In 1990, Billy Underwood goes missing at a school fair in Dexter, Oklahoma. Ten years later, Billy's mother Lisa Underwood is called to the local elementary school. She learns that Billy has mysteriously re-appeared at the school, but does not seem to have aged in the decade he was missing.
Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and John Doggett (Robert Patrick) arrive at the police station to see Billy. Doggett interviews the boy, who seems to be mute. In attempt to get Billy to speak, Doggett keeps his backpack from him. This infuriates Lisa and leads Scully to question Doggett’s expertise in child abduction cases. Scully suggests that Billy is an alien abductee, but Doggett believes Ronald Purnell, a local delinquent, may have been involved in the boy's disappearance. Doggett questions Purnell, who expresses confusion when the agent suggests that he should meet Billy. As Doggett sits in his car, he pulls out a school photo of a young boy.
When Billy is returned home, his brother and father are uneasy about his presence; Lisa is blind to these problems. While Lisa and her husband Doug argue about Billy, he wanders into his brother’s room holding a knife. Lisa finds a bloody knife in Josh's bed the next morning, although the boy is unscathed. Billy stands in the room staring at Josh. Forensic analysis shows the blood to be Billy's, although there are no injuries on him. The knife bears a crude star-like symbol that Billy drew while being interrogated by Doggett, a symbol that was also drawn by a psychic investigator who worked with the police following Billy's disappearance ten years earlier. The Underwoods reluctantly agree to let Billy speak with the psychic, but when Doug attempt to drive him to the meeting, Billy seemingly disappears from inside the family minivan, only to reappear in Josh's room, frightening Josh with his silent staring. Meanwhile, at Purnell's trailer, his mother's boyfriend, Cal Jeppy, shows up and hassles him. Purnell goes into the woods and digs up a skull. Later, Jeppy blackmails Purnell into silence over something related to Billy.
Scully and Doggett bring the psychic, Sharon Pearl, to meet Billy. After touching Billy, Pearl says that she feels powerful forces acting through him, and that she senses emanations from Doggett as well, claiming he lost someone just like Billy. She then appears to suffer a seizure and the mysterious symbol forms on her forehead. As Scully and Doggett discuss the Sharon's condition, Scully plays a taped recording of her utterances while having the seizure, then reverses the tape to reveal a child's voice singing a lullaby, All The Pretty Little Horses. They notice Purnell driving up to the Underwood home and Doggett gets out to question Purnell. Purnell panics when he sees Billy inside his car, driving off when Doggett also sees the child, but after a short pursuit, Purnell is arrested and the agents fail to find Billy in the vehicle. Elsewhere in town at a gas station, Josh Underwood is lured from his father's car by a pony and horse trailer. As his abduction unfolds, the star-like symbol Billy and the psychic drew is shown to be a painted logo on the trailer for Cal's Pony Ride-Along.
After interrogation by Doggett, Purnell confesses to snatching Billy in 1990 on behalf of someone else. Doggett recognizes Purnell was also a victim, and with enough prodding, gets a name: Cal Jeppy. The police and the two FBI agents go to Jeppy’s home and find Josh in a compartment under the floor of his horse trailer. Doggett chases Jeppy into the woods, catches him, and, after catching a glimpse of Billy, discovers the skull Purnell dug up earlier where the now vanished boy was standing. As the Underwoods grieve over the shallow grave of their long-dead son, Doggett expresses incredulity that the case's conclusion was an instance of justice from beyond the grave and laments their inability to explain it. Scully, however, reasons that the body is explanation enough and that the important thing is that Josh Underwood was saved from the same fate.
In Burley, Idaho, an undertaker and his wife are brutally murdered by some sort of flying creature. Later, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and John Doggett (Robert Patrick), who has been assigned to the X-Files, begin talking about the case. Scully explains about the death of the undertaker and his wife and notes that the cause of death is blood loss from human bite marks on their bodies.
Scully and Doggett arrive at the crime scene in Idaho and meet Detective Yale Abbott. He says they are less sure that the bites were made by a human and draws their attention to the strange footprint, believing that wild animals fed on the bodies after the fact. Scully points out that there is only one footprint, which looks ominously human, and that if it were left by an animal there would be more footprints leading to the bodies. Scully and Doggett check out the house and find prints leading upstairs and into the attic. Inside, Scully and Doggett find the missing fingers of the undertaker. They look like they have been regurgitated by something and the claw marks in the attic suggest something was hanging from the rafters. Meanwhile, elderly Mrs. McKesson is killed in her attic while looking at a photo album.
At the morgue, Scully explains that she studied the bite wounds and discovered that they are similar, but intrinsically different, than human bites; the saliva on the regurgitated fingers has anti-coagulants in it, which only bats have in their saliva. Doggett finds the evidence interesting, due to the newspaper article he brought Scully: in 1956, a series of deaths was reported that ended when a group of hunters killed a man-bat creature and brought it to the county morgue in part of Montana. The coroner said the creature was neither bat nor man. Then the coroner was killed a few days later and soon after a few more people were killed or disappeared.
Scully and Doggett join the investigation at McKesson's home. Scully suggests a connection between the burned body of Ariel McKesson who disappeared in 1956 and her mother, the latest victim. Scully believes that the burned body should be exhumed to potentially learn the connection with the other deaths. Later, the gravediggers already have the coffin excavated when Detective Abbott shows up at the town cemetery. They tell him that they did not have to dig because somebody already dug the coffin up and scratched the lid up. While they drive off with the body, Abbott inspects a dead tree. The creature is within and it eviscerates Abbott.
The police are upset about Abbott's death and blame Scully while Doggett reminds them that only the thing that killed Abbott and the others is to blame. Scully explains Ariel McKesson died of heart failure and then was burned to cover something up. She realizes that all the victims were people who came in contact with the body of Ariel McKesson: Abbott investigated the crime, her mother identified the body, the undertaker prepared the body, and Myron Stefaniuk pulled the body from the river. All but Myron Stefaniuk are now dead. Doggett and Scully find Myron and ask him about Ernie Stefaniuk, one of the hunters from 1956, who he reveals disappeared a long time ago. The two eventually track down Ernie Stefaniuk, who tells them that he hid on an island in the middle of the town's lake with his wife, Ariel, for 44 years. Ernie says that the bat creature kills anyone with Ernie's scent on them, so he had burned his wife's body to try and cover up the scent. He informs them that it hunts only at night and Myron is in danger. Doggett goes back to find Myron only to be attacked and badly torn up by the creature at the river.
Ernie says Scully is now marked and the creature will go after her too. When his ground radar goes off, Scully goes outside. Ernie stays inside and is butchered by the bat creature. Scully returns to see it ravaging Ernie; she manages to shoot it before being knocked down. Doggett appears and shoots the creature several more times, saving Scully. The creature disappears into the night while Scully helps the injured Doggett. Back at the office, they get a fax from Myron, who survived and has gone into hiding in Wyoming.
While preparing for Dana Scully's (Gillian Anderson) baby shower, her mother Margaret (Sheila Larken) invites a woman named Lizzy Gill to help Scully around her apartment. Unbeknownst to Scully, Gill tampers with her pregnancy medication. Meanwhile, Billy Miles (Zachary Aynsley), satisfied with the research conducted at Zeus Genetics, kills the head scientist, Dr. Lev, and burns the laboratory. All of the evidence at Zeus Genetics is destroyed, including the viable hybrid fetus. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) informs John Doggett (Robert Patrick) of the fire, and asks to go along to survey the crime scene. Mulder reveals that Lev is connected to Scully's former obstetrician, Dr. Parenti. While searching Parenti's office, the agents find another storage room containing hybrid fetuses. They confront Parenti, who denies everything.
Back at Scully's apartment, Gill leaves for the day. She gets into a car driven by Duffy Haskell, and tells him she thinks Scully trusts her. At the lab, Agent Crane derides Doggett for dealing with Mulder. Mulder and Doggett head back to Parenti's office, during which time Miles appears and decapitates Parenti. As they enter Parenti's office, they confront Miles—Mulder is thrown through a glass barrier while Doggett shoots him several times with no apparent effect. While Mulder and Doggett are distracted, Miles escapes. The two go to Scully's house to regroup. Gill overhears and contacts Haskell, who is at an illegal human cloning facility. At the other end, Haskell is also decapitated by Miles.
As Doggett, Mulder, and Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) survey Haskell's murder scene, Scully catches Gill in the act of tampering with her medication. Later, Gill confesses that she, along with Haskell and others, have been monitoring Scully's pregnancy as part of the alien colonists' plans. However, she tells the agents that Scully's baby is a perfect human child with no human weaknesses. Mulder, fearing for Scully's safety, prepares to take her away. Doggett and Crane receive a call from Miles claiming to surrender, but this turns out to be a distraction. Miles instead goes after Scully, just as she and Mulder escape. As Miles is about to catch Mulder and Scully, Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) runs him over and takes them to Doggett and Skinner, just before Miles gets back up.
Krycek states that Miles is one of a new type of aliens that are trying to wipe out humanity's ability to survive the invasion—including Scully's baby, which Krycek states is a special child that the aliens fear. Mulder tells Doggett to send for help. Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) arrives as Miles shows up at the J. Edgar Hoover Building. Scully is able to sneak out of the building with the help of Krycek, Doggett and Reyes. Mulder and Skinner, meanwhile, lead Miles to the roof, where Mulder pushes him off into a waiting garbage truck, which then compacts him. Scully and Reyes pull away. The episode ends with Crane pointing them to safety, then turning around, revealing to the camera that he is a Super Soldier.
In Ellicott, New York, Arlen Sacks is killed by an unknown creature that sprays venom on its victims, and his son Gary goes missing. In the meantime, at FBI Headquarters, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), preparing for maternity leave, packs up her belongings at the X-Files office. She finds a medallion commemorating the Apollo 11 space flight that was given to her for her birthday by Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). Scully gives John Doggett (Robert Patrick) the medallion, explaining that it symbolizes teamwork. After Scully leaves, Special Agent Leyla Harrison arrives and tells Doggett that she is his new partner. The two are soon assigned to investigate Sacks's bizarre murder.
At the crime scene, Doggett finds evidence of the venom, which is sent to an FBI lab for analysis. In her previous job Harrison processed Mulder and Scully's travel expenses during their time on the X-Files, and has thus gained an encyclopedic knowledge of their investigations. Following a wooded trail from the crime scene, the agents stumble upon an upscale mansion and make their way inside. A strange creature clinging to the wall secretly observes their every move. Doggett discovers a study full of biology journals and a copy of the anthropologist Richard Leakey's book ''The Sixth Extinction''. He pulls out his gun, sensing that something is amiss. Finding Harrison in the hallway, he instructs her to position herself outside the house while he tries to flush the creature. Moments after Doggett instructs Harrison to stand guard he hears gun shots being fired. Rushing outside, he cannot find Harrison anywhere in the yard. He walks farther to the edge and falls through a trap door at the edge of the front lawn.
During an autopsy, Scully correctly deduces that Sacks was blinded by reptile venom. Meanwhile, Doggett and Harrison, having fallen into old bootlegger tunnels below the mansion grounds, encounter the creature and are sprayed with venom, temporarily blinding them. The two find Gary, in dire need of medical attention, nearby. Noting the agents' absence, Mulder searches the area around the mansion for clues and encounters the owner, Herman Stites, who identifies himself as a biologist. Mulder soon leaves the area as Stites notices Doggett about to escape the tunnels, knocking him back in. Mulder waits in his car in Stites' driveway until dark, telling Scully that he found the Apollo medallion near his estate and is convinced Doggett is somewhere nearby. He spots the creature and chases it to the mansion, where it climbs up to a second floor. Mulder follows the creature into the house and down into the tunnels, where he encounters Doggett and Harrison. With the creature approaching, Mulder tells the still-blinded Doggett to open fire at him on his command. The blinded Doggett then shoots the creature as it leaps at Mulder; the deceased creature then turns into Stites.
Later, Scully and Mulder meet Doggett, who has now fully recovered, at the hospital. He tells them that Harrison will make a full recovery as well but that she is transferring herself off of the X-Files. Mulder attempts to give Doggett the Apollo medallion, but Doggett insists that it be given to Harrison instead. Mulder and Scully then present it to Harrison together, who accepts it in awe.
Simon de la Cruz, a worker on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, fatally stabs fellow crew member Ed Dell, the radio operator. He then starts destroying the platform's radio equipment but is confronted by Bo Taylor, whose body then begins to glow.
At FBI headquarters, Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) tells Special Agent John Doggett (Robert Patrick) about the murder and explains that ninety percent of de la Cruz's body was covered with apparent radiation burns. Galpex Petroleum, the platform's owner, officially attributes the burns to an explosion, but Mulder suspects the involvement of black oil. Mulder and Doggett meet Galpex's vice-president, Martin Ortega (Miguel Sandoval), who tells them that the company has discovered a large oil reserve in the Gulf of Mexico. Deputy Director Alvin Kersh (James Pickens, Jr.) sends Doggett to the Gulf to investigate, but Mulder is already present when Doggett arrives. The agents meet Taylor, who claims de la Cruz tried to blow up the platform.
Meanwhile, Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) finds black oil in de la Cruz's skull during an autopsy—the oil is dead and seems to have been irradiated. She concludes that he may have had some immunity to the black oil because he is an indigenous Mexican national. Doggett and Mulder find proof of black oil and quarantine the platform, but de la Cruz's friend Diego Garza is missing. Ortega threatens to bring back the crew unless the agents can provide proof of an infection. Doggett and Mulder search for Garza who, like de la Cruz, also has Native American heritage. They later discover that somebody has set fire to the communications room. As the agents tackle the fire, Garza attacks Doggett and renders him unconscious. When he awakens, Garza, now mentally unstable, cuts his arm to check for the presence of black oil.
Meanwhile, an annoyed Kersh tells Scully that he is lifting the quarantine of the platform, which she is forced to reluctantly obey. Scully then realizes that de la Cruz is immune to the black oil, and because of it, he suffered from radiation burns instead of infection. After talking to Garza, Doggett leaves to find Mulder but is attacked by Taylor. Mulder arrives and overpowers Taylor, and the agents barricade themselves in the communication room. They attempt to relay a message while the platform's crew attack the door. Scully receives the message and tells them that Kersh has broken the quarantine. Mulder destroys the platform's radio so that the infected crew cannot communicate with the aliens. Suddenly, the crewmen stop their attack and begin to sabotage the platform, forcing Doggett and Mulder to jump off before it is destroyed. They are rescued by the helicopters Kersh has sent to break the quarantine. Later, Mulder informs Doggett that he has been dismissed from the FBI.
In New Orleans, mild-mannered white-collar worker Jeb Larold Dukes (Jay Underwood) is fired from his job. After he leaves the office, Jeb witnesses a car chase which ends in a fiery crash. A burning figure that only Jeb can see emerges from the wreck and seems to merge with him. Jeb, now possessed by the being, returns to his office to massacre his boss and co-workers.
Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) arrives at the crime scene and meets NOPD detective Franklin Potter, who has called her in out of his belief that the murders are related to satanism. Reyes merely answers the detective that it was not devil worship, and that the killer probably was under stress. As she is leaving, she witnesses one of the bodies carbonize into a charred corpse in front of her, only to have it revert to normal.
Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) takes a pregnant Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) to the hospital when she doubles over in pain. There, Reyes phones him to ask about the case, but Mulder cedes to the authority of John Doggett (Robert Patrick), who is formally running the X-Files. However, Reyes says she can't call Doggett since it is about him. Meanwhile, Jeb is in a hotel room in Georgia trying to shoot himself in the head. Suddenly, he notices something wrong with his face; he claws at his face, peeling away the skin to reveal burning embers underneath.
Mulder and Reyes meet in an FBI records room, where she divulges that she was one of the agents called in to investigate the murder of Doggett's son Luke years previously. They never found the killer, and when they discovered Luke's body, both Reyes and Doggett saw it transform into ashes instantly, something Doggett has spent the last few years convincing himself he did not see. Reyes believes it was a psychic clue, and now with the other crime scene, she has seen it again.
Doggett soon attacks Mulder for looking into his son's case, but Reyes explains why they are investigating. She reveals that Bob Harvey, a suspect in Luke's murder, died in the car crash in New Orleans. Reyes stresses her vision's importance, but Doggett dismisses it. Reyes then visits Jeb's sister, Katha, and learns he did not know Bob Harvey. While Reyes is there, Katha receives a call from Jeb, but tells him to call later. As Jeb leaves the phone booth, he kills a female motorist. Meanwhile, Doggett learns from Scully that she has suffered a placental abruption. He asks her what made her start to believe in the paranormal. She says she realized she was "afraid to believe." Scully later tells Mulder to keep trying to help Doggett.
As Doggett approaches the body of Jeb's latest victim, he has a flashback of when he found Luke's body. Doggett storms off, but Reyes refuses to let it go, finally revealing her theory: she believes that the boy's murder was part of a "thread of evil," an interconnected series of terrible events. Meanwhile, Katha returns home with her daughter and finds Jeb there. He insists that it wasn't him who committed the murder, and pleads to his sister for help. Katha calls the agents and tries to separate her daughter from Jeb, but he realizes what she is planning and uses his niece as a hostage. Before Jeb can shoot Doggett, Reyes incapacitates him with a round to the throat.
Doggett finally embraces the memory of his vision. Mulder tells him that when he worked in violent crimes and saw the horrible things people did, he began to think of evil like a disease that infected people. Some lack immunity to this disease of evil because of some tragedy in their lives. Jeb dies while Reyes and Katha are in the room. After the doctors leave, Katha's eyes glow, much like Jeb's. She hits Reyes over the head with an oxygen tank and takes her gun. Before she can execute Reyes for killing her brother, Doggett appears and wrestles her to the ground. At the end Dogget looks in on Katha seeming to be drugged laying in a hospital bed.
In the seventh-season finale "Requiem", FBI special agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) was abducted by aliens. In the eighth-season premiere "Within", John Doggett (Robert Patrick) took his place on the X-Files, and worked with Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) to find Mulder. In "This Is Not Happening", Scully, Doggett and FBI assistant director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) discovered several returned abductees. Although nearly all were in critical condition, a UFO cult, led by the mysterious Absalom (Judson Scott), was using Jeremiah Smith's (Roy Thinnes) healing powers to treat the abductees. Scully headed to their compound, only to discover Mulder's deceased body in the woods.
Three months after Mulder's funeral, Doggett is offered a transfer from the X-Files. He realizes that if he leaves, the office will be closed, as Scully will soon be on maternity leave. Meanwhile, a fishing trawler finds the decomposing body of Billy Miles (Zachary Ansley)—an alien abductee who was taken at the same time as Mulder. When Miles revives on the autopsy table, Skinner, despite Doggett's objections, orders that Mulder's body be exhumed and brought to a hospital, fearing that he may have been buried alive. When the casket is opened, a decomposing Mulder, contrary to all scientific expectations, shows weak vital signs. Meanwhile, Scully notices that Miles (now on life support) has two heartbeats.
Deputy Director Alvin Kersh unsuccessfully tries to convince Doggett to stop investigating Mulder's apparent death. A short while later, as Skinner walks down a hallway, Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) activates nanobots that he had previously placed in Skinner's bloodstream as blackmail. In an elevator, Krycek reveals himself to a pained Skinner and explains that he has a vaccine which could save Mulder's life. However, he will only give it if Skinner can ensure that Scully does not give birth to her baby for reasons that he does not disclose. Later, alone in his hospital bed, Miles regains consciousness and takes a shower. While doing so, his decaying flesh falls away, revealing a healthy body beneath. Miles tells Scully and Doggett that the aliens who abducted him are trying to save humanity. Scully, however, receives a lab report which reveals that Miles's DNA has substantially changed; he is now a new being. Skinner later tells Scully that there is a cure for Mulder's disease, but does not explain Krycek's demands.
From her medical findings, Scully discovers that an alien virus is keeping the abductees alive long enough to cause a radical genetic transformation to take place, similar to the one that Miles experienced. After Scully tells Doggett about the transformation, he visits Absalom, who believes that the abductees are being resurrected into aliens who will eventually conquer Earth. Skinner — torn by his decision — pulls Mulder off life support so that Krycek does not get his way. Doggett, however, catches Skinner in his attempt. Skinner explains Krycek's demands, but Doggett argues that both options are unreasonable because either Scully's child will die, or Mulder will succumb to the virus. Doggett tries to locate Krycek in the parking lot of FBI Headquarters, but Krycek nearly runs him down with a car and destroys the vaccine before escaping. Dejected, Doggett returns to the hospital and tells Skinner he was right not to trust Krycek.
Doggett finds Scully preparing Mulder for the now-destroyed vaccine; she tells Doggett that keeping Mulder on life support was hastening the virus, and that Skinner effectively saved Mulder's life by pulling him off. She states that she will be able to use a combination of antiviral drugs to kill the virus if they can get him and his temperature to stabilize. Later, Scully sits by Mulder's bedside when he regains consciousness. He stares blankly at Scully, and asks, "Who are you?" At first, Scully thinks that Mulder does not remember her. However, she quickly realizes that he is actually playing a practical joke. They laugh, and Mulder asks, "Did anybody miss me?" Scully responds with tears. Later at the FBI, Kersh expresses his disappointment that Doggett did not take his advice to abandon Mulder's case and rescinds his offer to promote him. Doggett indicates that he will continue to work on the X-Files with Scully and Mulder.
Pregnant Kathy McCready is undergoing an emergency caesarean. As her husband prepares, the ward is locked down, and the child delivered is seen to be an alien.
FBI special agents John Doggett (Robert Patrick) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) meet Duffy Haskell (Jay Acovone), who tells them about his wife—a multiple-abductee who he believes was killed by her doctors upon giving birth to an alien child. He also describes how his wife's cancer was both caused and cured by her abductors. Duffy refers the agents to Zeus Genetics in Maryland, and shows them an ultrasound scan that seems to vindicate his story. As the agents leave, Doggett notes similarities between the case and Scully's history, although he does not yet know that she is pregnant. In a flashback, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) tells Scully that her abduction has rendered her infertile, as her ova were harvested for genetic experiments. Mulder later found them in a secret facility, but they were not viable.
At Zeus Genetics, Scully overhears a pregnant woman, Mary Hendershot (Saxon Trainor), who is telling her doctor that she no longer wants to be under his care. In order to avoid being seen, Scully hides in a storeroom, finding it full of preserved fetuses that resemble the alien child born earlier, but she is discovered by a Dr. Lev. Scully leaves and phones her Doctor, Dr. Parenti, who unbeknownst to Scully is dissecting an alien fetus, and asks him to compare her ultrasound scan with the one given to her earlier. Later, while waiting to be attended to by Parenti, she has another flashback, recalling the time she sought a second opinion about her ova from Parenti and was told that her ova might be viable with a sperm donor. In the present, she is called in to be attended to, and she is then assured her scans are in order. Later, Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) and Doggett confront Duffy about threatening letters he has sent to both Mulder and Lev. However, when the agents leave, Duffy makes a phone call to Lev, warning him that they are being investigated. In another flashback, Scully asks Mulder to be the donor, to which he happily agrees.
Scully is warned by Mary that their unborn children are in danger. Scully meets Doggett and Skinner, having requested a leave of absence from the FBI. After Doggett leaves, Skinner tries to convince Scully to reveal her pregnancy to him but she does not. Scully and Mary visit an army research hospital to have Mary's labor induced. Whilst Mary is being prepped for the operation, Scully asks to have an ultrasound performed on herself. The scan appears normal, but afterwards Scully realizes the monitor they were watching was actually a video of another woman's scan. Realizing they have been tricked, Scully finds Mary and the two sneak out of the exam room.
Meanwhile Doggett discovers that Duffy's fingerprints belong to a man who died thirty years previously. Doggett contacts an old military partner, Knowle Rohrer (Adam Baldwin) to find his real identity. Although Rohrer assures Doggett he will investigate, the agent is not convinced, believing that Duffy is a CIA agent. Doggett confides this to Skinner, who tells him to aid Scully at the military hospital. As Scully and Mary sneak out of the building, they are found by Rohrer and several marines, claiming Doggett has sent them to rescue her. The women are driven away, but Mary enters labor and it becomes clear to Scully that Rohrer is not acting with good intentions. Scully is knocked out with drugs by Rohrer. When she wakens, Doggett informs her that Mary's baby was delivered and is normal. However, Scully is convinced the baby was swapped out, but nothing more can be done about it. In another flashback, Scully tells Mulder that her attempt at in vitro fertilization has failed, but he tells her to "never give up on a miracle".
In Boston, an undercover cop waits for the subway, alone. Suddenly, a suspicious man appears, jumping the fare barrier. Eventually, they both get onto a train and the police officer draws his gun as the man starts to walk towards him from behind. Suddenly, the subway comes to a screeching halt, flashes of light are seen, and the train loses power. Later, when the train is back up and running, a group of commuters board the subway car and find the undercover cop with the flesh on half his face and his left arm stripped down to the bone.
Agents Scully and Doggett arrive at the operations center to investigate. However, they are rudely greeted by Deputy Chief Karras and Lieutenant Bianco of the transit police; the two eagerly want the FBI to get the job done fast so that the system can be reopened in time for the evening rush hour, and Karras is also irritated that Scully performed an autopsy on the body. Even after an autopsy, Scully has no idea what killed the man, and the CDC is unable to find any biological or chemical agents in the subway.
Doggett and Scully are soon introduced to a strike force that will be going into the subway to investigate. The group includes Steven Melnick, a structural engineer, and Dr. Hellura Lyle, a CDC employee specializing in pathogens. Scully, however, decides the plan will work better if Doggett acts as her eyes and ears while she analyzes the situation from up in the Transit Control Center. Using cameras and microphones, she will watch and hear what is happening. After the plans are made, Doggett leads the team into the dark tunnel.
While in the tunnels, Melnick gets a burn on the back of his neck suggesting a chemical leak. However, the test of the nearby puddle shows nothing dangerous: it is just salt water. Melnick mentions that the tunnels run along the harbor in some places and that they get sea water leakages from time to time. Moving ahead, the team finds an abandoned section of subway tunnel. Out of the tunnel bursts a man with his rib cage and teeth exposed who knocks Doggett down: he is the suspected robber, eaten away like the other man. His condition proves that he did not kill the man and that there may, in fact, be a contagion. While looking around, the teams discover three bodies with the same gruesome injuries, wrapped in plastic. It soon becomes clear that someone is covering up the problem in the subway.
Lyle spots an unknown person running away from them in the subway and the team follows. When the group approaches the spot where the train lost power, Melnick starts crying out in pain. Visible electrical flashes start destroying the skin on his left arm. Scully tells Doggett to pour water on it, which stops the flashes. Lyle takes the badly injured Melnick to the surface and Doggett continues onward with Bianco. When Melnick returns to the surface, he seems to be getting worse, but Lyle appears healthy. Scully then sees the three bodies being taken away by non-CDC hazmat people. When Scully confronts Karras about this, he says that he is organizing it. Scully tells Karras that she has already organized the CDC to collect the bodies and accuses Karras of attempting a cover-up. Although Karras tries to deny his involvement, he eventually allows her to send the bodies to the actual CDC.
Back in the tunnels, Doggett notices a green glow on Bianco in a dimly lit former subway station. As such, he refuses to allow the lieutenant to leave. Bianco runs away, forcing Doggett to give chase. He learns from Scully that Karras has gone ahead of plan and allowed the system to resume operation, despite the danger. After analyzing various water samples found at the scene, Scully meets with Dr. Kai Bowe, a marine biologist, who explains that the sample contains a unique microscopic sea creature called a medusa which are made out of calcium and are bioluminescent. However, Bowe does not know why the electrical reaction happens. When Doggett finds the wounded Bianco, he finds that his condition has gotten worse. Doggett then carries Bianco on his back and helps him continue through the tunnels. They soon encounter a boy with no signs of the luminous green substance on him. Scully realizes that sweat is causing the chemical electrical reaction since it is conductive to calcium ions. The boy does not have well developed sweat glands yet so the medusas are not affecting him. Doggett follows the boy to a major leak from the bay with the green glow on all the walls. Suddenly, an oncoming train approaches the group. Doggett uses Bianco's gun as an electrical conductor from the third rail to the electrolytic water, killing the medusas and preventing further exposure.
Later, Scully comes to see Doggett in the hospital. She informs him that Bianco and Melnick are with plastic surgeons, the boy has been given to social services, and no criminal charges will be pressed against Karras since the electrical discharge from the third rail destroyed the proof of the medusas in the tunnel.
FBI special agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) is currently missing, having been abducted by aliens in the seventh season finale, "Requiem." His partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) has been working with Agent John Doggett (Robert Patrick) in order to locate him. Shortly after Mulder was abducted, Scully and Doggett learned that he had been suffering from a brain tumor and was nearing his demise. After a false lead in the Arizona desert early in the year, Doggett has been assigned to the X-Files division, but he has continued his search for Mulder, despite a lack of definite leads.
A man—whose face is hidden from the camera—drives up to and enters a house, which has an ominous symbol drawn in blood on the door. When he's inside, a humanoid creature approaches a woman but the mysterious man shoots the creature three times. As he returns to his car his identity is finally revealed: Fox Mulder.
Doggett investigates a possible lead into Mulder's disappearance in Squamash, Pennsylvania. Apparently, in the spring of 2000, Mulder visited the town searching for something to cure his terminal brain disease that he received via exposure to an alien artifact. Doggett is informed by the local sheriff (Michael McGrady) that Mulder was investigating a case involving Marie Hangemuhl (Natalie Radford). Marie was told by her sister about a Native American legend of a creature that lives in the woods. While interrogating the Hangemuhls in the present, Doggett learns that Marie is suffering from terminal renal failure. As he is leaving, he also notices plastered-over gunshot holes in their wall. Later, at Mulder's apartment, Doggett finds a gun he kept hidden under his sink. Meanwhile, in Squamash, a backhoe digs at a stone circle located in the town cemetery. Later that night, the townsfolk show up at a cabin in the woods, demanding to a rustic woman (Caroline Lagerfelt) living there that "it" be sent out. A creature attempts to escape, but it is captured.
Doggett and Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) return to Squamash and ask the sheriff about the murder of an unidentified transient, who Doggett believes was killed by Mulder. Doggett and Skinner travel to the cemetery and discover that the grave dug up by the backhoe earlier is that of the transient. The two find the casket empty, but Doggett notices that the transient dug himself out of his own coffin. The sheriff arrives with the creature—revealed to be a soul eater, which subsists off human disease—at the Hangemuhl home, where the symbol in blood is on the door again. The hideous creature opens its jaws wide and bites Marie. Doggett suggests to Skinner that Mulder shot someone to protect her from the man who was supposed to be in that grave. Meanwhile, deep underground, the creature vomits what appears to be the visceral remains of Marie into a person-shaped mold in the soil.
Doggett goes off alone to see the woman who guarded the creature in the woods. The woman implies that Mulder, feeling sorry for the creature, was trying to euthanize it, not save Marie. Doggett hears a noise and finds a trap door leading into the tunnels. Underground, he finds Marie and takes her to the hospital. He reports to Skinner that her kidneys have healed spontaneously. Doggett returns to the woman who watches over the creature; after recoiling at its ugliness, the woman explains that it looks the way it does because it takes the sickness of others into itself, while healing them in the process. Doggett decides to take the creature away from society, which only uses it. However, Doggett is killed after the sheriff and his men, who refuse to relinquish the soul eater or even regard it as more than a thing, arrive and shoot him in the back. Doggett is promptly buried but later awakens in the tunnels. In the dark corner of the cavern, the woman weeps beside the dead soul eater. She reveals that, by eating Doggett's death, it has finally been allowed to die.
Back at FBI Headquarters, Doggett is struggling to write his report. When Skinner checks in on him, he encourages Doggett to not submit a report, as it would contradict Mulder's earlier report and damage his, Scully's, and Doggett's own reputation. Doggett protests that Scully had no knowledge of the events, but Skinner reminds him that it would take months to clear her name, and that it is enough that the two of them know the truth about what happened.
A metal box containing the remains of Billy Miles is brought to a coroner. The coroner examines it and notices what appears to be a metal vertebra. After he leaves the room, the metal vertebra begins to spin, growing into what looks like the beginnings of a metallic spine.
In Assistant Director Walter Skinner's office, a surveillance video shows Billy Miles leaving the morgue alive and well. Questioned by Skinner and Agents Mulder and Doggett, Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) reveals that Miles is a "new type of alien replacement agent" and there are others like him. Doggett is called out of the office on behalf of his source Knowle Rohrer, who claims that Miles is part of a secret military project to create "super soldiers" and that Scully had a chip put in the back of her neck during her abduction to make her pregnant with the first organic version of a super soldier.
Suddenly, Miles appears at the FBI headquarters. Sensing this, Krycek tries to escape with Skinner in pursuit. Miles appears behind them Krycek and Skinner manage to escape in an elevator, but Miles' hand breaks through the elevator door, injuring Skinner and knocking him unconscious. At the hospital, Doggett relates Rohrer's claims to Mulder, who rejects the story. The two agents set out to find out how trustworthy Rohrer really is. As they observe the FBI garage, they see Krycek and Rohrer arriving in a car. Doggett covertly pursues Rohrer and sees him meet with FBI Agent Crane. After learning of this, Mulder believes that Crane gave Krycek access to the FBI. Suddenly, Krycek smashes through the car window and crushes Mulder's phone. Krycek threatens Mulder with a gun, but is disarmed and eventually shot dead by Skinner. Doggett confronts Rohrer and Crane but ends up being chased by the two. The pursuit ends violently with Crane being run over and Rohrer crashing his car into the garage wall, going up in flames. Both men are presumed dead but later disappear.
Meanwhile, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Monica Reyes have arrived in Georgia at the abandoned town to hide Scully and her unborn child. They are detected by a female trooper, who agrees to bring them supplies for the birth. At night, Miles attacks the hide-out but is shot by the trooper. Scully goes into labor, while a revived Miles and other alien Super Soldiers surround the house. The trooper, revealed to be another Super Soldier, exclaims: "This baby will be born!" Monica Reyes helps Scully deliver an apparently normal baby, with the Super Soldiers witnessing the birth in a cold stare. Without explanation, the aliens leave the area as Mulder arrives.
At FBI Headquarters, Doggett and Reyes report to an enraged Deputy Director Alvin Kersh. Doggett retorts by informing Kersh that he is under investigation after a late night meeting between him, Rohrer and Crane. Mulder takes Scully and their baby back to her apartment. After marveling over the baby and discussing recent events, the two share a long, passionate kiss.
Kristina thinks that now she has a baby to care for and love, she can quit her addiction. But she finds herself searching for Robyn, her old contact for the "street crank". While at Robyn's house she meets a boy named Trey and starts to crave for people to look like they want or need her. Once she gets home, she begins to work at a 7-Eleven to get the money to buy more crank. The manager there is a porn dealer and offers her a job as a prostitute, but she declines.
After learning that her father is coming to her mother's home to be at the christening of her new baby, Hunter Seth, she begs her mother to let him come and she agrees, on the condition that Kristina has to be the one to tell her older sister Leigh. Once her father comes, he takes her to casinos for her eighteenth birthday party and they snort some lines while there. This causes Kristina to be almost late for Hunter's christening, but she manages to make it on time. Meanwhile, Kristina has started dating Trey and began smoking "glass", which is much more harmful than smoking crank because it is pure meth in rock size quantities. Kristina begins to smoke it every day, becoming skinnier and crashing more often. After crashing one day, her mother kicks her out of the house because she didn't even try to help Hunter, who had rolled himself under a chair and couldn't get out.
Kristina then moves in with Brad, Trey's cousin, while serving as the babysitter of Brad's two young daughters, Devon and LeTreya. She quits working at 7-Eleven by using blackmail and gets a call from Robyn. After finding out that Robyn now works at a "whorehouse", Kristina goes over and is able to sell the girls ice, instead of street crank, which was the only meth they'd had access to. Trey leaves for college and Kristina soon finds herself becoming attracted to Brad. After Trey comes home, she asks him why he hadn't been answering the phone and he responds with that he had been seeing a girl for sex only and that he still loved Kristina. She passes out and finds him gone. This saddens Kristina and she begins to have sex with Brad. When Trey comes home, he finds Kristina sleeping with Brad but instead of getting mad at her, he starts having sex with her while Brad is sleeping. Brad's estranged wife Angela comes back because she wants another try to be together with Brad and her daughters, forcing Brad to kick Kristina out.
Kristina is forced to move into a motel nearby. She is also able to meet the man that gives Brad the crystal meth, Cesar. Once Trey comes back, he confesses to Kristina that the girl he had been sleeping with was Angela until she came back to Brad. He was also forced to move out. She agrees to him moving in and they soon begin to live together. They then move to an apartment together. Kristina asks her mother if she can bring Hunter over to her apartment so Hunter could stay with his mother and stepfather. But Kristina gives him back when she finds Hunter on the ground after having fallen from his high chair. She realizes that her mother was right and that she is not ready to raise Hunter.
Kristina, desperate for some money, steals most of her mother's jewelry and check books. When Kristina gets a court order because her mother thinks that Kristina is an unfit mother, she and Trey decide to make a run for it after a picture of her is put in the newspaper asking for people to turn her in. They soon arrive in California with only a few pairs of clothes, all their meth, and money. They fall asleep in the car after a meal at McDonald's and are awakened by a cop. He asks them to step outside and he finds the half pound of crystal meth. They are arrested and taken to jail. They have to stay the entire weekend and during this time Kristina detoxes from the meth. Because Kristina had a history in Nevada, she and Trey are put behind home state bars. They are offered the chance of ratting on Cesar to shorten their jail sentence to six months which they agree to. During her checkup, Kristina finds out that she is pregnant with Trey's baby and hopes the baby is a girl so that Kristina will be able to love the baby like she should have done with Hunter. She hopes she can stay in touch with Trey and if not she knows she will with Quade. The novel ends with Kristina hoping that things will get better in her life even though she has no reason to be hopeful.
The drama tells the story of John Lennon's teenage years from 1955 to 1960. John was separated from his mother, Julia Lennon, when he was five. His aunt and uncle, Mimi and George Smith, raised him like a son. John is close to his Uncle George, who dies suddenly when John is 14. John becomes curious about his mother, who has since had three daughters, one of whom was given up for adoption. He becomes obsessed with rock and roll music during a visit to Blackpool with Julia. When John is suspended from school, Julia allows him to stay at her house during the day to keep Mimi finding out. Julia teaches John how to play the banjo. Mimi discovers their arrangement, but John refuses to go home with her and stays at Julia's. A week later, John overhears Julia and her common-law husband arguing about him, so he returns to Mimi's.
When John wants to start a rock 'n' roll band, Mimi buys him a guitar. John forms a band named the Quarrymen. At their first gig at a village fête, John meets Paul McCartney. Paul auditions and joins the band. Paul and John soon begin composing songs together. As the Quarrymen gain popularity, John meets Paul's friend, George Harrison, who becomes the band's lead guitarist.
At a birthday party Julia throws for John, he confronts her about his absent father, Alf Lennon. He wants to know why Julia gave him up. He also confronts Mimi, who says Julia cheated on Alf and did not want to stay with him. Alf had asked 5-year-old John to choose whom he wanted to live with. John initially chose his father, though he then wanted to stay with his mother. Without either parent having the time or money to legally determine custody, Mimi became John's custodian. John is upset by this revelation, and leaves in a drunken anger.
John moves out to live on his own. Over time, he, Julia, and Mimi become friendly. When Julia is fatally hit by a car, John is consumed by anger. Two years later, he goes to travel to Hamburg with his newly formed band, the Beatles. Mimi asks John to call her as soon as he arrives. The film ends with the caption, "John phoned Mimi as soon as he arrived in Hamburg...and every week thereafter for the rest of his life."
Little Opao (Dorothy Ann Perez) and Biboy (Jairus Aquino) grew up together in an orphanage in Taal, Batangas and promised themselves to be best friends forever. As they grow older they head into separate ways; to be adopted by their respective new parents. Opao is adopted by a spinster (Carmi Martin) whose failed career in acting prompts her to mould Opao into a superstar with the nickname Darling. Meanwhile, Biboy is adopted by Crisp Pops (Roderick Paulate).
As Biboy (Ogie Alcasid) grows up as adult he opens a handphone service and repair shop and hopes to meet Opao (Judy Ann Santos) one day. One day Biboy sees Opao singing on television and realizes she has completely changed into a superstar! A twist of fate makes Biboy disguising himself as a girl to be Darlings assistant with a new name of Frida. Both become best of friends without Darling realizing her real identity.
Darling then finds companionship with her new love, Bambam (Jon Avila). The jealous Frida then helps Darling to remember about her young childhood memories. Once again Fridas real identity has not been revealed. One day Bambam gives a surprise to Darling and Opao must decide whether to hide his identity forever or reveal the truth before he loses his childhood dreamgirl to Bambam.
During the flight of Ajira Airways Flight 316, a transpacific flight piloted by Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey), a big light enfolds the plane, causing Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox), Kate Austen (Evangeline Lily), Hugo "Hurley" Reyes (Jorge Garcia) and Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) to be transported to 1977, while the rest of the passengers remain in the current year. Lapidus, unable to control the plane, lands it on runaway that was built by the native population of the island known as the Others, and James "Sawyer" Ford and Kate, on the small island off the coast of the main island, where the Dharma Initiative Hydra Station is located.
The passengers begin to debate what to do next, with Caesar (Saïd Taghmaoui) suggesting to search the buildings of the island. Former leader of the Others Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) begins to travel to the main island. He is followed by survivor Sun-Hwa Kwon (Yunjin Kim), who believes her husband Jin-Soo Kwon (Daniel Dae Kim) is on the main island, and later Frank. After reaching a group of canoes, Sun knocks Ben out with an oar, and travels with Frank to the abandoned barracks of the Dharma Initiative. Waiting there is Christian Shephard (John Terry), who shows Sun and Frank a picture of new recruits to the Dharma Initiative from 1977, including Jack, Kate and Hurley. He also tells her that Jin is with them in 1977.
Sawyer reunites with Jack, Kate, and Hurley, and explains the situation regarding Dharma and the shifts in time. Sawyer arranges for the three of them to join the Dharma Initiative as new recruits: Jack is assigned janitorial work, Hurley is a chef, and Kate works in the motor pool with help from Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell), who forges the necessary documentation. Juliet also learns that Amy (Reiko Aylesworth) has named her baby Ethan. Meanwhile, Jin travels to the Dharma Initiative Flame Station because he believes that its occupant Radzinsky (Eric Lange) (who has been working on the design of the Swan) will know if Flight 316 crashed on the island. There is no evidence of a plane crashing on the island as, unbeknownst to them, the plane has landed in 2007. Soon, an alarm is set off and Jin finds Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) wandering in the jungle. After a brief moment of reunion, Jin is forced to act as if Sayid were a Hostile to placate Radzinsky, who would not understand where Sayid really came from. Sawyer is summoned to the Flame and moves Sayid to a jail cell at the Barracks while he decides what to do.
Later in the evening, Jack visits Sawyer and Juliet's house to discuss the situation. James tells Jack that he is in charge and has a different approach to leadership than Jack had with the survivors of Oceanic 815: Sawyer prefers to carefully plan out his actions, as opposed to Jack's more impulsive style of command. Meanwhile, at the jail, an adolescent brings Sayid a sandwich and introduces himself as Ben (Sterling Beaumon).
Anna is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital with a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia after she begins hearing voices and predicting the end of the world. Demons attempt to capture her in "I Know What You Did Last Summer" when they realize that the voices in her head are actually communications between angels, but Anna defends herself in a burst of telekinetic power and makes her escape from the hospital. Series protagonists Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester—hunters of supernatural creatures—are informed about Anna by their demonic ally Ruby. The three of them help protect Anna from both the demon Alastair and later, the angels Castiel and Uriel. When put into a hypnotic trance, Anna remembers that she herself used to be an angel in command of Castiel and Uriel. Longing to feel human emotions, she had removed her grace—an energy essential to angels—and was reborn as a human to the Miltons. Anna surmises that Castiel and Uriel have been ordered to kill her as punishment for the serious angelic crime of falling. To celebrate her last night on Earth, she has sex with Dean in his car; afterward, when Dean is asleep, he is visited in a dream by Uriel, who reveals that he has Anna's grace. Dean feigns surrender and provides Uriel with their location, as does Ruby with Alastair in order to fulfill their parts in a plan concocted by Sam. The angels and demons attack each other, giving Anna the opportunity to steal back her grace from a distracted Uriel. She then vanishes in a flash of light as she is restored to her angelic form.
Anna returns in "On the Head of a Pin" to try to dissuade Castiel from forcing Dean to torture Alastair for information about recent killings of angels. Castiel reveals that she is still a wanted fugitive of Heaven, and rejects her attempts to persuade him to help her, on the basis that she is fallen. When Castiel, having begun to have doubts about Heaven, goes to her for advice later in the episode, Anna tells him that he has to learn to think for himself. Anna reappears to kill Uriel—revealed to be the one responsible for the angel deaths—when he is attacking Castiel. She briefly appears in "The Rapture" to urge the Winchesters to find Castiel's now-missing vessel to find out the vitally important secret Castiel had wanted to tell Dean, for which Castiel has been taken back to Heaven to be punished for almost revealing. In the following episode "When the Levee Breaks", she confronts Castiel on having released Sam from his demon blood detox, only to be turned over to other angels by Castiel and taken to Heaven herself for punishment. She is subsequently imprisoned in Heaven's dungeon, where she is tortured for falling.
Anna makes her final appearance in the fifth season episode "The Song Remains the Same". Having escaped from Heaven and still committed to stopping the Apocalypse, she is now intent on killing Sam so that the recently freed Lucifer will not be able to use him as his vessel and thus the archangels Lucifer's and Michael's plans for the Apocalypse will fall apart, although Castiel questions if this is truly her will or the will Heaven imposed upon her using torture and brainwashing. To ensure that Sam cannot be resurrected for this purpose, she plans to destroy Sam's corpse and "scatter his cells across the universe." Realizing that she cannot kill Sam in the present with Castiel protecting him, Anna goes back in time to erase Sam and Dean from existence completely by killing their parents before Sam and Dean are born. Her first attempt fails due to the intervention of Sam and Dean, who have been sent to stop her by Castiel. Anna tricks the past's still-living Uriel into helping her and together they overpower the assembled Winchesters. Anna succeeds in killing Sam, but is soon after incinerated by Michael, who restores Sam to life and foils Anna's plan.
Andrew Garfield portrays Eric Wilson. The film commences when Eric is released from either a secure unit or prison under the name Jack Burridge. His past is told through flashbacks.
Eric Wilson befriends Philip Craig, who is a troublemaker and rescues him from a group of bullies. It is later disclosed that Philip is the victim of rape perpetrated by his older brother. Philip gets into an argument with a girl from their school who comes across the two boys loitering in a park. She criticizes them and refers to them as "scum" when she witnesses Philip vandalising a park sign with a Stanley knife. Philip approaches her and starts slashing at her forearms with the knife. He grabs the girl and drags her under a bridge. When Philip drops the knife, Eric picks it up, and follows them under the bridge. The girl is killed, although the film shows neither who kills her nor how. Eric (dubbed as Boy A during the trial) and Philip are remanded into custody at secure units. Philip ends up dead, assumed to be suicide, but Eric believes that he may have been killed by youth offenders.
