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Yie Ar Kung-Fu II

Lee Young is a young martial arts master who is the son of a brave warrior who has rid China of the Chop Suey Gang. However, one member survived and declared himself Emperor Yie-Gah. Now, like his father, Lee Young has to rid China of Yie-Gah and his allies once and for all.

Bride of the Regiment

The film takes place during a period in which Austria controlled Italy during the Austro-Italian War of 1830. Colonel Vultow, played by Walter Pidgeon, leader of Austrian cavalry regiment, is sent to Italy to put down a revolt led by the Lombardian aristocracy. Vultow decides to go to the castle of Count Adrian Beltrami, played by Allan Prior, one of the leaders of the revolution. This happens to be Beltrami's wedding day. As he is emerging from the church following his wedding to Countess Anna-Marie (Vivienne Segal), Beltrami learns that Colonel Vultow is quickly approaching the town in search of him. At the behest of his bride, Beltrami flees the castle, but he asks Tangy, a silhouette cutter, to impersonate him and protect Anna-Marie. When Adrian returns in disguise, he is introduced to Vultow as a singer and silhouette cutter, and when the count demands for him create a silhouette, he enlists Tangy's aid. The deception is discovered, and Vultow sentences Adrian to death by a firing squad unless Anna-Marie submits to his sexual demands.

Eager to save her husband, Anna-Marie shows a portrait of her great-grandmother to Vultow and explains why the woman is wearing only an ermine cloak. Her ancestor once killed a man to protect her honor, and the countess fears she will be forced to do the same. The painting comes to life and Anna-Marie's great-grandmother steps down from the frame and embraces Vultow, now drunk on champagne. He falls asleep and dreams Anna-Marie willingly gives herself to him, and when he awakens, he orders Adrian to be freed in the mistaken belief Anna-Marie is now his. When Vultow receives news that the Italian troops are advancing, he departs, and the count and countess are reunited.

Pre-Code sequences

The film was full of so much Pre-Code humor that it ran into censorship problems in many areas. The film drew large crowds in Chicago where it played as an "Adults Only" feature. The soundtrack reveals some amazingly suggestive dialogue. In one sequence, Myrna Loy (playing a depraved dancer named Sophie) finds out Vultow (Walter Pidgeon) who had previously fallen for her charms and made love to her has met with Anna-Marie (Vivienne Segal) and fallen for her charms and has completely forgotten about her. Sophie declares "I'll get him back! I'll dance until his blood is steaming!" and proceeds to begin a smoldering dance number on top of a long dinner table in a very seductive manner in an attempt to lure back Vultow from the charms of Anna-Marie. In another scene, Vultow has a conversation with Anna-Marie. He believes he has had sexual relations with her during the previous night. In reality, however, he dozed off after drinking too much liquor and dreamed the entire episode. The conversation runs as follows:

:'''Vultow:''' "Have you learned that sometimes defeat can be sweet? That even surrender may have its, umm, compensation? :'''Anna-Marie:''' "I've learned how a gallant soldier, umm, ''conducts himself in victory"'' :'''Vultow:''' ''Merely a question of practice, my dear''." :'''Anna-Marie:''' "Ha Ha." :'''Vultow:''' "My victories have been numerous." :'''Anna-Marie:''' "Really?"

Skin (1995 film)

Billy, a young skinhead, joins in a racist attack on a Black wedding party in Brixton, London, but then finds himself drawn to Marcia, a Black woman whose flat is visible from his window. He visits Marcia and the couple have sex. From this point, the power dynamic between the two begins to reverse: in separate scenes, she slaps his face repeatedly as he is tied to the bed, feeds him dog food, and scrubs off his tattoos with bleach, including one of the Union Flag. Finally, Marcia carves her name on Billy's back. Despite his pleas, she rejects him, finding solace with Kath, her flatmate, while Billy unsuccessfully attempts to overdose on drugs and is saved by Neville, a black man living in the same apartment building as him.

Super Rescue Solbrain

After the Winspector police team leaves Japan to fight crime in France, Chief Shunsuke Masaki realizes he must create a new police team to defend Tokyo from crime. He creates Solbrain – a high-tech special rescue force, expert in missions requiring rescue and firepower. Its leader is Daiki Nishio, a rookie detective who can use the Plus Up command in his car to transform into SolBraver. Other members are Reiko Higuchi, also able to use the Plus Up command to transform into SolJeanne, SolBraver's female counterpart; and SolDozer, a yellow bulldozer robot. Later in the series, the Winspector team returns to Japan and teams up with Solbrain for a three-part story (episodes 21-23). From episode 34 on, Ryouma, the protagonist from Winspector, returns as a member of Solbrain, wearing a suit dubbed the Knight Fire.

Samson and Delilah (1984 film)

The film is mostly the same as the original Biblical story, but with notable differences such as, once again, the expanded and sympathetic role of Delilah (Bauer), the introduction of the garrison commander (Stern) who is friends with Samson (Hamilton), more focus upon Samson's relationship with his first wife, a different handling of the 30 garments bet, and, perhaps the most crucial alteration of the climax. In the original story, maintained in the 1949 film and the 1996 film, Samson only regains his strength after his hair has grown long again, thus allowing him to tear down the Philistine temple. In this movie, however, Samson is taken to the Philistine temple just after his hair has been cut short, and he prays to God to restore his immense strength despite his short hair, and God complies, allowing Samson enough strength to tear down the stone pillars, thus destroying the temple. Delilah is saved through what looks like the intervention of God. She brings Samson back to his tribe to be buried. Philistea is portrayed as a theocracy with the high priest of Dagon as overlord. One might note that good Philistines, most notably Delilah and her surroundings, are given an Egyptian air while evil ones have a rather Mediterranean air. Indeed, the Philistines were originally a European people related to the Greeks that entered the Middle East through the Doric migrations around 1200 BC.

Maggie Flynn

During the American Civil War, Maggie Flynn, a young Irish woman living in New York City, marries Phineas, a charming scoundrel who leaves her to join the circus. Maggie runs an orphanage for black orphans, and soon is engaged to Colonel John Farraday, a steady and faithful beau. However, Phineas, now called "The Clown," returns to win back his wife. They become caught up in the New York Draft Riots of 1863, and the orphanage is burned down.

The Last Defender of Camelot (short story)

The story concerns Lancelot who has survived to the present day by means of magic. He must help Morgana le Fay confront Merlin, who is half-mad and attempting to meddle in the affairs of the world.

Lancelot has remained alive since the fall of Camelot, having the appearance of an elderly man but retaining his strength and fighting skills. He has spent his long life seeking the Holy Grail, believing that his immortality is punishment for his sins, and that finding the Grail will end his curse. Lancelot instead learns from Morgana that Merlin is responsible for his condition. Merlin has slept for centuries, but is about to awaken, and intends for Lancelot to be his champion and protector. Morgana warns Lancelot that Merlin will cause great harm in his misguided attempts to right the wrongs of the modern world, and that he must be stopped.

Lancelot finds Merlin and rejuvenates him from his centuries-long sleep with a magic elixir. Lancelot tries to persuade Merlin to desist from his plans, and Merlin removes his spell of immortality from Lancelot. Anticipating Merlin, Lancelot drinks the remainder of the elixir to restore his own youth. Merlin summons a "hollow knight" (a suit of armor animated by a spirit) to kill Lancelot. Morgana defeats Merlin, and Lancelot vanquishes the spirit, but is mortally wounded. As Lancelot dies, he finally sees a vision of the Holy Grail.

Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars

It is two hundred years after the beginning of the ''Space Era'', when human civilization on Earth began expanding into space. However, by the start of the 21st century, two meteors struck the planet, sending humanity into chaos. By the year 179 of the Space Era, secret technology, dubbed Extra-Over Technology, or EOT, was discovered by the Earth Federal Government within a third meteor that hit Earth in the Marquesas Islands of the South Pacific. Dr. Bian Zoldark, head of the EOTI Institute (Extra-Over Technological Investigative Institute), had evidence the creators of the EOT were heading to Earth, in order to reclaim it...or worse, invade the planet. In order to defend humanity from extraterrestrial threats, the government begins to research and develop humanoid mecha called Personal Troopers.

The alien race that created the EOT, the Aerogaters, attacked an Earth ship sent out to investigate their presence in the far reaches of the Solar System. This skirmish ends in a defeat for the Aerogaters, prompting the Earth government to negotiate with them. Talks are arranged to take place at a secret facility in Antarctica, but the event is targeted by a rogue faction called the Divine Crusaders. The Divine Crusaders destroy the Aerogater delegation, then turn on the Earth forces. Bian Zoldark, the faction's leader, uses this opportunity to rebel against the Earth government, in hopes of establishing a viable defense for Earth from the Aerogaters and future invaders.

Red Skies of Montana

Cliff Mason, a veteran foreman of the Forest Service's smokejumper unit, is called out with a crew on a fire, despite the fact that they have not rested in three days. Accompanied by R. A. "Pop" Miller and four other men, Cliff leaves the smokejumper base at Missoula, Montana to parachute into a nearly inaccessible area of Bugle Peak.

Hours later, at base, superintendent Richard "Dick" Dryer becomes worried because Cliff is not answering radio calls.

The next day, after the fire crowns, Dick flies by helicopter into the area and is stunned to find only Cliff, in shock and wandering through the devastated region. Cliff is rushed to the hospital, where he gradually recovers, although he cannot remember how he got separated from his men, or why he was the only one to survive.

Upon his return home, Cliff is greeted by Pop's son Ed, who is also a smokejumper. Ed expresses genuine concern for Cliff, but Cliff, sensitive about his lack of memory and worried that he might be responsible for his crew's deaths, becomes antagonistic.

A board of review conducts a hearing into the matter, and Cliff grows increasingly defensive after several grueling days of repetitious questioning. Cliff's paranoia grows that he might be thought a coward who deserted his men despite the assurances of his devoted wife Peg and Dick, who lets him return to work only as supervisor of training.

Ed continues to grill Cliff, asking him how he might have come to be in the protected rock slide area that was the only possible place of survival when the bodies of his crew were found on an exposed ridge across the valley. Ed's suspicions escalate and Cliff reacts even more bitterly. One night, an emergency crew is called out to repair downed transmission lines, and when Cliff's longtime friend Boise Peterson is shocked by a live wire, Cliff saves him. Ed pointedly remarks that it was not necessary for Cliff to prove his bravery. Cliff is cleared by the board of review but confides to Peg that he is plagued by doubts about his courage. Later, Dick shows Ed a watch, mistakenly sent to another man's family, that Ed recognizes as his father's. Upset again, Ed confronts Cliff with the watch, and jogs his memory.

Cliff recalls that when the fire began to race along the treetops, all of them had reached the rockslide where he urged them to lie down in the crevices. However a burning snag fell on the rockslide and the crew continued running. Cliff attempted to stop Pop, pulling off his watch and ID tag as they grappled, but Pop knocked him into a crevice that protected Cliff from the worst of the fire. Ed furiously accuses Cliff of deserting his men and goes AWOL, parachuting from a private airplane onto Bugle Peak, where he finds Pop's identification bracelet on the ridge, not on the rockslide, where Cliff says he saw Pop last. Believing he has obtained proof that Cliff abandoned his men on the ridge, Ed returns to base, only to discover that Cliff and another team of men have been sent to fight a fire in Carson Canyon. Confronting Dick with the ID tag, Ed accuses Cliff of killing his father, and Dick fires him from the smokejumper unit for going AWOL on a personal grudge. In Carson Canyon, Cliff's crew brings the fire under control but weather conditions threaten a re-burn, prompting Cliff to request more men and equipment.

Ed joins the smokejumper reinforcements without authorization and at Carson Canyon tracks down Cliff, scouting the fire that now has them trapped. After losing his head and trying to kill Cliff with the axe end of his Pulaski, Ed breaks his leg when he tumbles down a slope as they fight. Cliff returns to the crew's anchor point to organize the men, sending three with heavier equipment to bring in Ed. Cliff orders the others to dig foxholes, knowing that burying themselves and allowing the fire to pass over them is their only hope for survival. The men protest but grudgingly comply when Cliff insists. Ed is surprised to discover that Cliff is responsible for his rescue, and when he is brought back to the anchor point, the crew panics and starts to flee. Ed sees Cliff knock down Boise to quell the panic and realizes Cliff was telling the truth about Bugle Peak.

After the fire has passed, all of the smokejumpers have survived and Ed, reconciling with Cliff, sheepishly grins and asks for a cigarette, inspiring Boise to do the same. When Dick realizes the entire crew has survived, he reinforces Cliff's men from the air as an even larger ground force with bulldozers swings into action.

The Weight of Water (film)

In 1873, Karen Christensen and Anethe Christensen, Norwegian immigrants, are murdered on Smuttynose Island, a lonely island among the Isles of Shoals off the New Hampshire coast. Maren Hontvedt, also a Norwegian immigrant, survived the attack. Louis Wagner, who had once tried to seduce Maren, is convicted for the crime, and ultimately dies on the gallows.

In the present, newspaper photographer Jean Janes begins researching the murders, and travels to Smuttynose with her husband Thomas, an award-winning poet. They travel with Thomas's brother Rich, who owns a boat, and Rich's girlfriend Adaline. In a twist of fate, Jean discovers archived papers apparently written by Maren Hontvedt, and giving an account of her life on the island, and the murders.

The plot unfolds the narrative of the papers and Hontvedt's testimony against Wagner that gets him hanged, while Jean privately struggles with jealousy as Adaline openly flirts with Thomas. Trying to suppress her fears of Adaline as a rival, Jean learns that Maren was brought from Norway to Smuttynose by her husband, a man she has no passion for. Maren staves off melancholy and loneliness on the isolated island by keeping busy. Maren's spirits are lifted when her brother arrives on the island with his new wife, Anethe Christensen. But Maren must also contend with her own sister Karen, who is stern and suspicious. At first, Maren views Anethe as a rival for the affections of Maren's brother. Soon, however, she begins to nurse a desire for Anethe. On the night of the murders, with Maren's and Anethe's husbands away from the island, Maren draws close to Anethe, only to be caught by Karen. Maren's sister condemns her. In a fury of her own, Maren kills Karen and Anethe.

The movie ends with Hontvedt trying to confess before he is hanged. The courts refuse to accept Maren's confession, and Wagner dies on the gallows.

More than a century later, Jean Janes, a magazine photographer working on a photo essay about the murders, returns to the Isles with her husband Thomas. Thomas is an award-winning poet who has been struggling with alcoholism and not writing much. Hoping to have a small vacation, they travel on a boat skippered by Thomas' brother Rich, who has brought along his girlfriend Adaline.

Jean becomes immersed in the details of the 19th-century murders after discovering a purported memoir of Maren in the library. Gradually, tensions increase among the group on the sloop, with unspoken emotions surfacing. Jean begins to suspect an affair between Thomas and Adaline.

Rich's boat gets caught in a storm, and Jean finds the walls between the past and the present collide.

Muchachitas como tú

Elena, Isabel, Mónica and Leticia are four girls who meet at an acting school (TAES).They belong to different social classes, but for them it is not important, because their main value is friendship. Monica's mother and Elena's father have a past and it turns out that Elena and Monica are half-sisters. Federico Cantú (Fabián Robles) is Monica's cousin, he has been working for Guillermo, his uncle, who trusts him even though Federico's only interest is stealing his uncle's money. Lety lies about her financial status and pretends to be wealthy.

Here Be Monsters!

Protagonist Arthur lives with his adoptive grandfather, William, in the complex network of tunnels beneath Ratbridge, where William hides after unjustly accused of attempted murder. Arthur emerges at sundown in search of food, aided by a pair of hand-cranked mechanical wings. He also carries a doll—an effigy of his grandfather with wings—which serves as a walkie-talkie, allowing him to communicate with his grandfather. On one such expedition, Arthur witnesses an illegal cheese hunt, and follows the hunters and the captured cheeses back to the Cheese Hall. Arthur's wings are stolen, and he is almost captured, by Snatcher, the leader of the once-powerful Cheese Guild. Arthur is rescued by Fish, a boxtroll, who takes Arthur to Willbury Nibble, the proprietor of a former pet shop called 'Here Be Monsters'. He shares his home with several boxtrolls (Shoe, Egg, and Fish) and a cabbagehead (Titus). Such creatures usually live underground and are collectively termed ''Underlings''. Arthur's new friends intend to help him return to his grandfather, but quickly discover that all of the entrances to the tunnels have been sealed.

At the shop, a mysterious individual sells Willbury a number of miniaturised creatures and attempts (unsuccessfully) to buy their full-sized counterparts. Later, during a shopping trip, Willbury and Arthur are surprised to find that miniaturised Underlings are sold to Ratbridge's women as the latest fashion trend. They visit Willbury's friend, Marjorie: an inventor camped at the patent office, waiting for the return of a prototype of her latest invention. When they return to Willbury's shop, the place is a shambles and the Underlings are missing. While assessing the wreckage they are visited by Kipper and Tom, members of the crew of the Ratbridge Nautical Laundry, soliciting customers. The Laundry is headquartered on a ship that became stuck in a canal and is staffed by men, rats, and crows. (Playing against stereotype, the rats are portrayed as intelligent, congenial characters who share leadership duties with the men. It is suggested that the crew were pirates before founding a laundry.) Several of their crew have also gone missing and the others join the search for the Underlings. After seeing the Guild members leave on another illegal hunt, Arthur retrieves his wings and helps a number of Underlings (including his friends) escape from the dungeon. They return to the Nautical Laundry, where corrupt police officers arrest Arthur and hand him over the Guild. The prisoner in his adjoining cell—Herbert, the Man in the Iron Socks—tells Arthur that the Guild is creating miniature creatures, and helps Arthur retrieve the keys to their cells from the sleeping guard.

Meanwhile, Willbury, Marjorie, and several members of the Laundry disguise themselves as boxtrolls and enter the Underground, where they locate Arthur's grandfather, but are caught in the traps used by the Guild to capture Underlings and taken to the laboratory. Marjorie recognises an enlarged version of her stolen invention—now revealed to be a size transference device. A gigantic rat emerges from a pit in the middle of the floor, which the Laundry recognise as one of their missing comrades. Snatcher reveals that the Guild has been transferring the size of captured Underlings to "the Great One", and feeding him with the captured cheeses, to wreak vengeance on Ratbridge. Still believing her a boxtroll, the Guild transfers Marjorie's size to the rat, leaving her only seven inches tall. Arthur is then brought into the lab; but Herbert frees the captives and knocks a hole in the wall to allow their escape. Arthur again retrieves his wings—and Marjorie's prototype—and the group returns to the ship.

The Guild dress the Great One in armour; and the heroes return to the Cheese Hall to stop him. They activate a large electromagnet, which draws the iron armour toward the hall; whereupon the Great One explodes, covering the town in a layer of cheese. The shock wave triggers a collapse of the tunnels below the hall. Using the prototype size transference device, the miniaturised creatures are returned to their normal size. William clears his name, and he, Arthur, and Herbert take residence above the old pet shop.

Milk and Money

A farmer is busy with hoeing while his son Porky is ploughing the fields with his horse Dobbin. Hank Horsefly speeds up the process. The farmer and Porky are about to take a turn for the worse as Mr. Viper the Snake comes with a mortgage form ready to evict them unless a sum of rent money is paid.

Porky applies for a job as a driving milkman with a strict condition not to break a single bottle. Porky is doing well until Hank, having followed their trail, sends Dobbin at full speed and to crash and cause all the milk bottles to break.

As Porky despairs, Dobbin accidentally enters a horse race. When the race starts, Dobbin isn't getting far, until Hank stings Dobbin and he overtakes every racer and wins a $10,000 prize. Porky makes it to the farm in the nick of time, riding in a roofless limo, to pay the owed money to Mr. Viper.

Don't Look Now (1936 film)

It portrays Valentine's Day. Cupid is making people fall in love, while Satan is doing everything possible to undermine the relationships.

I Only Have Eyes for You (film)

The protagonist (voiced by spoonerism specialist Joe Twerp), who drives an ice-delivery truck, is wooed by a homely spinster bird (voiced by Elvia Allman) who hopes to entice him with her culinary talents. The iceman, on the other hand, is only interested in Katie Canary (a Katharine Hepburn impression also voiced by Allman), who only wants to marry a radio crooner and rebuffs his overtures to the point where she prefers ordering a refrigerator.

The iceman, in order to win Katie, hires a voice imitator, Professor Mockingbird (voiced by Tedd Pierce), to simulate crooners from the back of his ice truck while the iceman lip-syncs. The scheme eventually backfires when Professor Mockingbird turns blue from the extreme cold in the ice truck, and gets sick to the point that he sneezes the top of the truck off, causing Katie to discover the iceman's ruse. Katie marries the Professor, being sufficiently impressed by his crooning ability (while replacing her radio with an electric refrigerator), while the iceman is finally won over by the spinster's cooking and baking and presumably marries her.

My Suicidal Sweetheart

From the moment he was six, Max wanted to die. He tried shooting himself, hanging himself and even throwing himself out of a window. But somehow, he always managed to survive. Exasperated, his parents have him committed to a mental institution, where miraculously he's found something worth living for. Her name is Grace; she's a wild mental patient whose death wish is even stronger than Max's. But Max has a plan to save her. They're taking their marriage vows, 'til death do us part, and escaping the loony bin for the adventure of a new start. Max thinks Grace will be cured by visiting her mother, but he has to keep her alive until they get there. She tries overdosing on pills, running in front of a truck and jumping from a bridge, but luckily each time, Max comes to her rescue. Finally, he brings Grace to her mother and in a bizarre turn of events, the terminally ill oddball orders them to dig her grave. Mom says her goodbyes, but not before she tells Max and Grace that they both have something to live for — she sees a vision of their baby girl in Grace's tummy. It's more than the hope Grace and Max have been searching for; it's the wonderful beginning of a whole new life.

The Mango Tree (film)

The film is about Jamie, a young man in his formative teen years, growing up in rural subtropical town of Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia, set around World War I. Jamie, raised by this grandmother, enjoys his life in "Bundy", until the town's reaction to the insanity of a local preacher leads him to leave his hometown for life in the city.

My Pal Gus

Dave Jennings is so focused on his Los Angeles-based business that he neglects his precocious five-year-old son Gus, who is constantly creating havoc in order to get his father's attention. After Gus's latest escapade is cleaned up and paid for, Dave orders his long-suffering secretary, Ivy Tolliver, to find a new nurse for Gus, then leaves on a business trip. Upon his return, Dave learns that Ivy has placed Gus in the Playtime School, and that he must meet with the teacher, Lydia Marble, to enroll Gus formally. Rushed as usual, Dave tells the attractive Lydia that he will pay whatever it takes to keep Gus in line, but when Lydia explains that parents are required to participate in their child's education at Playtime, Dave indignantly states that he knows all he needs to about Gus. Dave is amazed by how well Gus responds to Lydia's instructions, however, after he smacks a schoolmate. Believing that Gus can benefit from Lydia's tutelage, Dave agrees to keep him at Playtime. As the next three weeks pass, Gus becomes contented and well-behaved, but on Dave's scheduled parent participation day, the businessman instead sends a truckload of toys to the school. Lydia returns the toys with a note admonishing Dave that as a substitute for his attention, the toys are not enough, and when Dave comes to the school to protest, Lydia assumes that he is there to help.

Dave tells Lydia that he has fallen in love with her, and although Lydia returns Dave's affections, she tells him that his feelings stem from his dependence upon her for help with Gus. That night, Dave comforts a frightened Gus by allowing him to sleep in his bed, and, realizing that he no longer needs Lydia for instruction on child care, confronts her with his new knowledge. Secure that Dave does indeed love her for herself, Lydia enjoys his embrace. As time passes, Dave becomes a devoted father, and his romance with Lydia blossoms into an engagement. On Gus's birthday, however, Joyce, Dave's ex-wife, appears and asks Dave to visit her at her hotel. Fearing the worst, Dave keeps the appointment and discovers that the money-grubbing, immoral Joyce is broke and claims that their Mexican divorce is not legal. Dave's lawyer, Farley Norris, confirms the upsetting news, but Dave, infuriated by Joyce's reappearance, refuses to give her money to obtain a legal divorce.

Determined to win, no matter what is revealed about Joyce in court, Dave does not listen to the pleas of his friends that he think of Gus and end the confrontation quietly. Dave instead hires private detectives to gather ammunition against Joyce until the day before the trial begins. Needing a rest, Dave drives to his new beach house and spends the night. Unknown to Dave, Lydia and Gus have also spent the night there, and in court the next day, Joyce's lawyer charges Dave with adultery and names Lydia as the co-respondent. The resulting publicity horrifies Lydia, and she is forced to close her school. Lydia confronts Dave, accusing him of caring more about his fortune than about his son, and breaks their engagement. As the trial continues, Farley proves that Joyce abandoned Dave, and the judge upholds Dave's request for a divorce. Although he does not award Joyce any of Dave's property, the judge, sickened by Dave's tactics, grants Joyce custody of Gus. Dave is heartbroken, and on the morning that he drives Gus to Joyce's hotel, is overcome when Gus pleads to remain with him. Realizing that Gus is more important to him than anything else, Dave marches to Joyce's room and agrees to give her everything he owns in exchange for permanent custody of Gus. As he returns to the car, Dave is met by Lydia, who promises to help him fight for his son. Assuring her that the matter is settled, Dave embraces Lydia and Gus, then asks Lydia if she can pay for lunch.

La Fiesta de todos

The film is a largely documentary reconstruction of Argentina's victory in the 1978 FIFA World Cup, interspersed with different fictional episodes that occur during the same period.

One Night Husband

On her first night with her husband, newlywed Sipang's husband Napat takes a mysterious phone call and then leaves. When he doesn't return, Sipang asks her new brother-in-law, Chatchai, to help. Joining Sipang in her search is Chatchai's timid wife Busaba. As the search for Napat drags on, Sipang uncovers some disturbing things about her husband's past.

Destination Gobi

Argos Detachment 6 is a Navy unit operating a weather station in the Gobi Desert during World War II. Though the outfit is led by meteorologist Lt. Cmdr. Hobart Wyatt, the group's ramrod is CPO Sam McHale, a tough-as-nails efficiency expert and a literal fish out of water in the Gobi, having served years at sea. One evening, a tribe of Mongolian nomads led by Kengtu set up camp at the station's oasis. Despite stark cultural differences, the two groups settle into uneasy co-existence. Seaman Jenkins, an ex-cowboy, muses that the Mongol horsemen would make an excellent cavalry troop. Hoping to persuade the Mongols to help them against the Japanese, McHale requisitions 60 Army-issue saddles. The saddles soon arrive and the delighted Mongols train with Jenkins, accompanied by Elwood Halsey on his trumpet. Later, however, Japanese planes bomb and strafe the camp, killing Wyatt and several Mongols, causing the surviving nomads to abandon the camp. Alone and defenseless, the Americans decide to evacuate 800 miles to the sea, where they will sail to join US forces on Okinawa.

McHale and the men reach an oasis where Chinese traders are camped. There, they encounter Kengtu, who explains he abandoned the station to protect his people from the "birds in the sky." Later, the Mongols return their saddles. Chinese trader Yin Tang then barters for the saddles, offering McHale four camels, and suggests the Americans travel with his group. That night, Yin Tang attempts to kill them to steal back the camels, but he is stopped by the surprise reappearance of Kengtu's men. Telling McHale his followers desire the return of their saddles, Kengtu offers to escort the Americans to the sea if they disguise themselves in native garb. All goes well until they reach the Japanese-occupied city of Sangchien, China, where Kengtu leads Argos 6 into a trap set by Japanese soldiers, who transport them to a prisoner-of-war camp on the coast where they are held as spies. However, one of Kengtu's men, Wali-Akhun, allows himself to be arrested while wearing Wyatt's stolen uniform. Wali reveals that Kengtu has arranged for their escape, and that night they break out and head for the docks, where Kengtu is waiting with a Chinese junk. The wily Kengtu explains to McHale that their capture was a ploy to trick the Japanese into transporting them to the ocean. They set sail for Okinawa and are later spotted by American planes. The men are rescued, McHale is awarded the Navy Cross, and Kengtu and Wali are returned to their people, along with 60 new saddle blankets.

Legends are Made, Not Born

For the past few years, an ogre that lairs in a cave near the wilderness town of Dundraville has demanded tributes of ale and supplies. The villagers were happy to comply, lest the brute attack them or destroy their property. But recently, the ogre changed his demands. Now he wants gold, building supplies -- and captives! The villagers have no heroes to protect them -- so someone must rise to the challenge! Six determined townsfolk have decided to take justice into their own hands. Can these village commoners defeat the ogre in his own lair before their fellows are eaten?

Category:D20 System adventures

Sometimes a Great Notion (film)

The economic stability of fictional Wakonda, Oregon, is threatened when the local logging union calls a strike against a large lumber conglomerate. When independent logger Hank Stamper and his father Henry are urged to support the strikers, they refuse, and the townspeople consider them traitors. All of the Stampers live in one compound, including Henry's good-natured nephew Joe Ben.

Hank struggles to keep the small family business alive and consequently widens the rift between himself and his complacent wife Viv, who wants him to put an end to the territorial struggle but is resigned to his doing things as he sees fit. Also complicating matters is Leland "Lee" Stamper, Henry's youngest son and Hank's half-brother, who returns home with a college education and experience in urban living. A heavy drinker, Lee eventually reveals he attempted suicide after his mother killed herself and has been suffering from deep depression ever since. He urges the neglected Viv to leave.

Despite the fact that he is uncomfortable living with a family he barely knows, Lee joins forces with them when they are forced to battle both the locals, who have burned their equipment, and the elements, which threaten their efforts to transport their logs downriver. After aiding their adversaries when their lives are in peril, the Stampers are handed two calamities at once, a falling tree that severs Henry's arm, and a trunk that crushes Joe Ben in shallow water.

Lee takes his father to the hospital, while Joe Ben laughs at his own predicament until the tree trunk rolls atop him, pinning him down. Hank's desperate rescue attempts fail as the tide rises, drowning Joe Ben. At the hospital, Henry dies after finally expressing his approval of Lee, who informs Hank that Viv has left him. Hank returns to an empty home and appears for a while to have given up. Ultimately, he decides to deliver the logs, alone if necessary, but Lee joins him. Lining up along the riverbank, the Stampers' rivals look forward to seeing them fail, but the brothers are successful. Henry's severed arm is attached to the boat, giving the middle finger to all who watch.

Sometimes a Great Notion

The story centers on the Stamper family, a hard-headed logging clan in the coastal town of Wakonda, on the Oregon coast, in the early 1960s. The union loggers in Wakonda go on strike in demand of the same pay for shorter hours in response to the decreasing need for labor. The Stampers, however, own and operate a small family business independent of the unions and decide to continue work as well as supply the regionally owned mill with all the timber the laborers would have supplied had the strike not occurred. The rest of the town is outraged.

This decision and its surrounding details are examined alongside the complex histories, relationships, and rivalries of the members of the Stamper family: Henry Stamper, the elderly, politically and socially conservative patriarch of the family, whose motto "Never Give a Inch!" has defined the nature of the family and its dynamic with the rest of the town; Hank, the older son of Henry, whose indefatigable will and stubborn personality make him a natural leader but whose subtle insecurities threaten the stability of his family; Leland, the younger son of Henry and half-brother of Hank, who as a child left Wakonda for the East Coast with his mother, but whose eccentric behavior and desire for revenge against Hank lead him back to Oregon when his mother dies; and Viv, whose love for her husband Hank fades as she realizes her subordinate place in the Stamper household.

The Stamper house itself, on an isolated bank of the Wakonda Auga River, manifests the physical obstinacy of the Stamper family. As the nearby river slowly widens and erodes the surrounding land, all the other houses on the river have either been consumed or wrecked by the waters or been rebuilt further from the bank, except the Stamper house, which stands on a precarious peninsula struggling to maintain every inch of land with the help of an arsenal of boards, sandbags, cables, and other miscellaneous items brandished by Henry Stamper in his fight against the encroaching river.

Born to Be Loved

A seamstress (Carol Morris) and a music teacher (Hugo Haas) play cupid for each other, ending with a double wedding.

Envoy Extraordinary (novella)

A Greek librarian's assistant named Phanocles and his sister Euphrosyne arrive at the villa of the Roman Emperor, having been forced out of their previous life of because of Phanocles' inventions, which drew scorn and allegations of black magic. Phanocles shows the Emperor a model of his design for a steam-powered warship. The Emperor has no interest in it, but is delighted by the potential of the steam pressure cooker, which Phanocles learned of from a tribe "beyond Syria". Mamillius, the Emperor's grandson, has no interest in either but falls in love with the veiled Euphrosyne when he sees her eyes. Phanocles is given the funds to build his warship, which is named ''Amphitrite'', and a second invention – a gunpowder artillery weapon later called the tormentum – in exchange for building the pressure cooker.

The first version of pressure cooker goes wrong, killing three cooks and destroying the north wing of the villa. Meanwhile, word of ''Amphitrite'' construction reaches the Emperor's heir-designate, Posthumus (see Postumus (praenomen)), who wrongly sees it as part of an attempt to put Mamillius in his stead. He leaves the war he was fighting to return to the villa and force the matter. On the day of ''Amphitrite'' demonstration voyage, Mamillius and Phanocles are nearly killed and the ship's engine, called Talos, is sabotaged, destroying several of the returning Posthumus's warships and most of the harbour through fire. It is revealed that the assassination attempt and sabotage were the work of enslaved rowers worried that the steam engine would make them redundant. The military have similar concerns about the impact of gunpowder on warfare.

In the final section, Mamillius has become heir. Over steam-cooked trout, the Emperor tells Phanocles that he has decided to marry Euphrosyne himself to avoid embarrassing Mamillius, as he has deduced that the reason she never takes off her veil is that she has a hare lip. Phanocles talks to the Emperor about his idea for a compass to solve the issue of navigating without the wind and reveals his final invention: the printing press. The Emperor is initially excited but becomes terrified by the prospect of vast amounts of bad writing that he would be obliged to read. To be rid of Phanocles and his dangerous ideas, he makes him Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China.


Murikuri is a series of short stories featuring aliens, a man conceiving a baby, a pervert Father Santa and his girlfriend, and a pig. Many of these stories revolve around sexual desire. The first story involves a girl giving a love letter to a pig. His friend, a grade-school boy, envies the pig because of the pig's height, which allows him to see girl's panties. Another story is about aliens abducting a woman because they find her attractive. The longest story is about a man discovering he's carrying a baby (which will grow in his back), which is an unwelcome surprise as while it means he and his wife will have a child, it also means they can no longer have sex until the stability period. Another features a schoolgirl who is dating Santa Claus, and is disappointed that she cannot spend Christmas with him (because he has to work).

An Abundance of Katherines

Colin Singleton, a child prodigy living in Chicago, fears he will not maintain his genius as an adult. Over the span of his life, Colin has dated nineteen girls named Katherine, all spelled in that manner. After being dumped by his girlfriend, Katherine XIX, Colin is longing to feel whole, and longing to matter. He hopes to become a genius by having a "eureka" moment.

After graduating from high school, and before college, Colin's best and only friend, Hassan Harbish, convinces him to go on a road trip to take his mind off the breakup. Colin goes, hoping to find his "eureka" moment. After reaching a rural Tennessee town called Gutshot, they visit the supposed resting place of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. There, they meet Lindsey Lee Wells and her mother Hollis, whose family runs a local textile mill. Hollis allows Colin and Hassan to stay with her family and offers them a summer job interviewing the town's residents and assembling an oral history of Gutshot.

Colin begins to like Lindsey, though he is foiled by her boyfriend, Colin Lyford (he and Hassan call him TOC, "the other Colin"), whose father is employed by Lindsey's mother. Colin is still chasing his eureka moment, finally finding it in the theorem he created called the "Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability". It determines the curve of any relationship based on several factors of the personalities of the two people in a relationship. His theorem eventually works for all but one of his past relationships with a Katherine—which the novel explores.

While the back stories of Colin's life play out, Hassan finds a girlfriend, Katrina, a friend of Lindsey's. Their relationship is cut short when Colin and Hassan catch Katrina having sex with Lyford while on a feral-hog hunt with Lindsey, her friends and Lyford's father. A fight between Lyford and all the surrounding acquaintances begins when Lindsey finds out that he has been cheating on her. Injured in the fight, Colin anagrams the Archduke's name while in the graveyard to dull the pain, and realizes that it is actually Lindsey's great-grandfather, named Fred N. Dinzanfar, who is buried in the tomb.

Colin finds Lindsey at her secret hideout in a cave, where he tells her the story of every Katherine he has ever loved. Lindsey tells him how she does not feel sad but instead slightly relieved by Lyford's affair. They discuss what it means to them to "matter" and eventually confess their love for each other. As their relationship continues, Colin decides to use his theorem to determine whether he and Lindsey will last. The graph reveals that they will only last for four more days. Four days later he receives a note from Lindsey, saying that she cannot be his girlfriend because she is in love with Hassan; however, a P.S. at the bottom makes it clear that she is only joking. Colin realizes that his theorem cannot predict the future of a relationship; it can only shed light on why a relationship failed. Despite this, Colin is content with not "mattering". Hassan says that he is applying for two college classes, which Colin has been trying to convince him to do throughout the book. The story ends with the trio driving past the restaurant they were originally planning to go to, because Colin, Lindsey, and Hassan realize that they can just keep driving; there is nothing stopping them from continuing on.

Restless (novel)

Eva, a young Russian woman, is recruited after her brother's death to work for the British secret service. During this time she falls for her mentor and boss, Lucas Romer. But all is not as it seems as Romer is working as a double agent which ultimately leads to the attempted murder of Eva, alongside the deaths of other agents.

The tale is interlinked with the story of Eva's daughter in the 1970s and how she comes to terms with the discovery of her mother's secret life. The setting of the novel is in London, Oxford, Scotland, continental Europe, and the United States.

Full Tilt (novel)

Brothers Blake and Quinn are with friends Russ and Maggie at an amusement park. 13-year-old Quinn is a bit more daring and adventurous than his 16-year-old brother, which leads him to wear obscene hats and want to ride the most high-octane roller coasters such as the Kamikaze. Later on in the evening, Blake ends up talking to a girl named Cassandra at a game stand who convinces him to play a game of ball toss. Having won, he receives a ticket from Cassandra to another amusement park that's invite-only and open through the night. Cassandra mysteriously vanishes from the park shortly after, and a bearded bald man is now there instead, who has no idea about anyone name Cassandra. As Blake and Quinn return home, their mother surprises them by announcing her engagement to her boyfriend. Blake accepts his soon to be stepfather but Quinn angrily storms off.

That night, Quinn mysteriously falls into a coma-like state. Looking at Quinn, Blake swears he can see carnival lights in Quinn's eyes. He also discovers the ticket given to him by Cassandra missing. Blake drives back to the park with Maggie and Russ and find a hidden path along the way. They arrive at the ravine and discover that Blake's hunch was right, when they discover a hidden amusement park. Despite not having an invitation anymore, they are let in. After entering, they find out that they must ride seven rides by dawn in order to be let out. Failure to do so means they will be trapped at the park forever.

As he goes on the rides, he discovers that they are anything but the ordinary rides found at theme parks. Rides start simple, but turn into lifelike experiences with a very real chance of dying. For example, a ride based on Kamikaze fighters places the rider into real planes that really do crash, killing the rider unless he or she finds a way out of the cockpit. To Blake's horror, he discovers that if you "die" on a ride, you are absorbed into it. Having been separated from his friends, Blake runs into Cassandra and confronts her about why she invited him to the park. Instead of answering the question, Blake is put into his next ride.

Here, he finds his brother Quinn and attempts to warn him of the dangers of the park. Quinn, enjoying the life-or-death thrill of the ride, refuses to believe Blake. As a result, Quinn runs away from Blake after finishing the ride.

After failing to save Quinn, Blake meets Maggie in a mirror maze. Anyone who glances into these mirrors are presented with their worst fears and doubts, like being too fat or ugly. The two work together to find the exit. But just as the two come to the end of the ride, Maggie gets separated from Blake. She runs back into the ride, presumably lost.

Next, Blake runs into Russ while trying to find a way out of the park. To his dismay, Russ attacks Blake after Russ made a deal with Cassandra to be let out of the park. Russ fails to prevent Blake from advancing and Cassandra betrays Russ by sending him to The Works. The Works is a desolate place similar to early industrial revolution factories and holds the park together. It is filled with individuals trapped by the park working nonstop to maintain the rides.

Blake manages to locate Quinn again after his encounter with Russ. This time, he successfully persuades Quinn to escape with him. As they head towards the last ride, the trapped guests in the park begin to cheer. No one had ever gone this far since the park opened and those trapped support Blake on his quest to escape. His next ride is called King Tut, but because "King Tut" is never supposed to live, the ride starts to collapse on the duo. As a result, Blake falls into the works where he sees Maggie and Russ. Cassandra, desperate to keep Blake from leaving, makes Blake an offer. She offers Blake the chance to become someone akin to a god in the park. Blake would have powers equal to hers and be able to change reality in the park to his liking, making it a better place for his friends. That is, as long as Blake stops advancing on his sixth ride. He rejects the offer however and joins Quinn on his journey to the next ride.

Blake and Quinn survive the last ride, but is told by Cassandra that the last ride was only Quinn's fifth and time is up. All around them, the park seems to fall apart. Blake's actions surviving the seven rides has destabilized the Alternate Reality that Cassandra resides in. The stability of the park relies on the emotions of thrill and horror by those within it. Cassandra then makes one final offer to Blake. If Blake survives riding one additional ride, Cassandra will release him, Quinn, Russ, Maggie. However, if he loses, he and his friends will stay there forever. This ride takes Blake back in time to his worst childhood memory, a school bus accident from when he was 7-years-old, which only he survived. In the end Blake remembers how he had escaped, beats the ride, conquers his fears, and saves the people he cares about. Blake, Quinn, Russ, and Maggie are then brought back to reality to find out that they had fallen unconscious and had been in a car crash on their way to the park. Quinn also ends up in the hospital. They find nothing where the park used to be, and none of them are sure if the events that night truly happened or not..

Pixie Pop

The story follows the adventures of 12-year-old Mayu Kousaka who is just starting middle school. Her family owns a successful café business, and as such, she is heavily selective about what she drinks. Mayu especially enjoys soda pop, though she is known to like anything that has flavor.

When Mayu goes to her first day of middle school, she finds that she must sit next to her former elementary school crush, Shinya Amamiya. The memory of when he turned her down on the day of elementary school graduation still plagues Mayu's mind, and she is incapable of making any true effort to speak to him.

