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Moulin Rouge (1934 film)

A singer marries a famous composer, and after a while she gets the itch to go back on the stage. However, her husband won't let her. When she hears that a popular French singer named "Raquel" is coming to New York, she decides to go to Raquel with a plan—unbeknownst to her husband, "Raquel" is actually her sister, and her plan is for them to switch places so she can fulfill her dream of going back on the stage. However, things don't go quite as planned.

Mystery Girl (The Naked Brothers Band)

The Naked Brothers Band begin filming a motion picture called ''The Top Secret Naked Brothers Band Musical Mystery Movie''. Nat tries to grapple why Rosalina is trying to get herself written out of the script.

To Nat's dismay, he later discovers that Rosalina is going to leave for a 6-month boat cruise around the world for winning a violin competition and becomes mad at her. Meanwhile, Alex freaks when he finds out that he has to kiss his skateboarding buddy, Juanita (Teala Dunn), for a scene in the film.

During the time Nat is moping around, he develops feelings for his costar, the renowned actress Miranda Cosgrove, and he feels confused after kissing her for a scene in the movie. After that, Miranda suggested that Nat should do something very nice for Rosalina, before she leaves for the cruise.

Nat finally accepts that Rosalina is leaving and decides to perform a serenade for her with the band, by singing her his self-written composition, "Your Smile", outside of her apartment. In conclusion, in the subplots, Cooper becomes the new director of the movie, and Juanita did not have to kiss Alex—as it was only a typo by the screenwriter; instead Juanita only has to kick him.

Angels and Monsters

Nathan and Tracy are in bed. Nathan gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen, where he finds Mr. Linderman waiting for him. Nathan believes Linderman is a hallucination, but Linderman claims to have been sent from a higher power to warn Nathan that Tracy was in danger.

Mohinder is in the park and approaches a drug dealer and asks for something to take the edge off. Mohinder then grabs him and takes the dealer himself. Maya comes to Mohinder's laboratory while he's gone and finds his neighbor alive in a cocoon. She tries to free him but Mohinder returns and attacks her.

In Sylar's cell, Peter grabs him and snaps his neck, then turns to see his mother at the observation window. He telekinetically grabs her and asks what other secrets she's hiding from him. As he starts to slice open her skull, Sylar recovers and telekinetically throws Peter against the cell window, rendering him unconscious. Noah Bennet arrives and tells Sylar to come with him because they have a lead on another Level 5 escapee.

Sandra Bennet has realized that Claire lied about going to a cheerleading retreat and that she is going after the Level 5 escapees. Meredith argues that Claire cannot die, but Sandra shows her a file on Stephen Canfield, who can create matter vortices that sucks up everything around, and suggests that anything and anyone will permanently disappear in Canfield's vortices, regardless of power. Meredith is persuaded, but is more worried by another escapee, Eric Doyle, who she says is horrible. She leaves to go after him, persuading Sandra to stay in the house. Stephen Canfield is at his former home on the phone with his sister, who refuses to tell him where his family is. She hangs up on him. Stephen gets angry and creates a vortex that sucks in a handful of small items before hearing footsteps, at which point Claire comes up from behind and tasers him.

After being released from his coffin, Adam chokes Hiro until he explains that they're looking for the missing formula. However, he refuses to help until Hiro blackmails him by locking him in his coffin again until he agrees.

Linderman meets with Daphne at the Pinehearst Company and wants to have her join a new group of special individuals that he's assembling. She agrees as long as she's paid, and he hands her a file containing photos of the people she needs to recruit, including Knox and Mohinder.

Canfield disarms Claire and explains that he only made one mistake, accidentally killing his neighbor in an argument. He discovers that she is not working with Primatech or Pinehearst. He then explains that the Company locked him away with no lawyer and no trial and all he wants is a normal life. Sympathizing, Claire offers to help him find his family. She uses the Company files to locate Canfield's wife and children. He calls his wife and sets up a meeting at the Griffith Park Carousel. Suddenly Noah and Sylar burst in with their guns ready. Canfield creates a large vortex, pulling everything to the center of the room and makes his escape. Sylar rescues Claire from the vortex and tries to apologize to Claire, as, by touching her hand from holding her back from the vortex, he saw how much pain and terror he had caused her, but she won't have it, and Noah forbids Sylar to speak to her.

Tracy admits to Nathan that she killed a reporter by accident in Washington D.C. She wants to turn herself in but he warns that no one will believe her claim, and reminds her that he was shot when he tried to go public with his ability. He lets her know his belief that God gave him his powers. Tracy tells him that she got her powers from experimentation by Dr. Zimmerman.

Adam takes Hiro and Ando to a bar where persons with special abilities can be hired. The bartender attacks Adam for having an affair with his wife but knocks out Hiro by mistake, then chases Adam out of the bar. Hiro and Ando try to find Adam without success. As they go down an alleyway, behind them, Knox knocks Adam out and puts him in a van. Daphne and Knox then enter the bar where Hiro and Ando are drinking. They offer Hiro a job at Pinehearst Industries. However, Knox has a sword, which he gives to Hiro, saying that he can only join on the condition that he kills Ando. After apologizing sadly to Ando and telling him that this is necessary to save the world, Hiro appears to fatally stab him with a sword, Daphne reacts with shock and Ando seems to die.

Nathan and Tracy go to the Company facility where Angela is keeping Peter sedated. She explains that Zimmerman helped the Company develop a synthetic ability drug and that Tracy, her sisters Niki Sanders and Barbara, and Nathan were among his test subjects. Angela explains that since his father was disappointed that Nathan didn't have the genetic code for special powers, he authorized experimentation on Nathan. The decision was based on the assumption that since everybody else in the Petrelli family had powers, Nathan's body should be able to take it. Angela apologizes for the experiments on Tracy and says they tried to make amends by splitting the formula in half so no one could recreate it. However, Nathan reproaches her apology and leaves with Tracy. Nathan suggests that he and Tracy go to Mohinder for help. At his lab, Mohinder encases Maya in a cocoon when she discovers his disturbing secret.

Claire goes to Griffith Park where Canfield plans to meet his wife. He tells her that his wife never showed up and admits his family are afraid of him. Noah arrives, holds Canfield at gunpoint, and makes him a deal: if Canfield kills Sylar, then Noah will let him go. Instead, he states that he does not want to "be a monster" and creates a vortex to suck himself in. Noah drives Claire home, explaining that he did what he had to do to protect his family. Sylar suggests to Claire that Noah is a user who doesn't consider either one of them human beings. However, Claire calls Sylar a monster when out of earshot and seems to believe Noah. Claire goes inside and Sandra greets her, glad that Meredith found her; Claire responds with "Meredith?" In a house filled with puppets, Meredith is seated at a table eating spaghetti with Eric Doyle. He controls her, forcing her to eat her food and then to kiss him.

Angela has a vision in which Nathan, Peter and Tracy are killed. A man wearing a ring grabs her and says that he can't have her seeing the future. She insists that she will stop him, but he tells her that she won't even be able to move. Angela wakes up from her dream, paralyzed.

Daphne runs to Pinehearst and informs Linderman that she's recruited everyone, including Hiro. She feels uneasy about the apparent murder of Ando but Linderman shrugs it off saying that it's "all part of making the world a better place". He then tells Daphne there is one more person to recruit: Matt Parkman, describing him as the most difficult one of all. She waves her hand through Linderman, and realizes that he isn't really there. Despite this she still reluctantly agrees to seek out Matt. As she leaves, Linderman disappears, and Maury Parkman emerges from the shadows. Maury enters the Pinehearst building and enters a medical chamber. He telepathically talks to the man with the ring, hooked up to life support, confirming that he's following his orders to give Nathan visions of Linderman, and that Adam is well in hand. The episode finishes with him declaring; "Whatever you say goes, Mr. Petrelli."

Streets of Blood

During the rage of Hurricane Katrina, Detective Andy Devereaux (Val Kilmer) discovers the body of his former partner in a warehouse. Quickly forgetting about his discovery, he joins a newly transferred detective named Stan Johnson (Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson) trying to end a conflict involving looters.

Post-Katrina, Andy and Stan are now partners. They work with corrupt detectives Pepe (Jose Pablo Cantillo) and Barney (Brian Presley), who are caught up in the murder of an undercover narcotics agent. Investigating the escalating police corruption in New Orleans is FBI Agent Brown (Michael Biehn). Brown brings up his thoughts to Police Captain Friendly (Barry Shabaka Henley) who insists he is doing his best to solve the problems in his department.

Meanwhile, police therapist Nina Ferraro (Sharon Stone) tries to help the detectives with their struggles, with little avail. She is particularly interested in Andy, whose father, also a detective, was murdered in the line of duty.

Things are complicated further with Agent Brown's investigation into Andy and his crew. Brown tells Andy that he has an informant who is leaking out the details, and Andy, disbelieving at first, begins to resign himself to the fact that one of his men is betraying him.

After Captain Friendly is assassinated by a local gangster named Chamorro, Andy, Stan, Pepe, and Barney decide to take the law into their own hands and go after Chamorro. While interrogating Chamorro, they find out that Brown has been supplying the drug dealer with information about the police raids, to help his own investigation. In a violent shootout, Barney accidentally shoots and kills Pepe.

Andy and Stan escape, only to return to the warehouse where they met. There Andy realizes that Stan is the informant. After the two start arguing, Brown shows up and there is another shootout, ending in Brown's death. Andy comforts a sobbing Stan, then Andy kills his partner, as he possibly did with his previous one.

The film ends on a low note, leaving no premise about Andy's future.

The Twinkie Squad


Obsessed with sharing his 'exotic culture' which he himself is largely inventing, Douglas Fairchild appears eccentric and fails his classes, which leads him to be placed in a special needs support group, condescendingly referred to as "The Twinkie Squad" by most other students. The group is actually named the special discussion group and is led by Mr. and Mrs. Richardson who have degrees in counseling. Later, at lunch, Armando "Commando" Riviera, is playing basketball, and Doug is sitting on a nearby bench writing in his "Pefkakia journal" (actually a notebook filled with nothing but the word 'blah'). Commando throws the ball at Doug, which bounces and hits Douglas in the nose, causing a massive nosebleed. Commando's enemy, Kahlil, reports him to the Principal, who accuses him of deliberately attacking Doug; and when Doug denies that this is how the incident happened, the Principal carelessly assumes that Commando is bullying him into keeping quiet. Commando is suspended from the basketball team and is sentenced to a year in Doug's special needs group with other "defective" students. The Twinkie Squad includes Anita, who can't think up her own thoughts so she copies others; Yolanda, who is obsessed with movies; Gerald, who is incredibly shy; Ric, who is hyperactive and very jittery; and Dave, who has very low self-esteem.

Commando is also upset because his family has fallen on hard times, forcing his father to go back to school to earn a degree in accounting and take the necessary exams to become a CPA (certified public accountant).

The "Grand Knights"

Douglas meanwhile, is failing his classes even worse than before, causing Martin and Julia, the husband-and-wife duo that leads the support group, to discipline him. However, he is completely undeterred and makes two efforts to raise morale with his new friends, Pefkakian-style. His first effort is to give the ragtag group a new nickname, The Grand Knights of the Exalted Karpoozi, which he claims was a noble Pefkakian order named after the great Karpoozi river (in fact 'karpoozi' was a word he found in his alphabet soup). Commando is intrigued by the idea, and uses his charisma and popular "bad boy" reputation to help Douglas organize the "Grand Knights" into an actual club. But when he tries to market the group as a voluntary-membership club, and posts a cryptic sign-up sheet for the Grand Knights without any description, it becomes the coolest and most exclusive club on campus, especially when he actually has to post a rejection to the most popular girl in school, since he doesn't actually have the authority to admit new members to the Twinkie Squad.

Garlic Squid

Doug's second "morale raising" effort is to cook a fancifully made-up "traditional Pefkakian delicacy" for the Grand Knights. His choice is decidedly pungent: garlic squid with mango and banana; but this creates even WORSE problems; he attempts to prepare the dish in the school's Home Economics kitchen and hides the half-prepared garlic marinated squid in a hole in the ceiling when a class starts and it gets sealed before he can retrieve it. It's teamwork time: the Grand Knights of the Exalted Karpoozi have a mission to eliminate the stench of the rotting squid by any means necessary, including:

While the school is closed, Doug and Commando help the other kids in the Twinkie Squad, who are not really mentally challenged but are very shy, shed their shame, rebuild their lives, and become more social.

Meanwhile, the school reopens but the rotting stench is still there; the Home EC room and the Principal's Office directly above it, are closed off and abandoned because the smell is so bad that it makes people's noses and eyes feel a painful burning sensation.

Pranks and Scandals

Doug sees that Commando is still being harassed by Kahlil, and is crushed at the prospect of not being able to play on the basketball team, so he thinks up a way to help him - as only a government diplomat's son could. He manages to steal a blank piece of paper from his father's office with the Surgeon General's signature on it, and typewrites a forged letter addressed to the Principal, testifying to Commando's innocence and calling for his reinstatement to the basketball team.

The Principal, shocked that the Surgeon General somehow knows Commando, and now forced to work out of the janitor's broom closet, is also baffled at what could be causing the horrible smell in the school, so he hires several "experts" to inspect the school:

  1. A sewer gas expert - the principal figures they have a busted sewer main. The man tells him the school's sewer is in excellent order, and it's probably bad plumbing that's causing the problem.

  2. A plumber brings his crew to inspect the school. They bang on pipes and cause a lot of noise and ultimately fail to find anything. The plumber guesses that the school probably has a dead animal trapped in the walls somewhere, and suggests that the Principal call the "District of Columbia Rat-catcher".

  3. The rat-catcher shows up and brings several crewmen with x-ray screens to look for any suspicious creature hiding in the walls. The men disrupt classes several times to x-ray the walls, often repeatedly. However, as a squid has no bones, the dish that Douglas prepared doesn't show up on the x-rays. The Rat-catcher is stumped and tells the Principal that the next step is to close the school, demolish the walls, and find the carcass of whatever it is that's causing the stink. The Principal protests, and sends the rat-catcher away.

After this, students and parents are furious at the noisy disruptions in class caused by the plumber and the rat-catcher, and they are even more furious at the "Grand Knights" for not allowing their kids to join. They complain that the Grand Knights is a snobby, elitist club at school that's not letting anyone join. The Principal desperately asks the entire faculty about the identity of these "Grand Knights" and is shocked when Martin and Julia, the leaders of the special needs group, come clean that their "Twinkie Squad" is actually the real Grand Knights.

The Principal is then forced to open the "club" to every student that wants to join. Doug and Commando print up new fliers, with the sub-heading "NO REJECTIONS" and within a day the entire student body joins the club! Then at the very last moment, in a move pre-planned by Douglas and Commando, they and all the other original members of the special needs group declare that THEY are the leaders of the Grand Knights, and immediately resign, leaving the rest of the school as the shocked and dazed members of the Twinkie squad. The original members then get in a limousine (courtesy of Doug's father) and drive away, victorious.


Afterwards, Doug, Commando, and the rest of the Twinkie Squad sneak back into the school, break one of the roof panels in the Home EC room, retrieve the rotten squid, and try to bury it in the schoolyard when they are caught by a policeman patrolling the campus. He tries to arrest them, but at that moment, Ambassador Fairchild intervenes, explaining that his son was not a criminal. The cop is relieved; he believed the boys were burying decomposed human remains.

Commando's father passes his CPA exam and becomes an accountant. Then he and Ambassador Fairchild confront the Principal over his clumsy and prejudiced mishandling of the nosebleed incident. He is forced to admit that Commando is not a bully and apologize for interpreting an accident as a case of physical assault. He does, however, shock Mr. Fairchild by producing Doug's forged letter with the Surgeon General's signature.

Then Doug admits to Commando that he has bad grades because he wanted to show the world that he is different than his family, and that the entire Pefkakia act was made up. He also reveals that his binder, which he had appeared to be obsessively writing in all year, contained nothing but page after page of the word "blah". After Commando goes to his homeroom, Doug's father shows up with a gift of a flower pot full of "bullrushes" - a brown reed-like plant native to Pefkakia. He frolics in the bullrushes like a little boy, embarrassing himself but feeling young at heart. Then they go home and he tells his son that he had to apologize to the principal for him on account of the forged Surgeon General letter - which itself was probably a felony.

Twinkle Crusaders

The player assumes the role of , the protagonist of ''Twinkle Crusaders''. Shin is the student council president of , a position which he thought came with free meals from the cafeteria, as he has been raised in a poor family and is in need of money. Unfortunately there's no such thing as a free meal.

Ángel Rebelde

Lucia is a young girl who is in love with Raul. Raul is also in love with her. One day Lucia starts working in the mansion of Dona Enriqueta without knowing that she is working in the house of her grandmother. In the mansion she meets Natasha and Mariela, granddaughters of Dona Enriqueta. Natasha and Mariela are good, they both become friends with Lucia. However, Lucia finds out there is a third granddaughter, Cristal, whom she had a fight with in the past, over crashing into her car while Lucia worked as a bus driver. Despite trying to avoid Cristal while working in the mansion, Cristal eventually discovers her and succeeds in getting her fired.

To make things worse, when Cristal meets Raul she falls in love with him. Cristal will do anything to get Raul, even kill. On the other hand, one night Lucia and Raul make love and Lucia becomes pregnant. But Cristal has offered Raul riches if he marries her and a better life for his child. When Lucia gives birth to "twins", she finds out that Cristal married Raul. Lucia is crushed, but she gets a chance to take revenge on Raul when her father Alejandro comes out of jail after 20 years. He was put in jail because of lies from Dona Enriqueta.

Dona Enriqueta always hated Alejandro because her daughter Elena was in love with him, so she stole everything that belonged to him and put him in jail. Alejandro pressures Lucia to get revenge on Cristal and Dona Enriqueta.

Barbie: Thumbelina

The story opens with Barbie and kindergarten students walking in a big meadow, ready to plant trees. Emma, one of the children, finds a small tree and decides to plant it, but her friends laugh at her because of it, making her sad. However, Barbie cheers her up by telling her that a small tree can grow into a very big tree, then tells her the story of Thumbelina.

Thumbelina is one of the Twillerbees, wingless fairies who spawn from flowers and whose magic affects plant growth. Learning that some Twillerbuds are growing and will soon open to reveal new Twillerbabies, Thumbelina constructs false wing gliders for herself and her friends Janessa and Chrysella, so they can monitor the Twillerbud flowers until the babies are "born".

Tractors arrive in the field and remove part of the flowerbed, with the three friends hiding inside. The plants, now potted, are placed in an apartment belonging to the parents of a spoiled, wealthy girl named Makena; she keeps the flowers in her bedroom. As Thumbelina, Chrysella, and Janessa search for a way to go back to their field, Makena's dog Poofles runs after them. Makena comes into the bedroom while the trio hides. Makena talks to her friend Violet on a cell phone about her parents, who intend to build a factory on the Twillerbees' field. An upset Thumbelina reveals herself and scolds Makena; Makena, surprised, sees the ownership of a Twillerbee as a way to one-up Violet, whom she always competes with.

The three Twillerbees try, unsuccessfully, to escape from Makena and Poofles. Finally, Thumbelina is able to send Chrysella and Janessa home, to disturb the work in the field while Thumbelina talks to Makena. Thumbelina makes Makena promise not to tell anyone about her, and to persuade her parents to stop building the factory. In return, Thumbelina agrees to create special plants for Makena.

Makena, determined to show off in front of her friends, agrees to the deal but only perfunctorily talks to her parents about the factory project. She also breaks her promise and brings Violet and another girl named Ashlyn to show off Thumbelina and her powers. Thumbelina angrily leaves, and Makena realizes that the other two badly-behaved girls are not her true friends. Missing Thumbelina's companionship, Makena goes to the field and begs forgiveness. Thumbelina reveals the rest of the Twillerbees, and the Twillerbuds, to Makena, who becomes determined to save them.

That night, Makena, Thumbelina, Janessa, Chrysella, Poofles, and Lola the bird all work hard in a greenhouse to grow the plants. The next day, Makena shows her parents the result and asks them to stop the building. Thumbelina appears, and explains to the adults about the Twillerbuds that will bloom soon. Evan and Vanessa, Makena's parents, are convinced, and agree to stop Myron, the contractor, from destroying the field.

Thanks to some birds and the other Twillerbees, Myron's workers are tricked into believing the field is haunted, and flee. However, Myron is angry and determined to finish his work, as he is allergic to flowers and wants them gone. Ultimately, Makena and Thumbelina arrive and halt Myron long enough for Evan and Vanessa to arrive at the field and have the factory project shut down. A team of birds chases Myron away, and Makena and her family watch the Twillerbuds bloom. To prevent others from destroying the field, they turn the field into a Reserved Park.

As Barbie finishes the story, an adult Makena arrives and reveals they are in the Reserved Park, which now belongs to her. Barbie says that even the smallest person can make a big difference; Makena is small, compared to the other adults, just like the children.

Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

Dogs and cats are secretly highly intelligent, capable of speech, and maintain spy agencies to protect the world. In Germany, a bloodhound named Rex discovers a Cocker Spaniel puppy stealing secret codes. The thief reveals herself to be Kitty Galore, a hairless Sphynx cat, in disguise. After she escapes, Rex alerts the agents that he has spotted her. At a San Francisco used car dealership, the mascot Crazy Carlito (dressed like Uncle Sam) plans to bomb the building. Police officer Shane Larson and his dog Diggs arrive on the scene. Diggs recklessly retrieves the detonator from Carlito but bites it in the process, blowing up the building. Butch and Lou, now a fully grown Beagle and the head of D.O.G. HQ, watch the incident. Lou wants to recruit Diggs as an agent, and Butch reluctantly agrees.

Diggs is locked in the police kennels to prevent further accidents. Butch brings him to D.O.G. HQ. After tracking down a pigeon named Seamus with valuable information, Diggs and Butch meet a M.E.O.W.S. (Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety) agent named Catherine, who is also in pursuit of Seamus. Catherine reveals that Kitty Galore is a former M.E.O.W.S. agent named Ivana Clawyu who fell into a vat of hair removal gel in a cosmetics factory when a guard dog chased her while on a mission. Humiliated by her fellow agents, Kitty left M.E.O.W.S. and, thrown out by her former family due to her appearance, vowed revenge on cats, dogs and humans.

Lou forms an alliance with Tab Lazenby, head of M.E.O.W.S, to take down Kitty Galore. At a cat lady's home, the team discover that Calico, Mr. Tinkles' former aid, has been sending stolen technology to Kitty via pigeons. Diggs attacks Calico, who tries to drown the team in cat litter. They escape and interrogate Calico, who claims not to know Kitty's whereabouts but does know where his former boss is.

The team travels to Alcatraz, where Mr. Tinkles, mentally ill from his time with his owner's maid and her sisters, is confined. While he refuses to directly help them, he provides one clue: "A cat's eye reveals everything." When Kitty Galore learns that the cats and dogs have joined forces, she hires mercenaries Angus and Duncan MacDougall to kill Seamus on the boat returning from Alcatraz. Diggs subdues Angus and accidentally throws him overboard. Fed up with Diggs' mishaps completely ruining the mission, Butch dismisses him from the team and leaves with Seamus to salvage clues.

Catherine takes Diggs to her home where he meets her nieces who tickle his tummy. He's surprised they do not hate him as a dog, Catherine says they have not learned to hate dogs yet. He reveals that past experiences have made him unable to trust anyone, leading to difficulty following orders and spending most of his life in kennels. Catherine assures him if he continues to think that way, no one will able to help him. Diggs realizes his error, and follows Catherine to M.E.O.W.S. HQ, where they learn with help from the clue Mr. Tinkles gave them that Kitty is hiding at a fairground with her new owner, amateur magician Chuck the Magnificent.

At the fair, Diggs and Catherine are captured by Kitty and her assistant, Paws. Kitty reveals her plot to transmit the "Call of the Wild", a frequency only dogs can hear that will make them hostile to humans. Kitty believes humans will abandon these unwanted dogs in kennels. Kitty tries to use the fair's flying swings ride as a satellite dish to broadcast the signal to an orbiting satellite. Diggs and Catherine escape after Diggs confess his feelings to Catherine and are joined by Butch and Seamus. Seamus presses a red button, believing it will shut down the ride, but he instead activates Kitty's signal. Dogs around the world begin to react. Paws battles them, revealing he is a robot; Diggs tricks him into biting the device's wires, destroying the satellite. Kitty's pet mouse Scrumptious, fed up with Kitty's abuse, launches the cat, leaving her covered in cotton candy and landing in Chuck's hat. With the mission a success, Diggs goes to live with Shane. Upon returning to H.Q., Diggs learns Mr. Tinkles has escaped prison with Calico.

In a post-credits scene, Tinkles is seen in paradise. However, Tinkles is complaining about lacking deworming cream for his itching rear until Calico reminds him that he is still connected. Tinkles says, "Cats rule!" as the screen turns off like a TV to black.

Still Not Quite Human

Dr. Jonas Carson (Alan Thicke) goes to a robotics convention with Chip and an inferior model to test whether or not the world is ready for the idea of living with androids as he does with Chip. When his other android fails, Jonas becomes the subject of ridicule and is ready to reveal Chip's status in order to save face, but stops himself, choosing to accept the loss of credibility over the loss of the trust Chip has placed in him. However, Jonas is kidnapped by hired goons of Dr. Frederick Berrigon (Christopher Neame), and replaced by a look-alike android. His android son, Chip (Jay Underwood), notices the swap and manages to reprogram the impostor into an ally. Since he is like an additional Jonas, Chip names him Bonus (Alan Thicke in a dual role).

Chip enlists the aid of a small-time pickpocket, Kyle (Adam Philipson), whom he has just befriended, to help him rescue his father. Bonus is able to lead them to the mansion where Dr. Carson is being held, but tight security prevents them from sneaking in successfully. Chip meets up with Kate Morgan (Rosa Nevin), who is a policewoman. Officer Morgan has been after Kyle's pickpocketing and illicit watch sales for some time, but agrees to not press charges if he helps Chip rescue Jonas. She devises a plan to assume the personas of wealthy investors in order to gain willful entry to Dr. Berrigon's estate, seeking guidance from her rich Aunt Mildred (Betsy Palmer) to prepare them.

Their ploy gets them inside, but they are soon found snooping, so Kyle and Bonus keep the guards occupied while Chip finds his father. Just before he breaks into the room where his father is being held, Chip learns that Berrigon was trying to extract Dr. Carson's knowledge to aid in building a war machine android. A moment later, Chip is confronted by a working prototype and is forced to fight it, with Berrigon watching from a distance. Chip has to avoid its laserfire, initially, but he manages to smash the laser with a projectile. The battle becomes a contest of speed and raw strength, with Chip being knocked to the ground and nearly struck in the chest with the end of a metal rod. Chip scrambles up, sets a compressed hydrogen canister on a cart and smashes the valve off, causing it to speed toward the other android and smash it against a group of canisters, which explode.

Berrigon, having witnessed Chip's victory, realizes that he must be Dr. Carson's android, but Chip flings him into a mud pond. When several policemen follow Kate to make the arrest, a disheveled and frantic Berrigon yells for them to arrest Chip on account of him being a strong android; unconvinced, they haul him away. A reformed Kyle hugs Chip goodbye; feeling a power panel on Chip's back, Kyle shrugs it off as imagination. Aunt Mildred congratulates her niece on arresting Berrigon, then becomes attracted to Bonus, starting a relationship with him.

Born Romantic

Salsa dancing and 'El Corazon', a London Salsa Club provide the backdrop for the love-inspired efforts of three unlikely romantics:

Fergus (David Morrissey), who arrives in London from his native Liverpool, on a search for Maureen ('Mo') Docherty (Jane Horrocks), the high-school sweetheart he jilted years ago.

Eddie (Jimi Mistry), the incompetent mugger who falls for Jocelyn (Catherine McCormack), the neurotic "absentee grave tender" (she tends the graves of loved ones for people who cannot).

Frankie (Craig Ferguson), a hopeless romantic trapped in the fifties and still sharing a house with his ex. He pursues the elegant and snobbish Eleanor (Olivia Williams), art restorer by day and Salsa dancer by night.

All are connected by Jimmy (Adrian Lester), a cab driver, and a place, 'El Corazon'.

The Thaw (2009 film)

The film begins with a video documentary by Dr. David Kruipen (Val Kilmer), a research scientist in the Canadian Arctic. This is followed by a flashback to when David, his assistant Jane (Anne Marie DeLuise) and two other researchers tranquilize a polar bear, then discover the frozen remains of a wooly mammoth.

They transport the polar bear to their research station. David calls his daughter Evelyn (Martha MacIsaac) and pleads with her to visit the research station. Their relationship has been strained since the recent death of her mother. Meanwhile, a group of students, Ling (Steph Song), Federico (Kyle Schmid) and Atom (Aaron Ashmore), are selected to join David's research team; Evelyn decides to come.

Days later, David's research team begins feeling the effects of a strange illness, and David tells helicopter pilot Bart not to bring his daughter Evelyn to the station. However, Evelyn insists, leaving Bart no choice but to bring her to the station along with the students. In the meantime, Jane shoots and apparently kills David and another researcher. The students discover the body of the polar bear, and Bart is bitten by a bug while touching it.

Evelyn is awakened in the middle of the night by an ATV approaching the station. When she goes to investigate, Jane falls from the helicopter. Jane has destroyed the helicopter's control panel, eliminating any immediate chance of escape. Ling wakes up with many bug bites on her face and torso, and Jane dies in Evelyn's arms. Realizing Ling is sick, Federico calls in a helicopter to rescue Ling.

Attempting to find David, Evelyn and Atom discover eggs in the brain of the mammoth. Assuming her father has been infected, Evelyn and Atom deduce that something has made the group sick. Evelyn decides to cancel the rescue helicopter and quarantine the group until a better-prepared team can rescue them. Federico, discovering he too is infected, goes berserk and destroys the radio.

The bite on Bart's arm is infected and he has Atom and Evelyn amputate his arm at the elbow. The group decides to destroy the facility and wait things out in the helicopter. Ling is attacked by bugs who have made their way in through the ventilation system. Bart discovers that the amputation was useless as his upper arm is now showing signs of infection; he opts to stay behind with Ling. They deliberately overdose on morphine and fall asleep as the bugs swarm over them.

Federico comes running out, refusing to be checked for infection, then turns on Evelyn and Atom. As he is about to shoot Evelyn, he is shot from behind by David. David insists they destroy the research station. Evelyn finds a video David recorded and discovers that David has intentionally infected himself, preparing to set the bugs loose to teach humanity a lesson about global warming's effects.

As a rescue helicopter comes to pick up David, Evelyn and Atom are locked up by David, but they escape. Atom grabs one of the helicopter’s skids to attempt to make the helicopter land, but falls to the ground after being shaken off by the pilot’s attempts to stabilise it, falling to the ground and becoming mortally injured. As the helicopter starts flying away, Evelyn shoots at it, causing it to crash into a building previously doused in gasoline. David and the helicopter crew die in the resulting fire; Evelyn finds Atom, who dies in her arms.

The following day another rescue team arrives, finding the destruction and Evelyn, the sole survivor. Later, as a radio station airs information based on Evelyn's reports, a hunter calls his dog away from a dead bird the dog has been eating. Bugs emerge from the bird's body. The closing scene shows the hunter's truck heading towards a large city.

Tomorrow, Today!

The show is about to be terminated, much to the relief of the leads who are contractually committed to it. However ,the BBC decides that thanks to the Soviet Union's apparent lead in space travel, national morale requires it to continue with a new pro-British, anti-Soviet slant. Writer and producer Hugo Kellerman (Joseph Kloska) introduces new aliens with a Communist philosophy and has them do battle with his heroes. BBC executive Godfrey Winnard (John Fortune) watches over the new production and keeps adding new elements to the mix, such as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company (Leslie Phillips) brought in to play an android.

In the second series, set in 1962, Hugo is commissioned to devise a science fiction series for children's television and, thanks to a series of mishaps on the way to Television Centre, has the idea for "Professor Fabula and the Diloks", featuring a scientist who travels through time and space in a police call box, accompanied by a robotic dog. However, the idea is squelched due to salacious interpretations of the Professor's status as a single man wandering in time and space with a dog.

In the final episode of the second series, the entire production relocates to Wales as the Cuban Missile Crisis threatens to cause a holocaust. There they discover that Jones, killed off and replaced by an equally stereotypical Scot (also voiced by Douglas) was immensely popular among the locals. Faced with mobs of angry Welsh fans calling him "Taffy killer", Hugo writes in a resurrection for the character, but Douglas's "more authentic" reading of the part causes the disgusted locals to cut power to the studio, which the team interprets as the arrival of Armageddon.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

The protagonist completes a coming-of-age ceremony, receiving a personal crystal shard from Sherlotta at the Crystal Core. Upon returning to the village, the protagonist learns one of the villagers has fallen ill with "crystal sickness". Setting out beyond the Village, the protagonist learns that the crystals have been gone for two thousand years. In the nearest town, they strike a bargain with Larkeicus, who agrees to make a cure in exchange for the activation of two towers. When this task is complete, a larger tower appears. Larkeicus betrays the protagonist and uses the tower's weaponry to destroy the Crystal Core, causing everyone on the Village to vanish. The protagonist works with Sherlotta and Veriaulde, a former ally of Larkeicus from 2000 years before, giving the protagonist the means of recovering the Crystal Core's fragments and restoring the village.

Larkeicus tries to stop the protagonist, reviving after their fight due to his experiments with immortality. He fails to absorb the protagonist's shard as it damages him, causing Larkeicus to identify them as the cause behind the future catastrophe and vowing to kill them. The protagonist receives flashbacks showing Sherlotta caring for him as a child, and that none of the villagers have aged since that time. Upon reforming the Crystal Core, it merges with the protagonist, allowing them to explore deeper into the local forest. Discovering a ruined version of the Village, the protagonist learns that Larkeicus destroyed it 2000 years before; Sherlotta failed to escape, but the Crystal Core granted her immortality and a new dual form as her old self and the cat of a friend who died in the attack. She and the revived Village lived in isolation and emptiness until the protagonist was found as a baby, giving them all purpose and reminding Sherlotta of her humanity. Sherlotta vows to stop Larkeicus from preventing the catastrophe he predicted, which led to the vanishing of crystals and downfall of his civilization.

The two infiltrate the tower, gathering artifacts to unlock the main door, during which time the Village inhabitants fade for good. At the tower's summit, the pair Sherlotta's original body, now a comatose crystal producer that Sherlotta asks the protagonist to kill. Larkeicus appears, revealing he created the tower to reach the point in space where the catastrophe, a magical explosion which caused nearly all crystals to vanish, will take place. He incapacitates Sherlotta's current body and attacks the protagonist. Sherlotta eventually revives in her original body, creating a Crystal Core and revealing it is the same as the one in the Village; being forged from her own will, it harms Larkeicus and defies his technology. Sherlotta asks the protagonist to destroy the Crystal Core, which triggers the magical explosion predicted by Larkeicus. Larkeicus building the tower ensured the Crystal Core's creation and death of the crystals in his time, creating a stable time loop. The Crystal Core's released energy as it travels back in time destroys Larkeicus, Sherlotta and the tower. The protagonist makes a final visit to the Crystal Core's grove. They leave the crystal shard from the coming-of-age ceremony there, allowing it to grow into a new Crystal Core.

Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana

Valto (Mato Valtonen) lives with his mother, who runs a clothing business. Valto is seen sewing clothes for his mother at the beginning of the film. When he discovers the coffee has run out, and his mother refuses to make him a new one straight away, he locks her in a cupboard, steals her money and goes out. Valto finds Reino (Matti Pellonpää), who has been fixing Valto's car. They then go on a road trip with no apparent destination. With music coming out of a in-car vinyl player of Valto's car and Reino's story about how he got into some legal trouble after he punched someone, the two seemingly enjoy the road trip. This is a typical Kaurismäki's ordinary-scene-made-interesting moment.

When they make a stop at a bar, they meet Tatiana (Kati Outinen) from Estonia and Klavdia (Kirsi Tykkyläinen) from Russia. Tatiana and Klavdia ask Valto and Reino to drive them to a harbour. Since Valto and Reino's road trip does not have a clear destination at the first place, Valto and Reino agree to take Tatiana and Klavdia.

Throughout the journey, Valto has been drinking coffee and Reino drinking vodka. Although Reino is reserved in his nature, he sits down next to Tatiana during one of the stops of the journey. Tatiana relaxes her head on Reino's shoulder. The film suggests the two have fallen in love at this point.

At the end of the film, Reino and Tatiana remain in love with each other and live together in Estonia whereas Valto returns home, releases his mother out of the cupboard and resumes sewing clothes.

A Season in Purgatory

The novel's protagonist and narrator is Harrison Burns, who received money contributing to his boarding school education courtesy of Gerald Bradley, the patriarch of a large, wealthy, and politically well-connected Irish Catholic family who has links to organized crime. Twenty years after Bradley's neighbor, Connecticut teenager Winifred Utley, is bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat, her murder remains unsolved, and Burns, now a successful true crime writer who is haunted by the secret he has kept for the past two decades, steps forward to accuse Gerald's son Constant of the crime. Constant, who is being groomed to be President of the United States! What ensues is a widespread investigation that threatens to tear apart one of the most powerful families in the state, unless they manage to destroy Burns first.

Støv på hjernen (1961 film)

The film follows a group of people in the fictional housing estate Solvænget at Lykkevej 2.

The Musketeers (film)

The film is set in 1658, a war goes, and winter is cold and harsh. The Swedish King Karl X Gustav, who is drawn with his army from Germany and staying in Jutland, can easily access Copenhagen. In South Zealand, the cuckolds fight against the Swedish supremacy under the leadership of Svend Poulsen, who is called the Gønhøvdingen. Svend gets an unofficial assignment from King Frederik III; to travel to Vordingborg Church to collect 50,000 Rigsdaler and securities belonging to the King. Then the assets must be relocated from Vordingborg to Copenhagen to pay for Copenhagen's defense, and it is important that they arrive in time. Svend gets help from his brother-in-law, Ib Abel. Together, Svend and Ib are trying to get past the Swedish lines as silently as possible, but it is not so easy as they are hunted by a mad German captain and his witch.

La Ville dont le prince est un enfant (play)

Philosophy student André Sevrais attends a Catholic boys' school in Paris, where he establishes a firm friendship with a much younger schoolmate, the rebellious Serge Souplier. The friendship between the two youngsters does not go unobserved, however, by the Abbé de Pradts, a teacher-priest who harbors a secret obsession of his own with young Souplier and uses his position of authority to try to thwart the adolescent Servais, under the pretext of protecting the younger Souplier; ultimately, however, the abbé is undone by his own hand.

Violent City

Professional assassin Jeff Heston and his lover Vanessa are holidaying in the Virgin Islands, when they are set upon by thugs led by Jeff's former associate Jerry Coogan. Jeff is shot and left for dead, while Vanessa seemingly runs off with Coogan. Jeff is imprisoned for the shooting and visited by Steve, a lawyer for crime boss Al Weber, Jeff's previous boss. Jeff refuses to disclose Vanessa's involvement as a potential exonerating witness, even if it means a longer sentence for him.

Months later, Jeff is released and travels to New Orleans, where he’s immediately accosted by thugs working for Weber, who wants him to come work for him again. Jeff refuses, saying he's retired. With the help of his old friend Killain, a drug-addicted hitman, tracks down Coogan at a motor race where he is a driver. Jeff kills Coogan by shooting out one of his tires, causing a fiery crash, while taking precautions to avoid being seen.

Jeff reunites with Vanessa at a debutante ball. At first, he's harsh and confrontational with her, upset that she didn't disclose that she was Coogan's former mistress, and that she left him for dead. She says she only did it because she was afraid, and once to rekindle their relationship. They decide to leave town together, but Jeff is stopped by Weber's thugs carrying incriminating photos of him killing Coogan.

Under blackmail, Jeff finally takes a meeting with Weber, who has grown his criminal enterprise into a semi-legitimate, billion-dollar business predicated on finance instead of violence, and wants Jeff to work for him as his hatchet man. Steve likewise offers Jeff a lucrative job in Venezuela, but he refuses them both. Weber shocks him by revealing that Vanessa is actually his wife, the two having eloped while Jeff was imprisoned.

Jeff confronts Vanessa at her hideaway in the wetlands. After rough sex, he takes her out into the woods with plans to kill her. She catches, and only asks that he makes it quick and painless. He relents, and the two embrace. She tells him she only married Weber for security, and despises him. The two are ambushed by Killain, but Jeff shoots and kills him. He realizes Weber must've sent him to kill Vanessa.

The two confront Weber in his office, destroying the photo negatives of the incriminating pictures. When Vanessa leaves the room, Weber tells him she's playing them both, and will betray him soon enough. Disbelieving, Jeff kills Weber. But when he reaches their rendezvous, Vanessa isn't there, and the police arrive shortly thereafter. Realizing he's been double-crossed, he narrowly flees law enforcement.

It's revealed that Vanessa and Steve had orchestrated everything to eliminate Weber and take over his organization, Jeff was just another convenient pawn in their game. As they ride the elevator up their new skyscraper, Jeff shoots Steve with a sniper rifle from a rooftop across the street. Vanessa cries out for Jeff to "make it painless," and he kills her instantly with a bullet to the head. Police converge on the rooftop, and Jeff provokes a rookie officer into killing him.

She-Devils on Wheels

The film opens with Karen (Christie Wagner), a young woman leaving her mother's house after a visit. She drives her car to a local garage where she trades it with a motorcycle and changes out of her sun dress into street clothes (blue jeans, a T-shirt, and a green fabric vest with an image of a pink cat head and the words "MAN-EATERS" on the back). Karen re-joins her real friends that she has apparently kept secret from her mother; Karen is a member of an all-female motorcycle gang called the Maneaters. The Maneaters hang out in an abandoned house and hold weekly motorcycle races at an abandoned airport runway. The leader of the Maneaters, the tough-minded Queen (Betty Connell), holds the races and the winner of each race gets first pick from the "stud line".

The race begins and Karen is the winner, with Queen coming in second. Nevertheless, Queen is a good sport and allows Karen to pick first. On this particular day, Queen and the rest of the Maneaters return to their hideout where a group of young men have also arrived, whom are male groupies to the all-women gang. Karen picks out her usual "stud", a friendly guy named Bill... the same one she has picked for four weeks in a row. However, this is strictly forbidden among the Maneaters for according to their code, no Maneater is allowed to be attached to anyone or anything but the gang. One of the fastest held rules of the group is that "all men are mothers" and no Maneater falls in love.

Honey Pot, a teenage "mascot" and follower of the Maneaters who wants to join, reports to Queen her suspicions about Karen's attraction to Bill. After debating about it with her fellow members, Queen tells Honey Pot to inform Karen that she is to come to the runway that evening. When Karen shows up as expected, Queen and the rest of the gang angrily decrees to her a punishing ultimatum, Karen is to participate in the beating then dragging of Bill or face expulsion from the gang. Karen gets on her motorcycle and is forced to drag Bill, who is tied, beaten, and bruised behind her down the entire stretch of the runway and back. Bill is dead after this, and Karen's allegiance and loyalty to the gang is proven.

Another evening later, Honey Pot is finally granted membership into the gang. In a hazing ritual, Honey Pot has her left hand cut open in a blood oath and made to kiss all the members of the gang to prove her sisterhood. Next, Honey Pot is stripped to her underwear and doused in honey and chocolate syrup and made to entertain the entire "stud line". Following this, Honey Pot is cleaned off, is given a leather jacket with the Maneaters logo stamped on the back like the rest of the members and is formally initiated into the gang.

The next day, the gang rides into the small Florida town of Medley and terrorizes and harasses the locals by riding their motorcycles through parking lots, through storefronts, and around the front and back lawns of houses. When their antics are stopped by the local police, the townspeople (out of fear of retaliation) refuse to press charges. As a result, the police make no successful arrests. Unable to pin anything on the Maneaters, the police are forced to let them go, only giving Queen and the rest of the Maneaters a warning to stay out of trouble.

Another week later, the stud line competition is again on, and Queen and the rest of the Maneaters head off to the runway for another motorcycle race only to discover that an all-male gang are hanging out along the runway. What was supposed to be a fun-spirited race turns into an all-out brawl. Queen and the leader of the male gang, named Joe Boy (John Weymer), fight each other with knives, which leads to a full fight between the sex-crazed nymphs and their macho rivals which ends with the Maneaters being victorious.

Ted (Rodney Bedell), an old boyfriend of Karen's, manages to track her down and privately beseeches her to leave the Maneaters and return to normal life, either with or without him. Karen waivers, pleading the she is in too deep with the gang for any redemption and that he should forget about her. Refusing to give up on Karen, Ted infiltrates the "stud line" posing as one of the ruffians. After the race, where Queen emerges victorious, she gets first pick, but chooses another guy... unaware about Ted's identity, which Karen recognizes. Karen picks Ted and they go to chat in a nearby bedroom while an full-on orgy between the Maneaters and their guy followers happens in the main living room. Ted informs Karen that he heard through the grapevine that Joe Boy and his gang are out for blood after their humiliating beating by the Maneaters.

Among all this, Honey Pot steps outside the building for some fresh air and is waylaid by the spineless male gang. The next morning, the male gang returns Honey Pot back to the Maneaters hideout and flee. All of the ladies, including Queen, are horrified by Honey Pot's appearance of her bruised face which is covered in blood, as well as a large ring literally nailed through her nose. Also with the near-dead Honey Pot is a note from Joe Boy threatening the Maneaters with further retribution should they start another brawl with them.

After dropping off Honey Pot at a local hospital, Queen and the rest of the Maneaters head out in search of Honey Pot's assailants, including Joe Boy. The vigilante girls first head to a bar where Joe Boy is said to hang out at. The bartender refuses to disclose any information about Joe Boy's whereabouts and he gets severely beaten by the angry gang leader. Queen customizes the bartender's face with her trademark bike chain belt.

Two of the Maneaters, Whitey and Terry, spot Joe Boy and some of his gang at a local restaurant and report back to Queen, who arranges an ambush. Whitey and Terry return to the restaurant where they slash Joe Boy's tires of his car. When Joe Boy confronts them, Whitey sprays bug spray into Joe Boy's face and she and Terry take off on one motorcycle. Joe Boy takes Terry's motorcycle and gives chase.

However, this is all part of Queen's plan as she, always on top of the situation, had told Whitey and Terry to initiate a confrontation that will engage Joe Boy in a pursuit. As planned, Joe Boy follows Whitey and Terry along a road where Queen, Karen, Supergirl, Ginger, Delta, and the rest of the Maneaters lay in wait. Queen and the gang string along the road a nearly invisible wire. Whitey and Terry stop short, but Joe Boy unwittingly forges ahead and is literally decapitated by the wire, and his severed head goes flying. Exalted, Queen drops her trademark belt beside Joe Boy's headless corpse.

