In West Virginia, Charles "Boomer" Baxter is setting mountain-top depletion explosives. He detonates the TNT, and an unprecedented earthquake devastates the area. A few hours later government seismologist Dr. Amy Lane arrives at the quake's epicenter.
She realizes that the quake has opened a deep fault running through the center of North America, ending at the San Andreas Fault. Any further instability will cause massive earthquakes and tsunamis, devastating Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities all around the Pacific Ocean, leading to the deaths of millions.
Dr. Lane and Boomer chase just behind the expanding crack in the Earth's crust, developing a plan to stop the next quake. They decide to use a satellite orbiting above the continent which can trigger earthquakes. They fire it off when they reach the Grand Canyon, thinking that when the new fault hits the canyon it will be forced to turn south into the Gulf of Mexico. When the fault crosses with the canyon, they fire the satellite at the canyon but plan goes wrong. Instead of heading south, the fault travels north, towards the Yellowstone Caldera.
They realize that if the fault crosses the caldera it will explode, expelling several thousand tons of ash into the atmosphere, killing millions and causing a Volcanic winter. They decide to set explosives to block the fault's path. Later, when it reaches the park, Boomer detonates the explosives, causing the fault to stop just short of the volcano, but costing Boomer his life. In the end, an orbiting shot of the United States shows a giant canyon that stretches miles-wide across most of the continent.
Guy Roland is an amnesiac detective who lost his memory ten years before the beginning of the story, which opens in 1965. When his employer, Hutte, retires and closes the detective agency where he has worked for eight years, Roland embarks on a search for his own identity. His investigations uncover clues to a life that seems to stop during the Second World War. It seems that he is Jimmy Pedro Stern, a Greek Jew from Salonica, who was living in Paris under an assumed name, Pedro McEvoy, and working for the legation of the Dominican Republic. He and several friends (Denise Coudreuse, a French model who shares his life; Freddie Howard Luz, a British citizen originally from Mauritius; Gay Orlov, an American dancer of Russian origin; and André Wildmer, an English former jockey, all of whom are enemy nationals) went to Megève to escape a Paris that had become dangerous for them during the German occupation. Denise and Pedro attempted to flee to Switzerland, and paid a smuggler who abandoned them in the mountains, separating them and leaving them lost in the snow.
Having partially recovered his memory, Guy Roland goes to look for Freddie, who went to live in Polynesia after the war. When he arrives in Bora Bora, he learns that Freddie has disappeared, either lost at sea or by choice. At the end of the novel he is about to follow the last clue that remains to his past: an address in the Via della Botteghe Obscure in Rome, where Jimmy Pedro Stern is recorded as having lived in the 1930s.
Journalist buddies Jimmie Daniels and Buzz Nelson have decided to spend their vacation together at the Latonia horse race track on Yucatán, Mexico. Their plans are seemingly spoiled when their publisher Kingsley orders Jimmie, who is the newspaper's most prominent reporter, to do a story on missing banker Martin James, who stole one million dollars from his bank before disappearing.
Buzz comes up with an idea that Jimmie tells the publisher that intelligence places the banker in Yucatán. The publisher buys this argument and the two buddies leave for Mexico, with a thousand dollars in cash to cover the expenses. They quickly lose most of the money on the track, without even so much as lift their eyes to find the missing banker.
Somehow Kingley sniffs the scam the two men are pulling and orders Jimmie back to the office immediately. Kingsley plans to meet Jimmie at the boat and disclose the plot. But Jimmie finds out about the plan from Kingsley's secretary, Elizabeth Stiles, and tries to intercept Kingley, flying home with Buzz and then sneaking onto the ship he was supposed to arrive on. Buzz buys a second-hand trunk in a riff-raff store to look like he has traveled on his own.
Jimmie's plan fails as Kingsley finds the two original tickets for Jimmie and Buzz, and Jimmie is fired right away. When the two men come home and open Buzz's trunk it turns out there is a dead woman's body in it. Soon after their discovery, a mysterious woman named Margaret Nicholls arrives and offers to buy the trunk from them. When the woman leaves, Jimmie follows her and later contemplates alerting the police, when he hears a radio broadcast announcing himself and a female accomplice as suspected murderers.
Jimmy acts with the belief that Margaret is innocent, and together they team up to try to find the real killer. Buzz tells them he bought the trunk at Sam Peter's warehouse. When they go there they find Sam Peter dead. They manage to flee the scene and get Peters' orderbook and get three names to check up on.
The first name turns out to be dead ends, but the second leads to the address of a pair of newly-weds. The brand new Mrs. De Borest becomes suspicious and opens up the trunk her husband has, finding out from the contents that he is a traveling salesman and not a count as he has led her to believe.
When Jimmie and Margaret arrive at the last address, they meet perfumer Jarvis Woodruff. He offers Margaret to try his latest creation, but sees a picture of Jimmie and Margaret in the paper and alerts the police. Jimmie and Margaret still manage to flee to a nearby diner. Margaret confesses that she is an insurance investigator on the lookout for the banker's stolen money. Using a handkerchief to wipe Jimmies face, she notices that it's not hers but the dead woman's and that it smells just like the perfume she tried at Woodruff's apartment.
Jimmie and Margaret both sneak back to Woodruff's apartment but are caught by him and locked into a refrigerator room. The police soon arrive and are also tricked into the refrigerator room.
Buzz has picked up Jimmie's trail and arrives at the building, lures his way in and then manage to release everyone locked into the refrigerator room. The police arrest Woodruff for the murder of his wife and Margaret find the million dollars in another trunk in the apartment. Jimmie gets an exclusive on the story to bring to his publisher. Since he has fallen in love with Margaret, they marry and go to Mexico on honeymoon. While they are there, Jimmie reads about the banker's capture in Central Park.
British Captain Fred Allison bids farewell to his new wife, Monica, whom he has only known for six days, and sets out for the war. He ends up a prisoner of war (POW), tortured by the fact that his wife has not written to him since the early days of his two year captivity.
When a fellow inmate shoots a guard, the prisoners make an impromptu unsuccessful dash for freedom, resulting in much bloodshed on both sides. As punishment, they are locked in a crowded cell for about a month. Finally, a new commandant, Oberst Carl Ehrlich, takes charge of the camp. Allison persuades Ehrlich (a fellow Oxford alumnus) to rescind the punishment.
One day, a fresh batch of POWs arrives. Allison is delighted to find his oldest and best friend among them, Royal Flying Corps Lieutenant Jack "Dig" Digby. For some reason though, Dig is not as pleased to see him. However, Allison attributes that to their situation. Dig is determined to escape, regardless of the consequences to his fellow prisoners. He does manage to break free, stealing an aircraft from the nearby airfield.
The Germans find his coat near the dead body of Elsa, a woman who delivered fresh food to the camp. Ehrlich writes to the Allies, demanding Dig's return to stand trial for rape and murder. Allison refuses to cooperate, until he recognizes the handwriting on a letter found in the coat. When he reads it, he discovers that Monica and Dig have been carrying on an affair for the last six months. Allison then adds his signature to Ehrlich's request. On the strength of Allison's endorsement, the British do send Dig back.
Dig refuses to defend himself, insisting only that he knows Allison's motive for bringing him back. He is found guilty and sentenced to death by firing squad. The real perpetrator, Strogin, writes a note confessing to the crime, then hangs himself. Allison finds the note, but instead of notifying the Germans, crumples it up. Just before Dig is to be executed, Allison's conscience makes him show the confession to Ehrlich. Afterward, Allison tells Dig he will give Monica up.
All along, Allison has been planning a mass escape. He seizes the machine gun guarding the front gate, then holds off the guards while his comrades escape. The POWs race to the airfield, overcome the aircrews there, and fly off in a squadron of bombers preparing for their nightly raid. Allison is killed by a grenade. When Ehrlich finds his body, he salutes.
A female artist is painting a seascape on a deserted beach when she discovers a beautiful conch. Curious, she puts her ear to it and listens to the echoes and sounds of the ocean waves. However, she also hears the voice of a little girl, Sophie, who recounts her short and troubled life in her small town, which once stood on a lush shore but has since been destroyed by an ecological catastrophe. One night, a boat discharged illegal toxic waste that poisoned the fish and local fisherman, eventually contaminating all the vegetation on the coast and the region's inhabitants. Sophie's story is recounted twelve months after the ecological disaster first struck that strip of land, forever ruining the habitat and claiming many lives, including that of the child herself. The film's last sequence nevertheless leaves a glimmer of hope: a group of children are playing near the sea, and a little girl breaks away from the pack to invite the female protagonist to join their game.Association, p.407Xodo, p.31
''Khastegi'' (aka ''Tedium'') tells the story of seven Iranian transsexuals living in Tehran.
The film begins on a beach during a foggy day. A woman (Eva Green) is meditating while she is having tea on the porch of her house. She is in an advanced state of pregnancy. She knows that the father of her child will not return, but she thinks that perhaps her unborn child was the only thing she needed from him. She smiles ominously and begins to reminisce about the events leading up to that moment.
A love story is then told between two children, Rebecca and Tommy, who swear each other eternal love. When Rebecca departs suddenly for Japan with her mother, the two are separated. Twelve years later, Rebecca returns as a young woman to find that Tommy (Matt Smith) not only remembers her, but still cares deeply for her. The two begin a new relationship.
Tommy is a political activist fighting against the biotech corporations, who plan to open a new natural park populated by animals artificially created by cloning. Tommy plans to spoil the inauguration ceremony by letting loose rucksacks filled with cockroaches. Rebecca, herself a computer programmer of leak detection sonar software for underground storage containers, insists on accompanying Tommy.
Driving to the site of the new natural park through a lonely wilderness, Rebecca asks Tommy to stop the car so that she can relieve herself at the side of the road. Meantime, Tommy leaves the car and is struck and killed suddenly by a passing vehicle.
Rebecca and Tommy's parents are stricken with grief. Rebecca wants to use new scientific advancements to have Tommy cloned and thereby bring him back to life. She offers to be impregnated using Tommy's DNA. Though Tommy's mother objects, his father agrees to give Rebecca Tommy's cell material, but urges her to think through her decision carefully before proceeding. Rebecca, however, continues and conceives Tommy's clone in her womb. She visits original Tommy's grave while pregnant with his clone before giving birth by Caesarean section.
Tommy is now raised as Rebecca's son, and the two have a close relationship. Rebecca presents to him a pleo, an artificial living animal created using new biotechnology. Tommy and his playmates observe a neighbourhood girl and try to determine if she has a "copy smell" as the girl is a clone. The neighbourhood mothers display prejudice against "copies", expecting Rebecca to not let Tommy associate with them. Rebecca, though horrified, agrees in order not to isolate her son. Eventually rumours about Tommy spread, and Tommy is forced to celebrate his birthday alone with his mother, his playmates all being barred from attending by their mothers.
Rebecca moves to a more remote location with Tommy. Tommy begins to ask questions about his father, wanting to know how his father died. He buries the pleo his mother gave him for his birthday while out playing with his friend. His mother finds out and gives him back the pleo, which is now no longer working.
Years later, Tommy has grown as old as his original was when he died. As a result, he starts to manifest certain personality traits and interests of the original Tommy (such as his interests in biology). He is now the adult son of still-youthful Rebecca. When Tommy brings a girlfriend, Monica, home to stay with them Rebecca behaves jealously, to both Tommy's and Monica's bewilderment. Tommy struggles with what appears to be sexual tension between himself and his mother. The original Tommy's mother, now an old woman, arrives unexpectedly and stares silently at Tommy, who feels he recognizes the stranger. Frightened and frustrated by Rebecca's lack of explanation, Tommy lashes out at Rebecca, ignoring Monica, who quickly departs.
An angry Tommy demands answers from his mother, Rebecca, who gives him Tommy's original old laptop with photos of him and his original mother and father (the first ones he met before). Tommy throws his mother on the bed in confusion, and asks her who he is and why she did what she did. The sexual tension rises and they both end up having sex. From the blood on Rebecca's hand, it is implied that Tommy took her virginity from her in the process. Rebecca smiles at the end; she has fulfilled the true goal of it.
The next day, Tommy packs his things, then addresses Rebecca by her first name (and not "Mom") and thanks her for the life he's had. Still enjoying what happened the day before, Rebecca does nothing as Tommy leaves.
The pregnant Rebecca, from the first scene of the film, is on clone Tommy's tape.
An epidemic begins to spread throughout the globe, causing humankind to lose their sensory perceptions one by one. The story focuses on two people: Susan, one of a team of epidemiologists who are trying to find the causes of the disease, and Michael, a chef who works at a busy restaurant located next to Susan's flat. The two meet and get to know each other as the epidemic progresses, a relationship which soon turns to love.
Humans begin to lose their senses one at a time. Each loss is preceded by an outburst of an intense feeling or urge. First, people begin suffering uncontrollable bouts of crying and this is soon followed by the loss of their sense of smell. An outbreak of irrational panic and anxiety, closely followed by a bout of frenzied gluttony, precedes the loss of the sense of taste. The film depicts people trying to adapt to each loss and trying to carry on living as best they can, rediscovering their remaining senses as they do so. Michael and his co-workers do their best to cook food for people who cannot smell nor taste.
The loss of hearing comes next and is accompanied by an outbreak of extreme anger and rage. Michael experiences it first and is verbally abusive at Susan who flees in fear, losing her own hearing shortly afterwards. Despite her knowledge that it was the disease that caused the outburst, Susan cannot face Michael again. People struggle to adjust and to go on living. One day, every person on Earth suddenly experiences a feeling of joyful euphoria. Susan realizes she both forgives and still loves Michael and rushes to his job. The two find each other and embrace just as they, and the rest of the world, become blind.
Two Canadians, former premier of Newfoundland Joey Smallwood and broadcaster Geoff Stirling, travel to Cuba in a private jet. They attempt to meet Fidel Castro to discuss Cuba–United States relations, but Castro never shows up. Instead, much of the film consists of discussions between progressive Smallwood and free-marketer Stirling about the effects of the Castro regime.
The film's name is a take on the play ''Waiting for Godot'', which has a similar conceit of two men conversing while they await a guest who never arrives.
Gloria, a former model, runs a men's magazine, ''Pussycat'', which she inherited from her late husband. One night, a killer in a blonde wig murders Gloria's friend Kim with a pitchfork outside Gloria's house. Her paraplegic neighbor Mark witnesses it and calls Gloria to alert her, but she finds nothing outside. The killer takes pictures of Kim's body in front of Gloria's modeling shots, send her the photos, which are found by her assistant, Evelyn. When Kim's body is found in a dumpster, copies of ''Pussycat'' start selling out because Kim was on the cover.
Gloria's brother Tony does a photoshoot for ''Pussycat'' with Sabrina. They try to have sex that night but Tony has impotency issues. After he leaves, the killer shows up in a beekeeper suit and releases bees which, attracted to Sabrina's perfume, proceed to sting her to death. The killer takes more pictures, sends them to Gloria, who recognizes the picture of her in the background. She confronts Roberto, the photographer who tells her that the only negatives he had were stolen a while back.
Flora, an old acquaintance of Gloria's, attempts to buy ''Pussycat'' and Gloria eventually agrees to sell in the hopes that it will bring an end to the murders. Tony introduces Gloria to his new girlfriend Susan, and they scout out her department store for a photoshoot. They become separated and Gloria finds Tony's body on the escalator. The killer taunts her over the PA system. She escapes down the freight elevator, where she finds Susan's body. However, when the police arrive both the bodies have been removed. The killer sends Gloria some more photos, and later Evelyn finds Susan's dead body in her car.
The cops show up at Roberto's residence to question him and find the backdrops of Gloria. They call Gloria to warn her right as Roberto shows up at her house. She runs from him, he chases after and gets hit by a car which kills him and then drives off. The cops conclude that he was the killer and consider the case closed.
Gloria sells the magazine to Flora and returns home to find out that Evelyn has quit the magazine. She then finds Tony's body floating in her swimming pool, and starts to put together the clues. The killer taunts her again, inside her home. Then pops up wearing the blonde wig and is revealed to be Tony. He explains his motive, that he committed these murders to protect and get closer to his sister. Mark sees Tony and Gloria from his room and shoots Tony in the groin with his rifle, seriously wounding him. Gloria is taken to the hospital to recover, and Mark brings her flowers.
Aspiring artist, Jerry Strong, the son of a wealthy railroad tycoon, sneaks out of a party he allowed his friend Bill Standish to hold at his New York City penthouse apartment and studio. While out driving in the country, Jerry meets self-described "party girl" Kay Arnold, who is escaping from another party aboard a yacht, and gives her a ride back to the city. He sees something in her and offers her a job as his model for a painting titled "Hope". In their first session, Jerry wipes off her makeup to try to bring out her true nature. Perpetual partier and drunkard Standish thinks Kay looks fine just the way she is and invites her on a cruise to Havana. She declines his offer.
As they get to know each other better, Kay falls in love with Jerry and comes to rue her tawdry past. This is reflected in her face, and she finally achieves a pose Jerry finds inspiring. He paints so late into the night that he offers to let her sleep on his couch.
The next morning, Jerry's father John shows up and demands he dismiss Kay and marry his longtime fiancée Claire Collins. John found out all about Kay's checkered background and she does not deny the facts. When Jerry refuses, John cuts off all relations with his stubborn son. Kay decides to quit anyway for Jerry's benefit. This forces him to declare he loves her. She suggests running off to Arizona.
Jerry's mother comes to see Kay. Though Kay convinces her that she genuinely loves Jerry, Mrs. Strong still begs her to give him up for his own good. Kay tearfully agrees and makes plans to go to Havana with Bill Standish. Her roommate and good friend, Dot Lamar, races to tell Jerry, but by the time she reaches him, the ship has sailed. Despondent, Kay tries to commit suicide by leaping into the water. When she awakens in the hospital, Jerry is waiting at her bedside.
The film follows a day in the lives of several households living within the same HDB block.
A soup vendor called Ah Gu is having a hard time dealing with his Mainland Chinese wife, Lily. San San, an overweight loner, is haunted by her feelings of isolation and the memory of her deceased mother. Meng, Trixie and Tee are siblings left to their own devices when their parents go on holiday.
