From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== The story focuses on two beleaguered New Yorkers who appear fated to meet and profoundly affect each other's lives, becoming friends through adversity. Donald Quinelle is a stereotypical young urban professional who has risen to upper management in a nondescript company, when he is suddenly fired from his job due to a surprise corporate "reorganization". Sonny Paluso is a Korean war veteran who owns a gas station which is accidentally blown up by the unmindful actions of both Donald and Sonny acting apart and unaware of each other. The two men's paths cross again while at the unemployment office, and later they finally meet and first speak to each other while seated side by side at the counter of a local diner as each considers his sudden loss of employment. Their tense exchange is suddenly interrupted when a masked gunman attempts to rob the diner. While struggling to disarm the gunman, Donald is shot, but Sonny unmasks the robber and gets a good look at the criminal before he flees the scene. Donald survives, and later at the hospital, while recuperating from his gunshot wound, Donald is visited by Sonny, who is introduced to Donald's fiancée, Doreen, as she helps Donald operate the TV. Donald then sees himself on the local news coverage of the attempted armed robbery, when a commentator insults Donald's heroism as reckless foolishness. After Donald recovers from his wound, he demands to read his own on-air rebuttal to the opinion of the TV news commentator, and inadvertently reveals Sonny's identity, while the unmasked robber, Jack Locke, watches the broadcast at home. Sonny and his teenage daughter Candace also happen to see Donald's on-air commentary, which causes Sonny to leave many insults on Donald's answering machine. That night, Jack silently breaks into Sonny's house in order to kill Sonny so that he can't identify Jack to the police as the robber of the diner. As fate would have it, Donald drops in to apologize to Sonny about mentioning him on TV, and ends up saving Sonny and Candace while capturing Jack and obtaining his pistol. Sonny and Donald take Jack at gunpoint to the police station to turn him in as the robber of the diner, and possibly as a criminal of notorious fame due to Jack's bragging that he is a professional hit-man who has only resorted to armed robbery due to the current economic recession. Donald's outlook on life is greatly changed due to these recent events. While Sonny drives himself and Donald home from the police station after Jack is booked into custody, Donald tells Sonny that having held Jack at gun point was exhilarating. Donald then notices they are driving past an all-night gun show (which is ludicrous for New York City). Donald insists that they stop and browse at the show. Afterward, Donald returns home with his purchases and inadvertently awakens his fiancée, Doreen. Unsuccessful at hiding his new weaponry, Donald proudly shows them to Doreen, hoping that she will admire him as a "real man", but she is appalled. Donald explains that he wants the two of them to attend a survivalist training camp in Vermont, to learn how to defend themselves and take control of their destiny. She decides they must part ways. Donald completely buys into the survivalist mentality and moves permanently to his remote Vermont survival cabin. He and the other survivalist trainees at the camp are led by the instructor and camp owner, Wes. The trainees are convinced by Wes to prepare for the imminent collapse of society. Meanwhile, back in New York, Jack makes bail for the robbery and once again finds Sonny to threaten him and to find out why he and Donald didn't implicate him to the police for Jack's more infamous crimes. A fearful Sonny tries to reason with Jack and assures him that Sonny and Donald will not testify against him if Jack agrees to leave them alone. Jack is willing to agree to the arrangement, if Donald also agrees. Unable to contact Donald by phone, Sonny and Candice travel to Wes' survival camp to inform Donald of the deal. Donald, however, is so confident of his new abilities to face danger that he taunts Jack by telephone and challenges him into coming up to the camp for a final "mano a mano" showdown. Sonny is forced to take his own actions to force Donald to agree to the arrangement with Jack, in order to save the lives of everyone. A completely transformed Donald escapes from Sonny and Candace, and goes out to meet Jack in armed combat. Wes soon learns that an actual killer is due to arrive at his camp, and enlists all of his trainees to prepare to test their mettle in combat. Donald and Jack have a prolonged battle, but Donald is forced to return to his cabin for more ammunition. Wes and his men give pursuit to Jack, all wanting to get a shot at the intruder. Retreating to Donald's cabin for safety from Wes' militia, Jack finds Donald, Sonny, and Candace. As Wes and his men surround the cabin, a siege begins, but all inside the cabin cooperate to survive against those outside. Sonny, Candace, Jack and Donald cleverly fool Wes and his men, and manage to escape in Sonny's car. The bloodthirsty militia gives chase, but their bloodquest is forgotten once Sonny exposes Wes as a rich businessman whose camp is a sham and has actually defrauded his trainees by selling them their cabins on land leased from a tribe of Native Americans. The four New Yorkers head back to the city. Donald demands to get out of the car and has an emotional breakdown, realizing how much he has lost. Sonny tries to comfort him. The two walk back to the car as friends. ===== ===== Unlike Twain's Hank Morgan and some successors, Ford's Mr. Sorrel makes only a very half-hearted attempt to build modern weaponry and machinery in the Middle Ages. His initial dream of constructing "guns and gas bombs" and making himself "mightier than kings" soon comes to naught. Though he had been a mining engineer in the twentieth century, he has no idea how to go about constructing such devices under fourteenth-century conditions, or even where there are tin deposits. Having later in his career become a publisher does not give him any idea of how to invent printing from scratch and anticipate Gutenberg. He does not know how to make a gun, or in fact anything that would make him useful in the medieval castle community into which he has fallen. Instead, Mr. Sorrel finds that a golden cross which he carries causes him to be mistaken for a Greek miracle-worker – which has many advantages in Medieval society, including enjoying the unlimited hospitality of a castle and having beautiful ladies vying with each other for his love. He also inspires the ladies to take up arms and hold a tournament in competition with their knightly husbands – and being a fair horseman, makes a credible effort at becoming a knight himself. It is the reverse of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, but the details of daily life are rendered more feelingly, including the quite earthy and mercenary motivations of many of the Medieval characters (for example, the small-minded power struggles taking place in a nunnery, under a very thin veneer of piety). Cathedrals, so stately and calm to us, turn out to have been crowded, garish, noisy, and commercial. Just as he begins to really enjoy himself as a thoroughly Medieval man, Mr. Sorrel is rather frustratingly thrust back to the 20th Century – a modern man wiser for having been instructed by the people (especially the women) of the past, and having "learned the wisdom of history". ===== The main character is Seamus O'Neill, played by Fisher Stevens, a factory worker from New Jersey who dreams of being a writer. When he wins the lottery, he uses his newfound wealth to move to Key West to pursue his writing career, where his idol Ernest Hemingway had lived. Seamus finds the island inhabited by eccentrics. He tries to get a job for The Meteor, a local newspaper, wishing to relive the life of its most famous employee, Ernest Hemingway. This brings him into conflict with the paper's editor, Roosevelt Cole (Ivory Ocean), who remarks "You want to report on the Spanish Civil War?" Eventually Seamus is hired on a probationary period. In a later episode it was revealed Seamus is once again poor as his lottery winnings were seized due to taxation and multiple unpaid debts, and it will be several years before his next annuity check resumes. Seamus then decides to put everything into writing, money worries or not. In addition to Stevens, Jennifer Tilly, Denise Crosby, and Brian Thompson led the large ensemble cast as the town's high-class prostitute, conservative mayor and eccentric sheriff, respectively. ===== Self-absorbed middle-class couple Maggie and Andrew Prentice have just taken early retirement and intend to spend their final years luxuriating in their new vineyard in France. However, when their estranged son Graham and his wife (they only refer to her as 'Bootface') die in a car crash, Maggie and Andrew are forced to become legal guardians of Graham's three children, thirteen- year-old Georgia, eleven-year-old Philip and seven-year-old Jake, meaning that they will never be able to go to France. In the first series, Maggie and Andrew officially adopted the children. Maggie especially hates this as she doesn't like children, and the children blatantly resent her and Andrew for the way they treated their parents. To make matters worse the children are argumentative and fussy. Georgia is a vegetarian environmentalist, Philip only eats spam and Jake won't eat anything round. During the series, the family struggle to get along together, with Andrew and Maggie missing their former privileged life, and the children unwilling to give their grandparents a chance. Maggie and Andrew also feel considerable remorse for the appalling way they treated their late son, Graham, and they gradually grow to love and care deeply for their grandchildren, particularly in the final episode of the series, when Philip is being bullied and Maggie and Andrew encounter the bully's parents, who greatly remind them of themselves: negligent, selfish and more interested in having a good time than being a loving, attentive parent to their child. The Prentices also employ a cleaner, Liz, who lives her life based on horoscopes and daytime talk shows such as Oprah. Over the course of the series, Liz develops a relationship with Tom, a builder, who arrives to install a damp course in the kitchen and then is employed to do further jobs, including converting the garage into another bedroom for Georgia. Tom is a serial womanizer with various one night stands turning up throughout series 2 much to Liz's frustration. Both Liz and Tom only appear in series 1 and 2. It is revealed in series 3 that they left together after Liz became pregnant. Also making regular appearances are Rosie and Hugh Buckingham, Maggie and Andrew's best friends. Snobbish and child-free, they regularly turn their noses up at things such as pets, camping, and vacuuming whilst regaling Maggie and Andrew with their tales of their latest holiday, trip to the gym, or game of golf, depressing them with tales of the life they used to enjoy. During series 2 and 3 Philip acquires a new friend and girlfriend in Roxanne. Loud, scruffy, and outspoken, she owns a very large rottweiler dog named Die Hard. ===== The story starts at a harem in Persia, where the elderly overseer bids his young charges to read the story of Haroun al-Rashid (Hall) and his wife Sherazade (Montez), unfolding the film's plot in the process. Sherazade, a dancer in a wandering circus owned by Ahmad (Billy Gilbert) – whose troupe also includes Sinbad the Sailor and Aladdin, who have seemingly fallen on hard times, had captured the attention of Kamar (Erickson), the brother of caliph Haroun al-Rashid. In his infatuation with her, and because of a prophecy which names her as the future queen, Kamar had attempted to seize the throne, but was captured and sentenced to slow death by exposure. As Haroun visits his brother, for whom he feels pity, Kamar's men storm the palace and free their leader; outnumbered, Haroun is forced to flee. He manages to get near the plaza where Sherazade's circus is performing and is spotted by the young acrobat Ali Ben Ali (Sabu), who finds out his identity and decides to hide him in the circus, confiding only in Sherazade (though he does not tell her about the fugitive's true identity). Upon awakening from the wounds he had received in his flight, Haroun beholds Sherazade and instantly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, Kamar, thinking that Haroun is dead, assumes the throne of Baghdad, but to his chagrin Sherazade is not to be found, and he orders the captain of his guard (Turhan Bey) to find her. But then the scheming Grand Vizier Nadan (Edgar Barrier) approaches the captain with the order to make Sherazade 'disappear', and upon finding them the captain decides to sell the troupe into slavery. But due to a witness the captain is exposed, and in order to preserve his plans, Nadan first gets him to confess and then murders him. Haroun, Sherazade, and the acrobats manage to escape the slave pens and flee to the border, where they are found by Kamar's army and taken to a tent city in the desert. Kamar proposes to Sherazade, but she has in the meantime fallen in love with Haroun. Also, Nadan recognizes the caliph and his affection for Sherazade, and he uses this knowledge to blackmail Sherazade into helping him in his scheme: in exchange for Haroun's freedom, she is to poison Kamar during the wedding ceremony, upon which Nadan would assume rulership for himself. In secret, however, he plans to have Haroun killed once he has crossed the border. Upon learning of this insidious scheme, Ali confides in his fellow performers, and they rush to free Haroun; then Haroun decides to free Sherazade with the help of the acrobats, while Ali is to summon the troops still loyal to him. Haroun and the others are quickly captured, and Sherazade and the retainers learn of his true identity. Kamar engages his brother in a sword fight, while Ahmad and the acrobats set the tents on fire; the arrival of Ali and the caliph's army triggers a massive battle with Kamar's men. Finally, as Kamar prepares to deliver the deathstroke to Haroun, Nadan shows his true allegiance by assassinating Kamar personally. But as he prepares to finish Haroun, Ahmad and Ali interfere, forcing him to flee. But a spear thrown into his back stops him, and he dies in a burning tent; Haroun, Sherazade, their friends and the loyal subjects celebrate victory. ===== Binetsu Shōjo is about a girl named Rina, 15 years of age, who had a crush on a boy she usually sees in the train station every morning. Rina gather the courage to ask for the boy's name. It was so unfortunate, however, that her mother picked that time to shout her name and wave the flute she forgot at home. Embarrassed, she decided to hide from her mother and was saved by a boy with black hair, who turned out to be a friend of her crush! Later, she received VIP tickets from her crush, with a name on it 'Hiro Usami' for a live band concert. She was so happy that she has finally learned the boy's name. At the concert, she learned her crush is the vocalist while her rescuer is the guitarist. She found it odd when everyone in the crowd chanted for Ryuji, with courage she started chanting loudly for Hiro (thinking that was the name is of her crush which later it turns out to be the name of the guitarist.) As a dare, Ryuji urged Hiro to take Rina on a date. The crowd changed and Hiro jumped off the stage and carries Rina away to an undisclosed location. It appears that she passed out after all that drama. When she woke up she sees a different aspect of Hiro though they did not know each other that well, he reached for her and kissed her. Was it a simple dare act or will this love blossom? ===== The story begins in the year 2010, which was 25 years in the future from the time of the novel's writing. A UN financed research lab is pursuing a strange goal: manipulate metabolism and brain function in order to eliminate the need for sleep. They are currently working on Kodiak bears and domestic cats, but hope to adapt their techniques to humans. The world situation is very dire. Global warming is in full swing. Crop failures and production shortfalls are dragging down the standard of living, with no sign of relenting. Political tensions are very high. Meanwhile, an eccentric billionaire industrialist has privately financed the construction of many massive orbital arcologies. Via asteroid mining these space stations have become the world's single richest entity. The UN cuts funding for the zero-sleep lab and the industrialist hires their entire staff to work in his primary station. In the middle of the scientist's rocket approach to the station, catastrophe strikes. China, whose population is suffering massive famine, launched a desperate nuclear attack against the West. The mutually assured destruction policy plays out and the new station residents watch as the world is destroyed below them. The industrialist is so distraught by the end of Earth civilization he suffers a fatal heart attack. His dying words to the chief scientist instruct her that his real motive for hiring them was to research suspended animation technology. His dream is to fit the arcologies with interstellar drives and create human colonies on extrasolar planets. The novel then begins Part II nearly 30,000 years later. On a planet called Pentecost in the Eta Cassiopeiae system, a large human civilization of indeterminate technological level now exists. A standout feature of their culture is "Planetfest" a series of grueling endurance challenges. The top 25 finalists are given large prizes like high government positions or land holdings. This civilization is only aware of their Earth origins in a legendary sense. They have limited space travel capacity, and citizens who go to work in space come back with rumors about beings called Immortals, who apparently live forever and can travel light years in days, and have some kind of shadowy influence on their planetary government. The story follows a Planetfest contestant, Peron, who has just found he finished in 3rd place. This year the winners are all taken to space, where further competition will send the top 10 to meet and work with the mysterious Immortals. Peron makes fast friends with the other top finalists and during their next cycle of challenges begin to uncover suspicious elements of the Immortals, Planetfest, and their entire society. During one of the off-planet trials, Peron is critically injured and another contestant (a ringer for the Immortals) makes a snap decision to bring him to the Immortals prematurely in order to save his life. Peron awakens on a space ship in a strange dream-like state, and is introduced to the ship's Immortal crew, some of whom are scientists from the first part of the book. They consider Peron a nuisance for circumventing the normal process of being indoctrinated into Immortal society from a distance before meeting them. He is given very little information, but witnesses the Immortals teleport throughout the ship and make objects appear in their hands at will. His compatriates are all being held in suspended animation. Peron breaks away from the Immortal's monitoring and discovers the secret to their power. He gains control of the ship, awakens his friends, and holds the ship hostage until the Immortals explain what's going on. The last 30 millennia of human history is then summarized quickly. After the nuclear holocaust the self-sufficient space arcologies (with a total population less than 1 million) began to fragment and some went off looking for new planets, as their industrialist founder had intended. The majority stayed in earth orbit, continuing to use the resources available in our home system. The travellers developed very slowly, because they had to spend all their energy on survival in deep space. Those left behind continued scientific research and tried to re-colonize Earth, but the severe nuclear winter led into 10,000 year ice age. Their crowning scientific achievement was called Mode II Consciousness or S-Space. This was an accidental byproduct of their zero-sleep project, which revealed a way to slow human metabolism and consciousness such that they would remain fully aware, but perceive time at 1/2000th the normal rate. This explains how they live "forever" and can travel between stars in "days", because they are calculated from the subjective perspective of someone living in S-Space. The Immortals' ability to make objects appear in their hands instantly, is just a result of service robots placing the object in their hand at normal speed, which is too fast to notice from the perspective of S-Space. After this discovery, the leading arcology decides to track down the traveling arcologies. Their trip takes place in S-Space so they never age, gaining their Immortal moniker. Meanwhile, the normal space (N-space) travellers have endured hundreds of generations and repeated political upheavals. The Immortals discover that due to their twisted metabolisms they cannot breed. Using their vastly superior technology, they control the new planet-based colonies from behind the scenes and use the Planetfest games as a recruiting method to reinforce their numbers. Peron and company commandeer the ship and go back to their legendary roots of Earth, while in S-Space. En route they realize that centuries have passed on their homeworld and there is no point in ever returning. The ship also encounters shadowy deep-space life forms of ambiguous intelligence, who are only visible from S-space. The Immortal crew dismisses this routine sighting as just another mystery of the galaxy. Peron arrives on Earth, finding it as nothing more than a mostly frozen nature preserve. They discuss their next move and resolve to uncover more secrets about the Immortals. While in orbit around Earth they detect that a large portion of the radio traffic throughout the Immortals' communication network seems to be coming from nowhere. When they track down the location they find the hidden Immortal headquarters isolated in deep space. Peron's gang manages to evade security and stowaway aboard a supply ship bound for the headquarters. Upon arrival they are immediately captured by the superior security at HQ. Here they meet the other scientist characters from Part I and are congratulated for coming so far. They are invited to become equal partners in the quest to solve a new problem. Apparently the deep space life forms they briefly saw previously, are miniature versions of giant entities situated in the gulfs of deep space between galaxies. These enormous beings are unquestionably intelligent, and the Immortal HQ is actually a research station entirely devoted to studying them. These beings communicate on extremely long wavelengths, which are so slow, even S-Space is woefully inadequate to process them. However Immortals have interpreted some signals, which seem to indicate the Deep Space Beings predict that the stars in the spiral arm will all mysteriously go dark in the next 40,000 years; an impossibly short time on the cosmological scale. Whether the Deep Space beings are actively causing this artificial transformation is unknown. To better understand the problem, the Immortals are devising a new T-Space which is an even more radical slowing of human consciousness. Peron's group agree to help, but insist on building a new facility that will be operated only in N-space, resisting the logic that S-Space is superior method of operation. After much debate, the Immortal scientists agree to the plan. The narrative ends here, but the last few pages are from the perspective of one of Peron's friends who has volunteered as a guinea pig for T-Space. He relates the last 5 T-minutes of the universe, which is over 1000 years of normal time. He witnesses the final Big Crunch while somehow he and the deep space beings remain unaffected by the singularity. ===== A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals in Lao Mountain, he went there at once. There was a Taoist who still looked young although he was very old. Wang Qi became one of his pupils. During the first month, Wang Qi went to the hills for woods with others every day and listened to the instructions of his teacher patiently. In the second month, he felt that he could not stand the hard and tiring life, but he still waited for the teacher to teach him the magical skills. In the third month, he could not bear the suffering any longer. Upon requests, the Taoist taught Wang Qi the incantations to recite for walking through walls.Purple Culture Catalog. "Purple Culture." The Taoist in Mountain Lao. Retrieved on 2007-01-04. ===== ===== In the prologue, the film depicts a panicky man who, for unknown reasons, murders his wife with a shotgun. The main storyline opens with Jack and Stephanie, a bickering young couple, who are lost while driving through the backwoods. We soon learn that they are on their way to meet a marriage counselor. After getting bad directions from a state trooper, the couple get into a car accident when they run over some spiked metal in the road, which Jack dismisses as discarded scrap metal; they find another car which has experienced the same fate, but the occupants are missing. Forced to proceed on foot, Jack and Stephanie find the gothic Wayside Inn, where they try to phone for help. At the inn, they meet the occupants of the other car, the engaged couple Leslie and Randy. Because the phones are inoperative, both couples are forced to spend the night at the inn, which is staffed only by the eccentric proprietor Betty, her creepy son Pete (who develops an instant attraction for Leslie), and the gruff caretaker Stewart. After a tense dinner, in which personalities clash, the group is terrorized by a legendary local figure, the Tin Man. Armed with a shotgun, the Tin Man attempts to get into the Wayside Inn. The staff locks the Tin Man out, and he responds by giving them a message scrawled on the side of a tin can. The message declares that he will kill everyone in the house unless they give him one dead body by sunrise. The staff, blaming their guests for attracting the Tin Man's attention, attempts to lock them in the freezing meat locker, threatening to leave them there for weeks. A fight ensues, and the guests realize that there is a supernatural presence in the house when Betty is injured in the struggle and bleeds black fog. The couples escape the meat locker, but are unable to leave the house, which assaults them with terrifying visions involving their worst memories. For Jack and Stephanie, the visions involve their daughter, who died after falling through the ice in a skating accident. For Randy, the visions involve his abusive father. For Leslie, the visions involve an uncle named Pete, who sexually abused her when she was a little girl; these visions are intensified by the similar lusts of Pete who lives at the Wayside Inn. Confused by the visions, the four guests find themselves separated. Jack meets Susan, a young girl who has been held captive by the staff. Susan reminds Jack of his deceased daughter, especially after she claims to have been in contact with her spirit; Susan assures Jack, and later Stephanie, that their daughter is in a good place. Emotionally tormented by the visions, stalked by the homicidal Wayside staff, and under constant threat from the Tin Man, all four guests succumb to the various pressures and start to turn on each other. Shortly after they discover that the staff worships the Devil, Jack is split into two identical people; each seems to think of himself as the "real" Jack, yet each bleeds black mist when injured, making it impossible for anyone to figure out which is the real Jack and which is the doppelganger. The couples almost escape when they are aided by Officer Lawdale (the same state trooper who had given bad directions to Jack and Stephanie), but they are recaptured when Lawdale turns out to be working with the Wayside staff. Lawdale and the Wayside staff try to force the couples to appease the Tin Man by choosing one of themselves to kill. Past tensions initially lead the viewer to believe that Randy will resolve the situation by killing Jack, but he instead turns the gun on Susan. Jack deflects the gun but Susan is hit. Desperate to appease the Tin Man, Leslie and Randy kill each other. Lawdale reveals that he is the Tin Man, and that he and the Wayside staffers are all manifestations of pure evil. Jack and Stephanie defeat their captors by channeling the energy of pure good that is flowing from Susan's dead body. Finally able to escape the inn, Jack and Stephanie trek back to their car, where they discover their unconscious bodies, as well as the dead bodies of Leslie and Randy; they realize that their entire experience at the inn was nothing more than a shared out of body experience. As Jack and Stephanie wake up and are taken away in an ambulance, they are watched over by a resurrected Susan, who observes that their love for each other has been reawakened by the events at the Wayside Inn. As the couple ride off in an ambulance, Jack looks out the window to see Lawdale laughing at him from the front gate of the Wayside, with the caretakers watching out of an upstairs window. ===== Gabe and Karen, a happily married, middle-aged couple, live in Connecticut. They have been friends with Tom and Beth, another married couple, for many years. In fact, it was Gabe and Karen who introduced their friends in the first place. While having dinner at Gabe and Karen's home, Beth tearfully reveals that she is getting a divorce from Tom, who has been unfaithful.Marks, Peter."Theater Review; A Menu Featuring Divorce and Fear," The New York Times, November 5, 1999 Tom, who had been away on business, finds out that Beth has told their friends about the looming divorce, and hastens to Gabe and Karen's home. Tom and Beth had planned to tell their friends about their breakup together, but Tom now believes that Beth unfairly has presented herself as the wronged party, and feels he must present his own side of the story. The time flashes back 12 years to a vacation home on Martha's Vineyard, when Karen and Gabe introduce Beth to Tom. Over the course of the play, both couples are seen at different ages and stages of their lives. Tom and Beth's breakup affects Gabe and Karen, who first feel compelled to choose sides, and then begin to question the strength of their own seemingly tranquil marriage. They also begin to see the real meaning behind their friendships with Tom and Beth. ===== This is the story of an Oxford University student in the years after his graduation. Allen Shepherd (Braddell) has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson (Gardner). A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited. Robert Donat and Merle Oberon were given top billing when Men of Tomorrow was distributed in the United States in 1935. ===== The game takes place in the Medieval land of Verdite, which was once terrorised by evil powers. In ancient times the evil was defeated by a hero later dubbed the Dragon. After his victory, the Dragon disappeared and became known as a legend, with a cathedral built in his honor in the forests where his deeds took place. During the game's events, the land has fallen prey to evil forces once again, with the locals' only hope being a prophecy that the Dragon will return. The protagonist of King's Field, royal heir John Alfred Forester, comes to the infested monastery in search of his father, who led a squad of soldiers into the catacombs beneath the monastery graveyard. Fighting his way through the catacombs, Forester meets the elf Miria, who warns that Verdite's king Reinhardt III has gained a dark power. Descending deeper into the catacombs, Forester learns that Reinhardt II poisoned his brother, who has been resurrected by the dark power, and that his father was killed defeating Reinhardt III's black knight guardian. Retrieving his father's hereditary Dragon Sword and killing the dark wizard creating the monsters, he again meets Miria and her master the dragon god Guyra, who grant him the power to kill Reinhardt III and seal the "door of darkness", a portal opened by the cursed line of Reinhardt so they could rule the world. Forester confronts and kills a demonically-transformed Reinhardt III. Hailed as a hero, Forester is made the new king. ===== The film tells the story of how the Pettigrew family, living in their family estate Kiloran House in Scotland, deal with changes brought by the end of World War I, told through the point of view of one of the Pettigrew children, Fraser (Robert Norman). The family is headed by the maternal grandmother MacIntosh (Rosemary Harris), affectionately known as "Gamma", whose decisions are to be obeyed without question. Gamma's son Morris (Malcolm McDowell) left home to build a career for himself and succeed as a well-to-do businessman; while her younger daughter Moira (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) followed the traditional route - she fell in love with Edward Pettigrew (Colin Firth), gave up a promising chance at becoming an opera singer, settled down at her family estate and raised a large family. Edward is a typical country gentry of his time - owns a minor business (turning sphagnum moss into medical dressings), a pious man and defender of traditional values (gives a speech at every Sunday service), loves and listens only to Beethoven and has a passion for inventions and mechanical improvements all over the estate. All of which are laughed at by Morris, who lives in London but comes back to visit often, as he is competing with Edward to inherit the estate after Gamma passes away; the two can barely conceal their loathing for each other. Edward does not appreciate and resists waves of new changes in the world, but the harder he tries, the more things fall apart. Morris and his beautiful and charming French fiancée Heloise (Irène Jacob) introduce jazz to the children ("the sound of the devil speaking" according to Edward). An emergency landing brings the eldest daughter Elspeth's (Kelly Macdonald) first suitor - French show pilot Gabriel Chenoux (Tchéky Karyo). Fraser discovers grandfather MacIntosh's book collection in the attic, and as an act of rebellion against Edward, sets out to read them all. Without guidance, he misunderstands the definition of "prostitution", and believing it to be a business term, suggests to all guests at Morris and Heloise's engagement party that Moira, Heloise and Gamma should go into prostitution to enhance the moss business. Worst of all, Edward finds himself drawn to Heloise, and makes a pass at her prior to the wedding. While passing out food during a curling game held in her husband's honor, Gamma falls through the ice into the lake. Although she is pulled up immediately, she dies of pneumonia soon after. Gamma's will leaves the estate to Edward, leading to the ultimate altercation between Edward and Morris at her wake. Edward boasts that Morris has lost more than the estate to him, causing Moira to finally confront him and tell him that she has been aware of his affair with Heloise all along. It takes months before Edward's efforts finally win back Moira, and the family settles back into its old routine. On a Sunday morning, all Pettigrews are heading to church, except Fraser. Edward finds him relaxing in a chaise longue in the library, a cognac glass filled with milk in one hand and a lit cigar in the other, swaying his head and body to a gramophone recording of Louis Armstrong's "On the Sunny Side of the Street" (a secret gift from Heloise). Instead of being thrown into a fit of rage, he smiles and closes the door, leaving Fraser to enjoy himself. ===== The story is set in Baiyangdian, in Hebei Province, and is based on the backdrop of the Chinese Civil War and the Second Sino-Japanese War with character Zhang Ga in the middle of the chaos along with the Eighth Route Army. The real story is based on the actual person Yan Xiufeng, whose childhood name was Gazi, who was born in Baiyangdian. ===== Sent back to the UK in disgrace at the end of the first novel, Guy Crouchback — heir of a declining aristocratic English Roman Catholic family—manages to find a place in a fledgling commando brigade, training on a Scottish island under an old friend, Tommy Blackhouse. Tommy is also the man for whom Guy's wife Virginia left him. Another trainee is Ivor Claire, whom Guy regards as the flower of English chivalry. He (Guy) learns to exploit the niceties of military ways of doing things with the assistance of Colonel "Jumbo" Trotter, an elderly Halberdier who knows all the strings to pull. Guy is posted to Cairo, Allied headquarters for the Mediterranean and Middle East. He becomes caught up in the evacuation of Crete, where he acquits himself well, though chaos and muddle prevail. At this time he meets Corporal-Major Ludovic. (Waugh may have based the character of Ludovic on one or two real people: the soldier of fortune and novelist John Ludwick,Geoffrey Elliott, A Forgotten Man: The Life and Death of John Lodwick (2018). London; Bloomsbury. p. 115. and/or the future press tycoon and politician Lord Robert Maxwell.) With a few others they escape to Egypt in a small boat. Ludovic wades ashore in Egypt, carrying Guy. All the others in the boat have "disappeared"[the delirious sapper Captain who was in command disappears, evidently 'precipitated' by Ludovic, but there is nothing in the text to indicate that the rest of the 'small party' on the boat disappear]. Apparently a hero, Ludovic is commissioned as an officer. In Egypt, Mrs Stitch, a character who turns up in other Waugh books, takes Guy under her well-connected wing. She also tries to protect Claire, who was evacuated from Crete even though his unit's orders were to fight to the last and then surrender as prisoners of war. She sends Crouchback the long way home to England, possibly to prevent him from compromising the cover story worked up to protect Claire from desertion charges. Guy finds himself once more in his club, asking around for a suitable job. ===== King Barius is once again trying to take over the world. Ray and three other adventurerers set off on a journey to put a stop to his plans for conquest.Ending of Rolan's Curse 2 ===== The novel begins with Othniel Charles Marsh on a steam train between New York City and New Haven, where he first meets the showman Phineas T. Barnum. Barnum shows Marsh a copy of the Cardiff Giant; Marsh informs him he intends to expose the giant as a fake. In Philadelphia, Henry Fairfield Osborn introduces artist Charles R. Knight to Edward Drinker Cope, a paleontologist whose entire house is filled with bones and specimens. Cope is commissioning a painting, something to "catch the spirit" of the sea creature Elasmosaurus. Cope leaves for the West as the official scientist for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). On the way, he meets Othniel Charles Marsh, a fellow paleontologist, and shows him his dig site at a marl pit in New Jersey; after Cope leaves, Marsh talks to the owner of the land and pays him off to gain exclusive digging rights. At Fort Bridger, Wyoming, Cope meets Sam Smith, a helper to the USGS. During excavations, Cope finds some of the richest bone veins ever. Sending back carloads of dinosaur bones east by train, Cope encounters Marsh, who is heading out west as well. Marsh travels in style, lounging in coach while the rest of his team travels third class. At Fort McPherson, Nebraska, Marsh meets "Buffalo" Bill Cody, who serves as their guide, along with a Native American Indian tribe. Marsh discovers many new fossils, and promises to Chief Red Cloud that he will talk to the President of the United States about the situation of the Native Americans—they have been given spoiled food in exchange for their land. Back East, Knight has finished his reconstruction of Elasmosaurus. He and Knight return to the marl pits of New Jersey, but are forced away. Cope becomes furious and storms away when he learns Marsh has bought the digging rights and published a paper revealing his reconstruction of Elasmosaurus is flawed. Some time later, bone hunter John Bell Hatcher has taken to gambling, as his employer Marsh is not providing him with enough funds. Marsh lobbies the Bureau of Indian Affairs on behalf of Red Cloud, but also visits with the Geological Survey, insinuating that he would be a better leader of the USGS than Cope. After learning about Sam Smith's attempted sabotage of Cope and once again receiving no payment from Marsh, Hatcher leaves his employ. Marsh, now representing the survey, heads west with wealthy businessmen, scoffing at the financial misfortunes of Cope, whose investments have failed. Cope travels with Knight to Europe; Knight with the intention of visiting Parisian zoos, Cope with the intent of selling off much of his bone collection. Cope has also spent much of his money buying The American Naturalist, a paper in which he plans to attack Marsh's dealings. Hatcher arrives in New York to talk about the find Laelaps; in his speech, he subtly hints at the folly of Marsh's elitism and backstabbing, as well as Cope's collecting obsession. While attending a conference, Marsh learns that his USGS expense tab (to which he had been charging drinks) has been withdrawn, his publication has been suspended, and the fossils he found as part of the USGS are to be returned to the Survey. His colleagues now shun him, the Bone War feud having alienated them. He is forced to go to Barnum to try to obtain a loan. Osborn and Knight arrive at Cope's residence to find the paleontologist has died of illness. The funeral is markedly pitiful, with only a few Quakers and the two friends in attendance. Cope has bequeathed his remains to science, and requested to have his bones considered for the Homo sapiens lectotype. Back at Marsh's residence, the visiting Chief Red Cloud examines Marsh's luxuries. Red Cloud's interest is piqued by a long tusk from a mastodon. Marsh relates an ancient Shawnee legend that once there were giant men proportionate to the mastodons before they died out. Chief Red Cloud remarks that it is a true story; Marsh rebukes him, saying that science tells modern man that his ancestors were smaller, not larger, than him. Red Cloud, on his way out, responds, "It is not a story about science. It is about men."Ottaviani, 141. Years later Knight and his wife are taking their granddaughter Rhoda to the American Museum of Natural History. Knight, well known to the staff, is visiting the closed-off areas to have a look at the new mammoth specimens: the girl, however, is eager to see more of her grandfather's paintings. Meanwhile, the staff are finally getting around to sorting out Marsh's long-neglected collection of fossils. Two of the workers discover Knight's Leaping Laelaps has been accidentally left in the storeroom yesterday. The painting is taken back downstairs while the workmen unknowingly leave Cope's and Marsh's bones behind. ===== The film centers around the life of an orphan named N'dala, who is taken to the city of Luanda after the death of his parents during the Angolan civil war. Wanting to return to his hometown of Bié, N'dala flees from the nuns who have saved him into the streets of the city. He wanders from place to place meeting various figures, such as a young man named Zé who tries to help him find a home. Later in the film N'dala is taken under the wing of a criminal named Joka who exploits him for his own uses. ===== Set in colonial times, the Stooges are convicted criminals who are banished from England to the American colonies. When they arrive (and after a dancing fling with the governor’s daughters), they find that the colonists are starving because the local Indians will not let them use their hunting grounds without a fee of 5,000 shekels. A down payment has been made, but it is not enough. The Stooges decide to go hunting anyway to help out the colony. Outside of Plymouth, they exchange their pilgrim hats with coonskin caps, except Curly, who wears a skunk hat. An accidental discharge by Curly’s blunderbuss yields a turkey, which gives them hope. Then, they spot what they think are a group of turkeys and fire their rather overcharged long blunderbusses at the group. The “group” turn out to be Indian headdresses, and the fired-upon Indians become agitated. Attempts at retaliatory fire fail as their guns are destroyed by the powder overcharge, and they are chased by the Indians. A wild goose chase ensues. The Stooges use a tree branch catapult to launch a rock, a mudpack, a fish, a hornet’s nest, and then a log at their antagonists. But in their escape, Larry is left behind, captured and tied to a tree, ready to be scalped. A passing woodpecker adds to his misery. Curly and Moe eventually rescue him, helped with dumping hot coals down the Indian’s pants and wapping them on their behinds sending them howling and running for the lake. The Stooges escape in a canoe, “motorboat” style, having accidentally revived the bopped Indians with water. ===== A group of medical students observe Dr. Daniel Jekyll perform brain surgery at Our Lady of Pain and Suffering Hospital in Los Angeles, California. Meanwhile, Hubert Howes, the world's richest man, watches a recording of the procedure from his hospital bed, hoping to recruit Jekyll to perform the world's first “total transplant,” replacing every organ at once. However, Dr. Jekyll announces his retirement from surgery, intending to research medication that will eliminate mankind's need for operations. Howes threatens to blow up the hospital if his procedure does not occur as planned. As a result, Dr. Carew, hospital overseer and Jekyll's future father- in-law, forbids Jekyll from marrying his daughter, Mary, if he does not comply with Howes's wishes. Jekyll attends to patients in the charity ward when Mary visits, complaining that he missed their lunch date because he was working. She reveals that she submitted Jekyll's experiments for a $50,000 research grant, but Jekyll is upset that she shared his private work without his permission. Outside, they see plastic surgeon Dr. Knute Lanyon, who flirts with Mary and notices that Jekyll looks tired. After Mary leaves, Jekyll observes the dead mice test subjects of his failed drug experiments; just as he is about to start over, a nurse calls Jekyll away to perform an emergency procedure on a patient named Ivy Venus. Ivy flirts with the doctor and invites him to visit her at the nightclub where she works. Later, Jekyll returns to his work, measuring two white powders on a square mirror. Exhausted and unable to focus, he drops the powders on the table, ruining his experiment, but creating a sparkly mixture. He falls asleep and accidentally inhales the powder, causing him to thrash and spasm wildly. Jekyll's body transforms, growing chest and facial hair, elongating his genitals, and producing gold jewelry on his ears, fingers, neck, and teeth. With an air of wild confidence, he bags more of the powdered drug, steals a car, and drives erratically to Ivy's club. After Ivy performs onstage, she takes him to her room backstage and undresses. He introduces himself as “Hyde,” and they have sex. The next morning, the man wakes up, returned to his original state as Jekyll, and regrets his actions. He drives to Mary's equestrian academy just as she is about to compete in a horse-jumping competition; Jekyll runs alongside Mary's horse and declares his unwavering love. Back at the hospital, Hubert Howes meets a prospective testicle donor, offering $1 million for both of the man's organs. Jekyll attempts to flush his drugs down the toilet, but decides to save the substance and inhales more. Transformed into Hyde once again, he hijacks a van and finds Ivy at the grocery store. Jekyll wakes up in the van hours later, lying naked between Ivy and another man. Horrified, he sneaks into Mary's bedroom at her parents’ estate, surprising Mary with his sexual advances. Before he and Mary make love, her father barges in and holds Jekyll at gunpoint. Jekyll concedes to perform the surgery for Howes, and Dr. Carew grants Jekyll and Mary permission to have sex. At the hospital the next day, Jekyll declares “a new beginning,” but again hesitates to dispose of the drugs. Although Dr. Carew flushes the packet down the toilet, Jekyll becomes erratic during surgery, looking at the nurse's breasts in her low-cut uniform. As Jekyll slowly transforms into Hyde, he throws Howes's donated organs into the air and leaves the operating room, forcing Dr. Carew to continue the procedure by offering the use of his own body parts. Interrupting Lanyon during a breast augmentation, Jekyll exposes his changed appearance. When Lanyon reveals that he wears women's underwear, Hyde throws himself out the window and returns to his laboratory. He receives a telegram informing him that he won the research grant, and has been invited to a ceremony in London, England. Hoping to use the money to buy Ivy's affection, Hyde finds her at an arcade and invites her to accompany him on his trip. However, she admits she is not interested in Hyde because she likes Jekyll. When he reveals that they are both the same man, she does not believe him; in his frustration, he destroys an arcade game, and Ivy is electrocuted. Hyde travels to Los Angeles International Airport and climbs onto the back of an airplane headed for London. Meanwhile, Ivy revives, and travels to London via train and boat, vowing her revenge. At the ceremony, Mary and Lanyon sit in the audience, expecting Jekyll to arrive before the presentation begins. Lanyon comments on Jekyll's “sexier” appearance the last time he saw him, and reveals that he hates women. After the presenter announces Jekyll's achievements “harnessing the power of animal instinct within man,” actor George Chakiris accepts the award on the doctor's behalf, declaring that the remaining vial of Jekyll's substance will be donated. Hyde swings down from the balcony with spiky hair and a frizzy mustache, grabbing the microphone and singing. Realizing that Hyde is the same man as her fiancé, Mary becomes aroused by his new personality. Hyde removes his pants, runs out of the hall and is chased through the foggy streets by the audience members. Ivy joins the crowd, and they follow him until he falls off the side of a building. As Ivy and Mary kneel next to Hyde's body, he transforms back into Jekyll. Upon waking, he claims that the drugs have exposed the two sides of his split personality. Mary desires Hyde, while Ivy wants Jekyll, and the two women drag him through a cemetery, agreeing to work out an arrangement. Nearby, the skeletal corpse of Robert Louis Stevenson rolls over in its grave. ===== Artyom Kolchin, the story's protagonist,Кино в сверхтяжёлом весе is a boxer, who has become a contender for the world boxing championship. The whole country knows him and wants him to win. In the beginning of the film, while they are both waiting at a crosswalk for the light to change, Sasha Belov asks for his autograph for his son Ivan, who is in England and is learning boxing. Artyom likes his car and Sasha says he will give it to Artyom if he wins the fight. Valiyev, a man well known in both the criminal and business worlds, takes care of Artyom and refuses to accept the fights scenario presented by the opponent's manager, according to which Artyom should lose the first fight, win a return-match; after the third fight both opponents will be famous and TV channels will fight to get permission to show the match. However, Artyom cannot fight because he has eye problems. The doctor does not want to grant him permission to fight, but he asks her very pitifully, and, unable to endure the begging, she gives him the permit. During the fight in the ring, Aryom receives a severe blow and his vision becomes worse and worse. Soon, he can only guess where his opponent is, and after a short attack exchange, he loses consciousness. Artem ends up in a hospital; the doctor, who has fallen in love with him, visits him and tells him the diagnosis: Retinal detachment. At the moment, it is possible to save his sight, she says, but the blindness is going to progress. If it is not cured in three days, it will never be curable. The operation costs $30,000. Artyom does not have this much money, and neither does the doctor. Artyom had been like a son to his benefactor, Valiyev, who has several million dollars, but Artyom has disappointed him, so he refuses to pay for the operation. The only thing Artyom can do is to violate the law to save his own sight and his new love, the doctor Victoria. She becomes a witness to a murder of her ex-boyfriend who was a drug dealer and to whom she came to borrow money, so someone is after her in order to arrest her, kill her, and register her death as an accident. A hired killer is also hunting her. She, her teenage communist brother Konstantin (Kostya), and Artyom hide. The police are told to hunt Artyom but they are given no instructions and the policemen do not know why they must watch him. Artyom, with Kostya's help, prepares to rob a bank belonging to Valiyev. They buy a powerful fire cracker and put it into a beer can. Kostya passes the guard, holding the can and gets stopped. He is told that he may not bring beer into the bank. Konstantin agrees, throws the can into a trash bin and walks away to hide at a corner. Artyom goes into the bank, pulls a debit card from his pocket and feigns trying to get cash from the ATM. A guard helps him. At that moment, cash messengers arrive. Kostya detonates the firecracker, and Artyom attacks the guards and the cashiers. When nearly everyone is knocked down, one cashier pulls out his gun. Artyom hears the trigger click and knocks down this cashier too. One of Artyom's fans arranges for Artyom to have an illegal operation. After the procedure, Artyom's eyes are bandaged. Valiyev's people get him, but Artyom does not know it. They bring him to Valiyev's house and discover his eyes, but Artyom pretends he still cannot see. Valiyev says: "You're not in a hospital." They are going to torture Artyom to learn where the money is, and then continue to torture him until he dies. But Artyom's feigned helplessness stills their suspicions, and they leave the room, leaving only two men there. Artyom asks them to fetch some water for him. One man goes for water. Artyom then calls another man and tells him that he stole more than 2 million dollars, he will not return the money to Valiyev so he wants to tell him (the second guard) where the money is. The guard bends down over his bed, and Artyom suddenly knocks him down. He knocks down the other guard and leaves the house. During an open air play of Richard III, a hired killer finds Vika. Artyom gave her a gun before being taken to the operation, so she pulls it out and points it at the killer, but her hands are trembling and she is not able to pull the trigger. Grinning, the killer slowly takes the gun and points it at Vika just as Artyom appears behind his back and hits him. A bit later Valiyev finds Artyom and shoots him. Artyom is badly wounded, arrested and taken to a hospital. Next day the FSB arrests Valiyev. After some years have passed, Artyom's term of imprisonment is over. He is let out and is met by Vika and their mutual friends. Suddenly, someone calls one of his friends and asks in English to call Artyom. Artyom answers. The camera quickly pans from the prison's walls to Las Vegas. The caller is Larry, his opponent in the fight during which he lost ability to see. He says he knows that Artyom is free and asks him if he wants a rematch. Artem is silent. Larry repeats