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Artists and Models Abroad

The story starts off with Joan Bennett playing Patricia Harper, the heiress daughter of a billionaire oil tycoon, James Harper, having dinner with Mrs. Isabel Channing and Elliott Winthrop, whom Mrs. Channing wants Patricia to marry. Caught up in Mrs. Channing's need to behave ‘proper’ Patricia expresses her wish to live a normal life and enjoy simple mundane things. Elliott announces his promotion as U.S. ambassador to France. He is then called away to the consulate to handle a problem at the gate.

This is where Elliott meets the American dance troupe, led by Buck Boswell (Jack Benny), asking for an emergency fare back to the U.S. Elliott declares that there is no such contingency in the budget for such an occasion (or else no one would buy a return flight home) and wishes them luck before, presumably, returning to dinner. Buck then promises the troupe that he'll get them back and brings them to an expensive hotel on the premise that they don't have the money to pay for it regardless so they might as well live it up.

Upon their arrival, Buck and The Yacht Club Boys (named Swifty, Dopey, Jimmy, and Kelly in the film) convince the owner of the hotel that they have money and are used to paying at the end of their stay instead of the beginning. The owner, mesmerized by the thought that all Americans have money, allows them to move into their rooms, against the will of his wife.

However the next day, while the troupe is practising their cowboy & Indians routine, the hotel owner's wife locks them out of their rooms, and in order for their rooms to be unlocked she insists that they pay their bill. To get their belongings back, the girls push the guys to go out and find jobs. Buck receives 5 francs from one of the girls, the last 5 francs to the name of any troupe member.

Walking down the street, Buck is called on by Patricia Harper, who recognizes him as American by his cowboy outfit. She tells him that she has left her money in her hotel room and asks him to cover the 3 franc bill for her breakfast, which he does. Then, thinking she's a scammer who also has not a penny to her name, he invites her to act with his troupe. Seeking adventure as a normal person, Patricia keeps her wealth a secret and plays along.

They go back to the hotel, and Patricia pretends to be suicidal to lure the staff to the roof, so the troupe can grab the keys to get their belongings from their rooms. After this, the staff wises up and calls the police on the troupe, joined by Patricia's’ father, who found her after she let Mrs. Channing know she wasn't coming home. The troupe is now forced to climb through the window and climb to another building, in order to escape the police.

Still running from the police, they manage to hide out in an old studio full of mannequins that they think is abandoned. After evading the police by posing as mannequins, they decide to spend the night. Upon waking up, they hear people talking. Thinking it's the police, they prepare to run. Overhearing a producer's conversation, Buck realizes that it's a theater that's putting on a show. Buck runs into another troupe from Russia, that then thinks he is the producer. He turns them away, and his troupe takes the Russians' place.

After rehearsals, Patricia's father sees the royal jewels in a case and asks if he can buy them, not realizing what they are. After being declined he steals them before the troupe leaves. This leads to a mad hunt for the jewel thieves.

Patricia's father has a copy of the jewels made for Patricia, as a present. The jewels get mixed up when Patricia's father shows them to Ms. Channing.

Buck is back at Patricia's father's hotel, where he planned on gifting the replica necklace to her. He hides it, but Buck finds it while snooping around, suspicious of her father. There is a knock on the door, and a mad scramble to leave the hotel room. While this is going on, Buck stays behind and is introduced to a man while the troupe is running away because they think it's the police still after them. The man turns out to be an oil magnate to whom Patricia's father plans to sell his oil, and Buck, thinking that the old man is running a scam on the oil magnate, rips up the contract.

Buck then becomes wise and tells the troupe that he'll get them home by returning the jewels, so that either the French will be grateful and give them the fare home, or will think they stole it and deport them. The French lock him and the troupe up, but upon realizing the jewels were a replica, they let Buck go, and send people to follow him.

Buck goes to confront Patricia and her father, who are out at dinner with Elliot and Ms. Channing. There is a struggle, and the jewels get stuck on the roof. After retrieving them, they are all arrested. Back at the police station, everyone's real identity is revealed. Everyone is released, and Buck & Patricia get married.

Temptation Island (1980 film)

The film focuses on four young ladies from different social backgrounds, each of them, for their own various reasons, enlists in the fictional "Miss Manila Sunshine Beauty Pageant".

The first of which is Dina (Bonnevie), a college student who entered the contest in order to earn independence from her family and buy her own car. Next is spoiled, rich socialite, Suzanne (Cortez), whose every whim is attended to by her maid, Maria (Sun), and who learned of the contest when fliers, dropped from a helicopter, interrupted her sunbathing at the family pool. Out of sheer vanity and boredom, she decided to sign up. Thirdly, Bambi (Arambulo), while planning her 18th birthday party, when she and her mother argue over the budget, since her once rich family cannot afford the grand debut, Bambi is forced to settle for a much simpler party. But during their argument, Bambi falls on her birthday cake; when she sees the pageant's TV spot, her frustrations over her current situation inspire her to join. Rounding up the group is Azenith (Briones), a con artist who plans to rig the contest by using her and her boyfriend's sexuality to influence the judges into voting for her.

The ladies later became the finalists for the competition. En route to the evening gown competition, the ship they boarded catches fire, and the passengers scramble to evacuate and be marooned on an island. The four women, Maria, Joshua (the gay pageant coordinator played by Jonas Sebastian) and his boyfriend Ricardo (Ricky Belmonte), Umberto (one of the ship's waiters played by Domingo Sabado) and Alfredo (played by Alfie Anido) land on a desert island.

Back to Sherwood

When Robyn Hood finds a magical amulet, she finds that she can go back in time to the medieval age in England when she puts it on. In the past, she learns that Robin Hood and Maid Marian have been captured and trapped by magical means by a sorceress in league with the Sheriff of Nottingham. As their descendant, Robyn and her own group of merry teens must save her ancestors and protect Sherwood.

Barbie in A Christmas Carol

The story is told by Barbie to her little sister Kelly; who is reluctant to go to a Christmas Eve charity ball instead of spending the holiday at home with family.

Eden Starling is the glamorous, star soprano and owner of the Gads Hill Theatre in Victorian London; as well as an arrogant, self-centered diva with a hatred for Christmas. She is frequently accompanied by her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit. The theater’s employees—Freddy, a stage magician; twin ballerinas Ann and Nan; clown Maurice; and costume designer Catherine Beadnell—are reprimanded by Eden for their festive moods, and she declares that they are to work on Christmas day, ruining their holiday plans. Catherine, Eden’s childhood best friend, tries to convince her otherwise to no avail.

That night, Eden is visited by the ghost of her late Aunt Marie, bound by the chains forged from her misdeeds in life. Marie warns Eden that her actions are leading her down the same path as her aunt and that she will be visited by three spirits in an attempt to help her change her ways.

Eden is first visited by the cheery Spirit of Christmas Past who takes Eden back in time to her childhood. As a young girl, Eden was forced to study music under the domineering Aunt Marie with little rest. Eden secretly sneaks out of the house to celebrate Christmas with Catherine and her family. The festivities are interrupted at the arrival of an enraged Marie. After the incident, Eden was forbidden from celebrating Christmas and Marie further instilled her self-centered views into her niece.

Eden is visited next by the jolly Spirit of Christmas Present. The Spirit takes Eden to the theatre where she learns of the other performers’ disdain for her. The Spirit then shows Eden Catherine visiting a local orphanage. Catherine generously gifts them clothes and is particularly close to a crippled orphan named Tammy. Eden’s heart softens after witnessing the scene, but becomes concerned when the owner tells Catherine that the orphanage will be likely be closed due to a lack of funding.

Finally, Eden is visited by the mysterious yet kindly Spirit of Christmas future. Eden is shocked to find her future-self living in poverty. The Spirit explains that Eden had fired her employees, including Catherine, after they’d showed up late one Christmas. Afterwards, the acts hired by Eden to replace them failed to impress audiences, leading to Eden losing her fame and fortune. Eden visits Catherine, who is now an accomplished fashion designer, at her new store for help. Catherine explains that after Eden fired her, she left the country to find work. Returning months later, financially stable and ready to adopt Tammy, she is dismayed to find the orphanage closed and the children gone. Since then, Catherine has become disillusioned with Christmas, focusing only on advancing her career and even adopting Eden’s selfish outlook on life and treating her workers cruelly. Catherine then refuses to aid the impoverished Eden and throws her out of her shop.

Horrified, Eden begs the spirits for another chance to redeem herself and alter the future; after which she awakens back in her bedroom on Christmas morning a. Filled with newfound joy, Eden arrives at the theater and gives gifts to all her employees as well as allowing them to take the holiday off, which changes their outlook on her. At Eden’s urging, Catherine takes her to the orphanage, which Eden promises to financially support herself. Freddy arrives with a carriage—which the spirits magically turn into a sleigh for it to move through the snow—and Catherine and Eden ride off with him to spend Christmas with Catherine’s family. The orphan’s wave them goodbye, joined by the unseen ghost of Aunt Marie, now free of her chains.

The story instills Kelly with a new sense of generosity. Barbie’s friend Nikki comes in to remind them they are late and Barbie and Kelly leave for the event.

Double Trouble (1984 film)

Portuguese Brazilian billionaire cousins Bastiano and Antonio Coimbra de la Coronilla y Azevedo are in fear for their lives after several assassination attempts. Therefore, they have an agency find two look-alikes, stuntman Elliot Vance and the saxophone-playing small-time criminal Greg Wonder, to temporarily take their place and find out who is behind the assassination attempts. Elliot and Greg manage to fight their way through all kinds of situations without too much trouble while getting closer to the mastermind behind it all. Additionally they quickly come to like the jet-set life. The resulting damage to their reputation provokes the Coimbras to return to Rio ahead of time. This puts them right into the sights of their enemies, alongside the cousins' look-alikes.

Defendant, Stand Up!

Italy, late 1930s. Cipriano, nurse and handyman in the pediatric clinic of a doctor his foster brother, is wrongly accused of having committed a murder. The process, however, proves his innocence, and Cipriano become so popular as to obtain a theatrical writing for a show that tells the true story of the murder. But the culprit is still there.

Abandonment (film)

In the 1830s, there is shock when the son of a wealthy shipowner returns from a distant voyage with a new wife.

The Pirate's Dream

The setting is Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to have the island assaulted from a mock pirate ship. The plan is to have a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea. The trouble is that the pirates really come...

Non me lo dire!

Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.

Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm

A catastrophic event called the Backlash threw the world into chaos many years ago. Vile creatures roam throughout the lands, summoned by the evil shaman Rakka who is in pursuit of powerful ancient magic items. Amidst this backdrop a new mystery reveals itself in the form of a new race, the Draconus. The player is presented with the task of uniting all races and defeating the forces of evil.

Flying High (1931 film)

Waitress Pansy Botts (Charlotte Greenwood) places an ad in the ''Pilot's Gazette'' for a husband, offering a $500 reward, but is unsuccessful. At the nearby airfield, inventor Rusty Krouse (Bert Lahr) has built the "Aerocopter", intending to enter it in the upcoming 10th Annual Air Show. With finances depleted, Rusty looks to Sport Wardell (Pat O'Brien) for help in finding a wealthy investor. Soon, Fred Smith (Guy Kibbee) and his daughter Eileen (Kathryn Crawford) show some interest in the Aerocopter, but have no ready cash.

Rusty is worried that his partner will go to jail after accepting a check from Mr. Smith. Sport convinces him to marry Pansy and use her $500 dowry to salvage the company's future. Sport convinces Pansy that she is marrying the man in the picture (Clark Gable) he shows her. Nevertheless, she is instantly attracted to Rusty.

The deal with the Smiths falls through when both Smith and Sport are arrested for shady dealing. Sport tells his new love, Eileen, that he has to find bail money and the only way is for Rusty to fly his invention at the air show and win the prize money. In order to qualify as a pilot, Rusty ends up being examined by Doctor Brown (Charles Winninger), who thinks he is mad. Pansy chases after the reluctant groom, who has gotten cold feet, and finally traps him.

During the air show, both Pansy and Rusty end up at the airport and in the Aerocopter. After taking off clumsily, crashing through the roof of a hangar, once in the air, Rusty tells Pansy that an important part is out on the wing and they need it to land. Pansy climbs onto the wing, but has to parachute to safety. Rusty keeps flying higher, reaching a height of 53,000 feet before he releases fuel and eventually descends, passing Pansy on her way down. He crash-lands heavily at the airfield, emerging from the wreckage to find he has been awarded first prize. With the prize money saving the company, all the couples then happily reunite.

Dancing with Mermaids

The novel is set in the secluded fishing village of Rams Horn, once a fashionable Regency spa, at the mouth of the River Sheep, somewhere on the Dorset coast. Rams Horn is described by the author as ‘a memory, a lost cause, a carnival of ghosts, an ark of half-forgotten dreams’. The Financial Times described the setting as a secretive place ‘full of leery, venal, outsize, hideous and beautiful people’ .

Girls Under Pressure

Ellie and her two best friends, Magda and Nadine, are Christmas shopping at the Flowerfields Shopping Centre. While they shop, they notice a large buzz of an event going on upstairs. Nadine wonders if it is for television. Magda replies, "Wow, I hope so" and steers the other two upstairs, where they join a queue to discover what all the fuss is about.

It turns out to be a modelling competition for ''Spicy'' magazine, which Ellie discovers after seeing a lot of pretty teenage girls getting their photos taken. Ellie stares in horror as she realises what she has been in the queue for. She witnesses Magda and Nadine being photographed, seeing how pretty Nadine is. It is Ellie's turn to be photographed, but she runs away, pushing through the queue as she goes, resulting in one of the girls in the queue exclaiming "She's far too fat [for modelling]". Ellie, hurt and upset, leaves and goes home. She begins to display signs of disordered eating from this point, both by restricting her food intake and making herself sick when she feels she has overeaten.

It worsens when Nadine gets through to the second round of the ''Spicy'' modelling competition. Ellie tries to be supportive but envies all of the models and their bodies and reflects how unfair it is that Nadine is so slim despite taking no care over her diet. However, Nadine is not chosen to go through to the next round. The two quarrel, but make it up on the way home. Meanwhile, Magda has been on a date with an older boy called Mick who assumed she was "easy" because of her bleached blonde hair and put her under pressure to have sex outside after their date. All three girls are disheartened as a result.

Ellie is still in the throes of disordered eating and has started to worry her parents due to her weight loss and their discovery of her eating behaviours. She had previously done an art project with Zoe, an intelligent student who has been put up a year to take her GCSEs early, and had more recently encountered Zoe at the swimming pool. Ellie notices that Zoe used to have a "biggish bum" and now she has "amazing cheekbones", due to her lack of food and plentiful exercise. She uses Zoe as inspiration for a time, but one day Zoe is not at the swimming pool or at school. She learns that Zoe has been taken to an eating disorders ward at the local hospital and visits her there. The visit prompts Ellie to examine her behaviours after realising that Zoe got so thin she collapsed and nearly died of heart failure, and she is shocked by how sad and small Zoe looks. Ellie decides that, ultimately, she is not willing to risk everything in the pursuit of being thin and is going to concentrate on being happy instead.

Category:1998 British novels Category:British young adult novels Category:Novels by Jacqueline Wilson Category:1998 children's books Category:Novels about eating disorders Category:Doubleday (publisher) books

Invisible Chains (film)

Following the death of her industrialist father, a young socialite inherits his business empire. Discovering that she has an illegitimate half-brother, she tries to assist him by finding him employment in the factory, but his criminal behaviour lets her down. Finally, she finds love and companionship in the engineer who runs the factory on her behalf.

The Lady Is Fickle

A poor village teacher has ambitions to be a great singer.

Stasera niente di nuovo

Cesare, a journalist, recognizes among some prostitutes arrested by the police, the young woman that saved his life some time earlier, without his having learned her identity. He tries to help the woman, Maria, and convince her to change her life, but without success.

Later on, Maria asks Cesare for his help. She is dying in a hospital, but cannot tell her parents, because, some time earlier, she had told them that she was married. So, in the last hours of her life, Cesare marries Maria, and then calls for her family to be with her.

Smash Cut

Television reporter April Carson turns to the services of private investigator Isaac Beaumonde to find her missing sister, a stripper known as Gigi Spot. Carson assumes a role in a horror movie in the process, eventually learning that the director, Able Whitman, is not only the culprit, but that he has rendered her sister's body into props.

Whitman requires more "props" for his film, meaning more body parts, which in turn requires a killing spree. Meanwhile, Beaumonde pursues an increasingly deadly and grisly case.[ Imagination Worldwide: ''Smash Cut'' synopsis]

The Steel Mirror

The plot is set in the post-World War II years, with a background of heroism and treachery in Nazi-controlled Europe and paranoia over communism. John Emmett managed to avoid fighting in the war because he was a chemist in a safe but useful state-side post. However, both of his older brothers fought and died in the war, and he has questions about his untested courage.

The novel starts with Emmett stalled out in a small town outside Chicago, his car having died. He is on a cross-country journey to California to a new job. He spots a young woman at the service station and makes a pitch to hitch-hike with her. To his surprise, she agrees. She is Ann Nicholson, and over the course of the novel it is revealed that she is the daughter of a rich industrialist from Chicago, that she was married to a French man before the war, and that during the war, she fought in the French resistance until she was captured and tortured by the Gestapo.

As the car journey continues, Emmett is approached in a diner by a man and woman, who reveal that they are Ann's psychiatrist and his nurse. They were keeping an eye on her in Chicago, but Ann suddenly bolted in the car and started driving cross-country. It is revealed that there was a murder in Chicago, an Army Air Force pilot who knew Ann and her husband in Nazi-controlled France, who had accused her of betraying her resistance group and her husband.

Confronted with this, Ann claims to have amnesia after a point in her interrogation by the Gestapo, and she is driving to New Mexico where a male scientist who was a prisoner in the same interrogation camp with her can maybe tell her what happened and help her remember if she betrayed her husband.

Along the way, Ann reacts badly by an attempt to detain her by a small town sheriff, putting her and Emmett's life at risk. Emmett is resentful of her, attracted to her, pities her, feels admiration for her, and is generally conflicted about his opinion of her. He decides to leave her in a town outside Denver, but changes his mind and returns, only to find her dying of an overdose. She is brought back, and her father and the psychiatrist rally about her, pushing Emmett away. He has more conversations with the nurse and FBI agents and is getting ready to continue on with his journey, but finds that Ann ran away and is hiding out in a fishing camp he had mentioned that he had a reservation for. He goes out to her, and determines that this time he is not leaving her, and he will get her to the scientist in New Mexico to completer her journey. There are people who try to stop them and he brutally attacks one on the road.

Emmett realizes that he has no recognizable stakes in the game, so he bullies Ann into marrying him. Part of the reason is that Ann's father has been considering putting her in a mental hospital to sweep her out of the way for a while, because he is under investigation for war profiteering, and because her father believes she did kill the pilot in Chicago, even though the police have reluctantly stated she is in the clear. By marrying her, Emmett can prevent Ann from being tucked away in a quiet corner and forgotten.

The couple finally make it to New Mexico, and push the FBI into letting Ann visit with the scientist, Dr Kissel, the refugee from Europe. The FBI are interested in Dr Kissel and the people who might be trying to contact him, accusing Ann Nicholson of being a communist agent. The FBI make a show of reluctantly letting Ann meet with Dr Kissel, whereupon he tells her she was brave and did not break, unlike himself. Ann breaks down at that point, and is pulled from the meeting. As they are driving away, Ann tells the FBI agent that Dr Kissel is a fake. Emmett reasons that she couldn't tell that because of appearance, because a half-tortured prisoner will look markedly different from a healthy but damaged person, so she could only know that he is a fake, a communist agent, because she did break and betray her French husband and the resistance. She had been faking her amnesia to try to buy a little time for herself, to prevent the truth from coming out in an instant in Chicago.

The novel ends with Ann shown to be a scared but strong person who broke under torture, Emmett still believing in her and maybe loving her, and her father offering Emmett a job in South America which would get the two out of the country for awhile. The FBI now know that Dr Kissel is a communist agent, and can feed the Soviet Union false information.

Beast Master (manga)

Yuiko Kubozuka is a high school student who loves animals, though unfortunately, animals hate her and flee from her whenever possible. When Leo Aoi, a strange student with a terrifying expression, transfers to Yuiko's class, she is surprised to learn that he is actually innocent and sweet-natured and animals are easily drawn to him. However, when attacked, Leo unconsciously becomes as violent as a bloodthirsty animal.

Because Yuiko is the first to see beyond his frightening expressions, Leo quickly becomes strongly attached to Yuiko, who is his first friend. They fall in love with one another, but circumstances regarding Leo's family situation threaten to separate them.

Smoky Valley

John Parrish doesn't run, even when the local land baron tries to burn him out of his home. The former soldier has to stay alive long enough to outwit his enemies.

The Covenant of the Crown

Spock, McCoy and Kailyn, the beautiful heir to the Shaddan throne are the only survivors of an ''Enterprise'' shuttle crash on the barren planet of Sigma 1212. The three must survive Klingon scouts and literally reclaim the Shaddan crown, or else risk a Klingon territorial takeover.

The Prometheus Design

The U.S.S. ''Enterprise'' arrives to assist the Helvans, who are being plagued with outbreaks of many types of violence. Soon Captain Kirk becomes mentally ill. He is removed from command and Commander Spock takes over, but it is not exactly an improvement. Spock's orders seem to be just as irrational and cruel.

The Abode of Life

The citizens of the isolated planet Mercan cannot conceive of the existence of much past their home planet and their dangerous, flaring sun.

The USS ''Enterprise'', severely damaged, must somehow find a way to repair itself without exposing the Mercanians to societal concepts for which they are not yet ready, as the Federation's 'Prime Directive' forbids interference in less advanced cultures.

Black Fire (novel)

An explosion destroys the bridge of the ''Enterprise'', killing trainee crewmembers and severely injuring the main crew. Spock ignores a chunk of metal in his spine to take command and figure out exactly what happened.

His investigation soon leads him and the ''Enterprise'' s Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott to the discovery of the Tomarii, an alien race who reveres war and conflict. Despite being urged by Scott and others to take the time to have his injuries treated, Spock refuses to do so. Scott and Spock meet with a small grouping of Romulans and Klingons, all three races having been attacked. The grouping is captured by the Tomarii, who use them in other conflicts.

Meanwhile, Spock has been framed for the explosion and Captain Kirk, recovering from his own wounds, must clear his friend's name.

Triangle (novel)

Both Captain Kirk and Commander Spock have fallen in love with the same woman, Federation Free Agent Sola Than. This situation ties into the galaxy-threatening danger of the immense intelligence known as the 'Totality'.

Broken Embraces

"Harry Caine" is a blind writer who shares his life with his agent Judit and her adult son, Diego. Slowly, events in the present begin to bring back memories of the past. Harry hears that millionaire Ernesto Martel has died; a young filmmaker, Ray X, appears and turns out to be Martel's son, Ernesto Jr. After Diego is hospitalized for an accidental drug overdose in a Madrid nightclub, Harry collects Diego from the hospital and looks after him to avoid worrying his traveling mother. The main storyline is told in flashback as Harry reluctantly tells Diego a tragic tale of fate, jealousy, abuse of power, betrayal, and guilt.

The first flashback is to 1992, which introduces Magdalena "Lena" Rivero, Martel's beautiful young secretary, an aspiring actress. She becomes close to Martel, a millionaire financier, in order to find the money to help meet her dying father's medical bills. By 1994, she has become Martel's mistress. At this time, Harry is still living under his real name, Mateo Blanco, a well-respected film director. Martel is excessively possessive of Lena, but she is determined to become an actress and manages to win the main role in Blanco's film ''Chicas y maletas'' (''Girls and Suitcases'') by bringing Martel in as financier/producer. (The fictional film is similar to Almodóvar's 1988 release, ''Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown'', except that the Shiite terrorists have been replaced by a cocaine dealer; several of the cast of the previous film appear in the fictional one.) Martel spies on Lena and Mateo by sending his inhibited, effeminate gay son, Ernesto Jr., to videotape the production of the film, ostensibly for a "making of" feature, then hiring a lip-reader to interpret the conversations. Martel, seething with jealousy, screens the videos as the lip-reader narrates the furtive whispers of Lena and Mateo's passionate affair.

Furious, Martel confronts Lena, and when she threatens to leave him he pushes her down the stairs. But when she survives the fall, he relents and nurses her back to health. The filming completed, Lena and Blanco escape Martel's hold and go on holiday to Lanzarote. Lena takes a job as a hotel receptionist to pass the time. When she and Blanco read in ''El País'' that ''Chicas y maletas'' has received terrible reviews from critics, likely the end of Blanco's directing career, they decide to start over again together far from Madrid. Fate intervenes when Blanco is seriously injured and Lena is killed in a car accident, which is immortalized by Ernesto Jr., who has been trailing them with his camcorder. Mateo loses his sight permanently. Judit, his long-time production assistant, and an 8-year-old Diego arrive to help Blanco pick up the pieces and return to Madrid, where he eventually writes screenplays in braille under the pseudonym Harry Caine, represented by his agent, Judit.

The story picks up where it began in 2008: Harry shares his birthday in a bar with Judit and Diego. Judit becomes drunk on gin and, stricken with guilt, confesses to Harry that she sold out to Martel in 1994 because of her fury at Harry for abandoning the film to run away with Lena; she also tells him of her involvement in providing Martel the phone number of the hotel in Lanzarote where Lena and Mateo were hiding. She confirms that Martel sabotaged the release of ''Chicas y maletas'' by using the worst take from each scene in order to destroy Mateo's reputation. The next morning she reveals to Diego that Harry is actually his father, a fact both men were unaware of. Having exorcised some of his demons, Harry decides to return to his life as Mateo Blanco. Though believed lost, the original reels of ''Chicas y maletas'' and Ernesto Jr.'s camcorder footage are recovered: Judit had ignored Martel's order to destroy them and instead had hidden them away. Mateo and Diego re-edit the film for its long-delayed release as the director envisioned it.

Collision Course (Silverberg novel)

The story is set in approximately the 26th century, after nearly five centuries of expansion into space limited by the speed of light, as ships with intrepid crews travel to new solar systems and install instantaneous transportation terminals known as transmats, which tie in with a system based on Earth. The current ruler, who leads a small group of men chosen and trained as leaders, is dissatisfied with the light barrier and upon becoming the leader—the technarch—he made a public address calling on science to find a way to exceed that barrier.

The first crewed FTL (faster-than-light) ship has reported in from its test flight, and upon landing, report their successful voyage through an alternate universe to distant locations in the galaxy, and of discovering the outer reaches of an alien civilization. The technarch convenes a meeting of the ruling group, receive a report from the star crew, then deliberate the technarch's intention to negotiate a division of the galaxy between them. He selects four men to accompany the five star crew back out, although the crew are exhausted and not enthusiastic about another long trip.

The four men selected to go on the trip find they are very different in temperament and outlook, and tempers flare between two of them. They endure the long voyage that is unlike an instant transmat trip, and upon arrival, the crew meet the aliens. The linguist chosen by the technarch proceeds to teach the aliens English, then explain the situation about the expanding empires. The aliens say they cannot speak for their people and walk out, summoning more senior officials. The officials seem agreeable there should be no war, but impose not a division between the two peoples, rather, they tell Earth it can no longer expand, then they walk out.

The FTL ship crew agree to return home with the bad news, which they believe will lead to war, but they get lost in the alternate space and return to normal space in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The captain believes they should simply concede and find a place to live, even as the Milky Way tantalizes them in the sky of the planet they are borne to by a mysterious alien.

The Magellanic aliens summon the officials from Earth's opponents, and force an equal division of the Milky Way, then return the Milky Way citizens to where they were—the FTL ship right back to where it was before its faulty attempt to return home. This time, the flight home proceeds correctly and they arrive to inform the technarch of the Magellanic aliens' enforcement that would prevent the technarch's dreams of human settlement in other galaxies.

Highways to a War

When legendary Australian war photographer Mike Langford goes missing in Khmer Rouge Cambodia in 1976, childhood friend Ray inherits his taped diaries. Using these, his own memories, and the recollections and records of others, Ray attempts to reconstruct Langford's life, to understand how he became a myth and why he went back into Cambodia. Eventually this will lead Ray to Thailand, to the Cambodian border and the truth about Langford's fate.

Though different parts of ''Highways to a War'' are told from different perspectives, the overall result is a coherent narrative and a portrait of a life. It begins with Langford's childhood on a Tasmanian farm, his "novitiate" in Singapore, where he nearly starves before finding work, and his early experiences in Vietnam, in Saigon and in the Mekong Delta with the ARVN, the South Vietnamese army. The story then jumps from Saigon in 1966 to Phnom Penh in 1973. Among other dramatic episodes, Langford is captured by North Vietnamese troops and witnesses the fall of Saigon. The story is tense and gripping, but the centre remains Langford's development: he is a tough man, a survivor, but he is also an idealist and, when he loses his objectivity and becomes involved with the Free Khmer, his fate has a tragic inevitability to it.

Its unity comes from its focus on Langford, but ''Highways to a War'' has plenty of other memorable characters. His fellow photographers and correspondents are a fascinatingly idiosyncratic bunch. And Langford's romantic idealisation of women makes them a key part of his life: in Australia, the daughter of a poor fruit-picking family and then the wife of his mentor, in Saigon an older French-Vietnamese woman, and in Phnom Penh the Cambodian woman whose fate becomes tied up with Langford's.

''Highways to a War'' also offers a vivid perspective on the course of the Second Indochina War. This, however, is implicit: Koch makes no attempt to write a history of that war (and readers without any background knowledge may find parts of the novel confusing), or to take sides in the debates over that history, and it is through personal stories and personal tragedies that he sheds light on the broader tragedies.

Web of the Romulans

A deadly virus causes desperate Romulans to invade Canara and incite a battle with the USS ''Enterprise''. Captain James T. Kirk, fully willing to get the antidote to the Romulans, has to deal with the ship's central computer which has developed romantic feelings for Kirk.

Suppressed Duck

While on a hunting trip, Daffy Duck hopes to shoot a bear. An announcement from a nearby ranger station informs him of a boundary line drawn through the "hunting area." Hunters are told to remain on one side of the boundary and bears to remain on the other side, unless they want to get shot. Daffy chases several bears to the boundary line, and a ranger keeps him from pursuing them across it. One bear taunts Daffy from his side of the line.

In order to catch this bear, Daffy devises many schemes, including using bacon to entice the bear across the boundary line, erasing the boundary line, and disguising himself as a tree. Each time, the bear outsmarts him or he is caught and reprimanded by the park ranger. In a move reminiscent of the contemporary Pink Panther animated short, "Pink Panzer", the local forestry-officials go to absurdly-extreme lengths to enforce the boundary line, as well, using various heavy weaponry like tanks and bombs to thwart Daffy's efforts to illegally cross the line to hunt the bear.

In his last attempt to catch the bear, Daffy digs a tunnel underneath the boundary line. The bear discovers his plot, traces his way to the spot where Daffy would come out, and places a small cabin of dynamite above him before hiding. Daffy digs up into the cabin, causing the dynamite to explode, leaving him mostly featherless (except for his head). He gathers up his feathers, saying he is lucky that he keeps his feathers "numbered for just such an occasion."

While re-attaching his feathers, he soon discovers that the bottom half of his feathers are missing, and he turns to see the bear wearing them as a headdress and necklace. Before he can retrieve his feathers, the ranger, having enough of Daffy's rule-breaking behavior, decides to close hunting season for the year and demands that he get out. Obviously irked, Daffy (wearing a barrel over his naked bottom half) tells the bear: "You're des''th''picable. But, you haven't seen the last of me!!" As he turns to leave, the backend of the barrel falls away, revealing his plucked behind.

Gümüş (TV series)

After the death of his girlfriend in a car accident, Mehmet's grandfather suggests that he marry Gümüş, who has loved Mehmet since childhood. Initially happy about the marriage, Gümüş despairs when she realizes that his heart is not in it. Eventually, Mehmet falls in love with her, and her dream comes true.

Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur

Suneo shows a fossil of a dinosaur claw to everyone except Nobita. Being angry, Nobita claims he will be able to find a living dinosaur. As Doraemon refuses to help him, he digs on a hillside, but instead earns punishment from a landlord nearby who forces him to unearth a hole in the ground. He finds an egg-shaped stone underneath and quickly uses a time wrap to return it to its former form, and after warming it, the egg hatches to reveal a plesiosaur (Futabasaurus), who is subsequently named Piisuke by Nobita. Instead of immediately showing it to the others, Nobita waits for it to grow while making a deal with others. As Piisuke grows too large, Nobita and Doraemon hide him in the nearby lake and is in danger of being found, Doraemon and Nobita transport him to 100 million years ago in the Late Cretaceous period. They are attacked by a mysterious assailant who previously tried to make a deal with Nobita to sell Piisuke, though they manage to escape. Left with no proof, Nobita instead shows them Piisuke through a television monitor, but realizes that he and Doraemon had unknowingly transported Piisuke to the North American shore after the time machine was attacked by the assailant. They and the others decide to go there, but the time machine is overloaded and crashes off.

The group lands on the North American shore and finds Piisuke, but the time machine is broken and must be taken back to Nobita's desk in faraway Japan if they want to go back to the present time. At night, while having dinner, Gian starts singing songs and a huge Tyrannosaurus appears from the forests. Doraemon uses his Momotaro Dango (Dumplings) to tame it and orders him to go back and the group decided to travel across the land connecting North America and Asia to return home. In their way, they meet with various dinosaur species who either help or hinder their progress, such as Ornithomimus and ''Apatosaurus''. At a cliff, they are attacked by a pack of ''Pteranodon,'' who break their bamboocopters. They are saved by several mysterious assailants, who reveal they are dinosaur hunters working for a fossil collector named Dollmanstein from the 24th century. They offer to return them back home in exchange for selling Piisuke. Refusing the deal, the group set a lure for the hunters by making mud statues of them and placing them in cars, while they escape across a river. However, they are eventually spotted and separated, with Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka captured by the hunters.

Doraemon and Nobita find the hunters' quarter at downstream where Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka are used as baits for a ''Tyrannosaurus''. The hunters demand that they hand over Piisuke in exchange for their lives, but the Tyrannosaurus is revealed to be the one they had previously used a Momotaro Dango for, and the group uses it to attack the hunters. The hunters are subsequently captured and imprisoned by the Future Time Patrols. Piisuke is transported to his homeland, the Late Cretaceous Japan, while Nobita and his friends bid it farewell and go back to the present day.

Doraemon: The Records of Nobita, Spaceblazer

Seven years ago, Lopplc and Morina were playing at a park. Suddenly they felt an earthquake on the Koya Koya Planet. The quake was so massive that the planet was destroyed. Everyone had to escape using a giant ship. A sudden bolt of lightning damaged the ship, causing a power failure. The Professor (who was Morina's father) wanted to fix the spaceship, but another lightning strike took him to another dimension. Meanwhile, Nobita's friends get him to retrieve a ball from a group of tough baseball players. But they chase him and drop him down a manhole. Gian gets angry upon him, and he runs toward Shizuka's house to save himself. But finally caught by him and beaten off well. Two alternate universe creatures, Lopplc and Chammy, are escaping from an enemy ship. While Nobita is sleeping, he suddenly feels the floor is trembling, like an earthquake. A little rabbit from the alternate universe named Chammy opens the door between the dimensions using a hammer. Nobita wakes up, and Doraemon hears somebody steal food from the fridge. Chammy is caught by Doraemon and Nobita. She shows them the passageway through Nobita's floor into the spaceship. After they enter the spaceship, they see Koya Koya Planet, and meet Lopplc (12 years old). Soon they become good friends.

