From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== As described in a film magazine, a modern man and woman quarrel and, in reaction to his wife, the husband recalls all the women in history who have failed their husbands or lovers. Being in an unpleasant state, he recalls Adam in the garden with a very vain Eve who disports herself in a Broadway fashion and causes the downfall of caveman-like Adam. Then he dwells on the hideous betrayal of Claudius by an unfaithful Messilna. Next he recalls the useless ruination of Abelard by the charming Heloise. Following this episode he remembers Cyrene and the fisherman, where the wife basely deserted her husband and children to swim once more in her seal skin that had been hidden from her for many years. A particularly disagreeable episode in which a young woman during the American Civil War sacrifices a wounded soldier for a bauble. After this the modern woman returns and pins up a Red Cross poster, and the modern man sees the many women of today as more or less uninspiring. An epilogue noted how World War I made men realize the true value of women, and that women are working towards victory through good works in the Red Cross and other jobs. ===== Gaston finally succeeds as a dramatist and decides to leave his wife and child for another woman. When the child dies, the finger is pointed at him, and he winds up as a destitute before all is revealed. ===== Alien Dawn follows the adventures of 16-year-old Cameron Turner as he races to uncover clues of a mysterious conspiracy hidden in the animated pages of a comic book series created by his missing father. ===== Alien invaders manipulate humans for millennia in order to create the “post-ecological-catastrophe environment”Zelazny 1989, p. 18 that is their natural habitat. Because of pollution the self-destruction of the human race is imminent. Dennis Guise is a 13-year-old boy who is the most powerful telepath in the world. However, due to the sheer volume of thoughts that he inadvertently receives from others, he is catatonic. He sometimes takes on whole personalities, often famous people, living or dead. Through therapy he eliminates these people from his mind and learns to block the experiential input of others. He is then able to be his own person. He decides to help a mysterious figure called “the dark man” convince the aliens to leave Earth, and they are successful. ===== − After the events of Legend, June Iparis and Daniel "Day" Altan Wing arrive at Las Vegas in search for the Patriots. Through Kaede, they meet with Tess and Andrew "Razor" DeSoto, a Republic Commander doubling as the leader of the Patriots. Razor offers Day a prosthetic leg and protection in exchange for assassinating the new Elector Primo, Anden Stavropoulos, who has recently succeeded his deceased father. To execute the task, June will need an audience with Anden at Denver to falsify the time and place of the assassination and convince him to seek "protection" at the actual place of assassination. − l soldiers pursue them; heading across the war zone straight towards Denver in a jet, though Kaede is killed in the process. Day successfully reaches the City Hall and pledges his support for Anden. Thanks to this, Anden gains the trust of the masses and manages to command the Army to capture Razor, the traitorous Senators, and most of their supporters. − − While he is reunited with the now- blind Eden, Day is diagnosed with a terminal illness due to the Republic's experimentation on him five years prior. Meanwhile, June is offered by Anden a training program for the position of Senator Princeps–the head of the Senate. She meets with Day after his release from the hospital, only to find out that Day, not wanting his illness to hinder June's future, plans to distance himself from her. He quickly leaves the apartment, but not before giving the agonized June a parting kiss. ===== A segment from the Unsolved Mysteries TV series inspired this story, in which Mark Schall kills his mother-in-law and wounds his father-in-law in the middle of the night, then turns himself in. He claims, however, that he cannot remember the crime itself. His defense team finds evidence that suggests the crimes were committed while Mark was sleep walking. They build their defense around this theory. ===== ===== Five characters from Verne's books who appear in the play: T. Artelett (renamed Tartelet), Doctor Ox, Lidenbrock, Nemo, and Ardan. The sixth, Hatteras, is mentioned as the protagonist's father. About twenty years before the play begins, the Arctic explorer Captain John Hatteras became the first man to reach the North Pole, but went mad in the attempt (as described in Verne's novel The Adventures of Captain Hatteras). Upon his return to England, where he spent the rest of his life in a mental hospital, his young son Georges was confided to the care of the aristocrat Madame de Traventhal, of Castle Andernak in Denmark. At the start of the play, Georges is living with Madame de Traventhal and her granddaughter Eva, to whom he is engaged. He has never learned the identity of his father, but he dreams obsessively of travel and adventure, and wishes to follow in the footsteps of great explorers: Otto Lidenbrock (from Journey to the Center of the Earth), Captain Nemo (from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea), Michel Ardan (from From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon), and especially Captain Hatteras. Madame de Traventhal, in the hope of curing him of his obsession, sends for a physician newly arrived in the country, a certain Doctor Ox (from the short story "Dr. Ox's Experiment"). Ox enters and is welcomed into the castle, although he does not seem to get along well with Master Volsius, a local church organist and friend of the de Traventhals. Doctor Ox, catching him alone, reveals Georges's true parentage, and persuades him to drink a magic potion that allows him to go beyond the limits of the probable and journey through the impossible. Eva, realizing what has happened, takes the potion and drinks some as well, so as not to desert Georges. A family friend, the dancing master Tartelet (from The School for Robinsons), is seduced by the opportunity to travel and drinks his own share of the potion before anyone can stop him. Ox sets off with all three travelers, while Volsius makes secret plans to come along and protect Georges from Ox's influence. Along the way, another Dane, Axel Valdemar, also gets mixed up into the journey and becomes a friend of Tartelet. During the voyages, Volsius reappears in the guise of Georges's heroes: Otto Lidenbrock at the center of the Earth, Captain Nemo on a journey on the Nautilus to Atlantis, and Michel Ardan on a cannon-propelled trip to a distant planet, Altor. Ox and Volsius are in constant conflict throughout, with the former urging Georges toward hubris and the latter seeking to protect Georges from the influence. Ox appears to have won at the climax of the play, when Georges—attempting to work for the benefit of Altor, where overconsumption has deprived the planet of soil and other natural resources—leads a massive technological project to save the planet from burning by redirecting its water channels. The project backfires, and the planet explodes. Through the magical intervention of Ox and Volsius, the travelers are brought back to Castle Andernak, where Georges is on the brink of death. Volsius persuades Ox to work together with him, resolving the tension between them by revealing that the world needs both symbolic figures—scientific knowledge and spiritual compassion—to work in harmony. Together, they bring Georges back to life and health. He renounces his obsessions and promises to live happily ever after with Eva. ===== A widower (Sam Jones) and his girlfriend (Catherine Bach) stop tow-truck drivers of the future who boost business with accidents. ===== Railroad sleuth Tom Logan (Bob Steele) is on a mission to stop the unlawfulness of his criminal brother, Duke Logan (Milburn Stone). Duke's gang have stolen a train filled with gold and have taken the passengers hostage as well. Amongst the many passengers is nightclub entertainer Kay Stevens (Claire Carlton) who is looking to be rescued. ===== Bill Martin, graduate of Princeton University, is the proud owner of a small boulder of an island off the coast of Florida called "Morgan's Island." It is a deserted useless rock to Bill, but by pure chance he stumbles across a treasure map pointing to his island. The map is presented to him by a peg- legged old sailor, Tobias Clump, after Bill and his friend "Stuff" Oliver saves the man from drowning. Clump was pushed into the water by a "phantom," who got away with part of the treasure map. Clump tells them that the map shows the way to infamous buccaneer Sir Henry Morgan's twenty million dollar treasure. Soon after this, Bill's cousin George offers to buy the whole island for the amount of $20,000, but Bill isn't willing to sell. Instead he brings the map to a reputed cartographer who claims that the map is fake--it's a very well-made forgery. Letting go of the thought of the legendary treasure, Bill instead thinks of making some money by starting a "treasure