and Janie (his wife), Bruno and Maureen (his mistress). Will and Adelaide (cousins) In the end the couples are Miles and Diana, Danby and Lisa, Bruno and Diana, and Will and Adelaide. ===== Holly, Kara and Brian Phillips move to a new area. Soon after arriving Holly befriends her 11-year- old neighbor and she starts to suspect the boy is being beaten by his mother's boyfriend. ===== Jim Harvey (Audie Murphy) is a guide and guard on a wagon train. After he saves the life of a Yaqui Indian warrior named Tigre, the wagon train is attacked and Harvey realizes their only chance of survival is if he can negotiate a truce with Tigre's father, the chief Aguila (Ralph Moody). Aguila orders Harvey to be knocked out, and tortured later, but he is set free by Tigre's mother. He goes to town and discovers the people on the wagon train were massacred, except for two sisters who Harvey insisted hide in the caves. Harvey is falsely accused of cowardice and the townsfolk threaten to lynch him.Tumbleweed at Audie Murphy Memorial Site Harvey escapes on a borrowed Cayuse horse named Tumbleweed, and tries to prove his innocence, discovering that a white man was responsible for the attack. The horse's intelligence, sure-footedness, and instinct save Harvey, and Murphy's interaction with the horse drives much of the storyline. ===== At the end of the Second World War, a regiment of the First Russian National Army, loyal to Nazi Germany fled to neutral Liechtenstein to escape the Red Army Seeking asylum and salvation in this neutral state, these soldiers, along with some civilian associates, are warmly welcomed by the Liechtenstein government. Indeed, although returned by force in the country, Prince Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein is understanding and accepts the refugees with the respect due to their rank of combatants. Russian General Boris Smyslovsky tries to monetize the surrender of his troops to U.S. Army rather than to the Red Army. He is working to take them to Argentina, a country where they will not be hunted down, but that is without counting on the hatred of the Soviets for these "traitors". The film traces the efforts of the Liechtenstein authorities not to hand over these 400 refugees, and shows the lies and manipulations of the Soviets to convince them to return voluntarily. After promising them a new life as part of the reconstruction of the USSR, the Soviets managed to persuade about 200 of these men to return. On the return journey, the train stops in Hungary and all the "returnees" are murdered with machine guns. ===== Santu Waghela is a poor but spirited girl who lives in the village of Dharampur with her maternal grandfather, Madhav Solanki, an experienced diamond cutter working for the middle-aged diamond merchant Dharamraj Mahiyavanshi. As an incentive to his best worker, Dharamraj offers to arrange and sponsor Madhav's granddaughter's marriage. Hours before the wedding, the bridegroom backs out and Madhav's fellow workers get agitated. Dharamraj, a widower, comes forward to marry the bride, Santu. For Dharamraj, the decision to marry Santu is purely a business calculation for appeasing his workforce. Dharamraj is still in love with his dead wife Subhadra, who has left him with 5 children: Hiten, Kadambari a.k.a. Kaddu, Maulik, Birwa and Suraj. Once home, he ignores Santu and she is constantly abused by his older sister, Tarulata a.k.a. Taru. After a long time, however, Dharamraj and most of his family members accept Santu as a member of the Mahiyavanshi family. Dharamraj finds his long-lost son Arjan. But eventually, because of some misunderstandings and complications, Arjan assaults Dharamraj. Birwa, trying to save her father, accidentally kills Arjan. To save Birwa, Santu takes the blame for the murder and goes to jail. After 10 years Santu returns from prison. The Mahiyavanshis don't want her. Everyone in the Mahiyavanshi house is pretending to live happily. But Santu forces her way into the house, takes charge and starts many quarrels among family members. This brings many hidden problems to light. Dharamraj has shut himself away in a room and stopped mixing with people. But Santu with her love and honesty once again wins Dharamraj's love and family gets reunited. A woman named Megha comes forward with her son, Vishal and she claims that Dharamraj is the father of this boy. To everyone's surprise, medical tests prove that Vishal is actually Dharamraj's son. However, Dharamraj denies having any relationship with Megha. Then Santu discovers that Vishal is her own son, who was born while she was in prison. Megha had stolen Vishal from the jail hospital and Santu had been told that the baby was dead. Santu and Dharamraj reunite. Vishal comes to stay with Dharamraj and Santu, but Megha kidnaps him again. After 16 years, Dharamraj's grandchildren have grown up. Santu is still waiting for her son Vishal to come home. After an extensive search, Vishal is found. He seems to be a good person, but this is just a mask. Megha has poisoned his mind against the Mahiyavanshis. He wants to separate Dharamraj and Santu. Dharamraj and Hiten, on finding out the truth, chase Vishal out of the house. Santu is shocked and becomes ill. Dharamraj is forced to take Santu to Vishal's house. But Vishal is exposed. Disillusioned, Santu comes back to the Mahiyavanshi house. Then Megha reappears and uses Vishal to get back at the Mahiyavanshi family. Vishal forces Dharamraj and Santu to leave the house. They go and live in Mumbai, where Dharamraj starts a new diamond business. After some time, they return to Dharampur. Meanwhile, Vishal has changed for the better. He realizes that Megha has used him as a pawn. He apologizes to his parents. Santu and Dharamraj forgive Vishal when they see that his regret is genuine. Santu finds out that she is pregnant once again. The whole Mahiyavanshi family is happy together. ===== This tale of pure love begins as Arjun Punj, son of a business tycoon D K Punj, is introduced in jail. He refuses to accept release on bail, or talk to any lawyer. Ganga Rai, a young lawyer, is determined to find his story out. Arjun emotionally reveals that he fell in love with a simple girl from the small town of Shimla, Aarohi Sharma, who sang beautifully. Her father runs a Gurukul, and she lived with her indifferent brother and his greedy wife, her widowed sister-in-law Purvi, and her two younger sisters, Sur and Antara. After Hari Prasad Sharma retires, Aarohi takes up a job as Arjun's associate to support her family, but is not treated well by Arjun, who is arrogant, materialistic, and the son of a separated couple, due to which he hates his mother, and thus all women. Aarohi continues to stand up to him, which attracts Arjun and softens him towards her, and they gradually develop feelings for each other. Meanwhile, their ties are strengthened as Salil Mittal, Arjun's best friend, and the son of D K Punj's business partner, falls in love with Purvi, and marries her against his family's wishes. During this, Arjun finds out that Aarohi's mentor and mother-figure is actually his mother Savita, who abandoned him in childhood. He feels betrayed by Aarohi and breaks off their alliance, only to find out it was rather his father's fault that his parents separated. He wishes to reconcile with Aarohi, but they meet with an accident. Post recovery, Aarohi goes to Mumbai to pursue her music career, and soon meets a charming man Karan. Her family supports her relationship with Karan, but she still loves Arjun. D K Punj, scared of having another middle- class "greedy" woman in a rich family, reveals to Aarohi that Arjun is adopted, and blackmails her with this long-kept secret, to leave Arjun. Aarohi thus accepts Karan's proposal. When Arjun finds this out, he kidnaps Aarohi from her wedding venue, and her family rushes to rescue her. In the scuffle, her father falls from the terrace and dies, and Arjun is blamed and arrested for his murder. The show takes a leap to the present, as Arjun finishes his narration, and Ganga Rai begins to try proving him innocent to prevent his hanging. She finds Aarohi, who is now a popular singer, and asks her to help Arjun, but she refuses. Meanwhile, Salil's mother Padmalakshmi Mittal has a footage of that night, and accidentally misplaces it in some packages. Aarohi receives the CD which proves Arjun's innocence and rushes to save Arjun, and is successful, but unfortunately does not meet him. Both of them leave for Shimla, where they first met, and wish to retire there from a life of chaos. As Aarohi runs towards the train, Arjun reaches his hand out to her, like the first time they met and they unite. The last scene shows them marrying happily ever after. ===== On the dim, bare stage of a West End theatre the stage manager, Jimmie Horlick, is arranging chairs round a large table in preparation for a meeting of the committee of the Garrick Haven Fund. The committee members gradually appear. First, Mr Farmer, Secretary of the Fund, methodical and harassed, followed by Hester More, a dizzy young actress; Johnny Bolton, "a star comedian of middle age but perennial youthfulness"; Violet Vibart, an elderly actress of great distinction; Julian Breed, a popular juvenile lead; Maurice Searle, a character actor who has grown his hair to shoulder length for an historical role and feels self-conscious about it; the majestic Dame Rose Maitland; the preoccupied Elise Brodie; and finally, and very late, Xenia James, chairman of the committee, with her dog, Atherton. She opens the meeting and Farmer gives details of the Garrick Haven, established in 1902 to provide a home for destitute actresses. The Fund is well in credit, thanks to the annual fund- raising Fun Fayre. This sets all the others discussing last year's Fayre. Each of them proposes a reorganisation that will raise the profile of his or her own individual side-show. With difficulty, Farmer explains to the committee that its formal consent is required for much-needed structural alterations to the house. At this point Atherton emits unignorable odours and is banished to the property room. Farmer reads a letter from the residents asking for an extra bathroom and lavatory. His detailed costings are unanimously approved. Xenia goes to check on Atherton and reports that he is sound asleep. Farmer attempts to raise further detailed financial points, but the committee members are too busy chatting among themselves to pay attention to what he has to say. Xenia and Julian both have lunch dates and are keen to be away. A press photographer arrives and the committee poses for a group shot while Farmer continues to attempt to get his estimates understood and approved. Julian and Maurice leave with the photographer. Xenia makes a speech appealing for donations, and promising to give £100 to set the ball rolling. Without formally closing the meeting, she too dashes off, forgetting her dog. The others disperse, Jimmie switches off the lights and leaves, while the howls of the abandoned Atherton are heard from the property room. ===== ===== Rowan copes with the death of her older brother and takes on a lot responsibilities. After her father leaves, abandoning the family, and her mother slips into a depression, Rowan must take care of her little sister, Stroma, as well as the house. Through the pain of losing her older brother and through the stress of inheriting these new responsibilities, Rowan becomes closer to a classmate of hers and discovers just how little she knew about her older brother (Contemporary Authors Online, 2009). This new relationship with Harper, begins when he hands Rowan a negative of a photograph that he claimed she had dropped. Although Rowan knows that the photo negative is not hers, she is too preoccupied with her troubled home life and takes it anyway without thinking it would lead her to a different life. Rowan also develops a relationship with a girl, Bee, who saw Harper hand Rowan the negative and questioned her about it (Jones, 2008). Bee's relationship with Rowan is more complicated than the reader would originally guess. A plot twist reveals a few secrets about Bee involving Rowan's dead brother, Jack, as they two work together to develop the negative and solve the mystery. Rowan finds out that Bee's 2-year-old brother is actually a child Bee had with Jack (Patti). Rowan begins to rely heavily on Bee and Harper when dealing with her rough home life, especially when her mom tries to commit suicide (Kirkus, 2009). The novel's theme, set by Jenny Valentine, is "developing". The book follows Rowan as she develops new relationships and a new family (Kraus, 2009) ===== As described in a film magazine, Richard (Kerry) and Paul (Ford), two business partners, are about to shipwreck on the financial rocks when Richard reminds Paul that his uncle could help them out as Paul is his heir. Uncle Batiste (Steppling) is at that time on the way to New York City as he is dangerously ill and desires to see Paul. Batiste is a bachelor and wants to see Paul a happy benedict. When he arrives he tells Paul that if he were married that he would be happy to provide all the money needed for the business. Richard's bride (Talmadge) has a bright idea and decides to make the uncle believe that she is Paul's wife instead of Richard's. She locks Richard in the bathroom while she goes into the parlor to hoodwink the uncle. Paul is speechless over the situation but his need for money persuades him to be a party to the deception, given that it will only be necessary to do this for a few hours. However, the uncle is so happy with the bride that he decides to stay for a month, and returns with his trained nurse, who turns out to be Paul's boyhood sweetheart, the girl he has never been able to forget. After several complications, only a confession can clear the trouble. ===== The player controls a child, Noah, who lives in a utopia called Eden. In Eden, all needs are provided for by Eden Tower and everyone lives eternally at their prime age. Noah wakes from a dream – the tutorial of the game – in time for the Princess's 900th birthday. Noah's friend Downey wants to present her with the best pie. He convinces Noah to take the forbidden Wisdom Fruit as an ingredient. The Princess eats the pie, turns into a monster, and escapes through a mysterious gate. Storms begin to rage, Eden Tower's door shuts and the land's magic is negated: people begin to fall ill and grow old. Noah, Downey and Downey's rival Jean pursue the Princess. Across a gateway, they return to a ruined version of the town, with Eden Tower still shut. A mysterious priest named Dogan appears, and then confronts Noah, explaining that they've traveled 1000 years in the future, and that the princess has transformed into a monster. Dogan heads to the site of Rishi, who he claims to be helpful to them. They find a airship, and then a monster appears. After defeating the monster, they hear voices of the Princess, before being sent through time. The three end up back at the present day, but right around at the same time when the past selves come in. Trying to get a workaround, they try to change the fruits of wisdom in attempt to save the princess and stop events, but it backfires and a thunderstorm begins which hits Dogan's home, setting it on fire. Dogan is revealed to be eating the fruits of wisdom, and then attacks Noah back. Noah wakes up again in someone else's house, and regroup with Noah and Jean, somewhere between time, and with Dogan missing. They then find out that new people have taken their spots, and then they find out that the ship has landed in the shore, still functional. ===== Just after her wedding, American hardware heiress Pearl Saunders overhears her husband, Lord George Grayston, telling his mistress that he only married her for her money. Disillusioned, she grows hard and cynical. Five years later, she has made herself a force among the British upper class with her parties. Among her friends are divorced Duchess Minnie, gossip-loving Thornton Clay, philanthropic Princess Flora, and Arthur Fenwick, her wealthy and adoring lover. Arthur discreetly provides her with a much-needed regular allowance, as her now absent husband has squandered most of her fortune. Pearl introduces her younger sister Bessie to English aristocracy and especially to eligible young bachelor Lord Harry Bleane. Bessie is seduced by the glamour of high society. When her former fiance, Fleming Harvey, comes to see her, it becomes clear to him that she no longer loves him. Harry proposes to Bessie; she accepts, though she tells him only that she likes him very much. Pearl's social circle spends a weekend at the Grayston country estate. There, Minnie's gigolo, Pepi D'Costa, privately woos Pearl. Eventually, she has a rendezvous with him in the detached teahouse. However, this is detected by Minnie. She maliciously sends an unsuspecting Bessie to fetch her purse, whereupon Bessie sees too much. Her suspicions confirmed, Minnie denounces Pearl before the others. Arthur is furious and disheartened. Pearl's feelings are not hurt; she is more concerned about it becoming known. Pearl delays Minnie's departure for London and, through her wiles, manages to make up with both Minnie and Arthur. Minnie even forgives Pepi, finally agreeing to marry him. She then persuades Minnie to stay another night and learn the latest tango steps from effete dance instructor Ernest. When Bessie expresses her disgust with her sister's behavior, however, Pearl is truly hurt. She has second thoughts and persuades Harry to break the engagement. Bessie asks a delighted Fleming to take her away. ===== The protagonist, Preetham (Ganesh), is an irresponsible young son of a garage owner (Rangayana Raghu). He falls in love with a girl named Mahalakshmi (Yami Gautam), who stays in his locality. Preetham and does everything possible to woo Mahalakshmi, but she is not in the least interested with him and rather thinks of him as a nuisance. She is in love with an old childhood friend that she has not met since a long time. She has run away from a marriage arranged by her stepmother to get her money. Many fights with the hero later, she eventually trusts him to take her to meet her childhood friend. ===== Dr. Lyssa Dent Hughes is the daughter of a U.S. Senator. She appears to be headed for nomination as the U.S. Surgeon General until a background check reveals she once neglected to return a jury duty notice. Then, she makes a faux pas in comments about her homemaker mother that leaves her open to a media blitz and her certain nomination suddenly appears to be in doubt. She is supported by her best friend, Judith Kaufman, an "African American Jewish feminist" physician, who has her own set of troubles. ===== Dr. Lyssa Dent Hughes (Lahti) is the daughter of U.S. Senator Alan Hughes (Stanley Anderson). She appears to be headed for nomination as the U.S. Surgeon General until a background check reveals she once neglected to return a jury duty notice. Then, she makes a faux pas in comments about her homemaker mother that leaves her open to a media blitz and her certain nomination suddenly appears to be in doubt. She is supported by her best friend, Judith Kaufman (Lynne Thigpen), an "African American Jewish feminist"Nelson, Valerie J. "Differing Views on Raising This 'Daughter'", June 2000 physician, who has her own set of troubles. ===== A Kentucky woman whose mine-worker husband is nearly killed in a cave-in, and whose father is slowly dying of black lung, joins the picket lines for a long, violent strike. ===== Donald Brocklebank (Roger Lloyd Pack) is a man of aristocratic background living in fear of bankruptcy in a country manor house. His wife, Nancy (Kate Fahy), is terminally ill and requires constant care, as does his schizophrenic son James (Leo Bill). When Donald leaves the two alone in a bid to solve their almost definite financial collapse, James's condition begins to worsen. He believes he is able to look after his sick mother rather than nurse Mary (Sarah Ball) who was sent by Donald. He neglects taking his prescribed medicine and locks the nurse out of the house, leaving his mother with nothing to do but weep. James, believing that more medicine will make you better faster than the prescribed amount, force feeds his mother large quantities of her pills, nearly killing her. Eventually, police make their way into the house, relieving Nancy of her son's care. Due to the medication overdose she has an emergency operation which seems to cure her of her ailments. James then goes on to begin hallucinating from not taking his medication, while Nancy recovers from her illness. In a fit of rage, James stabs his mother to death, before stabbing and wounding his father. Shortly before Nancy's funeral, Donald passionately supports his son, provoking hostility from the rest of the family. At the funeral, James believes he has seen his mother and rushes over to hug her. In James' eyes, she then stabs her son several times, though everyone else sees James taking the knife he killed his mother with into his own stomach. The film ends with Donald apparently bearing the same condition as his son, being cared for in his own home. He stabs one of the nurses and is taken away. ===== Herbert Lanyon is thought to be dead after a shipwreck, and his fiancée Mildred Carrison is forced by her money-minded Aunt Clara into marriage with "Bull" Magee, a gambler and underworld boss who mistreats Mildred. After Herbert returns, Magee undergoes financial difficulties that he blames on Mildred and Herbert, and seeks revenge. Herbert and a repentant Aunt Clara, however, free Mildred from Magee, and the lovers are able to marry. A subplot involves boxer "Tug" Wilson, who is ordered by his manager Magee to lay down in the seventeenth round of a prizefight at the film's climax. No other information concerning the plot has been discovered. :—American Film Institute ===== It is 1912, and George Apley (Ronald Colman) is a stuffy, self- satisfied member of Boston's upper class, supremely confident of the superiority of his hometown and his family. He is fond of quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson at every opportunity. For 18 years, he has hosted Thanksgiving dinners at his home, but the dinner that opens the film marks an irrevocable change. His comfortable, predictable world is overturned when he learns, to his horror, that both his son and his daughter have fallen in love with non- Bostonians instead of with the partners Mr. Apley and the family have arranged. Son John, always intended for his cousin Agnes, a shy girl who adores him, has fallen for Myrtle, the daughter of a successful manufacturer who lives in Worcester. Daughter Eleanor is in love with Howard Boulder, a lecturer at Harvard who eventually loses his position through George's interference. Among Boulder's offenses, besides coming from New York and attending Yale, is his teaching that Emerson was, for his time, a radical (a truth that George has accepted by the end of the film). George really begins to see himself through others' eyes when he is rejected for President of the bird-watching club because of his refusal to allow an undesirable relative to be buried in the family plot and because of his actions to separate the young lovers. Mrs. Apley divulges to Agnes that George had once been in love with a vivacious local Irish girl, and was sent abroad to recover. When he returned, they were married and, she says, found some happiness. Roger Newcombe, George's brother-in-law and friend, reminds George of how he felt all those years ago when he was separated from the girl he loved. George does try to change, and he invites Myrtle's father to his club to discuss planning the careful introduction of their family to Boston society in preparation for announcing John and Myrtle's engagement. But Myrtle's father surprises him by saying that he knows his daughter and he knows John, and neither would be happy living in the other's world. He plans to send Myrtle away to California for a year or two, to forget. Time passes, and Eleanor returns from her own long trip abroad in time to be a bridesmaid at John and Agnes' wedding. She is afraid that Howard has forgotten her, not knowing that George has stopped their letters. Eleanor and Agnes talk during the fitting of Agnes' wedding dress, a family heirloom that smothers her in antique lace. A forlorn Agnes, who knows about Myrtle, confesses her lack of confidence, and Eleanor tells her to “fight.” Agnes vows that she can at least give John a good-looking wife, and she convinces George to take her shopping in New York City. George is persuaded to let her buy the charming modern clothes she desires, and the day seems a success until they meet Howard Boulder and his friends on the street. Boulder, who is bitter at the loss of Eleanor, introduces George to his friends with scathing sarcasm. At the wedding, John is nervous because he hasn't seen Agnes and is afraid she will not show up. George takes Eleanor out to the street in front of the church, where Howard is waiting. George gives them the steamship tickets that were for John and Agnes' honeymoon and tells them the Captain will marry them. Eleanor embraces him, and the lovers drive away. Back in the church, everyone is ready to begin. Agnes comes down the aisle, a vision in a lovely gown and a tulle veil that sets off her beautifully dressed dark hair. John beams; George and Catherine link arms and smile at their son's happiness. Despite the film's title, unlike the book and play, George Apley does not die in the film. ===== An idyll written in the form of a reminiscence, the story is about a hero's love for three women, all of whom he loses - a hymn to unattainable, unrequited love. The story begins when a paragraph in a newspaper plunges the narrator into his memories as a younger man. The perspective seems to shift back and forth between the past and present, so the reader is never entirely sure if the narrator is recounting past events from memory, or retelling current events as they happen. Critics have praised the writing for its lucid and lyrical style. The narrator, of noble status and who has recently come into an inheritance, decides to leave Paris, where he is living a debauched life of theater and drink, and return to the love of his youth, a peasant girl named Sylvie who has classic features and brunette hair, a "timeless ideal". She sews gloves for a living and ends up marrying another man more equal to her class. The narrator also loves a seductive actress in Paris named Aurélia, who has many suitors who tell her empty idylls of love, but none love her for who she really is - including the narrator, who sees her as a lovely illusion that fades in the daylight of reality. The narrator also loves Adrienne, of noble birth, tall with blonde hair; she is an "ideal beauty", but she lives in a convent, and dies an early death. In the end, he loves all three but obtains none, seemingly for reasons both beyond and within his making. Sylvie has many features of Romanticism, including flowing descriptions of a beautiful but lost natural world, appreciation for the architecture and traditions of the Middle Ages, and Greek traditions. The use of color appears to be unique, with binary oppositions serving as a simplifying mechanism to make distant memories emerge more strikingly from the mist.Thompson, Peter. "Sylvie: The Method of Myth." Nineteenth Century French Studies Vol XII Fall/Winter, 1983 ===== The movie was shot on location in Tokyo's Kabukicho district which itself served as a basis for the background design of the game's Kamurocho area. The Shinjuku Koma Theater, a main landmark in both the games and the movie version The plot is loosely based on the original Yakuza game and is a separate, "one-night-story" that unfolds in a hot summer night in Kamurocho, the fictitious version of Tokyo Shinjuku's Kabukichō. The night begins with a bank robbery by a manzai duo of amateur masked gunmen, and the disappearance of ten billion yen belonging to the Tojo Clan, a powerful yakuza syndicate. Meanwhile, in the streets of Kamurocho, former yakuza Kazuma Kiryu and his adopted daughter, a young girl called Haruka Sawamura, search for Mizuki Sawamura, the latter's mother and the sister of Kiryu's childhood love, with Kiryu's old rival, the psychotic yakuza Goro Majima, and his men following them. After a meeting with Kiryu and Haruka in a convenience store called Poppo, employee Satoru and his new girlfriend Yui decide to start holding up stores for money and for fun. Elsewhere in the district, a mysterious Korean hitman, Park, tracks down the culprit behind the Tojo Clan heist, which leads him towards the infamous Jingu, a figure also known as Mister N, and the Kamurocho landmark, the Millennium Tower. The search for Mizuki brings Kiryu to the top of Millennium Tower and ends with a climatic battle against yakuza Akira Nishikiyama, Kiryu's childhood best friend and former blood brother, who declares his intention to beat Kiryu and finally prove he is the better man. ===== A young gardener named Madi encourages viewers to garden. ===== Sir John and Jeremy are drawn deep into the notorious Seven Dials area of London, where they must contend with the most sordid inclinations of both the working class and the aristocracy. When the body of a young girl is pulled from the Thames, the search for the girl's mother takes Jeremy to the races. ===== Sir John and Jeremy are confronted with a series of bizarre deaths (including an unmotivated suicide) on the streets of Georgian London in a mystery that tests even Sir John's legendary skills of deduction. This book ends the series. Category:2005 American novels Category:Sir John Fielding series Category:G. P. Putnam's Sons books ===== screenshot of the film Oharu is the daughter of Kyōsai Shimura, a rōnin who now makes his living making umbrellas. She is in love with another rōnin, Reisaburō Asai, who lives next door, but he is being pursued by two of the town beauties, Otomi and Fujio. To make things even more difficult for Oharu, her father is obsessed with antiques, buying them even though he has little money and even when most of them eventually turn out to be fakes. A mistake, however, puts him deeply in debt to the local lord, Tanbanokami Minezawa, and he is confronted with having to sell Oharu in order to pay it off. ===== General Nick Fury of the international peacekeeping agency S.H.I.E.L.D. establishes a strike force of government-sponsored superheroes when the President of the United States approves a new defense budget to combat the growing risk of the U.S. being attacked by supervillains. The team, dubbed the Ultimates, includes Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) and scientist couple Hank and Janet Pym (Giant-Man and the Wasp respectively) and take up residence in the Triskelion, an island laboratory run by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor is offered a position in the Ultimates, but he declines unless the President agrees to triple the funds allocated to environmental issues in the budget. Bruce Banner is made the new science director, attempting to duplicate the super soldier serum. Betty Ross, Bruce's ex-girlfriend, is appointed as the team's Director of Communications. Bruce attempts to rekindle their relationship but is constantly spurned and belittled. A S.H.I.E.L.D. research team discovers Captain America frozen in the Arctic and attempts to gain a sample of the serum from his body. Instead, Captain America is revived and offered a place in the Ultimates. The Ultimates fail to gain major publicity, and the government considers withdrawing the defense budget. However, Bruce, in an attempt to create the team's first major fight, combines Captain America's super-soldier serum with the formula that turns him into the Hulk and injects it into his blood stream, transforming him into a larger, more powerful Hulk. The Hulk goes on a murderous rampage through Manhattan searching for Betty, who is on a date with Freddie Prinze, Jr. The Ultimates intercept him and a battle ensues, and Giant-Man is incapacitated early in the fight. The President doubles the international aid budget at the last second, and Thor arrives to help the Ultimates. The Hulk is eventually subdued when the Wasp navigates her way into his brain and electrocutes his brain stem, reverting him back to his original self. The following day, the Ultimates become celebrities and are lavished with media attention. The Hulk's real identity is hidden from the public and Bruce is kept in isolation while Betty tries to make amends with him for her behavior. Hank, humiliated by his quick defeat in the battle, takes his anger out on Janet and abuses her by forcing her to shrink down into her wasp form and assaulting her with bug spray and mind controlled ants. Suspended from the Ultimates for this act, Hank flees to Chicago, but is followed by Captain America, who brutally beats him and breaks his jaw. However, Janet lashes out at Captain America for this and defends Hank, even if he did abuse her. Meanwhile, a dead alien organism is discovered and reports confirm that the creatures were involved in World War II. The creatures, referred to as the Chitauri, are revealed to be the ones who financed the Nazi regime in Germany during World War II in an attempt to take over the world and have been increasing in numbers for the past fifty years. General Fury enlists the aid of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Black Widow and Hawkeye to kill several Chitauri disguised as humans. The duo kills dozens of Chitauri. Research shows that the Chitauri have a base in Micronesia. The Ultimates, along with two former members of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, are sent in to destroy the base, but are surprised to find it abandoned once they arrive. Meanwhile, Janet discovers that the Chitauri have overrun the Triskelion and that the Ultimates are walking into a trap. She is too late to warn them as the Chitauri activate a series of nuclear explosives that apparently kills the team. Janet is taken captive and meets the alien leader, Herr Kleiser. Kleiser explains that the Chitauri are all controlled by a single eusocial mind that spans across the entire universe, and that the event taking place on Earth is one of many other invasions happening across millions of different planets. Kleiser also says that the Chitauri can take the form of whatever organism they consume, and he himself plans on devouring Janet so that he may experiment with the human female form. The Chitauri are forced to make a change of plans when their armada descends upon the Earth, revealing their existence to the entire world. The admiral claims that the other worlds are fighting back and have forced them into the Earth's solar system, and that they will have to abandon their attempts at colonizing the Earth and instead completely destroy it. Suddenly, a freak lightning storm, called up by Thor, hits the Triskelion, destroying all Chitauri land forces. The Ultimates appear, revealed to have survived the explosion in Micronesia thanks to a force field deployed through Iron Man's armor. Janet is freed and a final battle ensues. Captain America and Fury lead several S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers in a ground assault while Iron Man and Thor assist the aerial assault against the Chitauri ships. Janet, Black Widow, and Hawkeye infiltrate the Triskelion and locate the bomb, but are unable to defuse it because it is written in an alien language. Captain America brawls with Kleiser, and is easily overpowered because of Kleiser's rapid healing factor. On Captain America's command, Bruce Banner is released from isolation and is beaten by several S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers to make him turn into the Hulk once again. When this fails due to Banner being heavily medicated, he is thrown off a helicopter, which has the intended result. Hulk takes down Chitauri ships, then proceeds to brutally beat Kleiser, before ripping him apart and eating his remains. Thor is able to dispose of the bomb by sending it through a portal to another dimension. Hawkeye fires an adamantium arrow at the Hulk, injecting him with an antidote that causes him to revert to his human form. The remaining Chitauri are soon killed and the Earth is saved. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Ultimates are invited to a celebration being held at the White House for their part in saving the Earth from the Chitauri. Hank calls Janet, hoping to apologize for abusing her, but Janet hangs up on him before he has a chance. Banner willingly returns to isolation, horrified and disturbed that he had eaten Kleiser, and his excretions are collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. to be analyzed and destroyed so that Kleiser will not reform. During the celebration, Captain America and Janet share a dance and a kiss. ===== Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) still has not learned about fiancee Angela Martin's (Angela Kinsey) affair with Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), seventeen days after Phyllis Vance (Phyllis Smith) revealed it to everyone else in the Dunder Mifflin office. Michael Scott (Steve Carell), who has since learned the news as well, suggests he should be the one to inform Andy, but the entire office argues that Angela should be the one to break the news. Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) is particularly concerned that Andy's past anger management issues may lead to violence. Dwight tries convincing Angela to tell Andy, but she continues to put it off despite claiming to Dwight that she loves him. This refusal, along with wanting to avoid the ensuing conflict, leaves Michael to tell Andy before he leaves for a meeting with David Wallace (Andy Buckley), leaving Andy shocked and dismayed. Angela reluctantly confirms the affair occurred, but also tells Andy that she loves him, and Andy realizes everybody else in the office already knew about it. Andy confronts Dwight and challenges him to a "duel" in the parking lot, with Angela as a prize to the winner. Dwight accepts and Angela, anxious to avoid making a choice between the two men herself, says she will honor the results of the duel. Jim, acting as office manager in Michael's absence, tries to talk them out of the duel and confiscates Dwight's hidden weapons around the office, but concedes he does not have the power to prevent a fight outside the office. In New York, Michael is nervous about why David Wallace wants to meet with him. But as the meeting begins, David tells him Scranton is the most successful Dunder Mifflin branch amid a difficult economic climate, and he wants to learn why Michael's management has been so successful. Michael is delighted with the compliment and attention, but can only manage vague, off-topic and largely nonsensical answers. David claims it is difficult for someone to make a self-evaluation, and Michael leaves the meeting in a very pleasant mood. In the parking lot, Andy has not shown up for the duel, instead leaving a deliberately verbose note hanging in the bushes saying he has given up. As Dwight reads it, Andy sneaks up behind him in his Toyota Prius, a hybrid car that remains completely silent when driven below five miles per hour due to the electric motor. Impressed by Andy's deviousness, the rest of the office does not warn Dwight, saying that Andy "deserves the win". Andy pins Dwight between the car and the large bushes in the parking lot. Dwight, having no weapons, whips the car with his belt. Jim races out to check that Dwight is not seriously injured, but they snap at him to go away. The two bicker back and forth about Angela, leading to Andy revealing that he has had sex with Angela, despite previous assumptions that only Dwight had done so. Realizing that Angela played them both, Dwight and Andy both admit defeat and return to the office, where Andy calls to cancel his wedding cake, and Dwight throws away a bobblehead doll Angela previously bought him as a gift. A saddened Angela realizes she has lost both men. ===== Dunder Mifflin CFO David Wallace (Andy Buckley) enlists Michael Scott (Steve Carell) to report on the success of a small family-owned local paper company named Prince Paper, that works in an area where Dunder Mifflin has never acquired clients. Michael brings Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) to help gather information. Michael visits business owner Roger Prince (Dan Desmond) posing as a potential customer named "Michael Scarn", while Dwight pretends to request a job. The kind and overly trusting Roger Prince gives Michael the company's customer list to use as a reference, and Michael and Dwight leave triumphantly. However, Michael damages his car while exiting his parking space, which catches the attention of the Prince family. They come out to help fix the car as Michael watches. Michael is moved by their kindness and has a change of heart regarding giving the customer list to David, though Dwight remains unmoved. Back at the office, Dwight tries to convince Michael he cannot let his heart get in the way of business. Michael agrees to send the list and his information to Wallace, but then tries to get rid of the list. Dwight chases Michael down and takes the list from him, causing Michael to give in. David calls Michael to congratulate him on getting the list. Michael claims he is feeling a "bittersweet" moment: bitter because he potentially ruined a decent family, but sweet because he satisfied David. The rest of the office debates whether Hilary Swank is "hot". Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) leads the group voting she is not hot, claiming she looks like a "monster". Jim convinces Kevin to switch sides by having him imagine Hilary kissing him, only for Kevin to switch back, saying the debate is whether she is hot, not whether he would have sex with her. Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) votes "hot" after getting offended by Kevin's crude remarks. Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling), who believes herself less attractive than Swank, gets emotional when Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) defends his "not hot" vote. Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) argues they should not let the Kevins of the world decide who is hot. Oscar Martinez (Oscar Nuñez) gives a presentation about the structure of Swank's facial features, concluding she is "attractive...but she is not hot." An uncharacteristically uplifting Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker) votes hot, pointing out flaws are no way to live life. At the end of the debate, the sides are still tied until Michael, oblivious of their debate, passes by the pictures on the wall and casually calls her hot. ===== Perla is a dressmaker who lives and works for her siblings, Percy and Penny. After being hit by lightning thrice, Perla discovers that she has developed superpowers: She can generate heat and electricity with her hands, and lightning flashes come out of her hands. With these superpowers, she becomes famous as the superhero, Volta. Volta's main objective is to prevent Celphora, an ambitious engineer, from spreading evil in the country. Celphora, on the other hand, wants to capture Volta to use her as a power source for her Telstra Technology. Volta is a story about life's drama, life's humor, and life's real meaning amidst extraordinary twists and turns in an ordinary life. In the end, what matters most are family and the love that doesn't fail to give a "spark" of hope to anyone... superhero or not. ===== Elliot, an vengeful ex-employee of a computer firm wants revenge and befriends the boss Brad's son Dylan giving him an MP3 file containing a computer virus. This virus creates havoc all across the city by poisoning the water with chlorine, making planes crash and ultimately developing an intelligence of its own. The virus is eventually traced to a server and is terminated by another equally powerful virus created by Brad and Dylan with a Game Boy Color. ===== Aksharaya is about a 12-year-old boy (Isham Samzudeen), and his parents. His father is a retired High Court Judge (Ravindra Randeniya) and his mother (Piyumi Samaraweera) is a famous magistrate in the city. Due to her husband's psychological impotency, the magistrate has much consensual affection for her child and that cause so much tension between the couple and between the father and the son. There is a clue that there are much darker secrets lying behind their sophisticated mansion walls. The boy is caught watching porn with a friend at school. This act catalyzes the friend's mounting guilt and assumes the police are after both of them. The boy and his friend escape from the school and hide in an abandoned building. The friend's guilt augments to the point of contemplating suicide; the dagger he has on his person becomes the tool of choice and the boy wants to help his friend commit suicide. Before they can go through with the act, they hear footsteps. Again, thinking it is the police, they run throughout the building, looking for a hiding place. Once secured in a closed off room, they wait for the footsteps to disappear. Unfortunately, the footsteps get closer and the boy uses the dagger to stab the presumed policeman, so they can yet again, run away. The policeman turns out to be a prostitute. The boy and friend separate, and the boy runs to the National Museum to hide out. He is able to blend in with another school group. He meets a school aged girl and persuades her to stay with him until it closes. This is not hard, as the girl is the museum's security guard's daughter. The security guard finds them both, and takes them to his small apartment. The magistrate finds where the boy is located and goes to bribe the security guard to keep him safe. The next morning, the magistrate, on national television, announces that the police should do their duty and find the prostitute's murderer, even though the accused is her son. After a day or two, the magistrate goes to the National Museum to talk to the security guard about moving her son so he will remain safe. She goes inside of the museum and stays until after dark. The security guard goes in to warn her about an inspector who has been hired to watch her every move. This leads to an extended scene with the magistrate revealing that the High Court Judge is both her and the boy's father. The magistrate got suddenly an emotional brake and become so aggressive and vulnerable, smash some valuable antiques in the museum, questioning the country's historical values and aspirations comparing to personal desires and basic human nature. The movie ends with the magistrate attempting to severely injure the security guard, the security guard raping the magistrate, then running after her with a javelin picked from a museum display. She runs to the apartment where the boy in the meantime is recreating what happened to the prostitute for the security guard's daughter. Instead of stabbing air, the boy stabs his mother as she approaches the door and dies. ===== The film focuses on six women in Los Angeles as their lives become intertwined in the course of 24 hours. After learning that she is pregnant, porn star Elektra Luxx (Carla Gugino) gets stuck in an elevator with Doris (Connie Britton), sister to Addy (Caitlin Keats). Addy has recently started taking her daughter, Charlotte (Isabella Gutierrez), to see her therapist, Maxine (Sarah Clarke), while secretly using the visits to sleep with Maxine's husband. Upon learning about the affair during a therapy session with Charlotte, Maxine rushes out and gets into her car. While backing out, she hits porn star Holly Rocket (Adrianne Palicki), a colleague of Elektra Luxx who had been fleeing with her friend, Bambi (Emmanuelle Chriqui), from a job that had gone wrong. Meanwhile, flight attendant Cora (Marley Shelton) finds herself the object of rock star, Nick Chapel's (Josh Brolin), affection on a flight to his band's upcoming show. ===== Credo opens with white text on a black background explaining the origin of the real Credo. It cuts to a radio recording of two men discussing the nature of evil while close-ups of insects and occult writings play. Alice (MyAnna Buring) is alone in a library studying. After the librarian (Chris Courtenay) notes that she is always the last to leave, she packs up her belongings and heads home to find a loud, raucous party already in progress. The party was a touch too rowdy and Alice, along with her four roommates Jock (Clayton Watson), Scott (Mark Joseph), Timmy (Nathalie Pownall), and Jazz (Rhea Bailey), find themselves evicted the next morning. Jock comes through the next night with a place to stay. As they explore the building, it's revealed in a flashback with narration by Timmy that two students, Seth (Chris Jamba) and Bertha (Candace Grand Pre), who were obsessed with the nature and existence of evil joined forces with four other students in an attempt to summon a demon called Belial. At the last moment, Seth backed out, broke the pentagram binding the demon, and released the demon into the world. All five were found the next day dead by their own hands. The quintet settles in. Time passes and the power goes out; Alice hears growling and sounds of something being dragged along wood and ventures to one of the rooms they're sleeping in to find the other four are using a shot glass on a Ouija board. The next morning, the first killing happens: Timmy is found dead in her room hanging from the roof by a length of electrical cord. The rest of the group starts to get picked off one by one whenever they're alone, but the demon never lays a hand on them. It manifests as an illusion that convinces them to take their own life. Jock's mother appears to him, claustrophobic Jazz sees someone in a tunnel with her and brings the ceiling down on herself in a panic, Scott sees his Alice, and Alice, the final girl, sees her father. After Alice's father finishes his monologue, the film cuts back to Jock, Scott, Jazz, and Timmy on the Ouija board. They ask the board if there is a presence in the room with them; it answers Y. They ask its name; it answers Alice. They ask where it is; it repeats 'tower' over and over until they release the shot glass. Everyone but Scott goes upstairs to the tower while Scott reviews his hidden cameras. Scott sees Alice throughout the house talking to herself and stabbing at the air. Upstairs, Jock finds Alice hanging from the rafters, dead. The film ends with Scott watching a snippet of conversation Alice had earlier with 'Scott'. ===== When a series of gruesome murders start plaguing a small New England town, people suspect it's a vampire. Ronny (Michael Barra), manager of a local comic book store and, decides to kidnap Anna (Elise Rovinsky), a woman who he believes is with Satan. He locks her up in the attic of the historical home. He's joined by two thugs, Karl (Cuyle Carvin) and Eddie (Joe Kathrein), who enjoy tormenting the woman until she confesses that she's the vampire. All they want is a confession Ronny can record to sell to the media, however the captive alarms them with odd behavior. Their dreams of becoming rich and famous turn into a violent nightmare. ===== Petey Wheatstraw (Rudy Ray Moore) is born during a great Miami hurricane, and after a difficult labor by his mother, emerges as a talking, diaper-wearing, six-year-old boy who promptly attacks the doctor and then his father for "disturbing me in my sleep every night." His mother stops him, puts him in his place, and names him "Petey Wheatstraw". While a young teenager, after being beaten up by a gang, Petey meets a mentor named "Bantu" who teaches him the philosophy of "Kung Fu" and "self-respect", taking a vow not to bow before any man, living or dead. Petey grows up to become a successful nightclub comedian, who books a series of shows at a club in Los Angeles called "Steve's Den" - much to the dismay of comedy rivals Leroy and Skillet, who have just borrowed a large sum of money from the Mob to finance their own opening at another club the following day. Realizing that their show is likely to fail with Petey in town (and therefore default on the loan, and putting their lives at risk), they beg Petey to delay his act. When Petey refuses to do so, Leroy and Skillet send out their henchmen to convince Petey otherwise. Leroy and Skillet's henchmen gun down Petey's business partner Ted's little brother Larry, and then attempt to wipe out Petey himself at the boy's funeral by machine gunning the entire party. Mortally wounded, Petey is visited by "Lou Cipher" - the Devil himself - who tells him that his death was a mistake. He is willing to undo Petey's death on one condition - that Petey marry the Devil's daughter and provide him with a grandson. Petey nearly quashes the deal when he sees the picture of the Devil's ugly daughter, but hears the words of Bantu - and decides to make a deal. Petey and his friends are brought back to life, and Petey tells them of the Devil's deal and his plans to gain revenge on Leroy and Skillet - and trick the Devil by not marrying his daughter. Armed with the Devil's own magic "Pimp Cane", Petey sets out to exact his revenge. ===== The film centers on a group of Navy SEALs, led by American Dr. Frank Reno (Michael Gross), who once worked on the Philadelphia Experiment. The film begins in 1998, when Reno has purportedly perfected time travel technology. The SEALs use it to travel backwards to the year 112,000,000 BC (despite the film's title) of the Early Cretaceous, in order to rescue a previous, 1949 expedition led by Reno's brother Erik (Christopher Atkins). Reno's team arrives in Laurasia six years after the 1949 team arrived, to find only a few survivors. The SEAL team is ill-equipped for the dangers of this prehistoric period, and is decimated by a Tyrannosaurus rex and other prehistoric life. Having accomplished their mission, remnants of the two teams merge into one and return to the present, but in the process the anomaly malfunctions, allowing the subadult, , Tyrannosaurus to travel to the present and wreak havoc in rural Los Angeles. Reno stays behind, ostensibly to close the portal, but instead transports himself to the year 1950 after being cornered by the dinosaur. Apparently he tried to leap through the portal as it closed, but was sent to 1950 instead of 1998. In the present, survivors of the team run through the Suburbs of Los Angeles, barely evading the rampaging prehistoric beast. Meanwhile, in 1950, the wounded Dr. Reno arrives and meets up with the younger version of himself. The old Reno teaches the young Dr. Reno (Dustin Harnish) how to correctly use the time-travel technology before dying. Young Dr. Reno assembles a strike team of soldiers and leads them through the portal to 1998, where they attempt to rescue the remainder of the original team from the rampaging dinosaur. Young Reno then has to find a means of luring the creature back into the anomaly and returning it to its own time, before it takes the life of his brother from him once more. Finally the dinosaur is banished back to its time where the trip fuses it with a mountain, killing it. Frank opens a portal to 1950 for everyone to return home through. Frank and one of the rescued team members plan to start a relationship. Someone needs to stay behind to close the portal, Erik does, his lover Betty staying with him. The two plan to catch up with the group's old selves. ===== The novel begins with a deadly explosion in the office of a successful mathematics professor at a midwestern university. The neighbouring office houses Lee, a tenured but near-retirement professor who, until the bomb, is slowly drifting into career obscurity. Tired and solitary after two divorces, Lee suddenly finds himself in the public eye. This draws Lee to the attention of the bomber who reveals in a letter to Lee that he was once a colleague. Although not supplying his identity, events in Lee's early career at graduate school furnish an obvious candidate, and one that reopens unhealed wounds in Lee's life. His first marriage, to the now long-dead Aileen, was actually her second. An affair with Lee broke up Aileen's first marriage to the evangelical Christian Gaither, with the repercussion that Aileen never saw her son again. Lee's indifference to this lost son ultimately cost him his marriage to Aileen, the realisation of which gradually dawns on Lee as his thoughts return to Gaither after the bombing. However, embarrassed by these events in his life, Lee withholds the letter from the police and, now lost in reflections on his early life with Aileen, Lee becomes an increasingly isolated figure, suspiciously so to the authorities. Consequently, when Lee's failure to disclose the letter comes to light, they identify him as a "person of interest", a label that attracts the unwelcome attention of both the press and his suspicious neighbours. Forced by twitchy administrators into a leave of absence from his university, Lee is increasingly viewed, de facto, as the bomber, just waiting for his status to switch to "suspect". Backed into a corner in large part by his own actions, Lee decides to track down Gaither by himself, determined to unmask him as the bomber and to lay to rest his ghosts from the past. Secretly journeying to a remote countryside cabin, Lee discovers that his hatred of Gaither has blinded him, and that a different colleague from the same period as Gaither is actually the bomber. Fortunately for Lee, his efforts to evade the authorities have been amateurish, and they too close in on the cabin and apprehend the bomber. The novel closes with Lee now more clearly aware and understanding of the mistakes he has made in his life. ===== It concerns Rocco Raven, an American radio operator posted to Malta to join a small intelligence unit during the Siege of Malta working closely with the British RAF who are defending the Island. Central to the novel is Rocco's affair with Melita, a Maltese woman who travels the island repairing jukeboxes. The story tells how the Maltese people and the military defence of the island react to the increasing privations caused by the siege, and the destruction caused by the German bombing raids... ===== Serhiy Mykhalchuk (DoP, left) and Ihor Podolchak. Movie set. 2006 The film is about what the routine of everyday life can do to the human mind and psyche. It also reflects on the importance of the choices we make and how limited these choices are in the first place. The plot evolves around a family of four. They live in the suburbs, in a strange villa that appears, through a complex game of mirrors, to be more like a piece of installation art than a real house. The main character, who hardly appears on screen, is the son, a man in his thirties. Suffering from asthma and eczema since childhood, he uses his condition to manipulate his parents and his sister. Thus the existence of the terrorized family turns into an endless ritual of attempting to satisfy his whims, and always on the alert for yet another one of his "health crises". Las Meninas resembles the scattered pieces of a puzzle. It is up to the viewer to assemble them in order to form his very own picture – something that makes the film itself personal and unique. ===== Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe, Musée d'Orsay, 1862–1863 by Édouard Manet The aristocratic Manet and the working-class Victorine Meurent narrate A Woman With No Clothes On. A chance meeting between the two leads to an intense relationship of painting and sexual tension. Manet creates a scandal when he exhibits Le déjeuner sur l'herbe and Olympia in which the naked model is a young Victorine. While critics and the general public dismiss the works, and label Victorine a common prostitute, she is determined to make her mark in the art world as a painter in her own right. Her bitter struggle to succeed is punctuated by the exchanges between Manet and his friend Baudelaire on the matter of modernism. ===== The story starts with Nick and Lori, a newlywed couple who, after eloping, want to take a mule ride down into the canyon with a guide, Henry. The next day the trio head down into the canyon. After traveling for a while the guide offers to take them to old petroglyphs, which are a half day's ride away. After some convincing from Nick, Lori eventually agrees to the journey. Along the way, Henry is bitten twice by rattlesnakes and in the process the trio's mules flee. They are forced to make camp and begin heading back the next day. The guide is delirious and later in the day succumbs to the venom and dies. The couple bury him and are left to struggle on to find a way out. After a day's hike, the couple eventually reach a dead end where the petroglyphs are. Realizing they have spent the last day going the wrong way, they decide to attempt to climb up the rock face in the hope of getting a signal on Lori's phone. Lori manages to call the emergency services but has only time to say they are in trouble before losing signal. Nick loses his grip in the crevice and the couple fall, breaking Lori's phone and Nick's leg, which gets trapped in a crevice at the base of the rock face. Nick's leg is completely trapped and after a day of waiting and hoping for a rescue party to arrive, he suggests they cut his leg off so they can keep going. Lori at first disagrees with the plan, but eventually relents and retrieves Henry's knife from his body, then returns to Nick. By this point, infection has set in and Nick is in very bad shape, barely being able to move at all. Lori succeeds in severing Nick's leg and cauterizes the wound by heating the blade of the knife on the fire. When night falls, a pack of wolves gets attracted by the smell of blood and tries to attack them, but Lori successfully chases them off with fire and the knife. At sunrise, Lori fashions a stretcher to move Nick, but the wolves track the smell and keep following them. The stretcher breaks but Lori still attempts to drag Nick on, rejecting his pleas to leave him behind. The wolves are relentless in their attack, and being exhausted from days without food or water, Lori loses the ability to defend him. The wolves surround them, so to prevent Nick from suffering through being eaten alive, she performs euthanasia on him by suffocating him. She breaks down and goes into shock as a rescue helicopter rounds the edge of the canyon; paramedics start to administer first aid while she is kneeling next to Nick's body. ===== Calvin Cooke, a principled but stubborn judge, presides over a murder case in which lawyer David Douglas is unsuccessful in proving that his client's state of mind was a mitigating factor. (Later, though, Cooke grants Douglas's motion for a mistrial on the grounds that he may have unconsciously shown prejudice.) Cooke's daughter Ellie complains to her mother Cathy about how unyielding her father can be; Cathy insists that he is a loving husband. Anyway, it is their 20th wedding anniversary and she is planning to celebrate with friends at their house. Cooke does not know that Ellie (herself a law student) and Douglas are romantically involved until Douglas arrives during the party to take her on a date. Cooke and Douglas exchange sharp words of disagreement about their philosophies of the law. At the party, Cathy talks to Dr. Morrison, an expert neurologist and friend of the family, about her intermittent symptoms of weakness and headaches. At his office, Morrison performs a series of tests and then consults other experts. Rather than tell her the truth, Morrison contacts her husband. Cathy has an inoperable brain tumor and will suffer increasingly until it kills her. Cooke agrees, rather than spoiling her remaining days, to keep the information secret. The doctor gives him a bottle of pills called Demarine for pain relief, strongly warning him about the maximum dosage, and a prescription for more. Cooke, who previously said he was too busy with cases to take Cathy on a second honeymoon as she wished, now agrees to go at once. But her condition worsens rapidly, including excruciatingly painful headaches. Cooke gives her a dose of Demarine, pretending it is aspirin. While he is calling the doctor from a pay phone so Cathy will not hear, a dog is run over in the street, and a police officer ends its suffering with a gunshot. Cooke, evidently feeling disgust at similar thoughts of his own, discards the remaining pills. Cathy, looking through their luggage for toiletries, accidentally discovers the doctor's written diagnosis and prescription. When Cooke returns to the room, she says she is feeling better but would like to return home. In the car, her symptoms return. They stop at a gas station to have a car problem repaired and Cooke asks urgently about the nearest drugstore. Back on the road, Cathy collapses in the car. Cooke can stand it no more. He deliberately drives off an embankment, not caring if he is also killed. He survives, confesses that he crashed on purpose, and in keeping with his philosophy, demands to be prosecuted for murder. At Ellie's request, Douglas agrees to defend Cooke. He requests an autopsy in case Cathy had actually died from her illness before the crash. The finding is a surprise: she did die before the crash, but from a Demarine overdose. Douglas shows that she had had the prescription filled before the drive home, and taken the drug while at the gas station. The trial judge then dismisses the murder charge, but declares that Cooke knew very well that what he tried to do was wrong, and should consider himself morally guilty. Cooke agrees, and announces that in expiation, if allowed to remain a judge, he will now rule on the basis that similarly a person can be legally guilty but morally innocent--just what Douglas and Ellie have been asking for. ===== Long ago, a demon took over and a shrine maiden sealed the demon. Later, the demon breaks out and the gang - Pocky, Rocky, and Becky - has to defeat the demon before it is too late. ===== alt=sketch of a stage scene with a woman standing, left, a man centre, seated at card table, a fat man standing to his right (from the onlooker's viewpoint) and another man to the latter's right. All four are looking nonplussed Eugène Ribadier is the second husband of Angèle, the widow of M. Robineau. In the wake of her first husband's deceits (he deceived her 365 times in 8 years) Angele has developed