Lieutenant Commander Robert Badger is an excellent naval officer with one major problem. He speaks the truth at the most inopportune times that lead him to being transferred from ship, to shore, and then to instruct at the Royal Naval College. When his remarks are repeated by one of his students to his father, an anti-military Member of Parliament he has one last chance. He and three problem midshipmen are sent as exchange officers to the flagship of the United States Sixth Fleet. Their antics set back Anglo-American relations until they go ashore to a nation in a midst of a revolution.
Kevin, Brian, Chris, Darick and Eddie are childhood friends from a working-class neighborhood in Pittsburgh. They are in their mid-20s and working low paid blue collar jobs and occasional small criminal offenses like selling marijuana or illegally providing liquor for parties.
Brian convinces all but Eddie to start making money by pandering. They start with two girls, Jasper and Sienna, and the business eventually expands to five girls. They find a drug dealer, Nate, to supply cocaine, first for the girls, and then for their 'johns' as well. As the business succeeds, Nate's price gets more expensive. As their fortunes grow and the affluent lifestyle affects Brian, he eventually gets addicted to the drug, even though Nate had warned them all not to "partake in the product".
One night Chris takes Sienna to meet with an old client who likes Sienna. Both smoke crack, and the 'john' kills her. The police arrive and arrest him and Chris, who is outside the room, unaware of the murder. He is charged with several crimes that include prostitution, drug-dealing, possession etc., and could face many years in state prison. Brian visits Chris in jail, who tells Brian the cops will likely reduce his sentence to two years minimum, if he tells them where he got the drugs from. Brian tries to convince Chris that if he does this, Nate will hunt him down, but Chris doesn't care.
Brian returns to the other two to talk with them, but the others tell him that they are not going to be involved in the business anymore with Chris in jail and Sienna dead, so they quit, after Kevin also discloses to Brian that he loves Jasper. Brian then tells Nate about what happened, and Nate contracts to kill Chris in jail, but the old convict he hires, who sticks a shiv into Chris several times, does not kill him. Chris tells the police of Brian's drug & pimping business.
Darick is killed by Nate and Brian tries to kill Kevin unsuccessfully. Kevin takes a plane out of the country, with Jasper catching up with him later, her having been shot by Brian in the attempt to kill the couple. She goes to the hospital and catches the next flight out. The police raid Brian's luxury penthouse condo. Brian burns all of his drug money and tries to flush the drugs down the toilet, but the cops turn off the water supply, knowing Brian is planning on getting rid of the drugs. A police helicopter hovers over his patio-pool-deck and they order Brian to surrender. Brian grabs his AR-15 and fires at the helicopter, which flies off, and then he exchanges gunfire with the many cops around the building. Out of bullets, Brian runs to his bedroom to gets his pistols. He calls his mother and apologizes for the lifestyle he chose. She sees what is happening on the TV news live. Brian walks back outside, with guns in both hands. Cops order him to drop the weapons or they will shoot. Brian contemplates the situation and surrenders, and as he lays down the pistols, Nate, from a distance and armed with a sniper rifle, shoots and kills him so he can't tell the cops who supplied him the drugs. The police, amazed, don't see who kills him, thinking the shot was from one of their own snipers, and presumably Nate gets away (but likely just temporarily, as Nate thinks Chris is dead).
At Darick and Brian's funeral, Brian's mother is shown in the cemetery with Eddie and Chris, who is still incarcerated and using a wheelchair. Finally, in Eddie's thoughts, he discloses Kevin and Jasper are somewhere away from the US., and that the 'organization' made over $7 million in about a year of operation, but that it was 'all gone'. In closing, he emotes he didn't want to be involved from the beginning because, though his friends 'flew high for a while, in the end they flew off the bridge to nowhere'.
Bianca Barrett, the protagonist and daughter of a Welsh Surveyor and his Palestinian wife, becomes an "ambitious and mercenary" social climber and double murderess. Charming and well-educated, Bianca marries four times and advances in wealth and social influence.
With Bernardo, her first husband, Bianca has three children; they lose their son in a car crash. After a divorce, she marries the rich Ferdie, whose family owns the Piedraplata commercial empire. Before it comes to a divorce, the second husband is shot and killed by a hitman who makes it look like a suicide. The killing is arranged by her lover, Phillipe Mahfud, and Bianca becomes the financial beneficiary.
After a brief marriage to husband number three – she had married him only to make Mahfud jealous-, she lastly marries Mahfud, a rich Iraqi businessman and banker. When their relationship sours, the banker dies with his nurse in a mysterious fire in his apartment in the tax haven of Andorra. Bianca's lawyers pay off the police and investigators, and the only justice that remains is in the court of public opinion.
Brion Bayard, an American diplomat on assignment in Stockholm, Sweden, attempts to evade a man following him, only to find himself kidnapped by agents of the Imperium from a parallel world. Taken to the home world of the Imperium, he is introduced to the aristocratic members of the government, which rules most of the civilized world from London, having been formed by the union of the British Empire, which included America, and the German and Austro-Hungarian empires of Europe, with neutral Sweden added as an impartial component of the mixture. He is impressed by the commitment to duty of the Imperial officials he meets and drawn to a particularly noble lady. Surprisingly, the Imperial officials also include an analogue of Hermann Göring who – as Nazi Germany never existed – is a fairly honest and decent person, completely free of the crimes he would have committed in our history,
The main reason for Bayard's abduction, however, is that the Imperium is under attack from another parallel world.
The Maxoni-Cocini drive, invented in the Imperium universe by Italian scientists/experimenters Giulio Maxoni and Carlo Cocini at the end of the 19th century, is the technology for traveling between worlds and is extremely dangerous. Only if several sensitive parameters are tuned exactly can disaster be avoided and the trans-world transportation effect be achieved. Almost all worlds where its development is attempted or even inadvertently stumbled upon are destroyed, often in bizarre and horrible ways.
The collection of time lines where such disasters have occurred is known as the Blight, and the rare ones where the Earth survives are known as Blight Insulars, or BIs. BI-1 is the Imperium, where, by rare chance, the Maxoni-Cocini drive was successfully developed. The Imperium has become rich and powerful by trading with time lines beyond the Blight. BI-3 is Bayard's home world, where the technology never developed. The raids are coming from BI-2, a chaotic world where Imperial Germany won the First World War but failed to consolidate its victory, with a chaotic and highly destructive war continuing to sweep the planet for generations. This world, which was not believed to have the Maxoni-Cocini drive until it became the origin of increasingly destructive raids, is currently ruled by a dictator, who happens to be an analogue of... Brion Bayard.
Bayard undergoes extensive training to substitute for his double, presumably after killing him, and take over the other government, shutting off the raids. The plan falls through almost as soon as he arrives in the new world. For some reason, almost nobody believes in his impersonation. The reason becomes apparent when he meets the other Bayard, who had lost both legs in a battle years before, but who has concealed that fact from the public.
However, this other Bayard is not the evil dictator he is portrayed to be. He greets his double as a brother, and tells him how, after being a military officer dedicated to saving the soldiers under his command, he became a dictator after the government he served disintegrated, and undertook an effort to save what was left of shattered world. He is based in Algiers, which was less damaged than other parts of the world, and used the remnants of the former French Colonial Government as the nucleus of his fledgling World Government. He knows nothing of the raids on the Imperium. The two Bayards talk over a gourmet meal and discover they have much in common, including similar histories.
Bayard the dictator is abruptly assassinated by the real conspirators, who are working for power-hungry factions in the Imperium itself, using stolen technology. Bayard himself is scheduled for a showy execution, after suitable amputation surgery, to allow the conspiracy to consolidate its hold on their world by publicly eliminating the dictator. Eventually he is able to escape back to the Imperium and expose the conspirators. Offered a chance to return to his Earth, or become a high-ranking Imperium officer, he looks at the noble lady who has become so important to him, and declares, "Home is where the heart is."
Simon Sparrow, now a senior doctor at Hampden Cross Hospital, falls in love with Delia, a model and aspiring actress. They eventually move in together, but then she goes to Italy to audition for a film.
Meanwhile, Sir Lancelot Spratt injures his back in a fall. Placed under the care of physiotherapist Iris Marchant, he is initially hostile, but soon succumbs to her charms. He turns to his friend Simon for advice. Simon sends him to a nature cure clinic in a vain attempt to help him lose weight. Spratt has Iris followed, and, when his private investigator turns up at Hampden Cross as a patient, follows her himself (terrorising a nervous train passenger in the process). He proposes to her, but is eventually rejected in favour of another of her patients, retired army Major Tommy French.
Delia returns to England, having somehow acquired an expensive Italian car (a Maserati Sebring) and expensive clothes, though she did not win a part in the film. It is implied that she and Simon get together again.
While vacationing in Italy, Nick Morell, son of John Morell, a famous English philosopher and amateur musician and his wife Catherine, becomes friendly with young Guido. Morell discovers the boy has an extraordinary instinct for orchestration and a phenomenal music memory. A neighboring couple, Signor and Signora Boudini become aware of the boy's talents, and the Signora appeals to Guido's parents to let her educate him musically. Torn by their love for their son and the duty they feel to let the world hear his talent, they consent.
Guido is tutored by Dr. Lorenzo. Signora Bondini denies the boy all contact with his parents and everyone else except her. She also has neither sent his letters to his family, nor let him see the ones they've sent to him. He becomes phenomenally successful and makes the grand tour of Europe, while Signora Bondini is enraptured by the acclaim given her through her "discovery" of the boy. She prepares to take him to America and also prepares adoption papers.
The series centres on the dysfunctional lives of Cameron, Sue, Sue's daughter, Emily, Sue's ex-husband and DJ Paul, his new girlfriend Natasha, Cameron's ex-wife Anne and their son Jack. The main plot follows Cameron's family life at home, dealing with life living as a step family. The plot is told in a backwards flashback mode. Arguments and tensions rise throughout the story, and eventually, following her strange and naughty behaviour, little Emily is killed. Any one of the adults could have been responsible – and were all placed at the scene.
As the plot reaches its climax, Cameron is shown hitting Emily and accidentally smashing her through a glass patio door, however there is a twist to the tale as all the suspects are then seen killing her one by one – all except one of them. Natasha, the only character not seen killing Emily, is seen crying and sobbing whilst shouting "I'm sorry". This scene was particularly disliked by some critics, because viewers were not shown how or indeed why, or if, Natasha killed her. That, however, said the writer, was the crux of the drama, that any one of them could have, and that her position within her family had become so marginalized that she was, at times, perceived as a nuisance or problem by all of them.
The book is about the naughty fourth grade class at Aesop Elementary School. Each chapter (which is also a story) ends with one of Aesop's Fables's morals such as when Calvin Tallywong wishes that he was back in Kindergarten.
Narrated to his dedicated servant Whateley, Cthulhu tells the story of his birth on the planet Khhaa'yngnaiih ("No, of course I don't know how to spell it. Write it as it sounds.") to a father who was eaten by his mother and a mother who was subsequently eaten by Cthulhu himself. For a few thousand years, young Cthulhu, "the colour of a young trout and about four of your feet long", slunk through the swamps of his home planet, eating and avoiding being eaten.
Not long thereafter, Cthulhu's uncle, Hastur, suggests that they and "the boys" (fellow nameless, nightmarish horrors from the Cthulhu Mythos) go out, explore the cosmos, and have some fun. After a long argument, a plane of existence is decided upon.
After a short stint in Carcosa, Cthulhu is directed by The King in Yellow towards Earth in his search for a patch of the cosmos to rule over. Finding Earth to be rich in both swamps and cultists, Cthulhu makes himself comfortable - until the arrival of the Old Ones ("Banal little bureaucruds") enforcing some kind of cosmic law, which requires Cthulhu and his followers to leave the seas and move onto land.
There, the cult of Cthulhu built monuments to their be-tentacled god, threw a planet-wide barbecue that decimated the dinosaurs, and, in spite, forced the Old Ones further and further towards the Antarctic. Hating the cold, the Old Ones retaliated by bringing Earth closer to the sun, once again submerging Cthulhu and his monolithic city of R'lyeh beneath the sea.
This brings Cthulhu to the present day, explaining to Whateley that while he is technically "dead and dreaming" beneath the waves, watching humanity in its endless chaos, he is waiting. Waiting for the day when the stars align and he is awakened to rule over Earth once more, and once it is destroyed, he will return to his home planet. There he will mate and he will die as his own parents died, bringing forth new unspeakable horrors into the cosmos.
While the neighbors are watching the Oscars at the Griffins' house, Mort needs to use the bathroom so desperately that he runs into what he thinks is a portable toilet in Stewie's room. Instead, it turns out to be Stewie's new time machine, and Mort is sent to the past. Realizing that Mort does not have a return pad, a device necessary to bring the user back to the present, Stewie and Brian take the return pad and go back in time to save Mort. They end up in Warsaw, Poland, and find Mort in a synagogue. He believes he is in Heaven because he sees dead family members there. It does not take long for them to realize that the date is September 1, 1939, the day of the Nazi invasion of Poland and when World War II started.
They cannot return to the present right away because the return pad to Stewie's time machine fails to activate. They decide to go to England where Mort, who is Jewish, will be safe from the Nazis. While attempting to cross the border, Mort, who was disguised as a Catholic priest, was asked to do last rites for a dead soldier. When the actual priest arrives, the German officers find out that Mort is Jewish, resulting in the trio being chased by the Nazis. Mort, Stewie, and Brian make their escape on a motorbike in a ''Back to the Future'' parody, followed by an elaborate undersea pursuit in a hijacked U-boat, making it to England safely.
Stewie examines the return pad and discovers the uranium rod used to power the device is depleted; the only accessible source of uranium in 1939 is the nuclear weapons testing facility in Berlin, Nazi Germany. In order to get to Germany, Stewie, Mort, and Brian join the Royal Air Force and fly a Lancaster bomber in a dogfight against a squadron of Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters, eventually reaching Berlin. After finding the nuclear research lab, Stewie disguises himself as Adolf Hitler, while Mort and Brian disguise themselves as Nazi officers. They obtain a uranium rod from former NFL player Joe Greene, and run into the real Hitler, who orders their execution. Brian and Stewie distract him long enough for Mort to insert the uranium into the return pad, and the trio escape back to their time.
The group arrives back in Stewie's room 30 seconds before Mort originally entered the time machine. To keep Mort from ever finding out about his time machine, Stewie kills the Mort that traveled with them by shoving him into the time machine and then blowing it up with a raygun. The original Mort then enters the room and, now lacking the toilet, he ends up soiling himself instead.
''City of Sorcery'' begins five years after the end of ''Thendara House''. The Renunciates and a select group of Terran women who have agreed to abide by Renunciate laws have formed The Bridge Society, to facilitate understanding between the two groups.
Magda Lorne learns from her supervisor, Cholayna Ares, that a Terran operative, Alexis Anders, has survived a plane crash in the Hellers a week earlier. Five days later, she appeared at the spaceport with amnesia. Cholayna believes Anders’ memory has been tampered with and wants Magda to use her laran abilities to help recover her memories. After a bit of telepathic probing, Anders abruptly appears to have recovered, though she remembers nothing of her past week’s ordeal.
Later, in retelling the story to Camilla at the Guildhouse, Magda recalls her three previous experiences with mystical visions of the Dark Sisterhood, and crows, which seem to be their avatars. Camilla tells Magda that the Sisterhood is a secret society; that she and Jaelle were both invited to join, but refused. With Jaelle’s assistance, Magda makes contact with the Forbidden Tower, but they are unable to explain Anders’ experiences.
Rafaella undertakes a travel commission from Alexis Anders, but leaves a note behind for Jaelle. Magda tells Cholayna that Alexis has taken the expedition under false pretenses. Cholayna, Magda, Vanella, Jaelle, and Camilla set out to follow Alexis. The expedition takes them high into the Hellers, through treacherous terrain. Magda goes into the Overworld to ask the advice of the Forbidden Tower, but is confronted by an ancient crone who repeatedly warns her to turn back. Magda refuses.
The Terran women suffer frostbite and altitude sickness, but continue despite their troubles. After about a week, they continue on their way, crossing the Kadarin River, and arrive at the city of Nevarsin. An arrogant ''leronis'', who calls herself Acquilara, greets them with a great deal of self-importance and bluster. The women are suspicious of her and decide to leave the city. Cholayna’s altitude sickness gets worse, as do the travel conditions.
High in the Hellers, they meet Kyntha, who explains that they have arrived at the holy house of the goddess, Avarra, and offers to care for their injuries. Cholayna takes more than a week to recover. The women who care for them recoil at Acquilara’s name, declaring her evil.
Marisela, a sister from the Thendara guildhouse, known to also be a member of the sisterhood, arrives, having followed their entire journey. She explains that she serves the sisterhood, but is not one of them.
The group continues on in their journey, now seeking in earnest the mysterious city of the sisterhood. As they arrive at a pass that gives them a view of the mountains known as the “wall around the world”, Marisela is killed, apparently by Acquilara. The others fall unconscious and awake in a cave.
Alexa Anders arrives, apparently under the control of Acquilara. She speaks abusively to all of those who have been attempting her rescue. She leads Magda to Acquilara, who turns out to have a political agenda and wants to exploit Magda’s connections with the Forbidden Tower. Magda refuses to help.
Magda and the others attempt an escape, but are recaptured. Magda has a vision of Kyntha, who tells her not to hate her captures, that it gives Acquilara entry into their minds. Again, they attempt to escape and find themselves in an all out fight. Jaelle attacks Acquilara, and in the fight, both fall over a cliff and are killed. Alexis is wounded, and also dies.
Kyntha now asks each of them what they seek. Camilla and Magda choose to enter the city of the sisterhood, while the others return to Thendara.
The Scaredy Cat parents wakes up in the morning, they can't function because they are scared of things that could possibly happen. The Scaredy Cats live through a day of fear.
''The Bourne Deception'' picks up where ''The Bourne Sanction'' left off. Jason Bourne's nemesis, Arkadin, is still hot on his trail and the two continue their struggle, reversing roles of hunter and hunted. When Bourne is ambushed and badly wounded in Bali, he fakes his death and goes into hiding. Only his close friends, Moira Trevor and Freddie Willard are aware that he is alive. In safety, he takes on a new identity, and begins a mission to find out who tried to assassinate him. Jason begins to question who he really is, how much of him is tied up in the Bourne identity, and what he would become if that was suddenly taken away from him. Shortly after, an American passenger airliner is shot down over Egypt by an Iranian missile. This is where a global conspiracy is revealed. Bud Halliday is at the helm of manipulations by NSA assisted by a wet-work outfit known as Black River. DCI Veronica Hart was an ex-employee of Black River like Moira Trevor and is at loggerheads with the intentions of Bud Halliday. Moira Trevor has started her own company which is a direct competitor of Black River. A global investigative team, led by Soraya Moore, is assembled to get at the truth of the situation before it can escalate into an international scandal. The conspiracy is discovered by one of Moira's employees and he is subsequently killed with Moira being left in grave danger. The trail to his assassin leads Bourne to Seville. On the way there, he meets Tracy Atherton, who tells him that she is going to Seville to buy the 14th Black Painting. In Seville, Bourne is attacked in a bullfighting arena by a killer named The Torturer. Later on, search for the man who shot him intersects with the search for the people that brought down the airliner, leading Bourne into one of the most deadly and challenging situations he has ever encountered. With the threat of a new world war brewing, Bourne finds himself in a race against time to uncover the truth and find the person behind his assault, all the while stalked by his unknown nemesis.
The film covers the lives of a family after their young daughter is severely injured in a car crash. It is based on a book written in 1998 by the journalist Robert Mawson as his second novel. The plot revolves around the controversial but highly humane treatment of the traffic accident victim who is in a deep coma and can only be brought back to consciousness with the help of her older brother and a gifted neurologist doctor whose work is not recognised by the community. The consequences of this lack of understanding nearly wreck the healing process.
A young man, Dale Katzman, a college student from an Ivy League school "near Boston" takes a summer job as the night cook in the galley of the Seaway Queen, a lake boat bulk carrier on the Great Lakes for a Chicago-based steel concern. Dale's predecessor, Guigliani, endured a particularly violent end while on terra firma, the cause and nature of which is speculated by the other crew members. Dale, and the audience, gets to know each of them, including: Fireman, who reads voraciously when not "watching the gauges"; Fred, who imparts his unique, politically incorrect philosophy regarding women on the young man; and, especially, Joe Litko, a 23-year veteran of the seas, who sees much of himself in Dale. The dialogue is Mametspeak at its most raw, as secrets are shared, picayune matters are debated, and fantasies are laid out, vividly.
The "Brief" of the title refers to the document which a solicitor in the UK court system writes to instruct a barrister who will present their client's case in court. Barrister Tony Stevens, as a junior, bemoans the fact that he receives nothing but routine briefs concerning sewers, with small fees. So when a high-paying brief concerning a writ for "restitution of conjugal rights" is given to newly arrived Frances Pilbright (who just happens to be the niece of a senior barrister in the chambers and god-daughter of the instructing solicitor), Stevens is outraged, and, by devious means, obtains the brief for the opposite side in the case. Pilbright works fiercely for her client, a woman whose marriage was disrupted by World War II, with the registration office and its record of the marriage destroyed by bombing. The woman claims that another bombing raid caused her to lose her memory and she moved to another part of the country, and has only recently recovered her memory and the knowledge that she was married. Stevens advocates for the other side, the man whom she claims is her husband but who denies that they were ever married. The two barristers squabble in their offices and in court.
Pilbright, about to lose the case, makes a furious declaration in which she declares "the Law is an Ass!". Stevens, seeing how upset she is, joins her in this, but in their zeal, they offend the presiding judge, Mr Justice Haddon, who tells them that he intends to have them severely disciplined.
Outside the court, Stevens overhears an exchange between the two parties to the case and discovers that they really were married, but in the intervening years the woman had married another man who has become very wealthy, and she brought the case with the intention that it should fail and "prove" that she had not married previously, so as to prevent her being charged with bigamy and to remove any possibility that her previous husband could make a claim against her newfound wealth. The two barristers are both annoyed to know that their clients deceived them, but they realize that they are in love.
Kristofer is working as a security guard. He was fired from the freight ship on which he worked when he was caught smuggling alcohol. Faced with money problems, he is tempted to accept the help of his friend, Steingrimur, who manages to pull some strings to get his old job back aboard the ''MV Dettifoss''. He decides to take his chances one last time on a tour to Rotterdam to bring alcohol back on the return journey to Iceland. While in Rotterdam, his brother-in-law Arnor steals the money intended for the alcohol purchase, and buys ecstasy with it. The alcohol sellers force Kristofer to take part in a violent art theft; he escapes in the confusion during a shootout with the police.
Meanwhile, back in Iceland, Kristofer's wife Iris is threatened by three men, who trash her flat and then her place of work. She accepts Steingrimur's offer to stay with him until Kristofer returns. Steingrimur, with whom she was once involved, tries to seduce her, and as she tries to escape, he knocks her unconscious and, thinking that he has killed her, attempts to dispose of her body.
The ''Dettifoss'' returns. Customs search the vessel, but no contraband is found. Arnor believes that Kristofer has thrown the ecstasy and the alcohol overboard and attempts to escape from the gangsters expecting the consignment. Kristofer has planted the ecstasy in the car of the captain of the ''Dettifoss'', and sets up the gangsters to be intercepted at the captain's house. Iris survived Steingrimur's attack, and Kristofer locates her just as Steingrimur is attempting to bury her in concrete at the construction site he works at. Out at sea, Kristofer's friends locate the alcohol.
Susan Graham (Carol Marsh) is a discontented heiress whose joint guardians (Mervyn Johns and Peter Haddon) are both trying to get her married to their odious nephews (Peter Hammond and Geoffrey Sumner, respectively). On her nineteenth birthday, the five of them visit a nightclub called the Magnolia Club; also present happens to be radio star Nick Martin (David Tomlinson), whom Susan detests. When she is inadvertently seated at Martin's table directly in front of the floor show, she refuses to move, and Martin, despite his radio reputation as a fearless detective, is too intimidated by her hauteur to insist. This, however, proves to be a mixed blessing for Susan; when the evening's principal performer, a ventriloquist, comes out, she laughs so hard at his routine that she gets a bad case of the hiccups. She attempts to cure them by getting a drink of water, but succeeds only in getting caught in the crossfire of a pie fight.
Four days later, Susan's hiccups still haven't stopped, and her doctor (Wilfrid Hyde-White) recommends that her guardians take her to a certain haunted house for a good fright. On the way, they stop at a pub for directions, and Susan runs into Nick Martin again. At first, she is still chilly towards him, but then the narrator (Richard Hearne) shoots the two of them with Cupid's arrow, and they immediately fall in love. Martin's overbearing mother (Judith Furse), however, soon comes to take him away – but not before the two of them have arranged a rendezvous.
The plot then proceeds to the haunted house, where Susan's guardians, not believing in the ghost, have hired an actor to play the part. Susan, however, slips away to her rendezvous before he begins working; consequently, she still has the hiccups when Mrs Martin finds her and Nick trysting together. This fact doesn't amuse Mrs Martin, who apparently believes that hiccups are contagious; she forbids Susan to see her son again, and suggests that she see a psychiatrist (Jimmy Edwards) about her problem.
The psychiatrist concludes that, because Susan got the hiccups from laughing, she can rid herself of them if she laughs that hard again. He recommends “a fellow on a BBC show called Jimmy Edwards”; Susan accordingly goes to the BBC studios, where, naturally enough, she meets Nick again. The two of them arrange a date at the Magnolia Club, ostensibly so Susan can cure her hiccups by laughing at the ventriloquist again, but really so they can gaze into each other's eyes all night. Their reverie is interrupted, however, by Mrs Martin, who shows up at the club and orders her son home. When Nick fails to stand up to her, Susan, disgusted, storms out of the club, inspiring Nick, a little too late, to develop a backbone and tell his mother off.
Returning home, Susan writes a letter to Nick breaking off their relationship, but the Martin address turns out to be unlisted. She therefore returns to the BBC and leaves the letter on his microphone; on her way back out, however, she mistakes the door and ends up locking herself in a cupboard. The next morning, she turns up missing; Nick, frantic, sets all of England looking for her, and at first refuses to broadcast until she's found. Being persuaded, however, that his programme is necessary for the social stability of the nation, he returns to the BBC that evening; in the course of the broadcast, the cupboard door is opened, and Susan tumbles out, unconscious. She is, however, quickly revived – and, what is more, when she sees her guardians’ nephews (who have inadvertently locked themselves into, and then flooded, the mixing room), she bursts out laughing, thereby finally curing herself of the hiccups. She and Nick fall into each other's arms, and all ends happily.
In London, Scotland Yard detectives Jack Holbourne and Harry Morgan investigate the serial murders of models featured in the pornographic men's magazine ''Playbirds''. They identify four suspects: the magazine's publisher, Harry Dougan; photographer Terry Day; a street preacher called Hern; and anti-pornography campaigner George Ransome MP. To draw out the killer, Holbourne and Morgan decide to send in an undercover policewoman posing as one of Dougan's models; following "auditions" at the Yard, in which the candidates are made to perform striptease, WPC Lucy Sheridan is recruited and infiltrates the world of ''Playbirds''. Ransome kills himself after being caught spying on the models, while Hern is arrested on suspicion of being the murderer. The film ends with Lucy receiving a surprise visit from a man she assumes to be Hern, but who reveals himself to be the preacher's twin brother and strangles Lucy in her bath.
Jemma Claflin is a struggling third-year medical student at a children’s hospital. She is teased by the nurses and tormented by her superiors, but she is most crippled by a lack of passion for her profession. A traumatic past also haunts her daily life. Her family and loved ones died in various incidents, leaving Jemma with the belief that she must avoid loving anyone else, lest they also be killed. Jemma is particularly troubled by the loss of her brother, Calvin, who filled her early years with the supernatural and eventually took his own life. Despite her guarded emotions, Jemma enters a relationship with fellow medical student Rob Dickens.
On a particularly stormy night Jemma aides in the birth of a disfigured child, a daughter of a “King of the East” who had come to New Jersey and married. The child is named Brenda and often points at Jemma, to her discomfort. After the birth, Jemma seeks solace in a sexual liaison with Rob in the on-call room. When they emerge, the storm has submerged the entire world beneath a vast ocean, with only the hospital and its inhabitants left floating above. No one finds time to mourn the loss of the world as the condition of the hospital’s patients suddenly turns for the worse, and every adult is busy attending to them. The hospital has reconfigured its layout, and an angel begins to speak to them, asking each person to name her so that she can serve them. A man named John Grampus reveals that he is the architect of the hospital, and was contacted by the angel long ago to create the building which would serve as an ark when the Apocalypse came.
Once the patients are stable, life in the hospital returns to a relative state of normalcy. The hospital hierarchy remains intact as medical personnel and parents focus on their sole mission- to make the children well. Everything that could be needed is provided by the angel via replicators, and people may even request items which have never existed before. The daily lives of other medical students are flavored by their own personal problems. Dr. Chandra struggles with his lack of medical aptitude and deepening loneliness. Jemma’s best friend, Vivian dates constantly, while secretly obsessing with a long list of reasons leading to the end of the world. Jemma continues to go through the motions during rounds, not really helping any patient but getting to know them and the particulars of their ailments. Jemma develops notable relationships with several children including Pickie Beecher, a mentally disturbed boy who drinks blood, and Jarvis, a boy who was warned of the Apocalypse by John Grampus and stowed away in the hospital on the night of the storm.
One day a surgical lamp hits Rob in the head and causes brain damage. The power of her grief allows Jemma to tap into previously undiscovered healing powers which manifest as green fire. She heals Rob and then proceeds to heal each person in the hospital of whatever medical issues they may have. Following the healing of all the patients, the hospital needs a new sense of purpose. A council is elected (of which Jemma is named the highest title of Universal Friend) and the adults are put in charge of leading classes for the children. The children whose parents died in the flood are adopted to various adults in the hospital, and Jemma and Rob adopt Pickie Beecher.
Things begin to appear in the previously empty ocean. A man is retrieved from the water. He cannot remember anything about himself, and is named Ishmael by the inhabitants of the hospital. Fish and other marine organisms begin to appear, and can be watched from the windows of the hospital. Jemma discovers that she is pregnant and the hospital joyously throws a wedding for her and Rob. One day a ship is spotted in the distance. It is a cruise liner, and Jemma and a few delegates board the ship to explore it. They return with one person, a teenage boy who carries with him a diary detailing his sexual exploits with male and female passengers of the cruise ship, now long gone. He is in a permanent sleep, and can cannot be roused.
After the boy is brought into the hospital, people begin to develop a sickness termed “the Botch.” It manifests differently in each patient. Though Jemma can sense the Botch inside each person, she is unable to use her powers to heal it. Her attempts appear as if she is using her green fire to kill afflicted persons, and she is impeached of her position as Universal Friend. Adult begin to die, turning into greasy ash, while those under the age of 21 slowly fall into deep sleeps. Soon the only people left in the hospital are the sleeping children, heavily pregnant Jemma, Rob, and Ishmael who is delving into insanity. Rob has the Botch, but Jemma’s love for him keeps it at bay. Despite this, Rob slowly degrades both physically and mentally. While Ishmael roams the hospital in madness, Rob helps Jemma tend to the sleeping children until he, too, dies.
Jemma begins labor, and climbs to the roof to give birth where she encounters Ishmael. A land mass is visible from the roof and the hospital draws nearer. As the child is born, the children of the hospital wake up. The hospital reaches the land mass and Jemma dies, seeing the children exit the hospital to join the new world. Jemma’s adopted son, Pickie Beecher, carries the princess Brenda and Jemma’s newborn son with him as he crosses.
In the aftermath of the Secret Invasion storyline, Black Bolt and the Inhumans return to the Kree for their right to lineage as rulers. They come into direct conflict with Emperor Vulcan and his campaign of expansion for the Shi'ar. The first issue sets up this conflict and shows an attack at the wedding of Ronan the Accuser and Crystal - a betrothal arranged by the Inhuman king, Black Bolt, to unite the two races, resolve ancient hostilities and for common defense against mutual enemies. The Inhumans and Kree reply in kind, attacking the Shi'ar in the following issue.
Vulcan then embarks on an ambitious plan to conquer the rest of the universe.
Gladiator of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard leads the assault against the Inhumans. As Crystal of the Inhuman Royal Family and Ronan the Accuser are about to be married to unite the Inhumans with the Kree, they are attacked by Gladiator and the Guard. Gladiator takes on Black Bolt and is able to defeat him with some help from White Noise. The Guard also captures Princess Lilandra who is with the Kree and Inhumans. Ronan also falls as he tries to help Crystal. Gladiator says that they have made their statement, and the Imperial Guard leave. Medusa shouts that the Shi'ar will pay with their blood for what they have done.
Gladiator and the Guard face off against the new batch of Nova Centurions whom they quickly defeat. Gladiator's cousin, Xenith, shows up informing him that the Emperor has ordered Gladiator to present Lilandra to him. Gladiator quickly leaves, though he clearly shows his dislike for his cousin and her presence. Gladiator walks a fine line in doing his duty for an emperor he personally dislikes while still protecting Lilandra from his wrath. Later, the Starjammers, accompanied by a faction of the Guardians of the Galaxy, attack Gladiator's ship to extract Lilandra. He is taken out of the fight by Rocket Raccoon, aided by Marvel Girl, until he sees through their trick. He quickly defeats the rest of their team and recaptures Lilandra before she can escape. She pleads with him again but another Guard interrupts her and demands that Gladiator do as the Emperor ordered and kill Lilandra and the others.
After battling the Starjammers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, Gladiator is swayed by Lilandra's argument against Vulcan and kills a member of the Imperial Guard loyal to the Emperor, saying that he is loyal to Lilandra. In the next issue, Lilandra is killed by Darkhawk - Razor. Gladiator goes crazy and begins to attack all of his enemies. Vulcan and Black Bolt battle on a ship/bomb. Black Bolt has the final strike and seemingly kills Vulcan. As Crystal and Lockjaw are about to take Black Bolt away, Vulcan gets up and pushes Black Bolt to the ground. Just as Lockjaw and Crystal escape, their ship blows up and both kings are seemingly killed. Back on the Shi'ar home planet, Gladiator becomes the new emperor. Also, the explosion from the ship has literally made a hole in the fabric of space and time. This rift is actually the event that Starhawk (in ''Guardians of the Galaxy'') was trying to prevent. It's dubbed "The Fault." The Shi'ar fleet, suffering from the explosion, surrenders to the Inhumans, but the price is too high.
A second wearer of Darkhawk armor calling himself Talon arrives on Earth and tells Chris Powell (the original wearer of the armor) he is part of an ancient organization known as "The Fraternity of Raptors," who were created to protect the universe. After millennia of dormancy, only Darkhawk and Talon are left, and their job now is to return the balance to the universe. Unfortunately for Chris, Talon has lied—when Chris accesses the memories in his armor, he concludes that the Fraternity of Raptors are the bad guys ... just as Talon apparently purges Chris's consciousness from the armor. A new identity for the armor, "Razor," emerges and takes control.
Talon and Razor then recover the Cosmic Control Rod from Catastrophus, stopping briefly for Talon to implant a suggestion in the gestating Annihilus. Chris's personality was not wholly destroyed yet, and a vision of his father tells him that much of what he believed about the armor was false: the prior history, even Evilhawk himself, was a lie made up by Chris's mind, and the other armor is a second configuration that took control to cover earlier anger issues. Horrified, Chris' psyche breaks free of the prison in which it was locked, only for Chris to find himself on a great tree adorned with thousands of amulets like his own, where he encounters gargoyle-like creatures that urge him to return to the one from which he has just emerged. Meanwhile, in the Negative Zone, Talon and Razor offer Blastaar the Cosmic Control Rod in exchange for his assistance influencing the outcome of the War of Kings. Talon then appears to Vulcan, telling him that the Fraternity was created in order to keep the Imperium strong. Talon also tells him, through the Datasong, that Blastaar is helping the Shi'ar, and also tells him of Lilandra's coup on Chandilar. Razor is later seen on Chandilar, disguised as a Shi'ar. Although Rachel Grey manages to see his true form, he shoots several Shi'ar before he kills Lilandra.
The newly reformed and under-trained Nova Corps suffer great casualties facing the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. When Nova's brother, Robbie, attempts to rescue a fellow corpsman he had befriended, he finds himself needing rescue. Nova and some more experienced centurions rescue Robbie and take Strontian and Ravenous into custody. The Kree territory that had been under Ravenous' control is left to "King" Blastarr.
In an attempt to prevent, and then stop, the war, the Guardians of the Galaxy split into two groups. The team led by Rocket Raccoon tries to communicate with Vulcan, and Star-Lord's team appeals to the Inhumans. Neither group has any success.
At a convent in Austria in the 1920s, a spirited novice named Maria (Ruth Leuwerik) is sent by her abbess to the estate of a widowed naval hero, Baron von Trapp (Hans Holt), to look after his seven unruly children. The baron is a stern disciplinarian and runs his household like a ship. When Maria arrives, she encourages the children to play games like other kids, and teaches them how to sing. When the baron discovers how Maria is ignoring his orders, he sends her back to the convent. Later, when he hears his children singing songs they've learned from Maria, his feelings for her change. Gradually, the baron falls in love with the young woman and proposes marriage.
After obtaining permission to marry from the abbess, Maria becomes the Baroness von Trapp. The family's priest, Dr. Wasner (Josef Meinrad), encourages Maria and the children to sing for charity, and soon they develop a large following. After the Nazis annex Austria, the baron loses his fortune and is summoned to serve in the German navy. Unwilling to live under the Nazi regime, the family flee to the United States, where they continue performing. But their troubles are far from over when a naïve Maria tells the immigration inspector they want to stay forever, after he asks how long they will be visiting the country.
Three small-time crooks, Griff, Len and Len's brother Alec, hold up a bank just after closing time on a Saturday preceding an Easter Monday bank holiday.
The stuffy bank manager (Mr Spencer) and his secretary, Rose are locked in the bank's airtight vault, or "Strongroom" by the crooks when two cleaners unexpectedly arrive. The robbers escape but realise that they face possible murder convictions as the bank will be closed for days and the two employees will suffocate. The crooks improvise a plan to leave the keys to the vault in a telephone box and alert the police by an anonymous phone call. Alec has this task. He is seen driving off but is killed in a road accident. Griff and Len receive a knock on the door from the police. The news of Len's brother's death is given. Len panics at news of his brother's death but blames the two bank employees, vowing not to help Griff in helping to release them.
Meanwhile in the vault the two are calculating their length of air supply: a maximum of 12 hours if they conserve their breath... they will not live until Tuesday morning when the vault is opened. They hope someone will rescue them. However, the manager's friends, who he had agreed to meet up him at the bank, left when seeing his car gone and have started their round of golf without him. Rose's family believe her to be away (alone) for the weekend.
Len tries to retrieve his dead brother's belongings from the coroner's assistant but gets angry when told that the items, which include the strongroom keys, cannot be returned until the police give permission to do so. The duo decide to get hold of an oxyacetylene torch and try their best to break through to the suffocating bank workers (Griff having persuaded Len that, by not doing so, they're essentially putting their own necks on the block). In the meantime, having been contacted by the coroner's assistant, the police sergeant spots that the dead brother's belongings include a strongroom key, something a car-breaker shouldn't possess. The police track down the maker of the key and he advises them to which bank it belongs. The police initially suspect the bank manager of absconding, but it is pointed out that no bank employee should ever have both keys and therefore something is very amiss.
The police catch Len and Griff boring a hole in the strongroom door. When the boys explain that they're trying to free the workers trapped inside, reluctant at first, the Inspector agrees to let them continue. The duo get an air line through the door but their relief is shattered when, though the vault is opened and the bank manager taken out (barely alive), a police officer states "This one (Rose) is DEAD sir!" The look from Griff and Len sums up the impending doom for the pair, as murder was a capital offence at that time in the UK.
Julie Mason (Georgina Ward) abuses her position as the owner of a private health clinic by selling sexual favours to her male clients, whom she then blackmails for large amounts of money. At the same time, she resists the sexual advances of Elsa Farson (Carmen Silvera), a lonely, older woman.
When businessman Lee Maitland (Alexander Davion) engages her services, Julie, who wants to make a new life for herself, is taken by her new client and quickly becomes his fiancée. Meanwhile, barred from visiting Julie, Farson is driven to suicide.
Julie is drawn into Maitland's plan to make them both rich, unaware that he is actually Farson's son and intends to avenge his mother. The film ends with Maitland, having faked his death in a road accident that Julie helped to create, disappearing with tens of thousands of pounds that Julie had extracted from her clients. Julie is left to choose between admitting blackmail or remaining silent and being charged with Maitland's murder.
When her father dies, orphan teenager Tamahine is sent from her South Pacific island home to live with Charles Poole, her father's cousin and the headmaster of Hallow, a prestigious all-male school in England. Richard, Charles' son and school student, falls in love with her, but she considers him tabu because of the closeness of their family relationship. Another suitor is the art master, Clove, after he breaks up with Charles' daughter Diana.
Meanwhile, Tamahine has trouble adjusting to the puzzling social mores of her new home, exasperating Charles, but making him start to question his own joyless existence. In the end, Richard convinces Tamahine that their connection is distant enough that marrying him does not violate English tabus, while Clove resigns to go paint in a foreign land, accompanied by Diana. The film leaps ahead several years, showing a scruffily bearded Charles enjoying life on Tamahine's island, while Richard takes his place as headmaster, watched by Tamahine and their children.