hunt" cruise to his island, for fifty dollars apiece. He involves Stuff in the plans and together they start out for the island to plant a fake treasure for the tourists to find. On their way they are involved in a traffic accident, and by "accident" meet the posh Wendy Creighton and her boy toy, Thurman Coldwater. Since Bill is a little short of money he persuades Wendy to take his treasure cruise. When the ship is ready to leave on the cruise, Bill, Stuff, Wendy and Thurman are accompanied by cousin George, a man named Jasper, a small-time gangster by the name of Rod Grady, his wife Arleen and a private investigator, McGoon, who has tried to find evidence that the cruise is a fake and uses false advertising. Before the ship even leaves the harbor a bomb is secretly delivered. However, someone accidentally drops the bomb over board just before it explodes. The ship sails and is soon lost at sea, until Bill discovers that a magnet has been placed on the compass to deliberately put them off track. It becomes obvious that someone is trying to sabotage the trip to the island. Once the ship is on the right course again it takes only six hours to cover the distance to Morgan's Island. It doesn't take long before bad things start to happen to the group. In the old abandoned castle a cross-bow almost kills Clump and a suit of armor nearly crushes Wendy. Bill mistakes the accidents for Stuff's planned surprises, part of the "haunting" experience included in the treasure hunt. The phantom that stole part of the treasure map from Clump reappears and warns Wendy and tells her that she will die if she stays on. She doesn't take this seriously, but the phantom appears once more, this time in her bedroom at night, and warns her again. Everyone believes that someone is pretending to be the ghost in an effort to scare them all off. Bill starts looking for the joker, and encounters Jasper as he is sleepwalking in the castle corridors at night. Tobias goes missing and when Rod and Arleen try to escape the castle and leave the island they discover that the boat is gone. A man in a cape kills Rod in front of Arleen, but when she gets back to the rest of the group the private investigator McGoon suspects her of being the killer. Bill suspects Tobias, who is still missing, and a "footprint" from a peg-leg is found near Rod's body. It turns out there is big reward set for the dead gangster, "dead or alive". Tobias reunites with the group and tells of a key he has found. It is supposed to unlock a torture chamber in the castle, where Sir Henry Morgan's treasure is hidden. The group enters the chamber but finds only a single gold coin. As they return to the castle's main hall there is a note on the table saying "nine left". The cross-bow fires again, but misses Clump by an inch, killing the phantom instead. It turns out the phantom was no other than an old shipmate of Clump's. On the phantom's body they find the rest of the treasure map and a fake peg-leg. Bill, Stuff and Clump go to find the treasure, leaving George and Wendy to themselves in the castle. They find a new note saying "eight left" and when George tries to find the anonymous killer, Wendy is abducted by an unknown person. When the rest of the group is back at the castle they find George murdered inside one of the armor suits. Bill realizes that Jasper must be the killer, but when Bill confronts him with Rod's gun in his hand, it turns out the gun is unloaded and Jasper gets the advantage. Bill, Stuff and Wendy escape, but only to find themselves trapped in a secret passage inside the castle walls. As they get rescued by Clump, it turns out the passage leads directly to Sir Henry Morgan's treasure. Jasper follows and finds them, forcing them on to the treasure chamber. As they open the final passage door an axe falls down to kill Jasper. The rest of the group enter the treasure chamber and opens the chest, only to find the skeleton of Sir Henry Morgan himself. Disappointed the group members make their way back to the surface, where they meet a government agent, who offers to buy the whole island from Bill in order to build a naval base. After all the mysteries are solved, Bill and Wendy become a pair, making Bill worth $7,000,000. ===== After years of absence, Johnny Shattuck (Ben Cooper) returns home, only to find a gang after his father's ranch and his girlfriend (Anna Maria Alberghetti). ===== The story begins with a lone pedlar walking along a road carrying his pack on his back. The pedlar meets a donkey and asks him if he might carry the heavy pack for two gold pieces. The pedlar lies and says he has the gold pieces and the pedlar and donkey carry on down the dusty road. Further up the road the two travellers meet a raven; the donkey asks him to chase away the flies swarming around him. The donkey deceives the raven by telling him that he can pay three gold pieces for the job; the raven concurs with the price and the three continue their journey. In time they meet a hedge-sparrow; the raven tells the hedge-sparrow that if he fetches the hungry raven worms, in return the raven will pay him four pieces of gold. However, the raven is lying as he does not have the money. The hedge- sparrow agrees to the contingencies and all four make their way down the road; the donkey with the pedlar’s pack, the raven sitting on the donkey’s back to shoo away the flies, and the hedge-sparrow, supplying the raven with worms. Finally, the four travellers see a town in the distance, and the pedlar begins to prepare his goods for potential customers. The hedge-sparrow finds a scarlet blanket in the pedlar’s wares that he wishes to purchase. The blanket costs five gold pieces; the hedge-sparrow haggles the price of the blanket down to four gold pieces: The four gold pieces the raven owes him. Soon the travellers all attempt to collect the money that they are owed, so that each of them can pay back their debts. They begin to quarrel as the human, the donkey, and the birds realize the money each of them owe does not exist and therefore will not be paid back. Eventually the beadle from the nearby town hears the ruckus and decides to take the four travellers before the mayor of the town for judgement. The mayor condemns the pedlar to imprisonment, the donkey to be thrashed, and the tail-feathers of the raven and hedge-sparrow be pulled out. As each of the four travellers receive their punishments they vow to never trust, or be deceived, by each other again. ===== Billy the Kid tries to live in peace under a new name in a frontier town, but he is soon approached by a preacher who asks for his help in freeing the town from the ruthless Colonel Morgan and his gunman Jack Slade. ===== Rancher Tug Wilson (Alfred Hewston) discovers his mate's diabolical scheme, only to be killed instantly. The criminal rancher, Buck Rankin (Al Ferguson), is guilty of killing the Bledsoes' cattle. Buck blames Tug's death on Jim (Bob Steele), the son of Tom Bledsoe (Lafe McKee). Seeking revenge, Tug's daughter Ruth (Louise Lorraine) joins a movement led by Buck to kill Jim. Jim narrowly escapes his first capture attempt but knows he will not make it far. Luckily for him, a sheep herder has witnessed Buck killing Tug and the cattle. With the truth out, Sheriff Hank Bosley (Hank Bell), who was initially on Buck's side, promptly arrests the guilty rancher. ===== The story of a family of West End gangsters of Irish descent in 1960s post-war London, and the secret love affair between Maura, who rises to become one of the leading gangsters of her day, and Terry Patterson, a policeman. The story opens in May 1950, with the birth of Maura Ryan. The plot covers the exploits of the Ryan family up to the mid-1980s, culminating in the death of Michael Ryan and the arrest of Maura. The saga spans 30 years and contains all the elements of a typical mobster family: Protection rackets, sleazy Soho nightclubs, gold bullion heists, violent criminals and bloody and brutal exterminations. ===== Tom Kirk, the "Navajo Kid", (Bob Steele) is determined to find his adoptive father's (George Morrel) murderer. When he finds Honest John Grogan (I. Stanford Jolly) with his father's ring, he immediately arrests him. While Honest John was indeed part of the gang which killed Joe Kirk, the gang-leader was Matt Crandall (Stanley Blystone). As Tom begins hunting for Matt, he soon discovers who his true biological father is. ===== South Carolina Congressman Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), the Democratic Majority Whip, leaves his Washington, D.C. residence after hearing his neighbors’ dog get hit by a car. As he comforts the mortally wounded dog, he addresses the audience before calmly strangling it, introducing his cold and pragmatic nature. Frank and his wife, Claire (Robin Wright), go on to attend a New Year's Eve party in honor of the new President- elect, Garrett Walker (Michel Gill). Frank confesses to the viewer that he does not like Walker, but ingratiated himself to him in the hopes of being nominated as Walker's Secretary of State. Frank meets with Walker's Chief of Staff, Linda Vasquez (Sakina Jaffrey), and is initially incensed to learn that she and Walker have decided to go back on