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What a Carve Up! (film)

The relatives of Gabriel Broughton are summoned to Blackshaw Towers, an old, isolated country house in the middle of moorlands in Yorkshire, to hear the reading of his will. Gabriel's nervous nephew Ernest Broughton brings along his flatmate Syd Butler for support. At the large, gloomy mansion, they meet Guy Broughton, Ernest's cousin; Malcolm Broughton, a piano player who claims everyone is "quite mad"; Janet Broughton and Dr Edward Broughton, Guy's sister and father, respectively; Emily Broughton, a dotty old woman who believes the First World War is still on; and Linda Dixon, Gabriel's nurse. To their surprise, the solicitor Everett Sloane reveals that they have all inherited nothing, except for Linda, who is bequeathed Gabriel's medicines and syringe, much to her amusement.

The lights go out, and Ernest and Syd accompany Fisk, the butler, outside to try to effect repairs. They are unsuccessful, but on the way back, they find the body of Dr. Broughton. Syd states it was murder, but when he tries to telephone the police, he discovers the wire has been cut. With everyone stranded for the night, Sloane recommends they all lock themselves in their rooms. Ernest gets lost and enters Linda's room by mistake. She proposes that he stay the night with her, but he beats a hasty retreat and persuades the imperturbable Syd to share his room.

When Ernest goes to use the toilet, someone tries to stab the sleeping Syd, then desists when he speaks up. Ernest starts playing "Chopsticks" on the organ. Malcolm joins him in a duet, but is stabbed in the back. Ernest's screams bring the others, and Sloane observes that the room was locked from the inside, so the solicitor recommends locking him in. Syd stays with Ernest, certain he is not the killer. They discover a secret passage, uncovering the means by which the murderer was able to leave the locked room. The survivors decide to remain together in the lounge for safety, but Janet is struck by a poison dart shot from behind a painting on the wall. They suspect Fisk, who was not present, but he has an airtight alibi. Sloane decides on his own to go to the village and fetch the police. When the others return to the room, Emily, who remained behind, insists she spoke to Gabriel. Syd and Guy check the coffin, but Gabriel's body is there. Then Ernest claims he also saw Gabriel. He finds another secret passage that leads to the now empty coffin, and then Guy also disappears, along with a small pistol he had in his possession.

Finally Police Inspector Arkwright arrives. He is sceptical that murders have been committed, especially since there are no bodies, but then Guy's is found. When Ernest goes to fetch Syd, they find the dead Sloane in a fountain outside, proving he could not have sent the policeman. However, the inspector - Gabriel in disguise - still manages to take them all prisoner with Guy's pistol. He explains his motive, that his relatives sponged off of him for years and treated him badly. He then locks up Syd, Ernest, Emily and Linda and sets starving dogs on them, but when he tries to shoot Fisk whilst fleeing, he misses and triggers a lethal trap instead, which drops a chandelier on him. The dogs, it turns out, were fed by Fisk, so they constitute no danger. The next day, to Ernest's disappointment, Linda's boyfriend (played by uncredited Adam Faith) comes to collect her.

Police Court (film)

A once popular actor, Nat Barry (played by Henry B. Walthall), is a has-been because of his alcoholism. The legendary film star is forced by necessity to take a job selling patent medicine at a traveling sideshow dressed in a costume as Abraham Lincoln. Having trouble staying sober, he is arrested and taken before a "police court" for drunken disorder. His teenage son, Junior Barry (played by Leon Janney), pleads on Barry's behalf and Judge Robert Webster (played by Edmund Breese) grants him a reprieve.

Junior is determined to see his father make good again, vowing to keep him off the bottle and on the screen. He attempts to get bit parts for Barry, but he has trouble delivering his lines on the movie set for the compassionate director, Henry Field (played by King Baggot).

Ghosts – Italian Style

Pasquale Lojacono and his wife Maria are very poor, and do not have a roof over their head. One day they are invited to live free in an apartment of a building, considered by tenants cursed, because there dwells the ghost of an old Spanish nobleman. The two, however, accept coexistence with the spirit.

Tempted (Cast novel)

Tempted starts immediately after the end of events in the 5th book, ''Hunted'', and is told from the point of view of six characters: Zoey, Stevie Rae, Aphrodite, Rephaim, Heath and Stark.

Zoey has finally banished Neferet and Kalona, but he still haunts her dreams. When another prophecy warns Zoey of her choices, she realizes that she must follow her enemies up to the Vampire Council.


In the aftermath Zoey gathers her allies and starts organizing them. Stevie Rae notices she's very tired and takes over, leaving Zoey to take care of a wounded Stark and her grandmother. Having recovered from her accident, she tells Zoey that she is A-ya's reincarnation and that A-ya was made to love Kalona, so that's why she cannot help being uncontrollably attracted to Kalona, as it's in her soul. In the end she's so stressed that when Erik finds her, demanding a share of her time, they quarrel and she dumps him for being overly jealous and possessive, taking her down to two love interests (whilst Erik forms a relationship with Venus, Aphrodite's ex-roommate).

She rooms in with Aphrodite and has a dream with Kalona at the same time she has a vision that links to several elements from the dream. Alerted by Zoey's panic, Stark climbs up to her room and sleeps there to guard her from further intrusions. Aphrodite leaves and takes Darius to Stark's abandoned room. While they talk, she realizes she's come to love him and is afraid she is incapable of returning his feelings. He soothes her and pledges his Warrior's Oath to her.

The kids return to the House of Night. They find Anastasia Lankford, a professor at the House of Night, dead at Rephaim's hands, and Dragon grieving her loss. Jack stays with Dragon to comfort him and coax him through his pain while Zoey goes to assess the mood of the school. Through Aphrodite's visions, Zoey's dreams of Kalona and Kramisha's prophetic poems they find that Kalona and Neferet plan on getting back the old ways of the vampyres. Following the rumors on Twitter, Jack finds Kalona and Neferet in Venice, on the isle of San Clemente with the Vampyre Council.

Another vision brings a new warning: if Zoey is with Kalona the world will end as they know it, and if she chooses love and Nyx he will "die" and the world will be safe. On the other hand, Zoey can't completely reject him, as she believes he can be saved. In an effort to gain her favor, Kalona shows her his past as Nyx's Warrior and promises to change his ways if she will have him.

Zoey and her friends go to Venice to have their say in the Council, but Stevie Rae stays behind, arguing that it's her responsibility as a High Priestess to take care of the rogues. Upon arriving, they learn that Neferet claims to be Nyx Incarnate and Kalona claims to be Erebus. It is revealed that Zoey's destiny is to face Kalona alone, meaning that only she can save the world. The Council declares Aphrodite a Prophetess of the vampyres, but is otherwise distrusting of Zoey, mainly because of her age. After the Council session is over Heath and Zoey talk about the stresses of everything going on Zoey sends Heath to find Stark. He discovers Neferet and Kalona in a secret conversation; Kalona finds Heath. Heath uses the Imprint to call Zoey and she arrives to see Kalona kill him. In her anguish she throws Spirit at Kalona, but her soul shatters and goes to the Otherworld.

Stevie Rae

While sweeping the Benedictine Abbey grounds, Stevie Rae finds an injured Raven Mocker named Rephaim (the favored son of Kalona) and helps him to safety against her better judgement. She binds his wounds and sends him through the tunnels. Back at the House of Night, she's horrified to learn that he was actually the one to kill Dragon's mate, Anastasia Lankford.

In the tunnels Rephaim is found by the rogue red fledglings, and their leader, Nicole, uses her gift to peer into his mind and learns that Stevie Rae saved him. They use him as bait and catch Stevie Rae, leaving her alongside him in a cage on the roof to be burned down by the sun. Rephaim helps her and the two get in the ground at the last minute. To repay her for nursing him back to health, he offers her his immortal blood to heal her burns. Unexpectedly, the two Imprint and Stevie Rae loses hers with Aphrodite. Alerted by Aphrodite's going into painful convulsions, Zoey calls at the House of Night and Erik and Lenobia rush to find and save Stevie Rae. With the last of her powers, Stevie Rae hides Rephaim from their eyes as they get her out.

The Path (video game)

The game begins in an apartment. The player is shown six sisters to choose from and is given no information about them other than a name. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins.

The player is given control of the girl, and is instructed: "Go to Grandmother's house and stay on the path."

As the player explores, they find various items scattered around. For a girl to pick up or examine an object, the player needs to either click on the interaction button or move her close enough for a superimposed image of the object to appear on the screen, then let go of the controls. The character will interact and an image will appear on the screen, indicating what has been unlocked; every item a girl encounters in the forest shows in some shape or form in Grandmother's house, and some objects open up whole new rooms. Small text will also appear, a thought from the current character. Some items can only be picked up once and do not appear in subsequent runs. However, each character will say something different about an object, so the player has the option to access a "basket" to see what they have collected.

The Wolf is the antagonist in the game and takes on a different form for each girl. The forms represent tribulations that are associated with the stages of childhood and adolescence. It is not required to find the Wolf. In this game, there are no requirements but the ending at Grandmother's house does change dramatically after the wolf encounter. The girl encounters the Wolf, there is a brief cut scene, and the screen goes black. Afterward, the girl is lying on the path in front of Grandmother's house.

When the player enters Grandmother's house, the style of gameplay changes. It is now in first person, and the character moves forward along a pre-determined path. If the player got there without interacting with the Wolf, they arrive safely, cozy up next to Grandmother and are sent back to the apartment. The girl the player guided will still be there, and can be played again. If the player did go to the Wolf, then everything in the house is darker, and if the player remains still for too long, darkness clouds the screen, and something growls. Depending on the girl, doors are scratched, or furniture tipped over and broken, or strange black threads are draped across everything. Instead of ending with Grandmother, the music crescendos as the player enters a final surreal room before falling down, and things black out again. Images flash on the screen, featuring the girl being attacked by her Wolf, before the player is relocated back in the apartment. The girl played is not there, and will remain absent.

When all of the girls have encountered their wolves, a girl in a white dress, who could be previously encountered by the sisters, becomes playable and visits Grandmother's house. The girl will then travel through the house, now a combination of all of the end rooms of the previous girls ending with the no-wolf room. Upon reaching the grandmother, the girl appears in the apartment covered in blood, but alive. The sisters all return through the door and the game starts over.

City of Damnation

Jang Choon-dong is a traffic officer who aspires to become a homicide detective. After being noticed by his superiors, Choon-dong is assigned to go undercover to infiltrate a gangster network headed by Yang Kwang-seob. Meanwhile, Lee Joong-dae (Jung Woong-in), a member of Kwang-seob's gang, goes undercover himself by joining the police force. Joong-dae tries hard to gain favour with his squad leader and bureau director in an effort to expose Choon-dong's identity, but falls in love with a colleague, Cha Se-rin.

Aristotle and the Gun

The lonely and misanthropic scientist Sherman Weaver has a central role in a secret US government project to build a time machine. The project succeeds, and a prototype device is constructed. However, before it can be tested, the government, alarmed at Weaver's report that small changes in history might have profound consequences and completely change the present-day world, decides to abort the project. Weaver is ordered to dismantle the machine, but rather than obey, he takes matters into his own hands by using the machine to project himself back to the era of Philip II of Macedon. There, he hopes to meet Aristotle.

Believing that the influential ancient philosopher's lack of interest in experiment retarded scientific progress through much of subsequent history, Weaver aims to nudge the savant in what he considers the proper direction. His intention is to create a different 20th century dominated by super-science, hundreds of years in advance of ours.

Weaver pretends to be a conventional traveler from India. Equipped with modern marvels, he attempts to demonstrate to his new acquaintance, Aristotle, the value of experimentation in furtherance of knowledge. His task is complicated by the malicious mischief of Aristotle's students, the coterie of young Prince Alexander (subsequently Alexander the Great), and by coming under suspicion of being a spy for the Great King of Persia against whom Philip is preparing to go to war. Ultimately forced to defend himself with a handgun he has brought, Weaver is on the point of being executed for espionage and murder, but he is snapped back into the present, as the effects of his time projection wear off.

Weaver finds himself in a world very different from the one he left but not in the way he hoped. Aristotle, convinced that the tedious accumulation of experimental knowledge is beneath the dignity of civilized philosophers and that it is a waste of time attempting to catch up to "India" in that regard, turns out to have come down strongly against the notion in his writings. The result is a backward present of petty states, roughly at the level of late medieval principalities in our own history, considerably behind Weaver's original timeline in technology. His own United States is not even a dream, with its physical confines being controlled by various Amerindian nations influenced by the civilization of the Old World but having long since thrown off any subjection to it. Enslaved in one such state, Weaver is delivered from endless drudgery only after many years, when his scholarly talents are finally recognized.

The narrative of the story is set forth by Weaver in a lengthy letter to an acquaintance curious as to his remarkable background in which he concludes that he would have done better to leave well enough alone.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

In 2024, a four-Man Ghost Recon squad led by Joe Ramirez is deployed to Nicaragua to disrupt weapons trafficking in the region; as they inspect a convoy they ambushed, a dirty bomb is remotely detonated, killing the team. Following this, Ghost team “Hunter”, consisting of “Ghost Lead” Captain Cedric Ferguson, Staff Sergeant John Kozak, Master Sergeant Robert "Pepper" Bonifacio, and Sergeant First Class Jimmy "30K" Ellison, are deployed to investigate the source of the bomb. The team ships out from Fort Bragg, North Carolina under the supervision of Major Scott Mitchell.

Mitchell informs the team of their new mission to rescue an arms dealer named Paez in Sucre, Bolivia who has information about the bomb’s origin. Hunter rescues Paez and then proceeds to follow the trail of weapons: First, to a refugee camp in Western Province, Zambia, where they eliminate local warlord Dede Macaba; to Nigeria, where they rescue CIA SAD officer Daniel Sykes from private military company Watchgate; to Peshawar, Pakistan, where they capture Russian arms dealer Katya Prugova; to the Kola Peninsula in Russia, where the team destroys an arms cache at a remote Arctic base; and finally to an airfield in Kaliningrad, where they intercept and destroy a missile guidance system, causing an international incident.

Some time later, a nuclear missile fired from Russia impacts London, but the nuclear warhead is eliminated at the last minute by the American missile shield. The launch is traced to Dagestan and is believed to be the work of a rogue Russian special operations group known as Raven's Rock, of which Prugova was an associate, with ties to ultranationalist political elements in Russia. Hunter is ordered into Dagestan to rescue a Georgian Special Forces squad who went to investigate the launch site. During the rescue operation, the team is ambushed by Russian Spetsnaz that have access to high-tech equipment on the same level as the Ghosts, and they later discover that these soldiers are part of the elite “Bodark” (Werewolf) unit, which have sided with Raven's Rock.

Soon after, Raven’s Rock stages a coup and manages to take over the majority of Russia, although a few loyalist Russian forces opposing the new government are scattered around the country. Hunter heads to northern Russia to secure some drilling ships to supply the loyalists with a steady flow of oil. Afterwards, the team is assigned to rescue a loyalist general who is the de facto leader of the resistance movement. After destroying artillery attacking the general's forces, the team is pinned down by overwhelming Raven's Rock forces, until air support arrives and eliminates the hostile forces. Kozak is then tasked with a solo operation to rescue deposed Russian President Volodin from a prison in Siberia. Kozak is successful, and Hunter then protects President Volodin in his return to Moscow, and eliminates the Raven's Rock commander coordinating the city's defense. The Raven's Rock forces are eventually overthrown and the loyalists manage to retake the country.

Major Mitchell then gives Hunter intelligence on the location of the seven other leaders of Raven's Rock, and the team is sent on a clandestine operation to eliminate them. After eliminating six of the seven, the team chases the last member, code-named "Ace", to a train station, where they wound him. The wounded Ace taunts the team that they will not kill him because the American government will stop them. Immediately after, Major Mitchell radios Hunter ordering them to stand down, stating that Ace is to be taken alive and brought back to the United States. At that point a train comes, and Ace, wounded on the tracks, calls for the team to save him, reminding them that their orders were to keep him alive. The team leaves him on the tracks, as they were explicitly ordered “not to touch him”, and Hunter leaves the area as Ace is run over by the oncoming train to make his death look like an accident.

Crown of Ancient Glory

In ''Crown of Ancient Glory'', the player characters must find the heir to the kingdom of Vestland and retrieve the magical Sonora Crown to unite the country before the Ethengar Khanate invades. The module includes plans for a longship.

The player characters assist the kingdom of Vestland, whose High King has recently died. They must also recover the missing holy Sonora Crown, which is also a powerful artifact. The heir to the kingdom was lost at birth, and the players must determine the identity and location of the lawful heir of Vestland. The characters must deal with traitors and spies from within, and invaders from the forces of the Ethengar Khanate, massing on the borders to take advantage of Vestland's plight.

Design for Living (film)

While en route to Paris via train, commercial artist Gilda Farrell meets artist George Curtis and playwright Thomas Chambers, fellow Americans who share an apartment in the French capital. Gilda works for advertising executive Max Plunkett, who has had no success in his efforts to engage her in a romantic relationship. Tom and George each realize the other is in love with Gilda, and although they agree to forget her, they cannot resist her when she comes to visit. Unable to choose between the two, she proposes she live with them as a friend, muse, and critic—with the understanding they will not have sex.

Gilda arranges for a producer to read Tom's play and he goes to London to oversee the staging of his work. During his absence, Gilda and George become involved romantically, much to Tom's chagrin. One night at the theatre he meets Max, who tells him George has become highly successful. Tom returns to Paris and discovers George has vacated their apartment and moved into a penthouse with Gilda. With George in Nice painting a portrait, Gilda and Tom rekindle their affair.

George returns and, realizing his former roommate and current lover have been trysting while he was away, orders the two to get out. Gilda decides to end the men's rivalry by marrying Max in Manhattan, but she is so upset when she receives potted plants from her former beaux that she cannot consummate the marriage. When Max hosts a party for his advertising clients, Tom and George crash the event and hide in Gilda's bedroom. Max finds the three laughing on the bed and orders the men out; a brawl ensues, prompting all the guests to depart. Gilda announces she is leaving her husband, and she, Tom, and George decide to return to Paris and their unusual living arrangement.

The Runaway Shadows

On the coldest day of the year, the Frost King allows his son Jack Frost to play pranks on humans. Jack Frost comes upon the Prince of Thumbumbia and his cousin Lady Lindeva, who have insisted on being allowed to play outside despite the bitter cold. The children have been so well-bundled-up by the royal servants that Jack is unable to pinch their ears or noses; frustrated, he hits upon the idea of freezing the children's shadows. Solidified into independent entities, the shadows run off to the Forest of Burzee to enjoy their newfound freedom. They prove impervious to an attack by the ferocious tiger Kahtah; but a passing ryl convinces the shadows to return to their humans. Otherwise, the frozen shadows will vanish to nothingness when they thaw in the warm weather to come.

The King of Thumbumbia dies, and courtiers come to his nephew the Prince to elevate the boy to the throne — but they are amazed to see that the boy casts no shadow. Lady Lindeva, next in line for the crown, suffers the same strange infirmity. The Earl Highlough, the "chief man in all the kingdom," comes to investigate — though by this time the runaway shadows have returned to their young master and mistress. The Prince becomes King, with Lady Lindeva as his Queen.

Slaughterhouse Rock

Alex Gardner (Nicholas Celozzi), a college student suffers from recurring nightmares in which he experiences the deaths of the victims of a vicious killer who lived on Alcatraz, before it became a prison. When the nightmares begin manifesting in reality, and his friends see him hovering over his bed, his teacher (Donna Denton), an occultist, tells him to go to the island to face down the ghost of the killer. The friends become stranded on the island, and Alex's brother Richard (Tom Reilly) becomes possessed, killing some friends and raping one of the girls. Alex is aided in his quest by the ghost of Sammy Mitchell (Toni Basil), a singer for the band Bodybag. Sammy teaches Alex how to levitate and escape his body, and is also the subject of a dance routine, intercut into the film. The friends lure the ghost of the killer, and Alex's brother into the prison chapel, and blow it up, releasing the curse.

La casa del pelícano

Elementary school teacher Margarita Ramírez tries to make her life beautiful once again with her son Nilo. He is a result of a rape in a distant city, but Margarita loves him nonetheless.

Nilo, the son of the madman of the city, tries to grow up in a common way, but his mother overprotects him and raise him away from other people.

Walang Awa Kung Pumatay

Narding is the son of a policeman who was killed when he was a boy. As he grows up, Narding gets into a gang and get involved with situations and is forced to do unsavory things. He gets involved with the daughter of his boss who is later murdered. Narding is wrongly accused of the murder.

The Whispered World

The game takes place in Silentia, a dream fantasy world, that is the home of a young, sad circus clown named Sadwick. The story starts as he wakes up in his travelling circus trailer after having experienced a recurring nightmare, where he sees the world falling apart.

Sadwick goes for a walk in a nearby forest and meets Bobby, a Chaski, messenger of the King. Bobby is heading to Corona, the royal castle, to deliver a powerful artefact, the Whispering Stone, to the king. He claims the end of the world is near and the land is already breaking apart and that the Asgil, a hideous horde of underground creatures, are surrounding Corona. He tells Sadwick that he has been unsuccessfully seeking out an oracle named Shana for advice on shortening his trip, and he asks Sadwick to help him find her. Sadwick believes that maybe she can interpret his nightmares, and he convinces Bobby to give him the Whispering Stone to help him find the oracle. Shortly after Bobby gets scared away and disappears in what Sadwick believes was an Asgil attack. Sadwick finds a secret passage that, when activated by the Whispering Stone, leads him to Shana, and finds out from her that his destiny is to destroy the world.

Shana directs Sadwick to a nearby island to find mysterious Kalida who eventually takes him near Corona. There Sadwick comes across the Asgil hideout and manages to listen in to the plans of Asgil leader Loucaux but gets captured and thrown in a jail cell. After successfully escaping, he manages to board a flying steam locomotive to Corona, where he meets Bobby again who tells Sadwick that he is too late and the king has locked himself in his quarters. Exploring the castle, Sadwick finds a model of a planetary system linked to the flow of space-and-time itself. He meets the royal astronomer who tells him the Whispering Stone represents the planet Silentia in the model of 5 planets and the king must repair the system to restore the balance, but he has fallen ill, and only when the system is repaired can it activate the fountain of the Water of Life that can wake the king.

Upon repairing the mechanism himself, a blue sphere from Sadwick's nightmares appears saying that Sadwick is inevitably ending the world. Trying to prevent that, Sadwick jams the planetary system's mechanism stopping time itself and breaking all of the world into pieces. The Asgil occupy what is left of the castle, but Sadwick manages to trick Loucaux and reactivates the planetary mechanism again, restoring the cadence of time. He escapes and arrives at the king's quarters to wake him, in which he instead finds some familiar settings and a large mirror. Upon looking into the mirror, a boy in a hospital gown drags him through it into a black, empty room, with the mirror he was pulled through, and a mirror opposite it. Looking into the other mirror, Sadwick sees the boy in a hospital bed with his eyes closed, while a man reads a book next to him. The boy explains that in reality Sadwick is this boy lying in a coma while the blue sphere is the man, who is his father, reading him stories. Sadwick then breaks the mirror he came from and wakes up in the real world.

Maging Sino Ka Man (film)

Famous singer Monique (Sharon Cuneta) escapes her home after her mother is in disbelief that her stepfather tried to assault her. She goes into hiding by altering her looks and assumes the name, Digna. She goes living in a shelter for women and works various odd jobs. With her past coming back to haunt her again, Monique's fate is altered with a chance encounter with Carding (Robin Padilla), a small, petty thief who looks after six orphaned children.

Frisco Jenny

In 1906 San Francisco, Frisco Jenny Sandoval (Ruth Chatterton), a denizen of the notorious Tenderloin district, wants to marry piano player Dan McAllister (James Murray), but her saloonkeeper father Jim (Robert Emmett O'Connor) is adamantly opposed to it. An earthquake kills both men and devastates the city. In the aftermath, Jenny gives birth to a son, whom she names Dan.

With financial help from crooked lawyer Steve Dutton (Louis Calhern), who also came from the Tenderloin, she sets herself up in the vice trade, providing women on demand. Jenny has one loyal friend, the Chinese woman Amah (Helen Jerome Eddy), who helps take care of the baby.

At a party in Steve's honor, he catches gambler Ed Harris (an uncredited J. Carrol Naish) cheating him in a back room. In the ensuing struggle, Steve kills him, with Jenny the only eyewitness. The pair are unable to dispose of the body before it is found and are questioned by the police. However, neither is charged. The scandal forces Jenny to temporarily give up her baby to a very respectable couple who owe Steve a favor to keep the child from being taken away from her.

After three years, she tries to take her son back, but the boy clings to the only mother he knows, so she leaves him where he is. He grows up and goes to Stanford University, where he becomes a football star, graduates with honors, and becomes first a lawyer, then an assistant district attorney (also played by Murray). Jenny lovingly follows his progress. Meanwhile, she takes over the vice and bootlegging in the city.

When Dan runs for district attorney, his opponent is Tom Ford (an uncredited Edwin Maxwell), who does Jenny's bidding. Against her best interests, she frames Ford so that Dan can win. When Steve tries to bribe Dan to free some of his men, he is arrested. Out on bail, Steve asks Jenny to blackmail Dan into dropping the charges, but she refuses to jeopardize her son's future. In fact, she intends to retire to France with Amah. When Steve threatens to reveal that Jenny is Dan's real mother, she shoots and kills him at Dan's office.

She is quickly arrested and prosecuted by Dan. Refusing to defend herself, she is condemned to death by hanging. Amah pleads with her to tell Dan the truth in the hope that he can help her, but when he comes to see her, she remains silent.

The Avengers (2012 film)

The Asgardian Loki encounters the Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki an army with which he can subjugate Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., arrives at a remote research facility, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a team experimenting on the Tesseract. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a wormhole, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki steals the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and other agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him.

In response, Fury reactivates the "Avengers Initiative". Agent Natasha Romanoff heads to Kolkata to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner to trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions. Fury approaches Steve Rogers to retrieve the Tesseract, and Agent Phil Coulson visits Tony Stark to have him check Selvig's research. Loki is in Stuttgart, where Barton steals the iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki gets escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., his adoptive brother Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. Stark and Rogers intervene and Loki is taken to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier, where he is imprisoned.

The Avengers become divided over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop powerful weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials. As they argue, Loki's agents attack the Helicarrier, and the stress causes Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers work to restart the damaged engine, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff knocks Barton unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Loki uses the Tesseract and a wormhole generator Selvig built to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion.

Rogers, Stark, Romanoff, Barton, Thor, and the Hulk rally in defense of New York City, and together the Avengers battle the Chitauri. The Hulk beats Loki into submission. Romanoff makes her way to the generator, where Selvig, freed from Loki's mind control, reveals that Loki's scepter can shut down the generator. Fury's superiors from the World Security Council attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth. Stark's suit loses power, and he goes into freefall, but the Hulk saves him. In the aftermath, Thor returns with Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard, where Loki will face their justice.

In a mid-credits scene, the Other confers with his master

I Am Sylar

The episode opens with the scene from the previous episode, showing Angela Petrelli and the group seeing Nathan Petrelli, actually Sylar, giving a press conference on TV. The episode then recounts what happened 18 hours earlier.

Sylar has an identity crisis after being forced by Emile Danko to impersonate an agent. Danko suggests Sylar find an "anchor" to remind himself of who he really is. Sylar finds one in his late mother's effects, and begins having conversations with her by taking her form. Sylar acquires an ability from a target of the agency, who had been contacted by "Rebel". Danko's agency tracks Rebel to an abandoned warehouse. Sylar reaches Micah first. Micah, however, offers help with his identity crisis. Sylar protects him, leading Danko's men away, and faking Micah's death. After Micah witnesses Sylar in a conversation with his mother, Sylar sends him off; before leaving, Micah proposes Sylar turn into Nathan Petrelli to convince the President to terminate the agency.

Matt Parkman contacts his ex-wife, Janice Parkman, telling her their son is safe. Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi plan to raid Building 26, and want Matt to join them, though he doesn't want to abandon his son. As he and his son reunite with Janice, Matt telepathically discovers Danko's men stationed outside her house, and tells Janice to leave. Initially intending to go with them, Matt changes his mind after seeing his police badge, deciding to help Hiro and Ando. As agents enter the house, Matt uses his telepathy to hide his family.

Hiro and Ando head to Isaac Mendez's old loft, where they plan to sound the alarm for Ando to be captured and Hiro to follow the men back to their headquarters. Soon Danko's men attack; Hiro stops time, but finds Ando unaffected, as he was touching him. Hiro tricks him into getting hit with taser darts, and dresses as one of the commandos to accompany them with the captured Ando to Building 26. On the way, Hiro slips up, forcing Ando to disable everyone in the van. They use a G.P.S. device to discover Building 26. Outside the building, Hiro attempts to stop time, but gets a headache and a large nosebleed. Elsewhere, Noah Bennet, Claire Bennet, and Angela Petrelli are stopped at a roadblock. A team of commando units moves in on them. Mohinder Suresh, still at Coyote Sands investigating his father's work, is also captured by Danko's agents.

Sylar visits Nathan's office, and finds his toothbrush, allowing him to contact his DNA and morph into him. Sylar then gives his press conference on TV. Nathan decides to confront him, and Peter also goes. Nathan meets Sylar in his office, where Sylar claims he will be a better version of him. As Sylar is about to kill Nathan, Nathan is shot with a taser dart by Danko, who orders Sylar to return to work as his agent, which Sylar refuses. Danko impales Sylar in the back of the head with a knife, but as he is about to call a clean-up crew, Sylar rises and removes the knife, unaffected.

Khu Kam

Set in 1939, the early days of World War II in Thailand, to Angsumalin meeting one last time with her childhood friend, a young Thai man named Vanus. He is leaving for England for his studies and hopes that Angsumalin will wait for him and marry him when he returns.

Shortly thereafter, Thailand is invaded by Japanese military forces. In Thonburi, opposite Bangkok on the Chaophraya River, the Imperial Japanese Navy establishes itself at a base. The forces there are led by Kobori, an idealistic young navy lieutenant. One day he sees Angsumalin swimming in the river and falls for her. She, being a proudly nationalistic Thai woman, despises him because he is a foreigner.

Nonetheless, Kobori persists at seeing her and a courtship develops. Angsumalin found that Kobori is a real nice gentleman and start falling for him but she kept her feelings in secret because of the war.

Then, for political reasons, Angsumalin's father – who is a leader in the Free Thai Movement, insists that she marry Kobori. Understanding that Angsumalin is not marrying him out of love, Kobori promises not to touch her, but he breaks that vow after the wedding.

Despite this, Angsumalin develops tender feelings for Kobori, but is still torn by her feelings for her nation and feel guilty to Vanus, who returns to set in motion a conflict between the two men.

Puyo Puyo 7

The game opens with a storm of Puyo falling down onto Earth, flooding a high school in its wake. Ringo Ando, a student who witnesses the flood, trembles until Arle Nadja appears. She teaches Ringo how to play Puyo Puyo and fight the many enemies with her skill. Arle soon finds herself being endangered and runs off; Ringo sets out to find her, encountering old and new friends and rivals along the way. During most battles, she is able to use a special ability: she can transform into an adult or a child while playing, which affects the size of the Puyos she uses in the process.

After a match with Klug, Ringo decides that in order to solve the problem, she must travel to seven power spots of the planet, encountering the strongest opponents. During the trek, she discovers that Arle has been possessed by a new adversary: Ecolo. When Ringo comes upon the newly transformed Dark Arle, she defeats her, reverting her to normal. Ecolo decides to bury the universe in Puyos, just for amusement. Ringo, Arle, and Amitie team up to save the day. Ecolo is defeated, and everyone returns home.

Old King Clancy

In spring 2009, Ted works on the Goliath National Bank (GNB) headquarters. But he chafes at the restrictions set by the executive supervising the project, Bilson (Bryan Callen), who prevents him from incorporating the naturalistic features that excite him. A new task force is put together to supervise Ted, and he feels engaged again; but then he learns that the building was scrapped a month earlier. Barney and Marshall admit that GNB decided to fire Ted due to cutting back on new expenditures to fund their lavish corporate retreats, but the company was contracted to pay him for two more months; Barney and Marshall hired a random group of people to pose as Ted's task force to avoid telling him the truth. Barney is able to get Ted a job designing an exact duplicate of the room in which GNB employees are fired; but when Ted creates an entirely new concept for the project, he is fired in the existing room. After attacking Bilson with a chair, Ted resigns from his firm and decides to start his own business where he can be free from corporate thinking.

Meanwhile, Robin reveals that a Canadian celebrity once invited her home to see a collection he possessed, but she left after he propositioned her with a specific sex act. Lily is desperate for the specifics, and Robin agrees to divulge the details if the gang can correctly guess the celebrity, the nature of the collection, and the sex act. For three days, everyone continually offers guesses based on fictitious "Canadian sex acts". They finally give up, but Robin reveals that Canadian wrestler "The Frozen Snowshoe" (a fictional person, whom none of Robin's friends have heard of) invited her to see his collection of Harvey's trays (indistinguishable orange trays that are not considered collectors' items), and suggested she perform an "Old King Clancy"––King Clancy being a real-life early twentieth-century National Hockey League player––which involves maple syrup). Everyone is disappointed by the obscurity of every element of the story. A flashback to 2002 shows that it was really The Frozen Snowshoe who rejected Robin after ''she'' suggested the Old King Clancy.

Seven Cities of Gold (film)

In 1769, the expedition of Captain Gaspar de Portolà (Anthony Quinn) to California is in search of fabled cities of gold. Its religious advisor, peace-loving missionary Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie), wishes to establish good relations with the local natives and to build a string of missions, beginning at San Diego Bay. He is unexpectedly aided when Portola's prideful second in command, Lt. Jose Mendoza (Richard Egan), saves the life of Matuwir (Jeffrey Hunter), the son of the local chief. But when a supply ship fails to appear and the expedition prepares to return to Mexico a failure, Mendoza betrays Matuwir's sister Ula (Rita Moreno), whom he has seduced, resulting in her accidental death by a fall from a cliff. Threatened with annihilation by Matuwir's warriors when both Portola and Father Serra refuse to turn him over, Mendoza prevents war by surrendering himself to Matuwir for torture and execution. As the Spaniards begin to leave, the supply ship appears in the bay as if by a miracle.

The Animal-Cracker Plot

When Iranian con-man Darius Koshay lands on the planet Vishnu, customs agent Luther Beck, who has tangled with him before, does everything he can to find an excuse to detain him before he can cause more trouble. He can find nothing to pin on the slick Koshay, and is forced to allow him through customs. Koshay's ostensible object is to make and sell crackers to the planet's aborigines, of which he learned they were fond on a previous visit. Vishnu is host to two intelligent native species, the six-limbed, apelike Romeli and the centaurlike Dzlieri, who are mutually antagonistic. All too soon, Beck learns Koshay's scheme is far from innocent; he is playing the Romeli off against the Dzlieri by supplying each with crackers in the form of the other, convincing them the crackers will give them power over their enemies if consumed in conjunction with the proper voodoo-like rites. Beck undertakes to reveal to both alien races Koshay's double-dealing before his mechanations can lead to a major war. Ultimately a wary truce is brokered between the two sides and Koshay, finding himself a marked man, finds it expedient to flee Vishnu.


''R.U.S.E.'' takes place during World War II. The game contains a single story arc, portrayed through the perspective of Joseph Sheridan of the United States Army. Sheridan, a Harvard dropout, joins the U.S. Army and eventually assumes control of the First Armored Division. The game opens in 1945 as General Sheridan liberates Colditz Castle to free an undercover operative, code named Nightingale, who knows the identity of an Axis informer, code-named Prometheus. Sheridan then reminisces to 1943 when he was a major during the Allied North African campaign, when leaked information led to devastating Allied losses at the Battle of Kasserine. Sheridan meets British intelligence officer Colonel Andrew Campbell, and working together, in spite of Sheridan's inept commanding officer General Weatherby, they are able to turn the tide of battle. Sheridan is promoted to lieutenant colonel for his efforts.

In 1943, Sheridan takes part in the Battle of Monte Cassino, and while he disobeys Weatherby's direct orders to confuse German intelligence, Sheridan is able to push the Germans back and open up the road to Rome. Sheridan is promoted to general and meets Kate Garner, an attaché from the American War Office. At a victory party, Campbell remarks that the Germans are not fully defeated yet and that Sheridan is turning into Weatherby now that he has been promoted.

In 1944, Sheridan is in command of US troops landing at Utah beach on D-Day, with Weatherby in command of Omaha beach. Sheridan is able to secure a beach head and defend it against counter-attacks despite Weatherby's inability to secure Sheridan's flank. The operation in Normandy is hampered by inaccurate information given to Campbell by the French resistance; this, along with remarks from Garner, strains Sheridan and Campbell's friendship.

Later that year, Sheridan is placed in command of forces in Operation Market Garden, and Weatherby is discreetly placed in command of forces "in reserve". After an exchange between Campbell and Garner, Campbell remarks that he cannot offer the same "incentives" as Garner and states that he will request a transfer. Despite Garner's insistence that Sheridan has "outgrown" Campbell, Sheridan is still clearly bothered by the British Officer's departure.

Despite deeply inaccurate information on Axis forces in the area, Sheridan is able to keep "The Highway to Hell" open. However the British forces at the final bridge to be secured are forced to surrender, thus ending Market Garden as a failure. Garner leaves for Washington D.C. for a new "promotion" leaving Sheridan feeling sorry for himself.

Three months later Sheridan and Campbell meet on the Belgian front, and the two make amends, with Sheridan apologizing and telling Campbell that "he was right and that they should have listened to Campbell". With Campbell's help Sheridan manages to hold onto the key city of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge despite Weatherby surrendering his forces. During the siege, General von Richter, a German general who gave Sheridan much trouble in the past, personally requests Sheridan surrender. He reveals that the Germans have received orders not to take prisoners of war any more, but despite this, offers to guarantee the safety of Sheridan and his men if they surrender honorably. Sheridan refuses, only demanding to know how an honorable man like von Richter could serve the Axis. After pushing back the German offensive Sheridan and Campbell interrogate General Von Richter upon capturing him. Learning that only the head of the German Intelligence Service, the Abwehr, Admiral Canaris, knew the identity of the spy Prometheus, but the Admiral had been arrested for plotting to kill Hitler.

Returning to the present, Sheridan, Campbell and the undercover agent, Angie, head for Torgau on the Elbe to supposedly meet up with the Soviets. However, the meeting turns into a race to reach the secret weapons research facility in Torgau before the Russians do. In order to avoid a "diplomatic incident", Sheridan receives help from an unlikely ally: General Von Richter, who also does not want the weapons to end up in Soviet hands. Under the cover of Von Richter's German troops, Sheridan and his men reach the weapons facility in the Soviet zone and destroy it. In the process Sheridan learns Prometheus is his former attaché Kate Garner. It is revealed that Garner had not only been giving intel to the Germans on the American forces but that she also had been giving intel to the Soviets on German weapon research. The weapons in question are long range V-2 rockets equipped with nuclear warheads. Despite having destroyed the research facility Sheridan learns that Garner had already moved several rockets to another location.

Sheridan and Campbell prepare to attack Garner's base and destroy the weapons, but are forced to re-think their strategy when Sheridan receives a warning from Garner that she will use the V-2 rockets if they continue to provoke her. Sheridan assures Garner that he won't back off, and Garner simply responds that Sheridan will be "rolled over by the modern world" as communism will be inevitably victorious. Good news arrives when the Soviet Government declares the 8th Guards Army (the branch of the Soviet military Garner was working with) is an extremist renegade faction and Allied Commander General Eisenhower orders a full-scale assault on Garner's base. With the help of some newly developed nuclear equipped artillery, Sheridan manages to destroy Garner's base, destroying the German nuclear warheads and killing Garner in an atomic blast. At the end, Sheridan expresses his wish to take a vacation and see Europe "without the bullets".

Hunted (Cast novel)

Zoey and her friends help Stevie Rae heal after the events at the end of ''Untamed'' – the arrow did not kill her, but took most of her lifeblood, so Kalona could be freed from the earth. Zoey and Stevie Rae reconcile, and the latter introduces Zoey's group to some of the red vampyre fledglings. Aphrodite lets Stevie Rae feed on her to heal, which forms an Imprint between them. When Erik follows Zoey on her way to her room they kiss, but then Erik gets too rough and scares her. Erik and Zoey get back together, though Zoey's not entirely sure due to Erik's possessiveness. Kalona starts getting into Zoey's dreams to seduce her, and calls her A-ya.

Kramisha, a red fledgling, is revealed to also express prophecies through her poetry, and Zoey gives her the title of Poet Laureate. This is how they find their first clue. One of Kramisha's poems states that Kalona and Neferet will be banished when Night, Humanity, Blood, Spirit and Earth come together, but Zoey doesn't know who will represent these elements.

Heath arrives at the tunnels, and Zoey goes outside to talk to him, much to Erik's anger. Heath tries to reconcile with her, but to no avail. A Raven Mocker attacks them and critically wounds Zoey. She drinks from Heath to heal and they Imprint again, but she is still weakened. Kramisha gets exited and loses her control a little when she sees Heath (a human), leading Zoey to realize that the red fledglings may still have problems with their self-control. Darius finally declares that Zoey needs exposure to more adult vampyres to survive, and she is forced to return to the House of Night, much to Neferet's pleasure. She finds out that Kalona's presence has caused the fledglings and the vampyres to turn their backs on Nyx. Kalona's favorite son, Rephaim, and Darius get into a fight. Kalona intercedes and gives Darius a huge scar which upsets Aphrodite.

Zoey successfully persuades Stark to turn back to the good side. He becomes the second red vampyre when he pledges his Warrior's Oath to Zoey and she accepts. Zoey discusses the situation with Lenobia and, upon analyzing Kramisha's poem again, finds out that she is Night, Blood is Stevie Rae, Humanity is Aphrodite, Sister Mary Angela is Spirit, and Grandma Redbird is Earth.

Zoey and her friends set fire to the school as a diversion and escape on horseback to the Benedictine Abbey. Zoey and the other people mentioned in the poem open a circle and send everyone else inside. Neferet, Kalona and Stark arrive quickly afterwards in an SUV, followed by the Raven Mockers. Neferet and Kalona take turns at threatening and cajoling Zoey but she finally accepts the truth: that although A-ya is a part of her, she will choose her own destiny. She rejects Kalona. Neferet orders Stark to shoot Zoey but he says that Zoey is his heart and aims at her while thinking of himself. Realizing what will happen, Zoey uses the elements to stop the arrow and knocks him out in the process. Night, Humanity, Blood, Spirit, and Earth complete the spell and banish Neferet and Kalona. Zoey's Mark spreads to across her scar. She is deeply in pain because she had to say goodbye to Kalona, and knows that the fight isn't over yet.

The Shawl (short story)

The story follows Rosa, her baby Magda, and her niece Stella on their march to a Nazi Concentration camp in the middle of winter. They are described as weak and starving during the march. Stella's knees are described as "tumors on sticks." Rosa is said to be a "walking cradle" because she constantly carries Magda close to her chest wrapped in her shawl. Rosa contemplates handing Magda off to one of the villagers watching their march, but decides that the guards would most likely just shoot them both. Rosa says the shawl is "magic" when Magda sucks on it because it sustained Magda for three days and three nights without food. Stella observes that Magda looks Aryan, but Rosa sees the observation as some kind of threat to Magda. At the camp, Rosa continues to hide Magda, but is in constant fear that someone will discover and kill her. One day, Stella takes Magda's shawl away to warm herself. Without her shawl, Magda, who hadn't made a sound since the march, begins screaming for her "Ma." Rosa hears the screaming, but does not run to Magda because the guards will kill them both. Instead, she runs to get the shawl and begins waving it in the hope that Magda will see it and calm down. She is too late and watches as the Nazi guards pick Magda up and throw her into the electric fence, killing her. Rosa stuffs the shawl into her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

In the novel version, the story continues in the United States, after the war is over.

Scipio the African

Years after the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus finds himself generally unliked, despite his defeat of Hannibal, many years earlier. He and his brother, Scipio Asiaticus, are accused by Marcus Porcius Cato of the theft of 500 talents intended for Rome. As his friends and loved ones abandon him, Scipio finds life after war not as easy as he thought it would be.

Best Friends (1982 film)

Richard Babson and Paula McCullen are a couple of Hollywood screenwriters who have lived and worked together for a number of years. Richard would like to get married, but Paula does not feel the need.

Having just written a film script for producer Larry Weissman, the couple decides to get married without letting anyone else know. Paula can tell it is important to Richard, so she reluctantly agrees.

They are wed in a Los Angeles marriage bureau by a man named Jorge Medina in heavily accented English, making for a comical moment. For a honeymoon trip, they travel cross-country by train to inform their parents back East about what they have done.

The first stop is Buffalo, New York, where they are met in a winter wonderland by Paula's parents. Eleanor and Tim McCullen are old-fashioned, so Paula informs Richard that they will need to sleep in separate beds. Richard isn't happy about being treated like a child or about the frigid climate and the constantly open window.

From there they go to Virginia to visit Richard's parents, who reside in a giant high-rise condominium. No window is ever opened there, and Paula, feeling increasing panic attacks, is in dire need of some fresh air. She also accidentally overdoses on Valium and goes face-first into a salad at lunch.

The Babsons excitedly believe that Paula and Richard are engaged but devastated to learn that they are married. They throw a party at a restaurant, where Paula is upset by the comments of guests.

She and Richard are barely on speaking terms when Larry Weissman shows up, desperate for pages of a script rewrite. Paula insists that they return home to California immediately, but once there, their personal and professional relationship has soured.

Larry locks them in a room, where the writers bicker and get no work done. Paula again demands fresh air until Richard breaks a window. When they finally talk it through, they are in agreement that getting married might not have been the best idea. They finish the rewrite and then walk off into the sunset, which turns out to be a Hollywood prop.

The Last International Playboy

The ultimate New York City playboy Jack Frost (Jason Behr) is shattered when he discovers his one true love Carolina (Monet Mazur) is about to marry another man. Still haunted by his mother's suicide, Jack spirals into a self-destructive cycle of whiskey and reckless behavior, while his best friends Ozzy (Krysten Ritter) and Scotch (Mike Landry) try to jar him back to reality. Strangely enough, it's Jack's eleven-year-old neighbor, Sophie (India Ennenga), who helps the drowning urbanite shake off the nostalgia and excess that threaten to consume him.

420 (Family Guy)

Peter, Brian, Cleveland and Joe are annoyed when Quagmire adopts a stray cat named James and prefers to spend more time with him than with them. When Quagmire goes to Vermont to buy him a birthday present, they decide to shave James as prank, but it backfires when Peter accidentally kills him. He and Brian decide to hide his body, but are pulled over by the police who, after ignoring Peter's blood stains and beer, arrest Brian when they find him in possession of cannabis. He is bailed out by the family and put on probation for drug use. He attempts to use Stewie's urine when Joe arrives to perform a drug test, only to be caught by Lois, who chastises him for going to such lengths and tells him that he has to change if he intends on doing so. However, Brian decides to start a campaign to legalize cannabis in Quahog. He and Stewie perform an enthusiastic musical number, and soon after the entire town rallies behind them in their cause.

Mayor West passes a law to legalize the drug, and everyone (except for Lois, her father, and the kids) starts smoking it; the town has improved as a result, with milestones such as an increase in productivity and a decrease in crime. However, Lois' father, Carter, begins to lose money in the timber industry since hemp is being used to manufacture many products, particularly paper, and he bribes Peter to help him with an anti-marijuana campaign. Lois, however, points out that their methods are uninspired, explaining that Brian only succeeded because he was passionate about legalizing cannabis. Carter decides to bribe Brian to join his cause by publishing and shipping his novel, ''Faster Than the Speed of Love''. Brian resists at first, but Stewie suggests he at least perform a number about the health risks of cannabis, since the book does not have enough merit to sell on its own. Brian reluctantly complies, and the drug becomes illegal once more.

Unfortunately for Brian, when his novel is released, it is universally panned by literary critics and does not sell a single copy. Brian laments that he sacrificed his core beliefs for nothing, but Lois intervenes because he helped ban cannabis (and she also points out how Stewie got to build a nice fort from all of Brian's unsold books). A distraught Quagmire arrives at the household and informs Peter that he is still looking for James and offers a reward of $50. Peter nonchalantly takes the reward, admits that he killed him and slams his door before Quagmire has a chance to react.