Lopplc takes Nobita to his friend Morina who continuously ignores them. On the next visit, Nobita brings his friends with him, and they play in a meadow. They got attacked by mining agents who wanted to get crystals from the planet's crust. All of them run away to their own dimension. The next day Nobita is scolded by his mother for hiding his test paper. Nobita and Doraemon again decide to meet Lopplc, but suddenly Dorami comes and takes Doraemon for his check up. Nobita decides to go alone to Koya Koya Planet. Abruptly he got sucked by another dimension, and he reaches to another planet. He got chased by a dinosaur, only to be saved by Doraemon' gadget. On the next visit, the mining agents warn them to move from there, but they fight with them easily as there was the difference in the gravities of both planets. They quickly defeated them and destroyed their ship. Lopplc tells all of the town's people about Doraemon and Nobita, but miners took the ship, so they had no evidence to prove that. Every time the miners try to tease people, Doraemon and Nobita save them. So people agreed that Nobita and Doraemon are really strong. Soon the leader of the group of miners learned of Doraemon and Nobita. He devised a trap to catch them, but Doraemon and Nobita luckily destroyed their plans. So the leader decided to take care of them himself. The leader went Morina, to tell him the secret passage through Nobita and Doraemon come. Morina tells them as he told her that her father died as a result of the mayor's decision. Leader fixes the bomb to the Dimensional door so that anyone who opened it will be blasted.

The leader warned the people of the Planet Koya Koya to leave the planet; otherwise, he would blast the planet. People ask Lopplc to call Nobita. Lopplc goes to the dimensional door, and the door blasted. Luckily he got saved. He tells Chammy that he is going to the mining resort. On the other side, Nobita's mother ordered him to study hard, and she call Shizuka and Dorami to keep an eye on Nobita. Nobita tells them the whole story, and suddenly, the dimensional door opens, and Chammy gets into it and tells Nobita that Koya Koya is in trouble. Nobita and Doraemon get into the door while Shizuka runs away to call Gian and Suneo. Doraemon and Nobita, with the help of Chammy, go to the resort. There they fight with the miner's robot. Gian and Suneo also helped them, and finally, the leader fights with Nobita, and Nobita shoot him off with his toy gun. The leader presses the auto-destruction button and flees away. Doraemon and Nobita, with the help of Lopplc and Morina, use the robotic machine to take the destruction device away from the planet into the space, where it explodes, and due to dimensional distortion, they reach to another dimension, where Morina finds his father.

The group returns to the planet, and after greeting Doraemon and Nobita, return to their home.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil

One day, Nobita has stuck in the school again, his teacher not letting him to go (He hadn't completed his homework). While his teacher had allowed him to go, Nobita rushed to his house, fearing that his mother would scold him. On his way, he found a dog, dirty and hungry, after fighting with a dog the previous night. Nobita wanted to help it, but he couldn't. When his mom sent him to bring some things from the market, he had gone there, and while he returned, he spotted the dog again, and Nobita gave him a sausage that he had brought from the market. The dog tried to follow him, but Nobita chased the dog away, fearing his mother will scold him because of her dislike of pets. But when Nobita's mom lost her purse, the dog helped her in finding her purse. To repay the dog's help, she agrees to keep the dog as a pet. After Nobita and Doraemon cleaned the dog, they named him Peko.

Soon, Nobita wanted some adventure, and asked Doraemon for that. Doraemon launched a rocket to find unexplored areas on the planet by taking satellite pictures, mainly from Africa. They have left searching for it, knowing that it would be very difficult to handle too many pictures. However, Peko tinkered with the device while Nobita and Doraemon are away, and found a mysterious giant statue somewhere in Africa. Excited that they might have found something no one has discovered, Nobita, Doraemon, and all of their friends, including Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, planned to go on an expedition to find the statue.

After the first day of the expedition, Gian got annoyed by the group's overreliance on Doraemon's gadgets (including Shizuka using the Anywhere Door to go home to use the restroom) and angrily went off. At night, however, he was visited by the mysterious statue at his bedroom, who tells him about hidden treasures before disappearing. Interested, Gian rejoins the group the next day, but tells Doraemon to leave any gadgets that they use the day before. When they are cruising on a river with a ship, Gian forgot to steer it when he was throwing coconuts at crocodiles, causing the ship to crash. With the Anywhere Door burned by people who mistakenly thought it was garbage, the group was almost swarmed by crocodiles, but they got rescued by a group of natives, who takes them to the village. The natives knows about the mysterious statue, and told Doraemon that they have to go through a lion-infested savanna and a very deep gorge.

When the group reached the savanna, the mysterious statue appears again and drives the lions off. When they safely reached the bottom of the deep gorge and figured out the superstitions surrounding it, Peko, now fully trusting the group, reveals himself to be a prince of a kingdom of bipedal dogs with human intelligence. He told them that the evil minister Daburanda and his lackey Dr. Kos was planning to conquer the world, assassinates the king, and accidentally throws Peko, who's trapped in a coffin, into the underground river in the gorge, causing him to meet Nobita. Doraemon and his friends decided to help him. First, they searched for Burusasu, one of Peko's loyal bodyguards, but found out he's arrested by Daburanda's soldiers. After helping a young puppy named Chippo, they free Burusasu from a prison, but Daburanda and his army commander, Saberu, realizes that Peko is back, and began a search for him and Doraemon's group. Daburanda also reveals that he has princess Spiana captive in his palace.

While everyone is hiding from Daburanda's soldiers, Burusasu said there was a saying that, "When the world will be covered by darkness, 10 travelers will come and move the statue's heart to save the palace.". Doraemon thinks the travelers are him, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, but realizes there are only five of them. When Chippo is hungry, Doraemon uses the Anticipating Promise Machine to make everyone feel full, but they have to fulfill the promise the next day.

The next night, the group went to the statue, but was ambushed by Daburanda's soldiers. Burusasu faces the soldiers and lets Peko pass, but soon they got cornered by Dr. Kos and his aerial fleet. Peko was willing to hold the army back while the group escape, but Gian followed him, and soon the entire group does. Finally, they decided to get to the statue together, which is guarded by Daburanda, Saberu, and an army. When Nobita wonders about the old saying of ten travelers, Shizuka uses the Anticipating Promise Machine for help. Suddenly, the second group of Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo appears, fully equipped with weapon gadgets, and fights Daburanda and his army while the main group enters the statue, followed by Saberu. When Nobita lags behind, Saberu catches up to him. Despite given the Denkomaru sword, Nobita takes a long time to defeat Saberu. The group fighting the army is also forced to retreat when Dr. Kos arrives.

Eventually, Peko and the rest of the group manages to reach the statue's heart, which is a mechanism to bring the statue 'alive' like a robot. Using it, Dr. Kos and the army were defeated, and Daburanda flees to the palace. He tried to bring princess Spiana with him, but Peko, using the statue, arrives in time and rescues her. Peko soon became the rightful ruler of the kingdom, and the other Doraemon gives the original Doraemon a new Anywhere Door to go home.

When the group came back home, they realized that they still have to fulfill one last the promise made from the Anticipating Promise Machine. The episode ends when Nobita leads everyone to the Time Machine to go back in time and help their past selves fight Daburanda's army and enter the statue.

Doraemon: Nobita's Little Star Wars

The film begins with a prologue of a battle on a faraway planet where the president is evacuated on a rocket. The film shifts to the Earth, where Nobita is kicked out by Gian and Suneo after destroying the set of the space movie they are making. Nobita runs to Doraemon and the two recruit Shizuka to make their own film.

During filming, Nobita finds what looks like a toy rocket. Later that night Nobita and Doraemon discover a tiny smart humanoid alien Papi in their room. Papi explains that there is a dangerous enemy searching for him. Nobita, Doraemon and Shizuka assure him that he will be safe in their home and they play together using Doraemon's Small Light to shrink themselves to Papi's size.

Meanwhile, a whale-shaped spaceship destroys Suneo's new set and Suneo and Gian confronts Nobita at his house, but Papi explains that it was a battleship sent by PCIA to find him. He reveals that he is the president of his planet Pirika, which has been taken over by the dictator Gilmore. PCIA is the dictator's intelligence agency and they have been sent to capture Papi to ensure Gilmore's total victory.

Nobita and friends hide Papi in a secret base made by one of Doraemon's gadget at Shizuka's home. The PCIA battleship manages to infiltrate the base and kidnaps Shizuka, as well as steal the Small Light and prevent the children from returning to their normal size. Dorakoruru, the head of PCIA, leaves a message demanding Papi in exchange for Shizuka's freedom. Papi leaves alone to surrender in while the children rewire Suneo's model tanks for flight and combat. Papi's pet dog Rokoroko arrives but is too late to save him. The dog and Shizuka return to the others and together they plan to travel to Pirika using the same rocket in which Papi came on Earth.

At Pirika, Nobita and friends arrive at a secret base located in the planet's ring. Army chief Genbu explains that Papi is being held in PCIA's head office facing a death sentence. Doraemon, Nobita and Gian head to the planet with Rokoroko, while Shizuka and Suneo remain to defend the base from the PCIA space force. Nobita and friends meet with a resistance group but are soon captured by PCIA soldiers after being traced down by Gilmore's cameras. After heading to the planet's surface in their tanks, Shizuka and Suneo are shot down as well. While their tanks sink into the ocean, Shizuka suddenly starts returning to her normal size.

At PCIA headquarters, Nobita, Doraemon, Gian, Papi and Rokoroko are about to be executed by firing squad, but suddenly Dorakoruru receives news that giant Earthlings have been spotted. After realizing that the Small Light's effect have expired, Nobita and friends return to their normal size as well and reunite with Shizuka and Suneo. Together with their Pirika allies, they battle with the PCIA forces. Dorakoruru attacks them in his battleship, but Gian single-handedly takes it down and causes it to crash into the ocean. Meanwhile, Gilmore attempts to flee but is stopped by every citizen of Pirika rallied together, causing him to surrender.

Nobita and his friends say goodbye to the residents of Pirika and head back to Earth. On the way, they talk about going back to visit Pirika again the next week. The ending credit show snippets of their later visits.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Animal Planet

It starts with Nobita seeing a mysterious pink gas at his house. He enters it and arrives at a planet where all animals that can talk. When he wakes up, he tells his dream to his friends. But they do not believe him. When back home, he sees a flower which he had taken from that planet.

The night, Nobita goes to the bathroom and discovers the mysterious pink gas for the second time. When he enters it, Nobita arrives at a forest. Without thinking, Doraemon takes Nobita when that time has a strong wind. He says that his objective is to meet with the animals. They use the bamboo copter to fly. They finally discovered a little dog at the river with a raft that blown by the wind. Nobita helps it to the city that he told. There many of people waiting for that little dog. Finally, the little dog meets with its father while that finally revealed that the name of that dog was Chippo. Nobita invited for a tea party at Chippo's family house. Chippo asked Nobita's house. He told from Tokyo, but Chippo didn't understand. But, Nobita and Doraemon needs to go home. With bamboo copter, they fly back to the pink gas.

But, they found something strange. It was a moon that was very big; it was larger than what usually seen from the earth. They finally discovered that this was a different planet. And it only can be accessed from the pink gas. After Doraemon fixes the machine, they go in the pink gas. After that, they realize they are back on earth. In the afternoon, Nobita hears from Gian that he is listening mysterious voices. When he goes back to his home, he founds that the voices are coming from the String less phone.

Nobita tells Doraemon that he can use his gadget, but Doraemon refuses. After Nobita gives him the Star Flower, Nobita, Doraemon, Shizuka and Suneo prepare for going to the Animal Planet. But Suneo wants to go with Gian. Gian comes and says that it became too long to prepare for him. After they go, they found that Chippo was in grave danger. The Nimuges had attacked their planet and captured Chippo's cousin, Romi-Chan. Doraemon gives Nobita a gadget named "Lunar Luck", which works best on unlucky people, which he was incredibly lucky as he is considered to be unlucky.

Nobita Boarded the Star Ship and goes to the Nimuges' planet. Nobita hits a nimuge and puts on his clothes. But the head realizes that some spy was with them and orders them to be lined up to be checked for as spies. Before they could reveal Nobita as the Spy, another Nimuge was revealed to be a spy working for the space police force. Asked to escort him to the cell that Romi was held in, the police turns the tables with the help of Nobita as Romi and Nobita escape just in time. The Nimuge then states their intentions, that they are an offshoot of humans who had squandered their planet's resources and resorted to scavenging to survive. One of the methods used to save what's left of nature was by transferring the animals through the teleportation gas and making them sentient, allowing them to create a new society that would respect nature. The remaining Nimuge however desired to take the planet for themselves and has prepared an invasion fleet to take and colonize the new land.

Nobita and Doraemon prepares a defense against the invaders at the dawn of the next day. Using the air cannons they were able to disable most of the ships and forced them to land as Doraemon improvises when it their guns failed to penetrate the environmental suits. Forced to retreat, the Nimuge commander orders a scorched earth attack on the forest but another fleet of ships approaches from behind. To the relief of the animals and Doraemon they are the Galactic police force who are trying to arrest these Nimuge true identity is a secret organization Team Cockroach who was led by a young man whose family harbored resentment towards the animals for living in paradise through the millennia. The Galactic police force expresses their regret for their actions and their desire to make amends with the animal planet. With the help of the Animal planet, they were able to head home back to Japan.

Doraemon: Nobita's Dorabian Nights

Nobita Nobi and Doraemon experience the tale of Sinbad of the ''Arabian Nights'' fame firsthand using a storybook gadget, but Nobita becomes bored by just watching it from afar. He tries to invite Shizuka Minamoto to enter the storybooks of other tales and accidentally brings Takeshi "Gian" Goda and Suneo Honekawa along. Gian and Suneo mess up the storybooks to create a "fresh" tale, which causes Nobita and Shizuka to experience a mishmash of various tales that Shizuka dislikes. Attempting to leave, she is knocked out by Sinbad's magic carpet and falls into the desert.

The next day, Doraemon realizes that Shizuka has gone missing and stages a rescue mission by going to 8th century Baghdad, during the reign of caliph Harun al-Rashid, after receiving a confirmation from the future that the world of the Arabian Nights does indeed coincide with the 8th century Abbasid Caliphate. Posing as foreign traders and servants, Nobita, Doraemon, Gian, and Suneo are rescued from Cassim and his bandits by the caliph himself, who gives a permit that allows them to travel from the port of Basra. Initially, the four are accompanied by Mikujin, a guide genie, but the latter goes upset when they insult him due to his incompetence and leaves. After purchasing a ship, however, the group are double-crossed by the trader, who reveals himself to be Cassim, and are thrown overboard.

Waking up on the shore of the Arabian Desert, the four are forced to walk through it because Doraemon's pocket is lost during the storm that also crashed Cassim's ship. However, they are rescued by a gigantic genie commandeered by Sinbad, who reigns over a marvelous city in the desert presented by an anonymous time traveler from the future. With his magical gadgets, Sinbad helps the four rescue Shizuka from a bandit named Abdil. Vowing revenge, Abdil meets with Cassim and his two minions to search for the lost city. It is then revealed that Abdil was the only visitor to Sinbad's city who remembers its location, because when Sinbad urged him to drink a memory potion after the visit, he spewed it away.

After arriving, Abdil and Cassim swiftly take the city from Sinbad, whom they expel. Mikujin returns and helps the group with Doraemon's pocket, which he recovered after the storm. The group eventually manage to defeat Abdil and Cassim and retake the city. Despite Sinbad's offer for them to remain by not erasing their memories with the memory potion, Nobita and his friends bid him farewell before returning to the present day.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds

Before the film, a spaceship advises an old man to leave the island he is staying on with his son and grandson. At night, a flood wipes off the landmass. At present, Nobita asks his teacher if Heaven exists in clouds. After forcing Doraemon, they solidify build a kingdom of clouds with the help of robots. They later on invite Gian, Suneo and Shizuka to invest for building the castle. With most shares from Suneo, they build the kingdom with various facilities of their interests. The friends enjoy their respective dreams every day at the Heaven.

Meanwhile, various nature areas of Earth are reported to have been stolen by a cloud. In Africa, a group of illegal poachers also get lifted. As the news reaches Nobita, the city cloud hits a mountain. Doraemon and Nobita check and find the boy— seen in the beginning— unconscious while riding ''Cryptodon'', a turtle-like creature. They cure his fever and put him to rest. The next day, the group learns that the boy disappeared. When they're looking for their cloud kingdom, they wind up arriving at a mysterious land inside a cloud.

They meet Paruparu, a sky-human who explains that they are in the Kingdom of Clouds, a kingdom in the sky designed by humans who resorted to live in the sky after Earth began to inhabit. She reveals that natural resources were picked from Earth to prevent them from extinction. Nobita and his friends are offered shelter, but escape, mistaking the sky humans for locking them up. They are separated due to a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt hits and internally damages Doraemon. Gian, Suneo and Shizuka are held by the sky humans while Nobita and Doraemon are left alone.

The captive friends explore the kingdom with Paruparu, learning its history, and that the kingdom would carry out the Noah's plan to clean up its mess. Meanwhile, Nobita and Doraemon meet their lilliputian friend Hoi whom they once helped. The island boy is revealed to be named Tagaro who tells that the control center can determine location of a person wearing the special ring. Because Nobita doesn't wear it, Hoi helps transport Nobita and Doraemon. They arrive on the earth several days after the Noah's plan. During the flood, Doraemon fixes himself when his head hits a pole and goes back to the city cloud with Nobita. They realize that they must stop the Kingdom of Clouds from causing the massive flood on earth.

To prevent the flood, Doraemon reveals a cannon which can destroy any cloud, although he has no intention of using it, instead just using it as a bluff. Meanwhile, the group of illegal poachers escape and crash land on Nobita's cloud. Although Doraemon and Nobita helped them, the poachers then took the captive and started firing the cannon. Failing to help them, the captive friends and Paruparu are thrown into jail where they meet Nobita and Doraemon. Feeling responsible for revealing the cannon, Doraemon destroys city cloud gas using his iron head, which vanishes the cloud. Doraemon is gravely injured, while Paruparu addresses the court during a final trial. Nobita is supported by many of their friends whom he helped. Finally, a now-adult Kibo whom Nobita once helped revives Doraemon. With increased favor, the sky humans decide to abandon Noah's plan. Then Nobita and his friends are transported back to the Earth after bidding farewell to the sky humans. When they land, Shizuka reminds the friends of their homework due to which Nobita, Gian and Suneo collapse in tension.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth

Nobisuke watched a strange advertisement of a fantastic resort called Hotel Burikin on television at midnight. Sleepy as he was, he made a reservation even though he didn't even realize he was talking to the advertisement. The next day, when Nobita is upset because his family never goes on a holiday trip, he discussed with the family their holiday plans, telling Nobita and Doraemon that he had made a reservation at Hotel Burikin. Excited, Nobita tells Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka about it. However, Nobisuke and Nobita's mom cannot find Hotel Burikin anywhere on earth, and started to think if Nobisuke is just dreaming about it, much to Nobita's horror.

Afraid of breaking his promise to his friends, Nobita avoids them, but when he got home, he found a mysterious suitcase laying on the floor. When he unlocks it with its key, it opens a portal. He and Doraemon went through it, and discovers Hotel Burikin on the other side. The Hotel is run by tin robots, Clown, Tap, and a butler. After realizing that the hotel is actually free, Nobita and Doraemon enjoys their stay together. Although, Tap warns them not to enter the basement.

When Nobita and Doraemon visits a snow mountain nearby, they plan to ski, but Nobita, as usual, asks Doraemon for a gadget to help him. Although irritated, Doraemon gives Nobita a high powered ski, but Nobita sets off before he can fully explain how it works, much to the robots anger. Sure enough, Nobita cannot stop the ski and got separated from Doraemon. While Doraemon is searching for the boy with the take copter, he spots a zeppelin, thinking it is the hotel's staff. But unexpectedly, it shoots fireworks at him, knocking him out from the sky. Meanwhile, Nobita, worried that Doraemon left him from anger, returns to the hotel, expecting him to be there. But everyone, including the tin robots, are nowhere to be seen. When he takes a peek in the basement, a scary, talking door scares him off, and he returns home.

After getting knocked out, Doraemon found himself tied and carried by a group of small tin robot army. He breaks free easily, and finds a weird rocket nearby. When a small toy tank appears from it, it knocks Doraemon out again.

After days of not seeing Doraemon, Nobita assumed that the robot had returned to the future because he's so angry with him, feeling guilty of himself. Worse, after school, Gian and Suneo accuses him of lying about his holiday trip, while Shizuka defends him. Completely stoic, Nobita uses the suitcase to show them Hotel Burikin, even though the hotel staff is still nowhere to be seen. That evening, a group of hostile planes bombed and attacks the group. Using rocks and a tree, Gian and the group knocks the planes down, and crippling the bomber. Their chase leads to a mysterious rocket. Someone from inside the rocket reveals that he had Doraemon captive, and it takes off. Devastated, Nobita and the group swore to rescue Doraemon somehow. Suddenly, the Burikin island raises to the air, revealing itself to be a giant spacecraft. Before the group can return home with the suitcase, Tap appears, swallows the suitcase, and leads the group back to the hotel. The hotel staff is there, along with a boy called Burikin.

Burikin reveals that the one who attacked them is the army of Napo from planet Chamocha, and he has been escaping from planet to planet to avoid them. After some convincing, Nobita and the group decides to help Burikin since they have to save Doraemon too. During their way to planet Chamocha, Burikin reveals that humans in Chamocha had developed tin robots to help them in their daily lives. They created a super robot called Napogisutora, to help develop even more advanced robot technology. However, Burikin's father, Galion, realizes that if humans continue to depend on robots, they will become weaker because they're not using their own body. For this, Napogisutora made a 'solution' to invent the capsule for humans to move. The capsule is soon used by everyone in Chamocha. Galion, worried, takes his family to Hotel Burikin's basement, which is a labyrinth that leads into a secret lab. Soon, Galion and his wife is called by Chamocha's emperor, leaving Burikin behind. He soon found out that Napogisutora had started a robot revolution and captured all the humans, including Burikin's parents. He then escaped to space with the island.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Chamocha, Doraemon is interrogated about Hotel Burikin. Despite he didn't know anything, the robots keeps torturing him with high voltage shocks until he stopped working. The broken Doraemon is then dumped to the ocean.

Hotel Burikin landed on uncharted waters in planet Chamocha to avoid detection. The group then splits up, Gian and Suneo will go to Mechapolis via submarine with robot disguise to find out where the human prisoners are, while Burikin, Shizuka, Nobita, and Tap will find the lab in the hotel's basement with a robot mice to find their way. However, the hotel is discovered by Napogisutora's army and bombarded, causing the basement labyrinth to collapse. The robot mice were destroyed, leaving the rest of the group to try to find their own way. While in Mechapolis, Gian and Suneo finds the prison camp where the humans are held, but their disguises got blown, forcing them to run.

After unable to find their way in the labyrinth, Burikin and Tap sends Nobita and Shizuka home through the suitcase forcefully, not wanting them to be in their trouble, and swallows the suitcase again, making Nobita and Shizuka back on earth without being able to return to Hotel Burikin. However, Nobita suddenly remembers about Doraemon's spare pocket, and he and Shizuka uses it to find the broken Doraemon deep in Chamocha's ocean. They use a mini Dora to fix Doraemon, and he reunites happily with Nobita. They soon make their way to Hotel Burikin. With Doraemon's gadgets, they map the underground labyrinth and finds Burikin and Tap. Meanwhile, after stealing a plane from Mechapolis, Gian and Suneo crash landed on the north pole. They find a wooden cottage, and are surprised to see who lives there.

Doraemon and others managed to find the lab in the basement. Burikin finds a disc containing the most advanced robot virus, left by his father in case Napogisutora started an uprising. They plan to insert the virus into Napogisutora, who commands all the robots in Chamocha. Suddenly, something approaches Hotel Burikin, and to everyone's surprise, it is a Santa robot, bringing Gian and Suneo in his sleigh. He also brings toys, and Doraemon has an idea to use them to get to Mechapolis.

Using a submarine disguised as a whale, the group arrives at Mechapolis. Gian and Suneo uses giant toys to create chaos and distract Napo's army, Burikin and Shizuka frees the human prisoners, including Burikin's parents and the hotel staff, and Doraemon and Nobita inserts the robot virus and mini Dora into Napogisutora with a slingshot. When the virus takes effect, all the robots run amok, destroying each other and burning Mechapolis. Galion and the remaining human survivors, including Burikin, promises to rebuild their planet, without relying too much on robots.

Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen

Tired of constantly having nightmares, Nobita asks for Doraemon to bring a Dream Machine, which would allow Nobita to dream of anything he wants. After an attempt to dream about the fall of Atlantis fails, he chooses a dream where he is in a fantasy world with inspiration from The Three Musketeers. Doraemon disaproves and gives him a lecture which makes Nobita angry, and he runs away from home. Doraemon searches for Nobita and promises to let him watch the dream of The Three Musketeers. Doraemon sends him to the dream. At the start of the dream, he meets a fairy who brings him to a city in the Kingdom of Yumirume under the attack of Emperor Odrome's army. Enemies start firing at Nobita, only to be saved by the fairy. She cuts off the piece of the moon, causing Nobita to blow away. When he gets up, he finds himself in the forest, and one of the Sherogani swordsmen, namely Suneo, makes him his slave.

On the way, Nobita helps the baby bear to get out of the trap. While moving through the jungle, Nobita is attacked by another swordsman Gian. In order to save him, Suneo fights with Gian, which he loses and he and Nobita have to retreat. Both of the swordsmen move to the inner forest in order to find the Sherogani sword and suit. Both swordsmen climb over the sky-touching tree to get the sword, but Nobita luckily finds the blasted moon, and with its help, he reaches to the top of the tree and gets the sword. In this way, he becomes another swordsman. At the same time, Nobita's mother comes and wakes him. In the school, he found that due to the dream Gian and Suneo are tired.

At night Nobita asks Doraemon to add his friends to his dream. So he puts an antenna to the heads of his sleeping friends. When the dream starts, Nobita gets shocked to see Doraemon in his dream too. Now Gian and Suneo also become a part of his dream. All the friends move into the forest in order to save the attacked city. Abruptly, they got attacked by a bear, only to be saved by the baby bear, who tells the bear that Nobita saved him from the trap. The bear promised the group to take them to the cave of the dragon.

On the other hand, princess Shizukaru disagrees with her father's idea to marry the person who will defeat the evil king. She runs away from the castle, rides over the break, which takes her away.

In the forest, the bear leads the group to the cave to dragon, but due to the stream of water Nobita, and Doraemon get separated from the other two. Gian and Suneo continue to move. Suddenly the dragon awakens and turns them into stones with his fire breath.

Nobita and Doraemon meet with Princess Shizukaru. All of them got covered in sand due to the falling of sand. Doraemon suggests that in this form, the dragon can not identify them. So they move to the inner cave of the dragon. Nobita screamed to see Gian and Suneo in stoned form. The dragon hears it and attacks Nobita with his fire, but he protects himself with his sword. He cuts the dragon's mustaches with the sword, causing the dragon to faint. When he was at the verge of finishing the dragon, he stops and gets away. All of them agree with Nobita. the dragon regains consciousness, and he tells Nobita that he does not want to turn anyone to stone; he just wants to protect himself. He lets them a bath in his perspiration which will grant them one more time to live. He also turns Gian and Suneo into normal humans.

Then they move toward the attacked city. The city was empty. They found the army men at the castle. All of them plan to destroy the enemy's army by water as they were made of sand. So all of the army men get dissolved in water. The evil king gets furious at that. He decides to fight with Nobita himself. So he finishes Nobita one time. The other time he tries to finish him, Nobita and Doraemon get awakened by their mother, causing the dream to stop.

Doraemon and Nobita decide to finish the dream. He removes the antenna from all of his friends except for Shizuka, who was bathing. At night when Nobita and Doraemon were going to sleep, the fairy from the start of the dream came and took them to the dream again. This time still fighting with the king. King finishes the Shizuka one time as he does not know that she can regain life one more time. Nobita and the king continue to fight each other. Nobita keeps the edge of the sword toward the king. At the same time, Shizuka uses big light on the sword, which moves across the body of the evil king, causing him to die. The movie ends with princess Shizukaru agreeing to marry Nobita. After that, the movie cuts to a short scene, where Nobita and Shizuka go to school, remembering their dreams, with Nobita running behind Shizuka when she tells him that he looked smart in the dream.

Doraemon: Nobita's Diary on the Creation of the World

Nobita was reading a picture book in which he saw Adam and Eve disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. He commented that their descendants have to face many difficulties because of Adam and Eve's mistake. Then Doraemon reminded Nobita that he had to do his summer vacation research homework. Nobita decided to see his friends' research homework, only to be discouraged to see how all of them were having something to do.

Upon going to the future to view his completed homework, Nobita received a package of World Creation set ordered by Doraemon to help him with his work. Thus, Nobita started creating a new Solar System using "elements of the universe" dust and describe the process on the observatory diary. Nobita did encounter some problems, including being beaten by Gian for outrunning him with the homework after Gian and Suneo's mutual project for their homework failed, and letting his artificial sun devour the other planets due to Nobita's forgetfulness. Doraemon reversed the time, and they saved the project and got to see how Earth settles to have life, from tiny cells to fish-like organisms. Doraemon took Nobita to his universe. To speed up the process, Doraemon caught the ancestor of land vertebrates, a ''Eusthenopteron,'' and uses the Evolution-Devolution Beam on it to evolve it though there was a small bug disrupting Nobita. That night Gian decided to meet and apologize to Nobita and persuade him for a position on the project, but caught a strange falling star. He followed it and saw two humanoid mantis-like creatures talking. The creatures saw Gian and chase him but retreated when the time patrol came in their way; all was perceived as a sleepwalk by Gian. The next day, the first fish to ever walk on land had been seen, and soon followed by the ruling of the dinosaurs, which brought so much joy for Doraemon and Nobita. But soon, an asteroid hit the Earth, which caused the dinosaurs to perish. Nobita went devastated, but Doraemon comforted him. Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka joined the project. All of them entered Nobita's universe, where they got to see the earth during the Ice Age from which not only they made a satisfying record about the people, animal, lifestyle after helping a group of primitive kids who look like Nobita, Suneo and Gian find their way home, but also set the first step in superstition since Nobita presented with the kids, gave them the tool and called himself Kami. That day Gian ostentatiously revealed the project with two other friends, which caught the attention of the mantis-like creatures.

The next day, only Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka visited the universe, where they saw a sign of civilization, but in the early stage as shown with poor agriculture, witch doctor, and habit of human sacrifice. They also met the presumably descendants of the primitive kids, now in a different class, and encountered a mysterious giant two-head centipede-like monster. When the trio come back home to record their progress, Nobita had a strange pain in his butt caused by an unusually tiny arrow. Suneo and Gian decided to cancel their part in the project to have a vacation, which enraged the others. The duo was then kidnapped by the mantis creatures that Gian had caught sight of previously. The next day, Doraemon and Shizuka wandered off to other countries, while Nobita headed to Japan and followed his look-alike named Nobina, a herb merchandiser, who is treated badly by Suneo's look-a-like, a royal doctor named Sunemaro. Nobina, on the way home, rescued and took care of an injured beetle-like creature whom he calls Chunko. When Nobina's wife found out and kicked Chunko out of their house, Nobina went searching and reunited with her when a couple guided him through a cave to an exotic kingdom, where Nobina was treated well and rewarded with a huge amount of treasure, ending his long-lasting suffer in poverty. The daughter of Sunemaro then vanished, starting a vigorous searching as people suspected she was caught by an evil supernatural force. The couple, now revealing themself to be insect-like citizens, summoned a demonic entity to scare the people away, which is also later shown to be a gathering of thousands of insect people. Fortunately, the daughter is found oversleeping by a tree.

The trio, after traveling through many different cultures, had noticed the existence of tiny pixie creatures and stories of an underworld land coincidentally shared among ages and countries. The next day, the group traveled to Japan in the likely Taishō era and followed the air balloon led by Dr. Dekimatsu, Mr. president Nobihide and his secretary Shizuyo, the contemporary versions of Dekhisugi, Nobita, and Shizuka respectively, to a newly found giant hole in the South Pole. The crew was stopped by the figure of a god-like man, through which Doraemon looked to be another gathering of tiny insect people. He disintegrated them using his gadget, helping the crew to go on.

They arrive at the hole and enter it to reach at a different underground world where insect mantis inhabits Nobihide go for negotiate with the insect mantis king and king reveals that they are going to capture the upper world. While nobita and friends meet Gian and suneo with an insect boy. He also have a robot like doraemon. The boy says that he was trying to know about evolution of sea animals to land living animals actually nobita was the cause of it. So the insect reaches there city. This time the insect mantis was ready to attack the nobihide and the airship. Doraemon appears and say that nobita is the creator of the world and the also creates a new world for the insects mantis thus saves the humans.Then complete the diary.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Galaxy Super-express

In the park where they normally meet, Suneo invites his friends to his trip to Express Train. Nobita then appears looking very worried as Doraemon has been missing for a few days. Nobita returns home to see that Doraemon is back. Doraemon explains that he had acquired tickets for a Galactic Express Train from 22nd century. The train's destination and travelling time is unknown. After Nobita expresses concerns about missing school, Doraemon reassures him that he can use '''Anywhere Door'''.

The next day, Nobita tells invites his friends to the Galaxy Express. Gian and Shizuka agree except Suneo who wants them to join him instead. Though hesitant at first, he also joins them. The train has 58 carriages though 8 are visible from outside. Each carriage has 5 rooms. Nobita and his friends stay in Carriage no. 7. Once the train reaches its destination planet, the carriages separate. The friends disperse in different play planets and enjoy. Nobita and Doraemon enjoy shooting lessons while Gian and Suneo face misery in learning Ninja techniques.

Meanwhile, an evil force, called Yadori, is planning to take over humans together by turning the humans into parasites. A few days later, the first case of parasites is reported when the robot-dinosaurs at the planet start acting strangely. They decide to report about it to the Control Center in the Main Planet. Nobita and his friends find out some smoke coming out from the Main Control Center. When Gian and Suneo are in the main control center, investigating what happened, Suneo is captured by the parasites and is turned into Yadori 009.

Yadori 009 tricks his friends to lock them up after which Yadori 007 reveals that Yadori is set to conquer the galaxy. After, the group leaves, the captain of the train revives Suneo. The captain decides to take the train to another planet for safety however the train collapses en route on an abandoned planet. At the planet, the captain finds an electronic cave map which Gian later follows to explore caves but ends up getting lost along with two future kids.

Shizuka finds an anti-Yadori gun which they use on Yadori 009 who has entered on Nobita's Body from Suneo's ones. They also relocate Gian through his footprints and manage to get the train out of the mountain. Gian also finds a train which Doraemon attaches with the Galaxy Express. When they are preparing to leave, Yadori force finds and attacks them. A huge Yadori robot attacks the group resulting in an epic battle.but The group fight and defeat the whole force thus fleeing all the people from the virus and the president thanks the group. Nobita and his friends bid the planet farewell.

The future kids reconcile with Nobita and his group. The friends have a laugh and their planet arrives. The conductor thanks them for coming and asks them to come later whenever they like in the Galaxy Express.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City

Suneo is boasting about his private ground to Nobita, Gian, and Shizuka. Fed up, Nobita says that he will show his own ranch to them. When Doraemon refuses to help him, Nobita tries to find a way and discovers that Doraemon has won several lotteries that award "planets", though all of them are nothing more than inhabitable asteroids. When his friends come, Nobita shows a random planet to them, but to his surprise they arrive at a habitable and lush planet. Using a clockwork screw, they bring life to several toys and go on to build a toy town. Doraemon also builds an Egg Factory which gives birth living toys through toy eggs and a Photocopy Mirror. While capturing several satellite photos, they notice a shining substance inside a crater. Nobita and his friends go to explore the crater, but are hindered by a storm that wash them up to the shore. Returning to the city, they discover that the lightning-struck Egg Factory have produced toys that have human-like intelligence. Meanwhile, an escaped convict, Onigoro Kumatora, lets slip to Nobita's house and enters the toy city. When Nobita and his friends are distracted, Onigoro steals their city map, copies himself in the Egg Factory and with his copies travels to the crater.