Eric is later released and is guided by social worker Terry (Peter Mullan). Eric, shy and eager to be a good citizen again, builds up a new life under the name Jack Burridge. He finds a job, befriends his colleague Chris (Shaun Evans), falls in love with the office girl, Michelle (Katie Lyons), and rescues a little girl who would otherwise have died after a car crash. An article in a local newspaper portrays him as a hero and includes a picture of both boys in the story. Eric wants to be honest with Michelle and reveal his past, but Terry urges him not to do so because it is too dangerous. Terry is afraid that people may attack Eric because there is a reward of £20,000 for finding him. Terry argues that it is not dishonest because "Eric is history and Jack is a new person".
The rehabilitation worker is less satisfied with his own son. The son discovers Eric's true identity from newspaper articles about him being released, his new role as the hero and information he looks up without permission on his father's computer. Out of jealousy, he reveals this to the public and as a result, Eric loses his job and his best friend Chris distances himself from him. Michelle goes missing, and people suspect that Eric is somehow involved, though it is later revealed she has sequestered herself at home, devastated about the revelation that Jack is actually Eric.
Eric repeatedly tries to phone Terry but gets his voicemail. He flees from his home to avoid reporters and travels to Blackpool. There he meets (or imagines meeting) Michelle, who tells him she was not the one who revealed his past and would have eventually understood if he told her the truth, and then leaves. After saying farewell messages in voicemails to Terry and Chris, the film concludes with Eric standing over the edge of a pier.
Category:Novels by Dean Koontz Category:2008 American novels Category:Psychological thriller novels
At thirty-four, Internet entrepreneur Ryan Perry seemed to have the world in his pocket—until the first troubling symptoms appeared out of nowhere. Within days, he’s diagnosed with incurable cardiomyopathy and finds himself on the waiting list for a heart transplant; it’s his only hope, and it’s dwindling fast. Ryan is about to lose it all…his health, his girlfriend Samantha, and his life.
One year later, Ryan has never felt better. Business is good and he hopes to renew his relationship with Samantha. Then the unmarked gifts begin to appear—a box of Valentine candy hearts, a heart pendant. Most disturbing of all, a graphic heart surgery video and the chilling message: Your heart belongs to me.
In a heartbeat, the medical miracle that gave Ryan a second chance at life is about to become a curse worse than death. For Ryan is being stalked by a mysterious woman who feels entitled to everything he has. She’s the spitting image of the twenty-six-year-old donor of the heart beating steadily in Ryan’s own chest.
And she’s come to take it back.
Doris Stanley is an adolescent singer ("14 going on 15") billed as an 11-year-old "child prodigy" by her money-hungry aunt. When Doris finds that her Aunt Addie has reneged on her promise to give her a break from her singing tour, she runs away, and finds herself in a small town. Doris presents herself as a potential adoptee to a young married couple (Ann and Steve Winters). Unbeknownst to Doris, Ann was on the verge of breaking up with Steve due to his preoccupation with golf and refusal to find a real job. Her arrival gives the couple a reason to stay together.
Ann makes both friends and enemies at her new high school, as she vies for the affections of Jimmy, who is stuck on a girl (Elaine) who is toying with him. The school's music teacher, Miss Roberts, takes an interest in Doris when she realizes what a good singing voice she has. A newspaper story appears offering a 5,000 dollar reward for finding the missing Doris. The music teacher makes a trip to the city, ostensibly to claim the reward, but really to find out why Doris ran away. She then claims that the girl she knows is not Doris. The aunt is suspicious and sends a detective to follow her back to the small town.
Meanwhile, Steve is determined to stay with Ann and to keep their adoptive daughter Doris, but he will need some income for the expected court battle. He applies for an insurance job, and successfully talks a stingy client into buying a large policy, thus securing a good commission and a job.
After initially being written out of a music recital, Doris is allowed to perform, wowing the crowd and catching the eye and ear of the detective. The film's climax occurs in the small town courtroom, in which it is revealed that the aunt never properly adopted Doris, and that she is just old enough to freely choose her adoptive parents. She chooses the Winters couple, with the aunt being granted visitation rights. With Jimmy's prospective Prom date down with the mumps (which she caught from another boy), Jimmy sees Doris with new eyes and escorts her to the Prom.
The main cast in this film had also appeared in Gloria Jean's previous film, earlier in 1942, ''What's Cookin'?''. Gloria Jean, Donald O'Connor, and Peggy Ryan would star in two more films together during 1942-1943: ''It Comes Up Love'', and ''Mister Big''.
Near the end of World War II in Europe, American soldier Sergeant David Brent (James Best) loses two men and is himself wounded while hunting down and killing a sniper in an unnamed German city. He falls unconscious in front of a young German woman, Helga Schiller (Susan Cummings). When he awakes, he finds that she has tended his wound rather than killing him. She also protects him from her bitter younger brother, Franz (Harold Daye). When the Waffen-SS set up an artillery observation post in Helga's building, she hides David to prove she is not a Nazi. Later, the Americans capture the city, and David is sent to a hospital.
After Germany surrenders, David returns to the city and marries Helga, despite being warned by his commanding officer. Because American soldiers are ''verboten'' (forbidden) to fraternize with German women, he resigns from the Army and goes to work as an administrator in the Food Office of the Military Government.
One day, Helga spots a friend, returning German soldier Bruno Eckhart (Tom Pittman). She breaks the news to him that his parents were killed by Allied bombing and his girlfriend committed suicide because she mistakenly believed the Russians were coming. Bruno congratulates her on landing someone she herself calls her "American goldmine". She persuades David to vouch for him, which enables Bruno to get one of the scarce good jobs, as a policeman. What neither Helga nor David know is that Bruno is a member of ''Werwolf'', a Nazi underground organization bent on regaining control of Germany, beginning with sabotage and sneak attacks. Bruno uses his position to infiltrate other ''Werwolf'' members into the government and becomes their leader. Franz also joins the organization.
When a food shipment is hijacked by ''Werwolf'', the German civilians blame the Americans and demonstrate in front of the building where David works. David is fired after he foolishly attacks their spokesman and is pummeled by the mob. Bruno turns David against Helga, even though she is pregnant, by telling the American that she married him only for the food and shelter he could provide. When David confronts Helga, she admits that it was true to begin with, but that she eventually fell in love with him; he does not believe her and storms out.
Meanwhile, Franz's conscience begins troubling him after he witnesses an incident at Bruno's secret ''Werwolf'' headquarters in a railroad boxcar. After a ''Werwolf'' member bitterly protests against the theft of medicine intended for the German people, Bruno stabs him to death. When Franz has a nightmare about the murder, Helga discovers that he is part of ''Werwolf''. Determined to show him the error of his ways, she takes him to the first session of the Nuremberg Trials. Horrified by what he learns, he reveals what he knows, enabling the American authorities to smash the ''Werwolf'' operation in the area. Upon learning what Helga did, David reconciles with her. Franz goes to the boxcar to retrieve an invaluable list of ''Werwolf'' members, but is caught in the act by Bruno. In the ensuing struggle, Franz manages to knock Bruno out, but is trapped inside when the boxcar catches fire. David rushes in and rescues his brother-in-law.
Kayuga, a Goddess of Love, looks at the moon from her residence in a limbo dimension between it and Earth. She and her faithful servant Pipi note that mankind's various sorrows are slowly but surely pushing the moon away from the planet. Kayuga decides the only way to stop this is for her and Pipi to go to Earth and save the moon by helping the anguished attain and achieve what they desire the most.
As they arrive on Earth, Tanaka, a young luckless romantic, attempts to surprise his dream girl, the wealthy Ikuko, with a bouquet of flowers and tickets to a baseball game for her birthday. Ikuko, however, harshly rejects Tanaka's attempts, claiming she has no interest in him (or men in general) at all and berates him for making such plans without her consent. She then tells him to never contact her or come by her place again, before running off, leaving Tanaka devastated and heartbroken over her rejection, which Kayuga and Pipi witness.
Ikuko then makes her way to the apartment of her lover and governess, Dr. Manami Shibata, whom she has become absolutely devoted to since they had sex after their first meeting, who suggests a dinner outing to celebrate Ikuko's birthday. Unbeknownst to her, Manami has grown tired of her and Ikuko's love affair, due to both Ikuko's clinginess and because she has become engaged to a fellow male doctor from her hospital, Akihiro Okabe. However, she does not wish to break off their relationship, as Ikuko has included Manami in her will. To that end, Manami conspires to murder Ikuko and disguise it as an accident in order to be rid of her, keep her inheritance, and marry Okabe.
Before they go out to dinner, Manami injects Ikuko with egg yolk, disguising it as a booster shot, which both Kayuga and Pipi witness. They then bring a still-distraught Tanaka (stopping him from impulsively committing suicide in the process) and bring him to the restaurant to see Ikuko and Manami together, which enrages him so much that he dashes off in a blind rage and has to be retrieved by Pipi. Meanwhile, Ikuko eats a dish that Manami ordered for her; unknown to her, the dish contains eggs, which due to the egg yolk shot given to her by Manami earlier, causes her to collapse from anaphylactic shock, which everyone sees as an allergic reaction to the dish. Ikuko is rushed to Manami's hospital at the latter's instruction, with Tanaka returning just in time to see her off, much to his distress.
As Ikuko lies in intensive care, Manami rendezvous with Okabe and the two share a kiss. Unknown to them, Kayuga witnesses this. She then takes Ikuko's soul to her dimension and to the Bridge of Dreams, which Pipi instructs that she must cross without looking back to achieve her greatest desire. When asked what her said desire is, Ikuko, still unaware of Manami's murderous plot, says that she hopes Manami will love her even in death. Kayuga tries to convince her to ask for something else, but Ikuko's devotion to her doctor is too strong; in her protest, Ikuko turns around before fully crossing and is spirited away from the bridge.
Back on Earth, Kayuga expresses disappointment in Ikuko's choice and asks Tanaka if he still wishes to help her. Tanaka confirms this, and Kayuga and Pipi then show him Manami's affair with Dr. Okabe, upsetting Tanaka. Manami then goes to Ikuko's room and injects her IV with more egg yolk, thus spelling her demise for certain.
Back in Kayuga's dimension, she properly introduces herself and tries again to make Ikuko see sense, but Ikuko refuses to listen. Kayuga then takes her back to the real world and reveals Manami's relationship with Dr. Okabe by showing them having passionate sex, and exposes Manami's evil intentions by causing her to have a waking dream in which Okabe points out Manami's murder plot and Manami is haunted by Ikuko's ghost. Finally seeing the truth, Ikuko breaks down, heartbroken over Manami's betrayal, before Kayuga returns with her to her dimension.
Elsewhere, Pipi attempts to comfort an enraged and drunken Tanaka, who swears he'll do anything to avenge Ikuko. Kayuga arrives and decides to grant him his wish by transforming him into a girl. She then encourages him to figure out what to do with his new body before leaving him.
The next day, the still-female Tanaka goes to Okabe's office and is able to use his new body to briefly seduce him before Manami interrupts them. He then does so again successfully after encountering Okabe again on the doctor's jogging route. Back in Kayuga's dimension, Ikuko continues to cry over Manami's betrayal and the belief that nobody loves her. But Kaguya proves her otherwise by showing her how far Tanaka was willing to go (even changing his gender) to avenge Ikuko, even after her previous rejection of him; Ikuko is left touched at his devotion.
Back on Earth, Ikuko's funeral ends and her body is taken to be cremated at Manami's instruction, in order to erase all evidence of her crime. Pipi sees this and rushes off. Meanwhile, at Okabe's apartment, he and Tanaka are about to have sex, but Tanaka stops him, reminding him of his engagement to Manami; to his surprise, Okabe brushes off Manami as nothing to him, not knowing that Manami is listening right outside his door. Manami then storms in, and catches the two together; but just as she does, Kayuga uses her powers to transform Tanaka back into a guy – at least in Manami's eyes, causing her to think that Okabe is having a gay affair. When Okabe (who still only sees Tanaka as a girl) proclaims that Tanaka is his true love, Manami, shocked and disgusted, storms out in utter disbelief. Okabe then turns to pounce on Tanaka, only for him (now a male again) to knock the doctor out cold.
Kayuga then reappears, and offers Tanaka the chance to remain a girl (with the promise of endless orgasms), which Tanaka is enticed by. Before he can choose, Pipi pops in and tells them of Ikuko's impending cremation, causing Tanaka to run to the crematorium (wearing only his girl-form's panties). He fights his way to Ikuko's coffin, and rips the top off, causing a burst of magical energy that transports Tanaka to Kayuga's dimension and the Bridge of Dreams. He crosses the bridge without looking back and is reunited with Ikuko's soul. Ikuko apologizes to Tanaka and thanks him for loving her. The two share their first kiss, and are propelled back to Earth, where Ikuko returns to life and embraces Tanaka.
Later, Tanaka and Ikuko seduce each other in an amusement park Ferris Wheel as Kayuga and Pipi watch before leaving for their next mission.
In her home dimension, just as she finishes her bath, Kayuga starts feeling intense emotions tremors emitting from the Earth's inhabitants. Determined once again to stop the world's hardships from driving away the moon, she and Pipi return to Earth to locate the source of the tremors.
Disguised as a fortune teller, she attempts to bring in some of the unfortunate-in-love people, with little to no success, until a young geeky boy named Satoshi finds a promo discarded by the girlfriend of a prospective customer. Reading it, he decides to pay Kayuga a visit.
Upon arriving, Satoshi becomes enamored by Kayuga's body. She then begins her analysis of him, and concludes that he has a lot of pent up sexual tension that he wishes to act on within, but something is holding him back from following through and letting out his true feelings. She also concludes that this has caused much friction in his relationship with his girlfriend Mika. Kaguya then attempts to get Satoshi to loosen up by using her body, but only succeeds in putting him in a frozen, grinning semi-comatose state that is only broken by Pipi's attempt to give him mouth-to-mouth. He then rushes out to meet Mika.
However, the meeting soon goes sour: Mika angrily expresses her frustration with Satoshi, that he constantly takes her to boring, nerdy places (such as video game stores and the planetarium) on their dates, and refuses to make love or any romantic moves or gestures (even holding her hand) towards her. When Satoshi continues making weak excuses, Mika loses her temper and insults him (calling him "clueless, boring, immature, and probably impotent"), before breaking off their relationship and walking away.
Devastated, Satoshi stands in disbelief as it starts to rain, before screaming in frustration and running home crying. Kayuga and Pipi witness this, and express disappointment over Satoshi blowing his chance, before deciding to return to their mission. Meanwhile, Satoshi returns home, and rejects his father's offer of a new dish for dinner. Later, he plays a video game furiously, as he vents his frustration over losing Mika; as he plays, his frustration soon becomes insane laughter, and upon getting a "Game Over", he suddenly falls into the same semi-comatose state as before.
Satoshi is soon discovered by his father and rushed to the hospital. Kaguya and Pipi, having traced the despairing tremors to Satoshi's neighborhood, witness this and soon trace the tremors to his video game. Transporting themselves inside it, the two realize that Satoshi's soul is trapped inside the game; Kaguya theorizes that the great shock, stress, and devastation over being dumped by Mika, combined with his own inner frustrations, left Satoshi so unbalanced that his soul departed from his body and was trapped in the game's software.
Kayuga and Pipi are then force to battle through the game's enemies, including a tentacle monster embedded with the most repressed part of Satoshi's soul, which Pipi manages to defeat, thus freeing Satoshi's soul. In the process, they briefly enter Satoshi's mind and are treated to a memory of Satoshi's mother leaving him as a young boy. The two then realize that this is what has been holding Satoshi back: his mother's abandonment was so devastating that it left him emotionally stunted and unable to bring himself to make moves on girls, out of fear that he'd make the wrong move and be abandoned again. At this, Kayuga decides to give Satoshi the "nurturing" he has lacked over the years.
At the hospital, where Satoshi has returned to normal (though still unconscious), Kayuga and Pipi take him through a happier memory with his mother, where she explains the constellations to him (thus explaining his fixation with stars). Kayuga then allows him to suck on her breasts, thus "nurturing" him like a mother and allowing him to emotionally develop and gain the potential to move forward. To that end, she then takes him to the Bridge of Dreams, where he crosses without looking back, allowing Kayuga to help him achieve his goal.
Satoshi then finds himself in the form of water – in Mika's bathtub. As Mika gets into the water, Satoshi covertly feels her up, causing her to jump out of the tub. Kayuga then transforms Satoshi into a corporeal form and encourages him to finally touch her the way he's dreamed of this whole time. Entranced by Mika's body, Satoshi does so and discovers that Mika can feel (though not see) him; according to Kayuga, this proves that she still loves him and regrets her previous insults and breaking up with him, which she expresses as Satoshi feels her up more and more. Kayuga then makes Satoshi visible to her for a second before leaving with him, causing Mika to brush it off as a steam hallucination.
The next morning at the hospital, in Satoshi's room, his father sadly expresses his self-perceived failure to being a good father and fill in the gap left in his son's heart since his wife's departure. However, Satoshi then wakes up (to his father's surprise and happiness) and debunks this, citing with a newfound confidence that he no longer needs his mother's missing love anymore and can move forward. Soon after, Mika arrives and apologizes to Satoshi for insulting and dumping him, and the two happily reconcile.
Later on, a newly confident Satoshi takes Mika on another date, with plans to go to a love hotel to finally consummate their relationship, much to her delight. Kayuga and Pipi then head off again, as a narrator explains Kayuga's purpose in the world, as the episode ends.
The story of ''Premi No. 1'' revolves round Rohit (Anuvab Mohanty). He was sent to town by his father for higher studies; in college he falls in love with Preiti (Koel Mallick), the sister of the town's famous goon, Ranjit (Rahul Dev). A rivalry grows between Rohit and Ranjit – after several incidents ultimately Ranjit allows his sister to marry Rohit.
Jeevanandham (Ajith Kumar) is an international negotiator and arms dealer based in Paris. He has three sons: Sam (Sampath Raj) and Vicky (Rajiv Krishna) from his first wife, and Shiva (also Ajith) from his affair. Jeevanandham's favorite is Shiva, who is gutsy and righteous, while the other two are immature and controlled by their evil uncle Kali Mamma (Pradeep Rawat), and will do any shady deals.
Sarah (Sameera Reddy) is a cultural attaché at the Indian Embassy in Paris, and she has a soft spot for Shiva. A French police officer Daniel Dharmaraj (Suresh), constantly hangs around with the family and is a partner in crime.
The bad sons want to deal in drugs and supply arms to terrorists; they work out a strategy to eliminate Shetty (Kelly Dorji), who controls the Mumbai underworld, but Jeevanandham and Shiva oppose it. After Jeevanandham's death, Vicky is kidnapped by Shetty and his gang, who brutally torture him. To save Vicky, Shiva goes to Mumbai. His local contact there is Mirasi (Prabhu), his father's best friend. A local girl Sulabha (Bhavana), falls for our hero, who daringly rescues Vicky with the joker Don Samosa (Yugi Sethu).
Both brothers double-cross Shiva, shoot him, and drown him in the sea. They torture Sarah and make her to sign as a witness that Shiva dies naturally. As per Jeevanandam's will, the property rights belong to Shiva, hence Sam and Vicky attempted to kill Shiva. With the help of Mirasi, Sulabha, and Don Samosa, everyone moves to France to find the real enemies. Sarah, who is being given drugs to forget Shiva's death and is also tortured by Vicky every day to accept his love, is found by Shiva and confesses everything to him. Vicky walks in and brutally beats Sarah. Shiva shoots him and interrogates him to find out the reason behind why the two brothers shot him. After Vicky refuses to say, Shiva shoots him on the spot and saves Sarah. Sam finds out about Vicky's death and suspects Daniel, but is subdued by Kali Mamma. Shiva slowly uncovers what happened through forcing and threatening the allies of Sam and Kali Mamma. Eventually, a drunk Don Samosa accidentally spills Shiva being alive to Daniel, who kidnaps Mirasi, Sulabha, and Sarah and holds them captive in a storage facility. Shiva is forced to surrender Jeevanandham's will to Kali Mamma and Sam, but delivers an empty suitcase instead. An infuriated Kali Mamma shoots Mirasi and Daniel, and Sam throws Shiva out a glass window and ties him up. After Shiva tells Sam to give up his arrogance, Sam and Kali Mamma reveal why and how they killed Jeevanandham.
Sam wanted to deal weapons to foreign terrorists and asked Jeevananandham to give money to aid them. After Jeevanandham tries reasoning to little avail, Kali Mamma walks in. After he refuses everyone's request to deal weapons and give his money, Kali Mamma electrocutes, and Sam suffocates Jeevanandham, killing him in the process. They do the same with Shiva after explaining, electrocuting him multiple times, but eventually, an enraged Shiva breaks the ropes he is tied to and engages in combat with Sam and Kali Mamma, electrocuting and killing both of them. Daniel, now a reformed, honest cop, brings Mirasi to Shiva, and tells him that he will take the blame for Sam and Kali Mamma's deaths by saying that he killed them in self-defense.
The film ends several months later with Shiva and Sulabha, now married, waving goodbye to Don Samosa, Sarah, and Mirasi, and leaving for India from Paris together.
While on a train during Tokyo rush hour, high school student Fukaya Mamoru finds himself crushed against his classmate, the silent Fujino Shion (藤乃紫音). Unknown to Mamoru, Fujino has a vibrator in her vagina, which increased its intensity when Mamoru pushed himself against her. Unable to turn off the vibrator discreetly, Fujino endures the train ride while requesting Mamoru to satisfy her sexual cravings, to which he complies. After they get off the train, Fujino gives Mamoru a remote control for her vibrator as a thank you gift. After the incident, Fujino meets Mamoru to satisfy her sexual needs.
Not impressed by Mamoru's libido, she runs off and meets Mita Yuki, a girl who has a crush on Mamoru. Mita gives Fujino a potion that she says will improve Fujino and Mamoru's sex life warning her not to drink it. Curious about the contents of the potion while also thinking about Mamoru's well-being should it be poisoned or contaminated, Fujino drinks it. The potion increases Fujino's sexual desire. In an attempt to rid herself off the effects of the potion, Fujino takes Mamoru into a school bathroom and tells him to repeatedly have sex with her (Fujino's plea for sexual relief is the first and only time when she verbally speaks to him). He does so until she faints. Mamoru takes Fujino to the school nurse. He meets Mita in the hallway and questions her about why Fujino would be so sexually active. In response, Mita feeds him the potion via a kiss. With his libido increased, he takes Mita home, where she forces herself on him. Meanwhile, Fujino wakes up at the nurse's office and wants to know where Mamoru is. The nurse tells her that she last saw him with Mita. Fearing for Mamoru, she runs to his house to find Mita and Mamoru having sex. Disgusted, Fujino runs out of the house, with Mamoru chasing after her. Mamaru explains the situation to her, and they have makeup sex in an alleyway.
One day after getting caught in a fight between Fujino and Mita, Mamoru falls down on his head, causing memory loss. Mita takes advantage of the situation and calls herself his girlfriend. He has sex with both of them and is still confused as to which girl is his girlfriend. Later, a teacher who broke the school doctor's heart when she was a student returns and offers Mita a love potion to best Fujino and win Mamoru ... and the price is only Mita's body!
"Lila" ‒ played by Susan Stewart ‒ is a seemingly good-natured go-go dancer who strips at a seedy topless bar on the Sunset Strip. After taking LSD, Lila becomes a psychopathic serial killer. She continues to pick up men at the bar where she is employed, but after her sanity is lost she routinely is interrupted mid-coitus by psychedelic bad trips in which she visualizes a balding, half-naked old man clutching wads of cash in one hand and a bunch of bananas in the other. These psychotic episodes cause her to murder her partners by stabbing them with a screwdriver and dismembering them with a rusty meat cleaver (or in one case, a garden hoe) while imagining that she is cutting up cantaloupes and watermelons.[ Monster Hunter: Mantis in Lace]
As pieces of the victims' bodies are discovered in cardboard boxes, she is pursued by a pair of Los Angeles Police Department detectives played by Steven Vincent and M.K. Evans. The narrative is interrupted by long sequences of topless dancing, softcore pornography, and recreational drug use.
On 21 October 1953, John Gielgud was arrested in a public lavatory after being entrapped by a "pretty policeman". There followed a high-profile court case, reenacted in ''Plague Over England''.
The film explores how an aristocratic woman's life changes when her brother dies and her marriage breaks down. Lady Elizabeth Dewhurst (Suzanne von Borsody) believes her husband Gregor (Iain Glen) is at fault for the accidental death of her beloved brother Simon (William Mickleburgh). Their marriage has been rocky, but this is the last straw and she asks him to move out of the household. Elizabeth's best friend Mary Phillips (Rachel Fielding) has had her eye on Gregor for some time and sees this as her chance. She encourages them to use the services of a powerful but shady family attorney, Mr. Sharp (Jonathan Coy), and Sharp expects to benefit financially from the division of the Dewherst estate. Peter Rosen (Rutger Hauer) is visiting from a local University. Liz is drawn to him for a mild affair, even though he is the professor of her son Alex (Daniel Sharman).
Sniffles is shown walking down a street carrying a piece of paper. He seems to show most of the obvious symptoms of the common cold and this is proven when, after looking at the name of the drug store he is standing outside, he looks at the paper in his hands, which is ripped, but gives details what to do about the cold virus. Satisfied that he is outside the right store, Sniffles creeps in through the letter box in the door and finds himself inside the drug store. He looks around and eventually spots the cold and flu remedies and makes his way to the shelf.
He finds a bottle that claims to be a cold remedy but also has (in small writing at the bottom of the label.) the moniker "Alcohol 125% proof", which he misses as he only reads the top of the label. He opens the bottle, pours some of the mixture into a spoon and drinks it. Now getting slightly tipsy, Sniffles makes his way along the shelf and bumps into a box containing an electric razor. The razor comes out of its box and - using a buzzing noise, which can still be understood by the audience (with some difficulty) - the razor greets Sniffles. Sniffles advises the razor that he (Sniffles) has a cold, before promptly sneezing on him. Moments later, the razor also begins to show symptoms of the common cold.
Sniffles informs the razor that he (the razor) has caught his cold and promises to get a cold remedy. After telling the razor several times not to move anywhere he leaves and comes back with the spoon filled with (presumably) the same cold remedy he had taken some minutes before. Now both Sniffles and the razor are feeling drunk and partake in a rendition of ''How Dry I Am''. The razor then seems to get tired and Sniffles walks away. As he does so, a heretofore hidden black cat begins to follow him.
Sniffles finds a claw vending machine and makes his way inside as something has grabbed his attention. The cat finds coins in a pocket (or at least somewhere in its fur) and tries to grab Sniffles. Eventually he succeeds and Sniffles, who had been oblivious to the existence of the cat, begins to get very scared. The razor wakes up and begins to attack the cat, shaving off the cats fur. The cat runs away. Sniffles thanks the razor, sneezes again and is blown backwards, and into the claw of the vending machine. The cartoon ends with Sniffles smiling, hanging from the claw by his trousers.
A man calling himself Sam Marlowe (Robert Sacchi) has his face altered to resemble that of his idol, Humphrey Bogart, and then opens a detective agency. At first he and his secretary Duchess (Misty Rowe) have meager business, but things pick up after a shooting puts Sam's picture in the paper. Some ruthless people, who are coincidentally also similar to characters in Bogart films (and played by Victor Buono, Herbert Lom, and Michelle Phillips), are after a priceless set of blue sapphires called the Eyes of Alexander (from a statue of Alexander the Great), and Marlowe and Duchess are caught in the middle of it all.
Gwen (Martha Plimpton), is living with her sister Queenie (Amy Ryan) after getting divorced. Gwen has the ability to magically fix broken machinery and heal sick and injured people.
The film explores the effect that celebrity has on Gwen and her family and friends.
Angie Warfield and her two children are kidnapped by Apaches. Lorn Warfield (Glenn Ford), who had been away a long time, sets out to rescue his family, with the unwanted help of his neighbor Owen Forbes (Arthur Kennedy). Warfield is a former gunman trying to forget his violent past. Forbes, a decent, humane rancher, is also in love with Warfield's wife and feels guilty that he did not try to prevent the kidnapping.
An Indian trader (Dean Jagger), who feigns insanity (as the Indians will not kill a crazy person), reluctantly provides Warfield with some information. Next, Warfield and Forbes are captured by the Apaches and staked out on the ground to die. However, Mexican bandit DeLeon (who has dealings with the Indians) believes Warfield's story that he hid his money before he was caught and cuts him loose. Warfield manages to convince DeLeon to free Forbes and to lead them to the Apache encampment. Forbes mistakenly kills DeLeon before he can show them where the camp is.
The two men detour to a town where a doctor is being overwhelmed caring for the victims of cholera. They buy supplies, and Forbes learns the location of the Apache camp. On the way, they enter a deserted Mormon settlement, where they encounter a detachment of U.S. Cavalry led by "Captain" Jefferson Addis. However, all is not what it seems. It turns out that Addis, who is actually a corporal, and the rest killed the real captain so that they could trade two wagons full of weapons and ammunition to the Apaches in return for an army payroll the latter recently captured. The Apaches, however, have other ideas; they attack. During the battle, Warfield arranges it for them to steal a wagon. The wagon leaves deep tracks allowing him easily to locate the Indian camp. Warfield and Forbes rescue the captives.
Safely back home, Forbes challenges Warfield (who is now unarmed, having traded his gun to a storekeeper for clothing for his family) to a duel for the woman, but Warfield just turns and walks away. Forbes throws him a pistol, Warfield refuses to pick it up. Forbes then shoots Warfield in the leg. Before Forbes can finish him off, he is shot and killed by the storekeeper using Warfield's gun.
A little fur family (mother, father, and a child) live in a cozy house in a tree trunk. Secure in his cozy home, the fur child goes out to explore his world. He finds some creatures that are like him and others that are very different, including fish, a flying bug, and in one of the book's most memorable sequences, a tiny version of himself (which he kisses and sends it on its way). Even in the fur child's comfortable, familiar surroundings, there are just enough unfamiliar things to make his day interesting. At the end of the day, the child's parents and his dinner are waiting for him at home.
The novel centers around the protagonist and narrator, Rachel White, a thirty-year-old single woman who is a consummate good-girl. She and Darcy Rhone have been best friends since childhood, and hard-working Rachel is often in the shadow of flashy, sometimes selfish Darcy. Then, after a night of drinking on Rachel's thirtieth birthday, she sleeps with Darcy's fiancé, Dex.''Macmillan'': [ "Something Borrowed"] After this turns into an affair, Rachel explores the meaning of friendship, true love, and ethics.
Vincent "Vince" Ferro overhears people talking about a dead man who was going to start a well-paid job. Ferro, in need of money, steals an envelope containing the instructions for the job. He arrives at an event in a secluded place. He is ordered to strip, and his boot heels are cut off, in order to check for surveillance equipment. The organizers accept him for the job instead of the dead man. The job is participation in a series of Russian roulette games. There are several participants, identified by number. In each round, the participants have to spin the cylinder of their revolver, and shoot when the light of a special light bulb is switched on. The event is organized for the enjoyment of rich spectators, one of these spectators being Jasper Bagges, who places bets on who will survive. Bagges bets on his brother Ronald, who was brought from the mental institution.
In the first round, the participants each get one bullet in their revolver, they are arranged into a circle, and each has to aim his revolver at the man in front of him. Ferro tries to back out, but he is forced to participate. As #13, he survives the first round and fires his gun only after being threatened with death. In the second round, in which two bullets are placed in each gun, Ferro survives only because the man behind him is killed before he could fire. In the third round, with three bullets in each gun, Ferro again survives, along with four other men. Ferro is one of two survivors randomly chosen to participate in a duel. The three others are finished and get a large sum of money. One of them, Patrick Jefferson, who was brought from prison to compete, is surprised that he is free to go, and he is escorted out by Jimmy, one of the employees. Jimmy then tries to kill Jefferson, attempting to steal a map Jefferson has, leading to money he has stashed from a robbery. Another employee catches Jimmy in the act, and demands that he stop, insisting that nobody is allowed to harm the surviving players. Jefferson collects his belongings and leaves.
Against the odds, Ferro wins the duel and gets $1,850,000 (USD). He also learns that his opponent won his last 3 duels. He collects his winnings and sneaks away from the mansion, arriving at a train station. When he spots police closing in on him, he stashes his winnings in a garbage can. After being interrogated by the police, he retrieves the money and sends it to his family, via registered mail, and buys a toy for his sister's birthday. However, on the way home, he is shot by Jasper, partly in revenge for Ferro having killed Ronald, and partly to steal the money, as he thinks Ferro still has the money with him. Jasper escapes with the money bag, not knowing that it only contains the toy.
''Flight'' begins with Zits waking up in a new foster home. Not liking his new family, he shoves his foster mom against the wall and runs out the door. Eventually, Officer Dave catches up with him and takes him to jail. While in jail Zits meets Justice, a young white boy who takes Zits under his wing. When Zits is released from jail he finds Justice and they begin their training on how to shoot people. Once Justice believes Zits is ready to commit a real crime, he sends him off to a bank. After opening fire in the lobby, Zits perceives he has been shot in the head, ultimately sending him back in time.
During his flashback, Zits transforms into many different historical characters. The first character he transforms into is FBI Agent Hank Storm. While in Hank's body Zits witnesses a meeting with two Indians involved with IRON. He watches his partner kill an innocent Indian and is forced to shoot the corpse in the chest.
The next character he becomes is a mute Indian boy. He is thrown back into the time of General Custer's last stand. He gets to witness this historical battle and at the end is told by his father to slash a fallen soldier's throat as revenge for his own muteness.
While trying to figure out what to do, Zits is taken into yet another character, Gus. Gus is known as "Indian Tracker" and has to lead the cavalry to an Indian camp. Gus is trained to hunt and track down Indians. Trying to take over Gus's actions, Zits forces himself to not attack the Indians. He helps Bow Boy and Small Saint escape from the advancing cavalry.
Next, Zits becomes Jimmy, a pilot who teaches Abbad to fly a plane. He witnesses Jimmy's affair on his wife, and Abbad using the knowledge to carry out a terrorist attack, and Jimmy's suicide.
Finally, Zits ends up like his own father. While in his father's body, he begins to understand why his father left his mother. He also begins to understand that his father does love him and that by leaving he was doing the best for his son.
When Zits reinhabits his own body, he is standing in the bank staring at a small boy. Realizing that his crime could affect many more than just him, he walks out and takes himself to Officer Dave. Knowing he has to help this boy, Officer Dave brings Zits to his brother's house where Zits is offered to stay with them. Zits finally realizes that he can trust these people and for once in his life finally feels at home.
The highly fictionalized story takes place in the Russian Empire during the last years of the reign of Czar Nicholas II and the Czarina Alexandra. Reform-minded Prince Paul has long been concerned about the plight of the common people and knows a revolution is brewing. Prince Alexei, heir to the throne, is loved by the people but has hemophilia, and a slight fall turns out to be life-threatening. When royal physician Dr. Remezov is powerless to stop the boy's bleeding, Princess Natasha, Alexandra's lady-in-waiting and Paul's fiancee, recommends Rasputin as a healer. He convinces the frantic Empress that he has been sent by God to cure the child. Left alone with Alexei, he hypnotizes the boy and relieves his agony but also gradually makes Alexei a slave to his will.
With the influence he now wields over the relieved parents, Rasputin begins replacing those loyal to them with his own men. He is greatly aided when the head of the secret police, fearful of losing his job over his failure to prevent the assassination of a nobleman close to the Czar, turns to him for help. With police dossiers at his disposal, Rasputin is able to use blackmail to increase his power even further.
Prince Paul fears that Rasputin's actions will bring about the downfall of the empire. However, even Natasha believes in Rasputin. She warns him that Paul is going to try to kill him. Paul shoots him, but Rasputin is unharmed: he has taken the precaution of wearing a hidden metal breastplate. Nicholas forces Paul to resign his position when he admits he tried to assassinate the man.
When Germany issues an ultimatum demanding that Russia cease mobilizing its army over the crisis between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, Nicholas and his advisers are divided. Rasputin convinces him to reject the ultimatum, leading to World War I.
Finally, Rasputin begins to make subtle advances on Grand Duchess Maria, Alexandra's daughter. When Natasha finds out, she becomes furious and shouts that she will go to the Empress. Rasputin overpowers her and puts her in a deep trance. The Empress fortuitously enters the room at that moment, enabling Natasha to recover her wits and tell what she saw. When he is unable to shake Alexandra's faith in Natasha, Rasputin boasts of how ''he'' is now effectively Czar. In despair, the Empress sends for Paul. He assures her that he knows what to do.
At a big party where Rasputin is guest of honor, he recognizes the servant who has been bringing him his favorite traditional Tobolsk cakes all night; he used to work for Paul. Immediately suspicious, Rasputin has the house searched. They find Paul and Dr. Remezov. Rasputin is eager to dispatch his most implacable enemy himself; he takes Paul into the cellar at gunpoint. Once they are alone, Paul taunts Rasputin, telling him the cakes were filled with poison. He then leaps at Rasputin and beats him into unconsciousness. However, Rasputin refuses to die. Covered with blood, he rises and walks toward Paul, shouting that if he dies, Russia will die. Paul finally drags him out into the snow and throws him into the river to drown.
Immediately, Alexei is freed from his hypnotic trance and hugs his mother. Nicholas is forced to exile Paul, as Rasputin's minions are still in power. However, the old charlatan's last prophecy comes true, as the Czar is overthrown and shot with his entire family by the Bolsheviks.
Timofyev (Malcolm McDowell) is a patient in an asylum who claims to be the man who killed Tsar Alexander II in 1881, and his grandson Tsar Nicholas II in 1918. Doctor Smirnov (Oleg Yankovsky) decides to apply a peculiar therapeutic method on him, but things go in an unexpected way.
A good portion of the film depicts the last days of the Russian Imperial Family in Yekaterinburg, largely narrated by Timofyev's voice-over from the perspective of Yakov Yurovsky, the chief guard and ultimately executioner of the family. In the scenes, Yurovsky is impersonated by Timofyev (McDowell) and Tsar Nicholas II by Dr. Smirnov (Yankovsky). Other members of the family function merely as background, with few or no lines.
At the beginning of the episode, Barney is seen skipping out hitting on a hot girl because he tells everyone he has to go somewhere, but he is secretive about where. The gang becomes suspicious that Barney might have a secret girlfriend, so they follow him to what turns out to be the house of his mother, Loretta. Barney then reveals that he has a wife, Betty, and a son, Tyler. Barney then tells the gang that their real names are Margaret and Grant and that they are both actors he hired because his mother was dying and he thought it would make her happy to think he was married. When his mother recovered, Barney was stuck with the fake family. Marshall at first argues that Barney should tell his mother the truth because there should not be secrets within families. After he discovers that Lily hates his mother, who insulted her at their wedding, Marshall starts to think that some things are better left unsaid. Meanwhile, Robin bonds with Grant because of their shared lack of passion in their careers; Robin being unsure about starting her morning show near the beginning of her thirties and Grant being frustrated about the lack of freedom in his acting roles.
Ted and Margaret begin to develop a connection, since they are both fascinated by theatre. Margaret gives Ted some acting tips, after he reveals becoming an actor has always been a secret ambition of his. After dinner, Ted is caught kissing Margaret, and Barney is forced to confront him in front of his mother, with Grant doing a tearful and moving performance of a kid who does not want his parents to divorce. However, the tables are turned when Ted starts using Margaret's acting tips to improvise a story that Barney long ago stole his fiancée. Robin later congratulates Grant on his passionate performance and he assures her that she will find some passion in her new job. She is appreciative but is left horrified when he tries to kiss her.
Barney then finally tells his mother the truth, and she is relieved because she admits she hates Margaret and Grant, particularly Grant's catchphrase "Tyler no likey!". After that moment, they share a hug and she tells him to make sure to go for it when he does meet the right girl. At that moment, Robin walks in and Barney looks at her as he tells his mother he will try. On the ride home, Ted and Margaret are in one cab while Barney, Robin, Marshall and Lily are in another. Lily then fakes a conversation on her cell phone with Margaret pretending to be Marshall's mother in order to make him think she is on good terms with his mother.
Keidai Saeki is a high school student with memories of his past life as Sirix Lucretius Fronto, a gladiator in Pompeii who lost his wife Serena in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. In the present, he is reunited with Loleus, Sirix's male best friend who reincarnated as a girl named Mii Serizawa, and with Serena, who has reincarnated as a male middle school student named Yuuma Ujoh. Keidai has to deal with the feelings he has for Mii and his past love for Serena. As the series progresses, Keidai meets other people who retain memories of Pompeii and discovers that Sirix's guilt in failing to save his friends is the reason why he retains his memories. When Keidai falls into a coma, he is able to relive the last moments of Pompeii where his actions put Sirix's suffering to rest, allowing him to move on with his life and confess his love to Mii.
; Keidai is a high school student with memories of his past life as , a Pompeiian gladiator. His life is thrown into turmoil after he meets Yuuma Ujoh, the reincarnation of Sirix's wife. Keidai is also linked to his family's incarnations; his mother, , was Sirix's younger sister, , while his father, , was Sirix's rival . He is friends with Mii Serizawa, the reincarnation of Sirix's close friend. He is unaware of Mii's feelings towards him and his own feelings of her. As the series progresses, Keidai's feelings for Mii grow as he starts to distance himself from Sirix's memories.
; Yuuma is the reincarnation of Sirix's wife , a maiden who captured the hearts of men with her beauty and kindness. Yuuma retains Serena's feminine face and is often mistaken for a female. As a result, he aims to become more masculine to stop the confusion. Yuuma develops a secret crush on Mii early in the series, but his feelings are not reciprocated. He decides to give up on those feelings believing Keidai and Mii belong together and tries to push them together in order to help Keidai move on from Serena. It is revealed that Serena was reborn as a boy because in her final moments she felt that had she been a man, she could have been at Sirix's side in the final days of Pompeii, rather than be left behind waiting for him.
; Mii is the reincarnation of Sirix's best friend . Serizawa met Keidai in seventh grade when they helped a trapped bird and was the first to learn about his past life. She has a crush on Keidai but remains silent about it, fearing it would ruin their friendship. Serizawa is very popular with boys, though they do not make advances, believing she and Keidai are a couple. In her past life, Loleus helped Sirix meet Serena. Kusanagi reveals Mii's name comes from Serizawa Kamo.
; Shinogu is Yuuma's older male cousin and the reincarnation of Serena's overprotective older sister . Like Keidai, he retains memories of his past life, and hates Keidai for abandoning Serena during the volcanic eruption. He has an aversion to hot weather because of his strong memories of that day. He began working as a student teacher at Keidai's high school after Yuuma's family moved to town. Shinogu despises males except for Yuuma, and is a womanizer. Shinogu holds a grudge against Souichi Mikage because in his past life as Delos, he betrayed Aglaia.
; The reincarnation of a noblewoman named , Shuna was reborn into a wealthy family and retains memories of Pompeii. She loses them at seventeen when she wishes to move on from her past. Shuna is a kind-hearted young woman willing to help anyone in need. When she was two years old, she called her newborn sister Serena due to their physical resemblance; her parents, misheard and named the child Reina. At the age of 10, Shuna meets Souichi Mikage, who also retains his memories of Pompeii, where he served as her bodyguard henceforth. Shuna initially hates Souichi due to his past betrayal, but her feelings for him grow over time and she falls in love with him.
; Reina is Shuna's younger sister who closely resembles Serena and dresses in gothic Lolita-style clothing. She grew up hearing stories of Pompeii and developed a crush on Souichi. After Reina has her confession rejected by Souichi, she runs away and happens upon Keidai and the others. She discovers that he also has memories of Pompeii and brings them to Shuna hoping it would bring back her memories. She is in the same class as Yuuma where their similarities make them seem like twins. Reina and Yuuma grow close as friends and begin to speak to each other about their problems. They connect over their predicament of having romantic feelings for those who only see them as a younger sibling. Reina is later revealed to be the reincarnation of a girl named , a friend of Serena. Her appearance of resembling Serena is explained as Tina's wish to experience the same love Serena has with Sirix.
; Souichi is the reincarnation of a mercenary named , who served as a bodyguard to Lady Aglaia in Pompeii but later betrayed her. He retains all of his memories of his life in Pompeii and encounters Reina and Shuna when he is fifteen. After discovering that Shuna still has her memories of being Lady Aglaia, he begins working to regain her trust. Souichi blames himself for her memory's disappearance, claiming that her hatred towards him is the cause. Later in the series, it is revealed that Delos fell in love with Lady Aglaia even though he was mercenary hired by the House of Britius to betray her. After framing Aglaia for murder, Delos sought revenge against the House of Britius and murdered every member of the family.
The evil and sarcastic tyrant King Ceville is thrown from power by an angry mob and must find a way to reclaim the crown of the fantasy realm ''Faeryanis''. Together with his sidekick Lilly he travels all over the land and encounters a variety of odd and lovable characters including a Dark Knight who smokes too much and The Good Fairy (character from the classic folk tale Cinderella) who runs a rehabilitation clinic for former archvillains.
''King's Festival'' is an adventure scenario set in Karameikos. It functions as both a guide for beginning DMs and an introductory dungeon. The player characters (PCs) must rescue a cleric from a group of orcs to ensure that the King's Festival happens.
The presentation in ''King's Festival'' is simple, streamlined, and easy to follow, with staging hints and advice for first-time DMs, and concise setting detail in the read-aloud sections. Pre-rolled PCs are included for a quick start, and a pull-out Combat Sequence Table is included on the Player Reference Sheet. Also provided are a few recommended rules, adaptations, and clarifications, such as giving beginning PCs no less than a minimum number of hit points at 1st level to avoid starting a character at one hit point.
''Saving God'' follows ex-convict turned pastor Armstrong Cane (Ving Rhames) as he returns to his family neighborhood to preach. As he attempts to rebuild the now crime-ridden area, he also tries to help a young drug dealer named Norris (Dwain Murphy) turn his life around.
Ray Lennox is a Detective Inspector with the Lothian and Borders Police who attempts to recover from a mental breakdown induced by stress, cocaine and alcohol abuse and a child murder case in Edinburgh in which he was the lead investigating officer by taking a holiday in Florida with his fiancée, Trudi. The pair meet up with Eddie 'Ginger' Rodgers, one of Lennox's retired former colleagues, and his wife Delores, and they all drink into the early hours of the morning.
The next morning Lennox finds himself craving more alcohol and goes to a bar with Trudi where they have an argument which causes Trudi to angrily leave the bar. Lennox continues drinking heavily. Soon afterwards he meets two women, Starry and Robyn, in a different bar and they all go back Robyn's apartment where they drink more alcohol and take cocaine. They are soon joined by two men, Lance Dearing and Johnnie, and a fight breaks out a short time later when Lennox sees Johnnie is sexually assaulting Tianna, Robyn's ten-year-old daughter. Lennox incapacitates Johnnie and struggles with Dearing, who ultimately leaves the apartment with everyone except Lennox and Tianna, who have locked themselves in a bathroom.