The film sees life from the perspective of Lord Byron, seriously wounded in Greece where he is fighting for Greek independence. From his deathbed, Byron remembers his life and many loves, imagining that he's pleading his case before a celestial court.
The first witness called is Lady Caroline Lamb who recalls their relationship. She met Byron after a ball and they began an affair. He writes the poem ''She Walks in Beauty'' about another woman, causing Lady Caroline to stab herself with a broken glass. He breaks things off and Lady Caroline is sent to Ireland.
The next witness is Annabella Milbanke who talks about her romance and marriage to Byron, including the birth of their child.
The third witness is Augusta Leigh, with whom Annabelle thought Byron was having an affair, although Augusta denies it.
John Hobhouse, 1st Baron Broughton is the fourth witness. He talks about Byron's political career and how he became famous overnight through his poetry and meeting Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli.
Teresa is the fifth witness. She talks of their love affair while she was married and his involvement in the Carbonari in Italy. Byron leaves her to go fight for Greek independence. The celestial judge (played by Dennis Price) tells the viewer it is up to them to decide whether Byron was good or bad.
During World War II, a Basque farmer is asked by the French resistance to help a fleeing scientist and his family escape across the Pyrenees Mountains to safety in neutral Spain. On his trail are a group of Germans, led by a sadistic SS officer.
In "The Red Peppers", a husband and wife song and dance team (Kay Walsh, Ted Ray) bicker with each other, another performer (Martita Hunt), and the theatre manager (Frank Pettingell). In "Fumed Oak", a middle-aged man (Stanley Holloway) finally has enough of his wife, daughter, and mother-in-law (Betty Ann Davies, Dorothy Gordon, and Mary Merrall respectively). Having saved enough money secretly, he announces to his stunned family that he is leaving, never to see them again. In the final segment, "Ways and Means", a husband (Nigel Patrick) and his wife (Valerie Hobson) wonder what they will do now that he has gambled away their money, leaving little to pay their debts, especially to Olive (Jessie Royce Landis). They pawn their last few valuable possessions, hoping to win enough in the casino. However, Olive takes the seat the husband was waiting for and proceeds to win a great deal of money. When she gets up, he takes his rightful place and loses all he has. That night, the couple awake to find Olive's chauffeur, Murdoch (Jack Warner), trying to steal from them. After laughing at him (since they have nothing worth the effort), the wife proposes he rob from his employer and split the money with them. Murdoch takes Olive's winnings, but double crosses the couple, only to end up caught by the police.
Sellers plays hospital administrator Albert T. Hopfnagel, who oversees a facility that is more interested in generating revenue than it is in providing sound medical care.
When construction worker Lester Hammond (Lenz) shows up needing nothing more than a chest X-ray, he is immediately admitted and subjected to a battery of tests. Hopfnagel rides the staff to perform more unnecessary surgeries and pad patient bills, while making time with multiple female staff members. When Hopfnagel finally ends up in jail for his devious deeds, he plots a revenge in which he will return to the hospital as a patient and be given an unnecessary operation that he can then sue the hospital over. But the plan backfires.
Just-married taxi driver Tom Manning is led to an abandoned bombsite by an eight-year-old girl (Irene), who says that she has lost her dog. The kind-hearted Manning gives her his handkerchief to dry her tears. She then runs off, taunting Manning as an April-fool prank. He stumbles and raises a fist at her in exasperation at her behaviour; this is witnessed by Mrs Zunz, a local resident. The girl is later found murdered on the bomb-site, strangled as she sang "Oranges and Lemons" while feeding the ducks.
Manning is picked up by Scotland Yard for questioning and is later arrested and charged with murder, with circumstantial evidence including his handkerchief (found under the body of the girl), a fibre from his coat under the dead girl’s fingernail and the testimony of Mrs Zunz. A wartime pilot who suffered a head-wound, even Manning himself starts to doubt his mind, and wonders if he had suffered from a "blackout".
Manning's wife, Jill, convinced he is innocent, contacts lawyers, but the defending barrister refuses to see her and her husband, because he wants to preserve an "objective view" on the case. She later wins the sympathy of the junior counsel Peter Tanner, who visits Manning in prison, believes in his protestation of innocence and makes the case his own.
The trial begins at London's Old Bailey, where Tanner is opposed by his father, prosecuting counsel Geoffrey Tanner. The trial is presided over by Justice Harrington, whose wife is in the hospital undergoing a serious operation.
It soon becomes evident that things are going badly for Manning. Jurors are seen expressing their belief in Manning’s guilt even before the trial was over. Irene's mother offers hearsay evidence that Manning had given the victim sweets, breaking down in tears and accusing Manning of murder. Following the testimony of prosecution witness Horace Clifford, all the evidence seems to point to Manning's guilt.
During a recess Peter Tanner sees Clifford outside the courthouse, giving a sweet to a young girl. He identifies the sweet as having been the same as the sweet found on the murdered girl.
When the trial resumes Tanner recalls Clifford for cross-examination, confronting him with the similarity of the sweets, and instructing a street musician to play "Oranges and Lemons" - the same song that was played when Clifford gave the sweet to the child in front of the restaurant, and the song that the child had sung to the ducks when she was murdered.
Clifford breaks down, and Manning is cleared. The film ends with Tanner Senior and Tanner Junior walking away from the camera to share a drink - their camaraderie intact despite the bitter arguments that have gone before. This father and son have been able to fight fiercely and to carry out their legal responsibilities on opposite sides of the case, despite their friendship.
In the Mexican city of Guanajuato, in the 1800s, the young and beautiful Amalia de los Robles (Dolores del Río) wakes up the passion of all the men of the region. This provokes the fury of her widowed father, Don Fernando (Julio Villarreal) who sees in her the face of his dead wife. But Amalia falls in love with the smart Ricardo (Pedro Armendáriz). Tragic circumstances, however, prevent them from being united.
''The Mirror of Her Dreams'' is a novel in which the setting is a world where mirrors are magic, and is the first novel in the ''Mordant's Need'' series.
''A Man Rides Through'' is a novel in which allegiances shift as enemies become allies.
A local builder, Bob Grove, has some temperamental differences with his Council Manager leaving him without a product to finish a housing estate. His son, Jack, recruits the services of an alternative supplier, of dubious character, to help him get hold of the materials required to finish work on the new houses. Things turn sour when Bob and his son, Jack, are suspected of stealing, leading to a situation which involves a police investigation. All this takes place around a planned Royal Visit, to the new housing estate.
After the death of her yogi father during a freak "yoga accident", Joan Clavering returns home to her widowed and suddenly very wealthy step-mother Bertha. The latter conspires with her daughter Janice to drive Joan insane and deprive her of her rightful inheritance.
Eccentric widow Lady Buckering lives in splendour in Hampstead, but behind the scenes is struggling with poverty and bringing up four demanding daughters, one of whom is about to have a baby. Also of concern is the very nervous father-to-be and how exactly to deal with her light-fingered butler.
As a yacht sails into an isolated tropical island chain somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a large number of islanders in outrigger canoes paddle out to greet it. The islanders dive for trinkets the yacht's crew throws them. A shark arrives, setting off a panic as much with the crew as the islanders. Johnny Baker (Joel McCrea) attempts to catch it hand casting with a large hook, but is yanked overboard when a loop of line attached to the impaled shark cinches around his ankle. Comely native swimmer Luana (Dolores del Río) cuts through the rope with a knife she had earlier been thrown as a trinket, saving his life.
At a welcome banquet that night, Johnny sees young island men ritually carry off young maidens, and seeks to do the same with Luana, but is stopped and castigated by the local chieftain, her father. With brief nudity and underwater swimming scenes, they swiftly fall in love. Later, the yacht moves on, but leaves Johnny on the island for an adventure. He discovers Luana has been promised to another man – a prince on a neighboring island. She is spirited away to this island for the arranged marriage, while Johnny is waylaid. During an elaborate dance sequence, Johnny has made his way to the island in the nick of time, runs into a circle of fire, and rescues her as the natives kneel to the fire. Johnny and Luana then travel to another island where they hope to live out the rest of their lives. He builds her a house with a roof of thatched grass. However, their idyll is smashed when the local volcano on her home island begins to erupt. She confesses to her lover that her sacrifice alone can appease the mountain. Her people take her back. When Johnny goes after her, he is wounded in the shoulder by a spear and tied up. The people decide to sacrifice both of them to the volcano, but on the way, the couple are rescued by Johnny's friends and taken aboard the yacht.
Johnny's wound is tended to, but his friends wonder what will become of the lovers. Luana does not fit into Johnny's world. When Johnny is sleeping, Luana's father demands her back. She goes willingly, believing that only she can save her people by voluntarily throwing herself into the volcano.
The first season of its predecessor, ''Caminhos do Coração'', contains: * The revelation of the mystery of Maria's kidnapping * The discovery of the identity of the person responsible for the crimes of the bankrupt biotech company Progênese * The transformation of Julia Zaccarias into Juli Di Trevi, her identity after receiving a rejuvenating serum * The disclosure of Mariana, mother of twins Maria and Samira
Men and women are transformed into vampires, cats, snakes, spiders and werewolves, which attack the streets of São Paulo and disseminate evil as an epidemic. The terrified population pursues the mutants.
Maria and Marcelo meet the League of Good (composed of Noah, Cleo, Tony, Bobby, Janet, Vavá, Pachola, Perpétua, Leonor, Lúcio, Bianca, Juno, Tati, Kaspar, Ágata, Aquiles, Cris, Yara, Nathy, Valente, Simone, Newton, Marisa, Willie, Erica, Eugene, Angela and Clare) in the Mayer family mansion, which becomes the refuge and headquarters of the healthy mutants.
Samira, the twin sister of Maria (trapped in Dr. Júlia's laboratory since her birth 30 years ago), is reported dead. Samira is the most-powerful and evil mutant, since she can absorb the powers of other mutants. She is the right arm of Dr. Júlia Zaccarias, who transforms into Dr. Juli Di Trevi and aims to exterminate all who thwart her.
DEPECOM (''DE''partamento de ''PE''squisa e ''CO''ntrole de ''M''utantes, (Department of Research and Control of Mutants) is restructured, and uses the latest technology to stop the mutants. DEPECOM is divided into two wings. One is composed of Marcelo, Miguel, Aline, Marta, Beto and Ernesto, who want to imprison the violent and preserve the peaceful. They investigate the Evil League (composed of Juli, Samira, Gór, Taveira, Eric, Metamorpho, Fernando, Ariadne, Draco and Telê), organized in São Paulo, and their commanders Juli and Gó. This wing gathers mutant gray wolves, vampires, werewolves, snakes, spiders and other dangerous creatures. The second wing is represented by Fredo and Adolfo, who want to exterminate all mutants (including the peaceful).
Valente discovers confidential information in the Omega File which reveals that Julia is an alien, and pays the price for his discoveries. Attacked by Fredo and his followers, he loses his memory. Valente has only one portfolio, with papers, cards and documents. He is saved by Gabriela, a doctor. While he tries to unravel the mystery of his own past, he is pursued by Fredo (who wants to kill Valente before his own past comes to light).
Nati, a vampire bitten by Taveira but who has a conscience, will help Valente to find out who he is. She is not affiliated with the Evil League, and is persecuted for exercising her free will and sharing passion with Valente. Nati's good nature overcomes her contamination, and she joins the League of Good.
Janete's powers evolve. She can see into the future, and discovers that the survival of humanity depends on the survival of the children of Lúcio and Bianca. Those children must be protected, or humanity will be dominated by vicious mutants.
Bianca and Leonor are sent to Arraial Island with their babies and join the League of Good. Juli discovers Janete's premonition, and attacks the babies and their mothers (who are protected by the League of Good) with members of the Evil League.
Trying to save Lúcio and Juno's babies in the island's tunnels, Maria, Noé, Beto, Perpétua, Cléo and Toni are attacked by mutant insects, the Ant Men, Tarantula Men and giant spiders. Beto and Perpétua escape, but the others are captured by the Carpenter Ant Men and brought to Agartha. The Ant Queen tells them they are in Shangri-La, the Agarthan capital at the center of the earth.
Juno and Lúcio return to Melquior, the prince of Agartha, who leads the League of Good in the fight against the reptilian aliens and the Evil League. If they join the reptilian army and the Evil League, humanity will perish but; if the babies join the League of Good, humanity will prevail and the reptilians will be defeated.
The mutant vampire Dracula and his lieutenant, Bram, find the former headquarters of the League of Evil and take it over. They recruit vampires to form the Vampire League, a branch of the League of Evil which hosts blood-drinking parties. Nati, a vampire, ends their thirst for destruction.
The plot develops around Maria Luz who is accused of killing Dr. Socrates Mayer, owner of one of the largest private clinics in the country, Progênese. Dr. Júlia, an affiliated physician of Progênese created genetically modified human beings, mutants with superpowers. Júlia has always maintained a secret laboratory on the fictional island of Arraial, where she performs the experiments that originated the mutants. She is helped by Gór, who has the power of hypnosis, and the superintelligent child Eugênio.
Maria Luz has lived in the circus of Don Peppe with her parents Ana Luz and Pepe all of her life. She is the main attraction of the circus where she was raised and met first love interest Fernando. Maria is also the best friend of Juanita, her sister-in-law. Maria falls out of love with Fernando when he gets involved with Esmeralda. After Maria discovers that she is an adopted child, she finds herself in a tight spot: the police find her lying near Socrates' dead body and accuse her of killing him. Maria then discovers that her real father is the person she is accused of killing. This was set up so that Maria could not inherit Socrates's large wealth.
The Mayer family belongs to São Paulo's traditional elite. It is composed of the brothers Sócrates, Aristóteles and Platão Mayer. Ari is widowed and has three mutant children: Toni, who can deviate from bullets and has over human strength, Rodrigo, who has hypnotic powers, and Danilo, who has super agility and marries Lucinha to hide his homosexuality from his father. Platão is married to Irma and has two daughters: Regina and Cléo, who are discovered to have the powers of survival and astral projection. The Mayer family is one of the shareholders of Progênese, together with Mauro Fontes and Josias Martinelli. Josias is married to Cassandra and is the father of Lucas, who reads thoughts, and Janete, who has the power of clairvoyance.
After her arrest, Maria is helped by federal police officer Marcelo Montenegro, with whom she falls in love. Marcelo had recently been widowed by the death of Mabel who was poisoned. The poisoned sweet that killed his wife was intended to be eaten by his mutant daughter Tatiana. By helping Maria to escape from the prison, Marcelo becomes a fugitive from the law and the couple go through several adventures to escape the unscrupulous commissioner Taveira, who feels an unanswered desire for Maria.
Platão and Josias are murdered when they discover who is responsible for Socrates', Dr. Walker's (an American researcher who discovered the truth about the mutants) and Mabel's deaths. Maria and Marcelo are seeking to discover who hired serial killer Eric Fulisy to commit all the crimes.
It is revealed in the last chapter that Júlia hired Fulisy. She also hired attorney César Rubicão to kidnap Maria, when she was still a baby, and leave her anywhere. He chooses to leave her at the circus. Thirty years later, Socrates reveals that he would leave his entire wealth to a foundation, shocking his family. Afraid that it would harm her experiments, Júlia hired Eric to kill him and put Maria on the crime scene because she knew that Socrates would leave Maria his fortune if they ever met each other again. She suspected that if Maria received his wealth, she would close Progênese and harm her experiences. Júlia then decided to eliminate all those who discovered or suspected that she was responsible for Socrates' death. She also hired Eric to kill Rosana and nurse Ruth among other failed killing attempts. Helga, former wife of Eric, who became a better person after leaving him, also suffered attacks, as did Tatiana, Marcelo and Maria.
The season ended with Rubicão revealing in court, via hologram, who was responsible for the crimes. In the following season, ''Os Mutantes: Caminhos do Coração'', Júlia drank some of the youth serum that she produced and adopted the pseudonym of Juli Di Trevi.
Lee Yoon-ki's deadpan comedy trails a pair of former lovers – he's a charismatic romantic and she's a no-nonsense realist – who bump into each other one year down the road. Hee-soo isn't the type of person to say what's on her mind, but you can tell that something is wrong. When, at a horseracing stadium, she tracks down her ex-boyfriend Byung-woon, her voice is laced with fury. "I want my money," she says, skipping even the barest of greetings. Byung-woon, for his part, looks like a man trapped. Despite his nervous smiles and warm assurances (that seem slightly dodgy), you can guess from the outset that he doesn't have the ( ) that he borrowed from her a year earlier. "Don't worry," he tells her, "for sure I can get it for you by the end of the day." Not believing him, but not willing to let him out of her sight until she gets paid, she accompanies him for the day as he visits various old friends and acquaintances (all women) and tries to sweet talk his way into a loan. As both day and debt are whittled down, the pair fall back into old patterns, rehash unsettled gripes, and slowly come to see each other in a new light.
During what was meant to be a fun-filled camping trip, a group of teenagers meet a mysterious hermit who lives on the other side of a nearby bridge. As they set up camp, it becomes apparent that the man is definitely not happy to see them.
Gritch the Witch wants to make one of her favorite meals - piggie pie - but she lacks the crucial ingredients of piggies. Heading to Old McDonald's Farm she attempts to find some piggies, but is foiled when the pigs dress up as various barnyard creatures and even Old McDonald. Foiled, she stumbles upon the Big Bad Wolf and the two head to Gritch's house each thinking they will eat the other for lunch.
'''''Paris France''''' is a memoir written in a “stream of consciousness” style. It is interpreted as Gertrude Stein’s personal view of France as a country, and the French people. She observes the French eating, drinking, crossing the street, and carrying out their day in no other way that deviates from their "Frenchness." The word "French" quickly becomes a state of being or state of existence.
Throughout the novel, the idea of being French in France is communicated to the reader in a raw, confident, matter of fact way. Because of this, some critics believe the novel was not meant to be written as a completely accurate view of the French culture. Stein refers often to fashion, autonomy, logic, tradition and civilization as crucial parts of the French state of being, any straying of which would be straying from being French, regardless of actual nationality.
Stein places the state of France within the context of past wars and the possible impending war and the war’s effect on the “Frenchness” of the French, as well as the ideal/real French reaction to war. Stein nonchalantly recalls anecdotes she deems relevant to the topic at hand, each bringing reference to other anecdotal stories having a purpose and place within the progression of the novel. Stein freely follows the tangents of thoughts and life stories (or stories from others’ lives) but always returns to the driving purpose of the novel, identifying the French qualities and paying homage to England and France.
Caught in a South American country during a coup, a British couple try to help the ousted president escape to the frontier.
Professor Morbid Grimsby is an evil genius who has won the prestigious "Meanie" award six years in a row; to guarantee a seventh, he plots to eliminate all laughter by getting rid of the Sunday funnies, with the aid of his henchman Brutus.
Popeye is given a job as captain of the Professor's yacht, the ''SS Hilarious'', and all the characters from the humorous comic strips are informed that they have won a free ocean voyage upon this boat. Once out at sea, the boat is pulled to a remote island by the Professor's tractor beam, and in the chaos Popeye's stash of spinach is lost at sea; thus, he and all the passengers are prisoners of the Professor.
Being a huge fan of the Sunday funnies, the President of the United States takes action by calling together the heroes of the adventure comics to rescue the prisoners. The rescue attempts go wrong, and the adventure characters also end up as prisoners.
The prisoners eventually decide that the only way to free themselves is to make the Professor laugh, to convince him that the world needs laughter. They put on a talent show which fails to have an effect, but then the younger characters get him to laugh by showing him his own reflection in a mirror while he's trying to scare them; the Professor has a change of heart, and decides to let everyone go.
At that moment, however, a volcano on the island begins to erupt; the Professor uses his submarine to get the comic characters off the island, but it gets stuck in a cavern. Popeye finds his spinach in the water, eats it, and frees the submarine. The story ends with the comic characters and the Professor being treated to a party on the White House lawn; they're told that the President will join them shortly. Unbeknownst to the guests, he is actually at that moment enjoying the comics page of his newspaper.
It features a boy and his stuffed dog, who is lost, showing "the distress the loss of a toy causes a child". The boy's sister has an opportunity to earn Dogger back.
Gina is a 30-year-old chef obsessed with using fresh, wholesome, high-quality ingredients in the food she prepares. Her cooking show is cancelled when a big sponsor pulls out after seeing the show's producer in bed with the sponsor's wife. This cancellation creates an opportunity for a new show on the Cooking Channel. The producers are also interested in a local cooking show called Vittles, hosted by Tate Moody. The producers decide to turn the competition between Gina and Tate into a reality show.
In the ranch of El Soto lives Raymunda (Dolores del Río) and her daughter, Acacia (Columba Domínguez). After she is widowed, Raymunda marries Esteban (Pedro Armendáriz). What Raymunda does not suspect is that a deep passion has arisen between Acacia and Esteban. The misfortune is that the men who approach Acacia have a tragic end, and because of this, they begin to call her ''"La Malquerida"'' (''"The Unloved"'').
''Tjoet Nja' Dhien'' focuses on the six-year period between Umar's death and Dhien's capture by the Dutch. Leading her guerrilla troops, Dhien fights against the Dutch colonial army. Although she is supported by her troops and many Acehnese people, some Acehnese leaders have begun collaborating with the Dutch. Within the Dutch military, some commanders and troops commit "barbarous and cruel acts", while others supply weapons to the Acehnese. Eventually, Dhien is captured; not long afterwards, an intertitle stating that the Acehnese continued to fight is shown prior to the credits.
Jack Squire is a currency trader from Washington, D.C. on assignment to Venice, where he discovers both the light and dark of the city. Caterina is the girl from Venice who haunts Jack Squire.
It is another peek at what goes on behind the glitz and glamour of Tollywood. Swastika plays an actress in a live-in relationship with her director (Amitabha). But the mysterious death of Swastika's husband keeps haunting her. Satyabrato a boy from Hedua(North Calcutta) started nourishing a dream. His father got astonished hearing such a dream from a lower-middle-class family chap. People of their class dream to be a Cost Accountant or sometimes even to be a Pilot but become a B.D.O. (Block Development Officer) at the end. But this boy have gone mad. He wants to be a hero, and in cinemas. Yes Cinemas, that's the most horrid part. If it was serial then there would have been a chance because they need people as because they are never ending. But Satyabrato stood apart. He started exercising physically and mentally. After many days he got in touch with a renowned director, a master craftsman regarding making Thrillers and Murder mysteries- Anirban Choudhury- Everything was going, OK for Satyabrato except his girlfriend who was not at all ready to hear all those bull shit and wanted him to give the SSC exams if he was at all ready to leave his present job. Glitter and glam was a part of life for Ananya. She loved and cherished these as she cherished looks of guys who wanted to be close to her. God gave her all these to hide her past life where she had a torrid experience with a man she loved. Though the man have passed, a scar remained in the minds of the NO 1 heroin. Her beloved husband was a talented director, who had even received a national award at a very young age. But suddenly Anirban came in the life of Ananya. Anirban a very shrude fellow, became very close to Ananya and slowly but surely webbed the heroin with his cunning brain. He poisoned her and insisted Ananya to kill Dipankar... Ananya liked Satyo for his innocence. A softness grew up and one fine evening, a bit drunk with nostalgia she disclosed the hidden truth to Satyo. And SATYO came out to be the one, nobody thought of. A reporter of a reputed News Channel, with a hidden camera.
Shortly after Angela Cameron gets married, an African-American man breaks into her house, kills her husband and son, and rapes her sister. As a result, she decides to move to New York City and learn more about the situation of African-Americans. Meanwhile, African-Americans and Communists try to overthrow the government, and they succeed: the country becomes known as the 'Soviet Republic of the United States' and the only newspaper available in New York City is the ''Soviet Herald''.Glen David Gold, [ Excerpt: 'Thomas Dixon: Jael-baiter'], ''NPR'', June 4, 2007[ Thomas Dixon, 1864-1946 ], ''Documenting the American South'' However, she meets her childhood sweetheart and decides everything is not lost. Eventually, she donates US$10 million to found the Marcus Garvey Colonization Society, whose aim is to repatriate African Americans to the African continent.
Rajesh is a teacher. His wife Shila is killed while driving as she meets with an accident. After cremating her, Rajesh comes back home and is told by his maidservant who was very loyal to his wife that his wife had come home when he was away and she had just left before arriving. He is shocked to hear as he had himself cremated her and identified her by what she was wearing and by certain marks on her body. Soon after a look alike of Shila turns up at Rajesh's place and claims to be his wife. Rajesh refuses to believe her and informs the police about this imposter. She appears before Rajesh from time to time and he is highly disturbed. The police, who are also eager to solve the case, file a case against Shila. The public prosecutor appearing for the police and Rajesh is the father of Sumi, a student of Rajesh. The imposter turns out to Capt. Choudhury, a lady officer of the army, a friend of Shila who had taken her test to catch the actual murderer. The murderer turn out to be Sumi, Rajesh's student who had paid certain people to eliminate Shila as she loved Rajesh and the later kills herself when she learns that Rajesh does not love her.
Many would presume "Raktamukhi Neela" to be a murder mystery involving some precious stones or mementos. In reality the film is about the murder of actress Neela Sen on the sets of an under production film, named "Raktamukhi Neela". Neela Sen is found dead in her room. Insp. Chakraborty (Sabyasachi Chakrabarty), the officer-in-charge of the case investigates to find out that the ace actress had been poisoned by arsenic. He begins to investigate and finds out that Neela Sen had illegitimate liaisons with the film's lead actor Chand Kumar (Bhaskar Bandopadhyay) for a long time. It also revealed that Neela had planned to dump Chand for marrying director Manish Bardhan (who was incidentally directing Raktamukhi Neela). The villain of the film Raju Ray, who was also a seasoned actor, had a serious relation with Bipasha (the hair-dresser of the unit). Bipasha was the entity who had introduced Neela with the domain of filmdom. After the murder, when things go awry, Insp. Chakraborty begins to unravel mysteries about Neela's past and the nature of bonding she shared with each character. He found out that Chand Kumar had a live in relation with Neela even though he was married to Manisha (Dolon Roy), another established actress. Then there was Dipika (June Maliyah) who was a newcomer full of talent and was not ready to compromise with her moralities for any reasons what so ever. There was the production-boy Prashanta, who was vested with the responsibility of supplying food and beverages on the sets. The shooting was being held at Baruipur Rajbari. Insp. Chakraborty fights to the brink for unmasking the culprit. Meanwhile, Bipasha is brutally murdered in her room (she was strangled to death). While every body on the set go berserk is shock and awe, the third murder takes place. Manisha toppled from the balcony of her roof. The three murders give the nature of the case an entirely unique purview. Insp. Chakraborty investigates to unravel that Prashanta is the actual culprit. He was Neela's actual husband. Neela dumped Prashanta and their son Babu for making a mark on celluloid. Later the penniless Prashanta (who was actually a talented chemist) fails to save his ailing son. This makes him transform to a psycho who hates all women from the silver screen. He kills Neela by giving her arsenic (which he made himself) and also whacks off the other two before targeting Dipika. But he fails and truth is revealed.
This is the story of Madhabpur. The incident is just like that of Singur. The corrupt M.L.A of Madhabpur, Shanti Ranja Burman is a crook who forcefully confiscate the lands and properties of the downtrodden mass in the name of industrialization and development. He and his sidekick Raghab (Rajesh) targets Chandra Roy (Rimjhim) and her grandmother (Whom every one calls Thakuma) for engulfing their land. Enter honest S.P Mr. DIbakar Choudhury and his brother Dev. Dev falls in love with Chandra. The two take oath to uproot the corrupt Shanti Ranjan and Raghab alongside the villainous inspector Binay Bagchi. Dev, Dibakar and Chandra find able allies in sub-inspector Pundarikakshya Das (Subhashish) and Joy Banerjee, a real estate dealer turns revolutionary. Together combat the adverse forces and finally at a meeting all hell breaks loose. Shanti Ranjan and S.P Dibakar died in encounter. Peace is restored.
Himan, a boy from a good family accidentally lands up in a red light area after his spots his sister in that area. One day who refuse to recognize him. He is thrashed by then local goon, but he is saved by Altamasi, a brothel owner who in due course of time brings him up as her own son. Other sex workers try to poison Altamasi's mind against Himan, but she has immense belief in him. Himan who has an excellent academic record gives tuitions to earn some money. He is very fond of Dolly, Altamasi's younger daughter and wants her to be away from this bad world. He has two friends called Shiuli and Mehuli, twin sisters who are totally opposite to each in character. Mehuli loves Himan, but since he never reciprocates her love; she never forgives him. In due course of time, Himan learns that she runs a massage parlour where masseuses double up as sex workers. Himan wants to do something to improve the lives of the sex workers so he becomes a social worker by chance. He is very close to Dallia, a former sex worker who runs a high class brothel, but wants to do something for this section of the society. She is made a candidate for the elections, but discovers that she has become part of the vicious circle and that in due course of time she would be eliminated by the very people who are helping her to contest the election. Shiva becomes extremely dangerous and sets a sex worker on fire after gang raping her. Dallia cannot take it any more and decides to finish off Shiva once and for all. She hacks Shiva to death and is sent to jail.
The story of the movie revolves around a village named Simulpur, which is entirely submerged into superstition and corruption. The village head or Morol Moshai Harimohan babu (Soumitra CHatterjee) is a corrupted, power centric and pervert person. In order to capture the lands of the villagers he implies a different plan, he announces that the family practices witchcraft with the help of a "gunin" and either kills them or force them out of village. The villagers solely believe in witches, ghosts and spirits. In that village lives Babulal (Amitabha Bhattacharya) who loves his wife Parul (Sangeeta) extremely. But Babulal's mother continuously tortures her as she has not given birth of any child even after six years of their marriage. She believes that her daughter-in-law is a witch and takes help of the "gunin". As Harimohan Babu conspired against Parul to capture her father's property, he advised "gunin" to announce her as a witch. As the "gunin" does so, to save herself from the rage of the villagers jumps into a river. Dr. Sen (Kunal Mitra) finds Parul lying unconscious and admits her at the Govt. hospital. In this meantime a group of social workers come to the village to free it from superstition. As they continue their work to make the villagers aware of their wrong thinking and superstitious mentality, the doctor informs Parul that its due to her husband's deficiency she can never become a mother. So desperate Parul decides to become a mother of the baby of doctor instead of Babulal. As Parul become pregnant the villagers realize that she was never a witch and that "gunin" had told them all rubbish. In this meantime being trapped by a social worker Ishani (Shrila Majumdar) accepts that it all was a plan of Harimohan babu. So, ultimately police arrest old Harimohan Babu and on the other hand Parul gives birth to a baby boy. After showing the villagers a new ray of hope the social worker go back to Kolkata and the movie reaches its happy ending.
After winning a gold medal for East Germany in the pentathlon in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, athlete Eric Brogar (Dolph Lundgren) flees from his abusive trainer, Heinrich Mueller (David Soul) and the Olympic team.
Eight years later, Mueller is no longer a trainer. He has become a neo-Nazi terrorist, responsible for a series of attacks on German government officials, and Mueller has discovered that Eric is in Los Angeles. Brogar had become a self-pitying boozehound until his talents were spotted by his diner-owning boss John Creese (Roger E. Mosley). Still smarting over Eric's defection, Mueller beats Eric's father Rudolph Brogar (Erik Holland) to death before flying to Los Angeles. While Eric reunites with his former girlfriend Julia Davis (Renee Coleman), who hones his endurance skills at her dad's woodland retreat, Mueller joins forces with neo-Nazi sympathizers including Eric's former rival Rhinehardt (Daniel Riordan).
At a peace rally, Mueller and his thugs plot to assassinate a rabbi and an ambassador while spreading a hate message on cable television. After viciously beating up Julia's father Vic Davis (Philip Bruns) and shooting Creese, Mueller and his thugs kidnap Eric, who retaliates by wiping out most of the neo-Nazis. Later, at another Olympic pentathlon finals, Eric not only triumphs, but he also ends up shooting Mueller dead in self-defense at the end when Mueller tries to kill him at the finish line.
Nick Gunar, an ex-soldier, is down and out in Chicago in a typically cold winter. When two men offer him a job on a tropical island, he reluctantly agrees and gathers together a group of soldier friends also down on their luck. They arrive in the Far East and come up against the evil Keefer, who was with Nick in Angola. He now owns the local police force and shows Nick and the others who's boss. Afterwards, Nick and his crew go to the island, which they find is occupied by peaceful natives—natives who the mercenaries are supposed to convince to abandon the island. Nick respects them, but there is friction caused by a few mercenaries who want to kill natives to persuade them to leave, or, alternatively, to get them to divulge where a suspected treasure might be. Nick stops them and finds out the "treasure" they are after is guano (which does have value in sufficient quantities). The two men paying the mercenaries intend to strip mine the island to get it, leaving the natives and their homes as casualties. The group divides up, with half wishing to finish the job for which they were paid, and the other half, led by Nick, wishing to protect the islanders. Nick hands the former group their pay and orders them to leave the island as he refuses to kill the natives to do the job.
Meanwhile, Keefer and the Colonel, who suspect there is money to be made, join the group Nick kicked out. They then storm the island with many new mercenaries, hoping to force off or exterminate Nick, his soldiers, and the natives. Many of the invaders are shot, stabbed, blown up, and worse in the ensuing battle. Though poorly armed, the natives make up for this in trickery and local knowledge. Nick has a bazooka-style weapon (a Carl Gustav), which causes mayhem. After a number of attacks by both sides, many are dead and there is a final showdown between Nick and Keefer; Keefer gains the upper hand in the fist fight and attempts to strangle Nick to death while drowning him. Nick manages to grab a nearby bone and stab Keefer in the neck, then proceeds to drown him. As the natives bury their dead, the few surviving mercenaries leave, but Nick stays behind.
A CIA agent gets caught up in political intrigue after he gets brought in to solve the murder of a Cuban ambassador.
Chu Liuxiang ("Chor Lau-heung" in Cantonese) is the famous "Bandit Chief" in the ''jianghu''. His ''qinggong'' is unmatched and he leaves behind a trail of fragrance everywhere he goes. Once, Chu enters the palace to steal a treasure called the "Amber Guanyin", which contains a wooden figurine carved by "Little Li Flying Dagger" Li Xunhuan. In the palace, Chu meets Sikong Xing'er, the daughter of master thief Sikong Zhaixing, and her sworn sister Su Rongrong. While escaping from the guards' pursuit, Li Xunhuan dies trying to save Su Rongrong.
Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong later team up to investigate the theft of the "Heaven and Earth Holy Water" and they develop romantic feelings for each other after going through thick and thin together. They travel to the south later in search of an antidote and to find the truth about their family backgrounds. Chu discovers that he is actually a prince of a southern kingdom, and should rightfully become king. This sparks off a struggle in the royal family for succession to the throne. During that period of time, Chu Liuxiang starts another romantic relationship with Sikong Xing'er.
Faced with two different love interests, Chu Liuxiang has trouble choosing between Sikong Xing'er and Su Rongrong as his true love. On the other hand, he has to make a decision on whether to claim the throne or continue with his roaming life in the ''jianghu''.
Fat Cat wonders what to sit on. The animals are relieved that the cat will not sit on them, but they wonder about what the cat will have for lunch. The animals run off in terror.
Nur is a 'de facto mother' who left her children behind herself twenty years ago. She tosses herself from a lie to another lie to take care of the family she left behind herself. Money opens every door ever whatsoever: While Nur is a person who looks younger than her own university-attending daughter, the lies won't find their ends forever. Every mistake that was done and forgotten in the past will perhaps change the direction of the misery. The beginning of some stories are uncertain.
The book has characters who have autisum such as drugstore workers and pharmacists. The short stories have things such a diabetic mother, c Cerial killers, zombies and terrorists. The last story is called "The Newholy" which has to do with imagagation.
The episode opens showing Ziva in a Moroccan bar, dressed up and singing "Temptation" by Tom Waits. It quickly becomes clear that she is undercover, and after a subject of interest leaves abruptly, a bomb explodes, destroying the room.
Gibbs is struggling to adjust to a new team after Director Vance scattered his previous one four months earlier, sending McGee to the cyber crimes unit, Ziva to Israel, and deploying DiNozzo on an aircraft carrier. He is unsatisfied with Keating (Jonathan Mangum), Langer (Jonathan LaPaglia), and Lee (Liza Lapira), the agents assigned to him, feeling their personalities to be incompatible and their skills mediocre. Abby, who has crafted photo collages of Ziva, Tony, and McGee, pleads with him to get them back.
They are called to investigate the case of murdered petty officer Steve Vargo, and Ducky determines that he was killed over 4 months ago, and the killer had covered the victim's face with a pillow before shooting him, leading them to believe that the perpetrator is inexperienced or reluctant to kill. Shortly afterwards, Gibbs and the new team discover that the case is connected to a bombing in Morocco. While viewing ZNN news footage covering the aftermath of the bombing, Gibbs recognizes an injured Ziva being carried out on a stretcher from the ruins of the bar. He frantically attempts to contact her, and Keating is able to supply the phone number of her father, Eli David (Michael Nouri). Ziva, who is alive and recovering, explains the purpose of her undercover assignment over the phone and admits to missing the team.
During the phone conversation, Gibbs finds that Vance was involved in Ziva's undercover case; when Gibbs asks Vance about it, the latter admits his endgame: 5 months earlier he was contacted by Vargo, who claimed he was being blackmailed into leaking classified Navy Intel. After agreeing to meet with Vance face-to-face, Vargo never showed - he was reported missing the next day. Based on the info he had, Vance determined the blackmailer was one of three NCIS Agents - Lee, Langer or Keating. He only broke up the old team to form a new one, so Gibbs could help him identify which one is the mole.
He also used the old team to further his investigation: McGee was sent to Cyber to break into Vargo's computers while Ziva was sent back because Vargo was a Middle-East specialist - her target was Vargo's best friend. Tony, currently on the carrier USS Seahawk is then asked by McGee and Gibbs to hack information to find what the mole was after, and discovers Operation Domino: the US' plan in the event of an attack on the Middle East. McGee begins investigating Gibbs' new team after it is discovered that Vargo had been calling Agent Lee, only for her to dispute it and say he was asking for legal advice. Gibbs and Vance learn of Palmer's relationship with Lee, solidifying her alibi.
Langer and Keating become anxious when they realize that their bank records are being viewed, and Lee informs them that they are being investigated. As Vance and Gibbs begin to interrogate Keating, Langer and Lee decide to "check out" the computer archive center, despite it being prohibited. Moments later, Gibbs gets a frantic call from Lee, claiming that Langer is the mole. Gunshots are heard through the phone, and they rush to help her, finding a frightened Lee and dead Langer.
To Abby's delight, Vance begins to reverse the disbanding of the original team: McGee is reassigned to Gibbs' team, and Eli David agrees to allow Ziva to return to agency. In a private conversation, Eli tells Vance, "Use her well, Leon. Ziva is the sharp end of the spear." Agent Lee leaves to return to her old position; however, in private, Lee receives a text asking "Do they suspect?" and it is revealed through a brief sequence of flashbacks that she was the mole.
''Strawberry Fields'' points out that strawberries grown in Gaza are the only agricultural product marketed internationally as being of Palestinian origin.[ Eye For Film review] One of the major Gaza strawberry farms in located at Beit Lahiya. More than 1,500 tons of strawberries are exported from Gaza to Europe through the Israeli company Agrexco. In order to get overseas, however, the fruits need to pass through the checkpoint that separates Israel and Gaza. The 2005–2006 growing season coincided with the Israel's disengagement from Gaza and the rise of Hamas as the ruling political entity. The armed conflict between Israel and Hamas resulted in the closing of the border checkpoint. The strawberries grown at Beit Lahiya cannot leave Gaza, resulting in significant losses for the farmers and their Agrexco partners. Unable to transport their produce, the farmers have no choice but to dispose of their crop and prepare for the following year's growing season.
The story is aimed at 4-7 year-olds. It was inspired by a real life experience, when the author's young son, Walter, was disturbed by losing his first tooth. The protagonist of ''Parts'' is young Chip Block, who notices that some of his hairs remain on his comb, lint is appearing in his navel, his skin is peeling, and a piece of mucus (which he assumes is a piece of his brain) falls out of his nose. His anxiety reaches its peak when he discovers one of his teeth is coming loose. Convinced that he is falling apart and will soon become toothless, skinless, brainless, and bald, the boy tries to hold himself together with his father's masking tape until he resembles a mummy. Finding him wrapped in the masking tape, his parents then explain to him about how parts of his body renew themselves.
''City at the End of Time'' is about the Kalpa, the last city on Earth, one hundred trillion years in the future. The novel's backstory describes how the aging universe continued expanding and its spacetime fabric weakened. With the galaxies burnt out, humanity dispersed across the cosmos, where they encountered the Typhon, an inexplicable entity that was destroying the decaying universe. It consumed matter and replaced space-time with emptiness and inconsistencies beyond the laws of physics. The resulting Chaos spread rapidly, driving some humans back to ancient Earth with its rekindled sun. In an attempt to fend off the approaching Typhon, leaders of the dying Earth sent for Polybiblios, a human living with the Shen, an ancient alien race. Polybiblios returned to Earth with his adopted daughter, Ishanaxade, a being he had constructed from "fate-logs" of intelligent species collected by the Shen. After the Shen system fell, and the Chaos surrounded Earth, its leaders instructed everybody to convert themselves from primordial (real) matter to noötic (virtual) mass. As each city fell, its inhabitants retreated to the last remaining cities, the Kalpa and Nataraja. Using knowledge he had gleaned from the Shen, Polybiblios built reality generators to protect the Kalpa. Nataraja, which had rebelled against the instruction to convert to noötic matter, was left to fend for itself.