Nobita and his friends continue to run the toy city and are surprised by another storm which give life to more intelligent toys. As they are still curious about the planet, they plan to use an enlarged Suneo's toy rocket to explore the planet from space. Meanwhile, Onigoro and his copies arrive at the crater, but find that it is not gold as they presumed, but instead a giant shape-shifting monster that attacks them. They escape and sabotage Suneo's rocket, cornering the group near a chasm. When they try to cross it, Shizuka's skirt gets snagged on the ladder. When Nobita risks his life to save her, his hand slips and he falls inside the chasm and lands on a bush, rendered unconscious. As the monster rampages again, the rest of the group and Onigoro escape using Suneo's rocket, but realize that it cannot fly for so long as it is only a toy, thus Onigoro and his copies stray away from the rocket while holding the others hostage, though they manage to escape before the explosion. Meanwhile, Nobita awakes and meets with the "Seed Sower", an ancient shape-shifter being who is the true identity of the monster. He explains that he had tried multiple times to give life on planets, including Earth and Mars, eventually settling the toy planet as his choice. While at first he tries to stop humans from entering the planet (Nobita and his friends are revealed to had entered the planet accidentally), he eventually chooses to give the responsibility of it in the humans' hands, before going away. With the help of the plants, Nobita escapes from the chasm and regroups with the others.

Learning that Onigoro has taken control of the toy city, Nobita and his friends plan an attack to reclaim the city. They manage to drive Onigoro and his copies off the city, but they plan to attack them the next day. However, Nobita and his friends enlist the help of the toys, and with them they capture Onigoro and his copies and collapses them back to one being, who turns out to be a mole-faced Onigoro (the least hostile of them), planning to surrender to the police kindly. Nobita and his friends then give the responsibility of the planet to the living toys before heading back to Earth.

Doraemon: Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas

Nobita Nobi and his friends are discussing school project themed around seas and oceans. Interested in pirate life and treasury, Nobita asks Doraemon to help him find secret treasures. Doraemon at first denies the pirates roaming in the present day as well as the existence of secret treasures, but after learning news about recently discovered treasury, he helps Nobita in his sea voyage in search for the secret treasure. Bringing along Shizuka Minamoto, Takeshi "Gian" Goda, and Suneo Honekawa, they roam the Pacific Ocean while playing ship and sea danger simulators with Doraemon's gadgets.

However, Doraemon senses a time distortion that takes the group to the 16th century when real dangerous phenomena and sea monsters begin appearing. When a whirlpool destroys the group's ship, Nobita goes missing due to drowning and floating away, while the others are rescued by 16th century-pirates boarding a huge pirate ship. All but a few of Doraemon's gadgets are gone following the whirlpool incident and they must assist the pirates in rescuing their comrades, with a female pirate named Betty having lost track of her brother and father, who is the leader of the company. Although Doraemon's treasure map is torn in half, the pirates learn that their map is exactly the same as their own treasure map, confirming the existence of the secret treasures.

Meanwhile, a drowned Nobita is rescued by a dolphin and taken to an island where Betty's younger brother, Jack lives. Although Nobita is unable to converse with Jack due to a language barrier, the two befriend and Nobita learns the dolphin's name, Ruffin, as well as the fact that Jack is also separated from his family, like himself. The pirate company eventually arrives at the island and begins searching for Nobita and Jack. One by one, the pirates and Doraemon's company are attacked and captured by the island's inhabitants, which Doraemon notes as being uncannily similar to a pirate simulator created in the 22nd century.

After Riffin catches a glimpse of the other torn half of treasure map owned by Nobita, it quickly leads Nobita and Jack to a 22nd-century-underground facility, but are captured by security guards. It is revealed that the facility is run by a 22nd-century businessman named Cash, who creates and sells genetically altered animals for money with the help of a scientist, Dr. Clone. Ruffin is taken to be experimented in Dr. Clone's laboratory, while Nobita and Jack are thrown to jail and reunited with Doraemon and the pirate company.

Two pirates of the pirate company who are not captured stage a plan to bail the others as well as the pirates captured earlier, including Betty and Jack's father, out. They eventually manage to do that, and Nobita and his friends go to break the control system and free Ruffin. Cash orders the genetically altered animals to attack the company, but they manage to defeat all of them. Eventually, Cash's masterpiece, a sea monster breaks out and attacks the group. The sea monster swallows Doraemon and Cash, but the former manages to get himself and Cash out through a pinch gadget. The sea monster crashes into the walls of the cave which contains the facility, effectively flooding it as well as the rest of the island.

As the island starts sinking, the company escapes from the island with the help of Ruffin and its other dolphin friends. Cash is arrested by the Future Time Patrols summoned by Ruffin, who is revealed to be a secret agent of them who was sent to bust out Cash and his associates. The pirates, having recovered their leader, Betty and Jack's father, are now rich as they have found the secret treasures on the island. Bidding the pirates goodbye, Nobita and his friends return to the present time as they see that the pirates have erected a sail featuring Doraemon's face on it.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Legend of the Sun King

A Mesoamerican kingdom, called Mayana, is ruled by a queen until an evil witch, Ledina, casts a spell putting her into an eternal sleep. Until the queen awakes, the throne is passed to her young son, Prince Tio.

In the present day, Nobita and his friends are rehearsing for a school play based on ''Snow White'' with Doraemon's gadgets, but a series of miscasts halt their progress. Gian selfishly takes the gadgets to perform on an imaginary stadium, leading to Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka's attempt to take them back through a time portal. Gian's violent reaction breaks the portal, unknowingly connecting it to a tree in the forests of Mayana. Tio's pet jerboa-like creature, Popol ransacks Nobita's room and spreads his test papers throughout the forest, forcing Nobita and Doraemon to cross the portal to collect them. Along the way, Nobita is cornered by Tio until both land on a mud lake; to his surprise, he finds out that both of them look-alike. The three attempt to escape through the portal, but Nobita lags behind and gets captured by the kingdom guards, who mistake him for Tio. Tio himself, amazed by the "magic" of present-day technology, decides that he will temporarily switch roles with Nobita for several days, which Doraemon reluctantly agrees.

At Mayana, culture shock and unexpected demands for a prince to wage war are Nobita's initial hardships while assuming Tio's role. However, Nobita astonishes the masses and Tio's associates with his friendly nature, as they had to face their prince's usual pride and rudeness. Using Doraemon's gadgets, he helps the poor kingdom, cursed by Ledina, by manipulating the weather, further amazing the people. Nobita befriends Tio's childhood friend, Kuku, whose father, Ishumaru, serves as Tio's battle tutor. Kuku, long having had a crush on Tio, is pleased by "Tio's" change of attitude when Nobita accepts her offer to make him a necklace. Meanwhile, Tio's surly and violent tendencies constantly causes problems and eventually annoys even the likes of Shizuka, causing Doraemon to expose the secret. With Tio returning to Mayana alongside Doraemon, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, Nobita is forced to wear a woman's attire so as to not confuse the others. Gian offers to become Ishumaru's student and Nobita helps Tio win a match in a ball game. After Nobita and his friends' departure, Kuku presents her necklace for Tio, who harshly rejects it, leading her to run away crying. However, Tio suddenly remembers Shizuka calling him out on his behavior while posing as Nobita and runs after Kuku to apologize. As Kuku cries near the river, Ledina's animal-controlling henchman kidnap her to lure Tio at her palace.

The next day, Tio and Ishumaru stage Kuku's rescue, accompanied by Nobita, now wearing the prince attire back as well as the necklace given to him by Kuku, and his friends. While attempting to escape a snake pit, Ishumaru seemingly falls to his death. Unbeknownst to the group, Ledina sees that Tio disobeyed her demand to come alone at her palace and decides to eliminate the others. The group is then attacked by the henchman who kidnapped Kuku at the river, where Tio is kidnapped by an eagle and falls into the jungle. The others successfully manage to defeat the henchman when Doraemon feeds a special kind of bubblegum to the man's crocodile steed, which upon consuming the gum has its belly inflated and floats up to the sky. While trying to find Tio, an illusion-causing underling of Ledina informs the group that Kuku will be sacrificed at Ledina's pyramid-shaped temple.

The group move onto the pyramid where they are attacked and eventually defeat Ledina's illusion-causing henchman. Ledina tells "Tio" to come to her as a sacrifice for restoring her youth during the solar eclipse in exchange for Kuku's life. Ledina demands the group not to get in her way, and she burns Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket with her powers and sends out her warrior henchman who attacks Gian. A fight ensues, but Ishumaru, having survived his fall, comes to Gian's aid and defeats the warrior. Nobita seemingly offers himself, but reveals that he had a spare pocket and uses a switching handkerchief to replace Kuku with a stone statue before attempting to escape. Enraged at his attempt to resist her, Ledina captures Nobita, but the people of Mayana arrive to save "Tio". Ledina is unimpressed by this and is about to kill Nobita, but Tio, having survived his fall, reveals himself and offers to sacrifice himself for Nobita who taught him about friendship. Unfortunately, Ledina sees that she's running out of time and decides to just use Nobita, but the sun shines on Kuku's necklace which sends out a blinding light on Ledina giving him a chance to be freed from her grasp and throw Doraemon the spare pocket. Ledina's ritual soon fails and reveals her true, elderly appearance. She activates the temple's self-destruct system in one final attempt to kill Tio, but he and Nobita are saved by Ledina's condor, turned friendly by Doraemon's Momotaro dangos.

Kuku is successfully rescued, though she remains in an enchanted sleep. Shizuka suggests that she can only be woken up by her "prince", akin to the ending of ''Snow White''; Tio heeds and kisses Kuku, freeing her from the spell. The queen, having awoken from her sleep, announces that Tio will succeed her as king. To their dismay, Nobita and his friends find out that the portal is weakening and likely unable to connect with Maya again. Without Tio's presence, Nobita bids his last farewell to him.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves

After watching a televised showing about supposedly humanoid birds spotted in Africa, Nobita dreams of being able to fly with wings. He builds wooden wings after Doraemon refuses to help him, though he repeatedly fails to fly using them. While helping Shizuka to reclaim her pet canary, they witness a portal opens in the sky and a humanoid bird riding an airplane coming out. He introduces himself as Gusuke, a humanoid bird who lives in "Birdopia". Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka help Gusuke fix his airplane, where Nobita becomes fast friends with him. As Gusuke departs to his home, Gian and Suneo catch him and grab his plane. The other three follow them through the portal.

Arriving at Birdopia, Gian and Suneo are captured by crow soldiers and brought to the vulture Commander Seagrid, who plans execution for them. Meanwhile, Doraemon, Nobita, and Shizuka find Gusuke near the owl Professor Hou's house after fleeing from the same crow soldiers with the help of an ostrich taxi service. Hou explains that Birdopia is a world existed far away from human world and is connected only during bird migration, which are guarded by Bird Migration Patrolling Troops. Seagrid was once a member of the troops, but he was shot by humans and retired shortly, seeking vengeance at them. After Hou advises them to take cover as not many liked humans in Birdopia, Doraemon brings "Bird Hats" which can sprout wings by wearing them, with him as a pigeon, Nobita a duck, and Shizuka a swan. The three and Gusuke manage to stage a rescue of Gian and Suneo shortly thereafter, and Doraemon gives them Bird Hats of an albatross and a woodpecker respectively. Gusuke informs Nobita and his friends that there will be an annual competition, "Rally Icarus", which is used to recruit members of the Patrolling Troops, and that they should join it. During a dinner with Gusuke's parents and his friend, Milk, Gusuke confesses that he is actually adopted and that he is unable to fly naturally due to the trauma of falling he got before being founded. Meanwhile, Hou translates an ancient Birdopia tablet which contains information about Phoenicia, an ancient dragon-like being who can bring destruction to the world. The captain of the crow soldiers reports to Seagrid after overhearing it, after which Seagrid kidnaps Hou for the location of Phoenicia so he will be able to use it to destroy humanity.

During Rally Icarus which takes place at a giant tree called the Perched Tree, Gusuke manages to win but gets disqualified when Seagrid's falcon lieutenant Babylon, by Seagrid's orders, explains that he did not fly naturally. The group later realize that Hou is missing and after Doraemon learns about Phoenicia by reading the tablet using Translator Jelly, go to search for Icarus, a legendary eagle who was imprisoned in the Birdopia prison after being falsely accused of letting Seagrid shot. They manage to convince him to stop Seagrid from awakening Phoenicia, who is buried at a mountain. Along the way, they find a projector which projects a hologram of Mamoru Torino, a 23rd-century Ornithologist who is obsessed in creating a safe haven for birds, which eventually led to the creation of Birdopia, an alternate timeline of the human world. However, the group is too late to stop Seagrid as he successfully awakens Phoenicia. Doraemon attempts to de-evolve Phoenicia into an amoeba using his Transgression Beam, but he gets into a struggle with Babylon, which causes the beam to instead evolve the creature into a bigger, stronger version. The creature does not follow Seagrid's bidding and goes on a rampage in Birdopia. During the battle, Gusuke awakes his ability to fly and manages to lure Phoenicia to the top of the Perched Tree, while Doraemon and Nobita travel to the top of the tree where Mamoru's time machine is located, intending to harm Phoenicia. While it does not work, they instead transport both the machine and Phoenicia back to billions of years in the past, before the Earth is even created (Pre-Hadean Era).

Celebrating the victory over Phoenicia, Gusuke is revealed to be Icarus's son and he is given the position of Captain of the Bird Migration Patrolling Troops. Nobita and his friends bid farewell to Gusuke before returning to their home world.

Doraemon: Nobita in the Robot Kingdom

Doraemon and his friends meet a strange robot boy from a futuristic ordering machine. Through a difficult time space maze (possibly a deep hole), they finally reach the boy's planet, but many treasures fall. The party goes to Dr. Capek's house and learns about Queen Jane's "Robot Reproduction Plan" to eliminate the robot's emotions stemming from the loss of its previous vengeful father and the Commander's support. Dister. The young Poko leaves alone to search for the captured Maria, who was attacked by the Queen's army. The group saves the boy, but Doraemon, a robot, is captured. He is locked up and meets Maria. Thanks to the "tickling solution", he defeated the "Invincible King" in the battle in the robot arena and met his friends again. Both Doraemon and Poko set out for the Rainbow Valley and inadvertently saved Queen Jenna from the murderous plot of Dister, who has now become the new King. They and the people of the robotic kingdom attacked Dister in Rome but did not expect this to be a giant robot. Thanks to the "universal steering wheel", Nobita controlled "Robot Arena" to defeat the Robot into Drai but it turned into a rocket carrying both Doraemon and Maria, preparing to crash into the moon - a natural satellite of this planet. Thanks to the delivery machine, Doraemon reunited with his friends and mother, Poko, was reunited; they also discovered that Dister was the younger brother of Dr. Capek. Finally, the robot kingdom returned to the peaceful, happy days as before.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Windmasters

When a mysterious tomb in a faraway land is opened by storm villagers, two strange spheres and the spirit of an ancient wizard, called Uranda sama, leader of Storm village are set free. The ancient wizard goes and possesses the body of a wolf. One of the spheres ends up in Nobita's neighborhood. Next one goes and ends up in wind village. As the first one breaks open, an odd cyclone creature is set free. First, Suneo had got it and he tried to catch it and make his pet but he was unsuccessful. Meanwhile, Nobita was eating ice cream to his way back home but that odd cyclone snatched it. Nobita followed it and then the cyclone threw the ice cream at the head of Gian. Due to this he becomes angry and he tries to beat Nobita but he ends up with a crash in a trash box. then the cyclone followed Nobita to his house. It created a disaster, annoying Nobita's mom. Then he liked it so much that he wanted to keep it. While trying to take care of it, Nobita tried to hide it from his mom. So he made its appearance like a doll in a manga (a soft toy machine camera to make it as a toy). Then he takes it to Shizuka to show her. But the odd cyclone runs away after getting scolded by Nobita for blowing Shizuka's skirt up. Then when Nobita was alone, the odd cyclone flew up to him. He named it Fuuko, and declared that Fuuko is a girl.

As there was no space in the Nobita's neighbourhood, he and his friends with Doraemon use Anywhere door but they got accidentally taken to a location hidden from the rest of the world: the Wind Village. There they discover different types of creatures and meet some incredible people and also made friends with Temujin and his family. They enjoy there very much and played a wind top game with Temujin. Nobita wins the game with good shots. In evening they return from Anywhere door. They left Fuuko at Wind Village. Seeing the Anywhere door, the ancient wizard also comes through it. Then it possessed the body of Suneo. Meanwhile, Temujin discovers next sphere. But it flies away and goes to wizard. Next day Doraemon and his friends again visit Wind Village. They meet Storm Villagers and also the wizard in the appearance of Suneo. Then they attack them and in this process they capture Fuuko and also steal Doraemon's pocket. They trap Fuuko in a prison and they have enjoyment. Meanwhile, Doraemon and his friends go to prison and free Fuuko. There caused massive typhoons throughout the land. Doraemon and the others then join forces with the Wind Village to prevent the worst from happening. At this process, Fuuko loses her power and goes somewhere far. Nobita fell into a trap and reunited with Fuuko when he tried to help Shizuka when she fell. A yak advised Nobita to take care of Fuuko and not to bring her near the red jewel sphere. when Uranda sama woke Mafuuga the dragon in front of the red jewel, Fuuko's soul along with another soul. Then Suneo becomes normal. One of the person of storm village was most wanted criminal of twenty-second century. He was an archaeologist. He controlled the dragon Mafuuga (formerly by the ancient wizard Uranda sama and trapped the wizard in a spirit capturing cage. Nobita took a heavy sword to thrash him but in vain. Then Fuuko went to the volcano to ignite herself and went to the opposite direction (swirling herself while Mafuuga was swirling in Fuuko's Opposite direction). She sacrificed herself, leaving the soft toy she wore. Nobita was in tears. He vowed that he wouldn't forget her till his last breath. Then he took the soft toy (Suneo said to Gian to leave Nobita alone for a few minutes when Gian wanted to comfort Nobita. Then time patrol came to capture the crook. So he was captured by time patrol and Nobita bids goodbye to Temujin and his family and hugged the soft toy. Doraemon and his friends returned home.

The next morning, when Nobita went to school, he saw a mini twirl of wind following him, reminding him of Fuuko. He smiled as he went home.

The Million Hare

During the opening titles, the song "With Plenty of Money and You" is heard. The camera pans down a stack of TV antennas and enters the underground home of Bugs Bunny, who is being visited by Daffy Duck. As they watch a TV game show called "Beat Your Buddy", an announcer says he will draw two names from the "buddy barrel", and that the first name to reach the television studio will win "a million bucks." He then draws Bugs and Daffy's names.

Bugs and Daffy race each other to the studio. Daffy finds himself continuously hindered, usually due to his own impatience. For example, he drives a moped onto a bridge under construction and winds up in the water below-forgetting that, as a duck, he can already fly and swim.

Bugs, keeping a steady, simple pace, reaches the studio's building first. Daffy dons a jet pack, hoping to beat Bugs to the top floor. He flies to the top floor, grabs Bugs, and zooms out the other end of the building. They land in an antique glass shop and are taken to a hospital. Even though they are in bandages, with Daffy on crutches and Bugs in a wheelchair (yelling "giddy up, mule, ya, ya!"), they continue the race and Daffy crosses the finish line first.

Daffy then discovers that the "million bucks" is actually a "Million BOX"—a huge box filled with one million little boxes. Considering the prize worthless, Daffy gives it to Bugs. The announcer then reveals that "inside each of the one million little boxes, there is a crisp, brand-new $1 bill"—thus Daffy has just given Bugs $1,000,000. "With Plenty of Money and You" is heard again, and the announcer asks Daffy if he wants to say something to the audience. Daffy's head slowly changes into that of a donkey (a "jackass"), and he starts braying.

Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick

Private detective Duckman becomes a celebrity and is about to star in his own TV show. Now, he lives his life with pleasure, abandoning his family, only to be one day removed and replaced by a new Duckman, a more muscular and superhero-like. The Duckman is about to commit suicide, being rejected by his family, however, his friend, Cornfed, asks him to return his place under the sun and take down the new Duckman. After a series of humorous adventures, Duckman is able to gain access to the studio where the show is filming. There, he confronts his impersonator, who is revealed to be a robot, and is then destroyed. The game culminates with Duckman opposing the one behind the whole impersonator plot, his archenemy, the 'King' Chicken.

The Keys of the Kingdom (film)

Father Francis Chisholm is visited in his old age by Monsignor Sleeth at his fictional Scottish parish of Tynecastle in Tweedside. The Monsignor informs Francis that the Bishop thinks it would be better if he retires, as his somewhat unorthodox recent teachings have become a distraction. The Monsignor retires to his room in the rectory, and finds Father Francis' diary that recounts his story from 1878. As the Monsignor begins to read the diary, a flashback begins.

One night during his childhood, Francis' father was beaten by an anti-Catholic mob during a rainstorm. As his mother attempts to lead her husband to safety, they both die in a bridge collapse, leaving young Francis to be raised by his aunt until he leaves for the seminary with his childhood friend, Anselm "Angus" Mealey. Francis studies for about a year, but finds himself still in love with Nora, a girl from his home town. He learns that, after he left for the seminary, Nora had a child out of wedlock with another man> he goes to see her but arrives just as she dies, giving birth to a daughter Judy. He goes back to the seminary and completes his studies.

The Bishop suggests that Francis volunteer for the missions in China. Francis accepts, even though it will take him far from home and Nora's young child, Judy. Francis arrives in Paitan, China to find that the mission has been destroyed by floods. He rents a small room in the city and starts to evangelise, but because he has no money or influence he is chastised by some "rice Christians" who only attended to receive free rice. They throw mud at the sign he erects advertising his little Christian room.

A young Christian Chinese, Joseph, offers to help rebuild the church. He had heard of the return of a missionary and has walked 5 days to reach the village. He does not seek money for help in rebuilding the mission. He sees it as a privilege to "work for God" and Francis is humbled by the man's Christian spirit. They create the St Andrews Christian Mission.

Francis receives a shipment of medical supplies from his childhood friend, Dr William (Willie) Tulloch. An old woman comes with her granddaughter and asks that Francis care for the child when she, the old woman, dies. Francis is then summoned to the home of local official, Mr Chia, to cure Chia's only son of an infection. Despite the risk if he fails, Francis saves the boy. A few weeks later, Chia comes to Francis in order to convert to Christianity, but Francis rejects him because he would be converting from gratitude rather than true belief. A relieved Chia then donates land and provides labourers to rebuild the mission. Three nuns arrive and set up further Christian provisions. The Reverend Mother, a cold, aloof woman born in wealthy nobility, immediately causes friction between herself and Francis.

Two years later Willie visits from Scotland and is able to create a makeshift hospital. The mission is destroyed along with much of the town in a series of fires caused by imperial troops battling republican forces. Willie is fatally shot and dies in Francis' care. The imperial general demands most of the mission's food and funds or the troops will destroy the mission. Joseph and Francis come up with a plan. They approach the imperial camp pretending they are carrying food and money. The bundle is explosives. Joseph places it next to the main offending cannon. Francis throws a torch and ignites it. The cannon is destroyed as are 32 troops. Francis is injured and has a limp from thereon.

Later, Angus (Vincent Price) arrives as part of a review of missionary sites. He tells Francis that Bishop McNab is dead. He explains that the Church cannot pay for rebuilding the mission, and that Francis has the lowest of all in conversion rates. He tells Francis to focus on converting rich Chinese and to improve his clothes and accommodation to impress the locals, but Francis refuses. Afterwards Reverend Mother Maria Veronica, apologises for her longstanding disdainful attitude to Francis, and realises he has a truly humble Christian spirit.

Further ten years pass. Francis is keeping bees and making wax and honey. A new church has been built. A rival American mission has been opened in Paitan - a Protestant mission run by the Methodist Church under Rev Fiske and his wife. Francis goes to visit.

More years pass. Francis reaches retirement age and two young priests come to replace him. Francis plans to look after Judy's son when he goes back to Scotland. On his final day the townspeople line the street as Francis drives through in an open top car. Joseph had a speech prepared but cannot read it. Francis blesses the crowd.

The flashback ends, and Monsignor Sleeth admits to Francis that he spent the whole night reading Francis' journal and that he won't be telling the Bishop anything is amiss at Francis' parish, leaving him free to continue serving his parish, and raising Judy's orphaned son, Andrew. They get their fishing rods and head off.

Ultraviolet: Code 044

In the dystopian future of year 2140, 044 becomes the strongest female soldier excelling in combat through gene manipulation using the Hemophage Virus. However, in exchange for her abilities, her days become numbered. Her next mission from the government is to destroy a bloodthirsty group of people, the Phage, and its leader King. In her battle, she encounters a Phage soldier, Luka, and finds herself unable to kill him. She wonders why, but as a result, Daxus II, the leader of the government group, regards her as a traitor. She is targeted by both Phage and the government, as she flees with the injured Luka.

How to Be a Serial Killer

Mike Wilson (Dameon Clarke) is a charismatic, educated, and articulate young man who has found his life's purpose in exterminating people. Determined to spread his message about the joy of serial murder, Mike recruits a lost soul named Bart (Matthew Gray Gubler) to be his pupil and leads his charge through the "ethics" of murder as well as teaching him various lessons in disposing of corpses, balancing work and play, methods of killing, and many more. Mike and Bart's curriculum is interrupted when Mike's girlfriend Abigail discovers what's beneath her boyfriend's charming exterior and Mike and Bart must kill their way out of being discovered by the cops.


Vespetta the chambermaid wheedles her way into marrying her employer, old Pimpinone. Once married she shows her waspish nature (the name Vespetta means "little wasp") and completely dominates her husband.

Three Can Play That Game

When Byron (George) hits the big time, no one is happier than his girlfriend Tiffany (Lewis) - that is, until she catches him flirting with his sly new project manager Carla (Kellita Smith). While contemplating whether to break it off with Byron, Tiffany's best friend tells her about a specialist for women whose men can not control their primitive urges. Enter Ms. Shanté Smith (Fox). Using her knowledge of the male psyche and her new Five Step program, Shanté gives Tiffany the necessary tools she needs to "train" Byron and teach him a lesson for his behavior. However, Byron also has expert advice in his corner, courtesy of his best friend Gizzard (Tony Rock). Once again, the battle for the title of the superior sex is on.

Legend of the Seeker

The story takes place in the world created by author Terry Goodkind in his fantasy novel series, ''The Sword of Truth''. The three main provinces are Westland, the Midlands and D'Hara. Westland is separated from the Midlands by a magical boundary, which was created to prevent any magic from entering Westland. On the other side of the Midlands is D'Hara, which is ruled by Darken Rahl. Seekers are accompanied by a Wizard of The First Order and Confessors, an ancient order of women, who oversee the welfare of the people of the Midlands and the Seeker.

The first season is loosely based on the first book of ''The Sword of Truth'' series ''Wizard's First Rule''. Some of the stories feature events and characters not encountered in the books, while others loosely adapt events from the book. The story begins after the invasion of Darken Rahl's army into the Midlands. Kahlan Amnell, a Confessor, ventures into Westland in search of a wizard and the Seeker, who has been prophesied to defeat Rahl. Kahlan finds the wizard, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, and the Seeker, a young man named Richard Cypher, who is forced to accept a destiny he never knew about. Together, they set off on a quest to seek out and defeat Darken Rahl.

The second season is loosely based on ''Stone of Tears'', the second book in Goodkind's series. It tells the story of how Richard, Kahlan, and Zeddicus discover that their quest during the first season caused them to unintentionally help the Keeper of the Underworld create tears in the veil which separates the land of the dead from the world of the living. Their new quest is to find the Stone of Tears, seal the rifts between the worlds, and defeat the Keeper. They are joined in this quest by Cara, a Mord-Sith and their former enemy.

Stolen Women: Captured Hearts

The story is set on the plains of Kansas in 1868, where General George Custer has destroyed a village of Cheyenne Indians. Seeking revenge, a band of Lakota led by Tokalah (Michael Greyeyes) attack a wagon train headed to Fort Hays, Kansas, where they kill nearly everyone in the wagons. However, when Tokalah comes to the remaining wagon driven by Anna Brewster (Janine Turner) he lets her and her pregnant friend go.

Anna makes it to Fort Hays and is met by her brother Stewart (Ted Shackelford), a pastor, who has arranged for her to marry Daniel Morgan (Patrick Bergin). Not long after her marriage, Sarah White (Jean Louisa Kelly) is visiting Anna when Tokalah and other Lakota men break into the home and take both women. Daniel and Stewart try to go after them but are unsuccessful in following their trail, as is Captain Robert Farnsworth (Dennis Weaver) who later joins the hunt.

At the Lakota camp, Sarah resists blending in while Anna takes more readily to their culture. Tokalah, who begins to learn English from young half-white Cetan (William Lightning), and Anna grow closer. Sarah and Anna, who still remembers that she's a married woman, steal horses and escape one night. Tokalah and his men catch up with them and Tokalah sends the men back with Sarah. He and Anna argue, with Anna saying that she never asked to be taken from her husband, but Tokalah tells her that she did ask, claiming that he "heard her" ask. Giving into their feelings, they spend a passionate night together on the plains.

Back at Fort Hays, General Custer (William Shockley) arrives to take over the search using his favorite scout, a Native American named Bloody Knife. He, Farnsworth, Daniel and Stewart make contact with Tokalah and Chief Luta (Saginaw Grant) who tell him that they can have Sarah but not Anna. Daniel realizes that Tokalah has "lain with" Anna and Custer puts Luta under arrest, saying he will be hanged if both women are not returned. The next day, the Lakota return and a battle ensues, and a wounded Tokalah returns to camp. Anna tells Tokalah she must leave in order to spare Luta; Tokalah tells her that they belong together, as he had seen her before in a vision. Anna still leaves to Custer's encampment and Luta is released.

Anna returns to her husband and their home, where Sarah soon visits and tells Anna that she must leave her husband as she now knows where she belongs. After giving Daniel one last night together, Anna rides off to the Lakota camp only to find it destroyed. She then sees Tokalah still on the land, mourning. He assumes she is another vision, but she touches his face and they confess their love and embrace.

Herobear and the Kid

Tyler's life is changed when he inherits a toy bear and a broken pocket watch.

Thunder and Lightnings

Andrew Mitchell moves to Tiler's Cottage in East Anglia. He goes to his new school and meets Victor Skelton in General Studies class. The two slowly become friends and do things together, including going to RAF Coltishall to see the aeroplanes, which are English Electric Lightnings. Victor is devastated when he discovers that his beloved Lightnings are to be replaced with Jaguars.

Planet of the Apes (1968 film)

Astronauts Taylor, Landon, and Dodge awaken from deep hibernation after a near-light-speed space voyage. Stewart, the lone female crew member, is dead due to a sleep chamber malfunction caused by an air leak. Their spacecraft crashes into a lake on an unknown planet; Taylor's estimate places them in Orion's Bellatrix System, 300 light-years from their home Solar System. Before they abandon their sinking vessel, the three survivors read the ship's chronometer as November 25, 3978 – two thousand and six years after their departure in 1972. However, due to time dilation, the astronauts themselves have aged slightly less than one year.

The men travel through desolate wasteland, coming across eerie scarecrow-like figures and a freshwater lake with lush vegetation. While swimming, the men's clothes are stolen and shredded by primitive mute humans. Soon after, armed gorillas raid a cornfield where the humans are gathering food. Taylor is shot in the throat as he and the others are captured. Dodge is killed and Landon rendered unconscious in the chaos. Taylor is taken to Ape City. Two chimpanzees, animal psychologist Zira and surgeon Galen, save Taylor's life, though his throat injury renders him temporarily mute.

Taylor is placed with a captive female, whom he later names Nova. He observes an advanced society of talking apes with a strict caste system: gorillas are the military force and laborers; orangutans oversee government and religion; and intellectual chimpanzees are mostly scientists and doctors. The ape society is a theocracy, while the apes consider the primitive humans as vermin to be hunted and either killed outright, enslaved, or used in scientific experiments. Taylor convinces Zira and her fiancé, Cornelius, that he is as intelligent as they are; one way by making a paper airplane. Dr. Zaius, their orangutan superior, arranges for Taylor to be castrated against Zira's protests. Taylor escapes and finds Dodge's stuffed corpse on display in a museum. He is soon recaptured, in the process revealing that he can speak, which alarms the apes.

A hearing to determine Taylor's origins is convened. Taylor mentions his two comrades, learning that Landon was lobotomized and rendered catatonic. Believing Taylor is from an unknown human tribe beyond their borders, Zaius privately threatens to castrate and lobotomize Taylor for refusing to reveal his origins. With help from Zira's nephew Lucius, Zira and Cornelius free Taylor and Nova and take them to the Forbidden Zone, a taboo region outside Ape City where Taylor's ship crashed. Ape law has ruled the area out of bounds for centuries. Cornelius and Zira are intent to gather proof of an earlier non-simian civilization – which Cornelius discovered a year earlier – to be cleared of heresy; Taylor focuses on proving he comes from a different planet.

When the group arrives at the cave, Cornelius is intercepted by Zaius and his soldiers. Taylor holds them off by threatening to shoot Zaius, who agrees to enter the cave to disprove their theories. Inside, Cornelius displays remnants of a technologically advanced human society pre-dating simian history. Taylor identifies artifacts such as dentures, eyeglasses, a heart valve...and, to the apes' astonishment, a talking human doll. Zaius admits he has always known about the ancient human civilization. Taylor wants to search for answers. Zaius warns Taylor against finding an answer which he does not like, adding that the now-desolate Forbidden Zone was once a lush paradise. After Taylor and Nova are allowed to leave, Zaius has the cave sealed off to destroy the evidence, while charging Zira, Cornelius, and Lucius with heresy.

Taylor and Nova follow the shoreline on horseback. Eventually, they discover the remnants of the Statue of Liberty, revealing that this supposedly alien planet is actually Earth, long after an apocalyptic nuclear war. Understanding Zaius' earlier warning while Nova looks on in shock, Taylor falls to his knees in despair, condemning humanity for destroying the world.

The Hearse

Jane Hardy, a schoolteacher in San Francisco, suffers a nervous breakdown following a divorce and the simultaneous death of her mother. To emotionally recover, she decides to spend the summer in the rural town of Blackford in a home left to her by her late aunt, Rebecca. Upon arriving, she is given keys to the house by Walter Pritchard, a local attorney who claims Jane's mother once promised to bestow him the property. Shortly after moving in, Jane begins experiencing supernatural occurrences, including witnessing apparitions of her aunt Rebecca, and a ghostly black hearse driven by a mysterious man that pulls into the driveway before vanishing. Furthermore, she is unsettled by the locals' passive-aggressive reactions to her presence in the town, including from Pritchard, who is deliberately unhurried to place the home in her name.

Jane hires Paul, the son of the local hardware store owner, to help her make repairs on the home, and finds a trunk in the attic full of her aunt's personal mementos, including a diary in which she wrote of her life as a minister's wife. Late one night, Jane crashes her car on the way home, and is given a ride by Tom Sullivan, a mysterious but kind man passing by in a vintage black car. Tom pays for a tow truck for Jane, and returns the following night with her car. Jane accepts his invitation to go boating on a nearby lake.

Later that night, Jane uncovers more details from her aunt Rebecca's diary that reveal Rebecca was indoctrinated by her minister husband, Robert, who was actually a devil worshipper, and convinced her to join him in a pact with Satan. Shortly after, Jane has a vivid nightmare in which she is taken away by the hearse as her aunt watches from the house, and observes her own funeral. Jane's mental stability is further challenged by other odd goings-on in the home, including the sounds of what she believes are people breaking in at night. She later sees a woman from one of her nightmares at the local church, but her fears are assuaged by the Reverend Winston.

Once the house is finally probated to Jane, Pritchard confirms to Jane that her aunt Rebecca worshipped Satan, and that upon her death, the hearse carrying her body crashed on the nearby road, but both the driver of the hearse, along with Rebecca's body and her coffin, inexplicably disappeared. Since this event, locals have been haunted by the image of the hearse. Meanwhile, Jane continues her romance with Tom, and after a date, invites him into her home, where they have sex. Jane's romance with Tom upsets Paul, who expresses that he too is attracted to her.