The next morning, Lennox wakes in the bathroom and receives a telephone call from Robyn, who urges him to take Tianna to a man called Chet Lewis in Bologna before the call is interrupted by Dearing, who tries unsuccessfully to pacify Lennox. Lennox instead leaves the apartment with Tianna and travels to a local police station where he is shocked to find Dearing is in police uniform and is working at the reception desk. Lennox flees with Tianna and hires a car to take her to Chet as Robyn instructed.
Lennox takes her across the state to an exclusive marina where he walks right into a hornets' nest of paedophiles, just like the one that had haunted him on a similar case in Edinburgh.
Sara Wexler is a lonely teenager who attempts to commit suicide by running in front of a car. However, she is only injured before being discovered by Sheriff Berger. He takes her to hospital, where the notorious serial killer Jonathan Chambers, whom Berger captured, is being detained. Chambers is then executed in the electric chair, but the police do not know that he survived by making a deal with the devil. Chambers now has supernatural powers and begins to slaughter everyone in the hospital, including Berger. Meanwhile, Sara and another teenager called Walter, who was sent to hospital after accidentally being impaled on his own rake, try to escape from the hospital but find that all exits are locked. Chambers then confronts Sara and explains that he needs her to help him because she has a power which will make him immortal. She declines the offer and flees from him. Eventually she defeats Chambers by opening a portal to hell and sending him through it. In the final scene, however, it is revealed that Chambers's personality has passed into her.
Miguel leaves the countryside because he doesn't want to become a poor farmer like his father. In the big city he tries everything to make it but accomplishes nothing until he becomes a bullfighter.
Evelyn Salt is in prison in North Korea, suspected of being a U.S. spy. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) arranges a prisoner exchange to stifle the publicity her boyfriend, arachnologist Mike Krause, is bringing to her case. Mike proposes marriage despite her admission that she is a CIA operative.
Two years later, Salt interrogates Russian defector Oleg Vasilyevich Orlov, with CIA colleague Ted Winter and CIA counterintelligence officer Darryl Peabody observing. Orlov claims that on "Day X", Russian sleeper agents known as "KAs" will destroy the United States of America, and that Agent "KA-12" will assassinate Russian President Boris Matveyev at the impending funeral of the American Vice President. He says KA-12's name is Evelyn Salt. Peabody orders Salt be detained, while Orlov kills two agents and escapes. Salt also escapes and tries to phone her husband Mike while traveling to her home and evading the chasing CIA and police. Mike has been kidnapped. Salt gathers supplies including weapons and a spider in a jar.
Salt shoots Matveyev at the Vice President's funeral and surrenders to Peabody instead of taking the opportunity to kill him. Matveyev is pronounced dead. Salt escapes to a barge where Orlov is waiting with other sleeper agents. In flashback Salt recalls her childhood in the Soviet Union, being trained with other children and assuming the identity of the real Evelyn Salt, an American girl who died with her parents in a car crash in the Soviet Union. Orlov tests Salt by reuniting her with Mike only to immediately have him killed in front of her. Her lack of reaction convinces Orlov and he says she and another KA will assassinate the American president Howard Lewis. Salt kills Orlov and the other agents and leaves to meet with the KA Shnaider in his cover as a Czech NATO liaison officer. Disguised as Shnaider's male attache she accompanies him into the White House, where Shnaider launches a suicide attack driving the President into a secure underground bunker, accompanied by Winter and other agents. Salt manages to enter the outer bunker before it is sealed.
Russia mobilizes its nuclear arsenal in response to President Matveyev's assassination. U.S. President Lewis orders preparations for retaliation. Upon realizing Salt has entered the outer bunker, Winter kills everyone in the inner bunker except the President, revealing himself to be KA Nikolai Tarkovsky. Incapacitating the President, Tarkovsky begins targeting missiles at Mecca and Tehran to incite a billion Muslims against the United States. Salt professes admiration and nearly persuades him to let her join him in the inner bunker, when a broadcast reports that President Matveyev is alive, his vital signs having been merely suppressed by spider venom. Tarkovsky realises Salt is not on his side, and reveals that she is to be the patsy for the nuclear attacks. Salt breaks into the bunker and, after a fight, aborts the missile launch. Reinforcements arrive and Salt is arrested as Tarkovsky identifies himself as CIA.
As Salt is being led out in chains, Tarkovsky grabs a pair of scissors. As Salt is led past him she throws her chain around his neck and jumps over the railing, killing him. Alone with Peabody in a helicopter, Salt explains her actions to him, promising to hunt down the remaining KA agents if freed, pointing out that Matveyev is alive and that she hadn't shot Peabody earlier. Salt's fingerprints are found on the barge, convincing Peabody who allows her to jump from the helicopter into the Potomac River.
The film begins with Detective Havenhurst driving with his partner Detective Vargas. They receive a call and drive to the scene of a murder. As they push their way through the crowd at the crime scene, they see Brad McCullam leaving with a coffee cup. Inside the house, the detectives find the body of Mrs. McCullam, Brad's mother, who has just been stabbed with an antique sword. At the scene are the neighbors and chief witnesses, Mrs. and Miss Roberts. The detectives soon realize that they had just seen the murderer leaving the scene.
The Robertses tell the detectives that Brad was disturbed, and had changed when he went to Peru recently. In a flashback we see Brad in Peru preparing for a kayak trip on a raging river. Back to the present time, the police have learned that Brad has taken two hostages in the house across the street. The police surround the house, and Brad's fiancée Ingrid arrives. Ingrid talks to Havenhurst about Brad's trip to Peru, saying that Brad's friends all drowned on their kayak trip, which Brad had decided at the last minute not to take part in; he later claimed that the voice of God had told him to stay behind. Several more flashbacks follow of Brad and Ingrid in Brad's bedroom, talking with Mrs. McCullam, looking at nearby houses, having dinner. Back in the present, Brad demands pizza for himself and the hostages, along with a car for transportation to Mexico.
In another flashback, we see Brad in rehearsals for a Greek tragedy directed by Lee Meyers. As the pizza is delivered to Brad, Lee arrives at the scene of the crime. Lee talks with Havenhurst about Brad, and we flash back to Lee and Brad visiting Uncle Ted's ostrich farm. Brad convinces Uncle Ted to give him the antique sword which would be used in the crime. Brad uses the sword in more rehearsals for the play, in which he plays the part of a man who kills his mother, who is played by his fiancée Ingrid. Brad becomes disruptive and is eventually kicked out of the production, but still travels to Calgary with Lee and his mother to attend a performance. We see some footage of Brad at Machu Picchu, and then at a Central Asian market.
A SWAT team arrives to take command of the hostage situation, and the detective talks further with Ingrid and Lee. We see a flashback to Brad and Ingrid's trip to Tijuana, after which they go to Bob Wilson Naval Hospital to "visit the sick in general". Brad buys several pillows at the hospital gift shop. Then Brad and Ingrid walk in Balboa Park, and Brad gives away his bag of pillows, keeping one, and leaves his basketball in a tree.
Back at the crime scene, Havenhurst interviews Miss Roberts, who had witnessed the crime. In a flashback to the scene just before the murder, we see the Robertses sitting down with Brad and his mother for coffee. When Brad steps out, his mother tells Mrs. Roberts that Brad has just tried to smother her with a pillow. Brad gets his coffee cup, and then goes to his car and returns with a baseball bat and the sword. He hands the bat to Miss Roberts, saying "Kill me, kill me before it happens". She does nothing, and he draws the sword and holds it in front of his mother. Miss Roberts tells detective Havenhurst that Brad stabbed her, though we do not see the crime on camera.
Ingrid and Lee talk to Brad, urging him to release the hostages and surrender. Ingrid realizes that Brad's hostages are his two pet flamingoes, and the SWAT team moves in and arrests Brad. As Brad is led into the car, we see shots of running ostriches. The final shot is in Balboa Park, where a young boy resembling Brad picks up the basketball.
Clary returns to the Institute after receiving a text message from Isabelle "Izzy" Lightwood, saying that Jace angered the Inquisitor, Imogen Herondale. He has been imprisoned in the Silent City and is awaiting trial by the Sword to determine if he is telling the truth about being in league with Valentine. The Sword is one of the Mortal Instruments indicated in the first book. Alongside the Sword is the Cup and the Mirror. While chained inside his cell, Jace hears something attacking the Silent Brothers. Valentine has killed the Silent Brothers to obtain the second Mortal Instrument - the Soul Sword. While the Cup is capable of creating new Shadowhunters, the Sword forces Shadowhunters to tell the truth.
Clary, Izzy, and Alec respond to a distress call from the Silent City, only to discover that the current Silent Brothers inside have all been slain. Clary frees Jace using an amplified version of the opening rune that appeared to her amidst her panic. This is surprising because no new Runes have been created since the runes handed down by the Angel Raziel. The Inquisitor appears, along with a large group of armed Shadowhunters, and accuses Jace of helping Valentine, since he was supposed to go on trial by the Sword which is now gone.
Magnus Bane is called to the scene by Alec, and offers to keep Jace as a prisoner in his apartment, while he and the others try to figure out Valentine's plans. Magnus and Alec have remained in contact since the first novel, and have even gone on a date. This is detailed in the Bane Chronicles, a tag-a-long book to the series.
Jace soon receives a surprising offer from the Queen of the Seelie to visit her court. The Queen of the Seelie Court is a Downworlder, a fairy with demon heritage. Jace goes with Simon, Izzy and Clary. The group tries to convince the Queen to aid them in the defeat of Valentine. The Queen says she is not sure if she will help and also mentions how their court knows deep secrets, like how Jace and Clary are their father's "wonderful" experiments come to life. The group becomes confused and decides to leave.
However, Clary is tricked into consuming faerie food, and is only able to leave by kissing "whom she most desires". Simon offers to kiss her, but the Queen tells him he is not the one "she desires most". This is hurtful because Clary has been attempting to date Simon since the beginning of the second book, in order to squash her feelings for Jace, her brother. However, Clary and Izzy suggest that the kiss might be from Jace. The three are reluctant at first because Clary is Jace's sister, but after Izzy insists that she too would kiss Alec to free him, Jace kisses Clary. The kiss suddenly becomes intense and passionate, and afterwards, Clary is free, proving that Jace's kiss is the one she most desires. This upsets Simon, and he storms off after they return to their realm. Jace and Clary confess their love to each other. Clary is torn between her love for Jace, and the taboo against it because they are blood relatives. Jace suggests keeping a secret relationship, to which Clary replies that it would eventually be discovered and that she is unwilling to lie to their friends and family.
Later, the vampire Raphael shows up at the Institute with Simon, who is on the verge of death. The vampire explains that Simon's small initial intake of vampire blood as a rat made Simon believe he was turning into a vampire, and he went to the Hotel DuMort to see Raphael. He then was devoured by vampires, mixing his blood with theirs.
Thus, as the only way left to save him, Simon is buried and transforms into a vampire, which causes a distraught Clary to ignore Jace as a result of her concern over Simon and his new undead status. While discussing how to potentially tell Simon's mother about his vampire transformation with Clary, Maia the werewolf comes into the house with wounds too severe for Luke to treat. Magnus heals Maia while Luke decides to check outside to see if the demons are still there. Luke is attacked and gets badly injured. Jace, Simon, and Clary battle the demons outside of the house. The demons flee after seeing Clary's rune on her forearm which she got during a dream of her mother blessing her.
They return to the house to rest with the others and end up talking about the remarkably powerful rune Clary used to free Jace earlier. Clary reveals that it was something she just thought of, and everyone opposes her, saying that nobody can simply make up a rune as they are created by angels. Clary is dared to make a new rune, and she ends up making a "Fearless" rune, as suggested by Jace. They try it on Alec, whose parents and sister arrive suddenly. Alec suddenly approaches his parents, saying he's seeing someone who is a Downworlder. Magnus magically silences him before he says who he is dating. Alec claims not to remember anything and suddenly gets nervous and defensive when asked who he is dating, leading them to believe that the rune actually worked.
Everyone decides to sleep, but Jace secretly takes Raphael's motorcycle and meets Valentine at a ship. Valentine offers protection to his loved ones if Jace joins him and comes back to Idris with him. Jace is silent, but the next morning the Inquisitor claims that Jace was with Valentine and threatens to kill Jace if Valentine does not return the Mortal Sword. At Jace's denial, the Inquisitor once again imprisons Jace, planning to make a trade with Valentine - Jace's life for the Mortal Sword. Jace tries to tell her that it will not work, which the Inquisitor refuses to believe and she devises a plan of revenge on Valentine because he had killed her son, Stephen Herondale.
While she is traveling to see Simon, Maia is attacked by a demon, who came to her in the form of her dead brother, after which Valentine kidnaps her.
Clary and the others discover Maia's kidnapping and rescue her with the help of Magnus, but not before Valentine drains Simon's blood. Jace manages to restore life to Simon by feeding him his blood, after which the Inquisitor appears. After seeing Jace's star-shaped scar on his shoulder, the Inquisitor begins to suggest something about who his parents are, but she jumps in front of Jace, saving him from a demon before she can finish. She later dies, leaving Jace confused at her sudden change of heart.
Meanwhile, one of Valentine's demons kidnap Clary and bring her to his boat where Valentine intimidates her with the Mortal Sword. Jace and Simon find and rescue her and Valentine admits that Jace only chose to fight on his side because he loves Clary more than a sister. He knew of this when Jace saw a demon that transforms into the thing you fear the most, which appeared to him in the form of Clary dying. The second time he saw the demon it appeared to him as Valentine, and Jace continued to kill the demon. Clary draws an opening rune on the ship's metal, which causes all of the ship's pieces to open up, making it explode. Clary falls in the river and is saved by the nixies the Seelie Queen sent to help. The group escapes by truck, where Simon discovers that Jace's blood has made him a "Daylighter", a vampire that can tolerate the sun's light. After a talk with Luke about love and his regrets of not telling Clary's mother how he felt about her, Clary finally decides to tell Jace of her love for him and her sudden change of mind to start a relationship, regardless of its consequences. However, before she can say anything, Jace tells her that he will only act as her brother from then on, breaking her heart. As Clary reels from this, she meets a woman who introduces herself as one of Jocelyn's friends and says that she knows how to wake up Clary's mother.
Billy Kirkland (Bobby Coleman), is a 10-year-old boy with cancer who is convinced that he has only weeks to live. He has two misfit best friends, Lucas Lamb (Christian Martyn) and Howard Garvey (Bobb'e J. Thompson) who he attends school with. Wanting to be remembered, Billy and his friends try to pursue fame but face a series of schemes which stand in their way, including their neighborhood bullies.
Billy and his friends decide to try to create the most snowmen built in the world in one day. Their first attempt fails miserably because they don't have enough people. They begin a campaign to get more people to help by hanging out flyers and placing posters up around their school, in which Billy gives a speech in the cafeteria, which brings attention. They eventually appeal to the Mayor too, which brings their Principal on board and go to the news channel to get it broadcast. Both the Mayor and the news channel agree to meet them on the day on the event.
The first part of the day goes well, and they build a lot of snowmen, but they begin to melt by the time the Mayor gets there with the news channel. Billy gets him to agree to delay the final count to give them more time to solve the problem, with Billy giving a small broadcast. But when they get back, their bully Jason Bound had knocked over loads of the snowmen, and corner Billy and his friends. The rest of the school then defends Billy in a snow fight. The day ends when Jason knocks Lucas over and hurts him. Billy's father, Reggie Kirkland arrives, having seen Billy on television, and tells the Mayor and everyone Billy is not dying like he thought he was. The event is canceled, upsetting Billy and his friends.
When their spirits get uplifted by the caretaker, the friends talk in a nearby park. Jason soon finds them and begins to push them around. When they push back, the chunk of ice Billy was standing on breaks and falls in the water. The chunk of ice then fills the gap again, trapping Billy under the ice. Howard goes to get help, while Lucas tries to free Billy. Realising he went too far, Jason helps. Lucas manages to break the ice but falls in when he tries to get Billy out. Both boys fall unconscious while Jason tries to grab Lucas using a hockey stick. He eventually rescues both boys and tries to carry them to get help. Howard then comes back with his father and Billy's father, who take them to a hospital, where they are both saved. While they recover in the hospital, they see on the news that efforts to build the snowmen have been renewed, and students from other schools have come to help. The boys later join them and break the record while discovering that the only lasting legacy is friendship.
In the remote village of Mandryn in Kyralia, Tessia serves as assistant to her father, the village Healer – much to the frustration of her mother, who would rather she found a husband. Despite knowing that women aren't readily accepted by the Guild of Healers, Tessia is determined to follow in her father's footsteps.
Kyralia and the neighbouring country Sachaka have been at a certain "peace" for centuries, though the countries dislike each other, for Kyralia was once part of the Sachakan Empire. Lord Dakon is housing a visiting Sachakan Lord and Magician (Takado), much to his dislike. Dakon is a kind man with noble intentions. He is wary of Takado and dislikes the Sachakans for not abolishing slavery, especially when Takado beats his slave (Hanara) to near death. Tessia and her father are called to heal him.
One day when Tessia comes by herself to Lord Dakon's mansion to re-apply bandages to Hanara, Takado tries to force himself upon her, holding her body still with magic. Tessia removes the magical influence on her mind with magic of her own, which she had no idea she had (blowing apart the corner of the room in the process), discovering she is a natural. She becomes the second apprentice of Lord Dakon, and Takado leaves the premises.
There are long hours of study and self-discipline, and Lord Dakon's other apprentice, Jayan, makes clear his dislike of her, Tessia's new life also offers more opportunities than she had ever hoped for, and an exciting new world opens up to her. There are fine clothes and servants, and – she is delighted to learn – regular trips to the great city of Imardin.
While staying in Imardin her home town is attacked. A "mental" call is produced from another magician who is in the ley (town) closest to Dakon's. Tessia is able to hear this while she is out shopping with her fellow female magicians, who all hear the same thing.
Upon arriving at the ley they find that Takado has slaughtered the entire village except for some children and deserters. Tessia is then distressed to find graves marked for her parents. Upon this discovery, Tessia is hurt by the fact she never got to tell her father about visiting the healer's guild (in which their family are now somewhat respected in the guild through their grandfather), or about visiting a dissection at which she found a friend, Kendaria. Tessia then sets out to be a healer. During the process, Jayan and Tessia become friends.
The Kyralian magicians then come together and decide to attack the Sachakan 'Ichani' (people branded as outcasts in Sachakan society) as they realise a plot to take their country.
Meanwhile, Takado has gathered an army of his own. In the "first fight", the Kyralian magicians use a technique of sharing magical energy, allowing them to send magic to another without harming them and so enabling them to attack in groups. None fall on the Kyralian side but the Sachakans lose many. Tessia treats many people and soon develops a way to stop pain with magic, something never before achieved as Magicians never become healers.
A subplot revolves around Stara, a mixed race woman born to an Ashaki (Sachakan magician of high social standing) and an Elyne woman, Elyne being a neighbouring country to both Kyralia and Sachaka. Living in Arvice (the Sachakan capital) Stara is forced to marry against her will, yet when she shows her father her magic, which she has kept secret for years, her father is forced to decide another, Karicho. Stara must bed Karicho in order to heir a son, or her sister-in-law, being infertile, will be killed by her father. Yet there is one problem: Karicho is a "lad" (a male homosexual).
Stara becomes friends with other wives, and they invite her into a group made up of wives and slaves called the "Traitors", who secretly declare themselves a neutral third party in the Kyralian-Sachakan conflict. Unintentionally, Stara becomes the leader with her natural beauty, magic and leadership skills. She and her slave, who is also her best friend, set out to find a way to get the "Traitors" away from Arvice before the invading Kyralians kill any of them.
The invading Kyralians take Arvice, but Jayan and Tessia are separated from them. Jayan is badly wounded, but Tessia figures out how to heal with magic, and saves him. While she is healing him, he confesses his love for her, and she him. They hide in a house and fall asleep. The next morning, they hear horses, and go outside to see it is their allies. They join up with the rest of the army, and Dakon is relieved to see his ex-apprentice (Jayan is now a full magician) and his apprentice are safe. However, Dakon is staying behind to help rule Sachaka, so Lady Avaria takes over Tessia's apprenticeship, and Jayan, Avaria and Tessia return to Kyralia together. Jayan founds the Magician's Guild and Tessia teaches her healing magic to others.
Stara and the Traitors escape Arvice and find a refuge in the mountains. There are ruins of a house there, filled with jewels. A river is nearby and the land is fertile. The Traitor society has begun.
10 years later Narvelan, one of Sachaka's rulers, is forced to retire by the king, taking his loyal servant, Hanara, with him. He breaks the storestone, a stone filled with magic, which kills him and Hanara and renders acres of Sachakan land infertile. It is revealed Dakon was assassinated.
Jayan and his friend Prinan come to look at the land. Jayan reflects on the establishment of the Magician's Guild and that Tessia is just about to give birth to his son. Tessia is now famous for her discovery of healing magic, and is the best healing magician in the world.
10,000 years in the future, humanity is threatened by a mega ice age. Cassiopeia G. (nicknamed C.G. or "Ceeg" by her friends) is sent on the Timeflyer to find a new habitat for humanity. While in the Northern Forest, a Squibbon has stowed away on the Timeflyer, accidentally transporting C.G. to the 21st Century. Once there, C.G. is greeted by three kids: Ethan, Emily, and Luis. They accompany her on her mission.
The plot follows two different stories that take place decades apart from each other. Julio (Carlos Hipolito) attends the funeral of the uncle who raised him. After reminiscing with his uncle's friends, Julio remembers his childhood. At that time, his Uncle Blas (Alfredo Landa) fell in love with a much younger women who made him realize how dispassionate his life had become. The adult Julio also attempts to romance a fellow teacher.
Back at St Swithin's, Dr Simon Sparrow loses out to the self-important Dr Bingham for a job as senior house surgeon. Feeling that he has no future as a surgeon, he takes a general practice job in an industrial town. He finds that he has to do most of the work, including night calls, and is also the target of his partner's flirty wife.
He then takes a locum job with Dr Potter-Shine's Harley Street practice, where most of the patients are dotty aristocrats and neurotic society women. Leaving after three months, he moves to a rural practice where patients pay in kind, ranging from home-grown raspberries to poached salmon.
Meanwhile, Tony Benskin fails his finals – again – and travels to Ireland where he buys a very dubious medical degree. This leads to a post as private physician to a rich elderly aristocratic lady in Wiltshire.
Sparrow and Benskin take a short holiday in France, where they save Dr Hopcroft, a governor at St Swithin's, from an embarrassing incident. In return, he arranges for Sparrow and Benskin to return to St Swithin's. Sparrow commences advanced surgical training with Sir Lancelot Spratt, whilst Benskin becomes personal physician to a rich Maharajah.
Clint Tollinger arrives in the town of Sheridan City to talk to Nelly Bain, but she refuses to see him. One of the residents recognizes him as a "town tamer", a gun for hire who cleans up lawless communities. After 14 killings and 31 robberies in past year, followed by the (non-fatal) shooting of Jeff Castle (who does not like Tollinger's methods) and the unwillingness of the town marshal to oppose powerful rancher Dade Holman and his gang, the town council reluctantly hires Tollinger for $500. Tollinger has the marshal deputize him, then insists on doing things his way without interference. Tollinger begins by warning the Harkness brothers, who are known Holman gunmen, to leave town. He goes on to disarm a leading citizen, "Frenchy" Lescaux, the manager of the saloon which is owned by the corrupt rancher, making it clear that nobody will be allowed weapons inside town limits. The Harkness brothers, still in town, are then both shot dead by Tollinger.
Four men ride in looking for Tollinger. He gets the drop on them with a shotgun and orders them to drop the guns in their hands, which they do. When Tollinger puts down his shotgun, one outlaw reaches for a holstered pistol, only to discover that the town tamer is faster on the draw. Reedy (an uncredited Claude Akins), their leader, takes off his hat - inside of which there is a gun. While trading small talk with Tollinger, Reedy reaches for the weapon, but Tollinger recognizes the ruse and shoots him dead.
At a social event, one of the town women advises Tollinger that his job will not be finished until the dance hall girls also leave town. Unaware that he personally knows Nelly - the girls' madam - the woman is openly critical about the dancing and carrying on. When Tollinger warns Nelly about the new curfew he is instituting, she tells him she and the girls will be moving on further west and asks him for the name of any town where he will not be.
Two men ride into town to tell Tollinger that they have detained Castle for trespassing on Holman's property; they suggest the young man can be picked up at the ranch. Instead, Tollinger arrests the two for carrying guns in town and, after some tense hours of waiting, an exchange for Castle is made.
It is eventually revealed that Nelly is Tollinger's wife, but she left him because she could not bear being married to a gunfighter. He only wants to know how their daughter Beth is doing. Jealous of the growing attraction of Stella Atkins, Jeff's girlfriend, to Tollinger, Nelly finally tells him that Beth is dead. Tollinger takes it badly. His patience and steadfast demeanor suddenly gone, he burns down Holman's saloon, killing Lescaux when he tries to knife him in the back.
Holman's lawyer, Zender, who has been in town a few days watching Tollinger, sets a trap. When, by chance, Nelly learns who Zender is, she tries to warn Tollinger. Holman rides into town - for the first time in years - in a surrey, to be in on the kill. Tollinger kills his would-be murderer, but is shot in the shoulder by Holman. Castle kills Holman. Tollinger tells Nelly he is getting out of the business, and the two kiss and reconcile.
In 1916 during the Mexican Revolution, American Wilson checks into a Mexican hotel in the midst of a pitched battle. Equipped with a suitcase full of Mk 2 grenades, he throws a few "samples" at the "Regulares" in the square, enabling revolutionary Col. Escobar to rout his enemies. Escobar's men praise Wilson, calling him "El Alacran" (the scorpion) for the sting of his grenades. Wilson offers to get Escobar's poorly equipped men weapons and ammunition, in exchange for half the loot, but Escobar decides to attack the next town without his help. When Escobar returns, defeated, Wilson explains that an American arms dealer named Kennedy is on his way to sell a large shipment of arms and ammunition to General Lorenzo. Wilson proposes capturing Kennedy and forcing him to turn over his wares to Escobar.
Before Kennedy is captured, he sends an aide to Lorenzo to set a trap. Kennedy says the arms are at his fishing lodge. Escobar decides to send him there with some of his men, but Wilson, who is attracted to Kennedy's discontented wife Lisa, convinces Escobar to send her instead, much to Kennedy's dismay. Escobar orders that she be shot if no arms are found, but Wilson helps her escape and encourages her to flee north to the U.S.
Angered by what he perceives as treachery, Escobar imprisons Wilson along with Kennedy, to await execution. Wilson somehow still has two hand grenades, which he uses to blow their way out. Escobar's men chase them and manage to shoot Kennedy. The rebels have to break off the search, however, when the Regulares advance on the town. Wilson takes Kennedy to a priest, who removes the bullet, and manages to get the actual location of the arms cache. When Lisa arrives with the Regulares, Kennedy becomes jealous and tries to shoot Wilson, only to be killed by Escobar, who had snuck back to ensure that his enemies do not get the weapons.
Wilson and Escobar race to the coast and find the two barges bringing in the deadly cargo. They use some of Kennedy's goods to hold off the Regulares. Then the Regulares spot Escobar's rebels approaching and set up an ambush. Wilson fires at the barge carrying dynamite. The explosion devastates the hiding soldiers. The survivors flee. Wilson refuses Escobar's offer to join the rebellion and rides away to hopefully reunite with Lisa.
In Hong Kong, Dennis Law, a property developer and filmmaker, attends a dinner party hosted by his attorney friend, Herman Lee. At the party, Dennis meets Cat Lam, a female police inspector who decides to tell him about a police investigation involving the murder of a young girl.
The story flashes back to when Cat meets Josephine Wong, a police commissioner who wishes to re-open an investigation involving the death of a young girl at the hands of her mother. She is joined by her female colleagues: Barbara, a criminologist; and Ivy, a police sergeant. Josephine decides to conduct an interrogation with the suspect, Becky Lee. Throughout the interrogation, Becky refuses to give a statement, and as a result, becomes subject to police brutality. Josephine and her colleagues leave her naked in the cold interrogation room, and later conduct a body cavity search.
Cat later tells how she became involved in the investigation. She arrives at a hospital to find the little girl, Ho Heiyi, lying unconscious and her body full of scars. She dies immediately before doctors can prepare for an operation. She later arrests Jo, Becky's boyfriend, who was caught trying to get rid of possible evidence on his computer. The police also find a series of burnt videotapes. Cat reveals that the tapes contained child pornography.
During the interrogation, it is revealed that Barbara and the other officers physically restrained Becky, while forcing her to watch one of the videotapes that features Jo raping her daughter. After the interrogation, a flashback reveals that Heiyi received the multiple scars after being physically beaten and whipped with a belt by Becky. While in her jail cell, Becky attempts suicide by cutting her wrists on a stone bed and later gnawing on the arteries.
At the hospital, Josephine decides to meet with Becky, who feels that a woman is born to give her body to men, and reveals she was sexually harassed and abused by her father at a young age before meeting various men and giving birth to Heiyi. She also reveals that she knew that Jo had been raping her daughter repeatedly. Using Buddhism beliefs, Josephine gives Becky advice by telling her that she should use her prison term to reform herself. The film ends with Josephine engaging in a friendly phone call with her daughter.
Dale (Chabert) a television producer for a reality TV show, has had a poor history of dating. So she moves to Los Angeles, and just enjoys hanging out with friends, and has sworn off dating. That is until an old friend from many years ago (Pardue) reappears in her life.
When a fire breaks out, forest ranger Don Stuart gets help from men who work for mill owner Tana Mason, a woman he fondly calls "Butch." In the air helping is pilot Frank Hatfield, whose love for Tana is not mutual. Everyone assumes that Tana and Don will end up together.
Once the blaze is out, Don concludes that arson was involved. Twig Dawson, a lumber man with grievances against Tana, is the likely culprit. While the investigation continues, Don attends a parade in town where a firecracker startles a horse carrying Celia Huston, who is thrown. It is love at first sight and Don marries Celia a day later, stunning Tana.
Twig is taken into custody when another fire breaks out. Tana and Celia are trapped together while Don realizes that Twig could not be responsible. He intends to parachute from Frank's plane into the area where the women are stranded, only to discover that Frank is the one who committed the arson. Don is able to narrowly escape and get to Tana and Celia in time.
Framton Nuttel (Sheen) enters the house of Mrs Sappleton (Lunghi). He is a young man from London suffering from nervous exhaustion, and he goes to the countryside for some prescribed rest. He decides to call upon Mrs Sappleton, an acquaintance of his sister's.
He is shown to the parlour by Mrs Sappleton's niece, Vera (Ritchie), who entertains him while he awaits the appearance of his host. Vera tells a story, the terrible tragedy of Mr Sappleton and his sons. He is told how they went out hunting in the marshes, and were lost in a fog three years earlier. Their bodies were never found, but the mistress of the house insists that the French windows are left open every day until dusk, praying and hoping that one day they will return.
Mrs Sappleton arrives in the room, and quite blithely references that the doors are left open in expectation of her husband and sons. Nuttell and Vera exchange a knowing look. Tea is served while Mrs Sappleton reads Framton's letter of introduction. As they sit, trying to make polite conversation, Framton notices figures emerging from the mist and heading towards the open doors.
Mrs Sappleton exclaims in surprise and delight, but the look of horror on Framton's face is obvious. He drops his tea cup and leaves the room and house as fast as he can.
When Mr Sappleton inquires after the guest he saw leaving in a hurry, Mrs Sappleton explains that he was visiting the country for his health but that she thought he was an odd man. Vera continues to explain his sudden departure as being caused by the dogs they had with them. She explains that he had spent a terrible night some years ago being chased by a pack of wild dogs. The film finishes with Vera giving the camera a cheeky knowing glance.
The third and final book on The Seems begins with Becker Drane on trial against his breaking the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule forbids any employee that has had access a person's Case File to communicate with them. At the end of The Split Second, Becker Drane came in contact with Jenifer Kaley who he got her Case File in The Glitch in Sleep. When tried, he was found guilty on all counts. He was suspended from duty for one year, unremembered of Jenifer Kaley and has his Seems Credit Card revoked. Jenifer Kaley and Benjamin Drane will also be unremembered of all they know about The Seems.
When about to tell Jenifer about his punishment, Simly, Becker's favorite Briefer calls Becker in for a Mission. He along with the Octogenarian, Shahzad Hassan and Jelani Blaque are called in as a second team to find a missing train of Thought that was supposed to supply The World with enough Thought for the next six weeks. When Thought was first discovered, it was debated on how it should be used. Some felt the Raw Thought should be given directly to the people of the World while others felt it should be processed first. It was decided for Raw Thought to be given to people in The World so they can think for themselves. However, without Thought to keep emotions such as Jealousy and Anger in, the Unthinkable could occur causing mass destruction to The World. The first team consisted of Li Po, Casey Lake, Lisa Simms and Greg the Journeyman, but they went missing when a sudden bright light appeared.
The second team go into The Middle of Nowhere in hope of finding the Train and if possible, rescuing the missing Fixers of the first team. The team first makes a pit stop at Seemsberia, the prison in The Seems where Blaque asks Thibadeau, a previous member of the Tide a few questions. The Tide is an organization trying to overthrow the current order of The Seems. Meanwhile the team manages to find Lisa Simms and Greg the Journeyman, but Li Po and Casey Lake are still missing.
Meanwhile, in The Seems, The Tide has taken over many major departments of The Seems and even Seemsberia. To rescue The Seems, Freck reveals he is a double agent for The Seems and gets the help of the Glitches in exchange for a place to live. The Glitches succeed in destroying The Tide and recapture The Seems, but the Unthinkable is about to occur. All the extra Thought was used during the siege to The Seems.
In the Middle of Nowhere, the team along with Casey Lake has found the lost Train of Thought. However, the natives of the Middle of Nowhere have trapped all the Fixers except Becker who is trying to get the train back to The Seems. With the so little time left before the Unthinkable occurs, Becker has no choice to use the In-Betweener, an automated freight line previously used to pile wares. Becker succeeds, but is lost when the Train crashes into the entrance of the In-Betweener. With the Thought delivered and The Tide defeated, the Unthinkable does not occur.
Two days later, Freck is cleared of all charges by the new Second in Command, Samuel Hightower, who is also Triton, leader of The Tide. Despite wanting to recreate The World, he now feels that The World will now grow into a new place after all that happened in the last few days.
In the epilogue, Becker finds himself swimming through an ocean and finally arriving on a beach. On the beach, he meets Li Po, the only Fixer in the first team never to be found. Po talks although his Vow of Silence prevented him before. Becker suddenly realizes he is in A Better Place, where people go when they die.
''The story, in the Broadway production, was as follows:'' ;Act 1 Author Alice Stetson and her daughter have just moved to Queens, New York so that Alice can have some space from her husband, Jack. Her young daughter, Chloe, laments about the move and her family's demise, as Alice notes that her life isn't going in the direction she had hoped. Edwina, Jack's mother, is cooking dinner for Chloe. Alice, who has just hit her head on the light of the building's service elevator, receives her children's book manuscript back from the publishers, who have coldly rejected it, saying it is too dark for children. She sadly makes a comment that Alice in Wonderland, the book Edwina had been reading to Chloe, was dark. As she lies down, she is awoken by a white rabbit who she follows down to Wonderland ("Down the Rabbit Hole").
In Wonderland, she encounters strange people and creatures who are dressed in the same dresses that the original Alice in Wonderland is known to wear ("Welcome to Wonderland"). She tries to discover why she has been brought there, and finds a mysterious drink ("Drink Me"). She then encounters the Caterpillar, whose advice is to follow in the footsteps of El Gato (the Cheshire Cat) to find out who she is ("Advice from a Caterpillar" and "Go With the Flow"). El Gato believes himself to be invisible, but he has lost the power; Alice learns from the Caterpillar that the characters in Wonderland "don't have the heart to tell him". El Gato leads her to the White Rabbit, when White Knight makes a grand entrance. He and his cohorts promises to save her at all means ("One Knight") and invites her to the Tea Party ("The Mad Tea Party").
At the party, the Mad Hatter announces with flair that she intends to rule things in Wonderland ("The Mad Hatter"). She reads Alice's tea leaves, commenting on Alice's bad qualities as the Queen arrives. The Queen announces that she is the ruler and all must obey her, or it will be off with your head ("All Hail the Queen"). Alice promises to take the Queen a brand new kingdom – the kingdom of Queens (a reference to her home in New York). The Hatter, angry, goes with Morris the March Hare to find her revenge on Alice who is a threat to the Hatter's plans. The Rabbit, El Gato, Caterpillar and Jack the White Knight all agree to help Alice find the service elevator that brought her there. Alice just wants to go home, as she and Chloe, in their new apartment, yearn for the way things used to be ("Home Reprise").
The Mad Hatter, who uses the name "Maddie", and the March Hare ascend the rabbit hole to Chloe's bedroom. They convince Chloe to come with them to help with Alice and Jack's marriage treatment to bring the family closer together ("A Nice Little Walk"). Chloe goes with them to Wonderland. However, the Hatter takes Chloe to the Land of the Looking-Glass as a prisoner, the Hatter's side of the kingdom, given to her by the Queen of Hearts, where she captures and turns her prisoners' "brains to tapioca". Jack agrees to help Alice in exchange for a kiss, as the White Rabbit makes mention of this news. Together, Alice, Jack, Rabbit, El Gato and the Caterpillar agree to break through the Looking-Glass to save Chloe ("Through the Looking Glass").
;Act 2 Inside the Hatter's war room, she locks Chloe in the tallest dungeon. She also captures the Caterpillar, El Gato and the White Knight as they fight to free Alice (and the Rabbit). The Hatter declares she will win her battle ("I Will Prevail"). Alice finds herself in front of a door with the comedy and tragedy masks. She notices above the door the word "THEATRICAL" (which changes spell HATTER and ALICE, with the letter "E" rotating between the two names) though she misses the clue the first time, this is when the Rabbit tells Alice that he can turn back time by just "winding back his watch". Alice tells the Rabbit to get captured and use the watch to save everyone. After the Rabbit leaves, Alice enters and encounters Lewis Carroll (the Victorian Gentleman). He encourages her to write something that is important to her, something she dreamt of ("I Am My Own Invention").
The Hatter delivers the list of executions to the Queen of Hearts, 7 beheadings, with the names of 6 of the characters and a "wildcard" slot (meant for the Queen). The Hatter eggs her on that she is the only one who can say "Off with their heads" with such flair, and convinces the Queen to allow the beheadings to take place in the land of the Looking-Glass. The Queen delights in the truth of her signature phrase ("Off With Their Heads"). Lewis Carroll leads Alice to a hall of mirrors, where she believes she has found Chloe. However, she realizes she is talking to a young Alice. She finally learns why she was brought to Wonderland: to remember and love who she is and was ("Once More I Can See").
Back at the prison, the Rabbit is captured. When Morris the March Hare asks for any valuables he wants them to keep safe, he hands over the watch. When Jack asks why he was captured, he explains about the watch to save them, but the prisoners are dismayed at the news. Jack tells the Rabbit to find dismiss his fears, that they will get the watch back, but they must attack the very men they are trying to save. They defeat the prison guards, who are Jack's Boy-Band Knights that were transformed after the Hatter brought them under her control, and return them to their normal mindset when they get the watch back. They free the rest of the guards from the Hatter's command, leaving her defenseless. The boy-band, Jack, Caterpillar, Rabbit and El Gato save Alice from the dungeon and learn that together, anything is possible ("Together"). Morris hands over the beheading list to Jack, where they learn of the Hatter's plans to overthrow everyone, including the Queen. When the Hatter arrives to taunt Alice with a final riddle, Alice learns that the Hatter is the alter-ego of herself. Alice did not come to Wonderland when she was supposed, due to her mother's death and her childhood coming to an end, over two decades prior. Due to this, the Hatter was created out of every bad moment Alice has ever faced in her life. The Queen, learning of the Hatter's plan to behead her, banishes the Hatter to the underground world. Alice, who tries to defend the Hatter, is held at knife-point until Jack saves her. However, he is brought down to the underworld as well. Alice is happy that she may leave with Chloe, but the two lament Jack's death as they go home ("Heroes")
Alice awakens from her dream when her husband, Jack, arrives with Chloe's forgotten doll and claiming it is his White Knight syndrome that drove him there and his desire to protect his family since they're under a new roof. Alice embraces him and realizes what she has in front of her eyes, the family is together once again. As they all head down for dinner, she remains behind for a moment to write down what she has learned from her adventures in Wonderland, but especially what she learned from the rabbit, that time is fleeting, and from her dream: "ordinary magic happens every single day", and it is all around us in the simplest ways ("Finding Wonderland").
In São Paulo, two friends (one married and from a wealthy family) take two prostitutes for a night of searching for different pleasures. The experience turns out to be frustrating for all concerned, with the four spending the time talking about themselves, the bitterness of life and the emptiness of their lives.
A stock-car veteran (Rory Calhoun) teaches a grease monkey to race in the Southern 500 in Darlington, S.C.
A man (Reed Sherman) visiting the Florida Everglades falls for an illiterate girl, and competes with the mysterious A. Lincoln Beauregard (Victor Buono) for her affections. He also encounters vicious alligators and a voodoo witch doctor.
The planet Blobolonia is threatened by an evil emperor, and the titular "blob" flees to Earth seeking help. It crash-lands on Earth and finds the eponymous "boy". They team up in order to dethrone the evil emperor, first by completing a quest on Earth and then by traveling to Blobolonia. Along the way, minions of the Emperor attempt to stop them.
Forty-four years ago, a great war known as the Valbanill War ravaged the land. One of the war's most dangerous weapons was the Demon Contract, where humans sacrifice their bodies to become powerful demons. Realizing the damage the contracts have caused the land, the surviving nations made peace and banned the use of the Demon contracts.
Cecily Campbell is a 3rd generation Knight from Housman, one of the cities of the Independent Trade Cities, a democratic federation of cities. As her grandfather was one of the founders of the Independent Trade Cities, she is proud of her heritage and wishes to protect her city as a knight, like her father and grandfather before her. One day, she fights a mad veteran of the war causing trouble in the market, and, inexperienced and outmatched, faces defeat. But she is saved by a mysterious blacksmith named Luke Ainsworth. Cecily is impressed by Luke's katana, a weapon she has never seen before, and asks him to make one for her. Her involvement with Luke will bring her to an adventure she never expected.
Alex and his girlfriend are looking for an apartment to move into. They then move into a rundown apartment in New York City. Their neighbor seduces Alex while his girlfriend is away. His neighbors provide him with a strange drink that they call "wine" and Alex proceeds to drink it. After the incident, Alex begins to shapeshift into a yellow killer slime creature called "Zachary". He finds that the only way he can return to normal is to commit murder. His girlfriend must learn the secret of the apartment and the brutal massacre that took place centuries ago.
An 11-year-old boy, Chris Holland, is left at home alone after school. When three robbers invade their home, Chris uses a .22 rifle to shoot and kill two of them. The third, who escaped, and their imprisoned leader, Earl, hopes to get revenge on Chris who is traumatized by the incident.
The story begins in Montreal, Canada, with the body of Avram Faris, who is an antiques dealer and an orthodox Jew. Brennan continues the investigation in Israel, where she and sometime lover Detective Andrew Ryan, and her friend, archeologist Jake Drum, are threatened by radical orthodox sects and other, unknown, parties.
Two months have passed since a strain of mad cow disease mutated into "mad person disease" that became "mad zombie disease", which overran the entire United States (with the infection presumably spreading to the rest of the world), turning many Americans into vicious zombies. Survivors of the zombie epidemic have learned that growing attached to other survivors is not advisable because they could die at any moment, so many have taken to using their city of origin as nicknames.
Lonely college student Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is making his way from his college dorm in Austin, Texas, to Columbus, Ohio, to see whether his parents are still alive. He encounters Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), another survivor, who is particularly aggressive when killing zombies. Though he does not appear to be friendly, Tallahassee reluctantly allows Columbus to travel with him. Tallahassee mentions he misses his puppy, "Buck" that was killed by zombies, as well as his addiction to Twinkies, which he actively tries to find.
The pair meets Wichita (Emma Stone) and her younger sister Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) in a grocery store. The sisters turn out to be con artists and trick Tallahassee and Columbus into handing over their weapons by pretending that Little Rock is infected by the disease, then stealing their Escalade. The two men find a yellow Hummer H2 loaded with weapons and go after the sisters. However, the girls spring another trap for them and take them hostage. Tallahassee steals his gun back and has a stand-off with Wichita, until Columbus intervenes saying that they have bigger problems to worry about, resulting in an uneasy truce between them.
The sisters reveal that they are going to the Pacific Playland amusement park in Los Angeles, an area supposedly free of zombies. After learning his hometown has been destroyed, and his parents likely killed, Columbus decides to accompany the others to California. Along the trip, Columbus persists in trying to impress and woo Wichita.
When the group reaches Hollywood, Tallahassee directs them to the mansion of Bill Murray. Tallahassee and Wichita meet Murray himself, uninfected but disguised as a zombie so he can walk safely around town. Murray is killed when Columbus shoots him, mistaking him for a real zombie during a practical joke while watching ''Ghostbusters'' with Little Rock. Columbus realizes during a game of Monopoly that "Buck" was not Tallahassee's puppy, but his young son, who had become infected and died as a result. Wichita and Columbus become increasingly attracted to each other, and Tallahassee bonds with Little Rock, with whom he was previously feuding. Despite Wichita's attraction to Columbus, she fears attachment and leaves with Little Rock for Pacific Playland the next morning. Columbus decides to go after Wichita and convinces Tallahassee to join him.
At Pacific Playland, the sisters activate all the rides and lights so they can enjoy the park, only to unwittingly draw the attention of a multitude of zombies in the surrounding area. A chase ensues, and just as the sisters are trapped on a drop tower ride, Tallahassee and Columbus arrive. Tallahassee lures the zombies away, creating a distraction for Columbus to get to the tower ride; both using the attractions to their advantage. Tallahassee eventually locks himself in a game booth, shooting zombies as they arrive. Columbus successfully evades and shoots through several zombies to reach the tower and help the girls down, but not before changing one of his rules for survival to conquer his fear of clowns while facing off against a clown zombie. As a show of gratitude, Wichita kisses Columbus and reveals her real name: Krista. As the group leaves Pacific Playland, Columbus realizes that without relating to other people, one might as well be a zombie and that he now has what he has always wanted—a family.
A running gag (and a central theme throughout the film) is the list of rules Columbus comes up with for surviving in the zombie-infested world. By the end of the film, his list has 33 rules, yet only a few are mentioned. A series of promotional videos starring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg expanded on the list presented in the film.
Wichita and Little Rock have their own rule: "Trust no one. Just you and me."