As Mayu is sitting at the bar, a glass and several cans of pop near her, she begins to reminisce about her first meeting with Shinya, when he helped her find her mother. A single teardrop falls into her glass, turning the pop seven different colors. Figuring it was one of her mother's "experiments", she drinks the strange liquid, and finds it to be disgusting. This is when she sees Pucho, who suddenly appears. As it turns out, Pucho is a magical drink spirit, who had gotten the recipe for the seven-color drink (which is supposed to transform drink fairies into adults). Bitter that Mayu drank it instead of her, Pucho proceeds to terrorize Mayu, who thinks that she's merely dreaming and drinks some cold milk to wake herself up. In all actuality, it turns her into a giant. From that point on, anything Mayu drinks (with the exception of water, although it did turn her invisible one time) will cause her to transform. Many times, Mayu has no control over what she does or says during her transformations, and the only way to undo them is with the magic words spoken by Pucho: "Puppuku Pucho!".

The rest of the series centers around Mayu and Pucho's adventures to uncover the colors of the seven-color drink in order to assemble it again, as it is said that the feelings of love create them. As such, Pucho vows to make Shinya fall in love with Mayu.

The Jazz Singer (1952 film)

As Jerry Golding (a young Korean War veteran) scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who had hoped that Jerry would instead follow in the footsteps of six consecutive generations of cantors in their family. Sorrowfully, Cantor David Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.

My-Otome Zwei

''My-Otome Zwei'' takes place one year after the events of My-Otome. Arika is now a full-fledged Otome (though still under the tutelage of Miss Maria as she has not yet received enough credits to graduate) and Nagi is incarcerated in a prison somewhere in Aries. The various nations are at peace with one another and plan to hold S.O.L.T. (Strategic Otome Limitation Talks) to discuss limiting the numbers of Otome.

A mission to destroy a meteor threatening to collide with Earl sets into motion a chain of events which result in a mysterious shadowy figure attacking Garderobe and several Otome as well as a new, more powerful version of Slave appearing across the planet. To make matters worse, Queen Mashiro disappears following an argument with Arika. The series follows Arika's search for Mashiro as well as Garderobe's attempts to uncover the truth behind the shadowy figure.

Fine Powder

The film tells of Thomas (Facundo Luengo) a Jewish grown man who lives with his grandmother in the industrial section of a large Argentine city.

His life isn't going exactly as planned. Though he has impregnated his girlfriend Ana, he finds himself avoiding her because he has fallen in love with Alma, so he ignores Ana.

When he needs to make some money, he hooks up with a drug dealer, and this makes matters worse.

Eko Eko Azarak (manga)

According to her fellow students, Misa is a star student and an idol of the classroom. However, she is also a young witch who goes from school to school using black magic in order to enact chaotic and brutal justice. Along the way, her strange past is revealed.

Take the High Ground!

In May 1953, a new group of Army recruits at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, encounter their drill sergeants, SSG. Laverne Holt (Karl Malden) and the deeply troubled SFC. Thorne Ryan (Richard Widmark). After Ryan's caustic appraisal of the recruits, Holt vows to make soldiers out of them during their sixteen weeks of basic training. The two men served together in Korea and are combat veterans; Ryan, though, resents his stateside duty and repeatedly applies for a transfer back to the Korean front.

One night, the men cross the border to Mexico for recreation. In a bar, Ryan and Holt see a beautiful woman, Julie Mollison (Elaine Stewart), buying drinks for a group of young recruits, including some of their own. Later that evening, the two sergeants escort the inebriated Julie to her apartment, and Ryan finds himself drawn to her.

Training becomes more intensive. Ryan exposes his men to tear gas to prepare them for the harsh conditions of battle. Ryan and Holt return to the bar one night, and find Julie sitting alone. When the crude MSG. Vince Opperman (Bert Freed) insults Julie, she runs out of the bar in tears, and Holt comforts her. Ryan and Opperman fight, and Opperman reveals that Julie was married to a soldier who was killed in Korea shortly after she left him.

One day, recruit Lobo Naglaski (Steve Forrest) visits the camp chaplain to confess his murderous feelings toward Ryan, but comes to see that the sergeant has very little time in which to do a tough job. Tensions arise between Ryan and Holt, both over Ryan's callous treatment of the men and Holt's relationship with Julie. Ryan puts his men through increasingly tough drills; during field training, a bitter confrontation erupts between the two sergeants. Holt slugs Ryan and walks away.

Later, Ryan calls on Julie at her apartment, and they fall into a passionate embrace. She resists his further advances, however; he becomes insulting and casts aspersions on her virtue, chiding her for having given her husband "the brush" when she did.

Recruit Donald Quentin Dover IV (Robert Arthur) refuses to throw a hand grenade and, after the group has bivouacked as part of more field drills, he "goes over the hill", intending to desert. Ryan tracks him down and gives the young man a second chance, confessing that his own father had been a deserter.

As the training period draws to a close, Ryan returns to Julie's apartment and discovers she has moved out. He finds Julie and Holt at the train station. After Holt leaves, Ryan apologizes for his behavior and asks Julie to marry him, but she sadly points out that he is married to the Army. Outside the train station, Ryan and Holt silently make their peace. The men finish basic training, and as the new soldiers march by during their graduation exercises, Ryan proudly points them out to a fresh group of recruits.

National Lampoon's Men in White

Roy DuBro (Karim Prince) and Ed Klingbottom (Thomas F. Wilson) are garbage men who are constantly undermined by their corrupt boss Junior Assistant Dispatcher Trainee Stanley Snyder (M. Emmet Walsh).

One day, the earth is secretly invaded by an army of flying saucers, commanded by a Darth Vader-esque alien called Glaxxon (Dave Fennoy). A saucer abducts the two men and the aliens on board attempt to vivisect them. They awaken just in time and escape back to earth with an alien fire extinguisher. When they arrive late for work and try to tell Stanley about the aliens, he doesn't believe them, having heard every alien story ever from fellow worker Old Bob (Don Stroud).

President Smith (Barry Bostwick) and his significantly more competent press secretary (Donna D'Errico) receive news about the invasion from General Vice (George Kennedy) and the President tells his advisor, Dr. Strangemeister (Wigald Boning), to find two people with alien experience and make them into secret agents. Unbeknownst to anyone, Strangemeister is secretly in league with Glaxon, who is infuriated by Ed and Roy's interference. Strangemeister hires the two of them, believing that they are destined to fail and transforms them into 'The Men in White'.

The aliens start abducting people all over the world. Roy suggests the two of them use a cow as bait. The plan works and they successfully capture an alien spaceship. They discover a device that makes them forget the last several seconds, and the two of them get stuck in a continuous loop for several hours until its batteries run down.

After a brief musical number, Strangemeister convinces the President to make a broadcast, assuring the remaining humans that they are safe. Meanwhile, the device runs out of battery power and the two men are freed from the loop. The two discover a weapon on the ship called the "Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator" and take it. They also fuel their garbage truck with Dylythium Blend from the spaceship's engine, enabling it to fly.

Roy uses the Modulator to destroy the invading saucers. Strangemeister combats this by telling the president that they intend to use the Modulator to take over the world. Glaxon sends four bounty-hunters to destroy the two heroes and at the same time, the president sends in the Special Forces (including a cowboy, an Indian, a fencer and a group of girl scouts) to do the same. Ed and Roy are chased into a factory and manage to elude both forces, which in turn start attacking each other. In the confusion, the Modulator overloads and destroys the bounty-hunters, with all the humans escaping just in time.

Glaxon, on Strangemeister’s suggestion, uses the mother ship’s main weapon to destroy every garbage truck on the planet. Ed and Roy escape by flying into outer space. They overcome a series of obstacles and make their way towards the mother ship. The president addresses the press and is then taken to the war-room, in an underground bunker. The generals and Strangemeister join them soon after. Ed and Roy board the mother ship and crawl through the air ducts to the computer room.

While Ed hacks into the computer and installs a self-destruct virus, Roy wrestles with Glaxon and ultimately defeats him by launching him into space. With the virus uploaded, all the on-board humans and aliens make their way to the escape-pods a good ten seconds before the ship explodes. Ed and Roy land in a swimming-pool. Unable to comprehend being defeated by garbage men, Strangemeister exposes his true intentions to the President and reveals that he was actually a tiny man (Ben Stein) inside a robotic humanoid suit who was shrunken in a sauna by an alien.

To reward them for their success, the President promotes the two heroes to 'Senior Assistant Dispatcher Trainees' and demotes Stanley who is forced to pick up the trash for everyone on the planet (as all the other garbage trucks were destroyed). The two reconcile with Bessie the cow and the film ends.

Red Dust (2004 film)

Sarah Barcant (Hilary Swank), a white lawyer in New York City who grew up in South Africa, returns to her childhood home to represent Alex Mpondo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a Black South African politician who was tortured during apartheid. Under the post apartheid Truth and Reconciliation terms, the whole truth must come out. As it is, under duress Mpodo had identified one of his underground comrades, Steve Sizela, to the apartheid authorities. But he also confirms that he kept a much more important secret – a list of new recruits. This is still where he left it buried.

The full truth now emerges. Dirk Hendricks (Jamie Bartlett), the local policeman, admits Sizela was killed by his boss, Piet Muller (Ian Roberts) and that much of the torture was carried out at a ranch rather than at the police station – thus confirming Alex's apparently false memories of a 'dirt floor' and a water tap in the corridor. Visiting the ranch, Alex puts details together. Dirk admits where he buried Steve Sizela. The bones are found and dug from the ground; Mpondo decides to allow amnesty as the whole truth has been said. Muller, who denied the charges and pleaded not guilty, ironically applies for amnesty himself, infuriating members of the Black South African community.

Parallel with this story is Barcant's confrontation with her own past. She was arrested as a teenager for having a black boyfriend, which was breaking the apartheid laws. She got out of custody after one night, thanks to Ben Hoffman, a white lawyer who has worked all of his life against apartheid and is a strong believer in 'Truth and Reconciliation'. Sarah Barcant is there because she owes him a debt, and he is now too weak to take the case himself. He sees the outcome as positive.

Rostam and Sohrab

Rostam lived in Sistan, Iran, hero and one of the favorites of King Kaykavous. Once, following the traces of his lost horse, he enters the kingdom of Samangan where he becomes the guest of the king during the search for his horse. There, Rostam meets princess Tahmina. She admires Rostam and knows of his reputation. She goes into his room at night and asks if he will give her a child and in return, she will bring his horse. Rostam leaves after he impregnates Tahmina and his horse is returned. Before he leaves, he gives her two tokens. If she has a girl, she is to take the jewel and plait it in the girl's hair. If she has a boy, she is to take the seal and bind it on the boy's arm. Nine months later, she bears his child—a son, whom she later names Sohrab. Years go by before Rostam and Sohrab meet. Finally, a new war between Iran and Turan is on the horizon. The two armies face each other and prepare for the imminent battle. By then, Sohrab has become known as the best fighter of Turan army. But Rostam's legend precedes him and the Turan army cowers before the hero. No one else dares to fight Rostam, so Sohrab is sent to wrestle with the legendary hero. Though Sohrab knows his father' name, he is unaware that the man before him is Rostam. On the battlefield, Rostam and Sohrab fight for what seems like an eternity, neither knowing the true name of his opponent.

After a very long and heavy bout of wrestling, Rostam breaks Sohrab's back and stabs him. Sohrab, dying, tells Rostam that his father will avenge his death and only then do they realize their identities. Sohrab shows the armband amulet that Rostam once gave Tahmina, who gave it to her son to keep him safe during the war. Rostam grieves heavily, sends Goudarz to get the medicine (Panacea) but it came too late. When Tahmina finds out her son is dead, she burns Sohrab's house and gives away all his riches. Then "the breath departed from out her body, and her spirit went forth after Sohrab her son."

McVicar (film)

The film is set in two halves, the first in Durham prison and the second half while McVicar is on the run in London. The first half of the film focuses on relations between the prison officers and inmates and also McVicar's plotting and eventual prison escape.

The latter half of the film is set in London after McVicar has escaped from Durham. Here he re-establishes relationships with his wife and young son and he eventually decides to try to escape from his life of crime by trying to fund a new life in Canada.

Eventually, however, McVicar is forced to fund his family's relocation plan by returning to crime. Soon the Metropolitan Police are hard on his heels and he is eventually recaptured when one of his colleagues in the crime world informs the police officer in charge of McVicar's recapture of his whereabouts.

McVicar is returned to prison and his sentence is increased, but during this time he studies for a BSc in sociology and he is eventually released.


Alex, a former tap dancer, is an aging cafe waiter (chef de rang) in a large Parisian brasserie. He lives with his friend Gilbert, who also works at the brewery. Separated from his wife for a long time, he accumulates conquests. His dream: building an amusement park by the sea...

The Hound of the Baskervilles (1978 film)

The film begins in a theatre, where a pianist (Moore) begins to play a piano accompaniment to the actual film being shown in the theater.

Holmes (Cook) has just restored a stolen artifact to three French nuns, and is later called on a case by Dr. Mortimer (Terry-Thomas) concerning Sir Henry Baskerville (Kenneth Williams) and a legendary hound that curses the Baskerville estate. Tired and worn out by so many cases, Holmes passes the case onto Dr. Watson (Moore), who is portrayed as a Welsh eccentric.

Upon arriving at the station, Sir Henry, Dr. Mortimer, Watson and Perkins (their driver) are halted by a policeman (Spike Milligan), who warns them of a murderer stalking the moors, before sending the group on their way.

While out in the moor collecting specimens, Watson has a curious encounter in a hut with the raving Mr. Frankland (Hugh Griffith) and Frankland's exceedingly strong daughter, Mary (Dana Gillespie ).

In the next scene, we see Holmes still in London, visiting Ada, his mother (also played by Dudley Moore), who, as a bogus spiritualist aided by her housekeeper, Iris, scams older ladies of their money in false seances. Holmes' mother is concerned that "Watty" (Watson) may need help, and that "Sherl" (as she calls her son), should rush to his aid.

In next scene, Holmes interviews the one-legged Mr. Spiggot (also played by Dudley Moore) to act as a runner on the moor.

In the next scene, while wandering on the moors, Watson happens upon Mr. Stapleton (Denholm Elliott), who mistakes him for Sir Henry. Stapleton's sister (Joan Greenwood) describes dramatically her encounter with the Hound on the moor, suggesting that it ravished her, whereupon she attempts to force herself upon the reluctant Watson, with Miss Stapleton undergoing supernatural transformations reminiscent of ''The Exorcist''.

The Barrymores (Max Wall and Irene Handl) at Baskerville Hall mistreat Sir Henry and Watson, feeding them only cheese and water and then throwing them into a small bedroom, ankle-deep in water. Watson then goes to the village to send a message to Holmes (who is during this time visiting his cranky mother), and meets Mr. Stapleton of Merripit Hall. Stapleton is carrying a chihuahua that proceeds to urinate in Watson's pocket and face.

Arriving at Merripit Hall, Watson meets the eccentric Mrs. Stapleton, who displays surreal symptoms suggesting demonic possession. Late at night, Sir Henry and Watson discover the Seldons and the escaped murderer, whom Watson recognizes as Mrs. Barrymore's brother Ethel Seldon (Roy Kinnear), having a family dinner. Oddly enough, neither of the men seems to panic at this.

Afterward, Holmes arrives and examines the case so far. An invitation arrives for Sir Henry, asking him to dinner at Merripit Hall. Suspecting a trap, Watson goes along with Sir Henry while Holmes observes carefully. Mrs. Stapleton resumes her bizarre acts and begins to vomit pale-blue liquid over Sir Henry, whilst Mr. Stapleton's chihuahua urinates in Watson's soup.

Ordered to leave in disgrace, the Stapletons, Dr. Mortimer, Mr. Frankland, and his daughter Mary follow Sir Henry and Watson to kill them, but become trapped in a quagmire. Holmes then proceeds to reveal that the Hound is no more than a large, rather friendly Irish wolfhound owned by the late Sir Charles Baskerville, whose excited barking was misinterpreted as a monstrous beast. He also states that the dog is the sole heir of Sir Charles. With the dog gone, the would-be murderers would have gained the Baskerville fortune and the estate.

The film ends on the pianist, who is then hit by vegetables from the audience.

The Curious Savage

Act l

The play opens with the five residents of a sanatorium awaiting a new resident. The current residents of the sanatorium, called The Cloisters, function normally, excepting one small ailment. Fairy May (a plain girl who has difficulty telling fantasy from truth) sees herself as a person of great beauty. Jeff (a concert pianist and military veteran) believes that he was horribly scarred in the war, even though he survived the plane crash that killed all his men without a scratch. Florence dotes on a doll as if it were her 5-year-old living son (who had died at infancy). Hannibal (a statistician who lost his reason after being replaced by an electronic calculator and not finding work again) believes himself to be a concert violinist, even though he cannot play the violin. Mrs. Paddy, who had been told by her husband to "shut up" years before, rarely speaks except to shout out protracted lists of things she hates (including electricity, which she has given up for Lent) She believes herself to be a great artist, though her painting style is simplistic.

Soon, Mrs. Savage (the widow of a millionaire) and her stepchildren arrive, and the five residents eavesdrop from the hallway outside. Ethel's three stepchildren, Titus (a U.S. senator), Lily Belle (a self-proclaimed ingenue), and Samuel (a judge), had been shocked to find out that their stepmother had set up a memorial fund with her money in order to help average people pursue their dreams. On the basis of her "eccentric" behavior (such as taking up acting and the goals of her fund) they had her committed to The Cloisters so that they could take the money from her. When Ethel's three stepchildren leave, the five inmates introduce themselves to Mrs. Savage. Mrs. Savage tells them of her escapades in the theater before they all leave for Garden Hour. She then reveals to Miss Willie, her nurse, and Dr. Emmett, her doctor, that she has hidden the money that her stepchildren tried to take from her.

Act II

The residents of The Cloisters ask Ethel about her stepchildren. She reveals the sad history of her unpleasant "brood," when the stepchildren themselves arrive, trying to pry from her the whereabouts of the Savage fortune. She deceives each of them by giving fake locations for the fortune, and they are each sent on a wild goose chase in which they end up humiliating themselves. They return and convince Ethel to reveal the fortune, which is in the form of half-million dollar negotiable bonds. They are in the teddy bear that she has been carrying around with her, and Mrs. Savage is about to hand them over, only to have Mrs. Paddy turn out the lights. The room is thrown into darkness and chaos. When the lights come back on, the money is gone.


The staff begin to search for Mrs. Paddy and the bonds. After much effort from all, Mrs. Paddy is found, but she does not have the bonds. Dr. Emmett asks Miss Willie to search Fairy May. When Fairy returns from being searched, she exclaims there is a fire upstairs in Mrs Paddy’s bathtub. No one believes her and they all continue arguing. Jeff and Florence both falsely confess to taking the bonds, perhaps in an attempt to protect whomever they believe to be the guilty party. Hannibal then tells Dr. Emmet that he knows a woman took the bonds, because he was pushed during the blackout by a woman wearing perfume. He smells Lily Belle, but not her perfume. He smells smoke, and Ms. Willie brings in the burnt bundle of bonds. The siblings leave in frustration. The Doctor tells Ethel that she can leave if she wants to. Each of her new friends bestow a going away gift to Ethel. Miss Willie reveals that she is Jeff’s wife and works at the Cloisters in hopes that he one day remembers her. She also reveals that it was she who took the bonds and just pretended to burn them. Ethel, empowered, takes the bonds and leaves the Cloisters, having a final vision of her five new friends as happy and fulfilled. Jeff is playing the piano without flaw. Hannibal on the violin is perfect. Mrs. Paddy has painted a masterpiece. Florence is with a real living child. Fairy May is beautiful.

Departamento compartido

Alberto is a jeweler whose wife, Silvina, has kicked him out of his house because of his slovenly lifestyle. Having no other place to go, the newly divorced Albert asks his friend Mauricio if he can stay at his home. Mauricio is the owner of an imported car dealership and lives a very neat, routine, and quiet lifestyle—the opposite of Alberto. The entry of Alberto into Mauricio's life and their radically clashing personalities results in both awkward and hilarious situations.

Serpent Mage (Greg Bear)

Michael Perrin is now back home on Earth, living with his parents and continuing his training. Perrin has inherited Arno Waltiri's home and estate. Perrin moves in and begins to go through Waltiri's papers, where he finds a strange news story about bodies that were discovered in a nearby hotel. Perrin is contacted by a musical faculty member from UCLA, Kristine Pendeers. Pendeers is searching for ''Infinity Concerto - Opus 45'' with hopes that it has been left in Waltiri's estate, with the goal of completing Mahler's unfinished Symphony and performing the two pieces together. Perrin trains an apprentice Sidhe, and tries to arbitrate a peace between Sidhe and humans.[ Serpent Mage - Amazon]

Marianela (novel)

The novel takes place in the fictional town of Socartes, Spain. The town's name refers to the philosopher Socrates, and his ideas about internal and external beauty. It tells the story of Marianela (sometimes referred to as "Nela"), a poor orphan girl with an ugly face, and her love for Pablo, a blind boy, who also has romantic feelings towards Nela. Marianela frequently sings to Pablo, and he believes she is beautiful because of her voice and wild yet intelligible imagination.

Pablo's father asks a famous doctor, Teodoro Golfín, to examine Pablo to determine if his sight can be obtained. Pablo, full of hope at the prospect, promises Nela that he will marry her after the operation, if successful. He is convinced that Nela is beautiful, even when she tells him otherwise. In the meantime, Pablo's father plans for Pablo to marry his beautiful cousin, Florentina, but tells neither of them about it. Florentina comes to Socartes, and when Marianela first sees her, she mistakes her for the Virgin Mary because of her beauty. When Florentina is out walking with Pablo and Marianela, she expresses her pity for Nela because she is poor, abandoned and nobody loves her. She vows to take charge of Nela and clothe and educate her, and have Marianela live with her like a sister.

Pablo eventually gets the operation that gives him his sight. Before seeing Nela, he sees Florentina and assumes she was Nela but was corrected. He is completely entranced by Florentina's beauty and occasionally asks for Nela. Nela attempts suicide because she knows that now she is of no use, since Pablo has the ability to see and differentiate between beautiful and ugly, but she is saved by Dr. Golfín. He takes Nela to Pablo's villa and into Florentina's room (which used to be the room of the wife of Don Francisco) and takes care of her while she is hiding away from Pablo because of her looks. Then, due to Pablo's desire to see Florentina, Pablo finds his way to Florentina's room and serenades Florentina for all her beauty. He then has his attention drawn to Don Teodoro and Nela on the sofa and confuses her for "just a poor girl who Florentina took in from the street." Marianela then finally reveals herself and kisses Pablo's hand three times. Upon the third kiss, she dies of a broken heart and leaves Pablo distraught and shocked.

Portrait in Black

San Francisco socialite Sheila Cabot (Lana Turner) becomes increasingly disturbed as she cares for her ailing, disagreeable husband (Lloyd Nolan). Along the way, she falls in love with Dr. David Rivera (Anthony Quinn), who is tending her husband. This leads to a series of unfortunate events, resulting in the death of the husband and an ensuing murder investigation that reveals a surprise culprit.

I Accuse My Parents

Mild-mannered teen James "Jimmy" Wilson (Robert Lowell) appears before a judge on charges of manslaughter. When asked to speak in his own defense, he pauses, and reflects to say; "''I accuse my parents''" for not giving him the home life he should have had.

The film then flashes back to a day in high school, when Jim was given an award for an essay describing the ideal home he supposedly has. Eager to tell his parents, he goes home to a house full of empty liquor bottles, and parents distracted by arguing with each other. Jimmy is embarrassed when his mother (Vivienne Osbourne) shows up drunk to the graduation planning committee. Later, his father (John Miljan) gives him money instead of celebrating his birthday with him.

Jim gets a job selling shoes after school and meets torch singer Kitty Reed (Mary Beth Hughes). He delivers a pair of shoes to her house and then meets her later at the nightclub where she works. The two begin dating, Jim unaware that Kitty is also the moll of gangster Charles Blake (George Meeker), who specializes in fencing stolen jewelry. Blake identifies Jimmy as sufficiently gullible and recruits him to deliver packages and messages after work and school. Jim gets paid highly for his errands, so he never questions what exactly he is delivering.

Charles forces Kitty to break up with Jimmy after he realizes their relationship is becoming serious. Shortly afterward, Jim drives two of Charlie's henchmen to a late-night "errand," which turns out to be a robbery in which a night watchman is shot. Realizing what he's gotten himself involved with, Jimmy turns to his father, who rebuffs him. Jimmy confronts Blake himself, but Blake threatens to kill him if he does not continue working for him. After the police identify Jimmy as the driver of the getaway car, Blake sends his men to kill Jimmy, but the execution is interrupted, when two passersby happen upon the scene, causing the men to flee and leave behind a beaten Jimmy.

Fearing for his life, Jimmy packs a suitcase and spends an indeterminate amount of time hitchhiking and train-hopping. He ends up in a small town where he attempts to rob a diner, but the kindly owner, Al (George Lloyd), recognizes Jimmy as a good boy in a bad situation, and offers him safe harbor and a job, as long as he agrees to give up crime and start going to church. After a period of living and working for Al, Jimmy's life straightens up and he confesses to his crimes. Al agrees to accompany Jimmy back home to turn himself in.

Back in Jimmy's hometown, Al takes him to confront Kitty, who confesses that she was forced to break up with him. Jimmy then goes to confront Blake one more time, in the hopes that Blake will also turn himself in to help clear Jimmy's name. Blake refuses and instead pulls a gun on Jimmy; Jimmy attempts to wrestle the gun away, accidentally shooting and killing Blake in the process. The police, alerted by Al, storm Blake's hideout and arrest his men, along with Jimmy.

Back in the present, the judge, understanding why Jimmy accuses his parents, acquits Jimmy of manslaughter. However, the judge also finds him guilty on charges of possession of stolen property, gives him a five-year suspended sentence and two years' probation and remands him to the custody of his parents until he is twenty-one. The judge then addresses Jimmy's parents (and the camera), warning that any young man could suffer the same fate as Jimmy if left to neglectful parents.

The film concludes with a title card informing the audience that the production company is paying all costs to send the film overseas to entertain troops fighting World War II.

Hangin' with the Homeboys

Four friends are young men going nowhere with their lives. Tom and Johnny have dead-end jobs (one works as a telemarketer and aspires to be an actor, the other is a supermarket clerk), while Willie and Fernando (who prefers the name "Vinny") are unemployed and use people to get what they want. They go for a "guys' night" out on the town from the Bronx to Manhattan, and suffer various disasters, (Tom wrecks his car, Willie gets the guys thrown out of a party, etc.) most of which they bring on themselves. During their "night out", their relationships with one another become strained as the various situations lead to conflict between them, and by the end of the movie they have all separated.

The Gift (2003 film)

Doug Hitzel, a young man, reveals that after a year of unsuccessful dating he gave in to unprotected sex in an attempt to fit in; he is then seen crying. Doug Hitzel died September 26, 2017.

Kenboy, another young man, explains he moved to an LA sex house with sex parties and was relieved to finally catch HIV; the sex parties were known as "Standard Fuck Parties." Condoms were traditionally barred from use, though at the time of filming the rule had been changed to mere discouragement of condom usage. Anywhere from 100 to 120 men would typically attend the Standard Fuck Parties, and despite this high attendance, seldom more than two or three condoms would be found on the floor in the morning - that was it. The Standard Fuck Party attendants were equipped with all manner of devices for participating in a variety of sexual acts. There were "fuck pews" for bottoms to kneel on while the tops did their thing, and there was an area reserved for the fisting guys, who tended to aggregate together. In the event of good weather, some of the men who go outside to engage in various sexual acts in the well-maintained courtyard. It was considered to be quite romantic. From then on, Kenboy would not have to worry about getting AIDS or not, or using a condom (failing to think of the possibility of catching other STIs). According to his Facebook page, Kenboy died August 22, 2017.

A group of older men, who did not get HIV on their own volition, explain how they lost a lot of their friends and lovers to HIV, and how they do not want a relationship because they do not want their boyfriend having to bury them too. They also talk about the medication they take, and about the side-effects - namely cardiac attacks, which seem to have replaced direct death from the virus. Advertising for prevention is also exposed for being too positive and showing images of attractive men with AIDS.

El Privilegio de Amar

The young seminarian Juan de la Cruz arrives for a visit at the home of his mother, Ana Joaquina, a religious fanatic who has always imposed her will upon her son and pushed him to serve God. Working in Ana Joaquina's house is the young Luciana, an innocent dreamer of a girl who falls in love with Juan.

One night, carried away by youthful passion, they tenderly and innocently give in to their desires. Upon discovering that Luciana is pregnant, Ana Joaquina demands to know the identity of the child's father; when Luciana admits that it is Juan de la Cruz, Ana Joaquina fires Luciana, leaving her destitute.

After giving birth to a daughter, Luciana leaves her baby on the doorstep of a wealthy house with the hope that the little girl will be raised there, but she is instead taken to an orphanage. In order to survive, Luciana becomes involved with many undesirable men, including Pedro Trujillo, a terrible man who hits and abuses her.

Twenty years later, Cristina, Luciana's daughter, has grown up happily in the orphanage although she is forever curious to know who her mother is; meanwhile, Luciana is the owner of a popular fashion house and the wife of the well-known actor Andrés Duval, with whom she has two children, Lizbeth and Víctor Manuel.

Lizbeth, who is Luciana and Andrés's daughter, is capricious and spoiled because she is accustomed to always having what she wants, while Víctor Manuel, who is Andrés's son with his first wife, is like a son to Luciana and works at her fashion house.

Her happy and caring family provokes Luciana to begin searching for the daughter she abandoned so many years ago; however, her family knows nothing about Cristina because Luciana has never revealed a single detail about her past for fear of her husband's reaction. Cristina, upon leaving the orphanage, rents a simple apartment with Lorenza and Maclovia.

Lorenza is a beautiful young woman, provocative and very self-confident, whereas Maclovia is reserved, timid, and intelligent. Lorenza meets Andrés and they become lovers as Andrés comes to desire the passion and love that Luciana never gave him; meanwhile, Cristina, thanks to Lorenza, obtains work as a model in Luciana's fashion house.

Cristina and Víctor Manuel fall in love and begin to date, but when Luciana discovers their relationship she fires Cristina and tries to convince her son that he should marry Tamara, trapping him with the lie that she is carrying his child when in reality the child is that of Nicolás Obregón, Andrés's friend.

Cristina discovers that she is pregnant by Víctor Manuel but decides to stay quiet out of respect for the family that he has formed. At this point, Alonso comes into Cristina's life offering a name for her daughter and love for her; however, Cristina cannot return his feelings because she does not love him.

Nonetheless, Cristina begins to fight for her daughter and becomes a very successful woman. This status that she little by little gains as a model unites her again with Víctor Manuel who lives a hellish life with Tamara; he eventually leaves her to be happy with Cristina and thus, they are able to enjoy together the privilege of loving.

Hell and High Water (1954 film)

Before the credits, an off-screen voice-over narrates:

Renowned French scientist Professor Montel (Victor Francen) goes missing; authorities believe that he and four other Western scientists have defected behind the Iron Curtain.

Former U.S. Navy submarine commander Adam Jones (Richard Widmark) arrives in Tokyo after receiving a mysterious package containing $5,000. Jones meets Professor Montel and a small group of international scientists, businessmen, and statesmen who suspect the Communist Chinese are building a secret atomic base on an island somewhere north of Japan. They must have proof, and so offer Jones $45,000 if he will command a World War II-era Japanese submarine to follow a Communist Chinese freighter ''Kiang Ching'', which has been making suspicious deliveries in that area. Jones reluctantly agrees, providing that the submarine is armed, and that he is allowed to hire some of his former navy shipmates. Montel travels with his assistant, Professor Denise Gerard (Bella Darvi)

News arrives that the ''Kiang Ching'' has sailed; despite Jones' protests that the submarine's torpedo tubes have not been inspected and tested yet, and are therefore too dangerous to use, there is no choice but to leave port and pursue the freighter. On the voyage, they are detected by a Red Chinese submarine which fires torpedoes at them. Unable to fire back with his own untested torpedo tubes, Jones dives the boat to the sea bottom, hoping to hide; the Chinese follow. After several tense hours of waiting each other out, Jones finally decides to surface, ramming and sinking the enemy submarine.

Jones wants to turn back, but Montel points out that their contract specifies that he won't be paid unless Montel is satisfied. They follow the ''Kiang Ching'' to an island; Jones and Montel land to investigate, but find insignificant radioactivity. After a firefight with Red Chinese soldiers, the patrol returns to the submarine with a captive, a pilot named Ho-Sin, and discover the existence of another island which could be their target.

During a storm en route to the island, Montel is injured, and insists Jones take Denise in his place. Denise detects an extremely high level of radioactivity but is forced to shoot and kill a Chinese soldier who stumbles upon her. Back aboard the submarine, Jones is worried because he recognized an American B-29 bomber sitting on an airstrip. Needing more information, they trick it out of Ho-Sin by sending ship's cook Chin Lee (Wong Artarne), dressed in a Chinese uniform, into the same room. Fooled, the captive reveals that the aircraft is going to drop an atomic bomb on either Korea or Manchuria the next day, with the blame placed on the United States. Unfortunately, Ho-Sin realizes Chin Lee is a spy and beats him to death before Jones can intervene.

Jones decides to go ashore and watch for the bomber's takeoff; at his signal, the submarine will surface and try to shoot it down. Montel, however, sneaks onto the island in his place. When Montel signals, the submarine surfaces and the crew opens fire with every weapon aboard. On fire, it crashes, detonating the atomic bomb and obliterating the island. In voice-over, Montel's previous line echoes as the mushroom cloud rises: "Each man has his own reason for living and his own price for dying".

Needle (novel)

The Hunter, an alien lifeform (when not inside another being, resembling a four-pound green jellyfish) with the ability to live in symbiosis with and within another creature, is in hot pursuit of another of his kind. Both crash their ships into Earth, in the Pacific Ocean, and both survive the crashes.

The Hunter makes its way to shore (its erstwhile host having been killed in the crash) and takes up residence in the nearest human being it can find (as it turns out, fifteen-year-old Robert Kinnaird) without letting the human being know. By the time it has figured out enough of what goes on inside a human being to look through Bob's eyes, it is shocked to find itself within an air vessel, being carried further away from its quarry every second. As it happens, Bob is simply returning to a New England boarding school from his home on an industrial island in the Western Pacific.

Once Bob arrives at school, the Hunter sees no alternative to communicating with his host. After initial attempts produce panic in the boy, the Hunter eventually finds a way to convince Bob of his presence. Bob is very accepting of his guest, perhaps beyond what would be expected of a teenage boy who learns another entity is inside him, observing his every move. The two plot a way to return home. The puzzle distracts Bob from his studies, leading to a decline in grades that the school authorities ascribe to homesickness, and he is sent home for the remainder of the term.

Upon arrival, the two begin to seek out their quarry. Bob is injured by an accident. The Hunter is able to hold the wound together, but he can't stop Bob from limping, and Bob is sent to the island doctor. They see no alternative to confiding in the doctor (the Hunter is forced to show his own form to convince the man) and the doctor becomes an ally in their search. Which of the many humans on the island is the host to their quarry? It is worse than a needle in a haystack (thus the title) because a needle at least looks like a needle, not a piece of straw.

The Hunter is able to solve the riddle by observing the behavior of the island people. Bob's father, known for his attention to detail and safety, has been taking amazing risks. He is at least unconsciously aware that an accident will have no ill consequences. The quarry resides within him. The Hunter confirms this, and Bob and the alien have a new puzzle—how to get the alien out of Mr. Kinnaird's body without harming the man?

This time, Bob comes up with the solution. He places himself in the middle of a large number of (empty) oil cans, uses a little actual oil to start a small fire, making it look like there will be a huge explosion shortly, and calls his father for help. The fugitive alien, fearful of being killed in the explosion, knocks out his host and removes himself from Mr. Kinnaird's unconscious body. As soon as the alien is a few feet away from Bob's father, the boy grabs the one full oil can, races over to the alien, pours oil over it, and lights it on fire. He then brings his father to the doctor.

Bob wishes to know the Hunter's plans now that his job is done. The Hunter knows the chances of returning home are minuscule, and hopes to stay with Bob. Bob is happy for this to happen, at least for now, as there is a more immediate problem at hand: Mr. Kinnaird is fine, but they had better come up with a good story, or the Hunter will have to use the net he has laid under Bob's skin to assuage the pain of a spanking. The novel ends without revealing whether this gambit is successful.

Prophecies of Nostradamus

In 1853, Genta Nishiyama begins preaching the prophecies of Michel de Nostradame using a copy of his book ''Centuries''. When Nishiyama is executed by the Tokugawa Shogunate for supposed heresy (after discussing the arrival of "black ships" that will end Japan's long isolation), his wife and son flee with the book in hand, passing down the knowledge to future generations. At the onset of World War II, his descendant, Gengaku, is interrogated by an Imperial Japanese Army officer about the family's continued preaching of the prophecies, which predicted the rise of Nazism and the defeat of the Axis powers.

In the present day of 1999, biologist Dr. Ryogen Nishiyama is called in to analyze recent scientific phenomena, such as the appearance of large mutant slugs, children wielding advanced abilities after drinking water near a zinc mine, and large ice packs just north of Hawaii. He is also a leading figure in the fight against environmental pollution, natural disasters, and the global arms race. The U.N. sends a research expedition to New Guinea to investigate a radioactive dust cloud that appeared over the island, but the team suddenly goes out of all contact. Nishiyama joins a second team to find them and discover that the area around the team's last known position is now infested by large mutant bats and leeches; one leech renders a team member unconscious and he later turns violently insane after the team sets up camp. He is sedated, but is later feasted on by cannibals. The team fight off the cannibals and chase them into a cave, where they find the remains of the original group, but are disheartened that some of them are barely alive; they are forced to kill and bury the survivors.

A SST jet explodes in the atmosphere over Japan, with the explosion puncturing the ozone layer and unleashing ultraviolet radiation below. The polar icecaps melt, triggering massive floods in Japan. After more natural disasters hit the country, the civilian populace turns to looting as rationing takes effect. Society breaks down further, with several people committing suicide. The panic escalates until nuclear war breaks out, devastating humanity. Most of the survivors are left mutated, and fight each other for food among the ruins of civilization.

It is revealed that the nuclear war is one of many nightmare scenarios Nishiyama is explaining before the Japanese Cabinet. As the prime minister explains a resolve to find a solution, Nishiyama, his daughter Mariko, and her boyfriend Akira (a globetrotting photographer) leave the Diet building.

Project ALF

The film begins where ''ALF'' had ended, with Gordon Shumway—otherwise known as ALF, short for Alien Life Form—being captured by the US Air Force's Alien Task Force while attempting to depart Earth. ALF is kept under lock and key at Edmonds Air Force Base under the orders of Colonel Milfoil (Martin Sheen). Contrary to everyone's worst fears, ALF has been doing just fine in captivity. In fact, the poker games that he has runs in his cell with his guards, where he sells concessions and generally cleans up on the table, have made his life very cushy bachelor pad-in fact he has enough possessions to fill an aircraft hanger. Acting on his own initiative, Milfoil plans on killing his prisoner under the guise of a beauty treatment, for which he has left a paper trail implicating his aide de camp, Lieutenant Reese (Scott Michael Campbell), setting him up as a scapegoat. They talk about ALF's relationship with the Tanner family, and the Tanners move to Iceland.

Learning of this, two Air Force scientists—Major Melissa Hill (Jensen Daggett) and Capt. Rick Mullican (William O'Leary)—help ALF escape, going to ground at a cheap motel. After ALF makes a nuisance of himself, he is ordered to go hide in the restroom, reminding him of when the Tanners would do the same. Unwilling to do without his creature comforts, ALF sneaks outside and contacts one of his former guards in an attempt to arrange a supply drop, before mistakenly entering a strip club named “Kitty Kat Lounge”, assuming from its name that it is an eating establishment that serves cats.

With both the local police and the military alerted, the three of them turn to Dexter Moyers (Miguel Ferrer), a former NASA scientist falsely discredited by the government as part of the anti-UFO conspiracy. His solution is to publicly reveal ALF's existence on global television, removing the US government's credibility and vindicating himself, but Rick grows increasingly uncomfortable with the idea. After accidentally stumbling across a computer file that hints at a deeper agenda, Rick departs during the night. The following day, he contacts a friend at Edmonds, aware that Milfoil will be monitoring the conversation and come directly to him. As predicted, he is arrested shortly after and brokers a deal, exchanging safe conduct for the three fugitives in return for revealing the impending broadcast.

Meanwhile, Melissa learns that Moyers has set up a secret auction alongside the broadcast, intending to sell the alien to the highest bidder. After she refuses to take part, he imprisons her. ALF, unaware of the betrayal, revels in being the center of attention until stage fright and the increasing hostility of his host lead ALF to lock himself in the bathroom, giving the military time to shut down the broadcast. Both Melissa and ALF are arrested, and Milfoil reneges on the deal. In doing so, he unwittingly reveals his murderous intentions on a security recording, which finds its way into the hands of Lt. Reese.

Back at Edmonds, Milfoil gloats that ALF's escape means he will be able to convince his superiors to have the alien executed openly, his hatred being revealed as seeking payback for his mother going mad as the result of an alleged alien abduction. However, Reese interrupts a meeting between Milfoil and General Stone to play the tape, revealing the Colonel's malfeasance.

A military panel authorizes promotions for the three officers involved in taking down Milfoil and apologizes to ALF, before declaring him an ambassador to Earth. The scene ends with ALF's usual self-aggrandizing behavior leaving the people on the panel to wonder if they have made the right choice.

Scent-imental Over You

A small Mexican hairless dog, wanting to be friends with the other dogs on Park Avenue, decides to borrow a fur coat and enter the dog show. Unfortunately, she borrows a skunk pelt by accident and frightens the other dogs. As she cries her hurt feelings out, she attracts the unwanted attentions of the amorous Pepé Le Pew. After he corners her in a treehouse, she finally removes the pelt and Pepé reveals he's wearing a mask, showing that he's a dog and the two embrace. Another mask removal proves Pepé is indeed a skunk who doesn't care that his love interest is a dog.

ESPY (film)

The International Psychic Power Group is a covert organization financed by the United Nations. Made up of clairvoyant supermen under the guise of the International Pollution Research Center, they wage a private war against enemies that threaten world peace and the total annihilation of the human race. With hostility between the East and West reaching a boiling point, four Eastern European delegates are assassinated aboard the Milan-Geneva International Express on their way to the United Nations for the Mediation Committee of International Dispute. The Baltonian Prime Minister is the next to be targeted for termination. A ruthless psychic assassin named Goro hunts down the psychokinetic saviors, themselves marked for death by an anti-ESPY group led by the insidious and superhuman Ulrov, who plans to destroy mankind by initiating World War III.

Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain

In June 1980, teenager Beth Easton and her recently widowed mother, Kate, relocate from Los Angeles to the small town of Wheaton, Washington, where they move into Kate's aunt's farmhouse. Initially, Beth misses the city and resents her new surroundings. In town she encounters Jody Salerno, a troubled but free-spirited teenager who has a bad reputation. While riding her bike the next day, Beth is forced off the road by a pick up truck and plummets down a steep ravine, crashing her bicycle into a river, where Jody is fishing.