The novel alternates between the Kalpa and present-day Seattle, where three drifters, Ginny, Jack and Daniel are in possession of sum-runners, small stone-like talismans that give them "fate-shifting" abilities, whereby they can jump between fate-lines (world lines in a multiverse). Ginny and Jack also have disturbing dreams of the Kalpa, and are inexplicably connected to Jebrassy and Taidba, two "breeds" living in the future city. Fate-shifters and their sum-runners are hunted by "collectors" working for the Chalk Princess, an entity controlled by the Typhon from the future. These hunters place adverts in local newspapers inviting "dreamers" to contact them for "help".
In the future, the Typhon is destroying history and world-lines are being broken, merging the past and the present. With the Chaos closing in on the Kalpa, the inhabitants (all noötic) are unable to venture outside the city walls. Under Ishanaxade's instructions, they create "breeds", copies of ancient humans, using primordial matter. They send them in groups into the Chaos to find out if Nataraja still stands, but none return. Ishanaxade herself ventures out, but is not heard from again. As the Typhon starts breaching the Kalpa, the last batch of breeds, including Jebrassy and Taidba, leave the city in search of help. Armed with portable reality generators, they slowly progress through the unreal landscape in search of the rebel city.
Meanwhile, the Chaos has reached all the way back to the present day, and an event called the Terminus hits Seattle: the past, present and future collide and world-lines are severed. Ginny, Jack and Daniel, having evaded the hunters, trek across a degenerating Seattle. Protected by their sum-runners, they are drawn to Nataraja, where Ishanaxade is waiting. While still in the Kalpa, Ishanaxade had instructed Polybiblios to create the sum-runners containing "fragmented Babels", and in the Chaos she had sent them back to the "beginning of time". The sum-runners were programmed to lead the bearers to Ishanaxade when the expected Terminus occurred. The breeds, programmed to see Ishanaxade as their "mother", are also drawn to Nataraja, and Jebrassy and Taidba find their counterparts Jack and Ginny in the ruined city. The Kalpa falls to the Chaos, but in Nataraja, the sum-runners and their Babel fragments are united and history is recreated, causing the Typhon, now a failed god, to implode.
Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) comes home to find her wall full of knife holes, a great dane roaming her apartment, and a complete stranger on her bed, all courtesy of her boyfriend, Dennis Duffy (Dean Winters). She breaks up with him, but Dennis claims squatter's rights, so she gives him a week to move out. Liz and her friend, Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski), go out to try to pick up some men, but are very unsuccessful. The next day, Dennis walks into the staff office of ''TGS with Tracy Jordan'', announcing he has found a new apartment and reads a heartfelt letter to Liz. The staff suddenly turns on Liz after Dennis walks out, and Jenna suggests to Liz that in light of the previous night's disaster, she should re-consider getting back together with him. She suggests making a list of pros and cons. Liz compiles her list of pros and cons. She marks down a positive remark after coming home to find that Dennis has cleaned up the apartment, put up shelves and a TV stand, and left her dinner. In the evening, Dennis returns with an early Christmas present for Liz. She invites him in, but soon sees Dennis on ''Dateline''
Meanwhile, James "Toofer" Spurlock (Keith Powell) is upset that Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) is cross-dressing on ''TGS'' because it is demeaning to African-Americans. After a bit of objection, Toofer convinces Tracy to stop, handing the female character over to Josh Girard (Lonny Ross). Once Josh's character is successful, Tracy is upset with Toofer. Liz convinces Toofer to work with Tracy. As they work together, Tracy gets upset with Toofer's supposed lack of blackness, and endearingly calls Toofer a racial slur. The next morning, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), Liz, Toofer, and Tracy sit down for a meeting about Tracy's vocabulary from the previous night. Tracy and Jack point out that the African-American community has adopted the word to deprive it of its meaning. In trying to reach out to Tracy, Toofer says the word again but because of his perceived cultural whiteness, everyone, including Tracy, is offended in a way they weren't when Tracy used the term. Tracy and Toofer attend sensitivity training, start arguing, and in the process develop a new sketch for ''TGS''. When show starts running short on time, Liz offers Tracy the option to either air the sketch or one from the Star Jones cooking show, Tracy chooses the latter. Toofer is initially upset, but agrees with Tracy's decision when he finds the sketch funny.
In a subplot, Jack is secretly dating Condoleezza Rice, but gets upset when he sees Vladimir Putin touching her back. After being put on hold by Condoleezza, Jack walks into the bathroom and runs into Dennis there. Dennis, finding Jack a kindred spirit, shares his understanding of his relationship, motivating Jack to play hard to get. As a result, Jack breaks up with Condoleezza.
The film begins following the life of Neang Ni, a Cambodian woman. Ni is married to her husband Minob. Ni and Minob have a young daughter. One day, Minob leaves town for work, leaving his daughter and wife at home. He tells their daughter that he will return home soon.
Ni and her daughter are scavenging for food in their crops, when Ni breaks her shovel-head in an attempt to dig. There is a snake in the hole that her shovel had burrowed, and this snake claims that he is the Snake King. The Snake King tells Ni that he will help her family if he sleeps with her. So Ni does.
Ni has hidden the affair from her husband and her daughter. However, when Minob returns, he discovers that she is pregnant and enraged by this, he manages to discover the secret and starts a plan in order to kill the Snake King. Months later, Minob is able to chop the snake and cook the snake meat as food for Ni after the many failed attempts. After Ni found out about the death of the Snake King, she was murdered by her cruel husband while she was bathing. As her womb was opening, there were several little snakes being born; however, most of them were killed by Minob. Only one of the snakes was able to survive. As a child, the only lasting snake, Veasna arrived at a hermit's cottage where the hermit turned him into a human and also named him, Veasna.
Several years later, Veasna, grew up to be a handsome man and he began to fall in love with a rich man's daughter, Soriya. While they were in love, Soriya's stepmother who was jealous of their relationship planned an attempt to split them apart. She too was madly in love with Veasna. However, when Soriya's mother realizes that Veasna is a snake she meets an old witch who made a spell to transfer him back to a snake. The Villagers were so afraid that they abandoned the wedding as the rich man, Soriya's father, dropped dead immediately after his step wife ran away for her life. Despite his features, his wife still loved him, until one day, she gave birth to a female baby called Cantra. Unfortunately, she was born with tiny snakes as her hair for the old witch had put a curse on her family. When she grew up, her father, suddenly, turned to stone and her mother became a psycho after she was kidnapped and forced to eat the blood of raw meat as food. Cantra became an orphan and also became the servant for the ugly witch until one day, she found a plan to break the curse by midnight when the witch was seeking for food with only her head and intestine. Cantra went to the witch's locker room and burned everything including the witch's body. The witch arrived in time and was also burned in the fire. Finally, the curse was broken and her parents became normal human beings as Cantra's hair turned long and beautiful. The family all lived happily ever after in a big house.
Acting on a tip provided by his ally Budianski, the Punisher stakes out the New York City docks, where Barracuda and Bushwacker are overseeing the importation of goods smuggled out of Symkaria. The Punisher attacks the villains, and receives unexpected backup from Silver Sable, who flees once all of the criminals, save Barracuda, have been killed. The wounded Barracuda admits to working for Jigsaw, and is then shot in the head by the dead Bushwacker's malfunctioning bio-gun.
Following a clue left by Jigsaw, the Punisher is led to Finn Cooley, who injects him with a Symkarian drug. The Punisher breaks Cooley's neck, and is confronted by a mob of homeless people (hired, drugged, and armed by Jigsaw) who he hallucinates are past enemies and allies, such as Microchip and Jenny Cesare. The Punisher massacres the vagrants, and is snapped back to reality by Silver Sable, who leaves him to continue his mission on his own, while mentioning that she is "meeting up with some friends tonight".
The Punisher locates Jigsaw's lair, which is full of Jigsaw doubles. The Punisher slaughters the impostors, and is subdued by the real Jigsaw. As Jigsaw taunts and prepares to kill the Punisher, the building is rocked by an explosion, which distracts Jigsaw, giving the Punisher the chance to stab him in the head. The source of the blast is revealed to be Silver Sable, who orders the Punisher to surrender while holding him at gunpoint with a S.H.I.E.L.D. team that includes Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, Outlaw, and Black Widow. The game ends as the screen flashes, "To Be Continued..."
The film follows Quentin Crisp's move in the late 1970s from London to New York City, where he was embraced by celebrities and artists. Crisp becomes a local, and then more national celebrity and writes for New York magazines. He struggles to find his way through flippant comments he makes during the AIDS crisis which he refuses to recant. He befriends and helps to promote artist Patrick Angus. In the 1990s, he continues his hefty schedule of public performances, including a two-person show with performance artist Penny Arcade. He appears in the Sally Potter film ''Orlando'' as Queen Elizabeth I and appears for the last time in America in a Tampa, Florida gay bar doing a Q&A where he reminds the young crowd of outsiders to "Neither look forward where there is doubt, nor backward where there is regret, look inward and ask, not if there is anything outside that you want, but whether is anything inside that you have not yet unpacked"
The story is as follows: on returning home from a hunt, William learns that King Louis (Charlemagne's son) has forgotten him in the distribution of fiefs. William reminds the king of his past service (as told in the ''chanson'' ''Li coronemenz Looïs''), and he is eventually accorded the right to an expeditionary force to conquer Nîmes from the Saracens. Disguising himself as a merchant leading a convoy of carts, and hiding his troops in barrels on the carts, William is able to come into the city and seize it (echoing the ruse of the Trojan Horse).
Guillebert de Laon, an escaped prisoner from the walled city of Orange, visits Guillaume in Nîmes. He describes the beauties of the Saracen-held city, defended by 20,000 men and ruled by King Arragon, son of Tibaut. Guillebert also tells of Orable, queen of Orange and Tibaut's stunningly beautiful wife.
Guillaume is growing restless at Nîmes: there are no minstrels or women to distract him, no rivals to fight. So he decides to see Orange for himself, resolving to take "la dame et la cité" (the woman and the city). His nephew Bertran declines to come with him, but Guielin, another nephew, comes along. Guillaume, Guielin, and Guillebert disguise themselves as Turks and travel along the Rhône and Sorgue until they reach Orange. Pretending to bring news of Tibaut from Africa, they infiltrate the city and make their way to Gloriette, the tower where Orable lives.
Still in Turkish disguise, Guillaume meets Orable and charms her with stories of the great Guillaume of Nîmes. His ruse is eventually discovered. Guillaume and his henchmen kill the queen's guards and take the palace for themselves. Orable is won over to Guillaume's side and, out of pity, gives him her husband's armour.
The fighting has not yet ended. Orange's Saracen defenders enter the palace through a secret entrance. They retake the palace and imprison Guillaume, Guillebert, and Guielin. Orable frees them in exchange for Guillaume's hand in marriage, which he accepts. Meanwhile, Guillebert is sent back to Nîmes to muster reinforcements.
When King Arragon returns, he has Guillaume, Orable, and Guielin imprisoned again. They again escape. Nîmes's forces, led by Bertran—who has now reconsidered his participation in the expedition —arrive and take the city. Guillaume and Orable marry. She is baptized Guibourc. They live (mostly) happily ever after, remaining in Orange while fighting off the Saracens.
After the owner of an East Village botanicas is killed in a bizarre police shooting, her daughter, Rene Duboise is summoned back to New York from Haiti, interrupting her Vodou training. Upon her return, Rene realizes that she is being watched and that there is something more sinister going on in the city.
At the same time, Paul Whythe, a cultural anthropology professor at New York University is asked to consult with the NYPD’s Cult Related Task Force on dead body unearthed in Brooklyn Heights. He recognizes the ritualized nature of the burial to be related to the religion of Palo, but becomes suspicious of the East Village shooting’s relationship with the similar religion of Vodou.
Rene realizes that a drug smuggler by the name of Gangleos is behind a series of ritualistic crimes, including her mother’s death, after a confrontation with Isabelle Desanto, whose brother had also been murdered after seeking counsel with Rene’s mother. After a meeting with Paul shortly thereafter, Rene is able to piece together a far greater threat being orchestrated against the entire city. However the extent and purpose of which remain a mystery until near the end of the story.
Megan (Audrina Patridge) enlists the help of her sorority sisters Cassidy (Briana Evigan), Jessica (Leah Pipes), Ellie (Rumer Willis), Claire (Jamie Chung), and Chugs (Margo Harshman) to pull a prank on her boyfriend and Chugs’ brother, Garrett (Matt O'Leary). While having sex with him, Megan fakes her death. Garrett and the girls bring her to a lake, where they intend to dump her body. When Jessica mentions they need to release the air out of her lungs so that her body will not float to the surface, Garrett stabs Megan in the chest with a tire iron, resulting in her actual death. Garrett and the girls cover up the incident and dump Megan's body and the tire iron in a nearby mine shaft. Everyone swears to never mention the incident to anyone, much to Cassidy and Ellie's dismay.
Eight months later, the girls are graduating from college and Cassidy has grown apart from the rest of the group. After the ceremony, the girls all receive a text message on their cell phones with a picture of the bloody tire iron. Suspicion immediately falls on Garrett, but Chugs defends him. Maggie (Caroline D'Amore), Megan's younger sister, arrives wanting to honor her sister's memory. Later, Chugs arrives for her appointment with her therapist. However, a cloaked figure wielding a tire iron murders both of them.
In the sorority's shower room, Claire and Jessica talk about the night Megan was murdered. After they leave, a sorority girl named Joanna, who overheard their conversation, is murdered. At the graduation party that night, Claire's ex-boyfriend Mickey is attacked and murdered by the killer, which Ellie witnesses. Cassidy, Claire, Jessica, and Ellie regroup and all receive a text containing the video of Megan's death and a message telling them to be at the mine shaft in twenty minutes or the video will be sent to the police. The girls drive to the mine shaft and encounter Garrett, who has cut his wrists and begins threatening them. Thinking Garrett is the one stalking them, Jessica runs him over with her vehicle. They discover afterward that Garrett has been receiving the same text messages they have. Ellie suspects that Megan is the killer, believing that she did not actually die and is seeking revenge. The girls lower Cassidy down the shaft to prove that Megan is dead. Megan's body is missing and Cassidy finds a message written in blood which reads, "Theta Pi must die".
Back at the now empty sorority house, the girls receive a text from Chugs' cell phone telling them that she is dead and Claire is murdered with a flare gun. While searching the house for Jessica's boyfriend, Kyle (Matt Lanter), the girls run into Maggie and their house mother, Mrs. Crenshaw (Carrie Fisher). Maggie claims that Kyle had been with her prior to Jessica's return. Jessica confesses Megan's murder, infuriating Maggie and Mrs. Crenshaw. Mrs. Crenshaw tells the girls to lock themselves in Jessica's bedroom and to call the police while she searches for the killer. Maggie leaves the room to find Megan and convince her to stop killing. After many failed attempts to shoot the killer, Mrs. Crenshaw is killed by the hooded figure. With no cell phones around, Cassidy and Jessica decide to find Mickey's body and use his. Downstairs, the killer confronts Maggie and throws a Molotov cocktail at her, setting the house on fire. Cassidy and Jessica run into Kyle, who injures Jessica.
After knocking him unconscious, Cassidy and Jessica flee to an under-renovation bathroom where they find Megan's decomposing corpse hanging in the shower. Kyle, wearing the same cloak as the killer, finds them and knocks Jessica unconscious. He is killed with an axe by Andy (Julian Morris), Cassidy's boyfriend. Jessica regains consciousness and Cassidy realizes that Andy is the killer. Andy stabs Jessica in the mouth with a tire iron, killing her. Andy explains that he had hoped for a bright future with Cassidy, but because she was involved with Megan's death, he feared that she would be found out, so he decided to kill everyone who knew about it. Andy reveals that Ellie was the one who confided in him about Megan's murder and will likely report it to the police, and tells Cassidy they need to kill Ellie. Cassidy plays along and tells Andy that Ellie is in the basement. Cassidy fetches Ellie from upstairs but they are discovered and attacked by Andy. Cassidy stuns Andy but hears Maggie screaming for help, who is trapped behind the flames. As Andy attempts to kill Maggie, the floor then crumbles underneath Cassidy and she is left hanging over the burning basement.
Andy is about to finish her off when Ellie appears and shoots him with Mrs. Crenshaw's shotgun. He falls backward onto the burning floor, which collapses underneath him and he falls to his death into the flames. Maggie and Ellie save Cassidy and the three girls escape from the burning sorority house just as the campus police, fire department and other emergency personnel arrive.
Fifteen months later, the sorority house is being renovated from the fire and Maggie is now a Theta Pi sister. A man comes into view and the camera reveals scars on his wrists, implying that Garrett is still alive.
Each one of the ten children has a goal, although their poverty is in the way of them realising their dreams. In order to make some money, if dishonestly, they steal a bicycle from a wealthy woman and sell it. They divide the money amongst themselves at their compound where they live with Bourémah, an older friend.
Shortly thereafter, a neighbour becomes suspicious of the friends and begins to eavesdrop. The children, discovering this, malign him so horribly that he notifies the police. Bourémah realises that the police will find the stolen money if they search the compound, so he places it in a bag and leaves. His friends thinks he is stealing this from them instead of trying to help.
Meanwhile, Bourémah leaves for another town and stakes out in a hotel. He decides to play the lottery with what money he has left. Winning the jackpot, he comes back to Ouaga to help his friends fulfil their goals.
'''Forte's Children'''
Edgar comes from a line of dog breeders. After buying a farm, his grandfather, John Sawtelle, rents out the farmland and starts dog breeding. He and his wife have two sons, Edgar's father (Gar) and Claude. Claude leaves the farm and Gar stays on and carries on the family business. After some troubled attempts to have a child, Gar and his wife (Trudy) have Edgar. After his parents come to understand that he is mute, his parents learn sign language along with him, some made up and some real signs. Edgar grows up on the farm learning to breed dogs with his parents and Almondine, his own dog, who is always by his side and in a way speaks for him. Once he is old enough, his parents give him his own litter to raise.
Eventually, Claude returns to the farm. After a brief stint of helping out around the house and barn, he leaves following a drunken brawl with Gar. A few weeks later, Edgar finds his father in the barn, dying mysteriously. After unsuccessfully trying to call for help, Edgar watches his father die.
'''Three Griefs'''
After burying Gar, Edgar and Trudy decide to keep the family business running, despite the new workload. However, shortly after beginning to adjust to Gar's death, Trudy catches pneumonia and Edgar attempts to carry on the work without her. With his mother sick, Edgar begins to fall out of the routine. He falls asleep in the barn one evening and wakes to realize it is now night. The dogs had gone so long without their meal that Edgar decides to let all of the dogs loose in the kennel and pours a large pile of kibble in the center for them. Before long, two dogs end up in a vicious fight. With both dogs injured and their vet out of town, they must call on Claude for assistance. After he helps treat the dogs and Trudy recovers, they begin to sleep together.
One night not long after, Edgar wakes to the dogs barking and goes to investigate. Searching around in a storm for what was causing the dogs to bark, he sees the outline of his father's ghost in the rain. Through signs, Edgar is led to the syringe that most likely killed his father – one that he has seen Claude use before.
'''What Hands Do'''
After Edgar confirms that his mother and Claude are indeed romantically involved, he struggles to live under the same roof with his uncle. He comes to seek confirmation for his suspicions about his father's murder.
When a potential buyer comes over to take a look at their dogs, Edgar seizes on the opportunity to test Claude. He stages a scene with the dogs, in which they mimic Claude using a syringe to poison people. One dog touches another with a syringe in its mouth and the touched dog falls over and plays dead. The final dog touches Claude's leg, and when Claude flinches and storms off in anger, Edgar feels he has confirmed his suspicions.
Angry at the strange show Edgar put on in front of a buyer, Trudy confronts Edgar and they get in a struggle. In the midst of their argument, Edgar, enraged, seeing a figure he thinks to be Claude, swings a hay hook and sends him tumbling down the stairs, killing him. Trudy discovers that the figure was actually Dr. Papineau, their vet. Scared at what might happen to Edgar because of the death, she tells him to disappear for a while. Three dogs from his litter follow him into the woods.
Edgar drifts in the woods and, without a fishing tackle, is forced to rob the cabins he comes across for food. Eventually, he decides to head up to Canada, where there is a commune he hopes to join. Along the way however, one of his dogs is injured, and he is forced to seek help.
He goes to a house he has just robbed and the owner, Henry Lamb, helps him with the injured dog. He talks to Henry through writing, and agrees to stay there until his dog has healed. Once the dog is healed, Henry offers to give Edgar a ride up north to his destination. En route they are hit by a tornado. In the aftermath, Edgar decides to return home. He leaves two of his dogs with Henry.
Edgar visits his father's grave and learns that Almondine has died. He returns home and leaves a note in his house for his mother. Claude finds it before Trudy and tells Glen, a police officer and son of Dr. Papineau, who is suspicious that Edgar caused his father's death. Spooked by Edgar's appearance, Claude moves a bottle of poison in the barn and Edgar catches him. Later, Edgar sees his mother and convinces her to give him a night alone in the barn, so he can search for the poison Claude moved. Meanwhile, Claude and Glen plot to trap Edgar, so Glen can “question” him.
Glen surprises Edgar in the barn and tries to kidnap him using a rag soaked in ether. Edgar manages to grab some quicklime and douses Glen in it. It gets in Glen's eyes and he stumbles out of the barn, blinded. The ether hits a lamp and the barn lights on fire. Edgar, worried for the dog's files, his father's life's work, starts moving them out of the barn while it burns up. Trudy tries to stop him, but she is held captive by the now blinded Glen Papineau. Claude has hidden the poison with the papers, though. He pretends to help Edgar take the files out of the barn, grabs the bottle of poison, and when he is not looking, stabs Edgar with a syringe in the burning barn. As Claude waits for the poison to work on Edgar, Claude tries to get out of the burning barn but sees his brother's figure in the smoke. All of a sudden, the barn fills with smoke, as if Gar is not letting Claude escape. Claude ends up not being able to get out, and he and Edgar die in the barn. The Sawtelle dogs, who have escaped the fire, leave into the wild.
American David Ross (William Holden), a former tugboat captain now in the Canadian Army, is hastily commissioned in the Royal Navy and assigned to rotating command of ''W88'', a double-screwed rescue tug then in dry dock due to battle damage. His predecessor committed suicide. The slow, poorly armed tugs bring in "lame ducks," freighters crippled near Britain by German attacks. The main danger is from U-boats and aircraft.
David is reunited with an old friend, Captain Chris Ford (Trevor Howard), who commands another tug about to go on a mission. Chris takes David with him and they are attacked twice. That night Chris brings him home to his flat to meet his lover, Stella (Sophia Loren), who wears a wedding ring. She had been engaged to Philip Westerby, another tugboat captain, but he was killed the day before their wedding. A friend of Chris's, Van Barger, took possession of the hard-to-find flat and Stella stayed with him. Knowing the extreme danger of his job, Van Barger then gave a copy of his key to the flat to Chris, so that Stella would be taken care of no matter what. When Chris chooses David to be the next in line, he tries to refuse, but his friend is insistent.
David's tug comes out of dry dock and he goes aboard to take his turn of command from the tug's other captain, Van Dam (Oskar Homolka), who gives him tips for survival in combat but warns him that his real enemy is the one within himself, fear. Shaken by his recent close call, Chris proposes marriage to Stella, who accepts. However, she has a premonition that he will not be coming back from his next mission. She is proved correct.
At first, David refuses to move in. When he eventually does, he is surprised that Stella does not share his bed, but as time goes by, she falls in love with him, unlike the others. She puts away her photograph of Philip, gets rid of the uniforms of David's predecessors, and takes off the wedding ring. She also leaves her flat for the first time since Philip was killed. Finally, she asks David to marry her, and he gladly accepts.
With the U.S. entry into the war, an American freighter becomes David's next assignment, even though it is Van Dam's turn. Its inexperienced crew sends out a continuous S.O.S., contrary to sealed orders, revealing the ship's position to the enemy. When David finds out the situation, he tries unsuccessfully to refuse what amounts to a suicide mission. Knowing his chances, he gives his key to the new captain of another tugboat, Chris's former mate, Kane (Kieron Moore).
David's tug is attacked by a U-boat and hit numerous times. He orders the crew to abandon ship, then rams the submarine. After being rescued, David hurries back to the flat, but Kane is already there, having told Stella that David was killed. When she sees him alive, she screams at him to get out, hurt to the core by his betrayal in passing on the key. Later, Kane finds David drinking his sorrows away, and informs him that Stella is leaving for London on the train. David does not arrive at the station in time to board the train, but vows to Kane that somehow he will find her.
Galien seeks out his father Olivier at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, and helps Roland and Charlemagne rout the Saracens. Later, he saves his mother from treacherous uncles and becomes emperor of Constantinople.
In the fictional small town of Lode, New Mexico, just about all of the male townsfolk work for a copper mining plant, including Power (Gold). Power (whose name was given to him by his father so he could grow up strong) lives with his Aunt Joanie (Lynch) and is always shown air-drumming to music, even when at work. It turns out he air-drums because his father never could afford to buy him drums. He does his air-drumming at a talent show in a local bar, where his only praise comes from a young boy. Unfortunately, the mining plant is poised to strike, but Power is fired for a mishap that is one too many just beforehand, therefore he cannot join in. Disappointed, he stumbles upon an advert for an underground air-drumming place about forty miles south of them just across the border in Mexico. The boy lends him his dirt bike to get there, but he ends up losing it while there.
He joins in, playing a Rush song without sitting down, which makes him nearly pass out. When the police raid the place, he ducks everyone and gets away. Before heading back, he is given an invitation to join a group of air-drummers in Newark, New Jersey, so armed with his music and cereal, he hitchhikes his way to Newark.
Once he gets there, he meets the crew, headed by Carlos, a former drummer who now has hooks in place of both of his hands (it is never explained why), and he is given a job and a place to crash at a local Chinese restaurant owned by Michael Fong (Ling). Living upstairs from the restaurant is Samantha, a religious fanatic, and her deaf daughter, Annie (Stern). Annie does take an initial liking to Power, but her mother objects to it, and even eventually threatens to move to Florida when she catches them making out. Before doing so, Annie reveals that her mother used to be a groupie, and she went deaf in her youth from not wearing hearing protection while on stage with the bands. (A picture she shows Power has her at a very young age on stage next to an amp crying.)
A subplot involves a rich young guy called Dallas Houston (or Dallas H.) who does music videos and has his own product lines of every sorts. He has a secret admiration for air-drumming that his father, who happens to own the mining company that runs the Lode plant, abhors.
Power works hard with the new crew for the upcoming air-drumming competition, eventually overcoming his shortcomings, but when he finds out the striking miners were assaulted by hired thugs and his dad is hospitalized, he bails on them and calls him, and they seem to make amends.
Carlos decides the group must go on without Power, but as they are performing their group song, one of the members is disqualified for how he's playing, which causes the others to start a fight and gets them DQed as well.
Power, who comes in just in time for the solo competition, is the only one left eligible on their team. He plays along with Dallas H. and another female to Tom Sawyer in the finals. The girl drops out early, and after Power's defective stool breaks and leaves him flat on the floor, it seems as though he would be out as well.
However, he finds out Annie is in the crowd at the show when she tosses a Cheerio on stage right into his mouth. (She had earlier declared to her mother she couldn't go to Florida, and her mother, in sudden understanding, gives her a ticket to the air-drumming competition and says "Maybe Jesus was a rockstar.")
With renewed energy, Power jumps up and continues playing without a stool (much to Carlos's worry) and outlasts Dallas to win the competition.
He is presented the $2000 grand prize by Rush drummer Neil Peart (in a cameo appearance) and has him make the check out to the workers union of the copper plant. Power's dad, renewed by his son's victory and generosity, helps to resume fighting.
The action occurs in 19th century México, when a young liberal named Don José (Pepe) Rey, arrives in a city, with the intention of marrying his cousin Rosario. This was a marriage of convenience arranged between Pepe's father Juan and Juan's sister, Perfecta (Dolores del Río).
Upon getting to know each other, Pepe and Rosario declare their eternal love, but in steps Don Inocencio, the cathedral canon, who meddles and obstructs the marriage as well as the good intentions of Doña Perfecta and her brother Don Juan. Over the course of time, several events lead up to a confrontation between Pepe Rey and his aunt Perfecta, which is caused by her refusal to allow Pepe and Rosario to marry, because Pepe is a non-believer.
Blaise Starrett is a ruthless cattleman who helped found the small, bleak community of Bitters, Wyoming. He is at odds with homesteaders who, having established new farms in the area, have taken to putting up barbed wire to keep their livestock from wandering. Starrett is particularly aggrieved with Hal Crane, who not only inspired this use of barbed wire, but is also married to Helen, the woman Starrett loves.
In spite of the fact that Helen has told him she can never love him if he carries out his threat to murder her husband, Starrett sets his mind on doing just that. The stage is set for a final, bloody showdown when into town rides Jack Bruhn and his band of rogue cavalry men.
This gang holds the town hostage while Bruhn, wounded in a recent bank robbery, receives treatment. Realizing that they would have no qualms about wiping Bitters out, Starrett tries to save his town. He takes the gang out into the desolate landscape, ostensibly to help them escape across the snow-covered mountains.
Nicky Singer (John Ventimiglia) is a down on his luck Brooklyn native who has parlayed his Yale education into a job eking out a living as a professional poker player. Using his wits to navigate the seedy world of underground poker, he must balance his own interests with those of his father (Burt Young), a retiree whose own gambling debts have pushed him to the brink of eviction. In a struggle to keep his head above water, Nicky encounters a diverse group of wannabe mobsters, thugs and other eccentric characters.
In the small town of Pontypool, Ontario, radio announcer Grant Mazzy is accosted by a nonsensical woman who repeats the word "blood" several times before staggering away.
At the radio station, Grant's shock jock style and on-air persona entertain his technical assistant, Laurel-Ann, while irritating his station manager, Sydney. Helicopter reporter Ken Loney calls in with a report about a riot at the office of Dr. Jon Mendez that has resulted in numerous deaths. After Ken is unexpectedly cut off, the group tries to confirm his report, but their witnesses are disconnected before being put on the airwaves. After they are contacted by the BBC for breaking the story, Ken calls back and says he has taken refuge in a grain silo. He describes the rioters as trying to eat one another or even themselves. When one of the rioters attacks the silo, Ken's call is interrupted by an audio transmission in French.
Laurel-Ann translates the transmission, which is an instruction to remain indoors, not to use terms of endearment, rhetorical discourse, or the English language and not to translate the message. Pontypool is declared to be under quarantine. Ken calls back again and gets his phone close enough to his attacker so that his murmurs of "Help me" in a baby-like voice are audible. A horde of people attack the radio station, and Grant, Sydney, and Laurel-Ann lock themselves inside. Meanwhile, Laurel-Ann begins repeating the word "missing" and imitates the sound of a tea kettle.
Dr. Mendez arrives at the radio station through a window and hides with Grant and Sydney in the soundproof booth. Ken calls in and, while on the air, succumbs to the virus. Laurel-Ann begins to slam her head against the sound booth's window and chews off her lower lip. Mendez hypothesizes that a virus has infected certain words in the English language; only certain words infect certain people who then find another infected person to kill themselves with. Sydney receives a call from her children, only to hear them becoming infected. Outside the booth, Laurel-Ann vomits a large amount of blood and falls down, dead. Mendez suspects this has happened since she failed to find a victim.
The horde then breaks into the radio station, attacking the sound booth. Sydney draws the mob outside with a looped recording of Grant's voice saying 'Sydney Briar is alive". When he fears that he is about to succumb to the virus, Dr. Mendez begins to speak in Armenian upon realizing that the virus is exclusive to the English language, which prevents the virus from taking over. When the recording fails, the mob returns but Mendez lures them away, saving Sydney and Grant, who now lock themselves in the equipment room.
While Grant tries to figure out how to reverse the symptom, Sydney begins to succumb to the word "kill". Grant convinces her that the word "kill" now means "kiss" and her symptoms subside. Hoping to stop the virus, the pair go on the air, spouting a series of self-contradicting and confusing phrases to help their infected listeners, ignoring warnings from the authorities who are trying to get them off the air. While an amplified voice from outside counts down from ten, Sydney joins Grant in the booth and they kiss. An explosion can be heard when the film cuts to black.
Over the black, news reports of further outbreaks of the virus suggest that the quarantine failed, spread by the news itself and eventually reaching England, the source of its targeted language. In a post-credits scene, Sydney and Grant (now known as "Lisa" and "Johnny Deadeyes") survive the virus and continue speaking English by maintaining a system of improvisational roleplay as the screen shifts from black and white to color.
Whilst the radio play version of the story changes a few features, such as the more visual elements being restyled for audio or removed all together, it also features an alternate ending. In this ending when Grant convinces Sydney that "kill" now means "kiss" she asks Grant to "kiss" her (in the film version she says "kill" leading to them kissing).
Soon after when broadcasting his own obituaries of Laurel-Ann, Mendez (whom Grant assumes he will meet his demise eventually), he confirms the death of Sydney, implying that he "kissed" her, at her request. Grant, now completely alone, realises that he has become infected through the word "paper". Resigned to his fate, he allows himself to be taken by the word, repeating it over and over again, before finally uttering one different word. "trap".
Benedict's mother has recently died; after the funeral, he receives a phone call from Mrs. Darling, a friend of his mother's. Benedict visits the old woman in the countryside, where she tells him various tales that involve three generations of families. He spends the next several years visiting Mrs. Darling, rearranging his personal plans, so he can visit her more often. One day, he receives a phone call that Mrs. Darling is dying. He finally learns that the stories she has been telling him have been about his own family.
Three boys, Takuya, Kazuki, and Dai are from Ishinowa elementary school in the sixth grade. They are actively a strong, curious, mischievous trio. They obtained a mysterious jewel's "Power Stone". They bring back Dran, the golden robot, a brave who slept within a Power Stone and they became his master. However, Prince Walter Walzac, who aims at the Power Stone, has attacked them. They then go to an adventure for searching eight Power Stones that were scattered all over the world. They now aim at El Dorado's Legendra with Goldran.
An unnamed young man has a recurring nightmare in which he visits a friend's house in the summer. The friend's family is silent and grim. The friend's sinister mother, Mrs. Stone, assigns the young man a room in the tower, a room that fills him with dread. The dream never reveals what is in the room. The dream varies each night, and over years the characters grow older and stranger. At some point Mrs. Stone dies and is buried, yet she still assigns him the room in the tower.
In his waking life, a friend named Clinton invites the young man to his family's house in the country. The young man is surprised that everything there matches his nightmare, except for the names and personalities of the family. Unlike the dream, the visit is very enjoyable. As a thunderstorm gathers, his friend's mother offers him a room in the tower. The young man is struck with dread, but laughs it off. As his friend helps him prepare the room, they find an ancient portrait of Mrs. Stone from the dream. They remove it from the wall and carry it into the hall, and find their hands are covered with blood but neither man is injured. Unsettled, they retire to bed.
The young man is awakened by a thunderclap to find Mrs. Stone standing over his bed. She confesses herself a vampire, along with her intention to transform him into one as well, and attacks. He fends her off by flailing his arms. His friend bursts into the room, attracted by the commotion, but Mrs. Stone is not there. Although the friend tries to assure him it was only a nightmare, they find the portrait has returned to the wall and there is a moldy burial shroud on the floor. The men flee the room.
An epilogue describes an old newspaper story about a Mrs. Stone, rumoured as an evil person, who died in a nearby village and was buried in the local churchyard. Each morning, her coffin was found to have ejected itself from the ground, and it would be reburied. Eventually the authorities gave up and interred the coffin in unhallowed ground, which brought an end to the unusual phenomenon.
This novel has two mysteries.
Lew, a process server and an occasional amateur detective, is summoned by an elderly resident in Seaside Assisted Living asking him to prove that a murder has occurred in the facility because no one will believe her. A mother, named Nancy Root, pays him to find the hit-and-run driver who killed her son.
The Hero of Ages is the prophesied savior of the Terris people, foretold to find and give up the power at the Well of Ascension, in a selfless act to save the world from the Deepness. A thousand years before the fall of the Final Empire, the Terrisman Worldbringer Kwaan believed that he had found the Hero of Ages in Alendi, a blacksmith's son who rose to become the last ruler of Khlennium. However, as Alendi's quest for the Well continued, Kwaan discovered that the Terris prophecies had been altered by a mysterious force called Ruin, whose power was contained within the Well. If the Hero of Ages released the power as the prophecies claimed needed to be done, Ruin would be free to destroy the world. Kwaan betrayed Alendi, instructing his nephew Rashek to kill him. Rashek then claimed the power for himself, remaking the world and forming the Final Empire which he ruled as the immortal Lord Ruler. A thousand years later, the Mistborn Vin defeated the Lord Ruler and, tricked by the same prophecies, released the power from the Well of Ascension, freeing Ruin.
Ruin wanted to destroy the world instantaneously but his power was too weak, as part of it had been taken and hidden by the opposing force, Preservation, long ago. Freedom from the Well of Ascension enabled Ruin to directly affect the world more, increasing ashfall from the ashmounts and summoning earthquakes to break the world apart; he could also influence people and control entire koloss armies. He used his thousand years of imprisonment to plot his escape and the subsequent destruction he would reap.
The Lord Ruler, in preparation of such an event, created storage caches containing resources such as food and water in cave complexes beneath certain cities, each one providing directions to the next. As Vin and Elend struggle to consolidate the remaining outposts of humanity, they hunt the storage caches, seeking hints left by the Lord Ruler and the missing atium stash. As they journey from cache to cache, the world itself begins to crumble, ash spewing forth in greater quantities, while the mists claim more people. The last two major unconquered cities are Fadrex City, which has reverted to the Lord Ruler's old structure of mass oppression under the obligator Yomen, and Urteau, a rebel city where the Skaa are free, the nobility overpowered, and a former commoner titled the Citizen rules with increasing violence.
Sazed tries to establish diplomatic relations with the people of Urteau, while continuing to struggle with trauma from the recent death of his beloved, the Terriswoman Keeper Tindwyl. He studies religions, but has lost his own faith and yearns to find a religion that makes sense to him. He and Breeze work with Spook (who has developed strange abilities) to try and help Elend secretly take over Urteau. Meanwhile, TenSoon the kandra is imprisoned and sentenced to death by the kandra elders, while still trying to convince them that the kandra prophecies of the world ending are now happening, and that they must work together with the humans to save the world.
Vin and Elend try to conquer the city of Fadrex and discover more about how their world works; they discover strange patterns in the numbers of people dying after being exposed to the mists, as well as secrets regarding the art of Hemalurgy, which is used to create the koloss, the kandra, and the Inquisitors. Fearing that Ruin will discover their plans, they are unable to discuss their plans with each other. Yomen, the King of Fadrex City, captures Vin on an infiltration mission gone wrong. Elend, left without any choice, takes another koloss army under his control, but the last remnants of Preservation appear to him, warning him to not attack the city. Shortly later, Preservation finally dies. On the verge of the attack, Vin escapes, and Ruin reveals his ability to seize ultimate control over the koloss. Ruin turns the koloss against Elend and Yomen's human armies, but before he can destroy them, Vin leads Ruin's attention and armies away to Luthadel. There, Marsh and the remaining Steel Inquisitors (who are under Ruin's control) battle Vin. On the verge of her death, Marsh briefly reasserts control and removes Vin's earring (which is actually a Hemalurgic spike), allowing Vin to draw upon the true power of the mists, Preservation's power. Vin ascends to become Preservation, trapped with Ruin upon another plane of existence, watching the world.
The kandra finally accept their doom, and Sazed finds his faith in the ancient Terris religion and the Hero of the Ages. Urteau is saved, at a great physical cost to Spook, who has discovered that Ruin was influencing him with Hemalurgy. Elend leads the last of humanity to the Kandra homeland, the Pits of Hathsin, where Ruin's power, or body, has been stored. Ruin has been fooling Vin and Elend into leading him to his body, which turns out to be the atium stash, hidden in the Kandra homeland all along. Surrounded and outnumbered, Elend realizes that the Mists have been snapping mistings, and that he has been provided with an army of atium mistings. He leads a desperate battle against the koloss, in vain. Marsh appears again and faces down Elend. Though Elend receives mystical aid from Vin, giving him unlimited metallic power, Marsh strikes Elend in the chest with an axe, which proves fatal. As he is dying, Elend reveals that his soldiers have burnt away all of Ruin's body, the atium, in battle, so now Ruin can never recover his missing power. Vin realizes that Preservation gave of himself to create mankind so that mankind would be able to manifest both Preservation's ability to create and Ruin's ability to destroy. Having both abilities within her, Vin attacks Ruin directly, killing herself/Preservation, but also destroying Ruin.