their promise of nominating Frank so that he can aid the President-elect's education agenda in Congress. Despite his assurances to Linda that he will remain Walker's ally, Frank feels personally betrayed and, with help from Claire and Chief of Staff Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly), formulates a plot for revenge. Meanwhile, Claire is forced to downsize her non-profit organization, the Clean Water Initiative, which had been promised a large donation upon her husband's confirmation, without which the organization is forced to substantially curtail its budget. On a whim, Washington Herald reporter Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara) pays a late-night visit to Frank at his home. She offers to be Frank's undercover mouthpiece in the press in exchange for the elevated profile that she would gain from breaking substantive stories. Meanwhile, Peter Russo (Corey Stoll), a young, inexperienced congressman from Philadelphia, is arrested for drunk driving with a prostitute (Rachel Brosnahan). Stamper finds out about the arrest and immediately contacts the D.C. police commissioner, offering Underwood's support for his mayoral campaign in exchange for releasing Russo. Russo is picked up from jail by his secretary and romantic partner, Christina Gallagher (Kristen Connolly), and falsely tells her that he was alone when he was arrested. Frank meets with Donald Blythe (Reed Birney), a progressive congressman with whom the Walker administration wants to work on an education bill. Frank dismisses his proposal as too ambitious and asks him to rewrite it, but secretly passes a copy to Zoe. He then meets with Senator Catherine Durant (Jayne Atkinson) and suggests that she ought to consider seeking the nomination for Secretary of State. He also privately confronts Russo about his arrest and past behavior, and demands his loyalty in exchange for making the incident disappear. Zoe takes the draft of Blythe's bill to the Herald’s political editor, Lucas Goodwin (Sebastian Arcelus), and its chief editor, Tom Hammerschmidt (Boris McGiver), who gives her the lead on the story over chief political correspondent Janine Skorsky (Constance Zimmer). The episode ends the morning after Walker's inauguration, with Frank visiting his favorite restaurant, Freddy's BBQ Joint, for breakfast. On the front page of the Herald is Zoe's story about Blythe's "far left" education plan. ===== The novel is in the form of a production diary for Shine On, Harvest Moon, the fictional musical being created about the life of vaudevillian Nora Bayes. The diary is kept by Production Secretary Midge Maghakian, a young woman who leaves her secure publishing job to join the staff. She finds herself caught up in the various power struggles to control the musical. With the production in trouble, producer Art Clune turns to Gene Bowman, the Chicago-based author of the Bayes biography upon which the musical is based. His rewrites lead to continued improvement of the show but the struggle for control continues, culminating in director Larry Gabel's being forced out, replaced by Production Supervisor Clay Botsford. As this is happening, Midge and Gene enter into a physical relationship and Midge finds herself falling in love with the older Gene. The show founders through out-of-town tryouts in Boston and Philadelphia along with a surprise run in Washington, D.C. as the major players continue to jockey for position and power. In a last-ditch effort to save the show, Midge, Gene and others in the production staff conspire with Larry to bring his vision back to it. After attending previews in outlandish disguises and donning drag as Clay's secretary, Larry rejoins the show openly as director just before opening night. On the day of the Broadway opening, Midge quits the production and flies to Chicago. The show gets rave reviews and Midge calls Gene to tell him she has moved to be with him. ===== Hereward is, in Kingsley's novel, the son of Leofric, Earl of Mercia, and Lady Godiva. He is introduced as an eighteen-year-old "bully and the ruffian of the fens" who is outlawed by Edward the Confessor at the request of his father. He sets off to see the world, considering such options as the Vikings of the northern seas, the Irish Danes or service with the Varangian Guard in Constantinople. He is accompanied by Martin Lightfoot, a devoted but eccentric servant. At an early stage in his journey Hereward defeats a caged polar bear in single combat in the north of England. He brawls his way through Cornwall and eventually arrives at the court of Baldwin of Flanders. Once there, he demonstrates his prowess against Baldwin's knights, and wins the love of Torfrida whom he marries. Three years after the Norman Conquest, Hereward returns to England and encounters the brutality of the new regime. Hereward takes revenge on the Normans who killed his brother. At a drunken feast he kills fifteen of them, with the assistance of Martin Lightfoot. Hereward then musters a force of English rebels and takes up camp at Ely in the Fens. William of Normandy leads a host of mercenaries against Ely but they are repulsed with heavy losses when the English set fire to the surrounding reeds. In spite of this victory Hereward's resistance is worn down by the Norman invaders and the intrigues of the Countess Alftruda who separates the hero from Torfrida. Hereward eventually swears loyalty to William, acknowledging that the Norman is indeed king of all England. Married to Alftruda, Lord of Bourne and in favor with the king, Hereward is still hated by the "French" (Norman) nobles, most of whom have lost kinsmen fighting against him, Finally Hereward's prime enemy, Ivo Taillebois, surprises him in his ancestral home, where fighting almost alone he is killed after a brutal struggle.John Sutherland, (1990), The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction, page 293. Stanford University Press. ===== "On Broadway" picks up three weeks after the events of the first-season finale. The cast and crew of the musical Bombshell return to New York City following out-of-town tryouts in Boston, to mixed critical reviews. Bombshell is shut down by the government because producer Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston) has used some dirty money to finance it. Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) reprises "Let Me Be Your Star" during a rehearsal for a party for Bombshell to get potential investors. She also sings "Cut, Print...Moving On" as Marilyn Monroe during Bombshell's last night in Boston. Karen also duets with Broadway star Veronica Moore (Jennifer Hudson) on "On Broadway" at the party for Bombshell. Veronica is shown during her Beautiful musical that she's in singing "Mama Makes Three" with the show's ensemble. Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty), who has been dropped from Bombshell, goes to an audition and sings "Don't Dream It's Over" over a montage of the various characters. Karen moves in with her new roommate and old friend Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez). At the end of the episode, Karen overhears Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan) singing "Broadway, Here I Come!", part of a musical that's being written by Jimmy and his friend Kyle Bishop (Andy Mientus). She dials Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) and has him listen to the song because they are looking for something to do while Bombshell is shut down. ===== The story is the complete Ramayana from the birth of Lord Rama to his Pattabhisheka after completing his exile. Watch the Movie at ===== In "The Fallout" the creative team behind the fictional musical Bombshell attempt to repair their reputations and mount the show following legal allegations about the source of financing for the show by Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston) and sexual harassment charges leveled at director Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) by several women. Bombshell star Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) encounters resistance when she tries to aid new composing team Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan) and Kyle Bishop (Andy Mientus) working on their first musical. A drunk Derek imagines that Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty), Karen and several other women are giving him the business with "Would I Lie To You?". Ivy sings "They Just Keep Moving the Line" from Bombshell during an industry party that the Bombshell crew has crashed to entice new investors. Karen sings "Caught in the Storm" to Jimmy Collins (who has written the song) during a party to impress him. He ends up mad because Kyle gave Karen the song to look at and Jimmy is possessive of his work. ===== It's a rainy Valentine's Day and while Linda gushes about the love-filled holiday, Tina refuses to go to school after getting a Valentine the previous year from Jimmy Jr. signed "from" instead of "love". Despite the other kids wanting to join Tina in staying home from school, Bob cajoles them into going and offers to drive them. On the drive over, Bob gloats about the heart-shaped pancakes he made Linda but his kids don't think much