Afterwards, Ted approaches Karen one final time to persuade her to abandon the gang. Predictably, Karen again refuses and rides off with Queen and the rest of the Maneaters as they pack up from their hideout and ride out of town, leaving Ted alone and bewildered. Before riding out of Medley for any other town to hide out in and terrorize, Queen and the gang return to the scene of the crime to retrieve her chain belt that she left by Joe Boy's corpse only to find the town's entire police force there waiting for them. Threatened at gunpoint, Queen and all of the Maneaters are arrested for Joe Boy's murder.

In one of the first known examples of a post-credits scene, it is revealed that with only circumstantial evidence and nothing concrete forces the police to release the Maneaters leader. Queen rejoins her gang waiting for her outside the town's jail and they all ride out of town for places unknown.

The Penguins of Madagascar

''The Penguins of Madagascar'' is a spin-off of the ''Madagascar'' films. The series follows the adventures of four penguins: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private, who perform various commando-like missions to protect their home in the Central Park Zoo. The penguins often have to deal with problems caused, or made worse, by their zoo neighbors, King Julien XIII (a ring-tailed lemur), Maurice (an aye-aye), and Mort (a mouse lemur).

The Bottle Factory Outing

Freda and Brenda are two young women living and working in north London. Freda, aged 26, is a large, flamboyant and assertive blonde, with aspirations of going on the stage. The privately educated Brenda, aged 32, is more reticent and strives to avoid confrontation: she was previously married and lived in rural Yorkshire, but has left her husband and moved south. The two live together in a dismal bedsit, sharing a double bed, although Brenda insists on a barrier made up of a bolster and books to separate their respective halves. By day they work as labellers in a wine-bottling factory owned by Mr Paganotti, an Italian.

The workers in the factory are also almost all Italian, and largely male. The senior staff members are Rossi, the manager; and Vittorio, a trainee manager and Paganotti's nephew. The workforce forms a strongly Italian enclave, deeply respectful of Paganotti, and in cautious awe of the two English women. Rossi regularly summons Brenda to the remoter parts of the factory to make amorous advances towards her, which she resists. Patrick, an Irish van driver, also takes an interest in her: his advances are less overt, but equally unwelcome. Freda, meanwhile, has romantic designs on Vittorio.

A works outing has been proposed by Freda (with hopes that it might provide an opportunity to seduce Vittorio), and approved by Paganotti, who has donated four barrels of wine. However, on the appointed Sunday in October, the van supposedly booked as transport is unavailable (surreptitiously cancelled by Vittorio, who wants to discourage Freda's attentions). The only transport therefore comprises Rossi's Ford Cortina and the Mini belonging to Salvatore, one of the workers, which means that the number of those who can go on the trip is limited to 9 (including Freda, Brenda, Vittorio, and Patrick). The other workers all have to return home.

Freda had planned to visit a stately home in Hertfordshire, but Rossi instead decides to head for Windsor. The cars lose one another twice, but the two groups eventually visit Windsor Castle and St George's Chapel, before moving on to Windsor Great Park for a picnic. Later, Brenda and Freda argue, and Freda storms off into the bushes. Brenda eventually goes in search of her and finds her dead. She has no obvious injuries, and it is unclear exactly what has happened.

Rossi, Vittorio and Patrick all become privy to Freda's death. There is a tacit agreement not to call an ambulance or the police. The other members of the party are still unaware of the incident, and so Freda's body is bundled into the back of the Cortina under the pretence that she is drunk, and the cars proceed as planned to Windsor Safari Park. The Cortina is refused admittance because it has a soft top, and the party has to take a bus tour, leaving Freda in the car. There are hints that Patrick may have been responsible for the death; but Patrick himself points the finger at Rossi.

The cars return to London, where Freda's body is placed in an upstairs storage area in the factory: the occupants of the Mini now become aware of what has happened. The next day, Monday, Maria, a fellow labeller, cleans and prepares Freda's body, dressing her in a white nightgown. Everything is concealed from Mr Paganotti, but after he has left for the day a funeral supper takes place, with Italian confectionery and plastic tulips. A plan is hatched for disposing of the body. It will be placed in an empty sherry barrel, one of a consignment being returned to Spain: the barrel will be marked as defective, and Rossi knows that this means it will be disposed of by being thrown into the sea at Santander.

Rossi confesses that it was he who was responsible for Freda's death: he had made a pass at her, she, in avoiding him, had fallen backwards, and he had fallen on top of her. Mulling over events afterwards, Brenda realises that, out of loyalty to the Paganotti family, Rossi is covering up for the true perpetrator, Vittorio. However, she concludes that the matter is no longer of importance. The next morning she watches as the barrel is loaded onto the back of a lorry for its final journey.

The Split Second

The second book follows Becker Drane on another mission. At the end of the first book, ''The Glitch in Sleep'', it was revealed 50 trays of Frozen Moments were stolen. With that, a Time Bomb could be constructed causing great damage to The World. When news show the Time Bomb has been found in the Department of Time, Lucien Chiappa is sent in to Fix it, until the bomb explodes and Becker is called in to repair the mess by bringing the two parts of the bomb together so no Essence (a liquid that causes everything to age much faster) can enter the World.

To Fix the Second, Becker must bring both halves of the Second together again to prevent any more Essence from dripping out. The first is found in a basement and the second is found to be trapped by the Tide, the organization who created the bomb and wants to overthrow the current order of the Seems and create a new world.

A legendary Fixer thought to be dead, Tom Jackal arrives to help Becker and manages to capture the Second and put it together, but the Essence has soaked through their Sleeves (lightweight bodysuits) and causes him to age. Tom dies from overexposure, but saves the World.

At the end, Becker breaks the Golden Rule which prevents him from meeting with Jenifer Kaley, whose Case File (documents on her private life) was given to Becker after the Mission. However, in the epilogue, the Time Being, a powerful founder of the Seems agrees to join The Tide.

Miles Gloriosus (play)

Backstory and prologue

The play commences with the entrance of Pyrgopolynices (the alazon stock character 'Miles Gloriosus' of the play's title), looking heroic and posing in a pompous manner. Several minions carry the soldier's monstrous shield, and behind him is his "parasite", Artotrogus, who earns his meals by flattering the soldier excessively. The soldier constantly boasts about his accomplishments and portrays himself as a fantastic military hero. In reality, his accomplishments are far smaller, hence the play's title. These opening moments give the audience a sense of Pyrgopolynices' true nature.

After the soldier leaves the stage, Palaestrio, one of the main characters of the play, is introduced. He is a slave who formerly served a young Athenian, Pleusicles. Pleusicles had a girlfriend named Philocomasium, who was kidnapped from Athens by Pyrgopolynices, the soldier. When Palaestrio tried to reach his master with this bad news, the slave was seized by pirates and given, by chance, to the same soldier. Both he and the girl have been living in the soldier's house in Ephesus, but Palaestrio secretly sent a letter to his former master telling him where they are. Pleusicles has come to Ephesus and is staying with Periplectomenus, who lives next door to the soldier, and the wise Palaestrio has cut a hole in the wall so the two lovers can see one another.

Palaestrio's Trickery

Periplectomenus, an older man of Ephesus, then enters, worried because he has caught Sceledrus, one of Pyrgopolynices' slaves, on the roof between the two houses, looking in through the skylight. This slave claims he was chasing a monkey, but Periplectomenus is sure that Philocomasium has been seen kissing her lover Pleusicles.

Palaestrio comes up with a plan to tell Pyrgopolynices that Philocomasium has a twin sister, Dicea, visiting Ephesus with her lover and mother and staying with Periplectomenus. Should Sceledrus make accusations, Palaestrio will refute the claim and say it's her twin. Periplectomenus goes back inside to tell Philocomasium what has happened and tell her the plan. Meanwhile, Philocomasium goes through the hole in the wall back into Pyrgopolynices' house, emerging from that house shortly afterward with Palaestrio and Sceledrus. Philocomasium tells Sceledrus that she had a dream that her twin sister had arrived from Athens. Sceledrus has his doubts, so Philocomasium goes back into Pyrgopolynices' house, then through the hole in the wall and comes out of the other house as her twin sister Honoria. Meanwhile, Sceledrus stands guard outside Pyrgopolynices' house. Philocomasium comes out of Periplectomenus' front door, giving orders to slaves inside. She challenges Sceledrus when he addresses her as Philocomasium, and her manner is that of a free woman. She says her name is Honoria and that she has arrived the previous night from Athens and wants to try to find her twin sister Philocomasium. Sceledrus is now convinced. He promises Palaestrio that he will not speak of this again. Just then, Periplectomenus comes out and is furious at Sceledrus and how he has treated his "lady guest." He threatens to whip him but gets over it right away. Sceledrus believes that there is a plot to get Pyrgopolynices to sell him to another master. Although the slave still thinks he's being tricked, he decides to say nothing for the moment.

The plan to fight the braggart

Palaestrio the slave, Periplectomenus the old man, and Pleusicles the young Athenian, all emerge from the house. Palaestrio has yet another plan to bring down Pyrgopolynices and get Philocomasium back. On request, Periplectomenus hands his ring to Palaestrio, who then explains his plan. He needs Periplectomenus to find an accomplished and beautiful woman, one who can act the part of Periplectomenus' wife and claim to be desperate to leave Periplectomenus for Pyrgopolynices. He also stipulates that this woman should have a maid. Periplectomenus knows just the woman: Acroteleutium, who has a maid called Milphidippa. He brings both women back to his house, explaining the scheme and their role in it. Meanwhile, Palaestrio tells Pyrgopolynices all about Periplectomenus' "wife" and gives him the ring. Pyrgopolynices agrees to meet her but doesn't know what to do with Philocomasium. Palaestrio tells him to let her go, and to let her keep all the gold and jewels that he got her so that she would not be upset.

Pyrgopolynices follows Palaestrio's advice and runs inside to tell Philocomasium. Moments later, he comes back and tells the audience he has succeeded. He gave her everything that she wanted, and he even gave her Palaestrio! At this time, Acroteleutium has come out of the house and begun to describe what she is feeling for the soldier. She proclaims that she can't take it anymore, and that her eyes will cut off her tongue when she catches a glimpse of him. The two meet, and Acroteleutium tells Pyrgopolynices to come to her husband's house. Pyrgopolynices is hesitant in this, but she explains that it was in her dowry that she is the one who gets to keep the house. The soldier tells her to wait inside for him. Just then, Pleusicles enters, dressed as a sailor, to help gather Palaestrio and Philocomasium.

The end of the play

The soldier says his final good-byes to Palaestrio and Philocomasium, and goes back inside to meet Acroteleutium. Just then, he is ambushed by Periplectomenus and his cook, Cario. The two men begin to beat him for trying to make advances on a married woman. Pyrgopolynices begs them to stop; eventually giving the men a hundred drachmae to halt their punches. The men leave the beaten soldier to his own devices. Suddenly, Sceledrus enters and tells the soldier what really happened. Pyrgopolynices realizes that he has been tricked, but does not seem upset about the whole ordeal.The play comes to an end when he tells the audience to applaud.

The Marc Pease Experience

In high school, Marc Pease (Jason Schwartzman) ran out on his performance as the Tin Man in a production of ''The Wiz'', succumbing to his stage fright despite his mentor Mr. Jon Gribble's (Ben Stiller) encouragement. Eight years later, he is dating Meg Brickman (Anna Kendrick), a high school senior who is bitter about being in the chorus and not having a principal role in Gribble's latest production of ''The Wiz''. Marc is keen for Gribble to produce the demo tape for his a cappella singing group Meridian 8 (which has already lost four of eight original members). Gribble, however, tries to avoid Marc, frustrated that Marc refuses to leave him alone because of the friendly advice he gave Marc eight years ago.

While tidying Meg's bedroom, Marc finds a tape labelled "Meg singing", but discovers after he listens to it that she is singing with Gribble, and at the end of the song, their noises suggest that they are having sex. Meg, meanwhile, begins to doubt Gribble's sincerity when he tells her what a terrific singer she is when she realizes that she is always in the chorus. Questioning whether she even enjoys singing, she decides to quit. Marc drives to a performance with Meridian 8, where the only way he can keep the group from splitting up is to lie that Gribble has given them the chance to record in a studio. After insisting that he should sing his Tin Man's song, he starts crying on stage, and is later forced to admit that Gribble has not yet responded to his request to produce the demo. That night, the opening night of ''The Wiz'', Marc is working as a chauffeur for a high school prom couple. After dropping them off and cutting off his frequently ridiculed ponytail, he arrives at the show in the interval. He unsuccessfully tries to discuss Meridian 8's demo with Gribble, who brushes him off, then learns from another bandmate that they are losing another member.

After hearing the Tin Man's song from outside the auditorium, Marc goes inside and drags Gribble out into an empty classroom. Marc confronts him about his empty promises for Meridian 8 to record in a studio. Gribble tells Marc that he is still living as if he were in high school, and an angered Marc threatens to play Meg's tape to the school principal and expose Gribble's affair with a student. As they fight, Marc accuses Gribble of denying Meg a main role as a means of revenge on him, and destroys the tape for Meg's sake. He then goes backstage and breaks up with Meg because she is too young for him. Seeing that the actor of the Wiz has injured himself, Marc takes his cape, runs onto the stage and sings the Wiz's song. Meg runs away but decides that she loves singing and returns to the stage. Marc's performance is met with cheers from the audience, and he is overjoyed.

One year later, having left exorcised his ''Wizard of Oz'' demons, Marc is working as a professional singer under the title "The Marc Pease Experience".

Cruel Zinc Melodies

It's winter in TunFaire, and life has slowed down for Garrett (meaning work seldom intrudes to interrupt his beer drinking and lounging about), until a parade of lovely ladies led by his favorite fiery red-head makes its way through his door. The red-head in question is none other than Tinnie Tate, Garrett's girlfriend, and she's accompanied by Alyx Weider, sultry temptress and daughter of the local beer baron, and several other friends. It turns out the girls have aspirations to become an acting troupe for a new theater that Alyx's father, Max Weider, is building to keep his youngest daughter happy and to have a new vehicle for moving more of his product.

The trouble is that Max needs some help. It seems that construction of his theater, The World, is beset by ghosts, bugs, and break-ins. Garrett figures that this is pretty much a security job, and ends up bringing in some of the usual crew including Saucerhead Tharpe and even Winger.

Right off the bat, Garrett wraps up the break-in problem, as it seems that a gang of kids was trying their hand at the racketeering business. The ghosts and bugs present a bit more of a problem. It turns out that the bugs are of sorcerous origin and the result of some sorcerous experimentation by a group of kids from the Hill, led by Kip Prose. Worse yet, the bugs have been disturbing the sleep of a large entity from a bygone age that has been slumbering for eons beneath the ground that The World is being built upon.

With Garrett's knack for finding trouble, he ends up attracting attention from the Guard, Prince Rupert, and several nasty sorcerous types from The Hill. In the end, with the help of The Dead Man, John Stretch and his telepathically controlled rats, and a smoldering hot sorceress called the Windwalker Furious Tide of Light, Garrett eliminates the bugs and makes contact with the dormant creature (through the ghostly form of Eleanor), convincing it to be careful of the humans and creatures living above it.

Cassina Gambrel Was Missing

Set against turbulent events in Memphis, Tennessee in the late 1970s, the novel concerns a young, white, college student named Jackson Taylor who befriends an older black woman named Cassina Gambrel. As the protagonist's fortune and world expands, Cassina's narrows. Years later, Jackson begins a search for his former friend and the book takes on a cynical tone, bordering on bitterness, while the story unfolds through a series of revealing flashbacks.

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

Taking place many years after the original ''Sin and Punishment'', ''Star Successor'' reveals that there are two dimensions present within the universe: Inner Space and Outer Space. The leaders of Inner Space, known as the Creators, created and cultivated several Earths populated by humans to defend against Outer Space. Whenever humans stray from their intended path by attempting to bring peace, the Creators wipe them out and create a new Earth. Outer Space sends a reconnaissance unit in the form of a human girl to investigate humans. However, in the process of infiltration she loses her memory and wanders to the ruins of Earth-4 instead of the human-populated Earth-5. An agent of Earth-5, Isa Jo, is sent to find and kill the Outer Space infiltrator, but after observing her he concludes she is harmless. Naming her "Kachi," Isa decides to protect her. In response, the Creators send out a group known as the Nebulox, led by Isa's former ally Deko, to tell Isa that Kachi is a monster capable of destroying entire worlds, and that he must destroy her. When Isa refuses, they try to kill both Kachi and Isa for his betrayal. The "Keepers," lifeforms which have worked to destroy any supposed contaminants to Earth-4, attack humans and invaders.

Isa goes on the run with Kachi, seeking to board an air ship that will take them off the planet. Isa and Kachi's attempts to escape are thwarted by the Nebulox until they eventually decide to face them head on. Isa changes into a ruffian form, an ability he inherited from his father, Saki of the original ''Sin and Punishment'', but he merges with Kachi in order to control his new power. They pursue the Nebulox into space, killing them one by one.

When the game is completed in Isa and Kachi mode, a final scene shows Kachi's memory returning. She reveals to Isa that her real name is Achi, implying that she is actually the villain from the original ''Sin and Punishment'', and that Isa's decision to protect her from the Nebulox was a mistake after all.

Another Code: R – A Journey into Lost Memories

At the end of her summer holiday, 16-year-old Ashley, an aspiring musician, receives an invitation from her father Richard, who has been distant towards his daughter. He has been absent as he took over from Ashley's mother to work tirelessly on a memory control system known only as "Another", the cause of her mother's death.

In an effort to cement their bond following his protracted disappearance – Richard left Ashley to be brought up by her aunt – father and daughter are to spend a weekend together at Lake Juliet, a camping resort. But, as the game begins to unfold, Ashley discovers that there are a series of mysteries surrounding Lake Juliet. The intrigue deepens as she realises she has been to this resort before; she has a dim memory of being here just before her mother died 13 years ago.

Cowboy from Brooklyn

Singer Elly Jordan, a Brooklyn man who is terrified of animals, ends up broke along with his two musical partners at Hardy's Dude Ranch in Two Bits, Wyoming. The Hardys, Ma and Pop, daughter Jane and son Jeff, hire the men to play for the dudes. Sam Thorne, Jane's self-appointed boyfriend, ranch cowhand and amateur crooner, is jealous of Jane's interest in Elly. Elly is so successful as a cowboy singer, that when theatrical agent Ray Chadwick arrives at the ranch on a vacation and hears him, he signs Elly immediately. Chadwick thinks that Elly is a real cowboy and Jane coaches him to talk like one. In spite of his fear of animals, he gets away with the deception. He makes a successful screen test as a cowboy, using the name Wyoming Steve Gibson, but he and Chadwick, who now knows the truth, fear that the deception will be revealed when the movie people arrive in New York from Hollywood with Elly's contract.

Meanwhile, Jane and some of the ranch people are traveling East as well so Sam can sing on Captain Rose's Amateur Hour in New York. Jane tells Sam that she is in love with Elly and Sam is so angry that when he isn't a big success on the show, he blurts out the truth about Elly's background. To prove that Elly is on the level, Chadwick and his assistant Pat Dunn suggest that he compete in a rodeo. They take Elly to Professor Landis, who hypnotizes him. Under hypnosis, Elly leaps on a horse, rides to Madison Square Garden, enters the bulldogging contest and sets a new record. He sneezes and wakes from the hypnosis, but the movie people are convinced that he is a real cowboy. He signs the contract and kisses Jane to seal the deal.

Time of Eve

In the not-too-distant future, androids have come into common usage. Rikuo Sakisaka, who has taken robots for granted for his entire life, one day discovers that Sammy, his home android, has been acting independently and coming and going on her own. He finds a strange phrase recorded in her activity log, "Are you enjoying the Time of Eve?". He, along with his friend Masakazu Masaki, trace Sammy's movements and finds an unusual cafe, "The Time of Eve". Nagi, the barista, informs them that the cafe's main rule is to not discriminate between humans and androids. Within the cafe, androids do not display their status rings, and, when patrons depart, the door is automatically locked for two minutes to prevent someone from following them to discover their true nature.

The first few episodes involve conversations between Rikuo (usually accompanied by Masaki) and the cafe regulars: the bubbly Akiko, child Chie and her elderly guardian, the lovers Koji and Rina, and others. These conversations make frequent allusion to Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, often highlighting surprising interpretations of those laws, some of which form apparent loopholes. The overarching plot involves the beginnings of independence displayed by the androids, what they do with that independence within the bounds of the three laws, and what motivates them. Secondary plots involve the individual stories of each android the protagonists encounter in the cafe, and how they come to discover which patrons are androids and which are not.

Cutie Honey Flash

Honey Kisaragi is a 16-year-old perfectly normal, beautiful high school student... until her scientist father is kidnapped by the evil organization Panther Claw, that is. However, her father left behind a device that she can use to transform into the red-haired sword-wielding heroine, Cutie Honey. Aided by Seiji Hayami, a private eye who specializes in Panther Claw, and the mysterious "Twilight Prince", she fights members of Panther Claw in order to rescue her father.

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

The game opens with a disease called "The Blorbs" spreading across the Mushroom Kingdom. Toads that become infected with the disease inflate like a balloon and roll around uncontrollably. A council meeting is immediately called at Princess Peach's Castle to discuss what can be done about the epidemic. Starlow, a representative of the Star Sprites that watch over the Mushroom Kingdom, also attends, as do Mario and Luigi. At the meeting, it is discovered that all those affected had previously eaten a "Blorb Mushroom" given to them by a salesman, who is secretly the mad scientist Fawful. Bowser invades the castle, intending to kidnap Princess Peach, but is defeated by Mario and expelled from the castle, sending him flying outward.

Bowser finds himself in Dimble Wood, where he is tricked by Fawful into eating a "Vacuum Shroom" that gives him the power to inhale things. Immediately after eating it, Bowser begins mindlessly inhaling everything in sight and goes back to the castle, where he inhales Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Starlow, and several Toads into his body, the process shrinking all of them to microscopic size. After this, Bowser passes out, and with Peach now gone and the Blorbs incapacitating the majority of the Mushroom Kingdom, Fawful proceeds to take over Peach's castle, while his assistant, the boar-like Midbus, takes over Bowser's castle. Navigating Bowser's body, Mario and Luigi manage to revive him, and he is revealed to have no memory of his mindless rampage; consequently, he does not know that the Mario brothers are inside his body. Bowser only communicates with Starlow, who nicknames herself "Chippy" to conceal her true identity. Bowser begins tracking down Fawful in an attempt to reclaim his castle with the assistance of the Mario brothers and Starlow.

After leading Bowser into a trap, Fawful removes Peach from Bowser's body and kidnaps her, allowing him to take possession of the Dark Star, an evil and powerful entity with a seal that can only be broken by Peach. The Dark Star subsequently creates a barricade preventing anyone from entering Peach's Castle. Mario and Luigi are able to sneak out of Bowser's body together via warp pipe into Toad Town, where physician Dr. Toadley tells them they must gather the three Star Cures in order to create the Miracle Cure, a magical medicinal object that will cure the Blorbs and destroy the barricade. Bowser overhears this and races for the cures himself, only to be trapped in a safe by some of his minions who betrayed him to serve Fawful. Ultimately, the brothers collect all three star cures, and the Miracle Cure destroys the barricade, curing all victims of the Blorbs in the process.

Bowser is freed from the safe and tracks down Fawful in Peach's transformed castle. After Bowser defeats Midbus, the Dark Star's seal is broken. Fawful starts absorbing its power until Bowser punches him away, and it enters Bowser's body, where it leeches on his cells and absorbs his DNA, allowing it to copy his abilities. Mario and Luigi, who have re-entered Bowser's body, engage in battle with the Dark Star, and emerge victorious, but it escapes, and uses Bowser's DNA to start to become a shadowy, powerful doppelgänger of Bowser named Dark Bowser, who seeks the power Fawful stole to complete the transformation. Fawful, meanwhile, has begun trying to locate the Dark Star to finish taking its power, but Bowser finds and defeats him. Soon after, however, Dark Bowser finds Fawful and inhales him, allowing it to finally complete its transformation, and it unleashes a dark storm over the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser fights Dark Bowser, and inhales the Dark Star's core when it tries to get away, allowing Mario and Luigi to fight and destroy the Dark Star's core, thus destroying Dark Bowser and the Dark Star, restoring the Mushroom Kingdom to normal. Fawful, having been inhaled into Bowser as part of the Dark Star's core during the battle, initially feigns remorse, before suddenly self-destructing in a final effort to destroy Mario and Luigi. The explosion causes Bowser to regurgitate everyone that he had inhaled. Bowser is enraged by the discovery, and attacks Mario and Luigi.

During the credits, the Mario Bros. battle Bowser. He is defeated, suffering many injuries in the process, and retreats back to his castle. The two castles are also rebuilt. In a post-credits scene, Bowser's minions return their loyalty to him and Peach sends Bowser a cake as gratitude for his unintentionally heroic efforts.

WarioWare D.I.Y.

Dr. Crygor dreams that he is playing on a game console (which resembles a Wii with a Classic Controller). Suddenly, the characters in the game emerge from the screen, causing a stampede. Waking up from the nightmare, Dr. Crygor comes up with a brainstorm and invents the Super MakerMatic 21. While the machines are being assembled in Dr. Crygor's lab, Wario enters with a broken television set for repair and notices the Super MakerMatic 21 is being assembled. He wants to trade his broken television for one of the Super MakerMatics (thinking that it is a television set as well), at which point Dr. Crygor explains what it actually is and its ability to make microgames easily. Wario is amazed and realizes that Dr. Crygor's invention is the key to making huge fortunes and revamps WarioWare, Inc. once again. Unfortunately, many of his employees had quit, so he hires the player to make microgames for him.

Dana-i Menog Khrat

The book contains the conversation between a wise man and the Spirit of Wisdom (Menog-i-Khrat), each on answers the other's questions in philosophical and religious matters.

Ex Drummer

In Ostend, West Flanders, three physically disabled musicians are looking for a drummer for their punk rock band. They want to perform only one time at a music competition. They approach famous writer Dries to be their drummer, the idea being that he also has a "handicap" in that he cannot actually play the drums. They plan to master only one song, Devo's "Mongoloid." For Dries, this is an opportunity to get some inspiration for a new novel, so he accepts the offer. The band members decide to call the band The Feminists, since, they think four "handicapped" musicians are just as worthless as a group of feminists. Their main opponents are the band Harry Mulisch (an allusion to Harry Mulisch), also led by a writer, nicknamed Dikke Lul ("Fat Cock"). As the story goes on Dries becomes more and more obsessed by his new novel and he tries to manipulate the band members and tries to find their weak spot.

Happy Family (2002 film)

Small Han Sang (Nick Cheung) works in a top position at his father's (Kenny Bee) real estate company. His father does not interfere often but during a period of interviewing new applicants, his father has personally recommended Kaka (Candy Lo), who in the end, gets a job at the company. A good worker and a good bond between Sang and Kaka is created, even to the point of love and plans of marriage. However, Mr. Han later drops the bomb that Kaka is actually Sang's sister.

Game Changer (Modern Family)

It is April 3 and Phil's birthday coincides with the launch of the new Apple iPad. Being an early adopter and a technophile, Phil wants to wake up early to get in line for the product at the local Apple store. Claire wants him to have a relaxing birthday so she takes it upon herself to wake up early and go buy the product. She does wake up early, but quickly falls back to sleep on the couch; it is not until the family wakes up and is making breakfast that she manages to sneak out of the house to get in line. However, the local store has sold out by the time she gets there, so she returns empty-handed. After being confronted by Phil, she makes it her mission to get one for the rest of the day. Phil decides to go to the batting cages to cool off and mistakenly believes a child's birthday party is for him – only adding to his unhappiness, so he eats a 'Game changer', (a pancake with bacon and golden syrup) to cheer himself up.

Jay has purchased a chess set for Phil. Jay decides to challenge Manny not knowing that Manny is a good player. Gloria, not wanting Jay to be a sore loser, tells Manny to throw the game. When Jay keeps trying to get Manny to try a child's version of chess, Manny is insulted and challenges Jay to a rematch. Manny states that if he wins, he gets Jay's watch and beats Jay in four moves. Gloria tells Jay she is also an excellent player but lets Jay think he is better. Jay – believing he is winning – decides to call the game because he does not want an unhappy wife while Gloria reveals that she would have beaten him in two moves. She says to the camera "I'm an excellent chess player, but a better wife".

The night before Phil's birthday, Cameron and Mitchell hear a man's voice coming from Lily's room. They believe that it might be a burglar. They then discover that there was no burglar; just a signal accidentally received from a neighboring house by the baby monitor. The next day, Mitchell asks Jay to help him toughen up so that if it actually happens in the future, he can take more appropriate action while Cameron keeps listening to conversations from the baby monitor. He discovers that a misunderstanding may cause a divorce and decides to tell the wife the truth before anything bad happens.

Meanwhile, Claire comes home without an iPad. However, Luke manages to convince a man online that his father was dying and his last wish was an iPad – so the man brought a second iPad over and gave it to Luke to give to Phil. That night, during the party, she brings out the iPad to a delighted Phil.

In the end, Mitchell and Cameron listen to the couple talk about how Cameron must be an angel, but Cameron quickly turns it off when the couple realizes that he may have been a creepy pervert.

Granny Pants

The story begins at ''Mode'', where Betty finds herself in the middle of a battle between Daniel and Wilhelmina over the Valentine photo shoot, with Daniel insisting on "love is a battlefield" and Willi demanding one about "puppy love." Either way, from Betty and Claire's observation, the idea becomes a mess. Betty and Claire believe that ever since the 50-50 deal was made Daniel has taken his mind off DJ and focused more on work. This concerns the two as Claire confronts Daniel, who admits that he does miss DJ and he wants to settle down and start a family. Later he tells Betty about his plan, so he has compiled an application to submit to a dating service and when Betty sees it, she makes some modifications before he can submit it.

As Betty returned to her desk, she sees Kimmie sitting there. Kimmie then asks for Betty's help in finding a job after she quit her job at Flushing Burger and dumped her boyfriend, saying that she wants to start anew and have the same success that Betty has. Betty initially reluctant to accept her idea, but after Daniel suggests to Betty that she hire a temporary assistant to help her and Kimmie jumps at the opportunity.

Betty then tells Christina about what Kimmie did back in high school, as evidenced in a flashback in which Betty befriends Kimmie at the cafeteria, but as she reached for a drink in the school cooler, Kimmie pulls Betty's dress down, leading to Betty being called "Granny Pants" for the rest of high school. Christina suggests that Betty turns the tables on Kimmie, as she tells Kimmie to request a receipt and Kimmie accidentally offended Wilhelmina in the process, causing Marc to humiliate her. That move later spurred on by Hilda at Casa Suarez, even though Ignacio thinks Betty should reconsider. But on Kimmie's first day, Betty sees how Kimmie is treated by Marc and Amanda and she comes to her defense. This leads Betty to do a job briefing on Kimmie and over time the transformation is a success.

Over at the Suarez home, Justin is looking forward to making to the lead role in ''Billy Elliot the Musical'', with encouragement from Hilda (who has been taking anger management classes to get over Tony) and Ignacio. However at school, Justin is harassed by bullies, but seems undeterred by them. Later that day at the auditions, Justin is shocked to learn that one of the bullies, a football jock named Randy, has also signed up for the auditions, leading to a dance-off between the two. But in the end both guys lost to a younger boy, and Randy broke down in tears and shoos Justin off while he is trying to cheer him up. However, the two later bond as friends at school.

However, on the night that Kimmie managed to get VIPs to several nightclubs and after she asked Betty to come along as a sign of her gratitude and start of friendship, Amanda befriends Kimmie and suggests a make over. When Betty returns to meet up with her, she is shocked to see Kimmie dressed way better than Betty. Kimmie also tells Betty that she accidentally revealed that they will go clubbing later, and she invited Amanda and Marc to tag along. During the cab ride Betty finds herself riding in the front while the trio are palling around in the backseat, and when they arrive to the club, its Betty who gets left out as Kimmie, Amanda and Marc get in. 45 minutes later, Betty prepares to leave. Kimmie stops her and tells her she only got Amanda and Marc in so that they can bond better. She then convinces Betty to go to three more clubs and an after party, because they really are friends. Betty initially refuses because of their work tomorrow, but upon learning that Daniel and Willi will not be at Mode until noon, she eventually agreed.

Also that same night, Daniel shows up to meet his date on a yacht for a dinner cruise. Unfortunately, the "date" is none other than Wilhelmina. Both are shocked that they used the same matchmaking service and lied about their profiles, but before they can exit the yacht, the yacht has already left the dock. During the evening the two have a civil dinner together but they want to finish their evening early. The two looked at the smoke alarm, and Daniel decided to activate it using a candle, while Wilhelmina assists by spraying perfume so that the flames get closer to the alarm, and the ploy works as the cruise ship had to head back to shore. Later on, the two have a casual conversation about working together even if they can't stand each other, and they decided that they should just have to trust each other as a team. When the two reached their final destination, they went their separate ways, but Wilhelmina had another reason to end their evening, which was to stop by an old acquaintance's apartment for sex.

The following morning, Betty wakes up and discovers that she is going to be late as Daniel calls her to tell her that Kimmie has picked up the slack. As Betty arrived she asked Kimmie why she didn't call her and Kimmie insists she has sent text messages to Betty. Kimmie is later seen at lunch once again palling around with Amanda and Marc, and asked Betty to get water from the cooler. When Betty went to get a drink from the cooler, the memories of the past came back as Kimmie was coming towards her, but instead it backfired as Betty accused her of trying pull the same stunt but it would be Kimmie who would be embarrassed, and as she walked away, the message Kimmie left showed up on Betty's cellphone.

As Betty felt sorry for what has happened to Kimmie, she suggests to Daniel that she give her a better role in the magazine after they got into the clubs. At the meeting room, Wilhelmina announces that she will give way to Daniel's idea for the February issue and apologizes for the previous clashing of opinions. Daniel then announced that Kimmie has been promoted to associate editor. This stuns Betty in a big way and as she witnesses Kimmie reverting to her old ways, so does her flashbacks of that day back at the high school cafeteria.

Re: Cutie Honey

A mysterious organization known as Panther Claw make their presence known by terrorizing Tokyo and giving the cops a run for their money. Police are further baffled by the appearance of a lone cosplaying vigilante who thwarts all of Panther Claw's evil schemes before disappearing. That vigilante is Honey Kisaragi, the result of the late Dr. Kisaragi's prize experiment. A master of disguise, Honey can instantly alter her physical appearance and outfits. But with a push of the heart-shaped button on her choker, she transforms herself into Cutie Honey, the scantily clad, sword-wielding warrior of love.

Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses

Picking up where ''Leningrad Cowboys Go America'' left off, the band has settled in Mexico after charting a top ten hit there. However, many band members become alcoholics spending most of their day drinking tequila. Before long, more than half of the band members have died from excessive drinking. The surviving five members and their road manager Igor (Kari Väänänen) have, in the meantime, become naturalized Mexicans, complete with mustaches and Mexican wardrobes.

Down on their luck and out of practice, the band receive an anonymous telegram, inviting them to perform at a hotel at Coney Island in New York. When they arrive, they reunite with their ex-manager Vladimir (Matti Pellonpää) who claims to be born again and now calls himself Moses. Moses gathers the group at his room, and plans a return trip to ''the Promised Land'' (Siberia), for purposes that are explained later. Four band members prepare a makeshift boat for the first leg of the journey; the fifth—the cousin they met in Texas—chooses to stay. Moses stows away on the wing of a plane, taking with him the Statue of Liberty's nose as a souvenir. The stolen nose attracts the attention of Johnson, a CIA agent (André Wilms).

Moses falls off the plane and meets up with the band at a beach. Several friends and relatives from Siberia—new band members—arrive in a rented bus to pick them up. Because their rubles have no value, Moses goes to secure the band gigs for money throughout the journey eastward. Johnson catches up with them at a hotel in Amiens and, posing as a record producer, distracts them with money to play a show at the hotel, while he goes to take the nose back. However, he is caught by Igor and knocked unconscious. The next day, Moses learn of Johnson's real identity and confiscates the bullets from his gun. The band takes him for the rest of the trip, but are unsure of what to do with him.

In Frankfurt, a gas station attendant recognizes Moses from a 'wanted' poster, and has the band arrested. Igor is able to bust them out with help from some local delinquents. The band play a show for a small crowd before they set off again. In Leipzig, Moses and a fellow band member exchange phrases from the Bible and Communist Manifesto respectively. Later, they both tell the others of the birth of a sacred calf in their homeland, the reason for their journey home.

Meanwhile, Johnson is abandoned after trying to take the unattended bus to a US Army base, left with only a Holy Bible. Unable to kill himself with his empty gun, he opens the Bible and reads. He rejoins the band in the Czech Republic, claiming to be born again as well, renaming himself Elijah. Moses welcomes him, in exchange for cigarettes, and he later proves to be a good singer. While in the area, the band visit a tractor factory and perform for a local family.

In Poland, both Moses and Elijah show signs of slipping back to their former identities: When one band member gets sick, Moses claims they don't have enough money to hire a hospital, but the band doesn't believe him. Elijah threatens the band at gunpoint to ditch the nose, but is once again knocked out. After playing for money, the band leaves their sick member by a hospital doorstep. Moses, in an effort to regain the band's trust, goes to make money at a hotel billiard hall, earning enough to pay the hospital in full the following morning.

At the border to Russia, Moses states that, according to The Holy Bible, he never sees the promised land. As Vladimir once again, he turns in empty bottles to the customs office as a distraction while the others sneak the bus across the border. Home at last, the band leaves gifts for the newborn calf. A party is held that evening to celebrate their return. The film ends with Elijah being left alone with the nose.

Dark Country

Newly weds Dick and Gina decide to head across the Nevada desert for their honeymoon, driving at night to beat the heat. Before they head off, a stranger warns Dick to be careful, as couples have been known to get lost, and to stick to the Interstate. Shortly afterward, the couple realize they are heading the wrong way and turn off the highway onto another road. Dick turns off the car headlights to drive by starlight and Gina masturbates herself to orgasm as they head across the desert. Eventually Dick turns the lights back on, immediately swerving to avoid a figure in the middle of the road. Investigating, they find a man severely injured from a car accident. Unable to get a phone signal, they decide to drive him to a hospital themselves, only for the road to come to a sudden end a few miles ahead.

During the drive, the couple argue and the injured man awakens with a scream. He asks Gina for a cigarette, advises her to leave her husband and becomes increasingly erratic, finally attempting to strangle Dick and almost causing the car to crash. Gina stops the car and the two men tumble out, continuing to fight until Dick beats the stranger to death with a rock. Dick convinces his wife they need to dispose of the body, and together they bury it in a shallow grave. While she fills the hole, Dick finds a revolver in her handbag. Soon after, they arrive at a rest area where several cars are parked. They tidy themselves up and argue until Dick discovers he lost his watch while they were burying the stranger. Refusing to go back, Gina waits at the rest stop with the gun while Dick returns to find his watch. Arriving at the site where they hid the body, Dick finds the grave empty. Gunshots ring out across the desert and Dick races back to the rest stop to find Gina is missing. Nearby, he stumbles onto a woman's grave and realizes that the other cars are rusted and covered with dust.

In a panic, he flees, almost colliding head-on with a deputy sheriff. In the back of the police car, he rides with the deputy to a crime scene, where police are excavating murder victims from a mass grave surrounded by abandoned vehicles. The deputy explains that this was where the rest area had been 30 years before. Dick recognizes the spot as the location where he buried the stranger. As he watches on from the back of the police car, a deputy exhumes Gina's body and finds Dick's watch. Dick kicks his way out of the patrol car and escapes in one of the nearby vehicles, leading the squad of police in a chase across the desert.

Driving with the lights off, he loses them, but a short while later he finds a swarm of insects, losing control and rolling the car. Thrown clear of the wreck, he is then almost run down by another car before he passes out. Some time later, Dick wakes to find himself in the back of his own car, listening to himself and Gina argue, and realizes that he was the mysterious stranger that he fought with and murdered earlier in the evening, screaming at this.

Bussen (film)

The protagonist is a jovial bus driver, well beloved by his passengers, essentially the whole community around him. The bus, however, is old, and needs to be replaced. The bus driver himself is also needed as a handyman for all the people around him, assisting with stray cattle, household machines, children's homework, errands of all kinds, and at one occasion, assisting birth. Progress is however leaving him behind, and the local county council plots on a solution, involving a new bus and driver. The community revolts, and the local midwife (married to the mayor) intervenes with all the locals to keep the bus driver, who ends up keeping his job in a new bus.


There are, however, some notable plot differences, mainly based on the casting of the main character. Leif Juster was older than Dirch Passer, and presents a calmer humour. Juster was turning 51, while Passer was 37 at the time of the respective shootings. Passer's interpretation is more Slapstick-based, and the Danish film is made in a more Chaplin-like tradition. The kind humanity of the chauffeur is more present in the Norwegian version. As Passer was younger, the element of romance is more central in the Danish version as well. In both films, the protagonist saves and cares for a small girl (Kaja - played by Synne Skouen, daughter of Arne Skouen in the Norwegian version), whose mother is falling to pieces. In the Danish version, Kaja is cared for by an older sister, who becomes a love interest for the protagonist. In the Norwegian version, the interactment is solely with Kaja, and the mother is passed off as a "lost case". The bus driver is said to have delivered Kaja in the bus, and promises to take care of her as a daughter. "The man being there at birth is the truest father", he says. This plot difference makes the romantic subplot lighter and softer, and the social criticism implied in the Norwegian version is toned down.

Lars, the "dumb muscle" set up to be the driver of the new bus, is a regular "mook" in the Norwegian version, constantly getting into fights because of his physical strength, and urged on by his careless girlfriend Helga. The Danish version makes him an amateur boxer, working for the local smith. Danish Lars seems to be more happy in his situation than his Norwegian counterpart, who actually contemplates suicide because of his messy situation with Helga and the other youths. Norwegian Helga seems to be regarded as a "get around girl", and is passed off as such by Thorvald (and that is why Lars constantly is getting into fights). Danish Helga seems to be more sincere and proper (while still being a slight fanservice - something which also applies for Kaja`s older sister. Fanservice is not used in the Norwegian version).

In the Danish version, Helga and Lars end up engaged, while the Norwegian Helga just breaks out and leaves for town. In Denmark, Helga is the daughter of the local sheriff, while she is working as the sheriff´s clerk in the Norwegian version (or actually addressed as "deputy" by the sheriff). The sheriffs role is more pointed out in the Norwegian original. Here, he is on Thorvalds side against the clerk all the way, and while working from inside the law, he also backs the public rebellion against the political leadership. In this way, the sheriff mirrors the historical role of the local lawman as a "man of the people" against the authorities. This trait could not be played out in the same way in Denmark.

The philosophical traits of the driver (reading from the Bible and of Greek philosophers), is somewhat extended in Denmark, turning Martin into a self learned scientist with an astounding knowledge, making experiments in chemistry and physics.

The staged public rebellion is played out differently in the two versions. While the Norwegian version has a regular rebellion against the municipality council, it is the Danish women who act on their own, using a Lysistrata gambit to get their case through. Only in the "second phase" do the men join the uprising. The party bickering between different political fractions inside the county council is actually exaggerated for comedy in the Danish version.

The three moss collectors are not present in the Danish version. The moss collectors, earning their way by selling moss (for isolation, one presumes) and then spending their income on booze, serves as a kind of greek chorus in the film, and relates the background of Thorvald the driver. When he feels the community does not need him anymore, he yields to their wish and follows them to their "natural habitat" in the most reclusive part of the area. The three collectors talk and act as one, as two of them just repeat the words of the leader.


The Norwegian version leans strongly on Eastern Norwegian dialect, somewhere between the old Oslo dialect and the closely related tongue of Romerike, which is the location of the film. The only person to speak regular bokmål is the antagonist, the county clerk (and some members of the council, equally sceptical until they are set straight). This language trait is lost in the Danish version.

Literary reference in the film

The bus driver is seen in his humble home, reading a passage about the greek philosopher Diogenes. As he reads, (sitting on a barrel and wearing a towel), he identifies himself with this philosopher, and relates his own version of Diogenes's words in his meeting with Alexander the Great: "Move aside, so that the sun may shine on me". He states that he would like to meet this man.

Kaja, the girl Thorvald/Martin cares for, is rehearsing a poem for her homework. In the Norwegian version, this poem is written by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, while her Danish counterpart recites a known Christmas hymn by the Danish national poet N. F. S. Grundtvig.

Notes on actors

Lalla Carlsen and Leif Juster had already a long experience on working together at stage at this point, acting together in the comedic variety shows in Oslo since before World War II.

While playing completely opposite roles in their respective films, Ove Sprogøe and Arve Opsahl both made a career as the same character some years later, namely Egon Olsen of the Olsen Gang.

The bus

The bus used in the Norwegian version, driven by Juster, is a 1924 model Berliet with Norwegian built coachwork from A/S Skabo on a type CBOE chassis. It was originally used by the company A/S Ekebergbanen, from 1928 as a reserve and it was taken out of traffic in 1931. After being used in the film it was placed in a museum, since 1983 at the Sporveismuseet(Railroad museum) at Majorstuen, Oslo. In 2013 it was made driveable again and exhibited at an arrangement that took place in Oslo June 2013.

Three Girls in Paris

Three Danish girls (Ghita Nørby, Susse Wold and Hanne Borchsenius) travel to Paris. After leaving their luggage and money at a hotel, they tour the city, but forget what the hotel is called and where it is located. They are helped by a Parisian taxi driver, and meet a series of typical French people.

The Queen's Tiara

The novel is set in 1792 and weaves the story of the beautiful but sexless androgyne Tintomara around the assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden, commonly nicknamed 'The Theatre King', on the stage of Stockholm's Royal Swedish Opera at a masked ball in 1792.

Tintomara is employed by the Royal Swedish Ballet to function as the centrepiece of their lavish spectacles. Tintomara's true gender is never made clear, but Tintomara is referred to by the pronoun "She". She is described as beautiful and is often the object of passion for both men and women.

Tintomara is portrayed as the secret half sibling to the underage King, Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden. Her father was Count Adolf Fredrik Munck af Fulkila, and her mother was the actress Clara: Count Adolf Fredrik Munck af Fulkila was said to be the biological father of the king and lover of the Queen, Sophia Magdalena of Denmark.