The Bounty Hunter (1954 film)

A prologue explains the role of the bounty hunter. A wanted criminal named Burch tries to ambush bounty hunter Jim Kipp, but Kipp gets the better of him. Kipp takes Burch's corpse into town to collect the reward. A representative of the Pinkerton Detective Agency asks Kipp to hunt a trio of fugitives. Three masked men committed a robbery and fled with $100,000. Kipp, who has the reputation that he will do anything for money, is offered a huge reward if he can capture the culprits dead or alive.

Kipp rides into the town of Twin Forks, and uses an alias. He seeks information about one fugitive's wounds from Dr. Spencer, who is wary of revealing too much. Kipp is immediately attracted to the doctor's daughter, Julie. A limping man named Bill Rachin, who works at the hotel, draws Kipp's suspicion. So does George Williams, a card dealer. Williams' wife, Alice, flirts with Kipp and tries to coax information out of him. Kipp does not reveal the purpose for his visit.

Vance Edwards identifies Kipp and his reputation as a bounty hunter. Edwards mistakenly believes Kipp is seeking him for another crime. The townspeople become anxious as the truth about Kipp becomes known. Led by the postmaster, Danvers, they offer Kipp a bribe to leave town. Kipp tells several people that he is expecting a package on the next day's stagecoach and in the package is a likeness of one of the robbers. Dr. Spencer later overhears Kipp telling his daughter the same thing and he becomes worried.

Dr. Spencer confronts Williams, who he knows to be associated with the robbers, and demands a meeting with them. Williams tells Spencer the three are playing poker and agrees to take him to their game but shoots Spencer instead. Hearing the shot, Kipp pursues and corners Williams. He tries to force Williams to tell what he knows about the robbery, but Sheriff Brand shoots Williams dead just as Williams was about to reveal information about the robbery. Danvers tries to smother the seriously wounded Spencer, but he is discovered by Julie. Kipp hears Julie's screams and rushes to her; Danvers flees. Kipp follows Danvers as he hastily leaves town and stops when he loses sight of Danvers but hears someone digging in the hills. He then hears a shot and finds Danvers dead next to an empty money box.

Kipp now knows Danvers was one of the three robbers. The next day the stage arrives with the U.S. mail. The sheriff deputizes Rachin and plans to get rid of the bounty hunter. Vance rescues Kipp, grateful that the bounty hunter is not after him. Kipp opens one of the letters in the mail pouch and looks at the contents, then looks at the sheriff. The sheriff reveals himself as one of the robbers when he pulls a gun on Kipp, but Alice Williams kills him. She explains that Brand deserved it for shooting her husband. Julie, who had been watching, struggles with Alice for her gun and Kipp subdues Alice. Kipp realizes that Alice is the third robber. He searches her saddle bag and finds the stolen money. Kipp decides to settle in Twin Forks. He marries Julie, and becomes the new town sheriff.

Steal Princess

Anise, a master thief, accidentally triggers a booby-trap in the palace of the Ancient Demon King. She barely escapes and is knocked unconscious. A fairy named Kukri rescues her and takes her to Albyon Castle. Kukri claims that Anise is a descendant of the Legendary Hero of Albyon and thus, the king commands her to save the prince who was captured by the demons in the Demon King's palace.

The Underneath (novel)

The story takes place underneath a ramshackle house, in the bayou near the Texas-Louisiana border. The hound dog, Ranger, is chained under the porch. Ever since his leg was shot accidentally by his evil owner, Gar Face, Ranger has been chained up to serve only as a warning system. Ranger meets a calico cat who has kittens, and he names the kittens "Sabine" and "Puck". The kittens are told to never leave the underside of the porch, otherwise Gar Face might use them as alligator bait. One day, Puck accidentally leaves the safety of the porch and is caught by Gar Face. While trying to protect Puck, the calico is also caught. Gar Face throws the two into a bag, which he then throws into the river. Although Puck is saved, the mother drowns trying to help him. She encounters a hummingbird, who are known to accompany the spirits of the dead to the other side. Puck later wanders off and ends up lost. The book also introduces Grandmother Moccasin, who in this story is portrayed as a water moccasin lamia. When her daughter Night Song changes form to marry Hawk Man, Grandmother feels betrayed and tricks her daughter into changing back into a serpent, since magical creatures who return to their original forms are stuck that way forever. Hawk Man then traps Grandmother in a clay jar for what she did, where she stews in her bitterness and anger. The Alligator King is an alligator who was friends with Grandmother Moccasin before her imprisonment, who also happens to be the alligator that Gar Face is trying to lure using Ranger. When storms release Grandmother, she decides to do something unexpected. She sees the love between the kittens and the hound, and frees Ranger from where he is chained. However, she is hit by a stray bullet from Gar Face. As she lays dying, she is at last reunited by her granddaughter Rainbow Bird, who took the form of a hummingbird.

Sniffles and the Bookworm

Mother Goose characters come to life late at night in a bookshop, serenading Sniffles the mouse, and his bookworm friend (in his first appearance) with the swing song "Mutiny in the Nursery" by Johnny Mercer and Harry Warren, until the Frankenstein monster intrudes.

Makiusap Ka sa Diyos

A nun named Dolores (Gutierrez) is raped. She becomes pregnant, gives birth and is punished by her cruel superiors. She then meets Vince (de Leon) and marries him but later discovers that Vince was the one who raped her.

Chuck Versus the Predator

Main plot

Chuck Bartowski, John Casey and Sarah Walker return from an assignment involving plumbing. Chuck still longs to find Orion, the chief designer of the Intersect and the only one who could remove it, to return to his civilian life. As he stays up all night reviewing the chart behind the ''Tron'' poster (from the previous episode) and searching for Orion on his computer, he notices that the webcam activates. On the other end of the connection, an unknown man in Hong Kong types on a laptop. He then types on a wrist-mounted computer pad and leaves. Suddenly, a group of Fulcrum agents led by Vincent Smith (Arnold Vosloo) arrive, identifying the man as Orion. Suddenly, a missile arrives and destroys the agents.

Later, Orion sends Chuck a message on a computer, revealing his knowledge that Chuck is the Human Intersect. Orion wishes to meet with Chuck and sends him a computer. Chuck promptly informs Sarah, Casey, and General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy), who wants the computer since it is capable of breaking defense computers and hijacking weaponry. Meanwhile, Lester Patel intercepts the computer at the Buy More, believing it to be the new Roark 7 gaming laptop.

At the Buy More, Lester, Morgan Grimes and Jeff Barnes take the advanced laptop. When opened, Orion asks for identification. When they reply that they cannot, Orion assumes that they are in danger and sends a Predator drone from Edwards Air Force Base. Assuming it is a simulation game, they target their own location. Casey detects the drone and prepares to evacuate the building, but the group in the bathroom instead target the Beverly Hills Buy More (''See'' "Buy More"). Chuck realizes that his coworkers have intercepted the laptop and orders Morgan to stop playing with the computer. He finds them in the men's room and enters a target sequence cancel code to abort the aerial support mission. Big Mike walks in on the commotion, assumes that the laptop is the Roark 7, takes it and places it in a safe, assigning Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale) to guard it overnight. Meanwhile, Vincent reports his discoveries to the Ring Elders and persuades them to let him infiltrate the Burbank Buy More.

As Emmett guards the Buy More, Casey, Chuck and Sarah sneak in to retrieve the laptop. Chuck orders Casey and Sarah to cause a distraction while he inputs the combination to Big Mike's safe, telling them not to use guns or violence. As the agents get into place, Emmett walks past Lester and Jeff, who have their own plan to steal the laptop. As Jeff attempts to throw his voice to distract Emmett, Emmett seeks the source, leading everyone to scatter. As Chuck enters the office, Lester mistakenly scolds Casey (believing him to be Jeff) and Jeff mistakenly talks to Sarah (believing her to be Lester). Suddenly, Vincent enters through the roof to steal the laptop. After Chuck unlocks the safe, he turns around and flashes on a gun-wielding Vincent.

When Jeff and Lester realize that there are other robbers in the store, they flee, only to get maced by Emmett. As Emmett gloats, Casey incapacitates him with an elbow strike. As Sarah joins Casey, Chuck comes out held at gunpoint by Vincent, who demands that they drop their guns. When Chuck explains why his plan excludes guns, Vincent explains that it would be unprofessional not to shoot someone. Casey produces a gun and shoots Vincent first. Before they can question Vincent, he ingests tetrodotoxin.

Casey dumps Vincent's body in Castle. Beckman stops Chuck from opening the laptop, suspecting Orion of being in Fulcrum and taking over the operation personally, warning Chuck that he may have to return with her if Fulcrum knows his identity. When Orion again contacts Chuck and calls his cell phone, Chuck explains that the computer is locked up in a government facility and Orion is suspected of being connected to Fulcrum. Orion tells Chuck to look at the computer and Chuck flashes on a symbol. When Chuck asks how Orion knew that was in the Intersect, he replies that he put it there, fully convincing Chuck.

Orion shows Chuck surveillance of a meeting of Beckman, Sarah and Casey, where Beckman explains that Chuck is too important to national security to allow Orion to remove the Intersect, hence the lie that Orion is connected to Fulcrum. After seeing Sarah agree, Chuck flees, leaving his watch behind. Chuck reaches the laptop, and Orion confirms that he can remove the Intersect. As they arrange a meeting, Vincent crawls out of his body bag and kidnaps Chuck, having been trained to survive tetrodotoxin's near-death state. Meanwhile, Sarah and Casey realize that Chuck has left his apartment and notice the address of his meeting with Orion on a surveillance video.

At the rendezvous, Vincent threatens to kill Chuck's family, forcing Chuck to tell Orion that he is safe. Suddenly, Fulcrum agents surround and capture Orion. As Orion is led to a helicopter on the roof, Sarah and Casey arrive and shoot Vincent. As the helicopter takes off, Chuck opens the laptop and finds that Orion has activated an "Emergency Protocol". Suddenly, the Predator drone arrives and destroys the helicopter, with Orion inside.

After Beckman admits that she does not want the Intersect removed from Chuck's head, Chuck returns home to find a packet containing cards depicting the Intersect and a disc. On the disc, a video of Orion instructs Chuck to study the cards, then self-destructs. Beckman questions Casey about Sarah's reliability and feelings towards Chuck, requesting everything Casey knows about them. Meanwhile, Chuck reviews the cards, determined to return to his old life.

Buy More

The Buy More employees discover their store toilet papered by the employees of the Beverly Hills branch, led by Barclay (Matt Winston). Big Mike reveals that they are jealous that the Burbank branch is getting the new Roark Instruments laptop first. Lester later intercepts Orion's laptop for Chuck, believing it to be the Roark 7. From Jeff's "office" in the men's bathroom, Lester, Jeff, and Morgan command a Predator drone and nearly bomb themselves, believing it to be a simulation game. They then command it to bomb the Beverly Hills branch, but Chuck arrives and cancels the mission just in time. Big Mike walks in on the commotion, presumes that the laptop is the Roark 7, takes it, places it in a safe, and assigns Emmett to guard it overnight.

Jeff and Lester later sneak into the store to steal the laptop, becoming separated. Realizing that they are actually talking to Sarah and Casey, they flee the store. They are then maced by Emmett, who is then incapacitated by Casey. Big Mike and Morgan arrive, and Jeff and Lester lie about overhearing the break-in. Emmett thinks that an entire crew has attacked him, leading everyone to suspect the Beverly Hills branch.

They enter the store to retaliate, and Emmett accidentally causes a chain reaction of shelves tipping over. As they celebrate their victory the next day, the Beverly Hills group enters and accuses them. Big Mike convinces them that involving the police is not "the Buy More way" and the group exits. Mike thanks Morgan and informs him of rumors of a store closing, thus reassuring his de facto stepson that he will not let that happen.

Man of Many Many Faces

Man of Many Many Faces is about Masoud Shastchi (Mehran Modiri) once again finding himself in situations like in Man of Many Faces. The TV show starts off with Masoud sitting with the police officer Shahin Etemadi (Pejman Bazeghi) talking about what happened that he is back in court again. It then shows that Masoud goes back to Shiraz to his house to find that his parents have left and gone to a new place because they were embarrassed in front of the neighbours for their son's behaviour. After Masoud finds his parents he goes off to work to find out that his boss doesn't want him anymore. He then goes to the house of Sahar (Falamak Joneidi) and finds out she doesn't want to see him. So Masoud goes looking for a job and finally when he gets one as a wedding speaker, he gets assigned to go to Sahar's wedding and gets heartbroken when he sees her. Meanwhile, a guy has thought that Masoud is Mehran Modiri and asks him if he can star on a TV show. Seeing what has happened he agrees and goes back to Tehran to be Mehran Modiri. After the TV Show finished he met Siamak Ansari (Siamak Ansari) in a restaurant and with him he went to his house. He got very excited when he went in his house and suddenly met his snake. He yelled and screamed and finally killed the snake which the actual Mehran Modiri liked so much. He then went to the studio to get filmed on a movie they were working on and when he was about to escape and go away, he met Sahar Zakaria (Sahar Zakaria) in the doorway and couldn't go. He stays and they do filming and he doesn't do it right. After that he goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him he needs to marry someone. He thinks of Sahar Zakaria and tries to ask her but Siamak Ansari doesn't let him. Meanwhile, the real Mehran Modiri has arrived from Paris and gets puzzled that people and the doctor tell him he has been here for 2 days. He goes to his house to see what has happened and Masoud is there with Siamak Ansari but just as Mehran Modiri enters, Masoud goes to the toilet.....

Coming Soon (2008 film)

The movie starts with a scene of a movie where a woman named Chaba murders two of her three kidnapped children, only to be arrested by local villagers and hanged.

Shane and Som, in the movie audience, got traumatized by Shomba and start researching, finding out that this movie was based on a true event that happened 30 years ago.

Curious, they decide to check the house where this event occurred. While in the house, Shane falls off the stairs and gets heavily injured. At the hospital, they are questioned by the doctor on why they went to the house, to which they replied it was to investigate the report of Chaba's death. The doctor later tells them that Chaba hasn't died and is currently in a mental facility.

Shane decides to look at the film and see what has gone wrong. They find that the actress in the movie, Ingchan, has died instead of Chaba.

Later, Shane and Som gets haunted by Ingchan and later killed.

That's the Way of the World (film)

Coleman Buckmaster (Harvey Keitel), also known as "the Golden Ear", is a producer extraordinaire for A-Chord Records. In the midst of working slavishly to complete the debut album of "the Group" (Earth, Wind & Fire), Buckmaster is forced to put their project on the back-burner in favor of a new signing to A-Chord, "the Pages," Velour (Cynthia Bostick), Gary (Jimmy Boyd) and Franklin (Bert Parks). According to label head Carlton James (Ed Nelson), the Pages represent good, old-fashioned, wholesome family values. According to Buckmaster, they represent everything wrong with the music business: a soulless pastiche of cheese-on-white-bread, and he wants nothing to do with them. However, due to his contract, he is forced to turn the flat song of their demo, "Joy, Joy, Joy" into a workable hit. In the meantime, he ends up in a relationship with Velour, seemingly also against his will, but he is able to use the relationship to his and the Group's advantage, then to break the news of a make shift marriage to Velour, updated her part of the music contract, the Pages. A twist were everybody wins.

Painful Maturity

Su-jin, a girl prone to lapses into unconsciousness, is saved by Kyung-ho when she passes out on the street. After Kyung-ho leaves her in a hospital, he leaves on a three-month voyage. Hoping to meet him on his return, Su-jin goes to see his ship on its scheduled arrival. She passes out, and Kyung-ho is not on the ship. Jang-won, a medical student, falls in love with Su-jin during her recuperation, but must give her up when Kyung-ho returns.

The Boy Detective Fails

In the twilight of a childhood full of wonder, Billy Argo, Boy detective, is brokenhearted to find his young sister and crime-solving partner, Caroline, has committed suicide. Ten years later, Billy, age thirty, returns from an extended stay at Shady Glens Facility for Mental Competence to discover a world full of unimaginable strangeness: office buildings vanish without reason, small animals turn up without their heads, and cruel villains ride city buses to complete their evil schemes.

Lost within this unwelcoming place, Billy finds the companionship of two lonely children, Effie and Gus Mumford—one a science fair genius, the other a charming, silent bully. With a nearly forgotten bravery, Billy confronts the monotony of his job in telephone sales, the awkward beauty of a desperate pickpocket named Penny Maple, and the seemingly impossible solution to the mystery of his sister's death. Along a path laden with hidden clues and codes that dare to be deciphered, the boy detective may learn the greatest secret of all: the necessity of the unknown.

Tender as Hellfire

Dough and Pill are brothers bound by more than blood. The anguish of their past, the terror of their present, and the uncertainty of their future all underscore the only truth that is within their grasp: each other. For beneath the cruel surface of their trailer park community lies a menagerie of odd characters, each one strange yet somehow beautiful, including Val, the blowsy bottle-blonde who shows surprising maternal instincts when the boys need it most, and El Rey del Perdito, the "Undisputed King of the Tango," a widower who dances nightly, imagining his wife in his arms, as Dough peers through the window contemplating a love that seems not to die. Surrounded by the strange and displaced, Dough and Pill must navigate through a world of constant pain and confusion. Finding beauty in unexpected places and maintaining reverence for hard-won scars, these two brothers learn, finally, that even broken things can be perfect.

So Big (1953 film)

In the late 1890s, boarding school student Selina Peake learns of the death of her father, who has left her penniless as the result of bad business transactions. August Hempel, the father of her best friend Julie, secures her a teaching position in New Holland, a small Dutch farming community outside Chicago. There she rents a room in the home of Klaas Pool, who lives with his unhappy wife Maartje and intelligent but troubled adolescent son Roelf.

After discovering the boy has an ear for music, Selina gives Roelf piano lessons and encourages his artistic talents, leading him away from juvenile delinquency. She meets Pervus DeJong and eventually accepts his proposal of marriage, settling into the daily routine of a farmer's wife. The two have a son they name Dirk, but as he grows older he is nicknamed So Big.

Dirk, like Roelf, exhibits signs of artistic abilities. His mother encourages him, despite her husband's disapproval. When the boy is eight years old, Pervus dies and Selina struggles to run the farm alone. She and Dirk travel to the Chicago Haymarket to sell their produce, but no one there will deal with a woman.

Facing financial difficulties, Selina reunites with Julie, now the divorced mother of two. Her father offers to invest in Selina's plan to grow exotic vegetables. Her asparagus is a huge success and she is able to send Dirk to college to study architecture. Following graduation, he finds employment as a draughtsman and continues his relationship with Julie's daughter Paula, a social climber who convinces him to forgo his career in favor of becoming a more immediate financial success. Dirk accepts a job in sales, disappointing his mother so much, she no longer calls him So Big.

Dirk falls in love with artist Dallas O'Mara and proposes marriage. Although she likes him, she declines his offer, telling him she wants a man whose hands have been roughened by physical labor. Roelf, now a famous composer, arrives in Chicago and reunites with Dallas, whom he had met in Paris. He, Dallas, and Dirk visit Selina, and the two women become friends.

Roelf and Dallas leave together, and Dirk bemoans the path his life has taken. His mother tells him it is not too late to pursue his creative dreams. Taking him in her arms, she calls him So Big once again.

Robots (1988 film)

Elijah Baley is issued an assignment by Police Commissioner Julius Enderby to induct a Spacer Robot onto the force, as requested by Dr. Han Fastolfe, the galaxy's leading Spacer roboticist. Baley meets R. Daneel Olivaw at Spacertown, where they discover that Han Fastolfe becomes the victim of a failed murder attempt, his life saved thanks to his robot assistant R. Giskard. Kelden Amadiro, seemingly enraged by the attack on Fastolfe, quickly blames Earth. Using the riots against Spacers and Robots as an excuse, Amadiro issues an ultimatum to Enderby: Find Fastolfe's assailant in 24 hours or Spacer Robots will enter the City to put down the riots.

Throughout the video, Elijah Baley addresses Data Central (the viewers) where he "submits" evidence in the form of a clue card. The viewers are prompted to draw one of the cards with one side facing up while taking note of everything that happens in the story. Along the way, he interviews Sophia Quintana- Earth's leading roboticist, rivaled (and romantically rejected) by Fastolfe himself-, Vasilia Fastolfe- Han's estranged daughter, who bears a grudge towards Han for stealing credit for her works, and harbors an overt distaste for Earthmen (Baley most notably)-, and finally Amadiro, who is a political rival of Fastolfe, the former of whom is known for his anti-Earth views.

Daneel objects since Spacers have no crime and Vasilia is Han's daughter, but Baley argues that they've become unstable enough by the stress of being on Earth. Daneel then adds to the list Julius Enderby who, being a medievalist and under pressure to control the riots, also had clear motive. Elijah agrees, but also adds Borgraf, Jane and Sammy, which Daneel objects because of the First Law of Robotics: "A Robot may not injure a human or, through inaction, allow a human to come to harm."

Upon returning to Spacertown, Baley reveals that the Han Fastolfe in the lab is actually a humanoid robot sent by the real Han Fastolfe (who is still on Aurora) in anticipation of his ongoing political struggles with Amadiro and Vasilia, and out of an overriding fear of Earth germs (which was at odds with Robot Fastolfe's more hospitable behavior). At the last moment of Amadiro's ultimatum, Daneel comes through with the last bit of evidence. Baley accepts it and shakes Daneel's hand, ending his hostility with the humanoid robot.

The video ends on a cliffhanger, with Baley prompting the viewers to use the clues they've gathered from the cards and the video to identify the suspect, spell out their motive and describe the opportunity they had to commit the crime.

Bluebirds Used to Croon in the Choir: Stories

The books starts with "The Use of Medicine," about a pair of kids using an old bottle of belladonna and a hypodermic they find among their father's medical supplies to drug little animals.

"In the Arms of Someone You Love" is set in revolutionary Cuba, where a man worries about losing his wife to a dashing magician. The city erupts in violence, and the man makes a devilish barter for the sake of love, a move that takes this tale out of the realm of magical realism and into that of high romantic fantasy.

More mundane matters prevail in such stories as "Mr. Song," which portrays a cad who pays the aged crooner in the apartment next door to sing ballads through the thin walls as a way of setting the mood, and "I'll Be Your Sailor," in which a schlemiel carries on a benighted affair with a woman in his apartment building who works at a themed fast-food restaurant and has a hockey-loving brute for an uncaring husband.

"A Trip to Greek Mythology Camp" is a painfully comic scenario about a summer camp full of socially awkward kids who assume that in numbers they will find acceptance.

Liza (1972 film)

The painter Giorgio lives on an island near the South coast of Corsica, alone with his dog. He is visited by the beautiful Corsican woman Liza, who has an affair with him.

Treasure of Matecumbe

In post-Civil War Kentucky, ex-slave Ben (Robert DoQui) arrives at Grassy, the decaying plantation where young Davie Burnie (Johnny Doran), his aunts Effie (Jane Wyatt) and Lou (Virginia Vincent), and young ex-slave Thad (Billy Atmore) live. Ben reveals that Davie's father hid a treasure map in a book in the home. That night, Northern carpetbagger Captain Spangler (Vic Morrow) and his men attack the plantation, but Effie helps the boys escape. Ben rips the map from the book and gives it to the boys before being shot and killed by Spangler.

The boys book cheap passage on a steamboat headed down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. They find stowaway Lauriette Paxton (Joan Hackett), a "runaway bride". She cheats a gambler (Dick Van Patten) out of $400 and a ring. One night, a thief steals Davie's wallet (which has his money and map). When Lauriette tries to stop him, he pushes her overboard. The boys jump into the river and save her. Lauriette trades her ring for a mule and cart and the trio make it to the next town. Lauriette turns the boys in as runaways, but they escape. Spangler hears of the jail break, and is back on the boys' trail.

Davie and Thad meet snake oil salesman Dr. Ewing Snodgrass (Peter Ustinov), and join his show. In the next town, Lauriette sees the show. Spangler and his men also see the boys on stage, and Davie flees. Just as Spangler is about to push Davie over a cliff, Lauriette intervenes and drives him off with a gun. Lauriette and Dr. Snodgrass now realize that the boys' tale of a treasure map is true. Based on Davie's description of the map, Snodgrass embroiders a rough copy of the map onto a handkerchief.

Davie suggests they seek out his Uncle Jim (Robert Foxworth), whose home is downriver at a place called Friar's Point. Using Snodgrass' boat, they arrive at Jim's home just as he is about to be lynched by the Ku Klux Klan for, or so their leader claims, interfering in the Klan's business. Taking one of the Klansmen's rifles, Davie shoots down the noose, while Thad and Dr. Snodgrass lob Molotov cocktails at the Klan, which drives them off. They continue downriver, and stop for the night with some rivermen. Lauriette's dancing proves too provocative for the rough men, and Jim rescues her from their advances. At the next landing, they are suddenly attacked by Spangler and his men, who have caught up to them aboard a small steamboat. Fleeing into the woods, Jim leads Spangler and his men off and is seemingly killed by Spangler's lieutenant, Catrell (Mills Watson). Meanwhile, Snodgrass, Davie, Thad, and Lauriette double back and steal the steamboat, blowing up Snodgrass' keelboat to prevent pursuit.

In New Orleans, the foursome boards a train headed for Florida, but are spotted by Spangler's men. Reaching Tampa, Florida, the group hires a local guide, Cooter Skaggs (Don Knight) to get them through the Everglades to Matecumbe. Skaggs betrays them and takes them to Spangler. Dr. Snodgrass turns his embroidered copy of the treasure map over to Spangler to save Davie's life. Spangler and his men abandon the group in the swamp and head for Matecumbe. Hours later, Davie and the others are surprised to see Uncle Jim arrive in a boat, guided by his Seminole friend, Charlie (Valentin de Vargas). The group uses Charlie's boat to head for the island and the treasure site even though Charlie says it is located in the territory of the dangerous "Cougar" tribe of Native Americans.

The group finds the buried treasure just as a hurricane hits. Snodgrass is swept out to sea by a giant wave. The others stumble into a Cougar burial ground, and take refuge in a chief's tomb. After the hurricane passes, the group finds and digs up the treasure. Davie and his friends are spotted by Spangler and his men, and flee. Davie and Thad lead Spangler into the burial ground just as a large number of Cougars arrive. Spangler and his men desecrate several graves and structures as they chase Davie and Thad. Stopping when they see the treasure chest, Spangler and his men are caught by the Cougars. The Native Americans, uninterested in the chest, take the villains off to be made into "squaws"---slaves for the rest of their lives.

Davie and his friends take the treasure and head back to the beach, where they find Dr. Snodgrass injured but alive. Jim and Lauriette, now in love, agree to move to Grassy with Davie and Thad, and Davie invites Dr. Snodgrass to come live with them.

Thorn Castle

Tamly is the only person in Meadowhythe who cannot do magic. He wishes he knew why, and longs to learn magic. But it is precisely his lack of magic which makes him ideal for the dangerous challenge of rescuing the Book of Spells from the evil sorcerer Lord Harshax. Together with his magically gifted friend Kym, he sets out to steal the book and save his village.

The Jailhouse

Small town, the American dream. A blue-collar family living the idyllic rural lifestyle. Nothing is out of place except for the lack of white picket fences and the old jail that occupies the second floor of their century old home. Seth Delray (C. Thomas Howell) knew the possibilities before he moved his wife and two kids into the old jailhouse, but the Sheriff assured him that it would be an act of God to put that place back into service. Times are tight, and it was just too good of a deal to refuse. That is, until the county jail caught fire. The Sheriff hands were tied and he had to put the displaced inmates anywhere he could find iron bars with a locking door. The Delray's were his only option. For Seth the worst wasn't the locked up criminals above his living room, it was the mortal fear in his children's eyes, the piercing cold looks from his wife. The deep, dark creeping recognition that something had happened there, something terrible, something that would rip his soul with a hundred year old hands.

Paying It Forward

The story is told from an unnamed narrator's point of view, who describes his relationship with a famous science fiction author via a series of email correspondences. The strange thing is that the correspondences don't begin until after the author's death. Throughout many years the narrator receives great wisdom from the deceased author, only learning the truth when he himself is about to die.

Romiette and Julio

This story begins with African American teenager Romiette Cappelle awaking from a recurring nightmare in which she is drowning in fire and water. Just before waking she hears an unknown male voice speaking to her. Although frightened by the nightmare, she wonders whether the voice could be the voice of her soulmate.

Meanwhile, Julio Montague, a Hispanic teenager has just moved to town (Cincinnati, Ohio) from Corpus Christi, Texas, and the following day is his first day attending the same school as Romiette. On his first day he is involved in an altercation with Ben, a local boy, and the two end up becoming friends after Ben declines to implicate Julio when questioned by the school's principal. When Julio gets home that afternoon, he logs into a chatroom with the screen name "spanishlover" and starts to chat anonymously with "afroqueen," who he later finds is Romiette. Meanwhile, Romiette excitedly tells Destiny, her best friend, about her online chat with "spanishlover." Romiette and Julio continue to chat online, have a lunch date, and eventually fall in love with each other.

Their relationship provokes the ire of a local gang—the "Devil Dogs"—who disapprove of an African American girl dating a Hispanic boy. Makala, a member of the gang, threatens Romiette on several occasions. Julio tells his parents about the relationship, and although his mother, Maria, approves, his father, Luis, dislikes his son dating an African American girl because his first girlfriend was killed by gang members who were African American.

Romiette and Julio struggle with the pressure of their environment's disapprobation, reaching a crisis when the gang threaten them at gunpoint. The two of them meet with Ben and Destiny and concoct a plan to deal with the gang: Romiette and Julio will show their affection in public in order to draw the gang member's attention, while Ben and Destiny will be nearby and armed with a gun, ready to step in and confront them. The plan fails at a critical juncture when the car breaks down, and Romiette and Julio are abducted by the Devil Dogs.

Ben and Destiny go to the Cappelle's home and explain what has happened to Romiette's parents, Lady and Cornell. Lady asks Malaka where the teens are, but Malaka denies knowing where they are. She eventually reveals their location when questioned by the police.

Romiette and Julio turn out to be stranded at the bottom of a boat in London Woods Lake. When lightning strikes, they are separated. Having fallen into the lake, unable to swim, Romiette blacks out and experiences once again her recurring dream. When Julio finds her floating face down, he pulls her to land and finds she is not breathing. As Julio tries to wake her, Romiette recognizes the unknown male voice in her dream as Julio's voice.

The One Lamb

''The One Lamb'' is the story of Jackson Price (Bryan Forrest) who is diagnosed with cancer, and determined to atone for the sins of his past. He once had everything going his way, but in a moment of weakness he lost everything. He was abandoned by his wife, learns he is dying of cancer, and may not live long. But he's determined to fight, and with a little help from a pastor named Earl (John W. Price), he tries to achieve redemption for his past failures while hoping and praying for a happy, healthy future.

La Visa Loca

Jess Huson (Robin Padilla) is a Filipino taxi driver who dreamed of obtaining a visa to be able to go to the United States. Jess meets his ex-girlfriend (Rufa Mae Quinto) and her young son Jason (Kurt Perez) who might actually be his. However, his visa application was denied. Jess's aging but randy diabetic father (Johnny Delgado) spends his days watching TV. One day, the famous TV host Nigel Adams came to the Philippines and Jess becomes his guide. He learns Nigel's brother was the one who operated one of the biggest nursing aid agencies in the US East Coast.

Gehenu Lamai

Kusum witnesses Nimal leading a procession into their village.

Kusum then recalls her childhood spent with friend Nimal. She is taught by the older boy. Kusum then starts boarding school with a transition to her at an older age. She gains a friend in Podmini who admires Kusum's innocence.

When Kusum visits home, she takes to helping out at the home of Nimal's mother, Mrs. Satharasinghe. On one such visit Nimal engages Kusum in a relationship. They fall in love though Kusum starts to feel guilty due to her lower class status. Soma is chosen to be part of a beauty contest and Kusum and Nimal take the chance to spend time together.

Mrs. Satharasinghe finds out about the encounter and confronts Kusum causing her to reveal her relationship with Nimal. Mrs. Satharasinghe scolds her and relieves her of her duties helping out at their home. Driven by guilt, Kusum breaks off all contact with Nimal. Soma, meanwhile, gets pregnant and is abandoned by the father. Kusum starts to take care of the child.

Nimal becomes a teacher at Kusum's school causing them to come in contact again. She tries to keep their encounters formal though at the prodding of Podmini takes some notes from him ahead of another girl. The girl bullies Kusum before Podmini comes to her rescue. Kusum then rejects Nimal's help.

The story then returns to the present with Nimal arriving at the village. Kusum reveals she failed to get into college and is now unemployed. She questions if this is her fate.

Pontiac Moon

The film takes place in the summer of 1969, when NASA astronauts successfully landed on the Moon for the first time, in the Apollo 11 spacecraft. Katherine, suffering from panic attacks caused by an automobile accident which resulted in the loss of their unborn child, refuses to leave the house, while Washington is a man of adventure who enjoys travel and experiencing life. As a result of the conflict between the two, eleven-year-old son Andy (Ryan Todd) has never traveled in a car, nor has he ever left town.

Washington, who also maintains a ragtag collection of automobiles of various vintages, decides to travel with Andy to the Spires of the Moon National Park (a fictitious park possibly based on Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve), arriving at the very moment that the Apollo 11 crew lands on the Moon. They make the trip in Washington's 1949 Pontiac Eight Chieftain DeLuxe convertible (the grille indicates it's a 1950) nicknamed "Old Chief", and make some enemies, new friends, and learn the meaning of family. The Pontiac's mileage, when arriving at its destination, will be exactly the distance in miles from the Earth to the Moon.

When Katherine finds out where her husband and son are going, she faces her fears (she hasn't been out the house for seven years), and follows them in one of Washington's cars, an Amphicar. She learns the importance of living as she follows the Pontiac to Spires of the Moon. On the way, the Pontiac's engine dies, and Washington arranges for a mechanic to install a replacement engine, only to leave the premises without paying for the engine because he didn't have enough money to pay. At the moment of the Apollo 11 landing, the Pontiac crashes into a crater at Spires of the Moon, with Andy at the wheel. Katherine arrives, and they escape a police chase by driving the Amphicar into a lake to Canada and safety.

The adventure brings the Bellamy family together, and they are now ready to begin a more normal life.

Physical Evidence

After parking his car and placing a "Happy Now?" sign around his neck, a man attempts to jump off a bridge to hang himself but finds extortionist Jake Farley lying on the bridge's girders. He grabs Jake's foot with the rope but discovers he is dead.

Meanwhile, at his apartment, beleaguered ex-police officer Joe Paris wakes up with a splitting headache and blood on his shirt after a night of drinking and cannot recall events of the previous night. His blood is discovered on the murder weapon planted in his apartment and he is arrested by detectives. Public defender Jenny Hudson is assigned to meet and represent Joe. Investigating the case, Joe and Jenny arrive at Farley's Bar & Lounge, where Joe meets Jake's son, Matt, who, believing Paris killed his father, has an employee tell them to leave. Joe and Jenny leave the bar and see what seems to be a policeman watching them. They attempt to give chase, but a near head-on collision forces them to abandon their tail.

Deborah Quinn, with whom Joe was having an affair, tells Jenny that Joe was with her the night of the murder, but she fears her husband, Vincent, a violent crime boss. Joe, believing an old nemesis, Harry Norton, may be involved, tracks him down at his business. But it turns out Norton was out of the country with his new wife.

It is revealed at the trial that Farley was disliked by nearly everyone. Farley also taped his conversations with people, including Joe, and many of the tapes contained incriminating evidence he was using to blackmail people, including police officers.

A convict named Tony Sklar contacts Jenny and tells her he has evidence that could clear Joe, but he would tell her only in exchange for a deal to lessen his sentence. She visits him in the hospital infirmary and tells her he was hired by Norton to kill Farley and his new wife, Celeste, who had been married to Norton before Norton was incarcerated. Norton also blamed Joe, who had arrested him when Joe was a police officer. Before a deal can be finalized, though, Norton has Sklar killed in prison.

Joe, however, doctors a tape of Sklar to make Norton believe he is still alive. Norton comes to exact his revenge and find Sklar, killing three police officers and shooting Joe before tracking down Jenny. Norton confesses to arranging Farley's murder and pinning it on Joe, believing he could fulfill two vendettas at once. Jenny tells him that she can take him to Sklar. As they are leaving, she wrestles with Norton in a stairwell before shooting and killing him.

She meets a wounded Joe outside the building as the film ends.

Little Eva: The Flower of the South

Little Eva, the daughter of a wealthy Alabama planter, is known as the "Flower of the South" due to her kindness. She teaches slave children the alphabet, and both Little Eva and the children enjoy the lessons. Little Eva comforts her old nursemaid by giving her chicken broth and keeping her informed of the news. The nursemaid enjoys her company and shares memories of Little Eva's infancy.

Every Sabbath morning, Little Eva reads the Bible to the slaves; even though she has taught several slaves to read, they prefer to listen to her. Little Eva frequently wakes up early to take walks and pick flowers for her mother. On her ninth birthday, she tries to pick grass by a body of water but falls into it and nearly drowns. A slave named Sam rescues her. Little Eva gives Sam a Bible, and her parents free him. He chooses to remain with the family because he loves them.

Elven Legacy

The game presents a time when five races existed: elves, orcs, humans, the undead, and dwarves. The races are in conflict for possession of one land where the orcs once have been driven away by the human race. A hundred years later, the orcs prepare for a war to recapture their motherland. At the same time, the other races declare war against the human race in an effort to capture the territory in which humans lived. The player can either choose to play as the elves or the orcs.

Daughter of Venice

This story follows Donata, daughter of a wealthy noble in 1592.

''VENICE, ITALY 1592. Donata Mocenigo, daughter to one of the city's noble families, leads a life of wealthy privilege. But constrained by the strict rules of etiquette a young noblewoman must observe, she longs to throw off her veil and wander freely around the vibrant city she can see only from her balcony. So Donata comes up with a daring plan to escape the palazzo and explore - a plan that will change her own and her family's lives forever.

Donata Mocenigo is the daughter of a wealthy Venetian noble family, but resents her lack of freedom. Eventually she and her sisters conspire to let her dress up as a poor boy, and wander the city freely - her twin sister, Laura, taking her place around the household. On her first visit outside her palazzo, she injures her foot, wanders into the Jewish Ghetto, and meets a young man called Noé, who helps her and gives her a pair of shoes, in return for her working off the debt for him at a printers' workshop, copying out handbills.

Donata does so for a month, getting closer to Noé. Meanwhile, at home, she and Laura persuade their father to allow them to join their brothers in tutorials - Donata begins learning to read and write, and about architecture, business and history. Laura, however, is less interested, and quits tutorials after a short time.

As Donata and Laura are the second and third daughters in their family, and only the first (and sometimes second) daughter normally marries, both of them hope to find husbands instead of being sent to convents like their younger sisters, Maria and Paolina. However, during a dinnertime discussion, Donata's father announces that he has found not one, but two husbands - one for their older sister Andriana, and one for Donata, who has been selected partly because of being so hardworking. However, since it is Laura who has been working hard in her stead while she wanders around Venice, she feels horribly guilty and decides that she cannot get married - partly from loyalty to Laura, and partly because she is falling in love with Noé.

Eventually, she comes up with a plan: she writes a denunciation of herself, claiming that she has converted to Judaism, so that she will be embroiled in a scandal, withdrawn from the betrothal, and Laura can take her place. In the process her family discover that she has been leaving the palazzo, alone, but eventually the plan does succeed. Donata has no idea what her future will hold, but eventually her father reveals that her tutor, Messer Zonico, has gone to the University of Padua to persuade them to allow her to take up the doctorate course in philosophy. Donata is overjoyed, and hopes some day to become a tutor, like the one she admires, to other noble girls.

Iron Man 2

In Russia, the media covers Tony Stark's disclosure of his identity as Iron Man. Ivan Vanko, whose father Anton Vanko—a former Stark Industries employee—has just died, sees this and begins building a miniature arc reactor similar to Stark's. Six months later, Stark has become a media superstar and resists government pressure to sell his designs. To continue the legacy of his father Howard, he reinstitutes the Stark Expo in New York City's Flushing Meadows–Corona Park.

Stark learns that the palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps him alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him, and he cannot find a substitute. Growing increasingly reckless and despondent about his impending death, and choosing not to tell anyone about his condition, Stark appoints his personal assistant Pepper Potts as CEO of Stark Industries and hires Stark employee Natalie Rushman to replace her as his personal assistant. Stark competes in the Monaco Historic Grand Prix, where he is attacked in the middle of the race by Vanko, who wields electrified whips. Stark dons his armor and defeats Vanko, but the suit is severely damaged. Vanko explains that his intention was to prove to the world that Iron Man is not invincible.

Impressed by Vanko's performance, Stark's rival, Justin Hammer, fakes Vanko's death while breaking him out of prison and asks him to build a line of armored suits to upstage Stark, though Vanko decides that unmanned drones are a better idea. During what he believes is his final birthday party, Stark gets drunk while wearing the Iron Man suit. Disgusted, Stark's best friend, U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, dons Stark's prototype armor and tries to restrain him. The fight ends in a stalemate, and Rhodes confiscates the armor for the U.S. Air Force.

Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., approaches Stark, revealing that "Rushman" is agent Natasha Romanoff and that Howard Stark was the S.H.I.E.L.D. founder whom Fury knew personally. Fury explains that Vanko's father and Stark invented the arc reactor together, but when Anton tried to sell it, Stark had him deported. The Soviets sent Anton to the Gulag. Fury gives Stark some of his father's old material. Tony discovers a hidden message in the diorama of the 1974 Stark Expo; it proves to be a diagram of the atomic structure of a new element. With the aid of his A.I., J.A.R.V.I.S., Stark synthesizes it. When he learns that Vanko is still alive, he places the new element in his arc reactor and ends his palladium dependency.

At the current Expo, Hammer unveils Vanko's armored drones, led by Rhodes in a heavily weaponized version of the prototype armor. Stark arrives to warn Rhodes, but Vanko takes remote control of all the drones and Rhodes' armor and attacks Stark. Hammer soon gets arrested for breaking Vanko out of prison, while Romanoff and Stark's bodyguard Happy Hogan go after Vanko at Hammer's factory. Vanko escapes, but Romanoff returns control of Rhodes' armor to him. Together, Stark and Rhodes defeat Vanko and his drones. Vanko commits suicide by blowing up his suit, along with the defeated drones.

At a debriefing, Fury informs Stark that because of his difficult personality, S.H.I.E.L.D. intends to use him only as a consultant. Stark and Rhodes receive medals for their heroism. In a post-credits scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson reports the discovery of a large hammer at the bottom of a crater in a desert in New Mexico.

Iron Man 3

At a New Year's Eve party in 1999, Tony Stark meets scientist Maya Hansen, the inventor of an experimental regenerative treatment named Extremis that allows recovery from crippling injuries. Disabled scientist Aldrich Killian offers them a place in his company Advanced Idea Mechanics, but Stark rejects him. In December 2012, seven months after the Battle of New York, Stark is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and is having frequent panic and anxiety attacks due to his experiences during the alien invasion and subsequent battle. Restless, he has built dozens of new Iron Man suits to cope with his insomnia, creating friction with his girlfriend Pepper Potts.

A string of bombings claimed by a terrorist known as the Mandarin has left intelligence agencies bewildered by a lack of forensic evidence. Stark's security chief Happy Hogan is badly injured in one such attack at the TCL Chinese Theatre and is put into a coma, prompting Stark to boldly issue a televised threat to the Mandarin, revealing his home address in the process. The Mandarin sends gunship helicopters to destroy Stark's home. Hansen, who came to warn Stark, survives the attack with Potts. Stark escapes in an experimental new Iron Man suit, which his artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. pilots to rural Tennessee, following a flight plan from Stark's investigation into the Mandarin. Stark's new armor is not fully functional and lacks sufficient power to return to California, leaving the world to believe that he is dead.

With the help of a local boy named Harley Keener, Stark investigates the remains of a local explosion bearing the hallmarks of a Mandarin attack, although it occurred years before any known attack by the terrorist. He discovers the "bombings" were triggered by soldiers subjected to Extremis whose bodies explosively rejected the treatment. These explosions were falsely attributed to a terrorist plot in order to cover up Extremis's flaws. Stark witnesses Extremis first hand when Mandarin agents Savin and Brandt attack him: Stark kills Brandt and incapacitates Savin. Meanwhile, Killian resurfaces and kidnaps Potts with assistance from Hansen. American intelligence agencies continue to search for the Mandarin's location, with James Rhodes—the former War Machine, now re-branded as the Iron Patriot—lured into a trap to steal his armor.

Stark traces the Mandarin to Miami and infiltrates his headquarters using improvised weapons. Inside, he discovers the Mandarin is actually an English actor named Trevor Slattery, who is oblivious to the actions carried out in his image. After capturing Stark, Killian reveals he has subjected Potts to Extremis in the hope Stark will help fix Extremis's flaws while trying to save her. When Hansen betrays Killian by threatening to jeopardize his operations, Killian kills her.

Stark escapes and reunites with Rhodes, discovering that Killian intends to attack President Ellis aboard Air Force One, using the Iron Patriot armor, controlled by Savin. Stark kills Savin, saving the passengers and crew, but cannot stop Killian from abducting Ellis and destroying Air Force One. They trace Killian to an impounded damaged oil tanker where Killian intends to kill Ellis on live television. The Vice President would then become a puppet leader, following Killian's orders, in exchange for Extremis to cure his young daughter's disability. On the platform, Stark works to save Potts, as Rhodes goes after the President. Stark summons his remaining Iron Man suits, controlled remotely by J.A.R.V.I.S., to provide air support. Rhodes secures the President and takes him to safety, while Stark discovers Potts has survived the Extremis procedure. Before he can save her, a rig collapses around them, and she falls to the platform below, causing Stark to believe her dead. Stark fights Killian, but finds himself cornered. Killian, who appropriated Hansen's Extremis research as a cure for his own disability and expanded the program to include injured war veterans, reveals he is the real Mandarin behind Slattery's cover. Potts, whose Extremis powers allowed her to survive her fall, intervenes and kills Killian to save Stark.

As a gesture of his devotion to Potts, Stark orders J.A.R.V.I.S. to destroy remotely all the Iron Man suits. The Vice President and Slattery are arrested, and Happy awakens from his coma. With Stark's help, Potts's Extremis effects are stabilized; and Stark promises to scale back his life as Iron Man, undergoing surgery to remove the shrapnel near his heart and throwing his obsolete chest arc reactor into the sea. He muses that, even without the technology, he will always be Iron Man.<!--

Per MOS:FILMPLOT, please do no include the post credit scene here. See the MOS and the talk page for more. -->

Demetrius (play)

In a speech before the Polish diet Demetrius asserts his claim to the throne of the czars. He hopes for assistance from Poland. He declares that he is the son of Ivan the Terrible and was not, as reputed, murdered in 1591 as a child, but raised in a cloister and that he afterward was in the service of the Prince of Sendomir. He asserts that he is Czar Demetrius. His impressive speech convinces both the diet and the king. Although a formal resolution is not passed by the diet because of a veto by Prince Sapiehas, Poland goes into battle against Moscow. The Poles desire to oust Boris Godunov with the help of the upstart Demetrius. The forceful spirit behind the attempt is Demetrius' fiancée Marina, Mnischek's daughter, and Czar Ivan's widow. The latter has been banned to a cloister by Godunov and has for years been grieving for her allegedly murdered son when she receives the news that Demetrius is alive, after all.

Schiller only indicated the course of the further action. Boris hears about the successes of Demetrius and commits suicide with poison. The new czar is a benevolent ruler until he discovers that his claim to the throne is not legitimate. He is not Ivan's son, but was merely used as a tool by the faction of Godunov opponents. When his mother Marfa is supposed to provide identification, she does not recognize him. Despite the lacking legitimation, Demetrius requests her to recognize him as her son. But Marfa follows her conscience and refuses.

The Abduction Club

In 18th century Ireland, there are two financially insecure young bachelors, Garrett Byrne and James Strang, whose exploits evolve from the need to secure wealth. Both are younger sons that will not inherit titles and estates so they become members of an infamous society known as the 'Abduction Club', whose main aim is to woo and then abduct wealthy heiresses in order to marry them (therefore providing themselves with financial security). The men decide to set their sights on the beautiful yet feisty Kennedy sisters, Catherine and Anne, but are unprepared for the negative reaction they are to receive, and they soon find themselves on the run across the Irish countryside (with the sisters in tow) from Anne's cold-hearted admirer, John Power, who does not take kindly to the news of their kidnapping, and with the help of the embittered Attorney General Lord Fermoy, implicates Byrne and Strang in the murder of a Redcoat soldier.