One night, after Tom fails to arrive for a date, a drunken Pritchard begins vandalizing the home, causing Jane to flee in terror. Paul arrives shortly after to leave flowers for Jane, only to be attacked by an unseen assailant. Meanwhile, Jane arrives at Tom's house, but finds it inexplicably abandoned and dilapidated; on a table lay a framed antique photo of a young Rebecca with Tom. Behind the home, Jane finds a gravestone inscribed "Robert Thomas Sullivan". A terrified Jane returns to her home to pack her belongings, intending to leave. In the bathroom, she finds Pritchard's corpse hanging in the shower, along with Paul's body. Jane is confronted by Tom, who professes his love for her, explaining that Rebecca was "too weak" and did not fulfill her pact with Satan. Promising Jane eternal life, Tom begins to cast a spell on her, but is interrupted by Reverend Winston, who arrives and begins an exorcism to save Jane. She flees in her car, followed by Tom, who chases her in the hearse. The chase ends in a collision that causes the hearse to topple off a cliff and explode.

Back at the home, an apparition of Rebecca appears in the window as the house goes dark.

Casa Tomada

A male narrator and his sister are introduced, both in their early-forties. Each has faced difficulties in their adult lives, the narrator having lost his fiancée long ago, and the sister (Irene) having denied two suitors who sought her hand in marriage. Inheriting their parent's house and wealth, they live a quiet, usually mundane, domestic existence.

The narrator describes the estate and the siblings' routine in great detail, describing their chores and interests; Irene knits all day, unraveling her work the moment it does not please her, while the narrator collects French literature and buys Irene wool during his visits to the bookstores.

Usually, their home is silent, but when one day the narrator suddenly hears something inside another part of the house, the siblings escape to a smaller section, locked behind a solid oak door. In the intervening days, they become frightened and solemn; on the one hand noting that there is less housecleaning, but regretting that the interlopers have prevented them from retrieving many of their personal belongings. All the while, they can occasionally hear noises from the other side.

Eventually, the narrator hears "them" take over the section of the house he and Irene have been forced into. Hurriedly, the siblings escape the house and find themselves in the street, empty-handed. The narrator locks the front door and tosses the key into the sewer.

The source of the noises is never revealed, leaving the reader to wonder who or what has taken over the house and forced the sister and brother out. The story has been viewed as an anti-Peronism work, since Julio Cortázar had been forced to resign his professorship the same year the story was written.

Strike Gunner S.T.G.

In the far future A.D. 2008 aliens have invaded the Earth and launched a full-scale war that threatens humankind. Earth's scientists have built two of the ultimate weapons, the Strike Gunner, piloted by Mark McKenzie and Jane Sinclair to repel the invasion and destroy the alien armies.

Jumbor Barutronica

The background of story revolves around the human civilization in 3002 where destruction and challenge were brought by the harsh nature. In this era of constant war against nature and havoc, construction teams were the star of economy system, the conquering force as well as a weapon themselves, because heavy robots were used in construction works to speed up efficiency.

Baru Craw was the leader of a famous construction team for the kingdom of Dorvok. One day, as their group was about to start a reconstruction work of a tunnel which was destroyed by an earthquake, a much more powerful construction team arrived and claimed the land in no time, killing Baru who tried to protect his teammates against the cruel Genber Diode.

Baru woke up in 3007, finding himself revived in his own cloned memory transplanted inside a physical body of a five years old, and in addition to that, his body was partly mechanized. His robot arms are linked up to and directly controlled by his brain's signals. He was told that the country of Dovork is now gone and the princess Rivetta and the king Tabill disappeared. He was also told he was 'last of the series' created by the Dr. Road Docult. He created eleven Jumbors with every one of them have construction related powers like a drill, crane, shovel. Baru, Nipper and Rivetta began their journey for the restoration of the Kingdom of Dovork.

Echoes from a Ghost Minyan

On February 22, 1882, the ''S.S. Illinois'' docked at the foot of Federal Street on the Delaware River in South Philadelphia. Among the passengers on board were 225 European Jewish refugees, most of whom settled nearby. By the close of World War I, a little over 40 years later, South Philadelphia was home to over 100,000 Jewish immigrants, making it the second largest Jewish neighborhood in the United States. However, the thriving community didn't last long. Soon after World War II, the Jews began moving to other parts of the city and surrounding suburbs. By the beginning of the 21st century, the Jewish community of South Philadelphia had almost completely vanished.

Using a mix of interviews, archival photographs, home movies and present day footage, ''Echoes from a Ghost Minyan'' documents a once thriving neighborhood by illuminating the lives and perceptions of those who once lived, worked and worshipped there, including the filmmakers themselves.

In Her Shoes (novel)

Rose and Maggie Feller are two young sisters who share little in common except their shoe size. Rose is the eldest and has been watching after Maggie since they were young children and their mother Caroline died in a car accident. They were raised by their father Michael (perpetually in mourning for Caroline) and stepmother Sydelle (who resents them both).

Rose is a thirty-year-old single, successful lawyer who struggles with her weight, and who resents her younger sister's beauty and sexual attractiveness and lack of stability. Rose feels responsible for her sister and is frustrated with how each attempt to help Maggie backfires on her. Maggie, a twenty-eight-year-old who uses her beauty and charming nature to hide the obstacles she faces due to dyslexia and related learning difficulties, resents Rose's academic success and consequent wealth. Maggie is resentful of only ever holding a series of minimum wage jobs that leave her dependent on the charity of others especially her father and Rose. After middle school, standardized testing sets them on different paths in high school: Rose's success on the exams leads to Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania Law School; Maggie is unable to take the exams and is consequently sidelined in high school and due to her inability to cope with school work, she drops out of high school. She is unable to hold on to any job for long and struggles to manage her money so much so that she is evicted from her flat. Rose offers to support Maggie until her life gets sorted out by giving her a place to stay. Both are nearing the age of their mother when she died, Rose and Maggie each feel as if there is a vacuum in their lives which they are unable to fill.

After wearing out her welcome with Rose (by sleeping with Rose's boyfriend in Rose's bed) and being evicted from her father's home by her stepmother, Maggie runs away, choosing to hide in Princeton University, which she had visited when Rose was a student. Finding shelter in a lower level of the library (with a fully equipped bathroom/shower), Maggie fills her free time doing something that she had avoided her entire life: reading. She also accepts a part-time position as a care-taker for a nearby elderly woman. Maggie is surprised to find that when reading in her own way at her own pace, she enjoys the activity and even begins to attend a poetry class. Eventually, however, a boy (whose wallet she had stolen) discovers her belongings in the library. Realizing her charade at Princeton is over, Maggie runs away. She travels to find her long-lost grandmother, whose old letters she had discovered previously in her father's desk. Rose, meanwhile, leaves her career in law in order to avoid the boyfriend who betrayed her. As a result of this break she accidentally discovers what life as a dog-walker would be like. She also begins to date Simon Stein, a colleague at the law firm.

Grandma Ella had been forced out of the lives of the girls by their father. He had blamed her for Caroline's death — she had been mentally ill and not taking her medication at the time of her death. Grandma Ella had previously tried to track the girls via the Internet (only finding information on Rose) is delighted to see Maggie and invites her to stay in her home. Gradually Maggie, Ella, and eventually Rose reconcile with each other, and in the process come to terms with both the life and death of Caroline.

Maggie finds her true calling: being a personal shopper to the old people in the community that Grandma Ella lives in. Eventually she is successful enough to open her own shop. She shows Rose that she has become a better person and proves her love by making Rose's wedding dress for her.

Mutiny on the Enterprise

A much needed peace mission to the Orion Arm is delayed when the ''Enterprise'' becomes damaged while in orbit around a living planet. Further problems arise when a mysterious female guest causes much of the crew to become hardline pacifists - ruining the real mission. Kirk must now lead the rebellion against his own crew.

Ground Zero Man

The plot follows the main character, Lucas Hutchman, an "undistinguished mathematician", who invents a machine that may detonate virtually instantaneously every nuclear bomb in the world, by inducing a "self-propagating neutron resonance". Overcoming technical and personal difficulties, Hutchman manages to build the device and to warn Earth's governments of its existence, but is tracked down and prevented from using it. At the end, Hutchman realises that rather than to the elimination of nuclear weapons, his invention just led to further investments in them, to create new bombs impervious to neutron resonance.

The ending "shows precisely and prophetically . . . the flaw in [the Eighties'] plans for 'star wars' energy-beam defences"


Barjo (Hippolyte Girardot) is eccentric, naive and obsessive. After he accidentally burns down his house during a "scientific" experiment, he moves in with his impulsive twin sister Fanfan (Anne Brochet), who is married to Charles "the Aluminum King" (Richard Bohringer). In his new surroundings, Barjo continues his old habits: cataloging old science magazines, testing bizarre inventions and filling his notebooks with his observations about human behavior and his thoughts about the end of the world. Through Barjo's journals we see the development of conflict and sexual tension between Fanfan and Charles, and the descent of Charles into madness.

A Coy Decoy

The film begins with Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" playing as the scene descends on a book store. The camera pans across an array of the bestselling books of early 1941 (including Valtin's ''Out of the Night'', Fedorova's ''The Family'', and Nordhoff and Hall's ''No More Gas''), before reaching an older favorite, ''Uncle Tom's Cabin,'' which as a gag has a Federal Housing Administration sign in front of the cabin.

Porky Pig, featured on the cover of ''The Westerner'', comes to life and sings "Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride." Across the way, Daffy Duck, featured on the cover of ''The Ugly Duckling'', comes to life and sings "Git Along, Little Dogies." Daffy finds his way to ''Black Beauty'' and comes out riding not a horse, but a big black woman, whom he rides to ''The Lake''.

A wolf emerges from ''The Wolf of Wall Street'' (presumably Blake McVeigh's novelization of the 1929 movie), sneaks behind Zane Grey's ''The Green Bay Tree'' and lures Daffy to him using a female duck decoy from the book ''Toys''. Daffy is entranced and exclaims (quoting a recent hit record), "Well, Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar." He follows and woos the decoy, adopting a Maurice Chevalier accent at one point, but when he closes his eyes the wolf enters and Daffy mistakenly embraces the wolf's nose. Once he realizes he is in danger, Daffy (recycling some of the dialogue from 1939's ''Hare-um Scare-um'') tells the wolf that he is not worth eating (he claims to have so many diseases that even the draft rejected him) and runs away.

Daffy runs toward Ethel Vance's novel ''Escape'' but the wolf blocks his way. As the wolf pursues, Daffy turns on him and exclaims the catchphrase form number one radio program Fibber McGee and Molly "You're a hard man, McGee." He then uses the books to defeat the wolf. He opens a copy of Nordhoff and Hall's ''The Hurricane'' to blow the wolf away, and lightning from the book ''Lightning'' strikes the wolf. The wolf surrenders, fittingly under Ernest Hemingway's recent bestseller ''For Whom the Bell Tolls''.

Daffy returns to the decoy. Porky enters the scene addresses in derision of Daffy, saying that Daffy and the decoy could never "mean anything to each other." Daffy sticks up his nose and swims away with the decoy, followed by four tiny decoys that look like Daffy.

The Trellisane Confrontation

The planet Trellisane is the breeding ground for a three-way war. Captain Kirk ends up as a passenger on a Klingon warship. Dr. McCoy is stuck with cannibals. The USS ''Enterprise'' is surrounded by Romulans and the Neutral Zone is filled with more danger than ever.

Corona (novel)

A sentient force of protostars, called 'Corona', endangers a team of Vulcan scientists. Captain Kirk and the USS ''Enterprise'' arrive, their onboard situation complicated by a female reporter and a new computer system that can override Kirk's commands. The situation further degrades when it is learned the protostars might restart the entire universe.

The Henpecked Duck

Porky Pig presides as judge over divorce proceedings at the "Court of Inhuman Relations." He calls the case of "Duck vs. Duck." Daffy and Mrs. Duck approach the judge's stand. Mrs. Duck shouts over and over: "I want a divorce!" while also hurling disparaging remarks and insults at Daffy for what led to her decision and not letting him get a word in edgewise to prove his innocence or apologize.

Porky asks her to relate to the court what happened. She explains that she had left Daffy in charge of keeping their egg warm while she visited her mother. Daffy grew bored, so he took the egg and performed a magic trick, causing the egg to disappear and then reappear. Impressed with himself, he tried the trick a second time but was unable to make the egg reappear. Despite countless frantic attempts with his trick, the egg never reappeared. When Mrs. Duck returned home, Daffy had replaced the egg with a door knob, hoping to fool her. She discovers this, and ends her story by shouting "I want a divorce!" once more, but this time, not in a blind rage, but extremely close to tears.

Porky then sternly asks Daffy what he has to say for himself. Daffy pleads for one more chance to try and get the egg to reappear before Porky goes through with signing off on the divorce papers, and Porky grants his request, to the shock of Mrs. Duck and the courtroom. In tears, he tries the trick again and the egg reappears, much to the court's amazement. The egg immediately hatches and the ducks reconcile their differences. Junior, seated on the judge's podium with his glasses and Porky's gavel, then says, "Case dismissed, step down!", hitting the gavel twice at the end of the cartoon.

Red Steel 2

The game begins as an unnamed Hero, the last member of the Kusagari Clan, is being dragged across the desert, tied to the back of a motorcycle. He manages to break free, but Payne, the leader of the Jackals – a vast gang of thugs, murderers and thieves – steals the Hero's katana. While running from the Jackals with only his trusty .357 Longarm through the city of Caldera in Nevada, the Hero rescues his old swordsmaster Jian who was to soon be executed by the Jackals. After the rescue, Jian allows the Hero to borrow his sword until the Hero can recover his own from Payne.

The Hero meets up with Tamiko, a member of his clan's research division, as well as Caldera's sheriff and Tamiko's father, Judd. They provide information for the Hero to help him track down Payne, while sabotaging the Jackals' operations in the Upper City, as well as meeting a fight club-operating businessman named Songan. The Hero eventually locates and defeats Payne in the Jackals' hideout, Rojo House, recovering his katana during the battle. He interrogates Payne and, before killing him by throwing him off a ledge, learns that his entire clan had been annihilated by a man named Shinjiro.

The Hero travels to the Lower City, encountering another rival clan called the Katakara. He finds Shinjiro in the city's Kusagari Temple and the two swordsmen fight. After a fierce battle, the Hero breaks Shinjiro's katana and pushes him to the edge of the Temple's roof. However, before the Hero can strike his foe down, a mysterious ninja saves Shinjiro. Jian then tells the Hero that the katanas of the Kusagari, called Sora Katanas, have great unpredictable power and that the method to make these is known only to them, and Shinjiro, who trained with the Kusagari as a child, plans to make more of them.

Following a tip from Judd, the Hero discovers Shinjiro trying to escape the city on a train and manages to board it before it leaves. After the Hero fights his way through the train, which is full of ninjas and Katakara, he finds Shinjiro atop the front car; the "escape attempt" is revealed to be a trap. As the Hero approaches the front car, Shinjiro detaches the front car from the rest of the train. Shinjiro then throws a grenade to kill the Hero and destroy the rest of the train. The Hero survives, but is forced to walk through the desert for three days before finding a small ghost town. While exploring the town, the Hero discovers Songan, who explains that the ghost town is a Jackal ammo dump. The Hero drives off the Jackals and survives an attack by a Katakara force, led by the lieutenant Calhoun.

After reestablishing communications with Tamiko, Judd, and Jian, the Hero learns that the trio have tracked Shinjiro to the isolated mining community of Rattlesnake Canyon. The Hero then takes Songan's advice and uses an old locomotive in the town's deserted train depot to travel there and is nearly killed when Shinjiro blows up a bridge up ahead. While exploring the Canyon, the Hero is attacked by the leader of the Katakara, Okaji, but manages to defeat him, only for him to return from the dead. Following Tamiko's plan, the Hero then uses explosives stolen from the mining quarry to break into the Canyon's Kusagari Temple, taken over by Shinjiro. This temple has a passageway leading to one of Songan's casinos and a pulley-raised bridge to Shinjiro's hideout, Tiger's Nest. Just as the Hero is about to ask Songan about how to get into Tiger's Nest, he then betrays the Hero and his allies, Tamiko, Judd, and Jian, are captured, but Songan nevertheless helps him lower the bridge. At Tiger's Nest, Shinjiro demands the Hero's katana in exchange for his friends. As the Hero is about to give it to him, the two engage in a gun duel, where Tamiko is shot.

The Hero chases Shinjiro through Tiger's Nest and eventually engages in a rematch with Okaji, whom he finally kills by dropping him off a cliff. He then hunts Shinjiro on a remote mountain outside the Nest, who then taunts the Hero about how the capture of his allies helped him rebuild his sword and uses explosives and henchmen in one final effort to stop the Hero from reaching him. When that fails, Shinjiro, now adorned in menacing armor, draws out a newly forged katana for a final showdown with the Hero atop a high cliff. The Hero bests him in the intense, ensuing duel, but a wounded Shinjiro warns him that other clans will covet the power of the Sora Katana before the Hero tells him that history will forget him and finishes him off by stabbing him in the heart. As Shinjiro perishes, the Hero breaks the sword in two and tosses the hilt end off the cliff in an effort to deter the clans from learning more about this weapon, before looking on to see the sun rise.

The Impatient Patient

While traipsing through the Ookaboochie Swamps, Daffy Duck seeks to deliver a telegram to "Chloe". Unable to find the telegram's recipient, and suffering from a severe case of hiccups, he stumbles upon the home of "Dr. Jerkyl" and hopes that the physician can cure his condition. Daffy's hiccups are so severe that they cause him to damage or destroy everything around him.

Dr. Jerkyl captures Daffy and restrains him to a doctor's chair. Hoping to scare Daffy in order to cure his hiccups, Dr. Jerkyl created and drinks a potion that turns him into Chloe, a grotesque yet effeminate ogre. Daffy, realizing he has reached his destination, then reads Chloe the telegram: the lyrics to "Happy Birthday To You" (albeit spoken and not sung), sent to her by a Mr. Frank N. Stein.

Chloe, who is enamored with Daffy (who in turn is now cured of his hiccups), chases the duck around the laboratory until the radio is accidentally switched on, prompting him/her to dance. Once the music ends, the chase resumes. Daffy scrambles to the lab table and mixes a potion, which turns Chloe into an infant. As each brandishes a hammer insisting each one doesn't know the other that well, the action moves offscreen, a large thud is heard, and the bird from the doctor's cuckoo clock displays a large sign reading “He Dood It!”

Lively Teresa

A wealthy engineer is disturbed when he discovers that his son Alberto has fallen in love with a ambitious manicurist Luisa. He arranges for him to go on holiday to Venice while he tries to buy off Luisa. However, Luisa has secretly accompanied Alberto, and has got her friend Teresa to take her place at the beauty parlour. Alberto's parents mistake her for Luisa, and complications ensue.

Jay and Seth Versus the Apocalypse

Seth and Jay are holed-up in a filthy cockroach-infested apartment while something terrible but unspecified is going on outside. After a series of trivial arguments it is decided that the need for water is such that one of them must go outside the heavily barricaded house to fix the supply - a job which requires going onto the roof.

Jay reluctantly goes having accepted it's his turn. While he is on the roof having restored the water supply, an anxious Seth hears a shot from the pistol Jay was carrying. A bathroom window is broken from the outside and Seth's anxiety increases. Seth's shouts to Jay are met with silence as blood begins to flow through the faucet. Seth sits trembling on the floor, back to the wall, and clutching a table leg with nails through the end ready to defend himself against whatever is out there.

Sabaidee Luang Prabang

Sorn (Everingham), a Thai photographer visiting Laos, falls in love with his beautiful Laotian tour guide, Noi (Pallawong). The film features several tourist sites in Laos.

My Dearest Devil Princess

The series follows the life of High School student Keita Kusakabe, who is given a magical box by his friend and fellow student Natsuki Morishima. Keita has obtained the box in hopes that, as per legend, his wishes will be granted. He opens the box and out pops Maki a powerful devil, she at first tells Keita she's a genie that will grant three wishes whatever they may be. At first Keita can't decide what he wants and decides to sleep on it, later the next day Keita accidentally walks in on Maki who has just finished taking a shower. Now that she is without clothes Keita spots Maki's wings and tail, and realizes that she is in fact a devil.

Maki reveals that once Keita has used all three wishes, she will take his soul. Unfortunately for her evil plans, she is inexperienced and doesn't even know how to be evil. She must stay with Keita until she can trick him into making his third wish while also teaching herself to be evil, but matters are complicated further when she starts falling in love with him.

The Daffy Duckaroo

On a donkey and pulling a trailer, recently retired singing cowboy Daffy Duckaroo moves from Hollywood to the American West, where he comes upon an Indian encampment. He is about to run away when he is wooed by an Indian girl. He serenades her and follows her into her teepee.

The Indian girl, actually a New Yorker named Daisy June, says she would love to be Daffy's girlfriend, but her boyfriend, a hulking Indian man named Little Beaver with a reputation for taking scalps, will never allow it. When Little Beaver arrives, Daffy hides in a dresser and emerges disguised as an Indian girl himself. Little Beaver quickly forgets Daisy June and falls for the costumed Daffy.

When Little Beaver discovers Daffy's ruse, he chases Daffy through the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest and into Los Angeles until he calls for aid with smoke signals. The Indians surround Daffy's trailer, and in a ''non sequitur'' ending, they remove the tires and run off, only for an Indian to return them a few seconds later as they do not fit his golf cart; a sign reading "keep it under 40" is seen on the back of the cart as the cartoon ends.

As with most Warner Bros. cartoons of the era, the cartoon is peppered with then-current pop culture gags . A shootout during the chase contains no bullets, as Daffy has saved them "for the Army" and the World War II effort; the "keep it under 40" ending is also a reference to the 35 mph speed limit imposed during the war to ration gasoline.

My Enemy, My Ally

The USS ''Enterprise'' is contacted by Ael i-Mhiessan t'Rllaillieu, a Romulan commander with whom Captain Kirk has tangled several times before. Ael has become disillusioned with the Romulan Empire's politics, and is especially concerned with a secret project she has discovered which seeks to use captured Vulcans for medical research with the goal of allowing Romulans to develop extensive mental powers. She convinces her crew to cross the Neutral Zone into Federation space, where the ''Enterprise'' is patrolling with the Starships ''Constellation'', ''Intrepid'' and the Denebian ''Defender''-class battleship ''Inaieu''. Ael hopes to convince Kirk to launch a strike against the medical facility.

The Captain declines, but when the USS ''Intrepid'' mysteriously vanishes during an ion storm, Ael convinces him that the ship has been captured by Romulans and its Vulcan crew will become part of the project. This convinces Kirk to take the ''Enterprise'' with Ael's ship, ''Bloodwing'', into Romulan space in a rescue mission. The plan involves Ael's ship pretending to capture the ''Enterprise'', taking it back home through the Romulan defences on a course which will pass close to the research station.

The plan proceeds smoothly until a double cross by Ael's son, Tafv, threatens to leave the ''Enterprise'' genuinely captured. This attempt is overturned, the ''Intrepid'' and her crew rescued, the base destroyed, and the ''Enterprise'' duly heads back to Federation space. Ael and Kirk go their separate ways, he back to duty and she to a life of exile as a traitor. Before leaving she tells Kirk all of her names and their meaning, a highly symbolic act for a Romulan which is only done to "one closer than kin". She tells him her names will be purged from the records back home, rendering her essentially a non-person in Romulan eyes. On returning to Earth Kirk hangs a pennant with Ael's names on it in a remote valley, symbolically counteracting this status.

The Tears of the Singers

Captain Kirk and the USS ''Enterprise'' joins with the Klingons to investigate a spatial anomaly that has already swallowed one starship. Kirk suspects the problem has something to do with the nearby life forms on Taygeta V, beings which are preyed upon for the jewels they secrete at the moment of their death. Unfortunately a Klingon officer has mutiny on his mind and the anomaly threatens to destroy all of known space.

The Vulcan Academy Murders

Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy travel to a hospital facility on Vulcan to acquire treatment for a badly wounded ''Enterprise'' crew member. Kirk encounters Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, and Spock's father, Sarek, and soon becomes heavily involved in Spock's personal life.

Then people begin to die. Kirk, trying to solve the case, is hampered by some Vulcans' belief that it would be illogical for murder to be happening on their home world, and that the deaths are therefore accidents. But he knows criminal behavior when he sees it, and presses on.

Uhura's Song

Lt. Uhura's friendship with a cat-like diplomat from Eeiauo becomes vital when a plague threatens the population. The songs they shared are key to the cure. When the plague begins to infect humans starting with Dr. McCoy, the crew of the ''Enterprise'' must work to decipher the songs and cure the plague.

To Duck or Not to Duck

Elmer Fudd is hunting ducks with his dog Laramore. After missing Daffy several times ("Confidentially, those hunters couldn't hit the broad side of a DUCK!" snickers Daffy to the audience) and leaving a duck-shaped hole in the clouds after each shotgun blast, Elmer manages to graze Daffy with a load of buckshot; this merely blows off his tail-feathers but causes him to fall. Laramore ensures there is a pillow waiting to cushion Daffy's landing. Daffy then gives the dog a lesson in how to retrieve a duck while calling him "Rover", but later opens the dog's mouth to climb into and play dead. When Laramore takes the duck to Elmer, Elmer apologizes for shooting him, explaining that he had to "pwug" Daffy because he is "a gweat spoowtsman". An indignant Daffy sits up and heatedly retorts that Elmer doesn't know the meaning of fair play ("What chance has a poor little fluffy winged creature like me against a well-equipped hunter like you?!") and adds that Elmer wouldn't be so tough without various accoutrements, including his big shotgun, knife and even his hunter's apparel - which Daffy actually removes from Elmer. He finishes his tirade asking what protection he has got ("A bullet-proof vest, I suppose!") and inadvertently opens his feathered chest to reveal one ("How did that get there?"). Subsequently, he challenges Elmer to a "fair" fight.

Intimidatingly, Daffy maneuvers Elmer into a boxing ring which is surrounded by many duck spectators The burly referee of the fight is also a duck, named Ducky Wheeze. He struggles to stop laughing at pathetic Elmer long enough to introduce him; when he finally does, Elmer stands up and meekly says, "Hewwo." The crowd boos overwhelmingly; only Laramore, from separate and otherwise empty bleachers, cheers; he is immediately knocked over by various objects thrown at him from the crowd.

The referee gives Daffy "Good to His Mother" Duck a resounding, loving introduction. The duck spectators cheer wildly; Laramore, back in his spot in the separate and otherwise empty bleachers, boos; he is again knocked over by thrown objects.

Before the match starts, the referee exhorts the two opponents to "fight clean", turning to wink at the duck spectators who, knowing what is coming, collectively shout, "Oh, brother!" The referee then calls "no rough stuff -- none of THIS! Or THIS! Or like SO!", each time demonstrating an illegal move on Elmer and knocking him silly. Daffy, in turn, picks up where the referee left off, asking, "You mean none of THIS? Or THIS?", manhandling (or duckhandling) Elmer similarly, and leaving him beaten up. At this point, Laramore suggests that there is "something awfully screwy about this fight, or my name isn't Laramore. And, it isn't."

As Elmer is slouched in his corner, Daffy beats up on him once more before the referee calls them out to shake hands. Daffy manipulates Elmer into "choosing" which of Daffy's hands to shake, and the result is Elmer being bashed on the head with a hammer. He falls to the mat as the referee rings the bell for Round 1, then rushes over to provide a ridiculously fast ten-count. He then declares Daffy Duck the winner and new champion.

Elmer, perplexed, walks over and says, "I'm not the one to compwain, Mr. Wefewee, but I thought you said no wough stuff! None of THIS! Or THIS! Or wike SO!" as he demonstrates the same illegal moves which were exhibited on him earlier on both the referee and Daffy.


Takeru Ooyama has enrolled at Tenbi Academy, a private prep high school that converted from all-girls to co-ed. Hoping to have a life full of ogling pretty girls, he reunites with childhood friend Haruko Amaya, who shows him around school. However, he learns that the school is for students who possess magical and spiritual energies called Elements and who wield crafted weapons known as Makens. The students engage in school sanctioned combat matches that showcase their powers. While his own ability and Maken is not apparent at first, Takeru soon finds himself surrounded by girls, including Inaho Kushiya, an attractive girl who says she's his fiancée, and Kodama Himegami, a popular blonde who says she wants to kill him. He joins the , also known as Maken-ki.

The Dizzy Acrobat

Woody Woodpecker visits a traveling circus. He attempts to sneak into the big top but a caretaker kicks him out. He says that if Woody wants to see the show, he will have to water the elephant. Woody attaches the elephant to a water spout and attempts again to enter the tent.

The caretaker chases him around the circus and into the big top. He continues to try to catch Woody but finds himself caught in several circus performance contraptions, including a trapeze, a tightrope, a perch pole, a lion's cage and a bicycle.

Palimos ng Pag-ibig (film)

On the outside, married couple Fina (Santos) and Rodel (Manzano) Alcaraz appear to be a match made in heaven, but behind the thick walls of their home, their relationship is on the verge of crumbling. Despite being relatively affluent, the couple is empty as they are childless, for any attempt to conceive might prove fatal to Fina due to her condition. In an act of desperation, Rodel takes matters into his own hands and seeks the services of a surrogate, Ditas (Bonnevie).

The plan goes awry when Rodel becomes genuinely attracted to the younger and more alluring Ditas. The surrogate, who has lived a destitute life, finds the notion of prosperity equally irresistible. The well-intentioned plan to resuscitate life back into a dying marriage becomes its undoing.

Shadow Lord (novel)

Prince Vikram of the planet Angira has spent some time studying on Earth. He plans to return home with new ways of changing his homeland. Accompanying him are Spock and Hikaru Sulu. Resistance comes from Angirans who hate new technology. The two Starfleet officers are swept up in the fighting and must use primitive weapons themselves to survive.

Palimos ng Pag-ibig (TV series)

In this dog-eat-dog world, people either have to stand up and carve a living for themselves or risk getting trampled by others in the rat race called life. This is the dilemma Ditas (Kristine Hermosa) has faced every day of her life. Born to a destitute family, Ditas has resigned herself to the fact that her life will be a struggle, but she still has the strong resolve to make it in life, no matter what. As such, Ditas will not let her lowly stature in life hamper dreams of a promising future. She makes a living by selling her babies to the highest bidder, a lucrative job that is problem-free until a well-to-do couple approaches her one day and changes the rules of the game.

The picture-perfect couple Rodel (Diether Ocampo) and Fina (Rica Peralejo) are young, good-looking, and rich. The couple couldn't wish for anything more since they seemingly have everything anyone could ever want. With one exception. Both Rodel and Fina are eager to start a family; unfortunately, Fina has a medical condition that prohibits her from bearing children. When they hear rumors about a certain surrogate mother who happens to be Ditas, the couple sees an opportunity to finally fill the void in their lives.

Problems arise when Rodel perceives qualities in Ditas that he deems his wife is lacking. Soon the casual business deal becomes entangled and a more intimate relationship develops between Rodel and Ditas. Now Fina must do everything to make the family whole again even if that means having to beg Rodel for his once undivided love and affection.

Killing Time (Star Trek novel)

The USS ''Enterprise'' is on patrol near the Romulan neutral zone and the crew is experiencing unusual dreams. Captain James T. Kirk and Science Officer Spock both confess that they are having dreams that Spock is Captain of the ship and Kirk is an Ensign. Kirk informs Spock that Starfleet intelligence has discovered that the Romulans are attempting to use time travel and are sending more ships to investigate. Captain Kirk goes to sleep, and awakes as Ensign Kirk on the VSS ''ShiKahr'', which appears to otherwise be the ''Enterprise''. The Ensign is a drug addled ex-convict who has been on board for only a day.

The Romulans had attempted to travel back in time and destroy the Federation, but they instead created a Federation dominated by Vulcans. They shielded a ship from the changes and compare the differences, realising that it needs to be reversed. Meanwhile, Captain Spock begins to act protectively of Ensign Kirk, but the Captain is injured on an away mission. After Doctor McCoy conducts a series of mental scans, the crew of the ''ShiKahr'' realise that history has been altered. The Romulans plot to use Kirk to force Spock to impersonate their leader. Spock mindmelds with Kirk, each realising their personas from the main timeline.

Romulan agents board the ''ShiKahr'' and capture Kirk. Spock agrees to their demands and travels with them. Whilst en route, Spock enters pon farr and finds that he is linked to Kirk, but mates with the Romulan Thea to allow it to pass. They retrieve Kirk, and discover that taking Kirk and Spock was a ploy to have them both travel back in time to stop the Romulan agents from preventing the formation of the Federation. They travel back in time and disable the agents, but Spock is seriously injured and dying. Kirk and Spock mindmeld as reality shifts once more and restores the original timeline.

Dwellers in the Crucible

On the planet Vulcan, several representatives of each Federation world are kept as "Warrantors of the Peace". As close relatives of the leaders of their worlds, they serve as hostages against the actions of their planetary governments, and are immediately killed if their world attacks another Federation planet.

Six of these Warrantors - an Andorian, a human, a Vulcan and three Deltans - are kidnapped and held by the Romulan Empire. The Andorian is killed during the kidnap, and the three Deltans are tortured to death by their Klingon captors, acting for the Romulans. The plot focuses on the cultural differences and eventual friendship between the two surviving captives, T'Shael and Cleante.

Pawns and Symbols

Jean Czerny, a Federation survivor of an earthquake, is suffering from amnesia. She becomes involved in a Klingon crisis, caused by an empire-wide famine. Captain Kirk and the Klingon Captain Kang clash over the potential war brewing and the fate of Jean.

May Minamahal (TV series)

Monica grew up in a male-dominated household. Her witty and free-spirited attitude caught the attention of Carlitos. He, on the other hand, lives in a female dominated household, where everyone depends on him. They start to get to know each other more everyday, hang out together and share each other’s feelings. And as they draw closer to each other, they start to fall in love. Little did they know that their family ties will be the factor that will make or break their budding relationship.

Dororon Enma-kun

Enma, Yukiko-Hime and Kapaeru are part of the Yokai-Patrol. They go after ghosts that have escaped from Hell into the human world.

Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara (TV series)

All their lives, Barbara always gave way to her younger half-sister Ruth so she would be accepted by her new family. When they were older, she met Fritz and they instantly fell in love with each other. But Ruth also wants Fritz. She told them she would kill herself if Fritz would not marry her. So Barbara again gave way and made Fritz marry Ruth even with a heavy heart. She stayed in the States as a hospital nurse, but one day she received a call from the Philippines saying that Ruth killed herself and it was witnessed by her only daughter Karen. She quickly came to the country to mourn with her stepmother and to take care of her currently unstable niece. But when she arrived, strange things start to happen. It seems that Ruth killed herself because of her paranoia that her husband is seeing Barbara in the States during his business trips. Ruth always knew that Fritz will always love Barbara and not her. To exact revenge on Barbara, she haunts the house through the doll, Chelsea and through her own daughter. She hurts and even kills all the people that are dear to Barbara until there is nobody left but Barbara herself.

What's Cookin'?

Mrs. Murphy's Theatrical Boarding House is a place where young performers reside. A group of those young people try to escape after finding out they are unable to pay the rent. However they get caught by the landlady and fellow tenant Marvo the Great is forced to sell his clothes to pay the rent. They next set out to the radio network WECA to visit singer Anne Payne. Anne is a former boarding house member who now works at the radio station with the Andrews Sisters and Woody Herman and His Orchestra. When Marvo is later conversing with Anne at her apartment, her wealthy neighbour Sue Courtney drops in their conversation and wonders if she can join the group.

Meanwhile, at the Courtney estate, Sue's uncle and aunt, J.P. and Agatha, meet with their advertising counselor Bob Riley. She complains that the radio station only plays classical songs. Sue offers to help them out by asking her new friends to make swing music for the radio station. They do so and Bob notices Anne, whom he immediately falls in love with. Sue meanwhile falls in love with young performer Tommy.

Patayin Mo Sa Sindak Si Barbara

Barbara (Susan Roces) has always been overly indulgent of her little sister, Ruth's every whim. Years later, Barbara meets and falls in love with Fritz (Dante Rivero), who is smitten with her. But the spoiled Ruth (Rosanna Ortiz) confesses to her older sister that she too is in love with Fritz and threatens to kill herself if he does not marry her. So with a heavy heart, Barbara once again accommodates Ruth's demands and convinces Fritz to court her younger sister instead. In a twisted act of devotion, Fritz reluctantly agrees to marry Ruth, to prove his love for Barbara. After the wedding, Barbara decides to start a new life abroad, to give Fritz a chance to fall in love with Ruth and for Barbara to get over her feelings for him.

