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Red Dawn (2012 film)

An introductory montage shows the fallout of an economic crisis in the European Union and a weakened NATO alliance, amid collaborative dealings between a progressively militant North Korea, now led by the young Kim Jong Un, and ultranationalist-dominated Russia. The increased deployment of U.S. troops abroad leaves the mainland vulnerable, and American infrastructure is increasingly vulnerable to the threat of a cyberattack.

U.S. Marine Jed Eckert is home on leave in Spokane, Washington. He reunites with his father, Spokane Police Sergeant Tom Eckert, and his brother, football player Matt Eckert, as well as his childhood friend Toni Walsh and her cousin Erica Martin, Matt's girlfriend. Matt's football team, the Wolverines, suffers a defeat against another team. After the game, they go to a bar but an unexpected blackout leads to them going home.

The following morning, Jed and Matt are shocked to see swarms of invading North Korean paratroopers and transport aircraft. Their father tells them to flee to their cabin in the woods while he helps the townspeople. They are joined there by Matt's friends Robert Kitner, Daryl Jenkins, Danny Jackson, siblings Julie and Greg Goodyear, a stranger named Pete, and later by Toni; Erica is captured by the North Koreans. Tensions build as the teens try to decide whether to surrender to the invaders or resist, with Pete ending up betraying their position. North Korean soldiers, under the command of Captain Cho, bring Sergeant Eckert and Daryl's father, the mayor, out to convince the group to surrender; while the mayor persuades the boys to give up, Cho executes Sergeant Eckert after he refuses to cooperate and actively encourages them to resist.

Later, Jed announces that he intends to fight and the others agree to join him, calling themselves the Wolverines after their school mascot. After acquiring weapons, establishing a base in an abandoned mine, and being trained by Jed, the Wolverines begin a series of guerrilla attacks against soldiers and collaborators, including Pete who gets killed in a bomb explosion.

As Matt manages to free Erica from her imprisonment, he jeopardizes the mission resulting in Greg's death, leading to a tension between him and Jed before Jed apologizes for being absent when Matt needed him. The North Koreans retaliate by bombarding the surrounding woods to destroy the Wolverines' base, killing Danny and Julie, with the remaining survivors fleeing deeper into the woods.

The Wolverines eventually encounter Marine Sergeant Major Andrew Tanner and two other Marines, Corporal Smith and Sergeant Hodges. They reveal that the Russian-backed North Korean invasion used an EMP weapon that crippled the U.S. electrical grid and military, followed by landings along the east and west coasts (Camp Pendleton is hinted by the Marines as having been destroyed in the invasion, as most likely was the rest of coastal Southern California), with American counterattacks eventually halting their advances, leaving an area stretching from Michigan to Montana and Alabama to Arizona as "Free America", using the Rocky Mountains in the west and the Appalachians in the east as geographic buffers, as pockets of patriotic guerrillas in the Cascades and the Sierra Nevada mountains, and in Florida continue to fight. They also reveal that Captain Cho's suitcase contains an EMP-resistant radio telephone, that if captured would enable the U.S. command to listen in on enemy communication, and gain a tactical advantage in a counter-offensive. The Wolverines assist Tanner, Smith, and Hodges in infiltrating the local police station, the North Koreans' center of operations. They succeed in stealing the suitcase with Jed avenging his father's death by killing Cho, though Hodges is killed in the firefight.

After they successfully escape with the suitcase, the Wolverines and Marines regroup in a safe house. After a brief conversation between Jed and Matt where Jed tells Matt he is proud of him, however, they are ambushed by Russian Spetsnaz and Jed is killed in the firefight. Visibly shaken, Matt and the rest of the group escape with the suitcase. Robert realizes that during the escape from the police station, Daryl was tagged with a subcutaneous tracking device that the Russians used to find them. After some thought, Daryl accepts the fact that he cannot go on with them and decides to stay behind, his fate unknown but it’s possible that he was killed by the Russians. The rest continue on to the Marines' extraction point.

Tanner and Smith depart in a UH-1 with the suitcase. The remaining Wolverines decide to stay behind and continue to fight, recruiting more members and raiding prisoner camps, with Matt now leading the effort to continue opposing the occupation and aided by the helicopter's minigun which Robert took. The flag of Free America is carried by patriots in a daring raid on a North Korean concentration camp in the final shot of the film.


In the near future, Earth has been devastated by a series of wars referred to as "the Oil Wars" over depleting petroleum reserves. The regions around the oil producing Mesopotamia Basin are largely radioactive wastelands due to limited nuclear exchange; oil fields in Saudi Arabia and most of the Middle East burn out of control. Food riots have become common in many cities around the world which are now under martial law. Much of the American rural countryside has become lawless with the majority of remaining military and police trying to maintain order in the cities. Large groups of citizens are fleeing cities to the countryside to find food and any remaining fuel reserves. What little petroleum remains in these regions has become a precious commodity fought over by vicious warlords and mercenaries. A war party led by former U.S. Army Colonel Jacob Straker (James Wainwright), traveling in a large, heavily armed, armored truck, intercept two traders riding in a horse-drawn carriage with large amount of diesel fuel, killing one of the traders. The surviving trader takes the war party to the source, which is a hidden supply depot lost during the local government's collapse and thought to be radioactive. Straker orders his men to setup camp to use the supply depot as a base of operations.

Straker's daughter Coraline "Corlie" (Annie McEnroe) refuses to execute the surviving trader. While Straker plans the camp's defense at night, she runs away and flees through the open desert. Corlie is saved from a squad of men sent to return her to the camp by Hunter (Michael Beck), an ex-soldier armed with a high-tech motorbike. Corlie lies about her past and claims she was a hostage taken after her family died. Needing further medical attention for a leg injury, Hunter takes Corlie to live in the walled city of Clearwater Farm, governed as a strict old-fashioned democracy, where she is quickly accepted by the community. However, she is soon discovered by her father's men who take over the Clearwater community to feed Straker's war party. Corlie steals a horse and manages to escape back to Hunter's remote farm in the woods.

The mercenaries terrorize and pillage the community. Straker tortures the resident mechanic Rusty (John Ratzenberger) into giving him the location of Hunter's secret hideout. Straker moves to attack Hunter's farm and recapture Corlie. Hunter and Corlie escape on his motorbike and Straker, in a rage, plows through Hunter's residence with his armored truck. Hunter takes Corlie back to the Clearwater people and asks Rusty to build him an armored car to attack Straker's "battletruck". While Rusty and Hunter and a few others are thus occupied, one of the residents turns traitor and knocks out Corlie, puts her in a horse-drawn wagon, and heads out to deliver her back to Straker. Hunter tries to stop him, but the traitor sets an ambush for him and wounds him with a crossbow. Believing that he has killed Hunter, the traitor appears at Straker's headquarters with Corlie in the wagon.

Meanwhile, Hunter regains consciousness and manages to limp back to Clearwater on his bike. While getting patched up there, Rusty finishes the armored car and shortly Hunter takes off in it, despite the fact that he is wounded. He attacks Straker's headquarters, plowing through buildings and tents and eventually dropping a grenade into Straker's 50,000 liter diesel fuel supply, destroying the fuel. He then runs and Straker, now in a towering rage, takes off after him. In the process, he forces the driver to drive the truck at a higher speed, overheating the turbines. This stresses out the driver (who loves the truck) and leads to dissension between him and Straker. Hunter, meanwhile, gets some distance ahead, jumps out of the car and climbs to a high place overlooking the road and it is now revealed that the whole attack on Straker's headquarters was a ruse to lure the truck into an ambush. The Clearwater people are at a overlooking ridge waiting for Hunter with his motorcycle and a 66mm rocket launcher which Hunter had given them earlier in the film. Hunter fires a couple of armor-piercing rockets at the moving truck, but only one round hits which causes slight damage and a small fire, which causes more stress between Straker and the truck driver. The driver attempts to kill Straker, who he feels is uselessly destroying the truck. Straker kills the driver who slumps over the wheel and now the truck, throttle set to full, is more or less out of control.

Back on the motorbike again, Hunter manages to jump onto the moving truck through a hole in the top that one of his rockets had made. A battle ensues, the truck still careening wildly back and forth while Corlie tries to control it with the dead body of the driver slumped over the wheel and Straker furiously shouting commands to everyone. Eventually, Hunter fights his way to the front, temporarily stuns Straker, grabs Corlie, and jumps with her from the back of the still-wildly out of control battletruck with Straker still in it and still screaming, making death threats, and bumbling about the smoking ruins of the interior of the truck before it falls off a cliff, crashes and explodes, killing him.

Hunter and Corlie end up back at Clearwater, where Corlie apparently settles for good as part of the community. Ever the loner, Hunter rides off into the sunset on a horse, promising Corlie that he will be back "sometime".

Delta Heat

A Los Angeles Police Officer (Edwards) investigates the death of his partner in the swamps of Louisiana. He enlists the help of an ex-cop (Henriksen) who lost his hand to an alligator years before.

The Great Bank Robbery (1969 film)

Gold stolen by outlaws is stashed in the impenetrable bank of Friendly, a small town in Texas. A preacher, Rev. Pious Blue, is actually a thief. He and his associates, including partner Lyda Kebanov, plan to tunnel into the vault and blow it up with TNT, just as a Fourth of July celebration drowns out the noise.

There are complications. A number of rival gangs (which include Mexican bandits and a gunfighter called Slade) are also after the loot. Then there is Ben Quick of the Texas Rangers, a lawman out to find evidence confirming the corruption of banker and mayor Kincaid that is also inside the vault.

The reverend's band is successful, distracting the bank's guards by having Lyda pretend to be Lady Godiva, riding nude on a white horse, with just small flower pasties covering her nipples and groin. They intend to escape by hot-air balloon. The gold is too heavy for liftoff, however. Lyda volunteers to abandon ship, in part because she has fallen for Quick, who finds the proof he needs to convict Kincaid while the reverend and the gold fly safely away.

A Grass Rope

When Adam Forrest comes to re-paint the outside of the Unicorn Inn in Vendale he is determined to make sense of an old story told in the Dyson and Owland families. Long ago, it is said, Dyson the innkeeper desired to marry Gertrude Owland, the daughter of a knight, who lived on the other side of the ridge in Thoradale. She was willing, but the knight refused permission and trained a pack of hounds, together with a fierce unicorn brought from overseas, to defend her. Dyson used magic to entice the animals into the land of the fairies under the fell, while he eloped with Gertrude. However, he did not know that all the Owland fortune was in the collars of the animals, and he was later drowned by the fairies while trying to retrieve it. According to local legend, the hounds can sometimes still be heard hunting under the hill.

Mary and Nan Owland live at Lew Farm, near the site of the old Owland house. Mary is young enough to believe in the fairies of the tale and to believe that the hounds and the unicorn are still alive under the fell, while her older sister Nan does not believe any of it. Adam thinks there is a common-sense explanation and, quite possibly, a treasure to find. While repainting the inn sign he finds an ancient hunting horn embedded in the frame. He guesses that Dyson used it to draw the hounds towards a steep black cliff between the dales known as Yowncorn Yat (local dialect for "Unicorn Gate"), the cliff having acted as an echo wall.

One night Mary sneaks out to Yowncorn Yat and crawls through a tunnel under the hill which she thinks is an entrance to fairyland. She catches one of the "hounds", which turns out to be a fox, and unknowingly picks up some silver treasure and a horned skull at the bottom of a mineshaft. The ending is thus ambiguous, with Adam sure he has worked it all out rationally, except that he cannot account for the skull, which it seems could only have belonged to a unicorn.

After It Happened

Talk radio host Jack Killian is approached by his ex-girlfriend, Tina Cassidy. She tells him that she has become pregnant and infected with HIV from a one-night stand. She wants Jack's help in finding the man so she can inform him of the pregnancy and her HIV status. Killian learns that the man, Mike Barnes, is aware of his HIV status and is deliberately infecting people. In his search for Barnes, Jack meets some of his other victims, including his partner Ross, whom Mike abandoned when Ross got sick, and Kelly West, another one-night stand. Unable to stop Mike legally from infecting people, Jack warns the city about him on his program. Mike confronts Jack about the broadcast but their argument is interrupted by Kelly, who pulls a gun on Mike. Jack talks Kelly out of killing Mike.

Flutter (2006 film)

A quiet film without color, a boy and a girl must abandon their friendship to pursue their dreams. In this short animation, a young boy takes a flying leap away from normal, waves goodbye to his classmates, and disappears into the cityscape and beyond. At the same time, a young girl is inspired to reinvent her space with art.

The Anome

It tells the story of a boy growing to manhood in the land of Shant, a society composed of many different, and wildly individual cantons, some of which are run by cults. Each adult wears an explosive torc which can be detonated by remote command, bringing about instant death by decapitation. The torcs are controlled by an anonymous dictator, the Anome, whose identity is literally unknown. Because those whose heads are exploded are selected primarily by the cantonal leaders, for violations of local law, the Anome is able to operate with only a handful of assistants, or 'Benevolences', who themselves do not know his identity.

Justice League: Cry for Justice

After a heated argument with the other members of the Justice League about bringing villains to justice, Green Lantern and Green Arrow quit the Justice League to hunt for villains who were part of the Secret Society. Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi team up to beat up Killer Moth for information about the theft of some of Ray's technology. After being tortured by Palmer, Killer Moth reveals that the person who hired him was Prometheus. Starman (Mikaal Tomas) is distraught over the death of his boyfriend, Tony, who died when a group of villains attacked S.T.A.R. Labs. In Africa, Congorilla mourns the loss of his tribe and the death of Freedom Beast.

Starman and Congorilla meet and decide to find Shade. In Central City, Jay Garrick meets up with the Atom and Shazam to investigate the theft of cosmic treadmill technology from the Flash Museum. Green Lantern and Green Arrow defeat a group of villains that includes Prometheus, and are joined by Ray Palmer, Shazam, and Supergirl.

Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Ray proceed to question Prometheus, but soon learn that it is Clayface impersonating him. They realize they have fallen into a trap just as a bomb goes off. At his headquarters, the real Prometheus brags to I.Q. that he has a plan in mind larger than his foes realize. Prometheus also revels at having killed members of the Global Guardians, Tasmanian Devil, Gloss, and Sandstorm.

Freddy Freeman manages to save the others from Clayface's bomb. Deciding they need help, they go to the Justice League of America. Jay Garrick races home to find the Shade waiting to speak to him. Congorilla and Starman seek out Animal Man for help.

On the JLA satellite, the League has issues with Green Lantern and Green Arrow. The Guardian arrives with a device he recovered in Metropolis that the team discovers is a teleporter. Suddenly, Red Arrow shows up with his right arm ripped off. The others race to help Red Arrow, while Supergirl confronts Red Arrow's attacker, Shazam.

Shazam reveals that he is actually Prometheus and swiftly takes out each of the heroes through his computer, which has gathered all their weaknesses; as he makes his way to the JLA computer room and nearly reaches his goal when the Shade confronts him. He is confused; as he searches through every hero database he seems at a loss not to be able to find Shade (as he is a reformed villain turned hero) and is delayed long enough for a wounded Donna Troy to beat him unconscious and almost to death, but Shade stops her. Prometheus reveals that this has all been about hurting the heroes. He has placed devices in each of their home cities that will teleport the cities through time and space, leaving the people alive but lost. He says he will give up the location of each device if they let him go. When Green Arrow refuses to let him go, Prometheus states he has already started the countdown and Star City is the first target to activate.

Star City is in chaos as the heroes arrive and discover that the teleport device malfunctioned; instead of moving Star City elsewhere, part of the city was demolished. In the ruins of the city, Green Arrow finds the body of Lian, Red Arrow's daughter, crushed under a building. Across the country, the various heroes are unable to disable the devices. With time running out, Green Arrow relents and tells the heroes to let Prometheus go. Prometheus tells them how to defuse the devices and then teleports away.

Shortly after the ''Blackest Night'' conflict, Prometheus is in his lair planning his next moves. Hearing a noise, he turns to see Green Arrow, who fires an arrow between Prometheus' eyes, killing him instantly.

The Family Frying Pan

Set initially in Tsarist Russia, the novel tells of Sara Moses, always known as 'Mrs Moses'. She is a sixteen-year-old servant girl who is the sole survivor of a pogrom in her shtetl. She manages to escape and is able to bring with her only a heavy frying pan found in the ruins of the Rabbi's house.

She travels across Russia, hoping to find freedom and safety, utilising the pan to cook what food she is able to find. As she travels, she is joined by various fellow-escapees from Russia. Every night, around the cooking fire, each traveller tells a tale from his or her life.

Mrs Moses eventually finds sanctuary in Australia and marries a fellow (non-Jewish) Russian refugee. Their great-granddaughter, the narrator, continues to cook fish every Friday evening for shabbat dinner, using the frying pan, which is possessed of a Russian Soul.

Shantae: Risky's Revenge

During the annual Relic Hunters Expo, Shantae and her friends watch her Uncle Mimic unveil his latest find: an ordinary-looking lamp encased in stone. As they wonder its purpose, Risky Boots and her pirates crash the expo and steal the lamp. Shantae battles her, but is knocked out, allowing Risky to escape. Blaming the half-genie for the town being in disarray and failing to do her job properly, Mayor Scuttlebutt fires her as Scuttle Town's Guardian.

Despite no longer being a Guardian Genie, Shantae still decides to take responsibility to stop Risky Boots' newest plot. Mimic reveals to Shantae that three hidden magic seals are necessary to release the lamp's magic, and Shantae sets out to find them. With help from her friend, the zombie Rottytops, she learns that the seals are in possession of three treasure hunters, the Barons of Sequin Land, whom she will have to confront to obtain the seals. While she pursues the Barons, Risky tricks Rottytops and her brothers into kidnapping Mimic for her, promising them a lifetime supply of coffee needed to maintain their sanity, and particularly, Shantae's brains for Rottytops. Shantae, now in possession of the three seals, reaches them as Risky reveals her deception. Shantae surrenders the seals in exchange for Mimic's life. Risky then sucks Shantae's magical half into the lamp before revealing to Shantae that it has the power to capture and enslave genies, then she unleashes the magical half as the evil Nega-Shantae, ordering it to destroy Shantae. Shantae manages to defeat her counterpart, and flees from Risky's hideout as it collapses. She reunites with her friends, who promise to help her defend Scuttle Town and adjust to her new life as a human. The Mayor, impressed by her commitment, re-hires her as the town's Guardian.

Beauty and the Beast (1987 film)

A wealthy merchant lives an affluent life with his two sons, Oliver and Frederick, and three daughters, Bettina, Isabella and Beauty. Beauty, the youngest daughter, is the caretaker of her family; without her, none of the family can look after themselves, and she is constantly taking care of her siblings. Despite this, Beauty is not frustrated, but she wonders what she would do with her life if she did not devote it to her family.

After the merchant loses his wealth in a storm at sea, the family must renounce their luxurious life and move to the countryside, with Beauty once again taking charge. After a time, the family hear that their wealth may be returned, for a ship has made it to port. To celebrate, the father promises his children gifts of luxury, but Beauty merely wants a rose. The merchant realises it was a lost cause, for he is still as poor as he was when he left, and returns. He stops off at a beautiful castle where an unseen host treats him to good food and a warm bed. However, the old man plucks a rose from the garden, and the host demands that as punishment, Beauty must come to live with him. Beauty moves to the castle, and is alone for the first time in her life. Therefore, she realises what she wants to do with her life, and realises that the Beast (the formerly unseen host) is not a complete monster.

When Beauty's father takes her to the castle, the Beast gives him two chests of gold and horses to carry it, as compensation for giving up his daughter. It seems that while in the castle anything she wants magically appears. The Beast has magical powers and grants all her wishes. The only time they see each other is at diner. He holds a rose and each night asks, "Do you love me? Will you marry me?". She always replies "No." Every night she dreams of a prince whom she loves (despite it being only a dream). She is shocked when she finds paintings of this dream prince in Beast's castle.

Over time she is happy at the castle, but asks the Beast if she can visit her family, for she misses them. He allows her and says "Be back in one month, or I will die." Also time flows differently. In the castle it has been about a week, but to the outside world it has been a year. While with her family they learn how to care for themselves instead of Beauty having to take care of them. She thinks about Beast and has to return, against her family's urging her to stay.

Upon returning to the castle she finds Beast dying for her lateness. She cries and mourns, begging Beast not to die. That's when she realizes how much she cares for him. So he asks again "Will you marry me" she finally says "Yes." That breaks the curse and Beast heals. He also turns into the prince she been dreaming about. He tells her about the curse. All his former subjects reappear along with her family who can now visit her whenever they want. She and the prince wed, and she becomes a princess.

Why Bring That Up?

George's partner in vaudeville quits their act, claiming that Betty has broken his heart. George then teams up with Charlie, a stranded trouper, and Irving becomes their manager. Later, in New York, the "Two Black Crows" star in their own revue and save money to build their own theater on Broadway. Betty comes to the theater with her lover, who poses as a cousin and induces George to hire her. He showers her with jewels and money. She tries to persuade George to invest in oil stock her lover is selling, and though their act is a success, Charlie fires Betty. When Charlie and Betty's lover quarrel, Charlie is injured.

Paranormal Activity

In 2006, San Diego couple Katie and Micah are facing a dilemma regarding a demon that has haunted Katie since childhood, which psychic Dr. Fredrichs suggests is feeding off negative energy and intent on tormenting her. Katie takes Dr. Fredrichs’ advice seriously, while Micah uses a camera to record any ghostly activity and goes against advice of not handling the situation without a demonologist. The camera initially captures many strange occurrences in the bedroom during the night; they start off as mundane such as only noises, flickering lights, shadows and bedroom door movements before escalating into more violent occurrences such as door slamming, loud thuds, and demonic grunts and screeches. Katie, on one night, appears to be in a trance; she gets up, stands beside the bed staring at Micah for two hours, and goes outside, none of which she recalls the next day.

Micah brings home a Ouija board. When the couple leave the house, the camera records an unseen force moving the board's pointer to form an unknown message on its surface, which then spontaneously catches fire. Katie is increasingly aggravated by Micah's actions and demands that he stop, but he refuses. The couple, on another night, find footsteps on baby powder Micah sprinkled in the hallway and outside the bedroom door. Its path leads to a burnt photograph of a young Katie in the attic, previously thought to have been destroyed completely in a house fire. Outside intervention is unavailable at this point, as the only contactable demonologist is out of the country and Dr. Fredrichs is afraid of making the demon angrier. That night, Katie is pulled out of the bedroom by an unseen force. Micah discovers a bite mark on Katie's back the morning after, motivating him to get out of the house, but Katie abruptly insists on staying.

On night twenty-one, Katie gets out of bed again and stares at Micah for two hours before going downstairs. Katie screams for Micah and he quickly rushes to help her. Afterwards, Micah screams in pain. After a moment of silence, Micah's body is violently hurled at the camera which is knocked off the tripod, revealing a demonic Katie standing in the doorway with blood on her shirt. She crawls to Micah's body, then looks up at the camera with a grin. As she lunges toward the camera, her face takes on a demonic appearance just as the scene cuts to black and another growl is heard. Micah's body is discovered by the police on October 11, 2006, and Katie is missing.

Alternate endings

Once Paramount acquired the film, the original ending was scrapped, and two new endings were developed for the film, one of them being the one seen in theaters (the scrapped ending was shown at only one public viewing).

Original ending

Instead of the theatrical ending where the possessed Katie carries Micah's body and throws it to the camera, Katie returns to the bedroom alone, with a knife she used to kill Micah. She sits on the floor against the bed and rocks back and forth. The next day, Katie's friend Amber leaves a concerned message at 2 PM, visits the house at 9 PM, discovers Micah's body downstairs, and runs away in panic. Katie does not respond. 30 minutes later, two policemen enter the house and reach the bedroom where they find the possessed Katie with the knife. Seeing them, Katie suddenly returns to her normal state and asks about Micah. After the attic door slams by itself, one of the officers panics and shoots and kills her. The camera fades to black as the police officers continue searching the house for the source of the sound. An epilogue text appears dedicating the film to the memory of Micah and Katie.

Alternate ending

In another ending, Katie, after killing Micah off-screen, comes back upstairs alone like the original ending. This time, she closes the bedroom door and approaches the camera. She then faces the camera and slits her own throat, taking her life. Her lifeless body then drops to the floor while the camera fades to black. We can then infer that the next day, Katie's friend Amber leaves a concerned message at 2 PM, visits the house at 9 PM, discovers Micah's body downstairs, and runs away in panic. 30 minutes later, two policemen would enter the house and reach the bedroom where they find Katie's dead body with the knife.

Bedroom Eyes (film)

A young businessman and avid jogger finds a prime voyeurism spot on his nightly route. After some time spying he witnesses a murder instead. He soon becomes involved in a variety of situations stemming from the incident.

Assassin's Creed II: Discovery

In 1491, during his search for the Apple of Eden, stolen by Girolamo Savonarola, Ezio Auditore da Firenze is summoned by his ally Antonio de Magianis to Venice to meet one of his contacts from Spain, Luis de Santángel. Representing the navigator Christopher Columbus, Luis asks Ezio to ensure the former's protection, fearing that someone is trying to assassinate him. Though initially reluctant, Ezio agrees to help after learning of Columbus's connections with the Templar grandmaster, Rodrigo Borgia. After foiling an attempt on Columbus's life, Ezio escorts him back to Luis, whereupon the two ask Ezio for a final favor: to recover an atlas from their hostel, which contains maps that detail travelling routes vital for their upcoming expedition. Ezio retrieves the atlas and brings it to Luis, who before leaving, reveals that most of the Spanish Assassin Brotherhood has been arrested by Tomás de Torquemada as part of the Spanish Inquisition.

Returning to Antonio, Ezio announces that his search for the Apple will have to be postponed, because he is travelling to Spain to reform the Brotherhood there. In Barcelona, Ezio searches for the local Assassins' headquarters, only to find it occupied by Inquisition soldiers. After escaping from the ambush, Ezio encounters an Assassin, Raphael Sánchez, who informs him that the rest of the Assassin Guild in the city were arrested on the orders of Gaspar Martínez. Ezio infiltrates Martínez's quarters and questions him about the captured Assassins. The inquisitor denies holding any Assassins prisoner, but admits that one of them is to be publicly executed. Ezio then kills Martínez, takes a list of names from his body, and saves the Assassin from being burnt alive. Returning to Raphael with the list, he recognizes the names as being Assassins from Zaragoza, and instructs Ezio to travel there and find Pedro Liorente, the Inquisition's calificador.

In Zaragoza, Ezio witnesses one of the Assassins being executed on the orders of Liorente and Tomás de Torquemada, who are following the instructions of Rodrigo Borgia himself. After rescuing the remaining Assassins, Ezio assassinates Liorente, who denies the Templars' existence before dying. He then returns to Raphael, who reveals himself to be the Treasurer to Queen Isabella and that the Assassins are fighting to stop the Inquisition, which is a Templar scheme to rid Spain of Moors. Travelling to Granada next, Ezio runs into Luis de Santángel again, who reveals that he too is an Assassin and is working at the King's court. As the Assassins begin to suspect that the Templars are planning their own expedition to uncover the New World, Ezio agrees to help Luis find a Templar spy and a passage into the besieged Alhambra palace. In the process, Ezio discovers that the Templars have been keeping King Muhammed XII captive to prolong the siege and drain the Queens' resources on the ongoing war. Ezio ultimately rescues the King and delivers the news of his abdication.

In retaliation for messing up the Templars' plan with the King, Tomás de Torquemada orders a new round of arrests and executions. Ezio prevents some arrests and assassinates the Inquisitor in charge of the operation, Juan de Marillo. Meanwhile, after hearing the news of the war ending, Christopher Columbus threatens to indulge other offers to sponsor his expedition if Queen Isabella doesn't act fast to give him an answer. Unsatisfied that the Queen is uncommitted to his cause, Columbus heads to Paris to accept an offer from King Charles. The Templars attempt to assassinate him before he reaches his destination, but Ezio saves Columbus's life again and persuades him to return to Queen Isabella, as she changed her mind after talking with Luis and Raphael.

After Columbus successfully launches his expedition, Torquemada dispatches soldiers to kill Luis and Raphael. Ezio protects both of them before tracking down and confronting Torquemada. The Grand Inquisitor denies his ties to the Templars, and claims that he is only aiding Rodrigo Borgia because the latter is canditating to become Pope. Before Ezio can kill Torquemada, the latter narrowly escapes. Reporting about his failed assassination attempt to the other Assassins, Ezio expresses his belief that Torquemada might not have been a Templar after all, and that his death would have probably caused more turmoil rather than ending it.

Love Child (1982 film)

Terry Jean Moore was convicted of a crime at the age of 19 and over the time she spent in prison, she meets a guard named Jack Hansen. The two fall in love and Moore ends up having his child. Terry has to face the possibility of losing her baby, but she takes up the fight to keep the baby.

The Dunwich Horror (film)

A woman groans and writhes with the pain of childbirth in a bedroom from a bygone era as two elderly women - who appear to be twins - and an elderly man watch. She is then led out of the room by the elderly man.

At the Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, Dr. Henry Armitage has just finished a lecture on local history and the very rare and priceless book known as the ''Necronomicon''. He gives the book to his student Nancy Wagner to return to the library. She is followed by a stranger, who later introduces himself as Wilbur Whateley. Wilbur asks to see the book, and although it is closing time and the book is reputedly the only copy in existence, Nancy allows it under the influence of his hypnotic gaze.

Wilbur's perusal of the book is cut short by Henry, who has researched Wilbur's family's sordid past. His warnings about the Whateleys go unheeded by Nancy, who decides to give Wilbur a ride back to Dunwich after he misses his bus, perhaps purposely. At a gas station on the outskirts of town, Nancy first encounters the ill-esteem in which the locals hold Wilbur.

Once back at the Whateley house, she meets Old Whateley, Wilbur's grandfather. Wilbur disables her car, and then drugs Nancy. She decides under the influence of hypnosis and drugs to spend the weekend, and does not change her mind when Nancy's classmate Elizabeth arrives, with Henry, from Arkham the next morning. The duo do not abandon Nancy, however. They investigate further and discover that Wilbur's mother, Lavinia, is still alive and in an asylum. Dr. Cory, the town doctor, informs Henry that Lavinia delivered twins when Wilbur was born, but one was stillborn. As he was not there for the delivery, he never saw the body. The childbirth was traumatic, and Lavinia "lost her mind" during it and nearly died

In the meantime, on the advice of the locals, Elizabeth enters the Whateley house looking for Nancy. She opens a locked door, and releases a creature which appears to be Wilbur's monstrous twin, who kills her and escapes. Upon Wilbur and Nancy's return, Old Whateley confronts them about the presence of Nancy's car, and in the ensuing argument, falls down the stairs and dies. Wilbur takes him to the local cemetery for a decidedly non-Christian burial, but the local townsfolk vociferously stop him.

Wilbur's twin runs amok in Dunwich, killing several people. Lavinia dies in the asylum, looking much older than her 45 years. The Whateley estate burns down in a conflagration that may have to do with a pagan ritual. At the top of a coastal cliff, Wilbur prepares Nancy for sacrifice to bring back what he calls "The Old Ones." Confronted by Armitage, Wilbur chants and calls down his demon father as his adversary chants reverse spells. Wilbur is struck by lightning in the ritual and falls in a ball of fire into the sea.

Finally, the physically unharmed Nancy is escorted off the sacrificial altar by Armitage and Cory, who calm her by stating that the Whateley line has ended. However, Nancy is pregnant, presumably with Wilbur's ill-conceived child.

Troubled Water

As a teenager, Jan Thomas Hansen (Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen) and a friend run off with young boy Isak in a stroller left outside a cafe by the mother. The boy runs away, slips, and falls on a rock, suffering an apparently fatal head injury. Pressured by his friend, Jan Thomas, afraid of the consequences, carries the boy into a nearby river with a strong current, where he sets him adrift. Jan Thomas testifies that the boy was killed by the fall, but he is convicted of murder. While in jail, he plays the organ for church services.

As a young adult he is released from prison and works as an organ player at a church. He befriends Anna (Ellen Dorrit Petersen), the priest of the church and a single mother, and her young son Jens. Agnes (Trine Dyrholm), Isak's mother, sees that Jan Thomas has been released and is concerned for the safety of her two adopted daughters. Her panicking reaction causes strain in her relationship with the two girls, as well as with her husband. Meanwhile, her husband accepts a job offer that will move their family to Denmark, in the hopes of easing Agnes' anxiety.

Agnes sees Jan Thomas together with Jens, and is also concerned that Jens may not be safe. When Jan Thomas lets Jens wait a few minutes outside Jens' school while Jan Thomas picks something up in the school, he returns to find Jens missing. Jan Thomas is very concerned when Jens is missing. Scared by ensuing events, Jens flees into the river and almost drowns. With great danger for himself Jan Thomas catches him, and holds on to a branch, after which Agnes, in a surprise twist of plot, helps them reach the shore. Jan Thomas confesses to Agnes what really happened earlier to her son Isak.

The movie was released in the USA by

Payroll (film)

Four crooks (Johnny Mellors, Monty, Blackie and Bert) plan and execute a robbery on a payroll van, using the inside knowledge of Dennis Pearson, who works as an accountant at the firm concerned. Pearson is under pressure to support his wife Katie (Françoise Prévost), who demands a higher standard of living. However, the van driver, Harry Parker, is killed during the heist, while Bert is fatally wounded by Parker's colleague Frank Moore. Nevertheless, the gang manages to get away with £50,000.

Having found out that Pearson was the 'inside man', Parker's widow Jackie (Billie Whitelaw) starts posting threatening letters to him. Katie in the meantime has become involved with Johnny, hoping to get some of the money for herself. As the gang members start to argue amongst themselves, they are pursued by both Katie and Jackie. The climax takes place in Norfolk, with Johnny and Katie double-crossing each other and Jackie tracking Johnny in her bid for revenge.

The Golden Horde (video game)

The Mongolian campaign

The campaign begins in 1237. Ögedei Khan is the 2nd Khagan-Emperor of the Mongol Empire, and as part of his plan to conquer Europe, Ögedei has ordered Batu Khan, founder of the Golden Horde, to invade Russia. As the game begins, Batu has led the Horde to the southern edge of Ryazan.

He offers the Grand Duke of Ryazan, Yuri Ingvarevich, a chance to surrender, but Ingvarevich refuses. Along with his generals Burundai, Jebei, and Subutai, Batu successfully leads his army against the city. However, Ingvarevich and some of his soldiers escape, relocating to the forests along the Sit River. Led by Burundai, a force is sent through the forests to take Ingvarevich by surprise. At the Battle of the Sit River, Burundai is successful, wiping out the remains of Ryazan's resistance.

Following the Mongol occupation of Russia, many Cuman-Kipchak tribes fled the country and travelled west. One such tribe was that led by Kotjan Kahn, which headed to Hungary. There, they were offered asylum if they converted to Christianity. They did so and allied themselves with the Hungarian king, Béla IV, vowing to fight the Mongols, who were preparing to invade. However, in 1241, worried that Béla was using the Cumans to solidify his hold on power, Hungarian nobles murdered Kotjan. This infuriated the tribe, who immediately left Hungary, heading towards the Balkans, and destroying every village in their path. En route, they are attacked by a Mongol force led by Subutai, and many are killed, leaving the path open for the Mongols to invade Hungary and continue with the occupation of Europe.

The Russian campaign

The Russian campaign begins as Ingvarevich receives a letter from Batu demanding that he surrender Ryazan. Ignoring the demand, he begins preparing the city for attack, contacting Yuri Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke of Vladimir, for assistance. However, unwilling to let go of past enmity between Ryazan and Vladimir, Vsevolodovich ignores the pleas for aid. Although initially successful in defending the city, after several weeks of sustained attacks, Ryazan eventually falls.

Towards the end of the siege, a boyar named Evpaty Kolovrat manages to escape with a group of about 1,700 men, and after the city falls, he begins to lead them in attacks on Batu's forces. After the Battle of the Sit River, the Mongols head towards Kolomna and lay siege to the fortress. A week later, they are attacked by a makeshift army composed of Kolovrat's troops, Vsevolodovich's troops (who had now decided to stand against the Mongols), and troops from Novgorod. They put up a valiant fight against the much larger Mongol force, even managing to slay Jebei, but eventually they fall along with Kolomna.

Three years later, Novgorod lookouts spot a Swedish army travelling along the Neva River. When alerted of the impending invasion, Alexander Yaroslavich, Prince of Novgorod, immediately begins to mobilise. Shortly thereafter he receives a letter from Birger Magnusson, a high ranking Swedish jarl and leader of the invasion. Magnusson taunts Yaroslavich, stating that there is little point in resisting. Irrespective of this, Yaroslavich marches his troops to Izhora. At the Battle of the Neva, Yaroslavich is victorious.

The following year, the Livonian Order, a branch of the Teutonic Knights, occupy Pskov, hoping to exploit Novgorod's weakness in the wake of the Mongol and Swedish invasions, but Yaroslavich successfully liberates the city. Determined to push the Order out of Russia, he marches to Lake Peipus, and in the Battle on the Ice, his troops engage with the Order on the frozen lake. Defeating them, Alexander is able to drive the invaders back, halting their eastward expansion.

The Crusader campaign

The Crusader campaign begins during the Cuman exodus from Hungary. As the Cumans travel towards the Balkans, destroying any villages they encounter, they cross paths with a group of Teutonic Knights, who immediately send word for help. However, the messenger troop is intercepted and all but two are killed - a cleric and a young knight named Herman von Salza. Determined to complete their mission and carry the message to its destination, the duo manage to sneak out of Hungary and alert the Teutonic Order about what is happening.

Later that year, Pope Gregory IX receives a request to allow displaced Curonians to join the Livonian Order. Believing that uniting the Courland church with the Order will weaken any enemies in the region, Gregory agrees, and places von Salza in charge. Led by von Salza and Magnusson, the Order occupy Izborsk, before setting their sights on and successfully conquering Pskov.

Meanwhile, the Mongol invasion of Europe continues, with much of the Great Steppe now under their rule. Determined to complete the invasion before the beginning of spring, Batu orders Burundai to set up camp along the Oder River. However, having done so, the Mongols inadvertently converge with the troops led by Magnusson. In a series of hit-and-run battles, Magnusson is able to defeat multiple contingents of the Mongol army, slowing down the European invasion.

Oh, For a Man!

A talented diva named Carlotta Manson steers clear of romantic relationships because she doesn't want to interfere with her career. Bela Lugosi has a relatively small role as her singing teacher, and in one of his only scenes, Carlotta makes a comical remark to him about one of her co-stars smelling like garlic (ironic in light of Lugosi's later involvement with "Dracula"). One night when she returns home, she is robbed by a thief named Barney McGann. When the opera-loving Barney learns his victim is his idol, he befriends her and they begin a romance. Carlotta even gets him a job in the chorus and proposes marriage to him. They go off to an Italian villa, but Barney changes his mind and walks out on her. Carlotta returns to New York to resume her singing career, but later Barney follows her there and they wind up reunited with a kiss.

Margery and Gladys

Recently widowed Margery Heywood (Penelope Keith) and her cleaning woman Gladys Gladwell (June Brown) disturb a would-be burglar breaking into Margery's house in Kent. Margery attacks the burglar with a heavy glass vase, and knocks him unconscious. Believing that she has killed him, she panics and flees the house with Gladys, leaving behind her handbag. In Gladys's car, the two women decide to try to reach Margery's son Graham in Milton Keynes, hoping he'll give them shelter and money, but the trip turns into a comedy of disasters.

They are forced to break into a pharmacy to obtain insulin for Gladys's diabetes, 'do a runner' from a petrol station and dodge police cameras on the M25. Margery is devastated to learn of a twenty-year affair between her late husband and Gladys - and that her son knew of it. His father also secretly bought a boat and planned to sail away with a childhood friend. With the police, led by about-to-retire Detective Inspector Woolley (Roger Lloyd-Pack) on their trail, the two women drive to Fleetwood, only to meet the childhood friend. The boat, it seems, was purchased with stolen money. After a night on the town at nearby Blackpool, the two women take the boat and sail off to the Caribbean.

They Learned About Women

Major league baseball player Jack Glennon (Schenck) watches out for alcoholic teammate Jerry Burke (Van). Both men are interested in Mary (Love), but Jack marries the gold-digging Daisy (Doran), who lures him away from baseball to the vaudeville stage.

Later, Jerry and Mary become romantically involved, and Jack rejoins the baseball team after divorcing Daisy. Jerry notices that Jack is not playing well and is unhappy, and realizes that he must still be in love with Mary. He steps away from Mary, allowing her to be with Jack. Jack plays baseball well once again, and the team wins the World Series.

Tiagong Akyat (TV series)

After many years, Tiago (Gerald Anderson) meets Cornelia (Erich Gonzales) and gets a chance to profess his love for her. Cornelia's suitor Vincent becomes jealous of Tiago. Meanwhile, Cornelia's father Mayor Mariano is against his daughter's relationship with the impoverished Tiago. Cornelia decides to elope with Tiago and they plan to get married. One night, Cornelia tells Tiago that her father wants to meet him. Tiago goes to Mayor Mariano's house where he found him bloody and unconscious. Vincent arrives and tells the guards to arrest Tiago. After killing Mayor Mariano, Vincent frames Tiago for the murder. The court finds Tiago guilty and sentences him to life imprisonment. In jail, Tiago befriends Big Max, Nardo, and Pablo. After learning that Cornelia had married Vincent, Tiago makes several attempts to escape but miserably fails. Years pass and Tiago discovers that the urban legend about the amulet called ''Pangil ng Kidlat'' is true when he meets Castro, the owner of the amulet.