his question, "I said, how 'bout a rematch?". The camera quickly pans back and shows wild snowy field and far forest. Artyom looks at the field, smiles widely and lowers the phone and the film ends without showing the answer. ===== The player controls Frankenstein's monster as he stomps through the streets of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, in the year 1793 seeking revenge against a certain man named Victor for rejecting him once he was created. Since he is a product of artificial manufacturing, he is condemned and declared a monster by peasants and soldiers. The common folks that strive to kill Frankenstein's monster are highly ignorant about modern science and believe that he is truly a demon. The game follows the plot of the movie closely with some alterations or padding, most notably the removal of Elizabeth's death scene yet her resurrection as an abomination is kept and she is fought as a boss that dies after being accidentally set on fire. The Sega CD version has an original ending where the Creature steals the resurrected Elizabeth and escapes with her in the Arctic after killing Frankenstein. ===== New Jersey landscape gardener Jim Winters is struggling to raise his sons, high school student Peter and older Gabe, as a single father. Gabe announces he is leaving home to move to Tampa, Florida, although he's vague about both his reason for doing so and what he plans to do there once he arrives. Instead of discussing his plans with his devoted girlfriend Stacey, he plans to drop her. Aware of what he has in mind, she quietly retreats from him to make it difficult for him to achieve his goal. Peter, who was in the car with his mother when she was killed in an accident five years earlier, is a rebellious, hearing-impaired underachiever doing poorly in school, despite the efforts of his teacher Mr. Bricker, who urges him to work harder to meet his potential. Jim helps new neighbor Molly Ripkin move some cartons. Later she asks him and his sons to dinner. Her invitation is the catalyst that upsets the delicate equilibrium they have been maintaining as each tries to deal with his loss and painful memories in his own way. ===== In the Governorate of Livonia, a bank employee who is carrying money is murdered. The prime suspect is Professor Dimitri Nicolef. He was the only person present, besides the innkeeper German Kroff. Wladimir Yanof, a lawyer and the fiancé of Ilka Nicolef (the professor's daughter), has escaped from Siberia to prove the innocence of his future father-in-law. ===== During a gentlemen's evening at a local football club, Harold meets one of the acts, a stripper called Zita. After a whirlwind romance the couple are married, although the actual wedding ceremony is delayed when Albert, acting as best man, loses the ring somewhere in the yard. They eventually find it in a pile of horse manure, and since they have no time to clean up their arrival in church is met with looks of disgust. Harold and Zita fly to Spain for their honeymoon, but Albert refuses to be left behind. This causes Harold considerable frustration and begins to drive a wedge between him and Zita. When they are finally left alone and are beginning to consummate their marriage they are interrupted by Albert's cries of distress from the adjoining room, and discover that he has contracted food poisoning from some of the local cuisine. Harold is forced to fly home with Albert, leaving Zita in Spain. Back home Albert makes a suspiciously fast recovery while Harold waits for Zita to write. When he finally receives a letter from her, the news is not what he had hoped for; after trying unsuccessfully for several days to get a plane back to England she has taken up with a British holiday rep at the Spanish hotel. Harold is heartbroken, and, despite his earlier scheming to get rid of Zita, Albert is genuinely sympathetic. On meeting Zita again some months later Harold finds that she is pregnant, and she says Harold is the father. Harold offers to take care of them both, but on returning home Albert makes sure that Zita feels unwelcome and she flees. A short while later a baby appears in the horse's stable. This scene parodies the Nativity, with the Three Wise Men bearing gifts replaced by three tramps selling rags, and the Star of Bethlehem being represented by the lights of an airliner. It appears that the child is Zita's. They name the child after the priest who officiates the christening. Unfortunately for Harold, he is also called Albert. Harold compromises by naming him Albert Jeremy and calling him Jeremy thereafter, although Albert Sr. insists on calling him Albert. Zita apparently returns and takes the baby back while Albert, who should be looking after him, is asleep. Harold tries to find her and comes across her stripping in a local rugby club where she is soon forced into the scrum of cheering rugby players. Attempting to save her, Harold is beaten up and is only rescued when Zita's musician saves him. Hustled into a back room he hears a baby's cries but when he pulls back a curtain a mixed-race baby is there instead. It turns out that Zita and her musician, who is black, are now a couple. Harold then learns that he is not, after all, the father of her first child. ===== Charlie Johns wakes up in Ledom (model backwards), a world of gender-neutral people. He believes that he has been transported to the future, and the Ledom tell him that humanity has been destroyed by nuclear war. He meets Seace, the head of the Science One, who explains the A-field, an invisible force field the Ledom use for everything from spoons to buildings. He meets Mielwis, the head of the Medical One, who explains to him how the Ledom came to be gender-neutral by a mutation. Mielwis tells him that the Ledom have both genital organs, which drop down when they're aroused and retract when they're not in use. He meets Nasive and Grocid, the heads of the Children's Ones, who explain Ledom religion to him. The Ledom worship children because "it is inconceivable we would ever obey one". Then Philos, a historian, leads him to the cerebrostyle, a technology that allows a viewer to watch recorded memories in their mind. Charlie reads a "letter" in this machine which is a manifesto of Ledom society. It tells how sexual differences have caused strife for humans and how Ledom society has achieved harmony by following a charitic religion and creating a gender- neutral culture. After he's done reading the letter, Philos takes Charlie out to the edges of Ledom, where he finds Philos's partner Froure and his child Soutin. Philos had let the Ledom think Froure and Soutin had died in a landslide because the Ledom, despite what Mielwis had told Charlie, did not mutate but undergo monthly medical procedures to keep them gender-neutral, and Philos doesn't want this to happen to Soutin. Philos asks Charlie if he will take Soutin back to his time period, and Charlie agrees. They go back to the Science One and after a short confrontation with Seace, Charlie takes Soutin into the time machine. However, the time machine doesn't go anywhere and Charlie realizes he's stuck in Ledom. Mielwis asks him for his opinion about Ledom, and Charlie says they're all freaks and if humanity knew they existed humans would kill every one of them. Mielwis knocks Charlie unconscious and confers with Nasive about how humanity is not yet ready for gender equality. Charlie is allowed to live with Philos, Froure, and Soutin at the edge of Ledom. The book ends with nuclear bombs bursting in the sky, with the Ledom and Charlie being protected by the A-field. The book also contains asides about two families living in the 1950s and struggling with traditional and progressive ideas about sex interspersed with the main plot. ===== The film is about Daniel Thompson, a saxophone player who is a mute witness to many of the historical happenings taking place around in the world. The film traces the life of this character up to his seventy third year and comments upon many things that may have social and political relevance. Dany as he is known, was born on the day of the Dandi Salt March (12 March 1930). His mother died on the day Guruvayur Satyagraha was conducted. His father died on the day of the first widow remarriage in Namboothiri caste. His wife leaves him on the day the first Communist Government of Kerala loses power. Dany's love, disappointments, triumphs everything coincides with historical events. Dany dons many roles in life. He sings in the church. Then he becomes a saxophone player. He marry Margaret, daughter of a rich man named Chavero when the old man ask him to save the honor of their family. Margaret is pregnant and her lover has died. But with the passage of time, Dany is abandoned by all and he finds himself destined to lead a desolate existence. He ends up in a hospital. And it is here that he meets Bhargavi Amma, a retired professor, who is also desolate after the death of her daughter and after being totally isolated in life. Dany and Bhargavi Amma develop an intimacy and they travel back together from the hospital. But Dany passes away on the way. Anyhow Bhargavi Amma decides to perform the funeral rites in the Christian manner in the compound of her house, a house of orthodox Hindus. This creates certain problems, but Bhargavi Amma decides to dare all such problems. ===== Inspector Jai (Ajay Devgn) is an upright and fearless cop who is given the job to take down the criminal empire of Raj Solanki (Naseeruddin Shah). Jai and his accomplice Inspector Sandhya (Juhi Chawla), who also happens to be his love, start taking down Raj's empire with gusto. But Raj's cronies and benefactors are not the only ones to be upset by this. Raj has problems of his own. He does not want his son (Deepak Tijori) to turn into a criminal like him. Raj is also aware of his minion's (Gulshan Grover) discontent; he wants to start many criminal activities that even Raj will not do. Raj tries to stop Jai without applying pressure or brutality, only to meet Jai's mother (Reema Lagoo) and realize that Jai is his son. Now Raj finds himself in a real tight spot. Jai's mother does not like Jai trying to take down Raj, but Jai is determined. After some time, Jai learns about his relationship with Raj, but continues his job nonetheless. Raj's legitimate son and his minion try to take down Jai individually, without knowing the secret. How the story ends forms the plot of this film. ===== The Harikrishnans are of the most famous lawyer duos in India. To avoid confusion one is called as Hari (Mammooty) and the other as Krishnan (Mohanlal). They head the organization called Harikrishnan Associates, which consists of around 300 lawyers. They get engaged in a murder case of Guptan (Rajiv Menon), who was allegedly killed by a deaf and dumb woodcutter, Gabriel (VK Sreeraman). Gabriel is a friend of Hari's sister (Shamili) and Harikrishnans become the defence lawyers upon her request. The Harikrishnans begin an investigation and come across Meera (Juhi Chawla), a friend of Guptan. Both of them fall in love with her. After some trouble over the matter, they rediscover their friendship and get involved in the case again. They discover that Guptan actually died due to poisoning by his relatives who were doctors who wanted to amass his wealth. The culprits are captured and Guptan's elderly father (Nedumudi Venu) accepts Sudarshanan (Kunchacko Boban), a former student of Guptan, as his son and successor to the property. At the end Meera decides to go for a random method of choosing her lover as she liked both Harikrishnans equally. She tosses with a leaf where the winner would marry her and the other would be her friend. The leaf fell on the name of Krishnan, and she presumably marries him and Hari would become her friend. ===== Pablo and Meca, two young urban delinquents, live from day to day by a series of robberies, mostly car thefts. During one such robbery, the car’s owner catches the two in the act. They roll up the windows and lock the doors to prevent intrusion. Helplessly trapped inside the troublesome vehicle by a mob that has now closed in around them, the pair forces a clear path through the crowd by brandishing a gun, before making their escape into the street. However, the stolen car only proves to be the first step in a more elaborate scheme. Spotting an attractive waitress named Ángela at a local cafeteria, Pablo is immediately captivated by the receptive (and equally restless) young woman, who soon becomes his lover, promising to stay together always. Pablo teaches Ángela to shoot a gun and, subsequently, inducts her into their gang after an afternoon of makeshift target shooting. The gang now consists of four members: Pablo, Meca, Ángela, and Sebastian or "Sebas". Sebas has joined the group to help in a series of more ambitious thefts, but he is initially unhappy with the presence of a girl in the band. Pablo, with Meca’s support, assures him that Ángela can hold her own. In the first robbery, that of a factory office on the outskirts of Madrid, Ángela, disguised as a boy with a mustache, serves as a lookout. In the second holdup, she shoots one of the guards who has fired at the gang’s car. At the conclusion of each of these robberies, Meca brings the getaway car, usually a stolen one, to a deserted area and set it ablaze. He stands by the side of the fire and enjoys viewing the flames. Alternately spending their idle time at discothèques and video arcades, acting on their impulsive whims, and succumbing to the intoxication of drug use, the emboldened quartet begins to stage an ever-escalating series of hold-ups throughout the city. Their share of the money from the two successful robberies enables Ángela and Pablo to buy a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. It is from this location that the gang plans a third robbery, the assault on a branch bank in one of the more congested middle-class neighborhoods of Madrid. During this robbery, Sebas kills one of the guards and is, in turn, gunned down outside the bank by a squad of police who have surrounded the area. Pablo, Meca, and Ángela manage to make a getaway, but Pablo has been seriously wounded and is bleeding profusely. Ángela brings him back to the apartment to nurse him while Meca disposes of the getaway car in the usual manner. However, the black cloud of smoke attracts a police helicopter and Meca is killed as he resists arrest. Understanding the seriousness of Pablo’s wound, Ángela calls a doctor who, upon arriving at the apartment, confirms the gravity of Pablo’s condition. He has been shot in the liver and must be brought to a hospital if he is to survive. Refusing, she offers him a large bundle of cash if he will treat Pablo right there. Taking the money in his black satchel, the physician promises to return shortly with instruments for surgery. Hours pass, but the doctor does not come back. Pablo, who remains unconscious, lies immobile on the bed. He stops breathing while Ángela sits in the darkened room staring at him. When she realizes he is dead, she fills her own duffel bag with the remaining money from the robbery and walks out of the apartment. She disappears into the shadows of the approaching night walking towards the city. In 2015 the German film Victoria with Spanish actor Laia Costa in the lead role paid a homage to Deprisa, deprisa by recreating the final scenes of the film which appeared to be a clear reference to the original film. ===== When the Minister for Trade and Domestic Affairs asks them to retrieve some compromising photos of her at the Playgirl Club, the Goodies have to infiltrate the club. ===== It is the weekend and the Goodies are happy about this, but whilst Graeme reads, Bill's and Tim's hobbies are getting on each other's nerves, so they decide to do neither and tell Graeme that they are bored. Graeme is no longer happy because they disturbed him. He then explains the book he is reading is about the prehistoric age. Then, while explaining, Graeme thinks there are prehistoric fossils under the office and falls down a deep hole. Bill and Tim decide to rescue him, but Tim confesses he is not going down. Bill goes in the hole alone but, when he goes down the hole, he pulls Tim down too. They both fall to the bottom, where they find Graeme has turned a tunnel into the Goodies' own tunnel. They find a Tyrannosaurus rex with its mouth open and look into the mouth, when it suddenly closes on them. They discover they cannot get back out the dinosaur's mouth, so decide to travel through the creature till they reach its stomach. They are stuck there for a long time, until Graeme comes up with an idea -- they will shout through the Tyrannosaurus Rex. So Bill shouts for help, but ends up waking the creature. When the creature's mouth opens, they all run out and climb back up the hole to their office. Graeme states he wishes he could have a better examination of the creature, when it smashes through the floor and tips the office over. ===== In the 22nd century, everybody lives in the urban areas of the world. Police officers and lawyers have been abolished and only the Judges are in complete control of human society. One of them, Judge Dredd, must pursue the renegade Judge Rico and Mega-City's most dangerous criminals. Eventually, Dredd defeats Rico and wins a final battle with the Dark Judges to rescue Mega-City. ===== In 2003, Vince tells his friends when a story about Joy. In July 1986, Vince and Joy meet at a holiday camp and are attracted to each other while in their late teens. Vince told Joy he had a really bad underbite and that his mother was married to his stepfather, Chris. The following morning, Joy and her family have suddenly vanished, leaving only a note in ink on the step of Vince's caravan. Due to the rain, all he can make out on the paper is, "I feel so ashamed." Vince is angry and upset that she has gone without leaving any way for him to get in contact with her. In September 1993, Vince has a girlfriend, Magda. He looks for a new roommate and offers the room to a superstitious woman called Cassandra McAfee. Cassandra has a cat called Madeleine who goes into Joy's house, so she follows the cat into Joy's house. On the other side of the story, Joy meets George Pole on a blind date. They eventually move in together, just before Cassandra storms into their house after the cat. The only people left are Julia, Joy's friend and Bella, a gay man. Cassandra finds out that there was a woman called Joy who used to live there and thinks it can only be fate. Joy catches sight of Vince in Oxford Street while on the bus, but does not get to meet him. At the end of this section, Vince also sees Joy going into a church ready to get married, but he does not talk to her. In 1999, Vince is now with longtime girlfriend Jess, who he discovers is having an affair. Joy is trapped in a loveless marriage with George, who dominates her and does not allow her to have a life of her own. She eventually breaks free and she and Vince meet again in 2001, when they talk about what has happened. In April 2003, Vince finishes telling his friends the story and they advise him to find Joy. The happy ending occurs in October 2003 when, after running into an old friend of Joy's, Vince is encouraged to see her and is given her address. The novel ends before they meet again. ===== Using the name "Randy Pandy", Bill becomes a superstar who is obsessed with his fame, and Tim and Graeme have to save him from the consequences of his pop stardom ===== Max Washington (Gregory Hines), just released from prison after serving time for burglary, is a talented tap dancer. His late father owned a dance studio that is now run by Little Mo (Sammy Davis Jr.), whose daughter Amy Simms (Suzzanne Douglas) gives lessons to children. Back on the streets, Max isn't interested in dancing again but he is interested in seeing Amy, his former girlfriend. A local gangster, Nicky, doesn't care for Max personally but does try to recruit him to take part in a robbery. Amy has a job as dancer in an upcoming Broadway show and tells its choreographer about Max, hoping to land him a role in the chorus. Max is reluctant to agree to it, then incensed when he is humiliated during the auditions. Max must decide whether to swallow his pride and dance the way the man wants, or give up his art once and for all and return to a life of crime. ===== Bhujang (Amrish Puri), a powerful crime lord, has a honest politician assassinated on behalf of his arms supplier. Inspector Karan Saxena (Sunny Deol) is assigned to the case. Karan is the son of a respected judge. Karan is in love with Divya (Madhuri Dixit) and they both are engaged. Divya's father is the Commissioner of Police Mathur (Anupam Kher). Her brother Ravi (Jackie Shroff) is the hot-headed black sheep of the family. Karan arrests a small time arms seller, Ramesh and finds out when the arms shipments are smuggled in. At the next arms drop, Karan arrests the dealer Don. Bhujang has Inspector Karan framed and has Ramesh and Karan's father, the judge, killed. Commissioner Mathur is aware of Karan's honesty but has him transferred to a remote village due to pressure from his seniors. At his new post, Karan meets Jai Singh (Naseeruddin Shah) and finds out that Jai's father was murdered by a dacoit called Bhairav. At the time the local police were headed by Mathur, who arrested the wrong man and ignored the testimony of the young Jai. Bhujang's brother Raghav is doing time for illegal possession of weapons. Bhujang abducts Divya to force her father, Commissioner Mathur, to release Raghav. Ravi breaks Raghav out from prison and Bhujang invites Ravi to join his gang. When Commissioner Mathur decides to bring Karan back, Bhujang sends Ravi and his men to have Karan killed. They tie up Karan in his house and burn it down, but Karan escapes with the help of a knife Ravi gave him in secret. At Bhujang's house Ravi meets Natasha (Sangeeta Bijlani). Natasha is Ramesh's sister, who is working with the journalist Shrikant to get proof of Bhujang's crimes. Shrikant is later killed before he can publish his proof. Jai Singh leaves for the city. Renuka (Sonam), an actress he met earlier, hires him as a bodyguard as she is impressed when Jai catches a bag snatcher. Renuka is the daughter of a corrupt politician who works with Bhujang and plans to have her married to one of Bhujang's sons. Jai meets Bhujang and recognises him as the Dacoit Bhairav who murdered his father. Meanwhile Karan destroys Bhujang's large warehouse which stockpiled smuggled weapons, inflicting a big financial loss to Bhujang. Karan secretly starts working with Ravi to destroy Bhujang's plans When Bhujang plans to rob a global bank to overcome his financial loss, Ravi gives the information to Karan. Jai Singh finds out about the plans when he over hears Renuka's father discussing it with Bhujang's son and takes Renuka to the bank to prove her father's misdeeds to her. At the bank, Karan foils the bank robbery and kills one of Bhujang's sons. Bhujang captures a large group of policemen along with Commissioner Mathur and has Karan, Ravi and Jai are framed for it. He also captures Divya, Natasha and Renuka. Karan joins forces with Ravi and Jai to fight Bhujang. They escape and break in to Bhujang's hideout where there defeat his men and free Divya, Natasha and Renuka along with the captured policemen before cornering Bhujang whom they then kill. The three couples Karan-Divya, Ravi-Natasha and Jai-Renuka finally unite and rejoice. ===== The titular team of The Umbrella Academy is described as a "dysfunctional family of superheroes". In the mid-20th century, at the instant of the finishing blow in a cosmic wrestling match, 43 superpowered infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy at the start of the day; it is hinted by a character implied to be God that they are collectively a modern-day incarnation of the Messiah. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, a.k.a. The Monocle, an extraterrestrial disguised as a famous entrepreneur, adopts seven of the children, and prepares them to save the world from an unspecified threat as the Umbrella Academy. In Apocalypse Suite, the team disbands and falls out of contact until they meet on the news of Hargreeves' death, and subsequently reunite when one of their own number becomes a supervillain. ===== Randy Mason (Chris Carrara) is a teenage tech whiz who lives in a suburban neighborhood located somewhere in the state of California with his mother Marti (Derya Ruggles), who creates designs for an ad agency and his father Brent (who's away for the duration of the film on a business trip). Randy designs and uses remote controlled models as a hobby, as well as using the modified controllers for other purposes as well. Among them is a helicopter named Huey, a double- winged plane, a WWII fighter plane called Zero, red and blue racecars, a green monster truck, a Godzilla knockoff and a yodeling mountain climber named Gunther. He shares the hobby with his good friend and love interest Judy Riley (Jessica Bowman), an avid baseball player and shows her the local model home which serves as his secret hideout. After Randy pulls a prank on a bully across the street named Ben (Jordan Belfi) by using one of his remotes to mess with his TV control and then uses the helicopter to drop an empty Coke can on Ben's head (which Ben threw in his yard in the first place), Ben steals Randy's fighter plane. Randy reluctantly lets him take it, but tells him the controller is locked by at night with the others, so Ben insists he bring it to school the next day to give to him. Randy does, but brings his own controller to try to take it back from Ben when he's using it, but the dueling controllers result in the plane accidentally flying into the classroom where Randy's science class is and after causing chaos among the students, crashes into the project of his friend Jamaal (Kenneth A. Brown). Getting the blame for it because no one saw Ben, Randy is expelled from the school and arrives home to hear Marti saying on the answering machine (she was stressed and too upset to think at the moment) that she heard about what happened and is going to confiscate all of his models. Randy then decides to hide them at the model home until Marti calms down. Judy suggests the best thing to do is tell the truth about Ben, but Randy also feels responsible for what happened and doesn't further wish to incur Ben's anger. Judy helps him under protest and she reminds Randy of her baseball game that night. Despite having forgotten about it, he says he'll be there. As Randy is leaving later, he stumbles across three store robbers named Delbert McCoy (John Diehl), Louis (Tony Longo), and Louis' cousin Richie Marinelli (Stuart Fratkin). The three robbers (having robbed a convenience store, but left the money behind by accident) decide to break into and hide at the model home until the road blocks the cops set up for them are cleared away in 3–4 days. The ill-tempered Delbert (embarrassed by his real name and insistent on being called Del) has a gun which is why they have been labeled on the news as armed and dangerous. They unwittingly trap Randy in the attic when he hides from them not knowing he's there by taking the ladder to the window away after he's climbed up. The robbers use the ladder and packs of cigarettes in order to create a path on the carpet that keeps them from walking on the alarm sensor pads. Randy attempts to use his helicopter to contact the eccentric real estate agent Mrs. Williams (Lorna Scott) who's driving by in her car with a written message, but she doesn't see it and eventually, the helicopter can't keep up with the car. Randy also tries to trip the burglars up by using Gunther to put a tack in Richie's shoe, but he and Louis just barely avoid stepping on the alarm pads. Randy attempts to steal the gun, but it proves too heavy for Gunther to lift. Getting hungry, Randy uses Gunther to steal Louis' sirloin steak and then when attempting to steal the can of baked beans, Randy runs into the same problem he did with the gun earlier and is forced to drop the can on Richie's head, which he believes Louis did. At her game, Judy gets worried about Randy not being there and calls his house and leaves a message. Marti hears the message when she comes home from work and not having any idea where Randy is, calls the police. When Marti tells Ben and his mother about Randy disappearing, Ben accidentally reveals a bit more than he should have known, to which his mother (hinted at being emotionally and possibly physically abusive) declares to Marti that she'll figure out if her son knows more than he's letting on and drags him away. After using his bag straps to try climbing out the window and failing, Randy falls asleep at about the same time as the crooks. Marti stays by the phone that night and falls asleep on the couch. Judy and her family get home late from the game and go straight to sleep, not noticing that Marti called earlier and left a message on the machine. The next morning when Judy gets up, she notices the message and listens to it. After calling Marti and hearing how worried she is, Judy then sets out on her own to find Randy. Louis looks out the window and sees her coming towards the model home and alerts Delbert and Richie. Randy sees her coming too and when the crooks take Judy hostage, Randy proceeds to use the remote controlled toys against them to prevent them from escaping and to rescue Judy. After Louis breaks into the attic using a knife to pick the lock, Randy uses the Godzilla model to melt roofing tar in a bucket and dump it on Louis' head, causing Louis to fall onto the carpet that sets off the alarm. Randy then uses the helicopter to sic Mrs. Williams' bulldog Bluto on Richie and then uses the airplane to tie Richie up with a flag line. Randy disarms Delbert using Gunther and Judy picks up his gun and throws it away. Delbert angrily makes his way towards Judy, but Randy gets Delbert to step on each of the racecars and uses them as remote controlled roller skates to lead him away. Delbert ends up crashing into rocks and is thrown through the air into a cardboard sign for the real estate company. The police arrive and arrest Louis and Richie (and presumably Delbert as well), Randy is reunited with Marti and Jamaal and Mrs. Williams with Bluto (who ran away from her). Randy and Judy quietly agree to find a new secret hideout and the film ends as Randy lures the yodeling Gunther down from the top of the roof. ===== Gary (David Hasselhoff) and his gal pal Leslie (Leslie Cumming) visit an island off the coast of Massachusetts where a haunted resort hotel looms to do research on witchcraft. They are joined by Jane Brooks (Linda Blair) and other members of the Brooks family, prospective buyers of the property. While Leslie and Gary work on their projects, another group of people travel to the hotel where they're staying. The Brooks family, composed by a greedy matriarch named Rose; her husband, Freddie; and their two children, Jane (who is pregnant) and Tommy are visiting the place, because Rose wants to buy the hotel and turn it into a private club. Joining the Brooks, there is Linda Sullivan, a young architect hired to provide assistance with the renovations. Unable to leave the island, Gary, Leslie, Tony, Jane and the Brooks are subjected to the sadism of an evil witch, who picks them off one by one, because she is carrying out a gruesome ritual. In the end, Gary, Leslie, Jane, and Tommy remain. Leslie, who was a virgin, is raped during a satanic ceremony, while Jane becomes possessed by the witch and proceeds to chase the survivors through the hotel. She eventually corners the survivors and begins to choke her little brother, causing him to drop a tape recorder she had given him earlier in the film. The recorder plays a message he had created for her, saying "I love you, Jane". This succeeds in temporarily breaking the witch's hold on Jane, who throws herself out of a window to her death in order to prevent the witch from regaining control. Leslie finds herself in a hospital bed where she is horrified to learn that she was impregnated during the ceremony. ===== Suraj Saxena (Arjun Rampal) lives in a remote hill station in India with his dad (Om Puri), mom (Smita Jaykar), and sister, Asha (Amita Nangia). One day he meets with Kiran Choudhary (Dia Mirza), who has come on a holiday trip with a group of girls. He offers to show her around and they fall in love with each other. Suraj is unable to see her home by the train as his dad has chest pains and has to be rushed to the hospital. But Suraj is unable to get Kiran out of his mind and heart. Before his sister gets married, the family decide to relocate to Mumbai, where Suraj enlists in College and makes several new friends, as well as becomes a popular basketball player. He eventually meets Kiran and both renew their romance. Ranvir Choudhary (Vinod Khanna) does not appreciate the attention of a poor man like Suraj on his daughter, and has Suraj brought up before him and introduced to his many friends, which include prominent lawyers, politicians, high ranking civil and municipal employees, the police commissioner as well as the state chief minister. Suraj is warned of dire consequences if he and his family do not leave town immediately. Suraj does not leave town, and hell descends on his family and himself. His mother is unable to purchase food and is publicly humiliated; his father is followed around by Ranvir's goons, harassed, and robbed, and then faces the ultimate humiliation of being publicly arrested, handcuffed, and imprisoned on charges of conspiring against the country and loses his job; and some of Suraj's friends exile him. With so much pressure on him, will Suraj relent and leave the city, or will he let his dad rot in prison? Ranvir has sworn to kill Suraj, and if he does so, what will happen to Suraj's mom? ===== When a man is murdered by a killer wearing a gorilla costume, the victim's daughter Alice Townsend is accused of the crime. ===== The story begins with Hester and Pearl in their cabin in the woods. The reader learns that Hester has little discipline for her child, and Pearl runs wild and free most of the time doing as little work as possible. Pearl frequently visits a blind boy named Simon who lives in a house close to her own. They become friends, and Hester lets Pearl help out Liza, the caretaker of Simon’s sickly mother, with the chores around Simon’s house. However, Pearl has been stigmatized as the child of "the temptress," and this reputation follows her everywhere. She isn’t fazed by this until Simon begins repeating things that his older brother told him about Hester. This makes Pearl feel horrible, and she runs away to the graveyard to visit the grave of Simon’s mother who died shortly after Pearl started helping out around the house. She talks to the minister who always has his hand over his heart until Doctor Devlin comes. Pearl runs back to her mother, and Hester tells her that the doctor is a "devil." One night Governor Winthrop lay dying, and Hester was called upon to tend to him. Pearl ran away from the Governor’s mansion, and she found Devlin standing on the scaffold. He invites Pearl up until the minister, Arthur, comes and takes Devlin away. Pearl continues to strengthen her relationship with Simon, and at one point Nehemiah, Simon’s only brother, gives his blessing to the friendship when he lets Pearl take Simon to the beach. However, Pearl soon learns that Simon and his family are moving back to London, and Hester and she are moving to Holland to be with her mother’s relatives. Pearl was supposed to leave the night of Election Day, but instead Arthur the minister collapses and eventually dies. Hester is blamed for this and put in the stocks thus preventing any escape by sea. Doctor Devlin comes to taunt Hester for what she has done. He even asks her if the minister fathered the child because of her reaction to his death. Hester remains defiant and doesn’t give in to him. However, Hester gets extremely depressed when she arrives home, and Pearl is forced to bring Simon’s dad, Mr. Milton and Doctor Devlin to help Hester. Hester agrees to travel on Milton’s boat to England, and she also agrees to a seven-year work contract with Milton’s sister. Hester and Pearl work with Milton’s sister until Pearl turns eighteen. Pearl receives the news that Devlin gave her property in England and New England. She sells the English property and purchases a home in the English countryside where Nehemiah and she get married. Pearl and Nehemiah argue about Simon’s welfare, and Pearl takes it upon herself to improve Simon’s quality of life. In the meantime Caleb Milton, the father, and Liza both die so Pearl is in charge of running the household now. Simon reveals his lust for Pearl, and the two of them have sex while Nehemiah is away. Pearl becomes pregnant, and at first she claims the child to be Nehemiah’s, but he soon learns the truth. Nehemiah indirectly killed Simon for doing this because he caused Simon to commit suicide. This was covered up, and Pearl grieved for a long time. Her child, Abigail, was sent to live with Mag, her servant, in London with Nehemiah. The plague that ravaged London was over soon, and both Nehemiah and Pearl moved back to London with Abigail who refuses to speak to love Pearl or call her "mother." While in London Pearl learns that Nehemiah has cheated on her many times with Mag while drunk. He later goes on to have an affair with the widow of a general in the English army. Pearl doesn’t know how to feel about this until Doctor Devlin comes. He explains the entire story of her conception to Pearl, and he gives her the scarlet “A” that her mother wore. Soon afterward London has a great fire and burns all of Nehemiah’s trading goods. Pearl lets Nehemiah leave her for someone with fewer traumas which he does. Pearl and Devlin leave with Abigail for New England to make a new life. ===== Alice Denby visits her uncle, Cyrus Stevens, at his old, dark mansion on Long Island. She brings along Arthur Madsen, who has written a mystery play about a criminal called "The Gorilla". Alice asks her uncle to consider investing in the play. As he begins to read it, elements from Arthur's play begin to appear in the house. Detectives arrive looking for The Gorilla. The lights go out suddenly at midnight. A gorilla (an ape, not the criminal) escapes from captivity and carries Alice away. In a twist ending, the strange happenings on stage are revealed to be the imagined events of Arthur's play within the play. ===== Agnes Harrington's uncle separates her from her family in Africa when her wealthy father passes away, so that he won't have to share his brother's fortune with the child. Years later on his deathbed, he sees to it that Agnes is restored to her rightful place in society, cutting his own son John Fairfax out of the chain of inheritance in the process. John, Agnes and a number of other people gather at a social event at the famous Fairfax Estate, unaware that it is being used by a gang of bootleggers, and that a hidden treasure is concealed somewhere on the grounds. To make matters worse, a creepy madman is stalking the grounds, and one by one people start turning up dead. ===== Megan Paige (Eliza Dushku), an investigator for the Rochester Police Department, is investigating the murder of a young girl named Carla Castillo. Her body was found in the nearby village of Churchville, New York, along with traces of white cat hair. Opposing her colleagues and boyfriend Kenneth Shine (Cary Elwes), Megan insists that the murder is the work of a serial killer. Despite Megan’s considerable efforts, she fails to catch the killer. Stress and obsession over the investigation causes Megan to hallucinate the victim's image. She ultimately has a nervous breakdown after being kicked off the case and unsuccessfully tries to commit suicide. Following two years of medical treatment and attending a support group headed by a wheelchair-bound man named Richard Ledge (Timothy Hutton), Megan rejoins the police department in an office job. Following a similar murder of another young girl, Wendy Walsh, whose body is found in Webster along with some white cat hair, Megan successfully lobbies to rejoin the investigation. Partnered with Steven Harper (Tom Malloy), they try to find links between the victims. Then another girl, Melissa Maestro, is killed in Macedon. They find a number of commonalities between Wendy and Melissa but fail to connect these to the first victim. The Webster Police Department, who has jurisdiction over the latest murder but are uncooperative, receive a call from 19-year-old Elizabeth Eckers who tells them she is being held hostage in a house. Megan is convinced the suspect is not the Alphabet Killer and breaks procedure to preempt a police raid. Megan almost defuses the situation but an officer shoots the suspect through a window and kills him. Webster police declare that the Alphabet Killer is dead and announce the discovery of white cat hair in the house. Megan spirals into another nervous breakdown. Certain that the Webster police planted the evidence in order to justify killing an innocent, Megan continues the investigation on her own. Megan discovers that all three girls attended St. Michael's Church in Rochester. Still suffering from hallucinations of the victims, Megan visits the church and tries to question the pastor but suffers another breakdown and is hospitalized. Megan escapes the hospital and takes refuge in Ledge's home. There, she finds out that he used to work as the math teacher for the St. Michael's Church, which finally reveals that he is the Alphabet killer. Before she can act, he leaps from his wheelchair - having only pretended to be disabled - and attacks her. Ledge knocks her unconscious and drives to a remote spot near the Genesee River to drown her. Before Ledge can inject her with a sedative and dump her into the river, Megan breaks free and, after a struggle, shoots him in the foot with his own gun. Ledge falls into the river just past a large waterfall, though it's unclear if he is dead or not. Unsure whether Ledge is dead and confused by her surroundings, Megan is driven by the intense situation to another, longer breakdown. Megan is again hospitalized and kept under intensive psychiatric care. The final scenes of the film show Megan wearing a patient gown, heavily sedated and strapped to a bed in a psychiatric ward. There is no one else in the room, but in her state, she envisions the spirits of the victims waiting for her to return and seek justice for them. The final scenes of Megan are intercut with scenes of a survived Ledge altering his appearance. He is shown in church, receiving communion and exchanging glances with a potential victim. It is unclear if these scenes of Ledge are actually occurring or are part of Megan's psychosis. A title card announces: "In 2006, police exhumed a fireman's body and posthumously cleared him as a suspect. To date, the Alphabet Killer has not been found." ===== The film follows Harry Voss during three important days of his life. The first is as a youth, the second on the day of his high school graduation and the third as a lonely, middle-aged man. The phases of his life show the destruction of hope and innocence and his descent into cynicism, alcoholism and hopelessness. Idealizing romantic love with a beautiful girl in his childhood, he is bitterly disappointed when the real world does not match the idealized images of love in his own imaginings. He then discovers as a teenager his peers consider him an outcast due to his chronic and physically disfiguring cystic acne, which covers his face, chest, shoulders and back in weeping pus-filled sores and repulses all who see him. He turns to alcohol to kill the pain and disappointment, losing all hope of finding true love, only to end up destitute, as an alcoholic in later adulthood. Only through a freak chance encounter late in his life is he transported back to his innocent memories of childhood and the idealized love of a beautiful girl that he craved in his youth. Finally fulfilled, he dies by wading out into the open ocean after finding his only "true" love - a "crazy love". The irony of the "hollowness" of this lost, idealized, love, and the tragic significance Harry places on this single event, sums up his lost life and finally makes him the hero of his own story. Each of the three phases filmed involves a sexual encounter with a "passive" female. In the first phase, the child is pushed into a sexual encounter with a friend's attractive mother whilst she is sleeping, drunk, in her bed at home. In the second, a girl lies passively in the back seat of a car, uninterested, whilst he attempts to have sex with her. She does it only as a favor to her boyfriend who is friends with Harry, but cannot carry through in the end and turns away in disgust at his appalling cystic acne. In the third, as an older alcoholic, he and his drunk friend stumble upon a fresh corpse and "steal" it as a joke, only for Harry to find that the dead - but still warm - girl resembles the girl of his childhood dreams. The next morning his friend finds Harry has committed suicide by intentionally walking out to sea with the corpse in his arms, apparently committing suicide after consummating his final desire. ===== Koi wa Ina Mono Myōna Mono actually starts while Tamura is in high school, when he encounters another boy, Narumi Seiwa, who he immediately recognizes from his foreseeing dream. He promptly passes out after seeing Seiwa from the stress of meeting the guy he knows he will end up sleeping with, which will confirm that he is a homosexual. Tamura attempts to avoid Seiwa at all costs, since he is already strongly attracted to him against his will because of the numerous times he has had the foreseeing dream of sleeping with Seiwa. Seiwa's touch is enough for Tamura to get aroused. Seiwa is further confused from Tamura's reactions and adverse avoidance of him. Tamura's avoidance of Seiwa irritates the other boy, who wants to know why he seemingly hates him. The end result is that Seiwa follows Tamura around school wanting an explanation, making it hard for Tamura to control his feelings for Seiwa. Eventually after such a long time of trying to avoid his "fate" and Seiwa's growing affection for him, Tamura finally gives up and sleeps with Seiwa after only knowing him for a few weeks, because of the stress it has caused him from his own stubbornness, and Seiwa's inability to give up liking him. However, the real reason he sleeps with Seiwa is because he finally admits that he does love Seiwa. The two become lovers and life partners afterwards. When last seen, Tamura and Seiwa are an "idiot couple" who still act like newlyweds, even seven years later. ===== The film traces the story of a family's struggle for survival in the aftermath of the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, to North Vietnam's communist regime. After her South Vietnamese Army husband Long, is imprisoned in a North Vietnamese re-education camp, Mai, her son Lai, and her mother-in-law escape Vietnam by boat in the hopes of starting a new life in Southern California. Believing his family is dead, Long gives up in the face of brutal conditions, while Mai struggles to keep her family from crumbling under the pressures of life in a new country. When Long learns his family is alive in America, he is reinvigorated and decides he must join them at any cost. ===== Utilizing a film-within-a- film format, the overall plot involves New York City-based director Eddie Israel directing actors Sarah Jennings and Frank Burns in a Hollywood marital- crisis drama, Mother of Mirrors, which is about a formerly wealthy but unemployed husband who berates his newly religious wife about what he considers her hypocritical aversion to their sex-and-drug lifestyle. During the shooting of that film, Israel becomes more and more demanding of his actors, growing increasingly obsessive with finding the ugly truths beneath the story's surface. All the while, his own carelessness and bad behavior with his own family begins to erode him and to corrode his marriage to Madlyn. ===== We are introduced to a man named Carl Strople who seems to be going through a bit of an identity crisis. He was stripped of his identity when he was inducted into an elite underground assassin group called the X Group. We are also introduced to Kelly, Carl's wife. After a series of intense training exercises, consisting of mock assassinations and hunting games, Carl is almost ready to be assigned his first mission. Meanwhile, a man named David Abraham is the spiritual advisor to the President of the United States, Robert Stenton. David has informed the President about a great deal of Project Showdown, and while the President remains skeptical of the true extent of what happened fifteen years ago in Paradise, CO, he holds David's opinion in high regard; second only to his son, Jamie. Robert has been against the new peace treaty that Iranian Minister of Defense Assim Feroz has been pushing, believing that once the other countries had Israel disarmed, they would attack without hesitation. Carl and Kelly arrive in New York City with Carl's mission, kill Assim Feroz. After a few days of scouting and setting up the hit, they are ready to assassinate the Iranian Defense Minister. Right before Carl pulls the trigger, Kelly informs him there is a change in the mission, and he is now supposed to assassinate the President of the United States. Carl can't bring himself to pull the trigger because his mind is screaming that the President is somehow his true father. He aborts and they decide to set up for another shot the next day. This time, despite the same mental anguish, he shoots, but is able to control the bullet's course, directing it to miss all the vital organs, leaving the president with merely a flesh wound. This is when Carl meets David Abraham. David, seeming to know more about Carl than Carl himself does, asks him to meet his son Samuel. When Carl sees Samuel, he is informed that his real name isn't Carl, but Johnny Drake, and that he was born in Paradise, Colorado. Samuel tells Carl/Johnny to go to Paradise to find out more. Johnny then goes to Paradise with Kelly to see if he can piece together his past. There, he meets his mother and David, who tells him about his role in Project Showdown. However, he is quickly found by another member of the X Group, the Englishman. He has always been Johnny's rival, and is able to control his weapons telekinetically, making them float and fly through the air. Johnny barely makes his escape, but Kelly is taken hostage. Johnny travels back to New York to complete his original mission, which is to kill Assim Feroz. After doing just that and eluding Englishman, Kelly is freed with a message to Johnny that "he will be his own undoing." Johnny heads back to Paradise and meets Samuel and Kelly. Samuel begins to explain why Johnny was sent into the X Group to infiltrate it and his unusual abilities are not of his own talent, but of the power he received from the "Books of History. (explained in the book Showdown)" Johnny then realizes that if he is going to defeat Englishman, he must regain the faith he had before it was stripped from him by the X Group. He finally accomplishes this and is able to control boulders and other objects telekinetically. They then go to the President's Ranch for a final battle against Englishman, which ends with Johnny losing his normal vision, going "blind", and the Englishman ceasing to exist. Kelly and Johnny decide to go to the desert in Nevada. ===== Kim (Ravi Sheth) is a 13-year-old street orphan in Lahore of the 19th century (1894). Kim thinks he is native, but he's actually of British origin, the son of an Irish soldier and an unknown mother (unlike the novel on which it is based, Kim's mother is not portrayed as Irish, but it is made clear that Kim is white). Kim is hired as a guide by a travelling Tibetan lama (Peter O'Toole) on a search for a river where Budda hurled an arrow, turning it into a place of redemption. When he finds his father's regiment and the British military discover his origins and his real name, Kimball O'Hara, he's placed in an English college. His nature, however, is opposed to the regimentation expected for the son of a British soldier, and he rebels. His familiarity with Indian life and his ability to pass as an Indian child allows him to function as a spy for the British as they attempt to thwart revolution and invasion of India. Rejoining his holy man, Kim is trained by an Englishman called Babu (John Rhys Davies) to become a British spy and receives orders from a British Colonel (Julian Glover) who assigns him a risky mission in the "Great Game", the behind-the-scenes struggle between Imperial Britain and Russia for supremacy in Afghanistan and Central Asia. He also befriends an astute Afghan horse-dealer named Mahbub Ali (Bryan Brown), a British Secret Service agent, who helps him with his task. ===== Tim comments how Britain had colonized far away places to keep alive the noble art of playing cricket, and he and Bill argue about keeping politics out of sport. The Minister of Sport asks the Goodies for help, informing them that all other member countries have left the Commonwealth, apart from the tiny August Bank Holiday Islands (where the next Commonwealth Games are to be held). "August Bank Holiday Islands - where's that?" asked Graeme, to which the Minister for Sport replied: "Between Easter Island and Christmas Island." The Goodies are asked to train the British Commonwealth athletic team to top fitness, but the potential members of the team are all former Members of Parliament, and not athletes — they are also very old and fail the test, and the Goodies have to take their places in the team. Amongst the sporting equipment given to the Goodies are extremely heavy boots which, the Minister informs them, is to combat expected weightlessness they would encounter at the August Bank Holiday Islands. However, the extremely heavy boots prove to be totally unnecessary, and create a problem for Tim, Graeme and Bill, who have trouble even walking in them. When the Goodies state that they do not want to wear the boots, the Minister for Sport insists that the Goodies keep wearing them throughout the entire Commonwealth Games. Because of the extreme heaviness of the boots, the Goodies lose every event, and Britain has to forfeit the British Commonwealth to the August Bank Holiday Islands as a result. The Minister unfairly blames the Goodies for Britain's failure in the games. Later, the Minister sees the Goodies again, and tells them that the former member countries had rejoined the Commonwealth under the new August Bank Holiday Islands rule — however, the news is not so good for Britain. ===== The dark fantasy world where the story is set is soon to be facing divine punishment. The ancient gods, disgusted by humanity’s pride, intend to wipe mankind out and replace it with a new, more submissive race of goatmen, but this plan is not unavoidable. One party of adventurers take it upon themselves to fight back "against overwhelming odds" so that humanity is not sentenced to a fate "that may be worse than death." Traveling with the protagonist are potentially six allies, who gradually get recruited, or ask to join the adventurers. ===== Buck Caesar (Stanley Fields) is a paroled convict who makes a contribution to a reform school on the advice of his nephew, Jim Donahue (Ronald Reagan), a lawyer. Jim feels that the boys in the reform school, including Tony (Billy Halop), Gyp (Leo Gorcey), Joey (Bobby Jordan), Bingo (Huntz Hall), Ace (Gabriel Dell), and "Ouch" (Bernard Punsly), could benefit from the contribution, and he believes the publicity