Vin and many others thought that she was the Hero of Ages, but it is revealed to actually be the Terris Keeper Sazed. One major prophecy, "The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms", referred to Sazed's Feruchemical copperminds on his arms. He uses the knowledge in these copperminds, along with the combined power of Preservation and Ruin, claimed from the fallen bodies of Vin and Ruin, to help reshape the world, re-aligning the sun and planets to stabilize the world, changing the red, volcanic ecology into a new paradise of blue skies, green foliage, gentle warming sun and rainbow flowers. Spook, Ham, Breeze, and the other survivors emerge to this newly reformed world, finding Vin and Elend's reformed but still lifeless bodies in a field of flowers. A thick tome is found, written by Sazed, explaining his role as the Hero of Ages, the history of Ruin and Preservation's conflict, and extensive knowledge about the Three Metallic Arts. A note is also left for Spook, revealing that Sazed had made him a Mistborn and healed the damages he had done to his own body over the course of the book, as well as the revelation that there are two metals which have yet to be discovered. Under Spook's leadership, they begin their mission of rebuilding society.
The story takes place in Upstate New York during the 1970s. 14-year-old Joe Henry has spent his life in an abusive household. His father, Bob, is a raging, violent alcoholic, while his mother, Theresa, feels too stressed to pay attention to him and lives in fear of getting caught in the path of her husband's wrath. His brother, Mike, about a year older, is normal and friendly, but offers no affirmative guidance. He mostly ignores Joe as he does not want the association of Joe's natural uncoolness (as well as the rest of his family) ruining his attempts to get into the "in" crowd. Joe is taunted by his classmates, and hassled by people his father owes money to. To make matters worse, one night Bob goes off the deep end and smashes all of Theresa's records. When Joe comes home from work to discover this, Henry tells him Bob was triggered by finding condoms in Theresa's purse, implying she secretly works as a prostitute to bring in whatever additional income she can for the family, which would also explain her absence from the house the majority of the day.
In response to economic pressure, Joe takes a full-time job after school working at a local diner, leaving him tired and even less able to keep up with class work. Because he is underage, Joe works there illegally, resulting in the owners exploiting him for cheap, underpaid labor and treating him rather poorly. His co-worker, Jorge, is the only person there who treats him with any kindness and frequently sticks up for him. Failing in school, Joe is assigned a guidance counselor named Leonard Coles, who, though reasonably friendly, is incompetent. For example, in their first session, when Joe starts to talk about his problems, the counselor unthinkingly shuts him off.
Throughout the movie, Joe is seen engaging in petty theft (shoplifting from stores, breaking into cars to lift items inside, and stealing from mailboxes) to raise money to pay off Bob's debts and replace Theresa's records. Also, due to his family's poverty and, as a result, likely having to go hungry most days, he is often seen stealing food from the diner to feed himself and his brother. This reaches its climax when, one night, nearing the end of his shift, Joe learns from Jorge, who decides to leave early, that two of his bosses (a couple: Jerry and Mary) living in the apartment directly above the diner have already left and are gone for the weekend. This presents Joe an opportunity to rob the diner and acquire the money he needs.
After his shift, he sneaks in through an upstairs window and ransacks the apartment, looking for a locked metal box that was previously revealed to contain a large quantity of cash. Joe finds the box, but then catches a glimpse of himself in a doorway mirror. Horrified at what he has become, he kicks the mirror in and badly cuts his leg. Though injured, he manages to escape before another one of his bosses, an older man named Roy, who is drunkenly making his way back to the apartment to retrieve his house keys, is able to catch him.
The next day, as Joe arrives to the diner to start his shift, Jorge is outside having a smoke. He stares at Joe suspiciously, then proceeds to angrily inform Joe that he knows he was the one who broke into the place and stole the money. Sticking up for Joe as usual, however, he states he will not tell anyone that Joe was responsible. Jorge then tells him to not worry about getting caught, as Jerry and Mary believe Mary's ex-husband was responsible and Roy having been so inebriated that night, thought Joe was a giant rat running past him and knocked him down the stairs. Jorge then tells Joe to leave and never return to avoid suspicion.
Using the stolen money, Joe buys brand new copies of Theresa's records that were destroyed by Bob and stores them in a space beneath his house with an enveloped note for his mother. Joe's plan ultimately goes south when he reveals his deed to his friend Ray, who, in turn, reveals to Coles that Joe works at the diner, prompting a concerned Coles to place a call to the diner and speaks to Jerry. Coles threatens to report Jerry and the others to the authorities for illegally employing Joe, should they not cease doing so immediately. Jerry complies, but then after Coles unwittingly reveals to him that Joe injured himself while working there by cutting his leg, Jerry correctly deduces that it was Joe who committed the robbery and calls the police.
Joe is subsequently arrested and is sentenced to a juvenile detention center for six months. Later on, as Bob drives Joe to the bus that will take Joe away, Bob uncharacteristically offers Joe his condolences and some words of advice about not making poor decisions in life and ending up a loser like Bob himself did. Joe then exits Bob's car and boards the bus. The film ends with Joe walking down the hallway of the detention center with a look of grave uncertainty on his face.
Set in the Old West, this anthology follows the eponymous artifact, a handsome yet cursed gun that brings either disaster or fortune to whoever possesses it. In some cases of the former consequence, the gun's more villainous owners are killed at the end of the episode, while in others they live but suffer for their misdeeds.
In a similar fashion to ''The Twilight Zone'' and ''The Outer Limits'', there are often twist endings to the stories. For example, in the episode, "The Collector", the main character discovers that his servant is actually the infamous criminal, El Lobo, who then scalps him. And the series finale, "A Just Reward", provides a twist ending to the series as a whole when it is ultimately revealed that the gun's original owner was the Grim Reaper.
Focuses on a Greek boy named Porphyras Patagos (more fondly known as Porphy) and his sister Mina, who have been orphaned after a devastating earthquake which destroyed their home in Greece. The two decide to travel through Europe in search of a new home rather than being put in a foster home and split apart, but things turn bad when they are separated. Now Porphy must travel across Europe to find his little sister.
The book delves into Boston's past (1830), with Maura Isles playing a cameo role in present-day Boston. In the present, recently divorced 38-year-old Julia Hamill, trying to plant a garden for her newly purchased rural Massachusetts home finds a female skull buried in the rocky soil. She contacts medical examiner Maura Isles who finds it scarred with the marks of murder but can discover no more due to the skull's age.
In the past, Boston in 1830, Norris Marshall, a talented but poor student at Boston Medical College attempts to pay his college tuition by being a resurrectionist - one who plunders graveyards to sell the corpses on the black market. When two nurses are found murdered (one on the hospital grounds) as well as a respected doctor, Norris is considered as the prime suspect; he has had a glimpse of the killer at the second murder scene.
Norris, attempting to clear himself, attempts to track down the only other witness to have caught a glimpse (at the first murder scene), a beautiful 17-year-old Irish immigrant seamstress named Rose Connolly who fears she may be the next victim, exacerbated by the need to protect her newborn niece Meggie. Rose, Norris and his classmate Oliver Wendell Holmes comb the city, from its grim cemeteries and autopsy suites to its glittering mansions and power centers, to track down the killer.
Central to the plot is the condition of maternity wards at the time: doctors would often walk in from the autopsy area to the "lying-in" wards, and handle the women without using even gloves (let alone antisepsis, which Holmes later suggested) putting the women at higher risk of childbirth deaths than if they had given birth attended by midwives, or even unattended.
Julia and 89-year-old Henry Page, a descendant of one of Boston's first female doctors, Margaret Tate Page (Meggie as an adult), piece through letters written by Holmes to Dr. Page about the case to find out more about the murders and piece together the facts. For Julia, the driving question is if the victim is Rose, Holmes' final letter to Dr. Page, posted at the book's end, reveals that her aunt Rose survived the events, and never married.
The story concerns a young documentary film-maker, Bernard Heiman, who has decided to chronicle the making of a pornographic motion picture for his next project. He selects as his subject a movie being directed by Chuck Steak (pronounced STEE-AK), a 25-year veteran of the porn industry. Chuck plans to produce a $40,000 movie that is shot on motion picture film, as he regards himself as a film-maker first and pornographer second. Bernard begins shooting his documentary and is introduced to Chuck's large crew and cast. He especially becomes attracted to a young performer named Pursey Galore, who is new to the porn industry. As the film develops it becomes clear that Chuck treats his co-workers more like a family rather than colleagues, as they all deeply care about each other and view Chuck as a paternal figure. As the film develops, Chuck must deal with several crises, including a group of protesters who object to pornography and a pending legal proceeding that stems from him throwing a flower pot at a man's head. All the while he remains determined to fulfill his ambition of filming the world's largest recorded orgy.
After the fall of the Templar order on the Field of Avalon a great evil has risen in the land. After many seasons of tyranny by King Icarus a long ago prophecy appears to be in the process of fulfilling itself. The young mouse, Karic, has been visited by the gods of the realm and could possibly be the return of the great Kuhl-En who originally established the Templar order and brought peace to the land. Each arc in the series is a stepping stone to Karic's growth as the main hero of the story and the challenges he faces along the way. The final arc, ''Legend'', has Karic caught between two warring factions, each wanting him for their own purpose and willing to kill him if he chooses the opposing side.
United States Air Force Major Frank Cross is in trouble with the "brass" again, after making an unauthorized humanitarian relief flight, dropping sacks of rice to starving Kurds. The press considers him a hero, requiring him by the President's side during his election campaign and thus preventing the Pentagon from court-martialling him. Instead, they assign him to carry the "black bag", the President's high-tech briefcase containing the "go codes" and communications computer for launching America's nuclear ICBM arsenal in case of a national emergency.
However, on his first day on the job in Chicago a team of mercenaries manages to steal the black bag. Cross, however, manages to fake his death and infiltrate the mercenaries. Thinking they have seen the last of him, they fly with a helicopter from the rooftops of Chicago into the night sky and onwards to their final target: United States Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Facility K-7. A disguised Cross slips into the missile silo as the team murders the silo personnel and takes over the launch control using the secret codes contained in the black bag.
They are led by ex-Marine Colonel Douglas Murphy, whose unit was sent to kill Saddam Hussein during an undercover operation in Iraq before Operation Desert Storm and was then exterminated by the President, who was Army Chief at the time, for political reasons. Driven by revenge, he launches a terrifying warning shot and sends a Peacekeeper nuclear missile that destroys Mount Rushmore, killing thousands. Only then does Murphy make his chilling demand: unless the President kills himself in front of a live television audience, Washington D.C. will be destroyed.
All attempts to stop one of the missiles from leaving the silo fail. Finally, the President gives in to Murphy's demand, only to realise that Murphy lied to humiliate him, so that he then should helplessly watch Washington be destroyed as Murphy helplessly had to watch his unit be destroyed against his will by the President. At the first opportunity, however, Frank acts against the terrorists and, with the help of the last surviving member of the silo, Lt. Colonel Northrop, he is able to kill the mercenaries and prevent the destruction of Washington in the nick of time.
Marisol has a pain-ridden life. She has a disfiguring scar on her face from a piece of a broken mirror she had fallen on when she was a little girl. Her mother is dying and Marisol must sell paper flowers to make money in order to support herself and her mother.
Sofia, Marisol's mother, is carrying a heavy secret and she realizes she must tell Marisol the truth before she dies and leaves her alone (especially with Marisol's sleazy boyfriend Mario).
Unfortunately, Sofia dies without revealing that Marisol is really the granddaughter of Don Alonso Garcés del Valle, the patriarch of a very rich family, which includes the handsome and amiable painter, José Andrés, also one of Alonso's grandchildren, or is he?.
To complicate matters, José Andrés and Marisol fall in love with each other (even though they are engaged to other people), both completely in the dark about their true identities.
The film's plot revolves around the coming of the Apocalypse, heralded by the imminent liberation of the Antichrist from the depths of Hell through a certain gateway at the close of one full millennium. This gate can only be opened by a special key, which has been kept guarded by the order of the Templars (who in this version existed since the last days of Jesus). The key in turn is sought out by the servant of the Antichrist, simply known as ''the Minion'', a demonic spirit that transfers itself into the next available host body when his previous one is killed off. His first attempt to gain the key at the close of the year 999 is foiled; the sole surviving Templar of the company charged with hiding the key eventually takes off with a ship to the west, to what was at that time known as the "end of the world", to keep it from the Minion's grasp.
A thousand years later, near Christmas of 1999, two city engineer workers accidentally find a hidden Templar burial chamber beneath New York City. A Mohawk archeologist, Karen Goodleaf, is tasked with the examining the chamber and its contents, when the Minion attacks. Before he can claim the key, however, he is stopped by a man wearing a priest's outfit who kills the Minion's host body with a blow from a spiked gauntlet to the neck and then takes the key for himself. Confused, Karen chases after the man, who eventually introduces himself as Lukas Sadorov, a Templar and former Speznas who deserted the Soviet army after witnessing a massacre of civilians in Afghanistan and was sent by the head of his order to recover the key. Karen insistently tags along with Lukas and eventually gains his trust. After having seen the Minion in action, she proposes they hide the key in a nuclear waste depository built on the grounds of her childhood reservation home, whose lingering radioactivity would theoretically prevent the Minion's host bodies from claiming it. She enlists the help of her grandfather, Michael Bear, a Mohawk shaman who works as a foreman at the depository plant, in order to gain access to the facility.
However, the Minion repeatedly takes over people who unwittingly come into contact with his previous host bodies, enabling him to continue his relentless pursuit. He finally takes over Karen's former archeology tutor Professor Schulman, who is assisting the NYPD in the investigation of the apparent serial murder case, and tricks the police into opening a manhunt on Lukas. After killing Karen's grandfather and donning his radiation suit as a disguise, he tricks Lukas into giving him the key and escapes with it to Jerusalem, the location of the Templar's sanctuary and the gate to Hell hidden within its crypts.
The Minion arrives at the Templars' headquarters just before Lukas and Karen do, taking the Templars by surprise and killing most of them. Bernhard, one of the Templar Knights, manages to kill the Minion's host, but in his eagerness to prove himself better than Lukas, he accidentally allows the Minion to take possession of him and thus insert the key into the gate. Lukas and Karen arrive shortly after, and while Karen tries to remove the key from the lock, Lukas battles the possessed Bernhard and kills him. Together, he and Karen, although tempted by the Antichrist himself, manage to prevent the gate's unlocking just before the final seal on the door is burst. With the Templars decimated, Lukas decides to rebuild the order, and Karen decides to join him, marking the dawn of a new generation of Templars to guard the gate and the key.
Splat is so scared of his first day of Cat School that his tail moves with worry. He needs a friend so he takes his pet, a mouse named Seymour, with him to school. Mrs. Wimpydimple covers many topics, such as self-esteem and nature. When Seymour gets out of Splat's lunchbox, the cats chase after him. The teacher saves Seymour. By day two, Splat's tail moves with excitement.
Christian Erickson (Dolph Lundgren) used to work as a leading demolition expert. As Erickson was working to disarm mines, his son was killed by one, and Erickson retired. He is called out of retirement to help Michelle Flynn (Claire Stansfield) to disarm mine fields in a humanitarian minesweeping operation in Angola. Erickson subsequently discovers that new mines are being planted to kill people in the area.
Like Kenny and Spenny, ''Elton'' and ''Simon'' are friends who share an apartment and fight each other in unusual competitions. The winner of a competition is allowed to think out some kind of unpleasant task called ''Bestrafung'' (Punishment) the loser has to perform. In Kenny vs. Spenny, this part is called "Humiliation".
Seasons 1 and 2 of ''Elton vs. Simon'' were very similar to the original format ''Kenny vs. Spenny''. It had almost the same opening credits (only the heads of Kenny and Spenny were replaced with those of Elton and Simon) and most of the competition ideas were adopted from the original series. Like this, two seasons with a total of 15 episodes were produced and aired in 2005 and 2006.
In 2008 a third season was produced. The concept of the series was slightly changed and it was renamed ''Elton vs. Simon - Die Live-Show''. Instead of having one competition per episode, Elton and Simon had to do several mini-competitions. The first one to win four competitions was the overall winner. Some of the competitions and the punishment were performed in front of an audience.
The office partakes in a company-wide weight loss competition, with the prize of extra vacation days for the winning branch. Initially enthusiastic, the staff become over-competitive, especially Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) who stops eating and tries numerous diets, eventually passing out during one weigh-in. She buys what she believes is a tapeworm from Creed Bratton (Creed Bratton) as another measure, but Creed privately admits that it "wasn't a tapeworm." After Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) abandons Phyllis Vance (Phyllis Smith) miles away from the office with no phone or money to force her to exercise, corporate responds with a memo that staff should not resort to drastic weight loss measures. The Scranton branch ends up losing the competition, although Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker) is proud of his individual results, and decides to take the vacation anyway.
Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) begins a three-month graphic design class in New York City. Wanting to see her, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) meets Pam for lunch at an interstate rest stop between Scranton and New York City. He proposes to her outside in the pouring rain, and she accepts ecstatically.
Plotting his return to the company, Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) apologizes to various people around the office for his past behavior, while keeping a list of people who wrong him to take revenge on them when he's back on top. Most notably, he apologizes to, and then proceeds to ask his former girlfriend Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) out, only to be rejected when she tells him that she is dating Darryl Philbin (Craig Robinson).
Holly Flax (Amy Ryan) yells at Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) for chastising Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner), still believing he is mentally challenged. He awkwardly reveals he is "not retarded", and an embarrassed Holly apologizes and walks away. Holly continues to show interest in Michael Scott (Steve Carell), who now sports a goatee, until she catches him talking to a pregnant Jan Levinson (Melora Hardin). Holly then goes out on a date with Oscar's yoga instructor, and buys Counting Crows tickets as a surprise for their next date. When he never calls her, Michael berates the yoga instructor to Holly's pleasure, then offers to buy the tickets from her only to tear them up.
Phyllis takes over the Party Planning Committee by blackmailing Angela with her knowledge of Angela and Dwight's secret affair. After Angela shoots down all of Andy's wedding ideas, she warms up to him until he tells her that he booked his a cappella band 'Here Comes Treble' to play at their wedding (he states the members are Carl One, Carl Two, Broccoli Rob, Spare Rib, Doobie, Lunchbox, Boner Champ (Andy), Pubie Lewis and the News, Hopscotch, Jingle Jangle, and Sandwich).
Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) is briefly seen in a Costa Rican hospital due to a neck injury while zip-lining.
Joong-ho is a dishonest ex-detective turned pimp who is in financial trouble because two of his prostitutes have gone missing. One night, he commands Mi-jin to service a customer, despite her protests over her sickness. Joong-ho then realizes this customer was the last to see his missing girls. Believing that this customer is trafficking his women, Joong-ho nevertheless sends Mi-jin in so that she can forward the customer's address to him. Joong-ho contacts his old police task force for help, but they cannot assist because the mayor of Seoul, whom they were guarding, has been attacked with feces; this results in the police suffering a media firestorm.
The customer, Yeong-min, takes Mi-jin back to a house but Mi-jin fails to contact Joong-ho due to the bathroom having no cell service. Yeong-min binds Mi-jin, but her struggles prevent her murder with a chisel, so Yeong-min hits her with a hammer, knocking her out. Just then, an elderly couple from the local church arrive, inquiring about the real house owner, Mr. Park; they recognize his dog. Yeong-min then invites the elderly couple in and murders them.
Joong-ho, only aware of the customer's district, conducts a search. Yeong-min tries to ditch the couple's car, but collides with Joong-ho's car. Joong-ho's suspicions are aroused as Yeong-min has blood on his shirt and refuses to give his phone number. Joong-ho calls the customer's number and Yeong-min's phone rings. Yeong-min flees but is caught and beaten by Joong-ho. Both men are arrested by a local cop. At the station, Yeong-min casually admits that he committed nine murders. Competing police divisions argue over who will investigate the high-profile unsolved murders in the area.
Despite the confession, the police have no physical evidence so they cannot detain Yeong-min for long. Yeong-min reveals Mi-jin is alive, but the police doubt it. Joong-ho goes to Mi-jin's apartment to collect DNA samples, and from there he takes Mi-jin's daughter Eun-ji with him while he follows up a lead in Yeong-min's hometown. Joong-ho learns that Yeong-min was jailed for three years for lobotomizing his own nephew. Another prostitute informs Joong-ho that Yeong-min is impotent. When Yeong-min is questioned about his impotency being part of his motive, he attacks the interrogator. Joong-ho's assistant finds a room where Yeong-min had once lived; Joong-ho discovers religious drawings on the room's walls. Eun-ji wanders off while following a woman who looks like her mother, then meets with an accident and is brought to hospital by Joong-ho.
Yeong-min provides a false lead after being again beaten by Joong-ho. The prosecutor discovers Yeong-min's injuries and demands Yeong-min's release, refusing to wait for DNA test results. Saying that Yeong-min's arrest will be seen as the police's attempt to save face, the prosecutor demands for Joong-ho's arrest for injuring Yeong-min. Joong-ho is handcuffed and attacks his former teammates to escape; one of them frees him.
Meanwhile, Mi-jin freed herself and escaped from the house. Badly injured, she finds help at a nearby corner shop, and hides in the back. The police are informed, but the nearest officers are fast asleep. Yeong-min stops at the same shop to buy cigarettes. Not knowing Yeong-min is the attacker himself, the shopkeeper tells him about Mi-jin's story, asking him to stay to protect them from the attacker (which is himself) while they await the police. Yeong-min uses the shopkeeper's hammer to murder both her and Mi-jin. Alerted by police sirens, Joong-ho arrives finding the police have cordoned off the bloody shop. Yeong-min escapes off-camera back to Mr. Park's house, where he stores Mi-jin's severed head and hands in a fish tank. Yeong-min buries the elderly couple and kills Mr. Park's dog.
The humiliated police throw everything into the search for Yeong-min, while the story is leaked to the public. A distraught Joong-ho follows a lead to the local church, then notices that a church statue matches the drawings he had seen in Yeong-min's old room. As Mr. Park was the sculptor and Yeong-min his "assistant", the deacon points Joong-ho to Mr. Park's house.
Joong-ho enters the residence, interrupting Yeong-min's departure. They fight, with Joong-ho ultimately getting the upper hand, but the police arrive and restrain Joong-ho from killing Yeong-min. Yeong-Min is taken away while the police excavate the yard, finding several bodies.
The film ends with Joong-ho sitting silently by Eun-ji in her hospital room, holding her hand.
Jen, a teenage girl, and her brother Kyuzo, or Cue as she calls him, attend Martin Luther King High School, nicknamed "Kung Fu High School". However, due to the notorious Ridley's drug trafficking through the school, it has become a rundown war zone for both his workers and those who despise him. The only thing things these students at Kung Fu have in common are their ability to fight, or rather survive, and the fact that they've all been "kicked in". A welcoming practice at Kung Fu where students are beaten by everyone in order to teach them they are in the school.
The story starts off with Jen living an already irregular life, having to literally put on armor before going to school. One day Jen's long-lost cousin Jimmy Chang arrives at her front door, sent by her late mother's sister.
In 1880, in the fictional central European country of Gorslava, prominent London physician Sir Robert Cargrave visits the mysterious Baron Sardonicus at the urgent request of Cargrave's former love, Maude, now the baron's wife. Sir Robert becomes apprehensive when his inquiries about Sardonicus are met with fear. When Sir Robert arrives at Castle Sardonicus, his fears are quickly justified: he sees Sardonicus' servant Krull (Oskar Homolka) torturing another of the baron's servants with leeches.
Maude is afraid of what may happen if Sir Robert refuses Sardonicus' requests. Even Krull is not immune to the baron's cruelty; he is missing an eye, lost to Sardonicus' anger.
Sardonicus tells his story to Sir Robert. He was born Marek Toleslawski, a farmer like his father Henryk (Vladimir Sokoloff). Marek and his wife Elenka (Erika Peters) lived a humble life with his father, but Elenka and Henryk wanted more. Henryk bought a ticket for the national lottery but died before the drawing; after his burial, Marek and Elenka discovered that the ticket won but had been buried with Henryk. Elenka insisted that Marek retrieve the ticket from the grave to prove his love to her. Upon opening the grave, Marek was traumatized by the sight of Henryk's "grinning" skull. His face was frozen in a horrifying grin, leaving him unable to speak intelligibly. Elenka, terrified by the transformation, committed suicide. The lottery prize allowed Marek to buy a title and a castle, but he had no one to share them with. Marek renamed himself "Sardonicus" and hired speech experts to retrain him to speak. He conducted experiments on young women to find a cure for his condition, but had no success. He learned from his new wife, Maude, that Sir Robert was a great doctor specializing in paralysis, and he had hoped Sir Robert could restore his face.
Sir Robert agrees to try, but he is unsuccessful. Sardonicus demands he try more experimental treatments. When Sir Robert refuses, Sardonicus threatens to mutilate Maude's face to match his own. Sir Robert sends for a deadly South American plant and uses it to experiment on dogs. Sardonicus displays Henryk's open coffin, giving Sir Robert an idea: He will inject Sardonicus with plant extract, then recreate the trauma that caused Sardonicus' condition. The operation is a success, and Sardonicus' face is restored. Sir Robert advises him not to speak until his facial muscles have had time to adjust. The baron writes a note to Maude releasing her from their marriage, and another to Sir Robert asking his fee. Sir Robert refuses any fee, and Sardonicus lets them go.
As they prepare to leave by train, Krull arrives, imploring them to return. Sardonicus has lost the power of speech again, and he cannot open his jaw or lips. Sir Robert tells Krull that the injection was only water, and that the plant extract would have been lethal even in a small dose. It was a placebo, and Sardonicus' affliction was only psychosomatic. Once Sardonicus realizes that, he will be completely restored.
Krull returns to the castle, and upon seeing Sardonicus suffering, puts his hand up to his scarred left eyelid; remembering how Sardonicus had once cruelly plucked that eye out. Now rather than relaying Sir Robert's news from the train station; he instead tells the baron that he just missed Sir Robert's train. Krull sits down to eat his lavish dinner in front of Baron Sardonicus, who continues to suffer, and is doomed to starve.
The ''Linebarrels of Iron'' story takes place in an alternate universe in the year 2019, centering on a junior-high school student named Kouichi Hayase, who escaped his daily life of being ridiculed as a child by daydreaming about being a hero. His life is forever changed during a class trip in 2016 when an artificial satellite falls from orbit. Due to this "accident", Kouichi is left in a coma for half a year, and upon awakening, found himself with strange powers, including superhuman strength. Three years later, a mysterious robot called "Linebarrel" appears before him. It is revealed that the accident from three years ago was actually caused by the Machina robot Linebarrel and that this turned him into a "Factor", which is the name given to Machina pilots. This leads him to encounter Emi Kizaki, a mysterious amnesiac girl whose unknown past seems to be related to Linebarrel. He joins her in fighting for JUDA, the world's largest medical equipment maker, which happens to secretly own several other Machina robots.
There are two kinds of robots in ''Linebarrels of Iron'': Armas and Machinas. The series primarily focuses on Machinas, robots which are not manufactured by humans and are powered by nanobots called D-S.O.I.L., also known as Drexler S.O.I.L., which also enable them to regenerate after being damaged. Since D-S.O.I.L. is like artificial muscle for the Machinas, they tend to "bleed" when they are damaged.
Machinas are also considered to have their own consciousness, as only their chosen "Factor" can pilot one, and should the Factor be killed, it will go on to find a replacement. The overlying reason for this is that all Machinas are incapable of intentionally killing another human on their own volition; they need a "Factor" i.e. another human, who would be the one who "kills". The Factor need not be actively piloting the machina for it to kill, as revealed when a rampaging Machina called Apparition was brought down by JUDA and the then-unaligned Hayase and it was found that the (dead) Factor was drugged and restrained inside it. Should it kill someone without a Factor's "assistance", usually by accident, a Machina has been known to resuscitate and heal the person by injecting their D-S.O.I.L nanobots into them, which in turn makes the person a Factor. This is case for Factor Reiji Moritsugu. In the case of Kouichi Hayase, then-Linebarrel pilot Emi Kizaki begged Linebarrel to heal him, which turned him into a Factor, at the expense of making Emi a less desirable Factor to Linebarrel ("It" does not want Emi to fight). In the anime it was revealed that Hayase's friend Hideaki Yajima was also resurrected by the Machina that caused his death.
In addition, a Machina can go into Overdrive, or a state of rampage which exponentially increase its capabilities, when its Factor's emotions go out of control. Machinas can also be stored in another dimension and appear before its Factor any time, excluding the Linebarrel. However, they cannot teleport if the Factor is inside it. Since there are only a limited amount of Machinas available and their true origins are unknown, humans created Armas, which are crude imitations of Machinas and do not have D-S.O.I.L. They can be piloted by anyone, but they cannot regenerate, nor they can perform at the level of true Machinas.
It is revealed mid-way through the manga that a majority of humanity was wiped out after the development of Nanomachines and the Machina due to a kill-switch built into their DNA. Many years later a majority of the Machina have obtained self-awareness and destroyed what was left with many of them hunting down humans and human corpses to provide them with a "Factor". Unsatisfied with their lack of purpose, the 'Human-Machina' had remade humanity to try and find the purpose of life. Known named Human-Machina include Deus Ex Machina, their leader, a nanomachine-copy of Abraham Lincoln who "pilots" the Machina 'Rail-Splitter and his "daughter" Maxi Oba, pilot of the self-named Lovebarrel.
A concept unveiled in the anime. As the story in the anime unfolds it is learned that there exists a parallel universe adjacent to our own, where humanity reached incredible peaks of technology at the cost of their very nature, to the point where the human species as a whole became extinct after merging its own collective consciousness with the machines they created. Similar to a hive mind, this virtual collective unity threw away individuality and any sort of vestige of human feelings for the sake of power, becoming one cold, ruthless mechanical being bent on a continuous, endless expansion of itself. Referred to as "Central", this hive mind acts in a way reminiscent of the machines from the Matrix trilogy, even having its own enforcers to hunt down and destroy whoever is perceived as a hindrance.
The game begins following events of the 1988 film ''Elvira, Mistress of the Dark''. After the death of her evil Uncle Vincent, Elvira has inherited Killbragant Castle and has restored it to its former glory, planning to turn it into a tourist attraction for horror fans. However, while doing this, Elvira has inadvertently awakened a horde of monstrous followers of her distant ancestor, the powerful wicked witch Emelda. The monsters imprisoned Elvira in the castle and began preparations to use her for the return of their mistress. The player's character has been called upon to help by Elvira to help her prevent Emelda's resurrection. The evil sorceress died centuries ago before she could take over and rule the world, but has made a pact with the devil to be brought back to life in the future. In the beginning of the game, the player is captured by the sorceress's undead minions. He is then rescued by Elvira and asked to help get her powers back, and to find a way to send Emelda back to hell before it is too late.
On the eve of the Iraq War, March 14, 2003, the majority of the population of the contiguous United States (along with the bulk of the populations of Canada, Mexico, and Cuba) disappears as the result of a large energy field that later comes to be known as "The Wave". ''Without Warning'' deals with the international consequences of the disappearance of the world's last superpower on the eve of war.
in 1944, in Nazi-occupied Poland, young Erik Lehnsherr is separated from his parents upon entrance into the Auschwitz concentration camp. While he attempts to reach them, he causes a set of metal gates to bend toward him before being knocked out by the guards. In the not-too-distant future, U.S. Senator Robert Kelly attempts to pass a "Mutant Registration Act" in Congress, which would force mutants to reveal their identities and abilities. Present are Lehnsherr, now going by the name "Magneto", and his telepathic colleague Professor Charles Xavier. Xavier sees Lehnsherr in attendance and is concerned with how he will respond to the Registration Act.
In Meridian, Mississippi, 17-year-old Marie D'Ancanto accidentally puts her boyfriend into a coma after she kisses him, because her mutant ability absorbs the power and life force of others. She runs away from home and adopts the name Rogue. In Alberta, she meets Logan, also known as "Wolverine", a mutant who possesses superhuman healing abilities and metal "claws" that protrude from between his knuckles. They are attacked on the road by Sabretooth, a member of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants, but two members of Xavier's X-Men, Cyclops and Storm, arrive and save them. Wolverine and Rogue are brought to Xavier's school for mutants in Westchester County, New York, where Xavier tells Logan that Magneto appears to have taken an interest in him and asks him to stay while he investigates the matter. Rogue enrolls in the school.
Senator Kelly is abducted by Brotherhood members Toad and Mystique and brought to their hideout on the uncharted island of Genosha. Magneto uses Kelly as a test subject for a machine powered by his magnetic abilities that generates a field of radiation, which induces mutations in normal humans. Kelly later escapes by taking advantage of his newfound mutation. Rogue visits Wolverine during the night while he is having a nightmare. Startled, he accidentally stabs her, but she is able to absorb his healing ability to recover. This is observed by fellow students who arrived to help. She is later convinced by Mystique, who disguises herself as Rogue's crush Bobby Drake, that Xavier is angry with her and she should leave the school. Xavier uses his mutant-locating machine Cerebro to find Rogue at a train station, and the X-Men go to retrieve her. Meanwhile, Mystique enters Cerebro and sabotages it.
Having left ahead of Storm and Cyclops, Wolverine finds Rogue on a train and convinces her to return to the school. Before they can leave, Magneto arrives, knocks out Wolverine and subdues Rogue, revealing it was Rogue who he wants rather than Wolverine. Although Xavier attempts to stop him by mentally controlling Sabretooth, he is forced to release his hold on Sabretooth when Magneto threatens the police who have converged on the train station, allowing the Brotherhood to escape with Rogue. Kelly arrives at the school, and Xavier reads his mind to learn about Magneto's machine. Realizing the strain of powering it nearly killed Magneto, the X-Men deduces he intends to transfer his powers to Rogue and use her to power it at the cost of her life. Kelly's body rejects his mutation, and his body dissolves into liquid. Xavier attempts to locate Rogue using Cerebro, but Mystique's sabotage incapacitates him, and he falls into a coma. Fellow telekinetic and telepath Jean Grey fixes Cerebro and uses it, learning that the Brotherhood plans to place their mutation-inducing machine on Liberty Island and use it to "mutate" the world leaders meeting at a summit on nearby Ellis Island. The X-Men scale the Statue of Liberty, battling and overpowering the Brotherhood while Magneto transfers his powers to Rogue and activates the mutating machine. As Wolverine confronts and distracts Magneto, Cyclops blasts him away, allowing Wolverine to destroy the machine. He transfers his powers to Rogue and his healing abilities rejuvenate her, while incapacitating himself.
Professor Xavier and Wolverine recover from their comas. The group also learns that Mystique escaped the island battle and is impersonating Senator Kelly, despite being seriously injured by Wolverine. Xavier gives Wolverine a lead to his past at an abandoned military installation in Canada. Magneto is imprisoned in a complex constructed of plastic and is visited by Xavier, and Magneto warns him that he intends to escape one day and continue the fight; Xavier replies that he will always be there.
Akbar Ahmed is a film director. Friends call him 'Akky'. After his highly successful first film, he becomes the most wanted director in the Malayalam film industry. Akky and his girl friend Devayani along with a group of friends all share a passion for cinema. It was with them that Akbar directed and produced his first film, which went on to become a huge success. Akbar also runs a cafe called ''Casablanca'' named after the classic Hollywood film. For Akbar cinema is not a job, it is his passion. Akbar decides to choose a very different kind of story for his second film and he sets on a journey in search of it.
Akbar decides to base his second film on the life of yesteryear actress Malavika, who was once a very popular actress and whose present whereabouts are unknown. Akbar and his friends go tracking Malavika’s biography. Her husband was Ajaya Chandran. Currently Ajayachandran is the reigning super star of the industry. Akbar starts his search from film director Aby Kuruvila’s house. Kuruvila’s son gives his father’s old letters and diaries to Akbar from which he starts learning about the whirlwind romance of Malavika and Ajayachandran which led to marriage. How differences between them led to a breakup and how this affected their careers along with Akbar's efforts to find Malavika form the major plot of the film. The film ends in a touching yet marvelous climax with a poetic narration.
Set in the early dark Victorian era, the film follows Guy Carrell, a British aristocrat who is consumed with the fear of being buried alive. His fear becomes so overwhelming, it nearly prevents him from marrying his fiancée Emily. He tells her that he, like his father, suffers from a cataleptic disease which can make one appear to be dead. Guy then takes Emily down to the family catacomb, and claims that when he was a boy, he heard his father scream from his tomb after being interred, even though his sister insists it was all in his mind. But despite all this, Emily tells Guy that she still wants to marry him.
After the wedding ceremony, Emily plays the melody to "Molly Malone" on the piano which seems to send Guy into a state of abject misery, finally causing him to pass out. After regaining consciousness, Guy becomes even more morbid, obsessed with the idea of being buried alive. He soon builds an elaborate vault, equipped with several safeguards in case of his premature burial, including a poisonous elixir to be used as a last resort. This latest project causes both his wife Emily and his colleague, Miles Archer, to become concerned with his mental health.
In an effort to change his mood, Guy goes for a walk in the moors with his wife, when he suddenly hears a gravedigger whistle the same Irish tune that was played after his wedding. The music causes him to pass out again, and he experiences a horrific dream where he finds himself trapped inside his vault, however, none of his safeguards work. When he finally wakes up from his dream next to his wife, he asks her about the whistling gravedigger, but she insists that she heard no one.
Finally, Emily becomes unable to deal with Guy's behavior, and tells him that either he rids himself of this obsession with death, or she will leave him forever. This ultimatum seems to work. He destroys the vault he constructed and starts to slowly become more amenable. As a final step of his treatment, Miles suggests that Guy open his father's tomb to prove that he was never buried alive. But when he does, it causes him to go into another cataleptic state, and this time, he is unable to awake. After an examination by Emily's father, he is declared dead. Guy's family concludes he suffered a heart attack and upon Emily's request, have him buried in the cemetery. It appears Guy's biggest fear is about to be realized, when he is miraculously dug up by a pair of grave robbers just as he regains his mobility. Now in a state of madness, Guy returns to his home to seek revenge on those who conspired for his demise.
A man has a mysterious car accident, and falls into a coma. He is taken to a hospital by paramedics. The man, in his comatose state, dreams he is in a place called Mercy Falls. A few years after the accident, his wife comes to visit him (as she apparently has been doing constantly ever since that night). She comments that the doctors are still trying to wake him. She leaves his side, but turns the radio on to comfort her husband.
Within the man's mind, he dreams of a woman who lives in Mercy Falls, who constantly stays locked inside "the tall house", an empty mansion that the children fear to approach. He begins to realize that she is a reflection of himself, because he is trapped inside his own empty mind and completely isolated from those he loves. He believes that if he can meet this woman and help her to leave her mansion, he will be able to leave Mercy Falls himself and finally see his family again.
Back in the physical world, the doctors speak to the man's wife and explain that they will harvest bone marrow from his son in desperate attempts to heal the man in the coma. This, apparently, is their last hope to try to awaken him.
Back in Mercy Falls, the townspeople prepare for a terrible storm that could destroy their village. (The storm, of course, is the doctors trying to cure the man using the bone marrow, therefore trying to destroy Mercy Falls.) The townspeople unite and build up defenses against the storm, and their town is saved. Therefore, the medical procedure has failed.
The man's wife and the doctors give up hope. At the album's emotional climax, "One Last Goodbye", they turn off his life-support machines and assure him that his memory will live on. He passes from Mercy Falls into the afterlife, and as he is dying, he has a flashback which reveals a conversation he had with his wife several years ago in the car. She told him that her son was, in truth, not his. Shocked so suddenly, he crashes the car, bringing the timeline back to the beginning of the album. This explains why the bone marrow transplant from his son was unsuccessful.
The son struggles with the absence of his father and his mother. The mother appears to be struggling with the guilt and turns to alcohol. The son refers to it as the "muddy water". Not only did she cause the accident in the first place by telling the man that the son he thought he had was not his, but the attempts to bring him out of his coma also failed because of her infidelities. She lets her son go through the pain of a bone marrow transplant even though she knew that it wouldn't work. She continues to keep her infidelity a secret.
The final song, "The Black Parade", tells of the man's experience passing into the afterlife.
The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-American nations to encourage France into a war against Germany.
In 18th century Vienna, Franz Anton Mesmer believes he is able to heal patients by drawing out something unique from inside his patients. However, the only ones who seem to have improvements are the young ladies he helps. His controversial methods and their consequences lead him to leave Vienna and head to Paris. However, once there, he takes advantage of his unique methods to provide entertainment, which he is censured for by other doctors.
Diabetic Horace (Barry Jackson) is mentally impaired and works in a joke shop. He befriends loner schoolboy Gordon Blackett (Stephen Tantum), who retreats from his loveless home into an imaginary world.
Christopher Gritter John Neville revolts against the suburban conformity of his parents.
Three young delinquents, Carlin, Davis and Angel, are escorted via van to a British borstal. (The title sequence shows Davis trying to escape from an "open" borstal and being rounded up by the warders.)
Once they arrive, they are given rooms. Angel and Davis are allotted private rooms whilst Carlin has to stay in a dormitory. Carlin, who was transferred from another borstal as punishment for attacking an officer, is thoroughly told by the senior officer Mr. Sands that he expects no trouble and he will be severely punished for any transgressions. Shortly afterwards, Carlin strikes up a friendship with Archer, an intellectual (albeit eccentric) inmate who does everything he can to annoy the administration and its warders. Meanwhile, Banks, the "daddy" (head inmate) of the wing is informed of Carlin's reputation and told to keep him in line. That night, Banks and his crony Richards assault Carlin, leaving his face bruised. Due to this, he is mistakenly accused of fighting by Sands and given three days solitary confinement as punishment.