Her past comes back to haunt her when Barbara receives news that her younger sister has killed herself and was witnessed by Ruth's only daughter Karen (Beth Malongat). Barbara immediately returns to the Philippines to mourn her sister and comfort her unstable niece. Upon Barbara's return, she learns the reason surrounding Ruth's mysterious death.

Throughout their marriage, Ruth felt that Fritz never loved her, but harboured feelings for her sister. In a state of paranoid delusion, she suspects that Fritz was having an affair and used his business trips to the States as an excuse to rendezvous with Barbara. In a jealous rage, she commits suicide and haunts the household through a doll to exact revenge on everyone who wronged her.

Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara (1995 film)

Being the loving older sister, Barbara (Lorna Tolentino) has always been overly indulgent of her little sister Ruth's every whim. Years later, Barbara meets and instantly falls in love with Nick (Tonton Gutierrez), who is mutually smitten with her. But the spoiled Ruth (Dawn Zulueta) confesses to her older sister that she too is in love with Nick and threatens to kill herself if he does not marry her. So with a heavy heart, Barbara once again passively accommodates Ruth's demands and convinces Nick to court her younger sister instead. In a twisted act of devotion, Nick reluctantly agrees to marry Ruth, to prove his love for Barbara. After the wedding, Barbara then decides to start a new life abroad, to give Nick a chance to truly fall in love with Ruth and for Barbara to get over her feelings for him.

Her past comes back to haunt her (in more ways than one) when Barbara receives news that her younger sister has killed herself and was witnessed by Ruth's only daughter Karen (Antoinette Taus). Barbara immediately returns to the Philippines to mourn her sister and comfort her unstable niece. But strange events happen upon Barbara's return and she learns the reason surrounding Ruth's mysterious death.

Throughout their marriage, Ruth felt that Nick never really loved her, but instead still harboured feelings for her sister. In a state of paranoid delusion, she suspects that Nick was having an affair and used his business trips to the United States as an excuse to rendezvous with Barbara. In a jealous rage, she commits suicide and haunts the household and everyone she deemed who have wronged her. It was later revealed that ever since Barbara left her for the US, she indulged herself of everything that can ease her helplessness which includes witchcraft and spiritual medium sessions. Through this she learned that even after death she can return to the world of the living on a limited time to haunt and exact revenge on anyone she wants.

Maestra Beatriz, whom Barbara sought advise and also was responsible for teaching Ruth black magic offered help and have tried to make contact with her tormented soul via spiritual session together with Barbara and her maid. During this session Ruth possessed her only child and manages to kill the old woman. Through an act of sacrifice, Maestra Beatriz manages to drive away Ruth's spirit. All seems well, until Barbara and Nick learned that what happened during Barbara's encounter with Ruth's spirit was only temporary and now, since it was the 9th day of Ruth's passing, she now have grown more powerful and with the help of evil spirits whom she now have given purpose.

Ruth appears and manages to convince Barbara to join her in the world of the tormented souls until Nick arrives just in time and instead sacrificed himself by holding the physical manifestation of Ruth and plunging both themselves to the fiery pits of hell.

Demon Prince Enma

Four grown demons (Enma, Yukihime, Kapaeru, and Grandpa Chapeauji) are part of a Yokai-Patrol searching for demons that have escaped from Hell into the human world. They form the group known as the Enma Detective Agency as a cover for their activities.

Phat Beach

During a glorious Southern California summer, high school student Benny King (Hopkins) is doing time flipping burgers. Benny's father wants him to learn the work ethic, rather than have him sit around the house all summer, dreaming and writing. When his old friend Durrell (Brian Hooks) comes by with a more attractive alternative, Benny jumps at it. This more attractive alternative is creating the ultimate sandwich, the “Samms Sammich” a sandwich that consists of Turkey, Roast Beef, Salami, Pepperoni, Ham, Grilled Chicken, Veggie Patty, Tuna, Meatballs and Fake Crab Meat.

His family goes on vacation and Benny borrows his father's Mercedes and heads on down to the beach with Durrell. At the beach, they meet the Mikey Z, a homeboy wannabe, played by actor Gregg Vance. They have told themselves that they are there to sell beach-goers cheap sunglasses, but they are really there to show off their 'phat' box and attract the finest girls with portable beats on the beach. Comic encounters with the beach girls and a continuous playful banter between Mickey Z and the Durrel-Benny duo form the mainstay of the movie.

Two Lost in a Dirty Night

''Two Lost in a Dirty Night'' follows two Brazilian illegal immigrants living in New York City, United States. Paco, a tomboy whose real name is Rita, is very aggressive, strange and mysterious. Antônio, nicknamed Tonho, wants to return to Brazil, because he had no success living in America. They live in a kind of loft. They met each other while Paco was acting as a male prostitute, doing a blowjob on a man (Guy Camilleri). Then, he discovers that Paco is a girl and became furious, trying later to rape her. Tonho saves her and invites her to live with him.

The Naughtiest Girl Again

Elizabeth Allen, older and no longer having a spoiled personality, goes on to her second term at Whyteleafe School. She makes two enemies, Robert and Kathleen. Robert is a bully and Kathleen plays mean tricks on Jenny and Elizabeth. Elizabeth does not want to misbehave again, but someone tries to make sure that she does not forget her nickname of 'The Naughtiest Girl in the School'. Elizabeth tries to hunt down the sneak who is playing tricks on her and her friend Joan, leading to many adventures.

What Waits Below

The US military is running a test for a special type of radio transmitter, to be used to communicate with submarines, in a deep system of caves in Central America. When the signal from one of the transmitters suddenly disappears, a team of soldiers led by Major Elbert Stevens (Bottoms) and cave specialists led by Rupert 'Wolf' Wolfsen (Powell) including scientist Leslie Peterson (Blount) are sent in to find out what happened.

Exploring deep underground, they stumble upon a tribe of albino cave-dwellers who have apparently been isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years. The cave-dwellers are hurt by radio frequencies and are able to see in infra-red frequencies, tracking the explorers by their body heat.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1911 film)

Esmeralda, a Romani girl, is the darling of the people around Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Three men are romantically interested in her: Phöebus, the commander of the city guard, Quasimodo the bell ringer of Notre Dame and Claudius Frollo, the archdeacon of the cathedral. The latter, however, is confused by his strong affection for Esmeralda and cannot resolve the conflict caused by his vow of celibacy. Out of jealousy, he stabs a knife in Phöebus's back when he meets with Esmeralda in an inn. Esmeralda is falsely accused and charged with this crime. The resultant death sentence is to be executed on the forecourt of the cathedral. Quasimodo rescues Esmeralda and brings her up into the bell tower to safety but Frollo violates the sanctuary and has Esmeralda executed by hanging. Quasimodo then angrily throws Frollo from the bell tower to his death.

Prisoner of the Daleks

The TARDIS arrives on the planet Hurala. Whilst investigating the deserted site the Doctor makes his way to the base's computer data core room, where he is locked inside by the computer along with the corpse of another person previously trapped inside.

Five days later, the bounty hunter ship ''Wayfarer'' lands on the planet, its crew hoping to use the fuel stores to refuel the ship. They soon come across the TARDIS, and then hear a repeating tapping noise. One of them, called Scrum, realises that it's a Morse code SOS message. They quickly trace it to the computer data core room where they find and free the Doctor, who has been sending it out with a spoon. On the insistence of the Doctor and another of the bounty hunters, Stella, the group investigate the computer's systems. They discover an override which, when activated, took control of the base and trapped the Doctor. Someone had used the computer to set a trap. Who did is soon answered when the group are attacked by a Dalek patrol.

The Doctor and the bounty hunters, who now reveal that they kill Daleks for a living, race back to the ''Wayfarer'', escape to the TARDIS being blocked by Daleks. They manage to take off but the Daleks blow up a refuelling pump, sending debris flying into the ship through the open landing ramp, badly wounding Stella. As the crew attempt to put her into cryo-freeze a Dalek manages to get into the ship through an air-lock, and exterminates Stella. Before it can kill anyone else the Doctor freezes it using the emergency cryo-charge intended for Stella. With the Dalek immobilised Stella's body is also frozen and the crew make a course for Auros, Stella's home world. On the way, the Dalek's eye stalk is removed so that the crew can claim the prize-money for killing it, and it is placed in the cargo hold. Whilst talking with the crew the Doctor realises that he's travelled back along the time line to before the Time War. At this point in history the Daleks are locked in a huge galactic war with Earth's first empire, at a moment when victory can go either way. The Doctor also learns more about the crew. Commanding the ship is Bowman, a former Earth trooper who has been fighting the Daleks for years and is a veteran of the Draconian Wars. Scrum is the crew's technician, Cuttin' Edge is a former Space Marine who was dishonorably discharged and Stella was the ship's Medic. The other crew member, Koral, is a humanoid alien whose planet and people of Red Sky Lost were destroyed by the Daleks.

Upon arriving at Auros the Doctor and the crew discover that the planet's population are abandoning the planet as the Daleks are preparing to invade. Using the Osterhagen Principle, they detonate a series of nuclear bombs and destroy the planet to prevent it falling to the Daleks. The Doctor and Bowman realise that the Daleks will now ambush the retreating convoy. They try to warn them but before they can the Daleks arrive, forcing the convoy to surrender and destroying its flagship as a warning to the other ships.

Furious at the loss of Stella and her home world, the crew of the ''Wayfarer'' decide to interrogate the captured Dalek. With the Doctor's reluctant help they disarm it, and then Koral uses its claws to open the casing. They then remove the creature inside and torture it, despite the Doctor's protests. Eventually they give up when the Dalek tells them nothing. After they've left the cargo hold, however, the Doctor returns and reveals to the dying Dalek who he is. The Dalek, amongst its predictable ranting, lets slip that the Daleks plan to 'eliminate all humanity from its very beginnings!' Eventually the Dalek dies, and the Doctor works out what it meant.

He reveals to the crew that the Daleks must be looking for the Arkheon Threshold, a schism in time and space which, if opened, will give the Daleks access to the Time Vortex. Deciding that the Doctor is telling the truth, Bowman orders the crew to head for the remains of the planet Arkheon, which had been destroyed at the start of the war.

When they arrive they find that the planet has been split in two, with the surviving half still retaining a breathable atmosphere. The ''Wayfarer'' lands and the Doctor and the crew disembark. Whilst looking round the devastated landscape they encounter dozens of mutated Arkheonites, devolved by the radiation fallout. They chase the crew to the very edge of the planet, where they are captured by Daleks. After destroying their weapons the Daleks force the Doctor and the crew onto a lift, which descends down the side of the planet towards they core. Here the Doctor discovers that the Daleks, far from searching for Arkheon, have been on the planet for years. They have constructed a huge underground base where thousands of human prisoners from Auros are mining the core, looking for the Threshold. The base also contains experimentation labs, and the largest Dalek Prison outside of Skaro.

The Doctor and the crew are taken into the base where they are scanned for 'suitability'. Scrum is found to be of marginal use. Cuttin' Edge and Koral are both sentenced to work in the mines. When Bowman is scanned it is discovered that he is in fact 'Space Major Jon Bowman', the designer of Earth's defence system and high on the Dalek's list of wanted people, causing the commander to be alerted. Upon being told by the Command Dalek that Bowman will be taken for brain excoriation, which will kill him, Koral, who is secretly in love with Bowman, lashes out at the nearest Dalek. In retaliation the Daleks kill Scrum, the weakest member of the group. As the Daleks prepare to take Bowman away the Doctor stops them and whispers something to the Command Dalek. The Command Dalek, suddenly terrified, orders two of its minions to scan the Doctor. They immediately identity him and prepare to exterminate him. The Doctor persuades them to interrogate him first, however. News of the Doctor's capture is sent to the Supreme Dalek on Skaro, who sends the Primary Intelligence Unit, led by the Dalek Inquisitor General, to interrogate the Doctor.

Cuttin' Edge and Koral are sent to work in the mines, replacing a group that is exterminated for being too slow. The Doctor is placed in the same cell as Bowman, who reveals to him that the Dalek Inquisitor General, called 'Dalek X' by the Earth authorities, is second in command to the Supreme Dalek and is described as being 'the Devil in Dalek form'. Dalek X accepts his Earth designation to cause fear. Dalek X arrives at Arkeon aboard the ''Exterminator'', the Dalek Empire's most advanced ship, containing 500 Daleks and accompanied by a small fleet of Dalek saucers. Upon arrival Dalek X takes over command of the base, and exterminates one of its mining Daleks for failing to meet its target. He then orders that every hour the weakest group of workers will be exterminated. Soon after the Doctor is brought to the interrogation room, where Dalek X measures the Doctor's capacity for physical pain using a mind probe, simply out of curiosity. Dalek X reveals he gave the order to destroy the Auros Ship. After an unknown length of time in pain the Doctor is released from the mind probe, and shown around the base by Dalek X. Meanwhile, the ''Wayfarer'' is destroyed, and Bowman is taken to have his brain removed.

Dalek X reveals to the Doctor that once the planetary core has been extracted, the Daleks will locate the Threshold using a Large Chronon Collider. They will then open it, access the time vortex and defeat the Time Lords. There is a chance that the collider won't work properly, however. To ensure success the Daleks need a control element; the Doctor's TARDIS. The Doctor refuse to co-operate, but the Daleks threaten to exterminate a woman and her daughter from Cuttin' Edge's and Koral's work force if he doesn't comply. Eventually, the Doctor agrees to help, but under the condition that Cuttin' Edge, Koral and Bowman come with them to help him operate the TARDIS. The Daleks agree and Bowman is released, just before he is about to be killed. The Doctor tries to have the Woman and her daughter taken as well, but the Daleks refuse.

The ''Exterminator'' and its escort fleet head for Hurala, with the Doctor, the surviving ''Wayfarer'' crew members and the Dalek Temporal Research Team on board. When they reach the TARDIS the Doctor claims to have lost the Key, saying it is in the room he was locked up in at the Dalek Base. As they head for it, Cuttin' Edge recognises the identification symbol on one of the Daleks. It is the same one that killed Scrum. He lashes out at it, knocking it down the steps, and is exterminated by Dalek X, though he pulls another Dalek into the ray, destroying it. The Doctor, Koral and Bowman use the distraction to escape into a maintenance duct.

After escaping the Doctor reveals his plan. There is still enough astronic energy fuel on the planet to cause a huge explosion. If they can detonate it they can destroy Dalek X, the Temporal Research Team and the orbiting Dalek fleet. They make their way to a silo that still contains fuel, and the Doctor starts to rig it to explode. Dalek X, enraged by the Doctor's escape, catches up with them and prepares to exterminate the Doctor. Dalek X is attacked by Koral and Bowman, who eventually disable it and push it over the edge of the gantry they are standing on. The Doctor is nearly finished, but realises that he can't stop the safety override by remote control. Someone will have to stay behind and hold the manual override lever down until the silo reaches critical. Bowman volunteers to stay behind, refusing to leave despite protests from Koral. Eventually he knocks out the protesting Koral so that the Doctor can take her back to the TARDIS and safety. The Doctor and Koral make it into the TARDIS just as the Daleks arrive. In the silo Bowman holds the lever down as the Daleks approach, and as the whole base beings to shake the Daleks retreat. Finally the silo reaches critical mass and Bowman prepares to face death. He is saved at the last second by the Doctor, however, who materialises the TARDIS on the gantry. Bowman leaps into the TARDIS just as the Command Dalek tries to exterminate him. A second later the silo explodes, killing every Dalek on Hurala, as well as destroying the ''Exterminator'' and its escort fleet.

Back on Earth Bowman and Koral report to the Earth authorities. They learn that the Dalek fleet is in complete disarray thanks to them, and a task force is preparing to attack the Dalek base on Arkheon and release the prisoners. The Doctor leaves as Bowman and Koral prepare to go and meet Bowman's parents.

The Doctor travels to Hurala, which has been sealed off for 5,000 years due to radiation fallout. There he finds Dalek X, badly damaged but still alive at the bottom of a pit. The Doctor informs it that Arkeon has been taken by the Earth forces, the Daleks are in full retreat on all fronts and that he has sealed off the Threshold. The radiation will help Dalek X keep alive, but by the time the Quarantine is over Dalek X will be dead. Regardless of the Doctor's revelations, Dalek X rants that the Daleks are never defeated. The Doctor replies that the Daleks are always defeated, because they can never accept that every other form of life in the Universe is better than the Daleks. To prove this the Doctor points out that there is no form of life in the Universe that would volunteer to be a Dalek. As the Doctor prepares to leave Dalek X vows to hunt him down. The Doctor responds by simply stating that he'll be waiting. The Doctor then finally departs Hurala, leaving Dalek X trapped on the planet, alone.

Turkey Shoot (1982 film)

In a near-future totalitarian state, so-called "social deviants" are sent to mass prison camps for re-education and behaviour modification. The new arrivals at Camp 47 are Chris Walters, a shopkeeper accused of helping a rebel; Rita Daniels, a suspected prostitute; and Paul Anders, a political dissident who has escaped from several other camps. Camp Master Charles Thatcher subjects his wards to brutal, inhuman treatment; Chris barely avoids being raped by the sadistic guards, and Paul is tortured for intervening. Their cellmates Griffin and Dodge separately plot escapes, but are unaware that their on-going attempts are surveyed by the guards.

Every year, Thatcher and his circle of VIPs; Secretary Mallory, Jennifer, Tito, and Tito's beastly accomplice Alph, select five prisoners to be human prey in a "turkey shoot"; a deadly 12-hour hunt in which defenceless quarries are released into the nearby wilderness to be stalked and killed by the armed hunters. Paul, Chris, Rita, and Dodge are chosen to be the prey, told that they will be freed should they survive the time limit. Griff is added to the group after starting a fight with Dodge in the dorms.

With a three-hour head start, the prisoners are sent out at half-hour intervals and quickly become separated. Dodge is the first to be caught, Alph breaking off and eating his little toe under Tito's instructions before chasing him down and beating him to death. Thatcher toys with Paul by firing near-misses with a sniper rifle, forcing him to scale a difficult rock formation and preventing his scramble to find Chris. Paul manages to redirect Thatcher's pursuit by causing a rock slide, while Griff jumps Red and takes his assault rifle, placing him in a trap that later kills him. He tries to mount a counterattack, but is pinned down by Jennifer and Thatcher and incapacitated with arrows before being run over and killed. Jennifer proceeds to stalk Rita on horseback, trapping her before raping and killing her.

Tito attempts to bisect Paul with the tractor shovel attached to the front of his buggy, Paul manages to get out of the way and Tito inadvertently kills Alph. Mallory and his guide, Chief Guard Ritter, track Chris through dense jungle into a sugarcane field. Ritter attempts to smoke her out by setting the field aflame, when Mallory stumbles into Chris. Before he can rape her, Paul jumps him and gets his gun, shooting him in the groin and escaping with Chris as he burns to death. The two run to what they think is the end of the wilderness, only to realize upon reaching coastline that they're on an island, and that there is no way out. Ritter catches up to them, but Chris manages to kill him with his own machete. The two resolve to fight back, killing Tito and stealing his buggy. Armed with a mounted machine gun, they storm the camp and free the other prisoners.

The uprising leads to the RAAF scrambling a bomber to destroy the camp and quash the revolt. The prisoners raid an armory for arms, fending off the guards while Chris destroys the communications centre and kills Jennifer with an explosive arrow. Thatcher attempts to lead a counter-attack, but is killed by Paul, and the prisoners flee into the jungle just as the camp is destroyed by a napalm airstrike. Armed with supplies, the now-rebels led by Paul and Chris make their way into the mountains.

Mindshadow (novel)

The peaceful planet of Aritani becomes the center of a Romulan plot to gain power. A Romulan double agent and a severely injured Spock further complicate the situation.

Crisis on Centaurus

On the planet Centaurus, the planetary capital of New Athens has been annihilated by a terrorist antimatter bomb. Millions are dead; because of a computer malfunction, the planetary defense system is preventing any rescue ships from approaching the planet. No subspace communication is possible, and traditional speed-of-light radio is blanketed with heavy static. Despite an emergency do-not-approach warning (known as Code 7-10, which went unheard), the first three relief ships, carrying hundreds of medical personnel, are destroyed by ground-to-air missiles as they assumed standard orbit. The USS ''Enterprise'' has been sent to assess the situation and offer what relief they can, but they are in need of help themselves as the ship is falling apart around them due to an unexplainable massive computer malfunction of their own; the transporter is made inoperable by the antimatter's residual tachyon radiation.

The tragedy has a personal touch as well-- Dr. McCoy's daughter Joanna is among the missing, as well as friends and relatives of other crewmembers. While Spock attempts to disable the planetary defense computers, Captain Kirk, Mr. Sulu and attorney Samuel T. Cogley become involved with the terrorists when the terrorist leader contacts Cogley and ask him to represent them in Federation court. Despite his personal feelings, Kirk is determined that the terrorists will get a fair trial under Federation jurisdiction, but certain individuals in the patchwork government are equally determined that the terrorists will not leave Centaurus alive. While the surviving Centauran government engages in an all-out search for Kirk and party, Kirk learns that three more antimatter bombs are somewhere on the planet, and is forced to take refuge in the one place he cherishes most - the little cabin he had built in Garrovick Valley, on the river Farragut.

On seeing the names 'Garrovick' and 'Farragut' on a map, Commander Spock correctly surmises where Kirk is hiding, and a scan from orbit reveals an army of government hovercars flitting around the cabin. By leveraging the ''Enterprise'' s crippled warp drive's controls, engineer Montgomery Scott and his second-in-command succeed in enabling the ''Enterprise'' to enter the atmosphere. The government hit squad's weapons are no match for a starship's phasers set on stun; the captured terrorists are taken in custody, but the secret of cheap antimatter synthesis is lost: its creator was the suicide bomber who set the first weapon off.

In the epilogue, Spock traces the computer malfunction to a quantum black hole accidentally forming, against all odds, within the ''Enterprise'' in warp, drilling a hole straight through a good part of the computer memory banks.


The novel begins with Lt. Piper (no last name), a native of Proxima Beta, taking the ''Kobayashi Maru'' simulation at Starfleet Academy. After her "ship" takes several hits and sustains heavy damage, Lt. Piper uses an unusual method to issue commands to the ship's computer via handheld communicator. The technique results in the computer controlling the simulation crashing. The simulator's commander comments during the debriefing that she has come closer to checkmating the no-win scenario than any other command-line candidate, then tells her that she has been reassigned to the starship ''Enterprise'' by special request.

Lt. Piper meets briefly with Brian Silayna, an academy cadet in the engineering program and her friend and lover. Piper and Silayna had originally been assigned to the same ship, but with Piper's reassignment (which Silayna reveals was from Captain Kirk, who had been observing the ''Kobayashi Maru'' simulation) they wind up saying their goodbyes instead.

Lt. Piper takes a shuttle to the ''Enterprise'' and reports to her assigned cabin. Here she meets her cabin-mates: a Gorn named Telosirizharcrede, a human from Earth named Judd "Scanner" Sandage, a humanoid from Altair Four named Merete AndrusTaurus, and a Vulcan named Sarda. It is revealed that Piper and Sarda have a history together which has generated animosity between them.

Shortly thereafter, Lt. Piper is summoned to the bridge where she finds out that a top-secret Federation vessel named ''Star Empire'', first of a new class of heavily armed and shielded dreadnought, has been stolen by persons unknown and that the ''Enterprise'' has been dispatched in pursuit. The head of the dreadnought project, Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse, is in pursuit as well aboard the destroyer ''Pompeii''. She also finds out that the ''Star Empire'' has transmitted rendezvous coordinates to the ''Enterprise'' and that Piper's unique biocode would be needed to enable transmissions at the rendezvous point.

After a conference, Piper retires to her cabin and has a conversation with AndrusTaurus, where it is revealed why Sarda and Piper have strained relations. Sarda has a talent for defensive weapons design, which Starfleet keeps developing for offensive uses as well and that is something which Vulcans considered immoral. Piper, in her ignorance, informed the academy staff of Sarda's talents, which led to his great personal embarrassment and being ostracized by other Vulcans in Starfleet. Piper and AndrusTaurus do some research on Vulcan and decide to consult with a Vulcan embassy that specialized in human-Vulcan relationships.

Upon arrival at the rendezvous point, the ''Enterprise'' finds ''Star Empire'' being attacked by four Klingon vessels. The ''Star Empire'' is apparently helpless, its crew unable to fight while the attacking Klingons inflict heavy damage on the dreadnought with phaser fire. ''Enterprise'' moves in to help the crippled dreadnought, engaging the Klingons with phasers and photon torpedoes. One is damaged and retreats to hide in an asteroid field. Hard fighting results in another Klingon ship being destroyed. However, the ''Enterprise'' is also damaged in the fighting and is left facing long odds against the two remaining Klingon ships. Suddenly, movement is detected in the asteroid field, and a second ''Star Empire'' appears. Engaging the damaged Klingon ships with heavy photon torpedoes, this unhurt ''Star Empire'' destroys two of them and sends the last one fleeing. Then it is revealed that the damaged ''Star Empire'' is in fact a sophisticated sensor projection when it dissolves from sight shortly thereafter, followed by the creation of five more dreadnought projections. This projection device is one of Sarda's weapons projects he finds embarrassing.

Captain Kirk hails the ''Star Empire'' and after Piper's biocode is transmitted communication is established. To everybody's great surprise, Brian Silayna appears on the screen. He reads a message from Commander Paul Burch stating that they have seized the dreadnaught in the name of galactic civility and request an ambassadorial party of Kirk, Piper, and a Vulcan. Kirk refuses to comply and orders Piper arrested for conspiracy with terrorists, then cuts the transmission. Kirk orders the security guards to confine Piper to her quarters.

In her quarters, Piper reflects on the situation and decides she had to get over to ''Star Empire'' to find out what was going on, why Silayna was on the dreadnought, and why he had never revealed his intentions to her. She tricks open the door by cutting the fire-alarm circuits to the bridge then triggering the heat sensor with a curling iron so that the safety features override the door lock and lets her out.

Piper runs to the nearest transporter room and begins to activate the equipment with the intention of beaming over to ''Star Empire''. Sarda finds her there, having deduced her intentions and location after discovering her missing from her quarters, and informs her that the ''Star Empire'' has moved out of transporter range. Instead, they move to the hangar bay, open the doors, steal a 2-seat Arco-class light attack "sled", and head towards the ''Star Empire''. During the flight Sarda informs Piper that 3 more starships (''Hood'', ''Lincoln'', and ''Potemkin'') have been ordered by Admiral Rittenhouse to the location, and also accidentally reveals another benevolent invention that Starfleet weaponized and that he is embarrassed about.

Their trip to ''Star Empire'' is cut short, however when the destroyer ''Pompeii'' drops out of warp, intercepts the attack sled and uses a tractor beam to haul it inside its hangar bay. They meet Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse, who informs them that Commander Burch was his personal aide but had deteriorated until Rittenhouse believed he had become sociopathic. They discuss the situation of Piper and Sarda briefly with Captain Kirk, then Rittenhouse discusses the recent galactic political situation and hints at his desire to unite the various galactic governments under a common flag of peace. He then leaves the conference room to attend to other duties.

Piper, sensing something in the hints that Rittenhouse dropped, uses the destroyer's computer to access Starfleet and Federation organizational charts. She and Sarda find a disturbing pattern: men that had served with Rittenhouse over the years had been placed in high levels of the civilian and military leadership, including the captains of the three other starships en route. Believing Rittenhouse may be planning a military coup, Piper tries to contact the ''Enterprise'', but Rittenhouse and Dr. Boma, a civilian scientist who also worked on the dreadnought project, stop her and order Piper and Sarda thrown in the destroyer's brig.

While in the brig Piper and Sarda discuss Earth history and Piper explains the pattern of socialist political, military, and economic changes that Rittenhouse is repeating and how it would affect the Federation and its galactic neighbors. Suddenly, the power to the brig is briefly interrupted (by Boma, after he realizes Rittenhouse's plans for ''Star Empire'' s crew), and Sarda acts quickly, throwing himself through the cell's doorway before the forcefield could re-activate. Sarda then turns off the forcefield and he and Piper flee the detention area.

Moving through the destroyer, they spy the senior officers from the ''Enterprise'' and three other starships walking through the ''Pompeii''’s corridor into the conference room. Fearing for the safety of Kirk and his officers, Sarda and Piper move to the engineering section, bluff past the engineers there, and find an isolated spot from which to contact the ''Enterprise''. Sarda contacts AndrusTaurus and Sandage, who transport over.
With Sandage's help they manage to use the ship's intercom system to listen in on the meeting.

During the meeting, Rittenhouse and his hand-picked captains square off against Kirk, with Rittenhouse advocating for harsh measures and being indifferent to the potential deaths of the crew on ''Star Empire''; while Kirk advocates for talks and negotiation with the ''Star Empire''. Kirk becomes increasingly suspicious of Rittenhouse's unwillingness to let him contact the dreadnought's crew and Rittenhouse's disregard for their lives and balks. Rittenhouse finally orders security to arrest Kirk and his officers and lock them in a stateroom.

Piper, Sarda, Sandage, and AndrusTaurus surprise and disable the guards outside the stateroom and stage an effort to free Kirk and his officers. They find that Kirk and his officers have disabled the guards inside their room and were planning to come and rescue them. They then sabotage the ''Pompeii'' s phasers before meeting in the transporter room. Kirk, Spock, Scott, and McCoy beam back first; however, before the others can leave the ''Pompeii'' s crew disable the transporter.

They move immediately to the hangar bay; where they have another encounter with a security team. A fight ensues, ending when AndrusTaurus grabs a guard's dropped phaser and shoots him with it. Against regulations the phaser is set to disintegrate instead of stun and the guard is vaporized. AndrusTaurus feels horrible guilt about her action as they continue to flee to the hangar deck.

Once at the deck, they are confronted by Rittenhouse and more guards. Piper threatens to self-destruct the Arco attack sled they arrived on and take the destroyer with it. Rittenhouse, seeing that she's serious, withdraws from the deck and allows them to escape. The four of them escape in two attack sleds, skimming along the destroyer's hull to avoid being shot by the ''Pompeii'' s phaser batteries. Piper destroys one phaser bank, then the two sleds vector away from the destroyer and towards the ''Star Empire'' before the ''Pompeii'' can bring more phasers to bear.

They escape to the ''Star Empire'' and rush to the bridge. There they find a skeleton, untrained, largely bureaucratic crew that has only basic control over the ship's systems. Commander Burch explains the situation and they try to contact the ''Enterprise''. ''Pompeii'' tries to jam the signal, and when that fails the destroyer opens fire on the ill-prepared ''Star Empire''. A fierce battle then ensues. The ''Pompeii'' s phasers were disabled after the initial shots, leaving three other starships against ''Enterprise'' and ''Star Empire''.

Piper is able to unlock the ship's systems, giving ''Star Empire'' increased shielding and weapons ability to withstand the heavy attacks by the opposing starships. However ''Star Empire'' still takes significant damage, as Burch is not a combat commander and is reluctant to fire on other Federation vessels. ''Enterprise'' feigns fatal damage, luring Rittenhouse to order two other starships in to evacuate the ''Enterprise'' crew. Kirk then fires on the two starships, inflicting heavy damage and evening the odds. The two sides maneuver warily, until Commander Burch is disabled in an attack. Piper is forced to take command of ''Star Empire'' and begins to move aggressively, using the dreadnought's multiple phaser banks and newly activated secondary shielding to dish out heavy hits on the opposing starships. With Rittenhouse's three starships considerably damaged, Piper bluffs their commanders by arming ''Star Empire'' s heavy photon torpedoes, a single hit from which would destroy any of the damaged starships killing all on board. Rittenhouse's ships fall back, and ''Star Empire'' presses in.

Rittenhouse, seeing that he no longer has the upper hand and that victory is out of reach, orders ''Pompeii'' to make a suicide run on ''Star Empire''. Kirk, seeing this, moves in quickly and destroys ''Pompeii'' before she can collide with ''Star Empire''.

With Rittenhouse dead, the commanders of his three other starships surrender. The novel ends with medals being awarded to several of the crew and Piper gets promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Then Captain Kirk extends an offer to Piper to go sailing with him on his schooner.

Demons (Dillard novel)

A strange device found by a scientific expedition is taken to the planet Vulcan. It begins taking people over one by one, replacing them with malevolent power-hungry entities. The crew of the ''Enterprise'', those not yet replaced, must contain this threat to Vulcan and defeat it.

This story is continued in the ''Star Trek: The Next Generation'' novel ''Possession'', also by J.M. Dillard, where it is revealed the device is one of many.

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans

In August 2005, Terence McDonagh (Nicolas Cage) is a New Orleans police sergeant. While cleaning out a locker after Hurricane Katrina, he notices that a prisoner may not have been transferred. When he finds the prisoner about to drown, he mocks him before eventually jumping in the water to save him. He is promoted to police lieutenant and given a medal for his work, but has suffered a serious back injury because of the rescue. As a result, he is prescribed Vicodin to manage the pain.

Six months later, McDonagh is now not only addicted to painkillers, but is habitually using several other drugs including cocaine and cannabis. His girlfriend Frankie Donnenfeld (Eva Mendes), a prostitute, also does cocaine and they often share drugs. He has convinced Heidi (Fairuza Balk), a former co-worker now in another police division, to bring him drugs sent to the evidence room. He has become estranged from his father Pat (Tom Bower), a recovering alcoholic, and his alcoholic stepmother, Genevieve (Jennifer Coolidge). Over the course of the film, he uses his position as an officer to bully people and steal more drugs.

McDonagh is assigned to investigate the murders of five illegal immigrants from Senegal, who were killed for selling drugs in a gang leader's neighborhood. The gang leader, Big Fate (Alvin 'Xzibit' Joiner), has two associates: Midget (Lucius Baston) and G (Tim Bellow). After both are arrested, Big Fate willingly comes to the police station with his lawyer. As they try to gather evidence against Big Fate, McDonagh goes back to a hotel room where he finds Frankie beaten by one of her clients, a seemingly well-connected man named Justin (Shea Whigham). McDonagh threatens Justin and takes $10,000 from him. Later on, a delivery boy who was an auditory witness of the murder scene goes missing. McDonagh finds the witness's grandmother, who works at a nursing home, and threatens to kill one of her patients to make her divulge where the witness has gone. The old woman has sent him to stay with her family in England, to prevent him from getting involved in gang affairs.

In addition to dealing with the murder investigation, McDonagh gets in trouble with his bookie Ned (Brad Dourif) for not paying his debts. What little money McDonagh has is given to a gangster who works for Justin. The gangster (William M. Finkelstein) now requests $50,000 - five times the amount stolen from Justin - as compensation, and gives McDonagh two days to get it. As a result of his treatment of the old woman, McDonagh is on modified duty and his gun placed in the evidence room. McDonagh goes to Big Fate and they become partners, with McDonagh supplying Big Fate with police information. McDonagh now has enough money to pay off his debts to his bookie and uses his surplus earnings to place a new bet. During a celebration of the successful partnership between McDonagh and Big Fate, the gangster shows up, demanding his money. McDonagh offers him a cut worth more than $50,000 from a bag filled with pure heroin, but the gangster wants to take it all. Big Fate and his crew end up killing the gangsters.

To further celebrate their partnership, McDonagh implores Big Fate to smoke crack cocaine with his "lucky crack pipe." He does, and McDonagh later plants the pipe at the murder scene of the Senegal family. The department uses this new evidence to arrest Big Fate and his cronies, but when he and McDonagh are alone with Big Fate, McDonagh's partner, Stevie Pruit (Val Kilmer), threatens to kill Big Fate, as Pruit does not want him to have the chance to escape conviction. McDonagh is outraged at this idea and arrests Big Fate, showing that despite his addictions he can still perform his duties as an officer. McDonagh is later promoted to police captain.