The Galton Whistle

Surveyor Adrian Frome, one of a three-member survey team working in the jungles of the planet Vishnu, is captured by the centaur-like Dzlieri natives after his supervisor is killed and the third member deserts. Taken to their base, he finds them taking orders from Sirat Mongkut, a Terran previously lost in the area, who is pretending to be a god and has ambitions of uniting the Dzlieri tribes under himself as emperor. He uses an ultrasonic whistle than only the Dzlieri can hear to bolster his authority. Another captive is Elena Millán, a female missionary who had also gone missing. Faced with the choice of joining his captor's cause or death, Frome pretends to enlist, while actually seeking an opportunity to thwart the madman's grandiose scheme and escape. When it arises, he kills Sirat and absconds with Elena, making for the peak that was the goal of the survey, from which he hopes to signal for aid. Successfully rescued, he puts in for a transfer to Ganesha, another world in the star system to escape Elena in turn; having formed a romantic liaison with her, he has since discovered she is an incurable fanatic.

Two People (1973 film)

Deirdre McCluskey is a Manhattan-based fashion model who has completed an assignment for ''Vogue'' with photographer, Ron Kesselman, who is also her lover, and Barbara Newman, an editor, in Marrakech. Ron has announced plans to explore the Sahara Desert in lieu of returning home to his son out-of-wedlock with Deirdre, Marcus, leaving them to go to Casablanca by train, without him.

Deidre, aware her love for Ron has died, recognizes fellow passenger Evan Bonner from a cafe where she had eaten the previous day. She approaches his compartment to ask if he has any kief he'd be willing to share with her. Seeing him alone and in tears, she returns to Barbara.

When the train breaks down, Evan and Deidre explore a nearby Arab village while waiting for it to be repaired. Deirdre is attracted to Evan but he withdraws from her advances. On board a flight from Casablanca to Paris, he confesses he deserted in Vietnam, was brought to Moscow by a pro-peace group, and lived in Sweden and Morocco until, weary of his nomad existence, he decided to surrender and face court martial and a prison term.

Deirdre spends a day and night with Evan in Paris before they return to the United States. The following morning, she proposes they remain in Europe, supported by her salary, but he declines. They fly to New York City, where the two are welcomed at Deirdre's townhouse by her mother and son. Deirdre repeats her offer, but Evan is determined to put his past behind him, and later that day he surrenders to the authorities.

Out Cold (1989 film)

The film is set in and around San Pedro, Los Angeles, California - 'the Edward Hopper streets and storefronts create a world where the script plays itself out in all its linear precision.' Sunny (Teri Garr) hires a private detective (Randy Quaid) to trail her husband Ernie (Bruce McGill), whom she believes is lavishing time and money on other women. She wants all the details so she can clean him out in a divorce action. But she is impatient and kills Ernie, taking a chance to make his business partner, Dave (John Lithgow), think he did it. Ernie and Dave worked as butchers in the Army and when they got out they ran a butcher's shop together. Dave has always been in love with Sunny - now he is convinced he has killed Ernie by accidentally locking him in a freezer. Lester Atlas, the private detective, thinks he has pictures of Ernie's lover visiting him at the shop but has actually photographed Sunny on the night she killed him.

Ben 10: Alien Swarm

The film opens as fifteen-year-old cousins Ben and Gwen Tennyson, and their friend sixteen-year-old Kevin Levin are negotiating with a group of black market dealers attempting to sell them alien nanochips, which are causing interference with the Omnitrix. One of them reveals herself to be Elena Validus, a childhood friend of Ben and Gwen. Elena explains that she had set up negotiations to lure Ben out into the open to seek his help in finding her abducted scientist father.

As Ben agrees to help her, the chips spring to life and attack, controlled by a man on a catwalk. The group fights them, and in the process the suspicious man and the dealers escape. While Elena claims she is not responsible for the attack, Kevin and Gwen are suspicious of her.

At their headquarters, the trio, along with Grandpa Max, study one of the chips salvaged from the fight, learning that they are a hybrid of organic and technological components. Elena, having followed the trio, breaks in and Max orders her to leave, explaining that Elena's father, Victor Validus, was an apprentice of his who was dishonorably discharged after stealing the original chips. Ben refuses to believe that Elena is like her father, and breaks ranks with his grandfather and teammates to help her.

While Max is away, Gwen and Kevin investigate Victor Validus and discover a video of Max interrogating Victor, in which Victor insists that "the Hive", the mind intelligence behind the chips, is coming to take over the planet as they are revealed to be able to possess people.

Meanwhile, Ben and Elena arrive at Victor's old laboratory. It has been cleared out by the Hive, but they find evidence that Victor was studying and upgrading the chips. Elena reveals that her father had become erratic before disappearing, and had stopped returning home. He also appears to be the man from the rafters controlling the chips. A mob under the control of the chips ambush Ben and Elena, forcing them to retreat. The Omnitrix again experiences interference around the chips and keeps Ben from transforming, but Ben utilizes a scanning function on it to temporarily repel the mob and allow him and Elena to escape. They head to the Ship-It building to investigate further, though Ben is now somewhat suspicious of Elena himself, realizing the mob expected him and Elena to go to the lab and set a trap for them. Ben finds an order slip made out for that day, when Elena claimed that Victor had already been missing for weeks.

Gwen and Kevin, having reached the building first, are too late to stop the distribution of the chips. Instead, they are met by one of the Ship-It employees, who is also under the chips' control. He summons another larger chip swarm, now capable of forming solid, weaponizable shapes, to attack Gwen and Kevin, damaging Kevin's car during a lengthy chase. Ben, upon joining them, uses Humongousaur to defeat the swarm, destroying Kevin's car in the process.

By the time they return to headquarters, the chips have spread across the globe, and number in the millions. Gwen realizes the swarm's new ability is a sign that they can adapt to threats and become smarter. The group also deduces the chips have a queen, as the chip's hosts have mentioned her. They believed that they can stop the chips by destroying her, but during their search, Max is possessed. Pulling together, the group notice that while world population centers are all infected, Barren Rock, Missouri, has the highest concentration, an apparent anomaly in their distribution.

Infiltrating the factory, populated by multiple infected, including Max, the group discovers that the Queen infected Elena's father, and his body is being used as a hive to rapidly mass-produce the chips. Fearing being possessed by the chips while in his alien forms, Ben uses the Omnitrix to transform into a new alien that he calls "Nanomech", but before he could turn into it he was instead shrunken down as a human. He then notices the giant feet of Kevin and Gwen in front of him. Gwen begins to scrap her gigantic heavy foot across the floor which causes a loud scratching sound which goes to show the massive difference in both size and mass between Gwen and now her shrunken cousin. Ben realises that he is small then after a few seconds then finally transforms into Nanomech, which was created by scanning the DNA of the chips. He flies into Victor's head and battles the Queen, who briefly tries to assert dominance on him, though he resists, while Gwen, Kevin, and Elena fight the infected. As the dormant chips in the factory activate, Nanomech uses the chips ability to adapt to overwhelm and destroy the Queen, freeing everyone from the chips' control.

In the aftermath, Max, after apologizing to Victor, decides to retire and leave his position as leader to Ben, but Ben refuses to allow him to do so. The film ends as Ben, Gwen, Kevin, and Elena drive home.

Thunder Over the Plains

Set in 1869, after the Civil War, Texas had not yet been readmitted to the Union and carpetbaggers, hiding behind the legal protection of the Union Army of occupation, are levying high taxes through occupying local government positions and using the locals' financial distress to acquire assets at well below normal value. Federal Captain Porter (Randolph Scott), a Texan, has to enforce the letter of the law against the violent opposition of his own people. Porter also needs to contend with a strident fellow officer, Captain Bill Hodges. Porter arrests the rebel leader Ben Westman (Charles McGraw) on what he knows is a false murder charge. In trying to prove Westman's innocence, Porter himself becomes a wanted man.

Alien Trespass

The story begins in 1957 in the star-filled skies above California's Mojave Desert. It is a special night for noted astronomer Ted Lewis, who is preparing a special anniversary dinner with steaks for his beautiful, adoring wife Lana while observing the annual meteor shower of the Perseids. In another part of town, Tammy, a waitress at a small local diner with big plans for the future, looks out her window and is excited to see a shooting star, which she takes as a good sign for her dreams.

Suddenly "something shoots overhead and crashes" in the nearby mountains. Assuming it is a fallen meteorite, Ted wants to investigate in person. He reaches the supposed meteorite, which turns out to be an alien spaceship. Then his body is usurped by Urp, a well-meaning, tall, and metallic alien. Urp has discovered that the other passenger of his ship, the one-eyed monster known as Ghota has escaped. He needs to retrieve it and uses a human body to blend in with the locals.Ebert (2012), p. 1-2

The Ghota consumes people in order to grow, multiply, and conquer. Its unquenchable appetite could mean the end of life on Earth.Ebert (2012), p. 1-2 Urp is the only one who knows how to stop the hideous extraterrestrial. He enlists the aid of Tammy, the only human in town willing to believe and trust in his mission. The local police – including Chief Dawson and Officer Vern – are confirmed skeptics and offer little help. Together, Urp and Tammy must hunt down the Ghota and neutralize it before it consumes all the local inhabitants and uses the human fuel to multiply and conquer the world.

Urp and Tammy eventually fall in love. But at the finale, he is compelled to return to his home in space and she is left longing for his company. While she remains on Earth, she finally leaves the small town to go in search of her own destiny. Westfahl (2012), p. 277

Romantic Comedy (1983 film)

Jason Kramer is a popular New York City playwright in desperate need of a new writing partner who can provide him with inspiration. Phoebe Craddock is a small-town teacher who aspires to be a writer.

On the day Jason is marrying wealthy socialite Allison St. James, he meets Phoebe, stripping naked in front of her when he mistakes her for a masseuse.

The two embark on a professional partnership. Over the course of the next nine years, they produce a string of plays, some flops but mostly hits. They find themselves attracted to each other but manage to avoid becoming involved romantically except for a one-nighter out of town, which the aloof Jason fails to even acknowledge the next morning. As time passes, Jason's marriage suffers as Allison runs for political office.

His agent Blanche remains a constant, mothering presence as years go by. Jason is still a husband and a father while Phoebe remains a close family friend. But he permanently loses the respect of both his wife and writing partner by having a fling with a pushy Hollywood actress, Kate Mallory, as well as changing a new play at her request.

Jason goes to pieces after his wife divorces him while Phoebe marries newspaper reporter Leo Jessup. Phoebe moves away, ends their professional partnership and becomes a successful author. When they are reunited for the first time in years, Jason picks an argument with Phoebe in a restaurant and has a heart attack.

Upon coming home, Jason does everything in his power to sabotage Phoebe's marriage while she moves in to take care of him. Leo can plainly see that his wife is in love with Jason and possibly always has been, so he leaves her. Phoebe ultimately invites Jason to try a new kind of collaboration.

Harvey's Dream

Harvey and Janet, a middle-aged married couple in a dysfunctional relationship, discuss over breakfast how Harvey woke up screaming from a dream he had: one of their daughters was killed by a truck. Janet soon realizes how the details of the dream are unerringly accurate for that morning, especially in noticing how their neighbor's car has a dent in it, along with what looks like a blood stain and a dark patch of hair. The story ends when Harvey answers a phone call, as he did in his dream, presumably confirming Janet's mounting fears that the events of the dream are true.

Away We Go

Verona De Tessant (Maya Rudolph) and Burt Farlander (John Krasinski), are in their early thirties in the Denver area and struggling to meet daily needs and build fulfilling lives. Learning they will soon become parents, they are confronted with the challenge of how – and where – to raise a child and build a happy family.

Six months into Verona's pregnancy, they visit their only family in the area, Burt's parents, Gloria and Jerry (Catherine O'Hara and Jeff Daniels), only to find that they have decided to move to Antwerp, Belgium, a month before the baby is due. They will be gone for two years and they have already rented their place to another couple, despite Burt's and Verona's situation. Frustrated with their selfishness and careless attitude, Burt and Verona decide this is an opportunity to find somewhere else to raise their family, as they both can work from home and live wherever they choose.

They first visit Phoenix, Arizona, to see Verona's old boss, Lily (Allison Janney), her husband, Lowell (Jim Gaffigan), and their two children. Burt in particular is disturbed by Lily and Lowell's crass and mean-spirited behavior toward one another and their children.

Burt and Verona next visit Verona's sister, Grace (Carmen Ejogo), in Tucson. Verona urges Burt to try to persuade Grace to stay with her boring boyfriend. When Burt takes a call and displays his trademark humor, Grace tells Verona that she is lucky to have him and Verona agrees.

They next visit Burt's childhood friend and pseudo-cousin in Madison, Wisconsin, "LN" (pronounced "ellen") (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a college professor at the University of Wisconsin with inherited money and radical views about parenting. They bring a stroller as a gift, greatly angering LN as she and her husband Roderick's (Josh Hamilton) is a "continuum home." When Roderick's condescension and LN's backhanded compliments to Verona get to be too much for Burt, he tells them they are horrible people and he and Verona leave but not before taking their son on a wild stroller ride through the house (which he enjoys).

Burt and Verona then visit old college friends in Montreal, Tom (Chris Messina) and his wife, Munch Garnett (Melanie Lynskey), and their diverse family of adopted children. Verona and Burt are happy to have found a loving family and a nice town, deciding to move to Montreal. When they all go to dinner, Burt admits he has proposed to Verona many times, but she always refuses (this stems from anguish over her dead parents' inevitable absence from the wedding). After dinner, Tom tells Burt that Munch has recently suffered her fifth miscarriage and that they seem unable to have biological children.

In the morning, Burt receives an emergency call from his brother, Courtney (Paul Schneider), in Miami, whose wife has left him. Burt and Verona fly to Miami, where Courtney worries about his young daughter and the potential effects of a divorce on her. Burt tries to comfort Courtney while Verona spends time with his daughter. Burt and Verona spend the night outside on a trampoline, promising to love each other and their daughter and have a happy home.

The next day, Verona tells Burt a story about her childhood house and her parents (who were both killed in a car crash when she was 22). Moved by her memory, they decide to settle in Verona's old family home on the Florida Panhandle. Realizing it is the place for them, they sit together happily, overlooking the water.

The Grange at High Force

The novel opens in All Saints' church in Darnley Mills. Some time ago, Peter constructed a Roman ballista and accidentally broke a window in the church while testing it. Two pigeons, taking advantage of the broken window, built a nest in the nave. "Operation Bird's Nest" is now underway, with Arthur climbing up to remove the nest. The gathered crowd below are (quite unnecessarily) concerned for his safety, except for Miss Cadell-Twitten, who is still seething about the ejection of the birds from the church. Arthur poses in an empty niche, which Mr Pritchard explains once held a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The same day, the three friends set off to explore High Force on the moors, to see the waterfall and the tiny abandoned church of Little St. Mary's. Peter has an accident with his bicycle, aptly named the Yellow Peril. Seeking help at the Grange, they meet the Admiral and Guns, and are fascinated by the ancient ship's cannon on the Grange terrace and the workshop in the cellar where a mill wheel is being constructed to provide reliable electricity. The Admiral is in turn interested to hear about the ballista, and proposes that both weapons should be fired at targets to test their accuracy.

They all go together to look at the church, and find it has been invaded by dozens of birds. It needs re-roofing, and thorough cleaning. They set about the various tasks with energy and enthusiasm, also stumbling on a mystery concerning the statue. Miss Cadell-Twitten hints that she knows the answer, but refuses to tell them because they accidentally frightened her bird Augustus.

Plans to fire the cannon are scotched by the police sergeant, until an opportunity arrives just before Christmas, when they succeed in sinking a makeshift raft. Immediately afterwards, a blizzard starts and they help Mr Ramsgill gather in his scattered flock. An exceptionally heavy snowfall cuts off the moor, and even with a snow plough it is a struggle to return to the Grange through the deep drifts. David, the only one who can manage the snowshoes, checks on Bird Cottage and finds Miss Cadell-Twitten suffering from exposure. Grateful for her rescue, she tells them where to find the statue, which is recovered and returned to All Saints.

The novel ends with a two-gun salute, as the Admiral and Guns set off in the spring in their new boat to explore the coastline of the British Isles.

Beyond the Grave (novel)

Amy and Dan head for Cairo, Egypt, with their au pair Nellie Gomez, to find a clue, hidden by Ekaterina founder, Katherine Cahill. They were tailed by Irina Spasky, but escape to a store with an Egyptian goddess statue, the Sakhet. There, a man, Theo Cotter, shows up and convinces them it's a fake. Discouraged, they go back to Nellie.

They went to the Hotel Excelsior and find the Ekaterina stronghold. They find three Sakhets, and get trapped there by Bae Oh, who is the hotel's owner, and leader of the Ekats, after he explains the history of the Sakhets. As they escape, one of Grace's friends, Hilary Vale, finds them and takes them to her house. She gives them a letter and a small Sakhet, sent from Grace and they find out Theo is Hilary's grandson. They head for Queen Nefertari's tomb in Luxor and get trapped by Irina, who picks up Grace's guidebook in the process.

After Amy and Dan had escaped, they are trapped again by Jonah Wizard, who leaves them on a deserted island on the Nile. After Jonah leaves them, and heads for Paris they are chased by a crocodile across the island, but are saved by a local fisherman. They find out Hillary and Theo tricked them to get their hands on the Sakhet that Grace left for Amy and Dan. They use the Sakhet to successfully fool Irina into thinking that she has to go to Rabat, Morocco. They go to Aswan for the island Philae and the next clue.

After an unsuccessful attempt to find the clues under the Nile River with Alistair, Amy and Dan find something leading them back to Cairo. After arriving, they find a store which Grace once visited. The store owner, Sami, gives them a Senet board. After opening the puzzle, they discover their clue; myrrh

It ends with the stronghold getting destroyed, and Amy and Dan finding a mysterious cloth with letter Ms in a pattern, indicating that it must have been the Madrigals.

Watchmen: Motion Comic

In October 1985, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and on the eve of nuclear war, a depressed Rorschach, one of several outlawed vigilante superheroes, begins to investigate why all former masked superheroes are either dead or have declined.

Grace (2009 film)

After two unsuccessful attempts to have a child, Michael and Madeline Matheson succeed the third time. They consult Madeline's midwife friend, Patricia, to perform an unorthodox delivery.

One night, Michael and the unborn baby are killed in a car accident . Madeline refuses to begin induction of labor, so Patricia allows Madeline to carry to term. Although initially stillborn, the baby is miraculously alive. Madeline names the baby Grace.

Back at Madeline's home, Grace is attracting flies due to her putrid scent. Madeline also realizes that Grace is unable to digest breast milk as she keeps vomiting. Whilst Madeline is nursing a crying Grace, she realizes that the child is feeding from her bleeding breast.

Meanwhile, Vivian, Michael's domineering mother, wants to visit Grace, but Madeline refuses to answer her calls. She visits Dr. Richard Sohn, an obstetrician she recommended. She convinces him to visit Madeline while looking to collect proof that she is an unfit mother.

Madeline continues to nurse Grace with her blood, which weakens her to the point that she allows Dr. Sohn into her home. He hears Grace cry weakly and starts to her crib. Fearing that he will take Grace away, Madeline kills Dr. Sohn.

Vivian arrives just as Madeline finishes draining Dr. Sohn's blood into a baby bottle. After exploring the house, Vivian agrees to leave, but instead finds Grace in her crib, and the bottle of blood broken on the floor. Madeline tries to pursue her, but Vivian is able to grab Grace and flee, discovering Dr. Sohn's body in the process. Vivian arms herself with a hammer; Madeline confronts her, and Vivian beats Madeline unconscious, but not before Madeline rips out part of Vivian's throat with her teeth. They are discovered by Patricia, who sees Grace drinking from Vivian's blood.

Some time later, Patricia is driving a motor home through the desert. She pulls over and goes to the back to check on Madeline, who's nursing Grace. She asserts that as long as Madeline keeps eating the proper diet, they can continue feeding and raising Grace. Madeline informs her that Grace has begun teething, revealing her mutilated breast.

The Fire Kimono

In the prologue, a Shinto priest passing by discovers remains of a human unearthed when strong winds toppled an oak tree near the Inari Shrine.

Since his return from Ezogashima, there had been increases in attacks against Sano and against Matsudaira, the attackers wearing insignias from each other's houses. Just as Sano confronts Matsudaira about the latest attack on Sano's wife, Reiko, which Matsudaira flatly denies, both men are summoned by the Shogun.

The shogun informs them that the skeleton of his long-lost cousin, Tokugawa Tadatoshi, who was thought to have perished during the Great Fire of Meireki, has been found and charges Sano with the investigation.

Sano barely has time to plan his investigation when his mother, Etsuko, is arrested by Matsudaira's men as a suspect in the murder of Tadatoshi. The witness is Colonel Doi Naokatsu in the service of Matsudaira. Doi was also apparently once Tadatoshi's bodyguard, and Etsuko was a lady-in-waiting to Tadatoshi's household women. Sano is shocked that his mother is not a humble commoner as he had thought, but a scion of the Kumazawa clan, a respected hereditary Tokugawa vassal. Doi claimed to have heard Etsuko plotting with Egen against Tadatoshi, Egen being a monk and Tadatoshi's tutor.

Sano is able to convince the shogun to allow him bring Etsuko home to facilitate the investigation, but he is dismayed to find his mother less than cooperative. As more and more of the past is uncovered, his mother's position becomes more and more unfavorable.

Meanwhile, confined to the security of the house due to danger of attacks, Reiko is at last able to help in the investigation by trying to get more information from Etsuko, and from Etsuko's loyal longtime maid, Hana. Reiko is also struggling to win back the affections of her young daughter, Akiko, who became alienated from Reiko when Reiko and her husband left her behind to go to Ezogashima to rescue her son, Masahiro, as told in the previous novel ('''''The Snow Empress''''').

Sano's trusted assistant Hirata also returns from a long absence to find that his wife and children have become strangers to him.

Amidst the investigation, Yanagisawa plots with his son Yoritomo to bring down both Sano and Matsudaira.

The Takeover (novel)

Three large villas overlooking Lake Nemi are owned by the wealthy, glamorous American Maggie Radcliffe. One is occupied by her son and daughter-in-law. A second is leased by an Italian doctor and his two children. The third is occupied by the eccentric Hubert Mallindaine, who believes himself to be the descendant of the offspring of the Emperor Caligula's mythical liaison with Diana. Once a trusted friend of Maggie Radcliffe, Hubert is now an unwelcome house-sitter whom she wants evicted as quickly as possible.

Hubert is not so easily removed, however, and his intransigence and liquidation of Maggie's assets in the house (including a Gauguin) is mirrored in the loss of much of Maggie's wealth, from burglary to outright embezzlement of her entire estate. Events conspire however to cause both to review what they consider important.

Exodus: Tales from the Enchanted Kingdom

The film opens in the Enchanted Kingdom, where the story is narrated by a wizard in purple (the Enchanted Kingdom theme park's mascot).

Ordinary humans led by King Bantayan, a comatosed man, living only through a life support device and with dwarves maintaining it, are being annihilated by the all-powerful evil king Bagulbol and his creatures of the dark, created from human hatred and human experiments. To end their tribulation, mankind’s leaders paid a mercenary with exceptional fighting skills to defend them. That mercenary is Exodus, the drifter.

Nearing their extinction, King Bantayan and the leaders of men dispatched Exodus on a quest to capture five elementals to aid them in the final battle against King Bagulbol. Exodus was able to convince the last Earth (Tikbalang), Wind (Aswang), Fire (Santelmo), and Water (Water Nymph) elementals and they became allies in ridding the land of evil. Later it was revealed that Exodus is also last of the remaining Baylan (priestly race), exterminated many years ago by King Bagulbol. His minions are created by the human captives that was experimented and allowed hatred to consume them.

Exodus and his enchanted friends fought several enemies, including a whip wielding General, an Executioner, an Archer and a Harpy like creature and were victorious. Exodus faced both Bagulbol and his card reader sidekick and beat them, while the remaining human defenders are holding their ground, suffering severe casualties and destruction of their last hideout due to evil minion attacks. They conquered humankind's greatest enemy and peace was again established. And the Elementals return to their places. He then recreated his father's kingdom with the remaining humans.

Sir Nobonk and the Terrible Dreadful Awful Naughty Nasty Dragon

The story takes place in the mythical Kingdom of Rotten Custard, a kingdom that exists within Cornwall, where knights are constantly at war with the Dragons. Among the knights is a 60-year-old knight named Sir Nobonk, who becomes a dragon-catcher in order to save the dragons from extinction.

Setting forth into the nearby forest, Sir Nobonk successfully captures the last living dragon, and convinces the king to open a zoo to help dragons to repopulate. The plan becomes successful, and also helps humans and dragons to co-exist peacefully within the kingdom.

However, the prosperity of the kingdom invokes a giant named Blackmangle to attack the kingdom along with his servant Witch-Way, leaving it to Sir Nobonk to face the new foes and to save the kingdom.

Time Bomb (1953 film)

In Birmingham, Railway Police Constable Charles Baron (John Horsley) is involved in a confrontation with a man believed to be a local vagrant. The man gets away, but he is soon found out to have been a saboteur, who has left a suitcase full of detonators and bomb-making components at the railway yard. Police realize that the man was attempting to sabotage a trainload of sea mines, destined for the Royal Navy Yard at Portsmouth. The train is stopped as soon as possible in case an explosion is imminent, but a residential area is nearby and the police have to evacuate local residents.

The local authorities get in contact with former World War Two Royal Canadian Engineers bomb disposal Major Peter Lyncort (Glenn Ford), who is living in the city with his Parisian French wife Janine (Anne Vernon) and working for Anglo-Canadian Machine Tool Co., Ltd. Lyncort agrees to help, when the city's Railway Police security chief Jim Warrilow (Maurice Denham) visits. Janine Lyncort is not there, as she had walked out on him after their tenth fight in just one week.

Lyncort begins opening the trainload of mines one by one. They are hollow and a small explosive charge hidden inside any one could explode the whole train. The work is slow as well as dangerous, and Warilow joins in as Lyncort's assistant. They find an explosive charge and Lyncort disarms it.

Meanwhile, the police plan to catch the saboteur in Portsmouth, in case he goes there to see the fruits of his labours, like an arsonist who stays at the scene of his crime. Constable Baron drives to the railway station in Portsmouth. He recognizes the suspect (Victor Maddern), who is apprehended; they are flown by Royal Navy helicopter back to Birmingham, and taken to the stopped train. Lyncort tells him the bomb has been disarmed, but the saboteur becomes agitated and reveals that there is a second bomb, and it is due to go off at any moment, killing them all and devastating the neighbourhood. However, it has a chemical fuse, whose timing may be somewhat inaccurate.

Janine, meanwhile, remains unaware of all this. Coming home at 3 am to make up with Lyncort, she finds their home empty and starts making phone calls to all the local hospitals, fearing Lyncort has been involved in an accident. Eventually, Janine finds out where her husband is and arrives just in time to see him find the second bomb. He throws it away from the train and it explodes harmlessly in mid-air. They walk away, holding each other closely, as the movie ends.

A Case of Deadly Force

Fact-based story about a 1975 cover-up of an unjustified shooting of a black man by two white members of the Boston Tactical Unit. While on stakeout on a suspected getaway car used in an armed robbery, the two gunned down a black man who entered the car. The two claimed the man had a gun and they shot in self-defense. Police investigation decided it was a rightful shooting. The man's widow (Lorraine Toussaint) knew her husband would not be carrying a weapon and became determined to prove her husband's innocence. She hired a former cop (Richard Crenna), who had become a lawyer, to prove her case. Working with his four sons (John Shea, Tate Donovan, Tom Isbell, and Dylan Baker), the lawyer team takes on the police force in what eventually proved to be a landmark legal decision.

Slayer (film)

There's something strange going on in the rain forest down in South America. There have always been legends about vampires living in the jungle and feeding off animals, but now they are suddenly attacking humans and quite viciously, too. Not only are they hunting together in packs "like roving dogs," but they don't seem to be bothered by sunlight, and knives and bullets don't kill them. Of course, the military doesn't buy that they are vampires, just "tribal anomalies who BELIEVE that drinking human blood will give them power," but Colonel Jessica Weaver (Lynda Carter) is sending Captain Tom "Hawk" Hawkins (Casper Van Dien), Sergeant Alex Juarez (Alexis Cruz), and the rest of his platoon back down there to finish the job they started some six months ago when they first encountered these tribal anomalies. She's already sent Hawk's second-in-command and best friend, Grieves (Kevin Grevioux), a huge, hulking man, on ahead so that he can get a feeling for what is happening. The mission is made all the more imperative since Jessica has just found out that Laurie Williams (Jennifer O'Dell), a University entomologist, Jessica's goddaughter, and Hawk's ex-wife, is on a field expedition down there. Hawk and his men are to leave immediately for Agua Caliente, a small town along a river in a no-fly zone, where they are to rendezvous with Grieves and look for Laurie.

Meanwhile, in South America, Laurie, along with her guide, Luiz, and a couple of aides, are making their way through the forest when they come across a young boy threatening a man with a wooden stake. Laurie, quick-thinker that she is, plays dumb blonde and approaches the boy, speaking to him in bad Spanish... "Porque usted threatenez el hombre?" With the kid distracted by her act, Laurie quickly grabs the stake and backhands the boy to the ground. El hombre, whose name is Javier Vasquez (Tony Plana), explains that the boy is from a local village. His grandmother was recently killed, and the boy believes vampires did it. Apparently, he simply lost it and attacked Javier as he was walking through the forest alone. Turns out that Javier owns a hotel in Agua Caliente, and he does not have many guests, so he invites Laurie to stay there. Dreaming of a nice hot bath, Laurie happily accepts.

Grieves and his small band of soldiers aren't faring quite as well. While stopped at a bar in a small village, they are attacked by vampires, who overpower them. When Grieves comes to, he is surrounded. The vampires take him and his men to their nest in a nearby cave. Guillermo (Ski Carr), the leader, explains that Grieves has already been bitten and will soon turn into a vampire himself. Guillermo wants Grieves to join his group of vampires and teach them guerrilla tactics. He releases Grieves, who tries to fight himself free, but it isn't long until Grieves turns into a vampire. His first blood meal is from one of his own men.

Hawk and his platoon are making their way towards Agua Caliente when they notice the trailmarkers (blue ribbons) left by Laurie. They figure that they are about three days behind and decide to camp for the night. During the night, Hawk wakes up to see a vampiress, Estrella (Joyce Giraud) squatting outside his tent. He shoots her, but a half-dozen other vampires jump them, and the fighting begins. Several vampires get staked, but Hawk loses three men, too. They decide that they might be able to make better time and cut the risk of vampire attacks by renting a fishing boat and heading to Agua Caliente on water.

The next day finds them doing just that. The boat makes stops at trading posts along the way. At one of them, Hawk runs into an old lady selling a "vampire souvenir" that turns out to be a dogtag from one of Grieves' men. As they continue making their way up the river, they pass another village that the vampires ambushed. The villagers are disposing of their bloody dead by floating them away in the river. In another spot, they stop to talk with a man who is dragging a body down to the river. He tells them that the vampires are getting smarter, and they're now using guns. A short while later, the boat hits something in the water; they notice a body caught in the nets, so they haul it in. The body suddenly springs to life and they find themselves being attacked by a vampire. But it isn't just any vampire. It's Reyes (Eddie J. Fernández), one of the soldiers in Grieves' squad. At a sugar plantation, they learn that an organized group of vampires, some of them soldiers led by a "Negro grande" attacked and killed most of the plantation workers. It's becoming painfully obvious to Hawk what's happening.

Laurie and her group have made it to the Hotel Agua Caliente. Before taking her bath, Laurie has tea with Javier, who warns her that she must be careful if she goes into the forest around Agua Caliente. There ARE vampires here, Javier warns, even though Laurie doesn't believe in them. Javier explains the legend that says the first vampires drank from a fountain of youth, the same fountain from which Ponce de Leon was searching. The waters gave them immortality, but the cost was that they were forced to drink human blood. Later, as Laurie prepares for bed, she gets a call on her cellphone from Hawk, who has been trying to reach her for days. He explains that he's on his way to Agua Caliente, will be there tomorrow, and says that Laurie is NOT to go into the jungle until he gets there. Still unconvinced about vampires, Laurie goes to bed, only to be awakened to find Estrella, fangs bared and blood on her face, staring down at her. The two of them tussle until Javier comes into the room and orders Estrella out. Javier then takes Laurie to the vampire cave.

That night, the vampires led by Grieves attack Hawk and his men. Hawk manages to fight them off but is badly wounded by Grieves. Alex thinks he might be able to follow the vampires to their nest, so Hawk gives permission. The next thing Hawk knows, he is waking up in a bed in a hotel room with Colonel Weaver standing by. She informs Hawk that he has been out of it for over 24 hours and, in that time, she learned that Laurie is missing and flew down immediately. Thanks to Alex's tracking, they now know where the vampires are holed up, so Hawk leads his men on an ambush.

Unfortunately, they find themselves being ambushed by the vampires. An all-out melee ensues, during which Hawk manages to slit Grieves' throat, but not enough to destroy him. Estrella, who has a thing for the upperdog, tosses a long wooden stake to Hawk. Hawk is about to plunge it through Grieves' chest but stops. "We'll take him back with us," Hawk says. "We'll find a cure for this."

"Only one of us is walking out of here alive," says Grieves and leaps toward Hawk's back.

Without turning around, Hawk thrusts the stake between his legs and behind him so that it sails right through Grieves' heart. "I know," says Hawk, as Grieves dies.

But it's not over yet. Enter Javier Vasquez, who introduces himself as a conquistador from the court of Queen Isabella I of Spain, who sent him to the new world to convert the natives... except it was the natives who converted him and his daughter Estrella. Then Javier brings out Laurie, who explains to Hawk why the vampires have recently changed their hunting tactics, thanks to man's infringement on the rain forests. As more and more of the forests are cut down and the animal population wiped out, vampires have had to turn to humans for their food. Now they're tired of living in caves and want to re-enter the world of men, but on their own terms.

Javier invites Hawk to join him and to take Grieves' place, but Hawk refuses, so Javier changes into a giant bat. As Hawk and Javier (as a giant bat) fight each other, Estrella and Laurie duke it out. Laurie throws a stake through Estrella's chest. Hawk shoots at a huge stalagtite that falls from the cave ceiling and impales Javier, pinning him to the cave floor. Hawk then cuts off Javier's head. Hawk and Laurie kiss. Enter Colonel Weaver and Alex. Jessica explains that they were waiting outside all the time but that Hawk wanted to save Laurie himself. Laurie melts. One remaining vampire leaps at Colonel Weaver, but she shoots him through the heart with a dartgun. Laurie and Hawk leave the cave in each other's arms.

Understand (story)

The story follows a man who is given an experimental drug to heal brain damage caused by anoxia after he nearly drowns. The drug regenerates his damaged neurons and has the unintended side effect of exponentially improving his intellect and motor skills. As he gets smarter and smarter, he is pursued by several government agencies. Eventually he receives a message from another super-intelligent test subject and enters into conflict with him.

I Wanted Wings

It is 1940, prior to the American entry into World War II. After a simulated air raid against Los Angeles involving eighteen U.S. Army Air Corps Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombers, one of them goes down in the desert on its way back to base. Mysteriously, the dead body of a woman is found in the wreck. The pilot, Second Lieutenant Jefferson Young III, is accused of having an unauthorized civilian passenger on board and charged accordingly for disobeying orders. Before the court martial renders a verdict, they review Jeff's military background and history.

The son of a wealthy Long Island businessman, Jeff joins the United States Army Air Corps. At basic training in Texas, he meets former football standout Tom Cassidy and Al Ludlow, a mechanic. Jeff and Al become close friends and support each other through training.

Jeff meets singer Sally Vaughn, unaware that she used to be Al's sweetheart. Jeff, however, is already in love with photographer Carolyn Bartlett. When a pilot (Jimmy Masters) crashes while avoiding Tom, Jeff and Al are first responders to the burning airplane, but Jeff does nothing while Al rescues Masters. Afterward, Jeff is so ashamed of himself, he goes AWOL, gets drunk and goes to see Sally. He offers to take her to Mexico, but Al threatens to expose her past in order to make her persuade Jeff to go back to the base. Afterward, Jeff proposes to Carolyn; she accepts.

During training at another airfield, the three friends fly dangerously low for fun, but Tom crashes fatally. Al, the senior cadet, is discharged from the Air Corps.

Sally tells Al and Carolyn that she is pregnant with Jeff's child. Jeff admits to Carolyn that he secretly continued to see Sally because she threatened to destroy his reputation. Carolyn breaks up with Jeff. Al marries Sally, partly because he loves her and partly to protect Jeff. After a while, Sally tells Al that she lied about being pregnant, and he tells her he knew all along. Upset and believing that he never loved her, Sally leaves him.

After graduating, Jeff is about to go up in the air to participate in war game training. He meets Al, who is now an enlisted crew chief on his B-17 bomber. When their old mentor and the unit's commander, Captain Mercer, finds out about Al, he starts working to get him reinstated as an officer candidate and pilot.

Then Sally shows up, begging Al for help, saying she is wanted for the murder of her gangster friend, a crime she admits she committed. Al gives her some money and reluctantly promises to meet her later. Before she can leave the hangar, Air Corps officers enter the building. Sally hides inside a bomber. She is still there when the aircraft takes off, with Jeff as pilot. When the games are completed, Mercer asks Jeff to ready an emergency flare. Al goes to fetch them and discovers Sally. As they argue, a flare is ignited by accident. Before they can drop it out the bomb bay, Mercer is burned and falls out of the aircraft. Using a parachute, Al jumps after him and rescues him. Jeff manages to land the bomber in the dark to pick up his crew members. After learning that Mercer needs to get to a hospital immediately, he tries to take off again, disregarding Mercer's order to stay put. He crashes and Sally is killed.

Al takes the witness stand and tells the full story. Jeff is cleared of all charges and reunites with Carolyn. Al is reinstated as a pilot trainee and Mercer eventually recovers.

Darfur (film)

The plot of ''Darfur'' revolves around six Western journalists who visit a small village in Darfur in western Sudan under the escort of a squad of soldiers of the African Union (AU) peacekeeping mission. When they learn the brutal state sponsored militia called the Janjaweed are heading towards the village, they are faced with an impossible decision: leave Sudan and report the atrocities to the world, or risk their own lives and stay in the hopes of averting a certain slaughter.

While most of them flee back to their base, two of the journalists, Freddie Smith, and Theo Schwartz, decide to stay behind along with the Nigerian Army commander of the AU unit, Captain Jack Tobamke, to try to save the villagers when the Arab Janjaweed enter the village and begin to indiscriminately kill all the Black African men, women, and children. Despite their efforts to save some villagers, Captain Tobamke, Theo, and Freddie are all killed one by one in the subsequent shootout with the Janjaweed, but not before killing or wounding a few dozen of the savage militia. The surviving Janjaweed then burn the village to the ground and move on, presumably to continue their genocide rampage across the Darfur landscape.

The final scene shows the female member of the journalist team, Malin Lausberg, who had fled with most of the other reporters and AU soldiers during the Janjaweed attack, now return to the destroyed village the next day with a group of AU soldiers only to find everyone dead, including two of her colleagues. But she finds an infant that Freddie protected by hiding under Theo's dead body as the sole survivor of the massacre. Malin takes the baby with her as she and the rest of the AU troops leave the destroyed village behind.

Prayer for the Living

A witty, engrossing, unique novel about the life of masters and boys in a Scottish prep school. One way of describing this novel is to say that it is a story of life in a prep school in Scotland during World War I: and that, so far as the bare facts go, is an accurate description. But it is no way at all of conveying to the reader the devilish wit and cutting satire with which Mr. Marshall heightens and brightens the scene, or the pathos surrounding schoolboys who will overnight be turned into soldiers, or the moving idyl of love between the headmaster's daughter and a young student about to leave for the Front. ''Prayer for the Living'' book review

Apollo, Apollo

The episode begins with an announcement by Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) on television that he plans to travel to outer space, and is willing to pay up to thirty million dollars to do so. Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) agrees to help Tracy with his dream of traveling in space, promising to call his friends at NASA. Instead of doing this, however, he asks ''The Girlie Show with Tracy Jordan'' (''TGS'') producer Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) to create a fake space experience for Tracy. Pete and the ''TGS'' crew construct a model space shuttle and place Tracy in it after disorienting him by flying him in a helicopter blindfolded. The deception is a success, and Tracy believes that he is, in fact, flying in space.

At the same time, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is visited by her ex-boyfriend, Dennis Duffy (Dean Winters), who informs her that he is a sex addict, now atoning for his past errors. Liz is unimpressed and asks Dennis to leave, before going to work. Later, after arriving at work, Liz answers Jenna Maroney's (Jane Krakowski) cellphone, and is surprised to find that Dennis is calling Jenna. Liz pretends to be Jenna and discovers that Jenna and Dennis slept together. Liz is determined not to let this revelation affect her friendship with Jenna, so the two go to confront Dennis about his behavior. During the confrontation, Liz discovers that Jenna and Dennis actually slept together in her bed, leading her to resent Jenna's actions. As a result, she fails to tell Jenna about an improperly attached piece of equipment, leading Jenna to injure her leg.

Meanwhile, Jack's fiftieth birthday is approaching and he has received home movies of some of his earlier birthdays from his mother, Collen Donaghy (Elaine Stritch). While watching the tapes, Jack discovers just how happy he was when he was younger, and is determined to reclaim that happiness and innocence. After examining a list he made while he was younger, he discovers that he has done all of the things but one, befriending Batman. Thus, he arranges for actor Adam West, who played Batman, to come to his birthday party. At the party, however, West calls Jack by the wrong name, leading him to realize that he is in fact unhappy, despite his accomplishments. In an effort to reclaim his happiness, Jack attempts to find the same toy that made him so happy on his tenth birthday, a model of an Apollo Lunar Module. He buys one from a vintage toy store, but still remains unhappy.

Later, Liz apologizes to Jenna for allowing her to be injured, and agrees to let Jenna tell the ''TGS'' writing staff about her role in an advertisement for a phone sex line. The writers find the ad online, and greatly enjoy watching it. Jack comes in while the writers are watching and laughs so hard that he vomits. The laughter lifts Jack out of his bad mood, and he tells Liz what an important friend she is.

An Account of Capers

Set against the background of an Italy poised on the brink of war with Abyssinia in 1935, the story focuses on chartered accountant Arthur Waters. He is sent to Milan to audit the books of an Italian firm. His seemingly straightforward mission becomes somewhat hampered when he becomes involved with the beautiful Emma and the treacherous Bazzini. But his problems really begin when he is mistaken for a British spy and prevented from leaving the country.

Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules

Dr. Reed Richards lives in the small town of Glen Cove and works at Columbia University, attempting to discover a practical use for the sub-atomic particles that he has discovered. He is so absorbed in his work that he forgets that he is due to host a cocktail party for his faculty colleagues and only informs his girlfriend, Susan Sturm on the day of the party itself. To compound this oversight he is unexpectedly called away on government business and fails to inform Susan of the situation.

Susan struggles to cope with her domestic duties (including preparing for the party) and providing some guiding discipline for her listless and frustrated younger brother, Johnny - both of their parents having died in a car accident some time previously. In addition, Susan hosts a women's circle made up of some acquaintances of her late mother and some other, younger women. The circle discusses Peyton Place. The discussion turns into a heated debate between the conservative older women and the younger, more liberal women, at least one of whom feels strong echoes between the small town repression of the book and her own life in Glen Cove.

Johnny Sturm spends much time fantasizing about hot rods and the comic book superheroine, Vapor Girl. Johnny is unaware that the character of Vapor Girl (who appears in a comic-within-a-comic throughout Unstable Molecules) is based in large part on his own sister. Johnny feels stifled by Glen Cove and is eventually inspired to leave by a beatnik drifter called Joey King, who used to date Susan in high school.

The climax of the story takes place at the cocktail party. Not only are the faculty members from Columbia University present, but also a group of comic book creative staff. This unlikely mix of people is joined by Ben Grimm, Reed Richards' old college roommate who is now a boxing trainer. Following an excess of alcohol, Susan and Ben are on the verge of having sex in Susan's bedroom only to be interrupted by Reed. Reed, who had been planning to propose, begins to storm out of the house but is met by a crowd of beatniks who have arrived with Johnny. In an ensuing scuffle Ben is knocked unconscious. Johnny and Reed then catch a lift out of Glen Cove from Joey.

Undead or Alive

Before his capture, Geronimo had cursed white men, causing people to become zombies. Later, at a house in a small town a man named Ben Goodman (Brian Posehn) acts suspiciously and attacks and eats his wife and daughter's brains.

Luke (Chris Kattan), a cowboy living in the town, plans to marry a saloon girl. On arriving at the saloon to propose to her, he encounters Elmer Winslow (James Denton), who has just arrived in town, and discovers that his "princess" is a prostitute. He picks a fight with Elmer until Sheriff Claypool (Matt Besser), who owns the saloon, jails them and steals $500 which Elmer is carrying. In the adjacent cell is Ben, awaiting his hanging the next morning. Elmer and Luke escape and lock Deputy Cletus (Chris Coppola) in the cell, where he is bitten by Ben.

Luke and Elmer find the sheriff and the prostitute having sex. They steal all the sheriff's money and make a getaway. When the sheriff releases Cletus from the cell he is bitten by him. The next morning hang Ben and assemble a posse to pursue the two fugitives.

Luke and Elmer are ambushed in their sleep by Sue (Navi Rawat), Geronimo's niece who was kidnapped and taken to New York to be educated and has now returned to take her revenge on the soldiers who killed her uncle. After a difficult start they become friends, despite Elmer revealing that he is an army deserter. Sheriff Claypool and Cletus, now zombies, attack the other members of the posse, who also become zombies. They are ambushed by Elmer, Luke and Sue, who realise they cannot be killed and flee.

Meanwhile, the townspeople cut Ben down from the gallows, not realising that hanging cannot "kill" him. He attacks the townspeople. The town's minister (Leslie Jordan) manages to escape by locking himself in an upstairs room at the saloon, now besieged by a horde of zombies. The following morning he climbs out of the window to get water, but is pursued by zombies and bitten by the prostitute.

Elmer, Luke and Sue are captured by soldiers, former colleagues of Elmer's (his $500 is revealed to have been won from them while gambling), who take them to their fort on the edge of the Grand Canyon. There they discover that the posse has arrived first and turned all the garrison into zombies, who attack the party and also turn all the other soldiers into zombies. They discover they can kill the zombies by decapitation.

During the night, while hiding in the fort, Sue reveals that the only way to be cured of the zombie curse is to eat the living flesh of the medicine man who created the curse. They shoot several cookware objects out of a homemade blunderbuss at the sheriff and the zombies to no avail. Elmer tries to punch First Sergeant Kermit in the mouth, but gets bitten by him. After destroying most of the zombies by blowing up the magazine, he becomes a zombie and throws Cletus off the cliff, before biting Luke.

Sue kills Sheriff Claypool, but is then attacked by Elmer and Luke. The next scene shows Elmer and Luke looking normal again, after having eaten Sue's flesh. The "eating the living flesh" cure apparently also works for relatives of the person who created the curse. Sue apparently tasted like gingerbread. The duo ride off into the sunset as Cletus stands up and chases them.

An epilogue shows Ben digging up his family, now zombies themselves, from the cemetery and the three of them (with their dog) skipping into town.

The Unidentified

Estlin is a journalist in New York City, fresh out of college and ready to make a difference in an all-too cynical world. He struggles with defining career and relationships, and after his best friend Brooke moves away, finds himself falling for Sophie, a downtown photographer. Estlin must confront whether his dogged pursuit of truth helps or hinders his attempt to find a place in the world.

Dream Team (The Office)

In the cold open, Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) struggles to correctly transfer phone calls, after having been moved to reception by Charles.

Michael Scott (Steve Carell), having left Dunder Mifflin with Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) to form his own company, is having trouble starting his first day as president of the Michael Scott Paper Company. Pam tries to keep things together and suggests they create a list of things to do to maintain a positive working atmosphere. Michael sets up a meeting with a potential investor and makes a list of potential salesmen to join the company. He receives a letter from his condo association saying that running a business from his condominium is in violation of his residence agreement, so he needs to find office space for the company. Michael and Pam leave to find potential salesmen and then have their meeting with the potential investor.