of it, claiming he does the same boring heart theme over and over again. The kids seem to be right as Linda sighs about the usual heart-shaped pancake to Mort and Teddy back at the diner. She tries to cheer herself up with a little song about love but Mort and Teddy mention they don't have any valentines. That inspires Linda to set them up with dates via speed dating. Bob is at the school, ready to drop off the kids, when Louise mentions that they know what Linda would love (a specific figurine) and are willing to help him get it personally. After some back and forth with a crossing guard, Bob leaves the school and takes the kids to the mall to help him pick out a figurine for his wife. At the mall, it's apparent the kids don't know exactly which fancy "Grazielda" figurine their mother would like and Bob is upset they tricked him into letting them skip school. When he finds out the "cheapest" figurine is $250, he leaves the store. He passes a phone cover kiosk and thinks he can buy something quick and get the kids back to school, albeit late. Louise, Gene, and Tina quickly berate him on his lack of romance and Bob relates the story of his and Linda's first Valentine's Day. He packed a picnic but his car died on the way to their spot. While the car was being repaired, they went into a bar and used a love tester machine. The machine pinged them as "red hot", she kissed him, and that was when he knew they were in love. The kids push for him to go all the way to the bar and purchase the love tester machine, distracting him when he mentions taking them back to school. Bob gets to the bar only to find out the love tester machine has long since been sold but Health Inspectors Hugo and Ron pop up to inform him they know who bought the machine because they're planning to inspect the place that has it. When Hugo finds out Bob wants to buy it for Linda, Hugo refuses to tell them where the love tester is so Bob and the kids follow him on his inspection route. They try to break into Hugo's inspection van to get his clipboard of places he's investigating, and after some bickering, Ron shows up and offers them a copy of the list. Bob drives to several restaurants and ends up at an Asian lounge. He finally finds the love tester machine only to discover someone has recently purchased the machine out from under him ‒ Hugo. After a somewhat heartfelt plea, Hugo opts to sell the love tester to Bob for $500, five times what Hugo paid. Bob ultimately forks over the cash and starts talking about how he carved his and Linda's initials in the machine when he discovers the initials don't match. It turned out he was remembering a Valentine with an old girlfriend he dated before he met Linda. Bob desperately tries to get his money back but Hugo laughs and declares no refunds. Meanwhile, Linda cycles through one minute conversations and speed hand holding during her little Valentine event when Sergeant Bosco stops by to inform her someone robbed a nearby jewelry store. When Linda finds out the sergeant is divorced, she drags him into the speed dating mix. However, the sergeant soon hijacks the event by having everyone say a dark secret, reasoning that if you know someone's worst stuff and can handle it, then you have a shot at staying together. Linda vehemently disagrees with all the negativity and secret spilling (something everyone is eager to do) which ultimately ends with her snatching the sergeant's gun, thinking that "symbol of authority" is the only reason her speed dating participants listened to him over her. Bob and the kids arrive with the love tester just in time to see Linda get arrested for grabbing the sergeant's firearm. She laments her mistake but asks where Bob's been this whole time. She hears the whole story about the kids playing hooky and Bob spending hundreds on something that wasn't even from a memory of her and she declares it the best valentine ever. Just the fact that he spent so much time and effort for something he thought she'd love merits the title of "so romantic". The sergeant gets a tip about the jewelry thief (a fake tip given by Louise) and opts to uncuff Linda and join the pursuit. Jimmy Jr. stops by the diner to give Tina the homework she missed and a Valentine card. After much groaning and fretting, Tina finds the inside is signed with a heart (♡) instead of "from". Teddy also manages to get a phone number out of the whole thing, so overall it was a successful Valentines Day for all. ===== On a remote island, a rare creature known as the Blonde Buffalo attempts to flee in an escape raft but is cut off by the island's owner Cachirula de los Cachirulos, her assistant Wool Star, and an army of dolls. Cachirula grieves that she is both despised by the rare creatures she keeps on the island and that she is still missing the most valuable animal of all: Juanín. A smuggler named Tío Pelado arrives to console Cachirula that he has encountered the last remaining Juanín in existence, and upon showing her a photo of it, is commanded to retrieve it. In mainland Chile, Juanín is the producer of the news program 31 Minutos, headed by bumbling anchor Tulio Triviño, who is celebrating his birthday. Juanín has arranged a special celebration and gift for Tulio, but fears that if anything goes wrong, he will be fired and will be alone. Tío Pelado overhears this and plans to vandalize Juanín's gift, a large portrait of Tulio. Meanwhile, Juanín checks in with the other employees at the studio for the celebration: reporters Patana and Ernesto Felipe Mario Hugo (or Mario Hugo for short), commentator Policarpo, and journalist Juan Carlos Bodoque. Upon Tulio's arrival, the show begins a live broadcasting of the celebration, culminating in the unveiling of Tulio's portrait, which Tío Pelado has repainted to display Tulio sitting on a toiled and labeled "Idiot." Tulio, upset by the humiliating image, fires Juanín, who gathers his things and leaves. After his departure, the news crew finds security footage of Tío Pelado altering Tulio's portrait, which they deduce means Juanín is innocent. As they set out to find him, Juanín has already been tricked by Tío Pelado to come to Cachirula's island. Captive on Tío Pelado's shipping boat, Juanín befriends a small bug named Vicho who reveals to him the cruel nature of Cachirula's rare animal collection. At the docks, a guilt-ridden Tulio rallies the news cast to rescue Juanín by using his private yacht to pursue him but they are instead trapped in the Sea of Great Winds. Unaware of his friends' rescue attempt and feeling betrayed, Juanín accepts Cachirula's hospitality upon arrival to the island and is instructed that he never has to work again, there he meets and befriends a Huachimingo. While still trapped, the news crew receive a televised transmission of Cachirula announcing her completed animal collection and Juanín's disgust of his friends, but Juan Carlos protests the true intentions of Cachirula are to fill her private zoo and strip the animals of their freedom. To keep Juanín from his friends' rescue, Cachirula disposes of Tío Pelado as the only remaining witness. During a storm, Juan Carlos is thrown overboard and lost at sea, after which the boat and remaining news crew are swallowed by a whale where they find Tío Pelado. To escape the whale, Pelado fills it with smoke which results in the crew being expelled onto the shores of Cachirula's island. Meanwhile, Juan Carlos is captured by Huachimingo's tribe and tries to kill him for supposedly kidnapping the Huachimingo that is in Cachirula's collection, having been convinced by Guaripolo that he is Tío Pelado, bit Juan Carlos shows them a picture of Tío Pelado and is set free. Juan Carlos then explains where Huachimingo could be. Bored of his new lifestyle, Juanín attempts to make his own show by recording the other animals with the help of Huachimingo but is reprimanded by Cachirula for working. Cachirula reminds Juanín of his friends' abandonment just as Wool Star discovers the crew on their beach. Tulio arrives at Cachirula's doorstep and unsuccessfully tries to convince Juanín to return to the studio with him. As Tulio returns to the beach and informs the rest of the crew, Juan Carlos arrives with Huachimingo's lost tribe via several boats. Juanín, moved by Tulio's apology, explores an off-limits area to find the mounted head of the Blonde Buffalo, convincing him of Cachirula's evil intentions and sparking him to incite revolt among the other animals. As Cachirula detains Juanín, she informs him that she has decided to decapitate and mount all the animals' heads. Huachimingo escapes through a sewer pipe and informs the news crew of Cachirula's plans. After Cachirula refuses to release the animals, the news crew declares war and a battle ensues between the news crew, aided by the species that suffered Cachirula's kidnappings, and Cachirula's army, while Tulio, Juan Carlos and Huachimingo go to save Juanin. Meanwhile, Cachirula released an army of robots to kill the crew, but the battle ends up being won by the news crew as Vicho arrives with help. They arrive in time to save Juanín and release the remaining animals, but Cachirula re-captures Juanin and launches him to a cliff as Tulio jumps