A psychologist named William Watts wakes up in a hospital after a three-day coma. Fresh in his mind is the world of Earth-616, which he experienced while asleep. As William returns to his mundane daily life, he encounters three familiar faces: Peter Parker, a high-school student who is pressured by Norman Osborn to conduct industrial espionage on Stark Industries; a blind lawyer, Matt Murdock, who battles an uphill case against the Kingpin to absolve Frank Castle of murder; and an amnesiac soldier named Logan, who is led to believe he murdered Charles Xavier. Inspired by Matt's conviction, William leaves his bystander position and begins to act to help the three: he helps reveal Charles' murder was done by a third party, citing Logan to investigate Eric Magnus; he convinces Frank Castle to reveal vital information to Matt's case; and he acts by calling the cops to assist Peter in arresting Osborn. After Frank's trial, the Kingpin murders Murdock. Castle assassinates Kingpin in retaliation, which places him on the road to becoming the real-life Punisher. The series ends with William contemplating how the coma has shaken him from the stupor of life, as he reflects on his coma identity as Uatu.
Jonas Candide, a former carnival showman, travels around the South in 1918 with his own portable electric chair, going from prison to prison with his young assistant, Jimmy, charging one hundred dollars per execution. Two of Jonas' potential victims are siblings Willy and Gundred Herzallerliebst. While Jonas successfully executes Willy, he falls for Gundred, hoping to fake her execution. He does, but then things turn dark for him.
Alice "Ali" Marilyn Rose (Christina Aguilera) is a young waitress from Iowa who dreams of becoming a professional dancer following her mother's death during childhood.
After her selfish boss refuses salary, Ali steals from him and moves to Los Angeles. There Ali attends multiple auditions with little success. One night, Ali comes across a burlesque club where Tess Scali (Cher), the club's owner, and an entourage of dancers perform an opening number. Ali also meets songwriter Jack Miller (Cam Gigandet) at the club's bar. Jack refers her to Tess for an audition but she is instantly rejected and ushered out by her assistant Sean (Stanley Tucci). Upon seeing the waitress shortage, Ali picks up a tray and begins serving. As a result, she manages to get a job as a waitress at the club.
When Georgia (Julianne Hough), one of the leading dancers, becomes pregnant, auditions are held in search of a replacement to fill her role. Ali performs a difficult dance routine and eventually persuades Tess to hire her. This, however, infuriates Nikki (Kristen Bell), a lead performer struggling with alcoholism.
Ali replaces Nikki one night to host a performance after the latter is too intoxicated to perform. In a fit of rage, Nikki sabotages the performance by turning off the music that the dancers usually lip sync to until Ali impresses everyone with her singing skills. Her performance is an instant success to which Tess casts her in an upcoming show. Despite the club's growing popularity, Tess struggles with a bank loan indicted to her owning the rights of the building.
One night after the club closes, Tess grows increasingly worried about her financiallity before a drunken Nikki shows up, accusing Tess of rejecting their long friendship. In defense of Ali, Tess questions Nikki's gratitude for the help she has received during her binges. In retaliation, a furious Nikki quits after she reveals to have slept with Tess' ex-husband Vince (Peter Gallagher). Tess then angrily smashes the passenger side window on Nikki's convertible with a crowbar after she leaves.
Meanwhile, Ali and Jack become romantically attracted. However, Jack is already engaged to Natalie (Dianna Agron), an actress working in New York City. Sean encourages Jack to end the engagement, as Ali is a better person than his shallow fiancée. Marcus (Eric Dane), a wealthy clubgoer, becomes infatuated with Ali, who begins spending time with him, making Jack jealous. At Georgia's wedding, Jack appears to call off his engagement and becomes drunk. That night, Ali and Jack sleep together, beginning an affair. In the morning, Natalie unexpectedly returns from New York and finds the two in bed together. Natalie angrily insists she and Jack never broke up though the latter denies this but asks Ali to leave. Feeling heartbroken and betrayed, Ali runs to Sean for support, also learning that Sean is gay. Marcus calls Ali, and Sean prompts her to go out with him.
Ali learns that Marcus is interested in the "air rights" above the club; he hopes to build a skyscraper on the property. Distraught, Ali breaks off her relationship with Marcus. She later tells Tess about his plan, and they inform the owner (James Brolin) of new million-dollar condos being sold across the street. Fearing the obstruction of his prospective purchasers' view, he buys the air rights to the club's property from Tess. She then uses the money to buy out Vince's share, pay off the bank, and redecorate the club in her own vision. Later, a sobered Nikki admits that she lied about sleeping with Vince out of anger, and Tess rehires her.
Ali rekindles her relationship with Jack after he tells her about breaking up with Natalie, as she cared more about her job than her relationship with him. Having earned Nikki's respect, Ali performs "Show Me How You Burlesque", a song written by Jack, with all of the dancers on stage, delighting the crowd.
Set in Austria in the 1930s, Baron Kurt von Sepper is a World War I veteran fighter pilot with a reputation as a "ladykiller" and a frightening blue-tinged beard. In public the Baron carefully maintains his image as a war hero, a seemingly devout Catholic and a patriotic member of the Fatherland Front, but the Baron has two dark secrets he is keen to hide. All of his previous wives have died in mysterious circumstances, victims of the Baron's sexual inadequacy, and he exploited the chaos of the Austrian Civil War to instigate a pogrom against a Jewish community.
The first episode, titled "Alinta: The Flame", dealt with the first contact between tribal Aboriginal people and Europeans. Set in 1820s, the story begins when two English convicts are found washed up on the beach by the Nyari. They are nursed back to health by the tribe, providing them with food and shelter, despite warnings by the tribal elders. The tribe is eventually encountered by early Australian settlers searching for grazing land. Their culture and rituals are threatened by these newcomers, who begin to settle on their lands, and leads to the annihilation of the tribe. Alinta (Yangathu Wanambi) and her child are the only survivors and the episode ends with Alinta determined that her daughter "carry the torch for her culture and the future".
"Maydina: The Shadow" takes place in the 1860s and follows a young Aboriginal woman, Maydina, who lives with a group of seal-hunters. It is revealed that she was abducted by the hunters as a child and, after years of abuse by her captors, she attempts to escape with her half-caste daughter Biri. They are taken in by Mrs. McPhee, founder and head of a church mission, where mother and daughter are separated when Maydina is employed into service with the church. While there, she and another Aboriginal man fall in love and attempt to leave with Biri so that can return to their traditional life and culture in the Australian Outback which the Europeans think is devil art. Mrs. McPhee sends troopers after the three and soon catch up to them. The man is shot and killed by the soldiers while Maydina's child is presumably taken away from her permanently.
"Nerida Anderson" is the third episode in the series and is based on the real-life events of the "Cummeragunja walk-off" which transpired in 1939. The political actions of the titular character Nerida (Justine Saunders), are loosely based on the exploits of Aboriginal civil rights leader Jack Patten. Nerida is a young and rebellious Aboriginal woman, who returns to the government-established Aboriginal reserve after working in the city as a bookkeeper. She finds the conditions on the reservation have seriously deteriorated since leaving and attempts to encourage the rest of the tribe to improve conditions themselves. Her activities are opposed by the reserve manager who, in anger, orders Nerida and her family tried for treason. The charge is dismissed but the manager keeps his position. As the young men of the tribe are drafted into the Australian Army during the Second World War, life on the reservation continues to worsen. Finally, Nerida leads her family and the rest of the tribe to leave the reserve, never to return.
The fourth and final segment, "Lo-Arna", is set in the then-present 1980s and focuses on 18-year-old Ann Cutler, who lives with her adoptive parents, ''Doug'' (Max Phipps) and ''Joy Cutler'' (Fiona Spence), in a small country town. Ann's relationship with her parents suddenly changes when she discovers she is of Aboriginal descent and not French Polynesian as she believed. She also learns that she is the biological child of her adopted father Doug Culter and Alice Wilson, an Aboriginal woman who lives in a nearby shanty town. In an attempt to "resolve her emotional turmoil", she considers contacting her birth mother.
Sidorio, fuelled by grief and revenge, is intent on becoming King of the Vampirates and building a new empire to bring terror to the oceans. He faces growing opposition from both the Pirate Federation, including Vampirate Assassin Cheng Li, and the Nocturnals – the more benign vampirate realm – led by Mosh Zu and Lorcan Furey. Both the pirates and the Nocturnals are forced to raise their game in response to the new and urgent threat from Sidorio and the renegade Vampirates. Twins Grace and Connor Tempest, still ricocheting from the recent discovery of their true parenthood and its explosive implications, are thrust deep into the heart of the conflict. Old foes and allies are thrown together in unexpected ways and, as the stakes rise higher than ever before, Grace and Connor find their alliances shifting in ways no-one could ever have possibly foreseen.
Leila Aradella (played by Glaum), a young and egotistical woman, finds pleasure from preying on weak men with her charm and beauty. John Morton (played by Hickman), a brilliant lawyer, is ruined both morally and financially by her. Rex Walden (played by Ray), the big-hearted son of a society matron, Mrs. Walden (played by Claire), then falls for Leila and proposes marriage.
The family and friends of Rex, who has become her complete slave, protest his decision, believing that Leila is trouble. Mrs. Walden sends his older brother, Franklin Walden (played by Standing), to attempt to stop Leila from playing with Rex's affections. Franklin, however, falls in love with her himself.
When Rex learns that Leila has left him for his brother, he is driven to commit suicide by her callous behavior. Mrs. Walden, now desperate, enlists Adele Harley (played by Temple), a girl of strong moral character, to win Franklin's affections away from Leila.
Franklin is gradually drawn away from Leila and Adele's victory causes Leila to lose her confidence. In a drunken and angry state, Leila falls through a massive mirror and her face is cut by a shard of glass. After "marring the beauty of her face so utterly that her power to charm men is forever lost," the permanently disfigured Leila ends up a broken and lonely woman.
Set in Salem, Massachusetts during the 1600s, the film tells the story a beautiful orphan girl named Prudence (Williams). Prudence is beloved by Old Hastings's son John (Ray). John must try to save Prudence's life when she is convicted of practicing witchcraft and is sentenced to being burned at the stake.
Set during the American Civil War, Keenan stars as a Virginia colonel, with Charles Ray as his weak-willed son. The son is forced, at gunpoint, by his father to enlist in the Confederate States Army. He is terrified by the war and deserts during a battle. The film focuses on the son's struggle to overcome his cowardice.
Gladstone Smith (Ray) is a young San Francisco literary editor, who, in his first assignment as a reporter, upsets murderer "Slugger" Rourke (Beery) so much that he must flee to Alaska with his sweetheart Kitty Gray (Logan). Gladstone brings with the killer's pregnant wife Violet (Love) with him, so that her child can be born away from the saloons and bars of San Francisco. Slugger pursues them in Alaska, where the baby is born, and Violet dies shortly thereafter. Gladstone is able to trap Slugger in a bear trap. Gladstone lights a dynamite fuse, and changes his mind about using it at the last minute, but it explodes, killing Slugger. Gladstone, Kitty, and the baby are safe.
As described in a film magazine review, Eleanor prefers the company of the unpopular Gene Deering to that of her wealthy husband, Joe Woodbury, who has fallen in love with the fortune teller Nadia. Becoming jealous, Eleanor tells Nadia that she is about to become a mother, and Nadia promises that she will not see Joe again. Eleanor and Deering are picked up following a roadhouse raid by Nadia and Dr. Mallini, who attends Eleanor when she is slightly injured. The doctor tells Nadia that Eleanor has lied about any approaching motherhood. Joe learns of the roadhouse affair, divorces Eleanor, and wins Nadia as a wife.
The episode starts with Echo getting an imprint. Paul Ballard is seemingly concerned at whether Echo can handle this, but Topher reassures Ballard everything will be fine. During the imprinting process, Topher experiences glitches with his computer and suspects it is Dr. Saunders who is messing with him and goes to sleep. Adelle and Boyd discuss the dangers of keeping Ballard on staff, but Adelle seems unfazed. Echo is then seen on an engagement and is getting married.
Topher wakes up and finds that there are rats in the cupboard placed in there by Dr. Saunders. Topher calls Dr. Saunders, who accuses Topher of faulty imprinting and Topher quickly rebuffs this saying that his work is perfection and her "mental health" is her fault. Boyd then walks into the room to speak with Dr. Saunders, handing in a report about Victor and his plastic surgery to mend his scars. Dr. Saunders does speak up about how Victor was given the surgery and not her, but says she is fine with it. Boyd asks her out to dinner but Dr. Saunders declines, saying she is scared of open spaces and it is just how she was made. Boyd rebuffs this saying it is an excuse and ultimately we are all a series of excuses.
Echo returns to Paul after spending the night with her "husband". It turns out Ballard is using Echo as an undercover agent to finally put the people away that he missed during his time at the FBI. Echo is then brought in for a check-up and whilst under examination by Dr. Saunders, she recalls an engagement they had together. Echo calls Dr. Saunders Whiskey and they re-account the details that sent Echo to the position of number one doll. In Adelle's office, Senator Perin is investigating the Rossum Corporation for withholding medical advancements. Boyd immediately suspects Ballard, but Ballard disregards the accusations. Adelle then offers Ballard the position of Echo's handler given how much he cares for her, despite how unhealthy it seems. Meanwhile it seems Echo has been found out. There have been photos taken of her and Paul Ballard drawing suspicion towards her.
Dr. Saunders tries to seduce Topher while he is trying to sleep. Dr. Saunders hypothesizes that she was programmed to hate Topher so they would fall in love, in a sense something that is more real than a "love slave". Topher declines Dr. Saunders' sexual advances and in a heated exchange, Topher reveals that he had not programmed her to hate him. He only programmed her to disagree with him so that they would not miss "something" that could potentially hurt the dolls. The decision to hate was made only by Dr. Saunders. Dr. Saunders subsequently breaks down under this information and Topher tries to comfort her. It is revealed Dr. Saunders chose not to find out who she was in "Omega" because she doesn't want to give the body back to the original personality, thereby "dying" as Whiskey/Saunders.
Echo's husband confronts Echo with the picture of her and Paul Ballard. She is struck in the head and this seemingly triggers her past imprints. As she is about to talk herself out of her situation she states that she is Eleanor Penn (from "Ghost"). She is subsequently confused about her state of mind. Echo's husband then goes to make his arms deal, bringing Echo with him. Ballard follows her and calls Topher who notices spikes in her feed and is alarmed that her handler did not call it. Ballard goes in by himself and then accuses Echo of failing the engagement and strikes her several times, trying to make her recall the "fighter" imprint from "Man on the Street". They are able to disable all the guards and stop the arms deal. Dr. Saunders leaves the Dollhouse, leaving only a note for Boyd saying "I'm running out of excuses". Victor's scars have fully healed and he and Sierra are seen holding hands walking together. Echo reveals to Ballard that she can recall her imprints, even hear them, but she knows none of them are her real self and she asks for help from Ballard. He then takes up the offer from Adelle and becomes her new handler.
As described in a film magazine and newspaper reviews, Barry, the engineer for a construction company, criticizes the foreman for the method he is pursuing for tunneling for railroad construction. The snow ledges have been weakened by the constant dynamiting. With the next explosion of dynamite, an avalanche results which destroys the ledges and nearly wipes out the camp. The surviving workers are isolated, desperate and shattered by the disaster, and unable to obtain food. Foster and his wife have no milk for their child. With hard work, Barry strikes out and works his way out and is able to reach a telephone line, which he taps and calls for help. A relief train with snow plows makes its way through the snow pile and arrives with food and assistance. The camp is saved and Barry wins the affection of Robinette, the daughter of the railroad president.
Mamie Smith (Marion Davies) is rescued from an orphanage by Mrs. Caldwell (Hedda Hopper), the mother of a small child whom Mamie calls Zander. Mrs. Caldwell dies, and Mamie takes Zander west in search of the boy's missing father. In Arizona she meets Dan Murchison (Harrison Ford), a liquor smuggler who pretends to be Caldwell in order to avoid the sheriff. Mamie falls in love with Dan but learns of his illegal activities and threatens to turn him in. Dan locks her up and sends Zander to his friend Juan (Holbrook Blinn) for safekeeping. Mamie escapes and is captured by Black Bart's gang, who tie her to a tree. She frees herself and goes to Juan's men, arriving in time to round up the gang members. Dan tells Mamie that he is not Caldwell, and she and Dan are married.
As described in a film magazine review, Scotch heiress Lady Gwendolyn is in love with a commoner, medical student Donald MacAllan, but the match is disapproved by her father. A misunderstanding develops and she has romance with the continental Prince Carlos, a nobleman who pretends to be wealthy. In an attempt to forget her unhappiness, she seeks diversion in famous watering places and other climes. Eventually she learns the true character of the nobleman and effects a reconciliation with Donald.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Pauline (Starke) is a chorus girl who is cynical toward all men. Visiting her home town she meets Tom (Ray) and kids him along, but soon finds he is different and falls in love with him. He sees her with a city chap and misunderstanding, tries to make himself the kind of man he thinks she likes. The result is that he overdoes it and so disappoints her that she turns him down. Her friend puts him wise, he becomes his real whole-souled honest self once more and wins her.
Max (Sébastien Huberdeau) and Linda (Hélène Florent) travel from New Brunswick to the Northwest Territories. Along the way, they hook up with two other couples: two strippers and a night-club singer and her manager. The relationships along the way take them as far as their desperate and receding passions allow.
Penny-pinching Zheng Shan Guo (Huang Wen Yong) and his family of seven live in a five-room apartment. His spendthrift wife Yu Xiang (Chen Li Ping) manages to convince him to move into a bigger house, but they end up living next to a neurotic neighbour Wu You Li (Cavin Soh). You Li has a large tumor growing around his neck, making him self-conscious. He does not get along with people and is often disagreeable, but the appearance of a blind girl changes him and he begins to warm up. Lan Jin Yin (Jin Yinji) stays in the apartment next to Shan Guo with her two grandchildren, Li Qin (Shaun Chen) and Li Fen (Paige Chua) after their mother Qiu Mei (Jue Xi) was imprisoned for killing their father. Qiu Mei was released from prison and was shunned by Jin Yin and Li Qin when she looks them up. She moves into an apartment near them in an attempt to reconcile and make up for her past mistakes. This is a heartwarming story that touches on family issues, regrets, love lost and found .