Passing as a girl, Tintomara is involved in the notorious assassination of the King. On the same night, she steals the Queen's tiara in order to show it to her mother. Tintomara is then taken under the protection of a Baroness, who hides her on her country estate, where Tintomara passes as a boy. In the country, she becomes the love object of two women, Amanda and Adolfine, the daughters of the Baroness; and two men, the nobles Ferdinand and Clas-Henrik, who earlier courted the sisters and who are now concealing their involvement in the assassination.

Tintomara is killed by Ferdinand during a performance planned as a spectacular entertainment for the court which ends in disaster.

The novel's most famous line is spoken by Tintomara's dying mother, Clara: "Tintomara, two things are white - Innocence and Arsenic." She continues "You have the Innocence - I have the Arsenic".

Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep

The plot of ''Adventures of the Deep'' revolves around a Pacific Legend known as the Song of Dragons. The player character, a university student studying folklore, takes leave from their studies to visit the Paoul Republic in the South Pacific, intrigued by the legend. By chance, they apply for a job at R&R Diving Service, run by Jean-Eric Rouvier and his granddaughter Océane. During the player's entrance examination dive, Océane drops a lapis lazuli pendant left to her by her late father Matthieu; the pendant omits a strange sound, after which a nearby humpback whale becomes aggressive. Curious, she disregards Jean-Eric's warnings and attempts to retrieve a second pendant lost as a child, only to be threatened by an aggressive tiger shark. The player is able to drive off the shark, and the pendant is recovered. Deciding to have the two pendants appraised, R&R contacts Nancy Young, a local trader, who suggests that they search for Valka Castle, which sank beneath the waves in the 17th century, for further clues.

Traveling to the Aegean Sea, the group encounters Gary 'GG' Gray, a famous American salvager, who challenges them to see who can find Valka Castle first. The player and Océane successfully discover the castle while trying to escape the man eating great white shark Thanatos, where they uncover an ancient lapis lazuli tablet and hear a strange sound before they are temporarily sealed in a room by a trap left by the castle's ruler. Encountering GG again following their escape, he reveals that the tablet originates from an ancient sea-faring civilization known as the Okeanides. R&R returns home, and Nancy recommends that the group consult Japanese oceanographer Hayoko Sakurai to have the tablet translated. Traveling to Hayoko's current workplace, an aquarium in Japan, she agrees to decipher the tablet in return for R&R completing her research on polar bears for her. After traveling to the northern coast of Canada and completing her research, Hayaoko joins R&R Diving Service and reveals her findings on the tablet; it tells that the Song of Dragons is the key to the Pacifia Treasure, a legendary treasure left by the Okeanides. Following reports of the song being heard in the Antarctic, the group travels there to investigate further. While investigating, the player hears a strange sound they had previously heard while at Valka Castle, and realizes that it is the Song of Dragons. They help rescue a spectacled porpoise, which subsequently helps R&R navigate their way out of a heavy snowstorm. Upon returning home, Jean-Eric forbids any further investigation into the legend, declaring that it will only lead to bad luck. He privately confesses to the player that Matthieu had attempted to discover the Pacifia Treasure himself, which lead between him and Jean Eric, who dismissed the Treasure as a myth; Matthieu later died during his investigation when his submarine broke down.

The next morning, R&R receives an unexpeted visitor in the form of GG, who explains that he has been searching for the Pacifia Treasure for the past 10 years, and offers to work with R&R in locating it. Following a lead in South America, the player and GG swim upstream a tributary of the Amazon River, where they discover an ancient ruin behind a waterfall and uncover a second lapis lazuli tablet.

Stranglers' Moon

Jules and Yvette D'Alembert are a brother and sister team of aerialists in the D'Alembert family Circus of the Empire. But they are also legendary agents "Wombat" and "Periwinkle" in SOTE, "The Service of The Empire", the imperial intelligence agency, sent to investigate the disappearance of a planetary economist and his wife on a moon devoted to recreation: seemingly a vacationers' paradise...

The plot is based in part on Thuggee.

Brainwashed (film)

Chess world champion Centowic wants to travel by ship to an important chess tournament. The ship, however, starts behind schedule, because a mysterious and obviously anxious passenger, who is on his way to the port with Bishop Ambrosse, is expected.

During the trip, passengers ask grumpy Centowic to play a chess game, which he reluctantly agrees to. Centowic's opponents are about to lose the match. However, the mysterious passenger, who accidentally joins the scene, intervenes and helps them to turn the match into a draw. Centowic is amazed to not have ever seen the stranger, who, as he says, has just had his first chess piece in his hands, at any important tournament.

A flashback tells the stranger's story: He is Werner von Basil, an Austrian lawyer. Together with Bishop Ambrosse, he hides art treasures abroad in order to protect them from the national socialists who had just occupied Austria. Von Basil doesn't take the bishop's warnings about the threat for him too seriously. On a party given by von Basil, the newly inaugurated Gestapo man, Hans Berger engages ballet dancer Irene Andreny, who is his girlfriend, to learn from von Basil where the art treasures are. When she is unsuccessful, Berger has von Basil arrested the same evening. In order to break von Basil's will, Berger puts him into solitary confinement. Von Basil has all his personal belongings taken from him; the only variety in his every-day routine is the guardian who provides him with food.

Berger is pressured not only by Irene, who feels neglected, but also by his superior Hartmann, as von Basil keeps the hiding-place of the art treasures a secret even after six weeks of isolation. As von Basil pretends to be cooperative and is brought to a questioning, he succeeds in stealing a book from a coat pocket. In the questioning, von Basil drops Berger in it and feels the sympathy the present Irene feels for him. Back again in his room, von Basil is disappointed to learn that the book he has stolen just deals with chess matches. Due to a lack of alternatives, von Basil reads it and uses pieces of bread as chess pieces to re-enact the matches described in the book. Even as Berger discovers his secret and deprives him of the book, von Basil plays chess against himself in his mind.

After asking bishop Ambrose for help, Irene begs Berger to release von Basil but is insulted by Berger. As von Basil suffers from a nervous breakdown but still refuses to reveal his secrets, Hartmann now tries on his own to break von Basil's will.

As von Basil plays yet another match against Centowic, he furiously attacks Centowic, as he wants to learn from Centowic how much information he gave away during his solitary confinement. Irene joins the scene and is able to assure von Basil that he revealed none of his secrets. Irene was spared harassment; Berger was no longer of use for his superiors. Von Basil and Irene fall in love with each other.

Dual (Heroes)

At Pinehearst, Peter explains to Nathan that Sylar killed their father and it was the only way to stop his plan. Nathan reveals that he has taken over and warns Peter to stay out of the way, causing Peter to knock him unconscious. He then goes to destroy Mohinder's Pinehearst laboratory and all of the newly created formula.

Elsewhere, Ando, Daphne, and Matt go to Mohinder’s laboratory so that Ando can take the formula, gain the ability to travel through time and rescue a stranded Hiro. Unfortunately, Mohinder is at Pinehearst, so Daphne goes there to steal the formula.

At Pinehearst, Mohinder himself has discovered that his infection has spread to his lungs and his only hope of a cure is to take the formula. He is interrupted when Peter arrives to destroy the formula. During their discussion, Daphne steals a tube of formula from Mohinder's hand, which causes the pair to fight. Flint and Knox arrive to destroy the lab, rescuing Peter in the process. Flint explains that if other people gain powers they will become less special. Knox leaves to guard Nathan whilst Flint pins down Mohinder.

Upstairs, Scott wakes Nathan up and tells him he was the only Marine injected with the formula but Knox arrives and breaks Scott's neck. Eventually, Nathan fights Knox until Tracy arrives and saves him, freezing and killing Knox. She tries to persuade Nathan to leave before it's too late. He fires her and leaves.

Daphne returns to Mohinder’s old laboratory with the formula. Matt points out Ando could get any number of powers but Daphne points out she wanted to run and gained the ability to run. Matt worried about what people thought about him, and gained telepathy. Ando injects himself and then passes out. Upon awakening, he tries to travel in time but fails. In his frustration, he hits a table causing a red glow, which he cannot control. When Matt touches him, his telepathy powers get stronger, allowing him to hear thousands of voices. Daphne then touches him, and disappears, re-appearing moments earlier, something Matt explains is due to travelling faster than the speed of light. He goes on to point out that Ando's power is actually an ability supercharger and will allow them to go back in time to rescue Hiro.

In the past, Hiro climbs off the flagpole. He goes downstairs and finds Young Hiro holding the healed dove, and mourning the death of his mother. Hiro asks Young Hiro for his help finding a piece of paper with numbers and figures: the formula. He promises Young Hiro he can save tomorrow and Young Hiro agrees. They manage to get into the safe, taking the formula, when Kaito catches them. He sends Young Hiro to bed and attacks Hiro with a sword. Hiro rips the formula in half and is rescued by Daphne and Ando before Kaito can kill him. Unfortunately, Hiro dropped the two halves of the formula in the past and Kaito retrieves them.

Daphne returns Ando and Hiro to the present. Ando explains that he now has powers and Hiro says that he was about to destroy the formula. Daphne takes Hiro to Pinehearst to retrieve it in the present. They arrive to find Tracy has frozen open Arthur’s safe and has the formula. Hiro forcibly takes the formula, knocking Tracy out when she insults him.

At Pinehearst, Peter is demolishing the laboratory and Mohinder warns him that the formula is highly combustible, before Flint throws him against a wall, stunning him. Flint and Peter tip over the main tank of formula, which spills over Mohinder and wakes him up. His mutated skin fades away while Flint prepares to blow the place up. Peter wants to get the people out, but Flint says he doesn’t care. Nathan hits him over the head, stunning him, and then punches Peter and knocks his legs out from under him. Flint wakes up and ignites the puddles of formula, setting the lab ablaze. Peter grabs a dose of the formula and injects himself, partially restoring his powers, then flies with Nathan into the sky just as the laboratory explodes.

At Primatech, Noah, Angela, Claire and Meredith discover that the security guards are dead and the building is on emergency lockdown. Sylar tells them over the loudspeakers that he's killed Arthur and that he's now going to show them that they are all monsters like him. The group arms themselves and split up to find Sylar.

Claire and Angela enter the study, while Noah and Meredith reach the surveillance room. Sylar informs them that they’re not hunting him: he’s hunting them. He offers Claire a chance to escape with Noah and Meredith if she kills Angela. When Claire refuses, Sylar tells her to talk to Noah about how he and Elle turned him into a monster. After considering Angela for a brief moment, Claire cocks the shotgun and shoots the intercom instead, and she labels Sylar as the true monster.

Meanwhile, Noah releases Eric Doyle, Danny Pine, and Echo DeMille from Level 5. Noah tells them that he’ll let the person who kills Sylar walk free, and Sylar will kill them if they try to escape. As they leave, Meredith warns they don’t stand a chance, and Noah explains that they’ll work as bait.

Meredith makes her way through the hallways and finds Danny Pine’s severed, partially metallic arm. Sylar appears behind Meredith and telekinetically throws away Meredith’s gun. Eric Doyle appears and takes control of Sylar before Sylar overpowers him, leaving him lying on the ground bleeding from his nose. He then injects Meredith with adrenaline.

Noah finds Echo DeMille dead and Meredith in a cell, flaming out of control. Noah joins her, setting down his gun, when Sylar removes the clip (leaving one bullet) and shuts them in. He tells Noah to make a choice, Meredith's life or his own.

Sylar transmits an image of Noah and Meredith to Claire. Angela warns her that Sylar wants them to go down there but Claire doesn’t care. They make their way down the hallway but Sylar abducts Angela and then ambushes Claire. Claire runs away to the cell, where she finds Sylar has ripped out the keypad. Noah tells Meredith to concentrate her heat in her hands and press her hands to the glass. Noah then uses his bullet on the now weakened glass, which cracks and Claire uses her weight to break through. Claire and Noah go after Sylar, promising to return for Meredith.

Sylar confronts Angela, who tells him that he’s a hero for killing Arthur and saving the world. He asks if she’s his mother, telling her that he will know if she is lying, so she admits she’s not his mother. She explains she needed him to work for the Company and saw him as a killer and a monster that could be manipulated. He starts choking her and she says she knows who his real parents are. Before Angela can tell him, Claire comes up behind Sylar and stabs him in the back of the head with a piece of glass. An alarm goes off and Noah arrives and says they need to leave now. Claire tells her father to get Angela out and goes to see Meredith. Meredith is blazing out of control and tells her to go, and Noah arrives to tell her she has to leave. They leave Meredith behind. And run out of the hallway as flames sweep through the building.

"Volume Three" ends with a narration by Mohinder, overlapped with images of the surviving characters. Peter drops Nathan to the ground, and Nathan asks why Peter saved him. Peter insists he loves him and Nathan says it isn’t what he would have done. Mohinder is walking down the highway and a car pulls over to pick him up. He sees himself reflected in a car window, restored to normal. Tracy opens the door and implies he should get in. Hiro and Daphne return to Mohinder’s old laboratory and Hiro tears up the formula. Matt and Daphne embrace, and Hiro and Ando bow to each other. Matt looks up and sees a vision of Usutu looking on. Claire, Noah, and Angela watch the Company Headquarters of Primatech burn, and Claire cries, knowing Meredith is still inside. The main idea to the ending of this volume is that both companies that "helped" those with powers are gone, and with the title 'Fugitives' for the next volume, those with powers may be hunted.

Volume Four: ''Fugitives''

"Volume Four" begins three weeks later. Nathan meets with someone in a limousine in Washington, D.C. Nathan says their only option is to get the U.S. government involved. The other man is going over files of Tracy, Micah Sanders, Mohinder, Matt, and Hiro, telling him there are many others with powers. Nathan says all the evidence the man needs is there, and he wants to put them in a facility where they won’t be a danger to anyone. The man agrees to get them whatever they need. Nathan gets out and says, “Thank you, Mr. President.” The camera then pans out to reveal the President, portrayed by Michael Dorn.

Our Father (Heroes)

Hiro and Claire witness Kaito's past self giving her as a baby to Noah Bennet and after hearing his mother's voice, Hiro runs inside to see her. He witnesses his mother healing a sick dove and realizes that she has the power of healing and may be able to restore his memories with it. The two witness a conversation where Kaito and Ishi converse in English so Hiro can't understand them where it's revealed that Ishi Nakamaura was the catalyst before Claire and while she wants to give it to Hiro as she's dying, Kaito thinks he's too irresponsible and plans to give it to baby Claire. Claire goes to stop her parents from allowing her to get the catalyst while Hiro goes to get his mother to heal him and give his memories back.

In the present Sylar immolates Elle's dead body and plans to use the list of evolved humans in her cell phone as a new list for him to track down and steal powers from. Sylar kills a woman named Sue Landers and steals her power of lie detection in order to find out if Arthur and Angela really are his parents after all.

At The Company Angela gives Peter a gun and tells him to go with The Haitian and kill Arthur by shooting him through the head, the only thing that can kill him. Peter is reluctant but both The Haitian and Angela tell him that killing Arthur is the only way as he's too powerful to be contained and he reluctantly agrees.

At Pinehearst Nathan arrives to take over saying he's willing to help but wants to be in charge, a clause which Arthur reluctantly agrees to. Nathan speaks with a Marine named Scott who's one of the people intended to receive the formula and learns his motivations for volunteering.

Sixteen years in the past, Claire, pretending to be "Bonnie, the neighbors' niece", helps a younger Sandra care for her past self only to be found out by Noah, who knows the neighbors have no niece. Claire tells him that she is there to protect the family and tells him enough about the future and how much he is going to care for her to convince him not to take the phone call that results in her becoming the catalyst. When Claire mentions the baby is Noah's "Claire Bear," Noah suspects that "Bonnie" is the baby Claire all grown up and, finally trusting Present Claire, hangs up the phone.

Hiro tries to make his mother tamagoyaki to eat after being mistaken for a chef, but when he doesn't know how to make what she wants, he makes her waffles. During a conversation with her he convinces her of his identity and she agrees to try to use her power to restore his memories. She is successful and Hiro gets his memories back. Hiro convinces her to give him the catalyst as well and, after she does, she dies.

Hiro and Claire reunite on the roof, but Arthur arrives and steals Hiro's power and the catalyst before throwing him off the building. Arthur sends Claire back to her time telling her to deliver a message to Angela that he won, then teleports back to Pinehearst where he adds the catalyst to a vat of formula. We then see that Hiro managed to catch a flagpole while falling, and has survived.

In New York Matt, Ando, and Daphne try to get Isaac's sketchbook. After the bike messenger manager runs away, they get it and find the outline for a story revealing that Hiro will be lost in time. Ando, Daphne, and Matt decide to use the formula to make another time traveler to rescue Hiro. Ando plans to be that time traveler, but needs to figure out how to find the formula and gain the power.

As Mohinder injects Scott to test the formula, Arthur senses a disturbance and goes to his office to find Peter waiting for him. He tries to disarm him, but his powers are blocked by The Haitian who's also there, but Arthur's too powerful for The Haitian to block for long and he urges Peter to shoot Arthur. Arthur tries to entice Peter into changing sides by promising to use the formula to restore his powers, but Peter refuses and fires when Arthur insults him. Arthur gains back his powers at that moment and slashes Peter's cheek, but misses the bullet and is only saved by the intervention of Sylar, who stops the bullet in mid-air. Sylar again asks if Arthur is his father. When Arthur says, "Yes," Sylar determines that he's lying. Sylar telekinetically drives the bullet along its original trajectory, striking Arthur through the head and killing him. The catalyst leaves Arthur's body while Peter stands over him, fading away. Sylar leaves Peter alone saying Peter no longer has anything he wants. Peter sends the Haitian after Sylar.

In the lab, the test proves to be a success and Scott gets the power of super-strength.

Need for Speed: Undercover


The game's story and events take place in the fictional region of the Tri-City Bay, mainly during the daytime between sunrise and sunset. The region consists of four boroughs - Palm Harbor, a downtown city district; Port Crescent, an industrial port that also houses a naval base; Gold Coast Mountains, a mountainous region of observatories and wind farms; and Sunset Hills, a suburban town with rural farms - with each borough linked to the other by a series of highways. The region's design was heavily influenced by the real-life city of Miami, alongside locations visited by the development team across the Gulf Coast and California Coast, with the setting's open world map consisting of around of road.

In the Nintendo DS edition, the boroughs are named Metropolis, North Port Crescent, South Port Crescent and Riverton, while in the Wii and PlayStation 2 editions, the game's setting takes place within a carbon-copy of two boroughs taken from ''Most Wanted'' s setting leaving Beach borough.


The player, an undercover police officer for the Tri-City Bay Police Department (TCBPD), is called in to Palm Harbor police station by their superior Lt. Jack Keller (Paul Pape). The player is informed that their current investigation into the region's underground street racing world is to be joined by Inspector Chase Linh (Maggie Q), a federal agent of the FBI, who wants to bring down an international criminal syndicate operating in the region that is involved in smuggling stolen cars. The player is instructed to pose as a new street racer and join in on major illegal street races, along with gaining infamy with the TCBPD, in order to secure entry into the syndicate. The player achieves this by being recruited into a gang that works with the syndicate, run by Hector Maio (Kurt Caceres) and his brother Zack (Joshua Alba). At the same time, they befriend Carmen Mendez (Christina Milian), a member of the gang. The brothers quickly assign the player to steal cars for them during their racing activities. Upon completing the jobs, Chase instructs the player to arrest the gang, including the brothers.

With Hector's gang out of action, the player is sent to Sunset Hills in order to get recruited by a crew operated by GMAC (David Rees Snell) - a former TCBPD police officer - Rose Largo (Heather Fox) - an honor student who turned to crime - and Brad "Nickel" Rogers (Lawrence B. Adisa) - a former boxer. Whilst conducting races along with jobs for the crew, the player is instructed by GMAC to steal a car from Chau Wu (Jack Yang), the leader of the syndicate the player is investigating. When the player finds themselves confronted by Chau, he offers to overlook the theft in exchange for the player's help in recovering a car he lost that he needs back, believing it was stolen by GMAC's crew; a meeting with Carmen suggests the theft was likely committed by someone else. Eventually, the player is instructed to arrest GMAC and his crew, though is unable to locate the stolen car in their possession.

Shortly after arresting GMAC's crew, Carmen contacts the players and requests a meeting. Upon reaching her, she reveals that Zack and Hector unknowingly stole the missing car from Chau, and asks them to get rid of it for her. Chau quickly contacts the player the moment they take possession, and receive instructions to deliver it to a warehouse, learning that he knows them to be a police officer and that they have kidnapped Chase to coerce compliance from them. Upon delivering the car, Chase reveals herself to be a corrupt federal agent, who was working with Chau to recover the car as it possessed vital evidence of his activities and a sizeable quantity of cash. Before Chau can dispose of the player, Chase betrays him, murdering him and his henchman, before framing the player for their murder while escaping with the money and evidence.

The player is forced to flee from the TCBPD upon being wanted for the killings, but finds support from Keller. On his instructions, they proceed to take down Chase before she can flee the region, as it is the only way to clear their name. After successfully arresting Chase, Keller commends the player for their hard work at recovering the evidence and managing to not forget themselves during their undercover work, informing them that Carmen made a plea bargain with him in exchange for her testimony against the arrested crews. Some time later, the player meets with Carmen to give them a ride to the local university where she is studying as a med student.

Oh! That Wife of Mine

A good employee (Papamichail) has dinner with his supervisor (Michalopoulos), hoping for a fast promotion. But things start to turn bad as his wife (Vougioyklaki) accidentally fights with his boss (who have never met before) inside a taxi which both claimed urgently because of the heavy rain.

Air (comics)

Blythe, an acrophobic flight attendant for the fictional Clearfleet Airlines, is invited to join the "Etesian Front", which claims to be an anti-terrorist organization. The Etesians trick Blythe into transporting plans for a terrorist attack. When she discovers this, she and a man named Zayn are kidnapped and taken on board the plane that is the hijack target. Later, Zayn and Blythe leap clear of the plane as it crashes into the sea. The head of the Etesian Front, a man named Benjamin Lancaster, also survives. Zayn is later accosted by Lancaster in Narimar, a place that ostensibly disappeared from maps during the 1947 Partition of India, and interrogated as to the whereabouts of an Aztec artifact. Blythe follows him to Narimar, where she is designated by the Etesian Front a "hyperpract", that is, someone with the power to move into different dimensions or realities. The three escape Narimar, while their plane is followed by a mysterious winged serpent.

As the story progresses, the ambiguous concept of 'hyperpraxis' is introduced, as what seems to be a supernatural form of teleportation. The story develops more eccentric and fantasy elements, introducing Amelia Earhart and Quetzalcoatl as supporting characters.

The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back

The legendary Buddha's Palm is the most powerful skill in the ''kong-woo'' (martial artists' community) that a fighter can learn. A long time ago, Lung Kim-fei used the skill to defeat Tin Cam-kiuk, and had since retired from the ''kong-woo''. Lung laid down a family rule, forbidding his descendants from learning the skill, and hid the Buddha's Palm manual, in order to prevent them from misusing it.

70 years later, a mysterious red-haired martial artist known as "For-wun Tse-san" (literally: Fire Cloud Evil Deity) appears and goes on a rampage to kill several people before challenging the five major sects to a fight. The five sects misbelieve that Lung Kim-sang, a descendant of Lung Kim-fei, is responsible for the killings and attack him. In fact, Lung Kim-sang does not know any martial arts and relies on his wit and intelligence to survive. When For-wun Tse-san learns that Lung Kim-sang is a descendant of Lung Kim-fei, he starts harassing Lung Kim-sang to force him to hand over the Buddha's Palm manual.

Lung Kim-sang meets Kung-suen Ling-fung, a maiden from the Omei Sect, and she falls in love with him and follows him on his adventures. At one point, Kung-suen gives up her virginity to save Lung's life after he is poisoned by For-wun Tse-san. Lung loses his memory after regaining consciousness and meets Fung Ching-ching and falls in love with her. However, when he remembers everything, he finds himself in a complicated love triangle.

Throughout his adventures, Lung Kim-sang learns martial arts from extraordinary people, such as Tung-to Cheung-lei. Eventually, he finds the Buddha's Palm manual in the old Lung family residence and masters the skill, becoming an invincible fighter. Lung defeats For-wun Tse-san, putting an end to the latter's evil plan. However, he is unaware that Tin Heung, a descendant of Tin Cam-kiuk, has been secretly plotting to kill him to avenge her ancestor. Lung and Tin have a final showdown and Lung emerges victorious eventually, restoring peace and becoming a respected hero in the ''kong-woo''.

Triumphs of a Man Called Horse

Now in his 60s, Man Called Horse is the chief of the Sioux and is much hated by white men because "many's a white man's died from the tricks he taught the Sioux." However, the government calls Horse to peace talks. But a mysterious person-in-hiding with a rifle assassinates Horse and his bodyguard after the meeting.

His son Koda, who was raised among the Sioux, but was sent away to attend school in the East, returns to deal both with white settlers encroaching on the Sioux lands and with his own people, who want to go to war. Koda also meets an attractive young woman named Red Wing who happens to be a Crow, the traditional enemy of the Sioux. In the end, it is revealed that Horse was murdered by a phony preacher who wanted to start a war so he could get the Sioux's land. Koda and Red Wing have a traditional showdown with the preacher and his henchmen, with Koda and Red Wing victorious. At the end, Koda sees the triumphant spirit of his father in full chief regalia.

Betty Suarez Land

Betty is thrilled that Gio is back from his trip from Rome but Gio's unhappy that Betty did not go with him, starting a feud. While attempting to win Gio's heart back, Betty is forced to help keep Daniel Meade Jr. away from his grandparents who have already filed a custodial claim and has come to New York to get their grandson back, devastating Daniel. Meanwhile, Alexis is charged for attempted murder because of a scheming Willie which frustrates Claire.

Justice Sung II

Episodes 1–3

The story picks up from what was left off in the first installment. Sung Sai Kit (宋世傑) along with his wife, Lin Lung (白玲瓏), and his family, which now includes his son, are trying to elude the Qing officials because he had offended the King's mother and she wants him dead. Seven years later, the Sung family is residing in a northern cold region called San Tong. Sung Sai Kit opens a medicine shop with the help of his wife, who knows medicine and martial arts well.

Along the way, Sun Sai Kit meets Lai Sam, who is a peasant with a greedy and evil personality. They can be considered mutual friends at first, but becomes enemies later. Sai Kit also meets Siu Chui, an orphan whose father just died. She seeks the help of anyone who can help her bury her father, in return, she will do anything this person wants. Sai Kit sees this and tries to buy her, but another rich guy has the upper hand and wins her instead. Little did she know that this rich guy is a pervert and intends to rape her at an abandoned house. Fortunately, Sai Kit saves her in time and she decides to be his peasant for the rest of her life. Sai Kit admires her beauty and intends to make her his second wife. His wife, without knowing, interferes and Sai Kit had to make an excuse that Siu Chui belongs to Lai Sam, who immediately agrees because he also admires her beauty. He, like the rich guy, intends to rape her also, but Lin Lung's disciple, Cho Kau, saves her.

Lin Lung sees that Siu Chui is the only person who can get their son to speak. Their son has an unusual sickness that makes not speak, write or read. This was the result of Sai Kit, who had accidentally cause this. Lin Lung decides to let Siu Chui and their seven-year-old son marry. Sai Kit misunderstood that Lin Lung is making plans to allow him to marry Siu Chui. On the wedding day, Sai Kit is shocked to see that Siu Chui will be his daughter-in-law. He is depressed and during the night of the celebration, a headless person riding on a white horse crashes the celebration. Thus, leading to a mysterious case.

This case piques Sai Kit's interest because that's his lifelong profession. His wife, however, forbids him to meddle in these kinds business because they are criminals on the run and if Sai Kit makes a public appearance in front of the Qing generals and officials, their family will likely die.

It turns out that the headless corpse is that of a great general named Tit Tau. He is the great general who helped the Qing dynasty win many battles and is the best friend of the King's brother, Kung Chan Yeung. It is through Kung Chan Yeung that the identification of headless body is known. Tit Tau has three scars on his body due to his many battles and Kung Chan Yeung knows about these.

Sai Kit becomes even more interested and wants to do anything to solve the case, even enlisting the help of Lai Sam in which he will be the lawyer.

Episodes 4–6

Lai Sam is now a lawyer on the case, but he does not know anything. It is Sung Sai Kit, hereafter called Justice Sung, that is directing him. Many lawyers develop their theory on how Tit Tau died, but the best only came from Lai Sam with the help of Justice Sung. He alleges that only someone who can get near Tit Tau and his horse can chop off his head.

At this time Lai Sam tries every attempt to rape Siu Chui and luckily Cho Kau saves her, but Lai Sam, angered and vindictive, plans to accuse and blame Cho Kau of the murder of Tit Tau. Justice Sung finds out and refuses to help Lai Sam, but soon is forced to comply because Lai Sam threatens. It turns out that Lai Sam has discovered that Justice Sung is the well-known justice that the Qing officials have been trying to seek. Lai Sam orders Justice Sung to help him or he will reveal Justice Sung's identity. Justice Sung can not do anything but agree to because he must protect his family's safety. Thus, Cho Kau is arrested after Lai Sam explained his theory on Cho Kau killed Tit Tau. First, Lai Sam asked Cho Kau to come near Tit Tau's white horse. The horse does not react and allows Cho Kau to touch him. Lai Sam then explains that the white horse is very rebellious and only let those that he trusts, touch him. Cho Kau was able to touch the white horse, therefore he should be able to get near Tit Tau. The next test is asking Cho Kau to chop a piece of log. Cho Kau then chops it with fierce force. Lai Sam explains only a person with great power and force will be able to chop off Tit Tau's head. The final test was Cho Kau's origin. He was born in some region that its native people were killed by Tit Tau. This would explain Cho Kau's motive because he wants revenge. These three evidence proved him to be the killer and Kung Chan Yeung holds him captive waiting for sentence in a few days.

Meanwhile, Lai Sam asks Justice Sung to set him up with Siu Chui. Justice Sung reluctantly agrees and lied to Siu Chui to make her drink this medicine which is a sleeping pill. However, his wife, Ling Lung accidentally drinks it and she falls asleep in Siu Chui's bedroom. Loi Sam comes and thinks that she' s Siu Chui. Justice Sung does not know about this until Siu Chui shows up at his room and she told him Ling Lung had taken the medicine. Justice Sung runs to Siu Chui's room and stops Lai Sam, telling him that the person lying on the bed is wife. However, Lai Sam doesn't stop and wants to continue. Justice Sung has taken enough and hits Lai Sam, thus causing Lai Sam to leave in defeat.

Justice Sung now knows that his identity will be made public and he asks his family to leave during the night. The next morning, he comes to the court and declares his identity. At first, some didn't believe him until he described his case in a very detailed manner. Everybody now agrees that he' s Justice Sung. However, he must help Cho Kau to get rid of his guilty sentence and ask Kung Chan Yeung to let him have a few days to find evidence. Kung Chan Yeung agrees.

When Justice Sung return home, he felt lonely because his family had left the night before, however they didn't leave and he was very happy to see them. He promised them that he would prove Cho Kau's innocence.

Justice Sung then had a reason to prove that the headless corpse not Tit Tau through a goose/duck analogy that he had encountered the day before the trial is to begin. In court, he asked the audience to identify an animal and they said it's a goose because he said he had bought it at a goose shop that has been open for twenty years. It turns out that this animal is duck. The reason that people cannot tell the difference is because this animal has been chopped off its head. Justice Sung claims that since the headless corpse does not have a head, it's hard to tell if it is Tit Tau or not. Justice Sung then says that these three scars can be made up.

Episodes 7–9

Justice explains that the body was scarred at most 3 years ago, but it is a known fact that Tit Tau's scars were of many years of battles and wars. Also, the corpse's feet had a lot of calluses. Justice Sung then claims that Tit Tau's feet could not have been that callused because he's a great general and he usually rides in his horse and would never walk. Thus, proving the corpse is not that of Tit Tau's. The final verdict will be pronounced the next day.

While everyone is complementing Justice Sung's great argument, they begin to look down upon Lai Sam and treat him poorly because he appeared useless in front of Justice Sung in the court. However, the next day, Lai Sam appeared confident and argued his case. He said that the corpse is definitely Tit Tau's and he has proof. Lai Sam said that 3 years ago, Tit Tau had taken a special medicine to peel his skin and create a new one, which explains why the skin around the scars on the corpse looks so new and young. Also, Lai Sam also said that the calluses on the corpse's feet were the result of Tit Tau's heavy uniform and when he did walk, the equipment and clothing were so heavy, it created pressure on his feet. Everybody is confused now and some thinks the corpse is Tit Tau and some think it' s not. The case is delayed for another day.

Justice Sung tries to understand how can Lai Sam know a lot of Tit Tau's information. He then follows Lai Sam to the woods and saw a man who's sharpening his sword. This mysterious man had told Lai Sam of Tit Tau's personal life. It turns out this man is Tit Tau and he is hiding, trying to live a normal life with his young wife. Justice Sung also finds out that the body is that of a soldier who left his home 3 years ago to war. Tit Tau is forced to reveal himself and admits that he killed the person. Tit Tau uses his popularity, his accomplishments, and his friendship with Kung Chan Yueng to rid him of the murder charge. He said that he's tired of the fighting and war life and he wants to settle down.

However, Justice Sung wants to seek justice for the innocent person who was killed and he wants Tit Tau charged. Tit Tau then makes up a story that this person owes him his life because Tit Tau had saved him before. Justice Sung counters and brought in an old man who had saved Tit Tau's life when he was young and claims that this man has the right to kill Tit Tau also. Lai Sam then figures out a way to help Tit Tau. He explained that Tit Tau had to kill this person because he violated the army camp's rule and tried to escape.

The next day, Justice Sung meets Tit Tau's young wife, who is a tribal girl. Justice Sung now understands Tit Tau's reason for hiding. He then goes to court and said that Tit Tau also violated the army camp rules because he had left the camp's vicinity to visit his young wife just like the innocent person and thus he should be killed also. Tit Tau has nothing to say, but accepts his punishment of decapitation. He asked for a day to be with his wife and he will decapitate himself and bring the head the next day.

At night, he went to see his wife for the last time and when he was about to kill himself, Lai Sam came in and stopped him. The next morning, Lai Sam came with a head, but this head is that of Tit Tau' s wife. It turns out that Tit Tau had chopped his wife's head the night before when Lai Sam said that since his wife belongs to a tribe that Tit Tau was ordered to kill. This tribe was completely wiped off by Tit Tau. He found a baby crying and he took her home and fell in love with this baby 16 years later. Tit Tau explains that since she belongs to the tribe, he was only trying to find the rebels and kill them when he left the army camp. He is free to go. Kung Chan Yeung and Justice are shocked and horrified. Kung Chan Yeung can't believe that his friend Tit Tau would kill his own wife.

Tit Tau makes Lai Sam one of his assistants. However, Justice Sung found out that Tit Tau' s wife was pregnant and gets angry. He confronts Tit Tau and told him that he no t only killed his wife, but also his unborn baby. Tit Tau goes crazy and couldn't believe it. He then takes Lai Sam with him to the court and told Lai Sam to tell everybody of his evil doings. He confessed that he did kill the innocent person and did all sorts of evil deeds during his battles (like killing women and young children) and worst, he killed his wife and his own baby. He kills himself by chopping his head off in the court.

Episode 10–15

Justice Sung is granted 3 years of freedom with the help of Kung Chan Yeung. So he and his family decides to move back to their original hometown. It was during this time that he met a famous monk, whom I will call "Si Fu." This monk is a well-respected one and is admired by the royal court. When Ling Lung hears about him, she asks Justice Sung to take her to him to help their son get better. Justice Sung does not agree but eventually takes them anyway. It turns out that Justice Sung's father knows Si Fu very well before he decided to become a monk.

While visiting Si Fu, Siu Chui suddenly sings a tune and Si Fu somehow is struck by it and asks Siu Chui to come with him to the room. Moments later, Si Fu is found dead on his bed with Siu Chui holding the bloody knife. She is taken into custody.

Justice Sung does not believe that Siu Chui would commit such a horrible act and visits her in prison. He then suddenly see Siu Chui's voice change into 4 different people – a man, a lady, a kid, and an old man. He tries to ask them if they were the one who killed Si Fu, but then Siu Chui wakes up and said that she does not know what happens. Justice Sung is confused as walks home. Suddenly, he encounters a fortuneteller. The lady said his forehead is dark and is sure that he's been visited by spirits and told him to be careful. Justice Sung is now scared.

The next day, he visits the fortuneteller who claims she can bring back the spirits and she did. Four different voices claimed that Si Fu killed them and each of them swore they would kill him. One of them admitted the murder.

Justice Sung then goes to court the next day trying to explain that spirits visited Siu Chui and that the spirits were the one who killed Si Fu. Many believe him because Siu Chui spoke in 4 different voices and it was quite impossible to do that. Also, one of the spirits claimed that he was murdered by Si Fu after Si Fu robbed him of his gold statue. Si Fu then buried him in a forest and left behind his pair of shoes with the corpse. Justice Sung then tries to find the forest and a skeleton was found with a pair of shoes. The next spirit claims that he was killed by Si Fu because he knew of Si Fu's scam to swindle money from civilians. The third victim was a lady who was raped by Si Fu and she hung herself because she was ashamed. The fourth victim was a child and he was killed by Si Fu and was thrown into a well. The kid's body was found in a well. All of this evidence confirms that Siu Chui was visited by spirits and did not kill Si Fu, but it was the spirits.

Siu Chui is acquitted. Every body now hates Si Fu and condemns him although he is dead already. His reputation as a well-respected monk is tarnished and Justice Sung's dad feels that Si Fu would never commit such lecherous acts. He then recognizes the fortuneteller to be somebody he knew but cannot remember who. Justice Sung and his dad have an argument because Justice Sung believes that Si Fu is an immoral person and his dad defends Si Fu saying that before Si Fu became a monk, he was very rich and can have as many beautiful women he wants. Thus does not make him the thief, rapist, and killer that everybody thinks he is. Siu Chui overhears this and leaves the house at night feeling that it is all her fault that father and son argued. She went to see the fortuneteller and the next morning, turns herself in and admits that she is the murderer.

Justice Sung is shocked and asks her why she did that. She would not explain and he said he believed in her innocence. Siu Chui will be sentenced to death.

Justice Sung's father visits the fortuneteller and now remembers her.


It turns out that the fortuneteller was Si Fu's lover 30 years ago and she was a famous opera singer. However, she was greedy and evil, so Si Fu breaks up with her and leaves her. Si Fu then falls in love with her maid, who also sings very well too. On the day they were to be married, the fortuneteller came to the ceremony and killed the maid and is about to kill Si Fu, but he took a lamp and burned her face. She then escapes and is forced to jump off the cliff. She survives, but everybody in town does not recognize her because her face is deformed. People threw rocks at her and are repulsed by her. She swore to seek revenge on Si Fu, who was so saddened by his bride's death that he decides to become a monk.

The fortuneteller then tell Justice Sung's father, who is now tied to a chair, that she adopted Siu Chui when she was very small and young. She overheard Siu Chui sing and her voice was very good. The fortuneteller then buys Siu Chui from her father and teaches her how to sing with different voices (thus, explaining how Siu Chui had four different voices). At first, Siu Chui refused to listen to the fortuneteller and kill Si Fu, but the fortuneteller told Siu Chui that she was the one who saved her and she should repay the deeds. Siu Chui reluctantly agrees.

When Siu Chui was invited into Si Fu's room, he questioned her how she knew how to sing the song. It reminded him of his bride who also sang the song and Siu Chui's voice sounded just like her. Then, Siu Chui takes out a knife and is about to stab him, but could not. The fortuneteller is hiding in his room and comes out and stab him multiple times. She then put the knife in Siu Chui's hand, who is now frightened, and she is the assumed murderer.

'''''End of flashback'''''

The fortuneteller set the house on fire hoping to burn Justice Sung's father. However he is saved. While the fortuneteller is rejoicing her success in her revenge, she sees two people, a man and a woman, who looks like Si Fu and her maid. She follows them into an abandoned house. The two people hide behind a curtain and starts talking in the voice of Si Fu and the maid. They talked of how happy they are now that they are joined in death and how the fortuneteller will be unhappy for the rest of her life. Justice Sung is hiding in the house too. He had hired two opera singers to make the fortuneteller admit that she had committed the murder. The fortuneteller hears the two singers and gets mad, however, she discovers the plan and the plan fails.

Siu Chui will be sentenced at night and Justice Sung is scrambling to help. Ling Lung sees this and rescues Siu Chui. The fortuneteller is at her house and looks into the mirror and sees a reflection of her young beautiful self. The reflection then talks to her and tells her that she did not do the right thing. The fortuneteller finally admits to killing Si Fu. Siu Chui appears behind the mirror. She has been impersonating the voice and appearance of the fortuneteller. The fortuneteller is arrested and Siu Chui is set free.......

Episodes 15–21

After Siu Chui is set free, she decides to leave the Sung family secretly because she feels she has cause great trouble for the family. Luckily, Cho Kau finds her, however a snake while finding her bites him. While unconscious, he unknowingly declares his love for Siu Chui and Ling Lung decides to let Siu Chui break her ties with the Sung family and legally marry Cho Kau. So, Siu Chui and Cho Kau decide to leave the family and start their life together in another city. Justice Sung is disappointed because he has feelings for Siu Chui.

Siu Chui and Cho Kau move to a city called Ching Yeen. While choosing unsolved cases, Justice Sung purposely picks one in Ching Yeen so that he can be near Siu Chui. The case is of a dog being accidentally killed. While Justice Sung takes on this case, a mysterious person is hiding behind and recording every details of the case. Justice Sung won the case easily.

It turns out that Cho Kau and Siu Chui though legally married haven't sleep together. Justice Sung comes and visits them and told his servant that Cho Kau is like the guy who sells bread in the story "Fan Kim Lin." Cho Kau is the ugly husband and Siu Chui is the beautiful wife who eventually will ditch her husband and marry a rich guy. Cho Kau overhears this and is greatly disappointed that he cannot support Siu Chui and make her happy. He decides to be a coolie at a medicine shop to make more money.

The mysterious person who has been recording Justice Sung's every move is Lai Sam. Unbelievably, he is now more keen, intelligent and sly. He tells a lawyer to argue with Justice Sung on another case and Lai Sam is the person directing the lawyer. In court, the puppet lawyer gives Justice Sung the fits and he is confused as to why this lawyer has the crafts to defend and argue with him. Lai Sam then piques Justice Sung's interest by revealing some foods that describes Justice Sung, who tries to find who this mysterious person is. Justice Sung wins the case, but is still confused.

Cho Kau joins a rebel group who is trying to resist the Qing's forces after Siu Chui finds out that Cho Kau injured himself while working as a coolie for a medicine shop. She decides to sell bread and stumbled upon the city's general, who is a pervert. He wants to rape Siu Chui, but Cho Kau stops him and is badly injured by the general's men.

Justice Sung goes back to his home and asks Ling Lung for some medicine to cure Cho Kau's injuries. However, she forgot to remind him that the medicine must be drunk with wine only. Ling Lung chases after Justice Sung to Ching Yeen. Justice Sung then gives Cho Kau the medicine and he drank it with tea and starts to spit blood. They thought it was okay, so Justice Sung and Siu Chui decides to buy some food in the market. While at the market, Justice Sung declares his love Siu Chui, she didn't say anything and was a bit shocked. However, at this time, Ling Lung overhears their conversation and is extremely mad. She decides not to say anything until Justice Sung comes home.

When Justice Sung arrives back, Ling Lung confronts him about the situation but he denies it. She momentarily forgives him.

Cho Kau and his rebel friends decide to teach the general a lesson for trying to rape his wife, Siu Chui. They beat him up and he doesn't know who is doing this. Then, another general (I'll call him general 2) with great kung fu comes and saves the general. General 2 has been trying to find the rebels for a long time. They took the general hostage in a brothel house and Cho Kau is now stuck in this situation. General 2 decides to take Siu Chui as hostage also. Siu Chui begs Cho Kau to give up, but his rebel friends told him that if they give up now, they would mostly die because General 2 will kill them after they release the general. General 2 asks Justice Sung to come and discuss a possible agreement between the rebel and the General 2. Justice Sung finally convinces them to give up and as they walk out of the brothel, the soldiers shoot them to death, their body hung in front of people as an example. Justice Sung felt betrayed by the General 2 and wants to put the General, General 2 in prison for their broken agreement. Lai Sam appears to defend them and Justice Sung is shocked.

Justice Sung purposely wrote some phrases that when they are read backwards, it becomes phrases that solicit rebellious comments. He is then put into jail. However, Justice Sung doesn't seem to be worried and is happy. Lai Sam then figures out Justice Sung's plans. It turns out that Justice Sung did this because he wants Kung Chan Yeung to take the case and knowing that he is good friends with Kung Chan Yeung, the two Generals will likely be convicted. Lai Sam warns them about this and on the day Kung Chan Yeung arrives, Justice Sung explained the phrases to Kung Chan Yeung that these phrases commends and praises the Qing dynasty. Justice Sung is set free to argue the case.

Lai Sam and the two generals have their agenda prepared saying that they were unknowingly coerced into killing the rebels. Lai Sam went as far as claiming that the Justice Sung is the perpetrator behind the killings. Lai Sam stated Justice Sung's motive saying Justice Sung was in love with Siu Chui and wanted Cho Kau dead and this was a perfect opportunity. Justice Sung is convicted and will be sentenced to death. Ling Lung doesn't believe him and leaves him. Siu Chui stabs him in the stomach.

On the day of the Kung Chan Yeung's leaving, Ling Lung takes him hostage demanding the two generals to release her husband. They comply and Justice is taken to the brothel where his wife is holding Kung Chan Yeung hostage. Lai Sam and the two generals try to find the Sung family. Luckily they left in time. Siu Chui told Lai Sam that she hates Justice Sung very much for killing her husband, so she said she thought of a plan. When they went to the brothel, they told Justice Sung and Ling Lung that they have their son, which is not true. Ling Lung and Justice Sung believed them and decides to make an agreement like last time with the rebels. Lai Sam was allowed to come inside the brothel and make the agreement with Kung Chan Yeung as the valid witness should anything happen to them. Little did they know that they were tricked. Lai Sam had designed to have weapons in Justice Sung's clothing. Luckily, Ling Lung traded Kung Chan Yeung's clothing with Justice Sung. As they walk out of the brothel, the two generals ask the fake Justice Sung to raise his two hands up and weapons starts flying out. The general orders his soldiers to shoot at Justice Sung because he has weapons and that broke the agreement. However, it was Kung Chan Yeung that they shot at.