One year later, McDonagh appears to be sober, as does Frankie (who is pregnant with McDonagh's child) and McDonagh's parents, but it turns out that McDonagh is still taking heroin. He encounters the prisoner whom he saved at the beginning of the film, and the man, recognizing McDonagh, exclaims that McDonagh saved his life. The man has been sober for almost a year and offers to help McDonagh finally escape his own addiction. McDonagh simply asks, "Do fish have dreams?" The film ends with the two men in the Aquarium of the Americas sitting on the floor with their backs against a wall-sized fish tank.

Life Begins Anew

Paolo Martini, a doctor of chemistry and Italian veteran returns home to Rome after spending some time in a British Prisoner of War camp during the Second World War. After returning to find his son, Sandro, grown some years. He finds his wife, Patrizia, had some difficulty during his 6 years away. He also meets the Professor, their new next-door neighbor who lost his wife and daughter in the bombings of Napoli.

After readjusting to his new life at home, Paolo is frightened when Patrizia suddenly disappears. After searching through Rome with the Professor, he finally finds her in custody at the police station. She has been accused of murdering a man.

Patrizia admits to Paolo that during the desperate war years, she prostituted herself to pay for medicine to keep Sandro alive. Paolo is at first outraged and pushes her away. He even tried to confess to the murder to spare Patrizia, despite the advice of the investigator not to. Patrizia is eventually acquitted of the murder, but Paolo admits to wanting to leave her. The Professor's speech to Paolo at the end of the film convinces Paolo to stay and try to restart his life anew with Sandro and Patrizia.

The Two Orphans (1947 film)

The story is set in Paris in the middle of the 19th century. Caspar (Totò) and the Baptist (Campanini) are two poor homeless staying in an orphanage, not knowing where to stay. One day the two orphans are called by the director to solve a very special case: Susanne, a girl from the orphanage would like to marry a rich young but his father is against it because he does not know anything about the origins of his girlfriend. So Gasparre has the bright idea to cut a lock of hair to swap it with that of Susanne and so the father of the rich man discovers that the owner of the hair is of noble origins and thus a relative. Caspar along with the Baptist enters the new family but the nobles Parisians have in mind to delete the new emperor Napoleon III of France and the two tramps are involved against their bungling. Being in the real room of the emperor, Napoleon immediately catches them and makes them stop, so Caspar and Baptist are sentenced to the guillotine. But just as the ax is about to fall on their heads, the two orphans wake up with a start: it was all a dream.

Toto Tours Italy

Totò Casamandrei, a middle-aged high school professor, sells his soul to the Devil to win the Giro d'Italia and impress the young Doriana, a cycling fan.

The Bolt (Shostakovich)

The ballet is an ironic tale of slovenly work in a Soviet factory. The lazy Lyonka hates work and together with a local priest and anti-Soviet plotter he plans to sabotage the machinery by putting a bolt in it. Their plan is foiled by a group of Young Communists.

1860 (film)

The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan (as part of the Risorgimento) to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type.

The film ends on the battlefield, making Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses.

The Wizard in the Woods

The story begins with the wizard exam of second class jr. wizard Ben Muzzy. Things go awry when he accidentally teleports himself to a mysterious forest. There he meets twins named Gemma and Joel who pledge to help the lost wizard find his way back home.

Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2008-07-30

The story is set in Guagua, Pampanga a decade after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo which ravaged the province with lahar. It follows the lives of Rodolfo "Mang Rudy" Manansala, a woodcarver, and his three daughters and their relationships with the people close to them in the span of seven summers. Grace, the youngest daughter, marries the mama's boy Conrad, and has to face the reality of leaving the ancestral house, to which she is deeply rooted, to go and live with her in-laws. Much against her will, to the point of staging a escape, she yields to the dictates of tradition. Yet she manages to cope up with married life, and on the fourth year of her marriage gets pregnant with her second child. Lourdes, the middle daughter and married to the weakling Andy Pineda with whom she has a daughter, goes into an illicit affair with a bank manager, for which reason Mang Rudy succumbs to a heart attack and becomes bedridden. For a while numbed by the infidelity of his wife, Andy later realizes his insignificance and retaliates by beating up and nearly killing Lourdes. Lourdes atones for her guilt by ministering to Andy's wounds after he joins the rituals of the flagellants during the Holy Week. However, they both decide to separate. Jess, the eldest daughter, is a lesbian whose bitter luck in life is being unwanted by her own father. Yet she serves Mang Rudy to the hilt after he gets bedridden and makes the common sense of allowing her girlfriend Rowena to move in at the Manansala house, not so much for their own convenience as lovers but for Rowena to help in looking after Mang Rudy and in helping out with the household chores. But when a conflict arises between Lourdes and Rowena, Mang Rudy sends Rowena away. A year later, Mang Rudy succumbs to a second attack and when he dies several months later, Rowena sets foot on the ancestral house once more to pay her last respects. At the wake, Rowena comes to the realization that, like Andy, she never belonged and finally decides to leave Jess. Rowena realigns herself with normal procedures by getting married while Jess, along with her sisters, moves on with life. The story is told in three segments, with each segment told from the point of view of the three daughters. Attached to each segment are social occasion popularly observed in the Philippines, with a symbolic motif for each, represented by the elements sun, fire, water, air, blood, moon and earth. With Rowena's wedding at the end of the film, as in Grace's wedding at the start, a full cycle of life transpired.

30 Years to Life (2001 film)

A handful of close friends, due to turn 30, discover that their dreams for the future are running headfirst into the realities of adulthood in this character-driven comedy-drama. Natalie is a banker who is happy with her job, but is tired of being single, and her pursuit of a husband is taking her down several blind alleys in the world of dating. Joy has developed a similar desire to settle down and get married, but while she has a long-term boyfriend, Leland, he is not so sure he wants to make a lifetime commitment. Troy is a comic who has been on the verge of a career breakthrough for years, but he is starting to wonder if his big break is ever going to arrive. Malik is a white-collar executive who thinks life is passing him by, and is pondering giving up a stable career to start over as a model. And Stephanie is comfortable with her job in real estate, but she is not so comfortable with herself as she struggles with a weight problem she's had since childhood.

The House Bunny

Shelley Darlingson is an aspiring Playboy Playmate living the life of luxury in the Playboy Mansion with Hugh Hefner. The day after her 27th birthday, she awakes to find a note, seemingly from Hugh Hefner, asking her to pack up and leave. The note is later revealed to be a forgery by jealous rival Playmate Cassandra.

Shelley happens to stumble upon a group of girls who remind her of herself: beautiful and fun. She follows them and sees that they live in luxury too. They turn out to be the Phi Iota Mu sorority, and though she is unable to join them because she is not a student, she tries to become a house mother, but the house mothers snobbishly reject her when she tries to join them.

Shelley makes her way down to the Zeta Alpha Zeta house, which appears to be far less luxurious than the first sorority she visited. The members of the Zeta house are dowdy, socially awkward, and caught off guard by Shelley's bubbly nature, prompting them to initially reject her. Once they see Shelley's ability to attract boys, the Zetas change their mind and take in Shelley as their new "house mother", hoping that she can save them: their sorority is in danger of being shut down unless they can get thirty new pledges to join.

During her time spent with the Zetas, Shelley meets and becomes attracted to an intellectual, altruistic guy named Oliver, who works at a retirement home. Shelley goes out on a date with Oliver and while her flirty tactics work with most guys, they fail with him for he is a guy who actually wants to get to know Shelley rather than just sleep with her. To impress Oliver on their upcoming second date, Shelley starts attending classes and reading books, and tones down her appearance. The second date is also a disaster because she wears glasses that are not meant for her, and brings along note cards to help her sound smart.

Having gotten a makeover and lessons on how to attract guys and be popular, the Zetas throw a party, which is a huge success. Later, the Zetas are reviewing the girls who are hoping to pledge to Zeta. However, Lilly, an English Zeta sister with social anxiety, reveals how their new popularity has made them conceited, thus forgetting the true value of sisterhood. When they realize what they have become, they blame Shelley—just as she returns from her unsuccessful date.

Although Shelley had just been invited back to the Playboy Mansion after Hefner had learned of the forged dismissal and decided to stay with the Zetas, the unexpected attack from them makes her reconsider and she calls back to accept the invitation. The Zetas then feel guilty and decide to give themselves a second makeover, this time being "Half-Shelley and Half-Themselves". They also decide to draw the pledges out at random instead of judging them for their physical looks and popularity. They show up at Shelley's photo shoot and ask for her to come back, to which she agrees, having changed her mind about her dream of being a centerfold.

The rival Phi Iota Mu sorority intercepts the invitations and prevents them from being mailed out, so the Zetas are again in danger of being shut down at the campus meeting of the Panhellenic Council. Shelley crashes the meeting and gives a heartfelt speech about what her experience with the Zetas has taught her about love and acceptance and asks for pledges on the spot; gradually thirty students agree to pledge, and the sorority is saved. Oliver and Shelley reconcile, and Shelley explains that she likes Oliver a lot and was trying too hard to impress him. They decide to start over with their relationship and Oliver is looking forward to getting to know the "real" Shelley.

The film ends with the Zetas and their new pledges celebrating. Shelley has remained in close contact with Hefner and her friends at the Playboy Mansion.

Once Upon a Brothers Grimm

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are traveling to a king's palace to present him with their fairy tales. Their carriage driver refuses to take them into the woods because they are said to be enchanted. Not wanting to miss their audience with the king, the brothers buy the carriage from the driver and travel into the woods alone. Placed under the enchantment of the woods, the brothers begin to encounter a wide range of characters that exist in their tales, including Snow White and Sleeping Beauty among many others.

Never Back Down

Jake Tyler has recently moved from Iowa to Orlando, Florida with his mother, Margret and younger brother Charlie who is a budding Tennis star, the move being in furtherance of his tennis career. His father died in a drunk-driving car crash accident, which is the subject of taunting from other classmates. He has a rising reputation with the students of his new school due to an internet video of him when he was a football player at his previous school fighting with a frustrated opponent player who makes derogatory remarks about Jake's father. Initially Jake has trouble fitting into his new school and while walking he sees Max Cooperman supposedly being beaten up by bullies. When Jake tries to intervene, he is told off by Max and his friends as the "bullying" was actually a semi-sanctioned mixed martial arts fight. Later on, Jake is invited by classmate Baja Miller (whom he develops a crush on) to a party where he is unwillingly pulled into a fight with the MMA champion at the school, Ryan McCarthy, who is also Baja's boyfriend. Initially refusing to fight, Jake readily agrees to fight Ryan when he makes fun of Jake's father's death. Ryan easily defeats Jake, and video of the event circulates the school which leaves Jake humiliated.

Max Cooperman, after befriending Jake, introduces him to MMA and gets him connected with an instructor named Jean Roqua. Jake manages to pass a few of Roqua's physical tests and impresses him with his willpower and is accepted as his student. Roqua warns Jake that while he is under his instructorship, Jake cannot fight outside the gym no matter the reason and if he breaks the rule he will be thrown out of his gym. While Jake trains under Roqua, he initially has difficulty doing so due to his anger towards his incident with Ryan. Baja tries to make amends with Jake by apologizing for her role in the fight between him and Ryan but Jake refuses to forgive her. When Ryan shows no remorse for his fight with Jake or his sadistic tendencies, Baja breaks up with him, to which Ryan responds by aggressively grabbing her. When Jake tries to intervene to protect Baja, Ryan insults him about his father again and leaves. At practice, with Jake still furious over what happened, is told by Roqua to leave the gym until he cools off. Riding back from the gym with Max, Jake gets into a road rage brawl with a group of men whom he easily dispose of. Max films the video, which circulates around the school and raises Jake's social status which ends up agitating Ryan enough to confront Jake. After cornering Jake in the bathroom and roughing him up, he challenges Jake to compete in the Beatdown, an underground fighting tournament of which Ryan is the reigning champion. When Roqua discovers that Jake has fought outside the gym, he kicks him out and tells him he is not welcome back. A little while later, after Jake pleads with him, Roqua obliges and welcomes Jake back to the gym. Roqua puts Jake through more rigorous training which Jake uses in preparation for the Beatdown. After a workout, Roqua confides in Jake that he came from Brazil and is in self imposed exile. He tells Jake that his brother was a skilled MMA fighter and had handedly beaten a local troublemaker who had challenged him. The man later returned with a gun and murdered his brother. Jean's father blames him for the death, saying he should have been watching out for him. Jake later on meets with Baja and apologizes for not forgiving her and they start a relationship. Jake eventually becomes reluctant to compete at the Beatdown seeing it as something Ryan wants, but his mind is changed after Ryan invites Max to his house and assaults him, leaving him on Jake's doorstep to be found. After leaving Max at the hospital, Jake goes to see Roqua and initially arguing over Jake's decision to participate in the Beatdown eventually relents and reminds Jake to "control the outcome".

Jake arrives at the tournament and both he and Ryan make their way through each round, each emerging victorious. Jake makes it to the semifinals in spite of an injury he received in the previous match. Baja arrives to not only support him, but to tell him that she understands why he insists on fighting: so that he would never have to fight again. After learning that Ryan was disqualified in his semifinal match due to an illegal eye gouge, Jake forfeits, seeing no reason to continue. While he and Baja attempt to leave, Ryan confronts him and the two finally fight outside in the parking lot. Jake is still limited by his injury, and Ryan at first gains the upper hand, applying a choke on Jake. However Jake escapes and knocks out Ryan using one of the first combinations Roqua taught him. Eventually, Jake wins the respect of his fellow students, including Ryan; and Roqua decides to go back to Brazil to reconcile with his father.

Raid on Rommel

In Libya in 1942, Captain Alex Foster (Burton), an intelligence officer with the British Army, allows himself to be captured by a German Afrika Korps convoy transporting British prisoners, pretending to be injured. Once integrated with the prisoners, consisting of a medical unit and remnants of a commando force, Foster outlines his plans to take over the convoy, with the help of the prisoners, and redirect it towards the Libyan port town of Tobruk.

On the way, they find an unexpected concentration of German tanks, and they surmise that a fuel depot must be hidden nearby. Foster, in Afrika Corps uniform, and Major Tarkington (Clinton Greyn), the medical officer as his 'prisoner', gain access to the depot and meet Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (Wolfgang Preiss). During a friendly dispute over philately between Rommel and Tarkington, Foster notices a map which indicates the location of the fuel depot.

They make excuses, leave, capture a tank, and blow up the fuel dump. They escape towards Tobruk, where they destroy a coastal battery. The prisoners are embarked in boats launched by attacking Royal Navy warships. However, Foster and Tarkington are captured by German soldiers. The film leaves their fates unexplained.

The only female character in the film, a civilian, is held against her will, drugged, (implied) raped, and abandoned at the side of the road.

Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal

Five high school cheerleaders dubbed the "Fab Five"—Brooke Tippit (Ashley Benson) who is co-captain of the squad, Jeri Blackburn (Jessica Heap), Lisa Toledo (Aimee Spring Fortier), Ashley Sanchez (Stephanie Honoré), and Tabitha Doering (Ashlynn Ross)--run amok as the mean girls of the school. Teachers, parents, and administrators fail to punish them for their unruly behavior, which includes repeatedly getting their coaches fired after disagreements or driving them to quit. These girls disregard school rules, drink alcohol, bully other students, and post suggestive pictures on the internet. After a new cheerleading coach Emma Carr (Jenna Dewan) arrives, the girls initially rebel against her but later become cooperative. Brooke becomes furious with Coach Carr when she assigns Meagan Harper, the most respected member of the squad, as co-captain because up until then, she had been the only captain. The Fab Five perform well at a pep rally, but after Ashley is kissed by Jeri's boyfriend, the other girls eject her from the group and later become the "Fab Four," although Ashley remains part of the squad. Carr tries to discipline the girls, which results in a change in attitude. The girls start bullying other pupils, including Cindy, Meagan's younger sister, and are suspended from the team. The Fab Four get drunk and are caught trying to leave the campus by a guard and the principal.

The girls tell the school's superintendent they were tired after a test and wanted to sleep. The security guard then tells Carr about the incident, and she confronts the principal and superintendent, who give excuses for not punishing the girls. Carr insists the principal punishes them, so the principal threatens to dissolve the team. Defiant, Carr punishes the whole squad by continually canceling practices and kicking Jeri off the squad. At next practice session, Carr hands each of the girls an eraser for a "fresh" start, but only Tabitha accepts. As revenge for Jeri's ejection, the girls show the superintendent a picture of Carr hugging another teacher at the school and say the two have been having an affair. At the discipline meeting for Jeri, Carr is repeatedly accused of flirting and not formally punishing the girls.

At the next practice session, the squad struggles to perform the liberty stunt, but Carr inspires them to learn it. Carr finds Lisa has cheated on a test; after penalizing her, Lisa yells at Carr and storms out. Lisa then tells her father that Carr was bullying her, so Carr cancels practice and sends an email to the cheerleaders apologizing for it. She visits the school and is fired by the principal; later the girls confront Carr as she prepares to leave the school. She hears about a reporter who is researching "cheerleaders gone wild" and gives an interview about the ongoing events at Jackson High School. The school investigates, and the "Fab Four" enjoy the attention and lie to an independent investigator about their treatment. Carr discovers the investigator's true agenda, tells him what happened, leaves angrily, and bumps into Brooke. Carr simply asks her if she thinks the University of Southern California will accept her as a student after all the negative publicity of what has happened.

The investigator reports that the allegations against the "Fab Four" and administrators are true and that Carr is innocent. He blames the principal for the problem and Carr losing her job. Lorene and the assistant principal are suspended from their jobs. Brooke is pulled from the school by her mother, and the rest of the "Fab Four" are no longer allowed to cheer. Brooke and her mother leave followed by cameras, Brooke then gives Carr the middle finger and Carr is visibly upset. However, Carr doesn't get her job back from the school. Four months later, Carr watches the girls at a cheer competition and is welcomed with praise and hugs, including a newly reformed Ashley, who she exchanges smiles with. The new cheerleaders compete, and Carr discovers Cindy had written an essay about her, discussing how she stood up to the administration and stopped the Fab Four from terrorizing their school, revealing that Carr did change things after all. The girls compete and perform the stunt they struggled with earlier, leaving Carr feeling proud and worthy.

Nemuranai Machi: Shinjuku Same

Detective Same is out to solve a murder of innocent civilians.

Shopaholic Abroad

Life looks good for Becky Bloomwood. She has a great relationship with boyfriend Luke as well as a steady job giving financial advice on television. Furthermore, she is on good terms with her bank manager, Derek Smeath. Life becomes problematic for Becky when Mr. Smeath retires from Endwich Bank and Luke announces he wants to make it big in New York, big changes are in store for Becky. She takes to New York like an angel to heaven. Becky has never been happier and the reader is treated to Becky seeing the Guggenheim in a unique way, winning the attention of employees at Barney's and discovering sample sales. Becky spends a substantial amount of money, but is sure she's financially secure, with the job offers on T.V. piling up. She also justifies her expenses by convincing herself that the items are an investment in the future.

An article in the ''Daily World'' reveals her high debts, calls her a fraud for telling people how to manage their money when she is herself feckless. This causes a fight between her and Luke, as there are current rumours about that his PR company, Brandon Communications, will lose Bank of London as their client, and her being revealed as in debt (and Luke not even knowing about it) doesn't help situations. More and more opportunities are ruled out, when more and more people read the article. She even loses her current job on Morning Coffee, and is replaced by her former co-worker Clare Edwards, who Becky never liked, being boring and smug. She returns home to her roommate and best friend Suze, while Luke remains in New York, and their relationship comes to an apparent end.

Becky and Suze go to Becky's new bank manager to ask for a bigger overdraft, but are met with nothing but hostility and disgust. A woman who worked for her former employers Morning Coffee contacts her and asks her to lunch, Becky becomes hopeful, but it turns out she only wants her to come on and be told off by Clare for TV. She becomes depressed and Suze tries to comfort her. On a trip to Luke's office to collect a package for her delivered there, Becky decides that she will see Mel, Luke's secretary, for a bit because she missed her. She collects her package, but also notices how quiet it is with no moral. She hides in Mel's desk just in time so no one catches her in the office. During that time, she overhears Alicia's conversation with her fiancé, Ben Bridges, and another Brandon C. worker, which confuses her. Becky discovers she, along with her colleagues and Bridges, are planning to steal Luke's clients, along with Bank of London, and run the company out of business to embarrass Luke. She waits for them to leave, which they do after a few tense minutes and she safely leaves Brandon C.

Instead of going home to Suze and tell her about what she had witnessed, Becky decides to do a little detective work and find out more about Alicia's plans. She heads down to King Street and ask a tenant about any new businesses coming into the street. He tells Becky the empty 2nd floor of the building he owns, will be the future home of a financial public relations business called "Bridges and Billington" and the Bank of London will be one of their future clients. Furious at Alicia's actions for what she did to Luke as well as herself, Becky thanks the tenant for his help and leave for home. After returning home, she immediately contacts Luke's colleague in America, Michael Ellis, and tells him the truth about what she had seen. He thanks her for informing him, but Becky requests that Michael does not tell him that it was her. When asked about her reasons against it, Becky admits that she's concerned that Luke will think she's spreading rumors by gossiping behind his back to prove a point after a remark she made about Elinor. Michael agrees to cover for her by telling Luke that he found out from an anonymous tip and will look into it.

The next day, Suze suggests for a healing and empowering exercise that Becky throw out all her unnecessary possessions. She was against it at first, but later agrees when she saw how cluttered her room is and needed something to take her mind off of losing her job and Alicia's plans. While trying to tidy up, Becky comes up with a better idea after watching an art sale auction on TV. When Suze and Tarquin comes in to her room, Becky tells them the great idea that she had in mind. She has decided to sell off all her unnecessary possessions in a sales auction to make a lot of money. To her surprise and relief, Suze and Tarquin are on board to helping her advertise the sale. During that time, Becky gets a call from Michael, who invites her to lunch at the Savoy Hotel.

At the Savoy Hotel, he congratulates her for helping them out because her information saved Brandon C. from being run out of business by exposing Alicia and her colleagues for trying to ruin the company's reputation with their clients. Michael reveals that Luke has returned to London to try and salvage his company's reputation with his clients while trying to keep interest open in America. He also mentions that because of Alicia's fiancé's wealth, Ben was a key player in her plans and he was able to finance the project that they've been working on for some time. They were planning to steal all of Brandon C.'s clients and set up business elsewhere in King Street. As soon as Luke left with Becky for New York, she and her colleagues got to work immediately by telling their co-workers and clients a bunch of rumours that he will close the UK branch. As a result, clients are threatening to sue him and workers were leaving earlier, all the while she was telling him a different story. Once Michael told Luke the truth, he immediately returned to the UK branch of Brandon C. to search their desks and found plenty of evidence. Furious, he took Alicia and her colleagues by surprise in the meeting room and he fired them for it. Michael mentions that Luke plans to press charges of embezzlement against Alicia, Ben and four others involved in their scheme. Noticing that Becky has no job and is in debt, he offers her a job in Washington D.C. and can help her with immigration as he's got a good lawyer and friends in immigration to convince them. Michael also offers her good advice in finding work that she's real passionate about and not fall into a job she doesn't like.

That night, Becky holds an auction for her clothes and items. She sells all of it, even her Denny and George scarf, a big symbol for her and Luke's relationship, which makes more than three times her money back to pay off her debts. Becky accepts the slot on Morning Coffee, but shocks them all by telling them she has no more financial problems, has paid off all her debt, and is heading off to New York now to work at Barneys as a personal shopper (all of which is now true). Her former co-workers beg her to stay and answer questions from people on the phone wanting to know how she got out of debt. Becky refuses and heads to the airport with her travelling luggage ready to head to New York. Though unable to get an upgrade, the clerk was able to get her a window seat near the emergency exit with plenty of leg room. Becky comes across an article from the ''Financial Times'', detailing Luke's risky business plans to save his company. Though feeling bad for him, she also accepts the fact it's over between them and she must move on with her own life.

Luke turns up at the airport and tells Becky that Michael told him all about what she did for his company. He thanks her, although Luke admits he was angry about it because she should have told him. Becky defends herself by stating she was worried that Luke wouldn't believe her if she came to him about Alicia and would think she was gossiping behind his back. Thus, she thought telling Michael about Alicia's plans was a safer bet since he would not betray her. While having a drink at the airport bar, Luke revealed that he confronted the reporter from Daily World that wrote the bad article about Becky to reveal her source and was enraged when he found out Alicia was involved. After returning to London, Luke did extensive search in her desk and had found bank statements that belonged to Becky. This revelation makes her feel bad for leaving her bank statements behind, unaware of the trouble it and the excessive shopping caused her. However, Luke reveals that he was Alicia's real target and she was a mere stepping stone. He admits he realized his mistake in accusing Becky for ruining his deal and apologizes after learning Alicia ruined her T.V. career intentionally so she had an easier shot at embarrassing him by ruining Brandon C's reputation with their clients and running it out of business. She tells Luke that it was also her own fault, because if she had been keeping tabs on her money and not gone shopping excessively in New York, she wouldn't have put herself in the mess she was in. In a lot of ways, Becky was glad she read the article because she realized she had to grow up and start paying back her debts. Luke begs her to stay, to come and work at Brandon Communications. He also reveals how much Alicia decimated his staff, including firing his trustworthy secretary, Mel, when she suspected Alicia and a few others for lying to him. Becky refuses and tells Luke that she doesn't want to settle down at a job she doesn't want, as she's too young for that. When he asks her reasons against it and starts to believe she has taken up Michael's offer to live in Washington DC, Becky reveals her intent to return to New York to work at Barneys as a personal shopper. She also admits that she didn't take Michael's offer and that he was being a good friend in giving her good advice in finding a job she is passionate in working at. Realizing this, Luke apologizes to Becky again for his assumption. Before she leaves, Luke gives Becky back her Denny and George scarf, revealing that the two bidders pitting against each other were him. Becky leaves for New York to accept a job at Barneys.

Some time later, Becky is working as a personal shopper at Barneys in New York. She has regular TV appearances representing fashion styles, which gains her more than three times her viewers back. Becky is helping out a female customer to accessorise an outfit, when Luke shows up as a customer. Becky soon realizes she really missed him and they get back together.

N. (novella)

In the outer circle of a nested narrative, a woman named Sheila writes to her childhood friend Charlie about her brother, Johnny, a psychiatrist who recently committed suicide. Sheila suspects it was due to a patient Johnny referred to in his notes anonymously as the eponymous "N".

In the inner circle of the narrative, N. is diagnosed by Dr. John Bonsaint as suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoid delusions related to "keeping balance". N. has become convinced that a circle of stones in a field on the outskirts of a nearby town, Ackerman's Field, contains a potential doorway (best described as a place where the walls between realities are thin, or perhaps breaking down) to another reality, where a terrifying monster, repeatedly said to be a "helmet-headed" being named Cthun, is trying to break through. A warning sign of the monster's imminent penetration is when a person viewing the field sees seven stones, when there are in fact eight. N's belief, shared by those who came before him, is that verifying the presence of eight stones when he is in the field, and his obsession with order when he is absent, somehow strengthens the barrier between our world and the one Cthun dwells in. However, the process is a perpetual and exhausting struggle. N.'s obsession eventually leads to his death by suicide, despite Johnny's best efforts.

Following a mysterious compulsion, John goes out to the field to see the stones for himself. He begins to suspect that N. might not have been delusional after all when he suffers from the same symptoms as his patient. Most notable are his obsession with numbers: odd numbers are bad, especially prime ones, even ones are safe, especially if they have a lot of factors, and if the sum of their digits is also even. The effect recedes as winter sets in, since the level of danger seems to be synchronized with the solstices (winter is safest, summer is most dangerous). However, as June approaches, John is driven to madness, and finally kills himself.

A newspaper clipping reveals Sheila's fate: after she read her brother's manuscript, she jumped from a bridge near Ackerman's Field and killed herself, in a manner identical to her brother. A copy of an e-mail indicates that Charlie intends to visit the field in Maine.

Seven Swordsmen

In the mid-17th century, the Manchus conquer the territories of the fallen Ming Empire and establish the Qing Empire. Out of fear that the ''wulin'' (martial artists' community) will pose a threat to them, the Qing government forbids the common people from practising martial arts and possessing weapons. Prince Dokado, a Manchu noble, leads an army to eliminate those who defy the order. Dokado and his men kill many martial artists before assaulting Martial Village, which houses rebels from the Red Spears Society, an anti-Qing resistance movement. Two young villagers, Han Zhibang and Wu Yuanying, break out of the siege and follow Fu Qingzhu, a former executioner seeking to redeem himself, to Mount Heaven to seek help from Master Huiming, a reclusive martial artist and sword forger.

Huiming allows his four apprentices – Chu Zhaonan, Yang Yuncong, Xin Longzi and Mulang – to join Fu Qingzhu, Han Zhibang and Wu Yuanying on their quest to save the ''wulin'' from the Qing government's persecution. Each of the seven men receives a special sword from Huiming. They call themselves "Seven Swords".

The Seven Swords return in the nick of time and save the villagers from Qing forces attacking them. To avoid Dokado and his troops, the Seven Swords and the villagers flee into the mountains and hide inside a cave system. However, they soon discover that Dokado has planted a spy among them. The spy poisons their water supply, attempts to destroy their escape route, and frames Yang Yuncong for the deed. After escaping from the caves, the Seven Swords agree to split up for one year to avoid trouble. Han Zhibang and Mulang remain with the villagers, while Fu Qingzhu, Xin Longzi and Wu Yuanying go to the imperial capital to assassinate the Qing emperor.

In the meantime, Chu Zhaonan falls into a trap and gets captured by Fenghuo Liancheng, a ruthless Manchu general. He falls in love with Fenghuo Liancheng's slave, Lüzhu, but their romance ends in tragedy when she sacrifices herself to help him escape. Chu Zhaonan slays Fenghuo Liancheng and ventures far into western China, where he encounters Yang Yuncong. The two swordsmen join the Desert Eagles, an anti-Qing tribal group led by the legendary heroine Feihongjin.

During a battle against Qing forces, Yang Yuncong is wounded but is saved and nursed back to health by Nalan Minghui, a Qing general's daughter. They fall in love despite standing on opposing sides, but are not fated to be together as Nalan Minghui's father has arranged for her to marry Dokado. However, Nalan Minghui is already pregnant with Yang Yuncong's child and she gives birth to a baby girl later.

In the imperial capital, Fu Qingzhu, Xin Longzi and Wu Yuanying sneak into the palace and attempt to assassinate the Shunzhi Emperor. They end up saving the emperor from a coup staged by some nobles. In Hangzhou, Han Zhibang becomes the new leader of the Red Spears Society for his heroic actions in rescuing his comrades who were captured by Qing forces.

Following the reunion of the Seven Swords, Chu Zhaonan pretends to defect to the enemy in the hope of finding an opportunity to get close to Dokado and assassinate him. Chu Zhaonan's plan ultimately fails because Dokado sees through his ruse and manipulates him into committing atrocities against his own will. The rebels and the other six swordsmen become increasingly suspicious of where Chu Zhaonan's true allegiance lies.

Eventually, to prove his loyalty, Chu Zhaonan challenges Dokado to a battle on the banks of the Qiantang River and asks the other swordsmen to join him. Although the battle concludes with Dokado's defeat, it also causes the dissolution of the Seven Swords. Yang Yuncong is killed in action; Xin Longzi goes missing after entering a fit of insanity; Mulang returns to Mount Heaven in shame with Yang Yuncong's infant daughter after carelessly allowing the enemy to infiltrate the rebels' hideout; Chu Zhaonan is so deeply traumatised by the devastating experiences he went through that he abandons his fellows along with his conscience. While Fu Qingzhu and Wu Yuanying search for their missing comrades, Han Zhibang stays behind to help the surviving rebels rebuild their forces.

Simon Says (The Outer Limits)

Gideon Banks, an electronic engineer, twenty years ago lost his wife Liz and son Simon in a horrific car crash. At that period of time he was working at the so-called ''Neural Archiving Project'' — NAP for short. This technology was developed to create smart computers by transferring human engrams into computers.

The company eventually gave up on the technology, but Gideon didn't. After years of quietly perfecting it, he built at home a small robot, using parts he stole from ''Concorde Robotics'', where he now works. Zoe, Gideon's niece, discovers Gideon's secret, that the robot contains actual neural engrams from Gideon's dead son Simon, which Gideon has integrated into the robot in hopes of re-creating his son. And now, the robot actually has memories of the real Simon.

Zoe becomes worried not only about Gideon but also about the robot that sounds and acts a lot like her little cousin used to. And she begins to realize that Simon may not have been the lovable little angel that everyone believed he was.

"Simon" becomes more and more demanding, putting pressure on Gideon, who could lose his job. When he asks Zoe to "babysit," the robot attacks during a tantrum and injures her. When Gideon returns they argue about "Simon" being a robot or as Gideon insists, a true boy. Zoe leaves upset. Later, Gideon apologizes over the phone and asks her to look after Simon again as he has to work. Zoe does so, but this time gets along much better with "Simon" who also apologizes for hurting her.

Gideon's boss finds out about the robot, and claims that since it was built from company equipment, it belongs to the company. When he tries to forcibly take "Simon" away, Gideon becomes enraged and clubs the man on the head, killing him. Gideon and Zoe begin to argue, but "Simon", who becomes distraught at recognizing the seriousness of the situation, shouts for them to stop and claims that he is ultimately the one at fault. Upset, "Simon" confesses that "he" was responsible for the car crash: when Liz refused to take Simon to the toy store, Simon threw a temper tantrum and grabbed the steering wheel, causing the fatal crash. To him, that unwise tantrum was the first domino to start the chain reaction that has now led to this moment.

Realizing what he's done could seriously impact Zoe, Gideon ushers her out, assuring her that he'll remedy the situation and do the right thing without affecting her. Soon afterwards, Zoe hears a gunshot and rushes back in, only to discover that Gideon has copied his own mind into another robot before committing suicide. Zoe can only look on in horrified silence as the two robots chat like father and son.

Brigade des mœurs

A crime ring is kidnapping women to sell them to the harems of rich Emirs, but the Vice squad put an end to it.

The Second Coming (Heroes)

The episode begins four years into the future. Peter, who has a scar on his face, is being chased and enters a hangar. Claire tries to shoot him, but Peter stops time and time travels to the present day, taking Claire's gun with him.

At Nathan's press conference, Future Peter shoots Nathan, as seen in "Powerless". Nathan is rushed to the hospital, where he dies. A short time later, Nathan awakens, prompting him to believe that God gave him a second chance at life. Nathan is later visited by Mr. Linderman, leading him to believe Linderman was the reason he was healed. The governor of New York watches Nathan on the television, and breaks the news to the woman he slept with: Tracy, a woman who looks identical to Niki. He tells her he thinks he has found what he is looking for.

Matt later catches Future Peter trying to find the gun he had hid earlier, prompting Future Peter to teleport him to the desert because he knows too much. When Angela Petrelli arrives at the hospital, she tells Future Peter she knows he is impersonating his past self, and tells Future Peter that he actually got the ability to dream the future from her. Future Peter tells Angela that he put his present day self somewhere safe. At the Company headquarters, in one of the Level 5 prison cells, a bald man screams that he is Peter Petrelli. Noah Bennet is also locked up in an adjacent cell.

Sylar arrives at Claire's home, leading Claire to try and escape. Sylar, however, manages to pin her down and steal Noah's files of people with abilities. Sylar cuts open Claire's forehead, but due to Claire's power, she does not die. She remains conscious as Sylar lays her on a table and examines her now-exposed brain, claiming he is looking for answers. Due to the lack of nerve endings in the human brain, she does not feel any pain. Sylar obtains Claire's power and Noah's files, puts Claire's scalp back on her head and turns to leave. Claire's scalp heals, and she then asks Sylar why she is still alive. He tells her she is unique and can't die, and from now on, neither can he. Sylar leaves, and Sandra and Lyle return home to find Claire crying, still with dried blood on her forehead.