A strike at a sawmill in a small fictional community in New Brunswick puts Steph (David La Haye) and Piston (Martin Desgagné) out of work. They want to resurrect their band Lost Tribe, but Marie-Lou (Marie-Jo Thério), Piston's ex-wife and the band's former lead singer, is not enthusiastic about the idea.
Meanwhile, the bisexual Steph is having relationship trouble with Rose (Louise Portal), an older woman that he's been seeing and drifts first to Marie-Lou and then to Charles (Patrice Godin), who once left town but is now back.
After their first-born baby, Pierre (Patrick Goyette) and Élisabeth (Suzie LeBlanc) drive to the country to stay with his mother. The baby is restless, refusing to eat and having trouble sleeping. Élisabeth perplexed with what to do leaves the baby with her overly attentive mother-in-law Louise (Ginette Morin), spending time with teenaged neighbor Naomi (Marilou Longpré Pilon), and finding comfort in the girl's friendship.
When a group of gunmen are running sharecroppers off their land, rancher Andy Jones sends for his friend Billy Carson to organise the sharecroppers to fight. Andy is soon mortally wounded by the gunmen, but before his death schemes for his no good twin brother Fuzzy to be sent for to impersonate him. The gunmen, witnessing Andy's funeral fear that Fuzzy is Andy's avenging ghost.
Billy and Fuzzy are in charge of the local branch of the Pony Express. When a stagecoach line comes to town the Pony Express retains the weekly mail delivery contract whilst the stagecoach line takes freight and passengers. When the stagecoach line decides to do a daily mail service Billy and Fuzzy initially welcome the competition. However, two scheming businessman feel the stagecoach line would threaten their wealth and they plot to have the Pony Express and stagecoach line fight each other by each blaming the other for the sabotage done by the henchmen of the businessmen.
Faro Fan inherits a saloon and gambling hall in Red Butte and runs it with such wholesomeness that she has a positive influence on the peaceful town. Fan also devotes her time to the care of a group of orphans she has adopted. Everything is peace and harmony when an evangelist, Webster Smith, arrives in Red Butte. "Fanatically devout, crack-brained and believing every word of his intolerant dogma, he calls forth a curse on the gambling house and all who are in it." A fever strikes the town's inhabitants, and Smith takes credit for it. Smith then prays for a fire to cleanse the town and destroy every building except the church as a sign of his wrath and mercy. A fire does sweep through the town, but it destroys Webster's church and every other building in Red Butte except Faro Fan's saloon. The salvation of the gambling house sends the religious fanatic into a rage, and he attacks the Lady of Red Butte. She hits him on the head, and his sanity is restored. He then becomes the personification of love and kindliness and later wins the Lady's heart.
Nina Sayers is a young woman who lives with her overprotective mother, Erica, a former dancer, and dances with the New York City Ballet company. The company is opening the season with Tchaikovsky's ''Swan Lake''. After forcing prima ballerina Elizabeth "Beth" MacIntyre into retirement, artistic director Thomas Leroy announces he is looking for a new dancer for the dual roles of the innocent and fragile White Swan Odette and the sensual and dark Black Swan Odile. Nina auditions for the roles and gives a flawless rehearsal as Odette, but fails to embody Odile.
The following day, Nina asks Thomas to reconsider her role. When he forcibly kisses her, she bites him and runs out of his office. Later that day, Nina sees the cast list and discovers to her surprise she has received the lead roles. At a gala celebrating the new season, an intoxicated Beth accuses Nina of providing sexual favors to Thomas in return for a promotion. The following day, Nina hears Beth was hit by a car. Thomas believes Beth was attempting suicide. Nina visits an unconscious Beth in the hospital, and sees that her legs have been seriously injured, meaning that she will not be able to perform as a ballet dancer again.
During rehearsals, Thomas tells Nina to observe a newcomer, Lily, who has a physical resemblance to Nina but also an uninhibited quality Nina lacks. Nina has hallucinations and finds scratch marks on her back.
One night, despite Erica's objection, Nina accepts Lily's invitation to go out for drinks. Lily offers Nina an ecstasy capsule, saying it would help her relax. Nina turns it down, but Lily spikes her drink with the powder. Under its influence, Nina flirts with men at the bar and Lily as well. The two dance at a nightclub and return to Nina's apartment late that night. After arguing with her mother, Nina barricades herself in her room and Lily performs oral sex on her. The next morning, she realizes that she is late for the dress rehearsal.
Upon arriving at Lincoln Center, Nina sees Lily dancing as Odile and confronts her about their night together. Lily denies going home with Nina and taunts Nina for having a sexual fantasy about her. Nina becomes convinced Lily intends to take her place, especially after learning that Thomas has made Lily her alternate. Nina's hallucinations grow stronger and her injuries increase, going as far as hallucinating herself transforming into Odile. On opening night, she shouts to her mother, "I'm the swan queen, you're the one who never left the corps!", and she leaves. As Nina is late, Lily is prepared to replace her. Nina confronts Thomas, who is so impressed by her newfound confidence that he allows her to take back her roles.
Towards the end of the ballet's second act, Nina is distracted by another hallucination and loses her stability as Odette. This causes the male dancer playing the prince to drop her on stage, which infuriates Thomas. She returns to her dressing room and finds Lily preparing as Odile. During a confrontation, Lily transforms into Nina. The two fight, breaking a mirror. Nina stabs her doppelgänger with a large shard of glass from the mirror, killing her. The body reverts to Lily. Nina hides the corpse in the bathroom, and takes the stage, dancing flawlessly as Odile. Amidst a standing ovation from the audience, Nina surprises Thomas with a passionate kiss and returns to her dressing room.
As Nina resumes the Odette tutu and white swan makeup, she hears a knock at her door. She opens it to find Lily alive. Lily apologizes and congratulates her before taking her leave. Confused, Nina sees the mirror is still broken; but the towel she used to mop up the blood is clean. She looks down and pulls a piece of glass from her abdomen, realizing she stabbed herself—not Lily.
Nina dances the final act of the ballet, which ends with Odette throwing herself off a cliff and Nina landing on a mattress. The theater erupts in thunderous applause while Thomas, Lily, and the others gather to congratulate Nina, who remains lying on the mattress. Thomas sees the blood spreading at her waist and shouts for help. He frantically asks Nina what happened to her. Nina calmly replies that she was perfect as the screen fades to white.
The main character Saša Gordić (Vuk Kostić) is a talented shooter who followed the footsteps of his older brother Igor Gordić (Srđan Todorović), a 1991 Junior European shooting gold medallist. However, Igor had to go to war in former Yugoslavia, from which he returned from as a drug addict. In order to repay his debts of the local dealers, Igor is forced to sell their property, which their parents left them. So Saša decides to get revenge on everyone who destroyed his brothers life.
In 1941 Harlem, New York City, someone gets framed for a murder while Pa Wilkins tries to replace the apartment building's former manager.
This is an iconic example of African American movies (also called “race films”) of the 1940s. The entire cast is Black, with the exception of Norman Ashwood (Mr. Marshall). Ashwood plays the corrupt head of a local business association. There is mutiny among the members, and a new leader is chosen. Most of the action takes place in a boarding house, where a lively dance band lives and practices, seemingly with no breaks. There are also several romantic subplots, one of which has a tragic end. Although the film presents a somewhat unflattering 1940s white view of African American behavior, the music – plus a (too) brief behind-a-screen undressing scene with one of the boarding house show girls – makes it worth the hour and five minutes it takes to watch.
After the end of the Cold War Fury finds himself lost and incapable of enjoying himself like he used to when going to war. S.H.I.E.L.D. has tried to put him into a non-combat position and he feels bored and unneeded in the modern age.
Fury's luck begins to turn when he has a chance encounter at a bar with a former H.Y.D.R.A. operative named Rudi Gargarin. The two lament about the good old days when men could actually get their hands dirty. Gargarin proposes they quietly invade a seemingly non political island and run it into an all out war for their own benefit to get that feeling back again. Fury contemplates the idea but ultimately rejects it.
After Fury has sex with several Asian prostitutes his apartment is swarmed by assassins sent by Gargarin. Fury kills them all and decides to go to war. He forces his way through S.H.I.E.L.D and builds a small team of elite soldiers who will do precisely what he says and then goes with them to the island. The soldiers and Fury arrive with a relatively bloodless plan but soon that all flies out of the window. By the end Fury has to kill the last enemy by strangling him with his own intestines.
Russ Evans gets out of the service and meets Elaine, the widow of Ken, a man he served with. He helps her protect the rights to some timber land that she has inherited.
High school student Larry Kelly's father Tim used to be a gangster. Despite being treated badly by his friends, Kelly takes sides with his father when people try to force him to leave the town. Kelly's girlfriend and her brother Bill Davis continue to be around Kelly even though it makes their fathers unhappy. After a car accident in which Bill was the driver, Kelly takes the blame for the accident and is taken to jail for drunk driving. Judge Davis and Kelly's father are opponents on proving Larry Kelly as guilty or innocent.
Louis Jarvis Jr is called away from his band's radio show to visit his terminally ill father before he dies. Also summoned by Louis Jarvis Sr is Honey Carter, the daughter of the only woman he ever loved. Jarvis Senior's dying wish is that Honey and Louis get together with the elder Jarvis planning his will so that Junior will not inherit his estate until he marries Honey, or a woman like him to bring him happiness and stability. Sadly the elder Jarvis dies before meeting his son and Honey.
Jarvis Senior's shady lawyer Henry Talbot sees a chance to get a portion of the Jarvis estate for himself by rewriting the will to make it sound like Jarvis Junior must marry a woman with the attributes of his secretary Rusty with the plan that Rusty will divorce Jarvis Junior and she and Henry will split the estate. The ruse is undetected with Junior Jarvis having a time limit where if he is not married the estate will go to Henry to distribute to charities.
Junior urgently needs the money to produce his new stage musical. Junior is not keen to marry Rusty, but his friend suggests they cast the show with a lead having the physical attributes of Rusty, however Henry attempts to stop the show by scaring off Junior's investors.
John Bradford expects his son Jim to join his engineering firm, but Jim instead joins the ministry, attending a seminary for four years before being assigned to New Guinea.
John's secretary is Jim's sweetheart Alice, who is left behind for years before Jim proposes marriage. She goes to New Guinea, where they wed and become the parents of two children. All is well until Jim contracts a life-threatening disease. John flies to New Guinea to be with his son at the end of his life, then tries to understand its meaning and purpose through the journals Jim leaves behind.
The film's plot centers on Buckskin Hamilton (played by William S. Hart), a desert guide in the mold of Kit Carson. The film is set in the Gold Rush year of 1850.
Buckskin rides to Westport Landing to meet a steamer from St. Louis. The steamer is carrying a group that Buckskin has been hired to lead west on the old Santa Fe Trail from Kansas to New Mexico. The group aboard the steamship includes Buckskin's younger brother, Billy Hamilton, who has recently graduated from medical school through Buckskin's sacrifices.
While on the steamboat, Billy Hamilton catches David Washburn, a crooked gambler played by screen villain Robert McKim, cheating at cards. A fight ensues, and Washburn's sister, Jane Washburn (played by Jane Novak) walks in and becomes involved in a struggle over the gun. The gun is fired, and Billy Hamilton is killed. David Washburn convinces his sister that she pulled the trigger, and she takes the blame for her brother's actions.
plays Hart's love interest Jane Washburn.Buckskin arrives to find his brother dead. Though initially vowing revenge, he is persuaded that the beautiful Jane Washburn did not intend to kill his brother. Buckskin then leads the group, including Jane and David Washburn, and Washburn's henchman, Merton (played by Lloyd Bacon), west along the Santa Fe Trail. Various adventures ensue, including two of the wagons falling over a precipice. A romance develops between Buckskin and Jane Washburn, and she confesses that Buckskin's brother had not been annoying her - the cover story developed by her brother. Buckskin becomes convinced that either David Washburn or his henchman, Merton, is responsible for the death of his brother and marches the two men into the desert at gunpoint. To save himself, Merton confesses that David Washburn killed Buckskin's brother.
As Buckskin marches the two men back to camp, he learns that one of the emigrants has shot an Indian brave. The Indian chief demands that a white man be sacrificed - "a life for a life." Buckskin gives David Washburn a choice – he can either sacrifice himself to the Indians and die a noble death or kill himself. Washburn agrees to kill himself, and Buckskin agrees to be the sacrifice to the Indians. However, Washburn fakes his suicide and tries to escape, running into the Indian camp where he is mistaken for, and accepted as, the sacrifice. Buckskin walks into the Indian camp as the Indians execute Washburn. Buckskin returns to the camp, where the movie ends in uncertainty as whether the death of David Washburn will cast a permanent shadow over the budding romance between Buckskin and Jane Washburn. The movie ends with Buckskin riding into the desert. Before he leaves, Jane says, "Maybe you'll come back some day." As he rides into the spreading dawn, Buckskin sadly replies, "Mebbe."
Erica and Heather Rose (Kim Raver) are identical twins who share a bond that becomes stronger as they grow up. As adults, their lives have had many parallels: They both have successful careers (Erica is an author and teacher and Heather is a doctor) and both are happily married and loving mothers to seven-year-old children.
Erica's daughter Sarah (Niamh Wilson) and Heather's son David grow up sharing an equally close bond, but David is struck by a car and dies. Erica anguishes over how she might be able to explain to Sarah that David is dead, but the bond between the two children seems to extend past the grave, as Sarah reveals that David has already told her he is gone. At school, Sarah hurts a boy from her class when he makes a negative comment about David. When her parents pick her up, Sarah nervously tells them that she doesn't want them to drive over Creek Bridge. Later, they find out there was an accident on that bridge and Sarah had drawn a picture of it because David had told her to. That day, Sarah's nanny, Rosie, notices that the girl has a strange bruise on the back of her neck.
Erica and her husband Edgar decide that Erica and Sarah should go stay at the family's country house to help Sarah forget about David. In the city, Heather is still in grief so she decides to drive out to the country house to join her sister. Rosie finds out that Sarah is still in contact with David and gives her a friendship bracelet to protect her. Rosie tells Erica she thinks the bruises may be from David's spirit looking to cross back over, holding onto the neck of a living person, which she refers to as 'hanting.' During the night, Erica, Heather and Rosie run to Sarah's room at her screams and see that her wrist is swollen and bloody, as if someone was trying to rip the bracelet off. Rosie is apprehensive as she senses that David might be a danger to Sarah. The twins however disregard her warnings and decide it would be best to have Rosie leave because of her beliefs, wary they might be impacting Sarah. As Heather drops off Rosie the next morning, Rosie begs her to at least place the talisman bracelet she'd made before under Sarah's pillow or bed, in order to help protect Sarah. Heather agrees, yet the moment Rosie leaves she chucks it out of the car window. Rosie, unawares of her action, yet feels a chill. Heather and Sarah start building a dollhouse as a memorial for David but don't tell Erica that is its purpose. Erica surprisingly finds out she is 12 weeks pregnant, after Sarah mysteriously mentions her having a baby, and is put on bed rest. She again says David told her. Erica starts getting jealous because Sarah spends a lot of time with Heather building the dollhouse, but eventually calms down when she sees how beautiful it is; she apologises to both for being so neurotic. Later, Edgar shows Erica a house he put an offer on. The strange thing is that it's an exact replica of the dollhouse. They move in, although Erica does so reluctantly as she cannot explain how the dollhouse can be an almost exact replica of the house, or how Sarah could've known.
Three months later, Sarah is still acting strangely: she never has an appetite, is always tired and doesn't make any friends at the new school. Concerned, Erica takes her to the psychologist, who notices the bruises on her neck and wants to call social services, thinking Erica might be hurting her own daughter. However, Heather (a colleague) talks her out of it. When Heather mentions it to Erica, the latter freaks out and tells her sister to leave; accusing her that Heather believes Erica's baby might be David's reincarnation. Outside, as she leaves Heather sees Sarah holding a sign to the window saying "HE'S MAD". When Erica asks Sarah if she knows how she got the bruises or what is wrong, Sarah shows Erica the toy figure on her shelf that had belonged to David (it had fallen on the street, which was why he ran back and got struck by the car that killed him). Erica, surprised to find it there, throws it in the bin to which Sarah says "You shouldn't have done that!". Erica looks up 'Hanting', reading that the host's life force is drained by the Hant and the host then slips into a coma and dies. Erica rushes to the school for Sarah but finds out that Heather impersonated her and picked Sarah up earlier. Erica eventually finds Sarah and Heather with another colleague of Heather's who is a hypnotist. They are talking to Sarah, but calling her David, who is repeatedly shouting "I want to be born now, I want to be born NOW!". Sarah suddenly attacks Erica, lunge/pounce/flying at her neck, screaming "You are not my mother. You bitch!". Once they manage to pry Sarah off her, and the hypnotist calls Sarah back into her body, Heather explains that she only wanted to talk to David (& that Erica would do the same in her shoes) but Erica punches her and storms out with Sarah.
Erica calls Rosie back after seeing the increasing strong bruises on Sarah's neck and now back. Rosie explains that David is hanging on to Sarah, buying time while waiting for Erica's baby to be born so that he can take its body and be reborn. They get rid of everything that belonged to David. Erica finds the dollhouse down in the basement and Rosie says that it is no wonder David has been so strong; he had been given an invite and a place/home of his own to live in, that the dollhouse was a "spirit-house". Erica burns down the dollhouse and Sarah throws the last picture she has of David into the flames, finally accepting the death of her friend. That night, Erica realises they hadn't burned everything of David's; the toy she had thrown away is still in Sarah's room. She and Edgar hurry to Sarah and find her on the top story window ledge. Sarah says that David tells her it won't hurt, then jumps off the roof crashing to the floor below. She is rushed to hospital and the doctor explains that she suffered severe head trauma and is in a coma. Erica senses her sisters distress and visits them at the hospital. She decides that they should give David what he wants in order to save Sarah. Heather injects Erica with a medication that will induce the birth of the baby. Erica gives birth to a baby girl, much to everyone's surprise. But then starts having more contractions; after an emergency C-section, Erica has a healthy second baby – a boy. At the same moment the boy starts to cry, Sarah opens her eyes, showing that David has let go of her. Heather takes the boy in her arms and looks at him lovingly.