After serving his punishment, Carlin seeks revenge on Banks and Richards by first attacking Richards and then beating Banks and effectively replacing him as the "daddy" of the wing. Carlin then makes a deal with house officer Mr. Goodyear. In exchange for a single room cell, Carlin will use his "natural leader" skills to keep peace in the wing. Carlin asks a new inmate named Rhodes to be his "missus", although Carlin stresses he is not homosexual.
A short while after, whilst Davis is working in the greenhouse, he is assaulted and gang raped by a group of boys. Sands looks in the window and sees the rape, but merely smiles and walks away. Later that night, Davis, traumatised by the rape, asks warder Mr. Greaves for help but is merely berated by him. Davis later slashes his wrists in his cell and dies as a result. His body is found the next morning by Sands.
The following day during breakfast, the boys refuse to eat in protest against Davis' death. Carlin then incites a riot. (Ray Winstone recalled that he and several others intended to give John Judd a real beating in the scene, as he had taken a bit too well to his role as the brutal warder Sands, but Judd got wind of the plan and scrambled to get out of the messhall - which only added to the effect of the riot.)
Later, Carlin, Archer and several others are led away by guards, handcuffed. The Governor of the borstal makes an announcement to all the inmates stating he will tolerate no further outbursts. He then declares a minute silent prayer in Davis' memory. In a grimly ironic touch, the boys who raped Davis are in the front row of the assembly.
The short starts with a man at church ringing the bell to signal the beginning of the service. The scene shifts to the house of Porky Pig whose mother is calling to him to come downstairs. A younger Porky comes flying down the handrail of the stairs just stopping before crashing into a vase. His mother proceeds to give him a nickel for the collection plate at church, including a disclaimer about not spending the money on candy. Porky reassures his mother and leaves. Along the way he runs into a bully standing alongside a wooden fence. The bully is practicing smoking tricks with a cigar when Porky arrives and chides him for smoking while underage. The bully then gets in Porky's face, sarcastically accusing him of being a tough guy. After a few moments of arguing Porky offers a bet to prove he is not a wimp, the deal being the cigar for the nickel. Enticed by the proposition, the bully quickly gives up his cigar. Porky in turn tries to repeat the same set of tricks — with disastrous results.
Porky soon goes into a haze and stumbles into a smoke shop. An anthropomorphic cloud shrinks Porky in size and then introduces himself as someone all smokers were well acquainted with, "Nick O'Teen". Nick then offers Porky all the smoking he can handle, and suddenly, a wide variety of tobacco products and smoking devices come to life to force feed Porky everything from chewing tobacco to cigarettes, all set to the song "Little Boys Shouldn't Smoke" (which is a parody of the then-famous "Mysterious Mose" song). At the culmination of the nightmare Porky awakens and rushes to church. As he is sitting reading his hymnal the collection plate starts coming towards him when he starts to panic. He races out of the church and grabs the nickel from the bully. He thrusts the cigar into the bully's mouth as it promptly explodes. He hurries back to church just in time to give his offering and the cartoon ends with himself promising to never smoke again, for the rest of his life.
Dani is a teenage actress and singer who is regularly left in charge of her younger brother Max, his friend Ben, and their youngest baby sibling, "the baby from hell" who is only shown in a cot. She and her friends Toby and Sam spend most of their time at her house in a den hangout. As they go about their lives, they encounter some bizarre situations. Meanwhile, two aliens known as Coordinators (Coordinator Zang and Coordinator Zark) observe their actions. In series 2, Dani's family has moved to a new house. Toby has gone to medical school, and Dani becomes friends with Jack. The "baby from hell" is no longer referenced but is replaced by a "cat from hell", who also disappears in series 3 and who is also Jack's nemesis.
In series 4, Dani gets a part in the soap opera ''McHurties Hospital''. Her friend Sam has been training to become an astronaut, and eventually leaves the cast to become a scientist and space-explorer for NASA. Ruby, Dani's enthusiastic personal trainer, joins the cast, as well as Maisy, her prank-pulling younger sister, the latter of whom becomes a foil for Max.
In series 5, Dani continues her career as an actress, while Jack works as a DJ, and Ruby continues as a personal trainer. Max pursues a career as a grime artist, and goes on a world tour. Their cousin Megaboyd teams up with Maisy and plays pranks on Dani and her friends. Ben tries to find some new hobbies. The show ended after 5 series, making it one of the most successful CBBC shows of all time.
The reconstructed plot is as follows: The young French lord Isembart is cruelly persecuted by the French court and his uncle, king Louis, and he goes into exile in England, joining the Saracen king Gormond and renouncing Christianity. Isembart incites Gormond to attack France, to destroy Isembart's own lands and surrounding country, and to burn down the Abbey of Saint-Riquier. The French king comes to battle them at Cayeux (Cayeux-en-Santerre or Cayeux-sur-Mer). (The surviving fragment begins here.) In the battle, after a series of victorious combats, Gormond falls to Louis, but the king is himself mortally injured when he tries to remain on his horse. The Saracen troops are briefly in chaos, but Isembart takes over the army. He eventually unhorses his own father. Four days later, the Saracens give up the battle and Isembart dies, returning to Christianity in his last breaths.
This tale is based upon the legends told of ancient times in the old Russian city of Novgorod (the capital of Novgorod republic). Novgorod's merchants are feasting in a gorgeous palace. A young gusli player named Sadko is bragging that he can bring to their land a sweet-voiced bird of happiness. The merchants mock him for his bravado, and tell him his quest is impossible. Nevertheless, Sadko sets off on a travel to bring the bird of happiness to Novgorod. He is offered help by the daughter of the Ocean King - she is mesmerized by Sadko's singing and is in love with him. Sadko visits many lands in his search of the bird, including India, Egypt and other countries. Sadko is unable to capture the bird of happiness, and returns empty handed. But on his return to Novgorod, Sadko realizes that there is no better land than his homeland, and there is no need to go far in search of one's happiness.
It tells the story of a group of friends that stand by each other well into adulthood. The film starts innocently enough when young Cuellar (12-years-old) enters a new school. He immediately makes friends with 4-other youngsters. One day after soccer practice while taking a shower, a vicious dog is let loose and it severely mauls him devouring his genitals. He is as a result maimed for life and this novel uses his development into adolescence and later into adulthood to explore the problems he faces. These are both sexual, obviously, but also his lack of hormones very much changes his relationships with his group of close friends and he finds it very hard to come to terms with the fact that they start to get girlfriends, and later, married. Italian title: Eviration - Bramosia Dei Sensi.
Returning to Boston from a business trip in Paris, Maura Isles encounters delays at Charles de Gaulle Airport, and finds upon landing in Boston that the airline has lost her luggage. When she finally makes it home, she finds her house taped off as a crime scene—and is surprised to see Jane Rizzoli (now about 8-months-pregnant) and Rizzoli's partner Barry Frost there. Rizzoli does a double-take on seeing Maura, and directs her attention to a white Ford Taurus in her driveway. There, Maura finds the body of a woman who looks identical to her—and also shares the same birthday.
When the body is taken in to the medical examiner's office, Maura takes a tissue sample from the dead woman, and one from herself and asks Rizzoli to take them for DNA testing. The woman is found to have been killed by a 'Black Talon' bullet.
Meanwhile, Matilda Purvis, the almost-9-months-pregnant wife of a BMW dealership manager, visits the dealership after an OB-GYN appointment—and is belittled by her husband (who she had married when she was two months pregnant) for ruining the tires. When she goes home, she finds she is not alone—and is struck unconscious when thinking the other to be her husband, she calls his name.
Newton police detective Rick Ballard tells Maura that he believes that a CEO of a pharmaceutical company is the murderer, due to the latter's obsessive lust over the deceased woman, Anna Leoni (on her driver's license, the name was recorded as Jessop). Maura's curiosity is aroused further when Rizzoli hands her DNA results showing that the deceased is her identical-twin sister. The trail then leads to Maine, where the remains of several murder victims (mostly pregnant women, but including some men) are found. A check of the FBI database over forty years reveals a possible pattern circumnavigating the US. Maura eventually finds that her mother, Amalathea Lank, has been jailed for two murders, one of a 9-months-pregnant woman. Eventually, she also works out that Amalathea and her cousin Elijah (whom she eventually married) had been killing women who were just about to deliver and then taking out the babies and selling them. She also finds that Ballard was in love with Anna, and that he also likes her very much (Maura is also attracted to him).
Matilda wakes up in a coffin-like box, and tries to plead with the kidnapper to release her—only to realise that he is not interested in the money. She plans her escape, saving torch batteries for use as a weapon. Eventually, when the kidnapper gets close, Mattie stuns him with the batteries (which she has wrapped into a sock) and flees into a toolshed; when the kidnapper pursues, she hits him again with the battery-filled sock and stabs him with a screwdriver. The stress of the pursuit, however, brings on labour and the police later find her nursing her daughter and take both to hospital. The killer is revealed to be Maura's younger brother Samuel (their father, Elijah, had died prior to the murders for which Amalathea was caught—due to a gas station's security video).
However, the investigation of Anna Leoni's murder appears to have hit a dead-end, as no firearm was found on Samuel. Rizzoli then finds an old police report on a previous slaying involving 'Black Talons'--and seeing the endnotes, summons Frost to help protect Maura. Meeting Rick in her car, Maura is about to kiss him when he is murdered by his ex-wife Carmen. Carmen confesses to having killed Anna and shoots Maura, wounding her -- only to be fatally shot immediately afterwards by Rizzoli and the parking-lot's security guard.
Cassandra, an expatriate American book translator (Judy Davis) living in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, who is hired by a mysterious woman, Frankie (Marcia Gay Harden), to locate her missing husband so he can sign some important papers. Nothing Frankie says is true: the husband turns out to be a woman, the issue isn't legal papers but a child's custody, and even Frankie's most obvious identity, in red cape and red pumps, is a false front. But Cassandra keeps at it, at first to earn her promised fee, and then to help Frankie, then Frankie's ex, then the child. Along the way, this solitary and somewhat disconnected and bewildered writer frees herself to finish a novel and re-establish a broken relationship with her own past.
Barbara Wilson's novel is the winner of a British Crime Writers' Award for Best Mystery Based in Europe and a Lambda Literary Award. The story is a high-spirited comic adventure that works issues of sexual politics into a madcap plot. The city of Barcelona is a lively party to the film and book's action.
In rough-and-tumble Gold Rush-era California, Salomy Jane is saved from the ruffian Red Pete by a heroic stranger (the Man, aka Jack Dart), and he is saved from a lynching after being falsely accused of a crime.
The tough and cold mercenary Warchild, is working for the man who took care of his war training and upbringing, the greedy General Ruechang. Ruechang is planning to take over the country by marrying Princess Halo. But Halo discovers that Ruechang killed her father to gain more power than he had working for the King, so she decides to run away. Warchild is the one who has to bring her back to Ruechang, but the one thing no one counted on happens...Warchild and Halo fall in love, and together they take on the forces of Ruechang. So his tyranny can be brought down and set the people free.
An earthquake measuring 9.5 on the Richter Scale splits California into an island with a perpetual dustcloud hanging over it. The survivors of the terrible ordeal have started to come together in the shape of Nick Preston (Dolph Lundgren) an air force captain, and other fractions of the military, including Sarah McBride (Sherri Alexander) and Lucky Simcoe (Joe Michael Burke), and have situated themselves in a warfare junkyard, holding weaponry from forgotten conflicts. They are searching for food, fuel and fellow survivors, and a possible path into the next world, while also dodging a violent plague that causes the skin to boil.
The film revolves around Kathavarayan, who sells illicit arrack in Hogenakkal. Though he is involved in arrack trade, he is honourable. Malti, a student, arrives in the village as part of her NSS project. She vows to end the arrack menace in the village and takes efforts to arrest Kathavarayan. Thanks to her efforts, Kathavarayan is arrested and imprisoned in Chennai.
Parallel narration is the comedy track of Karuppu (''Vaigai Puyal'' Vadivelu).
Call it fate, Malti is arrested for no fault of her own in Chennai. Her efforts to expose drug-peddlers in Chennai backfires. They hatch a conspiracy and Malti falls a prey to it. She is arrested for possessing drugs and is imprisoned.
Kathavarayan leaves jail to retaliate against Malti. But he learns her real intentions and dire situation. He masterminds joins the drug-peddling gang and eventually exposes them to save Malti.
Ronja, daughter of robber-chief Mattis becomes friends with Birk Borkasson. His father, robber-chief Borka, is the main rival and fiercest enemy of Ronja's father.
The film opens at the castle of Mattis (Börje Ahlstedt, Ronia’s father) and Lovis (Lena Nyman, Ronia’s mother). A terrible thunderstorm rages about the castle as Lovis is giving birth to Ronja (Hanna Zetterberg). Minutes after the baby is born lightning strikes the castle and splits away of part of the castle, creating a deep rift in the rock below. The movie is then fast forwarded to ten years later when Ronia is old enough to explore the wilderness and learn how to deal with the dangers out there. Mattis is the head of a band of good-natured robbers, and he warns his daughter of the dangers that she is likely to meet in the wilderness. Nonetheless, Ronia sets out on the adventure and encounters the various creatures and dangers as already told by her father.
Meanwhile another group of robbers, led by their chief Borka have settled in the now separated part of the castle, much to the dismay of Mattis. He is even more angered by his rival Borka roaming around the forests which Mattis claims as his own territory and even robbing away Matti's loot in one instance. Consequently, Mattis hatches a plan to drive Borka’s people away from the woodland.
Borka has a son, Birk (Dan Håfström) who happens to have been born the very same thundery night that Ronia was born. There is some initial eminent enmity between Birk and Ronia when they meet first, but after saving Ronia, who got her foot stuck in an earth hole, the two eventually become friends and share some adventures together. But their friendship must be kept secret as their parents would never allow a connection to the rivaling clan. Though separated by the constant hatred between their parents, the two reunite a couple of times.
When Mattis kidnaps Birk to force Borka’s group away, Ronia turns herself in as ransom to Borka's clan in order to get Birk returned to his family. Mattis is hurt by his daughter's action and denies his daughter. This act forces Birk and Ronia to run away from their families, living in a cave, as their parents refuse to get over their enmity. Eventually Mattis comes to visit the children in the cave and apologises for his foolishness and having cast away his daughter.
The clans organise a fight against each other to settle their dispute once and for all and Mattis is victorious. After the fight the enemy clans finally make up and have a feast in Mattis's part of the castle
Lulu Atlantis lives in Sweet Pea Lane. She has a baby brother and a dad that is busy trying to save endangered animals. Lulu tells her troubles to her best friend, a spider named Harry. Harry is a talking spider that offers good advice. The spider says in order for her to find true blue love, she will have to go farther than her backyard. The four stories, that are linked together, makes her realize that she is loved.
In 1952, a tuberculosis epidemic is sweeping Northern Canada, and numerous Inuit are compelled by the government to seek treatment in the lower provinces. One Inuit man from Baffin Island, Tiivii, arrives at a sanatorium in Quebec City. He is treated by a French Canadian nurse, Carole. An orphaned boy, Kaki, also spends time with Tiivii in the institution.
Tiivii struggles with the language barrier, being unable to speak French. Kaki speaks both French and Inuktitut, and can translate conversations between Tiivii and Carole. However, the relationship becomes awkward when Tiivii, through Kaki, asks Carole for sex. Kaki had advised him it was a bad idea, citing his greater understanding of white people, though Tiivii felt he had a better understanding of women. Tiivii hopes to adopt Kaki.
The play starts with a courtroom scene where the public prosecutor examines a witness in embezzlement case of a fraud who claims that he is a tobacco merchant Lakhoba Lokhande from Napani village.
The first witness is Sayyed Mansoor, who claims that Lakhoba Lokhande is his actually his brother Hyder who vanished from his home 12 years ago & has a wife Sultana & a kid. He tells the court that 10 years back he had submitted a bail bond of Rs. 20,000 for a case involving fraud, wherein Hyder posed as a secretary to the PM, to a simpleton clerk & took Rs. 15,000 on the pretext of securing him a plum job in the secretariat. Hyder broke the bond & ran away, forcing his brother to sell his home & other personal belongings to pay the bond money he had borrowed from a money lender. Lakhoba decides to cross-examine the witnesses himself instead of a lawyer. He shows the first witness his pierced ears, which is a Hindu ritual hence he cannot be his brother as Muslims don't follow this ritual. Lakhoba ends his cross-examination with his classic dialogue "To Mee Navhech" (I am not that person) which he repeats after completing cross-examination of each witness. He consistently holds his line of argument of mistaken identity.
Next witness is the moneylender who had lent the money for the bail bond. The money lender is a family friend of Hyder's family & identifies Lakhoba as Hyder. Lakhoba in his cross-examination brings up a lot of hidden facts like police case of fraud against him & his son & claims that he is lying in the court under duress. As usual, he ends his argument with "To Mee Navhech"
Next witness is Agnihotri who was earlier defrauded in Delhi for Rs. 15,000 as a bribe for a plum job. Lakhoba in his cross-examination first puts the witness under pressure that he had attempted to bribe a govt official which is also a crime. In the fear the witness goes back an forth in his statement, in the end, gets entangled in the argument if he has committed a crime by bribing a govt official, who in reality was a fraud.
Next witness is Sunanda Datar who identifies Lakhoba as Divakar Datar. Sunanda narrates that she first met Divakar at a marriage bureau where he posed as a sophisticated, London educated high ranking bureaucrat at Bangalore. He speaks in a British accentuated English, giving the impression that he is a very important official. He accepts the marriage proposal of Sunanda & demands dowry of Rs. 10,000 which her brother pays. The marriage is hurriedly arranged in a couple of days time by Divakar & for that reason attended by only 10-15 close relatives of Sunanda & none from Divakar's side. Later he takes her to Bangalore & they stay in a cheap hotel, he usually stays away from her on the pretext of important official work. He tells her that her brother Capt Ashok Paranjpe lives in Mangalore & he often meets him. She tells him that she is pregnant & Divakar blatantly refuses her claim saying that someone else is the father of her child.
She somehow locates the hotel room where Capt. Ashok Paranjpe is staying. She meets his wife Pramila Paranjape & narrates her side of the story, which doesn't match with his wife's story. Sunanda gets paranoid & at the same time, Capt Ashok Paranjpe appears who is in fact Divakar in disguised form & shaken to see Sunanda there. Sunanda demands to meet Divakar right now or she would go to the police, Capt Ashok somehow composes himself & gets out on the pretext of getting Divakar & returns as Divakar. Meanwhile, a police officer comes with an arrest warrant for Capt. Paranjape for fraud, Divakar dismisses him with his demeanour of high ranking official & fake ID. He disappears on the pretext of resolving the warrant. On cross-examination of Sunanda, he asks her how come she marry a person in within 2 days of meeting him for the first time, without verifying anything ending with 'To mee navmesh'.
Next witness is Pramila. On her cross-examination, she is not able to produce single evidence. Basically Ashok Paranjape had anticipated this situation & made sure there isn't single evidence like letters, photos or the priest. Next witness is Chandra Chitre, who is a widow. She is a caretaker of a local temple. Hyder arrives disguised as an ascetic by the name Radhesham Maharaj. He stays there for 6 months & wins the confidence of all the villagers. He takes her young daughter Venu to Sajjangad on the pretext of divine call & disappears (assuming he killed Venu for the jewellery).
Next witness is Inspector Dev, who had arrested him from Nagpur. He diligently produces all the evidence of his earlier disguise. Lakhoba again toes his line of mistaken identity by insisting on the point that the inspector had not seen his face before arresting him. Lakhoba produces his wife as last witness, who identifies him as Lakhoba & gives a timeline of his marriage & disappearance from home on the pretext of business which matches with the timeline of his misdemeanours. Later Lakhoba is not able to produce any evidence that he is Lakhoba or a resident of Nippani. After climatic closing arguments, the judge gives his judgement against him since his negative argument of mistaken argument is not backed by any concrete evidence.
As police his takes him away, his elder brother pleads him to ask forgives to the lord & see his wife & mother. Lakhoba disrespects him & his god, an infuriated Sayyed stabs him to death.
A series of grotesque murders plagues the city of Mobile, Alabama where an unknown serial killer is killing women with a pump-action shotgun. A young race car driver, named Jimmy Clayton (Ted Prior), goes to the police where he talks with Lt. Detective Bruce Ellis (Jan-Michael Vincent) and his superior Captain Gavin (Glenn Ford) claiming that he has been having visions about the killer. Unfortunately, the police do not take him seriously, and Jimmy gets locked up as the suspect. A reporter named Gloria Freedman (Sandahl Bergman), who happens to be Ellis's ex-wife, falls in love with Jimmy and sets out prove his innocence and find the real killer.
Meanwhile, a rogue biker named Blake Garrett (Tex Cobb) learns about the murders and that Jimmy may be a suspect. He follows and accosts Gloria; telling her to stay away from Jimmy. Then Blake kidnaps Jimmy's younger sister Gina (Traci Lords) and attempts to leave the country with her, claiming that he is "protecting her". When Lt. Ellis begins to believe Jimmy's claims of innocence, he has Jimmy released and has him followed to find Blake who takes Gina to a local airport where he is attempting to leave the country with her. Thinking that Blake is the serial killer, the police chase him through the airport and in his pickup truck through the city where they corner him on a top ledge of a parking garage. When Jimmy attempts to talk to Blake, he releases Gina but drives his truck off the ledge and kills himself. When Captain Gavin finds a shotgun in Blake's truck which forensic tests prove it to be the murder weapon, the case of the "shotgun slayings" is closed. Or is it?
In the final scene, Gloria goes to Jimmy's house one evening for them go out on their first date when Jimmy begins acting strange toward her and suddenly attempts to kill her. It is revealed here that Jimmy really is the killer all along and that he committed the murders under a split-personality. Jimmy's alter ego, who is named 'Billy', murdered his and Gina's parents years earlier after they found out that Jimmy has dissociative identity disorder resulting from physical abuse by both his mother and father. Blake knew the whole time about Jimmy's D.I.D. and protected him out of blind loyalty. When Jimmy apparently discovered the truth, 'Billy' completely took over and he attempts to kill Gloria (A very similar plot twist and setting is used several years later in the 2005 thriller ''Hide and Seek''.) After a chase through the house, just when Gloria is about to be killed, Lt. Ellis runs in and saves her by shooting Billy/Jimmy dead.
Mike Mackenzie is a software entrepreneur who has sold his company for a substantial amount of money, but is now bored and looking for a new thrill. His new-found wealth has funded a genuine interest in art so when his friend Professor Robert Gissing presents him with a plan for the perfect crime, he willingly helps set that plan in motion.
With a vast collection but limited wall space, the National Gallery (on the TV adaptation, a Scottish bank) has many more valuable works of art in storage than it could ever display. The plan is to stage a heist at the Granton storage depot on "Doors Open Day" during which a selected group of paintings will be "stolen". The gang will then give the appearance of having panicked and fled without the works of art, but will have switched the real paintings with high quality forgeries good enough to convince anyone investigating the matter that no theft has been committed.
As they begin to flesh out the plan, it becomes clear that they need some "professional assistance" and a chance encounter with Chib Calloway, a local gangster who Mike went to school with, fulfils that need.
The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population. Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life.
Gravy works in a graveyard. One day his friend turns up in a car he doesn't recognise. His friend has a bullet in his chest. Gravy is asked to hide the gun and the body. In the back of the car is blood, and a bag full of money. Soon Gravy is caught up in a robbery gone wrong and is pursued by some desperate and mysterious men as well as the police.
Category:2009 British novels Category:Novels by Ian Rankin Category:Orion Books books
Three children, Karl, Michael and Addy, encounter a giant panda named Stillwater. The panda carries a red umbrella and speaks in a "slight panda accent". For the next three days, the three kids visit Stillwater. The panda rewards each with instructive anecdotes. To Michael he tells a story about good and bad boundaries, he tells Addy a story about the value of material goods, and Karl a story on how to hold frustration. Two of them are from Zen Buddhist literature and the other story is from Taoism. The stories illustrate the importance of meditation, and encourage readers to think about things that may be hard to imagine. They have strong themes about open-mindedness, compassion, and not getting too upset about things.
The name of the first story "Uncle Ry and the Moon" is a reference to the Zen hermit Ryokan Taigu. In it, Uncle Ry lives in a lonely place, and finds a thief in his house. Taking pity on the poverty of the thief, Ry gives him his own robe, his only possession.
The next story is the Taoist story of "The Farmer's Luck", where what first appears to be bad luck turns out to be good luck, and vice versa.
The final story "A Heavy Load" is a version of a Zen story of two monks who meet a woman unable to cross some water. The older monk carries the woman across, but she fails to thank him. The young monk broods on the incident, but the older one says, "I set the woman down hours ago. Why are you still carrying her?"
High-spirited young Ossi Oswalda is the bane of her uncle and governess' existence. She insists on playing poker and smoking and talks with strange men on the street. When her uncle leaves to take up a new job, she looks forward to enjoying new freedom. Her hopes are dashed when her new guardian Dr. Kersten proves to be strict and unyielding. Frustrated with her cloistered life, Ossi sneaks out on the town dressed as a young man. She finds that being a man has its own disadvantages when she discovers she is not given the same gentle treatment when she is masquerading as a male. She decides to attend a lavish ball in her new disguise. Soon, Dr. Kersten appears at the ball trying to woo a young lady and Ossi vengefully tries to steal her away from her hated guardian. Eventually, another man attracts the woman's attention, and the disguised Ossi and the doctor reconcile. The two proceed to bond over cigars and champagne. After the ball is over, the pair drunkenly stumble home, exchanging inebriated kisses. After they pass out in a hired cab, the driver mistakenly leaves Ossi at the doctor's house and drops off the doctor at Ossi's home. Upon waking up in strange house, Ossi becomes alarmed and runs home where the doctor has woken up and is trying to sneak out of the house undetected. Still in disguise, she pretends she is visiting her cousin Ossi and the doctor begs her not to tell his ward about their "adventure". Ossi agrees and goes upstairs where she begins to undress. The doctor comes in to wake her and is astonished to see Ossi wearing a man's suit. The tables are turned when Ossi scolds him for his behavior. Giving in to the attraction he feels for her, the doctor kisses her.
The film portrays Noah as a resident of Sodom and Gomorrah. The two towns are fighting each other simply for the amusement of their residents. During the fight, Lot, Noah's friend, is injured in the fight, and comes to Noah for help. At the end of the fight, the leader of Gomorrah is killed with his head chopped off and put on a stake, as Sodom claims victory. The next day, Noah's sons excitedly ask their father if he took part in the deadly fight. God then asks Noah to go to Mount Tubac, where God reveals that the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah has provoked God to destroy the cities.
After Noah fails to find ten righteous people other than Lot and his wife, Noah and his family flee the city with Lot and his wife, who looks back at Sodom as it is being destroyed by fire and brimstone and turns into a pillar of salt.
The next day, they encounter a peddler selling household goods including pots, pans, hats, etc., which is believed to be God in disguise.
Ten years later, Noah and his family are skilled farmers, and his sons are now adults. Lot is also now a villain, as he kills another man for his shoes, and reveals that he used to have faith in God after He sent down the fire and brimstone to Sodom and Gomorrah, but his faith didn't bring him any money, and so he turned to the false gods of the other pagan cultures. One of the sons finds Ruth's Mother crying because her daughter Ruth has been kidnapped by three priests of Mole, the rain god, and will be offered as a sacrifice to Mole in the temple of the god. When Noah is notified by his sons, he warns the people in the temple, who are cheerfully waiting for Ruth to be sacrificed, that they will suffer a worse punishment than the people of Sodom did, and God rips the roof of the temple off and sends thunder and snakes into the building, while striking the three priests with dumbness, blindness and deafness.
God later reveals his plan to flood the world as well, and tells Noah to build an ark. The animals going to the ark pass through the village, which makes the villagers angry. The day the world floods, the angry villagers gather in front of the ark and mock him. When the rain starts, the villagers start to celebrate as it had not rained in years, but Noah and his family quickly board the ark with all the animals and he decided send the boys to bring three girls onboard: Miriam, Esther and Ruth. As the world starts to flood with all of their citizens drowning, Ruth is instructed to come without her mother though she resists doing so at first, and all of Noah's family is thus safe.
Many days have now passed since the flood, the same peddler they encountered the day after Sodom was destroyed by God appears in his now water-converted transportation to give them more supplies.
The village leader and Lot are still alive and they have formed boats of their own. Lot has now become commander after killing the village leader in a fight. He orders the people on the boat to take over the ark, using ropes to try to climb over, but are beaten by Noah and his family with the help of the animals of the ark. God then sends a tidal wave going toward the boat, killing everyone on board as Lot gives off an evil laugh.
After many months impatiently waiting on the ark, Noah and his family are finally free from it as it lands on a mountain, and a new life on Earth begins.
Zenchi Naigu, a Heian period Buddhist priest, is more concerned with diminishing his overly long, dangling nose than he is with studying and teaching the sūtras. Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke. "The Nose." 1916. Rashōmon and 17 Other Stories. Trans. Jay Rubin. New York City: Penguin Group, 2006. 3-9. He pretends to ignore his nose in fear it will be mentioned, and studies religious texts in a desperate attempt to find a person with a nose like his. When in private, he constantly checks his nose in a mirror, hoping for even the smallest amount of shrinkage.
One autumn, a disciple reveals he has learned a new technique to shrink noses from a friend, a Chinese doctor who has become a high-ranking priest at the Chōrakuji temple in Kyoto. At first, Naigu feigns disinterest, to appeal to the misconception that he is unconcerned with his nose, but eventually “gives in” to his disciple's insisting. The disciple first boils the nose, then stomps on it, finally removing the beads of fat the treatment extracts from the nose. To Naigu's satisfaction, the nose, once dangling past his chin, is now the size of a typical hooked nose.
Naigu, excited but nervous, sets about his weekly routines. He is surprised, however, to find the people he encounters laughing at him far more openly than they had before. Naigu becomes bitter and harsh, to the point where one disciple proclaims: “Naigu will be punished for treating us so harshly instead of teaching us Buddha’s Law”. People continue to laugh at Naigu for his vanity, until one day, Naigu wakes up, and to his relief and rejoicing, his nose has returned to its original length.
Professor Bird (Woolsey) and his partner, Sparrow (Wheeler), are a pair of charlatan fortune tellers who are bankrupt and stranded at a Mexican resort just south of the border. An heiress, Ruth Chester (June Clyde), appears, who is running away from her aunt, Fanny Furst (Jobyna Howland). She is in love with an American pilot, Billy Shannon (Hugh Trevor), but her aunt wishes her to marry the European nobleman, The Baron (Ivan Lebedeff), whom the aunt believes is the "right" type of person for her niece.
Sparrow, meanwhile has fallen in love with a young American girl, Anita (Dorothy Lee), who has been living with a band of Gypsies. This creates an issue, since the leader of the Gypsy band, Julius (Mitchell Lewis), has had his eye on Anita for years.
When Fannie Furst arrives, she attempts to persuade Ruth into marrying the Baron, but unbeknownst by Fannie, The Baron is only interested in marrying Ruth for her money. During the course of events, Fannie falls in love with Bird, but when the Baron finds out that Ruth is engaged to Billy, he conspires with Julius to kidnap her. During the kidnapping, Anita is also taken, and the girls are taken deeper into Mexico. Bird, Sparrow and Billy track them down and recover the girls, and they live happily ever after.
In the windswept heathland around 1900, the poor Helga leaves her home to work on a farm. Here she is seduced by the gentleman and pregnant with his child. He refuses to acknowledge paternity, and expelled from the local community, Helga now has to fight alone to stay alive. In times of need, she gets a place at Torpegård, where Gudmund lives with his old mother. His fiancé, however, is anything but enthusiastic about Helga's presence.
As World War II ends, African-American army sergeant Jerry Jackson is stationed in Italy. Local gangsters want to use him as a conduit to obtain supplies that the military has access to which can then be sold on the black market, but Jerry remains honest and refuses their attempts to bribe him. Soon however, he falls in love with Angela, an Italian woman who had earlier helped save his life and who now finds herself stranded in the area in a fruitless attempt to find her brother. Realizing that Angela is perilously close to having to turn to prostitution, Jerry relents and makes a deal with the gangsters, hoping to make enough money to support Angela. After he is caught and jailed, Jerry escapes from his prison camp and deserts, searching for a way that he and Angela can run away to be together.
Sandra (Rossi Drago) searches for her missing sister. For this, she enters the morally degraded seaside of Genoa.
Turin: Sandra, daughter of a guardian, is engaged to Roberto, employed in a construction company. The girl has a sister, Lucia, who has been estranged from home following a relationship deemed illicit. A friend of Lucia is killed and thrown into the Po; Desperate Lucia tries to commit suicide, in agony she telephones and asks Sandra for help. To find Lucia, Sandra asks for help from the ambiguous Edmondo, known in the prostitution world. Edmondo recognizes Lucia's photo, but does not reveal it to Sandra. The reality is bitter: Lucia is employed by Primavera, an exploiter. Edmondo tries to prevent Sandra from finding her sister; Lured into a local misunderstanding, Sandra is arrested in a police roundup. Released she manages to reconnect with the exploiters who offer a ransom to free Lucia.
A happy but daring ending with a shooting in the port of Genoa.
Misadventures of the maid Maria through several employers. Maria, a beautiful but no longer very young waitress, waiting to steal her boyfriend Filiberto who has been postponing the wedding for fifteen years, during a torrid summer constantly changes employers through newspaper ads, finding herself involved in various misadventures.
She initially works with a lawyer, but is fired when the latter, having learned that he has been betrayed by his wife, accuses her of being complicit in her deception. Then hired by a famous prose actor, she manages to reconcile him with her wife, jealous of an actress whose husband has fallen in love.
On the day of August 15, she finds a job with a traveling salesman who is bedridden by an illness, but the apartment is turned upside down by several untimely visitors. She finally takes up service with a math teacher who practices yoga and dabbles in occultism.
During a séance, she learns that her fiancé's uncle has died. The wedding can thus finally be celebrated, despite the fact that before the ceremony it is known that the uncle's inheritance has belonged to the faithful guardian of the villa.
Stefano, a naval officer for some time not operating on ships following a removal and therefore seconded to a Ministry, is warned that his wife Elena secretly transmits military designs and projects that he guarded to foreign powers. The wife is warned by an accomplice and prepares to leave: she greets her son in tears and begins to pack the bags.
But the officer runs back: the woman locks herself inside the room and shoots herself two shots, killing herself. In order not to suffer painful repercussions, the truth about the fate of the mother is not revealed to the little child and the father, forced to remain silent in order not to reveal his intimate secrets, cannot reveal the true causes of the suicide; he is accused of uxoricide but, through the oratory ability of his lawyer, he is acquitted at the following trial for lack of evidence. But this acquittal, instead of benefiting him, disfavors him: his relatives turn against him, preventing him from seeing his son, and the Ministry of the Navy requires him to resign. He closed all possibilities of work in Italy, he went to South Africa, but there the war broke out and was closed in a concentration camp. Tired, emaciated and with worn clothes, he returns to Italy penniless and with an illness in progress. His son, now grown, was previously stirred up by his grandmother and sees him as responsible for his mother's death.
One evening he meets a prostitute, Wanda, who lends him money: the officer, now on the verge of desperation, tries his luck at the game and fate hangs on his side: he wins a large sum and, having landed in the business field, carries out the right investments becoming very rich, enough to convince Wanda to live with him. The woman's decision, however, annoys Marco about her, her previous lover, who repeatedly tries to convince her that that relationship cannot have a future. The officer and Wanda thus still spend some time in this situation, until the illness and death of Nadina, an old friend of Wanda's, combined with the reappearance of her son about to embark on the paternal career for which we need the approval. of the parent's signature - does not unlock everything. The father tearfully greets his novice sailor son aboard the ship, now reconciled, while Wanda, in order not to get in the way of her career, is forced to leave that cohabitation.
When the wide-eyed Lina (Giulietta Masina) lands in a women's prison, she meets a world-weary prostitute named Egle (Anna Magnani) who looks out for her. After Egle teaches Lina what she knows and begins to harden the girl, Lina commits another crime on the outside and winds up back in jail, a shell of her former self. Egle, meanwhile, who had taken a genuine liking to Lina, has tried to better herself and is shocked to see what has become of her former protégé.
Doris Putzke (Giulietta Masina) is fond of dating men in her quest for finding the perfect one. In her brief relationships, she goes from one disillusionment to another, constantly deluding herself about the intentions of her lovers.
Bertille is an old woman living in the French countryside who is preparing to sell her home and move in with her daughter. Before she sells the property, she invites her children for a last visit at their childhood home. This visit brings about typical family reminiscences and conflicts, including the homecoming of her youngest son who has been in prison.
The comic is set in a world in which larger-than-life pulp science heroes and villains have existed since the early 19th century. The original super was an escaped convict named Kenneth Lee who became Black Death. His powers came from a radioactive object which landed in New England over 200 years ago. Other notable supers include the descendants of the soldiers who were chasing him including the Doc Savage-esque "Professor Zeppelin" and the Shadow-esque "Lazarus". After World War II, the SOS agency created by Zeppelin has kept most stories about the supers out of the news, portraying them as freak weather events.
The comic deals with former science villain Zack Overkill, who is in the Witness Protection Program after giving testimony against Black Death. Zack is required to take a drug that eliminates his super abilities and delivers mail in an office.
To escape the boredom of a normal life, Zack experiments with illegal drugs. He discovers that they interfere with the power-blocking drug and he once again has his super strength. He begins wearing a mask again and searches for action in the streets and back alleys, acting as a vigilante rather than a supervillain. His actions reveal to Black Death that he is alive; several of Black Death's soldiers attempt to kill Zack for his testimony.
During the story, Zack learns about the origins of heroes and villains, and his own connection to Lazarus. After working with Professor Zeppelin's daughter Zoe, Zack decides to work with SOS to avoid boredom and Black Death's agents.
In the second series, ''Bad Influences'', Zack is now an agent for the SOS, and given a new assignment: appear to go rogue so he can go underground and bring back an SOS agent who infiltrated Level 9, a science-villain organization. But while doing so, someone is using the identity of Lazarus to wipe out science villains. SOS incorrectly believes Zack had gone rogue, and he is imprisoned in the same prison as Black Death.
Antonio Alcántara (Imanol Arias) and Mercedes Fernández (Ana Duato) are a married couple that have emigrated in the 1960s from Sagrillas, a (fictional) small village in the province of Albacete, to San Genaro, a (also fictional) working-class suburb in Madrid, along with her mother Herminia (María Galiana) and their three children, Inés (Irene Visedo), Toni ( ) and Carlos (Ricardo Gómez) seeking a better life away from the hardships of an impoverished countryside. Antonio works as an office assistant at the Ministry of Agriculture headquarters in the mornings and at Don Pablo's (José Sancho) printing house in the afternoons. Mercedes and Herminia make trousers for a department store at home while doing the housekeeping. Inés works at Nieves' ( ) hair salon across the street along with Pili (Lluvia Rojo), Toni is starting a law degree, making him the first Alcántara going to university and Carlos spends his school days with his best friends Josete ( ) and Luis (Manuel Dios). With great effort and hard work they are able to purchase in instalments their first television set, their first washing machine, their first car (a SEAT 800) and even spend their first vacations at Benidorm where they see the sea for the first time.
As time goes by, Antonio leaves his jobs at the Ministry and the printing house to work for Don Pablo in other business ventures. One of them, the building company ''Construcciones Nueva York'' turns out to be a large fraud planned by Don Pablo and his partners in order to embezzle the funds and blame Antonio. Antonio is taken to court, the truth is revealed in the trial and finally Don Pablo is convicted and imprisoned. After this, he starts working in another printing house, ''Gráficas Usillos'', a business that he eventually purchases and renames ''Alcántara Rotopress''. He stands in the first free democratic general election after Franco's death, on the list of UCD for the Congress of Deputies for the Albacete constituency. He does not get the seat but he is directly appointed by Adolfo Suárez, General Director of Agrarian Production of the Ministry of Agriculture under the Second Suárez Cabinet, a position in the same office where he worked in a subordinate role years before. With his new position and with the printing house running well, the family is able to move their residence from the humble San Genaro to the upper class Salamanca neighbourhood. He sells the printing house, is removed from the position in the Ministry and he starts a flags and banners factory named ''Estandartes y Banderas'' alongside his best friend Desi (Roberto Cairo). When the ''Banco de Granada'', the bank where Antonio and Mercedes have all their savings and the mortgage of the Salamanca neighbourhood apartment, declares bankruptcy, their financial situation becomes precarious and they have to move back to San Genaro, selling their luxurious apartment at a loss in order to cover their debts. After this, he starts an olive oil distribution business with his brother Miguel (Juan Echanove), but their business is ruined when they are falsely accused of causing the toxic oil syndrome. Antonio becomes addicted to gambling, his health worsens when he develops angina and he has an affair that puts his marriage in jeopardy. With the money recovered from the ''Banco de Granada'' years after its bankruptcy, and the land the family own in Sagrillas, they open up the vineyard and winery ''Bodega Alcántara Fernández e Hijos'' and they run the business until a devastating fire destroys the winery. He starts a travel agency named ''Viajes Milano'' and he even gets a licence to drive coaches.