Kate attempts to ingratiate Beth with two local girls, Tracy and Samantha. While they are picking berries at the house, Beth encounters Jody, who has been hiding in a tree and throwing cherries at them. Tracy and Samantha warn Beth against associating with Jody, but Beth joins her on a trek through the woods. Beth and Jody quickly become friends, and Jody tells Beth she has an adventure planned for the following day, the summer solstice. When Jody fails to meet Beth that morning, local cop Matt Hollinger offers her a ride to Jody's house. Jody's mother, Lynette, answers the door, appearing shaken and inebriated, and tells Beth that Jody is not home.

Matt brings Beth home and realizes that he is an old acquaintance of her mother. Beth receives a phone call from Jody, who directs her into the forest outside her house. She explains that she hid from Matt and Beth because she had broken in and stolen candy from the vending machines in the local high school; she then tells Beth the story of Molly Morgan, a female miner who purportedly died in a mine collapse in Bear Mountain while searching for gold. The girls board a motorized boat which Jody has hidden along the river, and ride downstream and into the mountain, where she has set up a makeshift living space in the cavern entryway. When Beth notices Jody's bandaged shoulder, Jody confesses that Lynette and her abusive boyfriend, Ray, had gotten into a fight the night before, and that Jody may have fatally wounded him after he chased her into the woods. Beth urges Jody to go to the police, but she refuses, planning to hide out in the mountain.

As a rainstorm approaches, the girls attempt to leave the cave, but a rock collapse occurs that damages the boat and pins Beth to the cave floor. Jody swims out of the cave and down the river, making it safely past a grizzly bear and to a road where she crosses paths with a State trooper. Beth is rescued just in time, as the water level has slowly risen inside the cave. At the hospital, Jody is confronted by Ray, who is still alive to the surprise of Jody and Beth.

Kate forbids Beth to spend time with Jody, but she appears at a Fourth of July picnic and divulges her plan to return to the mountain to get the gold. Kate eventually decides to let Beth see Jody, and they drive to Jody's house the next day. Inside, they find the house trashed and Lynette, beaten and incoherent, and no sign of Ray or Jody. Lynette is taken to the hospital and Beth insists to Matt that they go to the mountain, believing that Ray took Jody there. Beth assists Matt to the caves, but the two are separated inside. Beth finds Jody, who tells her that a drunken Ray beat her and forced her to take him to find the gold.

Beth goes back to find Matt, and Jody is grabbed from behind by whom she believes is Ray—when she turns around, she finds it is an elderly woman, who then recedes into the shadows. Ray appears and attempts to grab Jody, but is hit over the head with a shovel by the elderly woman. Beth returns to find Jody and Ray, unconscious, but the old woman—ostensibly Molly Morgan—has disappeared. Matt finally finds Beth and Jody and Ray is arrested. Lynette recovers in the hospital and Jody accepts her apologies.

In late August, Matt arrives at Beth's house, and brings her, Kate, Jody, and Lynette to the courthouse, where an attorney is representing an anonymous client who has bestowed a gift to the girls. They are given two bags, each containing gold, and are cheered and applauded by the town citizens, including Tracy and Samantha.

The Vengeance of Rome

In the novel, Colonel Pyat, an incarnation of the Eternal Champion, goes to Italy and Germany, where he becomes involved in Fascism and Nazism, including sexual encounters with Ernst Röhm and Adolf Hitler and a sojourn in Dachau. Mrs Cornelius, the mother of Jerry Cornelius, is another major character. The end of the novel sees Pyat confronted with his ambiguous heritage and his own unreliability as a narrator.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

An orphan teenager named Alfred Kropp lives in a small apartment with his Uncle Farrell, who is a security guard. His dad left when he was born and his mom died when he was twelve. He stays mostly secluded, both at home and at school. A man named Arthur Myers calls Alfred's uncle at work, and offers one million dollars for the return of an object stolen from him, a sword, by Uncle Farrell's boss, Bernard Samson. Basically, Alfred has to break into the main office, find the safe, and steal the sword himself, accidentally cutting himself on the blade. Then when he is about to leave, he is attacked by three monks armed with swords as well. A battle ensues, but Alfred manages to defeat them though he has never fought with a sword whereas his enemies seem experienced. Alfred and Uncle Farrell manage to escape to their apartment, where they are attacked by Arthur Myers. He steals the sword, and kills Uncle Farrell, but spares Alfred.

Alfred meets Bernard Samson who explains to him that Arthur Myers was an alias of an international terrorist, who wanted control of Bernard's sword, which was Excalibur, and that the monks were actually the heirs of knights who vowed to protect the sword. Bernard Samson goes off to Xàtiva, Spain, to try to reclaim the Sword from Myers, whom he knows as Mogart. A member of an international organization called OIPEP interjects that their codename for Mogart is 'The Dragon'. When Alfred asks Samson if there is anything he can do to help, Samson replies, "Pray." Alfred returns to his normal life unwillingly, and is taken into a foster home owned by a family called the Tuttles.

Alfred, unsatisfied with his normal life, takes to hanging around the nearby town, particularly the cafes. There, Alfred recognizes Bennacio, a knight protector of the sword (and the lead monk who attacked him). Bennacio reveals that all the defenders, including Samson, were killed at Xàtiva, and the sword was lost. After relating this, Bennacio leaves the coffee shop they were in and Alfred follows him. Alfred sees Bennacio get attacked and attempts to save him. They go to Bennacio's room at the Marriott, where Bennacio uses Alfred's blood to heal the wound. Bennacio explains to Alfred that Excalibur has the power to heal, and that having been cut by it, Alfred has been granted the power to heal.

The next day, Bennacio is ready to leave without Alfred, but he pleads to the knight to help in any way he can. Bennacio offers Alfred a chance to drive him. They drive to Canada (in a Mercedes Benz). On the way, Bennacio reveals him that Bernard Samson was the heir of Lancelot and that he is the heir of Bedivere, the knight who was charged to put Excalibur back into the lake when Arthur died, but who could not resolve to do it, leading to the conflict between Mogart who is revealed to be a former knight banished by Samson, and the rest of the Order. Bennacio explains that as the heir of Bedivere, he feels guilty and wants to make amends for his ancestor's failure. Then they steal a Ferrari Enzo, but are attacked by more of Mogart's henchmen. Bennacio kills them when he has the chance and then continues on their journey. They stop at the house of a deceased knight, Windimar. Though Windimar's mother, Miriam, does not want to welcome Alfred at first, resenting him for her son's death since he stole the sword, Bennacio manages to convince her and they spend the night in the house. The next day, before they leave Miriam, who can foretell the future, tells them Alfred will forsake Bennacio, resulting in the knight's death and she tells Alfred he will die as well, killed by Mogart. They leave the next day, and get attacked once again. This time there are six of them on Suzuki Hayabusas. Bennacio manages to take them out using a bow and arrows.

After the Ferrari runs out of gasoline, Alfred and Bennacio first hijack a police car, then later a Jaguar, though Bennacio gives the Jaguar's owner a blank check to pay for the car.

Alfred and Bennacio continue to Nova Scotia where they are attacked again, but are rescued by Mike Arnold, an agent of OIPEP. They then fly to France. In France, Alfred meets Bennacio's daughter, Natalia. To begin with, she is quite cold with Alfred, since his theft forces the members of the order, especially Bennacio who wants to clear his ancestor's name, to go on a nearly suicidal mission, making her fear for her father's life. However, one night, Alfred tells her his mother died from cancer without any chance of survival whereas Bennacio still has a chance and they start a friendship. Bennacio tells Alfred that he is Bernard Samson's son, thus the heir of Lancelot, and convinces him to make a vow to protect Excalibur with his life.

OIPEP offers to trade 10.5 billion dollars for the sword. The exchange happens at Stonehenge. However, Mogart double crosses them and slaughters them. Bennacio tries to fight Mogart knowing full well he cannot overpower him since his foe has Excalibur. Mogart disarms and kills him leaving Alfred who was prevented from helping by Mike Arnold, member of OIPEP, as the last man standing. Alfred manages to free himself from Arnold's grip and runs to Mogart, strikes him and eventually manages to take Excalibur from him. He then escapes with Mike Arnold. Though Arnold claims he kept him away from the battle to save his life, Alfred understands that he is a traitor working for Mogart and that he is the one who set up the exchange, allowing Mogart to kill Bennacio, the last knight alive. Therefore, Alfred runs away with Excalibur, steals a van and take shelter in a hotel.

There he is contacted by Mogart who tells him he has kidnapped Natalia and will kill her unless Alfred brings him Excalibur. Alfred personally travels to the location indicated by Mogart, which turns out to be Merlin's cave in England in order to save Bennacio's daughter. Here, in Merlin's Cave in Tintagel, Alfred finds Mike again and forces him to lead him to Mogart but decides to spare his life, only knocking him out. Then he meets Mogart again and hands over Excalibur but Mogart betrays him again and stabs Natalia before attacking him with Excalibur. Once again, Mogart has the upper hand thanks to Excalibur. He disarms Alfred who reveals to him he is the heir of Lancelot, the son of Bernard Samson who Mogart loathes. Hearing this, Mogart flies into a rage and impales Alfred, pinning him to the wall of the cave, while telling him how he tortured Samson until he could no longer beg for his life, then beheaded him and fed his head to the crows in Xàtiva. Alfred dies and has a vision of a lady in a garden. Then he finds his true destiny as the master of the Sword. As in the original King Arthur stories, Mogart is unable to pull the sword out of the stone as only the Master of the Sword can claim it. Kropp, having revived, pulls the sword out of the stone, beheads Mogart, heals Natalia with his blood (since he was wounded by Excalibur) and returns home as a hero. At the end of the story, Alfred finds that he yearns for more excitement and calls OIPEP, wanting a job fighting "agents of darkness."

Dennis P.

Dennis (Edo Brunner) is in love with prostitute Tiffany (Nadja Hüpscher). He is not so interested in sex, but pays her to keep him company, and gives her expensive presents. He gets the money from repeatedly stealing diamonds from his employer Globus Diamonds. In view of an upcoming investigation into the missing diamonds Dennis fears he cannot go on like this. Instead he decides to steal one more time, but now a lot. He succeeds and leaves most diamonds with Tiffany's parents, who will hide them. He and Tiffany go to Mexico: on one hand Dennis flees the country, on the other hand he fulfills Tiffany's wish to go to that country. However, they have to take separate flights: due to the overbooking of their flight the departure is after the theft is discovered, therefore Dennis has to acquire a false passport.

In Mexico it turns out that Tiffany has a lover there whom she is going to marry. The fact that, on top of that, he is a policeman, is no complication, he knows about the theft, but will not report it. Anyway, Dennis is disappointed, and returns to the Netherlands. On arrival he visits his parents' house, where he hears from his mother (Willeke van Ammelrooy) that his father (John Leddy) has just died. His mother strongly disapproves of the theft and refuses the money Dennis gives her, but her father was more positive, with the motto "It is better to regret what you have done than to regret what you did not do". First Dennis plans not to attend the funeral because he would likely be caught by the police, but he goes anyway and, after that, turns himself in. His mother is at last proud of him.

Monobloc (film)

The film tells of three women who live a nondescript apartment block in a chaotic world.

Perla (Graciela Borges), her disabled daughter, Nena (Carolina Fal), and their next-door neighbor, Madrina (Rita Cortese) spend their days engaged in unrealistic conversations.

For example, Perla dreams of resuming her study of the French language although she is in constant need of blood transfusions to delay her imminent death.

The transfusions are performed by a mysterious female staff member in a surreal stark-white hospital room, and provide rare glimpses of the world outside the block.

Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal

While a raid of bandits slay a group of travelers, a young boy named Shinta is saved from death by a passing swordsman. The swordsman, known as Hiko Seijūrō, is a master of the Hiten Mitsurugi, the strongest of all sword forms. After seeing the boy bury the bodies of not only the travelers but also the bandits, Hiko is impressed and takes Shinta as an apprentice, renaming him "Kenshin", a name which he felt was more appropriate for a swordsman.

After years of training, Kenshin leaves his master following a vehement argument, convinced that the only way to uphold the Hiten Mitsurugi's pledge to help the weak and innocent is to join the revolution poised to upend the Tokugawa shogunate. He joins the Choshu clan's Kiheitai under Takasugi Shinsaku, and soon works for their leader, Katsura Kogorō, as an assassin alongside I'izuka, the examiner of executions. Kenshin soon becomes a hardened killer, feared far and wide as the ''Hitokiri Battōsai''. During a successful assassination, he kills a bodyguard named Kiyosato Akira. The encounter with Kiyosato leaves Kenshin with the first half of his cross-shaped scar. After killing a skilled assassin apparently sent to kill him, Kenshin meets a woman named Yukishiro Tomoe, unaware of the fact that she is the fiancée of Kiyosato. Kenshin, confused on whether to kill her or not after she witnesses him kill, decides to takes her to the inn where he and the men of the Choshu clan are residing. Katsura suspects a spy among the Choshu after Kenshin informs him of the assassin he killed since only a few select members of the clan know of Kenshin's existence.

After the Ikedaya affair, Katsura arranges for Kenshin and Tomoe to hide in the village of Otsu as husband and wife, so the two would not be suspected. For the next few months Kenshin and Tomoe become closer and warmer towards each other as the two live together. During this time, it is then revealed that I'izuka is the real spy as he meets up with the Shogunate task force, who were assigned to track down and kill Kenshin, to report on Kenshin's current state. They then send Tomoe's brother Enishi to visit Tomoe, who then secretly reveals to his sister that the shogunate agents are close by, and that her revenge will be complete. Tomoe sends Enishi off, feeling ill at ease. At this point, it is revealed that Tomoe originally conspired with the Shogunate task to kill Kenshin, however she begins to have a change of heart. It is here that Tomoe realizes that she has fallen in love with Kenshin, and Kenshin also falling in love with Tomoe. The two embrace for the night; the next morning, Tomoe leaves the house and tries to deceive the shogunate men into giving up their pursuit of Kenshin and unsuccessfully attempts to kill their leader.

After Tomoe's disappearance, Kenshin is visited by I'izuka who tells him that the spy is Tomoe and that she is meeting at that moment with her co-conspirators, so he must go there and kill her. He also reveals to Kenshin that she is the fiancée of Kiyosato, the man he killed, which leaves Kenshin in an extremely distraught state. Kenshin, however, at this point is still unaware that I'izuka is also a spy for the Shogunate. While heading to Tomoe's location, a heavily shocked Kenshin faces and kills three of the four shogunate agents set up to kill him along the path, but becomes badly injured due to his traumatized state. While Kenshin is fighting with the leader, Tomoe steps in between the two to protect Kenshin from the killing blow. This allows Kenshin to kill his opponent but, in doing so, he unintentionally impales Tomoe also. Before her death, she gives him the second part of his cross-shaped wound.

Kenshin, blaming himself for Tomoe's death, swears to fight to bring about the age desired by Katsura, but after that to continue fighting to protect the innocent without killing again. Katsura informs Kenshin that he had a new assassin deal with I'izuka and handle the assassinations from then on. As the Tokugawa shogunate is nearing its end, Kenshin has his first encounter with the Shinsengumi captains Okita Sōji and his future rival, Saitō Hajime. It is then revealed that once the Bakumatsu revolution had ended, the ''Hitokiri Battōsai'' had disappeared without a trace. Then Kenshin returns to the graves of the travelers he buried when he was a child and places Tomoe's scarf on them. Sometime afterwards, Hiko Seijūrō passes by the site and notices the scarf, realizing Kenshin had finally learned his lesson.

Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection

The OVA starts out as a montage of singular events surrounding the life of Kenshin Himura, told from the point of view of Kaoru Kamiya. Then the remainder of it involves Kenshin, who becomes tortured anew by the guilt of leading a happy life after such a destructive past. He makes the decision to wander again, and Kaoru strongly supports him, promising to welcome him home with a smile and their child. For fifteen years, he wanders, returning every once in a while. Kenshin eventually becomes ravaged by an unknown disease. To share his pain, Kaoru convinces Kenshin to infect her with the disease through sexual intercourse. Kenshin then leaves to go assist in the First Sino-Japanese War (primarily over control of Korea) as he had promised the Meiji Government, not fighting and killing, but instead helping people.

However, his son, Kenji, holds resentment towards Kenshin for leaving them. Now in his adolescence, he leaves for Kyoto hoping to learn Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu fighting style from Seijuro Hiko, hoping to be as strong as his father. Soon however, Kenshin's friend Yahiko Myojin tracks him down at the request of Kaoru. Yahiko duels him to show him the delusions of achieving his father's greatness. Yahiko admits that he is a genius and has natural talent as a swordsman. In a one final strike, Yahiko lets Kenji experience the full brunt of Kenshin's Sakabatou; allowing Kenji to experience the strength of his father's philosophy firsthand. Falling to his knee, Yahiko presented Kenji with the Sakabatō as a late genpuku gift. After the war's end, Sagara Sanosuke discovers an ill Kenshin sometime after he had fallen overboard on a ship. Sanosuke arranges Kenshin's return to Tokyo by boat. Upon arriving, a bed-ridden Kaoru, gets up to walk outside the dojo on the cherry blossom path, seeing her husband struggling with each step to meet her. The two meet, and Kenshin collapses into her arms as he clutches her to him. Kenshin tells Kaoru that he returned for her, and Kaoru quietly greets him with his old name, Shinta, for he had asked it before he left the last time. Soon, they end up beneath a cherry blossom tree, where Kaoru tells him that they will invite everyone for a cherry blossom viewing, and continue to gather in the years to come. With the silence growing stronger, Kaoru realizes that Kenshin has died quietly in her arms. Upon brushing his hair off his left cheek, Kaoru notices Kenshin's scar has faded away, signifying that his journey of atonement is finally over. In the final scene before the credits, she holds his head in her arms and weeps.

After the credits finish rolling, there is a scene which Kenji, walking with a young girl, Chizuru, beneath the cherry blossoms, saying that they will live happily together.

Mimsy Were the Borogoves

Millions of years in the distant future, a posthuman scientist is attempting to build a time machine and tests it by sending a box with a hastily gathered batch of educational toys into the ancient past. When the box fails to return, he constructs another and tests it the same way, but it also fails to return. Believing the entire experiment to be a failure, he discontinues his efforts and gives up on time machines. However, the first box arrives in the middle of the twentieth century and the second in the latter part of the nineteenth century, but both have had their time-travel circuitry irreparably damaged by the journey.

The first box of toys travels back to 1942 and is discovered by a seven-year-old boy named Scott Paradine, who takes it home. The toys include a small transparent cube that both follows and interacts with the holder's thoughts, a wire maze puzzle employing a fourth dimension, and a detailed anatomical doll that possesses modified versions of human organs, plus unknown additional structures. As Scott and his two-year-old sister, Emma, play with the toys, the brain activity of the two develop in unusual ways.

Although their parents are often preoccupied with their own lives, they notice unusual things going on with their children, such as strange conversations and nonsensical drawings, and the parents become worried. They consult with a child psychologist, Rex Holloway, who quickly recognizes the strangeness of the toys, and suspects them to be of extraterrestrial origin. Holloway surmises that the toys are "educating" the children and introducing an "X factor" into Scott's and Emma's thought processes, such as geometry that is unrelated to, and incompatible with, Euclidean geometry. He believes their developing young minds are pliable enough to be profoundly affected by the devices.

While still behaving mostly as normal children, the two occasionally show signs of developing unusual thought patterns, such as a conversation between Scott and his father about how salmon reproduce, in which Scott thinks it would be natural for a species to "send" its eggs upstream in a river, to hatch, and the young would choose to return to "the ocean" when they were sufficiently developed. Scott also wonders why humans still choose to live here, in the time and space of Earth, an idea that puzzles his father.

Holloway convinces the Paradine parents to take the toys away from the children, so that the children can return to normal development, and he attempts to study the toys himself, with little success. Meanwhile, the children continue thinking in the new patterns and communicating with each other in strange ways, including in their sleep and using strange words. Out of their parents' view, Scott begins collecting and creating small items for an abstract machine, largely at Emma's direction and guidance; she has more knowledge about how to construct the machine, but he has the skill to create it.

The second box arrives in 19th century England and is found by a child (implied to be Alice Liddell), who one day recites some verse learned from one of its contents to her "Uncle Charles" (Charles Dodgson, better known today as Lewis Carroll). Intrigued, he asks her its meaning; whereupon she, uncertain, identifies it as "the way out". Dodgson, in reply, promises to include it in his collection of writings about the stories she tells him, which are based on the toys from the box. He tells her that, unlike the other parts, which he has to modify so that adults can understand them, he will include this verse exactly as she told it to him.

Back in 1942, Scott and Emma have encountered Carroll's fantasy book ''Through the Looking-Glass'', containing the poem "Jabberwocky". In its words, they identified the time-space equation that guided their production, organization, and operation of the abstract machine; the title of the short story is a line from the poem. One day, their father hears the children's cries of excitement from upstairs in their house and he arrives in the doorway of Scott's bedroom, just in time to see his young son and daughter vanish in a direction he cannot comprehend.

Pyū to Fuku! Jaguar

The story starts out with Kiyohiko "Piyohiko" Saketome trying to take a band audition. In his way he sees a strange man named Jaguar carrying a big case, which turns out to be holding only a small recorder. Piyohiko tries not to get distracted by him but fails, because when Jaguar plays his recorder, the most beautiful, passionate guitar-like sound comes out of it. He tries more and more record companies, but every time he meets Jaguar and somehow manages to miss his audition. Finally, Piyohiko gets accepted at a record company only to find out that he will be staying at his new dorm with Jaguar as his roommate. Jaguar becomes a teacher and sets up a recorder class at their music school, and Piyohiko somehow ends up in that class instead of the guitar class he wanted...

The Ghost Brigades

The Colonial Defense Forces (CDF) learn that one of their top consciousness transfer scientists, Charles Boutin, has turned traitor and sparked an unprecedented alliance between three other species to wipe out humanity. While investigating Boutin's clumsy attempt to fake his own death, the CDF discovers that Boutin had successfully stored a copy of his consciousness in a computer. The colonial Special Forces, nicknamed "The Ghost Brigades," create a CDF soldier body with Boutin's DNA to try to implant the copy of Boutin's consciousness into the new brain, to learn where Boutin has escaped to and what his intentions really are. After the attempt seemingly fails, the soldier (named Jared Dirac, after Paul Dirac) becomes a private in the Special Forces and is assigned to a platoon commanded by Jane Sagan. On the off chance that Boutin's consciousness does emerge, Sagan and her superiors are determined to keep an eye on Jared. Time passes and an experience that reminds Dirac of Boutin's daughter Zoe leads Boutin's consciousness to emerge. Jared slowly becomes more and more like Boutin while losing his own personality traits, but retains his individuality and his strong moral opposition to Boutin's philosophy and actions. When the extent of Boutin's treachery becomes known, it's clear there will be some difficult choices required to stop Boutin's alliance with the Rraey, Eneshan and Obin.

A mission to the moon where Boutin is helping the Obin build their consciousness transfer technology, led by Sagan and Dirac, is catastrophically compromised by Boutin's use of a backdoor to disable the soldiers' BrainPals and render many of them catatonic. Dirac is interrogated by Boutin, who decides to transfer his own consciousness into Dirac's body in an attempt to infiltrate and destroy the Colonial Union. The transfer succeeds, ending Dirac's consciousness. Dirac is able to posthumously neutralize Boutin by leaving a Trojan horse in a BrainPal message, oxidizing his body's smart blood and killing him. Boutin's daughter Zoe is retrieved by the survivors of the mission, including Sagan. At the end of the book, Sagan is offered retirement in order to keep her from disclosing sensitive information she received from Boutin; she accepts and retires with her future husband John Perry, adopting Zoe. The Obin proceed to sign a treaty with the CDF that ends hostilities.

The Prairie

The story opens with Ishmael, his family, Ellen and Abiram slowly making their way across the virgin prairies of the Midwest looking for a homestead, just two years after the Louisiana Purchase, and during the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. They meet the trapper (Natty Bumppo), who has left his home in New York State to find a place where he cannot hear the sound of people cutting down the forests. In the years between his other adventures and this novel, he tells us only that he has walked all the way to the Pacific Ocean and seen all the land between the coasts (a heroic feat, considering Lewis and Clark hadn't yet completed the same trek).

That night, a band of Teton warriors steal all of Ishmael's animals, stranding the immigrants. The doctor returns the next morning along with his donkey. The trapper helps the family relocate their wagons, including one with mysterious contents, to a nearby butte where they will be safer when the Tetons return. Middleton joins the group when he stumbles upon the trapper and Paul. Before they return to the butte, Ishmael and his family go looking for his eldest son, Asa, whom they find murdered.

The trapper, Paul, and Middleton return to camp, find Inez whom Abiram and Ishmael had been keeping captive, and flee with her and Ellen. Ishmael chases them until the Tetons capture the Trapper and his crew. They escape the Tetons, and then Ishmael forms an alliance with the Indians. The Indians attempt to recapture the trapper by surrounding them with a prairie fire, but the trapper lights a backfire and saves everyone. They meet up with Hard-heart, a Pawnee Indian who survived the fire wrapped in a buffalo skin, and attempt to escape to his village. The Tetons capture them. Ishmael demands the trapper, Inez, and Ellen for helping the Tetons but is denied and turned away. Mahtoree intends to take Inez and Ellen for his new wives. Le Balafre attempts to spare Hard-heart's life by making Hard-heart his son. Hard-heart refuses, kills Weucha, and flees the village.

When Hard-heart's Pawnee warriors attack the Teton village, the trapper and his friends escape, only to be captured by Ishmael. The trapper is accused of Asa's death until Abiram's guilt is discovered. Abiram is executed, and Ishmael's family returns east without Inez, Ellen, or the doctor. Middleton, Inez, Paul and Ellen travel back to Louisiana and Kentucky, respectively, while the trapper joins a Pawnee village located on a tributary of the Missouri River. Middleton and Paul return just in time to witness the trapper's noble death and bury him.

Fahrenheit 451 (video game)

At the ending of ''Fahrenheit 451'', former Fireman Guy Montag is a fugitive, wanted for murder for killing his supervisor and stealing contraband books. The game takes place five years later. A pointless war has swept across the country, leading to martial law by the Firemen. Now an agent for the literary underground, Montag makes his way to New York. His mission is to break into the heavily guarded New York Public Library on 42nd Street. The books themselves were burned, but the contents had first been transferred to microcassette. The microcassettes need to be retrieved and uploaded into the Underground's information network. Along the way, he discovers that Clarisse McClellan, the young woman who inspired him to rebellion, is still alive.

Challenges for the player involve finding ways to alter one's appearance, fingerprints, and "chemindex" (body chemistry) in order to evade detection. Other issues arise in finding food to eat and safe places to rest. The player must also make contact with members of the Underground hiding in the city, through the use of a lighter and literary quotations.

In the end, Montag is able to break into the Central Library and meet up with Clarisse. The microcassettes are found and transmitted on the information network to resistance cells all over the world. While Montag and Clarisse achieve victory in saving the extensive collection of literature, it costs them their lives as firemen storm the office after the last cassette is transmitted, immolating them both.


The film tells of a Ringo (Adrian Suarez), a young man who moves from the city to the country, and moves in with his cousin Nancy (Nancy Torres). He takes a job as a Pin Boy at the local bowling alley.

Ringo has to go through to a rather physical and extensive training session, and is warned that the job is physically demanding and hazardous and he is given no health insurance.

But Ringo takes the job with enthusiasm and seems content doing the physical work. He listens to the folktales of his older, more experienced co-workers, particularly the well-traveled former hippie who calls himself Nippur.

Ringo comes home from work as Nancy goes out to her job, and they share breakfast before she leaves. They establish a good relationship that develops into a good friendship.

The Bunker (1981 film)

The film opens in 1945, with American correspondent James O'Donnell (James Naughton) gaining entry to the ''Führerbunker'' by bribing a Soviet sentry with a packet of cigarettes. The film then tells the story of the occupants of the bunker between January and May 1945 as an extended flashback. A number of historical events and the reactions of the bunker's residents are presented, including the encirclement of Berlin, Hitler's last meeting with Albert Speer and the attempts by Speer to sabotage Hitler's scorched earth policy, Speer's abortive plan to kill Hitler in the bunker, Hitler's dismissal of Heinz Guderian, Hitler's firing of Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering, the failure of German forces to lift the siege, the murder of the Goebbels children, Hitler's wedding to Eva Braun, and the suicides of Hitler, Braun and the Goebbels'.

The film ends as groups of survivors are leaving the bunker complex of the Reich Chancellery. The final scene depicts the bunker's mechanic and final occupant, Hentschel, listening to a radio announcement that Hitler has died fighting. He throws a set of papers at the radio in disgust and the scene dissolves to a series of still images with voiceover explaining the fate of the remaining survivors. The last still image is of Hitler giving a speech during his rise to power, with O'Donnel's voiceover:

:''It was Thomas Hardy who said 'While much is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.' ''

The still then comes to life briefly, depicting Hitler giving a political speech. The scene dissolves into the final still image of the ruined bunker as the credits roll.

The Bunker (2001 film)

In late 1944, the remnants of a platoon of Panzergrenadiers from the Großdeutschland Division are caught in an ambush by American troops. As they retreat, Private Hugo Engels is killed and the platoon finds a bunker occupied by Privates Mirus (John Carlisle) and Neumann (Andrew-Lee Potts) who have orders to defend it. Corporal Schenke confronts Sergeant Heydrich about not counter-attacking. Mirus relates the history of the area, where victims of the Black Plague were massacred on the orders of a stranger who influenced the townspeople to turn against one another.

During the night, tunnels are discovered beneath the bunker. Corporal Schenke (Andrew Tiernan) wants to explore them but Lieutenant Krupp (Simon Kunz) refuses. Mirus sneaks into the tunnels and a curious Private First Class Kreuzmann (Eddie Marsan) follows him. When they are discovered missing, Krupp believes they've deserted and orders a pursuit. Neumann is caught and reveals that Mirus had been using the tunnels as private property for several weeks while concealing his specific activities in them. Corporal Baumann (Jason Flemyng) discovers plans for the complex while Corporal Ebert (Jack Davenport) finds a warning sign. Ebert also discovers a mine shaft where he is attacked from behind by a silhouetted figure resembling Kreuzmann.

Baumann concludes there are Americans in the tunnels, and uses a generator to turn lights on in the complex. Krupp asks Mirus to explain the mysterious activities but is interrupted by machine gun fire in the bunker. Rejoining the platoon, they discover they had been firing at nothing. Cut phone lines convince them Americans are in the tunnels. The platoon splits up and searches the complex. Mirus reveals his belief that his dead son is talking to him about the tunnels. Schenke and Krupp's search discovers Ebert's body. Another group discovers a mass grave and Kreuzmann is found catatonic and incoherent. Kreuzmann breaks away from the group and runs into Krupp and Schenke as they continue their exploration. Startled, Schenke and Krupp shoot him dead, in the process creating a collapse that kills Krupp.

The gunfire alerts Neumann who enters the tunnel and, running from a shadowy figure, joins Neumann. Mirus attempts to run away and becomes tangled in barbed wire. When Heydrich, Baumann and Franke try to blow the bunker door with a stick grenade, Schenke and Neumann mistake the noise for an American assault. They set the fuse to a demolition charge to blow the ammunition up and keep it from the Americans.

Heydrich, Baumann and Franke's attempt to open the door fails. While searching for another exit they meet Schenke and Neumann who open fire thinking the trio are Americans. The three are driven back after running out of ammunition. Neumann fires at the trio while Schenke kills Franke and then threatens Neumann. The ammunition detonates and Heydrich, Baumann and Neumann flee with Schenke firing at them. The trio find the main exit blocked, try to escape through the mine shaft, and fire at an approaching figure. When Heydrich shoots Schenke with his flare pistol, he bursts into flames. Neumann manages to break through the wall of the mass grave with his entrenching tool and into open air. Heydrich is stabbed by Schenke who survived the fire, and Baumann assaults Schenke with bare hands. Heydrich is killed during the altercation and Baumann escapes with Neumann, throwing a grenade into the grave with Schenke where it explodes.

Corporal Baumann gives Neumann permission to surrender to the Americans and he sets off, finding Mirus' body in the barbed wire. When he sees American soldiers, he waves a handkerchief to surrender.

The film cuts to a flashback in which Baumann's squad is marching through a field on a sunny day, coming upon a group of deserters about to be executed. Baumann is asked to participate in the firing party. Baumann shoots at a man who is praying, and misses before hitting him twice. An officer delivers the coup de grace and the firing party pose for photographs with the executed man.

Baumann's flashback ends and he staggers off to surrender to the Americans.

Will: G. Gordon Liddy

The film follows the rise and fall of convicted Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy. Robert Conrad is cast as the adult Liddy, who is sentenced to 20 years in prison. The film follows the convicted felon through the four and half years he spent behind bars. While in prison, the film portrays Liddy as capable and able to match up to any man in the prison. The film includes several famous details from Liddy's 1980 autobiography including the legendary "hand held over the burning flame," and Liddy's oath, "I will kill for you, Mr. President."Erickson, Hal (For AMG). [ Will: G. Gordon Liddy], "Movies," ''New York Times''. Retrieved March 14, 2007.

Sharpe's Challenge

The film starts with a flashback to 1803 in India, where Sergeant Sharpe (Sean Bean) leads a patrol to an East India Company outpost. He arrives shortly before another supposedly friendly group of soldiers led by Major William Dodd (Toby Stephens). In a treacherous surprise attack, Dodd's men kill almost the entire garrison and makes off with the payroll. However, Sharpe is only wounded and survives by playing dead.

Fourteen years later, in 1817 after his wife Lucille died of fever, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Sharpe, now a farmer in France, is summoned to London by his former commander, the Duke of Wellington (Hugh Fraser), and asked to undertake one more mission for him: to find a man in India. The missing agent was trying to learn the identity of a turncoat officer advising a rebellious Maratha rajah. Sharpe refuses, unwilling to press his luck any further, until he learns that the agent is his old comrade in arms and best friend, Patrick Harper (Daragh O'Malley).

Sharpe sets out for India. On his way to report to General Burroughs (Peter Symonds), he passes a group of soldiers escorting Celia Burroughs (Lucy Brown), the general's daughter. After a short conversation with her, he rides on ahead. He is soon attacked by marauders, but is rescued by Patrick Harper, who shows up just in time.

Celia Burroughs' escort is also attacked, by none other than Dodd; she is captured and taken to the fortress of Khande Rao (Karan Panthaky), the nominal leader of the revolt. However, he is not yet of age and is under the influence of a regent, his late father's favourite concubine, Madhuvanthi (Padma Lakshmi), and her lover, now General William Dodd, who plan to kill Rao before he declares his majority.

Sharpe reaches the encampment of General Burroughs, who is preparing to lay siege to the fortress of Ferraghur. The general is ill, so command has passed to an old, bitter foe of Sharpe's, the cowardly General Sir Henry Simmerson (Michael Cochrane). Simmerson refuses to act without orders and reinforcements from Agra. However, when Sharpe requests permission to infiltrate the enemy fortress, Simmerson is only too happy to allow him to risk his life.

Sharpe and Harper, posing as deserters, are welcomed by the rebels. Sharpe makes the acquaintance of former French Colonel Gudin (Aurélien Recoing), a fellow veteran of the Battle of Waterloo two years earlier. Gudin has been hired to train the men.

Meanwhile, General Burroughs recovers his health, dismisses Simmerson, and commences the siege. Sharpe discovers that Dodd has laid a trap for the British: they will attempt to breach the wall where he has mined it with barrels of gunpowder.

In a skirmish, some British soldiers are captured, among them Sergeant Shadrach Bickerstaff (Peter-Hugo Daly), who had clashed with Sharpe earlier. To avoid torture and execution, Bickerstaff betrays Sharpe. Sharpe and Harper are beaten and imprisoned, but Gudin, disgusted by the barbaric execution of prisoners, helps Sharpe and Harper escape, just as the British launch their assault.

Gudin next attempts to free Celia, but is murdered by Bickerstaff. Sharpe and Harper successfully set off the gunpowder prematurely, resulting in a huge explosion which kills many defenders. Harper encounters and shoots Bickerstaff, while Sharpe goes off in search of Dodd.

When it is clear the fortress has fallen, Dodd prepares to flee. Madhuvanthi attacks him with a knife when she learns that he is going to abandon her; he murders her. Sharpe fights and kills Dodd.

Khande Rao is allowed to keep his throne after he signs a peace treaty, much to Sharpe's disgust. Celia is reunited with her father. Their mission accomplished, Sharpe and Harper ride off. Celia tries to persuade Sharpe to stay, but fails.


Below is a summary for the past twenty-two volumes in chronological order.

Aboard the ship ''Advenna Avis'' in 1711, a group of alchemists summon a demon in the hopes of gaining eternal life. The demon gives them an elixir of immortality and the method of ending their existence, by "devouring" one another, and grants the summoner Maiza Avaro the formula of the elixir. Maiza and most of the alchemists decide that no one else must become immortal; only Szilard Quates opposes. That night, the alchemists begin to disappear, devoured by Szilard. Realizing the threat posed by staying together, they scatter across the globe.

In New York City during November 1930, Szilard succeeds in recreating the elixir, only to have it stolen by young thug Dallas Genoard. The elixir continually moves around the city because of Dallas, with the three mafiosi Gandor brothers, the two idiotic thieves Isaac Dian and Miria Harvent, and Maiza's protege Firo Prochainezo and their Camorra family, the Martillo, all passing it around. Szilard makes Dallas an incomplete immortal (meaning he still ages) to retrieve the elixir. However, all other parties accidentally consume the elixir, mistaking it for alcohol, at a party for Firo. Firo falls in love with Szilard's immortal homunculus Ennis, who betrays Szilard by telling Firo how to devour Szilard, which he does. The Gandor then cement Dallas to a barrel at the bottom of the Hudson River to punish him for killing Gandor members.

In late 1931, the Gandor fight the Runorata family for control of the same area after a new drug surfaces. In an attempt to resolve the situation, Luck Gandor asks his adoptive brother Claire Stanfield, an assassin and train conductor, to travel to New York. Claire agrees to, and as a conductor, boards the transcontinental train the ''Flying Pussyfoot''. The train is hijacked by the Russo and Lemure gangs, who are trying to kidnap a senator's family, and a battle ensues between the two gangs. Jacuzzi Splot, Nice Holystone and their gang attempt to protect the passengers and fight the hijackers, while Claire assumes the identity of the Rail Tracer, a monster that eats train passengers, and slaughters much of the Russo and the Lemure. During a confrontation between Ladd Russo and Chane Laforet and the Lemure, Claire interrupts and proposes to Chane Laforet, who is the daughter of Huey Laforet, one of the original immortals aboard the ''Advenna Avis''. A serial stowaway and newspaper field agent named Rachel flees Claire and ends up helping in the rescue of the hostages. The last remaining members of the Lemure are eventually defeated by Jacuzzi's gang, while sadistic murderer Ladd Russo is incarcerated and loses his arm to Claire. At the same time, Ennis writes to Isaac and Miria, inviting them to Manhattan. The duo boards the same train and meets Jacuzzi, and unwittingly sway immortal Czeslaw Meyer from enacting malevolent acts via bombs to be used in the New York Drug War.

The train arrives in New Year 1932 with the survivors going their separate ways: Jacuzzi and Nice escape custody and go into hiding after their base of operations in Chicago was taken over by the Russo family; information gatherer Rachel returns to the Daily Days mostly unscathed; Isaac and Miria introduce Czes to the Martillo family and is subsequently adopted by Firo and Ennis, who later marry, as the latter's brother; and Claire begins his mission to exterminate the enemies of his adoptive brothers, with his intentions to find Chane and marry her after the job is done.

Later that year in 1932, Dallas' sister Eve searches for Dallas, putting her at odds with the Gandor family. These stories involved the Daily Days News Information company and the Runorattas' drug plot with Begg, a drug addicted immortal alchemist acquaintance of Maiza's encroaching Gandor turf through his miracle drugs, testing it on innocent bystanders including a young man named Roy Maddock. Eventually Eve is caught up in the turf war involving drugs with the Runoratta family and Gandors, the ramifications of the turf war affecting two lovers: Gandor speakeasy waitress Edith and her boyfriend, revealed to be Roy. The climax of the conflict results in Luck secretly telling Eve where Dallas is to spare her from bloodshed, and with Claire's help, the turf war ends with bittersweet results for Edith and Roy now associated with the Gandors until they finish the debt they compiled in the story albeit in happier terms.

Eventually in 1933, Dallas is pulled out of the river, but shortly after, he is abducted by the Larvae, a group working for Huey Laforet. Meanwhile, Jacuzzi's operations begin to encroach on Gandor and Martillo turf. Representatives (Ronnie Schiatto, Ennis, Maria Barcelito and Tick Jefferson) from both groups converge on Eve's home, where his gang is staying along with Isaac and Miria. At the same time, the Larvae arrive to enlist Jacuzzi's help; they have kidnapped Dallas to prove that immortality is possible, and attempt to convince Jacuzzi into join them however it devolves into an incident at the mansion, forcing both parties to temporarily retreat and attract the attention of Claire after hearing Chane was injured in the battle. Their conflict reaches a prominent building in New York called Mist Wall, the largest branch office of the military equipment researcher and developer Nebula, is bombed according to Huey's plan but mitigated by the intervention of various parties involved. The gangs avert further catastrophe by stopping the Larvae group and with Tick Jefferson making amends with Larvae leader Tim, revealed to be his lost younger brother before once again going their separate ways.

The next year in 1934 at Alcatraz Island, Ladd Russo befriends Firo, who was framed by fellow Immortal Victor Talbot for the Mist Wall public bombing and Isaac, who was finally caught for his thefts, leaving Miria morose from his arrest. All three men meet Huey Laforet in separate occasions, who was charged with treason and conspiracy years ago with affiliation to the Lemures among other terrorist acts. Meanwhile, Christopher Shouldered, Huey's homunculus, and Graham Specter, Ladd's loyal follower, cause an all out war in Chicago through various battles enacted by the Lamia, Nebula and the Russo family led by a now immortal Placido Russo with each battling for their lives. Afterwards, Jacuzzi and his gang return to Chicago while Ladd attempts to kill Huey and fails thanks to the efforts of Isaac, Firo and Chane's homunculus sister, Leeza Laforet; however, the scuffle resulted in Huey's eye taken with the help of Lamia operative Sham, a homunculus who can take over one's consciousness by contact through his body in the form of water. The homunculus group Lamia (associated with Larvae, the group previously encountered by the cast in 1933) cause trouble for the Russo family while this happens. Several of the Lamia join their forces and others split after the conflict, particularly Christopher joining with the Russo family to protect the androgynous heir Ricardo Russo along with Lamia member Sickle and Graham Spector. Isaac is eventually released from Alcatraz along with Firo after fulfilling their mission. Placido Russo, Ricardo's grandfather and Ladd's uncle, is eventually turned immortal and consumed by Nebula scientist Renee for his failure in stopping the rampage of Chicago, resulting in Ricardo inheriting the crime family.