One year later, at their Halloween party, the family seems to be happy and Sarah is in good health. Erica has finally published her new book about twin studies. A red devils mask creeps up to baby boy Jack's crib – as the mask is removed, the audience sees it's Sarah. She says: "Hello David. Now, I'm the one in charge", as she smiles menacingly.
U.S. navy pilot Tex Jones (Addison Randall) is stationed on an aircraft carrier and learns that he is a father. He shares the news with his best pals and fellow pilots, "Red" Furness (William Gargan), Steve Bassett (Douglas Fowley) and Bill Lyons (William Newell). On reaching Naval Base San Diego, the squadron's home port, Tex learns his wife Mary had died. While overwhelmed with grief, Tex wants to look after his son as a navy child, but Mary's sister, Bernice Farrington (Claire Dodd) is intent on taking the baby away.
Tex asks Red to take care of "The Admiral", the name he and Red have tagged the boy, but, when he is driving to the hospital to say goodbye to his wife, he is in a serious car accident. With his dying breath, Tex pledges to his friend Red as the baby's guardian. While Red has cleverly hidden the baby in his bachelor quarters, Bernice, her mother (Claudia Coleman) and their attorney, Mr. Strickland (Douglas Wood), visit Red's commanding officer, Admiral Kingston (George Irving), and persuade him to take them to Red's quarters.
Alerted by Kingston, Red hides the evidence of the baby being there and Bill rushes out to find Aunt Minnie (Georgia Caine). While Steve passes the baby through the window to Aunt Minnie, Bernice senses she is out-maneuvered, but is undeterred. Even though she is a pilot, Bernice asks Red for flying lessons, and tries to use the flight as a means of getting information as to her nephew's whereabouts. She also elicits her friend, Daphne Roth (Dorothy Tree) to also see Steve, and try to pump him for the baby's location.
Red and Bernice fight over the controls on her flight, and Red has to resort to knocking her out. Meanwhile, Daphne has come through, but Bernice learns why Red is so determined to raise Tex's son as a navy man, and now regrets her machinations. When the Farringtons recover the baby, an angry Red refuses to listen to Bernice's apologies.
A week later, as Red is about to ship out, he decides to see the little boy one last time but discovers the baby is in the hospital. Gangster Joe Vezie (Paul Fix), convinced that the Admiral is his son, has taken him away, heading for the Canadian border. Red takes off in a Navy aircraft in pursuit, and even though Admiral Kingston has to consider him AWOL, he orders six fighter aircraft to follow Red.
When he catches up with Vezie, Red persuades the gangster that he has the wrong baby. Coming back to base, everyone assembles in Admiral Kingston's office, where he agrees to not punish Red. Since he was "Navy born", Bernice and Red decide to marry and raise the Admiral together, keeping with Tex's final wishes.
A young girl, Rita Adams, asks her former gangster father why people call him a snitch. He is then gunned down in front of her. She is sent to an orphanage, where her best friends are Mickey Roma and Bob Elliott.
Rita grows up be a struggling single girl who lives with best friend, singer Donna, and who has with a drunken boyfriend, Harold De Witt, the son of a rich, powerful man, Clarence. Rita loses her job in a factory when she cannot get bonded. Bob, who is now an aerospace engineer, offers to try to get her work.
When Harold drives Rita home on night, he kills a pedestrian in a hit and run while Rita is in the car. Acting on the advice of his father's lawyer, Bruce King, he gets Rita to claim responsibility for the accident, saying that he will be disinherited otherwise and that she will only get probation. She gets sentenced to one to five years in prison.
Rita gets out of prison and her friend from the orphanage, Mickey, who now works in organised crime, explains how Harold betrayed her. Rita takes to crime, robbing gullible men.
Clarence De Witt wants the police to crack down on organised crime and leads a reform ticket.
Jimmy Kelly is a policeman undercover in the gang as Bill Dugan. Kelly/Dugan collects protection money for racketeer Kurt Parrish, who complains that receipts are down because of DeWitt's reform efforts.
Mickey, meanwhile, asks Rita to return the letters in Harold's file which prove his guilt, but she has her own plan for revenge and buys radio time to speak out against DeWitt's hypocrisy. This wins her a meeting with Parrish and mobster Lou Wood, and after Rita negotiates a place for herself in the syndicate, she then visits DeWitt with photocopies of the letters. Spurning DeWitt's offer of money, Rita forces him to use his political influence for the syndicate's benefit, prompting Jimmy to observe that Parrish is using votes, or "paper bullets", to take control.
When Mickey learns that the real Dugan is in prison, Jimmy is abducted by Parrish's men, and the ensuing pursuit by the police ends in an accident. Joe persuades the newspapers to print the false information that Jimmy was killed in the crash, which devastates Donna, who has fallen in love with him.
Rita then quits the syndicate to marry Bob, but immediately after the wedding she is arrested and indicted along with Parrish, Wood and DeWitt. During the trial, the courtroom spectators are shocked when Jimmy takes the stand, and all four defendants are convicted. As Bob comforts Rita and promises to wait for her, children play at the playground she built as a monument to the innocence of youth.
Framed for the murder of an archaeologist, Bill Carson (Tim McCoy) assumes the identity of "El Puma," 'a gun-slinging Mexican vigilante", which allows him to clear as well as speak with a "Mexican" accent for much of the movie.
Young Buckthorpe was attacked by a stranger, while walking along the edge of Banton Cliffe, who struck him with a sword-cane; Buckthorpe lost consciousness. His friend Randall encouraged him to flee the country over the presumed murder of his attacker, which he did, but Randall, a forger and confidence trickster, is now holding the threat of going to the police over Buckthorpe's head.
Randall had married an elderly woman for her money, but had to flee the country to avoid being arrested on a felony charge shortly thereafter. The woman kept the embarrassing marriage secret, and her will gave all her money to her niece when she died, but Randall claims that, as her will was made before the marriage, it was invalid, and all the money should go to him. However, to avoid scrutiny that might reveal his felony, he wants Buckthorpe to flirt with said niece and find out about the aunt, to allow Randall to conduct a plausible story about his marriage.
Randall and Buckthorpe's conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Dr. Trotway and his niece Edith Temple. Edith and Buckthorpe knew each other when Buckthorpe was serving in India, but her father forbade her to marry him. After their romance begins to rekindle, Randall steps in and reveals that Edith was the heiress that Buckthorpe was to flirt with. Buckthorpe tries to back out, but Randall threatens to go to the authorities, and Randall arranges for the helpless Buckthorpe to join the hotel's guests at a seaside picnic, to allow Buckthorpe to continue pressing Edith for information.
On a rocky coast, Miss Spinn, an elderly spinster, directs servants to set up the picnic and flirts with Joe Bangles, a bachelor of about the same age. Bangles jokes around with her, and, as the others begin to arrive, he discovers himself having all but proposed to her. Randall is disliked by the group, but he eventually gets Miss Spinn to have pity on him, and she decides to flirt with him to make Bangles jealous. However, the tide will be coming in shortly, and the group begins to head in. Bangles stays behind a bit to talk to Dr. Trotway about Buckthorpe, who he finds a bit suspicious as he always seems to be meeting up with Edith, supposedly by chance.
In a private interview soon afterwards, Randall discovers that Buckthorpe has failed to gain any information about Randall's wife. He threatens Buckthorpe with the prospect of immediate revelation of his supposed crime should he not find out immediately. Randall hides behind a rock, Edith returns, and Buckthorpe begins to interview her. He soon finds himself unable to continue, and reveals Randall's true nature to her, at which point Randall leaves in disgust. Buckthorpe tells her of the blackmail scheme, and she offers to help him in any way she can. In a romantic scene, they pledge themselves to each other. Randall is furious and confronts Buckthorpe. His scheme is ruined, and he will shortly have to flee the town. He threatens to go to the police. Buckthorpe tells him to do so and rejects Randall, vowing to get out from under Randall's thumb, or face the consequences, but no longer to assist Randall in his schemes. Randall warns him that he had best take care, gives him until the next day to change his mind and get him what he wants, and leaves. Buckthorpe is terrified, but determines to remain firm.
Bangles, Miss Spinn, and Edith join Buckthorpe, but the sea comes in, trapping them on the rocks. Edith and Buckthorpe are quite happy to cling to each other, but Bangles is not pleased to be trapped on a small rock with Miss Spinn. Unfortunately, his confused, rambling attempt to ward off her romantic advances goes as follows:
Randall arrives in a boat, but is forced to rescue Bangles and Miss Spinn first, as they're on a lower rock about to be covered by sea. Edith and Buckthorpe are perfectly happy, and they reject Randall's help, choosing to stay together, isolated from the world.
Bangles is a bit melancholy: He is an old family friend of Edith's, and, had he ever married, Edith would have been who he chose. Now Buckthorpe has won Edith's hand, however, and Miss Spinn is after his. However, he accepts the situation as best he can. Buckthorpe takes Bangles into his confidence about Randall's schemes and tells him about Randall's blackmail material against him. Bangles is rather horrified at the thought that Edith might be marrying a murderer, but Buckthorpe's protestations of innocence convince him to give Buckthorpe a chance. Bangles will tackle Randall and attempt to discover the truth of the matter from the evidence Randall holds, but should it go against Buckthorpe, he shall turn him over to the authorities.
Bangles confronts Randall, pointing out that knowing Buckthorpe is a murderer, but not turning him over to the authorities, makes him an accomplice after the fact. Randall tries to get out of turning over the evidence, for fear of being arrested himself. Bangles threatens to call the entire hotel to his aid, should Randall try to leave, and forces Randall to write a letter to the police, warning them that a notorious criminal with a warrant for his arrest is staying at the hotel. Bangles believes this will force the evidence of Buckthorpe's guilt out into the open if Randall actually has such proof. Randall attempts to flee, but the waiter stops him from leaving: Randall attempted to pay by cheque, and the manager believes that the cheque will bounce. Buckthorpe is now in a position of power: He gets Randall to give him the letters in exchange for money to pay the manager, then tackles Randall, delaying him until the police arrive.
Dr. Trotway and Bangles return and assist Buckthorpe in subduing Randall. Randall calls out about the letters, Buckthorpe, resolving to live honestly, hands them over to Trotway. This is enough to let Bangles realise the truth: He was the one who had attacked Buckthorpe, mistaking him for a robber, and Randall lied to Buckthorpe about him dying, the coroner's report, and all the other details that he has been holding over Buckthorpe's head. The police arrive and arrest Randall, who attempts to have one last act of revenge, revealing his marriage to Edith's aunt. However, Miss Spinn turns out to have been there for the marriage, and the woman he married was not Edith's aunt, but an accomplice of his.
The play ends happily: Miss Spinn has protected people Bangles cares about, and her explanation of how she knew shows him a new side to her, which reconciles him to their marriage. Buckthorpe is proven innocent and can marry Edith, who keeps her fortune.
In the version performed on its London opening night, Buckthorpe was revealed to be the long-lost son of a couple in the play; this revelation, unnecessary to the main plot, was cut from the play after this performance along with some other dialogue.
As Liz Lemon is returning to studio 6H, the ''TGS with Tracy Jordan'' studio, she meets Jack Donaghy returning from Washington. Jack tells her that he intends to get his old job back and Liz tells him of her upcoming adoption evaluation. When he confronts Devon Banks in his office, Devon offers Jack a position in the mail room, laughing, but Jack accepts. Jack later tells Liz of his plan to work his way back to his old job through honest means, though Kathy Geiss (Marceline Hugot) shows a sexual interest in Jack he could leverage into a quicker promotion. When he discovers that Devon is planning to shut down GE, Jack, with Liz's help, convinces Kathy to hire him as her business adviser. Devon, realizing that he has been beaten, decides on a new path to securing his financial future: hurling himself in front of a series of moving cars so that he can sue the drivers.
Tracy Jordan's pornographic video game, ''Gorgasm: The Legend of Dong Slayer,'' has been very successfully released since it was developed in the previous episode "Cooter". He shows off a large royalty check and Jenna Maroney grows angry that she has not been compensated for her voice acting work in the game. Liz convinces him to make it up to her, and everyone else who helped him with the video game, by buying them presents. However, while everyone else receives extravagant gifts such as Frank getting gold-plated nunchucks and Pete getting a chinchilla fur coat, Jenna only gets a coupon for free hugs and decides to sue Tracy.
Following a home evaluation, Bev from the adoption agency comes to work with Liz where she checks the safety of the studio and interviews the ''TGS'' cast and crew including Jenna, Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit), Frank Rossitano (Judah Friedlander), and Cerie Xerox (Katrina Bowden). The workplace evaluation goes badly, with many of the interviews reflecting badly on Liz or the safety of the studio for a child. However, before Bev files her report she sustains a head injury and forgets that she has done the evaluation. Liz gets the crew to help her "do over" the evaluation, hoping for a better result.
Ellery Cushing (William Collier Sr.) has trouble at home, and at work. When he's fired from the newspaper where he's worked for fifteen years, his friend Phil (Russell Hopton) quits too, outraged.
Together, they work from their "office", on a park bench, until Phil can get Ellery a try-out, on a radio spot, as "Uncle Dudley". The character is a big hit, with his folksy witticisms.
Meanwhile, at home, Ma, Mrs. Cushing (Lucile Gleason), has her hands full with their daughter, Ruth (Gloria Shea), who has spurned Phil's attentions for an aging Lothario, Jerry (Jameson Thomas). While their oldest son, Robert (William Janney), after turning down a job, has got mixed up with some "Red" rabble-rousers, in the park.
Only their youngest son, Tommy (George P. Breakston), manages to stay out of trouble, doing his homework. Tommy thinks their Dad is alright, even better than "that guy on the radio", who they don't know is their father.
It's only after "Uncle Dudley" gets a concussion, after being hit with a brick, quelling a riot of "Reds", in the park that his family begin to value his worth, and, Phil's, if they all live to appreciate it.
Rural Finland at the end of the 19th century: 19-year-old Anna-Liisa, daughter of farmer Kortesuo, is preparing her wedding to Johannes Kivimaa.
A few days before the official announcement of the wedding, she receives the visit of Husso, the mother of Mikko who was a farmhand at the Kortesuo farm. She tells her that Mikko, who now owns a log-floating firm, is coming back and wants to marry her. When Anna-Liisa refuses, Husso reminds her how four years earlier she had helped her hide the body of the baby born from her relationship with Mikko, whom she had accidentally killed.
Mikko, supported by Husso, threatens Anna-Liisa to reveal her secret if she refuses to marry him. When Johannes demands that he stops bothering Anna-Liisa, he threatens to kill him. The arrival of Anna-Liisa parents put an end to the fight but when Anna-Liisa repeats that she will never marry Mikko, Husso reveals to her shocked parents what happened four years ago. Anna-Liisa confesses everything. Her father, beside himself with rage and disappointment, initially wants to kill her, but soon calms down.
The following day, Anna-Liisa tries to drown herself to join her dead baby but she is saved by Johannes. After praying God, she knows what she must do. She says she forgives everybody including Mikko and accepts to marry him.
On the wedding day, she appears dressed entirely in black. She confesses to the whole assembly what she has done and declares she is ready to receive the punishment she deserves. After taking leave of her family and of Johannes, she is carried away by the police.
The film deals with a "problem Mr. Roosevelt submitted . . . whether it was possible for a man, weary of faithless friends and a wasted life, to convert a $5,000,000 estate into cash, disappear and start anew in some worth-while activity." (cited from ''The New York Times'' – Monday, April 16, 2012)
Disillusioned attorney James Blake is engaged by his friend George Sartos to lobby on behalf of the National Cannery against a bill that would've empowered smaller businesses. After James is successful, he encounters Charlotte Brown, who runs a cannery that is the main livelihood of the small town of Springvale; the cannery has been forced to close because of the bill. James listens to the townsfolk and is inspired to help them.
James liquidates his assets, closes his bank accounts, and stages a failed business venture to make it seem that he's gone bankrupt. Once ready, he leaves his estranged wife, Ilka, to fake his death in a car accident. Ilka tries to inform George, who is also her lover, about James's strange behavior but is accidentally killed by George's manservant, Andrew. James learns about Ilka's death through the radio, and how James is blamed for it but the case is considered closed since his "body" was found by the police.
Some months later James, using his new name James Carter, is in a relationship with Charlotte and has turned her cannery into a success. They are visited by George, who wants to buy out their business. George recognizes James and tries to blackmail him into compliance. When James refuses, George informs the police and James is arrested for Ilka's murder.
While James is held in the town jail, George plants agents provocateurs to cause a riot to destroy the cannery. James learns of this and, due to his good relationship with the people of Springvale, is allowed out of the town jail to talk the rioters down and bring proof of his intentions to keep the cannery going. Meanwhile, James's former manservant Roger, acting on his own initiative, finds out from Andrew that Ilka's death was an accident. George is arrested for causing the riot, and James is released, freeing him to marry Charlotte.
As described in a review in a film magazine, Donald Dillingham (Landis) marries a chorus girl, Ardell Kendall (Rich), and his wealthy family turn him down, but when they learn that the celebrated sculptor, Gustaf Borgstrom (Hersholt), who is being lionized by society, has selected Ardell as the most beautiful American woman, they call on Donald and insist that he and Ardell and Borgstrom visit their big estate. Among the jazzy crowd present is an adventuress, Maybelle Westcott (Eyton), and Donald falls for her. Ardell, using as a lever his father's infatuation for a showgirl, gets money from him and then buys Maybelle off and exposes her when she does not live up to her bargain. Donald resents her attitude and she leaves him. Returning to their home she finds Donald, contrite, is already there and she forgives him.