to save him, but they are saved by the whale that swallowed them before. Vowing revenge, Cachirula and Wool Star flee in their hovercraft, but it malfunctions and explodes. As the characters celebrate their victory over Cachirula, Juan Carlos expresses his interest in staying with the Huachimingos, but he quickly regrets it upon learning that their spots are tattoos. Later, all the characters dance to music while Mario Hugo searches for Patana. In a brief post-credits scene, the worker that Tío Pelado replaced wakes up and realized that all is a plot to kidnap Juanin and goes to stop it. ===== Veronica, a newly graduated medical student, goes through a moment of reflection and doubt. She questions not only her professional choices, but also her intimate relationships and even her ability to cope with life.Once Upon a Time Was I, Verônica | ===== Mackenzie (Ella Purnell), a 14-year-old girl, is sent to stay with her uncle (Brian Geraghty) in Juneau, Alaska, after the death of her father and the hospitalization of her mother."New film presents an Alaska Alaskans might relate to". Juneau Empire, August 29, 2012 After being molested by her uncle, she runs away and ends up finding healing in a journey across the state of Alaska, following an older widowed backpacker (Bruce Greenwood), who eventually helps her return to her home in Seattle.Slaten, Russ. "EXCLUSIVE: Wildlike Ends Near of Alaska Shoot",, Anchorage, 27 August 2012. Retrieved on 11 February 2013. ===== 15-year-old Kirk Mead (Toby Fisher) is a typical fun-loving child, living in Auckland, New Zealand. He likes to hang out with his friend Ronnie (Elliot O'Donnell) and is in a relationship with Tory (Nicola Cliff). One day, he is shockingly diagnosed with cancer. At the hospital, he meets ex-streetkid Marty (Nikki Si'ulep), who seems to be the exact opposite of him. Despite their differences, Kirk soon develops a first antagonistic, and later friendly relationship with Marty. One night, the two sneak out of the hospital to have one final fling of freedom. ===== Young Johnny Rocco (Richard Eyer) is disturbed after seeing his gangster father Tony (Stephen McNally) involved in a murder. The gang, fearing young Johnny might tip the police, decide to silence both him and his father. Frightened, Johnny seeks help from schoolteacher Miss Mayfield (Coleen Gray) and gets some help from Father Regan (Leslie Bradley) and police detective Garron (Russ Conway) before his father has a final showdown with the gang. ===== A young boy named Jerry made the largest kite in the town with his own hands. His friend, Chubby – the woodcutter's daughter – painted a moon and several stars on the kite. Jerry feels proud of the kite, and heads to the field to make it fly to the moon. Jerry attempts to fly the kite in the day with all the other boys and girls watching, but unfortunately the kite fails to fly. Jerry feels defeated and embarrassed as the village children laugh at him, and he goes to find Chubby. Together, Jerry and Chubby take the kite and proceed to go on a quest to find someone who knows why Jerry's kite will not fly. As the two set off further into the woods, Chubby becomes unbearably hungry, forcing Jerry to search for something to eat. On his search, he comes across a mystical man with a sack containing everything in the world, so Jerry asks the man for something that Chubby can eat. The mystical man gives Jerry a cake that tastes of whatever the eater likes best, and replenishes itself whenever the eater takes a bite. However, when Jerry returns to Chubby after finding food for her, the two children realize the kite is gone. At this time it is dark out and night has begun. It is also at this time that Jerry and Chubby meet another mystical creature called a wymp. The wymp appears out of nowhere and explains to the children that the kite failed to fly to the moon earlier because it was daytime and there was no moon present. Jerry asks the wymp if he can take them to the moon to see his kite and the wymp obliges. The two children and the wymp ride a comet up to the moon, where they find Jerry's kite and meet the shimmering, delicate Lady of the Moon. The wymp disappears, for it is frightened of The Lady of the Moon. The stern Lady of the Moon is not happy the children have entered her territory, and she tells them to leave. Before they are swallowed up by the setting of the moon, the children ride the kite back home, showing all the other children in the village that the kite really could fly. The kite, however, returns to the sky and remains a comet for the rest of time. Evelyn Sharp; author of The Other Side of the Sun (1869–1955) ===== The story progresses in two different timelines. It tells the story of Lexie Sinclair, a young English woman who falls in love with magazine editor Innes Kent, after escaping from her stifling family to London in the 1950s. The other timeline, set in the present day, deals with Elina, a Finnish-Swedish painter who had a near-fatal Caesarian section and gives birth to the son of film editor Ted. The theme of the novel is motherhood and how it changes one's perception of the world. The link between the two timelines is not established until the end of the novel. ===== Cindy Lou Bethany was raised in the South, but is now a struggling actress and chorus girl in New York City, eager to find a starring role. An audition to portray a Southern belle in a big production is her big chance, but it ends before she gets a chance to show director Lloyd Lloyd what she can do. The show's financial backer Top Rumson and writer Bert Fisher would like to hire a newcomer, but Lloyd feels more comfortable with his old standby, Myra Stanhope, even though she seems all wrong for this part. The producers travel South to cast the role, so Cindy Lou follows them there, looking up her Aunt Lily Lou and Uncle Jefferson Davis Bethany and scheming to show the New Yorkers what she can do. Cindy Lou surprises everyone, not only with a musical number showing off her talents, but with a striptease thrown in that ends up with her diving into a swimming pool. Rayburn and others are delighted, but Lloyd is unamused and Gwen quarrels with Cindy Lou, who proceeds to toss her into the pool, too. By the time Lloyd returns to New York, however, he realizes that exactly the actress he is looking for is Cindy Lou, making her a star. ===== ===== The film is about Pororo, a little penguin and his animal friends, who love racing. Pororo and his friends imagine themselves racing. Eddy has Pororo try out his rocket snowmobile, resulting in Pororo causing an airplane crash with Toto and Mango who survive the crash. Pororo sees the Medal and Toto makes them run laps. Finally after Eddy fixes the airplane, Toto and Mango take off and Pororo and his friends hitch a ride to the city Northpia. They arrive at Northpia as a parade is going on. They register for the big snowmobile race the next day and go to the Milk Bar where they run into Toto. Fufu the bear bully crashes the party and threatens to take over Northpia and Pororo challenges him to a race. The next day, the big snowmobile race begins as Pororo and Petty get into their rocket powered snowmobile and they race against eleven rivals including the Two White Tigers and Fufu who race against each other. ===== Set in the fictional "Hundred Stars Hotel" in Hangzhou, the story follows a relatively incompetent staff tasked with retaining the coveted five-star rating, a goal headed by the new executive named Cruella Koo (Teresa Mo). ===== One of the main works of the Age of Enlightenment, it is a powerful plea for tolerance, humanity and freedom of opinion. Set in the age of the crusades, it deals with the relations between the three monotheistic religions. Characters include the historical figure of Sultan Saladin, and the Jewish merchant Nathan; the character of Nathan is based on Lessing's friend, the renowned philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. When the play was published in 1779, this was considered breaching a taboo. ===== After a mishap in the Toy Pokémon Shop, some Pokémon capsules are swept down a river and washed up on a strange riverbank. Pikachu, Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott emerge from the Pokémon capsules and set out to find their way back to the Toy Pokémon Shop. On the course of their journey, they discover Pokémon reluctant of returning to the Toy Shop. It's even found the four Pokémon were intentionally thrown into the river in the first place. ===== Minnesotans Scott (Justin Long) and his bride Kristen (Jess Weixler) are having their wedding in Phoenix. During the wedding, Kristin is put off by the obnoxious behavior of Scott's best man Lumpy (Tyler Labine). Lumpy gets extremely drunk and more annoying to the guests until he is cut off from the bar by Scott. Returning to his hotel room, Lumpy continues drinking and carrying on until he accidentally falls and cracks his skull before passing out. He awakens a short time later disoriented and bleeding, and gets himself locked out of the hotel. Wandering into the brush, Lumpy passes out and dies on top of a cactus. He is found the next morning and Scott and Kristen are informed. Since