Castro gives his amulet to Tiago, and before dying, he asks the young man to use the amulet to prove his innocence. Tiago, together with his newfound friends inside the prison, then successfully escape. Tiago intends to force Vincent to admit the truth. Cornelia hears from Vincent that he did murder Mayor Mariano, Cornelia's father. Tiago and Vincent struggle for the gun, and they accidentally shoot Cornelia. Before dying, Cornelia tells Tiago that she loves him, and that they have a son named Martin. Vincent tells the police and Martin that it was Tiago who killed Cornelia. With the help of his fellow fugitive, Tiago takes his son from Vincent. Nardo goes to the house of his sister Norma, and there Tiago tries to convince his son that he is a good man. Norma is worried that Tiago will only bring trouble, but she eventually understands his desire to win his son. She befriends Martin and helps the boy trust his own father. Tiago lets Martin hear the voice recording wherein Vincent admitted it was he who murdered Mayor Mariano.

Vincent asks Red's help in finding Tiago and getting Martin, and Red promises to use his influence. Meanwhile, Tiago and his friends decide to help their poor neighbors by stealing from the wealthy and the corrupt. Just then, Red chases Tiago and shoots Tiago at the back hitting his heart but he survived because of his amulet, his fellow members learn about this, they ask Tiago and Tiago admits that it's because of his Agimat. Max then tells Pablo to steal the amulet but he gets caught by Tiago while they were asleep, then Max shoots Pablo dead. Vincent finally surrenders and gives back Martin to Tiago, as Police arrest Vincent, Max shows up and fires at Vincent. Tiago now was revealed to be innocent, he marries Norma and they celebrate. Max then burns down a house, causing the people to panic and tries to put out the fire. They then search for Martin, Martin then was abducted by Max, Tiago chases after him and he finds him cornered in the warehouse. Max convinces Tiago to give him the amulet and he will give Martin to him. Tiago then surrenders his amulet then Martin struggles and runs to Tiago's side, Tiago passes his amulet to Martin then Max shoots Tiago and they shoot each other. Martin then returns to see Tiago lying dead. After the incident, Tiago is buried in a cemetery where his family and neighbors visit him.

The Errand of Angels

Sister Rachel Taylor (Erin Chambers) of Boise, Idaho is an eager young missionary of the LDS Church who has been sent on an 18-month-long mission to Austria. Rachel finds herself having a hard time adjusting to her new cultural surroundings in the foreign country. Due to differences in opinion, she is also unable to get along with the companion missionary that was assigned to her by the church. Taking a note from the very teachings she is trying to spread, Rachel eventually learns to accept others' differences and get along peacefully with her companions even if they disagree on how to go about conducting the work for which they volunteered.

The Life of Saint Mary the Harlot

Chapter 1

The prologue, in which the author recounts this story to serve as a lesson in "compunction and humility" for those in their old age.

Chapter 2

Abraham the hermit had a brother who died, leaving behind a seven-year-old daughter. The orphan, Mary, was brought by her father's friends to live with Abraham. He housed her in the outer room of the cell, while he lived in the inner room. Through a small window between the two rooms, Abraham taught her the psalter and the ascetic disciplines. Mary became great in spiritual virtue until she was an ascetic in her own right.

Mary's father had left her a large sum of money. Abraham, not wishing that she should be ensnared by the affairs of the world, represented by her inheritance, had the money given to the poor. She lived with him for twenty years.

Chapter 3

A monk, who is called "a monk in profession only," came to visit Abraham, as was his habit. When he saw Mary, he lusted after her. He whispered things to her through the window, trying to tempt her. Finally, after a year had passed she came out to him, and they had sex.

Mary regretted the act immediately. She enters into a soliloquy about her sin, at one point making a veiled allusion to the supposed author by name, wishing she had been true to his writings. Finally, she concluded, "I am a sinner full of sordid uncleanness - how shall I even try to speak with my holy uncle? If I even dared to attempt it, wouldn't a blast of fire burst from him to burn me to ashes?" She therefore left her uncle for a foreign land.

Chapter 4

Abraham did not notice that Mary had gone. Instead, the truth of what had happened was revealed to him in a series of two dreams. In the first dream, an enormous dragon approached his cell. Finding a dove there, the dragon swallowed it whole. Abraham interpreted this dream to mean that some great heresy would befall the church, and he beseeched God to prevent it.

Two days later, he had a second dream in which the dragon returned with his gut split open. Abraham could see that the dove was still alive in the beast's stomach, so he reached in and pulled it out. Only then did he understand that the dreams were about Mary's plight, with the dragon representing the devil, the dove representing Mary, and the two days between the dreams represents the two years that Abraham waited before pursuing his niece.

Chapter 5

After two years, Abraham discovered Mary's location and sent a friend to give him a report on what she was doing. When he discovered the shameful life she was leading, he disguised himself as a soldier with a borrowed horse and uniform, and rode out to find her.

The author breaks the narrative to draw an analogy between the patriarch Abraham who rode out to do war with kings in order to save Lot and the hermit Abraham who rode out to do war with Satan in order to save Mary.

Chapter 6

Abraham arrived at the inn where Mary worked where he convinced the innkeeper to send Mary to him under the guise of an old soldier looking for companionship. Mary appeared, dressed as a prostitute, and does not recognize Abraham. Abraham has to restrain his tears so she does not recognize him and flee.

Chapters 7–8

Mary proceeded to try and seduce Abraham, but when she smelled "the familiar scent of an abstinent body" she became very agitated. Abraham and the innkeeper both work to calm her down, until finally she sat and enjoyed supper with him. When they had eaten, Mary once again began to entice the monk, and Abraham consented to go up to Mary's room with her.

The author pauses the narrative to praise God at length for the strength of the monk in breaking his ascetic ways in order to save Mary.

Chapters 9-10

Once they were alone and the door had been locked, Abraham revealed himself to her. Mary sat petrified through the night as Abraham wept, prayed, and pleaded with her to return with him. Finally, he convinced her to leave, and she returned with him doing penance the whole way.

When they returned to Abraham's house, Mary lived in the inner room, while Abraham occupied the outer room. Mary spent her days weeping and praying for forgiveness and salvation. People begin to be drawn to Mary because of her religious zeal.

Chapters 11-14

The remainder of the narrative gives an account of the final years of both Abraham and Mary, with eulogies of both. Abraham lived ten years after they returned, and Mary five years longer than he. Of Abraham, it was said that he remained constant in all virtue and "lived each day as if it was his last." Mary became famous not only for her piety but particularly for her mourning.

Chapters 15-16

The author concludes the story by drawing an unfavorable comparison between himself and Abraham and Mary, disliking his own lack of total faith toward God. He begins by declaring "O what a wretch am I" and concludes "I mourn for the days of my negligence, for I have not any excuse to offer."


When Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) questions director Will Schuester's choreography skills during a glee club rehearsal, he forms an all-male a cappella group, the Acafellas, to build his confidence. The group originally consists of Will, football coach Ken Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher), woodshop teacher Henri St. Pierre (John Lloyd Young) and Howard Bamboo (Kent Avenido), a co-worker of Will's wife Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig). After their first performance however, Henri and Howard drop out and Will replaces them with glee club member Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith), who was considering quitting glee club, and his fellow football player Puck (Mark Salling). Former glee club director Sandy Ryerson (Stephen Tobolowsky) also joins the group, having arranged for singer Josh Groban to be at their next performance. Although the star compliments their rendition of "I Wanna Sex You Up", he reveals that he only attended to make sure Sandy stopped stalking him.

In Will's absence, the glee club hires Dakota Stanley (Whit Hertford), the choreographer of a rival club, Vocal Adrenaline, to help coach them to a Nationals championship. Cheerleaders Quinn (Dianna Agron), Santana (Naya Rivera) and Brittany (Heather Morris) hope that the notoriously harsh Stanley will prompt some members of the club to quit, furthering their plan to sabotage the club. Although Stanley is heavily critical of most of the group, Rachel convinces the members that their differences give them a unique edge, and fires the choreographer. The cheerleaders also lead Mercedes Jones (Amber Riley) to believe that fellow club member Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) has feelings for her, despite Rachel and Tina Cohen-Chang’s efforts to inform Mercedes that Kurt is obviously gay. Mercedes is hurt when Kurt rejects her advances. He misleads her into believing he has feelings for Rachel, which angers Mercedes, and she breaks the windshield of his car and sings "Bust Your Windows". Kurt later confesses to her that he is gay—the first time he has said it to anyone—and the two make up.

Cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) is angry that the club is now stronger than ever, and punishes Quinn and Santana. Quinn retaliates by thanking Sue for helping her realize that believing in herself negates the need to bring other people down. Will realizes that his passion is teaching, not performing, and resolves to recommit to the glee club.

The Cosmonaut

In 1967, two young friends, Stas and Andrei, arrive to the newly built Star City (near Moscow) where the first cosmonauts trained to go into space, and where a race against the clock to beat the Americans into space takes place.

Stas and Andrei will witness first-hand the political plots, the fights for power and the successes and failures of the Soviet Union in some of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. They will meet Yulia, a communications technician, with whom they will strike up a strong friendship, always close to love but never consummated.


The main influences behind ''The Cosmonaut'''s conception and filmmaking approach are the works of some of the world's most renowned filmmakers. The project's dossier mentions specifically the names of Wong Kar-wai (and his main cinematographer, Christopher Doyle), Andrei Tarkovsky, José Luis Guerín, and Robert Bresson, among others. There are many links especially to Andrei Tarkovsky's body of work either thematically (the main themes of the films of memory, lost love, and reality), or plot-related (the film's two main characters, Andrei and Stas Arsenievich, share Andrei Tarkovsky's name and patronymic, respectively). These ties are more evident through a look in the collaborators’ list: among others, the names of Eduard Artemyev, and Marina Tarkovskaya (Tarkovky's sister).

The fictional Program K, whose hummingbird icon is one of the main images used in the project's promotion, and which also gives its name to the virtual community of producers of the film, is based on the real Soviet projects that attempted to place a Soviet cosmonaut on the Moon.

Sweet Kill

Eddie Collins finds that he is unable to perform sexually with women because of repressed memories of his mother. After accidentally killing a woman while trying to sleep with her, he finds that he is able to get aroused by the dead body. This leads him into a chain of luring women into bed in order to kill them for sexual gratification.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, or This Unnameable Little Broom

In the film, Gilgamesh is a grotesque, Picasso-esque being who moves by tricycle and patrols his box-shaped kingdom that hovers above a dark abyss. The yellow walls are inscribed with calligraphic text and its seemingly vast expanse is randomly broken up by square holes from which medical hooks occasionally project. A table – a mechanism and a trap – concealing a pulsating vagina within one of its drawers, stands at the centre of Gilgamesh's domain. High above this space are strung high-tension wires, vibrating in the wind, one caught with a broken tennis racquet. First, Gilgamesh is seen setting up a bizarre trap to lure and catch the wild man Enkidu (who is depicted as a bird-like creature, partially made of genuine animal skeletons). Enkidu appears to live in a distant forest world visible through a hatch in the side of one of the walls of the floating kingdom. Gilgamesh is seen eating dandelion fluff during the opening credits before he finishes readying the trap. Once finished, Gilgamesh retreats to a room beneath the floor of the floating kingdom, awaiting Enkidu's arrival. Sometime later, Enkidu enters and becomes intrigued by a table with an anatomical, H.R. Giger/da Vinci-esque image of a woman's muscles (symbolizing the character Shamhat). The mechanism activates allowing Enkidu to look inside the image revealing a swaying piece of meat on a hook within the woman's body. A drawer on the table opens, revealing the pulsating vagina. Ecstatic, Enkidu begins to mount the table, which sets off Gilgamesh's trap, flinging him onto the high-tension wires. An excited Gilgamesh resurfaces, retrieving the ensnared Enkidu by means of a giant gold cloth. Gilgamesh binds his captive with twine, beats him with a spiked club, and brushes his wings before cutting them off with scissors. Gilgamesh cuts the twine binding Enkidu and as the gold cloth falls to the ground the viewer is given a shot of Enkidu's forest. The same fluff that Gilgamesh was eating earlier litters the forest floor and the viewer is allowed to observe an insect husk rapidly decay. In the end, Gilgamesh is seen riding frenzied circles around Enkidu, who is now trapped beneath the table-mechanism on which the trap was set.

Escape to the Sun

A group of people wish to flee the Soviet Union to escape anti-semitism and political repression, but their activities soon attract the attention of the KGB secret police.

Next of Kin (1982 film)

After her estranged mother's death, Linda Stevens inherits a rural estate called Montclare, which has been in her family for years. The rambling structure houses a long-held retirement community for the elderly. The night Linda arrives, a new boarder, the aged Mrs. Ryan, also arrives during a rainstorm, dropped off by her son, Kelvin. Shortly after Linda settles in, a resident of the home is found drowned in a bathtub. Linda begins reading childhood diaries left in the house by her mother, in which her mother describes being unsettled in the home and believing someone is watching her. She also finds handwritten medical records for her aunt Rita, which disturbs her as she was told that Rita had been dead at the time they were written.

Meanwhile, Linda rekindles her romance with Barney, a man whom she was romantic with years prior. After the two go on a date together, Linda returns to Montclare, where Connie, a longtime employee, notifies her that Lance, another resident, has suffered a debilitating stroke. Later, Linda informs Dr. Barton, the resident physician of Montclare, that she is considering selling the property.

After a series of unusual incidents, Linda comes to suspect that her aunt Rita may still be alive and stalking the house, though Dr. Barton assures her that Rita died in a psychiatric care facility years prior. Upon further delving into her mother's diaries, Linda finds that there is a precedent for mysterious deaths in the retirement community, particularly an inordinate number of drowning deaths. Convinced that Dr. Barton and Connie are murdering residents, Linda flees to town on foot and locates Barney in a panic.

Barney escorts Linda back to the Montclare, and enters the house to obtain the diaries for Linda. In a fountain in yard, Linda finds Carol, a romantic rival previously introduced, with her throat slashed. Linda flees into the house in search of Barney, only to find him also murdered. Upstairs, Linda finds Lance, conscious and able to walk. Linda ushers him outside through a window onto an emergency escape stairway. Linda is soon confronted by Mrs. Ryan, who is in fact Linda's aunt Rita, seeking vengeance against Linda's mother, whom Rita claims was integral in having her placed in a psychiatric institution; Rita claims that it was Linda's mother who was in fact insane. A crazed Kelvin—Rita's son (and Linda's cousin)—enters the room and attacks Linda with a sledgehammer.

Linda manages to barricade herself in a bathroom, where she finds Dr. Barton's and Connie's bloodied corpses in the bathtub. Linda stabs Rita through the eye with the sharp handle of a comb as Rita peers through the door lock, and then flees downstairs, escaping by car. She arrives at the local diner nearby, where the owner's young son, Nico, is alone. The two barricade themselves in the diner, but Kelvin arrives, driving his truck through the side of the building. Using a rifle, Linda manages to shoot and kill Kelvin. At dawn, the two drive away as the diner becomes engulfed in flames, ignited by the petrol leaking from Kelvin's damaged truck.

Gambling City

''Gambling City's'' story centers on the exploits of master poker player and card sharp Luca Altieri (Merenda); Altieri begins working for underground illegal gambling kingpin "The President" after running a scam at a high-stakes poker table in The President's casino; soon after entering The President's employ, however, Altieri enters into a violent competition with The President's hot-tempered, self-entitled son and heir, Corrado (Pani), for the hand of Corrado's girlfriend, Maria Luisa (Haddon).

Opening Scenes

''Gambling City'' opens with Altieri entering an illegal gambling parlor in Milan and taking a seat beside several tuxedoed patrons at its high-roller table. In contrast to his slickly attired opponents Altieri is dressed in a threadbare cardigan and slacks and has a carnation in his lapel. Noticing the newcomer's obvious lack of means at a table where a single chip is worth 10,000 lira, one player asks Altieri if he has enough money to back his bets. To this Altieri responds, "Win or bust."

Altieri then proceeds to execute his scam by initially pretending to be a poker novice. He fumbles his cards and requests a re-deal despite his having four-of-a-kind queens, explaining that he doesn't trust receiving such a strong hand so early. Within minutes he has fleeced his fellow players, and while waiting to make his exit via elevator, he reveals his scheme to a security guard standing beside him. In response, the security guard tells Altieri the elevator is not an exit at all and escorts the scamp into it. They then take the elevator to the casino's basement where Altieri meets The President, Corrado and Maria Luisa.

Mouse Wreckers

Scouting out a new home, Hubie calls over Bertie, who begins to gaze into it before Hubie slaps Bertie to make him realize that before they can move in, the cat Claude, who has an award for Best Mouser - 1948 (along with other mouser awards), must be removed first. Realizing that the task may not be easy, Hubie comes up with several ways to chase Claude out, all of which are designed to drive him crazy, having Bertie do each of the tricks.

First, Hubie lowers Bertie down the chimney on a fishing line. At the bottom of the chimney, Bertie grabs a piece of wood, smacks Claude in the head with it, and is then quickly yanked back up the chimney. When Claude just goes back to sleep, unable to figure out what happened, Bertie is lowered again, pumping air into Claude. When Bertie is yanked back up the chimney and the pump is released, Claude ends up flying all over the living room, hitting all of the walls and ceiling before landing hard on the pillow on which he was resting. Claude then takes the bottle of catnip he had hidden in an overhead lamp, tosses it out the window, and inaudibly mutters the Pledge of Sobriety.

With the logs removed from the fireplace, Hubie lowers Bertie and a dog (resembling Hector the Bulldog) in a doghouse down the chimney. While the dog is sleeping, Bertie pulls out the dog's lower lip such that it snaps back on him, but not before Bertie is pulled back up the chimney. Seeing only Claude, an enraged bulldog viciously beats up Claude before returning to the doghouse, with the doghouse then yanked up the chimney. Completely nerve-wracked as a result of the beating, Claude then runs to the bathroom to take a dose of nerve tonic. While Claude is in the bathroom, Bertie then inserts a lit firecracker into Claude's pillow, which blows up after he returns to it. When Claude finds his arm has feathers, he frantically runs back to the bathroom to check himself, all the while the feathers fly off him when he runs. Claude finds himself without any feathers on and on his arm, then nervously gulps down the remainder of the nerve tonic.

Next, Bertie returns down the chimney and runs a piece of string throughout the house, zig-zags through piles of dishes, out of it into a water catch drain, down a ladder, and then back into the house with the other end of the string attached to a rock on top of the chimney. Once Bertie ties the end of the string to Claude's tail, Hubie tosses the rock down the other side of the chimney, which sends Claude flying throughout the house, out of it and back into it, and eventually slamming him into a trash can lid, which begins to drive Claude crazy by flicking his lips up and down.

Claude then reads ''"Psychology of Dreams"'' by Sigmund Fried for advice on dealing with what Claude thinks are bad dreams. When Claude falls asleep, Bertie places earmuffs over his ears, while Hubie and Bertie work on nailing everything that would be in front of Claude that was on the floor in the living room to the ceiling, and painting the ceiling like the floor and vice versa. When Claude wakes up, he sees this and thinks he is on the ceiling (when he is really on the floor) and jumps up to what he thinks is the floor (which is really the ceiling). Claude is surprised when he grabs a bottle of nerve tonic, only to open it and see it "rise" to the floor. Claude then becomes confused when he enters into the kitchen, where everything is still right-side up. Further driving Claude mad is when he looks out one window where an illusion is given to make Claude think he is upside down (it is actually a painting turned upside down and held by the mice), and then looks out another to make him think he is sideways (another painting turned sideways and also held by the mice), and then out a third to make him believe that the house is under water (in actuality, there is a fish tank on a small ladder outside that window). Finally broken, Claude runs, screaming, from the house and hides in a nearby tree, trembling in the leaves.

Having accomplished their mission, Hubie and Bertie return down the fireplace and roast cheese over an open fire as the cartoon fades out.

Hereafter (film)

On assignment in India, French television journalist Marie Lelay is caught in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Pulled lifeless from the water, she is resuscitated but left for dead. She gasps back to life after glimpsing the afterlife. Marie is reunited with her lover Didier after and they return to Paris. The experience interferes with her work, so Didier (also her producer) gives her a leave of absence.

In San Francisco, George Lonegan reluctantly agrees to perform a psychic reading for Christos, a wealthy client of his brother Billy. An actual medium, George quit as a psychic due to the emotional, disturbing impact of communicating with the dead. George asks if “June” means anything, which Christos denies; later he tells Billy that June was his late wife's nurse, with whom he was in love.

In London, 12-year-old twins Jason and Marcus try to prevent their alcoholic, heroin-addicted mother Jackie from losing them to social services. Evading the authorities, Jackie sends Jason to the chemist to pick up her detox prescription, having finally decided to get clean. Running from street thugs, Jason is hit by a van and killed. Social services then put Marcus into a foster home.

Marie travels to Switzerland to meet a hospice director, a former skeptic now convinced the afterlife exists. She persuades Marie to write a book on her experience, in hopes the scientific community will accept the reality of life beyond death.

Desperate for a reunion with his brother, Marcus steals money from his foster parents and seeks help to contact Jason, but only encounters frauds. Boarding the London underground at Charing Cross, Jason's cap blows off Marcus’ head. Anxious to find it, he misses his train, which explodes during the 2005 London Bombings.

At a cooking class, George is partnered with Melanie. Hitting it off, they prepare dinner at George's home, where a phone message from Billy forces him to reveal his ability as a psychic. Melanie persuades George to contact the spirit of her father, who asks forgiveness for what he did to her as a child. Melanie flees in tears, and does not return to the cooking class.

Having been in talks with a publisher about a biography of François Mitterrand, Marie stuns them with her new manuscript: "''Hereafter: A Conspiracy of Silence''". The publisher rejects the work, but steers her toward another in London. Marie learns Didier does not intend to give back her job, as her reputation has been damaged from her interest in the hereafter, and he is sleeping with another woman, effectively ending their relationship.

Laid off from his factory job, George is persuaded by Billy to revive his psychic practice. However, he impulsively travels to London, on a Dickens kick, listening to Derek Jacobi’s audiobooks, visiting the Charles Dickens Museum and attending Jacobi's live reading at the London Book Fair, where Marie is also reading her now published book, ''Hereafter''. Handing George a signed copy, he has a flash of her near-drowning.

At the event with his foster parents, Marcus spots George, who he has read about online. George brushes him off and returns to his hotel, but Marcus stands outside until George agrees to do a reading. Through George, Jason tells Marcus he is happy in the afterlife, and that he had knocked off his cap to save Marcus at the train station, and not to fear being alone "because we are one". With this closure, Marcus visits his mother, who is improving in a rehab center.

George leaves a note for Marie, inviting her to a café, He has a vision of them kissing. Their shared glimpses of the hereafter having made them better appreciate life, George and Marie sit together.

Last Mission (video game)

The players assume the role of an alien-humanoid space pilot who has been exiled from their home galaxy for committing an unlearned crime. The only way the player character can return is to restore their honor; the only way to do so is to invade and defeat the alien invaders who have been known to frequently attack the player character's people using a ship called the Main Fighter.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


The player controls Geralt of Rivia, who is one of the few remaining witchers – enhanced and trained humans with special powers who hunt monsters for a living. ''The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings'' contains many different paths and storylines, along with multiple endings.


At the start of the game, Geralt is in prison under suspicion of assassinating Foltest, the king of Temeria. The head of the Temerian special forces, Vernon Roche, interrogates Geralt and learns the story that led from Geralt being Foltest's right-hand man to a prisoner. Prior to and during the events of The Witcher, Foltest had a secret relationship with a baroness named Maria Louisa La Valette, which led to two children, Anais and Boussy. Some time after Geralt saved Foltest from a witcher assassin (at the end of ''The Witcher''), Foltest attempted to claim his children and bring them to live with him in Vizima. Maria was not willing to give up the children, and Foltest waged a war to claim them. Geralt succeeded in escorting Foltest to his children, but an unknown assailant kills Foltest before disappearing, leaving Geralt the only suspect. After the interrogation, Roche decides that Geralt is innocent and aids him in escaping the prison. The two, along with sorceress Triss Merigold, go in search of the kingslayer.

Chapter 1

The trio arrives in the trading town of Flotsam and is ambushed by Iorveth, a rebel elf. It appears to the group that a witcher, believed to have assassinated King Demavend of the neighboring country of Aedirn, is in league with the rebels. Geralt saves his old friends, the bard Dandelion and the dwarf Zoltan Chivay, from being hanged in the city square. With the help of sorceress Síle de Tansarville, Geralt kills a Kayran, a giant monster that is disrupting the town's trade routes. Geralt discovers that Loredo, the ostensibly Temerian commander of the town, is intending to sell the town to King Henselt of Kaedwen. He also discovers that the kingslayer, a witcher known as Letho, means to betray Iorveth and convinces the elf of the truth. As Geralt and Iorveth confront Letho, Roche arrives with an armed force. The player chooses between assisting Iorveth or Roche, thus setting the path of the second chapter. Regardless of the choice, Letho kidnaps Triss and forces her to teleport both of them to Aedirn.

Chapter 2 (Iorveth)

If Geralt assists Iorveth, the pair sail to upper Aedirn. There, they become embroiled in a rebellion against King Henselt of neighboring Kaedwen, and they assist the rebel forces. Geralt completes three missions: formulating a poison antidote for rebel leader Saskia, determining Triss's whereabouts (captured by spies from the empire of Nilfgaard and taken to Loc Muinne), and lifting a battlefield curse that is preventing the rebels from defending Vergen, the rebel's base of operations. The rebels defeat King Henselt's army, and Henselt is forced to acknowledge Saskia's terms. Geralt discovers Saskia is a dragon taking human form, but she is under mind control by her advisor, the sorceress Philippa Eilhart. When Philippa teleports Saskia and herself to Loc Muinne, Geralt and Iorveth follow.

Chapter 2 (Roche)

If Geralt assists Roche, Roche has Geralt assassinate Loredo for treason. Geralt and Roche sail to upper Aedirn. There, they also become embroiled in the rebellion against King Henselt, but assist the king instead of fighting against him. Geralt discovers an insurgency in the Kaedweni army: loyalists who are convinced Henselt is conspiring with the empire of Nilfgaard. Geralt completes three missions: determining Triss's whereabouts (captured by a diplomatic delegation from Nilfgaard and taken to Loc Muinne), lifting a curse on King Henselt, and lifting a battlefield curse that is preventing the king from marching on the city of Vergen. Geralt defends Henselt from two witcher assassins and assists Dethmold the mage and royal advisor to King Henselt in necromancy ritual to discover they are in league with Síle de Tansarville, who has already fled to Loc Muinne with fellow sorceress Philippa Eilhart and entranced rebel leader Saskia in tow. Roche is revealed to be plotting against Kaedwen, and Henselt executes most of Roche's men in retaliation. As Henselt assaults Vergen, Geralt defeats Henselt's personal guard, and either allows Roche to murder Henselt in revenge (which causes a civil war in Kaedwen) or convinces him to spare the king. Geralt and Roche then go to Loc Muinne, on the trail of Triss and Philippa.

Chapter 3

Geralt arrives at Loc Muinne with either Iorveth or Roche, depending on whom he assisted previously. The mages have called a meeting to establish a new magical ruling body known as the Conclave, and all royal leaders are at Loc Muinne. Philippa Eilhart and Síle de Tansarville intend to use the meeting to establish their own power, with the still-entranced Saskia as leverage.

If Geralt arrives with Iorveth, he must choose between rescuing Triss or rescuing Philippa, who is the only person capable of lifting the spell from Saskia but who was captured and blinded by the king of Redania. If Geralt arrives with Roche, he must choose between rescuing Triss or rescuing the kidnapped Princess Anais of Temeria. Depending on the choice, the mage-royal meeting is interrupted when Nilfgaardian forces arrive with Letho, who reveals the sorceresses' entire plot, or if Triss is rescued – regardless of whom Geralt assisted – she reveals the sorceresses' plot instead. The meeting is interrupted again by Saskia in dragon form, who is still under mind control by Philippa. Geralt chases down Síle, who attempts to use her megascope (a magical teleporter) to escape. However, Letho had sabotaged the megascope, in which Síle becomes stuck. Geralt can either rescue Síle or do nothing, in which case Síle is torn to bits. Finally, Geralt duels Saskia, after which he can kill her, let her live, or (if he rescued Phillipa earlier) break the spell over Saskia's mind.


If Triss was rescued, the Conclave is restored and the mages work to seal Loc Muinne. If Triss was not rescued, a bloody pogrom of magic users occurs in Loc Muinne and throughout the Northern Kingdoms. Geralt finally confronts Letho, who reveals a Nilfgaardian plot to destabilize the Northern Kingdoms. After hearing Letho's story, Geralt can either let him go or duel him to the death. Geralt then reunites with Triss and either Iorveth or Roche, and sets off south. A concurrent plot of the game is Geralt's attempts to recover lost memories from his previous life, learning more about his lover Yennefer, and the mythical Wild Hunt. The post-credit scene reveals a wood gathering peasant witnessing a Nilfgaardian invasion, setting the stage for ''The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt''.

The Pyramid. The Soviet Mafia

The 260 pages of the book are divided into 27 chapters.

The first part describes the motives for the Soviet corruption.

The second part shows how Soviet Intelligence finds out about the so called Uzbek Affair.

To the common Russians, some names in this book became synonymous with corruption, nepotism and the Great Cotton Scandal of the late Brezhnev period.

Last, there are a few episodes from the life of Brezhnev's family (Galina Brezhneva and others).

Guns and Roses (Numbers)

Assistant US Attorney Robin Brooks (Michelle Nolden) approaches FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow) at a gun range and thanks him for his help during a previous case. Don receives a phone call to a crime scene while on a date with Robin. When he arrives, he learns that his former girlfriend from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Agent Nikki Davis (Sandra Lindquist), was found dead, supposedly from a suicide. Don, not believing the preliminary findings, asks Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), his brother and a FBI math consultant, to mathematically determine whether she was inclined to commit suicide. Early evidence reveals that she was to retire soon and that the last person she called was Don. The team learns that her husband ATF Agent Richard Davis (Matthew John Armstrong) was supposed to be in Texas but was instead in Mexico. Don goes back to Nikki Davis's house, where Richard Davis, who had just returned from Mexico, walks in on Don. Richard Davis tells Don that she had been diagnosed with cancer and was treating it with expensive experimental drugs from Mexico, hence Richard Davis' visits there.

Charlie's use of a modified version of the Holmes-Rahe stress scale indicates that, due to her involvement in community activities and her excellent record with the ATF, Nikki Davis probably did not commit suicide. At the Davises' house, Charlie, his friend and colleague Dr. Larry Fleinhardt (Peter MacNicol), and FBI Special Agent David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard) then attempt to match the pattern caught by microphones found around the neighborhood with the sound from Nikki Davis' service revolver. Charlie, Larry, and David's test reveals that a second person was in the room the night she died. Coupled with evidence that Richard Davis was involved in weapons smuggling, Charlie's evidence confirms Don's suspicion that she was murdered.

Meanwhile, the FBI team learns that someone tipped off the biker gang under ATF investigation for a series of bank robberies involving high-powered guns. Don goes to Robin to ask her for the ATF's file, but she is upset with him for leaving their date. Once Don tells her the truth about his phone call, she agrees to help him. Don, David, and FBI Special Agent Megan Reeves (Diane Farr) go to the informant's house and find both the informant and Richard Davis dead. They conclude that Richard Davis was at the house to find his wife's killer and that Nikki Davis's killer is eliminating witnesses and investigators. Upon a tip from the Los Angeles Police Department, the FBI team arrests the ringleader of the gang. Don considers holding him without evidence, but Robin tells him not to compromise the investigation. With Charlie's analysis of the DNA found in the Davises' bedroom, the team learns that one of her own teammates, ATF Agent Rho (Eric Steinberg), was behind Nikki Davis' death. While Agent Rho and the biker gang commit another heist, Don and his team arrive on the scene and after a tense gunfight, the bike gang along with Agent Rho are finally arrested.

Afterward, Charlie expresses his concerns about Don's ability to handle the stresses of FBI work to their father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), and they conclude that Don should be able to handle the stresses of his work because of his family ties. Don, taking into consideration Alan's earlier suggestion about dating again, goes to Robin's house to see her.

What Kate Does

2004 (flash-sideways timeline)

In flash sideways, Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly) flees LAX in a taxicab she has hijacked, in which a pregnant Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) is a passenger. The cab driver (David H. Lawrence XVII) bails and Kate lets Claire go, keeping all of Claire's possession in her haste. She drives to a chop shop, where a mechanic (Jeff Kober) frees her from handcuffs. While searching for a new outfit, Kate learns that Claire is pregnant. She returns to where she left Claire, returns her luggage and offers her a ride. She drives Claire to the house of Lindsey Baskum (Jenni Blong), the woman who was supposed to adopt her baby, but Lindsey's husband has left her and, devastated, she no longer wants the child. Claire goes into labor on the doorstep and Kate takes her to the hospital, where Claire's doctor is Ethan Goodspeed (William Mapother). The police later come looking for Kate in the hospital, but Claire covers for her, allowing Kate to escape.

2007 (original timeline)

Following the events of the previous episode, "LA X", Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) has come back to life after apparently dying. The Others, led by Dogen (Hiroyuki Sanada) and his translator Lennon (John Hawkes), wish to speak with Sayid, privately. Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox), however, wishes to go with them and starts a fight. James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway) seizes the opportunity to obtain a gun and announce his departure from the temple, explicitly telling Kate not to follow him. The Others send Kate, Jin-Soo Kwon (Daniel Dae Kim) and two of their own, including Aldo (Rob McElhenney), to bring Sawyer back. Meanwhile, Dogen brings Sayid to a room, where ash is blown on him, followed by being given an electric shock and then burned with a poker. Dogen later explains to Jack that he has diagnosed Sayid as being infected and gives Jack a pill for Sayid to take. Jack refuses and takes the pill himself, which Dogen hurriedly forces him to regurgitate, revealing that the pill is in fact poison. He explains that the infection, upon reaching Sayid's heart, will remove any trace of the person he once was, and adds that it has happened to Jack's half-sister, Claire.

In the jungle, Kate, Jin and the Others come across a trap; Kate activates the trap and overcomes the Others. Jin and Kate split up; Kate follows Sawyer's trail, while Jin begins to search for his wife, Sun-Hwa Kwon (Yunjin Kim). Kate finds Sawyer at the Dharma Initiative's barracks, in the house where he and Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell) had previously lived for three years. He retrieves an engagement ring he had hidden and later talks with Kate at Dharma's dock. He explains that he planned to propose to Juliet and that he blames himself for her death, saying that he convinced her to stay on the island with him because he was lonely. Meanwhile, Jin is caught by the Others, who want to kill him instead of taking him back. Jin runs off but is caught in a beartrap. Suddenly, someone shoots his captors and Jin is shocked to see that the shooter is Claire.

Of Unknown Origin

Mild-mannered everyman Bart Hughes has a great life in New York City. When his wife and child leave for a vacation, Bart stays behind to work on a project that should get him a promotion. Some sort of rodent in his basement starts to bother him and consumes his time. Bart becomes obsessed with it and eventually starts losing his mind while trying to kill the creature, destroying most of his house in the process. The film's title comes from research Bart does and which he shares at a dinner party, stating erroneously that rats have no known origin.

The One About Friends

Cleveland notices how friendless his son, Cleveland Jr. is compared to Rallo and Roberta, and sets out to find him a good friend. However, trying to find a friend for Cleveland Jr. gets a little difficult. Cleveland finds a kid for his son to play basketball with, but instead, the kid throws the basketball at Cleveland, sending him to the ground. Afterwards he runs off with Cleveland's wallet. Another negative setback happens when Cleveland asks another boy to play with Cleveland Jr., while the boy (who turns out to be an undercover cop) thinks that "Cleveland Jr." is Cleveland's nickname for his penis and assumes that he is trying to solicit sex.

Finally, Cleveland finds out that Lester's son, Ernie has no friends, which Cleveland realizes is a perfect opportunity to have his son make friends with another friendless child. It goes well, but things take a turn for the worse. Ernie leaves his family and joins the Brown family, much to their dismay. Ernie is unsanitary and disgusting, which pushes Donna to make Cleveland call child services and get Ernie back in his home.

When a child service employee shows up, he brings Ernie back to his family, but instantly takes him away after he finds out how horrific Ernie's home is. Lester finds out that Cleveland called child services on Ernie, which messes up the relationship between the two.

Cleveland decides to get Ernie back, after he finds Cleveland Jr. miserable. Lester takes Cleveland (and some of Lester's redneck buddies) to Ernie's foster home, to get him back. But negotiations quickly turn sour, before matters turn into a shootout, but the foster parents are armed to the teeth. In the midst of the fight, in which most of the rednecks die, Cleveland convinces the child worker that he could check in on Ernie from time-to-time. Unfortunately, the worker was shot by a stray bullet before he could fully sign the release form, though Cleveland finishes signing for him. Though Lester has got legal custody of his son, the fosters outnumber him. Luckily, Cleveland shoots down a chandelier on them, trapping them.

Lester and Cleveland become friends again, and things end happily despite all the deaths.

Meanwhile, Holt and Tim go to Vegas. Tim, who insinuates he is on ecstasy (which he mistakes for aspirin), has a great time, while Holt begs with the bouncer to let him in, despite looking underage and leaving his ID at his mom's house.

Thieves (1996 film)

Justin, a ten-year-old boy living in a small town in the Rhône-Alpes region, is awaken in the middle of the night. His mother, Mireille is crying and his widower grandfather, Victor, tells the boy that his father, Ivan, is dead. The next day, Alex, Justin's uncle and Ivan's younger brother, arrives for the funeral accompanied by a young woman, Juliette. Justin notice the tension between the adults. He takes his father's gun and hides it. The story flashes backward and forward to explain what led up to Ivan's death.

Alex, who has rebelled against his family by becoming a cop, works in the deprived La Duchere district of Lyon. He begins with his encounter, a year before Ivan's death, when he first meets Juliette, who is brought to his office when she was arrested for shoplifting. He lets her off. He sees her again one day when he visits the sleazy nightclub run by his older brother, Ivan. Ivan is a crime boss and runs a popular club with a drag revue, funding his business through a stolen-auto ring headed up by Jimmy, who is Juliette's brother. The encounter between the siblings on opposite sides of the law is tense, they barely get along. Ivan is happy to show Alex that he is doing much better than him on the wrong side of the law. After their second encounter Alex and Juliette start a tortured affair beginning to meet regularly for sex. He is not in love with her, and their relationship is complicated by the young woman's emotional and sexual involvement with Marie, a professor of philosophy. Alex spies on Marie. Ivan hears about Juliette's relationship with Alex and threatens her. Ivan and his gang, including Juliette, plan the theft of cars in a railway deposit.

The heist at the railway marshaling yard goes disastrously wrong when Ivan is shot dead. Juliette, who had been coerced into participating, against Jimmy's wishes, is distraught by Ivan's death. Emotional imbalance and self-destructive, Juliette tries to commit suicide twice, first while staying with her brother and later while visiting Marie, after Ivan's death. Marie has her interned in a psychiatric hospital to recuperate. Alex asks Marie for the address of Juliette's clinic, but she has disappeared. In search of Juliette, Marie visits her housing estate apartment. After Ivan's cremation, Alex makes an effort to connect with his nephew without much success. On a local fair, Justin threatens Alex with a gun. Justin learns the truth about his father's death from his grandfather Victor.

Marie visits Alex, who tells her Juliette was involved in the heist and that he is trying to find her. Alex and Marie develop an uneasy friendship as they bid, from a distance, to protect Juliette. Later Alex visits Marie and finds she has become a recluse, writing a book about Juliette. He tells her Juliette is safe because the police are looking for a boy. Later Alex hears that Marie has committed suicide as he receives her manuscript and the tapes of Juliette's voice in the post. Alex goes to see Juliette in Marseilles, but leaves her alone when he sees she is well from a distance. She has built a new life for herself and works in a bookshop. Justin has taken after his father and grandfather and does not like his uncle. By contrast, Justin gets along very well with Jimmy. Jimmy decides to marry Ivan's widow, Mireille.

Sin (1971 film)

A beautiful but frustrated housewife begins an affair with a former childhood friend. When her suspicious husband starts to show signs of jealousy, the adulterous couple plot to murder him.

The Good Student

Mr. Ronald Gibb (Tim Daly) is a high school history teacher. Although he is depicted as a creative if weak-willed teacher, his students lack interest for the subject matter. One of his students, Ally Palmer (Hayden Panettiere) is a popular teenage girl and local celebrity. She was featured in a television commercial for her father's car dealership.