Michael's first stop is his old part-time telemarketing job to pick up Vikram (Ranjit Chowdhry). Next, they stop at a bowling alley, where Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak), with bleached blond hair, is now working the shoe counter. Michael asks Ryan to join them, despite heavy protests from Pam. Ryan is convinced and steals two pairs of bowling shoes on the way out. They head to the meeting with the investor, who turns out to be Michael's "nana" (Connie Sawyer), at a nursing home. Michael gives her his pitch, but she does not believe his new venture will yield success and refuses to fund his company.

Meanwhile, at the Dunder Mifflin office, Charles Miner (Idris Elba) is revealed to have an obsession with soccer, and the rest of the employees pretend to feel the same way about it. When Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) tries claiming to be an experienced soccer player, Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), attempting to humiliate Jim, suggests that the staff play a game after work in the parking lot. During the game, when Charles kicks the ball towards Jim, he ducks and the ball hits Phyllis Vance (Phyllis Smith) in the face. Charles berates Jim for ducking, and Dwight mocks him.

In the car leaving the nursing home, Vikram asks to be brought back to the telemarketing job after he learns "nana" is a term for grandmother. Back at Michael's condo, a frustrated Pam loses her composure and tells Michael she made a mistake leaving Dunder Mifflin and only did it because she was tired of being a receptionist. Michael calms her down, telling her the reality is they both quit and that their only option is to continue trying with the new company. Michael purchases office space in the Scranton Business Park, where Dunder Mifflin is located; it turns out to be a large store room directly underneath the Dunder Mifflin office. Michael and Pam put their company name in the office lobby directory where they encounter Charles. Michael taunts Charles that he cannot kick them out of the building now because they own their own space.

The Bubble (30 Rock)

The episode begins with Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) noticing that people treat her boyfriend, Drew Baird (Jon Hamm), differently because of his good looks. After watching a traffic cop, (Frank Ridley) rip up a ticket for Drew, and fashion designer Calvin Klein offering him a job as an underwear model, Liz brings the matter up with her boss, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), who tells her that Drew is in "the bubble". Jack tells Liz that she should stay with Drew and enjoy the perks of the bubble, but Liz begins to realize that living in the bubble has left Drew without some essential skills. After discovering that Drew cannot perform the Heimlich maneuver, even though he is a doctor, and cannot play tennis, despite the fact that he worked as a tennis coach, Liz decides that she has to leave Drew, and ends their relationship.

Meanwhile, at ''TGS'', it is time to renew Tracy Jordan's (Tracy Morgan) contract, and Jack decides to approach the matter carefully as Tracy does not need the money he makes on the show. While negotiating Tracy's new contract, Jack mentions this fact, which comes as a shock to Tracy, who had never realized that he could survive financially without the income. After realizing that Tracy has quit the show, Jack must find a way to bring him back, after Tracy's son, Tracy Jr. (Bobb'e J. Thompson), complains to Jack about how unbearable his father is to have around the house. Meanwhile, in order to get attention for herself, Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) decides to cut her hair for charity as a publicity stunt. Jenna makes an appearance on NBC's ''Today Show'', where her haircut will be broadcast. Meredith Vieira asks Jenna's opinion on the news that Tracy has left ''TGS''. At learning this, Jenna bails out on her haircut.

After discovering that Tracy is still in contact with NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer), Jack realizes that their relationship is the key to bringing Tracy back to ''TGS''. Jack, therefore, orders Kenneth to break off all contact with Tracy, although this fails because of Kenneth's relationship with Tracy. Seeing an opportunity, Jack states that since Kenneth's duties were primarily taking care of Tracy, and Tracy no longer works at NBC, Kenneth is no longer needed. Not wanting Kenneth to lose his job, Tracy agrees to return on the stipulation that Kenneth keeps his job.

Baby Not on Board

Peter visits the Quahog Mini-Mart where Chris works after a visit to the local spa. After he threatens to sue the store for Chris' "sexual remarks", Peter is given an unlimited gas coupon for a year by Carl. Peter begins to take advantage of the card, even taking a trip into space, until Lois suggests that the family travel to the Grand Canyon. They leave early the next morning but inadvertently leave Stewie behind at home, only realizing that when they visit the site of 9/11. They first contact Joe but cannot get a hold of him. They then contact Cleveland and Quagmire to look after Stewie. After not receiving any calls from either of them, Lois insists that the family return home to Stewie. While driving the car, Peter somehow enters the car next to them, causing the Griffins' car to crash. When the family attempts to ride a train home, Peter spends the last of the money that they saved on curtain rings. Lois is furious and blames all their misfortunes on Peter's stupidity, only to feel ashamed when he informs her that everyone else respects him for who he is. Eventually, Brian is able to get the family a ride in a pickup truck bound for Quahog.

Meanwhile, Stewie finds out that he has been left alone, and takes his solitude to his advantage. When Cleveland and Quagmire arrive, Stewie believes that they are intruders and sprays tear gas all around them to knock them out. Stewie realizes his mistake, and he chains them to the Griffins' basement wall of his house and forcing them to watch the DirecTV help channel on a continuous loop. When Stewie consumes all of the food in the house, he applies for a job at fast food restaurant McBurgertown but is eventually fired for stealing food, despite his insistence it was due to be thrown out. Eventually, Stewie realizes how much he depends on his family and is thrilled to see them return. The episode ends with a scene of Cleveland and Quagmire monotonously reciting what is being said on TV; in the broadcast version, Cleveland eventually tells Quagmire, "Did I tell you I'm getting a spinoff?", while in the DVD release Quagmire simply curses in frustration.


Part 1: "The Big Beginning"

Timmy makes a wish to star in his own movie trilogy (In parodies of ''The Matrix'', ''Lord of the Rings'', and ''Harry Potter'' despite ''Harry Potter'' not being a trilogy). He is interrupted by Jorgen, who takes his fairy godparents away and sends Timmy home. When he gets there, Timmy's parents and school friends do not remember him, and an Eliminator appears after Timmy calls out his own name. In an alley, the Eliminator projects a space vortex through its mouth to inhale Timmy. Jorgen saves him and the two ride off on the fairy motorcycle. The Eliminator is flying in the air, but Jorgen pulls down the thruster, the magic wand is glowing and teleport to Fairy World, it disappear and leaving behind a trail of fire (in a reference to ''Back to the Future''). They arrive at Fairy World. Meanwhile, the fairies are hidden as gumballs inside a truck stop bar by Jorgen. After being blown into a bubble from a kid's mouth, Cosmo takes Wanda and Poof with him as he floats away. The rest of the fairies use Cosmo's method as their escape plan.

At the Cave of Destiny, Jorgen explains to Timmy the cave prophecy, where in ancient times fairy warriors, represented by stars in space, fought and eliminated a cosmic entity known as The Darkness with light. The ancient fairies also hid a powerful white wand, which is to be found and possessed by the chosen one, Timmy Turner. As stars in space disappear and The Darkness approaches, Timmy arrives back on Earth and tracks his godparents down in Las Vegas, where the Middle-Aged Rock Festival (M.A.R.F.) is held. The M.A.R.F. features the rock band Kiss, who reveal to Timmy that they are the galactic protectors of the white wand, which is their star-shaped guitar. The Darkness and Eliminators arrive at the venue, and the fairies arrive to defeat Eliminators while Timmy defeats The Darkness with a rock solo performance on the white wand. A celebration follows at Fairy World, where Turbo Thunder, the person who was supposed to be the chosen one, appears and takes the white wand from Timmy.

Part 2: "The Exciting Middle Part"

Eliminators and The Darkness invade Yugopotamia—a planet that is home to squid-like aliens called Yugopotamians—and steal "fake-i-fiers", belts that allow users to transform into anyone else. Yugopotamian prince Mark Chang goes to Earth. Meanwhile, in Fairyworld, Timmy and Cosmo are watching Timmy Turner's Chosen One movie. Mark arrives and notifies Timmy that The Darkness is back, and the group discovers that there is a second part to the cave prophecy: Timmy must find the wind wand, located at the Blue Moon. Timmy and Mark teleport back to Dimmsdale, only to discover Timmy's parents and friends are now Eliminators in disguise. Because his real parents and friends have been kidnapped by Eliminators, Timmy seeks help from people who hate him: Mr. Crocker, Dark Laser, and Vicky. Setting their differences aside, everyone cooperates and boards Dark Laser's death pod and depart into space (in a spoof of ''Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope''). During their rest stop at planet Frigidarium, the aliens inside the cantina are Eliminators who send Timmy's enemies to the Abracatraz Prison in Fairy World. Turbo Thunder saves Timmy and Mark from the corrupting planet, and the three eventually arrive at the Blue Moon, where the rock guardian effortlessly defeats Turbo Thunder when he tries to take the wind wand by force, and grants it to Timmy, who he dubs as the true chosen one for his compassion and selfless intentions.

Meanwhile, Eliminators incarcerate the fairies at the Abracatraz Prison and put Timmy's friends and family in the same cell with Timmy's godparents and Jorgen. After Poof frees the group and locates the wands, Jorgen takes everyone to the Blue Moon. Timmy's friends, enemies, family, and the fairies defeat Eliminators with a combined magical attack and have a reunion with Timmy, which is interrupted when The Darkness tries to inhale him. The wind wand produces no effect, and Timmy realizes he has no other choice, so he sacrifices himself into The Darkness, but Cosmo tells Timmy that he would totally stand back and saw the so-called the famous scene throws the candy-filled dynamite into the Darkness that he put it inside and creates a massive explosion after sharing a kiss with his long-term crush Trixie, leaving the others to mourn.

Part 3: "The Final Ending"

Timmy wakes up in what looks like his bedroom; in reality he is still inside The Darkness, and the world is merely an illusion to him. Timmy's fairy godparents and Jorgen come to rescue him, and they exit The Darkness successfully. Back on Earth, the Lead Eliminator (having rebelled against the Darkness) uses Jorgen's wand to poof Timmy's friends and family away into The Darkness. Military Extraterrestrial Research Facility (M.E.R.F.) agents launch an array of military weapons at the Eliminator, but he absorbs the ordnance and turns into a more powerful version, the Destructinator. He surrounds the Earth with a steel casing, which transforms the M.E.R.F. agents into his henchmen. They plant explosives inside Earth and give the Destructinator a detonation remote.

Timmy and his fairies return to the Blue Moon via M.E.R.F.'s escape pod to retrieve the wind wand. He finds a weakened Turbo Thunder who reveals his origins. His homeworld Turbo World was invaded by The Darkness which subsequently absorbed the planet after the planet's failed attempt to destroy it. He then shows that the wind wand only opens underneath a secret cave, which contains magical wands and the final part of the cave prophecy: to find the ice wand. The group returns to Fairy World with the wands to free the imprisoned fairies before everyone heads back to Earth. The fairies arrive and use their magic to remove the Earth's metal casing. Timmy heads into space with the Destructinator following him; the Destructinator attacks him, which sends him back down to the Earth, at its north polar region. After Timmy tricks the Destructinator into inhaling the explosives, he reveals that he stole the detonator remote from him back in space and uses it to obliterate him.

A polar bear—the guardian of the ice wand—raises the ice wand from beneath the ocean. Everyone urges Timmy to destroy The Darkness but he refuses. Timmy realizes that every time The Darkness attacks it's only out of self-defense. Timmy has fairies add an ice wand to each planet of the Solar System. Along with the white wand at Fairy World, the ice wands create a celestial smile that projects its light into The Darkness. The smile transforms it into a bright sun, The Kindness, and Timmy concludes The Darkness was only looking for a friend. The group returns to Dimmsdale, where an Eliminator, dubbed a 'Hug'inator by Cosmo, crashes in front of them and spews out everyone who had been sucked in. Everyone parties in Fairy World and celebrates the chosen one's accomplishment, though Jorgen informs Timmy that he's going to erase his friends, enemies and family's memories of the events when the party's over. Timmy, having already figured that out, states he's just happy he doesn't have to find any more wands.

A Slightly Pregnant Man

Marco (Marcello Mastroianni) is a driving instructor who is engaged to single mother Irène (Catherine Deneuve), a hairdresser. After eating a chicken dinner, he complains to his housekeeper that she cooks chicken too frequently. He begins to feel bloated and tired and sees a doctor. The doctor determines that he is pregnant, and an expert concludes that the hormones in chicken have made him sufficiently feminine to carry a child. With his permission, the doctors publicize this event, and he becomes a model for a maternity clothing company creating a new line of paternity clothes. The majority of the film covers Marco revealing his pregnancy to his friends and family including his ex-wife and their reactions prior to going public with it.

The movie has two different endings. In the original French version, Marco is diagnosed with having hysterical pregnancy; saddening both him and Irène. As they finally get married Irène begins to feel sick and reveals to Marco that she is pregnant. In the Italian ending, Marco realizes that he was misdiagnosed and suddenly goes into labor at his wedding, though the baby is not shown. Afterwards, men everywhere suddenly begin having pregnancy symptoms.

Bermúdez (TV series)

The telenovela tells the story of Arturo Bermúdez (Víctor Hugo Cabrera), a sports journalist who works for ''Hechos'', a Bogotá-based weekly current issues news magazine. Bermúdez, who excels as a journalist, nevertheless is regarded as an annoying person, who tends to make disrespectful remarks and jokes, especially toward women. The former editor-in-chief of the magazine quit because of Bermúdez's behaviour.

''Hechos'''s owner, Gonzalo Lleras (Diego Bertie), who returns to Colombia in order to run his businesses, appoints Silvia Vargas (Valentina Rendón) —at the moment editor-in-chief of an evening newspaper— as the new publisher of the magazine. Both Lleras and Vargas are college classmates of Bermúdez, who jokingly refers to Silvia as ''cuatrolámparas'' ("four-lamps", because Silvia used to wear glasses during her college years).

Bermúdez, who thought he would become the new editor-in-chief of the magazine as he was friends with then publisher Aníbal Fernández (Alberto León Jaramillo), is transferred by Silvia from the sports section to the "home and women's issues" section instead, as a punishment for an article by Bermúdez published on the magazine during Aníbal's tenure, criticizing the role of women in the Police, responsible for security at football stadia during matches (incidentally, Silvia's older sister, Lina, a police official, was harshly criticized by Arturo in the article), which prompted a backlash among readers and advertisers. Silvia makes Bermúdez rectify the article. Therefore, he is decided to not allow Silvia to "humiliate" him, trying to make Silvia feel bad or angry, with little success. Instead, Vargas ends up helping Bermúdez when he needs it.

Unknowingly, Silvia and Arturo have a friendship via internet. On night hours, they chat using the nicks ''Solitaria'' and ''Solitario'' respectively (both meaning "lonely"). Their anonymity allows them to pour out and support honestly each other, unlike real life.

Silvia has a crush on Gonzalo, whom he calls in secret the ''jefe papito'', because of his looks and apparent gentlemanliness. On the other hand, since college Bermúdez has had a crush on Lucía Congote (Andrea Nocetti), who works at a television network owned by her family, and Gonzalo's ex-girlfriend. Lucía uses Bermúdez in order to upset Silvia, whom she hates (referring to her disrespectfully as ''Gatúbela'', ''Batichica'' or ''Mujer maravilla''), blaming her for "stealing" Gonzalo's love.

That Lady in Ermine

In 1861, Countess Angelina (Betty Grable), ruler of Bergamo in southeastern Europe, marries Mario (Cesar Romero), a baron she has known since childhood. When the castle is threatened by Hungarian hussars led by Colonel Teglash (Douglas Fairbanks Jr.) on their wedding night, Mario flees.

At midnight, the paintings in the ancestral gallery come to life, and their subjects ask Francesca, Angelina's great-great-great-great-grandmother who looks exactly like Countess Angelina, to save the castle just as she did in the 16th century. Through a spyglass, Francesca observes Teglash leading the advancing army and finds herself attracted to him. When he sees her portrait, Teglash is puzzled by the fact she is wearing an ermine coat but no shoes.

Angelina greets Teglash, who flirts with her when he learns her bridegroom has escaped, but she makes it clear she respects her marriage vows and is concerned about her husband's safety. Angelina's servant Luigi, seeing how smitten the colonel is with his mistress, tells Teglash how three hundred years earlier, Francesca retained control of the castle when a tyrannical duke attempted to seize it. Via flashback, we see her, barefoot and in ermine, present herself to the duke and accompany him into his tent. After a period of time, Francesca departs, leaving the duke, with a dagger in his back, lying dead on his bed. Luigi tells the colonel that, according to rumor, she killed the duke because she feared she was falling in love with him.

Disguised as a gypsy, Mario returns to the castle but runs off when soldiers come to investigate. When he is captured, Teglash, unaware of his identity but impressed by his musical ability, decides to spare Mario's life and make him his personal gypsy. When he realizes he is Angelina's husband, he offers to free him if she dines with him that night, but she fails to rendezvous with him.

Francesca visits Teglash while he is asleep, prompting a dream in which Angelina joins him for dinner and demands a kiss. While she embraces him, she removes a knife from a roast pig and throws it at the clock, effectively stopping time. The two acknowledge their love and, as the gallery portraits look on, they fly up and crash through the roof.

The following morning, Teglash awakens to find the knife still in the pig and the clock ticking. Angelina arrives, and Teglash tells her he is freeing her husband and then describes his dream, touching her with his obvious deep feelings for her. When Mario arrives, she assures him she had nothing to do with the colonel.

Time passes, but Teglash still mourns the loss of Angelina. One night, while he is asleep, she arrives and falls asleep in a chair near his bed. Teglash revisits his prior dream, but this time the knife falls from the clock and Angelina stabs him with it. He awakens with a start and finds Angelina, who tells him Mario has left her and proposes they wed. That night at midnight, the portraits come to life once again to celebrate their union with song and dance.

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien

''Ben 10: Ultimate Alien'' takes place a few weeks after the events of the previous series. With the Omnitrix having been destroyed in the series finale of ''Alien Force'', Ben Tennyson, now sixteen years old, must learn to master the powers of the Ultimatrix, a modified version of the Omnitrix which has the ability to evolve Ben's alien forms into much more powerful versions known as "ultimate forms." The series begins with the exposure of Ben's secret identity to the world by J. Jonah "Jimmy" Jones, a young internet conspiracy theorist who deduces his identity by studying alien sightings in Ben's hometown of Bellwood. Ben's exposure polarizes public opinion, with younger fans idolizing him, and adults (particularly news anchor Will Harangue) deriding Ben as a menace to society. Ben is now forced to adjust to a new life that not only involves battling the forces of evil alongside his cousin Gwen Tennyson and his best friend Kevin Levin, but also his struggle against the pitfalls of his new-found fame.

The first season of ''Ultimate Alien'' revolves around an Osmosian villain named Aggregor, who kidnaps five powerful aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy in order to steal their powers. Although Ben and his team try to stop Aggregor, he succeeds in absorbing the aliens into himself, becoming virtually unstoppable. Ben then learns from Azmuth, the creator of the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix, that Aggregor's goal is to find the scattered pieces of the Map of Infinity, a map of spacetime which can lead him to a realm known as the Forge of Creation. Aggregor intends to enter the Forge of Creation and steal the powers of an infant Celestialsapien, a species of omnipotent, godlike aliens which can manipulate reality and time to an essentially unlimited extent with their thoughts.

Aggregor manages to reach the Forge of Creation and the team pursues him. They are nearly defeated by Aggregor, but Kevin, as a last resort, absorbs the powers of the Ultimatrix and is able to defeat Aggregor, absorbing his powers in the process. Unfortunately, the absorption of too much power overwhelms Kevin, leading him to insanity and an unquenchable thirst for more power. This leads to a stand-off between him and Ben, who, after failed attempts at tracking and saving Kevin, resolves to kill Kevin to prevent him from hurting anyone. But with the aid of Gwen, he is able to instead remove Kevin's absorbed powers, saving him and restoring the five aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy back to life.

The second season features primarily self-contained stories, including an episode in which Ben's ultimate forms achieve sentience and attempt to free themselves from within the Ultimatrix by trapping Ben within it. Ben decides to sacrifice himself so that the ultimates can be free; instead, the Ultimatrix recognizes his selflessness and frees both him and the ultimates.

Both the second and third seasons of ''Ultimate Alien'' primarily focus on the Forever Knights, and particularly their leader and founder, Sir George, an immortal soldier and the origin of the myth of Saint George and the Dragon. George seeks to prevent the threat of Dagon, an extradimensional energy being which he defeated in the 12th century, which now seeks to return to Earth and take over the minds of all humans. George is killed, but Dagon himself is absorbed by Ben's nemesis Vilgax. Ben defeats Vilgax by using George's sword, a weapon built by Azmuth that is powerful enough to destroy planets, to absorb Vilgax's power into itself.

Though tempted by the sword's power to wipe out all evil with a mere thought, Ben overcomes the temptation and returns it to Azmuth. Azmuth, impressed by Ben's exercise of self-control in the face of such strong temptation, tells Ben to give up the Ultimatrix and rewards him with a new Omnitrix which he says he has been working on since Ben got hold of the first Omnitrix in the original series. He then departs, telling Ben to use the Omnitrix well and do the right thing.

Red River Robin Hood

In the Old West, Scott Yager wins a court case upholding an old Spanish land grant which gives him ownership of much of the ranching land around the town of Red River. The angry ranchers must now give up their land to Yager, or become his tenants. Cowhand Jim Carey, and his sidekick, Ike, have left their former employer to return to Jim's ranch and his business partner, Chet Andrews. They learn from the newspaper editor, Sam Sterling, about Yager's case and that Chet is in jail for resisting an officer. They also meet his daughter, Carol. Yager's men disrupt Sterling's office because of Sterling's negative editorials. The sheriff intercedes, but after the fight, Ike discovers a tin star stuck to his shirt. Jim and Ike use the star as a ruse to free Chet. The sheriff discovers the escape, but Jim, Ike and Chet get away. Because the ranchers don't have enough money to pay Yager rent for very long, the trio decide that Jim and Ike will return Chet as a "prisoner" under a ruse of a double-cross to gain Yager's trust. Yager takes them in to his gang.

Jim and Ike go undercover as masked men and leave messages to the ranchers to "stay and fight" signed by "Mr. Justice." The pair then rob Yager's men of the rent they collect and return it to the ranchers. Jim and Ike return to Yager and claim they, too, were robbed by Mr. Justice. Yager and his gang report the robberies to the sheriff and Yager decides to evict the ranchers, who, under the law, have 30 days to leave.

Sam Sterling questions the authenticity of the land grant and sets out to prove it is fake. Jim reports to Yager that he should put the land grant document in a safe place after overhearing people talking about it. As Yager retrieves the document, Jim and Ike accost him as "Mr. Justice," knock Yager unconscious and give the document to Sterling who reviews it and returns it. Yager regains consciousness and finds Jim and Ike tied up outside, claiming Mr. Justice ambushed them. Yager concludes Sterling wanted to look at the document and likely knows who Mr. Justice is. Yager confronts Sterling and Carol at the newspaper office. Jim and Ike are hiding out there. They put out the lights and a fight ensues after which Jim, Ike and the Sterlings get away. Jim and Ike return and, with Yager, discover the capes and masks worn by Mr. Justice.

Yager tells two of his henchmen to dress up as Mr. Justice and retrieve his rent money. As Carol is obtaining petition signatures to re-open the case, she is resisted by the ranchers who were robbed by Mr. Justice (Yager's henchmen). Jim and Ike's cover is blown and they are taken hostage by Yager. Carol suspects Yager's men are posing as Mr. Justice, rounds up a posse, and heads to Yager's ranch. Meanwhile, Jim and Ike engage in a skirmish with Yager and his men. Yager escapes and Jim pursues him. Ike subdues the henchmen as Carol and the posse arrive. Jim subdues Yager. Yager and his men are given long prison sentences. Carol and Jim embrace and Ike comically falls off a ladder as he re-enacts the final skirmish with Yager and his men.

Fair Game (2010 film)

Valerie Plame is employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, a fact known outside the agency to no one except her husband and parents. She is an intelligence officer involved in a number of sensitive and sometimes dangerous covert operations overseas.

Her husband, Joseph C. Wilson, is a diplomat who most recently has served as the U.S. ambassador to Gabon. Due to his earlier diplomatic background in Niger, Wilson is approached by Plame's CIA colleagues to travel there and glean information as to whether yellowcake uranium is being procured by Iraq for use in the construction of nuclear weapons. Wilson determines to his own satisfaction that it is not.

After military action is taken by George W. Bush, who justifies it in a 2003 State of the Union address by alluding to the uranium's use in building weapons of mass destruction, Wilson submits an op-ed piece to ''The New York Times'', claiming these reports to be categorically untrue.

Plame's status as a CIA operative is subsequently revealed in the media, the leak possibly coming from White House officials, including the vice president's chief of staff and national security adviser, Scooter Libby, in part to discredit her husband's allegation that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. As a result, Plame is instantly dismissed from the agency, leaving several of her delicate operations in limbo and creating a rift in her marriage.

Plame leaves her husband, further angered by his granting of television and print interviews, which expose them both to public condemnation and death threats. Wilson ultimately persuades her, however, that there is no other way to fight a power as great as that of the White House for citizens like them. Plame returns to him and testifies before a Congressional committee, while Libby is convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice and given a 30-month prison sentence, although President Bush commutes the jail time on Libby's behalf.

Eliminate Down

Mankind has begun its space pioneering era as the 30th century is about to begin. However, an alien race known as the Amuleto appears out of a space distortion and travels toward the Earth. Its intentions prove hostile as human investigations are destroyed and the Amuleto space fleet grows. Mankind's best chance against the invaders is the Steel Pyron, a space fighter designed for multiple combat situations and warp drive jumping.

Pandaemonium (novel)

The senior pupils of St Peter's High School are on retreat to a secluded outdoor activity centre, coming to terms with the murder of a fellow pupil through the means you would expect: counselling, contemplation, candid discussion and even prayer; not to mention booze, drugs, clandestine liaisons and as much partying as they can get away with. Not so far away, the commanders of a top-secret military experiment, long-since spiralled out of control, fear they may have literally unleashed the forces of Hell. Two very different worlds are on a collision course, and will clash in an earthly battle between science and the supernatural, philosophy and faith, civilisation and savagery. The bookies are offering evens.

Huracán (TV series)

The story takes place in the Mazatlán. Helena Robles is the illegitimate daughter of Alfonsina Robles and Fernan Vargaslugo, a rich man who, under the influence of his mother and sister, never had strength to recognize Helena as his daughter.

He married another woman and adopted a daughter, Larissa. Helena falls in love with Ulises Medina, a poor boy whose best friend is Raimundo Villareal, son of the impresario Nestor Villareal, the owner of the Nautilus companies. Nestor had intimate relations with the mother of Ulises when they were young, but he deceived her and now she hates all the Villareal family.

Ulises and Helena decide to escape together but their plan doesn't work and Ulises leaves alone, pursued by the police, because he robbed a ring from the true Helena's grandmother to give it to her as a present. Shortly after Helena leaves for Mexico. Nine years later Helena has become a famous biologist and Ulises is a sailor.

By chance they both return to Mazatlán at the same time, meet each other again and realize that their love is still alive. They start seeing each other again, but Raimundo and his sister Thelma are jealous because they are in love with Helena and Ulises. They try to separate the couple.

The Tyrant Falls in Love

The story picks up on Morinaga and Souichi's story where ''Challengers'' left off. Tetsuhiro Morinaga is a university student with a four-year-old crush on his senpai, Souichi Tatsumi, whom he assists with his research projects. In ''Challengers'', while sick with a cold, Morinaga inadvertently confessed that he is gay and in love with Souichi. Following this, he believes that Souichi now hates him since he is homophobic and says he will leave school, but Souichi actually cares for him and insists that they just forget about it and remain good friends. Their story ends with Morinaga convinced that his feelings will never be reciprocated.

At the start of ''The Tyrant Falls in Love'', in 2004, a year following the events of ''Challengers'', Tomoe and Kurokawa have recently moved to California for Tomoe's new job when Souichi hears that California has just legalized gay marriage. Souichi furiously calls Tomoe to tell him that he should not get any ideas about getting married, but Tomoe had not actually heard about the news since he had been busy working. In effect, Souichi's call does the exact opposite of what he wanted and Kurokawa and Tomoe run off to get married. Meanwhile, Morinaga laments to a friend about his unrequited love for Souichi, who in turn gives Morinaga a special drink that will make Souichi more compliant. Morinaga tries to throw it in the trash on his way home, but is uncomfortable with the thought of someone else finding it and reluctantly takes it home and hides it in his cupboard. The next day, Souichi runs around yelling that he's going to go to America and kill Kurokawa and get a green card so he can become the Governor of California to re-ban gay marriage. Morinaga convinces him to calm down and drink with him instead and so he goes to Morinaga's apartment to drown his sorrows.

After Souichi drinks all of the alcohol they had bought, he demands that Morinaga go out to buy more. While Morinaga is out, Souichi searches his apartment for any alcohol he may have and finds the hidden drug filled wine bottle and drinks it, not knowing it is drugged. At first it appears that it has no effect and Morinaga believes that he was tricked by his friend. They go to sleep, but Souichi wakes up during the night to find himself aroused and unable to move his body properly. He tries to sneak off to relieve himself, but due to the effects of the drug, his weakened body trips and wakes up Morinaga. Morinaga sees that Souichi is aroused and understands that the drug Souichi has taken actually works. Thinking that Souichi would never return his feelings, Morinaga decides to take advantage of the situation and despite Souichi's weak refusals, telling Morinaga to stop, he goes on to rape him.

The next morning, Morinaga is troubled by not having been able to control himself and what he did to Souichi. Souichi is furious with Morinaga for betraying his trust and threatens to kill him, but Morinaga tells him that he has been insensitive as well. He reminds Souichi that he was aware of his long termed feelings for him, but became careless around him like he had last night and he finally just lost control. Souichi then throws Morinaga out of his own apartment, who then goes to the university in shame. When he returns home, Morinaga calls Souichi to apologize and swears to never appear before him again. At first, Souichi thinks nothing of it due to being furious with him. However, Morinaga soon completely vanishes and his classmates and friends begin to ask Souichi if he knows where Morinaga has gone, who has not contacted anyone. Souichi is shocked, having thought that Morinaga had simply been avoiding him. After not being able to contact Morinaga himself, Souichi begins to grow extremely worried and anxious that Morinaga may have been hurt or tried to hurt himself, getting his family contact info and searching for him and going to his apartment every day and night to see if he has come home. During this time, he begins to realize that despite everything that happened, he was willing to forgive and forget the entire event between the two. He then realizes how desperately he just wants Morinaga to come back home, saying the loss he is feeling is one that he has never felt before.

Morinaga eventually returns to his apartment to pack up his belongings so he can move away when Souichi finally finds him when doing his nightly check. Souichi lets it slip how frantically worried he was when he vanished and Morinaga is deeply touched. Souichi tells him to never go away again and Morinaga tells him that if he is to stay, they will have to have sex since his feelings have not changed and that he cannot control himself around him anymore. Souichi, not wanting Morinaga to leave, reluctantly succumbs to the sexual advances and allows Morinaga to have sex with him. The two commence a dysfunctional relationship: of Morinaga constantly taking Souichi's verbal and physical abuse and Souichi occasionally letting down his barriers in order to keep Morinaga in his life which develops over the series.

The Green Serpent

Feast scene

This story begins with a celebration feast for two twin princesses, who would later be named Laidronette and Bellotte. The King and Queen invite many fairies but forgot to invite Magotine, the older sister of Carabosse. Magotine was the oldest and most wicked fairy that existed. When she found out about the party, she was so furious for not being invited that she placed a spell on Laidronette that turns her into the ugliest woman in the world. The other fairies intercede and persuade Magotine to stop before she has cast a similar spell on Bellotte.

Tower scene

Years pass by. Laidronette grows up intelligent but lonely. She asks to live in a tower so that she does not have to see anyone. However one day she roams outside, and the Green Serpent sees her and begins to take an interest in her. She is terrified of the Green Serpent at first sight and flees from him, and accidentally gets swept out to sea. The Green Serpent appears swimming alongside her boat, but she refuses his help. She nearly dies in the ocean.

Faraway kingdom scene

When Laidronette gains consciousness she finds she has been saved and taken to be the guest of an unknown king in a far away kingdom. The Green Serpent's identity as the spell-bound king is revealed to the readers. However, Laidronnette is not taken to see the king and does not learn this secret. All she knows is that an unseen king is taking very good care of her. Then the serpent starts talking to her at night, and is such a good companion over the years she falls in love with his conversation, sight unseen, and they get married.

The Green Serpent king convinces his wife to wait until the end of the seven-year period, to see what he looks like, or else his wicked enchantment in the form of a dragon will start all over again. Laidronette compares her own marriage with that of Eros and Psyche in Greek mythology, and tries to resist being "like Psyche" by waiting patiently for seven years. However, like Psyche, she is convinced by her family to take one look at her husband. When Laidronette discovers he is the same Green Serpent she once was so afraid of, war breaks out in the kingdom, and Magotine ruins the kingdom. The Green Serpent is sent into Hades while Laidronette is taken to become Magotine's prisoner and servant.

Tribulations and tests

The serpent sends a good fairy to assist Laidronette in very difficult trials that Magotine thinks up: to spin cobwebs into hair and the hair into fishnets, to climb a mountain wearing iron shoes and a millstone around the neck, to fill a pitcher full of holes. In one of Laidronette's errands as a servant, she finds the "waters of discernment" and when she drinks it, she becomes wiser, when she splashes it on her face, her ugliness vanishes and she regains her natural beauty.

Enchanted forest

The good fairy then sends Laidronette into an enchanted forest to hide for several years. Finally however when a period of time or imprisonment for the Green Serpent has come to an end, Laidronette returns to Magotine and Magotine tells her to go into Hades and get her the "water of life." Laidronette goes.

Descent into Hades

The personification of "Love" comes to assist Laidronette in going down into Hades and speaking to Proserpina, reminding her that is where her husband is held captive. Once she goes into Hades, "Love" restores the dragon back to his original human form. After Laidronette and her husband are united in Hades, "Love" brings the couple back to Magotine, and forces Magotine to break her spells, and then sends the couple back to Laidronette's homeland. In the end, a moral is given: Love is said to be stronger than Magotine.

The Fabulous Baron Munchausen

The film begins with footsteps leading to a pond. The camera continually moves upwards to show the flight of butterflies, birds, and a progression of historical aircraft ending with a rocket ship travelling through space and landing on the Moon.

The astronaut/cosmonaut leaves his spacecraft and sights other footsteps on the Moon leading him to an old phonograph, then a crashed rocket with a plaque reading Jules Verne's ''From the Earth to the Moon''. Taken to a dinner table, the surprised space traveller meets the characters from Verne's book, as well as two other figures associated with fictional Moon voyages: Cyrano de Bergerac and Baron Munchausen. Inviting him to their table, the characters believe that the cosmonaut is a man actually from the Moon, and kindly treat him as a small child.

The Baron decides to take him to Earth in a fanciful airship held up by a herd of winged horses. The Baron dresses the spaceman, called "Tony" in the English dubbed version and "Tonik" in the original Czech, in 18th-century costume where they land in the 18th-century Ottoman Empire, in Constantinople. Speaking in an unintelligible voice that he calls the "language of diplomacy", the Baron presents Tonik to the Sultan. However, Tonik's lack of knowledge of diplomatic protocol and his falling in love with Princess Bianca, a damsel in distress held prisoner by the Sultan, leads to a series of romantic and fanciful adventures that transform the modern scientific space traveller into a hero rivalling the Baron.

Among the exciting and satiric adventures are sword and sea battles with the Turks, being swallowed by a giant fish, and ending the conflict between two warring kingdoms.

Sex Pot (1975 film)

Marcello Mastroianni as Charlie Colletto plays a gangster in Milan with obsession for Sophia Loren as Pupa who is a redhead and reminds him of his childhood crush Rita Hayworth. Still he treats her badly and when he gets in to some trouble, it is her chance to get rid of him once and for all.

Down the Ancient Staircase

In Italy, in 1930, Professor Bonaccorsi, renowned psychiatrist, conducts research on madness in the asylum where he works as a doctor in Tuscany. He has three mistresses: Bianca, his assistant; Carla, a colleague's wife; and Francesca, the wife of the asylum's director.

The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon

At last, the newly crowned King of Denmark, Edvard and his wife/queen, Dr. Paige Morgan, find time to fly to Belavia for their secret honeymoon. They spend their Christmas holidays at a ski resort, but as they take a tour of Belavia's natural beauty, Eddie and Paige discover that the evil Prime Minister Polonius has given orders to bulldoze the precious forests to drill for oil. Paige and Eddie decide they must do everything they can to save the forest, even if it means putting aside their honeymoon. The couple bumps into Paige's ex-boyfriend, Scott, who is a journalist. Eddie immediately becomes jealous. Even though Eddie suspects Scott cannot be trusted, he and Paige ask Scott for help with the media to try and stop the minister's evil plans. Eddie tries to get an audience with the prince of Belavia, but fails, so he and Paige go to the Holiday Ball. At dinner, they learn that Polonius put the idea into Prince Georgiev that Eddie gave the order to cut down the forest. Luckily, Paige is able to persuade him otherwise into listening. After a dance as a means of apology, the prince and Eddie come to a mutual agreement.

Later, after Scott left the party, it is discovered that he is being controlled by the Polonius under paid instruction to spy on the couple. Scott tries to back out, but the Polonius threatens to expose his intentions to Paige as well as take away his mother's farm. Oliver discreetly takes steps to ensure the press conference does not go in Eddie and Paige's favor. When all else failed, Oliver spooks the horses into causing a sleigh-accident. Eddie jumps out into snow but is rendered unconscious, therefore allowing Oliver to cancel the press conference. With less than a day left, Eddie is frustrated with how things were turning out and starts to suspect that Scott is involved. Paige chastises Eddie before walking out of their room. Eddie goes to bar and converses with Oliver about the negative circumstances. He realizes his foolish behavior and goes to apologize only to pass out from drinking. Meanwhile, Scott tries to kiss Paige and says he is sorry he let her go. Disgusted, Paige walks away and goes to find Eddie, only to find him drunk having missed his rescheduled conference with Georgiev. Little did she know that Polonius had photographic evidence of Scott kissing Paige.

Paige tries to tell Eddie about the kiss only to be pulled away to meet with Polonius. He uses the opportunity to publicly humiliate Eddie and Paige unless they agree to go no further with their plans. Eddie admits defeat and tells Paige of Polonius' plans to destroy the monarchy, but she refuses to back down and continues moving forward in saving the forest. They confront Scott on the matter who tries to escape, only for Eddie to give chase via snowmobile. Eddie stops Scott and brings him back to the hotel. Scott admits to everything and discovers that everyone was manipulated by Polonius, Oliver's scheming, Eddie's humiliation and Scott's seduction of Paige.

They head to the press conference only to be confronted by Polonius, he has no intention of letting them pass. This leads to Eddie battling Polonius via sword fight while Paige and Scott make their way to the conference room. Oliver has instructions to blackmail the couple to the press only to be stopped by Paige and Scott. The press also catches eye of the Prime Minister battling with Eddie who distracts and defeats him. With the press and Georgiev present, Polonius has no choice but to admit defeat and is arrested for treason. The conference goes without a hitch as Eddie convinces the world to leave Belavia as it is for its beauty and people and Scott admits his part in everything. Scott apologizes for everything and agrees to work for a living to protect his farm, with the provision from Eddie to have him financially covered.

Later, Paige and Eddie are finally celebrating their honeymoon where Eddie gives her a stethoscope as a way to support her endeavors to be a doctor. Paige turns down the idea of just being a doctor, believing she can be both a doctor and a queen. They celebrate together with the people in a Belavian folk dance.

Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships

The game is a role playing game, and the plot is rather open ended. At the start, the player may begin alone, or choose one of four navies: England, Spain, France and the Netherlands. The player then embarks on several quests, of which some are mandatory.

The English campaign is based loosely in part on Rafael Sabatini's ''Captain Blood'' novel's first twelve chapters, as the main campaign character name, description, the events he is involved in and the characters resemble with the ones described in Sabatini's novel.

Pobre niña rica

Like the story of Cinderella, Consuelo has been reduced to being practically a servant by her mother and her two brothers. The only one who loves her is her father, but he soon dies. And when her family finds out that he left everything to her, they send her abroad so that she will not find out and they can keep the money. But the fairy godmother and the prince both appear in the guise of Julio, a neurologist who sees beyond Consuelo's unattractive appearance to the beautiful woman who lies underneath. He will give her his love but, more importantly, he will teach her to love herself.

Devil and the Deep

Charles Sturm (Laughton) is a naval commander whose jealousy and abuse makes life miserable for his wife Diana (Bankhead). His suspicions fall on his own subordinate, Lieutenant Jaeckel (Grant). Although his suspicions are baseless, Sturm has Jaeckel transferred. After Charles falls into another fit of paranoid rage and strikes Diana, she wanders off into the streets during a festival and soon encounters another officer, who turns out to be Jaeckel's replacement, Lieutenant Sempter (Cooper). Learning of their affair, which this time is real not imagined, Charles plots a terrible revenge.

On the night Commander Sturm's submarine is to sail, Diana goes aboard to warn Sempter of Sturm's dangerous frame of mind. But when Sturm arrives, he immediately orders the sub out to sea before Diana can return to shore. In the busy channel outside the harbor, Sturm deliberately maneuvers into the path of an oncoming ship, which rams and sinks the sub. Several compartments are flooded, but the crews are able to get out in time.

Trapped on the bottom, the survivors gather in the control room; Sempter and Sturm square off, asserting command, while Diana exposes Sturm's madness. Sempter takes control and organizes the crew's escape. In a detailed and substantially accurate technical sequence, Diana and the crew exit through the sub's escape trunk using Momsen lungs, and are rescued at the surface. Refusing to leave the ship, Sturm stays behind and lapses into raving insanity; he opens a watertight door to let in the sea, laughing maniacally as the water rises.

Afterwards, cleared of most charges by a court martial, Sempter encounters Diana again in a shop on the street. Soon it begins to rain, and they depart in a cab together.

Todo modo
I forced Sciascia's hands even in the tone of the film...and so it seemed to me, not only to follow an indication from Sciascia, but to evoke that climate of very black farce that one breathed and still continues to breathe in Italy. :—Elio Petri, 1979

During a mysterious epidemic that claims numerous political leaders, big industrialists, bankers, and business leaders of the ruling party, the Christian Democrats arrive in a hotel/hermitage/prison called Zafer. They gather for an annual three-day retreat (inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola) to atone for their past crimes of corruption and unethical practices. These exercises are practiced under the guidance of the unusual Don Gaetano (Marcello Mastroianni), a very influential but corrupt priest, who dominates all those at the retreat.

The retreat acts as a sort of renewal of the party's structure, leaders, and interests in order to maintain power in the country. Between constant violent quarrels, mutual accusations, and little actual spiritual practice, a series of crimes develop that eliminate the leading figures of the party one by one.

Mission Cobra

As commander of a fast and powerful helicopter, the player must fight through waves of enemy aircraft and destroy their commander.

The Incident (Lost)


The episode opens with Jacob (Mark Pellegrino) weaving a tapestry inside a temple-like room. While eating a fish near the large four-toed statue of Taweret,[ Lost - Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident Part I) Recap -] and [ Lost - Season 5, Episode 17 (The Incident Part II) Recap -] he is visited by a man in a black shirt (Titus Welliver). The man comments on a sailing ship on the horizon, suggesting that Jacob has brought it to the island, and states he will eventually find a "loophole" so he can kill Jacob.

In flashbacks, various characters encounter Jacob. As a little girl, Kate is visited by Jacob when she is caught shoplifting a lunchbox. He pays for it to placate the shopkeeper. At age eight, Sawyer is visited shortly after his parents' funeral. He has begun writing his letter to the con man "Tom Sawyer", but his pen is out of ink. Jacob gives him a replacement. Sayid is visited at the same time that his wife Nadia (Andrea Gabriel) is killed. While recovering in a Russian hospital, Ilana is visited by Jacob and he asks for her help. After being pushed out of an eighth-story window by his father, Locke apparently dies. Jacob arrives and touches him on the shoulder, and Locke reawakens. Sun and Jin are visited by Jacob at their wedding and he tells them that their love is special. After performing his first solo surgery on a young girl (a story he recounts in "Pilot, Part 1"), Jack tries to buy a chocolate bar from a vending machine, and argues with his father (John Terry) for interrupting him during the surgery. Jacob buys the same chocolate bar and gives Jack one. Hurley is visited after he is released from prison, between "The Little Prince" and "316". Jacob tells him that he may be blessed, and that his ability to see dead people could be a gift. He tells Hurley about Flight 316, and leaves a guitar case for Hurley. Jacob makes physical contact with each of the characters in their respective scene, except Ilana.

In a flashback not featuring Jacob, Juliet's parents tell her that they are getting divorced, claiming they were not meant to be together.


Following the events of the previous episode, "Follow the Leader", Kate (Evangeline Lilly), Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) are on a submarine leaving the island. Kate convinces Juliet and Sawyer to stop Jack from detonating a hydrogen bomb on the island. They force the captain (William Makozak) to surface, instructing the captain to continue on course away from the island. They arrive on the island, where they are greeted by Vincent the dog, who has been in the care of Rose Henderson (L. Scott Caldwell) and Bernard Nadler (Sam Anderson) for the past three years. Rose explains that she and Bernard are now retired and live a quiet life near the beach, avoiding detection by the Dharma Initiative. Rose points them to the Dharma barracks and they leave.

At the same time, Jack (Matthew Fox) and Sayid (Naveen Andrews) dismantle the hydrogen bomb in the tunnels under the Dharma Initiative's barracks, in order to remove its core. Richard (Nestor Carbonell) and a younger Eloise (Alice Evans) assist Jack and Sayid in entering the barracks via the basement of one of the houses. Richard knocks out Eloise to prevent her traveling with them because she is pregnant. Sayid dons a Dharma jumpsuit; they almost escape when Roger Linus (Jon Gries) recognizes him and shoots him. Jack and Sayid escape in a van driven by Hurley (Jorge Garcia), along with Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Miles (Ken Leung). Hurley drives to the construction site of the Swan station, while Jack treats Sayid's wounds; however, they are stopped by Juliet, Sawyer and Kate.

Jack and Sawyer discuss the situation away from the other survivors, with Sawyer expressing his opinion that they shouldn't try to change the past. Jack claims it is his destiny to change the past and that John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) has always been right about the island. Jack and Sawyer get into a fist fight, which is broken up by Juliet, who now agrees with Jack. She tells Sawyer that although they love each other, they are not meant to be together (echoing her parents).

Meanwhile, Dr. Pierre Chang (François Chau) continues drilling into the energy source beneath the construction site of the Swan station on the orders of Stuart Radzinsky (Eric Lange).

With everyone now in agreement, Jack enters the construction site at the same time security officer Phil (Patrick Fischler) arrives with a team of armed men. A massive gunfight ensues, wherein the survivors gain the upper hand, allowing Jack to drop the bomb into the pit at the same time the drill hits the energy source. The nuke fails to go off, and the pocket is breached, attracting every metal object in the area. In the ensuing chaos, Dr. Chang's arm is crushed, Phil is stabbed by a rebar, and Juliet is dragged into the chasm. Sawyer attempts to pull her up in vain, and Juliet professes her love for him before falling. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Juliet survived the fall. She finds the undetonated nuke and hits it with a rock until it goes off; the screen cuts to white as the episode ends.


Locke, Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson), Sun (Yunjin Kim) and the Others travel to the remains of the Taweret statue, where Jacob resides. Locke assigns Ben the task of killing Jacob, and provides motivation by reminding Ben of all the bad things that have happened to him. Ben admits he has never seen Jacob; all communication with Jacob was through notes brought by Richard, including the lists of people to be taken from the Oceanic 815 survivors.

At the same time, a group of survivors from Ajira Flight 316, including Ilana (Zuleikha Robinson) and Bram (Brad William Henke) travel towards Jacob's cabin, with Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey) and a giant metal crate from the cargo of the plane. They find the cabin deserted, and set it on fire after realizing someone else has been using it. They then travel to the statue.