Mercedes, tired of sewing trousers, starts to design and sell her own outfits. The sales go well, so she teams up with Nieves to open a boutique named ''Meyni'' in the hair salon premises, hiring Pili as shop assistant and using the back room as a workshop. As the business prospers, Don Pablo decides to invest his money in it, and the clothing production is moved to a fully equipped dressmaking factory at Don Pablo's premises, hiring a team of dressmakers and even hiring Antonio and Desi as salesmen. ''Meyni'' reaches its peak of success when they run a fashion show in front of Carmen Polo, but the company does not outlast the economic crisis and they eventually have to close the factory. After Nieves' departure, Mercedes teams up with Pili to convert the boutique into a unisex hair salon. After giving birth to María, the Alcántaras' fourth child, she decides to finish her secondary school studies and even completes a degree in Economics. She also works for some time as a real estate agent. She suffers a health scare when she is diagnosed with breast cancer and has a mastectomy. With her experience in design and in the fashion industry she starts a firm to make swimwear for women recovering from mastectomies and once completely recovered she is one of the first women in Spain to undergo a breast reconstruction. In the family winery she takes care of the bookkeeping. To help battered women in a shelter she teaches them sewing first and she transforms the sewing workshop into a firm to make clothing for women of all sizes later.
Inés, after breaking up with her lifelong boyfriend, travels to London with Nieves. There she falls in love with Mike (William Miller) and she decides not to come back. When they break up, she returns and she starts an acting career with the help of Eugenio ( ), the new San Genaro parish's young priest. When Mike appears in Madrid looking for her, she decides to follow him to Ibiza to live in a hippie commune. Antonio and Mercedes try by all means to take her back but she doesn't return until she becomes disillusioned with her life there. Back in Madrid she helps Eugenio with the social events in the parish. They spend so much time together that they finally fall in love. Eugenio undergoes secularization and they get married. Inés continues with her acting career and she is wrongly linked with a member of the terrorist group ETA for which she is arrested and imprisoned. When released, whilst awaiting court and pregnant, she decides to escape to France with Eugenio, where their son Antonio Oriol is born and where they break up. Later she moves to Argentina with Oriol. She is able to return to Spain after the amnesty is promulgated. Once in Madrid she gets into La Movida Madrileña nightlife scene and becomes addicted to drugs, while Oriol lives with Eugenio in Cuenca. When the family becomes aware of her addiction, they take her to Sagrillas and help her to get clean. After this, her acting career starts to take off, having the leading role in several movies and stage plays. When Eugenio dies in a car accident, Inés takes Oriol to live with her. In the family winery she helps Antonio with the foreign orders. She has a relationship with Marcos (Carlos Cuevas) for some time. After many years apart, she runs into Mike and they end up getting married.
Toni becomes embroiled in political struggle while finishing his degree, along with his young love Marta (Anna Allen), actively protesting against the ''Régime''. After university, he does his compulsory military service and starts working as a journalist in the newspaper '' ''. There he is paired up with Juana ( ), a photographer, whom he falls in love with and finally marries in Gibraltar. In the meantime, he quits his job at the newspaper when he is hired by Antonio to manage a magazine he is launching and to run his printing house. Later, he leaves those jobs to join a firm of labour lawyers. His marriage does not last long and Juana leaves him. After the separation and losing his job, he moves to Rome from where he returns immediately after he finds out about Mercedes' illness. Back in Madrid he starts working in a radio station. Two years after their breakup, he runs into Juana who is accompanied by a little boy named Santiago (Víctor Garrido). Juana later reveals that she was pregnant when she left him, and that Santiago is his son. While broadcasting live on the radio from the Congress of Deputies the vote to elect Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as the country's new Prime Minister, he witnesses the 23-F ''coup d'état'' attempt from inside the Congress building. He moves to London, where Juana is living, to be near his son for some time. Back in Madrid he starts working as an investigative journalist, and puts his life in danger investigating several shady dealings. Fearing for his life and wanting to avoid putting his family in danger, he flees to London. When accepting a position in Televisión Española's news service, he decides to return to Madrid with his new fiancée Deborah (Paloma Bloyd), and he becomes a ''Telediario'' news anchor first and an ''Informe Semanal'' reporter later. Toni and Deborah get married and they have a daughter named Sol. He leaves his job in television when he is appointed General Director of Informative Relations under the Third González Cabinet.
Carlos spends his childhood going to school and playing in a vacant lot with Josete and Luis. He drives Antonio, Mercedes and Herminia crazy because he is a restless child. When he is in high school, Karina (Elena Rivera) and her mother move into the apartment next door. He gets into reading and writing and he wins a prize with a short story he writes. He starts dating Karina but the relationship has its ups and downs. Instead of starting a degree upon finishing high school, he decides to do his compulsory military service. There he meets Marcelo ( ). After service, he starts a degree in Business Management in a private university, but he does not finish the first year. He opens a nightclub and he is accused of drug dealing. As he does not betray his business partner, who is the dealer, he is arrested and imprisoned. In prison he is attacked and almost dies, but is released when found to be innocent. After prison, he continues to write and he even publishes his first novel. He is also in a long sporadic relationship with Julia (Claudia Traisac), his summer love from Sagrillas. When finding Luis in a bad way, he takes him to Sagrillas and helps him to recover, while taking care of the winery. When recovered, Luis takes over the winery's everyday management. Josete and Marcelo join them in Sagrillas and they all help Carlos to start a rural tourism small lodging named ''La Casa de Doña Pura'' as it is the former cottage of his deceased grandmother Pura (Terele Pávez). Karina marries another man and, after a one-night stand with Carlos, gets pregnant. She gives birth to a baby, Olivia, although it is not clear if she is Carlos' daughter or not, and when her husband finds out about the infidelity, they break up. Carlos takes care of her and the baby and, finally, he proposes and they get married. After some time working as a motorcycle courier he starts working in an advertising agency. Karina accepts a position in New York, Carlos follows her and there he starts to write down his family's story from the beginning.
The Alcántaras' story is narrated from an indefinite present by an adult Carlos (voiced by Carlos Hipólito). Their story is directly and indirectly affected by the events and the social, economical and political changes occurring in Spain from the late 1960s until the early 1990s. The Alcántaras are also direct and indirect witnesses of the historic acts occurring those days, including, among many others, when Antonio, Mercedes, Carlos and Miguel witness the car bombing that kills Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco; when Toni chronicles the Portuguese Carnation Revolution from Lisbon; when all the family queue for hours at Franco's funeral chapel; when Carlos, Karina and Josete get trapped in the Alcalá 20 nightclub fire; when Antonio and Mercedes take part in the famous game show ''Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez''; when all the family leave El Descanso restaurant just as it suffers a terrorist attack; when Antonio proudly attends, at the Royal Palace, the solemn signing of the agreement by which Spain and Portugal joined the European Economic Community; when Inés, Marcos and Oriol come out of the Hipercor bombing unscathed; when Toni reports live from Berlin the fall of the Wall; when Toni and his cameraman are kidnapped in Iraq during the Gulf War and when Antonio, Mercedes, Toni and Oriol attend the opening ceremony of the 1992 Summer Olympics.
A thief has just one morning to fix the damage done during the biggest heist of his career, all while attempting to repair his relationship with his ex-wife.[ Val Kilmer, Wilmer Valderrama and Marg Helgenberger to Star in Columbus Day]
Shortly before Christmas, Walter and Audrey decide to leave home for a tropical vacation. Their children Drake and Megan come home while Josh shows them his snowman air balloon decoration, which Megan sabotages. Later at the mall, Drake tells Josh that he will be throwing a Christmas party on the roof of Josh's workplace, the Premiere theater, which Josh is unsure of, but Helen approves on the condition that Drake dresses as Santa at the mall. While hiding from a woman looking to kiss him, Drake meets a little girl named Mary Alice who says she is a fan of his music. In his rush to get away, Drake accidentally makes an unbreakable promise that he will give her family the best Christmas ever.
At the party, Craig and Eric suggest to Drake that he perform a song in the upcoming Christmas parade, but Drake explains that he will be in Las Vegas at a concert. Later on, some party crashers show up whom Josh calls the police on, but he falls off the roof after they arrive during a mix-up, landing in the back of a moving pickup truck with the police trailing close behind, eventually rolling out only to be arrested. In jail, he meets his cellmate, Bludge. At first, Bludge tries to beat him up until Josh entertains him with magic tricks. However, Bludge explains that he has a tough-guy image to maintain, but since he likes Josh, they agree on a compromise: Bludge will hit various parts of the cell while Josh pretends to shout in pain, giving the other convicts the illusion that Bludge is beating him up.
Knowing he must fulfill his promise after Mary Alice tells him about her sick foster mom and busy foster dad, Drake attempts to break Josh out to help him, only to get caught and arrested. Drake and Josh are sent to court, with Helen acting as their lawyer. She informs Judge Newman of Drake's promise to Mary Alice, who decides that they will not be sent to jail as long as they fulfill it. Afterwards, they meet their cruel and embittered parole officer Perry Gilbert, who says he will ask Mary Alice's family if they had the best Christmas ever; if any of them say "no", they will go to jail. The duo soon meet Mary Alice's foster family, which include frequently feuding twins Lily and Violet, Zigfee, a foreign boy who speaks an unknown language, know-it-all Trey, and Mary Alice's rebellious, loner older brother Luke. They find many possibilities to give the family the best Christmas ever, but their attempts are foiled by Gilbert. Drake and Josh enlist Megan's help to sabotage Officer Gilbert's doings by bribing her with Trevor's rare Smith Royal oboe; however, she stops upon discovering it was fake.
After getting several more tickets from Officer Gilbert, they do some research on him; Josh then visits Gilbert's mother, who explains that as a child, Officer Gilbert always wanted a live pet chimpanzee for Christmas. One Christmas morning, he found one sitting in a cage by the tree. However, when he opened the cage door to play with it, the chimp attacked him, urinated on him, then jumped out the window, causing him to hate Christmas ever since. Drake and Josh realize that since Christmas was ruined for him, he wants to ruin it for everyone else.
Drake and Josh eventually decide to take Mary Alice's family caroling; however, nobody in their neighborhood listens to them. The group decides to put on a concert, performing a rock rendition of "12 Days of Christmas", which the entire family loves so much they decide to perform it in the Christmas parade. At the parade, Gilbert tricks Crazy Steve into loudly reminding the duo in front of Mary Alice that they will go to prison if they do not keep their promise. Believing they were only being nice to avoid punishment, Mary Alice and her family leave, heartbroken. Despite the family's anger towards them, Drake and Josh are determined to keep their promise. Meanwhile, they also send Gilbert a nice chimpanzee as a Christmas present along with a heartfelt letter, which causes him to begin loving Christmas again. They then borrow Steve's wood chipper ("Sally") to make it snow in front of Mary Alice's house by putting ice in the machine, but it inadvertently shoots large chunks at the house, shattering all the windows. After the machine knocks both brothers unconscious, Gilbert brings them home.
The brothers enter the living room the next morning, where Mary Alice's family surprises them, having learned the truth from Gilbert. The vote is held, with everyone voting "yes". Drake and Josh are officially off probation with the charges dropped. Bludge, dressed as Santa, then comes down the chimney to deliver gifts to everyone, including a real Smith Royal oboe for Megan. Josh's girlfriend Mindy, who had left town for the holidays, arrives too after hearing about everything that happened, and Steve gets Sally to make snow by using 7,000 pounds of hard cheese. Drake and Josh's parents then arrive home from their troubled vacation at their "bungalow", which turned out to be a small hut made of bamboo and was blown away earlier in a tropical storm. As everyone plays in the blanket of "cheese snow", they truly have the best Christmas ever.
Roxy Hunter (Aria Wallace) walks out of school to find a new boy from Transylvania named Stefan (Connor Price) being bullied. Finally snapping, Stefan throws his lunch at Seth (Connor McAuley), the head bully. However, Seth ducks, and the food hits Roxy, and the two of them start a fierce rivalry. On her mother Susan's (Robin Brule) advice, she decides to try to make peace with Stefan.
Meanwhile, Max (Demetrius Joyette) is having his last day at Moody Mansion, before his parents come to pick him up. However, he learns that they can't come because of getting a huge cut of a gold mining expedition via video chat. Heartbroken, Max skips out on dinner and spends all of his time in his bedroom. Meanwhile, Susan is slightly shocked to find out that Jon (Yannick Bisson) wants to move in with her.
When Roxy goes to visit Stefan at his house, she sees an old woman (Maria Lebb) stirring something strangely red in a cauldron. When Roxy points out that the house is so quiet and dark, Stefan says his uncle Vlad Petrescu (Juan Chioran) sleeps during the day, and is very sensitive to light. When they go into Stefan's room, Vlad enters a short while after, telling them to keep the noise down. As he leaves, Roxy notices something red on his hand, as though dried blood.
At home, she quickly starts to believe that Stefan's family are vampires. She meets Stefan at a small gazebo in the woods with garlic and different holy relics to test whether or not he is a vampire. He passes the test, but it is clear that he has no idea that his uncle is a vampire. Roxy hastily says goodbye and runs off.
Finding Seth and his gang, Roxy tells them about this, and they go and investigate. Roxy and Seth find several wooden crates in Vlad's barn. In one of them is a horrifying painting. Vlad hears their screaming, and the club shoots him with garlic and holy water-loaded water guns, they realized that Vlad is not affected and they run off, but Vlad manages to catch Roxy. When he calls Susan over, Roxy blurts out "''He's a vampire!''". Vlad then explains that he is a painter and the "blood" on his hands is merely red paint. Roxy apologizes, but still gets grounded. However, she receives a letter from Stefan saying to meet him at the gazebo. Once there, Roxy learns that Stefan's parents are very poor, and his father (Martin Roach), an artist, hoped that Vlad, who is really a family friend, could sell his paintings (the ones that Roxy found in the crates the previous day) in America, but it turns out that Vlad has signed his name on the paintings to sell them for his own benefit.
Meanwhile, Max meets up with his old friend Jill (Tara Shelley) to egg the sheriff's house. However, the eggs were actually hard-boiled and break right through the window. While everyone else runs off, Max stays, knowing he deserves to be punished. The sheriff tells him about a high school prank gone wrong, resulting in the entire school burning down. His father tried to send him to a military academy, but he ran away to go on an amateur music tour. When he got back, he wanted to tell his father that he had learned that he was acting in his son's best interest, but his father had died. He ends the story by letting Max off the hook after telling him that, though his parents have let him down, it does not mean that they do not love him.
Susan gives Roxy a spark of idea on how to stop Vlad and make him confess: scaring the confession out of him. They set up a haunted house, with various scares along the way, until it ends in Vlad running into the forest. Roxy says that she is a vampire, and that she will turn him into a living dead. Terrified, he confesses to his crimes, and the sheriff, who was spying on Roxy's plan takes him to jail for.
At dinner, Jon proposes to Susan. She accepts and they are engaged. Max learns to overcome his depression. Best of all, with the money for the paintings, Stefan's parents are able to come to America.
The Addams Family consists of husband and wife, Gomez and Morticia Addams, their children, Wednesday and Pugsley, as well as Grandmama, Uncle Fester, and their butler, Lurch. The Addams' are a close-knit extended family with decidedly macabre interests and supernatural abilities. No explanation for their powers is explicitly given in the series. Some of the episodes in this series are remakes of the original TV series' episodes with some episodes being exclusive to this show.
Later episodes introduce a relative named Grandpapa Addams who had similar traits to Gomez. Grandpapa Addams was played by John Astin, who had played Gomez in the original series.
After working in Greenland for almost nine years, Martin (Poul Reichhardt) returns in 1920 to his childhood home, hoping to benefit from the short-lived economic boom following the First World War.
He takes a quick tour of the now-industrialized city and greets his old friends at the inn, and then visits his puppy love Martha (Astrid Villaume). She is delighted to see him, but tells him she has married someone else. Fearing Martin's reaction, she decides not to mention her spouse is Martin's childhood comrade Just (William Rosenberg), a stubborn and hardworking farmer. Upon learning of this, Martin becomes emotionally frustrated. Even so, he accepts Just's offer of work and accommodation at his farm. He learns that Just is in conflict with his uncle Bent (Jørn Jeppesen), co-owner of the farm, who wants to sell the property before their money situation worsens. Just angrily resists, hoping to borrow money from the bank to tide them over.
Meanwhile, young farmworkers Henrik (Ib Mossin) and Jesper (Bertel Lauring) share a romantic interest in Just and Martha's daughter Inge (Puk Schaufuss). Henrik asks Inge to accompany him to a party in the city, but she declines, insisting she has to work that night. Henrik becomes angry when he later sees Inge at the party with Jesper. Henrik confronts Inge and demands an explanation while Jesper, who is drunk, visits the restroom. Inge explains she was not planning on attending, but changed her mind at the last minute. Henrik and Inge enjoy themselves on the dance floor. As the drunken Jesper makes his way back to Inge, he is pulled aside by Erna (Birthe Lundsgaard), who informs him that she is pregnant with his child. Jesper denies being the only man to have had sex with Erna, a statement that enrages her. When Jesper says he intends to do nothing, Erna slaps him. Jesper loses his temper and grabs Erna by the wrists. Erna, in tears, tells Jesper she knows he is trying to seduce Inge and calls him a playboy. Insulted, Jesper returns to the dance floor, only to find Inge embracing and kissing Henrik. A fight breaks out, and Jesper and Henrik are kicked out of the party.
Back at the farm, Just and his wife meet with their attorney H. C. Holm (Knud Hallest), who tells them the bank will never lend them money as long as they have unpaid loans. Fearing eviction, Martha goes to Martin to ask for help. Out of his feelings for Martha, Martin agrees to loan them about 40,000 ''Kroner''. His pride hurt, Just refuses to accept help, especially from Martin, who he accuses of flirting with his wife. Martha decides to set parts of the farm on fire, hoping to collect the insurance money. When Just's best horse becomes trapped in the flames, Martin delivers the suffering horse a coup de grâce. When Martha learns that the farm was not sufficiently damaged for an insurance claim, she decides to try again. By chance, Martin discovers the second "accident", and puts the fire out. He becomes suspicious when he finds the remains of a candle and some old newspapers. Fearing Martha had something to do with it, he tells no one.
As a few weeks have passed, Bent informs Just he will declare bankruptcy on behalf of the farm unless he sells. With little choice, Just ends up accepting Martin's money. Martin ends up marrying Martha's friend Karen (Birgit Sadolin), who has been infatuated with him since his return. At the same time, Inge enthusiastically accepts Henrik's marriage proposal. Sober and ashamed of his actions, Jesper declares he will accept responsibility for his child with Erna, but he cannot marry her, because his mother would never accept it.
The film opens with a scene of a burial in a large suburban cemetery. Mourners, many of them young people, surround a casket while a eulogist speaks. An older couple dressed in black is closest to the casket, suggesting that they are the deceased's parents. The grief-stricken father weeps openly and his wife comforts him.
The story then cuts from the cemetery to a car swerving erratically on a street. Inside is 17-year-old Richie Werner (Robby Benson), who is doing drugs in the car with his three friends. The driver, Brick, is pulled over for his erratic driving. The police officer says he's willing to let Brick off the hook as a favor, but expects favors in return from Brick, who agrees.
This is the beginning of a series of episodes that bring Richie into conflict with his father George (Ben Gazzara), a stern man who loves his son, but has trouble expressing his feelings. Eileen Brennan plays Richie's loving but ineffectual mother Carol, and Lance Kerwin plays his younger brother Russell, whom Richie is very protective of despite his own demons.
Father and son make genuine attempts to meet each other halfway and see some success. Richie gets a job, although he loses it later when Brick and his thugs show up there. George even helps Richie get closer to Sheila (Cynthia Eilbacher), a girl from school that he likes. But the father-son relationship worsens as social pressures and personal feelings drive Richie deeper into his drug addiction; as his drug abuse escalates, they have increasingly violent confrontations. Family counseling is offered, but George refuses to participate.
The movie's climax comes when George intervenes by informing the police of his son's activities in a desperate attempt to save his life. Richie confronts his father in a drug-induced rage (from ingestion of what is referred to as "reds", usually slang for barbiturates ), threatening him with an awl. George retreats to the basement in the family's home, where Richie follows him. George retrieves a revolver from his toolbox and aims it at Richie, but does not fire it, cocking the hammer back in an attempt to convince his son that he is not bluffing. Richie screams repeatedly for his father to shoot him. George manages to overpower Richie by knocking the awl from his hand, but Richie retreats upstairs and returns to the basement with a pair of scissors and taunts his father over and over again, daring him to shoot him, approaching him closer, thinking that George doesn't have the nerve to do it.
With a steady hand, George pulls the trigger. A blinding flash from the gun's barrel then morphs into a bouquet of flowers on a mahogany casket in the cemetery from the beginning, rejoining the service. Following Psalm 23, Sheila reads a brief eulogy:
The movie ends with a brief written epilogue over a still shot of George placing a rose on Richie's casket, stating that a grand jury voted unanimously not to indict George Werner for the shooting death of his son, and that he lives as a free man.
The Winter family and maid are jewel thieves in London. It's a hobby to the dad. The son is more into counterfeiting money. The family is shocked by the son working in a bank and going straight.
Ellie Linton goes out camping in the bush for a week with her friends Homer Yannos, Lee Takkam, Kevin Holmes, Corrie Mackenzie, Robyn Mathers, and Fiona Maxwell. They find a way into a large, vegetated sinkhole in a remote area of bush the locals have dubbed "Hell", and camp there. During this time they see large numbers of planes flying through the night without lights, and though it is mentioned in conversation the following morning, they think little of it, dismissing it as military planes heading back from a demonstration.
When they return to their home town of Wirrawee, they find that all the people are missing and their pets and livestock are dead or dying. Fearing the worst, they break into three groups to investigate Wirrawee's situation. They discover that Wirrawee was captured as a beachhead for an invasion of Australia by an unidentified force; local citizens are being held captive by the occupiers. Ellie's group is spotted, and pursued by the enemy and, in order to escape, use the fuel tank of a ride-on lawnmower to create an improvised explosive. However, after reuniting with Homer and Fi at a pre-arranged meeting point, they discover Robyn and Lee missing. Homer and Ellie search for them and they are met by Robyn. They discover that Lee has been shot in the leg and is hiding out in the main street of Wirrawee, the centre of the enemy's activity. Ellie and Homer confer with the others and Ellie decides that they should attempt to rescue Lee, using a front-end loader to move and protect him. After a protracted chase that sees several soldiers killed, Lee is successfully rescued and returned to the safety of Hell but not before they discover Chris Lang hiding out in his house after his parents were away on a business trip.
While hiding out in Hell, a romantic relationship forms between Ellie and Lee, Homer falls in love with Fi, while Kevin and Corrie continue a romantic relationship started a few months before the invasion. The teens decide to raid nearby farmhouses, searching for food and other supplies, and then retreat to Hell to establish a base camp for themselves. The group eventually moves toward waging a guerrilla war against the invaders.
Homer explains a plan around taking out the main bridge at Wirrawee which the invaders are using to supply their troops. They all agree and Ellie, Fi, Lee, and Homer steal a petrol tanker and use it to blow up the main bridge out of Wirrawee. However, the plan nearly falls apart when Ellie and Fi are discussing Homer and Lee. Luckily at the last minute they kick into gear and get the tanker to the bridge. Homer and Lee create a distraction with cattle. As the bridge party joins up with the others they discover Corrie has been shot.
The raid is a success as the bridge collapses but Corrie needs medical attention. Kevin decides that he will surrender and hope that the invaders give Corrie medical attention. They set off as the others look to the future.
The film is set sometime in the late Qin dynasty or early Han dynasty. In the desert, General Wang Sheng and his men attack a Xiongnu camp, where Wang chances upon a maiden called "Xiaowei" and brings her home. Xiaowei is actually a fox spirit who feasts on human hearts to maintain her lovely and youthful appearance. Trouble brews when Xiaowei falls in love with Wang, who already has a wife, Peirong.
Another love triangle is also present, with the members being Wang Sheng, Peirong and Pang Yong. Pang Yong is a former general in the same army as Wang Sheng. He was in love with Peirong, but she married Wang Sheng eventually. A series of mysterious murders occur in the city and the victims have their hearts dug out. Peirong becomes suspicious of Xiaowei after a diviner told her that Xiaowei is actually a demon and after she accidentally cut Xiaowei but Xiaowei showed no sign of bleeding. Peirong approaches Pang Yong for help. In the meantime, Pang Yong meets Xia Bing, a young and inexperienced demon hunter, and befriends her. The murders were actually committed by Xiaoyi, a chameleon spirit who shows unrequited love towards Xiaowei and helps her obtain the human hearts she needs. Xiaoyi fought with Pang Yong and the soldiers on a few occasions and was nearly captured by Pang Yong but he always managed to escape. At the same time, Pang Yong and Xia Bing come to Wang Sheng's house and accuse Xiaowei of being a demon, but Xiaowei succeeds in maintaining her disguise, much to the ire of Peirong and Xia Bing.
When Xiaowei gets closer to Wang Sheng, Xiaoyi turns jealous and attacks Wang, but is driven away. When Xiaoyi meets Xiaowei again later, she is so furious that she shouts at him to leave, despite him warning her that love between demons and humans is impossible and pleading her to allow him to remain by her side. One night, Peirong's suspicions about Xiaowei are confirmed when she chances upon Xiaowei peeling off her human skin right in front of her and revealing her true form. Peirong and Xiaowei come to an agreement: Xiaowei promises to stop killing people; in return, Peirong offers her place as Wang Sheng's rightful spouse to Xiaowei and takes the blame for the murders. Xiaowei gives Peirong a potion to drink, after which Peirong's hair turns white and her features become "demonic". The city's residents are horrified when they see Peirong and think that she is the demon. Just as Peirong is about to be killed by the citizens, Pang Yong and Xia Bing show up, save her, and bring her to a cave.
Pang Yong and Xia Bing deduce that Peirong has been poisoned by the demon and she is close to death because the lighter the colour of the poison, the more fatal it is. Peirong is gradually turning white. Not long later, Wang Sheng, his soldiers and members of his household (including Xiaowei) come to the cave. Wang Sheng swears to kill Peirong if she is really a demon and is responsible for all the murders, but also expresses his love for her at the same time. Peirong then impales herself with a dagger Wang is holding on to and dies in his arms. Xiaowei tries to gain Wang Sheng's affection by moving closer to him, but he takes no notice of her and continues to weep while holding on to his dead wife's body. At this point, Xiaowei realises that Wang Sheng will never truly love her.
Pang Yong shouts to everyone that Xiaowei is the real demon and then slashes her with his weapon to prove it, but her body is as hard as steel. Wang Sheng approaches Xiaowei and begs her to bring Peirong back to life. When Xiaowei asks him what she will get if she restores Peirong to life, Wang replies that he loves her but he already has Peirong, and then kills himself. The heartbroken Xiaowei screams and reveals her true demon form. She then willingly attempts to bring Wang back to life with her magic powers in the form of a small orb. However, before she can do so, she is interrupted by Xiaoyi, who snatches away the orb and reprimands her for sacrificing all the powers she cultivated over thousands of years to save a man's life. He swallows the orb and tells her he is going to bring her home. Pang Yong and Xia Bing fight with Xiaoyi and eventually slay him but he kills Pang in the process. Xiaowei retrieves the orb from Xiaoyi's body and another orb containing Xiaoyi's powers, and uses them to bring every dead person in the cave back to life.
Before the film ends, Xiaowei is shown manifested in her white fox form without her powers because she has already given them up to bring Peirong and Wang Sheng back to life.
Set in Boston, this film features sculptor Ken Harrison (played by Richard Dreyfuss), who becomes paralyzed from the neck down after a car accident. He is no longer able to use his hands, create art, walk, feed himself, make love, or have any semblance of a normal existence. Because he cannot pursue any of his passions any more, and because he will likely need medical help for the rest of his life, he wants to end his life. However, he is physically unable to commit suicide... so he looks to end his life in other ways... all of which would require his body to be discharged from the hospital. He asks for this from Dr. Emerson, the hospital administrator (played by John Cassavetes), and he refuses; Emerson is staunchly opposed to euthanasia, and is determined to keep his patient alive—even against his wishes.
He dumps his girlfriend, who is initially distraught, but eventually accepts that their relationship could not realistically continue, and accepts his decision to end his life.
Harrison hires Carter Hill (played by Bob Balaban), a lawyer—who is at first reluctant to represent him, but eventually does so. Harrison legally petitions the hospital for the right to end his life.
Dr. Claire Scott, Harrison's sympathetic physician (played by Christine Lahti, eventually develops personal feelings for Harrison. She wants to keep him alive, even though Harrison's girlfriend, Pat, accepted his decision to end his life.
A young male orderly and a young female nurse at the hospital do what they can to keep Harrison's spirits up—even wheeling him to the hospital basement in the wee hours of the night, where they treat him to a live reggae concert and marijuana.
The film's climax is a legal hearing that determines if Harrison has a moral, ethical and legal right to choose to end his own life, on his own terms.
Francesca Anderson leads an unhappy marriage with her husband Robert. Her real attention is dedicated to her son James, who reminds her of her late lover Macer. Francesca is the only one who knows that James is not Robert's, but Macer's son. So Francesca reacts jealously when James falls in love with a girlfriend, Julie.
James intervenes in an argument between his parents, and kills Robert. During James' trial, Francesca gives the crucial testimony in favour of her son, who is found not guilty. To Francesca's discomfort, James escapes his mother's clinging and decides to stay with Julie.
As described in a film magazine, the board of directors for the main manufacturing company in the American village of Harmonville send young Elmer Harmon (Blue) to Paris to obtain a contract with the French government. In Paris Elmer meets the dancer Cleo of Paris (Murray), who casts aside her rich, would-be sweethearts and falls in love with him. When his business affairs appear hopeless, she helps him secure his contract, and the couple are married and return to Harmonville. A gala is given in Elmer's honor for having saved the village's prosperity, and citizens are shocked by Cleo's Parisian fashion. Elmer sells his interests and the couple move to New York City. To give Cleo the luxuries to which she is accustomed, Elmer in a moment of weakness forges his uncle's name and is arrested. Endeavoring to get Elmer out of trouble, Cleo returns to the stage, but in so doing she breaks a promise made to her husband. Elmer is released from jail after promising his uncle to have nothing more to do with Cleo, but then immediately tries to look her up. He finds her in what appears to be a compromising but innocent situation and decides the bad things that have been said about Cleo are true. He returns to Harmonville and the heartbroken Cleo returns to France and seeks seclusion in Normandy. Three years later Elmer finds Cleo there along with her little son who is named for him. They have a reconciliation.
''Amphitryon'' begins with a prologue given by the god Mercury, in which he gives some background information to the audience. Amphitryon and his slave Sosia have been away at war and are returning to Thebes. Meanwhile, the god Jupiter is sleeping with Amphitryon's wife Alcmena. Jupiter is in the guise of Amphitryon so that Alcmena is unaware that he is not her husband.
Mercury's job is to buy his father Jupiter some time by deceiving those who would interfere. He changes his appearance to look like the slave Sosia, and when the real Sosia arrives, he beats him up and sends him away from the house. Thoroughly confused by having been beat up by himself, Sosia returns to the ship to relay what happened to his master Amphitryon.
The following morning, Amphitryon sets off for the house, annoyed by his slave's foolish sounding story. Jupiter leaves only moments before Amphitryon arrives, and when Alcmena sees her real husband, she is confused as to why he has returned. Amphitryon doesn't appreciate this strange welcome after being gone for so many months, and confusion turns to anger and jealousy after learning that she has slept with a man who is not himself.
After a long argument, Alcmena is ready to leave her untrusting husband but is stopped by Jupiter. He soon begins to set things right, and in a miraculous event, Alcmena gives birth to twin boys. One is the son of Amphitryon, the other is Hercules, the son of Jupiter. To quell Amphitryon's anger, he explains to him what he did, and Amphitryon is then honored to have shared his wife with a god.
Migs Mijares (Dingdong Dantes) was so in love with Joy (Marian Rivera) that in less than a year of relationship, he asked for her hand in marriage. Even when Bela (Iza Calzado), the childhood sweetheart of Migs, returned from Canada and made an attempt to win him back, Migs's decision to marry his present girlfriend was resolute.
But early on, a tragedy struck the blissful marriage of Migs and Joy. Migs had an accident, which caused his isolated retrograde amnesia. His last memory was that of his first and ex-girlfriend, and he forgot everything about his wife. Joy did her best to bring her marriage back to normal, but Migs could not feel any emotional connection with her. Meanwhile, Bela tried her best to distance herself from her Migs, but the latter was persistent.
In an effort to continue to save her marriage, Joy became interfering. She always checked the whereabouts of Migs and monitored his calls. This provoked Migs to make a choice: to be with his first love. Joy made the last effort by talking to Bela but the meeting was futile. At first, Migs and Bela were happy. However, after a while, Migs started missing his wife. He became confused again, and slowly, he began to realize which girl was really his one true love.
Jennie Gerhardt is a destitute young woman. While working in a hotel in Columbus, Ohio, Jennie meets George Brander, a United States Senator, who becomes infatuated with her. He helps her family and declares his wish to marry her. Jennie, grateful for his benevolence, agrees to sleep with him. He dies before they marry, and Jennie is pregnant.
She gives birth to a daughter, Vesta, and moves to Cleveland with her mother. There she finds work as a lady's maid in a prominent family. In this home, she meets Lester Kane, a prosperous manufacturer's son. Jennie falls in love with him, impressed by his strong will and generosity. She leaves her daughter in Cleveland and travels to New York with Kane. He does not know of her illegitimate daughter and wants to marry Jennie. But because of their difference in class, he anticipates his family's disapproval and decides to take her as his mistress.
They live together successfully in the university neighborhood of Hyde Park, Chicago. After three years, Jennie tells him that Vesta is her daughter. Kane does not yield to his family's pressure to leave Jennie. But, after his father's death, he learns that his inheritance of a substantial part of the family business is conditioned on his leaving her. On hearing the will's terms, Jennie demands they separate for his sake.
During their trip to Europe, Kane meets Letty Gerald Pace, an affluent widow. Bowing to pressure from Jennie and his family, he decides to marry. After providing financially for Jennie, he marries Letty, resuming his former social status. Jennie loses her daughter to typhoid fever and adopts two orphans. She continues to love Kane.
He becomes seriously ill and tells Jennie he still loves her. She tends him until his death, and mourns secretly at his funeral.
A society where the roles of men and women have been inverted. Slightly effeminate men sew, iron and take care of the children, while macho women drink and read newspapers in cafés, and court men.
The film takes place entirely in New York City, removing the Paris portion of the earlier film's plot. Rather than falling in love with a man who happens along her way, Claire is actively looking for a husband. Two possibilities present themselves: a Texan, who ultimately rejects Claire because he believes her to be immoral, and Stoddard, who agrees to marry her in the end.
In the beginning, the Village of Covas, Minho, Portugal is experiencing a severe drought. In reality however, a Rain Tower where water is stored in The Seems, another world that controls our World, had been blocked by the Tide. Anytime a problem occurs in The Seems, a special team is called in consisting of one Briefer and one Fixer. They are both highly trained professionals at Fixing any problems. To get the Rain back, Fixer Cassiopeia (Casey) Lake and Briefer Becker Drane are called in. For his exceptional Fix, Briefer Drane is promoted to Fixer #37.
Five weeks later, Becker, receives his first mission as Fixer at night and his Mission is to catch a Glitch destroying the Department of Sleep. Glitches are one of the most destructive problems within the Seems and were thought to have been wiped out during a Missions called the "Clean Sweep". Glitches have three hands which can easily pull wires and destroy items. They are known for being destructive and unpredictable. Quickly, Becker arrives at the Department of Sleep and meets up with his Briefer Simly Frye and they are given aware of the situation. The Glitch is causing no one in The World to get a wink of sleep due to the destruction of many of the ingredients to make a Good Night's Sleep. Soon, many Chain of Events start slipping; The Chain of Events are a complicated series of events trying to give a person the best life they can. However, with a Glitch not allowing anyone to get any sleep, a Ripple Effect could occur which would cause mass destruction to The World.
Becker, Simly and fellow Fixer Casey Lake finally find and trap the Glitch in the Master Bedroom. Using his own invention, the Helping Hand, Becker is finally able to catch the Glitch. During the battle Simly finds his 7th sense, a set of chills that were sent down from his arms to his toes that told him where the Glitch was hiding even though it is thought that Seemsian's can not develop a 7th sense. After fixing up whatever destruction the Glitch caused in the Master Bedroom, everyone hopes that the Good Night Sleeps have been sent on time. However, the team might have been too late, with a warning that the Chain of Events are dissembling and the Ripple Effect about to commence in thirty seconds. With 3 seconds left, the Ripple Effect was successful reverted with enough Good Night Sleeps getting out.
In the epilogue a few Fixers have gathered together and are celebrating the successful Fix of the Glitch when Casey arrives with bad news. Someone has just stolen 50 trays of Frozen Moments, ice cubes made up of one period of one person's life. Although this alone is not to panic, if the Frozen moments are combined with Fertilizer from the Department of Nature and a Second, a Time Bomb could be made.
Marta and Angela are Brooklyn roommates. Angela has lived in Brooklyn her whole life, Marta has recently arrived from South America. Marta becomes exploited by both the city and Angela's brother, Eddie. She desperately waits for her Chilean boyfriend, Alvaro to arrive and make things better. Marta, it seems, is a woman with her life on hold. She moved from Chile to get work as an actress in New York, but she spends all of her free time talking about and waiting for her boyfriend, Alvaro (Pablo Cerda), to join her from Chile. Once he arrives, however, he is so supremely uninterested in her that he rarely makes eye contact with her and bolts from the apartment as soon as he dumps his stuff on the Steve Rhodes, [], 03-9-2009, "Exquisitely constructed, it gives viewers a consistently satisfying experience, which works on every level. But Lewin steals the movie. Be ready to have your heart break.", Retrieved 10-01-2008 After Alvaro arrives only to break up with her, Marta must learn to find the courage to stand up for herself and confront Angela and Eddie.
Phil Mercedes (Richard Dix), once a record-setting pilot, is now an aging alcoholic. As an air show performer, while inebriated, he crashes his stunt aircraft into a barn and is grounded for a year. His sister Kay (Wendy Barrie), his only means of support, hopes to land a job in the drafting department for Martin Ames (Kent Taylor), the chief engineer for Dan McLean (Edmund Lowe), an aircraft manufacturer.
Given the war in Europe, the McLean company hopes to win a big contract with the government. Although Kay is not very skilled, she shows Ames some drawings Phil made. The creative designs interest Dan, who approves the construction of a high-speed fighter aircraft. Preliminary tests of the aircraft prove disastrous, with test pilot Dick Allerton (Donald Briggs) contending that the aircraft is too dangerous to fly.
With a redesign of the wings, Dick flies the experimental aircraft again, but the landing gear will not extend fully, leaving the test pilot circling the airport. If the aircraft cannot complete its tests, the company will be in danger of bankruptcy. Phil again takes over, successfully wrenching the gear down, but losing his life in the process. With the successful completion of the flight tests, the company is saved.
The film begins with a slideshow narrated by Ebet, a ten year old boy who resides in the Tondo district of Manila. He describes the poverty and crime in the city and explains how children have an opportunity to make a name for themselves in such an environment. After witnessing his mother having sex with a man during the Lakbayaw festival, he leaves the house and follows three adolescents: Memey and brothers Pongke and Dennis. Dennis expresses his desire to join the Thugz Angels, a gang centered around freestyle rapping, but is warned by his brother, who is concerned for his safety. While out tagging graffiti later that night, the gang comes across Totoy Turat, a member of the Sacred Brown Tribe who had been murdered on the street. Plainclothes police officers promptly arrive and arrest Memey while the rest of the gang flees, believing him to be responsible for the murder.
Makoy, a prominent member of the Sacred Brown Tribe, is awoken the next morning by his father, who laments the recent killing and expresses concern over his son being in a gang. Makoy is later accompanied by his friend Ghe-Ghe, and together they meet up with Mogs, also of the same gang, who brings along Ebet as a witness to confirm Memey's innocence. The three agree to meet up at Mogs' place later that night, while Ebet is instructed to spy on the Diablos, the rival gang suspected of killing Turat. Dennis, who is in a relationship with Katherine, Makoy's sister, arrives; Makoy asks him for a meeting with Pongke, seeking an alliance with Thugz Angels in order to exact revenge on the Diablos.
Ebet arrives at the Diablos' hangout after sundown, taking note of those who are present, before returning to Makoy with the news. Makoy returns home, smuggles a bag of weapons out of the house, and brings it to the Sacred Brown Tribe, hoping to gather more members for the attack. Thugz Angels arrive, led by Pongke, who offers the S.B.T. some weapons but explains that they cannot fight alongside the gang, fearing Memey's incarceration if they do. The two gangs gather by Turat's coffin and freestyle together. Katherine arrives to console Turat's mother, who is still mourning her son's death; Makoy instructs Dennis to care for his sister, and together they leave.