an obsessive jealousy and she narrowly watches the activities of her second husband. Ribadier however possesses the gift of hypnotism – the eponymous system – and he profits from it by putting his wife to sleep at the time of his escapades. He wakes her on his return thanks to a trick he alone knows, until he unwisely reveals it to Aristide Thommereux, a friend who has returned from several years away in the East, hoping to renew his secret love for Angèle.Feydeau, pp. 65–84 While Ribadier is off on one of his escapades Thommereux uses the trick to wake Angèle to tell her again of his passion. She rejects him, but as he gets more insistent they hear a loud noise from below. It is Ribadier returning early, hotly pursued by Savinet, a wine merchant and husband of Ribadier's mistress. Thommereux escapes by the window and Angèle feigns a deep hypnotic sleep. She therefore overhears Ribadier admit his guilt to Savinet and bounds up furious as soon as the wine merchant departs.Feydeau, pp. 85–103 Ribadier tries various stratagems to recover his position including hypnotizing her again and trying to convince her she has dreamt what she heard. She however discovers the secret of the system and turns the tables by pretending that a lover has visited her every time she has been hypnotized. Thommereux thinks she means him, and abets Ribadier's outraged search for the unknown intruder. On the balcony they discover a button torn from a man's trousers. It turns out to belong to the amorous coachman Gusman who has been climbing up past the window to visit the maid Sophie. For a fee, Gusman readily admits that he has been climbing in to see a woman who received him eagerly; Ribadier and Thommereux are aghast and confront Angèle. Her denial convinces them, and Gusman relieves them all by telling them he was seeing Sophie and is dismissed with less than half his fee. Ribadier and Angèle are reconciled – Thommereux returns to the East disappointed.Feydeau, pp. 104–117 ===== In the year 2014, Manhattan was plagued with unprecedented levels of crime. No measure of law enforcement seemed able to combat the strife and violence, and so a desperate plan was brought forth by GiganTech Cybertronics Corporation. This plan was the artificial island Zenovia, two kilometers south of Manhattan, which would be patrolled by GiganTech's own robotic creations. A rapid exodus from Manhattan to Zenovia resulted. However, by 2019, the promise of tranquility has not been fulfilled. Even with all the expansions to Zenovia the population influx called for, it has become something of a slum, except for the massive GiganTech headquarters. There have been quarrels over whether or not Zenovia should be regarded as being the jurisdiction of the United States, or just GiganTech. Crime, amazingly, has grown even more rapidly than Manhattan ever knew—partly because the GiganTech machines have been promoting everything EXCEPT law and order. The most horrific aspect, though, is the result of an intelligence investigation from the government. GiganTech's own executives, both then and now, are actually among the most dangerous criminals the country has ever known. Zenovia, far from being planned as a refuge from violence, was actually a trap and a testing ground for the weapons GiganTech plans to use to become the sole power of the underworld. Neither police nor armies are willing to commit against the mechanical forces that GiganTech commands and invade Zenovia. Therefore, nine fighters—three police, three convicts, and three psychics—have been drafted as "Zero-Cops", riding the BatRider airbikes against the forces invading Manhattan and charging into Zenovia to take down GiganTech's CEO and his ultimate weapon, known only as "Discharge". ===== The Expendables, a group of elite mercenaries based in New Orleans, deploy to the Gulf of Aden to save hostages on a vessel from Somali pirates. The team consists of leader Barney Ross, blades specialist Lee Christmas, martial artist Yin Yang, military veteran Gunner Jensen, weapons specialist Hale Caesar, and demolitions expert Toll Road. Jensen instigates a firefight, causing casualties for the pirates. He then tries to hang a pirate, but Yang stops him when Ross and the team discourage it. Ross reluctantly discharges him from the team. Later, Christmas is upset to discover his girlfriend, Lacy, has left him for another man. Ross and rival Trench Mauser visit "Mr. Church" for a mission. Trench passes the contract to Ross, which is to overthrow dictator General Garza in Vilena, an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Ross and Christmas fly to Vilena for undercover reconnaissance and meet their contact, Sandra, but are discovered. It is revealed that ex-CIA officer James Munroe is keeping Garza in power as a figurehead for his own profiteering operations, while Sandra is revealed to be Garza's daughter. Ross aborts, but Sandra refuses to leave Vilena. Meanwhile, Jensen approaches Munroe to help and Garza is angered further when Sandra is waterboarded for information by Munroe. Meanwhile, Lacy has been physically abused by her new man, so Christmas beats him and his friends, revealing what he does for a living. Ross and the group discover that Church is a CIA operative and the real target is Munroe, who has gone rogue and joined forces with Garza to keep the drug money that funds the CIA to himself, but the CIA cannot afford a mission to kill one of their own directly because of bad publicity. Ross meets tattoo expert and friend Tool to express his feelings. Tool makes a confession about letting a woman commit suicide instead of saving her. Ross is then motivated to go back for Sandra alone, but Yang accompanies him. Jensen and hired men pursue them on the road, ending in an abandoned warehouse, where Yang and Jensen fight a second time. Ross shoots Jensen when he attempts to impale Yang on a pipe. Jensen makes amends and gives the layout of Garza's palace. Ross boards the plane with Yang and finds the rest of the team waiting, and they infiltrate Garza's compound. Thinking Munroe hired the team to kill him, Garza has his soldiers' faces painted, preparing them for a fight. The team plants explosives throughout the site but Ross, while saving Sandra, is captured by Munroe's henchmen. The team saves him and kills the Brit, but is pinned down by Garza's men as Paine wrestles Ross. Caesar fights back and Paine escapes. Garza finally stands up to Munroe, ordering him out and returning his money. Instead, as Garza rallies his men against the Americans, Munroe kills him and escapes with Paine and Sandra. Garza's men open fire against the team, who fight their way through, detonating the explosives and destroying the compound. Toll kills Paine by burning him alive while Ross and Caesar manage to destroy the helicopter before Munroe can escape. Ross and Christmas catch up to Munroe, killing him and saving Sandra. Later, Ross gives his mission reward to Sandra to restore Vilena. In the final scene, the team has returned home and are celebrating at Tool's tattoo parlor with the recovering and now redeemed Jensen. Christmas and Tool play a game of knife throwing, during which Christmas composes a mocking poem about Tool, then throws a bullseye from outside the building. ===== Donna (Donna Jordan) and Jane (Jane Forth), two American hippies in Paris are there for sex, romance, and filled with the hopes of finding rich husbands. ===== Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder (Genie Francis) finds a note addressed simply to 'T', washed up on shore. It appears to be from the victim of a recent plane crash, and carries a message of hope and forgiveness from a father to his child. MacGruder's readership is down on her column (called "Heart Healer"), and the paper is going to dump it unless she starts to write from the heart. Inspired, MacGruder decides to find the intended recipient of the note, all the while logging her journey through her article. As the mystery unfolds, the note affects each person she contacts significantly. ===== Pete (Jason Priestley) and Donna (Teri Polo) Stanhope are a young married couple living in L.A. who are trying to conceive a child. When they discover they are unable to have children due to medical issues, their marriage begins to crumble. They decide to go on vacation and wind up stranded in a small village in Mexico (the fictional town of Dommatina) due to car troubles. They meet the charming young boy Pepillo, who was crippled in an accident years before that also killed his parents; Pepillo's adult brother Juan, the village mechanic; Magdalena, Juan's fiancé, who also takes care of the village children; and Father Arturo, the village priest who is helping prepare the "flying machine" for the upcoming fiesta. Juan tries to fix the car, but the parts he must order are slow to arrive. In the meantime, Pete helps Father Arturo prepare for the annual fiesta, which is to occur in just a few days' time. The main event of the fiesta involves a rickety old lever and pulley system wherein one lucky village child can "fly" around the plaza square. The source of the tradition dates to the village's local saint, who was said to have come to Dommatina many years ago and have been befriended by a young crippled boy when no one else would speak to him. As thanks for his kindness, the saint turned the boy into a dove, who flew around the plaza square three times, and then turned him back into a boy. Upon resuming human form the boy was miraculously cured. It is Pepillo's turn this year to fly, and he confides in Pete his belief that the saint will also cure him after his flight. Trouble ensues when the flying machine breaks just two days before the event. Pete comes through with his engineering skills and builds a new safer machine. He even sacrifices the car part that had finally arrived so that a crucial central axis part will work. Pepillo gets his chance to fly. Pete and Donna worry about how disappointed Pepillo will be when he is not cured after his flight, and they agree to use their fertility treatment money to pay for a doctor and surgery for Pepillo instead. However, during the flight Pepillo urges Father Arturo and a local villager to make the flying machine go faster and higher, straining it beyond its capabilities. Pepillo crashes to the ground and hits his hip on the statue of the saint. When he comes to, his leg is miraculously cured. Pete and Donna vow that they have just witnessed a miracle—and promise to still bring Pepillo to the U.S. to "make sure his miracle stays a miracle." Upon returning home, Pete and Donna have decided to adopt a child and are filling out paperwork. Although initially Pete did not think that he could love another child as his own, knowing Pepillo has changed him. However, Donna experiences heartburn and takes one last pregnancy test and finds out that against all odds she is pregnant. ===== ===== Katherine Johnson, a New York journalist, befriends businessman Jack Fox in order to write an article on his business success. Fox learns that she plans to expose him as a Mafia member and nephew of a Mafia family, and he has her killed. Her ex-husband, Blake Johnson, an ex-FBI agent now heading a special unit in the White House learns of the death, and he vows to destroy Fox and all he represents. Armed with a Presidential mandate, he flies to London and contacts Brigadier Ferguson of the Ministry of Defence. Together with Hannah Bernstein, a Detective Superintendent with Special Branch and Sean Dillon, an ex-IRA gunman and mercenary now working for the British government on black operations, he launches a series of operations to bring Fox down. Their first foray involves causing Fox's London casino to be caught using loaded dice; this has the effect of closing down the casino and Fox's other gambling interests. The next operation sees Johnson and Dillon join with a Mossad commando force to destroy a ship in Beirut harbour which is loaded with missiles destined to be used against Israel. Johnson is wounded in the action. Dillon recruits Billy Salter, a young but enthusiastic London gangster, for the next operation, in which they land commando style on the coast on County Louth in Ireland to destroy a cache of weaponry in which Fox has a large financial interest. Finally, they foil a plot by gangsters working for Fox to steal several million pounds' worth of diamonds from a London safe deposit. Johnson is captured by Fox's henchmen and taken to his mansion in Cornwall. Dillon and Billy plan a parachute landing and attack the mansion. Whilst Johnson is released, Fox is killed. His minders escape to London and report to Fox's uncle and patron Don Marco Solazzo, who comes himself to London for what he hopes will be a final showdown. Solazzo and his henchmen die in the ensuing fight on a boat in the Thames. Category:Novels by Jack Higgins Category:2000 British novels Category:Novels about journalists Category:HarperCollins books ===== In 1952, Deputy Sheriff Lou Ford is a pillar of his small west Texas community; secretly, he is a sociopath with violent sexual tastes. As a teenager, Lou was caught raping a five-year-old girl by his adopted brother Mike, who pleaded guilty to the crime to protect Lou. Released from prison, Mike was hired by Chester Conway, and died in a construction “accident” Lou believes was staged by Conway. At the request of Sheriff Bob Maples, Lou visits Joyce Lakeland, a prostitute who is having an affair with Conway's son, Elmer. When she continuously provokes him with slaps, Lou violently beats Joyce, who enjoys pain, and they begin their own affair. They devise a plot to extort $10,000 from Conway. Maples and Conway ask Lou to oversee the payoff, but Lou enacts his own plan: he brutally beats Joyce and, believing her dead, shoots and kills Elmer, planting the gun on Joyce. However, Joyce survives, and Conway intends to see her executed for Elmer's murder. Lou's reputation begins to falter: his fiancée Amy suspects his infidelity, and county district attorney Howard Hendricks suspects Lou is the real killer. Lou accompanies Maples and Conway in taking Joyce to the hospital in Fort Worth so Conway can interrogate her. Lou waits in a hotel room during her surgery, and Maples tells him Joyce died on the operating table. Returning home, Lou discovers explicit photographs inside a Bible. The woman in the photographs was Helene, a housekeeper and babysitter from his youth who resembles Joyce. Lou recalls that Helene introduced him to sadomasochism, and burns the photos. Hendricks arrests Johnnie Pappas, a local youth Lou had befriended, as a suspect in the murders. He is found with one of Conway's marked $20 bills, given to him by Lou. Hendricks asks Lou to persuade Johnnie to confess; in Johnnie's cell, Lou confesses to Johnnie that he is the killer, and hangs Johnnie to make it appear as though he committed suicide out of guilt. Johnnie's death only makes the town more suspicious of Lou. Journalist and union organizer Joe Rothman, who had previously suggested that Conway had Mike killed, implies that he knows Lou is the killer. Lou proposes to Amy, and to sate his violent predilections, she allows him to spank her. An alcoholic bum, whom Lou had previously burnt with a cigar, has been trailing Lou and knows he is responsible for the murders. He demands $5,000 to keep quiet, to which Lou agrees. On the day Lou and Amy had planned to elope, Lou beats her to death; the bum sees her body and runs for help. Lou gives chase, shouting that the bum has murdered Amy, and another deputy, Jeff Plummer, shoots the bum dead. The next morning, Plummer informs Lou that Maples, convinced of Lou's guilt, has committed suicide. Lou cockily refuses to Hendricks and Plummer. They find a letter Amy intended to give Lou in which she begs him to come clean. Lou is arrested and sent to an insane asylum, where he suffers hallucinations of Amy and Helene. Attorney Billy Boy Walker, hired by Rothman, has Lou released. Lou tells Walker everything and concludes that he doesn't want anyone else to die. Lost in violent fantasies, Lou douses his home in gasoline and alcohol, arms himself with a knife, and sits in his study to await retribution. The police arrive with Hendricks, Conway, Plummer and the still-alive Joyce. She tells Lou that she refused to cooperate with the authorities, Lou tells her he loves her, then stabs her in the stomach. Plummer opens fire, hitting both Joyce and Lou and igniting the gasoline. Outside, the approaching policemen watch the house engulfed in a fireball that Lou has ignited to kill himself. ===== Emma and John Collingwood, and their daughter, competitive swimmer Mari, head out on vacation to their lake house. Shortly thereafter, Mari borrows the family car and drives into town to spend some time with her friend Paige. While Paige works the cash register at a local store, she and Mari meet Justin, a teenager passing through town who invites them both back to his roadside motel room to smoke marijuana. While the three are hanging out in the motel room, Justin's family members return: Krug, Justin's father; Francis, Justin's uncle; and Sadie, Krug's girlfriend. Krug becomes angry at Justin for bringing unknown people to their home, and shows him a local newspaper that has Krug and Sadie's pictures on the front page, and which explains how Sadie and Francis broke Krug out of police custody and killed the two officers that were transporting him. Believing it would be too risky to let Paige and Mari go, the gang kidnaps them and uses their car to leave town. While Krug searches for the highway, Mari convinces him to take a road that leads to her parents' lake house; Mari then attempts to jump out of the vehicle, but the ensuing fight among the passengers causes Krug to crash into a tree. Frustrated by Mari's attempt to escape, Sadie and Francis proceed to beat Mari and Paige as they crawl from the wreckage. Krug attempts to teach Justin to "be a man" by forcing him to touch Mari's breasts. Paige begins insulting him to get him to stop; in response, Krug and Francis stab Paige repeatedly, and Mari watches her friend bleed to death. Krug then rapes Mari. During the rape Krug pulls off Mari's necklace and throws it away. When he is done, Mari musters enough strength to escape the group and make it to the lake so that she can swim to safety. Krug shoots her in the back as she swims, leaving her body floating in the lake. A storm forces Krug, Francis, Sadie, and Justin to seek refuge at a nearby house. Justin is the only one to deduce that the inhabitants, John and Emma, are Mari's parents, and intentionally leaves Mari's necklace on the counter to alert them about their daughter. When John and Emma find Mari barely alive on their porch, and the necklace on the counter, they realize that Mari's tormentors are the people in their house. As they try to find the key to their boat so that they can take Mari to the hospital, they decide to get revenge on those responsible. When Francis happens upon Mari, he is attacked and killed by John and Emma. When the couple go after Krug and Sadie, they find Justin in possession of Krug's gun; Justin gives the gun to John so that he can kill Krug. Sadie awakens and interrupts John, allowing Krug to escape from the couple: he then realizes that they are Mari's parents. After Emma shoots Sadie in the head, John chases Krug. With a combined effort from Emma, John, and Justin, Krug is knocked unconscious. John, Emma, Mari, and Justin then leave in the boat for the hospital. Later, John returns to the cabin, where he has paralyzed Krug from the neck down. John places Krug's head in a microwave. As John walks away, Krug's head explodes, ultimately killing him. ===== The writer is himself the protagonist. He is on his way to Puri by train where he gets acquainted with a group of 4 Bengali widows accompanying their niece, also going to Puri. The writer was going to just get out of his day to day Kolkata life whereas these ladies were actually going to calm down their niece who had just suffered a breakup with her lover. The rest of the story revolves around these people and their attraction and involvement with the writer. The writer is amused with them and for his part tries to calm the girl. The story guides us around the different relationships the writer develops with each of the character he meets. The movie tries to show the social taboos for widows and teaches the philosophy that life is ahead of us and not behind. There is a pretty good description of Puri, Konark and Rambha. At the time this movie was shot it was possible for Tapan Sinha to shoot inside the Konark sun temple, also the bullock cart way to Konark is an extra for the viewer. ===== In the Clinic link episodes, Dr. Tremayne (Donald Pleasence), a psychiatrist in a modern mental asylum, reveals to colleague Dr. Nicholas (Jack Hawkins) that he has solved four special cases. Tremayne explains the case histories of patients Paul, Timothy, Brian, and Auriol, presenting each in turn to Nicholas: In Mr. Tiger, Paul (Russell Lewis) is the sensitive and introverted young son of constantly bickering parents Sam (Donald Houston) and Fay Patterson (Georgia Brown). Amid the unhappy domestic situation he befriends an "imaginary" tiger. In Penny Farthing, antique store owner Timothy (Peter McEnery) stocks a strange portrait of "Uncle Albert" (Frank Forsyth) and a penny farthing bicycle he has inherited from his aunt. In a series of episodes, Uncle Albert compels Timothy to mount the bicycle, and he is transported to an earlier era where he courts Beatrice (Suzy Kendall), who was young Albert's love interest. These travels place Timothy's girlfriend Ann (also Suzy Kendall) in peril. In Mel, Brian Thompson (Michael Jayston) brings home an old dead tree, which he lovingly calls Mel, mounting it in his modern home as a bizarre piece of found object art. He increasingly shows unusual attention to Mel, angering his jealous wife Bella (Joan Collins). In Luau, an ambitious literary agent, Auriol Pageant (Kim Novak), lasciviously courts new client Kimo (Michael Petrovich); he shows more interest in her beautiful young daughter Ginny (Mary Tamm). Auriol plans a sumptuous luau for him; when the plans fall through, Kimo's associate Keoki (Leon Lissek) takes over. The luau, as organised by Keoki, is actually a ceremony to assure Kimo's dying mother Malia (Zohra Sehgal) passage to "heaven" by appeasing a Hawaiian god, and a requirement is that he consume the flesh of a virgin: Ginny. In the Epilogue, Tremayne watches as manifestations of the patients' histories materialise. Nicholas cannot see the manifestations and has Tremayne declared insane, apparently for believing the patients' bizarre accounts. Nicholas enters the patient holding area, and is killed by "Mr. Tiger". ===== Gwiaździsta eskadra told the romantic story of love between a Polish girl and an American volunteer pilot in the Polish 7th Air Escadrille (better known as the Kościuszko Squadron) during the Polish-Soviet War of 1919–1921. The story was inspired by the actual life of Merian C. Cooper, a Polish Air Force officer during the war, but much better known for his later career as an adventurer, director, screenwriter and producer. Cooper fathered Polish translator and writer Maciej Słomczyński during his time in Poland. ===== Tommy Jamison the lead character is a famous actor, who is the star of a T.V. soap opera called "The Incredible Jack Rio". He has played the lead for 4 years, however he is sick of playing the role and how people never even call him by his real name instead use the name of his character. The pressure from fans, the loss of his identity and the pressure to be 'Jack', has become too much for him. Jamison wants to leave the show that has made him famous. When a string of murders seem to follow in his wake, the question is asked does Tommy have an obsessed stalker, killing in his honour? ===== The film focuses on Myrtle Downing, an African-American woman who is coerced into marrying a corrupt would-be politician named Gyp Lassiter even though she is really in love with Stephen Cameron, a young lawyer. When she discovers that her husband has conspired to support segregationist policies in exchange for support by white political power brokers, she objects to his crooked dealings and gets herself imprisoned in a secret dungeon where her husband had murdered his previous wives.Gevinson, Alan, Within Our Gates: Ethnicity in American Feature Films, 1911-1960, University of California Press, 1997, , p. 304. ===== Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race. ===== Maroc the Mage has defeated the Lord of Chaos. Now he must stop Morag the Shape-Shifter, the Witch Queen of the North, from inheriting the terrible power of the legendary Dragontorc of Avalon. To reactivate it and achieve her evil ambitions, Morag needs to gather the five crowns of the kingdoms of Britain. She has manipulated the Saxons to fight against the kings so she can steal the five crowns, and has already caused the death of King Vortigern and seized the crown of Dumnonia. To save the realm, Maroc sets out to seek out and destroy the remaining crowns, infiltrate the citadel of Morag to find and kill her, and free the Merlyn, his mentor who has been enchanted by Morag. ===== When his mother dies, estranged son Bob (James Garner) inherits her estate, and, surprisingly, custody of his younger brother D.J. (James Woods), who suffers from schizophrenia. Bob is initially reluctant at his new responsibility, but remembers that he had promised his mother to look after his brother. ===== In 1884, Guste is born as the illegitimate daughter of a maid. She marries a worker named Paul; her mistress gives her a set of common, checkered mattresses as a wedding gift. During the First World War, Paul is called to the front, and she remains alone with their children and works in a munitions factory. When she realizes how the capital of the great industry magnates had caused the war in the first place, Guste resigns and begins cleaning houses for a living. When the Nazis take over, Paul is fired from his job for being a trade-unionist, and dies. At the Second World War, their children are killed in a bombing. Gusta's granddaughter, Christel, is the only family she has now. After the war, as Christel is about to attend university - the first member of the family to have ever done so - her grandmother sews her a new dress from the old mattresses and tells her to always fight for peace and freedom. ===== After the passing of their mother three years prior, Ben and Emily have driven their father David crazy by driving away 20 nannies with sabotaged appliances and Ben's pet rat in the clothes. The film shows a life of a young girl, Kate, who looks after her dad. She is looking for work and Beverly Hills offers her a job as a nanny for David’s family. The children take an immediate dislike to her as she is "just another maid." After all the incidents, she takes it surprisingly well yet the kids expect her to leave. After a while of shenanigans, Kate and Ben become friends yet Emily keeps her distance. Eventually, David reveals to Kate that his wife was hit and killed by a drunk driver which badly affected Emily as this happened on her birthday. Though Emily doesn't want her father to date Kate and plans to set him up with her ballet teacher. ===== The film opens with a queue of armed boys who have joined the Islamic Bassidj boarding a bus to take them to the battlefront of the Iran–Iraq War. Passing nearby are the film's main protagonists, Hassan and Iraj, two high school boys whose friendship is slowly starting to deteriorate, although they do not yet know it, due to the conflict between their opposing viewpoints in the purpose of the war: Iraj is in the Bassidj, while Hassan is reluctant to join, since his older brother, Abbas, is already fighting on the front. Iraj tries to strong-arm Hassan into joining: according to the film, official policy is to reward the families of the children lost in the war with items such as free fridges and supermarket coupons. Also, children in the Bassidj are to be given special privileges at school, such as higher marks and immunity from punishments: Iraj demonstrates this at one point in class when the teacher is about to fail him for not doing his homework, as he blackmails the teacher into passing him in exchange not going to the Islam office to complain. The film also takes some liberties with government policy: it is obligatory for children to report counter- revolutionaries to the Islam office so that the counter-revolutionaries can be exterminated by the Revolutionary Guard. It is also now obligatory for children to join the Bassidj, or they and their families will suffer the consequences. To prove this, the P.E. teacher at school shows the students two dead bodies: one of a child who died in battle and whose body is clean and whose spirit "in Heaven"; and the other of a dirty, open-eyed child who was executed for refusing to join the Bassidj and is now suffering "in Hell". Hassan fills his parents in on this, who are reluctant to let him join, since Abbas has already joined. Later, however, Abbas turns up at home on sick leave after his arm is injured by shrapnel shell. After enjoying a happy reunion with his brother, Hassan begins to tell Abbas about his intentions to join the Bassidj. Abbas opposes this, and tells Hassan that the whole war is pointless and stupid, along with all the preachings the Muslims give about going to Heaven with "special keys" if they fight on the front, and also reveals the true terror of the battle. Hassan changes his mind, and Abbas reveals his intention to flee from Iran with the help of some smugglers who will take him to Turkey, from where he will flee to Europe for a better future. At school, Hassan and Iraj get into an argument about the war, and Hassan lets slip that Abbas told him what he believes. Iraj severs his ties with Hassan, but secretly reports Abbas to the Islamic Office. That night, the Revolutionary Guard turn up at Hassan's house to execute Abbas, but Abbas and Hassan's father sees them from outside, and orders Abbas to hide. Abbas narrowly escapes to a nearby garage unharmed. The next day, with the Guards waiting outside their house for Abbas' return, Abbas sends a note to Hassan, instructing him to bring him anything valuable until the smugglers arrive. Hassan does so with his family's help, and meets Abbas in a deserted piece of land. The smugglers arrive, and Abbas leaves with them, bidding his brother farewell until Khomeini is overthrown, and instructing him not to join the Bassidj no matter what. Hassan confronts Iraj at school, but does not reveal that Abbas has left the country. Iraj insists that he did it to spare Hassan from any trouble. Later that day, after school, Iraj and the Revolutionary Guard arrive at Hassan's house, prepared to execute them all for aiding Abbas in escaping from Iran. Hassan offers to join the Bassidj in return for his family's safety, and Iraj accepts. The film ends with Hassan and Iraj boarding a bus with another group of Bassidj soldiers, ready to go somewhere they will never return from. ===== The film closely follows the "American" version of Brecht's play Galileo. In 1609 Galileo is a mathematics professor in Padua, Italy. While his salary is inadequate, he possesses the freedom to pursue controversial scientific studies under the protection of the Venetian Republic. Part of his work involves the use of a telescope, a relatively new scientific instrument brought from the Netherlands. Using the telescope, Galileo seeks to test the theories put forth by Nicolaus Copernicus that place the Sun – and not the Earth – at the center of universe. As his research progress, Galileo accepts a more prestigious academic position in Florence, Italy. But his new position does not come with the government protection he enjoyed in Venice, and his friends in the higher echelons of the Roman Catholic Church refuse to come to his aid when he is summoned before the Inquisition. ===== The episode opens at a retirement party for the current Sector 7G supervisor at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Just as Homer, Lenny, and Carl are celebrating their freedom from supervision, plant owner Mr. Burns arrives and chooses Carl as the new supervisor, after quickly deducing that he is the only semi-competent employee of the three. Meanwhile, in an effort to raise money, Marge and her "Charity Chicks" philanthropic group decide to follow the Springfield Police Department's lead and pose for a history-themed "sexy" calendar. At the photo studio, however, Marge, as Babe Didrikson Zaharias, does not want to show any skin. The photographer loosens her up with red wine, and she ends up revealing more than she planned. Marge and her erotic poses are soon the hottest talk in town. Back at the plant, Carl makes Homer his new executive assistant. That evening, Marge's libido pumped up by the male population's positive feedback on her calendar is running high, but Homer is too overworked and exhausted to satisfy her. This becomes an unhappy trend, and Marge feels ignored. Homer tries to make up for it by taking Marge out to a hotel. During their attempt to