Mr. Gibb secretly has a crush on Ally. He stares at her inappropriately multiple times a day. One day after school, he overhears Ally and her boyfriend Brett (John Gallagher, Jr.) get into a big argument. She no longer has a ride home from school, so he offers to take her home. Mr. Gibb and Ally are photographed just as she spontaneously kisses him on the lips (to thank him for giving her an unexpected A), and as such the school board deems his behavior unacceptable and unprofessional. She goes missing after he drops her off at her house. The news reports that a kidnapping has occurred. Mr. Gibb is the primary suspect because police officials find evidence that he was with Ally moments before she was kidnapped. The film follows Gibb as he copes with public humiliation and ends with a sudden twist in the final minutes.

The Cult (TV series)

A few years prior to the starting of the series, a number of people started disappearing, later turning up in a mysterious compound, known as "Two Gardens". Amongst these people were Ryan Lewis, Andy Wills and Jenni Seger. Years later, another group of people, the relatives of Ryan, Andy and Jenni, receive pictures of their loved ones in "Two Gardens". They each learn of the fellow liberators seeking to find their loved ones and decide to band together to rescue the trio and the great mystery surrounding their disappearance...

Situated several kilometres away from the compound, the liberators meet at a nearby lodge, known as "The Glen" - Michael Lewis who is looking for his sons Ryan and Nathan, Andy's wife Gina Delaney and sister Annabelle, British couple Harris and Frances Seger the parents of Jenni, accompanied by their assistant heavyweight, Hugo and Daniel, another Brit looking for his girlfriend Hannah.

During a ride with Michael Lewis, Daniel disappears in the car crash, leading Michael and the other liberators to believe that he'd been kidnapped. The Liberators find out that the cult Two Gardens is being led by a man named Edward North, and that it is their loved ones' choice to stay there. After breaking into Two Gardens, in a quest to rescue their loved ones, they find a missing Jenni, (who was being looked after by a man who lived in the forest) and later, Michael's son, Nathan.

After finding Jenni, they realise something isn't right with her, as she appears to be in an unresponsive and trance-like state and appears to have Heterochromia in her right eye, something she didn't have before. In order to try to find out what is going on in Two Gardens, they manage to kidnap the resident doctor, Cynthia Ross, with very limited success. The doctor refuses to reveal what she knows, leading eventually to Harris and Frances begging new accomplice and apparent 'de-programmer' Sophie to torture Cynthia for the information they so desperately need.

During the night, Jenni is taken back to Two Gardens and the next day, during Cynthia's escape, Hugo is shot. Gina, attempting to get Andy back, is kidnapped but is told by Edward that they share something, but he won't tell her what. He does decide to let her see Andy, who it is revealed, has cancer and is slowly dying because of this. Hannah decides to tell Edward she is pregnant with Ryan's baby. However, under orders from Edward, Cynthia poisons the water supply in the well to make it look like Gina did it. Gina watches as Andy gives into the cancer and dies. After she is freed she tells everyone that Andy is dead. Andy is the taken to the "white room" where his left eye is injected with something and he is stabbed in the stomach, showing his "revival".

From here on we see flashbacks of the characters' pasts. Gina tries to save a woman from her violent boyfriend but is thrown in front of a car for "interfering", leaving her dead for 44 minutes. Michael, suffering an aneurysm and Frances also, it is revealed, die for exactly 44 Minutes. Edward, who it appears has discovered these coincidences, begins to believe that they will lead this world into an era of peace and wants to bring them together. We learn Sophie is a highly skilled cult de-programmer and mother of one, whose young daughter is later kidnapped and presumed dead. On the surface, Sophie appears to ally herself with the Liberators, however a darker side is revealed (unbeknownst to the Liberators), and it is likely that Sophie is seeking revenge for her missing daughter. It is at this point that Sophie can be seen working with a group of people who don't want "The Commencement" (what Edward wishes to happen) to go ahead.

Towards the end of the series, we learn Edward, along with Daniel, also died for 44 minutes and this event brings them together, leading to the establishment of Two Gardens. Edward's plan for "The Commencement" is almost complete, and he works with Sophie to kidnap all Liberators and bring them to Two Gardens. Upon returning to spot where the friends were kidnapped, Michael gets a call from Daniel who claims he escaped from Two Gardens, and asks him to meet back at "The Glen". Upon returning to the Glen with Sophie, they catch him out lying, and manage to knock him out then go to his motel to find out what's going on.

In Daniel's motel room, Michael and Sophie discover are folders of all those who died for 44 minutes, along with the startling revelation that it appeared to have happened on the same day and that it seems as though they were "Chosen" for something. Daniel then wakes up. Michael is disbelieving of Daniel's claims but Daniel does tell him that Edward is a loose cannon and that the people of Two Gardens, including Ryan, are in grave danger. Daniel exposes Sophie's lies to Michael and he's forced to side with Daniel and go into Two Gardens to try to stop Edward and The Commencement before it's too late.

Meanwhile, the group working with Sophie turns out to be an anti-cult group, and with plans to wipe out everyone at Two Gardens. Once inside, in a desperate attempt to save Ryan, Annabelle is fatally shot, with Cynthia unable to save her. Cynthia makes her escape with Hannah, her latest test subject. With it all over, and everyone finally free of Two Gardens, Daniel comes in and tells a saddened Edward that he, Daniel, now has Michael. The anti-cult group walks in, and Daniel tells them that Edward is all theirs.

And Soon the Darkness (2010 film)

Two young American women, Stephanie and Ellie, are backpacking through South America. On their last day in Argentina, they decide to stay in a small hotel. After a drunken night at the local bar, where they encounter some of the local men, the two miss the bus that was supposed to take them to their next destination. Since the bus only comes once per day, they decide to head down to the nearby river to relax and enjoy their extra day off.

The trip takes a turn for the worse when the two are separated after a heated argument, and Ellie is kidnapped. While Stephanie desperately searches for her friend, she is joined by Michael, an American who claims to be looking for his girlfriend who disappeared months before.

The duo is assisted by the town's only police officer, who acts oddly suspicious. Stephanie finds the hide-out where the kidnapper has taken Ellie and manages to rescue her, but Ellie is later killed in the escape by the man who kidnapped her.

The policeman appears and lures Stephanie into his car. By finding her passport there, she understands that the lone police officer was behind all the missing girls. Michael grabs the policeman's weapon. The policeman offers to trade Michael's girlfriend, Camila, for Stephanie. Michael agrees but is shot by the policeman using a second weapon.

Stephanie is taken by the policeman and the kidnapper to be sold. This time she escapes herself by jumping off a boat and kills the kidnapper. On the shore, she is caught by the buyer and the policeman, but escapes again. She is eventually able to kill the policeman near the Paraguayan border.

Almost Human (1974 film)

A bunch of thieves kidnap a boy in a red hoodie from his mother's arms. This is followed by an action-packed car chase full of breaking boxes, defacing cars, and slim getaways. The chase ends when the kidnappers are saved by an oncoming train, which cuts off the police from their trail. They find this a perfect opportunity to dump the kid and make their getaway. The boy is returned to his family but the kidnappers' gang beat them up for their failure.

Following a castration threat, the kidnapper/thief goes home to rape his girlfriend. Following this, he robs a cigarette dispenser and stabs the beat cop who catches him. This leads to a detective to start asking questions. The following day, while the thief is picking up his aforementioned girlfriend from her office, he notices the young brown-haired daughter of his girlfriend's boss, and decides to kidnap her. After a love-making session with his girlfriend in her apartment, the kidnapper leaves to find his friend and convinces him to join his plan. We are shown how tough a cop the detective is through a cut scene. The protagonist (kidnapper) and his gang start stalking the girl while she's playing tennis with her father and his friends. Using his girlfriend's stolen red car, the thieves go buy guns from an old confidant ("Papa") of theirs. The guns are worth 100 thousand lira each and, if they kill someone, their confidant keeps their deposit. Not wanting to pay their confidant the deposit, they murder Papa and his staff, and make their escape.

They then catch up with their target while she is discussing her future with the boy she wants to marry in his car in the middle of a forest. Her boyfriend shows his reluctance to marry her unless she refuses her inheritance on the basis of principle. The girl refuses and starts making out with her boyfriend against his will. The kidnappers then attack and kidnap her and murder her boyfriend. However, the girl then escapes into the forest until she reaches a bungalow where she is taken in, and the family agree to protect her. The bad guys break in nevertheless, murdering everyone, including a young child, and run off with the girl, who they stash in an abandoned ship yard. After returning his girlfriend's car to her, he murders her by drowning and disposes of her car.

During all this, the inspector gets a lead when three bad guys make a ransom call and ask for "No Police interference". While posting a ransom letter that they had forced the girl to write, one of the thieves realizes the cops have discovered the murder of the daughter of his girlfriend's boss. The cops conclude all the murders and thefts were by the same gang. Deducing the kidnappers knew the girlfriend, the cops decide to visit her apartment. The protagonist notices this and follows them back to his own apartment and sees them discover his connection to the whole mess. Scared, he calls his acquaintance, the guy who had beat him up, and asks for a deal. He then goes to the police and acts innocent to throw off suspicion from himself. When he and the detective visit the acquaintance, he covers for his "friend", and then threatens the kidnapper with castration again.

After the cops start closing in on him, the protagonist goes insane and murders the hostage (the girl), a shoot-out ensues, and only the protagonist survives. He runs off to hide, but the detective finds him the next day and shoots him in the head.

The Vagabond Lover

Rudy Bronson is a senior in a small college in the Midwest. While in school, he completes a correspondence course in the saxophone, given by the nationally known Ted Grant. Bronson and his friends form a band, but have difficulty finding work. Believing that Grant will help them land professional jobs, the band heads to the Long Island, New York home of Grant. Once there, they pester Grant for an interview, to the point where Grant leaves his home, along with his manager, to stay in New York City, until Bronson gives up and goes home.

After Grant has left, his next door neighbor, Mrs. Whitehall, grows suspicious of the unknown young men hanging around his house. Thinking they might be burglars, she calls the police. Whitehall and her niece, Jean, go over to Grant's house to confront Bronson. Thinking quickly, one of Bronson's friends introduce him as Ted Grant, who Whitehall, despite being neighbors, has never met. The police are still suspicious, but when Bronson and his band plays for them, they believe he is Grant. In fact, Whitehall is so impressed, and slightly embarrassed over having called the police, that she hires Bronson's band to play at a charity concert.

As they are waiting for the day of the concert to arrive, Bronson and Jean become romantically involved, and the band becomes relatively successful. However, on the night before the charity event, Jean discovers that Bronson has been impersonating Grant, and while she doesn't go public with her discovery, she is understandably quite upset with Bronson's subterfuge. However, another socialite does report Bronson to the police, but before he can be arrested, Grant returns and claims credit for discovering Bronson and his band. The band becomes a great success, and Bronson is reconciled with Jean.

The Quiet Room (1996 film)

''The Quiet Room'' centers on an unnamed little girl and how she deals with her parents' crumbling marriage. The film focuses entirely on her point of view and although she is silent for most of the film, we constantly hear her thoughts, sometimes in a stream of consciousness barrage of voice-over. The little girl has chosen to become mute as a way to protest her parents' constant fighting. Her parents, more concerned with their own issues, believe their daughter is just going through a phase. The film shows how even very young children can be extremely cognizant of problems that are going on in their own homes even when their parents try hard to shield them from everything.

The girl learns other ways to communicate with her parents. Through her drawings, she expresses her desire of owning a dog and how she believes they will be happier as a family if they lived in the country instead of in their tiny apartment in the city. During flashbacks, we see when her parents were happy and still in love. The girl, perhaps intentionally as a way to cope, confuses tenses (thinking "I'm little now..." instead of "when I was little..."). But even then, she catches glimpses of her parents' dysfunctional relationship, such as when her father spits in her mother's face after she yells at him. Her parents don't notice she is in the room but the memory leaves a long-lasting impression on her. In the present, her anxiety manifests itself through waking nightmares where she imagines wild animals escaping from the zoo and coming to get her. At the end of the film, she hides herself in her parents' wardrobe to escape their bickering. After a while, she falls asleep in an uncomfortable position. When she wakes up, she is too stiff to move. Unable to escape on her own, the little girl finally breaks down and calls out for help and her parents, who had thought she ran away, rush to her aid.

The girl gives her parents one last drawing. In it, she successfully conveys her feelings of being overwhelmed by her parents' constant fighting and how she feels less motivated to speak the more she hears them argue. As she hands it to them, she says, "This is how I feel. That's how ''you'' make me feel." Finally hearing their daughter for the first time and realizing the effect their behaviour has on hers, her parents announce that they're going to move to the country. When they also promise her a dog, she becomes so ecstatic that she starts singing incessantly and dancing around her room.

Freddy and the Dragon

Back from a trip, Freddy is surprised that many in Centerboro want him arrested. Considerable property damage has been done by a gang including a pig looking like Freddy. Investigating, Freddy shows that damage done in one case could not have been done by him. He is still under suspicion, and is called for an unpleasant police questioning. He instructs the A.B.I. (Animal Bureau of Investigation) to search the countryside, and immediately discovers a bull who has been damaging farms and crops. Freddy's perfume-filled water pistols turn the bull Percy into a smelly laughing stock. He is subdued and they capture him.

The search for the gang continues. Most of Centerboro thinks Freddy is responsible for the crimes, but not the “solid” citizens. Since Freddy is the president of his animal bank, the town's human banker vouches for him:

:"'You think that because he is a banker, he is incapable of committing a crime?'... :'Sir,' said Mr. Weezer, 'when a banker commits a crime, it is a big crime, a first-class crime, a crime on a scale with his standing in the community.'" (p. 62)

The Bean cow sisters discover that Percy is the father who abandoned them as calves; the bull is unmoved. He refuses to discuss his gang.

Freddy had been asked for a suggestion to help a circus. Now Uncle Ben the inventor suggests creating a fire-breathing dragon.

The gang begins demands for money. Freddy and Jinx the cat lie in ambush at the money drop site, but are terrified by the appearance along a dark road of a headless horseman. Once they have recovered, Freddy learns from the A.B.I. that many of the gang were seen in that area, including a scruffy pig.

Freddy has Samuel Jackson the mole burrow under Percy, to pretend to be his conscience. The mole convinces Percy to behave well, and to reveal the gang's hideout. Percy reforms his manners so successfully that he becomes popular. Freddy avoids arrest on a technicality.

The spiders Mr. and Mrs. Webb are sent to explore the gang's hideout. They discover a huge, complicated cave system, with many animals and people. Once Uncle Ben's dragon is ready the animals stake out the cave. The dragon upsets the headless horseman's activities, but the police are not convinced by the evidence. Scorning the cave map created by the spiders, they send in their own troops.

Although Freddy is in disguise to avoid arrest, he and Jinx intercept a new member coming to join the gang. Breaking into his hotel room, they steal the snake doing robberies. The snake is released far away, and the discouraged owner leaves town.

Some police troopers exploring the cave are missing. The police decide to use the spider's map and the animal's help. The gang is partly captured. The circus is held, and Samuel Jackson's fake medium makes the animal's enemy Mrs. Underdunk look foolish. The animals storm the cave and, with the help of Uncle Ben's atomic station wagon, also trap the headless horseman. The extortion money proves to be in the house of Mr. Anderson — another longstanding enemy. As the series closes, he is finally sent to the penitentiary.

Vanished (2009 film)

Radio show presenter Maly deals with the personal problems of young Cambodians on a controversial nightly phone-in show. In quick succession, her co-host and producer are found dead. Maly is terrified her own life is in danger, even under police protection. As the threats mount and she feels increasingly at her wits’ end, the question for her and the audience is – will she crack before the murderer is caught?

Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove

The infamous pirate Roger Laforge, better known as Jolly Roger, comes back from the dead and kills descendants of his crew who mutinied against him 300 years earlier.

Stargazer (Patrick Carman)

Alexa Daley, the protagonist, had only recently defeated the Abaddon (the main antagonist throughout the series)...or so she thought.

Abaddon was last seen falling back into the black pit in which he was contained, defeated along with Victor Grindall, one of Abaddon's underlings. Abaddon had taken on a new form, a metal serpent of the sea, harnessing the deadly power of electricity.

At Full Gallop

A young boy in post-World War II, Communist-dominated Poland, whose father's decision to remain in the United Kingdom after the war has made his family politically-suspect with the local Party authorities, is sent by his mother to stay with an "aunt" (in reality an old family friend) in the capital, Warsaw. Ida is a strong-willed, single, middle-aged woman who has found her own ways of surviving in the Communist-run society (which sometimes involves her charming powerful older men, as well as maintaining two different sets of identity papers). She gets Hubert admitted to one of the city's best schools by portraying him as the orphan of a war hero. But she also shares with him her own passion for horses, at a time when riding is seen by many officials as a relic of the old aristocratic class. Hubert himself, meanwhile, struggles to understand how it can be right for a good Catholic to lie in order to survive under Communism.

A Yank in Libya

American correspondent Mike Malone uncovers a Nazi plot for an uprising of the Arab tribes in Libya. Pursued by Sheik David and his men, Mike takes refuge in the suite of Nancy Brooks, who is in the British Intelligence. He asks her to hide a gun and escapes through a window. Reporting the affair to British Consul Herbert Forbes, the latter tries to discourage him from further investigation, as the British are aware of the plot and are planning on staging a coup. He goes with Mike to Nancy's apartment, and she denies having ever seen him before. Sheik Ibrahim, next in command of the Arab tribe to Sheik David, is plotting with Nazi agent Yussof Streyer to kill David who is friendly with the British. Mike and Nancy have gone to David's camp, escape from Ibrahim's henchmen, and get back to El Moktar before the Arabs attack the garrison.

Long Weekend (1978 film)

The story concerns a couple, Peter (Hargreaves) and Marcia (Behets), who, along with their dog, Cricket, go for a weekend camping trip near the beach. It is plain that there is great tension between the couple although it is unclear what is the source of this tension. Marcia, for her part, is not particularly keen on the idea of taking this trip but does so to please Peter. On the way, Peter throws a cigarette butt out the window, accidentally kills a kangaroo, and appears to trespass private property on his approach to a beach that the locals do not seem to know anything about. Once they arrive and set up camp, the couple engages in environmentally destructive actions including the theft and destruction of an eagle's egg, the killing of a dugong, what appears to be the killing of a throng of birds, and the needless partial chopping of trees. Over time, we learn that the source of this rift is an abortion that Marcia had, presumably in secret, because of its being the result of an affair with another man. As tensions between the couple escalate, nature is not pleased with their environmental wrongdoing and starts to strike back, first by an eagle and possum attacking Peter, and then through more insidious means. The film culminates as Marcia reaches her last straw and steals Peter's car, leaving him stranded at the beach. Both of them are left alone for a night to survive the elements. Peter arms himself with a spear-gun that is shot at some point during his troubled night. The next morning, Peter finds Marcia's body, impaled by his spear, and his car abandoned in what appears to be a mesh of spider webs, which he eventually ditches after getting it stuck in mud. Peter finally finds the main road after hours of searching and steps on to the road to wave down a truck, however, a bird attacks the truck driver before seeing Peter, causing him to lose control, hitting and killing Peter.

Mr. Boggs Steps Out

Government statistician Oliver Boggs wins a large monetary prize from a cinema for correctly guessing the amount of beans in a barrel. His elder business associate advises him to leave his dead end depressing job and do something rewarding. When the pair's boss abuses the elder man, Boggs quits and decides to purchase a barrel manufacturing company in a small town. Boggs discovers that all the business in the town is dead due to the Great Depression. Boggs and his barrel company adviser Oleander Tubbs bring in a variety of unusual methods and ingenuity to bring prosperity to the town.

Hiroshima Showa 20 nen 8 Gatsu Muika

In the summer 2005, an old gentleman began to talk about a "sixty years ago story" to the school study trip students in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

It was a story about three sisters and one brother, when residents' houses, offices, shops restaurants, hospitals, schools, temples, hotels,... were used to be there in around the peace park.

Back to July 16, 1945, end of World War II, the town used to be called "Tenjin-cho", one of the towns in Horoshima, there were people's life as the real town.

"Shinobu" as the eldest sister of Yajima family, was running her Yajima-Ryokan which was given from her dead parents. She was taking care of her younger sisters and a brother.

The second elder sister, "Nobuko" was teaching at primary school as a substitute teacher, she has wished to change something, even during the war.

The third sister, "Maki" was a high school student, was working hard for a factory as one of the mobilized students at wartime.

The youngest brother, "Toshiaki", loved flowers and animals, sweet, kind and good boy, but he had been called into the armed forces. He didn't wanted to show his fear to his sisters. But, only Shinobu had noticed that he was crying to his dog "Goro" at night. A boy who loved creatures, how come he had to go to the war.

And a few days later, after Toshiaki left his family, the light went off, but his dog gave them a feel better.

One day, Maki met a school girl "Mika" who was playing ballet at the factory. When Maki saw that Mika had treat badly by a factory officer, Maki took Mika's hand to escape from the factory.

Nobuko took her students to play in a mountain because she felt her students were got tired from their demolishing buildings for a firebreak. But, it was notified by a military police and then caught.

Shinobu tried to ask them Maki to free. At the time, Shinobu received a letter from "Michiaki" who asked Shinobu to get married with him.

Towers of Midnight

Perrin Aybara and Egwene al'Vere

Moving through Ghealdan, Perrin Aybara and his followers encounter the Children of the Light, of whom Jaret Byar and Dain Bornhald accuse Perrin (correctly) of killing two of their colleagues. When Galad Damodred discovers his stepmother Morgase Trakand among the refugees, Galad and Perrin agree to a trial with Morgase as the judge under Andoran law. Perrin reveals his ability to speak with wolves and claims as his defense the fact that the two men killed his wolf friends; but Morgase judges Perrin guilty of "illegal killing" under an obscure law governing mercenaries. Perrin agrees to abide by Galad's ruling after Tarmon Gai'don; but Galad does not immediately pronounce sentence.

Faile Bashere and Berelain sur Paendrag agree that Berelain will publicly denounce the rumors that Perrin and Berelain were paramours during Faile's imprisonment; whereafter Berelain attaches herself to Galad. Nae'blis Moridin charges fellow Forsaken Graendal with killing Perrin; and he gives her a ter'angreal called a "dreamspike", one of two he possesses, that hinders both Traveling and movement in the real world, as well as the service of his minion Isam. Graendal orders Isam to plant the device so that Perrin's Asha'man Jur Grady and Fager Neald cannot form gateways, enabling her to destroy his forces with an army of Trollocs. Perrin enters into the dream world to remove it, but is attacked by Isam in the process. Despite superior numbers due to the wolves helping him, Isam's mastery of the dream world enables him to easily kill several wolves. Not wanting anyone else to be hurt, Perrin takes the dreamspike and lures Isam away, despite his movement being limited by the device, eventually reaching Tar Valon, with Isam in pursuit.

Egwene al'Vere plots to find the Forsaken Mesaana, while also dealing with a series of murders of Aes Sedai, but refuses to bond Gawyn Trakand as a Warder due to his disobedience; and when he confronts an intruder outside Egwene's chambers, it disrupts the wards she had set against Mesaana. Gawyn, while visiting Elayne in Caemlyn, learns that the murders are the work of 'Bloodknives', the Seanchan's assassins. Egwene arranges a meeting of the Hall of the Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod with the hidden agenda of drawing Mesaana into a trap while attending another secret meeting of Aes Sedai, Aiel Wise Ones, and Sea Folk Windfinders, to discuss cooperation among the channeling women of the three cultures. However, rather than simply spying on the Hall as intended, Mesaana and the Black Ajah immediately attack, causing a battle to ensue, with the dreamspike moved by Perrin keeping Mesaana from escaping. Mesaana attempts to hold Egwene with an a'dam; but Egwene's mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod enables her to break Mesaana's mind. Gawyn returns to Tar Valon to stop three Bloodknives from killing Egwene; whereupon Egwene awakens and bonds with Gawyn, whom she agrees to marry.

On the Tower grounds, Hopper and Perrin fight Isam, and Isam kills Hopper, forever ending any chance of a rebirth for the wolf. Perrin destroys the dreamspike by dropping it into a nightmare that has taken the form of a volcano. Perrin escapes from Isam by returning to the real world. Perrin feels compelled to forge a war hammer, and Neald discovers a Talent for creating a Power-forged weapon, resulting in a hammer that Perrin names ''Mah'alleinir'', "he who soars" in the Old Tongue. Meanwhile, Galad's Children are unaware that they are about to be ambushed by the Trolloc army intended for Perrin. Perrin's army attacks first, destroying the Trollocs and saving the Children. Galad sets a light sentence for Perrin's crimes: he must make financial restitution to the families of the two slain men and he must fight in the Last Battle. Jaret Byar attempts to kill Perrin, but Byar is instead killed by Dain Bornhald, who no longer believed that Perrin killed his father Geofram due to the inability of Byar to give evidence in favor of the charge at the trial. Galad accepts Perrin's proposal to join Perrin's force and swears to remain under Perrin's command until the last battle is over.

The Dark One's hand, Shaidar Haran, blames Forsaken Graendal for the deaths of three Forsaken (Mesaana, Aran'gar, and Asmodean), and begins to punish her.

Mat Cauthon and Elayne Trakand

Mat Cauthon meets Andoran Queen Elayne Trakand in Caemlyn to discuss building "dragons" (artillery) to former Illuminator Aludra's specifications. They bargain over who gets to keep how many dragons, and Mat agrees to let Elayne borrow the foxhead ter'angreal he wears to block the One Power, so that she can make copies.

Elayne uses an angreal to weave a disguise, in an attempt to impersonate one of the Forsaken. She questions Black Sister Chesmal, but she is exposed after the arrival of Chesmal's Black Sisters Eldrith and Temaile, as well as the secretary of House Caeren's head Sylvase. She uses Mat's ter'angreal and a copy of it she made to defeat them, but after a surprise appearance by her Darkfriend former guard Doilen Mellar, she loses both medallions to him. In desperation, she uses the One Power to collapse the roof on him. She regains the original ter'angreal, but Mellar escapes with a copy.

Mat and Talmanes lure the gholam into a trap; after battling the creature into a burning building, Mat wounds it with Elayne's copies of his own medallion, and forces it into a Skimming gateway wherein he corners and pushes into the endless void, dooming to fall forever.

When Perrin and his group arrive, Morgase convinces Elayne to let Perrin administer the Two Rivers under Andoran rule. Elayne uses the dragons, and a promise of estates in Andor for Cairhienin nobles, to convince the Cairhienen to make her queen of Cairhien, uniting the kingdoms of Andor and Cairhien.

Mat, Thom Merrilin, and Noal enter the Tower of Ghenjei to rescue Moiraine Damodred, who has been thought dead since she fell through a ter'angreal portal while battling the Forsaken Lanfear. Guided by his luck through an extra-dimensional labyrinth, the three ward off the cunning Eelfinn with fire, music and the threat of iron weapons. Upon finding her, Mat strikes a bargain with the Eelfinn for safe passage outside, offering them 'half the light of the world'-his left eye plucked mercilessly from its socket. Though they begin to leave, the snake-like Aelfinn chase after them, Mat having left them out of the prior bargain. Noal, revealing himself as the folk hero Jain Farstrider, offers to stay behind and buy the others time to escape. Driven to a dead end, hope seems dead, until Mat realizes his ''ashandarei'' polearm is their key to safe passage from the Tower, rending the walls and earning their freedom. Safe outside, Moiraine awakes to reveal herself severely weakened in the One Power due to her capture (though in possession of a supremely powerful ''angreal''), and in love with Thom, who gladly reciprocates. As they share news of the world with her, they prepare to find Rand before the Last Battle is begun.

Rand al'Thor

Fresh from his soul-saving epiphany on the slopes of Dragonmount, Rand al'Thor proceeds to the world to fight the Dark One's touch, his positive demeanor righting the wrongs the Shadow had been allowed to perpetrate. Much to the surprise of all involved, he then embarks to the White Tower to deliver a stunning announcement to Egwene al'Vere, the Amyrlin Seat: he intends to shatter the remaining seals on the Dark One's prison in order to erect a more permanent replacement. Unable to convince him of the dangers, she concedes to meet him in one month's time at the Fields of Merrilor at his request. Desperate to delay what she could only believe was the doom of the world, Egwene hastens a plan to unite the nations of the world in hopes of stopping the Dragon's seeming madness.

After dispelling a pair of powerful Darkfriends within his own ranks of Tairens, he Travels with Min Farshaw to the ruined port of Bandar Eban, which he had abandoned to starvation and decay. His demeanor and influence brightened, he quickly proceeds to set the city right on its feet, feeding the hungry and raising the downtrodden. He then heads north to the beleaguered fortress of Maradon, the main city of Saldaea, seized by countless Shadowspawn descended from the Blight. Though bravely fought by forces commanded by famed general Rodel Ituralde, the forces of Light are hopelessly overwhelmed, the city on the brink of destruction. Enraged by the plight of the men he had nearly consigned to death, Rand places himself at the forefront of the Shadow's assault, and repels the horde of tens of thousands single-handedly with an unimaginable amount of the One Power. Unfortunately he is unable to help the nations of Kandor and Arafel which also are overwhelmed by Shadowspawn.

He now prepares to parley with the forces of the nations gathered at the Fields of Merrilor, poised precipitously close to the Blight border, and the advent of ''Tarmon Gai'don''. At the end of the book, while sleeping at the Fields of Merrilor, the night before the parley, Rand hears a scream in a dream of a woman he does not recognize. Her face is different but he knows she is Mierin Eronaile, also known as Lanfear. She begs him to help her escape from the torture but the wall falls away and she tumbles into darkness.


Meanwhile, finally allowed to undertake the final test to becoming a Wise One, Aviendha journeys through the Aiel Waste, making her way to the ancient city of Rhuidean. During her trek, a wandering Aiel named Nakomi visits her and asks to share her fire; after beginning an innocuous conversation, the mysterious woman muses to Aviendha about the fate of the Aiel, once their ''toh'' to the Dragon has been met. The question perplexes Aviendha, and worries her, as it seems the Aiel might lose purpose and meaning once the Last Battle was fought. After arriving in Rhuidean and passing the final trial of the crystal columns (a comprehensive history of the 'shame' of the Aiel, as seen through her ancestor's eyes), she attempts to learn more of the ''ter'angreal'' through which she had just passed by touching them. This inadvertently reveals to Aviendha what may be the future of the Aiel, where her own descendants begin a chain of events that would allow the Seanchan to overtake the wetlands, drive the Aiel into hiding, and systematically reduce them to pathetic scavengers, all knowledge of ''ji'e'toh'' abandoned, and finally driven to extinction. Faced with this crushing possibility, Aviendha leaves Rhuidean to find Rand, desperate for any chance to right this grim future.

The Black Tower

Mazrim Taim is ruling the black tower with an iron fist. Logain has been absent from the Black Tower for some time. Several of the Aes Sedai who have traveled to the tower originally sent by the leader of the Red Ajah have been given permission to bond some of the Soldiers and Dedicated; however, none have been bonded. The entirety of the Tower is guarded, entry and exit are strictly monitored, and the behavior of many Aes Sedai and Asha'man have changed significantly and disturbingly; some of Taim's most ardent detractors seem only to sing his praises, and behave as if in hollow imitation of themselves. Gateways fail upon construction, confining those within Tower grounds to the watch of Taim and his faithful. A small group of Soldiers and Dedicated, including Androl Genhald, Emarin, Jonneth, Canler and the Two Rivers Asha'man, denied the Dragon even though their skills may warrant it, take notice of the darkness that seems to grip the Tower and its inhabitants, and desperately try to glean Taim's intentions while managing their own escape to Logain and the Dragon Reborn.

The Cemetery Club

Based on the play by Ivan Menchell, this comedy-drama concerns three friends, Doris (Olympia Dukakis), Lucille (Diane Ladd), and Esther (Ellen Burstyn). All three live in the same Jewish community in Pittsburgh, are in their mid-to-late 50s, and have become widows within the past few years. Once a week, they gather to visit their husbands' graves and meet at a deli afterward to talk about their lives.

Doris remains fiercely devoted to her late husband and takes her responsibilities as a widow seriously. Lucille is eager to get her feet back in the waters of dating, partly as revenge against her late husband, who often cheated on her, and partly because she's very lonely by herself. Esther is also not used to being alone after 39 years of marriage, but she doesn't feel ready to start dating again, at least not until she meets Ben (Danny Aiello), a former cop turned cab driver who gradually but firmly eases his way into her life.

Doris is appalled when she discovers that Esther is dating again and loudly protests that she's being disrespectful to her late husband, while Lucille is more than a bit jealous that Esther snagged a good man before she could. All of which comes to fruition at the wedding of their friend Selma (Lainie Kazan).

Cover (film)

A woman accused could be either a killer or a victim in this psychological drama from director Bill Duke. Valerie Mass is a God-fearing housewife and artist who one day finds herself in a situation she never imaged possible—being questioned on murder charges by no-nonsense police detective Hicks and Simmons, a district attorney eager to close this case.

As Valerie repeatedly insists she's not a murderer, she tells the story of the last several months of her life. Valerie's husband, Dutch, is a psychiatrist with a practice in Atlanta who was offered a high-paying job by his old friend Monica, who works at a hospital in Philadelphia. Dutch takes the job and Valerie dutifully follows, and she seeks solace in the women's support group at local church.

Dutch spends more and more time with drug-abusing Monica, her wealthy but uninterested husband, Kevin, and obsessively womanizing musician Ryan Chambers. As Valerie's marriage begins to fall apart, she suspects her husband is being unfaithful, but she's shocked to discover the truth is more complicated than she imagined.

The Refrigerator (film)

The film opens with a couple drunk driving through the streets of New York. Upon arriving at their apartment, they make love in front of the kitchen. Afterwards, the wife walks into the kitchen whereupon the refrigerator opens up and sucks her in.

Steve & Eileen Bateman move to New York, renting the apartment with the killer refrigerator. Steve takes a new job, while Eileen dreams of becoming a performer. She pretends to receive an award then walks all over Broadway.

Steve, Nanny and Eileen begin to have nightmares about the refrigerator: Steve sees mini people inside the refrigerator (supposed victims) while Eileen sees unborn babies.

Steve is slowly driven to insanity by the refrigerator's influence, leaving Eileen to cope with her acting career on her own.

Juan, a plumber, comes to the apartment one night, warning Eileen that her refrigerator is from hell and the devil controls it.

Steve, Nanny and Eileen throw a party at their apartment one night. The refrigerator brings the other kitchen appliances to life and begins slaughtering the guests. Juan ties the refrigerator shut, and the surviving guests flee. Later, another couple is shown interested in buying the apartment.

Kir Ianulea

Introductory episodes

The narrative opens with the rally of all devils, as ordered by "the Overlord of Hell" Dardarot. Probably a replica version of Astaroth, the latter confesses being intrigued by the large number of human victims who claim to have sinned only because of women, and indicates that he considers a method for verifying the truth in this claim. Dardarot decides to send "the little one", Aghiuță ("Hell's Bells" or "Dickens"), into an extended investigation on Earth. Although received with displays of fatherly affection by Dardarot, the boy is reluctant to perform such tasks, since, as the narrator informs, he is not on his first mission among humans: previously, he had served an old woman, and forced by her to expend his energy on the futile task of straightening a curly hair. Unimpressed, Dardarot provides him with 100,000 gold coins (the bounty confiscated from a stingy mortal), with the indication that he is to marry and live with his human wife for ten years. Transformed into a handsome young mortal and evicted from Hell by his moody overlord, Aghiuță decides to head for Bucharest, a city with "room for parties" and many business opportunities. He arrives in the Wallachian capital and books a room at Manuc's Inn, before renting a cluster of townhouses and gardens in Negustori area (the merchants' district, close to Colțea Hospital).

The new guest intrigues Aghiuță's new landlord, who sends the old and cunning housekeeper Marghioala to engage him in conversation and find out his story. Recommending himself as Ianulea "of Arvanite stock", the young man explains that he is from near Mount Athos (''Sfântagora''), in Ottoman Greece, the son of olive tree planters. He provides an elaborate story about his early years, claiming that both his parents died at sea, while taking him on pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem—victims of bowel obstruction caused by eating beans after radishes. He recounts having been kept on as a servant and boy seaman by the brutal captain of the ship, and having survived a number of near shipwrecks, and then purchasing his own vessel. After further such adventures, Aghiuță-Ianulea claims, he had been able to amass a fortune and settle in a peaceful country. He also boasts knowledge of several languages without access to formal studies, and claims that his knowledge of Romanian will put Wallachian locals to shame. In the end, Ianulea threatens Marghioala not to share his secret with anyone else, aware that such a warning will only entice her to spread the story around the neighborhood.

Ianulea's marriage

Rumor spreads of Ianulea's fortune and the young man, referred to as a ''kir'' ("sir", from the Greek κύρ), becomes the center of interest in high society, being invited to events organized by boyars and merchants alike. The details of his account become well-known, his deeds magnified by popular imagination, and, as a consequence, the entire neighborhood is convinced that beans should never be eaten after radishes. Meanwhile, Ianulea begins courting Acrivița, the daughter of unsuccessful trader Hagi Cănuță, who is beautiful and well-proportioned, but has mild esotropia. Although she can offer him no dowry, he decides to marry her, and their wedding is an occasion for Ianulea to display his insatiable taste for luxury. The day after their union, Acrivița (also referred to as ''Ianuloaia'', "Ianulea's woman") undergoes a sudden change in character from "gentle and amendable" to "tougher and uppity", entitling herself master of the household and exercising control over her husband's affairs. She is also increasingly jealous, constantly spying on her husband and ordering her servants to do the same, but does not feel accountable for her own actions. She therefore hosts lavish parties and card game sessions in her husband's house, and irritates him by defaming her own friends. During one such gathering, she informs her guests that a female acquaintance of hers has been fornicating with one of the Wallachian Prince's sons, with a consul of the Russian Empire, and even, after being banished to Căldărușani Monastery, with an Orthodox monk. Acrivița also claims that the unnamed friend plots to "break" her household by committing adultery with Ianulea. This enrages Ianulea, and the couple begin shouting abuse at each other, while their stunned guests look on.

The Ianuleas eventually reconcile and the kir is placated, addressing his wife as ''parigboria tu kosmu'' (παρηγοριά του κόσμου, "consolation of the world"). Unbeknown to him, Acrivița has by then begun selling various objects of value in his property to feed her gambling habit. Tricking Ianulea with displays of her affection, she also persuades him to provide a dowry for her two unmarried sisters, as well as capital for her two brothers' respective businesses. Ianulea proceeds to service this and other whims ("had she asked for the Colțea Belfry on a silver platter, kir Ianulea would have brought it to her on a silver platter"). As a result, Ianule's fortune is steadily depleted, and he comes to rely on expected proceeds from his investment in the business of his brothers-in-law, while steadily falling into debt. While his credit rating crumbles, Acrivița's itinerant siblings return with bad news: one has lost his ship in front of İzmir, the other has been robbed at the Leipzig Trade Fair.

Ianulea's only option is to flee Bucharest in a haste and escape his creditors. As he rides past Cuțitul de Argint Church, he notices that he is being pursued by armed guards, sent by the Bucharest ''Aga'' to lock him into a debtors' prison. He abandons his horse and runs up a hill and into a vineyard, pleading with the keeper to provide him with shelter. The latter, who presents himself as Negoiță, reluctantly accepts to do so when Ianulea assures him that his pursuers are not boyars. In exchange for his help, Ianulea lets him on his secret identity, and promises to reward him. He explains: "Whenever you hear that the devil's got into a woman, a wife, or a girl, whatever, no matter the place where they live and no matter what station in life they have, you should know it's about me that they're talking. You go right away to the respective house for I won't leave the woman until you chase me out... Naturally that seeing you cure their precious jewel they will offer you a reward".

Negoiță's fortune

The devil leaves the vineyard, and the focus moves on Negoiță. Catching rumor of a demonic possession in Colentina neighborhood, where a rich girl has come to speak in tongues, shouting and divulging all sorts of embarrassing secrets. The vineyard keeper promises to relieve her suffering in exchange for 100 gold coins, and Ianulea subsequently fulfills his promise. He scolds Negoiță for accepting such a small amount, and informs that he should make his way for Craiova, where they are going to repeat their act with the daughter of a local administrator, the ''kaymakam''. This happens exactly as predicted by the devil, who, upon exiting the girl's body, informs the peasant that he no longer considers himself indebted.

As thanks for his service, Negoiță is granted an Oltenian estate and assigned a boyar's title. His blissful relaxation is interrupted abruptly when the ''kaymakam'' orders him on mission to Bucharest, where the Phanariote prince's daughter is also being tormented by a demon. Although much troubled, the healer follows princely envoys, and is warmly greeted by the prince (who casually addresses him in Greek, unaware that Negoiță is in reality a local peasant). Nevertheless, the princess strongly rejects the healer's presence, and asks instead for "my old man", a certain Captain Manoli Ghaiduri. The soldier is immediately sent for, and reveals himself to be the girl's secret love interest, a "splendid" Greek from the princely guard. While the princess persistently asks Manoli to mangle the intruding healer, the latter thinks of a ruse: suggesting that the girl's illness needs specialized help, he asks permission to consult with Acrivița Ianulea, "the widow of the wretch", whom he recommends as a better doctor than he. His demand has an instant effect on the princess: instead of shrieking and shouting, she begins cluttering her teeth. Within three days, she is spontaneously relieved of her symptoms.