During the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940, a team of German saboteurs assume the identities of dead British soldiers and are transported to England. Their first objective is to cripple British air defences by destroying radar stations. Though the identities and whereabouts of the saboteurs are unknown, a team of British soldiers is set up to track them down and abort their mission. While the Battle of Britain rages overhead, the final confrontation takes place as the German team are about to blow up the RAF Fighter Command control centre.
A monster stalks Los Angeles as a Bio-Engineered creature called a Syngenor (which stands for SYNthesized GENetic ORganism) takes refuge in the city's sewer system and then hits the streets at night in search of human spinal fluid. The only person who stands in the way of the creature's unstoppable killing spree is Ted Londergan, a former detective turned Private Investigator. When he is offered a job to look at the case by his former partner, several people on the police force doubt he can help solve it, as he is regarded by many to be a hotshot who has a loose temper. As time goes by, however, and the body count begins to mount, Ted is eventually brought in on the case.
Both the police and the public become astonished by the fact that whoever is committing the murders possesses strength far beyond that of a human, such as actually being able to rip the doors off of cars. But when his newfound love interest Jennifer is nearly killed by the creature, he soon experiences a change of heart. After Jennifer is hospitalized after being attacked by the creature, a young woman named Sherry comes forward with information that could help solve the case. She explains to Ted that the fact that the young woman was missing spinal fluid may mean that it was drained by a creature known as a Syngenor that was being created at a lab where she worked. Ted goes to the lab to investigate, and finds the young woman in a state of panic.
The two descend into the sewers, where they find the Syngenor's lair and its victims, whom it is harvesting for their spinal fluid. They are pursued by the creature as they flee back into the laboratory, and eventually Ted's former partner shows up and shoots the creature, causing it to fall back onto a press machine. Sherry then activates the press machine, crushing the creature and ending its reign of terror once and for all.
From his grandmother, Nana Mama, Alex Cross has been told the story of his great uncle Abraham and his struggle throughout the era of the Ku Klux Klan. Alex then recounts this tale to his children through his novel called ''Trial''. A lawyer at the turn of the century, a man named Ben Corbett, represents the toughest cases. Many of his cases are opposing racism and oppression, and because of the cases he's fighting for, he risks the life of his wife and children. When President Roosevelt asks Ben personally to go to his hometown to investigate upon rumors of the Ku Klux Klan's resurgence, he cannot refuse. Upon entering Eudora, Mississippi, Corbett meets Abraham Cross and his enchanting granddaughter Moody. He enlists their help and the two Crosses introduce Corbett to the other side of the idyllic southern town. Lynchings have become commonplace in the town, and the black residents of the town live in constant fear. Ben aims to break the reign of terror, but finding out who is behind it all may break his heart.
As described in a film magazine, Roberta Miller (Bennett) returns to Lilyville, Kansas, after spending one season in New York City and finds things dull. Her many trunks, bulldog, and much finery cause the gossips' tongues to wag and she finally brings down the wrath of the church-going populous when she presents a "Symphony of Spring" at a bazaar in the town hall that consists of a nature dance with music and little clothing. The town is divided on the question of dancing thereafter and she proceeds to convert the "antis" by luring an innocent young woman to a nearby town's dance hall, intending to leave her there while informing the church people. However, at the dance hall she discovers a church trustee and changes her plan. On the recommendation of the trustee and the editor of the local paper, Matthew Sampson (Rodney), the church votes to have dancing to save the young people from temptation. Roberta, out of gratitude, agrees to marry the newspaper editor.
The film centers on Magery Allison (played by Bessie Barriscale) and her husband, Dr. Ward Allison (played by Bruce McRae). Jealous over her husband's friendship with his female patients, Mrs. Allison fails to deliver a message from a patient that nearly results in the death of the patient's child. Mrs. Allison pleads for forgiveness. On learning that she is pregnant, Dr. Allison does forgive her. However, the cycle of jealousy repeats itself.
The setting is the American Wild West. The notorious outlaw leader"Draw" Egan (played by Hart) and his gang is chased by a posse of lawmen to his remote mountain cabin, where they are trapped. During a fierce shootout, Egan opens a trapdoor and they escape through a tunnel before the posse can overwhelm them.
With a bounty on his head, Egan turns up in the dangerous frontier range town of Yellow Dog. Presenting himself by the assumed name William Blake, he enters the saloon. The seductive dance-hall girl, Poppy (played by Glaum), uses her alluring wiles to entice and entertain him. He looks amused when he is challenged to fight by a rowdy barfly, then punches and finishes the man off with the one powerful blow. The townspeople are impressed. Believing Blake to be a strong and law-abiding man, they want him to be their new marshal. The reformist mayor, Mat Buckton (played by Lockney), hires him for the much avoided position to restore law and order and rid the town of the lawless gunmen who have nearly taken over.
Blake turns Yellow Dog into a model community, while hiding his criminal past, and plans to move on soon. But when he sees the mayor's daughter, Myrtle Buckton (played by Wilson), he decides to stay on as marshal of Yellow Dog. Beginning a romance with the God-fearing young woman, he proceeds to settle down and become a genuinely lawful and respected member of the town. Then Arizona Joe (played by McKim), a member of Egan's former gang, shows up in Yellow Dog to make trouble. He threatens to expose Egan's past if he tries to make him obey the law and not help him take over the town.
The marshal gives in for a while, but then decides that the welfare of the town is more important than his romance with Myrtle. When he goes after Arizona Joe, the outlaw keeps his word and tells the whole town about Draw Egan. During the final showdown, which is short and brutal, Egan shoots and kills Joe. He then surrenders himself for arrest, but the grateful townspeople refuse to hear of it and offer to keep him in office. He is also prepared to give up Myrtle, but she tells him that his past is unimportant and they begin making plans for their future together.
An English spy (played by H.B. Warner) works behind German lines during World War I. He saves the life of a German officer and is killed in a German trench by an Allied shell.
A tough cowboy, Robert Sands (played by William S. Hart) is banished from an Arizona town for his drunk and disorderly comment. He moves to New York and gets a job as bodyguard and guardian to a wealthy and spoiled young man. He falls in love with a restaurant owner (played by Seena Owen) who has compromising letters from the young man Sands is charged with protecting.
In the early 1980s, a high-ranking KGB analyst, Sergei Grigoriev, disillusioned with the Soviet regime, decides to pass Soviet secrets, including a list of their spies, to the government of France, then under the newly elected President François Mitterrand, a Socialist in coalition with the Communist Party. Grigoriev (code-named ''Farewell'' by the French intelligence service) hopes to force change in the Soviet Union by revealing their extensive network of spies trying to acquire scientific, technical and industrial information from the West. He uses Pierre Froment, a naïve French engineer based in Moscow, as his unlikely intermediary. After the first transfer of information, Pierre confides in his wife Jessica, who is adamant about his stopping this activity in order to safeguard their family. Grigoriev persuades Pierre to continue without telling Jessica. He will accept neither money nor defection as a reward, but sometimes requests small gifts from Pierre's trips to France, such as a Sony Walkman and Queen cassette tapes for his son, some cognac, or books of French poetry. As Farewell's prodigious output blossoms, the French are bewildered by the sheer scale and yield of top Western technology transferred covertly to the Soviets.
Under suspicion that he is not a trustworthy ally, Mitterrand personally hands U.S. President Ronald Reagan a dossier of invaluable Farewell data during the Ottawa G7 summit. The Americans are astounded with it and other information provided by Farewell, culminating in the full "List X" of Soviet spies within the highest echelons of the Western scientific and industrial apparatus. They embark on an ambitious plan to feed the Soviets erroneous or defective data; shortly afterwards, the network of Soviet technology spies in the West is rolled up, and Reagan announces the "Star Wars" antimissile shield project. Deprived of hi-tech information from the West, and with their own laboratories falling behind, the Soviet leadership panics. Seeing this desperate impasse for what it is, Mikhail Gorbachev, then an upwards-mobile party official, starts preparing the reform policies he is to pursue in the future.
Grigoriev's superior, a double agent for the CIA, is directed by them to sacrifice Grigoriev and save the Froments, all unbeknownst to the French. Grigoriev, under arrest and KGB interrogation, plays dumb to give the Froments time to escape. They cover their tracks and flee by car to the Finnish border. While in West Germany for debriefing, Pierre pleads with the CIA Director to save Grigoriev, praising his integrity and selflessness. The director refuses as a policy principle, having brought the other agent to the West. Grigoriev is granted his request of execution by a marksman on the jetty of the snow-clad lake he loves. Pierre is later offered a company job in Manhattan.
Dr. Paul Christian is giving a party for Janie Webster, a motherless little girl of nine, with a fine singing voice. But, as her father, Bob Webster, is about to leave the bank where he works to go to the celebration, a shortage is found in his books. for which he is held responsible, jailed, and subsequently, in a court trial is found guilty.
The majority of the first part takes place in flashbacks while a team of ill-equipped soldiers and scientists arrive at the ''Destiny''. Eli Wallace (David Blue) solves a mathematical equation in an online computer game, planted there by Stargate Command. For his achievement, Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle) and Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) recruit Wallace to the Icarus program, which is attempting to dial a nine-chevron address with the Stargate. Wallace's solution is the key to controlling the power levels for the Gate. He is taken aboard the ''Hammond'', an Earth ''Daedalus''-class starship, to be taken to the planet where Icarus is set up. During the journey, he meets Chloe Armstrong (Elyse Levesque), daughter of Senator Alan Armstrong (Christopher McDonald).
At the top-secret Icarus Base, the group is introduced to Colonel Everett Young (Louis Ferreira), Colonel David Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips), and First Lieutenant Matthew Scott (Brian J. Smith). Wallace's solution is tested but fails to establish a lock. During dinner, three Ha'tak vessels, believed to be under the control of the Lucian Alliance, attack the planet. An evacuation is begun while the ''Hammond'' which is manned by Colonel Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping) and a squadron of F-302s led by Colonel Telford battle the enemy. Rush, desperate to see his project succeed, enlists Wallace's aid in figuring out what went wrong. Wallace suggests that the final symbol of the address is wrong, and that they should use the symbol for Earth. Rush aborts the dialing sequence to Earth, arguing that the energy release from the exploding planet could follow them through the Gate, and tests the theory, which succeeds. With the planet's unstable core about to go critical and lacking any other means of escape, the remaining survivors in the base (roughly 80 people) are forced to risk heading to an unknown destination. The planet explodes shortly after everyone is evacuated, destroying the three Ha'tak vessels. The ''Hammond'' survives, but the fate of those in the base is a mystery to Stargate Command.
The unlikely expedition team ends up on the ''Destiny'', an Ancient starship located billions of light-years from Earth. The ship jumps to FTL shortly after the Stargate shuts down. Rush uses an Ancient communication device to contact Stargate command, taking control of Bill Lee (Bill Dow). When he returns, Rush claims that O'Neill put him in charge of the expedition, though the others are not quick to believe him. Meanwhile, the ship, having suffered millennia of wear and tear, has a failing life support system and an inadequately sealed hull breach in one of the shuttles, which can be sealed only from inside the shuttle. Senator Armstrong learns of this and, already badly injured, sacrifices his life to seal the shuttle off and buy the team time. However, the main life support is not so easily fixed. The CO2 scrubbers are decayed beyond repair, and within a day carbon dioxide poisoning will kill everyone. The ''Destiny'', apparently aware of the problem, drops out of FTL and dials the Stargate to a desert planet with the necessary materials to repair the scrubbers. Four other locations are listed but locked out by the dialing computer. A 12-hour countdown begins, at the end of which the ''Destiny'' will continue on its journey automatically.
On the desert planet, the search begins for a suitable source of lime to filter the air on ''Destiny''. The sand itself has a small concentration of calcite, but not enough to be useful, so the team starts looking for a dry lake bed, which should have heavy deposits of lime. The group splits into two: Rush, Scott and Ronald Greer (Jamil Walker Smith) form one group, while Wallace leads the remainder in a different direction. After several failed tests, those in Wallace's group give up on the search, instead intending to try out the Stargate addresses the ''Destiny'' rejected. When Wallace informs the others, Scott sends Rush and Greer back to stop them while he continues searching. They make it back in time to stop Franklin (Mark Burgess), the member carrying the dialing remote, but the other two make it through. Rush is vehemently against the idea of exploring the other addresses, believing that the ship locked them out for a reason, and several failed attempts to contact the two lost expedition members seem to support his concerns.
On the ship, Chloe and Young use the communication stones to contact Earth, allowing Chloe to inform her mother of her situation and Senator Armstrong's death. Young, meanwhile, is encouraged by O'Neill to repair the ship; in spite of his protests that their expedition is not cut out for it, O'Neill insists that no one really is ready for their kind of work.
In his search for the lime, Scott discovers a strange, swirling cloud of dust that absorbs moisture. He follows it until he collapses in front of a lake bed. He has a brief hallucination where he engages in a spiritual conversation with a priest he knew on Earth. Meanwhile, the cloud moves up to him and condenses into water, waking him. Realizing what he's found, Scott shovels as much of the lime as possible into his bag and makes his way to the Gate. Greer, having set out to look for him, finds him along the way and helps carry the lime. Wallace sticks his arm into the wormhole to delay the countdown. The team returns with the lime successfully, which is used to repair the CO2 scrubbers. In the end, a recovering Scott tells Chloe that his parents and the priest died when he was young, and that the best way to deal with the grief is to keep moving forward. As everyone starts to breathe easier, a ship detaches itself from the ''Destiny''.
Boulevardier Sir Nicholas Thormonde (Lew Cody) has to choose between his mistress Suzette (Renée Adorée) and his virtuous secretary Alathea (Harriet Hammond) in wartimе Paris.
The player character is an Allied soldier whose orders are to infiltrate the top-secret Nazi fortress called the Eagle's Nest (which consists of four castles), rescue three Allied saboteurs being held there, save art treasures the Nazis have stolen, and then destroy the Nest with explosives.
Star Reporter, John Randolph (Warren Hull), with his fiancée, Barbara Burnette, (Marsha Hunt), has faith in her father, D.A. William Burnette (Wallis Clark), and throws the full weight of his newspaper behind him, in hopes of tracking down his own father's killer.
John is convinced that his father was murdered to stop him from revealing the organized crime bosses, in the city. Now, all he needs is proof. Just as he's about to get the goods on the criminal kingpin, lawyer Whittaker (Clay Clement), there is another murder.
Little does John suspect that the confessed killer, Joe Draper (Morgan Wallace) and his own mother, Mrs. Julia Randolph (Virginia Howell) have their own deep, dark secret, from the past: the true identity of her long, lost, already declared dead, husband; and, John's real father.
Whittaker and his mobsters will do anything to close the case. They're willing to shut anyone up permanently, who they can't buy off. John will stop at nothing, to see justice done, even when his own fiancée and Mother warn him that he might not be ready to handle the truth!
As described in a film magazine reviews, Rufe, the son of a murdered Appalachian moonshiner, outpoints his rival, Sheriff Weeks, when he marries Emmy before going to serve in the War. A deserter is concealed by Rufe’s mother and later she learns that he is the son of the murderer of her husband. When she is about to kill the stranger in cold blood, she is notified that her son has been killed in the war and that he would not commit such a deed. She permits the young man to make his escape.
Following the death of his friend Ed Norton who was killed during a dice game, Gene Autry (Gene Autry) sets out in search of the killer. His search takes him to an old house where Larry Evans (Russell Arms), who was accused of the murder, is in hiding. Larry's sister Mary (Barbara Britton) defends her brother, claiming they both loved Ed, who acted as their guardian after the death of their father. Mary is able to convince Gene that Larry is innocent. Gene offers to help him evade the sheriff until he can discover the real killer.
Later, Gene discovers that Larry's gun, which was used in the killing, was offered as collateral during the dice game, and anyone could have taken it and shot Ed when the lights in the room went out. To allude a posse, Gene takes Larry to a cabin belonging to his prospector friend, Jim Hedge (Clem Bevans). When Gene questions him about the game, Larry tells him that either Dave Randall (Jack Holt) or Don Mason (Robert Shayne), who were both playing in the game, suggested that he put up the gun. Gene rides back into town to continue his search for the real killer.
Meanwhile, Mason offers to purchase the Evans ranch from Mary and help Larry to escape across the border. Gene overhears the conversation and is surprised by the large amount of money Mason is proposing to pay for the property. When Gene returns to Jim's cabin, he is followed by the sheriff. Although Gene manages to warn Larry of the lawman's presence, Larry is convinced that Gene has betrayed him.
The following morning, Gene and Jim ride to the ranch where Larry is hiding. After a struggle, Larry realizes that Gene is on his side. Gene notices that Jim's compass is behaving strangely. He sets a trap for the killers and exposes Don Mason and his cohorts, Bill Otis and Dave Randall, who murdered Ed Norton in order to obtain the rich lode of iron ore on his ranch. Larry's name cleared, and he and his sister return to their ranch and its valuable iron ore.
The story of the affection for an elephant, Norma.
Married only a few hours, small-town girl Alice makes her first visit to New York with new husband Wally Williams, a hotshot reporter for the Globe.
A body falls from a building. Williams steals the identification and calls in the story to city editor MacEwen, who makes Wally follow it up. Reporters' wives warn Alice to expect this kind of thing.
A personal ad leads Wally to a second corpse. The police read about in the Globe and angrily haul Wally in for questioning. Alice's irritation grows, as does that of reporters from other newspapers at Wally's continued scoops.
Evildoers from an anti-American organization kidnap Wally, and when he won't reveal how he gets his information, they grab Alice as well. Sparrow McGraun runs a numbers racket but likes Wally better than these foreigners, so he saves the newlyweds. A grateful Wally gives this scoop to every paper except the Globe.
Jan (Lon Chaney) is a Swedish farmer and Glory (Norma Shearer) is his beloved daughter. When she was a child, she and her father used to role-play being the Emperor and Empress of Portugallia, a fairy tale land where dreams come true, and a neighboring farm boy named August would play the Prince. Glory grows up to be a beautiful young woman, and both August and Jan's vile landlord Lars (Iam Keith) vie for her attention.