The remainder of the plot focuses of an even older faction of Immortals led by Huey's mentor and former lover, Renee Paramedes Branvillier detailed their relationship with the 1711 immortals from the 1700s till the later 1930s and how the corporation Nebula involves themselves against the other crime families by allying themselves with Senator Manfred Beriam, who bears malevolent grudges against immortals.

In 1935, One particular immortal named Melvi targets Firo in by manipulating the entire cast to partake in a high stakes casino royale party in a newly established building called Ra's Lance run by various Mafia families, however many other characters have various agendas that threatens his plan. He intends to endanger Ennis in order to extract the memories of Szilard Quaites by eating Firo, unaware that his bodyguard is Claire Stanfield, resulting in his defeat. Later, Renee continues to pursue Huey by attempting to reclaim their daughter Chane for an experiment which put her at odds with Claire who intends to marry their daughter. As of this writing, the conflict remains unresolved.

In 2001, Maiza and a few immortals appear in a rural European town to apprehend a fellow alchemist and immortal Elmer C. Albatross, who had been masquerading as a demon and was imprisoned by the locals. They uncover an age old conspiracy detailing the origins of water homunculi from the 1930s (Sham and Leeza Laforet, sister of Chane) and also putting a stop the experiments on the people that had been ongoing in the town as they remained unaware of Szilard Quaite's demise for almost the remaining century, his descendant Bild Quaites later encounters the immortals and reveals the horrific secrets of the village. Phil and Felt Nebil, homunculi resulting from Szilard's experiments are subsequently freed from the village and allowed to wander the earth, ending up in New York after the ordeal.

In 2002, a cult named SAMPLE launches a heist to replicate the Flying Pussyfoot incident via a twin cruise ship named Exit and Entrance only to be thwarted by Claire Stanfield and Chane Laforet's descendants, Claudia and Charon Walken with Jaccuzi Splot and Nice Holystone's descendant, Bobby Splot along with his gang with unwitting aide from another faction called Mask Makers led by Huey's descendant Luchino B. Campanella. It is eventually revealed that Czes's tormentor Fermet is in fact the mastermind and overall villain of the series after Szilard Quates.

Fallen Angel (British TV series)

Set in 2007 London, the first episode begins with the ordination of a female curate, Mary Appleton, who is the first female curate in the fictitious diocese of Roslington. Moving backwards from episode one, the second episode starts in 1987 with Rosie, aged 16, applying for university in Roth (Little Missenden). Going back even farther, episode three focuses on Rosie's childhood when her father was a dean at Roslington Cathedral in 1973 (St Albans).

Firehouse Dog

Dog superstar Rexxx lives the high life-with adoring crowds, a loving owner and an array of best-selling blockbusters under his belt. However, when his owner, Trey (Dash Mihok) tries to convince him to perform a skydiving stunt, the plane malfunctions caused by a lightning strike and Rexxx is sent tumbling from the sky, landing in a tomato truck. Whilst Trey mourns his apparent death and begins to regret not treating him like a 'real dog', Rexxx settles into an abandoned warehouse, desperately missing his owner.

Meanwhile in the city of South Harbor in Lincoln County, Shane Fahey (Josh Hutcherson) is struggling with the death of his Uncle, Capt. Marc Fahey (Randy Triggs), and Blue (The former "Firehouse Dog") after being trapped in a fire in a disused Textile Mill. Realizing he forgot to study for a test, Shane ditches school, but is quickly caught by two other firefighters, Lionel and new recruit Terrence (Scotch Ellis Loring and Teddy Sears). Arriving back at the fire station (known as 'Dogpatch' home to Engine 55 & Rescue 26)in disgrace, he is chastised by both driver Joe (Bill Nunn) and his father Connor (Bruce Greenwood), the recently promoted Captain of the station, who is having problems of his own; the station is about to be closed due to a lack of funding and overall bad publicity. However, before Connor can properly address his son's problems, Dogpatch is called out to put out a fire in a warehouse. The fire is quickly put out, but Shane notices a terrified Rexxx balancing on top of the burning building; Connor manages to rescue him, and orders Shane to put up 'Lost Dog' flyers. Due to the name on his collar, which is a prop from the filming at the time of Rexxx's accident, the station renames the dog 'Dewey', and keeps him at the station until someone comes to claim him.

Whilst city manager Zachary Hayden (Steven Culp) reminds Connor of the station's upcoming shutdown, Shane struggles to cope with Dewey's spoilt needs and strange habits. Realizing that the dog is fast and active, Shane enters him in a firefighter's competition, where they are pitted against rival fire station Engine 26 Greenpoint. Although Dewey initially beats the other station's score, he is distracted by their dog, who reminds him of a female dog that broke his heart. Despite losing the competition, Shane and Dewey begin to bond.

The next morning, the station is called out to a tunnel collapse. Everyone has already been evacuated upon their arrival, but Capt. Fahey spots that a firefighter is unaccounted for and initiates a search. Connor rushes into the wreckage, and Shane, fearing for his father's safety, allows Dewey to run in after him. Dewey manages to alert Connor to Jessie's presence, subsequently saving her life. Following this, the station begins to gain popularity, as they realize that Dewey could become a potential firehouse dog. Due to this change in circumstances, Zachary notifies them that the station is saved.

However, Shane's excitement is lost when he discovers his father has moved to his uncle's former office. Angered that his dad is trying to take his uncle's place, he roots through the files, where he discovers an unnerving number of suspected arsons, within the general area of the station. Upset that Shane felt he was being neglected, Connor makes an effort to reconcile with his son, and is shocked when Shane reveals that he feels guilty for being relieved that it was his uncle who died instead of his father. Later on that night, Dewey is awarded a medal for his bravery at a firefighter's gala. However, he ends up reuniting with Trey upon spotting him amongst the attendees: Connor reluctantly allows an ecstatic Trey to keep the dog.

A few hours later, however, Dewey escapes Trey's hotel room to chase after the station's engine, which was called out to another fire. The team is only too happy to allow him to climb on board. At the fire they struggle to put it out; meanwhile, Shane returns to the station to discover that the fire was simply a decoy, so that the suspected arsonist could burn the "Dogpatch" station to the ground. Panicking, he calls his friend, Jasmine 'JJ' Presley (Hannah Lochner) to work out what to do, before hearing footsteps upstairs, which turn out to be the arsonist.

Ignoring JJ's warnings, he heads upstairs to confront the arsonist. To his horror, he realizes that the arsonist is in fact city manager Zach Hayden, who wanted to burn buildings in order to build a football stadium for Corbin Sellars (Matt Cooke) - killing Shane's uncle in the process. After the station's closure was denied, he had no choice but to burn it down himself, but didn't realize that Shane was still in the building. The two become trapped inside the burning building when Zach's incendiary device ignites. Shane loses consciousness and Zach is forced to leave the building.

Meanwhile, Dewey - sensing that Shane is in danger - races back to the station as Connor follows behind, having been alerted to the fire by Jessie. Dewey finds Zach trying to escape, and traps him in a phone booth (which he also escapes from) before finding Shane. Dewey revives him by licking him and then Shane and Dewey try to find a way out of the burning fire station. Connor arrives on the scene, only to find the station completely inaccessible. Hearing Dewey's barking, he eventually manages to break down the garage door and finds a terrified Shane. Shane manages to convince him to pass him his axe through some broken glass so he can try to break the hinges himself; Dewey then leads them out. Shane manages to tell Connor about Zach’s arson attacks before he is put on oxygen. Furious, Connor confronts Zach and Pep gets her own payback on him before the other Dogpatch firefighters hand him over to the police.

Corbin Sellars' scam is exposed and he is also arrested. Following the events of the fire, all of the firefighters of the station are awarded medals, including Shane and Dewey. Upon seeing how happy Dewey is with them, Trey allows Shane to keep him, adding that now that Dewey has been a true hero, he won't be content with just acting like one. Both Shane and Connor are overjoyed, with Dewey realizing his true potential as a firehouse dog. "Dogpatch" is repaired and restored from the fire damage it sustained, and the station receives a brand-new 900bhp engine.

Finders Keepers (1984 film)

In 1973, Georgiana Latimer schemes with her lover, Josef Sirola, to steal five million dollars in cash from her father's safe. As Georgiana pretends to be a widow in mourning, she and Josef hide the loot in a coffin and plan to transport it by train to New York. Elsewhere, young Michael Rangeloff is on the run from the irate women's roller derby team he manages. Michael escapes by disguising himself in a U.S. Army uniform at the Oakland, California, train station, where two military officials assume he is accompanying the coffin. Meanwhile, Georgiana and Sirola have noticed Michael and follow him. On board, Michael becomes friendly with scatterbrained actress, Standish Logan, and soon discovers the coffin contains millions of dollars. During a stop in Reno, Nevada, Michael telephones his friend, Century Milestone, an experienced conman, who later boards the train dressed as a minister. Meanwhile, the conductor makes an unplanned stop in High River, Nebraska, to deliver the deceased hero to his hometown. Michael and Century get off the train with the coffin, along with Standish, who plays the role of Biddlecoff's widow.

After a quick funeral, Michael and Century unearth the money from the grave. In the meantime, Sirola, who was forced off the train earlier, learns about the hero's burial on television and travels to High River to retrieve the money. Georgiana also arrives in town, but is arrested by FBI agent Ormond. When Michael and Century finish gathering the money, they discover Sirola has kidnapped Standish and taken her to an empty farmhouse. However, the home is a prefabricated dwelling, which is towed the next day. Michael and Century locate the moving house, take over from the driver, and confront Sirola. After Standish is rescued, she, Michael, and Century make a getaway with the five million dollars, while Sirola is arrested.

Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All

Mike Hammer is asked to Las Vegas by an entertainer named Johnny Roman, and when he refuses, he is abducted and parachuted into the town. Hammer thinks it was Johnny who shanghaied him there, but Johnny denies it. He explains that the reason he wants Hammer’s help is that the singer, Barbara Leguire, has stolen something from him.

While Hammer is a guest at the Hilton casino, he gets an anonymous request to meet a person at a wedding chapel who turns out to be a wealthy socialite named Helen Durant. Then Johnny dies in an explosive booby trap and somebody plants evidence that points to Hammer. He sets out to try and clear his name after Barbara, too, gets killed and he is again the suspect. While investigating, Hammer chases an unknown criminal who falls from the ceiling with him at the hotel's casino, landing on a craps table. The hospitalised Hammer meets a medical doctor named Carl Durant who asks him about Johnny's death and who had bailed him out of jail. The answer turns out to be his wife, Helen, who met Hammer at the wedding chapel earlier.

Hammer discharges himself from hospital and, while searching for clues, he meets Amy Durant and Carl's accountant, Brad Peters. Hammer turns off the Hilton's security cameras so as to gain entrance to the control room, but the guards arrest him and send him to the security officer supervisor, Leora Van Treas, who reveals to him that his attacker was William Bundy. After Hammer leaves Leora's office, Brad sets up a trip for Mike to Bundy's ranch, Rosy Buttes. After a fight with Bundy, Hammer is abandoned in the desert alone and is rescued by a biker. When Hammer returns with Brad to Bundy's ranch, they find Bundy murdered and have to flee from the policemen who came to investigate.

They soon find a prospector's cabin and call Amy to get them back to downtown Las Vegas in her car. Amy later tells Mike that Johnny Roman was her biological father, though Carl was the man who raised her. Hammer finds out that Helen lied to him about the true identification of Amy's father, so he seeks for Helen at Carl's clinic. There, Helen explains about Johnny taking advantage of her when she was a young chorus girl, but says that she married Carl during her pregnancy. Now she has to buy back Johnny's diary, which has details in it of a later affair she had with him. She has to avoid the damage a scandal would do to the children’s clinic at which she works. Hammer goes to collect the diary with a suitcase of money, but is ambushed by two riflemen from Carl's clinic, both of whom he shoots. After his return, Helen decides to hide out in her yacht and asks Hammer to come and guard her.

The next day, Carl and Brad arrive seeking an account book which Hammer had mixed up with Johnny's diary. Carl goes looking for Helen but is killed by a booby-trapped door that causes the entire yacht to explode. Hammer had saved himself by jumping overboard and, after he gets to the dock, realises that Helen is still alive when he sees a boat with her name on it. It now becomes clear that the account book and diary were false clues and that Johnny and Carl were stealing money from the telethon bid on which they were working prior to their deaths. Helen had instigated all the murders in revenge for her treatment.

After Hammer confronts Helen with her motives, she prepares to kill Hammer to prevent exposure, but ultimately attempts to commit suicide to avoid the consequences of her crimes. However, Hammer had removed the bullets from the gun earlier, and thus Helen is arrested. Her daughter Amy now has to face up to the fact that her real and supposed parents have been living a lie. Hammer tells her that she must rely on herself in the future and leaves the ransom money from Helen's case as a donation to the work of the defrauded charity clinic.

Yellow Hair

Yu-na and Sang-hee are two young women with dyed-yellow hair who live and sleep together, and do not care for the usual responsibilities of life, simply doing what they want. At a club that they frequent, they meet Yeong-kyu, another person drifting through life, and Yu-na brings him back to their apartment. Yu-na and Yeong-kyu strike up a sexual relationship, and Sang-hee joins in as well. They two girls are very sexually open with one another, but they become furious when they learn that Yeong-kyu has started seeing an ex-girlfriend, and the girls kill her out of anger. Delirious after a group of young men beat him and the two girls, and rape Yu-na, Yeong-kyu tells the girls that he needs to go see the woman they just murdered. Furious, Yu-na and Sang-hee kill Yeong-kyu, and proceed to vandalize the closed bar that they had taken Yeong-kyu to. When the police catch up with the two girls at the bar, yellow hair having been found in the murdered woman's apartment, they find the two girls having sex with one another.

Death at a Funeral (2007 film)

In England, Daniel and his wife Jane live with his parents, while Daniel's brother Robert is a renowned novelist living in New York City. The story begins on the day of their father's funeral. Robert arrives, having flown first class, but declines to help finance the funeral, leaving Daniel to cover all the expenses. As guests begin to arrive, Daniel struggles to complete a eulogy, even though everyone expects Robert will be the one to deliver it.

Daniel's cousin Martha and her fiancé Simon are desperate to make a good impression on Martha's father Victor. Their hopes for doing so are dashed when Martha, hoping to calm Simon's nerves, gives him what she believes is Valium but is actually a hallucinogenic designer drug manufactured by her brother Troy, a pharmacy student.

An American man named Peter introduces himself to Daniel, who is too busy to speak to him and suggests they talk later. The service begins and the hallucinating Simon, certain he sees the coffin moving, tips it over, causing the body to spill out onto the floor. During the ensuing chaos, Simon is told why he is acting as he is, so he panics and locks himself in the bathroom. Martha tries to persuade him to open the door while fending off the unwelcome advances of Justin, with whom she once had a one-night stand that she would like to forget. Simon climbs onto the roof while naked and threatens to jump.

While most of the guests are watching Simon on the roof, Peter meets privately with Daniel and Robert and reveals he was their father's lover. Unhappy that he was left nothing in their father's will, Peter shows them compromising photographs, trying to blackmail the family for £15,000. The brothers panic, bind and gag Peter, and give him what they believe is Valium to calm him down. Peter manages to free himself, but falls and hits his head on a glass coffee table. Troy and germaphobic family friend Howard believe Peter to be dead. Forced to dispose of the body as quickly and surreptitiously as possible, Daniel and Robert place it in the coffin with their father. Martha tells Simon that she is pregnant and she takes him off the roof, much to everyone's relief.

Once everyone returns, the service resumes. Daniel's awkward eulogy is interrupted when the still-alive Peter leaps from the coffin and the photos fall out for everyone, including Daniel and Robert's mother Sandra, to see. Daniel demands everyone to stay calm, declares his father was a good man, although clearly one with secrets, and finally proceeds to deliver an impromptu tribute.

In the evening, after all the mourners (including Peter) have gone, Robert tells Daniel that he plans on taking their mother to New York so that Daniel and Jane can finally buy their own flat. Their conversation is interrupted when Jane tells them that Uncle Alfie had a panic attack over Simon, so she gave him some "Valium". The film ends with Uncle Alfie on the roof naked, as Simon had been.

The Milpitas Monster

When a landfill is overfull, and pollution reaches its maximum, a monster is born. Made from garbage, and bearing a resemblance to a giant fly, the Milpitas Monster has an uncontrollable desire to consume large quantities of garbage cans. Some high school students find out about the monster and attempt to destroy it.

Fancy Paradise

A timid office worker Keitarô Tamaru loves studying fantasy and myths. Even if Tamaru make an outstanding performance in his fantasy and connect with a wonderful woman, in reality he will only fail. As a result, he was finally downgraded from his employee job and decided to signed up as a security guard. One night, Tamaru and Chief Guard Yamamura were attacked by a mysterious group that has invaded the company, and Yamamura is seriously injured and hospitalized. However, Tamaru meet a wonderful woman who always appears in his fantasy dream. Her name was Hiroko Yamamura, the daughter of Yamamura. Tamaru rejoices, but after a short while, he is suspected by the police to be a member of a group that has invaded the company and is arrested. Tamaru escapes from the detention center and stands up to save Hiroko, who was kidnapped by the group.

MacArthur (1977 film)

The film portrays MacArthur's (Gregory Peck) life from 1942, before the Battle of Bataan in World War II, to 1952, after he had been removed from his Korean War command by President Harry Truman (Ed Flanders) for insubordination. It is recounted in flashback as MacArthur visits West Point in 1962.


Several hundred years after the meteorite impact, Opoona and his siblings, Copoona and Poleena, are on a family vacation from the star Tizia with their parents, Momeena, Dadeena and co-pilots Troc and Noix, travelling in a spaceship to Landroll. Momeena tells Opoona that her brother, Roidman, lives on the planet doing research on how to reduce the Rogue population. Shortly after, the spaceship is attacked by mysterious dark energy, and the three children are placed into separate escape pods before the spaceship crashes on Landroll.

Opoona awakens from a coma in Tokione Dome and is informed of the incident, and told that his parents are being treated by Sages in Sanctuary. He is then introduced to Aizal, the Head Sage, who tells Opoona it will take some time for them to recover due to a shortage of Matia. Opoona is enrolled at Starhouse school and is trained as a Landroll Ranger with help from Chaika, a young Ranger girl, and Commander Goldy, a high-ranking Landroll Ranger; at Starhouse, Opoona is reunited with his brother, Copoona, who has no idea where his sister's escape pod could be. Days after the spaceship incident, Poleena's escape pod is discovered in the wildlands. An elderly woman, Creola, recommends to Goldy that it would be best to care for Poleena herself, and to not inform Aizel.

Once enrolled in Starhouse, Opoona is asked to investigate matters at the Wind Ravine as part of his training. Opoona finds that the source of the activity in the Ravine is his own escape pod, which still emanates some dark energy from the spaceship. Opoona graduates from Starhouse as a Level One Ranger, receiving assignments in Lifeborn, Artiela and the Intelligent Sea, where he is temporarily employed by both the Bravo and Shine companies to remove bugs from programming and to also help patients in the hospital ward.

One of the patients identifies himself as Chaika's father, and Opoona later encounters Chaika herself. Chaika, an experienced engineer, checks Opoona's database file from the spaceship. She reveals that the attack was sent by Shagla, Aizel's younger twin brother who mysteriously disappeared years before. Chaika believes something is amiss, since a fleet large enough to be capable of destroying a spaceship has not been commissioned for several years.

Opoona is now allowed retirement at a residential dome called Paradiso, and attends an official ceremony at Sanctuary. The party arrive at Sanctuary and meet Aizal in the Cathedral, who unleashes an extremely powerful spell at the both of them, stripping them of both their powers and memories.

Poleena remains unconscious until sometime after the Sanctuary incident; Creola asks Poleena to bring her two older siblings to her. She is given a record of all of Opoona's assignment accomplishments and travels through the Holy Lands, which is now infested with Rogues. Upon arriving at Paradiso, Poleena encounters Copoona, who is reluctant to leave, believing there is nothing more for them to do; Poleena then takes Opoona and Copoona back to Creola's hut, where they recover their powers and memories.

Creola asks the both of them to recover her son Shagla from the Earth Prison, who has been falsely imprisoned for years. Creola also proves that the attack on the spaceship was not ordered by Shagla, but rather by Aizel's commandant Babushca. After rescuing Shagla from the prison, Creola reveals a passageway in her hut to an underground base for the Partizians. They are reunited with Roidman and he explains that the only way to save Landroll is to defeat Babuscha, and that Opoona must recruit Partizans to aid him. The Partizans are recruited and together, Opoona and the others defeat Aizal and Babuscha.


Opoona - The protagonist from the planet Tizia. He has an orange Energy Bon-Bon above his head that he can use as a projectile. He starts off in Tokione dome, where he is enlisted to join the Landroll rangers. Outside of the game, Opoona appeared as one of the playable characters in the 2017 crossover game ''Warriors All-Stars''. Poleena - Opoona's younger sister. She has two yellow Energy Bon-Bons above her head that resemble pigtails. Her escape pod crashes on the Orcalphin coast, where she is rescued by Aizel's mother *Copoona - Opoona's younger brother. His Energy Bon-Bon takes the place of his legs and is purple. He becomes a sage, who is accompanied in the beginning by Sage Sarit, one of Landroll's most respected elders.

The Journal of Julius Rodman

''The Journal of Julius Rodman'' is a fictionalized account of the first expedition across the Western Wilderness, crossing the Rocky Mountains. The journal chronicled a 1792 expedition led by Julius Rodman up the Missouri River to the Northwest. This 1792 expedition would have made Rodman the first European to cross the Rocky Mountains. The detailed journal chronicles events of the most surprising nature, and recounts "the unparalleled vicissitudes and adventures experienced by a handful of men in a country which, until then, had never been explored by 'civilised man'."

Julius Rodman was an English emigrant who first settled in New York, then moved to Kentucky and Mississippi. His expedition which departed from Mills' Point up the Missouri River with several companions was described in a diary. The manuscript of the diary was submitted by his heir, James E. Rodman.

Rodman is accompanied on his expedition by Pierre, Alexander Wormley, Toby, a Virginian, Andrew Thornton, and the Greely brothers, John, Robert, Meredith, Frank, and Poindexter. The party is described as "mere travellers for pleasure", abandoning commercial or pecuniary motives. They traveled by canoe and by a thirty foot long keelboat which was bulletproof. The travelers described the White Cliffs of the Missouri: "The face of these remarkable cliffs, as might be supposed, is chequered with a variety of lines formed by the trickling of the rains upon the soft material, so that a fertile fancy might easily imagine them to be gigantic monuments reared by human art, and carved over with hieroglyphical devices." In the final chapter, a ferocious attack by two grizzly bears on the expedition party is described: "We had scarcely time to say a word to each other before two enormous brown bears (the first we had yet encountered during the voyage) came rushing at us open-mouthed from a clump of rose-bushes." Their fierceness was detailed: "These animals are much dreaded by the Indians, and with reason, for they are indeed formidable creatures, possessing prodigious strength, with untamable ferocity, and the most wonderful tenacity of life." A member of the party, Greely, is attacked and mauled by one of the bears. Rodman and another member, the Prophet, assist him. They shoot the bear but cannot stop the attack. Subsequently, Rodman and the Prophet are attacked. Cornered on the cliff, they are saved from death by Greely, who shoots the bear at point-blank range: "Our deliverer, who had fought many a bear in his life-time, had put his pistol deliberately to the eye of the monster, and the contents had entered his brain."

Sleepless (1957 film)

Faten Hamama plays Nadia Lutfi, a young woman who belongs to an aristocratic, upper-class family. After her parents divorce each other, her father (Yehia Chahine) wins custody of her. She lives with her father and over the years develops a very close and strong relationship with him to the extent of being sexually attracted towards him, an obsessive behavior known as Electra complex.

At the age of 18, she plunges into a premature relationship with Mustafah (Imad Hamdi), a writer and journalist who is quite older a bit than she is. Meanwhile, her father meets and falls in love with another woman, Safia (Mariam Fakhr Eddine). He decides to marry her, which Nadia is forced to accept. However, her father gradually starts spending more time with his new wife, which galls and displeases Nadia who does not receive an equal amount of love and attention anymore. This compels and drives her to step in and ruin their relationship. Now seeing Safia as her enemy, Nadia plots for revenge from her stepmother. Nadia accuses Safia of having an affair with Aziz (Omar Sharif), Nadia's young uncle.

To convince her father, Nadia had to ask her friend Kawthar (Hind Rostom), a voluptuous and licentious woman, to seduce her father. Nadia's successful conspiracy results in a divorce between Safia and her father. Not only that, Nadia's father decides to marry her. Enticed by the wealth of Nadia's father, she agrees to marry him. Nadia is devastated when she discovers that Kawthar is having an affair with another young man, Samir (Rushdy Abaza), realizing that Kawthar is only living with her father for his fortunes.

Mustafah, who had secretly admired Safia, proposed to her after her divorce with Nadia's father. Nadia conceals the truth from her father, worried that such a revelation might strike and shatter him. Her father finds about Samir. Nadia, finding no escape route, lies and tells her father that he is her fiancé. Kawthar nefariously adds that Nadia and Samir are getting married, which Nadia is forced to accept. On the night of her wedding, Nadia shocks her father and the wedding attendants with the startling truth, leaving her father traumatized.

At the end of the film, one of the candles fallen in Nadia's wedding dress, so she became burned. Nadia taken to the hospital and she became deformed.

Requiem for the Conqueror

Humanity is trapped in a "gravity well", the so-called Forbidden Borders and there is increasing conflict because of ever-decreasing space resources. Staffa Kar Therma, also known as the Lord Commander, is a mercenary who leads an elite group of soldiers (the Companions) and aligns himself to the group that pays him the most. He is separated from his soldiers and falls into the hands of a slave trader but escapes, and comes into contact with a quasi-religious group led by the magister (who in turn is advised by the MagComm). The magister (under the guidance of the MagComm) believes that the Lord Commander is the root of all evil and attempts to assassinate him. Meanwhile, Staffa discovers that his son is alive and is the leader of a battalion of the emperor's forces. Staffa finally escapes from the magister and the MagComm, killing the former and partially destroying the latter. The partially destroyed MagComm's automated repair mechanisms kick in and the computer becomes self-aware.

Das Fest des Huhnes

The morals and customs of the "native peoples" of Upper Austria are described by a team of anthropologists from Sub-Saharan Africa in the style of European and American anthropologists in the non-western world. While making the film, they discover new cultural phenomena. Wippersberg turns around the research methodology of Western anthropologists of performing ethnologic studies, and then popularising them by means of a documentary film.

The name of the film derives from the discovery that the researchers made, that the churches were vacated, but the locals instead tend to gather in large tents, and drink a yellowish fluid by the litre, while primarily eating chicken and then engaging in a chicken dance. The researchers come to the conclusion that the chicken has taken the religious-sacrificial role of the lamb.

Arkista's Ring

The Elven ring of Arkista has been stolen by the villainous Shogun, who has cast the entire Elven Kingdom into darkness. The only hope for the Elves is that their strongest warrior, Christine, equipped with only her trusty bow and arrows, can travel throughout the Kingdom and retrieve the ring.

American Gothic (comics)

A group of freaks and monsters are trying to escape to a better life in the American West but are being hunted. A lone vampire cowboy eventually agrees to help them.

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

While flying to the Sea Rabbits' hideout, Zack and Wiki are attacked by the Rose Rock and their seaplane is shot down. Crash-landing on a tropical island, they discover a treasure chest containing the talking skull of Barbaros, who seems to recognize Wiki. He promises to give the two his legendary pirate ship and lead them to "Treasure Island", a mythical island filled with untold riches, if they will restore his body by collecting its various pieces scattered around the world. Agreeing to his terms, Zack and Wiki begin traveling the world, exploring a jungle, a frozen ruin, a volcano, and Barbaros' haunted castle, and finding treasure maps leading to each of the missing pieces. Along the way, they continue to vie with Captain Rose, who is also after the pieces of Barbaros in hopes of finding Treasure Island.

Upon finding the last missing piece, Zack rings Wiki in order to restore Barbaros to his former self. Now human again, Barbaros turns on Zack, revealing he had planned to keep the ship and the contents of Treasure Island for himself from the beginning. He also reveals that Wiki was the one who originally cursed him, something Wiki had forgotten. Barbaros then casts the duo into a pit and departs for Treasure Island.

Zack and Wiki escape and are retrieved by Johnny and the Rose Rock, with Rose having agreed to join forces with the Sea Rabbits in exchange for access to Treasure Island. They trail Barbaros to the island, which floats in a gap at the center of the planet. There, Barbaros finds and imprisons the heroes, using Wiki to restore his undead crew. However, Zack manages to outsmart Barbaros and free the others, and they escape with Barbaros' ship as Treasure Island begins collapsing into a wormhole. During their escape, Barbaros attempts one final assault using a large mechanized creature, but Zack repels this attack and uses Wiki to turn Barbaros back into a skeleton. The three are sucked into the wormhole, but Wiki sacrifices himself so Zack can escape. Back at the Sea Rabbits' hideout, Zack remains despondent about the loss of Wiki, but hears a familiar bell ringing and rushes out to find a chest washed up on shore. The game ends as Zack opens the chest.

Go to Hell, Hoodlums!

Sadao, a young construction worker, believes himself to be an orphan and in spite of his youthful tempestuousness he is nonetheless a model of honesty and moral integrity: he introduces himself by crashing into the office of a company president in order to claim the indemnity that he owes the foreman's daughter because he caused the man's death by dangerous driving.

Shortly after this altercation, Sadao learns that he actually is the only heir of a noble and rich family from Awaji Island. A messenger tries to convince him by all means to accept the inheritance, but Sadao's moral integrity prevents him from leaving his friends and he refuses to accept this sudden ticket to fortune and high society. When the messenger realizes that the young man is immune to the material temptations such an offer carries, he manages to persuade him with the promise that he will be reunited with his mother.

Pressured by his buddies' enthusiasm, Sadao gives in and leaves for Awaji, where he is welcomed by his aristocratic grandmother. The ''obaasan'' ("granny", as he defiantly calls her) is shocked by her grandson's disarming sincerity, a far cry from the hypocritical manners inherent in any high society member. When Sadao finds out that the promise to join his mother was just a trick to attract him to the island, he devotes all his efforts to finding her himself. At the same time spends the family fortune on building a public park and a western-style youth hostel on lands owned by the family. However, he is unaware that a shady speculator has plans to appropriate these lands, and that the businessman's girlfriend is none other than Sadao's mother.

Locos por la música

A tropical music band led by Carlos Bala trying to get people's attention from record

Jungle Jim (serial)

Two safaris enter the African jungle intent on finding a white girl who is the heiress to a fortune. One safari, led by Jungle Jim, wants to make sure she gets the news that she is now a rich woman and escort her back to civilisation. The leaders of the other safari want to kill the girl so they can try to get hold of her inheritance themselves...

Secret Agent X-9 (1937 serial)

G-Men learn that "Victor Brenda", a notorious jewel thief, is heading for the US, to steal the Belgravian crown jewels currently on exhibit. The jewels are placed on a ship bound for Belgravia. However, the guard is murdered and the treasures are stolen. Agent Dexter, alias Agent X-9, trails Blackstone, one of the gang members, who hides the jewels in a safe deposit vault of a bank. He takes the bank receipt to an art shop, where Marker, a paid accomplice, conceals it between an oil painting and its frame. Dexter arrests Blackstone and pursues Marker with the full intention of unmasking Brenda.

A Prize of Gold

Master Sergeant Joe Lawrence (Richard Widmark) is stationed in occupied Berlin shortly after the end of World War II. He encounters a group of German orphans when one of them tries to steal his Jeep. Joe finds Maria (Mai Zetterling), one of the orphans' caretakers, very attractive. Maria is trying to take the children to Brazil, where they can start life anew. It is being arranged by her employer, Hans Fischer, a very successful German contractor. Hans tells Joe not to return. After thinking it over, Joe disregards him and soon falls in love with Maria. Maria breaks up with Joe, but Joe persists. When he sees Maria returning home and reluctantly submitting to her boss's kisses, he fights with Hans, ending Hans's assistance with the travel arrangements.

His buddy, British Military Police Sergeant Roger Morris (George Cole), has hinted about stealing part of a fortune in a recently discovered Reichsbank gold bullion being transferred to England via military transport in a series of four shipments. Joe plans a daring hijacking of the airplane, aided greatly by the fact that he works for the Air Provost Marshal, who shares the security responsibility for the shipments with the British. Roger's uncle Dan puts them in touch with Alfie Stratton, a semi-retired crook who can dispose of the gold. Alfie insists that they use ex-RAF pilot Brian Hammell (Nigel Patrick), to protect his interests.

The plan works up to a point. They hijack the C-47 and land at an abandoned airstrip in England. However, the crew manage to retake control of the airplane after only part of the bullion has been unloaded, and try to take off, only to crash into Alfie's car (used to light the runway) and burn. After the gang leave, the crewmen manage to get out unobserved.

Thinking they have killed three men, Joe decides to return the gold and turn himself in. Roger and Dan agree. Alfie is regretting getting back into a life of crime, so Joe has no trouble letting him out, in exchange for £5000 to be given to Dan. Brian, who shot at the escaping aircraft and has no qualms against murder, is the only obstacle. Alfie and Dan leave. When Brian wakes up, he does not like the new arrangement. In the ensuing fight, Roger falls to his death and Joe is knocked out. Joe comes to and chases Brian. In his desperation to get away (with a few gold bars), Brian ends up clinging to the edge of a rising drawbridge, finally losing his grip and plummeting into the water far below.

When Joe is brought back to Berlin for his court-martial, he sees Maria and the orphans leaving for Brazil.

Saint Seiya: The Movie

The film is independent from the canon and chronology established by Kurumada in his manga. In the movie plot, Seiya already has awakened to the Seven Senses, thus the movie can be situated after the Twelve Temples arc in the chronology.

It starts off with Seiya, Hyōga, and Shun visiting the Star Children Academy, a school and orphanage owned by Seiya and Seika's biological father Mitsumasa Kido and former home of Seiya and his sister Seika, where Hyoga saves one of the children and Miho, one of the caretakers of the orphanage from being run over by a car, when the child attempted to retrieve his toy airplane into a busy street.

A new character called Eri is revealed to be Miho's workmate and a second caretaker at the orphanage. She starts having feelings for Hyōga, and, one night, they are sitting outside watching the stars when they suddenly see a falling star. As Eri makes a wish, it is stolen by Eris, the Greek goddess of Discord, who uses it to revive herself.

Things worsen when Eris takes possession of Eri's body and kidnaps the goddess Athena to Eris' own Sanctuary. Eris plans to gain control of the world by sucking all the energy out of Athena with the golden apple to seize her body, and revives dead Saints of the past to fight for her, dubbing them Ghost Saints, and also Ghost Five. They are known as Orion Jager, Sagitta Maya, Southern Cross Kristos, Scutum Jan and Lyra Orpheus.

The protagonists receive the news about the kidnapping and set off towards Eris' sanctuary. As they enter it, they fight various battles with the Ghost Saints, who end up being killed again. Seiya quickly defeats Maya; Shiryu struggles and kills Jan; Kristos is killed by Eris while trying to finish Hyoga; Orpheus is defeated by Ikki. In the end, after a struggle with the last and most powerful of the "Ghost Five", Orion Jäger, Seiya is helped by the spirit of the deceased Sagittarius Aiolos, who sends the Sagittarius Gold Cloth to his aid.

As Jäger is defeated, Eris is the only one left standing between the Earth's salvation and destruction. Seiya takes the Sagittarius bow and aims at the golden apple, but hesitates for fear that the arrow might hit Athena. Athena herself encourages Seiya to shoot the arrow, which he does, to Eris' dismay, releasing Eri from the evil goddess's control.

With the goddess of Discord returned to the realm of the dead, the Saints escape the crumbling sanctuary, and, along with the released Eri and Saori, walk towards a more peaceful world.

Ninja Cheerleaders

A ninja sensei Hiroshi (George Takei) must be rescued by his three cheerleader/stripper students April (Ginny Weirick), Courtney (Trishelle Cannatella) and Monica (Maitland McConnell) from a mafia boss Victor Lazzaro (Michael Paré) and his evil ninja girlfriend Kinji (Natasha Chang).

Plata dulce

Two businessmen dedicated to manufacturing and selling bathroom cabinets struggle to keep their factory running through a series of deep deindustrialization politics being pushed by the country's National Reorganization Process. One of them, Carlos Bonifatti, gets a chance at working in a bank and decides to stop manufacturing cabinets and dedicate fully to financial businesses which seem to be rising. The other partner, Rubén Molinuevo, sticks to the factory work. At the beginning the choice seems good for Bonifatti, who highly improves his living standards, but shortly after the tables will turn for both of them.

Wizards of the Lost Kingdom

In the peaceful kingdom of Axeholme lives the teenage boy Simon, son of Wulfrik, the king's court wizard. The evil sorcerer Shurka starts a coup, aided by the King's wife, killing the king, and imprisoning the princess, Aura. Before he is slain by Shurka, Wulfrik teleports Simon and his friend Gulfax to safety and gifts him his powerful magic ring. However, unbeknownst to all, Simon loses the ring during his escape.

Simon teams up with the warrior Kor to free the kingdom and rescue the princess. After narrowly escaping one of Shurka’s insectoid creatures, they make camp for the night. Seeking help to defeat the evil wizard, Simon summons long-dead legendary warriors from their resting place, using his powers to resurrect them, but only provokes the reanimated corpses into attacking him before they return to their graves. Kor and Simon stumble upon the cottage of the hobgoblin Hurla, which is attacked by lizard men. Simon uses magic to defeat them. The hobgoblin afterwards joins forces with Simon on his quest.

On the way to the castle, Kor is then captured by cyclopses to be wed against his will or eaten, though he is rescued by Simon. The next day, while at a waterfall, they notice a woman drowning. Kor attempts a rescue, only to discover she is a Naiad and the guardian of the river. They have passed her test of heroism, allowing them to go further, reaching the castle. Meanwhile, Shurka has imprisoned the queen, usurped the kingdom, and hypnotized the princess to make her his bride.

Returning to the castle after exile, they release a group of townsfolk from prison, leading to a huge battle outside. Simon, having retrieved the ring, and Shurka face each other on the towers using white and black magic, where the latter is slain. Simon and Aura are crowned the new King and Queen of Axeholme. Kor departs, looking for more adventure.

Un-American Graffiti

Logan invites Veronica to Parker's birthday party. A woman (Carole Raphaelle Davis) comes into Mars Investigations and says that her restaurant was vandalized. Veronica stakes out the restaurant before the owner's husband (Anthony Azizi) comes out and berates her to leave. However, while they are speaking, a group of troublemakers appear and shoot paintballs at Veronica and the married couple. The husband acquiesces to allow Veronica to investigate both incidents further. Keith, as acting Sheriff, is called in to look into a case involving a 19-year-old who was hit while returning home drunk from a bar using an obviously fake ID. Veronica tracks down the family of the car that was used in the paintball incident and finds that it is under the control of a group of young people. Keith's underlings state that the bars are actually good at keeping out minors. Veronica reviews security cameras at the restaurant and tracks a person down to be a Jewish man with whom the restaurant owner's daughter has been having an affair.

An employee named Nasir (Haaz Sleiman) has taken explicit photos of the two, and Amira's father will disown her if the father finds out. Veronica goes to a photo-developing store and retrieves the photos, but one is stuck in the printer and Nasir gets it. Amira's father shows up at her door and angrily berates her and fires Veronica, although she says that her real employer is his wife. Keith catches Wallace and Piz, out for a night on the town, in a bar, discovering that they have high-quality fake IDs from Veronica, leading Keith to reprimand her. Veronica discovers the true vandal after tracking a piece of bait. The vandal's name is Derrick (Cole Williams), who vandalized after seeing Nasir distributing a piece of anti-American propaganda at a mall. Both owners want to meet Derrick before pressing charges. Keith sends Piz (Chris Lowell) and Wallace (Percy Daggs III) with clearly fake IDs into a bar as a test of his subordinates. He finds that the deputy does not check closely and resents Keith as well. Due to this fact, Keith fires the people who disobeyed his orders.

The two restaurant owners meet with Derrick, who does not react politely to them. However, they decide not to turn in Derrick. The husband/father has an awakening about Amira as well and forgives her, turning in Nasir to the police for an expired visa. At Parker's party, Mac (Tina Majorino) connects with Max (Adam Rose), and Veronica shows mild jealousy when Piz shows her his new fling. Logan gets Parker a romantic cake. In order to escape from an awkward suitor whom Logan introduces her to, Veronica asks Piz to pretend to be her boyfriend. Afterwards, Wallace informs her that Piz does have a crush on her. Veronica realizes that she has not realized this because of her preoccupation with her breakup with Logan. She talks to Piz on the deck at the party, and he suddenly kisses her. Piz retreats to the elevator, but Veronica appears and kisses him back. The elevator opens, revealing Logan.

Debasement Tapes

Veronica and Wallace (Percy Daggs III) watch a movie at her house. She questions him about Piz’s mood, while Keith enters and says he is currently unopposed in the Sheriff election. Piz runs up to Veronica and states that he has been chosen to be a guide for a rock star named Desmond Fellows. However, his show depends on some tapes Desmond is carrying with him, but when Piz checks him into his hotel room, they are missing. Piz calls Veronica for the case and runs into Logan in the elevator. Desmond points to several potential suspects. Logan asks Mac for study help, and she agrees. Piz starts his show with Desmond, and it goes terribly, as Desmond makes racial epithets and sexual advances. Veronica and Piz track down a teacher, who denies involvement, but the pair find a flyer for a group that threatened to boycott Desmond’s show. Piz and Desmond talk about his past and start to make progress, but he ends up going to a party with Dick (Ryan Hansen) instead of playing guitar with Piz.

Logan and Mac continue to make progress on his business school report, but Mac has to call Max (Adam Rose) to continue. Desmond goes skinny dipping at his party, while Mac and Max flirt in front of Logan. Veronica discovers that Desmond’s bag was actually switched with another person’s. Veronica and Piz retrieve it, and on the car ride home, they briefly discuss their kiss at the party before playing a CD with some of Desmond’s unreleased newer material. Keith reconnects with Leo D’Amato (Max Greenfield), who presents a case involving the Fitzpatricks to him. They stake out where the Fitzpatricks are, and Keith sees Vinnie Van Lowe helping them. However, they quickly learn that Vinnie is actually investigating the case and has trapped them in the store. Veronica and Piz supposedly get stuck in traffic and tell Desmond to play some of his newer songs until they get there, but they actually are at the concert venue and just want him to expose the audience to his solo material.

Desmond plays a show entirely of new songs, and the crowd loves it. Piz tells Desmond that he was there the whole time, but he does not react negatively. Mac, Max and Logan finish their report, but the professor cuts Logan off in the middle and dislikes it. Leo becomes a deputy again, while Vinnie enters the Sheriff’s office and states his intention to run against Keith in the special election.