from it will help his uncle. The superintendent, Krispan (Grant Mitchell), does not want the contribution to lead to an audit, as he has been carrying two sets of financial books. He gets a professional hockey team to substitute for the team his school will be playing. His reasoning is that Buck will place a large bet on the school and lose, thereby getting him angry and possibly violent, which would violate his parole and send him back to prison. Buck does proceed to get angry, and punches the opposing coach, and then hides to avoid arrest. Krispan continues in his role as ruler of the school, which had deteriorated under Buck's influence. As punishment for their actions while Buck was around, Krispan locks Joey into a freezer, and he dies. The other kids revolt and Buck comes out of hiding to aid them. The kids capture Krispan and make him go through a trial where they convict him to "join Joey". Buck, however, has gone to the police, and they arrive in time to stop them. Krispan is punished through the proper legal channels, and Buck returns to prison for violation of parole. ===== Set in the Old West, the Stooges are scouts for the United States Cavalry. They are sent by General Muster (Ted Lorch) to catch a gang of cattle rustlers, so they hide as bushes to try to find the gang's leader, Longhorn Pete (Stanley Blystone). However, the rustlers see past their disguises and shoot at the trio, forcing them to flee. The Stooges eventually wind up in Longhorn Pete's saloon, and the Stooges disguise themselves as gamblers and get into a card game with Pete as they wait for the cavalry. Moe attempts to send a message to General Muster for help via carrier pigeon, but the pigeon returns to Pete, who reads the incriminating message aloud. The Stooges are forced to escape for their lives, jumping on a covered wagon filled with household equipment — and a monkey. The trio toss pots and pans from the wagon onto the ground, which the hoofs of the rustlers' horses catch them. The wagon loosens up from the horse team, and goes down in its own power until it stops. The Stooges lock themselves within a small house, forcing the rustlers to use their guns on it from the outside. A bullet knocks off the monkey's hat, and he is forced to use a dipper as a helmet. Amidst the melee, Curly spots a meat grinder and decides to make a hamburger. The whizzing bullets accidentally topple a box of ammunition into the grinder, and the grinder becomes a makeshift Gatling gun. Discovering the chance, they add more ammunition and even a gun belt serving as an ad hoc ammunition belt. The increase in opposing firepower overwhelm the bandits until General Muster and his soldiers arrives and captures them. As the Stooges are given kudos for a job well done, the monkey goes to the grinder and twists the handle, firing a few shots that caused the three to be hit and flee the area. ===== It has been over a month since the fleet last encountered the Cylons and the crew of the Galactica begins the tedious job of conducting repairs and maintenance to their battered ship. In his quarters, Admiral Adama reflects upon his wedding anniversary, dreaming of his estranged wife Carolanne. Adama is awakened when Colonel Tigh arrives to have him sign off on papers. Tigh reports that since most of the Vipers are out of dry-dock, Chief Galen Tyrol will be checking the servos on Airlock 12. Admiral Adama continues to fantasize of Carolanne, but it is quickly revealed that their relationship wasn't perfect. Carolanne accuses him of putting duty before family which is why she divorced him. Meanwhile, in their quarters, Chief Tyrol and his wife Cally prepare for repair duty. Galen gets their infant son Nicky ready for daycare while Cally protests having to work when she hoped they could spend the day together. Galen reminds her that duty takes priority over their marriage obligations. The two arrive at the damaged Airlock 12 with deckhand Seelix who enters the control booth. Cally remains disapproving, questioning why Galen picked her to work with him when she should be taking care of the baby. This starts a quarrel between them. Galen tells her things are different now that they've left New Caprica and are back aboard Galactica. As Seelix overhears the argument through the intercom, an alarm activates and the airlock doors seal shut. Galen tells Seelix to open the door, but she says there's a pressure differential and the doors sealed automatically. Believing it to be a trivial problem, Galen begins to look for a leak and soon finds a small crack in a patch on the bulkhead. As Adama walks to a meeting with President Roslin, he continues to fantasize about Carolanne, who accuses him of creating a god-like facade for himself and Roslin as an excuse to keep his distance. Adama meets with Roslin who brings up the issue of Gaius Baltar's upcoming trial. She indicates the trial will be problematic because they'd have to pick a common set of laws for the process, but since the colonies each had their own systems of justice she doesn't know which one to use. She says she wants to appoint an honest and dedicated person to organize and conduct the legal research. She requests Adama's son, Apollo, knowing that his grandfather was a respected lawyer. Adama agrees that Apollo is a good choice but says Apollo had never shown an interest in law. Roslin insists and Adama says he will ask him. Roslin then requests to stay on the Galactica for the rest of the day. In the pilot ready room, Apollo enters to give a briefing. He overhears the pilots chattering about how many days it has been since they encountered the Cylons, which is currently at 49 days. Apollo berates their celebration saying they only need to consider the number "1" — since "one slip-up" is all it takes to jeopardize the fleet. Adama watches his son's stern lecture from the doorway as Carolanne's image returns to his mind. She scoffs at the fact that he never tells Lee how much he loves him and that he lets performance reviews express his feelings instead of words. Afterwards, Adama tells his son of Roslin's request that he handle the legal proceedings. Apollo is flattered saying he remembers looking through his grandfather's legal textbooks and that he briefly considered becoming a lawyer instead of joining the military. Apollo refuses because the duties of the CAG already consume all his time. Meanwhile, the situation in the airlock grows critical. Galen's temporary patch of the hole doesn't hold and the breach expands further. He and his wife are beginning to freeze and rapidly losing air. By now, Admiral Adama has been alerted of the crisis and goes to the control room to assess the situation. Adama is frustrated that the backup systems can't be activated, and Apollo explains that extensive battle damage to Airlock 12 knocked out the bypass. Colonel Tigh suggests using explosives to break through the window of the control booth, but Apollo says the window is too strongly reinforced. The amount of explosive necessary to breach it would kill the Tyrols in the blast. The only option left is a harrowing plan to blow the exterior hatch and rescue them with a Raptor. Adama informs Galen of the plan saying they are taking them "out the front door". Galen asks if they're planning on setting up a docking collar, but Adama replies that there isn't enough time. Cally is visibly shaken and fears they won't survive the explosive egress. Adama tells her not to worry, assuring that people have survived exposure to vacuum for as long as a minute. She begins to worry about Nicky, telling her husband that she knows what happens to orphaned children in the fleet. While Galen moves loose objects closer to the airlock so that they won't be struck during the decompression, Cally asks the Admiral that if anything should happen to them, would he see to Nicky being given to a woman in the fleet named Susan Settler. Adama promises that he'll see to it and tells them to get ready. Outside the airlock, Athena pilots a Raptor up to the exterior hatch. Inside, Apollo and Starbuck open the side hatch and ready themselves to catch the Tyrols as they are blown out into space. In the airlock, Galen takes tight hold of Cally. He apologizes for being selfish with forcing her to work with him, but admits that he just wanted to enjoy her company. The hatch is blown sending the Tyrols and several cargo containers into space. The Raptor narrowly avoids being struck by the debris and Apollo and Starbuck catch the Tyrols safely. Apollo reports they are alive, but in rough shape. Once back aboard, Apollo sits with his father reminiscing about his mother Carolanne. He explains that after the divorce, Carolanne took to drinking heavily. Despite his father's devotion to her, he believes his mother never truly loved him. Down in sickbay, Galen and Cally recover from their incident. Seelix brings Nicky to see his father who painfully rests in a bed. He finds the strength to get to his feet and carries Nicky to Cally, who is in a hyperbaric chamber recovering from decompression sickness. Meanwhile, Apollo returns to his quarters where his wife Dee tells him that his father sent down a box for him. Apollo is amazed to find it filled with his grandfather's old legal books and shocked that his father had even kept them. Elsewhere, Admiral Adama has another meeting with Roslin. He brings up a past conversation of hers where she said that if they'd have stayed on New Caprica, she would have found a nice secluded place to build a cabin. She says Baltar's inept leadership and New Caprica's terrain would have made it too difficult. She wonders however, if the Cylons had never returned, would he have eventually left Galactica to settle down himself. He evades the question saying it would have been irrelevant anyway. The image of Carolanne returns to his thoughts who tells him that she knows he would have eventually. As Adama leaves, Roslin says she would have indeed built the cabin. Adama returns to his quarters and takes one last look at his wedding photo before putting it back inside his locker. ===== The story follows the efforts of three teenagers to overthrow a religious cult with terrorist leanings, the Kakusei Group, which their families belonged to. Anna, the daughter of the cult leader, Todo, was rescued by a cult dissenter, Moe, as a young girl. Trained from an early age to kill, Anna's only close bond is with Moe, and her main purpose in life is to kill her father. In her efforts to reach this goal, she comes into contact with two other teens who once belonged to the cult with her: Yuri Kitagawa, a shy young man who lives with his domineering mother, and Mitsuba Maezona, a delinquent who has been raised by strangers he believes to be his family. Yuri meets Anna after he "kills" his mother—or rather, watches her die from the results of a suicide attempt. Abused and controlled by his mother for most of his life, he feels liberated by her death as well as a strong sense of guilt. When Anna offers to help him dispose of the body and asks him to accompany her on her quest, he falls in love with her and accepts. However, Yuri is somewhat timid and innocent, and often finds Anna's violent approach to solving problems unnerving. Mitsuba joins up with Anna and Yuri after his adopted family is killed by members of the Kakusei Group, because they had kidnapped him from the cult when he was a child. Mitsuba meets Anna and Yuri first because Anna saves him while he is fighting with the Kakusei group. His motivation is to get revenge for his family's murders, and Anna's plans to go after the cult collide with his own desires. Though their violent antics are initially very unheroic, the three teens soon begin to confront the question of right and wrong as they battle the Kakusei Group as well as try to avoid the machinations of Inspector Nishikama, the detective assigned to the Kakusei Group case who will use anyone and anything to destroy the cult, even children. Anna and Yuri also start to develop slight feelings for each other. Anna, Yuri, and Mitsuba also run into another former cult member, Kunita, who has become a preacher. He implores them to look for a better option than violence, but he is also committed to destroying the Kakusei Group, as well as protecting the three kids with Moe. Another adult who wishes to help them is Sergeant Shono, an idealistic member of the Juvenile Affairs division assigned to their case. She insists that no matter what actions they have done, they are only children and therefore need to be protected and cared for. Inspector Nishikama and Sergeant Shono often butt heads over this issue. She also makes a bargain with them. She will help them take down the Kakusei group but Yuri, Mitsuba and Anna must all turn themselves in after they destroy the Kakusei group. Also, Anna and the others can no longer kill anyone other than those who once belonged in the Kakusei group. Anna, Mitsuba and Yuri agree to the bargain. However, as the situation becomes more dire, differences must eventually be put aside. ===== The episode begins with Starbuck restlessly asleep in her bunk and having a dream in which she finds herself in her apartment on Caprica painting the Eye of Jupiter on her wall. She becomes frustrated and splashes white paint over her artwork as the Cylon Leoben Conoy approaches her from behind. The two begin to aggressively make love until Starbuck awakens, breathing heavily. Later, Starbuck talks with Helo, who learns of her strange dreams and suggests she see an oracle. During the discussion, Starbuck catches a glimpse of a little beaten girl in a mirror; it is her younger self. Turning about, the child is not there. Starbuck then heads to Dogsville in the hangar and sees the oracle, Yolanda Brenn. She enters the tent, finding a small winged figurine. Suddenly, Brenn speaks from the shadows, explaining that the figurine is a depiction of the goddess Aurora, who signifies change and allows Starbuck to keep it. Before Starbuck can say much, Brenn says she knows why she came. She says she knows of Leoben and the dreams, repeating word-for-word Leoben's remarks of Starbuck's destiny. She tells Starbuck that it all means that her mother, Socrata Thrace (Dorothy Lyman), is trying to tell her something important. Angry and afraid, Starbuck quickly leaves. Meanwhile, the fleet is undergoing fuel replenishment in the orbit of a gas giant, using the planet's radiation to help hide their presence from the Cylons. After a rendezvous with her husband, Anders, Starbuck tells him about some of the abuse she endured at the hands of her mother. Starbuck says that her mother had an intense phobia of insects. Starbuck was angry with her mother one day, and hid plastic insects in her mother's shoes. As punishment, her mother slammed Starbuck's hand repeatedly in a door. Later, Starbuck and Hot Dog are on patrol, piloting their Vipers in the clouds of the gas giant. Starbuck catches sight of a Cylon Heavy Raider and gives chase. Because of the radiation, the DRADIS is blind and Hot Dog is unable to get a confirmation of the ship. He soon loses sight of Starbuck, who remains in hot pursuit of the Cylon. In orbit, Admiral Adama aborts the refuelling and orders the fleet to prepare for a jump. Starbuck dogfights the Cylon through the clouds, eventually entering a swirling storm into which the Cylon dives. Strangely, the clouds take on the red, blue and yellow colors of the Eye of Jupiter. Determined to kill the Cylon, Starbuck maintains her pursuit, ignoring the frantic calls from Apollo to pull up before she is crushed by the increasing atmospheric pressure below the cloud deck. After seeing glimpses of her apartment between flashes of lightning and the outline of her mother standing in the room, Starbuck finally comes to her senses and returns to Galactica. Once aboard, she is shocked by Chief Tyrol's claim that her Viper has no visible damage, even though she felt bullet impacts. Likewise, her gun camera footage shows she was firing at nothing. Admiral Adama meets with Apollo, asking his son if he thinks Starbuck is losing her mind. Apollo says he will talk to her and later finds Starbuck sitting in Memorial Hallway, staring at the pictures on the wall. She tells him if she dies first, he is to place her photo right next to the photo of Kat. Apollo promises, but says if he dies first, he wants to be placed next to the photo of Duck and Nora, who were both lost on New Caprica. Starbuck asks his decision about her flight readiness and he gives her some words of encouragement. Meanwhile, she observes dripping candle wax taking the pattern and colors of the Eye. When Starbuck passes Admiral Adama and President Roslin, she gives the figurine of Aurora to Adama, saying it would make a great figurehead for the model sailing ship in his quarters. Preparing for her next flight mission, Starbuck stops herself from entering her Viper cockpit when she sees her younger self sitting in the seat. Visibly shaken, she tells Apollo she is unable to trust herself and cannot fly. Apollo comforts her by offering to be her wingman for the flight. Once more in the sky of the planet, Starbuck catches sight of the Heavy Raider and engages pursuit. Apollo's scopes show no sign of the bogey and he chases after Starbuck, but he quickly loses sight of her. Starbuck again chases the Raider into the swirling storm, where the Cylon turns around and nearly collides with her. Suddenly, the Viper's cockpit canopy is punctured and Starbuck passes out as her fighter begins a wild spin. The cockpit alarms change to the alarm of a clock and the scene changes to Starbuck lying in bed in her apartment on Caprica. She turns the off the clock and immediately finds Leoben sitting by her side. Starbuck believes she is being tricked again and that this is all a dream or some Cylon mind-game. Leoben assures her that he is there to give her a chance at something she avoided in her past. He gently takes her hand and leads her into another scene change, this time it is her mother's apartment. Fearful, Starbuck sees herself, six years prior, entering her mother's kitchen dressed in her fleet officer uniform. Her mother sits reading a paper and smoking a cigarette. Hoping for some congratulations from her mother for having graduated flight school and becoming an officer, Starbuck instead receives an admonishment for graduating 16th in her class. Starbuck tells her she was 16th out of 117 cadets. Angered, her mother tells her she should have been number one. Starbuck retaliates, thinking that her mother is jealous because she never became an officer, despite having served as a decorated Marine Corporal in the first Cylon War. Starbuck then notices a medical paper on the table and grabs it despite her mother's objection. The report says her mother has terminal cancer. Starbuck offers sympathy, but her mother rejects it, saying that Starbuck should have pity for herself. In anger, Starbuck walks out the door, vowing to never return and that her mother can die alone. Starbuck relives the moment and sobs. Leoben then takes her to the bedroom where her mother lies on her deathbed and gives Starbuck another chance to be with her mother as she dies. Starbuck sits next to the bed and notices her mother holds a scrapbook filled with all her childhood drawings, including the swirling Eye. Starbuck takes her mother's hand as she tells her that she is happy she came back. She presses her daughter's hand against her face as she takes her final breath. Starbuck quietly sobs, but is partially relieved to have been at her mother's final moments. Leoben tells her that death is not hard to embrace, and that is the message her mother was trying to tell her all along. Starbuck finally sees Leoben as something else, perhaps not a Cylon, but her spiritual guardian. Leoben says he never claimed he was actually Leoben. In reality, Starbuck finally awakens to the shouts of Apollo begging her to come back. She moves her hand near the ejection seat lever on her Viper before telling him that she is no longer afraid and will "see him on the other side". Apollo demands that she pull up, but she whispers, "just let me go... they're waiting for me". Apollo then sees an explosion as Starbuck's Viper breaks apart and disintegrates. With no sign that she ejected, Apollo cries out in despair. In orbit, Admiral Adama asks if Apollo has visual contact with Starbuck. Apollo replies "negative...she went in". Adama orders search-and- rescue ships to be dispatched, but Apollo tells him that Starbuck is gone; there is nothing to find. There is stunned silence across the bridge. Later, Admiral Adama sits quietly in his quarters looking at the Aurora figurine. He sees that it is a perfect fit for the prow of his sailing ship, but in grief and anger, he smashes the model to pieces and begins to sob. ===== The episode begins aboard Colonial One with President Roslin randomly drawing the names of five ship captains to appoint as judges for Gaius Baltar's tribunal. Admiral Adama happens to be the fifth name she draws, to her surprise. Aboard Galactica, Admiral Adama looks over Starbuck's personnel file and reminisces about the late pilot. In the hangar deck, an inebriated Samuel Anders stands atop a Viper, grieving over Starbuck and causing a scene. Apollo climbs up to offer Anders solace, but Anders says he has to leave. In his uncoordinated state, Anders falls from the Viper and injures his leg. Meanwhile, Racetrack preps her Raptor to shuttle Baltar's attorney Alan Hughes to the Zephyr. As Hughes boards the Raptor, Racetrack comments negatively about the arrogant lawyer and the fact that she's been assigned as his personal chauffeur. Suddenly, a bomb hidden inside the Raptor explodes, killing Hughes. On Colonial One, Roslin meets with the press who are concerned about the possibility of more terrorist attacks. Roslin maintains that she will not let the attack deter the court from giving Baltar a fair trial. Back aboard Galactica, Apollo conducts a briefing with his pilots, but he is distracted with thoughts of Starbuck. In an embarrassing moment, he comments on a joke told by Racetrack, accidentally calling her Starbuck. Meanwhile, Roslin and the tribunal judges interview Romo Lampkin, Baltar's replacement counsel who is shown to be a very eccentric individual who constantly wears a blue overcoat and sunglasses. When Roslin asks why he volunteered to be Baltar's legal counsel, possibly risking his life because of it, he claims he's doing it for the "fame." Everyone is then startled by Lampkin's cat which jumps on Roslin's desk. Lampkin claims the cat belonged to his late wife, and that he brought the animal along in a tote bag. On Galactica, Admiral Adama questions Apollo's fitness for duty and grounds him from flying until he can get his head straight. In the meantime, he assigns Helo as CAG and puts Apollo in charge of security for Lampkin, much to his son's objection. Apollo meets Lampkin and learns that he had studied under Apollo’s grandfather, Joseph Adama, a man he says he hated. Lampkin requests to see his client Baltar, but chooses Apollo's quarters for the meeting, saying Baltar's cell and Lampkin's assigned quarters may be booby trapped or bugged. The meeting is arranged and as Apollo watches, Baltar and Lampkin discuss the trial. Baltar scribbles notes for his manifesto saying the tribunal will use Caprica Six's statements against him. Lampkin later requests to go to Colonial One, but since Apollo is grounded from flight he asks Athena to shuttle Lampkin and himself over. As Lampkin boards the Raptor, his cat escapes and crawls under the craft. Frustrated, Chief Tyrol stoops down to coax the animal out, but in doing so he finds another bomb attached to the landing gear. Everyone scrambles for safety but the bomb doesn't go off. Later, Admiral Adama admonishes his son for disobeying orders and tells him to remain focused on his duty, regardless of grief for Starbuck. Tyrol conducts an investigation of the latest bomb and reveals that someone on the flight deck crew is the assassin. Cally Tyrol is convinced that it's a Cylon plot and indirectly points the blame at Athena. Her accusation is disregarded, but Athena is outraged asking Cally why she would bomb her own Raptor. Meanwhile, Lampkin gets approval from Roslin to interview Caprica Six in an interrogation room. Roslin, Tory Foster and Admiral Adama eavesdrop on the conversation from the observation room. During the interview, Six says she will cooperate in prosecuting Baltar, but Lampkin says that Baltar still loves her deeply. He tells her that unlike Baltar, she will not be given a trial. He removes his sunglasses and gives her Baltar's pen saying it was a limited freedom that Baltar gave up for her. Six is moved, but returns the pen saying the guards won't let her have it. In the meantime, Baltar panics in his cell at the mysterious "loss" of his pen. As Lampkin retires for the evening, Deckhand Figurski gives him a box of paperwork from Colonial One. The marines check the box for sabotage, but then one notices a screw on the deck. As Lampkin enters the code to open his door, the guard shoves him to the ground just as a bomb hidden in the keypad detonates. Lampkin survives the explosion, but is taken to sickbay. Apollo visits him and brings Lampkin's tote bag, sans the cat, but filled with a curious array of items. When Apollo inquires why he has Roslin's reading glasses, Lampkin says "I borrow things." He admits to having kleptomania and is compelled to steal "something" from everyone he meets. Lee, however, is exempt; though he debated stealing Starbuck's photo, Lee "has had enough stolen from him already." Apollo also finds one of the prosecuting lawyers' sandals and a tarnished button from Admiral Adama's uniform. When he comes across a magnet from the previous explosive devices Apollo becomes alarmed. Lampkin says he lifted it off Captain Kelly. Apollo then confronts Kelly who admits he's the bomber. He tells Apollo the only option is to have him locked up for he will continue his attacks as long as Baltar is alive. In a meeting with Admiral Adama, Apollo is reinstated as CAG and pulled off from the legal counsel for Baltar's trial. Apollo, however, now wishes to help Lampkin; Adama doesn't allow it, saying the job is too risky, and tells Apollo to return to duty. A heated discussion ensues, with Apollo asking Adama if it is an order to return to duty. Adama responds by saying he is through giving Apollo orders. Apollo goes to Memorial Highway and puts Starbuck's photo next to Kat. Anders wanders up on crutches and the two finally come to terms with the loss of Starbuck. Adama returns to the command center, telling the XO to remove Apollo from CAG status, as he has other things to attend to. Meanwhile, Baltar receives an envelope from Lampkin via Apollo which contains his pen and a poetic note stating, "There's no greater ally, no force more powerful, no enemy more resolved than a son who chooses to step from his father's shadow." Deleted scene Athena confronts Cally about her accusations of planting the bomb, which gets physical. Athena hands Cally her sidearm and Cally points it at Athena's chest. Athena taunts her to pull the trigger, but Cally hesitates. Cally tells Athena that she can't bring herself to shoot because she knows Athena loves her daughter, and her husband Helo, and that she would never do anything to jeopardize them (like planting a bomb). Cally lowers the gun and Athena grabs it and quickly points the weapon next to Cally's head. Athena warns that if Cally is the one discovered to have planted the bomb, Athena will kill her herself. ===== ===== Peter Jordan is 31 years old, $35,000 in debt, and he's been working at Super Duper Computers for seven long years. Together with his equally down-on-their-luck co-workers Stan and Willie, Peter dreams of escaping the daily drudgery of "don't forget to sell the extended warranty", and "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean". Peter's existence in Big Box Retail Commission hell is further fueled by rival Salesman Rommel who steals Peter's customers and computer sales behind his back. Just when things seem to be at their worst, Peter's long lost high school buddy Frehley blows into town and turns Peter, Stan and Willie's humdrum lives into a non-stop beer-soaked party, full of loud music, strip clubs, and beautiful girls! And with Frehley yelling "You only live once!", Peter whips out the credit cards to buy his dream car, a classic Volkswagen Beetle. But when Frehley suddenly splits town, straight- laced Peter and his buddies are shocked to find themselves left with a massive hockey bag stuffed full of primo weed. ===== The Stooges operate a failing restaurant and are plenty sick of it. Two men (Nick Copeland, Lew Davis) walk in and order food as they look over a racing form. One man laments the state in which his horse, Thunderbolt, is in, claiming that he is "all run out" and that he wants to dump him off on some unsuspecting sap. This works in his favor when Larry opens a newspaper and reads a story on a horse named Mad Cap who won a race worth $10,000 ($ today). The Stooges then decide to sell their restaurant to Thunderbolt's owners and get into the horse racing industry. Upon arriving at Thunderbolt's stable, Curly races the horse around the track. Curly misunderstands and runs alongside Thunderbolt, but he stops when Moe calls him over. Feeling hungry, Curly pulls out a handful of chili snacks that he swiped from the restaurant, thinking them to be salted peanuts. However, Thunderbolt eats them first and, with his mouth burning, literally "runs like lightning" towards the nearest water trough. Moe demands to know what Curly gave the horse, but he still believes them to be peanuts. To be sure, Moe eats a handful and suffers the same heated mouth as Thunderbolt and runs to the trough. Curly follows suit, and blazes to the trough as well. The Stooges quickly discover that the caused Thunderbolt's sudden burst of speed and believe it to be their ace in the hole for future races. Larry laughs at the Stooges for this, in which Moe gives those in his mouth, causing him to almost drink a bottle of kerosene by accident. Once the race starts, Thunderbolt turns around and starts running in the opposite direction. Larry stops him and feeds him the hot peppers, but the effect is too much for Thunderbolt and he is too disoriented to run. Moe and Curly grab a bucket of water, hop on a parked motorcycle and drive alongside of Thunderbolt with the bucket hanging from a pole in front of the horse. Thunderbolt wins the race, and the Stooges enjoy the good life as they each eat their own turkey and Thunderbolt eats oats out of a large bowl in celebration. ===== Ramona's world is changing. There's tiny baby Roberta at home, and as Ramona adjusts to being a big sister, she discovers that she likes teaching Roberta to do things such as sticking out her tongue. In fourth grade, she finally has a best friend, the new student Daisy Kidd (who is also new to the neighborhood). At school Ramona is frustrated with her teacher, Mrs. Meacham. Mrs. Meacham pushes her students to be proper spellers; spelling is a difficult subject for Ramona. Beezus, a 14-year-old just entering high school, starts speaking French around the house, spending a lot of time on the phone talking about boys and asking her friends about who she should date, which makes her little sister mad. Ramona begins to feel forgotten as Beezus, while Mr. and Mrs. Quimby are always fussing over Roberta. Ramona's rivalry with Susan, her nemesis since kindergarten, continues. Ramona is frustrated by Susan's perfect attitude. She reluctantly invites Susan to her birthday party at the park at her mother's insistence. Susan brings an apple instead of eating the birthday cake. After the other girls tease her and Mrs. Quimby confronts her, she finally decides to eat a slice of cake. ===== A mob bookkeeper (played by Milburn Stone) is confronted, shot, and killed by the utterly ruthless hitman Cappy Gordon (Jack Palance), under orders from the notorious gangster Vic Spilato, who is currently under investigation by the U.S. Senate. Cappy then heads for San Cristóbal, a bustling town in an unspecified Latin American country, with plans to deliver a similar fate to Spilato's estranged girlfriend, the singer Clare Shepperd (Linda Darnell), who is trying to escape her past connections with Spilato. Meanwhile, Russ Lambert (played by Robert Mitchum), an American prizefighter, also heads to San Cristóbal to take his mind off his recent, accidental killing of an opponent in the ring. Lambert prepares to fight a local challenger named Rivera. At the same time, Clare, under the alias "Clare Sinclair," seeks out a bar-owner named Felipe who was once criminally connected with her gangster ex, and sells him a valuable pair of earrings. Clare watches as Lambert wins the match against Rivera and finds herself attracted to Lambert, though she has mistakenly bet on Rivera. Soon afterward, Cappy's hunt for Clare ends, and he expresses his love for her, promising to spare her life if she will run off with him. Instead, Clare flees for Felipe's bar and threatens to expose the owner to Cappy, unless Felipe will persuade Lambert to meet her at the isolated Posado de Don Pascual. Felipe does so and Clare and Lambert meet there, tentatively beginning a relationship with romantic possibilities, though Clare does not tell Lambert about her stormy past. Clare and Lambert take an aerial tramway to La Cumbre ("The Summit"), an idyllic but almost completely secluded mountaintop village, and they enjoy a stroll through the town, unaware that Cappy is pursuing them. They watch a sexually provocative dance, performed by a young man and woman, whose older husband, Vasco (Rodolfo Hoyos Jr.), drags her off in a jealous rage, kills her, and is consequently arrested. Upset by the event, Clare and Lambert head toward a hotel where they spend the night, since the aerial lift has ended service for the night and this is no other way in or out of La Cumbre. Lambert and Clare kiss, and Lambert reveals he knows of her history with Spilato. When Clare is alone at the hotel, Cappy violently barges into her room and makes her promise to meet him later at the hotel lounge, where, he claims, they will reunite and run away together. Clare deceives the hitman, though, culminating in the first encounter between Lambert and a superficially friendly Cappy, who has been using the alias "Mr. Walters" at the hotel. Cappy closely follows Clare and Lambert onto the next cable car, which is also being used by local police to transport Vasco, the murderous husband from the previous night, back down to San Cristóbal. High above a deep abyss, one of two main cables suddenly snaps in the middle of the cable car's journey, jolting the car to a halt and sending the car's engineer plummeting to his death. Clare, Lambert, Cappy, Vasco, and several other passengers are left stranded in midair, and the remaining cable begins to fray, threatening to send them all hurtling to their doom. There is a possibility that one of the passengers could swing from the broken cable to a nearby cliff, and then run back into the town of La Cumbre to send for two emergency lifts. These lifts, which are much smaller than the cable car, can be guided right alongside the car, but they can only carry so much weight; in fact, the conductor calculates that three passengers will have to be left behind and will surely die when the second cable breaks, probably within the next few minutes. Vasco volunteers, and the police officer escorting him allows him to do so because Vasco's young son is in the cable car. Vasco, however, swings into the cliff too hard, causing him to smash into the rocks and perish. Lambert volunteers for the task next and succeeds. He returns with the first of the two emergency lifts, but, before Clare and others can board it, Cappy suddenly grabs a police handgun and wounds the officer. He then attempts to board the lift, taking only himself and Clare, but Lambert attacks him. Cappy and Lambert then fight until, finally, one of Lambert's expert punches sends Cappy tumbling over the railing to his death. The remaining passengers board the two aerial lifts and get away seconds before the cable parts, dropping the cable car into the abyss. ===== The film opens with a rapid montage of visuals that transport people back to the 1970s in and around Greenwich Village. Driving disco music of the time sets the pace. Using intimate interviews, the story of gay sex in the 1970s develops through characters such as Larry Kramer, Scott Bromley, Barton Benes, and Rodger McFarlane. These characters begin to expand the elements that were visually introduced. They talk about the public sex: the streets, the piers, and the trucks. This outpouring of sexuality is put into perspective when it is shown what gay life was like before 1969. How the political climate of the time influenced sexual expression. They discuss Vietnam, women's rights and especially Stonewall in 1969. The interviewees explore the experience of ‘Escaping to New York’. What some of the reasons they left the cities they had spent their entire lives in were, how things changed after the Sexual Revolution had begun. New York in the 1970s continued the sexual liberation birthed during the free love movement of the 1960s. Playboy magazine flourished like never before as well as more explicit rival magazines Penthouse and Hustler , the Broadway show ‘Hair’, ‘Oh Calcutta’ and the highly controversial ‘Dionysus in ’69′ were produced. There was a bombardment of sexual stimuli. For the first time in history, gay pornography began receiving widespread attention. But how did pornography compare with actual sex occurring in the seventies? ‘Couldn’t compete – life was a pornographic movie’ Rodger McFarland explains. Sex had become the great equalizer. Young men of all financial strata and backgrounds met in New York to experience a freedom of sexual expression that hadn't been known since ancient Rome. Just a few years before these same men had assumed that their futures were to be in the suburbs via the marriage altar. They found themselves cruising the streets, frequenting gay bars, having sex everywhere from the privacy of their homes, to the orgiastic atmosphere of the bathhouses, to semi-public sexual meeting places like the trucks and the piers. At some venues such as the Continental Baths on the Upper West Side performers such as Bette Midler wowed towel clad audiences. Paradise Garage opened its doors. A heaven for young men and women of all colors and gay men, it birthed disco music. Other clubs soon followed – from the famous ‘Studio 54′, to the infamous ‘Saint’. Men danced their nights away in an intoxicating communal brotherhood. How did drugs fit into all this experimentation? Even though HIV had not yet become a threat, what kinds of STDs were being experienced? What were the challenges of all this available sex? In this new birth control age antibiotics were consumed in ever increasing amounts and as long as you were ready to party for the next weekend in the Pines, that was considered a clinical cure. By the 1970s Fire Island had become the summer paradise of choice for gay men. People from all over the world flew in to enjoy the outlandish parties, partake of sex on the beach and dance under the moonlight. But as the late 1970s partied on, there came to be talk of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and some men privately began to wonder ‘had they gone too far too fast?’ The election of the conservative Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 as well as Disco Demolition Night which helped bring about the decline of Disco music in the United States and the rise of the Religious Right in the early 1980s seemed to signal a backlash against the liberal atmosphere of the previous decade and the sexual revolution. In June 1981, just twelve years after the Stonewall Riots, an article appeared in the New York Times that would soon put the brakes on this unprecedented era of sexual freedom. It was by Dr. Lawrence Altman about an unusual cancer seeming to affect gay men – a cancer that soon came to be known as AIDS. While at first many simply brushed off the new reports and continued to party on, by the mid-1980s with the rising death toll it became impossible to ignore and one of the results from the new disease was the New York City Health department closing all of the gay bathhouses in 1985. Community and friendships formed by the energy and sexual freedom gave gay men the ability to bond together and work as a strong, cohesive community. They sounded the first public health alarms and formed groups such as GMHC that have helped and continue to help thousands of men and women living with HIV to this day. The film returns to the present day, 2004. Our characters explore what they gained from being alive in New York during the brief period of unencumbered sexuality that was life in New York during the 1970s, what the legacy of that time of sexual freedom is and how it continues to affect young people today. ===== Sultan Mahmud Shah, ruler of Malacca, dreams of a woman with unnatural beauty. Plagued by the dream, he asks the court magician their meaning. The court magician tells him that his dream is that of an extraordinary princess who lives on the peak of Mount Ledang. Sultan Mahmud becomes obsessed with the princess or Puteri, and orders his Bendahara to cancel his scheduled wedding to a local princess. Sultan Mahmud's officers and Dinda, the princess he had been engaged to, are confused with the Sultan's sudden change of attitude. Dinda's brother, Laksamana Zainol, is especially angry on his sister's behalf. Zainol, propelled by his sister's betrayal, begins talking to the Malaccan people of Sultan Mahmud's foolishness, planting the seeds of rebellion. Sultan Mahmud commands the Bendahara to seek the Puteri of Gunung Ledang out, but he claims the task to be impossible. The elderly Hang Tuah, greatest of all Malaccan warriors, offers to find the princess for the Sultan. He forms a party of warriors and they set out to Mount Ledang to find her and present the Sultan's proposal of marriage. They travel a great distance and have to overcome many obstacles. Hang Tuah himself becomes injured and is too weak to reach the peak, so he sends the younger members of the group onward without him. A single young warrior named Tun Mamat survives to reach the peak, where he is tempted by a flower fairy who tries to seduce him off his path. Tun Mamat repeatedly spurns the flower fairy and, upon beating her test, meets an elderly hag or Nenek Kebayan who agrees to help lead him to the peak of Mount Ledang. Once at the peak, the Nenek Kebayan leaves Tun Mamat, and he is greeted by four more flower fairies. They give him one final warning and then leave, making way for the Puteri herself to appear. The Puteri tells Tun Mamat that she has no desire to be queen, but she will marry Sultan Mahmud if he can give her seven presents as her dowry. Tun Mamat descends the mountain with the message, along the way reuniting with various members of the group who were lost or left behind on the way, including the recovering Hang Tuah. When Tun Mamat repeats the Puteri's message to him, Hang Tuah realises that the conditions are a rejection and he has failed in his task to the Sultan. He decides to leave Malacca forever in self-imposed exile. Tun Mamat and the rest of the warriors return to Malacca where the seven conditions are presented to Sultan Mahmud and the royal court, which are: * A golden bridge from the peak of Mount Ledang to the Malaccan palace, * A silver bridge from the Malaccan palace to the peak of Mount Ledang, * Seven trays of mosquitoes' hearts, * Seven trays of germs, * Seven jars of betel nut juice, * Seven jars of virgin's tears, * A bowl of Sultan Mahmud's son's blood. At hearing the conditions the royal court is in shock and dismay, but Sultan Mahmud is so focused on the beauty of the Puteri that he proudly claims that the seven conditions are easy and commands his people to fulfill them. All the gold and silver of the kingdom is taken from the Malaccan people to build the bridges; mosquitoes and germs are allowed to thrive, causing sickness throughout the land; all virgin women are forced to cry into bowls to collect their tears. At this time Zainol holds more secret meetings with the discontented people of Malacca to discuss Sultan Mahmud's inhumane commands. The people, now confident and angry, decide to strike at Sultan Mahmud for his injustice. During a second collection of gold and silver, a discontented man stands up to the royal collection officer and a fight ensues between the soldiers and the Malaccan commoners. This triggers more fights and skirmishes, sending the entire kingdom into turmoil. At long last six of the seven conditions are fulfilled. Sultan Mahmud is overjoyed but is cut short when the Bendahara reminds him that the seventh condition has not been done. Sultan Mahmud visits the sleeping chambers of his son, Tengku Ahmad, to strike him down with a keris but two nights in a row he is unable to go through with it. On the third night, Sultan Mahmud is ready to kill his son for good, but at the last minute throws his keris aside. Then the Puteri herself appears and says that she will never marry him because he is a cruel man. Sultan Mahmud realises the error of his ways and begs his son for forgiveness. The next morning Zainol and a large group of Malaccan people attack the palace. Sultan Mahmud decides to face them openly where he confesses his crimes and puts his life in their hands. All the people, including Zainol, accept his apology and pledge allegiance to him once again. ===== During the rainy season on Venus Brian, an amoral human visitor, flees for his life from the family of a purple-skinned Hrothy girl whom he has raped. Taking refuge in what appears to be a shrine, he is relieved when his pursuers do not follow, and he prepares to wait out their siege. In fact the shrine is actually an automated biological factory built by ancient Martians, designed to adapt their bodies to the much wetter conditions on Venus. While Brian sleeps the factory sets to work converting his body, but since Brian is not a Martian the process malfunctions. Next morning Brian wakes to see the Hrothy gone, and assumes that they have either departed to fetch reinforcements or are lying in ambush. When he tries to get up, however, he is horrified to learn that he cannot move a muscle, and is tormented by a terrible thirst. Soon afterward the shrine is visited by a - an ugly-looking, primitive, amphibian humanoid - whose body is waterlogged from the rain. The begins to dance before Brian, whose converted body is forced to absorb the 's moisture. This is intoxicating to the , which seems to regard Brian as a beneficent god, but painful and humiliating for Brian. Even though his body is thirsty for the 's moisture, he feels (correctly) as if he is being poisoned by it. When after several hours the leaves he feels bloated by all the water he has absorbed and his body is completely stiff and immobile. Although relieved that his torment has ended, he knows that many more will follow and he can do nothing to prevent it. When, two days later, more do arrive, Brian manages by a supreme effort to prevent himself from absorbing their water. Unfortunately for him, many others have suffered the same fate before him, and from long experience the know how to overcome his resistance. They force him to absorb their moisture even more rapidly, which is exhilarating for them but traumatic for him. For the rest of the rainy season Brian passively and helplessly absorbs the 's moisture while his thoughts turn inward and violently self-destructive. Meanwhile, his sight and hearing slowly deteriorate and his body becomes permanently bloated. As the rainy season comes to an end Brian is relieved when the finally stop visiting him. His body becomes dry and dusty and begins to shrink, and he begins to experience blackouts which he dares to hope are a prelude to death and a final release from his suffering. Brian is not dying but merely entering a state of estivation, from which he will eventually awaken to the first of many more years of service to the . ===== The documentary takes an in-depth look at the Tom family, which mostly consists of children who were rejected by their birth families due to mental or physical disabilities. The film is broken up into seasons, starting out with the family taking part in Halloween in the fall, and ending in the summer of the upcoming year. The family's unconventional home life becomes a foundation for the supports, challenges, and successes that they face daily. ===== Before going on an overseas journey, a merchant father asks his three daughters what they would like him to bring back for them. The eldest asks for a shining tiara, the middle asks for a magic mirror through which her face would always appear young, and the youngest (Nastenka) asks her father to bring her a beautiful scarlet flower like one which she saw in her dreams. Her elder sisters laugh at this simple wish. The father's trip is successful and he finds everything that he came for, with the exception of Nastenka's scarlet flower. Nevertheless, the ship heaves off and they begin to head back while the father scans the lands around him for a scarlet flower. A storm strikes and the father is washed overboard. He wakes up on a strange island which is full of all sorts of wonders. He explores, and eventually finds a flower just like the one Nastenka described. The instant that he plucks it, however, a great storm comes upon him and the owner of the island - a hideous monster - makes his presence known. He tells the father that he will let him keep the flower, but in return he must send one of his daughters to live with him. The father refuses, and the monster gives him a ring, telling him that whoever puts it on will be teleported back to the island, and that if his daughter doesn't come then he himself must come and be killed. In the morning, the crewmembers of the father's ship (who had been searching for him) see him on the island and rescue him. Back home, the father prepares to put on the ring and meet his fate. However, Nastenka overhears a conversation where he reveals this to his friend when asking the friend to take care of his daughters once he had died, and she secretly puts on the ring herself. There, she expects to be killed but instead finds herself on a beautiful island and welcomed for by a kind, unseen host. She accidentally catches a glimpse of him eventually, and is mortally scared at first. He allows her to go home to visit her family, but tells her that she must come back by putting on the ring by 8pm or he will die of loneliness. Nastenka comes home dressed in splendid clothes and with presents for her sisters. Her sisters, however, become jealous that she lives in a magnificent palace with untold wealth, and secretly turn all of the clocks in the house back one hour. Nastenka looks outside and hears the clock chiming 8pm, and quickly goes back, only to find the monster near death. She is very saddened and vows to never leave him again, and with those words the scarlet flower which she holds reattaches itself to its original stem and the island fills with light again. The monster turns into a handsome prince and explains that he was under the spell of a witch from which he could only be freed from if he won over the heart of a lady while being in the body of a hideous monster. ===== The film's story is roughly based on Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Snow Queen" but features a number of significant changes. Most prominently are that Gerda and Kai are openly romantically attached to each other, instead of simply being best friends. Another significant change is that the opening and ending portions of the film take place in a modern "realistic" setting, while Gerda and Kai's adventures are dream-like and surreal. It is never explained whether the events experienced by Gerda and Kai really took place. ===== Canaan, a mysterious gunfighter left nearly blind from Civil War combat, roams through Mexico with a baby he has sworn to protect. On his way to a town where a family will supposedly adopt the baby, Canaan passes through a border town where U.S. Cavalry officers assigned to deliver a shipment of silver are under attack from bandits. With some reluctance, Canaan steps in to help the soldiers. ===== In a transmission to Earth, the Mysterons (voiced by Donald Gray) warn Spectrum that they intend to assassinate Xian Yoh, the Director General of the United Asian Republic, who is currently in London on a state visit. An attempt to kill the target in his hotel room is foiled by Captain Grey (voiced by Paul Maxwell). Maximum security is imposed at London International Airport, where the Director General is due to leave the country. At the request of Colonel White (voiced by Donald Gray), the resurrected Mysteron double of Captain Scarlet (voiced by Francis Matthews) – who has been declared by Cloudbase's medical officer Dr Fawn (voiced by Charles Tingwell) to be no longer under Mysteron control and effectively "indestructible" – returns to duty to help lead the operation. Scarlet and Captain Blue (voiced by Ed Bishop) fly to London accompanied by the Angel fighter squadron. Meanwhile, the Mysterons use their powers to trigger a systems failure on board an airliner, Flight Delta Tango 19, causing it to crash into the Atlantic Ocean and explode. A reconstruction of the plane, devoid of crew and passengers, continues on the original flight path from New York to London. As a double of the Director General is driven to London Airport in a decoy motorcade, the real Xian Yoh arrives in Spectrum's "Yellow Fox" – a secure transport disguised as an aircraft fuel tanker – and discreetly boards his private jet. As DT19 lands a short distance away, Scarlet, watching from the control tower with Blue, experiences a sudden nausea, warning him that the Director General is in danger. At that moment, DT19 breaks away from the terminal and rushes towards the Director General's jet. Ordering the jet to take off immediately, Scarlet and Blue set off in their Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle to intercept DT19. The airliner is unhindered by the Angels' aerial bombardment, so Scarlet and Blue prepare to fire on its undercarriage with the SPV's rocket launcher. However, the launch mechanism malfunctions. Taking matters into his own hands, Scarlet ejects Blue and rams into DT19's wheels, dislodging them and bringing the airliner to a halt. Breaking away from the aircraft, he is fatally injured when the SPV crashes into a radar bunker. The jet takes off but collides with one of DT19's wings and crashes into a field, killing the Director General and everyone else on board. As Scarlet's body is taken away in an ambulance, the airport chief assumes that he is dead, to which Blue replies: "Maybe he didn't die ... in vain." ===== Bruno Salvador, known as Salvo, is the orphaned, illegitimate son of an Irish Catholic missionary and a native Congolese woman. He is educated in England, and as a fluent speaker and aficionado of "disappearing indigenous languages of Eastern Congo", he finds a natural calling as a specialist interpreter, employed by London's hospitals, law courts, city corporations, and British intelligence. Salvo has a passionate extramarital affair with a Congolese nurse, Hannah. En route from a rendezvous with Hannah to a party thrown for his journalist wife, he is offered an urgent job by his handler at the Ministry of Defence to serve as an interpreter at a conference