Jan incurs some debts he cannot pay, and to save him from bankruptcy, his daughter temporarily moves to the big city supposedly to get a job (finally allowing Lars to lead her into prostitution). After a time, the landlord tells Jan his daughter has succeeded in paying off his debts, but will not tell him how she earned the money. Realizing that his daughter has been selling herself to help him avoid bankruptcy, Jan's mind slowly begins to unravel. Years pass and his daughter never returns to the farm, and every day Jan waits down by the riverboat hoping she will come home.
Eventually she does return to him, but by this time, Jan's mind has snapped and he actually believes that he is the Emperor of Portugallia and she is his Empress. Jan has taken to wearing a strange military uniform and a circus hat, and his hair and long beard have all turned gray (see photo). Glory's fine attire leads the villagers to believe that she has been living as a prostitute and they demand she leave town. Only August is willing to stand by her and protect her honor.
Glory boards the local steamboat at the docks in order to leave town, and her father follows her, falling off the pier in his haste and drowning. When the ship's captain throws the boat into reverse in an attempt to save Jan, Lars (who is taunting Glory from the ship's deck) is thrown into the paddlewheel and crushed to death. Glory winds up marrying August and settling down in town with him.
May (Claire Windsor) is married to Roger (Conrad Nagel), an alcoholic hell-raiser. During one of their riotous parties, she tests his fidelity by impersonating a notorious masked dancer (Hedda Hopper) and trying to seduce him.
After community activist Eddie Rios (Seda), charged with the murder of two NYPD officers, one of them his ex-wife, is found not guilty due to legal technicalities, arresting detective Steve Donohue (Pullman) takes the judge, jury, and Rios hostage, and decides to have a new trial, presenting evidence that was not previously allowed. His captain Lou Unger (Loggia) tries to convince Donohue to end his hostage taking peaceably.
As described in a film magazine review, overhearing her fiancé tell her father that he "knows all about handling girls," Rosamond decides to show him that he knows nothing about it. Her escapades land her in jail for speeding. Her fiancé rescues her from her sentence of ten days. Still headstrong in her belief that no man can subdue her, she recklessly drives over an embankment and is rescued by two criminals that are hiding in a cave. After escaping from what appears to be certain death, she is rescued and "tamed," admitting her submission.
A policeman's corrupt partner is killed by a hit man. The policeman gets involved with the criminal gang responsible for the killing in order to seek revenge and to 'bring down' the gang's boss.
The player commands a fleet of ships in this naval-combat simulation which takes place in the late 18th century.
Controllable ship types include the 44-gun frigate with 250 crew, 74-gun (including 10 carronades) ship-of-the-line with over 600 crew, and the 130-gun (including 22 carronades) flagship with 875 crew.
The player faces one of six opponents, each of which employs a different strategy against the player. Five are historic: the Duke of Medina Sidonia (1588); Martin [sic] Tromp (1639); Blackbeard (1718); John Paul Jones (1779); Horatio Nelson (1805); and a fictitious opponent Thor Foote.
The novel tells the story of LuAnn Tyler, a destitute mother living in a trailer park, who meets with Jackson, a man running a massive lottery scam from inside the National Lottery. He offers her a chance to win the lottery, which she initially refuses until she finds herself falsely accused of murder and needing to run for her life with her young daughter in tow. He rigs the lottery so that she wins $100,000,000, on the condition that she leaves the United States and never returns. When she secretly returns ten years later, Jackson comes to punish her for disobeying him, the FBI is searching for her in connection with the lottery scam, and her only help comes from the mysterious Matthew Riggs.
The preface to the play, written by Leonard Welsted, asserts that the play is departing from popular comedies of the day and impresses upon the audience the primacy of morality and manners over lewd jokes and licentious behavior.
In the play, Sir John Bevil is encouraging his son, Bevil Jr., to marry the wealthy Lucinda, daughter of Mr. Sealand. John Bevil was quite the rake in his day, and he is trying to encourage his son to settle down with a wife and start a family. Bevil Jr., however, is faced with a dilemma, for though he is set to marry Lucinda, he is not in love with her, but his good friend Myrtle is. Bevil Jr. is in love with Indiana, a poor woman whose mother died when Indiana was seven. Indiana has been raised by her Aunt Isabella (Mr. Sealand's sister). She is the daughter of Mr. Sealand by his first wife, though no one realizes it.
Mr. Sealand is intent on marrying his daughter Lucinda to Bevil Jr., but Mrs. Sealand, Mr. Sealand's second wife and Lucinda's mother, is intent on her marrying the young coxcomb Cimberton, because of his vast fortune and also because he is Mrs. Sealand's cousin. However, because of his fortune, Cimberton cannot marry without the consent of his Uncle Geoffrey or his counsel of lawyers. So Bevil Jr. and Myrtle devise a scheme where Myrtle and Bevil Jr.'s servant, Tom, will disguise themselves as Sir Geoffrey's lawyers, Bramble and Target, in order to delay the wedding proceedings. They arrive at Mr. Sealand's house in disguise, and convince Cimberton and Mrs. Sealand that the marriage absolutely cannot proceed without Sir Geoffrey's physical presence to sign away part of the estate. In the meantime, Sir John and Mr. Sealand discuss Bevil Jr.'s morals, for it has been discovered that he has been visiting a woman of lower class on a frequent basis. Mr. Sealand decides to go and visit this young woman so that he may judge Bevil Jr.'s moral conduct for himself, and Sir John and his servant Humphrey discuss the implication of marrying his son off as a bargaining chip to double the estate rather than letting Bevil Jr. choose a wife of his own.
The next day, Phillis, Lucinda's maid, arrives at Bevil Jr.'s lodgings with news that Sir Geoffrey is expected in town at any moment, and suggests that Myrtle disguise himself as Sir Geoffrey in order to further delay the marriage proceedings. Myrtle arrives at Mr. Sealand's house disguised at Sir Geoffrey. Mrs. Sealand is in a hurry to marry Lucinda to Cimberton while her husband is away, she begins proceedings for a wedding. When Mr. Sealand arrives at Isabella and Indiana's lodgings, Isabella recognizes him, but he does not recognize her. He talks to Indiana, listens to her sad story, and while she is in a crying fit she drops a bracelet on the floor, and Mr. Sealand recognizes it as the bracelet he gave his first wife just before they were separated. Mr. Sealand is happy to be reunited with his daughter and sister, and in this moment insists that Indiana marry Bevil Jr. Isabella leaves that instant to get Bevil Jr. and arrives with Sir John Bevil, Bevil Jr., Mrs. Sealand, Cimberton, Myrtle disguised as Sir Geoffrey, and Lucinda. In this final scene, Mr. Sealand says he would rather have Myrtle marry Lucinda because he never likes Cimberton, and Cimberton will not marry Lucinda because her dowry has just been halved by the discovery of the other daughter. He leaves, and Myrtle reveals himself. In the end, the moral of the story, given by Sir John, is that the happiness of the young is provided by good virtue, honesty and "Providence."
A group of American exchange students spend a year studying in Paris at a fictional "Institute of French Studies", run by Madame Catherine Tessier and her husband Monsieur Tessier. Student Laura spends much of her time alone, visiting museums and art galleries and regularly sending postcards to her boyfriend back home who declined the opportunity to join her. Alex's interests are not so much in studying but more in love and life in Paris, and he becomes involved in a tryst with his teacher and the Institute's co-director Madame Tessier. Joel struggles with indecisiveness, which complicates matters when he falls in love with Toni, a local bookstore employee.
Jean-Paul, a writer, and Marianne, his girlfriend of just over two years, are holidaying at a friend's villa. There is a tension in their relationship which excites Marianne: the film begins with a scene in which they are together beside the villa's swimming pool and she urges him to claw her back. He does as she asks, but then throws her into the pool and jumps in after her. In a later scene he takes a branch and uses it to lash her bare buttocks, playfully but with a force that increases as the scene cuts away.
Harry, an old friend and record producer who was Marianne's lover before Jean-Paul, arrives for a visit, surprising the couple by bringing along his 18-year-old daughter Penelope, whose existence they had not previously known about.
The four stay together and Harry draws Marianne back towards him as the days go by. Taunting Jean-Paul for having given up serious writing to work in advertising, Harry drinks a great deal and throws a surprise party while Jean-Paul, a recovering alcoholic, stays sober. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that Penelope neither likes nor respects her father, whom she has barely known while growing up. She and Jean-Paul become close and spend a day alone together by the sea.
That night, while the women are asleep, the two men finally confront each other. Harry falls into the pool and is too drunk to swim. Jean-Paul, who has also been drinking, at first stops him from climbing out of the water, then deliberately pushes Harry under and holds him down until he drowns. He covers up the crime by hiding Harry's wet clothes under a woodpile in the cellar, making it look like an accident.
After the funeral, a policeman, Inspector Lévêque, visits the house more than once. He confides to Marianne his reasons for doubting the story of an accident: that Harry had been wearing his watch, which was expensive and not waterproof, and that there is no trace of sweat on the clothes he was supposed to have been wearing. When she tells Jean-Paul, he confesses everything to her, and she goes to see the evidence that would have given him away. But when she does not give it to the police, the inquiry is dropped.
Marianne takes Penelope to the airport and sees her off as she returns to her mother. She and Jean-Paul are then about to leave the villa when she tells him that they will not go together. She calls for a taxi but he places his hand on the telephone, cutting off her call and silencing her. In the end, neither leaves that day, and in the film's final shot they stand side by side looking out the window at the swimming pool, and then embrace.
In the year 1851 near the port city of Veracruz, María del Rosario (Laura Flores) falls in love with Juan de Dios San Román (Osvaldo Ríos), a humble fisherman, unaware that another man, Rodrigo Montes de Oca (Enrique Rocha), is in love with her. María del Rosario confesses her love for Juan de Dios to her sister, Leonarda (Helena Rojo), and tells her of their plans to wed, unbeknownst that Leonarda harbors a deep hatred for her sister because she is secretly in love with Rodrigo. Leonarda tells Rodrigo about her sister's wedding plans, and he uses his influence with the authorities to stop the wedding and incarcerate Juan de Dios for life. While visiting him in prison, María del Rosario confesses to Juan de Dios that she is expecting their child. Rodrigo and Leonarda decide to confine María del Rosario to an estate by the sea. Juan de Dios escapes from jail and searches for María del Rosario, but Rodrigo discovers their plans to escape and tries to shoot him. Juan de Dios flees the estate as María del Rosario has begged; he swears he will return for her and their child. María del Rosario gives birth to her son. Leonarda has a servant leave the newborn boy in the jungle to die, while lying to her sister that the baby died. Upon hearing the news, María del Rosario spirals into insanity. Leonarda decides to deceive Rodrigo and pass her sister off as dead while locking María del Rosario away in the estate’s basement dungeon. All the while, María del Rosario's son has been rescued from the jungle by Remigio. He adopts the boy as his brother and takes the child to be raised by Aurora who baptizes him as Juan de Dios, as requested by a note left with the baby.
Leonarda expects to win Rodrigo after her sister's supposed death. When Rodrigo responds by leaving Mexico, she decides to marry Noel Vidal (René Casados), Rodrigo's friend, who she does not love. After a few years, they have a son, Renato (Cristián de la Fuente).
Rodrigo announces his return, and Leonarda believes that he is returning for her, but to her great surprise, he arrives married to Constanza (Laisha Wilkins), who is expecting a child. Out of jealousy and anger, Leonarda poisons Constanza. She dies shortly after giving birth to twins Regina and Aimée (both portrayed by Aracely Arámbula).
Time passes, in 1880, the now adult Juan decides to return to Mexico to fulfill a deathbed oath he made to his father to seek revenge against Rodrigo Montes de Oca. Only now, Juan has taken the surnames of his adoptive parents. On the ship to Mexico, Juan meets Aimée, who is impressed with him and a torrid relationship full of eroticism and sensuality is born between the two, even though Juan portrays himself to Aimée as a humble poor man. Regina, Aimée's twin sister, disapproves of their relationship. Meanwhile, Regina wants to marry Renato because she has been in love with him since childhood, but he is in love with Aimée, so Regina enters a convent and becomes a nun. Juan discovers eventually that Aimée is the daughter of his worst enemy and angrily rejects her. He considers Aimée and Regina innocent of their father’s treachery against his father and thus leaves Veracruz. Aimée, rejected by Juan, marries Renato as she cannot live without the luxuries he offers.
Thus begins a story of adultery, lies, deceptions, paralleled against the love born between two unsuspecting people who will face trials and tribulations in order to fight for their love for one another.
The player is the pilot in this Harrier-jet flight simulator.[ Harrier Combat Simulator] at MobyGames The player must master flying the jet, with its versatile horizontal and vertical thrust capabilities, and learn to control its advanced weaponry as well. The player character is the only jet fighter to survive an attack by saboteurs, and must destroy the enemy headquarters before the Sixth Fleet is destroyed. Most of the missions take place in Grenada; which was undergoing an American-led military invasion during the year 1984.
Thriller about a burnt out New York ex-cop Reuben Castle (Robert Urich) and a female sheriff (Jo Beth Williams) who begin to fall in love while investigating a string of mysterious cattle mutilations in a small Colorado town. Castle is a retired alcoholic police lieutenant out visiting the town with his tomboy daughter. At first he tries to stay out of the case but finds himself involved after the mysterious death of his friend Joe Hiatt. Hiatt was the editor of the local paper whose theories about black helicopters have aroused the ire of cattle baron Ben Morgan. Morgan seems to know much more about the cattle killings than he is telling, and may know why the organs of the dead cattle are being harvested. Castle is trying miserably to stay sober, and he finds himself back in danger and in love, as he and the sheriff work together to get to the bottom of the mystery, encountering incredible danger and resistance from the frightened locals. Morgan, who is turning the locals against Castle, also seems to have links to organizations which are not local, although these are denied.
An anti-matter power station on an orbiting asteroid is used by the local star system for energy. The station has been taken over by hostile aliens who are threatening to overload the power system which will turn the reactor into a massive black hole and destroy not only the planetary system, but several nearby stars as well.
The object of the game is to make it to the heavily defended power station and disable it before the reactor reaches critical mass and implodes.
''Bull Run to Chancellorsville'' is a tactical wargame that offers the player the opportunity to command the first battles of the American Civil War. Six Civil War battles are included in Volume I. Two players may manage either the Confederate or Union army, with play also governed by applying one of three handicap levels to each side, or a single player can request that the computer manage either army.
The film plays out as a flashback, experienced by a young Korean boy, as he, like his great-great-grandfather prepares to play baseball. The flashback opens with the protagonist of the film, Yi Ho-chang, and his friend in a field. The two are supposed to be studying; however Yi Ho-chang is preoccupied with his soccer ball, which he accidentally kicks into a nearby property. Ho-chang climbs the gate to retrieve his ball, and finds himself within the walls of the American Christian missionary school. There he discovers a much smaller and harder ball, which he comically mistakes for his shrunken soccer ball. At this point a Christian missionary appears and explains to the confused Ho-chang that he is in fact holding a baseball. Ho-chang quickly flees the premise; however his fascination with the new sport ensures his return for further investigation. Ho-chang, accompanied by several interested Koreans return to the school to join the YMCA baseball league. The unlikely group, and their female coach, Min Jung-rim prove to be successful, and quickly become the pride of their town.
Throughout the film Ho-chang falls madly in love with his un-interested female coach, adding to the comic relief. One day while headed to practice the team is confronted by a group of Japanese soldiers, who claim that their practice ground is a new Japanese training camp. To settle the dispute one of the team members, Oh Dae-hyeon, who went to school in Tokyo with the Japanese Officer, suggests a competitive game of baseball. The game would not only settle the dispute, but it would also be a way for the Koreans to establish themselves against Japan, and for the players to further prove themselves to the skeptics of their town. Meanwhile, a more serious dispute is going on between the Korean diplomats and the revolutionary thinkers, over the signing of the Eulsa Treaty that officially made Korea a protectorate of Japan. Coincidentally, Oh Dae-hyeon and Min Jong-rim are members of the Anti-Eulsa League, an organization formed in protest of the Five Eulsa Traitors, which one of their teammate's, Kwang-tae, father belongs to. Due to all of the suppressed tension, the YMCA team loses to the Japanese, also losing their chance to dignify themselves in the face of their suppressors. Devastated over the loss, the team members decide to abandon baseball and return to more practical roles in society. Ho-chang fulfills his fathers wish and takes over the family school, despite his desires to become a great baseball player. In the end, the team reunites for one final and quite dramatic rematch against the Japanese. The Koreans victory in this rematch symbolizes their unity in baseball, and their ability to come together despite the social and cultural issues facing the changing country.
''Snoopy Flying Ace'' is a fictional story set in 1917 Europe and northern Africa during World War I. Snoopy, a famous Allied fighter pilot, must combat the Imperial German Army Air Service. His primary target is a specialized group of pilots dubbed the Flying Circus, and its commander, Manfred von Richthofen, otherwise known as the Red Baron. The game features several characters from the ''Peanuts'' franchise, some belonging to the Royal Flying Corps in the Allied members of the French army faction, others to the German Empire in the Central Powers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire faction. During multiplayer matches players can choose any character, regardless of faction alignment during the campaign. The player's Xbox 360 avatar can also be used during gameplay, and is aligned to the faction of the player's choice.
A new planet begins to approach Earth. Scientists know nothing about the planet and decide to venture to it in order to discover its inhabitants and conditions. They discover that it is inhabited by dinosaurs and bears a resemblance to ancient Earth. The planet, named Mamango, broke off from Earth 5 million years ago and has come back for the first time since. The team soon discovers that criminals have stowed away on their space ship and that they have come to Mamango for their own devious reasons.
In 1943, Dave (Stephen Boyd), an officer, and Jim (Tony Wright), escape from separate prison camps and are paired together by the underground. They are taken to Marseille by a fishing boat captain to wait in the Old Port Quarter for the right opportunity to try for Britain. While they wait, local woman Lise (Anna Gaylor) falls in love with Dave. He is attracted to her, but is engaged.
As a sub-plot, Emile Blanchard (Eugene Deckers) refers those desperate to leave France to his associate Dr. Martout (James Robertson Justice), unaware Martout is a serial killer who grows rich from his crimes (this character parallels the real life French poisoner Marcel Petiot). Jewish undertaker Schlip and ex-Vichy official Bourdin (George Coulouris) become his latest victims during the film.