The S.B.T. meet up at Mogs' house, where they agree to fight the Diablos to the death. They arm themselves and directly attack the Diablos at their hangout. The fight goes awry for the S.B.T., and Mogs, Ghe-Ghe, and Makoy are killed while the surviving gang members retreat. Ebet, who remained an unseen observant of the fight, picks up Makoy's gun and runs off. Meanwhile, Dennis, who had been flirting with Katherine, bids her farewell as she boards a jeepney on the way to work. The remaining Diablos, finding Dennis alone, stab him on the street and flee. Pongke is enraged upon receiving news of his brother's death and hunts down the Diablos, killing them in the process.
Ebet returns home to hide from the police, where he spots his mother having sex in her bedroom with another man. He brandishes Makoy's gun and enters his mother's bedroom.
Marcella forgets Raggedy Ann and Andy in the playhouse. After dark, they see a mysterious man sneak up to the nursery and snatch something from the window. Upon investigation, they discover it was Babette, the French doll. They decide to follow his trail, which abruptly ends, so they conclude that he flew away. While trying to determine how to find him, a pretty little fairy happens upon them and leads them to Granny Balloonspider, who weaves a balloon that carries them into the heavens.
The balloon eventually gets stuck in a tree, and below they find the Camel with the Wrinkled Knees, who saw the stranger run by in the dark. Now that it's daylight, the Camel can't figure out which way the man went, so Raggedy Ann ties a handkerchief over his eyes. The dolls hop upon his back and he repeatedly runs in circles, so Raggedy Ann suggests he should run backward.
The trio eventually find Jenny, a young girl who's stuck in a patch of snapdragons. As the dolls attempt to help her out, they too are ensnared. Jenny explains that her parents left their home in the Deep Deep Woods to visit her grandmother, but they never returned. One day, a Loonie wandered into their cottage and kidnapped her brother, Jan.
The Tired Old Horse comes upon them, puts on his magic glasses, and envisions the snapdragons as violets which he proceeds to eat, freeing Jenny and the rag dolls. The Horse then reveals that he saw the Loonie drag Jan into a tree, which seems solid, but when the Camel puts on a blindfold, he's able to penetrate the surface and help everyone inside. They find what appears to be a trap door, but when they attempt to pull on it, it won't budge. The Tired Old Horse sits on it to nap, but it drops through the floor revealing a staircase to Loonie Land.
At the bottom of the stairs, they find a valley populated by strange creatures who take them captive and march them to the King. The Loonie King agrees to let them take Jan and go if Raggedy Ann can successfully answer three nonsensical riddles. She does this with ease, so he demands that she answer three more. After she refuses, Raggedy Andy tweaks the King's nose so hard that it brings tears to his eyes. The Looniest Knight is called to cut off Raggedy Andy's nose, but the rag doll stands his ground, which intimidates the knight so much that he throws their match. The King is so impressed that he lets everyone go.
Resuming their quest to find Babette, the Camel crashes into an invisible fortress that surrounds Winnie the Witch's house, which they pass through thanks to the horse's ingenuity. The witch offers them some magic, so the horse pays her a nickel and asks for something to provide some stamina. While checking to ensure that the coin is real, the witch reveals that a man stopped by the previous day seeking an elixir to bring a doll to life, but he paid with a counterfeit coin, which nullified the witch's potion. The witch proceeds to use work magic on the horse, who's suddenly wide awake.
Raggedy Ann asks the witch to help her find Babbette, so the old woman instructs everyone to enter a circle, close their eyes, and count to ten. When they open their eyes, they find themselves standing beside a tent full of pirates. Raggedy Ann peeps into the tent and sees the stolen doll. Jay spits pebbles at the pirates, who become confused and knock down the tent, providing an opportunity to rescue Babette. The group flees to the witch's cottage with the pirates in pursuit in their flying houseboat.
One of the pirates attempts to huff and puff and blow the house down, but when this proves unsuccessful, they decide to starve the group out. The witch has other plans and prepares a feast. The Tired Old Horse then tosses the leftovers out of the window, which upsets the pirates. He tries to comfort them by handing out lollipops, but they become so upset that they begin crying.
Leader Charlie expresses remorse for stealing Babette, and the rogues explain that they had grown up being so enthralled by tales of piracy that they bought a jumping houseboat and were only ''pretending'' to be pirates. Raggedy Ann and friends comfort them, and then the witch instructs all of the pirates to enter her circle. The witch places a red balloon in the center, which she inflates until it pops and knocks off the pirates' false facial hair and noses, revealing that the pirates are actually all young women.
After the pirates are unmasked, the old witch also removes her costume and reveals that she's a fairy princess. She uses her magic on the houseboat and they set sail to rescue Jenny and Jan's parents, Henry and Harriet. The fairy explains that their grandmother was a queen who had been ousted from her throne, but the knights eventually overthrew her successor. They arrived at her cottage to bring her back, but she'd been whisked away to fairyland and vacated the premises. When Henry and Harriet arrived, they were hailed as the new king and queen and brought to the castle, which they weren't allowed to leave.
The jumping houseboat arrives at the castle, where they find Henry and Harriet in the courtyard. Henry writes a note instructing his people to either crown a new king or to start a republic, and they return to their home in the Deep Deep Woods. After feasting upon pancakes, The Tired Old Horse and the Camel both decide to stay with the family. Henry soon realizes that the Camel was his own childhood toy, and they reminisce.
The others board the jumping houseboat to return Raggedy Ann, Andy, and Babette home, and the fairy princess rolls back time so that Marcella won't realize that they were gone.
''Moon'' begins with the protagonist, a small boy, playing a new role-playing game (RPG) called "Moon" (a.k.a. "Fake Moon") on his "Gamestation". The game begins with the player controlling the Hero of Fake Moon in a 10-minute game-within-a-game, Fake Moon being something of a parody of Japanese RPGs (JRPGs) of the 16-bit era. Convoluted JRPG stories are skewered by the minutes of a nonsensical backstory, which Boy skips through before the player can read it. Queen Aphrodite has been abducted and taken to the moon. The perpetrator, Dragon, will wreak millions of calamitous years upon the people of Love-De-Gard with her power. Yet, the people have produced a hero who must travel to Dragon Castle and destroy the beast. After playing through a few typical RPG scenes (random battles, an airship sequence, etc.), the boy is ordered by his mother to go to bed and obediently does so. However, the television on which he was just playing Fake Moon switches back on by itself, and the boy is sucked into the world of ''Moon'', a land called "Love-de-Gard". Its people and its story resembles Fake Moon's.
The player must explore a vast world named Love-De-Gard. A dragon has swallowed the moonlight, with calamitous consequences. Castle Love-De-Gard houses the King's room, the Minister's room, the throne room, hallways, the balcony, the soldiers’ room, and the King's toy room. In Castle Town, Boy finds Fountain Square, a floristry, a general store, a bakery, a bar, and Yoshida's home. At Rainbow Rocks, there is Granny's house, Tao's hiding place, the rainbow machine, and Boy's house (which was formerly Nikka's and Pokka's house). In Tropical Field, one discovers Whaleshell Cove, Ossan's Cave, Tamaya's, American House, Windmill Hermitage, and Eco-Club Headquarters. One sees, in the Valley of the Wind, Twilight Canyon, Splitting Sunbeam Road, and Wildcat House. There is Mushroom Forest, which contains Burrn Hall, Adder's House, Mushroom Forest itself, and a haunted house. Within Technopolis, Boy sees Doctor Steinhager's office, Technopolis proper, Club Techno, and the V.I.P. Room. Bali Bali is its own location, as is the moon.
Spencer, a woman with whom Thirteen is having a one-night stand, has a seizure at Thirteen's apartment. Thirteen accompanies her to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital where House and the team take the case. House remains more focused on Thirteen's bisexuality and finds the situation an opportunity to delve into her personal life. House and Foreman go to Thirteen's apartment to search for drugs that might have caused Spencer's illness.
Thirteen suspects that the woman's illness is related to her drug use, but she then finds out that the woman has a long medical history and has seen several doctors over the past few years, along with discovering that she only slept with Thirteen to get to House, who had previously rejected her as a patient. Foreman confronts Thirteen about her current hard-partying lifestyle, warning her that it is sending her life and job into a downward spiral.
After Cuddy catches Thirteen with a terrible hangover, she wants Thirteen to submit to a drug test. After preventing Thirteen from having to be tested, House fires her for missing the differential diagnosis. Despite being technically unemployed and off the case, Thirteen remains at the hospital. When it is determined Spencer's illness, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, is fatal, Thirteen volunteers to tell her. Later, House asks Thirteen if Spencer cried when she heard the bad news. Thirteen says no. House then determines the true cause of the girl's illness based upon her inability to produce tears, a symptom of her illness, candidiasis secondary to Sjögren's syndrome.
When Thirteen is able to prove her loyalties at the end of the episode, House rehires her, although Thirteen discovers that her firing was merely a game of House's to see if she would grow close with the patient. At the end of the episode, Thirteen continues with her risky habits, partying with another woman.
It is also revealed that Cuddy is adopting a baby, after House follows Wilson to a baby store and sees her there. When House learns that Cuddy had Wilson be her character reference for the adoption agency, House refuses to congratulate her, using for the second time in the episode, "If you're happy, I'm..." and then walking away.
The film is a portrait of three "see lai", a colloquial term used in Hong Kong to describe wives, especially housewives, who are approaching or in their middle ages. Mrs. Chan (Amy Shum), who has a grown daughter, is a housewife who tends to be domineering of her husband. Mrs. Lee (Sydney Suet Lei), on the other hand, is meek, with a chauvinistic husband (Ken Tong) and a young son who is troubling her with his poor grades. Mrs. Wong (Crystal Tin) is a garbage lady who has to support a family of four daughters. Her doting tailor husband (Gordon Lam) is out of a job, and the family has to make ends meet nonetheless. Her life is thrown out of order when she is laid off her job.
Mrs. Chan and Mrs. Lee originally join the belly dancing classes held by foreign teacher Pasha (Pasha Umer Hood) out of curiosity. Pasha replaces their traditional dance teacher and many in the neighborhood are unwilling to learn the dance as they think it indecent. Before long, Mrs. Wong and single mother Cherry (Monie Tung), join them. Cherry is a twenty-something gold digger who nonetheless wants to find a father for her baby boy.
The belly dancing classes become the highlight of the lives of these women, as they try to cope with upheavals and stresses in their private lives. Mrs. Chan's husband has an affair with a younger girl and she is thinking of divorce, yet unable to take the definitive step to break with her husband. Mrs. Lee's husband objects to her classes and bars her from attending them, especially after her understanding mother-in-law faints after dancing too vigorously during a belly dance gathering. Mrs. Wong has to deal with the stress of having no income, even though her husband voices his support for her belly dancing. Cherry intends to end her gold digging ways and settle down with someone who can accept her baby son.
The film ends with each finding solution to her problem: Mrs. Chan accepts divorce after support from her grown-up daughter; Mrs. Lee reunites with her husband after moving out briefly; Mrs. Wong finds a new job; and Cherry discovers someone who cares enough for her and her baby son.
When Rizzoli investigates a murder where cutting techniques similar to those of imprisoned Warren Hoyt but involving necrophilia (as determined by medical examiner Maura Isles), she is called by FBI Agent Gabriel Dean to Washington, D.C. Dean shows her a list of similar crimes committed in Bosnia, and terms the suspect "The Dominator".
Hoyt escapes from prison after reading about "The Dominator's" murders which copy many of his techniques, and plots with him to trap Rizzoli. Eventually, "The Dominator" kidnaps Rizzoli as she returns to Boston, and takes her into the countryside. In her struggle to stay alive, Rizzoli fights back, kills "The Dominator" and severely wounds Hoyt, making him a quadriplegic.
Rizzoli then takes a long-overdue vacation, claiming sick-leave, with Dean.
Ah Chau (Richard Ng) and Beethoven (John Shum) are a pair of cops investigating a drug lord, but their ineptitude threatens to derail the case. The police are well aware that Mr Sha (Chan Lung) is the boss of the crime syndicate smuggling and trafficking in drugs, and that he keeps details of his criminal transactions in a book which is kept by his mistress. When Beethoven and Ah Chau investigate, they find Sha's mistress dead, and inadvertently compromise all fingerprint evidence in the hideout. Luckily, they are assisted by beautiful cop Inspector Anna (Deannie Yip), who is secretly attracted to Ah Chau. Finally the two make their arrests and become instant heroes.
Frances has enjoyed a variety of jobs during her adult life and is the mother of two sons, each by a different husband. She also gave birth to a daughter following an affair she had with a married man, Bob, but was forced by her mother, Anna, to give up the baby for adoption. Frances attempts to search for the child she gave away, but she is diagnosed with cancer before she is able to conduct a thorough search.
As Frances is attended by one of her sons Morgan, and a nurse, Maggie. She is unaware that her lost daughter, Rebecca, who is now a corporate lawyer is conducting her own search for her missing birth mother. Part of her search takes her to a Daytona Beach, Florida, radio station where Frances worked years ago as a late-night disc jockey under the moniker of the Sleepy Time Gal.
A deranged man calling himself James Pettis (Val Kilmer) approaches ''The Grand Rapids Press'' demanding that it publish his predictions about the upcoming demise of civilization due to the conditions of global warming, warning that he has trapped a group of six people in a Turkish-style steamroom to demonstrate the effects of this environment on humans. A local police detective Mancini (Armand Assante) tries to get Pettis to reveal information that will help him confirm the truth of his threat and to rescue the hostages, but over the course of the interrogation begins to suspect that either Pettis' story is a delusional hoax, or that the steamroom killing has already taken place.
As Pettis describes developments in the streamroom to Mancini, the scene is shown of three men and three women meeting in the steamroom of a luxury hotel as part of an online dating promotion, then being locked in together. When they discover that they have been locked in, they react badly: Frank (Quinn Duffy) becomes abusive to Jessie (Eve Mauro), and is killed in her defense by openly neurotic Margaret (Cordelia Reynolds). Jessie is killed with a nail gun by an unseen assailant when she pokes her head through the small window in the steamroom door; Christopher (Patrick Muldoon) is injured in the hand with a nail as the window is boarded over from outside. Margaret becomes agitated and commits suicide. Grant (Eric Roberts) is bludgeoned by Catherine (Megan Brown) after he accuses her and Christopher of being allies of the perpetrators and repeatedly holds her head underwater.
Mancini's call to Pettis' psychiatrist finally brings staff from the local state psychiatric hospital, from which Pettis recently escaped. It is revealed that Christopher and Catherine are staff at this facility, and are unhappy with Pettis for going to the news media and police with this story.
Female actress Jenny (Maggie Cheung) is actually a high-class escort; Mei-Feng (Fung Bo-Bo) chooses to become a prostitute to pay her husband’s medical bills; Shan-Shan (Carrie Ng) unwillingly becomes a prostitute to pay her mother’s medical bills; Ling-Yu (Elsie Chan) is Shan-Shan’s optimistic roommate.
Hung is a prostitute of Hong Kong Temple Street. Her daughter, TV actress Siu Ling refuses to acknowledge her. However, Siu Ling's road to stardom made her betraying her body. Hung's foster daughter, Wah is a hot-tempered dancing girl in a night club, she always fought with clients and colleague and got herself in tough situations. Eva is the glamorous top model escort. Yuk become a call girl to fulfill her dream of studying abroad. They surrounded with fame and glory, middle class status, or just no status.
In 1944 during World War II, tank corps Sergeant "Boysie" Oakes (Rod Taylor) stumbles and unwittingly shoots and kills two men attempting to assassinate British Intelligence Major Mostyn (Trevor Howard) in Paris. Mostyn mistakenly believes Oakes was lethal on purpose.
Twenty-one years later, Mostyn (now a colonel in British Intelligence) and his boss (Wilfred Hyde-White) are in trouble due to a series of embarrassing security disasters. To save his job, the chief orders Mostyn to hire an assassin to illegally eliminate security leaks without official authorisation. Mostyn recruits Boysie into the Secret Service without first telling him what his employment will entail, luring him in with a lavish apartment and a fancy car. After Boysie passes a training course, Mostyn informs him that his code name is "L", and that it stands for liquidator. Unable to resign and not a killer himself, Boysie secretly hires a freelance professional assassin (Eric Sykes) to do the dirty work.
Things go well until Oakes persuades Mostyn's secretary Iris (Jill St. John) to spend the weekend with him on the Côte d'Azur, though Mostyn has warned him that any contact between spies and civilian employees is a serious criminal offence. Boysie is captured by enemy agents led by Sheriek (Akim Tamiroff), who firmly believes he is on assignment and wants to know who the target is. However, Sheriek's superior, Chekhov (John Le Mesurier), is coldly furious that he has gone beyond his orders to merely watch Boysie, thus endangering a much more important operation. He has Sheriek arrange for Boysie to escape.
Then Quadrant (David Tomlinson) arrives with a new mission for Boysie. He is to stage a fake assassination attempt on the Duke of Edinburgh, when he visits a Royal Air Force base, to test the security. Boysie finds that he has been duped: Quadrant is actually an enemy agent, and the bullets in his sniper rifle are real. Mostyn shows up in the duke's place and is able to locate Boysie, but while they are distracted, Quadrant and a pilot steal the real target: the Vulture, an advanced new aircraft which the duke was to inspect. Boysie manages to shoot Quadrant and board the plane as it is taking off. To his surprise, the pilot is none other than Iris, who informs him that she is the coordinator of the operation. He is able to overpower her and, with radio help, return the aircraft to the base, dumping the aircraft into the grass by accident.
At the start of the Tet Offensive, a Marine Long Range Reconnaissance unit led by Sergeant Major Bill Hafner (R. Lee Ermey) and Corporal Joseph L. Di Nardo (Wings Hauser) come upon a village where the locals have been executed gruesomely for fraternising with the US troops. Di Nardo finds a sole survivor, a young Vietnamese child (Michael Cruz). Hafner's recon unit which also consists of college kid Murphy and radioman Shortwave who has only 17 days left on his enlistment exit the village and while on patrol, come upon a VietCong tunnel complex where they find an American POW. Later the Marines arrive at the poorly defended firebase called Gloria. Hafner immediately takes control of the base when he discovers the commanding officer Captain Williams is a burned out drug addict and is not fit for duty.
Hafner and Di Nardo are a formidable partnership and they secure the base and motivate the other soldiers to prepare for a major offensive. Hafner encounters a photographer (Nick Nicholson) offering the men weed and immediately recruits him knowing that every man is vital to the upcoming offensive. As Hafner explores the base he also encounters a full nursing staff which he implores to leave the base futilely. Their commanding officer Captain Flanagan (Margaret Trenchard-Smith) proves more competent than the drug addled Williams and she remains dedicated to her patients and her role on the base. Di Nardo warns her that the Vietnamese will show her and her nurses no mercy if they get into the hospital. Flanagan dismisses Di Nardo as a brute (especially after she witnesses him executing unarmed prisoners after another attack).
The Viet Cong attempt a number of attacks but Hafner manages to fend off each attack. With casualties mounting Di Nardo starts to crack from the pressure and brutality of war. Hafner explains that Di Nardo was formerly a high ranking NCO (Non Commissioned Officer) but lost his rank after going AWOL when his son died. Di Nardo though forms a bond with the young Vietnamese child he saved from the village.
One by one Hafner's men are killed in action. An Army Air Cavalry unit led by Captain AJ Moran delivers supplies and ammunition to the base and provides air support but the Marines are surrounded and severely outnumbered. During the final attack the medical quarters are breached and just as Di Nardo promised, Flanagan's patients and nurses are mercilessly executed before she and another patient fend off the attack. Despite air support the base is seemingly over-run by the Viet Cong. Di Nardo sees the young boy in danger and is mortally wounded trying to save the child, while the Viet Cong leader takes the child with him. Also, Murphy and Shortwave are killed.
The Marines are able to repel the VC attack, however the death toll is immense for both the Americans and the Viet Cong. Flanagan and Hafner find the badly wounded Di Nardo who says that he refuses to go home in his current condition and implores Hafner to mercy kill him.
At the conclusion of the attack, the Viet Cong commander discovers that it was never his mission to win the battle, but to lead his men to their deaths in order to allow the North Vietnamese Army to take a more substantial role in the war. Hafner explains that during the Tet Offensive the Viet Cong lost more than 55,000 men. The Americans are subsequently forced to abandon the base having lost too many men in the process of defending it. Hafner tearfully clutches his friend's dog tags and poignantly says "End of the story".
Essentially a remake of 1949's ''Señor Droopy'', but taking place in a medieval setting rather than the country of Mexico, ''One Droopy Knight'' casts Droopy and his rival Butch as medieval knights out to slay a dragon and win the hand of a beautiful human princess. However, the dragon considers both as nothing more than minor nuisances. Droopy, though, takes more chances to slay the dragon, but it thinks Droopy is small and harmless. Meanwhile, Butch is being foiled after being molded into a metal can.
Droopy, however, bangs a flail on the dragon's tail and says, "Take that, you no-good dragon!" Once again, the dragon single-handedly flicks Droopy away. Butch comes back riding on a steed. Suddenly, the dragon blows fire on Butch and the horse, leaving them naked.
Butch gives up and goes away, while Droopy stands and cries looking at a picture of the princess. The dragon draws a French moustache on the photo and laughs outrageously. Droopy calmly gets mad and says "Mr. Dragon, that makes me mad." Then, he beats up the dragon and wins the heart of the princess. Finally, at the palace, Droopy reads the ending of the story of the dragon and closes the book. He kisses the princess's hand, then takes up a cigar to show her about smoking, and Droopy gives the cigar a blow, the dragon comes up, and breathes fire on it. The result is smoke coming out from the cigar when Droopy smokes it before revealing this to the princess.
Antoine (Daniel Auteuil), a head waiter, takes a shortcut through a park one night and spots a young man named Louis attempting to kill himself. He saves him but that henceforth the suicidal man clings to him and asks more and more of him.
The National Poultry Show is being held, and Daffy Duck looks at the matinee showing the prizes for the judging. The first prize for best rooster is $5,000, and the best duck is $5.00 (equivalent to $56,756.64 and $56.76 respectively in 2021). Daffy, having traveled all the way from Dubuque for the contest, is outraged that ducks rate such a low prize and decides to disguise himself as a rooster (using rubber gloves and the tail feathers of another rooster, affixed through a plunger head) to get the $5000. Meanwhile, Henery is being taught all about roosters by his father, George K. (or G.K.) Chickenhawk (a reference to G.K. Chesterton). Henery decides to head to the poultry show and catch himself a rooster.
Daffy's plan backfires when Henery decides to take him home ("Alright seagull, are you coming wit me quietly or do I have to slap you around some?"). Daffy says he is a special breed of rooster ("a genuine pedigree Red Island Rhode Buff Orpington"), and thinking that Henery's father, described as "the greatest judge of chicken flesh in the world," is the judge to give him the $5,000, he tags along ("Hey Pop! Look at what I brung ya, look at what I brung ya. A chicken!"). Daffy then realizes he is in a chicken-hawk's house, and tries to escape, but fails as Henery closes the door. Henery's father then starts to prepare Daffy as a meal. Daffy tries to prove he is really a duck, even trying to take his disguise off (to no avail). When he tries to escape, George grabs his "head" (the rubber glove), and the glove lands on ''his'' head after Daffy ricochets and stuns him, then Daffy stuns him a bit more with his "duck laugh" and kicks to the head. Henery's now-angry father then proceeds to chase Daffy, who is finally able to escape when Henery accidentally hits George with a mallet, missing Daffy.
Getting back to the city before the contest begins, Daffy puts on another glove. Then, at the contest, Daffy proceeds to lose to Henery's father George, disguised as a Rhode Island red (he obviously stole Daffy's idea). Daffy then tries for the best duck prize ($5.00), but loses that as well - to Henery, wearing a disguise consisting of a clothespin and two flippers.
At the end of the third season of ''Supernatural'', Dean Winchester is in Hell after being killed by the hellhounds of the demonic antagonist Lilith. In the season four premiere "Lazarus Rising", the angel Castiel is introduced as the one who brought Dean back from Hell and resurrected him. Because merely perceiving his actual form typically results in blindness, he takes a human host – James "Jimmy" Novak, a "devout man" who prayed for it – to communicate with Dean, and tells him that he has been brought back because God has work for him. Lilith is breaking the 66 seals in order to free Lucifer, and Dean must stop her.
Castiel continues to appear throughout the season, at one point sending Dean back in time and later tasking him and his brother Sam with stopping witches from breaking another seal. He returns with fellow angel Uriel at the end of the episode "I Know What You Did Last Summer", seeking to kill Anna Milton, a fallen angel with the ability to "hear" the communications between angels. In the following episode, "Heaven and Hell", Anna uses an ancient Enochian sigil to send the angels away, though they manage to track them down later. Once there, Castiel expresses regret at having to kill Anna. Before they can carry out their duty, however, they are confronted by the demon Alastair and two of his minions. A fight ensues, and Castiel is nearly defeated in the battle by Alastair. He is saved by Dean, and they in turn are rescued when Anna regains her powers. Although Uriel nearly vents his frustration on Dean, Castiel stops him, and the two leave. Castiel later becomes suspicious of Uriel and confronts him in "On the Head of a Pin". Uriel admits he and certain other angels are now working together to free Lucifer, having grown weary of never hearing from God and jealous of His favoritism for humanity. He asks Castiel to join him, but Castiel refuses and attacks him. Uriel eventually overpowers Castiel, but is killed by Anna before he can strike the finishing blow. During this time, the orders he is getting from Heaven of questionable morality and the influence of Anna cause him to start to have doubts about Heaven's plans. He later returns in "The Monster At the End of This Book" to explain Chuck's role as a Prophet and later when Dean calls him to help save Sam. Castiel informs Dean he can't interfere due to how important Prophets are, but he impresses upon Dean how the archangel protecting a Prophet will intervene if said Prophet is in trouble to secretly let him know a way to save Sam.
In "The Rapture", Castiel enters Dean's dreams and arranges a meeting to tell him something important. However, when Sam and Dean go to meet him, they instead find Jimmy, Castiel's vessel, who claims to have little memory of his life as a vessel. Anna theorizes Castiel must have angered his superiors, prompting him to be taken back to Heaven. When Jimmy is shot at the end of the episode trying to save his family from demons, Castiel returns, taking Jimmy's daughter Claire as his new vessel. After the demons are killed, a dying Jimmy begs Castiel to take him back as a host so his daughter will not have to go through what he did, and the angel acquiesces. Dean then asks him what he needed to tell him, but Castiel coldly replies his loyalty is to Heaven, not to mankind or to him.
In "When the Levee Breaks", Castiel has Dean take the oath of allegiance to God and His angels, to which Dean agrees under the impression it will keep Sam safe. Later in the episode, Castiel releases Sam, who is on detox from Ruby's demon blood, from Bobby's Panic Room. When Anna confronts him about his actions, other angels appear and capture her.
With Sam closing in on Lilith, Castiel and Zachariah imprison Dean within an idyllic waiting room, where he will be made comfortable until the time comes for him to play his role in stopping the Apocalypse. Dean refuses to remain idle, and continually requests to be able to see Sam, which is denied. Once Dean discovers the angels are allowing the Apocalypse to happen, he implores for Castiel to help him stop the final seal from being broken. Though Castiel refuses at first, he returns ready to help not long after. He takes Dean to see the prophet Chuck for information on Sam. Their presence does not fall in line with Chuck's Gospel, so the Archangel Raphael begins to descend. Castiel sends Dean to Sam, remaining behind to hold back the archangel and any others who might come. He is subsequently killed, with his host's body being blown to pieces.
However, Castiel later returns – still in Jimmy Novak's body – in the fifth-season premiere, "Sympathy for the Devil", killing two fellow angels in order to save Sam and Dean. He is uncertain as to how he was resurrected, but alludes to Zachariah it may have been God's doing. After ordering Zachariah away, Castiel carves Enochian sigils into Sam and Dean's ribs to hide them from all angels, including Lucifer. Castiel later returns to the brothers in "Good God Y'All!", and reveals his plans to find God. He borrows Dean's amulet, as it burns hot in God's presence, and departs. He has also been completely cut off from Heaven as a result of his rebellion and has lost some of his powers as a result, including his ability to heal injuries. He remains on Earth hunting for God, although acquires a cell phone so that the Winchesters can call for his aid when dealing with particularly challenging cases, such as their discovery of the Antichrist or their latest confrontation with the Trickster (who is revealed to be the lost archangel Gabriel).
In "Abandon All Hope...", Castiel helps the Winchesters retrieve the Colt, and joins them on their hunt for Lucifer. However, he ventures off after discovering hundreds of Reapers are already in the town, hoping to discover what has called them there. He soon becomes imprisoned by Lucifer, who tries to tempt Castiel into joining him, pointing out they are both targets of Heaven, but Castiel refuses. He later manages to free himself, but finds he no longer has the power to kill demons. After Sam and Dean fail in their attempt to kill the Devil, Castiel teleports them to safety. After exhausting most of his remaining power to take Sam and Dean back in time to save their parents from renegade angel Anna, Castiel aids the Winchesters in their battle with Famine, the Horseman of the Apocalypse – the brothers having already defeated War – but his weakened powers render him susceptible to Famine's influence, Famine attacking Jimmy's hunger for red meat to make Castiel more interested in eating burgers than actually fighting. When the brothers are killed by vengeful hunters in "Dark Side of the Moon", Castiel – unable to return to Heaven – briefly communicates with them. He tasks them with finding the angel Joshua, who communicates directly with God. Although Joshua reveals God is alive, he claims He is apathetic to the Apocalypse; having saved the brothers and Castiel, God feels He has done enough. When relayed to Castiel, his hopes and faith are shattered, leading him to drink heavily in the subsequent episode "99 Problems" when Sam summons him for answers about the actions of the people in a town. Castiel reveals that they are dealing with the Whore of Babylon and provides the stake that can kill her, but as he is no longer a true servant of Heaven, is unable to do it himself. He gets Pastor Gideon so they can have him do it and tries to hold the Whore in place so the Pastor can stab her. However, she casts a spell that causes him great pain and knocks him out of the fight. In the end, Dean stabs her with the stake, identifying himself as a true servant of heaven.
In "Point of No Return", Castiel helps Sam to keep Dean from becoming Michael's vessel. He leaves after hearing a signal from the angels, and finds a resurrected Adam Milligan – Sam and Dean's half-brother who had been previously killed by ghouls. When Dean escapes and tries to contact the angels, Castiel finds him, and angrily attacks him for making Castiel's rebelling against Heaven worthless. Later, he carves a banishing sigil into his own chest and activates it in the presence of multiple angels in order to clear the way for Sam and Dean to attack Zachariah and save Adam. The effects of the sigil send him onto a fishing boat, now completely human. Despite his lack of power, he is able to defeat the Horseman Pestilence using what appears to be what little is left of his angelic strength, and assists Bobby and Sam in preventing nationwide distribution of the Croatoan virus. In the fifth-season finale, "Swan Song", Castiel loses faith after Sam fails to overpower Lucifer when he possesses him and suggests they get drunk and wait for the end to come. When Dean refuses to give up, Castiel and Bobby follow him and Castiel uses a Molotov cocktail of Holy Fire to temporarily banish Michael to buy Dean time to try to reach Sam. Angry that Castiel attacked his brother, Lucifer obliterates Castiel with a snap of his fingers. After Sam and Dean avert the Apocalypse, Castiel is resurrected once more by God, now more powerful than ever as a seraphim. He heals Dean's injuries and resurrects Bobby and reminds Dean that he got what he wanted: no Apocalypse, no Paradise, just more of the same. Castiel then heads back to Heaven to restore order and become its new leader, believing it to be in chaos as Sam trapped Michael in Lucifer's Cage as well.
A year after the Apocalypse, Castiel returns to Earth in "The Third Man" to get Sam and Dean's help to find the Staff of Moses, which, along with many other weapons of Heaven, has been stolen during the war. They soon discover that the angel Balthazar has stolen it and sold pieces of it to people in exchange for their souls. They confront Balthazar, but are interrupted by Raphael. Before Raphael is able to get his revenge against Castiel, Balthazar destroys Raphael's vessel and sends him back to Heaven. After trapping Balthazar within a ring of ignited holy oil and forcing him to restore the souls he has taken, Castiel sets him free, claiming his debt has been paid off.
In "Family Matters", Castiel returns to "diagnose" Sam by asking him several questions. Sam, still dizzy and unsure of what is going on after being knocked unconscious by Dean, reveals that he no longer sleeps and has become a better hunter. Castiel has an idea of what's wrong and decides to read Sam's soul by reaching inside him, and the truth is finally revealed: that Sam has no soul, and it was locked in the cage with Lucifer. Both Dean and Castiel are unsure whether Sam is still Sam without his soul, but they let Sam go and Castiel heals his wounds from being beaten by Dean.
In "Caged Heat", Sam tries to trick Castiel into coming to Earth to help the brothers get Sam's soul back. When he comes, Sam threatens Castiel saying that if he does not help, then he will hunt him down and kill him. Despite knowing Sam never could, he helps them. Later, while Sam and Dean are doing research, Castiel discovers porn on TV; when Dean asks why he was watching porn, he replies, "It was there."
Castiel later discovers Sam and Dean are working with a demon called Meg, whom he refers to as an abomination. When Crowley admits that he cannot get Sam's soul back, Castiel burns Crowley's human remains.
At the end of the episode Castiel explains to Sam and Dean that the celestial war is not going well for him and he would rather be on Earth with them, but leaves anyway to continue fighting, but promises to take care of Crowley's captured monsters first. After acquiring the holy weapons from Balthazar in "The French Mistake", Castiel suggests that he now has a military advantage in the war. Unfortunately, this advantage seems limited; he orders Balthazar in "My Heart Will Go On" to save the Titanic, spawning 50,000 new souls to empower his side. However, Fate works to undo the impossible births and begins killing them. Once the brothers encounter the string of odd deaths Fate takes this opportunity to eliminate them due to their part of undoing the destined Apocalypse. This forces Castiel to concede the loss and re-sink the Titanic.
In "Frontierland", Sam and Dean call for Castiel to send them back in time as they have learned that the ashes of a Phoenix can kill Eve and that Samuel Colt killed one in the past with The Colt. Rachel, Castiel's lieutenant comes instead and berates the boys for only calling for him when they need something of him, but Castiel arrives himself and sends Rachel away. Castiel is able to send Dean and Sam back in time, but warns them that he has to retrieve them in 24 hours or they'll be stuck in the past forever and tells Bobby to pray for him when the time comes. While waiting, Rachel approaches him about his plans and attacks him. Castiel kills her, but is left weakened by a stab wound she managed to inflict on him first. Castiel manages to teleport to Bobby's and draws a sigil to hide himself from the other angels before passing out. He wakes in time to retrieve the Winchesters, but his weakened state prevents this so he is forced to draw power from Bobby's soul. While Dean killed the Phoenix, Castiel brought them back before they could gather the ashes so it all appears for nothing and he lacks the power to send them back. Luckily, Samuel Colt collected the ashes and sent a package with them to be delivered to Bobby's after the boys return.
In "Mommy Dearest", it is discovered that there is a possibility Crowley may have faked his death and might still be alive; suggesting that perhaps Castiel had burned the wrong bones by mistake. Eve reveals this to Sam and Dean when they try to hunt her down. During the hunt, Eve is able to suppress Castiel's powers as she is older than him. After Dean kills Eve, Castiel's powers return and he kills all of her monsters with a blast of white light before transporting the group to the home of the uncle of two young boys who were turned into monsters. There, they find them dead, having been killed by demons, and Castiel promises to look into Crowley's possible survival to find out for sure if he's dead or not. However, Castiel is instead seen with a very alive Crowley who states that he is "tired of cleaning up after [Castiel's] messes", implying that Castiel had full knowledge of burning the wrong bones and that both he and Crowley have some sort of agreement between them and/or may be working together as partners.
In "The Man Who Would Be King", it is revealed that Castiel was the one who partially raised Sam from Hell, though due to the complication of the cage it was impossible to retrieve his soul, and that he has made a deal with Crowley in a desperate attempt to win the war. Sam and Dean also learn of his partnership with Crowley when he slips up and reveals he is spying on them.
In "Let it Bleed", Castiel is enraged to learn that Lisa and Ben Braeden have been kidnapped by Crowley and tries to get him to reveal where they are to no avail. Castiel saves Dean from a demon and tries and fails to convince him to back off. Later, after Lisa is mortally wounded by a demon possessing her in an attempt to force Dean not to exorcise her, Castiel arrives at the hospital and without being asked, heals her wounds and at Dean's request, erases all of her and her son Ben's memories of Dean. He does this as a final act of friendship towards Dean though both admit it doesn't change the fact that they are now enemies. Castiel also spends the episode one step ahead of Bobby investigating H.P. Lovecraft's opening of Purgatory in an attempt to find a way to open it himself.
In "The Man Who Knew Too Much", Castiel tricks Crowley and Raphael, eventually absorbing the souls from Purgatory. He demonstrates his new power by killing Raphael with a simple snap of his fingers. While talking to Dean, who unsuccessfully begs him to give up the power, Sam sneaks up behind them and attempts to kill him with an angelic blade by stabbing Castiel in the back, but it has no effect. Castiel removes the blade, explains that he is no longer an angel, declaring himself their new God. He then glances at the three hunters before delivering an ultimatum: to profess their own loyalty and love unto him, or be destroyed.
In "Meet the New Boss", Castiel begins exacting his new supremacy over the planet, working miracles and punishing religious hypocrites alike. However, when Castiel's vessel begins to become damaged and he begins to lose control of his power, Death reveals that he also absorbed creatures known as Leviathans from Purgatory. The Leviathans will destroy him if they are not released. Castiel seeks out the Winchesters' help, and reopens the portal with Death's assistance. Although the souls are returned, the Leviathans evade reentering Purgatory and take control of Castiel's vessel. In "Hello, Cruel World", the vessel begins to quickly break down. The Leviathans are forced to leave, dispersing into the local water supply nearby and leaving behind only Castiel's trench coat.
In "The Born-Again Identity", it's revealed that Castiel survived. After the Leviathans left him, he made his way out of the river, naked, and ran into his future wife Daphne. However, the experience renders Castiel amnesic, but with his angelic powers intact. Going by the name "Emanuel", Castiel used his powers to heal people, though he didn't know where that ability and his power to see demon's true faces came from. After Sam is committed to a mental hospital as a result of the hallucinations of Lucifer he is suffering due to Castiel breaking his "mental wall", Dean searches for "Emanuel" and kills a demon that is holding his wife hostage. Castiel agrees to help Dean who doesn't tell him who he really is, but mentions what "Cas" had done to Sam. The two are joined by Meg, but upon reaching the hospital, find demons surrounding the entrance. As Castiel is the only one who can take them all down, Dean is forced to tell him the truth about who he really is and insists he has the power to kill the demons. Castiel manages to summon his power to kill demons and kills all of them, but doing so restores his memories. Castiel shows remorse for his previous actions and initially wants to leave, but Dean is able to convince him to help by giving him back his trench coat. Castiel finds Sam in time to save him from a demon torturing him to death with electro-shock therapy and tries to restore his mental wall, but can't as it's completely gone. Feeling sorry for what he had done, Castiel transfers the problem to himself and is haunted by visions of Lucifer like Sam was. Castiel is committed to the mental hospital, but is safe from the demons as only Meg knows he's alive and she takes a job at the hospital, presumably to look after him. In "Party On, Garth", Dean calls Meg and she reveals that Castiel's in the same condition, which Sam feels guilty about.
In "Reading is Fundamental", Castiel is awakened when the Word of God – a tablet with information inscribed by an angel as dictated by God – is found by Sam and Dean. Although his torment has driven him insane, he explains that taking on Sam's pain has helped relieve some of his past burdens. He then explains what the Word of God is, but is unable to read it. Two angels from his former garrison arrive in pursuit of Kevin, a prophet who was awakened by the Word of God and drawn to it. The angel Hester tries to kill Castiel out of anger for his past actions, but she is instead killed by Meg. The other angel offers Castiel the chance to return to Heaven with him, but Castiel declines, explaining that he feels he no longer belongs there. The other angel then leaves, taking Kevin away to safety. Castiel comments to the Winchesters that he finds it amazing that he does not know what he is going to do next, and teleports away after giving them his blood.
In "Survival of the Fittest", after finding his garrison wiped out, Castiel has Meg take him to the Winchesters where he explains what he has discovered. Crowley arrives and is furious to see him, but Castiel no longer has a wish to fight and when Crowley realizes he's insane, he decides to put off his feud with Castiel for a time when he's sane again. Crowley, after giving them his blood, disappears but tells them Castiel can help them kill Dick. Castiel refuses to help as he doesn't want to fight and after he disappears to retrieve a board game, Meg explains that since Castiel had the Leviathans within him, he is able to tell them apart even in their human forms and can pick out the real Dick Roman. Castiel watches as Sam and Dean burn Bobby's flask and put him at rest and later takes Dean to where he has stored the Impala and agrees to help. Castiel, Sam and Dean infiltrate Sucrocorp thanks to a distraction from Meg and he and Dean confront Dick Roman in the labs. Dick throws Castiel across the room when he tries to attack, but after Dean fails to kill Dick, Castiel holds his head in place from behind allowing Dean to stab Dick through the neck with the weapon, killing him. As a result of this, Castiel and Dean are sucked into Purgatory with Dick's soul and after letting Dean know this and that they are more likely to die than get out, Castiel disappears, leaving Dean alone.