between Congolese warlords and their putative Western backers, the nameless "Syndicate". He learns that their objective is to eject Kivu's Rwandan occupiers and install a liberal, benevolent politician dubbed "the Mwangaza" as the head. Whisked to a nameless island in the North Sea, Salvo is set to his task. As well as interpreting at the conference, he must also decipher recordings from hidden microphones festooning the island. Unbeknown to his employers, Salvo listens in while one of the Congolese delegates, who has shown signs of defecting from the agreement, is tortured by his employers. It becomes apparent that the Syndicate's real objective is to plunder the coltan and other mineral wealth of Kivu, and the Mwangaza is no more than a puppet. At the end of the conference, Salvo pockets the tapes and his notes before returning to London. Salvo attempts, with Hannah's help, to alert the authorities and the press and prevent the coup. Ultimately, the plot fails anyway, and Salvo is arrested and stripped of his British citizenship. At the end of the novel Salvo languishes in a holding facility for asylum seekers, awaiting his deportation to the Congo where he will be reunited with Hannah. ===== 8-year-old Horton "Horty" Bluett runs away from his abusive family, carrying only a smashed jack-in-the-box named Junky. Disguised as a girl, Horty takes refuge among the "strange people" in a traveling circus. The owner of the carnival, Pierre Monetre, is a disgraced doctor and scientist with a deep hatred of mankind. Having discovered intelligent nonhuman life in the form of crystal-like jewels, Monetre works to unlock the source of their great power and, ultimately, destroy mankind. Zena, a carnival performer, takes Horty under her wing. She knows that Horty is the key to executing Monetre's destructive plan, and the only one powerful enough to stop him. ===== Dark Quetzal is set in the world of the Isle of Echoes where the Singers live in The Echorium. The Singers have many special abilities, the most important of which is knowledge of the Songs of Power: Challa for sleep, Kashe for laughter, Shi for sadness, Aushan for fear and Yehn for death. All Singer children, called novices, learn these Songs, but if their voices do not last into adulthood they receive a mild form of Yehn which makes them forget the Songs. The Singers can also farlisten to hear over great distances, an ability enhanced by the bluestone which the Isle is made up of, and hear truth. The Singers help to keep peace on the mainland, and produce treaties to protect Half Creatures - the half-human beings with knowledge of the Songs, which include merlee (fish people), naga (water snake people), quetzal (bird people) and centaurs (horse people). During the novel Song Quest, set thirty one years before Dark Quetzal, the Singers encountered a powerful enemy in Khizpriest Frazhin, who harnessed the powers of a strange black crystal called the khiz to manipulate people's thoughts and memories. He attempted to destroy the Echorium by kidnapping a novice, Rialle, and was only stopped by the efforts of another novice, Kherron, who had originally been taken in by Frazhin. Although thought dead for many years, he returned eleven years before Dark Quetzal, joining with Lady Yashra of the Harai to kidnap street children and enslave centaurs in an attempt to build a Khizalace school of song to rival the Echorium. They were stopped by Rialle's novice son Renn and Shaiala, a girl raised by centaurs, and it appeared that Frazhin was drowned by naga while trying to escape. Lady Yashra was captured and sung Yehn, and her unborn child by Frazhin was raised as a normal novice of the Echorium. However, suspicions are raised when first Rialle, then Frazhin's daughter Kyarra, go missing. ===== Akuma na Eros is focused on Miu Sakurai, a high-school girl who is in love with her classmate, Shion Amamiya. Miu summons Satan through a book and wishes for Amamiya to fall in love with her, but Satan demands her virginity as the price. Satan's spell fails because Amamiya is Christian, and uses his powers to make disguise himself as Miu's elder brother named "Kai", and his crow familiar, Malphas, into a younger brother named Tsubasa. Satan demands her virginity on the day of Amamiya's love confession to Miu, but along the way Miu develops feelings for Satan. After Amamiya confesses, Miu heads to the church where Satan attempts to take her virginity. Amamiya, appears at the church and impales Satan with a sword, revealing himself as the archangel Michael. Michael and Satan battle in the church, and Satan is wounded. Michael prepares to send Satan back to Hell, but as he collapses he promises to take Miu's heart with him and tells her that he loves her. Miu runs to Satan and wishes for him to stay by her side, and Satan agrees in return for her eternal love. Michael admits defeat as he can not fight true love. Alone again, Satan reverts to his human form to claim Miu, but she faints from the excitement before he could take her virginity. Satan assumes a new identity, but Michael summons Sarah, a half angel-half demon, and informs her of Satan's love of a human woman. Sarah summons Satan back to hell, and Satan takes Miu to Hell with him. Miu runs away after learning of the sexual relationship between Satan and Serah. Satan rejects Sarah and forces Miu to return where he claims her virginity repeatedly. Satan and Miu return to Earth, but a jealous Sarah drives a wedge between them. Michael consoles Miu and a watchful Satan takes this to be infidelity and demands sex in front of a gathering of demons. During sex, Miu swears she did not betray his love and Satan dismisses the gathering to take her privately. Satan asks Miu to become his wife and to live with him in Hell, but it requires her to first die. He returns her to her room to think about it. Uncertain if she wants to leave her family and friends, she finds herself at the bookstore where she bought the magic book and learns that the book had been waiting for her and her meeting with Satan was fated. Miu runs out of the store to find Kai, but iron beam falls from above and kill her. Michael, having realized Sarah was behind it, arrives to find Death ready to take Miu's soul to the realm of the dead, where neither angel nor devil could reach her. He refuses to allow her soul to be taken, and uses his powers to disperse Death. Satan discovers people have now forgotten himself, Miu and Amamiya, as Michael erases Miu's and those she knew memories and takes her to Heaven to spend eternity with him. After killing Sarah for killing Miu, Satan goes to Heaven to retrieve her. Though Michael attempts to woo her, Miu can't accept him. Satan arrives and as he and Michael battle, Miu's memories return and she runs to a badly injured Satan, growing wings of her own, she covers him. Michael opens the way back to Hell and accepts that Miu will only be happy with Satan. When Miu yells good-bye to Michael, she calls him by his human name "Shion", Michael says good-bye to himself for Miu and says that she was his angel. At the end of the series, Miu leaves her life behind and joins Satan in Hell where she becomes his wife. ===== At a ballroom of a hospital charity party in Budapest, the successful American lawyer Jonathan Harker (Hardy Krüger Jr.) suddenly proposes to his girlfriend Mina (Stefania Rocca). He wants to marry her within the week. Their friends Lucy (Muriel Baumeister), Quincy (Alessio Boni) and Arthur (Conrad Hornby) have been invited by Jonathan and have just arrived for the wedding, all without Mina's awareness. Meanwhile, they meet the promoter of the party, the psychiatrist Dr. Seward (Kai Wiesinger). Later in the same night, Jonathan is called by a rich client, Tepes (Patrick Bergin), who hires him to prepare the inventory of the wealth of his uncle, the count Vladislav Tepes (Patrick Bergin), in Romania. Jonathan travels to the Carpathian Mountains in his Porsche, has an accident and finally arrives in the count's old castle. Vlad Tepes, here calling himself Count Vladislav Tepes, decides to leave his castle and move to the west. He says he feels tired from Romania's decline and the seclusion of his life. In Budapest he discusses some illegal business with Harker. He also wants Jonathan's help in turning his collection of paintings, jewels and his gold deposits to cash. Jonathan's friends businessman Quincey Morris, specialising in money swindles, and Arthur Holmwood, a British diplomat who is in a debt, offer to help. Though Jonathan and Arthur have their doubts about the deal Quincey convinces them that money is all that matters and its one true power that makes the world go around. Dracula gets very interested in those young people—the men, hungry for money and power; Lucy, who wants to sleep in many beds, in many cities, have new experiences and live for ever; and Mina, who wants to change the world and end human suffering. Throughout the film Dracula tries to seduce all five of them into his own world, make them wish to become vampires. Focusing again and again on how hypocritical morality is and promising them the loss of their consciences, he says survival of the fittest is the proper way and even the strong cannot save the weak. He also references God's slaughters in the Bible to prove that humanity was created in his image, the image of a killer. There to stop him is the researcher of the occult and Seward's teacher Dr. Enrico Valenzi the one who believes that Dracula can be defeated when he faces a strong will empowered by faith. But throughout this film he raises more and more self-doubts and his will is almost broken by the end. It is Mina, halfway through her transformation to a vampire, that manages to make Dracula trust her and kills him as he holds her in an embrace. The films end with Mina still having the vampire's mark, leaving her fate untold. ===== Duff Pringle is heading across the country, aiming for his new job in technology in California's Silicon Valley. His used Ford Escort barely makes it a hundred miles from home before breaking down. He calls a car towing company to come pick him up, and when they get to the repair center, he is told the car would need to stay 2 weeks,Even though Duff has only 4 days to get to California, he checks into a motel to wait out the 3–4 days. He soon finds a note asking for someone to drive a car to St. Louis. Duff sends this person an email and gets a reply saying they would drop it off at the motel he was staying at. Duff finds Stu at a restaurant in Chipper Crossing. Stu is a hitchhiker looking to get to California too, and he asks Duff if he could come with him. Despite his appearance and behavior, Duff accepts, and they head to Saint Louis to deliver the car, a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, to a woman named Rosalie Hopgood. There are several characters in this story including Bonnie, an aspiring singer with a con artist for a mother (Bonnie's mom had stolen a lot of money from people and was wanted everywhere); two thugs looking for a trunkful of cash; and Moony, a terrier dog prone to carsickness. ===== Yukimura, Aine is a seventeen-year-old high school student who writes sensual song lyrics and hopes to become a songwriter. One day, two school friends talk her into entering her best lyrics into a contest. When someone bumps into her in the street, she drops her lyrics and is almost run over by a passing car. It is driven by Sakuya Ookochi, lead singer of the hard rock band Lucifer, which is known for its sensual lyrics. Aine does not know who he is, but falls in love. He makes sure she is not hurt, and gives her an all-access pass to that night's show. After she leaves, he finds her lyrics and takes them back to the band with a plan in mind. That night, Aine listens from the back of the audience. As she turns to leave, she hears Sakuya singing her lyrics. She runs to the stage to see if he is the driver of the car. She is swept off her feet. At first, people tell her Sakuya is never serious about women, and she thinks he might be toying with her. Later, he kidnaps her and convinces her to become the band's lyricist, and she thinks he is playing with her but for business reasons, not romance. Sakuya then transfers to Aine's high school, wanting to protect and work with her. Initially, he sees her as an innocent he can tease, but his feelings for her soon grow. Seeing her talent, and wanting to win the girl, Sakuya campaigns for Aine to become the band's official lyricist. His manager initially objects, but relents on seeing the continued excellence of Aine's lyrics. She becomes their lyricist, using the male pseudonym Yukihiko Aine to protect her identity and the band's image. Aine and Sakuya's relationship gets off to a rocky start, when they do not communicate their real feelings. Aine tries to hide her feelings for Sakuya, thinking he sees the two of them only as co-workers. She believes he wants to preserve her virginal imagination so that she will continue to write hit songs for the band. This seems confirmed when he rejects her advances. Although Sakuya is not subtle by nature, he attempts to express his feelings for her by writing a ballad called "Little Bird" or "Love Melody", but she continues to misunderstand. Finally, after filming the music video "Drug", he corners her and confesses his feelings. But beginning a romance and being the girlfriend of a high-profile star is not easy. As the series progresses, Aine finds herself the frequent target of Sakuya's enemies, including rival bands and obsessed fans. Ralph Grazer, Sakuya's older half-brother, is an American media mogul who heads a business empire in the United States and is branching into Asian markets. Ralph has a grudge against Sakuya, whom he has never met although their father has pushed them to make contact. Ralph goes to Japan, and uses blackmail to force Aine to break up with Sakuya and work for him instead. Sakuya takes time out from the band to confront his biological father, the man had who had raped his mother. Sakuya travels to America to learn the family business, which gives him the knowledge and power to take Ralph's position as head of the media corporation. Sakuya returns to Japan and forces Ralph to sign a contract under which he will recover his position in return for releasing Aine. Ralph, used to getting whatever and whomever he wants, is confused by this tactic and by Sakuya's love for Aine. He returns to the United States to start over and relearn from their father. Ralph returns twice more in the manga, but no longer necessarily as Sakuya's enemy. Lucifer continues to grow, becoming a major hit. Renamed Λucifer, the band prepares to tour America and Europe. Sakuya and Aine attempt to balance their love and professional lives. Aine's feelings for Sakuya and her ability to write lyrics are tested. The band hires Hitoshi Takayama as producer to prepare for international fame. At first, Hitoshi thinks Aine is nothing more than an outspoken groupie, with no place on band premises or in Sakuya's life. But as he gets to know her he falls in love, hiding his feelings by pretending to be homosexual. As Hitoshi plans the band's six-month move to England to set the stage for capturing European fans, he attempts to break up both Sakuya and Aine's relationship and another couple, one of the band's guitarists, Atsuro, and his girlfriend Yuuka. Yuki, another guitarist, soon puts a stop to this plan, letting Takayama know that band members owe their success to their families and lovers. Kaito Yoshioka, president of a rival label, resents Λucifer's success. He decides to use Aine to break up the band, and brutally rapes her in an attempt to break Sakuya. Hitoshi finds Aine and takes her to his home to try to comfort her, helping her avoid Sakuya out of shame, self- loathing and fear of being rejected. When Aine tries to commit suicide that night, Takayama tells Sakuya. Sakuya loses his voice and desire to sing, and leaves the band. Yuki realizes that the only way to protect the band is to sign with Sakuya's half-brother Ralph's label, taking the band international. Meanwhile, Sakuya tries to kill Yoshioka, but Ralph stops him. He reminds Sakuya that Aine needs him to be with her, not in prison. Ralph avenges Aine by having Yoshioka investigated for tax evasion and fraud, which destroys his company. Aine is in a near-catatonic state, and Sakuya takes her into hiding to care for her. When she again attempts suicide, he cuts his own wrist telling her he will die with her if that is what she really wants. Aine snaps out of her depression and begins to heal emotionally. Takayama finds Sakuya, and with Yuki makes several attempts to persuade Sakuya to return to the band. Aine realizes that Sakuya is avoiding music and is afraid that she will be hurt again because of him. She convinces him to return to the world they both love. Takayama's death in a car accident traumatizes and pushes Sakuya to rejoin the band and sign the contract. Ralph tells Sakuya that, when he takes over from their father, he wants Sakuya to head the company's media business. Sakuya refuses, saying he would rather be a producer. After Takayama's death, Λucifer performs its final concert in Japan before moving to New York City. While they are overseas, Aine studies to take Takayama's place and become a producer. At the end of the series, Sakuya and Aine are married with a son. ~ See one-shot of Atsuro and Yuuka's wedding, and one-shot 'King Egoist' in Love Celeb for the announcement of Sakuya and Aine's second child ~ ===== The story revolves around Ashley, son of a Lord from the State of Kastol, who recently returned to his home town. While he is with his friends, he receives a message that the neighbouring State of Lumen is under attack from the north by the troops of Genes. He decides to stop Genes and starts his journey to Lumen in order to end the fight and restore peace on the continent. ===== At the Mount Weather military base, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) appears with several government officials. He gains access to highly classified documents on a secure computer system, and is shocked and dismayed to read the documents, which provide details of the final colonization of the planet by alien forces. Before he can continue reading, Mulder hears another person approaching. He hides quickly and observes Knowle Rohrer (Adam Baldwin), a former friend of John Doggett (Robert Patrick) but who has been irreversibly transformed into an enemy "Super Soldier", approach the computer system. Rohrer immediately realizes the system has been accessed. Mulder attempts to attack Rohrer, but Rohrer overpowers him. Mulder frantically flees, but Rohrer outflanks him. In a violent altercation, Mulder flips Rohrer off a catwalk onto high-voltage wiring, and Rohrer apparently dies by electrocution. Mulder attempts to escape, but is quickly arrested by several soldiers. News of Mulder's arrest spreads to the FBI. Upon hearing that he has resurfaced, and in such a dire manner, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) visit him in military custody. During his time in captivity, Mulder receives mysterious visits from two phantoms of his past: Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) and X (Steven Williams). Meanwhile, Scully and Skinner go to great lengths to get him released, but are unsuccessful. Mulder's fate is ultimately made the subject of a military tribunal with Deputy Director Alvin Kersh (James Pickens, Jr.) in charge. At the outset, it appears Mulder will become the hopeless victim of a show trial stacked against him. Skinner takes Mulder's defense, while Scully, Doggett, Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish), Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden), Gibson Praise (Jeff Gulka) and Jeffrey Spender (Chris Owens) testify on Mulder's behalf. The prosecution presents Rohrer's body as evidence against Mulder. Aware that Rohrer is a seemingly-invincible "Super Soldier", Scully performs a medical examination and proves that the body is not that of Rohrer. Despite this, the evidence is rejected, given that the autopsy was not authorized, and the defense is overruled. Mulder is sentenced to death for the murder of a military officer. Later, Doggett, Skinner, Reyes, and Scully help Mulder escape, with the unexpected help of Kersh who decided he should have let Mulder go in the first place. Despite being advised to immediately leave the continent via Canada, Mulder instead takes Scully to New Mexico. On their way, Mulder receives a visit by three additional ghosts: The Lone Gunmen, who advise him to flee for his life rather than continue his pursuit of the truth. Mulder politely declines. Meanwhile, Doggett and Reyes find their office emptied, suggesting that the X-Files have been closed down for the third time. Mulder and Scully arrive at Anasazi ruins to find a "wise man" who they believe can make sense of the classified documents Mulder has read. They discover the so-called "wise man" is none other than The Smoking Man (William B. Davis), who, still alive after all, is hiding out to survive the colonization—an event that will happen on December 22, 2012, the predicted end of the world. Outside, Reyes and Doggett arrive and prepare to fight Rohrer, who has been sent to kill Mulder and The Smoking Man. Rohrer is killed when the magnetite in the ruins affects his superhuman body. Switching cars with Mulder and Scully, Doggett and Reyes drive off. Black helicopters destroy the cliff dwellings—and The Smoking Man within—thinking that Mulder is still inside before flying away. Doggett and Reyes are last seen speeding away. In a motel room in Roswell, New Mexico, Mulder and Scully prepare for bed and talk. Mulder explains his belief "that the dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us as part of something greater than us—greater than any alien force. And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves." Despite their slim chance for success, Mulder declares, "Maybe there's hope", as they lay back, content in each other's arms, in a loving embrace. ===== Set in 2030–2031, ten years after the events of Software, Wetware focuses on the attempt of an Edgar Allan Poe-obsessed bopper named Berenice to populate Earth with a robot/human hybrid called a meatbop. Toward this end, she implants an embryo in a human woman living on the Moon (Della Taze, Cobb Anderson's niece) and then frames her for murder to force her to return to Earth. After only a few days, she gives birth to a boy named Manchile, who has been genetically programmed to carry bopper software in his brain (and in his sperm), and to grow to maturity in a matter of weeks. Berenice's plan is for Manchile to announce the formation of a new religion unifying boppers and humans, and then arrange to have himself assassinated. (Rucker makes several allusions to the Christ story; Taze's abbreviated pregnancy is discovered on Christmas Eve, for instance.) Before the assassination, Manchile impregnates several women, the idea being that his similarly accelerated offspring will create a race of meatbops at an exponential rate. The plot goes disastrously awry, and a human corporation called ISDN retaliates against the boppers by infecting them with a genetically modified organism called chipmold. The artificial disease succeeds in killing off the boppers, but when it infects the boppers' outer coating, a kind of smart plastic known as flickercladding, it creates a new race of intelligent symbiotes known as moldies -- thus fulfilling Berenice's dream of an organic/synthetic hybrid. Both of the two main human characters of Software play prominent roles in Wetware: Cobb Anderson, whose robot body was destroyed at the end of the last novel, has his software implanted in a new body so he can help raise Manchile; while Sta-Hi Mooney—now known as Stahn Mooney—is now working as a private detective on the Moon after accidentally killing his wife, and is used as a pawn in various bopper and anti-bopper schemes. The Belle of Louisville, a steamboat of historic significance located in Louisville, Kentucky (the setting for the earthbound portions of the book), occurs as a character in the book, in which it is revealed that the steamer has been imbued with an onboard artificial intelligence. ===== Mickle, once a common street urchin, is now the queen of Westmark. The kingdom is thriving, yet at the same time, it is strangely restless. Ghosts of the past lurk everywhere. The evil minister, Cabbarus, once banished from Westmark, is now plotting to seize the throne. Theo remembers a time when he was the famed Kestrel, fighting battles that threatened to kill his soul. Now he once again must join in the struggle. Who will at last command the fate of Westmark? One answer to that question is the people. The common people, mostly anonymous, rise up at the end, making the final overthrow of Cabbarus possible. The book raises moral questions, especially about choices, the effects of having power, and the evil that seems necessary to prosecute a war. Theo tries to keep out of the battles in the book, but finds that he can not. He vows to kill Cabbarus. (Theo had once saved his life in Westmark, the first of the trilogy.) In the end, many of the characters are dead, including Cabbarus, but not by the hand of Theo. A government, led by a council of commoners, begins to rise. Mickle, in one of her last acts as queen, proclaims that she and Theo are married. She sees that the two of them cannot remain in the country where she was queen. As the book ends, the couple leaves to travel the world together with their old friends, Las Bombas and Musket. ===== In Cleveland, a couple sit flirting in a car at night, having met over the Internet. The man, the charismatic and handsome Virgil Incanto (Timothy Carhart), suffocates his overweight date, Lauren, with a gelatinous substance he spits up. The next morning, a policeman finds Lauren's body, covered in the substance. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are called in to investigate, as the victim's description seems similar to those of other victims of a lonely hearts killer still at large. Scully attempts to perform an autopsy on Lauren's body, only to find that it has liquified with only a skeleton remaining. Scully later discerns that the substance coating the body is a concentrated digestive enzyme, and that the remains are lacking in body fat. Incanto prowls an online chatroom, arranging to meet with a similarly overweight woman named Ellen Kaminsky (Catherine Paolone). Incanto is interrupted by his landlord Monica Landis, who believes he is a writer and who is romantically interested in him. He ignores her and resumes chatting. Elsewhere, Mulder learns that Lauren met a man in a chatroom, and researches Incanto's online accounts. They find that he had started one account using a credit card taken from a previous victim. Kaminsky stands up Incanto while he waits at a restaurant. He leaves, murdering a slightly overweight prostitute who injures him in a struggle. Incanto is forced to flee before he can fully dissolve the body. At the autopsy, Scully finds that the body's airways are choked with the same substance that dissolved Lauren. A forensic lab report reveals that the skin under the victim's nails contains no oils or fatty acids, convincing Mulder that the killer is sucking body fat from his victims. Mulder finds passages of obscure medieval poetry in Incanto's e-mails, and compiles a list of people who would have access to the texts from which these were taken. The agents, along with local detective Alan Cross (James Handy), agree to canvass everyone on the list. Meanwhile, Incanto, a translator of medieval Italian literature, receives a package while talking to Monica and her blind daughter, Jessie. He receives an e-mail from Kaminsky, asking to arrange another date; he is also questioned by Cross. Returning home with Kaminsky, Incanto invites her inside, but quickly retracts his invitation when he sees the lights on in his apartment. After leaving Kaminsky, Incanto finds and kills Monica in his apartment after she discovers Cross' body in his bathtub. When Jessie asks Incanto about her mother's whereabouts, he denies seeing her. However, Jessie smells her mother's perfume in Incanto's apartment and calls the police. When they arrive, Incanto is gone, but his computer gives a list of women he has been in contact with. After trying to contact each woman in the given list, only two are unreachable, one being Kaminsky. After Incanto comes to Kaminsky's apartment, she recognizes his facial composite distributed by the FBI. The agents arrive but after Mulder leaves in pursuit of who he believes to be Incanto, Scully is attacked by Incanto, who is still in the apartment; however, as they struggle, Kaminsky retrieves Scully's gun and fires on her attacker. Later, during questioning, a visibly weakened and deformed Incanto admits to the killings. He claims to have given his victims what they had wanted in return for what he needed (the fatty acids to keep his skin condition under control). Incanto states "the dead are no longer lonely".Edwards, pp. 149–151 ===== At a VA hospital in Fort Evanston, Maryland, Lieutenant Colonel Victor Stans makes his third suicide attempt; he claims that a mysterious figure will not let him die. Stans attempts to drown in a tub of scalding water, but is rescued by the hospital staff and subsequently is disfigured. Stans again claims that the mysterious figure will not let him die. When Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) question Stans, they learn that his wife and children died in a house fire he claims was started by the mysterious soldier he says will not allow him to die himself. Captain Janet Draper stops the questioning, as Mulder and Scully were not granted permission to see Stans by his superior officer, General Thomas Callahan. After meeting with the agents, Callahan glimpses the phantom soldier Stans described. He also finds his answering machine replaying an unintelligible message. Later, while using the base's swimming pool, Draper is drowned by an invisible force. Callahan tells the agents about the soldier and the voicemail, which was received twice before at his home. When they visit his house, his young son, Trevor, believes he saw someone go inside; Scully herself glimpses someone in the backyard. Fingerprints are found on the property which belong to the hospital mailman, Quinton "Roach" Freely. As Mulder and Scully take Roach into custody, Trevor is attacked and buried by the invisible force in his sandbox. Under the agent's questioning, Roach admits to his role in the deaths and states he is "Rappo's mailman". "Rappo" turns out to be Leonard Trimble (Ian Tracey), a Gulf War veteran and quadruple amputee. Scully doesn't believe Roach, even though he insists that Rappo will kill him next. Scully later finds Roach dead in his cell with a bedsheet shoved down his throat. Scully assumes that he committed suicide, but Mulder shows her X-ray dental plates he had carried in the rehab room, the pool, Callahan's office, and Callahan's house; all show signs of radiation. Mulder thinks that Rappo is leaving his body through astral projection, doing so with a psychic connection forged through Roach's letters. He also plays the voicemail backwards; it is actually a threat from the phantom soldier. Under questioning, an embittered Rappo states his belief that the Gulf War took his life away. Meanwhile, Callahan finds his wife's dead body. He goes to the hospital to talk to Stans, who reveals that Rappo -- whom he doesn't know -- is responsible for the deaths. When Callahan confronts Rappo, he openly admits his crimes. Rappo tries to goad Callahan into killing him, but Callahan decides to "stand down" and shoots over Rappo's head. Callahan tells Rappo that he will just suffer like him and the others, leaving Rappo enraged. The agents arrive and find Rappo in a trance; Scully thinks he's having a seizure, but Mulder realizes what is happening and tries to find Callahan. Rappo's apparition attacks Callahan with steam from the pipes in the hospital's basement. Stans enters Rappo's room, locks the door, and smothers Rappo with a pillow. With Rappo dead, his apparition disappears before it attacks Mulder. Callahan remains unharmed. Since there is no physical evidence to prove that Rappo killed Callahan's wife and son, the case remains unsolved. Stans is released and becomes Callahan's mailman - both Lieutenant Colonel and General acknowledge each other before the former leaves to continue his work. Mulder's narration states that Rappo's family tried to have him buried at Arlington National Cemetery, but the Army denied their request; he was instead cremated and buried in a civilian cemetery in Pennsylvania.Lowry, pp. 111–113 ===== Professor Tabini is experimenting on an elixir that he believes will beat death. When he tries it on himself, however, things don’t work out as planned and he dies. When his assistant finds him no longer among the living, she carries him downstairs and slaps him into the crypt in the basement. Unfortunately for her, he rises from the grave and chomps down on her neck. ===== In Seattle, photography assistant Carl Wade (Michael Chieffo) watches as 15-year- old Amy Jacobs (Jewel Staite) is photographed for school picture day. He becomes obsessed with her following the event, eventually kidnapping her. Her younger sister is the only witness to the incident, which takes place in their bedroom in the middle of the night. At exactly the same time, fast food worker Lucy Householder (Tracey Ellis) collapses with a nosebleed. Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) investigates Amy's disappearance, drawn to the case because his younger sister, Samantha, was kidnapped in a similar situation. The investigation leads Mulder to Lucy, who was taken from her bedroom at age eight, twenty two years before, and held in a dark basement for five years before she escaped. Mulder's partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) suspects that Lucy may be connected to Amy's disappearance, based on her long criminal record and the fact that her nosebleed contained not only her blood type, but Amy's as well. In her room at a halfway house, scratches appear on Lucy's face and she experiences temporary blindness—injuries identical to Amy's, who is being tortured in the basement of Wade's cabin. The two develop an unexplainable psychic connection; everything that happens to Amy physically also happens to Lucy. Mulder tries to convince Lucy that she can help them find Amy, but she is too afraid to assist. Scully informs Mulder of their new lead in the case, the school photography assistant Wade, who was recently fired under strange circumstances. Mulder is adamant that Lucy, who admits that Wade was the man who abducted her, is not part of the kidnapping, and snaps at Scully when she suggests that Samantha's disappearance is causing him to become too involved with the case. The investigation team receives a tip from a tow truck driver concerning Wade's location, which corresponds to the area where Lucy was found years ago. They find Wade's cabin in the woods near Easton, Washington, discovering Lucy in the basement with no clear indication of how or why she came there. Lucy begins to feel cold and wet; Mulder deduces that because of Lucy's connection to Amy, she must be at the local river. Mulder and Scully rush there to find Wade attempting to drown Amy. Back with the police, Lucy begins to drown despite not even being near water. Mulder shoots Wade while Scully attempts to perform CPR on Amy, but because of the connection it resuscitates Lucy instead. Amy lies on the riverbank, dead. Mulder continues to attempt CPR, despite Scully's protests. Suddenly, the process is reversed; Amy recovers and Lucy dies. Overwhelmed by Lucy's sacrifice and his inability to save her, Mulder breaks down sobbing over her body. He later tells Scully he suspects that she died not only to save Amy, but to forget what Wade did to her all those years ago.Hatfield (1997), p. 194 ===== In Comity, New Hampshire, a group of high school students hold a eulogy for their dead friend, the purported victim of a local Satanic cult. Two girls, Terri Roberts (Lisa Robin Kelly) and Margi Kleinjan (Wendy Benson), get a ride home from a jock, Jay "Boom" DeBoom (Ryan Reynolds). The girls tell Boom that the cult seeks a blonde virgin as a next victim, convincing him to turn off the road. The next day, the police find Boom hanging from a cliff. Out of sight of the police, Terri and Margi sit at the top, laughing. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) arrive in Comity after arguing over directions along the way. They meet a local detective, Angela White (Dana Wheeler-Nicholson), and go to Boom's funeral. Scully, in a bad mood, is skeptical of these claims. The high school principal, Bob Spitz, interrupts the funeral by ranting Inquisitorial-style about Satanic cults murdering their children when suddenly the coffin starts smoking and catches on fire. Mulder and Scully go into separate rooms to interview Margi and Terri, both of whom offer an identical story about a satanic ceremony where a baby was sacrificed. Scully thinks their stories are cliché and points out the fact that the belief in a satanic conspiracy is illogical and paranoid. Looking at the latest victim's body, Mulder and Detective White find a burn mark in the shape of a horned beast; Scully says she doesn't see anything. Mulder goes to see White to apologize for Scully's behavior and the two visit the local astrologist Madame Zirinka who claims the town's crazy behavior is due to the rare planetary alignment of the planets Mars, Uranus, and Mercury. Terri and Margi watch basketball practice, lusting over one of the players, Scott, whose girlfriend is fellow cheerleader Brenda (much to Terri and Margi's displeasure). One of the other players accidentally spills a table of drinks on them, so they cause the basketball to bounce underneath the bleachers and it closes when he goes to get it, killing him. Scully is angry at Mulder for ditching her to be with Detective White. A town mob searches for a mass grave in the woods and finds a bag belonging to the town pediatrician filled with bones, which Spitz mistakenly assumes belonged to a child. The angry mob goes to see the doctor, who claims the bag was sold. The bones end up belonging to "Mr. Tippy", a dog that belonged to Terri. Scully gets upset over a joke Mulder makes and tells him she's returning to Washington. Margi and Terri celebrate their birthday and Brenda uses a Ouija board to know who she will marry; everyone thinks it's Scott before the planchette veers away from the C and spells out Satan. Upset, Brenda rushes to the bathroom where Margi and Terri are chanting "Bloody Mary" and is locked in, killed by glass from a shattered mirror. Detective White heads to Mulder's hotel room because she found a box which inside had her cat's collar, and then she attempts to seduce Mulder but they are interrupted by Scully who informs them about Brenda's death. Terri and Margi try to console Scott, who tells them off. Turned down, Terri is mad at him but Margi still likes him and leaves. Mulder goes to visit Madame Zirinka again, who tells him that the planets come into alignment like this only once every 84 years, and additional alignments will cause anyone born on January 12, 1979 (Margi and Terri's birthdate) to have an abundance of cosmic energy. Margi goes to see Scott alone but an angry Terri arrives. The two argue with each other and end up accidentally killing Scott after causing one of the springs and the garage door to fly at him. Margi goes to Mulder, telling him that Terri is responsible for the murders, while Terri goes to see Scully and tells her the opposite. The agents call each other and bring both girls to the police station, where the place starts shaking, causing the furniture to move around and all the guns to go off on their own. Mulder locks the girls in a room together and their power goes away once the clock ticks midnight. When the town mob and Detective White finally see Terri and Margi as the culprits, Spitz claims it was the work of Satan, oblivious to the cosmic alignment's energy. Mulder and Scully drive home, arguing again over directions; when Scully defiantly runs a stop sign, Mulder notifies her but she tells him to shut up, which he does.Lowry, pp. 149–152 ===== The novel opens with five friends out for a night of drinking and occasional brawling. All five are teachers at a less-than- first-rate boarding school called Feliss Academy, situated in the town of Simka in Feliss Province (a future version of Simcoe, Ontario, the author's home town, and not far from the author's Waterloo current home). Future versions of other real locations, such as Niagara Falls, Port Dover, and the Port Dover mausoleum appear in the novel. The five, frustrated and bored with their unsatisfactory lives, are: * Sir Pelinor, the school's fencing instructor, who fancies himself a courtly knight; * Sister Impervia, the self- defense trainer, and a Handmaid of the Holy Order of Magdalenes; * the Steel Caryatid, sorceress, psychic, and gifted in pyrokinesis; * Myoko Namida, whose specialty is telekinesis and levitation; * and Philemon Abu Dhubhai, Ph.D., the novel's narrator, a scientist and the scion of a wealthy and powerful family in the Middle East. Tonight, however, is an unusual night: the Steel Caryatid has received a premonition that the group will undertake a quest. The quest reveals itself when Dhubhai encounters a ghost, and learns that one student at the school has been murdered while another, the victim's boyfriend, has run off. The group embarks on a search for the missing boy, which soon transforms into something far more sinister: a hunt for a shape-shifting alien creature, malevolent and very dangerous. The group expands with new recruits, then is whittled down by deaths along the route, as the search comes to involve aliens, a crazy and highly lethal Spark Lord, and a criminal gang nearly as bad. Their quarry, the runaway boy, turns out to be one of the most gifted psychics the world has ever known, which adds a new layer of complexity to their dilemma. Dhubhai and his surviving companions reach a bloody crisis in the basement of the power station at Niagara Falls, one of the few places on Earth that still maintains electric power and traces of OldTech civilization. Dhubhai learns that Spark Royal has kept the power flowing in order to imprison an alien force; the sinister being they have been following is only a small offshoot of a much greater and darker whole. Dhubhai discovers more than he anticipated about the cryptic workings of the League of Peoples before the alien force is controlled. ===== Clockers follows intertwining storylines of low level cocaine dealer Ronald "Strike" Dunham and homicide detective Rocco Klein in the fictional New Jersey city of Dempsey (Which shares many similarities with Jersey City, NJ - where author Richard Price spent extensive time researching the subject matter.) Strike works in the drug organization of Rodney Little, a friendly but violent drug lieutenant of local drug lord Champ. When Rodney Little asks Strike to kill his second in command Darryl and take his position, Strike hesitates. While scoping out Ahab's, the fish restaurant from where Darryl wholesales cocaine, he encounters his brother Victor drunk in a bar across the street, to whom he tells a made-up story about Darryl's abuse of his girlfriend. Victor apparently sees through his story, and suggests that if Strike needs someone killed, he knows "My Man" who could do the job. Strike is surprised by this offer from his law-abiding, working-man brother, and responds noncommittally, assuming his remark is just a drunken boast. He is shocked the next day to find that Darryl has been shot dead in the Ahab's parking lot by an unknown assailant. David "Rocco" Klein and his partner Larry Mazilli are assigned to investigate Darryl's murder. They quickly deduce that Darryl was more than just a restaurant manager. Meanwhile, Strike is promoted in Rodney's organization and is introduced to Papi, a Puerto Rican cocaine wholesaler. Rodney reveals that he has been buying cocaine from Papi and selling it behind Champ's back, without giving him a cut. Strike recognizes that Champ will have them both killed if he discovers their side business, but agrees to participate, believing he has no other choice. Rodney brings Strike to meet with Champ at his headquarters at the O'Brien housing projects. Rodney brings an undercover police officer who he introduces to Champ as a cocaine supplier, as part his plan to sabotage Champ and take control of the organization. There, Strike encounters Champ's chief violent enforcer, Buddha Hat, a murderous man who cryptically identifies Strike as "Victor's brother." Strike takes this to mean that Buddha Hat was Victor's "My Man" and that he had killed Darryl. As Buddha Hat worked for Champ, and Darryl was the previous overseer of Rodney's secret drug sales, Strike assumes that Buddha Hat will realize their treachery and tell Champ, who would have them both killed. Buddha Hat pays Strike a perplexing visit, where Strike, thinking he is about to be killed, is instead taken to a restaurant and peep show in New York, in a bizarre gesture of friendship by Buddha Hat. Victor gives a full confession for Darryl's murder, but his self-defense story does not match witness accounts and Rocco believes that he is in fact innocent. His obsessive investigation begins to lead him to Strike, who he believes is a much more likely murderer than the hard working and law-abiding Victor. Assuming that Victor will take a mandatory 30-year sentence to protect his brother, Rocco confronts Strike at his drug corner and forcibly takes him in for questioning several times. Strike goes to meet Papi to pick up the week's cocaine shipment but finds him shot to death. Strike panics, fearing that Champ is on to him and Rodney. He later learns from Rodney that Buddha Hat also went behind Champ's back to take a bit of Papi's profits, and murdered him when he refused to pay. When Rodney is arrested selling cocaine to an undercover police officer, Rocco arranges things so that Rodney believes Strike has been talking to police. Rodney then sends his enforcer, Errol Barnes, to murder him. Rocco, whose marriage is in serious trouble because of the tremendous amount of work he has taken on, brings in Strike for another round of questioning. He also talks again with Victor and his mother. They reveal that Victor did indeed commit the murder in a moment when, hating his difficult life and ungrateful wife, he impulsively decided to murder Darryl just as Strike had suggested, using a gun he had earlier found and kept. At about the same time, Errol Barnes, despite a fearsome reputation for violence, is shot and killed by Strike's panicked young assistant Tyrone, who had been on his way to return Strike's gun after borrowing it out of curiosity. Strike goes free but is still being threatened by Rodney. Also, local cop Andre "The Giant," who was a father figure to Tyrone, beats Strike and threatens to kill him for ruining Tyrone's life unless he leaves Dempsy permanently. The novel ends with Rocco driving Strike into NYC, where, while at the Greyhound station, a drug mule tries to get Strike to buy him a bus ticket. After Strike is almost arrested by the police, he buys a See America pass and leaves the city. ===== At an archaeological dig in the Ecuadorian highlands, two archaeologists, Dr. Bilac and Dr. Roosevelt, get into an argument over the removal of a burial urn that contains an Amaru, or a female shaman. Roosevelt argues that the urn must be taken from the site and preserved in a museum, much to the chagrin of Bilac and the tribespeople present. Later, a native shaman distributes Yaje to the local villagers and Bilac. During this ritual, a jaguar spirit kills Roosevelt in his tent. Later, in Boston, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate the disappearance of Dr. Craig Horning, an archaeologist from a local history museum, after a security guard discovers a large amount of blood in Horning's lab. They interview both the curator, Dr. Lewton, and graduate student Mona Wustner. They also visit a reclusive Bilac. After closing, Lewton is killed by the jaguar spirit after his car doesn't start. During an investigation of the crime scene, Scully comes across rat corpses in the engine compartment of Lewton's vehicle. Mona denies that anything unusual has happened in the museum. Mulder and a group of police search for Lewton's remains. Scully sees blood dripping on Mulder's face from above and, upon looking up, they see a portion of Lewton's intestine hanging from a tree. Scully, about to perform an autopsy on the intestine, is interrupted when Mona suddenly calls and reports that Bilac was under the influence of Yaje. At the museum, Mona hears noises from a restroom and, upon opening a toilet lid, she sees rats forcing their way out of the sewer. When the two agents arrive, they discover Bilac crying beside one of the toilets, saying that Mona is dead. Later, Bilac escapes from the room in which he is being held without exiting through the only door. Mulder notices a large drag mark through the dust on the floor, discovering a hatch leading to the museum's old steam tunnels. While exploring the tunnels, the agents find the remains of the victims and are attacked by a multitude of feral cats. As they try to escape, they come across Bilac's mutilated body. The two agents make their way out and close the hatch on the pursuing cats. The episode closes with Mulder suspecting that the animal attacks were associated with the burial urn that had been removed against the wishes of the Ecuadorian tribespeople; it is shortly returned to the burial grounds, where the local shaman watches the urn's reburial with jaguar-like eyes.Lowry, pp. 181–183 ===== The film starts off by showing the relationship of Nadeem and Samina Peerzada, They soon end up having a baby boy Shaan. Shaan is friends with Reema, who belongs to a family much richer than his family. The first encounter was when Shaan (one or two years older than Reema) gave a doll to a crying Reema, when he was only around four years of age. The families then split leaving the two friends separated. Once older, they meet each other without knowing their past, having a disgusted perception of each other. While Reema's jogging, Shaan accidentally splashes her with mud ... This causes her to do the same on him, but instead of a bit of mud, she drops him in the mud, while he's on his bicycle. After their first unpleasant meeting, they somehow fall in love. Once returning home Reema finds out that her father has planned her marriage with somebody she does not love. The father does this for greed of money. Reema refuses and spends her time with Shaan., Watch Bulandi (1990 film) on YouTube, Retrieved 5 July 2016 Shaan's parents meet their son's child- friend and his lover, and accept their relationship. They go to Reema's father's home to ask for his daughter's hand. He rejects the offer. Nadeem begs him, but he does not give in. Nadeem's wife, with a fatal heart injury, dies of a heart attack. ===== In Klass County, Washington, a teenaged couple, Harold and Chrissy, are returning from a date one evening. After their car suddenly stops, they see a UFO and are captured by a pair of grey aliens. However, the grey aliens are themselves soon confronted by a giant third alien from another race, at which point the panicking greys address each other in perfect English. At a later point, Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is interviewed about the case by famed author Jose Chung (Charles Nelson Reilly), who is researching a book he is writing about alien abductions and UFO phenomena. Scully notes that Chrissy was found with all her clothes inside out, appearing to be the victim of date rape. Under questioning, Harold claims that he did not rape her, but that they were both abducted by aliens. The foul-mouthed local detective, Manners (whose profanity is humorously replaced with words such as "bleep" and "blank"), does not believe his story, but Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) has Chrissy undergo hypnosis, in which she describes being on a spaceship surrounded by aliens. Harold claims to have encountered a cigarette-smoking grey alien on the ship who kept repeating, "This is not happening." Mulder is convinced that Chrissy and Harold were abducted by aliens, but Scully thinks it is more plausible that the two teenagers simply had consensual sex and are struggling to deal with the emotional aftermath. The agents then speak to an electric power company lineman named Roky Crikenson, who claims he witnessed the abduction of Chrissy and Harold, and then turned his eyewitness account into a screenplay. He recounts a strange visit to his home from a pair of men in black, who told him that the UFO he thought he saw the night before was merely the planet Venus, and threatened to kill him if he told anyone otherwise. Roky's screenplay describes his meeting with the third alien (who calls himself Lord Kinbote), who took him to the center of the Earth and told Roky that he had a great mission for him. In telling Roky's version of events to Jose Chung, Scully explains that Roky has a "fantasy-prone personality." Mulder, however, thinks that Roky's story contains some partial truths and decides to have Chrissy re-hypnotized. This time Chrissy claims that she was captured by the U.S. military, not aliens, and they brainwashed her into believing that she was abducted. Chung speaks to a science fiction and Dungeons & Dragons fanatic, Blaine, who frequently roams the woods of Klass County at night looking for UFOs. As Blaine tells Chung, one night he found an alien body that was subsequently recovered by Mulder, Scully and Detective Manners. Blaine thinks that Mulder and Scully are a couple of men in black. He claims that Mulder was emotionless, but shrieked when he saw the alien, and that Scully, whom Blaine believed was a man dressed like a woman, threatened him and told him not to talk to anyone about the alien body. Mulder allows Blaine to videotape Scully performing an autopsy on the alien, which is quickly released as a video "documentary" that is narrated by the Stupendous Yappi. The autopsy reveals that the alien is actually a dead Air Force pilot in a costume. His superiors arrive to claim the body, but find it missing. Mulder tricks the military officers into revealing the identity of a second missing Air Force pilot, Lieutenant Jack Schaefer. As Mulder remembers it, that night he found Schaefer, in a dazed state, walking naked down a highway in Klass County. After getting him some clothes, Mulder takes Schaefer to a diner, where the pilot explains that he and his partner were dressed as aliens while flying a secret U.S. military vehicle designed to resemble a UFO. He thinks that he, his partner, and the two teenagers were abducted by real aliens in a real UFO, but Schaefer is also unsure if his surroundings are real or a hallucination, and he tells Mulder that he may not even exist himself, as he cannot be sure. His superiors soon come to take him away; before leaving the diner with the military officer, he tells Mulder that "I'm a dead man." The diner's cook, however, has a different version of the story. He tells Jose Chung that Mulder was in the diner by himself that night with no one else, and that he kept asking the cook strange questions about UFOs and alien abductions while ordering piece after piece of sweet potato pie. After leaving the diner, Mulder returns to their motel and finds the men in black seen earlier (played by Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebek), in Scully's room. Scully appears to be in a trance, and has no memory of seeing the men in black. The next morning, Mulder, Scully, and Detective Manners hear about the crash of an Air Force plane and head to the crash site, where the dead bodies of the two Air Force pilots they met earlier are recovered. Mulder visits with Chung, pleading with him not to publish the book since it will further discredit UFO researchers and witnesses by making them look ridiculous. Chung dismisses Mulder and publishes the book anyway, which Scully reads in her office. In his book, Chung describes the fates of the various people he interviewed: Roky has moved to California and founded a spiritual cult based on the teachings he believes he received from Lord Kinbote, Blaine has replaced him as a power company lineman and continues to search for UFOs most nights, Mulder (whom Chung describes as "a ticking time bomb of insanity") watches video footage of Bigfoot, and Harold professes his love to Chrissy, who rejects him as too immature, as her UFO experience has given her a new commitment to philanthropy and helping humanity. The voice-over ends with Chung concluding that evidence of extraterrestrial life remains elusive. ===== ===== At a fast food restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, a man draws a gun and shoots three people before he is shot by police snipers outside. An older man revives the gunman and his victims by touching them with the palms of his hands. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) arrive to investigate. They interview the victims and gunman, finding that the mysterious healer, Jeremiah Smith (Roy Thinnes), disappeared while being interviewed by a detective. Meanwhile, The Smoking Man (William B. Davis) meets with Mulder's mother Teena (Rebecca Toolan), and the two argue as someone photographs them from a distance. Later, Assistant Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) notifies Mulder that Teena has suffered a stroke. At the hospital, Teena writes the word "PALM" on a notepad, which Mulder takes to mean her stroke is connected to Jeremiah Smith. Mulder finds footage of Smith being interviewed, and sees that someone else appears in Smith's place when the detective looks away. Meanwhile, Smith is at his place of work at the Social Security Administration (SSA) when he is captured by the Smoking Man, and taken to a high-security prison. Mulder heads to his mother's home and encounters X (Steven Williams), who shows him his photos of Teena and the Smoking Man. Mulder searches the house and realizes that "PALM" was Teena's attempt to write "LAMP". He then finds an alien stiletto weapon inside one of the lamps—the same kind used by the Alien Bounty Hunter in previous episodes. At FBI headquarters, Scully meets a man who appears to be Smith, who has come to turn himself in. During an interview with Scully and Skinner, he claims to have no memory of the shooting or of healing anyone. Meanwhile, the Smoking Man interrogates the real Smith, who has lost faith in the Syndicate's project. He shapeshifts into Deep Throat (Jerry Hardin) and Bill Mulder (Peter Donat) to unnerve his captor. Finally, Smith reveals that the Smoking Man is dying of lung cancer. Mulder blames the Smoking Man for his mother's condition. When he learns about the statement given by "Smith", Mulder goes to the SSA to bring him in for questioning. "Smith" initially complies but flees into a crowd, shapeshifting into someone else. The impostor—a Bounty Hunter—arrives at Smith's cell to kill him, finding it empty. Mulder visits Teena at the hospital, but encounters the Smoking Man and threatens him with a gun. The Smoking Man says that Teena met with him about the whereabouts of his sister, Samantha. In the parking garage, Mulder is confronted by X, who demands the alien stiletto. When Mulder refuses to hand it over, the two grapple to a stalemate. Scully finds other identical "Jeremiah Smiths" working at SSA offices across the country. She is later met by Smith, who reveals she had met an imposter. Smith promises more information, and he and Scully meet Mulder at an abandoned site. Mulder wants to take Smith to see his mother, but the Bounty Hunter arrives seconds later.Lowry, pp. 219–222.Lovece, pp. 216–217. ===== In rural Alberta, Canada, a telephone lineman is stung by a bee as he works at the top of a pole. Five identical boys approach and watch as the lineman adversely reacts to the sting, causing him to fall to the ground and die. The boys look down at his body, then walk off silently. At a remote industrial site, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), and Jeremiah Smith (Roy Thinnes) are approached by the Alien Bounty Hunter (Brian Thompson). Mulder and Smith flee with both Scully and the Bounty Hunter in pursuit, eventually reaching a waterfront. Mulder sneaks up on the Bounty Hunter and stabs him in the neck with the alien stiletto. Both he and Jeremiah escape on a boat, leaving Scully alone with the seemingly dead Bounty Hunter. When she approaches the body, the Bounty Hunter wakes up and chokes her, demanding to know where Mulder and Smith are heading. He releases her after realizing she has no such knowledge. On the boat, Mulder and Smith debate whether they should save Mulder's mother Teena, despite the risk of Men in Black awaiting them. Mulder ultimately agrees that it would be too dangerous to visit her. Instead, they head towards Canada in a stolen car, where Smith says Mulder will find his sister, Samantha. Meanwhile, the First Elder (Don S. Williams) meets with The Smoking Man (William B. Davis) in Teena's hospital room, confronting him with photos of his prior meeting with her, taken by X (Steven Williams). They realize that there is a leak, and plan to smoke out its source by releasing false information about Teena being in danger. The Bounty Hunter learns of Mulder's whereabouts by listening in on a phone call between him and a captive Scully, leaving her to pursue him and Smith while Scully informs Mulder that the Bounty Hunter is still after them. In Washington, Scully reports to Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi), who informs her that the other Jeremiah Smiths have all disappeared. Scully and Agent Pendrell investigate the data that the Smiths were compiling, trying to decipher the encrypted files. Scully contacts X, who tells her that it is related to the government's long-running smallpox eradication program. X also tells her that he believes Teena's life is in danger. Meanwhile, in Canada, Smith and Mulder's car runs out of gas. Walking the last few miles on foot, they come across the corpse of the electrician, grossly decomposed and covered in ants. Jeremiah takes Mulder to a mysterious field where they find a group of identical children; the girls all resemble Samantha at the age when she was abducted. Jeremiah tells Mulder that the cloned children are drones, workers used to tend the fields, incapable of speaking. After retrieving a gasoline can, Mulder tries to take one of the female clones with him, against Jeremiah's wishes. However, the Bounty Hunter arrives and chases them. As he corners them in a large bee hive, the Bounty Hunter is crushed and stung repeatedly in a trap set up by the trio. Scully and Pendrell report to Skinner and the Office of Professional Responsibility on the data being tracked by the Smiths, which appears to be a cataloging of human beings. Meanwhile, the Bounty Hunter catches up to Mulder, Smith, and the clone, plowing into their car with a van. After knocking Mulder unconscious, the Bounty Hunter pursues a fleeing Jeremiah. Mulder returns to the hospital to see his mother, resigned to the fact that he cannot save her. The Syndicate leads X to a trap at Mulder's apartment, where he is shot by the Grey-Haired Man. X crawls into the apartment and writes the letters "SRSG" in his blood before dying. The letters lead Mulder to Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden), the assistant to the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations. Covarrubias tells Mulder that the fields in Canada have been abandoned, but shows him a picture of the drone children tending to the shrubs. At the hospital, the Smoking Man directs the Bounty Hunter to heal Mulder's mother, telling him that the fiercest enemy is the one with nothing to lose.Meisler, pp. 19–25 ===== In Las Vegas, lonely 10-year-old Lucas Nickle (Zach Tyler Eisen) is left with his older sister, Tiffany (Allison Mack), and his grandmother (Lily Tomlin) when his parents go to Puerto Vallarta. Neglected by his family and tormented by a local bully named Steve (Myles Jeffrey) and his friends, Lucas takes out his frustration on an anthill and attacks it with a squirt gun, terrifying the colony. One ant, an eccentric wizard named Zoc (Nicolas Cage), tries to fight back. His girlfriend, a nurse ant named Hova (Julia Roberts) who is fascinated by humans, attempts to communicate with Lucas. He drops his gun on the grass, and kicks the anthill with one of his sneakers, sending the colony flying into the grass. Hova tries to communicate to him, but she is almost crushed before being rescued by Zoc. The leaders of the colony decide to use a potion Zoc has recently created to shrink Lucas down to ant size. The local exterminator, Stan Beals (Paul Giamatti), convinces Lucas to sign a contract to kill vermin. Later that night, Zoc and a small troop of ants pour the potion into his ear. Lucas wakes up and discovers that he is now tiny and naked after discovering his underwear being bigger than him, then he falls off his bed, landing on a potato chip. He is carried to the anthill into a world of giant caves, caterpillars, and ants. Zoc insists that he should be studied then eaten, but he is overruled by the Queen (Meryl Streep). She sentences him to hard labor. Hova volunteers to train Lucas, much to Zoc's mortification. They both learn about the differences between ants and humans. However, when she forces him to forage for jelly beans with Kreela (Regina King) and Fugax (Bruce Campbell), he is unsuccessful. The ants are attacked by tarantula hawk wasps. Lucas finds a firecracker discarded by Steve and uses it to scare the wasps away. This earns him the admiration of all the ants except Zoc. Lucas is introduced to honeydew, the caterpillars' feces, and he gets sick when he learns where they come from. He is shown a painting which depicts the Great Ant Mother and the evil "Cloud-Breather", an exterminator. Lucas is told that the Great Ant Mother will return and shower the ants with honeydew, while the Cloud-Breather will spell destruction for all of them. Lucas, Hova, Fugax, and Kreela return to his house, where he tries to cancel Beals' contract but calls a pizzeria instead. To make matters worse, Lucas and the ants notice heavy footsteps and see that Tiffany entering with the ground shaking under her weight and everyone hid except Fugax. Tiffany noticed the ant and stared at him upclose with a gigantic intimidating breathing. Fugax turned around and not being scared by the massive teenage girl's death stare, greeted her by Queen Tiffany. A digusted Tiffany tries to crush the ant with the discarded phone. Lucas and company are forced into hiding until dark. When Zoc finds out that Lucas put Hova in possible danger, he accuses him of further treachery and tells him that he refuses to give him the antidote, causing him to run away in fright. Upon hearing what happened, Hova becomes angry with Zoc and goes out to look for Lucas. Once she finds him, he is swallowed by a frog. Zoc witnesses the event and realizes how much Hova cares about Lucas, so he frees him to make up for his selfishness. Afterwards, they discuss their differences. Zoc explains that ants work for the benefit of the colony, whilst Lucas states that most humans work for personal gain. Zoc is unsure as to how anything gets accomplished in Lucas' world, but then sympathizes with him when they both admit that they both used to act without thinking. The next day, when Beals arrives to exterminate the colony, Lucas and Zoc enlist the wasps' aid; at first, the wasps want to eat them, but upon hearing that their hill is being destroyed by Beals, they agree to help. During the battle with Beals, Lucas saves the lives of Hova and an injured wasp. Both the ants and wasps are no match against pesticide, but as Beals is about to exterminate the anthill, a beetle and glowworm bite him in the groin. As he painfully doubles up, Lucas injects him with the shrinking potion, severely disfiguring Beals, and he retreats on a tricycle while being attacked by the wasps. The Queen pronounces Lucas an ant in honor of his heroic actions, and Zoc gives him the antidote. He returns back to normal size and finally stands up to Steve, whose friends choose to befriend Lucas after Steve insults them. Lucas then showers the colony with jelly beans as a parting gift. ===== In the small town of Home, Pennsylvania, a woman gives birth to a deformed baby. Three similarly-deformed men bury it near their dilapidated house during a rainstorm. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are sent to investigate after the corpse is found by children during a sandlot ball game. While talking to Home's sheriff Andy Taylor (Tucker Smallwood), Mulder asks whether the Peacock brothers—the inhabitants of the house nearest to the crime scene—have been questioned about the baby. Taylor informs him that the house dates back to the American Civil War and is without electricity, running water, or heat. He also insinuates that the family has been inbreeding since the war. The three Peacock brothers watch the agents from their front porch. During an autopsy, the agents discover that the baby suffocated by inhaling dirt—meaning it was buried alive. Scully suggests that the baby's defects could have been caused by inbreeding. Mulder insists this would be impossible, since the Peacocks seem to live in an all-male household. Suspecting that the Peacocks have kidnapped and raped a woman, Mulder and Scully investigate their now-abandoned residence and discover blood, scissors, and a shovel on a table. In retaliation, the Peacocks enter Sheriff Taylor's house during the night and murder him and his wife, Barbara (Judith Maxie). Laboratory tests indicate the baby's parents were members of the Peacock family. Believing the three Peacock brothers must be holding the dead baby's mother hostage, the agents and Deputy Barney Paster (Sebastian Spence) go to arrest them. When Paster breaks down the front door of the house, he is decapitated by a booby trap, before the brothers rip the body apart. Mulder and Scully then release the Peacocks' pigs to lure them out of the house before searching it. The agents find a quadruple amputee hidden under a bed. She is revealed to be Mrs. Peacock, the mother of the boys, who has been breeding with them for years. The brothers realize Mulder and Scully are inside their house and attack. The two youngest sons withstand several gunshots before dying, one of them impaled on another booby trap. Afterwards, the agents discover that Mrs. Peacock and her eldest son have escaped in their car, planning to start a new family elsewhere.Meisler (1998), pp. 39–46 ===== The Goodies' office is being renovated, but the builders are taking a very long time to finish their work. This is hardly surprising when it is discovered that the builders have not done any work at all for months. The builders have been spending the last six months drinking tea and playing cards. The office is extremely noisy because a recording of construction work is being played to make it appear that the men are working. The Goodies are upset at the lack of work being done. The workmen retaliate by walking off the job, vowing never to return. However, they leave a memento of their visit behind by smashing up the office and destroying it utterly. With their office in ruins, the Goodies try to buy a building to be their new office, but buildings are extremely expensive. Then they try to buy a block of land on which a new office can be built. However, vacant land is very scarce -- and what is left to buy is also very expensive and very small in size. The Goodies eventually decide a disused railway station office would be best -- and set about building one. One of the pluses is the fact that the new office is a mobile one and can be towed anywhere by the Goodies' trandem -- something which is helpful when their peaceful surrounds are suddenly filled with people, houses and railway lines. People also mistakenly think that the Goodies' disused railway station office is a real railway station office, and try to buy train tickets from them. Towing their office behind them, the Goodies park on some peaceful land, and begin to settle down. However, Tim, Graeme and Bill discover some unexpected terrifying aspects of some heavy construction machinery parked near their office, and the Goodies become embroiled in battle with the heavy machines until they find a solution to the problem. ===== On an international airline flight, an African man enters the bathroom, where he is attacked by a man exhibiting albino traits. The attacker leaves the bathroom with his normal black skin tone. Before the plane lands in the United States, a flight attendant discovers the victim in the bathroom, devoid of his skin pigmentation. Three months later, Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) calls in Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and informs her that four African American men have been kidnapped in Philadelphia. One of them has been found dead exhibiting depigmentation. A specialist from the CDC believes that the men have died from a disease, and has requested Scully to investigate the case. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) joins Scully and has some of the evidence samples from Sanders' autopsy analyzed by Agent Pendrell, who finds a seed from a rare West African passionflower. Mulder takes the seed to his UN informant Marita Covarrubias and asks for her help; she provides him with information on the incident on the plane. Meanwhile, Samuel Aboah (Willie Amakye), an African immigrant who is seeking citizenship, attacks a young black man while he is waiting for a bus, kidnapping him. Investigating the disappearance, Mulder predicts that another seed will be found. They have Marcus Duff (Carl Lumbly), a social worker who is helping Aboah apply for citizenship, cross-reference the names from the flight with those applying for permanent residency or a work visa. This leads them to Aboah, who runs when they try to question him and is discovered after squeezing himself into a drainage pipe. Aboah appears to have no symptoms of disease when he is analyzed at a local medical center, but Scully plans to examine him more. Mulder sees Diabra, a diplomat from Burkina Faso. Diabra tells him an old folk tale of the Bambara people about the Teliko, which were nocturnal "spirits of the air". Meanwhile, Scully examines a PET scan of Aboah, which shows that he has no pituitary gland. Aboah escapes the hospital and meets Duff in a car; he paralyses Duff in the same manner as his other victims and inserts a long metal object up his nose. A policeman finds Duff and requests an ambulance, and the police tell Mulder and Scully that they are sweeping the area for Aboah. Driving around, Mulder tells Scully that he thinks Aboah is the mythical Teliko. He stops at a demolition site, remembering that Pendrell found asbestos fibers on Sanders' body. Mulder and Scully split up at the site; Mulder is paralyzed and taken into a duct by Aboah. Scully, having heard Mulder's shouts for help, tracks him in the duct and is able to get him out, finding the depigmented bodies of the other victims. Aboah gets the drop on Scully, but Mulder's look alerts her and she quickly turns around and shoots him. In her field journal, Scully writes that Aboah is struggling to survive while awaiting trial. She muses that Aboah's condition and survival may be discovered by science, but humans have a fear of an alien among them which causes them to "deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate".Meisler, pp. 48–56. ===== In Apison, Tennessee, authorities receive a tip from someone named Sidney alleging child abuse and weapons possession by a local cult called the Temple of the Seven Stars. The FBI and BATF stage a raid on the Temple's compound, but are unable to find its leader, Vernon Ephesian (Michael Massee). Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) experiences déjà vu and walks into a field on the compound, where he finds a trapdoor. Inside, Mulder and Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) find Ephesian preparing to drink a red liquid with his six wives. Mulder stops them and handcuffs Ephesian, but he feels a strange connection to one of the wives, Melissa Riedal-Ephesian (Kristen Cloke). Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) warns the FBI and BATF that Ephesian and his wives will be released in a day unless they can track down Sidney and the Temple's reported weapons cache. The agents question Ephesian, who states that there is no member of the temple named Sidney. When they interview Melissa, she suddenly begins to talk like Sidney, claiming that Harry Truman is president. Scully believes Melissa is exhibiting multiple personality disorder, but Mulder thinks she is recalling a past life. The agents take her back to the temple, where she takes on the personality of a woman from the Civil War period and says that the weapons were hidden in another secret bunker in the field. She also states that Mulder, in a past life, was a Confederate soldier in the field with her, her beloved, and she watched him die. Mulder has Melissa undergo regression hypnosis for her to recount her past lives. She implies that she and Mulder have met over their past lives, always to be separated or lost to each other. To confirm her events, Mulder has himself hypnotized and recalls a time when he was a Jewish woman with a son, who had the same soul as his sister Samantha; his deceased father, who was Scully, is dead. Melissa was his husband in this life, and had been taken to a Nazi concentration camp by a Gestapo officer who was The Smoking Man. Mulder also recalls his past life from the Civil War, when he was a man named Sullivan Biddle, while Melissa was Sarah Kavanaugh; Scully, Mulder claims, was his sergeant. Scully finds pictures of Biddle and Kavanaugh in the county's hall of records and gives them to Mulder. He wears a Confederate uniform in the photo. The FBI and BATF plan to make another search of the compound. Ephesian, realizing that he will not survive another siege, passes out poison to the cult members while his men open fire on the FBI agents and all but he and Melissa die, Melissa having feigned drinking it. Mulder surrenders in order to get into the temple. Ephesian then forces Melissa to drink the poison, and when Mulder arrives he finds both of them dead. Mulder caresses Melissa, looking out into the field.Meisler, pp. 58–63 ===== During a routine liposuction operation in Winnetka, Illinois, Dr. Harrison Lloyd (John Juliani) suddenly begins to remove so much fat from a patient that the patient dies. Following the unusual experience, Lloyd tells Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) that he killed the patient because he was possessed. Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is skeptical about Lloyd's claims, believing he's only making it up to escape legal consequences. Mulder inspects the operation room and discovers a pentagram burned into the floor; he begins to suspect that witchcraft might have played a part in the crime. Meanwhile, the staff at Lloyd's clinic are shocked when another plastic surgeon, Dr. Ilaqua (Paul Raskin), murders an elderly patient by burning a hole through her cheek and neck with a surgical laser, severing her brain stem. Scully interviews Ilaqua, who claims that he cannot remember anything of the incident. Mulder's suspicions are strengthened when he reviews the tape of the second murder, and he sees a pentagram-like pattern on the stomach of the victim. Worried by the events, the hospital coordinator, Dr. Theresa Shannon, tells Mulder and Scully about a similar series of deaths that occurred at the same hospital ten years prior. They suspect Rebecca Waite (O-Lan Jones), a nurse who is the only person present at all the death scenes. The agents visit Waite's house, discovering evidence that she practices witchcraft; however, the audience learns that the evidence was planted there by a staff member of the hospital. Elsewhere, Dr. Jack Franklin (Richard Beymer) is non-fatally assaulted by Waite at his house. There, Waite is arrested and approached by the agents, who attempt to question Waite but are prevented when she starts to vomit pins, dying shortly thereafter. After the incident, Mulder visits Dr. Jack Franklin, hoping to learn more about Waite's possible motivation. Although Franklin is seemingly innocent, when Mulder leaves the room, he begins to levitate and devilishly smile. Later that night, Mulder deduces that the birthdays of all the victims match up with the dates of the Witches' Sabbath and that Waite was actually trying to protect the victims from Dr. Jack Franklin (she had placed the pentagramsactually protective symbolson and around the victims in the hopes of protecting them from dark magic). This also explains why Waite tried to kill Franklin. Unfortunately, Mulder also realizes that because Waite was not the murderer, the spree of murders will continue. And as he suspected, another patient is murdered with acid back at the hospital. Soon after, the agents again meet with Dr. Theresa Shannon, and she further discusses the spree of murders that occurred ten years ago. According to Shannon, five people were killed at the clinic: four patients and a cosmetic doctor named Clifford Cox, who ostensibly died of a drug overdose. Following his intuition, Mulder deduces that Dr. Clifford Cox was the only one out of the deceased five whose birthday does match up with the Sabbath dates. Mulder then uses the hospital's computer program to determine what Cox would look like had he undergone heavy plastic surgery. The computer produces an image that looks like Franklin, suggesting that he is actually Dr. Clifford Cox in disguise. When Dr. Shannon discovers Cox alone in a blood-spattered operating room, he uses witchcraft to magically teleport surgical tools into her intestines, which causes her to bleed internally. Luckily, Dr. Shannon is rushed into surgery and survives. Cox, however, escapes; he is later seen removing the skin of his face and performing a ritual to make him appear younger. It is revealed that Cox murders in a quest to gain eternal youth. The episode ends with a now-young Cox successfully applying for a position at another medical hospital. ===== Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate the death of Maria Dorantes, an illegal immigrant from Mexico living in the San Joaquin Valley near Fresno, California who was found dead, with her face partially eaten away, after yellow rain fell from the sky. Maria was the object of the love of two brothers, Eladio (Raymond Cruz) and Soledad Buente; Soledad blames his brother for her death. The migrants believe that the so-called "Chupacabra" was responsible for her death, despite the fact that none of the circumstances of the death resemble anything close to reports of the Chupacabra. Mulder, assisted on the case by Mexican-American INS agent Conrad Lozano, is able to track down and interrogate Eladio, who frightens the other migrants. Meanwhile, Scully discovers that Maria was killed by a fungal growth known as Aspergillus. Eladio escapes as he is being deported, killing a truck driver in the process. A clinical exam on the driver shows his death was caused by a rapid growth of Trichophyton — the Athlete's foot fungus. Scully brings samples of the fatal fungi to a mycologist who discovers that their abnormally rapid growth was caused by an unidentifiable enzyme. This revelation leads Scully to suspect Eladio of being an unwitting carrier of the enzyme, necessitating his immediate capture. Eladio, seeking to return to Mexico, meets with his cousin Gabrielle to ask for money. He works with a construction foreman for the day to make the money. Soledad comes after him, seeking to kill him, but finds the foreman dead. Eladio escapes in the foreman's truck and heads to the grocery store where Gabrielle works, spreading the fungal growth. The agents later confront Soledad at the supermarket, discovering another dead victim of the fungus. Eladio returns to see Gabrielle, but by now has grown deformed from the fungus. Gabrielle, afraid of him, gives him her money and lies to the agents about his location when they come to see her. In actuality, Eladio has returned to the camp where Maria died, where Lozano tries to spur Soledad on in killing his brother. Soledad finds he can't do it, and Lozano struggles with him, being accidentally killed when the gun goes off. Soledad becomes a carrier of the fungal growth himself and flees with Eladio towards Mexico.Meisler, pp. 115–22. ===== In Pittsburgh, Leonard Betts (Paul McCrane), an EMT paramedic, is decapitated when his ambulance collides with a truck. Later, at the morgue, his headless body leaves its cold chamber, knocks out the attendant, steals his clothes, and escapes. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) visit the morgue, where they find Betts's head in a medical waste dumpster. Scully attempts a cranial examination, but the head's eyes and mouth both suddenly open when she begins the procedure. Meanwhile, Mulder goes to Betts's apartment, where he finds the attendant's discarded clothes. When Mulder leaves, Betts—who has regrown his head—rises out of his iodine-filled bathtub. Mulder interviews Michelle Wilkes (Jennifer Clement), Betts's former partner, who recollects his ability to detect cancer. When an interior slice of Betts's polymerized head is examined, the agents discover that his frontal lobe displayed signs of pervasive cancer. Mulder has Chuck Burks (Bill Dow) subject the slice to a Kirlian photography test; the final image shows corona discharge that takes the appearance of human shoulders. Using fingerprint records, Scully learns that Betts had an alter ego named Albert Tanner. The agents visit his elderly mother, Elaine (Marjorie Lovett), who claims that "Albert" died in a car accident six years previously. Meanwhile, Wilkes tracks down Betts at another hospital and confronts him. After an apology, he gives her a lethal injection of potassium chloride; Betts is then pursued and captured by a security guard. After he is handcuffed to his car, Betts escapes by tearing off his thumb. The agents search the car the next morning, finding disposed tumors in a cooler in the trunk. Mulder believes that Betts subsists on the tumors, and that his nature makes him the embodiment of a radical leap in evolution. Upon learning that the car is registered to Elaine, the agents have the police search her home. Elaine recounts how her son endured bullying as a child "because he was different", and says that "he had his reasons" if he killed anybody. Meanwhile, Betts accosts a bar patron and kills him to obtain his cancerous lung. Later, in a storage unit, he seems to shed his body and create a duplicate. When the agents come across the storage unit, the duplicate Betts attempts to flee in a car, which explodes when fired upon and seemingly kills him. Scully suggests that Betts's first "death" as Albert Tanner was staged, but when they exhume Tanner's casket, they find his body still inside. Mulder becomes convinced that Betts can not only regenerate his body parts, but his entire body itself. Because of this, he believes that Betts is still at large. At Elaine's behest, Betts removes a cancerous tumor from her body before summoning an ambulance. The agents, already staking out Elaine's house, encounter the paramedics when they arrive. Scully accompanies Elaine to the hospital while Mulder conducts a search of the neighborhood. However, after arriving at the hospital, Scully realizes that Betts has stowed himself away on the roof of the ambulance. Betts locks her inside the ambulance with him, calmly but apologetically telling her that she has "something [he] need[s]." This leads Scully to realize that she herself has cancer. After a struggle, Scully kills Betts by pressing charged defibrillator paddles against his head. Scully remains silently stunned by the revelation of her illness. Later, in her apartment, she wakes up with a nosebleed, confirming her disease.Meisler (1998), pp. 144–150. ===== In Philadelphia, Ed Jerse loses a divorce settlement to his ex-wife, who has sole custody of his children. After getting drunk at a bar, Ed wanders into a tattoo parlor and impulsively receives a tattoo depicting a Sailor Jerry-like pin-up girl with the words "Never Again" under her image. At work the next day, Ed hears a woman calling him a "loser"; he has a violent confrontation with a female co-worker—who denies saying anything—and is subsequently subdued. In Washington, Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully conduct a discreet meeting with a Russian informant, Vsevlod Pudovkin, who claims to have seen a UFO at a secret research center. Upon returning to FBI headquarters, Mulder heads out on vacation to visit Graceland, leaving Scully to follow up on the Pudovkin case for him. Scully is uninterested in the case and expresses serious doubts about Pudovkin's credibility, leading to an argument with Mulder. Scully becomes upset over the direction her life and career are going. Meanwhile, Ed is fired via telephone. He hears the same voice as before and yells at the woman living below him, thinking it was her. Upon hearing the voice after a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses stop by, Ed goes downstairs and murders his neighbor, throwing her body in the furnace. When the voice talks to him again, Jerse realizes it is coming from his new tattoo. Scully heads to Philadelphia and watches Pudovkin enter a tattoo parlor. Inside, she sees Ed arguing with the owner, wanting the tattoo removed. Ed strikes up a conversation with Scully and invites her out to dinner, which she initially declines. That night, Scully talks to Mulder over the phone and informs him that Pudovkin is a con man and part of the Russian mafia. Frustrated by the conversation, Scully calls Jerse and tells him that she changed her mind. At a nearby lounge, Scully is concerned about Ed's arm, where he has burned the tattoo with a cigarette butt. Ed convinces Scully to get a tattoo, and she has one of an Ouroboros applied to her back. Scully stays at Ed's apartment. The tattoo is angry at him, saying she will be dead if he kisses her, which he does anyway. The next morning, two detectives arrive at the apartment after Ed goes out, telling Scully that Ed's neighbor is missing and blood was found in her apartment with an unusual chemical substance in it. Scully researches the material on Ed's laptop and tries to call Mulder, but hangs up before Mulder has a chance to answer. When Ed arrives, Scully tells him that they found blood in his neighbor's apartment and that it was likely his. She thinks that the chemical came from the tattoo ink and wants them both to head to the hospital to be tested. Ed tells Scully about the voice he has been hearing from his tattoo. As Scully heads to the other room to get ready, her FBI badge falls out of her coat pocket. Scully discreetly picks it back up without Ed noticing. The tattoo begins to talk again, convincing Ed to redial Scully's last call to see who she was speaking to. An FBI operator answers and, upon learning that Scully is an FBI agent, the tattoo forces Ed to attack her. Scully tries to escape but is overpowered by Ed, who wraps her in a bedsheet and carries her down to the basement to throw her in the furnace. At the last moment, Ed is able to overpower the impulses of the tattoo and instead thrusts his own arm into the furnace. Scully returns to Washington and is congratulated by Mulder for being the first person to make a second X-File appearance. Ed was brought to a burn center in Philadelphia where the ergot chemicals were found in his blood; it was also in Scully's blood, but not enough to cause hallucinations. Mulder wonders if this all happened because of their earlier argument, to which Scully replies that not everything is about him.Meisler, pp. 135–142 ===== In Brooklyn, New York, a group of Hasidic Jews gather at a cemetery for the funeral of Isaac Luria (Harrison Coe), who had been beaten and shot to death by a gang of three young Neo- Nazis. The last to leave is Isaac's betrothed, Ariel (Justine Miceli), and her father, Jacob Weiss (David Groh). During nightfall, a dark figure enters the cemetery and crafts a man-shaped sculpture out of mud. When one of Isaac's assailants is found strangled with the dead man's fingerprints on his body, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are called in to investigate. Scully suggests that the murder was an act of retribution, and argues that the evidence was staged to look like revenge from beyond the grave. When the agents visit Ariel and Jacob, their request for the exhumation of Isaac's body angers the old man. Mulder and Scully then interview Curt Brunjes (Jonathan Whittaker), the racist owner of a copy shop across the street from the market where Isaac worked. Mulder tells Brunjes that the other two boys, who work for Brunjes, are in danger. Scully mentions that there is a rumor spreading that Isaac has risen from the grave to avenge his death. The two boys, who are eavesdropping on the conversation, are terrified at this prospect. That night, the boys dig up Isaac's grave and find his body intact. While retrieving tools from the car, one of the boys is brutally murdered. The next morning, Mulder and Scully find a book on Jewish mysticism buried with Isaac's body; it mysteriously bursts into flames. On the book is Jacob's name. The agents search for Jacob, finding him in a synagogue with the hanged body of the last remaining boy. Although Jacob admits to both of the murders, Mulder believes that a Golem—a creature from Jewish mysticism—is the true murderer. Later, Brunjes is found murdered and Mulder and Scully watch the shop's surveillance tape. They discover that the Golem has features similar to Isaac. Mulder deduces that, because Ariel and Isaac were not officially wed in a Jewish synagogue, Ariel created the Golem out of love to serve as a surrogate for her late husband. The two agents arrive at the synagogue to find Ariel and the creature exchanging wedding vows. After an intense fight, in which Jacob and Mulder are both wounded, Ariel declares her love for Isaac and returns the creature to dust. ===== Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden), the daughter of beauty the Spring and Ded Moroz, yearns for the companionship of mortal humans. She grows to like the Slavic god-shepherd named Lel, but her heart is unable to know love. Her mother takes pity and gives her this ability, but as soon as she falls in love, her heart warms up and she melts. ===== The story revolves around an evil politician a junior minister who plots the murder of the chief minister through a hired killer. After the assassination of the chief minister, the killer is pursued by an idealistic dedicated police chief. The killer takes shelter in a house where a physically challenged girl is residing. The killer takes her as hostage. The killer remembers his past and how an above average student was converted to a killer. Though the film had no songs, the background music for the film, especially for the chase sequence, was lauded by the critics. ===== The episode begins at the National Mall, where Major General Benjamin Bloch (Scott Hylands) gives a speech to a crowd of Vietnam War veterans. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), and Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) patrol the crowd, searching for a potential gunman. However, when the agents see the gunman, he repeatedly disappears and makes their efforts to track him difficult. Mulder finds himself aiming his gun towards the panicked crowd, desperately searching for the gunman, who has disappeared right in front of him. Twelve hours earlier, at Fort Evanston, Maryland, Lieutenant General Peter MacDougal (Bill Agnew) is shot in his limousine by the gunman. Skinner briefs the agents on the killing, noting a king of hearts playing card—used by the soldiers in Vietnam to mark their kills—was left at the scene. The FBI suspects a far- right paramilitary group, the Right Hand, of killing MacDougal in an effort to stop an upcoming re-dedication of a Vietnam war memorial in Washington. Mulder and Scully head to Virginia to question the Right Hand's leader, Denny Markham (Larry Musser). A search of his fenced-off cabin uncovers ammunition and a photograph showing him in the company of a Sergeant Nathaniel Teager (Peter LaCroix). After being arrested, Markham reveals that Teager was a soldier in Vietnam who was left for dead as a prisoner of war. Meanwhile, at the Vietnam memorial, Teager approaches a war widow and claims that her husband is still alive as a POW. After giving the woman her husband's dog tags, Teager mysteriously disappears. Skinner informs the agents that Teager is officially dead, and that his remains are at the Army's forensics lab. However, Mulder learns that the lab only possesses Teager's dental remains, and that the cause of his death was recorded as "inconclusive". Mulder believes that General John Steffan (William Nunn), who signed Teager's death certificate, is his next target. Teager makes his way past Pentagon security and kills Steffan in his office. Upon seeing Teager on the Pentagon's surveillance tapes, Mulder notes the frequent unexplained appearances and disappearances of Viet Cong troops reported by POWs in Vietnam. During a meeting with Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden), Mulder learns that Steffan, McDougal, and Bloch were all involved in negotiations concerning POWs. Meanwhile, as Bloch's motorcade makes its way to the Mall, Scully spots Teager in the crowd, only to see him vanish in an instant. Mulder tells Skinner and Scully that the government has arranged for their investigation to fail in an effort to cover up the truth about American POWs still being kept in Vietnam. In the present, during the re-dedication ceremony, Mulder realizes that no one can see Teager if they are in his line of sight. Teager follows Skinner and Bloch to the motorcade, where he unsuccessfully shoots at the general and Skinner suffers a flesh wound. Teager is shot in turn by the agents as he tries to escape. As he succumbs to his wounds, Teager repeats his Army identification. Afterwards, the Pentagon states that the assassin was a different person—which Mulder denounces as a lie. He leaves Skinner to silently ponder his own service in the war as he looks upon Teager's name on the memorial wall. ===== In Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT cryogenics researchers Jason Nichols (Joseph Fuqua) and Lucas Menand (Jed Rees) become embroiled in an argument as they walk down a city street. They are approached by an old man (Michael Fairman), who warns Menand that he will be killed by a bus at 11:46 pm that evening, but Menand ignores him. After the man is arrested by campus security, his prophecy is proven true when Jason tries, but fails, to save Menand, who is promptly run over by a bus and killed at the exact time (11:46 pm). Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate the case, learning that Jason was taken into custody after the bus driver told police that he pushed Menand into the path of his vehicle. However, Jason tells authorities that he was trying to save Menand. The security guard who arrested the old man is found frozen to death after exposure to a chemical refrigerant. Mulder interviews Jason, who explains Menand threatened to go public with a claim that Jason had falsified data on a research paper. The old man kills Dr. Yonechi (Hiro Kanagawa), a Japanese researcher, by pricking him with a metallic stylus, introducing an unknown chemical into his body. The agents approach Nichols' girlfriend and colleague, Lisa Ianelli (Susan Lee Hoffman), who recognizes the chemical compound as a rapid freezing agent that Jason had been engineering for years. However, she claims that the compound has not yet been invented and that if Yonechi was injected with the chemical, he may not be dead. With Lisa's help, Scully and a team of medical personnel successfully resuscitate Yonechi, only for his body temperature to rapidly increase until he bursts into flames. Police receive a tip that the old man is living at a nearby hotel. Inside the old man's room, the agents discover a faded color photograph picturing Jason, Yonechi and Lisa toasting champagne glasses in the cryology lab. Mulder realizes from the picture that the old man is a time traveller who is attempting to alter that future, and that he is none other than Jason Nichols. Lisa locates the elderly man and confronts him; however, he injects her with the chemical after explaining that Lisa will be responsible for the coming future. Scully successfully resuscitates Lisa. Jason confronts his elderly self in the computer mainframe room at the cryogenic lab, where the old man has erased all of Jason's files from the computer. The old man tells Jason that the success of their research made time travel possible, but also plunged the world into chaos. Jason lunges at the old man, choking him. Wrapping his arms around his younger self, the old man bursts into flames, and the fire consumes them both. Later, Lisa sets to work at the cryonics lab, attempting to reconstruct the chemical compound. ===== Angie Pintero (Alex Bruhanski), the owner of a bowling alley, tells one of his employees, a man with autism named Harold Spuller (Steven M. Porter), to go home for the evening. Shortly thereafter, Angie discovers a badly-injured blond girl wedged inside of the automated pinsetter. The girl attempts to speak, but no words come out of her mouth. Angie notices police in a nearby parking lot and rushes outside to get help. He realizes a crowd has gathered around the dead body of the same girl he saw only moments earlier in the bowling alley. Angie relates his bizarre tale to Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). Mulder suspects that Angie encountered the dead girl's ghost; three similar encounters, and three similar murders, were reported in the area in as many weeks. The agents discover the words, "She is me" written on the bowling lane where Angie saw the spirit, but its meaning remains a mystery. Detective Hudak (Daniel Kamin) tells Mulder and Scully that an anonymous caller phoned 911 with a message regarding Penny Timmons, one of the killer's victims. The caller claimed that Timmons' last words were "She is me." Hudak notes, however, that the victim's larynx was severed, making it impossible for her to utter dying words. The agents trace the source of the 911 call to a payphone at the New Horizon Psychiatric Center. Mulder notices one of the patients, Harold Spuller, avoiding his gaze. After viewing photographs of the murder victims, Scully comes to the conclusion that Spuller fits the killer's profile: a compulsive person consumed with the desire to organize, clean and reorder. Scully uses a rest room to attend to a nose bleed. There she encounters the spirit of another blond girl. Moments later, Mulder tells her that the body of yet another victim was found nearby - the same girl Scully had just seen. Later, Mulder discovers Harold in a room accessible from the bowling alley. The walls of the room are covered with score sheets, including those of the victims. Mulder realizes that Harold met each of the murdered women at the bowling alley. Harold lapses into a strange seizure, and from his point of view, sees Angie's ghost standing behind Mulder. He rushes out of the room and makes his way to the bowling alley, where Angie lies dead from a heart attack. Mulder tells Scully that every person who saw the apparitions was about to die, implying that Harold may be next. Scully, who also saw a victim's ghost, is struck by the implication. Harold is escorted back to the psychiatric center where he is tormented by Nurse Innes (Nancy Fish). Later, Mulder finds Innes lying on the floor, half-conscious. Innes claims Harold went berserk and attacked her. One of the other patients, Chuck Forsch, tells Scully that Nurse Innes was trying to poison Harold. Scully slowly realizes that Innes, not Harold, was responsible for the murders. When Innes attacks Scully with a scalpel, Scully draws her weapon and fires, striking her in the shoulder. While summarizing the case with Mulder, Scully explains that Innes had been taking Harold's unused medication, triggering violent and unpredictable behavior. Scully hypothesizes that Innes—out of rage for her husband having left her for a younger woman—committed the murders in order to destroy the love Harold felt towards the young women. Later, Harold's body is discovered in a nearby alley, the apparent victim of respiratory failure. Scully, however, suspects that Harold died from what Innes took away from him. Scully admits to Mulder that she saw the ghost of the fourth victim shortly after she was murdered. Later, Scully sees Harold's spirit sitting in the back seat of her car. ===== The naughty boy Nils, who delights in torturing animals, is bewitched by a tomte. Now shrunken to a small size and able to talk to animals, he flies across Lapland on the backs of wild geese. During these dangerous travels he does many noble deeds, and, at the same time, searches for the tomte who would take the spell away. ===== The episode begins at a funeral, attended by Guy, Caroline, Boyce (Oliver Chris), Martin Dear (Karl Theobald) and Sue White (Michelle Gomez). References made in the episode lead the viewer to first believe that it is Mac's funeral, but then a giant picture of Angela Hunter (Sarah Alexander), who left the hospital in series two, appears. The cause of her death is not fully explained, although comments made by the characters indicate she died in a hunting accident with a moose. The plot then splits between three groups of characters. ===== Set in the Sengoku period, it depicts the life of Yamamoto Kansuke who is known as one of Takeda Shingen's renowned strategists. ===== The book deals with the rebellion of the Cretans against the Ottoman Empire in 1889. ===== Scrooge McDuck walks around Duckburg enjoying the admiration of the Duckburgians for being the Money Champion of the world until a stranger shows up and hits him with a glove. After being told it means a challenge, Scrooge starts fighting his challenger until the police takes both of them under arrest. In a courtroom, the challenger explains that the challenge is about counting their cash to decide who's the real money champ. Scrooge thinks the challenger must be crazy until he says he almost defeated Scrooge in Africa and he came here to finish the job. Scrooge then remembers who the challenger really is: Flintheart Glomgold. Donald Duck and his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, then recalls how Scrooge won that time. Scrooge and Flintheart start bragging about how wealthier they got since the last confrontation and lose temper, causing the judge to give each of them a five-gold-mine fine. After that, Scrooge allows Flintheart to visit The Money Bin hoping it would make the challenger give up. Flintheart claims to have more valuable things on his bin and the challenge continues: Scrooge and Flintheart must liquidate most of they can of their fortunes and whoever gets the biggest pile of silver dollars is the real money champ. Scrooge tries to sell the oil wells he bought last month only to learn that the seller, "Goldflint Heartglom', tricked them with oil he poured there to make the land look like it was more valuable than it really is. He later tries to sell some gold mines only to learn there's no gold in there, just gold-painted rocks, left there by 'Flintgold Glomheart", who sold the mines to Scrooge. Scrooge then visits one of his diamond mines trying to sell it but a phony inspector called "Heartflint Goldglom" opened a dam, sabotaging the mine. Back to Duckburg, Flintheart arranged it so they could place their money piles in the airport's abandoned landing gear. Things aren't good for Scrooge as his pile seemed to be half as big as Flintheart's. People were now hissing at Scrooge and hailing Flintheart as the new champ. Flintheart and Scrooge discuss and Glomgold says if the has-been, as he now calls Scrooge, wins he'll eat Scrooge's top hat. Scrooge says Flintheart will have to furnish the salt all by himself. Suspicious, Scrooge investigates and learns Flintheart's money pile is right above a sewer hole. Meanwhile, Huey, Dewey, and Louie learn that Flintheart's pile keeps growing without anyone putting money on it. Scrooge and Donald go down the sewers and discover that Flintheart is inflating a giant balloon within his pile. When both Scrooge and Flintheart have finished their piles, Scrooge uses a big spear to blow up Flintheart's balloon, ending the hoax. Scrooge now demands Glomgold to make an honest pile so Scrooge can win a fair fight. Days later, Flintheart finishes his pile, which seems to be nearly as big as Scrooge's. A mysterious sorcerer, seeing how desperate the two ducks are, shows up and tries to sell Scrooge a shrinking potion to use on Flintheart's pile of money, but Scrooge refuses, saying he'll win honestly or won't win at all. Flintheart is thinking about his mother, whose hopes he betrayed when he became dishonest when the sorcerer shows up trying to sell him the potion. Flintheart agrees to buy five gallons of the potion for five gallons of coins. Flintheart then gets the potion in a sack made of crocodile skin, the only thing besides duck skin that the potion doesn't affect and is also given a crocodile skin squeeze bottles to handle the potion out of the sack. Flintheart starts heading to Scrooge's pile, when Scrooge shows up with a court order against it but Glomgold shrinks it. Donald tries to use a truck as an obstacle for Glomgold, but the rival shrinks it. Donald says he never saw anything missing so fast since he missed a payment on a TV. Huey, Dewey, and Louie use judo to stop Flinty and throw him back to his own pile. Glomgold then tried to throw the squeeze bottles and break them on Scrooge's pile, but Huey, Dewey, and Louie stopped them with homing rockets. Flintheart then decides to rent a cannon and shoot the sack of potion on Scrooge's pile. Scrooge then uses his scatter gun on the potion, causing it to leak on the cannon, shrinking it. The remaining potion hits Scrooge's top hat. The piles are finally measured and the surveyors say that Flintheart's pile is 1,100 cubic inches (18 litresIn the Brazilian-Portuguese translation of the story, the volume was given as 500 cubic centimetres, equal to half a litre.) smaller than Scrooge's. They also say it's almost exactly five gallons. Despite this, Flintheart gains a moral victory: because Scrooge's hat was hit by the potion, it is small enough to be eaten in one bite. ===== In a movie of slow-pace, the film opens with a wide shot of waves breaking ominously on the seashore, accompanied by Alfonsina's poetry. Another scene has