Their group arrives shortly after Ben and Locke enter a chamber in the base of the statue's remains. Ilana asks Richard the question, "what lies in the shadow of the statue", and Richard replies, "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" (Latin for "He who will save us all.") Ilana reveals the contents of the crate: John Locke's dead body.

Inside the chamber, Jacob immediately recognizes Locke as the Man in Black from the opening flashback, who has been masquerading as a resurrected Locke. Ben stabs Jacob, whose final words are a warning: "They're coming." The Man in Black kicks Jacob's body into the fire.

Suburbia Highschool

The humorous Story follows Lizney Maypole, a teenage student whose biggest problems are a mysterious boyfriend and a robot as her math teacher.

Raiders of Sunset Pass

The film is set in Texas during World War II when most of the able-bodied men of military age are away fighting for the United States. A gang of cattle rustlers, led by Henry Judson and Lefty Lewis, decide to take advantage of the situation by stealing from rancher Dad Mathews and other cattle farmers. Texas Ranger Johnny Revere and his sidekick Frog Millhouse arrive to handel the situation. With some help from Mathews' daughter, Betty, they manage to win in the end.

White Acre vs. Black Acre

The story follows the history of the United States from its time as a British province to the beginning of tensions between North and South in the 1850s. It is presented as though the story were being recounted by a retired barrister from Lincolnshire in England to a reporter from the United States.

The story takes place in the county of Shropshire in England, where capitalist Mr. Bull is undergoing a difficult transaction with a large quantity of land his firm has since acquired from various lucrative business deals. His main rival is Don Armado, who owns land near his own, and seeks to steal Bull's land from him.

When Don Armado is placated, Mr. Bull takes his business elsewhere, and the land prospers. However, the two farmers tilling the land are suddenly split over the question of whether the land ought to be tilled by ordinary, ineffective farmhands or by loyal, hardworking slaves.

The land is thus split between the two farmers. The pro-slavery segment becomes the Black Acre Farm, whilst the anti-slavery land becomes the White Acre Farm, with both competing to see which side will be the most prosperous.

Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Just before Christmas break, Kendra is kidnapped by a member of the Society of the Evening Star and replaced by a Stingbulb (a plant that, once it stings you, will grow into a perfect replica of you, but die after a few days). Warren and Seth notice something odd with the clone after they intercept a letter revealing secrets, but when they confront it, it swallows a pill and dies. They bury the clone (unaware it is not Kendra) and return to Fablehaven. Meanwhile, Kendra is taken to the home of a lectoblix (able to drain the youth out of people) named Torina to await a meeting with the Sphinx.

The Sphinx arrives and forces Kendra to use the Oculus, one of the magical artifacts that can open the door to Zzyzx. With it, Kendra is able to see everywhere at once, but it becomes overwhelming. The Fairy Queen is able to help Kendra release the crystal. Back at Fablehaven, another stingbulb infiltrates the group, this time in the form of Maddox. He releases Vanessa from the Quiet Box, but she knocks him unconscious and tells Grandpa Sorenson. With her help, they discover a plan to rescue Kendra, but the group is still distrustful of her. Kendra receives a note and a knapsack that has a magical room in it and a stingbulb. She creates a clone of herself, enters the knapsack, and escapes the house. She is picked up by Trask, a Knight of the Dawn, and returned to Fablehaven.

In the journal of Patton Burgess, Kendra learns there is a secret message about where the other magical artifacts are. They read the message and learn about the Ocolus, as well as the Translocator. In order to recover the Translocator they must go to the Dragon Sanctuary and recover a key. To enter the sanctuary, they must obtain a unicorn horn. In the Hall of Dread Seth is able to hear the whispers of the shades imprisoned there.

The only unicorn horn in Fablehaven was the property of the centaurs, but they refuse to let the group borrow it. Seth hears Graulus (the demon) call for him. He sneaks out to see him and there he learns he is a Shadow Charmer, and that he is able to hide in dim light, communicate with dark creatures, see magically invisible objects, and is immune to magical fear. With these skills he successfully steals the unicorn horn from the centaurs. With the horn, Kendra, Dougan, Trask, Mara, Gavin, Warren, and Tanu set off to the Dragon Sanctuary to recover the key. Seth is hiding in the magical knapsack.

They arrive at the Sanctuary and meet the caretaker Agad - a dragon who became human in order to become a great wizard. He gives them directions to the Fairy Shrine in Thronis's (a sky Giant) domain. On the way they meet a dragon (Nafia) and Warren gets injured and must remain in the knapsack. When they arrive, Thronis captures everyone except Warren and Kendra. Kendra meets a fairy dragon named Raxtus who is very nice and agrees to help her get to the Fairy Shrine. There, Kendra learns the way to the Dragon Temple. Raxtus agrees to take her there, but refuses to help further as it would be a betrayal to dragons. Meanwhile, Seth helps the group strike a deal with Thronis to obtain some items from the Temple in exchange for their freedom.

The group meets back up at the entrance to the temple. They survive the Hydra, kill Grommus (the group is put to sleep but Vanessa takes over Tanu's body and slays the dragon) and Seth and Kendra team up to use the unicorn horn to kill Silleta the poison dragon. Mendigo is dissolved in the process. Gavin heads back to try to deal with the Hydra, while the remaining group gathers the items for Thronis and the key.

When they leave the temple they are ambushed by 2 dragons. Tanu and Seth escape on Griffins to Thronis's tower. Gavin (who we learn is Navarog, the Demon prince dragon) turns into a dragon, eats Dougan, and fights off the 2 dragons. Kendra escapes a cleft, and Gavin is forced to take human shape again to get to her. He destroys the knapsack (trapping Warren inside) and takes the key and the unicorn horn. Raxtus, small and invisible as he is, sneaks up behind Gavin and eats him.

The remaining group returns to Fablehaven with the key, and returns the horn to the centaurs, claiming they rescued it from the Society of the Evening Star. They begin to make plans to recover the next artifact. It is revealed that Kendra and Seth's parents have been kidnapped by the society.

The Black Gauntlet

Unlike other anti-Tom novels, ''The Black Gauntlet'' does not have a discernible narrative. It is essentially a collection of speeches by characters who argue for American slavery as an institution. Some of the speeches were created by Schoolcraft. In other cases, she refers to quotations from other published works, including the Bible and ''Uncle Tom's Cabin''.

Traffic Jam (film)

In a main thoroughfare on the outskirts of Rome, thousands of motorists are stuck in terrible traffic jam for twenty-four hours. In a stretch of road there is a variety of characters whose behaviour becomes strange. There is a selfish and hypocritical entrepreneur in a luxury car; a young hippie girl harassed and then raped by some dandies and a family from Naples on the way to Rome to abort their daughter.

The day the traffic jam clears, the entrepreneur hires the girl from Naples for a record company in exchange for a sexual service. The girl is raped and then comforted by a man who wants to avenge her but then gives up. The rapists leave quietly once more.

Fantasma d'amore

Nino, a married tax accountant, sees on a bus Anna, the woman he loved 20 years ago, now poor and ill. After he gives her money for her fare, she hops off and disappears. That night she rings him at his home to say she can repay him and he goes to the dingy address she gives, where he takes the money and she again disappears. Later it emerges that the concierge has been bloodily murdered.

To the dismay of his wife, he becomes obsessed with Anna, seeing flashbacks of her when young and beautiful and trying to meet her again. After a doctor friend of his who knew her says she died three years ago, he is found dead at the hospital where he worked. She rings him to say he can visit her at a mansion in the country. To his joy, the young Anna welcomes him, but will not let him make love since she is now married to the owner, Count Zighi. Later, she rings to say they can make love in a boat on the river as they used to do. When he stops the boat in a quiet place, she falls in and disappears under the water.

Nino informs the police, who start searching, and his irate wife leaves him. Going to Count Zighi to explain, he is told by the angry count that Anna died three years ago. This is confirmed by the housekeeper, who takes him to the grave. Going back to the police, he apologises for his story and says he was in fact with a prostitute. They say that a body has been found, but it is a man who was on the river bank.

The film ends in the grounds of a nursing home, where a shapely nurse comes to bring Nino indoors. When we see her face, it is the young Anna.

La Pícara Soñadora (TV series)

Lupita is young and pretty and studies law. Although her future seems bright, for the moment she is penniless and that's why she lives in the Sares Rochild department store, where she works by day as a salesgirl in the toy department and her uncle works by night as the security guard.

Everything she "borrows" from the store to live on, she writes down in a little book so that she can repay it when she finishes her studies. She has it all planned. But one day, she meets a guy outside the office of the owner of the department store. She thinks he is there to apply for a job, and Alfredo decides to play along.

Although the owner is his father, he uses the name of his best friend, pretends to be poor and arranges for himself to get a job there in order to chase that cute Lupita. Alfredo has always been a lazy bum and a flirt, and to him, this is all a game. But soon the game turns serious when he realizes that he's falling in love with her and the secrets they both keep are standing in the way.

Inside Out (1975 film)

In 1975, Harry Morgan (Telly Savalas) and Sylvester "Sly" Wells (Robert Culp) come up with a plan to recover six million dollars of Nazi gold, lost since the end of World War II. The story begins during the Third Reich. A crew of Wehrmacht soldiers is driving a cargo truck through the Black Forest when they are stopped by a road block of SS commandos. The SS hijack the truck and its cargo killing its passengers. Thirty-four years later, Harry Morgan is driving his Rolls Royce home in London, where a repossession agent is waiting to confiscate the car. Harry gives the agent the keys, as Harry boasts that he will soon own another one. He enters his family's apartment, where he has a brief conversation with his wife, Meredith (Lorna Dallas), about their debts and the building that is soon to be sold. As he looks through the bills, he finds a letter addressed to him from someone in his past, requesting to meet with him.

The following day, Harry meets Ernst Furben (James Mason) at the London Embassy Hotel. Ernst invites Harry to his hotel room, where they reminisce about the past, and Ernst brings up the story about the cargo. According to his story, he received an order for two guards, a heavy truck and a driver. The truck was assigned to collect a cargo from a railroad yard and deliver it to the Reich Bank. The driver named Hans Schmidt (Günter Meisner) presented the order to the railroad official in charge to receive the cargo that was intercepted by a convoy of SS officers. They presented Schmidt with an order signed by a Nazi Party official to transport the cargo from the Balkans. Schmidt noticed the contents of gold bars when one of the crates was dropped. Schmidt was shipped out to the Eastern Front, where he was captured, and remained in prison until the year 1955. Twenty years later, Schmidt met Ernst again, and told him the story about the gold bars. During the war, an order could be countermanded by Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, Martin Bormann, Rudolf Hess, or Reinhardt Holtz. Schmidt confirmed that Reinhardt Holtz (Wolfgang Lukschy) was the Nazi party official who signed the transfer order. Ernst proposes that he and Harry join forces to release Holtz, to find out the location of the gold. After some discussion about a fellow inmate of the concentration camp, named Sergeant Prior, they discuss tentative ideas for releasing Holtz.

A few days later, Harry travels to Amsterdam to find Sly playing chess with a Dutch teenage boy in a pub. Sly forfeits the game, and speaks to Harry, who tells him about the gold worth six million dollars. Sly initially refuses, but hears Harry out and agrees to the heist. Harry talks Sly into paying for two tickets to West Berlin, where they meet Ernst. They drive by Seigfried prison (where Holtz is an inmate) on the way to an expensive Berlin hotel, where Harry is ringing up an expensive tab for Ernst to pay. Harry goes to the store of Peter Dohlberg (Charles Korvin) to ask him to finance the heist. Peter agrees to the heist for 15% of it. Harry reluctantly agrees, knowing he has no other options. Peter's employee, named Siggi, brings her friend Erika Kurtz (Doris Kunstmann) to meet Harry. They arrange to have Udo Blimperman (Peter Schlesinger), an obese costume shop owner, give them the uniforms they need, in exchange for unlimited meals. Later that evening, Udo gets drunk and crashes through a table.

Harry introduces Sly to Erika and Udo. Erika confirms that Udo will recover. The next morning, Harry wakes up to find that Sly and Erika had been playing chess all night, and that Udo had ordered another large meal for himself. Harry and Ernst meet Schmidt at a carnival to discuss his part in the heist. Harry meets Prior (Aldo Ray), who is now a prison sergeant at Seigfried prison. Harry mentions the scheme to the rest of the group at a hotel. Prior tells everyone about the security procedures at the prison, where the only man to speak to Holtz is a doctor named Maar (Adrian Hoven). Prior offers to allow them to interrogate Holtz in his cell, but Sly says it will not work, stating that Holtz will not disclose the information to anyone outside the Nazi party. Sly informs Schmidt about his idea to stage a confidence game to trick Holtz, and use Erika as an assistant. When Ernst begins to object, Sly reassures him that his idea will not cost him his share.

Sly has fallen in love with Erika, and they go on a walk together to discuss more details about the heist. They find an abandoned courthouse, which they pick the lock on, and decide to use it for their confidence game on Holtz. They purchase furnishings for the scheme, while Harry and Ernst purchase a used car to repaint as a United States Army staff car. Back at the hotel, Prior sets up a model of the prison to show where Holtz's cell is located. Ernst and Sly purchase a camera to photograph Maar with a transsexual named Pauli (Bernard Bauer). Maar is blackmailed by Schmidt and Ernst, claiming that Pauli was Ernst's nephew. Knowing the police will not believe him, Maar agrees to switch places with Holtz, while Harry and Sly accompany them, disguised as United States Army officers. Holtz is drugged with a sedative, while Sly distracts the cell block guard with a ruse about a filthy cell, and orders him to clean it up. Prior relocks the door with the key that has been inadvertently left in the cell door and returns it to the guard, while Harry and Sly leave with Holtz, who is barely conscious enough to walk escorted. Harry makes up a cover story that Holtz needs to be seen by a dental surgeon the next day for an infection. Prior collaborates to ensure that no one else will see Holtz to ensure that no one else knows the surgeons identity, who is actually Ernst. Harry rebukes Prior for not having his name on the visitor's log as part of a ruse.

They pick up Erika from work to change Holtz's appearance to make him look younger. As they arrive at the derelict courthouse, they change Holtz from Maar's borrowed civilian street clothes into a replica of his old Nazi uniform. Holtz is escorted into a courtroom furnished to look like a Third Reich office. Once inside the sedative wears off, he awakens to find himself in a staged meeting, with Schmidt disguised as Adolf Hitler, Sly disguised as an SS officer, and Ernst disguised as a Field Marshal. Schmidt states that Holtz stole the gold from the Reich and betrayed him. Holtz is confused about what Schmidt is referring to and asks what gold was stolen. Schmidt tells Holtz that the gold disappeared only seven days ago, and confirms that Holtz signed the order to have it deposited into the Reich Bank. Ernst escorts Holtz into another room to refresh his memory. Sly and Schmidt congratulate each other on their performances, while Ernst tells Holtz that Germany is winning the war and Holtz has been hospitalised. Holtz remembers that the gold was hidden to prevent Hermann Göring from stealing it. He will only tell Hitler the exact location, though. Holtz whispers to Schmidt (still disguised as Hitler) that the gold is hidden in his bunker, which is on the property of his summer home in Vanglitz. Holtz is given another sedative, while Schmidt admires a portrait of Hitler, comparing his likeness to it. Sly congratulates Schmidt, and Harry sarcastically says that they should do a double act with himself as Benito Mussolini. Schmidt gets carried away with his acting, while Ernst is worried Holtz may recognize the scam, and that their cover can still be blown by him reporting the incident to the prison guards. Sly proposes to return Holtz first thing in the morning before going after the gold, but Harry refuses to wait, worried that it could be found by anyone at any time.

They cross the border into East Germany and everything goes well, despite Schmidt becoming nervous. They arrive at the summer home, to find that the bomb shelter has been built over by an apartment building. Further examination of one of the basement rooms reveals that the bunker is directly below, separated by three feet of concrete. Ernst contacts Wilhelm Schlager (Richard Warner) to arrange to get cooperation from the Soviet police garrison. Schlager insists on 1/8% of the heist for his inconvenience. He steps into another room and conceals a Walther PPK in his belt, while he calls Colonel Kosnikov (Constantine Gregory) of the Russian army. He plans for them to double cross the group, to get a two-way split for himself and Kosnokov. Kosnikov arrives with the Russian army, surrounds the house, and kills Schlager. Sly notices and secretly retrieves Schlager's handgun. Kosnikov demands a share for allowing them to stage a bomb threat to get access to the bunker. He reroutes his troops to the apartment building, and provides the group with equipment to impersonate a bomb disposal unit.

The army evacuates the residents, so that they can begin drilling through the concrete floor. A boy wanders into the room where the dynamite is placed for the explosion. The boy is discovered at the last moment and safely removed before the explosion. Ernst announces that another bomb has been discovered, as a diversion to allow them to enter the hole leading to the bunker. Searching the bunker, the group finds two steel chests containing the gold behind a partition. Sly breaks the locks with a hammer and a chisel as the group admires their loot. After the gold is retrieved, Kosnikov shows up alone to intercept the group, armed with a machine gun. He tries to blackmail them and take all of the gold. As Schmidt pleads for their lives, Harry pins Kosnikov with a ladder. Kosnikov then shoots and kills Schmidt, after which Sly kills Kosnikov with Schlager's pistol. When the team returns to West Germany, they are confronted by the checkpoint guard about their flags on the wrong sides of the car's hood. The checkpoint guard puts the flags on correctly and allows them to leave. They throw Schmidt's body into a river.

They pick up Erika, as well as Holtz, who is still sedated. They turn the gold over to Peter to have it divided up and converted from bullion to United States dollars. En route to the prison, they are forced to deal with a truck with toppled pallets blocking the road. They use the pallets to create a ramp to jump over the cargo truck and proceed to the prison. Returning to the prison, they are confronted by the United States Army colonel (Don Fellows) in charge of Seigfried, who demands an explanation about the unauthorized personnel at the prison. Harry cons their way out of the situation to allow Ernst access as the dental surgeon. Maar and Holtz are switched back to their proper places. Holtz wakes up in his cell to tell the guard that he believes he saw Hitler. As they leave the prison, Harry asks Ernst if he ever was really a Nazi. Ernst replies "Not necessarily." After they abandon the staff car, Harry, Ernst and Sly walk away on the streets of Berlin.

Bugs Bunny's Overtures to Disaster

While reading the newspaper, The Three Bears decide to go to the opera. Also seen in the paper is the headline ''Experimental Fly escapes, cannot be killed''.

After a clip from ''Baton Bunny'' of the audience walking in, Bugs Bunny emerges from his dressing room and begins to conduct. In the audience, the fly lands on Papa Bear's head; Baby Bear tries to squash it with his toy wagon, but only succeeds in knocking Papa unconscious. The fly flies up to Bugs, whose conducting is ruined.

Elmer Fudd starts practicing for the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 and gets interrupted by Sylvester the Cat singing "Charleston" before scaring him away with his anger. In the audience, Granny tries to kill the fly with bug spray, but the fly wears a gas mask. Porky Pig starts playing the William Tell Overture before Daffy Duck. Daffy is angered, and a fight ensues. The Lone Ranger and his horse Silver come in when the music is over.

Elmer Fudd is up, and Sylvester continues singing. In effect, Elmer decides to throw Sylvester out. Elmer starts to conduct "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2" when Sylvester runs up and down the stairs singing the same tune. Elmer beats up Sylvester and walks back in, but sees that the audience loved Sylvester's act. Elmer quits, declaring that he has been "humiwiated fow the wast time and is leaving show business for good." In the audience, Mr. Meek tries to kill the fly with a flyswatter, but the fly swats him back on the nose.

Bugs introduces ''The Barber of Seville'' when Porky informs him that Elmer quit. Bugs goes to get him back and tricks him back onto the set, performing ''Rabbit of Seville''. Bugs then tells him how they loved it and changes him into his Wagnerian warrior costume. Bugs tells him he'll like the next one because he gets to kill Bugs. They perform ''What's Opera, Doc?''. In the audience, Petunia Pig shoos the fly off her binoculars; Yosemite Sam tries to kill the fly with his gun, but fails.

Bugs then takes another shot at conducting, unaware that the fly has driven the audience away. Bugs eventually succeeds in knocking the fly out cold, but when he sees the audience empty, he notices that the fly claps as Bugs shrugs and finally bows.

Sin nombre (2009 film)

Willy, nicknamed ''El Casper'', is a member of the Mara Salvatrucha gang and lives in Tapachula, a Mexican town near the border with Guatemala. He introduces a young boy into his gang, and the boy is given the nickname ''Smiley'' after a violent initiation. Casper later helps Smiley to complete this initiation by helping him execute a rival gang-member.

Casper is romantically involved with a girl, Martha Marlen. Fearing for her safety, he keeps the relationship a secret from his gang, but his double life causes his gang to doubt his loyalty. When Martha follows Casper to a gathering of his gang, the gang leader, Lil Mago, escorts her out, despite Casper's misgivings. Mago attempts to rape Martha and accidentally kills her. Later, he blithely tells Casper that he will find another girl.

Shortly afterward, Mago brings Casper and Smiley to La Bombilla, a location along the train tracks where potential undocumented immigrants stow away on passing trains on their way to the United States. Among the immigrants is a Honduran family introduced earlier, consisting of the teenage girl Sayra, her father, and her uncle, who are on their way to relatives in New Jersey. Lil Mago, Casper, and Smiley rob the passengers for any money they have until Lil Mago spots Sayra and attempts to rape her. Casper intervenes, killing Mago and then sending Smiley off.

Smiley goes back to the gang and reports Mago's death. The gang's new leader, El Sol, accuses Smiley of collusion, to which Smiley timidly protests and begs to be sent to kill Casper to prove his loyalty. El Sol agrees and Smiley travels north to track down Casper. On the train, the still distraught Casper is avoided by other passengers.

When some try to throw him off the train, Sayra warns Casper and keeps on approaching him, despite her father's warnings. Casper's knowledge from previously smuggling gang members and avoiding the police proves useful, as he eludes his pursuers. He is finally accepted by Sayra's family but decides to leave the train while the others are sleeping. Unbeknownst to him, Sayra follows him. Meanwhile, her father and uncle decide to continue the journey.

Traveling north on a car transport organized by a friend of Casper, Casper and Sayra barely escape a trap laid for them and enter an immigrant shelter, where Sayra sees a familiar face. She is informed that her father has died and her uncle has been caught. In disbelief, she rushes off to cry at the chapel, where Casper comforts her. They reach a river that constitutes the border to the United States. A coyote agrees to take them across one by one.

Casper pays the man with his camera containing the cherished pictures of his murdered girlfriend and insists that Sayra go first. When she is halfway across, the gang appears and begins to chase Casper. Casper flees the pursuing gang but runs into Smiley, who shoots him once, then slowly two more times, the last of which is in the head. This allows time for the others to catch up. They then proceed to empty their magazines into Casper, while Sayra struggles to hold onto the raft and screams.

The closing scenes show Sayra phoning her father's new family from outside an American mall, her uncle setting off on another attempt to cross the border, and Smiley having his lip tattooed as a sign of his loyalty to the gang.

30 Seconds (TV series)

The show revolves around a fictitious advertising agency, ''BND'' which is a global advertising network, with 61 offices worldwide. The show takes place in one of the Australian offices.

Apa Khabar Orang Kampung

The precise role of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) in Malaysian history is still a controversial and hotly contested one. It was a player in the anti-colonial struggle against occupying Japanese forces (1942–1945) and later the returning British administration (1945–1957). However, its continual commitment to armed struggle in the post-Independence era depleted much public support.

In the propaganda war, the government made much of the fact that the CPM comprised mainly ethnic Chinese members and adopted an 'atheistic' political philosophy. As the nation is mainly Malay-Muslim, these were effective scare tactics in dissuading the population from having any sympathy towards the communists.

However, a large and influential division of the CPM, the 10th Regiment, comprised Malay-Muslim members. Many of its leaders such as Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin, Abu Samah, Shamsiah Fakeh, Kamaruzzaman Teh and Suriani Abdullah were iconic figures of rebellion and resistance. These men and women had no trouble reconciling radical left ideology with Islamic faith.

The 10th Regiment began a strategic retreat across the border into South Thailand in the mid-1950s. Many of the members would not see their home villages again for five decades.

From secret jungle hide-outs, they conducting guerrilla warfare against the armed forces of the day. When the government of China began diplomatic relations with Malaysia in the early 1980s, aid from Beijing stopped and life became more difficult. A formal ceasefire was signed in 1989.

This documentary takes a look at the present-day lives of the 10th Regiment figures who are still living in a village in South Thailand. (Others had either died or opted to return to Malaysia). They earn a living by farming and are no longer engaged in politics.

Almost everyone in the village is either above the age of 60 or below 15. This is because the middle generation often had to be sent out for adoption as children would have been inconvenient in secret guerrilla hideouts.

The children in the village will grow up as Thai citizens and soon the emotional link to Malaysia will be lost. School lessons are in Thai rather than Malay. Life here is tranquil and slow-moving; it rains often and the chickens roam freely.

Through interviews with the elders, we hear of how life in the jungle was like: the food, the battles, the acupuncture. But the narrative keeps breaking up. There are audio and visual disruptions. History refuses to be contained or told so neatly.

In the background, a Thai radio soap opera is heard. It tells the story of a king who suspects his pregnant wife of adultery, and so jails her.

Eat, Pray, Queef

The boys of South Park Elementary School are anxiously awaiting the night's episode of ''Terrance and Phillip'', which ended in a cliffhanger last season, while the girls at the school express disgust over the show and the boys' obsession with fart jokes. Cartman retaliates by farting in a little girl's face, which causes all the boys to laugh. After school, the boys gather in Cartman's house to watch the episode. To their horror, it is then revealed that, as an April Fools' Day joke, the channel is airing a new show called the ''Queef Sisters'', about Canadian sisters Katherine and Katie Queef. They are very similar to Terrance and Phillip, but instead of fart jokes, they make queef jokes. The show starts a queefing movement across the country, and men everywhere get upset and disgusted by the queefs, although the women do not understand what the problem is. Though the women of South Park argue that there is no difference between queefing and farting, the men are revolted by queefs, while still finding their own fart jokes amusing.

Meanwhile, Terrance and Phillip are furious their show got replaced with ''The Queef Sisters'', sharing the American men's disgust of queef jokes. When the producer asks why they think fart jokes are funny, but are revolted by queef jokes, Terrance says it's "because babies come from there."

As a joke mirroring Cartman's, one of the girls at school queefs on Butters' face, causing him to run screaming and crying out of the school building. Randy talks with Butter's father on the phone and then comforts Stan. The other boys are shocked and their fathers, outraged, go to the Colorado General Assembly and demand a law banning queefing, much to the anger of the town's women. Meanwhile, the Queef Sisters appear on ''Regis and Kelly'' to promote their book ''Eat, Pray, Queef'', and Terrance and Philip's show gets canceled due to the rising popularity of the Queef Sisters. Terrance and Phillip attempt to kill the Queef Sisters, but the plan backfires when they end up becoming attracted to them after the Queef Sisters mention that Terrance and Phillip are the sisters' idols. They pair off into couples and travel the Canadian Wine Country together. Meanwhile, after Stan's mother Sharon queefs, she and Stan's sister, Shelley, start laughing at the dinner table, causing Stan and Randy to leave.

Feeling sorry for Butters, the South Park boys testify in the case in the Colorado State Senate about the girl who queefed on Butters. A debate on the senate floor culminates with a female senator queefing almost exact lines of dialogue from ''The Road Warrior'' film. The next day, the newspapers announce that, partly due to the senator's stunt the previous day, the queefing ban has passed. As Stan and his father Randy celebrate, Sharon and Shelley are hurt and insulted by the decision, describing it as an example of sexism that still pervades society, and finally sarcastically congratulate the men for "getting their own way... again." Stan and Randy finally understand the issue was not simply about queefing, but a larger point about women's rights. The two get all the South Park men together and record an inspirational song called "Queef Free", declaring women should have the right to queef, while photographs of women working various careers are displayed on a television screen. Terrance and Philip, despite a continued disgust with the constant queefing, attempt to marry the two Queef Sisters. The vicar leaves the ceremony in disgust as the couples repeatedly fart and queef on him, pronouncing them "Farts and Queefs" as he leaves.

Midnight (Wilson novel)

The book is about a thirteen year old girl called Violet and her big brother, Will. Violet is a dreamy girl who is described as having long, thick hair and being small and skinny for her age. She is always away in her own world, filled with fairies designed by her favorite author, Casper Dream. Last Christmas, they found out that Will was adopted when Will was rude to their grandmother and she said something about bad blood. Violet is extremely depressed to see how weak her mother is, and how she does everything her father tells her to do, and does not care that her husband has no respect for her whatsoever; because it reminds of herself, and how she always does what Will tells her to do. After Will forces her to play a game of 'Blind Man's Buff', a game she hates, she gets attacked by bats and Violet makes a resolution never to let Will order her about again.

Moving on in the story, a new girl, Jasmine Day, comes to Violet's school and she chooses her as a friend. Violet is thrilled and spends a lot of time with Jasmine. Even though she adores Will, Violet refuses to spend a day with him, to go to Brompton Woods, and instead chooses to go to Jasmine's house.

Later on, Violet's father says that they are to go to their Gran's house to wish her a happy birthday, but Will refuses because of how she had charmlessly told him that he was adopted. Violet's dad gets mad and when Violet says no as well, he is ready to hit them. But doesn't. Violet's mother - as usual - gives in and makes a fuss when she finds out that they both are not going. In the end, they leave without them. Will and Violet start playing 'Truth or Dare' and Will asks Violet that if she could have a love affair with any one, who would it be? Violet hesitates and eventually answers Casper Dream. Violet repeats the question to Will but before he can answer, Jasmine calls and asks for help with her homework. Will, much to Violet's surprise, as he hates for her to have friends over, invites Jasmine himself.

They work for a while and then start up 'Truth or Dare' again, where Will asks Violet who she likes better, him or Jasmine. When Violet fails to come up with a reply, Will dares her to spend ten minutes in the attic. Violet reluctantly agrees. In the attic, Violet finds out that she used to have another brother named Will, but he died shortly after he was born, so her parents tried to replace him with her Will. Violet is ecstatic, and can't wait to tell her brother. When Violet comes down after her ten minutes, she finds Will and Jasmine kissing. They make fun of her and the fairies she has hanging from the ceiling in her room. Violet feels betrayed because she thinks Will is trying to hurt her and Jasmine was only friends with her so she could be with Will. After smashing up her fairies (scratching Will with her Crow Fairy in the process), Violet runs away to see Casper Dream's old house, to find some magic in her sad world. There she finds Casper Dream himself and they become good friends.

She returns home and learns that Jasmine was a true friend to her after all. She forgives both Jasmine and Will. In the end, she confronts her parents' about the first Will. They have a little talk and soon things begin to be better after all for Violet. Violet starts creating a little figure; a changeling baby, signifying Will. Will gives Violet a note to tell her to look out her window at midnight and she sees her fairies hanging from the garden tree, repaired by Will.

Dirty Weekend (novel)

Bella, a solitary young woman with a dubious past, has just arrived in Brighton. Having recently been dumped by her "boyfriend", all she wants is some peace and quiet in her newly rented small flat near Brunswick Square. Tim, a young man living in one of the houses across her backyard, takes a fancy to the new arrival and soon starts watching and eventually molesting her. He accosts her in the park and torments her with obscene phone calls.

The police are not really helpful, but Bella is scared. On a stroll through the Lanes, she sees a sign advertising sessions with a clairvoyant and, on the spur of the moment, she visits him. Her meeting with Nimrod serves as both an eye-opener and a catalyst. When Bella leaves Nimrod that Friday afternoon, her self-confidence has been restored, her mind is set, and she is ready for action: She has "had enough".

A few hours later Tim makes his last obscene phone call to Bella. At night she enters his flat through a window and batters the sleeping man's head with a hammer. On Saturday morning she goes to a gunshop, but all they are prepared to sell her is an airgun. When she leaves the shop she is followed by "Mr Brown", who does sell her an illegal weapon. On Saturday night, dressed to kill, she enters the lobby of one of the large seafront hotels and only has to wait for a few minutes until she is chatted up. Her unsuspecting victim is Norman, a clinical psychologist with a weight problem. Norman, who is attending a congress in Brighton, can easily persuade her to join him upstairs in his hotel room. Once there, he cannot get an erection, and overcompensates by beating Bella over the head with a shoe until one of her teeth breaks. Afterwards, he demands that Bella let him be her "slave". Bella takes the opportunity and, while Norman is bound and gagged, kills him by putting a plastic bag over his head.

On Sunday morning she finds a dentist who is willing to treat her tooth. After he has fixed her tooth, the dentist offers to give her a lift home. Instead, he drives into an empty multi-storey car park and forces Bella to perform oral sex on him. As a result, Bella kills him with his own Mercedes CE car. She steals the vehicle and soon afterwards comes to the rescue of an old tramp called "''Liverpool Mary''" who is biding her time in a cul-de-sac near Brighton station. She shoots three yuppie-style young men who, drunk and angry, are threatening to set fire to the bag lady.

On the same night, at 4 a.m., while walking along the beach near the deserted West Pier, she realizes that she is being watched. The man watching her, a serial killer, thinks he has found his next victim, but when he attacks Bella she stabs him with a flick-knife in the leg.

Life at the South; or, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" as It Is

Smith's novel begins on a plantation in Virginia, owned by the benevolent and kindly Mr. Erskine. Among his slaves is Uncle Tom (Smith's version of Stowe's character), who is convinced to run away by an abolitionist schoolteacher from the North. The teacher is portrayed as envious of the prosperity of Erskine and seeks to ruin him by convincing his slaves to desert the plantation.

As Tom's journey continues, the man realizes that the abolitionists who are "helping" him wish to enslave him for their own ends. After being abused and mistreated in Buffalo, Illinois after attempting to return home, Tom finally ends up in Canada. Erskine is waiting there to "rescue" Tom from his freedom and to take him back to "good old Virginia".

The North and the South; or, Slavery and Its Contrasts

The story centres on the wealthy and prosperous Harley family, consisting of: Frank (the father), Gazella (the mother), and their nine children. After a series of bad investments results in bankruptcy, the Harleys are forced into destitution, which in turn leads to Frank's untimely death from excessive drinking.

Gazella continues life as a seamstress in order to provide for her children, two of which have since left home to live on a plantation in Mississippi and are now regaining their wealth. As a working-class woman, Gazella suffers all forms of abuse from those who had once been her equals. The North wanted the slaves to be free and equal. The South wanted slavery for the need in money for crops.

The Real Cool Killers

Ulysses Galen, a white man slumming in Harlem, is attacked in a bar by a black man with a knife; fleeing outside, he attracts the attention of a man named Pickens, who is high on marijuana. Pickens proceeds to run after Galen while shooting. Detectives Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed Johnson arrive to find Galen shot to death in the street, and they arrest Pickens. However, a Harlem street gang calling themselves the Real Cool Moslems (really teenagers in fake beards) cause a distraction and spirit Pickens away. The detectives realize that the gun they confiscated from Pickens is a movie prop that only shoots blanks; they must now recover Pickens and also find out who really shot Galen, and why.


''Hineini'' (Hebrew for 'Here I am') chronicles the story of Izen's attempt to establish a gay-straight alliance at a Jewish high school in the Boston.

The student, Shulamit Izen, enters 9th grade at The New Jewish High School (now Gann Academy) in Waltham, Massachusetts openly identifying as a lesbian. Set in an interview format, ''Hineini'' documents Izen, her family, teachers, and other students who both support her campaign and those who oppose it.

Among themes examined in the documentary is the Jewish community wrestling with the issues of pluralism and diversity.

Quacker Tracker

The Tooth and Nail Hunting Society is experiencing a crisis - the one trophy that it does not have in its clubhouse is Speedy Gonzales, and all of their members are injured (apparently from previous, failed attempts at catching Speedy). The chairman offers a lifetime membership to anyone who catches Speedy, but one of the injured hunters tells him that "anybody who goes after Speedy Gonzales would have to be a stupid, idiotic, foolhardy ignoramus." At that moment the clubhouse's janitor, Daffy, offers his services as a hunter and, despite not knowing who or what Speedy is, goes off to Mexico to catch him.

Daffy quickly finds Speedy, who is entertaining his friends with some guitar-playing, and promptly tries to shoot him. Thanks to Daffy's abysmal aim however, Speedy and his friends escape without harm and flee to the safety of Speedy's mouse hole. Daffy invites Speedy to come out and look at a beautiful señorita through his "telescope" (actually a shotgun), and Speedy plays along with Daffy by pretending to see something up the shotgun's barrel. Daffy in turn decides to take a look himself, and Speedy causes the shotgun to fire and blast Daffy, angering the duck.

For his next trap, Daffy sets up a hunter's snare tied to a metal post, and sets a lure with cheese and Tabasco sauce. Speedy takes the bait, but the trap fails to function and Speedy escapes. Daffy checks it out, but then the trap decides to function and ensnares Daffy, hitting him against the ground several times. When Daffy recovers, Speedy runs up behind him and shouts out loud, causing Daffy to run away and in turn causing the snare to catapult him back into the ground.

After this, Daffy uses a wind-up doll mouse filled with explosives to try and blow up Speedy. Unfortunately the doll decides that it prefers Daffy to Speedy, resulting in Daffy being blown up instead. Daffy's next strategy is "Plan X" - disguising himself as a giant enchilada and delivering himself to Speedy's mouse hole. The mice become suspicious when they see Daffy's tail feathers sticking out of the enchilada however, and decide to fill it with Tabasco sauce. The sauce is so powerful that it sets fire to Daffy's hunting hat and sends him rocketing into the village fountain - which Speedy promptly drains, giving Daffy a very hard landing.

Finally, Daffy creates a device from a cannon and a jet engine, and chases Speedy into a system of pipes with it. When Daffy exits the pipes however the device fires him into an approaching train, and the force of the collision sends him rebounding all the way back into the United States, and back into the hunters' lodge via its roof. Daffy admits to the chairman that he's giving up on the idea of catching Speedy and declining the lifetime membership offer, since "with Speedy Gonzales around, life would be too short to enjoy it anyway."

Brother, I'm Dying

“Brother, I'm Dying” is an autobiography narrative that begins in the country of Haiti and eventually ends in the United States. The author, and main character Edwidge Danticat, was born in Haiti in 1969. At the age of four she was left to be raised by her uncle while her parents moved to the United States on a work visa to pursue economic opportunities. It wasn't until the age of twelve that she able to be reunited with her family. She falls in love, marries, and eventually has a child. Edwidge’s father becomes terminally ill and she decides to write her family’s life story so that it can be shared with relatives that are still living in Haiti.

Chuck Versus the Broken Heart

Main Plot

The episode begins with Chuck returning to his apartment. He's ambushed before he can get in the door by three masked figures, but Casey interrupts them before they can take him anywhere and forces them to unmask. It's Morgan, Jeff and Lester, who are rehearsing kidnapping Devon for his bachelor party, and Chuck reminds them they're not invited. Casey chases them off with a blast from a hose, while Chuck goes home. He's looking over the Intersect information Orion provided him before his death when General Beckman contacts him through his computer. She confronts Chuck on the nature of his and Sarah's relationship, but when Chuck tries to tell her they're strictly professional, she shows him surveillance footage of him confessing how he feels to Sarah, including the gift of his mother's charm bracelet."Chuck Versus Santa Claus" Beckman advises him she's instituting a "49B."

The next morning Chuck goes to the Orange Orange to advise Sarah of what happened but is surprised to find another woman working the counter instead. In a briefing with Beckman in Castle, Sarah tells Chuck that the new agent, Alexandra Forrest, has been assigned to evaluate her performance and will be temporarily taking over her role as Chuck's CIA handler. The team is assigned to investigate a suspected Afghan terrorist, Rashad Ahmad, receiving heart surgery in the U.S., as he is a link to their leader Hassan Khalid's whereabouts in the cavernous region on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, the hospital is also where Chuck's sister and Devon work. Chuck is told that Ellie is off that day, and Devon is doing a surgery. Against Chuck's objections, the team moves in.

Sarah remains in the van, while Chuck, Forrest and Casey infiltrate as staff. Chuck narrowly avoids his sister by ducking into a patient room with Forrest, where he flashes on two men: the patient Rashad Ahmad, who is going by the pseudonym Harry Lime, and his personal physician Dr. Muhammed Zamir, confirming their intelligence report. While Chuck delays them, Casey attempts but fails to break into the hospital's donor bank, where he intends to plant a GLG-4000 bug in the pacemaker that will be implanted into Ahmad, which they can use to track him even in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan. Forrest suggests stealing the ID badge of one of the doctors, and she settles on Devon despite Chuck's objections. Unable to dissuade them, he does manage to persuade them to lift his ID at Devon's bachelor party (see below). Forrest disguises herself as a stripper with a police officer routine at the party and takes Devon into the Buy More Home Theater room. However, he refuses to participate, so she decides to tranquilize him and steal his ID. With it, they successfully plant the bug.

After a debriefing by Beckman, Forrest tells her that Sarah's performance is compromised by her personal feelings for Chuck. Sarah is recalled to Langley, and Forrest is permanently reassigned to take her place. Sarah is upset, but accepts the General's decision. She nonetheless takes advantage of her government clearance to help Chuck's failed search for his father by secretly and illegally searching the CIA database for his location as a parting gift for him. She then packs up her belongings for the trip back to the East Coast. Meanwhile, Zamir discovers a bug planted during Ahmad's surgery and targets Devon as the surgeon who implanted the device. Chuck sees Zamir's team arrive and takes Devon's place when they come to apprehend him.

While Sarah is on the road, her search of Stephen Bartowski concludes, and she decides to return immediately to Burbank to tell Chuck what she has found. She arrives after Chuck has been abducted and is about to leave him a note when she sees his phone lying on his bed. Sarah immediately returns to Castle but her access has been revoked. She signals Casey and warns him that Chuck is missing. Forrest attempts to overrule her because his watch's GPS transponder places him in his apartment's courtyard. Sarah activates their surveillance cameras: his watch is at the bottom of the fountain. The three track them to a bank vault, which Zamir is using to shield the bug while forcing Chuck (whom he believes is Devon) to operate and remove it. Chuck tries to stall, but his identity is revealed and Zamir tries to kill him, knocking over a tank of nitrous which Casey sees as they arrive at the vault shortly before Zamir seals the door. Forrest wants to blow the vault open, but the blast could ignite the nitrous, killing Chuck. Sarah works on cracking the lock while the others try to get Chuck to open the door. Chuck and Zamir get high on the gas, and in their inebriated state Chuck gets Zamir to confess where the terrorists are located. Sarah succeeds in opening the vault and rescues Chuck.

Later in a debriefing, Beckman reluctantly admits that Chuck and Sarah's feelings for each other make them more effective together, rather than acting as a liability. Forrest is recalled, and Sarah is reinstated as Chuck's CIA handler.

Buy More

Throughout the episode, Morgan, Jeff and Lester try to get themselves invited to Awesome's bachelor party. Chuck continues to refuse until the team needs to steal Devon's hospital ID. His idea is to use the bachelor party to get Devon drunk until he passes out so they can steal his hospital key card. Four of them kidnap him as he leaves the hospital and bring him to the Buy More where they surprise him with the party. Throughout the evening Jeff and Lester are taking pictures, as it's their first time at a bachelor party. Jeff has also arranged for strippers, one of whom is his sister. Agent Forrest arrives later disguised as a dancer herself and performs a strip tease for Awesome, handcuffing him and taking him to the Home Theater Room where she attempts to seduce him. Devon refuses her advances, and she tranquilizes him instead and steals his ID.


After Chuck's conversation with Beckman at the beginning of the episode, Devon wakes up Chuck with a health shake, which he refuses. He sees a note on Chuck's computer screen remarking that his conference with Beckman has ended, and Chuck attempts to cover it with being part of a video game with Morgan. When pressed by Devon who Chuck is, if Morgan is "Beckman," Chuck answers "Carmichael." This triggers a conference with Beckman when Awesome turns his back, which Chuck promptly turns off before he can see it. Devon later inadvertently triggers the briefing himself when he jokingly uses the name "Carmichael," but doesn't see Beckman before she shuts it down.

Later, at the bachelor party, Devon is tranq'ed by Forrest. Under the influence of the tranquilizer, he briefly hears Chuck yelling at her about it before passing out. The next morning he wakes up at home to find his badge missing and unable to remember what happened. Ellie becomes suspicious and goes to the Buy More to ask Morgan what happened. He tries to protect Devon by not answering. When she turns to leave, she sees Jeff and Lester looking over their pictures of the party, which include Forrest with Devon. They try to stop Ellie as she leaves, but she is convinced Devon cheated. She confronts Chuck when he tries to return his ID badge and is angry because it looks like Chuck is covering for him, too.

After the mission, Chuck comes to see Sarah at her apartment to vent about the situation. He's upset because Beckman's orders continue to interfere with and hurt his family. To help make it up to him, Sarah reveals she's learned where Chuck's father is hiding and takes him out to a trailer 100 miles outside Barstow, California. Chuck knocks on the door but at first there's no answer. He remarks that his father didn't want to be found, when the trailer door opens. The episode ends with Chuck saying "Dad?"

Chuck Versus the Dream Job

Chuck and Sarah meet with Chuck's father Stephen and convince him to return home. The reunion with Ellie does not go as planned, but Chuck persuades her to forgive Stephen for leaving. The reunion becomes more awkward when Stephen rants about many things he claims to have invented that were stolen by Ted Roark (Chevy Chase). Among his father's possessions is an advertisement for a major tech show where Roark's latest computer operating system is to be released, which Chuck flashes on.

At Castle, Beckman briefs the team. Chatter has led them to believe a virus is being released in the operating system, and she orders them to investigate. A job interview is arranged for Chuck, under his own identity. He is hired immediately and meets Roark, whom he has dreamed of working for since Stanford. Jeff and Lester see Chuck leaving Roark's headquarters and inform Morgan, who reveals Chuck's new "job" at dinner, upsetting Stephen as he believes Roark destroyed his life.

Casey and Sarah attempt to break in to stop the launch the next day, but are unable to bypass security. Chuck flashes on a Fulcrum agent on stage with Roark, and with no other options, bursts on stage in an effort to warn Roark about the virus, but Roark doesn't believe him. Chuck then tries to prevent the launch but fails. Ellie, watching the launch online with Stephen, is angered because she believes Chuck threw his dream job away for his father, though Stephen denies putting him up to it.

Upset at the Intersect for ruining his life, Chuck goes through the documents left to him by Orion to learn how to free himself of the Intersect. Stephen interrupts to tell him he didn't want Chuck to ruin his own career just for him, and if he wants to work for Roark it's okay with him. As he leaves, Chuck notices that the layout of Roark's offices matches the diagram in Orion's documents. He realizes that Roark is building a full-scale Intersect system for Fulcrum, but Casey and Sarah don't believe him without solid proof. He takes it upon himself to infiltrate the office to investigate, tranquilizing Casey when he tries to stop him.

Chuck breaks into Roark's campus, but is forced to hide when his father barges in, demanding to speak to Roark. When the Fulcrum agent Chuck flashed on attacks Stephen, Chuck bursts from his hiding place and tranquilizes Roark's security, then attempts to escape with Stephen. They run into Vincent (Arnold Vosloo), but Stephen incapacitates him and unlocks the door with a wrist-mounted computer, then reveals to Chuck that he was Orion all along, and that he left Chuck and Ellie for their own protection.

He leads Chuck deep into the heart of Roark's complex, where they find the nearly complete Fulcrum Intersect, which Stephen prepares to use to remove the Intersect from Chuck's brain when they are interrupted by Roark and Vincent. Roark is about to have Chuck killed, but Stephen promises to help Roark if he spares Chuck. Casey and Sarah arrive just as Roark is departing with Stephen, who tells Chuck he was wrong to tell him not to trust his handlers (in "Chuck Versus the Predator"). Back at Castle, Beckman makes clear the consequences of Roark escaping both with the Intersect ''and'' Orion, but tells them that she will put the government's best team on it. Chuck convinces Beckman that Operation Bartowski is her best team, and demands to be part of the effort to rescue his father. Beckman relents when Casey sides with Chuck, but he warns him not to allow his personal feelings to get in the way.

Back at home, Ellie is heartbroken thinking that their father has left them again, but Chuck tells her not to give up on him.