Grizzled L.A. cop Roland Sallinger (Steven Seagal) and his partner Trevor Johnson (Brian Keith Gamble) violently take down a group of drug dealers in an apartment. Trevor observes that there is what looks like a couple million dollars on the table, and Trevor suggests that he and Roland take some of it. Roland refuses, and Trevor shoots him twice in the chest.
Trevor realizes that he should’ve checked Roland's pulse, because much to Trevor’s surprise, he gets word that Roland is still breathing and is on the way to the hospital, so Trevor decides that he has to go to the hospital and finish him off.
Regina Lawson (Trine Christensen), who is also a cop, visits. Roland, having seen Trevor peeking into his room, secretly takes Regina's gun out of her purse. After Regina leaves, Trevor walks in and holds a pillow over Roland's face. Roland whips out the gun and shoots Trevor twice in the chest, killing Trevor.
Roland is later on the mend, and he has been released from his job via medically mandated retirement, which has him feeling depressed. Roland is a graduate of the Firearms & Explosives Training Academy, and is the Texas Training Expo Tactical Trainer of the Year. Roland also qualifies as a SWAT team trainer.
An old friend named Connor Wells (Steph DuVall), who lives in San Antonio, Texas, has some security issues surrounding his daughter Nikita (Liezl Carstens), in that someone has made a violent attempt to kidnap her. Connor calls Roland, who agrees to fly to Texas.
In Texas, Roland is met by Detective Simon Pacheco (Carlton Liggins). Because Roland has brought weapons with him on the private airplane that Connor owns, Simon warns Roland that he'll be watching him.
Roland is also met by Manuelo (Johnnie Hector), Connor's driver. On the way to Connor's mansion, they find Manuelo's cousin Allegra (Kisha Sierra) being harassed by a pair of men. Manuelo stops the limo, and Roland beats up the two men, who say that Allegra's two brothers Enrique and Gustavo owe them money. Enrique and Gustavo arrive, and Manuelo and Roland leave.
At the mansion, Roland and Connor talk. Connor tells Roland about the kidnapping attempt. Connor wants Roland to be Nikita's bodyguard. Nikita's previous bodyguard, Jorge (Tomas Sanchez), was killed in the kidnapping attempt.
Connor thinks someone inside his organization may be an enemy. Connor tells Roland that Nikita hasn't been off the estate since the kidnapping attempt happened. Roland agrees to be Nikita's bodyguard.
Roland makes sure the security at the mansion is improved. Roland escorts Nikita to a night club so she can dance with her boyfriend Mason Silver (Arron Shiver), who is a boxer. Roland points out a suspicious-looking man, and asks Manuelo who the guy is. Manuelo says that the man is Jason Cross (Luce Raines), whom Manuelo describes as a dangerous man.
In a back room, Mason snorts some coke and necks with a woman who is not Nikita. Cross walks up to Mason, saying that they need to talk. Cross wants Mason to throw his upcoming fight against Tornado Jones. Cross gives Mason some money. And Roland beats up a guy who was harassing Nikita and a friend of hers. Nikita and Mason have an argument before Nikita and Roland leave.
At the mansion, Nikita, talking to Connor, is wishing Roland had knocked Mason on his ass as well. Nikita thinks Mason is getting arrogant and out-of-control. Later, Simon arrives at the mansion, looking for Roland, but Victor (Rio Alexander), a man who works for Connor, tells Simon that Roland is in town to get some medicine. Simon says "If he becomes a problem, you and your boss will pay the price."
Simon finds Roland in town. Simon tells Roland that Connor is involved with some rough people, namely Jason Cross. They've had dealings in the past, when Connor's father ran a business. Simon believes that Cross is a violent separatist, a man who believes that whites and Mexicans shouldn't mix. Simon says he's been after Cross for years, but nobody is willing to talk about him. Simon thinks maybe he and Roland can help each other.
Back at the mansion, Nikita tells Roland that she appreciates what he's doing for her. On Friday night, Nikita throws up in the parking lot after hanging out in a club. After a heartfelt talk between Roland and Nikita, they leave to go to the mansion.
On the next day, Roland follows Mason to a restaurant where Mason meets with two of Cross's men. Mason tells them to tell Cross that he won't throw the fight. One of the men holds Mason while the other gets out a pair of cutters and threatens to start cutting Mason's fingers off.
Mason figures out that Cross is out to kidnap Nikita. Mason says that he knows what's on Connor's land. Mason thinks he and Cross can do some business so Mason won't get killed.
They all leave, and Roland follows Mason to the mansion. After Mason pulls back out of the estate with Nikita in his car, Roland follows them, using the signal from the transponder in Nikita's necklace.
Mason drives to where some masked men with guns tell them to get out of the car. Nikita gets out and runs. Roland kills some of the men. One of the men grabs Nikita while Mason gets beat up. Nikita is forced into an SUV, and Roland chases them. The two men in the SUV fire at Roland, and the SUV's driver rips off Nikita's necklace and throws it out the window.
A motorcycle comes up behind Roland. Roland manages to stop the SUV, and the driver gets out, taking Nikita with him. The man on the motorcycle attacks Roland, and Roland kills him by throwing a knife into his neck. Cops arrive and point guns at Roland as the driver gets away on the motorcycle with Nikita. They arrest Roland.
Simon talks to Roland at the station. Connor calls the police and tells them that it was self-defense. Roland tells Simon that the kidnappers work for Cross. Simon shows Roland a picture of Tory Harris (Eli Lattimer), one of Cross's lieutenants.
Simon steps out of the room to take care of something he's been alerted to. Minutes later, Roland is told that he's free to go. Simon returns to his office, and is angry to see that Roland is not there. That night, Simon goes to the mansion and tells Connor that if the kidnappers contact him, to tell Simon immediately.
After Simon leaves, Cross calls Connor, and Simon listens in from a car. Cross gives Connor 24 hours to give him what he wants. It seems that there is uranium on Connor's property. That's why Cross wants Connor's land, plus $5,000,000 in cash and diamonds. Cross hangs up on Connor.
At a church, Roland and Manuelo meet with Allegra. Manuelo tells Roland what Victor told him about the demands. After that, Roland heads to Mason's place, where a man is standing guard outside. Roland snaps the man's neck. Inside the house, Mason is making out with a woman, and two men are playing poker. Roland kills the two men.
Mason says he had no choice but to help them kidnap Nikita, and Mason admits that he let his pride get in the way by not agreeing to throw the fight, and he screwed up. Roland asks Mason where Nikita is. Mason says he doesn't know, and Roland and Manuelo take Mason with them. On the next day, they have Mason bound and gagged in a truck.
Roland and Manuel go to a restaurant called Hermano's. Cross is there. He calls Connor, and tells Connor that time is running out. Cross says that Connor will see Nikita tomorrow when Cross has the property deeds.
They hang up, and Cross is told that his men have found Mason in the truck outside. Cross has Harris grab Mason. Cross leaves a couple of men behind. They open fire. Roland kills one of the men, and Manuelo gets shot in the shoulder. Manuelo retreats inside the restaurant, and so does Roland. The other man follows them in, and Roland kills him.
That night, Roland goes to the mansion and talks to Connor. Connor admits that he and Cross grew up together, and that Cross wants the rich deposit of uranium that's on Connor's property. Connor says he doesn't care what happens, he just wants Nikita back. Connor tells Roland about a hacienda that Cross has. Roland promises that he'll get Nikita back from Cross.
Outside, Manuelo, Enrique, and Gustavo are waiting for Roland. At the Hacienda, Nikita learns the truth about Mason, who now wants Roland dead. At the mansion, Connor gets the ransom ready to drop off. Simon gets a message from Roland to be at Cross Ranch at 8pm.
At Cross Ranch, Roland sees Connor's limo arriving, and then sees Nikita being held by her captors. Connor gets out of his limo, and Cross gets out of an SUV. Connor hands Cross a satchel, and Roland starts silently killing Cross's men.
Connor gives Cross the money, and tells him to let Nikita go. Cross is alerted that Roland is there, and Connor whips out a gun and shoots Cross. Connor and Cross fight while Harris holds on to Nikita.
Simon and a SWAT team start arriving. Simon tries to keep Connor from shooting Cross again. Roland follows Harris inside the building. After beating Harris up, Roland kills Harris. Connor gives his gun to Simon. The SWAT team takes Cross away. Mason is also loaded into a van. Nikita is reunited with Connor.
Pablo Morales (Arturo de Córdova) is a cheerful taxidermist, who lives with his bitter, crippled, obsessive, and extremely religious wife Gloria (Amparo Rivelles). Pablo wants to have children, but Gloria does not. Gloria constantly rebuffs his amorous advances, and constantly belittles him by telling him that he stinks of dead animals. Her primary reason for existence seems to be maliciously annoying her husband. Pablo has been saving money to buy a camera, but Gloria takes the money Pablo was saving and gives it to the church, leading to conflict with the local priest. Gloria falsely accuses Pablo of drunkenness and abuse. Pablo gets his camera, but Gloria maliciously breaks it, which proves to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Pablo takes his revenge by poisoning her. He then dissects Gloria's body and places her skeleton in the front window of his shop. The police and local priest become suspicious and he is put on trial, but he manages to escape man's justice (but not God's).
After a comet passes near the earth, most of the population becomes cannibalistic zombies. Survivors gather at a military complex, where they discover that an alien parasite borne of the comet infects the zombies. The group includes Trent, a preacher, and his infected brother, Herbert; Simon, a gay man; Steve and Mimi, a young couple; Chad, a man who has been bitten on the arm; an ex-porn star and her daughter; a rancher; and several soldiers. As the infection worsens, the parasite causes men's genitals to fall off and virgin births among the females. After an unsuccessful attempt to forage for supplies that results in the deaths of several people, Steve attempts to save Mimi from the infection. As he anesthetizes her with alcohol prior to operating on her, the alien organism flees from her body. Realizing that alcohol can save them, they become drunk and use the rancher's whiskey supplies to destroy the zombies.
A young man named Tanner Smith, who is in a home for wayward boys, seeks out the superintendent's daughter Amy. Although it is forbidden, they begin to meet at night and talk about their dreams and aspirations. She brings him books from the library after he tells her about his fascinations with wolves and how enlightened they are. He gives her a pendant he stole when he was a pickpocket. Amy claims to not care about his past as she only knows that she loves him.
One night in the barn where they meet, they are caught by her father rolling in the hay. Tanner is beaten by her father. Her father threatens that if they meet ever again, he will kill Tanner. Amy is comforted by an old ragged man named Hoakie. Hoakie tends to Tanner's wounds and warns him to avoid Amy. He says that she's in the library and he goes to her. They talk about how to escape together. Amy has found a book that explains how to release two souls so they can come together in a "better world".
Amy attempts this "escape", but her father surprises her, takes the book from her, and burns it. Tanner hears howling from outside. He thinks it is Amy, escapes his room and meets her outside. She talks cryptically about knowing the right way to escape. They separate but she tells him not to worry.
Amy tells Hoakie to tell Tanner that she will meet him but will appear dead. However, she escapes to the other world without waiting for Tanner to get the message. Tanner finds Amy's body and thinks she committed suicide. Blaming her father, he assaults him, but he fights back and imprisons Tanner. Hoakie finds Tanner and tries to explain what Amy was doing and what he must do to join her. Amy's father decides to kill Tanner. He finds Hoakie in the prison and murders him. Tanner does as he is told, and Amy's father witnesses him leave the world. The scene fades to a forest, where two white wolves run alongside each other, one of which is wearing Amy's pendant.
Before 2014, players existed in-universe as political leaders, or "Summoners", commanding champions to fight on the Fields of Justice—for example, Summoner's Rift—to avert a catastrophic war. Sociologist Matt Watson said the plot and setting were bereft of the political themes found in other role-playing games, and presented in reductive "good versus evil" terms. In the game's early development, Riot did not hire writers, and designers wrote character biographies only a paragraph long.
In September 2014, Riot Games rebooted the game's fictional setting, removing summoners from the game's lore to avoid "creative stagnation". Luke Plunkett wrote for ''Kotaku'' that, although the change would upset long-term fans, it was necessary as the game's player base grew in size. Shortly after the reboot, Riot hired ''Warhammer'' writer Graham McNeill. Riot's storytellers and artists create flavor text, adding "richness" to the game, but very little of this is seen as a part of normal gameplay. Instead, that work supplies a foundation for the franchise's expansion into other media, such as comic books and spin-off video games. The Fields of Justice were replaced by a new fictional setting—a planet called Runeterra. The setting has elements from several genres—from Lovecraftian horror to traditional sword and sorcery fantasy.
Mel (Peyton List) and Jules (Cameron Goodman) are best friends returning to Los Angeles from a trip in Mexico. Seth (James Snyder) and Matt (Dave Power) arrive and introduce themselves to them. Jules takes Mel into the bathroom to help her deal with her motion sickness, where Mel tells her that she has broken up with her fiancé.
Mel's luggage is lost in the airport, so she must return the next day to get it. Outside, they board a shuttle bus after its Driver (Tony Curran) offers to charge them half the price of a regular shuttle. On board, they meet Andy (Cullen Douglas), a shy family man. Seth and Matt see them and attempt to board, but the Driver tells them he can only make three stops at a time. Jules informs him that the men are with them.
During the trip, Mel shows Matt her signing skills while Seth and Jules flirt with each other. While taking an unusual detour, they are run off the road by a car, and the Driver gets out to survey the damage, which turns out to be a flat tire. Jules opts to call a taxi, but there is no service where they are. Matt offers to help change the tire. While his hand is on top of the tire, the Driver looks for some nuts for the wheel. Suddenly, the bus falls off the jack and onto Matt's hand, severing his fingers. They quickly drive off to the hospital.
During the ride, the Driver calmly pulls over, much to the astonishment of the passengers. He pulls a gun on them and demands cooperation, taking everyone's phones and wallets. While Mel and Seth argue about doing something, Jules finds a flare under the seat from the safety kit used to bandage Matt's hand, and Mel comes up with a plan to get the window open. Andy sees her and causes a commotion. A struggle ensues and the flare is set ablaze. The Driver sees this, stops the bus and removes the flare. Jules runs for the front and finds the door locked and the key missing.
The Driver re-enters and slashes Seth's face with a switchblade as a warning to the others. He informs them of a "change of plans", and drives them to an enclosed ATM for Jules to withdraw money. While she is inside, she knocks some paper into a bin and sets it on fire to set off an alarm. The Driver sees this and rushes towards her, but she slams the door. Mel escapes, but the Driver shouts at her that he will let Jules suffocate from smoke inhalation if she doesn't return to the bus.
At a supermarket, Mel signs into the closed-circuit camera her plight and gives the clerk a note to check the recording. Seth gets free, makes a run for it and is run over by the bus. His body is put on the bus. The clerk finds that the cctv was never turned on. Later, Mel shows Matt a knife she hid in the ice, which she uses to cut their belts off. Matt uses the ice bag to smash the window, and they all shout for help. When the driver walks towards them with a gun, Mel cuts the guy's wrist with the knife, and Matt hits him over the head with the bag. Mel grabs the gun and threatens to shoot the Driver. She makes him hand over the keys to the belts, and Jules is able to get herself and Andy free.
She takes the wheel of the bus and drives, leaving Matt with the gun and Andy with the knife. Andy then nonchalantly stabs Matt in the throat, which no one notices at first. He grabs the gun and puts it to Mel's head, telling her to get away from the pedals. Andy then reveals himself to be in league with the Driver. They stop at a bridge to throw the boys' bodies off, and afterward, Andy torments the girls for a few minutes before the Driver gets him to stop.
Mel get a tire iron from under the seat, and keeps it by her side. Andy wraps tape around the girls' mouths and takes a cuff of their hair. Mel hits him several times with the tire iron and the Driver is forced to stop. She pulls herself free, and the Driver attempts to get the gun, only for her to hit him on the hand, and knock it towards Jules. Mel seizes control and drives away, but he rushes towards her. She slams the brakes and accelerates to throw him about. She reaches for a knife and stabs him in the knee. Andy comes over to attack her but she grabs a fire extinguisher and hits him with it. The bus then crashes into a wall during the struggle.
Jules finds Andy dead and the driver and Mel unconscious; he flags down a passing car but while dialing 911 the bus runs over him. The Driver then takes them to a warehouse, where he forcibly removes a tattoo from Jules' body; he also takes the girls' driving licences and puts them in a drawer which is already full of other IDs of people the Driver has kidnapped or murdered before. He has Jules dye Mel's hair blonde, then makes Mel and Jules strip down to their underwear and wear white high heels for an inspection. The man who inspects them is revealed to be the man that ran them off the road earlier, and the same man who was seen observing them at the airport in the opening scene. The Driver inspects their bags and finds that Jules has antifungal medication for a yeast infection. Since Jules is of no use to the Driver since both girls must be in good health, he takes her onto the bus and gasses her with a tube connected to the exhaust.
He finds Mel, who threatens to cut her face with a shard of glass, which would make her useless to him as well. Instead, she stabs him in the arm with it. He attempts to disarm her, but she stabs it into his thigh before hitting him in the face with some light fixtures. She finds the gun and shoots him, the bullet skimming his head. Thinking he is dead, she tries to escape in the bus. However, before it can start, the Driver attacks her again. They grapple for a minute before he forces her into a large wooden crate, which contains the items Mel purchased earlier in the grocery store: a flashlight, a loaf of bread, two jugs of water, two magazines, kitty litter, and a litter box, as well as her motion sickness pills.
Trapped inside the dark crate, Mel yells for help, but no one is there, and when someone with a forklift comes, he turns out to be in on the operation. While being carried away, she finds a photo of seven young white women in what looks like a filthy underground cellar. The photo depicts the despondent-looking girls completely naked, hair dyed blonde, and wearing white high heels (like Mel and Jules were forced to wear). It is heavily implied that these girls were also kidnapped by the Driver at some point and forced to become sex slaves overseas. Mel looks at the photo in horror as she realizes that she is to become a sex slave too. The crate is then loaded onto a cargo ship destined for East Asia.
The final shot is of Mel's lost luggage turning up at the airport as another day begins.
A young woman named Babydoll is committed to a hospital for the mentally insane by her stepfather to stop her from talking to the police about how he murdered her sister. Prior to the murder, the stepfather had murdered the girls' mother and sexually abused them both. He bribes asylum orderly Blue Jones to forge psychiatrist Vera Gorski's signature to have Babydoll lobotomized. Babydoll takes note of four items she would need to escape.
Babydoll slips into a fantasy world in which she has newly arrived at a brothel owned by Blue, who in this world is a mobster, where she and the other patients are sex slaves. Babydoll befriends four other patients: Amber, Blondie, Rocket, and Rocket's sister and "star of the show", Sweet Pea. Dr. Gorski is the girls' dance instructor. Blue informs Babydoll her virginity will be sold to a client known as the High Roller, who is actually the doctor scheduled to perform her lobotomy. Gorski has Babydoll perform an erotic dance, during which Babydoll fantasizes she is in feudal Japan, meeting the Wise Man. The Wise Man presents Babydoll with weapons and tells her that she needs four items to escape: a map, fire, a knife and a key; other than the named items, there is also a fifth unrevealed item that only she can find, which would require "a deep sacrifice" and bring a "perfect victory". She fights three samurai giants, then finds herself back in the brothel having impressed Blue and other onlookers.
Babydoll convinces the four girls to join her preparations to escape, planning to use her dances as a distraction while the other girls obtain the necessary tools. During her dances, she fantasizes adventures that mirror the escape efforts. These adventures include infiltrating a bunker protected by World War I German soldiers to gain a map (mirrored by Sweet Pea copying a map of the brothel/institution from Blue's office), storming an Orc-infested castle to retrieve two fire-producing crystals (mirrored by Amber stealing a lighter from the mayor's pocket), and fighting robotic guards onboard a train to disarm a bomb (mirrored by Sweet Pea stealing a kitchen knife from the Cook's belt). During the last fantasy, Rocket sacrifices herself to guarantee Sweet Pea's escape from the bomb's blast, paralleled by the Cook fatally stabbing Rocket as she tries to protect her sister.
Blue overhears Blondie relaying Babydoll's plan to Gorski. He locks Sweet Pea in a closet and confronts the other girls. He fatally shoots Amber and Blondie, and attempts to rape Babydoll, but she stabs him with the kitchen knife and steals his master key. Babydoll frees Sweet Pea and starts a fire to keep the orderlies occupied while they seek an exit. A throng of men blocks their way. Babydoll deduces that the fifth item she needs is actually her own sacrifice, and that this is actually Sweet Pea's story. Babydoll distracts the men long enough to allow Sweet Pea to slip away.
Back in the asylum, the surgeon has just performed Babydoll's lobotomy. Gorski notes that during her short stay, the girl stabbed an orderly, started a fire, and helped another girl escape the asylum. The surgeon asks Gorski why she authorized the procedure, and Gorski realizes that Blue has been forging her signature and summons the police, who apprehend Blue just as he attempts to rape Babydoll. As he is being arrested, Blue also incriminates the stepfather. Babydoll is shown smiling serenely.
Sweet Pea is stopped by police as she tries to board a bus, but the bus driver (the Wise Man) misleads the police and lets her board.
During the end credits, Dr. Gorski and Blue sing "Love Is the Drug" as the five female leads dance.
Its main protagonists are Gus Saenz and Jerome Lucero, Jesuit priests who also perform forensic work. The mystery revolves around the murders of young boys in a poor region of Payatas, Philippines. While dealing with the systematic corruption of the government, church and the elite, the two priests delve into criminal profiling, crime scene investigation and forensic analysis to solve the killings, and eventually, find the murderer.
On a dark Mexican roadside, Claudio calls his friends and tells them he needs to meet them. Claudio tells them he is being extorted by two policemen after running someone over. Two corrupt cops demand 200,000 pesos to cover up the manslaughter charge for the accident. Vampiro thinks the only way Claudio can get the money quickly, is to stage his own kidnapping and get Claudio's rich father to pay. The execute the plan and his father pays the ransom; leaving the money in the garbage basket of a local nightclub. Later on, Claudio asks his friends to leave him on the highway to pay off the corrupt cops. The next morning when Vampiro arrives at university he's called to the principal's office where two police officers are waiting together with Ximena, (Claudio’s girlfriend) and Marsolo. After the police inform them that Claudio has been kidnapped, the pair lie and claim to know nothing.
The police officers set up in Emilio Hadaf's house (the father of Claudio) and wait for the kidnappers to call for a new ransom. Emilo tells the Police he does not trust Vampiro. The police then interrogate Vampiro, who tells them that Claudio was in trouble with a bookie and had a gambling problem. The police go to the bookie Salmun, who tells them that Claudio was supposed to meet his partner Isaias Jennings to pay him 200,000 pesos he owes them the night he was kidnapped.
Ximena sits in her room watching old videos of Claudio and his friends. A friend knocks on her door and tells her that Claudio was not an angel and reveals to her that he once had a serious problem with the psychology teacher. The next day, Ximena asks the teacher to tell him what happened between him and Claudio, the teacher tells her that Claudio stole his car and sold it in pieces in response for having failed in a mid-term. The teacher accuses Claudio of playing with everybody and having not been kidnapped at all. While at Hadaf's house the kidnapper contacts with Agent Mondragon and begins a negotiation with him. The voice over the telephone claims 2 million pesos as a ransom but the agent tells him that they are not in the position to pay such amount of money without a guarantee that Claudio is alive. Claudio is sitting on a chair in a basement, tied and blindfolded whilst a man watches.
The police search the area where Claudio was seen last and they find the body of Isais Jenning; lying in the grass with a gunshot in his back. Hadaf agrees to pay the ransom, a mysterious man picks up the money in the reservoir where Hadaf left it. Claudio sits in the dark basement while Marsolo waits sitting in front of him. Vampiro arrives with the money, but Marsolo decides to go even further.
In 1920s Newport, Rhode Island, Theophilus North (Anthony Edwards) is an engaging, multi-talented, middle-class Yale University graduate who spends the summer catering to the wealthy families of the city. He becomes the confidant of James McHenry Bosworth (Robert Mitchum), and a tutor and tennis coach to the families' children. He also befriends many from the city's servant class including Henry Simmons (Harry Dean Stanton), Amelia Cranston (Lauren Bacall), and Sally Boffin (Virginia Madsen).
Complications arise when some residents begin to ascribe healing powers to the static electricity shocks that Mr. North happens to generate frequently. Despite never claiming any healing or medical abilities, he is accused of quackery, and with the help of those he has befriended, must defend himself.
In the end, Mr. North accepts a position of leadership at an educational and philosophical academy founded by Mr. Bosworth, and begins a romance with Bosworth's granddaughter Persis.
''King Kung Fu'' tells the story of a good-humored, hat-loving, Chinese talking gorilla originally named Jungle Jumper who has been taught karate. After beating up his Kung Fu Master owner, Alfunku, when the latter dared him to snatch a banana from his hand, he is shipped off to the U.S. as a "goodwill gift" by his battered and embarrassed teacher, where he is renamed King Kung Fu for publicity purposes. On the way to the New York Zoo, the "Monster Master of the Martial Arts" is put on display in Wichita, Kansas, where two out-of-work reporters set him free with plans to "capture" him and get jobs.
Police Captain J.W. Duke (who resembles a certain Western Movie star) and his patriotic-helmeted little assistant, Officer Pilgrim, get involved in the citywide chase along with the phony-looking ape's love interest, Rae Fey (a beautiful blonde Pizza Hut waitress/model). Rae Fey is the only one who understands that Fu just wants to see the sights like any other tourist. Her conniving TV journalist boyfriend, Bo Burgess (not Beau Bridges as has been listed in some sources, a reference no doubt to the actor's brother Jeff who starred in the first remake of ''King Kong''), and his hapless sidekick, Herman, a pair of prudish protesters from "OLD HAGS" ("Outraged Ladies Dedicated to Hiding Animals Great Shame"), and a host of others including cops, cowboys and baseball players partake in a wild chase in order to catch the ape.
The gorilla and the girl end up on top of the tallest building in Wichita, a Holiday Inn and homage to the original King Kong film, where the hairy hero makes a final stand involving instances of stop motion animation.
The series begins with an unidentified man waking up in a desert and finding himself in the middle of a pursuit as mysterious guards chase an elderly man through a canyon. The old man dies soon after, but not before passing a message on to the younger man: "Tell them I got out."
The younger man arrives in an enigmatic community, whose residents inform him that it's called simply "The Village". Everyone he meets is known only by a number—he learns his number is 6—and he discovers that they have no knowledge or memory of the outside world.
Number 6 is unable to remember his real name and recalls only snippets of his life in New York City. He had met and seduced a mysterious woman in a diner. He finds himself locked in a battle of wills against Number 2, the Village's leader, who goes to great lengths to make Number 6 assimilate. Number 6, meanwhile, tries to contact "dreamers"—Village residents who, like him, have been experiencing flashes of memory of their lives outside of the Village. Along the way, he befriends Number 147, a Village taxi driver; Number 313, a doctor with whom Number 6 develops a romantic connection, but who has her own secrets; and "11–12", Number 2's son, who begins to question the reality of the Village.
On 24 December 2012, Jake Muller (Troy Baker), son of late bio-terrorist Albert Wesker, flees local authorities during a bio-terrorist attack in Edonia. He partners with Division of Security Operations (DSO) agent and Raccoon City survivor Sherry Birkin (Eden Riegel) and learns that she is to extract him from the country to create a vaccine for the new C-virus. However, they are hunted by Ustanak, a hulking bio-weapon. Meanwhile, a Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) strike team led by Chris Redfield (Roger Craig Smith) and Piers Nivans (Christopher Emerson) is deployed to combat the infected local populace. However, they are attacked by the leader of Neo-Umbrella, who refers to herself as Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor); she kills most of the BSAA members, using a device that injects them with the C-virus, turning them into monsters, except Chris and Piers. Chris goes into a self-imposed exile, afflicted with post-traumatic amnesia. Meanwhile, Sherry and Jake's extraction by the BSAA is sabotaged, forcing them to crash into the mountains. They are captured by "Ada" for six months.
On 29 June 2013, US President Adam Benford (Michael Donovan) attempts to publicly reveal the truth behind the 1998 Raccoon City incident and the government's dealings with Umbrella, to end further bio-terrorist activity. However, the venue in the American town of Tall Oaks is hit by another attack, infecting the President; the sole survivors, DSO agent and Raccoon City survivor Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer) and United States Secret Service agent Helena Harper (Laura Bailey), are forced to kill him. The pair encounter the real Ada Wong (also Taylor), and Leon learns that National Security Advisor Derek Simmons (David Lodge) is affiliated with Neo-Umbrella and was responsible for the attack. Leon and Helena pursue Simmons into Lanshiang, China, while faking their deaths. Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry escape captivity in Lanshiang.
Chris returns to duty in the BSAA with Piers and a new team, arriving in a besieged Lanshiang. Chris recovers from his amnesia and seeks revenge against Ada, resulting in casualties for his squad. Chris and Piers confront Ada, until Leon intervenes. After being informed by Leon, Chris and Piers pursue "Ada" to an aircraft carrier, destroying cruise missiles laden with the C-virus. Leon, Helena, Sherry and Jake confront Simmons over his involvement with the outbreaks, where Sherry covertly hands Jake's medical data to Leon in case of their captivity. Leon and Helena corner Simmons, who has been infected by a J'avo, where he confesses to having killed the President to maintain national security. The two see off a mutated Simmons while Sherry and Jake are captured again. Attempting to leave the city, Leon and Helena are warned by Chris that a missile carrying the C-virus has been launched, and its detonation unleashes an outbreak in the city. Leon discloses Jake's real identity to Chris and has him rescue Jake and Sherry in a remote oil platform. With Ada's assistance, Leon and Helena kill Simmons.
On the oil platform, Chris and Piers head underground, freeing Jake and Sherry from captivity before preventing a large-scale attack by a gigantic bioweapon, Haos. Heavily wounded and in a desperate attempt to save Chris, Piers injects himself with the C-virus to help turn the tide of the battle. He defeats Haos before evacuating. Aware that the mutation will worsen, Piers sacrifices himself by pushing Chris to an escape pod, using his abilities to destroy the base. Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry escape the facility and kill Ustanak as they ride a rocket-powered lift to the surface.
The imposter Ada was a scientist named Carla Radames, who was forced to transform into Ada by Simmons. The real Ada was aiding Leon and Sherry while destroying the Neo-Umbrella lab in Lanshiang. Although presumed dead after being shot by one of Simmons' soldiers, Carla attempts a final attack against Ada, after having injected herself with a powerful dose of the C-virus, but is killed. Ada aids Leon and Helena in their battle with Simmons to kill him, and destroys the lab where her clone was developed before accepting a new assignment. Leon and Helena are cleared for duty; Chris remains with the BSAA in command of a new squad, overcoming his guilt; Sherry continues her duty as a DSO agent; and Jake starts a new life fighting B.O.W.s in an underdeveloped country with his identity covered up by the BSAA.
Dustin (Jansen Panettiere), Albert (Frankie Ryan Manriquez) and Mark (Allen Isaacson) are 12-year-old friends looking forward to Summer fun in 1970. Dustin likes a girl named Tanya (Bailey Garno), and so he wants to ask her on a date, but he is nervous because he has never asked anyone out before. Dustin's main obstacle is the town bully, Nick (Taylor Boggan), who also likes Tanya. When Dustin mows the lawn of 75-year-old Jonathan Sperry (Gavin MacLeod), a man he has seen at church, the two become friends.
Mr. Sperry begins a Bible study with Dustin and his friends, and encourages them to be kind to Nick. Sperry also pays Dustin to mow the lawn of a stubborn, elderly neighbor, Mr. Barnes (Robert Guillaume), although Dustin is told not to let Mr. Barnes know the benefactor of this kindness. Throughout the summer, many other boys in the neighborhood get involved in the Bible study, including Nick, who, after a couple of encounters with Mr. Sperry, becomes remorseful and turns from his bullying ways. Meanwhile, Dustin finally gets the courage to tell Tanya how much he likes her, but instead of asking her to be his girlfriend, he suggests she start reading the Bible.
Then one day, Dustin rides his bicycle by Mr. Sperry’s house and discovers a crowd has gathered; Mr. Sperry has died. After the funeral, Mr. Barnes visits Dustin to thank him for mowing his lawn, and to tell him he figured out Mr. Sperry was his motivation. Mr. Barnes tearfully calls Mr. Sperry a great example of a Christian man. After this visit, Dustin’s mother reveals the secret background between Mr. Sperry and Mr. Barnes. Mr. Sperry’s wife had died four years earlier in a car accident caused by Mr. Barnes who was drunk. Inspired by Mr. Sperry’s kindness after such heartbreak, Dustin decides to continue the Bible study with the neighborhood boys, repeating one of Mr. Sperry’s first lessons with Dustin and his two friends.
In the years that follow, Dustin and his friends end up going their separate ways. Even though Tanya started reading her Bible and became a Christian, she and Dustin never dated or formed a relationship with each other. Mr. Barnes became a good friend to Dustin before he died four years afterwards. Dustin's two best friends, Albert and Mark soon became involved in speaking on Christian radio shows. As for Dustin, he became pastor of his church for 15 years using Jonathan Sperry's Bible. Nick the former bully became a faith-filled police officer.
Director Michealene Cristini Risley traveled to Zimbabwe to explore the rape and AIDS crisis in the country. She had previously befriended Betty Makoni, a born and raised Zimbabwean, and got to know about Makoni's organization, The Girl Child Network, which aims to empower the girls in Zimbabwe to stand up for their rights and also to provide a network as protection for these girls.
The stories were told by the girls of Zimbabwe and Makoni was the main cast for this film. Throughout the film, it was shown how Makoni has helped the girls in finding their voice and speaks out on the atrocities they have experienced. Risley and her crew were arrested and incarcerated shortly after shooting 22 hours of footage in Zimbabwe. The film was also seized by the Zimbabwean Intelligence Office at one time. However, the team managed to retrieve the footage and left Zimbabwe shortly after.
Betty Makoni was named one of the Top 10 CNN Heroes in 2009.
The heroes entering the Temple seek to find a way to save the world from a demon struggling to escape captivity and an evil demigod working to gain control over the demon.
The game's plot involves the heroes moving through various locations — space, urban environments, elaborate ruins — and fighting alien invaders. Bo Emperor Bill (Botei-biru, a pun on bodibil, a shortened form of bodybuild in Japanese), the man who achieved ten consecutive victories in the Great Galaxy Bodybuilding contest, faces an ever-decreasing supply of protein. He unilaterally invades neighboring star systems, in order to establish protein factories to replenish his supply. Feeling threatened, the heaven realm sent Idaten and Benten to vanquish Bo Emperor Bill. Thus the sweaty hot battle between the muscle brothers (aniki) and Builders Army begins.
Isami Hanaoka is just a fifth grader who happens to be a descendant of the Shinsengumi. Together with fellow descendants and classmates Soushi Yukimi and Toshi Tsukikage, she discovers in the basement of her home, strange artifacts left behind by their ancestors as well as a message urging them to "fight the evil Kurotengu organization".
A cinematographic essay, without dialogues, about the months Friedrich Nietzsche spent in Turin, Italy, with narration quoted by his original writings. It was there that the philosopher wrote some of his most known books such as ''Ecce Homo'' and ''Twilight of the Idols ''.
The film takes place during the final days of Rasputin's influence on the Imperial Family shortly before the Russian Revolution.
It centers around special needles named after its series' title—Taimashin—that can control the flow of ''qi'' and exorcise evil spirits. The protagonist and a possessor of the ability to control the needles is the acupuncturist Dr. Taima, a long and red-haired Japanese man. He works with his female assistant, Maki Tagetsu, and is combating a series of paranormal events; ordinary people are being possessed and turned into demons. Taima eventually travels to the United States to discover the origins of the demonic powers but find another needle wielder, Kyogo Ayakashi.
After the death of his father, troubled teen Jake (Alex Hugh) travels with his mother to Harmony Ranch, a special retreat for families dealing with problems. There, Jake gets to know Troubadour, a young distressed stallion. Ranch owner Chief (Mickey Rooney), works to calm the uneasy horse. Jake witnesses Chief's determination with the stallion, and begins to see the wisdom in the old man's life. When Troubadour runs away, Jake makes it his mission to bring the lost stallion home. The ranch hand Grey Wolf (Roger Willie) explains to Jake the Native American legend of Heaven's Pathway, a mountain that towers over Harmony Ranch, said to be a place where wounded souls go to find peace. With this knowledge, Jake sets out with his new friends Nicki (Rachael Handy) and Isaac (Evan Tilson Stroud), two other troubled teens, on a journey to the top of Heaven's Pathway in search of Troubadour.
Yuuki, a girl who can see into the future via her dreams, is caught in a love triangle between her own sister, Yuuka, and the two brothers they are to marry: Ryuune, who can read minds, and Ryuunosuke, who has the psychic power to soothe. When a strange dream girl starts to drag people into a coma-like sleep, Yuuki must enter people's dreams and save them.
For six years, director Daniel Cross followed the lives of brothers Danny and John Claven and Frank O'Malley—three homeless men who spent much of their time in and around a Montreal subway station. Cross became intimately involved with the three men's lives, chronicling the evolution of their years on the street, and their cycles of addiction and recovery, hope and despair. The Street was filmed in a cinema verité style. The Street was the winner of a Special Jury Award for Documentaries at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 1996 and the People's Choice Award at the 1997 Canadian International Documentary Film Awards in Toronto.
Artyom Manvelyan is a famous physicist and founder of a cosmology laboratory in Aragats. With loyalty and gentleness, he keeps the memories of the World War period, lost love and his friends.
Michiel van Beusekom is an average but enterprising teenager. He lives in a village in the northern part of the Veluwe region on the banks of the IJssel river and is the son of the village's burgemeester. Michiel has one sister, nurse-to-be Erica, and one brother, Jochem, who is still in primary school.
Each day a vast number of city dwellers arrive in the village and several stay in the Van Beusekom house. Michiel spends his days with tracking down food for them by helping local farmers with small chores. He is, after all, unable to go to school due to ongoing bombardments and railway strikes.
Michiel secretly dreams of becoming a Resistance fighter, and sometimes loathes his father Jan, who, in Michiel's eyes, is too soft. As a result, Uncle Ben, who claims to be part of the Resistance, becomes Michiel's idol.
On a day in late 1944, 21-year-old Dirk Knopper, who lives opposite to the Van Beusekom house, tells Michiel a secret. Together with two others, Dirk is planning an attack on the local ration card office to steal ration cards as part of the Resistance. Michiel gets the task, in case the attack fails, to deliver a letter to Bertus van Gelder as soon as possible. That same evening, Nazi vehicles arrive at the Knopper home. The attack has failed.
When Michiel tries to deliver the letter to Bertus van Gelder the following morning, he receives several setbacks. First his bike breaks, then he gets delayed by an Allied air raid and in the afternoon, he feels he is being spied on by Schafter, a farmer of whom everybody thinks is a secret Nazi ally. Due to this, Michiel fails to deliver the letter. That same day, Bertus van Gelder is arrested by Nazi forces looking for that letter.
When Michiel discovers this, he initially thinks of throwing the letter away, but eventually he decides to read it. He discovers that Dirk Knopper has been hiding an English pilot called Jack in a self-made burrow in the forest near the village. Dirk had wanted Bertus van Gelder to take over Jack's maintenance, but as Bertus was arrested, Michiel decides to take it over himself, with all the consequences it has.
A teenage Dutch boy, named Michiel van Beusekom, tries to assist the Dutch resistance during World War II by helping a British airman stay out of German hands during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
Michiel feels resentment towards his father, the mayor, who is seemingly only interested in maintaining the status quo between the town and the German Army. However, Michiel worships his Uncle Ben, an adventurer in contact with the local resistance. During the winter of 1944–1945, Michiel's loyalties are tested.
An RAF de Havilland Mosquito is hit in the air and crashes, but before it hits the ground, a young British airman is able to escape by parachute.
One of the villagers, Dirk (the elder brother of Michiel's best friend), helps the airman, Jack, but Dirk is later arrested. Before his arrest, Dirk gives Michiel a letter to be delivered to Bertus, the village blacksmith. Before Michiel can deliver the letter, Bertus is shot and killed by the Germans.
Michiel opens the letter, which directs him to Jack's hiding place in the forest. Jack is injured, and Michiel enlists the aid of his sister Erica, a nurse, to take care of him. Jack and Erica soon develop a romantic relationship.
Michiel's father is arrested when the body of a German soldier, killed by Jack on the night of the plane crash, is found in the forest. Jack wants to turn himself in to save Michiel's father, but Ben tells Michiel he (Ben) can save his father. Ben's efforts fail, and Michiel's father is shot by the Germans along with two other men as reprisal for the death of the soldier.
Michiel tries to take Jack to meet his contact in the town of Zwolle, across the River IJssel, but the Germans foil their attempt, and the two narrowly escape after a horseback chase through the forest. Michiel finally turns to his Uncle Ben for help in getting Jack to Zwolle. Ben agrees, and goes to have a smoke with Jack, who is now hiding in a shed at the bottom of their garden.
The next morning, Michiel goes to the shed to check on Jack, but he is not there. He finds him in Erica's room, in bed with his sister. After this, Ben, Jack, and Erica set off for the bridge to Zwolle. As they leave, Ben tells Michiel that Dirk should never have gotten Michiel involved with Jack. After they go, Michiel realizes that he had never mentioned Dirk's role to Ben. Quickly checking Ben's suitcase, he finds papers showing that Ben is working for the Germans.
Rushing to the river, Michiel stops the trio, grabs Jack's pistol, and confronts Ben. While Michiel guards Ben, Jack and Erica succeed in making it across the river to Zwolle. Ben tells Michiel that he had arranged for his father to be released, but that his father refused to let another villager be shot in his place. Ben attempts to escape to a passing German patrol, but Michiel shoots and kills him.
A few months later, Allied soldiers enter the village and are rapturously welcomed by the villagers. One of the soldiers brings a letter for Erica, presumably from Jack. Michiel hesitates to join in the celebrations after all that has happened, but finally joins in.
Katherine (Jacqueline Bisset) is an English photographer who, with her husband Patrick (James Fox), came to live at a coastal town on Rhodes before the tourists discovered it. Their thirteen-year-old daughter Chloe (Ruby Baker) grew up there, and even though Kath and Patrick have separated, they have both stayed on. He supports himself through his sculpture pieces, which Kath despises, and she, by her photography books featuring antiquities and peasant life, which he finds fuddy-duddy.
Kath needs money; her latest book isn't selling. She will be forced to give up her house and leave the island she loves unless she can find a buyer for a vase that was given to her many years earlier by a famous, now elderly art historian, Basil Sharp (Sebastian Shaw), who arrives for a visit. Katherine's widowed friend Penelope (Irene Papas) regards the tourists as enemies, an army of occupation, and battles with her son Yanni, who appreciates the prosperity the tourists bring.
Rick (Kenneth Branagh), a practical-minded Englishman, fixes Kath's toilet, and becomes smitten by Kath after she rewards him with a passionate kiss. His wife Carol (Lesley Manville) occupies herself with Byron's poetry and the tourist-loving Yanni. The group is completed by Konstantinis (Robert Stephens), a wealthy Greek-American who wants to buy Kath's vase, but needs it to be declared a fake so that he can take it out of Greece.
Locale, Mashonaland, Southern Rhodesia, 1893. The British South Africa Company (BSAC) (later to become the British South African Police - BSAP) is based in the encampment of Fort Victoria (now known as Masvingo). The film starts with a sepia toned trial of two AWOL volunteers and later deserters who were eventually court martialed by the army for stealing gold which was given to them by Matabele warriors on behalf of King Lobengula as a peace offering to end the war. In this trial (which is solely represented by archive drawings and voice-overs) the voice of TV anchor man/journalist Adrian Steed is heard as the judge (later to be seen as Major Forbes) and that of Stuart Brown playing Dr Leander Starr Jameson.
The film then cuts to a glorious sunset shot of Southern Rhodesia where the camp is situated. After a sentimental encounter between the leader Allan Wilson and his wife May, in which Wilson professes the fervent wish to procreate with his wife in order to produce pioneer Rhodesians, it cuts to the titles of the film, all based on scenes from the film. The horrific and ultimately unavoidable slaughter of the Patrol is included. Fort Victoria has a serious problem; it is surrounded by hordes of menacing Matabele warriors, one of whom demands the release of the Shona people under the protection of the BSAC and promises that his warriors will kill them in the bush and not in the Shangani River so as not to dirty the water.
The BSAC re-group and under orders from Dr. Jameson, are to pursue King Lobengula’s troops all the way down from Fort Salisbury to the south of Rhodesia, at that time the kingdom of Lobengula, to capture King Lobengula and hold him to ransom. Wilson leads his troops on what has become a heroic but ultimately futile quest to capture the King in the hope that his troops will surrender. One by one, the volunteers begin showing signs of their inexperience and sometimes lack of courage. One even loses his nerve, runs away and is shot while fleeing. Eventually, with ammunition and morale running low, Wilson dispatches Burnham back to the fort to alert Major Forbes that reinforcements are required. After much argument, Burnham complies and the Shangani Patrol is minus another volunteer.
Burnham alerts Major Forbes to the peril that the Patrol is in. Forbes refuses to back his troops up. The Patrol is eliminated by the Ndebele after Wilson fires his remaining bullet. He and the party are killed by the Matabele, who then praise the 34 men of the Shangani Patrol as being "men of men".
The final slaughter of the vanquished is shown in quick fire frame flashes (almost like still pictures) and with no sound, right up until the moment when the Matabele induna screams "Touch not their bodies! They were men of men and their fathers were men before them!" The last scene is of Burnham visiting the burial and monument to the Shangani Patrol at Matopo Hills.
Broadway producers Al Marsh, Tony Naylor, and Jerry Ralby are desperately searching for investors to back their new show. After being continuously denied for pitches, Al receives a letter from Paris, notifying him that his Aunt Roberta has died and left him half of her dress salon located in Paris. The three men and their "lady-friend" Bubbles, the person who funds their lengthy trip, then eagerly travel to Paris in hopes of profiting from the sale of Al's share in the shop. To their dismay, the men are met with a bankrupt shop that is in no shape to have shares sold. Here is when the film introduces the two other main characters in detail, the two other women who own the other half of the dress shop, Stephanie and Clarisse. From this point forward, the film develops in two main routes of plot: getting the shop into better shape to gain money, and the many confusing and slightly cheesy love story lines. Al, Tony, and Jerry make it their mission to talk to the creditors that have been harassing the shop to give them time to showcase a fashion show that will bring Roberta's more business. This ends up being successful, and Roberta's dress shop legacy lives on. As the plot progresses, Tony is torn between his growing affection for Stephanie and his desire to finance his show. Meanwhile, Jerry falls for Clarisse, and Al has a crush on Stephanie. Eventually, Al goes for Bubbles, who has followed the men from New York City.
Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, flees to Europe to escape a life of crime, where he meets a woman and befriends her children. Fisk starts to see the woman and her children more often, until they are killed by the Hand. Lady Bullseye, one of the Hand’s assassins, claims Daredevil sent her. Back in New York City, Daredevil learns that Fisk has returned and allies with him to take down the Hand. Meanwhile, Foggy Nelson learns about Matt’s alliance with the Kingpin and convinces Dakota North, to find Matt. Meanwhile, Fisk is talking to the Owl and tells him he is ready to betray Daredevil. The next morning, Lady Bullseye is meeting with the Owl, when she realizes he is a double agent and convinces him to set up a meeting with Fisk. Dakota manages to find where Fisk and Lady Bullseye are meeting, but is discovered and knocked out by the Owl. Daredevil manages to track down the Dakota’s location, defeat the Owl, and rescue her. Meanwhile, Fisk and Lady Bullseye meet with high-ranking members of the Hand, where their meeting is interrupted by Daredevil, who defeats Fisk and Lady Bullseye, and convinces the Hand to recruit him. The story ends with Matt ready to become the new leader of the Hand.
Dave Bjorno, along with other members of the Green Street Elite, are arrested for participating in the fight at the end of the first film, and end up being sent to a tough prison. In prison, the GSE quickly discover the brutality of life on the inside, as they are constant targets of the superior numbered and better-financed Chelsea crew. After a quick brawl, the GSE get blamed for the assault and are transported to another prison where a huge number of Bushwackers are waiting for them. Soon after arrival the crew meet up with Marc and his crew, who declare their intentions to make the GSE's time in the prison a real misery. After throwing an insult about their deceased leader, Pete, they fight, are restrained and are, once again, blamed for the incident.
Soon after, Dave meets up with some Russian supporters, who offer him advice about surviving in prison. They soon find out that this is not easy, because the Bushwackers are aided by a high ranking prison officer, Veronica, who flagrantly abuses her power to aid them, and also provides them with cigarettes and drugs. She also gives them a key to go where they want, which they use to attack a GSE member in Segregation, who is only narrowly rescued by an officer, Officer Mason, who also aids the GSE. They also use this key to gain access to and punish inmates who either cross them or do not follow on with payments.
The GSE realize that in order to survive, they need to stand their ground and, with the assistance of Dave, they corner and assault two of the Millwall fans. Soon after this Marc threatens Dave. Dave uses Marc's tactic against him and by beating up the Millwall fans and pretending to be the victims. Angered, Marc gains access to segregation where Dave is sleeping after being sent there and assaults him. However, after one too many Pete taunts, Dave gains the upper hand and is seen to be winning the brawl until Veronica and several police officers break it up.
Due to lack of space, the prison Governor asks Veronica and Officer Mason to select 60 people to set free, under the circumstances that they will not damage society if let go. Veronica intentionally chooses most of the Millwall fans, even though they are mostly troublesome, but the Governor spots this. Officer Mason provides a more suitable list of which he agrees to, apart from the three members of the GSE who have been trouble since they came. Veronica then asks for three of her Millwall fans to be set free instead, but the Governor has an idea to let them compete for this prize by arranging a football match.
Marc notices Dave's girlfriend at several visiting days and orders two of his friends on the outside to keep her hostage. Marc threatens Dave that he will kill his girlfriend unless he throws the match. Before the match begins, Dave informs his friend, Max of what is going to happen and tells him to call his friend to go over to the house and save his girlfriend.
As the match begins, a gruesome fight breaks out while play is going on and Dave deliberately plays badly so Millwall can win. However, the GSE arrive at Dave's house to save his girlfriend. Max then gives Dave the signal that she is okay, and Dave stops throwing the game. Millwall stand no chance with West Ham outplaying them completely and Dave scoring the winning goal. After the game ends, Marc, now distressed at Dave, goes up to him and threatens him, but Dave laughs in his face. He then orders his men to kill Dave's girlfriend, only to discover that the GSE are at the other end of his phone. At that moment, he and his two friends are detained for kidnapping Dave's girlfriend and Veronica is also arrested on a charge of drugs trafficking (Officer Mason had secretly informed on her). Officer Mason is promoted and Dave and his friends are set free.
The film ends with the 3 boys out of prison and, though Dave wants to spend time with his girlfriend, the GSE have organized a party for them to celebrate, which they accept.
Dr. Baliardo believes that the moon is inhabited, and that he will be able to spy on its king through his telescope. His obsession leads him to neglect his daughter Elaria and his niece Bellemante.
Don Cinthio and Don Charmante form a plan to marry Elaria and Bellemante, as well as to cure Baliardo's obsession. They masquerade as the Emperor of the Moon and his brother, the Prince of Thunderland. The gullible Baliardo receives these otherworldly suitors, and so the stage is set for the grand finale: a masque-like pageant that the schemers perform in an abandoned building. There, Baliardo is greeted by (allegedly) the Emperor of the Moon's court and the entire zodiac.
Laurel Sewell is a 15-year-old girl who has lived her whole life on her family's land near Orick, California. Her adoptive parents buy a bookstore in Crescent City, California and move the family there, deciding to enrol Laurel in Del Norte High School—up to this point, she has been homeschooled. At high school, Laurel finds she struggles to concentrate with the harsh lighting and confining classrooms but quickly befriends David, a handsome boy in her year, and Chelsea, a friendly girl with a crush on David who is fascinated by Laurel's strictly-vegan diet. As Laurel and David grow closer, she tells him that she wasn't adopted by normal means; she was left in a basket on her parents' doorstep when she was 3, with no memories except her name.
A few weeks into the year, Laurel gets a large pimple on her back, which is unusual as she never gets pimples. She attempts to use an herbal salve of her mother's to treat it, but the zit only grows larger, until one day she wakes up with an enormous blue flower growing out of the small of her back. Hesitant to tell her parents, Laurel confides in David, who is surprised but also remarks that the blossom resembles a pair of wings. Using David's microscope, they confirm that the blossom is a plant.
Meanwhile, Laurel's parents are visited by Jeremiah Barnes, who is interested in buying their small plot of land near Orick, which they are selling to pay for the bookstore. Barnes is particularly interested if Laurel's parents have ever had trespassers on the property. Laurel and her parents travel to visit their old house on the property and Laurel meets a young man called Tamani. She finds him intriguing and handsome but is wary of how unsurprised he is by the flower on her back. He offers answers, however, and explains that she—like him—is a faerie; a highly-evolved, sentient plant.
Laurel, angered, leaves and threatens to call the police if she finds Tamani trespassing again, later finding some strange glitter on her arm where he touched her. She tries to avoid David, but eventually tells him about Tamani and what he said, storming off when David says it makes sense. She asks her father if she has ever been to a doctor, and he says once; when she was found. Apparently, the doctor couldn't hear her heartbeat. David convinces Laurel to consider Tamani's theory and suggests testing to see if she really is a plant. They find that her blood is clear, and David can't hear her heartbeat. He suspects she doesn't even have a heart. Laurel is shaken by this, and David kisses her in an attempt to comfort her. She is flattered but says it's too much to deal with right now. They also figure out that Laurel exhales oxygen and inhales carbon dioxide.
David invites Laurel to a school dance and suggests her 'costume' be a faerie. She goes to the dance with him and is stunned when another student hands her one of her petals that apparently fell off, and she realises her blossom must be wilting. The next morning, all the petals have fallen out, and she goes to find Tamani for more answers. He tells her that she is a Fall faerie. This means she has an innate sense of plants and magic, and can create elixirs and potions. Tamani is a Spring faerie, the commonest and least-powerful kind, so can entice other faeries or animals (including humans). The glitter she found on her arm was his pollen—faeries reproduce through pollination, like any other plant.
Tamani is on the land because he is a sentry—one of several—guarding something extremely powerful, as well as watching over Laurel because she is a scion, a faerie sent to live among humans so she can inherit her parents' land. When Laurel tells Tamani that her parents are selling it, he insists she has to find a way to stop them.
Meanwhile, Laurel's father, Mark, becomes very ill. He doesn't improve, with the doctors eventually giving him a week to live. Barnes arrives with a higher offer for the property and more paperwork to sign. Laurel's mother agrees to the offer, as she needs to pay Mark's medical bills. David and Laurel drive out to Barnes' office because Laurel is convinced he's hiding something, and they find a hideous creature chained inside. Barnes discovers them and punches David before ordering two lackeys to throw David and Laurel in a river to drown.
Laurel and David manage to breath underwater by sealing their mouths together, as Laurel exhales oxygen and inhales carbon dioxide. They free themselves and go back to David's car. Realising that this is bigger than some real estate plot, Laurel tells David they need Tamani. After finding him, Tamani explains that Barnes and his lackeys are trolls—primates, like humans—and that they want the land because it contains a gate to Avalon. Tamani suspects that Barnes poisoned Laurel's dad to force them into selling, and that Barnes definitely doesn't know Laurel is a faerie, or he wouldn't have tried to drown her. David and Laurel drive Tamani to Barnes' office. Tamani sneaks in and kills the other trolls by snapping their necks, but Barnes discovers him and shoots him in the leg. Whilst he's distracted, Laurel picks up his gun and threatens to shoot him. Barnes realises she is a scion and Laurel shoots him in the shoulder. She drops the gun in surprise, and Tamani grabs it, but Barnes jumps out a window before Tamani can shoot him.
Returning to the property, the other sentries take Tamani to Avalon to heal him. A Winter faerie, Jamison, is informed about the trolls and tells Laurel to be on her guard. He also gives her an elixir that will heal her father and a diamond so her parents don't have to sell the property to pay their bills. Laurel gives her father the elixir and tells her parents that she is a faerie. She and David share a kiss, and a few weeks later she sees Tamani, healed and back on sentry duty. He suggests she stay in the house on the property, but Laurel declines, saying she has to protect her friends and family.
Trying to look cool for a gig at the Grand Opening of New York's one-block New Zealand enclave, the Conchords end up getting hooked on hair gel.
Jemaine and Bret perform yet another gig to no audience. Specifically, the one person in attendance sneaks out only minutes into the show, and even Mel is not in attendance. This leads to Murray to call a band meeting to discuss the situation. Murray proposes that the band change their style by the use of hair gel. The issue is debated, but the band quickly embrace the change and demonstrate themselves in a series of bad hair dos. The crowds go wild, with the Conchords' new hair making them cool.
Meanwhile, Brian the Prime Minister of New Zealand continues his stay in New York City. With the help of Paula (Lucy Lawless) his new assistant and Murray they plan to spread the popularity of New Zealand with the creation of New Zealand Town, situated between Chinatown and Little Italy. But when Gary, New Zealand's most famous sheep, accidentally gets shorn, it's up to Jemaine and Bret to salvage New Zealand Town's grand opening. Unfortunately, they've run out of hair gel and, with only their natural charm and musical talent at their disposal, the Conchords end up driving away yet another audience.
Set in a dystopian future, the world has been ravaged by a biological disease that transforms humans into monsters called the Kamiyadori. The Right Arms is a military peacekeeping group whose members have been infected with a strain of the virus, granting them superhuman strength. To prevent the spread of the virulent disease, all the people that are infected by the disease have to be executed. When Right Arms agents, Jil and Vivi, cannot kill a young boy and his sister, hope is created in the dystopian world.
Spain in the 1930s. The Rubes clan is headed by the aristocratic father Cecilio, a roué in love with another woman, Paulina, although he lives with his wife and his teenage son, Sisi. His wife hates the thought and practice of normal sexuality in their marriage. Their son notes his parents' sexual frustrations but must experience his own initiation into the mysteries of love and sex. We watch Sisi grows, mature, and compete with his father for the attentions and sexual favors of the local actresses in Burgos.
One day, quite by chance, Sisi meets Paulina, his father's more or less discarded lover, and they begin a tumultuous affair. Sisi is then inducted into the army and goes off to war. News of his death arrives quickly. Apparently, Sisi was killed by a land mine while driving his army truck. His father wants his wife to bear him another son, but she refuses. The old man, broken hearted by Sisi's death, returns to his former mistress Paulina, who tells him she is pregnant by his own son. With no other legal heirs, the elder Cecilio Rubes, desperate, jumps off his mistress's balcony and commits suicide. Paulina had always wanted the elder Rubes's child but is now content with having one sired by his son.
When a high school girl, Mirai (Kyōko Hashimoto), gets transferred to a private school she finds that the evil headmaster (Yukijiro Hotaru) is selling the girls in the school to local politicians for sex. The headmaster is also the person who humiliated her father (Yutaka Ikejima). Mirai vows revenge and uses her body and her special ability, the "Venus Crush", as a weapon to avenge her family.
The film opens with Arizona housewife and mother Carol Sanders enjoying a morning run through the neighborhood with her 12-year-old daughter, Wendy. As they return, Carol's husband Bill reveals that he's managed to land an important business deal, though the happy mood is cut short after realizing that the couple's rebellious teenage daughter, Jill, has overslept again. Wendy offers to wake her, but a minor argument ensues between the two sisters after she does so, though Carol quickly defuses it.
Later that day, Carol must cover for a co-member of her women's club and host a club luncheon; however, the luncheon runs late, leaving her unable to pick up Wendy (who's staying after school to work on a science project). Since Bill is in Los Angeles for a meeting concerning his aforementioned business deal, Carol calls Jill at the record store where she works and asks her to pick Wendy up, but Jill inadvertently forgets about it until 10 minutes after she was supposed to be at Wendy's school.
However, once on the road, Jill runs into a traffic jam and doesn't get there until much later. Not finding Wendy anywhere on the school grounds, she hurries home and tells her parents the news; Bill returns to the school with her, but they are still unable to find Wendy, and the police are called, who soon discover the presence of blood and suspect it might be hers.
Unable to sleep that night, Bill and Carol receive a visit from one of the detectives on the case, who found Wendy on the side of the road after being raped and badly beaten, which left her in a coma. She is brought to the local hospital's ICU while the police try to determine if the crime was committed by a school faculty member or a stranger. A tearful Jill says she feels like what happened was her fault, but Bill assures her that is not the case.
Two days later, a suspect is arrested: Frank Warden, the janitor at Wendy's school. As it turns out, Frank had two molestation charges in California, but they did not show up on his background check. While detectives assure Bill that they have a slam-dunk case, a number of discrepancies soon come to the surface in court, culminating in a solid alibi from Frank's mother, Bess, who testifies that her son was dining with her in a restaurant when the crime occurred, and the case is dismissed as a result. Seeing Frank smiling and laughing about the decision, a grief-stricken Carol suddenly snaps, pulls out a gun, and shoots Frank in open court, critically wounding him.
After Carol is released on bail following her arrest, Wendy emerges from her coma, though a doctor reveals that it will take time for her to recall the traumatic events she went through, and that she'll need support from her family and psychiatric help. In the meantime, Carol attempts to secure a defense attorney and approaches Ellen Wells, who had represented Frank Warden, but she is unable to do so, as Frank is still alive.
Desperate for assistance, Carol then tries to approach Frank's mother, but Bess angrily turns her away, revealing that Frank died in the hospital an hour earlier. Later that day, a tearful Wendy has suddenly learned about everything her mother has been through, along with her own ordeal (as Jill had filled her in), and in an emotional scene, Carol does her best to help her understand. However, this decision later sets off an argument between Jill and Carol, during which Jill accuses Carol of blaming her for what happened to Wendy and wishing it had happened to her instead.
Now having managed to secure Wells' service, the two prepare for Carol's case, but the unexpected twists and turns soon complicate things. To top it off, Carol returns home to find Jill and her boyfriend Brian making out in his car, and after Carol makes a scene about it, another argument ensues. Angrily, Jill repeats her earlier claim that Carol blames her for Wendy's ordeal, as well as not having any time for her, culminating in Jill storming out of the house.
By the next morning, Jill has still not returned home, causing Carol to miss her first court appearance, much to the presiding judge's annoyance. Finally, she finds Jill sitting by Wendy's hospital bed, and the two have a heart-to-heart talk where Carol admits that Jill was right: despite Carol's repeated denials, in trying to blame someone because of her overwhelming pain, she unfairly scapegoated Jill because she didn't want to blame herself.
However, Jill now sees the validity in what Bill told her earlier, and assures her mother that none of them are at fault. A short time later, Wendy has finally come home and the family has a "welcome home" party in her honor, but she admits to Jill that she's feeling "scared" and "different" from her family and friends, and wonders if they'll still like her. Jill assures Wendy that not only will they still like her, they'll like her more for the strength and courage she showed the whole time. Satisfied, she emerges from the house with Jill, and is warmly received by their family and the invited guests.
Not long after Wendy comes home, the trial finally begins, with Carol attempting to prove that she had lost control of herself in the moment she shot Frank Warden. However, the jury ultimately returns a guilty verdict on the charge of manslaughter, and a sentencing date is set for two weeks later, but realizing that any further strain would not be good for Carol or the family, Wells makes a motion for a more immediate sentence, which is granted, and the date is moved up to the following day.
Just before the sentence can be handed down the next day, a voice from the gallery requests to address the court: Bess Warden, who admits to having provided a false alibi for her son at his original trial, thinking the courts could prove Frank's crime without her help. Realizing everything Wendy has been through, and knowing jail time will neither bring back her son nor make what he did to Wendy go away, she asks for leniency in Carol's sentencing. Moved by her statement, the judge reduces his originally planned 6-year sentence to just three years (which can be reduced to two for good behavior), and also grants weekend visitation rights to Carol's family.
Cameron Lansing (Scott Curtis) is an introverted, 10-year old, solitary boy with psychic abilities who lives with his father, Owen Lansing (Tab Hunter), a research scientist. Owen has subjected Cameron to intense psychological testing from a young age in an effort to unbury the hidden powers of the human mind. During a series of mysterious and bizarre circumstances in their rural house one night, Owen is decapitated by a machete, yet the authorities can find no evidence of foul play and rule it out as an accidental death believing he simply fell on it. Cameron goes to live with his mother Dory Lansing (Kim Lankford) and her obnoxious actor boyfriend Bob Froelich (Gary Hudson) in Los Angeles. Both Dory and Bob are unaware of Cameron's paranormal abilities.
Sergeant Sam Taliaferro (Cotter Smith) of the Homicide Division of the LAPD has sleeping trouble and a recurring nightmare which is affecting his work. Taliaferro's partner, Detective Pete Groom (Leigh McCloskey) complains about Taliaferro's frequent bouts of absent-mindedness in the line of duty caused his lack of sleep, and so Taliaferro is ordered to go see a psychiatrist who works with the department, Dr. Nora Haley (Mel Harris). When Bob Froelich is horrifically murdered in Cameron's room, having been thrown out of the second-floor window with his eyes burnt out of the sockets, Sam Taliaferro, Pete Groom and Nora Haley are put on the case. As they investigate the perplexing case, Taliaferro befriends Cameron and realizes that deaths are occurring always around the boy, and that his nightmares seem to be linked to the boy. Under her counselling sessions Nora Haley also realizes that the boy has paranormal abilities, even being able to foresee future events. It also becomes apparent to Taliaferro that whatever Cameron concentrates on hard enough or focuses on is manifesting itself into reality.
Cameron plays an imaginative game with a figurine his father gave to him he calls the "Deceptor", actually an ancient figure of a Mayan demonic entity said to be terrible beyond description in Owen Lansing's texts. Cameron's imagination makes the creature real and it takes up residence in Cameron's bedroom closet. Soon, numerous inexplicable and gruesome deaths are occurring around the closet in Cameron's room, and people who have already died seem to be mysteriously reappearing in an undead state. Bob Froelich is horrifyingly resurrected in Cameron's closet and murders Detective Pete Groom when he looks inside the closet.
Taliaferro and Haley seek out Owen Lansing's assistant, Professor Ben Majors (Chuck McCann) at his home in the woods, where they learn the truth about Cameron. Taliaferro is stalked through the woods by Pete Groom's ghost, who warns him that the evil is "out of the closet now." The demons soon wish to destroy Cameron, thus severing their link to limbo and sealing them within reality and in our world. Majors kidnaps Cameron and takes him back to Cameron's house where Majors is then murdered by the demon, his blood boiling in his veins. Only Sam Taliaferro and Nora Haley are able to protect Cameron. Cameron goes back to his room to face the demon in the closet once and for all and destroy it before Cameron loses his powers to it.
The film begins with Claire (Maricel Soriano) with Elias (Eric Fructuoso) picking up a child as an assignment. Her mission is to give her to her adoptive family. After picking up the child Angeli (Mika dela Cruz); strange things start to occur. When they arrived at the Tenement 2, where Angeli's new parents are staying, they only find Tess (Camille Prats), Melissa (Tetchie Agbayani) and Domeng (Mon Confiado). Angeli pleads Claire to not leave her no matter what happens, and writes a letter to her which is not to be read until it is supposed to be read.
As Elias came searching for the sleeping Angeli and Claire, he fell victim of entities and was eventually killed. After a while, Claire wakes just to find Angeli missing and starts to search for her only to find Elias dead. She then finds Angeli being possessed only to be awaken back to her consciousness through Claire's presence. For the second time, Angeli pleads Claire not to leave her and decides to escape the building. They failed to make it out as a huge swarm of rats, due to the entities, starts to attack them which forced them to separate. Claire was saved by a mysterious lady using her magic lamp. The lady then tells her to run quickly and be ready before midnight (which is three in the morning for the entities, which was revealed are Fairies).
Angeli was taken by the fairies while the lady explains to Claire the truth about Angeli and the fairies. She reveals that she too had a child with a fairy and the rule that a fairy raised in the human world will be forcibly taken from the human world once he/she turns nine years old. The lady advises that the child shouldn't be given to the fairies as in the fairy world it is believed that love nor emotion do not exist. Bravely, both decided to go back where she and Angeli once stayed and found Angeli's letters which was believed to be important. They luckily escaped monsters laid on their paths. Suddenly, both mysteriously arrived in the fairy world and the lady finally finds her child that was taken from her only to be rejected believing she doesn't have any family in their dimension.
It was then when Isabel (Carmen Soo), one of the fairies, introduced herself as the mother of Angeli, and tells the real story of their life of Angeli and her father. During this time, Jeremy was seen searching for Claire in the building. Everyone awaits for Angeli's decision. But before she decides, she is confronted by Claire who reads her the letters and memories of her human life with her human father who was discovered to be blinded after the death by her fairy wife after the discovery that she is a fairy. Angeli then breaks down remembering her human father.
The fairies then challenges Claire for Angeli or Jeremy's lives. Angered, Angeli then threatens her mother that if the fairies ever touch or hurt Claire's husband she will not be with them when she turns 18. Instead, she promises that she will join them once she turns 18. The lady then kills all the fairies using a potion and disappears with them. They then wake up in real life being found by Jeremy.
After the events, Angeli was then adopted by Claire and Jeremy and goes to her new school where she mysteriously too was chased by fairies then finding out that her teacher is her fairy mother.
Two escaping killers hide out in a club called the Cloud Nine and hold the bartender and clients hostage. Amongst the patrons are a nervous singer (Abby Dalton), a boxer, his wife, and manager, an extortionist, a loud thug and his girlfriend, as well as a small man who can determine people's real (as opposed to posed) personalities and has no fear (Dick Miller).
Two childhood friends (Oliver James and Kristopher Turner) reunite years later to take part in an unusual quest that involves traveling into the woods in search of Ben's high school sweetheart. They are joined by their British rival Nigel (Rik Young) and, as the stakes get higher and the squirrels turn hostile, the hapless trio attempts to navigate a raging river while realizing that sometimes nature isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It is implied that the canon takes place from mid-1991 to December 1995 (see below for details), and follows the adventures of the titular character, Sophie, between the ages of four-and-a-bit, and roughly one week after her eighth birthday (Christmas Day, 1995). It is implied in 'Sophie Hits Six' that her family lives somewhere near Wessex, but at the end of the final book, the family relocate to the Scottish Highlands. The youngest of three children, she lives with her mother and father, and her identical twin brothers - Matthew and Mark - both two years older than her. She is a keen animal lover, and over the course of the six books she acquires various pets, including a cat (Tomboy), a rabbit (Beano), a dog (Puddle), and finally a pony (Lucky). During this time she starts school, goes on family holidays, and has riding lessons. She is constantly supported throughout the books in her ambition to become a 'Lady Farmer', and saves up 'farm money' (i.e. pocket money) so that one day she can purchase a farm. At the end of the final book, 'Sophie's Lucky', after her beloved great great Aunt Alice ('Aunt Al') dies, she is left a farm as her eventual inheritance.
The death threats against the local pharmacist Arturo Manno do not surprise any of his friends because he is a known womanizer in his small town. They do not take his reports of the threats seriously until Manno, together with his friend Dr. Antonio Roscio, are killed while hunting one early morning. Suspicion falls on the father and two brothers of a 16-year-old girl who supposedly had relations with Manno. But Professor Laurana, who had seen one of the extortion letters, does not believe in the guilt of these illiterates from a rundown neighborhood since the letters of the anonymous notes have been made with clippings from the Osservatore Romano - a Vatican newspaper with few local subscribers.
He asks his lawyer friend Rosello to take care of the prisoners, and begins his own research, also motivated by his secret love for Luisa Roscio, the widow of one of the murdered men. His trail leads him to Palermo, but he realizes that Luisa Roscio does not reciprocate his feelings and that his detective work is not delivering results. Shortly after his rejection by Luisa, he is murdered and his body disappears. Life in his native village continues unchanged, partly maintained through the close link between Luisa Roscio and the lawyer Rosello.
In Timberlake, Utah a woman drives home one evening during a storm and barely misses a hooded figure on the side of the road. She arrives home and calls out to her two daughters who don't respond. She finds her young daughter nearly dead, covered in blood, and her living room destroyed.
Stephen Broderick (Scott Glenn) is an Cleveland FBI agent who investigates murder cases and his 10-year-old son Jesse (Jesse Cameron-Glickenhaus) is very tech savvy and has a deep interest in his father's work. Jesse mentions to his father that he has found a potential serial killer after reviewing some crime scene reports which have similarities with the Provo Canyon Massacre 5 years before with the two murdered girls from the beginning of the film. Broderick readily listens to his son's theory that the mothers in both cases say that they saw what looked like an old lady wearing a black dress picking something on the side of the road and putting it into a basket right before the bodies were discovered.
Broderick gets approval from his superiors to investigate the link. He goes to Draper Penitentiary where the man convicted and sentenced to death for the Provo Canyon Massacre, Bobby Martel, is about to be executed. Broderick is greeted by FBI Agent Roxanne Lemar (Sheila Tousey) and they discuss the evidence against Martel. His muddy footprints were found outside the bedroom window of the murdered girls, his fingerprints were on the glass, and one of his pubic hairs was found in the mouth of one of the girls. They note that Martel's footprints weren't found inside the house and that they should recheck the DNA evidence before his execution. The warden won't delay the execution because of severe public outcry for Martel's execution bordering on violent. Broderick and Roxanne consult with Dr. Mort Seger, a forensic pathologist and asks him to compare the pubic hair found at the scene with that of Bobby Martel. Dr. Seger says that they look very similar and that they would have been deemed a match with the technology from 5 years prior when the comparison was first made. They run a DNA analysis with the FBI's computer increasing the process, but the results won't be finished in time to halt the execution. Broderick talks to Martel and asks him what he saw the night of the murders. Martel says that he "saw God with the children." Martel is executed by lethal injection while still proclaiming his innocence. A few hours following the execution, the DNA results show that Martel's DNA did not match the pubic hair found at the scene.
Broderick is tasked by the FBI to investigate the case that has now been reopened in light of the DNA evidence proving Martel's innocence. Based on the evidence he surmises that Martel came to watch the girls undress through their window while the killer entered the house, stabbed the older girl, and accidentally killed the younger girl in the struggle. In the killer's frustration for accidentally killing the younger girl, the killer sexually assaults the older girls corpse while Martel watches through the window and masturbates. The killer then removes the younger girl's body and Martel is arrested soon after. Martel's boot prints are not in the house, but the killer was wearing smooth leather sandals and his prints were found in abundance though no one had noticed during the investigation.
Broderick takes his son Jesse to Timberlake, Utah to the scene of the most recent crime. Jesse finds sage on the side of the road where the old woman was reported to be standing and picking something the night of the murders. Jesse has read the files and seen the photos of the crime scene and states that the killer stabbed the girl with a 9-inch hunting knife and removed one of her ribs to take with him. Jesse surmises that with the sandal prints, the bones, the sage, and with what Martel witnessed, that the killer was dressed like God.
The killer is a bearded man who lives in the desert and dreams of being sexually assaulted and tortured in his youth. He drives his Volkswagen bus to a general store and screams "I will gather the species two by two" and when the store owner attempts to defend himself, he is killed and his two taxidermied birds are taken by the killer.
Jesse programs his computer to review crime reports looking for 25 key identifiers and to print out any with more than seven. A report in Utah has 9 identifiers and he reports the shopkeeper's death to his father. Broderick asks Jesse to go back and search crime reports for 5 years with the same criteria. Broderick and Jesse go to the general store to investigate the crime scene. While outside Jesse notices that the killer's footprints are even and level meaning that he wasn't running from the crime scene but was calmly walking away.
Broderick and Jesse summarize what they have learned. The killer is 6"2' tall and weighs 205 lbs based on the sage he stepped on, he's right-handed, his prints aren't in the system, so he's never been arrested, and he's blood type b based on physical evidence found on the sexually assaulted girl. He's also not been to the dentist in a long time due to bite marks found on the girl as well. They also know he drives a pre-1968 Volkswagen van based on markings left at the general store.
A woman stops at a gas station with her young daughter, Kristi Collins in the back seat and goes inside to pay. The cashier notices the killer dragging the girl into his van and runs outside with a revolver to stop him. He fires several times, but the killer is able to drive away with the young girl. Broderick goes back to Utah when news of the kidnapping reaches him, and Jesse goes home.
The Utah police are called due to a foul odor coming from a house. Officer Ben Olmon (Linden Ashby) is dispatched but warned that whoever called in the report called their direct number and not 911 so he should be cautious. When he arrives, there is no answer but inside he finds sage hanging from the ceiling and a man, woman, and little girl in black robes along with the ritualistically murdered body of a young boy. Jesse continues to search for matching crime criteria on his computer while Broderick investigates the house of the cultists who belong to a Moab religious sect.
The killer goes to a public library and views books on Flemish paintings. Broderick and Roxanne get a tip from the library that a man fitting the killer's description has been there recently. They ask a janitor at the library if he saw the man and the janitor says that he always comes in, sits at the same place, and takes notes while reading an art book. They find the book and dust for prints from the table and the book and find that they match the previous crime scenes. Later that night, Roxanne finds a list of other books that the killer checked out, one of which is called "Mother Less Child". She goes back to the library that night to look for the book and the killer watches her from across the street.
Roxanne and Broderick meet to go over the newly discovered book which deals with S&M photography. Broderick recounts that a woman named Sarah Proctor in the 30s believed God was going to visit her personally. When her followers died, she didn't bury them but instead placed them around a table in her basement and used sage to mask the smell. Broderick believes the killer is using sage for the same reason.
Jesse meanwhile finds an older police report where two giraffes were stolen from the Salt Lake City Zoo. He tells his mother he is going to visit his friend for the weekend but instead books a flight to Salt Lake City using his father's credit card.
Broderick and Roxanne investigate the former leader of the Moab sect named Robert Vale who has since become a militant Neo-nazi. They go to his cabin with several sheriffs and two are killed by a roadside bomb. Broderick and Roxanne go with a FBI SWAT team led by Special Agent Ken Reynolds (Aaron Eckhart) to arrest Vale but due to the overzealous nature of the SWAT team, Vale is killed.
Jesse goes to the Salt Lake City Zoo and tells a maintenance worker that he knows he isn't who he says he is and that he changed his identity after stealing money from a bank he managed and abandoning his family. When the giraffes were stolen, he didn't tell them about the real perpetrator for fear of the police finding out about who he really is and his criminal past. The maintenance worker opens the locker of the man who stole the giraffes for Jesse. His name being Mordecai Booth. Jesse finds his locker full of animal photos, sage, and a child's shoe. Jesse reviews all the items found in Booths' locker including photos of the first victims at the zoo and a scrawled passage on a crumpled bible page. Jesse accesses his home computer and cross checks the imagery described in the passage with locations near the PO box of Mordecai Booth. He is able to identify the Zion National Park, Castle Valley National Park, the Nuns and Priests Monument in Castle Rock, and a closed uranium mine directly below Castle Rock. Jesse takes a train to Castle Rock and rents a dirt bike to go to the closed uranium mine.
Jesse tries to call his father several times during his investigation, but his father is still not back from the field. Jesse locates the uranium mine and calls his father telling him that he found the killer, but the reception fails. Broderick accesses Jesse's computer and finds out the name of the killer and the coordinates of the mine. Broderick doesn't want SWAT to come with him to retrieve his son since they already killed one suspect and he fears that Jesse might be caught in the crossfire. Jesse begins to photograph the uranium mine and finds displays of several tortured and mutilated bodies. He also finds a life size ark covered with dead bodies and taxidermied animals. Jesse is found by Booth and strapped to a crucifix while Kristi Collins is still alive and tied to a pillar. Booth, now having finished his ark and gathered two of every animal, asks God to send the rains and releases the ark on its tracks. Broderick arrives and wounds Booth before he is able to sacrifice Jesse. He climbs aboard the ark and is able to free both Kristi and Jesse before the ark falls off the cliff at the end of the tracks. Booth is killed in the crash and Broderick, Jesse, and Kristi are picked up by Roxanne in a helicopter. Later, Broderick and Jesse are walking through a cemetery and Broderick shows Jesse that he has bought a plot for Bobby Martel. Broderick explains that Martel was just as much a victim as anyone else and that they have to make sure injustices like that don't happen again. Jesse asks why people have to die and Broderick assures him that good things don't die and that they live on in other people and that's why he's proud of the good things his son has done.
The opera season has opened in New York City, and building contractor Leonard Borland (Baxter), who comes from a working-class background, is coping with the musical ambitions of his wife Doris (Young), who is from a socially prominent family. Despite his misgivings that she has no talent, she is being trained for a career in singing by the voice teacher Hugo (Cesar Romero). Doris prepares for a recital that Leonard supports, hoping that will get singing "out of her system." The performance is witnessed by opera singer Cecil Carver (Barnes), who is attracted to Leonard and believes that Doris lacks sufficient talent to become a pro. Cecil accidentally discovers that Leonard ironically does have a great operatic voice, and offers to train him.
Leonard goes along, egged on by Cecil, who believes that this will allow him to finally be on Doris' social level. While Doris' singing career flounders, Leonard's career as "Logan Bennett" meets with critical success in a tour with Cecil.
After returning to New York in preparation for a national tour, Leonard finds Doris has become ill because she was booed off the stage in her professional debut. He does not join Cecil on the tour. That night, Doris is confronted by Cecil at a party. Leonard claims innocence to adultery, and performs "On the Road to Mandalay" to prove his musical talent. Doris becomes despondent, and she and Leonard split up.
Leonard is cajoled by Cecil to perform the lead in an opera. But Leonard makes a fool of himself, and that leads to a reconciliation with Doris. Cecil is outraged and vows never to see him again. Leonard returns to the contracting business and gives up singing.
Duncombe is the UK Consul General in Florence, Italy. He becomes a widower when his two sons, Andrew and Miles, are still children. Andrew, the elder, apparently reacts with adult maturity to the loss of his mother, looking after little Miles, an attempt to find a way out of such premature heart-crushing loss. Miles constantly blames Andrew for his mischievous behavior but his brother valiantly takes said blame as his personality is that of a grown up, or at least that is what he tries to be. The father, given his mandate, is often absent, both physically and emotionally, especially toward Andrew. It will be at the end that Duncombe will acknowledge his mistakes when finding himself at a father's point of no return.
The story follows the life of a young girl, Willow O'Keefe, and her family. Willow has Type III osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a disease also known as brittle bone syndrome. To her parents, Sean and Charlotte O'Keefe, the disease has meant many sleepless nights, mounting hospital and insurance bills, and the pitying stares of "luckier" parents.
After a disastrous vacation to Walt Disney World that results in Willow severely breaking both of her femora, Sean and Charlotte visit a lawyer to inquire about a lawsuit against the park and hospital after park and hospital staff thought that Willow's broken bones indicated child abuse. The lawyer, Marin Gates, mentions a different possibility: a wrongful birth lawsuit against the OB/GYN that treated Charlotte during her pregnancy. Essentially, if the O'Keefe's had known earlier that their fetus had OI, they would have been equipped with all the information, and able to make the choice as to whether or not to have the pregnancy aborted. However, the OB/GYN the O'Keefe's are suing is Piper Reece, Charlotte's best friend.
Amelia, the eldest daughter of Charlotte, from a previous relationship with a drug addict, develops bulimia and begins to self-harm, partially due to the stress of her home life. Sean considers getting a divorce after countless disagreements with Charlotte about the lawsuit. However, they eventually get back together.
During the trial, it is revealed that at an 18-week ultrasound, there was evidence of OI, which Piper should have informed Charlotte about. The jury awards the O'Keefe's $8 million. This forces Piper to leave her practice and take up a part-time job at a free health clinic. Marin, the O'Keefe's lawyer, has her own issues during the lawsuit as well. She was adopted and is trying to track down her birth parents. She discovers that her birth-mother is on the jury and it's later revealed to Marin that she was a product of rape.
The final chapter is narrated by Willow. She begins first grade, and is going to a camp for kids with OI. Amelia received treatment for her eating disorder and returned home healthy and with a passion for painting. Charlotte, who used to be a pastry chef, wrote a recipe book and is donating all of the profits to the OI Foundation. Sean and Charlotte are able to reconcile and put the check aside for when they might really need it. Willow has always been jealous of her sister as she is a brilliant ice skater.
One day, Willow wanders, alone, to the frozen pond in the backyard and tries to crawl over it carefully. However, the thin ice breaks under her weight, and she drowns in the pond. Willow mentions how, this time, it wasn't her that broke. The story concludes with Charlotte burying the $8 million check with Willow.
Strange crimes are occurring in Cornwall. Doctors' surgeries are becoming burgled, and people are disappearing. No one knows it yet, but the stolen medical supplies have set up a laboratory in the disused Porthcarron Tin Mine, and the missing people have been taken there after being immobilised with a drug.
Into this situation comes young Dr. Peter Blood (Kieron Moore), fresh off a biochemistry research grant in Vienna. He is a Porthcarron native, and his father, Robert (Ian Hunter), is the village doctor. A young widowed nurse, Linda Parker (Hazel Court), assists Robert.
Police Sgt. Cook (Kenneth J. Warren) is investigating the crimes. Peter eagerly volunteers to help search the tin mines for the latest missing man, George Beale (Andy Alston). But Peter's motive is not altruistic: he wants to prevent Cook from discovering the lab in the mine, for Peter is behind the thefts and disappearances.
Peter finds Beale slowly crawling away inside the mine but cannot stop him as Sgt. Cook is too near. Beale drags himself outside. Searchers call Peter to render medical assistance. As Beale mumbles incoherently, Peter injects him with something and pronounces him dead, then offers to do the post mortem. Meanwhile, Robert is unable to analyse the contents of a broken syringe stolen from his office and found in Beale's room. He takes it to Plymouth Hospital for a full analysis. Then Linda finds a curious clay container. Peter explains it as a gift from a schoolmate – an ancient South American curare container.
Peter speaks oddly to Linda about his time in Vienna. He says that he and his supervising professor were on the verge of a controversial medical breakthrough, but the professor refused to continue. Peter calls him rule-bound, superstitious, and ignorant and arrogantly tells Linda that "no one's going to hold me back now."
Beale's PM is to be done at the village undertaker Mr. Morton's (Gerald Lawson) mortuary. But Beale is not dead, and Peter begins to remove his living heart. Morton interrupts Peter's grisly work. Peter tells Morton that Beale was worthless – sitting around in pubs, never making anything of himself – and that he will put Beale's heart into someone dead who, unlike Beale, deserves to live. Morton tries to stop Peter, and in the ensuing struggle, Peter accidentally kills Morton. By then, Beale's heart has died.
Peter takes Linda to the tin mines, where she has never been. Inside, he tells her a weird story that, as a boy, he played there, pretending he was dead and then coming back to life. They're startled by self-employed tin miner Tregaye (Fred Johnson), who leads them out. Peter later returns, and Tregaye becomes his latest victim. When Peter and Linda attend Beale's funeral, Peter notices that Linda has gone off to gaze lovingly at her husband Steve's grave.
Robert returns from Plymouth Hospital. The liquid in the syringe is curare. Trying to deflect suspicion, Peter says that, coincidentally, he and Linda had recently been talking about curare. But Linda is growing suspicious. Sgt. Cook arrives, telling them that Tregaye has been found dead, and asks Peter to perform the PM. Tregaye is not at all deceased, though. Peter's curare has immobilised him.
Linda confronts Peter. He tells her that he will put the living hearts of wastrels into the dead bodies of those who deserve to live, such as great scientists and philosophers. Linda says that only God has the right to decide who lives and who dies, but Peter insists that he too has that right as a doctor. She replies that he may be able to restore "physical life", but the result will be an "evil being". Linda runs away when Peter says she only loves Steve's memory, not what he is now, "pinned down by a gravestone."
Sgt. Cook and Robert have also realised that Peter is behind the crimes. Peter goes to the cemetery, unearths a body, and hauls it back to his lab, where Tregaye also lies. He transplants Tregaye's beating heart into the body that he's disinterred. The body, of course, is that of Steve Parker (Paul Stockman).
Sgt. Cook organises a search. Peter forces Linda into the mine, where she encounters her reanimated but decomposed husband. "You haven't brought Steve Parker back to life," she screams. "This is something from hell!" Suddenly zombie Steve attempts to strangle Linda without apparent provocation. Peter pulls him off her. They fight; Steve kills Peter and then dies again. Linda runs to the search party on the shoreline, safe once more.
Mma Ramotswe and her assistant Mma Makutsi agree that there are things that men know and ladies do not, and vice versa. The glamorous Violet Sephotho sets her sights on Mma Makutsi's unsuspecting fiancé and it becomes clear that some men do not know how to recognise a ruthless Jezebel even when she is bouncing up and down on the best bed in the Double Comfort Furniture Shop.
In her attempt to foster understanding between the sexes and find the traitor on Mr Football's team, Mma Ramotswe ventures into new territory, with the help of an observant small boy.
Mr. Krabs discovers a lot of people are visiting the beach, so he decides to go to sell them Krabby Patties. When SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs are on a surfboard, they meet up with Patrick and Sandy. Patrick tries to climb onto the board, but he causes it to tip, it collides into a large wave and sweeps the five friends up into separate places: SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward go to an island with young surfers, Mr. Krabs ends up stranded in the middle of the sea with his cash register "Cashie", and Sandy is taken to a small island where she built a helicopter from the supplies.
SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward are told by the young surfers in the island that the only way to get back to Bikini Bottom is to surf there; unfortunately they do not know how to. Twitch, one of the surfers, tells them that there is one person who can teach them how to surf: Jack Kahuna Laguna (JKL). After they find JKL, he comes out of his hut and surfs on an enormous surfboard which astonishes the three. He later says that they have to ride a wave called "The Big One” in order to get back home, or else be trapped on the island forever. They practice surfing for some time, then get ready to ride "The Big One". Before they set off, JKL announces that The Big One demands a sacrifice.
SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward ride the wave and they see Mr. Krabs. He jumps up onto the board and drops Cashie into the ocean, so JKL goes to retrieve it and acts as the sacrifice. SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs are seen flying on the surfboard and approach Goo Lagoon. Sandy's helicopter crash-lands in Goo Lagoon. A welcome home party has been thrown for the gang, and JKL returns with Cashie, which he returns to Mr. Krabs. The episode ends with everyone dancing on the beach.
On the night of Easter Monday March 31, 1578, assassins murdered the treasury secretary Juan de Escobedo in cold blood in the royal palace of El Escorial. A series of investigations ensue that are aimed at people close to the Court of Philip II.
Taking place after the events of ''Kamen Rider Decade'' episode 15, under the impression that they saved the World of Den-O, Tsukasa Kadoya and company begin their journey to the World of Kabuto when they are halted by Sieg who presents them a manuscript that detailed the legendary Oni Conquest with Momotaros' image on it. As this occurred, the Tarōs mysteriously vanish from the DenLiner as they are about to help Kotaro Nogami out with the true threat to their world.
Meanwhile, in the year 1980, a boy named Yu encounters Mimihiko and then Yu is possessed by Deneb who gets him away from the Gelnewts before New Den-O arrives to cover his escape. Deneb then brings Yu to Ryotaro, revealing Mimihiko to be one of the Oni of legend and is searching for the which Yu possesses. Seeing Yu reluctant to give them the item, Ryotaro leaves him with a DenLiner admission ticket should he change his mind. The next day, Yu runs off after learns that his father wants him to leave with him. Learning he is hunted by the Gelnewts, Yu tries to outrun the monsters on his bike before managing to reach the sands of time where the DenLiner is waiting for him. Giving them the Trump Stone, Yu wishes to be remain on the train. Though Owner warns him their intent to go back in time to fight the Oni, Yu refuses to turn back. After Yu is informed on the effects the distortions had on Ryotaro and Yuto, the former regressed to a child while the latter has mysteriously disappeared, the DenLiner arrives at the Junction Point where they meet the Station Master who reveals a 1936 newspaper revealing that Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryutaros are making a living as rice thieves in the bodies of another trio named Jiro, Ramon, and Riki (the Arms Monsters of ''Kamen Rider Kiva''). During that time, the kids find Tsukasa who offers his aid. Kotaro is reluctant to accept his help until Tsukasa reveals the scroll Sieg brought with him that has Momotaros on it.
Arriving in the Muromachi period, DenLiner gang arrive and defeat the Gelnewts, meeting Toki and joining her at the village's pleas. Once at Onigashima, New Den-O and the villagers catch the Gelnewts off guard as the kids find Momotaros. Deneb asks Yu to form a contract with him, at least until Yuto returns, to be able to assist the others in. Den-O and Deneb join the fray as Kuchihiko arrives and assumes his Rider form Goludora. During the fight, Toki takes a hit meant for Yu before New Den-O is defeated. Using Kotaro as a bargaining chip, Goludora gives them a day to accept his demands for both the Trump Stone and the DenLiner. The next day, after planning it out, the DenLiner gang gives up both the Trump Stone and the DenLiner. Once the Owner and Naomi are evicted, Kuchihiko ditches Kotaro as he enters the DenLiner to reach his brother in the present time period. However, his journey is staged as the evicted "Owner" is the Station Master in disguise as the real Owner pulled the emergency break as everyone else has erected a massive set designed to look like modern Tokyo. Once the DenLiner staff and the Station Master enter the train, with Kohana guarding the door, Den-O, the Tarōs, and New Den-O battle Goludora and the Gelnewts with Toki providing backup, until she is wounded in battle.