Negoiță does however proceed to Negustori, learning that Acrivița was chased out of her home by the creditors and moved back in with her father. Once there, he claims to be a debtor of Ianulea's, presenting her with 100 gold coins and a deed to the Cuțitul de Argint vineyard. He manages to intrigue her by suggesting that, should she ever hear of a demon possessing a woman or girl, she is to walk up to the victim, call out ''parigboria tu kosmu'', and recount her longing for Ianulea. She promises to follow his advice, and Negoiță returns to court, before deciding to head out of the city for good. He receives yet more presents from the princely family, as well as emotional thanks from Manoli Ghaiduri. As Negoiță rides out on his way to Oltenia, the devil takes control of another young lady, the daughter of Wallachia's Orthodox Metropolitan. This is Acrivița's opportunity to follow Negoiță's advice, and, as soon as she enters the room, the demon flees in panic. The story ends on Aghiuță's return to Hell, where he requests from Dardarot not to ever accept either Negoiță and Acrivița into Hell, and assign them instead to Heaven: "let Saint Peter make up with them as best he can." He also demands and obtains a period of rest to last three centuries, as "those little affairs down on earth left me dog-tired."

Spliced (TV series)

''Spliced'' is a modern take of H. G. Wells' 1896 science-fiction fantasy, ''The Island of Doctor Moreau''. Spliced marginally distorts Wells' characters in this modern twist by making the mutants the result of genetic experiments created by recombinant DNA rather than Wells' original vivisection process. As with the original story, these experimental results, plus one platypus not in the original story, live on an isolated tropical island that is called "Keep Away Island" in the cartoon. The mad scientist who created them was arrested and removed by authorities via boat. Left to their own devices, these mutated beasts form a functional society.

Pawnee Zoo

The episode opens with Ron (Nick Offerman) saying to Leslie (Amy Poehler), "Here's the situation...", prompting her to go into a full rendition of the rap "Parents Just Don't Understand". Afterward, he tells her someone is on fire at a park and needs immediate assistance. Later, Leslie holds a marriage for two recently acquired penguins to help promote the Pawnee Zoo. Immediately after the marriage, the two penguins begin having sex in front of a crowd of children, who are informed by an adult in the audience that both penguins are actually males. The Bulge, a gay bar in Pawnee, later sends Leslie a wedding cake with two penguins on top to thank her for supporting the gay community. April (Aubrey Plaza) introduces Leslie to her boyfriend Derek (Blake Lee), who himself also has a boyfriend named Ben (Josh Duvendeck), much to Leslie's confusion. They declare her their "hero" for holding the gay penguin wedding, but Leslie insists it was simply a publicity stunt, not a political statement. Nevertheless, Marcia Langman (Darlene Hunt), a member of the Society for Family Stability Foundation, demands she annul the penguin wedding or resign from the parks department.

Ann (Rashida Jones), who has been nursing Mark (Paul Schneider) at the hospital since he fell into the pit, says he has acted much nicer since the incident. Ann also reveals she has broken up with Andy (Chris Pratt). Mark and Leslie kissed before he fell, but both insist they are just friends. Mark tries to ask Ann out, but she declines out of respect for Leslie's friendship. Meanwhile, the Bulge holds a party in Leslie's honor, which she attends along with Tom (Aziz Ansari) to announce she has not taken a political stand. However, she accepts the free drinks they offer her and ends up getting drunk and having a great time. The next day, she is invited to go on the Pawnee Today talk show to discuss her supposed stance on same-sex marriage with Marcia Langman and television host Joan Callamezzo (Mo Collins).

Meanwhile, Andy shows up at Ann's house wearing a fancy suit. He tells her he has matured, gotten an office job and would like to get back together, but Ann declines. The camera follows Andy as he leaves, revealing he is actually living in a tent inside the pit. During the Pawnee Today show, Leslie and Marcia argue fiercely. Leslie insists she has not taken a political position, even after Marcia brings up the recent party at the Bulge. They take several callers, all of whom agree that Leslie should resign. Fed up, Leslie adamantly insists she will not resign, nor will she annul the penguin wedding. Later, she visits Ann and insists that Ann go on a date with Mark. The episode ends with Leslie driving the penguins from the Pawnee Zoo to a zoo in Iowa, where same-sex marriage is legal.

Alien Incident

On Halloween, Benjamin Richards is at his uncle's mansion to bear witness to his newest invention, the "Worm Hole Spawner." Upon activation, a wormhole brings an alien spaceship into the Solar System. The aliens kidnap Benjamin's uncle who the player must rescue in addition to stopping the alien threat.

Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?

The main character, Paul Berlin, is in the Vietnam War. Recently, "Billy Boy" Watkins has died of a heart attack after losing a foot due to a mine. Paul is woken up by a comrade and then takes part in conversation while skirting a village, mostly talking about Watkins's death. Then there are a series of events where Paul thinks about his family back home. He constantly wishes for his parents to be proud of his valor and courage. The irony in this story includes Paul viewing the sea as a place of safety, but once he gets there, he is still unable to rid himself of the fear that embodies him.

Barefoot Gen (TV series)

It was during the end of the war in Hiroshima. People in Japan were facing food shortages, and air bombing day and night. But, the government and its military powers, still continued the hopeless situation, and called young people to send them to battlefields. However, people were received letters that those young people had been lost. At that time in Japan, Daikichi was working as a picture drawer of Japanese footwear Geta. With his wife Kimie, Daikichi worked hard to raise their four little children.

Koji, the eldest brother, was nice and kind to his family. Eiko, the eldest sister, was weak in health, but doing daily chores to help her family. Gen, the naughty but cheerful kid and also nice to his family. And the youngest boy Shinji was a pampered child. And Kimie was pregnant, so they were going to have a new family member. When it is time to harvest the wheat from the fields outside of town, the children look forward to making bread and noodles to eat. Daikichi always said to his children, "Grow up as strong as the wheat".


The novel begins in Albania, where a spy named Paul Dimiter is tortured by the authorities. Revealed as an "agent from Hell", they try to get more from him, but before they know it, he escapes. The novel moves to Jerusalem one year later, where a half-Arab European policeman, Peter Meral, finds a murder victim who supposedly was from a mental hospital. Meral tries to find out if there is a connection between Jerusalem and Albania and the enigma of Dimiter.

Barefoot Gen 2

Three years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Gen Nakaoka, his mother Kimie, and his adopted brother Ryuta are scavenging for food and scrap metal to sell in the black market as Hiroshima, like the rest of Japan, struggles to rebuild following World War II.

While Kimie starts working at a geta factory, Gen and Ryuta attend school in a ruined building, in which they meet a gang of orphaned children and their leader Masa in a hostile first encounter. Gen and Ryuta start a shoe-shining business that Masa's gang disrupts, drawing the attention of policemen who attempt to place them in an orphanage. The brothers fight off the police and hide with Masa and their gang in their shelter, where Gen learns that the orphans pickpocket in the black market in order to survive. Realizing Masa's desperation for quality life, Gen and Ryuta join his gang in solitude. Gen befriends Katsuko, one of the orphans who sustained serious burns in the bombing, and Masa's gang invites Suekichi, a retired journalist who lost his family in the Hiroshima bombing, to live with them. After Gen rallies the orphans into constructing a new home out of wood and other materials from abandoned buildings around town, they raid a potato field at night, but the field's farmers catch them and kill Katchin, a member of Masa's gang, as the orphans retreat.

Meanwhile, Gen notices that he can now give Kimie piggyback rides despite being much smaller than her, which leads him to suspect that her health is failing. He and Ryuta learn from doctors that because of the atomic bombing, she is suffering from radiation sickness that progressively worsens with time. Kimie begins to vomit blood after her children come home for dinner one evening, distressing Gen and prompting him to take her to a surgeon, who informs Gen that Kimie has only four months to live. Gen refuses to accept that his mother will die and tries to convince her to let him and Ryuta work in her place, but Kimie insists that she work out of fondness for Gen's late father and the lessons he taught, which moves Gen and Ryuta into assisting her with building geta.

Gen, Ryuta, and Masa attempt to steal copper from a shipyard to buy penicillin for Kimie, but their boat sinks as they return from the yard, forcing the trio to return to shore empty-handed. Later, they watch an improper burial of the victims of the nuclear attack by American soldiers, who chase the trio off. However, they discover copper bullets in an abandoned firing range, and Ryuta gets Masa's gang to collect them into a wheelbarrow. Gen and Ryuta return home with money for the penicillin, but they discover that Kimie is dying and carry her to a hospital. Along the way, Kimie dies on Gen's back after urging him to live on without her.

Gen has Kimie cremated and plays with Ryuta, Masa, and the other orphans while reminiscing upon his parents' influence on his life.

Coffin Rock

Rob (Robert Taylor) and Jessie (Lisa Chappell) are a married couple who are trying to start a family without any success. Rob is reluctant to seek medical help, which leaves Jessie frustrated at being childless. After a drunken night at a bar with her friend, Jessie returns home upset to find a drifter, Evan (Sam Parsonson), is there with a baby kangaroo. This stirs emotions in Jessie, and she turns her affections towards him in a moment of unhappiness. This one time encounter results in brief sex. Though she asks him to stop midway, he continues on.

Evan becomes increasingly obsessed with her and begins to stalk her. Later Jessie discovers she is pregnant, not knowing for sure who the father is. On discovering she is pregnant she tells her husband, who in turn tells his friends, and the news spreads through the town to the drifter Evan who knows he could be the father. This intensifies his obsession for her and his violence toward others. Motivations to Evan's behavior are hinted at through delusional phone calls to his dead father, whom Evan is revealed to have killed.

After Jessie repeatedly rejects him, Evan knocks Rob unconscious and kidnaps Jessie. After several failed attempts, Jessie manages to escape from Evan and leaves him for dead after crashing the car. Rob, who has learned that he may not be the father, arrives just as Evan is about to attack Jessie. Consumed by guilt, Jessie stands in the middle of the road and closes her eyes. Rob swerves to avoid her and strikes Evan with his car, rescuing his wife. In the final scenes, Rob learns from a fertility clinic that he is not infertile, and Jessie burns the baby cradle that they bought.


Mossane (Magou Seck) is a beautiful 14-year-old girl from a rural Serer village, beloved by many including her own brother and Fara, a poor university student. Although she has long been promised in marriage to the wealthy Diogaye, Mossane defies her parents' wishes and falls in love with Fara. On her wedding day, she refuses to marry Diogaye and tragedy ensues.

Worst Case Scenario (film)

The story tells of a fictional 2006 FIFA World Cup Finale between Germany and Netherlands. When the team from Germany loses, it is followed by an invasion of Nazi zombies. A small group of friends moves away from the nationwide madness, to a North Sea island where a horde of Nazi zombies wait.

The Awakening (short story)

The protagonist is the Master who is suffering from heart failure and given less than a year to live. The Master opts to be frozen artificially for a hundred years in a remote location, after which he expects to be revived and get an artificial heart implanted in his body. However, the secret of his resting place has been lost over time, and the Master is only revived a long time later than expected (on the order of millions of years). He opens his eyes, eager to visualise how the future Man looked like, and is in for a terrible shock. As he looks at the insects surrounding him, he realises that Man had lost the Man-Insect war. Unable to take this in, his feeble heart gives in and he dies.

America (1924 film)

The story shifts between the British Army in Northern New York, and the colonial patriots in Massachusetts and Virginia. Much later in the film in New York, a little remembered sub-plot takes place. British Captain Walter Butler (Lionel Barrymore), a ruthless Loyalist, leads the Iroquois Native Americans in viciously barraging attacks against the settlers, including the massacre of women and children, who are siding with the Revolution.

In Lexington, Massachusetts, Nathan Holden (Neil Hamilton) works as an express rider and minute man for the Boston Committee of Public Safety. At a mission to deliver a dispatch to the Virginia General Assembly, he meets Nancy Montague (Carol Dempster) and falls in love with her, but her father Justice Montague (Erville Alderson), a Loyalist judge, is not impressed with the rider. Captain Butler tries unsuccessfully to court Nancy. Nathan and Nancy declare that regardless of which side he fights for, they will always love each other. While visiting in Massachusetts, Justice Montague is accidentally shot by Nathan Holden. Nancy Montague's brother, Charles Montague (Charles Emmett Mack), is influenced by George Washington's heroism and decides that he wants to support the colonists. However, he dies shortly after being wounded at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Nancy hides the truth from her father when she tells him that her brother died fighting for the crown.

Nancy and her father travel to Mohawk Valley New York to the home of her Uncle Ashleigh Montague while Holden visits George Washington (Arthur Dewey) at Valley Forge. He gets sent to New York with Morgan's raiders to settle down the Native American attacks up north. Butler occupies the Montague estate. His men kill Montague's brother and he arrests Montague and takes Nancy prisoner. Holden arrives to spy on Butler and overhears his plans for a massacre attack. He leaves to sound the alarm, reluctantly leaving Nancy behind with Butler. Butler plans to force himself on Nancy, but the Native Americans decide to attack immediately and Butler is compelled to join them. Nancy escapes when Butler leaves for the battle, and she and Montague reach the fort safely before the attack. The attackers mount ruthless attack on the fort, ultimately breaching the walls and killing many settlers. The Morgan's raiders arrive and liberate the fort, saving the lives of Montague and Nancy. A separate group of militia and Native Americans chase down and kill Butler, putting a stop to his plan. Montague believes in Holden's worth, and allows him and Nancy to be together. The film concludes with the surrender of General Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown and the presidential inauguration of George Washington.

Opening Day of Close-Up

Moretti plays himself, running the movie theater he owns in Rome. In the film, Moretti is endlessly anxious with the wish for his patrons to watch and appreciate Abbas Kiarostami's ''Close-Up'' (1990), in the face of reports that other films are selling far more tickets.

Les clefs de babel

The book takes place inside the tower of Babel in to which humanity took refuge 1,000 years ago, as so to take protection from a cloud that poisoned the earth. The group of humans entered the tower in five separate groups, each also separated their area of the tower off as so to prevent possible ''diseased'' persons entering. The plot begins in the highest most portion of the tower when the main character's father gives him a cat who he says can speak; the opposition leader who is also the main character's father is assassinated whilst attending an Opera.

The boy (Liram) then flees and is told by an acquaintance of his father that he must delve into the lower reaches of the tower; taking his cat with him, Liram descends alone. On the next floor, he awakes in a hospital and they recognise him as not being a member of their society; their belief of staying clean requires the shaving of one's hair, and after a medical inspection, a barber comes to shave his hair. The barber had discovered several years before, a baby girl with a pentagonal tattoo on her left shoulder. The barber notices that after shaving the hair on the boy's head; that he also has a similar tattoo.

The barber introduces the boy to the girl (Maïan) whom he discovered as a baby; and they inform him that he is a ''clef de Babel'' (a key of Babel), that there are five in total and that each of them has a specific ''power'', Maïan is able to walk through objects and walls, Maïan then explains of a disc she saw in a temple which had a marking on that was very similar to their tattoos. They agree to steal the object, which they do. The monks discover who stole it and set out to hunt down and kill the culprits, thus forcing Maïan and Liram to venture further down the tower.

A Week in December

The book begins with the elaborate seating plan of a dinner party. It ends once that dinner party has taken place. Sophie, the wife of a newly elected Member of Parliament, must decide whom to place where. Several of the protagonists are present at the dinner, and the storylines are, to a large extent, tied up as a result of what occurs there. In the course of the book the reader is introduced to John Veals, a hedge fund trader who is arguably the most important character. He is a ruthless businessman, whose immense fortune seems to have become meaningless. He is more interested in the chase, the challenge of acquiring more and more capital. As he embarks on one of the riskiest deals of his life, his family is about to be torn apart. But does he even care?

An unsuccessful barrister is assigned to represent a young female tube driver; a Scottish Muslim is drawn into a radical group, while a postgraduate literature student looks on; a Polish footballer tries hard to adapt to life in a Premier League team, while his Russian model girlfriend adjusts to life in London. A pickle millionaire enlists the help of R. Tranter, novelist and critic, to prepare for his meeting with the Queen when he receives his OBE.

Everything's on Ice

Felix Miller (Roscoe Karns) has another money making scheme, this time it involves his 6 year old figure skating niece Irene Barton (Irene Dare), and given his history her family doesn't take him seriously. Uncle Felix takes little Irene to skate for a talent scout from Florida and secures not only a job but train tickets for the entire family to Florida for her gig. While on the train Irene's sister, Jane (Lynne Roberts) and Felix meet Leopold Eddington (Eric Linden) who has just inherited a million dollars but Felix assumes he doesn't have any money because Leopold tells them he's staying at an inexpensive hotel. Irene's dad Joe Barton (Edgar Kennedy) stays behind in New York to continue working at the barber shop he's trying to buy.

Uncle Felix wastes no time spending the paycheck that results from little Irene's skating performances at the Silver Palms Café, he checks them into the finest hotel in the area and spares no expense on clothing, jewelry and food. Leopold attends Irene's first performance hoping to talk with Jane again, but Felix brushes him off and makes fun of him. Later Felix meets Harrison Gregg (George Meeker) in the steam room and assumes he's very wealthy when in fact Harrison can't even pay for his hotel bill. Meanwhile, Leopold and Jane are spending time getting to know each other, later Felix convinces Leopold to stay away from Jane and enjoy the rest of his vacation. Unable to secure another advance on Irene's pay, spendthrift Felix sends a telegram to his brother-in-law Joe asking for $200 and promises him that the family will be "fixed for life". Joe does not believe him for a minute and travels to Florida to find out for himself what's really going on. Meanwhile Felix is trying to arrange a marriage between reluctant Jane and Harrison.

Joe arrives to discover that Felix is throwing an expensive cocktail party and has taken several advances on Irene's pay. Felix is trying to get either Joe or Harrison will pay their outstanding expenses. Joe also discovers that his wife Elsie (Mary Hart) has been a willing partner to Felix's spending, and they argue. Joe meets Leopold and finds out that he intended to marry his daughter, and Joe encourages him to go after "Janie". Felix and Elsie find out that the barbershop that Joe had wanted to buy has been sold to someone else, but they're more worried about themselves than they are about Joe. Meanwhile Irene has been fired from her skating gig because there is no one to finance her performances.

Joe arranges for Leopold to see Janie one last time before leaving Florida although Felix has arranged for her to see Harrison at the side entrance (he's trying to skip out on his hotel bill). Joe insists his wife return everything she's bought, and the manager of the hotel tries to collect the money owed for the cocktail party and the other expenses. Felix claims that Harrison will be paying for it, but the hotel manager lets Felix know that Harrison can't even pay for his hotel bill, plus he's nowhere to be found. Irene announces that Leopold will be financing her next performance although Felix doesn't believe it. Irene's governess confirms that Leopold is a very wealthy man, and both Felix and Elsie are speechless. Meanwhile Jane and Leopold have not only eloped but have bought the barbershop for Joe as a birthday present. Felix and Harrison are now working in the hotel kitchen to pay off their expenses.

Road to Salina

Jonas, a young drifter, is wandering in a deserted area on the road to Salina. He stops to drink some water at a desolate roadside service station when Mara, the owner, identifies him as her son Rocky, who disappeared four years ago. Jonas is overwhelmed by the awkward situation, but tired and hungry, accepts Mara's offer of room and board. Feeling sorry for Mara, he pretends to be her beloved son and soon comfortably assumes Rocky's identity. Initially, he believes that Mara is simply delusional, but when Mara's old friend and neighbor Warren arrives for a visit, surprisingly, he also acts as if Jonas were Rocky.

When Billie, his alleged sister, comes home, Jonas thinks that the game is over and that he'll finally be unmasked as an impostor. But even the attractive and carefree Billie appears to recognize him as her brother and soon takes him under her wing. They spend the days together, and after skinny dipping in the ocean, an erotic relationship develops between them. Everything seems to be fine and Jonas begins to relax in his new role as Rocky. Mara, Billie and Warren enjoy a dinner party together celebrating Rocky's return.

Realizing that Billie is having a passionate affair with her alleged brother, Mara and Warren fear that the harmony that had so recently returned would soon be broken. Uneasy, Jonas becomes increasingly interested in finding out the reasons for the disappearance of the true Rocky. He gets the first clues in his search from Warren who, never outwardly expressing any doubt that he is Rocky, mentions during the conversation the name of Rocky's girlfriend, Linda, who runs a local restaurant. In search of answers, Jonas goes to Salina and finds Linda at the restaurant. He drops a glass at the bar to draw attention to himself, and finds that Linda is the first person who fails to recognize him as Rocky. Back at the house, Jonas steals some old photographs from Billie's bedroom that confirm his suspicions that he does not even resemble the real Rocky. When he confronts Billie with the truth, she tells him that she lied to protect Mara and that she loves Rocky and wanted him back.

In an attempt to resolve his mounting confusion, Jonas visits Linda again. She tells him that she was going to elope with Rocky the day he disappeared. The surprise visit of Charlie, an old friend of Jonas, once again threatens to completely destroy the façade that he is Rocky, but not only do Mara and Billie seem totally undisturbed when Charlie calls Jonas by his real name, but Charlie and his companions have a good time with Mara, Billie and the bewildered Jonas. Instead of accepting his friend's offer of leaving with him, Jonas stays with Billie and Mara.

Jonas finally learns the shocking truth about the nature of his "sister's" behavior. When Rocky wanted to leave the incestuous relationship with his sister, Billie unintentionally killed him with a rock while trying to stop him. The revelation marks a turning point in Jonas' relationship with Billie, and from then on, she avoids him. Rebuked by her, Jonas explodes during an argument with Billie. Shaking her against a wall, he accidentally kills her. He runs away in the middle of a rainstorm in spite of Mara's protestations. Mara begs him to stay and offers to help him hide Billie's body under the station as Billie had done with Rocky, but instead, Jonas goes to Salina and tells the sheriff what has happened. The story is told in flashback.

The Mysterious Rider (1938 film)

In the Arizona desert in the late 1800s, famed outlaw Pecos Bill (Douglass Dumbrille) and his sidekick Frosty Kilburn (Sidney Toler) hold up a stagecoach. During the raid, Bill takes money from a wealthy passenger and gives it to a poor woman passenger, then rides away. Having lived an outlaw life for the past twenty years, and still wanted for a murder he did not commit, Pecos Bill, whose real name is Ben Wade, decides to return to his home town disguised as a regular cowboy to see his now grown daughter.

Meanwhile, Jack Bellounds (Weldon Heyburn), the son of the corrupt rancher William Bellounds (Stanley Andrews) who stole Ben's White Slider ranch, returns from prison and is given a ride back to the ranch by Ben's beautiful daughter Collie Wade (Charlotte Field), who was raised by his father. When Collie refuses his offer of marriage, the arrogant Jack races their horse-drawn carriage wildly through the desert. Seeing the runaway carriage, the gallant ranch forman Wils Moore (Russell Hayden) chases them down and stops the horses. As Wils rides off, Jack notices that Collie is attracted to Wils.

When Ben and Frosty arrive at White Slider ranch, they get hired on as saddle makers, with Ben going by the name of Red Johnson. No one recognizes him—not even his daughter who hasn't seen him since her childhood. After settling in, Ben learns that 200 head of cattle have been stolen, and that Bellounds seems uninterested in finding the thieves. With the help of Frosty and Wils—one of the few honest men at the ranch—Ben intends to put a stop to the cattle rustling and restore the ranch to his daughter, the rightful owner.

Meanwhile, Jack meets with Cap Folsom (Monte Blue), the leader of the cattle rustlers and Jack's former boss. Cap is also the man who murdered Ben's partner and framed him for the crime. Jack complains about the timing of the recent raid, but Folsom dismisses him, saying he can never turn his back on his outlaw past. At the ranch, Ben is tasked with working with the dogs on the ranch, and soon he uses his position to guard the cattle. One afternoon, Ben meets his daughter on the range and they talk about her future. Concerned that she may end up with a lout like Jack, he tells her that she will need to decide between Jack and Wils. Soon after, Ben is alerted by his barking dogs to rustlers in the area, and dressed in black as Pecos Bill, he rides after them. The rustlers recognize the approaching outlaw and take cover. During the ensuing gunfight, Wils arrives with his trustworthy men, sees Pecos Bill, and chases after him instead of the rustlers.

Back at the ranch, Wils attempts to capture Ben, but is thwarted by a well-placed knife throw by Frosty. Knowing that Wils is on the right side of the law, Ben reveals his true identity and the truth behind how he lost his ranch—that he left his foreman William Bellounds to look after things, but he stole the ranch for himself, and now is rustling his own cattle for profit. Convinced he is on the level, Wils pledges to help Ben. When the other ranchers get together to search for the rustlers, Ben dresses up in black like Pecos Bill, draws their attention, and leads them to the rustlers' hideout. The plan backfires when the ranchers discover that Wils helped Pecos Bill to escape. Just as the mob prepares to lynch Wils, Pecos Bill rides in to the rescue.

When Bellounds figures out that Pecos Bill is in fact Ben Wade, his former boss, he reveals his discovery to the leader of the rustlers, Cap Folsom. Soon, Bellounds is gunned down in cold blood. Jack goes after Cap to avenge his father's death, and is himself soon killed. Ben, Wils, and Frosty go after Cap and they meet in a fierce gunfight. During the battle, Ben tracks down Cap in the rustlers hideout, gives him a chance to draw, and then shoots him dead. Sometime later, Ben and Frosty say their goodbyes to Collie and Wils and ride away into the Arizona desert.

Lady Gangster

Dorothy "Dot" Burton (Faye Emerson) is a member of a gang of bank robbers. Using her femininity and a cute dog provided her by her male cohorts, who dognapped him, she is able to enter a bank before opening time, leaving the door open and the bank guard holding her dog, thus enabling a successful robbery. When police interfere with the getaway, she faints and proclaims her innocence, but the police have strong doubts as "her" dog will not come to her and has a different name on his collar from what she calls him. After she confesses to her part in the robbery, she is sent to women's prison, where she makes an enemy of a fellow inmate who informs the governor that Burton knows where the bank's money is, thereby causing Burton to lose her parole. She is devastated by it but more trouble occurs as her old gang is going to kill her childhood sweetheart Ken Philips (Frank Wilcox), so she escapes by the stealing the warden’s (Virginia Brissac) clothes and getting revenge on her rival inmate (Ruth Ford) before finally rescuing Ken.

Clipped Wings (1937 film)

In World War I, Captain Jerry Broun (Lloyd Hughes) feels he has to fight even though the United States has not yet entered the conflict. He enrols in Canada to fly as a pilot, with his adoring young half-brother Mickey (Delmar Watson) wanting to follow in his footsteps by becoming a pilot.

Twenty years later, an older Michael (William Janney) attempts to enter the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC), but cannot overcome his boyhood fear of thunderstorms and is "washed out". His friend Cecil Dunbar (Glen Boles) persuades a dejected Michael to come to a party hosted by crippled war veteran Raoul McGuire (Jason Robards Sr.). Michael meets McGuire's sister, Molly (Rosalind Keith), who confides that her brother is engaged in criminal activities.

Michael's older brother, now in the U.S. Department of Justice and assuming the name "Jim Lofton", has protected his identity from his family and others, by circulating the cover story that he was killed in the war. Lofton's assignment is to arrest Raoul McGuire, his old flying buddy and the man who once saved his life. McGuire is smuggling oil across the Texas border and is fooled into believing Lofton is part of his gang.

Michael falls in love with Raoul's sister, Molly, but at the family ranch, overhears the gang's plans to smuggle oil. Jim Lofton's role is to fly and divert authorities when a military exercise is taking place at the ranch. When Moran (Richard Cramer) the gang leader, shoots and wounds Raoul, in a struggle with Lofton, the gang leader is killed.

When the gang involves both Molly and Michael, Lofton reveals his true identity to his brother. Michael overcomes his fears and flies Molly and her wounded brother to a hospital. Jerry Broun takes off in another aircraft to escort Michael, and after a furious gun battle in the air, crashes into the pursuing gangster's aircraft. He then parachutes to safety from his burning aircraft. With his brother recovering from his burns, Michael is reinstated in the USAAC and marries Molly.

The Stray Dog (Simont book)

A family of four meets a stray dog while having a picnic in the park. The two kids name the dog Willy and ask their parents if they can keep him. Unfortunately, their parents say no. During the next week, every member of the family keeps on thinking about Willy. When Saturday comes, they decide to go on another picnic to see if the stray dog will appear again. When they see a dogcatcher chase after the dog, they try to save him. When they catch up to him, the dogcatcher says that the dog doesn't belong to anyone. The kids tell him that the dog does belong to them by saying that the boy's belt was the dog's collar and the girl's hair ribbon was his leash. The dogcatcher is satisfied and leaves.

Night Alarm

A reporter itching to get off the boring gardening "beat" gets a chance to investigate a series of arson fires that have been plaguing the city. He believes the fires are tied into a web of political corruption involving a wealthy businessman, the mayor and the police chief. Complications ensue when the girl assigned to help him turns out to be the businessman's daughter.

Outlaws' Paradise

Gang leader Trigger Mallory is about to be released from prison. When Bill Carson notices the resemblance, he gets the Warden to hold Mallory and he assumes his identity. He fools both the gang and Trigger's girlfriend Jessie as he sets them up to be captured. But Trigger escapes from prison and returns to expose the hoax and Bill is made a prisoner.

Stone Bros.

Eddie (Carroll) is working as a cleaner in a museum in Perth, Western Australia, but loses his job because of an accident that sees a series of cardboard cutout images of Australia's Prime Ministers fall down in a domino effect, resulting in an image of John Howard landing on and killing his boss's cat.

When his cousin Charlie (Burchill) trades away Eddie's favourite jacket, he unwittingly loses a sacred stone, entrusted to Eddie by his uncle, which he promised to one day return to its home in Kalgoorlie. This is the final straw, as far as Eddie is concerned, and he sets off to recover the stone and reconnect with his aboriginal roots. Charlie, escaping the wrath of his vengeful girlfriend, forces himself along for the ride, and Eddie's spiritual journey takes a very sharp turn off-track.

Along the way, they pick up what Charlie mistakes for a "hot chick" only to find they are landed with Vinnie (del Torro), a self-described Italian rock star. Soon after they are joined by Eddie and Charlie's transgender cousin Regina (Page), who dreams of making it big on the Koori edition of ''Australian Idol'', and a confused European Australian cop (Phelps) who dreams of going walkabout.

Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time

Dar, the Beastmaster, learns of a previously-unknown half-brother, Arklon, who plans to conquer the land with the help of a sorceress named Lyranna. Both escape to present day Los Angeles through a dimensional portal. Dar and his animal companions, Ruh, Kodo, Podo and Sharak, must follow them through the portal and stop them from obtaining a neutron bomb. During his visit, Dar meets a rich girl named Jackie Trent, and they become friends.

Survival Arts

The birthplace of the powerful physical martial arts called "Survival Arts" and how they were earned became mysterious for quite some time. However, eight warriors spreading over different countries have learned some of the most important skills of the Survival Arts, while they continue learning more about them. Each one qualified for the Survival Arts tournament to see which survivor will win and obtain all the secrets of the Arts.

Do You Wanna Know a Secret?

A male college student receives a note under his dorm door that says "do you wanna know a secret?" He assumes it is from his girlfriend Beth (Dorie Barton). He goes into the hallway to find her and is killed by someone in a mask.

One year later Beth, her new boyfriend Hank (Joey Lawrence), and her friends Oz (Thomas Anthony Jones), Tina (Leonora Scelfo), Nellie (Elsie Escobar) and Brad (Chad Allen) go on their spring break vacation in Florida. The first night Brad tries to hit on Beth, but she tells them that they are just friends.

Brad is attacked on a sailboat while the others are in the house. His bloody shirt is found in the water, though his body is missing. The group sees a message on his computer: "do you wanna know a secret?"

The following night, a drunken Tina kisses Hank. Beth refuses to talk to him until the next night when he saves her from getting roofied at a nightclub. Beth goes outside the club for air, where she witnesses the boy who tried to drug her being murdered by someone in a mask. When the police arrive, they find "do you wanna know a secret?" is carved in the boy's back. An FBI agent (Jeff Conaway) tells the group not to leave the house, as they are all suspects for both murders.

The next day, Oz is attacked in the kitchen while Beth and Hank are showering. Outside at the pool, Tina's throat has been slit while Nellie swims. When she finishes she is attacked from behind, has her throat slit as well and is thrown in the pool. Oz regains consciousness, and sees the same message written on the wall in blood. He runs outside to find both Nellie and Tina dead. Oz is arrested by the police for the murders.

At the precinct, the officer who arrested Oz is in the bathroom when he sees the message on the wall. He is then murdered by the masked figure. Oz is released. Beth is waiting outside the police station when she sees a truck drive by. The driver is wearing the mask she remembers from the murder at the club. Hank is nowhere to be found, so she follows the truck out to the glades and waits for Oz to meet up with her.

Oz and Beth search for the killer in the dark woods. They are separated and Oz is knocked out from behind. He wakes up in the basement of a church and hears Beth's scream. Upstairs in the church Beth is tied up in a wedding dress and blindfolded. The killer removes Beth's blindfold and his mask, revealing himself as Brad. Beth sees that the dead bodies of Tina, Nellie, and the pastor are set up in the pews, as if watching. Brad starts cutting Beth's dress open with a knife, when Oz shows up. Brad and Oz fight but Brad wins and ties Oz up again. Beth asks Brad why he murdered everyone. Brad explains that the secret is he loves Beth so much he would do anything, including staging his own death and killing all the others. He then holds up Hank's severed head.

Beth secretly unties her hands and attacks Brad. He knocks her to the ground but Oz gets untied and attacks Brad. As Brad is about to kill Oz, Beth stabs him through his entire body. As Oz and Beth exit the church, Brad jumps up again and is shot by the FBI agent. The agent reveals that the dead pastor was also Brad's father.

Corsair (Cussler novel)

This book follows the enigmatic Juan Cabrillo and the Corporation team's mission to recover the US Secretary of State Fiona Katamora before an upcoming peace summit, which is being held in Tripoli, Libya.

They discover that all is not as it seems and that the plane crash that brought her down may not have been an accident. The Corporation must battle terrorists with a foothold in the Libyan government while uncovering the identity of their hidden leader.

As the journey continues, the team uncovers many hidden secrets in the Libyan desert including the entire ex-foreign department of the government and an archaeologist, Alana Shepard, who is close to uncovering the key to peace in the middle east.

The Corporation then sets out to find both the lost manuscripts Alana Shepherd was looking for and the Secretary of State.

Category:2009 American novels Category:Novels by Clive Cussler Category:Novels by Jack Du Brul Category:The Oregon Files Category:G. P. Putnam's Sons books Category:Collaborative novels

Burning Rival

The game takes place in a fictional city located in central Canada known as "Destiny City," a midsized American metropolis. Once every few years, strong fighters gather here and hold a violent, secret no-holds-barred fighting spree. This year, too, a group of extraordinary fighters gathered, sick of fighting by the rules. Some coveted the titled of "World's Strongest," while others dreamt of acquiring vast wealth. Things in Destiny City heated up before the tournament began.

The Founding of a Republic

In 1945 after the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong and other members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) travel to Chongqing to meet with Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang (KMT). This meeting aims to consider a peace negotiation between the two parties and hopefully discuss the beginning of a democratic nation. With assistance from the China Democratic League, Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek signed the Double Tenth Agreement on October 10, 1945. Both parties agreed to halt the civil war and establish a multi-party government within China.

The following year, the Nationalist government relocated to Nanjing(Nanking), and the KMT broke the Double Tenth Agreement, which led the civil war to resume. In July 1947 and onwards, the People's Liberation Army changed its tactics from strategic defense to offense into regions under KMT rule, beginning the process of liberating China. During this time, Chiang Kai-shek called for a National Assembly in Nanjing, where he was elected as the first President of the Republic of China (ROC). His elected vice president was Li Zongren, a known rival within the party. In May 1948, the CPC declared the opening of a "War of Liberation" against Chiang's ROC government, with many other political parties responding to the call and taking the CPC's side, including the China Democratic League, the Revolutionary Committee (China) and other political figures such as Zhang Lan, Soong Ching-ling and Li Jishen. After numerous victories for the CPC within China's central and southern sectors, Chiang Kai-shek is forced to resign as president, and his forces retreat to Taiwan in December 1949. On October 1, 1949, Mao declared the founding of the People's Republic of China, with Beijing, formally named Beiping, as its capital, marking the start of a new era for China.

Violence Fight

As the attract screen explains (albeit with an English localization which had a poor translation of the original Japanese script), the game takes place during the early 1950s in the United States, where an underground tournament known as the "Violence Fight" had become very popular among the criminal underworld and the public at large; criminals, especially mobsters, along with other public nuisances and upstanding citizens are allured by its stakes and thrill. The contestants, drawn from all across the country, compete for large sums of money and the title of "No. 1 Quarreler". As the game begins, the tournament even attracts a young fighter named Bad Blue (or "Bat Blue") from Los Angeles who competes for the title of No. 1 Quarreler and aspires to share a small fortune with his manager, "Blinks".

Tulad ng Dati

The Dawn achieves fame and success in the 1980s, but after the murder of founding member and guitarist Teddy Diaz and years of decline, the band is finding it hard to continue playing. Middle-aged vocalist Jett Pangan's house is burglarized and he is knocked unconscious, waking up later suffering from amnesia. All he can remember is that he is in his 20s, and that it is the peak of his band's success. Jett can't quite come to terms with his situation and he insists on living as his 1980s self.


In the port city of Kure, there is an old hat shop. Shunpei, the elderly shop owner, is proud of his career as a skillful hatter, with famous clients such as fleet admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. However, as time goes on, the number of orders decreases and his memory begins to fail him. Shunpei occasionally has to ask his security guard, Goro, to help him find his scissors.

One day, Shunpei discovers his childhood friend, Setsu, is Goro's mother. She left Goro due to an issue with her husband, and now she is in the end stages of cancer. Setsu had been physically weak since childhood, due to radiation exposure from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Shunpei had thought of Setsu as a sister, but he couldn't ask her to live with him in Kure, so she left to earn a living in Hiroshima. He missed her ever since.

Shunpei decides to reunite Goro with his mother. Shunpei knows that Setsu has been living in Tokyo, suffering discrimination as a radiation exposure victim. But when Shunpei finds Setsu, she seems to be living quite happily. Setsu still has a small sailor hat which Shunpei made for her years ago, and which always cheers her up in the face of hardship. Setsu showed the hat to Shunpei, to encourage him and renew his pride. Upon seeing the hat, Shunpei's mind is restored and his forgetfulness disappears.

The Republic of Love

The plot centers on a charismatic radio talk show host, Tom Avery (Bruce Greenwood), and his "mermaid researcher" girlfriend Fay (Emilia Fox). Tom has had a turbulent past with relationships and has had three divorces before the age of 40. Many of Tom's ex-wives turn out to be friends of Fay's. Fay has an overly high expectation of the men she dates; she expects perfection and wants to emulate her parents' rock-solid marriage. One day, it turns out that Fay's parents' marriage is not as perfect as it seemed and it breaks down suddenly, after 40 years of "wedded bliss.” Fay panics and feels insecure in her own relationship and forces Tom to go to great lengths to convince her that their relationship is different and that they are meant for each other.

Das Herz der Königin

The film starts with Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, held prisoner in Fotheringhay Castle, awaiting the final judgment in her case, which is expected within a few hours. Soon she finds out that the Royal Court has sentenced her, with the assent of Queen Elizabeth I, to be executed on the scaffold on the following day. She breaks down and remembers the events leading to her now imminent death. The bulk of the film consists of this flashback.

The young Mary arrives from France to Scotland, as the lawful queen of Scots, only to encounter a strong opposition. Her half-brother, Jacob Stuart, who had ruled the country until then, asserts that a woman is incapable of ruling the "rough" and "male" land of Scotland and that she should have remained in "feminine" France. The lords, headed by Lord Bothwell, face Mary Stuart critically. Moreover, immediately upon her arrival, Mary faces an assassination attempt with poisoned wine by Johanna (Jean) Gordon, whose Clan Gordon was at feud with the Stuarts for many years.

Members of the Privy Council, whom Mary summons to deal with the first political decisions to be announced, do not show up. The only one present is Jacob Stuart, who tears up the document presented for his signature. When the queen is alone again, Lord Bothwell arrives and confesses that he had fallen in love with her. Mary Stuart orders him arrested for insulting the queen, even though she is impressed by his demeanor.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth I, angered that with a lawful Catholic queen taking over Scotland will limit her influence there and threaten her right to the throne in England, sends to Scotland her confidant Henry Darnley, who is both an English peer and a Scottish lord, to spy for her and to raise the population against Mary Stuart.

Nevertheless, Darnley falls in love with Queen Mary and leads her to Lord Bothwell's castle, where the Scottish lords meet secretly to plot the queen's deposition. Mary ventures alone into the meeting and becomes imprisoned.

She is released the next day, but only after having been made to swear an oath that she would marry a Scot. Mary Stuart's choice falls on Lord Bothwell, whom she believes to be still in captivity. It turns out, however, that he had fled with Jean Gordon and has married her. The two of them raise an army with the aim of overthrowing Mary. Jean wants revenge on the queen and the Stuarts, and Lord Bothwell wants power.

The queen is constrained to marry Lord Darnley, but becomes involved with the Italian singer David Riccio. Eventually, she gives birth to a boy child, James, the future King James I.