In "We Need To Talk About Kevin", Dean escapes Purgatory with the help of the vampire Benny, but Castiel is not with him. He later tells Sam that things got hairy near the end and that Castiel didn't make it, that he "let go". While Dean doesn't elaborate, he is clearly affected by this. In a flashback scene, Dean is shown looking for Castiel in Purgatory, interrogating a vampire for his location. As a result, he meets Benny and only agrees to Benny's deal to get out if they find Castiel first and help him escape too. Castiel appears in flashbacks in the following episode, where he reveals that he fled Dean to keep him safe from the Leviathans and other monsters that are angry at Castiel, but Dean refuses to leave Purgatory without Castiel. When talking with another angel at an auction for the second Word of God tablet, Dean again states that Castiel did not make it out of Purgatory. He later escapes with the aid of an army of angels sent to rescue him – having initially remained behind as penance for his actions to stop a duo of Leviathans that were trying to attack Dean and Benny as they left Purgatory – but the other angels not only erase his memory that they were responsible for his escape, but also erase his memory of their subsequent 'check-ins' to discuss the Winchesters' actions, with Castiel forced to tell them about the Winchesters' progress in the search for the tablet. Apparently back to full power, Castiel helps the Winchesters save Kevin from Crowley – who has been abducting future Prophets to try to find another means of reading the Word of God tablet – and destroy the tablet to prevent Crowley using it, retaining half of the tablet while Crowley flees with the other half. Afterwards, in "Hunteri Heroici", Castiel cuts off his ability to listen into the other angels and decides to become a full-time hunter to avoid facing the other angels about what he has done. Castiel proves instrumental in solving the case, using his abilities to enter the mind of a man with reality warping powers, allowing Sam to bring him back to reality with a speech about not running from it. Later, at the request of the man, Fred, Castiel strips him of his powers so he is no longer a danger to anyone though it leaves him mentally damaged. Castiel, having listened to Sam's speech about running from reality as well as Fred, decides to return to Heaven to try to make up for what he did, but is forbidden by Naomi, the angel who ordered his rescue. Instead, Castiel stays to watch out for Fred for a while, but accepts that he can no longer run from what he has done.
In "Torn and Frayed", as his penance, Castiel has turned back on his "angel radio" and travels around helping people who have need of help or healing. He demonstrates this by healing a sick infant that won't stop crying. After getting a distress call from Samandriel, Naomi summons Castiel to rescue the angel. Castiel enlists Dean's help and repeatedly wonders where Sam is, unaware that Sam and Dean are currently not getting along. After getting the ingredients for a "demon bomb", Castiel gets Sam as they will need all the help they can get to rescue Samandriel and yells at Sam and Dean for their behavior. At the warehouse, Castiel tells Sam and Dean what symbols to neutralize and where so he can enter and gives Sam his sword so he has a weapon against demons. After Sam and Dean clear the way, Castiel enters, but is weakened by the other sigils in the building. Samandriel's screams cause him to remember being tied down by Naomi who approaches his eye with a mysterious instrument and is unable to help Sam and Dean in breaking into the room where Samandriel is. After they get in, Castiel frees Samandriel while Sam and Dean deal with the demons guarding him and takes the other angel outside. There, Samandriel begs for Castiel not to return him to Heaven and tries to warn him that "they" are controlling him. Before Samandriel can explain, Naomi forces Castiel to kill him for being a "traitor". Castiel is horrified by this, but Naomi reveals that Samandriel telling Crowley about the angel Word of God tablet puts all in angels in danger and Castiel is a hero. Under her orders, he claims to Sam and Dean that he was forced to kill Samandriel in self-defense and that he is taking him back to Heaven to put him to rest (in reality so Naomi can determine just how much he broke), but his weird behavior and the fact that his eye starts bleeding arouses Sam and Dean's suspicions that he is being controlled.
In "Goodbye Stranger", Castiel has been completely brainwashed by Naomi and has killed thousands of copies of Dean ruthlessly. Castiel is sent to find the angel tablet and tortures and kills the demons also looking for it, drawing Sam and Dean's attention. Sam and Dean track down someone who knows the location of one of Lucifer's Crypts where the angel tablet is and in ensuing scuffle, Sam ends up in trouble. Castiel saves Sam and captures one of the demons, claiming under Naomi's orders that he is searching for the second half of the demon tablet and that the demons are searching for a parchment that will allow them to translate it without a Prophet. Castiel tortures the demon who tells them where to find Meg, but kills her before she can reveal the truth to Sam and Dean. Castiel heads off alone and rescues Meg who explains what the demons really want. While Naomi initially wants her killed to prevent that, Castiel is able to make a case to keep her alive. The group then go to the warehouse where the crypt is and before heading inside with Dean, Castiel reveals that Sam is damaged by his trials on a level that even Castiel can't fix. Castiel and Dean locate the angel tablet and Castiel has to have Dean get it as it is warded against angels. However, Naomi orders Castiel to kill Dean and though he fights it, he has no control over his actions. As he is about to kill him, Dean manages to break through to Castiel's heart and he breaks free of Naomi's influence. He picks up the angel tablet which completely severs Naomi's connection to and control over him. Castiel heals Dean and explains what happened, but senses that he must now protect the tablet from everyone, even Dean. Castiel is later seen traveling on a bus to an unknown destination with the tablet. Despite losing the tablet, Naomi is somewhat satisfied as according to her, Castiel is doing what he is supposed to be doing. Naomi later comes to Dean. In an attempt to gain his trust, presumably because she knows Castiel is one of his weak spots, she lies to Dean about Castiel and claims that he misinterpreted everything she has done and is still insane. Dean, of course, doesn't believe her. Despite this, Castiel is eventually captured by Naomi's forces, but the angel tablet is claimed by Crowley after one of Naomi's angels betrays their location, although this gives Castiel time to escape and reunite with the Winchesters after killing the angel guarding him.
With Heaven in chaos, Metatron (the Scribe of God, recently rediscovered) convinces Castiel that they must seal the gates of Heaven to force the angels together to make peace. The first trial is to cut out the heart of a nephilim, the child of a human and an angel, which Castiel is forced to kill when the selected target attacks him. They manage to complete the second trial (retrieving the bow of a cupid), but Metatron subsequently reveals that his true intentions are to exile all the angels from Heaven for forcing him to leave Heaven ages ago. He takes Castiel's grace from him as the third ingredient for this spell, leaving Castiel human and banished to Earth before the other angels begin to fall as well.
With the angels expelled from Heaven, many of them begin searching for Castiel, whom they believe is responsible, and was knowingly working to enact Metatron’s plans. Castiel decides he wants to help his fallen brethren find "direction" when he encounters an angel named Hael who requests his guidance. When Castiel contacts the Winchesters, however, Dean tells him to leave Hael and make his way the Men of Letters bunker where he will be safe from the angels hunting him. Following this, Castiel attempts to leave Hael behind but is captured by her instead whereby she reveals her plans to possess him. Castiel escapes and kills Hael then continues to make his way to the bunker, abandoning his usual attire along the way. Castiel is nearly caught several times by the angels searching for him and gets a tattoo that will ward him against angels. In response, the angels send freelance Reapers after him and he is eventually caught by one of them. The Reaper tortures Castiel and kills him when the Winchesters show up to rescue him. Dean has the angel secretly possessing Sam heal Castiel and takes him back to the bunker but later asks him to leave when Ezekiel, the angel inside Sam, requests it, potentially threatening Sam’s life if Dean doesn’t comply.
Castiel gets a job at a gas station and attempts to adjust to his new life as a human. He helps Dean hunt a rogue angel that is killing people in emotional pain, but later prays for help when Dean sends him away for the second time on Ezekiel's orders. Castiel is found by the neutral angel Muriel who heard his prayer. Muriel agrees to provide information but the two are captured by angels that have been trailing Muriel. Castiel and Muriel are taken to the anarchist angel Malachi, the leader of one side of the angel civil war (the other side being headed by the angel Bartholomew), and tortured for information on Metatron. Muriel is killed in the process.
Eventually, Malachi leaves Castiel with the angel Theo who tells Castiel he wants to defect to Metatron's side. Castiel tricks Theo into releasing him and steals his Grace, transforming Castiel into an angel once more and at least restoring his powers. Castiel calls Dean and tells him that while he was held captive by Malachi he learned that the angel Ezekiel is dead and so the angel possessing Sam must be an impostor.
After being contacted by Dean, Castiel, now wearing a new suit and trench coat and driving a stolen car as he can no longer teleport, returns to the bunker where he comes up with the plan to have Crowley help expel Gadreel from Sam. Castiel knocks Gadreel out and comforts Dean when the torture they have Crowley perform to bring forth Sam's mind proves too much for Dean. Castiel is furious to learn that the angel possessing Sam is actually Gadreel, blaming him for all the evil in the universe, but Dean calms him down. When Gadreel proves resistant to their efforts to expel him, Dean tries to have Castiel possess Sam to let him know of the situation but he can't without Sam's permission, and furthermore has no way to gain it due to Sam’s mind being kept under by Gadreel. Crowley agrees to possess Sam instead in exchange for his freedom and though Castiel is reluctant, he removes Sam's anti-possession tattoo. The plan works and Sam expels Gadreel. After leaving Crowley to deal with Abaddon, Castiel heals Sam's injuries from the torture and informs him he can finish his healing from the Trials over time as Gadreel did most of the job. He remains behind with Sam as Dean leaves on his own.
With his angelic powers partially restored, Castiel sets out to try and stop the angelic civil war. Having killed Bartholomew in self-defence, Castiel takes command of most of the Earth-bound angels, but finds himself opposed by Metatron, who is rallying angels to his side with the intention of painting Castiel as the villain of the piece. Although Castiel learns that his stolen grace will kill him eventually, he refuses Metatron's offer to side with him, eventually convincing Gadreel to ally with him in opposing Metatron's attempt to stage a coup of Heaven even as Metatron tricks the other angels into follow him by presenting Castiel as a despot willing to destroy everything to win the war, convincing angels to 'suicide bomb' themselves and claim that Castiel told them to do it. Having gained access to Heaven's 'back door' after Gadreel sacrifices himself, Castiel defeats Metatron and throws him into Heaven's prison.
Despite his defeat of Metatron and access to Heaven having been restored, Castiel continues to face challenges on a personal and large scale, as some angels prefer to remain on Earth and his stolen Grace continues to consume him. Although Metatron has hinted that he may be able to help Castiel with a remaining fragment of his original Grace, Castiel has rejected the option of making a deal with Metatron to save his own life. Sam and Dean remain ignorant of Castiel's fate, although Crowley is aware of Castiel's condition, at one point killing another angel to transfer her Grace to Castiel so that Castiel could help Sam cure the now-demonic Dean after he was transformed by the Mark of Cain.
When Hannah decides to return to Heaven to give her vessel a chance at returning to her life, Castiel is prompted to look up Jimmy's daughter Claire Novak, revealing that Jimmy has been dead and in Heaven ever since Jimmy's body was destroyed during his first confrontation with Raphael. Although Claire initially resents Castiel's return to her life, she comes to accept him and the Winchesters after they save her from being sold as a prostitute by a man she believed had been helping her.
Seeking to help Dean find a cure for the Mark of Cain, Castiel breaks Metatron out of Heaven and removes his Grace so that the Winchesters can interrogate him. Although he fails to provide any new information, Metatron is able to lead Castiel to the library where he hid the remaining fragments of Castiel's Grace. With his powers restored, Castiel helps Claire find her long-lost mother, but although Amelia sacrifices herself to save Claire, Claire accepts that the Winchesters and Castiel meant well, even speculating that she will become a Hunter herself. When Rowena – Crowley's long-lost mother – casts a spell to remove the Mark, she also casts a spell that causes Castiel to attack Crowley while she escapes, leaving Castiel driven by a greater rage to the point that he kills two angels until Rowena is forced to cure him.
Faced with the threat of the Darkness – revealed over the course of the series to be God's 'sister', sacrificed to create the world – Castiel agrees to act as Lucifer's vessel when Lucifer claims to be the only one with the power to defeat the Darkness, since God is absent and all other archangels are dead or insane. After killing Rowena, apparently the only person capable of re-opening the Cage, Lucifer spends some time re-establishing his power base in Hell while acting as Castiel to interact with the Winchesters and follow their research into Amara, but his true identity is revealed after the Winchesters attempt to travel back in time to recover a Hand of God from a submarine before it sank in 1943. Castiel is able to regain control long enough to explain the situation to Sam and to stop Lucifer killing him. Dean subsequently returns and banishes Lucifer, vowing to find a way to free Castiel from his control. Crowley, forced to act as Lucifer's slave, is forced on the run after he fails to kill Lucifer with another salvaged Hand of God. The Winchesters manage to get through to Castiel when preparing for a new confrontation with Amara, but Castiel resolves to remain as Lucifer's Vessel until her defeat, only for the Hand of God to fail against Amara's power. With Castiel/Lucifer now Amara's prisoner, she decides to torture an archangel to try and lure God out, leaving the Winchesters to speculate that Lucifer couldn't use the Hand of God due to the fact that he is a fallen archangel. Lucifer is eventually rescued when God returns – revealed to be Chuck, the author who wrote the Winchester Gospels – with God/Chuck healing Lucifer and apologizing for his past actions. Although Lucifer is apparently killed in the later confrontation with Amara, Castiel is healed and returned to control of his body, he also meets his creator for the first time. After Dean's apparent sacrifice to stop the Darkness, Castiel goes with Sam although he is then banished when a member of the London branch of the Men of Letters attacks the bunker to punish Sam for his past actions.
Castiel is able to collect himself in time to return to the bunker and help Dean and the resurrected Mary Winchester find and rescue Sam. However, upon learning that Lucifer has escaped destruction, now jumping through vessels that rapidly burn out due to his weakened state making it harder for him to maintain them, Castiel sets out to find Lucifer, accompanied by Crowley, although their first attempt simply sees Rowena banish Lucifer's new vessel to the bottom of the ocean without actually managing to kill him. Lucifer eventually takes the President of the United States as his vessel, and conceives a child with one of the president's staff, but he is banished from this vessel thanks to the Winchesters and Crowley. After helping the Winchesters fake their deaths to escape the secret service, Castiel attempts to find Lucifer's child, but is convinced to spare the unborn child by his mother, Kelly, who is certain that the baby will be good. When Lucifer returns- Crowley faked banishing Lucifer when in reality he attempted to trap Lucifer in his old vessel and control him- The Winchester with the help of Castiel and Crowley confront Lucifer as Kelly is giving birth to Jack. The brothers are successful with luring Lucifer into the rift as Crowley sacrifices himself to close the rift-trapping Lucifer inside. As Castiel reenters the portal, Lucifer kills Castiel, while Mary forces Lucifer through the rift, trapping them both in the parallel dimension.
Although Castiel is dead, Jack, Lucifer's son, who regards Castiel as his guardian, is able to make Castiel 'wake up' in the Empty, the place where angels and demons go when they die. The Cosmic Entity, who rules this realm, is annoyed by Castiel's being awake and attempts to use his own memories and insecurities against him to make him fall back asleep forever. However, Castiel believes that he is "already saved" and will not go to sleep, while demanding to be released. This defiance causes the Cosmic Entity to resurrect him and send him back to Earth, where he is overjoyed to be alive again. He later reunites with the Winchesters and meets Jack. However, he is subsequently captured along with Lucifer by Asmodeus when Lucifer returns to this world to warn them about the Michael of the parallel universe, who seeks to rule this world as well. Castiel and Lucifer work to escape together, but Lucifer attacks Castiel shortly afterwards. Castiel stabs him, but Lucifer escapes. Castiel and the Winchesters work together to try and find Lucifer, while also working with the prophet Donatello on a spell to free Mary and Jack from Apocalypse World. Donatello, without his soul that was taken by Amara, has no natural barrier against the corrupting influence of the tablets, causing him to become corrupted. He attempts to get Dean and Castiel killed when he tells them that they need to summon and kill ancient warriors Gog and Magog and retrieve their hearts as ingredients for the spell. Castiel, realizing there is no other way to safely know the true ingredients for the spell, forcibly extracts the spell from Donatello's mind, leaving him brain-dead and on life support. Sam and Dean are uncomfortable with Castiel's actions, but he tells them that there was no other way.
While the Winchesters search for other ingredients, Castiel searches for fruit of the Tree of Life in Syria. After finding the tree, Castiel fought and killed most of the Djnn clan that was guarding the tree and bargained with the survivors, possibly leaving Castiel married to their queen. Castiel then returns to the Bunker in Scoobynatural, where he is sucked into an episode of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! following the Winchesters.
Castiel attempts to assist Sam in healing a traumatized Gabriel, who is actually alive, after faking his own death and being captured by Asmodeus, who tortured him and extracted his grace for power for years. Asmodeus then tracks Gabriel down and he and his demon underlings enter the Bunker, where they attack the group. Gabriel then regains his confidence and incinerates Asmodeus. Sam and Castiel tell Gabriel about the situation with Apocalypse World and ask for his help, but he refuses and leaves. Castiel then goes to Heaven to ask for help with Gabriel and the Apocalypse World Michael situation, where he is surprised to meet an alive Naomi. Naomi had actually survived Metatron's attack on her, and had spent the last years recovering. She then tells Castiel that due to the fact that there are only a dozen or so angels left alive after the various wars and purges of recent years, Heaven is at risk of falling apart and having the billions of souls residing there sent back to Earth as ghosts, which would cause untold destruction and chaos. She and the surviving angels must stay in Heaven in order to keep it running, although his news about an archangel, Gabriel, being alive gives them hope as his power could help keep Heaven running. Castiel, disturbed by the news and by Naomi being alive, leaves Heaven.
The Winchesters and Castiel, now working with Rowena and Gabriel, capture Lucifer to use his Archangel grace for the spell, after Gabriel's proves to be insufficient. Rowena then is able to open up a rift to Apocalypse World and Castiel then travels with Dean, Sam and Gabriel into the rift to find Mary and Jack. Castiel informs Gabriel of the situation in Heaven, but Gabriel is reluctant to believe that he can be of help after abandoning Heaven previously. Sam is killed by vampires while traveling to Mary and Jack's camp. The group then arrives at the camp and they inform Jack and Mary of Sam's death. Jack angrily asks Castiel and Gabriel why they did not resurrect Sam, but they inform him that neither of them are strong enough. Lucifer then enters the camp with a resurrected Sam, using him as proof of his good intention to simply try and get to know his son. Castiel distrusts this and handcuffs him, which Lucifer allows.
Arthur Ketch and the alternate universe version of Charlie Bradbury are captured by angels. The alternate universe version of Castiel, who never knew the Winchesters and thus never defected from Heaven is called in as an "expert" to interrogate and torture them. While he still uses the vessel of Jimmy Novak, this version of Castiel speaks with an accent, and has a pronounced facial tic and an eye injury. Meanwhile, the Winchesters, Jack and Castiel are informed of the capture of their allies and work to free them. The two versions of Castiel encounter each other. The alternate Castiel wonders about the other Castiel's allegiance to humans, and tell him that they are the same. Castiel agrees, and kills him. Castiel then works with Jack and the Winchesters to evacuate their alternate universe allies through the rift and back to their original universe. Gabriel is killed fighting Michael during the evacuation, and Lucifer is purposefully left behind by Sam. During the celebrations back at the Bunker, the Winchesters inform Castiel that Gabriel died a noble death helping them all escape.
Michael arrives from Apocalypse World at the Bunker and attacks the Winchesters and Castiel. Sam prays to Jack for help, who quickly arrives at the Bunker with Lucifer and defeats Michael. Jack, after finding out Lucifer murdered Maggie, rejects him, which causes Lucifer to admit he only needs his power, causing him to steal Jack's grace and disappear with him and Sam. Castiel and Dean tell Michael of the situation, who is willing to help them defeat Lucifer, but cannot fight him due to the damage to his vessel. Over the protests of Castiel, Dean tells Michael that he is his true vessel, and that he will be his vessel and they can defeat Lucifer together if Dean remains in control. Dean then fights and kills Lucifer, but Michael betrays the deal and takes control. Mary and Bobby return to the Bunker to find Castiel, alone and despondent.
With Dean now trapped as Michael's vessel, Castiel assists Sam and Jack in campaigning against Michael's forces, while also trying to assist Nick in coping with his time as Lucifer's vessel. Michael is eventually apparently expelled from Dean, but Jack later dies as a result of his angelic heritage being at war with his human nature now that his grace has been stripped. Castiel is able to make a deal with the entity from the Empty to restore Jack to life in exchange for himself, but the entity chooses not to collect right away. Michael later re-takes Dean as a vessel, but after Castiel and the others enter Dean's mind to alert him to the situation, Dean is able to trap Michael in his own subconscious while he makes plans to trap himself to stop Michael for good.
When the Winchesters unintentionally change history when a wish-granting pearl draws John Winchester of 2003 into the present, this creates a new timeline where Castiel is still a servant of Heaven alongside Zachariah. The Winchesters are able to kill Zachariah and banish Castiel, but eventually are forced to send John back to restore the original history.
Michael is eventually destroyed when Jack taps his remaining powers, but this results in damage to Jack's soul, with the Winchesters and Castiel becoming increasingly concerned about his future sanity. Castiel is later able to restore the prophet Donatello to life, the mental damage he had previously suffered due to his lost soul now limited so long as Donatello reminds himself to be good. Castiel continues to assist the Winchesters, such as trapping psychic Chip Harrington in his own mind when Chip's psychic powers force an entire town to remain stuck in the 1950s. Jack's moral corruption escalates to the point where he kills Mary on impulse; Castiel attempts to retrieve her soul, but decides to leave her in Heaven after he confirms that Mary has reunited with John in the afterlife. When the angel Durmah attempts to establish a more ruthless form of Heaven, Castiel kills her when she tries to use John and Mary's souls as a blackmail tool.
God eventually returns to offer the Winchesters help against Jack's corrupted state, but when the Winchesters realize that God is manipulating the situation to suit his own narrative aspirations, they reject his plans, prompting God to release all the spirits and monsters the Winchesters have previously defeated from Hell. The Winchesters are able to defeat the wave of monsters after Rowena sacrifices herself to take the spirits back to Hell, but with his powers weakening and Dean blaming Castiel for Mary's death, Castiel decides to move on, although an encounter with a djinn inspires Castiel to continue trying to help others.
Castiel subsequently returns to the brothers to help them defeat God by grooming a resurrected Jack to become stronger. After the plan fails, and they are chased by Billie, Castiel sacrifices himself by confessing his love and admiration for Dean and allowing himself to be happy. This activates his deal with the Shadow, who drags him and Billie into the Empty.
In "Carry On", Bobby Singer revealed to Dean in heaven that Jack resurrected Castiel from the Empty in order to help reshape heaven.
Knox escorts Adam through Pinehearst to Arthur Petrelli's room. Adam is terrified so Knox, with his increased strength, forces Adam's hand into Arthur's; Adam, screaming, rapidly begins to age and decay, turning into a pile of dust in seconds. Arthur sits up and removes the tube from his throat, having obtained Adam's cellular regenerative ability.
Daphne finds Matt Parkman, who knows her without having even met her. He explains that he had a prophetic vision of his future in Africa, where they are married and have a child named Daniella. Daphne gives him a card for Pinehearst and speeds off. Daphne penetrates Level 5 and meets with Sylar, who rejects her offer. Sylar releases Peter.
Claire and Sandra try to save Meredith from Doyle, one of the escaped villains, but the plan goes awry and they are all captured. Doyle decides to make the three women play a twisted version of Russian Roulette until Claire persuades Sandra to shoot her. Claire quickly regenerates and knocks Doyle unconscious.
Ando and Hiro appear at Usutu's hut in Africa, where Usutu directs them to a painting showing Arthur and his assembled villains that they need to face: Arthur Petrelli, Sylar, Flint and Knox, along with the double helix.
Mohinder gives Tracy and Nathan injections, which he claims are DNA markers. Tracy collapses unconscious and a horrified Nathan lunges at Mohinder, falling into the next room and seeing cocooned figures before falling into a coma as well. Mohinder prepares to experiment on Nathan and Tracy, but they escape.
Peter and Sylar visit Angela, which convinces Peter to visit Pinehearst. Sylar believes he is too weak, and after a fight, Peter confines him to a cell. Knox, Arthur says that Peter is his son, and asks for a hug. Peter agrees, and Arthur steals Peter's powers.
Palash(Prasenjit), an engineer who returns to his bustee home and slum-mates, who lose no time in jumping and jiving with baltis and jharu to welcome their guru back. Schoolteacher Rachana Banerjee bursts on the scene as the right match for Palash. But just when the lovey-dovey couple begins cavorting around trees, the bad guys surface. A vile landshark (Hara Pattanaik) tricks Palash into a real-estate project, only to gun him down soon after. For those who love Prosenjit as a deadly combo of action hero and comic man, enter Mr Fantoosh in Jackie Chan mode, spinning karate chops and one-liners that go: "Aami maari ekdin, byatha thakey teensho poyshotti din!” Ha-ha and dhishum-dhishum go hand in hand for Mr Fantoosh of the spiky hair and body-hugging ganjees.Newcomers Malabika (as Prosenjit's sister) and Angshuman (as the villain's son)
'''''Redux Riding Hood''''', written by sitcom writer Dan O'Shannon, tells the familiar story of Red Riding Hood from the point of view of the Big Bad Wolf. The Wolf (voiced by Michael Richards) is haunted by the decision to eat Red Riding Hood after dressing up as her grandmother, not because he regrets the choice, but because he’s convinced he can do it better now that he’s learned from his mistakes. But to do that, he has to build a time machine and avoid his poor wife (Mia Farrow). Can the wolf rewrite fairy-tale history or is he destined to never gobble down poor Red?
At his first attempt, the Big Bad Wolf succeeded to return to the past where he finds his past self. He then advises him about what and what not to do and succeeds to knock out the Hunter, who was the reason of his failure, and capture Little Red Riding Hood with a double team. However, the two wolves never expected to lock the Grandma at the armory closet, so she shoots at them with a machine gun. The two wolves return to the present with new regrets and failures. His wife advised them that they are probably not meant to catch Red Riding Hood, but they were too obsessed on their failures to listen. At his second attempt the two wolves now have a triple team and succeeded to dodge their failures but never expected Red’s scream was loud enough to set off the fire alarm flooding the three wolves out of grandma’s house. After that, the wolves made series of ridiculous failures and failures keep increasing until he had hundreds of himself that he keeps changing his fate and still search for solution with even more bizarre ending. His wife couldn't take it anymore and feel like she deserved better. Eventually, she decided to take his time machine for herself and correct her biggest regret; she decided to marry someone else.
When something resembling a giant bat is seen in the skies over Gotham City, and later attacks a guard at Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Batman is considered the culprit. Detective Harvey Bullock asks Mayor Hamilton Hill for permission to form a tactical squad to capture Batman, which was denied by Commissioner Gordon, who does not believe Batman is responsible. Hill authorizes the strike force with District Attorney Harvey Dent promising to put Batman in jail if Bullock catches him.
Believing he was set up, Batman investigates and finds out there were two similar robberies at other pharmaceutical companies. Batman infiltrates Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, unknowingly alerting the security guards, who call the police. As he investigates Bullock's strike force arrive at the scene, just as Gordon tells him another pharmaceutical company was just robbed across town, proving Batman's innocence. Batman escapes the squad with the only recovered clues: a recording of the guard's attack and a fur sample.
The next day, Bruce Wayne visits the Gotham Zoo to ask bat expert Dr. March about the mysterious fur and recording, but he is reluctant to help. March's daughter and assistant, Francine, and her husband, Dr. Kirk Langstrom, promise Bruce to analyze them both for him. Later March calls to give results of the analysis: the sound is a combination of starlings and brown bats, where the fur sample is also from. When the Batcomputer rules both creatures out, Batman becomes suspicious and heads to the zoo to further investigate. There he finds Kirk Langstrom working late, he confesses to stealing the chemicals in order to complete a formula that can transform him into a new species, something neither man nor bat.
Kirk transforms into a giant bat-like creature, known as the Man-Bat, horrifying both Batman and Francine. Man-Bat escapes the zoo but Batman grapples on to him and the two engage in a fierce struggle over Gotham. Batman eventually overpowers Man-Bat and takes him back to the Batcave, where he creates a chemical to reverse the effects of Kirk's serum. Batman returns to the zoo with the restored Kirk to Francine, who is told by Batman the chemical is out of his system but the Man-Bat may not truly be gone.
Kidnapped as a boy, Cedric Zhang – raised to fight in competitions – formed a bond with Christy, a young nurse. When she disappears with no explanation, Cedric immerses himself in the violent NYC underworld in an effort to locate her, finding himself back in the horrible world he spent his life trying to escape.
Vince (Stephen Graham) is depressed over his recent divorce. Six of his friends—Neil (Danny Dyer), Mikey (Noel Clarke), Graham (Emil Marwa), Matt (Lee Ingleby), Patrick (Keith-Lee Castle) and Banksy (Neil Maskell), all of whom have their own women problems—decide to take him on a "boys' weekend". They hire a minibus driven by Candy (Christina Cole) to Moodley, a town where the women allegedly outnumber the men 4 to 1. Banksy misses the bus and travels to the town on his own.
Arriving at the town, the boys find it quiet and surprisingly devoid of women. On the way back to the minibus, the men notice a hooded teenage girl (Alison Carroll) being attacked by a man in military uniform. They rush to her aid and in the confusion of the moment, the hooded teen takes the soldier's knife and stabs Neil. They run for the bus dragging the unconscious soldier with them but discover that Candy, their once-hot bus driver has already become infected. More infected women appear and begin to attack them as they retreat to a house owned by Mikey's grandmother. The soldier (Terry Stone) admits that the town has been infected by a biological agent that turns women into cannibals.
The men make another attempt to get on the bus, using the wounded Neil to lure Candy away. However two other infected women had joined her and chase the men back into the streets. They scatter about the town, hiding in a toy store, a clothes shop, and the butcher shop. Patrick gets trapped on a billboard. Neil runs into a house but is taken hostage by a morbidly obese woman who cuts off his little finger and eats it. Neil eventually escapes and is joined by the others, after their own misadventures, in the local church. There they discover a military command center. Matt powers up the computers and they talk briefly to a local politician, Meg Nut (Mary Tamm). She had been involved in the distribution of the toxin disguised as biological washing powder. The soldier finds a control box and explains it is a sonar device designed to emit a high pitched sound that will stun the zombified women once they have evolved further into "Phase 2" monsters that are faster, more intelligent and weirder. The women so change but when the soldier uses the sonar device it is revealed to have stopped working. He is then killed by Mikey's grandmother, before Matt bludgeons the monster-nan to death with a golf club. Traumatized by what he has done, Matt walks off to 'cool it off' and is killed by a "Phase 2" monster which had appeared from the basement of the Church. After finding a nest with women feasting on the bodies of men in the basement, the men barricade themselves on the roof of the church as more blood crazed women break in.
Banksy eventually arrives at Moodley. Although at first he believes his friends to be high on drugs, he soon recognizes the seriousness of the situation and fetches a ladder to get them off the roof. Graham is then attacked by the morbidly obese woman. Banksy leads the surviving group to his vehicle—a small Smart car, however it is not big enough for all of them. As they all argue Patrick is attacked and dies a bloody death. Everyone else heads to the minibus, where Banksy is killed as Vince fights off Candy. Vince blasts Neil and Mikey, who treat their women badly but get away with it, while nice men like him and their dead friends treat women with respect, only to be rejected or killed. He resolves to be more like them. Before they can drive away, the voice of the still-alive Graham crackles over the walkie-talkie. As he makes his way out from the church Graham powers up the stun-device using a high-voltage power supply. With it now working, the men are able to stop the women in their tracks; however, Vince inadvertently drops and breaks it. The infected are once again unleashed and, with the injured Graham in a shopping trolley, the four make a run for it, laughing.
Two years after the events of the first game, treasure hunter Nathan "Nate" Drake (Nolan North) is approached by former associate Harry Flynn (Steve Valentine) and Flynn's associate Chloe Frazer (Claudia Black) to help steal a Mongolian oil lamp connected to Marco Polo's doomed 1292 voyage from China. The group plans to cheat Flynn's client and take Polo's treasure for themselves. Unbeknownst to Flynn, Chloe and Nate are former partners, and Chloe plans on escaping with Nate afterwards.
Nate and Flynn break into a museum in Istanbul and find the lamp, which contains a map and flammable resin that reveals Polo's fleet was shipwrecked in Borneo, and was carrying the Cintamani Stone from the fabled city of Shambhala. Flynn double-crosses Nate, leaving him to be arrested.
Three months later, Chloe helps free Nate with his long-term friend Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Richard McGonagle). She reveals that Flynn is working for Zoran Lazarević (Graham McTavish), a Serbian war criminal seeking the stone. In Borneo, Nate and Sully infiltrate Lazarević's camp, with Chloe as a mole. Nate discovers that the stone never left Shambhala. They locate a temple containing the bodies of Polo's crew, as well as a phurba and map detailing that its carrier will gain passage to Shambhala through a temple in Nepal. Nate and Sully escape after being cornered by Flynn and his men.
Sully backs out, so Nate and Chloe continue to Nepal, which has been ravaged by Lazarević's mercenaries. They encounter Nate's ex-girlfriend journalist Elena Fisher (Emily Rose) and cameraman Jeff (Gregory Myhre), tracking Lazarević. At the temple, Nate and Chloe use the phurba to uncover Shambhala's location in the Himalayas. After Jeff is shot in an ambush, Chloe insists on abandoning him; Nate and Elena help him but are caught by Lazarević. Chloe switches sides to maintain her cover while Lazarević kills Jeff and obtains Shambhala's location from Nate, who escapes with Elena.
With Elena's help, Nate catches up to Lazarević's train. He fights through it to find Chloe, but she refuses to leave after he compromised their mission to help Jeff and Elena. Flynn arrives and shoots Nate. Cornered, Nate causes an explosion that derails the train over a cliff. He escapes the hanging train car, recovers the phurba, and falls unconscious. A Tibetan Sherpa, Tenzin (Pema Dhondup), brings Nate to his village.
Nate reunites with Elena and is introduced to German explorer, Karl Schäfer (René Auberjonois). Schäfer sends him and Tenzin after the remains of Schäfer's failed expedition for the Cintamani Stone decades ago. Nate and Tenzin travel through ice caves and fight off strange monsters. They discover that Schäfer was working for the Nazi Ahnenerbe and killed his men to protect the world from the stone. They return to repel an attack on the village by Lazarević, who kidnaps Schäfer and steals the phurba. Elena and Nate follow Lazarević's convoy to a monastery, where the mortally-wounded Schäfer warns Nate to destroy the stone before Lazarević can obtain its power.
After reacquiring the phurba from Chloe, Nate and Elena unlock the secret passage to Shambhala underneath the monastery, but Lazarević corners them. With Chloe's cover blown, Lazarević forces Nate to open the pathway to Shambhala. The monsters attack but are killed by Lazarević, who reveals them as human-like guardians of Shambhala. After the gate is opened, unsuited guardians attack, allowing Nate, Elena, and Chloe to escape.
In the city, the group discovers that the Cintamani Stone is a giant amber derived, along with the flammable resin, from the sap of an ancient tree of life. The sap gives the drinker inhuman powers, explaining the guardians and Polo's doomed crew. Flynn, left for dead by Lazarević, ambushes them in a suicide attack, seriously wounding Elena. Nate leaves her in Chloe's care and confronts Lazarević at the tree. Lazarević drinks the tree sap, becoming nearly invincible. By shooting explosive pockets of resin, Nate defeats Lazarević and leaves him to be killed by the guardians. As the city crumbles under the collapse of the tree and exploding resin, Nate and Chloe carry Elena to safety.
In the village, Chloe advises Nate to tell Elena that he loves her, before bidding him farewell. Sully leaves a recovering Elena to Nate. The couple pays their respects at a memorial for Schäfer and kiss.
The young journalist Bachmann (Horst Buchholz) is released from prison by the intervention of Cesar Boyd (Martin Held), a respected and prosperous journalist who hires him as his assistant. Bachmann had been in jail for his attempt to interview war criminals at Spandau prison. Bachmann works for Boyd who acts as his mentor, however, Bachmann’s stories are published under Boyd’s name. Bettina (Maria Perschy), the daughter of a friend comes to study in Berlin and will stay at Boyd. Both Bachmann who picks her up at the airport and Boyd develop an interest in the young woman. In the commotion, a story that has to go out to a Paris newspaper is not prepared, and Boyd, after listening to a tale from his chauffeur Jupp (Gert Fröbe), in the last minute makes up a story of five German soldiers who have lived in a supply bunker in Poland for six years where they had gotten trapped when it was exploded at the end of the war. There is one survivor, now blind, who was brought to a hospital. The story becomes an international sensation and people want to know more. Journalists are sent to Poland to investigate. The Russians suspect the story to be a ruse to send spies. Pressure is put on the Polish government to release the blind soldier. In Germany, widows believe the blind soldier may be their missing husband. Bachmann who initially thought that Boyd had reliable sources for his story, soon recognizes that it is all a big lie. He breaks with his mentor, and tries to warn the public about the hoax. He convinces Bettina of Boyd’s lies, and both of them leave him to start a new beginning.
During Gensokyo's winter, a geyser erupts, close to the Hakurei Shrine, which caused various spirits from Hell to emerge. Patchouli Knowledge, who had previously read of a "power that was uncontrollable by the likes of the yōkai from above ground", warns Yukari Yakumo, who convinces Reimu to go underground and investigate.
The creation of the geyser was instigated by Kanako Yasaka, who convinced the Hell raven Utsuho Reiuji to consume a Yatagarasu and acquire the power of nuclear fusion. Kanako planned to use Hell as a source of nuclear energy, which raised the level of heat in Hell, causing the geyser eruption. Though the proliferation of nuclear energy would have given Gensokyo more energy, Reimu defeats Utsuho, and returns Gensokyo to its normal state. Utsuho explains that nuclear energy was desirable due to its ability to power hot springs at the right temperature.
In 1875, Clio Dulaine, the illegitimate daughter of an aristocratic New Orleans French Creole father and a light-skinned Creole woman of color who was his placée, returns from Paris to her birthplace in Rampart Street to avenge her mother's mistreatment at the hands of her father's family, the Dulaines. Years ago, Clio's mother, Rita Dulaine, accidentally killed her husband, Nicholas Dulaine, when he tried to prevent her from committing suicide, and the scandalized Dulaines then exiled Clio and her mother to Paris. Clio is accompanied by her maid, Angélique Pluton, and her dwarf manservant, Cupidon.
After fixing up the rundown house in Rampart Street, Clio ventures out, hoping to encounter the Dulaines, now comprising her father's widow, the widow's mother, and the widow's daughter (and Clio's half-sister) Charlotte Thérèse. At the French marketplace, Clio stops for a bowl of jambalaya and is immediately attracted to Clint Maroon, a tall Texan in a white hat, who is eating at the counter. The attraction is mutual, and Clint offers to drive Clio to the cathedral in his carriage, but a disapproving Angélique interferes, and Clio leaves without him. After the service, Clio, Angelique, and Cupidon eat breakfast at Begue's, the restaurant patronized by the Dulaines every Sunday. While eating, Angélique spots the Dulaines walking in, but they leave quickly after presumably recognizing Clio. Later Clint and Clio meet again at the restaurant, and afterward he drives her home.
Soon after, Clio and Clint begin a courtship. Eventually, Clint moves into Clio's house. Although they are in love with each other, Clio, who is obsessed with her plans for revenge, intends to marry a rich and powerful man to prove that she is as good as her father's family. Clint, a gambler, who never intends to marry, is out for revenge against the railroaders who ruined his father in Texas.
Clio continues to embarrass the Dulaines at every opportunity, planning, if necessary, to sabotage the society debut of her half-sister Charlotte Thérèse. Exasperated by Clio's unrelenting machinations, Clint leaves for Saratoga Springs, New York. As the result of Clio's scheming, the Dulaines pay her $10,000 and agree to destroy the Rampart Street house and bury her mother in a New Orleans cemetery. Later, Clio joins Clint in Saratoga Springs, where she plots to marry wealthy railroad heir Bartholomew Van Steed. Clio's arrival with Angelique and Cupidon causes quite a stir, and because the hotel is completely booked, Clint offers Clio, who assumes the identity of a mourning Mrs. De Chanfret, two of the rooms in his suite. Privately, he explains that Bart owns a railroad, the Saratoga Trunk, which is suddenly worth millions of dollars because it connects the coal country with New York.
Railroader Raymond Soule, the same man who ruined Clint's father, is trying to steal the railroad from Bart. Clio poses as the widow of a French count, a claim that many doubt until she is unexpectedly backed up by socialite Mrs. Coventry Bellop, who intensely dislikes Van Steed's mother. Clio's beauty and melodramatic posturing quickly capture Bart's attentions.
Meanwhile, Clint offers to save the Saratoga Trunk from Soule in exchange for shares in the railroad. When Clio learns that Bart is paying Clint to do his dirty work, she hysterically accuses him of cowardice and sends him away. This excites Bart, who explains that he knows about her background, but wants to marry her anyway. The costume ball that evening is interrupted by the arrival of Clint and Cupidon, who were seriously wounded during a pitched battle with Soule's men. Clio realizes that she loves Clint too much to marry another man and nurses him back to health. Clint then tells Clio that, having saved the Saratoga Trunk from Soule, his railroad shares have made him a very rich man, and he plans to eventually take over the trunk line himself from Van Steed.