However, Diend appears long enough to summon Kamen Riders Ouja, G3 and Caucasus as wild cards in the fight and Kuchihiko reassembles the Oni's Trump Stone with Mimihiko activating the Demon's Warship in the present and using it to return to the past. The Oni Brothers are able to defeat them until Tsukasa and Sieg arrive, allowing Den-O to assume Wing form as Momotaros possess Tsukasa to fight as Decade. The other Tarōs do the same with Diend's summoned Riders (Urataros with G3, Kintaros with Caucasus and Ryutaros with Ouja) while Deneb enters Kotaro, enabling Kamen Rider New Den-O to assume Vega Form. Helping Toki fire her arrow, Yu manages to break the Demon's Warship's anchor to give the Kamen Riders time to set up a way to end the fight. At Decade's suggestion, Ryotaro forms Kamen Rider Den-O Super Climax Form with the Tarōs and Sieg. Cho-Den-O and Decade manage to overwhelm the Oni Brothers with New Den-O Vega Form and Teddy's aid. After Shilubara sacrifices himself to protect his brother, an enraged Goludora enters the Warship and engages the DenLiner in a battle with Decade taking his leave as the DenLiner gang manages to sink the Warship from the inside out as Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form finishes Goludora off with a new Rider Kick attack. Soon after, Yu bids farewell to Toki as she is revealed to be his ancestor. Though offered a slight detour before they return to present, Yu turns it down as he wants to be back in his time. After they part ways, Deneb is dropped back in 2009 where he finds Yuto waiting for him, where he reveals that he went by the name Yu as a child and they return to the ZeroLiner.
Both Mr. Krabs and Plankton want to cook for Jack Kahuna Laguna's beach party. Since they can't come to an agreement, Jack demands a competition to see which cook is the best. The winner would get to serve their food at the party. SpongeBob is adamant on the Krusty Krab winning but he needs help since they don't have much staff. Plankton's cousins want to help him, but since he won't pay them anything, SpongeBob recruits them and tells them that Mr. Krabs will pay if they want to help him in the competition throughout the game, players will play through 5 "Episodes", each with a new judge after every 3 workdays, and a new theme for the Krusty Krab. The player will then need to help SpongeBob train a group of Plankton's cousins to become the best chefs in Bikini Bottom. Throughout the game, the player helps SpongeBob and his friends train them to cook multiple foods like the Krabby Patty, Fried Seaweed Sandwiches, and many more. The player works on a daily schedule to serve a number of customers before being done for the day. Each customer asks for certain orders that players must fulfill by performing several mini-games related to the dish. High-scoring dishes receive larger tips, which can be used to buy more recipes or skills for the plankton helpers.
Dr. Guy Montford moves back to his seaside Massachusetts hometown at the request of old friend Larry McFie, who is dying of cancer. Over the objections of Larry's father, hospital administrator Dr. Sol Kelsey puts the patient in Guy's personal care.
Guy runs into Bert Mosley, an unscrupulous lawyer who is running for district attorney. He is unaware that Mosley is having an affair with Kelsey's chief nurse, Fran, until one night he is summoned to a motel fire and finds that Bert and Fran were secretly meeting there.
Larry knows his condition is terminal, despite Guy's mentions of a possible miracle drug. Larry's death-bed wish is that his wife, Margaret, will end up married to Guy, whom he trusts. Sam McFie, for some reason, does not want his son being treated by Guy.
Margaret goes sailing with Guy, but is devoted to her husband. She is also unhappy with Guy's cruel treatment of a town drunk, Stew, until she learns that the man once had an illicit romance with Guy's mother, resulting in the suicide of his father. Margaret and Guy briefly become lovers.
Fran has hopelessly fallen in love with Guy, but is being blackmailed by reporter Parker Welk, who knows of the motel affair and threatens to go public unless Fran poses for provocative photographs. Bert finds out about it and assaults Parker, who receives medical attention from Guy.
Complications develop when Larry pleads with Guy to put him out of his misery and Margaret discovers she is pregnant from the one-night stand. Guy can't bear to see his friend in pain. He gives him a fatal overdose of morphine. Fran realizes what happened and tells Bert, who has Guy placed under arrest.
Larry's father lies on the witness stand that his son feared for his life in Guy's care, believing the doctor was in love with his wife. Sol, however, testifies that he personally heard Larry beg Guy for euthanasia. A jury acquits Guy, who hopes he and Margaret can move beyond all that has happened someday.
All the other boys are amazed that Kenny has a girlfriend: fifth grader Tammy Warner. Butters hears a rumor that Tammy is a slut because she gave another male student a "B.J." in a T.G.I. Friday's parking lot. Hoping to spare Kenny's feelings, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman decide to warn him, but are bewildered when Kenny reacts excitedly and happily. Kenny invites Tammy to go with him to T.G.I. Friday's after school, whereupon she confesses and confirms the rumor. Ignoring his delight, she explains that she did it only because she became aroused after watching the Jonas Brothers perform. Consequently, Kenny, hoping she will give him a "B.J." as well, takes Tammy to a Jonas Brothers concert at the Pepsi Center. His friends are disgusted by his intent; Cartman claims that "the most bacteria-ridden place on the planet is the mouth of an American woman."
After the concert, Tammy and several other girls are invited backstage, assuming the Jonas Brothers want to have sex with them. Instead, they convince the girls to wear purity rings as a pledge to abstinence, and tell them to get all of their friends to start wearing them as well because, as Nick Jonas says, "That's just how we roll" (a reference to one of their songs, "That's Just The Way We Roll"). To appease his girlfriend, Kenny reluctantly begins wearing a purity ring. As Kenny subsequently becomes dull and ceases spending time with his friends, it is revealed that the Jonas Brothers' fearsome, greedy, sadistic, and foul-mouthed boss, Mickey Mouse, is forcing them to wear and promote purity rings, verbally berating them when they complain that the rings are overshadowing their music and projecting the wrong message. Mickey even brutally assaults Joe Jonas after he and his brothers threaten to refuse performing due to Mickey's demands that they wear and promote the rings, explaining that the rings allow him to sell sexual stimulation to young girls while falsely promoting innocence and purity. Concerned for their friend, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman attempt to confront the Jonas Brothers at a televised appearance in Denver, but Mickey, mistaking the boys for secret agents hired by DreamWorks (or Michael Eisner) to sabotage the televised appearance, tranquilizes them and takes them prisoner backstage.
When the boys reawaken backstage at the televised Jonas Brothers' 3D concert spectacular at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Mickey interrogates them and eventually threatens them with a chainsaw, refusing to believe they are not working for another company. As Mickey once again rants about his true intentions, this time insulting the Jonas Brothers' fans and Christians, Kyle stealthily turns on one of the microphones and Cartman raises the curtain, broadcasting Mickey's rant to both the concert-goers and the national television audience. When Mickey realizes that the curtains are raised and everyone heard him, the crowd turns on him and the Jonas Brothers leave the stage in a huff. An enraged Mickey inflates and begins blowing fire and destroying most of Denver. Tammy and Kenny remove their purity rings, and Tammy suggests they go to T.G.I. Friday's, greatly exciting Kenny. The show immediately cuts to Kenny's funeral, where the audience learns that he contracted syphilis after receiving a blowjob from Tammy and died as a result. As the episode closes, Cartman restates how the American woman has "the most bacteria-ridden place on the planet".
Willie Hunsucker is a veteran on the dole, taking a monthly trip to Roanoke so the government can use his brain power for whatever purposes it deems appropriate. Willie is starting to remember bits and pieces of this time. He has an unusually large praying mantis that soothes him when he flashes back to his war service. He doesn't know it but the mantis's pheromes are increasing his memories and his initiative.
Dorcas Rae is a gene technician and mistress to the lab supervisor. On the sly, she created the mantises that have become so popular with people on the dole. The government wants to find who did this. She has also created a wasp that will sting when it senses aggressiveness in people.
Allison is an eco-terrorist. She delivers a car to an oil refinery but her contact doesn't arrive. Just after she's captured by government agents, the car explodes a nuclear device that damages much of the oil refining capacity of the southern U.S. She agrees to cooperate and become an undercover agent—donating brain time to help with Dorca's research.
After Willie's house is robbed, he falls in with a group of people who've each suffered from environmental or nanotechnological damage. As a result of an assignment he'd had while on the dole, they become aware of Allison and Dorcas and determine to rescue Dorcas from the government net that's about to close around her. The chase is on. In a world where nanotechnology can alter one's appearance in a few hours and brain images can be tracked if one uses the net to ask for any information, the chase is an intriguing combination of high and low tech.
''Koe de Oshigoto!'' is a story about Kanna Aoyagi, a sixteen-year-old girl who was asked to become a voice actress for eroge by her older sister on Kanna's sixteenth birthday. Kanna does not want to become a voice actress at first, but after she thinks about all of the things her sister did for her when she was growing up, and knowing that she owes her, she finally agrees.
However, Kanna is still very nervous about being a voice actress for such games. As the story progresses, she becomes more and more comfortable with the requirements of the job. She is helped along by both her coworkers and a classmate who also does work on eroge in his spare time.
A popular actress (Shelly) and a rock star (McNeil) come to a small Canadian town with two competing hotels next door to each other. The rock star is escorted into one of the hotels and the actress checks into the other. Daniel (Duncan), the owner of one of the two hotels, is trying to stay afloat. The other hotel owner, Mark (Thompson), is trying to steal away Daniel's business and his fiancée (Huffman). The paparazzi arrives in town and makes everybody wonder, who is sleeping with whom?
The game stars the Jeet Kune Do founder and movie actor Bruce Lee and the plot takes place at the Hong Kong Palace, a peaceful place where martial artists practice in order to become professional warriors; however, a large group of thugs led by a vile name Master Po came to start the destruction of Hong Kong Palace. This caused the citizens of Hong Kong Palace to cry for the help of a martial arts legend Bruce Lee to end the destruction of Hong Kong Palace by defeating Master Po and his henchmen to bring back peace to Hong Kong Palace. You play the part of Bruce Lee in a battle against Master Po and his gang.
At Raven's Gate, a farming property, enthusiastic hydroponicist Richard Cleary (Ritchie Singer) is trying innovative farming practices. He is also trying to accommodate his brother Eddie (Steven Vidler), newly out of jail and more interested in Richard's wife Rachel (Celine Griffin) than in working on the property. Strange events on the property and a minor crime in the town attract policeman Taylor (Max Cullen) and Special Branch investigator Cummings (Terry Camilleri). Eddie has the misfortune to also cross local cop Skinner (Vincent Gil), by dating the target of his affections, barmaid Annie (Saturday Rosenberg).
Tensions in personal relationships and mysterious events (bird kills, disappearing water supplies) build. Raven's Gate is assaulted by an alien force, and a number of deaths occur amongst the protagonists. The film closes with the stunned survivors Eddie and Rachel standing outside Raven's Gate homestead, newly restored by Special Branch, and the soundtrack playing the Easybeats song ''Friday on My Mind''.
Lori is an unhappy 15/16-year-old girl who lives with her single mother. She receives sexual attention from men, including her boss at a retail store and her mother's boyfriend Gary. Eric Komenko (Jon Foster) is an 18-year-old boy who has killed his parents. Incarcerated, Komenko frequently gets visits from Lt. Cristofuoro (Russell Crowe), the detective who arrested him. Lt. Cristofuoro is convinced Komenko is a psychopath, that he killed two teenage girls previously, and that he will kill again. After Eric is released from the juvenile detention facility, he lives with his aunt. His release attracts some media attention, which leads Lori to seek out Eric at his home. Lori gets in the back of Eric's car to seek shelter from rain, and she falls asleep.
When Eric leaves for the weekend to meet another girl at an amusement park, Lori pops up from under a blanket while Eric is driving. The scare and near accident which follows cause a bit of a situation with the police.
Reluctantly and not knowing what else to do, Eric allows Lori to continue the journey with him. Lori, who is starved for attention and morbidly enamored by his crimes, flirts with Eric and repeated makes advances towards him. Eric, angered by her efforts, refuses her. In a desperate attempt to gain his affection, Lori tells him she saw him kiss a girl down by a river shortly before he murdered his parents.
Eric realizes she saw him with the girl he choked to death in his first, unsolved murder, and makes several half-hearted attempts to kill Lori. Each time he is thwarted, either by Lori or by other circumstances. In a motel room, Lori invites Eric to strangle her, even professing her love for him. Eric, confused and angry, walks away.
At the amusement park, Eric meets Maria. As he walks around the park with Maria, Lori seethes with jealousy. Maria flirts with Eric and offers to take him to secluded area of the park to be alone. He gives Maria a necklace he bought for her on the trip.
As he clasps it around her neck, it is revealed that Maria was bait by Lt. Cristofuoro in a plot to find Eric in order to trap him before he repeats his past mistakes. Lori warns him of the trap before he can harm Maria. Because Lt. Cristofuoro cannot charge Eric with a crime, Eric is released but Lt. Christofuoro, hoping to keep her safe, warns Lori of Eric's nature.
Lori pleads with Eric to make a boat trip, Lori commits suicide by allowing herself to fall into the water although she is unable to swim. Eric, knowing he will be accused of killing her, tries to save her, but to no avail.
Eric is then seen in the custody of a penitentiary in Lt. Cristofuoro's presence. Although he admits to believing Eric's explanation of how Lori died, Lt. Cristofuoro explains to Eric that he belongs in prison. Refusing to vouch for Eric, Lt. Cristofuoro lets Lori's death keep Eric imprisoned.
In the end, it is revealed that Lori saw Eric put the dead girl in the river, revealing the end twist that the whole while she was trying to have him kill her, and that she had finally committed suicide when she found out he wouldn't.
The film is set in a small country town in the 1960s. Sam returns home from being away for 18 months to discover his former girlfriend, Meg, has moved on with their common friend, Johnny.
The show revolved around the tinker Cuffy, who lived in a scruffy caravan in the fictional picturesque English village of Shillingbury. Beneath his raggy image (flat cap, grubby coat and stubble), deep underneath he had a heart of gold, although he had a tendency to get into mischief (unintentionally). The episodes revolved around some of his hapless misadventures.
The story takes place somewhere in Virginia, and depicts a group of white plantation owners who put charity towards their black slaves before the harvesting and selling of the cotton on their own plantations, as well as successfully converting several troublesome abolitionists into friendly socialites through a process referred to throughout the novel as "Southern hospitality".
Kio Kakazu is a kindhearted, yet sophisticated guy who is living a dull and boring life on Okinawa. One day, after attending a funeral for the death of one of his ancestors, he is introduced to a girl with cat ears named Eris. Next morning, he finds her sleeping next to him half-naked. She explains to him that she is an alien and that she has come to Earth to learn more about its inhabitants.
But unbeknownst to them, fanatical alien worshippers and mysterious organizations are in hot pursuit for Eris. To make matters worse, Kio's friends turn out to be a part of those organizations. Now it is up to Kio to protect Eris from these shady organizations. But does he have the bravery and skills to do that?
The book describes a series of trips McCarthy makes to Ireland in the late 1990s exploring his past and family history, as well as documenting how Ireland is coping with changing realities.
The plot of "They Burn the Thistles" is much the same as in the first novel "Memed, My Hawk", where Memed, a young boy from a village in Anatolia is abused and beaten by the villainous Abdi Agha, the local landowner. Having endured great cruelty towards himself and his mother, he finally escapes with his beloved, a girl named Hatche. Abdi Agha catches up with the young couple, but only manages to capture Hatche, while Memed is able to avoid his pursuers and runs into the mountains whereupon he joins a band of brigands and exacts revenge against his old adversary.
Sir John Rowan (Peter Cushing) is a prominent plastic surgeon with a beautiful and youthful fiancée named Lynn (Sue Lloyd), who works as a fashion model. At a raucous party, Rowan—much older than any of the other attendees, and clearly uncomfortable around the countercultural excess of the late 1960s—gets into a physical altercation with a sleazy photographer, and during the scuffle, a hot lamp falls on Lynn, severely scarring her face. Rowan pledges to reverse Lynn's disfigurement, experimenting with laser technology to revive her skin and eventually coming up with a cure-all: a Frankensteinian transplant of pituitary glands. Driven by a combination of guilt and love, Rowan goes on a murder spree, killing young women in order to use their pituitary glands to restore his fiancée’s beauty. The procedure is successful, and the couple go on holiday to a seaside cottage, where all is fine for now, but they know that her face will soon start to show signs of deterioration.
In need of more surgery and a new "donor", the couple tries to entice a young girl Terry (Wendy Varnals) whom Rowan contrives to meet at the beach and take back to their cottage. Complications ensue because Rowan does not want to commit another murder and because this girl is not what she seems to be. In fact, she is part of a gang of robbers who break into the house and hold Rowan and Lynn hostage. Soon they discover evidence of the murders and begin to menace the couple. After a short confrontation, everyone is killed when Rowan's surgical laser goes out of control.
The ending of the film is ambiguous. One possible interpretation is that everything from the disfigurement onward was a dream experienced by Rowan — either at the party or just prior to the party.
Barbarita Ruiz (Natalia Streignard) is a sweet and modest young woman who works in a fashion boutique in Miami. One day, as part of her job as a seamstress, she goes to the mansion of the rich widow Ricarda Thompson (Anna Silvetti) to do a dress fitting for her. There, she meets her older son Valentino, a single and dishonest man who is used to always getting what he wants. On seeing Barbarita, he is captivated by her beauty and plans on seducing her. But, after spending time with her and getting to know her good nature, he falls in love with her, much to the dismay of her mother who is opposed to the relationship and who goes to great lengths in order to separate the two. However, Barbarita and Valentino get married in a simple and private wedding ceremony.
But on the wedding night, while on their way back from their honey moon hotel, the newly weds are involved in a car accident that leads to the unfortunate death of Valentino while Barbarita survives with some few bruises. Valentino's powerful mother blames Barbarita for the death of her son, and she creates a cruel plan in order to get revenge: her younger son Antonio Adolfo (Mario Cimarro) will seduce Barbarita and when she falls in love with him, he will abandon her.
Antonio plans on following her mother's plan to the letter. when Barbarita is convinced that she is truly in love with Antonio, he breaks her heart by revealing the truth that he was only using her to get revenge. Antonio later regrets this action when he discovers that he has fallen madly in love with Barbarita after witnessing her kindness and sweet nature. When Barbarita discovers that she is pregnant with Antonio's child, the two reconcile and become close, their love growing stronger every day.
However, things become complicated for the two when Valentino suddenly reappears back in their lives. He was not actually dead, but rather, he faked his death so that it was not discovered that he had embezzled his family's company fortune. Moreover, Antonio Adolfo was previously engaged to Alexandra Montesinos (Lorena Meritano), the spoilt daughter of a prominent lawyer who is overcome with jealousy and will do anything to ensure that Antonio is hers alone.
Valentino comes back with Katiuska Cardona (Mara Croatto), his former lover who is now posing as his personal nurse. Valentino tries to rebuild his life with his wife and new-born son, but the love Barbarita felt for him has been replaced by the love of his brother. Katiuska becomes increasingly jealous of Barbarita, and after Valentino fails to carry out their scheme of stealing from the Thompson's, she shoots him and frames Barbarita for the crime.
While in prison, it is discovered that Barbarita is legitimate daughter of Severo Montesinos (German Barrios) and Emilia Sulbaran. Emilia's father was opposed to the relationship she had with Severo, and when her baby was born, he gave the child to her nanny who then escaped to the United States from Caracas with the child. All this time, Caridad lied to Barbarita that she was her aunt and that her parents died in a car accident. Also, Emilia has come to the United States to search for her long-lost daughter. Severo is devastated when he discovers that Barbarita is his daughter after he treated her cruelly while he was the leading Prosecutor in her murder case. Her life ruined and her son taken away from her, Barbarita swears revenge against the Thompson's.
On the day that some of the inmates, including Barbarita, are being transported to the main State Prison, a planned escape by some of those inmates gives her the chance to run away. Barbarita is pronounced to be dead when her body isn't found after one of the inmates who was eventually caught stated that she had jumped into a canal filled with crocodiles. Her family, and especially Antonio, are devastated. Actually, Barbarita found solace in the house of her Criminal Defense lawyer Fernando Marín where she hides until her case is applead and over turned after a witness comes forth and clears her because he gives her an alibi.
With her name cleared, Barbarita returns to her family after she is exonerated. With help from Larry Garcia who has now become a rich man and the fortune of the Thompsons which was put under her name through the help of her lawyer after the Thompson's company became fully bankrupt, Barbarita transforms herself into a sophisticated woman and goes to exact her revenge on the Thompsons who are completely shocked to see that she is actually alive.
''Serious Sam: Next Encounter'' is a "side chapter" in the ''Serious Sam'' series. It begins as Mental—the antagonist in the series—instructs an unidentified, childlike minion of his not to meddle with Mental's Time-Lock while he is absent. The minion insincerely agrees, eventually using the Time-Lock to travel to an unknown destination. Later, a scientist has observed a disturbance in the space-time flux and called Sam "Serious" Stone (voiced by John J. Dick) to his laboratory. The scientist explains the situation and sends Sam to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, where Sam faces and defeats several waves of enemies from Mental's horde. Enraged, the minion orders Sam's execution, when the scientist announces an error with the teleporter and Sam is transported to the villa of Senator Cicero in Rome's outskirts. Sam is tasked with returning to the Colosseum on foot while preparing for future battles. Fighting his way through more of Mental's forces, he progresses into the city and re-enters the Colosseum. With multiple waves of enemies defeated, the minion summons a giant beast known as the Diablotaur. Sam triumphs over it and observes the minion fleeing through a nearby Time-Lock, with Sam following closely behind.
Sam lands near Xifengkou in feudal China. NETRICSA—his "neurotronically implanted combat situation analyser"—finds that another Time-Lock is present in the region, as well as further enemy forces, although less organised than before. Sam passes over the Great Wall to Juyongguan, then through the desert to Jiayuguan and through the city of Dunhuang to reach the Forbidden City, where NETRICSA finds that the Time-Lock is hidden in a temple in the city centre. Within that temple, Sam encounters and defeats the Subterranean Emperor Hydra and travels further through its Time-Lock, appearing on an isolated island on an ice floe above Atlantis. Sam enters an underground city complex through a steam vent, where NETRICSA records large energy spikes emerging from the Atlantean throne room. Sam is guided there and ascends the throne, when the ground beneath it opens up to his surprise, leading him to fall into a mothership of the Sirian alien race. NETRICSA detects that an unknown entity is trying to start the ship and requests Sam to stop it. In the ship's engine core, he is met with the ship's secret weapon: the Sirian Darklord, a combination of technology and a Sirian warrior. After Sam destroys it, he witnesses the minion exit the Sirian Darklord's head and gives him a spanking. The minion admits that he was responsible for Sam's previous troubles and states that he was an evil clone of Sam and the "ultimate warrior of evil", although he still had to grow up. Unimpressed, Sam takes the clone through a Time-Lock to the laboratory for examination. After they leave, a cloning device in the ship activates, spawning several more copies of the evil clone.
Encouraged by the lack of trouble they experienced while transporting a recently deported friend back into the United States from Mexico, longtime pals J and Steve decide to form a company dedicated to a kinder, gentler brand of people smuggling. The border agents in Nogales were positively gullible and the Minutemen were nowhere to be found, leading the two naïve Americans to suspect that they can run a profitable scheme by helping desperate Mexicans gain illegal entry into the United States. It isn't long before the true coyotes discover what's been happening right under their noses, and J and Steve learn the real perils of crossing boundaries.
''Red Psalm'' centers around a small peasants' revolt in 1890. It draws inspiration from the Hungarian revolutionary movements of the 19th century, including the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, of which Sándor Petőfi, the poet whose work the film's Hungarian title references, was a participant.
Lively and imaginative sisters Judy and Lois Graves, thirteen and sixteen years old, live in an apartment in New York City with their forgiving and patient mother and father, Harry, a lawyer, and Grace, a housewife. Judy's equally energetic friend Fuffy Adams frequently visits, and the two girls have their own ideas about the relations of the grown-ups surrounding them. They often use movie plots to interpret the reality around them.
One night right before Christmas, Judy learns that her mother has a brother, uncle Willis, who has been absent for years. She is very intrigued by the news and quickly fantasizes a story about the handsome man in which jail time becomes a reason for the absence. In reality, Uncle Willis is a recovering alcoholic, who has spent the last four years struggling in rehab.
Later that night, Judy meets Fuffy, who brings a handsome boy named Haskell Cummings. The young boy's appearance distracts her from her fantasies about her uncle. Haskell is supposed to be Judy's escort to the school dance ahead. Back in the apartment, Harry's boss, J. B. Curtis, is visiting, bringing his pretty daughter, Ellen, who is also his secretary. Letting her imagination run wild after seeing a kiss, Judy believes her father is infatuated with the secretary, and tells her friend Fuffy that they are romantically involved.
The next day, Uncle Willis, handsome and rugged, makes a surprise visit, and Judy gets the idea that he would be the perfect match for Ellen. Right after Christmas Day, Judy secretly arranges for them to meet "by accident" at the Rockefeller Center ice-skating rink, and Willis and Ellen actually hit it off and become a couple. Harry's boss is troubled, though, as Ellen is constantly absent from the office, sneaking off to meet Willis. Ellen does not tell her father about Willis, but one day Judy can't keep the secret any longer, and on New Year's Day slips to Curtis that Ellen is seeing Willis, her "ex-convict" uncle. Curtis is worried and furious. He scolds Harry and Grace for letting the relationship begin and go on, and they in turn confront Judy. Willis and Ellen arrive in the middle of the argument, announcing that they have married. Curtis fires Harry when he defends Willis and his family.
The family decides that Grace and the children should live with her mother in Kansas City until Harry gets another job. They also offer to let the newlyweds come live with them until they can stand on their own feet. Curtis makes an unannounced visit in search of his daughter, and Ellen and Willis are hidden away for the moment. Since it is the night of Judy's school dance, Haskell arrives to pick up Judy. He is announced, and when Curtis hears the name, he believes it is Haskell Cummings Sr., the businessman whose account he and Harry have been trying to win, who has arrived to talk to Harry. Believing that Harry is starting his own firm and has landed the influential Cummings as his client, he quickly offers to hire Harry back to the law firm, as a partner no less. And he is willing to hire Willis too. Realizing Curtis is mistaken, Harry quickly accepts the offer. Ellen reconciles with her father, and Curtis in turn is surprised to see the young Haskell enter the apartment. Then Judy appears, beautiful and ladylike, dressed in her ball dress, and she and Haskell leave the proud adults for the dance.
The play starts off with President Bush (Ferrell) telling the audience that this is his final farewell to the country. He then makes jokes about his life, such as his college years at Yale, his nickname “Gin and Tonic,” being born in Connecticut, his business that went bankrupt, and the Texas legislation which he as Governor signed into law that designated a day as "Jesus Day." Some of Bush's stories are humorous but false, such as having a sexual relationship with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and being AWOL from the Air National Guard. Bush's Secret Service agent Jerry dances onstage (sometimes with Bush's pilot) while Ferrell is offstage changing costume. Bush confronts a heckler in the third row, who is actually part of the cast. The play also acknowledges the hard decisions Bush faced during his term, such as deciding to send troops to the Middle East.
Gabriel the Turk, Bobby the Serb and Costa the Greek are three friends who used to form a neighborhood gang in Altona district of Hamburg. Following his release from prison Gabriel is ready for a new start on life. Bobby however has been doing jobs for crazed Albanian mobster Muhamer and his girlfriend Alice turns to Gabriel for comfort. When Costa who has turned to petty theft and is dating Gabriel's sister Ceyda also joins Muhamer's gang, Gabriel intervenes to save his friends, an action which puts his dreams of retiring to Turkey at risk.
The film's director, Fatih Akın, makes a cameo appearance as the drug dealer Nejo.
Rather than being a story sequel to the previous game, the story functions as a total reboot with the same conceit - the player is sent back in time to 1984 by Game Master Arino, an evil entity resembling a disembodied head based on Shinya Arino. The Game Master then forces the player, now a child, to complete various "challenges" within the game's numerous sub-games in order to return to their own time. After the player is given a game to play by Arino, they must complete four distinct challenges before moving on to the next.
Eli (Oded Kotler) is a young graduate student in math who lives with his girlfriend in Jerusalem. He agrees to babysit Shai (Shai Oshorov), the young son of his beloved former girlfriend, Noa (Judith Solé), and her husband. Eli and Shai spend three days touring Jerusalem, as Eli relives painful memories of his life with Noa on the kibbutz and her subsequent rejection of him. Uncertain if he is the child's father, Eli's feelings towards Shay are ambivalent and for unexplained reasons (perhaps resentment, anger, jealousy, alienation, boredom, or guilt) he plays dangerous games with the boy.
The story is told in flashback by a writer who explains how he got into his present situation. He had been supporting a conservative party leader, but then decided to support the liberal candidate. The liberal wins the election, but soon reneges upon his campaign promises. The disillusioned writer decides to stay out of politics and resume his writing. Unfortunately, his girlfriend convinces him to try to talk the country's leader into pursuing a particular direction. The writer is soon shot.
In the Republic of Eldorado, Paulo Martins is an idealist journalist and poet linked to the rising conservative politician and technocrat Porfirio Diaz and his mistress, Silvia, with whom they form a love triangle. When Diaz is elected senator, Paulo moves away and goes to the province of Alecrim, where he associates with the activist Sara. Together they resolve to support the populist alderman Felipe Vieira for governor in an attempt to launch a new, supposedly progressive political leader who will guide the change of the situation of misery and injustice that plagues the country. After winning the election, Vieira appears weak and controlled by the local economic forces that financed him and does little to change the social situation, which leads Paul, disillusioned, to leave Sara and return to the capital and meet Silvia again. He approaches Júlio Fuentes, the country's biggest businessman, and tells him that President Fernandez has the economic support of a powerful multinational, EXPLINT (Company of International Exploitation), that wants to take control of the capital. When Diaz goes to the presidential race with the support of Fernandez, Fuentes' television channel supports Paulo, who uses it in order to attack the Diaz. Vieira and Paulo join the presidential campaign again until Fuentes betrays them both and makes an agreement with Diaz. Paul wants to start the armed struggle, but Vieira gives up.
A group of ex-resistance fighters are brought together by Marie-Octobre, the code name of Marie-Helene Dumoulin (Danielle Darrieux). The former members of the network have carried on with their lives after the war, but this evening they are going to have to live again a fateful night – the night their leader was killed. He had been betrayed, his name given to the Germans. The search for the traitor puts each personality in the spotlight – and also that of the killed leader, Castille.
Six months after winning the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have returned home to District 12, the poorest sector of Panem. Prior to Katniss and Peeta's "Victory Tour" of the country, President Snow visits Katniss and tells her that her televised acts of defiance in the previous Games have inspired rebellion among the districts. Snow demands that Katniss convince the country that she was acting out of love for Peeta, not against the Capitol, or her entire family and best friend Gale Hawthorne will be executed. Katniss reveals this threat to her mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, but not to Peeta.
The tour’s first stop is District 11, home of Katniss's Hunger Games ally Rue. Peeta announces that he will give part of his winnings to the families of Rue and fellow tribute Thresh, and Katniss delivers an impromptu, heartfelt speech expressing her gratitude to the fallen tributes. An old man salutes Katniss, joined by the crowd; to her horror, the old man is immediately executed. Katniss tells Peeta of Snow’s threat, and they continue the tour as normal. Hoping to placate Snow, Peeta proposes to Katniss during a televised interview in the Capitol. Katniss accepts, but Snow is dissatisfied with her performance, leaving her afraid for her loved ones.
Returning to District 12, now overrun with harsher Peacekeepers to enforce the Capitol's rule, Katniss discovers an uprising has broken out in District 8. Gale is caught poaching and is whipped in the town square until Haymitch intervenes. While hunting in the woods, Katniss meets Bonnie and Twill, refugees from District 8, whose uprising has failed. They plan to reach District 13 – believed to be destroyed in the first rebellion against the Capitol – in the hope that the residents are actually underground. Katniss is injured climbing back over District 12’s now live electric fence. Preparing for her upcoming wedding, Katniss learns that Districts 3 and 4 have also risen up against the Capitol.
The Capitol announces the 75th Hunger Games, with a twist – tributes will be selected from the surviving victors of the previous Games. As District 12's sole female victor, Katniss realizes she must compete alongside either Haymitch or Peeta. Haymitch is chosen and is unable to stop Peeta volunteering in his place. At the Capitol, Haymitch urges Katniss to find allies, but she bonds with the weakest tributes. In the televised interview, Katniss's stylist Cinna transforms the white wedding gown Snow insisted she wear into a black dress of feathers resembling a mockingjay, a symbol of the rebellion. Before Katniss is sent into the arena, she watches helplessly as Cinna is beaten and dragged out by Peacekeepers.
Katniss and Peeta ally themselves with Finnick Odair from District 4 and Mags, his 80-year-old mentor. Peeta is knocked out by the jungle arena’s force field, and the party later has to flee from a poisonous fog. Mags sacrifices herself to allow Finnick to save the weakened Peeta. Katniss and Peeta ally with Johanna Mason from District 7 and “exceptionally smart” Beetee and Wiress from District 3. Wiress reveals that the arena is arranged like a clock, with each danger occurring at a fixed time and place for one hour. Wiress is killed, and in retaliation Katniss and Johanna kill the District 1 tributes. The remaining members of Katniss's group work on Beetee's plan to harness lightning to electrocute the District 2 tributes, who later interfere and disrupt the plan. Katniss uses her bow and arrow to direct the lightning into the force field, destroying it and knocking her unconscious.
Katniss wakes up en route to District 13 with Finnick, Beetee, and Haymitch. She learns from Haymitch and Plutarch Heavensbee, the Head Gamemaker, that there had been a secret plan to rescue Katniss, now the living symbol of the rebellion. Peeta, along with Johanna and District 2 tribute Enobaria, have been captured by the Capitol. She later learns from Gale that, though her family and some other residents have escaped, District 12 has been destroyed.
Bret enlists Jemaine and Dave to help him try to land a girlfriend. Murray regrets making Greg his scapegoat.
Bret becomes attracted to Savannah, a woman who works in a pet shop. His shyness causes him to constantly buy goldfish from her while he builds up courage to ask her out.
Bret asks Jemaine to be his wingman and they borrow a headset from Dave's store so that Jemaine and Dave can feed him advice from a distance. He says it is an idea he got from a sitcom.
When that idea fails, Bret convinces Jemaine to pretend to mug Savannah, so he can save her and be seen positively in her eyes. It is another idea he got from a sitcom. Jemaine enlists the aid of his friend John, who mugged them in the third episode of season one.
Bret meets Savannah in the street and starts to walk her home. She ends up asking him out for dinner. Then, before Bret can stop them, Jemaine and John execute the pretend mugging plan. Due to force of habit, John actually does steal Savannah's purse, which leads to both him and Jemaine getting arrested. Jemaine is later released, and Savannah soon finds out that Bret faked the mugging and breaks up with him.
Meanwhile, Murray has unfairly made Greg the scapegoat for a mistake at work. He quickly regrets it and becomes convinced Greg is furious at him, despite Greg seeming perfectly calm about the situation. He spends the rest of the episode trying to patch up their friendship.
After finding that her child is diagnosed with leukemia, Anne Anderson notices a high prevalence of leukemia, a relatively rare disease, in her city. Eventually she gathers other families and seeks a lawyer, Jan Schlichtmann, to consider their options.
Schlichtmann originally decides not to take the case due to both the lack of evidence and a clear defendant. Later picking up the case, Schlichtmann finds evidence suggesting trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination of the town's water supply by Riley Tannery, a subsidiary of Beatrice Foods; a chemical company, W. R. Grace; and another company named Unifirst.
In the course of the lawsuit Schlichtmann gets other attorneys to assist him. He spends lavishly as he had in his prior lawsuits, but the length of the discovery process and trial stretch all of their assets to their limit.
Though Unifirst settles for a little over $1 million, the money immediately is invested in the case against Grace and Beatrice. The plaintiffs' case against Grace is far stronger for two reasons: (1) Schlichtmann has personal testimony of a former employee of Grace who had witnessed dumping, and (2) a river between Beatrice's tannery and the contaminated wells makes Beatrice's contribution to the contamination less likely. The jury finds Beatrice not liable. Though Schlichtmann's firm anticipates a much higher settlement, the dire state of its finances forces it to accept settlement from W.R. Grace for $8 million.
Schlichtmann disperses the settlement to the families, excluding expenses and attorney's fees (which resulted in approx. $375,000 per family). When some families think Schlichtmann had overbilled expenses, he acquiesces and surrenders more of his fee. Schlichtmann later files for bankruptcy after losing his condo and car; he lived in his office for a time. Schlichtmann eventually practices environmental, civil, and personal injury law.
A report from the Environmental Protection Agency (which later filed its own lawsuits against the companies based on new evidence) concludes from sludge removed from the site that both companies had contaminated the wells.
In 1988, Schlichtmann attempts to reraise the case against Beatrice, but the judge dismisses the case, citing testimony from Beatrice's soil chemist. However, due to the lawsuits brought forward by the Environmental Protection Agency, W.R. Grace and Beatrice Foods are eventually forced to pay for the largest chemical cleanup in the history of the Northeastern United States at that time, which cost about $68 million.
The film opens with a boy named Roland Copping celebrating his 8th birthday, where his mother gives him a pair of dice that belonged to his father. Roland and his brother Matthew make a raft, and Roland tells Matthew to get on the raft after rolling the dice. Sending it on the river, Matthew jumps onto an overhead crane while the raft goes over a waterfall. Roland runs off to tell his mother, who runs onto the crane and grabs Matthew, but he slips and falls into the river, going over the waterfall.
Years later, the now-grown Roland (Collins) is now an insurance investigator and a practical joker working in the fictional town of Andreas. Jonathan Wheats (Weaving) and his wife, Beth (Byrnes), a kindergarten teacher, host a party involving their friends Margaret and Michael. As a gift, Michael gives Jonathan and Beth two tickets to La Bohème. The next night, while Jonathan is at the opera house, Beth, forgetting about the show as she was supposed to meet Jonathan at the opera house immediately after work, comes home to find the house trashed. She finds a burglar stealing a set of silver Georgian cutlery and trying to escape, and he pursues her with a knife. In defense, Beth fires a crossbow at the burglar, impaling him through the heart. The burglar takes off his mask, revealing himself to be Michael, who was trying to prank her.
Beth is held on trial, where the judge rules Michael's death as an accident, and acquits Beth for self-defense. 6 months later, Beth and Jonathan make a phony claim for compensation money for their stolen cutlery. Roland pays a visit to the Wheats' residence and interviews Jonathan about Michael's death. It is revealed that Michael had an accomplice waiting in a getaway car, and after Michael was killed, the accomplice took off. As Roland leaves to process the claims, Jonathan asks if they'll see him again, to which he flips one of the dice and confirms that they will. Jonathan then pulls back the curtain and sees Roland standing across the street, flipping the dice and staring at him.
One month later, Roland visits the Wheats again to interview Beth, interrupting a game of Twister, and annoying Beth with his constant rolling of the dice. Roland explains that the dice belonged to his father, who was a war hero, and that they hold a certain magical quality. When Jonathan asks what relevance they hold to the case, Roland flips the dice to decide whether he should continue the conversation tonight or do it tomorrow. When the die lands, he decides to continue the conversation tomorrow, but not before giving them a piece of their stolen forks, and then proclaiming that he will retrieve it tomorrow, as "new evidence requires a new search".
The next morning, Roland arrives and approves their claim. After going through the steps of the killing, he reveals that Jonathan is the accomplice. Furious and disbelieving him, the Wheats throw him out of the house, but Roland throws a fork at Jonathan, revealing the one he gave them the last night to be a perfect forgery, telling Jonathan he should not have checked his hiding spot. Horrified, Jonathan runs into the shed in the backyard and rips through the hiding spot: a model of the Battle of Austerlitz, only to find the fork is not there. As a shocked Beth follows him inside, Jonathan tells her to close the door, revealing a safe on the back of the door; the safe contains the stolen silver cutlery.
Jonathan confesses that he stole the cutlery because Beth spent half of her life surrounded by bills she could not afford. They call Roland and tell him to meet up at their house. He demands money in exchange for his silence, and so they pay him. Instead of telling the police about the fraud, Roland decides to pull childish pranks on them, including taking the set of cutlery, sending an insurance agent to inspect their car, mailing the crossbow used to kill Michael, and decorating a Christmas tree inside their house with the stolen cutlery and the words "steal me"; this causes Beth to vomit all over the police detective who arrived at her house to investigate.
Meanwhile, Jonathan locates Roland's house and goes inside, accidentally activating a secret passage that takes him into a funhouse-style hideout. He accidentally activates some traps, including one that sets loose Roland's pet goose Cesar. Jonathan prepares to escape just as Roland returns. After discovering Jonathan has been to his hideout, Roland leaves, and Jonathan escapes and follows Roland to a mental asylum called Glendale Clinic, where his brother Matthew is revealed to have survived going over the waterfall, but has become vegetative and quadraplegic.
Finally realizing Roland's weakness, Jonathan begs for two days to beat Roland at his game, but Beth is ready to give up and call the police. They give Roland their car, and Beth calls Roland to meet up that night. At Roland's birthday party, Beth surrenders everything she owns in exchange for Roland leaving them alone, but he gives her the dice to roll. Beth snaps and admits that she's had enough of Roland and leaves, secretly stealing his dice. While calling Jonathan at a phone booth, Beth is kidnapped by Roland.
Roland calls Jonathan and tells him to arrive at his house, only to find he's already there. Roland threatens to send Beth down a slide into a spinning sawblade, and pulls a gun on Jonathan. Brandishing a phone, Jonathan dials Roland's phone number, revealing he has kidnapped Matthew and tied him up over a pool, and if he calls that number, Matthew will be dropped into the pool and drown. Furious, Roland asks Jonathan how he could do such a thing, as his brother is quadraplegic and mute, but Jonathan reveals that Matthew is actually not vegetative and can speak, as he confessed about their father never wanting to come home, and how he received his permanent injuries while trying to humor his brother. Jonathan gambles that if the die lands on half of the numbers, he and Beth can go free; Roland rolls the die and it lands on one of those numbers.
Refusing to accept defeat, Roland fights Jonathan and activates the button, sending Beth down the slide, but the sawblade recedes as she slides over it, crashing into Roland's convertible. In retaliation, Beth dials the number, sending Matthew into the water. Roland dives into the pool to rescue Matthew, but accidentally removes his head, revealing "Matthew" to actually be a replica. Roland screams in fury, having finally been defeated.
Finally having had enough, Beth calls the police while Jonathan rescues Roland from drowning. As they both look at "Matthew"'s floating head, Roland starts to laugh, and Jonathan starts to laugh as the police sirens are heard in the distance. As Beth is taken away, she starts to laugh, too.
The setting of the film is the province of Galicia, circa, 1920, in the impoverished village of San Clemente. Since the Village has no priest, ecclesiastic authority falls to Pedro Gailo, the sacristan, who has a young beautiful wife Mari Gaila. Greedy for any money that comes their way and eager to leave San Clemente and her husband, Mari cares for a hydrocephalus-stricken child and uses him to beg for alms. The child becomes the source of their wealth.
Comfortable in the joint guardianship of the child with her sister-in-law Marica, Mari Gaila, encouraged by another beggar woman nicknamed “la Tatula’, decides to go to various fairs and festivals and there puts the hydrocephalus dwarf on display, in order to wheedle funds from good-natured, pitying, sympathetic people. Her husband, Pedro, the sacristan, is afraid that Mari’s activities will ruin his reputation, but his love of money overcomes his fear and pride. Maria Galia sets out for the nearest city, confronting a world she never knew existed, full of music, cattle trading fairs and picturesque people. She becomes the object of desire of other nomad beggars like herself, especially shrewd tricksters like Septimio Miau.
Drawn sexually to this handsome outlaw, after a mild flirtation with him she leaves for home, loaded with money. The townspeople begin to gossip about her sudden wealth and freedom to leave the village at will. Mari Gaila meets up with Septimo again, teams up with him, using the hydrocephalus child as a freak exhibit, and decides to run off with him. While they are making love, the locals ply the hydrocephalus child with liquor at the local tavern, causing his death.
Septimo deserts Mari Gaila, who becomes ill and returns to the sacristan, empty handed. But Pedro Gailo uses his nephew’s corpse, showing off his gigantic member to families in other villages to make money. Later, Septimo returns and Rosa la Tatula acts as a go between. The lovers meet in a forest, consummate their affair and are caught by their jealous neighbors.
Disgraced, desperate and poor, Mari Gaila is stripped nude, spat upon, mocked and stoned. The crowd ends its vengeance when Pedro, the sacristan, pronounces the “divine words" in Latin: “Let him who is free of sin cast the first stone”. These words in the midst of such squalor are ironic yet miraculous, causing the crowd to disperse and look into their own motives. They are downtrodden peasants caught in a claustrophobic world, scheming, dirty people with nowhere to go.
After the crowd leaves, Pedro maintains a saintly pose, forgiving his adulterous wife. Mari Gaila seems too clean and noble to have groveled in this squalor and comes off seeming almost saintly herself.
A high school history teacher takes a group of students with academic and behavioral issues on a two-week trip recreating the Oregon Trail in attempt to help them graduate. The film follows the students and teachers as they grapple with personality issues and forces of nature.
In 1963, Randle McMurphy is on an Oregon work farm for the statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl. He pretends to be mentally insane in order to get himself transferred to a mental institution and avoid hard labor. The ward is dominated by head nurse Mildred Ratched, a cold, passive-aggressive tyrant who intimidates her patients.
The other patients include young, anxious, stuttering Billy Bibbit; Charlie Cheswick, who is prone to temper tantrums; delusional, child-like Martini; the articulate, repressed homosexual Dale Harding; belligerent and profane Max Taber; epileptics Jim Sefelt and Bruce Fredrickson; quiet but violent-minded Scanlon; tall, deaf-mute Native American "Chief" Bromden; and several others with chronic conditions.
Ratched sees McMurphy's lively, rebellious presence as a threat to her authority, which she responds to by confiscating and rationing the patients' cigarettes and suspending their card-playing privileges. McMurphy finds himself in a battle of wills against Ratched. He steals a school bus, escaping with several patients to go fishing on the Pacific Coast and encouraging them to discover their own abilities and find self-confidence.
After an orderly tells him that the judge's sentence does not apply to people who are deemed to be criminally insane, McMurphy makes plans to escape, encouraging Chief Bromden to throw a hydrotherapy console through a window. It is also revealed that McMurphy, Chief, and Taber are the only non-chronic patients involuntarily committed to the institution; the rest of them are self-committed and could leave at any time, but are too afraid to do so. After Cheswick bursts into a fit and demands his cigarettes, which had been rationed by Ratched, McMurphy fights with the orderlies, and Chief intervenes.
Ratched sends Chief, Cheswick, and McMurphy to the "shock shop" as a result of this insubordination. While awaiting their punishment, McMurphy offers Chief a stick of gum, and discovers he can speak and hear, having feigned his deaf-muteness to avoid engaging with anyone. After being subjected to electroconvulsive therapy, McMurphy returns to the ward pretending to be brain damaged, but then reveals that the treatment has made him even more determined to defeat Ratched. McMurphy and Chief make plans to escape, but decide to throw a secret Christmas party for their friends after Ratched and the orderlies leave for the night.