have a romantic night together, Homer receives a phone call from Carl who tells him they are going to Paris on a business trip. When Homer leaves the Simpsons' house the next morning, a frustrated Marge throws a mallet after his retreating taxicab, and she accidentally knocks out neighbor Ned Flanders instead and invites him and his children over for a family dinner by way of apology. In Paris, Carl is having a great time flirting with a beautiful woman, and he reveals to Homer that he plans to extend their stay indefinitely. Homer is devastated, and walks forlornly through the streets where everything reminds him of Marge. Back in Springfield, Bart and Lisa bail on Marge's dinner, and Ned shows up alone because Rod and Todd have been grounded. The innocent dinner soon turns romantic, and Marge and Ned nearly kiss, until Marge catches sight of her wedding photo in Ned's glasses and realizes that it would be wrong. Homer, meanwhile, has forced Carl to give him his old job back by revealing that the woman Carl has been flirting with is actually Carla Bruni, the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France. Homer arrives home just as Marge is bidding Ned goodnight, and Homer and Marge make love, undisturbed at last. ===== Opening in 1919, shortly after the end of the First World War, the film focuses on the Gibbons family - Frank, his wife Ethel, their three children Reg, Vi and Queenie, his widowed sister Sylvia and Ethel's mother - after they settle in a rented house in Clapham, South London. Frank is delighted that his next-door neighbour is Bob Mitchell, a friend from his days in the army. Frank, Ethel and Bob attend a Victory Parade in the summer of 1919.after the Treaty of Versailles marked the formal end of the war Frank finds employment in a travel agency, arranging tours of Western Front battlefields, run by another old army chum. As the children grow up and the country adapts to peacetime, the family attend the British Empire Exhibition held at Wembley in 1924. At Christmas 1925 the family acquire their first crystal set radio. Reg becomes friendly with Sam, a staunch socialist, who is attracted to Vi. Queenie is pursued by Bob's sailor son Billy, but she longs to escape the suburbs and lead a more glamorous life elsewhere. During the General Strike of 1926 (in which Frank and Bob volunteer as driver and conductor of a bus), Reg is injured in a brawl in Whitechapel Road. Vi blames Sam, who had brought her brother to the area, but eventually her anger dissipates and she marries him. In 1928, Charleston dance mania arrives in England and Queenie wins a dance contest. In 1929 Sam and Vi attend one of the new talking pictures at the cinema. News of the electoral rise of the German Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, begins to appear in the newspapers.The headline refers to the September 1930 German federal election at which the Nazis achieved a major breakthrough, becoming a major party in the Reichstag. Hitler finally came to power in January 1933. Reg marries Phyllis. Billy (now a Leading seaman) proposes to Queenie, but she confesses she is in love with a married man and soon after runs off with him. Her mother says she cannot forgive her and never wants to see her again. After a drunken regimental reunion, Bob expresses his faith that the League of Nations will keep the peace, and scoffs at Frank's concerns about the disarmament policies of the new National Government and the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. As time passes, Ethel's mother dies, Aunt Sylvia discovers spiritualism and Reg and Phyllis are killed in a car crash. The British Union of Fascists tries to stir up anti-Semitic sentiment in the city.the speaker - wearing a black uniform as these had not yet been banned by the Public Order Act 1936 - refers to the recent disorder at the 1934 Olympia Rally Stanley Baldwin wins the 1935 United Kingdom general election. King George V dies (January 1936) and Frank and Ethel join the crowds filing past his coffin. King Edward VIII abdicates (11 December 1936). When Neville Chamberlain returns from Munich (September 1938) with the promise of "peace in our time", Frank is disgusted by people's enthusiastic response. Billy, home on leave from the Royal Navy and now a sub- lieutenant, announces to the family he ran into Queenie while on shore leave in France. Abandoned by her lover, she and an older woman opened a tearoom to make ends meet. She deeply regrets having left home. Billy reveals they were married two weeks previously in the Plymouth Registry Office and he has brought her back to London; Ethel forgives her. With the a new war on the horizon, Queenie leaves her baby son in the care of her parents when she sails to join her husband in Singapore. Frank and Ethel, faced with an empty nest, leave the house and move to a flat with their grandson. ===== Jim (Dudgeon) and Maddy Riley are newly-weds. Jim has two children from a previous relationship – teenagers Katy and Danny – whilst Maddy also has a child of her own – Ted – from her previous marriage; baby Rosie is the child of Jim and Maddy. The couple often try to compete with their next-door neighbours, the Weavers, who are the other principal characters in the series. Series 1 was released on DVD on 29 March 2010. Series 2 was released on DVD on 18 April 2011 along with the transmission of the new series. Series 3 was released on DVD in late 2011. ===== ===== The beginning of the book takes place in the mental disabilities wing of the Las Vegas Clark County Detention Center. A psychiatrist named Dr. Vale interviews Jane Charlotte, who is there for the murder of a man called Dixon. Jane claims that she works for a secret organization devoted to fighting evil and that she is the operative for the Department for the Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons, which is also known as Bad Monkeys. She also claims that her job is to eliminate individuals who are guilty of heinous crimes, but might elude normal channels of justice. Jane tells her story to Dr. Vale about her life working with Bad Monkeys. ===== At the North Pole, Santa Claus (George Wendt) and his dog Santa Paws (Tom Bosley), a gentle and loyal all-white Great Pyrenees, go outside to examine the magical Christmas Icicle, which is melting because nobody believes in Christmas anymore; if it continues to melt, Christmas will be gone forever. After causing mayhem in Santa's workshop and getting exiled for it, Puppy Paws (Zachary Gordon), the fun- loving son of Santa Paws, stares at the icicle and states "I wish Christmas would just disappear," which causes it to crack. He finds Budderball (Josh Flitter) on Santa's naughty list for eating the Thanksgiving turkey and figures he's just the dog to show him how to be an ordinary puppy. Meanwhile, the Christmas Icicle makes a big crack, shuts off the power at the North Pole, and makes the reindeer weak and powerless. Budderball and the other Buddies (Field Cate, Liliana Mumy, Skyler Gisondo, Ty Panitz), also lacking Christmas spirit, believe that their father is Santa Paws in disguise, and that the naughty list is a way to scare them to behave. However, Sniffer (Tim Conway) replies that Christmas is about giving and a holiday they must learn to respect. Puppy Paws makes it to Fernfield to find Budderball in his home. Budderball introduces Puppy Paws to his brothers and sister. Unfortunately, the North Pole puppy ends up being a nuisance to each of the Buddies: Budderball is framed for eating the shortbread cookies as he tries to get back on the nice list, B-Dawg gets beaten at break dancing by Puppy Paws, who even accidentally breaks a vase, Puppy Paws, unaware not to do so, shakes dirt out of his fur in the living room after Mudbud gives him lessons on how to roll in the dirt, creating holiday shapes of the dirt spots which results in Mudbud being put in a cover-up coat for the rest of the day, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is "what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of". Fed up with Puppy Paws' antics, the Buddies lose their patience and eject him from their house. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny (Kaitlyn Maher) who is wishing for a Christmas miracle and sings a song about miracles, which teaches Puppy Paws about the true meaning of Christmas. The Buddies, along with an elf dog named Eddy (Richard Kind), come to the rescue. Eddy tells Cruge that he knows the dog catcher always wanted a puppy for Christmas, but his mother was allergic to dogs and never got one, which made Cruge hate Christmas and become a dog catcher. With help from an elf named Eli (Danny Woodburn), Christmas spirit returns, the Christmas Icicle stops melting, and the North Pole is back in business. Puppy Paws and the Buddies make it to the North Pole. The reindeer are unable to fly, and Puppy Paws and the Buddies volunteer to save Christmas with their uncanny abilities (the Buddies remembered what Shasta taught them). A changed Mr. Cruge brings Tiny over to the child who has been asking for a puppy as a Christmas present. Tiny says her goodbyes to the Buddies and Puppy Paws. After their last delivery, Santa Claus and Santa Paws arrive in Fernfield. Santa puts the Buddies (including Budderball) on top of the nice list, Puppy Paws becomes part of Santa's family, and the Buddies bid him farewell. Mr. Cruge is invited to dinner with Tiny's new family. The movie ends with the entire town (including the Buddies and Deputy Sniffer), led by Cruge, singing "Silent Night" in front of Fernfield's Christmas tree. ===== The honest and poor professor of theology learned as a very rich man, he also had an unprepared brother which he was very sick and which his courage that he restored that he done bad and participated into the running of a large factory. He made it without knowing his brakes and his factory was about to be robbed. He finally knew his brakes and kicked out all the thieves. ===== Captain Blood is pardoned by the Crown for his crimes against Spain on the Spanish Main. By 1690 he is living in the West Indies on his plantation where he practices medicine and is to be married to Isabella. His new life is put in danger when he is arrested on a piracy charge after somebody raids the island making him look guilty. To prove otherwise he has to sail again. ===== An ex-private eye turned gun for hire named Malone is hired to retrieve a suitcase from a building full of armed mobsters, but a violent shootout ensues and Malone is eventually left as the only survivor. Suspecting a set-up, he retains the only noteworthy item contained in the case - a small painted animal referred to as "the meaning of love" - for himself, prompting several different parties in the employ of a local gangster - Whitmore - to pursue Malone in attempt to discern the meaning of the case's contents. After a series of violent encounters leaving many dead, Malone eventually confronts Whitmore, who admits he was responsible for hiring Malone and planted the toy - a keepsake belonging to Malone's young son - as a means to trick Malone into exterminating Whitmore's criminal help, allowing Whitmore to become a legitimate businessman without worrying about being tainted by potential loose ends from his criminal past. Malone kills Whitmore and phones his (Malone's) wife and son - previously presumed dead - but does not engage them in conversation. ===== The new Midnight Sons, Morbius, the Living Vampire, Werewolf by Night, Daimon Hellstrom, Jennifer Kale and the Man-Thing, each (except for Man-Thing) inoculated with a zombie virus vaccine created by Morbius, investigate a cruise ship being attacked by zombie Fishmen. As the Sons destroy the zombies, Morbius reveals that he has genetically engineered an oxidizing bacteria that causes the zombies to explode. The group kills them all only to confront zombie Piranha. Zombie Deadpool's head and Simon Garth are revealed to have been the cause of the new zombies by teleporting from A.R.M.O.R. headquarters during Marvel Zombies 3, entering the ocean floor, and having Deadpool's head infect all of the Men-Fish. Garth finds Black Talon and tells him about the zombie plague. Black Talon assumes control of Garth and captures Deadpool's head. Black Talon calls the Hood, offering the zombie plague as a weapon to destroy all superheroes.Marvel Zombies 4 #1 The cruise ship containing the zombified Men-Fish runs aground on Taino, home of Black Talon. Kale teleports the Midnight Sons to the island, as Hellstrom destroys the ship by igniting the engines. Meanwhile, the Hood confers with his cohorts as Dormammu mentally commands the Hood to get the virus. The Hood goes to the Black Talon's plantation on Taino, with the some of his henchmen. Dormammu warns the Hood that the Midnight Sons are approaching, so he sends the some of his men after the Sons. During a battle against some of zombie Deadpool's creations, Garth escapes with the head. Morbius attacks the zombies with his explosive vaccine, but it mutates into something deadlier, killing Hood's henchmen. Dormammu answers Kale's call for help by offering her great power.Marvel Zombies 4 #2 Jennifer rejects Dormammu and summons Man-Thing. The Hood, captured by The Midnight Sons, decides to side with them for help. Morbius' killer vaccine cloud begins to kill an entire village with rain. Simon and Zombie Deadpool walk through the killer rain as Man-Thing follows them healing the rain damage because of his Earth connection healing. Zombie Deadpool realizes he can control the vaccine cloud and creates a super-zombie out of dead bodies. After a fight, the "super-zombie" kills Man-Thing by lifting him off the ground and letting the rain destroy him. As Jennifer mourns his death and leaves Morbius, Hellstrom and The Hood, thinking of a way to escape as the Hood's henchmen, return zombified. Jack Russell confronts Kale, revealing that the vaccine has zombified him, which leaves Kale screaming Dormammu's name. As Morbius is about to call in a nuclear strike, Kale shows up, empowered with Dormammu's new gifts.MZ4 3 After this, Kale attacks the Midnight Sons along with Hood's henchman zombies. Daimon exorcizes Kale's powers and she defeats the other zombies. She then uses her magic to make moonlight appear so Jack becomes his Werewolf form, which the zombie virus cannot affect. Morbius tells Black Talon that he and Kale need to combine their magic to contain the Zombie Plague cloud into a single host, Simon Garth. The Midnight Sons decide to fight other monsters now that the zombie plague is seemingly over.. but zombie Deadpool's head is floating in the sea still alive,MZ4 4 until it resurfaces in Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth. ===== Present day New York City: Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum) is a street hustler. One day while selling counterfeit goods at the corner of Radio City Music Hall, a group of young men attempt to force Shawn to relocate with his merchandise. These boys work for Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard), a ticket scalper who controls the corner. Shawn fights them off, but does not retain his money or products. Later, Shawn sees Harvey and the guys who stole his money in a cafe and confronts them. Harvey gives him his money back and offers him a chance to a 'winner takes all' fight for money. Harvey sets up a meeting with his friend and rival, Martinez (Luis Guzmán). Shawn's first fight is at a Brooklyn church against a Russian. He wins when he knocks the Russian into a water fountain. Harvey takes Shawn to a club where he meets a waitress named Zulay (Zulay Henao), a single mother to whom Shawn had earlier tried to sell a fake Chinese Harry Potter book. In the VIP area to the club, Shawn also meets Evan Hailey (Brian White), a professional fighter who used to be on the same college team as Shawn, and was coached by Shawn's father. Shawn and Harvey leave after Evan and Shawn nearly get into a fight. Shawn's second fight is at the back of a store in the Bronx, against a much larger opponent. The fight descends into chaos after interference from some of Harvey's crew when the opponent nearly chokes Shawn, and the woman who owns the store pulls out a gun because one of the guys spills her drink. Harvey, Shawn, and the rest of Harvey's crew flee the scene and neither fighter gets paid. For his third fight, Shawn and the crew go to an Asian owned penthouse. Shawn wins the third fight. Between fights, Shawn meets Zulay a few times, before they eventually consummate their relationship by having sex. Shawn and Zulay are visited by Harvey and Shawn is furious, suspecting Zulay and Harvey of having sexual relations. Harvey explains that Zulay places bets for him. Shawn and Harvey are offered a fight against Evan, and Shawn accepts, but Harvey wants him to throw the fight so that Martinez and his associates can make money. Shawn agrees to throw the fight. Zulay places the bets, a total of $500,000. Shawn and Evan fight, with Zulay, Harvey, and the rest of the crew watching. Evan has Shawn in a choke hold and it appears that Shawn is about to throw the fight; however, he fights back and overpowers Evan. Shawn beats Evan and Martinez threatens Harvey. At Harvey's apartment, Shawn reveals Zulay reversed the bets and they have one million dollars. Zulay picks up Shawn and Harvey and they leave New York with Zulay's daughter and grandmother. ===== The story is set forty years into the future, in an America in which distinctions between government, religion, and corporations have vanished. The main character, Elijah Clearfather, is found by a resistance cell outside their camouflaged borders in Central Park, New York City. After the cell witnesses the Clearfather's powers, they learn a little about his true identity but decide, in the interests of everyone, to send him away, with the only safe clues to his identity they can provide: a bus pass marked with three important locations and a note written in disappearing ink. Clearfather is set on a journey of self-discovery pursued by murderous Vitessa Cultporation agents, and accompanied by Aretha Nightengale, once a lawyer, now a cross-dressing resistance leader; Dooley Duck and Ubba Dubba, hologram cartoon characters leading a sexual revolution; and the mysterious Kokomo. ===== Van is a 16-year-old boy who lives on Clan Island, an island on the planet Idea. One day, while slacking off in some fields outside of his village, Van discovers an explosion in a nearby village. He soon finds out from some villagers that the village was under attack by an evil wizard named Wizda, one of Galam's henchman, who is looking for the princess of Idea. Van also finds out that the princess can be recognized through her royal pendant, and that princess is Laura, Van's sweetheart. After hearing the news, Van rushes back to his village and discovers that his village has been under attack as well. He soon finds out from Abel, an old resident of Clan Island, that Galam's forces have kidnapped Laura. As he tries to save Laura, Van finds that he is powerless against the fury of Wizda, and can only watch, bloody and bruised, as the evil wizard takes Laura away. Abel later rescues Van, though, telling him to calm down for what he just witnessed. Van soon discovers that Laura possesses magical powers that may grant immortality to the one who marries her, and these powers can be unlocked on her 17th birthday. Once a man takes her a marriage, the power is released to him. That is exactly what the evil wizard Galam has in mind. Van sets off to rescue Laura, on a quest that involves intergalactic journeys and travel through time. Upon his arrival, he finds Darva, an old magician who knows the secret of Galam's powers because of his past years of him experimenting his black magic. Darva then tells Van that Galam did not only capture Laura, he wanted to take over the entire planet of Idea. After hearing the tragic news, Van rushes over to Galam's castle and sees him with Laura next to him. However, he finds out that Laura is Galam's wife and suddenly bursts in anger for Galam's love connection with her. Being angered by his heart, Van tries to defeat Galam, but he is too weak due to Galam's black magic spells. After getting beaten to a pulp, Galam warps Van into 20 years into the future where he will become the absolute ruler of Idea. Meanwhile, 20 years later, Babbette, a young Cosmic Hunter cadet, who is out with her ship, Little Fox, and her computer, Robert, decides to investigate on Planet Idea in search of a missing alien named Pico, a cat-like being, who was shot down and kidnapped by Cosmic Pirates in search for his father. Robert convinces her not to do that because it may be illegal for her to investigate an emergency distress signal on Idea, but Babbette is not happy by the way she feels and decides to disobey his orders and find Pico herself. Babbette finds Pico in a dungeon castle and realizes that Nova was the one who kidnapped Pico. After rescuing him, Babbette and Pico decide to flee away from the scene and get back to Pico's home. Unfortunately, Babette gets kidnapped by Major Payne after her ship, Little Fox, has been attacked by Cosmic Pirates. Van later saves Pico from a group of guards, and the two of them decide to team up and save Babette from Major Payne. Babette later gives Van a new armor suit after he and Pico rescued her from Major Payne and recruits him to join the team. As soon the trio team up, Van, Babette, and Pico all set out together to find Laura and save her from Galam. Upon their arrival, they find themselves under attack by a space pirate named Vega. Despite having nowhere left to hide, Cobra, a Cosmic Hunter, clashes with Vega and rescue them from his new powerful weapon. Cobra later takes them to his ship his crewmates, Nayan, Sayo, and Marley. Pico finds his father, Nayan, and decides to stay on Cobra's ship until Van and his friends have defeated Galam. After countless battles of endless adventures, Van finally sees Laura in an old house, where she lives with a servant named Mary on her side. He tells Laura that he needs to defeat Galam and bring her back to Clan Island, where they have been living for a long time. Van decides to recruit Cobra, Sayo, and Babette to team up and go after Galam in order for them to bring Laura back to Clan Island. After defeating Galam, Robert arrives just in time and destroys Galam's ship, just before it was about to leave. After that, Van and his friends discover that Laura is not at her house anymore and Mary is the only one here. Mary gives Van a note telling him that Laura was in serious condition and passed away last week. Van is surprised when he hears the news, but finds out that their love connection will never break apart again. Peace is restored and Van, Babette, and Pico have officially become true Cosmic Hunter members along with Cobra, Sayo, Nayan, and Marley, and they all fly away together where their adventures continue across the galaxy. ===== Diana is an underpaid worker in an Edwardian department store ('Dobson's') in Clapham. Act One takes place in the workers' dingy dormitory, the shopgirls prepare for bed whilst discussing their harsh working conditions. Diana discovers that she has unexpectedly inherited £300 from a distant relative, which she decides to spend on the holiday of a lifetime. Acts Two and Three take place at a mountain resort in Switzerland. Pretending to be a wealthy widow, Diana finds herself pursued by two other holidaymakers: Sir Jabez Grinley, the wealthy owner of a chain of shops; and Victor Bretherton, an impecunious ex-guardsman (although possessing a very comfortable private income of £600 per year) accompanied by his predatory aunt. She turns down a proposal of marriage from Sir Jabez. When Victor proposes, she reveals the truth about her financial circumstances in order to give him a chance to reconsider his proposal. Victor accuses her of being a disreputable 'adventuress', whereupon she indignantly retorts that, in seeking to marry a rich woman instead of actually working to support himself, he is in fact the disreputable one. The two part ways. Act Four opens on a November morning on the Thames Embankment. Victor is sleeping rough on a bench. He recognises a police constable as an old acquaintance, and reveals why he is living in such dire circumstances: stung by Diana's criticism, he has been trying for months to make a living by manual labour. In a lucky coincidence, Diana also arrives on the scene. She is now homeless and 'half-starved', having lost her job due to illness. The couple recognise each other and talk. Victor proposes again, and Diana eventually accepts. Sitting together on the bench, they celebrate their engagement with a breakfast of coffee and bread- and-butter, purchased with a shilling lent to them by the constable. ===== The residents of a large town are inexplicably turning into rhinoceroses. Stanley (Gene Wilder), a mild-mannered office clerk, watches the bizarre transformations from a bemused distance. But soon the strange occurrences invade his personal space, as his neighbor and best friend John (Zero Mostel) and his girlfriend Daisy (Karen Black) become part of the human-into-rhinoceros metamorphosis that is taking place. Eventually, Stanley realizes he will be the only human left. ===== The story revolves round the emotions of two brothers, one a taxi driver and the other is a high official in a government office. Trouble breaks when the brother with high social status marries a lady who would not agree to reside together with a taxi driver. ===== R. Sattanathan (Major Sundarrajan), a leading criminal lawyer and Bangalore Ramaswamy (V. K. Ramasamy), Sattanathan's professional competitor, were once friends but now foes. Sattanathan has vowed that he will win a case against Ramaswamy at least once in his lifetime, for which he even makes his son Saravanan (Sivaji Ganesan) study law, so that if not him at least his son will defeat Ramaswamy. But contrary to Sattanathan's expectation, Saravanan falls in love with Ramaswamy's daughter Devi (Manjula). Helping them in their love is Ramesh (Nagesh) Ramaswamy's nephew. A lot of hilarious incidents and confusions follow before the lovers are united. ===== Marjorie Turner has been married for eight years and is tired of her husband Harry's neglect and his snooty relatives, most of them doctors. One day her sister, Jeanine, urges her to break out of her rut and have a fling. At a grocery store, Marjorie allows herself to be picked up for a quick sexual tryst. Unfortunately, her lover dies during the act. Even more unfortunately, the dead man turns out to be Harry's long-absent brother. Complications ensue, some of them involving a vertical blinds salesman named Meany who feels responsible for the man's death, as well as Meany's brother, a police officer investigating the case. ===== An honest, reserved goldsmith and engraver, Anargyros Loumbardopoulos (Vassilis Logothetidis), has routinely invested his money in gold coins, specifically British gold sovereigns, bought from a friend of his, a banker. Upon having stored away 100 sovereigns, a man working for the banker suggests that Anargyros starts minting counterfeit sovereigns, but he adamantly refuses. The banker employee then introduces Anargyros to a divorced attractive lady, Fifi (Ilya Livykou) that he knows. Anargyros' resistance is soon curbed by Fifi's sexual means, and he spends all his invested 100 sovereigns to buy minting equipment. After much toil the trio produce their first counterfeit coin but Anargyros finds it difficult to deceive people into accepting it a currency because they easily understand it is not a genuine coin. When the sinister employee is arrested, Anargyros fears that the police has discovered their crime and panicked he gets rid of all the counterfeiting equipment and he also abandons Fifi. It is eventually revealed that it was a misunderstanding and the employee was arrested for other reasons. Safe again, Anargyros returns to his honest work and daily routine but trying to get rid of the counterfeit coin he gives it away as charity to a apparently blind beggar. The beggar sees through the deceit but Anargyros flees in a hurry. The beggar (Mimis Fotopoulos) is in fact a cunning liar with exceptional eyesight who manages to earn the pity of everyone with his fake blindness. But a street prostitute, Maria (Sperantza Vrana) starts hooking up near the beggar's corner and they find themselves ===== Hyperville is 2013's top hi-tech, 24-hour entertainment complex - a sprawling palace of fun under one massive roof. A place to go shopping, or experience the excitement of Doomcastle, Winterland, or Wild West World. But things are about to get a lot more exciting - and dangerous. But what exactly is lurking on Level Zero of Hyperville? And what will happen when the entire complex goes over to Central Computer Control? ===== The story of the opera is based on the disappearance of the B-24 bomber Lady Be Good in 1943 over Libya in North Africa. Taking elements of the story as portrayed in the television movie Sole Survivor, it enlarges on the themes of dislocation, memory, isolation and identity, and concentrates on the internal relationship between the dead crew and the Major, who heads the search and rescue party sent to survey the wreck. The revelation of their intertwined fate culminates in a dramatic re-enactment of the Madeline Lee’s final bombing mission over the Mediterranean and the recovery by the Major of his suppressed memories of the event. ===== In the time leading up to Jacobite rising of 1745, a young Highlander called Euan (Lewis Rae) and his father Alistair are press-ganged into the Jacobite army to fight for the Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie. Euan's group of warriors are captured by Hanoverian loyalist troops and he is forced to join the Duke of Cumberland's army as a drummer for the British. Major Elliot (Brian Blessed), a Hanoverian officer who has lost his own son, forms a protective relationship with Euan. Father and son end up fighting on opposing sides at Culloden. Euan is killed, and Alistair runs to his aid. Seeing a Jacobite soldier standing over the body of his favourite soldier, Major Elliot kills Alistair. ===== Hereditary evil runs through three generations of a medical family - the dissolute and murderous Camerons (from 1867 to 1935) - before a son and daughter finally redeem the family name. ===== In the last week of October 1912 the family of Dr Kirby, a widower in the North of England, is disturbed by the unexpected return of Stella, a "prodigal daughter" who left eight years before in order to pursue a career on the stage. ===== ;Red Blinds the Foolish A matador, Rafita, and Mauro, the butcher who disposes of the bulls' carcasses, have sex and then fall in love, leading to Rafita losing his concentration in the ring. ;Corpse of the Round Table A prequel to Red Blinds the Foolish, tells how Mauro became a butcher. ;Baby, Stamp Your Foot A shoemaker discovers a pair of high heels in his lover's closet, and figures out how to bring back the spice to their relationship. ;Tiempos extra The brother of a soccer player and a security guard at the soccer field fall in love. ;Lumiere A dying man reminisces about a failed relationship between a dancer and his instructor. ===== Lakis has three sisters, two younger and one older, which have to be married before he can marry his girlfriend Lela. On a summer excursion, the younger ones meet two boys and begin an affair. Unaware to that, their elderly father tries to find a suitor for his older daughter Rena. ===== The film is set in September 1944, when a German Wehrmacht officer tries to surrender his unit, stationed in the West German village of Winterspelt, to nearby American forces. ===== Angela is a charming and beautiful young school teacher, with a sweet but firm character. Her only living relative is her mother Delia, a sick and embittered woman. On her deathbed, Delia makes Angela swear an oath that she will rise to the top in life, and with her last breath she curses Emilia Santillana, the woman who stole Angela's father away from her. Upon hearing at last the name that Delia had always refused to reveal, Angela vows, with chilling determination, that she will not rest until she has found this woman, Emilia Santillana, and made her pay for ruining her mother's life. Emilia Santillana lives in the city of San Miguel de Allende, where she runs a very successful silver mine, "La Soledad". In addition to the mine, Emilia Santillana owns a factory. One day, Angela arrives at Emilia's company seeking employment. Yolanda Rivas, Emilia's right hand, takes pity on the seemingly sweet and shy young girl and persuades her boss to hire her. Little by little Angela wins her trust. Angela is convinced of her righteousness and uses her beauty and her growing influence within the business to systematically destroy Emilia's world. Only one person mistrusts her and is not seduced by her apparent innocence. Mariano Bautista, a young engineer who works in a silver mine. Angela tries to ignore her attraction for Mariano, but finally comes to realize that she truly loves him. And, for the first time in her life, the promise of happiness seems within her reach when Mariano confesses that he too has fallen in love with her. Nevertheless, the oath she swore over her mother's grave binds her to her destiny, and Angela is now powerless to stop the tidal wave of destruction and suffering that she herself has unleashed. ===== The movie begins with Eugene (Zach Cregger) and his best friend Tucker (Trevor Moore) as kids. They sneak into the bedroom closet of Eugene's brother, as he recently acquired a valuable Michael Jordan rookie card. Upon opening the box the card was in, Tucker notices that Eugene's brother has an issue of Playboy. Tucker opens the magazine, instantly becoming obsessed with it. Three weeks later, Tucker's demeanor has changed to that of a hormone driven teenager, despite that he is only 8 years old. Fast forward ten years later, Eugene and Tucker are seniors in high school. Tucker is still a huge fan of the Playboy franchise, while Eugene and his girlfriend of two years, Cindi Whitehall (Raquel Alessi) are public speakers on the subject of abstinence for younger teens. Despite this, in reality, Cindi has other plans, stating that since they have been together for two years, if she is not Eugene's first then they have big problems. They decide to go through with it at the after prom party that Tucker had invited them to. On the day of prom, Tucker tells Eugene that he has the limo booked, which when pulls up, has already picked up Tucker's high school drop-out friend, Phil, who now goes by the MC name of Horsedick.MPEG (Craig Robinson). At the After Prom party, Cindi goes upstairs to prepare, while Tucker takes Eugene into the kitchen and gives him several shots of hard alcohol. As Eugene leaves to go upstairs to meet Cindi, he walks through the wrong door, and falls down the steps into the basement. He is hurt so bad, that he falls into a coma for four years. After Tucker wakes Eugene with a baseball bat, he tells him that Cindi stuck around for a little while, but disappeared shortly thereafter because Eugene was "a vegetable." Tucker left Eugene to continue his recovery as Tucker went to work. He came back later to visit Eugene again with the newest edition of Playboy. While discussing where Cindi had vanished to, Tucker happened to stumble across a centerfold in his new issue of none other than Cindi. Tucker devises a plan to go cross country to the Playboy Mansion where there was a party to be held in 3 days for Playboy's annual Birthday bash, where Cindi was sure to be. Tucker left as he had a date with his "partner" of 13 months, Candace (Molly Stanton), who back in high school seemed to hate Tucker. Later that night, Tucker broke into the hospital while Eugene was asleep, stating they had to leave on their trip now, as opposed to 3 days later, as Tucker had an incident involving Candace and accidentally forgetting she has seizures caused by strobe lights as a side effect of her epilepsy. Starting out on the road trip, the two are attacked by Candace's brother, Rick (Geoff Meed), and his firemen crew, but manage to escape temporarily. Once in Chicago, they meet up with their old friend MPEG, who has become a famous rapper over the four years. They all hop on board his party bus and begin to trek across the country towards the Playboy Mansion. After an argument between Horsedick and Eugene, Tucker and Eugene were both thrown out of the bus in the middle of nowhere, and left to walk the rest of the way. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, a car pulled up with two lesbian women. They make a deal where the boys will drive while the girls are in the back with each other having sex. They make it all the way to the Mansion only to be stopped by bouncers at the door. Moments later, several fire trucks arrived, in search of Tucker. Tucker and Eugene manage to sneak into the mansion dressed in fireman outfits. The two go in separate directions while outside, Candace forces her way into the mansion, followed up by her brother, Rick. Tucker randomly hits on several Playboy models and meets PMOY 2007 Sara Jean Underwood and makes his way to the Grotto. Eugene, in search for Cindi, is suspected of being a stalker and is taken into a secure holding area, but not before being spotted by Cindi. Meanwhile, Tucker runs into Candace and darts back into the mansion, where he is spotted by the firemen. After avoiding the firemen, he tries to hide in the mansion and suddenly finds himself face to face with Hugh Hefner. Hugh and Tucker have a discussion about Tucker's issues, telling Tucker about the first woman he ever fell in love with (who to Tucker's dismay, was not as good looking as the Playboy Bunnies of modern day, and had apparently died at a young age). Hefner tells Tucker that "there is a bunny in every woman", and that if Tucker can only see the "bunny" in those women, that he's on to something. Back in the holding area, Cindi comes in to see Eugene. Eugene seems disgusted to see her, claiming that she left him behind and didn't care about him, and accusing her of sleeping with countless other men. Cindi argues that she did still love him and proves it by telling Eugene that the money she made modeling and being a Playboy Bunny was sent to help pay for Eugene's hospital bills after his neglectful father thought he would never wake up and wanted to permanently move him into a low-grade hospital, something Tucker never bothered to mention due to his absent minded nature. Just at that moment, Hef had called to have all stalkers removed from the mansion. Once tossed out on the streets, Candace finally caught up with Tucker. Tucker apologised for his faults and promised to look past hers and Candace decides to give him another chance. At the same token, Eugene runs into Horsedick.MPEG, who promised to "rip Eugene's face off". Eugene seems too distracted regardless to find Cindi. After Cindi comes out and reveals that MPEG was born without genitals, his right-hand man realizes that he's never seen MPEG in action with a woman. At that moment, his crew pulls down his pants, showing nothing but two straws where his genitals should be, confirming what Cindi said. MPEG leaves ashamed, and after Eugene and Cindi make up, Hef lets everyone back in. Eugene and Tucker find themselves in the Mansion's kitchen, and Eugene tells Tucker that Cindi is waiting upstairs for him, shades of the situation that started the whole mess in the first place. And just like 4 years previous, Tucker and Eugene take several shots together. In the unrated version, footage shows Eugene and Cindi having sex, but Eugene overexerts himself after going too fast. ===== Clive Riordan, a wealthy London psychiatrist, learns that his wife Storm is cheating on him with an American, Bill Kronin. He determines to get the perfect revenge on both of them by committing the perfect murder of Kronin. Kidnapping Kronin at gunpoint, Riordan keeps him prisoner for months in a hidden room while authorities mount a search for the missing man. Riordan reveals to Kronin that he plans to kill him and dissolve his corpse in an acid bath to ensure no evidence remains to be found. Riordan's plot appears to succeed until a superintendent from Scotland Yard visits the doctor's office enquiring about the case and hinting that he knows what Riordan is up to, having been tipped off by an anonymous letter to the Yard. ===== The action takes place several centuries after the events of Le Silence de la Cité. Large areas have been drowned by the rising sea and most of Europe is now a poisoned wasteland. Due to a genetic mutation, women now outnumber men by 70 to 1. The collapsed society described in Le Silence de la Cité has been slowly rebuilt. Post- collapse warlord states have evolved into patriarchal kingdoms - the Harems - before being overthrown by the hives, female-run city-states, every bit as warlike and tyrannical as their male-run predecessors. Those have in turn been replaced by a more peaceful female dominated society organized as a loose federation of local communities. The novel follows the life of Lisbeï, the daughter of the "mother" of the Betely community, in the province of Litale. Destined to succeed her she grows up with her sister and friend, Tula, her being barren prevents her from doing so. While exploring ruined tunnels she discovers documents which question everything her society thought it knew about its past. ===== The sheriff (Trevor Bardette) of a small western town dies of a 'heart attack' (actually shot in the back) and the crooked mayor, The Honorable Hiram J. Sellers (Edgar Buchanan), and leading crook Phil Decker (Lyle Bettger) appoint the town drunk, Reginald T. "Rags" Barnaby (Thomas Mitchell), as the new sheriff, believing that he will be easily controlled by them. Rags, however, announces he is giving up drinking and refuses to accept Decker as his new deputy, telling them that he has someone else in mind: Tom Destry. Destry (Audie Murphy) arrives on the stagecoach with great fanfare, but Rags is disappointed to find out that he is a very young man who refuses to carry a gun. Destry prefers friendly persuasion and use of the law, over violence. Destry finds out that the previous sheriff may not have died of a heart attack as had been claimed. He suspects that the sheriff was murdered while trying to resolve a land dispute, and he sets about finding out how the sheriff actually died. He tricks Decker's men into passing their guns to him in the bar and empties all bullets with some impressive sharp-shooting onto a wall-mounted game. He then retrieves the bullets for analysis. Eventually it becomes clear that Decker killed the sheriff in order to further his plans to obtain all the land necessary to control and exploit the transit of cattle over those properties. The sheriff (Barnaby) is killed in the jail and suspects are missing. Decker sets up an ambush in the saloon for Destry. During a gun battle in the saloon, Brandy is killed trying to block Decker's fire, but Decker is killed too. Destry restores law and order to the town. ===== Mary Griffith is a devout Christian who raises her four children—Ed, Bobby, Joy and Nancy—according to the evangelical teachings of her local Presbyterian church in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Walnut Creek, California. Ed finds Bobby resisting temptations to overdose on Aspirin as an initial suicide attempt before Bobby confides to him that he is gay. Life changes for the entire family after Mary learns about his secret. In hopes of converting him, she takes him to a psychiatrist, who explains to Bobby's parents that a person's homosexuality is the result of lacking a close relationship with their parents. She then advises Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in Church activities, as well as to arrange a special bonding time with his father. While spending such quality time with his father, Bobby explains his desire to become a writer, to which his father suggests "some dreams are just not realistic." Bobby's father and siblings slowly come to terms with his homosexuality, but Mary believes God can cure him. To get away from his family, Bobby visits his cousin Jeanette in Portland, Oregon; she has always been accepting of his sexual orientation and tries to help him realize that his mother will never change. Desperate for his mother's approval, he does what is asked of him, but through it all, the Church's disapproval of homosexuality and his mother's attempts to suppress his growing behaviors in public cause him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed. Stricken with guilt, Bobby finds a boyfriend, David, at a gay bar. Nonetheless, before leaving the house with David, Mary informs Bobby that she "will not have a gay son." After Bobby finds David betraying him for another man, he continues to think of his mother's words of prejudice, i.e., when saying "homosexuality is a sin and (gays) are doomed to spend eternity in hell," as well as calling him "sick," "perverted," and "a danger to our children." Following his subsequent depression and self-loathing which intensifies, one night he free falls off a bridge on a highway into the path of an oncoming eighteen-wheeler truck, which kills him instantly. The family receives the news the following day and are devastated. Faced with their tragedy, Mary begins to question herself and her Church's interpretation of the Scripture. Through her long and emotional journey, Mary slowly reaches out to the gay community and discovers unexpected support from them. She becomes acquainted with a local reverend of the Metropolitan Community Church, who convinces her to attend a meeting of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). It is there that she recalls Bobby being different from conception and reassures herself that his true value was in his heart. Mary then gives a speech in a Walnut Creek city council meeting supporting a local "gay day" live on television. She tells of her experiences with Bobby, the struggles she had coping with him coming out of the closet and her stubbornness to reevaluate her religious beliefs which were nothing more than "bigotry" and "dehumanizing slander." Mary also acknowledges how she came to realize that Bobby's sexual orientation was quite natural in God's image and his suicide was subsequently due to poor parenting. She concludes her speech by urging people to think before they say, voice, or support homophobia because "a child is listening." The measure is rejected, but Mary and her family travel to San Francisco with fellow PFLAG members and walk in a gay pride parade, during which she sees another young man just like Bobby observing the parade. She walks over and hugs him, finally coming to terms with her son's death and vowing to work hard for the rights of gays and lesbians. ===== The film starts just before World War II and shows the political and personal side of Benito Mussolini aka Il Duces fall from power until his death and the end of the war. It delves into Il Duces relationship with his son in-law, daughter, wife, mistress, and admiration of Hitler. ===== A provincial region named Karayur, in the 60s... The families of Nallasivam (S. V. Subbaiah) and Murugan (M.G. Ramachandran) have been neighbours for generations. Nallasivam is nurturing his wish to give his daughter Valli (B. Saroja Devi) in marriage to Murugan (MGR). Meanwhile, a bride search for Nallasivam is on and Murugan accompanies Nallasivam along with others to see a bride, Kamalam (M. N. Rajam). Kamalam, thinking Murugan is the groom agrees for the marriage, and finds it is otherwise on the day of the marriage. In a passionate moment, Kamalam misbehaves with Murugan, which is seen by Namchivayam (M. N. Nambiar). Namchivayam takes this opportunity to blackmail Kamalam and get her to do things against Murugan. How Murugan foils their plans and how finally truth prevails is what the movie is all about. ===== Lakshmi's (Lakshmi) brother Rathnam is murdered and cops interrogate her about 2 million Rupees which the murdered man has looted. A shocked and dismayed Lakshmi is pounded on one side by the accomplices of Ratnam and on another by the cops pressuring her to return the stolen booty to them. While Lakshmi doesn't know anything about the money, she seeks solace in the arms of Ramesh (Jaishankar). The lovers join forces to find the missing stash of cash and prove her innocence. ===== Prof. Krishnan (Sivaji Ganesan) is a role model; honest and austere, he is a staunch follower of Swami Vivekananda. His principle in life is "Duty First". He swears by his profession that he shall serve his students to the best of his abilities and, to that end, will live as a bachelor. There is a feeling of admiration and great respect for him among his students. But love strikes his heart in the form of a student, Radha (Devika). Even though he tries to resist her, he succumbs to her beauty and love. Prof. Krishnan's orderly life is in shambles. ===== The protagonist is Raat, a 57-year-old reclusive, widowed school teacher who is estranged from his son because of the son's academic laxity and scandalous trysts with women. Even though everyone around is either a former student of his or a descendant thereof, Raat is not held in high regard by his students. He takes the nickname "Unrat" (literally meaning "garbage") to be a personal affront, and treats every school-day as a battle against his foes, the students, and uses impossible assignments as his means of achieving victory. One of Raat's most formidable adversaries is the 17-year-old Lohmann, whose quick-thinking allows him to escape punishment and enrage his teacher. Raat discovers a poem in the student's notebook addressed to "Fräulein Rosa Fröhlich", whom he proceeds to track down. At the "Blue Angel", he finds a placard promoting the "barefoot dancer" Rosa Fröhlich. Trying to avoid his students, Raat finds himself in the dressing room of the dancer, where he commands her to stop corrupting his students and leave town immediately. In response, she offers the professor wine, and attempts to charm him. The next morning sees a cease-fire between the students and the professor; he is afraid of being made a fool of in the classroom and they are afraid of being written up by the principal. That night, he returns to Fröhlich and calmly explains how unacceptable it is for her to accept wine, champagne, and flowers from students. She explains that she sends such things from students back, and undresses, beginning a relationship with Raat that sees him catering to her every wish: expensive restaurants, new clothing, a furnished flat, even sorting her laundry. Eventually he is fired from his position, marries her, and discovers she has a daughter. After two years, Raat is financially ruined. A friend of his wife suggests that he give "lectures", which serve as a cover for his wife to discreetly entertain men in the professor's formerly respectable home. Lohmann re-enters Raat's life, offering to pay all of his wife's debts, but the jealous Raat tries to strangle her and makes off with Lohmann's wallet. Lohmann reports this to the police, and both Raat and his wife are arrested. ===== Thyagarajan(Vijayan) and Kamala(Shoba) are in love and are separated due to unforeseen events in their lives. Kamala has moved to New Delhi and is married off to a philandering husband who has no affection for her. Years later, Thyagarajan joins an office in a managing role and to his surprise finds Kamala works under him. As time rolls Kamala comes to know that Thyagarajan's wife, a big sports fan, has deserted him for his close friend Bhaskar, a basketball player. The erstwhile lovers unhappy in their personal lives start giving emotional support to each other. The rest of the story unveils does Kamala and Thyagarajan find happiness in their life or remain unhappy. ===== The story opens with a quick overview of Santa's castle in the Laughing Valley. Its focus soon switches to the five Caves of the Daemons in nearby (though unnamed) mountains. These creatures are pagan daemons rather than Christian demons, in that they are not servants of Satan or necessarily evil. Four of the five, the Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, and Malice, certainly are bad, but the fifth, the Daemon of Repentance, is a more ambiguous figure. The Daemons of the Caves resent Santa Claus because children under the influence of his gifts rarely visit their caves. They decide to frustrate his efforts and counter his influence. (The Daemon of Repentance goes along with the plan, since children cannot reach his remote cave without passing through the caves of his compatriots beforehand.) The Daemons first try to tempt Santa Claus to their own vices; they visit him one by one, and attempt to lure him into selfishness, envy, and hatred. Santa Claus merely laughs at their clumsy efforts. (The obvious model for these episodes is the Temptation of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels.) Failing at temptation, the Daemons instead kidnap Santa Claus; they lasso him as he is riding in his sleigh on Christmas Eve, and bind him in their caverns. Santa Claus is accompanied on his rounds by Wisk the fairy, Kilter the pixie, Peter the knook, and Nutter the ryl (introduced as "The Deputies of Santa Claus" in the last chapter of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus), who travel under the seat of his sleigh; once the four realize that Santa is gone, they endeavor to complete his mission and deliver the gifts. They generally succeed, though with some mistakes; they deliver a toy drum to a little girl and a sewing kit to a little boy. Overall, though, they manage to save Christmas. Then they report Santa's absence; the queen of the fairies in the Forest of Burzee knows what has happened. An army of magical creatures is mustered to rescue the missing hero. Meanwhile, though, Santa is released from captivity by the Daemon of Repentance, who has repented the kidnapping. Santa meets the army on its way, and turns it back from attacking the daemons. (In the seventh chapter of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, titled "The Great Battle Between Good and Evil," Baum depicts a combat between massed magical forces. Here in the short story he avoids that spectacle, a strategy he would employ again in the climax of the sixth Oz book, The Emerald City of Oz, in 1910.) ===== The 23-year-old French woman Val Chipzik has many dreams. She travels to New York City to become an actress. There she does temporary jobs and sleeps in the front yard of the screenwriter Jack. With the money she earned, she pays for her continuing education in her dream job. Jack is initially annoyed by Val, then she gives him the idea of a promising script. Jack falls in love with her and demands from the film people who want to shoot according to his script that he can help determine the leading actress to be cast. ===== The movie begins, whereby Solaimalai eldest baby daughter is kidnapped. The baby eventually is saved by passerby and raised as his own daughter. Solaimalai wife, Chellam unable to bear her eldest baby daughter lost, falls down from stairs and blame Solaimalai for his sins by murdering his boss. Solaimalai a.k.a. Pasupathy (Major Sundarrajan)’s boss (B. R. Panthulu) is shot by Samundi, but the blame falls on Pasupathy. The surviving boss sends away his wife Parvati Ammal (M. V. Rajamma) and son Shankar into hiding, fearing his family's fate. But before breathing his last, the boss learns the truth and entrusts in Pasupathy the task of finding Parvati and Shankar and handing them their rightful family assets. He also change his name from Solaimalai to Pasupathy fearing Samundi may revenge or murder him. Chellam hearing the truth finally hopes Pasupathi finds the true heir of his boss property heir, succumbs to her injury and dies. Several years later, Shankar (MGR), now a grown up youth, learns of the injustice committed to his father (B. R. Panthulu), and heads out to Chennai in search of his father’s murderer, thinking as Solaimalai. However he don't know Solaimalai another name Pasupathi. Pasupathi vows to find Parvathi and Shankar and vows to get married of Uma and Shankar. Shankar meets Pasupathy’s daughter, Uma (Jayalalithaa) and falls in love with her, without knowing her background. It is shown to us, Pasupathi eldest daughter, Jaya (Jothilakshmi) a raised as Thirumangai by the passerby (now turned as blind) is shown as a pick-pocket who only steals 1 rupee in day. Suresh gets acquainted with Karpagam (Cho Ramaswamy). Meanwhile, Suresh a criminal misunderstand Shankar as CID during their train journey. Suresh sends his men to follow Shankar and traps him to find Solaimalai. However, Shankar outwits his men and escape with Uma's car coincidentally. Suresh notice Uma's car, and order his man, Alangaaram to spy on Uma and Shankar, still thinking that Shankar is spy to apprehend Suresh illegal business. While escaping, both Uma and Shankar gets acquainted with Jaya. Shankar soon finds that the car driven by Uma is belongs to Solaimalai. Shankar sends letter to his mother to find out more details about Solaimalai. Pasupathi advertise in a paper via Alangaaram (Suresh's man) for English music teacher. Shankar with the help of Karpagam and Jaya disguise as an old English music teacher to find out the real Solaimalai. Thirumangai a.k.a. Jaya helps Uma to return her lost necklace. While return the necklace, Thirumangai finds out her own baby photo and about it. Pasupathi and Uma reveals, it is Pasupathi first born daughter and Uma's sister. Without knowingly her own photo, Thirumangai a.k.a. Jaya vows to find Pasupathi's eldest daughter (herself). Suresh man kidnaps Karpagam, whom both earlier on, in train journey. Karpagam assist Suresh to capture Shankar. However, during fight (as disguised old English music teacher), Shankar manage to bash them. However, Uma recognize the disguise, but pretend not knowingly and falls for Shankar. Eventually, Samundi manages to find Solaimalai house and threaten to kill him. Shankar who turns out to be there finds out the truth. Shankar fights with Samundi. Samundi manage to escape. Shankar got hurt in the fight, this is also watched by Alangaaram (Suresh man). Alangaaram brings Shankar to a fake doctor and give Shankar a sedate injection. Soon Suresh (S. A. Ashokan), a notorious criminal imprisons Shankar, and impersonates him, for his wealth. Parvati is forced to play along, as Suresh threatens to kill Shankar. Thirumangai foster father(blind man) gets seriously ill reveals her true identity to Karpagam. Karpagam sends money to his friend to buy medicine. However, his friend was pick-pocketed by Thirumangai. Thirumangai repent for her deed. Uma reveals to Parvathi, that she loves Shankar. Parvati supports her decision, though Suresh black-mailing her. Karpagam manage to find Shankar and Parvati being kidnapped and blackmailed respectively, hatches a plan to rescue both of them with assistance of Thirumangai. Thirumangai manage to steal the entry token from Suresh and manage to rescue Shankar. The movie ends, with Shankar and Uma united together and Pasupathi manage to find her eldest daughter Jaya. Jaya marries Karpagam, who is a CID. ===== Fritz Shimon Haber was a German-born scientist and professor of Jewish origin with a dual legacy, whose life illustrates the moral complexity facing scientists. Born and raised Jewish, his longing to be accepted as a true German and his intense ambition in his career led him to convert to Lutheranism. In 1918, he won a Nobel Prize, for developing an industrial scale process for the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere into ammonia, used to both create synthetic fertilizers used in agriculture, and explosives used in wars. Synthetic fertilizers themselves, while first seen as purely a positive development by increasing short term food productivity, have brought their own problems such as corporate agribusiness and soil depletion. The film turns on Haber's drafting by the German government to develop the chlorine gas used at Ypres and elsewhere, an early form of chemical warfare, which was even then banned by a 1909 treaty. Haber's wife Clara Immerwahr was promising chemist herself, who, in keeping with gender relations back in her time, had sacrificed her own career to support his, as well as raise a family. She felt oppressed by his domineering personality in their relationship, disapproved of Haber's use of science to engineer a horrible death for soldiers, and committed suicide. The day after she took her life, Haber left to supervise the introduction of chemical warfare to the Eastern Front. ===== Johnny Hawks is a man who made his name fighting Indians. Returning to the West after the Civil War he must now keep wronged Sioux warriors from massacring the Oregon-bound wagon train he is leading and the nearby fort. Tensions between the two races are building with Indians trading gold to the whites for whiskey. ===== Fathom Harvill, a beautiful skydiver, is in Spain with a U.S. parachute team. She is abducted by a man called Timothy and taken to see Douglas Campbell, who says he is a Scottish agent working for NATO and wants Fathom to help him find a triggering mechanism for a nuclear weapon that has gone missing in the Mediterranean. The device is hidden inside a figurine known as the Fire Dragon. In hot pursuit of it is an Armenian man named Serapkin who is working on behalf of Communist Chinese interests. Fathom skydives into the villa of a second man, Peter Merriwether, who has a trusted Chinese assistant Jo-May Soon, and is also searching for the figurine. Fathom discovers that the Fire Dragon was stolen from a Far East museum by a Korean War deserter who is now being tracked by a private investigator. Campbell is one and Merriwether the other, but Fathom needs to find out for certain which is which. After fending off a Serapkin knife attack and another from a harpoon, Fathom finds the figurine in a makeup case. She concludes that Campbell is the trustworthy one and boards a plane with Timothy and him, who promptly attempt to toss her from it. Merriwether arrives in another plane. In the confusion the bad guys fall out of the plane and Fathom decides she's not cut out for a life of crime. ===== It is about Lexi Smart, a woman who has insecurities about herself until she experiences amnesia after a car accident. When she wakes up in the hospital she finds that she is a completely different person: she thinks it's 2004 and she's a twenty-five-year-old with crooked teeth, a disastrous love life and a dead-end job. The most recent events of her life she can remember are three years in the past. She learns it's actually 2007 – she's twenty-eight, she's the director of her department. She's fit, groomed, has a fabulous apartment, a closet full of designer clothes, and a handsome husband she has never seen before in her life, who also happens to be a multimillionaire. She finds herself without the loyal group of girlfriends she counted on to stand by her during this difficult time due to her changed attitude. As the story unfolds, she realises that she doesn't particularly like the person she's supposed to be, all the same trying to find her footing. As she learns more about her new self, she realizes her life is not all that she thought it would be. This is complicated further when she finds out that her perfect marriage may be an illusion as well, when a man turns up in her life, claiming to be someone she's been having an affair with. How on earth did all this happen? Will she ever remember? And what will happen when she does? During the book Lexi is confused as to who "Jon" is because he claims to be Lexi's secret lover and before the accident he says that Lexi was going to leave her husband and stay with Jon. Lexi realizes that she has changed from who she remembers to be because her old friends suddenly hate her as she has turned into the boss from hell. ===== As the gangster boss of the Tokaido Road, Jirocho (Cheizo Kataoka) sends his men to track down a fugitive, who has killed Jirocho's associate. They eventually find the fugitive hiding out at the property of another gangster boss, Kansuke (Eijiro Tono), who unknowingly shelters a wanted man. Kansuke's nephew Kurokoma (Ryunosuke Tsukigata), wanting to take over Jirocho's control over the Tokaido Road, convinces Kansuke that the fugitive is a spy for Jirocho. After an angry confrontation between Jirocho and Kansuke, they rally their men for a battle, but gangster boss Omaeda (Utaemon Ichikawa) intervenes and appeals to Jirocho to reconsider. Jirocho's wife Ocho urges him to listen. Omaeda and Jirocho have a conversation that completely alters Jirocho's outlook. He calls off the battle and instructs his men to assist poor farmers, villagers and temples as part of his spiritual atonement. Meanwhile, Kurokoma conspires to take advantage of Jirocho's vow not to fight by plotting a battle that could destroy Jirocho and his men. ===== In House of Strahd, the player characters are stranded in Barovia, and must breach a haunted castle and destroy its master, the vampire-wizard Strahd von Zarovich. Elements that made the original Ravenloft module are still present, such as Madame Eva, the mysterious gypsy fortuneteller, Strahd's variable objectives (determined randomly, so the adventure can be replayed), and the deadly catacombs with the moving black ceiling. The revision introduces some new creatures (meld monsters, gargoyle golems), develops Strahd's tactics (with sections labeled "Strahd's Opportunities" that suggest attack routines triggered by the party's actions), and adds a Time- Track Table (so the referee can anticipate the sunset). ===== As the film begins, young Los Angeles lawyer Victor Santini (Franciosa) is hired to defend Josephine "Jo" Morris (Hayworth), who is accused of conspiring with Larry Ellis (Young) to murder her husband Mike Morris (Ryder), a police detective. In flashbacks, it is shown that her marriage to Morris is loveless and dull. She met Ellis a widower, with whom she finds companionship and comfort. The two see each other regularly, and are intimate once. Larry's mother (Dunnock), a righteous, controlling mother, finds out about their relationship. She