Some More of Samoa

The Stooges are tree surgeons who are enlisted by a rich old man to find a mate for his rare puckerless persimmon tree. The boys sail to the fictional tropical island of Rhum-Boogie to find the tree. When they arrive they are captured by the natives and will be eaten unless Curly marries the Chief's ugly sister. The Stooges manage to escape with the tree and, after a confrontation with an alligator, sail off with their prize. Their boat however, slowly sinks into the water.

Body of Lies (film)

Central Intelligence Agency case officer Roger Ferris is tracking a high-ranking terrorist leader called Al-Saleem in Iraq. He meets Nizar, a member of the terrorist organization who is prepared to offer information in return for asylum in North America.

Despite the objections of his boss, Ed Hoffman, Ferris agrees to shelter Nizar. Nizar is used as a pawn to draw out the rest of his cell; when Nizar is captured, Ferris is forced to shoot him to prevent his exposing the identities of Ferris and his associate, Bassam. However, furious at Hoffman's refusal to act on the information Nizar provided, Ferris and Bassam go to search the safe house in Balad, Iraq, Nizar had told them about. Ferris observes men burning records and attempts to bluff his way in but is exposed. In the ensuing shootout and chase, Ferris and Bassam's vehicle is hit by an RPG. Ferris and some salvaged discs are rescued by helicopter, but Bassam is killed in the explosion.

Meanwhile, unknown terrorists in the UK plan to follow up on bus bombings in Sheffield with more attacks in Manchester, but they blow themselves up when the police arrive at their house. Having recovered from his injuries, Ferris is assigned to Jordan to continue searching for Al-Saleem. There, Ferris meets with and negotiates a collaboration with Hani Salaam, head of the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate. From the intelligence Ferris harvested from the Balad safe house, Hoffman locates an Al-Saleem safe house in Jordan and orders Ferris to watch it. Unbeknownst to Ferris, Hoffman organizes a simultaneous side operation via a local agency. Ferris' CIA subordinate, Skip, identifies the local agency asset as Ziyad Abishi.

Abishi blows his cover with a terrorist from the safe house. The terrorist flees to inform his colleagues of their exposure, and Ferris chases and kills him in such a place and manner that implies the death is a random robbery. Using back channels, Salaam corroborates this interpretation of killing with those who remain at the safe house. Ferris lambastes Hoffman for running side operations which he feels are interfering with and undermining the operational integrity of the primary operation and tells Hoffman to stop. While going to the hospital to receive rabies shots for dog bites he suffered while eliminating the terrorist, Ferris meets a nurse named Aisha and begins developing romantic feelings for her. In Europe the bombers strike again at an Amsterdam flower market, killing 75 people and wounding hundreds more.

Having recognized one of the men living in the safe house as former small-time criminal Mustaffa Karami, Salaam takes Karami into the desert and coerces him into working for Jordanian intelligence, threatening to set him up as a collaborator if he does not co-operate. Hoffman asks Salaam to use Karami, but he refuses, believing a greater return will come later. Unbeknownst to Ferris and Salaam, Hoffman tells Skip to follow Karami and kidnap him. Karami escapes and notifies the terrorists in the safe house that it is being watched, and they abandon it. Salaam catches Ferris' associate Skip, accuses Ferris of having had knowledge of the move on Karami, blames Ferris' duplicity with him for the destruction of the safe house, and exiles Ferris from Jordan.

Ferris returns to Hoffman in Washington, and they devise a new plan to find Al-Saleem. Suspecting he is motivated more by pride than ideology, they stage a fake terrorist attack and set up Omar Sadiki, an innocent Jordanian architect, as its instigator, hoping Al-Saleem will come out of hiding and attempt to contact him. Al-Saleem sees TV news coverage of the attack and takes the bait. Salaam invites Ferris back to Jordan and shares his suspicions that Omar Sadiki is a terrorist, although Ferris feigns ignorance. Ferris later tries to save Sadiki from being kidnapped by Al-Saleem's henchmen but fails and sees his partner nearly killed in the subsequent car crash. Under interrogation, Sadiki denies any knowledge of the attack. He is later found beaten and killed.

Ferris goes back to his apartment and discovers that Aisha has been kidnapped. He desperately asks Salaam for help, admitting he fabricated Omar Sadiki's terrorist cell and the attack. Salaam refuses to help because of Ferris' lies. Ferris offers himself in exchange to Aisha's kidnappers and is brought to the middle of the desert, with Hoffman watching everything via a surveillance drone. At the exchange location, Ferris is surrounded by a group of SUVs, which circle him to create an obscuring dust cloud before picking him up. The dust cloud blocks Hoffman's view, so that he cannot determine which of the SUVs, now headed in different directions, is carrying Ferris.

Ferris is taken across the border to Syria, where he is to be interrogated by Al-Saleem. When Ferris asks Al-Saleem about Aisha, he is told that someone has lied to him and that he has been double-crossed. Ferris tells Al-Saleem that there is an infiltrator (Karami) in his organization who works for Ferris, and that, by association, Al-Saleem works for Ferris. Al-Saleem does not believe Ferris, breaks two of his fingers, turns on a video camera, and orders his execution. Salaam and his agents arrive at the last moment, saving Ferris' life. Al-Saleem is shown arrested in his own SUV by Marwan Se-Kia, Salaam's security officer.

Salaam visits Ferris in the hospital, and reveals that he had faked Aisha's abduction and orchestrated Ferris' capture by Al-Saleem using Karami as a go-between. Having lost the will to fight in this particular war, Ferris goes off the grid and goes to see Aisha again.

A Woman Called Sada Abe

Over a black screen, Sada Abe (Junko Miyashita) tells some of the aliases she had used in her past. The opening concludes when the words "Kichi Sada 2" appear on the screen, followed by a newspaper headline, "Document: Sada Abe", which is the Japanese title of the film. The lovers, Sada and Kichi (Hideaki Esumi), are then shown together, with Kichi predicting that he will die if their love-making continues.

Soldiers pass the couple as they enter an inn, placing the story in the context of Japan's military build-up. They engage in a love-making session which lasts between April 23 and May 7, 1936. Some of their S&M games involve knives, biting and mutual strangulation. When Kichi leaves Sada for a shave, she jealously accuses him of "committing adultery" on her with his wife.

Soldiers are seen marching past a crowd which is listening to a report of the "February 26 Incident" on the radio. Sada and Kichi, uninterested, leave the crowd to continue their love-making. After strangling each other with their obis (kimono sashes), Kichi's neck is red, and Sada sends for a doctor. Kichi is told to go on a liquid diet, and he plans to return home for two months to recover. Sada is upset at losing Kichi, and spills all of his medicine. During another love-making session, Kichi invites Sada to strangle him again, telling her not to stop half-way this time, since it would be too painful afterwards. After killing him, Sada rubs her breasts against Kichi's face, attempts to feed him beer, and then castrates him. She then cuts herself and writes "Kichi Sada 2" with her blood on his body. During the progress of this scene, Sada's past life is told in flashbacks. She is banished from her wealthy family after losing her virginity to rape. She wanders around Japan working as a prostitute and bar-maid, eventually finding employment at the current inn where she met Kichi.

The final sequence has her crime discovered and becoming a national sensation. Sada, while discussing the story with a masseur who is unaware of her identity, says that Sada must have loved Kichi very much since she wanted the whole country to know about them. The film ends with Sada's arrest.

Dimboola (1979 film)

English journalist arrives in a small country town to observe a wedding.

The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship (book)

The Czar announced that whoever brought him a flying ship could marry his daughter. The Fool of the World, the youngest son of a peasant couple, set out to marry the Princess. His mother gave him "some crusts of dry black bread and a flask of water" in a bag for his trip.

The Fool met an "ancient old man" who asked to eat the Fool's food. When the Fool opened his bag, he was surprised to find "fresh white rolls and cooked meats," as well as "corn brandy," which he shared. The old man instructed the Fool to hit a tree with his hatchet to create a flying ship, but advised him to give a ride to everyone he met.

After making and flying his ship, the Fool picked up the Listener (who could hear very faint sounds), the Swift-goer (who could walk across the world in one step), the Far-shooter (who could hit a bird hundreds of miles away), the Eater (who could consume great quantities of food), the Drinker (who could swallow more than a lake at one time), a man carrying sticks of wood that could become soldiers, and a man carrying straw that could make everything cold.

The eight men landed at the Czar's place. Although the Czar wanted the ship, he did not want the Princess to marry a ''moujik'' (peasant). So the Czar gave five supposedly impossible tasks to the Fool and his men: * Before the Czar had finished his dinner, he wanted "the magical water of life." In response, the Swift-goer ran to find the water, but fell asleep. After the Listener located the Swift-goer, the Far-shooter shot a bullet close to Swift-goer's head, waking him up. The Swift-goer returned with a bottle of the water. * The Czar required the men to eat "twelve oxen roasted whole, and as much bread as can be baked in forty ovens." The Eater considered the food "a little snack." * The Czar commanded the men to drink 40 barrels of wine, which the Drinker gulped quickly. * The Czar demanded that the Fool take a bath in a hot iron bathhouse to prepare for the wedding. The man with the straw accompanied the Fool and spread his straw, causing the bath water to freeze. * The Czar stated that he wanted the Fool to show him "a regiment of soldiers" to defend the Princess. The man with the wood sticks scattered them around, causing a "gigantic army" to appear.

Having failed in his quest to get rid of the peasants, the Czar gave the Fool gifts and asked him to marry the Princess. The Fool and the Princess fell in love with each other and were married, and the Fool "became so clever that all the court repeated everything he said."

The Cobweb (1955 film)

The opening credits are followed by the following onscreen words:

"The trouble began."

Dr. Stewart McIver (Richard Widmark) is now in charge of a psychiatric institution, one run for many years by medical director Dr. Douglas Devanal (Charles Boyer).

McIver must address the needs of a number of disturbed patients, among them Steven Holte (John Kerr), a possibly suicidal artist, and the self-loathing Mr. Capp (Oscar Levant). All of his responsibilities keep McIver so busy that his wife, Karen (Gloria Grahame), feels increasingly frustrated and ignored.

When new drapes are needed for the clinic's library, the dour and penny-pinching Victoria Inch (Lillian Gish) orders unattractive ones. Karen McIver takes it upon herself to buy a more expensive and colorful set instead, gaining the approval of the chairman of the board Regina Mitchell-Smythe (Mabel Albertson), but without the knowledge of her husband. What should be an insignificant matter is complicated further by Dr. McIver giving the patients, principally Stevie, permission to design and create the new drapes themselves.

Personalities clash. Dr. Devanal, who has a drinking problem, has been having an affair with his secretary Miss Cobb (Adele Jergens), and makes a clumsy pass at McIver's wife as well. McIver begins to fall in love with Meg Rinehart (Lauren Bacall), a member of his staff. Miss Inch privately schemes to expose the unseemly behavior of Devanal at the next meeting of the board and issues a veiled threat to do so to McIver as well, while Devanal's wife, Edna (Fay Wray), mistakenly believes McIver to be behind the plot to discredit her husband.

Having felt stable enough to go on a date with Sue Brett (Susan Strasberg), another patient, Stevie Holte is very upset to discover that new drapes have been installed, not the ones his artwork was meant to inspire. He disappears, causing a search party to look for him and McIver to fear a suicide. At the next board meeting, Dr. Devanal submits his resignation to the board.

After the meeting, the McIvers agree to work on their marriage and head home where they find Stevie having survived his attempt at suicide.

At the end of the film, the words appear onscreen.

"The trouble was over."


The story deals with the protagonist's strange psychological condition and his attempts to deal with it. Meanwhile, his life becomes intertwined with three women, who are drawn by his mysterious behaviour and are dealing with their own past. Finally the story turns into a thriller when the protagonist has to retire from his job at the intelligence department due to a life-threatening accident resulting in a nervous breakdown and vertigo making his prevailing condition more complex, while one of the women from his past is facing split personality and murder attempts.

Sublime (film)

George Grieves checks into the Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure only to find horrors await him. Awakening from what was supposedly a simple colonoscopy, Grieves is told by hospital staff that due to confusion arising from similar patient names he was mistakenly given a sympathectomy to cure sweaty palms.

As the days tick by Mr. Grieves' post-operative experiences grow ever more bizarre until he finally realizes that he is caught inside a nightmare of his own creation and seems unable to escape or awaken back in the real world. He understands that something has gone wrong in his post-operative recovery which is keeping him trapped in this netherworld of manifestations of all of his worst fears but he understands neither what the problem is nor what, if anything, he can do to awaken from it.

Eventually his condition is shown from his family's perspective, and it appears hopeless. The doctors explain that there was a complication during the colonoscopy, which created an air bubble in his bloodstream. The bubble eventually reached his brain and caused so much damage that he ended up in an apparently permanent vegetative state. He has been dead to the outside world for 10 months, and his family is being pressured to end all artificial means of life support.

Meanwhile, back inside his own mind, Grieves is in a desperate losing battle with his own manifested fears and decides that the only way out is to commit suicide in this dream-like state, hoping that it will cause his real body to expire and free him from the interminable torment he has had to endure. He manages to leap from a 7th-floor window onto the concrete below, and the final shot is of his real-world body lying in an empty hospital room where it flatlines, closing its eyelids in physical death.

The Door in the Lake

Twelve-year-old Joey Finney vanishes while camping with his family. When he comes back, he cannot remember what happened during the two years he was missing – or why he has not grown. Then he starts to have seizures and seems to remember what happened. He believes that he was abducted by aliens. What could be the explanation for all of this?

Cobra Command (1984 video game)

Terrorists are threatening the free world and have amassed a diabolical force. Only the brave pilot of ''Cobra Command'' can vanquish the terrorist threat and save the free world from total destruction. The player assumes the role as pilot of the LX-3 Super Cobra helicopter (fictional, but similar to the Bell AH-1 SuperCobra).

The missions go across the New York City streets, the Statue of Liberty, the Atlantic Ocean, Italy, the Grand Canyon and the enemy's headquarters on Easter Island.

Anatomy 2

The Heidelberg chapter of the Anti-Hippocratic Society for unrestricted medical research has been shut down, but at a prestigious Berlin hospital the society still thrives. The young neurosurgeon Jo from Duisburg gets caught up in a research group led by doctor Mueller LaRousse, who urges his students to test their progress on themselves. Jo participates in the trials to eventually help his brother, who has Muscular Dystrophy. When Jo and some of his fellow students show some reluctance, Mueller LaRousse uses alternative means to punish them before they can give up the society to Paula Henning, who is now investigating the society for the police.


Tao is a tomboyish university student who supports her studies by writing for her uncle's racy pulp pornographic magazine ''Sayew'', despite the fact that she has never had sex herself. The magazine is struggling financially, so Tao's uncle, Dr. Porn, tells her she needs to spice up her stories or else be sacked.

After writing fantasies about her neighbors doesn't work, Tao takes the advice of her uncle and starts reaching for first-hand experience to draw on, turning to the macho magazine photographer and writer, Young Stallion. However, the sexually uncertain Tao also has fantasies about a female classmate, Mui.


Ganda, a young secondary-school teenage, who got a popular Neo Universe game from his brother, Vissana. Having participated in the game, hoping to become a GM like his brother. However, Ganda was tricked by an Anti-GM member named Waipoj, and became one of the Anti-GM members. He learned later that the Anti-GMs were not evil as he thought. The real evil were the rebellious GM members (which his brother are part of) who betraying and destroying they former group and use they power as they own free will. Since they could kill any player for their own purposes. The Anti-GM group was the only group brave enough to challenge them, and it became an army with the addition of allies.

Ganda, now assigned as Captain of 1st Anti-GM army division, have been adventuring in this VR world, doing the assigned missions, making new friends in the game, leading into become part of a war between two faction.

Aquaria (video game)

As the game opens, Naija has lost almost all of her memories, and is unaware of the world outside of her home as she "lives as a simple creature". The player is told this in voice-over narrations in the form of a story told by a future Naija. These narrations serve as the primary source of information about Naija throughout the game, though there are occasional cutscenes. After being confronted by a shadowy figure and being shown a series of flashbacks she does not understand, Naija awakens. Feeling loneliness as the only member of her species, Naija decides to explore the world around her. As the player explores, Naija discovers more and more about the history of the world, "Aquaria", and about her own past. The player is not forced to go through the plotline in a set sequence. The only limiting factor is physical barriers such as areas that can be accessed only by using a specific form. Combinations of these physical limitations place some plot elements later in the game. The narrative for the majority of the game is centered on Naija's exploration of a series of ruined civilizations that she finds, each with a large monster in them. These civilizations make up the different regions of the game.

Towards the end of the game, Naija discovers that all of the ruined civilizations she has found throughout the game were destroyed by a god, "the Creator", who was jealous of the rising power of that civilization or of their gods. The powerful monsters she has found and defeated in each region were once the gods of that civilization. Each of these civilizations had a unique power, symbolized by the form that Naija learns after defeating their former gods. Along with Li, a human diver from the land she meets at the top of the ocean, Naija then descends to the bottom of the sea to confront the god. There she discovers that the Creator fell into the ocean as a child, and bonded with an ancient spirit to gain god-like powers. He then created Aquaria, threading a verse of a lullaby his mother had sung to him throughout, the only part of the song he remembers. The melody of this song, the "verse", is what allows Naija to sing songs that affect the world around her; parts of the melody can be heard in different forms in the songs within the game's soundtrack.

The Creator, after creating Aquaria, created a series of civilizations, making a new one in turn when each one was destroyed. The Creator kidnaps Li, with whom Naija has fallen in love, and she attacks the Creator to get him back. The player defeats the god as the final boss of the game, and returns home with Li. In the epilogue, Naija is shown with Li and their child. If the player has found all of Naija's memories by discovering places she remembers, they reveal that the shadowy figure at the beginning of the game was her mother, Mia. Mia was made by the Creator and had the ability, like Naija, to use the different powers of all of the civilizations. She fled the Creator, and hid herself and Naija among several communities in succession; after the destruction of the last one she erased Naija's memory so that she would find out the history of Aquaria on her own and defeat the Creator. In the extended epilogue shown if the player has found all of the memories, Mia appears, telling Naija that the two of them can conquer the civilisations above the water. After Naija refuses, Mia kidnaps her, and vanishes; the extended epilogue ends with Lucien—Naija and Li's son—leaving to find her. If the player has not found all of the memories, the epilogue instead ends with Naija asking the player to find out about her past, and revealing that the narration of the game was intended to be heard by her son.

Side by Side (TV series)

Vince Tulley is a successful and relatively wealthy plumber who lives in Kingston upon Thames in Surrey, with his wife Stella. He enjoys adding bizarre and unusual features to both the inside and outside of his house, including a windmill and mock Acropolis. His neighbour, Gilly Bell, is recently widowed and bringing up her daughter Katie. Gilly hates Vince's additions as she feels he is bringing down the tone of the neighbourhood, although she gets on very well with Vince's easy-going wife, Stella. Terry Shane, Vince's nephew and assistant, has a love-hate relationship with Katie.

Bajo otro sol

A lawyer named Manuel Ojeda moves back to his home town, Córdoba, Argentina. A member of the Peronist Youth goes missing because of Alberto Barrantes, who was an employee of a factory he used to work at. Manuel tries to find the missing person.

Summertime Blues (1984 film)

It is the last summer before the army, an early 1980s Tel-Aviv summer, prior to the 1982 Lebanon War. Four friends are walking on the wild side before life starts walking over them. They have a Rock'n'Roll band and so, they're trying to add some sex and drugs and devour the whole enchilada. It will take them a hot summer to realize how young and naive they still are, how what really turns them on is first love, first heartache and everything in between. The original ending titles shows the protagonists' photos with information on those that died in service.Alvin H. Rosenfeld ''Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives''-2013 Page 380 0253008905 - "In a similar vein, the television version of Yaki Yosha's Summertime Blues (1984)—about the summer of several youngsters before they join the army — eliminated the original ending that shows the protagonists' images with information on their deaths in service."

Thai Thief

In World War II, Japanese troops occupied Southeast Asia with the intention of making new colonies. Thailand was one country that allowed the Japanese troops to transport their weapons and gold via train. For Kom, a well-known Thai thief, this was the perfect opportunity to commit a crime. Meanwhile, Toe, the leader of an anti-Japan movement has a plan to stop the train, but the situation becomes more difficult when Kom and Toe are forced to help a secret agent from being captured by the troops.

She Killed in Ecstasy

Dr. Johnson (Fred Williams) lives in bliss with his beautiful wife (Soledad Miranda) until his unorthodox experiments with human embryos causes a medical committee to reject his findings and orders him to discontinue his work. The unstable doctor slashes his wrists in the bathroom. Devastated, his wife vows to seduce and kill the woman and three men "responsible" for the suicide.

Daffy – The Commando

Early one morning, somewhere in World War II-era Germany, Commander Von Vultur is pacing back and forth inside his bunker while fuming about how so many American commandos have managed to slip behind German enemy lines undetected. He receives a telegram from the "Gestinko Gestapo", threatening him with his 'ka-rear' if he lets 'vun' more 'kommando' through. Hearing an American warplane overhead, he calls in his batman – Schultz – whom he abuses by knocking him regularly over his helmet with a mallet. They run outside and use a searchlight to search for any more landing commandos and eventually spot one, who just happens to be Daffy floating down on a parachute, whilst singing Billy Bennett's "She Was Poor But She Was Honest" in a fake Cockney accent.

After a quick shout of "Put out those lights!" gets the searchlight turned off temporarily and allows him to land unseen, Daffy uses his fingers on the searchlight's lens to make shadow puppets and dancing chorus girls on the clouds to distract the Germans before hiding behind a curtain that says "asbestos". When Von Vultur opens the curtain, Daffy makes an ugly face similar to the stereotypical Japanese faces used in cartoons at the time (see, for example, ''Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips''), causing Von Vultur to run off frightened.

Back at Von Vultur's bunker, Daffy tricks him into telling him the time and presents him with a ticking time bomb "as a little token of our esteem". Von Vultur hands the bomb off to Schultz, who is literally blown through the roof. When Schultz falls back, Daffy (who was hiding underneath Schultz's helmet) stops Von Vultur from hitting Schultz over the head with a mallet, and instead hits him. Von Vultur chases Daffy to a telephone booth, where Daffy continues to make fun of him.

Daffy jumps in a plane, narrowly avoiding "a whole mess of Messerschmitts". Daffy is shot down by Von Vultur, his plane progressively disintegrating from back to front, eventually leaving just the engine and propeller), with Daffy still clinging to the controls. Daffy runs into what he believes is a tunnel where he can hide, but it turns out to be the barrel of a huge howitzer cannon. Daffy is shot out by Von Vultur. However, Daffy flies unharmed (as a "human cannonball") into Berlin, where (a rotoscoped) Fuehrer Adolf Hitler is giving a speech. Daffy whacks Hitler on the head with a mallet, causing Hitler to yell for Schultz.

Bloody Murder

Teenage friends Julie, Jason, Dean, Whitney and Tobe are working as summer camp counselors at Camp Placid Pines. Their boss Patrick introduces them to the other counselors Drew, Brad, Jamie and Doug. The groundskeeper, Henry, warns Julie that there is something dangerous in the woods, but Patrick dismisses him as crazy. Later that night, the counselors, around the campfire, tell the story of Trevor Moorehouse; a young camper who wore a hockey mask due other campers playing a prank on him, causing his face to become disfigured. They also play a game called "Bloody Murder", a combination of hide and seek and tag. During the game Jason and Dean play a yearly tradition camp prank on Brad with Jason dressing up as Trevor Moorehouse. Brad gets accidentally hurt during the prank. Julie scold's Jason for the prank & Jason promises to apologize to Brad in the morning. Later Jason and Whitney have sex, while Dean who happens to be Jason's best friend & Whitney's ex, watches them & is shocked because Jason is dating Julie. Then Jason is confronted by an unknown person.

The next morning, Julie is concerned about Jason's whereabouts and is told he was taking a few days off. The following night, the counselors gather to watch a movie and Whitney is killed in the kitchen by someone wearing a hockey mask and a boiler suit. The next day, the counselors inform the local sheriff that Jason and Whitney have gone missing, while Patrick and Tobe tell the sheriff that they suspect Dean, who then is taken in for questioning. At the archery range, Brad is killed and Dean is released from custody at the sheriff station. Julie is attacked by the killer in the woods before Dean is also killed by having his throat slit. Julie finds a photo of her dad at the camp with someone named Nelson Hammond, and discovers that Nelson was almost killed in an accident involving the game Bloody Murder. Few years later, he returned to the camp and killed one of the counselors involved. That night, Julie is attacked again but realizes her attacker is Jason and locks him in the freezer. Jason tries to explain but Julie has him arrested then Jason is taken in by the police.

The killer murders Doug before Julie's father arrives and walks with Drew to the lake. Julie gathers her things from her cabin and discovers that Drew's father was Bill Anderson, the counselor that Nelson killed for revenge, and concludes that Drew is the killer after she told Julie that seeks out others to blame for her father's death. Julie's father is knocked into the lake by an unknown assailant. Moments later, Julie confronts Drew and accuses her of being the killer before the real killer arrives and attacks them, proving her wrong. Drew is knocked out and Julie flees. She runs into Patrick, who reveals he is actually the killer and is really Nelson Hammond and who killed the real Patrick. He chases Julie through the woods before she arrives at the main camp, where Patrick says that Julie hit her head and is delusional. He then takes a swing at her with an axe, but Drew appears and shoots him in the arm before he is arrested for his crimes.

At the station, Sheriff says he understood in a backward way why Nelson killed Whitney, Brad & Dean but doesn't understand why he killed Doug who never did a thing to him. Nelson denies killing Doug and says Trevor Moorehouse must have been responsible. Julie's father and Drew are taken to the hospital as the remaining counselors depart the camp. As Jason is walking home alone, another hockey-masked assailant, wielding a chainsaw, suddenly comes out of the bushes. Jason screams in terror and the film ends.

Bloody Murder 2: Closing Camp

Tracy (Katy Woodruff) is a camp counselor working to close down Camp Placid Pines for the winter. Also, there are counselors Sofie (Amanda Magarian), Mike (Kelly Gunning), Angela (Tiffany Shepis), Elvis (Raymond Novarro Smith), Ryan (Tom Mullen), James (Lane Anderson), and boss Rick (Arthur Benjamin). At night, the counselors are having a bonfire when Angela suggests a game of Bloody Murder. Upset, Tracy leaves with Mike, while Sofie reveals Tracy's brother, Jason (Tyler Sedustine), disappeared at the camp years previously, believed to be dead at the hands of the local myth Trevor Moorehouse. While taking Tracy back to her cabin, Mike upsets her, so he returns to the bonfire as the others are telling the story of Trevor Moorehouse. The latter supposedly got in an accident at the camp years ago and was put in a mental hospital. Continuing the game, James gets chosen to be it. He is blindfolded as the others run through the forest to hide. Soon after, Mike and Ryan dress up as Trevor Moorehouse and scare James, causing a fight to break out. Everyone returns to their cabins apart from James, who remains at the fire. Someone dressed as Trevor Moorehouse confronts James, chopping his legs off with a machete before crushing his head with a rock.

The next morning, Tracy and Mike make up before the counselors meet in the mess hall for breakfast with an angry Rick, who tells the group that James left a note saying he left the camp. Camp cook Juanita (Virginia Mendoza) becomes scared, thinking Trevor Moorehouse murdered James and decides she will leave later that day. As the counselors set about their tasks, Sofie and Elvis contemplate the existence of Trevor Moorehouse while Angela and Ryan take a shower together. Ryan gets a message from Rick on his pager that he wants to see him, so he leaves only to find a grave dug in the forest. Ryan is soon shot with an arrow before the killer buries him.

Meanwhile, Tracy spots the killer lurking through the forest and warns Mike, Sofie, and Elvis. They call in Sheriff Miller (John Colton), who does not believe Tracy is telling the truth. As night falls, Tracy and Mike fall out once more before Rick tells the group that Ryan paged him, saying he had quit. Angela, upset, wanders off herself, while Tracy begins to believe something strange is happening at the camp. Tracy, Sofie, and Elvis decide to find Mike and Angela.

Mike comforts Angela, and the pair have sex. Elvis sees them and returns to Tracy and Sofie, telling them he had not found them. Mike realizes his clothes are missing before Angela discovers Ryan's body half-buried in the ground. Mike leaves as he does not want Tracy to know about him and Angela as the others turn up. Tracy, Sofie, Elvis, and Angela are taken back to camp by Sheriff Miller, who tells them they cannot leave the campsite as they are suspects in the death of Ryan. Sheriff Miller then searches for Rick and Mike while Deputy Tim (Carl Strecker) and Deputy Carver (Benjamin Schneider) take Tracy and Elvis to the showers. The deputies are knocked unconscious, while Elvis is stabbed to death and has his throat slit by the killer. Sheriff Miller returns with Rick, and suspicion soon falls on a missing Mike because his cabin has a mask.

Tracy finds a camcorder set up outside Mike's cabin the following day. She plays the footage, which shows Mike entering the house before the killer emerges moments after. Mike then appears to Tracy, who screams for help. Mike flees but is caught by the deputies and taken to prison. At night, Sofie comforts Tracy before Tracy dreams that the killer reveals himself to be Rick. In the morning, Tracy, Sofie, and Angela begin to doubt Mike is the killer and decide to recover Ryan and Rick's pagers to find out if Rick was telling the truth about the messages before Ryan's disappearance.

At the police station, Mike tells Sheriff Miller that he is innocent and someone has altered the recordings from the camcorder. Back at camp, Tracy checks Rick's pager while he is in the shower and finds that there are no pages from Ryan. At night, Sofie cooks dinner to stop Rick from becoming suspicious. While Tracy checks the recordings once more, she discovers altered footage. As Angela searches for Ryan's pager, the killer appears and strikes her in the head with a machete, killing her.

Tracy warns Sofie, who sets off to find Angela. Tracy goes into Rick's office for the keys, but Rick appears. Rick attempts to tell her of his innocence, but Tracy runs away. Meanwhile, as Sofie finds Angela's body, she is knocked unconscious. Tracy manages to phone Sheriff Miller before Rick chases her. As Rick corners her, Sheriff Miller arrives and shoots Rick. Sheriff Miller begins to drive Tracy back into town, but he reveals himself as the killer, getting revenge for what happened to his son, Trevor Moorehouse. Tracy finds Mike's dead body in the back seat before Sheriff Miller handcuffs her to a log. Sofie appears, and Sheriff Miller chases her back to the camp. Tracy frees herself and meets with Sofie at the camp. Sheriff Miller chases them. However, Trevor Moorehouse appears and decapitates him with a chainsaw and drags his corpse away. Tracy and Sofie fall asleep in the woods and walk away together the next morning.

Weeping Willow (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)

In what appears to be an Internet vlog, a teenage girl nicknamed "WeepingWillow17" (Michelle Trachtenberg) and her boyfriend Holden (Michael Goduti) are interrupted when two men in masks storm into the room and apparently kidnap them on-camera. Detectives Logan and Wheeler begin investigating the so-called "cyber-kidnapping", which they and the public suspect could be an Internet hoax. Eventually, the supposed kidnappers release an online video with Willow and Holden tied up, claiming they will kill them both if 100,000 people do not purchase their online videos for $1.99 each within 48 hours. The news media covers the story, and speculates on the possibility that it is a hoax. Eventually, a video is released in which Willow provides her real name, Lisa Willow Tyler, as proof that she is real. Logan and Wheeler visit her parents, who are elderly farmers that believe Willow is doing charity work in Africa; the police learn Willow has lied to her family and tried to achieve Internet fame to escape her dull life.

Wheeler suggests responding to the kidnappers "on their own turf" via a video blog. In response to Wheeler's video, the kidnappers make another vlog and cut off Holden's ear on-camera to prove they are serious. Although the ear is mailed to forensics and proven to be real, police quickly discover that Willow and Holden placed an online advertisement seeking actors to play kidnapper roles; they soon identify actor Reggie Luckman (Pedro Pascal) as one of the kidnappers in the WeepingWillow17 videos. Yet another vlog is released, this time with Holden escaping his bonds and shooting one of the kidnappers, before being shot himself by Reggie. Police come to the scene and find Holden alive, along with the dead body of one of the supposed kidnappers named Todd (Trevor Oswalt). Holden insisted the on-camera shooting was fake, and that Reggie shot Todd over a dispute over money after the video was filmed. Holden says the kidnapping videos started as a hoax, but that Reggie has now actually kidnapped Willow.

Additional live WeepingWillow17 videos are shown online, which police trace to a van in Union Square, where they find Willow and arrest Reggie. During interrogation, Reggie says he did not know Todd was really dead; he insists he fired a prop gun with blanks to scare Holden into splitting the money from the videos with them. Police soon learn the wadding from a blank was accidentally fired into Todd, and a horrified Reggie faces manslaughter charges. Willow, claiming to have simply been seeking fame as an actress, is released without criminal charges. The episode ends with Logan and Wheeler watching a video of Larry King interviewing Willow on a giant screen in Times Square.

Chokher Bali (film)

Binodini is a young girl who is left to her own devices when her sickly husband dies soon after their marriage. She returns to her village and lives there for a couple of months until she sees one of her aunts passing by. Binodini hails the woman and her two sons agree that it would be best if Binodini came to live with the woman and her son, Mahendra. But that son, Mahendra, was one of the first to see Binodini's photo when she was proposed as a prospective wife for him, yet refused her on account of his being "unready for marriage." When Binodini arrives with her aunt, Mahendra and his new bride are constantly sneaking off to be alone together. This infatuation does not last long, however, and Mahendra soon begins to see that Binodini is more his type. Mahendra and Binodini, start an affair, and this is soon revealed to Ashalata, who, unaware of her pregnancy, leaves for Kashi. Binodini, after realising that Mahendra is self-obsessed, leaves Mahendra's house. She pleads with Behari to marry her, but Behari, true to his values, rejects her offer. Binodini leaves the town for her village. She writes a letter to Behari that she'll be waiting for him in Kashi. As she is leaving for Kashi, Mahendra comes to mend their relations, which she refuses. Instead she makes him promise to take her to Behari. At Kashi, Binodini meets Behari who, after some incidents, agrees to marry her. On the day of marriage Binodini vanishes, leaving a letter for Asha. The story details the lives of these three and Mahendra's best friend as they deal with issues such as distrust, adultery, lies, and falling-out.

Along Came a Spider (film)

After Washington, D.C. detective, forensic psychologist and author Alex Cross (Morgan Freeman) loses control of a sting operation, resulting in the death of his partner, he retires from the force. He is drawn back to police work when Megan Rose (Mika Boorem), the daughter of a United States senator, is kidnapped from her exclusive private school by Gary Soneji (Michael Wincott), a computer science teacher. US Secret Service Special Agent Jezzie Flannigan (Monica Potter), held responsible for the breach in security, joins forces with Cross to find the missing girl.

Soneji contacts Cross by phone and alerts him to the fact one of Megan's sneakers is in the detective's mailbox, proving that Soneji is the kidnapper. Cross deduces that the man is obsessed with the 1932 Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. kidnapping and hopes to become as infamous as Bruno Hauptmann by committing a new "Crime of the Century", which might be explored by Cross in one of his true crime books. Megan's kidnapping proves to be only part of Soneji's real plan: to kidnap Dimitri Starodubov (Anton Yelchin), the son of the Russian president, and guarantee greater infamy for himself.

After Cross and Flannigan foil his second kidnapping plot, a supposed call from the kidnapper demands that Cross deliver a ransom of $10 million in diamonds, by following an intricate maze of calls made to public phone booths scattered throughout the city. Following the ransom directions, Cross ultimately tosses the gems out the window of a rapidly moving Metro train to a figure standing by the tracks. Soneji later arrives at Flannigan's home and confronts Cross after disabling Flannigan with a taser. Because Soneji has not reacted to Cross's verbal comment about receiving the ransom amount (which was incorrect), the detective realizes that the kidnapper is unaware of the ransom demand and delivery. Soneji tries to leave with Flannigan, but Cross kills him.

Cross becomes suspicious and realizes that someone else discovered Soneji long before his plot came to fruition. After searching Flannigan's personal computer, he finds enough evidence to prove that Flannigan and her fellow Secret Service agent Ben Devine (Billy Burke) used Soneji as a pawn in their own plot to collect a ransom for Megan. He tracks them down to a secluded farmhouse, where Flannigan has murdered Devine and is now intent on killing Megan. Cross stops Flannigan by shooting her in the heart, killing her. Cross then takes Megan to her parents.

The Secret (2007 film)

The beginning of the film reveals the strained relationship between Hannah (Lili Taylor) and her teenaged daughter Samantha (Olivia Thirlby). Hannah has been the primary disciplinarian as opposed to Samantha's permissive father Ben (David Duchovny). During a heated argument between Hannah and Samantha, Hannah's focus is momentarily diverted from the road which results in a head-on collision with an oncoming semi-truck. Both end up in the local ICU. Both of them code, resulting in Hannah's death. Unknown to Ben, Hannah's spirit migrates to Samantha's body. However, he finally believes his wife when she tells him things that only his wife would know. Both resolve that Hannah continue to live as Samantha to keep her life intact for if and when she returns. Hannah, living in Samantha's body, endeavors to keep up an emotional relationship with the husband/father, while struggling with the often confusing impulses that teenagers often feel. Ben (David Duchovny) and Hannah often come perilously close to being intimate as man and wife. Her experience helps her to learn a lot about the previously unknown (to her) life her daughter was living and helps her to see how harrowing a teen's life can be in these times, as she struggles to walk the tightrope many teens must negotiate. She's confronted by conflicting pulls between the alluring attractions adolescents face every day and the demands of schoolwork that she finds largely unfamiliar to her since a couple of decades have passed since her own graduation. As she discovers, Samantha's life has been a challenge to meet her parents' expectations for academic excellence and behavior, all the while being overwhelmed by the hormones of adolescence, in many ways more powerful than any of the drugs the kids experiment with. This includes the discovery that Samantha was having sex with multiple partners. It is at times difficult for her to keep that grip; but, for Ben, the possessiveness he feels toward his wife's soul in his daughter's body threatens to completely overwhelm his life as well as hers, with nearly disastrous results. She also began to rediscover her own lost dreams when she gains critical acclaim from the high school faculty for her extraordinary photography.

This conflict one day finally comes to head when Hannah/Samantha escape through Samantha's bedroom window and goes to Samantha's friends where they persuade her to try K (Ketamine) which causes her to hallucinate, seeing herself dead as Hannah. Ben, who'd been looking for her, tracks her down to Samantha's friends. Taking her home, Samantha briefly reappears then disappears again over the traumatic realization that her mother was dead. Ben and Hannah both realize that Samantha is coming back. Hannah makes final preparations for Samantha's return, including making a video for Samantha to view explaining to her what happened. It dramatically impacts Samantha, who belatedly realizes how much she really did love her mother.

The final scene shows a radically changed Samantha, who now has adopted her mother's handwriting. She is also now in a fully committed relationship with just a single partner.

Run for the Sun

Katie Connors (Jane Greer), on the editorial staff of ''Sight'' magazine, journeys to San Marcos, a remote Mexican fishing village, seeking novelist and adventurer Mike Latimer (Richard Widmark), who has abandoned writing "at the peak of his fame" and dropped from sight. She soon learns that he is indeed there, indulging in drinking, fishing, hunting, and flying his aircraft. Katie contrives to meet him, pretending not to know his identity, but Latimer easily sees through her clumsy denials and is immediately attracted to her. Over the next several days they enjoy each other's company, but Katie may be falling in love with him and conceals the real reason she is there.

After Latimer explains that his wife was the muse behind his literary success, and that he quit writing because she left him to be with his best friend, Katie decides to go back to New York. Latimer offers to fly her to Mexico City and asks Katie to write down her address to keep in touch. During the flight, the magnetized notebook in Katie's purse affects the aircraft's magnetic compass and they find themselves lost over jungle. The aircraft runs out of fuel and Latimer crash-lands in a small clearing. Knocked unconscious, he wakes up to find himself in a bed in the main house of a hacienda.

Katie introduces him to their rescuers, an Englishman named Browne (Trevor Howard) and the Dutch archaeologist Dr. van Anders (Peter van Eyck), who live on the estate with Jan (Carlos Henning) a third European. Latimer feels that he once met the cordial Browne, a big game hunter himself, but cannot place it. The more suspicious and secretive Anders asks about a rifle bullet that Latimer always carries with him, which Latimer relates is a souvenir and good luck charm from the D-Day invasion, a time when his courage failed him. Almost immediately the couple senses that things are not as they appear.

Browne keeps a pack of savage dogs to prowl the estate and control the local populace; when Latimer goes to examine the condition of his aircraft, it has disappeared; Browne claims he has no contact to the outside world and Katie doubts that Anders is really an archaeologist. However friction develops between them when a newscast on the radio announcing their disappearance reveals Katie's identity and original purpose. Katie tries to persuade Latimer that she no longer intends to write the story but he rebuffs her.

That night, Latimer finds a storeroom containing military gear with Nazi markings, items from his missing aircraft supposedly stolen by the local Indians, and a cabinet of hunting rifles. The barking of the prowling dogs awakens Browne and Anders, and Latimer overhears them talking in German. He tells Katie what he found and warns her that they need to work together to try to escape. They discover that Browne has been concealing from them, his own "flyable" aircraft.

Latimer finally realizes it is Browne's voice he recognizes, and that he is an infamous turncoat who during the war broadcast Nazi propaganda from Berlin to Britain after he had married a German girl. The Englishman admits the truth and adds that his wife was Anders' sister, killed in a British air raid. Latimer tries to bargain for Katie's release but to no avail. Latimer realizes Anders is a German war criminal who massacred an entire village and intends to kill them. He and Katie try to steal the aircraft, but when Jan shoots at them, they flee into the jungle.

Browne, leading Anders, Jan and the dogs, follows their trail, failing to catch them the first day when a group of wild pigs attack the dogs. The next day, the wilderness-wise Latimer rigs a crude booby trap that kills Jan. With Katie nearing exhaustion, Latimer contrives to double back, and when Browne and Anders find Jan's dead body, they realize that the aircraft has been left unguarded. Stopping for the night, Latimer starts to cover Katie with his jacket and finds that she wrote down the office address of ''Sight'' magazine as her own, proving that she had been truthful about her feelings.

They reach the hacienda just ahead of their pursuers and barricade themselves in the chapel. Anders pretends to negotiate with Latimer and shoots through the door. Latimer ridicules him and when Anders goes to bring workers to break down the door, he is forced to lock up the dogs to get their cooperation. Browne fears the fanatical Nazi and offers to shoot Anders if Latimer flies him to South America. Latimer refuses and uses the bullet hole in the door as a makeshift gun barrel for his lucky bullet, striking the primer with a chisel and fatally shooting Browne. Latimer and Katie take off in Browne's aircraft, killing Anders with the propeller when he tries to block their path. They manage to safely escape.

Red Barry (serial)

An undercover police detective sets out to discover who stole $2 million in bonds.