A troupe of itinerant actors stages a play hinting broadly that Riccio is the queen's lover and might be the father of her child. Lord Darnley feels mocked and indignant and therefore authorizes a plot in which Riccio is assassinated.

At this time Lord Bothwells' army appears, which the queen allows to enter Lord Bothwell's castle and temporarily take over power in the land "for the queen's own protection". However, Lord Darnley has fallen ill with smallpox. On the advice of Lord Bothwell, now her lover, Mary has her ill husband brought to Edinburgh, where he dies in an explosion at his home.

Now Queen Elizabeth sends an army to Scotland to release Mary Stuart from the power of Bothwell and to offer to her refuge in England, which is actually a trap meant to imprison Mary and keep her away from the throne of Scotland.

Meanwhile, Mary Stuart had married Lord Bothwell, who had separated from Jean Gordon. The wedding is interrupted when the English army appears under the guidance of Jacob Stuart, the queen's half-brother, who presents secret love letters which Mary Stuart had sent to Bothwell while still married to her previous husband. Olivier, the queen's page, is killed while attempting to hide the letters.

Lord Bothwell is faced with the choice of standing by Mary Stuart and dying or denying her. He turns away from her, but the treacherous Jacob Stuart still sentences him to death by dragging (in actual history he fled to Denmark where the king treated him cruelly and where he eventually died in prison; all of which is not mentioned in the film). When Jacob Stuart takes her child James to protect him from Queen Elizabeth, Mary Stuart accepts the offer of the English queen and goes into exile in England, which sets up her path to the scaffold.

The frame story from the beginning resumes. Mary makes peace with dying and pledges her undying devotion to her ladies-in-waiting, the people of Scotland, and the many men she loved and lost. The next morning Mary Stuart, in a stunning bejeweled red gown, is led to the scaffold and kneels down in prayer as she awaits the sharp hatchet to fall.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Chaos Rising

The Force Commander and his strike force arrive on Aurelia, along with the newly requisitioned Strike Cruiser ''Retribution'' (replacing the ''Armageddon'', destroyed over Typhon Primaris in the previous game), after receiving a Blood Ravens encoded distress signal. The distress signal turns out to be a trap, and the Blood Ravens are ambushed by traitor Guardsmen of House Vandis, the militia of the former governor of the subsector. After escaping the trap and leaving the area, the Force Commander and the Dreadnought Davian Thule move to rescue the Librarian Jonah Orion, who is under attack by Eldar forces that have unearthed ancient ruins and revived Wraithguards.

After receiving a distress call from newly installed Governor Elena Derosa, who had aided them against Vandis in the original campaign, the Blood Ravens proceed to Meridian's Angel Gate where bands of Orks, driven there by House Vandis forces, are looting the area. They later encounter Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion who are attempting to take over Angel Forge, led by Eliphas the Inheritor, a former Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers who was believed to have been killed on Kronus in ''Dark Crusade''. After halting the Chaos raid, a combined Imperial Guard-Blood Ravens strike force returns to Aurelia to attack Legion forces dug into the area. Resisting intense artillery barrages from House Vandis forces and wave upon wave of cultists, the Blood Ravens discover a Chaos Temple and after a gruesome battle against summoned Daemons, destroy it completely. Taunting them throughout their struggles is Araghast the Pillager, the Chaos Lord commanding the Black Legion forces.

After the Chaos Temple falls, the warp begins to tear the planet asunder which forces them to make an immediate evacuation. Araghast allows the Force Commander and his strike force to escape, and tells Eliphas that his vengeance can wait. Aboard the ''Retribution'', a recording was found that implicates a traitor within the Chapter who gave Araghast's forces the transmitting codes that were used to ambush the Blood Ravens when they first arrived on Aurelia. The Blood Ravens then return to Meridian to aid the 85th Vendoland in recapturing Spire Legis. With the help of Sergeant Thaddeus (who requested to be on the mission, originally hailing from that region), they successfully weaken the Chaos and Heretic forces holding the area. They also destroy an Eldar strike force that was uncovering ancient ruins on Typhon with Sergeant Tarkus. After dispatching numerous problems, Space Marine Scouts on Calderis send out a distress call that they have been engaged by a substantial number of Chaos forces. With the help of Sergeant Cyrus, they save the initiates from certain death and kill a Chaos Sorcerer operating in the area. Soon after, a contingent of the Blood Ravens Honor Guard, led by Captain Apollo Diomedes, arrives. Diomedes, acting on behalf of the Blood Ravens' Chapter Master and Chief Librarian, Azariah Kyras, orders all Blood Ravens to cease all engagements with the Black Legion forces and return to their ships until further ordered.

Disgruntled by the orders but still loyal, the Blood Ravens return to the ''Retribution''. Several highly encrypted transmissions are intercepted. However, despite their best efforts they are unable to fully dissipate the message's masking. Techmarine Martellus, having survived the Tyranid invasion, accesses the Astronomic Array on Typhon. He reports that he has recovered detailed information about the arrivals and departures of a giant Space Hulk, the ''Judgment of Carrion''. The Space Hulk contains a logic engine system that is powerful enough to remove the masking on the intercepted messages. Meanwhile, investigating how heretic forces had duplicated a Blood Ravens signal, Cyrus is able to discover that the traitor is aboard the ''Retribution''.

When the Space Hulk arrives as Martellus predicted, the Blood Ravens find the ship infested by a splinter of the Tyranid Hive fleet. The foul taint of the Warp also permeates the vessel, cutting their stay aboard extremely short. Not far into the Space Hulk, they discover the bodies of fallen Blood Ravens of the Fifth Company; mysteriously their gene-seeds have been prepared but not collected and stored by an Apothecary. Raising even more questions, the names of the fallen Marines are still marked as on-duty within the Chapter Honor Guard. After much progression throughout the ship, slaughtering innumerable feral Tyranids and recovering the remaining gene-seed with Librarian Jonah Orion, the Blood Ravens finally gain access into a large sealed vault that contains the logic engine system. Inside, numerous Space Marine corpses strew the floor, each puzzlingly with their gene-seeds prepared but not collected. While accessing the logic engine, they find a dataslate written by Apothecary Galan that details the expedition he and fellow Marines made onto the Space Hulk.

Galan was part of the expeditionary group led by the then-Librarian Azariah Kyras. The message contains references to a Daemon named Ulkair that was stalking them within the ship. The Daemon is seeking their gene-seed which compelled Apothecary Galan to try and hide them. Galan worries however that, eventually, the subtle whisperings of the Daemon might overcome them, he also worries for Kyras who has exerted much of his psychic strength in fending off the Daemon and his minions. Kyras seems apathetic about the death of his Battle Brothers and slight hints are made from Galan's description of events that point at slight corruption on his part.

Leaving the Space Hulk and allowing Martellus to analyze the newly acquired logic engine to unmasked messages of the traitor, the Blood Ravens answer to yet another distress signal from Governor Derosa. Chaos Forces have besieged the capital city of Meridian and are assaulting the Governor's palace itself. The Force Commander goes to the defense of the Governor and beats back multiple waves of Black Legion and Vandis Heretic forces on the palace's doorstep. The Blood Ravens receive a transmission on their private voice channels from Araghast the Pillager, mocking them and challenging them along with Sergeant Avitus to a duel. The Blood Ravens, despite orders from Diomedes, return to the chosen battlefield of Aurelia to answer Araghast's challenge. Araghast teleports away from the Blood Ravens using warp portals conjured with the aid of Eliphas, who begrudgingly serves as the Chaos Lord's lieutenant. As the Commander and his forces gained the upper hand, Araghast calls for Eliphas to open another portal to help him escape, but Eliphas betrays Araghast and refuses, leaving a furious Araghast to the mercy of the Blood Ravens. With Araghast slain, Eliphas takes command of the Black Legion forces.

Enthralled by the silencing of Araghast, the Blood Ravens remark the fitting end that a leader of traitors was, ironically, destroyed thanks to a traitor. Martellus, analyzing copious amounts of data, reports to the Force Commander that Apothecary Galan is still alive and also within the Honor Guard of the Blood Ravens. They also find yet another coded transmission from the traitor to Galan. But despite the threat posed by Chaos, Captain Diomedes orders all the Blood Ravens to leave the sub-sector immediately. Gabriel Angelos, unwilling to simply leave the Blood Ravens recruiting worlds to be corrupted by Chaos, orders the Force Commander and his squads to disregard Diomedes' orders. Angelos travels to Calderis where Diomedes is operating out of, and confronts him regarding the retreat order. Diomedes, acting in the name of Kyras, declares Angelos and his men traitors to the Chapter, and sends out a notice to all Blood Ravens to kill him on sight.

Knowing that Gabriel is no traitor, the Force Commander and his squads infiltrate Captain Diomedes's fire-base on Calderis. Within, they locate Apothecary Galan along with a host of Honor Guards that they find have all been corrupted by the forces of Chaos. The strike force attacks Galan and defeats him; in his dying moments, the Apothecary thanks them for freeing him from the influence of Chaos and tells them that everyone who had gone aboard the ''Judgment of Carrion'' had been corrupted, along with most of the men in the fire-base. Only Captain Diomedes himself is found to be pure of corruption, but is blinded by his pride. The strike force proceeds to the Honor Guard's Command Center where they hope to access its logs to expose the traitor on the ''Retribution''. The Command Center is unfortunately destroyed and Captain Diomedes appears on the scene, branding the Commander and his men as heretics for what they have just done. The Commander and his squad explain to Diomedes what had transpired and the events on board the ''Judgment of Carrion''. Diomedes was shocked to hear about it, along with the name of the daemon, and allows them to escape. Meanwhile, logs from Galan's dataslate that was found on board the ''Judgment of Carrion'' reveal that Kyras had fallen to Chaos long before the expedition. In addition, the Daemon Ulkair was imprisoned on Aurelia and they finally realize that Eliphas is planning to release him.

On Aurelia, Eliphas explains that just before the planet was taken by the Warp long ago, Kyras managed to imprison Ulkair after Kyras' master Moriah was killed in battle. Soon after, the warp descended upon the planet taking both Kyras and the Planet. Kyras, trapped within the warp, made a deal with Ulkair to guarantee his escape; Kyras returned centuries later aboard the ''Judgment of Carrion''. Eliphas then sacrifices a captured Blood Raven scout and a plague champion to release Ulkair, a Great Unclean One - a Greater Daemon of Nurgle, the Chaos god of plague and decay. Ulkair thanks Eliphas for releasing him and promises him more power and control under its service. As the player and his squad return to Aurelia, they discover the identity of the traitor. The traitor varies based on the Corruption level of the squads under the player's control. The one with the highest Corruption is the traitor. If none of the player squads are corrupted, the traitor is Techmarine Martellus. The traitor immediately leaves the ''Retribution'' and joins with the Chaos force on the ground, and the Commander leads his loyal squads in pursuit to destroy him.

After they kill the traitor, he tells them that Ulkair has been revived and confirms that Kyras was corrupted by Chaos. Gabriel arrives with his battle barge, the ''Litany of Fury'', and is informed by the Commander and his men of the traitor and the corruption of Kyras. Gabriel, wasting no time, launches a grand assault upon the ancient Blood Ravens chapter keep on Aurelia, where Kyras bound Ulkair. Making use of Predator tanks to secure a beachhead, numerous Chaos bases are destroyed as the Force Commander and his squad gather to assault Ulkair. As they begin to approach the Daemon, they are intercepted by Eliphas, who guards the only way to reach Ulkair. Before they can deal a killing blow, Eliphas is saved by the warp and escapes death yet again, leaving the Commander and his forces free to battle Ulkair. In a long and difficult battle, the Daemon is finally vanquished and sealed again. However, Ulkair remarks that no prison may hold him forever and that he will eventually return and slaughter them all.

Back aboard the ''Litany of Fury'', Gabriel declares their victory over the Black Legion and Ulkair the Unclean One. He tells though of the greater challenges that await them, since Azariah Kyras has been corrupted by Chaos, the only thing that the Blood Ravens may do now is slay him. Gabriel then speaks to the Commander and his squad about their actions (which depends on the Corruption level of the Commander and his squads, and whether they chose to redeem Captain Diomedes or slay him on Calderis). Meanwhile, Eliphas awakens in a prison of some sort, where he is met by Warmaster Abaddon, the lord of the Black Legion. As Abaddon advances on him, Eliphas swears that as he promised, the Blood Ravens will fall.

The Red Wolf Conspiracy

The novel begins with a special notice from the Etherhorde Mariner, announcing that the IMS Chathrand has mysteriously vanished at sea on a voyage to transport Thasha Isiq to a political wedding to bring peace to the two competing empires of northwest Alifros.

Pazel Pathkendel is a young tarboy who is stranded in Etherhorde by a mysterious Dr. Chadfallow. He manages to find work on the Chathrand, but his special power to understand any language attracts the attention of several stowaway Ixchel. The Ixchel warn Pazel that if he tells anyone of their presence, they will kill him, because sailors hate Ixchel and have developed ways of smoking them out of ships.

Thasha arrives on the Chathrand with her father and household. When Pazel has a fit due to the negative side effect of his power, he bumps into Thasha and she takes him to his cabin. There, Pazel meets Ramachni, a wizard from another world, who grants Pazel three words of great power. However, when Pazel insults Thasha's father, who sacked Pazel's hometown, Pazel is expelled from the ship.

As the voyage progresses, it becomes clear something is not right. Chadfallow had previously warned Pazel not to sail on the Chathrand, only to sail on it himself, the captain writes letters to his dead father, the Ixchel notice that several rats on board the ship have awakened and one of them declares a holy war against the captain, a man attacks Thasha's bodyguard only to be saved by the unassuming Mr. Kett, and Thasha feels that her father's mistress is not entirely trustworthy. There is also talk of someone trying to find the 'Red Wolf,' and the 'Nilstone.'

It is revealed that there are several intertwining conspiracies. The emperor wants to ignite a civil war in the Mzithrin Empire to weaken them. Mr. Kett, who is really a sorcerer, is there to bring the banished Mzithrin King Shaggat back to power, not just to fight the current kings of the Mzithrin Empire, but to take over the world.

As the ship comes to the haunted coast Mr. Kett leads an expedition out to the coast to find the Red Wolf where the Nilstone is hidden. Pazel, who has made his way to the haunted coast, is captured and made part of the expedition. Thasha escapes the Chathrand and meets up with her tutor to help save the day. With Pazel's help, the Nilstone (enclosed in the Red Wolf) is raised from the depths. Kett, after being temporarily defeated, returns to the ship and manages to give the Nilstone to the Shaggat. However, Pazel uses one of his words to turn the Shaggat to stone, preventing Mr. Kett's plans from coming into fruition.

Captain Nilius Rose declares that after Thasha's wedding the Chathrand will head out to sea, never to return.

Freddy and the Bean Home News

On a cold March morning, Charles the rooster malingers about going outside to crow. His attempts to avoid work actually make him too sick to do work. Freddy convinces the Bean animals to join in the neighborhood scrap drive contest, finding unneeded metal to help win the war.

Freddy takes news input to the newspaper offices of the ''Guardian'' to discover that his friend, the editor Mr. Dimsey, has been fired. The owner of the paper, Mrs. Underdunk, put her nephew Mr. Garble in charge. With Dimsey's help, Freddy starts another paper ''The Bean Home News'', for the animals. The Bean animals work on Dimsey's farm to pay for his time. Unexpectedly, several people in town have subscribed. This prompts the pig to hire reporters to collect the news from town.

The newspapers come into confrontation when Freddy is accidentally bumped into by Underdunk on the sidewalk. When the sheriff refuses to arrest the pig, Underdunk threatens to use her influence to put him out of office. She comes to the Bean farm, proclaiming that she will have Freddy shot. A joke meant for Charles backfires, further infuriating her.

The city reporter for the ''Bean Home News'' is collecting great material:

:"'Where in tunket did you get that item about Mr. Weezer and Miss Biles being engaged to be married? There wasn’t a soul in town knew about it. I ain’t even sure they knew about it themselves.'" (p. 88)

The ''Guardian'' calls Freddy a ferocious wild pig. Freddy responds in his paper with the true version of events. Citizens believe Freddy, drawing more threats from Underdunk. Charles the rooster is infuriated, and meeting his reputation from an earlier book, single-handedly attacks Garble. That leads Underdunk to demand Freddy's arrest as being the head of an animal gang. Freddy hides in his friend the sheriff's jail, which proves lucky, since when they come to arrest him, the sheriff points out that the pig is already "in custody".

When Freddy visits Old Whibley for advice, the owl determines to be Freddy's lawyer. He instructs Freddy to demand a jury trial, so that his friends will be on the jury. The animals constantly interrupt Garble's sleep, so that in the courtroom he is on the edge of falling asleep. Underdunk's case is unconvincing:

:"'Did he bite you?' :'No.'.... :' immediately called upon the sheriff to lock him up. Why?' :'...That pig cannot be trusted to behave himself." :'Why? Because he did not bite you?'" (p. 156)

Garble falls soundly asleep, losing his chance to testify. The jury votes Freddy innocent.

When Underdunk throws a gala party including a senator, the Bean animals cannot resist sneaking into the grounds to watch. When they are found, Freddy flees into the house just as a war blackout is called, and the house goes dark. Pretending to be the senator, Freddy announces that Underdunk is donating her prize lawn ornament to the Bean's scrap drive. In the chaos that follows when the lights come on, Freddy is captured and imprisoned. However the animals find him, and the authorities are notified. The police, sheriff and judge and many from town arrive in a loud mob.

:"'Another interruption of that kind,' said the judge severely, 'and I will have this barnyard cleared.'" (p. 208)

Having been publicly caught, Underdunk and Garble agree to stop harassing Freddy. Her lawn ornament is given up, and the Bean animals win the scrap drive.

Stuck In Neutral

The book follows Shawn McDaniel's first-person point of view. He is a 14-year-old boy and has lived in Seattle his entire life. He suffers from cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that affects motor control. In Shawn's case, his entire body is affected; he has absolutely no control over any of his bodily functions. Shawn's condition is a major part of the story, for it affects how everyone looks at him and their opinions on him.

In the first few chapters, Shawn McDaniel explains his condition to the reader. He includes what he feels to be positive sides of his condition, such as his perfect memory. Shawn remembers every experience, every sensation, and everything he's ever learned from school or television. Unfortunately due to his complete lack of motor control, Shawn is unable to talk or make contact with his family in any way; it is believed by those around him that Shawn's mind has no higher functional skills. A running theme throughout the book is Shawn's desire to be truly known by someone. Shawn introduces his family to the reader. His mother is his main caretaker and his father is a writer who has won a Pulitzer Prize for a poem about Shawn.

The main story is about euthanasia. Shawn feels that his father Sydney McDaniel is trying to kill him. Sydney constantly talks about euthanasia. In an interview during a Jerry Springer-style show Sydney interviews a man who killed his son with a similar condition, who reveals that he just wanted to end his son's pain. In the end, the reader is left to wonder if Sydney follows the other man's example, or allowed Shawn to continue his life. Shawn frequently expresses that he dislikes being talked down to as if he were a baby. He stresses throughout the novel that he is just as intelligent, or more intelligent, than others around him. We are also introduced to his school life in the middle of the novel.

"Either way, whatever he does, I'll be soaring."

The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder

A Vietnam veteran who pretends to be insane ends up being admitted to the V.A. Hospital. He escapes and builds an underground bunker, which he equips with utilities such as electricity, and also falls in love with his nurse, Zanni.

Competition (The Spectacular Spider-Man)

Peter, as Spider-Man, effectively defeats two common thugs - Flint Marko and Alex O'Hirn - and puts them in prison. While discussing their outrage towards Spider-Man, their bail is paid and they go into a limousine outside. Inside the limousine, Hammerhead tells them he has big plans for them, taking them to a secret base.

The next day, Peter practices his web slinging in his bedroom, when Aunt May walks in. He stops and she suggests he takes their neighbor Mary Jane Watson to the upcoming Fall Formal. Peter cringes at the idea and heads off to school. There, it is announced football practices will be held that day and Harry wants to try out. Peter passes on joining him as he feels it will reveal his abilities. When he hears Flash Thompson planning on specifically going after Harry during tryouts, he decides to keep him safe and try out anyway. They each do good at tryout - Harry impresses the coach and the other player, while Peter does the same using his extra abilities.

Meanwhile, Norman Osborn arrives at the warehouse to supervise an experiment on Marko. Restrained Marko will be given subdermal silicon transplants giving him a hardened untraceable silicon armor. Dr. Octavius says that the experiment has too many flaws but Osborn commands him to go with it anyway. The experiment malfunctions and the silicon violently mutates him. His body evaporates into sand and Octavius, terrified, thinks he has just killed him. Suddenly, Marko reshapes himself, still made of sand, and viciously thrashes against the walls for them to let him out. Hammerhead and Osborn take him outside in their limousine, where Marko is able to reform himself in his old appearance. When they tell him he will work for "the Big Man," but he decides to go alone and leaves. Hammerhead is fine with that as it means they will now have a distraction for Spider-Man.

Now codenamed "Sandman," Marko robs a bank and Spider-Man arrives immediately. He is overpowered by Marko's new powers and finds himself out of web fluid. After defeating Spider-Man, Sandman escapes through a sewer drain, after accidentally mentioning the "Big Man's" name. The next day, Peter wants to go find Sandman after school, but Liz Allan wishes him good luck on the football tryouts. Peter goes to tryouts again, doing well once more and being invited for the last day of tryouts along with Harry. Harry is upset that he outshined him and invites the other players to hang out at a soda shop. Meanwhile, Peter goes on the city bus and sits next to Gwen, whom he apologizes to for ignoring her lately and she accepts. She also hints that he should take her to the fall formal, but he does not get the clue and tells her he asked out Betty Brant, J. Jonah Jameson's secretary at the ''Daily Bugle.''

After departing from the bus, Peter goes off as Spider-Man to an armored truck, which Sandman is robbing. In their struggle, the truck goes out of control and lands in a construction site. When Spider-Man tries to web him up, it proves to be ineffective as Sandman can slip through them; the villain then starts to attack Spider-Man with girders. Meanwhile, at the soda shop, Harry tries to impress the jocks, catching Kenny's girlfriend Glory's attention. Kenny plays a prank on Harry, which enrages Glory and she asks Harry to take her home. Back on the construction site, Spider-Man gets out from the pile of girders and gets the head on Sandman. He lures him up to the roof and encasing him in cement from the nearby cement maker.

That night, Harry comes home to tell his father that he's tried out for the football team, but he is unimpressed. Harry walks off, darkly remarking that he will "show them tomorrow." At final tryouts the next day, Harry makes the team, and Peter purposely does terrible so he doesn't outshine his friend. Gwen then cheers him up with ice cream.

Brian's Got a Brand New Bag

During a DVD sale at a closing video store, Peter decides to buy ''Road House'' and, after watching it, decides to start roundhouse kicking everything in sight including his family. While driving with Brian and using his feet on the steering wheel, Peter crashes into a young woman's car and Brian rushes to make sure she's all right.The woman apologizes to Brian and he asks her out. She accepts, but when he comes to her house to pick her up, her mother Rita says she has just left with somebody else. Brian keeps talking to Rita and finds himself attracted to her. After dating for several weeks, they sneak into the Griffin home late one night, but the family finds out the next morning and ridicules Rita behind her back. Brian attempts to convince the family that Rita is a wonderful, charming woman despite the fact that she is significantly older than he is, and invites her to dinner to prove his point. It does not go well: they demand that she reveal her age, and she breaks down and admits that she is 50. Infuriated with the Griffins, Brian goes to console Rita, and proposes to her. Feeling guilty for how they treated him, the Griffins give Brian their blessings.

Rita breaks her hip while she and Brian are having sex. Peter warns Brian that their relationship will not last much longer now that he must run errands for her. Brian goes out to pick up medicine for bedridden Rita, but is distracted by the sight of a group of young women entering a bar. One of them offers to have sex with Brian in the bathroom, after which he returns with her medicine. Realizing that he still loves Rita, he admits his infidelity. However, Rita decides he is far too young for her and breaks off their engagement, which a regretful Brian understands that it is for the best.

Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison

Kendra, Seth, and the Knights of the Dawn continue to take the last possible steps to safeguard the keys and locks placed on Zzyzx. Graulas asks Seth to recover the Sands of Sanctity to ease his suffering as he dies and Seth agrees.

Kendra, Seth, and the Knights of the Dawn go to Obsidian Waste, the secret preserve in Australia, to get the Translocater, a magical teleportation device and one of the 5 keys to Zzyzx. They are welcomed by the caretaker Laura and twins Camira and Berrigan. Laura quickly kills Camira because she was plotting behind their backs, and reveals that many members of the Society of the Evening Star are waiting to ambush them. Several members of the Society appear and the group quickly flees to the Obsidian Vault where the Translocater is hidden. After a series of trials they get the artifact, only for the Society to capture Seth, Mara, and Berrigan, while Trask, Tanu, and Kendra escape with the Translocater.

After being captured, Seth is summoned to talk with the Sphinx. The Sphinx reveals that they are in Living Mirage, the fifth secret preserve, that he is the caretaker of. He also tells Seth that he is a shadow charmer and that he has the Font of Immortality and the Oculus, the last artifacts. He takes Seth to Nagi Luna, a demoness who mentored the Sphinx. When Seth and Nagi Luna telepathically communicate, Nagi Luna reveals that she secretly wishes to betray the Sphinx and open Zzyzx on her terms. She offers to give Seth power and that they will betray the Sphinx together but Seth refuses. The Sphinx imprisons Seth in the dungeon where Seth befriends Bracken, another prisoner. Seth learns that Bracken is a unicorn with no horn and is stuck in human form due to him giving up his third horn to make the Font of Immortality.

Back in Fablehaven, Vanessa reveals her secret. Grandpa and Grandma Larsen are alive and are undercover spies for the Knights of Dawn at Living Mirage. Kendra and the rest plan a rescue mission with the Translocater. However they are captured by the Sphinx in the attempt, thus giving the society four artifacts. Kendra is summoned to talk to the Sphinx where he reveals his master plan. While Kendra is talking with the Sphinx, a mysterious figure slips Seth a sack containing the Translocater and the Sands of Sanctity. With the Translocater, Seth escapes to Fablehaven and uses the Sands to heal Graulas; but Graulas betrays him and takes the Translocater and the Sands, revealing that Nagi Luna was the one who had the artifacts slipped to Seth. Graulus quickly overthrows the treaty and clams the Chronometer, killing Coulter in the process. He then teleports to Living Mirage and takes over the Society of the Evening Star.

Just before, Kendra is taken to the dungeon and meets Bracken. They both are broken out by Warren with the help of the Sphinx and the three, Kendra, Warren, and Bracken, head to the local fairy shrine where the Fairy Queen sends Raxtus the dragon to help them escape over the preserve's wall.

Meanwhile, Seth follows Coulter's last words to a secret message left by Patton Burgess. In the message, Patton suggests some truly desperate ideas to prepare to oppose the demon hordes. Seth allies with Vanessa and the satyrs and enlists wraiths to protect the house at Fablehaven, then visits and bargains with the Singing Sisters in order to locate a powerful weapon, the sword Vasilis from the age of wonders. This information takes him to the Totem Wall, where he slays one of Zzyzx's founders to claim the sword.

As Seth prepares for Zzyzx to open, Bracken, Warren, Kendra and Raxtus race to beat the Society to the final locks that hold Zzyzx shut, the last Eternals - immortal humans that must be killed before the demon prison can be opened. They fail, but Bracken retrieves his second horn, and they kill Mirav and Torina in the process.

Everyone meets up with Seth at the place where the ghost ship, the Lady Luck, will pick them up to take them to the location of Zzyzx, Shoreless Isle. After Seth uses his powers to procure passage they sail to the island. There, they find the Fairy Queen's shrine near the dome holding Zzyzx. Kendra and Bracken speak once more to the Fairy Queen, who tells them that she has destroyed all of her other shrines, and that they have one final secret plan. The astrids are restored as the guardians of the fairy world and are equipped for battle. For the plan to work they need the five artifacts, so Seth, some astrids, and a repentant Sphinx teleported into Zzyzx and reclaim the artifacts. Seth uses Vasilis to slay Nagi Luna and Graulus, while Kendra uses Vasilis to kill the Demon King. After evacuating her world, the Fairy Queen allows the remaining demons to rush into her newly cut off world, trapping them there. With the artifacts in hand, Agad the wizard locks the demons in and the Fairy Queen makes Zzyzx her new home.

Kendra, Seth, their parents and their grandparents move to the re-established Fablehaven. Raxtus visits and reveals that the Fairy Shrine at Fablehaven has been restored. He takes Kendra there, where she meets Bracken. The book closes as Kendra and Bracken contemplate their future together.

Just Broke Up

The theme of the film is the break-up of a couple, namely Ilektra (Zeta Makripoulia) and Petros (Giannis Tsimitselis) on the former's birthday in modern-day Athens in Greece. The break-up occurs by Petros leaving a message on Ilektra's answering machine asking her to break up with him. The message is overheard by Ilektra's friends who are currently in her apartment preparing a surprise birthday party for her. They decide to hide the truth from her until after the party. What follows is a series of misunderstandings between Ilektra and her friends: Mary, Dimitris (Mary's boyfriend),Lou, Mitsos and her mother. The situation is further perplexed by Vittor, a Spaniard and Lou's chance acquaintance, an uninvited tapperwoman, Titika Karlatira, and a pizza-boy.

The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed

Ned Flanders becomes frustrated when Homer disrupts his Bible study group, and Reverend Lovejoy suggests that Ned invite the Simpson family to join the group on their tour of Jerusalem. Homer is skeptical, but Marge accepts and soon the family is on their way to the Holy Land. Upon arrival in Jerusalem, they are joined by Krusty the Clown, who is making a Jewish pilgrimage. Passing the Western Wall, they meet a talkative, pushy tour guide named Jakob and his niece Dorit, who doubles as his security guard and pummels Bart into submission using her knowledge of Krav Maga.

At first, Homer and the other tourists show more interest in the hotel's buffet than they do in seeing the city, much to Ned's dismay. When they arrive at King David's Tomb, Ned implores Homer to show some respect. Homer, however, continues to goof off and Ned becomes increasingly impatient with him.

Their next stop is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Ned prays that Homer will find some meaning in the tour but soon finds him taking a nap on Jesus' tomb. Ned loses his temper and yells at Homer, an outburst that prompts security personnel to remove him from the church and permanently ban him from returning. He storms off, exasperated with Homer's crass behavior and lack of reverence (stating that Homer is "not worth saving"). Homer loses sight of Ned and believes that he is lost in the desert; in reality, Ned has calmed himself by getting a cup of water and going to see a movie. Homer rides into the desert on a camel in search of Ned, but becomes lost in a sandstorm and begins to succumb to dehydration. He drinks some of the brackish water from the Dead Sea, worsening his condition, and hallucinates that several of the characters from ''VeggieTales'' are naming him as a new Messiah.

Marge and a security guard rescue Homer, and Dr. Hibbert diagnoses him with Jerusalem syndrome, whose sufferers possess religiously-themed obsessive ideas. Homer escapes from the hotel and ends up at the Dome of the Rock. Marge, the Simpson children, and Dr. Hibbert chase after him, only to hear him preach that the similarities of different religions outweigh their differences, and that all should search for a common ground for a joint new religion, the so-called "Chrismujews". Ned witnesses Homer's speech and is profoundly moved, but the effect is lost on the crowd as nearly all of the other tour group members have developed Jerusalem syndrome as well. On the flight back to Springfield, Ned and Homer reconcile.

A More Perfect Union (film)

The film depicts events surrounding creation of the United States Constitution, and is focused mainly on James Madison, who wrote most of that document and took extensive notes during the convention's discussions and proceedings.

The period immediately following the American Revolutionary War was marked by intense political unrest, owing to huge debts, the interruption of trade and business, shortages of labor, and personal turmoils, all created by the War. It soon became evident that the Articles of Confederation were insufficient to address the country's needs. A movement soon emerged to upgrade or replace the Articles, and Madison was foremost in the movement. However, he needed the support of George Washington, and needed to show that a new government would be sufficient to address such challenges as Shays' Rebellion and the growing trade problems between the independent States.

Madison was strongly opposed by those who feared a strong central government, people known either as ''States Rights Advocates'' or as ''Anti-Federalists'', such as Roger Sherman and John Dickinson. Madison was in favor of a bicameral congress, but envisioned both houses being elected according to proportional representation. In this he was opposed by the States Rights Advocates, and he eventually accepted the compromises necessary to address their concerns. The film highlights the basis for these compromises.

The film also depicts the convention delegates' debate about the slave trade.

Measle and the Dragodon

The novel is about a boy called Measle who has been recently reunited with his parents, Sam and Lee Stubbs. On a day out they visit the Isle of Smiles, a theme park, and from then on things take a turn for the worse. Lee is captured by wrathmonks (warlocks that have gone mad) and taken to the Isle of Smiles. Sam has his memory wiped, and Measle and his dog, Tinker, are left to their own devices to find and rescue their parents. Once Measle reaches the Isle of Smiles, the wrathmonks cast a spell that causes all the creatures in the theme park to come alive and attempt to kill him. After he has successfully run away from the creatures, the wrathmonks catch him and want to kill him, but their leader, a dragodon, orders them to take him to a ride which leads into the dragon's lair. After a fight with the dragon and the dragodon, Measle and his mother escape and get back to their house where after a short fight the wrathmonks are defeated.

More Dead Than Alive

An incarcerated killer named Cain (Clint Walker) is released from prison after 18 years and wants to settle down as a rancher without ever having to touch a gun again. But no one will give him a job and people are after him for his earlier crimes. He finally takes an offer from a showman named Ruffalo (Vincent Price) to perform as "Killer Cain" in his traveling shooting show. However, after 18 years without practice, Cain is not as good as he once was with a gun. Cain tries to find redemption and peace when he falls in love and eventually marries Monica Alton (Anne Francis), an artist from the east who came out west to paint. Yet Cain's reputation continues to dog him as past enemies (Mike Henry) try to settle old scores while Billy Valence (Paul Hampton), a young rival sharpshooter (with mental issues) in Ruffalo's show, is looking to build his reputation by killing Cain.

Shoggoths in Bloom

In 1938, Paul Harding is a black college professor who has come to a coastal Maine village to study the wild shoggoths. As news reports of Kristallnacht appear in the background, Harding discovers the unexpected truth about shoggoths, and is faced with a difficult decision.

The Fighter (1952 film)

A boxer, in Mexico, sets out to avenge the murder of his family by using the money from his winnings to purchase weapons.

Apollo 11 (1996 film)

Fearful that the Soviets would continue their lead in the Space Race and be the first to put a man on the Moon, NASA felt an enormous pressure to push the Apollo Program forward as quickly as possible, though they knew that pushing too hard could lead to disaster. This film recreates the tensions that were felt not only by the three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, but also by their families and by the teams of technicians training to deal with anything that could go wrong.

Transition (novel)

Set between the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and the 2008 financial crisis, ''Transition'' centres on a shadowy organisation called "The Concern" (also known as "L'Expédience"), and how the workings of this organisation affect the lives of the novel's multiple narrators and characters. Banks uses the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics theory to imagine "infinitudes" of parallel realities, between which The Concern's agents – known as Transitionaries – can "flit", intervening in events to produce what The Concern sees as beneficial outcomes for that world. Transitioning, or flitting, is only possible for people with a predisposed talent for such movement, who may only flit after ingesting a mysterious drug called "septus". When a Transitionary flits into another world, he or she temporarily takes control of the body of an existing inhabitant of that world, along with some of that body's residual idiosyncrasies (such as personality disorders and sexual preferences).

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Gehōchō: Keppūroku

In the Bakumatsu era in 1860s feudal Japan, the dynasty of Tokugawa ''shōguns'' are continuously attacked by rebel groups that wish to end the ''shōguns'' and restore the Empire. Young people all over Japan united into different clans and organizations, wishing to conquer the power in the capital city Edo. At this time, divine and demonic creatures also started gaining power under the leadership of Tenkai Kodzunu. The hero is Tatsuto Hiyuu, an ancestor of Tatsuma Hiyuu, the main hero of earlier Tokyo Majin games. This also applies to all the other characters in the game as they are ancestors of the respective characters in the ''Keppūroku'' game.

Acceptance (Heroes)

The episode opens with Tracy Strauss getting ready to meet with Governor Robert Malden to get her job back. However, she wonders if it's time for herself to change, and after meeting with Noah Bennet, decides she wants to play a more active role in helping people alongside the governor. When she meets with Malden about this, he dismisses it, causing Tracy to excuse herself to the bathroom due to her anger. While inside, Tracy seems to lose control of her water powers, though she forms back together when she calms down. She then coldly leaves Malden in the restaurant.

Hiro Nakamura is happy to discover that his sister, Kimiko, and Ando Masahashi are engaged, and agrees to send Kimiko off. Ando is worried, as Hiro may be dead by then. Ando urges Hiro to accept his fate and tell Kimiko the truth. They are interrupted by a phone call for their "Dial-A-Hero" scheme; a former accountant at their company named Tadashi announces his intent to commit suicide. Hiro talks with him, learning he was fired from his job due to an embarrassing incident at a party. Hiro travels back in time to prevent Tadashi's mistake, and returns to the moment before the phone call. However, he still receives the call, learning that Tadashi had a similar incident at another party. After repeated attempts, Hiro returns to Tadashi, telling him they must each accept their fates, and reveals his terminal illness, finally convincing Tadashi to live. Hiro decides to tell Kimiko he is dying, but, in conversation, begins to have a headache and seems to freeze time. He assures Kimiko he is fine, but vanishes right in front of her.

Peter Petrelli meets with Noah, and attempts to show him the compass tattoo from the previous episode, but finds it gone. Peter leaves, and Noah is visited by Claire, who is concerned her father doesn't have a job. Meanwhile, Edgar begins to doubt Samuel's plan in finding other people with abilities. Samuel then uses Lydia to find another person, though she shows him an image of Noah. Noah is then shown beginning to investigate the compass and his encounter with Edgar.

Nathan Petrelli has disjointed visions of his past after Angela Petrelli gives him a box of items from his childhood in an effort to rekindle his memories and prevent Sylar's personality from emerging. One troubling memory is that of a former girlfriend, Kelly, who he sees dead in a pool. Believing Kelly had run away from her family, Nathan visits her mother, Millie, the same woman Angela met with in "Cold Snap." Millie affirms she has never heard from Kelly since, and Nathan investigates the pool area. Touching the poolside bench, Nathan learns that Kelly had slipped and died by hitting her head on it. Nathan confronts Angela, who confirms his claim and confesses she hid the body and had Nathan's mind erased by the Haitian. Nathan attempts to tell Millie the truth, and she sends him away; he is soon after knocked unconscious by a man. Millie meets with Angela and tells her about the encounter, though Angela dismisses it as Nathan being confused. Nathan is then shown being dragged to a pit, where he is shot and buried. It is revealed the man was hired by Millie. As the man drives away, Sylar erupts from the ground, having survived by use of his healing ability, no longer in the form of Nathan Petrelli.

The Girl Who Had Everything

Jean lives with her widowed father, defense lawyer Steve Latimer who had recently agreed to defend gambler Victor Y. Ramondi in a trial against the senate on the basis of charges for gambling and organized crime. Prior to the six-day trial, Jean's long-term boyfriend, Vance Court asked once again for her hand in marriage, yet she politely declines claiming she is not yet ready to get married. Vance, while disappointed, agrees that it is fair for her to have "a little more time" but not too much, as he would like to settle down with her soon.

During the trial, Jean and Victor Ramondi become acquainted through their connections to Steve Latimer and immediately have undeniable chemistry. During their first night together, they converse over dinner, laugh, and Jean even opens up to Vic and nonchalantly expresses her worries about her father's struggle with alcoholism. Victor acts in a very suave and composed manner and proves himself a gentleman to Jean, which further piques her interest in him. Jean is intrigued by the fact that Victor is known to be a "bad boy" and not simply a safe choice like Vance. Given that Jean had been the "Girl Who Had Everything" throughout her life due to her father, she wanted to have Victor too. The spark between Jean and Ramondi continues to ignite when Victor outbids Vance in an auction in Lexington, Kentucky for a $20,000 colt, which he later gives to Jean as a gift.

As Ramondi's defense attorney, Steve was aware of the tricks and malintentions of Victor and sees it necessary to warn his daughter of Ramondi's deceitful past, for he knows Victor would have never invested such a large sum of money without wanting something else in return. Although Jean acknowledges her father and initially grows upset with Victor, she continues to pursue him, as she claims she knows what she feels and cannot help those feelings. In the meantime, she agrees to her father's proposal to take a short vacation with him to the Smokies to clear her head. However, after only a few short days, she can barely stand to be apart from Victor and soon departs to New York to see him.

Upon their arrival in New York, Victor receives a newspaper article disclosing the information that the trials against him may reopen due to the discovery of classified information provided by a "mystery witness", later revealed to be Steve. Ramondi grows enraged and flustered, knowing that Steve Latimer has the power to expose his crimes and misdemeanors to the world and ruin his reputation and his chances with Jean. The two men both proceed to threaten each other in a big argument. While Steve cannot directly testify against Ramondi in court, he claims he can easily bring in witnesses attest to Victor's murder of two mobster brothers. Meanwhile, Victor maliciously threatens Steve with physical harm if he attempts to go to Washington to testify. During this argument, the true character of Ramondi is exposed to Jean, who is finally able to see him for the man he truly is. He hits both her father and her out of anger, and even though he apologizes to her saying it was out of anger in that moment, she finally realizes her father was right all along and calls off their engagement.