threatens to expose Jo to her husband unless it stops. Jo tells Larry what had happened, and Larry travels to see her and comfort her. Believing her husband is asleep, Jo lets Larry into her kitchen to talk. However, Mike discovers them, and pulls out his service revolver and struggles with Larry. It ends with Mike's being shot dead. Both are charged with attempted murder, and a large part of the film consists of the trial. At the trial, prosecuting attorney Phil Stanley (Meisner) stresses how Jo first told police that a prowler had killed her husband, until a cufflink belonging to Larry was found at the scene of the crime. He also notes that an insurance policy was purchased a week before the shooting. Santini erodes the prosecution's case and includes a searing cross-examination of Larry's mother. Both are found not guilty and leave the court room. ===== The film takes place in Venice, where David Franks (Stephen Baldwin) and his girlfriend Laura (Vanessa Johansson) are meeting with Venetian police to learn more about the mysterious disappearance of David's father. During the boatride to where they think David's father may have last been seen, David sees the dorsal fin of a large shark. In a double-take he looks back and the fin is gone. David and another man (Rossi) enter the canals wearing wetsuits and scuba gear. A large shark preys on the two and in a sudden attack the Italian man is eaten. David is bitten in the shoulder but manages to escape to a cave. In the cave, David narrowly escapes several close calls with contraptions recalling those in the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark; the film also borrows quite liberally from the plot of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. He then emerges in a large room in the cave which holds vast amounts of treasure. David stares in wonder at it, pockets a gold and emerald brooch and returns to Laura in the boat. The next scene shows him recuperating in a hospital bed with Laura by his side. David and Laura are asked to meet and have dinner with business-man Vito Clemenza (Giacomo Gonnella). Clemenza produces the brooch David had taken from the treasure room and asks David to return to the cave. As unsuspecting tourists are devoured, David contemplates his next move. Before too long Laura is kidnapped by Clemenza's Mafia goons. David decides to try to save her with the help of the Venetian police. Ultimately, David defeats the Mafia, saves Laura and finds the treasure, which his father had died searching for. Clemenza is killed by one of the sharks when he falls in the water while fighting David. It is unclear whether it is a scientific phenomenon leading to the gradual increase in the temperature of the Grand Canal and the presence of at least one Great white shark taking up residence in the city of Venice. Later in the film Clemenza appears to tell David that he is the one who has introduced the sharks to the waterways. ===== Mitch Albom (Hank Azaria) became caught up with his career as a sport commentator and journalist. His girlfriend, Janine (Wendy Moniz), a backup singer feels that he never places her as a priority. Mitch is consistently doing six things at once. One evening, while on the telephone with Janine, Mitch flips through tv channels and lands on an edition of Nightline where he sees Morrie Schwartz (Jack Lemmon) being interviewed by Ted Koppel. Morrie discusses his current health and lets everyone know he is dying of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's disease" or ALS. Morrie a retired sociology professor from Brandeis University comes on the show to describe his final journey. As life goes on with work and balancing his relationship with Janine, Mitch feels bothered he never got a chance to visit his old professor. Feeling so moved by the interview, Mitch reaches out for a visit with Morrie after sixteen years of no contact. Morrie has an affinity with food and it becomes a regular endeavor with his visits with Mitch. Office hours during university were on Tuesdays, Morrie would grade papers and critique student’s assignments, Mitch now makes it a habit to visit him every Tuesday. Connie (Caroline Aaron), Morrie’s home nurse, is his primary care taker. After leaving Morrie, Mitch continues working and can’t find a groove with Janine. Mitch returns and witnesses a “living funeral” where friends and family come to honor Morrie while he is still alive, per Morrie’s request. As the two get reacquainted, they participate in several thoughtful and reflective conversations about various substantial topics. Morrie divulges in many stories on his time as a young boy and how his relationships unfolded between his mother, stepmother, and father. Back home Mitch continues with his impressive and busy journalism career, and while out on a story he receives a call from Janine breaking up with him. Another visit prompts Mitch to officially bring a recording device to capture all of Morrie’s powerful pieces of advice and all his anecdotes. Morrie and Mitch grow closer and closer with each visit, some significant topics that were explored were death, love, marriage, family, and relationships. The time spent with Morrie starts to affect Mitch’s position at work, he argues with his boss and decides to prioritize his visits with Morrie. Mitch, being so immersed in this new world asks Connie to teach him a few skills to aide Morrie when no one else is around. New tasks Mitch learn include: helping Morrie in and out of his wheelchair, using his oxygen tank, feeding Morrie, and even special massages. Finding value and meaning in Morrie’s advice Mitch proposes to Janine via letter, she rejects him and comes along on one of his visits to Morrie’s home. Janine notices a change in Mitch’s personality in the way he knows what to do around Morrie from the oxygen tank assistance to cleaning Morrie’s crying eyes. Janine and Morrie speak without Mitch in the room. Later, on an airplane on their way home Mitch and Janine make up and decide a proper proposal should take place. On a rainy visit, Mitch brings Morrie food, but learns he has not been able to eat solid foods for some time. Charlotte (Bonnie Bartlett), Morrie’s wife advises Mitch that his visits have a great impact on Morrie. Mitch notices how the illness is progressing in a devastating way. They continue to go back and forth on difficult topics, regret, spiritual life, forgiveness, and love. Morrie reiterates that humans must love another or die. He recounts the story of his father’s death. Mitch receives a call from Walter (John Carroll Lynch), his boss, after the exchange they found middle ground to allow Mitch to write again. Mitch takes Janine to the islands and propose there. Once back home, Mitch requests to have all of his Tuesdays off to continue his visits with Morrie. On a snowy visit, Mitch asks Morrie what a perfect day would be like. Morrie answers a simple answer with friends, family, food, dancing, and choosing his burial site. Morrie asks Mitch to visit once he has passed, breaking his heart. Mitch cries and hugs his old friend. Mitch promises to come back next Tuesday. Morrie died on a Saturday morning, Janine and Mitch received a call. Charlotte kept his funeral small, and all the people who’d be in his perfect day would be included. The funeral was held on a Tuesday. ===== Curtain Up recounts the story of three siblings: Sorrel, Mark, and Holly Forbes. After their widowed father is reported missing during the war, and his father (their grandfather) dies, the children go to live in London with their grandmother on their mother's side, a retired actress. She sends them to the Children's Academy for Dancing and Stage Training, much against their will. However, it is clear that the stage is in their blood, as they discover talents they never knew they had: Sorrel shines at acting, Mark at singing, and Holly at dancing and impressions. The book also involves the Fossil sisters from Streatfeild's Ballet Shoes, as each Fossil girl provides each of the Forbes children with a scholarship to cover school expenses. Pauline sponsors Sorrel, Petrova, Mark, and Posy, Holly. The Fossil girls also exchange letters with the Forbes children, although when Miriam, the Forbes' cousin and another student at the school, shows herself to be an exceptionally talented dancer, Posy decides to sponsor her, as well, and to communicate with Miriam instead of with Holly. From these letters we learn that Pauline and Posy have made careers for themselves in Hollywood, after Posy and her teacher had to leave Czechoslovakia due to the war. ===== It concerns two schoolgirls spending their holiday in an English coastal town. Harriet is the older at 14 and the leader of the two. The 13-year-old unnamed narrator develops a crush on an unhappily married middle-aged man, Peter Biggs, whom they nickname "the Tsar." Led by pretty, malevolent Harriet they study his relationship with his wife, planning to humiliate him. Their plan quickly goes wrong, however, with horrifying results. ===== Shankar (Jaishankar) returns from abroad after successfully completing his higher studies. His parents plan to marry him to one of their relative's daughters. A series of comic incidents ensue while they try to convince Shankar to marry. Things become serious when Shankar reveals to them that he has already met the love of his life, Usha (Ushanandini,) and married her. Angered by this, his father throws him out of his house and Usha joins Shankar to start a new life. How they succeed in establishing their life is the rest of the movie. ===== Joe Saxon (Joe Bardo) is an aspiring actor whose outlandish parties and spending worry his wife, Liz (Liz Renay). In another scene, we see a young, Greek immigrant named Dennis Kesdekian (Atlas King) kisses his wife and family good-bye as he leaves for another day at work. Kesdeckian sees a hitchhiker (Steckler) and offers to give him a ride. The hitchhiker shoots the man and steals his car. That night, Joe throws a party at his house. He and Liz do not know most of the people who attend, but it is part of Joe's plan to wine and dine producer George Morgan (himself), whose next picture Joe desperately wants a part in. On the other side of town, the hitchhiker has picked up a nightclub dancer/prostitute (Erina Enyo) and takes her back to her apartment, where he brutally murders her with a pair of scissors. While Joe and Liz are arguing, they hear of the murders over the radio, and learn that the assailant was Mort "Mad Dog" Click, long wanted by the police for similar crimes. Also on the loose are three mental patients who have escaped from the local asylum. The next day, Liz decides to leave Joe and drives out to her cousin Linda's restaurant up in the hills. At the restaurant, Linda (Laura Benedict) congratulates her friends Ron (Ron Burr) and Carol (Carolyn Brandt) on their marriage and purchase of a nearby house. Liz pulls in just after the couple leave. Ron and Carol get to their new house and look around. When they find their handyman missing, they look out back at a smaller house on the property, where they find him decapitated by the escaped mental patients—the axe-wielding Keith (Keith O'Brien), Herbie (Herb Robbins) and Gary (Gary Kent). Ron is decapitated in front of Carol, and then after some amount of chasing around the property, Carol is disposed of in a similar fashion. Joe and Morgan show up at Linda's restaurant, as do the three killers. Herbie calls his friend, who turns out to be Click, to come by and get rid of the two others. When Liz and Joe realize who the three are, the killers hold them hostage. Linda poisons Herbie's coffee and kills him, while Gary chases Liz outside up in the hills. While Linda and Morgan phone for the police, Joe follows the Gary and Liz up into the hills and a battle between Gary and Joe takes place on a mountain-top. Liz goes to get help, but is picked up and kidnapped by Click, who is now on the scene. Gary is pushed off a cliff and falls to his death. Joe, from afar, sees Liz get into Click's car, unaware that the man driving her is also a madman. Liz escapes Click's clutches as the police arrive and take chase. Click shoots a camper and steals his horse, and heads further up to the hills on horseback, chased after by a motor patrolman. After a furious gun battle, Click is shot to death. Sometime after the events have taken place, Joe has sworn off acting, until he gets a call from Morgan that he wants him (at $2,500 a week) to star in his picture opposite his newest discovery, Miss Transylvania—Linda! ===== George Magruder, an American professor of English from Philadelphia, moves with his British wife Louise and their eight-year-old daughter Karen to Trencher's Farm in the town of Dando, Cornwall, England, so that George can finish a book he is writing about the (fictitious) 18th- century diarist Branksheer, "a complete man". George and Louise are having marital troubles, causing Louise to become frustrated and, though he wants to, George has difficulty in relating to the locals at the local pub, The Inn. The locals tell Louise the story of Soldier's Field, in which locals who killed a rapist escaped justice as none of them would talk. In the climax of the book, child killer Henry Niles is being transported back to prison when his ambulance hits ice and crashes. Niles sees blood and flees, worried that he will be blamed, and George accidentally hits him in a snow drift with his car and takes him back to the farm, not knowing who he is. At the same time, a mentally disabled child, Janice Heddon, runs away from a Christmas party. George realises who Niles is and phones for the doctor and police, but the town is cut off to the police by the weather. The doctor was already attending to Janice's mother, and when the locals find out Janice is missing and that the child killer Niles is at Trencher's Farm, Janice's father Tom and his friends knock out the doctor and form an armed vigilante mob to break in. A community leader Bill arrives, but is accidentally killed by the mob. Tom reminds the locals of Soldier's Field, leading them to believe that if they attack as a group none will be blamed. George has to fight them off and protect his family, changing from ordered and civilised into enraged and animalistic. ===== The film opens in Loving County, Texas, where a teenage boy named Cody Puckett (Jason London) awakens one ominous night to find his parents staked and burned by a heretic vampire hunter group called the S.C.A.V., which stands for the Southern Coalition Against Vampirism. After shooting him with a crossbow, the vampire hunters allow Cody to escape, hoping he will lead them back to his extended family. In Long Beach, California, journalist Harry Martin (Harley Venton) receives the details of the Texas killings, before heading out to hear the verdict of a court-case he has been covering. Assistant D.A. Amy Lorne (Kim Johnston Ulrich) is cornered in an elevator by the members of the Shrikes, a biker gang named after the "unpleasant little birds who impale their prey on thorn bushes," one of whom the A.D.A. is currently prosecuting. Harry appears to break up the incident. The gang leader, "Butcherbird" (Salvatore Xuereb), warns Harry that "Uncle Eli" isn’t happy with the articles he’s been writing. Harry explains to a confused Amy that he and Butcherbird are "distant cousins". In court, an obviously fixed jury announces that it cannot reach a verdict. Disgusted, Amy storms out, and Harry goes after her. He asks her to attend a "family party" with him before leaving her to join Eli Chelarin (Patrick Bauchau), the powerful businessman who fixed Butcherbird’s trial. At Eli’s office, Harry warns Eli that "it’s starting again", and shows him the newspaper clipping of the Texas killings. Later that week, Cody reaches town and tries to find Eli. Instead he encounters the Shrikes. At Eli’s birthday party, Amy is surprised to learn that Harry is connected to so much wealth and power. He reveals that his real name is Harlevon Martinescu, as part of his Carpathian heritage. The party comes to an abrupt halt when Butcherbird enters with Cody. Harry excuses himself to Amy, joining a council in a private room. There, the male family members hear about the death of Cody’s parents. Eli, Harry and the Council tell Cody that his parents were members of their family who decided to move away to Texas before Cody was born. When Cody has left the room, Harry tries to convince the others to leave the killings to the police, that the family "cannot go on in the old ways". Furious, Eli accuses Harry of betraying the family, speaking sneeringly of Amy and provoking him to a violent anger. Meanwhile, a nervous Amy is teased first by Celia (Michelle Johnson), Eli’s half-sister, then by Butcherbird. Harry rescues her and takes her home where, despite his obvious attraction to her, he rejects her advances and leaves. Later that night, Harry receives an unexpected visit from Celia, who seduces him, inviting him to bite her throat as they couple. Meanwhile, Cody is then taken in by Celia and is later tempted to become involved with the Shrikes as they ride out into the night with their clan's girls. Later the next morning, an argument between Butch and Cody over the pendant which had belonged to Cody's grandmother leads to Butch enlightening Cody about their shared family heritage as vampiric creatures. A shocked Cody refuses to believe it and attacks Butch out of rage leading to a wolf-like fight, much to the excitement of the other Shrikes and their women. Harry appears to break up the brawl and Cody realizes that during the fight, he had bitten Butch on the neck. He eventually realizes that everything Butch said about their family was true. Harry later tells Cody about his parents and their family. He also reveals that their family had been at war with the heretic vampire hunters for generations. Cody begins to crave revenge for his family and chooses life with the Shrikes over Harry's pleas for him to choose a more peaceful life. Harry then returns to try to pursue a relationship with Amy, but knows his family does not approve of her as she is not one of them. Staying in Eli's house, Cody tries to familiarize with the vampire community and how to identify vampires. Zapping different TV channels, he asks Celia whether Donald Trump, appearing in a real TV scene, is a vampire and Celia responses "May be". The vampire hunters soon show up in Long Beach and kidnap Celia to lure the Carpathians into a final showdown. As tradition demands, their battle takes place at the hour of the jackal (3am) on a beach where Eli has a new hotel under construction. At first, the fight goes in the favour of the hunters, but the Shrikes eventually show up to help turn the tide. When the hunters are defeated, the Council vote to have them killed, even against Harry's pleas to simply turn them over to the Texas authorities for the murder of Cody's parents. When the family attacks and bites the remaining hunters, Cody wishes to join in, but is dissuaded by Harry. The Shrikes then take the corpses of the hunters and throw them into the sea as Harry and Cody walk off. As they leave, Cody keeps looking back and wondering if his decision to leave with Harry was the right one. ===== Ageing widow Betsy Richards stays with each of her three sons in turn, to find out who she'd prefer to spend the rest of her days with. When her favorite, Hugh, leaves for America, she becomes distressed. Finally, the sons rally round and buy Betsy her own cottage in the village. ===== Sergei Tutarinov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, returns to his native village to take an active part in its restoration. His initiatives are strongly supported by the local Secretary of the Communist Party. Tutarinov becomes chairman of the party and begins to rebuild the whole town after the defeat of the Germans. ===== Leslie Stafford (Diana Barrymore) is a secretary who seeks the help of a home invader, Daniel Shane (Brian Donlevy), to dispose of the body of her murdered husband in wartime London. ===== A family of four moves into a house that is allegedly haunted. Manisha Sharma (Revathi) aka "Mini" is a girl studying in her college. Her father is Mr. Sharma (Akash Khurana), while her mother is Shalini Sharma (Rohini Hattangadi). Deepak (Kushant) is Mini's classmate and boyfriend. Mini's nephew Bunty (Master Atit) finds a cat in the house basement. The cat has an eerie look on its face with its spot-staring eyes. One day the cat ventures behind the father's car rear wheel and is killed accidentally while the car is reversed. The cat is buried in the backyard without the knowledge of Bunty. Their neighbor, Nirmalamma, is also the grandmother to Rashmi, Mini's classmate. Nirmalamma spooks them with a fearful response after hearing Mini is their new neighbor. Bunty finds another cat which bears an uncanny resemblance to the dead cat. The family gets its first shock. Another day, Mini and Deepak decide to enjoy a ride to the city limits. While returning home, Deepak's bike rear tire goes flat. Deepak rides with a passerby to get a spare tire from a village nearby and asks Mini to wait for him. On returning, Deepak finds Mini sitting beside a tree near a pond, clutching her face and apparently weeping. Approaching her, Deepak stares at her fierce, reddening eyes (resembling the dead cat eyes), and slips into the pond. All of a sudden, Mini turns normal and calls to Deepak to come out of the pond. The next day, Mini attends her classmate Rashmi's friend's marriage accompanying her. Rashmi is brutally killed on that day, her neck broken and head turned all the way back. The police officer investigating the case notices that during interrogation, Mini twists her doll's head exactly the way Rashmi's neck was twisted. The police investigating officer who visits Mini's home for questioning meets with an accident while riding out and dies. These events lead Mini's parents to seek professional help. Shalini approaches their neighbor, the old lady, while Mr. Sharma takes the help of a psychiatrist (Ananth Nag) regarding as nonsense the occult thoughts that his wife believes is the reason for their daughter's horror-stricken behavior. The neighbor old lady advises Shalini to seek the services of Sharji (Om Puri), who lives in Falaknuma. Sharji first visits his "guru" (Vijayachander) who has taken samadhi in the remote Falaknuma and gets fire-power ashes as a weapon. Sharji then locates the ghost (Sunanda) in Mini's house basement under the floor and finds it to be that of the woman who was the previous owner's moll and who was murdered brutally. Later, while the killer is abed with his new paramour, the ghost of his former moll kills him, as her hands and arms emerge from the bed and twist his neck, much like Rashmi's was done. Following horrific events involving the ghost trying to kill Deepak, Sharji finally neutralizes her with the help of holy chants and the ashes. The ghost finally leaves Mini's body with a thundering flash. On the one hand, scientific methods involving MRI and other medical procedures are conducted on Mini. This Mr. Sharma believes is the only way Mini could be "cured". However, Sharji has his own explanation of darkness beyond the light, that doesn't vanish, but is only diminished to an extent. RGV has spun the web of horror played with confusion, dilemma, and the plight of the affected persons to the greatest extent possible, as required of a horror movie. ===== Duncan Christopher, the awkward son of a rock legend, works through the suicide of his father in the brutal underground world of karaoke. ===== The story outlines contact between Earth and the title Visitors, a group of mysterious objects from deep space. The Visitors are simple black oblong boxes, as large as buildings, which approach from space and orbit the Earth before descending to the United States. The nature of the visitors is kept rather mysterious — it's not clear if they are vehicles or living things in their own right. They are apparently unable to communicate with humans in any meaningful way; on one occasion a human is taken inside a Visitor, only to be released after experiencing a jumble of confusing colored lights and smells which he did not understand. The Visitors are composed largely of a dense form of cellulose, and they proceed to consume a quantity of trees and plant life in the US. Eventually, they start producing vehicles, superficially resembling human cars but capable of flying using the same unknown principles as the Visitors themselves, and apparently incorporating some element of intelligence, or at least instinct, since they do not crash into things as they move. The humans assume that the Visitors have created these vehicles as a gift in return for the plant matter which the Visitors are consuming, and the novel touches on the disruption such well-meaning gifts might incur on the Earth's economic systems. Toward the end of the book, the Visitors also start producing housing units for humans, and it is even implied that something living may be inside them — perhaps even a Visitor-produced version of humans themselves. ===== Ananth has a small business and runs a small office. He is an introvert and is awkward around women. His secretary, Deepa, is a young lady who wants to marry him but has never expressed her feelings verbally. Ananth acts as if he is not interested in her but is attracted to her as well. He meets Menaka (Anjali) in a road accident where he nurses her and drops her home. They are neighbors and after a few awkward meetings, they fall in love. They get married soon after as both of their parents are happy about their relationship. Deepa, though, is jealous of her Boss' married life and plans to ruin it. She used to procure tablets for his sexual wellness before and plans to mess with the tablets. She instead gets the tablet which does away with sexual desire in men and hands it over to Ananth as he leaves for his honeymoon. The honeymoon is botched as the tablets take effect. They also meet another couple on honeymoon where the husband is over enthusiastic about sex which makes the wife take regressive measures. A few days of confusion and chaos follows and Anjali's mother is now convinced that they should get a divorce. As a last attempt, Ananth is sent to a lady psychiatrist who examines and gives him confidence that he is all right. The second couple's wife tries to escape from her husband and sleeps in Ananth's room. Ananth rushes into his room and to the sleeping lady thinking it is his wife. Anjali arrives to her room to see her husband with another woman and she decides to divorce now, supported by her mother and granny. After his failed attempts to explain the situation Ananth lifts and carries Anjali into her room to show her he is a man and woos her with his romance. She accepts him finally. ===== The major characters and the plot of the play are nearly identical with the 1810 novel Zastrozzi by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The play is set in 1893. Zastrozzi, the master criminal of all Europe and a self- proclaimed atheist, like the character in the 1810 novel and Shelley himself, has focused for nearly three years on the pursuit of revenge against the murderer of his mother, the whimsical, unconstant, and delusively God-obsessed artiste Verezzi. In the Shelley novel, Zastrozzi's mother Olivia is seduced and impregnated by Verezzi's father when she was fifteen, Zastrozzi is the illegitimate son, Verezzi is his half-brother and Olivia dies at thirty in poverty and abandoned, demanding that Zastrozzi avenge her. In both the novel and the play, Zastrozzi, with the help of his heartless protégé Bernardo and his sometime lover the seductress Matilda, chases Verezzi to a small town in the Italian countryside and engineers an elaborate plot to destroy his enemy. But while Verezzi may be an easy target, his tutor Victor, a former priest, presents a much more difficult challenge for Zastrozzi. The play retains all the major characters of the Percy Bysshe Shelley 1810 novel: Zastrozzi, Verezzi, Julia, Matilda, Bernardo, and the Priest (Victor). The plot is the same in both works. Zastrozzi seeks to avenge his mother and blames Verezzi for her seduction, abandonment, and death. Matilda serves the same role in both works. The Shelley novel and the play both take place in Italy. The same themes are addressed in both works: Atheism, revenge, the ethical and moral debates and issues relating to retribution. ===== Young and Ming outside the take-out Take Out is a day-in-the-life of Ming Ding (Charles Jang), an illegal Chinese immigrant working as a deliveryman for a Chinese take-out shop in New York City. Ming is behind with payments on his huge debt to the smugglers who brought him to the United States. The collectors have given him until the end of the day to deliver the money that is due. After borrowing most of the money from friends and relatives, Ming realizes that the remainder must come from the day's delivery tips. In order to do so, he must make more than double his average daily income. In a social-realist style, the camera follows Ming on his deliveries throughout the upper Manhattan neighborhood where social and economic extremes exist side by side. Intercutting between Ming's deliveries and the daily routine of the restaurant, Take Out presents a harshly real look at the daily lives of illegal Chinese immigrants in New York City. ===== Charles Bremer (Norman Kaye) is a wealthy, reclusive man. He finds erotic satisfaction in the beauty of art, flowers, and a young woman (Alyson Best), who undresses for him. During the undressings he listens to operatic music such as Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. Throughout the film, he reads letters he has sent to his mother. His mother had long since died, and the letters, it is later revealed, are addressed to himself. ===== Senior high school football star Cameron is traumatized when his best friend is killed in a car accident that he feels responsible for. When Cam learns that his best friend (a track star) was working on breaking the sub-four minute mile, he decides to honor his friend’s memory by accomplishing the goal for him. Cam is met with strong opposition from his football coach and father Gary, who feels he's throwing his sports opportunities away. The father-son disagreement begins to tear the family apart, but Cam continues to pursue his goal, hoping to put his friend’s memory to rest at last. ===== In the Crimea, 1854, Hex meets his hero, Florence Nightingale. ===== In 1828 Edinburgh, Scotland, Dr. Knox (Peter Cushing) is a highly skilled anatomist who draws large crowds of medical students to his lectures on the human body. Though he is constantly at odds with his stuffy, backwards colleagues, he is highly venerated by his students and believes his duty is to push the medical profession forward. Unfortunately, due to the laws of the time very few cadavers are legally available to the medical profession, necessitating the use of graverobbers or "Resurrection men" to procure additional specimens. Dr. Knox's assistant Dr. Mitchell (Dermot Walsh) and a young student named Jackson (John Cairney) are given the task of buying the bodies, which are worth a small fortune... especially when fresh. Meanwhile, drunken miscreants William Burke (George Rose) and William Hare (Donald Pleasence) discover that a lodger at Burke's boarding house has died still owing £4 in rent. When they find that the body can make them a handsome profit, they begin a career of murdering locals and selling them to the medical school. When Jackson goes to a local tavern to give Burke and Hare their pay, he becomes involved with tempestuous local prostitute Mary Patterson (Billie Whitelaw), who is also well-known to the killers. Over time, Jackson and Mitchell begin to suspect that the bodies supplied by Burke and Hare are victims of foul play. Despite their concerns, Dr. Knox dismisses any attempt at going to the police. When Jackson's new girlfriend Mary becomes their latest victim, Jackson discovers her body in the lecture room and he too is killed when he confronts the murderous duo. When they murder a well-known mentally ill youth (Melvyn Hayes), however, they quickly become murder suspects and are caught by an angry mob. Hare agrees to turn King's Evidence against his former partner and is set free, though vindictive locals catch him and burn out his eyes. Burke is executed by hanging, still complaining that Dr. Knox never paid him for the final body. Knox, for his part in the killings, is the object of widespread public outrage, but ultimately not punished or censured by his colleagues (to whom Dr. Mitchell eloquently defends him). Though he is free to continue lecturing, he ultimately feels guilt over his part in the horrors, admitting to his devoted niece Martha (June Laverick) that the murder victims "seemed so small in my scheme of things. But I knew how they died." The film ends with Knox, who assumes his lectures will now be empty, instead finding himself greeted with applause from a packed hall of students. Apparently a changed man, he begins his lecture with the Hippocratic Oath which includes the promise