The Fall (Muchamore novel)

An MI5 operation goes wrong when two agents working with James try to murder their prime suspect, Denis Obidin, and James is trapped in the fictional Aero City in Russia. James is unable to contact campus and when he attempts to steal a phone he is beaten by a group of skateboarders. The skateboarders, having heard of a reward offered for James' capture, call the hotline and within a few minutes one of Obidin's men arrives, pays the skateboarders and arrests James. However, the henchman reveals himself to be an undercover CIA agent, and he takes James back to his flat. After treating James to the best of his ability, he challenges him as to why he was there and why Obidin was killed. When James protests that their intentions were peaceful, he is shown CCTV footage of the murder. The agent lets James call CHERUB campus before he leaves, telling him not to go to sleep at any cost.

Mission controller Ewart Asker arrives and takes James to an airfield where two British service people are to help with their escape. The Russian authorities appear, though, and they are forced to take the couple with them. On the flight, James passes out when air trapped in his broken nose expands due to air pressure changes and the pilot ends up making an emergency landing in Helsinki, Finland. Half a week later, James wakes up in hospital on CHERUB campus to the relief of Lauren and Kerry. Ewart and his wife, CHERUB chairwoman Zara Asker, reveal to James that they have been forced to suspend him pending an investigation into the agents' death.

Once he is up and about, James is made to choose between helping junior CHERUBs preparing for basic training or a course in socioeconomics. James chooses the PE training, and is asked to help a red shirt, Kevin Sumner, who is scared of heights. Bruce Norris helps, but breaks his ankle falling from the height course. While this freaks James out, Kevin gains confidence and soon decides to try the height course alone. He succeeds, and James is rewarded for his work by having his history GCSE pass guaranteed.

Meanwhile, after saving Mr. Large's life during a training exercise in the Yorkshire Dales, Lauren gets her first solo mission, about human trafficking and prostitution. Her mission is to befriend Anna, a young Russian girl that is suspected to be a victim of human trafficking. Lauren befriends her immediately.

Meryl Spencer and James' friends get together and organize an outing to celebrate his fifteenth birthday, taking him to a motor carting track and a spa hotel. The cherubs get drunk and James tries to pressure his girlfriend Kerry to have sex with him. She refuses and leaves in tears, but forgives him the next morning.

Lauren begins to befriend Anna, but the two of them are picked up by a human trafficking gang. Lauren tries to resist, but is ultimately captured. A paedophile called Keith brings her into a room and tries to rape her, but she stabs him with a knife concealed in her knickers. She rallies the other prostitutes but is pepper sprayed. She manages to make a call to her mission controller John Jones. He calls the police and escapes with Lauren.

After a talk with head instructor George Pike, James suspects that Ewart has betrayed him. James is hurt further when Kerry, enraged at him for spilling coffee on her history homework, claims that he screwed his mission. James later asks Kerry to help him investigate, but refuses, so James goes alone. While looking through Ewart's office, James is caught by Dana Smith, another CHERUB agent, who decides to help. From investigating some papers they found in the office, they find out that Ewart has been lying about how much evidence he had. After, Dana admits that she fancies James and they end up kissing. Then it leads to stripping and Dana allows James to see her breasts. However, as things develop Lauren walks in and sees James with Dana's bra in his hand. James tries to wiggle out of trouble by saying it was an accident. Lauren is upset and as James tries to comfort her she says to James that he thinks humping is like eating chips.

The next morning Dana and James take one of the CHERUB's pool cars and follow Ewart who meets an old reporter who used to write stories about Lord Hilton, a rival of Denis Obidin (James' mark from the Russia mission) and uncovered links that suggested that Lord Hilton was having people who endangered his son's political career and his own aeroplane business assassinated. He had arranged for Ewart to be killed but James and Dana saved his life for which Zara is very grateful. She apologises for keeping James in the dark and awards him and Dana the black shirt. By now, James had decided that he wants to date Dana. When the new couple go to dinner, Kerry (who found out about their kiss from Lauren) starts a fight with Dana. A food fight breaks out as James sits there, grinning as the fight erupts around him.

The epilogue reveals that after the investigation by the CHERUB ethics committee, a number of new rules were created to ensure the future safety of CHERUB agents with the biggest change being that CHERUB agents are no longer allowed to work overseas without the presence of a mission controller.

Golden Buddha (novel)

In ''Golden Buddha'', Juan Cabrillo embarks on his first mission in ''The Oregon Files'' (although it is made clear that this is not the first mission for the team through references to other missions and its part in the book Flood Tide). The team is hired to find and recover a stolen statue, the Golden Buddha, stolen in 1959 from the Dalai Lama. The success of the team will determine the future of Tibet. Whilst playing the Russians off against the Chinese, the team must put their lives at risk in order to complete the mission. In their state-of-the-art vessel, disguised as a rusting heap of junk, they sail from Cuba to Macau, and there the team use their cunning and wit to outsmart a billionaire—Stanley Ho—and the Macau police. They also swindle one hundred million dollars' worth of bonds from billionaire Marcus Friday and convince the UN to ratify the military coup in Tibet.

The Golden Goblet

Ranofer is an orphaned 12-year-old boy whose mother had died at birth. Ranofer had learned many things at a goldsmith's shop with his father Thutra. Without his half brother, Gebu, he would be living on the streets. His evil half brother beats and mistreats Ranofer. Ranofer has to stay with Gebu because his father, Thutra, died when he was young. His father knew Zau, the master goldsmith well. When the tallies of gold sweepings do not add up, Ranofer tries to figure out why. He determines that Ibni the Babylonian porter is smuggling gold to Gebu through wineskins that Ranofer unknowingly carries home. Ranofer tries to stop this, but Gebu forces him to continue, threatening to beat again and sell him into slavery. Ranofer makes two new friends, the Ancient and Heqet, but things take a turn for the worse when Gebu moves him to his stone cutting shop to be an apprentice after Ibni is caught. Ranofer doesn't like the job as much as his dream where he is to be apprentice by Zau, the master goldsmith. With the help of his new friends, Ranofer discovers that someone else is stealing gold at night after getting suspicious again. After Heqet suggests they work together to spy on Gebu and his evil helpers, they meet in a thicket near the river, share food, and talk about what they have heard during midday when Ranofer gets a break from his awful job at the stonecutters' shop. Ranofer breaks into Gebu's room and discovers a golden goblet which could not come from the area. Ranofer realizes that Gebu has been tomb robbing by the markings at the bottom which say the name of a pharaoh, Thutmose the Conqueror. Also with that evidence he realizes that no one can get as rich as Gebu was getting in one day which supports his theory. He asks the Ancient how tomb robbers are caught, and the Ancient replies, "They must be followed". Ranofer knows from Heqet's eavesdropping that Gebu will be going on another tomb robbing session during the upcoming feast, but keeps his findings to himself. Ranofer follows Gebu to the burial chamber. Meanwhile, Heqet and the Ancient have also gone to the Valley of the Kings looking for Ranofer, putting puzzle pieces together where he has gone and why. Ranofer runs out of the tomb after extinguishing the robbers' torch and one of the giant steps crumbles, trapping Gebu and his companion Wenamon. Ranofer put a boulder on top of the entrance, and then finds Heqet and the Ancient, who sit on the boulder while Ranofer returns to town. He manages to get into the palace, and tries to get an audience with the queen but is stopped by the palace guards. Qa-nefer, the queen's dwarf &"pet", believes his story although he finds Ranofer a little crazy. Ranofer finally gets an audience with the queen, and after telling her about the golden goblet with Thutmose's name on it, she decides to test his truthfulness about the tomb robbery by asking him, "What was the object leaning against the north wall of my parents' burial chamber?" Ranofer answers, "Majesty, it was your father's oaken staff," and the queen immediately sends out soldiers, who catch Gebu & Wenamon. Finally, the queen asks what Ranofer wants most in the world. "A donkey," Ranofer said, "so that I may earn a living for myself like the Ancient, be a student of Zau the Gold Master & make fine jewellery for Your Sublime Majesty." He then trots off on his magnificent new donkey and the book ends with him meeting with the Ancient and Heqet, having changed around his life circumstances.

The Hanged Man (TV series)

Lew Burnett is a self-made man who owns a huge construction company. However, his success has bred resentment and after his wife is killed in a plane crash a third attempt is made on Lew's life. He then decides to pretend to be dead to avoid any more attempts on his life and find out who is trying to kill him and why. He is helped by Alan Crowe, an old friend. Burnett travels around the world to trace the nine potential suspects. In each episode, Burnett is caught up in a fight of some sort.

Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas

''Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas'' tells the story of the previous Holy War, taking place in the 18th century, 250 years before the original series, in the ''Saint Seiya'' universe. The story centers on the fight between Tenma, one of the 88 Saints following Athena, and Alone, the reincarnation of the God Hades. While the two were close childhood friends in Greece alongside Alone's sister, Sasha, the trio separated. Sasha was sent first to the Sanctuary and then, a short time later, Tenma was sent to the Sanctuary too; while Tenma had the Cosmos, the Saints' energy, awaken, Sasha was revealed to be the reincarnation of Athena. As years passes, everything that Alone paints is destroyed, and he is convinced that death means salvation by the god Hypnos and his follower Pandora. Alone then gathers Hades' soldiers, the 108 Specters to start a war against Athena.

During the war, the Saints and the Specters face off. Tenma and Sasha have to deal with Alone who starts making the "Lost Canvas", a vast painting of the earth, in the sky, so that after he finishes it, the entire world will die. With Alone still not being fully controlled by the soul of Hades, Pandora, alongside Hypnos and his brother Thanatos lead the Specters. However, as the two Gods are sealed by the former Saints Pope Sage and his twin brother Altar Hakurei, Alone invites the few remaining Saints to the Demonic Temples located in the Lost Canvas. Once the Saints go through the Temples, it is revealed that Alone is not possessed by Hades and is instead using the god's powers for his own motives. Additionally, Tenma's parents, Mephistopheles Yōma and Owl Partita appear as Specters in the Temples to force their son to transform his protective Pegasus Bronze Cloth into the most powerful armour, God Cloth. With the God Cloth, Tenma and his future reincarnations will be able to fight the Gods and aid Athena in ending all wars.

Following several battles in the Temples, Tenma faces Alone one-on-one with the former managing to defeat the latter, causing the Lost Canvas' destruction. Shortly afterwards, Alone is possessed by Hades who aims to kill Athena. Hades is forced by the souls from the deceased Saints to escape to the last Demonic Temple, and Tenma, Sasha, and Alone decide to follow him. The three manage to defeat Hades but they never return to Earth. The two surviving Saints, Libra Dohko and Aries Shion, then prepare for a possible future war against Hades. Libra Dohko was assigned to permanently watch over the seal of Hades and 108 specters, while Aries Shion reconstructs and leads the Athena's Sanctuary.

Batman/Houdini: The Devil's Workshop

In the Winter of 1907, children are disappearing from the impoverished part of Gotham, known as the "Devil's Workshop". The criminal is a grinning white-faced ghoul named Jack Schadenfreude.

Meanwhile, Harry Houdini is in town for a performance and mingles with Gotham's elite. Amongst them is Bruce Wayne, from an old money background, and Elijah Montenegro, the nouveau riche, self-styled "Beef Baron". Also in town are other notables, specifically Tom Mix and Leonora Reinhardt. All the high society events are being documented for the ''Gotham Globe'' by Victoria Vale.

Vale and Wayne attend Reinhardt's performance as the lead in ''Medea'', where they meet the Baron again. They are then invited into a séance held by Reinhardt. An invitation also extended to Houdini, who has an interest in the paranormal. The séance is apparently a success, leading the three to conclude something genuinely supernatural is going on.

The abductions are traced to Montenegro's meat factory and it soon becomes apparent that everything is somehow connected.

The story is narrated by Houdini. He contrasts his own poor upbringing with that of Bruce Wayne. It also highlights Batman, as he learns a number of his skills from studying Houdini's work.

The Cat Who Walked by Herself

The film is largely based on Kipling's short story, but expands it with several digressions.

Frame story

A couple - a man and a woman - put their young child in his crib for the night and leave the room. The child starts crying, and the Cat comes into the room to keep him company. When the child grabs her tail, the Cat angrily reminds him that they agreed "a thousand years ago" that he would not do that. Upon seeing that the child doesn't remember, the Cat sighs and decides to tell him the story from the beginning. The story starts when the planet was young and life on Earth was emerging with early creatures among erupting volcanoes.


The protagonists are the Wild Man and the Woman who is his mate.

Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came

Col. Flanders commands a U.S. Army base in the South. To improve relations with the locals, he decides to throw a community dance. He gives the assignment to Warrant Officer Michael M. Nace, sergeants Shannon Gambroni and Jones, and a captain, Myerson.

A bigot named Billy Joe Davis is a big man in town, backed by Harve, a redneck sheriff. Harve considers a pretty barfly, Ramona, to be his girl, so when he catches Gambroni and her together, he has the sergeant placed under arrest for lewd conduct in public.

Nace is drunk and of no help. Jones, who is black, is refused a loan by Mr. Kruft, a banker in town, so in anger he decides to spring Gambroni from jail. Billy Joe retaliates by calling in his armed militia, so Nace steals a tank from the base and fights back. Harve takes three of the soldiers as his prisoners.

Nace and Jones (in the tank) manage to arrive at the town, where they wreak havoc by running over the stone statue of a Confederate war hero and ram-crash into the local jail, enabling Gambroni to break out.

By the time the dust settles, Col. Flanders and his men have arrived in town to save the day. The town mayor fires the sheriff for abuse of authority and the military men pledge to repair the damage caused by the tank.

Empire of Ivory

Laurence and Temeraire arrive back in the United Kingdom, following their evacuation of Danzig in ''Black Powder War''. Their relief at arriving safely is short-lived as Napoleon continues his preparations for an invasion of the British Isles. When questioned about the lack of British air support for the Prussians, Laurence discovers that Britain had no dragons to spare: a flu-like epidemic has infected the greater part of them, and British science has yet to devise a cure. To combat it, Temeraire, Iskierka and the ferals are forced to fly frantic patrols, both as a show of force and to prevent Napoleon from getting reconnaissance in over the contaminated coverts; at one point Temeraire is forced to knock a French courier-dragon, Sauvignon, out of the sky and down into one of the coverts, risking infection himself.

Temeraire and Laurence continue to develop their notions of draconic equality in British society and find common cause with William Wilberforce and the abolitionist movement in exchange for assistance from prominent political leaders. Before they can continue their plans, they are enlisted to return to Africa to seek a cure for the draconic flu, which Temeraire caught and was cured of in ''Throne of Jade''; his immunity is proven when he fails to contract the illness from Sauvignon and the other dragons. The entire formation is shipped to the Cape Colony aboard the ''Allegiance'', along with a black missionary, Rev. Josiah Erasmus, formerly of the Lunda people, his wife Hannah and their daughters. The missionaries are manumitted slaves, causing tension between Laurence and ''Allegiance'' captain Tom Riley, a staunch supporter of the slave trade and occasional friend of Laurence. Riley is also further thrown off balance by the discovery that some of the Aerial Corps' officers, including Lily's captain Catherine Harcourt, are women (the acid-spitting Longwing breed, along with a few others, refuse to accept male handlers).

After several weeks of searching, the formation makes land at the Cape of Good Hope; Maximus, the Regal Copper, is so weary that his handler Berkley does not believe he will ever return home. However, enough fungi are found to cure the formation, and with the help of two African boys, Demane and Sipho, and their small dog, they set out to find more. In the end, they discover the fungus in a cave, being fertilized by dragon dung: it has been deliberately cultivated. Scarcely has this realization set in that the Aerial Corps are beset by Tswana humans and dragons; the British beasts, who have been sent back to the Cape with their precious cargo, are unable to prevent their aircrews from being captured, and Rev. Erasmus' attempts to intercede only lead to his death, as the Lunda are known slavers. The British contingent is taken captive and brought back to the Tswana capitol, a settlement at ''Mosi-oa-Tunya'' (what is today called Victoria Falls) for imprisonment and interrogation. This is particularly challenging to Harcourt, who had become intimate with Riley during the voyage and is now bearing his child.

Hannah Erasmus, taken from the Tswana some twenty years ago, is of particular importance during their captivity: not only is she able to provide some intercession for the British, but her word is given extra weight by Kefentse, her dragon ancestor who is overjoyed to have her back. The Tswana, in addition to being fiercely offended by the depredations of the African slave trade on their people, practice a form of ancestor worship in which dragons are brought up to believe they are the reincarnations of former (human) leaders. This makes their resistance to the slave trade even fiercer since dragons are deeply possessive of those humans they consider their own. Though Laurence is able to establish some small rapport with Prince Moshueshue and apologize for the mushroom theft, the ancestors Mokhachane and Kefentse remained unconvinced by the mere words of Laurence.

Temeraire, who has picked up some Xhosa from Demane and Sipho, is able to talk the location of ''Mosi-oa-Tunya'' out of some feral dragons, and he, Dulcia and Lily organize an escape for their crews. But before they have managed to return to the Cape, the Tswana are already on overrunning the Colony, and indeed all European ports on the African coast. Lily's formation retreats to Great Britain aboard the ''Allegiance''; whilst at sea, Riley marries Catherine Harcourt, more at his insistence than hers. Upon returning to Britain, they discover that the latest abolitionist bill in Parliament was defeated by strong opposition from Admiral Horatio Nelson and that Sauvignon, now infected with the plague, has "escaped" back to France. Laurence and Temeraire are horrified to realize that Government and Admiralty alike have countenanced the wholesale slaughter of, not only every French dragon but quite probably every dragon in Eurasia. Acting on their consciences, they steal a tub of cultivated mushrooms and fly the English Channel to deliver the cure to the French. For this, they earn the personal respect of Napoleon Bonaparte, but Laurence turns down the Emperor's offer of asylum, preferring to return to his beloved Commonwealth and answer for his treason.


Naomi Novik went to Africa to do research for Empire of Ivory, including hiking and a safari in Botswana.

Sin vergüenza (TV series)

Filmed in Bogotá, this steamy serial features four vivacious, sensual and self-willed heroines, who share an intense friendship and co-own a lingerie store called Sin Vergüenza. Inseparable since childhood, these passionate women share the most intimate secrets with one another, including romances, adventures and heartaches. Each of them has her own unique personality and seeks love, companionship and fulfillment in a different way. This charming quartet realizes the modern world is not the fairy tale that they dreamed about long ago.

La Farce de maître Pathelin

Master Pierre Pathelin is a local village lawyer with no professional, formal training who has very little work, due to the emerging class of professionally trained clerks and lawyers. In order to obtain cloth to replace his and his wife's holey clothing, he visits the clothier Guillaume Joceaulme. By flattering him, Pathelin convinces the clothier — against his better judgment — to let him have six yards of fine cloth on credit. However, he promises Joceaulme that he can visit his house that day to be paid.

When Pathelin arrives home he tells his wife Guillemette that the clothier is due to arrive home and to pretend that Pathelin has been sick in bed for almost three months. After some humorous arguments, Joceaulme barges in on Pathelin, who is in bed and raving like a madman. In time Pathelin's entertaining babble moves from one French dialect to another, which Guillemette has to explain away.

After Joceaulme gives up on attempting to retrieve his payment, he turns his thoughts to his shepherd, Thibault l’Aignelet, who has been stealing Joceaulme's sheep and eating them for the past three years. Joceaulme summons Aignelet to court, and the latter goes to Pathelin in order to be legally represented. Pathelin directs Aignelet to say only "Baaa" (like a sheep) when anyone questions him in court in the hope that the judge will find Joceaulme's case groundless, as it will appear that he has taken a mentally-challenged person to court.

At the trial Joceaulme instantly recognizes Pathelin. He tries to explain the details of both cases (the stolen cloth and the stolen sheep) to the judge, but he is unable to do so clearly, and the judge conflates the two cases. Because of Joceaulme's incoherent case against the shepherd (and the latter's one word nonsense response of "Baaa"), the judge rules against him. Pathelin attempts to collect his fee from Aignelet, but the latter only answers Pathelin's demands with "Baaa." Pathelin realizes that his brilliant defense is now being used against him, and he goes home.

Those Were the Days (1934 film)

The strait-laced magistrate Brutus Poskett (Will Hay) is concerned that his wife (Iris Hoey) may be older than he believes her to be, especially as his young stepson (John Mills) seems very precocious for an apparently fifteen-year-old boy.

Mrs Poskett tries to stop an impending visit from her first husband's friend (Claud Allister), who knows her true age, by confronting him at a local music hall. However, unbeknown to her, Poskett has also been persuaded to go to the music hall with his "adolescent" stepson and, in an ensuing melée Poskett's wife and her sister are arrested.

The following day, Poskett sentences both to seven days imprisonment, failing to recognise them as they are heavily veiled.

Radio Parade of 1935

The film tells the story of the sophisticated Director General of the National Broadcasting Group (Will Hay) who promotes the ambitious Head of Complaints to Programmer Director (Clifford Mollison) in an attempt to stem the number of complaints he is receiving owing to the station's overly intellectual programming. In 1930s British slang, the acronym "NBG" stood for "no bloody good". The character played by Hay is clearly intended to be a satirical parody of Lord Reith, and the NBG the BBC.

Windbag the Sailor

Ben Cutlet is a retired barge captain who entertains his bar room audience with tales of his alleged days at sea, although his maritime experience extends no further than navigating a coal barge. His tall tales catch him out when he is conned into commanding the unseaworthy ''Rob Roy'' to the West Indies by a gang of criminals who mean to scuttle the ship for the insurance money. Cutlet gets the upper hand however when he and his companions fall in with West Indian natives who mistake their radio set for a god.

Of Love and Shadows

Irene is a magazine editor living under the shadow of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. Francisco is a handsome photographer and he comes to Irene for a job. As a sympathizer with the underground resistance movement, Francisco opens her eyes and her heart to the atrocities being committed by the state.

Casanegra (film)

Two childhood friends, Karim and Adil, prowl the streets of Casablanca, their native city. They do not do much, in fact they hustle rather than work. They are also unashamed dreamers, Karim believing in his "love story" with Nabila, a rich girl, and Adil contemplating emigrating to Sweden but never taking action. One day, the two friends go onto top gear by getting themselves into a big caper.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (film)

The film, like the play, focuses on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and their actions (or lack thereof) within the play of ''Hamlet''. The film begins as they travel on horseback to Elsinore, contemplating fate, memory and language. Rosencrantz finds and continually flips a coin which always comes up heads, causing Guildenstern to conclude that something is wrong with reality.

They meet a travelling troupe of tragedians on the way, and during their conversation with the lead Player, they are mysteriously transported into the action of ''Hamlet'' at Elsinore. They wander around the castle, trying to catch up to the action and understand what is going on by listening to other parts of the play. They are asked by the Danish royal couple to stay awhile in order to help find out the cause of, and hopefully cure, Prince Hamlet's gloomy state. They spend their time outside the scenes in ''Hamlet'' trying to figure out what is wrong with the prince and what is required of them.

The remainder of the play follows the Shakespearean drama whenever the two characters are "on stage", while the title heroes remain largely occupied with the futile hazards of daily life whenever the "main action" is elsewhere. Soon the very same theatre troupe arrives to perform at court, as part of the Bard's tragedy.

The Player simultaneously castigates them for abandoning their real play on the road, which cannot exist without an audience, and explains some of the plot and logic of conventional rules of plot-staging and -writing.

Ultimately, they are sent to England and outside the action of the play again. The final part takes place on the ship to England, where they read the letter they are to deliver with Hamlet – discovering that it is an order for his death. They decide to pretend they never saw it. Hamlet replaces the letter, and (as described in Shakespeare's play) escapes on an attacking pirate ship.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern worry about what they are to do now that Hamlet is gone, unaware that Hamlet has altered the letter so that it calls for their deaths rather than his own. The Player finishes the action by reading the letter that sentences them to death. Guildenstern, still trying to struggle against destiny, stabs The Player with the other man's dagger, only to find that the weapon is a theatrical prop.

Scenes of the deaths of Ophelia, Laertes, Gertrude, Claudius and Hamlet are shown, and both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, finally accepting their fate, are hanged. The film ends with the tragedians packing up their cart and continuing on their way.

Where There's a Will (1936 film)

Will Hay plays the penniless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, that Hay confiscates so that he can read it later.

Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality, however, they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office).

In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans’ nefarious activities.

Beau James

In 1925, New York's governor, Al Smith, persuades state senator James J. "Jimmy" Walker that the Democratic Party needs him to run for mayor of New York City. A concern on Jimmy's part is his estrangement from wife Allie, but he discovers that she is willing to go along with his political aims.

Under the guidance of Chris Nolan, his political mentor, Jimmy wins the election in a landslide. He later learns, though, that Allie has no intention of renewing their relationship. She is simply satisfied to be the great city's first lady.

A drunken Jimmy is found on a park bench by Betty Compton, who takes him home, not knowing who he is. She scolds him for his behavior upon learning Jimmy is the mayor, and a mutual attraction develops. He uses his political connections to help find her a job.

Such favors and graft become a focal point in 1929's reelection campaign, when opponent Fiorello LaGuardia mocks the mayor publicly and questions the current administration's integrity. Jimmy also goes bankrupt as a result of the stock market crash, and Betty grows despondent over his inability or unwillingness to get Allie to consent to a divorce.

Still popular with the public, Jimmy is reelected. He tries to bring Betty to his victory party, but it is against his colleagues' wishes. Tired of being hidden, Betty attempts suicide. She is hustled out of the country by Chris and impulsively marries a man who has been courting her.

The charges against Jimmy lead fellow Democrats to believe he could hurt Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidential hopes for 1932. Jimmy admits to having accepted bribes and favors, claiming all successful politicians do. His popularity erodes. Spectators at a Yankee Stadium baseball game boo him for the first time. Jimmy offers his resignation as mayor in a speech from the field. He decides to leave New York, whereupon Betty, after a quick divorce, intends to join him, married or not.

Hey! Hey! USA

Benjamin Twist, a teacher working during school holidays as a ship's porter ends up on a ship bound for America and impersonating a professor, Phineas Tavistock. Along with American gangster and stowaway Bugs Leary (Edgar Kennedy), Twist finds himself entangled in a plot to kidnap the son of a millionaire whom 'Professor' Tavistock is teaching. Things are further complicated by the fact that two sets of gangsters are attempting to get their hands on the ransom money, which Twist is given to hand over.

The X-Files Mythology, Volume 1 – Abduction

FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) has made a name for himself working on X-Files—unexplained cases which may be paranormal in origin. He is appointed a partner in these investigations—Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson)—with his superiors hoping that she will be able to debunk and discredit his work. Their first case together is the investigation of possible abductions in Oregon, which falters when their evidence is destroyed in a fire. A later case, involving the disappearance of a United States Air Force test pilot, sees the introduction of secretive informant Deep Throat (Jerry Hardin), who continues to provide the agents sensitive information. This help is supplemented by conspiracy theorist group The Lone Gunmen, who are contacted for help in a further abduction case. Deep Throat is soon killed, however, when he helps the agents uncover details of a government human cloning program, and the X-Files unit is closed shortly thereafter.

Unable to continue his work with Scully, Mulder obtains information about possible extraterrestrial contact in Puerto Rico, finding that the SETI program at the Arecibo Observatory is being forcibly closed. Although the pair are later allowed to resume their work, Scully is later kidnapped by an unhinged multiple alien abductee, Duane Barry. Barry takes Scully to a hilltop where she is then abducted, presumably by aliens. She is found comatose at a later date, having mysteriously arrived at a hospital, and recovers several days later.

Mulder receives a call from his father, finding out that his sister Samantha (Megan Leitch), who had been abducted as a child, has returned. Samantha is being pursued by a shapeshifting bounty hunter, who is assassinating human clones. Samantha is killed, although it is revealed that she was simply one of a number of clones, produced using alien tissue to create an alien-human hybrid.

The Lone Gunmen contact Mulder and Scully about a successful attempt by a friend of theirs to hack the United States Department of Defense computer system. The hacker, Kenneth Soona (Bernie Coulson), is able to give Mulder the downloaded information on a digital cassette. However, Soona is later assassinated, and the downloaded files are found to be written in Navajo. Contacting Albert Hosteen (Floyd Red Crow Westerman)—a Navajo man capable of translating the files—Mulder is shown a box-car full of what appear to be alien corpses. He is trapped in the box-car by the series' antagonist, The Smoking Man (William B. Davis), and left for dead after it is destroyed. He is later found and nursed back to health by Hosteen. Meanwhile, Scully investigates the possible involvement of the smallpox eradication program in human genetic experimentation, discovering that a Nazi scientist who defected during Operation Paperclip has been conducting human experimentation to create alien-human hybrids. Her sister Melissa (Melinda McGraw), however, is shot by assassins who mistake her for Dana, and dies in hospital that night.

The X-Files Mythology, Volume 2 – Black Oil

The collection opens with the two-part episodes "Nisei" and "731". Investigating evidence of an alien autopsy, FBI special agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) infiltrates a secretive government train carriage carrying an alien-human hybrid. Mulder is almost killed by a Syndicate operative guarding the hybrid, but is saved by his informant X (Steven Williams). X had been tipped off about Mulder's activities by the agent's partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). Scully, meanwhile, meets a group of women with abduction experiences similar to her own, and meets another member of the Syndicate known as the First Elder (Don S. Williams), who claims during her abduction she was placed on a similar train car and experimented upon by the Japanese scientists.

The crew of a French salvage ship trying to raise a World War II–era submarine from the sea floor are stricken with massive radiation burns—except for one, who has been infected with a parasitic black oil discovered on the submarine. The oil, controlling the crewman's body, passes into the crewman's wife and travels to Hong Kong in pursuit of a middleman selling government secrets, who Mulder has also been pursuing. After Mulder catches Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) in Hong Kong, the oil passes itself to Krycek. Scully finds that the submarine had been involved in discovering the oil on the sea floor during World War II, under the guise of finding a sunken fighter plane. The infected Krycek makes his way to a missile silo used to hide a UFO, and the oil escapes his body to board the craft. Meanwhile, Scully has tracked down Luis Cardinal, the man responsible for killing her sister.

When the Syndicate suspect that one of their members is passing information to Mulder and Scully, they organise a canary trap to find the leak, using information about the safety of Mulder's mother as bait. X's role as an informant is discovered, and he is shot dead, although he is able to pass along the name of another informant who can be of use to Mulder—Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden), the Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Covarrubias' aid is sought when Mulder attempts to reach Tunguska in Russia to investigate the source of a further black oil contamination. Whilst there, Mulder is held in a gulag and used as a successful test subject for a black oil vaccine. He escapes and is able to return to America, having found that Krycek is working with the Russians.

Having been diagnosed with cancer, Scully is unsure of her future with the FBI. Mulder is convinced that her condition is a result of her earlier abduction, and is prepared to make a deal with the Syndicate to find a cure. He is dissuaded by Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi), who secretly makes such a deal instead. While being pursued by an assassin responsible for a hoax alien corpse discovered on a mountaintop, Mulder fakes his own suicide, mutilating the assassin's face to provide a decoy body. He uses the distraction this offers to infiltrate The Pentagon to find a cure for Scully's cancer, while Scully is able to uncover and reveal a Syndicate connection within the FBI.

The X-Files Mythology, Volume 3 – Colonization

The show centers on FBI special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called X-Files. Mulder is a former believer in the paranormal—having lost his belief in the fifth season opener "Redux", while the skeptical Scully has been assigned to debunk his work. As a rebel alien race secretly attacks several groups of former alien abductees, the agents meet Cassandra Spender (Veronica Cartwright), a woman who claims to be a multiple abductee and wants to deliver a positive message about aliens. Meisler, pp 173–184 Eventually, Mulder has Scully put under hypnosis to learn the truth about her abduction after Cassandra goes missing and her son, Jeffrey Spender (Chris Owens), angrily attempts to push his way up in the FBI. The Syndicate, meanwhile, quicken their tests for the black oil vaccine, sacrificing their own to do so. Meisler, pp. 187–196 Later, the assassination of a chess grandmaster leads Mulder and Scully into an investigation that they soon discover strikes at the heart of the X-Files; they learn that the real target was a telepathic boy named Gibson Praise (Jeff Gulka). Meisler, pp. 269–280

In Washington, D.C., Mulder appears before an FBI panel regarding his experiences in Antarctica, but is later denied reassignment to the X-Files division: Mulder and Scully have been replaced by Spender and Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers). Meisler, pp. 11–18 Later, Skinner is mysteriously poisoned by a nanorobot infection. The culprit is revealed to be Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea), a rogue FBI agent who formerly worked for the Syndicate, who continues to control the potentially debilitating nanotechnology in Skinner's system in order to achieve his goals. Meisler, pp. 120–132 Mulder and Scully later learn of reports of rebel aliens burning doctors who were working on Cassandra. After finding her, she informs Mulder and Scully that the aliens are here to destroy all life on Earth and that she is a successful alien-human hybrid. The Smoking Man (William B. Davis) reveals everything to Diana Fowley, who agrees to help him and betray Mulder. Meisler, pp. 135–144 Fowley forcibly takes Mulder, Cassandra, and Scully to a Centers for Disease Control facility at Fort Marlene. Meanwhile, the Syndicate rendezvous at a check point, preparing to be taken away by the Colonists, who are prepping for invasion. However, they are met by the alien rebels, who incinerate them all, including Cassandra—save The Smoking Man and Fowley, who escape. Jeffrey Spender is then purportedly killed by The Smoking Man. Meisler, pp. 147–156

Several months later, a metallic artifact with inscriptions is discovered on the beach of Côte d'Ivoire in Africa. After Mulder examines rubbings of the object, he falls into a dangerous coma. Hoping to find a cure for her partner, Scully rushes to Africa and discovers a massive wreck of a large spacecraft partially buried in the ocean. Meisler, pp. 279–290 Skinner and Michael Kritschgau (John Finn) desperately attempt to find the truth behind the alien object. Shapiro, pp. 7–16 Unsuccessful, Scully returns from Africa to revisit Mulder, but instead she finds out that he has disappeared. She contacts Kritschgau and Skinner to find her partner. The Smoking Man has taken Mulder away to transplant the telepathic part of Mulder's brain into his own cranium, but the surgery is a failure. Shapiro, pp. 19–28

While investigating a bizarre disappearance of a young girl from her home, Mulder soon discovers the truth about his sister's disappearance.Shapiro, pp. 119–128 It is revealed that his sister was taken by "walk-ins", benevolent spirit who save the souls of children doomed to live unhappy lives. Together, Mulder and Scully locate evidence that proves that Samantha was abducted by The Smoking Man, and was forced to live in a now-abandoned US Army base. Mulder eventually is reunited with the spirit of his sister, allowing him to finally let go. Shapiro, pp. 130–139 Mulder and Scully investigate a case of alien abduction which leads them back to Oregon, the site of their first case together. While investigating, Mulder is taken by a UFO. Shapiro, pp. 266–277 Scully soon meets Special Agent John Doggett (Robert Patrick), the leader of an FBI taskforce organized to conduct a search for Fox Mulder. Although the search ultimately proves unsuccessful, Doggett is assigned to the X-Files and works with Scully to look for explanations to several cases.

The X-Files Mythology, Volume 4 – Super Soldiers

When Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) learns that several women have reportedly been abducted and impregnated with alien babies, she begins to question her own pregnancy. John Doggett (Robert Patrick) introduces Scully to Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish), an FBI specialist in ritualistic crime, shortly before Fox Mulder's (David Duchovny) deceased body suddenly appears in a forest at night. Following Mulder's funeral, Assistant Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) is threatened by Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) that he must kill Scully's baby before it is born. Billy Miles, a multiple abductee who disappeared on the same night as Mulder, is returned deceased but his dead body is resurrected and restored to full health. Mulder also returns from death, with Scully supervising his recovery. Fully rejuvenated, Mulder investigates several X-Files, against orders to do so, but soon gets fired, leaving Doggett in charge of the cases. Mulder continues to provide input in an unofficial capacity.

Reluctantly accepting Krycek's assistance, Mulder, Doggett and Skinner learn that an alien virus recently created in secret by members of the United States government have replaced several humans, including Miles and several high-ranking FBI personnel, with so-called alien "Super Soldiers". Krycek claims that the soldiers are virtually unstoppable aliens who want to make sure that humans will not survive the colonization of Earth. They have learned that Scully's baby is a miraculously special child and are afraid that it may be greater than them. When Miles arrives at the FBI Headquarters, Mulder, Doggett, Skinner and Krycek help Scully to escape along with Reyes who drives her to a remote farm. Shortly after Skinner kills Krycek, Scully delivers an apparently normal baby while the alien "Super Soldiers" surround her. Without explanation, the aliens leave the area as Mulder arrives. While Doggett and Reyes report to the FBI Headquarters, Mulder takes Scully and their newborn son, William, back to her apartment.

Mulder goes into hiding, Scully is again reassigned to the FBI Academy, and Reyes becomes Doggett's new FBI partner at the X-Files office. Doggett, Scully, and Reyes discover a conspiracy to place Chloramine in the nation's water, causing mutations and creating "Super Soldiers". This leads them to a clandestine laboratory where a secret experiment is taking place on board, with connections to Scully's child, William. The X-Files office's investigation is hampered by Deputy Director Alvin Kersh (James Pickens, Jr.) and Assistant Director Brad Follmer (Cary Elwes). Hopeful about reuniting with Mulder, a complete stranger, "Shadow Man" (Terry O'Quinn), offers his service to drive Mulder out of hiding. Scully takes the offer, but near gets herself and Mulder killed when it is revealed the man is a Super Soldier. Later on, Scully, Doggett and Reyes find evidence of a dangerous UFO cult which has found a spacecraft similar to one Scully studied in Africa two years ago. The cult kidnaps William, but is destroyed when the baby's crying activates the ship, killing everyone in the cult, sans William.

Doggett finds a strange disfigured man in the X-Files office. Initially, Doggett believes the man is Mulder, but he is revealed to Jeffrey Spender (Chris Owens), Mulder's half-brother. Spender sticks a needle into William, which the other agents believe to be a virus of some kind, but is later revealed to be a cure for William's powers. Mulder returns from hiding to only be discovered looking for classified information at an army base and, after allegedly killing an apparently indestructible "Super Soldier" Knowle Rohrer (Adam Baldwin), he is placed on trial to defend the X-Files and himself. But with the help of Kersh, Scully, Reyes, Doggett, Spender, Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden) and Gibson Praise (Jeff Gulka), Mulder breaks out. Mulder and Scully travel to New Mexico to find an old "wise man", who is later revealed to be The Smoking Man (William B. Davis), who tells them that the aliens will arrive in 2012. Doggett and Reyes aid Mulder and Scully in escaping the FBI, and the two are last seen together in a motel room facing an uncertain future.

The Seven Little Foys

Vaudeville entertainer Eddie Foy (Bob Hope), who has vowed to forever keep his act a solo, falls in love with and marries Italian ballerina Madeleine (Milly Vitale). While they continue to tour the circuit, they begin a family and before long have seven children. After the tragedy of the Iroquois Theater Fire threatens to stall Eddie's career, he comes to realize that his children are worth their weight in gold. The second eldest Foy, Charley, narrates the film.

James Cagney reprises his role as George M. Cohan from the film ''Yankee Doodle Dandy'' for an energetic tabletop dance showdown sequence.

In the Bag

Tourists have departed Brownstone National Park where Humphrey lives, leaving trash everywhere, despite signs asking tourists not to litter the park. The park ranger initially starts to pick it up himself, but then decides that he should not have to do it because he is the boss. He then calls Humphrey and the other resident bears and asks them to "put it in the bag", while singing and dancing to a catchy song. The bears happily collect the trash, bouncing and jouncing until they discover the ranger's actual motivation. With Humphrey dropping the ranger into a garbage can, the bears angrily dump their bags of refuse on the ground. Realizing that he should at least reward the bears for their assistance, the ranger prepares some chicken cacciatore, but says that he will only give it to the bears on the condition that they clean up their sections of the park. All of the bears then move their garbage into one section, leaving Humphrey to clean it all up himself. He does this quickly by stuffing the garbage into a bag, but as he is returning to receive his dinner, the bag gets caught on the twig of a tree stump and rips apart, letting the garbage out. The ranger then gives him a new bag and Humphrey follows the garbage down the line all the way to a cliff, but falls off as he puts the last scrap in the bag. Next, he attempts to conceal the garbage under a bush, but the bush turns out to be the home of a rabbit, who disgustedly pushes it back out. Humphrey then tries to burn the garbage with a match, but is stopped by Smokey Bear, who reminds him that "only you can prevent forest fires." Finally, Humphrey puts all of the trash into a hollow stump, which is actually a geyser named "Ol' Fateful". The ranger prepares to reward Humphrey with a dish full of cacciatore, but before Humphrey can take it, the geyser suddenly erupts, spouting the garbage everywhere, resulting in Humphrey having to start all over again at cleaning up the park.

Silent Raiders

Prior to the Dieppe Raid, seven US Army Rangers come ashore. Their mission is to destroy a German communications centre that controls the coastal guns that threaten the Canadian amphibious assault.

Ghost Cat

A widower (Ontkean) and his teen daughter (Page) move into a house that was once owned by the friendly Mrs. Ashboro and her pet cat, Margaret. Strange things begin happening, and it soon becomes clear that the ghost of Mrs. Ashboro's cat Margaret, who died on the same day as its owner, is haunting the house.

Buck Rogers (serial)

In 1938, Lieutenant Buck Rogers (Buster Crabbe) and Buddy Wade (Jackie Moran) are part of the crew of a dirigible flying over the North Pole. They are caught in a savage storm and crash. They are ordered to release the experimental Nirvano Gas, which (unbeknownst to them) will put them in suspended animation until they are rescued. The Nirvano Gas works, but the dirigible is buried in an avalanche and is not found until 500 years have passed. When Buck and Buddy are found, they awaken in the year 2440 to a world ruled by the ruthless dictator, Killer Kane (Anthony Warde), and his army of "super-racketeers". Only those who live in the "Hidden City", run by the benevolent scientist Dr. Huer (C. Montague Shaw) and his military counterpart, Air Marshal Kragg (William Gould), resist the criminal rulers of Earth.

Buck and Buddy join the resistance. They volunteer to go to Saturn, where they hope that they can find help in their fight against Kane. Wilma Deering (Constance Moore) is assigned to accompany them. Saturn is run by Aldar (Guy Usher), the Council of the Wise and Prince Tallen. To the dismay of Buck and Buddy, they also discover that Kane has dispatched ambassadors of his own, headed by his loyal henchman, Captain Laska (Henry Brandon). The serial then becomes a back-and-forth struggle between Buck and Kane to secure the planet's military support.

Chapter titles


Time Limit (film)

Army Colonel William Edwards (Richard Widmark) is investigating the case of Major Harry Cargill (Richard Basehart), accused of collaborating with the enemy while he and his unit were held captive in a North Korean prisoner of war camp. Cargill willingly admits his guilt and brings forth evidence that proves that he signed a germ-warfare confession and broadcast anti-American speeches over the radio, seemingly an act of treason.