Finally, Victor departs, and while he is stopped at a traffic light in his car, he is shot and killed by a man in an adjacent truck. When the news reporters come by to interview the Latimers the following day, they express to the reporters that Ramondi was a gambler, and he lost his own game. In the closing scene, Jean and Steve reconcile and embrace each other with a long, heartfelt hug, for his intuition about Ramondi was right all along, and it only took a matter of time before Jean was able to see it.

Hysterical Blindness (Heroes)

Sylar crawls from his shallow grave and is picked up by the Baltimore Police after being found wandering. Police psychologist Dr. Madelyn Gibson diagnoses him with amnesia and possible aphasia. She begins working with him on his memory but the police soon identify him as murder suspect Gabriel Gray.

Samuel declares to the family that a new member will be joining that day. Lydia cautions him against making promises he may not be able to keep, but Samuel trusts that the feeling in his bones will prove to be correct.

Claire and Gretchen are invited by Psi Alpha Chi rush chair Becky Taylor to rush the sorority. They make a good impression and are invited back for the mixer that evening. Just before they leave for the dance, Claire discovers information about her, her past, Annie's death and the concept of murder-suicide on Gretchen's computer. At the party, Claire and another girl are almost impaled on a falling flagstaff; only Gretchen appears near enough to have dropped it.

Peter tries to reconnect with Angela but is unsuccessful. On his way to work he saves Emma, disoriented by her newly manifesting abilities, from being hit by a bus and inadvertently mimics her ability. He finds her later at the hospital and explains about her ability and the two play a piano duet. He asks her to lunch the next day but she is put off when he jokes about getting her out of the file room.

After the mixer Gretchen returns to her dorm room and assures Claire that she did not drop the flagstaff. Claire confronts her about the information on her computer and Gretchen kisses her, confessing that she has a crush on Claire. Moments later, the sorority sisters arrive and offer them each a bid to join the sorority.

Sylar escapes from custody through an instinctive use of telekinesis and carjacks the psychiatrist. He releases her but the police are on his trail. They shoot him but he heals and flees.

At the carnival Samuel and Lydia try to form a tattoo of the new member but are unsuccessful. Samuel flings a rag which stops in mid-air, leading Samuel to realize that another family member has arrived invisibly. It is Becky Taylor, who has been acting under Samuel's orders to isolate Claire. It was Becky who dropped the flagstaff and she who pushed Annie out of the dorm window. He sends her back to the college as Lydia is now able to reveal the new family member.

At her apartment, Emma plays the cello. As her playing intensifies, the generated light damages the walls. At Peter's apartment, Hiro teleports in and collapses.

As he runs through the woods, Sylar encounters Samuel and the carnival. With the entire carnival cloaked in the illusion of invisibility, Samuel informs Sylar that he has come home.

The Tale of Zatoichi

The blind masseur Zatoichi is hired by yakuza gang-leader Sukegoro (Eijiro Yanagi) as he thinks that war is inevitable with the rival yakuza Shigezo (Ryuzo Shimada). Zatoichi has a distinguished reputation as a swordsman and Sukegoro thinks he is money well spent. Shigezo responds by hiring a ronin of similar repute, Miki Hirate (Shigeru Amachi). Ichi is a meek and humble man who is commonly underestimated by most men, and looked upon suspiciously. His being a masseur, which was a position of low regard in feudal Japan, merely increases the hostility that is shown towards him. They even try to take advantage of his blindness in a gambling den, but from early on it is clear that Zatoichi draws strength from his disability.

The only person who respects him is Hirate, who has a similar code of practice. Though Hirate and Ichi know they must fight when the war begins, they develop a kind of friendship. Hirate is eager to fight Zatoichi, as he is terminally ill with tuberculosis and considers death at the hands of a master swordsman preferable. As Hirate becomes increasingly sick, Sukegoro decides to attack Shigezo. He also tells Ichi that he is no longer needed. However, as the war begins, Shigezo informs Hirate of his fallback plan since Hirate is ill, that he intends to shoot Ichi with his rifle. Hirate drags himself from his bed to fight Zatoichi on the condition that the rifle is left behind. Ichi learns from a boy at the temple where Hirate was staying that Hirate will be fighting after all, and also learns the reason. Zatoichi travels to the battle to duel with the dying samurai. After the tense final fight, in which Zatoichi prevails, Zatoichi leaves Iioka and rejects the advances of Otane (Masayo Banri), who has become disillusioned with the yakuza lifestyle, to continue as a solitary wanderer.

Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus

Bill Peck receives ten dollars from his parents to go to summer camp and defend his trophy, however he gets forced to spend the money on tickets to a circus that is in town. In revenge he feeds the lions his mom's sleeping pills and ruins Bailey the lion tamer's act. He then goes into the circus camp and falls for bareback rider Fleurette de Cava, who unfortunately sprains her ankle in rehearsals and will lose her contract if she does not perform in the next show. Bailey has the idea of giving Bill a wig and having him do the show with his guidance, but just before the act begins Bailey finds out who drugged his lions.

Harmony Lane

The life and loves of composer Stephen Foster, from his early success through his decline, degradation, and death from (assumed) alcoholism.

Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze

According to the story of Gadget's Crazy Maze, Inspector Gadget's mysterious nemesis is up to no good. This time, the M.A.D leader Dr. Claw has been creating mind-control crystals on his secret moon base, then tossing them down to Earth. If the crystals lay dormant for a short amount of time, they will activate, taking control of the consciousness of the whole world. To make sure no one disturbs them, Dr. Claw has spread them all around four different areas and inserted his vile henchmen to protect them.

Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear

When the International Circus comes to town, a mysterious series of disappearances begin, and Inspector Gadget is called into help. Once his involvement is discovered, Penny and Brain are kidnapped, making Gadget's task bigger. He must get through each side-scrolling level, avoiding the meanies by jumping on them to reach the final target. There are many holes which lead to different sections of levels. The C64 version adds an icon system allowing players to collect and use their gadgets.

Broken (House)

House awakens in the Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital after suffering through the painful effects of Vicodin withdrawal. He asks to leave knowing that they legally cannot keep him because he voluntarily committed himself. However, Dr. Nolan (Andre Braugher) refuses to sign a recommendation that he is able to return to practicing medicine. House resigns himself to staying at the hospital and getting his clearance. He meets his bipolar roommate, Alvie (Lin-Manuel Miranda), and begrudgingly participates in group therapy with Dr. Beasley. He also meets and is intrigued by Lydia (Franka Potente), a woman who plays piano for her sister-in-law Annie (Ana Lenchantin), an unresponsive patient in the ward who was a cellist.

House attempts to be kicked out by making the patients' and workers' lives miserable, starting by humiliating the patients by deducing their problems during a group therapy session but only succeeds in being placed in solitary confinement. House then goads his fellow patients into creating havoc in the ward over not being allowed table tennis paddles, but Dr. Nolan calms them by giving them the paddles. From the hospital window, House sees Dr. Nolan get into a car with a woman. House convinces Alvie to break into Nolan's office to get information on him, but Alvie finds nothing useful. House then phones Wilson to ask for help blackmailing Nolan, but Wilson refuses, saying that Nolan had warned him that House may try to do something like this and that he should let Nolan do his job. House starts to adjust to life inside the institution. His only respite is Lydia's regular visits, during which they talk and discuss music.

A new patient named Steve, who insists on the name "Freedom Master", believes he is a superhero that can fly. During one of his episodes, the doctors drug him into a catatonic state. House is infuriated by this, and, with Lydia's help, kidnaps Steve and takes him to a carnival. House and Steve go on a wind tunnel ride which makes it appear as if they are really flying. Steve is overjoyed, but then actually believes he can fly and jumps off a parking structure. With Steve badly injured, Dr. Nolan tells House he cannot possibly treat someone so uncooperative. As Nolan leaves, however, House softly calls him back and says, "I need help." He begins therapy with Nolan and House says, "I want to get better." House takes his medication for the first time, and tells Alvie that his new plan is to cooperate, much to the chagrin of Alvie, who feels betrayed.

Nolan brings House a suit and has him mingle at the hospital's fund-raising party. His assignment is to make connections with strangers. It is difficult for House at first, but then he has fun toying with people. Lydia becomes his accomplice and before she leaves, she kisses House.

House discusses the kiss with Nolan. Lydia is married. He also feels guilty about what happened to Steve, and Nolan tells him to apologize personally. During group therapy, Dr. Beasley suggests the patients put on a talent show. House has an idea of how to help Steve, who had been trying to "save" the silent girl, Annie, with a music box confiscated in the nurse's station. Steve calls it her "voicebox". House convinces Beasley to allow them to get the music box, but Dr. Nolan comes in to break up the group and wheels Steve away, saying that House was "trying to fix, instead of moving on".

House rebuffs Lydia because he knows that, in the end, someone will get hurt. House is given a day pass by Dr. Nolan who requests his presence. He arrives at a hospital to find Nolan at the bedside of his dying father; a tearful Nolan asks House for a consultation. House has nothing to add to the diagnosis, confirming that Nolan Sr.'s condition is terminal. House accuses Nolan of having no one else to turn to but his own patient (House himself). Nolan tells House that he does not need him to make deductions, and House realizes that what he needs is company, so he stays and sits in silence.

When House returns to Mayfield, he finds Lydia upset over her sister-in-law. He apologizes and dances with her. They find an empty room and have sex.

The residents hold a talent show. House does not participate at first, but is coaxed into helping Alvie when he cannot finish his rap on stage.

House apologizes to Steve, and as he wheels him away, Steve breaks his silence and gives the silent Annie the music box he was holding. For the first time, she speaks to say 'thank you'. Lydia arrives and House takes her in to see the group watching her sister-in-law playing "Bach's Cello Suite No. 1" on the cello.

After learning that Annie is being released from Mayfield, House goes to Nolan's office to confront him. Dr. Nolan tells House that Lydia and her husband are taking Annie to a rehab facility in Arizona. House demands an overnight pass, and over Nolan's objections he goes to see Lydia at her home. He is startled when Lydia's young son answers the door. House wants her to stay, and Lydia says she wants to but ends up asking House to leave. Back in the Mayfield parking lot, House talks to Dr. Nolan about his feelings, which, in conjunction with House getting close enough to someone to be hurt in the first place, convinces him that House deserves the recommendation to the medical board, showing that he learned to talk about his problems instead of abusing Vicodin and deserves his medical license back.

Mayfield gives House a good-bye party, and House is discharged and gets on a bus back to Princeton. After the departure of House, Alvie decides he wants to get better and goes back on his medication.

Gangster's Paradise: Jerusalema

The film begins with Lucky Kunene lying on a bed, covered in blood. Police officers barge into his room and arrest him for murder charges. The film cuts to the interrogation room, where Kunene says he will provide his full back-story.

The rest of the film tells Kunene's life story leading up to his arrest. The story begins with Kunene and his friend Zakes as teenagers living in the Soweto Township. Lucky learns he has not earned a scholarship to continue his education. In need of money, Kunene and Zakes meet a local crime lord, Nazareth, who was formerly a Russian-trained guerrilla. Nazareth sets up Lucky and Zakes with several small-time robberies. These crimes escalate to large-scale car-jackings, prompting Lucky to give up his educational aspirations. Lucky's final robbery goes horribly wrong, leaving Nazareth imprisoned and much of his crew dead. Lucky and Zakes narrowly escape. They decide to lay low and move to Johannesburg.

At this point, the film skips ahead ten years. Lucky and his friend now run a taxi business in the Hillbrow section of Johannesburg. They lose their business after Lucky himself is carjacked. Frustrated with his living conditions and inability to obtain economic mobility, Lucky creates the "Hillbrow People’s Housing Trust". The trust allows Kunene to build an empire of apartment buildings in Hillbrow. He promises residents half price on their rent. Kunene collects all the residents's rent, then negotiates aggressively with landlords so that they accept the reduced rent. Kunene becomes a Robin Hood figure, gaining the title "The Hoodlum of Hillbrow". As Kunene builds his empire of residential buildings, Detective Blakkie Swart builds a case against Kunene.

Kunene next meets a white South African woman, Leah Friedlander. He helps rescue her brother, a drug addict, from drug dealers. After their encounter, Kunene begins a relationship with her. Kunene and Leah buy a house in the suburbs and move in together.

Kunene's success is marred throughout the second half of the film by a drug dealer named Tony Ngu. Kunene wants Ngu to leave so that he can build his empire without interference from drug lords. Nazareth, a member of Lucky's housing trust, becomes involved with Ngu and is eventually busted for drugs. Lucky describes the bust as "exactly the excuse Swart needed" to begin making arrests and demolishing Lucky's buildings.

Ngu, determined to fight back against Lucky's attempts to force him away, entices Leah's brother with drugs to sneak out of Lucky's house. Lucky goes after Leah's brother, but he is found dead. A troubled Lucky contemplates with Zakes about killing Ngu. Soon after, they are involved in a drive-by shooting , where Zakes is murdered. Lucky gathers his crew and storms a strip club where Ngu is spending the night. A furious gunfight ensues. Lucky murders Nazareth, and sustains serious injuries himself. Lucky chases Ngu onto the roof of the club. Ngu pleads with Lucky, telling him he will do anything to have his life spared. Lucky responds "can you bring Zakes back?" He shoots Ngu and pushes him off the roof. At this point, the back-story has caught up to the opening scene of the film. Lucky, bloodied and lying in bed, is arrested for murder

In prison, Kunene quickly orchestrates his own escape. Kunene feigns illness, and is transported from prison to the hospital. There, Kunene is under less security. With the help of his remaining friends, he escapes.

Cigarette Girl (2009 film)

In the not too distant future, society has levied laws against smoking and forced citizens to live in a certain part of town called the "Smoking Section" if one wants to smoke cigarettes. After crossing the line into the smoking ghetto, cigarettes now cost $63.49 a pack, and are sold on the street corners and underground bars. The unnamed heroine (Cori Dials) of the film works in the "Vice Club", an abandoned 1930s era cigarette factory turned club.

After her grandmother (Helen Bowman) is hospitalized with emphysema, the Cigarette Girl attempts to break her addiction to nicotine while also escaping the clutches of her employers, the mob-associated operators of the Vice Club. Deciding to start carrying a pistol, the Cigarette Girl stops smoking and starts killing on the third day to alleviate her acute psychological withdrawal manifested primarily by the ghost of a cowboy who is always on her back to keep smoking.

Inspector Gadget: Operation Madkactus

Once again the evil Dr. Claw has unleashed misery onto the world by releasing a horrible new malady called the Madkactus virus. Now it is up to Inspector Gadget, his niece Penny and her dog Brain to stop Dr. Claw's latest plan and save the world yet again.

The Mad Woman in the Attic

Part 1

The story opens with a "mad woman" in the attic of 13 Bannerman Road, in the year 2059 in Ealing. Sarah Jane and Luke, who previously lived in the house, are long gone, and Mr Smith ceased to function several years earlier. A teenage boy, Adam, investigates the attic, and learns that the "mad woman" is Rani, who had fought aliens with Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde.

Rani has a flashback of 2009 in her adolescence, aged 15, in Sarah Jane's attic, at which time she overreacted when the group were not paying her much attention. Sarah Jane told her that a flash of lightning that struck the BT Tower was unimportant. Rani then received an email from an old friend, Sam, from her home town by the beach, whom she had told about her encounters with aliens.

The email explained that people had been disappearing; Rani meets up with Sam, who sends her to investigate rumours of a demon in an abandoned fairground. Rani then meets Harry, the caretaker, whom she accompanies after lying to him about having a twisted ankle. Harry becomes frightened and tells Rani to leave, but she then sees people with red glowing eyes seemingly enjoying the funfair rides.

Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde investigate Sam, who has lived at St Anthony's Children's Home since his parents died in a car accident in 2001. Leaving Luke with Sam, Sarah Jane and Clyde go to the funfair where they see the red-eyed people on the rides. Rani is shut in a room behind the Haunted Mine ride with Eve, an alien girl with red skin and rope-like hair, who can read her thoughts. Eve tells Rani that her parents sent her to earth to avoid a war between two other alien races on her home planet. She explains to Rani that she has brought lonely people to the park so they could have fun. Reacting to Eve's perception that she's been feeling left out, Rani denies that she needs Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde and wishes "that they would just leave me alone." Offering to show Rani her future, Eve brings her to a mirror where she sees herself as the mad woman in the attic.

Part 2

Rani sees her future as a mad woman living in the attic of Sarah Jane's and wants to change it. In the meantime, both Luke, who is with Rani's friend Sam, and Sarah Jane, who has been taken to Harry's office, are brought before mirrors in which a bright red face appears. The entity shows both of them scenes from their past and their future.

Sarah Jane and Clyde enter the Haunted Mine in search of Rani, who is leading Eve out at the same time. The two groups encounter each other, and Sarah Jane warns Rani against Eve, adding to Rani's feelings of being disrespected. Once outside, the overjoyed Eve activates the rides again, but Harry tells her to stop. Back in Harry's office, Sarah Jane and Clyde speak to the red-faced entity, which identifies itself as Ship, the artificial intelligence of Eve's ship. Ship states that Eve must return inside because she is too young to control her powers. When Rani starts to walk away from Eve, she takes control of Rani, as she did with the other people in the fairground.

Ship explains to Sarah Jane and Clyde that Harry was keeping Eve safe, while Ship rebooted itself. But if Eve does not stop playing, she will die. Eve is persuaded to release the people she is controlling, but she does not know how and collapses in pain. Harry, Clyde and Sarah Jane then take Eve back to the beach where Ship had crashed. Ship opens its door, welcomes Eve inside and removes the excess energy that was causing her pain, which releases all those Eve was controlling.

Ship explains that it uses the energy of a black hole as fuel, so Sarah Jane contacts K9, who gives Ship the black hole energy it needs to leave. This also allows K9 to return home permanently. Sam and Harry are invited to leave Earth with Eve. As Sarah Jane and her friends are about to leave, Ship grants Rani's wish that Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde would leave her alone and causes the three of them to disappear. Due to a malfunction caused by the crash, Ship did not understand that Rani's wish was not intended literally.

Back in 2059, Adam reveals that he is the child of Sam and Eve and was sent by his parents to he give the older Rani the opportunity to change her past. Rani's timeline is altered so that Ship does not fulfill her wish. She also is shown in her alternative future, enjoying the company of her children and grandchildren. In this future, it is implied through dialogue that she has just returned from a trip to Washington where she and Luke were catching up with Maria.

My Backyard Was A Mountain

The movie is set in the early 1960s and deals with Adan's family needing to relocate from rural Puerto Rico to New York City. Since he cannot take it with him, he has to find a new home for his pet goat in a hurry. The movie also deals with Adan's saying good-bye to his first love, Denise.

Cauchemar Blanc

One winter's night in France, four racists, J.P., Berthon, Barjout, and René, set out to assault a local Arab man. The four follow him to a vacant parking lot outside of an apartment building, but the car they are in suddenly starts smoking, causing them to crash into a phone booth. Barjout is knocked unconscious, but the others are unharmed. As the remaining three are about to attack the quite fearless (albeit defenseless) Arab, a woman in the building threatens to call the police.

Impersonating a police-officer, J.P. heads into the building to assuage the situation. When an Afro-French denizen accuses J.P. of lying, he becomes angered and begins insulting him, only to discover that the black man is a police commissioner. Meanwhile, Berthon and Rene are keeping watch of the Arab man. When René begins showing off his "skills" with nunchucks, one of the sticks detaches and hits Berthon in the head, knocking him out cold.

As René tries to resuscitate Berthon, Barjout regains consciousness and decides to investigate what has happened. Upon seeing an apprehended J.P., Barjout threatens the black man at gunpoint. When J.P. tries to tell him that he is a commissioner, Barjout accidentally opens fire and kills J.P. Suddenly, he hears the disembodied voices of Berthon and J.P., and now the Arab man is speaking in René's voice. Barjout awakens, realizing the events were nothing more than a nightmare he had while waiting in the car. The film ends with the four men beating and presumably killing the helpless Arab man.

Equinox (1992 film)

Henry Petosa and Freddy Ace are identical twins living in the fictional city of Empire with no knowledge of each other, separated at birth and given up for adoption.

Henry is a shy garage mechanic. He lives in a slum and loves Beverly Franks, his best friend's sister. He also baby-sits for his neighbor Rosie, a prostitute.

Freddy is a driver for Mr. Paris, a gangster. He is slick and self-confident, married to a materialistic woman named Sharon.

One day, a young woman named Sonya Kirk who works in a morgue accidentally comes across a letter indicating that the twins are actually the offspring of European nobility and owed a large sum of inheritance money. Sonya decides to play amateur detective and track them down.

It all leads to a confrontation between the surprised twins in a restaurant, a shootout and a final scene high above the Grand Canyon.

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Set in an early-Renaissance ''milieu'', the game takes place in the kingdom of Tandria, where the most valued possession is the "People's Crown", given only to those monarchs who rule benevolently. However, as many of Tandria's rulers proved cruel and greedy, the Crown was locked away until such time as a worthy monarch ascends to the throne. The game begins as Princess Zoé answers a summons from her father, Konradin, king of Tandria's neighbouring kingdom of Kuron. Konradin tells her that King Balderus of Tandria has been the victim of a ''coup'', and is now in exile. Meanwhile, the leaders of the rebellion, Lord Wolvering and his most loyal knight, Dracorian, are attempting to set themselves up as Tandria's rulers. Tasking Zoé with expelling the duo, Konradin promises her a kingdom of her own should she succeed. After she departs, however, he laughs menacingly to himself, musing, "desire, how wonderfully blinding you are".

Zoé travels to the Tandrian village of Mohnfelden, where she meets with Bors, an old friend of Konradin's, and who is to act as her advisor during the campaign. As they begin moving through the kingdom, encountering those in the service of Wolvering and Dracorian, Zoé is eager to employ diplomacy, but Bors continuously counsels against it, advising military aggression. During their journey, Zoé mentions that she heard Balderus was a tyrant, but Bors is horrified, asserting that the king was simply misunderstood by his subjects.

When they encounter Dracorian, he mocks Zoé, asserting that she is only fighting because she desires the crown promised her by Konradin, not because she actually cares about Tandria. He also warns her not to trust her father. Shortly thereafter, he is defeated in battle and captured, at which time he insists to Zoé that he is fighting a noble war in defence of the Tandrian people. With Dracorian in prison, Zoé is confronted by his sister, Rovyn. When she too is defeated and captured, she makes the same claim as Dracorian, asserting that she is fighting a noble fight in defence of the Tandrian people. Ignoring her claims, Zoé and Bors march to Konstedt, Tandria's capital, where Zoé takes the city, arresting Wolvering.

Returning to Konradin, Zoé tells him the conflict is over. He rewards her with a nearby castle rather than Tandria's throne as promised and then introduces her to King Balderus, whom she is stunned to learn is actually Bors. Realising that Dracorian and Rovyn were telling her the truth, she releases Dracorian from jail, and together they vow to remove Balderus from the throne. Incensed at her actions, however, Konradin heads to Tandria himself.

After Dracorian is injured in battle, Zoé is pushed back to the volcano Drakenau. With Dracorian acting as her advisor, Zoé faces the combined armies of Konradin and Balderus. Upon defeating them, they confront her, promising that they will have revenge. Zoé dismisses their threats, and banishes them both from Tandria. Konradin mocks her, saying she'll never have a crown now, but she tells him she doesn't care, as in defending Tandria she has found something more valuable; she has learned who she really is. Some days later, as the Tandrian people celebrate, Zoé watches from the window of Konstedt Castle. Dracorian approaches her, telling her that she too should be celebrating. When she points out that Tandria is not her home, he presents her with the People's Crown, and names her the rightful Queen of Tandria.

''Chronicles of Tandria''

''Chronicles of Tandria'' is set just prior to the main game, as Konradin and Balderus stand on the brink of conquering Tandria. The game begins as they make a claim on Dracorian and Rovyn's family home in the province of Old Drakenau. When the siblings refuse to hand the province over, the kings declare war against them, soon capturing them both. Concerned that if they are left on the Tandrian mainland, they might stir up resistance, Konradin orders them sent to the prison islands off the northern coast.

On the prison islands, Dracorian and Rovyn are separated; she is placed in a tower, and he in a penal colony on a different island. Several months later, after careful planning, Dracorian and his fellow prisoners overcome their guards, and he heads to the island on which Rovyn is imprisoned, freeing her. As they travel back to the mainland, Dracorian points out they will need the people of Tandria's support if they are to withstand Konradin and Balderus, and so they plan to start a popular rebellion. Landing in the province of Chrysalis, the land from which King Daniel the Old first settled Tandria, Dracorian plans to use to their advantage the legend of the Forgotten Realm; a mythical place where Tandrians supposedly hid during the occupation of Moran the Feeble-Minded centuries prior. Hoping to establish his base in the Forgotten Realm, the immediate problem Dracorian faces is that the Realm's location is known only to a select few scholars in the University of Tandria in Chrysalis. With Balderus and Konradin occupying the nearby towns, Dracorian sets out to convince the University to give him the Realm's location by winning back the towns. The plan works, with Dean Aurelius of the University granting him permission to study the texts that reveal the Realm's location.

Upon arriving at the location, which turns out to be a valley hidden behind the volcano Drakenau, not far from their home, Dracorian and Rovyn are met by Jakob the Guardian, who tells them that Konradin is already assaulting the Great Wall protecting the Realm. Relieving pressure on the Wall, they force Konradin back, but before he leaves, he promises them that soon he will subjugate all of Tandria. With Konradin gone, Jakob opens the gates to the Forgotten Realm, inviting Dracorian and Rovyn to make their headquarters there and build up a settlement for Tandrian refugees. Several months later, having established a settlement, welcoming any Tandrians who wish to join them, Dracorian vows that the rebellion will now begin in earnest, as they set about resisting the two kings.

Breaking the Ice (film)

Tommy Martin (Bobby Breen) and his mother, Martha Martin (Dolores Costello) say goodbye to Henry and Reuben Johnson (John 'Dusty' King and Delmar Watson). After having stopped by the Mennonite farm, where Tommy and Martha stay with the William and Annie Decker (Robert Barrat and Dorothy Peterson), the Johnsons are headed back to their hometown of Goshen. That night over dinner, Tommy, Martha and the Decker's discuss the possibility of Tommy and Martha returning to their home in Kansas to work their farm, having fully recovered from the death of Mr. Marti. William Decker does not wish to allow them to return without the help of a man on the farm. Tommy suggests that Henry Johnson would be happy to assist. Mrs. Decker agrees that Henry had displayed affections for Martha while he was at the farm. It is decided that in order to get both Tommy and Martha home, $92 would be needed in order to pay the train fare home. To Martha's dismay, William writes Henry for the $92 if he wishes to marry Martha and send her home. Henry is to respond with a letter detailing his answer. William gives the letter to Tommy, who is to mail it when he is through with his chores. Instead, Tommy tears the letter up and does not send it.

Enter Samuel Terwilliger (Charlie Ruggles), a street-smart, money-making man. Tommy tells Mr. Terwilliger that he has saved old newspapers for him to buy. As Tommy runs in the house to get the papers, a man comes by to drop off money for William Decker for a tobacco sale. Tommy takes the money and sets it on William's desk. Next to the desk is the trunk where Tommy kept the newspapers. While Tommy was rummaging through the trunk, one of the twenty dollar bills on the desk landed in a newspaper, to be taken to Mr. Terwilliger. As Tommy and Mr. Terwilliger get to talking Tommy learns about Philadelphia, Mr. Terwilliger's home town. That evening, Tommy decides to go to Philadelphia with Mr. Terwilliger, so he sneaks out of the house and hops in Mr. Terwilliger's wagon.

Mr. Terwilliger and Tommy travel along the next day, and after a close-call with a train, make it to Philadelphia. Soon Tommy gets a job at the adjacent ice rink, scraping the ice after the performers practice. Back at home, William has discovered the missing twenty dollars, and blames Tommy for taking it. Every week, Tommy sends a letter home with a dollar, but William remains angry. One day as Tommy is scraping the ice, he sings along to a song the band is playing. The manager of the rink offers to hire him on as a singer for the shows. Mr. Terwilliger acts as Tommy's manager, and negotiates a wage. Later Tommy finds out that Mr.Terwilliger had been secretly keeping Tommy's money. Tommy uses the stashed money to return home.

Upon his return home, he is greeted with joy from everyone except for William, who insists on the return of his twenty dollars. Tommy traces the money back in his mind, and realizes that it fell into one of the newspapers Mr. Terwilliger used to stuff an antique chair. The two of them then run around the country in order to seek the chair, and find the twenty dollars. Finally, they locate the chair, and bring the twenty dollars back home. With all debts cleared, Tommy and Martha can finally go home to Goshen where they run the farm with Henry and Reuben Johnson.

I'm Dying for You!

Through the different erotic stories of various characters, the film searches for the different types of bonds in a middle-class modern Greek family, its hopes, expectations, problems and everyday paranoia that its members encounter.

An Echo in the Bone

In the 20th century at Lallybroch, Brianna, Roger, Jem, and Mandy are reading letters from Claire and Jamie from the past, one of which mentions hidden gold, with a location known only to Jem. William Buccleigh, Roger's Scottish ancestor, who accidentally appears in their time. Given his date of death on the family record, Brianna and Roger know he is unlikely to make it safely back. Rob Cameron, one of Brianna's coworkers, kidnaps Jem, and appears that he has taken Jem into the past, and Roger and William travel through time to find them; but Rob appears at Brianna's home and orders her to tell Jem to disclose the location of the gold. Jem is locked underground at the dam where Brianna and Rob work, finds an electric train, and starts an escape; his fate is unseen.

In the past, Lord William Ellesmere (actually Jamie's son but raised as Lord John Grey's stepson) is involved in the American Revolution as a Redcoat, but is repeatedly embarrassed until the battle of Saratoga, wherein he distinguishes himself. Arch and Murdina Bug go after the gold on Fraser's Ridge, during a confused confrontation Mrs. Bug shoots Jamie when he tells her to stop, and Ian shoots her. Ian feels guilty for killing Mrs. Bug; Arch vows to take his revenge when Ian has 'someone worth losing'. Claire, Jamie, and Ian leave their mountain home for Scotland to see Jenny, Ian, and their children, and also to recover Jamie's printing press. Before they can leave America, they become involved in the Revolutionary War; Jamie accidentally shoots the hat off William's head at Saratoga. A kinsman of Jamie's on the British side, Simon Fraser of Balnain, is killed, and Jamie and Claire are asked to take his body back to Scotland. Before they leave, a stranger tries to blackmail Jamie, but Ian kills him. Claire, Jamie, and Ian leave for Scotland to bury Jamie's relative and Ian leaves his dog Rollo with a Quaker woman named Rachel Hunter. Jamie, Claire, and Ian reach Scotland, where Ian the elder, husband to Jamie's sister Jenny, and Jamie's best childhood friend, is dying of consumption when they arrive. Ian and Jenny are ecstatic that young Ian has returned; but Jenny is hostile to Claire who is unable to cure Ian. Jamie apologizes to Laoghaire (his second wife) for their separation. Laoghaire's daughter (and Jamie's adopted daughter) Joan requires Laoghaire to marry her lover, a crippled servant, so that she (Joan) can become a nun. A letter from Laoghaire's daughter Marsali reveals that her son, Henri-Christian, is very ill. In this missive, Marsali beseeches Claire's help in treating him. Claire agrees to return to America to treat Henri-Christian, stipulating that Laoghaire marry her lover, stop taking alimony from Jamie, and help Joan become a nun.

Claire saves Henri-Christian's life, with the help of Lord John, and saves Lord John's injured nephew Henry. Lord John's niece Dottie has come to America as well, in love with Rachel's brother, a Quaker physician named Denzell Hunter. Claire receives a letter from Jamie that Ian has died and Jenny has decided to leave Lallybroch. Word later arrives that Jamie has been lost at sea; and Claire is about to be arrested for being a spy, when Lord John insists on marrying Claire for her protection, as well as for the protection of Fergus, Marsali, and their children. Arch tries to kill Rachel, but Ian fights him, until William kills Arch. Jamie returns alive, with Redcoats after him, and pretends to take Lord John hostage and flees; but William realizes that Jamie is his father, flies into a rage, and storms out.

Bank Bang

The story of the film revolves around two brothers Mixalis and Nodas who run a funeral office constantly making plans about how to make a lot of money. However, Nodas is in trouble with the Greek mafia and owes them a large sum of money. He suggests to Mixalis to start robbing banks in order to pay off his debt. Things start getting complicated when the chief of police, in order to deal with the rising number of bank robberies, places undercover police officers in every bank in the country. The situation goes out of control when Mixalis falls in love with a bank employee who has a rather graphical family life.

The Big Bounce (1969 film)

Jack Ryan (Ryan O'Neal) quits his job as picker on a California farm after assaulting Comacho (Victor Paul), one of his Mexicano co-workers. Jack's boss orders him to leave town—which he intends to do, but not before visiting a local bar to wait for the next bus. While having a drink, Jack meets the town judge, Sam Mirakian (Van Heflin). Jack's honest but crusty attitude appeals to Sam, who offers him a job as handyman at his nearby motel. Jack accepts. At the motel, he cultivates a relationship with young, hot Nancy Barker (Leigh Taylor-Young), the secretary/mistress to Ray Ritchie (James Daly), a local agricultural magnate who has provided a spacious beach house for Nancy. She and Jack have several playful nighttime escapades along the beach, where she displays her penchant for antisocial and disruptive behavior. They soon become lovers. However, when her boss, Ray, orders Nancy to have sex with a senator in exchange for a business favor, she objects and realizes her stay at the beach house may soon end.

One evening, while Nancy takes Jack for a drive along a coastal highway outside of town, a pair of unruly teen-age boys in a dune-buggy attempt to hassle them off the road. But Nancy knows that game; she spitefully forces them into a violent mishap, seriously injuring them. The lovers, realizing potential problems with the law, abandon the scene without offering aid. The next morning, Judge Sam warns Jack off Nancy, whose behavior has become increasingly unstable and erratic. Later, Jack is relieved to learn that the two boys survived the highway wreck.

That evening at the beach house, while waiting for Jack, Nancy spies a man outside attempting to break in. She grabs a handgun and kills him. The intruder turns out to be Camacho. But when Jack comes upon the scene, he interrogates Nancy and correctly deduces that she intended to murder ''him'', not Comacho. Dismissing his accusation, Nancy announces her intent to tell police that Camacho meant to harm her, so she shot him in self-defense. To strengthen her version of events, she goes on a destructive spree throughout the house. The authorities buy her story, and she is exonerated. However, Nancy and Jack decide to separate and leave town—for good.

Letters to God

Tyler Doherty (Tanner Maguire) is an 8-year-old cancer patient with a strong faith in Jesus and a love for writing and sending letters to God. His local postman, Walter Finley (Christopher Schmidt), picked up Tyler's first letter to God. Unsure what to do with it at first, Finley hangs onto it along with Tyler's subsequent God letters. Later, as Finley is about to leave for an extended vacation, he is very worried about who will take over his route, knowing his regulars really rely on him. He hands over Tyler's letters to his boss, Lester (Dennis Neal), making it clear he expects them to be handled with care.

Lester chooses to give Finley's route to Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson). He is a veteran, an alcoholic, and a regular at a bar where he is close to the bartender, Jack (Tom Nowicki), his former commanding officer. We eventually learn that Brady was arrested for drinking and driving while his young son was in the back seat, resulting in losing custody of his child. Brady becomes terribly depressed and drinks to get his mind off of it. Lester feels strongly that he should be patient with Brady because there is something in him worth saving.

Tyler tries to deal with a bully at school by not reacting to his insults and explaining what it's like to get radiation treatments. The bully, Alex, insults Tyler again so, in defense of her friend, Samantha jumps across the lunch table and pushes Alex's face into a pile of mashed potatoes. All the kids end up at the principal's office. As time goes by, Alex is affected as he sees that Tyler's faith helps him maintain a positive attitude, and it even helps Tyler forgive Alex's bad behavior. The two end up good friends and he starts hanging out with Samantha and Tyler.

On Brady's first day on the route, he is chased by Mrs. Baker's dog, and trips over a sprinkler while running away from the dog, gets tangled in the hose, and drenched. On another day, Tyler arrives home just as Brady finished dropping off the Doherty's mail, and Tyler vomits on Brady's shoes. Brady manages to survive the challenges on the route and starts getting to know Tyler. He becomes inspired by the youngster's unwavering faith and his courage as he faces cancer. a few days later Tyler gets a phone call from his school coach saying if wants to join the soccer game Brady encourages Tyler stating "What's the worst that could happen?" later that day he made the team but as soon as he was going to give his mom a hug he got overworked and passed out being sent to the hospital once again. Feeling ashamed knowing it was a bad idea Brady trashes his apartment in anger he then looks at a picture of his son saying that he is sorry for what he did while holding back his tears. To make himself feel better he reads the letters that Tyler wrote and thinking that he could change his ways for once.

Tyler's illness has reached a point where the decision is made to stop his treatments because they are no longer effective. Continuing would only sap his remaining strength so he will be allowed to live out his days in relative comfort. At an event celebrating Tyler, Brady shares how his life has been impacted by Tyler and that he was led to find faith in God. Tyler later succumbs to his illness and passes away at home. Tyler's best friend, Samantha, dedicates a mailbox for letters to God, saying about Tyler that "his life was a letter to God."

The film closes with a montage showing others of faith who battled and sometimes beat cancer.

Chinga (The X-Files)

In Ammas Beach, Maine, Melissa Turner and her young daughter Polly go to the store; Polly carries with her an old doll that she calls "Chinga". Customers watch Polly and her mother, and Polly doesn't like it. Suddenly, Melissa sees a phantasmal vision of the store's butcher, Dave, on the edge of death. Melissa, terrified, decides to leave, but suddenly everyone in the store begins to claw at their eyes. Meanwhile, Dave, after seeing a monstrous reflection of Chinga, is compelled by an outside force to stab himself in the eye, killing himself.

Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is coincidentally in the area on vacation, and, after stumbling upon the carnage in the store, telephones Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). Mulder, true to character, speculates that it might have been caused by dark magic or witchcraft. Scully dismisses Mulder's hypothesis and instead decides to watch the store's closed-circuit television recordings to gain a better understanding of what happened. She notices that, of all the customers in the store, only Melissa and Polly are not compelled to injure themselves. The police chief of Ammas Beach, Jack Bonsaint, offhandedly mentions that Melissa is rumored to practice witchcraft.

Bonsaint tells Scully that Melissa had formerly been married to a local fisherman, but he was killed when a hook on his winch ripped through his skull. Later, it is revealed that he found Chinga in a lobster trap and gave it to Polly as a present before he died. Bonsaint also reveals that a daycare teacher named Jane Froelich had once slapped Polly over her behavior. Meanwhile, Melissa and Polly meet with her friend, Buddy Riggs, a police deputy, at an ice cream shop. Melissa confides in Riggs that she has been having horrific visions of people dying. Riggs is startled and suggests that Melissa and Polly use his cabin to get away from Amma Beach. While Riggs and Melissa chat, Polly asks one of the workers for more cherries on her ice cream, but the worker insists that she needs to pay for them. Just then, the worker's hair gets caught in the mixer, but Riggs saves her from death.

Scully and Bonsaint visit Froelich, who accuses Melissa of being the scion of a witch family. She also claims that Melissa has passed her evil onto Polly. Meanwhile, while heading out to Riggs' cabin, Melissa sees a bloody image of Froelich and decides to return to Amma Beach to save Froelich. While Melissa races back, Froelich is confronted by the enlarged Chinga and is forced to kill herself with a shard of a phonograph record. Soon thereafter, Melissa sees a vision of Riggs, and as expected, the deputy is forced to bludgeon himself to death with his own nightstick. At her home, Melissa has a final vision, this time seeing herself with a hammer embedded in her head. She decides to end the madness once and for all by burning Chinga. However, the doll somehow manages to extinguish the matches that Melissa lights.

Scully and Bonsaint drive to Melissa's house and witness Melissa manically trying to burn her house down—with her, her daughter, and Chinga all trapped inside. Chinga eventually overpowers Melissa, forcing her to grab hold of a hammer and beat herself. Scully and Bonsaint burst into the house, and Scully quickly tosses the Chinga doll into a microwave, where it bursts into flames and melts. The power over Melissa is lifted and she stops beating herself. In the final scene, a fisherman is seen pulling up a lobster trap, inside of which is the burned doll.Meisler, pp. 126–138

Tabula Rasa (Heroes)

Peter Petrelli brings Hiro Nakamura to the hospital, where Hiro reveals his terminal state due to his brain tumor. Peter decides that perhaps Hiro had come to him to be saved and, after borrowing his power, visits Noah Bennet to see if he knows of anyone that could help. Knowing that Hiro has a tumor, which is living tissue, and that Claire Bennet's regenerative blood will only enlarge the tumor, Noah recalls a boy, Jeremy Greer, whom the company had studied during his time at the Company that had the ability to instantly heal near-death living things. Peter and Noah teleport to his house, where they find Jeremy's parents dead. Noah realizes that Jeremy's power may have changed to be able to take away life as well as give it. They are soon interrupted by Jeremy, who attempts to shoot them. Noah attempts to talk to him, but Peter teleports in and pushes Noah away. Jeremy fires and Peter stops time, but finds he wasn't fast enough as he turns to see his own blood spattering behind him. Peter collapses as time reverts to normal, and Noah convinces Jeremy to heal Peter. Jeremy is able to do so. Having acquired Jeremy's ability, Peter leaves to save Hiro, while Noah calls the police to report the parents' deaths and waits with Jeremy. Peter returns to the hospital but finds Hiro gone, having only left a message: "Save Charlie."