Lumpy was his best friend, Scott feels it is his duty to arrange for Lumpy to be returned to Minnesota for a funeral. Kristen is upset that her honeymoon will be postponed but she supports Scott in his decision. After arranging transport for the body, they return to Minneapolis to contact Lumpy's friends and plan the funeral. Meanwhile, in a small town in Northern Minnesota we are introduced to Ramsey Anderson (Addison Timlin), a fifteen- year-old girl living with her mom (Frances O'Connor) and her mom's boyfriend (Evan Jones). Her mom is a drug addict with a history of moving around, and her mom's boyfriend is a former soldier in Iraq who has turned to cooking meth to make money. Ramsey catches the local priest (Michael Landes) with another man in his home where they spent the night together and tacitly blackmails him out of $50, which she uses to purchase groceries for their house. Later on, she deliberately allows herself to be caught shoplifting cold medicine so that she wouldn't have to supply it to her mom's boyfriend and is bailed out by the same priest. Kristen and Scott find Ramsey's name in Lumpy's phone and try to contact her but she doesn't answer. They visit his old law school and job to try to locate Ramsey but discover that Lumpy suddenly quit school and was fired from his job for embezzling tips from the bar. The bar manager tells them that Lumpy was involved with some girl, whom they deduce to be Ramsey. After an uncomfortable argument at Christmas dinner, Kristen pushes Scott to drive up to Ramsey's town and find her. In flashbacks, we learn that Ramsey met Lumpy ten months earlier when he knocked on her door asking for permission to cut across her parents property to go ice fishing. After catching a fish, Lumpy falls through the ice and is rescued by Ramsey. He takes her back to his hotel room where they both get cleaned up but end up having an argument after he asks her to leave. The hotel clerk calls the police on Lumpy and he is arrested, but released after Ramsey shows the police the fishing hole and accident. After this, Lumpy begins visiting Ramsey more frequently and the two develop a close friendship. Scott and Kristen arrive in Ramsey's town and find her house. They tell her that Lumpy has died and offer to give her details about the funeral, but instead she asks them to leave. Finding a hotel for the night, Scott admits that he quit his job after being denied a commission and that the money for their honeymoon was a gift from Lumpy. The next morning, Ramsey finds them at the hotel and asks for a ride to Minneapolis for the funeral. She tells them she is pregnant with Lumpy's baby and needs to leave. They take her home to get permission from her mom, and are confronted by the mom's gun-wielding boyfriend who believes they are police. Ramsey's mom, realizing that this is Ramsey's chance to get away from this lifestyle, gives her money and tells her it's ok to go. Back in Minneapolis Ramsey gets into an argument with Kristen and Scott when she reveals Lumpy's biggest secret, that he had a heart defect and knew he was dying. After fighting, Ramsey walks out. The next day at the funeral Ramsey delivers a powerful eulogy, replete with information about Lumpy that no one knew but her. Afterwards, she admits to Scott that she is not pregnant and that Lumpy was a true gentleman who was never intimate with her. Lumpy's mom gives Ramsey an envelope with some money in it that he left for her, and tells her there's more in a safe deposit box and that Lumpy meant for her to pay for her college with it. Ramsey sees the priest's boyfriend from earlier at the funeral and realizes it's Scott's boss Rick (Sasha Andreev). She takes him aside and talks to him, leading to Scott getting his job back. The next day, Ramsey prepares to catch a bus home when Scott reveals that her mom called. Her mom left her boyfriend and was moving, and gave Ramsey permission to live with Scott and Kristen until she gets on her feet. Scott asks what Ramsey told his boss to get his job back, and she coyly responds that he probably doesn't want to know. The film ends with them all preparing to go out for dinner. ===== As described in a film magazine, Jules Marin (Williams), a Paris thief so clever that the police cannot catch him, has been decorated with the Croix de guerre and loves children. He is popular with the underworld and people warn him when the police are coming. He makes an Apache jealous, and this man tells the prefect of police Henri Duval (Shaw) that Marin will be at a particular restaurant. However, Marin is told that one of his adopted orphan, whom he has picked out among the refugees, is sick, and leaves, thus saving himself. On the way to the orphan his car breaks down, and he goes to the home of jeweler Anton Deprenay (Standing) to get a car. The daughter Mme. Helen (Adams) is there alone and, believing that he is on a mission of mercy, lets him use the car, with him leaving his military decoration as collateral. The police later follow and take down the number of the car. When the prefect goes to the Deprenays, the car has been returned. Later, at a party, Marin is introduced to Helen as M. Picard, but she recognizes his voice. Marin recognizes a crooked promoter at the party. A necklace is stolen, and Helen suspects Marin, but he proves his innocence and recovers the gems. Helen tells him that when he gets as good a recognition from society as he obtained in the field of battle, she will be his friend. Marin learns that the promoter has a stock market scheme to swindle the community out of millions, so, while posing as an investigator from Scotland Yard, Marin helps the prefect get the money back. He and Helen ride off in an automobile. ===== As described in a film magazine, recently released convict 'Swagger' Barlow (O'Brien) is mistaken for Lord Birmingham (O'Brien) and is feted and dined, while the true nobleman is held by a scheming band of crooks. He falls in love with Peggy (Mansfield), the daughter of his host Parker Winton (Cook). Through the actions of Barlow, Lord Birmingham is released. Peggy, after explanations, agrees to wait for Barlow to "come back." ===== Ming Toy is on the auction block in China. She is saved by Billy and taken to San Francisco by Lo Sang Kee. To save her from deportation she is sold to Charlie Yong, the Chop Suey King. Billy kidnaps her with plans of marriage. ===== The novel is divided into four parts—"Hanger Town", "Non-Negligible Probabilities", "Wishful Thinking", and "Soon, They Will"—each containing five chapters, and an epilogue. Each part has an introductory graphic giving the date, and the asteroid's right ascension, declination, elongation and delta, or distance from Earth, in astronomical units. The first part is dated March 20; the epilogue, April 11. ===== ===== Sunny (Arya Babbar) is a jobless young man in a Punjab village who dreams of emigrating to Canada. He keeps visiting travel agencies for visa assistance, while he is actually not qualified -- he is not educated, he does not speak English, nor does he have the money to support his immigration. At one point, he visits Raavi's (Sameksha) travel agency to ask for assistance in applying for a Canadian visa, but she rejects him after learning he is not qualified. However, Sunny later meets Raavi on another occasion, at which time Raavi develops her love for him. Jugnu (Gurpreet Ghuggi) is the owner of a new travel agency in the same place who has not even succeeded in getting one single visa for his customer yet, and he is struggling to pay the rent. Jugnu owes 20,000 Rs to the landlord of his agency as rent. The latter threatens to cut off the agency's electricity if he does not receive the money owed to him within 10 days. Sunny visits Jugnu's travel agency to apply for his much-desired Canada visa. Jugnu agrees to help but asks Sunny for 2 million Rs as a handling fee. Sunny does not have that much money himself but agrees to the deal as he thinks his family can obtain it for him. Delighted, Sunny breaks the good news to his family and asks for 2 million Rs. At first, they refuse but, after considering that he will become a success in Canada, they mortgage their land to a local drug smuggler named Titoo (Binnu Dhillon), borrow 2 million Rs from him, and give the money to Sunny. Meanwhile, Titoo learns that he has a heart problem and is told by his doctor that he needs a heart transplant. Jugnu's girlfriend is Khushi, whose father has just gotten her engaged to Titoo. Angry, Jugnu visits Khushi's father to ask that Khushi marry him instead of Titoo. Khushi's father agrees on the condition that Jugnu have 2 million Rs in savings. Jugnu promises to show him the money a few days later as he is confident that he will be able to obtain a visa for Sunny. Sunny pays 2 million Rs to Jugnu as a visa handling fee, which Jugnu shows to Khushi's father, who then agrees to have his daughter marry him. Jugnu's plan to get Sunny a visa is to make the latter pretend that he is a drummer accompanying a singer to Canada to perform in a play. However, this singer happens to be a scammer: he takes Jugnu's 2 million Rs and gives him a fake visa. In addition, Khushi's father tries to