Given an ultimatum by his displeased superiors to do something about the French Resistance, the German military commander of the city decides to evacuate and demolish the crime-infested Old Quarter, where Dave and Jim are hiding, with only two hours' warning. Dave wants to wait for the fishing captain, but Jim chooses to try Dr. Martout. When the captain does show up, Dave goes to fetch Jim, barely saving him from becoming Martout's 100th victim. Martout escapes in his car, but in his haste, crashes and is killed. With buildings blowing up right and left, the pair make their way, with Lise's help, to the boat and freedom. Aboard the boat, Dave and Lise embrace.
Sixteen-year-old Alison Findlay, along with two of her female classmates, Chrissie and Maureen, play with a ouija board. During the session, Chrissie apparently becomes possessed by an entity claiming to be Alison's father, warning her that something bad will occur on her 19th birthday. Moments later, a bookcase collapses on Chrissie, killing her.
Nearly three years later, Alison has her boyfriend Pete accompany her to their hometown for her 19th birthday. Alison returns to the home of her Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dean, both of whom raised Alison from infancy after her parents died in a car accident. Near their home, Alison discovers a large stone construct in the woods resembling Stonehenge. Uncle Dean tells Alison the construct was built by the home's previous owner, who was an enthusiast of ancient history. Later that night, Alison is awoken in bed by a strange elderly woman whom she does not know. Her Aunt Jenny informs Alison that the woman is Alison's 103-year-old Grandmother Thorne, whom she has never met.
Dean and Jenny take an immediate dislike to Pete, and make numerous attempts to keep him away from Alison. However, Pete remains persistent in visiting her. To prevent him from returning, Dean and Jenny drug Alison, causing her to fall ill, and summon a false doctor to diagnose her. The imposter physician prescribes that she stay home and avoid visitors. That night, Pete breaks into the home to rescue Alison, but is stopped by the doctor and Dean who subdue and drug them both. Jenny and Dean manage to coach the inebriated Alison into telling the police that Pete has been stalking her, causing him to be arrested.
After Pete is freed on bail the following day, he begins researching the details of Alison's birthparents at the library. Along with the help of his friend Sally, a freelancing astrologer with some education on the occult, he determines that Alison's aunt and uncle are in fact not her aunt and uncle at all, but members of a Celtic cult who kidnapped her from the hospital as a child based on her birth time, which was exactly 19:00 (7:00 p.m.). Pete surmises that Dean and Jenny plan to sacrifice Alison to a Celtic demon named Mirna, who is commonly associated with the number 19. Pete and Sally suspect that Mirna inhabits the body of Grandmother Thorne.
Pete is accosted by members of the cult who attempt to kill him in an abandoned cemetery, but he manages to escape. Armed with a pistol and a crucifix, Pete returns to Dean and Jenny's home that night to stop the ritual, and finds Alison at the stone monolith in the woods along with Jenny, Dean, and other supposed family members—including Grandmother Thorne—all donning druid shawls. Alison pleads for Pete to throw the crucifix at the cultists to deter them. He agrees, and the two flee through the forest. In a clearing, Pete trips and falls, dropping his gun. Alison retrieves it, only to tell him that he was too late—the cultists have already completed their soul transference, resulting in Mirna inhabiting the young Alison's body, while Alison's soul is now inhabiting the infirm body of Grandmother Thorne. She proceeds to shoot Pete to death.
When police arrive, Dean, Jenny, and Alison (now Mirna) assure them that Pete had arrived to crash Alison's birthday party with nefarious intentions, planning to kidnap her, and accidentally died in a scuffle when his gun discharged. Based on Pete's arrest the night before, detectives believe the story to be true. After police leave, Jenny and Dean visit Grandmother Thorne (now Alison) as she awakens in her bed. Alison is initially oblivious to what has occurred, but screams in horror when she sees her aged hands, realizing that her soul has been transferred to the 104-year-old body of Grandmother Thorne.
In 1998, Sam Gold (Jesse Eisenberg), is a mild-mannered 20-year-old Orthodox Jewish man who lives with his large family in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn. Sam works in his father Mendel's fabric store while studying to be a rabbi. He and his family hope to arrange a marriage for him with Zeldy Lazar (Stella Keitel). However, Sam's family is much poorer than the Lazars, and he worries he will be unable to provide for them.
Sam and his best friend Leon (Jason Fuchs) accept a mysterious job offer from Leon's brother Yosef (Justin Bartha) and his boss, the Israeli Jackie (Danny Abeckaser). Under the auspices of visiting a rabbi in Atlantic City, Yosef sends them to Amsterdam, with instructions to wait for him. While there, the pair are given a briefcase, which Yosef says contains medicine, and are instructed to walk it through customs in New York. Back in New York, after a comment from Maxim, Yosef's muscle, the pair discover the briefcase contains pure ecstasy. Leon wants nothing more to do with Yosef or his operation, but Sam is attracted to the easy money and decides to continue.
Sam becomes a participant in Jackie's operation, making trips to Amsterdam to pick up suitcases. He is paid to recruit other young Orthodox Jews as mules, who implicitly trust him as one of their own. Sam meets the liberal Jewish girl Rachel (Ari Graynor), Jackie's girlfriend, and drinks alcohol and takes ecstasy with the gang. When Sam brokers a business deal with European drug manufacturer Ephraim (Q-Tip) that Jackie almost abandoned, his influence in the organisation grows, as does his relationships with Yosef and Rachel, who both take interest in him.
Meanwhile, Sam slowly leaves the yeshiva. His new job, which he originally covered up as legal importing of medicine, is well-known around his neighborhood, and his parents, fearing their family's reputation in the community, kick him out of the house. Sam discovers Yosef has been skimming money from Jackie through side deals, which Sam, fearing the repercussions, objects to. After escaping a failed deal, Sam goes to meet Jackie, who promptly leaves for a meeting at a nightclub. While alone, Rachel attempts to seduce Sam and encourage him to run away with her, but fails to do so.
Jackie, in a meeting with Ephraim and Sam, wants to ship street ecstasy, which contains a higher percentage of other drugs, into America. When Sam voices his objections, Jackie rebuffs him, leading him to have an argument with Rachel. Sam attempts to convince Rachel to escape to Lithuania, but Rachel, having changed her mind about Sam, refuses. Sam then decides to continue with the operation despite the added risk; these drugs, carried by unwitting young Orthodox Jews, are picked up by drug-sniffing dogs and the mules are arrested.
Sam, who no longer dresses like an Orthodox Jew, is not checked at customs with the mules and manages to escape. He goes to warn Yosef, who is high at a nightclub. Yosef suggests they drive to the West Coast to lay low with his cousin. Sam, not willing to go with Yosef's plan, returns to his childhood home in a panic. He is greeted there by Leon, now married to Zeldy and studying to become a rabbi as Sam was once intended to. Sam, realising that he will be arrested, weeps on his front steps as the sirens in the distance grow closer, until a police car pulls up.
In the epilogue, it is revealed that Sam and his Orthodox mules received 28 months in a federal boot camp, where they became informants of Jackie and Yosef's operation. Over six months between 1998 and 1999, the operation managed to smuggle over one million ecstasy pills to America, via Sam and the other mules. Jackie and Yosef receive 16 years in prison on drug conspiracy charges, while Rachel also receives a year for participation. Sam and Mendel are then seen walking and talking during a visitation, implying that Sam has reunited with his family.
The story started by events set in the past, when the landlord Laureano Gomez Acuña tricks Roque Sosa, his employee in his farm, into giving him the lands he intended to inherit to his sons. His wife Elisa Sosa is blackmailed to leave the country, and the 3 sons of Roque are sent to different locations. Roque Sosa dies shortly after. The main character of the story is Leonardo Sosa, one of the lost sons of Roque Sosa, who discovers the truth in his adulthood and intends to get revenge on Laureano. For this he locates his two brothers, Segundo and Enzo. Segundo was living at another farm and held under harsh conditions by his tutor, while Enzo was a criminal held in prison. Both of them are freed from those places by Leo, who designs new identities for themselves as Leonardo, Segundo and Enzo Morales. Then they install a car repair shop next to Laureano's home, with the intention of becoming known and gaining confident with him, and then be capable to disrupt his business and political career.
Leonardo soon discovers that Alma is his childhood girlfriend, but he can't tell her his identity because she has confidence in Laureano. He later found out that Laureano's daughter Juana had fallen in love with him and stayed with her to increase his trust in Laureano. However, Juana is very jealous of Alma and keeps attacking her and complaining to Leo. To avoid the risk of him leaving her, she falsely claimed that she was pregnant, and quickly after Juana and Leo get married.
The Sosa took advantage of the new filial relation of Leo and Laureano to keep disrupting his activities, while Laureano ignored who was opposing him. Married to Juana, but still loving Alma, Leo contacts her by internet as Leonardo Sosa and chats with her, while pretending to be in another country. When Alma requested to see him with a webcam, he requested Nicolás Ortega, an old friend from the Police, to chat with her posing as Leonardo Sosa, but it turned out against him when Ortega actually falls in love with Alma. However, when Laureano learns that Alma was dating Leonardo Sosa (ignoring as her the deception being done), he kidnaps and tortures him to death. When the kidnapping took place Nicolas's wallet was left behind, and with it Alma learns that he wasn't really Leonardo Sosa.
Incapable of maintaining the lie of being pregnant, Juana sets up a situation to blame Alma of making her lost her pregnancy, but when Leo discovers the whole lie he lefts Juana, regardless of the plan. Alma was with Patricio by then, a new character added to the story, but reunites with Leo. By the time Alma learns about Leonardo and Ortega being friends, Leo tells her the whole truth, including his real identity and the plan to harm Laureano. In the meantime, Juana was hospitalized and later gets amnesia during an accident. She recovers her memory a while afterwards, but did not say so because of being better treated by others when they thought she did not remember past crimes.
Two new characters are added to the story. Andy, a step-sister of Leo, joins the car repair shop, and Leo makes her a part of the plan immediately. Elisa Sosa, mother of Sosa brothers, is revealed to have faked her death, and while staying hidden from Laureano she was searching for her sons. She took part in a painting contest with her son, Enzo, but neither of them realized their relation because of using pseudonyms.
Much of Bingtown has been destroyed after the conflict that broke out on the night of the Satrap's disappearance. The different factions in Bingtown struggle against each other even as they hold off the invading Chalcedeans. Ronica Vestrit comes to accept that Bingtown must turn away from its traditions in order to survive. She clashes with Serilla, the companion to the Satrap who has assumed his authority, seeking to protect herself. With the help of Rache, a slave, Ronica seeks to unite the Old Traders, New Traders, Three Ships folk, and the ex-slave Tattooed to form a new, independent order in Bingtown.
In the Rain Wilds, Tintaglia, the dragon that Reyn and Selden freed from her cocoon, saves the two from the ruins of the underground city. Malta is alive stranded in a boat with the Satrap. They float down the Rain Wild River and are rescued by a Chalcedean ship. Malta ensures their survivals by influencing the Satrap's behavior. Believing Malta dead, the Vestrits and some Rain Wilders return to Bingtown, where they help negotiate a new, united Bingtown. Tintaglia is determined to rescue her kind from extinction, but she finds the landscape changed and must appeal to the humans for help. She helps defeat the Chalcedean warships and proposes an alliance with the Bingtowners. Reyn and Selden are changinng due to their connection the dragon, becoming like the ancient Elderlings. Reyn agrees help Tintaglia on the condition that she help him find Malta.
On the Vivacia, Wintrow recovers from his contact with the serpent She Who Remembers. He now knows that liveships are created from the cocoons of dead dragons. When Vivacia learns this, she is so distraught that she flees inside herself. She reawakes with the memories of a conniving dragon named Bolt. Bolt bargains with Kennit: she communicates Kennit's orders to the serpents in exchange for Kennit eventually letting the ship guide the serpents up the Rain Wild River. With the serpents serving him, Kennit's power grows. Etta secretly aims to become pregnant with his child, while Wintrow grows to love Etta.
Althea and Brashen sail the mad liveship Paragon in hopes of retrieving Vivacia from Kennit. Paragon arrives in Divvytown, and it is revealed that Paragon is the liveship that Igrot the Terrible sailed. Kennit is a descendent of the Ludluck family who was bonded with Paragon and kept hostage on him. Paragon pursues Vivacia. Althea and Brashen plan to negotiate with Kennit, but Kennit attacks Paragon with the serpents. He speaks with Paragon about their past agreement: they contrived that Paragon would absorb all of Kennit's memories of Igrot's abuse so that Kennit could start over. Paragon then attempted to sink himself, but eventually returned to Bingtown. Kennit believes he must erase his painful past by gaining all the power that Igrot had, so he orders Paragon to die again, sending the ship into a storm. Kennit then takes Althea hostage and attempts to manipulate her to join him. While she is drugged, Kennit rapes her. When Althea later manages to escape, her story is not believed even by Wintrow and the reawakened Vivacia, who trust that Kennit is doing good for the Pirate Isles. Only Etta realizes that Althea is telling the truth, creating a rift in her relationship with Kennit and eventually Wintrow's as well.
Brashen manages to sail Paragon to safety. Despite still loving Kennit, Paragon decides he must confront the pirate again. Paragon allows Amber to carve him a new face, lessening his madness somewhat. He tells the crew where they can find Kennit's mother, who they take hostage before pursuing Vivacia again.
Malta has decided to secure the Satrap's life by having him ally with Kennit. They board Vivacia with the promise that Jaimaillia will recognize Kennit's kingship of the Pirate Isles, but they are soon attacked by Jamaillian and Chalcedean ships attempting to assassinate the Satrap. During the battle, Tintaglia arrives with Reyn, dropping him off before leading the serpents away. The Satrap is captured; Kennit attempts to take him back and is mortally wounded. Paragon arrives in time for Kennit to die on his deck so that Paragon absorbs his memories and becomes complete. Wintrow takes command of Vivacia's crew while Althea chooses to reunite with Brashen. Together, Paragon and Vivacia escape their attackers.
In the aftermath, the Satrap is restored to power and an alliance is formed between the separate states of Jamaillia, Bingtown, and the Pirate Isles. Etta will rule as Pirate Queen with Wintrow's help until Kennit's child comes of age. Reyn and Malta, now becoming Elderlings, represent the Rain Wilders' and the dragon's interests. Althea is first mate to Brashen on Paragon, and the ship eventually helps her let go of the trauma of her rape. Wintrow captains Vivacia while Tintaglia leads the serpents to their cocooning grounds, where they prepare to become dragons.
Rosa von Praunheim's portrait of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, born Lothar Bergfelde in 1928, is probably the best-known transvestite in the former GDR (Charlotte is often misrepresented as a transgender person. Even if he liked to play with gender roles, he defined himself as a transvestite). In a mixture of documentation, interview and staged scenes, Rosa von Praunheim traces the stages of an outsider's life: from playing hide-and-seek under the Nazis to setting up his Gründerzeit museum in Mahlsdorf to the harassment in the GDR. After an eventful life with many hurdles, he was finally awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Bessie Barriscale played the role of Lillian Henry, “a beautiful young girl who enjoys all the tinsel and glitter of society life and is willing to marry simply for money and all the luxuries and pleasures that its possession will bring.” One reviewer described Barriscale’s character as a “young girl” who “decides that she will practically sell herself to a youth of wealth.” Frank Mills plays Bert Werden, “the young unspoiled man, who was determined to give his wife her fill of his continual search for the golden fleece.”
Following their marriage, Bert Werden loses his fortune, and his wife goads him to restore her to wealth and luxury again. He works day and night and bets on the stock market. His health is almost wrecked and he becomes “money mad” and neglects his wife. Eventually, both characters learn that other things are more important than money. Barriscale’s character wins her husband back and gives him $50,000, a sum he had given her at the start of their marriage, to give him a new start.
Claire doesn't enjoy the profession at all, but owes her pimp money and must continue to work. She goes to neighboring Newark, New Jersey, where she has a cousin. She takes a job in a salon and forms a relationship with her cousin and Siobhan.
Before long, she begins to receive suspicious phone calls; at work, she is called to the phone and when she answers there is no one on the line. At home in the middle of the night she receives another call. After hanging up, the phone rings again. She feels unsafe, that perhaps Roland has found her, and so she leaves her apartment and walks to a nearby bar. As soon as she walks in, she sits down at a man's table, asking if he is waiting for someone. When he says no, she asks him to dance with her. Claire and Elton dance for a few hours and we next see her waking up in his bed the next morning. It is apparent that she picked up someone to take her home with them, for a safe place to spend the night. When she arrives home, she feels something is out of place. He watches her speak to someone (Roland), then follows her to a hotel where she stays for quite some time, then gives up waiting.
At Dolan's apartment, there is a knock on her door. Elton confronts her about who she really is, where she lives, and asks if she has a pimp and if she owes him any money. Over the next few days/weeks, they go to work and meet afterward. Elton has feelings for her, and the two exchange I-love-you's. Elton goes to see Roland, who has been expecting him. Roland grabs the other man by the throat and tells him Claire always was and always will be a whore and that he should get out while he can.
It is implied she may be his own daughter. He also speaks with an Eastern European prostitute in a hotel room, but seems uninterested in having sex with her, and asks her some questions. He returns to the city. Claire has gone to the doctor and checks out okay. She continues to see a few clients, but during one visit, she thinks she sees Elton's reflection on the balcony outside and goes to the window, cracking it to look out. Her client comes into the room and has her leave it open for the air, and they carry on, with Elton on the balcony.
Now having enough money to pay off her debt, she goes to pay off Roland. He asks her if she is going to keep her baby, then congratulates her, offering her a packet of money "for the baby" but she refuses. He insists, but she continues to refuse his money as it would be something Roland could hold over her in the future. She goes home, packs a suitcase with an air of finality, and goes to the airport.
Elton is walking down the street with a blond woman when Roland passes by and stops him to say hello. Elton introduces the woman as his wife, and she and Roland talk for a moment. She is seven months pregnant with a girl.