McMurphy sneaks two women, Candy and Rose, and bottles of alcohol into the ward; he bribes guard Turkle to allow this. After the party, McMurphy and Chief prepare to escape, inviting Billy to come with them. Billy refuses, but asks for a "date" with Candy; McMurphy arranges for him to have sex with her. McMurphy and the others get drunk, and McMurphy falls asleep instead of making his escape with Chief.
Ratched arrives in the morning to find the ward in disarray and most of the patients passed out. She discovers Billy and Candy together, and aims to embarrass Billy in front of everyone. Billy manages to overcome his stutter and stands up to Ratched. When she threatens to tell his mother, Billy cracks under the pressure and reverts to stuttering. Ratched has him placed in the doctor's office. Moments later, McMurphy punches an orderly when trying to escape out of a window with the Chief, causing the other orderlies to intervene. Meanwhile, Billy commits suicide by slitting his throat with broken glass. Ratched tries to ease the situation by calling for the day's routine to continue as usual, and an enraged McMurphy strangles Ratched. The orderlies subdue McMurphy, saving Ratched's life.
Some time later, Ratched is wearing a neck brace and speaking with a weak voice, and Harding now leads the now-unsuspended card-playing. McMurphy is nowhere to be found, leading to rumors that he has escaped. Later that night, Chief sees McMurphy being returned to his bed. He greets him, elated that McMurphy had kept his promise not to escape without him, but notices McMurphy is unresponsive and physically limp, and discovers lobotomy scars on his forehead. Chief tearfully hugs McMurphy and says, "You're coming with me," before smothering him to death with a pillow. He then lifts the hydrotherapy console off the floor, smashes it through the window gates, and escapes alone, all while the remaining inmates, having been woken up by the glass breaking noise, watch and cheer him on.
In 1840s Vienna, Johann Strauss I (Nigel Patrick) is conducting an orchestra in a ballroom full of dancers, when he is interrupted by his furious estranged wife, who confronts him about the fact that his notorious mistress is planning to name her new baby son by him with the name Johann, the same as Strauss's legitimate son, Johann Strauss II (Horst Buchholz).
After the elder Strauss, as well as the mistress, refuse the wife's demand to change the baby's name, Strauss's wife retaliates by informing the elder Strauss that his son has embarked on a career as a violinist, in direct contradiction to the elder Strauss's wishes, as such a career would consign his son to a life equivalent to a servant.
With the initial help of his mother, and through his talent and cleverness, the younger Strauss is able to find a position in an orchestra. At his debut as a conductor, he is roundly booed by a hostile audience, led by friends of his father. He persists on stage, however, playing one of his own compositions on violin, while leading the orchestra.
His determination wins over the audience with great acclaim. Upon hearing the news of his son's success, the elder Strauss listens in on one of his performances, and hearing his son's words of tribute to him, he is moved to tears, and is won over to his son's career and ambition. Shortly afterwards, the elder Strauss dies of scarlet fever, and the younger Strauss is given the position of leading his father's orchestra.
By the time he reaches age 37, Strauss has achieved enormous success, and along the way has had numerous frivolous affairs with women, all while remaining single, leading his friends and his mother to be concerned for his well-being.
At one of his performances, his catches the eye of Jetty Treffz (Mary Costa), who is the mistress of a baron, and seven years older than him. At a subsequent dinner, he is invited to dine with Jetty and the baron. The two of them dance together to Strauss's orchestra, and begin to fall in love.
Strauss invites Jetty and the baron to a concert, at which Jetty is to sing. The baron, sensing Jetty's interest in Strauss, attempts to scuttle the plans with a sudden business trip, but Jetty insists on delaying her own departure, in order to fulfill her promise to sing. After the concert, Strauss expresses his feelings of love to Jetty, and invites to perform with him for the Emperor. Jetty at first flees from him, but then cancels her plans to join the baron on his trip, and instead joins Strauss at his performance, singing for Franz Joseph, while Strauss accompanies her on the violin.
Despite the warnings of the insistent Baron concerning her age, and Strauss's reputation with women, Jetty leaves the heartbroken Baron and marries Strauss. Strauss's mother is unwelcoming of the idea, but after a visit by the Baron, who seeks to aid Jetty's happiness in her marriage, the mother's heart melts, and she rushes to the church in time to congratulate her son and his new bride.
With Jetty by his side, Strauss achieves the pinnacle of fame, playing in the finest concert halls. He also embarks on the most productive time of his career, composing some of his most well-known pieces, including ''The Blue Danube'', which he presents to a disastrous debut by his insistence on using inferior and sarcastic lyrics, against the tearful protestations of Jetty.
Strauss is then invited to perform at the Paris Exposition of 1867, which he considers an incredible opportunity. Strauss's mother is overjoyed until Jetty confides to her a secret that she has a grown son who lives in Paris, and who will probably blackmail her.
After three years a conscript sailor in the Russian Navy, Aleksey (Aleksey Chadov), comes back from the Black Sea Fleet to Moscow for a meeting with his waiting girlfriend, Masha ( ), and old classmates. Unfortunately, he finds out that his girlfriend is already married and has a child, then decides to spend the remaining time in a restaurant with his friends—an oligarch's son, Konstantin (Konstantin Kryukov), a beginner actor, Artur (Artur Smolyaninov), and a hip-hop artist, Timati. When their lunch is coming to the end, it appears that no one has money to pay the bill, except Konstantin's dollars which do not accept for payment. The rapper is decided to exchange currency at the nearest money changer, that will cause troubles.
As the former changer belongs to the Armenian (Tigran Keosayan), Timati sets out in search of another, but runs against a neo-Nazi skinhead gang. Saving his own life, the hero hides in the Konstantin's flat, where an Ostap Bender-like swindler, Dani ( ), in waiting him. Meanwhile, his friends cannot wait anymore, so Artur is sent off. But before he could change the money, he is allured by the film director (Fyodor Bondarchuk) and prepares for shooting, but misses the actor-bus and leaves with gastarbeiters to demolish the Rossiya Hotel. Eventually, Konstantin hands over his last dollars to Aleksey, but he also failed after falling in love with a young traffic victim, Nastya ( ). After all that, despaired Konstantin makes a fuss in the restaurant, as a result he gets jailed by the police. Luckily for him, the mates could not abandon their friend and rescue him from captivity.
''Professor Layton and the Last Specter'' takes place three years before the events of ''Professor Layton and the Curious Village'' in a fictional English village known as Misthallery. In Misthallery, citizens have long spoken of legends of a specter who rose from the mist to defend the village whenever the Specter's Flute was played. Lately, a monster who is believed by the town's population to be this specter has been attacking the village during the middle of the night, destroying homes and buildings.
Misthallery is a watery town in which traveling via gondola to move about the town's canals is commonplace. By these canals, the town is divided into five distinct regions: the Crossroads, the Market, the East District, Ely Street, and Highyard Hill. The Crossroads contain the library as well as the home of the mayor, Clark Triton. The town market is a shady place controlled by a mysterious entity known as the Black Raven, the East District contains an abandoned warehouse, and Ely Street as well as Highyard Hill are primarily residential areas. On the outskirts of Highyard Hill lies the manor owned by the former mayor's children, who live away from the rest of the village. The townspeople believe that the manor is home to a witch. The town is also rumored to contain the Golden Garden, hidden ruins of an ancient city.[]
As the story begins, a woman named Emmy Altava is hired to be Professor Layton's assistant at the fictional Gressenheller University. Upon her introduction to him, he reveals that he is currently heading towards a town named Misthallery. According to a letter allegedly sent by his close friend, Clark Triton, a specter is attacking the village at night. As the pair reach Clark's house, though, they find that the letter was sent not by Clark, but by his son, Luke, who has learned how to predict the specter's attacks and wished to enlist Layton's help in putting an end to them. Luke sneaks out of his house to join Layton and Emmy's investigation. After they finish exploring Misthallery for the day, they go to spend the night at a local hotel. As they look out from the window in their room, they hear the sound of a flute and see a large, shadowy figure emerge from the mist, which proceeds to forge a path of destruction through the town, including their hotel room, before vanishing without a trace.
The next day, Layton, Luke, and Emmy set off to find the town's black market in order to discover information about the Specter's Flute, an artifact which is said to grant those who play it control over the specter. After winning the trust of the Black Raven, a group of children who run the market, Layton learns that the flute was auctioned to the now-deceased Evan Barde, once the richest man in Misthallery, soon before the specter started attacking the town. The three then head to Barde Manor to visit his daughter, Arianna, a girl who was once close friends with Luke, but is now suffering from a terminal illness and is believed by the townspeople to be a witch.
Arianna refuses to talk to anyone, however, so Layton and Luke continue to question the townspeople while Emmy goes to the Scotland Yard for information regarding Evan Barde's death. With the aid of Inspectors Chelmey and Grosky, she uncovers the records for the case before heading back to Misthallery to reunite with Layton and Luke. Inspector Grosky returns with her, hoping that his own influence will help convince the town's Chief of Police, Chief Jakes, to provide further information on the case. Regardless, Chief Jakes remains adamantly opposed to the investigation of Barde's death, and demands that Layton and company leave the town within 24 hours. Despite Jakes' threats, they visit Arianna to explain to her what has happened to the town and to her father. Arianna opens up to them, and proceeds to guide them to the nearby lake before playing the Specter's Flute, which causes a prehistoric aquatic creature named Loosha to rise from the lake.
Chief Jakes then appears at the lake, revealing that he had followed the Professor, and takes Arianna and Loosha into police custody, claiming them to be behind the specter attacks. In his absence, the trio manage to find the real "specter" at an abandoned factory within the town. As Arianna and Loosha are being formally accused in front of the townspeople, Layton appears and exposes the true identity of the specter: an excavation machine destroying the town in search of the "Golden Garden", ancient ruins believed to be beneath Misthallery. He goes on to describe Chief Jakes' scheme to become mayor of the town and his accomplice: a man disguised as Clark's butler, Doland Noble, named Jean Descole, a scientist looking for the Golden Garden who had held hostage Clark's wife along with his real butler. With Descole's plan revealed, he combines his machines into a giant mecha in a final attempt to level the town in search of the Golden Garden.
With the combined efforts of Layton, Luke, Emmy, Loosha, and the Black Ravens, the mecha is eventually defeated and Descole is forced to retreat. Despite Loosha having been fatally wounded during the fight, she proceeds to destroy the floodgates of the town's dam, drying the lake and revealing the entrance to the Golden Garden. As the group enter the garden, Loosha dies, and Arianna learns of Loosha's true intentions. Loosha knew that the clean environment of the garden would help Arianna recover from her disease, and fought the specter to ensure the garden would survive long enough to cure her. She fully recovers from her illness a year later, and the Golden Garden's discovery is then made public, marking the beginning of Layton's fame in the field of archaeology.
As Luke leaves the garden, he realizes he still has much to learn about the world, and asks to become Layton's apprentice. Layton obliges, and the game ends with Luke bidding farewell to the people of Misthallery before beginning his journeys with Layton. In a final scene, Jean Descole is seen on a cart, preparing his next plan.
The prelude to the story begins with Grant Morrison's ''Batman and Son'', which starts off with the Joker being shot by a man pretending to be Batman. Batman then realizes that since his return after a one year absence, he has eliminated all supercrime in the city. Talia al Ghul then wrests the Man-Bat formula from Kirk Langstrom leading to Batman confronting Talia. Talia reveals that Bruce is the father of her son, named Damian Wayne. Damian then tries to replace Tim Drake as Robin. After a confrontation with Talia on a boat ends with Talia and Damian getting hit by a torpedo Bruce simply leaves. Damian then returns to Bruce in ''the Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul'', though Ra's's resurrection cannot be stopped, Damian learns about the rest of Bruce Wayne's sons. In ''Batman R.I.P'', Bruce confronts the Black Glove and attacks Simon Hurt in a helicopter that explodes. Bruce survives and spends some time looking for the body of Hurt, but is called away by Superman to investigate the death of the New God Orion. In ''Final Crisis'', Bruce ends up being captured by Granny Goodness and Darkseid's minions attempt to clone Batman. Batman ultimately escapes, his clone commits suicide, and Bruce takes the bullet used to kill Orion and shoots Darkseid with it, breaking his no gun policy, but his decision allows the Black Racer to substitute Barry Allen's fate for Darkseid. However, Darkseid simultaneously hits Bruce with the Omega Sanction, sending him to the past. Superman takes Bruce's body, actually the body of the only successful clone, to Nightwing. Chaos breaks out in Gotham as Batman is no longer operational and Dick refuses to become Batman because Bruce told him not to in Batman's Will.
Due to his involvement in Hurt's plan to kill Batman, Michael Lane believes himself to be responsible for the crime and trauma brought to Gotham City. He confesses this to his priest who takes him in to the Order of Purity to become the next Azrael. In his first act as Azrael, Michael Lane defends the properties of the Azrael suit from Talia al Ghul, in turn preventing her from giving it to Damian Wayne. Azrael then manages to not only defeat Talia, but also retrieve the Sword of Salvation from her. Azrael is then attacked by Nightwing, believing him to be responsible for the death of a police official. Azrael manages to convince Nightwing that he is not responsible for the murder.
Nightwing becomes as cold as Bruce had. Despite Tim's requests, he refuses to take up the mantle of the Bat. This leads to an imposter taking up the mantle, but this one uses brute force and shoots his victims to death. Black Mask II soon takes control of Arkham's inmates with implants that will kill them if they do not obey him. Among his recruits are Scarecrow, Jane Doe, Firefly, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc and Victor Zsasz.
After Damian is attacked by Killer Croc, Nightwing rescues him, but is in turn attacked by the imposter Batman, Jason Todd. When Damian attempts to prove himself to Dick by attacking Jason, he is shot by the latter and severely wounded, saved only by Alfred. This leads to Tim Drake assuming the mantle of Batman and tracking Jason down to a demented version of the Batcave. There he too is attacked and severely wounded by Jason, who awaits the arrival of Nightwing.
Damian is then sent by Alfred to find and rescue Tim, though to make sure that he does not get further injured, he is sent with Squire. The two of them rescue Tim together. Meanwhile, Dick enters an all out brawl with Jason which leads to a fight on top of Gotham's sky train system. Dick manages to defeat Jason, but the latter falls into Gotham River telling Dick that they'll be meeting soon enough. Dick then returns to the Batcave and assumes the mantle of Batman.
Two days before his wedding, Doug Billings, a cheerful yet careful bachelor, travels to Las Vegas with his best friends Phil Wenneck, a sarcastic elementary school teacher, Stu Price, an apprehensive dentist, and Alan Garner, his odd future brother-in-law. Sid, the father of Doug's fiancée Tracy, allows Doug to drive his vintage Mercedes-Benz W111 to Las Vegas. They get a suite at Caesars Palace and celebrate by sneaking onto the hotel rooftop and taking shots of Jägermeister. The next day, Phil, Stu and Alan awaken to find they have no memory of the previous night. Doug is nowhere to be found, Stu's tooth is missing, the suite is a mess, a Bengal tiger is in the bathroom, and a baby is in the closet. They see Doug's mattress impaled on a statue outside, and when they ask for their Mercedes the valet delivers a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department cruiser.
Retracing their steps, the trio travel to a hospital, discovering they were drugged with Rohypnol, causing their memory loss, and that they went to the hospital from a chapel the previous night. At the chapel, they learn that Stu married a call girl named Jade, despite being in a relationship with his domineering and philandering girlfriend Melissa. Outside the chapel, the trio is attacked by gangsters demanding to know where "he" is. Bewildered, they flee and track down Jade, the baby's mother.
They are arrested by the police for having stolen the cruiser. After being told that the Mercedes was impounded, the trio are released when they unwittingly volunteer to be targets for a taser demonstration. While driving the Mercedes, they discover a naked Chinese man named Leslie Chow in the trunk, who beats the trio with a crowbar and flees. Alan confesses that he drugged their drinks to ensure they had a good night, believing the drug to be Ecstasy.
Returning to their suite, they find Mike Tyson, who knocks Alan unconscious and orders them to return his tiger to his mansion. Stu drugs it, they load it into the Mercedes, and drive to Tyson's mansion. However, the tiger awakens and attacks them, scratching Phil on the neck and damaging the car's interior. They push the car the rest of the way to the mansion and deliver the tiger to Tyson, who shows them security camera footage indicating they did not lose Doug until they got back to the hotel. While driving back, their car is rammed by a black Cadillac Escalade manned by the gangsters from the chapel and Chow, their boss. Chow accuses them of kidnapping him and stealing $80,000 in poker chips. As they deny it, he tells them he has Doug, and threatens to kill him if the chips are not returned. Unable to find Chow's chips, Alan, with help from Stu and Jade, uses his knowledge of card counting to win $82,400 playing blackjack.
They meet Chow in the Mojave Desert to exchange the chips for Doug, only to find that the Doug in question is actually the drug dealer who sold the roofies to Alan. With the real Doug's wedding set to occur in five hours, Phil calls Tracy to tell her they cannot find him. Simultaneously, the other Doug's remarks that someone who takes roofies is more likely to end up on the floor than on the roof cause Stu to realize where Doug is.
They travel back to Caesars Palace where they find a dazed and sunburned Doug on the roof. They moved him there on his mattress as a practical joke, but forgot when the roofies wore off; Doug threw the mattress onto the statue in an attempt to signal for help. Before leaving, Stu makes arrangements to meet Jade for a date the following week. With no flights available, the four drive home in the mangled Mercedes, where Doug reveals that he has Chow's original $80,000 in his pocket. Despite their late arrival, Doug and Tracy are married. At the wedding, Stu angrily breaks up with Melissa. Alan finds Stu's digital camera containing photos of the debauchery from the night in Las Vegas, and the four agree to look at the pictures before deleting them.
The novel follows the relationship between Irishwoman Adelia "Dee" Cunnane and American Travis Grant. As the story begins, the young and penniless Dee emigrates to the United States to live with her uncle, Paddy, who works on a large horse farm. Dee's love for animals is evident, and she is given a job working alongside her uncle. Dee has a fiery temper and often argues with Travis, the wealthy farm owner; many of their arguments lead to passionate embraces. Travis later rescues Dee from an attempted rape.
When Paddy suffers a heart attack, he becomes very concerned about his mortality and Dee's future. He becomes overwrought and insists that Travis take care of Dee. After privately agreeing to a temporary marriage of convenience, Travis and Dee exchange vows in Paddy's hospital room. As the story progresses, the protagonists become increasingly unhappy, with neither willing to admit their love for the other.
Although still unwilling to vocalize their feelings, Dee and Travis appear more confident in their relationship after they finally consummate their marriage. Soon, however, Dee's insecurities are exploited by Travis's sophisticated former girlfriend, Margot, who has returned to the area to win him back. Dee runs away. Travis follows, and the two confess their love and resolve to make their marriage work.
The narrative begins with a tales of Carazamba's relationships with various men. The plot describes how the narrator kills Carazamba's English lover, who has connections within the Guatemalan government. This forces the narrator and Carazamba to flee into the jungle with Pedro, the narrator's loyal friend, in order to escape from the authorities and find a way to Mexico. Along the way, Pedro is forced to amputate his foot after he is bitten by a venomous snake. When they finally cross into Mexico, they are involved in a firefight with a group of soldiers; the narrator falls injured and Carazamba is shot dead. The narrator and Pedro are thrown into prison.
As a little girl living in Australia, Lucinda Leplastrier is given a Prince Rupert's Drop which sparks a lifelong obsession with glass.
Lucinda's parents die and she is left a wealthy heiress after her guardians sell off the vast farmland that was her family's home. She buys a glass factory with her money and takes to gambling after her accountant introduces her to it.
Meanwhile, a young Oscar is being reared as a Plymouth Brother by his father but after receiving a sign from God he decides to join the Anglican faith. While studying, he is introduced to gambling and becomes highly successful, using his winnings to fund his studies and giving the rest to the poor. He earns a scholarship to study in New South Wales. On the boat over, he meets Lucinda and hears her confess to gambling, which he denies is a sin. They play cards together until Oscar becomes panicked at the sight of a storm.
In New South Wales, Oscar loses his scholarship after he is unable to stop gambling. He goes to live with Lucinda who allows him to work in her glass factory. Inspired by a model of a glass church she shows him, he asks her to make a real life replica to send to their mutual friend the Revered Dennis Hasset, betting that he can deliver it by Good Friday. Lucinda decides that they will each bet their inheritance.
Because he fears water, Oscar takes the church over land in an expedition led by Mr. Jeffries. He witnesses Jeffries murdering and raping Indigenous Australians and eventually kills him in self-defence after Jeffries attacks him.
He is successful in delivering the church. Weakened upon arrival, he is left in the care of a woman named Miriam Chadwick, who rapes him. Fearing that he will have to marry Miriam, and in love with Lucinda, Oscar enters the glass church to pray. He falls asleep and is drowned inside when the church, which was resting on a barge in the water, sinks.
As Miriam is pregnant with Oscar's child, Hasset burns the papers confirming the wager, not wanting Lucinda's money to be inherited by her. She dies shortly after her son, Oscar, is born and the child is reared by Lucinda.
The story starts with Ginger, an overweight child with no friends and red hair. Then the book forwards to when she's 12, popular and confident, having lost weight, found makeup, and hair-straighteners, and with a best friend, Shannon. Ginger is happy, until she and Shannon befriend a lonely girl from Ginger's old school, Emily Croft. Ginger finds that Shannon likes Emily more than her, making her upset, and breaking their friendship.
Meanwhile, Ginger meets Sam, a boy at her school that doesn't wear uniform and ditches class often. Shannon doesn't like him and thinks he's weird (Ginger later says that Shannon doesn't like him because he's the only boy that doesn't fall to her feet) but Ginger starts to, and they are secretly together. Mr Hunter, their English teacher (who everyone likes but Sam, and Shannon has a crush on) announces that they will make a school magazine (S'cool). Shannon is the Editor. After the magazine is completed, the students throw a release party which falls on Shannon's 13th birthday. Shannon's parents aren't home at the party, so some of her friends bring in beer, and soon everyone starts to get drunk except Emily and Ginger. Mr Hunter arrives and tries to calm things down, but it doesn't work. Sam also comes and Shannon tells him to get lost and says that Ginger thinks he's weird and is too nice to tell him. Ginger is shocked and Sam gets hurt and leaves. Ginger ends up crying. Shannon gets rejected by Mr Hunter and then becomes upset.
Soon a fight starts up when the student photographer, Jas Kapoor, starts taking pictures of the party (part of his idea for the next issue of the magazine, "The truth behind teen parties") and he takes a picture of Andy Collins drinking and smoking with Shannon on his leg and also a picture of Ginger and Sam about to kiss under the staircase. Soon a neighbour calls the police, and Ginger calls Shannon's parents. Back at school, Ginger gets called to the principal's office. Her parents are called in too. She doesn't know what she is in trouble for. The principal brings out a picture from the party with Mr Hunter and his arm over her shoulder (which was just Mr Hunter trying to comfort her after everything started to go wrong) and they ask her many questions but when Jas Kapoor was called in, he said that the picture was edited and this never happened. Soon Shannon starts telling everyone lies about Mr Hunter that he was after herself and Ginger, and parents get worried about having Mr Hunter teaching their children. Soon Mr Hunter leaves, even though he didn't do anything. Six weeks after the party, Shannon talks to Ginger saying that she should come hang out with her again (Ginger has become friends with people Shannon call 'freaks', Sam and Ginger and has now started dating openly) but Ginger refuses, and later thinks that Shannon is the one at loss.
Afterwards, Shannon gets a new 'friend' Nisha Choudhury, which in Ginger's words, is 'an experiment, like Emily, and me.' But Ginger is happy with her new boyfriend Sam and the band all of them started.
The game's plot revolves around the personal stories in the series. Its main focus is retelling the events of ''Resident Evil 2'' and ''Resident Evil - Code: Veronica'', and a new chapter is featured.GoNintendo, [ Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles - Leon ventures to South America] For the ''Resident Evil 2'' segment, the player takes control of protagonists Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, with Sherry Birkin acting as an escort character in one chapter. The ''Code: Veronica'' chapter features Claire, accompanied by fellow Rockfort Island prisoner Steve Burnside and later her brother Chris Redfield.
;Operation Javier The first scenario in ''Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles'' focuses on Leon Kennedy four years after the events of ''Resident Evil 2''. Jack Krauser, an American Special Forces operative, accompanies Kennedy into a South American village to search for Javier Hidalgo, a former drug lord with ties to the Umbrella Corporation. They quickly discover the village has suffered a viral outbreak and is overrun with zombies and mutant bio-organic weapons (BOWs). The duo fights past the creatures and finds Javier's daughter, Manuela, who agrees to guide them through the jungle.
Manuela reveals her father treated her with the T-Veronica virus to cure a terminal illness. The group arrives at Javier's mansion and battle waves of Javier's experimental BOWs. They encounter Hilda, Manuela's mother, who transforms into a ravenous monster after succumbing to the T-Veronica virus. Kennedy dispatches Hilda, but Krauser severely injures his arm during the battle. Javier attempts to overpower Kennedy and Krauser by merging with a massive BOW called V-Complex. Manuela, in turn, uses the powers of the T-Veronica virus to aid Kennedy and Krauser in defeating Javier. The three escape the compound with a helicopter. ;Memories of a Lost City This scenario re-tells the events of ''Resident Evil 2'', leading up to when Leon and Claire destroy 'G' (a mutated William Birkin). Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy have just arrived in Raccoon City when they learn that the city has been infested with zombies and other monsters. They decide to go to the police station, hoping to find answers and discover Umbrella's involvement in the ordeal. Birkin's own daughter, Sherry, becomes his target and Leon and Claire must protect her from becoming mutated by his G-virus. All the while stalked by the powerful Tyrant and dealing with the mysterious agenda of Ada Wong.
;Game of Oblivion An abridged re-telling of ''Resident Evil - Code: Veronica'', where Claire Redfield and Steve Burnside remain together and attempt to escape Rockfort Island in a seaplane, while having to contend with the psychotic Alfred Ashford, and eventually, his sister Alexia. Claire and Steve are eventually separated and Chris arrives to help her find him, before taking on Alexia. In this iteration of the story, their father Alexander Ashford makes his first physical appearance, in a video, prior to becoming the monster known as Nosferatu.
;Darkness Falls "Darkness Falls" is a hidden scenario in the game that focuses on Jack Krauser during Operation Javier. Krauser narrates his thoughts as he helps Leon Kennedy battle their way through Javier's headquarters. After a fierce battle with a BOW, Krauser severely injures his arm and is forced to rely on Kennedy's assistance for survival. They ultimately defeat Javier, but Krauser is deemed physically incapable of continuing his military service. He becomes infatuated with the idea that Umbrella's mutagenic viruses can grant unlimited power and leaves the U.S. government to seek out Albert Wesker.
Junpei Kōsaka is a second-year high school student who is allergic to cats, and because of this he hates the sight of them. As luck would have it, his high school crush, Kaede Mizuno, absolutely adores cats. One day, while walking home from school, Junpei kicks an empty can and unfortunately breaks the local neko-jizō-sama (guardian deity of cats). He finds he can now understand what cats are saying, including his family's own ill-tempered cat, Nyamsus. However, to atone for the broken statue, he must now grant 100 wishes to cats, or he will turn into a cat himself and die from his own allergy.
A bankrupt playboy makes a plan to obtain money. He reads in the news about the death of three wealthy married rich men who die in a plane crash. Disguised as a ghost, that night he visits the three widows. Scared, they not only give him money, but also consent to having sex with him.
When the three women become pregnant, the father hires a priest to exorcise the little ghosts from them.
Two characters, Bert and J.R., exchange a series of sexually explicit telephone calls after connecting through a brief encounter at a bar where they exchange numbers. The highly pornographic content of the first phone calls abate as the men begin to explore other aspects of themselves and each other. In the final scenes J.R. cannot contact Bert because the latter has died from AIDS. J.R. declares his love for his departed friend.
A beautiful young woman comes into her kitchen rubbing shampoo or product into her hair, lights a gas burner on her stove and bends over it as if it were the sink, then rises up screaming with her hair on fire. Later, doctors and police tend her, and Detective Dave Kennedy ask her why she did it. She doesn’t remember. He lies that her looks will be restored, and she thanks God and dies. She is the first fatality of eleven women, all beautiful, who have mutilated their faces in the past few months, and the police are baffled about whether there is a common cause. Dave consults his psychiatrist friend Dr. Philip Hecht, who is an expert on hypnosis and disapproves of its use on the stage.
Dave, his girlfriend Marcia Blaine and her friend Dodie Wilson go to see the stage show of the famous hypnotist Desmond. Dave does not believe in hypnotism and thinks the men who are hypnotized into various abnormal states are stooges. Desmond calls for three women volunteers, and his lovely assistant Justine chooses two of them for him, including Dodie. Desmond hypnotizes her into becoming rigid as a board and levitates her. But before he brings her out of it, he whispers something in her ear. Dave tries to get Dodie to say she was faking; she denies this, won’t go for coffee with them and goes back into the theater when they leave. Later, at home, she pours acid instead of lotion into her washbasin, and applies it to her face. Dave and Marcia question her in the hospital, and find that she has forgotten how her terrible facial burns happened. Marcia begins to wonder if hypnotic suggestion from Desmond is the common cause of the mutilations. She goes back to the theater alone to investigate, and is chosen by Justine’s significant look at Desmond as a volunteer. When beginning to hypnotize her, he uses an eyeball-shaped device he holds up in the palm of his hand, with concentric circles of flashing light. Marcia closes her eyes before he tells her to and is not hypnotized.
She reports to Dave and Dr. Hecht that she thinks Desmond is guilty; Dr. Hecht agrees that he is a genuine hypnotist with a dangerous, powerful new technique. She tells them of Desmond’s post-hypnotic command to come to his dressing room at midnight. When she does, she opens a box in which the eye-shaped device is flashing, and this time is genuinely hypnotized. Dave and Dr. Hecht follow in Dave's car as Desmond takes her to a fancy restaurant, to a beatnik coffee-house to hear Beat poetry and dance, and back to her apartment. He starts to make out with her, while the two men sit outside, Dave thinking jealously that she is a willing participant and Dr. Hecht wanting more information. Desmond is finally interrupted by the entrance of Justine, who dismisses him and keeps Marcia under hypnosis herself. In his only moment of possible conscience, he asks resentfully “How many more?” and Justine replies “As long as there are faces like this.” She turns on Marcia’s shower with scalding hot water and tells her to step into the cool refreshment. Dave and Dr. Hecht turn up at the door at last and stop this; Justine instructs Marcia to tell them she is an old school roommate and leaves. Dave sees through this story because he knows Marcia never went away to school. He is convinced by Dr. Hecht that Marcia was really hypnotized.
The two men interview past victims of self-mutilation. They all deny ever going to Desmond’s show or hearing of a woman named Justine, but Dave finds a balloon with the hypnotic eye design on it, that is given out at the show, in the purse of a woman who blinded herself. Even Dodie denies ever seeing Desmond’s show or knowing a Justine, but her doctor tells them she was terrified of that name when she was brought in.
Marcia, still under Desmond and Justine’s influence, goes back to the show, where Desmond takes the whole audience through several demonstrations of mass hypnosis or the power of suggestion. The balloons are for the purpose of a suggestion that they are too heavy to lift. Dave and Dr. Hecht break in and try to get to Marcia, but Justine drags her up onto the stage while Desmond tries to stop the men with the hypnotic eye. Dave breaks through its power and the two men get onto the stage. Justine drags Marcia up onto a swinging catwalk and threatens to jump and drag her down. When Dr. Hecht remonstrates with her, she tears off her beautiful mask and shows that she has a badly mutilated face like Dodie’s. Desmond overpowers Dr. Hecht, Dave shoots him from above, and Justine jumps to her death beside him. Dave pulls Marcia up and she comes out of her trance. Dr. Hecht addresses the audience, including the audience in the movie theater, and tells them never to let themselves be hypnotized except under medical supervision.
At 1:45 am, Robin gets up so she will be in time for her 4 am talk show that she anchors and meets the gang at the bar, as they are still out from the previous night. Ted tells his friends that Karen, his girlfriend during high school and college, is now in town.
Marshall and Lily are not happy with this news. They tell Ted how annoyed they were by Karen's pretentiousness, how Ted imitated her opinions and how Karen always cheated on Ted, left for a few months, and got back together with him, only for the process to begin all over again and again. Although the gang prevents Ted from calling her, Ted reveals that already called her and had lunch with her. The group discusses the four different reasons one would have lunch with an ex: They want to get back together, as depicted in Lily's lunch with Scooter; they want to kill you, depicted in Barney's paranoid interpretation of his lunch with Wendy; they want to give back something you left behind, depicted in Robin's lunch with "The Iron Man"; or they want to show off how well they are doing, depicted in an eight-year-old Marshall having lunch with eight-year-old Nicole.
Ted reveals that he has entered a relationship with Karen, with roommate Robin unaware due to the sleeping pills she has been using to help her keep up with her schedule. Lily is frustrated to hear this, and Ted confronts her about the true reason she hates Karen: while she was painting Marshall in the nude, Karen entered and "lingered" around, keeping her eyes on Marshall. Ted tells them that the gang is wrong about his succumbing to Karen's every whim so easily. While he and Karen were hooking up in her apartment, Karen's boyfriend entered. After the boyfriend left, Ted confronted Karen about how she always cheated rather than ending relationships, and said he never wanted to speak to her again. Karen later dumped the boyfriend. The gang is happy to hear this, but Lily asks Ted how he could know Karen dumped him if he never spoke to her again. Ted quickly says that he and Karen called each other again, patched things up, are now back together and she is coming to the bar. Karen enters the bar and the gang unhappily greets her.
The previous day at work, Marshall was playing basketball with his office colleagues and forgot his suit pants. He called Lily to come over and give him pants. Lily gave the pants to Barney to give to Marshall, but Barney cut them up. Marshall confidently wears the ripped pants to the bar, admitting it shows off his calves.
The film begins with Effi von Briest, aged 17, on the swing in her parents' garden. Her mother comments on her wild nature, saying that she has an aerial spirit. Talking with other teenage girls, they discuss how Effi's mother was courted by Baron von Instetten when he was a soldier but she chose Effi's father, a councillor and landowner.
Later, Effi's mother tells her that Instetten, now aged 38 and an official, has asked for her hand. With her parents' encouragement, along with her own desire for prestige, she accepts. Effi and her mother began to prepare for the honeymoon: although Effi does not want for most possessions, when she desires something only the best will do. Just before leaving, she admits to her mother that while Instetten is considerate, principled, and dashing, she is nonetheless frightened by him. Left alone, her parents discuss married life, during which Briest comments that his wife would have suited Instetten much better than Effi.
Effi and Instetten return to his home on the Baltic Sea in the fictional town of Kessin. They are greeted by the cold and distant housekeeper Johanna, who secretly loves her master and resents his new wife. Through her first night there, Effi is unable to sleep due to being frightened by what she thinks is a ghost. At dinner next day, she learns that they are the only nobles in the town and cannot socialise with its middle-class inhabitants. Instead, there are tedious exchanges of visits with nobles on surrounding estates. However, Effi does find a friend in the pharmacist Gieshübler, who loves music.
Instetten has to be away on duty one night, leaving Effi alone. Again she is unable to sleep, causing her to ask Johanna to keep her company through the night. Instetten reproaches her for this, as he does not want people discovering that his wife was afraid of ghosts, but neither does he relieve her fears.
Soon Effi becomes pregnant. While taking a walk one day, she meets a Catholic woman named Roswitha at the grave of her late employer. Seeing that she is a warm and open person, Effi asks her to become the nursemaid for her child. Eventually, Effi gives birth to a girl that they name Annie.
One day, Effi goes to the beach with Instetten and his friend, Major Crampas. Instetten believes Crampas to be a ladies' man, while Crampas describes Instetten as a born schoolteacher. Effi realizes that Instetten had been using the ghost she was frightened of to educate her, as well as a way to distinguish himself from ordinary men. Eventually, Instetten is unable to continue the excursions as his attention is required for a political campaign, leaving Crampas and Effi to continue alone. Soon, Effi is taking walks every day, to the point that even inclement weather cannot stop her.
After some years, Effi, Instetten, and Annie move to Berlin, where Instetten has gained a prominent position in a government ministry. Effi is glad of this, since she always found Kessin to be spooky. However, one day Instetten finds letters that Crampas had been writing to Effi. That the two had been lovers is obvious, but it is also clear that the affair ended some time ago. After going to his friend Wüllersdorf for advice, he commits himself to initiating a duel with Crampas, in which he shoots his rival dead.
He divorces Effi and gains custody over Annie, who he raises under the belief that she has no mother. Effi's parents refuse to let her come home, because of the scandal she has caused, so she moves into a small apartment in Berlin with the faithful Roswitha. A few years later, Annie is permitted a brief visit to Effi but the two are distant with each other. Effi is enraged with Instetten, blaming him for teaching her daughter to act like a stranger to her, and suffers a nervous collapse.
Her parents agree to take care of her in their home, but Instetten remains obdurate, believing that she has been the ruin of his life. Her own life failing, Effi asks her mother to tell Instetten that she forgives him and that she is now at peace. Sitting in the garden after her death, her mother wonders if they are somehow at fault for causing her fate, but her father dismisses the idea with his usual evasion: “Ach, Luise, laß … das ist ein zu weites Feld.'' (“Oh leave it, Luise …. it's too broad a subject.”)
The main story of the comic series was made up of a series of three-issue story arcs. The first one, "Batman: Reborn", was penciled by Frank Quitely. The second arc, "Revenge of the Red Hood", was penciled by Philip Tan. The third arc, "Blackest Knight", is penciled by Cameron Stewart on issues #7-9 of ''Batman and Robin'' (2010). The fourth arc, "Batman vs. Robin", is penciled by Andy Clarke and contains issues #10-12. The fifth arc, penciled by Frazer Irving, is titled, "Batman and Robin Must Die!", is the start of ''Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne'' and the end of the arc started by ''Batman: Reborn''. After Paul Cornell's run on issues #17-19, the next arc was written by Peter Tomasi and pencilled by Patrick Gleason, and was entitled "Dark Knight, White Knight".
The new Batman and Robin take down a villain named Mr. Toad and deliver him to the police. Batman and Robin then set out to the police department after meeting up with Alfred to answer the Bat-Signal. Professor Pyg, a psychotic mutilation enthusiast in the guise of a pig, then tortures one of Toad's men, fixing him with a Dollotron mask. Pyg then expresses interest to doing the same to the man's daughter. Dick and Damian then fight the Circus of Strange; Dick fails Damian, who leaves to beat Pyg alone afterward. Damian then sees the man's daughter, promising to save her and her father, before being knocked out. Eventually Dick and Damian stop the gang, while the girl is saved by the Red Hood in a new uniform."Batman Reborn" * * *
Dick correctly infers that the new Red Hood is Jason Todd. The girl that the Red Hood saved, fixed with an imperfectly placed Dollotron mask, has now assumed the vigilante guise of Scarlet and acts as Red Hood's sidekick. Red Hood and Scarlet tear through the streets of Gotham, killing criminals. Various crime lords of Gotham, fearing the recent escalation in crime fighting by Jason and Scarlet, approach a new villain named the Flamingo to help defeat them. The Flamingo arrives, and shoots Jason twice. The Flamingo begins to overpower Jason, even when Batman and Robin assist, paralyzing Robin in the process. Scarlet manages to cut the Flamingo's face open, allowing Jason to kill him. Batman arrives to see that Damian is paralyzed from the waist down, but will recover due to his mother's influence and ability to replace Damian's damaged organs with harvested ones and Commissioner Gordon arrives and arrests Jason, who asks why Talia had not put Bruce in the Lazarus Pit. Scarlet's Dollotron mask falls off, and she repents her actions, fleeing Gotham for greener pastures. Oberon Sexton receives a call from a man who tells him that their group is everywhere while Dick enters a mysterious tunnel in the heart of the Batcave. Saying the password "zur...en...arrh", it is revealed that Dick, after the conclusion of the ''Blackest Night'' storyline, moved the body of Bruce Wayne into the more secure location. Dick thinks about what Jason said to him about the Lazarus Pit.* * *
Following the "Blackest Night" storyline, Dick takes Jason's suggestion into consideration and decides to check if Bruce's corpse is real. Dick enlists the aid of England's Squire and Knight to help him locate the last existing Lazarus Pit. After saving the Pearly Prince from destroying London, Dick believes that the Pearly King can give him information on the location of the Lazarus Pit. Pearly refuses to, however Knight has already found the pit. After arriving in the Pit they fight King Coal's men, who were already taken down by Knight. They encounter Batwoman, who is alerted that Dick is the new Batman, and she tells them that King Coal's men planned to sacrifice her to a new God of crime that is supposed to rise on that night. Dick remarks that there is no god of evil in the Pit, only the "real" Batman. The body is reanimated and rises from the Pit, but is unable to speak and begins attacking all that he sees. Dick sees that this being's rage is murderous, which conclusively proves that the body could not be Bruce Wayne's.
It is revealed by flashback that the body of "Batman" is that of a perfect clone of Bruce Wayne that was created by Darkseid during the ''Final Crisis''. Most of the clones were euthanized due to them being driven insane from the genetically inherited trauma of Bruce Wayne, but Darkseid claimed that one dead perfect clone of Batman could be useful to him. The dead clone is, in fact, the body recovered by Superman in the climax of ''Final Crisis'' after Darkseid sent the real Bruce Wayne, alive and well, into the distant past with his Omega Sanction.
Outside, King Coal sets off explosions that cause the cave to implode around everyone. "Batman" escapes and flies to Gotham City, while Dick and a severely injured Batwoman are separated from Knight and Squire. Injured and paralyzed, Batwoman realizes that Dick is the new Batman and tells him that she is dying, but has a plan. Knight and Squire finally get to them, but Dick claims that Batwoman has died. Meanwhile, in Gotham, Alfred visits the vault in which "Bruce's" body was kept, finding that it was taken by Dick. Extremely worried, he meets a wheelchair-using Damian, returning from his spinal reconstruction. Alfred informs Damian that Dick has taken the body. Damian looks into Dick's files and finds the plan for resurrecting his "father" by use of a Lazarus Pit. At that moment, the door opens and "Batman" throws Alfred into the room, and confronts Damian. Being unsure of who he was seeing, Damian simply asks, "Father...?"
Dick explains that, due to the serious trauma that Batwoman has sustained, they decided they should let her die, then resurrect her in the Lazarus Pit. Batwoman overdoses on the morphine in Dick's medkit and, after being placed in the pit, is revived healthy. The cloned Batman is fended off by Alfred and an injured Damian, who is convinced it is not, in fact, his father. Damian lures the clone onto a patch of gasoline and ignites it, but the clone continues his attack.
Dick takes a plane suborbital, and is able to make it to Gotham in 25 minutes—just in time to catch Damian, who has been cast off the top of Wayne Towers by the cloned Batman. The cloned Batman is decaying, and Batwoman and Dick defeat it. Back in the Batcave, Dick apologizes for taking the mission on his own, stating that he did not want to get anyone's hopes up. He then states that Tim Drake was right, Bruce Wayne must still be alive.
There are strange troubles in Thomas Wayne's funds that Damian deals with. With the newfound knowledge that the corpse that Superman had recovered during the "Final Crisis" storyline, and which was later used in the "Blackest Night" storyline is not the corpse of Bruce Wayne, and that Bruce may truly be alive, Dick Grayson obtains knowledge from the Justice League of America that the "Omega Effect" Darkseid used on Batman may have sent him back through time, and Tim Drake is convinced that Bruce is using clues in the past to help his proteges and Alfred recover him. Talia is upset that Damian wants to stay with Dick and Alfred. Oberon Sexton is chased by hitmen and narrowly manages to escape.
Alfred discovers a new lair in the Batcave, while dismantling booby traps set up by the Black Glove, and discovers portraits of Bruce's patrilineage. A "bat" theme is recurring in many of these portraits, causing Damian Wayne to suspect that if his father is truly in the past, one of the ancestors in the portrait may be Bruce himself. The story continues in ''Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne''.
Later, not knowing what he is doing, Damian attempts to slice Dick's head off. He then runs into a cemetery, only to be grabbed by Oberon Sexton, who is still being chased by hitmen.
Damian is revealed to be controlled by Talia al Ghul, using a device attached to his spine after the Flamingo's attack. Oberon Sexton single-handedly defeats all the assassins. Upon his interrogation of one of the assassins, Damian notes that Oberon Sexton's British accent is fake. After grouping that fact with his incredible battle skills, detective abilities, and stealth, asks if he is Bruce Wayne, the real Batman. Damian's question is ignored, and he is taken over by Deathstroke, who is using Talia's device to attack Dick.
Although he is in under the control of Slade Wilson, Damian manages to warn Dick Grayson that Deathstroke controls him. Dick incapacitates Damian and uses an electrical charge to shock Slade out of Damian's body. Dick and Damian make a trip to Talia's secret fortress. Talia threatens to disown Damian if he does not leave being Robin and come back to her. To back up her threat, she shows Damian a clone that she has made of him. The clone is an exact duplicate - except for the fact that the clone is 10 years younger than Damian. Damian, though hurt, refuses to go along with his mother and leaves with Dick, who was confronting Slade while Damian was with his mother. Back in the cave, Dick, Damian, and Alfred find a bat-totem that seems to confirm that Bruce is stuck in the past. With this information, Dick goes to confront Oberon Sexton, who is under police protection. Sexton then reveals himself to really be the Joker.
The next story arc, "Batman and Robin Must Die!" begins with Simon Hurt holding Batman and Robin hostage. As Dick Grayson is beaten down and unmasked by Hurt's men, Dr. Hurt taunts him, asking whether Batman believes that a Grayson is superior to a Wayne. As Dick claims that Hurt has already been beaten, Hurt then shoots Dick in the back of the head while Robin watches.
A flashback of the events leading to this begins when Robin arrives at Oberon's apartment, where Dick has apprehended the Joker. As they begin questioning him, the Joker reveals that, since the death of "his Batman", he is no longer the "clown prince" that he once was and took on the identity of Oberon to gain the new Batman's trust. The Joker warns Batman that everyone will die unless Dick Grayson's Batman is as good as the last one.
Batman brings Gordon to the Batcave, where Batman theorizes that Pyg's virus might have been carried throughout a common cold as a Trojan virus. As Gordon shows signs of being infected, they receive an alert that the Joker has asked to see Robin alone. Batman and Gordon then rush to return to GCPD headquarters. Meanwhile, Robin (using a crowbar) is attempting to torture information out of the Joker. As Dick and Gordon race to stop Damian from killing the Joker, they are shot down mid-air by the Black Glove and Dick is knocked unconscious, leaving Gordon surrounded by an army of Dollotrons. At the same time, Professor Pyg is freed from Arkham by El Penitente's men.