Marco Ngai is the new general taking on this case. Justice explains in court that it was Lai Sam who orchestrated to kill Kung Chan Yeung just like how Lai Sam explained Justice Sung killed the rebels. Kung Chan Yeung appears and he is uninjured because he had worn a protecting vest. He set up the two generals and Lai Sam. Even Siu Chui set up Lai Sam claiming he was the one who thought of the plan to use a fake boy to be Justice Sung's son. The two generals were sentenced and General 2 shot at Lai Sam.

Siu Chiu decides to become a nun after so much tragedy. Ling Lung hasn't forgiven Ling Lung and leaves Ching Yeen without Justice Sung.

Chapters 21–26

After Ling Lung leaves Ching Yeen, Justice Sung returns home later with Marco, who is also overseeing the business matters in Justice Sung's city. Ling Lung still refuses to forgive Justice Sung and kicks him out of the house. He decides to take residence at Marco's place.

Justice Sung tries to impress his wife by defending a lady whose husband has committed numerous acts of infidelity with prostitutes. However, he fails and tries again by trying to incite men to beat him up over a gambling game. He too fails this time for Ling Lung is stubborn.

Marco is an honest and respected general. He gives free rice and sponsors charities. One day he met a lady at the charity and feels a sense of closeness with her. He tries to find her with Justice Sung at a poor shelter. He learns that she works as a sanitary lady (one who gathers the feces in human toilets). When he finally found her at her house, he found her husband dead with a kitchen knife on her hand. She is taken into custody.

Marco senses that she is innocent and tries to ask her if she has a reason, but since she cannot talk (she is mute) and refused to cooperate, he is forced to put her on trial. Just then, her daughter played by Margaret Chung rushes in and explains her mother's innocence. Margaret said that her father is an abuser and always hits her mother. He always gamble and takes the money her mother earned to gamble, he even tried to sell Margaret to a brothel, but did not succeed.

Marco then remembers that the mute lady is his nanny when he was little. He confronts her and she finally gives in. The next day Justice Sung figured out a way to help the mute lady. After a conflict with his son's tutor, Justice Sung was put on trial for trying to kill the tutor. He said that the tutor was one of the main reasons that he and his wife always argued so Justice Sung attacked him. While in the market, the tutor attacked Justice Sung back and claims that it was for self-defense. Justice Sung said that the tutor is right in attacking him for self-defense. Marco agrees in this and asks Justice Sung to be punished. Justice Sung then uses the same analogy with the mute woman and her husband. Marco sees that this analogy is credible and sets free his nanny.

Marco tries to persuade some of the other generals to help free his nanny, but got refuted by them. He felt useless and Margaret tried to cheer him up. They both have feelings for each other. They decide to get married.

While Marco's nanny is in prison, Marco told her the good news and she immediately becomes surprised and shocked. She signals to him that he must see his other maid, who is now a nun. The nun told him that Marco's father had raped his nanny and she gave birth to Marco. Nobody knew of this and thought he was the legitimate son. The nanny is forced to eat coal and become mute to stay by her son. She later is kicked out of the house and sold to her currently dead husband.

Marco is shocked and gets drunk. Margaret came and he begins to avoid her for he knew that she is his half sister. He told her to go away and he would not marry and insulted her. She was sad and ran to the forest and Marco chased her. He found her hanging on a tree limb. She has hung herself and committed suicide. Marco is sad and he then asks God why is he always giving him a hard time. The next day Marco changed completely to another person. Justice Sung expects him to release the nanny, but he did not and said further investigation need to be done. Marco called in witnesses and it seems that the nanny will be found guilty.

Justice Sung is shocked to see how Marco is changed from an honest and righteous human being to a cold and heartless man, even after Margaret's body was found, he did not release a bit of emotion. He then moves out of Marco's house and begs his wife for a favor. At night, Ling Lung and Justice rescue the nanny and took her to see a Tibetan lip reader. He can translate what the nanny is trying to say. The nanny told them that the nun also knew that Marco is her son.

Marco is worried that the secret that he is the illegitimate son of the nanny will be leaked so he goes to the nun and kills her because she also knew.

Kung Chan Yeung came because Marco had said that Justice Sung tried to rescue the nanny, but the next morning the nanny is found in her jail cell. Marco is shocked and admitted his failure to do a good job.

Marco tries to get sympathy from his mother and she gives in and tells him that after she gave birth to him, she had signed a paper to sell Marco to his father's wife. Marco knew that the paper is in the mouth of his mother's dead husband, so he takes the paper out of the dead man's mouth.

The next day, Justice Sung says that there should a paper stating that Marco is the son of the nanny. So he asks for the body to be examined to see if the paper is still in his mouth. Obviously, it is not since Marco took it last night. But, then Justice Sung does an experiment. He said last night, he took the paper out of the month, but the paper was shredded and smeared so it was not conclusive evidence to prove Marco was the nanny's son. So, Justice Sung then poor some chemical in the mouth along with a fake paper to trick Marco. Justice Sung said that if anyone who touches the chemical within 12 hours will be detected by pouring another chemical into the affected area. Marco was scared and went crazy and would not allow Justice Sung to test his hand. Marco chopped off his arm and it is evident that he is real killer and son of the nanny. He is executed.

Chapter 27–32

Justice Sung and his family moved to Beijing by Kung Chan Yeung taking them. The next day, Justice Sung received a ride; by the time he reached his destination, he realized it was in the garden around the palace to see the King's mother. It turns out Kung Chan Yeung purposely took Justice Sung to see her after years of elude from her. The Empress then forgives Justice Sung; meanwhile when Justice Sung was walking down the streets of Beijing he notice a cart, and sees Siu Chui which leads to the brothel house.

Justice Sung went to the brothel house to see Siu Chui, then he come across half-Chinese, half-English man name Fleming. Justice Sung was worried that Fleming was going to rape Siu Chui, but really they were talking and drinking wine. Justice Sung and Siu Chui discuss what's going on and turns out that she got over the death of Cho Kau. Another day in the brothel, there was a bidding of Siu Chui; however, some mysterious man won the bid. The mysterious man is Lai Sum, only this time he was accompanied by a Mr. Sunglasses. Later in the brothel, there were dead bodies, the cause was a poisonous needles and Siu Chui was still alive. But she's ill, Fleming is struggle to cure her, and finally using mold to treat the poison inside of her body.

Back in the palace, the king became ill, and Kung Chan Yeung is frustrated wondering why is this happening to him. He wanted to see the King's personal eunuch servant; he took his frustration believing it was his servant that made him sick, then he kicked him. Kung Chan Yeung is shocked that the King's servant was Lai Sam. Lai Sam explained to Kung Chan Yeung how did he became a eunuch in the palace; he told that back in Ching Yeen courtroom, the general that shot him in the penis and has no choice, but a palace to become a eunuch. Kung Chan Yeung was furious at Lai Sam thinking it was his fault that made the King ill. But the King stopped Kung Chan Yeung from beating Lai Sum up.

Soon, Fleming cured Siu Chu. After a while, Fleming was accused of murdering people in the brothel house, and Justice Sung trying to prove Fleming is innocent. Meanwhile, the King died from illness. When Justice Sung was walking in the night, he found a fan written the identity of Mr. Sunglasses by a beggar; it was the King. The next day in court, he reveal the identity of Mr. Sunglasses, but he claimed he is Mr. Sunglasses and he murder the people in the brothel, so Justice Sung is sentenced to execution. Kung Chan Yeung came to the prison cell of Justice Sung asking why did committed crime. Justice Sung said that he did it because he thought he and Kung Chan Yeung were allies, but he felt betrayed, that's why he did. Kung Chan Yeung was disappointed at Justice Sung and then he left. On his way to execution, he asked Fleming to take care of his family.

The execution is ready, but stopped by the Empress' eunuch and had him covered with a black bag. Then, the black bag was removed. It is Lai Sam; he was responsible for the murder of the King. He was executed. Meanwhile, at the garden of the palace, Justice Sung was surprise he was here and it was the Empress that saved him. Justice Sung remember the fan that the beggar gave him and run into the Empress' eunuch asking him to show the fan to the Empress. She was stunned that it was the King's hand writing. The Empress saved Justice Sung that she given him full pardon and he thanks her while bowing.

One year later, the Sung family moved and living in Hong Kong opened a physical therapy, medicine, and clinic. Justice Sung is working on getting his lawyer license in Hong Kong. As well as learning English and his son, too. Justice Sung walks with his son down the streets of Hong Kong and come across two English men arguing. But Justice Sung got involved, the two English men were annoyed of him getting into their business and one of them toss him. That's the end.

The Sound of One Hand Clapping (novel)

The book focuses the relationship between a woman, Sonja Buloh, and her father Bojan. Bojan is a Slovenian immigrant from the post-World War II period who came to work on the Tasmanian Hydroelectric Schemes, and a drunkard. While working on a remote construction camp in the central highlands in the winter of 1954, when Sonja was just three, Bojan's wife walked into a blizzard never to be seen again and leaving Bojan to raise his daughter. When Sonja returns to visit Tasmania and her father in 1989 as a balanced middle-aged woman, the past begins to intrude, changing both their lives forever.

The Gone-Away World

The book is a science fiction epic with elements of comedy and nuclear holocaust fiction. It tells the story of the unnamed main character and his best friend Gonzo Lubitsch and their experiences during and after "The Go-Away War", a conflict that reduces the world population to 2 billion. The "go-away bombs" and similar weapons used by the belligerents were designed to simply make anything and anyone subjected to them cease to exist, leaving no carnage or wreckage behind. The weapons, however, produced an unanticipated after effect. The matter that had "gone-away" was still there but merely stripped of the information which formerly differentiated and defined it. This "Stuff", as it is called, floats around the world in great storms and pools in various locations. When it comes into contact with people, a process referred to as "reification" occurs. The Stuff takes the form of whatever those present are thinking about. The results are often horrific. Apparitions, as well as whole individual persons, appear out of nothing. These people become known as "the new". To combat the Stuff, the war's survivors rely upon a substance called "FOX" which is produced by Jorgmond, a corporation that, for all intents and purposes, functions as the only governmental authority by virtue of the constant and universal need for their product. It is delivered through "the Jorgmund pipe", which snakes around the globe and permits the population to live in a thin ribbon of habitable land banded on either side by wasteland.

The story begins with the characters in the "Nameless Bar", a title that is a reference to the main character's namelessness. The company they work for, the Haulage & HazMat Emergency Civil Freebooting Company is hired by Jorgmund to deal with power failures and a fire that has broken out on the Jorgmund pipe itself, endangering the "backbone" of their world and their very existence. As the company sets off, the unnamed protagonist starts thinking about his past, from the day he first met Gonzo. It recounts his relationship with Elizabeth Soames, whom he meets as a youth studying martial arts under the tutelage of Master Wu. Wu's school, the Voiceless Dragon, is the mortal enemy of the Society of the Clockwork Hand. The struggle between the two eventually converges with the protagonist's efforts to oppose the misdeeds of Jorgmund in the Go-Away War's aftermath.

The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams

The love story of Confederate Captain Robert Adams II and a northern girl, Eveline McCord. The story begins with Captain Adams falling in love with Eveline, a governess from Pennsylvania who moved to South Carolina to work for Robert's first cousin, Governor James Hopkins Adams. As they fall in love in antebellum South Carolina, Captain Adams is launched into the outbreak of the American Civil War, despite the protests of Eveline. The film follows Adams through battles in Virginia, and his capture and subsequent imprisonment in the Federal Military Prison in Elmira, New York. The film was written and produced by the descendants of Robert and Eveline.

The film addresses the issue of slavery in a number of scenes. One in particular shows Adams encountering an African American woman in the woods at night who has just buried her child. She tells Adams “You’ve made a hard bed for yourself, and now you’ve got to lie in it.” Another scene shows Eveline speaking with the character of Elizabeth about her coming freedom and what she will do.


A 13-year-old boy named Billy runs away from home after his parents forget his birthday. Making his way through thick woods, he encounters a drifter who is violently slashed to death after Billy leaves him. Billy stumbles upon an old mansion where a room is decorated for birthday celebrations. Thinking it is a surprise from his parents, he opens a present to discover a laughing severed head. Running away, he is attacked by the drifter's killer, a werecat with a hook on one hand, and subsequently buried alive.

Meanwhile, a group of teenagers and some older adults come across the mansion intending to have a party, believing the mansion to be abandoned. However, a warlock named Kreon resides there, keeping watch over his bride, Isabelle, whom he has kept preserved for over 70 years using an unrevealed method, but it is known that he needs human victims to do it. He possesses one of the teenagers in the group to use a Ouija board and summons a variety of monsters to kill the group one by one. These include muck-men, small reptilian demons, giant spiders, an arachnid woman, an octopus-like creature with electric tentacles, a skeletal witch, a Grim Reaper statue, a vampiric boy in a monk's habit, and a large group of zombies.

Eventually, the monsters kill the entire group, and Kreon hopes to preserve his bride for longer, but she escapes by killing him and trying to outrun the zombie horde surrounding the mansion. The bride is eventually saved by a man who drives her away in his car. Kreon regenerates out of a tomb, as it is revealed that the man in the car is actually the werecat. The camera freezes on Kreon's laughing face, and the credits roll.

Eroica (1949 film)

An express messenger rides to Vienna and reports at a ball given by Prince Lichnowsky that Napoleon Bonaparte is approaching Vienna with his troops. The news spreads like wildfire in the city and also reaches Beethoven, who, together with his friends, is sitting in the tavern. Beethoven is very enthusiastic about the ideals embodied by Napoleon after the French Revolution. He hurries home to write a powerful and glorious symphony - which later becomes famous as Beethoven's "Eroica" - for Napoleon. After the symphony is successful, two messengers from Napoleon come to see Beethoven. They request Beethoven to participate in a reception given by the French emperor. Favouring the glamour, Napoleon has elaborated detailed clothing instructions for Beethoven. Beethoven is disappointed by his idol's superficiality and deletes the dedication to Napoleon from the title page of the symphony.

For his safety, Beethoven travels to Hungary and finds quarters at the aristocratic home of his pupil Therese von Brunswick and her cousin Giulietta Guicciardi. Beethoven falls in love with Giulietta, who is even willing to leave her fiancé for Beethoven. This interpretation of Beethoven's life is distorted, however, as it was in 1800, four years earlier, that Beethoven actually met Giulietta. In the film story, Therese thinks that, due to his talent, it is not Beethoven's destiny to lead a fulfilling relationship with a woman.

Beethoven not only worries about his nephew Karl whom he thinks is leading a dissolute life and is under his mother's harmful influence but also becomes aware of a worsening of his hearing abilities. As Beethoven despairs of a reason why God would want to deprive him off his hearing, Beethoven's friend Amenda replies that Beethoven's destiny is to compose a type of music never heard before. It is saddening for Beethoven to learn during rehearsals for his opera "Fidelio" that the musicians cannot follow his "conducting", and in fact are actually following their music director instead. In a depressed mood, Beethoven goes home and once more speaks with God, as Amenda's words come to his mind. When Therese comes to look after him, he comes to terms with his destiny and begins to compose again.

The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage

The novel centres on the mystery of who could have set fire to Mr Hick’s cottage. The five children, Larry and Daisy Daykin, Pip and Bets Hilton, and newcomer Frederick Algernon Trotteville (later nicknamed Fatty from his initials), meet at the scene of the fire and end up solving the mystery together.

Their suspects include an old tramp, a dismissed servant, a hostile colleague, and the cook. They find certain clues: Broken-down nettles in a ditch, a footprint in a grassy field, and Hawker Tempest planes (which Mr. Hick mentions "flew over" the other day).

The children realise that as Mr Hick claims to have been in the London train when the cottage was burnt, but by his own report he saw the planes which flew over the village at the same time, he is contradicting himself. Fatty finds out that the cottage and the burnt papers Mr Hick describes as 'most important' were insured. The children deduce that Mr Hick burnt his own cottage for the insurance money. The book also introduces Inspector Jenks, who turns out to help the children and becomes a good friend of theirs.

The Poisoned Chalice

Pope Innocent VIII (Michael Poole) calls the College of Cardinals into his bedchamber to hear his final words. Among them are Vice Chancellor Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (Jeremy Irons), Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere (Colm Feore), and Cardinal Orsini (Derek Jacobi). Bishop Cesare Borgia (François Arnaud) arrives at the Vatican just before it closes for Papal conclave, where Rodrigo tells him of his intention to be elected Pope. He instructs Cesare to look for a dove in their home each night, carrying information for bribes to other Cardinals in exchange for their votes. Outside of the Vatican, Juan Borgia (David Oakes) battles with a Roman, and is saved by Cesare when he is blindsided by a second Roman. After the first unsuccessful vote, Rodrigo sends a dove to Cesare, instructing him to send titles and benefits from his various abbeys and monasteries to several Cardinals, hidden in their food. At the next vote, his total rises from 4 to 8, but is once again unsuccessful in gaining a majority.

Rodrigo sends another dove to Cesare, instructing him to send Juan to the Borgia churches and empty them of gold and precious stones to use as bribes. His vote total rises again to 10, but no Cardinal has a majority, so the vote is unsuccessful once again. Rodrigo meets with Cardinal Ascanio Sforza (Peter Sullivan) in private, and agrees that, should he be elected Pope, he will appoint Sforza as Vice Chancellor in exchange for Sforza's vote, and his supporters' votes. In the next vote, Rodrigo is elected Pope, with a majority 14 votes. Immediately following his election, he is accused of simony by Cardinals della Rovere and Orsini, but they are made silent after Rodrigo reminds them that he must select a Vice Chancellor, which includes a higher income. As both della Rovere and Orsini are considered front-runners for the position, they withdraw their accusations for the time.

After the College of Cardinals confirms that Rodrigo is male, Cesare confesses his sins to Rodrigo, including bribing several Cardinals in exchange for their support, of which he is absolved. Cesare pleads with his father to release him from his vows to the church and allow him to lead the papal armies, but he is denied in favour of Juan, who is made Gonfalonier of the Church. Later at his home, his mistress and the mother of his children Vannozza dei Cattanei (Joanne Whalley) is displeased when he denies her affections, as he must appear to be celibate. Following an elaborate parade, Rodrigo is crowned Pope, selecting the name Alexander VI.

Holding Consistory with the Cardinals, the Pope selects Cardinal Ascanio Sforza as his Vice Chancellor. Enraged, Cardinal Orsini once again accuses Borgia of simony, believing the position was promised to him. After Cardinal della Rovere openly approves of Cardinal Sforza's appointment and Borgia's papacy, he urges Orsini to do the same and save himself. He does, and invites the College of Cardinals and the Pope to a banquet at his palace.

Alexander brings Cesare with him to the banquet as his guest, but is confused as to why Cesare brings a monkey with him. During dinner, Cesare excuses himself to clean up after the monkey, and observes a servant quickly fleeing the dining room. Cesare follows him to the kitchens, where he observes the servant mixing something. After a short fight, Cesare hires the servant, who reveals himself as an assassin named Michelotto (Sean Harris), to serve Cardinal Orsini poisoned wine. When Cesare returns to dinner, Orsini proposes a toast, and after sitting down, begins to die. He attempts to accuse the Pope as his murderer, but dies before he can finish his accusation. The room erupts in chaos, and Cesare quickly escorts his father out of Orsini's palace and to safety.

Shob Charitro Kalponik

Non-resident Bengali Radhika (Bipasha Basu) marries the thespian poet Indranil Mitra (Prosenjit Chatterjee) to settle in Kolkata. While Indranil continues his surveillance of the surreal world of words, rhythms, rhymes, and imaginations Radhika single-handedly pulls out the private and public aspects of conjugal life. Radhika gets wholesome support from their housemaid Priyobala Das (also called Nondor ma). While the apparently irresponsible and introverted Indranil does one menace after other (like quitting his job after getting an award), Radhika stands like a rock to make the family financially sound.

All the reluctance and indifference from Indranil makes Radhika's heart oscillate towards Shekhar, her office colleague and Indranil's biggest admirer. Radhika becomes attracted to Shekhar (Jisshu Sengupta) but cannot abandon the unpredictability and histrionics of her spouse.

Calling Bulldog Drummond

After three robberies are pulled off with military precision, Inspector McIver (Charles Victor) asks Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond (Walter Pidgeon) to give Scotland Yard a hand. As an ex-officer, Drummond knows how the suspected military mastermind would think. He agrees, though he very reluctantly accepts Sergeant Helen Smith (Margaret Leighton) of Special Branch as his partner, believing that women are not cut out for that sort of undercover work.

Drummond arranges to get caught cheating at poker at his London club so he can drop out of sight. Smith causes a minor car accident involving Arthur Gunns (Robert Beatty), suspected of being in the gang. Gunns' attraction to Smith and carefully planted evidence showing "Joe Crandall" and "Lily Ross" to be criminals themselves enables the pair to infiltrate the gang.

Drummond's friend Algernon Longworth (David Tomlinson), who has been kept in the dark about the whole matter, becomes convinced that all is not what it seems. He telephones Colonel Webson (Bernard Lee), a member of Drummond's club, to get him to postpone Drummond's disciplinary meeting. By so doing, he inadvertently tips off the secret leader of the gang. Drummond and Smith are taken prisoner.

Gunns' girlfriend Molly (Peggy Evans) convinces him to go ahead with the latest planned robbery, enough to set them up for life, despite the police having been put on alert by Drummond. She masquerades as Smith to give phony information to Longworth to pass along to the police regarding the target of the theft. Afterward, Longworth is tied up as well.

The gang steals £500,000 in gold being delivered by aeroplane. Drummond is able to overpower the guard and his friends before the gang returns. He knocks out Gunns (who has locked up and gassed his unsuspecting confederates nearly to death to avoid sharing the loot). Webson shows up and holds Drummond at gunpoint; he explains he got into the racket because civilian life turned out to be unbearably boring. The police arrive just in time and take him into custody.

Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens

After being knocked out by his little brother with a remote control, Simon has a vision of Alix (the buxom granddaughter of Calypso and his longtime crush) telling him the Magic Kingdom is in danger.

Simon instantly climbs into his dimension travelling wardrobe to go and investigate. On arrival he meets a distinctly undistressed Alix who not only has no idea what danger our hero is talking about but who also seems to think she's been dating Simon for months (or at least since the end of ''Simon the Sorcerer 3D'') and wants to dump him for being too boring.

Corduroy Mansions

The story is set in a fictional housing unit in London nicknamed Corduroy Mansions, and details the lives of the inhabitants of the large Pimlico house and others.

The main characters are Barbara Ragg, Basil Wickramsinghe, Berthea Snark, Caroline Jarvis, Dee Binder, Eddie French, Freddie de la Hay, Jenny Hedge, Jo Partlin, Marcia Light, Oedipus Snark, Terence Moongrove, and William French.

Book two in the award-winning Corduroy Mansions series, ''The Dog Who Came in from the Cold'', ran from 21 Sept 2009 until 19 Dec 2009.

Book three in the series, ''A Conspiracy of Friends'', ran from 13 Sept 2010 until 17 Dec 2010.

Master Harold...and the Boys (1985 film)

This film adaptation of Athol Fugard's semi-autobiographical play takes place in 1950 South Africa during the apartheid era. depicting how institutionalized racism, bigotry or hatred can become absorbed by those who live under it. The original play was temporarily banned from production in South Africa. The film is rated PG-13.

Zakes Mokae, who plays Sam, reprises the role that won him the 1982 Tony Award for Featured Actor in a Play.

Some Girls (film)

Michael goes to Quebec City, Canada, for Christmas at the request of his college girlfriend Gabriella, who left college in mid-semester. He arrives and is left waiting at the airport for hours. Gabriella (he calls her Gabi) eventually arrives to pick him up and explains that sometimes they just don't answer their phone. He brushes off his frustration because he's happy to see her.

When Michael arrives at the house and meets Gabi's family, he finds them rather eccentric. Her father is wearing only a towel, but spends much of his time nude. He eventually explains that he is writing a treatise on Blaise Pascal and cannot write while dressed. The mother is a fiercely religious and very quiet woman. A Catholic priest named Father Walter, a close friend of the family, is also present. Michael also meets Gabi's two energetic, beautiful, coquettish sisters Irenka and Simone, along with a handsome young handyman named Nick who is romantically involved with Irenka.

Although Michael enthusiastically attempts to join in the unusual habits of the family, he quickly learns that fitting in will be a challenge. The situation is complicated by the illness of Gabi's grandmother, the matriarch of the family, and the reason why Gabi left school in the first place. Michael commits the apparently unforgivable gaffe of expressing his condolences to Gabi's mother. As soon as they have time alone, Gabi announces that she no longer loves him. His attempts to change her mind seem somewhat successful, but her fickleness continues to thwart him. In the meantime, he is seductively teased first by Irenka, then by Simone, all with Gabi's apparent complicity. She appears to have a change of heart toward Michael, but then again decides that she doesn’t love him.

Gabi's grandmother, known only as "Granny," is in a care facility apparently suffering from senile dementia. Upon meeting Michael, she acts as if he is her long-dead husband, who was also named Michael. In an attempt to find her husband, she escapes from the hospital and goes to the country estate which they shared when they were first married. The girls, Nick, and Michael frantically rush to the estate, hoping Granny hasn't frozen in the cold. During their search, Michael gets lost in the woods and falls into a hole, unable to get out. He hears footsteps and finds it is Granny. She helps him out and they go back to the house, where Michael lights a fire and helps Granny out of her wet clothes. She then proceeds to talk to him as if he were her husband, and they form an unexpected bond.

Granny falls ill on the return trip, and despite Nick's valiant attempt to reach a hospital in time, she dies. After the funeral, and a tryst with Irenka, Michael makes a solitary visit to Granny's grave, where he encounters a mysterious young woman and confesses to her that he deeply loved Granny. Later he recognizes the young woman from a photograph as Granny in her youth, and realizes their meeting may have been supernatural. Michael returns home and he never sees Gabi or her family again, as she has decided not to return to college.

La Vie de bohème (1992 film)

Marcel is a Parisian poet and playwright who is evicted from his room after he is unable to pay the rent. While roaming the streets, he meets Rodolfo, a painter from Albania who is equally poor and is in the country illegally. They discover they share the same love for art without regard for worldly well-being. They make another friend in Schaunard, an Irish composer who is renting Marcel's former room. The three help each other survive by sharing the little money they obtain in order to maintain a standard of living.

Rodolfo meets Mimi, a poor French girl with whom he falls madly in love. However, he is deported back to Albania. He is unable to return to Paris for six months and, by then, Mimi has found another boyfriend. Rodolfo, Marcel and Schaunard scrape together their food and share a meal to celebrate the feast of All Saints. Mimi shows up and informs Rodolfo that she has left her boyfriend to be with him again, but she is ill and dies the next spring.

Kandide and the Secret of the Mists

As the beginning of the story, all is well in the Kingdom of Calabiyau. King Toeyad, ruler of the Fée, a race of fairies, is benevolent and just, and the twelve clans of fairies live in relative peace. When the king dies, his teenage daughter, Kandide, is expected to ascend to the throne. While preparing for her coronation, one of Kandide's wings is crushed. The Fée value beauty above all else and so, to prevent the disgrace of having an “Imperfect” take the throne, Kandide's mother banishes her to the Veil of the Mists, a land to the East populated by treacherous creatures and imperfect Fée. Without a clear heir to the throne, Calabiyau is thrown into turmoil. Kandide's mother is put in mortal danger and cruel Lady Aron threatens to take the throne. Kandide's younger sister, Tara, and brother, Teren, are sent to find Kandide and bring her home in hopes that she can set everything right.

Shikari in Galveston

''Shikari in Galveston'' takes place in Texas a century after a meteor shower devastated North America and Europe in 1878. The disaster led to the United States collapsing and later causing society in Texas to evolved into a mixture of Native American and European society. The British Empire, or the Angrezi Raj, has been expanding its influence into coastal North America, including Galveston, which is being used as a base.

British cavalry officer Eric King, is assembling a hunting party which includes the revenge seeking Sonjuh, who lost her family to the cannibals and Robre, a young hunter of the Cross Plains tribe who hopes to earn a rare rifle from King. Meanwhile, Russian agents plan to incite a tribe of cannibals to destroy the British allied tribes of former Texas.

Sherlock Holmes (2009 film)

In 1890 London, private detective Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson prevent the ritualistic murder of a woman by Lord Henry Blackwood, who has killed five other young women in a similar manner. Inspector Lestrade and the police arrest Blackwood. Three months later, Watson is engaged to Mary Morstan and moving out of 221B Baker Street; while he enjoys their adventures together, Watson looks forward to not having to deal with Holmes' eccentricities. Meanwhile, Blackwood, who claims to have supernatural powers, has been sentenced to death and requests to see Holmes, warning him of three more unstoppable deaths that will cause great changes to the world. Blackwood is subsequently hanged.

Holmes is visited by Irene Adler, a former adversary who asks him to find a missing man named Luke Reordan. After her departure, Holmes follows her as she meets with her secret employer, and only learns that the man is a professor and that he intimidates Adler. Meanwhile, sightings of a living Blackwood and the discovery of his empty tomb convince the authorities that Blackwood has risen from his grave. Reordan is found dead inside Blackwood's coffin. Following a series of clues from the body, Holmes and Watson find Reordan's hideout and discover experiments attempting to merge science with magic. After they survive a battle with Blackwood's men when they try to torch the lab, Holmes is taken to the Temple of the Four Orders, a secret magical fraternity with considerable political influence. The leaders — Lord Chief Justice Sir Thomas Rotheram, U.S. Ambassador Standish, and Home Secretary Lord Coward — ask Holmes to stop Blackwood, a former member of the society and Sir Thomas's secret illegitimate son.

That night, Sir Thomas drowns in his bath as Blackwood watches, and the next night Lord Coward calls a meeting of the Order. He nominates Blackwood to take command in place of Sir Thomas and Blackwood reveals himself to the group, explaining his intention to seize control of the British Empire and reconquer the United States. Standish attempts to shoot Blackwood but bursts into flames when he pulls the trigger of his gun, falling out a window to his death. Lord Coward issues an arrest warrant for Holmes, causing him to go into hiding. Holmes studies the rituals of the Order and recognizes their symbols in Blackwood's staging of the murders; from this, he deduces that the targets of the final murder are every elected member of Parliament. With the aid of Lestrade, Holmes fakes his arrest and is taken to see Coward, where he uses evidence on Coward's clothes to deduce Blackwood has conducted a ceremony in the sewers beneath the Palace of Westminster.

Holmes escapes and he, Watson, and Adler find Blackwood's men in the sewers guarding a device based on Reordan's experiments, designed to release cyanide gas into the Parliament chambers and kill all but Blackwood's supporters, to whom he has secretly given an antidote. Blackwood comes before Parliament and announces their impending deaths, then attempts to activate the cyanide device by remote control; Adler is able to deactivate it with a controlled explosion. Blackwood flees Parliament and sees Holmes chasing Adler, who has taken canisters of cyanide from the device, through the sewers, and pursues both to the top of the incomplete Tower Bridge. Blackwood subdues Adler and fights Holmes, as the latter deduces how all of Blackwood's supposed supernatural feats were the work of science and trickery. Blackwood plummets off the bridge and falls entangled in a noose of chains, the chain wrapping around his neck hanging him for good.

Adler explains to Holmes that her employer is Professor Moriarty, and she warns that Moriarty is not to be underestimated. As Watson moves out of 221B, the police report to him and Holmes that a dead officer was found near Blackwood's device. Moriarty used the confrontations with Adler and Blackwood as a diversion while he took a key component, based on the infant science of radio, from the machine. Holmes looks forward to the new case and his new adversary.

The Ghost Ship (Stingray)

The ocean liner ''Arcadia'' disappears at sea. Her final radio transmission – in which the crew reported seeing an old galleon – reaches World Security Patrol Headquarters, who relay it to the World Aquanaut Security Patrol (WASP) in Marineville with orders to investigate. Captain Troy Tempest (voiced by Don Mason), Phones (voiced by Robert Easton) and Marina set off in ''Stingray'' accompanied by Commander Shore (voiced by Ray Barrett).

''Stingray'' arrives at ''Arcadia'' s last known position and encounters the galleon, which does not respond to Troy's hails. Shore and Phones board the ship and find its upper decks deserted. However, they fail to notice a platform built into the floor of one of the cabins and are lowered into a watertight section in the vessel's depths. There, they are held at gunpoint by an undersea pirate called Idotee, who reveals that he has converted the galleon into a submarine and that he used its cannons to sink ''Arcadia''. Idotee now intends to kill the ''Stingray'' crew for their crimes against the undersea races.

Idotee instructs Shore to radio Troy and tell him to come aboard, but Shore disobeys and orders Troy to attack the galleon. Troy is unwilling to do either and submerges ''Stingray'' to evade the furious Idotee's cannon fire. Submerging the galleon, Idotee threatens to kill Shore and Phones unless Troy surrenders. Forced to comply, Troy puts on his diving suit and exits ''Stingray''. He enters the galleon through an airlock and is greeted by Idotee, who never intended to let Shore and Phones live and has tied them to chairs in front of a double-barrelled harpoon that is about to fire spears at them. Idotee has a slower death in mind for Troy but is unaware that the captain has set in motion an emergency plan: only one of his two diving cylinders contains air, and the other, which the captain has opened, is releasing laughing gas into the room. While Idotee, Shore and Phones collapse into hysterics and eventually pass out, Troy, who has taken a pill to negate the effects of the gas, kicks the harpoon aside just before it shoots the spears, saving Shore and Phones.

The ''Stingray'' crew take Idotee into custody and return to Marineville. Shore decides not to punish Troy for his insubordination, instead thanking him for his bravery in the line of duty.

Raavanan (2010 film)

The film opens with shots showing Veeraiya (Vikram) jumping off a cliff into the water. His gang is busy distracting the police. Police vehicles are set ablaze, and women seduce policemen into a trap whereby Veera's henchmen attack. The police are ruthlessly murdered. Raagini (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan), whilst on a boating trip, is kidnapped by Veera. Dev Prakash (Prithviraj), her husband and a senior police officer, is informed of the incident.

A brief montage of sorts showcases the story of Veeraiya. He is seen as a local hero, who runs a parallel government in rural areas near Tirunelveli, with his brothers – Singarasu (Prabhu) and Sakkarai (Munna). Though considered a Naxalite by the local police, Veeraiyya is respected by the villagers. He kidnaps Raagini hoping to avenge the death of his sister Vennila (Priyamani). He brings her to the edge of a cliff to shoot her to death. She refuses to die at his hands and jumps off the cliff into the water far below, hoping to kill herself, but fails to do so. This causes Veera to hold off the murder, being unable to kill someone who has no fear of death.

Dev and his team enter the forests with the aid of Gnanaprakasam (Karthik), a local forest guard. Despite searching deep in the forests, Dev is unable to hunt down Veera.

Meanwhile, Raagini develops sentiments for Veera after she hears the story of his sister's death. Dev had led an encounter against Veera during Vennila's wedding. Dev's shot grazes Veera in the neck. Veera, fighting for his life, is unable to protect his sister, and he is led out of the fiasco by his gang. The police pressurise Vennila into revealing Veera's hideout. When she refuses, she is subjected to physical and sexual assault. She is serially gang-raped by policemen. Veera returns home to find Vennila distraught and traumatised. The next day, she commits suicide by drowning in a nearby well.

Unhappy with the way his brother is leading a war causing distress to his gang, Sakkarai offers a truce to Dev. Dev initially seems to agree but, when Sakkarai comes out in the open, Dev shoots him to death – revealing that he considers the destruction of Veera as more important than saving his wife.

Veera and Singarasu are enraged and attack Dev's camp; they wipe it out completely. A final confrontation between Veera and Dev takes place on a rickety bridge – where Veera triumphs over Dev – when he decides not to let Dev die. He tells Dev he is letting him live because of his wife. Dev manages to extricate himself out and finds Raagini bound and tied up – with Veera leaving her.

Dev is not entirely happy and, while returning to their hometown in Tiruchirappalli, he accuses Raagini of infidelity and informs her that it was Veera who told him so. Furious, Raagini leaves Dev to meet Veera through Singarasu. She manages to meet him and asks him why he had accused her. Veera tells her he said that he had protected Raagini safely for the fourteen days and nothing else. He quickly realises that Dev lied, hoping Raagini would lead him to his hideout.

Dev appears with a police team and confronts the duo. Raagini tries to save Veera, but he pushes her out of the line of fire, and is shot multiple times. Veera falls to his death with a smile while Ragini tries to save him with all her might but fails to do so.

Whispers of the Dead

Dr David Hunter returns to 'The Body Farm' in Tennessee where he learned the ins and outs of forensic anthropology. He has gone to America to try and see if he can still do the job he has become accustomed to after surviving the attempt on his life by Grace Strachan, the murderess from the previous book, ''Written in Bone''.

Whilst in Tennessee, a body is found in a remote cabin in the woods and David's old instructor asks him to tag along for a fresh pair of eyes at the crime scene. A fingerprint at the crime scene leads them to a man who had died six months earlier and whose own body has been replaced in his grave by that of someone far older than he was. It becomes clear that they are dealing with someone who has the same intricate and detailed forensic knowledge that they have and that a serial killer is on the loose.

Motherhood (2009 film)

In New York's West Village, a mother's dilemmas of marriage, work, and self are shown in the trials and tribulations of one pivotal day.

Voltron: The Third Dimension

The story takes place in the Denubian Galaxy. Shannon Muir mapped the galaxy in the 1980s as a fan and posted it online. In 1996, World Event Productions became aware of the work and made it the official starmap for the show.

With antagonist Prince Lotor's escape from prison, the heroic Voltron Force re-assemble against him, but must contend simultaneously with the various monsters and warships sent by Lotor (at times, captained by him) and with opposition on their own side, represented by the artificial intelligence "Amalgamus", a sophisticated computer who objects periodically to the Voltron Force's methods.

An itan to violi pouli

Lefteris Packanikanis loved his violin very much and plays anytime.

Bite Club (comics)

After the murder of vampire crime boss Eduardo del Toro, his heirs and relatives begin to make a play for control of his organization. To their dismay, Toro in his will named his youngest son, a Roman Catholic priest and vampire named Leto, as his successor. Leto announces that his family will get out of the illegal-drug business and begin investing in legitimate industry. This endeavor earns Leto the support of Zephraim Klein, the Del Toro family ''consigliere'', and the enmity of his other relatives, like his siblings Eddie and Risa, and his cousin Victor. Risa later assassinates Eddie. Risa then teams up with Victor to assassinate Leto, and is successful, although Victor also dies during the attempt, and Risa takes control of the family with her girlfriend Carrie.

Risa soon finds that running the Del Toro family is not as fulfilling as she had expected. Their legitimate businesses are the subject of myriad lawsuits, and Risa herself is being investigated by the police as the suspect in a string of murders. Homicide detective Paco Macavoy develops an obsession with Risa. He confirms that Risa is innocent of the murders, and also that the Vampire Crime Unit is riddled with corruption. After discovering that it was Risa's girlfriend Carrie who did the killings, Macavoy is himself turned into a vampire. Sick of the entire affair, he abandons both the Del Toro family and his job on the police department.

Cristina Quer Casar

The film stars Cristina (Denise Fraga), who uses a dating agency to find Paulo. While Cristina dates Paulo the owner of the dating agency, Chico, begins to fall in love with Cristina.

The Bachelor (1955 film)

The accountant Paolo Anselmi is a confirmed bachelor who finds himself having to be the best man for a friend's business partner. Paolo leaves his old apartment to his friend and new wife and moves to a small guesthouse. Here, he meets a woman, the young hostess Gabriella. The relationship between the two begins to get serious, but he does not want commitment. Then the woman moves to another city. Paolo regains his freedom, but loneliness grips him. He now finds the company of other bachelors boring. His mother continues to insist on him getting married. The bachelor is convinced and begins to seek a wife. Among the "candidates" many have insurmountable defects, such as jealousy, family or physique. Finally he is convinced that is Carla Alberini is suitable and she becomes his companion despite their initial meetings having always ended in furious fights.

Duel of the Titans

Born of a God and a mortal, two babies are abandoned to a river. Nurtured by a wolf, they are later recovered by a shepherd. Romulus (Reeves) and Remus (Scott) grow up to lead a band of thieves in an effort to eliminate two cruel Kings—Amulias and Nemulias, the King of the Sabines. After 20 years, the two twins are briefly reunited with their mother. Before she dies, she tells her sons that they are destined to be the founders of a great city.

Later after having fallen in love with the daughter of Nemulias, Romulus is unaware of his brother's ambitions as Remus steadily succumbs to the temptations of power and greed. King Tasius pursues the brothers and their followers both to retrieve his daughter as well as avenge the destruction of his city of Alba Longa. Soon, a rift develops between the two siblings leading to a death duel between both sons of the Gods to determine the true founder of Rome.

The China Probrem

After watching the Beijing 2008 Olympics on television, Cartman has been plagued by nightmares about the Chinese, believing that they will invade America. He tries to warn his friends but Kyle says he "can't do this any more" and leaves. Stan later confronts Kyle, the latter stating that he cannot pretend things are normal again after "the rape of a friend". He confesses his feelings of deep guilt and regret over the fact he, Stan and their friends "just stood there and did nothing". Elsewhere, Cartman convinces Butters that China is going to take over America and kill Butters' parents. Butters decides to join Cartman's group, the American Liberation Front. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Clyde and Jimmy start to remember and have flashbacks of the rape which is revealed to be their viewing of ''Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull''. They are appalled and devastated to see George Lucas (voiced by Matt Stone) and Steven Spielberg (voiced by Trey Parker) rape Indiana Jones.

Meanwhile, Cartman and Butters dress up as stereotypical Chinese children and go to P. F. Chang's China Bistro to try to trick the Chinese people into telling them when the "invasion" is set to occur. The two boys' antics begin to annoy everyone, but when they are asked to leave, they instead take the entire restaurant hostage. Cartman gives Butters a gun and tells him to fire at a man who is trying to escape. Butters promptly shoots the man in the penis, which upsets Cartman greatly. At the same time, Kyle and his friends visit the Park County District Attorney and ask him to arrest Spielberg and Lucas for raping Indiana Jones and he tearfully agrees to help them. Afterwards, they go to the Park County Police Station to have Spielberg and Lucas arrested.

Back at the restaurant, the police arrive to respond to the hostage situation. When the police try to enter the restaurant, Butters fires a warning shot and also hits the Chinese policeman in the penis, angering Cartman all the more. Meanwhile, the police find and take away Spielberg and Lucas (while raping a Stormtrooper), despite their protests over a lack of evidence and the huge totals they have brought in at the box office. At the restaurant, Cartman gives up on his mission of saving America after Butters shoots another man in the penis and surrenders to the police. As he is walking outside, a police officer arrives to inform the others that Lucas and Spielberg are finally in custody. The officers and hostages all rejoice that "it's all over", and while everyone is hugging and crying, Cartman and Butters sneak away. Reflecting on the day's events, Cartman decides he'd rather be Chinese than "a nation of unethical dick shooters". Butters is unable to see what all the fuss is about, as he thought ''Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'' was "pretty good".

The Dream Millennium

John Devlin, a 26-year-old medical doctor, is the captain of a sleeper ship built to colonize planets in other solar systems. The spacecraft's trajectory is such that it will make passes of eleven stars thought to have a good chance of supporting habitable planets, over the course of about a thousand years. Most of the starship's systems are automated, so Devlin does not have to do much maintenance, but he is required to look at potential planets for colonization and solve problems as they arise. Except for being awoken at long intervals to eat, exercise, and perform his duties as captain, Devlin spends all of his time in hibernation, during which he dreams the entire lives of people and other creatures that lived and died on Earth in the past.

The story switches back and forth between Devlin's life and dreams on the starship and his life on Earth before the starship's launch. On the starship, Devlin's dreams during hibernation are the lives of creatures of the prehistoric past, then as men, moving closer to the present day with each dream. Most of the lives he dreams are unpleasant, with painful deaths. He dreams of being: * a microorganism floating in the primordial ocean * a trilobite forced to take greater and greater risks to find more and more food as he grows, until his luck runs out * a vegetarian dinosaur, who survives an attack by a predator only to die later of gangrene when the wounds the predator inflicted become infected * the runt of a litter of small, primitive mammals * a medieval king, who wins a glorious battle in his youth but is compelled to turn to deceit as he ages to keep his kingdom in order * in the modern era, a smooth-talking salesman who dies in an automobile accident * a soldier killed in action during urban warfare * an airline pilot killed during a hijacking * a schoolteacher who becomes an early casualty of a nuclear war * Devlin's own father In the first half of the starship's voyage, Devlin finds only two planets that had any potential for human colonization, and found both unsuitable. One planet was entering Roche's limit and would not remain habitable for much longer, and the other was already inhabited by hostile aliens whose planet was in even worse shape than the Earth he had left behind.

Devlin's life on Earth had been unpleasant. Although Earth's economy was strong, the abundance of food, consumer goods, and leisure time did not make people happy. Pollution and overcrowding reduced quality of life, and boredom led inevitably to crime and violence. This, in turn, led to the formation of rival bands of vigilantes, who turned on each other when they had stamped out crime. The government had abandoned its efforts to intervene in the violence, instead using the police force only to contain it when it broke out.

People had become very thin-skinned and sensitive to any perceived slight, and disputes were usually settled by duelling. Guns and military-grade weapons were available to most civilians, making the violence very bloody indeed, and keeping the doctor busy treating gunshot wounds of those lucky enough not to be killed.

Men were considered full citizens only if they were armed. Those who chose to go unarmed became second class citizens. Unarmed sheep, as they were called, were prohibited from duelling and could not be called out, but they were always considered to be in the wrong in a dispute. Women were chattel. Certain men, Devlin among them, were legally considered full citizens even though unarmed, because of their professions (in Devlin's case, a doctor). In practice, though, these technical citizens got little respect from regular citizens, many of whom were little more than thugs and bullies.

Immersed in this decaying society, Devlin realizes that to make even his own life tolerable will be a daunting task, but he goes about it the best he can, until he meets a pastor, Brother Howard, who believes that the decay of society will accelerate into a final collapse when population growth and exhaustion of natural resources bring down the only remaining healthy human institution, the economy. If mankind is to survive, he says, it must colonize the stars. Brother Howard wants to recruit Devlin and his girl friend, Patricia Morley, for the starship.

After their encounter with the aliens, Devlin makes several unsettling discoveries. One is that everyone on board the ship is having the same, or almost the same, dreams during hibernation. Another is that the dreams are slowly driving him insane, along with everyone else on the ship, driving one colonist to suicide. With Morley's help, he solves these problems, only to be presented with a new problem. The starship's electronic and electromechanical systems are failing as the starship ages. Only one more potentially habitable world can be reached before the life support systems begin to fail en masse, and Devlin and Morley discover to their horror that the world is inhabited by the same species of alien that attacked the ship during the flyby of one of the earlier star systems.