break his promise to Jugnu by making plans to have his daughter marry Titoo. Upset, Khushi elopes with Jugnu, who at this time is expected to give Sunny his passport, the fake visa, and a plane ticket at the airport. Eloping with Khushi, Jugnu has to switch off his phone, even though Sunny is waiting for him at the airport. Unable to board the flight or to contact Jugnu, Sunny realizes that Jugnu has betrayed him. He also realizes that he will not be able to repay the 2 million Rs advanced to him by his family. He decides to commit suicide to get an insurance payment so that he can repay his debt, but Raavi saves him. At this point, she tells him that she likes him. Raavi is kind but she happens to be Titoo's sister. She suggests that Sunny report Titoo's information to the police so he can get a reward to repay his debt, but Sunny bungles the plan and is caught by Titoo. Titoo now wants to kill Sunny and have his heart transplanted to him. Raavi somehow saves Sunny and his friends and informs his family about what happened. A fight breaks out between Sunny's family that has come to save him and Titoo's men who are chasing Sunny to kill him. Sunny defeats Titoo's men, and Raavi persuades them to give up their illegal business. ===== The film revolves around Judge Jaganathan (Madhu), who stands by his morals, no matter what kind of problems he faces. ===== Bun&Bunee; follows the antics of two unusual Bunee brothers and together with their many quirky friends they have loads of fun, always getting themselves in and out of trouble on their wacky adventures. ===== Hap and Leonard are hired, through Marvin Hanson's private detective agency, to protect a woman from her estranged, abusive husband. Hap is framed for the man's murder while staking out his house, and upon further investigation the two sleuths discover that the victim owed the Dixie Mafia crime syndicate a large sum of money, and in addition he had a large life insurance policy with his wife named as the sole beneficiary. Hap and Leonard are soon involved, not just in the murder, but in a kidnapping and ransom demand as well. ===== Chronologically, this is the fourteenth and final Allan Quatermain novel published, although the events of the novel Allan Quatermain occur after it. It is also the final Allan Quatermain novel in the trilogy involving the taduki drug and Lady Luna Ragnall, following The Ivory Child, and The Ancient Allan. Allan Quatermain, feeling awkward toward Lady Luna Ragnall after their recent taduki-induced vision in The Ancient Allan, in which they were nearly married, refuses three invitations from Lady Ragnall to return for another vision and has vowed never to use the drug again. Lady Ragnall herself informs Allan that she has used the taduki once more and discovered that their ancient counterparts, Amada and Shabaka, were indeed married. Allan reads in the newspaper that Lady Ragnall has traveled to Egypt for the winter. Six weeks or so later, Allan has a psychic experience and later learns that Lady Ragnall had died of heart failure at that moment at the site of her husband’s grave in the Temple of Isis. Allan inherits her estate, coveted by Lord Ragnall’s next- of-kin, Mr. Atterby-Smith. He distributes it to charities except for a box containing the taduki drug which Lady Ragnall had left him. He is tempted to break his vow and use it, but finally resolves not to when his friend, Captain John Good, calls on him. Good is able to persuade Allan to use the drug and the two enter into their vision. Allan awakens as Wi, an civilized man living in the barbaric Ice Age. He belongs to a culture that reveres a man and mammoth frozen in ice as their gods. His closest friend is Pag, an outcast who creates many new technologies. Wi challenges and kills his corrupt chief Henga and institutes reforms in the tribe: monogamy, decision by council, and the use of new technology. Pag rises in power in the tribe and is able to stop a pack of wolves from attacking. Wi and Pag travel into the wilderness to fight off a saber-toothed tiger. Wi discovers a beautiful young woman, unconscious, in a canoe. Her name is Laleela. Wi falls in love with her, as does Wi’s brother Moananga. Most of the tribe regards her as a witch and Wi’s wife Aaka wishes for her to be killed. Pag tries to convince Wi that he must marry Laleela in order to protect her, but Wi realizes this will break the oath of monogamy he has imposed upon the tribe. A tribe of red-bearded warriors attacks and is defeated. Wi also kills an aurochs. When he rejects the ice- gods for Laleela's faith, the tribe demands someone from his household be sacrificed. After some deliberation, Wi offers himself as sacrifice. Before the sacrifice takes place, the ice-gods are thawed and the glacier they were frozen in plows through the tribe. The Ice Age is ending. Wi and his companions leave the tribe and sail south but are caught in the rapids. Wi, noticing that their boat is overburdened, stays on an ice flow. Pag swims back to him. It is at this point that Allan and Good awaken. Allan and Good discuss their adventure. They determine that Good was Moananga, Laleela was Luna Ragnall, and Allan’s sometime companion Hans was the outcast Pag. Allan surmises that they are not actually experiencing past lives, but that the taduki drug has “the power of awakening the ancestral memory which has come down to us with our spark of life through scores of intervening forefathers.” He also guesses that Wi and his companions dwelt in Ice Age Scotland, 500,000 or 50,000 years ago, and that Laleela came from southern Ireland or northern France. ===== Tara McCormick is sent to prison for the attempted murder of a local drug lord named Tommy Stompanato. Inside, she befriends Josie and is approached by an agent of the government to finish the job she started in exchange for her freedom. ===== Metropolitan Police Department officer Alex Cross, John Sampson, and others, invade plastic surgeon Elijah Creem's penthouse where he is illegally giving drugs and having sex (while making pornographic videos) with teenage girls. He is arrested, his wife divorces and leaves him. Alex is later called on to a case in which a girl, Elizabeth Reilly, is found dead. After examining her body, reports confirm she gave birth, but the baby is nowhere to be found. Soon after, he is called on to a case featuring a boy shot, stabbed, and found in the Potomac river. Alex is then called onto a third case featuring another dead girl. Alex must struggle with three cases all at once. Meanwhile, Ron Guidice, whose fiancé was killed by an officer from MPD, blames Alex for the murder and posts negative comments about Alex at his website, "TheRealDeal". Alex visits the pregnant girl's grandparents. The missing baby, a girl, has been found and given to them. They received numerous letters from when Elizabeth was out of her hometown and went to Washington. In one letter, it is mentioned that Elizabeth fell in love with a man named Russell, but when checking the databases, they find no such man. Instead, they find an older case where another pregnant girl was killed, the child missing. At home, Alex faces problems when his soon-to-be adopted "daughter" Ava comes home late, possibly on drugs. Ron Guidice overhears, having earlier installed spy equipment in the Cross family house so he can follow their conversations. It is eventually revealed that Elijah kills the girls and Joshua Bergman, Creem's oldest friend, who is homosexual, kills boys. More bodies show up, and Alex is at one of the murder scenes when Guidice shows up and asks Alex if he is on drugs. Angered, Alex and Guidice fight, and Guidice injects something into Alex. Alex breaks Guidices's nose. Cross collapses and is taken to the hospital. After getting out of the hospital, his gun and badge are taken away and he is forced to do desk work. Guidice's posts on his website and the fact that Alex collapsed due to drugs finally lead to Ava being taken away from the Cross family by foster care. Guidice is revealed to have a daughter named Emma Lee who is watched by his mother living at home. One day Ron comes home with a baby girl, claiming that "some slut" he hooked up with long ago gave birth and left the child in his car. In truth, he killed the Reilly grandparents and took the child. Meanwhile, Creem robs his own house and kills the neighbors next door to scare off his ex-wife. Alex is eventually restored back to duty, but some investigative work while in "no contact" mode convinces him that Creem is a suspect. Creem is arrested, but released due to circumstantial evidence. Creem decides to flaunt his freedom and invites his mistress to his house while Alex is on surveillance outside of Creem's house. Creem asks Bergman for a favor, but Bergman asks for a kiss in return, to which Creem finally gives in. The next day the mistress is found dead in her apartment, killed by Bergman. Creem's not at his house, so Alex goes to find Bergman, who kills himself when Alex comes near him. Alex finds out that Creem killed all the women as a surrogate for his ex-wife and daughters. He tracks Creem to his ex-wife's house in Rhode Island and stops him from killing her and the