to "never do harm to anyone." ===== Ted and Robin argue over their untidy habits getting in the way of being roommates. They stop when Robin points out that they did not drive each other this crazy when they were dating, and suspects it was the sex that distracted them from this. They initially laugh it off, but end up sleeping together to deal with the situation. Marshall catches them the next morning while using Ted's bathroom to read magazines. Marshall admits he was there as he cannot use the work toilet, because his coworkers judge him. Marshall blackmails Ted and Robin: he will not tell Lily and Barney about their sex, provided he can continue to use their bathroom, but gives in and tells about it. Lily angrily refutes that when two exes try to be friends with benefits, someone always gets hurt. Barney, who is secretly in love with Robin, promptly breaks a television outside MacLaren's to vent his anger. When Marshall confides in his work problem, Barney says that he "reads a magazine" at work all the time, but he then asks for affirmation that they are talking about masturbation. After overhearing some co-workers talk of an abandoned eighth floor in the workplace, Marshall goes into the eighth floor bathroom to read his magazines in peace. Meanwhile, every time Robin and Ted have sex after an argument, it leads to Barney breaking more televisions, and when out of televisions, buying more to smash, causing Lily to get concerned over his feelings for Robin, which he continuously denies. Ted and Robin's arrangement hits a snag when they accidentally kiss each other goodbye on Ted's way out, an old reflex when they were together, and decide to bring it to an end, but this lasts less than a day. Marshall again catches them, as it is revealed that construction workers have destroyed the eighth floor and the bathroom he was using. Barney solves all of Ted and Robin's household problems to ensure they have no reason to have sex. Ted realizes that Barney loves Robin. Barney denies it, but later tells Lily about his heartbreak in front of her kindergarten class. Marshall decides not to be ashamed about using the bathroom at work and finds that his colleagues' attitude towards him changes. He relays his new-found confidence to Barney, who finds it as motivation to tell Ted that he is in love with Robin. Barney tells Marshall that he can use his private bathroom. When Barney arrives at the apartment to tell Ted he loves Robin, he stops when he finds her taking out the trash. She relays Ted's ending of casual sex to Barney, and thinks Ted was afraid of getting hurt because he is too romantic. Barney confesses, saying "I love you" to Robin. Robin misunderstands and thinks he is imitating Ted. They go together for a meal, while Barney does not correct her. As the gang hang out at MacLaren's, Future Ted relays Lily's advice on someone getting hurt when two exes try to be friends with benefits, but notes that it was not him or Robin. Barney gazes at Robin while she is laughing, and looks to Ted, who is okay with Barney's feelings for Robin. ===== The franchise is set in the year 2517, after humanity's arrival in a new star system, and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship. Whedon described the Serenity crew members as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things". The franchise explores the lives of people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and now make a living as part of the pioneer culture that exists on the fringes of their star system. In addition, it is set in a future where the only two surviving superpowers, the United States and China, fused to form the central federal government, called the Alliance, resulting in the fusion of the two cultures as well. According to Whedon's vision, "nothing will change in the future: technology will advance, but we will still have the same political, moral, and ethical problems as today."Whedon, Serenity: Relighting the Firefly, DVD extra ===== A coven of hideously decayed vampire women awaken in their crypt after 200 years of sleep. Their leader, Queen Zorina, plans to return to Hell to be with her husband Lucifer, and must appoint a successor. Two hundred years earlier, the vampire priestess Tundra had attempted to capture a woman, but she escaped; Tundra now vows to capture the woman’s granddaughter, Diana. Tundra transforms into a beautiful young woman, so that she can infiltrate human society. Diana is about to turn 21 and happily engaged to a man named George. That evening, Tundra appears outside her window and attempts to hypnotize her, but is interrupted by George and Diana’s father, Professor Orloff. Tundra transforms into a bat to escape. The professor worries that she is in danger because of an old family prophecy, though he does not tell Diana. He alerts the local inspector, Charles Andrews, but does not tell him the full story either. The professor contacts wrestler Santo to come to that evening’s masquerade ball to protect Diana. After his wrestling match, Santo arrives in the professor’s office. The professor shows him the prophecy, which proves that Santo is the only person who can save Diana, just as his ancestor once saved her grandmother. Santo deduces that since vampires cannot survive in sunlight, they must have a lair, but the professor has been unable to decode that information from the prophecy. The vampires infiltrate the party and attempt to kidnap Diana, but Santo attacks the henchmen and they flee without her. In their lair, Tundra blames Santo for foiling their plan. Zorina scolds Tundra for failing once again, and decides to accompany her the next evening to ensure the job is successful. The inspector comes up with a plan to send Diana out as bait, so they can follow the vampires to their lair and Santo can destroy them. However, one of the vampires’ henchmen disguises himself and steps into the ring to fight Santo. Santo narrowly defeats the masked henchman, who he unmasks to reveal as a werewolf. Even though the police are carefully watching Diana, Tundra and the henchmen attack and kidnap her. Santo arrives and fights off the henchmen, but Tundra has already escaped with Diana. The professor finally breaks a code in the prophecy, revealing the location of the vampires’ lair, and alerts Santo. Santo arrives at the crypt, but is captured alongside Diana. Once he is restrained, Tundra seizes the opportunity to know Santo’s true identity, and demands her henchmen unmask him. However, she is too late, as the sun rises behind her and she bursts into flames. Santo escapes and defeats the remaining henchmen, sets fire to the vampire women in their coffins, and frees Diana. Outside the crypt, Diana is reunited with George and her father, and Santo speeds off in his convertible. ===== Several years after the events of 1990: The Bronx Warriors, Trash (Mark Gregory), former leader of the Riders gang is now a cynical loner, remaining in the impoverished, lawless wasteland of the Bronx and trading in stolen ammunition. The General Construction (GC) Corporation, led by President Clarke (Enio Girolami), wish to tear down the Bronx to turn it into “the city of the future”. To do this they need to clear the current population from the area and have employed expelled prison warden Floyd Wangler (Henry Silva) and a private battalion of Disinfestors to burn, shoot and gas those that will not leave willingly. While the bums, vagrants and elderly are easy prey, the remains of the warrior gangs of the Bronx will not go quietly and a rebel army of all surviving Bronx gangs led by Doblòn (Antonio Sabàto) is holed up underground. When Trash's parents are burned alive by Disinfestors, he begins to take revenge by leading ruthless guerrilla attacks on the clean up squads which in turn leads to the GC Corporation and Floyd Wangler trying ever nastier means of subverting the rebellion (such as rigging hostages with bombs). Then Wangler calls all the squads' leaders and addresses them to a main order: find and kill Trash because the remains of the underground gangs could recognize him as a new charismatic leader for his courage and his ability. Trash, Doblòn, and a crusading reporter named Moon Gray (Valerie Dobson) then team up with psychotic mercenary Crazy Strike (Timothy Brent/Giancarlo Prete) and his equally crazy son (Alessandro Prete) to try a surprise action: the kidnap of President Clarke as a move to put the Bronx back in the hands of the gangs. Then Strike, Trash, Moon and little Junior (Strike's son) move to the surface in order to carry out the kidnapping of Mr Clarke who's about to attend a propaganda ceremony in the Bronx; even if the three adults go up; the kid remains downstairs to cover their successive escape with explosives. When upstairs, the three ones realize that the area is well controlled by a consistent security force; then Moon studies a diversion. She suddenly appears during the governor's speech shouting against Clarke and the governor himself and accusing them to be liar. Then one of the governor's men kills Moon and put a gun on her in order to stage a "self-defense" action. Chaos and confusion crosses the area; panicked ones escape, others shout. The case wants that president Clark uses an old wooden door as a shelter but, behind the door, stands Trash. He takes advantage of the general mess to force Clarke to follow him under gun menace while Crazy Strike helps Trash move by using explosives and hand-bombs. So Trash, Clark and Strike go back to a collector that gives 'em the passage into the underground area; their escape is smartly helped by the explosives set by Junior. They get to Doblòn ruled area in order to carry out the blackmail but Mr Hoffman (Clark's deputy) orders Wangler to carry out an attack with a lethal gas; he wants to accomplish a double missions: annihilating the résistance and eliminating president Clarke because Hoffman wants to part him from the power. Doblòn gets a warning about the imminent attack and order his people to move to the surface, so they succeed in avoiding the gas thanks to Crazy Strike's advice. When on the surface, the Bronx becomes a fierce battlefield; the two armies are engaged in a cruel combat. At the end of those few hours of war; only three people survive: Trash, Crazy Strike and Junior, his son. After taking a look around him, the kid asks his father to go back to the underground because the surface wasteland is not a good place to be. Strike concurs and both father and son invite Trash to follow them. Trash doesn't accept and, after greeting those two friends, goes away. ===== Since murdering the Ice Truck Killer five weeks previously, Dexter has been followed by the suspicious Sgt. James Doakes and thus cannot satisfy his urge to kill. Trying to act "relentlessly normal", Dexter goes bowling almost nightly with his co-workers. Dexter is finally left alone when Doakes gives up and takes a night off; he pursues a blind voodoo priest, Jimmy (Glenn Plummer), but finds himself ultimately unable to kill him. At a crime scene, the victim's mother (Anna Maganini) pleads with Dexter to kill her son's murderer, gang lord "Little Chino" (Matthew Willig). Seeing the woman's young daughter, he is reminded of having witnessed his own mother's brutal death as a child. After leading Doakes to believe that he is bowling for the night, Dexter brings Chino to Jimmy's killing room. However, Chino wakes up in the middle of Dexter's procedure and manages to escape. Meanwhile, Dexter's sister Debra exercises incessantly and is barely able to sleep as she struggles with memories of her ex-fiancé, Brian Moser, trying to kill her. When she returns to work, Sgt. María LaGuerta expresses concern about her emotional stability. However, Debra is determined to resume her life. When she takes Dexter's girlfriend Rita out to a bar, a man recognizes Debra as the fiancé of the Ice Truck Killer. She instinctively punches him when he touches her shoulder, certain that he was trying to grab her. Rita takes her children Astor and Cody to see the imprisoned Paul, who continues to insist that he was framed by Dexter and that his missing shoe would prove his innocence. Rita tells him that there is no shoe, despite having found it over a month ago. She later admits that she found the shoe, but refuses to acknowledge that Dexter is involved. That night, she receives a call from the prison and learns that Paul has been killed by another inmate. Flashbacks show the attempts of a teenaged Dexter (Devon Graye) to feel his heartbeat. In the present, Dexter and Debra watch a news report showing a team of scuba divers recovering thirty garbage bags from Biscayne Bay, each containing parts of Dexter's mutilated victims. As he watches, his heart races. ===== Jakub is a daydreamer in his early 30s and is still living with his father. The father is tired of Jakub's idleness and throws him out of the flat. He tells Jakub to sell the old garden of his grandfather and to buy his own flat. Jakub retires into the neglected garden and retreats into the worn garden house from the world and from his problems. The garden turns out to be a magical place full of surprises and mysteries. Jakub stumbles across his grandfather's journal which is written in reverse script. He finds a map leading him to an old bottle of slivovice hidden years ago. Now curious Jakub must solve the mysteries of his grandfather's garden. He meets Helena, a young girl Jakub's grandfather taught to also write backwards. Strange things happen in the garden, and some of them do indeed seem like miracles. Amid the eccentric events, young Helena teaches Jakub to appreciate the delicate mysteries of life. In the end Jakub loses all his possessions but finds his peace. ===== JW is a young man originally from the countryside who now lives in Stockholm. JW feigns the appearance of a stekare (in Swedish parlance, a lifestyle based on flaunting one's apparent wealth; a jetsetter), actually leading a double life driving taxi illegally to finance his expensive life on Stureplan. Abdulkarim, who runs the taxi business, offers JW a job selling cocaine instead. JW accepts the offer and enters the criminal underground of Stockholm. Jorge Salinas Barrio is a Latino who has gone to prison after taking the blame for drug business in which the Yugoslav mafia was involved. He escapes from Österåker Prison with plans to flee the country. Mrado Slovovic is a Serbian henchman who runs errands for the Yugoslav mafia, but secretly he dreams of a normal life with his daughter Lovisa. The three characters unite in the book through their dreams about quick earnings. Once JW and Abdulkarim have the cocaine sales going they want to expand. Abdulkarim has heard of Jorge, the recent escapee. The word on the street is that Jorge got very knowledgeable about the cocaine trade while he was in prison and thus JW gets an assignment to hire him. Simultaneously Jorge has tried to blackmail the Yugoslav mafia boss. The hitman Mrado has been contracted to dissuade him. When JW finally finds Jorge he is laying beaten-up in a forest, courtesy of Mrado. ===== Anwar, lives a middle-class lifestyle in Lucknow, India, with his mother and sister Suraiya. Anwar is researching on ancient Hindu mandirs. The family rents out a room to a poor widow and her attractive daughter, Mehru, whom Anwar falls in love with. Anwar is certain of Mehru's love for him, but she runs away with Udit (Anwar's Friend). Anwar reacts impulsively which results in death of Udit. Following which, Mehru commits suicide. A guilt-ridden Anwar takes shelter in an ancient Hindu temple in Dholpur carrying a bag, which contains drawings of mandirs and notes on Lord Krishna, Devi Meera, and Mehru. This bag ends up with the police, who now believe that Anwar is a terrorist who is planning to detonate bombs in sacred Hindu temples. The place is surrounded by the police, politicians who are anxious to win the Hindu vote, the media, and a huge crowd who are here to see the show. Set against post 9/11 scenario, amidst the craze for Valentine's Day, Britney Spears, Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush, and the American way of life, Anwar must now examine his options. In the end, Anwar gets shot by the cops and he dies immediately. While dying, he has a vision of himself as Lord Krishna and his love Mehru as Meera, re-uniting with each other. ===== Brendan (Peter McDonald) is a shy, reserved teacher who takes his profession seriously. Away from the classroom, he has a love of films and classical music. One night, after practising with his church choir, he meets Trudy (Flora Montgomery), a bright, witty and free-spirited woman whom he believes is a Montessori teacher. Despite the differences in their personalities, the two begin a relationship. Brendan is unaware that his new girlfriend is actually a burglar, and is shocked when Trudy asks him to prove his love by helping her on one of her 'jobs'. Brendan is torn between his feelings for Trudy, and the desire to do what is right. Throughout his relationship with her, Brendan slowly begins to discover himself, and realises that there is more to life than music and movies. ===== The novel begins where its predecessor, The Fall of Colossus leaves off, with the supercomputer Colossus immobilized and the Martians arriving on Earth. They appear before Charles Forbin and his friend Edward Blake in the form of two black spheres, and quickly demonstrate vast intellect and powers of transformation and telepathy. After immobilizing Blake, they explain to Forbin their purpose in immobilizing Colossus — their desire to take half of the Earth's oxygen, a process that will kill nearly a quarter of the human population. In order to proceed with construction of the "Collector" designed to harvest the oxygen, the Martians reactivate the parts of Colossus necessary to manage human society. Though having no other option but to agree to the Martians' plan, Forbin continues to search for an alternative. He discovers in conversation with the Martians that their need for the oxygen is driven by the threat of radiation emanating from the Crab Nebula, which will kill the Martians without the protection of an oxygenated atmosphere. As construction of the Collector proceeds, a humbled Blake proposes to Forbin that the old Colossus — the "parent" of the crippled system, be reactivated. With little other alternative, Forbin agrees. Construction equipment controlled by Colossus soon completes work on the Collector. An initial five-minute test of the device proves enormously destructive. With a second, final test imminent, Blake travels to Colorado with Angela, Forbin's private secretary. Racing against time, Blake and a small team of workers succeeds in penetrating the mountain where the old Colossus is located and re-activating the computer, only to discover that, once supplied with the facts of the situation, Colossus argues that the collection program is in the best interests of humans' long-term future and should move forward. Informed of the failure of their plan, Forbin watches the second test proceed. Upon its conclusion he embarks on a new plan. With his new secretary, a fervently devout woman named Joan, he flies to Portsmouth and takes command of the battleships stationed there for the Sea War Games. Yet doing so puts him out of contact with Blake and the old Colossus, who informs Blake that a solution might exist that is acceptable to both the Martians and humanity. Regaining control of the nuclear arsenal, Colossus contacts the Martians, who inform it of Forbin's attempt to use the battleships to destroy the Collector. Though the Martians attempt to destroy the fleet using their device, they underestimate the power of the battleships' guns, which succeed in destroying the Collector. Though the Martians are defeated, Forbin dies in the process. He is buried by the reactivated Colossus, who reaches an agreement with the Martians: a smaller version of the Collector will extract the oxygen more gradually and sustainably; in return, humanity, with the guidance of Colossus, will retreat to Mars once the Sun becomes a red giant and destroys the Earth. ===== Jack Fang (Christopher Lee) publicly proposes to Vikki Tse (Fann Wong) during the live telecast of a regional awards show. Surprised but happy, Vikki accepts. What the public doesn't know is that the entire love affair of these two famous celebrities, Jack and Vikki, is an elaborate and meticulously planned ruse designed by their ambitious managers, May (Alice Lau) and Tom (Blackie Chen), to trick the public into believing that they are getting married. In reality, Jack has disliked Vikki from the first day they met and vice versa. Yet for fame and money from endorsements, these rival celebrities keep up with their “fake” marriage to increase their popularity. Just when everything starts going well, an incident rattles some of the fans and the media. There is now lingering doubt about the authenticity of this love match. They fall in love. ===== Each episode begins in much the same way with a short sequence in which Digby is awoken by an elaborate alarm system, then tries in vain to prevent the paperboy throwing his newspaper into a puddle. Similarly the episodes all end in the same way with a short sequence in which the editor inspects a newspaper front page expecting to see a great story, but is instead frustrated when it shows instead a picture depicting the results of Digby's clumsiness and mistakes, at which point the character played by Mark Benton shouts "DIGBY DIGWORTH!". In every series 1 episode, Digby and Hacker have to turn to the mysterious Sid the Source when in trouble, who considers covering his face from the public. Hacker often mistakes Sid the Source as a sauce topping, so every time Digby said "Every reporter needs a source.", Hacker holds up a different type of sauce each episode. ===== Colonel Hogan rents his mercenaries out to anyone with the right price. This time it's businessman Michaelson. A deal is struck, and Hogan recruits new troops. For training, he orders his troops to kidnap innocent people, take them to the forest and hunt them. Unfortunately this time, they picked the wrong guy, Mike Danton. Danton, a Vietnam veteran, is ambushed while taking out the trash. Taken to the forest, he is stripped to his shorts, greased up and told to run. The mercenaries hunt Danton, but are meticulously picked off one by one. The troops report this to Colonel Hogan, who sends a task force with his best man, Lieutenant Thornton. One of this elite combat unit is Jack Cooper. Cooper and Danton realize who each other are while trying to kill each other. Cooper has not seen Danton since he took a bullet for him in 'Nam. With his new-found friend, Danton continues to punish the mercenaries, and get back to his wife Jaimey. Hogan uses Danton's family against him, but this angers Danton. After storming the military training camp Danton arms himself up and destroys all traces of Hogan's mercenaries. ===== In the year of 2025, an organization called the GGP has taken control of the world. Rin Ogata was a promising up-and-coming ballet dancer, but suffered a serious injury while dancing and decided to quit. Years later in college, she comes across a club building and soon finds herself intrigued by a transforming motorcycle-like robotic vehicle called a "Rideback". She soon finds that her unique ballet skills with balance and finesse make her a born natural on a Rideback. However, those same skills also get her into serious trouble with the government. ===== The classic Arabian Nights tale "The Thief of Bagdad" is retold and relocated to ancient China. D.B. (or "Devil Boy") (John Reardon) was abandoned at birth and rescued from the docks of Shanghai to grow into an impetuous thief who steals to provide food for the street children he considers his family. Now the young man and his wise partner Bird (David Carradine), have their eyes on stealing the royal court's jewels. They devise a plan to get into the court by wooing the Governor's daughter, Princess Li Wei (Desiree Siahaan) with whom he is immediately attracted to. However, they are met with strong competition from other potential suitors, especially the Prince of the North (Rupert Graves) who is the Governor's personal choice. The Princess, however, finds D.B. most intriguing and manages to convince her father to challenge all her suitors with rigorous trials to prove their worth. As various suitors proceed with the tests put before them, the Princess sends along her lady-in-waiting, Ting Ting (Theresa Lee), disguised as a man to keep D.B. safe. However, the Princess doesn't know that Ting Ting already knows D.B. and has her own secret feelings for him. ===== The film tells about the activities of the association of composers "The Five", who were drawing inspiration from Russian folk art. Like many representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, members of this musical community were imbued with the plight of the peasants and sought to write works that would draw people's attention to this poorest layer of society. The young composer Modest Mussorgsky decides to devote his life to music and to make it the property of the people. Only his mother supports his “ignoble” undertakings. Young man leaves the military service and ponders writing a work about the peasants, together with members of The Mighty Handful. The Imperial Musical Society is not pleased with the activities of composers; it excludes Balakirev. The writer Stasov expresses his opinion by calling the Society newspaper musical liars, eventually ending up in court for libel, and being sued for a monetary penalty. During a trial, many supporters of "The Five" are presented. A peasant music school, created by composers, is described for debts. Meanwhile, not one of the editions of Mussorgsky’s opera Boris Godunov was allowed to appear in the imperial theaters. The directorate surrenders when the whole city begins to protest, the opera is a tremendous success. "Boris Godunov" radically changes the direction of the work of Russian composers. ===== Con-woman Diana McQueen decides to skip out of town and leave her boss, Tom Rourke, behind. To avoid the conflict that would result by her quick disappearance, she switches places with a dying friend, who had planned on becoming a man's mail-order bride. Seeing that this is her only chance to escape, she takes on the role and lies to the unsuspecting frontiersman. ===== Bridget Connolly (Patty Duke) and Betsy Lucas (Shelley Long) are two social climbing society women from Catalina Island who have been continuous rivals for some unknown reason. But when Betsy's son Mark falls in love with the girl next door—who happens to be Bridget's daughter Theresa—the two women put all of their energy in to planning the wedding, much to the chagrin of their children. ===== Giff Hoyt (Bronson), a cafe owner in Cabo Blanco, Peru after World War II is caught between refuge-seeking Nazis and their enemies. After the murder of a sea explorer is passed off as accidental death by the corrupt local police, Giff becomes suspicious. The police chief (Rey) also intimidates a new arrival Marie (Sanda), and Giff intervenes to help her. Giff suspects Beckdorff (Robards), a Nazi refugee living in the area. Beckdorff, it emerges, is seeking to uncover sunken treasure. ===== The novel is set during the summer holidays early in the Second World War. The Templetons are English residents on the fictional island of Clerinel in the English Channel. The children are all members of the local Pony Club. Caroline rides the spirited Dinah, Mick the more placid Punch, and their little brother the chubby Bellman. Meanwhile, there are rumours that the Germans who have occupied the nearby Channel Islands may be planning to take over Clerinel too. The location and topography of the island are ideally suited as a platform for launching an invasion of the South Coast. Mr. Templeton discusses leaving with the children, prompting Caroline's horrified response: "We couldn't leave Dinah". The Pony Club's chairman, Peter Beaumarchais, has surprisingly opted for a fancy-dress carnival as their Anniversary Day celebration in mid- September. Caroline decides to go as Elaine the Lily Maid of Astolat; Mick chooses to dress simply as a local fisherboy and borrows some clothes from Petit-Jean. During the celebration Caroline spots some unfamiliar riders in fancy dress. These riders turn out to be a party of German invaders taking advantage of the fancy dress to gain easy access to the Martello tower. The English residents hurriedly evacuate, but in the confusion Caroline and Mick are left behind. Their home having been requisitioned by the German general, they camp in some caves that have been fitted out as stables. With the help of Peter they manage to survive and stay hidden while planning their escape. After Mick stumbles across a hidden message and decodes it, they realise there are spies on the English side working on the island. Believing he can help discover some useful information, Mick volunteers to coach Nannerl, the German general's granddaughter, in riding. Nannerl joins the Pony Club, and when Caroline leaves the island she feels Dinah is safe with the German girl until they can return. ===== The novel begins with Chase Insteadman, a former child actor whose career seems to be over, accidentally meeting Perkus Tooth, a once-promising critic now barely surviving by writing liner notes for CDs and DVDs at the office space of The Criterion Collection, and Perkus is eager to expose Chase to a self-contained universe of pop culture esoterica. Perkus has unconventional opinions on almost everything, especially Marlon Brando, and is glad to express them; Chase contents himself with listening to his new friend. Much of the first part of the novel is pivoted upon Perkus' speeches and Chase's thoughts about them. In this part of the novel readers also meet Perkus' friends: Oona Laszlo, a ghost-writer of autobiographies, and presently that of high-profile sculptor Laird Noteless, whose "dystopian" public art exhibits are hinted to actually be disaster sites; Richard Abneg, a former squatter, now working for the powerful NYC mayor, Jules Arnheim (who seems to be a fictional portrait of Michael Bloomberg); Biller, a black hobo who unexpectedly turns Internet wizard; and Georgina Hawkmanaji, often referred to as the ostrich-woman, a Turk heiress to "twenty million or so of inherited Armenian plunder." Strange things happen in the NYC depicted in the novel; a mysterious tiger randomly destroys buildings and underground stations; a grey fog envelops Manhattan's Downtown; people are fascinated by mysterious chaldrons, gorgeous vases that are only seen in pictures, because nobody seems to have ever seen the originals; people keep asking Chase about his fiancée, Janice Trumbull, stranded on the orbital space station, even though he cannot remember anything of the woman but her letters. On the other hand, nothing really important seems to happen in the plot, with the characters living their ordinary lives, unconventional as they may be. But then the tiger strikes Perkus' favorite hamburger joint, and damages the building he lives in; this suddenly turns him into a hobo, and sets in motion a chain of events which will bring the novel to its conclusion—and to several final revelations. ===== The series focuses on the conflict between the McGregors, a family of wealthy oil developers residing on Montrose Ranch, and the Henrys, a widow and her three daughters living in the neighbouring Rivercross Ranch. Prior to the series, Rivercross used to belong to the McGregors, but was given to the Henrys by the now-deceased head of the McGregor family. The current head of the McGregor family, David, resented this decision and wants to take back Rivercross. Shortly before the beginning of the series, David McGregor provided a loan to the Henrys to help them operate their ranch with the promise to repay $10,000 back monthly. As the series begin, the Henrys have defaulted on roughly $60,000 in monthly payments, and David tries to foreclose on the property. ===== The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl. ===== Falco and his family attend a dinner party in Alexandria, Egypt, hosted by his mother's brother Fulvius and his partner Cassius, to which the Serapaeion Chief Librarian, Theon, is invited. Unfortunately for them, Theon is later found dead, locked in his chamber, and Falco's entire family falls under suspicion for causing Theon's demise. As usual, Falco has to clear everyone's names. He visits the Serapeion and meets the people running it, including Philetus, its deceptively incompetent Director, and a naturalist, Philadelphion. Falco's family also cross paths with an old family friend, Thalia (from Venus in Copper and Last Act in Palmyra), who has also arrived in Egypt presumably to "discuss business" with Philadelphion, as well as his dreaded father Geminus, who has arrived to discuss business with uncle Fulvius. More deaths soon follow: an old scholar, Nibytas, is found dead in the Library of Alexandria, while a student, Heras, is devoured by a crocodile in Philadelphion's care, further compounding the difficulty of Falco's