Faced with the alternative of dying with the starship as it travels forever as a derelict hulk, they decide to land on the world anyway and take their chances with the aliens. Once in orbit around the planet, preparing to land, Devlin and Morley find that the aliens fled their home world for the same reason they themselves fled Earth, to escape from the pollution and violence of their home world to found their own space colony, a possibility that neither Devlin nor Morley had thought of. These aliens are happy to coexist with humans, and welcome them to their new home.

Hellfire (1949 film)

Drifting gambler Zeb Smith promises a dying preacher who saved his life that he'll fulfill the preacher's lifelong goal to build a church.

He needs money and there's a $5,000 reward out for lady outlaw Doll Brown, who has murdered Lew Stoner, her husband. Stoner's brothers Gyp, Red and Dusty are after her as well, as is Zeb's law-abiding pal, Marshal Bucky McLean.

Doll mocks his newfound faith and knocks Zeb unconscious after their first meeting. She rides to Cheyenne to look for her little sister, Jane Carson. The sheriff there, Duffy, tries to arrest Doll, and soon Bucky rides into town, too.

On the run, Zeb and Doll hide out in a cabin. By the time Bucky rides up, Doll's changed her whole look and he doesn't recognize her. Bucky confides to Zeb that he is married to Jane and would like to see Doll dead so no one will ever know Jane's dark family secret, that her sister is a notorious outlaw.

After being captured and roughed up by the Stoner boys, an angry Zeb is deputized by Duffy and goes after them. He arrests Doll, but in jail she gets the drop on him, locking him up. Doll is shot twice by the Stoners, who are about to shoot her again when Zeb manages to do away with all three. In his arms, Doll finally comes to appreciate Zeb's faith in God.

Il Capo dei Capi

First episode (1943–1958)

Palermo, 15 January 1993. Cosa Nostra 'superboss' Salvatore Riina has been arrested after 23 years, and receives a visit in prison from his childhood friend, Biagio Schirò, triggering a flashback. In 1943, as a 13 years old boy, Riina is working in the fields around the town of Corleone when he finds a buried bomb. His father decides to take the bomb home because he wants to extract the gunpowder from inside to sell it to hunters in order to supplement his very low farm labourer's income. The bomb explodes, killing Riina's father and younger brother, Ciccio, and leaving Salvatore as the head of the family to lead a life of misery.

Tired of living in poverty, Totò, together with his friends Bernardo Provenzano (aka Binnu), Calogero Bagarella (Calò) and Biagio Schirò, begins to work for Luciano Liggio, Picciotto of the boss Michele Navarra, who meanwhile orders the kidnapping and murder of Placido Rizzotto. Soon after, Totò gets into a murderous fight with Menico, the son of a miller to whom he sells his grain, and ends up in prison; meanwhile Schirò's change of heart takes him back to school. Six years later, Totò, an adult by now, is freed. Waiting outside the prison gates are Provenzano, Bagarella and a new member of the gang, Luciano Maino.

Riina soon picks up where he left off in Liggio's gang: intent on more power and infamy, the gang murder the capo Michele Navarra and plan to expand towards Palermo. Schirò, meanwhile, has become a police officer and is working with commissioner Angelo Mangano on Liggio and his gang. Totò meets the studious younger sister of Calogero Bagarella, Ninetta, and falls in love. It soon emerges that Ninetta is a close friend of Teresa, who in turn is dating Biagio Schirò.

Second episode (1963–1969)

The full Corleonesi Clan (Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina, Bernardo Provenzano, Calogero Bagarella and Luciano Maino) prepare to go to Palermo for a 'business conversation' with Salvatore La Barbera and Vito Ciancimino. As soon as they arrive, they begin straight away to demand respect: first killing a butcher who is late in paying for a load of clandestine meat, then killing an accountant who had paid protection to the wrong family. One evening, while the Corleonesi are in a night club (where Maino meets a girl, Maria Nigro) Salvatore La Barbera is kidnapped and killed by Michele Cavataio. All the other mafiosi in La Barbera's clan flee from Palermo.

Back in Corleone, Totò's relationship with Ninetta Bagarella strengthens. Biagio discovers from Teresa that word has it that Riina will be at Ninetta's one evening, and organizes a search. Nevertheless, Totò manages to hide both himself and his friend Calogero, and neither are caught. Totò promises to Ninetta not to enact revenge on Teresa for the betrayal, but she tells him that she had already decided to break all links to her friend, rather to continue her relationship in secret with him.

On 30 June 1963, in the Ciaculli quarter of Palermo, a police officer notices a parked Alfa Giulietta. Unaware that the car is packed with explosives, an officer opens the boot which triggers the bomb inside which kills seven people. This leads to many arrests, with many other mafiosi, including the Corleonesi, going into hiding. Maino refuses to do so, preferring to stay in Palermo with his girlfriend. While fleeing from Corleone, Totò and Calogero are stopped by a police patrol. Calogero manages to escape but Totò is arrested; he attempts to provide forged identity documents but these fail when he is recognized by Biagio.

A few days later, Biagio tells Teresa (who has just graduated) that Riina has been caught, and that the two can marry without threat. At the same time, an eavesdropping Ninetta (also recently graduated) overhears everything. Schirò goes to the parents of Teresa to ask her hand in marriage and, after an awkward conversation with her father, is given their blessing.

Meanwhile, Maria, Maino's girlfriend, discovers his hidden life via the newspapers, and convinces him to go to the police. He tells Judge Cesare Terranova everything he knows about the Corleonesi. Shortly after, Luciano Liggio too is arrested by Commissario Mangano and Schirò, discovered hiding in the wardrobe of Leoluchina Sorisi, the ex-girlfriend of the murdered Placido Rizzotto.

The Bari trial begins, and Maino stands as witness, pointing directly Totò and his companions, and testifying to all of their murders. Despite this concrete proof, Liggio, Riina and the other convicts are released thanks to a lack of evidence - the jury had been threatened. A few days after the trial, Luciano Maino is found hanging at his home.

Third episode (1969-1978)

Biagio and Teresa have married, and have a baby (Antonio) at the beginning of the episode. Simultaneously Riina and his fellow mafiosi - Provenzano, Bagarella and two other men, soldiers of Tano Badalamenti, boss of Cinisi - enter the offices of Michele Cavataio dressed with uniforms of the Guardia di Finanza. The aim of the attack is to assassinate Michele Cavataio, who had earlier killed Salvatore La Barbera.

One of Badalamenti's henchmen, nervously lets his gun fire, killing two men and triggering a massacre - no longer under cover, they have to murder five others before reaching Cavataio. Following a spree of bullets, Cavataio feigns death until Totò and Calogero enter, when he turns and shoots, hitting and killing Bagarella. Enraged, Provenzano responds by beating Cavataio to death with the butt of his gun (Viale Lazio massacre).

In Corleone, Totò informs his own sister, and girlfriend of Calogero, Arcangela, of his friends death. He then calls on his Ninetta, Calogero's sister, calling her away from her teaching job and giving her the news; meanwhile Schirò requests a transfer to Palermo. Needing cash in order to make key investments in Palermo, Riina decides to kidnap the young lad, Antonio Caruso, from the town hall while visiting now mayor Vito Ciancimino. This triggers the disdain of the mafiosi of Palermo, in particular bosses Stefano Bontade and Giuseppe Di Cristina.

On 5 May 1971, Riina orders the homicide of District Attorney Pietro Scaglione, and during the ambush the police escort agent Antonio Lo Russo is also killed. Totò wishes to flee with Ninetta to Venice, and marry. Having not found the body of Bagarella, the police decide to search the home of Totò's sister, Arcangela, and find a photo of Ninetta and Totò in San Marco Square. Implicated, the police arrest Ninetta. During her trial, Vito Maranza, one of Riina's men, goes to Biagio's house and kidnaps Teresa and Antonio, holding them to ransom until Bagarella is released.

Luciano Liggio is arrested in Milan by commissioner Mangano, as a consequence Riina becomes the main capo of the Corleonesi Clan, and is chosen by Don Michele Greco as his 'prediletto' (his favourite).

Two of Riina's ''soldati'' are ordered to kill Giuseppe Di Cristina but fail, killing instead his driver. Shadowing Di Cristina, they discover that he is collaborating with commissioner Boris Giuliano. Meanwhile, Totò and Ninetta get married.

Some of the mafiosi - Pippo Calderone, Badalamenti and Di Cristina - begin to have problems with Totò, and their interaction becomes cold. At a successive meeting of the Commissione, Riina asks for their lives and is given permission to kill only Di Cristina, though he also kills Calderone.

At the end of the episode, Silvio Albertini, an honest colleague of Schirò, chances upon the hiding place of Riina, his wife and Provenzano. He immediately telephones Biagio from a phone box, and summons him to the location. As soon as he arrives, Schirò heads up to the apartment and finds Silvio's lifeless body on the floor. Suddenly, Riina's two ''soldati'' appear and beat Schirò. Riina emerges and warns his old friend to leave his family alone, especially Ninetta, before knocking him out cold.

Fourth episode (1979–1981)

Schirò and Boris Giuliano with his men go to the Punta Raisi airport in Palermo to arrest French chemists who have come to Sicily to teach Francesco Marino Mannoia (Bontate's chemist) to cut the drug, and on the other hand a meeting between the biggest mafia bosses. As soon as the police arrive at the airport, Commissioner Giuliano receives a phone call in which he is told that it is not possible to stop the two Frenchmen for lack of evidence.

Peppe (who has an ill brother), Bontate's ''capodecina'', accompanies Totò at home and receives the money to treat his brother in America.

Meanwhile, Totò and Ninetta have two children (Concetta and Giovanni) and they are waiting for the third one. Giuliano found the refinery of Corleone, Schirò found the one of Bontade. Back to the police station Giuliano got a phone call telling him that he'll die soon.

At the airport is found a suitcase full of money, addressed to Bontade, who at this point calls his friends in Rome to complain that Giuliano is going too far and they must stop him, otherwise, he will.

Boris Giuliano sends his family on holiday promising to reach them the week after but a few days later he's killed by Leoluca Bagarella (Luchino) and Pino Greco (Scarpuzzedda). Meanwhile, Ninetta begins to feel pain, she's brought to the hospital but it's just a false alarm.

Someone in the city spits bad drugs. Totò Riina discovers who is responsible: it's a certain Tanino, right hand of Salvatore Inzerillo, to whom Tanino takes away the drug he resells. Totò manages to blackmail the bad dealer.

In the best clinic of Palermo Ninetta has given birth to her third son Giuseppe and meanwhile Teresa finds out she's pregnant. At Giuliano's funeral, Schirò (left watching it on TV) is unaware of the state of his wife and he has an argument with her, Teresa loses the child and decides to leave Sicily for Rome. After a while she's reached by her husband.

After a speech with Schirò, judge Gaetano Costa signs the arrest warrants for all the bosses of Palermo and he's subsequently killed by the Bontate family. Meanwhile, Cesare Terranova is sent to Palermo where he's killed by Totò. When the Palermo bosses come to know, they decide to eliminate 'u Curtu. Totò changed home (since the one where he lived was owned by Stefano Bontade): all the Palermitans are now against him.

With the help of Tanino and Peppe, Riina manages to escape all the attacks against him and Stefano Bontate, Salvatore Inzerillo and their families are killed by Mario Prestifilippo and "Scarpuzzedda". The Second Mafia War produces many deaths so John Gambino, the biggest American boss, arrives in Palermo to try to stop the murders. Riina assures and convinces him that the war is over and no other men of honor will be killed.

Fifth episode (1982-1987)

The fifth episode begins with Pio La Torre, regional secretary of the Italian Communist Party, which on one hand is a debate in Corleone to prevent the construction of a Cruise missiles base in Comiso and the other side with the full Commission. In the commission there is a certain Apuzzo, a dear friend of Tommaso Buscetta pretending to be loyal to Totò Riina.

The Mangano Commissioner, now retired, advised the magistrates in Palermo (who want to fight the Mafia at all costs) Schirò as wildcard to find all the large and back to Corleone to tell Schirò to go to Palermo to work with Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and Rocco Chinnici.

While Toto plays with her son Giovanni, Ninetta is pregnant again and is concerned for the ideas of her husband. Toto then decides to call a few of his soldiers and ordered the murder of Pio La Torre along his bodyguard Rosario Di Salvo.

Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa was sent to Palermo. The first action of General Dalla Chiesa is to send his men to search the collector of Ignazio Salvo, powerful man colluded with the Mafia. Shortly after General Dalla Chiesa was killed by "soldiers" Riina and Nitto Santapaola. Also Rocco Chinnici is murdered.

Meanwhile, Apuzzo travels to Brazil for Tommaso Buscetta, but Toto becomes aware and kills Apuzzo and many of Buscetta's relatives. Tommasino was arrested for heroin trafficking. In the Brazilian prison he is tortured, but did not speak. He is transferred to Italy and started working with Giovanni Falcone. Tomamasino explains the structure of Cosa Nostra, among other things. After questioning Buscetta, hundreds of people are arrested, Vito Ciancimino among them.

On July 28, 1985, the commissioner Giuseppe Montana, who was investigating victims of the Second Mafia War with Biagio, was assassinated. A young man is wrongly accused of the murder. Brought to the police station, Giacalone (police constable) is carried away by violence and kills the boy. Then, Ninni Cassarà informs Falcone, who opens an investigation. Meanwhile, Teresa and Antonio (wife and son of Schiro), who were in Rome, return to Palermo.

On 6 August 1985 Ninni Cassarà was killed by Pino Greco "Scarpuzzedda", before the eyes of his wife and daughter. Meanwhile, in the security jailhouse of Asinara, (in Sardinia), Falcone and Borsellino begin preparing for the Maxi Trial. At the end of the process, Riina and Provenzano were sentenced in absentia while Michele Greco, Luciano Leggio, and many others, present in the courtroom, are also sentenced to life imprisonment.

The episode ends with a shootout where we find on the one hand Schirò and on the other Vito Maranza and Leoluca Bagarella. The outcome of the shooting is a dead Vito Maranza and a seriously injured (Biagio Schirò).

Sixth episode (1988-1993)

Biagio Schirò is seriously injured due to the shooting with Leoluca Bagarella and Vito Maranza. He is taken to the hospital and fortunately he is saved, but remains lame in one leg. Totò Riina is nervous because he has been sentenced to life in prison. Ignazio Salvo reassures Toto by telling him that the sentence will be changed in the Court of Cassation. Totò orders Luchino to follow Ignazio Salvo.

For the title of head of the education office in Palermo there are two candidates: Giovanni Falcone and Antonino Meli. Falcone's appointment seems obvious but the role is instead entrusted to Meli. Riina orders the murder of Falcone to Pino Scarpuzzedda and Luchino. Pino organizes an attack on the judge's house at the sea in Addaura, near Mondello, but fails. In the following days Scarpuzzedda, now become quite powerful, with his swaggering air, performs two robberies in the area of the boss Pietro Aglieri, one in a jewelry store and the other at Banco di Sicilia. U Curtu had him strangled by his own colleagues (Antonino Madonia, Filippo Marchese, Antonino Marchese, Pino Marchese, Gaetano Carollo, Giuseppe Lucchese and Giuseppe Giacomo Gambino), with whom he carried out the bank robbery and the failed attack on Falcone.

Falcone is transferred to Rome. Ninuzzo Schirò decides to follow in his father's footsteps, also becoming a policeman. The revision of the Maxiprocesso sentence does not even take place in the Court of Cassation and Totò has Salvo Lima killed. A few days later Totò Riina and Giovanni Brusca meet to organize the attack on Falcone. The judge, who went to Palermo, is killed with the TNT at the crossroads of Capaci on 23 May 1992, together with his wife Francesca Morvillo and the escort. About two months later Paolo Borsellino is also killed, while the negotiation was underway between deviated pieces of the institutions and the Cosa Nostra which Paolo Borsellino would surely have firmly opposed. Some soldiers of Totò, on his order, kill Ignazio Salvo. Meanwhile, Vito Ciancimino is contacted by the captain of the carabinieri Li Donni in an attempt to deal with the Corleonesi to end the massacres. Totò Riina decides to negotiate with the state and prepares a "papello" with all his requests.

Binnu does not agree with the "war on institutions" that is leading Totò and for this reason he has a bitter discussion with him while they are having lunch with Ninetta and Luchino. One evening, while traveling in his car, Baldassare Di Maggio (Balduccio) is stopped and taken to prison. He too decides to become a collaborator of justice and has Totò arrested, revealing his hiding place in via Bernini, in Palermo.

After the arrest of her husband, Ninetta and her children (Concetta, Giovanni, Giuseppe and Lucia) return to Corleone. At the home of Totò, Luchino, Binnu and Giovanni Brusca take all the documents that could still be compromising. The episode ends with a clarifying dialogue between Biagio and Totò.

The Longest Memory

A young slave, Chapel, falls in love with the daughter of the plantation owner. He attempts to run away and join his lover in the north. However his father, Whitechapel, betrays his whereabouts, fearing that his son will die if he is not captured and returned home to the plantation. Chapel is captured and brought back to the plantation where he is whipped by Sanders Junior, the overseer. Chapel catches a fever after the whipping and dies, due to his weak state. Everybody blames Whitechapel for Chapel's death.

Mr. Whitechapel, the owner of the plantation, was away from the plantation that day, and was unaware of the occurrences taking place. He had given specific instructions to hold the slave until he returned, which order was not carried out by Sanders Jr. Mr Whitechapel is angered when he finds out that Sanders Jr. whipped his half-brother to death. Then the book goes back in time to the diary of Sanders Senior, the memories of Cook and Lydia. It is then finished with extracts from the Virginian local newspaper of the year 1810 having direct connections with the events of the story.

Me and the Mafia

The film follows the con man Victor Hansen, who has made a fortune together with his partner Rikard. Rikard has deposited the money in a Swiss bank account, and has had the account number tattooed on the buttocks of four young women; he is then killed by a mafia gang. Victor tries to find the girls to get access to the account and the money, but is thwarted by the mafia. In the end he is allowed to keep his life, but has to sell pieces of Venice to rich tourists on the mafia's behalf.

The Extraordinary Seaman

Towards the end of World War II four United States Navy sailors—the accountant Lieutenant Krim, the cook Oglethorpe, the gunner's mate Toole, and the Cheyenne seaman Lightfoot—are separated from their ship and are marooned on an island in the Philippines. They discover the British Royal Navy officer, Commander Finchhaven, aboard the wreck of the gunboat ''HMS Curmudgeon''. Finchhaven persuades them to launch an attack on Japanese positions, hoping to redeem the family honor and his own tattered record from the First World War. The sailors repair the ship with help from garage owner Jennifer Winslow. After launching the ship, Finchhaven confesses he is a ghost condemned to sail the seas forever after falling down drunk before his first battle in the Great War. With his typical luck he actually succeeds in sinking an Imperial Japanese Navy cruiser -- ''after'' it had officially surrendered to the US Navy. As a result, he is seen again consigned to sailing his ship forever, this time in a children's amusement park lake, to await another war for a chance at redemption.

Another City, Not My Own

Protagonist Gus Bailey, introduced in Dunne's earlier novel ''People Like Us'', is a successful writer who is assigned to cover the Simpson trial for ''Vanity Fair''. He firmly believes Simpson is guilty from the very beginning, and in his monthly column ''Letter from Los Angeles'', he clearly states his position and puts his personal spin on what he observes in the courtroom and beyond. Those involved with the criminal proceedings, including Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden for the prosecution, Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, Robert Kardashian, Barry Scheck, and Robert Shapiro for the defense, and Judge Lance Ito, all figure prominently in the story.

Bailey becomes the darling of Hollywood society, all of whom are eager to include him as a guest at their dinner parties so he can regale everyone with inside tidbits and juicy gossip. Celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Kirk Douglas, Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, David Geffen, Roddy McDowall, and June Anderson, social types like Nancy Reagan, Betsy Bloomingdale, and Nan Kempner, royalty such as Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, and Queen Noor of Jordan, and television personalities like Harvey Levin and Larry King make appearances in the book.

Whispers in the Graveyard

Solomon is a Scottish boy in the last year of primary school who is considered to be stupid and lazy, though he is actually dyslexic. He is bullied by his form teacher at school, and at home his father, who it is revealed is also dyslexic, drinks all the time and neglects him. Solomon often goes to the local graveyard for refuge.

Overhearing a discussion between a council official and Professor Miller, he is upset to hear that his special place is to become a construction site. When the graveyard's protective rowan tree is uprooted by workmen, he has bad dreams and hears mysterious whispers. Driven by his father's behaviour to spend the night in the graveyard, he witnesses one of the workmen being swallowed up by the ground after unearthing a mysterious chest marked with the word "Malefice".

He later discovers that the word means "witchcraft", and that a victim of the Scottish witch hunt is buried there. It seems she has awoken and is intent on vengeance. Amy Miller, the professor's young daughter, who has struck up a friendship with him, is drawn to the graveyard. Solomon follows to protect her from the evil presence which tries to possess her. With his father's help, he manages to rescue her and save himself.

With the encouragement of Ms Talmur, one of the teachers from school who has helped him throughout the book but leaves to get a promotion at the end, he begins to change his life, although he knows it will be an uphill struggle. His father agrees to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous class to perhaps change his life also.

Oskyldigt dömd

Markus Haglund (''Mikael Persbrandt'') is a controversial professor of criminal law who fights for those who have been innocently convicted. Along with his four law students, Fia Jönsson (Sofia Ledarp), Anna Sjöstedt (Helena af Sandeberg), Belal Al-Mukhtar (Francisco Sobrado) and Roger Andersson (Leonard Terfelt), he helps the convicted fight for their innocence.

At Uppsala University, he leads a class called Oskyldigt dömd (innocently convicted).

Union City (film)

In 1953, Harlan is a repressed, uptight accountant living in an apartment block with his beautiful, neglected wife Lillian. He becomes obsessed with discovering who is drinking from the milk bottles left outside his apartment every morning, so he ties some cord to a bottle which will alert him when it is taken, and through this he finds the culprit to be a homeless war veteran. The vagrant apologises but the obsessive Harlan attacks him, knocking him down and seemingly cracking his skull. In a panic he hides the body behind the folding bed in another vacant apartment opposite his own.

Harlan's behaviour becomes ever more irrational, driving Lillian away from him and into the arms of building supervisor Larry Longacre (McGill); he believes another deranged resident known as the Contessa is planning to run away with him, and puts potential residents off the room where he hid the vagrant's body with his bizarre behaviour.

However, eventually a young couple of newly-weds, Alphonse and Jeanette Flourescu move in. Harlan attempts to dissuade Alphonse from opening the bed but is unsuccessful. Alphonse looks at the bloody but empty bed as a terrified Harlan throws himself through the apartment window to his death on the street below. A crowd gathers around his body, watched briefly by the disinterested vagrant, alive with his head bandaged.


The protagonist of the drama, Naoe Kanetsugu, was taught by Uesugi Kenshin in his youth that to conquer the world is a trifling matter, but what matters is to live one's life with righteousness. After Uesugi's death, Naoe supports Uesugi Kagekatsu, who holds the destiny of Echigo province.

Black Thursday (film)

On 16 July 1942 in Paris, Paul, a young student on the Left Bank, hears that the French authorities are rounding up the Jewish inhabitants of the city for deportation. To make a gesture against the evil of the German occupation and the collaborationist French régime, he goes to a Jewish quarter on the Right Bank determined to save someone. French police are there in force, herding Jewish people out of apartments and hustling them into commandeered buses. They already have the names and addresses, and can easily recognise Jewish people by the compulsory yellow star sewn to their clothes.

Individuals Paul approaches either do not understand the danger they face or mistrust his intentions. One young woman he is talking to, Jeanne, is called urgently into a shop, where the shopkeeper says that her mother and sister have just been taken and cuts the yellow star off her jacket. She agrees to let Paul escort her to the apartment of relations. They however have been ordered to pack their bags and, when the police arrive to take them away, hide Paul and Jeanne.

This leaves Jeanne with nowhere to go, but she is wary of Paul and unsure that going to his room on the Left Bank is a solution. Getting out of the Jewish quarter is difficult in any case, as plainclothes police are checking the identity of everybody in the streets. More than once Paul averts police attention by getting into a clinch with Jeanne, who plays along half-heartedly. Ducking into a café used by prostitutes and their pimps, a plainclothes man gets interested in Jeanne. She is saved by a pimp, who fells the cop and wishes the pair well as they flee.

In the empty courtyard of the Louvre museum, Paul explains his motives to Jeanne and his hopes of a better life they could share. However, halfway across the bridge to the Left Bank, she decides she can go no further with him.

Why I Will Never Ever Ever Ever Have Enough Time to Read This Book

A busy girl tries to find time to read, but something always stops her. By nightfall, she has not managed to read her book.

Naples Sings

1935: a rich nobleman, in order not to compromise the marriage of her daughter to an English nobleman, takes her newborn daughter from her (had from a clandestine affair), entrusting her to her nuns with a medal of the Madonna around her neck.

1953: Giorgio with some friends rehearses a show of Neapolitan songs financed thanks to an elderly artist. Having come to quarrel with the landlady, Giorgio rented a room with a good woman who lives with her beautiful daughter Maria. Love soon arises between the two. When, thanks to a farsighted entrepreneur, things are going for the best, Mary's mother is summoned by the nuns: a woman has finally learned the truth about her daughter who was stolen from her 18 years earlier and entrusted to the nuns: now she claims the his own daughter, that is, Mary. The girl moves to her birth mother and, attending parties and attending nobles, she becomes engaged to a young scion but never forgetting her Giorgio with whom she secretly meets. In the meantime, the show of these is a great success, but Giorgio has lost all enthusiasm: Maria is getting married, But right on the altar, under the eyes of the two mothers, Maria finds the courage to say no, to rejoin Giorgio.

Ernesto (film)

In Trieste, Austria-Hungary (Italy after the end of World War I) in 1911, Ernesto (Martin Halm) is a 17-year-old boy who lives with his widowed mother in the home of his violin-loving Jewish uncle and works in an office at a routine job. He espouses socialist views largely to cause his uncle distress. He discovers his homosexuality when he meets a stableboy (Michele Placido), who is not identified by name. They become infatuated with each other and have an intense sexual relationship, which develops against a realistic depiction of the social setting. Ernesto loses his job when his sexual behavior is discovered and reveals to his mother his same-sex relationship, which he continues to view as shameful. He is dishonest with his same-sex partner, and their relationship ends when Ernesto begins to visit a prostitute for sex.

Ernesto takes violin lessons where he meets 15-year-old Rachel and her twin brother Emilio, both depicted by the same actress (Lara Wendel). Both of the twins fall in love with Ernesto, who marries the sister, resolving his problems with his mother and uncle as well as his former employer. Having outgrown his years of spontaneity and exploration, Ernesto denies his sexual past when he encounters his first lover and refuses to recognize him.

The Spirit of Culver

Tom Allen, the son of a decorated war hero who is feared to have died in battle, wins a scholarship to the Culver Military Academy. His arrogance and unwillingness to comply with the academy's strict rules soon gets him in trouble, but through the help of his roommate he gets by.

Tall Story

At Custer University, Ray Blent is an honor student and college basketball star. June Ryder has come to the university to study home economics and to find a husband. Both students and faculty are scandalized by Ryder's unashamed pursuit of Blent. She joins the pom-pom girls and attends all the classes taken by Blent to ensure she has maximum contact with him. Everyone is aware of her designs on the sexually naive Blent except for him. She succeeds in convincing him that she has an intelligent, inquiring mind that he admires, although this is all done through deception. She eventually gets Blent to fall for her and propose marriage. However, they need several thousand dollars to set up a home.

Blent is secretly propositioned, via a radio message, by a gambling syndicate to lose a key game with a visiting Russian team. He refuses to do this, but is unable to return the money as he does not know who is behind the bribe. Rather than deliberately throw the game, he decides to deliberately fail an ethics exam, which automatically disqualifies him from playing. He is the best student in class, and the only way he can fail is by copying Ryder's paper. He realizes too late that his not playing is tantamount to ensuring his team will lose and that he has given the gamblers exactly what they want.

Meanwhile, his ethics professor, Leo Sullivan, is coming under extreme student and faculty pressure to reverse the failure and give Blent a passing grade. He refuses to do this on principle, but finally consents to give Blent an oral retest while the game is in progress. Blent passes and plays for the last few minutes, achieving a one-point victory for the school.


The novel is prefaced by a fictitious foreword by John Ray Jr., an editor of psychology books. Ray states that he is presenting a memoir written by a man using the pseudonym "Humbert Humbert", who had recently died of heart disease while awaiting a murder trial in jail. The memoir, which addresses the audience as his jury, begins with Humbert's birth in Paris in 1910. He spends his childhood on the French Riviera, where he falls in love with his friend Annabel Leigh. This youthful and physically unfulfilled love is interrupted by Annabel's premature death from typhus, which causes Humbert to become sexually obsessed with a specific type of girl, aged 9 to 14, whom he refers to as "nymphets".

After graduation, Humbert works as an English teacher and begins editing an academic literary textbook, making passing reference to repeated stays in mental institutions at this time. Before the outbreak of World War II, Humbert moves to New York. In 1947, he moves to Ramsdale, a small town in New England, where he can calmly continue working on his book. The house that he intends to live in is destroyed in a fire, and in his search for a new home, he meets the widow Charlotte Haze, who is looking for a tenant. Humbert visits Charlotte's residence out of politeness and initially intends to decline her offer. However, Charlotte leads Humbert to her garden, where her 12-year-old daughter Dolores (also variably known as Dolly, Lo, and Lola) is sunbathing. Humbert sees in Dolores the perfect nymphet, the embodiment of his old love Annabel, and quickly decides to move in.

The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum—he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons. Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust he feels towards Charlotte. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert's false assurance that the diary is only a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is hit and killed by a swerving car.

Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty raping Dolores while she is conscious so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert's plan for Dolores.

Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not rape her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. Humbert begins sexually abusing her. After leaving the hotel, Humbert reveals to Dolores that her mother is dead.

Humbert and Dolores travel across the country, driving all day and staying in motels. Humbert desperately tries to maintain Dolores' interest in travel and himself, and increasingly bribes her in exchange for sexual favors. They finally settle in Beardsley, a small New England town. Humbert adopts the role of Dolores' father and enrolls her in a local private school for girls.

Humbert jealously and strictly controls all of Dolores' social gatherings and forbids her from dating and attending parties. It is only at the instigation of the school headmaster, who regards Humbert as a strict and conservative European parent, that he agrees to Dolores' participation in the school play, the title of which is the same as the hotel in which Humbert met the mysterious man. The day before the premiere of the performance, a serious quarrel breaks out between Dolores and Humbert, and Dolores runs out of the house. When Humbert finds her a few moments later, she tells him that she wants to leave town and continue traveling. Humbert is initially delighted, but as he travels, he becomes increasingly suspicious—he feels that he is being followed by someone Dolores is familiar with.

The man following them is Clare Quilty—a famous playwright who wrote the play that Dolores was to participate in. In the Colorado mountains, Dolores falls ill. Humbert checks her into a local hospital, from where she is discharged one night by her "uncle". Humbert knows she has no living relatives and he immediately embarks on a frantic search to find Dolores and her abductor, but initially fails. For the next two years, Humbert barely sustains himself in a moderately functional relationship with a young alcoholic named Rita.

Deeply depressed, Humbert unexpectedly receives a letter from a 17-year-old Dolores (signing as "Dolly (Mrs. Richard F. Schiller)"), telling him that she is married, pregnant, and in desperate need of money. Humbert, armed with a pistol, tracks down Dolores' address against her wishes. At Dolores' request, he pretends to be her estranged father and does not mention the details of their past relation to Richard.

Humbert learns that Dolores' husband, a deaf mechanic, is not her abductor. Dolores reveals to Humbert that Quilty took her from the hospital: she was in love with Quilty, but he rejected her when she refused to star in one of his pornographic films. Humbert claims to the reader that at this moment, he realized that he was in love with Dolores all along. Humbert implores her to leave with him, but she refuses. Accepting her decision, Humbert gives her the money she is owed from her inheritance rather than exchanging it for sex. Humbert then goes to the drug-addled Quilty's mansion and shoots him several times.

Shortly afterward, Humbert is arrested, and in his closing thoughts, he reaffirms his love for Dolores and asks for his memoir to be withheld from public release until after her death. Dolores dies in childbirth on Christmas Day in 1952, disappointing Humbert's prediction that "Dolly Schiller will probably survive me by many years."

Fort Griffin Fandangle

The ''Fort Griffin Fandangle'' traces the historical and cultural development of the area along the Clear Fork of the Brazos River in northern Shackelford County near Fort Griffin, the military outpost that from 1867 to 1881 provided protection for settlers in the region and gave rise to the town of Albany. The story is recalled through the memory of two old-timers of the region, a cattleman and his wife, who sit on the porch of a ranch house to reveal the past as they remember it. The production consists of a series of segments, each based on historical material introduced by the narrators and then interpreted by one or more songs and dancing.

Chronopolis (film)

Chronopolis tells the story of a gargantuan city lurking in the sky colonised by powerful immortals who have become jaded and bored with eternal life, and thus have decided to manipulate elements of time. They play with atomic particles and electricity, and monotonously construct bizarre and unusual objects to assist in this, including a ball that communicates with higher technology, but in reality they are waiting for the ultimate gift to arrive in their hands.

Bomber Girl

The series is about , a bounty hunter who uses her sex appeal to defeat enemies. is a police officer who initially opposes Emi's methods.

Voltron: Fleet of Doom

In his attempt to destroy the Galaxy Alliance, King Zarkon allies himself with Viceroy Throk of the Drule Supreme Council to create a mighty armada known as the Fleet of Doom. To stop Zarkon and his allies, the heroes of both Voltron series must join forces to stop them before they can destroy the Alliance. But when Princess Allura is captured by Witch Haggar, Keith sets out to rescue her so that they can rejoin their friends in time to stop the Fleet of Doom from destroying the secret power base of the Galaxy Alliance.

Asura Cryin'

The story is a semi-serious school action story revolving around Tomoharu Natsume. He is haunted by the ghost of his childhood friend, Misao Minakami, who died in an airplane accident three years earlier, which Tomoharu barely survived. On entering high school, Tomoharu takes the opportunity to live on his own and moves into Meiou-tei, a dormitory, where he starts enjoying a carefree high school life (also, his mother has recently remarried and doesn't want him interfering in her newlywed life). His life changes when a beautiful girl named Shuri Kurosaki appears with a mysterious trunk which she claims Tomoharu's brother, Naotaka Natsume, asked her to deliver to him. Things become complicated when Kanade Takatsuki, a girl dressed like a shrine maiden, appears seeking the trunk in Tomoharu's possession. It is revealed that the trunk hides secrets about the world they live in.

A Woman of Mystery

Ray Savage, reporter for a sensational magazine in London is assigned over his objections to investigate a pretty blonde hat-check attendant's suicide. Inquiring at Jane Hale's place of work he learns that someone from her past had recognized her, and she was afraid. Finding a luggage label on her suitcase, he follows the lead to a dubious hotel where the manager tells him someone had taken a shot at her while she was staying there. From there he goes to her former place of work, then to the home of her friend at work who tells him that Miss Hale regularly called her mother, long distance. Following the number to a sanatorium where questioning Mrs. Hale yields nothing, but the cooperative administrator tells him the upscale neighborhood Jane was living before she went on the run.

Finally determining that she had been employed at an escort agency, he is so excited as to ignore the indications that he is being followed until he returns home to be attacked by three men who try to duplicate Miss Hale's supposed suicide by knocking him on the head and turning the gas on. Rescued by his girlfriend he grabs a gun and starts taking up housebreaking, until he determines the escort agency is cover for a counterfeiting operation. Then he shoots it out with the villains but feels frustrated because the mastermind behind the operation, the man who killed Jane, has apparently gotten away unseen. That doesn't last, because Jane's new boyfriend comes after Ray to try to kill him and Jane's friend who came to talk to Ray.

The Price (Prison Break)

Michael and Agent Self strike a deal with Gretchen Morgan, who wants Scylla for herself but holds the pages of the 'bird book' that Michael needs. Sara is reluctant about this, as she is constantly disturbed by memories of imprisonment and torture at the hands of Gretchen. Meanwhile, now without the copying device, the team targets General Krantz to obtain the sixth and final card key. Recalling a successful job from his criminal days, Lincoln devises a plan to ram the General's limousine with a car and take his card. Lincoln and Sucre are to drive the car, Michael, Sara, and Bellick are to arrive at the crash scene in an ambulance, disguised as paramedics, and Mahone is to follow in an SUV to pick up Link & Sucre after the crash. An old car is obtained, and the ambulance is stolen from an impound while Self creates a diversion.

Roland faces an increasingly hostile attitude toward him from the team after he lost the device. He contacts Wyatt by text message on his phone, offering Michael and Lincoln for cash. When demanded for proof, Roland informs Wyatt of the impending ambush on the General.

Gretchen, T-Bag, and the receptionist plan to start digging for the decoding device of Scylla. They pretend to work at GATE as usual, when Mr. Feng arrives demanding Scylla from T-Bag. However, Gretchen steps in, reassuring him to deliver Scylla for $125 million, and sends him off. After he leaves, T-Bag and the receptionist are seen secretly copying Gretchen's fingerprints.

Having set up an ambush, the team waits. Mahone is gloomy as the pursuit after his son's murderer is all but abandoned by the team; Sucre refuses to leave when Lincoln suggests doing it by himself; Sara confronts Michael of his possible condition, but Michael insists he is fine. The plan fails when the General's limousine is alerted at the last second. Wyatt arrives and shoots at Lincoln and Sucre in their car; the pair escapes, but Sucre is shot in his side. Back at the warehouse, Sara performs an emergency surgery on Sucre, who survives. Michael is suspicious about Roland, but is seemingly convinced by Roland's denial. Roland later flees the warehouse.

Gretchen sets up a meeting with Sara and gives her an opportunity to settle the score; she offers to let Sara whip her on the back with an extension cord. Sara refuses, but puts a blade to her throat, cutting it lightly, and tells Gretchen that she will pay for killing a guard ('Michelle') who helped Sara escape.

After the failed ambush, the General realizes Michael and his team are after his card, not his life. In a meeting with all the card holders, the General orders to have Scylla moved immediately, putting the post-Laos plan of the Company on hold.

Instead of getting paid, Roland gets shot by Wyatt in both his knees. Roland reveals the location of the warehouse to save himself, but Wyatt still shoots him in the stomach. Wyatt is savagely beaten by Mahone, immediately knocked out, relieved of both his weapons and communication devices, and taken captive by Michael, Lincoln, Bellick, and Mahone, who followed a bug planted in Roland's laptop. Michael stays with Roland and holds his hand until Roland dies.

Falling Down

William Foster is stuck in traffic on a hot day. After his air conditioning fails, he abandons his car and begins walking home across Los Angeles, carrying his briefcase.

At a convenience store, the Korean owner refuses to give him change for a telephone call. Foster begins ranting about the high prices. The owner grabs a baseball bat and demands Foster leave. Foster takes the bat and destroys much of the merchandise before leaving. Later, while resting on a hill, he is accosted by two gang members, who threaten him with a knife and demand his briefcase. Foster attacks them with the baseball bat from the store, and takes their knife after beating both men.

The gang members, now in a car with two friends, find Foster in a phone booth. They open fire, hitting several bystanders, but not Foster. The driver crashes the car. Foster picks up a gun, shoots the one surviving gang member, and then leaves with their bag of weapons. Foster encounters a panhandler and gives him the briefcase, which only contains his lunch.

At a fast-food restaurant, Foster attempts to order breakfast, but they had switched to the lunch menu minutes before he entered. After an argument with the manager, Foster pulls a gun and accidentally fires into the ceiling. After trying to reassure the frightened employees and customers, he orders lunch, but is annoyed when the burger looks nothing like the one on the menu. He leaves, tries to call from a phone booth, then shoots the booth to pieces after being hassled by someone who was waiting to use the phone. After Foster calls "home" again and states his intention to attend his daughter Adele's birthday party, his ex-wife Beth notifies the police because she has a restraining order against him.

Sergeant Prendergast, on his last day before early retirement, insists on investigating these various antics. Interviews with witnesses lead Prendergast to suspect that the same person is responsible for these activities. Foster's vanity license plate – D-FENS – proves to be an important lead, because Prendergast remembers being in the same traffic jam as Foster earlier that day. Prendergast and his partner, Detective Torres, visit Foster's mother, who is surprised to learn that Foster lost his job. They realize Foster is heading toward his former family's home in Venice, and rush to intercept him.

Foster passes a bank where a black man is protesting after he was rejected for a loan. The man exchanges a glance with Foster and says, "Don't forget me," as he is escorted away by police. Foster stops at a military surplus store to buy shoes. The owner, a white supremacist, diverts Torres's attention when she comes in. After Torres leaves, he offers Foster a rocket launcher and congratulates him for shooting "a bunch of niggers" at the restaurant. When Foster expresses distaste for the store owner's racism, the man attempts to turn him over to the police, but Foster stabs him, and then shoots him dead. Foster changes into army clothes, takes the rocket launcher, and leaves.

Foster encounters a road repair crew who are not working, and accuses them of doing unnecessary repairs to justify their budget. He pulls out the rocket launcher but struggles to use it, until a boy comes by and explains how it works. Foster accidentally fires the launcher, blowing up the construction site. By the time Foster reaches Beth’s house, she has already fled with Adele. He realizes that they may have gone to nearby Venice Pier, but Prendergast and Torres arrive before he can pursue them. Foster shoots Torres, injuring her, and flees with Prendergast in pursuit.

At the pier, Foster confronts his ex-wife and daughter. Adele is happy to see him, but Beth is frightened. Prendergast arrives and acknowledges Foster's complaints about being ill-treated by society, but tells him it does not excuse his rampage. With Foster distracted, Beth throws his gun into the sea as Prendergast draws his revolver, insisting that Foster give himself up. With nothing left for him, Foster tricks Prendergast into shooting him dead. Having asserted himself, Prendergast decides to hold off on retirement.

For Rent: One Grammy One Gramps

When the Barnes family come across a for a grammy and gramps for rent, the twins and their parents can't believe it, but respond anyway and become involved in a rewarding adventure they couldn't have imagined.

Little Ashes

In 1922, 18-year-old Salvador Dalí (Robert Pattinson) arrives at art school in Madrid. The ''Residencia de Estudiantes'', or Students' Residence, is a modern environment which encourages Spain's brightest young minds. Salvador, who is determined to become a great artist, soon catches the attention of the ''Resi'''s social elite — poet Federico García Lorca (Javier Beltrán) and aspiring filmmaker Luis Buñuel (Matthew McNulty). Together, they form the nucleus of the most modern artist group in Madrid.

Their private lives become increasingly complex, as Federico ignores the advances of devoted friend and writer Magdalena (Marina Gatell), and Salvador himself feels the pull of Federico's magnetism. Luis, becoming increasingly isolated by the duo's closeness, decides to move to Paris to fulfill his own artistic ambitions. Meanwhile, Salvador and Federico leave Madrid to spend the summer at the seaside village of Cadaques, at the home of Dalí's family.

Federico finds himself accepted into the Dalí family as he and Salvador grow closer until, one night, their friendship becomes romantic. Even as they draw closer, their relationship appears doomed. Luis visits them at university and becomes more suspicious and appalled by their apparent intimacy.

Salvador finds Federico's obsession more than he is prepared to handle, and eventually leaves for Paris. Enveloped by the high society and decadence there, Salvador is soon entangled with Gala (Arly Jover), a married woman with a penchant for celebrities. When Federico visits, he finds his friend is a changed man, both in his life and his politics.

Friedemann Bach (film)

During a house concert, the Bach family gets a visit by their son Wilhelm Friedemann, who has just given up his position in Dresden because he no longer could endure the reprisals of his superiors. After he helps his sister Frederike to tell father Johann Sebastian about her engagement to Johann Christoph Altnikol, the family gets a visit from a messenger of the Saxon Court. Johann Sebastian is asked to take part in a musical competition against French composer Louis Marchand. Johann Sebastian, however, does not want to let his Thomanerchor down and so, he sends Friedemann to Dresden.

Friedemann wins the competition, as Louis Marchand takes flight during Friedemann's performance. Many aristocrats, among whom is Comtesse Antonia Kollowrat, come to Friedemann to be taught in music; Friedemann is ordered by the court to write a ballet. Friedemann and ballet dancer Mariella Fiorini fall in love with each other, which is also due to the influence of Count Graf von Brühl, who has an eye on Antonia. After the ballet is successful, Friedemann is to be appointed court composer. As Antonia criticizes the ballet, Friedemann recognizes that the court's superficiality does not go together with his artistic ambitions. Friedemann and Antonia fall in love with each other. Friedemann promises to find a new position and to get Antonia to join him; his father will surely help him.

However, Johann Sebastian dies. So, Friedemann is confronted with a series of disappointments. Being demanded again and again to play music following his father's style, he finally passes, when applying in Braunschweig, one of his father's early compositions off as one of his own. The truth is discovered, Antonia and Christoph are unable to understand Friedemann, who is frustrated and responds that he no longer wants to be compared with his father Johann Sebastian but wants to be Wilhelm Friedemann Bach.

Embittered, he joins a group of travelling actors who regard him to be as what he is. As Christoph comes after years to see him and tells him that Antonia had been waiting for him in Braunschweig, Friedemann wants to see her again. Antonia, however, has meanwhile married Count Heinrich von Brühl. When Friedemann's group gives a performance in Dresden, the Count arranges that Friedemann and Antonia meet. Although she is still willing to help him, Friedemann shows her his full embitterment; at the Count's behest, Friedemann has to leave Saxony.

Desperately, Friedemann offers one of his father's compositions to a music trader. As one of the trader's client mocks Johann Sebastian Bach, Friedemann starts to argue with the client who hurts Friedemann with a rapier; shortly after, Friedemann dies.

I Was a Teenage Serial Killer

The film opens with footage of a woman, Mary (Kristin Calabrese), caressing a blood-soaked corpse (Phil Calabrese) in a junkyard while a radio announcer (Chris Stoehr) talks about a man being a victim of homicide. Voice over reveals that Mary shot the man after he came on to her. The woman than drives to meet with her brother (Bob Hendershot) who begins heavily drinking and lecturing her on her dating habits, suggesting that she find a man to have children with. Suddenly, he starts violently coughing, and dies. It's then revealed that Mary has laced his drink with mouse poison. After leaving, Mary meets a man (Zach Kadish) who quickly takes her home to have sex. However, he attempts to remove his condom mid-coitus, causing her to fly into a rage and strangle him to death.