Chuck Versus the First Kill

Main Plot

As the episode begins, the NSA and CIA have had no success in locating Chuck's father, Stephen. Chuck angrily confronts Beckman during a status update about their failure to locate him. Chuck decides that he must take matters into his own hands and interrogate a Fulcrum agent. However, none of those they captured have been willing to talk. Chuck gambles that he might be able to persuade Jill, who is currently incarcerated, to help. She initially refuses, but Chuck makes an unauthorized deal to have her brought into witness protection if she cooperates. She recommends that the team question her father's best friend, Uncle Bernie, (Ken Davitian) who recruited her into Fulcrum. She tells the team that most of the time he is well-protected and the only way to gain access to him without his bodyguards is at family gatherings. Chuck decides to manufacture one by going undercover with Jill and throwing a party to celebrate their engagement.

While Chuck and Jill meet with Jill's family, Casey and Sarah monitor from the van outside. Bernie arrives and is immediately suspicious upon seeing Jill, whom he believes had been arrested, and he confronts them in private. Chuck offers him the same deal as Jill: help him locate Stephen and in return they'll offer him witness protection. Bernie instead attempts to kill them and they flee through the house. Sarah and Casey, masquerading as Chuck's cousin and her boyfriend, arrive to back them up. Before they can reach Chuck, Bernie suffers a fatal heart attack and collapses. After his death, Casey and Chuck carry him from the party, pretending that he is still alive by moving him and speaking for him.

At Castle, Sarah tells Chuck that Jill will be returned to prison because of the failure of their mission. Chuck argues that they still need her help, but Sarah apologizes and tells him they don't have a choice. Jill returns the engagement ring the government provided her as part of the cover and says goodbye to Chuck, but as she's being led out, Bernie's phone begins to ring. Chuck retrieves the phone from the body bag and answers, stalling the Fulcrum operative on the other end while Sarah tracks him to a business used as a recruiting front by Fulcrum. Sarah guards Jill in the van while Jill walks Chuck and Casey through infiltrating the facility, where they take a test to determine their eligibility for recruitment. While taking the test, Chuck and Casey are identified and separated and Chuck is taken in for interrogation, while Casey escapes, having gotten a very low score.

Jill and Sarah enter the building to rescue them, but Sarah is identified and pinned down in a heavy firefight. Casey ambushes and shoots the Fulcrum operatives holding Chuck, then rushes from the office to help Sarah after ordering Chuck to use the office computer to determine where Stephen is being taken. Jill tries to escape during the gunfight, where she overhears that Stephen is being taken to a facility called "Black Rock." Meanwhile, the Fulcrum operative in charge returns to where Chuck is working, rushes him and slips on broken glass and topples out the window after tripping on Chuck's foot when Chuck shields himself with "The Morgan." Chuck dives for him and catches his arm, but is now slipping out himself. Jill is making her escape when she hears Chuck call for help, and after a moment of hesitation, returns and catches Chuck before he can be pulled out the window as well. The Fulcrum operative agrees to talk if Chuck helps him, but his sleeve rips free and the agent falls to his death. Jill tells Chuck that Stephen is being taken somewhere called "Black Rock," but she doesn't know where that is. The name triggers a flash and Chuck identifies it as a location outside Barstow. He then gives Jill back the ring they used earlier and tells her that the deal was a lie, and he won't let the government change him. He then lets her escape, seeing that she has redeemed herself.

Afterwards, back at Castle, Beckman is furious that not only did they fail to rescue Stephen, but Jill is now on the loose. Casey wryly suggests putting Chuck in a bunker, and though he wasn't serious, Beckman agrees and orders Sarah to tell Chuck they intercepted his father and brought him to Castle. Casey will then tranquilize him so he can be shipped back to Washington. Sarah objects to the setup but Beckman is tired of the potential liability of Chuck running around on his own and orders her to proceed. Sarah tells off Casey about how he didn't say anything, but goes to the Buy More to carry out her orders anyway. At first she tells Chuck the story given to her by Beckman, but after Chuck thanks her for always being there for him she warns him of the deception. He ditches his watch and the two flee.

Buy More

Emmett tells the team that he's up for an efficiency review and warns them not to give him any trouble. In response, Morgan does just that and organizes the rest of the employees in an effort to make Emmett look bad. However, Emmett approaches him in the storage cage and strikes a deal - the employees want him gone and he wants out of the Burbank store. The efficiency review has the chance to satisfy both of their goals so if Morgan makes him look good, Emmett will be able to leave. Morgan agrees, and has the team turned around talking up Emmett's contributions to the store.

The efficiency review is going well, but Emmett just needs a vote of support for Big Mike and asks Morgan to get it. Morgan plays on Mike's relationship with his mother to get him to confide in how he feels about Emmett, which he records and Emmett plays back for the efficiency expert. Unfortunately, Emmett reveals to Morgan he had been manipulating him from the start and that the review was not of his own performance, but instead was of Big Mike's. Big Mike is demoted to a Green Shirt and Emmett is promoted to store manager.

Chuck Versus the Colonel

Main plot

The episode begins the morning after the previous episode. Chuck and Sarah head to the coordinates of Black Rock that Chuck flashed on, but arrive only to find an abandoned drive-in theater. At Castle, Beckman promotes Casey to Colonel and orders him to bring Chuck and Sarah in dead or alive. Meanwhile, Ted demands Stephen finish the Intersect by the next morning, or else he'll kill his family.

Unable to return home because they are AWOL, Chuck and Sarah stop to spend the night at a motel. Unknown to them, Vincent has tracked their location. Roark asks him to wait until the morning when the Intersect should be finished before dealing with them. After being interrupted by Ellie and Devon while searching Chuck's room for clues as to where he and Sarah might have gone, Casey tracks a call placed by Chuck to the same motel. The next morning, Chuck and Sarah wake up in each other's arms and begin kissing, but are prevented from moving on to sex when Chuck discovers Morgan took his last condom. Chuck leaves to get one and is apprehended by Casey, but Sarah disables him and cuffs him to a radiator in the motel room. As they prepare to leave, several Fulcrum operatives arrive and Chuck persuades Sarah to go back for Casey, who has already freed himself by tearing out the radiator and who confronts Chuck at the car. Sarah is captured by Fulcrum but Chuck rescues her by running them down with the car. Casey takes them back into custody.

Stephen is tracking them and as they pass the drive-in again, he leaves Chuck a message (''Tron'' 12AM) on a billboard, but Casey refuses to turn back and returns them to Castle, where they are placed in lockdown. Casey informs Beckman of the message, and she agrees to look into it. Casey's home alarm is tripped by Devon, and he hurries back to deal with him. Meanwhile, Chuck and Sarah are about to kiss again when a short blackout (see below) disables the security and allows them to escape. They see Devon trapped in Casey's apartment on one of the monitors when power is restored and rush back home as well.

Chuck and Sarah stop Casey from killing Devon and leave Casey tied up, while they return to the drive-in to rescue Stephen. Beckman advises Casey that there's not enough time to rescue Stephen, so she has instead decided to order an air strike to destroy the facility to prevent Fulcrum from gaining the Intersect. Casey escapes and goes after the rest of his team. He joins Sarah in freeing Stephen before the air strike arrives. However, they are captured by Vincent. Chuck is told to stay in the car, but when a large group of Fulcrum agents arrive he realizes that Roark is going to use the completed Intersect to build an army, so he leaves to stop it. He encounters Roark, who brings all the prisoners into the projection booth. Chuck warns Sarah and Casey to close their eyes, but Stephen tells Chuck to leave his open. He does as his father instructs as Stephen had reprogrammed the Intersect to remove the Intersect data, not implant it.

Before Roark's men kill them, Air Force F-16s arrive and begin attack runs on the base. The Fulcrum agents scatter and the team escapes, taking the Intersect with them. Back at Castle, Beckman commends Casey on rescuing Stephen, recovering the Intersect, and destroying Fulcrum's operation, but he deflects her praise and covers for Sarah by saying it was her idea to pretend going rogue to flush out Fulcrum. Beckman clears Sarah of wrongdoing and announces their operation is over and Chuck is free to live out his life. Chuck tries to thank her but she cuts the transmission.

The episode ends with a battered Ted Roark hitching a ride on a semi, headed for Ellie's wedding.

Buy More

Morgan is on the outs with the rest of his coworkers after Big Mike was removed as store manager by Emmett, who wants to make Morgan his assistant manager. Morgan initially refuses and tries to make things up to Big Mike. Eventually he accepts the promotion from Emmett and tries to use it to control Emmett's power plays by protecting Big Mike and the rest of the employees. However, Emmett continues to force Mike to do menial tasks around the store. After he's ordered to install new registers, Jeff and Lester set off a bomb they found in Casey's locker inside a generator outside the store, which causes a temporary blackout throughout Burbank.

Morgan is ordered to fire them. He tries to avoid doing so by asking the two to apologize, which they refuse to do. Anna confronts Morgan about why he takes their abuse and chides him about not having any dreams outside the Buy More. Morgan confesses that he dreams of being a Benihana chef in Hawaii. Emmett continues to pressure Morgan to fire Jeff and Lester, until finally Morgan decides to do the honorable thing. He asks Big Mike to take care of his mother, then in full view of everyone strips off his assistant manager's vest and green Buy More shirt and quits. He asks Anna to come with him to Hawaii as he follows his dream to train as a chef.

He and Anna leave the store to the applause of all his coworkers.


Devon interrupts Casey's search of Chuck's room, (see above) but grows suspicious about his behavior and Chuck's disappearance. He heads to the Buy More to ask Jeff and Lester if they've seen Chuck, and about Casey. The two break into Casey's locker and reveal that Casey has keys to Chuck's house and keeps logs of his doings at the store, as well as chloroform and other disturbing equipment. Jeff expresses admiration for Casey as a stalker.

Growing more concerned, Devon uses Casey's keys to break into his apartment, where he sees Casey's surveillance equipment, including the camera in Chuck's room. He tries to gain access to Casey's computer, but trips an alarm which locks him in. Casey, alerted to his intrusion, returns to his apartment. Devon confronts him about his intrusion into Chuck's privacy and defends himself when Casey tries to kill him. Casey gets back to his feet but before he can finish Devon off is ambushed by Sarah and Chuck. Devon insists on calling the police, but now that Devon has seen so much, Chuck reluctantly tells him that he is a high-profile government asset, and Sarah and Casey are his handlers. Chuck asks for Devon to "be awesome" and to cover for him with Ellie. Devon is stunned, but he agrees to help.

Later, when Ellie comes home and asks him about Chuck, Devon begins to panic. Ellie mistakes this as wedding jitters and orders him to remain focused. He begins to calm down as they prepare to leave for their rehearsal dinner and assures her that Chuck loves her and was just shaken up by their father leaving again. He asks her to trust Chuck, who finally returns home and apologizes, then brings Stephen in as their wedding present.

As they all head out for the dinner, Chuck stops by Casey's apartment and asks him to come with them. Casey initially refuses, saying his mission is over, but Chuck tells him he's asking as a friend. Casey closes the door, but as Chuck turns to leave he comes back out with several cigars in-hand. Sarah then arrives as well and Casey leaves them to talk. Chuck is unable to believe that it is real, but Sarah assures him it is, as she takes him by the hand.

Chuck Versus the Break-Up

Main plot

The episode begins in 2005 with Bryce Larkin (Matthew Bomer) and Sarah Walker kissing against a wall in Bogotá, Colombia. As they carry a briefcase, they are chased by Colombian criminals. After Sarah grabs the briefcase, Bryce is held at gunpoint. Sarah agrees to hand over the briefcase, but then shoots the man in the head. In present day, continuing from the previous episode, Chuck Bartowski arrives at Sarah's door wearing a white dinner jacket and carrying a bottle of wine and a single red rose. When she answers the door, however, she is not alone. She is with Bryce, Chuck's old nemesis and her ex-boyfriend. Chuck walks home, throws the rose away, and is given a pep talk by Ellie Bartowski and Devon Woodcomb.

Chuck heads with John Casey to the Orange Orange basement, enters Castle, and meets Sarah for a new mission. A Fulcrum agent has stolen an update for the Intersect from an NSA facility. Bryce has learned that the English software engineer Von Hayes (Steve Valentine) has been hired to decrypt the data on the chip. That night, Bryce and Sarah will attend Von Hayes' party and, much to Chuck's chagrin, pose as a married couple. Chuck will pose as a waiter and waits to flash. The microchip is hidden in the mansion, and Bryce and Sarah will search for it. Chuck learns that they will accomplish this by being "very affectionate". At the yogurt shop, Sarah tells Bryce that they should keep things strictly professional, but Bryce cradles her hand. Outside, Ellie happens to walks by and sees this, making her sad.

Bryce, Sarah and Chuck head to Von Hayes' party, where Hayes toasts himself. In an attempt to flash, Chuck delivers a bottle of wine to Hayes' table. He accidentally spills wine on Hayes' lap while watching Sarah and Bryce dance in an uproariously seductive manner. He then drops a bottle of wine, as they kiss in front of everyone. Hayes fires Chuck, but before he is escorted out, Chuck flashes on the voice of a woman who asks Hayes if he has her microchip. It is revealed that the woman, Juliette (Bianca Chiminello), is a Fulcrum agent who has killed a number of people, but her face is not seen.

When Casey orders him to head back inside to get a look at Juliette, Chuck hides under a table and watches as she shoots Hayes' bodyguard. Hayes panics and drops his keys. Chuck flashes and realizes the microchip is not in his vault, as he told Juliette, but on his key chain. Juliette hears Chuck talking to Casey and holds him at gunpoint. Hayes attempts to escape, but Bryce and Sarah see him. Sarah decides to save Chuck instead, leaving Bryce to go after Hayes, who escapes in his Lamborghini. Sarah gets into a shootout with Juliette, who is driven away by a henchman. Before they escape, Juliette drops a grenade on the road. Sarah sees it and pushes Chuck away, injuring herself in the process.

The next day, Chuck visits Sarah in the hospital. Bryce loiters outside, incognito. Ellie watches on, appalled that Sarah's ex-boyfriend is acting like a stalker. Devon confronts Bryce, who admits to being her ex-boyfriend, but inquires to how serious Chuck and Sarah is. Awesome informs him that they are indeed serious and Sarah confirms that she is in love with Chuck.

Bryce confronts Chuck outside his house. Bryce worries about Sarah, who has left for a mission, and thinks that her feelings for Chuck will get her killed. Chuck assures Bryce that Sarah knows what she is doing. Meanwhile, a henchman shows up at the hospital and is directed to Sarah's room. Awesome gives flowers to Chuck, believing he has intercepted them from Bryce, when they were actually sent from Von Hayes to Sarah. Chuck talks to Hayes, who is scared and needs help, and confirms that he still has the chip.

Later, Chuck tells Casey that he has negotiated the return of the chip. Hayes will meet Chuck and Chuck only, and return the chip in exchange for full immunity and $4.5 million in unmarked bills. Meanwhile, the henchman dresses as a doctor and checks up on Sarah. As he prepares to inject Sarah, she sees that his name tag does not match his face, and attacks him, asking where his boss is.

Chuck and Casey arrive at train station for the meet, Chuck carrying a large duffel bag with the money, and Hayes carrying the chip. They botch the exchange, and Hayes flees when he realizes there are henchman in the station. Hayes runs up the train track, but is surrounded by the men, who hold him at gunpoint. Casey and Bryce arrive and are about to begin a shootout. In the middle of the stand-off, Chuck arrives with the duffel bag and trades the money for Hayes.

While Casey retrieves the money, Chuck and Bryce take Hayes out of the station. Suddenly, Juliette takes Chuck at gunpoint and Hayes again flees. Juliette demands the chip, and Bryce lowers his weapon, noticing Sarah in the background. Sarah aims her gun at Juliette and prepares to save Chuck as she did for Bryce in Bogotá, but finds that cannot take the shot. When Sarah panics, Casey shoots and apprehends Juliette, having retrieved the money and Hayes.

Back at Castle, Sarah admits to letting her guard down, but insists she can protect Chuck. Casey doesn't seem to hear. Chuck meets her outside and insists that they could never have a future together.

Later, Chuck goes into his bedroom and tries on sunglasses left behind by Bryce. Immediately, the glasses begin downloading the Intersect update into Chuck's brain, causing him to fall backwards onto the floor. Chuck closes the episode by expressing his hate for Bryce.

Buy More

At the Buy More, newly appointed assistant manager Lester Patel tells Morgan Grimes to deal with the "Mighty Jocks", employees from neighboring sporting goods store, who are upset over being kicked out of the Buy More video game room. Led by Mitt (Michael Strahan), the bullies demand Sony PSPs, which Morgan nervously agrees to.

When the Mighty Jocks later start trouble while playing sports games in the home theater room, Morgan stands up for himself and pours a drink over Mitt's head. A fight cage match between Morgan and Mitt is then about to start. Anna intervenes, twirling a camera tripods like a jō and defeats Mitt. Casey does a background check on Anna, humorously wondering if she is agent material.

Chuck Versus the Cougars

Main plot

At the Burbank Buy More, Sarah Walker notices an old schoolmate, Heather Chandler (Nicole Richie). She hides Chuck Bartowski in Castle, ordering him not to leave or touch anything. However, Chuck cannot resist admiring the advanced DU-97 computer. He accesses it, learning that there are a number of cameras around his home and the Buy More. He then spies on Sarah, who is known under a different identity to Heather. Chuck learns that Sarah was known as Jenny Burton at high school.

Chuck then flashes on Heather's geeky husband Mark Ratner (Ben Savage), who is an engineer in development of a new F-22 fighter aircraft. General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) orders Chuck and Sarah to go on a double date with the Ratners to learn more about Mark. Sarah objects, stating that her identity has been compromised, but Beckman insists that the previous identity is crucial to the mission.

At the restaurant they are at with the Ratners, Sarah "accidentally" spills wine on Chuck's lap to stop him from digging into her past. Chuck goes to the washroom to clean up, only to find Mark being threatened by two members of the Russian Mafia. The Russians get suspicious and, after with Mark was locked in a washroom stall, try to force Chuck to talk. Luckily, John Casey, disguised as a waiter, arrives and incapacitates the Russians. As Casey leaves, Mark peeks out and assumes Chuck has knocked out the Russians. Chuck accidentally reveals that the men were mafia, leading Mark to suspect that Chuck is CIA. Chuck decides to "play the part" and passes himself off as "Charles Carmichael".

The next day, Mark is covertly taken to Castle, where Casey attempts to interrogate him, promising witness protection in exchange for the location of his next meet with the Russian. After Mark initially refuses to speak to anyone but "Carmichael", Casey convinces him by telling him that Chuck is known as "Mad Dog". Mark then reveals that the mafia threatened him and his wife, and he only communicates with them by text messaging. Suddenly, Mark receives a text asking to meeting again the next night, which happens to be the night of his, Sarah's, and Heather's class reunion.

Upon arrival at James Buchanan High School, home of the eponymous "Cougars", Chuck flashes on a tattoo. Chuck presumes the tattoo's wearer, old school bully Dick Duffy (Michael Weaver), to be Mark's contact; Mark himself finds it obvious. Sarah promises to alert Casey, who is disguised as the event's disc jockey. When Sarah meets Duffy, she knocks him out for attempting to flirt with her. She and Casey learn that Duffy is actually a small-time crook.

Mark's real contacts arrive and Heather is revealed to be working with the mafia. She informs them that Chuck being a spy, having overheard a conversation between him and Mark. Upon seeing the Russians, Chuck urges Mark to run, while uses the spotlight to point out the two men to Sarah and Casey. Sarah notices Heather leaving the gym and follows. As they fight, Heather reveals that she is extorting Mark's F-22 plans for an unnamed buyer, and she never really loved him. Sarah eventually defeats Heather by knocking a cougar statue on her head. Meanwhile, Casey stops the Russians from killing Mark, although Mark presumes once again that Chuck saved his life. Afterwards, Sarah walks into the gymnasium battered, barefoot and bloody, only to be crowned reunion queen.

Chuck and Sarah

Hostility rises between Chuck and Sarah when Chuck asks about her past, but she insists on keeping it secret. Sarah relives her painful past in flashbacks, revealing that she was a homely high school student teased and bullied by her peers.

Chuck later arrives at Sarah's apartment for a mission debrief, and she makes it clear that she will not answer questions about her past, throwing his pencil into a portrait of themselves and intimidating Chuck into submission. Chuck again tries digging into Sarah's past during their double date with the Ratners, but Sarah spills wine onto his lap.

Chuck later brings Sarah a dress for her high school reunion. However, Sarah is reluctant to go, as high school was a tough time for her. Nonetheless, Chuck persuades her to go. This proves worthwhile, as Sarah not only conquers her high school nemesis, but she is also crowned reunion queen.

As Chuck later enjoys a lunch with Sarah, he wonders why she changed in high school (see Flashbacks).

Buy More

At the Buy More, Big Mike goes on a fishing trip, leaving Lester Patel in charge. This gives Lester the opportunity to implement a new sales policy, allowing customers to name their own price, which could potentially mean giving out free products. Although Chuck and Morgan Grimes guess that the policy will end badly, they allow him to implement it to see the fun in its failure.

Chuck later returns to find Lester panicking in Big Mike's office. Lester reveals that, out of the merchandise they sold, they failed expected cash demands to pay for the items. Morgan then asks the staff for ideas on how to obtain $3,700 within one night. Jeff Barnes suggests burning the store down for the insurance. However, Chuck unintentionally suggests throwing a keg party, to which everyone agrees.

However, the party goes out of control and ultimately results in Big Mike's prized marlin being broken. Lester tries ending the party, but the guests refuse to leave. When they finally leave, the Buy More employees quickly clean up the mess before Big Mike returns, and Morgan barely patches up the marlin. Big Mike congratulates Lester on his success as assistant manager, but Lester decides to resign. After he leaves, the marlin's snout falls off.


The episode's main plot is augmented with flashbacks depicting Sarah's origins. The first shows a young Sarah Walker, under the alias Jenny Burton, returning home to witness her father being arrested by the ATF. She runs to a tree, where her father had buried a box full of cash in case of emergencies.

In the present day, Sarah blows off steam on a punching bag at her apartment. A flashback shows her high school life following her father's arrest in 1998 San Diego California. After stuffing a young Mark into a locker, Dick Duffy, the school bully, offers to be the "man around the house" for Jenny.

Another flashback shows that after Jenny found her father's stash of cash, she is surprised by the appearance of Langston Graham (Tony Todd). After she throws a knife and just misses him, Graham admires her throw. He lists several aliases she has assumed across the country, including "Katie O'Donnell" in Wisconsin, "Rebecca Franko" in Cleveland, and even "Jenny Burton." He claims to know the name on her birth certificate, but Jenny tells him to get to the point before he reveals it. Graham explains to her that her father failed in scamming dangerous people, and he saved her father's life by arresting him. He offers to help save her too, so Jenny holds out to be handcuffed, presuming that he wants to arrest her. However, Graham offers to recruit her into the CIA under a new alias: Sarah Walker.

Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon

Main plot

Cole Barker (Jonathan Cake) is tortured by a group of Fulcrum agents to learn who possessed the Intersect. Later, John Casey brings Chuck Bartowski to Castle and Casey and Sarah prepare to take him to a secure location to protect his identity. Suddenly, a bloodied and exhausted Cole arrives, having escaped the Fulcrum agents without compromising Chuck's cover.

General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) orders the team to capture a Fulcrum agent codenamed "Perseus," the lead scientist in the development of the Fulcrum Intersect, during an event at a Swiss consul office. While Sarah and Casey attend the party wearing cameras, Cole and Chuck will monitor them from Castle. Chuck flashes on Dr. Howard Busgang (Robert Picardo), a DOD scientist whom he suspects is Perseus. Meanwhile, Duncan (Vincent Duvall), whom Cole recognizes as one of the Fulcrum agents who tortured him, disables Sarah and Casey's surveillance cameras, worrying Cole. Cole gives Chuck a gun and they leave Castle to assist Sarah and Casey.

Duncan holds Sarah, Casey, and Howard at gunpoint and leads them away from the party, and Howard asserts that he was not aware of Fulcrum's intentions. Outside, Cole starts to climb a balcony to enter through a window, but Chuck notices that he is bleeding. Chuck climbs to the window and sees Casey and Sarah, and Cole tells him to attack the agents in 20 seconds. Chuck tries to surprise the agents, but, having never used a gun, drops it and accidentally shoots Howard, who manages to escape. Casey and Sarah use the distraction to break free. Sarah grabs a gun and chases after Duncan. Just as Sarah is about to be shot, Cole dives in front of Sarah to save her. Chuck walks out into the hallway and tells Casey that he hurt his ankle, only to sees that Cole has taken a bullet for Sarah.

When Beckman informs the team that Howard was a technician for the Intersect, Chuck realizes that Howard might be able to remove the Intersect from his head. Later, Chuck returns home and shows Ellie Bartowski and Devon Woodcomb his injured ankle, and they tell him to go to the hospital. At the hospital, Chuck sees Howard being treated for his gunshot wound, and calls Casey, so that they can capture Howard. As Chuck follows Howard, a Fulcrum agent spots him and calls his team. Chuck follows Howard into an office, pretending that he is on a Buy More maintenance call. As Howard takes cash out of his safe, Chuck enters Howard's lab. Howard sees him and points a gun at him, recognizing Chuck as the one who shot him. As Sarah, Casey, and Cole find Howard's receptionist dead, Chuck reveals that he knows about the Intersect. After Chuck flashes on documents titled "Orion," Howard realizes that Chuck is the human Intersect. Chuck asks Howard if he can remove the Intersect, and Howard says that Orion, the chief designer of the Intersect, might be able to. Duncan arrives and shoots Howard dead and injures Cole, before being shot by Sarah.

Later, Chuck inquires about Orion, but Beckman tells him that her people have not yet located him. Cole leaves, wishing Chuck good luck for removing the Intersect and advising him to start carrying a gun.

Later, Chuck meets with Sarah in front of his apartment and tells her that he has decided not to move in with her (''See'' "Chuck and Sarah"). He says that once he removes the Intersect, he will live the life that he wants. Afterward Chuck walks into the apartment and tells Ellie that he is not moving out (''See'' "Chuck, Morgan, and Anna"). He then takes down his ''Tron'' poster, revealing a chart on the back with all the information he has gathered about the Intersect and Operation Bartowski. He adds Orion to the top of the chart.

Chuck and Sarah

When Cole is captured, Sarah moves in with Chuck as a precaution. She tells Chuck that when they get an apartment, they can have separate rooms. Chuck tells Sarah that he saw a connection between her and Cole, but she says that it is purely professional. At breakfast, Ellie tells Sarah that she is excited that she and Chuck are moving in together. Meanwhile, Chuck has not yet told Morgan that they cannot be roommates.

When Cole later takes a bullet to save Sarah, she tends to his wounds. Though Sarah tries to remain professional, Cole claims to be hurt that she is not responding to him, judging it unfair that they cannot just take off together. He later tells her that he was ordered to have medical attention 24 hours a day and asks her to take care of him. She declines in order to remain in her cover relationship with Chuck.

Later, Chuck meets with Sarah in front of his apartment. He tells her that he understands what she sees in Cole. Chuck tells Sarah that he cannot live with her and continue to suppress his feelings. He tells her that when he removes the Intersect, he will live the life that he wants.

Chuck, Morgan, and Anna

Morgan Grimes prepares to move in with Chuck to avoid his mother's relationship with Big Mike. However, Anna finds the lease papers that Morgan had for him and Chuck. She assumes that her and Morgan will move into together. Rather than tell Anna the truth, Morgan decides to annoy her into changing her mind. First, he declines spending time with her to play Wii Tennis with Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel.

Next, Morgan gives Anna a set of rules that she needs to agree to before they move in together, titled the "Morgannuptials," which she happily signs. Chuck gives Morgan a pep talk about not losing Anna, and Morgan cancels his plans to move in with Chuck. Chuck is relieved, as he also had to cancel the arrangement to move in with Sarah, and he assures Morgan that he is making the right decision.

Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer

In 1983, Jeff Barnes wins the ''Missile Command'' World Championship in San Fernando Valley, California. In the present, Chuck Bartowski arrives late to the Buy More and Morgan Grimes warns him about the new efficiency expert. As Chuck meets Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale), he flashes on a tough-looking bald man (Faran Tahir). Feigning sickness, Chuck tries to slink away but runs into the man, who shows him a picture of Jeff from 1983 and asks Chuck if he knows him. Chuck says no and suggests that he check the other thirteen Southern California Buy Mores.

John Casey identifies the man as Farrokh Bulsara, a global terrorist. Chuck's assignment is to approach Jeff socially to find out why a terrorist is tracking him; the other option is to grab Jeff and have a federal team interrogate him. Ellie Bartowski stops by the Orange Orange and talks to Sarah Walker about Chuck. When told that Chuck may be spending time out with "Nerd Herd, creepy, serial killer Jeff", Ellie says they really need to talk.

Chuck approaches Jeff, but is interrupted by Emmett. After a brief talk about Emmett's love life, Chuck ducks out of an interview, postponing it to the next day. Chuck catches up with Jeff and asks him out for a beer, which Jeff declines in favor of a dozen beers. Instead of going to Jeff's house, they agree to meet at the Buy More.

Jeff presents his music video of Anna Wu as the night's entertainment. Chuck then asks Jeff about the man who was looking for him. Jeff thinks it is one of his fans and reveals a video to Chuck that he has not shown to anyone else, a 25-year-old news video of Jeff being declared the ''Missile Command'' world champion. Chuck flashes on the man awarding the trophy and prizes, Mr. Morimoto (Clyde Kusatsu). While Chuck and Jeff watch the video, a van of terrorists pulls up to Buy More, which Casey notices on the Castle monitors and goes to the Buy More to warn Chuck about. After Jeff passes out, Chuck is forced to carry him out the back door.

Back at Buy More, Sarah takes Chuck away before Morgan and Lester Patel can announce that they have become best friends as a form of retaliation. It is revealed that Morimoto, the designer of ''Missile Command'', worked for the Japanese military and was in the command of actual missiles, loaded into a satellite that is laying dormant in orbit. Chuck is able to attack Atari headquarters with a computer virus as a cover for Team Bartowski to gain access to Morimoto. Chuck and Casey are not successful trying to enter as computer experts in headquarters full of computer experts. Sarah, however, is a much more successful distraction and Chuck and Casey run up the stairs. Chuck encounters Bulsara and gets locked in a room. In the room, Morimoto plays ''Missile Command'' while listening to the Rush song "Tom Sawyer", and it is revealed that he hid secret codes to the satellite on the arcade game's kill screen. Morimoto claims that the complex equations to progress to the kill screen are based on the "music of the universe." Casey breaks in and wonders why Morimoto is still playing when Bulsara has the code. It is then revealed that a bomb has been wired to the game console, and Morimoto urges them to run before it explodes. Chuck refuses to leave him behind, but Casey does not give him a choice. They escapes before the bomb explodes, incinerating Morimoto.

At Castle, General Beckman realizes that the satellite must be shot down. Chuck proposes the alternate plan of having Jeff play ''Missile Command'' to the kill screen, which Jeff agrees to, in exchange for grape cough syrup, M&M's not colored brown, his lucky game console, Anna wearing a grass skirt, and the attendance of his fans. Casey argues that Jeff's fans have already moved on, but when word spreads about Jeff, his fans immediately flock to the Burbank Buy More to see him win the game.

While the media covers the event, Chuck notices some static on a television and flashes on a local news station, where Bulsara plans to control the satellite. Sarah goes to the news station as Casey prepares to order that the satellite be shot down. Jeff prepares to play to the kill screen, but collapses under the pressure. Chuck attempts to win the game, but fails. He then flashes on a bystander's Rush jacket, and the Intersect correlates Rush music to the game. Chuck remembers Morimoto's words about the "music of the universe" being the key to win and realizes that the mathematical pattern underlying the game is the same as the song "Tom Sawyer". Morgan plays the song, and Chuck achieves 2,000,000 points and is able to play to the kill screen in front of the crowd.

Sarah finds and defeats the terrorists at the local television station and gains control of the satellite controls. When Chuck unlocks the kill screen and reveals the access codes, he relays them to Sarah, who controls the satellite and averts World War III. Later, Jeff walks up for one more round of ''Missile Command''.

Moving on

When Chuck is awakened by his alarm clock, he is still wearing the last night's name tag and clothes. As he rushes to exit the apartment, Ellie and Devon urge him to not miss breakfast, offering a ginseng protein shake. Ellie notes how later Chuck came home the night before, which Chuck explains as playing video games. Devon asked what happened to all of Chuck's big plans, and Ellie adds that Chuck should be moving on.

When told by Sarah that Chuck may be spending time with Jeff, Ellie says they really need to talk. They meet Ellie at the apartment and Ellie worries that Chuck is slipping back to old self, having no confidence and no direction, mentioning that he was only twelve course credits short of graduating from Stanford University when he was expelled. Sarah insists that, as with a duck, "Sometimes it seems like [Chuck] is just gliding along, but beneath the surface his little feet are just paddling away like crazy," and that deep down Chuck is mature and responsible. Just then, Chuck bursts in carrying the drunken Jeff, who wakes in the morning and scares Ellie. As Chuck hurries him to a waiting cab, Ellie tells Chuck he should go back to school. Chuck responds he still has all the goals he used to have.

When Chuck returns home after winning ''Missile Command'', Ellie presents him with an electrical engineering diploma from Stanford, which Sarah and Casey arranged for based on Chuck's "practical studies". Chuck thanks Sarah for the thought and the fake diploma but she tells him it is real, earned from all of his field work with the CIA. They share a romantic moment wishing on a shooting star, or the weapons satellite burning up in the atmosphere (see Main plot).

Buy More

Big Mike reveals that it is time for things to get moving at the Buy More. Emmett Milbarge is introduced as an efficiency expert sent by Buy More corporate. Emmett announces that he will be interviewing the employees and evaluating their performance, "perhaps even trimming the fat". The interviews go poorly as Emmett writes his impressions such as "untrainable" and "prostitute?" in large, red letters across the evaluation forms. All employees answer that the one who holds everything together is Chuck.

Chuck arrives late to work and Morgan warns him about Emmett. As Chuck meets Emmett, he flashes on a tough-looking bald man and feigns sickness to slink away. Emmett later interrupts Chuck for another interview, but, after a brief talk about Emmett's love life, Chuck ducks out of the interview, postponing it to the next day.

Later that night, Emmett records his findings of the branch by saying there is "no sign of intelligent life." He observes Chuck pounding a beer, recording various accusations.

After the rally (see Main plot), Big Mike congratulates Chuck and announces that Emmett will be staying as assistant manager.

Searching for Sonny

Elliott (Jason Dohring), Calvin (Nick Kocher), Gary (Brian McElhaney) and Eden (Minka Kelly), find themselves chief suspects in a murder mystery at their ten-year high school reunion. The events surrounding the disappearance of their friend Sonny (Masi Oka), is reminiscent of a high school play they once performed, coincidentally written by Sonny himself. Deception leads to scandal and the truth surfaces as the friends learn that shady businessmen and school officials are involved in a complex scheme of money and murder.

Chuck Versus the Ex

In 2003, having been expelled from Stanford University and hired at the Buy More, Chuck Bartowski walks along a row of sorority houses wearing a green shirt. He stops at the house where his girlfriend Jill Roberts (Jordana Brewster) lives to explain that he was expelled under false accusation of stealing tests. Jill refuses to talk about their relationship, before her roommate callously tells Chuck that Jill is dating Bryce Larkin.

At the present-day Buy More, Chuck listens to a playlist before being sent by Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale) to respond to a technical support call for a biotechnology conference at a nearby hotel. As Chuck sets up the conference network at the hotel, Jill arrives, in need of technical support for her lecture. They briefly catch up about the past five years, with Jill explaining that she got a doctorate after graduating from Stanford. In an effort to save face, Chuck says that he runs a large computer repair business. As Jill reminisces about how she would change things about their past, her boss Guy Lafleur (William Abadie) arrives, and Chuck flashes on him.

At Castle, Chuck reports his flash to the other members of Team Bartowski, who believe that Lafleur may have created a bio-weapon. General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) orders Chuck to reconnect with Jill and determine if she is involved. Chuck protests, as Jill was the one who broke his heart and destroyed his confidence, but Sarah Walker persuades him to take on the assignment to gain closure, and John Casey remarks that he can get his "mojo" back.

Chuck is assigned to go on a date with Jill at a five-star restaurant, entirely operated by the CIA. Going in under the guise of his billionaire alter ego, Chuck attempts to learn more about Jill's boss. However, Jill realizes that Chuck is lying about his job when Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel interrupt and reveal that Chuck still works at the Buy More. Chuck attempts to call Jill countless times, and Casey mocks him for it.

Later, the team decides to send Chuck to Jill's apartment, where they will bug her phone. When Chuck apologizes to her for lying, Jill later opens the door for him and allows him in, and he successfully plants the bug. During a conversation about their past, however, Chuck turns off the bug, but Casey gains access to it through an override from the team's van and switches it back on. Sarah is conflicted by Chuck's re-established relationship with Jill.

Later, Casey and Sarah visit Lafleur's apartment, where he is attacked and thrown off a balcony to his death by an assassin who escapes them. The team brings Jill to Castle to question her on everything she knows about her boss, and she confirms that he had discovered a cure for a deadly strain of influenza he'd helped develop, and that he was going to present the findings at the conference so that the cure wouldn't be buried. Jill is curious about Chuck's involvement with the CIA at first, but Casey denies it. They decide to have her deliver her speech on influenza at the conference, but Chuck refuses to have her put at risk for an assassin. Sarah, frustrated and jealous of Chuck's feelings towards Jill, agrees to take the role of delivering the speech for her instead.

Chuck receives an urgent message from Casey, who is in the conference room as Sarah prepares to give her speech. Casey and Sarah want to find the assassin who killed Lafleur. The assassin then releases the bio-weapon in the conference room, weakening everyone except for Sarah, who is already in pursuit of the assassin. Chuck recruits Jill, being forced to reveal his involvement with the CIA and NSA and surprises her by bringing an entire squad with him.

The two arrive at the conference, where Chuck volunteers to be given the antigen to the virus, even though Chuck is terrified of needles, he still agrees to be given the antigen so he can cure the civilians and an angry Casey. Chuck fails to extract his own blood because of his needle phobia, so he asks Casey to do it for him, but Casey is too weak to hold the syringe himself. He keels over, dropping the injector and shattering the only glass cartridge. While waiting for Jill to arrive in the conference room, Chuck considers whether passing the cure on through saliva would work. He then defies Casey's wishes to "die with dignity" and kisses him on the lips. Nothing happens, and Chuck realizes he was wrong. Jill arrives in time to withdraw Chuck's blood and derive the cure from it. She and Chuck go around the room injecting the cure into the patients.

Meanwhile, Sarah pursues the assassin and, after a long chase and gunfight, manages to kill him. She checks the corpse for his identification and learns that he was a rogue CIA agent. After all the people are cured with the antigen, they are allowed to exit the building, and Chuck and Jill share a long kiss, as Sarah watches in frustration. Chuck and Jill rekindle their relationship and begin dating again.

At Castle, Beckman informs the team that the assassin Sarah killed was a Fulcrum agent, as the organization mainly consists of rogue CIA elements.

Buy More

Emmett delivers a box of donuts to Big Mike. When Big Mike starts to eat one, he chokes on it. Emmett quickly uses the Heimlich Maneuver to dislodge the donut, and Lester is hit by the donut debris. Big Mike assigns Emmett to teach the entire Buy More staff CPR, and Devon Woodcomb agrees to be their instructor, preparing them for a test. Emmett warns Chuck that he too has to take the test and will not be dodging it, but Chuck leaves anyway at Casey's signal.

As Devon teaches the staff how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, Jeff and Lester mock Chuck by staging a catfight with a brunette mannequin as Jill and a blonde mannequin as Sarah. Lester then proposes that Morgan should help stealing the answers to the CPR test, as Morgan is Chuck's best friend, and Devon is engaged to marry Chuck's sister Ellie.

Morgan arrives at Chuck's home and attempts to steal the answers to Devon's CPR test. When Ellie walks in on him she finds him holding her panties. Morgan claims that his intention was to steal the answers for Devon's tests, but not to go through her things. Suddenly, Devon walks in on the two and brags that he is always carrying the answers to the test with him.

When they are forced to take the test, Morgan, Jeff, Lester and the rest of the Buy More staff intend to copy off of Chuck's test, but Chuck leaves when he receives an urgent message from Casey. Emmett throws Chuck's test in a trash can, and the staff panics. Lester conjures a brilliant plan to quickly get the answers: Jeff is to choke on a pen cap as Devon performs the Heimlich Maneuver. Emmett realizes their plan as they immediately answer their tests while watching Devon perform the maneuver, but Emmett cannot stop them as it was technically not cheating.

Chuck Versus the Sensei

Main plot

The episode begins with a flashback to a top-secret location in 1994, where John Casey, wearing a Van Dyke beard and long hair, trains with his sensei Ty Bennett (Carl Lumbly). Bennett easily defeats Casey in a sparring match and tells him that until he finds his "calm center", he will never win. In modern day, Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale) lectures Casey about sales at the Buy More.

At Castle, General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) explains that Chuck Bartowski will use the Intersect to check the Global Launch Agency for possible misfeasance. Chuck agrees, regretting not having any "me time" after the departure of Jill Roberts in the previous episode. As Chuck sits in the van, Casey and Sarah Walker infiltrate the GLA disguised as lab technicians. Suddenly, a masked villain rappels from the ceiling, knocks Casey over, and steals an inertial guidance system. Casey gives chase, tackling the agile man on the agency's front lawn and removing the man's mask to reveal Ty Bennett, who escapes.

General Beckman explains that Bennett, previously a combat trainer with the NSA, is a most-wanted rogue agent working as a global arms dealer. Beckman says that any personal knowledge Casey has could be vital, before giving Casey the location of a construction site where Bennett plans to sell the stolen system. At Casey's suggestion, Beckman orders Chuck sit the mission out. As Sarah and Casey stake out the construction site, the buyer drives up. Casey and Sarah charge, guns drawn, and find a briefcase in the back seat. When it beeps like a time bomb, they narrowly escape an explosion.

Later, Bennett enters the Buy More looking for Casey. Chuck frantically calls the team, but does not get an answer, expressing the urgency to the voicemail. Meanwhile, Morgan Grimes treats the sensei like a low-level karate instructor in hopes of getting a bad customer review (see "Buy More"). An unamused Bennett intimidates Morgan by taking his soda can and crushing it with his bare hand, a feat Bennett is known for. After Bennett leaves, Chuck follows him to the parking lot, only to be ambushed and shoved in the trunk of a car. Sarah and Casey follow the tracking signal embedded in Chuck's watch, and Casey attempts to ram his mentor's car, even though he knows Chuck is trapped inside. After Bennett swerves into a parked car, Sarah saves Chuck while Casey confronts Bennett. Bennett invites Casey to be his student again and take his training to the next level, but Casey declines, growling that he is not a traitor. Bennett grabs a crane and swings to safety a floor below. At Castle, General Beckman is livid over Bennett's escape. She accuses Casey of being too close to the situation and lectures him for putting the Intersect in danger. She reveals that another team will be brought in to finish the mission, noting Casey's primary objective is to protect Chuck, greatly angering Casey.

After Casey unsuccessfully attempts to hack into the security database to stay on the case, he calls Chuck and asks if they can meet to talk about their feelings. Hoodwinked, Chuck joins Casey and is immediately put in a headlock. Casey uses Chuck's thumb print to get into the system and forces him to watch a video of the encounter in the parking garage. Chuck flashes and identifies a local dojo as a cover for illegal activities. Casey then handcuffs him to a counter in the Orange Orange yogurt shop above Castle and heads to the dojo.

Chuck manages to call Sarah and explain the situation. Chuck disobeys Sarah's order to stay at the Orange Orange, freezing his cuffs with the material used to cool yogurt and breaking them with a serving scoop. When he drives to the dojo, he is immediately held at gunpoint. Meanwhile, Sarah has joined Casey at the dojo. They break down the door to find a captured Chuck, angering Casey. Suddenly, Bennett enters with a gun. At Casey's taunt that Bennett could defeat him without a gun, the two fight hand-to-hand, and a furious fight ensues. Casey, lying on the floor after a few particularly brutal blows, appears to be beaten. Chuck coaches Casey into using his anger to fight Bennett which he explains as being that Casey has an "angry center" in lieu of the "calm center" Bennett had taught him to channel and Casey ends up defeating Bennett.

When Casey and Chuck return home, Casey mentions that he should probably thank Chuck for saving his life. Although Chuck tries to play the nicety off by saying that that is what friends do, Casey softly says "thanks" as he closes his front door.


Ellie Bartowski awakens Chuck with an emergency: Devon Woodcomb's parents, both doctors and "awesome" like their son, have come to visit. In fact, they are already in the living room, Devon and his father "Woody" (Bruce Boxleitner) having just returned from a brisk morning run. His mother "Honey" (Morgan Fairchild) coos that she cannot wait to plan Ellie and Devon's dream wedding.

At dinner, Honey and Woody dominate the wedding plans until an overwhelmed Ellie cries that she can no longer answer, "yes", apologizing and storming from the table, followed by Devon.

Ellie later reveals to Chuck that she only wants for her father to walk her down the aisle. Chuck promises to find him.

Buy More

Emmett reinstates the Employee of the Month program, which will be based on customer comment cards. The winner gets his or her photograph framed to a picture of Moses Finkelstein, founder and CEO of Buy More, and a secret prize. Morgan seems skeptical and gathers the employees in the break room, conveying his opinion that hard work and higher sales would benefit only Emmett. The employees make a side bet to see who can score the lowest on their comment cards.

Emmett later confronts Morgan, Lester and Jeff with their customer service marks, revealing that their combined high score is one. He threatens that the employee with the lowest score will close the store every Saturday night for a month, motivating the employees to show hospitality to their customers.

The next day, Emmett announces the new Employee of the Month: Michael "Skip" Johnson, who apologizes for not being rude enough to the employees. Along with his name on a plaque, Skip wins a bonus gift: a 65-inch flat-screen television. Morgan, Lester Patel, and Jeff Barnes turn pale, having been bested by Emmett.

Chuck Versus Santa Claus

The morning before Christmas, a high-speed chase occurs near a Burbank, California shopping center, ultimately ending with the fugitive crashing his car through the Buy More front doors. Nathan "Needlenose Ned" Rhyerson (Jed Rees) exits the car and, desperate to buy presents for his children, takes Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi), Ellie Bartowski (Sarah Lancaster), Devon Woodcomb (Ryan McPartlin), and all the Buy More employees hostage. Ellie and Devon had gone to the store to buy last minute gifts. Ned communicates with the police via Chuck, and LAPD Lieutenant Frank Mauser (Michael Rooker) negotiates the release of Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale) as a sign of good faith.

Meanwhile, Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) and John Casey (Adam Baldwin) watch news coverage of the situation and sneak into the store to rescue Chuck so that the media attention does not compromise his cover, only to be thwarted by Ned. Suddenly, Mauser exchanges himself for two hostages: Chuck's handlers Casey and Sarah.

When Mauser enters, Chuck flashes on his watch, identifying him as a Fulcrum agent. Mauser tells Chuck that he knows that Casey and Sarah are NSA and CIA, respectively, and that they are protecting an unknown asset. He reveals that Ned is a Fulcrum agent who caused the disturbance so Mauser could infiltrate the Buy More. At this point, it is revealed that Ned is far more competent than the hostages were led to believe, having intentionally shot Casey in the foot and separated Chuck from his handlers. Mauser threatens to kill Ellie if Chuck does not reveal where Bryce Larkin and the government database the Intersect are. Chuck reveals to Mauser that the Intersect has been uploaded to his brain.

As Mauser escorts him from the Buy More, Chuck urges Devon to disarm Ned. As Chuck is taken in an ambulance to a Fulcrum facility, Devon, Jeff Barnes (Scott Krinsky), Lester Patel (Vik Sahay), Big Mike (Mark Christopher Lawrence), and Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez) make a plan. Lester unsuccessfully tries to tackle Ned, but Morgan manages to distract Ned long for Big Mike and Devon to tackle him and end the hostage situation.

Meanwhile, Sarah and Casey learn that Ned is unmarried and had earlier called Mauser rather than his wife, as the hostages were led to believe. They follow the ambulance containing Chuck and Mauser and shoot its tires, sending the vehicle into a Christmas tree lot and allowing Chuck to escape. After a brief fight, Mauser surrenders, confident that Fulcrum will rescue him. To protect Chuck, Sarah executes Mauser. Unknown to Sarah, Chuck watches the entire confrontation in horror from afar. She lies to Chuck and tells him that Mauser has been arrested. At the Buy More, Ellie and Morgan's girlfriend Anna Wu (Julia Ling) praise Lester for his act of bravery. Morgan watches as Lester grabs Anna and kisses her, turning away before Anna pulls away from Lester in disgust. The episode closes with both Morgan and Chuck heartbroken, Morgan believing Anna to be unfaithful, and Chuck believing Sarah to be a murderer.