It seems to be an open-and-shut case, were it not for Cargill's inexplicable refusal to defend himself. Arousing further suspicion is the fact that his collaboration immediately followed the deaths of two of his soldiers, and the unit's survivors all recite an identical, rehearsed account of those deaths. Edwards' commander, General Connors (Carl Benton Reid), has a strong personal interest—his son, Captain Joe Connors (Yale Wexler), was one of those who died—and presses Edwards to recommend a court-martial, but Edwards delves into the mystery, refusing to accept the facile explanations.

In the end, the shocking truth comes out. Lieutenant George Miller (Rip Torn) reveals that, after Lieutenant Harvey (Manning Ross) was killed trying to escape, the rest of the men discovered that, under torture, Captain Connors had betrayed him. Over Cargill's strong objections, they decided to execute Connors. Drawing the short straw, Miller strangled him. Subsequently, their captor, Colonel Kim (Khigh Dhiegh), gave Cargill an ultimatum: give in, or all his men would be executed. He agreed to collaborate to save their lives.

General Connors calls his son a traitor. Cargill argues with him, stating that there must be a time limit on being a hero. He denounces the Uniform Code of Military Justice espoused by General Connors for demanding too much from soldiers, but the general reminds him that, while Cargill anguished over the lives and families of 16 men, many commanders had to anguish over the effect of their orders on the lives and families of thousands.

Edwards agrees with General Connors that although Cargill acted out of a humane selflessness, Cargill's judgment was flawed. He recommends that all charges be dropped, but warns Cargill that there will be a court-martial. Edwards himself will defend Cargill. Maybe they won't come up with all the answers, Edwards tells him, but "they'll know we asked the questions."

The Oregon Trail (1939 serial)

Jeff Scott is sent to investigate problems with wagon trains attempting to make the journey to Oregon. Sam Morgan, the representative of an eastern syndicate, has full control of the fur trade. Morgan sends his henchmen, under lead-henchman Bull Bragg, to stop the latest wagon train in order to maintain control of the fur trade in the area.


Marvin savors his independence in a newly acquired unit of an old apartment building. He is frequently visited by his girlfriend Pinky. Except for the occasional noise from an apartment unit down the hallway, the place is almost perfect for Marvin. At the end of the hallway is where Anna lives with her young daughter Lara, and Bert, her jealous husband. Bert is a cop, and he has always suspected Anna of cheating on him. His frequent jealous outbursts would always lead to beatings that could be heard throughout the whole floor. Marvin would usually be awakened at night by the sound of screaming and beating from Anna's unit. Marvin complains to the building caretaker, a drunk, who would just tell him to ignore the disturbance from the apartment down the hall. Anna and her daughter would usually ask for help from Jude, who lives in an apartment unit in the middle of the hallway. Jude's apartment becomes a temporary refuge for the little girl Lara.

One day, Pinky drops by Marvin's apartment and is shocked to see a woman knocking on his door. Pinky suspects Marvin is seeing another girl, which could explain why he has been acting strange lately. Marvin vehemently denies seeing another woman. It is the strange occurrences in his apartment that is making him act strange lately. Meanwhile, the beatings down the hall intensify. Jude is getting scared because the cruel cop Bert is beginning to suspect that Jude is having an affair with Anna, which isn't true. Marvin gets drawn to the couple's frequent quarrels. He even witnesses Bert chasing Anna and beating her up in the corridor. All that violence affects Marvin. At length, he musters the courage to find out more about the quarreling couple. What he finds out shocks him. Marvin uncovers a secret that will change his life and Pinky's as well. The discovery sets into motion a series of hauntings that follow him and Pinky around. He decides to leave his apartment but the hauntings follow them wherever they go. Marvin finally decides to confront the problem. He returns to the old apartment building to face the evil that dwells in it. What happens next shakes the very core of his beliefs about life, love, and the spirit world.

A Chorus of Disapproval (film)

The story follows a young widower, Guy Jones, as he joins an amateur operatic society that is putting on ''The Beggar's Opera''. He rapidly progresses through the ranks to become the male lead, while simultaneously conducting liaisons with several of the female cast.

The Astronauts

The introduction describes the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (1908) and the subsequent expedition of Leonid Kulik. The hypothesis about the crash of a spaceship is mentioned.

Fast-forward to the year 2003. Communism has emerged as the worldwide form of government and humankind, freed from oppression and chaos, is engaged in gigantic engineering projects such as irrigation of the Sahara, construction of a hydro-energetic plant over the Strait of Gibraltar, and the ability to control the climate. The latest project is to thaw the Antarctic and Arctic regions by artificial nuclear-powered "suns" circling above.

During the preparation of earthworks in the Tunguska area, a strange object is found and later identified as an extraterrestrial data record. The record contains details about the travel of a spaceship from Venus (which crashed in Tunguska) and the data record ends with an ominous message: "After two rotations the Earth will be radiated. When the radiation intensity drops to half, the Great Movement will commence." Scared, the government of the Earth (consisting of scientists) decides to send a newly built spaceship, the ''Kosmokrator'' (equipped with a vacuum tube-based computer called Marax) to Venus.

After a few weeks, the international crew of the ''Kosmokrator'' arrives on Venus but finds no traces of life, only strange, half-destroyed technological structures like the "White Globe", a giant anti-gravity device.

It turns out that Venus was inhabited by a warlike civilization planning to occupy the Earth. However, before they managed to destroy life on Earth, they themselves perished in a nuclear civil war, leaving only ruins of cities and scattered electronic records.

Is noteworthy that narrator of the large part of the book is ''Kosmokrator's'' pilot, Robert Smith, himalaist (former participant of Khangchendzonga expedition), with african-american roots.

Cassiopeia (1996 film)

The planet Ateneia, located in the constellation of Cassiopeia, is attacked by space invaders who begin to drain its vital energy. A distress signal is sent into outer space by the local astronomer, Liza, and received by four heroes who travel across the galaxy to the rescue.

The four heroes (Chip, Chop, Feel and Thot) venture through the galaxy facing many dangers as they try to rescue the planet of Ateneia. Each has a specific function in their spaceship: Chop is the captain and pilot, Feel and Thot monitor space, and Chip is the gunman, working also as comic relief throughout. Liza is an astronomer in Ateneia’s main lab, working on all of the scientific details of the planet’s life.

On the way to defeat the evil forces of Shadowseat, the foursome meet Leonardo, a scientist from an undeveloped planet who creates crazy gadgets.

Carnosaur 3: Primal Species

In the opening sequence, an army convoy is attacked by terrorists who soon discover they have stolen a truck of living frozen biological material instead of uranium. Once at a dockside warehouse, two frozen ''Velociraptor''s and a ''Tyrannosaurus rex'' escape and kill many of the terrorists before the police arrive, who expect to find drug smugglers. After finding the sole survivor, the police are killed inside the warehouse by the Velociraptors. An anti-terrorist special force led by Colonel Rance Higgins is called in by General Mercer where they find pieces of bodies and a refrigeration truck rather than uranium. They maneuver through warehouse boxes until two get slashed to death.

The survivors learn from Dr. Hodges that these dinosaurs were genetically reconstructed and are now the last three "carnosaurs" left in existence. The dinosaurs had been en route to a government research facility, and it is made clear that they need to be caught alive, relating to the potential for curing major diseases. A massive meat shipment resides at the dock, so the three remaining soldiers hunt in that area, meeting up with a unit of Marines who have come as backup. Soldier Polchek is given drugs to shoot into the carnosaurs as the group set up a lure and net trap with meat. One of the ''Velociraptor''s attacks and almost succeeds in dragging off Polchek, but is shot down.

The raptor is taken to the base for examination. Hodges soon theorizes that the asexual ''T. rex'' is breeding since Polchek was being dragged off, perhaps to hatchlings. The injured ''Velociraptor'' awakens and begins to attack. The ''T. rex'' also appears and bites off a soldier's head before escaping with the ''Velociraptor'' to an agricultural transport ship. With Marine member Rossi as captain, the team decides to move the ship out to sea and to use its refrigeration coolant to freeze the dinosaurs.

When time comes to explore the lower decks of the ship, the carnosaurs knock out the lights and kill a couple more soldiers. The survivors get to an elevator, but a ''Velociraptor'' chews the cable through and they crash on the bottom level. There, the team discover the nest of eggs and begin shooting it, angering the ''T. rex'', who soon bites off Polchek's arm and then eats him. The survivors decide to kill the dinosaurs, by blowing up the ship with dynamite.

The ''T. rex'' bursts through the ceiling and drags Rossi through it before eating him. The two Velociraptors are shot to death after one of them kills Marine member Proudfoot. Hodges senses the ''T. rex'' is close. She and Rance hide behind lockers which the ''T. rex'' head-butts. Rance throws an explosive in the mouth of the dinosaur, killing it. The two race against time to jump in the ocean before the ship explodes. Back in a police car at the port, the sole surviving terrorist is still bound and gagged in the back seat when a ''Velociraptor'' soon appears outside the vehicle and eats him, foreshadowing that the prehistoric terror is not over yet.

The Eye of the Heron

The planet of Victoria received two waves of colonists from Earth: first two prison ships founding a penal colony and then one ship of political exiles. The descendants of the prisoners mostly inhabit the City. The descendants of the political exiles, the "People of Peace", inhabit Shantih Town, which is known to the City dwellers as Shanty Town. The Shantih Towners, whose primary occupation is farming, want to settle another valley further away from the City. The City "Bosses" do not want to lose the control they believe they have over the Shanty Towners and so they take action to try to prevent any settlement beyond their sphere of influence.

Under the Hawthorn Tree (novel)

The novel tells the story of three siblings, Mary Ellen (Eily), Michael and Margaret (Peggy) O'Driscoll, who live in a small cottage in their home district of Duneen. Ireland is in the height of The Great Hunger. Blight has destroyed the staple crop. Ten month old Bridget dies of famine fever and is buried under the hawthorn tree in the garden: in Irish mythology, the hawthorn is linked with the otherworld

Their father has gone to find work on the famine roads, and the children and their mother struggle each day, getting barely enough food to survive. Their mother ends up selling all of her belongings except for the clothes on their backs. Desperate and worried that she won’t be able to feed her children alone, she leaves to search for her husband. After waiting for their parents for a few days, the three siblings are forced to leave for the workhouse. Eily makes a decision; they would make the long journey to find Nano and Lena, the aunts from their mothers stories. The journey ahead is dangerous and the children are weak, but they are determined to make it to Castletaggart - to the only family they have left.


A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness

The film is about a professional model Reiko (Shiraki) who is being groomed for the golf circuit by the editor of a golfing fashion magazine. During her first professional competition she has great success, winning the approval of her mentor, a TV audience and others. Suddenly, everyone wants a piece of Reiko. The plot turns sinister as one of her devoted followers develops an obsession with Reiko and starts to blackmail and threaten her.

Caramuru: A Invenção do Brasil

Diogo Álvares gets stranded on a tropical island where he meets a beautiful native of the island, a girl called Paraguaçu and her sister Moema. The two girls become his lovers, but Diogo is already engaged to be married in his native Portugal. He's engaged to Isabelle a French noble woman, through an agreement made between the Portuguese and the French kings. On the island Diogo meets Paraguaçu and Moema's father, who after a few misunderstandings make him the tribe's chief. After some time on the island Diogo sees a caravel far out at sea. The ship approaches the shore and Diogo finally gets rescued by the Portuguese nobility on the way to India. Diogo embarks on the ship, and Paraguaçu swims after him. Diogo decides to take Paraguaçu with him to Europe.

In Europe everything is new for Paraguaçu, even the fact that people get married, a concept she did not understand. When Paraguaçu finds out that Diogo is engaged to be married to Isabelle and meets Isabelle, she makes a deal with her. She proposes that Isabelle let her marry Diogo and in exchange she will tell her where there is gold on her native island. Isabelle accepts the proposal, and Paraguaçu marries Diogo. Isabelle later finds out that Paraguaçu lied to her, she never intended to show her where there is gold. Isabelle gets arrested by the king because she did not marry Diogo according to the agreement, and Diogo and Paraguaçu return to the island, which in fact is Terra Brasilis, Brazil. The film has a happy ending, Diogo and Paraguaçu live happily ever after in Brazil.

Great Balls of Fire! (film)

Jerry Lee Lewis (Dennis Quaid) plays piano, as opposed to a guitar like most other rock artists, during rock and roll's early years from 1956 to 1958. Jerry Lee is a man with many different sides: a skilled performer with little discipline, and an alcoholic.

As Jerry Lee rises to the top of the charts with hits such as "Crazy Arms", "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On", and "Great Balls of Fire", he falls in love with Myra Gale Brown (Winona Ryder), the 13-year-old daughter of his first cousin and bass player J. W. Brown (John Doe), and eventually marries her (eloping to Mississippi), much to the anger and chagrin of her parents.

Jerry Lee's other relationship is that of second cousin and televangelist Jimmy Swaggart (Alec Baldwin) who, during this period, was a struggling Pentecostal preacher. Jimmy's career kept him in constant conflict with his cousin's wild rock and roll career and brings out some uncomfortable exchanges between the two. The now-financially successful Jerry Lee buys a new car and gives it to his cousin, and when Jimmy praises the Lord for the gift, Jerry Lee replies, "Don't thank Jesus, thank Jerry Lee Lewis!"

While Jerry Lee is touring in England, a reporter discovers he is married to the underage Myra Gale. Jerry Lee is then condemned as a child molester and a pervert by the public before being booed and ridiculed off stage at his opening concert; and as a result, the tour is cancelled and Jerry Lee is deported. Confident that his career will remain a success, Jerry Lee is undaunted; however, the scandal follows him back to the States.

Jerry Lee then begins drinking heavily when record sales and concert attendances are significantly down. Jerry Lee becomes further furious when requested to print a public apology in ''Billboard'' and becomes increasingly abusive toward Myra. It is during one of these episodes that Myra informs Jerry Lee that she is pregnant, and he collapses into Myra's arms, crying hysterically.

In a last-ditch effort to improve his life, Jerry Lee, with Myra in tow, attends one of Swaggart's church services. During the altar call, Jimmy offers Jerry Lee one more chance to become saved and get right with God; but Jerry Lee again refuses, declaring, "If I'm going to hell, I'm going there playing the piano!" The caption preceding the closing credits reads, "Jerry Lee Lewis is playing his heart out somewhere in America tonight."

Los ricos también lloran

In the first part, Mariana Villarreal lives on a ranch in the State of Guanajuato with her father Leonardo, a dying landowner who is presumed to be ruined. Don Leonardo has taken refuge in alcohol, since the death of Mariana's mother, and since he suffered an accident that left him paralyzed. Because of this vice, Mariana grew up totally deprived of good manners and education. The young woman has come to behave savage, dirty and untidy, but no matter what anyone thinks of her she is very happy. Her father, regretting not having watched over her all these years, and knowing that he will die very soon, he is sure that his daughter will not lack anything when she receives her inheritance; where he leaves stipulated that all his fortune will remain in Mariana's hands, when he dies.

Unfortunately, the old man dies, leaving Mariana at the mercy of his cruel wife Irma, and her lover, Diego. Irma makes everyone believe that Diego is her cousin when in reality Diego is her husband. Irma married Don Leonardo for mere economic interest, never loved him, and she was the one who fomented his vice for alcohol, so that he would leave the administration of his properties, and thus be unable to manage his fortune. She always made him and Mariana believe that they were bankrupt, when in truth they were enormously rich. With the death of Don Leonardo, and believing herself the owner of everything, Irma expels Mariana from the hacienda, without caring about her fate.

Mariana manages to reach the capital, and forms a friendship with a poor young man named Pascual, better known as "Pato", who kindly offers his humble home to live. Shortly after her arrival, Mariana is helped by a priest, the well-known Father Adrián. He speaks with a great friend of his, the millionaire Don Alberto Salvatierra to take her to live at his home, and to give Mariana a job as a servant.

Don Alberto, knowing of the early arrival of his son, the arrogant, and handsome Luis Alberto, comes up with a brilliant idea. His plan is to let Mariana live with the family to annoy Luis Alberto. Mariana is to not work as an employee in his home, but rather as "part of the Salvatierra family". Don Alberto wants Mariana to feel comfortable in their home by including her to eat with his family during meal times at the table, without any restrictions. Don Alberto believes that he can annoy him with Mariana and that he can make his son, Luis Alberto change his attitude of laziness and irresponsibility, and become the productive, hardworking and successful man he has always wanted to have as a son. This crazy occurrence is taken with great annoyance by his wife, Doña Elena and her niece Esther. Doña Elena lives worried about the welfare of her son, refuses to believe about the deplorable state in which Luis Alberto has fallen, affirming that in fact he is "sick", and that he needs the care of everyone. She has always spoiled him and Luis Alberto is spoiled by his mother and for this reason, this has ended up gratifying Don Alberto, so he is willing to continue with his plan at any cost. Don Alberto and his son, Luis Alberto do not have a close relationship with each other, they argue a lot.

Don Alberto is fond of Mariana, feels great satisfaction in helping her and educating her, since he sees in her a promising future. Don Alberto and Mariana build a good father, daughter relationship and they learn to trust each other. With the arrival of Luis Alberto, there is a deep resentment on the part of the young man towards Mariana; since he thinks that his father's plan is to treat Mariana better than he treats him, and thinks that his father's plan is to annoy him. As a result, Luis Alberto decides to play along; just for fun, and to annoy his father back, while Doña Elena believes that her son will change his attitude if he marries his niece Esther. Esther also wants Luis Alberto to marry her because of his family's money, since it's her dream of achieving the Salvatierra' richness, and she will not allow anyone to prevent her from marrying Luis Alberto to be rich. As time pass, Luis Alberto cannot believe that he has really fallen in love with Mariana. The young woman managed to conquer him with her sweetness and simplicity, and he is willing to unite his life with her for life.

Esther goes to live at the house of the Salvatierra along with her nana Ramona, who loves her unconditionally and hides a great secret. Esther also finds out about the relationship between Luis Alberto and Mariana, and makes a plan to separate them. She lies, saying that she is pregnant and that the baby she is waiting for is Luis Alberto's. Don Alberto and his wife believe in what Esther says, and force Luis Alberto to comply with his "man's word" by marrying her. Esther achieves her goal, and soon becomes the brand new lady of Salvatierra. Mariana, very hurt, decides to leave the house of Don Alberto, and gets a position as secretary in their company.

Mariana goes to live in a decent apartment and meets a beautiful girl named Patricia, who becomes her best friend. All the effort that Don Alberto has done for Mariana in making her to become a well mannered young lady, has paid off for Mariana; Now Mariana is another person. She is cultured, refined, educated, well dressed and well spoken. Mariana is no longer that "savage girl" that once arrived at the luxurious home that belongs to the Salvatierra family. Mariana attempts to forget her love towards Luis Alberto, and she start to courtship with a young and brilliant architect of the company that is owned by Don Alberto; Leonardo Mendizábal.

Esther manages to get Luis Alberto to marry her and pretends to have an abortion. Esther is Diego's lover. Later it is discovered that Ramona is the real mother of Esther, who loses the reason. Esther, who is now pregnant with Diego's baby, dies of complications while giving birth. Ramona repents, and asks Mariana for forgiveness and becomes unconditional with her needs.

Earlier and during the 1st part is a subplot of deception and murder. Luis de la Parra, old friend of Don Leonardo, visited him then learns of his death and goes in search of Mariana, since he has in his possession the testament of his father. Irma fears losing the inheritance and demands Diego, her lover, to find Mariana in Mexico City. Luis de la Parra hires an investigator to locate Mariana, but soon dies of a heart attack unknowing that Don Alberto knew him and gave him the testament shortly before his death, which is forgotten. Diego manages to infiltrate the house of the Salvatierra family in order to find Mariana. Diego meets Fernando Branduardi a Gangster and night club owner of Club 2000. Fernando finds interest in the inheritance of Diego and Irma. He starts an affair with Irma while Diego tries to convince Mariana to marry him, but Mariana is engaged to Leonardo and Diego fails at this point.

Fernando sends a hit man (Ramiro) to kill Mariana at her apartment, but kills Patricia who mistakes her for Mariana for wearing a wig similar to her hair. As the subplot thickens Ramiro sells Mariana's engagement ring after stealing various things and after Patricia's murder. When Fernando finds out Ramiro sold the ring and the police uncovers it, Fernando orders Ramiro to be murdered. This makes Irma and Diego worried, because of Diego's affair with Esther and his infiltration and connection with Fernando. This makes Irma and Diego guilty. The fake Dr. Francisco Gómez Ocampo who is an associate of Fernando, who was extorting money from Esther, has failed the attempt at the inheritance, and the Police questioning their motives has made them avoid Fernando. Luis Alberto becomes suspicious of their activities in the interim. Fernando instructs Irma to summon Diego to his club after hours, with everything lost, Fernando plots to kill him. Diego kills Fernando with a metal statue over his head. The police finally track down Dr. Ocampo, who knew of the murders Fernando ordered and Irma's and Diego's involvement. After much questioning Irma breaks down and reveals everything. With that being said the Salvatierra's find out of Mariana's inheritance at the end of the 1st part with the testament that Don Alberto had in his possession. So, Mariana marries Luis Alberto and appears like things are both in love and things are working out for both. Mariana will still know in her apparent poverty the happiness that only love can give, but when her true destiny is discovered, she will learn that the rich also cry.

In the Second part, Mariana waits for a son of Luis Alberto; but by a misunderstanding, Luis Alberto believes that Mariana deceived him with Leonardo Mendizábal and that the child she expects is not his. Mariana sick by her pregnancy, travels to Brazil where Jose Luis is on a contract job to convince him but he rejects her. Luis Alberto's parents are on vacation in Europe. After a telegram is sent for Luis Alberto to return to Mexico City and await the birth of his son. Luis Alberto angry, sends her a telegram wanting a divorce and to give the baby's name Leonardo Mendizábal . Mariana loses her mind and she is shocked about the telegram, and wanders out of the house forlorn disappearing from the residence. Ramona after reading the telegram heads out to find Mariana. She passes out in the street and taken to a hospital in her final terms of her pregnancy, refusing to eat, falling in a deep depression and wanting to die. Mariana gives birth to her son and continues to walk the streets and lost in the world. Mariana gives her son unwittingly in her mental state to Cho'le, a lottery ticket seller. Mariana never returns and Cho'le along with her friend Felipa accept to takes care of the baby boy as their own; she only knows that the baby boy's name is Alberto (Beto). Mariana realizes what she has done and is desperate to find her baby boy. She is admitted to a phystratric hospital after saying she has given birth to a baby boy and missing for three days. Mariana reconciles with Luis Alberto and together they begin the search for the lost child, but to no avail, all hope is lost, however, Mariana's mother intuition wants to continue her search. Mariana recovers from her insanity, and Luis Alberto brings a baby home to adopt. Mariana then realizes that the baby is a girl, Luis Alberto convinces Mariana to keep the baby, but Marina vows to find her son. Luis Alberto and Mariana agree to adopt the baby girl whom they name María Isabel.

Seven years pass and Marina is still bothered by Beto missing, she continues to go back to the same place where she gave him away in hopes to find Beto. Luis Alberto tries to convince Mariana to forget but she is headstrong in her search even to risk her marriage and it drives Luis Alberto away. She unexpectedly bumps into Beto and buys him gifts. Sara the maid starts an illicit affair with Luis Alberto. Ramona warns Sara to stay away from Luis Alberto. It is not until Mariana discovers the affair and fires Sara from her job.

Forward to ten years; Maria Isabel has grown up to be a spoiled and rebellious girl. On the other hand, Beto has grown up in Cho'le's care in a poor neighborhood, but a humble lifestyle. Later, they meet and they start a friendship/love relationship, but then they find out they are related and they both end the relationship, which makes it difficult for both of them. Cho'le has been ill with her leg and in turn she has been wanting to tell Beto about his adoption, but she keeps hesitating to tell him the truth. We find Sara married to Juan Manuel who is a degenerate gambler and broke and starts extorting money from Luis Alberto to blackmail him about Maria Isabel's adoption. While vividly Mariana is losing hope of ever finding her son. Fate will take care of reuniting Mariana and her son. She bumps into Beto twice while he is selling lottery tickets. Cho'le gets hit by a bus and requires surgery and plasma. Beto desperate with no money bumps into his friend Sebastian who is a house thief. Sebastian convinces Beto to enter the Salvatierra 's home to robb them so that he can pay for Cho'le's operation. Mariana, when she learns the reasons that forced him to commit the crime, she becomes his protector without Luis Alberto's approval. Mariana goes to see Cho'le at the hospital and learns that Beto is her lost son. When Cho'le confesses how Beto got to her, Mariana suffers a faint. From that point forward, Mariana takes care of Beto, without confessing that Beto is her son to Beto or to Luis Alberto. Mariana then buys him clothes, gives him private teachers and gets him a luxurious apartment, which he and Cho'le live with Felipa. Luis Alberto vowed to Mariana that he would never accept a thief in his family, this pushes Mariana to help Beto become a respectable young man to present him before her husband and to reveal that he is not a disgrace.

Mariana's visits to the apartment bring her problems with Luis Alberto, and María Isabel. Sara, who sees Mariana with Beto, thinks that she has a lover, Sara begins to blackmail Mariana with revealing everything to Luis Alberto. After a final pay out, Sara accidentally kills Juan Manuel by pushing him on to a brick chimney and tries to escape from the police, Sara is charge with murder. Then there is Joanna Smith, who later is revealed to be María Isabel's biological mother and cause's issues between Mariana's and María Isabel's relationship.

In the end, the truth will be discovered when Luis Alberto, believes that Beto is Mariana's lover, tries to shoot him, but remembers the words that the private investigator told him and leaves the apartment. Luis Alberto goes on a trip because he has learned that his mother has died abroad. Afterwards, Luis Alberto and his father come back to Mexico and they decide to leave the house. Meanwhile, Cho'le and Felipa make plans in running away with Beto, so that Mariana does not take away her son. The next day Mariana goes to the apartment and cannot find anyone, and she learns that they are going to take a train and she follows them to Monterrey; with much effort, Mariana does convinces them to come back. On the other hand, Mariana also needs to faced this situation with Luis Alberto. Mariana then reveals to Luis Alberto that Beto is their lost son. Beto is accepted by Luis Alberto and then Beto comes to live in the house with the whole family. The Salvatierra have a party; at this party, María Isabel and Beto reveal their love to one another. They tell about their relationship and about their relationship; Mariana and Luis Alberto reconcile; after all the trials and tribulations, the Salvatierra family live happily ever after. Este cuento se a terminado!!

Out (TV series)

Frank Ross (actor Tom Bell) returns from an eight-year prison sentence for a robbery that was thwarted because somebody 'grassed' the gang. Nobody knows who put the finger on him, but Ross is determined to find out and seeks revenge on those who betrayed him. Whilst inside, his wife has gone into a home and his son is going off the rails. Little by little, Ross pieces together the trail that leads to a dramatic conclusion.

The Jokers

Michael Tremayne is booted out of Sandhurst. He and his brother David want to do something "big". They decide to do a crime as a "grand gesture". The brothers take Inge, David's new inamorata, on a tour of London, including the Tower of London. At a dinner party they learn that you cannot be charged with theft unless you intend to permanently deprive the owner of their property. David proposes stealing the crown jewels and sending letters out beforehand, showing they aren't intending to permanently deprive. Michael is somewhat jealous of David, as David is considered the ‘good’ son and him the ‘bad’ son. They write and deliver the letters. They plant a bomb at the Albert Memorial and observe the police procedure. Next they put a bomb at the lion cage at the London zoo. Then they blow up a ladies lavatory. David gets a laser. They put a bomb at the stock exchange and David goes to the army base, and using a tape recorder records the procedures.

Finally the day comes. Michael goes to the jewel room in the Tower and hides a bomb there. David and Michael go to the base and tie up the duty officer. They take the place of the bomb disposal expert and his assistant. They ride with the army to the Tower. The pair go into the bomb room and knock out the rather silly Colonel who went in with them and who commands the army base. David and Michael have had the alarms turned off, due to the danger of "vibration", and use the laser to cut into the cabinets and steal the Crown Jewels. The pair set off a small bomb and a smoke bomb. They stagger out pretending to be hurt, then escape from the ambulance taking them to hospital along with the jewels.

A worldwide search is undertaken for the robbers. David and Michael enjoy the media frenzy. One week after the robbery on 23 June 1967, the letters are opened and delivered to the police. When they go to get the jewels from their hiding place they are not there. The police arrive to arrest David. Michael says he doesn't know anything about the robbery. Michael never delivered his letter. David is identified as the bomb expert, but the witnesses can't identify Michael. The police investigate, but can't break down Michael's alibi of being at a party. Michael is released. David is indicted and bail is refused. The police set up a plan to make Michael think his alibi is breaking down, but Michael evades police surveillance. We then see him digging up the jewels from where he buried them at Stonehenge. Michael calls on a telephone he knows is tapped to say he's returning the jewels at Trafalgar Square at 4 a.m. The police set up a cordon, but Michael uses their concentration on the square to put the jewels in the scales of justice on top of the Old Bailey. We close with both brothers imprisoned in the Tower, plotting their escape.

And Kill Once More

Kate Weston is worried about her friend Sandy Engle. Since her marriage to George Engle, the vivacious Sandy has practically become a recluse. Kate's suspicion that something is wrong leads her to hire what she thinks is a detective to pose as her boyfriend during a weekend house party at the Engle's estate high in the central California mountains. Instead of a detective, though—because of a manpower shortage at the Gregory Agency—Kate gets a stand-in: Marty Bowman, an L.A. lifeguard with vague ambitions of following in his brother's private-eye footsteps.

The guests at the party seem to have little in common until George Engle turns up dead at the bottom of his swimming pool with Marty Bowman's lucky silver dollar clenched in his fist. The murder investigation by slow-moving local sheriff Frank Toland finds the thread that connects most of the guests: they were being blackmailed by George. Marty becomes the prime suspect in the murder and to save his own neck has to stay one step ahead of Toland. As he subtly conducts an independent investigation under Toland's nose, Marty discovers that in addition to blackmailing his house party guests—and many others—George has conned his wife into believing she has tuberculosis.

Slipping past the guard of sheriff Toland's rookie assistant, Marty and Sandy pay an after-hours visit to a clinic in the valley, where Marty, with the help of an X-ray technician, proves to Sandy that her ill health is an illusion. After bar-hopping with a jubilant Sandy for the rest of the evening, Marty resists her drunken advances (and beds Kate instead). The next morning, however, Marty finds that Sandy too has been murdered. Unbeknownst to the sheriff, Sandy had retained possession of some of the evidence her husband had used to blackmail their guests, a fact that led George's murderer to kill once more.

The murderer, sensing that Marty is closing in on the truth, sets for him the same underwater death trap used on George. Fortunately, Marty's familiarity with swimming pool hydraulics enables him to anticipate the trap, foil it, and turn the tables on the killer. A struggle ensues, followed by the climactic denouement.

Category:1955 American novels Category:Novels by Al Fray Category:Novels set in California

Up the Front

Set during World War I, Lurk, a lowly servant in the household of Lord and Lady Twithampton, is hypnotised by The Great Vincento and travels to the Western Front to "save England". Lurk is inspired to bravery, and upon receiving the German master plan for the entire war, which has through an unlikely series of events been tattooed onto his posterior, is pursued across France by German intelligence.

After breaking into the British military headquarters to deliver the plans into the hands of General Burke, he is confronted by the sensuous German spy Mata Hari. After foiling Mata Hari's scheme to relieve him of the plan, a hilarious scene develops in which he is pursued by the nefarious Von Gutz and his henchmen Donner and Blitzen. Accompanied by the Can-Can, performed by the Famous Buttercup Girls, Lurk is pursued around the Allied headquarters. Finally, disguised as a tree, he is able to present the plans to General Burke, to the famous line:

General Burke: "Lurk, bend down."
Lurk: "I thought you'd never ask!"

Having successfully delivered the plans into the hands of British intelligence, Lurk receives a medal of honour and a promotion. He is therefore able to win the love of his beloved Fanny and defeat the machinations of the wicked Sgt. Major Groping.

Winter Kills (film)

On February 22, 1960, President of the United States Timothy Kegan is shot and killed by a sniper during a visit to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A subsequent federal investigation named the sole perpetrator to be a lone gunman named Willie Arnold, who is murdered by nightclub owner Joe Diamond before he can stand trial.

Nineteen years later, Nick Kegan, half-brother of Timothy and heir to the wealthy Kegan dynasty, is on his father's oil tanker when a helicopter lands carrying Keifetz, a family associate, and a heavily-bandaged man named Arthur Fletcher. Carried into sick bay, Fletcher tells an orderly that in 1960 he and another gunman were hired by a man named Casper Jr. to assassinate President Kegan, with Arnold set up as a patsy. Fletcher claims to have stashed the rifle used in the assassination in room 903 of the Engleson Building in Philadelphia. Before Nick can question him any further, Fletcher dies of his injuries.

Nick, accompanied by his friend Miles Gardner and Police Captain Heller, travels to Philadelphia; uncovering the rifle from its hiding place just as Fletcher said. As the three are leaving, a gum-chewing young woman on a bicycle passes by, and seconds later an unseen sniper shoots and kills Nick's companions. In a panic, Nick rushes to a payphone and tries to call his father, but is instead connected to his chief accountant John Cerruti. When Nick reports the incident and his whereabouts, Cerruti promises to send help, but the rifle is stolen by an unseen person as Nick waits.

Nick travels to his father "Pa" Kegan's California desert estate, only to be promptly rebuked for leaving the tanker. When Nick reports Fletcher's confession and the incident in Philadelphia, he initially storms off, but later resolves to help Nick expose the assassination conspiracy. Nick learns that Captain Heller has been dead for over two years, the one killed in Philadelphia was an imposter.

Pa sends Nick to meet his former political rival and one of the wealthiest men in the U.S., Z.K. Dawson. Threatening Nick with a tank, Dawson maintains his innocence, but implicates the real Heller and his right-hand man Lt. Roy Doty. Pa calls Nick to tell him that Keifetz and the orderly that recorded Fletcher's confession have both died under mysterious circumstances.

Nick meets Doty, who remembers that the man implicated in Fletcher's confession, Casper, Jr., was connected to the Philadelphia police through Joe Diamond. According to Doty, Diamond bribed Captain Heller for access into the police station so he could kill Willie Arnold after the presidential assassination. Gangster Gameboy Baker arranged the assassination because the president did not return favors for the mafia's $2 million campaign contribution and Arnold was their scapegoat. Diamond died in prison four years after the killing of Arnold.

Nick asks his girlfriend Yvette Malone to help him track down information about Joe Diamond through her employer, National Magazine. She directs him to a Cleveland, Ohio diner, where he meets gangster Irving Mentor and bribes him for information. Mentor reports that Casper, Jr., figured in the assassination because he was connected to a Hollywood studio that lost $50 million when one of their stars killed herself over an affair with the President. Just then, the same woman on the bicycle who appeared before the shootings in Philadelphia brings a dead cat into Mentor's diner and Nick chases after her as the restaurant explodes from a bomb, the woman escaping.

Nick returns to New York, where Pa debunks Mentor's story and orders Nick to meet with imprisoned gangster Frank Mayo, who was given special leave for the interview. When Mayo suggests that Nick is being misled, Nick heads to National Magazine headquarters and learns that Yvette is not actually an employee. Later, the hostile doorman at Yvette's apartment insists that she does not live there.

Returning home, Nick finds Keifetz, who admits that he faked his death and encourages Nick to use Cerruti's intelligence connections to find Yvette. At Pa's financial headquarters, Cerrutti tells Nick that Yvette was kidnapped by Casper Jr., and recounts a new version of the assassination. According to Cerruti, a Washington, D.C. madam named Lola Comante, who obliged the president's fondness for sex, offered him a $2 million campaign contribution from Mayo and his mafia associates. When the president discovered that Pa was behind the deal, he ended their relationship, leaving Pa financially and emotionally devastated.

Changing the story yet again, Cerruti confesses that he arranged for Nick to meet a fraudulent Z.K. Dawson in Tulsa. The real Dawson and his daughter, Yvette, were the true perpetrators of the assassination; Yvette, formerly known as Maggie Dawson, was the president's mistress. Nick discounts Cerruti's story and insists on learning Yvette's whereabouts. As Nick assaults and fractures Cerruti's arms with a baton, he breaks down. Cerutti claims that Pa spent millions of dollars to support his son's presidency because it benefited him financially, but he was displeased by the president's liberal politics and so it was Pa who had him killed. Pa created an elaborate hoax to confuse Nick, including the employment of an actress named Jenny O'Brien to play the role of Yvette. When Cerruti says that Jenny is "tied up" at Kegan Medical School, Nick leaves to find her body in the morgue.

Sometime later, Nick confronts his father in his office, but Pa claims that Cerruti masterminded the assassination to augment the Kegan coffers and blackmailed Pa into keeping quiet. When Nick attempts to call the police, Keifetz and an officer break into Pa's office and Nick thinks the men are there to back him up; however, Pa announces that Keifetz is an assassin with orders to kill Nick. Defending himself, Nick grabs the officer and uses his gun to fire at Keifetz, who shoots back at the officer as he dies. Nick chases his father onto the high-rise balcony and finds Pa clinging to the rail of an enormous American flag. As Nick reaches for his father, Pa falls to his death, tearing the flag in half with his body as he calls out to Nick: "put my money in South America!". Nick staggers away, but tells the secretary that he will return because he cannot escape his family ties. Leaving the Kegan building, he has one final encounter with the woman on the bicycle, who waves at him but rides away uneventfully.

Sometime later, Nick calls Yvette's answering machine to hear her voice one last time.

Junior G-Men of the Air

During World War II, members of The Dead End Kids, a youth gang, Billy "Ace" Holden, "Bolts" Larson, "Stick" Munsey, Ace's brother, Eddie, and "Greaseball" Plunkett are working in an salvage yard owned by Ace's father, recovering aircraft parts. While making their escape from robbing a bank, members of a fifth column organization, the "Order of the Black Dragonfly", steal the boys' wrecking truck.

When agent Don Ames from the State Bureau of Investigation, returns their truck, the gang who is distrustful of authority, especially, the "cops", refuse to give a description of the men who stole the truck. Don asks Jerry Markham, leader of the Little Tough Guys, called the "Junior G-Men" to ask Ace for help. Both boys are passionate about aircraft and flying and agree to join forces.

Meanwhile, Axis agents working for "The Baron", a Japanese leader of the "Order of the Black Dragonfly", have more plans for the junkyard, especially the aircraft parts stored there. The Baron has orders to destroy anything that may help the Allied cause. Ace and Jerry join together to go look for the enemy saboteurs, and find their secret hideout in a farm outside the city.

The enemy agents capture Ace and Eddie, who escape in one of the aircraft that the Baron uses. Their takeoff ends in disaster as Ace hits a fence, tearing off the landing gear and punching a hole in the gasoline tank. The boys parachute to safety and make their way to government headquarters.

The Dead End Kids and Junior G-Men lead the government to the Baron's base and a furious battle takes place. Ace and Jerry personally capture the Baron and receive the government's thanks for bringing the enemy agents to justice.

Chapter titles

Purple Giraffe

Future Ted quickly recaps the time he met Robin and accidentally told her that he loved her.

A week has gone by since that incident, and Ted and Marshall find Robin in MacLaren's talking with Lily. After Robin leaves, Lily lets slip that Robin told Lily that she was interested in Ted, but she is looking for something "casual" and he is not. Ted decides to try to be casual in his pursuit of Robin.

On Friday afternoon, Ted sees Robin on the news covering a kid stuck inside a crane machine at a bodega nearby, and sprints over to meet Robin. When Robin sees him, he casually says that he is buying dip for a party they are hosting and invites Robin as well. This puts Marshall in a bind, as he has a 25-page paper on constitutional law due on Monday that he has not even started and he must also contend with Lily who is so happy to be engaged that she is always in the mood for love, but he gamely goes ahead with the party. Barney, meanwhile, tries to convince Ted to pick up a random girl at the party. Ted declines, so Barney finds said random girl and hooks up with her himself. In the end, Robin does not show up.

Ted impulsively tells Robin that the party will continue Saturday night as well, putting Marshall further behind the eight ball and subjecting Barney to a reunion with his random hook-up. Barney gets rid of her by telling her he is in love with her, as Ted did with Robin. Once again, Robin fails to come to the party, and on Sunday morning, Ted tells her the party will continue that night as well.

The party on Sunday is sparsely attended, and Marshall loses his temper when his law book, which he needs for his paper that is now due the next morning, is used as a coaster. He angrily lashes out at Ted for throwing three parties for Robin, realizing too late that she is present this time. Ted covers by lying to Robin and telling her that he wanted her to meet another guy, Carlos (who had been mentioned but who none of the main characters knew). After a time, Ted talks to Robin on the roof, and Robin is able to recognise his true feelings. In an attempt to prove to her that he does not necessary have the feelings, he kisses her, but he realises he does have those feelings and cannot take them away. Robin suggests that they can be friends. Ted is unsure because he is worried things might become awkward between them, but he comes around and takes Robin to formally meet his friends. They go for a drink with the gang, where Robin fits perfectly in the group - by mocking Barney's jealousy and inability to get a date for the night while Carlos is making out with the random hook-up. Marshall announces he will drink two beers, go upstairs, write a 25-page paper, and get an 'A'; Future Ted tells his children that, in fact, Marshall got a B− on the paper, still impressive considering he wrote it all in one night.

While helping Ted get another round of drinks, Robin reminds Ted that he is a good catch and he will make some girl very happy, and offers to help him find "the one".

Takeru: Letter of the Law

The game's and the manga's story follows the bounty hunter shinobi (ninja) Takeru Ichimonji and his female sidekick Bumbuku in the land of Yamato as they battle the evil sorceress Kaganju to rescue the Wind Princess Hien and prevent the resurrection of Queen Himiko.

Black Summer

The Seven Guns, led by scientist-inventor Tom Noir, are a posthuman superhero team who have made a reputation for opposing corrupt political institutions. John Horus, the strongest member of the team, assassinates the President of the United States for his allegedly criminal policies, telling the nation that he was the only person in a position to stop him. As martial law is declared, Frank Blacksmith, once Tom's partner and the co-founder of the Seven Guns — having previously faked his death to work for the CIA — comes out of hiding to hunt down and eliminate Tom and the Guns.

The remaining Guns, all branded as fugitives by the government, try to cope with the aftermath of the assassination while trying to keep internal tensions from boiling over. After Tom is killed in a battle with the U.S. military, the Guns furiously massacre the soldiers and resolve to kill John Horus. Horus, having repelled attacks from fighter jets and a nuclear missile, threatens to destroy the country in retaliation for Tom's death. Frank Blacksmith is given approval to unleash his covert "Tactical Stream" of super soldiers, which engage the Guns at their old base.