Sylar is still unable to remember anything, and Samuel Sullivan attempts to have him remember. Sylar instead finds himself remembering Nathan Petrelli's memories, and Samuel decides to have Damien return Sylar's true memories. In the house of mirrors, Damien touches Sylar, and he begins recalling everything, including his mother's death. Meanwhile, Samuel invites the police detective who had attempted to arrest Sylar earlier to his circus, in an attempt to bait Sylar into his old ways. Samuel tells Sylar where he his, implying he go kill him, and Sylar finds the detective in the house of mirrors. Sylar tries to tell him to leave, but he involuntarily hits him with his electric powers. The detective manages to get up. At this point, Edgar rushes in and kills the detective. Later, Sylar is welcomed into Samuel's family, with Lydia taking a particular liking to him. Edgar questions what use Sylar will be, but Samuel assures him he will be.

Emma Coolidge is trying to understand her new ability, and asks Hiro how she can get rid of her powers. Hiro tries to convince Emma to embrace them, and invites Emma to a magic show he is putting on for the kids in the hospital. Hiro has her help in a disappearing act, where he stops time. Having touched Hiro, Emma is fascinated by the colors emanating from the applause. Later, Emma asks Hiro how he can stay so focused in the face of death, and Hiro mentions that he knew someone who also was dying but kept a positive attitude. Hiro reveals it to be Charlie Andrews, a waitress in Texas who had been one of Sylar's first victims and was dying from a brain aneurism. Hiro says he intends to save her, as he has been keeping a list to correct all the wrongs he's done. Emma tells him to wait for Peter first. Later, Emma plays the piano as Hiro watches. Emma tells him to head back to his room, but as Hiro turns to leave, he vanishes. Hiro is then shown to have traveled three years back in time, standing outside the diner where Charlie worked.

Panic Beats

Paul Marnac plots to get rid of his wealthy wife Genevieve (who has a weak heart) by frightening her to death. He brings her to stay for a few months at his parents' old mansion in the country, telling her the peace and serenity will improve her heart condition. Meanwhile he is scaring her with legends of his 15th century ancestor, an evil murderous knight named Alaric de Marnac, making her think the monster still inhabits the house. Paul is having an affair with Julie, his young maid, and plans to marry her after his wife is out of the way. Paul even goes so far as to disguise himself as Alaric, wearing a 15th century suit of armor, and succeeds in scaring the poor woman to death. But the joke is on Paul, because after getting Paul to marry her, Julie electrocutes him in the bathtub. Thinking her plan has succeeded, Julie prepares to celebrate her ill-gotten gains, but then realizes that the legends of Alaric were true. The centuries-old monster appears in the house and wreaks a gory vengeance on Julie.


War and espionage sets the stage for a star-crossed romance in this historical drama from director Haik Gazarian. It's early 1942, and the United States has finally joined the Allied cause in World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Oil is a precious commodity needed to fuel fighter planes, battleships, jeeps and other vehicles, and when German U-Boats are sighted off the coast of Venezuela on the Caribbean Sea, it becomes clear something must be done to guard the nation's oil fields from Nazi attack. Frank Moore (Alfonso Herrera) is an American communications expert sent to the coastal village of Puerto Miranda to help keep tabs on German plans to attack the oil fields. Moore was given the assignment in part because his mother was Latino and he speaks Spanish, but this doesn't help him get along with his commander, the authoritarian and short-tempered Capt. Enrique Salvatierra (Rafael Romero). However, when Moore meets Venezzia (Ruddy Rodriguez), Salvatierra's beautiful wife, he's immediately infatuated, and when she reveals that she shares his attraction, they fall into a love affair that could jeopardize their futures as well as Moore's mission, especially when he's suspected of being a double agent.

Wolf Guy

Akira Inugami is a new exchange student at Hakutoku Middle School, but there is another side of him that is secret. He is a werewolf.

Homeroom teacher Akiko Aoshika walking home drunk, suddenly trips and is saved by Akira Inugami who then proceeds to walk away. Ms. Aoshika sees that he is a student and pursues him only for Inugami to be jumped by his old school rivals. The gang attacks Inugami without mercy and seems to beat him to death, yet he keeps getting back up. They then hit him with a car and he appears dead. They begin to rifle through his pockets. Ms. Aoshika faints soon after witnessing it. The gang was ambushed by a large animal, which no one can seemingly make out what it is entirely. When Ms. Aoshika awakens, she finds the gang dead around her and is escorted to her school by the police only to find that Inugami is her new exchange student.

Ms. Aoshika singles him out and inspects his body physically, but finds no wounds or scars to solidify the events that happened the night before. Both are discovered by Ryuuko Konuma. Soon after being introduced to her class, his classmates start to bully him, particularly the Kuroda twins. One of them falls into a coma after he accidentally but fatally stabbed himself while trying to attack him. Dou Haguro, son to a Yakuza, returns to school after hearing about Inugami's resistance to their gang and lures him out to be beaten on top of the school's roof. He then carves the word "mutt" on his back but after they leave, Inugami's wounds are healed. Ms. Aoshika later goes to visit him, unknowingly seeing his werewolf form, and then gets attacked by a man and then an escaped lion from a nearby zoo. Inugami saves her but lets the authorities find her instead.

Inugami's pacifism against Haguro's gang starts to gain attention throughout the school, both among the students and the school staff. School President and Vice President, Shirou Kouda and Noriko Kimura, along with Ms. Aoshika urges Inugami to speak out against Haguro's gang. Inugami refuses to speak because he believes their cause is useless. Ms. Aoshika later meets reporter Jin who warns her to stay away from Inugami but she is already falling in love with her student. As revenge for the younger twin brother, Older twin Kuroda gathers gangsters under Haguro's name to kill Inugami. For this offense, Haguro severs his pinky. Having heard from a witness on television that Inugami's "mutt" wound is gone, he asks Chiba and Ryuuko to investigate.

To push Kuroda even further, Haguro kills the comatose younger twin brother with the older twin brother's knowledge and then supplies him with guns and grenades to go after Inugami. During a school conference with media, Inugami has lectures the media along with students and staff as sheep. The school is then under attack by Kuroda who open fired on everyone before Inugami kills him with his own grenade. Despite winning, he is overcome with guilt for not being able to prevent the school shooting from happening. He is later stalked by Haguro but leaves to watch as Haguro is hunted down by other assassins. Once taking care of them, Inugami scares Haguro with his werewolf form, hoping that he would stay away. Haguro sees that the wound "mutt" is longer on his back, but Chiba reported otherwise. This only caused Haguro to have an epiphany instead. Days after students returned to school, Haguro creates another mass shooting, hoping to get Inugami's attention. He then confronts Chiba who lied about Inugami's scar and violently tortured him before leaving him for dead at a hospital. Inugami, who found him, offers his blood as transfusion but Chiba did not survive. Later, he is revived by Inugami's blood and chases after Haguro. A large fiery battle ensues at Bay Bridge where Chiba had metamorphosed into a deformed monster, but Haguro eventually kills him by decapitation. After winning this battle, Haguro's ego becomes inflated and he kidnaps Ryuuko as bait to lure Inugami to him. After being tortured, Ryuuko instead diverts his attention to kidnap Ms. Aoshika whom Inugami had fallen in love with.

Inugami is later given a URL to access a webcam of Ms. Aoshika's violent rape by several men, one of them being Haguro. He becomes greatly conflicted as he tries to resist his love for his teacher, as well as his loss of power during the New Moon. Through Ms. Aoshika's coworker Tadokoro, Inugami tracks down Haguro's residence but finds that Ms. Aoshika's rape had been uploaded on the internet. He is then lured to an empty plaza where Haguro, via webcam, asks him to transform into a werewolf or another video of Ms. Aoshika's rape will be publicized again. He becomes frustrated but manages to telepathically talk to her, both of them confessing their love for each other. He later meets Ryuuko who forces him to have sex with her; when Inugami refuses, she stabs him multiple times before offering a location to an abandoned hotel. Once there, Inugami fights against a pack of dogs, men, and heavy artillery before he reaches Ms. Aoshika. He releases her but cannot escape Haguro who has become mentally unstable and starts to consume every severed piece of Inugami's body, hoping to become just like him. Inugami lays dying and powerless before the Full Moon appears and temporarily gives him power to transform and finally kills Haguro.

The authorities later manages to save them with Jin's and Tadokoro's help but separated the two victims. Ms. Aoshika wakes up from a 3-day coma and learns that Inugami passed away. After several suicide attempts, she then requests to fly to Alaska to live with the wolves who raised Inugami. Two months later, Inugami is revived by his own immortality as a test subject but only has the memory of promising to bring Ms. Aoshika to Alaska. While in Alaska, Ms. Aoshika and her wolves could hear a distant howl and they howl back.

(Note: This plot by Tabata and Yugo differs greatly from the original novel written by Kazumasa Hirai.)

Gang Wars (video game)

The setting takes place in New York City, following martial artists Mike and Jackie, who heard an evil gang led by the antagonist, Jaguar, are terrorizing the city. Jaguar also kidnapped a young woman named Cynthia. Mike and Jackie must fight through parts of New York City (including Chinatown, Manhattan) to return peace to New York City, and defeat Jaguar to save Cynthia.

The Care of Time

Robert Halliday is forced by Karlis Zander to help edit the memoirs of a 19th century Russian terrorist Sergey Nechayev, otherwise Zander will detonate a bomb. Halliday soon discovers that Zander and his daughter are themselves threatened by a Middle Eastern terrorist group.

Cromartie High – The Movie

The film opens with a black-and-white documentary-like section which recounts the checkered past of Cromartie High, built in 1920 and destroyed six times since then. Then on to the present day school full of violence and thugs, a school so desperate for students, they even enroll a gorilla and a bad-tempered robot. Takashi Kamiyama (played by Takamasa Suga), a top student, comes to the school to try to join his hapless friend Yamamoto (Tak Sakaguchi in a cameo role) but Yamamoto can't even pass the entrance exams for Cromartie so Kamiyama is left to go it alone. His efforts to improve the school include starting a Global Defense Force to protect earth from aliens. The aliens when they do arrive are space apes Gori (screenwriter Shōichirō Masumoto in a furry suit) and Lla (both straight out of the 1971 TV series ''Spectreman'') and the plot becomes a series of parodies of science fiction films, martial arts movies and high school comedies among others.

Cutbacks (30 Rock)

The ''TGS with Tracy Jordan'' crew have finished taping their fiftieth episode and decide to celebrate. Their boss, Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming for General Electric, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), goes to the writers' room and tells the show's head writer, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), about how the whole company is undergoing cutbacks. After an unsuccessful presentation about ''TGS'', Brad Halster (Roger Bart)—one of the consultants in charge of the cutbacks—informs Liz that she needs to cut her annual budget by 25 percent. Liz, anxious about her employees losing their jobs, decides to use sexual bartering to solve the problem and asks Brad on a date, which he accepts. Liz dresses in the trashiest outfit she can find, and goes on her date. The next day, she discovers that cutbacks are still taking place at ''TGS'', and confronts Brad. Realizing that he was being used, Brad charges Liz with sexual harassment and she is suspended from work for two weeks. Jack tells Liz that the budget review process will start over again, this time under his supervision.

Meanwhile, NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) becomes Jack's office assistant, replacing his former assistant Jonathan (Maulik Pancholy). Kenneth asks Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) to feed his bird, as he is busy with two jobs now. Kenneth asks Tracy not to enter his bedroom, a request that makes Tracy curious. Believing Kenneth might be a serial killer, he tells Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) and they decide to investigate Kenneth's bedroom. At Kenneth's apartment, they discover a bug bomb in his room, and reaching the conclusion that Kenneth is trying to poison them and they run out of his apartment. They forget to close the door and the bug bomb ends up killing the bird. When they tell Kenneth about his bird, he is more upset by the fact that Tracy and Jenna did not trust him, than the death of his bird. Tracy and Jenna, feeling horrible about what they have done, arrange a surprise for Kenneth at his apartment. When Kenneth goes home, he finds an entire collection of birds.

Did You Hear About the Morgans?

A successful Manhattan couple, lawyer Paul Morgan and estate agent Meryl Morgan are separated due to Paul's infidelity. After dinner one night, Meryl and Paul witness the murder of one of Meryl's real estate clients. As a result, they become targets of contract killer Vincent and must enter the Witness Protection Program.

Paul and Meryl are relocated to the small town of Ray, Wyoming, and placed temporarily under the protection of husband and wife/sheriff and deputy Clay and Emma Wheeler. For their own safety, they are permitted no outside contact by telephone or e-mail. They have trouble adjusting to small-town life, but after a perilous encounter with a bear and awkward attempts at shooting rifles, chopping wood, and horseback riding, they eventually adjust and begin assisting the local citizens professionally. Meanwhile, neither of their assistants back in New York City know their whereabouts. Meryl secretly calls the adoption agency she's been trying to adopt through to let them know she won't be able to go through with the adoption. Vincent plants a bug at Meryl's office and in her assistant Jackie's purse, hoping to gain information, which is eventually successful when Jackie hears from the adoption agency that Meryl called and what number she used.

Jackie attempts to call Meryl but Paul's assistant Adam stops her by kissing her, which she responds to by tasering him and then apologizing, and suggesting that he take her on a date the next day. Paul and Meryl go on a "date" in town and begin to reconcile, discussing the stress of infertility that led to their relationship deteriorating and Paul's subsequent infidelity. They get back together, but then Paul is heartbroken when he learns that Meryl had a one-night stand with one of their acquaintances during their separation. The next day, with Vincent in town unbeknownst to them, the Morgans anticipate leaving Ray for a permanent hiding place. The Wheelers invite them to a rodeo, but the Morgans are at loggerheads, so they decline. Leaving the Morgans without any form of security, the Wheelers leave for the rodeo. Vincent tries to attack the house but is accosted by a bear, which gives the Morgans time to escape. They flee on horseback to the rodeo to seek help. Vincent follows them to the rodeo where they spot him and hide in a bull suit. However, they end up in the ring with a bull, which then charges them, injuring Meryl. Meryl, unable to walk, stays hidden from Vincent while Paul impulsively confronts him with a canister of bear repellent spray. Paul accidentally sprays himself in the face, alerting Vincent who then holds Paul at gun-point. The Morgans are rescued by the Wheelers and their new friends from the town.

Six months later, Jackie and Adam are in a committed relationship while Paul and Meryl have repaired their marriage. They have an adopted baby girl from China, named Rae in honor of the Wyoming town, and Meryl is pregnant with their biological child living happily together in New York City.

The Substitute (Lost)

2004 (flash-sideways timeline)

John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) arrives at his home, after returning from Australia on Flight 815. He is greeted by his fiancée, Helen Norwood (Katey Sagal), whom he is set to marry shortly, in a wedding also apparently to be attended by his father. Helen encourages Locke to call Dr. Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox), who previously offered to evaluate Locke's condition. Locke declines to do so because he doesn't believe in miracles and wants Helen to love him for who he is; they reaffirm their love for one another.

Locke returns to work, where his supervisor, Randy (Billy Ray Gallion), confronts Locke about Locke's failure to attend a company conference while in Sydney. Locke attempts to apologize, but Randy abruptly fires him. As he leaves the building, Locke comes into contact with Hugo "Hurley" Reyes (Jorge Garcia), the owner of the company, who refers Locke to a temp agency that he also owns. At the temp agency, Rose Nadler (L. Scott Caldwell) sympathizes with Locke's handicap because of her own battle with cancer. Rose denies his request to work at a construction company because his handicap will make this impossible. In addition, Locke tells Helen why he lost his job and admits that he went to Australia to go on a walkabout, but was not allowed to do so.

Rose eventually finds him work as a substitute teacher at a school where Ben Linus (Michael Emerson) also works as a history teacher.

2007 (original timeline)

The Man in Black, in the form of Locke, attempts to recruit both Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) and James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway) for his quest to leave the island. Sawyer immediately realizes that the Man in Black is not Locke, because Locke was always scared and the Man in Black is not. He separately promises each of them answers about the island; Richard refuses and Sawyer agrees to travel with him. While in the jungle, they both see a young boy (the Man in Black is surprised that Sawyer can see him as well), whom the Man in Black chases. The boy tells him, "You know the rules; you can't kill him." At this, the Man in Black becomes angry and loudly declares "don't tell me what I can't do," a phrase that the real Locke frequently used in the past. At this time, Richard speaks with Sawyer, claiming that the Man in Black's true intention is to kill everyone on the island, but runs away before he can explain further when he sees "Locke" returning.

"Locke" leads Sawyer to a cave, after descending via a ladder made of rope and bamboo, inside of which is a set of scales holding one black and one white stone. He takes the white stone and throws it into the sea, referring to it as an inside joke. "Locke" leads Sawyer deeper into the cave, where there are several surnames written on the ceiling and walls. The names include his own, Jarrah, Shephard, Reyes, and Kwon (referring to either Sun or Jin). Several other names are scratched out and the Man in Black crosses out "Locke". Additionally, six names correspond to one of the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 for Locke, Reyes, Ford, Jarrah, Shephard and Kwon, respectively). He explains that they were brought to the island by Jacob as candidates to replace him as the guardian of the island. The Man in Black claims that Jacob has manipulated the lives of all of the candidates in order to bring them to the island. Sawyer now has three options: to do nothing, to accept the job and protect the island, or to leave the island with the Man in Black, who claims that protecting the island is pointless as there's nothing to protect it from (similar to what Jack once told the real Locke); Sawyer agrees to leave with him.

Meanwhile, at the remains of the statue, Ilana (Zuleikha Robinson) and Ben discuss what happened to her companions; Ben tells her that the Man in Black killed them all, including Jacob. Ilana, who is visibly upset, takes some of the ashes of Jacob's body and informs Ben that the Man in Black is now "stuck" in the form of Locke. Outside, she tells the remaining group, Sun-Hwa Kwon (Yunjin Kim) and Frank Lapidus (Jeff Fahey) that they must travel to the temple for protection. Sun insists that they must first bury the real Locke's body and travel to the survivors' original graveyard to do so. They hold an impromptu funeral, where Ben delivers a short eulogy and apologizes for murdering Locke.

Death Stone

While in Sri Lanka attending the Esala Perahera festival, a man's girlfriend goes missing and is later found dead of a drug overdose. He then sets about going after the criminals who killed her.

Forest of the Damned 2

Despite Lucy's reservations, she agrees to her husband’s request to attend a wild party of lust and sexual exploration on a remote island. Their passion soon turns to terror when they discover that one of the group has disappeared. Some start to believe there is something evil lurking in the forest while others begin to suspect each other. Lucy's biggest fear was that the weekend could ruin her marriage, she didn't realize it could cost her her life too.

Cats 101

''Cats 101'' features different cat breeds per episode, discussed by experts, ranging from veterinarians to animal trainers. The show presents facts, origins, and descriptions of the breeds, with comments from cat owners.

White Pongo

In the jungles of the Belgian Congo, a group of natives are dancing around a great fire with a human sacrifice named Gunderson, They are attacked by an albino gorilla called the White Pongo. During the attack an elderly scientist who lives with the tribe frees Gunderson and gives him his deceased colleague's diary that contains his findings on the white gorilla.

Gunderson makes it through the jungle and arrives in a nearby settlement in a feverish state. The diary has seemed to prove that the white gorilla of myth exists that local anthropologists believe is the evolutionary missing link. A safari is formed with a group of individuals, several of whom have their own nefarious reasons for going, but one is an undercover Rhodesian Secret Serviceman. The group battle the jungle and one another. In the climax, the White Pongo, who has been stalking the group, kidnaps one of the safari members and duels with a normal-colored gorilla. The rest of the safari hear the battle and rescue their comrade. The White Pongo comes out victorious over his rival, but is wounded by the safari and taken with them to the boat back to London.

I Take This Oath

Police officer Mike Hanagan (Robert Homans) attempts to expose a fraudulent official who works with a gang of racketeers, but the official has Hanagan murdered. Hanagan's son Steve (Gordon Jones) decides to avenge his father, and at the suggestion of his girlfriend Betty Casey (Joyce Compton) he joins the police force.

Under the instruction of Daniel Casey (Guy Usher), Betty's father, Steve begins learning how to be an officer. However, as he has become so dedicated to finding his father's murderer, he begins to fall behind on his law studies, and due to his poor grades he is dismissed from the force. Steve believes he has found the clue that points to his friend Joe Kelly's (Craig Reynolds) uncle Jim Kelly (Sam Flint) being the murderer.

When Jim hears that Steve suspects him, he decides that Steve must be killed. A struggle ensues between Steve and Jim, and a bullet is fired at Steve but Joe is hit instead and Steve then shoots Jim. Impressed, Casey returns to allow Steve back onto the police force.

Cairo Time

Juliette is a Canadian magazine editor who arrives in Cairo for a vacation with husband Mark, a UN official working at refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. Their children have grown and Juliette is looking forward to spending more time with Mark. Delayed, Mark asks his friend—a handsome Egyptian named Tareq—to watch over Juliette. Mark is continually delayed in Gaza, during which time Juliette makes friends with Cairo locals, North American and European residents like Kathryn, explores the city and the surrounding area, and finds herself falling in love with the city during her "Cairo Time".

Tareq is a regular (but not constant) companion during Juliette's extended time waiting for Mark, leading to a very close relationship between the two. While their relationship remains platonic, it is steadily headed to a stronger connection. After travelling to Alexandria with him to attend the wedding of the daughter (Hanan) of a girlfriend from his university days (Yasmeen), she admits that she will miss him when she returns to Canada.

The two visit the Great Pyramids—something Mark had insisted should be "just for us" on his sporadic calls to Juliette at her hotel room. Whatever change this may signify in Tareq and Juliette's growing relationship, they return to the hotel to find that Mark has finally arrived. Mark is happy to see Juliette, while she and Tareq adequately hide their sorrow over the end of their Cairo Time.

Dr. Christian Meets the Women

Professor Kenneth Parker, a God-fearing physical culturist, arrives to work in the serene little town of River's End. He claims to be a specialist and top authority on health matters. The town physician, Dr. Paul Christian, reacts to Parker's promises to the women in town of dramatic weight loss, if they followed his advice. The head of the town women's club, Mrs. Browning, is charmed by the questionable professor. Parker and invites him to her home and to have a lecture when the club is meeting. He is welcome to use the club as his forum for his teachings.

The professor starts teaching the women about strict diet being the best road to self-satisfaction. Dr. Christian, on the other hand, begins to warn the women about the dangers with wholesale diets, claiming that all diets should be tailored to fit the individual and advising the women not to listen to the professor.

The professor's teachings result in the disruption of the town women's eating routines. They also disrupt the peace and quiet in the Browning family life, causing Mrs. Browning and her husband to argue about the professor's teachings and intrusions on the town life. The Browning's daughter, Kitty, has taken an interest in the professor's assistant, Bill Ferris, and started an extreme diet to seem more pleasing to him. Kitty soon collapses from starvation. Dr. Christian claims the professor is a fraud and a charlatan. The town doesn't listen to his warnings.

Kitty's condition gets worse and Dr. Christian, exhausted from an abnormal workload because of the professor's teachings, manages to visit her. While examining her he discovers that the professor has given the girl, and the other women, benzedrine. Dr. Christian finally discloses the professor and his cultist teachings as a public hazard.

The heresies of the professor come to Bill's knowledge, and he finally realizes that his boss is a fraud. He quits and runs to Kitty's bedside. With the help of a blood transfusion he manages to save Kitty's life. The town women are taken off their unhealthy diets and life in town returns to normal, after the professor is driven off, disclosed as a quack. Later, Bill and Kitty are married.

Rage of the Gladiator

The game begins in the arena, but the story is told in cut scenes after boss battles. Gracius (the player) is the twin son of the King of Avalance, Marius making him a prince. Avalance is a Greco-Roman style City State, teeming with mythical creatures. The King took Gracius's mother, Maia, as a bride by defeating the nearby city of Angalore. Gracius was born minutes before his twin brother, Luthor. Maia died in child birth, but prayed to the gods for her sons to be blessed with great strength and valor. A week prior to the start of the game Gracius and Luthor were made aware of their father's death. King Marius had been killed in his sleep, and witnesses claimed Gracius was the murderer. Gracius's own soldiers handcuffed him and took him away. Luthor told them to stop, but was restrained and ignored.

It is eventually revealed that Luthor had framed Gracius to take the throne for himself, and Gracius bitterly accepts his own naive nature at not seeing the truth.

Let's Sing Again

An orphan (Eight-year-old boy soprano Bobby Breen) gets a chance to sing opera in New York.

Roaring Roads

A rich boy (Sharpe) who likes to take risks escapes from his overprotective aunts. Pursued by crooks, he is aided in his adventures by Gertie (McDowell), Mary (Kornman) and Mickie (Daniels).

Spies Reminiscent of Us

Peter loses to Lois in a race for the bathroom and finds their other bathroom is occupied by a transfer student (a talking elephant) from Africa. Angered, Peter begins frequenting the toilet at Cleveland's old house, which he has vacated after moving to Virginia. He tells this Lois before proceeding to use Cleveland's bathroom while dancing to Jennifer Lopez's "Let's Get Loud". The house is eventually rented to actors Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd, and Peter invites the two actors to his house for dinner. Peter shows them some of his comedy bits, including a crude impersonation of John Wayne, which Chase, Aykroyd and Lois find painfully unfunny.

Suspicious as to why Chase and Aykroyd are living in their neighborhood, Stewie and Brian investigate the house and discover a secret underground military facility, eventually learning that the two actors were made real spies by Ronald Reagan after he saw their film ''Spies Like Us''. Chase and Aykroyd explain that during the Cold War, the Soviet Union turned dozens of American citizens into sleeper agents who would fall into a trance and do the bidding of the KGB upon hearing the phrase, "Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet," – a phrase no one would normally use. They also explain that one of the sleeper agents resides in Quahog, and they are looking for him/her. Chase and Aykroyd ask Brian and Stewie to help them in their mission, noting that they know several people acting very strangely in Quahog. Brian and Stewie accept the offer.

The four spies head to City Hall to warn Mayor West about the sleeper agent, but they discover that the mayor is the sleeper agent when Aykroyd inadvertently uses the trigger phrase. During the ensuing fight, Aykroyd plants a homing beacon on Mayor West's leg. West escapes to Russia and the four follow him. However, they immediately stand out as US agents, and are subsequently arrested and brought into the office of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who explains that the sleeper agent plan would be an embarrassment to their government if revealed to the public. He offers to help them stop West from fulfilling his pre-programmed mission by providing them transportation. When the four find West, they see him launch a nuclear missile aimed at the United States before he snaps out of his trance. Mayor West holds himself responsible for America's fate, though Brian comforts him with the knowledge that he was not in control of his actions, having been brainwashed by the Soviets. Aykroyd realizes that he can hack into the missile's guidance system. This allows him to aim the missile's warhead high above the Earth's atmosphere and harmlessly explode, saving the US. The fuselage, though, crashes into Cleveland's house in Stoolbend, Virginia, while Cleveland was taking a bath, eliciting confusion from his neighbor, Tim the Bear. The episode ends with Brian and Stewie in the family living room as they recount their adventure and repeat the activation phrase, which reveals Meg to be another sleeper agent, but she is told to shut up by her contact.

Meanwhile, Peter spends the rest of the episode working in an improv comedy group with Quagmire and Joe. Quagmire attempts to educate the others on the fine art of improv comedy but when they try to do a live show, Peter's lack of conscious comedic knowledge completely gives way to his John Wayne impersonations, which the audience finds hilarious. This, along with Joe's fecal incontinence, forces Quagmire to end the show early and conclude that this is something that should never have been attempted.

NeoTokyo (video game)

''NeoTokyo'' is set in Tokyo, approximately 30 years in the future. After the failure of a proposal to alter the Japanese constitution to allow foreign deployment of Japanese soldiers, a military coup d'état is attempted by extreme Japanese nationalist factions in the Japan Self-Defense Forces. In response, the Prime Minister of Japan pools former military intelligence operatives and police officers into a sub-group of the Interior Ministry's National Security Force (NSF), called Group Six, to seek out subsequent coup plotters and uphold the law in both domestic and international soil. Immediately, rumours surface that an unknown faction in the JGSDF's special forces unit "Jinrai" is preparing for another coup attempt against the government. According to the information, the said members of this group are from Special Operations Group 43, fierce ultranationalists determined to succeed with the coup once more. The ensuing strife between these two factions sets the backdrop for the game.

The Racketeer

A busker playing a violin is harassed by a group of street punks until Police Officer Mehaffy (Paul Hurst) chases them away. The intoxicated violinist passes out. When Mehaffy is about to arrest him for vagrancy the powerful Mahlon Keane (Robert Armstrong) places $50 in the violinist's pocket and has the officer place him in the next taxi where Keane will pay for a night's accommodation at the YMCA for him to sleep it off. The nearest taxi contains socialite Rhoda Philbrooke (Carole Lombard) who knows the violinist as her lover Tony Vaughan (Roland Drew); she takes him in her taxi.

Mahlon and Rhoda meet again at a fundraiser for an orphanage, with Mahlon acting as the banker at the poker table. Mahlon views Rhoda cheating at cards and covers up her indiscretion with some sleight of hand. The pair fall in love with Mahlon providing Tony's alcohol detoxification that returns him to his career as a concert violinist.

Mahlon is regarded as an important person between the forces of law and criminality. When criminal Bernie Weber (Budd Fine) disobeys Mahlon by carrying out a crime, the wheels are set in motion for a gang war.

Dread (film)

At a small college, Quaid and his friend Stephen do a "fear study" as a school project, recording people talking about their greatest fears. Quaid, however, is quite psychopathic and wants to take the fear to 'the next level'. Quaid had seen his parents killed by an axe murderer as a child; this is his greatest fear, and he wants to learn what others dread and how they deal with it, in order to find a way to defy his own dread. Stephen's brother had died while drunk-driving, and Stephen wonders if his brother would still be alive if he had driven instead.

Cheryl, who is the project's editor, was molested by her father as a little girl. He worked at a meat-packing plant and smelled of meat while molesting her; to this day, she can't stand the smell of meat and refuses to eat it. Quaid kidnaps her and locks her in a room with a slightly salted, well cooked steak on a plate. After about a week, she finally eats the entire piece of rotten beef. Joshua is a student whose fear is becoming deaf again because he temporarily lost his hearing after a childhood accident. The following night, Quaid knocks him out and fires a gun next to his ears, shattering his eardrums and leaving him deaf again. Abby, another student, has a dark birthmark covering half her face and body, which she doesn't want anyone to see, terrified of being teased or shunned because of it. Quaid sets up video footage of her stripping naked before sex on every TV on campus, showing her naked and covered in birth marks. Humiliated, Abby fills her bathtub with bleach and starts scrubbing off her skin with steel wool. Stephen finds her naked and bleeding and gets her to the hospital. He then goes after Quaid with a fire axe. Joshua follows him, assuming Stephen and Quaid are working together.

When Stephen confronts Quaid, Stephen is knocked out and awakens tied to a chair. He manages to break free but runs into Joshua, who stabs him with the fire axe. Quaid shoots Joshua, killing him, and watches Stephen die from the axe wound. He drags the body to a room in the basement, where Cheryl is. He throws Stephen's body in along with a switchblade and says, "Let's see how hungry you have to be to get through that." He leaves her crying with Stephen's dead body with only a matter of time before she starts eating his flesh from hunger.

Lumberjack (film)

Buck Peters (Herbert Rawlinson), the owner of the Bar-20 Ranch, tells Hoppy to stop his daughter, Julie, (Ellen Hall) from eloping. Hoppy is too late to stop the wedding, but he arrives in time to see Julie's husband murdered.

The widowed bride hires Hoppy to find her husband's murderer, and save her new home from land grabbers. While protecting Julie's High Sierras' land Hoppy must climb down a rope onto a dangerous log dam.

Exploring the Reef with Jean-Michel Cousteau

Mr. Jean-Michel Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau's son, is narrating about the ocean. As he starts talking about coral reefs, the regal blue tang fish, Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), starts bothering him by entering the frame. The scene then cuts to an anemone that two clownfishes, Nemo (Alexander Gould) and his father, Marlin (Albert Brooks), come out of and Mr. Cousteau sighs for not being able to do his documentary. The scene cuts to real cuttlefishes, which Dory tries to speak to. When Mr. Cousteau tells Dory to stop it, the scene cuts to a live Spanish dancer. This makes Marlin think of dancing and soon all three animated fish are dancing to some music. This infuriates Mr. Cousteau so much that he yells "Stop!" and proceeds to make a quick rant about the water cycle, concluding that "Everyone, everywhere, affects the ocean!". Dory expresses amazement and at first, Mr. Cousteau is satisfied, but when it is revealed that she was listening to the echo inside a conch shell, Mr. Cousteau loses his temper and starts ranting in French causing Dory to drop her conch, but she catches it. For about 6 seconds, a cartoon still image of Mr. Cousteau shrugging in a swimming suit appears while Musak-style music plays on a title card which reads "Please Stand By".

When Mr. Cousteau comes back, however, he has calmed down and talks with the three fish about coral that have suffered from coral bleaching, while the whitened coral appears on screen. The next topic is coral reproduction. Dory frantically swims to every new egg to say "Happy Birthday", Marlin paternally covers Nemo's eyes and Mr. Cousteau talks about how there are so many eggs, that even the hungriest fish cannot possibly eat all of them. He concludes by talking all about how we must all work hard in order to preserve the beauty of the coral reef. Suddenly, Nemo and the other two fish interrupt him again, inadvertently summarizing the message of the entire film during their talk. After they're done talking, Mr. Cousteau gets mad again and the camera cuts to him aboard his boat by night. Humiliated that he has been "Upstaged by fish", Mr. Cousteau mutters that "This would have never happened to Papa." In a before-credits scene, Nemo tells the viewers about Mr. Cousteau's website: ''''.

Law of the Rio Grande

Former outlaw Jim Hardy (Bob Custer) finds it hard trying to go straight.

Song of the Gringo

An undercover Texas Ranger infiltrates a hacienda to identify and bring to justice a gang using murder to steal mineral mines.

Ballad of a Gunman

The criminal brothers El Bedoja and Chiuchi have each their own gang. Together they rob a stagecoach. After they've just got rid of all witnesses by killing the passengers, they are already about to plan the next coup together. This time they want to do the bank of Mallintown. Its safe is considered unbreakable but it does open automatically shortly at certain times. The two gang leaders use the stagecoach as a kind of Trojan Horse to get gang members unrecognised into the town and moreover to have a big chest put into the strongroom. When the time has come for the safe to open, Chiuchi attacks the town as a diversionary tactic and lures the guards away. Then El Bedoja carries out the actual strike with his own gang, taking the now scarcely protected bank by surprise. Here he unites with the other gang members who have arrived with the stagecoach already.

El Bedoja and his men get away with a great deal of booty and bring a wounded accomplice to a farm where they coerce a woman into removing a bullet. Meanwhile, a travelling gunman named Hud, who happened to see the massacre in Mallintown, has followed them. He puts down all of El Bedoja's men but El Bedoja himself eludes. On hot pursuit Hud teams up with bounty hunter Rocco. They discover that the criminal siblings hide in an old mine and hire an old miner to close the entrance with dynamite. Yet El Bedoja and Chiuchi are on their guard. Hud wants to keep El Bedoja alive because he needs him as a witness to correct a miscarriage of justice. The bounty hunter on the other hand just wants to get the bounty and for that El Bedoja is worth dead just the same.

Aenigma (film)

At St. Mary's College, a boarding school for girls located just outside Boston, Massachusetts, a lonely, gaunt, unattractive student named Kathy (Milijana Zirojevic) becomes the center of a cruel practical joke perpetrated by a gang of students and the hunky but sadistic gym teacher, Fred Vernon (Riccardo Acerbi). Kathy is tricked into going on a date with Mr. Vernon. When she over eagerly makes her move onto him in his parked car in the woods, the students appear in their cars to taunt her. Running away from several carloads of her tormentors, Kathy runs onto a busy street where she immediately gets hit by an oncoming car and is admitted to the local hospital in a coma. Kathy's strange mother, Mary, continues to gloom around the school in her capacity as a cleaner.

Sometime later, a new girl named Eva Gordon (Lara Naszinski) arrives at the school, where she is shown around by the stern headmistress Miss Jones and given Kathy's old room. Eva becomes acquainted with several of the perpetrators of the stunt. It is soon revealed (to the viewers only) that Eva is Kathy. Eva has somehow been possessed by the spirit of the comatose Kathy who begins using supernatural powers of telekinesis and magic to exact revenge against all those involved in the prank that put her in a coma. The first victim is Mr. Vernon, who asks Eva on a date. That night while waiting for Eva to show up at the gym for their secret rendezvous, the narcissist Mr. Vernon is attacked and strangled by his reflection when it jumps out of a mirror. The following morning, the police detective on the scene (director Lucio Fulci) concludes that Mr. Vernon died of a heart attack.

The following night, Virginia Williams (Kathi Wise), one of the students involved in the prank against Kathy, is attacked in her bed and suffocated to death by an onslaught of snails that appear and then disappear. Again the police do not have any explanation for the mysterious death, except that she was probably suffocated using a pillow.

Meanwhile, the neurologist in charge of Kathy's case, Dr. Robert Anderson (Jared Martin), notices that Kathy's vital signs increase in step with each of the mysterious deaths at the school. But he cannot make a connection to it. The next morning, Dr. Anderson is called to the school to examine Eva when she has a violent breathing fit during a class. During that same time, Kathy's respirator temporally breaks down, which leads to Eva's respiratory attack, but nobody makes any connection to it. Afterward, the strange Eva comes on strong to Dr. Anderson, leading him to ask her on a date where afterward she seduces him.

During a field trip to a local art gallery, Grace, another one of Kathy's tormentors, returns to the gallery when it closes to search for a valuable piece of jewelry that she left behind on the day visit. A marble statue comes to life and falls on her, crushing her to death.

Dr. Anderson starts to become more apprehensive about the intense Eva. One evening, he suffers a horrible nightmare where she kills him after sex. He's relieved when Eva's mother arrives at the school to take her home for some rest. Eva begins to write obsessive love notes to him, but he brushes them off. Soon, Anderson becomes involved with another girl named Jenny Clark (Ulli Reinthaler), the only student who shows remorse for the prank gone wrong against Kathy.

Eva runs away from home and returns to the school after dark. Eva sets her eyes on Kim (Sophie D'Aulan), one of Kathy's cruelest tormentors. As Kim is preparing to meet her boyfriend, Tom, for a date, Eva makes Kim see horrific visions of Tom being decapitated at every turn. Kim suffers an anxiety attack and in attempting to flee from the gory visions, plummets out of a third-floor window to her death. Tom arrives seconds later, looks out an open window, and sees Kim lying dead on the pavement below. Tom is decapitated when Eva commands the window blind to fall on his neck. Eva quietly leaves the building while Kathy's mother, Mary, watches.

At the hospital, Jenny arrives for a late-night date with Dr. Anderson, when she gets lost in the gloomily lit building, thanks to Eva using Kathy's magic skills of mind-bending. Jenny ends up in the morgue where she encounters Eva. The possessed girl grabs a scalpel and threatens to kill Jenny for taking away her man, but Anderson arrives to intercept the scalpel's slash but gets badly slashed on his forearm. As Eva rises the scalpel to stab them both, she suddenly freezes, gasps for a few seconds, and falls to the floor dead.

Upstairs in Kathy's hospital room, her mother has pulled out all her intravenous drips, removed the respirator, and turned off the life support systems. Appalled at the supernatural malice of her comatose daughter, Mary has somehow figured out Kathy's connection to Eva and has decided to put her daughter to rest. Kathy's soul rises out of her body, floats out a nearby window, and disappears into the night sky.

Geedka nolosha

A man leaves his home and walks through a village, past various animals, as well as people going about their daily tasks, as stops to greet some of them. Eventually he comes to a forest where he selects a tree and starts to chop it. The sound of the axe echoes through the surrounding area, startling villagers and animals. After great effort, he successfully fells the tree and the sound of it crashing is particularly upsetting to those around. A great wind rushes through the forest and the man wraps himself in his sheet to protect himself. When he removes the sheet, he finds himself alone in the middle of a desert that he does not recognize. As he runs up and down the dunes looking for an escape, the film is intercut with scenes of trees being cut through simple and mechanized forestry, as well as scenes of famine and death. After crying out in despair and rolling down a dune, he comes across a small plant growing in the sand. He surrounds it with his body and sheet to protect it.Association, p.407

Little Rural Riding Hood

The film opens with a stereotypical hillbilly version of Little Red Riding Hood (voiced by Colleen Collins), telling the audience that she is taking "nourishment" (as she holds up a cliché moonshine bottle) to her grandma, who lives on a country farm. At the farmhouse, a wolf (voiced by Pinto Colvig) reveals himself to the audience, but confesses that he doesn't want to eat Red. He is actually in love with her and wishes to kiss her.