Chuck Versus the Best Friend

Main plot

A young Morgan Grimes (Andy Pessoa) is punched by a girl named Suzie for spying on her while in the gymnasium. A young Chuck Bartowski saves Morgan from a further beating. He advises Morgan to stay away from girls for at least 15 years.

In present day, approximately 15 years later, Morgan shows his friends at the Buy More a picture of his ex-girlfriend Anna Wu. Morgan suspects that Anna is seeing another man, and he wants his friends, including Chuck, to spy on her to learn more about her new boyfriend. Chuck refuses to stalk Anna, but Morgan insists that he still cares about her. Chuck and the "spy crew" follow Anna to a restaurant where she is waiting for her new boyfriend. Meanwhile, John Casey and Sarah Walker follow Chuck to learn what is he doing. A man (Jack Yang) arrives and greets Anna with a long kiss that Chuck and his friends can see perfectly from the van. Chuck flashes on the man's car and learns that his name is Jason Wang.

Chuck and the rest of his team arrive at Castle. As they wait for General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) to contact them about the Jason Wang situation, Chuck asks about the canisters that are lying around. His handlers explain that one could release a substance that can melt iron, while the other releases a peppermint knockout spray. Chuck requests the latter, as he is always vulnerable in the field. Beckman appears and reveals that, though Wang has no criminal record, he is associating with a group of Triads who have been smuggling guns and drugs in and out of Los Angeles. To learn what Wang is doing, Chuck will have to use his social connection with Anna to get close. However, Chuck dislikes the idea of betraying Morgan.

Chuck discusses the plan with Sarah and Casey, but he is not totally convinced to betray his best friend. Casey backs him up with the Marine motto "Semper fidelis" (Always Faithful); However, he points out that orders come before loyalty. Meanwhile, Morgan asks Anna about the last night, but she avoids him, before finally telling him about her new boyfriend. Just when Morgan starts asking too many questions, Chuck enters and saves Morgan from embarrassment. Morgan leaves his friend with Anna and Chuck takes the opportunity to ask her for a double date with Sarah and her new boyfriend, due to Casey's prodding. She happily invites them to a party Jason is throwing that very evening.

Chuck discusses the plan with Sarah and Casey, and they decide that Sarah and Chuck will infiltrate the party as a couple. While Chuck tries to flash on anything useful, Sarah will plant a bug to monitor their movements. Chuck creates a sub-mission to convince Anna of what she is missing without Morgan. Chuck and Sarah enter the party, which is revealed to be an auto auction. They meet Anna right away and while Sarah continues the mission, Chuck starts trying to convince Anna to rekindle her relationship with Morgan. Jason then arrives and Anna introduces him to Sarah and Chuck. Meanwhile, Morgan spies on Anna from outside the building and discovers his best friend shaking hands with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.

Chuck flashes on the many Triad members at the auction, but Sarah gets involved with Anna in a conversation, so Chuck has to continue the mission on his own. He follows the Triad members to a garage nearby and hears them talking about a shipment. Sarah talks with Anna about Morgan, and Anna is not sure about Jason, so Sarah takes advantage of it and talks her into returning to Morgan. Security guards receive an intruder code, leading Sarah and Casey to believe that Chuck was caught. However, the Triads bring in Morgan. Chuck runs to save his best friend's life, but in doing so he humiliates him in front of Anna and Jason, convincing everyone that Morgan is just a stalker. Morgan is spared, but the Triad discovers the bug Chuck planted at the garage, and they believe that Morgan really is a spy.

At the Buy More, Chuck tries to convince Morgan that he saved his life, but he cannot explain without compromising his cover. Chuck explains to Sarah that Morgan is more than a friend: he is part of the family. Sarah tells him that if they do not know the contents of the Triad shipment, everyone's best friend will be hurt.

Meanwhile, Triad enters the Buy More looking for Morgan, so Chuck incapacitates Morgan with the knockout spray and puts him in a large home theater box to sneak him out of the store. Anna stops Chuck to point out an interview with Jason on TV. Chuck flashes on a Rolls-Royce purchased by Mei Sheng (James Kiriyama-Lem), the ambassador to China. Chuck alerts Casey and Sarah that the ambassador is going to be killed. Chuck returns to Morgan, only to find that the Triad has taken the box and put it in a van.

Sarah, Casey, and Chuck drive to the car showroom to alert the ambassador of the plot to kill him. Chuck sees the van that the Triad members used to kidnap Morgan. Chuck follows the Triad members and watches them put Morgan in the trunk of the ambassador's car. Chuck flashes on the Rolls' hood ornament and realizes that the Triads are planning on blowing up the car. He alerts Sarah and Casey of the plot. Sarah goes to look for the bomb, while Casey goes after Chuck. Meanwhile, Chuck drives up in the Herder to warn the ambassador, who presumes that Chuck is a Triad member and drives away. As Chuck chases the ambassador's car, Casey sees, jumps onto, and clings to the Herder's roof. Chuck refuses to let Casey inside the Herder, knowing that he would focus on the ambassador instead of Morgan. Casey agrees to help save Morgan. As soon as Casey rappels inside, he removes a remote control from the glove box and uses it to catch up with the ambassador. When the ambassador's car stops, Casey exits, but the guards do not believe that he is in the NSA and push him to the ground.

Chuck removes the bomb from the ambassador's car and goes into the Herder with the bomb. After incapacitating the Triad leader "Smooth" Lau (Jennifer Jalene) by slamming her head against the car's steering wheel until the airbag is triggered, Sarah uses her CIA credentials to release Casey. She sees the Herder driving a short distance away before exploding. Sarah and Casey stare in disbelief and horror at the thought that Chuck just sacrificed himself, but Chuck reveals that he just used the remote control to drive it away.

Chuck opens the trunk of the Rolls-Royce, takes Morgan's snoring body back to the Buy More and explains that he fainted. Morgan apologizes to Chuck for his attitude, and they make peace. Sarah, Casey and Chuck learn from Beckman that the whole Triad group was taken into custody, including Jason. The ambassador is left with a renewed vigor to crack down on Triad activities in the United States and overseas. Beckman excuses herself to attend to other plans, drinking with Dr. Condoleezza Rice, revealing that even she has friends.

Sarah apologizes to Chuck for being insensitive about his bond with Morgan, admitting that she has no one in her life to care for her. Chuck insists that she does and holds her hand. As Toto's song "Africa" plays throughout the whole store (see Ellie, Devon, and Jeffster!), Morgan talks to Anna about his feelings, and she takes him back with a kiss.

Ellie, Devon, and Jeffster!

Ellie Bartowski and her fiance Devon Woodcomb discuss their wedding plans. She asks him to help her with the items on her "To-Do" list, and he agrees to help her with the flowers, the music, and the wedding cake. Devon asks Chuck to help him find the band. Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel, the titular members of the band Jeffster!, learn that Chuck is looking for a band to hire for his sister's wedding. They tell Chuck that they would love to play at the wedding, but Chuck declines without hesitation.

Later, the Nerd Herd receives an urgent call from Ellie. She has a computer emergency and wants Chuck to fix it, but he is unavailable. Luckily for her, Jeff and Lester want an opportunity to audition to play at Ellie's wedding, so they take the call and go to fix the computer. After they finish working, they move things around to set up their audition, but Lester nervously leaves at the last minute.

Jeff later asks Chuck about the impression they made at Ellie's house, but Chuck knows nothing. Jeff goes to Ellie's apartment for another audition, and Devon agrees. Ellie and Devon politely arrive at the Buy More to watch Jeffster!, though they deny any possibility of actually hiring the band. The band starts play the song "Africa" and the music invades the whole store.

Chuck Versus the Suburbs

Main plot

General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) and John Casey provide Chuck Bartowski and Sarah Walker with their next mission: to infiltrate the suburbs of Los Angeles to locate a sleeper cell that left a former agent, Yeager (Darren Keefe), debilitated. For the mission, Chuck and Sarah will pose as a married couple living in the Meadow's Branch suburban cul-de-sac.

Chuck drives to his new driveway and enters his home to find CIA-manufactured photographs of his life, including his and Sarah's wedding pictures and vacation pictures. He even has a dog. Chuck finds Sarah in the kitchen, making potato salad, having invited the neighbors for a barbecue, during which Sylvia Arculin (Jenny McCarthy) develops an attraction to Chuck. Afterward, Casey finds a bug in the appetizers brought by one of the neighbors. Casey identifies it as belonging to the government, but Chuck flashes and learns that it was stolen by Fulcrum from a CIA substation in Omaha, Nebraska in 2006.

Chuck wakes up the next morning to find that Sarah has cooked him breakfast and prepared his travel coffee, even giving him a grocery list, demonstrating her enjoyment of the mission. Meanwhile, Casey discovers that Sylvia's husband Cliff Arculin (Brian Thompson) has purchased specialty cabling to break into secure government websites. Cliff is identified as Cliff Siljak, a former CIA agent. Chuck is assigned to approach Cliff by pretending to begin an affair with Sylvia.

Sylvia brings Chuck upstairs into her bedroom, removes his pants, and handcuffs him to the bed. Chuck delays by asking her for Scotch whisky. Chuck manages to unlock the cuffs and find Cliff's cabling, which is attached to a computer. The computer requests a password, which Chuck deduces is "salamander." After he enters the password, Chuck unknowingly uploads a fraction of a prototype of the Fulcrum Intersect, incapacitating him.

Cliff rushes home and confronts Sylvia about Chuck. As they head upstairs, Chuck recovers and escapes through a window and off the roof, exposing himself to the neighborhood as he runs home. To keep their cover intact, Sarah feigns anger at his apparent unfaithfulness and slaps him across the face. General Beckman is angered that Chuck was exposed and endangered, removing him from the mission so that Sarah and Casey can focus on the Arculins.

As Chuck fails to understand the data he has uploaded, he flashes on a flier for the neighborhood, revealing the entire cul-de-sac to be a front for Fulcrum. He calls Sarah, only to get no answer. As Casey poses as the cable guy, Brad White (Andy Richter), a cheerful stationery salesman, tasers Casey. Sylvia and another female neighbor take Sarah into their custody. Chuck arrives at the house, frantic and yelling for Sarah. Brad smiles and tasers him as well.

Chuck is strapped to a chair, while Sarah is in another room. The Fulcrum agents try to recruit Chuck, planning to see if he can survive their experiments. They are rebuilding the Intersect to gain all the CIA's secrets (it is their belief that the government has reverted to pre-existing methods to combat terrorism), but all the other agents have died when they attempted to upload the Intersect to their brains. Chuck pleads with them to release Sarah, and the agents, realizing that he is in love with her, mocks his delusion that they could be together.

Chuck is uploaded with Fulcrum's entire prototype, apparently brainwashing him, thus leaving the Fulcrum agents convinced that their experiments were successful. They then move to experiment on Sarah. Meanwhile, Casey has escaped his bonds and entered the control room. Chuck asks to speak with Sarah, telling her to close her eyes. As all the agents are in the experiment room and unprotected from the pictorial test, Casey activates the prototype, incapacitating them. (''See'' "Continuity")

At the Orange Orange, Chuck returns his wedding ring to Sarah.

Casey and Sarah supervise the packing up the contents at the home in the cul-de-sac.

Buy More

At the Buy More, everyone has high spirits for Valentine's Day, except Big Mike, who is taking his anger out on everyone because his wife has filed for divorce. Morgan Grimes, Lester Patel, and Jeff Barnes introduce him to internet dating, where he sees attractive women and decides to try it. Mike concocts several lies to get the good dates, fabricating the story that he is a wealthy shipping tycoon.

Big Mike later decides to tell his internet date the truth about himself. The woman, Bolonia (Patricia Rae) arrives at the Buy More, having lied herself, and thinking that the meeting was arranged at the Buy More because her 26-year-old son works there. Mike scans the store's employees, wishing aloud that her son is Chuck. Suddenly, Morgan approaches, revealing that Bolonia is his mother, horrified that she has begun a relationship with his boss.

Chuck Versus the Beefcake

Main plot

Cole Barker (Jonathan Cake) robs the grave of Brad White, a Fulcrum agent killed in "Chuck Versus the Suburbs" after testing an Intersect prototype on Chuck Bartowski. At Castle, General Beckman (Bonita Friedericy) orders Chuck, Sarah Walker, and John Casey to determine why someone would rob a CIA dump site and how that person even knew where to find it. Later, Beckman informs the team that the grave robber is Cole Barker, a Fulcrum agent. Chuck suddenly flashes to learn that Cole's belt buckle belonged to White and contains government intelligence. Casey reveals that Sarah will have to seduce Cole to remove his pants, ironically after Chuck has just "dumped" her (''See'' "Chuck and Sarah").

Sarah seduces Cole at a hotel bar. As they ride an elevator to his room, Chuck flashes to identify two men as Fulcrum agents. While Casey follows the agents, Sarah and Cole violently undress and she manages to remove his belt. As Casey chases the agents, he lets a woman go after seeing she has a baby. However, she is also revealed to be a Fulcrum agent, and a shootout ensues. Meanwhile, Chuck races to and breaks into Cole's room to find a scantily-clad Sarah holding Cole at gunpoint, with his belt tied around her wrists.

Sarah gets dressed, and they drag Cole to the roof for transport. Cole warns them that they have made a mistake and he is actually an MI6 agent working undercover. Suddenly a helicopter appears and fires on the team. Cole protects Sarah and shoots a gas pipe that explodes and destroys the helicopter. He later explains that the only way to read the chip hidden in the belt buckle is to retrieve the playback device. Chuck pleads with the team to let him try to hack the chip, but they all say it's too risky, agreeing to let Cole go back under cover to contact Fulcrum. As Cole meets with Fulcrum agents at the hotel, Chuck attempts to hack the chip at the Buy More, triggering a homing device. Fulcrum agent Alexis White (Katrina Law) learns that their meeting is a setup, and she takes Sarah and Cole hostage. Alexis tracks the chip back to the Buy More. Chuck hacks the Fulcrum chip and finds his Fulcrum download video with his nom de guerre. As Alexis is walking in the Buy More, Chuck panics and smashes the chip.

As Cole, Sarah, and Chuck hang from chains in an abandoned warehouse, Chuck reveals that the chip contains information about him. Sarah warns Chuck not to tell the Fulcrum agents about the Intersect, no matter what the torture. Suddenly, Alexis arrives and threatens to poison Sarah if Chuck does not tell her who has the Intersect. Cole interrupts and asks if she really believes Chuck could be the Intersect. Just as Chuck reveals that he ''is'' the Intersect, Casey arrives with a tactical squad and saves Sarah. Rather than be taken prisoner, Alexis injects herself with ricin and smiles at Casey as she dies, saying "Fulcrum wins."

Cole promises not to tell anyone about Chuck's true identity, and the CIA lets him go. However, a policeman later pulls up to the car Cole is riding in and shoots the driver. Sarah arrives at Ellie Bartowski's house to tell Chuck he must go under 24-hour protection, meaning they will have to move in together. Their cover relationship must continue, canceling Chuck's plan of living with Morgan.

Chuck and Sarah

As Chuck eats breakfast with Ellie and her fiancée Devon Woodcomb, Ellie worries about Chuck, who appears to be ignoring Sarah. Taking Ellie's advice, Chuck heads to the Orange Orange yogurt shop and ends his cover relationship with Sarah, ironically only moments before Sarah is ordered to seduce Cole. Chuck is forced to listen to said seduction, while Casey enjoys his discomfort.

Chuck later decides to prove his worth to Sarah by hacking the chip, which only results in them being tortured with Cole. Chuck continues his attempts to impress Sarah by enduring as much torture as Cole, but he faints when threatened with a needle. Though Sarah regrets being "dumped" by Chuck, she rewards Cole with a passionate goodbye kiss. Unfortunately, Chuck watches the exchange from a security monitor. Hurt, he approaches Morgan Grimes and asks him to be his roommate so that he can move out of Ellie's house and they can move on with their lives. However, Sarah is forced to put Chuck under 24-hour protection, meaning he and Sarah will have to move in together and continue their cover relationship.


Morgan is growing increasingly disturbed by his mother's new relationship with his boss Big Mike, who has begun to refer to him as "son." Morgan avoids his mother's house by staying with Ellie and Devon. However, they discover Morgan looking for a snack one night, completely naked, greatly disturbing Ellie.

Chuck later approaches Morgan and asks him to be his roommate so that he can move out of Ellie's house and they can move on with their lives. Morgan is overjoyed. However, Sarah is forced to put Chuck under 24-hour protection, meaning Chuck and Sarah will have to move in together and continue their cover relationship.

Buy More

Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel are assigned to hire a new Buy More employee, which they turn into the search for the "Buy More Babe." They manage to lie to and offend nearly every potential employee. Threatened with a lawsuit by a swimsuit model (Brooklyn Decker), Jeff and Lester blame the entire encounter on Chuck, causing Chuck to be slapped. Big Mike receives a number of calls from Human Resources and demands that Chuck come to his office.

Atrévete a soñar

Ana takes charge of the cafeteria at the neighborhood high school called el(the) CAMP and lives in the same establishment in which el(the) CAMP is located. There Patito comes to study and soon meets a group of new friends. She also makes enemies with a group of other girls. Her entrance to the high school brings before her a yet unknown reality: that of prejudices, qualms, and discrimination. To the leaders of the high school, headed by the frivolous Antonella, daughter of Bianca, Patito is, an ugly duckling, and direct at her all their mockery and tricks. Here she meets her prince, Mateo.

Patito becomes the leader of Las Populares (The Populars), sensible young ladies who do not want to be "bimbos" like Las Divinas (The Divines) who only care about power and appearances. The fight gets serious when the high school decides to participate in an intercollegiate musical contest. The goal is to represent the school, but Las Populares and Las Divinas do not agree with each other. There is only one way: a competition that decides who will sing in public. Las Divinas think they have it in the bag, but Patito ruins their plans. Las Populares with the help of Patito who, despite her shyness to sing in public, with the help of Rodrigo succeed in winning the contest. Throughout the school year, Las Populares and Las Divinas wage a battle tinged with adventure, tricks, and adversities.

Six months after the before-mentioned, Ana has another baby (son of Rodrigo) and Patito has changed her look thanks to her grandmother. She finds herself caught in an amorous discord on account of Giovanni, a newcomer to the community (but not a student at CAMP). Giovanni's arrival represents immediate competition to Mateo and all the other CAMP boys, yet he becomes Antonella's ally as she attempts to take Patito out of the Divinas' way. Meanwhile Rodrigo wants to spend as much time as possible with his children and wife and great surprises await throughout the second chapter: a woman who will tell Bianca how to get a hold of Ana's body and get her out of her life; the return of Amaya's biological mother; Patito's quinceañera (a 15th birthday celebration, like a Sweet Sixteen); and the arrival of new loves, great friends and mortal enemies.

Patito comes to celebrate her 15th birthday, but Antonella wants to ruin her party. Antonella contrives a plot where she rigs a bucket, behind the scenes, that contains chicken gizzards. Antonella's father catches her and begs her to reconsider, warning her that if she chooses to go down this path it will have dire life consequences. Antonella reconsiders and has a change of heart without ceasing to divine.

Later, Mateo wants to dedicate a song to Patito, but Giovanni plans to do the same—he's stolen Mateo's song. Antonella, who knew Giovanni's plan, tells Mateo everything, and he knocks Giovanni out on stage, leaving him unconscious. Mateo finally sings the song with the K&B.

Patito and Mateo get together during the performance of the CAMP students where she asks him to be her boyfriend. Antonella asks Patito to forgive her for all the bad she's done. Patito tells her that she has nothing to forgive, that for her, they were always friends and they return to being so. Antonella becomes Johnny's girlfriend again. Finally, they show the viewer what their future was like and what they did, but they don't actually act it out. At the end of the final episode, is at Patito 15 party and she sings "Mundo de Caramelo" and that becomes The End.

Gabriela (1983 film)

It is 1925. Nacib (Mastroianni) is the owner of bar in a small town. He meets Gabriela (Braga) and he hires her on as a cook. They soon enter a passionate relationship, fueled by his strong attraction to her sensual nature. However, Nacib soon grows annoyed by the attention she receives. Under advisement of his best friend, Tonico (Cantafora), Nacib proposes to her, partly in the hopes that the attention quells.

After their marriage, he insists that she dress and behave more modestly so they can be seen as more respectable. Unfortunately, Gabriela cannot help but stray and Nacib is forced to annul the marriage when he finds her in bed with Tonico. Later, as both Nacib and the town begin to undergo a transformation, Nacib and Gabriela resume their relationship.

Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale

Set in c. 900 in Ireland, where kings are constantly fighting over land, fifteen-year-old Melkorka is the eldest daughter of an Irish king. As a princess, Melkorka has lived a life of luxury made possible through slave labor. However, her younger brother, destined to be king, is injured by Norse men in Dublin, forcing Melkorka and her sister Brigid to go into hiding to protect themselves from the approaching battle.

While fleeing their kingdom, Melkorka and Brigid are captured by slave traders. While Brigid immediately escapes, Melkorka does not and is transported throughout Europe. Refusing to speak to her captors, Melkorka gains power and well-being through her silence, which at times intrigues, frightens, and frustrates her captors. However, it is not enough to protect her from being sold as a concubine to a wealthy Icelandic lord named Hoskuld. ''Hush'' ends on a semi-positive note where Melkorka resolves to speak to her unborn son to teach him about her homeland.

The Story of Piera

The film starts in one of the new towns of Latina with the birth of Piera, daughter of the somewhat unbalanced Eugenia and her apparently sane husband Lorenzo, who has a job with the PCI. Eugenia's behaviour at home and in public becomes increasingly erratic and when on top of this Lorenzo loses his post, the strain puts him into a mental hospital. Piera leaves school to work for a dressmaker and pursues her dream of acting, eventually breaking into television and theatre. Interleaved with her outside life we see her sexual development, from kissing neighbourhood boys to a lesbian relationship while she is in hospital with breathing problems and finally to adult men. While Piera is maturing as a woman and as an actress, Eugenia is deteriorating and has to be locked away. The film ends with Piera taking her mother out for the day to a deserted beach, where the two women undress and hug each other tightly in a moment of natural tenderness.

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors

A group of government agents led by Director Gordon Russell excavate Crystal Lake for the ''Necronomicon Ex-Mortis'', which they plan to use for "Project Black Book". As Russell leaves with the book, the remaining agents go underwater to retrieve the body of Jason Voorhees, who awakens and kills them. Prompted by Freddy Krueger posing as his mother, Jason leaves Crystal Lake in search of Ash Williams. Six months later, in July 2009, Ash is living in Franklin, Michigan with his girlfriend Caroline, believing his days of fighting monsters are behind him. While preparing to host a backyard barbecue Ash is visited by Doctor Maggie Burroughs, who tries to convince him to join a group started by herself and Doctor Neil Gordon consisting of people who have fought and survived "unnatural evils". Annoyed by his visitor, Ash sends Maggie away before going to the store for supplies for the party, leaving Caroline alone. Elsewhere Stephanie Kimble and Alice Johnson experience visions of Jason and Freddy, while Jason attacks and kills Caroline. Meanwhile, at the Pentagon, Russell reveals his plan to create an army of demonic soldiers using the ''Necronomicon''.

After discovering Caroline's body, Ash flees the scene as the police arrive, not noticing a man in a hummer spying on him. At his headquarters, Russell uses a combination of modern technology and the ''Necronomicon'' to pull an unburnt and seemingly powerless Freddy Krueger out of Deadites' realm to Earth. Ash boards a train to Baltimore, Maryland to look for Maggie and her group and Jason follows him by stowing away in the vehicle's boxcar. Stephanie, her father Steven, Alice, and her son Jacob show up at Maggie and Neil's house, where Tina Shepard and Rennie Wickham are already living. When Ash arrives, Maggie gets everyone settled and begins to tell them about her and Neil's goals. They are interrupted by Jason, who comes crashing through the door and kills Steven. As Ash arms himself, the man in the hummer drives through the wall of the house and rams into Jason. Everyone escapes, and their savior introduces himself as Tommy Jarvis.

Government agents show up at Maggie and Neil's house and take Jason down with bullets and missiles. Meanwhile, the survivors take refuge at a motel and Maggie suggests they visit her (adoptive?) father, Gordon Russell, to use the ''Necronomicon'' to defeat the killers. Unimpressed, Tommy breaks away from the group and goes solo. At the Capitol, Jason is put in a holding cell full of Deadites. He is visited mentally by Freddy, who proposes that they team up to massacre the world. Jason accepts when he hears that his old enemies—including Tommy—will be coming for them. Freddy appoints him the general of his Deadite army, repairs his decomposed body, and brings him back to life as before he was killed by Tommy. Meanwhile, the group (minus Stephanie and Jacob, who remain at the motel) also arrive at the Capitol and are locked up, with the exception of Maggie, Neil, and Rennie, who Russell takes to visit Freddy. Freddy transforms back into his burned, demonic form, and reveals that he has bonded with the ''Necronomicon'' and possesses all of its powers. Russell attacks Freddy with his own glove, but Maggie turns the blades back on him and kills him. She reveals her true identity as Freddy's daughter, Kathryn Krueger, and attacks Neil and Rennie. Tina feels the psychic impact of Rennie's death, and uses her telekinesis to break out of her cell. As she, Ash, and Alice escape, Jason and his army of Deadites descend on Washington.

Ash, Tina, and Alice fight and destroy a Freddy-controlled robot to acquire the ''Necronomicon''. Meanwhile, Tommy confronts Jason on the streets of Washington as he and the Deadites cut a swath of destruction across the city. While opening fire on his nemesis, Tommy is attacked by winged Deadites, who take him to Freddy. Back at the motel, Jacob and Stephanie fall asleep, and Freddy possesses the latter. Stephanie/Freddy seduces and attacks Jacob, forcing him to call out to his mother. Alice hears her son's cries and uses her Dream Master powers to transport herself, Ash, and Tina into Jacob's nightmare. Immobilizing Ash during the fight, Freddy flays Stephanie alive and escapes with Jacob. Still in the dreamscape, Tina and Alice put Stephanie's skin back on and she wakes up physically unharmed. At the White House, Tommy and Jacob are held hostage by Freddy, Jason, and Maggie. Disguised as the President, Freddy addresses the nation, describing his new policy "no kid left alive" and the carnage he plans to cause all over the globe. Having seen Freddy's broadcast, Ash and the girls break into a nearby pawn shop for weaponry and head to the White House.

As it literally rains blood in Washington, Ash, Alice, Tina, and Stephanie plan their way into the White House. Upset by Ash and Alice's bickering, the traumatized Stephanie wanders off alone. The group are provided the distraction they need to get in when an army of soldiers arrive to rescue the President. Tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets battle the Deadites, but the soldiers suffer heavy losses and Freddy manifests in the clouds to blast the helicopters out of the sky. Elsewhere, Stephanie passes out and finds herself back in the dream world. She arrives at a church and meets Freddy posing as a priest; he informs her that, as member of the Voorhees family, it is her destiny to become a murderer like Jason. Clad in a hockey mask, Stephanie leaves the church to fulfill her birthright and kill Jason. Back at the White House, Maggie and Jason break out in a fight, but are interrupted by Ash, who drives a tank in the middle of the room, killing Maggie, much to Freddy's anger. As Ash rescues Neil, Jacob, and Tommy, Alice confronts Freddy face-to-face. She reveals that she has a terminal illness and that her Dream Master abilities are weakened, so allows Freddy to kill her so she can pass her power over to Jacob. As she dies, she releases the souls of the people Freddy has killed over the years. Furious at his mother's death, Jacob declares he is the Dream Master now, surrounded by the spirits of Amanda Krueger and the Dream Warriors.

Amanda and the other souls successfully destroy the Deadite army, but Freddy quickly severs their connection to Earth by critically wounding Jacob. As Tina tends to Jacob and Ash battles Freddy, Tommy takes it upon himself to deal with Jason. In a closely matched fight, he taunts Jason for never being able to kill him. Stephanie appears and impales her uncle with a machete; this distraction provides Tommy the opportunity to cut Jason's head with a shard of glass. However, Freddy exploits this victory by absorbing Jason's soul to increase his own power. As Neil struggles to read the ''Necronomicon'''s passages to banish Krueger, he is joined by the spirit of Nancy Thompson; together Neil and Nancy recite the words to open the Deadite's dimension. Freddy resists the vortex, until the ''Necronomicon'' itself declares him unworthy and strips him of his power. The human Freddy begs for forgiveness, but Ash mercilessly blasts him into the vortex with his shotgun, citing his own lack of a 'storybook ending'; it is likely, upon Krueger's return to the Deadite dimension, that he dies at the hands of the Deadites. At the same time, Nancy leaves Neil to rejoin the other spirits. Around the same time, Jason's mask is shown (which Tommy split in half with a rock) and Mrs. Voorhees' voice tells Jason that he can never die. The next morning, Ash decides to go on vacation in Texas and bids farewell to Tommy, Tina, Neil, Jacob, and Stephanie, appointing Tommy the new captain of the "Nightmare Warriors".

Later, it's shown that in 1964 Springwood, a time-displaced and disoriented Agent Wesley Carter - who had been sucked into the ''Necronomicon's'' vortex - finds himself in the Springwood Police Department on the day of Fred Krueger's arrest, and impulsively signs Krueger's search warrant when he finds the file on a desk in front of him, altering history so that the technicality that would have eventually rebirthed Krueger as a monster in that timeline never happens.

Monsieur Lecoq (novel)


Policemen on patrol in a dangerous area of Paris hear a cry coming from the Poivrière bar and go to investigate. There is evidence of a struggle. Two dead men are lying next to the fireplace, another is lying in the middle of the room. A wounded man, who is certainly the murderer, stands in a doorway. Gévrol, the inspector, tells him to give himself up, and he protests his innocence, claiming self-defence. He tries to escape, and when he is caught he cries, "Lost…It is the Prussians who are coming." The wounded third man blames Jean Lacheneur for leading him to this place, and vows revenge. He dies shortly afterwards. Gévrol, judging from the man's attire, concludes that he was a soldier, and the name and number of his regiment are written on the buttons of his great coat. His young colleague, Monsieur Lecoq, remarks that the man cannot be a soldier because his hair is too long. Gévrol disagrees. The inspector thinks that the case is straightforward – a pub brawl that ended in murder, whereas Lecoq thinks that there is more to the affair than meets the eye, and asks the inspector if he can stay behind to investigate further, and chooses an older officer, Père Absinthe, to stay with him.

Lecoq expounds his interpretation of the case to him, stating that the vagabond they had arrested is in fact an upper-class man. He comments that the criminal's remark about the Prussians was an allusion to the battle of Waterloo, and reasons that he was waiting for accomplices. He finds footprints in the snow outside the back exit to the bar, revealing the presence of two women, who were helped to escape by an accomplice.

An examination of the body of the supposed soldier leads to the discovery of a note, which reveals that his name was Gustave. Nothing is found on the bodies of the other two men which gives a clue to their identities. The judge, Maurice d’Escoval, arrives and commends Lecoq for the meticulousness of his investigation. After a brief interview with the suspect, the judge leaves suddenly, apparently moved, leaving Lecoq to his own devices. The suspect later tries to commit suicide in his cell. Lecoq continues his investigations the next day, following leads on the two women, but when he goes to report to M. d’Escorval he discovers that he has broken his leg and will be replaced by M. Segmuller. Under interrogation, the suspect maintains that he is an acrobat named Mai, and that he only arrived in Paris on Sunday. He states that he went for a drink in the Poivrière, was mistaken for a police informant, attacked, and defended himself with the revolver he was carrying.

After making further enquiries, including observing the prisoner from above his cell, fail to produce any information, Lecoq decides to take drastic measures. He convinces M. Segmuller to allow him to set a trap by letting the prisoner escape, so that he can follow him. Mai wanders in the streets, followed by Lecoq and Absinthe in disguise, and eventually comes out of a seedy bar with a suspicious-looking man. In the evening, they stop outside a town house, which belongs to the Duke of Sairmeuse and Mai scales the wall, eluding his followers. They arrest his accomplice and search the house and its grounds, but the suspect has vanished.

Lecoq goes to amateur detective, Père Tabaret for advice. Tabaret states that M. d’Escorval's fall and Mai's attempted suicide were not a coincidence, and that the two are enemies. By his reasoning it appears impossible for Mai to be the Duke of Sairmeuse, therefore Mai and the Duke of Sairmeuse are one and the same. Through consultation of biographies of the Duke of Sairmeuse and M. d’Escoval's fathers, he reveals the hatred that exists between the royalist Sairmeuses and the Republican Escorvals. He says that the prisoner tried to kill himself because he thought his identity would be exposed and that this would bring shame on his family name.

''L’Honneur du nom''

  1. The Duke of Sairmeuse returns from exile to claim possession of his lands, the majority of which are now in the possession of Lachneur, a bourgeois widower who live with his beautiful daughter, Marie-Anne. He claims that he had been charged with their guardianship until the return of the Sairmeuses, but the Duke treats him like a servant and accuses him of profiting from them. In their misfortune, one of their friends, the Baron of Escorval, under police surveillance as a former supporter of the Empire, asks Lacheneur for Marie-Anne's hand in marriage for his son, Maurice, who is in love with and loved by her. He refuses because he is planning an uprising against the Sairmeuses, and does not want Maurice to get caught up in it. Maurice becomes involved in the plans to be closer to Marie-Anne, joining Lacheneur's son, Jean, and Chalouineau, who is secretly in love with Marie-Anne. Stopping at nothing that could help him succeed, Lacheneur is even welcoming to Martial, the marquis de Sairmeuse, who is enamoured with Marie-Anne and hopes to make her his mistress. His fiancé, Blanche, the daughter of the marquis of Courtomieu, is furious and vows revenge on the woman she wrongly considers as her rival.

The uprising fails and the Baron d’Escorval is arrested as the head of the plot, despite having tried to dissuade the rebels from their course of action. He is condemned to death, along with Chalouineau, in a trial presided over by the Duke of Sairmeuse. The baron is saved by Chalouineau, who trades a compromising letter written by the Marquis de Sairmeuse for the chance for the baron to escape. The Duke and Courtomieu accept, but cut the cord that was to help the baron escape as soon as they get hold of the letter. The baron is badly wounded but carried away and cared for by the village curate, father Midon. Chalouineau is executed and leaves all his property to Marie-Anne.

Maurice and Marie-Anne reach Piémont, where a priest marries them in secret. They go to Turin, but Marie-Anne decides to return to France when she learns of her father's arrest and execution.

Maurice, unaware that Martial was not involved in the treachery against his father, writes a letter to him denouncing him. Martial, outraged by Courtomieu's bad faith, reads the letter at the wedding evening, causing a scandal. He vows to live apart from his wife. Marie-Anne takes possession of Chalouineau's house, and conceals the birth of her son, that a Piedmontese peasant takes away to his land in secret.

Blanche, still desiring vengeance against Marie-Anne, gets Chupin to spy on her and slips into her house when she is away and puts poison in a bowl of soup that Marie-Anne drinks on her return. She dies in agony, but sees Blanche who did not have a chance to escape. She pardons her on the condition that she takes care of the son she had with Maurice. Chupin is a witness, but later dies from a stab wound from one of his enemies, but not before revealing Blanche's crime to his oldest son. Martial vows to avenge Marie-Anne, but no-one suspects that Blanche is the murderer. They move to Paris and live separately under the same roof. They soon learn that the Duke is killed when he went out riding on his horse, probably by Jean Lacheneur, who is in hiding. Chupin's eldest son turns up in Paris and blackmails Blanche. She fails to find Marie-Anne's son.

Years pass, Maurice's parents die, and he becomes a judge in Paris. Chupin's eldest son dies, Blanche believes that she is free from the blackmail, but Jean Lacheneur arrives in Paris, aware of who killed his daughter, and decides to exact vengeance on her by using her husband. He makes Chupin's widow begin the blackmail again, and sends an anonymous letter to the duke to draw attention to her movements. Martial is stunned when he sees the seedy bar that his wife has been going to, but glimpses the truth when he finds out that it is owned by Chupin's widow. He finds a compromising letter that Blanche kept and realises that she murdered Marie-Anne.

Martial follows Blanche one night when she goes to the Poivrière to meet Chupin's widow with her chamber maid. Jean Lacheneur has set a trap, in which he intends to lead Martial and Blanche to a notorious place and provoke a scene in which they will find themselves compromised. However, the three criminals he enlists in this scheme let greed take over and try to steal Blanche's diamond earrings. Martial intervenes and has to combat three foes. He promises Chupin's widow a reward if she keeps quiet. The women manage to escape. This takes the reader to the beginning of the affair.

Having found out that Blanche has committed suicide and that M. d’Escorval has been reunited with his son, Lecoq decides to confront the Duke of Sairmeuse, having put together all the pieces of the mystery. One day a red-haired man goes to the Duke's house and gives him an urgent letter from M. d’Escorval, asking him, as a gesture of his gratitude for not revealing his identity, to lend him a large sum of money that he needs. Martial replies with a letter that tells him that his fortune and his life belong to his old enemy, whose generosity have saved him from dishonour. He hands this back to the messenger, who drops his beard and wig: it is Lecoq, who had forged M. d’Escorval's handwriting. The case against the Duke is dismissed, his innocence having been proven, and Lecoq is appointed in the post that he sought.

Locked In (House)

House is injured in a motorcycle accident in Middletown, New York, and finds himself in bed next to a patient (Mos Def) suffering from locked-in syndrome after a bicycling accident. His attending doctor diagnoses brain death, and suggests transplanting his heart into another patient. House notices the patient following the doctors with his eyes, and is immediately interested in taking up his case. Thirteen suggests a well-placed tumor, so the team does an MRI. House sees a lesion on the scan. However, the patient's attending thinks the patient has an infection and has him on antibiotics. House tells the patient if he has cancer, the antibiotics could kill him. However, they could almost kill him, in which case it would confirm that the patient doesn't have an infection. Just then, the patient seizes. Communicating through blinking, the patient requests transfer to Princeton Plainsboro.

The team plans to do a brain biopsy on the new patient, but he loses his eyelid movement in the operation, and with that, his only way to communicate with the doctors. Dr. Taub suggests they should use a brain–computer interface for communication with the patient. It takes the patient a while, but he finally manages to shift the arrow up, showing he's still mentally present. Communicating via yes or no (up for yes and down for no) on the computer, the team takes the patient's history. He claims he did not visit St. Louis, contradicting his wife. Because he is unable to explain himself, his wife concludes that he has had an affair. Further investigation reveals that the patient has stayed at a friend's home, in order to maintain the facade of a successful business. Unbeknownst to his wife, he was moonlighting as a janitor, where he was exposed to cadmium, leading the team to believe that he has heavy metal poisoning.

Thirteen notices that he has a tear in the epithelial cells in his eye, and a fluorescein stain reveals ulcerative keratitis. Cameron suggests the team does a lumbar puncture, noting that polys (polymorphonuclear leukocytes) would mean it's varicella, and lymphs, Behçet's. During the lumbar puncture however, the patient crashes. They bring him back, but his foot starts to itch, which he manages to communicate to the team after several questions. This indicates liver failure. Thirteen suggests that the dying liver released toxins which led to locked-in syndrome. Foreman suggests that the liver, kidney and eye point towards sclerosing cholangitis. House orders a biopsy to confirm.

As the team gets ready to perform the biopsy, Kutner notices a rash on Thirteen's wrist, where some of the patient's urine had spilled. He deduces that it is a rash due to leptospirosis, which was transferred from rats, living in the basement where the patient had stayed. Sure enough, the patient has a paper cut on his index finger. The treatment is started, and Kutner manages to get the patient to lift a finger. The patient gradually regains control of his body, and thanks House, who has gone to the patient's room to retrieve a recorder which he's been using to listen in on his team from under the patient's pillow.

Meanwhile, Wilson gets curious as to why House was in Middletown. At the end of the episode, Wilson finds out that House was there to see a psychiatrist, and confronts him on the issue. House reluctantly acknowledges Wilson's accusation, but says he is not going to continue any further sessions. The episode ends with Wilson predicting House will end up alone, and showing that House's vision blurs in a similar fashion to the "locked-in" patient as he looks towards Wilson.

Foreman also tells the patient that he bought his first girlfriend a silver necklace and she never wore it, so he never bought his girlfriends jewelry again, until he met Thirteen. He bought her a bracelet, but again, she doesn't appear to be wearing it. Later during the liver biopsy, Kutner asks Thirteen why she's not wearing her bracelet. Foreman says he didn't realize she was wearing it at all, and Thirteen questions why Kutner noticed but not Foreman. Kutner then notices Thirteen's rash, which he attributes to the patient's urine which could have entered through a scratch from the bracelet.

Necromancer (novel)

''Necromancer'' follows the fortunes of Paul Formain, a mining engineer in the late 21st Century who endures several accidents. His quest for self-discovery, and recovery from losing his arm, leads him to embrace the Chantry Guild. The Guild embraces a philosophy of destruction with the hope of making space for the rise of a new evolutionary form of humanity. The instruments in their goals are the Alternate Laws or Alternate Forces.

Formain is led to the Chantry Guild after encountering ''Destruct'', a book written by Walter Blunt, the Guild's leader. Formain enlists under the mastery of Necromancer Jason Warren and the ethereal influence of musical vocalist Kantele Maki. His initial goal in joining the guild is the regeneration of his lost arm.

The story is punctuated by Formain's epiphany moments. First, he realizes the inadequacy of psychology in his self-exploration. He slowly realizes his own savant power over the Alternative Forces. He is taken aback by his growing hyper-awareness of the world around him, specifically the inter-related isolation of all individuals. This isolation is dramatically symbolized by Formain's own singularity. He has a final epiphany near the end of the book that clarifies for him his own identity and potential ... and much more.

The book is divided into three sub-books: Isolate, Set, and Pattern. In each book, Formain realizes the function of each mathematical collective in the flow of objective history and subjective reality. As with many science fiction novels, the philosophical underpinnings of evolution require a decidedly unscientific leap in the reader's understanding of what constitutes science to rally the punctuation that brings about the next stage of human evolution.

Preacher's Kid (film)

Small-town preacher's kid Angie King leaves the church and her Augusta, GA home to pursue a dream of singing stardom. Luckett plays Angie, the daughter of a stern but loving bishop, whose attraction to the hunky star (Tank) of a traveling gospel show takes her on the road...and into romance, heartbreak and the realization that happiness may lie in the home she left behind.

Breaking In (1989 film)

Ernie Mullins (Burt Reynolds) is New York's 61-year-old-pro safecracker, who is operating now in Portland, Oregon. Mike (Casey Siemaszko), is the "nosy, amiable kid" that Ernie takes on as his lookout and apprentice after they encounter each other (Ernie tried robbing the safe while Mike broke in just to enjoy some of the comforts of the house). The two engage in a few heists together, such as one involving a supermarket and a friendly dog and a Fourth of July robbery of an amusement park during a fireworks show. Ernie is content to live in a tract home on the fringe of the city, but Mike can't resist using his newfound money for material items, and his firing from the mechanic shop only serves to drive a wedge between the two.

Ernie maintains a steady, paying relationship with a prostitute, Delphine (Lorraine Toussaint), who fixes Mike up with her apprentice, Carrie (Sheila Kelley). Their relationship does not last long, however, as Mike's desire for her to not need to use her body for money lead her to leave him. The film also features a pair of retired crooks, Ernie's card-playing pals, Johnny (Albert Salmi) and Shoes (Harry Carey), and a pair of adversarial lawyers (Maury Chaykin and Stephen Tobolowsky).

Mike's newfound wealth perks the suspicions of the authorities, and he has to try to not turn in Ernie in order to get a lighter sentence. Instead, he admits to his crimes alongside ones that Ernie did, which garners him a nine-year sentence but keeps his friendship with Ernie intact.

Murtaugh (How I Met Your Mother)

Barney is banned from laser tag for being too rough, so he plans to toilet paper the arena. Ted notes that Barney is too old for laser tag, and reveals his "Murtaugh List" of things he believes he is too old to do anymore. Barney "accepts" the "challenge" of completing the entire list within 24 hours and makes Ted a bet that if he succeeds, Ted must toilet paper the laser tag arena with him; if he fails, he must let Ted give him a three-hour lecture on architecture. Barney endures various injuries and indignities as he works his way through the list. When Ted admits he looks forward to being old, Barney and Robin create a list of things Ted is too young to do; Ted and Barney raise the stakes of their bet, and Ted attempts to complete the new list before Barney completes the Murtaugh List. After being drugged at a rave, Barney accepts that he is growing older and concedes to Ted. But Ted reveals he has rewatched the entire ''Lethal Weapon'' series, and realized that Murtaugh consistently ''did'' the things he claimed to be too old for. He destroys the Murtaugh List and joins Barney and Robin in TPing the arena, where they are caught by the owner, who calls the police.

Meanwhile, Marshall agrees to coach Lily's kindergarten's basketball team. Lily hopes this will serve as "dad training", but is horrified when Marshall is extremely aggressive towards the children, in imitation of his own father. Lily prefers a completely passive coaching style emphasizing the fun of playing, and notes that no score is kept and everyone receives participation trophies. Marshall is horrified by this fact, but is threatened by Lily to be nice and go easier on the children. The team fails to make even a single basket in the game, with Marshall's and Lily's competing efforts seemingly only worsening their performance. But Marshall cherishes the participation trophy he receives, ultimately accepting that Lily's philosophy has some merit.

Ondine (film)

Syracuse, uncomfortably called "Circus" by some, is trawling on his boat and finds a scantily clad young woman caught in his net. He sees she is alive and resuscitates her. She calls herself Ondine and refuses to be taken to the hospital, not wanting to be seen by anyone else. He shelters her in a caravan house that belonged to his late mother in a quiet harbor, which makes him late for picking up his daughter Annie who uses a wheelchair and lives with his ex-wife Maura. During Annie's dialysis, he tells her a story about a fisherman that catches a woman out of the sea. Annie explains the woman could be a magical selkie.

Annie receives a new powerchair from the CRC, and upon returning home is greeted by Maura's boyfriend Alex. Maura flips off Syracuse for missing the doctor who had news on a kidney match for Annie.

Next morning, Syracuse finds Ondine washing clothes in a stream, singing in an unknown language. She follows him on his boat to work that day. He pulls up only empty lobster pots until Ondine starts singing, after which every pot contains a catch. Still not wanting to be seen, Ondine refuses to follow Syracuse to the fish market where the lobsters are sold. He buys a dress and lies to the store clerk that it's for Annie when she grows up.

When Suracuse picks up Annie from her school, he continues the fisherman story by explaining how the woman sings to the fish for him to catch, a song in a language he has never heard before. Annie states that Selk is the language of the selkie. Syracuse stammers that his lobsters hear her sing, which makes Annie curious as to whose story this is, and she secretly follows him to the caravan. When Syracuse asks how long she will stay, Ondine says it is up to him. He happily replies forever and happily ever after, like the fairytale he has been building with Annie, who watches them without being noticed.

Annie is seen back home studying all her new library books on seals and selkies. Alex says selkies are Scottish creatures, but the one Annie saw is not.

Syracuse regularly torments the local priest in confession because there aren't any AA meetings in town. He recalls a recurring nightmare where he is at Alex's funeral and reunited with Maura, still with her drinking problem. As the priest pushes the subject away, Syracuse reveals he pulled a woman out of the water with his net and kept her, reminding the priest he can't tell anyone.

Ondine is shown alone, tidying up the caravan, then tries her new clothing as if the experience was a first, especially when she stretches leggings over one splayed hand so it looks webbed.

The next day, Annie sees Ondine swimming and approaches her on the dock. They bond as Annie tells her about selkies and ostensibly Ondine herself, which Ondine goes along with, kissing Annie goodbye before the child goes back to her mother. Syracuse goes in the library asking for books about selkies, but discovers that Annie took them all. Annie runs into some neighbourhood kids showing off their bicycles and lets one of the kids play with her powerchair before it shorts out driving into water. The kids call Annie a "spaz" and abandon her to push it back home, where she finds Alex drinking beer. As Alex dries out the batteries, Annie asks again about selkies and he tells her they come from his homeland, Outer Hebrides. However, Ondine doesn't speak like him.