Issue 6

The battle between the remaining Four Guns and Frank Blacksmith's Tactical Stream is underway. One of them strikes down Dom and kills him, saying "Frank Blacksmith says hello, you piece of shit". Meanwhile, John starts razing the base but the general stands down his troops in order both to save their lives and to get John talking. He convinces John that Tom had died by suicide and not at the hands of his troops. He and his troops are then killed in a massive surprise Tactical Stream attack on John which destroys even more of the city. Zoe, Kathryn and Angela have managed to dispose of their assailants and witness the mushroom cloud explosion of the attack on John.

Issue 7

John Horus fends off his attackers despite the loss of several of his "eyes". The three women of the team interrupt them, telling both John and the Tactical Stream that they're banished from the city when done fighting. They then resolve to stay out of any further conflict but devote themselves to saving the lives of survivors in the largely ruined city. John eliminates the remainder of his attackers and leaves to find Blacksmith at Laura Tarrant's grave, which has been disturbed. They argue over who disturbed it and who is the true hero. Tom Noir reveals himself, alive and well ("I'm not as fast as Zoe, but I'm still pretty fast") taking both men to task for "fucking it up" and ruining the original dream of the Seven Guns. He reveals that he dug up Laura's grave for her gun and activates a failsafe which he had included in it at Laura's request, killing them all in a massive blast. As the smoke clears a prerecorded message, one which Tom Noir had set to broadcast while waiting for the meeting ("waiting here to kill my oldest friend"), airs over every radio in the country, giving Tom's version of events, exonerating (as much as possible) the surviving Guns and promising, as the book ends, to elaborate on Frank Blacksmith's story and give comprehensive evidence of unspecified "war crimes committed by our government." Before proceeding with these, Tom closes the book out with his explanation that John had to be killed "because he cared too much about saving the day."


"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner."

Cursed (2004 film)

Two high school students arrive at the Mitsuya convenience store. One of the students, Yuko, proclaims she cannot enter the shop. However, she backs away too far and is killed by a truck.

Some time later, Ryouko Kagami, a representative of the Cosmo Mart chain, seeks to purchase the store on behalf of her boss, Tejima. She explains to the shop owners, Mr. and Mrs. Kitura, that Tejima could not be present because of an accident in which his feet were amputated, to which the Kituras react with amusement. As Ryouko begins doing an inventory of the store, she befriends a part-time employee named Nao Niigaki. A customer in a hooded coat comes in and starts reading a magazine. Nao tries to get a good look at his face, but can only see darkness.

Later, a man comes in and makes a purchase for 666 yen. While walking home, the man encounters a white ball which has rolled from a dark alley. He picks it up and walks into the alley where a voice asks him to return the ball. He walks into the darkness, disappears, and the ball is bounced outside again.

While Nao sorts the drinks in the freezer, she sees a pair of eyes staring back at her. Meanwhile, Ryouko finds a product that expired three years previously. She questions the Kituras, who blankly continue staring in a CCTV camera. Two crows crash into the window, killing themselves. Nao and Ryouko go to outside to investigate, where the Kituras are somehow already present and hosing away the crow remains, laughing madly. That night, a man and woman make purchases for 699 yen and 999 yen respectively. On the way home, the woman is stalked by a man with a sledgehammer, who eventually appears inside her apartment and attacks her.

The next day, Ryouko receives a call from Tejima, who tells her "everyone has feet" before the signal cuts to static. After dark, the night clerk, Komori, serves the hooded man. The till registers 44.44444 yen, and Komori looks up to find only blackness in the hood. The man then forces Komori's head inside the hood. Komori comes out in shock and panic. Ryouko arrives and sees that one of Komori's eyes has monstrously bulged out of his sockets. Ryouko takes over Komori's shift and charges a woman 666 yen. A man is initially charged 907 yen until he is hypnotized by steamed buns; he buys one and the price changes to 999.

That night, the woman cooks food for her boyfriend when a blackout occurs. She opens her fridge to find a long corridor from which a pale girl emerges. The girl approaches the woman and tricks her into fatally stabbing her boyfriend, before the woman is suffocated by a bag over her head. Meanwhile, the man visits a bathhouse. Witnessing strange phenomena in the bath, he attempts to leave when he slips on mysterious hair and is knocked unconscious. When he wakes up, the man is attacked and killed by the elderly clerk of the bathhouse. He grabs the man's steamed bun and eats it while watching the television.

That same night, Nao is standing at a railroad crossing when the hooded man appears and tries to pull her toward the passing train. She resists until the train passes and the hooded man disappears. The following day, Nao finds a homeless woman who tells her to come with her to learn more about the store. Nao and the woman are joined by Ryouko at the park. The woman reveals that the store's owner mistreated his contractor when it was being built. The contractor, in anger, broke apart the tombstones of people without families and used the fragments to build the store's foundation, resulting in its haunting. Ryouko tells Nao to stop working there.

Nao comes to the store and saves Komori from a ghost in the bathroom. Komori, regaining his sanity, runs out of the store where, in the sun, he baptizes himself in the river. He throws away his jacket, regains his composure, and leaves with Nao. Ryouko, walking toward the store to work, finds a wheelchair rolling down the hill. Her boss Temija tells her every ghost does not have feet and he is happy. Ryouko thanks him and walks away. The movie goes back to the beginning, now shot from Yuko's point of view, where she sees the tortured souls inside the store.

Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph

James J. Corbett (1866–1933) and Peter Courtney (1867–1896) both take part in a specially arranged boxing match under special conditions that allow for it to be filmed and displayed on a Kinetograph. The match consists of six one-minute rounds. James J. Corbett was a boxing hero of the time while Courtney was the underdog.

This Is Not a Test (2008 film)

The film is based around a teacher named Carl (Hill Harper) who's living his everyday life while trying to cope with his fear of terrorist nuclear attacks. However, with the threat so high he soon lets loose and jeopardizes his family and friends.

This fear begins when he hears constant talk of terrorism on the news. He soon begins to have nightmares about himself and his family dying as a result of a nuclear terrorist attack. He searches on the internet for "how to protect your family from a terrorist attack". He ends up at a seminar he finds on a website that specializes in providing people with steps to prepare for an attack. There, he meets comedian Tom Arnold, who is also having fears of an attack. He and Arnold end up forming a close relationship later in the film.

Carl begins to clean out his basement and convert it into a fallout shelter. He fills it with emergency supply items (duct tape, food, water, flashlights, batteries, an EMP-proof radio, etc.). This worries his wife Viv, who is pregnant. She sends him to a therapist, whom Carl dislikes. Viv is even more worried when Tom takes Carl out to the shooting range at a gun shop, where Carl buys a 9mm Glock pistol. He places it and some gold he buys in a safe, which is delivered by three shady-looking characters. The gold, safe, and gun are lost when the same guys who delivered the safe, rob Carl and tie him and Viv up in the shelter.

During a scene when Carl is scanning his shelter for radiation, he sees a high radiation count in a plate he obtained from a homeless man earlier in the film. He returns the plate to him, however the man does not believe him and gives him a card to a mental health clinic. In one scene, Carl goes to a comedy club where Tom is performing, and hears Tom joking about him. He feels betrayed, and avoids contact with Tom.

Carl soon begins to believe that America is a dangerous place, and he searches for a home in British Columbia. This leads to Viv and him being separated. Carl buys the new house and says goodbye to his wife when she is heading to work. Just as Carl is packing, Tom calls him, and apologizes for his stage performance. He then tells Carl that one of his friends deep in the government reported that bomb disposal units have been dispatched to downtown L.A., where an armed suitcase nuke had been found. Tom has saved two seats in a jet for him and Viv to escape from the impending attack. Carl agrees to go along and gets his dog, and then tries to warn Viv. She does not believe him and hangs up on him. Carl then calls his students and warns them to take shelter.

The Emergency Alert System comes on the air and broadcasts an EAN warning of the terrorist attack. Carl calls Viv again, who now believes him but cannot leave because she is working the crisis at City Hall. He shows up at the airport, and tells Tom he's not going. He gives Tom his dog and drives to the government building to find Viv and take shelter. With two minutes left until the bomb detonates, he finds her working the 911 service. When he tells Viv to go to the shelter with him, she expresses concerns about the people needing help. In the last seconds before detonation, Viv and Carl say they love each other one last time. The explosion is not shown, however Carl gives an afterword.

The Master Butchers Singing Club

The novel begins at the end of World War I with Fidelis Waldvogel, a German sniper, returning to his hometown in defeated Germany from the battle lines. Fidelis seeks out Eva Kalb, the pregnant fiancée of his dear friend, Johannes, and informs her that her fiancé has died in the war. He tells Eva of his promise to Johannes, which is that he would marry and take care of her. She agrees, and soon the two are wed.

Fidelis, a butcher by trade, leaves Germany by himself to emigrate to the United States in order to escape the immense poverty brought on by the war. He plans to travel to Seattle to set up a new life for his family, paying his way by selling German sausages. However his funds and sausages run out in Argus, North Dakota. Fidelis first works for the local butcher and then sets up his own butcher shop in Argus. He works hard until he can finally send for his wife, Eva, and her child, Franz.

Delphine Watzka is the daughter of Roy Watzka, the town drunk, who grew up in Argus, North Dakota. Delphine never met her mother and leaves the town to become a vaudeville performer. Delphine meets and becomes attached to Cyprian, a World War I veteran. The two make money from an act where Delphine performs as a table upon which Cyprian balances. One day, after a performance, Delphine discovers Cyprian engaging in a sexual act with a man. This discovery changes their relationship, but the two remain together, posing as a married couple.

The two return to Argus, where they stop to see Delphine's severely alcoholic father. There is an overpowering stench in Roy's house, and in the process of cleaning the dwelling, Delphine and Cyprian discover the corpses of three people – two adults and one child – rotting in her father's cellar. The three corpses are later revealed as the remains of the Chavers family.

While attempting to unravel the mystery of the bodies in the cellar, as well as to eradicate the odor from the house, Delphine meets Eva. The two quickly become friends; Eva takes Delphine under her wing, allowing Delphine to work in the butcher shop, and mentoring her in many of the domestic skills Delphine had never learned.

Eva learns that she has cancer, and despite medical treatments and Delphine's nursing, her health deteriorates. Eva's sister-in-law Tante ("aunt" in German) Maria Theresa arrives to assist the family with the various means of daily life. Tante and Delphine take an instant dislike to each other. During Eva's painful final days, Tante destroys prescribed narcotic medication to assist her out of shame towards Eva's dependency on the drug. In one of the most gripping sections of the novel, Delphine tries to find a doctor and pharmacist while Eva's pain becomes uncontrollable. Finally, Roy breaks into the pharmacy and obtains the morphine that Eva desperately needs.

Soon after, Eva dies. Her death leads to the sobering of Roy, as she was one of the few people that was actually nice to him. Additionally, Delphine vows to raise Eva's four boys and to assist Fidelis.

Meanwhile, Albert Hock, town sheriff, has been investigating the Chavers case. Beads from Clarisse's dress that were embedded in the floor over the cellar becomes the means by which Hock attempts to blackmail Clarisse into becoming involved with him. She stabs the sheriff to death and flees to the Twin Cities.

Tante and Cyprian both leave Argus. Tante returns to Germany with Erich and Emil. Cyprian returns to the life of the traveling performer. Both departures pave the way for a romance between Delphine and Fidelis, which eventually results in marriage.

Roy Watzka dies, but not before revealing the truth behind the deaths of the Chavers family. They were left in the cellar as retribution towards Porky Chavers, the father, singing over Roy in Fidelis' singing club. Roy did not intend for them to die, but due to the after-effect of an alcohol-induced binge, he forgot they were in the basement.

At the outbreak of World War II, Fidelis finds his family once again ravaged by war. His sons Franz and Markus both enlist in the United States Army, whereas his twin sons, Erich and Emil, enlist in the German military. Emil is quickly killed in the war, and his twin Erich is eventually captured by U.S. soldiers. He is transferred to a POW camp in the U.S. After Markus finds this out, he takes Fidelis there but Erich refuses to speak to either of them. Franz as well, on the American side, is gravely injured in an airplane accident, which eventually results in his death.

On a post-war trip to Germany, at which Delphine and Fidelis attend an unveiling of a memorial to the bombing of Fidelis' home town, Fidelis falls ill. He dies on their return trip to Argus.

The novel concludes with the revelation of Delphine's true heritage, as told by the town scrap collector, Step-and-a-Half. Delphine was the biological daughter of Mrs. Shimek (Mazarine's mother). She had been abandoned when she was born and found in an outhouse by Step-and-a-Half. Step-and-a-Half gave her to Roy to raise.

Bug (2002 film)

A young boy steps on a bug, killing it. A man getting into his car witnesses the senseless murder and crosses the street to chastise the boy. In the extra minute this takes, his parking meter expires and a meter maid is right there to issue a ticket. The now angry man throws the ticket into the storm drain. The ticket clogs a pipe, causing water damage elsewhere. This series of cause-and-effect chain reactions propels an eclectic group of individuals in Silver Lake, Los Angeles, to a common destiny.

The Legend of the Holy Drinker (film)

A drunken homeless man (Rutger Hauer) in Paris is lent 200 francs by a stranger as long as he promises to repay it to a local church when he can afford to; the film depicts the man's constant frustrations as he attempts to do so.


Erica (Rica Peralejo) is having problems with her boyfriend Carlo (Ryan Agoncillo), whom she suspects of womanizing. She and her best friend, Mayen (Alessandra de Rossi), consult a fortune-teller who warns about danger that lurks ahead. When Erica ignores this, her relationship with Carlo worsens then her friends Amy (Ana Capri) and Lemuel (Marvin Agustin) intervenes. Erica tries to patch things up with Carlo but Lemuel, who is protecting a hidden desire for her, also has some things to finish.

Place of Angels

At a microbiological laboratory near Manchester, England, Dr Denton and his assistant, Judy Chapman, activate a culture of K14, a synthetic virus. Later, as Chapman is driving home in her car, Captain Black (voiced by Donald Gray) sets a trap for her by blocking the road with a fuel tanker. Chapman crashes into the tanker and is killed instantly, whereupon she is reconstructed by the Mysterons (voiced by Donald Gray) to carry out their threat to destroy the "Place of the Angels". Returning to the laboratory, the Mysteron agent strangles a security guard with a pair of mechanical arms and steals the vial containing the K14. She then boards an airliner bound for New York.

Denton contacts Spectrum Cloudbase to request assistance and Colonel White (voiced by Donald Gray) dispatches Captains Scarlet and Blue (voiced by Francis Matthews and Ed Bishop) to the laboratory. On arrival, Scarlet and Blue learn that K14 is the most lethal virus ever developed and that were the vial to be opened, its contents would kill up to ten million people.

When Chapman is sighted at New York International Airport, Scarlet and Blue fly to the United States and chase the reconstruction along the Interstate Highway in a Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle. Acting on the telepathically-relayed instructions of Black, Chapman abandons her car, leaving behind what appears to be the K14 vial with its seal broken. A decontamination operation is conducted and Scarlet and Blue are placed in quarantine. However, when the samples from the car test negative for K14, it becomes evident that Chapman has tricked Spectrum and still has the virus.

Hours pass and Chapman is spotted in numerous locations across North America, including Los Angeles. From the city's name, which is Spanish for "The Angels", Scarlet deduces that the Mysteron threat is against LA.

Flying a Spectrum Passenger Jet, Scarlet and Blue pursue Chapman as she drives along the Colorado River. White informs the officers that the reconstruction is heading for the Boulder Dam, presumably to release the K14 into the Los Angeles reservoir and contaminate the city's water supply. Scarlet ejects and lands on the dam. Despite taking a bullet from the armed Chapman, he returns fire and the reconstruction loses her footing, falling over the side of the dam to her death. Scarlet manages to retrieve the dropped vial from a ledge before it is lost in the reservoir. A frantic White radios Scarlet, who replies that the "Place of Angels" is safe.

The Law and Jake Wade

Reformed criminal Jake Wade breaks his former partner, Clint Hollister, out of jail in the small western town of Morganville. The men have not seen each other since the bank robbery and murder that resulted in Wade's arrest. Wade refuses to tell Hollister where he has hidden the $20,000 from the robbery and advises him to leave the territory. Wade returns to Cold Stream, where he serves as marshal. Hollister and his men catch up with Wade, kidnap his wife Peggy, and demand that Wade take him to the buried money.

The next morning, they begin a long trek into the desert, during which Peggy learns the full extent of her husband's criminal background. After several adventures, the group arrives at a ghost town, where Wade reveals he has hidden the money. When Wade spots Indian scouts in the area, the group takes shelter in a deserted saloon. Wade is tied to a chair while Hollister goes in search of the natives. As night falls, several calls are heard outside and Wade tells the men they are surrounded by Indians who will attack soon.

After Hollister returns the next morning, the natives attack and a vicious fight breaks out. During the fight, Peggy frees her husband and they attempt to escape, but Hollister catches them. After burying the dead, Wade reveals the money is buried three feet deep in the cemetery, inside a saddlebag. Wade digs up the saddlebag, then surprises Hollister by pulling out a pistol from it. The others surrender their guns. Wade then asks Hollister's man Ortero to take Peggy away and they ride out of town. Wade and Hollister confront each other in the street and Wade kills Hollister. Hearing the gunshots, Peggy and Ortero return for Wade.

The Primal Solution

An elderly Jewish scientist – a Holocaust survivor who had lost his entire family – discovers a means of "mental time travel", which enables him to project his mind into the past and take over the body of the young Adolf Hitler in the Vienna of the early 1910s. Resolved to force Hitler into suicide, the vengeful professor can't resist humiliating him first and forcing him to drink sewer water in front of surprised passersby, before making him jump into the Danube – but in the moment before drowning, Hitler regains control of his body and returns home shaken.

The Professor is trapped inside Hitler's mind and is able to "hear" him think "The Jews? Why did the Jews do this to me? I have never harmed them!" Able to access Hitler's memories, the trapped Professor suddenly realizes that until this moment the young Hitler had not at all been an anti-Semite and was in fact on good terms with some Jews.

Only because something inexplicable had entered Hitler's mind – something which totally hated him and was implacably bent on his destruction, and which identified itself as being Jewish and acting on behalf of all Jews – did he become the genocidal Hitler known to history. Never daring to tell anybody of this presence in his mind, for fear of being considered insane, Hitler would gradually develop the idea that only by killing all Jews would he be free of that haunting presence. In short, the very act intended to avert the Holocaust ends up being its direct cause.

Miss Jerry

After finding out that her father is suffering financial problems, Jerry Holbrook decides to start a career in journalism in the heart of New York City. While working she falls in love with the editor of her paper, Mr. Hamilton. After being offered a job in London the couple initially have problems but Jerry accepts a proposal of marriage and they leave for London together.

Tokyo Friends

Rei Iwatsuki moved from her hometown Kōchi to Tokyo to pursue her dreams. On arrival, she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and met guitarist Ryuuji Shintani. Ryuuji liked her voice and invited her to join his band as the vocalist, The Survival Company (also known as Sabakan). The two started a relationship but then broke off when Rei wanted to write her own songs.

Rei met other girls also working in the restaurant, Hirono, Ryoko and Maki, all in pursuit of their own dreams, and became good friends with all of them.

Guild Wars 2


''Guild Wars 2'' takes place in the high fantasy world of Tyria, 250 years after the players' defeat of the Great Destroyer in the ''Eye of the North'' expansion. Five 'Elder Dragons' sleeping beneath the continent have awoken in the time since ''Guild Wars'', causing widespread destruction to Tyria and corrupting its inhabitants. The once dominant humans of Tyria are in decline, supplanted from most of their land by natural disasters and war with the Charr, who have finally reclaimed the last vestiges of their ancestral homeland of Ascalon from the humans. To the north, the Norn, a proud race of Nordic hunters, have been forced south by the rise of Jormag, the elder dragon of ice. In the west, the technologically advanced Asura have been forced to establish permanent homes above-ground after the minions of the first dragon to awaken, Primordus, took control of the Depths of Tyria. Near the forests where the Asura make their home are the Sylvari, a new race who have appeared in Tyria in the last 25 years, unaffected by the difficulties that plague the other races but with some as yet unexplained connection to the Elder Dragons.

To the south, the continent of Cantha has been cut off by an isolationist and xenophobic political climate, which is reinforced by Zhaitan's undead navy. The continent of Elona, too, has been cut off; the only hint of its continued prosperity being the ongoing battle between the lich Palawa Joko's Mordant Crescent and Kralkatorrik, the crystal dragon in the Crystal Desert, as well as occasional spy reports from the secretive Order of Whispers. The Battle Isles have been wiped off the map entirely by the tidal wave caused by the re-emergence of the fallen kingdom of Orr, which came with the awakening of Zhaitan.

The advancement of time from ''Guild Wars'' is reflected in the changes in culture, including armor and clothing, as well as in the advancement of in-game technology and a unified common language.


Guild Wars 2 features an overall on-going storyline that is added to through expansions and '''Living World''' seasons: replayable live content updates that continue storylines in an episodic format, bridging the gap between expansions.

'''''Guild Wars 2'''''

In the core game, the player character is tasked with reuniting the members of the disbanded ''Destiny's Edge'', a multi-racial adventuring guild whose members' struggles and eventual reunion serve as a microcosmic metaphor for the larger-scale unification of the playable races and their groups into "The Pact", whose combined strength is needed to effectively combat and defeat Zhaitan, the undead Elder Dragon.

''Living World Season 1''

After the defeat of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan in the game's core story, the player character meets and forms together a new group of characters to battle the enigmatic and insane Sylvari, Scarlet Briar, as she creates strange enemy groups such as the "Molten Alliance" (a team-up between evil Charr and mole-like Dredge), the "Toxic Alliance" (a combination of lizard-like Krait and a splinter group from the "Nightmare Court", a group of evil Sylvari), and the "Aetherblades", a group of steampunk sky pirates. As the player and their new group of heroes, made up of characters from each race, battle Scarlet, they also learn about her past and investigate what she could be searching for. The season culminates with Scarlet attacking the main player city of Lion's Arch, landing a giant drill known as "The Breachmaker" in the center of the City. The player and their fellow heroes fight back and kill Scarlet, but not before Lion's Arch is left in ruins, and the Breachmaker pierces a magical Ley Line, awakening a previously unknown Elder Dragon, Mordremoth; the jungle dragon.

''Living World Season 2''

Season 2 of the "Living World" picks up where Season 1 left off, sending the player towards the Maguuma Wastes to battle Mordremoth with the help of their fellow heroes and Destiny's Edge. The season begins with the unexpected explosion and crash landing of the "Zephyr Sanctum", a group of airships populated by the "Zephyrites", followers of Kralkatorrik's deceased dragon champion and daughter, Glint, who had escaped from his control and had tried to help Destiny's Edge kill him before the events of the game (see tie in novel, "''Guild Wars 2: Destiny's Edge''"). The player and their allies follow Scarlet Briar's path into Dry Top, a region to the west, and learn about the Elder Dragons and the motivations for her destructive conquest in Season 1. The player also learns that Zephyrites were transporting an egg laid by Glint before her death and go in search of it. At the end of the season, the Pact prepare once again to battle an Elder Dragon. However, while the player continues to hunt down Glint's Egg and learns that the Sylvari race are in fact minions of the Jungle dragon, the Pact fleet is destroyed over the jungle by a devastating attack by Mordremoth.

'''''Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns'''''

Following the events of Season 2, the entire pact fleet is in ruins and burning, strewn all over the heart of the Maguuma Jungle. The Jungle Dragon, Mordremoth begins to send its minions, the Mordrem, forth to establish its hold on Tyria—and to bring the Sylvari race under its control. The pact commander journeys through the jungle picking up the pieces, locating their missing allies, exploring and meeting different factions in the jungle and mastering new skills to use for their advantage. During the story the commander also continues their hunt for Glint's egg, which was taken by Caithe. Whilst doing so they discover a hidden golden city, Tarir, built after the events of ''Eye of the North'' to incubate and protect Glint's offspring. After catching up and reconciling with Caithe, the egg is then left there, guarded by the city's inhabitants, the ''Exalted''. At the end of the expansion, the pact commander enters Mordremoth's mind and destroys him from the inside, and as a result, his magic is dispersed across Tyria, some being absorbed by Glint's egg in Tarir.

Heart of Thorns introduces raids, which together form their own optional side-story, leading into the story of Living World Season 3.

''Living World Season 3''

Living World Season 3 is the third instalment of the Living World, picking up a year after th''e Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns s''tory left off. The story deals with the aftermath of the expansion story, the effects of the death of two Elder dragon's on the planet, a political coup and Human civil war, and the return of Lazarus the Dire, a member of the thought-to-be-extinct antagonistic race, the Mursaat. During the season, Glint's Egg also hatches into a baby dragon, Aurene, Glint's daughter. It is revealed towards the end of the season that Lazarus is infact the humnan god, Balthazar, in disguise. He has turned rogue and returned to Tyria to destroy the rest of the Elder Dragons and take their power for his own; an act that would rip Tyria apart.

'''''Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire'''''

Following the events of Living World Season 3, the pact commander has thwarted the first stage of Balthazar's catastrophic plan to destroy the Elder Dragons and absorb their power—but now he's raised a zealous army to cut a path of terror and destruction across the south, through the Crystal Desert. While humanity struggles with the sudden return of one of their patron gods, the Pact Commander travels to the desert, chasing after Balthazar to stop him before the god's ruthless crusade can upset the delicate balance of magic in Tyria and lead to the end of the world. Whilst doing so, the commander tricks the undead Lich, Palawa Joko trapping him in the underworld realm of the mists. Throughout the expansion the commander discovers more of Glint's secrets, such as Aurene's true purpose to replace the Elder Dragons and control their magic. At the end of the expansion, together Aurene and the Commander kill Balthazar.

The death of the god causes a massive release of magical energy, most of which is absorbed by the Elder dragon Kralkatorrik, but Aurene receives some as well. Aurene then flies off, with Kralkatorrik closely following.

''Living World Season 4''

After the events of Path of Fire, the Commander and their allies must contend with the empowered Elder Dragon, Kralkarorrik threatening Elona, which remains under the thrall of Palawa Joko's Awakened army generals. After Palawa Joko is freed from his captivity in the underworld, in retaliation he launches an all out assault on Tyria which is eventually thwarted by the pact commander. After receiving a prophecy from Aurene that only one of them can live, the commander decides that the damage Kralkatorrik is doing to the mists outweighs the potential threat to Tyria of destroying him. They then launch an offensive of the dragon, with the goal of replacing him with Aurene.

At the end of the season, Kralkatorrik defeated, Aurene manages to ascend to become an Elder Dragon and flies off, as the rest of the crew fly back to Lion's Arch, having successfully defeating another Elder Dragon.

''The Icebrood Saga (Living World Season 5)''

The Icebrood Saga focuses on the norn and the charr, as they defend their homelands in the Far Shiverpeaks and the Blood Legion Homelands from the threat of Jormag, the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion. The saga begins with the four charr High Legions gathering in Grothmar Valley to celebrate the death of Kralkatorrik, while Jormag begins to stir in the far north. Through its promises of power, the Elder Dragon has amassed a sizable army of Icebrood. After the Charr blood legion imperator, Bangar Ruinbringer lauches a mass-offensive to capture Jormag, Rytlock Brimstone, Braham, and Jhavi Jorasdottir lead the venture into the inhospitable Far Shiverpeaks to stop him, where players face eldritch abominations, learn about the history of the Spirits of the Wild, and confront Jormag themself.

During the season, Jormag tells the player of a prophecy that either they or the fire Elder Dragon Primordus must kill the other. Jormag takes Rytlock Brimstone's son, Ryland Steelcatcher, as their champion, and begins attacks all over Tyria. Braham and the spirits of the wild merge as Primordus' Champion in hopes of steering the dragon directly into battle with Jormag. With both dragons primed for a clash, they are lured out to a field so that their champions and minions can battle each other. The Commander and any allies willing and able meet them on the battlefield and ensure that one side doesn't overtake the other. Eventually, both Jormag and Primordus are weakened and enraged enough that the two lunge at each other, destroying each other in the process. In the aftermath of their crash, both Braham and Ryland lose their champion status and return to normal. However, while Braham is relieved to be free of the influence, Ryland still holds a lot of anger. After a long fight with him against the Commander and both his parents, Ryland is killed and dies in Rytlock's arms.

After witnessing the clash between the two Elder Dragons, Taimi and Gorrik returned to the Eye of the North, setting up a laboratory near Aurene so they could study and investigate the dragon cycle and any changes to the world from the magical fallout

'''''Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons'''''

End of Dragons opens with the reappearance of the Aetherblades, a group that have not been seen since Season 1. After capturing Gorrik, the commander leads chase through the mists with Aurene which ends with a crash landing in Cantha, a region of Tyria not visited since Guild Wars Factions.

Since the events of ''Guild Wars Factions'', the Empire of the Dragon severed all bonds with central Tyria and Elona. Cantha has its own history of turmoil and triumph, reflected in ancient landmarks, enduring artistry, and modern life. The Jade Wind petrified everything it touched, devastating the southeastern coastal regions. A stone sea holds no food—but it's absorbed centuries of magic. Canthan innovators have long sought practical applications for the material now known as “dragonjade”, achieving solutions undreamed of elsewhere in the world. New innovations are on the horizon.

The expansion story deals with the effects on the world due amount of magic that has been released upon the death of the five elder dragons, resolving many plot threads from the game's ongoing storyline. The players meet the sixth elder dragon, Soo-Won, the dragon of water, who has been cleansing and controlling the released magic, filtering it through her to create Dragonjade, and effectively stopping the planet from collapsing in on itself. The commander learns that the five other elder dragons were the offspring of Soo-won and used to be benevolent creatures; only becoming corrupt because of greed and the amount of magic they consumed. During an explosion caused by the Aetherblades, Soo-won leaves the reactor and becomes quickly corrupt with magic. The world then begins to fall apart with the combined magic of the Elder dragons, called the Draconic Void. The commander journeys through Cantha to extract the Void from Soo-won, and restart the dragon cycle.

Upon the void's extraction, Soo-Won dissipates and Aurene absorbs her magic, replacing her as the filter of magic throughout the world. The cycle of the dragons finally ends and a new era begins: the Age of Aurene.

Release Timeline

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 features an overall on-going storyline that is added to through expansions and '''Living World''' seasons: replayable live content updates that continue storylines in an episodic format, bridging the gap between expansions.

'''''Guild Wars 2'''''

In the core game, the player character is tasked with reuniting the members of the disbanded ''Destiny's Edge'', a multi-racial adventuring guild whose members' struggles and eventual reunion serve as a microcosmic metaphor for the larger-scale unification of the playable races and their groups into "The Pact", whose combined strength is needed to effectively combat and defeat Zhaitan, the undead Elder Dragon.

''Living World Season 1''

After the defeat of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan in the game's core story, the player character meets and forms together a new group of characters to battle the enigmatic and insane Sylvari, Scarlet Briar, as she creates strange enemy groups such as the "Molten Alliance" (a team-up between evil Charr and mole-like Dredge), the "Toxic Alliance" (a combination of lizard-like Krait and a splinter group from the "Nightmare Court", a group of evil Sylvari), and the "Aetherblades", a group of steampunk sky pirates. As the player and their new group of heroes, made up of characters from each race, battle Scarlet, they also learn about her past and investigate what she could be searching for. The season culminates with Scarlet attacking the main player city of Lion's Arch, landing a giant drill known as "The Breachmaker" in the center of the City. The player and their fellow heroes fight back and kill Scarlet, but not before Lion's Arch is left in ruins, and the Breachmaker pierces a magical Ley Line, awakening a previously unknown Elder Dragon, Mordremoth; the jungle dragon.

''Living World Season 2''

Season 2 of the "Living World" picks up where Season 1 left off, sending the player towards the Maguuma Wastes to battle Mordremoth with the help of their fellow heroes and Destiny's Edge. The season begins with the unexpected explosion and crash landing of the "Zephyr Sanctum", a group of airships populated by the "Zephyrites", followers of Kralkatorrik's deceased dragon champion and daughter, Glint, who had escaped from his control and had tried to help Destiny's Edge kill him before the events of the game (see tie in novel, "''Guild Wars 2: Destiny's Edge''"). The player and their allies follow Scarlet Briar's path into Dry Top, a region to the west, and learn about the Elder Dragons and the motivations for her destructive conquest in Season 1. The player also learns that Zephyrites were transporting an egg laid by Glint before her death and go in search of it. At the end of the season, the Pact prepare once again to battle an Elder Dragon. However, while the player continues to hunt down Glint's Egg and learns that the Sylvari race are in fact minions of the Jungle dragon, the Pact fleet is destroyed over the jungle by a devastating attack by Mordremoth.

'''''Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns'''''

Following the events of Season 2, the entire pact fleet is in ruins and burning, strewn all over the heart of the Maguuma Jungle. The Jungle Dragon, Mordremoth begins to send its minions, the Mordrem, forth to establish its hold on Tyria—and to bring the Sylvari race under its control. The pact commander journeys through the jungle picking up the pieces, locating their missing allies, exploring and meeting different factions in the jungle and mastering new skills to use for their advantage. During the story the commander also continues their hunt for Glint's egg, which was taken by Caithe. Whilst doing so they discover a hidden golden city, Tarir, built after the events of ''Eye of the North'' to incubate and protect Glint's offspring. After catching up and reconciling with Caithe, the egg is then left there, guarded by the city's inhabitants, the ''Exalted''. At the end of the expansion, the pact commander enters Mordremoth's mind and destroys him from the inside, and as a result, his magic is dispersed across Tyria, some being absorbed by Glint's egg in Tarir.

Heart of Thorns introduces raids, which together form their own optional side-story, leading into the story of Living World Season 3.

''Living World Season 3''

Living World Season 3 is the third instalment of the Living World, picking up a year after th''e Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns s''tory left off. The story deals with the aftermath of the expansion story, the effects of the death of two Elder dragon's on the planet, a political coup and Human civil war, and the return of Lazarus the Dire, a member of the thought-to-be-extinct antagonistic race, the Mursaat. During the season, Glint's Egg also hatches into a baby dragon, Aurene, Glint's daughter. It is revealed towards the end of the season that Lazarus is infact the humnan god, Balthazar, in disguise. He has turned rogue and returned to Tyria to destroy the rest of the Elder Dragons and take their power for his own; an act that would rip Tyria apart.

'''''Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire'''''

Following the events of Living World Season 3, the pact commander has thwarted the first stage of Balthazar's catastrophic plan to destroy the Elder Dragons and absorb their power—but now he's raised a zealous army to cut a path of terror and destruction across the south, through the Crystal Desert. While humanity struggles with the sudden return of one of their patron gods, the Pact Commander travels to the desert, chasing after Balthazar to stop him before the god's ruthless crusade can upset the delicate balance of magic in Tyria and lead to the end of the world. Whilst doing so, the commander tricks the undead Lich, Palawa Joko trapping him in the underworld realm of the mists. Throughout the expansion the commander discovers more of Glint's secrets, such as Aurene's true purpose to replace the Elder Dragons and control their magic. At the end of the expansion, together Aurene and the Commander kill Balthazar.

The death of the god causes a massive release of magical energy, most of which is absorbed by the Elder dragon Kralkatorrik, but Aurene receives some as well. Aurene then flies off, with Kralkatorrik closely following.

''Living World Season 4''

After the events of Path of Fire, the Commander and their allies must contend with the empowered Elder Dragon, Kralkarorrik threatening Elona, which remains under the thrall of Palawa Joko's Awakened army generals. After Palawa Joko is freed from his captivity in the underworld, in retaliation he launches an all out assault on Tyria which is eventually thwarted by the pact commander. After receiving a prophecy from Aurene that only one of them can live, the commander decides that the damage Kralkatorrik is doing to the mists outweighs the potential threat to Tyria of destroying him. They then launch an offensive of the dragon, with the goal of replacing him with Aurene.

At the end of the season, Kralkatorrik defeated, Aurene manages to ascend to become an Elder Dragon and flies off, as the rest of the crew fly back to Lion's Arch, having successfully defeating another Elder Dragon.

''The Icebrood Saga (Living World Season 5)''

The Icebrood Saga focuses on the norn and the charr, as they defend their homelands in the Far Shiverpeaks and the Blood Legion Homelands from the threat of Jormag, the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion. The saga begins with the four charr High Legions gathering in Grothmar Valley to celebrate the death of Kralkatorrik, while Jormag begins to stir in the far north. Through its promises of power, the Elder Dragon has amassed a sizable army of Icebrood. After the Charr blood legion imperator, Bangar Ruinbringer lauches a mass-offensive to capture Jormag, Rytlock Brimstone, Braham, and Jhavi Jorasdottir lead the venture into the inhospitable Far Shiverpeaks to stop him, where players face eldritch abominations, learn about the history of the Spirits of the Wild, and confront Jormag themself.

During the season, Jormag tells the player of a prophecy that either they or the fire Elder Dragon Primordus must kill the other. Jormag takes Rytlock Brimstone's son, Ryland Steelcatcher, as their champion, and begins attacks all over Tyria. Braham and the spirits of the wild merge as Primordus' Champion in hopes of steering the dragon directly into battle with Jormag. With both dragons primed for a clash, they are lured out to a field so that their champions and minions can battle each other. The Commander and any allies willing and able meet them on the battlefield and ensure that one side doesn't overtake the other. Eventually, both Jormag and Primordus are weakened and enraged enough that the two lunge at each other, destroying each other in the process. In the aftermath of their crash, both Braham and Ryland lose their champion status and return to normal. However, while Braham is relieved to be free of the influence, Ryland still holds a lot of anger. After a long fight with him against the Commander and both his parents, Ryland is killed and dies in Rytlock's arms.

After witnessing the clash between the two Elder Dragons, Taimi and Gorrik returned to the Eye of the North, setting up a laboratory near Aurene so they could study and investigate the dragon cycle and any changes to the world from the magical fallout

'''''Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons'''''

End of Dragons opens with the reappearance of the Aetherblades, a group that have not been seen since Season 1. After capturing Gorrik, the commander leads chase through the mists with Aurene which ends with a crash landing in Cantha, a region of Tyria not visited since Guild Wars Factions.

Since the events of ''Guild Wars Factions'', the Empire of the Dragon severed all bonds with central Tyria and Elona. Cantha has its own history of turmoil and triumph, reflected in ancient landmarks, enduring artistry, and modern life. The Jade Wind petrified everything it touched, devastating the southeastern coastal regions. A stone sea holds no food—but it's absorbed centuries of magic. Canthan innovators have long sought practical applications for the material now known as “dragonjade”, achieving solutions undreamed of elsewhere in the world. New innovations are on the horizon.

The expansion story deals with the effects on the world due amount of magic that has been released upon the death of the five elder dragons, resolving many plot threads from the game's ongoing storyline. The players meet the sixth elder dragon, Soo-Won, the dragon of water, who has been cleansing and controlling the released magic, filtering it through her to create Dragonjade, and effectively stopping the planet from collapsing in on itself. The commander learns that the five other elder dragons were the offspring of Soo-won and used to be benevolent creatures; only becoming corrupt because of greed and the amount of magic they consumed. During an explosion caused by the Aetherblades, Soo-won leaves the reactor and becomes quickly corrupt with magic. The world then begins to fall apart with the combined magic of the Elder dragons, called the Draconic Void. The commander journeys through Cantha to extract the Void from Soo-won, and restart the dragon cycle.

Upon the void's extraction, Soo-Won dissipates and Aurene absorbs her magic, replacing her as the filter of magic throughout the world. The cycle of the dragons finally ends and a new era begins: the Age of Aurene.

Plot It Yourself

Someone has been getting away with a different spin on plagiarism. It's the old scam – an unsuccessful author stealing ideas from an established source – but it's being worked differently. Now, the plagiarists are claiming that the well-known authors are stealing from ''them'' (as Wolfe puts it, "plagiarism upside down."). And they are making their claims stick: three successful claims in four years, one awaiting trial, and one that's just been made.

These claims have damaged both the publishers and the authors. The Book Publishers of America (BPA) and the National Association of Authors and Dramatists (NAAD) form a joint committee to explore ways to stop the fraud, and the committee comes to Wolfe for help. The first four claims have shared certain characteristics: in the first, for example, the best selling author Ellen Sturdevant is accused by the virtually unknown Alice Porter of stealing a recent book's plot from a story that Porter sent her, asking her suggestions for improvement. Sturdevant ignores the accusation until Porter's manuscript is found in Sturdevant's house. The writing and publishing industry is convinced that the manuscript was planted, but the case was settled out of court.

That scenario, with minor variations, is repeated four times, with other authors and by other plagiarists. The latest complaint has been made only recently, and the target of the complaint wonders when a manuscript will show up somewhere that it wasn't the day before.

Wolfe's first step is to acquire and read the manuscripts that form the basis for the complaints. Wolfe's love of literature turns out to be useful in his investigation: from the internal evidence in the manuscripts, Wolfe concludes that they were all written by the same person. Aspects such as diction, punctuation and syntax – and, most convincingly, paragraphing – point Wolfe directly to the conclusion that one person wrote all the manuscripts.

At first, this seems like progress, but then it becomes clear that it's the opposite. The task initially seemed to be to show that the first fraud inspired a sequence of copycats, and the universe of suspects was limited to the complainants. But now that Wolfe has determined that one person wrote all the fraudulent manuscripts, that one person could be anyone. Wolfe meets with the joint committee to discuss the situation.

A committee member suggests that one of the plagiarists be offered money, along with a guarantee of immunity, to identify the manuscripts' actual author. The committee concurs, and asks Wolfe to arrange for the offer to be made to Simon Jacobs. The next day, Archie goes to make the offer to Jacobs, but finds Sergeant Purley Stebbins at the Jacobs apartment: Mr. Jacobs has been murdered, stabbed to death the night before.

In short order, Archie discovers two more dead plagiarists. Wolfe blames himself for not taking steps to protect Jacobs and the others, who had been made targets by the plan to pay for information. The only one left is Alice Porter, who first worked the fraud successfully, and who is now repeating it with Amy Wynn and her publisher. Wolfe, concentrating on Porter, catches her in a contradiction that identifies the murderer for him.

The Birthday Party (1968 film)

A man in his late 30s named Stanley is staying at a seaside boarding house, when he is visited by two menacing and mysterious strangers, Goldberg and McCann. Stanley's neighbour, Lulu, brings a parcel containing a boy's toy drum, which his landlady, Meg, presents to Stanley as his "birthday present."

Goldberg and McCann offer to host Stanley's birthday party after Meg tells them that it is Stanley's birthday, although Stanley protests that it is not his birthday. Through the course of the party, the actions of Goldberg and McCann eventually break down Stanley, and they take him away from the house, purportedly to get medical attention (from "Monty") in their car. Meg's husband Petey (who did not attend the party because he was out playing chess) calls after Stanley: "Stan, don't let them tell you what to do". Meg, still somewhat hung over, is unaware that Stanley has been taken away, since Petey has not told her, and she tells him that she was "the belle of the ball."


The series revolves around a playful young child named Shizuku-chan. He, alongside his schoolmates, friends, and family lives a life of dangerous adventures in the Shizuku Forest.