Alfonsina looking into a fish-bowl and saying "I wonder what it would be like to live under the sea". There is also an important scene where Alfonsina announces the news of her illness performed in a very different way from Hollywood film. ===== The episode opens in medias res in 1989, when a SWAT team conducts a raid on a Baltimore warehouse. Inside, they find a naked and disoriented Fox Mulder in a box, shouting, "They're here!" Three men attempt to flee the scene and are captured; they are revealed to be the three men that the audience know as the Lone Gunmen. As they sit in a city jail, they begin blaming each other for the predicament they have found themselves in. Detective John Munch interrogates John Fitzgerald Byers, who tries to explain what happened. In the flashback, Byers, a public affairs officer for the FCC, attends a computer and electronics convention. There, he follows a beautiful woman who passes his booth; he also passes by booths manned by Melvin Frohike and Richard Langly, who are both selling stolen cable television. When Byers bumps into the woman, she introduces herself as Holly and claims that her daughter had been kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, who is in the Baltimore area. Holly possesses a piece of paper with "ARPANET/WHTCORPS" written on it. Byers realizes that the words refer to the Defense Department's computer network, which she requests he hack into. Byers, at the time an unquestioningly loyal government employee, complies after great reluctance. He finds an encrypted file on her daughter, named Susanne Modeski. Just then, a man whom Holly claims to be her boyfriend passes by Byers' booth—Mulder. Byers and Holly recruit Frohike to help them decipher the file. Both Byers and Frohike decide to assault Mulder, but they decide not to when he introduces himself as an FBI agent. Returning to his booth, Byers finds his FCC colleague being arrested for the hacking he committed. Frohike convinces Byers not to turn himself in, and recruits Langly to help them hack into the FBI database to learn more about Holly. They discover that "Holly" is actually Susanne Modeski, who is wanted for acts of murder, sabotage, and terrorism at a weapons facility in New Mexico. Susanne admits her deception but claims that she was scapegoated for trying to leave her job at the weapons facility. There, she had been working on ergotamine, an aerosolized gas that causes paranoia and anxiety. Susanne claims that the government plans to test the gas on civilians in Baltimore. After deciphering the file, the Lone Gunmen find that she was telling the truth, learning the location of the gas. Susanne also finds evidence that she had a tracking device put in a tooth, which she pulls out. The four of them head to the warehouse, where they find the gas stored inside asthma inhalers. Suddenly, Mulder arrives to arrest them, but two dark-suited men come to take Susanne. They fire at Mulder, hitting the boxes behind him and exposing him to the gas. The exposure causes Mulder to strip naked, hide in the box, and hallucinate about seeing aliens in the warehouse. Susanne shoots the men and escapes. More men then arrive, led by X, who intimidates the Lone Gunmen. Byers confronts X, asking him about his actions and mentioning the supposed cover-up of the John F. Kennedy assassination. X's unconvincing denial—"I heard it was a lone gunman"—becomes the origin of the trio's name. X leaves, just as the police arrive and arrest the Lone Gunmen. In the present, Detective Munch does not believe Byers' story, but it is soon corroborated by Mulder. After the Lone Gunmen are released, they encounter Susanne after she has failed to get the press to believe her story; she tells them to reveal the truth to as many people as possible. Susanne is then captured by X, who leers at the Lone Gunmen as he departs with her. Later, the three of them meet Mulder in the convention center and explain what happened to him.Meisler, pp. 12–23 ===== Valluvanar (Avinash) is an upright political leader in Tamil Nadu who is much respected for his honesty and uprightness, and he refuses to compromise on this trait, even when his only son Kamban (Uday Kiran) finds himself in jail for no fault of his. The opposition party takes advantage of the situation and bails out Kamban, who joins the party, much to his father's embarrassment. The media laps it up, sensationalizing it further. Kamban decides to leave the country until things cool down. Only his mother Vasuki (Anuradha Krishnamurthy), with whom he is close, is aware of this plan. Kamban arrives at Sri Lanka where he befriends Banerjee (Badava Gopi), a Bengali, and stays with him. One day, he finds a Tamil literary book on the beach, which he traces to Shilpa (Vimala Raman), the owner of the book. Shilpa is a college student preparing for civil services examination. The film juggles between reality and fiction, where Theepori, the fictitious father image of Kamban, advises him to fall in love. That sets in rolling the love story as Kamban persists in wooing Shilpa. She is staying with her brother's family. Shilpa is keen on realizing her ambitions and feels that love and marriage often comes in the way of women's career. The rest of the story is about the emotional conflict between her career and love. After Vasuki's death, Valluvanar reaches Sri Lanka. Kamban is unaware of his mother's death. Shilpa's family meets Valluvanar. Meanwhile, Kamban goes to meet Shilpa to hand over the passport, but due to his friend's lie, he ends up thinking that Shilpa committed suicide. How the lie told to reunite the lovers gives the tragic end is the end of the story. ===== The Daleks pursue the Graxis Wardens, Galanar, Elaria and Tarkov to the planet Velyshaa to face their final battle. ===== The comic misadventures of a gangster wannabe. ===== The novel opens in 54 BC, with Caesar in the middle of his epochal Gallic campaigns, having just invaded Britannia. The first half of the novel deals broadly with the conclusion of his conquests in Gaul, and the second half narrates the growing sense of unease in Rome concerning Caesar's intentions, the antagonism of the conservative 'boni' faction towards him, his crossing of the Rubicon, his invasion of Italy and his victory in the Civil War. Some of the pivotal moments include Caesar's return from Britannia; his narrow escape during the battle of Gergovia; his great victory at Alesia, which involved the complete circumvallation of the citadel, the repulse of a relief force, and the acceptance of the surrender of Vercingetorix; his final destruction of the Gallic resistance at Uxellodunum; the death of Julia and Marcus Licinius Crassus; his falling out with Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and the final collapse of the First Triumvirate system; his failed negotiations concerning his re-election as consul; the opening of the Civil War; the Battle of Dyrrhachium and the Battle of Pharsalus; the flight of Pompey to Ptolemaic Egypt and his assassination there; and the scattering of the 'boni' leadership. ===== The plot concerns a married woman who, at a college reunion, meets the man with whom she almost eloped ten years before. Romantically stirred by a novel he has written about her, she considers leaving her husband and reuniting with her former flame. ===== The story is about a bonded labourer who is forced to steal for his landlord, to whom he is bonded until death. Set in rural Bihar of 1984, the film focuses on the caste politics and the oppression of the lower castes in the region, through bonded labour. The film also highlights the issue of heavy migration of the poor villagers of Bihar to richer states like Punjab in search of livelihood.Damul One Hundred Indian Feature Films: An Annotated Filmography, by Shampa Banerjee, Anil Srivastava. Taylor & Francis, 1988. , . Page 66 ===== Guy is summoned before the chief of international security and informed that the evil Baron Von Max has located the whereabouts of the legendary Crystals of Armageddon. Max needs these crystals to power the doomsday machine he has constructed in the mountains at an unknown location. ===== Two men are surveying an area of the Apalachicola National Forest in Leon County, Florida when they are attacked and killed by unseen assailants with glowing red eyes. Later that day, Michael Asekoff and his son, Louis, are hunting for opossums with their dog, Bo, in the same stretch of woods. Upon discovering a surveyor's bloody jacket, the father orders his son to take the dog and run home. As the son and dog take off, two shots are heard. Meanwhile, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are carpooling with FBI agents Michael Kinsley and Carla Stonecypher en route to a "team building" seminar. When they are stopped at a roadblock by local police, Mulder decides to investigate. As he and Scully venture into the woods, they are informed by Officer Michele Fazekas that no conclusive evidence has been found to support Louis' report of a shooting. Mulder sees this as a perfect opportunity to ditch the seminar. Later, Mulder explains to Scully that no species native to North America will attack a stronger member of its prey when there is a weaker target available. At the Asekoff residence, Bo becomes upset and begins barking. Mrs. Asekoff lets him outside but when she attempts to retrieve him, the dog refuses to budge. She turns around to discover that her door has been bolted from the inside. Louis hears his mother's screams and climbs out of bed, but a dark, shadowy figure with red eyes corners him. Louis barely escapes through the dog door and runs into Mulder, informing him that the creature is in the house. The next morning, Mulder shows Scully some tracks inside the house that appear to be human. Based on the weight distribution, however, the assailant evidently travels on the balls of its feet rather than from heel to toe. Additionally, that the creature lured Louis' mother out of the house in order to get to him suggests to Mulder that the creatures are paranormal in nature. Jeff Glaser, a local technician armed with a FLIR device, joins Fazekas, Mulder, and Scully on a search for the creature. They soon spot two creatures on the FLIR which travel in separate directions, causing the four to split up. Fazekas is attacked and disappears. Mulder deduces from this that the creatures may be related to cryptids such as the Mothman. After a brief encounter with the creatures, Glaser takes off running and is swiftly killed by one of them. Mulder is grabbed by the other creature, though it releases him after Scully manages to wound it with her firearm. The next morning, Scully falls through a hole into an underground chamber where the bodies of their missing companions are stored. Spotting a pair of red eyes, Scully realizes she does not have her firearm with her. Mulder drops his down to her as the bushes behind him begin to rustle. He jumps in the hole as Scully shoots the creature and kills it. As they examine the dead creature, they notice its almost human-like features and wood-like skin. Nearby, the words "Ad Noctum" (Latin for "into darkness") are found carved into a tree trunk. Mulder, Scully, Asekoff, and Fazekas are rescued, but there is no sign of Glaser or the other creature. Upon leaving the forest, Mulder states that the creature may, in fact, be an evolved version of the first Spanish conquistadors who had first settled in the forest 450 years before. Although Kinsley finds this idea ridiculous, Mulder believes that centuries of seclusion could be adequate for such drastic adaptations to happen. Afterwards, Mulder realizes that the creatures presume others' presence in their territory as threatening and rushes to the hotel room where Scully is packing her things. After ascertaining that she is finished packing, he firmly urges her to vacate the room, which she does. As Mulder closes the door behind them, the camera then pans under the bed where a pair of red eyes open. ===== The novel revolves around the twelve-year-old protagonist named Baby and follows her for two years. Baby lives with her father Jules, who has a worsening heroin addiction. The two move frequently, to various places around Montreal, where they encounter many other characters, among them junkies, bums, pimps, and abused children. Baby was born while Jules was in high school with her mother, who died soon after Baby was born, though the cause of death is not revealed immediately. Jules often leaves young Baby by herself wherever they may be living, for anywhere from a week to over a month at a time. Baby becomes distraught and finds herself wandering the streets of Montreal on her own. She is eventually taken away by Child Protective Services and put into a foster home while Jules is in the hospital with tuberculosis. There she makes friends with two boys, Linus Lucas, a 14-year-old who all the children think is the very height of cool, and Zachary, a mellow, happy 12-year-old. When Jules finally picks her up, he promises that everything will return to normal. As Jules and Baby begin to settle down again, Jules' addiction gets the best of him and he begins to lash out at Baby, often for no reason. Baby eventually runs away and finds a semblance of security with a pimp named Alphonse. Around this time, she is taken into juvenile detention, and spends about a month in there. Alphonse develops an intimate relationship with Baby, taking her virginity, and forcing her to become a prostitute. She becomes one of his "girls" and is fearful of leaving him. She attempts to return to the apartment she had shared with Jules, but it is locked from the inside and nobody is there, so she assumes Jules has abandoned her. Alphonse also exposes her to heroin, making her addicted to it. Baby goes back to school while still prostituting herself and meets an odd boy named Xavier. Xavier and Baby slowly but surely become closer and begin to date. As their relationship grows, they become very intimate, and have sex at Alphonse's hotel room, the only place they can be alone. When Alphonse returns to find them there, he beats Xavier and sends him home. Alphonse then beats Baby and takes all of her heroin. When Baby wakes up the next morning, she finds Alphonse dead of a drug overdose. Baby leaves Alphonse's room and is left with nowhere to go. She decides to go to a nearby homeless shelter where she had heard that Jules was staying. They embrace, and Jules explains that he has set up a place to stay with his cousin. They pack up and walk to the local bus station. On the bus, Jules explains that Baby's mother died in a car crash while Jules was driving. The other driver was drunk at the time. Upon arrival at Jules' cousin's house in Val des Loups, the story ends. ===== The capricious girl queen is semiliterate, bratty, and does not wish to be taught. When the lesson turns to botany, she wishes that April will arrive tomorrow, and bring with it the spring flowers, Snowdrops. The professor assures her that this is impossible, since it is the dead of winter, however the queen issues the decree: whoever brings a basket of these flowers to the palace, will receive the same basket of gold and a fur coat. A poor country stepmother and her daughter dream of this reward and as soon as the stepdaughter with comes back home after gathering brushwood, they send her back to the wood — to carry out the royal will and gather the impossible Snowdrops. The freezing stepdaughter comes to a glade in which a fire burns, and round it the twelve brother Months are heated. They listen carefully to the girl, and April asks his brothers to concede to him an hour or so to help her. She comes back home happy with snowdrops and a magic ring presented to her by April. If there is trouble, she can throw the ringlet and speak the magic words — and all twelve brother months will come to her rescue. While the tired stepdaughter sleeps, her stepsister steals the magic ring. The stepmother and her daughter go to the royal palace with the basket of snowdrops, having left the stepdaughter at home. The pleased queen orders them to tell her where they found flowers in the winter. The two invent a tale about a wonderful place in which in the winter grow not only flowers, but even mushrooms and berries. The queen herself decides to go to this wonderful place together with the court. The stepmother and her daughter admit that the stepdaughter was the one to gather the flowers. The queen takes them and the stepdaughter into the wood. The stepdaughter complains that the stepmother and daughter stole a ring from her, so the queen orders them to return it. After the stepdaughter receives the ring, the queen demands that the stepdaughter tell them where she found the snowdrops. After the stepdaughter refuses, the queen orders her guards to remove the stepdaughter's fur coat, threatens to execute her, and throws her magic ring into an ice-hole. The stepdaughter says the magic words April taught her and runs away. At once there comes the Spring, and then — Summer. Around the queen it becomes dry and warm. Then there comes Autumn. The queen, having been drenched under the strongest autumn heavy rain, freezes suddenly as Winter arrives. The blizzard carries away all the fur coats which the court had taken off during the brief arrival of Summer. They begin to freeze and, abandoning the queen, the court flees back to the palace. With her remains only an old soldier and the professor. They cannot return home on the sledge as the horses had been taken by the court to return to the palace. An old man in a white fur coat (brother month January) comes out of the wood and suggests that everyone think of one desire. The queen wishes to return home, the professor — that the seasons return to normal, the soldier — "it is simple to get warm at a fire", and the stepmother and her daughter for fur coats made of dog fur. January begins with the last request and gives the two fur coats. They begin to squabble each other, and transform into dogs. They are harnessed to the sledge, and the queen tries to use them to go back to the palace, but they don't get far. The soldier comes to get warm at the brother months' fire. There he meets the stepdaughter, in all new furs and with a team of beautiful snow-white horses. The soldier suggests to the queen that they ask to borrow the horses so they may return home to the castle. The queen demands them, and offers the stepdaughter wealth and power in return, but the stepdaughter refuses. The soldier explains to the haughty queen that it is necessary to ask kindly. Once she does, the stepdaughter with pleasure lends them her horses and gives them warm fur coats. They all go home, having left the brother months at a New Year's fire. ===== In 2123, the UNS Amazon is sent as part of an exploration fleet to various planets to determine new viable locations for settlement as the Earth is destroyed by human activity. En route to Saturn, the Amazon is ensnared by a massive alien being resembling a large asteroid. The protagonist, Commander Jason Barr, is sent to investigate the incident. He encounters heavy resistance on his way to Saturn, and after fighting through multitudes of alien ships, encounters the UNS Amazon almost completely absorbed by the organic asteroid. As he explores it, he comes into contact with what appears to be Captain Sumoki of the Amazon. However, she morphs into a demonic looking alien and attacks. Upon defeat, it reverts to the appearance of the Captain and Barr takes it back to the Moon base. The being is examined and determined to be an alien clone. Upon interrogation, it reveals an alien listening base located on Tethys. Barr heads to Tethys to find the base and destroy its communication uplink. Upon his arrival he encounters a probe which proceeds to scan his ship before heading back to the base. Barr chases it through the valleys, where he locates the base. He manages to complete his mission and escape the base before it's destroyed. His ship, however, gets caught in the data beam and he is pulled up through it. Regaining consciousness, he pilots the ship through several pieces of debris and destroys an awaiting alien ship. His ship is badly damaged in the process and crashes into the alien mothership. With no means of escape, he searches the ship and engages the leader in battle, finally defeating him on the bridge. He then accidentally activates the ship terraforming ability, changing its coordinates from Earth to Mars. With this Mars is transformed into a second Earth, providing humanity a new home. ===== The Railrodder (Buster Keaton) reads a newspaper in London, England. A full-page ad proclaiming "SEE CANADA NOW!" catches his attention. He promptly throws the newspaper away and jumps into the Thames. He subsequently reemerges on the east coast of Canada at Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, having apparently swum across the Atlantic, where he is greeted by a sign indicating the direction to the other side of Canada, 3,982½ miles away. The Railrodder starts his long hike, but soon finds a one- man, open-top rail maintenance vehicle, commonly known as a "speeder", parked on a rail track. He sits in the driver's seat intending to take a nap, but he accidentally puts the vehicle in gear, and it speeds off down the track. In a series of mini-adventures shared by the Railrodder and the motor car, the vehicle (with an apparently inexhaustible fuel supply) follows the Canadian National Railway line across Canada. En route, the Railrodder is shown making breakfast, acting as a maid, and even doing laundry, never once intentionally stopping the vehicle (though he later does stop in order to obtain camouflage so he can do some bird-hunting). A running gag involves a storage compartment in the vehicle which seems to be infinite on the inside, as he pulls out everything from pillows and a bison fur coat to a full tea service. Along the way he also has some close calls with locomotives and even other speeders coming the other direction, but emerges harm-free each time. The Railrodder finally arrives at the West Coast. After taking in the view for a few moments, he gets ready to start the long ride back, only to discover his rail car has been taken by a Japanese gentleman who has just emerged from the ocean—presumably the Strait of Georgia—and has decided to take his own tour of Canada. With a shrug, the Railrodder starts walking down the long track. ===== The film starts by the introduction of Shanti Niwas and its residents by Amitabh Bachchan, who is the narrator here. He points out that Shanti Niwas is a pot of ironies: Even though its name means "Home of Peace", there is no peace here. The home, which houses the Sharma family, has members who hate each other for reasons unknown. Even a servant cannot withstand the Sharmas for more than a month. After every month, the search for a new servant has to start. Then, suddenly a servant named Raghu comes in. Even though nobody remembers asking for Raghu, they hire him. But Raghu has his own surprises in store for them. Gradually, the whole home comes to know that Raghu is not only an accomplished chef, but also an expert singer and dancer. Raghu tells his masters that he worked for reputed veterans of given fields, who taught him something or the other. Gradually, many aces start falling out of his sleeves, causing the Sharmas to develop an attraction to him. Even Daduji, the disgruntled patriarch of the family, develops love for Raghu. The family puts so much trust in Raghu that they even unwittingly show him the box containing the family jewels. Krishna (Jaya Bhaduri) is the recluse daughter of Daduji's dead son and daughter-in-law. On learning this, Raghu tutors her and brings her talents to the fore. He also helps in clearing up the misunderstandings and calling truces between the family members. Daduji cannot help but think that Raghu is actually a saviour sent by god. Meanwhile, nobody notices that Raghu is suspiciously eyeing the jewel box the whole time. Meanwhile, Raghu learns that Krishna loves a boy named Arun, but the Sharmas are strictly against the union of Krishna with him. The boy also loves Krishna, but is helpless before Krishna's relatives as well. Amongst all the tangle, Raghu suddenly disappears. The Sharmas are also aghast to know that the box is missing as well. It does not take the Sharmas long to put two and two together. At the same time, Arun shows up. The people are already angered at the turn of events and the boy's arrival, but they receive a shock when he shows them the jewelry box. He explains that he saw Raghu in a suspicious condition with the box. When he asked Raghu about the box, Raghu tried to run away. He tried to stop Raghu, even beat him up (the boy is a wrestler), but Raghu somehow managed to escape. Stunned by this unexpected turn of events, the attitude of Sharmas towards Arun changes and they agree to get him married with Krishna out of gratitude. Krishna, however, refuses to buy the story. When the Sharmas start abusing Raghu, Arun wasn't able to take it anymore and tells them what really happened. He tells them that he met Raghu at his own wrestling ground. He had a little friendly match with Raghu, where he suffered minor injuries from Raghu. He saw the box and asked Raghu about it. Raghu said that the box was the real reason he came there. Raghu had asked him to take the box to the Sharmas and tell them that Raghu had stolen it so that Krishna's lover can get back his place in the house. Meanwhile, Krishna sees Raghu outside the house and asks him why did he do all this. Raghu told her that his real name was professor Prabhakar, but he took the fake name of Raghu. He had seen many families like the Sharmas which were on the brink of breaking up and hence decided to use his knowledge to stop this. Raghu explained to him that if he lies about the box and what happened between him and Raghu, the boy will be able to marry Krishna. Raghu had promised the boy to secrecy, but the latter couldn't stand up the abuse to Raghu. A stunned Sharma family has to accept that Raghu went out of his way to save several homes like Shanti Niwas. Krishna manages to stop Raghu in time from going somewhere else. Raghu tells her that this is his life's mission and now he has to go. The film ends with a scene of him traveling to a new destination and narration from Amitabh Bachchan that "Raghu is going to a new home. Let's hope it is not yours." The movie was a hit. It was the 8th highest-grossing film of the year. ===== On the grossly-overpopulated planet, remnants of "nature" exist only in the isolated areas not covered by housing, industry and industrial farming. Creativity and individuality are suppressed and channeled into rigid social formats. A powerful bureaucracy/police state oversees the acts of all citizens. Its purpose is to maintain control for the planetary elite, and to that end it is prepared to resort to any method, however ruthless. In contrast to all this, the author introduces another planet on which human development has followed a diametrically opposite path: the natural world is respected; population is limited; and each individual is encouraged to develop uniquely. On this other world, human beings are known to be basically "spiritual", and immortal in nature. Telepathy and telekinesis are developed as much and as rapidly as possible. As the narrative progresses, a confrontation develops between these different systems. ===== The series has a very simple plot: Federrico gets involved on funny adventures on the school or with his friends. Many times he drives mad his neighbor, Don Moncho, and his mother, Doña Carlota. Federrico is also in love with his teacher, a very beautiful lady. Category:Sitcoms Category:1980s children's television series Category:Venezuelan television series Category:1982 Venezuelan television series debuts ===== The plot follows narrator Ned Hall through four periods of his life, focusing specifically on Hall's relationship with his loutish and, in his best friend's words, "rockheaded" father. ===== Seiji (played by Takeuchi) grew up as an orphan who was raised by his boss Muto. The Muto family is composed only of the boss Muto, Seiji and Yoshi and serves as a branch of the larger Date family. When Muto is called upon to settle his dues to the gang, he instead vows to assassinate a top officer of the rival Tendo family. Seiji offers to carry out the assassination himself but Muto forbids it because Seiji already served a 15 year murder sentence for a gang related hit. A day later, Muto is arrested for possession of an illegal firearm and sentenced to serve 2 years in prison. Seiji ambushes the leader of the Tendo family at his villa and leaves him in critical condition. This act compromises the future of the Date family, and the Tendo family responds quickly with a wave of brutal murders. While visiting his girlfriend, Yoshi is killed by an assassin squad under the order of the Tendo family. After hearing of his bosses expulsion Seiji returns to the Date headquarters and shoots the first person who yells at him. A member of the Date clan explains boss Muto was expelled because he turned himself into the police and went to prison in order to avoid carrying out the assassination. Seiji readily explains it was he who told on the boss in order to protect him. Seiji carries out the assassination of the number two boss but is shot shortly after. Seiji then goes to the bar of Muto's wife Sachie, who takes him to a doctor. Soon after, Date is assassinated. The Taiwanese arms dealer shows up at Sachie's house with weapons. Before he leaves he tells her that Seiji must love her because of his actions. Boss Muto is murdered in prison. Seiji then retaliates by killing boss Muto's killer on the way to his trial. Seiji and Sachie plan to escape to the Philippines. As their boat begins to arrive, Sachie throws Seiji's gun into the water with hopes of a peaceful future. As they turn to get their luggage, they notice Egawa, a policeman who had provided information to Seiji, hanging from a crane nearby. The two become aware they are cornered at the end of the dock and their boat turns around when it sees trouble. The assassin squad closes in on them and open fire as Seiji blocks all the shots from hitting Sachie. As Seiji lies dead, the leader of the assassin squad tells him that he is showing off too much. The squad then walks away without harming Sachie. ===== Jacob (Jax) Marosco is mentored by Mulu a Dimensional Occult Guardian. The three issue storyline centered on the demi-god Jareda who wished to attempt a resurrection in our dimension. Jax and Mulu are committed to stopping him at any cost; including their lives. The début of Jax and Mulu online. Cover art by Dennis Francis. The story covered the war on drugs, mysticism, and a romantic relationship with an older woman. Jax and the Hellhound was part of Blackthorne Publishing’s pro black and white lineup. The 1980s produced the black and white comic craze that fired up the imaginations of kids and grownups alike. Unfortunately greed and over-speculation took its toll on the comic book market by the 1990s and many indie publishers went out of business. The black and white comic book market never returned to the level of popularity seen in the mid-1980s. Dennis Morales Francis also co created the critically acclaimed Street Wolf along with Mark-Wayne Harris. He also penciled XL, Locke, Major Lancer and the Starlight Squadron and other books for DC Comics, Blackthorne Publishing, Eclipse Comics and other publishers. The Jax and the Hellhound series has been resurrected by Dennis Morales Francis as a full color graphic novel series and can be previewed online at as well as []. ===== Dennis Mitchell has to rescue his friends Joey and Margaret, along with Mr. Wilson's coin collection, from the burglar Switchblade Sam. ===== Yan Dargent's illustration about The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall for Jules Verne's "Edgar Poe et ses œuvres" (1864) The story opens with the delivery to a crowd gathered in Rotterdam of a manuscript detailing the journey of a man named Hans Pfaall. The manuscript, which comprises the majority of the story, sets out in detail how Pfaall contrived to reach the Moon by benefit of a revolutionary new balloon and a device which compresses the vacuum of space into breathable air. The journey takes him nineteen days, and the narrative includes descriptions of the Earth from space as well as the descent to its fiery, volcanic satellite. Pfaall withholds most of the information regarding the surface of the Moon and its inhabitants in order to negotiate a pardon from the Burgomaster for several murders he committed as he left Earth (creditors of his who were becoming irksome). After reading the manuscript, the city authorities agree that Pfaall should be pardoned, but the messenger who brought them the text (apparently a resident of the Moon) has vanished and they are unable to restore communication with him. ===== The Stooges are artists (Moe is a sculptor, Larry is a music composer, and Curly is a painter) living in Paris. When the landlord comes after the overdue rent, the boys skip out and wind up accidentally joining the French Foreign Legion that they confuse with the American Legion. Posted to the desert, their assignment is to guard Captain Gorgonzola from the natives. When the captain is kidnapped, the boys are given a chance to bring him back alive. The Stooges make their way to the town where the captain was taken, all disguised as Santa Claus (complete with a sleigh and a reindeer). Despite the disguise not working, they are able to quickly knock out a guard who confronted them and make their way further into town. Ultimately, they find their captain held by a sheik trying to offer him expensive jewelry and a harem of beautiful women in exchange for the Legion's ammunition. The trio are forced to disguise themselves again as part of the harem and use an opportunity during a dance to render the sheik and his head bodyguard unconscious. The four then escape, but end up coming across a lion's den. Before the lion could eat them, Curly is able to placate it into drawing them on a wagon back to their camp. ===== The film opens at a party where Anant Welankar (Om Puri), a police officer, meets Jyotsna Gokhale (Smita Patil), a lecturer in literature at a local college. Anant is a sub-inspector with Bombay police. They seem to hit it off despite some initial skirmishing about ideology, and the friendship blossoms into a relationship. Anant brings diligence, enthusiasm and a definite idealism to his job. But the job is harsh. There is a deep nexus between the local mafia, the cops and the (corrupt) politicians. Honest himself, Anant falls among the lower rungs of the police hierarchy and has very limited scope of authority on the state of affairs in his area. When Anant arrests three common thugs, he is asked to meet with their boss, Rama Shetty (Sadashiv Amrapurkar), a don in the local mafia. Anant refuses all of Rama Shetty's attempts to get his men out or to entice Anant to join him. Shetty decides to watch over Anant. Some time thereafter, a meek fellow from a local slum lodges a complaint about some ruffians who harass his wife. Anant finds them, locks them up, and administers a severe beating. As a fallout, the local MLA asks for Anant to be suspended. Anant's boss, inspector Haider Ali, explains to a mystified Anant that the ruffians were the MLA's henchmen, providers of muscle during elections and political rallies. Anant is defiant with a clear conscience (he did nothing wrong) and ready to face a tribunal. Haider Ali explains that it will hardly get that far. Tribunals are either delayed indefinitely or are rigged (by corrupt politicians), and suspension during that time is a permanent black mark on one's record (for no other politician will be willing to deal with such a troublemaker). Anant is initially baffled but goes along with Haider's plan to bring in Desai, a mediator or middle-man with connections in New Delhi, the "Centre" or national seat of power. Desai invokes higher powers to quietly cover up the matter. Anant's morals are shaken by this incident: He had to use means barely legal to uphold his righteous actions upon criminals. Anant reflects upon his childhood. His father (Amrish Puri) retired as a Faujdar (constable) in the village police force. His father was a hard and violent man, quick to slap or beat his wife on the slightest pretext. Anant recalls looking on and being powerless to intervene. When Anant graduates college, he expresses his desire to pursue higher education but is forced into joining the police force. Things get interesting when Anant finds one of Rama Shetty's goons, badly beaten, burnt and left to die. Anant brings the man into the hospital and takes his statement where he names Rama Shetty and others who inflicted this assault. Anant storms into Rama Shetty's rooms to arrest him. But Shetty is unfazed. He makes a simple phone call to a high ranking cop who immediately asks Anant to back off. Anant cites the context and the overwhelming evidence but is still ordered to step away. A consternated, resentful and hapless Anant leaves, feeling intensely humiliated. Haider Ali explains yet again: Rama Shetty plans to run for city council in the upcoming municipal elections and simply cannot afford to let a petty matter distract his ambitions. Anant is horrified and enraged, and takes to drinking. His relationship with Jyotsna suffers. He is distraught when he is sent to provide security cover for Rama Shetty's campaign rallies. He suffers another career setback when he leads an assault team to capture a dangerous bandit in the hills outside Mumbai, and the credit for the arrest is ultimately handed to another officer. His relationship deteriorates further and he takes to drinking fairly heavily. When Jyotsna confronts him, he confides in her. Things go completely out of control one night soon after as a small-time thief, accused of stealing a small radio, is brought into custody. Anant is very drunk, angry and frustrated. He delivers a shocking and brutal beating to the thief – while continuing to drink – accusing him of "stealing the legitimate Rights of Others" {trans.: "Doosron ka haq churata hai, sala!"}. Not surprisingly, the thief succumbs. The fallout leaves Anant suspended and facing charges of excessive force. Anant tries to invoke Desai again, but Haider Ali backs off, saying the situation has become too hot for most anyone. Haider Ali suggests, somewhat reluctantly, that perhaps the newly elected Rama Shetty can help. After several days of deliberation, Anant decides to visit Rama Shetty in his betting den. Rama Shetty receives Anant cordially, and invites him into his inner sanctum alone – possibly aware that this righteous cop is finally on his knees before him. He agrees to help him only if Anant, in return, joins forces with him. Anant breaks out of his 'impotent' torpor and, infuriated, in a stunning and violent move, strangles Rama Shetty there and then. The film ends with Anant turning himself in. ===== The movie opens with shots from the Spanish Civil War, and a line of Spanish refugees crossing the border into France after defeat by the Francoists. Republican guerrilla fighter Manuel Artiguez (Gregory Peck) turns away from the border and back towards Spain. His friends stop him, saying "Manuel, the war is over!". The story returns twenty years later, to a young boy named Paco (Carlo Angeletti), who asks a man named Pedro (Paolo Stoppa) why Artiguez, who is legendary for his fierce resistance to Franco even after the defeat of the Republicans, has stopped his guerrilla raids against the Francoists in Spain. Pedro sends Paco into France to find his uncle and Artiguez. Paco tells Artiguez that he wants him to kill Viñolas (Anthony Quinn), a Guardia Civil officer, for killing his father. Paco lets Artiguez know that his father was killed because he wouldn't tell the police where to find Artiguez, whom Viñolas must capture if he is to retain his rank in the Guard. Meanwhile, Viñolas has learned that Artiguez's mother (Mildred Dunnock) is dying, and sets a trap at the hospital in San Martín to capture Artiguez, presuming that he will come to see his mother. Like all Republican sympathizers, she is contemptuous and deeply suspicious of all Catholic clergy, some of who collaborated with Francoist Spain, both during and after the war. In return for information about the layout of the hospital and surrounding area, Paco tells Artiguez to "bump into Viñolas" for him. Paco meeting Artiguez. A priest (Omar Sharif) visits with Artiguez's mother, who initially refuses to speak to him, but his kindness and sincerity win her over enough to ask him to warn her son not to come to see her, as she knows the Guard will be waiting for him. After Viñolas has laid his trap, Artiguez's mother dies, but Viñolas sends a spy to convince Artiguez otherwise, and to come visit her. When the priest appears at Artiguez's house, he's gone, so the priest tells Paco to pass on the message that Artiguez's mother is already dead, and not to go to San Martín. The priest also gives Paco a letter to warn Artiguez that he saw a collaborator at the Guard headquarters. Paco flushes the letter down the toilet and doesn't pass on the verbal message because he feels sure the priest must be lying. Afterwards, Paco recognizes the man (Carlos) in Artiguez's house as the informer, and tells Artiguez about the priest's message. Pedro believes the boy, but Artiguez can't believe his friend Carlos would betray him. Trying to clear up the mess, Artiguez takes Paco and Carlos to Lourdes to find the priest. But the priest was delayed on the way, and since he's not there, they let Carlos go. On the way back, however, they see the priest, and forcibly take him to Artiguez's house. When Carlos returns to Artiguez's house for his rucksack, Artiguez asks the priest to come out. Carlos, knowing he is exposed, attacks Artiguez and escapes. The priest tries to overcome Artiguez's antipathy for all clergy and Artiguez confesses that he knew all along that his mother was sick but didn't visit her before her death because he is no longer as brave as he was in his youth. Embarrassed by admitting his vulnerability, Artiguez allows the priest to go free and, after much internal debate, he decides to go to San Martín anyway, presumably with the mission of killing Viñolas. Once in San Martín, Artiguez encounters a Francoist sniper on the roof of the hospital and attacks him, sending him to his death. Picking up the sniper's rifle he sees Carlos the informer (who is with the police in a nearby building) looking out a window to see what has caused the commotion ; Artiguez pauses briefly then shoots Carlos, killing him. Once inside the hospital, he kills a few officers, but is finally shot. Soldiers and officers congratulate Viñolas on at last killing his enemy, but he asks one of his lieutenants, knowing his mother was already dead and a trap would be waiting for him, why did Artiguez come back? The final shot is of the morgue, with the soldiers Artiguez killed and Artiguez himself (and his dead mother), wheeled in on gurneys and arranged in a row, dead. ===== Robinson Crusoe (Dan O'Herlihy), a third son with few prospects, goes to sea against his father's wishes. On a voyage from Brazil to Africa to collect slaves, a storm forces him to abandon ship. He swims alone to a deserted island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean on September 30, 1659. To his delight, the abandoned ship turns up on an offshore rock, allowing him to salvage food, tools, firearms and other items before it sinks. He herds goats, hunts game, makes clothes, and builds a home, with only the company of a dog, Rex, and a cat, Sam, his only fellow castaways. Crusoe lets Sam and her kittens run wild. When Rex dies of old age in 1673, Crusoe nearly goes insane from loneliness. In 1677, after 18 years, Crusoe discovers that cannibals are visiting his island with their victims. The next time he spots them with his telescope, he sees a prisoner (Jaime Fernández) make a break for it, pursued by two cannibals. He knocks out one and shoots the other; when the first one regains consciousness, the escapee kills him with Crusoe's knife. Crusoe takes the man back to his stockade. He names him Friday (after the day of the week on which they met). Crusoe teaches him English and Western customs and turns Friday into a servant. Crusoe does not trust him at first, believing Friday to also be a cannibal who would kill him if given the chance. He builds a door to the cave in which he takes to sleeping. When Friday enters without permission late one night to sneak some tobacco, Crusoe puts leg irons on him. The next day, however, Crusoe relents and takes them off. He comes to trust his new companion completely. In 1687, after 28 years, Friday saves Crusoe from a cannibal sneaking up behind him. Seeing a large group, they flee back to their stockade. The cannibals, however, are driven off by white men with guns. Captain Oberzo (Felipe de Alba) and his bosun (Chel López) are the victims of a mutiny; the mutineers have landed to get fresh water and to maroon the two. Crusoe and Friday rescue the men and get away undetected. Friday then goes to the leader of the mutiny (Emilio Garibay), offering him a basket of fruit, but the mutineers are more interested in the necklace of gold coins (salvaged from Crusoe's ship) he is wearing. Friday leads the greedy men to the stockade. There, Crusoe, Friday, Oberzo, and the bosun capture them. Oberzo regains control of his ship. At Crusoe's suggestion, Oberzo agrees to let the mutineers remain on the island instead of being sentenced to die on the gallows. Crusoe leaves them his tools and instructions on how to survive. Crusoe leaves for home with Friday, having spent 28 years, two months, and 19 days on the island. As they row for the ship, Crusoe imagines he can hear his dog Rex barking in the distance. ===== In the aftermath of Gaius Julius Caesar's assassination, Posca attends to his master's corpse while Mark Antony staggers out of the Senate House, struggling to come to terms with what has happened. However, he is soon forced to run for his life when Quintus Pompey and a number of thugs attack and try to murder him. Antony flees and takes refuge at the Julii villa. Brutus, meanwhile, staggers back to his family home, traumatised by what he has done. Servilia consoles him, assuring her son he has done the right thing, but Brutus is too haunted by Caesar's death to take comfort from Servilia's assurances he has both redeemed their family name and saved the Republic. At his home, Vorenus grieves over the body of Niobe; when his children appear, Vorenus turns on them in his grief and rage, knowing that they hid the knowledge of his wife's affair and secret child from him. In his fury, Vorenus curses his family and then storms out into the back alleys of Rome; his loss, combined with his discovery that Caesar is dead (an act he could have prevented) cause Vorenus to collapse where he stands, overwhelmed. At the home of the Julii, Antony angrily threatens retribution on all Caesar's killers, as well as Vorenus for abandoning them; Atia reminds him that Servilia is the driving force behind the murders, and informs him that Vorenus was lured away. Antony advises Atia and her family to flee Rome with him to the north, where he can assemble an army to fall upon the Liberatores; however, they are stopped as they try to convince Caesar's widow, Calpurnia, who insists they must attend to Caesar's will. In it, Caesar has left a substantial sum of money to every citizen of Rome, frees Posca, and leaves his estate and title to Octavian, whom Caesar refers to as his son in the will. Knowing that he will get nothing if Brutus and his allies declare Caesar's death tyrannicide (which would make all of his acts null and void), Octavian convinces Antony and Atia to cut a deal with the assassins, since if Brutus and his allies do so, they also lose all the positions and power Caesar bestowed on them. The next day, Antony heads to Servilia's villa to put the proposal to Brutus and Cassius, arriving as Cicero is in the middle of a speech praising them for their act. The group settles into a meeting, with Cicero acting as arbitrator (though Antony orders Quintus to leave, informing the others of Pompey's attempt to murder him; while Brutus denies involvement, Cassius remains silent). Antony comments that Caesar was beloved by the people, and they will hate his murderers for what they have done. He also reminds the group of what Octavian told him: that if they declare Caesar a tyrant, they lose all the power and influence he gave them. Antony proposes a solution: an amnesty in which Caesar is not declared a tyrant, nor are the Liberatores declared murderers, all his acts and his will stand, a funeral is held for Caesar, and then everything carries on as normal. After Antony leaves to give the others time to think over his offer, Brutus angrily remonstrates with Cassius for trying to kill Antony against his wishes. While Cicero, Cassius and Servilia urge him to kill Antony, Brutus refuses and agrees to the proposal. Antony departs, though not before killing Quintus as revenge for his attempted murder. However, at Caesar's funeral, Antony uses his eulogy as an opportunity to incite the people against the assassins. Antony advises Brutus, Cassius and the others to leave Rome (which was his intention all along), but Servilia will stay (as a hostage to ensure their co-operation). However, when they refuse, and Cassius arrogantly sneers that the Senate and the 'men of quality' are with them, Antony's temper finally gets the better of him and he angrily bellows at Cassius "And I have an angry mob, that will roast and eat your men of quality in the ashes of the Senate House!". Cowed by Antony's fury, Brutus and Cassius, along with their allies, reluctantly depart Rome. Still on their excursion to the countryside, Pullo asks his former slave, Eirene to marry him; though clearly surprised, she accepts. But when they hear the news of Caesar's death they immediately return to Rome. They search for Vorenus, only to find him in a terrible state and his children missing. Pullo consoles a distraught Vorenus that since he didn't seal the curse, he can easily lift it when the children return. However, after several days, and Niobe's funeral, the children still have not returned. After some investigation, they discover that their old enemy, Erastes Fulmen has taken the children. Vorenus and Pullo storm into a bathhouse, slaughter the men guarding him and interrogate Fulmen. Realising he is dead whether he speaks or not, Fulmen tells Vorenus that he took the children as payment for Vorenus's many "slights" against him, raped and killed them, then dumped the bodies into the Tiber. Furious, Vorenus beheads Fulmen and with Pullo, walks calmly out of the bathhouse, carrying Fulmen's head with him. ===== The Recruit begins with eleven-year-old James Choke in his combined science class in his first term of secondary school, where he accidentally slashes classmate Samantha Jennings' face with a nail on the wall after she teases him about his mother's obesity. He shoves his teacher over and runs home, an offence he is later expelled for, to find his stepfather Ronald "Ron" Onions visiting his mother, Gwen Choke. He goes back to school to pick up his nine-year-old half-sister, Lauren Onions and they eat dinner at a local burger bar. They return home to find Ron gone and Gwen asleep, with multiple missed calls from the school on her phone and a note from the Deputy Head Teacher pushed under the door. Later that night, James discovers that his mum has died, which he later finds out is due to her consuming alcohol while taking painkillers. James is sent to a children's home called Nebraska House, where he shares a room with thirteen-year-old CHERUB agent Kyle Blueman. Lauren, however, is taken to live with her father Ron, who dislikes James and doesn't allow him to visit her. Contrary to Kyle's advice, James befriends Rob Vaughn and his friends. A few weeks later, on his twelfth birthday, James is called in to the police station, where he receives a caution for assaulting Samantha Jennings and his teacher, Cassandra Voolt. Later that night, Rob and his cronies convince him to steal a pack of beer from an off-licence. The shopkeeper catches him after two of Rob's cronies block the door, preventing James from escaping. He is escorted to the police station, where he is placed in a cell and his statement recorded. The next morning, James awakes naked in a room at CHERUB campus. After dressing, he finds his way to reception, where the receptionist directs him to the office of CHERUB Chairman Dr. Terrence "Mac" McAfferty. He introduces him to CHERUB and puts him through a series of entrance tests where he meets Bruce Norris. He passes all the entrance tests, and is then sent back to Nebraska House to decide whether or not he wants to join. Kyle reveals that he was sent to recruit new agents, and chose him. Upon returning to CHERUB, Kyle shows James his new room, and he meets his handler, Meryl Spencer. In her office, he chooses his new name, James Robert Anthony Adams (after Arsenal F.C. player Tony Adams). He is then given a physical assessment, and told to run 30km per week and learn how to swim. He is taught to swim by Amy Collins, a sixteen-year-old black-shirt CHERUB agent. A few days after arriving at CHERUB campus, Kyle sneaks him onto a one-day mission in London to visit Lauren; Kyle is reprimanded but James gets off with a warning. Three weeks after his arrival at CHERUB campus, he and seven other recruits begin Basic Training, a rigorous 100-day course designed to prepare CHERUB agents for missions, and is paired up with Kerry Chang, a recruit with two attempts at Basic Training under her belt. Despite nearly quitting after spending Christmas night outside in their underwear, they both pass. Shortly after arriving back on campus, he finds out that Lauren has joined CHERUB as well and Ron has been sentenced to nine years in jail for physically abusing her and selling contraband cigarettes. Two months later, Amy tells James that their swimming lessons are over, and they have a mission together. Overseen by mission controller Ewart Asker, they are to stay with Cathy Dunn at Fort Harmony, a hippy commune in Wales. There, they discover that brothers Fire and World Dunn are planning an anthrax attack against 200 oil executives and politicians, including the United States Secretary of Energy and the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, at Petrocon, an oil conference held in the nearby Green Brooke Conference Centre. They successfully prevent the attack, although accomplice Brian "Bungle" Evans manages to escape. For his exemplary job in the mission, James is awarded a navy CHERUB T-shirt. ===== CHERUB agents Kerry, Nicole, Kyle, and James are sent on a mission to infiltrate the drug gang KMG, led by criminal Keith Moore. The group attempts to befriend Moore's four children to attempt to gather evidence against KMG. James has the most success, becoming friends with Keith's youngest son Junior and begins delivering cocaine to KMG's customers. Meanwhile, Nicole begins dating Junior and they take a large amount of cocaine, nearly killing Nicole and resulting in her expulsion from CHERUB. Kerry discovers KMG's cocaine processing location, and MI5 set up surveillance on it, resulting in the capture and imprisonment of many of KMG's senior members, but not Keith Moore. Moore invites James and Junior to come with him to Miami, intending to settle all his accounts and have some