In an alleyway, Mary sees a man (Alan Pierson) with his partner (Kathie Smith) spray-paint a heart on the wall. After the man begins catcalling Mary, she pushes him into the road and he is run over. While walking away from the scene, Mary hears a man screaming. Following the screams, Mary finds a fellow serial killer, Henry (Gorey), murdering a man (Steven Nereo), and assists him. Henry explains that he only kills straight men as a way of getting back at a patriarchal society. Together, he and Mary go on a killing spree together. However, after Henry brings home a woman (Dianne McGeachy) to kill, Mary instead kills him and releases the girl.

Mary meets a homeless man (Scott Garver). She confesses to him that she's killed 19 men, and opens up about her father sexually abusing her as a child. When the man suggests that the abuse may have been her fault due to her physical attractiveness, she holds a broken bottle to his throat and rants about the men in her life who have never taken her story seriously. In the end, she decides not to kill him, deciding that she can express more power by telling her story regardless of how ignorant men may attempt to invalidate her or keep her quiet.

The Flash: Rebirth

Two forensics scientists in Central City are killed by a mysterious man wielding a spear with a lightning bolt-shaped tip. He rearranges containers of chemicals on shelves and, using the spear as a lightning rod, recreates the accident that gave Barry Allen—also known as The Flash—his powers, then escapes from arriving police officers. His thoughts indicate he is responsible for Barry Allen's return. In Central City and Keystone City, Linda Park-West announces that a celebration will be held for Barry's return. Members of the Flash family react to his return: at Justice Society headquarters, Jay Garrick recounts how Barry inspired him to return to superheroics; at Titans Tower East, Wally West remembers Barry with fondness and respect; at Titans Tower West, Bart Allen views his grandfather's return with skepticism; and Iris West Allen waits happily for her husband to come home. However, Iris receives a phone call from Police Captain Frye, who asks for Barry's help.

Barry is visiting the Flash Museum, trying to catch up with events that occurred during his absence, when he meets Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). Barry's memories from his time in the Speed Force are fading. He feels he was not supposed to come back, and that the Speed Force is trying to draw him back in. Barry tells Hal that he will not attend the festivities in his honor, and runs off. When Barry was a child, his mother was murdered and his father was arrested for the crime, despite proclaiming his innocence. The evil super-speedster Savitar materializes out of the lightning symbol on Barry's chest. As soon as Barry catches Savitar, he receives some feedback from Savitar's energy and the villain crumbles into dust. At the same moment, all of the heroes connected to the Speed Force experience a sudden, painful discharge of energy.

Jordan quarantines Savitar's remains upon arrival, and Barry hurries home to talk to Wally about the deceased villain. In his eye, Barry sees a police car outside Wally's Aunt Iris' house and remembers the day they first met—the same day he gained his powers—after the trial of Sam Scudder. In a flashback it is revealed that even after the death of his father in prison, Barry continued investigating his mother's murder and hoped to prove his father's innocence. Barry arrives and meets with Captain Frye. Thanks to Wonder Woman and her government connections, the public believes that Barry has been in witness protection during the years he was missing. Barry receives a phone call from Wally and learns of the "speed seizures" the other super-speedsters have experienced.

Barry and Wally investigate a mysterious lightning storm in Fallville, Iowa, and discover the remains of the Black Flash. The pair are attacked by Lady Flash, but she disintegrates in the same fashion as Savitar as Barry touches her. Barry's costume begins to transform into that of the Black Flash. At the Justice Society's headquarters, Jesse Chambers is contemplating a statue of her parents, Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Her husband Rick Tyler confronts her, an explosion occurs in front of them, and an image of Johnny Quick materializes, begs Barry Allen not to hurt Jesse, then vanishes.

In Fallville, the Justice League, the Justice Society, and other heroes have built a containment chamber for Barry, whose personal energy field has become tainted with a black aura that burns through speed energy. The heroes plan to disconnect Barry from the Speed Force to save his life. Iris acts as Barry's "lightning rod" to prevent him from being reabsorbed into the Speed Force. After remembering their first date, Barry's energy field overloads and destroys the chamber. Green Lantern creates a new chamber with his ring and carries Barry away from the other Flashes. Barry breaks out, achieves a safe distance from the other speedsters, and begins to run. He plans to run back into the Speed Force to spare his friends and family. Despite Superman's attempt to stop him, Barry achieves the speed he needs to escape the material plane.

As Barry re-enters the Speed Force, he sees past events of his life in reverse, but begins to lose his memories and his individuality. With help from a mysterious voice, Barry regains his memories and fully enters the Speed Force. Barry discovers Max Mercury and Johnny Quick, who are imprisoned in the Speed Force. Johnny grabs Barry's wrist and pleads with him not to let the force hurt Jesse. Barry's energy kills Johnny. Before he and Max are pulled into a red area of the Speed Force, Max tells Barry that he is not responsible for the deaths of the speedsters. The true villain reveals himself: Professor Eobard "Zoom" Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, boasts that he has shifted Barry into reverse.

When Barry questions Zoom's return, the villain says that he will be resurrected in a near-future event—as Zoom's corpse is still buried in the present. As Zoom beats Barry and Max, he reveals that the red energy field is a "negative Speed Force" created by Thawne's kinetic energy, and is poisoning the normal Speed Force. Zoom reveals his plan: after Barry briefly returned to aid Kid Flash against Superboy-Prime during the ''Infinite Crisis'', Zoom sent a subliminal pulse into the Speed Force to draw back the remains of Barry's self-awareness, which led to Barry's reappearance during the ''Final Crisis''. Zoom then transformed himself into a new kind of speedster—the mysterious murderer seen at the beginning of the story—and created his negative Speed Force to contaminate Barry and the other heroic speedsters. Zoom fades away.

In Fallville, Wally decides to enter the Speed Force to retrieve his uncle. At the Wests' home, Irey wants to help save Barry. After an argument with her brother Jai, she runs downstairs and encounters the reappearing Zoom. At the Justice Society's headquarters, Hourman is tending to Jesse, who has been repeating her father's Speed Formula. As Wally ventures deeper into the Speed Force, Max tells Barry that it was Allen who created the speedsters' source of power. Barry unknowingly created the Speed Force using kinetic energy throughout his career. Zoom seizes Jay and Iris and begins to mainline the pair's distorted connections to the Speed Force. Linda calls for help, and Jay Garrick and Bart Allen attack him but Zoom overpowers them. In the Speed Force, Wally reaches Barry and Max. Max is unconvinced he can escape due to his lack of a "lightning rod". Barry convinces Max that he is like family to them, and the three begin to escape.

Jesse Chambers, now crackling with Speed Force energy, stops repeating the Speed Formula. As the heroic speedsters are recharged with energy, Barry, Wally, Jay, Max, and Bart charge towards Thawne and battle Zoom. Irey and Jai are painfully wracked with speed energy. Iris realizes that their powers are unstable because they have been sharing the same connection to the Speed Force. She absorbs her brother's speed energy into herself and passes out. Jesse Chambers arrives and revives Irey by reciting her Speed Formula. Jesse and Iris join the battle against Zoom, Irey now displays traditional super-speed. Wally uses his connection to the Speed Force to rejuvenate the speedsters and repair their suits: Barry, Jay, Max, and Bart retain their normal costumes, Wally gains a new version of the Flash uniform, Jesse wears a costume based on her father's, and Irey becomes the new Impulse.

Despite being outnumbered, Zoom remains confident and notes how the Speed Force affects the aging of the Flash family. He boasts of being responsible for all the tragedies of Barry's life, including the murder of his mother and the framing of his father. Zoom says that Barry's parents had been happy together in the original timeline. Thawne claims that his negative Speed Force gave him the ability to alter the past. Zoom begins to travel through time again, and announces his intention to kill Iris before her first date with Barry. By doing so, he hopes to wipe all memory of Iris from Barry's history. Barry and Wally chase after Thawne. Wally tells Barry to push hard to break the time barrier. They reach Thawne and become the lightning bolt that turns Barry into the Flash and stop Thawne from killing Iris. They chase Thawne, who to dissuade Wally, tells him that one of his children will make his life miserable in the future. Barry and Wally push Thawne back through time. Barry and Wally return to the present where the other superheroes have built a device for Thawne. Barry tosses Thawne into it and Jay activates the device, which severs Thawne's connection to the Negative Speed Force. Barry and Wally tie-up Thawne. Iris discovers Thawne's weapon in the past and keeps it. With the threat ended, everyone celebrates and welcomes back Barry and the speedsters.

Dr. Alchemy escapes from Iron Heights Penitentiary, where Hunter Zolomon talks to Thawne, hoping they can work together. In Gorilla City, an ape warns that Thawne has done something horrible to their jungles. In Central City Police Precinct, Barry closes the case on his mother's death and opts to take all the other cold cases. Elsewhere, the Rogues prepare to deal with Barry. Barry spends some time with Iris then goes to Washington to celebrate his return with the Justice League.

Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore

The film starts with a recreation of an overly glamorized 'Hollywood' vision of a girl losing her virginity. This is juxtaposed with high schooler Mary Jane (Lisa Gerstein) losing her virginity to Steve (Shane Kramer) which is shown to be uncomfortable and not at all glamorous. Mid-coitus, Jane requests that Steve stop, and she leaves to attend a party at the local cinema at which she works. She discusses her failed date with her fellow-employees, bisexual punk musician Ericka (Beth Allen), alcoholic Matt (Andrew DeAngelo), Ryan (Bwana Spoons), who collects smiley-face memorabilia, and her understanding homosexual boss Dave (Greg Cruikshank). It's revealed that the employees have a habit of secretly placing bets on the outcomes of people's relationships and sexual activity. At the end of the night, Jane swears off both relationships and sex.

The next day, Jane is put in charge of training new employee Tom (Chris Enright). Steve shows up to ask Jane out again, though she promptly rejects him. In the midst of work, Jane is making a video project where she interviews her friends about being residents of the fictitious country of Zamboni, where women have equal rights to men. Presenting the unedited project to her class, she's met with disapproval from her straitlaced classmates.

Jane's friends begin to open up to her about their often embarrassing first times. Her friend Grace (Marny Snyder Spoons) relates that she was raped when she was 15, and consensually lost her virginity with a friend a month later. Ericka recalls having sex in a basement, with her partner whispering 'olive juice' post-coitus. Ericka suggests that Jane try masturbating to discover what she likes. Tom invites Jane to a party, after which she masturbates for the first time. Discussing it with Ericka the next day, it's revealed that Matt was Ericka's first time.

Grace reveals to Jane and Ericka that she's five months pregnant, although it's soon revealed that Dave had already correctly guessed she was pregnant and placed a bet on it. That night, Tom and Jane have sex, which proves to be much more enjoyable than Jane's first time. The next morning, Jane is told that Matt's been fired for stealing from work, and that Dave will soon be leaving his job to renovate and run another theater. Matt decides to move to Alabama where he apparently has a girlfriend who can get him a job. Tom and Matt decide to go out for one final night of drinking together. The next day, Jane is told that Tom is in hospital after getting drunk and driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Before long, it's announced that Tom has died of his injuries.

After Tom's funeral, Dave leaves the theater and is replaced by an abrasive and disorganized manager. Before long, both Ryan and Jane decide to quit. After spending a day together, Jane confesses that she has romantic feelings for Ryan, who tells her that, while flattered, he doesn't have romantic feelings for her and wishes to remain friends.

The next year, having graduated high school, Jane moves to Boston and is a contributor to her friend's zine 'Olive Juice'. Grace reveals that a blood test showed Tom to be the biological father of her child, which she's decided to keep. Dave is running a new theater with his lover, Kurt (Miles Long). While meeting with Ryan at a restaurant, Jane runs into Steve, who doesn't recognize her. Jane sees that Steve is meeting with her friend Allison (Alicia Rose), who reveals that she reads 'Olive Juice'. Jane tells her that her first time with Steve was the basis for an article in the zine about an "awful thing that happened in the cemetery". After blowing off Steve, Allison is invited to come bowling with Jane and Ryan.

The Prince of the Pagodas

An Emperor must decide which of his two daughters should inherit the throne, and he chooses the evil older sister Belle Epine over the young and beautiful Belle Rose. Belle Rose is taken by magical flying frogs to Pagoda Land, and meets the Prince of Pagoda Land who is in the guise of a Salamander. Belle Rose and the Prince return to the land of her father and confront her evil sister, in the end driving her away.

The Night We Got the Bird

When unscrupulous Brighton antiques dealer Cecil Gibson (Ronald Shiner) dies in a road accident, his widow Julie (Dora Bryan) remarries, and her new husband Bertie (Brian Rix) was Cecil's innocent but naive business partner. One of their wedding presents, from an unknown source, is a mouthy South American parrot, which appears to be a reincarnated Cecil whose aim is to make married life difficult for Bertie. As Bertie and Julie go off on their honeymoon, they are chased by a gangster because of a fake antique bed that the late Cecil substituted for the real thing which he then sold for a profit.

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

'''Momohime's Story'''

Momohime's story begins after she wakes up in Kyo with memories of being killed by the dying Jinkuro when he was aiming for her betrothed, the samurai lord Yukinojo. Upon encountering the spirit of Jinkuro, he forcefully possesses her, but before the process of soul transference is finished, they are attacked. In the confusion, Momohime's soul is kidnapped by the vengeful monk Rankai and Jinkuro is forced to follow Kongiku as Momohime's body will die if her soul is harmed. With her soul safe, Jinkuro sets out to regain the Dark Resurrection Demon Blade so he can properly utilize his Soul Transference Technique and gain influence through a new host. Encountering Yukinojo, who is searching for Momohime, the two battle. Momohime forces Jinkuro to spare Yukinojo, even when she learns that Yukinojo's intentions in marrying her were part of a scheme to ruin her family as punishment for defying the ''shōgun''. Jinkuro goes to Yukinojo's compound to retrieve the Dark Resurrection, but the storehouse where it is said to be is absorbed into Hell by demons. Descending into Hell, Jinkuro's soul is briefly captured by a demon, and it is only with Momohime's help that he escapes and learns that the Dark Resurrection was never in the storehouse. With Momohime's body beginning to fail due to the strain Soul Transference put on it, Jinkuro attempts to ascent to Heaven so he can become an immortal demon, but is stopped by Raijin and Fujin.

While willing to accept his death and allow Momohime her remaining time in her body, Kongiku shows them another way to Heaven. There, Yukinojo appears and reveals that he had the Dark Resurrection all along. They are then attacked by Fudo-Myoou, who is there to deliver divine justice upon Jinkuro. In the first ending, Jinkuro allows himself to be sent to Hell while Momohime lives; she decides to forgo her marriage to Yukinojo and become a Buddhist nun in the hope of saving Jinkuro's soul through prayer. In the second ending, Momohime and Jinkuro are intercepted by Kisuke and Yuzuruha, resulting in Kongiku being robbed of her human form as punishment for her defiance. Though defeated, Kisuke delivers a fatal wound to Momohime, forcing Jinkuro to merge his soul with Momohime's to save her: this act leaves her an amnesiac but grants her Jinkuro's sword fighting abilities, which become legendary as she travels Japan in search of her missing memories. In the third ending, after the battle with Fudo-Myoou Jinkuro is transported to the night he first attacked Yukinojo and Momohime with the power of the Oboro Muramasa Demon Blade, which can defy the passage of fate. He chooses not to attack them, then later possesses Yukinojo's body and uses that position to ensure Momohime's safety and her family's security. Momohime herself lives to be one hundred years old and bears three children, while Kongiku remains close to Jinkuro in the guise of a servant.

'''Kisuke's Story'''

Kisuke's story begins with him suffering amnesia and on the run from his former ninja comrades. Returning to Edo to discover the truth in the company of Yuzuruha, he accidentally breaks an ancient seal keeping damned souls at bay. Defeating the monsters they manifest as, he learns from his mollified ninja companions and their employer Yukinojo that he was part of a mission to steal the Kuzuryu Demon Blade from Momohime's Nakurami Clan and punish them for defying the ''shōgun'' s order to surrender it, which in turn was tied in with Yukinojo's intentions in marrying Momohime. Yukinojo sends Kisuke against Torahime, Momohime's sister and the shrine maiden in charge of keeping the Kuzuryu's power in check. Pursuing her, Kisuke fights both Torahime and undead soldiers loyal to her family. In pursuit of her, he faces agents who are preserving the flow of magic energy to Mount Fuji, including a young Yamabushi. His battles awaken his memories: he was originally disguised as a servant in Torahime's household as part of Yukinojo's scheme to destroy her family, but fell in love with Torahime and attempted to betray his ninja comrades when stealing the Kuzuryu. Dying from his wounds, the spirit of Senju Oboroya, the creator of the Oboro Style that controls the Demon Blades, fused with Kisuke to save his life and pass on the Oboro Style to someone who would use it for good. The fusion triggered Kisuke's amnesia, but left him with the ability to wield Demon Blades without succumbing to their evil.

Rescuing Torahime from the spider demon Tsuchigumo, Kisuke learns that she died while fleeing from the ''shōgun'' s forces, and that her present life is a temporary gift from Amitābha. The two travel to Mount Fuji, where its native dragon god has gone berserk with rage after Japan's ley line energy is diverted to Edo, forcing a route into Heaven. The true culprit is the dark deity imprisoned in the Kuzuryu, the mad god Inugami. Upon being confronted, the possessed ''shōgun'' Tsunayoshi fatally wounds Torahime, who dies in Kisuke's arms: Kisuke then defeats Tsunayoshi and takes possession of the Kuzuryu. In the first ending, after the battle, Kisuke asks Amitābha to return the now-enlightened Torahime to life, then commits suicide as an act of defiance when his demand is refused. Torahime asks for her and Kisuke to be reincarnated so she can help him attain enlightenment. In the second ending, Kisuke arrives to find Tsunayoshi killed by the Jinkuro-possessed Momohime. Kisuke exorcises Jinkuro, and following Torahime's final request becomes Momohime's servant. The two then set out on a personal quest to locate all the Demon Blades causing conflict in Japan. In the third ending, after his battle, Kisuke is sent back in time to the day he first betrayed his employers through the Oboro Muramasa's power. His warning allows Torahime to foil the plot against her family, then Kisuke steals the Kuzuryu and sets off on a journey around the world to exhaust its power by striking down evil, promising to marry Torahime upon his return.

'''''Genroku Legends'''''

The ''Genroku Legends'' are split into four different stories directly inspired by Japanese folklore and set in the ''Muramasa'' universe.

In "Fishy Tales of the Nekomata", a domestic cat called Miike sees her family brought to ruin and all its members killed. Possessing the dying body of the family daughter Okoi and becoming a nekomata, she vows revenge against her family's killers, assassins employed by their rival Netsuzo Wakamiya. Despite succeeding, her rage remains unsated and she extends her wrath to the entire household. In the end, her tails are cut off by Jinkuro when he is hired to exorcise her: before being robbed of her powers, she curses Jinkuro with illness, setting the events of Momohime's story in motion. Now at peace, Miike spends time with an old priest and hosts moonlight dances with local cats and bakeneko. In the alternate ending, Miike becomes a ravenous demon whose rage is finally quelled by the old priest.

In "A Cause to Daikon For", a local farmer named Gonbe stirs up a revolt when the local ''daimyō'' raises the taxes to the point that his village is on the brink of ruin. Aided by the spirit of his deceased wife Otae, Gonbe fights through the ''daimyō'' s minions before killing him. After the fight, it is revealed that he has been relating his story to Enma, the King of Hell and, due to his actions, is condemned to be tormented there. Due to her love for him, Otae willingly joins Gonbe despite being a pure soul. However, due to the punishment demons being overworked and Gonbe complaining to Enma, he is banished with his comrades and Otae back to the living world, where they get a chance to live in peace under a new and kinder ''daimyō''. In the alternate ending, the entire sequence is said to have been illusions holding Gonbe's spirit captive around the ruins of the ''daimyō'' s castle. He, Otae and his comrades are freed by a traveling Yamabushi and ascend to heaven.

In "A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting", the Iga ninja Arashimaru infiltrates the house of the Okabe clan, where Arashimaru steals the sacred Spear of Bishamon and kills the leader of the Okabe clan. After learning that he was actually the leader's son, Arashimaru flees in disgust. Taking shelter in a shrine, Arashimaru accidentally breaks a mirror sacred to the Goddess Inaraki, who becomes a Shirohebi (white snake) that curses him to die in seven days. Heading to exact revenge on the Iga leader after besting his master Shiranui in combat, Arashimaru learns that his mission was orchestrated by So Xian, a Ming-era Chinese spy working to destabilize Japan's ruling classes who was indirectly responsible for the taking of the young Kisuke from his family. Arashimaru kills So Xian and escapes his lair with Shiranui's aid, then goes peacefully to his death after asking the saddened Shirohebi to give his head and Spear of Bishamon to his brother Dengoro so he can restore the Okabe house. Arashimaru's head is given proper burial at the Shirohebi's insistence, and Arashimaru's spirit is deified due to the grave becoming a prayer site for pilgrims. In the alternate ending, Arashimaru is possessed by So Xian's spirit, who enslaves Shirohebi and takes on the name "Orochimaru". In a desperate act of defiance, Shirohebi has Shiranui spirit away the Okabe clan's last surviving heir during Orochimaru's attack who, when grown, takes on the name "Jiraiya" to fight Orochimaru.

In "Hell's Where the Heart Is", an Oni girl named Rajyaki, daughter of Enma, is journeying to recover the treasures of the Seven Gods of Fortune that she lost. On her journey, a womanizing ex-monk called Seikichi accidentally proposes to her and she accepts him as her husband. In the end, Seikichi saves her after a grueling battle by feeding her the sacred peach of Fukurokuju. Due to this, she is banished from Hell by her father. In one ending, the Seven Gods of Fortune persuade Rajyaki to return to her father, while Seikichi moves to live a proper life. In the end, Rajyaki returns in human form and formalizes their marriage, which continues after Seikichi dies and goes to Hell. In the alternate ending, Rajyaki and Seikichi run into each other again when she is being hunted by samurai. Seikichi saves her, pretending he killed her and using that to establish himself as a samurai. Rajyaki takes the guise of his human wife, and they have five children who bear their mother's demonic horns. The ''Genroku Legends'' conclude with the narrator detailing the locations of the Seven Gods' treasures scattered through the stories, and thanking the player for locating them and calming Enma so his demons could return to Hell.

Rock Odyssey

The story of a mysterious female teen idol named Laura, who embarks on a journey to find her true love. The movie's soundtrack is set to four decades of classic rock. Scatman Crothers provides the voice of a living jukebox who narrates the story.

Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus

The main character is Elvira's boyfriend, whose mission is to save Elvira, captured by the demon Cerberus who wants to use her magical power for his own aims. The player seeks Elvira in a horror movie studio where the props and movie sets have turned into actual monstrosities, apparently as a result of building the studio on haunted grounds.

Pride & Joy (comics)

In the first issue of "Pride & Joy," a group of youths unite to fight against their parents, who they then learn are known as "The Pride," a band of villains. At the end of the issue, the youths witness the murder of a girl at the hands of their parents. In the middle of the night, they run away from home and attempt to bring their parents to justice. In the process, the youths realize that they are all inheriting special abilities: Nico Minoru learns she is a witch; Karolina Dean finds out she is an alien; Chase Stein steals his father's futuristic gauntlets, "the Fistigons"; Gertrude Yorkes discovers that she has a telepathic link to a dinosaur hidden by her time-traveling parents; Molly Hayes discovers she is a mutant with super strength; and Alex Wilder, though having no supernatural powers, possesses a prodigal intellect and steals the mystical text that contains The Pride's secrets, becoming the leader of the group. Using the book that contains The Pride's secrets, the youth agree amongst themselves to make up for their parent's sins by fighting crime.

Once The Pride realizes its offspring have disappeared, it begins to use its considerable influence to track down their sons and daughters. "Pride & Joy" sets ''Runaways'' for its main concept of the series, which involves children versus their parents.

The Wedding Night

New York novelist Tony Barrett (Gary Cooper) and his wife Dora (Helen Vinson) have accumulated serious debts as a result of their fast and affluent lifestyle in the big city. When Tony approaches his publisher expecting an advance on his newest novel, he is told that success has gone to his head and the novel is unpublishable. With few options available, Tony and Dora move to his family's run-down farm in Connecticut, where they meet his neighbors: a Polish farmer, Jan Novak (Sig Ruman), and his beautiful daughter, Manya (Anna Sten). Looking to expand his own property, Mr. Novak offers Tony $5,000 for a field bordering the Novak farm, and the author eagerly accepts. With their finances replenished, Dora returns to New York, leaving Tony at the farm, where he intends to write a new novel inspired by the Novaks and their friends.

Sometime later, Tony and Manya are at his house discussing her betrothal to Fredrik (Ralph Bellamy), the young man chosen by her father to be her husband. A drunken Tony tells Manya that she is not in love with the young man, and makes suggestive remarks that anger her. The following day, Tony apologizes to Manya and the two begin a close friendship. After Tony's servant leaves to return to New York, Manya begins spending more time at Tony's farm and the two fall in love, just like the characters in his new novel, Stephen and Sonya. Fredrik soon learns that Manya has been seeing Tony at his farm, and he and her father forbid her from seeing Tony again. Ignoring their orders, Manya continues to spend time with the novelist at his house. One evening, a snow storm prevents Manya from returning home. The next morning, Mr. Novak angrily confronts Tony at his farm. Later, he demands that Manya marry Fredrik the following Monday. When Manya tells him that she will not spend her life being an unpaid servant like her mother, Novak slaps her.

Later that day, Dora arrives back at the farm, telling her husband that she missed him terribly during their separation. Dora hears stories about the previous night, and hopes that they mean nothing. When she reads his new manuscript, however, she suspects that the love affair between the characters of Stephen and Sonya reflect her husband's own feelings for Manya. On the night before her wedding, Manya goes to see Tony, but finds Dora instead. The two speak about Tony's new novel and how it will end—both realizing that they are really speaking about their own lives. Dora tells Manya that she is sure that Stephen's wife will not give up her husband, but that she would feel sorry for Sonya. Manya tells her about the upcoming wedding, and then leaves.

When Tony returns home, he asks Dora for a divorce, but she refuses, telling him that his novel should end with Sonya marrying her Polish fiancé. The next day, after learning that Manya and Fredrik are getting married, Tony goes to the wedding party and dances with Manya. Later, a drunken Fredrik, angered by his fiancé's lack of passion and interest on their wedding night, storms out of their bedroom and goes to Tony's house to confront the man he suspects is to blame. Manya follows him to Tony's house, where she attempts to stop Fredrik from fighting with Tony on the stairs. During the struggle, Manya falls down the stairs and is seriously injured. Tony carries her to the parlor, where he tells her he loves her, just before she dies. Later, Dora tells Tony that he can now see Manya privately. Gazing out the window, Tony tells her about how full of life Manya was and imagines that she is waving to him.

Il nano e la strega

A tyrannical King - Charles the Impotent - has taken over the Kingdom. During Charles's terrible reign; Master Limpcock is having a difficult sex life with his wife, Erotica. Erotica suggests a potion to Limpcock to cure his erectile dysfunction. She is soon left alone, and invites a young servant man to have sex with her. The two are being watched through the keyhole by Little Dick (the "King Dick" of the title), a young servant dwarf, who has been instructed by Limpcock to send a message to Nymphomania, a sexually-inadequate witch, who concocts a spell that will hopefully make herself beautiful again.

Nymphomania's Crystal Ball comes to terms of helping her to regain her beauty, only if she receives sixty-nine orgasms during sexual intercourse. She decides to test this out on Little Dick when he arrives, and is accompanied by Aphrodisiac, a wisecracking talking red frog (initially used as one of Nymphomania's ingredients), who helps her to keep track of the number of orgasms she receives each time she has sex. Once Little Dick is knocked out; Nymphomania transforms into a beautiful woman, but returns to her original form, as she has not received enough orgasms to fully break the spell.

She goes to see Master Limpcock, and makes a deal that she can help cure his impotence, but only on one condition: that she keeps Little Dick all for herself. Limpcock agrees, and the well-endowed dwarf - attempting to escape from Nymphomania's clutches, and also from the equally desperate Erotica - successfully escapes, but runs into trouble with some coachmen. He soon finds a job as a stablehand at the town's circus, cleaning an elephant, who frequently flatulates and defecates on people. Little Dick soon starts to miss Nymphomania, as he would rather be with her than be at the circus.

Meanwhile, after a few failed attempts; Aphrodisiac manages to get the Crystal Ball to signal again by consuming some fireflies, and he helps Nymphomania and Little Dick to reunite, whilst also curing the King's impotence. She also casts acrobatic spells on Little Dick, which causes him to grow erections that reach extreme lengths. This amazes the circus crowd, and an obese female circus participant - Miss Lulu Lashers, a tightrope walker - runs after the little dwarf, so she can have sex with him. To prevent this from happening; Nymphomania races to rescue Little Dick, followed by Aphrodisiac with the Crystal Ball.

She reunites with Little Dick, and successfully has more sexual intercourse with him. Like last time; she turns into a beautiful woman for a short period of time, unbeknownst by Little Dick, due to being unconscious from the exhaustion of having rough sex with her. The crowd - appalled by Nymphomania's ugliness - boo away the witch, before Lulu the obese tightrope-walker soon causes the whole circus to collapse. Nymphomania then tries to catch Little Dick - who had just started to escape from the circus - for more sex. They arrive at a cemetery, and Little Dick falls into a large tomb.

He then has a nightmare about him being led to a grand hall where an orgy session has been held, with Limpcock and Erotica being among the people attending. He later arrives at an olympics stadium where a race has been held. He unintentionally races, finishes first, and is rewarded. The prize-giver is later revealed to be Nymphomania, who leads the dwarf to the dungeon to have more intercourse. He starts having nasty thoughts about being surrounded by multiple Nymphomanias, and then encounters a snake charmer, who extends Little Dick's penis, which gets run over by a gladiator cart.

Little Dick then wakes up, and - once again - finds himself having more sexual intercourse with Nymphomania before escaping from her again. He then finds himself in a forest where he encounters the legendary Robin Hood and his Merry Men, who rescue him from a wild boar, which they eat during a camping evening. During that evening; Robin Hood tells him about Charles the Impotent, who instructed Fartface - a villainous witch - to murder Robin Hood's brother-in-law King Richard (Big Dick) and his son Friday the 13th to end the Royal Line, so that Charles can become King of England.

Robin Hood decides to start a revolution against the tyrannical King, he hasn't a bell to sound the alarm, so he insists that Little Dick steals one from the church, The Holy Passion. Little Dick disguises as a little girl to confess sins, and is led to a school of nuns. Aphrodisiac hears all of this, and informs Nymphomania, who soon spots the dwarf, and sneaks into the church cellar, through a dungeon, and into a workshop where two Blacksmiths invented a special chastity belt, which they decide to test on Nymphomania when she immediately arrives. Nymphomania spots Little Dick being treated by the Mother Superior (head of the nuns), who - now aware of the dwarf's disguise - stiffens Little Dick's penis using a formula, Nymphomania successfully breaks off the chastity belt when she and Little Dick continue to have sex.

Nymphomania, Aphrodisiac and Little Dick escape, and they ring the bells of the church, much to the delight of Robin Hood and the Merry Men, who celebrate with a feast, and decide to hold the Revolution till the following day. Little Dick escapes Nymphomania; he joins the celebration, gets drunk, and has more intercourse with her once she catches up.

The day of the revolution against Charles arrives, and Robin Hood becomes startled when he hears that Charles has declared a law against fornication. The famous outlaw forms a mob. Meanwhile, after escaping (this time, unintentionally) yet again from Nymphomania; he crashes into Master Limpcock's castle. Limpcock - much obliged to see Little Dick - congratulates the young dwarf for helping to cure his impotence, and reveals the note he had to send to Nymphomania earlier own. He explains that now Little Dick has reaches twenty years old; he is now an eligible heir to the thrown, and that Nymphomania is the daughter of FartFace, who was cursed by an evil wizard.

Robin Hood and the Merry Men defeat Charles, and discover that Little Dick is part of the Royal Line through the birthmark on his left buttock, which was exposed when he and Nymphomania were having sex in a nearby stable.

Nymphomania eventually reaches her sixty-ninth orgasm, she transforms into her beautiful form again - this time - without changing back, and Little Dick becomes a handsome prince. The two lovers get married, but on their wedding night; they learn that Prince Dick has now been given the same erectile dysfunction predicament as Master Limpcock. Nymphomania's Crystal Ball rectifies this, but explains that they must sacrifice their beauty, and return to their original forms. They agree, and - being much more accepting of each-other's appearances - have a much more positive sex life. They live happily ever after and have many well-endowed children.

Lipgloss (TV series)

Season 1

Season 1 kicks off with best friends Abby and Meg competing for Jake. He is in love with Meg, but is dating Abby. Jake chooses Meg and ends his relationship with Abby.

The whole cast is introduced. Julivee is new in Linden and becomes best friends with Louise, who is a popular ice skater. They then meet siblings Ziggy and Edge Borja. Steph is introduced as the meanest girl in school. Maui is Jake's friend. Jiggo is Jake's half-brother. Ziggy gets hit by a car and dies. Kyle mourns over her death. We learn that Kyle is the administrator of the site Lipgloss. Kyle is never to be seen again in the series.

Season 2

Season Two is filled with love-related conflicts. Jake and Abby are together again, but their parents don't approve so they decide to live on their own. Meg and Edge break up because Sarah, Edge's ex-girlfriend returns to woo him back. Meg finds a new boyfriend in actor Nikko Lopez. Julivee develops a crush on Caloy, their driver's son. Caloy's best friend, Poknat, joins in on the fun and provides comic relief. Jose Mari is introduced as Julivee's would-be husband. However, Jose Mari turns out to be gay and gets closer with Caloy instead. Louise gets into a relationship with her middle-aged school professor, Mr. Aldrich Quinto.

Season 3

Abby and Jake break up because of Jake's boss Camille who steals him from her. Meg to the hands of his bodyguard Santi, who develops feelings for her. Maui falls for Carla who is also courted by Poknat. Louise and Aldrich break up because Aldrich returns to his ex-fiancée Rose. Introducing in the mid-season is Camille and Rose's brother Brent who wants Louise. Meanwhile, it is Edge and Louise who end up together. Julivee meets Brazilian Patrice whom they use to make Jose Mari a boy again.

A devastating accident kills two main characters — Maui and Meg.

Season 4

The fourth and final season shows the senior year of the students at Linden, including repeater Abby Rickson, who has finally moved on from Jake and Camille. Brent starts courting Louise, but finds competition in his long-time best friend, Chip, to whom he owes a big debt. Julivee gets jealous over Janna, a girl who Caloy meets. Carla tries to move on from Maui. Edge meets a beautiful princess, Ava, whom he falls for.

The finale shows the love teams ending up with each other: Abby and Jake, Louise and Brent, Ava and Edge.

Porridge (film)

Life moves by at HM Slade Prison on a day-to-day basis, with the usual antics of the various inmates becoming usual form. The newly-arrived and violent armed robber, Oakes (Barrie Rutter) approaches the Prison's 'Mr Big', (Genial) Harry Grout (Peter Vaughan), and using a cut from his last job before being caught, asks for his escape to be arranged. Grout sets the price, then begins making arrangements.

Grout starts by forcing Fletcher (Ronnie Barker) to persuade the prison Governor to allow an inmates-versus-celebrities football match, to boost prisoner morale and 'put Slade on the map'. Fletcher successfully manipulates new prison officer Mr Beale (Christopher Godwin) to make the suggestion to Senior Officer Mr Mackay (Fulton Mackay), who approaches the governor and is approved, although all three claim the idea was theirs alone. Fletcher then becomes the prison team's manager and Grout next insists that Oakes be on the team.

The celebrity team arrive in a coach. The prisoners are notably underwhelmed when it is explained that their hopes for one of The Goodies on the team have not been met, the nearest they have to a famous face being a weather presenter from Anglia Television (Duncan Preston). During the match, Oakes feigns an injury and is taken to the changing rooms where he meets the coach driver, revealed as an accomplice. They exchange clothes and Oakes ties the coach driver up to throw off any suspicion. Shortly afterwards, Godber (Richard Beckinsale) is concussed on the field so Fletcher takes him to the changing rooms, where he sees the ruse unfolding. Taking no chances, Oakes, now disguised as the coach driver, forces Fletcher and a dazed Godber into the coach's luggage compartment at gunpoint then drives out of the prison under the guise of topping up the fuel.

Further into the country, Oakes meets further accomplices and they drive Fletcher and Godber away in another vehicle. Meanwhile, the prison officers have discovered the escape and the police and the Home Office are informed, both searching for the coach, though the prison officers' attempt to help isn't well met with police, as no one can explain how they let three inmates drive out of the gates. Fletcher tells Oakes that they don't want to escape as he and Godber only have a short time left to serve, and that they won't tell anyone about Oakes plan because it's 'Them and Us'.

Oakes relents and releases them and they find a barn to hide in and catch their breath. They help themselves to some apples. Fletcher explains to Godber that there is no possible way that being caught outside ends well for them, as any policeman they approach will claim the find for himself. Furthermore, he realises that once the Governor, Mackay and Beale start passing the idea of the match back down the line, it'll end up with Fletcher looking like the responsible one and he'll serve more time, meaning the only solution is to break back into prison.

Making their way through fields and villages, they steal a sexton's bicycle, and manage to sneak back into the coach just as the police let the prison officers take it back to the prison. Once inside the prison walls, both convicts slip out of the coach and smuggle themselves into the prison officers' club storeroom, where Fletcher quickly consumes several bottles of alcohol to become inebriated enough to make their story pass: they stumbled on Oakes tying up the bus driver and he forced them down the delivery hatch, where they claim to have been since.

The story is believed by all, and life seems to return to normal. As the other inmates question Fletcher on what really happened, Grouty subtly tells him that he will be rewarded for his efforts and keeping his mouth shut. Later in their cell, Godber laments that Oakes got away, though Fletcher assures him that it won't matter: Oakes will hate being on the run. Fletcher reminds Godber that in a few months, he'll leave prison as well: the difference being he'll be free and clear.

Mr Mackay visits them and tells them that, while the Governor believes they have been locked in the storeroom all day, it doesn't explain the mysterious UFO Sightings in the village (Unidentified Fleeing Objects), and the various happenings they created on their journey. Realising he will never be believed, Mackay tells them that he will always be watching, and that his day will come. Fletcher and Godber cheekily munch on the stolen apples.

Morelia (TV series)

The story begins when the man who Morelia thinks is her father dies without revealing the secret of her true origin. A landowner in her hometown, Michoacán, harasses her and she is forced to run away. She arrives in Miami, where she has no choice but to work in a nightclub. During her first day at work, an insolent customer, Le Blanc goes too far with her. Morelia slaps him, and he accuses her of stealing his wallet after that.

Thanks to Carlos Montero, a lazy lawyer, she avoids going to jail, however she loses her job. Thus, Morelia begins to work as a maid at the Campos Miranda's residence, where she meets the oldest son, Jose Enrique. They fall in love, but their romance will be opposed by many.

A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur

Set in St. Louis in the mid-1930s, the play focuses on four women struggling for a sense of identity and independence. Dorothea, a deluded Blanche DuBois-like middle-aged civics teacher at the local high school, fantasizes her cad of a beau, school principal T. Ralph Ellis, is really Prince Charming after allowing him to seduce her in the back seat of his car. Her slovenly but good-hearted hard-of-hearing roommate Bodey unrelentingly urges Dottie to strike up a relationship with her portly, fashion-challenged, cigar-chomping twin brother Buddy (who never is seen onstage). Sophie Gluck, a German immigrant manic-depressive mourning the loss of her beloved mother, is another tenant in the building, and Helena is Dottie's upscale and haughty friend and colleague.

Dorothea is planning to leave the crowded, tacky efficiency apartment she shares with Bodey and move in with Helena in order to have a larger and nicer place in which she can entertain the man she believes intends to marry her. Helena arrives to get a check from Dorothea to cover her share of the first month's rent. Dorothea is scheduled to join Bodey and Buddy for their weekly Sunday picnic in Creve Coeur Park, a short trolley car ride away, but she delays her departure, certain Mr. Ellis is going to call. Unbeknownst to her, his engagement to another woman has been announced in the society section of the morning newspaper, which Bodey, anticipating her reaction, has managed to conceal from her. Helena cruelly reveals the news, leaving Dorothea devastated and no longer interested in moving to a more expensive apartment she no longer needs and can't afford. Angered by the sudden change in plans, Helena tells Dorothea she's on a social and cultural level with Bodey and Buddy, and therefore undeserving of her friendship, and stalks out. Dorothea, realizing the unappealing Buddy may be her only chance for love, rushes off to catch him and his sister at the trolley stop.

War Heroes (comics)

Set in an alternate timeline during the coalition wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the detonation of a nuclear bomb in Washington D.C. prompts the United States administration to expand the coalition War on Terror to include Iran, as well as institute martial law in the United States. As American casualties increase, morale and public support declines with the economy, reducing America's standing in the world. Lacking the necessary recruits, the US Military boosts enlistment by distributing pills to its soldiers which confer upon them various superpowers, tipping the scale in the war.

The story focus on a group of disenchanted American con artists, who enlist in the military to steal the pills and sell them to foreign investors at $10 million before planning to desert. Initially, however, the con artists had no knowledge of the identity of their clients that they were to sell to until it was revealed to be the terrorist organization, Al-Qaeda. When one of the con artists' brother (a war hero) is taken prisoner in an attack by a super-powered member of Al-Qaeda, the con artists set about rescuing him from a public execution.

B.B. (manga)

One night after leaving a club where he was playing trumpet Ryō Takagi is jumped by a motorcycle gang. The scuffle spills out into the streets and causes a traffic accident. Ryō eventually gives up his musical career and joins the world of underground boxing as he struggles to overcome his "burning blood" and the anger that easily overtakes him.

The Third Option

Mitch Rapp is sent on a highly sensitive mission in northern Germany to assassinate Count Heinrich Hagenmiller V, a powerful arms dealer who has been selling weapons to Saddam Hussein and other enemies of the United States. Rapp successfully slays Hagenmiller, only to be betrayed by his mission companions "Jane and Tom Hoffman", who attempt to kill Rapp by shooting him twice in the chest, not knowing his jacket was lined with kevlar which absorbed the rounds and knocked him down. Jane (the one that shot him) quickly stages the scene to implicate Rapp and then flees the location with Tom. A shocked Rapp eventually awakes. As a result of his fall, a gash in his head has left a small pool of his blood on the floor. Not wanting to leave the forensic evidence behind, he sets the room on fire and quickly escapes.

Back in Washington, D.C., the situation in Germany quickly becomes known to politicians and officials, with a few trying to use the situation to their own advantage. Democratic Congressman Albert Rudin is not fooled by the CIA's denial of involvement, and argues that it is further proof that the CIA is bad for America and the world, and should be shut down. Henry "Hank" Clark, who is a corrupt, ambitious, and calculating Republican U.S. senator with his eye on the Presidency, is the one that ordered the hit on Rapp, hoping that his dead body would embarrass President Robert Xavier Hayes, and ruin the career of CTC Director, Dr. Irene Kennedy. Clark, along with Rudin and Secretary of State Charles Middleton, are in an alliance to stop Dr. Kennedy from succeeding the dying Thomas Stansfield as Director. Unbeknownst to Rudin and Middleton, Clark dispatches a group of contract killers led by "Professor" Peter Cameron, to initiate a widespread blood-purge that will eliminate any person that can leave a paper trail back to him.

Rapp hides in France and gathers his thoughts. He believes it is possible that his boss, Dr. Irene Kennedy, the Director of the Counter Terrorism Center and "friend", ordered the Hoffmans to assassinate him in order to cover the situation up. Rapp eventually returns to Washington and confronts her and her boss, the CIA Director, Thomas Stansfield at his house. Also found in the room was retired SEAL Team Six Commander, Scott Coleman. With gun drawn, Rapp demands answers; after a brief discourse between him and his bosses, Rapp comes to realize that they had nothing to do with the attempt on his life.

Rapp learns that many of his colleagues are being killed and that his girlfriend Anna Rielly has been kidnapped by the assassins. They kidnapped her in order to set a death trap for Rapp. The Hoffmans, (AKA The Jansens) are assassinated outside their home by Cameron. Rapp, along with Coleman and a few other agents, eventually rescue Anna, killing all of Cameron's men in the process. Cameron, who was talking to one of his men on the phone while the assault was executed, quickly learns that all has failed. Rapp contacts Cameron and pledges to kill him unless he confesses the identity of his employer. Cameron refuses to answer and quickly makes plans to leave the country. However, only moments before Rapp reaches Cameron, he is killed by an Italian assassin named Donatella Rahn, who was hired by Clark.

The president soon learns about the coup d'état against him, and summons two of the main movers of the conspiracy, Rudin and Middleton. The president lambastes them in two separate meetings for betraying their party. He then demands them to tell him everything they know, so he may find out who ordered the hit on Rapp. Both of the men do not give the president any useful answers. Rudin is left without power within the Democratic Congressional caucus and Middleton is told he will be fired as Secretary of State. Shortly afterward Middleton is found dead in his apartment, ruled a suicide. It was Clark that ordered the hit, but pretends to know nothing about it, even to his close friend Jonathan Brown, the Deputy Director of the CIA who hates both Stansfield and Dr. Kennedy. Clark announces to a shocked Brown that he is backing Dr. Kennedy's nomination, but assures him that Kennedy "will never make it through the confirmation process".

Category:2000 American novels Category:Thriller novels Category:Novels by Vince Flynn

Finding Rin Tin Tin

The film tells the story of the original Rin Tin Tin, the legendary German Shepherd, found shortly before the end of World War I by American serviceman Lee Duncan as a shell-shocked puppy in Lorraine, France. The dog was taken to America and became the hero of several films made in the 1920s and 1930s.

The Story of Egmo

The protagonist, 'Egmo', is an ill-fated anti hero whose many eccentricities put him firmly out of step with the world and everyone in it. When he unearths the global domination plans of local would-be-criminal-mastermind Krapodkin he sets out on a fantastical mission to restore relative normality.

Baby Love (1968 film)

Luci Thompson is a 15 year old school girl whose mother Liz, suffering from cancer, commits suicide. She goes to live with Robert Quayle, a childhood friend of Liz's, who is married to Amy and has a son, Nick. Luci’s arrival causes sexual and psychological tensions to surface, bringing the family close to destruction.