daughters. Creem jumps out of the third-story window, surviving the fall but breaking his spine. Alex is then told that Ava has been missing for many days from the foster home. He takes a leave from work to try to find her. Sampson sneaks into Guidice's condo to find anything to get revenge on Guidice for telling all of Washington that Alex gave drugs to Ava, but finds nothing. After asking a neighbor, Sampson discovers Guidice has a mother and daughter. Sampson later discovers that Ava is dead, having been burned in a flop house. At the foster home, Alex asks if anyone knows where Ava has been. Her roommate shows him a picture of "Ava's boyfriend" Russell, the name of Elizabeth's, the first pregnant girl, boyfriend. Examining the picture, Alex recognizes Guidice and rushes home to tell Sampson and Bree. Going to his safe, Cross gets his gun, intending to kill Guidice for what he has done. Outside at his car, Alex is attacked by Guidice. In the ensuing gunfight, Guidice is killed by Bree. Blood tests confirm that Guidice's baby daughter is Elizabeth's child and Emma Lee is the missing child from the older case. Both children were fathered by Guidice. Alex considers whether or not he and Bree will have children, inspired by Bree holding Guidice's biological second daughter. The novel ends with Alex asking his therapist Adele Finaly if he will ever outgrow or solve his problem in life, that he is a cop which endangers his, his friends', and his family's lives. She asks Cross what he thinks he should do. "Keep showing up here until I'm so sick of hearing myself talk that I finally make a change." Adele says that eventually he may solve that problem. ===== In New South Wales, childhood friends Roz and Lil and their families live next door to each other. Roz's son Tom and Lil's son Ian, who are both 18, are also best friends, and the four of them spend all their time together. Roz's husband Harold is offered a job in Sydney, and goes there to make arrangements, even though Roz does not want to move. That night, Ian kisses Roz, and although she is hesitant the two of them end up having sex. Tom witnesses Roz coming out of Ian's room. Confused and frustrated, Tom tries to seduce Lil, who pushes him away, and he tells her what he witnessed. That night, he stays at her house again, and they have sex. Roz goes to Lil's work and they discuss what happened with their sons. They agree that they both crossed the line, and that it should never happen again. They get together with both of the boys and tell them that these things need to end. Ian still has feelings for Roz, and eventually, they renew the relationship; they then learn that Lil and Tom never stopped sleeping together. Both Roz and Lil admit that they're happy, and they agree to keep going. When Harold returns, Roz tells him that neither she nor Tom can move with him to Sydney. Two years later, Roz and Harold are divorced, and Roz and Lil have continued their secret affairs. Ian now works with his mother for a successful yacht-building company, and Tom is studying theater. Harold invites Tom to Sydney to direct one of their plays and Tom accepts, staying with Harold and his new family. While in Sydney, he meets Mary, who is auditioning for the lead role. The two begin a relationship, and Lil reluctantly accepts that he has moved on. Roz and Ian are still together, although Roz knows that he will not be attracted to her for much longer. Finally, the mothers agree to end their affairs with the boys. Ian is upset, and storms out. Some time later, Tom marries Mary. Ian meets a girl at the wedding, Hannah, and decides to have sex with her to get back at Roz. That night, he comes to Roz' door and begs to be let in, but Roz turns him down, crying quietly in her room. Ian goes surfing but suffers a broken leg in the process. He refuses to see Roz, but Hannah comes to visit him and nurses him through his physical therapy. They begin a relationship, but when Ian and Tom meet up for lunch, Ian mentions that it is going nowhere, and that he'll have to break it off. One day, Hannah shows up at Ian's work and tells him that she is pregnant. Years pass, and now Ian and Tom are both married, and they both have daughters, Shirley and Alice. Mary and Hannah, Tom and Ian's wives respectively, are ignorant of the affairs. They all spend a day together at the beach, and while most are in the water, Ian and Roz share a quiet moment. That night, they all eat dinner together, during which Tom gets drunk and takes a walk to clear his head. Ian follows him and sees him having sex with Lil. Enraged, he tells Mary the truth. The wives are horrified, and leave with the children. When Tom returns later, he finds Roz sitting alone in her room, and she tells Tom that she doesn't think that Mary, Hannah, or their granddaughters will ever return. Lil tearfully insists that she and Tom tried to stop, but could not keep away from each other. Roz has no words for Lil. Time passes, and Ian goes for a swim in the ocean until he comes to a free-floating dock in the water, the same dock where he first began his flirtation with Roz, and Roz and Lil used to swim to as girls. He climbs on board and sees that Tom, Lil, and Roz are there. After telling them good morning, he lies down beside Roz. ===== A beautiful musician and a serious Wall Street banker cross paths on New Year's Eve and share unique experiences. Before long, feelings of love start to brew between them. ===== Kumaravel (Vijay Sethupathi) is a typical lower middle class youth who mainly lives in TASMAC bars. His friends and neighbors have nicknamed him Sumaar Moonji Kumar (average-looking Kumar) alias SMK, and he is crazy about Kumudha (Nandita), the girl staying opposite to his flat. It is a one-way love. Kumudha's father (Pattimandram Raja) has sought the help of Annachi (Pasupathy), the local boss, to find a solution and teach SMK a lesson. On a parallel track, another alcoholic named Balakrishnan (Ashwin) is a smart bank salesperson but is always under pressure from his boss Poochandi (M. S. Bhaskar) and possessive girlfriend Renu (Swathi). One night, the life of the principal characters gets entangled, leading to the climax. ===== 'Breaking News Live' visualizes the story of Nayana and Sneha. The plot moves forward with the many people who Nayana come across in her life. Nayana realizes the other side of people when she finds their true self. Sneha and her mentally challenged brother are under the care of their grandmother after the death of their parents. When fate makes a chance for Nayana to meet Sneha, Nayana feels that Sneha is a part of her life. The revelation that they are not two but one takes the story to novel planes. Kavya Madhavan and Mythili do the roles of Nayana and Sneha respectively. Vineeth also does an important role as the trainer of Nayana who is a hotel management student. Devan and Urmilla Unni play the characters of Nayana's parents and Sukumari is the grandmother of Sneha. New face Rajeesh acts as Sneha's brother. ===== The story of Black Butterfly focuses on how certain pranks played by plus two students later turn out to be serious troubles in the life of many. The film portrays the theme of romantic love between two pairs of lovers. Reena enters the life of Benny who has lost his parents. The other pair is a plus two student Deepak and his lover Aarathi. The story revolves around these characters. Mithun Murali, Malavika Sai, Niranj Kumar, and Sanskriti do the roles of Benny, Reena, Deepak, and Aarathi respectively. ===== ===== Zara loses her child due to miscarriage. Bilal and Zara decide to adopt a child but they don't know what is going to happen to them. ===== Benny, an ex gangsters quits to lead a normal life. But circumstances force him to team up with Josy Perrera, who robs in order to save his sister's life. How they take on The Police, Local goons and a Underworld criminal forms the story. ===== The team captures a master hacker who happens to be second on the most wanted cyberterrorist list and was also responsible for a cyber attack on MTAC which resulted in the death of an undercover agent. The team is interested in interrogating him for the location of the most wanted cyberterrorist, a hacker who is only identified as "MC". Analyzing the hacker's computer, Ziva and DiNozzo investigate a warehouse and find evidence of a bomb containing the Ebola virus having been built. In order to get the hacker to talk, Ziva and DiNozzo fly him to Guantanamo Bay in an effort to intimidate him by placing him with terrorists he had previously betrayed. However, once they arrive, the prison's security is compromised, leading to a mass breakout. The prisoners demand Ziva and DiNozzo hand over the hacker in return for their lives. In order to save himself, the hacker reveals how they can find MC. It is then revealed that the entire breakout was a ploy; NCIS only tricked the hacker into thinking they were in Guantanamo Bay when they in fact had never left the United States. Meanwhile, Gibbs and McGee manage to trace the Ebola bomb and safely defuse it. Even though the plan was foiled and they have a way of tracking MC, Deputy Director Craig points out NCIS still have to arrest him. =====