final time with Junior before escaping from the UK to avoid imprisonment. Before James leaves, he finds out that Lauren hit instructor Norman Large with a shovel while doing Basic Training. She is forced to wait 2 months until she can restart basic training. James goes on the trip with Junior and Keith, but KMG's drug supplier, the Peruvian Lambayeke cartel, attempts to rob Moore. James kills a man and escapes, but Junior becomes badly injured, while Moore is captured and imprisoned by the police. KMG is destroyed, so the agents return to campus. After the end of the mission, James and Kerry begin dating. ===== When the Goodies attend an art auction at Sotheby's, Tim is interested in a Renoir painting, while Bill is interested in the Monarch of the Glen painting. Tim is horrified to find that a portrait painting is being bid for by Americans, who are all willing to bid huge amounts of money for art treasures, so Tim rushes in to save the priceless work of art for Britain saying: "But they're not art lovers, they're Americans!" Turning to the Americans, he says: "Too many times you've taken too much from us -- London Bridge, the "Queen Mary", Julie Andrews and David Frost -- and we're grateful." Tim ends up bidding the enormous amount of: : one million billion quintillion zillion pounds and two and a half new pence for the painting, and the painting is sold to him, much to the horror of Bill and Graeme. While the Goodies are able to afford to pay a few pennies off the painting, they are not able to pay the remainder of the buying price, and decide to leave the remaining huge sum of money to be paid for by the National Gallery. However, the National Gallery does not want the painting, and do not want to pay for it. All seems lost until the Goodies come up with an unusual solution to the problem. ===== When Graeme brings home a girl whom he and Tim consider a bimbo, Graeme and Tim discuss her in a very sexist manner. Bill, horrified at their disparagement of women, pretends to be a woman and reports Tim's and Graeme's behaviour to the Women's Liberation Authority. This results in a visit to the Goodies' office by the frightening Barbara, who arranges for Tim and Graeme to work for her father (Charlie), who is chauvinistic. Graeme is treated well in his role of butler -- but Tim, who is forced to work as the housemaid ("Timbellina"), has to do all of the work, as well as having to put up with a lot of sexist behaviour from the master of the house. Later, things change, with Bill reverting to normal -- while Tim, as "Timbellina", takes up the cause on behalf of women. ===== The film opens with angel puppies talking to Annabelle (Bebe Neuwirth). They ask her to tell them a story. She begins to tell them about how Carface saved Christmas with a little guidance from Charlie (Steven Weber) and Itchy (Dom DeLuise). The movie begins in an alleyway with Charlie, Itchy, Sasha (Sheena Easton), and their friends decorating for a Christmas party. Everyone is enjoying themselves as Charlie and Itchy tend to the young puppies. Charlie checks on Sasha and the money collection for Timmy's operation for his bad leg. Unfortunately, Carface (Ernest Borgnine) and Killer (Charles Nelson Reilly) arrive and start collecting debts from everyone. After Charlie refused to pay Carface back, as his debt payment is not due yet, he blows a mysterious hypnotic dog whistle that hypnotizes them all and causes them to give Carface and Killer all of their bones. Before leaving, Carface and Killer make off with all the food, presents, and money which includes that for Timmy's operation and head off cackling. After Charlie and Itchy fail several times to get the stolen goods from Carface, it is revealed that he is working for Annabelle's evil cousin, Belladonna (Neuwirth), who plots to use a massive version of the hypnotic dog whistle to hypnotize every dog in San Francisco into stealing the masters' Christmas presents, causing them to be thrown out of their houses and abandoned by their owners, much in the same way Carface used to be when he was a puppy. Charlie plots to scare "the Dickens" out of him and asks Annabelle for some aid, resulting in them being transformed into characters from A Christmas Carol. Itchy becomes the Ghost of Christmas Past, Sasha becomes the Ghost of Christmas Present, and Charlie becomes the Ghost of Christmas Future (as a reference of The Mask). They visit Carface and make him feel guilty about stealing everything, especially the operation money; Sasha tells him that without it Timmy will be dead, which will cause another — his own, as Charlie shows him that because of his actions, he will cause his own death, and he will be condemned to Hell for eternity. Carface, having seen himself in Timmy, must stop the whistle just in time to prevent the dogs from stealing the gifts. Belladonna flies into a frenzied rage and is about to kill him and Killer when she is frozen solid by a massive amount of snow caused by Annabelle. Meanwhile, with Charlie and the gang, it begins to snow. Everyone celebrates, but Itchy remarks that it's a shame that they didn't have any presents to give to the puppies. Just then, Carface appears on a sled pulled by Killer, and gives them everything back, and more. He even gives them Timmy's money box back, which is full to the top. He turns to leave, and Sasha asks him to stay and join the party. Carface respectfully declines the invitation, saying he's going to visit his mother instead, but wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Annabelle finishes the story by saying "Merry Christmas!" to the audience (whom the puppies wave at), and Charlie and Itchy wish the same thing. ===== Graeme and Bill invite themselves along when Tim decides to visit his great-uncle Butcher at his country mansion "Tally Ho Towers", and they are waited on by Butcher's butler, Basterville. Tim is hoping to inherit his great-uncle's money and Graeme and Bill coerce Tim into agreeing to share the money with them. Butcher leaves his money to Tim in his will -- and soon after has a fatal accident. Tim as the new owner of the mansion gives in to hunting -- much to the disgust of Bill and Graeme, who then have to cure Tim of his hunting obsession with aversion therapy. ===== A 'circular' arrives at the Goodies' office from the Loch Jaw school, advertising for school children to take part in a "Way Outward Bound" adventure course. The Goodies are interested -- especially in the bounty fees being offered for any children who are brought to the school -- but the Goodies are unable to get any children to go with them. The Goodies decide to go themselves, so that they can still receive the bounty money. They dress as children -- with Graeme dressed as a schoolgirl (complete with twin plaits), Bill dressed in shorts and cap as a small schoolboy, and Tim dressed the same in black and white uniform, complete with a teddy bear. The Goodies are accepted as children and admitted to the school by the school's Matron and an Army Sergeant Major. Bill proves to be a precocious 'small child' by flirting with the Matron. The Goodies later discover the true reason why the children are wanted by the school -- the Matron wants to take over the world and has been conditioning several babies to obey orders (for a baby army) so conquer the world. The Sergeant Major is unaware of the true reason why the Matron wants the children and babies to be trained for warfare -- he just wants to train them. When the Goodies escape from the clutches of the Matron, they take the babies with them -- and find that they have their work cut out with feeding the babies and washing nappies etc. -- they discondition the babies and turn them back into normal babies, with the aid of milk, and Tim discovers that he has the knack of being able to get the babies to burp on demand and starts contemplating taking over the world. Bill and Graeme try to stop Tim from getting worse than the Matron. ===== Ami Susetz, an Israeli artist, abandons his wife and daughter in New York, and comes back to his home land after years of absence. Susetz wishes to decipher his constant feeling of failure as a human being, as a family man, as an artist. His best friends were killed in war, his paintings were burned not without intent. He has no past and no future. Back home Susetz reunites with his dying father, with his mother, who unsuccessfully tries to understand her son, and with a childhood friend, Ansberg, now a philosopher/homeless. Ansberg has adopted unusual methods in order to bring love back to Tel-Aviv and expects "conscientious" Susetz to assist him in that. Susetz cannot be a "conscientious", or anything else for that matter, not before he resolves his own personal fate: who is he, why was he born, why does he live. Ami Susetz decides to make a movie, about himself, his parents, his hometown Tel-Aviv, and about all that constitutes the puzzle we call human life. His movie fails in resolving the pattern but ironically becomes a commercial blockbuster. At the end of the day, the movie gets burned, just like the paintings, not without intent… ===== The series was set in a fictionalised San Francisco and featured a large cast of characters whose lives are thrown into disarray by the sudden appearance of a murderous 11th Century knight in the city. Main Characters included Anton Marx, a leftwing political radio "shock jock", his fact checker girlfriend Venus Kostopikas, her friend Detective Addas Petronas and the rival gangsters Tony Quetone and "the Pope". ===== Note: The following synopsis broadly covers the events of the first four issues. Nagasaki twins Kai and Toshi are born either side of midnight, an unexpected result of their father's frivolous prayer at their grandmother's shrine. As they grow up, Toshi becomes seemingly invulnerable to harm; a fall onto railings as a child causes the spikes to bend while she walks away unscathed. Kai himself proves impossible to injure with a knife. Another strange event affects them years later, when they and a childhood friend, Saburo, find themselves entering a magical fantasy world through the Sannō Shrine. When Kai spots a strange man stalking them, the twins run back to the real world, accidentally trapping their friend behind them. Still later, as teenagers, they find themselves once more confronted by the man from the fantasy land. He is Aratsu, a god of swords, and has come to collect Toshi as payment for their father's prayer years before. Toshi refuses, so Aratsu kills her pet dog. This causes two policemen, the mysterious detective Sato and the mute detective Yamada, to investigate. They begin to follow Kai around and it is implied that they know more about what is happening than he does. After refusing Aratsu again, Toshi decides to rid herself of him by stealing a gun from a young thug named KK, who threatens to kill her in retaliation. Meanwhile, Kai finds himself taken back into the fantasy world by Saburo, who has not aged since he was last seen. Saburo now serves a red dragon named Lord Rinjin who is the mortal enemy of Aratsu. Rinjin tells Kai that if Toshi refuses Aratsu a third time, he will have to leave her alone. He tells Kai to ensure that this happens or there will be trouble. Toshi does refuse Aratsu a third time, shooting him for good measure. However, the bullets only graze him and he slices her mother into pieces as retaliation. Toshi follows Aratsu into his palace and says that she will join him provided he restores her mother to life. In her bedroom, Kai's mother's body reforms itself but she remains unconscious. the story ends with Toshi following Aratsu to begin her new life. Kai's mother is under observation at a local hospital, where she remains unconscious and covered with scars from Aratsu's swords. Kai's grieving is interrupted by a gang of evil imps, which start to consume pieces of his mother's memory. They run when Kai attacks them as they fear his touch, but soon find weapons in a part of the hospital that is closed for renovation. He is saved by Nidoru, goddess of needles, who dispatches them with ease. She reveals that she is aware of the debt owed by Kai's father to Aratsu. She also explains that the imps were attracted to his mother's soul, which was also cut apart by Aratsu's swords – shredded souls being easier to consume. She also explains that she and her master were the only 'shepherds of point' not to bow to Aratsu. As punishment, he killed her master. She says that if Kai agrees to help her take Aratsu down, she will sew his mother's soul back together and try to save his father, who is destined to die in a yakuza shoot-out that day. He agrees and his mother wakes up too late to stop him from walking off with Nidoru. In his mansion, Aratsu slices through Toshi with a special sword, cutting away both her past and future, leaving her existing in an eternal 'now'. He says that if she displeases him, he will allow that time to elapse and she will vanish. He also gives her a new name, Hasharito or 'little insect', and tells her never to think of her old name. Despairingly, she agrees. ===== When Graeme gives Tim and Bill a special 'designer-dog' that they can enter the dog as a new breed in the Crufts Dog Show, they think that their dog is the only unusual dog there is. Then they find that Graeme has been making all kinds of weird dogs for other people as well. Some of Graeme's weird dogs, which he has bred for other people, include: a flying dog (a cross between a dog and a parrot) - a chair dog (a cross between a dog and a chair) - a stove dog (a cross between a dog and a stove) - and others. One of Graeme's weirdest inventions is "Frankenfido", a six-legged monster, which is made out of a lot of 'spare parts' -- the teeth being those of Donny Osmond. Tim, horrified, says: "You're using people ... and Donny Osmond!" Bill turns up dressed as a black and white dog called "Cuddly Scamp Hairylegs of Cricklewood", which proves to be a quick-thinking 'dog' or possibly cheating with false answers when tested on "Mastermind". After their meeting, Cuddly Scamp and " Frankenfido" go off together. Tim comments: "Who knows what he went through! All alone with that nasty great dog!" Graeme comments: "Bitch!" Tim, insulted, says: "Well!" Graeme explains, saying: "Frankenfido was a bitch." to which Tim responds with: "Oh I See." Cuddly Scamp's meeting with "Frankenfido" has surprising results. ===== The Goodies are hired by a maniacally racist South African tourist agent to make an advertisement encouraging Britons to come to South Africa. However, the tourist agent is unhappy with what they have done, since they showed black people in South Africa having a good time. Tim points out that South Africa has many black people, but the tourist agent retorts that they are not having a good time. The enraged agent forces the Goodies to emigrate to South Africa. The influx of tourist boats the Goodies' advertisement brings allows the black people an opportunity to get away from South Africa, leading to apartheid segregation disintegrating. To keep the economy going, apartheid is replaced by the new segregation of apartheight (apart-height). Tim and Graeme are tall enough not to be affected -- but Bill is not quite tall enough. Bill, and the South African jockeys, are now treated as the second class citizens of South Africa, and are put under curfew. Bill is also forced to work for Tim and Graeme, who both take full advantage of Bill's newly disadvantaged position and treat him like a slave. Bill takes charge of the situation, and he and the jockeys rebel and eventually win out against their 'masters'. The Goodies return to the UK -- but the UK they return to is vastly different from the UK they had left behind just a short time before. ===== The Goodies's office accidentally gets completely covered in concrete, ironically as part of an architectural design of Graeme. The Main Works Department agree to save them, but only after completing a series of highways across Britain (drawn on the map as a game of tic tac toe). Gradually all the Goodies' utility services are discontinued, including the telephone (they cannot go out to pay the bills). Then, later, when the nation is in the grip of poverty, the BBC cuts back their services by 100%, and the ending of television broadcasts means that the Goodies are cut off entirely from the outside world. Tim then asks "Who thinks we should panic now?" All three raise their hands, and proceed to panic, with much screeching and Tim crying "I'm a teapot!" repeatedly, with the attendant teapot pose. Tempers become short and Bill (arguing with Tim) says: "In this society, every single one of us is gonna clean the shoes." Tim retorts: "You sniviling little commie." Bill retaliates with the comment: "You elitist, fascist pig." Tim, feeling insulted, says: "Well I never." Graeme then enters the conversation, saying: "This is good, political discussion, a healthy thing." Bill denies this, saying: "This isn't political discussion, we're just shouting at one another", to which Graeme replies: "Same thing." When they are almost out of food, Tim and Graeme decide that Bill should 'provide' for them. Bill, who is totally unaware of the plans against him, comes up with a solution of cooking and eating the furniture. This means that he is not eaten and his life is saved. The years pass, and the Goodies grow old, and they begin suffering from hallucinations, which is noticeable when Tim and Graeme are in conversation with each other, reliving their past. Tim comments: "Goodness! I've almost forgotten what an umbrella looks like." Graeme then makes the comment: "You know, I've almost forgotten what a woman looks like." Tim reminisces: "Women, yes -- and umbrellas. Hey!" Graeme agrees, saying: "Many's the evening you'd dance the night away with an attractive young umbrella." Tim continues: "And, if it rained on your way home, you'd pop up your woman." Graeme then comments: "They'd keep you dry all night!" and Tim says: "I used to have a big black woman with a cane handle ...." Later they 'get' religion, Graeme becomes a monk, Tim becomes Jewish, and Bill becomes a Black Muslim. While Tim and Graeme show their ages, Bill never seems to change -- he seems to be forever young. A rescue team finally arrives to rescue the Goodies -- space suited Goodies from the future, but all that's left in the office is the skeletons of Graeme and Tim and the recently deceased corpse of Bill (who still hasn't aged). Just as they are about to leave, there is a cave-in, trapping the new Goodies where they experience similar difficulties. Immediately, the 'Future Tim' panics and assumes the pose of a teapot spout and handle, and comments: "I'm a teapot!" ===== The musical is set on New Year's Eve "in the avoidable future" in the grand Alpine Barclay Palace Hotel, where the guests find themselves in the midst of a potential nuclear Armageddon. The characters are American singer Harry Aikens and Cynthia Brookfield-Bailey, who may have had a romantic fling years earlier. Among the others present are Cynthia's current paramour, Henry Kissinger-like diplomat Dr. Josef Winkler, a gay couple, a minister, and a freedom fighter. ===== Boaz, a young officer, returns home from the Yom Kippur War (1973). He left for the war with two friends and returned with one dead and one badly injured. Down and out and lonely, Boaz aimlessly wanders the streets of Tel- Aviv. To comfort himself, Boaz goes to console his dead friend's parents, only to find himself sucked into a most complex relationship with the bereaved parents. First out of courtesy, then out of cynicism, Boaz gives them all they're missing: a poem their son allegedly wrote, false tales of heroism and some occasional snapshots. Out of thin air Boaz erects a false monument of a dead hero out of a fairly mediocre child, who didn't get to leave much behind him. Before long, Boas is running a full scale immortalization industry, “manufacturing” for each bereaved family a creative, sensitive son. A soldier and a poet. Boaz becomes romantically involved with his dead friend's girlfriend, and simultaneously with the beautiful coordinator in the army's memorial department. And so, by day they serve a holy trinity of comfort and immortality and by night they are fallen angels, ménage à trois. Before too long, the next war breaks out. Boaz is called again for duty. Now an older, experienced officer, Boaz makes sure every single soldier in his company carries in his pocket a personal poem. Just in case. The Vulture represented Israel at the Cannes Festival 1981. ===== A wood engraving by Cecil Keeling from the 1955 Golden Cockerel Press edition, London. Pietro Zastrozzi, an outlaw, and his two servants, Bernardo and Ugo, disguised in masks, abduct Verezzi from the inn near Munich where he lives and take him to a cavern hideout. Verezzi is locked in a room with an iron door. Chains are placed around his waist and limbs and he is attached to the wall. Verezzi is able to escape and to flee his abductors, running away to Passau in Lower Bavaria. Claudine, an elderly woman, allows Verezzi to stay at her cottage. Verezzi saves Matilda from jumping off of a bridge. She befriends him. Matilda seeks to persuade Verezzi to marry her. Verezzi, however, is in love with Julia. Matilda provides lodging for Verezzi at her castle or mansion estate near Venice. Her tireless efforts to seduce him are unsuccessful. Zastrozzi concocts a plan to torture and to torment Verezzi. He spreads a false rumour that Julia has died, exclaiming to Matilda: "Would Julia of Strobazzo's heart was reeking on my dagger!" Verezzi is convinced that Julia is dead. Distraught and emotionally shattered, he then relents and offers to marry Matilda. The truth is revealed that Julia is still alive. Verezzi is so distressed at his betrayal that he kills himself. Matilda kills Julia in retaliation. Zastrozzi and Matilda are arrested for murder. Matilda repents. Zastrozzi, however, remains defiant before an inquisition. He is tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Zastrozzi confesses that he sought revenge against Verezzi because Verezzi's father had deserted his mother, Olivia, who died young, destitute, and in poverty. Zastrozzi blamed his father for the death of his mother, who died before she was thirty. Zastrozzi sought revenge against not only his own father, whom he murdered, but also against "his progeny for ever", his son Verezzi. Verezzi and Zastrozzi had the same father. By murdering his own father, Zastrozzi only killed his corporeal body. By manipulating Verezzi into committing suicide, however, Zastrozzi confessed that his objective was to achieve the eternal damnation of Verezzi's soul based on the proscription of the Christian religion against suicide. Zastrozzi, an outspoken atheist, goes to his death on the rack rejecting and renouncing religion and morality "with a wild convulsive laugh of exulting revenge".Zastrozzi by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The University of Adelaide, Australia. ===== In the summer of 1958, 15-year-old David Katz is constantly defying authority figures at the Orthodox Jewish summer camp he is enrolled in. He especially riles the paranoid camp counsellor Chaim (Marcoux) who believes David is having an affair with his wife. The adolescent antics continue with the boys arranging midnight rendezvous at the girls' camp. ===== Rookie lawyer Alec Brno (Mount) has just been assigned the case of his career: exposing a billion- dollar oil scam led by a ruthless mafia boss (Weber). When he reluctantly falls for the gangster's beautiful, but drug-addicted wife (Leerhsen), who is also his key witness, Alec soon realizes that all the legal savvy in the world can not protect him from the dangerous reality of mob violence. In a system where criminals often walk free, sometimes courtroom warriors must take the battle for justice into their own hands. ===== In October 1934, a famous safe cracker in Warsaw criminal circles and also a jazz trumpeter, Henryk Kwinto, is released from a prison, where he has spent the past six years. After arriving home, he discovers that his wife has already found a substitute for him in the face of a police commissioner named Karelicki. Kwinto removes hidden roll of banknotes out of the chair's leg, places his key to the apartment on a table and leaves. Near the city gates he is met by two younger petty criminals, brothers Moks and Nuta who have successfully debuted by robbing a jewel store and are now wishing to have the legendary safe-cracker as an accomplice. Kwinto by taking out of his pocket a mouthpiece of trumpet asserts that they had mistaken him for someone else and he is a musician. Although they seem to be confused, the brothers nonetheless tell him the address of their automobile shop in case if "Mr Musician would be willing to play together with them". Kwinto rents a hotel room. Soon he is visited by his former accomplice and now a successful banker, Gustaw Kramer who informs him that six years ago Kwinto was arrested not by chance. Kramer who was caught in the act, then agreed to lure the elusive safe-cracker into a trap set up by the police. As a compensation for moral damages he brought Kwinto 45,000 złoty considering his betrayal as resolved. In response Kwinto advises not to tell him the address of his bank, to which Kramer is confident in the invulnerability of the bank's own safes reacts with a sneer and uses the phrase "ear from a herring"{?} () hinting at the impossibility of robbing his bank. Kwinto goes to visit a musician named Tadeusz Rychliński, with whom he performed in a band at least six years earlier. From the wife of Tadeusz, Marta, he learns about the death of his friend. Shortly before his death, Tadeusz deposited all his savings, 19,000 złoty, in the bank of Kramer, but on the way home he was robbed, the raiders took away the receipt and the bank deposit became unavailable. The next day Tadeusz allegedly threw himself out of the window. According to the widow, the police arrived to conclusion that there was a suicide. In the memory of a perished friend, Marta gives Kwinto the Tadeusz's trumpet. In its mouthpiece Kwinto discovers a note of Rychliński where it says "I know how Kramer became an owner of the bank". Kwinto arrives to conclusion that robbery and staging of the suicide were committed at the Kramer's request. In the light of the discovered circumstances Kwinto starts to act. He finds Moks and Nuta in their automobile shop and instructs them to find the last address of his old friend Duńczyk. Kramer receives back his 45,000 złoty in mail along with a newspaper cut out where placed the Tadeusz's obituary and understands that a war is declared on him. He sends to Kwinto Krempitsch, a hired killer, who sometime ago killed Tadeusz by pushing him out of a window. But Kwinto, who foresaw the action of the banker, takes care of Krempitsch by himself. The brothers have not found Duńczyk. The search has been taken over by Kwinto himself and, remembering his old habits, finds his pal at a football game. However, Duńczyk has finished with his criminal past and more than anything he values a peace. At first he refuses, but Henryk convinces Duńczyk that for him taking vengeance on Kramer is a matter of principle. They witnessed that Krempitsch, trying to kill Kwinto, accidentally kills a complete stranger. Taking the advantage of a muss, heroes leave the stadium. After all Duńczyk agrees to participate in his friend's daring plan. Kwinto presents his plan to rob the Kramer's bank and that under suspicion turned to be the banker himself. Duńczyk heads on reconnaissance to the bank and opens to be obvious an account there. With experience eye, he assesses all alarm features of the bank's building and in his home workshop by method of trial and error selects the shape of the plate capable of blocking the alarm. The companions begin to implement the plan. Kramer on accident as he thinks meets with a charming Natalia whom he helps to start the stalled car. A week later with bouquet of flowers and champagne Kramer comes to visit her. On one of stair landings he runs into a black man who exists a neighboring apartment with a Dalmatian on the leash. Natalia asks Kramer to help her unfasten the necklace with the plate that is supposed to block the alarm in the bank and insensibly throws the adornment into the window where it is picked by Moks. At the same time Kwinto under suspicion of robbing the lawyer Walenta's villa is detained by police and brought to the precinct. However soon the real robbers are arrested and Kwinto is getting released. Downing gas masks and gloves, Kwinto and his companions infiltrate into the bank through a ventilation shaft of the restaurant located over it. There they stun security guards, block the alarm with a plate that served as the necklace clasp, and take out of the safe all money and valued papers. With a thermal lance Nuta cuts through a side wall of the safe an opening, and the group goes away leaving at the crime scene a plate of the necklace. Taking advantage of the owner's absence, the accomplices transport the main portion of the valuables to the Kramer's house. In the evening celebrating the successfully turned trick the group to which belongs Natalia as well being a fiancée of Moks divides the remaining money. His share Kwinto sends to Marta ostensibly as compensation to the family of the victim of bank's machinations. In the morning the bank was filled with police. Head of the investigation commissioner Przygoda determines that the safe was cut only to stage hacking, and rather was opened in the usual way. In addition on the found plate were discovered fingerprints of Kramer. It gave the commissioner a reason to conduct the search in the Kramer's house where in basket with dirty laundry were found the stolen valuables. Kramer attempts to prove that at the time of robbery he has an alibi. At first he takes police to the Natalia's apartment, but she is not there and living in the apartment people argue that never saw Kramer. Then the banker remembers about another witness, a black man with a Dalmatian who had exited out of the neighboring apartment. But the owner of the apartment claims that never saw them. Kramer gets arrested. Near the court's building he sees Kwinto who reads a newspaper and understands the robbery of his bank is the handiwork of a former accomplice. Kwinto catching the Kramer's glance touches his ear reminding Kramer about his words "ear from a herring" (). A sequel, Vabank II, was made in 1984. ===== NASA is training for the first human mission to Mars by the spacecraft Aries. Due to a supposed glitch in the computer navigation system, NASA looks for the original programmer of the software to understand why it seems to be broken. Fred Z. Randall (Harland Williams), the eccentric programmer who wrote the software, meets Paul Wick (Jeffrey DeMunn), the flight director of the Mars mission; William "Wild Bill" Overbeck (William Sadler), the commander of the Mars mission; and astronaut Gary Hackman (Peter Onorati), the computer specialist. Fred looks at the software and discovers that the problem is actually stemming from a mathematical error made by Gary. After a display of hard-headed stubbornness by Gary, he is hit in the head by a model of the Pilgrim 1 Mars lander, resulting in a skull fracture. NASA decides to replace him instead of delaying the mission; Fred is brought to NASA to see if he has what it takes to be an astronaut. He goes through a series of exercises, which sees Fred do well, even going as far to break every record that Bill had set. In the end, Fred gets the job. While getting ready to board the Aries, Fred chickens out and refuses to go on the mission. Bud Nesbitt (Beau Bridges), who Wick claims is the cause of the Apollo 13 accident, tells Fred about the three commemorative coins given to him by President Johnson. He gave one coin to Neil Armstrong, another to Jim Lovell, and finally shows Randall a gold coin reading "Bravery". "It hasn't done me much good," Bud says, "Maybe it'll mean something to you one day." Randall then quotes the Lion from The Wizard of Oz: "If I were king of the forest!" Fred, along with Commander Overbeck, geologist Julie Ford (Jessica Lundy), and Ulysses, a trained chimpanzee, will look for fossils on Mars. To save on resources, crew members are put into "hypersleep" for eight months while the ship floats towards Mars. Ulysses purposely takes Fred's "hypersleep chamber" for his own and Fred has to sleep in Ulysses' chimp-sized chamber. He sleeps for only 13 minutes and has to stay up alone for eight months. While looking at Mars weather data, Fred notices severe sandstorms that could endanger the crew. He contacts Bud in Houston and tells him about the storms that are forecast to hit the landing site. If the crew get caught in the storms, they could be lost forever. Bud tells Wick about the situation, but Wick ignores him. The crew makes it to Mars, after Overbeck tells off Fred for being awake the whole time and using all the food—except food that the former despises: (anchovy paste, creamed liver, and gefilte fish)—for painting. They land the Pilgrim on the Martian surface. As Overbeck prepares to be the first human to step on Mars, Fred slips from the ladder and accidentally lands first. A day after the crew lands, the sandstorms arrive ahead of schedule. After almost losing Overbeck and Ulysses in the sandstorm, the crew lifts off from the Martian surface. Wick is replaced by Bud when it becomes clear that Wick does not trust his NASA crew. The ship has almost made it out of the sandstorm when rocks kicked up by the wind hit the lander. Pilgrim 1 loses power and begins to spin out of control. Fred has to rewire the entire system, reboot it and power everything back up in less than two minutes or they will crash. With less than 20 seconds, he has to complete the circuit. He frantically searches for something and finally shoves the commemorative coin into the slot, allowing the lander to regain power. The crew safely return to the Aries orbiting Mars. Fred asks Julie to dance with him in zero gravity to "When You Wish Upon a Star" while wearing a silver tux and a gold dress made from the space blankets that he cut up during his accident with the sleep pod. As Fred gets ready for hypersleep one last time, Ulysses climbs into his hypersleep chamber once again, forcing Fred to stay up for another eight months on the journey back home. In a post-credits scene, the crew's flag pole on Mars is shown missing its flag. It is revealed that Randall's American flag boxers, which were earlier used as a replacement for the original flag, have been stolen and worn by a Martian. ===== ===== Ted is extremely worried about the forfeit, fearing that Bishop Brennan will send him to a parish even worse than Craggy Island after he carries it out. Dick Byrne has insisted that Father Dougal take a photograph as proof. To provide an opportunity for Ted to carry out the forfeit, Dick calls the bishop to tell him that his likeness has miraculously appeared in the skirting board of the Craggy Island parochial house. Bishop Brennan phones Ted, telling him he will be coming the next day. After Ted stays up worrying all night, he and Dougal are surprised by the early arrival of Bishop Brennan and his assistant Father Jessup, "the most sarcastic priest in Ireland" – his sarcasm confuses their housekeeper, Mrs Doyle, and tests Father Jack's temper. Bishop Brennan's visit occurs the day before he is due to go to Rome to meet the Pope. Ted takes the Bishop to see the skirting board, and prepares to carry out the forfeit, but after seeing Jessup watching him, he aborts the kick and instead hurls himself out of the window. Brennan and Jessup prepare to leave, but are forced to stay the night when Mrs Doyle informs them that the roads have been "taken in". Dougal suggests that Ted should kick Bishop Brennan and act as if nothing had happened, reasoning that the bishop would never believe Ted, who fears Brennan, capable of such an act. The next day, Father Jack locks Jessup inside his underpants hamper after Jessup tries to prevent him from taking liquor belonging to the bishop. With Jessup out of the way, Ted brings the bishop to see the skirting board again. The bishop notices that the skirting board now has a crude watercolour painting (courtesy of Dougal) on it, depicting a man in a bishop's hat - as he bends down to examine the painting, Ted promptly kicks him in the buttocks as hard as possible while the chance is still present, while Dougal takes a photograph. Bishop Brennan, in consequence of this physical offense, is shocked into a catatonic state that lasts well beyond the duration of his visit. As the bishop flies to Rome, Ted gets extremely drunk and orders Dougal to have several copies of the photograph made, including a 10x10 version for himself. Brennan snaps out of his stupor just as he is due to greet the Pope in the Vatican. After announcing "He did kick me up the arse!" while the Pope is present, he shoves him to the ground, runs to the exit, picks up his mobile phone and furiously demands to be booked onto the first available flight back to Ireland. Ted wakes up the next morning with a hangover following yesterday evening's alcohol session. As soon as he looks out of the window, a seriously furious Bishop Brennan charging aggressively, complete with his cape blowing about lively as he runs and the bishop roaring in fullest rage during his charge, in a desire for revenge towards the parochial house is in his sight - instantly this view puts Ted into a state of fear that forces him to hide himself away, hoping the bishop will not be able to find him if he comes in. The bishop kicks down the front door, bursts into the bedroom, and finds Ted hiding under the bed, which he instantly flips over. Despite Brennan's rage, Ted manages to convince him that he did not do it. On his way out, however, Brennan sees an enormous, ten-foot- tall version of the photograph that Dougal took (thinking that Ted meant feet, when he actually meant inches), and after a brief chase, he gets his revenge on Ted by subjecting him to the same act he performed on Brennan the day before, booting him with serious force across a field after he slips on mud and falls. At the end of the episode, Father Jessup is shown to still be locked in Father Jack's underpants hamper, using a lighter as a source of light. After the lighter runs out, he says "I'm really enjoying this". ===== Tommy Linklater is an 18-year-old whose magic is often minor (re-directing croquet balls, making cards appear in closed purses, etc.) but is always genuine since he actually does the impossible. He soon learns that his hobby for playing chess while his mother was alive is another gift that she left him. His father, Herman Linklater, is a physicist who believes that all the universes mysteries will eventually be explained away. Tommy's mother and Herman's wife, Melanie, has died and left them a house in a small lakeside town, North Hatley, that they did not know she owned. They decide to move there for a year so that Herman can finish his book on cosmology. Once they arrive, the Linklaters discover that Melanie was something of a local legend. She left North Hatley after throwing a game against the town's greatest chess rivals, the Russians. The town was forced to realize their mistakes by pushing her too hard to win and thus undermining the soul of the game. Her pictures and trophies are everywhere in the small town. Tommy attends Hatley High, whose main claim to fame is the Knights, an internationally-ranked chess team. He befriends a basketball prodigy, Julius, whose secret passion is surfing, as well as Trevor and Darryl, two charming and ambitious guys who call themselves the Syndicate. He also meets and ends up going out with Hyacinthe Marquez, the beautiful and witty cheerleader who does cartwheels as effortlessly as she quotes Oscar Wilde. Herman, meanwhile, is being pestered by the town priest, Lorne Granger, who is a physics buff who actually and casually talks to God. Herman is very uncomfortable around priests but is eventually won over by Lorne's enthusiasm for physics. Herman undergoes a sort of epiphany when Lorne provides him with an equation that is not supposed to exist. The equation enables him to finish his book, but he is forced to confront the possibility that he not living in a clockwork universe after all. Shaun Rodes, the egomaniac and captain of the chess team, keeps challenging Tommy to a chess match since he wishes to find out if Tommy inherited his mother's skills. Tommy refuses, but Hyacinthe sets up an after school game of chess between Shaun and Tommy. Tommy loses and chides Hyacinthe for selling him out. However, Shaun has a feeling that Tommy threw the game. Hyacinthe manages to win Tommy back by singing to him outside his window,a nd Tommy is moved to forgive her. Shaun, still suspicious from his victory, invites Tommy to an underground high-stakes chess club, which is rife with shady characters, hot babes, and money. Shaun, hoping to prove his suspicions of Tommy's monumental talent, volunteers him to play a blitz game against the top player in the club. Tommy reluctantly shows up but wins easily. When it is announced that the Russian Junior Chess Team is coming to play Hatley High, the whole town is thrown into a frenzy for an opportunity for redemption. At the pregame dance, Anya, the captain of the Russian chess team, easily seduces Shaun, ties him up, and locks him in the school's attic, solidifying a Russian win. During halftime, Tommy performs a spectacular magic show. When Shaun does not escape from his bonds in time to play the remaining match, the coach is forced to substitute Tommy in his place. ===== Kozue loves to stargaze and does so regularly. On a trip to view a meteorite, she happens to meet a boy named Ginga. He has a mysterious ability to discover more information about the stars, which he uses to help scientists with astronomical research. Unfortunately, his life is mostly dictated for him, and when carrying out missions, he must always wear a protective suit. Kozue helps Ginga to gradually take control of his life by encouraging him to make his own decisions. ===== Dr. Morton Hander practiced a strange brand of psychiatry. Among his specialties were fraud, extortion and sexual manipulation. Hander paid for his sins when he was brutally murdered in his luxurious Pacific Palisades apartment. The police have no leads, but they do have one possible witness: seven-year-old Melody Quinn. It's psychologist Dr. Alex Delaware's job to try to unlock the terrible secret buried in Melody's memory. But as the sinister shadows in the girl's mind begin to take shape, Alex discovers that the mystery touches a shocking incident in his own past. And behind it lies an unspeakable evil that Alex Delaware must expose before it claims another innocent victim. ===== Artist Alex Doyle and his new family, bride Courtney and her 11-year-old brother Colin, are moving from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Courtney's flying out ahead to get the house set up. Alex and Colin are driving there in Alex's new Ford Thunderbird. The cross-country trip starts out as a bonding experience, but their car is being tailed by a van; a van driven by a psychopath intent on terrorizing them. ===== Hans Christian Andersen's story is simplified in this animated version of his fairy tale. A little man, who introduces himself as "Old Dreamy" ("Ole Lukøje"), tells the viewer that on days when the master storyteller Andersen is not overtired, he puts him to sleep with his colorful, magic umbrella ("slumbrella") causing him to dream wonderful stories—from which he then writes his fairy tales. Old Dreamy narrates the story of the Snow Queen. Two young children of a neighborhood, Kay and Gerda are in their window box garden where they exchange roses they have grown for one another and plant them together. On the next winter night, Gerda's grandmother tells the two children the legend of the Snow Queen. The Snow Queen's palace of ice in the far north (on Spitsbergen) where she sits on her throne and looks into her mirror. The Snow Queen's proud and frowning face is seen by Gerda through a frosted window who exclaims, "It's the Snow Queen!". Kai, to calm her friend, jokes that if he met the Queen, he would put her on a hot stove, and then she would melt. The Snow Queen, who is watching the children in her mirror, becomes angry and smashes the mirror with her scepter. She enchants the ice splinters and sends a big snowstorm over the city. A rush of wind changes Kay's heart turning him cruel towards Gerda who additionally finds the wind has killed her and Kay's flowers. The next day, Kay goes for a sled ride in the marketplace of the city. He offers Gerda a ride but dumps her in the snow, laughing. Kay ties his sled to the sleigh of the Snow Queen, which has suddenly appeared in the village square, to Gerda's horror. The Snow Queen pulls Kay on his sled out of the city, where she stops and confronts him, taking him into her arms as her willing captive, since his heart is now as cold as ice. Desperate, Gerda sets out on her quest, determined not to give up until she has brought him back. Old Dreamy's story continues with Gerda looking for Kay when spring comes. She asks young birds and animals if they had seen Kay, to no avail. At the river bank, Gerda begs the river to take her in a row boat to Kay. She gives her new red shoes to the river and the journey by boat introduces her to many places. Gerda is next found by the seashore where she is met by a raven, "Mr. Corax" (Ancient Greek for "raven"). Gerda tells him that she is looking for a "good, kind, brave boy". Mr. Corax tells her that such a boy is now living at the palace of a princess. Mr. Corax takes Gerda to the palace to find his fiancée Henrietta, who knows the palace and can guide Gerda through it. They arrive at the palace in the midst of a ball with fireworks. When all are asleep, the ravens take Gerda into the palace and to the royal bedroom. Gerda takes a lantern and tries to wake the boy, but he is not Kay and, startled, she drops the lantern. The shock awakens him and princess, who calls her guards. When the princess hears Gerda's tale of seeking her friend, she and the prince decide to help. An interlude follows with the Snow Queen and Kay talking in her ice palace throne room. Kay is playing with ice crystals, but he misses the smell of flowers. The Snow Queen tells him that the smell of flowers, beauty, joy, poetry, and love do not exist and to forget them. The princess and her prince send Gerda on her way with a golden coach and attendants. While the coach travels through a dark woods, they are stopped by a gang of robbers, who take Gerda and strip the coach of its gold plate, sparing the attendants. The little robber, the daughter of the chieftain, keeps the girl. She shows Gerda her menagerie, which contains reindeer from Lapland, wood pigeons and other animals. The little robber, touched by Gerda's kindness, releases the girl along with the reindeer to search for Kai, and then frees all her captive animals. Gerda and Bae get to the Lapp woman, who warms them by their fire. She tells them that the Snow Queen had stopped there with Kay but went on farther north to Finland. She directs them to her cousin in Finland who can direct them further, and she writes a letter to her on a fish that she sends with Gerda and Bae. Bae, who collapses along the way, is unable to take Gerda up to the ice palace, so Gerda goes on alone. When Gerda finally gets to the palace through the blustery wind and snow, she encounters Kai. Kai, who is blue from the cold, makes various figures out of ice. He says the ice polygons are "beautiful, they are more beautiful than real flowers!" He rudely asks Gerda to leave, which brings her to tears. In a final attempt, she hugs him, and her tears melt the shard in his heart. Kai cries, which causes a second shard to fall out of his eye. He comes to his senses and becomes the same old Kai again. Then the Snow Queen returns to the palace. However, Gerda rebuffs her, and the Queen simply disappears along with her Palace. The children return home happily, meeting all those who helped them reunite along the way. ===== Captain Stottlemeyer calls Adrian Monk to his office for some important news. Monk assumes the worst, but the news is actually positive. After twelve years, Monk's wish of being reinstated to the police force has been fulfilled. Monk is nervous and excited for his first day back. As Natalie sends Monk off to work, she reveals that she has an interview for a glamorous job with a concert promoter. As Monk and Natalie say goodbye, Monk laments that this could be the end of their partnership. At police headquarters, Monk receives a warm welcome from his fellow officers. Stottlemeyer has even arranged for Monk to sit at the same desk he used years before. Monk is disappointed to learn, however, that he's been relegated to desk duty in the case of the Pick Axe Killer, the department's hottest case. Later that day, Officer Russell DiMarco, a colleague of Monk's, bursts into the office announcing that the Pick Axe Killer has been arrested. A window washer named Mikhail "Manny" Almonov saw someone matching the killer's description and tipped off the police. It's great news, but Monk is a little disappointed that the case was solved without his help. A week later, Natalie is enjoying her exciting new job in the music business, and Monk has left his desk job to begin working with a new partner, Detective Doyle. Monk has suspicions about Manny Almonov's story, so he takes a break from his work with Doyle to investigate the location where Manny claimed that he had "spotted" the Pick Axe Killer. Monk quickly establishes that it would have been impossible for Manny to see the killer from that vantage point. Although Monk shares this information with his superiors, no one wants to entertain any theories that might interfere with the successful closure of a highly publicized case, especially since the man who was arrested on the window washer's tip confessed to being the Pick Axe Killer. That night, Officer DiMarco is on his way home and meets with Manny Almonov. After DiMarco receives his payoff, Manny shoots him dead. The police believe that Russell DiMarco saw something going down on his way home, tried to intervene, and was killed. But Monk suspects that DiMarco may have been murdered while receiving some kind of illegal payoff. Monk's theory makes him a pariah, as cops are supposed to protect the reputations of their brethren. If Monk has any hope of surviving in his new job, he needs to back up his accusations against Officer DiMarco. When Monk comes across Officer DiMarco's ticket book, he finds the evidence he needs to prove his theory and arrest Manny Almanov for the murder. ===== Jane Berry is a successful, single entrepreneur, who is Vice President of Ad Agency, has a luxury apartment and a Jaguar. On Christmas, when she is driving to a company party, she gets lost in her Jaguar, has an accident and hits a pole. Sam (Steven Eckholdt) comes to her rescue to get her out of her car (which is now a station wagon) and tells her that he's her husband for the past 10 years and she has 2 children with him. That's when she realized she was in an alternate reality; her clothes were different, and her car changed from a Jaguar to a station wagon. Ten years ago, she dumped her boyfriend and left her job for Sam. Jane is confused by her new world, where she is a new Jane who is completely different from the old one. Slowly she starts getting used to her new life. After an argument with her parents at Christmas dinner, she is completely impressed by Sam and her family. She kisses Sam and again swoons, finding herself in her Jaguar again after the accident. Sam comes to her rescue and she is back in her other world. She tells Sam that she knows him and is in love with him, which Sam is shocked to hear. They move together to Sam's house to lead a happy life in the ===== The local matchmaker (shadchan), Reb Kalman arranges a match for the daughter of a wealthy client, Reb Pinchas. The daughter is already romantically linked with her French teacher, Max. He arranges to show up in Kuni Lemel's place, disguised as Kuni Lemel, so he can marry Ganor. Confusion ensues as both Max and Kuni Lemel show up to court Ganor. ===== Lauren completes basic training successfully, to the displeasure of the sadistic Norman Large, whom Lauren injured with a shovel in the previous novel. James and his friends get into a brawl at a bowling alley with a group of chavs after one of them calls Gabrielle a "wog". As punishment, Kyle, Gabrielle and twins Connor and Callum are each given a recruitment mission. Much to his delight, James is instead offered a role on a major mission. He is joined by Dave Moss, a well respected CHERUB agent with a reputation for womanising, and Lauren. The FBI have discovered that Curtis Key, a 14-year-old boy imprisoned in an Arizona maximum security prison for murder, is the son of Jane Oxford, an international arms dealer who has evaded capture for decades. Recently, she has stolen 35 PGSLM (Precision Guided Shoulder-Launched Missiles), which were supposed to be sent to the British Army. With the help of the FBI, James and Dave go undercover into the prison posing as brothers who accidentally ran over a homeless woman in their getaway car, with the intention of breaking Curtis out in the hope that he will lead the FBI to his mother. Before James and Dave enters the prison, they taught Lauren basic driving skills. When James took the wheel, he recklessly crashed the vehicle while overspeeding. James soon befriends Curtis and a gang of skinheads who are protecting him in prison, but within days of arriving Dave is injured in an altercation with prison officers, leaving James the responsibility of breaking Curtis out. The escape goes smoothly and Curtis and James are picked up by Lauren, posing as James and Dave's sister. The three are stopped by police officers and Curtis attempts to kill himself with an unloaded gun, but James and Lauren overpower the officers. They kidnap a woman and force her to drive them to Los Angeles. Upon arrival, Curtis contacts his father, a major breakthrough as the FBI did not know who he was previously. The trio are taken to a ranch in Idaho to stay with Vaughn Little, a former weapons dealer and associate of Jane Oxford. From there they are taken to Boise, Idaho, where two of Jane Oxford's henchmen give the three new identities. The henchmen explain that Curtis will travel to Brazil while James and Lauren will be given a new life in Canada. However, after Curtis leaves for the airport with one of the henchmen, Lauren is attacked by the other henchmen, who tries to smother her with a pillow. She fights back and overpowers him by stabbing him in the neck with a Biro. The FBI follow Curtis, and discover that instead of going to the airport, they drove to an Inn, where Jane has come for him in person. They capture her, concluding the mission as a success. James, Dave (still recovering from his injuries), and Lauren return home to CHERUB campus. James was criticized for the car crash before the mission, and Lauren passed the mission without rebuke, earning her a navy shirt. James returns to his room after a day's lessons and discovers a box on his pillow, containing an Intelligence Star with his name engraved on the back; Dave and Lauren also receive an Intelligence Star. ===== Is Twite, a character introduced in Dido and Pa as Dido's previously unsuspected half-sister, is now living on Blackheath Edge near London with a third, older sister named Penelope (called 'Penny') and