Welcome 2 Ibiza

Lauren (Athena Cansino), a young woman from America, learns that her Uncle Sam (director David Winters) has been missing at sea, and that as a result she inherits his beach bar on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza. When she arrives, she meets Angelito, a young handsome artist. They go to the bar, only to find it in terrible shape.

Depressed, Lauren returns to town where she meets two more Americans, (Beth and Marilyn) and Crazy Larry. Beth was currently working in a bar, and Marilyn, is a passionate young dancer who was fired after an altercation with a group of drunk buffoons. Crazy Larry, a wacky British DJ was also recently fired for accidentally throwing up on his boss.

Together, the four decide to renovate the bar and get the business running again. Meanwhile, Beth's ex, Nick, has come from the United States to try to get back together with her. They later discover that Angelito's father is being held captive by Cortez, a local gangster (Busey).

Necessary Heartbreak

Michael Stewart is a single dad in modern-day New York struggling to raise his feisty 13-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. Feeling beaten down by life, he shuts out new relationships but fate, or perhaps something more divine, has other plans. When they stumble upon a root-cellar door in a church basement, they discover a portal leading back to first-century Jerusalem during the tumultuous last week of Christ’s life. There they encounter Leah, a grieving widow, and a menacing soldier, determined to take Elizabeth as his own.

Trapped in the past - both literally and figuratively - Michael comes face to face with some of his most limiting beliefs, and realizes he must open himself up to the possibility of a deeper faith in God, people, himself, and love if he is to find his way home.

Abraham's Valley

Set in mid-20th century Portugal, in the vicinity of Lamego, Ema is a beautiful young girl who is married off to Carlos, an older doctor and friend of her father's. Dissatisfied, she takes several lovers.

TASS Is Authorized to Declare...

''Trianon'' (Boris Klyuyev), a willing mole agent for the Americans, is providing his CIA handlers in Moscow with information on Soviet supplies to the fictional African state of Nagonia which he obtains through his high-positioned expert job. The KGB counterintelligence painstakingly identifies and neutralizes him. Trianon kills his fiancee who raised suspicions on his double life and then attempts to commit suicide when arrested, but the KGB secures his apprehension and interrogation.

At the same time in Nagonia, Soviet counterintelligence agent ''Slavin'' (Yuri Solomin) risks his life assisting in identification of ''Trianon'' and preventing local CIA resident ''Glabb'' (Vakhtang Kikabidze) from staging a coup d'etat in the country by pro-American General Ogano against ruling progressive president Grisso. Several foreign whistleblowers providing Slavin with information are killed by Glabb's order.

As the result of successful KGB operation, the TASS state news agency issues a sensational news bulletin exposing the CIA plot.

Ultimo (manga)

Pilot chapter

Ultimo and Vice were created in feudal Japan to be "perfect good" and "perfect evil" as Dr. Dunstan's "last curse upon this world." A thousand years later, a monster wearing a Noh mask wreaks havoc in Farmless City of West Tokyo, while the S.K.A.T. Police unit cannot stop it. Ultimo plunges in to destroy the monster, explaining that the creature is about to show its true form, Vice, Ultimo's evil counterpart. The mechanical boys end their fight both badly damaged, and the movement of select groups around Japan begins.


Yamato Agari is a 21st-century reincarnation of a bandit from the Heian period. As in the past, Yamato meets the "Karakuri Dôji", mechanical boys, that transform his otherwise normal life into a battle of good versus evil. Immediately after Yamato meets the dôji Ultimo, another one called Vice appears, and he barely escapes from their fight. Now acquainted with Ultimo, Yamato is confronted by many other dôji, both evil and good.

Yamato's fights become increasingly dangerous as the fifteen prominent dôji meet on the day of the "Hundred Machine Funeral," the last day of the world as we know it. With imminent destruction at hand, Yamato uses Ultimo's ability to bring the world back to the day he first meets the dôji. In order to avoid the catastrophe from repeating itself, Yamato plans to learn for himself the meanings of "good and evil" by meeting each of the dôji himself.

Dunstan later reveals that the Hundred Machine Funeral isn't a fight to the death, which most of the doji believed; they are instead supposed to try winning a Good/Evil doji over to their side within a time limit. The side that has the most doji on it at the end of the time limit is the winner. Observing the contest for Dunstan is his own daughter.

Sin and Punishment

''Sin and Punishment'' is set in a dystopian (then) near future of 2007, ([ Original interview in Japanese] and [ ''Silconera'' s Translation] ) when humanity is struggling with a planet-wide famine. To solve this problem, scientists develop a new genetically-engineered species to raise as food. These creatures are herded in northern Japan until they mutate and begin attacking the country's citizens. They are dubbed "Ruffians". An international peacekeeping organization called the Armed Volunteers tries to stop the creatures, but they also oppress the Japanese people. Another group, led by a mysterious woman with unusual powers named Achi, rises up to defend Japan against the Ruffians and Armed Volunteers. Within her group are Saki and Airan, the protagonists of the game. Between battles with the Ruffians and Armed Volunteers, Saki unintentionally morphs into an enormous Ruffian after falling into a rising tide of blood filling up Tokyo. To bring Saki back to normal, Achi tells Airan that she will need to shoot Saki, but Airan refuses to do this. In response, Achi places Airan into a dream sequence, set ten years in the future in New York City. Here she meets her future son she shares with Saki, and sees a Ruffian Saki rampaging through the city. The dream ends with her shooting Saki, and then waking up to realize that Achi manipulated her into doing the same thing in the present.

Achi reveals that she is not from Earth, and that the war between the Ruffians and the Armed Volunteers was her ploy to groom Saki into an ultimate warrior to use in a cosmic battle with extraterrestrial beings. She also reveals that Saki would help her rule the new Earth she is about to create. Achi creates a new Earth and begins attacking the current Earth. Saki, now in a part-human, part-Ruffian state, combines with Airan to revert to his full-Ruffian form while maintaining self-control. Saki and Airan successfully destroy the new Earth and send Achi drifting into space.

After the battle, Saki and Airan revert to their human forms and descend back into Japan, which the battle with Achi has left in ruins. Airan questions what she and Saki will now do, after which they decide to take on the rest of the Ruffians on together. They change back into Saki's Ruffian form and head towards Honshu. Meanwhile, as Achi drifts in space, she notes that with Brad and Saki lost as potential warriors, she can't hope to win against her enemies, but mentions Saki and Airan's future son Isa, who will inherit the former's blood. Seemingly viewing Isa as another candidate, she says that the time for the enemy to call themselves gods is "coming to an end."

Never Say Goodbye (1956 film)

Dr. Mike Parker departs California to speak at a conference in New York. A widower, he and daughter Suzy have a deal with each other to never actually say goodbye. She remains behind with Miss Tucker, her governess.

While Mike is having a drink after the conference, a caricature artist, Victor, comes to Mike's table along with a woman who plays piano at the nightclub, Dorian Kent. To their mutual shock, Mike recognizes Dorian as his late wife, Lisa. Dorian flees into the street, where she is hit by a car.

While he waits for her injuries to heal, Mike recalls how they met in Vienna, Austria in 1945, when Mike was a US Army doctor. At that time, Lisa and Victor also had an act together as entertainers. Mike treated her for a sprained ankle and ended up marrying Lisa, who gave birth to Suzy. A jealous Mike, however, continually suspected Lisa of having an affair with Victor, and when she went to the Russian sector of the city to seek advice from her father, Lisa became trapped there when the border was temporarily closed and was never seen or heard from again.

Unwilling to renew their marriage but eager to see Suzy again, a recovered Lisa agrees to accompany Mike back to his home. The little girl misunderstands, however, believing her father is bringing home a new wife. She becomes hysterical. Later, she takes a dislike to Lisa and refuses to believe any suggestion that this is her real mother.

Victor visits and charms Suzy with his drawings. Mike gets an inspiration that Suzy should describe to the artist whatever memories she has of what her mother looked like. Lisa is about to leave when Suzy, having seen Victor's sketch, realizes who she is and calls out to Lisa to come back.

My Love, My Bride (1990 film)

Young-min works for a publishing company after his graduation upon a college, as dreaming of becoming a writer some day. He marries his college sweetheart, Mi-young, believing that their love would be everlasting.

Sunshine (British TV series)

Bob 'Bing' Crosby, played by actor Steve Coogan, has always been popular with friends and others around his area but he has a gambling problem, meaning he cannot resist the temptation to bet on horse races.

Bernadette (Lisa Millett) is Bob's childhood friend who became his lover and is now the mother of their son Joe, played by actor Dominic Senior. While she has often been angered by her husband's casual gambling habits, she has always forgiven him. When Bob bets more money and the stakes are raised, he could lose everything, including the wife and son he loves.

At the end of the first episode, he bets his family's Disneyland fund on a 'dead cert' and loses it all. Bernadette kicks him out of the house, and he goes to sleep in the box room at his father's house.

Bernadette and Joe move to a flat to the reduced living costs - they are unable to afford a house because of Bing's absence. Joe begins to save up to buy his father a television.

However, Bing steals this money to gamble. He returns home, and is confronted by his father. Bing reveals that he was unable to do it and returns the money. He admits that he has a gambling problem.

Waking Up the Nation

The documentary tells the story of a group of Australian human rights activists, who travel on an old bus, the Freedom Bus, to visit asylum seekers imprisoned in immigration detention centres across the country, and to educate Australian communities on their 12,000-kilometres-journey. As the first civilians, they visited the detainees in some of the most remote parts of the country, like the detention centres in Port Hedland, and Curtin, and managed to expose some of the human rights violations committed against the asylum seekers in the camps.

Not So Dumb

Dulcinea Parker (Marion Davies) goes to the train station to meet the Forbes: mother Eleanor (Julia Faye), father Charles (William Holden), and daughter Angela (Sally Starr), whom she has invited to spend the weekend. We are also introduced to her new butler Perkins (George Davis), who is an ex-convict on parole.

Dulcinea, ever the "dumb blonde", has a habit of doing the wrong thing. She misquotes common expressions and butchers the King's English. She and her brother Bill, whom she calls Willie (Raymond Hackett), who's in love with Angela, host the Forbes and several other guests for the weekend. Dulcinea is scheming to get Mr. Forbes to invest in her fiance' Gordon's (Elliott Nugent) costume jewelry business.

She plays matchmaker to Angela by pairing her with the flamboyant "scenario writer" Vincent Leach (Franklin Pangborn), who enthusiastically tells his latest story for over two hours. Dulcinea's matchmaking efforts are fruitful, and Angela plans to elope with Vincent. Willie, still carrying a torch for Angela, offers to drive the clandestine couple to their wedding. Later, only Angela & Willie return, married.

Dulcinea also entertains a golf enthusiast, Schuyler Van Dyke, who offers to fund Gordon's enterprise (and shamelessly flirts with Mrs. Forbes). Emboldened, Gordon tells off Mr. Forbes. All is well until a man named Patterson arrives; the brother of "Van Dyke", who apparently suffers from delusions of grandeur. Realizing that Gordon's funding is a fantasy, panic ensues. But, since Mr. Forbes recognizes Mr. Patterson as the ''real'' Schuyler Van Dyke's attorney, he doesn't believe Van Dyke's a fake. So, fortunately for all, Mr. Forbes outbids Van Dyke's investment, thus making Dulcinea an accidental hero and a not-so-dumb blonde.

Deadman (Vertigo)

Airline pilot Brandon Cayce is killed when a plane he is on crashes. However, Cayce utterly refuses to pass on into death, and resurrects to a sort of half-life, but finds himself experiencing visions of what seem to be other realities and timelines. He meets with Sarah, his former lover and also the pregnant widow of his brother Scott, and tells her that they are being pursued by men who wish to gain possession of her unborn child. Brandon discovers that his brother had been possessed by an entity named "Devlin" while the child was being conceived, and Devlin has abducted the fetus and implanted it in the body of another woman, named Eve. Devlin's agents imprison Eve while waiting for her newfound pregnancy to come to term. Eventually, Eve gives birth to a being Devlin claims is the next step in human evolution, which will be the first human with a complete awareness of other dimensions. After giving birth, Eve is killed by her husband, although Sarah shows up and absconds with what had formerly been her baby. Attempting to reacquire the child, Devlin proposes a bargain to Brandon: take the life of the baby, in exchange for the continued lives of Brandon and Sarah. If Brandon refuses this deal, he will die. Nobly, Brandon chooses death to allow Sarah and the child to live free.

Burlesque in Harlem

Barrow, the master of ceremonies, invites the audience to a special "bronze burlesque", consisting of a series of performances from strip-tease dancers, burlesque singers, and the club comedians. The dance duo Slip and Slide does a soft-shoe routine. There is also a comedy sketch by Dewey "Pigmeat" Markham involving a "love-making bureau".

Oi Thalassies oi Hadres

Mary (Zoe Laskari) is a rich young lady that challenges problems in a traditional folk neighbourhood in Plaka, Athens, when she moves to play modern music in a store opposite a traditional taverna, where Fotis (Faidon Georgitsis), a bouzouki player, works along with Kostas (Kostas Voutsas), Sofia (Mary Chronopoulou) and others. The gang of the taverna soon turns against Mary, for the reason that she alters the character of the neighbourhood. Eventually, Fotis falls in love with Mary, but his friends margin him as he seems willing to sacrifice everything for her in order to be accepted by her social circles. A second love story involves in the film, as Eleni (Martha Karagianni), sister of Fotis, tries to attract Kostas using various ways.

Expiration Date (Powers novel)

The protagonists are Koot Hoomie "Kootie" Parganas, an eleven-year-old boy, and Pete "Teet" Sullivan, a man in his early forties. The novel takes place mostly in Los Angeles in the year 1992, and there are references to the United States presidential election.

The main antagonists are Sherman Oaks and Loretta deLarava. As in ''Last Call'', the previous novel of Tim Powers' ''Fault Line'' series, a prominent theme is the quest for immortality. Oaks' age is unknown, deLarava is seventy-six years old (but she often appears to be younger); both have been prolonging their lives by ingesting ghosts. There is a magical system surrounding these ghosts. In their digestible state, they are known as "smokes" or "cigars".

Koot Hoomie Parganas has unwittingly ingested the ghost of Thomas Edison. However, because Kootie has not yet reached puberty, he is not able to digest it. In its undigested state, the ghost of Edison functions as a helper to Kootie. Because of Edison's powerful personality, this ghost is particularly sought after by both antagonists who wish to ingest it themselves. In addition, Loretta deLarava is pursuing the ghost of Pete Sullivan's father, who would help her to locate Pete Sullivan's father's ghost, Arthur Patrick "Apie" Sullivan. Pete Sullivan has his own helper, a former psychiatrist named Angelica Anthem Elizalde.

Loretta deLarava also pursues Solomon Shadroe. Shadroe is the former Nicky Bradshaw. Shadroe/Bradshaw is also the godson of Arthur Patrick "Apie" Sullivan. Shadroe/Bradshaw played "Spooky" in a situation comedy called "Ghost of a Chance".

The Guy with the Secret Kung Fu

Two young freedom fighters, Hung Wen-ting and Hu Ah-piao, spend their days traveling around China and beating up evildoers. Their sense of adventure is piqued when they are offered the chance to take down the Dragon Gang. A first attempt to defeat the boss of the Dragon Gang, through a disguised entry into her bedchamber as a prospective husband, is foiled because the two brave souls are too young to take her on. Later, the martial arts experts encounter an evil sorcerer and his very powerful demon, who has completely no brain. Foiled by the demon, they come up with a new plan. Accompanied by hoedown music, they set out for the Dragon Gang's lair a second time. A deadly powder eliminates the demon, and the sorcerer is defeated by a toe to the torso. Finally the showdown arrives. One brother takes on the beautiful, cold boss of the Dragon Gang, while the other fights the secret Boss, trusted by the Emperor. The final boss is defeated by skillful use of a coffin.

The Little Ranger

Snubbed by his girlfriend Darla, Alfalfa accepts the invitation of tomboyish Muggsy to attend the local picture show. While watching the adventures of his favorite cowboy star, Alfalfa dreams that he himself is a Wild West sheriff, with his pals Buckwheat and Porky as deputies. Naturally, Darla also figures prominently in Alfalfa's dream, as does his archrival Butch. What happens next determines Alfalfa's destiny when he wakes up from his dream.

Dis-moi qui tuer

A couple of children come across evidence of a Nazi treasure in an old hotel.

Party Fever

Once again, Alfalfa and Butch are bitter rivals for the affections of Darla. The nerdish Waldo comes up with a solution: Alfalfa and Butch will compete for the title of Junior Mayor of Greenpoint during Boys' Week, and whichever one wins will earn the honor of escorting Darla to the annual Strawberry Festival. But despite the strenuous efforts of both young candidates, a "dark horse" wins not only the election, but also the girl.

In the Cool of the Day

Christine Bonner (Fonda) is a beautiful young American woman with chronic health problems. She has been separated from her adoring but overly protective husband Sam (Hill), but agrees to return to him. She meets an English friend of Sam's, Murray Logan (Finch), who shares her great interest in Greece. Logan also is unhappily married because his wife, Sybil (Lansbury), blames him for an automobile accident that scarred her and killed their son. Christine and Murray meet again in England and their attraction grows.

The two couples plan to vacation together in Greece, but Sam must stay home because of a family illness. Murray and Christine fall in love as they visit Greek ruins and other tourist attractions. Sybil realizes what is happening and writes Sam in New York. She then tells Murray she is leaving him, running off to the Riviera for a fling with an Englishman (Davenport) she met in Greece. She tells Christine “he’s all yours.”

Hearing that Christine’s controlling mother is pursuing them, they continue their travels, eventually making love. Christine’s mother finds them and takes her away. Christine falls ill from the stress and exertion and, according to Sam, refuses to fight for her life. Before dying, Christine tells Murray she did not want him to have to deal with her chronic illness. She makes Murray promise to do what they would have done together. He continues his travels in Greece.

This Other Eden (film)

The film opens with a prologue set during the Irish War of Independence. Mick Devereaux and Commandant Jack Carberry of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) are meeting a British officer to negotiate a cease-fire. Carberry walks down a deserted road and is suddenly fired upon by hidden Black and Tan soldiers. Devereaux kneels beside Carberry as he dies, and Carberry pleads with him to "see to everything".

Several years later, local Gombeen man McRoarty is attending a meeting of the Carberry Memorial Committee. His daughter Maire is returning home from England. On the train, Maire meets Englishman Crispin Brown, who wishes to settle in Ballymorgan. A large house in Ballymorgan named Kilgarrig is soon to be auctioned. Preparations are being made for the erection of a statue commemorating Commandant Carberry. Maire meets her friend Conor Heaphy on the train to Ballymorgan.

At the hotel, Maire introduces Crispin to everyone. He faces some hostility from Clannery for being an Englishman. Conor also receives an awkward response from the men, which puzzles him. McRoarty fears that Conor and Maire will begin a romantic relationship and reveals to her that Conor is the illegitimate son of Jack Carberry. Maire is accepting of the news but declares that she never had a romantic interest in Conor. Conor tells the Canon that he wishes to become a priest, but the Canon is hesitant. Devereaux eventually tells Conor that he is the illegitimate son of Carberry, which angers him.

The statue to commemorate Carberry is unveiled. Its abstract design is met with disgust and disappointment from the crowd. Crispin is particularly vocal about his displeasure. Crispin proposes to Maire and asks her to live with him in Kilgarrig. Maire declines, stating that she could never live in Ballymorgan. The statue is blown up, and Crispin is initially blamed. Crispin reveals that his father was the English officer Carberry intended to meet on the night of his death. He resigned his post in sympathy with the IRA following Carberry's murder.

An angry crowd gathers at the hotel, still maintaining that Crispin is to blame. Crispin goes out to the hotel balcony and manages to calm the crowd by praising Ireland and promising to pay for a new statue. Conor enters and attempts to reveal to the crowd that he is the true culprit, but is stopped by Maire and Devereaux. The men at the hotel are horrified to find that Conor wishes to stand trial and make everything public. Devereaux bids him to be more understanding. Maire explains the situation to Crispin, and he reveals that he too is illegitimate. He also reveals his mother was Irish and a Protestant. Maire is completely accepting of this information, to her father's annoyance.

McRoarty receives a phone call that a journalist is coming to Ballymorgan to investigate what happened to the statue. The journalist, MacPherson, arrives with photographers, but the townspeople deny that there was a riot and that Conor was involved. The Canon assures Conor he will be able to fulfil his vocation in some way, even if he does not become a priest.

Crispin succeeds in purchasing Kilgarrig. Clannery blames the destruction on a faulty electrical cable lighting some explosives that he left near the statue. McRoarty and Maire argue about her wish to return to England. Maire informs Crispin that if he still wants to marry her, he should ask her father for a large dowry. Crispin succeeds in procuring the dowry and Maire's hand in marriage.

Beloved Enemy

During the Irish War of Independence in 1921, Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan (Aherne) and English aristocrat Helen Drummond (Oberon) meet and fall in love. Riordan is pursued, however, by British army officer Captain Preston (Niven).

The original movie ended with Riordan getting shot and killed, but did not do well at the box office. A happier ending was also filmed which has Riordan being shot but surviving; all subsequent versions have. The original cut has since been lost.

The movie has several comic relief scenes: after a raid on an IRA "safe house", British officers grumble about being not being able to find Riordan, who is in fact standing just behind them; when the Irish Delegation goes to a formal ball and is asked by the footman for their names to be announced, the delegation replies in Irish.

Before I Die

Tessa is diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Despite four years of chemotherapy, she has discovered that her cancer is terminal and her doctors give her a short time to live. Tessa, with the help of her best friend Zoey, comes up with a list of things she wants to do before she dies, including some risky behaviours that she deems necessary to have "lived". Zoey is excited and supportive of the outrageous bucket list until an unplanned pregnancy test comes up positive.

Tessa's parents are divorced and have very different views on her desire to experience the dangerous side of life before she passes. Her mother is loving and joking about the situation and seems supportive; however, she has not been present in Tessa's treatments, nor involved in her life at a deep level. Tessa's father is timid and just wants to spend time with his daughter. He is resistant to Tessa's behaviour from the start, but realises he has little influence and can only enjoy the time they have left. Her father's main mechanism for coping is denial. She mentions that he spends hours on the computer looking up possible treatments for her even after the doctors have told her that the cancer has consumed her body.

Tessa's brother, Cal, is a brutally honest individual who has mixed feelings throughout the novel ranging from lack of care to jealousy to sadness. In the beginning of the novel, Cal says to his sister "I'm gonna miss you" during a joking situation.

One of Tessa's last wishes is to find love, of which she thinks she has with her neighbour Adam. Adam is shy, and his main priority is taking care of his sickly mother after his father died.

The book, written in first person from Tessa's point of view, follows her last few months of life, explores her relationships with her loved ones, and her personal feelings about being trapped in a failing body.

Bonnie Prince Charlie (1948 film)

In 1745, Flora MacDonald plays a Jacobite song on the piano and is scolded by her stepfather for its seditious nature. In Italy, James, the Old Pretender, wants to make another attempt at regaining the throne of Great Britain (Scotland and England) and Ireland for the House of Stuart from the Hanoverian King George II, but, thinking that he is now too old, he has decided to send his son, Charles Edward, the Young Pretender.

Charles arrives in Scotland by ship and meets Donald, a Scottish shepherd, whom he asks to send a message to the Scottish nobles, asking them to meet him at his ship. Meanwhile, King George II is warned about the impending invasion but is not worried. Charles tries to persuade the nobles to fight for him and most agree, except for Lord MacDonald, who is concerned about the absence of the French support which had been promised. The clans rally to Charles, including Lord George Murray, and proclaim their loyalty to James. The rebellion begins. Charles is accompanied by another shepherd, Blind Jimmie.

Charles and his men enter Edinburgh in triumph. Clementina Walkinshaw throws him a rose and they meet at a dance and begin a romance. General Cope arrives with government troops and Lord Murray does not want to tell Charles about it, thinking little of his military ability, but the prince finds out. Charles recommends they attack and the Jacobite forces rapidly defeat the Government forces at the Battle of Prestonpans.

Charles and his forces then proceed into England. King George II starts to panic and sends his son, the Duke of Cumberland, to fight him. At Derby, only 127 miles from London, Lord Murray and the army council recommend a retreat, as further support has failed to materialise. Charles opposes this but the retreat goes ahead. Charles is upset and seeks solace with Clementina, who encourages him to leave for France with her, but he elects to stay with his men.

The Duke of Cumberland defeats the Highlanders at the Battle of Culloden but is unable to find and capture Charles. Charles flees to the islands with Donald, and is hidden by Flora MacDonald. MacDonald helps him evade the government troops looking for him, including taking him with her to Skye disguised as a woman servant. MacDonald keeps up Charles' spirits, and he manages to reach the boat sent to take him back to Italy.

Tenchi wo Kurau

Liu Bei is a descendant of Liu Sheng, prince Jing of Zhongshan of the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao is the adopted grandchild of Cao Teng, a eunuch in the palace. Sun Jian is the governor of Jiangdong. The three show their marvelous leading-role to divide China to three states: Shu, Wei and Wu.

A significant difference is the use of fantasy elements; for example, many villains in the beginning are monsters as opposed to humans. Liu Bei meets a beautiful giant heavenly being in heaven, and she gives him the power to conquer the country. He meets and swears to be brothers with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Class of 1999

Beginning narration states that throughout the 1990s, violence in American high schools had spiraled out of control, with areas in most major cities being taken over by youth gangs, resulting in some schools shutting down. Two major gangs vie for control.

In 1999, special areas known as "free fire zones" have discouraged police from entering out of fear. Seattle's Kennedy High School is in the middle of a free fire zone, thus the Department of Education Defense (D.E.D.), a pilot special government agency, has been notified. Working with MegaTech head Dr. Bob Forrest, an experiment begins where three former military robots have become android educators. Forrest introduces school coach Mr. Bryles, History teacher Mr. Hardin, and Chemistry teacher Ms. Connors to the Board of Education. Impressed with the new teachers, new principal Miles Langford has announced that former delinquents who are imprisoned will be released as part of the new experiment, which would allow new methods of discipline from the new teachers.

One such delinquent is Cody Culp, a member of the Blackhearts gang. Out of prison, Cody has decided to lie low and avoid any gang warfare, especially with the rivals Razorheads, led by Hector. After a car chase, Cody, his younger adopted brother Sonny and his younger biological brother Angel make it to school. Sonny is taken in by the new school guards after he confronts them as they check the car for weapons or drugs. Blackheart member Curt, who thanks to Angel learns Cody no longer wants to be in a gang, informs Cody that if he is not with them, then he is against them. Still, Cody sticks to laying low and attends class. In chemistry class, Ms. Connors attempts calmly talk down Hector and another Razorhead. When the two Razorheads attempt to confront Ms. Connors, she uses fighting skills to take them down and make them sit in their seats. This pleases Forrest and MegaTech, who are in the basement, disguised as a DED control center. When Mr. Hardin's history class is interrupted by a fight between Curt and Razorhead member Flavio, Hardin resorts to using corporal punishment and puts the class in line. Returning home, Cody is shocked to find his brothers and his mother are addicted to the drug known as "edge". Upset and angry, he leaves and goes on his motorcycle, returning home later that night.

The next day, Flavio attempts to woo Christie, Mr. Langford's daughter, but when she resists his advances, he attempts to rape her. Cody, witnessing what is happening, fights off Flavio as well as Hector. Mr. Bryles, who sees the incident, puts Cody in a full nelson hold and takes him to the principal's office. While Langford informs Cody that he technically violated his parole with the fight, he lets him off due to the fact that he did save Christie from being raped. Cody and Bryles head to physical education class, where Bryles, who is the coach, humiliates Blackheart member Mohawk while doing push-ups. When class is over, Bryles tells Cody to stay behind and begins to viciously beat him. Mohawk goes to his locker and takes some "edge" and grabs a gun. Cody, still being beaten, is seriously hurt when Bryles sees Mohawk with the gun. Bryles grabs the gun and breaks Mohawk's neck, killing him instantly. MegaTech technicians Marv and Spence are in total shock when Forrest informs them that it was self-defense with a gun.

When Sonny shows up late to Mr. Hardin's class totally high on "edge", Hardin takes him to his locker. Hardin grabs the locker door and pulls it out to find vials of "edge" in the locker. He proceeds to take the vials and force them into Sonny's mouth while pummeling his head on the lockers. Hardin kills Sonny and upon his return to class, takes Sonny's now bloodied cross and puts it in his pocket. Cody sees the cross as Hardin gives his lecture. When Langford confronts the three teachers about the death of Sonny, it soon becomes a cover-up to say Sonny died of a drug overdose. When Christie tries to convince Cody based on her father's word about Sonny, Cody is angry and is convinced Hardin killed Sonny. Apologizing to Christie the next day, he tries to convince her that Hardin had something to do with Sonny's death and the duo skip school for evidence. Christie and Cody have the teacher directory and learn that Hardin, Bryles, and Connors live in the same apartment. They break in and Cody finds the bloody cross. However, the trio of teachers arrive and catch the duo escaping. A chase ensues and ends up with the trio in the water. Having survived the car crash in the water, the trio decide to start a war between the Razorheads and the Blackhearts.

That evening, Cody and Angel once again bond over a game of basketball. When Angel, who has become a Blackheart, decides to stay behind, he is met by Bryles, Hardin, and Connors on his way home later that night. The trio chase down Angel. Bryles lifts up Angel and throws him against a wall and the trio ultimately kill him. Shortly after, Razorhead Noser is coming out of a local pizza place when he sees Connors. She kidnaps him and when the Razorheads are waiting for Noser, Noser is sent through the window of their hangout while on fire. Hector is convinced the Blackhearts did it and decide to start a war. The next morning, Cody goes to the Blackheart hangout, where he finds a dead Angel surrounded by the likes of Curt, Reedy, and Dawn. Dawn finds Angel's basketball with a message written in blood. Cody, seething with revenge, decides he wants back in the gang.

That afternoon, a war ensues between the Razorheads and Blackhearts. However, Bryles, Hardin, and Connors intercept at various times, killing members from both gangs. When Cody and Reedy go inside an abandoned building to trap Hector, Hardin grabs Reedy through a wall and splits him in half with his bare hands. When Cody shoots at Hardin, he discovers he is not human. That night, Cody tries to tell the Blackhearts that Hardin was there and that he killed Reedy. Meanwhile, Langford has gotten wind of the situation and decides to have the program terminated. However, Dr. Forrest not only decides not to terminate the program, but tells Langford that the teachers must "kill the enemy". Bryles grabs Langford by the throat and with brute force, sticks his fingers in Langford's throat, killing him.

Hector receives a call apparently from Cody saying he wants him one-on-one at the school entrance. Connors, kidnapping Christie, pretends to be Hector and calls Cody with the same proposition. When Dawn wonders why Hector would meet him at the school, the Blackhearts are finally convinced that the teachers are responsible. When Hector and Cody show up with both gangs, Cody attempts to tell Hector that it is not him he wants to kill. He tells Hector of the war the teachers have started. To prove he is right, Cody shows Hector Sonny's bloody cross. The Razorheads and the Blackhearts decide to team up and take on the teachers, who are waiting in the school. While they look for Christie and the teachers, they soon learn of the real situation with the teachers. Ms. Connors' arm becomes a flame thrower. Bryles' arm becomes a missile launcher. While many Razorheads and Blackhearts fall victim to the teachers including Flavio and Dawn, Curt and Cody find Christie. There, they find Hardin. They attempt to shoot down Hardin. However, Hardin is too powerful as he grabs Cody with one hand and grabs Curt with his other hand, which has become a grip with a drill attached. Curt is killed by the drill. Hardin attempts to do the same to Cody when Cody reaches for a machine gun and shoots Hardin through the mouth numerous times, destroying him instantly.

Cody and Christie see Ms. Connors and are chased to the chemistry lab. Cody, noticing that Connors has an exposed area of flammable gas, distracts her in time to grab an axe after he instructs Christie to turn on all of the gas in the room. When he throws the axe at the exposed area, he and Christie run out of the lab. Connors, unleashing the flame thrower, fatally explodes due to the flame hitting the gas. Hector, the only other survivor alongside Cody and Christie, meet up with the duo and are seen by Bryles. Hector provides a distraction while Cody and Christie head for a bus, which Cody hotwires, drives fast, and is able to run down Bryles at the school entrance just as Cody and Christie leap out of the bus. The bus explodes but all three are safe. When they hear a noise in the school, they go check it out. However, a now half-human, half-robot Bryles escapes from under the bus.

Hector, Cody, and Christie find Dr. Forrest who takes Christie hostage. When Cody tells Forrest it is too late, Forrest is convinced that he can somehow continue the project. When Hector attempts to shoot Forrest, he is shot and killed. Forrest then attempts to kill Cody, but Bryles comes up from behind him and rips his heart out, killing him instantly. Cody and Christie are at first overpowered by Bryles until Cody finds a forklift and impales Bryles. Christie grabs the nearest chain and puts it around Bryles' neck with Cody using the forklift to lift the chain, decapitating the robotic Bryles. Cody and Christie, the only survivors, walk out of the badly damaged school in safety.

Heart of Midnight (film)

Carol (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is a young woman recovering from her recent, although not the first, nervous breakdown. She has just inherited "Midnight", a defunct nightclub in a now seedy neighborhood, from her mysterious uncle Fletcher (Sam Schacht). Against the advice of her mother Betty (Brenda Vaccaro) to simply sell the property, Carol not only commits to reopening the club, but moves in as well. As Carol settles in, she discovers oddly designed rooms and whole sections of the building, soon realizing that the club was a brothel, catering to clients with sexually perverted tendencies.

On her first night in the empty club, 3 men outside the building spot Carol through the window. Watching her change into a dress, the men observe the front door open. Taking it as an open invitation, the 3 enter the building and find Carol alone. While 2 of the intruders take turns raping Carol, the third thwarts the attack, and allows Carol to escape. Police arrive, and shoot the one who thwarted the attack.

In the aftermath, the police learn of Carol's psychological history, and begin doubting her version of the events. The police tell Carol that she will be contacted by Lieutenant Sharpe, and dismiss her. Shortly after returning to the club, she finds another uninvited man (Peter Coyote) waiting for her. Begging him to tell her that he is Lieutenant Sharpe, he reassures her that he is. He also proves to know much about Fletcher and the club. Although he is more sympathetic than the other police, his revelations of Uncle Fletcher lead to Carol angrily ejecting him from the building. Mysteriously, a bike falls down the steps, nearly hitting him. Soon after the visitor leaves, another arrives - this proves to be the ''real'' Lieutenant Sharpe. Speaking with him over the intercom, and not knowing that the visitor is a completely different person, Carol angrily tells him to leave. Sharpe begins to leave, but is then drawn into the building. Following a sound, he enters a room, and is killed off-screen.

The man who identified himself as Lieutenant Sharpe returns, and he sparks a friendship with Carol, who remains oblivious to his impersonation. Over dinner in the club, "Sharpe" tells Carol about himself. He also drugs her. Later, the Police return to the club. Searching, they find 2 boys hiding in a space in the club, but narrowly miss discovering the corpse of Lieutenant Sharpe. The police are as skeptical as ever to Carol, especially when she describes having dinner with Lieutenant Sharpe, who is married.

Even after the unwelcome intruders leave, mysterious sounds continue to reverberate through the club, while Carol begins experiencing mysterious visions. Coupled with her continuing discovery of hidden spaces in the building, Carol is forced to confront repressed memories of Uncle Fletcher, and the possibility that some of her experiences are more than just memories.

Class of 1999 II: The Substitute

John Bolen is the new substitute teacher at a local high school in Bend, Oregon. When he sees some punks ditching class, he confronts them. However, when the lead punk pulls a knife, John uses martial arts to dispatch the students and when a fellow teacher sees the downed punks, John informs the teacher that the punks were on their way to class. Afterwards, the principal threatens to have John fired for his actions that morning, but John kills him by breaking his neck. At the same time, the punks wait in their car until school is over to confront John. John gets the upper hand by chaining the doors so they cannot escape and throws a grenade in the car, causing it to explode. Afterwards, John is in his car, eating his dinner, when he sees an advertisement for a military museum in Monroeville, California. Meanwhile, in Monroeville, Jenna McKenzie is a teacher who is getting heat from the school administration because she had witnessed gang leader Sanders pull a gun on a student. Sanders uses all sorts of tactics to harass Jenna into not testifying against him in court. However, Jenna's boyfriend, Emmett Grazer, tends to be there to chase Sanders away much to the chagrin of Jenna, who feels she doesn't need the protection 24-7.

When John arrives to teach his class, he finds trouble in the form of student Tiller, a local troublemaker. When a fellow student drops a book, John hits the floor and begins to hear gunfire in his head. He finds the book to be Tiller's and sends him to the principal's office. However, Tiller goes to the roof of the school to take a hit of the drug "edge" when John shows up and throws Tiller off the roof. Tiller attempts to hang onto the flagpole, but his hands slip and is hung from the flagpole dead. The next day, Jenna goes out for a jog when she finds Sanders and some of his goons begin to once again harass her. When Sanders leaves his boys to attack Jenna, John shows up in time to save her. Jenna and John soon bond and while sheriff Tom Yost is taking Jenna's report, he notices John sporting a tattoo for Special Forces. When Tom asks John about a military background, John walks away.

Emmett is in charge of a small military museum, which was advertised in the same magazine John was reading earlier, and as a military expert, he is planning a friendly paintball competition between the students. John begins to show interest in some of Emmett's military gear but is still hesitant of revealing who he really is. Meanwhile, a mysterious man named G.D. Ash is reporting on the incidents that occurred in Kennedy High School two years ago involving android instructors malfunctioning and killing the students. John and Jenna continue their friendship with John teaching Jenna a bit about military tactics and quotes. To make sure Jenna is safe, John hunts down a member of Sanders' gang and at first, use martial arts before chaining him to a wall and setting him on fire. However, the day of the paintball competition, John wages war on everyone involved and even targets Emmett and Jenna. He kills some troublemaking students and when Jenna is once again confronted by Sanders, this causes John to arrive again but this time seal the deal and kill Sanders and the rest of his gang.

When Jenna confronts John, John finally reveals he is a military android. When G.D. Ash. arrives, he uncovers something interesting about John. John is not an android, but rather the son of Dr. Bob Forrest, the creator of the android teachers who killed the students at Kennedy High two years ago. John had served in the Special Forces and has suffered from post traumatic stress disorder to the point where he actually believes that he is an android. Instead, John is actually sporting a new brand of body armor, making him impervious to bullets and even blades. Ash is then killed by John. When John and Jenna end up in Emmett's military bunker, John intends to kill both himself and Jenna by planting a bomb in the bunker. However, Emmett makes the save and he and Jenna escape, but John arrives and shoots Emmett. Jenna shoots John in the head causing him to fall back into the bunker and die. Jenna covers Emmett and declares her love for him as the bunker explodes.

Two days later, Jenna is preparing for school and as she is on the phone with Emmett, opens her shirt to reveal she is wearing body armor, thanks to Emmett having a copy of the armor in his museum. Jenna repeats a line John once uttered about preparing for battle as she prepares to begin her day.

So Red the Rose (film)

During the American Civil War, Valette Bedford (Margaret Sullavan) waits patiently for her husband Duncan Bedford (Randolph Scott), to return home, praying that she will not become a widow.

Trace (manhwa)

The story is set in contemporary South Korea. Some 30 years ago, unidentified creatures appeared out of nowhere and attacked mankind. They caused massive destruction wherever they went. The monsters are called "Troubles", and caused the world to fall into chaos. Along with the first appearance of the "Troubles", some number of humans were born with or acquired supernatural abilities. These mutants called "Traces" are the only ones who can fight off the Troubles. The Traces are also considered freaks and generally shunned by the community because some of them misused the powers for their own interest.

The plot revolves around two main characters. Sah Gang-kwon, a high school student born as a "Trace" who attempts to hide his ability. The other is Kim Yun-Seong, who acquired his "Trace" abilities during his early 30s. Soon after the acquisition, his wife and daughter were taken away from him for experimental purposes.

; Things you need to let go This arc shares about Ghang Gwon and Tae Eun's story. Ghang Gwon was taken in by Tae Eun's family as a child and hides the fact that he is a 'trace'. He doesn't sleep at night but instead, goes out hunting 'troubles' to protect Tae Eun and her father, which he regards as his family. An unexpected turn of events revealed his identity in school and Ghang Gwon was reported as a trace, being forced to leave them temporarily. It made him realise that it was not possible for him to live as a mere human being with his ability.

; Beggar This arc revolves around the middle aged man, Kim Yun Seong. All he wanted was a peaceful life with his family, away from Traces and Troubles. When he realized he acquired his "trace" abilities, he tried to hide it but was discovered by the government and his family was taken away. He joins up with a group of other Traces to help him get into the facility where he believes his family is held.

; Rose This arc revolved to the story of Morrienoah Jin, a child which his ability is shot things with his fingers. He was being an assassin and worked with Morie. One day, a girl(Jang-mi) stood outside his house, made a dealt with Morrienoah Jin to protect her. When the deadline almost comes, Jin was fritter her away because scared about love. After realize he couldn't kept it, he became to love Jang-mi.

; Rebellion The arc kicks off with the assembly of various trace factions formed over by both Kim Yun Seong and Pierrot featuring old and new faces onto the crew of traces called the beggar group after Seong went to see a mysterious Trace to augment his abilities. They soon begin to attack a slew of experimental laboratories stationed all around Korea nabbing their top scientists while battling the ongoing inhibition efforts of various other trace factions sent against them such as the mysterious government sponsored Trace group; Hanjo.
; The Last Day Pt.1

; The Last Day Pt.2

; Outro & Afterwards

The Perfect Pumpkin Pie

On Halloween, Mrs. Wilkerson bakes a perfect pie for her grouchy husband and reminds him that when they die, there will be no pie. After she said that, her husband yells that he isn't going then. Soon after, he falls dead into his pumpkin pie. The widow buries him in the yard and moves away. Jack and his grandmother moves in and they bake a pie. The husband returns as a ghost to eat some pumpkin pie. He rejects the first, but he eats the third one and then goes underground... He comes back above the ground when he smells apple pie.

Checkpoint (1956 film)

O'Donovan breaks into a safe in a factory in Florence, Italy, late at night. That triggers a burglar alarm, and he shoots the night watchman and at least one policeman; his gunfire also starts a fire that consumes the factory. He goes to Francesca and demands she put him in contact with Petersen, her boss. Petersen hides O'Donovan at his villa.

In England, Warren Ingram tells Michael of his connection to the fiasco. Ingram, an industrial magnate, hired O'Donovan to lure away the designer for the Volta D'Italia car racing team, in hopes of making his team world champions. O'Donovan was unable to do that, so turned to industrial espionage, against Ingram's explicit orders not to do anything illegal, violent or risky. Ingram decides to smuggle O'Donovan out of the country, and Michael recommends driver Bill Fraser who needs money for a race car he has designed and is building.

The team board a flight to Italy, followed by Ingram and Michael. There, Fraser mends his strained romantic relationship with Francesca. Hiding at Petersen's villa, O'Donovan is displeased to hear that Ingram wants him to go to Bombay via Switzerland. O'Donovan tells Petersen to inform Ingram that he will sell the plans for the "fuel intake" Ingram wanted. At his team's garage, Ingram tells team manager Thornhill to team young driver Johnny Carpenter with his friend Fraser for the important upcoming race from Florence to Locarno. After sending Thornhill to the refueling stop at Milan, Ingram meets with O'Donovan and reluctantly buys the plans.

Between them, Petersen and his girlfriend Gabriela drug Johnny's drinks. Next day, Ingram calls Bill to Johnny's room, where Johnny is unconscious next to a whisky bottle. Since no last-minute driver changes are allowed, Ingram offers Bill financial backing for his race car in exchange for taking the risk of breaching the rules by substituting another co-driver for Johnny. Bill agrees.

On the day of the race, Francesca goes to Johnny's room to fetch him, but runs into O'Donovan and Petersen. Petersen holds Francesca captive while O'Donovan masquerades as Johnny. Ingram tells Francesca that if she notifies the authorities, Bill will go to prison. She is then released, though Ingram orders Petersen to follow her. She books a flight to Milan and breaks away from Petersen and gets aboard.

At the race-stop in Milan, Francesca warns Bill, but O'Donovan points his pistol at him, so Bill resumes the race. Francesca asks for Thornhill's help, and he drives her on a shortcut across the mountains to intercept Bill and O'Donovan without involving the police. Bill pulls over, complaining of a loose wheel or flat, and tries to overpower O'Donovan, but fails. O'Donovan orders Bill not to stop at the last checkpoint, even if they need to refuel to reach the finish line. Fearing for his life, Bill ignores O'Donovan's order to slow down, since O'Donovan cannot safely shoot him without endangering himself. Bill then deliberately takes a wrong turn, heading back from Switzerland into Italy. Once O'Donovan realises what Bill is doing, he tries to grab the wheel. The car goes off the road and teeters on the edge of a cliff. The two men get out and fight, as Ingram, Francesca and the others converge on the scene. O'Donovan is knocked into the car, which then plunges over the cliff and into the lake. Ingram, struck by falling debris, makes a full confession to a frontier guard, taking full responsibility.

My Brother Jonathan

The story revolves around the life of Jonathan Dakers (Denison), a small-town doctor. He is training to be a surgeon when his father dies. Due to the resulting financial problems, he cannot continue his training. The story goes briefly into flashback: to 1900. Johnathan and his brother go to a new private school. As soon as they arrive they join a game of cricket, where a young girl Edith (Edie) keeps the score.

We return to the death of his father (in a car accident). It is revealed that the father had misspent Jonathan's inheritance (which was in trust). Jonathan promises his brother Harold that he will still be able to finish his degree at Cambridge University.

He buys a share in Dr. Hammond's general practice in Wednesford, a poor foundry town in the north. He maintains a relationship with Edie, writing to her as she winters in Monte Carlo on the English Riviera. The local cottage hospital refuses him permission to bring his patients there and as he is not a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons also refuse him permission to operate.

Harold tells Jonathan that he loves Edie and is going to marry her. They celebrate together on New Year's Eve 1913/14. Jonathan moves his affections from Edie to Rachel, his assistant. Harold (Hal) joins up at the start of the First World War. He is killed leaving Edie pregnant but unmarried so Jonathan returns to her and marries her to preserve respectability.

When Dakers notes that many patients have been injured in industrial accidents at the foundry, he comes into conflict with its owner Sir Joseph Higgins, and the owner's son-in-law Dr. Craig, who owns the town's competing medical practice. He writes a report criticising the condition of the foundry and buildings the workers live in but Craig, who is also the local Health Officer, deliberately mislays it.