The Joker then manages to escape GCPD headquarters by scratching Damian with Joker venom. Meanwhile, Batman and Commissioner Gordon are separated by the swarm of Dollotrons, who deliver Gordon to Professor Pyg and Doctor Hurt. Dick barely escapes when the new Batmobile self-destructs and wakes up in the Bat-Bunker. Dick attempts to contact Damian, but his com-link is answered by the Joker, who reveals his endgame: Batman and Robin, working for the Joker. Throughout the city, Pyg's infection has turned Gotham into a city of drug addicts, who are shown throwing the city into chaos.
Gordon is then showcased by Hurt to a group of crime lords, with Hurt declaring Gotham 'the new Capital of Crime'. Batman and Joker attack the event by incapacitating Pyg's Dollotrons and poisoning the audience with Joker venom, respectively. Dick, however, is taken prisoner by Dr. Hurt after an addicted Gordon knocks him out. The Joker (wearing his Oberon Sexton get-up and mask) is then seen preparing another attack on the Black Glove, implying that he intends to use a trussed-up Robin.
After sending Batman out after Dr. Hurt, Joker prepares to send Robin. Robin obeys in order to save Batman, whom the Joker claims is in 'the Devil's chopping block'. Meanwhile, Dr. Hurt (disguised as Thomas Wayne) returns and takes over Wayne Manor, addressing that he will save the city. Robin, meanwhile, manages to attack Professor Pyg, and frees a now-cured Gordon from the virus. Damian then advises the Commissioner (who guesses that enough rage can counter the virus) to take back the city, refusing Gordon's help. Robin, however, proves no match for Hurt's 99 Fiends gang, and is overpowered and delivered to Hurt, along with Batman.
The story then shifts to the present, with Hurt revealing that the shot to Batman's head is not fatal, but in 12 hours would result in a hematoma that would leave Dick incapacitated for life. In exchange for saving Dick, Hurt makes Robin promise to give up his soul, and assist him in resurrecting Barbatos through the box that Bruce Wayne encounters in ''Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne''. However, before Robin can pledge his soul to Hurt, someone whistles the tune that opens the box, revealing a note with the word "Gotcha". Batman and Robin (who were actually stalling all the time) take down Hurt together. The Dynamic Duo then points Hurt out to someone behind the villain. The shadowed figure is revealed to be none other than Bruce Wayne himself, who simply says, "It's all over".
Serving as the conclusion of "Batman and Robin Must Die!", the issue begins with a flashback to the 18th century depicting Simon Hurt's encounter with Darkseid's hyper-adapter during his cult's attempt to summon the demon Barbatos in a seance. In the present, Hurt sics his 99 Fiends gang on the Dynamic Duo and the recently returned Bruce Wayne. The trio defeats Hurt's thugs in a matter of minutes, and subsequently splits up, with Bruce pursuing Hurt into the Batcave and Dick and Damian leaving to Gotham Square in order to defuse Professor Pyg's bomb. As Bruce sprints down to the Batcave, Hurt reveals that he has Alfred hostage underwater before trapping Bruce in the decommissioned interrogation room. Meanwhile, Dick and Damian confront Pyg and turn his Dollotrons against him. As Dick collapses from his head wound, Damian climbs atop Pyg's float and defuses the bomb with seconds to spare.
Back at the Batcave, Bruce escapes the interrogation chamber with ease and attacks Hurt. Batman reveals that Hurt is neither his father nor Satan, but a delusional maniac driven insane (but granted extended longevity) by an encounter with an extraterrestrial weapon, who was treated by the real Dr. Thomas Wayne in the years before Bruce's birth. Hurt makes his escape by forcing Bruce to choose between capturing him or saving Alfred from drowning. As Bruce dives into the Batcave's waters to retrieve his butler from a flooded cockpit, Hurt flees the manor, only to be poisoned and buried alive by the Joker outside. The Joker is shortly thereafter beaten into submission by Bruce.
The next day, Dick is recovering from his bullet wound while the Gotham quarantine is lifted. That night, Bruce announces to the world that he has been secretly financing Batman for years, and is taking the Bat-Family's fight against crime to the next level; Batman Incorporated.
Batman and Robin investigate the disappearance the corpse of Una Nemo, one of Bruce Wayne's former girlfriends, who was shot in the head during Wayne's disappearance. After following a trail of clues involving the woman's empty grave, the return of Nemo's fake corpse, and an exploding fingernail serving as a trap, the Dynamic Duo head out to a church, where they find a seemingly brainwashed crowd playing out a fake wedding with a kidnapped technician. Fighting off the crowd, Batman and Robin rescue the technician, only to be trapped in the balcony above the church. Moments later, the technician flings himself down the crowd, removing the disguise to reveal Una Nemo, now calling herself the Absence.
Batman and Robin are shot down from their hiding place by the Absence, who orders her people to restrain the two. She then proceeds to relate her origin story, beginning with her break-up with Bruce Wayne, which hurts her terribly. During a cruise with her friend, Terri, a group of thugs hold up the ship. After seeing Terri shot dead, Una attempts to cut one of the thugs with her wine glass, only to be shot in the head and fall in the water.
Waking near the beach, she manages to return home and discovers she has Dandy Walker syndrome, which has allowed her to survive despite the gaping hole in her head. Disguising herself to attend her own funeral, she finds that none of the mourners cared for her very much, despite her status as a successful and kind businesswoman. The breaking point comes when she sees that Bruce Wayne failed to attend, and Una removes her bandages, her obsession with absence forged.
After telling her story to Batman and Robin, The Absence leaves, setting off an explosion in the church, saying: "Until [Bruce] notices I'm gone...I'll keep reminding him". Batman and Robin manage to escape the conflagration, and regroup in the Bat-Bunker, where Damian muses on his father's habit of pretending to like women as a disguise. After discussing the matter, Alfred decides to call Bruce, who talks with Dick about the matter. Bruce says that he is sorry, and warns Batman about what they both think the Absence will do next.
Meanwhile, Vicki Vale is attempting to write an article in her new apartment when she is confronted by the Absence, wielding a scissor and a bag of body parts belonging to Bruce's old girlfriends. Although the Absence manages to capture Batman and Robin, trapping them into a device that is set to drill holes in the middle of their heads, the drill bits prove to be fake. They escape the trap, but the Absence escapes.
Batman and Robin deal with the White Knight, a luminous villain whose modus operandi is to force family members of Arkham inmates to commit suicide in order to cut off their bloodlines, thus ending what he believes to be the insanity running through their veins. The White Knight possesses a tree containing totems of famous Arkham inmates (such as Victor Zsasz, the Mad Hatter, and the Man-Bat), with the names of their relations written on each totem. Dick, Damian and Alfred discuss Damian's choice to be Robin. After a showdown with in an illuminated Arkham Asylum, the White Knight's mechanical wings explode, fusing them to his body. It is revealed that Batman and Robin's new rogue is named Lewis Bayard, the son of a murdered Arkham guard. At his own Arkham cell, the White Knight begins a new Tree of Blood from a bonsai tree, hanging Batman and Robin's emblems from the limbs as the light goes out.
After a conversation with Bruce Wayne, it is revealed that Jason Todd, the Red Hood, has requested for a transfer from Arkham Asylum. Bruce warns Batman and Robin to keep a close eye on Red Hood; meanwhile, Jason proceeds to cause havoc on the minimal prison he is incarcerated in. After a spree which ends with many people poisoned in the cafeteria, the warden of the prison returns Red Hood to Arkham. Before Batman and Robin can arrive at the scene, the convoy transporting Jason is ambushed, and he is sprung free by a group of mercenaries with features like that of animals.
Introducing themselves as the Menagerie (a group of mercenaries whom Batman and the Red Hood identify as working in South America), the team was assigned to deliver Red Hood to a mysterious woman acting as their financier. Red Hood attempts to fight the Menagerie off but remains on the verge of defeat until Batman and Robin arrive. A sarcastic Jason sighs: "Thank God. It's Batman and Robin". Batman and Robin take out the mercenaries and attempt to recapture Todd, who, during the fight, uses one of the Menagerie as a hostage against both parties. At that moment, the mysterious person who orchestrated Todd's escape tells the Red Hood that she holds his previous sidekick, Scarlet, in a similar predicament.
Todd is then forced to work with Batman and Robin in an attempt to free Scarlet. He sets up a meeting with the woman, pretending to have gone off Batman and Robin's radar. The two crash the meeting, thanks to the Batmobile's stealth mode and a tracer swallowed by Todd, after which Batman, Robin and the Red Hood fight off their opponents together. The Red Hood once again flees during the battle with Scarlet by his side, hijacking a helicopter and preventing Batman and Robin from taking chase by setting off a series of charges throughout Gotham, with the promise to set off more. Batman and Robin reluctantly take off to defuse the bombs, while Jason Todd and Scarlet head towards an unknown destination.
In the last issue of ''Batman and Robin'' before the 2011 ''New 52'' relaunch of all of DC Comics' monthly titles, the main story is intercut with sepia-like pages of the main villain's origin. In it, Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne team up with Batman Incorporated representative Nightrunner to stop a breakout in Le Jardin Noir (The Black Garden), which acts as the Parisian equivalent of Arkham Asylum. The three attempt to quell a riot at the Louvre, which was incited by four Black Garden inmates, led by the mysterious Son of Man (garbed after the famous Magritte painting). The Son of Man appears to be obsessed with surrealist themes, which the Black Garden inmates apply to the famous museum.
The Id (an empathic manipulator), Sister Crystal (who possesses a hand that can turn anything into glass), Skin Talker (a man who makes hypnotic suggestions through the skin), and Ray Man (an illusion caster) initially cause trouble for all three. They eventually appear to splice Batman in half, turn Robin into glass, and Nightrunner into a cloth-like boneless structure. After a moment, Batman shakes off what is revealed as an illusion and rallies his allies, enabling them to take down the inmates. The three realize that the entire fight was being watched by the Son of Man. Bursting into the Son of Man's headquarters, Batman, Robin and Nightrunner watch as the Son of Man presents his story through a giant screen. Moments after his birth and his mother's subsequent death, the Son of Man's father decided to turn his son into a work of art. It is revealed that the father mutilates his infant son's face, taking his inspiration from Victor Hugo's ''The Man Who Laughs''.
The Son of Man (whose face is not shown throughout the course of the issue) reveals himself to be a red-haired lookalike of the Joker, after which he attempts to blow up the heroes using a remote-control device. Batman manages to stop him by using a riot foam dispenser he used against Sister Crystal. After his arrest, another surprise is revealed: the Son of Man, obsessed with the surreal, has managed to keep his father alive eternally by taking apart his body, encasing each part (including the organs) in a glass case. His father, now dismembered and arranged to form an art sculpture, is forced to watch the same sepia-colored home videos of his infant child in a continuous loop. The Son of Man's real name (Norman S. Rotrig) is a reference to the original writer of the series (as an anagram of his name).
Following the timeline-altering ''Flashpoint'' storyline, DC Comics cancelled all of their ongoing superhero titles and relaunched 52 new series, all starting with #1 issues in an initiative called ''The New 52''. Among the relaunched series was ''Batman and Robin''.
The relaunched DC Universe features several notable differences from its previous incarnation, making all of the established heroes roughly five years younger than their previous versions before the relaunch. While much of Batman's history from the previous DC Universe remains intact, Bruce Wayne is again the only hero serving as Batman and as such, he has replaced Dick Grayson in this title. Volume 2 features the exploits of Bruce and Damian, father and son, as Batman and Robin.
The team of writer Peter Tomasi and artist Patrick Gleason return to the title upon the relaunch, telling a story of a man from Bruce's past arriving in Gotham as both a vigilante and enemy of Batman, as well as trying to seduce Damian away from a form of crimefighting that defies his lethal and unpredictable skill and nature. The series takes place between ''Justice League International'' and ''Batman: The Dark Knight''.
Damian Wayne discovers it harder to work with Bruce and reveals that he prefers to work with Dick. When Bruce subjugates Damian to lessons that he had his previous "sons" undertake, he ends up telling Damian that he does not trust him. Morgan Ducard then strains the relationship between Damian and Bruce and manages to sway Damian over to his side. Morgan then takes Damian to his base with a prisoner and Damian reveals their alliance to be a ruse and gives away their location to Bruce. When Bruce arrives, a brutal battle ensues which ends with Damian killing Morgan and passing out.
Following the death of Damian Wayne in ''Batman Incorporated'' #8, the series continued, being known as ''Batman and...'' Each issue is meant to symbolize Bruce Wayne/Batman going through one of the five stages of grief. ''Batman and Red Robin'' #19 introduced Carrie Kelley, the Robin from the graphic novel ''The Dark Knight Returns'' to continuity as a former acting teacher of Damian's who is distrustful of his disappearance and Bruce Wayne's unconvincing explanations. ''Batman and Red Hood'' #20 sees Batman sabotage his repaired relationship with former Robin Jason Todd as he grows increasingly fixated on resurrecting Damian. ''Batman and Batgirl'' #21 saw Batman continue to alienate Batgirl despite her desire to repair their relationship, even offering to take up the mantle of Robin. ''Batman and Catwoman'' #22 saw a turning point in Batman's attitude as he assisted Catwoman in saving a young hostage from a group of terrorists. The issue ends with a silent appearance by Two-Face, hinting at the franchise's next story arc. ''Batman and Nightwing'' #23 concluded the '5 Stages of Grief' story arc with 'Acceptance'. Batman, with the help of Nightwing and a computerized simulation, is able to prove that he could have saved Damian, thus allowing him to finally move on from Damian's death. However, it is discovered that Alfred has been harboring feelings of tremendous guilt as he allowed Damian to leave the house against Bruce's orders the night that he died. Bruce consoles a heartbroken Alfred as he shuts down the simulation.
In September 2013, for "Villains Month", ''Batman and Robin'' centers on Two-Face, the Court of Owls, Ra's al Ghul and Killer Croc, in four point-one issues. Issue #23.1 shows Two-Face as he dispenses justice with the flip of the coin now that there is no Batman to stop him. In issue #23.2, some of the history of the Court of Owls is seen, as well as teasing a future storyline in ''Talon''. In issue #37, published in December 2014, Batman revives Damian using a Chaos Shard. Damian returns to the role of Robin after this, though he finds himself endowed with Kryptonian-like superpowers due to the nature of his revival. These powers disappeared soon after, and Batman and Robin temporarily parted ways.
Frannie Falconer has a crush on Jeffrey Osbourne, but is shy around him, so her gay best friend Marcus Beaureg suggests that she chat with him online, as it takes away some of the nausea of face-to-face conversation. That does not work, so Marcus decides to write conversations for her. At first, this works because Frannie is hovering over his shoulder, however Marcus continues the conversations when Frannie is not around and it is unclear exactly who Jeffrey likes. Frannie worries that Marcus may be jealous of her spending time with Jeffrey and his group. Frannie finds out that Marcus has been posing as her online and they get into a fight. She calls Jenn, another friend, and they realize that Jeffrey was not falling for Frannie, but for 'Marcus posing as Frannie. Frannie seduces Jeffrey by wearing a negligee and serving him ginseng-laced hot cacao, but when he throws up, she decides he must be gay. Marcus and Frannie reconcile, and she tells him of her suspicions of Jeffrey's sexuality. They decide to take Jeffrey to a meeting of the school's Gay-Straight Alliance, but this does not give them any information, so Marcus decides hook up with Jeffrey. While waiting for Marcus to see a movie, Glenn, Jeffrey's best friend, shows up, telling her that Marcus told him to go there. Marcus calls, telling Frannie he cannot make it and she realizes that Marcus is setting her up with Glenn. She tells Glenn about it, and he reveals that he is gay and denies that Jeffrey is. Frannie and Glenn rush to Buckingham Fountain, where Marcus is just about to kiss Jeffrey. Everything gets sorted out, and Jeffrey confesses that he needed help with the online conversations as well, so Glenn helped him, and eventually the same thing that happened with Marcus and Frannie happened with them. Jeffrey and Frannie leave, while Glenn talks to Marcus and kisses him. Frannie tells Jeffrey that they would be better off as friends. In the end, Glenn ends up with Marcus, the German girl Astrid is hitting on Jeffrey, and Frannie ends up with a freaky quasi-cowboy she met at a line-dancing place Marcus's grandmother made them go.
Jimmy loves dinosaurs and sleeps on the top bunk. Unfortunately, Jimmy is 40 and shares that bunk with Bob , his 10-year-old nephew. Freshly divorced, Jimmy lives with his sister Aiko and her family while boldly searching for a new wife. His brother in-law, Tak thinks he's a disaster. And although Jimmy may lack social grace, he is convinced the best years of his life are just beginning. His plan seems like it’s all falling into place when Tak's beautiful niece Ramona moves in. But once Jimmy sets his sights on stealing her from his best friend Tim, he sees his intentions go hilariously awry.
David is a ten-year-old boy who plays the violin and does not know his last name. He leads an idyllic life in the mountains with his father, until his father becomes gravely ill, forcing them to go down into the valley. With his father's health worsening, they spend the night in a barn. Just before he dies, the father gives David a large number of gold coins, telling him to hide them until they are needed. David plays the violin to soothe his "sleeping father" and is found by Simeon Holly and his wife. Realizing the man is dead, they try to figure out who David is, but all he can tell them is that he is "just David."
David is unable to tell them his last name, his father's name, or if he has any relatives. They find some letters on the dead man, but the signature on it is illegible. The couple reluctantly let him stay with them as he reminds them of their own son, John, whom they no longer speak with. David learns to adjust to live in the village, taking one of his two violins with him wherever he goes and "playing" the world around him, such as playing "the sunset" and "the flowers," and using his music to express his feelings. His innocence and musical skills charm the villagers and change several of their lives, uniting in marriage two childhood sweethearts who had grown apart. He also changes the Hollys, healing Simeon's heart enough that he reconnects with his son and allows him to come visit with his new wife and child.
During the visit, they learn that David's violins are quite valuable. His own is an Amati and his father's, which he had loaned to a blind friend, a Stradivarius. Reading the old letter from David's father, John recognizes the signature and realizes that David's father was a world-famous violinist who had disappeared with his son after his wife's death. David is sent to be reunited with his relatives and to study the violin. He becomes famous and wealthy, but continues to visit the Hollys every year to play for them.
The player arrives to find the meeting place attacked by Kassynder's mercenaries. With the help of Marten Guiscard, another Legion descendant, the player tracks down Odo at a former Legion safehouse. After hearing what happened, the player is tasked with finding other survivors and information on the attacks. After fighting more of Kassynder's forces, the player travels to Stonebridge City to reopen the Legion's Grand Chapter-house there as a sign of their resurgence. On the way to Stonebridge they help a group of royalist soldiers fighting Kassynder.
After reopening the Stonebridge chapter-house, the player seeks to enlist the support of the royalists by aiding Queen Roslyn against Kassynder's assault on her position and the help of the City of Stonebridge by helping the city council. Their support ensured, the player attacks Kassynder's capital. After prevailing against Kassynder in battle, she is revealed to be an archon who was seeking to reawaken her long lost masters in the Rukkenvahl Forest, but only managed to create a mutant god. After it is defeated, Kassynder is captured alive in the forest. The player may then choose to either kill or spare Jeyne; if her life is spared, the player can decide to have her stand trial, deliver her to the Queen, exile her or ask for her help in rebuilding the kingdom. The game ends with Odo narrating the events that happen afterwards based on the player's choices in the game.
The plot of the game is mostly unrelated to ''Slayers Royal'', with the exception of the appearance of the elf boy Lark. It also contains some elements from the film ''Slayers Gorgeous''.
Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev travel to the remote countryside town of Dorutohaut after Lina receives a summons from that town's local sorcerer's guild. Once the two arrive, they speak with the local guild director who indicates that some bandits robbed the local church and stole a valuable amulet and that Lina apparently with the aid of a blonde swordsman and a long-haired sorceress defeated these bandits. Lina and Gourry encounter Naga the Serpent and it is made clear that Naga was the long haired sorceress Greg was talking about and that two individuals have been going around impersonating both Lina and Gourry. Arriving at the church, they are promised a rich reward if they can recover the amulet from the impostors. Lina and Gourry accept the job and set out to find Naga. In the midst of searching for the amulet, a mysterious person who calls herself Alicia attempts to halt the group's progress, stating that the amulet must not be found without giving an explanation as to why. Lina and Gourry, now accompanied by Naga eventually find the imposter Lina, but Naga turns on Lina and Gourry in order to claim the reward for herself. Eventually, Lina and Gourry manage to reclaim the amulet and by extension the reward.
At this point, the church's priest Robert explains the true value of this legendary amulet, stating that it is the key to opening the seal to five towers scattered throughout the land that were created long ago by the legendary sorcerer Rei Magnus. Robert then tasks Lina and Gourry to uncover whatever secrets these towers may hold. This task is made difficult though as Naga accompanied by the two imposters seeks to claim the treasure for herself and Alicia periodically appears to try to halt Lina's progress. Along the way, Lina and Gourry once again meet with Zelgadis, Amelia, Sylphiel and Lark from the first ''Slayers Royal'' game all in a quest to uncover the truth behind the five towers of Rei Magnus.
After three years in the Navy, Bus Riley (Michael Parks) returns to his hometown, moves back in with his mother and sisters, and begins trying to make a life for himself. He suffers a series of personal and career disappointments. Riley is a highly skilled mechanic, but resists suggestions that he work for the local garage and attend college at night, as he aspires to a career he considers more respectable and prestigious.
Riley discovers that an older male friend who has promised him a mortician's job wants a live-in sexual relationship as part of the bargain; disillusioned, Riley rejects the offer. He takes a job as a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman, but ends up fending off advances from lonely housewives. To compound his unhappiness, Riley learns that his beautiful but shallow girlfriend Laurel (Ann-Margret) has married a wealthy older man in his absence. Bored with her society life, Laurel dives fully clothed into the swimming pool at her home one night and by showing how her wet clothing has molded itself to her breasts, lures Riley into having an affair with her against his better judgment.
Judy (Janet Margolin), a family friend, loses her mother and her home in a fire, leading to a romance with Riley that gives him hope for the future. He takes the garage job. After his sisters and mother learn of his affair with Laurel and confront him, Riley realizes he does not love the selfish and manipulative Laurel and breaks up with her for good, regaining the self-confidence to be proud of his work at the garage.
As a boy growing up in Coatbridge, Scotland, Peter Marshall loves the sea and wishes to work on a ship. Several years later, he is caught in a fog, and nearly falls over a ledge. Survival compels him to dedicate his life to the ministry. He begins working double-shifts to save enough money to go to school in America. He gets there, and again works very hard to save enough to pay for divinity school. Upon graduation, he is called to serve as pastor at a rural church in Covington, Georgia.
His sermons are well-received, and soon, people are coming from near and far. Catherine Wood, from nearby Agnes Scott College, falls in love with Peter the first time she hears him speak.
Catherine impresses Peter by helping him at an event for college students where she gives an extemporaneous speech using quotes from his sermons. They eventually marry. Their honeymoon is spent on an ocean voyage and fishing trip. Catherine gets seasick, and refuses to get into a fishing boat.
They return from their honeymoon to Washington, D.C., where Peter has accepted a position as pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. Services are sparsely attended, and Peter invites people from all walks of life. This incurs the wrath of the local church snob, but despite this the services are soon overflowing.
Peter's son, Peter John, is born the morning of December 7, 1941. That morning, as Pearl Harbor is attacked, Peter preaches at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. He is inspired to change his planned sermon to a sermon about death and eternal life. He describes death as going to sleep in one room and waking up the next morning in the room where you belong.
Catherine contracts tuberculosis and is bedridden. She listens to Peter's sermon about a woman healed by touching the hem of Jesus' robes. When Peter returns home, Catherine has left her bed and walked down the stairs of her home for the first time in three years.
Peter and Catherine buy a vacation home in Cape Cod. Peter takes his son fishing, but Catherine refuses to go on the water.
When they return, Peter is stricken ill while preaching, and is rushed to the hospital. He has suffered a coronary thrombosis. After a short time of rest, he returns to preaching, and accepts an appointment as Chaplain of the United States Senate. One night, Peter wakes Catherine, telling her that he is in pain. As an ambulance is taking him away, she asks to come along. He says she must stay with their son, and that he will see her in the morning. Later, the hospital calls to let her know Peter has died. That summer, she takes her son to the cottage at Cape Cod. He wants to go out on the boat. She realizes he can't go alone and she gets in the boat with him.
Claude (Vince Edwards) is a disaffected man who, in search of fast money to purchase a $28,000 house, decides to become a contract killer for a Mr. Brink. After proving his worth by killing targets in a barber shop and a hospital for a Mr. Moon (Michael Granger), whom he then kills at Brink's behest, Claude is given a contract to kill a witness in a high-profile trial, which starts in two weeks in Los Angeles.
At first calm about the assignment, spending the first several days sightseeing to check if his handlers, George (Herschel Bernardi) and Marc (Phillip Pine), are being followed, Claude becomes agitated when he discovers the witness in question is a woman, Billie Williams (Caprice Toriel); in his opinion, women are harder to kill than men, because they are "unpredictable". Claude scrambles to find a way to kill Billie, who never leaves her closely guarded house. After two attempts, Claude believes he has killed her, but later discovers that he mistakenly killed a policewoman instead, and the police have covered it up to avoid further attempts on Billie's life.
Out of ideas and convinced the contract is "jinxed", Claude quits, only to find George and Marc have now been instructed to kill him. After killing the men, Claude finally succeeds in sneaking into Billie's house via a culvert, but hesitates when he is about to strangle her. The police arrive; Claude attempts to escape via the culvert but is killed in a shoot-out.
Con artists Leonard and Don have been having great success with a scam in which Leonard pretends to channel the spirit of Delos, a citizen of ancient Atlantis who lived to be 500 years old, and answers questions with his wisdom. They are moving on from doing profitable seminars to television appearances and book deals. As they discuss their upcoming schedule, Leonard unintentionally speaks in his Delos voice.
In a pre-interview for a television talk show, Leonard speaks in the voice again, saying all truth is subjective. Don and the producer are puzzled by Leonard's speaking as Delos without any pretense of going into a trance. Offended by their apparent lack of understanding, "Delos" snipes that the producer's boss is an adulteress and a drug user, prematurely ending the interview. Leonard has no memory of anything that happened during his time as Delos. Don has him go to a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist thinks Leonard is just trying to buy credibility for his scam, and throws him out after Delos starts talking about the psychiatrist's dead wife. On the live television appearance, Leonard is again possessed. The spirit not only denies being Delos, but tells the audience that Delos does not exist, and says that his believers are all gullible sheep.
As a result, Leonard and Don's sponsors pull out and they are hit with a swarm of lawsuits. Don berates Leonard for not getting control of his alternate personality and severs their partnership. Leonard descends further into madness, now hearing the nameless spirit speak to him directly. As Leonard rages, the spirit tells him it will remain with him for the foreseeable future.
Louise Simonson is a doting housewife to her tyrannical and abusive husband Jack. She receives a package from her sister: a sculpture of a Doberman Pinscher, a belated birthday present.
When Jack leaves on a fishing trip, Louise cradles the Doberman sculpture, and a real Doberman appears outside Jack's automobile and barks angrily at him. Louise has her sister Claire over. Claire is aware that Jack beats Louise and says she should leave him, but Louise says it is not his fault.
After Jack returns from his fishing trip, he and Louise host a dinner party with Claire and her husband Phil. Jack takes Phil into the garage and asks him to lie to support his "fishing trip" story, which is actually a cover for an affair Jack is having with a woman named Denise. Louise overhears. The Doberman appears in the garage and barks at Jack again. He shoots at it with a shotgun, but it vanishes. Since only Jack saw the dog, the police are skeptical of his story, and even berate him for firing his shotgun.
Louise confronts Jack about his extramarital affair. The dog appears inside the house, and everywhere Jack tries to go he runs into another Doberman. Sobbing, Louise tells Jack that her anger at him made the dog appear, and she can no longer make it go away because she does not love him anymore. Jack tries breaking the sculpture, but the dog does not vanish, and finally attacks Jack. Fearing for Jack's life, Louise finds the will to command the dog to stop attacking, then stand at attention and disappear.
Louise leaves Jack. A still injured Jack says he will come after her if she leaves, but she confidently answers, "No, you won't." The dog briefly appears in the front passenger seat and snarls at Jack. She drives away, leaving the viewer to decide whether this last appearance of the Doberman is simply a manifestation of Jack's fear or Louise can now manifest the Doberman at will.
Hallie Parker is a disillusioned author of children's books, believing that her stories do not appeal to the "video generation". Aside from writing, she is passionate in reading children her stories in the local library. However, since new forms of entertainment are overlapping the old her audience has dwindled. One day a woman named Nancy Harris requests Hallie autograph one of her books for her son Brian, who is sick. Hallie, overcome with sympathy, offers to visit him in person.
When she arrives, Hallie shows Brian the autograph she wrote for him and reads to him from the book. Brian asks her if she will come back and read more but Hallie tells him she is moving to Arizona.
At her home, Hallie is woken by sounds of laughing children, and confronted by blowing drapes, moving rocking chairs, and a window broken by a baseball. When her real estate agent visits with a young couple looking to buy her house, she persists in following them around and making awkward conversation during the tour. When one of the couple slips on a roller skate left on the stairs, they deem that the last straw and storm out. The real estate agent suggests that Hallie does not really want to sell the house.
Hallie discovers the book she signed for Brian. Thinking it must have been stolen, she calls the Harris house. Nancy says that Brian died and the book was buried with him. Hallie hears voices upstairs, and goes to investigate. She finds ghosts of Brian and other children. They want Hallie to stay and read them stories. She is relieved when she realizes that she is now useful and has a reason to stay in her home.
Joseph and Harriet Blackstone, and Joseph's mother Lilian, are immigrants from England on the ''SS Albert'' into the South Island of New Zealand in 1860s. After settling the two women into accommodation in Christchurch, Joseph travels to the foothills near the Okuku river to build their Cob House. Joseph returns to Christchurch once the house has been built and the three of them set off to start their new lives on their farm.
The harsh first winter brings with it problems which threaten the viability of their farm, but Joseph's chance finding of gold in the nearby creek changes the situation. Not telling Harriet about the find, Joseph abandons the farm and travels by boat to Hokitika on the West Coast of the South Island where major gold strikes have occurred.
After Lilian's death, Harriet also travels to Hokitika and delivers that news to Joseph. The search for gold, the 'colour', goes on in difficult conditions. Joseph's encounters with Will Sefton, a young man whom he met on the boat bringing them to the West Coast, and Pao Yi, a Chinese gardener befriended by Harriet, add flavour to the dynamics of the searching couple's relationship which has become distant and strained. Joseph's guilt surrounding events in England prior to their emigration impact on this separation.
After establishing Trans World Operations (TWO), private military contractors Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem head to Shanghai, where they are tasked with meeting their contact, JB. He leads the two to a back alley to collect their gear and weapons before proceeding to plant locator beacons throughout strategic locations in Shanghai. After planting the last of the beacons and an encounter with overzealous security guards, they regroup on a rooftop of a building.
Handler Alice Murray radios in and tells them they will get extra cash for terminating JB; Rios and Salem can either choose to kill him or lie to Alice about his escape. Following JB's fate, Shanghai comes under attack by terrorists, ravaging the city. Rios and Salem barely escape the building and encounter the 40th Day Initiative mercenaries attempting to kill them. They manage to contact Alice, who informs them that she is alive but trapped in the South African Consulate. They head for the consulate, dispatching groups of mercenaries well as encountering civilian hostages, whom they either rescue or leave behind. Inside the consulate, Rios and Salem discover Alice being held hostage in an office. After freeing her, the three fight their way to the main hall, where a crashed helicopter allows them to escape into the underground tunnels.
Rios and Salem pass through the tunnels and a highway, rescuing hostages and fighting through the mercenaries. They manage to make their way to the Shanghai Zoo where they encounter more mercenaries and are guided by the zoo employees.
After leaving the zoo, Rios and Salem are contacted by Alice, who has managed to reach a safe area and instructs them to locate a communications tower to signal for help. Rios and Salem fight through rooftops to reach the communication tower, but they only find an empty room. They decide to continue searching and jump to an adjacent balcony, but it suddenly gives way, and Salem plummets down to the ground and is knocked unconscious. Salem awakens 24 hours later in a hospital, where they are met by Dr. Wu, who asks for their help in evacuating the patients. Rios and Salem defend the hospital from the mercenaries before heading to a nearby mall.
The pair are held captive at the mall until freed by a mercenary named Breznev, who then instructs Rios and Salem to plant bombs to disrupt the mercenaries' communication center. The two successfully plant the bombs and go their separate ways from Breznev. After exiting the mall, Alice contacts the pair that she has a helicopter en route to extract them. Despite their efforts in destroying the defending anti-aircraft guns, the extraction chopper is shot down and destroyed, and Alice is presumed dead.
As Rios and Salem bunker down to rest, they realize that they will not be able to escape and instead decide to exact revenge on the 40th Day Initiative by killing their leader, Jonah Wade. They manage to track him to a heavily fortified temple, and the pair fight through it until they reach the inner sanctum, finally meeting Jonah. Jonah then justifies his actions as a violent social experiment to force the world to turn back from the moral decay that is destroying it while holding a device that he claims is the trigger for a nuclear bomb located deep in the city.
He offers Rios and Salem a choice to make an "Act of Sacrifice" by having one shoot the other or choose to kill him and his invading force, which will detonate the bomb and kill seven million people. Regardless of choice taken, Jonah reveals that the bomb was a hoax. Killing one's partner ends the game with an epilogue where the surviving partner laments taking his friend's life, while Killing Jonah ends the game with an epilogue of him reflecting on his motivations as UN forces begin to move into the city.
The storyline follows Morag Gunn from her tough childhood in Manitoba, Canada to middle-age adult life. A key theme of the movie is Morag's search for love. The story also introduces unique characters from the Manawaka series. The film provides a glimpse into many ways that society creates outcasts socially. The film also explores mythology, as illustrated by Christie's Scottish Piper Gunn, Métis hero Jules Tonnerre, Morag's novel and songs by Skinner and Piquette. As Margaret Laurence's crowning achievement, ''The Diviners'' shows that truth and love can be "divined" in many ways.
A young Cornish woman, Ellen Roxburgh, travels to the Australian colony of Van Diemen's Land (now "Tasmania") in the early 1830s with her older husband, Austin, to visit his brother Garnet Roxburgh. After witnessing the brutalities of Van Diemen's Land, the Roxburghs embark on their return trip to England on the ''Bristol Maid''. But the ship runs aground on the coral reef off the coast of what is now Queensland. Ellen is the only survivor from the leaky vessel in which the passengers and crew travel to the shore. She is rescued by the Aboriginal people of the island, and she later meets Jack Chance, a convict who has escaped from Moreton Bay (now Brisbane), the brutal penal settlement to the south. It is Chance who escorts her through the dangerous coastal territory south to the outskirts of the settlement, but who refuses to accompany her further and returns to his exile. She returns to "civilisation" transformed and tormented by her experience with Garnet in Van Diemen's Land, with the Aboriginal people, and with Chance.
The novel sets in sharp relief the distinctions between men and women, whites and blacks, the convicts and the free, and English colonists and Australian settlers. The contrast between Ellen's rural Cornish background and the English middle class she has married into is also highlighted.
On 11 February 1990, Nelson Mandela is released from Victor Verster Prison after having spent 27 years in jail. Four years later, Mandela is elected the first black President of South Africa. His presidency faces enormous challenges in the post-Apartheid era, including rampant poverty and crime, and Mandela is particularly concerned about racial divisions between black and white South Africans, which could lead to violence. The ill will which both groups hold towards each other is seen even in his own security detail where relations between the established white officers, who had guarded Mandela's predecessors, and the black ANC additions to the security detail, are frosty and marked by mutual distrust.
While attending a game between the Springboks, the country's rugby union team, and England, Mandela recognises that some black people in the stadium are cheering for England, and not their own country, as the mostly-white Springboks represent prejudice and apartheid in their minds; he remarks that he did the same while imprisoned on Robben Island. Knowing that South Africa is set to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup in one year's time, Mandela persuades a meeting of the newly black-dominated South African Sports Committee to support the Springboks. He then meets with the captain of the Springboks rugby team, François Pienaar (Matt Damon), and implies that a Springboks victory in the World Cup will unite and inspire the nation. Mandela also shares with François a British poem, "Invictus", that had inspired him during his time in prison.
François and his teammates train. Many South Africans, both black and white, doubt that rugby will unite a nation torn apart by nearly 50 years of racial tensions, as for many black people, especially the radicals, the Springboks symbolise white supremacy. Both Mandela and Pienaar, however, stand firmly behind their theory that the game can successfully unite the South African country.
Things begin to change as the players interact with the fans and begin a friendship with them. During the opening games, support for the Springboks begins to grow among the black population. By the second game, the whole country comes together to support the Springboks and Mandela's efforts. Mandela's security team also grows closer as the racially diverse officers come to respect their comrades' professionalism and dedication.
As Mandela watches, the Springboks defeat one of their arch-rivals—Australia, the defending champions and known as the Wallabies—in their opening match. They then continue to defy all expectations and, as Mandela conducts trade negotiations in Taiwan, defeat France in heavy rain to advance to the final against their other arch-rival: New Zealand, known as the All Blacks. New Zealand and South Africa were universally regarded as the two greatest rugby nations, with the Springboks then the only side to have a winning record (20–19–2) against the All Blacks, since their first meeting in 1921.
Meanwhile one day during the tournament, the Springbok team visited Robben Island, where Mandela spent the first 18 of his 27 years in jail. There, Pienaar is inspired by Mandela's will and his idea of self-mastery in "Invictus". François mentions his amazement that Mandela "could spend thirty years in a tiny cell, and come out ready to forgive the people who put him there".
Supported by a large home crowd of all races at Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg, Pienaar motivates his teammates for the final. Mandela's security detail receives a scare when, just before the match, a South African Airways Boeing 747-200 jetliner flies in low over the stadium. However, it is not an assassination attempt, but a demonstration of patriotism, with the message "Good Luck, Bokke"—the Springboks' Afrikaans nickname—painted on the undersides of the plane's wings. Mandela also famously arrives onto the field before the match wearing a Springbok cap and a replica of Pienaar's #6 jersey.
The Springboks complete their run by beating the All Blacks 15–12 in extra time, thanks to a drop goal from fly-half Joel Stransky. Mandela and Pienaar meet on the field together to celebrate the improbable and unexpected victory, and Mandela hands Pienaar the William Webb Ellis Cup, as the Springboks are now indeed rugby union's world champions. Mandela's car then drives away in the traffic-jammed streets leaving the stadium. He insists that there is no hurry as his security team wanted to change the route due to the cheering crowd. As Mandela watches South Africans celebrating together in the street from his car, his voice is heard reciting "Invictus" again.
The series focuses on the characters of the elite Marine Corps team the Leatherneck Raiders and their lives in the Pacific theater of World War II.
Famous ballet dancer Alexey Temnikov (Sergey Bezrukov) dedicated his whole life to the stage, performing in various halls around the world. The press referred to him as "genius of dance" and compared him with Mikhail Baryshnikov.
But in the 1990s, Temnikov suffered a serious spinal injury, which interrupted his dancing career. Alexey returned to his native town in the suburbs with a population of 70 thousand people and opened his own dance school-studio and an apothecary business.
After 20 years, Alexey's life does not change, he still lives in his hometown, where he teaches dance. He has a girlfriend named Marina (Karina Andolenko), who is pregnant with his child. Also, Alexey finds out that he has a 12-year-old daughter Chiara, who wants Alexey to teach her dance. But Alexey does not show any initiative in marriage or being a father. After teaching his dance classes, Alexey locks himself up in his office, where he regularly asks himself: "What will be left from me after I'm gone?".
But soon the old trauma, once again makes itself felt. He finds out that soon he will not even be able to walk, which to Alexey is the same as death.
Sometime ago he created an original ballet set to Prokofiev's music, but did not yet have the courage make a public performance out of it. Alexey becomes convinced that now is the time for him to make a comeback and to stage the ballet.
Versory is a literary lecturer engaged in spreading English culture ("from Beowulf to Dylan Thomas") throughout Germany. He needs a ride after delivering a talk to a group of matrons. Versory is surprised that his driver is a young woman, Hannelore. He sees her as a blonde beauty with a charming personality, and becomes infatuated with her. They arrange to meet again in Paris, to attend a meeting of literary lecturers from other countries.
Once in Paris, Versory becomes suspicious to how Hannelore can afford her expensive clothes and habits. After their meeting, Hannelore states that there is no way to contact her and that she will get in touch with him. She contacts him regularly and indicates her affection for him. Versory continues to be suspicious of Hannelore and wonders what she is hiding. Versory himself is not what he appears to be. His career as a lecturer serves as a cover for other activities. Versory has a connection with a gentleman from South America. Hannelore is found in the establishment of Mme.Putiphar. Vesory's chief takes Hannelore in his sports car and drives off somewhere. There is ambiguity to whether Hennelore loves Versory or whether she is using him. The ending reveals the truth surrounding Hannelore.
Willy Loman has led a life consisting of 60 years of failure. Loman's wife supports him, but he soon begins to lose his grip on reality and slips between the past and the present, frantically trying to find where he went wrong.
For a detailed plot, see ''Oliver Twist''.
In Echo Park, California, Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) and his best friend Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez) make an unsuccessful attempt to escape Chuck's birthday party hosted by his sister Ellie (Sarah Lancaster). Despite the efforts of Ellie and her boyfriend, "Captain Awesome" (Ryan McPartlin), for Chuck to socialize with the party's female guests, Chuck dispels the women by explaining how years earlier his Stanford University roommate, Bryce Larkin (Matthew Bomer), had him expelled and began a relationship with Chuck's girlfriend, Jill Roberts.
Meanwhile, Bryce, a rogue CIA agent, is shown breaking into a top-secret government computer center and downloading a vast amount of data to his PDA before destroying the computer. As Bryce attempts to escape, he is shot dead by NSA agent Major John Casey (Adam Baldwin), but not before emailing the data to Chuck and self-destructing his PDA. After viewing the rapid series of images, Chuck experiences a series of "flashes"The episode establishes that a user who has subliminally retained the Intersect data receives feedback from it in the form of what Chuck labels "flashes". Chuck has several flashes throughout the episode. of data, triggered by things he hears and sees, including a strange man (Nickolas Pajon).
In Washington, D.C., Casey is informed by the National Security Director (Wendy Makkena) and CIA Director Langston Graham (Tony Todd) that the computer Bryce destroyed was a government database called the Intersect, which the NSA and CIA used as a joint resource to identify threats to the government. Casey is ordered to track down the recipient of Bryce's email in California.
At work at the Buy More, Chuck is approached at the Nerd Herd counter by Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski). After Chuck fixes Sarah's phone, she leaves him her phone number, but he decides not to call her. He arrives home to find an intruder stealing his computer. After the computer is dropped and destroyed, the intruder escapes and is revealed to be Sarah, a CIA agent.
Sarah takes Chuck on a date to find out what he knows. Sarah spots and quickly dispatches an NSA team following but flees with Chuck when she spots Casey. Sarah leads Chuck up to the top floor of a skyscraper and attempts to call in an evacuation while Chuck explains what happened when he uploaded the Intersect. Sarah then aims her gun at Chuck when Casey arrives on the roof. Sarah warns Casey that Chuck uploaded the Intersect and tells Chuck that their mutual friend Bryce is dead. Chuck then flashes on the building where the visiting General Stanfield (Dale Dye) is giving an address and puts together all the pieces from the flashes he had been having: the stranger in the Large Mart is a demolitions expert and has set a bomb to destroy the conference. Chuck, Sarah, and Casey locate the bomb in the conference hall and Chuck defuses the bomb by deliberately infecting the machine with a computer virus.
Sarah reassures Chuck that he will remain at the Buy More, while she and Casey watch over him. He is to work with them until they can discover a way for the Intersect to be removed from his brain. All she asks is that Chuck trust her.
''Tokyo Sonata'' is about a middle-class family in Tokyo, the Sasakis, which consists of Ryūhei Sasaki, his wife Megumi, and their two sons Takashi and Kenji.
Ryūhei has a good office job, but is suddenly fired because Chinese workers are cheaper. While attempting to find a new job, Ryūhei encounters an old classmate on the street, Kurosu, who has also recently been downsized. Kurosu uses a feature on his mobile phone that plays the ring tone periodically, so that it may fool others into believing he is still employed. This intrigues Ryūhei, who decides to hide the fact that he has been fired from his family. While the two men hopelessly try to find new work, Kurosu's wife slowly begins to suspect her husband's unemployment. Kurosu is later found dead together with his wife from gas poisoning in a double suicide, thought to be initiated by Kurosu.
Takashi, the oldest son, joins the US military and is deployed to war in the Middle East. Kenji, the younger son, wishes to learn to play the piano, even though his father refuses to allow him piano lessons. Kenji takes lessons secretly, and pays for them using his lunch money. Gradually, Kenji develops a strong relationship with his piano teacher, Miss Kaneko, who urges him to pursue his musical ambitions. When his parents find out about Kenji's secret piano lessons, Megumi, who is generally closer to the children, is supportive, but Ryūhei is so furious that he attacks his son, accidentally causing him a minor concussion.
One day, Megumi, while alone at home, is taken hostage by an unemployed man who broke in looking for money. The robber forces Megumi to drive a car he has stolen previously. After a long drive, he allows her leave the car to use the restroom where she has the opportunity to escape. However, she encounters her husband at the mall working in his secret job as a janitor and decides to return to her captor saying that she cannot return home.
That night, Megumi, Ryūhei, and Kenji all have experiences away from home in which they confront the full extent of their existential disquiet.
Kenji attempts to help a friend run away from home, but the latter is caught by his father. Kenji tries to leave town by sneaking onto a bus, but he is caught. Unwilling to answer the questions of the police, Kenji is charged as an adult and kept in a group cell overnight. He is released the following day when the charges are dismissed.
Megumi and the burglar drive to the beach together, where they spend the night in a wood shed. Megumi resigns to the robber's sexual advances, but he ultimately is unable to go through with the act itself. Megumi consoles the robber that he is not a failure, saying that he is the only person who can be himself. Later that night, as the robber sleeps, Megumi spots a strange light on the horizon over the sea. She goes out to look for the light and falls asleep on the beach. The next morning, the robber has driven the stolen car into the ocean, and Megumi returns home.
Meanwhile, as he cleans the bathrooms at the mall where he works, Ryūhei discovers an envelope stuffed with cash behind one of the toilets. He pockets it and encounters Megumi while fleeing the bathrooms, from whom he runs away. Ryūhei then despairingly wanders into the Tokyo night, is hit by a truck, and left for dead. He lies on the side of the street amid some leaves and sleeps there overnight, only to find himself waking up in the morning unharmed. He deposits the envelope of cash in a local lost-and-found bucket, and is the last to arrive back at the house, where the three family members share a meal together without mentioning the events of the previous night.
Four months later, Ryūhei appears to be engaged in his cleaning job. Takashi sends a letter home from the field, noting that he has realized that the U.S military is not the only right side and that he will stay in the Middle East to search his happiness there. The final scene depicts Kenji performing "Clair de Lune" from the Suite bergamasque at his audition with Megumi, Ryūhei, and his piano teacher watching. His performance is flawless.