investigations. Philadelphion takes matters into his own hands and personally dissects Theon's body in public, risking arrest by the authorities in the process (who have banned operating on dead bodies), but not before revealing some interesting tidbits: Theon was emotionally depressed (his liver was enlarged from heavy drinking) and that he was poisoned from ingesting oleander. A deadly chase through the streets of Alexandria ending at the top of the Pharos soon reveals more: the Director was stealing library scrolls for resale back to Rome; the intermediaries being none other than Falco's uncle and father, Fulvius and Geminius. Theon and Nibytas tried to stop Philetus, with tragic consequences for both: Nibytas chose to press on and was murdered, while Theon simply committed suicide by eating the oleander from garlands at the dinner party with Fulvius. Falco sadly admits that he may have caused Theon's death simply by asking Theon about the books under his care while having dinner with Fulvius, causing Theon to decide to take his own life later. Fearful of being found out, Philetus starts a fire in the library but Helena and the students manage to douse the blaze; he is eventually forced to relinquish his post as Director. With the cases of Theon and Nibytas now solved, one death remains to be investigated, however: that of Heras. Falco discovers a love triangle between Philadelphion and a lawyer named Nicanor, but both men reconcile and take turns to "share" the woman. Heras' death is revealed to be indeed linked to the Chief Librarian's post — a disgruntled Library worker named Timosthenes hoped to kill Philadelphion by getting his own crocodiles to eat him, but ended up killing Heras instead. Enraged at his failure, Timosthenes attempts to kill Falco but is instead stabbed to death by Katutis, who has been stalking Falco all along to coax a job out of him in Rome — Falco grudgingly allows Katutis to follow his family back to Rome, where he becomes Falco's secretary. Back in Rome, Falco and Helena receive a letter from Cassius, stating that Philadelphion eventually became the Chief Librarian, despite having vowed to Falco to renounce the position to stay on as a naturalist. Falco laments that despite Philadelphion's brilliance as a biologist, he may not like his new job as his interest is in experimental science, not archival management. ===== Peyton MacGruder (Genie Francis) is still learning how to be a parent after reuniting with Christine, the daughter she gave up for adoption 18 years earlier. She’s also trying to manage her new relationship with King (Ted McGinley), but things get even more complicated when he asks her to marry him. Peyton is hesitant to take a chance at the happiness she deserves, but a note from a reader of her "Heart Healer" column leads to a new friendship that will teach her there’s a time to be cautious and a time to follow your heart. ===== A highly esteemed student falls for Otsuta, a geisha. ===== In the spring of 1919, Pavel Andreevitch Koltsov (Yuri Solomin), an agent of the Reds, is sent as the head of the Cheka by Martin Latsis into the Volunteer Army. On the road, he and several other White officers are captured by the "Greens" of Evgeniy Angel. Taking advantage of a right moment, Koltsov takes possession of arms, and the officers along with two Red Army commanders, also prisoners of Angel, with a fight break out of captivity. After hearing the story about the escape, Commander Vladimir Kovalevsky Zenonovich (modeled after General Vladimir May- Mayevsky) appoints Koltsov as his adjutant. Koltsov runs several covert operations while successfully passing all tests regarding his legendary status and does not give in to provocations of the counterintelligence. At the same time there is a romantic side plot in which Pavel Koltsov wins over the daughter of Colonel Shchukin Thani, chief of counterintelligence. Another important plot line is the fate of Yuri Lvov, the son of the White colonel who was killed in battle. The boy is going through a series of tragic adventures on both sides of the front until Koltsov starts taking care of him. The observant Yura guesses that Koltsov is a spy for the Reds. In a frank discussion, Koltsov manages to convince Yura that he is acting with good and noble intentions. At the end of the film Koltsov sacrifices himself to destroy the special train of the Whites with British tanks, which is driven to the front. Koltsov gets arrested and imminent death awaits him. The titles before each series state "Dedicated to the first Chekists". ===== James (Niall Wright) is a withdrawn and secretive teenager, coming from a family with long-buried secrets. With no friends and a refusal to confide with his parents (Margaret Goodman and Gerry Doherty), he faces an inner battle as he comes to terms with his sexuality. His literature teacher, Mr. Sutherland (Matt Jennings), is his sole beacon of hope, believing that he may understand the trouble he faces. However, in his moment of need, Sutherland, concerned by the risks involved, fails to provide James with the support he needs. Devoid of hope, he makes an audacious decision to turn to seemingly the last person who can help, an old man (Louis Rolston) that he meets in the public toilets.James (2008) IMDB Plot Summary "James - a coming of age film by Connor Clements", Interview by TheSkyKid.Com ===== Police bring two teenagers, victims of a car crash, into the Hospital Emergency Room. The boy is combative and physically retained and the girl unconscious. The police believer the car stolen and the girl abducted. The boy says nothing, his jaw was broken during a scuffle with the police, and his toxicology screen comes back clean and his altered state the police believe may be from a concussion. Ray notices that the boy is signing, he is deaf, so the restraints are removed. Sam starts work at her new job with Elliot and decides waking up in a mansion with a housekeeper is not so bad. When she gets a chauffeur driven car to County the staff's interest is piqued. Luka meets up with Alex in the hospital and finds that Sam's son is equally enamoured with their new lifestyle. Sam assures him that they are doing well but when she returns to their new home and finds Elliot refusing her treatment it looks as though things are not going to be as simple working privately as she'd hoped. Abby finally gets up the nerve to tell Luka that she wants him to stay, citing that even though they have not decided what they are to each other yet she wants him to be there with her for the pregnancy. She blurts all this out unaware that he has already made his decision. Hearing that he is staying a bashful Abby can not help but smile. Morris is offered a job with a pharmaceutical company by an attractive woman. The prospect of an expense account has him especially intrigued. Ray Barnett tries to persuade Neela to stay at their apartment but Neela says she's already looking around for somewhere else. Neela meets up with Michael's parents and the trio spend the day in Chicago. Michael's parents bicker the whole time and Neela is often left feeling out of place. Ray gets home with a pizza peace offering but finds Neela just about to walk out of the door. She is going to stay at Abby's place. Ray begs Neela to stay, saying his feelings for her will not get in the way, but her mind is made up and she leaves. ===== Balkan Prince Henry arrives in New York City, determined to see how the "ordinary" man lives and works. Since his travel companions are unaware of his bold plan, he has to sneak away. He takes a taxi and gets to know the driver, Buzz Williams. Henry makes up a background story for himself, claiming to be from Milwaukee, but it turns out the taxi driver was born and grew up there, which makes it harder for Henry to maintain his lie. Buzz invites Henry into his Brooklyn home, and teaches the prince all there is to know about real life. Henry is introduced to Buzz's sister, Nan Evans, and her young daughter, Peggy. Unfortunately for Henry, there is a picture of him in the newspapers the next day, and it says he has been kidnapped. Henry assures Buzz that he will return in good time to stop his country from being converted to a republic. Buzz then helps Henry disguise himself by taking him to the barber shop where his girlfriend Connie Read works, and he shaves off his mustache. That evening, Buzz and Henry plan to go on a double date with Connie and her friend Polly. Before that, Buzz asks Connie to show Henry around the area. During the day, Connie and Henry fall for each other, and Henry ultimately suggests they go somewhere and dine alone. Henry arranges money to pay for dinner and Buzz's costs from his aide, Count Oswald. Then he and Connie have dinner, and afterwards meet up with Buzz, Polly and Oswald at the restaurant. They go to a movie together, and Buzz pays for his ticket with Balkan money he got from Oswald. The movie theater manager becomes suspicious about the money and calls the FBI. They arrive and apprehend Henry at Connie's apartment. Henry is brought back to his hotel, where Oswald is waiting for him. The next day, Buzz's niece Peggy comes to beg Henry to stay away from Connie because Buzz is so jealous. She wants Henry to help get Buzz and Connie back together. Henry invites them all to his hotel suite to listen to a speech he is about to broadcast on the radio to the people of his country. While they are in the suite, Connie tries to convince Buzz that they are not right for each other. Henry practices his speech and asks Buzz for help, which makes him talk about his love for the United States with great passion. They are unaware that the microphone is on, and Buzz's words are being broadcast. Since Buzz's speech is very good, he quickly becomes famous for his eloquence. Furthermore, the speech makes Connie fall back in love with him. The people hearing Buzz's talk are inspired to vote to switch from a monarchy to a republic. Henry loses his title and privileges, and is free to stay in the US. He chooses to do that, and rushes off to Connie to ask for her hand in marriage. He is unaware that Buzz has done the same, and Connie has to decide which one of the completely different men she wants. Ultimately, Connie chooses to marry Buzz, the man she has known for a long time and been in love with since she met him. Disappointed, Henry decides to go to Milwaukee, his pretended hometown, where he has been offered a job at a beer company. On the plane, he sees his favorite actress, Lauren Bacall, but is again discouraged when he sees that her husband, Humphrey Bogart, is sitting next to her. ===== Excited about trying to known everything about the Martians, Papelucho decides to catch one by using his experiments. One day, Papelucho surprising finds an actual Martian called Det, a Martian child, who is extremely curious about the humans and without thinking, he decide to introduce himself on Papelucho's body. Papelucho starts to live with Det inside his veins and establish a deep friendship with him, but he finally think that Det cannot live in Earth anymore and needs to return to Mars. For that purpose, Papelucho starts to build a spaceship for fly to Mars and bring his friend back to home without knowing what will happen to him. ===== Divorced New York couple Phil and Ellen Gayley each buy a winter coat for their seven-year-old daughter Phillippa, known as "Flip". Flip has spent the last six months with her father, but is about to move in with her mother. Phil asks Ellen to dinner to attempt a reconciliation. While there, model Nancy Graham sees Phil and assumes he is there to see her. Phil tries to juggle both women, but Ellen finds out and leaves. On Christmas Eve, Phil dresses up as Santa Claus in order to sneak into Ellen's apartment and see his daughter. Ellen assumes he is her divorce lawyer, Rex De Vallon, who earlier agreed to play Santa. When Rex arrives, Phil locks him in the bathroom and a fight ensues. Ellen then insists Phil stay away from Flip for the next six months. Phil manages to persuade Ellen and Flip to go away together to a rural cabin in Connecticut that is owned by his friend, Jack Gordon. However, Jack turns up with his girlfriend Nancy, ruining the trip. Meanwhile, Flip has been writing letters to Fenwick Lonkowski, a Marine, pretending to be older than she is, and sending him a picture of Ellen instead of one of herself. Fenwick arrives to have lunch with Flip and assumes Ellen is her; Ellen decides to flirt with him in order to get revenge on Phil. Eventually Phil tells Fenwick that Flip wrote the letters. When Fenwick learns how much Flip wants her parents to reunite, he decides to help her. Fenwick takes Flip to Luigi's, and she refuses to return unless her parents make up. Ellen finally agrees to take Phil back, and Fenwick consoles himself with Luigi's hatcheck girl. ===== The story begins as a narrative within a narrative from the point of view of a blind tamata peddler, who first encounters Ninon's father when he wants to buy a tamata for his daughter, Ninon, who is suffering 'everywhere'. The novel abruptly shifts its perspective to Ninon's story. Ninon, a young woman in her 20s, meets a man working at a restaurant who catches her fancy. She eventually allows herself to be seduced and they end up making love the same day. They part, and she visits the restaurant again the following day only to hear from the chef that the man was an escaped convict and had been arrested by the police. The narrative is splintered to include the journey of Ninon's father and mother to her wedding. Ninon travels around Europe and, on a visit to a museum, encounters Gino. They become devoted lovers, and in one memorable occasion break open a shack with their love-making. During the course of their relationship, Ninon notices sores on her lips and decides to see a doctor when they do not heal. To her shock, the doctor tells her that she has AIDS. She realizes that the man at the restaurant was the one who gave the disease to her and feels bitter and angry. She breaks off communication with Gino who is frantic to speak with her. Eventually, she explains to Gino that she has AIDS, expecting rebuke and disgust, but to her surprise, Gino proposes marriage. The lovers manage to create meaning in their lives in the face of approaching death. ===== Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) loses his job as a cellist when his orchestra is disbanded. He and his wife Mika (Ryōko Hirosue) move from Tokyo to his hometown in Yamagata, where they live in his childhood home that was left to him when his mother died two years earlier. It is fronted by a coffee shop that Daigo's father had operated before he ran off with a waitress when Daigo was six; since then the two have had no contact. Daigo feels hatred towards his father and guilt for not taking better care of his mother. He still keeps a "stone-letter"—a stone which is said to convey meaning through its texture—which his father had given him many years before. Daigo finds an advertisement for a job "assisting departures". Assuming it to be a job in a travel agency, he goes to the interview at the NK Agent office and learns from the secretary, Yuriko Kamimura (Kimiko Yo), that he will be preparing bodies for cremation in a ceremony known as encoffinment. Though reluctant, Daigo is hired on the spot and receives a cash advance from his new boss, Sasaki (Tsutomu Yamazaki). Daigo is furtive about his duties and hides the true nature of the job from Mika. His first assignment is to assist with the encoffinment of a woman who died at home and remained undiscovered for two weeks. He is beset with nausea and later humiliated when strangers on a bus detect an unsavoury scent on him. To clean himself, he visits a public bath which he had frequented as a child. It is owned by Tsuyako Yamashita (Kazuko Yoshiyuki), the mother of one of Daigo's former classmates. Over time, Daigo becomes comfortable with his profession as he completes a number of assignments and experiences the gratitude of the families of the deceased. Though he faces social ostracism, Daigo refuses to quit, even after Mika discovers a training DVD in which he plays a corpse and leaves him to return to her parents' home in Tokyo. Daigo's former classmate Yamashita (Tetta Sugimoto) insists that the mortician find a more respectable line of work and, until then, avoids him and his family. After a few months, Mika returns and announces that she is pregnant. She expresses hope that Daigo will find a job of which their child can be proud. During the ensuing argument, Daigo receives a call for an encoffinment for Mrs Yamashita. Daigo prepares her body in front of both the Yamashita family and Mika, who had known the public bath owner. The ritual earns him the respect of all present, and Mika stops insisting that Daigo change jobs. Sometime later, they learn of the death of Daigo's father. Daigo experiences renewed feelings of anger and tells the others at the NK office that he refuses to deal with his father's body. Feeling ashamed of having abandoned her own son long ago, Yuriko tells this to Daigo in an effort to change his mind. Daigo berates Yuriko and storms out before collecting himself and turning around. He goes with Mika to another village to see the body. Daigo is at first unable to recognize him, but takes offence when local funeral workers are careless with the body. He insists on dressing it himself, and while doing so finds a stone-letter that he had given to his father, held tight in the dead man's hands. The childhood memory of his father's face returns to him, and after he finishes the ceremony, Daigo gently presses the stone-letter to Mika's pregnant belly. ===== Wally Hogan (Hope) has things going his way. He is the manager-trainer of Bullet Bradley (Stanley Clements), a fighter who has just won the lightweight championship. Life suddenly takes a not-so-happy turn, however, when Bullet gets drafted. Hogan's gangster partners persuade him to enlist and keep an eye on the fighter, who is subsequently declared psychologically unfit for the Army. Enter Herbert Tuttle (Mickey Rooney), a draftee eager to have Hogan turn him into a fighter. Hogan reluctantly agrees only after he discovers Tuttle's aunt is the beautiful singer (Marilyn Maxwell) at a nightclub. From then on it is a case of stringing Tuttle along while trying to get close to his aunt. To further complicate Hogan's life there is a military policeman who tries to squash the shenanigans. ===== Japan builds a large space power plant called Saint Elmo in the planet Mercury. The plant supports Earth with its large solar energy supply, but, when there is an abnormality at the plant, Earth has to send several technicians to fix the problem. ===== Priscilla White (Jenna Dewan) is a prim and proper girl. She has a boyfriend, Brad (Ben Marten), but is "saving herself" sexually until marriage. She starts her freshman year at Pennington College as a scholar from her sexual abstinence group. In her dorm room she meets hallmates Chuck (Chase Ryan Jeffery) and Kevin (Elan Moss-Bachrach), Kevin's girlfriend Eileen (Ashley Schneider), and her own roommate, Natalie "The Naz" (Brianne Davis). Naz is Priscilla's polar opposite: she smokes cigarettes and pot, drinks alcohol, and is very sexually active. Chuck is attracted to Priscilla, but she rejects his advances saying she has a boyfriend. The guys invite Priscilla and Naz to a frat party being held to welcome Ed Curtzman (Rob Schneider), producer of "Chicks Go Crazy" (a parody of Girls Gone Wild). Priscilla declines as she has to study, but the loud noise keeps her awake, and she goes to the party to complain. Naz feeds her alcohol-infused gelatin dessert until she becomes drunk. Curtzman continues to promote his show and films Priscilla (wearing a moose head) topless. A title says Priscilla is now 69% pure. Told about her behavior at the party, and that it had been caught on film, she decides to travel to Detroit on Oktoberfest, with Naz, Kevin and Chuck, to recover the footage from Curtzman. In a strip club, where they had hoped to find him, Naz persuades a male stripper to dance for Priscilla, which she discreetly enjoys. A title says she is now 47% pure. Back at the hotel, Naz offers her some brownies: they are laced with marijuana. Under their influence, Priscilla wakes up and talks to Curtzman, who is drunk: neither in their proper minds, they let each other pass and Priscilla sleeps in the room of Rudy (Bo Burnham), Curtzman's cameraman. The following morning she unwittingly gives Rudy a handjob after assuming that Naz brought a dildo to their bed. A title says she is now 25% pure. Still in search of the footage, the group breaks into Curtzman's truck, where they find a picture of his daughter, Becca (Sarah Habel). Curtzman and Rudy discover them in the truck, and a pursuit ensues. Priscilla loses Naz, but sees Brad at a distance: she follows him to an alleyway where she sees him having sex with Mary Margaret, her mentor at the purity society. Her boyfriend and her mentor are true hypocrites. Upset, she determines to lose her virginity. She tries to have sex with Chuck, but he turns her down as he thinks she might regret the decision. After trying to lose her virginity to some random strangers, she is found by Naz, and they return to Curtzman's event at the hotel. They are met by Becca, whom Chuck has located on the internet. Priscilla tries to talk to Curtzman again but is insulted, and Becca, overhearing the conversation, becomes angry with her father. Curtzman then makes disparaging remarks about the women who are participating in the event: these are accidentally broadcast over the PA system, and when he appears on stage the crowd humiliate him and leave him naked, the incident being videotaped by Rudy. A week later, Priscilla is seen to have become close friends with Naz. She flirts with Chuck, and learns he too is a virgin. She receives a package containing the CD footage of the party at Pennington, sent by Rudy, and learns that she was not, after all, the topless girl, as she is seen vomiting beside the camera. Naz, Eileen and Kevin give her a lecture about condom use and she has a romantic evening with Chuck, both having sex for the first time. Naz (finally graduating) is seen with Kevin, hearing Priscilla's screams while having sex in the other room. The movie ends with Naz breaking the fourth wall to say "I wonder what would Mary Margaret say now?", while a title says that Priscilla is 0% pure but 100% satisfied ... eventually. ===== Jenny (KC Concepcion) is an unpretentious mall promodizer searching for true love. A hopeless romantic, her quest leads her to Benjie (Richard Gutierrez), a cargo pilot who offers her the love she truly yearns. An unlikely romance begins when she hitches a ride with Benjie to attend a wedding in Palawan. On board, they openly show their dislike for each other but when the aircraft crashes in an unknown island, the two turn to each other for comfort and eventually absolve their differences.What fans expect from KC, Richard ===== The episode begins by following William Adama through his morning routine. He appears very distressed and discontented and later makes his way to the CIC in a disgruntled mood. In sickbay, Saul Tigh and Caprica-Six watch their baby on an ultrasound medical imaging device. Six mentions that previously, intra- Cylon procreation has never been successful, and that this baby is the savior of the Cylon race, since it means survival without resurrection ships. Meanwhile, Felix Gaeta waits to be treated, and complains about how the Cylons don't have to wait and are getting better treatment than he is. On Colonial One, a presidential press conference is held to address the current situation with Earth and the fleet's upcoming plans. The press seems to be concerned about rumors of the alliance with the rebel Cylons, and multiple questions regarding this situation are being asked, as well as whether the Cylons Saul Tigh, Galen Tyrol and Samuel Anders are going to continue serving in the fleet, and whether the identity of the last Cylon is finally known, to none of which Admiral Adama, Lee Adama nor nominated vice president and current acting president Tom Zarek give a definite answer. Lee slips up and mentions that the final Cylon was female, revealing to the reporters that more is known than is being said. After the press conference, William Adama and his son, Lee Adama argue with Tom Zarek, who opposes the planned official alliance with the Cylons, stating that in the time that he is the acting president, such an alliance will not happen. William Adama, Saul Tigh, Lee Adama, Galen Tyrol, Felix Gaeta and Karl Agathon meet in the Admiral's office to confer about upgrading the fleet's jump drives, an upgrade which would triple the fleet's chances of finding a habitable planet. For the upgrades to happen, though, the fleet's citizens and captains of the ships would have to be willing to let Cylons do the upgrades. In turn for upgrading the drives, the Cylons request that they be allowed to become citizens of the fleet. By becoming citizens, they hope to make Adama oath-bound to protect them from Cavil's faction of the Cylons. Felix Gaeta objects to the idea. Galen Tyrol brings his son into sickbay where, after an examination, Dr. Cottle states that the child is suffering from renal failure. After the question of blood transfusions comes up and Tyrol remarks that the child would need his blood since it is half- Cylon, Dr. Cottle reveals to Tyrol that the child is not his, withholding the father's identity. Tyrol leaves visibly upset and disappointed. Felix Gaeta confronts Kara Thrace in the messhall, accusing her husband Samuel Anders, now known to be a Cylon, of having helped to murder billions of people, and he accuses her of possibly being a Cylon too. Felix states that a reckoning will happen soon, referring to Captain Thrace accusing him once of being a collaborator and wanting to throw him out the airlock, and when she asks whether this is a threat, Gaeta confirms it. Kara finally retreats. Gaeta gathers the others in, to introduce them to his plans. In a Quorum meeting, Tom Zarek is making a point about how collaborating with the Cylons, the original enemy of the 12 colonies, is a complete mistake, and he claims that President Roslin and Admiral Adama are proposing this only to stay in power. Following that, he makes a proposal that Cylons should only be allowed to board ships in the fleet with the crew's permission. The Quorum votes unanimously with the exception of Lee Adama for the proposal, thus accepting it. Laura Roslin refuses to stay in office as president throughout the entire episode. She throws away her cancer-fighting medication and starts jogging around the ship's corridors. There, she meets Admiral Adama, who tries to convince her that she is needed right now and must step back into office, to which she replies that she does not want to be used in any kind of plan anymore and does not want to play any role, and that she deserves to live, after all that has happened. Adama grudgingly agrees, and Roslin tells him that he deserves to live a little as well. She kisses him and leaves. In a lower deck, Gaius Baltar speaks before to a gathering. He states that they should not have to excuse themselves before God, but that God should come down and beg for their forgiveness, since they have not sinned, but he led them to the desperate situation they are in now. Galen Tyrol is present during Baltar's speech, and he sees Hot Dog, a Viper pilot, there as well. The two exchange long, intense stares, and Galen realizes that Hot Dog is the father of Specialist Cally Henderson Tyrol's child, a fact which Hot Dog admits when Tyrol approaches and confronts him. Tyrol punches him, and they engage in an intense fistfight in the middle of Baltar's speech. Tyrol later brings Hot Dog into sickbay, both of them sporting fresh bruises, telling him that it is now his turn to watch the child. The fleet's tylium ship, the Hitei Kan, defects, making an FTL jump to coordinates unknown to the rest of the fleet with the exception of Tom Zarek, who instructed the tylium ship to do so. After the ship leaves, William Adama has Tom Zarek arrested and blackmails him into revealing the location of the ship by airing his 'dirty laundry' using alleged information of criminal acts of Zarek's during his time as politician. Zarek gives in and reveals the location of the ship to Adama. When Adama later hands the dossier to Tigh for him to give it to Mr. Hoshi, it becomes apparent that he was only bluffing, as the dossier was composed of laundry reports. In the aftermath, Felix Gaeta meets with Tom Zarek. Tom Zarek promises that there will be consequences to what has happened, and Felix Gaeta agrees, stating that in his opinion everything is going wrong, and that there has to be someone to make it right again. He asks Zarek whether he is that man. Zarek replies that he is one of them, but that he needs a partner. Gaeta states that as of now, he has one, and shakes hands with Zarek. Sharon Agathon and other crew jump to the tylium ship's coordinates, and manage to bring it back. Admiral Adama receives notification of the tylium ship's return, accepting the call while in his quarters, in bed with Laura Roslin. She shows some interest in the news, and he asks her if she now cares. She responds in the negative, and hangs up the phone, and he laughs. ===== Gaeta helps Zarek to jailbreak from the Galactica onto Colonial One. There, Zarek talks Lee Adama into leaving Colonial One and returning to Galactica, to request from Admiral Adama the reason for letting Zarek go. In the meantime, Gaeta organizes a full scale mutiny on-board Galactica, with the civilians arming themselves using weapons from Galactica's weapons lockers. Kara Thrace notices the uprising, and tries to get confirmation on what is happening, but is denied the information, being repelled on the grounds of her status being unknown after the events of "Sometimes a Great Notion". Officers of the fleet who have mutinied, among them prominent people like Racetrack, Narcho and Skulls, take Lee Adama hostage upon arrival on the Galactica. He is promptly rescued by Thrace. They flee together, and decide to try to remedy the situation to whatever extent is in their reach. Rebel crew members imprison Samuel Anders, as well as Karl Agathon and his wife Sharon Agathon, and their child, Hera Agathon, together with Caprica Six in a brig cell. In the CIC, Admiral Adama and Saul Tigh are taken hostage and sent to the brig as well. Adama and Tigh manage to overwhelm their captors and break free. Lee Adama and Capt. Thrace help President Laura Roslin (who has decided to take an active role in government again) meet with Gaius Baltar in order for her to use Baltar's wireless transmitter to address the fleet and bring the people back into order; afterwards they join up by coincidence with Admiral Adama and Tigh. Together they make their way to Storage Bay Two, from where Galen Tyrol has promised to take the Admiral and the President into safety on the rebel Cylon basestar. Zarek keeps control of the situation from Colonial One. He is displeased to learn that one of his intentions—Adama's death—has not been fulfilled. Alone in the storage bay, Baltar and Roslin come back closer together. They finally realize that they have more in common than it seemed all along. Roslin makes it off the Galactica with Tyrol's help; Gaeta, however, orders their Raptor destroyed. Saul Tigh and Admiral Adama defend the storage bay from where the Raptor took off, only to be attacked by rebel marines. Both Tigh and Adama's fates, as well as that of the Raptor, remain uncertain at the end of the episode. ===== The first story ("The Downfall of Johnny Garrett") begins with a young lady named "Sheila" (Nicole Bryl) getting revenge on street thug "Johnny Garrett" (Steve Rodriguez), who raped her, by contacting the spirit of her dead friend "Wendy" (Hillary Epstein). The second tale ("Szamota's Mistress") concerns an obsessed man named "Jerry Szamota" (Joe Zaso) who carries out his infatuation with "Jane K." (Tina Krause) to a maddening degree of love. The segment is based on short story of the same name by polish author Stefan Grabiński (Kochanka Szamoty, eng. Szamota's Mistress). The last episode ("Stalk") stars big-bust model (SaRenna Lee) as exotic dancer "Misty", who becomes the stalking target of a muscular fanatic (David Greggo). ===== In Naples in 1942, people are in crisis due to the Second World War. Gennaro has a café and hopes that the family will help him with the work so that it can settle down. His wife is engaged in the Black Market to help keep them going, and one thing leads to another. His son Amedeo, however, envisions revolutions and the redemption of the poor. Peppe is killed in a tragic accident while being arrested during street violence, an event which is not seen in the play. Gennaro's family mysteriously enters into a crisis and, among various other adventures and sad situations, Pasquale, a family member believed to be dead, comes onto the scene. Though not in the original stage piece, the part of Pasquale was written specifically for the actor Toto. =====