When Dakers performs a life saving tracheotomy on a child with diphtheria, and takes the child to the cottage hospital, he is charged with misconduct, as the hospital charter precludes infectious cases. He is asked to attend a medical tribunal. Jonathan explains he had no choice in order to save the child. He is charged with not reporting a case of diphtheria and operating without permission. Dakers publicly accuses the medical authorities of suppressing health issues in the town and not serving the town. Dakers suggest public subscription to support medical treatment of the poor. The public are very much behind Dakers.

They decide to change the operation of the hospital. The corrupt officials (Higgins and Dr. Craig) resign. As the meeting concludes a siren sounds... there is a big fire at one of the foundries. Craig is injured and Jonathan operates on him and saves his life.

Dr. Hammond meanwhile serves at the birth of Edie's son. However Edie dies soon after, first telling Jonathan to be happy with Rachel.

The story jumps to 1939. Jonathan and Rachel are married. Edie's son is fully grown and in army uniform.

Once Upon a Dream (1949 film)

Just after World War II, former army officer Major Gilbert returns home, shortly after his service batman, Jackson, whom he has taken on as his butler. The major's wife, Carol, is offended that her husband pays her little attention before going off to bed, saying he is exhausted after his journey. That night, she has a romantic dream about Jackson and as a result of a coincidence of events as she wakes up, she believes it actually happened and becomes indignant when Jackson does not act accordingly. Meanwhile, Carol's shop is in financial difficulties, and she needs help from the major's rich aunt with whom she cannot get along.

A Day to Remember (1953 film)

The darts team of a London public house go on a day trip to Boulogne-sur-Mer in France. On the eve of their visit to France, the members of the Hand & Flower pub darts team gather for a drink. The day trip has been organised by one of the team, Percy, who is a travel agent. For some of the team, it is their first ever trip abroad, while for others it is the first time they have returned to France since their service in World War I or World War II. Charley is looking forward to meeting some French ''mademoiselles'', but Fred, the pub's married landlord, says there'll be none of that sort of thing. Stan has a plan to buy watches in France and smuggle them back into Britain, avoiding customs duty. Jim is going through a rocky patch with his fiancée, whom he suspects considers him to be boring and staid.

The following day, the group meet at London Victoria station and catch the boat train to Folkestone Harbour station for the ferry across the English Channel to Boulogne-sur-Mer. Once they have landed in France, despite the insistence of Fred that they stick together, Jim departs to visit the area where he had been involved in heavy fighting during 1944 when British troops had arrived to liberate France. In the local florists, the shop owners refuse to take his money for flowers for his friend's grave. After taking them to the cemetery where his comrade is buried, he visits a local farm and meets Martine, with whom he spent time eight years before when she was eleven. Now an attractive young woman, she recognises him and invites him to have lunch with her family who also remember him. They immediately strike up a chemistry, which his relationship with his fiancée in England lacks. However, Martine is engaged to a local lawyer who is expecting to land a prestigious partnership in Paris.

Back in town, the rest of the group enjoy lunch in a cafe and then separate to tour around the town. Stan goes and picks up his black market watches, while "Shorty", stewing over those who use his resented nickname, gets drunk and joins the French Foreign Legion, in spite of Charley's efforts to stop him. Fred is enticed by a young woman into a bar and she persuades him to buy champagne for them and dance with her. He is embarrassed when Charley finds him in there. Percy, the travel agent, becomes violently homesick and desperate for a cup of tea.

Reassembling, the group attempt but fail to retrieve Shorty from service in the Foreign Legion, and then drift towards the docks and the ship for the return trip, wondering what has happened to Jim who has been missing all day. Stan sees a policeman calling to him, so, thinking he knows about the watches, throws them into the water; but he only wants to return Stan's passport which he had left at the customs check.

Jim has fallen in love with Martine, but they argue over whether they can be together, and he heads for the docks, while Martine goes to rejoin her fiancée. But once there, she tells him she does not love him and cannot marry him, and then drives hurriedly towards the docks. Meanwhile, on a blind date with a friend, Jim's fiancée in London has met and struck up a relationship with an American serviceman. Arriving as his ship is leaving, Martine shouts her true feelings for Jim, and they agree to meet again when he returns to France.

Aladdin's Lantern

The gang members are putting on a musical show about Aladdin and his lamp. While Spanky, Alfalfa and Darla endeavor to stick to the script (such as it is), their efforts are undermined by smaller kids Buckwheat and Porky. The ending finds Alfalfa getting his just deserts as his bottom gets burned in front of the audience. As the show fades to black Alfalfa is happily cooling his burned backside in a washing machine filled with cold water.

The Lost Dog

Tom Loxley is holed up in a remote bush shack trying to finish his book on Henry James when his beloved dog goes missing. What follows is a triumph of storytelling, as The Lost Dog loops back and forth in time to take the reader on a spellbinding journey into worlds far removed from the present tragedy.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The story of ''No More Heroes 2'' is told through cutscenes following Travis' journey, interspersed with scenes of a woman at a peep show dictating the story's events to an unknown observer.

Three years have passed since Travis Touchdown became the top assassin in the United Assassins Association (UAA) and walked away. He has returned to Santa Destroy and fights Skelter Helter, who seeks revenge on Travis for killing his older brother Helter Skelter prior to the first game. After winning the battle, he meets Sylvia Christel, who informs him he is ranked as the 51st best assassin. The nearly-dead Skelter Helter interrupts them and warns Travis that he and his co-conspirators will still have their revenge.

The same night, a group of criminals kill Travis's best friend, Bishop, and throw his head through Travis's window in a paper bag. Travis, seeking revenge, asks Sylvia to set up the next fight. Sylvia tells him that the one who ordered the killing was Jasper Batt Jr., the CEO of Pizza Bat and first-ranked assassin. In the first game, Travis stopped three different attempts by Pizza Bat to expand into Santa Destroy by assassinating the CEOs. In the three years since, with Travis out of the picture, Pizza Bat successfully opened a headquarters in Santa Destroy and bought out practically every business in town. Travis resolves to climb to the ranks to get a chance for revenge on Jasper.

Travis fights and defeats rap star Nathan Copeland. He meets football star Charlie MacDonald and his cheerleaders, who transform into a giant mech called the Santa Death Parade. Travis defeats them in his own mech, the Glastonbury, built by Dr. Naomi and based on a mech from his favorite anime. He feels remorse for the cheerleaders, explaining that they were harmless, but backpedals after Sylvia offers to nullify his victory. He also spares the optional challenger (the only way to fight her is by going back to the motel after beating Charlie) Kimmy Howell, commenting that he "can't kill a co-ed". He also begins to fight the supernatural, facing Matt Helms and Cloe Walsh.

Sylvia organizes a battle royale with twelve assassins, including Travis. Dr. Letz Shake (destroyed by Henry in the first game) kills all of the other assassins and when Travis enters the arena, Letz Shake reveals to him that he has frozen Henry in carbonite. After Travis rescues Henry, he meets Shinobu, who now idolizes him and calls him "Master". At Sylvia's request, she fought and defeated Million Gunman and New Destroy Man for Travis. Shinobu advances on Travis, but he turns her away because he feels "like the pervy teacher in a porno". Rejected, she steps out and does not return afterwards.

Travis fights a grueling battle against Ryuji. Travis crows triumphantly after Ryuji concedes, but Sylvia kills him in cold blood, criticizing Travis for showing mercy. Henry, suffering from hibernation sickness, fights Mimmy (a mixture of the anime girls and robots Travis watches) in a nightmare before awakening. He reconciles with Travis and kills the next three assassins for him. Travis fights Margaret Moonlight, a gothic Lolita, and Captain Vladimir, a cosmonaut, and convinces Sylvia not to destroy the latter's body. After defeating ascetic Alice Twilight, the penultimate assassin, he decides he is fed up with the ranked battles and the UAA. He berates Sylvia, insisting that assassins are human and that they should not have to die for entertainment like its some kind of video game. He promises to tear down the UAA after defeating Jasper. Sylvia arrives at Travis's motel room and sleeps with him for the second time, giving him the "Five course meal" damaging the motel in the process.

Travis fights his way through the Pizza Bat headquarters to meet Jasper in his office. Jasper reveals that he was seeking revenge for his father and two brothers, the previous Pizza Bat CEOs Travis killed in the first game. Henry enters and helps Travis defeat him. After defeating his second form, Jasper becomes a giant parade balloon, which Henry refuses to fight and destroys the roof with one swipe. This final form is destroyed after Travis leaps out the office and slices it in half. Sylvia, riding Travis's motorcycle, catches him and drops him off at his motel.

A scene after the credits reveals that the woman at the peep show is Sylvia, who took the job after the UAA's collapse, and that Travis himself has been listening to Sylvia's story about his exploits. The two have a tearful reunion as Travis informs her that they need to return to Santa Destroy for an unknown purpose.

Ar Tonelico 2


The setting for the game is the same as the previous game: the planet of Ar Ciel, albeit centered on a different region this time. The Tower of Ar tonelico from Metafalss is different from the tower in the first game since it does not look like a tower initially, but still has some of the same essential facilities (Plasma Bell (represented as the Lift Generators) and Musical Corridor (called here the Wings of Hynemos)). The Song Magics are still used like programs, but in this tower there are two Song Magic servers: the Sol Marta server and the Infel Phira Server. The Sol Marta server is located in the upper zone of the tower, acting like a stationary satellite. However, Sol Marta is not a proper Song Magic server, and instead, it serves as a relay for the First Tower of Ar tonelico, which was the setting for the first game. On the other hand, the Infel Phira server is located in a satellite that orbits the sky around the tower and shares its name with said server. Given Sol Marta's purpose as a relay for the First Tower, it works with the same kind of hymmnos as it and executes the EXEC variety of hymns. On the other hand, the Infel Phira server works with another kind of hymmnos called the New Testament of Pastalie hymmnos, and executes the METHOD variety of hymns.


The region of surrounds the second Tower of Ar tonelico, which is said to represent the Goddess Frelia of the Trio of Elemia. Reyvateil in this region have been succumbing to a raging Reyvateil-exclusive epidemic called the Infel Phira Dependency (I.P.D.). Croix, a Knight under the Grand Bell Church of Pastalia, is sent to find the source of the problem and contain the epidemic. There is more transpiring in this region than just the epidemic, however, and one mission will throw him into an adventure to unravel the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek out a legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Hymn of Metafalica.


As with the original ''Ar tonelico'', ''II'' features eight playable characters and many more who are important to the story. Croix Bartel is the main protagonist, whose life is changed when a routine mission goes awry. He becomes involved with two Reyvateils named Cloche Leythal Pastalia and Luca Trulyworth.

Dream Demon

Diana Markham, an upper class schoolteacher in London, is preparing to marry her fiancé, the caddish Oliver, who comes from a wealthy family. As the couple's wedding approaches, Diana is plagued by bizarre nightmares which cast Oliver in violent and cruel roles, including ones in which he humiliates, abuses, and rapes her. Upon moving into her new home, she also has fiery visions of a young blonde girl adorned with angel wings. Diana is particularly frightened of the home's basement. Her therapist, Deborah, assures her the dreams are a result of stress regarding the pending wedding, especially the harassment Diana receives from the press attempting to cover the wedding.

While being assailed outside her home by crude photographer Peck and investigative journalist Paul, Diana is helped by Jenny, an outspoken American tourist from Los Angeles who fights them off. Diana invites Jenny in for a drink, and Jenny soon confesses that she is visiting in hopes of unearthing her family origins: She was adopted as a young child but has no memory of her English biological parents. The only information she has is that they once lived in Diana's home, and that it is their last known address. Diana takes a liking to Jenny, and the women agree to meet the following day. Later that night, Diana has a hallucinogenic nightmare in which Peck breaks into her home and attacks her.

In the morning, Jenny arrives and Diana explains her nightmare. Shortly after, the women find Paul in the basement of the home. He threatens Diana, and says that Peck has gone missing. After the incident, Jenny agrees to stay with Diana to comfort her. Diana confides her anxieties about her marriage, and admits to Jenny that she is a virgin. Some time later, Jenny experiences a hallucination in which she is attacked by a deformed Peck, and witnesses a young blonde girl being verbally abused by her father. She flees and manages to awaken Diana, who has fallen asleep on the couch, after which the apparent supernatural occurrences cease. The next morning, the women meet with Deborah, who proposes the idea that Jenny astral projected. The women realize that Diana's dreams have the power to impact waking life.

Upon returning to the home, both women are plagued by shared visions and frightening hallucinations anchored to the basement. Terrified, Jenny returns to her hotel, insisting that the home is haunted, and books a return flight to California. Diana falls asleep in Jenny's hotel room. Meanwhile, Paul arrives at the hotel, having been following the women, and confronts Jenny with information he has uncovered about Oliver: He is in financial ruin and is marrying Diana for economic security. Realizing that Diana is again dreaming, Jenny attempts to wake her, but Diana slips into another nightmare in which she is tormented by deformed versions of Paul and Peck.

Diana awakens in Jenny's hotel room, but is skeptical of whether she is experiencing a waking reality or another dream. The women become separated, and Diana experiences further disturbing visions of the young blonde girl, as well as Peck and Paul. Diana awakens again in her disheveled bedroom and is confronted by Oliver and Deborah, who drug her to fall back asleep. Later, Diana is hospitalized and affixed with a brainwave monitor. While astral projecting, Diana looks on as Deborah watches old footage of the young blonde girl in a hospital therapy session—the girl is in fact Jenny during her childhood, shortly before she was sent to live in the United States. In the astral plane, Diana returns to her home and saves Jenny, who has been trapped in a void. The two again become separated, and Jenny relives her repressed childhood trauma: Her widowed father, a violent and abusive artist, tied her to a sculpture in his basement art studio to use as a model. While sharpening a sculpting tool, he ignited a fire with a can of turpentine in which he was burned alive. An adult Jenny, bound to the sculpture, is saved by Diana. The women embrace before fleeing the home together.

Later, Diana and Jenny visit Jenny's father's gravestone, which features a stone cast of her with angel wings. Back in the empty home, which Diana has now put up for sale, Peck and Paul emerge from a brick wall, alive and in one piece, and decide to go get something to eat; cautiously ignoring Peck regrowing his ear.


It starts off with the story of a young man arriving in a town called Madrigal to find his uncle Andrus, who is the man's only remaining family member after his father died. However, the protagonist is soon caught in the middle of strange bandit activity around town and then drawn into escalating political and supernatural strife across the world. During the game, it is revealed that the hero is a reincarnation of a powerful being whose purpose is to defeat a group of ancient demons known as Revenants. Even though forgotten, the Revenants are secretly standing behind all major conflicts and problems encountered. The hero has to reawaken his past-life powers, travel to parallel worlds and ultimately trap the Revenants within the mystical Well of Souls.

The game includes both a good and an evil ending.

Men in Fright

Darla has had a tonsillectomy, and the gang, announcing themselves as "Third Ward Sunshine Spredders Club", go to the hospital to pay her a visit. They bring with them a large picnic basket full of food that they know Darla can't eat, intending to eat it all themselves after Darla refuses it. When the kids make it to Darla's room in the children's ward, Spanky assigns Alfalfa to stay outside and guard the picnic basket until they're sure Darla's still too sick to eat any of it.

While waiting, however, Alfalfa falls for the scheme of another resident of the children's ward—a boy intending to escape from his own tonsillectomy. He offers Alfalfa a dime to change clothes with him while he "goes for a little walk", leaving Alfalfa to fend for himself when an orderly comes to collect him for the tonsil operation. While in the elevator, little Gary, who has stowed away aboard the gurney on which the orderly is transporting Alfalfa, opens a canister of laughing gas, sending himself, Alfalfa, the orderly, and even the elevator operator into various fits of mirth and odd behavior. Spanky, Porky, Buckwheat, and Leonard do their best to try to catch Alfalfa, who, thanks to the laughing gas, is now romping deliriously through the hospital and causing havoc and mischief.

When Spanky and the boys finally manage to drag Alfalfa back into Darla's room, a still tipsy Alfalfa hops on her bed and jumps for the chandelier, finally calming down after falling to the floor and knocking a pitcher of water off the dresser and onto his head. Just before finally diving into their picnic, a nurse arrives to deliver Darla's afternoon dish of ice cream (ice cream being the only food she can eat at the moment). The nurse also offers the six boys dishes of ice cream as well, and when she leaves, they tear into their picnic basket as well, combining ice cream with hamburgers, pickles, hot dogs, and watermelons in such a way that they all end up with horrible stomachaches (depicted through an animated segment of a hot dog fighting with a scoop of ice cream). The boys are admitted into the hospital for indigestion, just as Darla is released to go home. Darla and her mother promise to visit the boys tomorrow and offer to bring "some nice presents", forcing Spanky and Alfalfa to wince and moan "just bring flowers" as they are wheeled away for their treatment: one dose each of castor oil.

Football Romeo

The gang squares off against "Butch's Assassins" in a crucial football game. Star player Carl Alfalfa balks at participating, leaving it up to Darla to coerce and cajole him into donning his uniform. The climax of the game finds Alfalfa attempting a sixty-yard touchdown, despite the formidable opposition of his lifelong rival Butch.

Practical Jokers

Hoping to get even for all the practical jokes perpetrated by neighborhood troublemaker Butch, the Gang plans to sabotage Butch's birthday party. The weapon of choice is a firecracker, which is substituted for one of the birthday candles. Unfortunately, the kids in general and Alfalfa in particular are unable to escape from the party before the big (and tasty) explosion.

Tiny Troubles

Alfalfa has a loud crying baby brother that he wants to get rid of. When out with the gang he sees what he thinks is a baby in a carriage. He puts his baby brother in that carriage and takes this "baby" back home. But the baby happens to be a midget who lives a life of crime named "Lightfingered Lester". Lester initially plays along but causes all sorts of havoc soon after including drinking beer, taunting the gang, and attempting to rob the house. Someone else finds the baby and brings him to the police station. The police then raid Alfalfa's home and take the gang in when they find Lester there. They are all taken in. They send Lester back to jail while giving the gang probation.

Duel Personalities

Upset that his youthful sweetheart Darla has once again thrown him over in favor of neighborhood bully Butch, Alfalfa tries to forget his troubles by watching the free performance by Professor William Delmore, a famed hypnotist. Chosen as a subject, Alfalfa is hypnotized into believing that he is the fearless D'Artagnan, of Three Musketeers. Before Professor Delmore can remove the hypnotic suggestion, he is knocked unconscious. Armed with this bold new personality, Alfalfa not only sweeps Darla off her feet, but also challenges the dumbfounded Butch (Rochefort) to a duel. But between the time of the challenge to the actual duel, a couple of things happen which could change the entire complexity of the duel itself.

Clown Princes

When the gang goes to Porky's house, they learn that his family is in danger of eviction unless they pay their landlord the balance remaining on their rent. The gang decides to raise the money by setting up a circus in Porky's barn, with Spanky as the ringleader. A sideshow outside introduces the kid circus' young patrons to Oogie-Boogie, the Wildman from Borneo (Buckwheat), Mademoiselle Darla, the Greatest Rattlesnake Charmer in the World, and the World's Shortest and Tallest Men (Slapsie in a beard and Sniffles on stilts). Also included in the sideshow are the Head Without a Body (Porky), and The Famous Sime and Neez Twins - two boys with their clothes stitched together, revealed as such when Violet the Goat eats the grass skirt covering the stitching.

Inside the main show, the gang's circus show includes a clown act, Spanky and Leonard as "a couple of swell acrobats", and lady lion-tamer Darla. When Darla's "lions" break away and everyone scrambles to catch them, Spanky runs into the landlord, to whom he pays the rest of Porky's rent.

The circus show's marquee attraction is "Daredevil Alfalfa" singing "The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze", with Alfalfa's trapeze being held aloft by a pulley system attached to a horse. When a bee turns up and spooks the horse, Alfalfa finds himself pulled and jerked through the air before finally crashing through the ceiling of the barn.

Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard

Matt Hazard, a legendary video game character with over 25 years of video games to his credit, is attempting a "comeback" of sorts in a new game on next-generation consoles. In the introduction, Matt explains the history of his games, revealing that he accidentally caused his own downfall by taking his name into other genres, resulting in him ruining his reputation by putting himself in kid-friendly games. The game that he is currently starring in has him as a private detective seeking to return money stolen by a mob boss.

The first level starts at a Japanese steakhouse where halfway through the level, he encounters Sonny Tang, who is promptly defeated. At one point of the level, the game is altered introducing Matt to Sting Sniperscope (a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger), who attempts to kill a weaponless Matt. In mid shot the game literally pauses and a voice known as QA informs him that she hacked the code to pause the game due to Matt's saves being removed, Sniperscope intending to replace Matt in a ''Metal Gear Solid 2'' style twist. She tells Matt to finish off Sniperscope and upon exiting the level and moving to a part of the server, QA restores Matt's saves and trademark clothing. QA informs Matt that he was originally supposed to die but with Sniperscope gone, Matt has to continue the game in his place.

The second level occurs in a dance club where characters from Matt's western game, ''A Fistfull of Hazard'', and Russian terrorists from ''You'll Only Die Once'' are hacked into the game. Revealing one of Matt's friends as the owner who escapes from the level. The level turns into a Soviet Missile base where he defeats his Russian nemesis. In reality, the "comeback" game is being staged by Wallace Wellesley, the CEO of the game company, Marathon Megasoft, who grew to hate Matt Hazard through the difficulty of his games, who has complete control over the game world and manipulates the game world seemingly at will, similar to the classic Warner Bros. animated cartoon ''Duck Amuck''. Wellesley also reveals that his father is the owner of a game store franchise, a parody of EB Games. The reason the game was made was due to Matt's contract with the game company where he cannot quit or be fired unless killed in a game.

The third level takes place in a warehouse where Matt has to rescue one of his friends, a level 75 RPG character named Bill the Wizard, via mounted sniper rifle. Enemies from one of his gaming flops called ''Soak'Em'' are hacked into the game equipped with waterguns now capable of damaging Matt. Upon rescuing Bill and defeating version 2 of Sniperscope, Wellesley is advised by his assistant to put Matt's friends into the game as bait to lure him. QA takes Matt to his game partner Dexter's (a little parody of Daxter from Jak and Daxter series) mansion where zombies are introduced. Matt reaches Dexter to warn him about Wellesley's plot only for Dexter to betray him, revealing to Matt that he is working for Wallace, who promised him his own starring role in a game. He sends a group of female androids to kill Hazard. Despite this, Matt saves Dexter from death when one of his androids turn on him. Matt proceeds to the beginning of the level, but QA is unable to create a level exit due to interference while dozens of zombies close into Matt's position. Suddenly QA saves Matt but acts differently than she normally does and takes Matt to the next level.

While on a cruise liner which serves as the current level, Matt is attacked by space marines while saving Master Chef. At the end of the level, there is an Evil Twin scene with two QAs. Matt is not fooled or confused when each claims the other is the impostor, knowing the red is the fake as she has provided no help, directed him into constant ambushes, and because she flirted with him. Matt then defeats the next boss, a giant tentacle beast.

Matt proceeds to the next level, a warehouse for items used in all videogames where he finds Altos Tratus, another game character. The boss is a parody of Japanese RPG protagonists (specifically Cloud Strife) who speaks entirely through textboxes that require Matt to press a button to continue. The enemies used by Wellesley stole most of the items in the warehouse that are used in the "final" level of the SniperScope Game which takes place on the docks where Matt and QA are confident that beating the level will end the game, which QA adds if Wellesley will let Matt get out of the game.

After making it through the docks and defeating (finishing) Sting Sniperscope for a third time the game employs a false ending, after which Matt suddenly gets transported to a virtual Marathon Megasoft company headquarters. After fighting his way through to the top floor, Matt encounters Wally and he kills QA. Despite this, Matt still defeats Wally (With the help of a remorseful Dexter) and the company is now run by Quentin A. Myers, the lead programmer for some of Matt's early games and the person who controlled QA, stating that he ensured that he would claim ownership after Wellesley was arrested. He continues by saying that because he is now head of Marathon Megasoft, he now has control over what games the company releases, and decides he will bring back the classics and the game ends with Matt's famous catchphrase.

The post credit scene shows Wellesley now reduced to a videogame shopkeeper of his father's company Zapp's Games still harboring a grudge against Matt Hazard, angered upon seeing the newest game release, which is the game that the player went through.

The Mighty Jungle (Canadian TV series)

Babu, along with his friends Bruce and Rhonda, explore many of the same issues that very young children face, such as wanting to win, feeling silly, or not knowing how much is "too much" of a good thing. As the story illustrating the day's theme is played out, the narrative occasionally pauses so that the live-action preschoolers can suggest a course of action for the puppet characters to take, and often the puppets will react to the advice they receive.

Middle of Nowhere (2008 film)

The film follows Grace (Eva Amurri), a young woman whose irresponsible mother, Rhonda (Susan Sarandon), ruins her daughter's credit rating. Rhonda uses the money to finance Grace's younger sister, Taylor's (Willa Holland), modeling campaign. While working a summer job, Grace meets the lonely Dorian Spitz (Anton Yelchin) and they start selling drugs together for extra cash. A love triangle forms when Dorian is attracted to Grace, who is interested in Ben Pretzler (Justin Chatwin).

The Sky Is Falling (Pearson novel)

Norah and Gavin Stoakes live in a peaceful English village until World War II causes them to be evacuated to Toronto. Norah, an independent ten-year-old, is angry with the evacuation and resents having to care for Gavin. Five-year-old Gavin does not understand the evacuation and is confused and frightened. When they arrive in Canada, Norah and Gavin are placed with Florence Ogilvie, a bossy and cold widow and her timid spinster daughter, Mary Ogilvie. The Ogilvies only wanted Gavin but were convinced to take Norah as well. Norah is acutely aware of their preference toward Gavin, rather than her. While Gavin quickly settles into his new home where he is spoilt and coddled by Florence, Norah cannot settle. She dislikes Florence, is bored in her strict new home, is unpopular at her new school, begins to wet the bed (something she was very angry at Gavin for doing on the boat trip there), and constantly worries about what is happening to her family in England.

As weeks go by, Norah’s resentment of Florence increases. Although she begins to make new friends, her misery increases as she realizes she cannot return to England for much longer than she was originally told. After Florence and Norah have an argument, Norah decides to run away and return to England on her own. She originally leaves without Gavin but decides she cannot leave him to be spoilt by Florence in a foreign country. She takes him with her but they only get as far as the train station before Norah realizes her plan is impossible. They return to the Ogilvies, expecting punishment but find that Florence and Mary have been very worried. Florence apologizes for ignoring Norah in the past months and asks if they can begin again. Norah accepts the offer and attempts to try to live happily in Canada. Life begins to improve and Norah accepts Canada as her temporary home for the duration of the war.

The Man from M.A.R.S. (1922 film)

This curious picture is a cross between fantasy and science fiction (at least, the 1922 version of science fiction) and features Broadway actors Grant Mitchell and Margaret Irving in their motion picture debuts. Arthur Wyman (Mitchell) is the typical absent-minded scientist. He is in love with Mary Langdon (Irving), the daughter of his landlady (Gertrude Hillman). To help her out, he invents an alarm clock that does not tick (this being long before the days of electronic devices). Using the money he has earned writing an article, Wyman tries to put the finishing touches on a radio that will contact Mars. He falls asleep as he is tinkering with it and dreams that he has gotten in touch with the Martians. They give him a lot of valuable information—he learns a special way to make diamonds from coal, fashion gold from clay, and create steel that weighs "less than nothing." What he learns makes him fabulously wealthy—until, much to his disappointment, he wakes up. But then Mary arrives and tells him that the rights to the "tickless" alarm clock have been sold for a lot of money, so things work out after all.

Ninja Blade

In 2011, the inhabitants of a small Northern African village are infected by an unknown hookworm parasite, classified as "Alpha-worm" after the village was attacked by a group of Alpha-worm infected oversized rats, which alters its hosts' bodies and minds while increasing their strength and resilience. To prevent an outbreak, the military raid the quarantine zone and exterminate the infected with MOBA bomb, while the incident is covered up by the government. Military intelligence forms a containment task force called GUIDE (Global United Infestation Detection and Elimination), recruiting operatives from around the world.

Four years later, a GUIDE ninja team, including the young Ken Ogawa and led by his father Kanbe, is dispatched to Tokyo to contain a massive Alpha-worm outbreak. Following Kanbe's trail, Ken chases and defeats an Arachne creature, however Kanbe and fellow team member Kuroh, having been infected by King Worms, slaughter the entire unit. Kanbe runs Ken through with the clan's 'Ninja Blade', narrowly missing his heart — something a master swordsman could only do on purpose. After a quick recovery, Ken is dispatched solo back to the city.

As Ken eliminates other major Alpha-worm Carriers, he is informed that the military are considering a mass sterilization of Tokyo via orbital laser cannon, which will sacrifice its entire population. He then pursues two more King Worm hosts, a father-daughter pair of Yakuza bosses Oyabun and Ryoko Kurokawa. After defeating both, Ken witnesses Ryoko momentarily regain her sanity and beg for a mercy killing, which re-ignites hope in Ken that he may still save his father.

After thwarting an attempt to spread the infection overseas through a plane carrying evacuees, Ken learns that Kuroh has attacked the local shopping mall and rigged the Tokyo underground with explosive Carriers called Blast Mites. Ken disposes of the Mites, catapulting the last one into the air out of harm's way. The bombing, however, was meant as a distraction to allow Kuroh to lead a strike team of Carrier military operatives into the GUIDE headquarters. All GUIDE personnel, including director Michael Wilson, are taken hostage. With the help of Wilson himself, Ken manages to rescue the hostages, after having to kill his former teammates turned Carriers. In a final confrontation with Ken, Kuroh reveals that Ken was not born but made in a military lab with the goal of wiping out the Alpha-worms, hence his immunity to the parasite. Kuroh also reveals that both he and Kanbe infected themselves with King Worms intentionally, Kuroh having done so out of craving for the power bestowed by the parasite.

Kanbe rescues Ken from a suicide attack by Kuroh, whereupon he confirms he volunteered to be infected, but only so that he could infiltrate and locate the Alpha-worm hive, which was buried underground to escape sterilization. Ken goes underground and eventually finds the hive, however he is unable to use the Ninja Blade to destroy it. A now controlled Kanbe challenges Ken on top of the Tokyo Tower. Before Ken can finish him, the hive absorbs Kanbe, thus transforming into a colossal version of him which begins laying waste to the city. Ken chases down and attacks the mutant Kanbe, weakening him enough for Ken to enter the hive and attack its core, which manifests itself in Kanbe's shape again. Ken defeats the core using the Ninja Blade and finally brings peace to his father, then the hive crumbles along with every trace of the infection.

Months later, Tokyo is being rebuilt after the whole incident is again covered up by the government and media. Wilson reforms GUIDE and appoints Ken to train and lead the new recruits in the event of a new outbreak.

South Riding (film)

A squire becomes involved in local politics.

Moll Flanders (1996 film)

In the late 17th century, a black gentleman, Hibble, takes custody of a girl, Flora, who is being physically mistreated by abusive nuns at a London orphanage. The two set off on a journey to the American colonies where Flora will be raised by her guardian, Mrs Allworthy. As they set out, Hibble begins to read to Flora the memoirs of her mother, Moll Flanders.

In a flashback, Moll Flanders' story unfolds. After bearing her in a prison cell, Moll's own mother was hanged for theft. Moll grows up in a church orphanage. When a priest sexually assaults her, she stabs him with a knitting needle and is in turn whipped.

Moll escapes despite being arrested and is eventually taken in by Mrs Allworthy, the ruthless proprietor of an upscale London brothel. Life as a prostitute takes a toll on Moll and, although she befriends Hibble, she is mistreated by her madame, Mrs Allworthy. Eventually, a kind but eccentric anatomy artist named Jonathan begins paying her to model for him. He starts to earn Moll's trust by taking her in after she is brutally beaten by an angry religious group.

Moll gradually falls in love with Jonathan and becomes pregnant. For a while, despite his wealthy parents disowning him, their life seems happy. Then Jonathan grows gravely ill and dies. Devastated by the loss, Moll later gives birth to a baby girl. She encounters Allworthy and her stalwart servant Hibble once more, when Allworthy kidnaps Moll and takes her aboard a ship bound for Virginia Colony, forcing her to abandon her daughter in London.

On the voyage, a storm forces the ship into a frenzy. Seizing the opportunity, Moll fights against Allworthy for control. The fight ends when both women are swept away by the raging current. Hibble looks on, horrified.

After finishing his story, Hibble proclaims that Moll was lost at sea. Disillusioned, Flora blames Hibble for not saving her mother and nearly runs away before Moll shows up, alive and well, having survived the storm and taken Allworthy's identity and associated fortune. Moll reconciles with her daughter.

Centigrade (2007 film)

A Man (Colin Cunningham) awakens one morning with a hangover to discover that he has been taken hostage aboard his old, run down trailer which is being towed down the highway by a mysterious black truck; he desperately tries to find a way out of the sealed vehicle before he burns inside. Colin Cunningham describes the movie as follows: "''Centigrade'', in a nutshell, is about a guy who lives in an old dilapidated, busted-up trailer. There's no wheels on it. It's just laying dead in the weeds. [The owner] does a bad thing, and he wakes up in the morning and [the trailer is] rolling down the highway. It's being towed by a big, black pickup truck. The doors won't open and the windows won't break and he can't get out. That's essentially what it's about. It's about a man trapped."

Hell (1994 film)

Paul (Cluzet) and Nelly (Béart) are a married couple who run a successful hotel. Paul begins to suspect Nelly of being unfaithful, and eventually descends into paranoia from which there is no escape. Instead of the usual final caption, "The End", ''L'Enfer'' finishes on a caption that reads "Without end..."

Who's Nailin' Paylin?

The film opens in Serra Paylin's living room, when two Russian soldiers knock on the door seeking a tow-truck to lend assistance with their smoldering tank.Krypton, 2008, p. 1. After some small talk, flirting, and a knock-knock joke, a threesome ensues.Krypton, 2008, p. 2-3.

The second scene, referring back to the first, opens with a newspaper headline exclaiming "Paylin endorses Russian penetration!"Krypton, 2008, p. 3. Then focus shifts to the Faux News Studio, where character Bill Orally sits at the news desk. Orally praises Paylin's recent work in foreign relations, and criticizes what he characterizes as the "hypocritical left".

The third scene takes place in a Washington, D.C. hotel. A female campaign intern is attempting to prepare Serra for interaction with the press.Krypton, 2008, p. 4. The intern attempts to teach Serra how to correctly pronounce the word "absolutely", which Serra comedically renders as "you betcha". After a frustrating session, Serra leaves in search of "a warm glass of moo juice and some shut eye".Krypton, 2008, p. 5. After Paylin leaves, the intern declares, "what a fucking air head". In response, Serra's husband slides out from under the bed and replies, "try living with her".Krypton, 2008, p. 6. The scene ends with an anal sex encounter between Mr. Paylin and the intern.Krypton, 2008, p. 7.

The fourth scene opens in Serra's bedroom, showing her falling into a fitful sleep, and segues into a dream sequence. In the dream, Paylin seduces her husband's business partner at their snowmobile dealership. The scene finishes with the encounter, returning to a Paylin continuing to toss and turn in her sleep.Krypton, 2008, p. 8.

The fifth scene is another dream, where Serra remembers her collegiate days at "The International University of I-DA-HO" in 1987.Krypton, 2008, p. 9-10. Young Serra listens and actively participates in a classroom discussion which focuses on topics in pseudo-science. Serra places the age of the Earth at 10,000 years and classifies fossils as a ruse by Satan to "trick mankind".Krypton, 2008, p. 10. After class, Young Serra asks the professor if he knows of any rituals to protect her from witchcraft.Krypton, 2008, p. 10-11. The professor assures her that vigorous cunnilingus will provide the required protection, and wastes no time demonstrating.Krypton, 2008, p. 11.

The sixth and final scene opens with a Bill Orally monologue delivered from the Faux News Studio. The Orally piece introduces a Paylin news conference in which she is to defend herself against charges of adultery.Krypton, 2008, p. 11-12. During a rambling monologue Paylin avoids answering the adultery question.Krypton, 2008, p. 11-14. After the press clears the room, the Hilly character emerges from beneath the podium.Krypton, 2008, p. 14. The film closes with a lesbian ménage à trois featuring Serra, Hilly, and Candilezza.

Les Espions

The plot concerns a doctor at a run-down psychiatric hospital, who is offered a large sum of money to shelter a new patient. Soon the place is full of suspicious and secretive characters, all apparently international secret agents trying to find out who and what the patient is.

She's 19 and Ready

The story centers on a rather uninhibited young woman named Eva (Sabine Wollin) and her two boyfriends - Stefan (Ekkehardt Belle) and Claus (Claus Obalski). Eva needs to decide which of the two is to be her "steady". While pondering that question, Eva inherits some overseas properties from a rich uncle. The three of them embark on a world tour to exotic places, meeting up with Eva's cousin Britta (Gina Janssen) along the way. At the film's conclusion, Eva's "choice" is to keep ''both'' young men as beaus.

Perkins' 14

Ten years after officer Dwayne Hopper’s son disappeared, the last of 14 victims in a string of local unsolved disappearances, his suspicions are aroused by prison inmate Ronald Perkins (Richard Brake). Dwayne searches Perkins’ house and discovers a collection of torture videos featuring the missing victims from the past. In a fit of rage, Dwayne kills Perkins.

But things get complicated when a wave of carnage sweeps the town, with reports of Dwayne’s own son amongst the marauding psychopaths. A number of flashbacks start to reveal that Hopper's son was kidnapped from his home, wondering if his son is still alive. Earlier in the film, Hopper begins to question Perkins' motive on how he knows that Hopper has a family, namely his wife and daughter.

After doing some digging on Perkins' file, Hopper comes to a horrible realization that Perkins kidnapped his son years ago. Hopper tries to help him, but arrived too late. Hopper then shows the file to Perkins, and tells him he doesn't have a family. He calls his deputy, Hal to cone down to the station to see if the man in the cell is the killer he had been looking for, but Hal becomes skeptical at this.

He then looks through Perkins' personal belongings and realized that there is no record of Ronald Perkins' living in town. A friend of the judge tells him that they will have search warrant in the morning, but Hopper decides to call his deputy to look at Perkins' home and finds a backroom in the basement full of scientific equipment. Hal notices a cage with someone inside and gets attacked by a crazed woman. During their conversation, Perkins reveals that his own family was killed by a burglar to Hopper.

Perkins tries to sympathize with Hopper for losing someone they loved. Meanwhile, Hopper's daughter is out with her friends, not knowing that they are being watched by someone close by. Daisy and her boyfriend run for their lives after two of their friends are murdered. Her father arrives just in time to save her, and shoots the suspect. To their shock, the suspect comes back to life and is run over. The chief of police decides to declare a state of emergency.

Hopper finds out that his own son is still alive as he witnesses him killing someone in the street. Hopper's wife Janine is having an affair after her son disappeared. Daisy tells her father that Janine is at a motel with her boyfriend, whom she witnesses being beaten to death by a woman with a champagne bottle. A local holds Daisy's boyfriend, Eric at knifepoint when he tells Hopper that everyone is dead. Hopper realizes that Perkins wanted to get revenge by taking 14 children with him.

They arrive at the motel to find Janine safe and sound. Hopper then leads the killers into a fight, while Janine, Daisy, and Eric seek shelter at the police station to wait for help. A deputy and the others decide to find safety in the basement when they learn their inside. Eric is then ripped to pieces by the killers. Hopper then arrives with a shotgun and kills them. They start to hear Felicity, an animal rights activist, calling for help in one of the cells.

Hopper also realizes that Perkins took the kids to make the townspeople suffer the way he suffered. Felicity hears a strange noise in the bathroom, where she is attacked and killed by someone hiding in the ceiling. The deputy realized that there is no way out. Hopper's son tries to attack him, but the deputy holds them at gunpoint, resulting in him getting shot dead by Hopper. Janine volunteers to get help, where Hopper promises to take care of Daisy, if anything should happen to her.

Hopper and Daisy watch on the video monitor that the killers are planning an ambush, where they attack and kill Janine, much to their horror. Hopper tries to deal with the situation himself by not endangering Daisy. He then gives her a shotgun to protect herself. Hopper tries to reason with his son, "Kyle", while police sirens start to approach the station. Hopper wants Kyle to remember his lost childhood, such as playing chess. Kyle kills Hopper by snapping his neck. Kyle then kills Daisy with a shotgun when he ignores his sister's pleas for mercy.

The Tax Inspector

Catchprice Motors is a terminally run-down used car business founded by 'Cacka' Catchprice and his wife Frieda in the 1940s but now resembling nothing more than a "badly tended family grave". The business is in Franklin, New South Wales, which used to be a country town twenty miles from Sydney. Since then Sydney has swollen in size and Franklin finds itself only two miles beyond the outermost suburbs; it too has become built up and is largely inhabited by indigent immigrants. Responsibility for running the business rests mainly with Frieda's daughter Cathy, an aspiring Country and Western singer, and her manager husband, Howie McPherson, a "Rockabilly throwback" with pencil-line moustache and ducktail haircut.

All of the Catchprice children were abused when young and are dysfunctional in their various ways. Their mother Frieda, who had turned a blind eye to Cacka's behaviour while he was alive, would rather have run a flower farm on their plot. Cathy was brought up on opera but now writes her own country material and longs to be on the road with her band. Of her brothers, Mort works as a morose mechanic, in denial about his upbringing. The younger brother, Jack, has left for Sydney and a successful career as a property developer. Mort has two sons, as abused by him as he by his father. The elder has escaped to join a Hare Krishna ashram in Sydney; though he has changed his name from Johnny to Vishnabarnu, he remains a Catchprice at the beck and call of his family. The mentally unstable younger son, Benny, was the only one in the family to be content until he is sacked from the business for inefficiency. His condition then worsens into delusion.

Into this scenario enters Maria Takis, the Tax Inspector, who takes vengeful pleasure in investigating the affairs of the rich and privileged. Unmarried and eight months pregnant, she has now been sidelined into auditing the finances of Catchprice Motors. By doing so she acts as the catalyst that destabilises the lives of all the family members and forces them to acknowledge what the past has made of them. Jack falls in love with her and is ready to renounce his affluent lifestyle. Cathy at last makes the decision to quit the business and follow her dream. Frieda believes the remedy for her increasingly senile confusion is to dynamite the garage.

But Benny too believes he is in love with Maria and kidnaps her. As the buildings blow up about the waterlogged cellar in which he has his den, Maria gives birth and bludgeons Benny to death in order to save her child.

Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell

After a radio message about a bomb threat against the plane, co-pilot Sugisaka checks the passengers' bags for the bomb, which are cleared apart from one man who had no bag. Stewardess Kuzumi opens an unaccompanied suitcase under a bench, finding a rifle. The man pulls a gun on Sugisaka and orders the pilot to fly to Okinawa. He shoots out the plane's transistor radio just as it breaks the news about a UFO over Japan with Japanese and US Air Force fighters in pursuit. A luminous object streaks past overhead, knocking out the airplane's control and causing an engine fire to erupt. The aircraft crashes on an uncharted deserted island.

Only a handful of people survive the crash: Sugisaka; Kuzumi; Mrs. Neal, an American widow; Senator Mano of the Constitutional Democratic Party; weapons exporter Tokiyasu and his wife Noriko; psychiatrist Momotake; space biologist Professor Sagai; and the young man who called in the bomb threat. The hijacker suddenly sits up, grabs Kuzumi, and escapes into the jungle, encountering the spaceship. Kuzumi hides, but the hijacker steps into a clearing and walks to the spaceship as if he was called to it. A dark blob oozes towards the hijacker, whose forehead is split wide open, causing Kuzumi to scream and pass out.

Sugisaka finds the unconscious Kuzumi and carries her back to the plane. Dr. Momotake later hypnotizes her to recount the events in the jungle. The teenager who called in the bomb threat attacks Dr. Momotake, who falls off the cliff where he comes across the hijacker, who then kills him by draining his blood.

As the survivors discuss finding water, a knock at the door is heard. Sugisaka opens it to find the hijacker lying on the ground with a big scar on his forehead. The survivors carry the hijacker inside and dress his wound. Tokiyasu then uses the rifle to force everyone out of the plane and locks himself safely inside with the hijacker. Right after, Tokiyasu's screams are heard, and the door unlocks. Everyone goes inside to find Tokiyasu dead, drained of all blood. The hijacker appears and carries Noriko off to the spaceship. At sunrise, Noriko is seen standing on a ridge. She speaks, but with the voice of the alien, the Gokemidoro. It is revealed that the Gokemidoro has invaded Earth, intending to eradicate the human race. Noriko then plunges off the ridge, shriveling into a cadaver.

The passengers argue about whether extraterrestrials would invade Earth. Professor Sagai theorizes that the hijacker turned into a vampire. Mano challenges them to prove there are vampires, causing the others to plan to sacrifice someone to the Gokemidoro. The survivors shove the teenager outside as the hijacker slowly advances towards him. The teenager pulls out the bomb he has been hiding and threatens to blow up the plane unless they let him back in. They do not, and the teenager triggers the bomb, killing himself and blowing a large opening in the airplane, wounding Professor Sagai. Mano runs off with Mrs. Neal. When the hijacker catches up with them, Mano pushes Mrs. Neal to the hijacker to save himself. Mrs. Neal shoots several times but misses. The hijacker kills her.

Mano escapes back to the plane with the hijacker right behind him. The remaining survivors leave the plane to help Mano, but he runs past them, locking the plane door behind him. While Mano watches from inside the airplane, Sugisaka tosses a bucket of airplane fuel at the hijacker, then sets him on fire.

The Gokemidoro crawls out of the burning hijacker, creeps in the plane, and enters Professor Sagai's forehead. Sagai drains Mano, then turns to Sugisaka and Kuzumi, who escape. Sagai follows until he is swept off a hill by a landslide. Sugisaka and Kuzumi keep running while Sagai goes back to the spaceship. Once there, the Gokemidoro crawls out, reducing Saiga to dust.

Sugisaka and Kuzumi reach a highway, finding every human in the cars and the city dead. The Gokemidoro informs them that no one will be spared.

In the epilogue, Sugisaka and Kuzumi are wandering on rocky terrain. In orbit around Earth, a whole fleet of Gokemidoro spaceships await the order to attack.

Habit (1997 film)

Sam is a self-destructive, vaguely artistic New York bohemian who has recently lost his father and his long-time girlfriend. At a Halloween party he meets a mysterious, beautiful, androgynous woman named Anna (Meredith Snaider). He embarks on a kinky, sex-charged relationship with her; but soon he suffers from a mysterious illness, and eventually comes to believe that Anna is a vampire.