In his office at Yamagoto Industries in Japan, Hiro Nakamura tells Ando that he is bored without a quest. A video message from Kaito Nakamura is delivered to his office, which tells Hiro to never open Kaito's safe, which holds a secret. Hiro immediately opens the safe, and finds another video, with Kaito repeating that he was not supposed to open the safe. Hiro finds one half of a molecular formula, which gets stolen by a blur before he can comprehend what it means. Hiro stops time to see that the blur is a trail left by a woman with superspeed. She moves at normal speed while time is stopped, and comments that Hiro did not stop time completely. She hits him in the face and leaves with the formula as time resumes. Hiro jumps to the future to see how the world is destroyed. He sees Japan in a panic, and himself talking to Ando, arguing about the formula. Future Hiro yells at Ando saying that Ando betrayed him. Future Hiro is ready to strike with his sword, when Ando shoots what appears to be red electricity at Hiro, apparently killing him. Ando takes the formula from Hiro's body and walks away. The sky opens up and the world starts exploding, and Hiro jumps back to the present.

Maya and Mohinder Suresh are at his apartment and he realizes that powers are controlled by the adrenal glands. Mohinder thinks he has isolated something that controls powers, and could give powers to anybody. Maya says the powers are a curse, and asks him to destroy the formula. On the docks, Mohinder considers throwing away the syringe with the formula. Instead, he injects himself, and collapses. Two muggers attempt to accost Mohinder as he lays semiconscious on the ground. However, he exhibits superhuman strength, repelling them. In the background, there is a giant painting of the Earth exploding from the inside. In the closing scenes of the episode, Mohinder narrates the William Butler Yeats poem "The Second Coming", the title's namesake.

Matt wakes up in the desert, with no one in sight. As he walks across the desert, he stops in front of a rock where the picture of the earth exploding is painted, identical to the one behind Mohinder.

Final Approach (2007 film)

Jack Bender (Dean Cain) suddenly finds himself in a hostile situation as a group of highly trained and well-armed terrorists, led by Greg Gilliad (Anthony Michael Hall), seize the airplane on which he is traveling, a Lockheed L-1011 of Infinity Air Flight 732 from Newark International Airport to LAX. Bender must re-immerse himself into a world he thought he left behind forever.


Lt. Commander Piper is taking a vacation from Starfleet following the events of the novel ''Dreadnought!'', in which she prevented a military coup from taking over the Federation. However she is swept up into intrigue when Captain Kirk is arrested for the theft of transwarp drive, a new technology which could radically shift the balance of power across the galaxy. Piper, Commander Spock, and Dr. McCoy attempt to solve the mystery as the major powers of the galaxy scramble for the new technology.

Chain of Attack

While mapping gravitational anomalies, the USS ''Enterprise'' is hurled millions of light-years off course. They find themselves in a galaxy devastated by war and soon they are under attack by both warring fleets. Captain Kirk risks his ship and crew in order to stop the war and get home.

Deep Domain

Admiral Kirk and the Enterprise visit the ocean-world of Akkalla for diplomatic reasons. Soon Spock and Chekov become lost. A civil war and secrets under the water threaten the entire planet and the ''Enterprise''.

Lo que tú Quieras Oír

The plot centers around "Sofia", who returns home to find a voicemail from her husband, "Miguel", announcing that he has left her. Sofia is initially depressed, but decides to remix the voice-mail so that it sounds like Miguel telling her that he loves her and that he is sorry for leaving her and asking for forgiveness. Sofia then tells the remixed-voicemail that she will not take Miguel back.

I Saw It

In 1945, elementary student Keiji Nakazawa's mother wakes him up during an air raid and they rush into a wet shelter. Hungry and with there being little food, Keiji would steal and eat raw rice from storage bins. To earn money, the family painted wooden clogs. His father also did traditional Japanese paintings and his brother Yasuto welded the hulls of ships at the Kure Shipyard. Keiji's brother, Shoji, left during a group evacuation, keeping in touch through letters. On August 6, 1945, on his way to school, Keiji saw a B-29 flying overhead. At 8:15 am, it dropped an atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, on Hiroshima. Keiji was knocked unconscious. The schoolyard wall had blocked most of the flames from the blast, though his cheek was impaled by a nail in a wooden board. Keiji returned to his home to learn that his mother, who had recently given birth to a baby girl, was waiting for him by the tracks on Yamaguchi Street. The rest of his family, except Yasuto, had just died. Their house had collapsed in the blast, and the father and children were trapped under the wreckage. Meanwhile, a fire had started elsewhere, but quickly spread from house to house, so the father and children were burned alive while pinned down, and while the mother listened to their screams. Later on, Keiji and Yasuto went back to their home to dig up their family's bodies.

On August 15, 1945, World War II ended and Shoji returned. The baby girl his mother gave birth to on the day of the bombing died and was cremated on the beach. Keiji returned to school and houses being rebuilt. His family was poor, and Keiji was always hunting for food. He also began collecting trash and glass to turn into items he could sell. One day, he found a copy of the manga ''Shin-Takarajima'' (''New Treasure Island'') by Osamu Tezuka. Inspired, he started writing his own manga and reading manga magazines at the local bookstores. Keiji submitted one of his manga creations to the magazine ''Omoshiro Book'' which accepted and published it. Wanting to improve his drawing skills, Keiji began working as a sign painter for a former war veteran. A second manuscript sent to ''Omoshiro Book'' won him second place in a contest. Keiji used the prize money to buy a palette.

One New Year's Eve, Keiji's mother Kimiyo began hemorrhaging. He purchased all the medicine he could, wanting to give her some good memories, and she slowly regained her health. Keiji moved to Tokyo to begin his career as a manga artist. Keiji's editor got him a job working as the assistant to Daiji Kazumine. One and a half years later, his manga titles began serialization in various magazines. When he returned to Hiroshima to meet his mother, she had recovered though she was unable to walk freely. She collected every issue of the magazines his works appeared in, and Keiji told her to get well so he can show her Tokyo.

Returning to Tokyo, Keiji met a woman who he fell in love with and married. Meeting Keiji's wife, Kimiyo told him that her life was now complete. She died while Keiji and his wife were en route to Tokyo. When they cremated her body, the radiation remaining in her from the bomb caused her bones to disintegrate, leaving only white dust instead of the usual ashes. Traumatized and angered, Keiji decided he would fight the atomic bomb through his manga's.

Five years have passed since Kimiyo died. Keiji is standing by a pond and wishing he had been born in a better time. Checking the time, he realizes it's close to the deadline for his work for ''Weekly Shōnen Jump''. He goes back into the house to get down to work.

Dreams of the Raven

A mysterious distress call leads to the USS ''Enterprise'' being attacked by the same forces assaulting the other ship. Dozens of ''Enterprise'' crew members die in the attack and Chief Medical Officer Leonard McCoy is critically injured. Although the Doctor recovers from his injuries physically, mentally he has lost all sense of his former identity. Kirk discovers it is much more difficult tracking down their new enemies without McCoy's always valued advice.

The Romulan Way

Deep-cover Federation spy Agent Terise LoBrutto has her carefully maintained life disrupted by an unpleasant discovery. The chief medical officer of the USS ''Enterprise'', Dr. McCoy, has been captured. It's up to LoBrutto to rescue McCoy.

The IDIC Epidemic

I.D.I.C. – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. This is a philosophical cornerstone of the Vulcan society. Currently, a mysterious plague has hit the planet, a plague somehow tied into I.D.I.C and the fact hundreds of races also currently make their home on Vulcan as well. Unfortunately Vulcan is also a central part of Starfleet and the Federation as well, so if it falls, war might follow.

The Given Day

''The Given Day'' is a historical novel set in Boston, Massachusetts and Tulsa, Oklahoma. The story has two main characters: Aiden "Danny" Coughlin, an ethnic Irish Boston Police patrolman, whose father is a prominent detective and captain in the department; and Luther Laurence, a talented black amateur baseball player from Columbus, Ohio.

The novel starts at the end of the First World War, when union organizing activities are high across the country. The year is 1918 and the BPD patrolmen have not been given a raise since 1905; they are working for below-poverty level wages. The Boston Social Club (BSC) is the fraternal organization of the BPD patrolmen and its members begin to discuss their grievances and possible actions. Due to his family's high status and reputation in the police department, Danny is reluctant to attend BSC meetings. His partner, Steve Coyle, is able to get him to attend some meetings where the BSC hopes to join the American Federation of Labor, a national union. BPD Captain Thomas Coughlin (Danny's father), FBI agent Rayme Finch, and a Department of Justice lawyer, the young J. Edgar Hoover, assign Danny to infiltrate the Roxbury Lettish Workingman's Society in promise of his detective's stripes. Danny is told that they may be collaborating with other radical cells to plan a national revolt on May Day. As Danny is undercover attending meetings with the Letts, he begins to identify with some of the principles they preach. He soon is elected as the vice-president of the BSC.

Luther Laurence and his pregnant wife, Lila, move from Columbus to Tulsa, Oklahoma to start a new life closer to some of her relatives in the Greenwood District. Laurence and his friend Jessie earn some extra money running numbers for a local bookie and gangster, Deacon Skinner Brocious. When Jessie gets caught skimming from Deacon, a deadly confrontation ensues. Laurence has to leave his wife in Tulsa and flees to Boston, where his uncle sets him up with the Giddreauxs, a black couple who lead the Boston chapter of the recently formed National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In Boston Luther gets work as a handyman and servant in the home of police Captain Thomas Coughlin. While working for the Coughlins, Laurence becomes close friends with Nora O'Shea, an Irish immigrant and servant. She was taken in by the Coughlins five years earlier, when the captain found her shivering in the streets on Christmas Eve. Nora and Danny had a love affair, which ended when he discovered a dark secret from her past. She has become engaged to his younger brother, a rising attorney.

Luther is manipulated by Lieutenant Eddie McKenna, best friend to Captain Coughlin and godfather to Danny. Delving into Luther's past, McKenna has discovered that he is running from the deadly altercation in Tulsa. Laurence has been earning his board at the Giddreauxs' home by renovating an old building as the new NAACP headquarters in Boston. McKenna forces him to obtain NAACP membership information and to build a secret chamber in the new headquarters.

When the Coughlins discover Nora's secret, she is banned from their household. Luther is banned after being caught spending time with her and giving her food. Danny's involvement in the BSC takes him away from his family as well; his father is particularly opposed to Danny's new "radical and Bolshevik-like" views. Nora, Danny and Luther form a close friendship. Nora is on her own just as she was five years ago, the men of the BPD are counting on Danny to lead them to a fair wage and working conditions, and Laurence is trying to escape McKenna's clutches and make it back to his wife and child.

The story culminates in the historical Boston Police Strike, which is precipitated by the police commissioner's refusal to allow the nascent police union's right to affiliate with national labor organizations, or to exist. In the chaos of the strike, Luther saves Danny's life. By this time Danny had reunited with and married Nora. Luther reconciles the difficult situation he had run from in Tulsa, and succeeds in returning there to join his wife and recently born child in the Greenwood District. (This is before the area was destroyed in the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot.)

29th Street (film)

In 1976, Frank Pesce Jr. is a lucky man. His father, Frank Sr., is very unlucky. One day, Frank Jr. buys a lottery ticket and finds that he has a good chance of winning. But Frank Sr. has some gambling debts to the mob and they are willing to take Frank Jr.'s ticket. Frank must decide what to do with the ticket.

The Three-Minute Universe

The Sackers, a race of physically repellent beings, murder almost an entire race to steal a powerful device. This device rips a hole in the fabric of space, bringing in a brand-new universe that threatens the old one.

Memory Prime

'Memory Prime' is the name of a planet home to artificial intelligences called 'Pathfinders'. These beings help Federation personnel, including Commander Montgomery Scott's old flame, Lt. Mira Romaine, sort the information coming from all over Federation territory. This is intended for the project, Memory Prime, an attempt to undo and avoid a repeat of the fate of the previous archive, Memory Alpha, which was profoundly damaged by malevolent incorporeal beings (in the episode, "The Lights of Zetar"). The planet is also the host to a current series of scientific award ceremonies. Unfortunately the visitors are being stalked by a killer and Spock is being accused of being part of a Vulcan terrorist cell, the Adepts of T'Pel.

The Final Nexus

In this sequel to ''Chain of Attack'', the ''Enterprise'' must deal with an ancient series of warp-gates, now malfunctioning, that threatens to tear apart the galaxy.

Double, Double (Star Trek novel)

One android has survived the destruction of Roger Korby and his scientific facilities. The robot creates another Captain Kirk and fools the ''U.S.S. Hood'' with a distress signal. The ''Hood'' s command crew is soon overtaken by murderous androids and Kirk himself is framed for murder.

Kirk's android double takes over his command position on the ''Enterprise''. The real Kirk rallies the survivors of the ''Hood'' and his own crew into destroying the android's threat.

The Cry of the Onlies

Boaco Six is caught up in revolution and Captain Kirk is sent in to re-establish diplomatic ties. His efforts are going well until an experimental Federation ship destroys a Boacan vessel. In order to stop a war, Kirk attempts to track down and uncover the secrets of the Federation ship.

Rules of Engagement (Star Trek novel)

James T. Kirk is sent to assist in the evacuation of Federation personnel from the crisis-wracked planet of Dekkanar. He is ordered to only participate in the evacuation, not to even raise shields or fire weapons. The situation becomes complicated when Captain Kasak takes an experimental Klingon warship to the planet as well.

The novel also offers an alternate explanation, via Kasak's viewpoint, of why Klingons' facial features have changed over the years.

Pastors and Masters

The greater part of the book consists of a character study of the staff of a boys’ preparatory school and their small circle of friends – the ‘masters’ and the ‘pastors’ of the title. The school is owned and nominally headed by the 70-year-old self-absorbed Nicholas Herrick who has established it in an old university town to be near the college where he spent his youth, although he spends only about 10 minutes a day on school business. Living with Herrick is his unmarried half-sister Emily Herrick, 20 years his junior, who puts on a front of sarcastically extolling him in public while privately despising him. The Herricks are friendly with the Fletcher family comprising the elderly Reverend Peter Fletcher, his wife Teresa, his unmarried sister Lydia, and his nephew Francis.

The day-to-day running of the school is left to the senior master, Mr Merry, a man with no academic or personal qualifications for the role other than his ability to present the school in a wholly false favourable light to the parents of potential scholars. His wife Mrs Merry (known as ‘Mother’) helps out. The teaching staff comprise Miss Basden, an unmarried middle-aged schoolmistress, and Mr Burgess, a young and inexperienced graduate.

William Masson and Richard Bumpus are unmarried fellows of the college who have been close friends for 30 years and who "meant romance for each other in youth". Many years earlier Bumpus had written a short novel but, considering it not good enough for publication, had had his sole copy of the manuscript buried in the grave of a friend.

Herrick regrets that he has never got round to writing a novel, which in his eyes would make him a "real author”, though in truth it is his lack of talent. While clearing out the room of Crabbe, an elderly don who has recently died, Herrick comes across the typescript of a short novel. Believing that nobody knows about Crabbe’s writing, he steals it and claims that he has had a sudden inspiration for his long-overdue book. At about the same time Bumpus announces his intention to publish a new novel of his own, a complete rewriting of the book he had authored as a young man, though he says that in his case the death of Crabbe has caused his work to be put back. He does not tell anybody that the reason for the delay is that his typescript, which he had left in Crabbe’s room shortly before his death, has disappeared.

Herrick and Bumpus both announce that they intend to give readings of their respective new works. Before Bumpus can start, Masson surprises him by saying that he had actually kept, and read, Bumpus's youthful foray into fiction and that he is looking forward to comparing the two versions. When the two authors discover that their first sentences are identical it becomes clear that neither of them has written anything recently and that the only novel which ever existed is Bumpus's early work.

In the final chapter of the novel the Herricks, the Fletchers and the school staff arrange a dinner party to present a false but impressive facade to the autocratic Reverend Henry Bentley, an important parent with two boys at the school.

The Pandora Principle

A Romulan Bird of Prey drifts over the Neutral Zone and into Federation territory. Admiral James T. Kirk and the ''Enterprise'' take the ship back to Earth, unaware of the deadly force hiding inside. It is soon learned one way to battle the threat is via the traumatic childhood knowledge of Saavik and her birth planet Hellguard.

Oedipus Mayor

Set amidst the rebel wars (representing the Theban plagues) of contemporary Colombia, young Mayor Edipo must mediate a peace deal between conflicting guerrilla groups and the army. It is raining when he leaves. His journey is interrupted when he gets into a shoot-out on a lonely bridge. Returning fire, Edipo somehow escapes. As soon as he gets to town he hears that a prominent leader Layo was brutally slain. No one knows who shot him. Meanwhile, a blind coffin-maker Tiresias wanders town making dire prophecies concerning Edipo's future. It is he who tells the mayor that Layo was murdered by a family member. Edipo's fate is sealed when he gets involved with the beautiful and much older Yocasta, a woman who last had sex thirty years before with her husband Layo. She got pregnant and bore a son ... tragedy ensues.

Doctor's Orders (novel)

In response to good-natured complaints about his command style, Captain Kirk leaves Doctor McCoy in command of the ''Enterprise''. Kirk beams down to the planet 'Flyspeck' in order to facilitate its acceptance into the Federation. Kirk soon vanishes, leaving McCoy stuck with the ship against his will; regulations forbid him from passing on command to Commander Spock.

Kirk is nowhere to be found and to complicate matters, the Klingons show up, claiming to have a stake in 'Flyspeck' as well. It is later found that Kirk had been lost in the time stream, as one of Flyspeck's races do not fully live in linear time.

Sandwich Day

It is the annual Sandwich Day for the crew of ''TGS''. The Teamsters, led by Mickey J. (Brian Dennehy), bring in "secret" sandwiches from an unknown Italian delicatessen in Brooklyn. When the writers eat Liz's sandwich, Liz threatens that she will "cut [their] faces up so bad [...] [they'll] all have chins." As a result, the writers and Tracy, aided by Jenna, enter a drinking contest against the Teamsters in an attempt to get Liz a new sandwich.

Floyd, who broke up with Liz in the episode "Hiatus", calls Liz to ask if he can have a place to stay, as he has come to visit New York City on business. Liz tries to win Floyd back, only for him to lie to her about going home to Cleveland, Ohio. Floyd eventually travels home, and the pair agree to remain friends.

Meanwhile, after being ousted from his office on the 52nd floor by Devon Banks (Will Arnett), Jack is not taking well to his new job on the 12th floor. He later decides to move to Washington, D.C., to be the new "Homeland Security Director for Crisis and Weather Management."

Horror Rises from the Tomb

The medieval warlock Alaric de Marnac (Paul Naschy) and his murderous witch companion Mabille de Lancre (Helga Line) are both convicted of Satanism and are executed by decapitation together in a field. But before they are killed, Alaric curses the descendants of the men who are putting him to death, threatening their progeny hundreds of years in the future. Centuries pass, and a group of young people travel to the area to search for the grave, and possible treasure, of Alaric and Mabille. The group is led by Hugo de Marnac (Paul Naschy), the modern day descendant of Alaric.

They discover a buried treasure chest on the grounds which they leave overnight in a garage until they can open it. The chest actually contains the severed (still living) head of Alaric, who hypnotizes several members of the group when they open it, and uses them to kill some of the others. Alaric forces his thralls to exhume his headless corpse and then has them reunite his head with his body, making him whole again.

Then he uses the blood from one of his female victims to reanimate the skeleton of Mabille in her tomb, bringing her back to life. At one point, a number of the dead victims return to life and lay siege to the house a la George Romero's ''Night of the Living Dead''. Most of the party is decimated by the time the last remaining member figures out a way to send Alaric and his mistress back to Hell by exposing the monsters to a sacred medallion.

Enemy Unseen

The ''Enterprise'' is assigned to carry a diplomatic mission, which is nothing new. Things start to go really wrong for this one. The Federation ambassador is an old 'flame' of Kirk's, who aggressively tries to rekindle their old romance. Another diplomat presents Kirk with three of his wives, a situation with which he is not comfortable. Things take a turn for the worse when another diplomat is found killed.

The Dock Brief

In a cell under the Old Bailey, two men meet. One is Wilfred Morgenhall, a single barrister who never gets any cases and is overjoyed to have won this ''dock brief'', the defence of an accused individual with no lawyer (at public expense). The other is his client Herbert Fowle, an insignificant man who just wants to plead guilty to murdering his wife and get it all over.

Flashbacks show that the wife was impossible to live with and Fowle, who avoided her as much as possible, hatched a plot to get rid of her by taking in a male lodger. The lodger found her amusing and attractive, until one day he went too far and Mrs Fowle threw him out of the house. In despair at his plot having failed, Fowle killed her.

Morgenhall role plays various defences, in the process raising Fowle's will to fight. But when the case is called, he botches it and Fowle is found guilty. Morgenhall goes to visit him in prison, where he learns that Fowle has been reprieved because his defence was so poor. The two leave together, two lonely and inadequate men who have become friends.

Summer Heat (2006 film)

The story is set in Guagua, Pampanga a decade after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo which ravaged the province with lahar. It follows the lives of Rodolfo "Mang Rudy" Manansala, a woodcarver, and his three daughters and their relationships with the people close to them in the span of seven summers. Grace, the youngest daughter, marries the mama's boy Conrad, and has to face the reality of leaving the ancestral house, to which she is deeply rooted, to go and live with her in-laws. Much against her will, to the point of staging an escape, she yields to the dictates of tradition. Yet she manages to cope up with married life, and on the fourth year of her marriage gets pregnant with her second child. Lourdes, the middle daughter and married to the weakling Andy Pineda with whom she has a daughter, goes into an illicit affair with a bank manager, for which reason Mang Rudy succumbs to a heart attack and becomes bedridden. For a while numbed by the infidelity of his wife, Andy later realizes his insignificance and retaliates by beating up and nearly killing Lourdes. Lourdes atones for her guilt by ministering to Andy's wounds after he joins the rituals of the flagellants during the Holy Week. However, they both decide to separate. Jess, the eldest daughter, is a lesbian whose bitter luck in life is being unwanted by her own father. Yet she serves Mang Rudy to the hilt after he gets bedridden and makes the common sense of allowing her girlfriend Rowena to move in at the Manansala house, not so much for their own convenience as lovers but for Rowena to help in looking after Mang Rudy and in helping out with the household chores. But when a conflict arises between Lourdes and Rowena, Mang Rudy sends Rowena away. A year later, Mang Rudy succumbs to a second attack and when he dies several months later, Rowena sets foot on the ancestral house once more to pay her last respects. At the wake, Rowena comes to the realization that, like Andy, she never belonged and finally decides to leave Jess. Rowena gets married while Jess, along with her sisters, moves on with life. The story is told in three segments, with each segment told from the point of view of the three daughters. Attached to each segment are social occasion popularly observed in the province of Pampanga in the Philippines, with a symbolic motif for each, represented by the elements sun, fire, water, air, blood, moon and earth. With Rowena's wedding at the end of the film, as in Grace's wedding at the start, a full cycle of life transpired.

Jack Keane (video game)

In colonial England, under a certain amount of duress, Jack takes on a job which will not only cause him a great deal of trouble, but also bring to light the answer to a mystery out of his distant past. A lack of money leads Jack to accept a charter to take a British secret agent to mysterious Tooth Island. When Jack's ship shatters on the mysterious island's cliffs on arrival and the secret agent quickly becomes a meal for a monster in the jungle, Jack is soon left to cope with the situation on his own. Players interact with dozens of characters and use more than 250 found objects to solve puzzles, as Jack moves closer to solving the mystery of his past and how it ties in with the present.

Antigone (1961 film)

After Oedipus realises he married his mother Jocasta and stepped down as king of Thebes, his two sons Eteocles and Polynices kill each other in the struggle for the succession. Creon, Jocasta's brother, ascends the throne and give the order that the body of Polynices should remain unburied, since he assaulted Thebes to dethrone his older brother.

Oedipus' daughter Antigone, after trying unsuccessfully to involve her sister Ismene in her scheme, defies the prohibition and buries her brother. Creon arrests both sisters, but eventually decrees that only Antigone has to be walled up alive, although the young woman is engaged to his son Haemon.

Only the seer Tiresias manages eventually to open Creon's eyes and explains to him that the ban on the burial would anger the gods. It is however too late: even if Creon has Polynices buried and is willing to free Antigone, she has already hanged herself in her prison in the meantime. Shortly after, Haemon commits suicide as well and Creon, now broken by his own actions, renounces the throne.

With or Without You (2003 film)

Robert's (Lee) life has been going just the way he wanted it to, from both a professional and personal standpoint. That is until his girlfriend Cheri (Williams) tells him she's expecting. While she feels they should get married, Robert still isn't quite sure if he's ready to take such a major step in his life. He tries to get advice from his friends, who all (besides not being married or in any sort of exclusive relationships of their own) basically tell him to stand firm in his decision if he doesn't feel he's ready. Cheri also has a group of friends however, and they are just as much in support of her opinion that the two should be looking to settle down as Robert's friends are of his. When they all get together to celebrate the baby shower, tensions inevitably flare, and a few unexpected secrets finally come to light, leading to a frothy and mirthful climax.

Steam (film)

A college student, a single middle aged mother and an older widow meet in a steam room.

Elizabeth (Kate Siegel) is a college freshman, beginning to understand her lesbian identity in the shadow of her strict Catholic parents. Laurie (Ally Sheedy) is just beginning a relationship with her son's young coach while her ex-husband tries to use their son against her. An older widow, Doris (Ruby Dee), after years of loneliness, has met a new man.

The film weaves their stories together, exploring the similarities that connect three very different women.

Brick Lane (2007 film)

The movie largely takes place in London following the 9/11 attacks on the United States by al-Qaeda, and reflects a period of heightened racial tensions in Britain as well.

The film tells the story of Nazneen, who has grown up in rural Bangladesh, in the district of Mymensingh. Nazneen has a sister, but when she is still young, her mother drowns herself because she can not handle the hardship of life in the village. Their father marries Nazneen, elder of the two girls, to a middle-aged but educated man, Chanu, who lives in London. Nazneen leaves behind her sister and her family home in Bangladesh when Chanu takes her back to the United Kingdom. They live in a small flat on Brick Lane, the centre of the British Bengali community, and Nazneen herself has two daughters. Married to a man she does not love, Nazneen lives vicariously through the letters she receives from her sister about her carefree life and love affairs.

The film picks up the story after Nazneen and her husband have lived in the small flat for 17 years, raising two daughters. It is not pleasant. Her first child, a son, died as a baby in his cot. Brick Lane is harassed by bigoted people handing out flyers that fan irrational fears of Muslim extremists taking over the streets of London. The flat is small and cramped. Her only resources are for groceries to feed her now teenaged daughters and her husband. She misses her sister and yearns to get back home.

Nazneen does not love her husband but is submissive to him for the sake of peace and her two children. Her husband resigns from his job for what he sees as unappreciation for his skills and talents. Nazneen gets a sewing machine from a neighbor to earn money mending jeans for a pound a piece.

She then meets Karim, who delivers clothes to her for work. The Bangladeshi Muslim community in London is increasingly religious in nature, and this is reflected in the character of Karim. Nazneen becomes filled with desire for the young, good-looking Karim who visits her regularly, and they have an affair.

In the meantime, her husband borrows money from a loan shark who has a reputation for always coming back for more money. Nazneen attends a Muslim "Unite" program during which they decide to call themselves the Bengal Tigers. Later, more sparks fly between her and Karim and he takes her to his uncle's factory and they kiss.

Finally Nazneen makes the connection that her sister is prostituting herself to get money; that is why she describes all these illicit affairs. Nazneen has an emotional breakdown during this time and she is put in bed to sleep. Chanu begins to pack up as Nazneen recovers. He also gets tickets for their trip back to Bangladesh. Meanwhile Karim goes away to see his family in another town; he then comes back to visit her, and tells her he turned down marriage with another girl for Nazneen. Their conversation is interrupted by Nazneen's elder daughter. Her daughter questions Nazneen's relationship with Karim.

A woman representing the loan sharks harasses Nazneen for more money that is supposedly owed. Her daughters voice their displeasure about leaving to Bangladesh. She confronts her husband about the debt he owes the loan sharks which he brushes off. Chanu and Nazneen attend a Muslim rally in a town hall and Chanu berates the cause of the gathering but they rebuff his statements.

Nazneen informs Karim that she does not want to marry him because she is "no longer the girl from the village." Karim leaves broken-hearted and in tears. Nazneen tells the loan shark off, saying she has overpaid the debt her husband owes, and the lady leaves after she refuses to swear on the Quran that they owe more. Their eldest daughter confronts both Chanu and Nazneen about her own desire to stay in London. She then runs off into the streets while a festival is ongoing as her mother runs after her. Nazneen catches up to her at the train station. Chanu and Nazneen share a heart to heart about staying and leaving. Despite always longing for her 'home', Nazneen realizes her home is where her children are happy. Chanu decides that he will leave and that they will follow him at a later date.

One of Us, One of Them

Tracy travels to New Orleans to learn more about Niki Sanders. At the funeral, she meets Niki's now-orphaned son Micah. Micah discovers that Tracy and Niki were born on the same day, in the same hospital and with the same doctor: a man named Zimmerman. Tracy leaves to meet Zimmerman and find out more about her origin.

Knox, Flint, and The German, rob a bank as Present Peter does his best to keep peace. When Bennet and Sylar arrive at the bank, Future Peter freezes time and leaves with Present Peter. Sylar uses his telekinesis to stop Knox from punching Bennet. Bennet arrests Flint and walks out of the bank. Sylar gives in to his "hunger" and locks all the doors so he can kill Jesse. Knox takes the opportunity to escape.

Hiro and Ando have a run-in with the Haitian while following Daphne. They knock the Haitian out and get the formula, but Daphne manages to steal it from them. Hiro and Ando are arrested and taken to Level 2 in the Company.

In Africa, Matt Parkman continues his visit with the strange native who has precognitive painting powers, similar to those of Isaac Mendez.

Tracy visits Zimmerman at his home in California, where he tells her he created her.

I Am Become Death

Peter travels four years into the future with his future self, where they discover Kaito's formula is being used to administer adrenal power enhancements to ordinary people, some of whom are unable or unwilling to control their abilities. Future Peter tells Present Peter that Sylar can help to fix the problematic future. The Claire of this future assassinates Future Peter.

Peter finds that a friendly Sylar has reassumed his former identity of Gabriel Gray, and is now raising his young son, Noah, in Claire's former home. Gabriel teaches Peter his power. Future Claire, Knox and Daphne show up to kill Peter. Gabriel beats Knox into submission and loses control of his radiation ability. Peter tries in vain to stop Gabriel before he explodes, reducing Costa Verde to nuclear waste. Claire takes Peter back to the base.

Nathan, who in this future is the President and married to Tracy, offers Peter the opportunity to read his mind to see if he's sincere. Peter stops short of cutting Nathan's head open and teleports back to the present Level 5, where Sylar confirms that he is Peter's brother.

In the present, Tracy attempts to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Nathan flies in and saves her.

Throughout the episode, Mohinder is researching a possible cure for the powers he's given himself.

Hiro and Ando finally resolve their differences. They try to escape through a vent and are caught by the Haitian. Angela Petrelli mentions that Hiro's father would have been disappointed with him for losing both portions of the formula and mentions that he already has "the key" to restoring the formula. The scene switches to Hiro and Ando in a graveyard, digging up Adam Monroe who, upon seeing Hiro, lunges at him.

Headlong Hall

Four visitors arrive at Headlong Hall: "Mr. Foster, the perfectibilian; Mr. Escot, the deteriorationist; Mr. Jenkins, the statu-quoite; and the Reverend Doctor Gaster, who though of course neither a philosopher nor a man of taste, had so won the Squire's fancy by a learned dissertation on the art of stuffing a turkey, that he concluded no Christmas party would be complete without him." At the Hall, they find further guests, including phrenologist Mr. Cranium, philosopher Mr. Panscope, amateur musician Mr. Chromatic, and Miss Philomela Poppyseed, a popular novelist. Squire Headlong leads the throng through a series of dinners and Christmas celebrations, although the chief focus of the story is the running thread of conversation between the various exponents of their respective views. By the final morning of the party, four couples have become engaged, and Reverend Gaster performs a wedding ceremony for them. The guests disperse, promising to meet again in summer.

Susuk (film)

Soraya is a young trainee nurse who is starting to feel disaffected by her life. A chance introduction to the world of glamour piques her earlier ambition to be a star. She does not succeed at first, but she is told that the forbidden practice of susuk can help. She has to make a choice whether to stay the way she is, or cross the line. At first, susuk seems to give her confidence in her performance, and even to stand up to her abusive brother-in-law.

Meanwhile, Suzana is a prominent diva with an air of mystery. She has long been a practitioner of the black arts due to her use of the extreme susuk keramat. Every time she violates a taboo, a human life is required - first in the form of accidental deaths of her loved ones, then by outright murder and cannibalism. She develops inhuman, supernatural abilities. At the same time, she yearns for her more innocent days and hires a young assistant who reminds her of "happier times".

A mysterious and powerful dukun guides the two women down their paths to corruption. The viewers follow the lives of these two women until their stories converge in the true secret of this dreaded charm.

Assunta Spina (1948 film)

The film takes place in Naples at the turn of the twentieth century. Assunta, a passionate and impulsive woman, is scarred on the face by her lover Michele for making him jealous. He is sentenced to serve two years in prison in Avellino, despite her efforts to exonerate him at the trial. While he is inside she begins a relationship with a court official. When Michele is released and kills the man, she chooses to take the blame for the crime.

Little Lady

Two young steal a car and drive up into the hills of Abruzzo. There they are mistaken by the inhabitants of a town as the wealthy cousins of a young woman who lives there Maria.

Escape of the Living Dead

Set in 1971, 3 years after the events seen in ''Night of the Living Dead'', the comic starts out with a raid by police officers led by Sheriff Harkness on a medical lab run by Dr. Melrose. During the raid the officers manage to shoot Dr. Melrose. Before he dies he reveals he had been experimenting on the zombies for a government funded project and tells the officers about his son who is taking over the project.

Meanwhile, one of the main characters, Sally Brinkman, is talking to her father Henry. It is revealed Sally is staying with her parents whilst going through a divorce and is working for her father at the local saloon.

Also, two robbers for the gang Sons of Satan attempt to rob a truck by pouring sugar in the gas tank, and then robbing its contents. When they look in the truck, they find it is full of zombies that proceed to attack and eat them. With the zombies released they start walking towards the town.

The zombies eventually reach the Brinkman farm and kill Sally’s mother. The zombies then try to attack Sally, but she manages to avoid them and ride a horse to the saloon where her Dad works. However, zombies have also attacked the saloon as well; Henry attempts to fight the zombies off but hides in the saloon just as Sally appears. They both hide in the saloon and lock the doors.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Sons of Satan gang attempt to meet up with the robbers from before, only to encounter them now as zombies. The three gang members, Bearcat, Slam, and Honeybear, kill the zombies before driving off. They eventually reach the saloon, where they are surrounded by zombies. Sally and Henry notice this and let them in.

Eventually, the zombies start to break in, and the bikers attempt to escape, kidnapping Sally and stealing a truck in the process, leaving Henry to be eaten. During this, one of the bikers, Honeybear, is killed, while Henry manages to avoid the zombies and get a truck to chase after the bikers.

Meanwhile, the two bikers and Sally have taken refuge in the nearby woods. Sally is now tied up when zombies attack the trio. Although they fight off the zombies, Slam is bitten and, in panic, kills Bearcat. He then forces Sally to take him to her house to help him.

At this time, Sheriff Harkness discovers the truck that the zombies were originally transported in; he concludes this was the operation that Dr. Melrose mentioned. At this point Henry shows up, and helps Sheriff Harkness decide to get a posse together to kill the zombies.

Back at Sally’s farm, Sally is forced to help Slam clean his wounds; she unsuccessfully tries to kill him with his knife and flees, but Slam chases after her as she runs into the basement. Slam then tries to kill her, but is killed by a hidden zombie. Sally runs outside to find her father and a posse killing the zombies.

The posse then fight a horde of zombies, which attack them. Although outnumbered, the military show up and kill all the zombies. After the fight Sheriff Harkness gets a call on the radio, saying that the Dr. Melrose that they killed at the beginning did not match the dental records, and thus was an impostor.