their cat, Figgin. When they save a stranger from the wolves that are running wild in the area, only to discover he is a relative, Is takes on the task of continuing the man's search for his missing son Arun. She travels into London to consult with old friends, and there meets the king of England, Richard, who also asks her to look for his own missing son David. Is's investigations lead her to 'The Playland Express', a secret train spiriting children away from London and north into the part of the country that has recently split off and become autonomous. Is travels with the other children, who believe they are being taken to a better life, but armed with her suspicions and a quick wit, Is makes a successful bid for freedom. Whilst the other children are enslaved and taken to the coal-mines, Is remains at liberty in the overground town of Blastburn. She meets with local relatives, including her uncle Roy, who is the dictator of the new country, and also other residents of the derelict town, including Doctor Lemman, whose apprentice she becomes to excuse her presence in Blastburn (children in that area are all sent to the coal-face). Through this work she discovers that most people in the area now live in an underground town called Holdernesse, set in a vast natural cavern. She also learns more about the coal-mine and the appalling conditions here. Meanwhile, she is also learning about medicine from Dr. Lemman and occasionally experiencing something she comes to call 'the Touch' – a sort of psychic cry for help. She continues to search for the lost boys, aggravating her Uncle Roy, and eventually ends up going to work in the mine herself. Here, she discovers that the king's son is dead, and that her cousin Arun Twite has escaped and suffered some sort of mental breakdown. She discovers 'the Touch' is the collective psychic voice of the enslaved children and together, with Is as a guide and leader, they begin to hone this talent into a means of communication. In this way they are able to organise a full escape when predictions of a tidal wave that will collapse the mine reaches them. After the escape, Is Underground is captured and left to die in the derelict library by her Uncle Roy but with the help of her new friends escapes in time to see the Playland Express taking children back to London and Uncle Roy killed when he runs in front of it. She is left with the ability to mentally talk to her friends all over the country, and with a new companion is Arun, who has recovered from his breakdown. ===== Vida Winter, a famous novelist in England, has evaded journalists' questions about her past, refusing to answer their inquiries and spinning elaborate tales that they later discover to be false. Her entire life is a secret: and, for over fifty years, reporters and biographers have tried innumerable methods in an attempt to extract the truth from Winter. With her health quickly fading, Winter enlists Margaret Lea, a bookish amateur biographer, to hear her story and write her biography. With her own family secrets, Lea finds the process of unraveling the past for Winter bringing her to confront her own ghosts. The novel opens as Lea returns to her apartment above her father's antiquarian bookshop and finds a hand- written letter from Winter. It requests her presence at the author's residence and offers the chance to write Winter's life story before she succumbs to a terminal illness. Lea is surprised by the proposal, as she is only vaguely aware of the famous author and has not read any of the dozens of novels penned by Winter. While considering the offer, Lea's curiosity prompts her to read her father's rare copy of Winter's Thirteen Tales of Change and Desperation. She is unexpectedly spellbound by the stories and confused when she realises the book contains only twelve stories. Where is the thirteenth tale? Intrigued, Margaret agrees to meet with the ageing author—if only to discuss her reasons for not accepting the position as Winter's biographer. During their meeting at Winter's home, Lea attempts to politely decline the offer and leave, but is stopped at the door by the pleas of the older woman. With promises of a ghost story involving twins, Winter desperately implores the bibliophile to reconsider. By the end of the encounter, Lea finds herself increasingly drawn to the story and proposes a conditional agreement to Winter; to earn the trust of her biographer, Vida Winter must supply her with three verifiable truths. Somewhat reluctantly, the three secrets are extracted from their keeper. Afterwards, Winter and Lea begin their adventure into the past with; "Once upon a time there were two little girls...". As Vida Winter tells her story to Lea, she shares dark family secrets which have long been kept hidden. She recalls her days at Angelfield (the estate that was her childhood home), which has since burned and been abandoned. Recording Winter's account (the author allows no questions), Lea becomes completely immersed in the strange and troubling story. In the end, both women have to confront their pasts and the weight of family secrets, as well as the ghosts that haunt them both. ===== A fateful encounter between Ellis, a fugitive girl with amnesia, a troubled past, and supernatural powers, and Nadie, a feisty bounty hunter, leads to the two of them traveling south together in search of the key to unlocking Ellis's past. The only clues they have are a mysterious stone given to Ellis by a fortune teller she was staying with, and Ellis' notion that she has to go south. ===== "Glass Wings" is the story of Hagane, a boy with "Death Blood" that kills anyone who touches it. He is forced into a relationship with a woman named Tsubaki, but soon meets a girl named Ruriha, to whom he is immediately drawn. It is revealed that Ruriha and Tsubaki have Death Blood as well and that Tsubaki is Ruhiha and Hagane's mother. Hagane and Ruriha run away from Tsubaki. They face difficulties of interacting with other people, while Tsubaki looks for them. They are eventually captured by Tsubaki and taken to her palace, where Ruriha's calls wake Hagane from a drug induced stupor. Tsubaki throws Ruriha out a window and Hagane jumps after her. They fall into a lake and swim to shore, while Tsubaki angrily sets her palace on fire. "Firefly" is the story of a young demon boy named Yuinne, who must eat corpses to survive. Additionally, the rules of his clan demand that they kill and eat humans. Yuinne chooses to not abide by these rules and to only eat creatures that died of natural causes. Upset with the members of his clan, Yuinne runs away. He meets a girl named Mia, who lets him stay in an unoccupied cottage in her village. Yuinne enjoys his time in the town, but struggles with his hunger for flesh. Nakiri, a member of his former clan, sets out to kill Yuinne for leaving. When Yuinne is seen eating the raw meat of a recently perished bird, the villagers realize that he is a demon and turn against him. Only Mia remains on his side, but she is soon killed by Nakiri. In response, Yuinne stabs him, whereupon Nakari promises to return and leaves Yuinne to mourn his loss. Mia's spirit appears to Yuinne, consoling him and advising him to stop blaming himself. "Jion Princess" is the story of an orphan girl named Soyogi, who becomes a "yorimashi"—one that takes the pain and sickness from another—for a sick, wealthy girl named Yura. Soyogi looks almost exactly like Yura, which is why she is chosen to be Yura's yorimashi. Soyogi is treated cruely by Yura, but does not mind it as Yura is the only one to treat her like a human. Yura visits her fiancé in a monastery, leaving Soyogi behind. After her return, Yura treats Soyogi more kindly. Confused by Yura's change and not believing her to be the same person she knew, Soyogi jumps from a window. While crying over Soyogi's body, Yura reveals that she did care about her. ===== In the 18th century, a small Tatar village celebrates the Sabantuy festival. Orthodox monks accompanied by soldiers appear to forcibly baptize the population of the village. Locals resist and soldiers commit a punitive action. The wife of peasant Bulat is killed by soldiers, his son Asfan is carried off. Bulat stays alone with another son, Asma. 15 years after Bulat and Asma joined the Pugachev rebellion and Bulat became famous as a defender of paupers. But his son Asfan, who was reared among nobles, received a commission and led a punitive force directed to suppress a rebellion in his motherland. ===== The Kuroishi and Kogami families have a strange bond: for one hundred generations, the Kuroishi clan is compelled to serve the Kogami clan with their very mind, body and soul. Fourteen years ago, the entire Kogami family mysteriously disappeared. The head butler, Yoshimi, and his son Megumi reside in the Kogami house, living a life of wealth, riches, and luxury. Megumi, in particular, is happily enjoying his easy life, until one member of the family is discovered alive and well in China. Megumi is determined to refuse to serve his new mistress Suzuka when he returns, but he quickly learns that the compulsion to serve is not one he can ignore; it is a full dark and evil curse. When they first meet, he finds himself kneeling before her and warmly kissing her hand to welcome her home then proceeding to carry her into the house. Though he tries to fight it, he soon realizes that he is not able to. As the series progresses, true and deeply close friendship blossoms into strong and genuinely close romance between Suzuka and Megumi as they learn more about the curse. Suzuka is no happier with Megumi having to suffer the curse and together they try to find a way to break it so that they can live their lives together happily forever after. ===== Three kids, Carlie, Harvey, and Thomas J. (for Jefferson) go to live in a foster home with Mr. and Mrs. Mason, an infertile couple. The Masons have been foster parents for 17 kids. Carlie is the most outwardly hostile toward her situation, and quite skeptical about having trust in others. She plans to stay there until her family work out their problems. She must stay because her last stepfather gave her a concussion. Two other children arrive, Harvey, who has two broken legs; and Thomas J., who grew up living with two elderly twin sisters who found him abandoned in front of their farmhouse when he was two. The twins are now both in the hospital, Thomas J. means well but has never learned how to express himself. He gets help from Mr. Mason who had similar problems in his childhood. Harvey is very unhappy and needs others badly, although he has trouble admitting it. Eventually, he confesses that his father accidentally ran over his legs with his car while drunk, even though he originally told everyone he was a quarterback and his legs were broken playing football. Before the injury, his parents fought and his mother left to join a commune. His father denies that she ever wrote back to Harvey since she left. At first, Carlie feels neglected. She considers running away but eventually decides to take charge of her life and stop being a defenseless "pinball" bounced from home to home. When Harvey is in the hospital after his legs became infected, Carlie, and Thomas J. give him a puppy for his birthday, which he always wanted and it helps him get him through the pain. In the end, Carlie determines that the three of them are not pinballs, because, unlike pinballs, they can control where they are going and can be helpful to each other. Category:1976 American novels Category: American young adult novels Category: American novels adapted into films Category:ABC Afterschool Special episodes ===== In 1375, in the English capital of Troynovaunt (on the conquered Wersgor planet), King Roger is recruiting a military force to seek out the Holy Grail. King Roger formulates a plan that with the mustered ship, which they come to call the Bonaventura, he can take the small army to the planet where the Holy Grail is held. The small army, with all of their belongings, board the ship at the king's instruction, and prepare to take off. ===== The short begins with Thelma and ZaSu entering their shared New York apartment and complaining about all of the cheap, monotonous dates they recently have endured. In every case their boyfriends have taken them to Coney Island. The next day, while stopping along a city sidewalk, a passing car splashes them with mud and water. The young male driver stops and offers to buy them some new clothes. They accept his offer and later agree to go on a date, which yet again involves a trip, to Coney Island. The date does not go well, and they are relieved to go home. ===== Albert Courtnay (Rodney Bewes) leaves his home in the North of England to live in London. At the start of each episode, he writes home to his mother, grossly exaggerating the events that have happened to him, while the episode goes on to show exactly the opposite. For example, Albert may say in his letter that he has been promoted at work — but the episode shows him being fired. Albert finds work in a confectionery company, moves into a flat he shares with two young ladies and becomes engaged to Doreen Bissel (Liz Gebhardt). During the fourth and final series, Albert loses both his job and Doreen (now played by Cheryl Hall), but he continues his struggle to survive in London. The name of Garfield Morgan's character, A.C. Strain, was an in-joke that would have been understood only by those who lived or worked in the same part of Fulham, south-west London, as Rodney Bewes at the time the series was made and broadcast. Bewes took the name from a local newsagent in New Kings Road. ===== The film tells about the adventures of a small wooden puppet whose youngest viewers are familiar with the book where Carlo Collodi tells the adventures of Pinocchio. In fact, Burattino is a puppet in the first version of the novel. ===== Cyrus West's family is waiting eagerly for his death to get all his fortune. But Curtis, his lawyer, stipulates that his will should be read 20 years after his death. The family arrive to the mansion 20 years later expecting to receive part of the money, but the only heir is Annabelle West, as long as she proves to be mentally sane. If she is not, another person will receive the fortune, but the lawyer disappears before revealing the secret name. ===== Jerry runs with a fishing line tied to his tail, which proceeds to retreat; Jerry is pulled under the radiator, through a mousehole, and towards Tom at the end of the line. When Jerry reaches Tom, the cat makes a face and scares Jerry, causing him to run away. Tom puts a fishing hat on and starts to reel in Jerry again, but the mouse holds onto a bag of jerked beef, forcing Tom to struggle to regain control of the line. As the line returns to Tom, a piece of the bag's label is on the end, stating "JERK!". Jerry escapes through an open window and runs into an alley cat (Meathead), who is going through garbage cans trying to find lunch. Jerry quickly runs the other way, but then runs into Tom who is coming towards him. Choosing between evils, Jerry gives Meathead a kiss and hug, plays with his whiskers, and sticks his tongue out at Tom; in retaliation, Tom grabs Jerry and screams at Meathead, who grabs Jerry back and screams much louder than Tom. Knowing he is outclassed, Tom retreats. Meathead makes a Jerry sandwich, but when he adds pepper, Jerry inhales it and sneezes and is propelled away from the bread - and runs into Tom. Jerry now kisses and hugs Tom and snubs Meathead, who grabs Jerry and breaks the bread over Tom's head. Tom then grabs Meathead's whiskers and pulls one of them out; after Meathead locks Jerry in a can, he returns the injury. The two cats fight each other until Meathead, while holding Tom by the ears and fist back to punch him, spots Jerry walking out of the can. Meathead scolds Jerry and points to the can as if to say "You belong to me, get back in the can." Jerry complies grudgingly, but meanwhile Tom has replaced himself with a flower pot and stolen Jerry. Meathead chases after Tom, but runs into the front gate. In the backyard, Tom sits on Jerry to hide Jerry and shows Meathead the empty sardine can as he comes by. Jerry reveals himself by sticking Tom with a gardening fork and runs away; Meathead attempts to catch him, but Tom has tied Meathead's tail to the garden hose, who is then pulled back into the spigot and rained on. Tom then chases Jerry and catches him near an open window; a pie is sitting on the deck, and Tom holds it out for Meathead to promptly hit. Tom runs away with Jerry, but soon trips into a garbage can and loses Jerry to Meathead; as Tom emerges from the can, he wallops Meathead with a frying pan and flips Jerry in the pan a few times. The mouse escapes and wriggles through a hole in a fence, and when Tom peeks through, he is whacked with a piece of pipe. When the cat sees his opponent arrive, he waves him ahead, and Meathead receives the same punishment. Jerry runs away and disguises himself as an old mouse, using mop bristles in the shape of a grey mustache & beard (presumably similar to the Old Man of the Mountains). Both cats corner him, and that "old" Jerry points away from himself as if to say "He went that way". The two cats shrug, run away, soon realize their error and go back to search the mop. They then look in front of the drainpipe the mouse has hidden in, who ties both cats' tails together and then provokes a chase. The alley cat moves first and drags Tom across the ground, and both cats end up tangled around a tree. Jerry continues running and sets out thumbtacks for the cats to step on; at their speed, they can not avoid the tacks, but manage to survive the podiatric assault and catch Jerry. After a brief fight, a tree stump with an ax on it catches their eyes and they agree to cut Jerry in half. The alley cat holds Jerry while Tom readies the axe, and as Tom raises the axe over his head, his devilish conscience appears and convinces him that he does not have to share Jerry. He then makes an X on the alley cat's head, which Tom swings for, but stops short, panting at his inability to commit murder. The devil appears again, disgusted, using his famed reasoning to convince the cat that Tom had priorities on Jerry, successfully breaking through to Tom. (It is never explained whether an individual encountered the devil in the process.) Tom prepares to chop Meathead in half, but the axe blade slides off and instead of being beheaded, Meathead is whacked on the head and a bump forms on the top and goes through his toupee. The incensed alley cat chases Tom and beats him with the stick, Tom screaming and spitting. Meanwhile, Jerry escapes and ducks under the front gate. The cats chase the mouse instead, but crash through the gate with their heads, hands and feet on the front side and their defenseless rear ends hanging out the back. Jerry arrives with a huge smile carrying a wooden paddle, and goes behind the cats' back. He has decided that as punishment for tormenting him, that both cats deserve a good paddling, and uses their compromising position to do just that. Then he brushes off Tom's waiting butt to let him know what is about to happen. Then he takes aim with the paddle; the cats look up to see a sign on the gate saying MAKE ALL DELIVERIES IN REAR, and Jerry proceeds to hit both of them repeatedly on the bottom that affects their yells of pain. The cartoon goes to black while Jerry continues the spanking to his heart's desire, leaving Tom's fate unknown. ===== Master Sergeant Dan O'Farrell is a G.I. on an island somewhere in the South Pacific during World War II, bemoaning the loss of a ship torpedoed while ferrying to the island a desperately needed cargo of beer. Among his problems are the Navy personnel making life difficult for him and his Army buddies, an officer trying to emulate John Paul Jones, a hoped-for delivery of morale-boosting nurses turning out to be six men, the ugliest woman (Diller) ever to wilt a bouquet of flowers, and a Japanese soldier who has been hiding from everyone else and hiding something else as well. ===== A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. However, his Social Register fianceé, Laura Hudson (Myrna Loy), can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing. One thread of the story involves diabetic hypoglycemia:William Dufty, Sugar Blues (1975), page 97 Two doctors have a conflict at the bedside of a young girl who is desperately ill. The younger doctor diagnoses (correctly) that the patient is in insulin shock (needing glucose), while the senior doctor insists she is in a diabetic coma (needing insulin). The doctor with the correct diagnosis prevails and the child recovers. ===== Sidney Preston, a disgruntled White House aide, takes off with $4 million that belonged to the government. While on the run, he stops at a roadside diner in Arizona and has their world-famous chili,while flirting with the waitress. Two clumsy government spies named Fred and Bob are looking for Sidney. Sidney suffers a fatal heart attack and before dying asks for a kiss from the waitress, then he reveals to the onlookers the location of the first million dollars which he says is "In the city of the bridge".The onlookers are The Briggs Family (Stuart, Barbara, and Howie),nerdy newlyweds Rollie and Lollie, amateur singer Crush and his group of three blonde back up dancers (Faith, Hope, and Charity), brother/cook Tugger and sister/waitress Dotty. Soon, they meet professional wrestlers Bad Boris and Awful Abdul, cops Officer Gretchen and Officer Quinn, and deranged ranger Slaughter Buzzard. The onlookers are skeptical, until Rollie turns on the television which is playing the news talking about Sidney Preston and the buried money. The newsman talks about his life and says he was born in El Puente, Arizona. The onlookers of the diner head out on a mad dash to find the dough. When they find the money in El Puente's famous bridge, Slaughter drops it into the canyon on accident. They follow clues to the next million which is in Sidney's houseboat and lose it as well as it gets shredded in Sidneys table sized paper shredder. After finding and losing the third million as it falls out of the hands of a greedy aeronaut, they all give up as the movie ends. During the closing credits, Bob informs the audience that there is a million dollars somewhere in the US and if they follow the clues in specially marked Glad-Lock bags, they have the chance to win $1 million. ===== The trilogy starts with In His Image, where living human cells discovered on the Turin shroud are used to clone a child, Christopher Goodman. The book follows Goodman's story by telling the tale of Decker Hawthorne, a journalist and the main character of the series. Among the main events covered in this book are the creation of Christopher, the rapture and Christopher's progress to becoming a key figure in the United Nations. The trilogy continues with the Birth of an Age, in which a series of disasters and plagues assault the earth and its inhabitants. Towards the end of this book Christopher is killed and then resurrected. Finally in Acts of God, there is coverage of further natural disasters and the realization of Christopher's true identity and motives. This book follows through to the end of the world and life afterwards. ===== Marigold Lexton (Ali Larter), a self-centered and temperamental young American actress, arrives in India expecting to be treated like a star, despite the fact that she has been making nothing but B movie sequels for some time. She is stranded in Goa after the film she was to star in is canceled, and a sympathetic crew member offers her a ride, which brings her to the set of another movie, a Bollywood musical. She actually tells her boyfriend Barry that she was hoping she wouldn't have to marry him if this trip was successful, and soon finds herself the center of attraction on the set, where she quickly lands a minor role and a date with the spoiled young lead actor. But after she rebuffs his crude proposal that night she winds up talking with Prem (Salman Khan), the film's choreographer. He knows she lied about being able to dance, and takes her in hand while showing her the nearby towns and countryside in their spare time. As they grow closer Prem talks to her about the importance of family, and she not only learns that he is estranged from his father, but that he is also a prince. He had not seen his family in three years, but the day before he received a call from his sister, asking him to come home for her wedding. He asks Marigold to go home with him to Jodhpur, Rajasthan, for the wedding, since shooting on the movie had been shut down for a week. She is entranced by the generosity and opulence of his family leading up to the wedding but afterward is shocked to discover that he has been betrothed to another since childhood. He has fallen totally in love with Marigold but has neglected to mention the long-arranged marriage, and his father has not encouraged him to follow his heart. She feels betrayed and storms out, followed by Prem's fiance, who offers to buy her a drink. She confesses to Marigold that although she loves Prem she doesn't believe he has ever really loved her. Meanwhile, Prem, a teetotaler, heads to a bar to drown his sorrows, where he finds a drunken American who commiserates with his romantic problems. He explains he has come looking for his estranged girlfriend, called Marigold, and Prem invites him to stay the night at his parents' house. Barry accepts and then passes out. In the morning, Marigold decides to return with Barry to the United States, since Prem, the only son of Jaipur's Ruler, feels duty bound to marry the woman his father has chosen. The ceremony takes place that day, and as he follows his bride, whose face is totally hidden behind a long veil, seven times around the Holy fire, Prem believes he is marrying the woman he has been engaged to since childhood. With the marriage complete, Prem lifts his wife's veil, and he and most of the guests are astonished to find Marigold standing before him—and it appears that Barry has married Prem's former fiance as well. The movie's director and their friends from the crew appear in the crowd, cheering, then Prem sings and dances with Marigold and a full chorus, just like a happy ending in a Bollywood musical. ===== Teenager Kristian Malmquist moves to a new neighborhood and makes friends with two boys in his new school: Henrik, an independent loner, and Patrick, leader of a gang. Later on, Kristian is startled to find Patrick is having an affair with the captain of a soccer team and this leads him to explore his own feelings. ===== Cassie (Rosanna Arquette) who seeks love and escape from her mundane ordinary life meets a traveling Shakespeare troupe offering a community acting workshop. ===== Pendleton "Penny" Wise, a talented telemarketer who can sell almost anything over the phone, makes a fine living doing phone sales until the company that employs him goes bankrupt. Penny is approached by Caitlin Carlson, who is hiring telephone salesmen for Kelly Grant, a legend in telemarketing, but Penny is unsure if Grant's latest venture, selling shares in a gold mine, is legitimate. ===== Daphne (Diane Keaton), is the loving but over- bearing mother of three women. Her other daughters Maggie (Lauren Graham) and Mae (Piper Perabo) are happily married, but her youngest daughter Milly (Mandy Moore) recently broke up with her boyfriend, and Daphne is concerned. Daphne fears that her daughter cannot find a good man on her own, so she secretly places a personal ad for her daughter. She finds a potential candidate, Jason (Tom Everett Scott), and tries to orchestrate a chance meeting of the two. The plan seems flawless until Milly finds her own date, guitarist Johnny (Gabriel Macht), who happens to be a candidate Daphne rejected before. Milly is unaware of her mother's scheming and begins relationships with both Jason and Johnny at the same time, with neither aware of the other. Inevitably, this double- dating takes its toll and Milly becomes estranged from both Jason and Johnny. In Jason's case, it is because she discovers Daphne's scheming. Meanwhile, Daphne stumbles upon her own perfect match after being alone for many years and begins to challenge her search for the perfect match for Milly. Milly also realizes she has a choice to be the daughter her mother wants her to be, or to be the woman she wants herself to be. Choosing the latter, which comes with a row with her mother, leads her to reconcile with Johnny, a relationship Daphne has realized she should have tried to orchestrate in the first place. ===== The civilians of the Crayon Kingdom have always viewed their Princess Silver as a twelve-year-old girl with a beautiful smile. However, unknown to them, the princess has 12 bad habits. This has created much distress to the Chameleon Prime Minister and the Crayon ministers for it would be embarrassing if this gets out. One day, a party is held to celebrate Silver's twelfth birthday. The princess is so busy trying to find a suitable dance-partner that she forgets to hide her bad habits. The boy she thinks suitable to dance with refuses to dance and, after a short quarrel, he changes Silver's parents, the King and Queen, into stone. Along with a pig named Stonston and a chicken named Araessa, Silver learns that only the Grim Reaper is capable of casting a spell like that, and she assumes that the boy was actually him in disguise. So begins their quest to find the boy Reaper. They do not realize, that the boy and the Grim Reaper are two different people entirely. The Grim Reaper is trying to kill Silver, whose ancestor trapped him in a mirror for several thousand years. The boy is trying to save her, and her parents, whom he transformed into stone to prevent them from being killed. They finally realize this, when the boy saves them from the Grim Reaper. He says he is the Prince Cloud, and that he will help them destroy the Grim Reaper and Silver develops a crush on him. However, he constantly annoys her. They eventually find out that in order to destroy the Grim Reaper, Princess Silver must get rid of her 12 bad habits. They eventually succeed, by reassembling the broken pieces of a mirror and deciphering the hidden code. They finally realize that they have to "Tickle the Grim Reaper under the Left Arm" to destroy him and send him back into the mirror. They then cut off a lock of his hair and sprinkle it over The King and Queen, which brings them back to life. However, due to that it isn't over, Silver's maid, Punya, a cat, liberates two mischievous angels. Princess Silver and her friends set off on yet another journey to bring them back. Prince Cloud does reappear to help them, but not often. Once this has been done, Silver, Cloud, Punya, Araessa and Stonston set off on a journey around the kingdom. ===== Jim and Linda Hanson are married with two daughters, Megan and Bridgette, but their relationship is faltering. Jim is away on a business trip and Linda has just listened to a phone message from him when Sheriff Reilly knocks on the door and informs her that Jim died in a car accident the previous day. Linda's mother Joanne arrives to help the family, and Linda falls asleep on the living-room couch. The next morning she wakes up in bed and goes downstairs to find Jim drinking coffee and watching TV. While on the road, Linda is pulled over by Sheriff Reilly, who doesn't recognize her. The next day, Jim is again dead and Bridgette has scars on her face. Linda awakens next to an empty bottle of lithium pills prescribed by Dr. Norman Roth. At Jim's burial, Linda notices a strange woman mourning at a distance, who flees when Linda approaches her. Linda finds Dr. Roth's phone number in the garbage, but his voice-mail message states that the office is only open on weekdays. Roth later subdues her with two assistants and Sheriff Reilly and commits her to a mental-health facility. Roth confides in Reilly that Linda told him Jim was dead the day before the accident, suggesting the likelihood that she murdered him and scarred Bridgette's face. Linda next awakens in her bed and finds Jim in the shower. After dropping the girls off at school she goes to see Dr. Roth, who doesn't recognize her, and tells him about the premonitions she's been having. He prescribes lithium. Linda visits Jim at his office and meets the stranger from the funeral, who introduces herself as Claire Francis. Linda gradually realizes that Jim was planning to have an affair with Claire during his business trip, and she contemplates letting him die. Back at the house, despite Linda's warning, Bridgette runs through a glass door and cuts her face and hands. Linda throws Dr. Roth's number into the garbage and suddenly realizes that her days are unfolding out of order. She records Tuesday as the current day, Saturday as the funeral day, and Wednesday as Jim's death. Before Jim goes to bed she tells him, "If tomorrow is Wednesday, please, please wake me up before you leave." On Friday she visits the insurance agent, who tells her that Jim tripled his life-insurance benefits the morning of his accident. On the previous Sunday she visits Father Kennedy who tells her the story of a woman with similar experiences who was hanged for witchcraft. That night Linda pressures Jim to show her the same affection he once did. They argue, but Jim finds his feelings for her reawakening, and they make love. Linda wakes up in her bed on Wednesday and reads a note from Jim saying that he has taken the kids to school. She searches for Jim, who calls the house and leaves the message from the beginning of the film. He then calls Claire and tells her that he won't go through with their planned affair. As Linda and Jim near the site of the accident, Linda reaches him by cell phone and the two have a reconciliation. Linda tells Jim to turn the car around to avert the accident. This instead causes the accident, as Jim's car stalls in the middle of the road when performing the turn. The film's final scene is set a few months later. Bridgette's scars are less visible, and Linda is pregnant. ===== The show features Izzard and Driver as Wayne and Dahlia Malloy who, along with their family, are Irish Traveller con artists and thieves. They travel with their children Di Di (Delilah), Cael, and Sam. As the series begins, Dahlia has just been paroled from prison. During her 2-year sentence, she has developed various drug addictions. In her absence, Wayne and the children have been continuing to act as con artists across the U.S. After a brief reunion with their Traveller clan, the family flees to avoid an arranged marriage for Di Di. Wayne steals a large amount from the clan's hoard of cash, and the family runs off. After getting into an altercation and RV chase with another Traveller family, the Malloys are involved in a car accident that kills a very wealthy couple, the eponymous Riches. In the hopes of pursuing a "better life", they decide to "steal the American dream" and adopt the Riches' identities in an affluent gated community in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They struggle to adjust to their new lives as buffers, as they call people who are not Travellers. ===== The ship of Captain Tom Wilder, an American Merchant Mariner, is seized by the Chinese Communists, and he is imprisoned for two years. He is helped to escape using bribery and then given the uniform of a Soviet army officer to complete the ruse. He is transported to Chiku Shan village by a large Chinese man who will not divulge why he was broken out of prison. The village headman, Mr. Tso, explains all to the captain when he arrives: Wilder has been recruited to transport the people of Chiku Shan out of Red China to the British port of Hong Kong. In order to do this Captain Wilder must use a stolen, wood-burning, flat-bottomed, 19th Century stern-wheel riverboat. He will also need to utilize his detailed memory of the China coast to make a handmade chart and use an unreliable magnetic compass by which to navigate. Finally, he must rely upon the determination of the villagers and use their other assets in order to escape. Their plan has been underway for more than a year: The villagers have been gradually raising the bottom of their harbor channel with stones, in order to trap the local Red Chinese patrol boat once it has been lured inside. Sinking sampans loaded with rocks at the channel mouth will cause it to run aground, trapping it, while the village makes its escape. The villagers have also been quietly accumulating arms, ranging from Browning machine guns to Mosin–Nagant rifles and Nagant revolvers. They are forced to deal with the complication of the Communist Feng family, who must be brought along so they cannot inform on the rest of the villagers or be shot for allowing the escape. The villagers include the riverboat's Chief Engineer, a U.S. Navy-trained marine engineer named Tack, who helps to take over and steal the steamboat ferry. Tack and Wilder bring the stern wheeler to Chiku Shan village, where she is loaded with furnace firewood and boiler water, provisioned, and given the name of the village. Wilder is attracted to a tough and determined American named Cathy Grainger, whose father is a medical missionary in the village. Dr. Grainger was recently murdered by the Red Chinese following his failed surgery on a political commissar. To keep her from staying behind, Wilder is forced to inform Cathy of her father's death just before the villagers leave Chiku Shan. She refuses to believe him. Following their plan, the villagers lure the patrol boat into the harbor and trap it there. They flee down the coast, bluffing their way past a People's Liberation Army Navy destroyer. They disappear into a fog bank, hiding by day and sailing by night. Along the way, the Fengs first poison the food supply and then during a storm attempt to take over the steamboat, an attempt that fails. During the storm, Cathy comes to terms with her feelings for and attraction to the gruff Captain Wilder. Forced by a shortage of wood and fresh water, the Chiku Shan pulls into the Graveyard of Ships at Honghai Bay. Captain Wilder orders the wrecks stripped of wood for fuel and water siphoned from depressions and tanks for the boiler and for drinking. A heavy timber plows through the stern wheel while mooring the steamboat, snapping one of its paddle blades. This forces Wilder to stay in the Graveyard longer than he had planned in order to repair it. At the same time, Cathy goes ashore and returns after learning that Wilder had told her the truth about her father's death. The Fengs are put off, only to be taken back aboard when the pursuing Red Chinese destroyer shells the Graveyard and sends its powered boats in search of the ferry. The Chiku Shan makes a run into a marshy estuary and disappears. Because smoke would give away their position, the villagers both pole and tow the riverboat through miles of marshlands until they reach the open sea beyond the destroyer's search area. Tack fires up the boiler, and the steamboat proceeds to Hong Kong with her 170-plus refugees. Her triumphant arrival there is greeted by the repeated sounding of steam whistles and ship's sirens from every vessel in the harbor. ===== Apart from the prologue and epilogue, the story is a first-person narrative told by Rachel Stein, a young Jewish woman. The novel is set at the end of World War II in the Netherlands. In September 1944, Rachel is 26 years old, and the Stein family is in hiding from the Nazi authorities. Rachel is living with a Christian family in the Biesbosch, an area of rivers and creeks, separated from the rest of her family. Here she is not allowed outside, but one day she goes sunbathing near the water. Here she meets Rob, a man about her own age, who was on the water sailing. As they enjoy themselves on his boat, a crippled British bomber flies over while dropping its payload so it can climb to escape a pursuing fighter, and one of its bombs hits Rachel's hideout. While she is staying with Rob, they are approached by a Dutch policeman named Van Gein, who offers to help them flee to liberated Belgium. She needs money for her escape, so she visits a lawyer named Smaal in The Hague. During the escape, she is reunited with her parents and brother; but their escape boat—with Rachel, Rob, the rest of the Stein family, and other Jews on board—is ambushed. Rachel hides in the water and gets a good view of the SS officer who was responsible. Everyone except Rachel is killed. Rachel is smuggled into The Hague disguised as a corpse in a coffin. There, she joins a resistance group led by Gerben Kuipers. She dyes her hair blond and takes the alias Ellis de Vries. While she and the resistance group are trying to smuggle medicine and weapons, they are intercepted by German security forces. All the Germans are killed by resistance group member Hans Akkermanns. Rachel and Hans travel by train with the contraband. In the train Rachel meets a Sicherheitsdienst (SD) officer, Ludwig Müntze, who helps her with her suitcases. Tim, Kuipers' son, and several other members of the resistance group, are later captured by the Germans when their weapons supply truck covered with vegetables crashes. The weapons are exposed when the vegetables are scattered everywhere. The rest of the group plans to have Rachel make contact with Müntze and enlist him in helping them get the prisoners released. Rachel goes to the SD headquarters to meet Müntze, bringing him Netherlands East Indies stamps for his collection. (He has been collecting stamps for every country he's been stationed in, including Poland.) He invites her to a party. At the party she spots the officer responsible for killing her parents, Günther Franken. He is playing the piano. Rachel feels sick and runs out of the room to throw up in a bathroom. After the party, she sleeps with Müntze, and he tells her how he lost his wife and children in an air raid on Hamburg. Rachel and Müntze fall in love. Rachel is offered a job at the SD and bugs the office with a British device. Franken wants to execute the captured resistance group members, but Müntze refuses to sign the order. Using the hidden mike, Rachel and the other resistance group members learn that Van Gein has been collaborating with the Germans - trapping escaping Jews, murdering them and keeping their money. The resistance decides against saving the Jews from Van Gein, weighing the lives of Jews against imprisoned Dutchmen. Others in the group decide to kidnap the traitor, but their plan fails because the chloroform they use expired in 1941. Van Gein overpowers his kidnappers, who are forced to kill him. "Ellis" returns to Muntze, but finds the German convinced that she is Jewish and a mole for the resistance. Rachel tells Muntze that he is correct but also how she lost her family. He does not arrest her. With Rachel's information, Müntze accuses Franken of hoarding loot stolen from murdered Jews, inviting General Kauntner to open Franken's safe. While Nazi law allows for the killing Jews, failing to turn over their property is a capital offense. Nevertheless, Franken is cleared when a search of his office safe fails to turn up the stolen loot. Realizing the danger Muntze poses, Franken has him arrested, telling Kauntner of Muntze's negotiating with the resistance, a charge Muntze wearily concedes. Angrily, Kauntner orders Muntze's execution. Later, a party is held at the SD office to celebrate Hitler's birthday. Rachel persuades the resistance group to free Müntze during an operation to rescue Tim and the other imprisoned members. During the party, Rachel helps the rescue group get into the building, but the mission proves a trap, as heavily armed German soldiers overpower the would-be rescuers, and virtually annihilate them. Franken, apparently tipped off to the resistance operations, has Rachel brought to his office. Knowing of the hidden microphone, he "congratulates" Rachel for her efforts, knowing that the resistance will overhear the conversation and conclude that Rachel betrayed them to the Germans. During the early morning hours, Müntze's driver rescues Rachel and Müntze, and they flee to Rob's sailboat. Rachel and Müntze talk about the war, about who could have informed on them to Franken, and what they would do after the war. On May 5, 1945, they hear Dutch nationalist songs on the radio and learn that the Netherlands has been liberated. Franken escapes Holland by sea, taking his loot with him, but his boat is sabotaged and he is murdered by Hans Akkermans. During the chaos following liberation, suspected traitors and collaborators are arrested and publicly paraded in disgrace. Rachel and Müntze suspect Smaal as the informant and visit. While they are at his house, Smaal and his wife deny the charges but are murdered. Rachel snatches a little black book of his notes from Smaal's body. Müntze chases Smaal's murderer into the liberation parades but is recognized by the Resistance and captured. Seen by the Resistance in Smaal's house, Rachel is captured as well. Imprisoned, Rachel endures horrific abuse before being liberated by Hans and a Canadian officer. Muntze proves less lucky. Returned to his old office, now being used by Canadian troops, Muntze finds the Canadian officers working with Kauntner. Far from defeated, Kauntner appears to retain significant power through the Canadians. Producing Muntze's death warrant, Kauntner persuades the Canadian officers to allow him to have Muntze executed, citing British Military law requiring a defeated enemy be permitted to discipline its own troops. Muntze is almost immediately executed by firing squad. Lauding Hans as a resistance hero, and lured by chocolate he's received from allied officers, a crowd of jubilant Dutch follows his jeep as he takes Rachel to his home. There he shows her the recovered loot, a fortune in gold, jewels and cash. Learning of Muntze's death, Rachel collapses in grief. Hans gives her something to calm her down. Too late, Rachel realizes that Akkermans has injected her with insulin, leaving her to die as he greets a joyful crowd below. Slipping into unconsciousness, Rachel grabs some of Hans's chocolate bars to prevent insulin shock. While Hans is being cheered by a joyous crowd on his balcony, Rachel appears from behind him and jumps off the balcony into the crowd. Escaping, she reaches Canadian officers who bring her to Kuipers. Using the Black Book, Rachel and a Canadian officer successfully convince a grieving Kuipers of her innocence and Akkermans's guilt. The black book - with Smaal's notes - proves all too convincing, documenting wealthy Jews seeking to escape from the Germans. Hans himself had been arrested by the Gestapo, released officially due to lack of evidence, but in fact because he had made a deal with Franken. Kuipers and Rachel figure out that Hans is trying to get away in a coffin, taking with him the riches stolen from murdered Jews. They track him down and seal the coffin suffocating him. As they wait for Hans to die, Kuipers and Rachel calmly debate what to do with Hans's stolen treasure. In the epilogue Rachel is living on a kibbutz in Israel, which was funded with the money, jewels, and other articles stolen from the Jews, where she works as a school teacher. Suddenly, shooting and the sound of jet aircraft is heard in the background - the Suez Crisis has begun.Plot summary based on a book report by teacher Kees van der Pol. ===== Bill is upset when he discovers that Tim and Graeme have become overobsessive hunters. Tim and Graeme belong to the Endangered Species Club. They are especially interested in hunting endangered species and non-endangered species like farm animals, urban animals, local animals and domestic animals because the small numbers make them hard to find. On the other hand, Tim and Graeme consider that common species animals and birds are too abundant and therefore far too easy to hunt. Later, Graeme finds a dodo (the last one in existence) in a pet shop, and brings it home to Bill, who then has to keep the bird safe from the other two. Tim asks Graeme about the price of the dodo: "Was it going cheap?" "No," said Graeme, "it was going ERRRRKKKK!!!" When Bill teaches the dodo how to fly (for the dodo's own protection), the method of flight is rather unusual for a bird. ===== On 27 April 1918, Virginia Hamilton, a navy widow, arrives in London by train and Hazel takes her to 165, Eaton Place after finding her in her canteen. She tells Hazel and Richard how her elder son, Michael, has been arrested in Dover for cowardice. On 23 April, he was in charge of a coastal motorboat off Ostend after his commanding officer had been killed and has been accused of failing to encourage his inferior officers to fight. Sir Geoffrey Dillon suggested to represent him and Michael tells Sir Geoffrey how he just couldn't move at the time. He tells Michael not to admit his feeling to guilt to the hearing, which will be held in Dover. At the hearing, Sir Geoffrey sums up by saying that when Michael originally spoke to his superior after the attack, he blamed himself so the Chief Petty Officer could get the recognition he deserved. While the Court finds Michael guilty, Michael is only reprimanded due to the circumstances of the incident. However days later, Michael is killed in action in Ostend having acted bravely. Richard feels guilty as he has pulled strings, at Michael's request, to give a chance to prove himself, but Virginia reassures him her late husband would have done the same. Richard is equally impressed by her bravery Meanwhile, James is feeling depressed and neglected and Rose is on holiday at Southwold. Edward goes AWOL the day before he is due to go back to France. The Royal Military Police arrive at 165, and after Hudson tells Daisy that the punishment for going AWOL is the firing squad, she tells them that Edward is hiding in his father's bombed out house in Walthamstow. He is then sent to France. ===== This book re-imagines the life of Jesus Christ, using the events depicted in the canonical gospels as a scaffold on which to construct its story. It does not follow the chronology of the life of Jesus Christ found in the New Testament. It places far greater emphasis on the earlier part of Jesus's life than the canonical gospels do. ===== London, 1886. Dorian Gray is a handsome and wealthy young man. While generally intelligent, he is naive and easily manipulated. These faults lead to his spiral into sin and ultimate misery. While posing for a painting by his friend Basil Hallward, Gray meets Hallward's friend Lord Henry Wotton. The cynical but witty Wotton persuades Gray the only worthwhile life is dedicated to pleasure, because "what the gods give they quickly take away." After Wotton convinces Gray that youth and beauty will bring him everything he desires, Dorian wishes his portrait could age instead of him. He makes the wish in the presence of an Egyptian cat statue with supposed mystical powers. thumb Dorian visits a tavern, where he falls in love with a beautiful singer named Sibyl Vane. They begin a romance, despite disapproval from Sibyl's brother James, and they are soon engaged. Though initially contented, Dorian is again persuaded by Lord Henry to pursue a more hedonistic lifestyle. Dorian sends Sibyl a hurtful letter, ending their relationship and "compensating" her with a large payment in cash. The next morning, Dorian finds his own face unchanged but the portrait has changed and "the lines of cruelty about the mouth were unmistakable." He starts to realize his wish to the cat may be real. Lord Henry arrives with news that a heartbroken Sibyl killed herself the previous night, after receiving Dorian's letter. Dorian is at first shocked and guilty but soon adopts Lord Henry's indifferent manner. He surprises Hallward by going to the opera that evening. Dorian has the portrait locked away in his old school room and disguises its location by firing servants who moved the painting. He becomes ever more dedicated to a sinful and heartless life. thumb thumb Years later, Dorian is forty but looks twenty-two, unchanged from when Hallward painted the portrait. London society is awestruck at his unchanging appearance. Over eighteen years of debauchery, the portrait has remained locked away, with Dorian holding the only key. Dorian has become paranoid no others see the portrait and he repeatedly fires servants who are too inquisitive. Over the years, the portrait of the young, handsome, Dorian has warped into a hideous, demon-like creature reflecting Dorian's sins. Artist Hallward eventually sees his painting; shocked at its disfigurement, scarred "as if some moral leprosy was eating him away", Hallward encourages Dorian to reform his life. However, Dorian panics, murders his friend and seals his body in the school room next to the portrait. Dorian blackmails an old doctor friend, Allen Campbell, to dispose of Hallward's body. He then starts a romance with Hallward's niece, Gladys, who was a child when the portrait was painted. Though Gladys had always loved Dorian, and is overjoyed when he proposes marriage, those close to Dorian find him suspicious and changed. Campbell, distraught at his role in destroying Hallward's corpse, commits suicide. Dorian begins to realise the harm he inflicts on himself and others. He is accosted by James Vane, Sibyl's brother, who has sworn revenge for his sister's death. Dorian, abusing his ever youthful appearance, deceives James by claiming his appearance is too youthful versus the man from eighteen years before. However, James soon learns the truth, following Dorian to his country estate to achieve his revenge. The unfortunate James, hiding in bushes, is shot by accident during a hunting party. Dorian despairs at his impact on others, knowing his role in yet another death and realises he can spare Gladys from misfortune by leaving her. After sending Gladys a letter breaking their engagement, Dorian confronts his portrait and sees a subtle improvement. Attributing the change to his determination not to harm Gladys he resolves to change his life. However, he also resolves to destroy the portrait. He stabs the portrait in the heart, seeking to end the spell, but cries out as if he too has also been stabbed. His friends, realising what has happened, burst into the schoolroom to discover Dorian dead next to the portrait, his body "withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage", now reflecting his sins in physical form. The portrait, by contrast, once more shows Dorian Gray as a young, innocent man. ===== Lugosi plays a psychology professor by day who, secretly and under an assumed name, runs a Bowery soup kitchen by night called the Bowery Friendly Mission. Lugosi's character uses his soup kitchen as a means to recruit members of a criminal gang, of which he is also secretly the head. Throughout the film, one of Lugosi's henchmen, a doctor who seems to be an alcoholic drug addict, alludes to having plans for the corpses of henchmen Lugosi has had killed. Then, at the end of the film, these corpses are revealed to have been restored to life by the doctor. Lugosi's character meets his demise when the doctor leads the unwitting Lugosi into a basement room where the reanimated corpses attack him. Towards the end of the film, the male lead, played by John Archer, appears to be killed and mysteriously reanimated, in which state his girlfriend sees him. Then, in the film's final scene, he appears restored to his former health, and not like a zombie at all, and is about to (or already has) marry his girlfriend. In one scene, with two policemen talking outside a cinema, a movie poster outside the cinema entrance behind them advertises Bela Lugosi in The Corpse Vanishes, another Lugosi horror film also released in 1942. =====