Syracuse brings Ondine fishing again to steer the tiller, until a Fisheries board patrol boat zooms by, causing Ondine to hide. She begins singing again as he is pulling up his net, and finds it filled with a bountiful catch of salmon, that doesn't come from trawling. Ondine hides as the patrol boat returns to inspect for prohibited gillnetting; the guards find dry gillnets and Ondine hidden in them. Glad that Ondine isn't invisible and that the guards accepted her story about how the fish were caught, he goes into harbor to sell their catch, where everyone stares at Ondine, including a dark-haired man who is looking for her. Syracuse takes her shopping for clothes and run into Annie, who helps her with outfits, as townfolk gawk through the store window eyeing a very pretty Ondine.

Later Syracuse wants to pick up Annie for local regatta festivities but Maura says she already left. Ondine gets another surprise visit from Annie, and sees the caravan has been cleaned. Learning that Annie can't swim, they both play in the shallow water, where Ondine finds something that Annie thinks is her seal coat, and they bury it in the greenhouse. Annie wants Ondine to stay for seven years, unless the selkie husband claims her back, and shares this with her dad as they all boat into town. Ondine warns Annie that she isn't selk and can't grant wishes. Upset, Annie pretends to have brake failure to throw herself off the pier, to test Ondine's ability to breathe underwater, and Ondine jumps in to her rescue. They bring Annie back to Maura and Alex, who share with Annie that a man was asking for Ondine. This gives Annie a nightmare about the selkie husband coming. Back in the caravan, Syracuse explains he's called Circus the Clown because he was an alcoholic like Maura. He stopped drinking for Annie, yet custody went to her mother.

Back in the confessional, Syracuse tells the priest he sinned with Ondine the night before, and fears the good luck she brings, since he lost hope long ago. As he leaves, the unknown man approaches him about Ondine and Syracuse ignores him. He brings Annie home from dialysis but she is locked out since Maura and Alex are drinking in a pub. Annie asks to be left with them. Syracuse returns to find the caravan has been ransacked, and Ondine hiding nearby. He wants Ondine to stay and asks her to wish the man away, but her only wish is for Annie not to be sick. Ondine's man is searching town, driving with rage, causing an accident with Maura who was drunk driving. Alex is killed, thrown through the windshield. Ondine and Syracuse follow Annie to the hospital, and learn she is getting an immediate kidney transplant from Alex, who opted to be a donor. The man is also brought to the hospital, and asks Ondine why she speaks their language as they both don't belong here.

Syracuse and Maura both get drunk after Alex's wake. Maura wants him to get rid of Ondine, now hiding in his boat, because of bad luck. Intoxicated, Syracuse maroons Ondine at Roancarrig Lighthouse island because he thinks she will haunt him forever, as humans and selkies don't belong together. Dusk comes and some driftwood gives Ondine's basking silhouette the appearance of a seal's tail; she jumps into the sea towards the seals on Seal Rock. The priest wakes up a depressed Syracuse, and he brings Annie from hospital to his home. She comforts him saying Ondine will be back because she left something behind. As Annie watches TV with Sigur Rós performing, Syracuse recognizes they are the songs of Ondine, and goes back to find her on Seal Rock to demand the truth. Ondine first says she is a sea creature that found her seal coat and buried it so she can stay with a family she loves. She then explains that she is a drug mule from Romania, and her ''pushta'' Vladic was evading the Coast Guards, when she swam away with a backpack of heroin since Vladic can't swim. She floated in the sea until Syracuse saved her.

Syracuse brings Ondine back to Annie where they are ambushed by Vladic and another gunman, that Annie thinks want the seal coat. Everyone goes to the greenhouse to dig it up, but find nothing because Annie moved it. Ondine promises to stay with Annie, who reveals the bundle was moved to a lobster pot. As they pull up the pot, Annie reminds Ondine that she is a selkie yet Vladic isn't, and Ondine trips Vladic overboard by pulling on the rope he is standing on. He drowns going after the falling lobster pot pushed back in by Annie. Syracuse throws the other Romanian into the water, disarming him and the Romanian is arrested ashore, along with Ondine, who faces deportation. Annie is seen making a confession to the priest who is to wed Syracuse and Ondine, completing the fairytale how selkie women often find unexpected happiness with a landsman.

City of Glass (Clare novel)

Clary is at Luke's house with Simon packing for her trip to Idris, in which both of them have conversations based on Clary's goal to save her mother, and the struggle she will face when she reaches Idris. Jace persuades Simon to lie and say that Clary decided not to go to Idris, in order to protect her from the Clave, who he feels will try to turn her into a weapon. When Clary visits the Institute, Magnus tells her that the Lightwoods had to travel through the portal, due to an attack by Forsaken. During the battle, Simon is injured and Jace takes him to Idris to save his life. With her power to create runes, Clary is able to create a portal and she travels with Luke through the portal.

As Simon wakes up to realize that he was pulled through the portal and now is in Alicante, he realizes the truth behind Jace's motivation to not make Clary come to Idris. Later at the Lightwood house, he meets Sebastian Verlac and Aline Penhallow. Over time, Alec comes back from the Clave meeting to tell Simon that he will be sent back to New York by Aldertree, the new Inquisitor. When Simon arrives to leave for home, it is revealed as a trap to bring people back to the Clave's trust and he is imprisoned and is questioned on his new ability to walk in daylight as a vampire. After the questioning, he befriends a fellow mate named Samuel Blackburn.

After Clary opens the portal and goes through it, she falls into Lake Lyn and Luke is able to save her, but as she comes out, she starts to hallucinate as the lake is revealed to be harmful to the Nephilim. Luke decides to take her to his sister, Amatis, where after treatment she wakes up in a bedroom to meet Amatis and is warned that she is not allowed to see Jace. Even with such risk, she sneaks out to find Jace and finds him in the Lightwood house library, kissing Aline. After seeing this Clary runs away. After a while, Sebastian joins Clary and drops her back to Amatis's home, who is disappointed at her actions.

Later, Alec finds out that Simon never made it back home and is imprisoned in Alicante, and at night Jace goes to visit Simon and save him, but Simon refuses to escape, because it would shine suspicions on the Lightwoods. The next morning in Simon's cell he finds that Isabelle has left blood for him. Raphael visits Simon and informs him that he is now being hunted by every Downworlder, because of his Daylighter powers. In the morning, Clary is woken up by Sebastian to find Ragnor Fell, but instead they find Magnus who tells them that Fell is dead. Magnus froze Sebastian to inform him where to find a cure to save Clary's mother with the Book of White. With this, Clary travels her way back and in between the journey Sebastian kisses Clary despite Clary finding it wrong. When Clary returns she informs Jace that they need the Book of White and they set off on a journey to find it. Clary draws a portal to Wayland Manor, where a trapped angel reveals that Clary received angel blood in the womb, and Jace received demon blood. They give a seraph blade to the angel, who then stabs himself. Both of them barely make it out alive outside of the manor right before it collapses, as it was tied to the life force of the angel. Jace and Clary confess their love for each other and have a heated kiss but Clary pulls back as she's not sure that Jace's feelings for her aren't just a result of demon blood in him and angel blood in her.

On their way back, they find out that Alicante is being attacked by demons and in the battle the youngest of the Lightwood family, Max, is killed by Sebastian. After the battle, Clary and Jace rescue Simon from the fire in prison and realized that his fellow prison mate was Hodge. Sebastian appears and kills hodge, after he reveals that lake Lyn is the third mortal instrument.

After a few days, they have a funeral for the people who were killed in the attack. Later that day, Simon meets up with Isabelle to comfort her as Jace walks Clary back to Amatis's place. Later that night, Jace comes to Clary's place and sleeps in her bed with her and in the morning leaves a note. When Clary gets downstairs to save Jace from his mistake, she meets her mother, which she reacts to with anger. Later, her mother tells her the truth: Jace was raised by Valentine, but is not his biological son, but rather Sebastian is, and by extension Clary's brother. Clary runs to the Accord Hall to work out a plan to make both Shadowhunters and Downworlders fight together, and during the decision process, Jocelyn, Clary's mom, releases the truth, and in the end, the Clave decides that both can work together to fight the battle. This allows Clary to use her rune abilities to create an alliance rune that allows Downworlders and Shadowhunters to share their powers, that was first shown to her by the angel at wayland manor. All Downworlders agree to this but the vampires led by Raphael. He has a condition saying that the vampires will only fight if Clary hands over Simon to kill him. Clary comes up with a plan and draws a rune on Simon's forehead called the Mark of Cain. This protects Simon as anyone who tries to attack him will die and subsequently Raphael cannot kill him. Meanwhile Jace fights Sebastian and is about to die when Isabelle rescues him. Together, they kill Sebastian. Jace tracks down Valentine at Lake Lyn, where he is about to raise the Angel Raziel. He also finds Clary there, who Portaled there but was bound by Valentine. Valentine kills Jace, using his blood for the summoning. However, right before Valentine finishes the ritual, Clary erases the runes in the sand that symbolize his name and instead writes hers over them. The angel rises, but as Valentine is no longer the one who summons him, the Angel kills Valentine and grants Clary's wish to bring Jace back. The story ends with the confession of love between Jocelyn and Luke.

Bliss (2007 film)

Meryem (Özgü Namal), a young woman of about 17 years old, is believed to have been violated, and her village's customs call for her to be killed to restore honor and dignity to her family and village. A young, newly returned war veteran and son of the village leader and factory owner, AliMurat Han, is ordered to take Meryem to Istanbul and kill her, but at the last minute he doesn't allow himself to complete the task and the two, now unable to ever return to their village, run away together. Eventually, they meet up with ex-Professor Irfan, a man who has decided to live on a boat away from his wife and constricted life.

It is turned out that Meryem’s uncle was the one that violated her. This caused Simel to disgust with the truth and tries to kill his father but he unable to. Meryem’s father shocks and enraged that his own brother violated his daughter and wanted her death to cover the crime, shooting his brother died.

The film deals with morality as narrowly defined by tradition, in a series of situations in which the characters have to follow untraditional paths against their will. The harshness of existential pain is contrasted with beautiful landscapes by the Director of Photography, Mirsad Herovic.

This movie is adapted from the international best selling novel by Zülfü Livaneli.

Frank Freeman's Barber Shop

The story focuses on a slave named '''Frank''' (later '''Frank Freeman'''), who is convinced to run away from his peaceful life on a Southern plantation by "philanthropists" (Hall's term for abolitionists), having been promised that freedom would also bring a prestigious career. When Frank comes to the end of his journey, however, he realises that he has been deceived: his prestigious career is nothing more than running a seedy barber shop frequented by his new abolitionist masters, and is paid meagre wages for his work. However, Frank is soon discovered by members of the American Colonization Society, who rescue Frank from his predicament and pay for his passage back to Liberia, his homeland, where he can finally live in peace.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies


In early 19th-century England, a zombie plague has spread across the country. Mrs. Bennet endeavours to obtain for her daughters wealthy and high-status husbands. Seeing an opportunity to achieve her goal, Mrs. Bennet sends her daughters to a local ball. At the ball, Mr. Bingley and the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, make a connection in the midst of a chaotic zombie attack. During this time, Elizabeth meets Fitzwilliam Darcy, Mr. Bingley's closest friend. When zombies attack, the Bennet sisters use their martial arts skills to keep the human attendees safe.

Soon after, Jane is invited to visit Netherfield. Mrs. Bennet insists she travel on horseback rather than in a carriage. While traveling, Jane is attacked by zombies and injured. Elizabeth receives a letter informing the family that Jane will stay at Netherfield to recuperate, and insists on joining her sister. During their stay, Elizabeth interacts with Mr. Bingley, his family, and Mr. Darcy often. Once Jane is fully recovered, Mr. Bingley is persuaded by Mrs. Bennet to throw a ball.

Jane and Elizabeth return home. The odious heir to Longbourn, Mr. Bennet's cousin Mr. Collins, arrives with the intention of marrying one of the Bennet daughters and settles his attentions on Elizabeth. When the local militia arrives in town to exhume and destroy dead bodies, the Bennet sisters also meet the charming George Wickham, whom Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley seem to avoid. Wickham explains to Elizabeth that he grew up with Mr. Darcy, but they had a falling out after Wickham was denied the living he had been promised by Mr. Darcy's late father. Elizabeth's negative opinion of Mr. Darcy is justified. She looks forward to meeting Wickham again at the Netherfield ball, but later learns he was not invited. Elizabeth and her friend, Charlotte Lucas, wonder why. Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance. The ball is interrupted by a zombie attack, which is thwarted by Mr. Darcy.

The next day, Mr. Collins asks Elizabeth to marry him. She refuses, angering her mother. Mr. Collins instead proposes to Charlotte Lucas, who accepts. She has been secretly infected with the 'mysterious plague' and hopes Mr. Collins will be too oblivious to notice her slowly becoming a zombie. Jane receives a letter from Caroline Bingley, informing her that Mr. Bingley and his party are en route to London with no plans to return soon. The letter also convinces Jane that Mr. Bingley wants to marry Darcy's younger sister.

Elizabeth's dislike for Darcy intensifies when she learns that he purposefully plotted to separate Bingley from her sister, Jane. Elizabeth vows to avenge the separation by killing Darcy, and she is afforded that opportunity when he appears unannounced at a cottage where she is visiting her newlywed friend Charlotte. Darcy surprises her by proposing marriage, and they break into a verbal and physical fight in which Darcy is wounded. He escapes and writes a long letter to Elizabeth explaining his actions: that he separated Jane and Bingley out of fear that Jane had contracted the "mysterious plague", and that Wickham had lied about not receiving his inheritance. Elizabeth realizes that she has judged Darcy too harshly and is humbled. Darcy realizes that his demeanour encourages people to believe the rumours about him and resolves to act more appropriately.

Elizabeth embarks on a trip around the country with her aunt and uncle, fighting zombies along the way. At Pemberley she encounters Darcy, who repels a horde of zombies. Darcy's changed attitude and manners impress Elizabeth and lead her to consider reconciling their relationship. The Bennets spend time with Darcy, his sister, and Mr. Bingley, who still has feelings for Jane. The visit ends abruptly when Elizabeth learns Lydia has run away with Wickham and she returns home to support her family.

A letter is delivered to Longbourn, stating that Lydia and Wickham are now married, Wickham's numerous debts have been settled, and he is now crippled. Elizabeth eventually discovers that it was Darcy who engineered the union and paid Wickham's debts as well as Lydia's dowry, thus saving the Bennet family from scandal and financial ruin.

Darcy and Bingley return to the countryside, and Bingley resumes courting Jane. Elizabeth hopes to renew her relationship with Darcy, but his aunt, the Lady Catherine, interferes and insists that her daughter Anne is a better match for her nephew. Lady Catherine challenges Elizabeth to a duel, committed to eliminating the competition, but Elizabeth defeats her. Elizabeth spares Catherine's life. Darcy is touched by this gesture and returns to Elizabeth. They marry and begin a long and happy future together, insofar as the ever-present threat of zombie apocalypse permits.

Public Cemetery

A mother murders the woman who married her son, only to have her return as a ghost to get revenge.

Some Like It Hoth


As a child, Miles discovers that he can hear the voices of dead people, so long as their bodies are nearby. When his mother, Lara (Leslie Ishii), is dying of cancer several years later, Miles questions her about his father. She tells him that his father died when Miles was still a baby and that he never cared about her or Miles. Miles has been employed by a man (Dean Norris) to speak with his dead son. Since the boy's body was cremated, Miles lies to the man and says that the boy knew his father loved him. Some time later, Miles is approached by Naomi Dorrit (Marsha Thomason) who, after ascertaining that Miles is not a fraud, offers him $1.6 million to go to the island on the freighter. He agrees; however, he is later kidnapped by a group of people who claim that the owner of the freighter, Charles Widmore (Alan Dale), is on the "wrong team." Miles says he will not go to the island if they can provide him double the money ($3.2 million, the amount Miles asks for in "Eggtown"). Their leader, Bram (Brad William Henke), who is later a passenger on Ajira Airways Flight 316, asks Miles the question, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Miles cannot answer, so he tells Miles that he won't be ready to go to the island until he can. They then let Miles go. Miles later returns the man's money, saying that he lied and that the man should have told his son that he loved him before he died.


Following the events of "Whatever Happened, Happened", Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly) and James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway) return from bringing Ben Linus (Sterling Beaumon) to the island's native population, known as the Others. Kate returns to the infirmary where Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell) had been treating Ben for a gunshot wound. Ben's father, Roger (Jon Gries), arrives and notices that Ben has gone missing. Sometime later, Kate approaches Roger, who has been drinking, and tells him that everything will be okay. He grows suspicious of her and demands to know what happened to Ben. He later tells Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) of his suspicions, leading Jack to tell Sawyer and Juliet. After dismissing Jack, Sawyer is confronted by Phil (Patrick Fischler), who has seen the security video of Sawyer taking Ben. Sawyer knocks Phil unconscious and tells Juliet to get some rope to tie him up.

Miles Straume (Ken Leung), meanwhile, is sent by Horace Goodspeed (Doug Hutchison), the Dharma Initiative's leader on the island, to the construction site of the Swan Station to retrieve a dead body and bring it to Dr. Pierre Chang (François Chau), Miles's father, at the Orchid Station. Before he can bring the body to Dr. Chang, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes tries to take the van containing the body, in order to deliver food to the Orchid Station. Since they are both going to the same place and there are no other vans available, Miles reluctantly agrees to let Hurley accompany him. On the way, Hurley finds the body and realizes that Miles is able to communicate with dead people, an ability Hurley also possesses. After discussing the differences between their abilities, they arrive at the Orchid Station, where Miles transfers the body to Dr. Chang, who, after disposing of the body, requires a ride to the construction site. After dropping him off, Miles discovers that Hurley is writing the screenplay for the 1980 film ''The Empire Strikes Back'', from memory, in order to give it to George Lucas. Hurley compares Miles's relationship with his father to the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, as well to the relationship between Hurley and his father. Hurley says that the best thing he ever did was forgive his father for abandoning him and suggests Miles do the same. Miles goes to Dr. Chang's house and briefly observes him interacting with his three-month-old self. However, Dr. Chang is on his way out and takes the older Miles to the dock, where a submarine is arriving with Dharma scientists, among whom is Daniel Faraday (Jeremy Davies). Faraday recognizes Miles and mentions that it has been a while since they have seen each other.

Kiss Them for Me (play)

The play, set in The St. Mark Hotel and a naval hospital in San Francisco, centers on three navy war heroes who have been sent on a "vacation". The morale-building trip, which is really a public relations effort, is overseen by an officer who tries to get the three to make speeches at shipyard plants, but they just want to find a good time.

An Invisible Thread

Beginning from where the previous episode ended, Sylar is unaffected after Emile Danko had stabbed him in the back of the head. Sylar explains that his shape-shifting ability has moved the weak spot; he then morphs into Danko and kills an agent, framing Danko and detaining him.

Meanwhile, it is revealed that when Noah Bennet had been stopped at the roadblock, Claire Bennet and Angela Petrelli were not in the vehicle, as Noah had realized there was a set-up. Claire and Angela head to the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., where Angela tells Claire to find her father, Nathan Petrelli. Having received a premonition, Angela leaves to find Matt Parkman, explaining Matt will be vital in saving Nathan. Claire meets Nathan in his office, actually Sylar in disguise, and accompanies him to meet with the President: she intends to alert him, and Sylar intends to become him. As the two are directed to a suite to wait, Claire notices "Nathan" using the wrong hand to sign his name and deduces who he is. Sylar takes her hostage.

Following his nosebleed, Hiro Nakamura manages to stop time, and he and Ando Masahashi break into Building 26. Finding prisoners, they begin to release them, with Hiro experiencing dizziness and bleeding from his ear. Mohinder Suresh, one of the prisoners, tells Hiro that his body is rejecting his power, which could kill him. In the facility, the detained Danko and Noah agree to work together to take down Sylar, and obtain a tranquilizer. Hiro prevents a betrayal from Danko and collapses, while Noah calls Claire, with Sylar answering her cell.

Peter Petrelli finds his brother, and the two head to find Sylar and Claire, reaching their room just as she is thrown out. Nathan and Peter have a brief duel with Sylar; Sylar and Nathan fly off. Peter confirms to Claire he has taken Sylar's power, and the two meet Noah. Nathan crash-lands into a room with Sylar; the serial killer slits Nathan's throat, killing him. Using disguises, Sylar makes his way to the President, who stabs him with a tranquilizer, revealing himself as Peter (having acquired Sylar's shape-shifting).

Angela finds Matt exiting a bus, en route to Building 26. She convinces him to help, and they find the room where Nathan is. Angela is horrified to find Nathan's dead body. Noah brings them the unconscious Sylar, and he and Angela convince a very reluctant Matt to alter Sylar's mind to believe he is Nathan, reasoning that he was the only person who could shut down any future "Agency". Matt succeeds, causing Sylar to take on Nathan's appearance and identity. The three agree to keep Nathan's death a secret. Volume Four ends with Claire, Noah, Angela, Peter, "Nathan", Mohinder, Matt, Ando, and a recovered Hiro gathered around the burning corpse of James Martin, who looks like Sylar. The group splits, and "Nathan" confirms the President has shut down Building 26, with funds transferred so that Angela and Noah can start their own company, which Noah proposes to call "the Company".

Volume Five: ''Redemption''

Volume Five: Redemption begins six weeks later with a former Building 26 agent arriving home to find his sink flooded. As water spreads on the floor, it forms into Tracy Strauss. She drowns the man, implying she has done so to several others. Meanwhile, Angela meets "Nathan" at his office, who is bothered by a clock ticking and observes that it is running fast, revealing that Sylar's intuitive aptitude remains intact.

Mother Was a Rooster

Late one night, Barnyard Dawg sneaks into an ostrich hatchery to steal an egg, to place it under Foghorn Leghorn and then get him to believe that he laid the egg as a prank. Foghorn awakens and falls for it. When the egg doesn't immediately hatch, Barnyard Dawg decides to speed up the process by bonking Foghorn on the head with a mallet. The egg hatches an ostrich chick, to which Foghorn immediately warms up to as his own son, oblivious to the fact that the chick is an ostrich and even going as far as calling himself a mother. Foghorn proudly shows off his "son" to Barnyard Dawg as a gesture of goodwill, but Barnyard Dawg insults the ostrich. The ostrich buries his head in the ground in shame.

After an attempt to get back at Barnyard Dawg fails, which involves an anvil hanging from a tree while tied to a rope, the plot shifts to Foghorn's attempts to bond with his son, showing him how to play various sporting activities such as baseball and football. Despite these efforts to build the bird's self-esteem and forget Barnyard Dawg's maliciousness, the dog continually and unmercifully mocks the ostrich. The ostrich buries his head with each insult, agitating Foghorn even more. Finally, Foghorn has enough of the bullying and decides to defend his son's honor in a boxing match.

The bout takes place in a makeshift ring, contained beneath the farm's wooden water tower. When Barnyard Dawg decides to cheat, Foghorn decides to forget the rules and — using a loose floor plank as a catapult — hurls his foe into the bottom of the water tank. Barnyard Dawg returns the favor, and the process repeats several times until the tank becomes dislodged and crashes on top of the ring, leaving both Foghorn and Barnyard Dawg with their own heads buried in the ground. The ostrich who had been watching the match remarks: "They've left me all alone. Where did everybody go?"

The Treatment (2006 film)

The film begins with Jake Singer (Eigeman) meeting up with Julia (Stephanie March) in an attempt to rekindle their relationship. She, however, informs him that she is recently engaged and has been wanting to call him to tell him. The wedding will be in Aspen, but she invites him to her pre-wedding party in New York.

Jake, the son of retired physician Arnold Singer (Harris Yulin), is an English teacher and somewhat of a basketball coach at Coventry, a Manhattan private school. He becomes involved with Allegra Marshall (Famke Janssen) the widow of a wealthy gentleman who died suddenly from a cardiac embolism.

Jake seeks treatment from psychoanalyst Dr. Ernesto Morales (Ian Holm) who frequently surprises Jake in the form of hallucinations attempting to shape or modify his behavior.

Nemesis (Davis novel)

The story, set in Latium in 77 AD, opens with the deaths of Falco's newborn son (posthumously named Justinianus) and Marcus Didius Geminus, alias Favonius, Falco's estranged father. Following the funeral, Falco is astounded to discover that his father has left him and the rest of the Didii family a sizeable fortune. There is a problem, before Geminus died, he impregnated Falco's friend Thalia and as a result, he is now forced to adopt Thalia's child when it is born.

Frustrated at this turn of events, Falco audits his father's business contacts, debtors and creditors but soon discovers a debt owed which was never paid because the creditor, Julius Modestus, has disappeared. He travels to the towns south of Rome with his adopted daughter Albia (who is unhappy that Falco's brother-in-law Aulus has married someone else) to look for Modestus but can't find him. He pays the debt owed to Modestus' nephew, Sextus Silanus (and to investigate the disappearance of Silanus' uncle) while his friend Lucius Petronius Longus, the captain of the vigiles in Rome's Twelfth District, finally discovers Modestus, who has been murdered and eviscerated. A clan of Imperial freedmen in the Pontine Marshes, the Claudii (consisting of four siblings named Nobilis, Probus, Virtus and Pius and their wives and female siblings) are implicated in Modestus' grisly murder but as Falco and Petronius investigate further, they attract the interest of the Imperial Chief Spy, Anacrites who, as usual, takes the case away from them.

Another victim emerges, a courier is found murdered and mutilated in the same manner as Modestus, while Anacrites' behaviour begins to become more erratic (and suspect) even as Falco and Petronius (covertly) investigate the murders further, eventually discovering more victims and the murderers, who are none other than the four Claudii brothers. It is thus discovered that Modestus may have been killed by the Claudii for attempting to speak out against them. Falco and Petro' find Pius prowling around Falco's house and abduct him; failing to extract any information from Pius, they send him away to become a slave in a mine. Virtus and Probus are finally apprehended while Nobilis dies by falling upon the swords of Falco and his comrades.

After the Claudii are wiped out, they surmise that the Claudii may have had a fifth brother who could be a confederate. The identity of this brother and his connections to Falco, his friends and the imperial government are finally deduced; Falco and Petronius realise that Anacrites has been manipulating them all along. The Didii, Camilli (Falco's in-laws) and Petronii families realise that they know too much and their lives (and possibly even the Flavian dynasty) are perhaps threatened by this missing brother. Forced to make a difficult decision, Falco and Petronius take matters into their hands, conspiring to "send Nemesis to deal with him" once and for all.

Rebels and Traitors

The story follows the experiences of two main protagonists: Gideon Jukes, a printer from London who joins the New Model Army, and Juliana Calill, who, as a result of her marriage to the Royalist Orlando Lovell, experiences many vicissitudes. Their stories are linked through the activities of other characters, including the ne'er-do-well Kinchin Tew, the innocent and upright Edmund Treves, and real-life political figures such as Edward Sexby and Thomas Rainborough.

Mosbius Designs

In the beginning, Barney, Ted and Marshall are all laughing at a joke that Barney had just told them. When Lily arrives, Barney decides to tell her the dirty joke, despite Ted and Marshall objecting and calling the joke "guy funny". The joke has an unrevealed punch line, with Ted telling his kids that the joke was the dirtiest he had ever heard and that he was not going to tell his kids the joke. Lily then gets up from the booth and walks away, with Ted saying that Lily avoided the group for four weeks.

Ted starts his own architecture firm, Mosbius Designs, and operates it out of his and Robin's apartment. He initially focuses on trivial matters; Robin then urges him to focus on contacting clients, and he hires an intern, PJ (Ryan Sypek). When Barney hears about PJ, he is furious, having assumed Ted would know better and hire an attractive young woman (and also having sent an inappropriate letter and underwear to PJ). Meanwhile, at GNB, Marshall fears he lacks job security, and Barney suggests he ingratiate himself to the office with a gimmick. Marshall decides to run a fantasy baseball league, but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the additional responsibilities and his coworkers' demands.

PJ manages Ted and Robin's apartment like an office; and although Robin is annoyed at him at first, she becomes attracted to his authority and they begin having sex together, including during business hours, which leads Ted to fire PJ. With PJ now focusing all his time and attention on Robin, she feels smothered and breaks things off. Ted re-hires PJ, causing Robin to renew her interest in him. Barney becomes incredibly jealous after hearing of this, and unable to talk it over with Lily, confesses his love of Robin to Marshall, who reveals he already knows.

PJ eventually decides to leave, perversely giving Robin a letter of explanation, and Ted a bouquet of roses. Marshall then hires PJ as a paralegal and delegates the fantasy league to him while retaining credit for it; Barney thanks Marshall for getting PJ away from Robin. Robin gives Ted encouragement on his business and coaches him to call his clients.

The Last Song (2010 film)

At 17, Veronica "Ronnie" Miller (Miley Cyrus) remains as rebellious as she was the day her parents divorced and her father moved to Georgia three years prior. She had been caught shoplifting in New York, where she lives. Once a classical piano child prodigy under her father, Steve Miller (Greg Kinnear), Ronnie now ignores the instrument and has not spoken with him since he left. Juilliard School has been interested in her since she was young, but she refuses to attend as she resents her father.

Kim Miller (Kelly Preston) sends the teen and her younger brother, Jonah (Bobby Coleman), to spend the summer with Steve in Georgia and reconnect. A former Juilliard School professor and concert pianist, Steve lives a quiet life in Wrightsville Beach, the small town in Georgia where he grew up, working on a stained-glass window for the local church to replace the one the church lost in a fire. Locals believe Steve had (accidentally) set fire to the church one night.

After arrival, Ronnie is miserable, defiant, and defensive toward all those around her, including handsome, popular Will Blakelee (Liam Hemsworth). They meet when he crashes into her during a volleyball match, spilling Ronnie's shake all over her. She shrugs him off and meets Blaze, an outcast who lives with her boyfriend Marcus. With them at a beach campfire, Marcus hits on Ronnie and Blaze mistakenly thinks it's the other way around. As revenge, Blaze later gets Ronnie arrested for shoplifting.

Later on, Ronnie discovers a loggerhead sea turtle nest at the beach by her dad's, and while protecting it from raccoons, she meets Will again as he is an aquarium volunteer. After a night of staying up to defend the turtle eggs from predators with Will, she discovers he is deeper than she expected, and they connect.

The next day, Will takes Ronnie to the aquarium. Later, on the beach, Ashley tells Ronnie about Will's past relationships and going to the aquarium is part of his routine. Doubting Will, he finds her at the turtle's nest and they argue about his past. When Ronnie says she does not want to be just another girl and they should end it, Will embraces her and they kiss passionately. Marcus causes a scene at Will's sister Megan's wedding, trying to get Blaze or Ronnie to go with him.

Ronnie soon hears the rumor that her father burned down the church from some locals. Distraught, she goes to Will and laments about it. Knowing what actually happened (his friend Scott and buddies, horsing around, set fire to the church), Will goes to Steve to apologize. When Ronnie overhears this, she walks out, Will follows, they argue and break up.

Fall arrives and Jonah goes home to New York for the school year while Ronnie stays to take care of their father, who is terminally ill. Leading a slow life, she tries to make up for the time lost with her father. She continues working on his composition for him (titled "For Ronnie"), as his hands are painful due to his illness. As he is sitting on the couch listening to her play, he passes away just as she finishes.

At his funeral, she declares that no words could ever be able to show how wonderful her father really was. Instead, she decides to share with them the song she helped finish. Before sitting down to play, sunlight shines through the stained-glass window. Ronnie smiles and says "Hi, Daddy," remembering her father saying that whenever light shines through the window, it is him.

Blaze and other townsfolk offer their condolences after the funeral outside, Will included. He says that he liked the song she played and that he knows her dad did, too, disappearing in the crowd. Having decided to attend Juilliard, Ronnie is packing up to return to New York when she sees Will standing outside. He apologizes to her for everything that had happened, surprising Ronnie by revealing that he will be transferring to Columbia University to be with her and they passionately kiss.

Daffy Duck for President

Echoing the popular "Rabbit Season/Duck Season" scenes from the Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck/Elmer Fudd shorts ''Rabbit Fire'', ''Rabbit Seasoning'' and ''Duck! Rabbit, Duck!'', the book tells how Daffy Duck, in an effort to outlaw Duck Season in favor of a perpetual Rabbit Season, attempts to become a politician so as to change the law to suit him.[ “Chuck Jones”], ””, 3.11.15 Through a civics lesson regarding the United States Constitution and with Bugs' help, Daffy learns that it is "We the People" who run the country, not any one man or duck, as he experiences the separation of powers concept of the United States Federal government.

From the book's dust jacket:

"Bugs guides Daffy through the 3 branches of American government - the foundation of freedom - in a style so breezy and comic that you'd never confuse it with a civics lesson. Or would you? In keeping with the explosive fun of the author's art, ''Daffy Duck for President'' is presented in its original sketch form. It's pure Chuck Jones - brash, witty, and reflective - in a bold flash of pencil, paper, and impulse."

Stingray Sam

According to the official website:

A dangerous mission reunites Stingray Sam with his long lost accomplice, The Quasar Kid. Follow these two space-convicts as they earn their freedom in exchange for the rescue of a young girl who is being held captive by the genetically designed figurehead of a very wealthy planet.

The six episodes are entitled: Episode 1: ''Factory Fugitives'' Episode 2: ''The Forbidden Chromosome'' Episode 3: ''The Famous Carpenter'' Episode 4: ''Corporate Mascot Rehabilitation Program'' Episode 5: ''Shake Your Shackles'' Episode 6: ''Heart of a Stingray''

The Two Lives of Mattia Pascal

The film tells the story of Mattia Pascal, inept small farmer in a town in northern Italy who decides to groped your luck at the casinos in France. Won the money, he decided to leave the boring family, but discovers that an individual reading a newspaper with the same name has died mysteriously. Convinced that this is a perfect opportunity to make up a new life, Mattia Pascal decides to change his identity, calling himself Arturo Meis. He moved to Rome after many trips in the family Paleari, Mattia Pascal goes to meet his fate.

Macaroni (film)

Jack Lemmon plays a successful, physically exhausted, pill-popping American businessman, going through a divorce, who visits Naples, Italy. He spends several days there as a guest of a local business acquaintance, played by Marcello Mastroianni, who has a more laid-back philosophy and is devoted to his large family. In the process, Lemmon's character learns how to relax and live the good life.

The Beekeeper (film)

The film follows the journey of Spyros, a beekeeper, to various parts of Greece after his daughter's wedding. Spyros has just retired as a teacher and sets out on his annual journey in spring to gather nectar for his bees to make honey. A girl hops on Spyros' truck, and travels with him. They visit Spyros' old friends and his wife along the way, and finally arrive at a theater owned by one of his friends, which is about to be sold. There, Spyros and the girl finally have an erotic encounter, long after Spyros has tried to coerce her into kissing but failed. The girl leaves after a few nights, before the movie ends with Spyros turning over his beehive boxes and lying on the ground. The final scene sees Spyros tapping on the ground, probably in Morse code, which reminds us of the tapping of his sick friend before Spyros left him in the hospital.

Pop Rocks (film)

Bank loan officer Jerry Harden has his life turned upside down when a scruffy-looking guitarist named Izzy shows up at his bank office. It is revealed that Jerry was a member of a hard rock/glam metal band called Rock Toxin, and the members are planning a one-time-only reunion. Jerry is reluctant, as he prefers suburbia to the wild rock lifestyle he left behind, but is forced to reconsider when he finds that he doesn't have enough money to send his 17-year-old daughter Olivia to college.

Since Jerry has not told his wife Allison about being in the band, he embarks upon living a hectic double life: nerdish pillar of society by day and heavily-made-up rock singer by night. Since the group Rock Toxin wore heavy "Kiss"-like makeup he doesn't think anyone will ever find out about his alternative persona, but this is when his troubles truly begin. Jerry fights to keep his past hidden while taking part in the concert which all the town will be attending. But only the truth can save his family if it isn't too late.

Broken Lullaby

Haunted by the memory of Walter Holderlin, a soldier he killed during World War I, French musician Paul Renard (Phillips Holmes) confesses to a priest (Frank Sheridan), who grants him absolution. Using the address on a letter he found on the dead man's body, Paul then travels to Germany to find his family.

As anti-French sentiment continues to permeate Germany, Dr. Holderlin (Lionel Barrymore) initially refuses to welcome Paul into his home, but changes his mind when his son's fiancée Elsa identifies him as the man who has been leaving flowers on Walter's grave. Rather than reveal the real connection between them, Paul tells the Holderlin family he was a friend of their son, who attended the same musical conservatory he did.

Although the hostile townspeople and local gossips disapprove, the Holderlins befriend Paul, who finds himself falling in love with Elsa (Nancy Carroll). When she shows Paul her former fiancé's bedroom, he becomes distraught and tells her the truth. She convinces him not to confess to Walter's parents, who have embraced him as their second son, and Paul agrees to forgo easing his conscience and stays with his adopted family. Dr. Holderlin presents Walter's violin to Paul, who plays it while Elsa accompanies him on the piano.

The Black Marble

Pragmatic Sgt. Natalie Zimmerman of the LAPD is paired with Sgt. Valnikov, a romantic detective of Russian descent who is going through a midlife crisis and who drinks heavily due to the pressures of his job. Together they investigate the kidnapping of a Beverly Hills socialite's valuable pet dog. It was carried out by sleazy gambler Philo Skinner, who runs a beauty parlor for pets and is desperately in need of cash to cancel his debts.

The teaming of the officers not only helps Valnikov to put himself together, but the pair also falls in love. While containing more humorous elements than most of Joseph Wambaugh's stories, it continues to explore Wambaugh's common theme of the psychological burdens of police work.

The title of the film comes from a phrase used by Natalie. The term "black marble" is synonymous to choosing the short straw or having bad luck. She states that she is always picking the black marble and does not want to anymore. She initially considers Valnikov a "black marble," but ultimately no longer believes this to be true.

Dear Nobody

The novel is split between two points of view, a first-person narrative presenting the events as Chris recalls them in retrospect, interspersed with a series of letters from Helen to their unborn child (Nobody), telling her side of the story as she experiences it. The framing sequence is set in autumn as Chris is on the verge of leaving for Newcastle University. A parcel of letters is delivered for him, and he recognizes Helen's handwriting. He begins to read the letters, all addressed to "Dear Nobody", and they remind him of the past nine months. The subsequent chapter headings are all the names of months, beginning with January.

Helen and Chris make love for the first, and only, time. Chris is prompted to ask his father about his marriage breakdown, and decides to get in touch with his mother. Shortly afterwards Helen begins to fear she is pregnant. Chris is disturbed by her distant behaviour. In late February she finally tells him her suspicions, and writes her first letter to "Dear Nobody": "You're only a shadow. You're only a whisper... Leave me alone. Go away. Go away. Please, please, go away."

Later when a pregnancy test proves positive, she tries to abort the pregnancy by going riding, risking her life in a wild gallop, to no avail. In April, Helen's mother finds out, and arranges for her to go to an abortion clinic. However, Helen decides to keep the baby. Mrs Garton refuses to have Chris in the house, but he and Helen continue to see each other. They visit Chris's mother in Carlisle.

In June, Helen and Chris sit their A-levels. After they are over Helen tells Chris she has decided they should break up, believing it is best for both of them. Chris is bewildered, and feels bereft. To get away from all the memories in Sheffield, he goes to France with Tom. He meets a girl called Bryn, but cannot forget Helen.

In September, Helen learns her mother's greatest secret – that she is illegitimate, a great disgrace when she was growing up – and finally begins to understand her. When her contractions start, she has a sudden impulse to send her "Dear Nobody" letters to Chris. Chris finishes reading the letters, realizes the baby is coming and rushes to the hospital, where he meets his newborn daughter, Amy.

The Iron Curtain (film)

Igor Gouzenko (Dana Andrews), an expert at deciphering codes, comes to the Soviet embassy in Ottawa in 1943, along with a Soviet military colonel, Trigorin (Frederic Tozere), and a major, Kulin (Eduard Franz), to set up a base of operations.

Warned of the sensitive and top-secret nature of his work, Igor is put to a test by his superiors, who have the seductive Nina Karanova (June Havoc) try her wiles on him. Igor proves loyal to not only the cause but to his wife, Anna (Gene Tierney), who arrives in Ottawa shortly thereafter with the news that she is pregnant.

Trigorin and his security chief, Ranov (Stefan Schnabel), meet with John Grubb (Berry Kroeger), the founder of Canada's branch of the Communist Party. One of their primary targets is uranium being used for atomic energy by Dr. Harold Norman (Nicholas Joy), whom they try to recruit.

In the years that pass, the atomic bomb ends the war. Anna, who has borne a son, now has serious doubts about the family's future. Igor begins to share these doubts, particularly after one of his colleagues, Kulin (Eduard Franz), has a breakdown and is placed under arrest. Once Igor is told that he is going to be reassigned back to Moscow, he decides to take action. He takes secret documents from the Embassy and tells Anna to hide them, in case anything happens to him. Trigorin and Ranov threaten his life, and the lives of his and Anna's families in the Soviet Union, but Igor refuses to return the papers.

Grubb and several others are called back to the Soviet Union to answer for their failures. Canada's government places the Gouzenkos in protective custody and grants them residence. The film ends with the proviso that the family lives in hiding protected by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. "Yet they have not lost faith in the future. They know that ultimate security for themselves and their children lies in the survival of the democratic way of life".

The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes

Detective Morris Flynn (Hans Albers) and his assistant Macky McMacpherson (Heinz Rühmann), masquereading as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, investigate two attractive sisters, Mary and Jane Berry, and the theft and forgery of valuable postage stamps.

The Legend of Deathwalker

The novel begins during the events in the book ''Legend''; during the defense of the fortress Dros Delnoch from the Nadir, Druss begins to tell a young warrior a story from his past. He tells how he and his friend Sieben travelled to the land of the Gothir and how he became involved in the political affairs there. Owing to a prophecy that the King made, Druss must lose a tournament; when he refuses to do this men are hired to kill him. In the course of the attempt on his life his friend Klay is shot in the spine with a crossbow bolt, leaving him paralyzed and mortally wounded.

To help him Druss travels to the land of the Nadir where a mystic has told him there are gems that can heal any wound. As he travels to the shrine of Nadir hero Oshikai, the Gothir send a force of 2,000 men to destroy it. Druss arrives at the shrine hoping to find the jewels but is unable to do so before the Gothir arrive, and so he helps four Nadir tribes defend the shrine under the guidance of a Gothir-trained Nadir soldier called Talisman. Talisman is on a quest to find "The Uniter", a man with blazing violet eyes called Ulric, who will unite the Nadir tribes after centuries of warfare.

During the defense of the shrine the spirit of Oshikai's wife Shul-sen is released from captivity with the help of Druss and Talisman; the spirit unleashes a storm on the Gothir army and those that are not killed are ordered to withdraw.

Druss' friend Sieben reveals that he has found the jewels which the Nadir call "The Eyes of Alchazzar". He takes them back to Gothir where they find that Klay had died a few days after they left. However, they heal many of the sick in the hospice before returning the jewels to the Nadir. Talisman then calls a meeting of the Nadir tribes in which he smashes the jewels to return the magic and life of the Nadir land.

The book then comes back to the present day where the reader learns that Druss has fallen in combat in the defense of Dros Delnoch. Ulric/Talisman is saddened to learn of this; even though they were on opposing sides he considered Druss a great warrior.

The Proud Rebel

A former Confederate soldier, John Chandler (Alan Ladd) has come to an Illinois town with his 10-year-old son David (David Ladd) to see Dr. Enos Davis (Cecil Kellaway). The boy was struck mute after witnessing his mother's death in a fire, and hasn't spoken a word since. Dr. Davis recommends an operation by a doctor he knows in Minnesota.

In the street outside Dr. Davis' office, John has his and David's expertly trained dog, Lance, clear the road of a flock of sheep being herded through town. The sheep belong to rancher Harry Burleigh (Dean Jagger) and his sons, Jeb (Harry Dean Stanton) and Tom (Tom Pittman), who try to steal the dog. John fights them while a passing stranger, Linnett Moore (Olivia de Havilland), keeps David safe and out of the way. Harry knocks out John, pours whiskey on him, then tells the sheriff about being attacked by a drunk.

John must pay $30 or serve 30 days in jail. Linnett intervenes, suggesting to the sheriff that Chandler can work off the debt on her farm. In exchange she offers to cover the fine, so that he will be released. John disagrees at first, but is won over by her decency. Over the course of time, he discovers that Linnett is being pressured by the overbearing Burleigh to sell her land. It transpires that her land is blocking the easy passage of his sheep to pasture and the railroad. Gradually, John and Linnett grow closer, despite John being determined to remain aloof, knowing he and his son will leave soon.

A trip to Minnesota for treatment is expensive but John won't accept offers for the valuable dog; David loves the animal but, after he is taunted for his muteness and roughed up by local children, John decides to sell Lance after all to finance the trip. He asks Linnett to accompany the boy up north while he rebuilds her barn, burned down by the Burleighs' men in an attempt to pressure Linnett to sell.

The operation doesn't work, and David is devastated to return home and find the dog is no longer theirs. John goes to the Burleighs to try to get Lance back and finds he is being mistreated. Harry gives the dog back, but has his sons prepared to shoot John as a thief. The boy shouts out to save his father's life. In the end, John shoots Harry and his older son, then returns to Linnett with the dog and David, who is now able to speak.

Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

In the near future, a mineral known as "Japanium" is discovered under Mount Fuji. This ore is discovered to produce a powerful energy source known as "Photon Energy". Dr. Juzo Kabuto and his associates have begun researching Photon Energy, planning to use it as a solution to the energy crisis plaguing the earth, when the nefarious Dr. Hell and his associate, Baron Ashura attack his lab. Along with this, the mysterious "Kurogane House" also has begun to become entwined with the affairs of these two parties. During all of this, Juzo's grandchildren, Kouji and Shiro, encounter one of Baron Ashura's robots on its way to attack Dr. Kabuto's mansion, where he has begun work on his greatest invention. Dr. Kabuto, seeing the danger at hand, sends out the Pilder to Kouji, allowing him to combine with the giant robot, Mazinger Z, to fight against Dr. Hell's forces.

The Lemon Sisters

Three lifelong friends work the bars in 1980s Atlantic City performing the songs of the 1960s girl groups.

Murder on the Mississippi

While heading to New Orleans from St. Louis on the ship "Delta Princess", detective Sir Charles and Watson are caught up in the midst of a murder case by chance, that they must solve.

Jack and Jill: A Village Story

Jack Minot and Janey Pecq are best friends who live next door to each other. They are always seen together, so Janey gets the nickname of Jill, to mimic the old rhyme. The two do go up a hill one winter day— and then suffer a terrible accident. Seriously injured in a sledding accident, they recover from their physical injuries, while learning life lessons along with their many friends. They are helped along their journey to recovery by various activities created by their mothers. In the end they are all the better for it and have learned many valuable lessons.

Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hairstylist Wanted)

Three lost women cross paths and help each other. Elodie (Olivia Bonamy) wants her daughter back, Natacha (Marina Foïs) wants her cat back, and Marianne (Amira Casar) wants her soul back.

Buck Benny Rides Again

Jack Benny resists the entreaties of bandleader Phil Harris to journey to Nevada, where Phil's sweetheart, Brenda Tracy, is waiting for her divorce, until Jack meets Joan Cameron, one of a trio of singing sisters. Believing that the only real men hail from the West, Joan spurns Jack's advances even though her sisters encourage the courtship.

Realizing that Jack's infatuation presents the bait to lure him West, Phil tells Joan that Jack owns a ranch in Nevada, and when Fred Allen's press agent broadcasts the story, all of New York starts talking about Jack's ranch. To save face, Jack, determined to prove that he is a true son of the West, travels to Nevada. After Joan and her sisters arrive to perform at a nearby plush dude ranch, Jack poses as the owner of Andy Devine's spread. To impress Joan, Jack pays Andy's ranch hands to stage fights with him, but his plot backfires when he mistakes two real outlaws for Andy's patsies.

Meanwhile, Joan overhears Rochester, Jack's butler, discussing Jack's ruse, and hires the outlaws to hold Jack up, but when she learns that Fred Allen's press agent is in town, she warns Jack. When the outlaws hold up the hotel, Jack, believing that the robbery is a fake, rushes to the rescue and, with the help of his pet bear Carmichael, captures the bandits and saves Joan.