The last pages shows a lone zombie being captured by the real Dr. Melrose and his son, implying the zombie epidemic is far from over.

The Firemen of Viggiù

In the village of Viggiù the men of the local volunteer fire brigade, believing their famous song "The Firemen of Viggiù" a resounding success, organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.

Totò in the film plays a playboy who falls for the wife (Barzizza) of a seller of textiles (Castellani). The woman is calling her friend, telling her of his secret admirer, calling it "not exactly an Adonis" but trying some feeling of admiration for him. Totò brazenly enters the store and begins to woo the wife, but soon comes her husband, who is afraid to go bankrupt. Totò pretends to be a store dummy, while the man takes his wife away. Then the husband sits to invoke the soul of the father, hoping that he can give him some advice, but suddenly loses his temper and begins to kick the mannequins, always stopping with the dummy before Totò. At one point, Totò moves once accidentally and the man takes it as a sign from his father and begins to talk to the dummy. Totò then pretends to be the soul of the father, and asks for fabrics, jackets, and finally a kiss to his wife. After the sketch Totò reappears towards the end of the film where he directs the band and then concludes with the number "fanfare of Sharpshooters."

This skit was shown in the film ''Cinema Paradiso'' directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.

Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep

As a child, Ray Reiter was the sole survivor when a kraken, attacked his parents' boat. In the present, marine archaeologist Nicole and her assistants, Michael and Jenny are searching for a legendary opal and a Trojan death mask in the same area.

During an outing, Nicole's boat is attacked and the boat's captain is killed leaving everyone in a panic frenzy. The survivors are forced to return to shore and begin to fix their boat while searching for a new skipper. Ray, a sea creature hobbyist pays a visit after learning about the circumstances of the previous skipper's death on the news. While Nicole is suspicious, she allows Ray to join the team in return that he fixes her boat. Nicole's competitor, Maxwell Odemus arrives to taunt Nicole and then offer to join forces with her, but she (rightfully) declines as he tends to steal other people's archaeological finds to sell on the black market.

Eventually, Nicole and Ray find the likely spot for the opal and return to shore to prepare themselves for the retrieval mission.

That night, Maxwell has one of his goons, Ike pay off Michael to learn where Nicole and the crew are going, then has their boat burned. Recognizing the distress and broken-dreamed Nicole, Ray buys a new boat using his life savings, and the crew heads back out. Maxwell uses the co-ordinates acquired from Michael to drive out to the treasure spot and his group attack when Nicole's team arrive. Holding Michael, Jenny, and Sally hostage to force Nicole and Ray to cooperate and dive for the artifacts even though the squid is certainly waiting below, Maxwell gets Ike to shoot Michael, who dies not too long after.

Sally, Jenny and Nicole still are in a fish container that starts flooding from the kraken attacking the boat. Ray emerges from the water, and climbs onto the ship and frees Jenny, Sally, and Nicole and leave Michael's corpse. In the battle that ensues, the kraken kills Ike, Jenny, Sally and Maxwelll before being killed by Nicole and Ray. The boat sinks, while Nicole and Ray are safe, and Ray saved the mask. The opal is last seen at the bottom of the sea with infant squids and the film cuts into credits.

Alternate version

The scene of Nicole's team being attacked by Maxwell's gang and being forced to dive for the artifacts is changed to Kate being killed by the squid underwater, the other members of Maxwell's gang attacking Ray and Nicole underwater after they found the opal, and Nicole being caught by Maxwell when she surface.

The scene of Michael being shot remains but for the reason of Nicole refusing to tell Maxwell where she kept the mask. The scene with Sally is slightly changed to a scene with only Sally removed. *The scene of Nicole and Ray killing the giant squid is changed to only Ray killing the squid.

Totò Tarzan

Antonio is a foundling who has lived for years in the jungle along with the monkey Bongo. But one day a troop of scouts passed into the forests of the Congo and finds him out. Antonio is well reported in civil society, where he learned, not without many difficulties and funny situations, the usages of men. In addition egl falls also Iva, only girl to truly understand his suffering due to separation from its environment. In fact, Antonio discovers that he also came from a noble family and had inherited a substantial sum of money. This opportunity will be exploited by cruel colleagues of Iva to seize all the money taking advantage of the inability Antonio, but Iva protects him and soon the two find themselves in trouble. The project of the monkey Bongo will help Antonio and Iva against the wicked.

Laid to Rest (film)

A young woman with amnesia breaks out of a coffin in a funeral home, and dials 911 in the morgue, but accidentally unhooks the telephone while speaking to the operator. The mortician appears, and is impaled by a man equipped with a chrome skull mask, and a shoulder mounted camera. The girl stabs ChromeSkull in the eye, and runs off while he treats his wound. The girl is picked up by Tucker, who takes her home to his wife Cindy, and promises her that they will go to the sheriff's station in the morning, as Tucker's truck is low on gas, and their phone service has been cut off.

ChromeSkull tracks the girl (who has been nicknamed "Princess") to Tucker's house, and kills Cindy. Tucker and Princess escape in Tucker's truck as ChromeSkull deals with Cindy's brother Johnny and his girlfriend, who had come by to check on Cindy. Tucker and Princess seek aid from a recluse named Steven, who uses his computer to email for help, and research ChromeSkull, discovering he is a serial killer whose modus operandi is to send tapes of himself murdering women to the authorities.

The trio go to the police station, and find the sheriff and a deputy dead, and ChromeSkull waiting for them. The group wound ChromeSkull's leg, and drive away, reaching the funeral home. Princess explores the area, and discovers that a nearby barn contains several of ChromeSkull's previous victims. ChromeSkull beheads a still-living captive, knocks Princess out, and places her in a casket. Before ChromeSkull can kill Princess, he is shot by Tucker, who drives away with her and Steven in ChromeSkull's car.

Princess looks at footage on ChromeSkull's camera, which shows he was in league with the mortician, whom he killed due to the man becoming a liability. Princess takes the car while Tucker and Steven are removing bodies from the trunk, and is locked inside by ChromeSkull, who uses his cellphone to take control of the onboard computer as he follows Princess to a convenience store. Via paperwork in the car, Princess finds out ChromeSkull's name is Jesse Cromeans, right before he attacks her.

ChromeSkull prepares to kill Princess, but he is out of tapes for his camera, so he coerces her into going into the store to get one. The clerk sees the threatening messages ChromeSkull is sending Princess through a cellphone, goes out to confront him, and has his head blown off when ChromeSkull turns his own shotgun on him. A customer, Anthony, goes to lock the backdoor, and is decapitated by ChromeSkull. Tucker and Steven reach the store, grab ChromeSkull's suitcase on the way in, and replace the glue he uses to keep his mask on with Cyanoacrylate. ChromeSkull cuts the power, and causes Steven's face to explode by injecting canned tire inflator into his ear. Tucker is stabbed while trying to give Princess enough time to escape with Tommy, the murdered customer's friend.

ChromeSkull locks Tommy out of the building, and traps Princess in a freezer. To taunt Princess, ChromeSkull gives her his camera, which reveals she was a drug addicted prostitute he had picked up, and that she lost her memory when ChromeSkull beat her with a bat. Princess smashes the camera in frustration, and while struggling with ChromeSkull, knocks his mask off. ChromeSkull goes to reaffix his mask, unknowingly using the Cyanoacrylate that Steven had replaced his adhesive with. The chemical melts ChromeSkull's face as he peels his mask off, and as he writhes in agony, Princess bludgeons him with an aluminum bat.

Princess finds her missing persons notice (which Steven had printed off his computer) in Tucker's pocket, who dies of his injury, and leaves with Tommy to Atlanta, after finding out that Anthony was murdered by ChromeSkull. The police arrive, and find the flyer, which Princess had written an explanation on the back of.

From Now On (film)

Dora (Adelaide de Sousa) divides her time between her work as a beautician, her life with her police officer husband António (Luís Miguel Cintra), and her involvement in left-wing politics.

The Cold Moon

It is the night of the full Cold Moon—the month of December according to the lunar calendar. A young man is found dead in lower Manhattan, the first in a series of victims of a man calling himself the Watchmaker. This killer's obsession with time drives him to plan the murders with the precision of fine timepieces, and the victims die prolonged deaths while an eerie clock ticks away their last minutes on earth. Lincoln Rhyme, Amelia Sachs, and the rest of the crew are tapped to handle the case and stop the Watchmaker and his partner, Vincent Reynolds, a repulsive character with a special interest in the female victims of the killer. Amelia is not only Lincoln's eyes and ears at crime scenes on the Watchmaker case, but she is now running her own homicide investigation—her first case as lead detective. The policewoman's unwavering efforts in pursuing the killers of a businessman, who left behind a wife and son, sets into motion clockwork gears of its own, with consequences reaching to people and events that will endanger not only many lives but Lincoln's and Amelia's future together.

Meet the People

Welder William "Swanee" Swanson works at a shipyard in Morganville, Delaware. One day he sees the brightly shining Broadway star Julie Hampton speak in front of a crowd of workers at the yard, and he instantly falls in love with her.

Luckily enough, Julie has promised to go on a date with the man who sells the most war bonds within a certain time limit. Swanee lies to Julie and tells her that he has $7,500 in pledges. He also tells the workers that Julie will kiss every worker who makes additional pledges to him. The crowd goes wild with excitement, and Swanee easily wins the prize.

Swanee drives Julie up to the romantic Inspiration Point in his old car, trying to impress her. He also tells her about the musical he has written together with his cousin John, a U.S.M.C. It is about working men, and he even performs the theme love song for her. He calls the musical "Meet the People". She is impressed enough to show the musical screenplay to a Broadway producer, Monte Rowland, and the producer agrees to stage the play on the condition that he can use old costumes from previous shows.

When the show is rehearsed, Swanee discovers that all the roles have glittery showbiz costumes, and don't look the least like working men. He is disappointed, and demands the costumes to be altered. Monte refuses and cancels the show, hoping that Swanee will surrender and give in.

But he doesn't. Instead he leaves New York in anger, denounces Julie and the showbiz industry, and goes back to Morganville. Julie follows him there, determined to make him change his mind. She starts working at the shipyard as a welder, and finds out that she enjoys the work very much. She also makes a lot of new friends among her colleagues, who are eager to get to know the beautiful star.

Julie continues dating Swanee, and she tells him about her motive for coming with him. She wants to change the show, and hire some out-of-work chorus friends of her to be on stage. Swanee likes the idea, and signs a new deal with Monte. But then he sees Julie posing for promotional photographs in her working outfit, and thinks she makes a mockery of him and his co-workers. He calls her egotistic and refuses to go through with the plans.

Julie doesn't give up. During a pep talk speech to her co-workers at the shipyard, she leaves the microphone on behind the stage, and gets Swanee to confess his feelings for her. Everyone at the shipyard hears his words, and he is laughed at and ridiculed by his colleagues. Swanee calls Julie a hypocrite and storms away.

Problem arises when John is on his way home from the service, because Swanee's uncle Felix has told John that the show he helped write is a hit on Broadway. Swanee has to produce the show somehow, and comes up with the idea to make it on the yard's 300th finished ship anniversary. But Julie refuses to take part, since she is determined on doing a show on her own, with the help of her friends from Broadway.

John is disappointed when he arrives and learns the truth about the fate of "Meet the People". When Julie sees the disappointment in his eyes, she changes her mind and starts casting for the musical anyway. She and John stage and rehearse the musical while Swanee, unaware of their preparations, is away looking for funds to back up the musical. When he returns to find the musical is opening, he is delighted and impressed with Julie's work. Julie tells Swanee that she loves him, and they become a couple on stage in time for the musical's grand finale.

Samba Traoré

Two men hold up a gas station in the middle of the night. One of them is killed. The other one, Samba, flees with a suitcase full of money. He returns to his village with his new fortune and starts a new life. He opens a bar, gets married… But he cannot forget what he did. He lives in constant fear of getting caught by the police and his neighbors wonder about his past… Can one forget the murky past and return to a normal life so easily?

Kini and Adams

Somewhere in southern Africa, in a huge region populated by poor peasants, two friends dream of a better life, far from their village, and decide to leave and make their dream come true. To leave, they attempt to repair an old car with second-hand spare parts, but their family and friends make fun of them. Little by little, their impetus dies down and so does their friendship. Finally, bitterness and jealousy put an end to the friendship between the two men and they become fierce enemies.

Hollywood & Wine

Diane Blaine has the face of a movie star. Unfortunately, fallen star/tabloid queen Jamie Stephens already made it famous. Hollywood's constant rejections of Diane due to what she refers to as "TJS" ("Too Jamie Stephens") have made her bitter, frustrated, and whiny. Her co-worker/boyfriend Jack Sanders doesn't help matters. His idea of ambition is letting it ride. Now he's in major debt to a trigger-happy mobster who has a thing for Jamie Stephens. Jack's only way out is to convince Diane to be Jamie and wipe out the debt having one meal with a made man. It's literally the performance of her life. With Jack's on the line.

The White Mary

For years, war reporter Marika Vecera has risked her life, traveling to the world’s most dangerous places to offer a voice for the oppressed and suffering. But one day her luck nearly runs out: while covering the genocide in war-ravaged Congo, she is kidnapped by rebel soldiers and barely escapes with her life. Marika makes it home to Boston, where she left behind a burgeoning relationship with Seb, a psychologist who has offered her glimpses of a better world. But her chance for a loving, stable relationship with him is tested as she vows to continue her risky work at whatever cost.

It isn’t long before Marika receives devastating news: Robert Lewis, a famous, Pulitzer-winning journalist, has committed suicide. She always deeply admired Lewis for his courageous reporting on behalf of the world’s forgotten. Wanting—needing—to understand what could have caused him to take his own life, she stops her magazine work to write his biography. In the course of doing her research, a curious letter arrives from a missionary who claims to have seen Lewis alive in a remote jungle in Papua New Guinea. The information shocks Marika. She wonders, What if Lewis isn’t really dead?

Marika is determined to find out if the letter is true. She leaves Seb to embark on her hardest journey yet, through one of the most exotic and unknown places on earth. She must rely on the skills and wisdom of a mysterious witchdoctor, Tobo, who introduces her to a magical world ruled by demons and spirits, and governed by strict taboos. Marika’s quest for Robert Lewis carries her not only into the heart of New Guinea, but into the depths of the human soul. What she learns about herself—and life—will change her forever.

Taking Woodstock

Set in 1969, the film is based on the true story of Elliot Tiber (Demetri Martin), an aspiring Greenwich Village interior designer whose parents, Jake (Henry Goodman) and Sonia (Imelda Staunton), own the small dilapidated El Monaco Resort in White Lake, in the town of Bethel, New York. A hippie theater troupe, The Earthlight Players, rents the barn, but can hardly pay any rent. Due to financial trouble, the motel may have to be closed, but Elliot pleads with the local bank not to foreclose on the mortgage and Sonia delivers a tirade about her struggles as a Russian refugee. The family is given until the end of the summer to pay up.

Elliot plans to hold a small musical festival, and has, for $1, obtained a permit from the town's chamber of commerce (of which he is also the president). When he hears that the organizers of the Woodstock Festival face opposition against the originally planned location, he offers his permit and the motel accommodations to organizer Michael Lang (Jonathan Groff). A neighbor, Max Yasgur (Eugene Levy), provides his nearby farm land; first they agree on a fee of $5,000, but after realizing how many people will come, Yasgur demands $75,000, which the organizers reluctantly accept. Elliot comes to agreement about the fee for the motel more smoothly. Initial objections by his mother quickly disappear when she sees the cash paid in advance.

Elliot and Yasgur encounter a little bit of expected opposition. The local diner refuses to serve Elliot anymore, inspectors target the motel (and only his) for building code violations, and some local boys paint a swastika and hate words on the motel. However, resistance quickly dissolves in the tidal wave of peace and love (and commerce) brought to the area. The Tiber family works hard serving the massive influx of visitors and become wealthy in the process. A cross-dressing veteran, Vilma (Liev Schreiber), is hired as a security guard. Elliot also struggles with hiding his homosexuality from his family, when he connects romantically with one of the event organizers staying at the motel.

On the first day of the concert, Elliot, his father, and Vilma hear the music begin in the distance. Elliot's father, transformed and enlivened by all the new life in town, tells Elliot to go and see the concert. Elliot hitches a ride through the peaceful traffic jam on the back of a benevolent state trooper's motorcycle and arrives at the event. There, he meets a hippie couple (Paul Dano and Kelli Garner), who invite him to join them on an LSD trip in their VW Bus a short distance from the crowd. Elliot has trouble relaxing at first, but gradually melts into a psychedelic union with them. When they finally emerge after sundown, Elliot watches the vast crowd and brilliant lights of the distant concert ripple with harmonious hallucinatory visuals that swell into serene white light.

Elliot returns home from his liberating experience and has breakfast with his parents. He suggests to his mother that they now have enough money to replace him, but she cannot bear to let him have his freedom. Elliot storms out, facetiously suggesting his mom eat the hash brownies Vilma has just offered. After another beautiful day at the festival, during which his friend the Vietnam veteran, Billy (Emile Hirsch), appears to overcome his post-traumatic stress disorder, Elliot returns home to find his parents laughing and cavorting hysterically, having eaten Vilma's hash brownies. The once-brittle family (particularly Sonia) is united in joy and delirious affection.

The next morning, however, Sonia inadvertently reveals that she has secretly saved $97,000 in cash in the floorboards of her closet. Elliot is upset that his mother hid this from him while he put his own savings into helping his parents.

After the final day of the concert, Elliot decides to move to California as he packs up his things and says farewell to his father, after his father encourages him to strike out on his own. As Elliot pays one last visit to the concert and looks out over the muddy desolation of the Yasgur farm, Lang rides up on horseback and they marvel at how despite the obstacles, the event was a success. Lang mentions his next big project: staging a truly free concert in San Francisco with the Rolling Stones.

Castle on the Hudson

Tommy Gordan (John Garfield), a cocky, arrogant career thief, is finally nailed by New York City authorities after pulling a big heist. He is sentenced to a minimum seven years at the state prison in Ossining, aka Sing Sing, on the shores of the Hudson River. There, he meets prison warden Walter Long (Pat O'Brien), to whom he takes an immediate dislike. Months later, inmate Tommy settles into the dull routine of prison life.

There is one rule that the superstitious Tommy Gordon has always obeyed—never pull a job on a Saturday. So when fellow inmate Steve Rockford (Burgess Meredith) invites Tommy to assist him in a breakout, he at first agrees. Later however, learning that Rockford has scheduled the escape for a Saturday night, he backs out. Sure enough, Rockford's plans go awry, and he dies during the attempt. Afterwards, Warden Long learns of Tommy's refusal to collaborate with Rockford. So later, when he receives news that Tommy's girlfriend, Kay Manners (Ann Sheridan), is seriously ill, he offers Tommy temporary unsupervised parole, just long enough to visit Kay. Despite the parole's taking place on a Saturday, Tommy gratefully accedes.

Once in New York, however, Tommy becomes embroiled in an altercation involving his shyster lawyer Ed Crowley (Jerome Cowan), who is shot dead by a sick, convalescing Kay. Though he is actually innocent of the crime, Tommy decides to protect Kay's reputation by taking the blame for his lawyer's death. So upon returning to Sing Sing, he greets the warden with a fake confession. A courtroom trial follows, where despite Kay's attempts to explain she is the real murderer, Tommy is convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. Unlike many of his death-row companions who panic and break down as their appointment with fate approaches, Tommy stolidly faces the consequences of his noble decision. In the end, he slowly walks that last mile before execution, accompanied by a solemn Warden Long and the prison chaplain.

Marvel Zombies 3

Zombies invade Earth-616, the original Marvel Universe, by entering through the Nexus of Realities in Florida. Siege, Jennifer Kale, Wundarr and the Conquistador (Juan Ponce de León, who as a Roman Catholic regards his foes as demons), local members of the Fifty-State Initiative, investigate but are attacked by zombie Deadpool''Marvel Zombies 3'' #1 (December 2008) and a few zombified civilians. The zombies kill the Conquistador, and infect Siege and Wundarr. A horrified Kale destroys Deadpool's body with an airboat. Siege's robotics detect the biological corruption and he self-terminates. Wundarr goes into hibernation to purge himself. A traumatized Jennifer Kale awaits in an observation room back at headquarters.

Back at A.R.M.O.R., Machine Man and Jocasta travel to the Marvel Zombie universe to find DNA with Little Sky so they can find an uninfected human for Morbius, now an A.R.M.O.R. scientist, to make a vaccine against the zombie plague so the 616 heroes can be inoculated against the virus. While the heroes are gone, it is revealed that Morbius is the zombie version, who has kidnapped the real one.

The two heroes find that "human" readings are really coming from clones generated by the zombie Kingpin, via his resources and created by the zombie Jackal, now used as the zombies' sole food source under Kingpin's control. As they watch, the zombified Inhumans arrive and are welcomed by Kingpin (who tells the now prolix Black Bolt to shut up).

Machine Man and Jocasta stumble upon Vanessa Fisk, who is uninfected. She tells them that the Kingpin is keeping her safe. She allows Jocasta to get a blood sample, but declines an offer to escape to Earth-616, preferring to stay behind with her husband. Looking at the dead and dying bodies in the pit, Machine Man is overcome with pity, realizing that the zombies are treating the clones the way humans treat robots. He leaves Jocasta, goes into battle mode and destroys the clones out of mercy and gets attacked by the zombies, and he has destroyed their food source.

A severely injured and sessile zombie Doctor Strange appears in the plot line; has only the powers to create manna (ironically inedible for the zombies) and to see other dimensions. He thus reveals A.R.M.O.R.'s operations on Earth-616. Machine Man sees that the impostor Morbius used Deadpool to create a distraction so that he could set his plans in motion.

On the real Marvel Universe, a female team member finds the real Morbius captive. The infected version attacks and turns her, causing a zombie outbreak that quickly overtakes the entire facility. Little Sky returns Jocasta to A.R.M.O.R. without Machine Man, who didn't meet them on time, and Jocasta requests that Machine Man be given posthumous honors. Jocasta discovers Morbius is a zombie, and one zombie uses the A.R.M.O.R. teleporters to escape this reality.

In the zombie universe, Machine Man defeats the zombies, leaving only zombie Lockjaw, whom Machine Man uses to teleport back to A.R.M.O.R., where he kills the zombies. (Immediately thereafter he queries Jocasta about having some "...sweet, sweet robot love" in a secluded spot, whereupon they kiss.)

The real Morbius kills his zombie counterpart and escapes. Jocasta and Machine Man return to S.H.I.E.L.D., and Morbius volunteers to follow the zombie that teleported away, along with a new team of Midnight Sons.

Eternal Poison

''Eternal Poison'' begins in the Kingdom of Valdia where the demonic realm of Besek has suddenly appeared. This realm is home to demons called the Majin who have captured Valdia's Princess. The King of Valdia then issues a decree for her rescue which brings upon numerous adventurers of dissimilar intentions, the story of game is told from multiple perspectives of five key parties as they journey their way through the realm of Besek to rescue the princess.

God on Trial

As noted above, Jewish prisoners in a barrack at Auschwitz question why God has let this happen to them, His chosen people, and decide to try God in absentia to get at the answer. This becomes an extended debate on why God permits evil. The first theory proposed, that God must allow people to choose actions that lead to horrible results because human freedom of will is such an important value—a solution many consider the true one—is rejected with contempt, and the debate continues. Finally, one of the men reviews the record of God's deeds in the Hebrew Bible, and draws the conclusion that the true answer is that God is not good. He states this so powerfully that the others accept it, and there is a moment of silence. "So what do we do?" says one. "We pray," says the proposer of the theory grimly, and they rise, face one way and begin to pray. The scene fades to the present day, with visitors to Auschwitz standing stunned in the same space; the ghostly figures of the prisoners are seen among them, praying.

Foxy Lady (manga)

Jin Mikasa is the heir to the Mikasa shrine, currently seen over by his father and dedicated to Doukan-San. One day, a mysterious fox-girl called Kogane Mikasa appears at the shrine, who claims to be half-human and half-demon. She first stays with Jin and Sogo Aoyagi, a childhood friend of Jin's who is self-centered at times. Worried about Doukan-San discovering her, Jin and Kogane hide in Sogo's wardrobe, where they accidentally kiss. The kiss causes her to lose her fox-like appearances and turn into a human, something she has always wanted. However, the change is only temporarily and she needs to be kissed repeatedly to remain human. Also, she cannot use magic when she is human. Her fate is determined by who she marries, and she wants to marry a human, specifically Jin, and be human.

Doukan-San discovers where Kogane is hiding, but Jin is surprised to learn that she is Doukan-San's daughter, with him being a demon and his wife being a human. Jin is also surprised to learn that Kogane's mother is his aunt and that Kogane is his cousin. Kogane stays in the human world and learns to adapt to it. She eventually goes to Jin's school, where she meets Kanoto Okubo, another of Jin's school friends, and occult club member Sachi Usui, who brings Izume-Chan, a weasel-girl who was Kogane's long-time friend [currently angry at Kogane], to the human world.

The Spanish Gardener (film)

British diplomat Harrington Brande (Michael Hordern) takes up a minor provincial consular post in Spain. The appointment is a disappointment to Harrington, who was hoping for a more senior position. His abandonment by his wife may have adversely affected his career, as might his brusque manner. He is accompanied by his eleven-year-old son, Nicholas (Jon Whiteley), whom he teaches at home, contrary to his friend's advice that the boy would benefit from the social engagement with other boys at a boarding school. Harrington prefers to monopolise his company.

Nicholas sees it as an adventure, and soon becomes friends with the teenage gardener, José ( Dirk Bogarde), spending time every day helping him with the plants and relaxing together. The exercise he is getting is much better for him than his father's mollycoddling of the perfectly healthy boy. However, the middle-aged Harrington is jealous of his son's enthusiasm for and friendship with the much younger man. He rebukes his son for taking him to watch Jose play pelota and refuses Jose's gift of fish that he had caught. Similarly, he refuses to let Nicholas join a youth group organized by a junior colleague. He later bans Nicholas and Jose from speaking on pain of Jose's dismissal. He also sets Jose to clear a large rockery as punishment.

While Harrington is away on a business trip, the drunken Garcia, the butler/ chauffeur, threatens Nicholas with a knife and tries to break into his bedroom and the terrified boy takes refuge overnight with Jose with whom he has again been spending time. His father discovers this and is furious. Garcia then frames José by convincing the father that Jose has stolen Nicholas' wrist watch, that Garcia himself had stolen, to cover up his own thieving behaviour.

Jose is arrested and is taken in handcuffs on a train with two armed soldiers guarding him. Brande is on the same train and suddenly realises his fault, but at the same time, Jose jumps from the train. It is initially unclear if he survived the jump.

Brande goes home and discovers his son has run away. He goes to Jose's family but they have little sympathy, but the old father thinks he knows where they have gone.

On a stormy night Nicholas finds Jose in a derelict old mill, then Brande finds both. Normality is restored and Jose returns to the garden saying "there is much to do".

The Merry Widower (1950 film)

Bebè, a variety artist, runs a nightclub in Cannes on the French Riviera. Unknown to both his girlfriend Lucy and the other performers, he has a young daughter living in San Remo with his grandmother. Lucy becomes suspicious due to his repeated absences, unaware that Bebè's daughter is ill and needs an expensive operation.

The Elusive Twelve

When his wife gives birth to twin boys, her husband sends one to the orphanage as they already have eleven children and thirteen would be unlucky. The two boys grow up completely apart, one becoming a professional footballer for Juventus and the other an employee of the state lottery. Without meeting, the two now keep accidentally crossing paths. The second man is mistaken for the first man by his girlfriend, and ends up playing in a football match in place of his twin.

Toto the Sheik

Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family, governed by the Marquis Gastone. Gastone is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the French Foreign Legion. The old Marchesa, his mother, persuades Antonio to enlist to watch over Gastone, and so he arrives in Arabia.

There Antonio is led with barrel (because enlistment is secret), and is exchanged by Arabs for their sheikh, who came to lead the revolt against the western invaders. The vicissitudes follow one another, especially when the rebels discover that Antonio is not the Sheikh, and so, having also escaped a death sentence, Antonio ends up in a secret passage, in the lost city of Atlantis, where he meets the beautiful Queen Antinea.

Toto the Third Man

In a small village Peter and Paul (both starring Toto), twin brothers of opposite characters, Peter, mayor of the town, is gruff, precise, picky all of a piece and never lets talk about his wife (Bice Valori), is totally different from his brother Paul, who loves the good life and beautiful women, such as the innkeeper's wife Oreste (Carlo Campanini) at the expense of his wife. The dispute between the two brothers is affecting the whole country, because the construction of the new prison, which will give bread and work for all, will be built on land owned by Paul and despite already there is a municipal resolution acquisition of land by part of the town, Peter refuses to carry out the transaction with his brother, blocking the start of work, because they are afraid you might think that makes favoritism to his brother. A groped to take advantage of the situation will try Anacleto (Aroldo Tieri), the tailor of the country, more good to baste clothes that fraud, that he met in jail Toto, the third secret twin brother of Peter and Paul, and once released from jail instructed him to go to Peter's house, pretending to be the latter and give the money owed to Paul for the sale of the land.

The staging generates a series of misunderstandings, because Toto, in the role of Peter, despite instructions Anacleto to resemble in all respects, they behave totally different from the grumpy mayor, producing many misunderstandings, but emerged in hands empty because the money was put directly delivered by the municipal home of Paul. To recover, Toto come on at the home of Paul, pretending to be the latter and creating other misunderstandings with his wife and with the busty maid of the same, but did not recover the money due to the arrival of the real Paul. Peter and Paul, respectively convinced that the other is joined at home by pretending to be him, should be reported to the prosecutor, so she goes to stage a surreal process without rhyme or reason, Toto is kidnapped by the host Oreste believing that Paul wants to do out of jealousy; Toto manages to escape with the help of the town drunkard, the only one who had seen Toto Paul is out of the house of the latter, but it had been believed that regularly drunk. Meanwhile, in court, in the general confusion, someone begins to suspect that there may be a third brother, in this case Peter is ready to give him his fishing hut and Paul his guns and his hunting dogs. At this point, Toto reaches the court to reveal the whole truth. For the third brother finally promises a peaceful and prosperous life (thanks to the heritage of his brothers) in the company of the beautiful ex-maid of Paul.

The Two Jasons

A few years ago, Jason Kane created three clones of himself, to help him in a scam. Afterwards, the replicants went their separate ways, but now somebody is trying to kill them. Plagued by flashbacks of the original Jason's life, the surviving clones must join forces or die. Or possibly both.

Dollar for the Dead

Lone super-quick gunslinger "nameless" Cowboy (Estevez) is on the run from a rancher (Long) and his men, who are out to kill him for killing the rancher's son. A former Confederate soldier (Forsythe) sees how can Cowboy defend himself, even dropping a drink, pulling and shooting a guy, and catching his drink before it hits the floor. Cowboy gets mixed up with this soldier who has knowledge of hidden gold. So, Cowboy and Dooley, the Soldier tries to complete their map and find the gold because Dooley has only one part of the map. And also Col. Skinner (Redleg commander) on the tale of Dooley.

When Cowboy and Dooley free a man (Lauter) with part of the map to the gold, they then are also pursued by Spanish soldiers. It all leads to a small Mexican town terrorized by soldiers and led a by a good priest (De Almeida) who is another one which has knowledge of the hidden gold.

Il padrone del vapore

A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.

Late Last Night (film)

It's Christmas and Dan (Estevez) is an entertainment lawyer whose wife (Kelly Rowan) has recently left him. Dan decides to re-examine his life and find himself. Dan gets together with a mysterious friend named Jeff (Weber), who will do anything for Dan to have a good time.

Dan has a great time in bars, clubs, high maintenance call girls and others things in this unforgettable night. But Dan mixes fantasy, reality and everything in between. By the end of the night, it's possible that Dan might find what's missing in his life.

Neapolitan Turk

The film is based on a play by the famous Neapolitan writer Eduardo Scarpetta, father of Eduardo and Peppino De Filippo and Titina De Filippo The story is set in Naples and Sorrento in the second half of 1800. The thief ''Felice Sciosciammocca'' (the surname in Naples means "one who is always with her mouth open in astonishment"; ''Felice'' means "Happy") together with the bandit Faina ("Weasel") escapes from prison and meets with a Turkish eunuch that he should go to Sorrento for a job. Don Felice kidnaps him and steals his letter of recommendation to get into the house of a rich businessman, so that gains a bit of money for him and for his accomplice. The man who had called the Turkish is the rich grocer Don Pasquale, being jealous of his wife and young daughter, betrothed to Don Carluccio holding a dowry, is to host the Turk and immediately test some suspicion. In fact, the Turk rather than look like an eunuch protector proves to be a great womanizer and causes the sympathy of all the girls in the town and the wrath of the young. Don Felice, forgetting appears Faina, have fun in monitoring the wife and daughter of Pasquale and Don Carluccio appears more and more restless by the net waste of his betrothed. In the following days Don Felice will be met with the Honourable MP Cocchetelli who had recommended the real Turk to Don Pasquale, but cannot reveal the truth because Don Felice surprised him with a girl who was not his wife. On the day of the wedding, don Carluccio, after an engagement party gone wrong, stormed into the house of Don Pasquale to beat him, but Don Felice intervenes and gives the marching orders to the bully who runs away scared. All thank Don Felice, who reveals his identity and claims to have done all this misunderstanding and funny situations to entertain the audience watching him from a theater.

Siamo tutti inquilini

Anna has been since childhood the housemaid of an old lady, and has inherited from her a beautiful apartment. She now works in a cafe`, but struggles to keep up with the expenses of the luxurious housing complex. She is alone in the world and apart from her loving fiance Carlo, only the wise caretaker of the building Augusto shows her some fatherly affection.

The greedy and tyrannical administrator of the building, the dentist Talloni, would like to exploit the financial difficulties of Anna to buy her out, offering through a figurehead to acquire the apartment much below its real value. Augusto and the lawyer Sassi figure out the scheme, and decide to defend Anna's interests. They first manage to delay for few days the official decision to force repayment of her debts, they try to secure her a loan through the bank or through the richer acquaintance of a well-off neighbor, they come up with the idea for Anna to rent out the apartment to an older couple while remaining in service and caretaker of the property as housemaid.

None of this represents a complete solution for the young girl's problems, and everybody must manage at the same time some other difficulties - Sassi is afraid of irritating his jealous wife in case of excessive involvement, Augusto must defend his job from both Talloni's intention to fire him and from a poorer friend who would like to take over his job as a caretaker, the other tenants seem generally well-disposed but they are also very self-centered. Thanks to Augusto selfless efforts and even his cheating to gather all neighbors at the crucial meeting where the course of action for Anna's debt should be decided, the administrator's plans are eventually exposed and a compromise arrangement is reached.

Funniest Show on Earth

In the circus a clown named Tottons Togni (Totò), forced to never remove his make-up to avoid revealing his real identity, is constantly haunted by the jealousy of three women (a lion tamer, a fantasist, a trapeze artist) and also by the investigations of a police officer.

Two Nights with Cleopatra

Cesare, a Roman soldier, comes to Alexandria to serve in the army staff of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Cleopatra is a beautiful woman, able to charm anyone, and is the wife of Emperor Mark Antony, but when he is not in the city, she prefers to spend the night with one or another of his soldiers, whom she will then have killed the next day with poison.

When Mark Antony comes back to Alexandria to fight a war, Cleopatra visits him secretly while her place at the palace is taken by Nisca, a girl who is so like her she can pass as her double, except for being blonde. It turns out that on one of the evenings on which Cleopatra has been swapped for her double, Cesare fails to notice this. Unaware of the exchange, Cesare spends the night with the girl who proves to be very fragile and sad.

The next night Cesare is arrested for trying to hurt Cleopatra (the real one) but in reality the man just wanted to say hello. Intrigued by the fact that Cesare wears a ring identical to hers, Cleopatra makes him free and offers to spend the night with him, warning him that the next day he will die. Cesare, however, manages to get drunk and to free the "queen" Nisca, locked up in prison. The film ends with the two fleeing from Alexandria.