After a comical chase around the farmhouse, the wolf catches Red, and both prepare to kiss each other when a telegram arrives for the wolf from his city cousin (voiced by Daws Butler impersonating Peter Lawford), inviting him to meet the city's equivalent of his Red (the same version seen in ''Red Hot Riding Hood''). Upon seeing her photograph, the country wolf immediately falls in love with her and departs for the city.

Unlike his rural cousin, the city wolf is rich, suave, and sophisticated. The city wolf takes his cousin to a local nightclub where the city's Red performs her seductive song-and-dance routine "Oh Wolfie" (elements of this scene were recycled from Avery's 1945 cartoon ''Swing Shift Cinderella''). The country wolf whistles and leers throughout the performance, becoming completely aroused by Red. However, before he can rush onto the stage to join her, his city cousin stops him (by grabbing his suspenders, placing a hammer in it, then letting go so it would snap back and knock him out), and takes him back to the country, feeling that city life is too much for him.

Upon their arrival at the farmhouse, they find the country's Red waiting for them. Upon seeing country-Red, the city wolf, surprisingly, becomes wildly attracted to her, and runs to her, but is stopped his country cousin the same way the city cousin had stopped him earlier. Seeing an opportunity to see the city's Red again, the country wolf promptly decides to take his city cousin back home, claiming that he feels the country life is too much for him, and drives off back to the city.

Little Big Soldier

On 1 December 2009, a press conference was held for the film, along with Chan's announcement of a new teaser trailer posted on the film's official Sina website. ''Twitch'' also released a plot synopsis of the film:

The Kate Logan Affair

Benoit Gando (Laurent Lucas) is a French insurance agent visiting a picturesque Northern Ontario town for a conference. He has a steady marriage with a nuclear engineer and an eleven-year-old daughter. Benoit is leaving a convenience store as twenty-seven-year-old rookie cop Kate Logan (Alexis Bledel) mistakes him for a suspected rapist. She explains the misunderstanding and lets him go, although it is possible she made up the story to get herself introduced to him, but the question arises how did she know who he was beforehand. Later that evening she shows up at his motel and offers him a drink in order to make up for the encounter. He accepts and due to her "innocent" flirtations they end up sleeping together.

In a subsequent encounter, Kate shows Benoit how to hold and aim her service pistol. While he playfully does this, never having handled one before, the pistol goes off and a bullet is lodged in the wall of the motel room. Fearing the loss of her job, Kate drags Benoit deeper into the affair and both are now on the run. Benoit just wants to go to the police and tell them the truth that it was just an accident. She keeps him hooked by threatening to tell his wife that they slept together. She tells him that they will come up with a better solution.

The outcome of the situation is tragic, for everyone but Kate. This woman manages to destroy many lives yet comes out of it unscathed. She murders Benoit and makes it look like self-defense and manages to avoid losing her job as a cop.

Dollman (film)

On the planet Arturos, a criminal takes hostages at a laundry. The crook is surprised when cop Brick Bardo defiantly enters to do his laundry. Bardo causes the overweight hostages to faint and pin down the criminal when he threatens to shoot through their bodies with his powerful weapon. Although he saves the hostages, Bardo, already suspended for his violent methods, faces further criticism from the mayor. News segments also air claiming he killed multiple hostages.

Bardo is ambushed and kidnapped. After Bardo wakes up on a desert plain, his greatest enemy, Sprug, reveals he intends to kill Bardo with his own blaster, which Bardo had used to reduce Sprug to a floating head. Bardo uses a magnetic field to retrieve his blaster and kills Sprug's henchmen. Sprug escapes in his ship, and Bardo follows. Sprug and Bardo pass through an energy band, which shrinks them and sends them to Earth.

In the Bronx, New York City, Braxton Red and his gang run their neighborhood and kill any gangsters who intrude. Debi, a young Hispanic single mother, wants the police to do more. When Debi goes home, gangsters who know about her meddling – Hector, Wick, and Jackson – capture and threaten her. Before they can kill her, Bardo wounds Hector and kills Wick. Hector and Jackson run off, leaving Debi to wonder whether she is hallucinating. As she takes Bardo and his ship away, Braxton Red and his right hand man Armbruiser spot Sprug. Sprug says he has a powerful bomb they can use in exchange for helping to repair his ship.

Debi introduces Bardo to her excited son, Kevin. At the hideout, Braxton kills Hector in a fit of rage when Jackson says it was his idea to kill Debi. Braxton disbelieves that a doll-sized man could hurt anybody, but he takes Jackson and several other gangsters with him to Debi's place to find the alleged Dollman. Bardo kills all of the gangsters except Braxton, who is seriously injured while fleeing. Sprug recognizes Bardo's handiwork. After Braxton agrees to his demands, Sprug partially heals his injuries. When Sprug insists on taking over the gang, Braxton squashes Sprug. Though still wounded, Braxton resolves to kill Bardo.

Bardo overhears a commotion outside the apartment when Debi comes home from work. As Braxton and Armbruiser kidnap Debi, Bardo leaps out of a window and grabs onto their car as it speeds off. Bardo follows the gang to where the spaceships landed, where they plan to ambush him. Bardo uses an underground passage to surprise the gangsters and rescue Debi. A shootout ensues, and Bardo kills most of the gangsters by exploding their vehicles. Debi runs off, and Braxton follows. Feeling disrespected for keeping her alive for years, Braxton is about to shoot Debi, but Bardo distracts him and shoots off one of his arms. Debi stops Bardo from killing Braxton. Braxton uses Sprug's bomb as a last resort murder-suicide, and Debi and Bardo run for cover. Debi, after seeing that Bardo is safe, smiles, and Bardo asks her if size counts.

The Gauntlet and Grim Hunt

''The Gauntlet'' preludes

A revamped Doctor Octopus temporarily takes over New York City as Ana Kravinoff captures Madame Web. The Chameleon returns and is then recruited by Sasha Kravinoff after his defeat by Spider-Man.

Ana Kravinoff tortures and drugs Madame Web to find out information about Spider-Man, then she recruits Diablo after Spider-Man defeats him.

Deadpool is hired by Ana Kravinoff to distract Spider-Man while she captures Mattie Franklin. This occurs when Spider-Man is fighting a female version of the Stilt-Man.

''The Gauntlet''

Power to the People

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #612 through #614, titled "Power to the People", Electro's powers are deteriorating and he has been left in ruin by the stock market. Seeing that Dexter Bennett has secured a bailout from the federal government to save the ''Daily Bugle'', he starts a public and social media movement to turn the people of New York against Dexter Bennett and the New York Stock Exchange for their greed. Because of this, Electro is believed to be a hero to the people of New York and, when Spider-Man tries to fight him, they turn against him. Electro has been offered a very expensive cure for his declining health by the Mad Thinker, but is unable to pay for it. To get the money for the cure, he makes a deal with Dexter Bennett in exchange for calling off the campaign against him. The Mad Thinker attempts to cure Electro, turning him into an artificial electrical thunderbolt, but Spider-Man intervenes. Electro uses this power to betray Bennett. Spider-Man eventually defeats him, but not before Bennett is crippled by falling debris and the ''Daily Bugle'' is destroyed. Electro is then shown in the epilogue running into Sasha Kravinoff and the Chameleon in his new jail cell.

Keemia's Castle

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #615 and #616, titled "Keemia's Castle", describes Spider-Man helping Carlie Cooper with an investigation involving three murders and a missing girl named Keemia. Someone manages to steal three top secret files about the three murders. Spider-Man traces the murderer to Governor's Island, where he finds Keemia. The Sandman is revealed to be on the island and he proclaims himself as Keemia's father. In the very next issue, a few of the copies of Sandman, after confronting Spider-Man, confess that they are the actual killer of the mother and two others. Sandman, shocked that his own duplicates could free themselves from his control, begins battling his other duplicates. Spider-Man then obliterates Sandman with a fan, and gets back to Manhattan with Keemia. Keemia is then taken into foster care against her and Peter's will.

Rage of The Rhino

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #617, titled "Rage of The Rhino", a new villain in a Rhino suit is told by Sasha Kravinoff that he can gain honor by killing Aleksei Sytsevich, the original Rhino. However, Aleksei no longer has his Rhino suit and is living with his new wife, Oksana. Meanwhile, Peter begins working full-time at the Front Line and on his first story the new Rhino attacks Aleksei. Spider-Man fights the new Rhino to protect Aleksei and is defeated. He later meets up with Aleksei, who managed to get away and convinces him not to put his Rhino suit back on.


In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #618 through #620, titled "Mysterioso", the issues reveal that the Maggia is on the brink of destruction due to the loss of Silvermane during his gang's shoot-out against Owl's gang, Bruno Karnelli's bad leadership, and fighting with Mister Negative, as well as Hammerhead siding with him. The Maggia hires Mysterio to help them get out of their problems, but he accepts only to serve his purposes. In a fight between the Maggia, Mister Negative, and Spider-Man, most of the Maggia die and Mysterio loses all of the money he gained through this endeavor. Afterwards, Mysterio is approached by Chameleon (disguised as Jean DeWolff) who tells Mysterio that he has some friends that are "dying to meet him."

Out for Blood

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #621, titled "Out for Blood", the Black Cat helps Spider-Man to steal the vial of Peter's blood that Mister Negative has and replaces it with a vial of pig blood, so Mister Negative is unaware of losing the ability to kill Spider-Man through his Devil's Breath formula.

It is the Life

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #622, titled "It is the Life", Spider-Man discovers that Morbius was behind the theft of his blood and was using to it to try to find a cure for the zombie virus that has infected Jack Russell. Spider-Man volunteers to give him more blood.

In the issue there is also a side-story "The Five Stages of Grief" written by ''The Spectacular Spider-Man'' TV series co-creator Greg Weisman. It shows Flash Thompson dealing with the five stages of grief for losing his legs during the Iraq War.


In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #623 and #624, titled "Scavengers", Electro breaks the new Vulture out of prison. He wants revenge on the person who turned him into a monster, and he is told that J. Jonah Jameson did this to him. The mob starts pulling up fake claims that Jameson had created the new Vulture and the media gets a hold of it. Spider-Man finds out and arrives at City Hall just in time to save Jameson. The Vulture manages to escape when Spider-Man runs out of web fluid. The Vulture learns the truth about Jameson and the mob and attacks the gangsters. Meanwhile, Peter decides to edit a photo to prove Jameson's innocence. However, Jameson reveals that the photo is a fake and fires Peter in public, who ends up running out of City Hall. Peter wonders how things could get worse for him as the Vulture flies overhead.

Endangered Species

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #625, titled "Endangered Species", is a continuation of the story "Rage of The Rhino" from ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #617. Aleksei, the original Rhino, and his wife try to go into hiding in protective custody, but the new Rhino attacks the vehicle taking them to a safehouse and Oksana is killed. Aleksei is so enraged by this he redons his old Rhino suit and fights the new Rhino. Spider-Man tries to stop all of this from happening, but he fails. In the end, the old Rhino kills the new Rhino.

The Sting

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #626, titled "The Sting", after quitting S.H.I.E.L.D., Carmilla Black has taken up independent contracts. Sasha Kravinoff hires her to steal Mac Gargan's original Scorpion costume from the Hood, who plans to award it to the low-level crook that impresses him after receiving the Scorpion costume from Norman Osborn. The Scorpion stings Spider-Man and he temporarily loses his powers. Meanwhile, Michelle Gonzalez arrives to the ensuing fight to stop the man she was defending in court to ruin his second chance. Peter saves her, then changes into Spider-Man now that his powers are back. He saves Scorpion from the Hood and she manages to deliver the suit. When Peter gets back to his and Michelle's apartment, the two agree to a truce.

Something Can Stop the Juggernaut

''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #627 through #629 is titled "Something Can Stop the Juggernaut", which is a reference to the story "Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!" and serves as a sequel to that story. A new Captain Universe is created by the Uni-Power to fix fractures in the tectonic plates beneath New York City that were created during the "Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!" story. Captain Universe instead tries to kill the Juggernaut and Spider-Man gets involved trying to save the Juggernaut's life. When the new Captain Universe insists on killing the Juggernaut instead of fixing the tectonic plates, the Uni-Power leaves him and enters the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut uses the power of Captain Universe to repair the damage to the tectonic plates.

''Amazing Spider-Man'' #628 also features a short story of Spider-Man and Iron Man fighting Absorbing Man.


In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #630 through #633, titled "Shed", it starts by showing that Dr. Curt Connors has a new job and he has lost custody of his son, Billy. After his boss berates him and prevents him from taking his Lizard suppressant, Connors transforms and eats his boss. Billy Connors is kidnapped by Ana Kravinoff after she left his foster mother for dead, and Ana abandons Billy when the Lizard arrives. Connors's personality fights with his reptilian will, but the Lizard drowns out Connors's and eats Billy while Ana and Alyosha watch on. Then the Lizard sheds his skin and becomes a new form. This form is smarter than any previous form of the Lizard and has the telepathic abilities to connect to the "lizard part" of the human brain. However, some of Connors's emotions were passed to this new Lizard, which causes him regret for what he has done.

''Grim Hunt'' preludes

In ''Amazing Spider-Man: Grim Hunt: The Kraven Saga'', a free one-shot, Spider-Man has a dream revealing the dark future that awaits him and his kin. In the ''Amazing Spider-Man: Origin of the Hunter'' one-shot Ana Kravinoff looks over some of her father's journals recounting the original Kraven's skirmishes with Spider-Man.

''Grim Hunt''

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #634 Peter is approached at his apartment by a severely wounded Kaine. Then an explosion is heard outside and Peter sees Arachne fighting Ana and Alyosha Kravinoff, so he rushes to help her. After a battle with them, they go to Mattie Franklin's apartment where they find Ezekiel, a wall-crawling superhuman who had died prior to these events. Ezekiel starts to talk about a war between spiders and hunters. Mattie Franklin is killed by Sasha Kravinoff as a sacrifice that resurrects Vladimir Kravinoff as a large human-lion hybrid creature. Sasha says they will need the blood of Spider-Man to properly resurrect Sergei.

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #635 Spider-Man, Arachne, and Ezekiel go to search for Araña who is the next target. They find her already under attack by the Kravinoffs and join the fight. However, they are defeated and Arachne and Araña are captured. Kaine arrives late since the Kravinoffs already escaped and tells Spider-Man that he should run. Spider-Man and Ezekiel have a long discussion before they leave for the Kravinoff's base. Once there, Ezekiel reveals himself to be the Chameleon, and Spider-Man is defeated. In the presence of the Kravinoffs and Mysterio, Spider-Man is then put on a table where he is killed with a knife. With Spider-Man's death, Sergei Kravinoff steps out of his grave.

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #636 Kraven gets acquainted with his family after his awakening. Kraven states that Sasha restored him with corrupted blood, or the "unlife". They pull off the mask of the corpse of Spider-Man hung in their mantel and find out that it is Kaine in Spider-Man's costume. Peter finds a coffin with Kaine's corpse along with his black suit with a note from Kraven reading "Hunt Me".

In ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #637 Spider-Man puts his black suit on again and goes on to take revenge on the Kravinoff family. Madame Web is killed by Sasha, but before dying she transfers her powers to Arachne. Spider-Man defeats the Chameleon, Alyosha, and Vladimir. He then ambushes Sasha and violently tears part of Sasha's face off with his wall-climbing power for what happened to Mattie Franklin, Madame Web, and Kaine. While Spider-Man fights Kraven, Araña fights both Sasha and Ana. Spider-Man defeats Kraven and is about to kill him with a spear when Kraven whispers "thank you" and Arachne begs Spider-Man not to kill Kraven. Arachne shows him a future where Spider-Man turned into an outcast killer because of killing Kraven. With Spider-Man silent, Kraven begs him to end his life as he believes that his life is linked to Spider-Man and that he cannot die by any other hand, and while he was dead, he was apparently in a better place. Due to the visions that Arachne received, Spider-Man reluctantly lets Kraven live and states that his return gave him a second chance and he should use it. Spider-Man idly suggests that Kraven should go and be a dentist or something. The Kravinoff family then disappear in a flash, leaving the spiders alone before they can hand them over to the authorities. Spider-Man, Araña (now in Arachne's costume) and Arachne (no longer in costume, and now blind due to her gaining Madame Web's powers) bury Kaine and Cassandra in a potter's field. Arachne, now the new Madame Web, predicts that the Kravinoffs will be back, simultaneously assuring Spider-Man and Araña that she is fine with the trade-off of her vision for Madame Web's powers. In the Savage Land, Kraven decides to hunt his own family where if they survive long enough, they could be called a Kravinoff. He breaks Sasha's neck for arguing back and euthanizes Vladimir due to respect for the dead. Alyosha then leaves, but Ana then makes a deal with Kraven: if she kills her brother, he will train her and create a stronger family. If not, he will forget about family. In the epilogue, Kaine crawls out of his grave, mutated into a more spider-like form – including six extra eyes in a spider-like pattern – now referred to as 'Tarantula', implied to be the result of Kraven's resurrection creating an imbalance.

The Great Divide (1925 film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, so anxious is finely reared Polly Jordan (Terry) to go on a visit in the west that Polly (Pitts) persuades her brother Philip (Gordon) to take her. Dr. Winthrop Newbury (Forrest) promises to stay and protect her, but is called away due to an accident. Three rough intoxicated strangers returning from a fiesta see Ruth, and led by Dutch (Beery) break in to get her. In desperation, Ruth picks out one of the other strangers, Stephen Ghent (Tearle), and offers him her life if he will save her from any assault, which he does. This sobers him up and, when he insists that she stand by her promise, she keeps her bargain, and he takes her away and they are married. He takes her to his valuable mine, which he has neglected, and he tries through his work and homelife to win her love, but she remains disgusted with him. Her brother Philip trails them and visits, and although Ruth is ashamed of her situation, she makes it appear that all is OK. Seeing that something is wrong, Philip takes her back home. Stephen keeps away as long as he can, then goes to see her, but she repulses him and falls in a swoon. At the risk of his life, Stephen crosses a flooded canyon to get the doctor, and their son is born. Still Ruth refuses to forgive him, even though others plead with her. Finally, she blurts out the truth of how they met and were married, and her brother a gun intending to shoot Stephen. Seeing him in danger awakens her love for him, resulting in a happy resolution.

The Dixie Handicap

As described in a review in a film magazine, Judge Roberts (Keenan), greatly reduced in circumstances, hides his true financial condition from his daughter Virginia. He raises her in luxury by continuingly selling parts of his estate, until all he has left are his old home and his racing mare Southern Melody, who is about to have a colt. Through the carelessness of a stable boy, the mare wanders away and the colt is born in a rainstorm and nearly dies from exposure. When a wild cat attacks, the mare gives her life to save her colt. Dexter (St. Polis), trainer for a millionaire who owns an adjacent training stable, loves Virginia and tells her of her father's poverty. To counteract this, the Judge sells the colt and sends his daughter to Europe. The colt, now named Dixie, is badly injured in its first race, and, when it is about to be shot, Johnny Sheridan (Hughes) begs permission to try and save it. Virginia returns from Europe just as the great Dixie Handicap is to be run, in which the colt Dixie is entered. She learns that her father has sacrificed all and is now living in poverty. Dixie comes from behind and wins the race and a purse of $50,000. The estate is restored and Virginia, thoroughly chastened, agrees to marry Johnny, who has always loved her.

Hacks (1997 film)

Brian (Stephen Rea) is a television writer-producer who is working on creating a 22-episode show, but has writer's block and needs inspiration. He teams up with a group of writer friends to write about a sexual encounter he watches on a balcony.

He witnesses a strange romantic encounter between two figures on the balcony of hotel near his flat and decides to write scripts with his writer friends based on what he saw.

Finished (short story)

An interplanetary conference between ''Viagens'' officials of the Tau Ceti system being held in Novorecife on the planet Krishna is interrupted by an unusual situation in customs; Ahmad Akelawi, a Terran visitor to Krishna is attempting to take a native mummy to Earth. Cristôvão Abreu, the local security chief, excuses himself to investigate. The mummy, that of the first and (for complicated legal reasons) only king of the island nation of Sotaspé, appears to be a legitimate purchase, and so is allowed through customs.

Subsequently, Ferrian bad-Arjanaq, the reigning prince regent of Sotaspé, shows up claiming the mummy was stolen and the sale fraudulent. To avoid a diplomatic incident, Abreu allows Ferrian to take the next interstellar vessel to Earth to recover the mummy. Since the relatively primitive Krishna is under an embargo to prevent its tumultuous cultures and political systems from being disrupted by advanced Terran technology, he sends along assistant security officer Herculeu Castanhoso to prevent Ferrian from inquiring into matters he shouldn't.

Many years elapse on Krishna before the travelers return with the mummy, though for them, due to the relativistic speeds at which interstellar voyages take place, much less time has passed. Ferrian is sent on his way to his island. Then Abreu learns that a most peculiar ship has rendezvoused with the prince to convey him to Sotaspé—a steamship!

Realizing that somehow Sotaspé has been acquiring forbidden technology, Abreu and Castanhoso set out in pursuit, hiring a swift smuggling ship to overtake Ferrian's craft. Catching it off the island of Darya, their crew overwhelms the prince's in a pitched sea battle, and the prince himself is seemingly lost overboard. The steamship is scuttled, and the mummy, discovered to contain smuggled scientific texts, is also destroyed. The two return to Novorecife smugly convinced that the most egregious attempt ever to break the blockade is "finished."

Meanwhile, Ferrian, who has survived, returns to his kingdom and reassumes its governance. Having been allowed to study Terran law on his trip to Earth to distract him from technological espionage, he is full of ideas for reforming Sotaspé. He institutes a patent law to foster Krishnan invention, and is soon awarding his first patent to the inventor of a native aircraft. At the ceremony, he announces that the Terran plot to keep Krishna backward and in the dark is "finished."

Abreu, Castanhoso and Ferrian all appear as secondary characters in a number of later "Krishna" stories.

The Silent Accuser

As described in a review in a film magazine, while waiting for Jack (McKee), with whom she intends to elope, Barbara (Boardman) is accosted in her bedroom by Phil (Metcalfe), a boarder in her home, who is maddened with jealousy. Her screams attract her aged stepfather. She faints and Phil leaves the room in time to be met by the stepfather (Weigel), whom he kills. Peter, Jack's dog, witnesses the murder through the window. Phil escapes and Jack arrives just in time to be in a compromising position. He is convicted of the murder. Peter grains the confidence of the warden and carries messages between Jack and Barbara. When Jack escapes, Peter holds off the guards. Barbara and Jack and Peter cross the border. In a Mexican town they recognize Phil. Barbara lures Phil to their place of hiding, when Peter breaks loose and pursues the villain. After a long chase Peter finally is able to hold Phil at bay until the authorities arrive, when he confesses to the crime.

The Firm (2009 film)

Bex is the leader of the West Ham United football firm, that travels up and down the country to fight other firms. Dom is a normal young lad who hangs around with his mates, and one night they go to a nightclub, where his friend Tel walks into Bex. After the two share words, Bex headbutts Tel in the face. The morning after, Tel tells Dom that Bex is after them. The two then go to the local pub, the Lord Nelson, where the firm hangs out. There, Dom apologises for the two of them. Bex compliments Dom's courage, saying that he has a lot of guts to walk in and face him. Dom later finds out where Bex works and goes to visit him. They become acquaintances, visiting a sports shop where Bex purchases a pair of Adidas Munchen trainers. He then asks Dom if he wants to play in his football team. Dom accepts. Dom asks his Dad for money to buy the same pair of trainers.

Dom arrives late at the football game and is put in goal. After he saves a vital penalty, the rest of the boys begin to take a liking to him, especially Jay, who asks if he is coming to Portsmouth at the weekend. Dom agrees. Trigger, the firm's second-in-command, visits Bex at work, where he tells him that Millwall's firm and Portsmouth's firm are meeting to discuss the up-and-coming matches between the three teams. Bex walks in on the meeting to pitch his idea of the three firms coming together to form a national firm for the UEFA European Football Championship. The pitch fails, with Millwall and Portsmouth's top boys refusing to stand behind Bex in the national firm unless he and his firm can beat theirs in the upcoming meets. Saturday comes and the firm are at the station getting a train to Portsmouth. When they get there they meet the Portsmouth firm at the pub. Police arrive and try to break up the two teams. During the brawl, Dom is punched in the face but stays on his feet and punches back.

Bex visits Dom at work and tells him to not make any plans for the weekend. Dom sees Tel who criticises his tracksuit, but Dom tells him that he is part of the West Ham firm now. Dom later meets Jay, and the two go to the sports shop and steal a load of gear. Some of the firm go to Bex's house to talk about the possible national firm. Bex asks Dom if he would like to go to Europe, and Dom agrees. Bex says he has to get blooded first, which means he has to get the firm's symbol engraved on his forearm. Bex pulls out a Stanley knife and starts to engrave on Dom's arm. When the rest of the firm lick their hands and rub off the symbol that is on their arms he realises that it is a joke.

Dom goes to the Lord Nelson to meet up with the boys. Soon after arriving, he is harshly ridiculed in front of everyone by a drunken Trigger for wearing the same tracksuit as Bex. Feeling forlorn, Dom leaves the pub and doesn't go the game. Bex then visits him at work the next day and tells him to stand up for himself, and invites him to a night club. Dom also gets invited to Crystal Palace on the weekend, but the firm end up going to Millwall to launch a surprise attack on the Millwall firm instead. Millwall fights back with weapons and largely outnumbers them. As a result, the surprise attack fails and they suffer a humiliating defeat. Bex, along with Dom and some other members of the West Ham firm, go back later and ambush a Millwall fan as he leaves the pub, beating him half to death with lead pipes. They return home only to find that their cars have been smashed up. A calling card has been placed on Bex's car saying "Congratulations, you have just met the Yeti" (the Yeti is a nickname for the Millwall firm leader).

Some of the firm express that they are not happy with Bex's reckless leadership in refusing to back down over the feud with the Yeti, and are ultimately forced by Bex to leave the firm. When Bex brings a bag full of blunt weapons to the Lord Nelson in preparation for a revenge attack on the Yeti and his firm, Dom expresses his concerns as well. Bex reacts angrily, bullying and threatening Dom and telling him that he has no choice but to stay with the firm. They go from the Lord Nelson to London Bridge station and ambush the rival firm. Dom looks on as Bex overpowers the Yeti and kicks him savagely in the head and body repeatedly as he lies on the floor. As Bex walks away, the Yeti pulls a flick knife out of his sock and stabs Bex in the stomach. Off-screen, Bex eventually succumbs to the wound.

That night, the police are seen arriving at Bex's house. His wife answers the door angrily with the baby in her arms. From the police's silence, she knows Bex has been killed and tearfully goes into denial.

In the epilogue, Dom puts on the red tracksuit that Bex told him to never wear again, and heads to the Lord Nelson one last time. He looks through the window and sees that the firm are enjoying themselves and do not appear to be mourning Bex, with Trigger now seemingly in charge. Dom sees this as his chance to get out for good. He walks away from the pub and bumps into Tel. They both walk off exchanging jokes and following their old routine before Dom joined the firm.

The Alabaster Staff

A young street performer is drawn into a twisting plot of double-crossings and betrayals, at the center of which is the artifact of great power known as the Alabaster Staff.

The Black Bouquet

A rogue becomes involved in a game where he thought no one would get hurt, trusting a tanarukk bandit and hired for his skill and cunning, but turns an entire city against him.

The Crimson Gold

This novel is set in Thay. A rogue wanted out, wanted a new life and a trophy worthy of a master thief - the source of the treasured crimson gold. She wanted to face an undead emperor on his home ground, and live to tell the tale.

Gruber's Journey

The film centers on an Italian writer named Curzio Malaparte, who was a member of the Italian Fascist Party.

Malaparte is assigned to cover the Russian front for the Italian news service, and travels with Colonel Freitag of the Wehrmacht and the deputy commander of the local Romanian garrison to Romania. He suffers from a serious allergy and is sent to consult world-class allergist, Dr. Josef Gruber in Iași, but Gruber is missing.

Suffering terribly from his allergy, Malaparte desperately seeks to find the doctor who has been captured. During his search for the doctor he encounters shocking situations in the Holocaust against the Jews in the city. He later writes a very critical account of the incident in his novel ''Kaputt''.

Sinners in Silk

Arthur Merrill is a roué who continues to celebrate his rejuvenation surgery by taking a girl home - but she turns out to be the sweetheart of his son.

The Snob (1924 film)

As described in a review in a film magazine, just as Nancy Claxton (Shearer) finished at a convent school, her wealthy father Sherwood (Sackville) is killed in a roadhouse brawl. Stung by the disgrace, she disappears and her sweetheart, Herrick (Nagel), is unable to find her. Three years pass and Nancy is teaching school in the quaint Mennonite colony in Pennsylvania. She falls in love with an ambitious teacher, Eugene (Gilbert). They become engaged and Eugene gets a job as professor at an academy in a nearby town. He becomes popular and conceited, succeeds in winning favor of Dorothy (Haver), whose father owns the school. Eugene is made head-master. Nancy becomes ill and sends for Eugene. He marries her, believing she will die, but she gets well. He writes Dorothy a letter belittling Nancy. Herrick, who is teaching in the same school, visits Eugene and is amazed to find Nancy. Eugene continues to look down on Nancy and play up to Dorothy. Just before Nancy is to have a baby, he writes a loving letter to Dorothy. Nancy gets hold of this. Her baby dies. She then sees Eugene in his true light and shows him the newspaper story that she is heir to millions. He begs forgiveness but she taunts him as being a snob, saying she will divorce him and marry Herrick.

Highball (film)

A newly married couple decides to improve their social life by throwing three great parties and inviting tons of people at their Brooklyn apartment. The film follows this pursuit over the course of a year.

Friends' (Justine Bateman, Peter Bogdanovich, Dean Cameron) relationships are tested during a birthday party, a Halloween party and a New Year's Eve party.

Lights of Old Broadway

Marion Davies plays twins separated at birth: Anne becomes a society girl in New York and Fely becomes an Irish poor girl turning to the musical world. Dirk (Conrad Nagel), Anne's half brother, falls in love with the poor sister, with the added inconvenience that Anne's family owns the slum in which the Irish families live. A subplot involves the coming of electricity to New York City.

I Kissed a Vampire

Dylan Knight (Lucas Grabeel) transforms into a vampire after being bitten by a bat. The film features him attempting to resolve conflict between his girlfriend, Sara Lane (Adrian Slade), and his vampire mentor neighbor, Trey Sylvania (Drew Seeley).

Held for Ransom (1938 film)

Millionaire Herbert Scott is kidnapped. His nephew Larry Scott pays the ransom but his uncle is not released. Kimble, the Scott's caretaker of their lodge, intercepts the ransom payoff and stuffs the cash into empty shotgun shells. When Kimble is killed trying to contact Larry, Larry decides to investigate with his friend Don and heads up to the lodge. Betty, an FBI agent, poses as a writer and checks into the inn near the Scott's lodge. The crooks, in league with Scott's neighbour, Sam Hathaway, are suspicious of Betty and have her watched. She escapes out her window and heads over to Sam's place to search. The crooks come in and she hides and overhears their conversation and learns that Sam has figured out where the money is. She follows them to the store where Kimble had left the box of shells but unknown to them, the box got sent with groceries to Larry's place. Betty gets the drop on 2 of the crooks and leaves them tied up for the local constable. She heads back to Larry's but Sam sees them with the money and shoots through the window. Don and Betty give chase leaving Larry with the money. Betty comes back and finds Larry on the floor and a secret door slowly closing. Larry chops through the door with an axe while in the cave below Sam has a falling out with the 3rd crook over his share of the money. Sam is killed and the crook runs away as Larry and Betty rush into the cave. Larry gives chase while Betty unties his uncle who has been tied to a post. Don comes back and Betty sends him off with the uncle. Larry knocks out the crook and gets the money but the 2 crooks have escaped the constable and tie Larry up and set fire to the mill. They take the money and Betty and take off in the car but are chased by Betty's partner, Morrison, who arrived in response to her telegram. The police run the crooks off the road and rescue Betty and the cash. They race to save Larry and Betty and Larry head to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

Surviving Disaster (TV series)

Each episode features Cade Courtley with a group of usually five individuals set into the disaster situation. The disasters feature worst-case scenarios, with Courtley giving the individuals advice on how to survive based on the situation, also giving tips to the audience on survival. This always includes interviews with experts and survivors of similar disasters. On occasion the show may describe two or more different scenarios within the same disaster (being caught at different distances from a nuclear blast, being held under different circumstances during a home invasion/hostage situation or escaping different pandemics). In these cases, Courtley still participates as a member of both scenario groups simultaneously. Sometimes an individual in a group can make rash choices that would lead to consequences in which they don't listen to Cade's warnings, making surviving a disaster more difficult.

Daring Game

Survival Devices, Inc., is an organization that employs a team of adventurers known as "the Flying Fish" who are adept in sky diving, scuba diving and martial arts. They are engaged to rescue a captured scientist imprisoned on a Caribbean island by a dictator.

The team parachutes off the coast of the island in a HALO jump and establishes an inflatable underwater basecamp in an "Instant Underwater Habitat" or "Igloo".

Falling Leaves (1912 film)

In the opening scene, Dr. Headley demonstrates the success of his cure for consumption. He is congratulated by his colleagues.

Meanwhile, it is autumn and Winifred is seriously ill with consumption. Her mother and younger sister, Trixie, are distraught. The family doctor tells Winifred's parents that she will die by the time the last leaf falls. Trixie takes these words literally; after the child is tucked into bed, she sneaks outside and starts tying fallen leaves back on branches with string. Passerby Dr. Headley sees her and learns from her what she is doing. He is led into the house where he administers an injection of his serum cure.

Three months later, Winifred is well on the way to recovery. The beginnings of romance between doctor and patient are depicted in the closing scene.

La Valentina (1966 film)

In early 20th century Mexico, in the midst of the Mexican Revolution, the beautiful yet feisty Valentina Zúñiga marries an unnamed serviceman. Though she is part of the rural upper class, Valentina is a fervent supporter of the Revolution. At the same time but in another place, a smuggler named Genovevo Cruz García sells defective arms to the federal Mexican army.

During Valentina's wedding night, gunshots are heard outside her bedroom window. This frustrates her, as she believes it is a waste of ammunition. Her newlywed husband, however, believes that the guns are shot in celebration to their wedding. As he approaches the bedroom balcony to stop the gunshots, Valentina's husband is shot multiple times and killed. The next day, at the burial of her husband, Valentina desires vengeance.

When Genovevo's deceit becomes known, since his faulty arms were the cause of multiple casualties, the federals decide to execute him by a firing squad. As he is executed and falls to the ground, an elderly couple ask for his body so that they may give him a Christian burial. Genovevo's body is driven away on the couple's donkey and it is later known that the execution was false. Federal military captain Luis Benítez, the man who headed the firing squad, tells Genovevo that he was shot with rubber bullets and saved from death for a reason. Benítez starts to explain that he has fallen in love with Valentina Zúñiga, ordering Genovevo to kidnap her for him. Genovevo agrees but bursts into laughter. Responding to Genovevo's laughter, Benítez states that Valentina is worth the dangerous attempt of kidnapping, as she is beautiful, affectionate, and sweet.

Genovevo therefore travels to Valentina's village, concocting a clever plan to kidnap her. As Valentina and her father and brothers are short of ammunition, they send for Genovevo, who quickly agrees to sell them arms on the condition of taking Valentina with him to the place where his merchandise is located. Her father refuses, but Valentina decides to go and she is accompanied by her two brothers. Upon arrival at the location of Genovevo's merchandise, Valentina's brothers fall into Genovevo's trap and he successfully kidnaps her.

Uncertainty Principle (Numbers)

Following a lead, FBI Special Agents Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), Terry Lake (Sabrina Lloyd), and David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard) stake out two banks which are possibly the Charm School Boys' next target. The agents' lead comes from their math consultant and Don's younger brother, Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), who used probability theory and statistical analysis to predict the targets. The Charm School Boys, a pair of nonviolent and polite bank robbers, rob the bank which Terry and David have under surveillance. Terry and David's team attempt to arrest the pair, but Terry and David, and later Don, find themselves in the middle of a shootout with the bank robbers and a couple of the robbers' accomplices. After the firefight dies down, Don and Terry follow the ringleader into a nearby building. The bank robber overpowers Don, shoots Don with Don's own gun, and flees the scene with the gun. Charlie arrives at the scene and finds Don being treated for a minor gunshot wound to his arm.

Back at the FBI office, the team determines that Charlie's model is the only viable lead. Charlie, horrified by the sight of the crime scene, withdraws himself from the investigation since one of his model's assumptions was that the robbers were nonviolent. Don sends Charlie home to get some rest. Instead, Charlie begins working on P vs. NP in the family garage, a problem that he had worked on during the three months before his mother died of cancer. Don returns to the house and learns about Charlie's actions from their father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch). When Don confronts Charlie, Charlie expresses his fear of Don being fatally shot during another confrontation with the Charm School Boys.

At the office, the team uncovers evidence which confirms Don's suspicion that one of the bank robbers was military-trained. They also learn that the robbers had killed a computer programmer and had stolen the programmer's identity. As the agents discuss the case, they learn of another bank robbery committed by the Charm School Boys. This time, the robbers fatally shoot a bank president who attempted to confront them, and video surveillance footage shows that Don's gun is present at the scene.

Back at the house, Don, expressing the increased risk to him and his team, tells Charlie that he needs Charlie's help. Later, Alan comforts Charlie by saying that Charlie's mother understood why he chose to work on P vs. NP instead of spending his final three months with her. Charlie then resumes work on the case and realizes that he failed to consider that the bank robbers spent a much longer time outside the bank after the robberies than most bank robbers would have. At the office, Charlie tells the team that the robbers were using Federal Reserve routing numbers stored on each bank's computers to locate a shipment of cash going to an undisclosed Federal Reserve location to be destroyed. The team assumes that the bank robbers need the computer programmer's knowledge to access the data. The team also learns that one shipment is scheduled to leave for the location in a few hours.

Don, Terry, and David split up; Don stays with the shipment while David and Terry serve as the decoy shipment. After being diverted under an expressway, David and Terry confront the bank robbers and arrest the team. The ringleader escapes and is soon arrested by Don, who takes back his gun. Back at the house, Don breaks the news about the arrest to Charlie and Alan. Charlie tells Don that he has stopped working on P vs. NP in order to focus on other problems.

Bitter Victory

During the Western Desert Campaign of World War II, two Allied officers in Egypt are interviewed to lead a dangerous commando mission far behind enemy lines in Benghazi. Major David Brand, a South African, is a regular army officer but lacks experience of combat and of commanding men in the field. He does not speak Arabic and has only a limited knowledge of the area in Libya in which the patrol is to operate. Captain Jimmy Leith, a Welshman, is an amateur volunteer with extensive knowledge of the area who knows a local guide and speaks fluent Arabic as well. It is decided that both officers will go, with Major Brand in command. The men see Brand as a disciplinarian - "the only thing he's slept with is the rule book".

Major Brand's wife Jane is a Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) Flight Officer who enlisted to be near her husband. When Brand invites Leith to drinks with his wife, he picks up the fact that the two had had an affair before she married Brand. Leith had walked out on her without explanation.

The unit parachutes behind enemy lines with the mission of attacking a German headquarters and bringing back secret plans from a safe to be opened by Wilkins, an experienced safecracker. Dressed as local civilians, Brand's hand shakes with fright when he has to knife a German sentry; the deed is done by Leith.

The mission is completed with the British suffering only one death and one man wounded. The patrol ambushes a German detachment, capturing Oberst Lutze, who Brand knows was responsible for the secret information. Possibly in the hope of getting rid of Leith, Brand leaves him alone with two seriously wounded men, one British, one German. Leith decides to put them out of their pain. He shoots the German, who pleads for his life. The Briton encourages Leith to act quickly and get it over with. Leith puts his pistol to the soldier's head and fires but there are no bullets left. Rather than reloading, Leith picks the man up and sets out to carry him to safety. The man cries out in agony and curses Leith's failure, but dies before Leith puts him down again. Leith, whose Arab friend has joined him, then catches up with the rest of the unit.

The patrol is supposed to escape on camels but they discover the men left with them have been murdered and the camels taken. During the long march back across the desert, Brand's animosity towards Leith grows, not only due to the affair with his wife but to Brand's fear that Leith will reveal him as a coward to headquarters and destroy his career. While the group are resting, Brand sees a scorpion climb up the leg of Leith's trousers but does not warn him in time. When Leith is stung, Brand refrains from shooting him as his orders permit and lets him die in pain during a sandstorm. The men believe he killed him.

A patrol eventually picks up the group and takes them back to HQ. Brand's wife is distraught to learn of Leith's death and when Brand is immediately awarded the Distinguished Service Order, instead of congratulating him, she walks off disconsolate. In the closing shot Brand ruefully pins the medal on a stuffed training dummy.