Major Alexandra Everett, a decorated Marine officer (Dreya Weber) unexpectedly returns home from the Iraq War and is quickly recruited to help Saffron (Paris P. Pickard), a troubled teen, prepare for boot camp,. However, when the true reasons for Alexandra's return become known, it threatens the future for both of them.
On returning from rehab, House walks into Cuddy's office and quits. When he reports to Dr. Nolan, his psychiatrist, that his leg pain has returned, Nolan suggests that House take up a hobby that can channel his focus. House decides to learn how to cook. He joins Wilson in a cooking class. With House no longer in charge, Foreman wants to run the diagnostic department and Cuddy allows him a chance to do it. Foreman settles in House's office, and discusses Vince's case with Taub and Thirteen.
Foreman plans to treat him for complex regional pain syndrome with a spinal stimulation. But Vince has looked up his symptoms on the Internet, and thinks he has mercury poisoning. Ignoring Foreman's orders, Thirteen and Taub perform the test for mercury and not the spinal stimulation. Despite Foreman saying his mercury test was negative, Vince demands treatment for the mercury but Foreman challenges him. As Taub and Thirteen administer the spinal stimulation, Vince's lungs begin filling with fluid. A thickened left ventricle in his heart is causing pulmonary edema. Taub suspects cocaine use. Foreman admits to Thirteen that he has been comparing himself to House. Taub and Thirteen go search Vince's office.
As Taub and Thirteen play SavageScape at the developer's office, she complains that Foreman told her that he made a dinner reservation rather than asking her. Thirteen realizes that Vince, in researching the birds in the video game, may have caught an avian-related disease. Later, Thirteen discovers that Vince has had a three-hour erection. The doctors implant a stent for the priapism. Thirteen suggests a brain tumor but Foreman overrules her with a diagnosis of thrombocytosis. Taub agrees with Foreman. Thirteen and Foreman are arguing about the new dynamic in their relationship when they see unknown doctors in the patient's room.
Cuddy visits House at Wilson's apartment. He is cooking with a Chinese classmate and they talk about Cuddy in Chinese. Cuddy wants to know if she is the reason that House left the hospital, and he tells her no. House later decides to give up cooking because his leg pain returns. He confides to Dr. Nolan that he's afraid of turning back to Vicodin.
Later, House goes back to his apartment and finds a bottle of Vicodin that he had stashed away. Wilson later finds House feeling much better, which worries him. Wilson shares his concerns with Cuddy. He tells her that he had House's urine tested and it came back clean because it was from a dog. Wilson and Cuddy confront House. To prove he is clean, he urinates in their presence.
Vince posts his symptoms on the internet. Doctors of highly different levels of skill come in to diagnose him. Before Foreman kicks them out, one doctor suggests a brain tumor. Thirteen tries to be diplomatic by saying that the diagnosis of both Foreman and the other doctor have merits. Foreman is angry that Thirteen did not completely back him up. Vince's MRI comes out clean, so Foreman orders Thirteen to treat for thrombocytosis.
Thirteen complains to House, who has been expecting her to visit because he predicted that tensions would occur in her relationship with Foreman, now that he's in power. He tells her to give in to Foreman to save their relationship. Foreman apologizes to Thirteen and they make up. However, Vince's lymph nodes swell up. Foreman was wrong about thrombocytosis. Vince offers a $25,000 reward for an answer online. The team is swamped by suggestions sent in from the public. Vince decides to go with the majority diagnosis and demands to be tested for amyloidosis. Foreman makes a deal with him: Foreman will test for amyloidosis, but if the test result is negative then Vince must cease requesting help on the internet.
Meanwhile, Taub quits, having received a recommendation from a friend to start a surgical practice. Foreman doesn't understand this move as he's holding up the diagnostics department so Taub and Thirteen can keep their jobs. Taub explains he came here to work because of House, not the department. Foreman is discouraged and turns to Thirteen for support.
The test results show deposits in the renal endothelium consistent with amyloidosis. Vince hallucinates that he is in the world of the video game, and spikes a fever. Thirteen and Foreman discuss the diagnosis while Vince is in a cold tub. Thirteen wants to turn to the internet theories but Foreman thinks Vince has light-chain deposition disease (LCDD), which can be treated with chemotherapy. Later, Foreman takes a shower and notices his pruned fingers in the locker room. He rushes to stop the chemotherapy.
Vince's fingers did not prune up after being in the bathtub for an hour. This is a symptom of Fabry disease. Thirteen also came to this conclusion based on iodine mumps, which came from an Internet suggestion. Thirteen comes to see Foreman in House's office. He is angry, but he needs her love and does not want their jobs to come between them. Because of this conflict, Foreman fires Thirteen.
House shows up at Dr. Nolan's office with a check for $25,000—he was the one who had solved Vince's case online. House tells Nolan that when he began diagnosing cases, the pain in his leg stopped. Nolan thinks it is best for House to return to diagnostic medicine in order to save him from his addiction.
Silent film femme fatale, Louise Glaum, portrays the role of Mignon, a Parisian music hall celebrity. Mignon marries a young American civil engineer, John Stanley, portrayed by Matt Moore. Stanley is transferred to Egypt to work on an engineering project in the Sahara. Mignon and her son, portrayed by Pat Moore, join Stanley in the desert. Unhappy with life in the desert, Mignon leaves Stanley and her son in the desert and moves to Cairo with the wealthy Baron Alexis, portrayed by Edwin Stevens. Mignon lives in Baron Alexis' palace while Stanley goes blind and becomes addicted to the drug hasheesh. Mignon later encounters Stanley and her son, who have become beggars in the streets of Cairo. Mignon returns to the desert to care for her husband, and the two are reconciled.
Glee club member Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) is caught dancing to Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" by his father Burt (Mike O'Malley), and claims that it is a football exercise, and that he is now part of the team. Fellow glee club member and football quarterback Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) helps Kurt to practice, and finds him to be a skilled kicker. Finn convinces coach Ken Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher) to let Kurt try out for the team. Ken is delighted to find such an asset for the team and adds Kurt as the kicker.
Finn's girlfriend Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) tells him she is pregnant, claiming her pregnancy as a result of Finn's premature ejaculation when they made out in Quinn's hot tub. Finn worries that his future prospects will be diminished by fatherhood. He asks glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) to coach the football team at dancing, believing it will help them to improve, increasing his chances of securing a football scholarship. Finn confides Quinn's news to his best friend Puck (Mark Salling), who later confronts Quinn, claiming to be the baby's father, since she said she was a virgin when they had sex. Quinn rejects Puck, calling him a "Lima loser" who could never support her and the baby like Finn. Will's wife Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig) reveals to her sister Kendra (Jennifer Aspen) that she experienced a hysterical pregnancy and is not really carrying Will's baby. Kendra suggests that they acquire a baby, and when Terri learns of Quinn's pregnancy from Will, she confronts her, asking questions about her prenatal care.
Cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) approaches former glee club director Sandy Ryerson (Stephen Tobolowsky) and enlists him in her plan to sabotage the club. She blackmails Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) into appointing Sandy as the school's new Arts director, and together they hold auditions for a school production of ''Cabaret'', hoping to entice away the glee club's star, Rachel Berry (Lea Michele). Rachel feels slighted when Will awards Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz) a solo that she wanted, so she auditions for the musical and is given the lead role. When Will refuses to reassign the solo to Rachel, she quits the club.
The football team puts their dance training into practice by performing the "Single Ladies" routine in the middle of a game, confusing and distracting the opposition, and with Kurt's help is able to win. Buoyed by his success, Kurt comes out to his father Burt and tells him that he's homosexual; Burt tells him he knew all along and loves Kurt just the same.
After the bandit El Gavilan and his men blow up their oil rig, broke wildcatters Jeff Dawson and "Dutch" Peterson head back to town looking for work. Sal Donnelly, an American down on her luck, tries to use her charms to get Jeff to buy her a ticket to get home; Jeff offers his oil lease as payment, but the ticket taker shows him a fistful of leases he already has.
Jeff accepts a very dangerous job delivering unstable nitroglycerin the next day for $800, despite Dutch's protests. That night, Dutch tries to mug a man for enough money to buy a meal. The man turns out to be "Paco" Conway, an old friend and former partner of Jeff and Dutch, who has struck it rich. He offers them work, but his marriage to Jeff's old flame Marina makes Jeff turn it down. The next day, Jeff and Dutch (and the nitroglycerin) are ambushed by El Gavilan. They get away, though Dutch is shot in the leg.
When Jeff goes to collect their pay, Jackson claims he does not have that much on him. Sal, whom Jackson is romancing, tells Jeff that Jackson has $2500 in his wallet. Jeff gets his money, after a brawl, and gives $200 to Sal for her ticket. However, a policeman confiscates Jeff's $600, as Jackson has other creditors, though he is gracious enough to leave Sal her money. With Dutch in the hospital, Jeff reluctantly goes to work for Paco, drilling a new oil well.
Marina makes romantic overtures to Jeff, but he avoids her as best he can. He reminds her that he loved her once, but could not trust her. She admits it, but says she realized she loved him too after he had left. Paco remains oblivious to what is going on. To Jeff's initial annoyance, Sal gets a job as a blackjack dealer and sticks around. Later though, he starts going into town to see her.
When El Gavilan threatens to blow up Paco's oil wells unless he pays $50,000 extortion money, Paco considers paying, much to Jeff's disgust. Marina sides with Jeff, calling her husband a coward. A drunken Paco later laments publicly that his wife loves another man. He finally realizes the other man is Jeff. When Paco tells her that he loves her regardless, Marina pushes him into a well, where the machinery kills him. Marina claims that Paco fell in by accident. When she lets slip to Jeff that she killed Paco so they could be together, he nearly strangles her, then regains control of himself and leaves the house. Just then, the bandits attack. The local police and Jeff fight them. Marina is irresistibly drawn to the fatal oil well during the battle, and dies when it is blown up. Jeff kills El Gavilan, then leaves with Dutch and Sal.
Gaynor Jacks has come home. Home to Coventry, home to her mum and dad's house, home to the three best friends who called her mad for ever leaving. At 17 she ran off to find her place in the big wide world, but now she's back - at 29 - with her tail between her legs and not so much as a starter home to show for her troubles. Gaynor can't hide forever in her tiny time-capsule bedroom with its Trainspotting poster peeling above the single bed and Wonderwall still paused on the CD player. She must crawl back into the life she left behind, suffering the gleeful sympathy of her friends and ill-judged parental intrusions, all played out in front of old flames and adversaries she thought she'd never see again, and underscored by smirking cries of 'See you're back then'.
In Reading, Pennsylvania, former high school basketball star Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom is dissatisfied with both his failure to find a career and with his loveless marriage to Janice, an alcoholic who is pregnant with a child neither of them wants. Following an argument with Janice, Rabbit looks up his old basketball coach Marty Tothero, who is now living in squalor. Marty decides that Rabbit needs a woman, and he introduces him to Ruth, a part-time prostitute. When Rabbit moves in with Ruth, Jack Eccles, the family minister, tries to persuade him to return to his wife, but Rabbit refuses.
Eventually, Rabbit also becomes disenchanted with Ruth, and when Janice has her baby, Rabbit goes to the hospital and effects a reconciliation. For a time, they live in relative harmony, but Janice's insistence on a less active sex life leads to bitterness, and Rabbit again takes off. Janice resumes her solitary drinking, this time with tragic results; while in a drunken stupor, she accidentally drowns the baby. Learning of his child's death, Rabbit returns home and finds that everyone holds him responsible.
At the funeral, Rabbit responds to his parents' and in-laws' accusing glances by screaming his innocence. Fleeing from the cemetery, he goes to Ruth's apartment; but Ruth, who is now pregnant with his child, refuses to let him in unless he agrees to divorce Janice and marry her. Although he promises to do so, Rabbit is still unable to make a commitment to anyone and runs away again.
The film opens in England in the court of Queen Victoria. Lord Anthony Huntington, the country's foremost shipbuilder, is tasked with preventing the United States from breaking England's grip on the tea trade. Huntington boasts that his new ship, ''Lord of the Isles'', will outsail any American ship.
In America, the U.S. president meets with a Boston shipbuilder, Thomas Winslow, who vows that his new vessel will challenge England's flaunted speed. The builder introduces his son, Hal Winslow (William Boyd), who will command the new ''Yankee Clipper'' on its maiden voyage to China. The President tells the young captain that America's hope of prestige on the seas rests with him.
Several days into the journey, a stowaway, a young boy named Mickey Murphy (Junior Coughlan) is found hiding in a burlap sack. The boy is an orphan who announces his hatred of women.
While in China, Winslow attends a dinner hosted by a wealthy Chinese merchant and rescues an English woman Lady Jocelyn Huntington (Elinor Fair) from rioting beggars.
Winslow agrees to a race from China to Boston against the ''Lord of the Isles''. He wins the race and Lady Jocelyn.
The program follows Indie's journey as she tries to get the most out of life despite the travails of junior high school and the expectations of her Indian parents. She is joined by her two best friends Marlon Parks and Abigail "Abi" Flores.
She often falls into the trap of caring more about what her peers think of her than who she wants to be herself, and consequently spends a lot of time trying to impress her classmates. When not focusing on Indie, the show focuses on Marlon and Abi.
A given episode will usually show Marlon's quirky antics getting him into a troublesome situation. Abi will have to help extricate him, which she willingly does, feeling pity on him. Sometimes, however, they swap roles as Marlon tries to play it cool.
Tancredo, a poor man, is in love with a rich girl, who does not return his feelings. One day when she is bathing in a river, a flood sweeps her away and Tancredo is unable to save her. Mad with grief, he steals the sun. The gods call Apolinar to restore light to the earth, but he is obstructed by the magician of darkness, until by means of a telescope he is able to send a bag of light to Tancredo, now grown old. Tancredo goes to the seashore and opens the bag of light as an offering to his beloved, whereupon the sun returns to the earth.
In his old age Vasco Moscoso Aragão, Master Mariner, arrives in Periperi. His stories of distant and exotic ports and exotic and sensual women, make all the town's inhabitants become envious. The sole exception is Chico Pacheco, who does not believe him, and thinks that he is a braggart. After some investigation in Salvador, Chico returns with his version of events: Vasco is a wealthy businessman who lived a bohemian life in his youth with a group of friends, and who then took the title of ''Commander'' to satisfy his desire to have a title and not simply be known as "Mr. Vasco". His friends gave him the title of ''commander'', and even awarded him a medal, obtained illegally. Vasco identified himself so strongly with his role that he started to wear official uniforms complete with medals, smoking his pipe, and collecting sea objects.
Now the two versions of Vasco's life, the commander's and Chico Pacheco's, divide the town into those who believe in the commander and those who believe him to be a boastful liar.
Fate leads Vasco Moscoso to command a ship sailing from Salvador to Belém, stopping in various ports along the coast. The commander also decides to show his friends of Periperi that he is a real sea captain.
The trip takes place without incident; in fact, Vasco leaves the management to the second officer. But upon arrival in the state of Parà in Belém, the second officer makes fun of the commander, asking him how many ropes are required to moor the vessel in port, saying it is a maritime tradition that the master decides how to moor the ship.
Undecided, the commander says all the ropes, and laughter erupts on the ship in the port and across Belém. Realizing his mistake, Vasco takes refuge in a cheap boarding house, gets drunk on cachaça, and falls asleep deeply saddened and disappointed.
But that night the city of Belem endures the most violent storm that anyone has ever seen, leaving roofless houses, corpses, destroyed plantations, and a ruined port. All ships are damaged or drifting except for the ship of Captain Vasco Moscoso Aragão, which remains intact and durable, just as it docked.
The commander returns victorious to Periperi, honored by awards and acclaimed by all the newspapers; the citizens who had previously defamed him are now his most ardent fans. The dream of the commander can continue.
Future Ted describes a date he went on in 2009, and the screen quickly changes to show a side-by-side shot of him preparing in 2009 and 2002. It turns out that Ted is about to go on a blind date with Jen, a woman he went on another blind date with in 2002. After going to exactly the same restaurant and exchanging the same dialogue, including a pun about shellfish that Jen describes as "really bad", Ted and Jen realize they are repeating their blind date from seven years ago. They remember that the date was horrible, from Ted's snobbish behavior to Jen's obsession with her cats and her ex-boyfriend. Frightened by the prospect of having to date everyone in New York City again, they decide to retrace their steps to find the mistakes of the first date.
Learning new things about themselves on the first date, Ted and Jen head to MacLaren's, where the gang is there to help them retrace the events of the 2002 date. Jen reveals that she thought Ted was checking out a woman at the bar, when Ted and Barney were really looking at "Mustache Marshall". Ted and Jen head up to the roof, and after they share a kiss they suddenly realize why they never had another date: Ted never called her. Ted apologizes for his blunder and gives a version of what might have happened had they gotten together. Before Ted and Jen can kiss again on the roof, he stops and realizes that their quirks are part of who they are and that they should hold out for someone who will not just tolerate them, but like them. Future Ted then tells his kids that when he told the shellfish pun to their mother, she laughed (almost completely sincerely).
Meanwhile, the rest of the gang grapples with relationship questions. Though Barney claims to have tickets to an origin of Chewbacca exhibit, which Marshall is genuinely excited about, they instead head to the ''Lusty Leopard'' strip bar, where Marshall is uncomfortable because he considers fantasies cheating. He explains to Barney that every time he wants to fantasize, he must create an elaborate scenario where Lily must die of a terminal illness. While they discuss this, Jasmine (Alyson Hannigan) — a stripper who looks exactly like Lily — appears on stage, exciting Barney to no end. He and Marshall return to MacLaren's and tell Robin and Lily about Lily's doppelgänger. It is also revealed that the gang has seen two other doppelgängers; a butch "Lesbian Robin", and "Mustache Marshall", Hispanic lawyer Señor Justicia. Lily is excited about the find, but Robin gets mad about Barney going to a strip club.
Barney makes Marshall tell Lily about his death fantasies that he uses to justify thinking about other women. Lily tells Marshall she is fine with him thinking about other women, at least as long as she is alive in the fantasy. Lily takes Marshall back to the strip club to fantasize about her doppelgänger to get over his discomfort, and is so enthralled by her stripper twin that she and Marshall get a private dance. Barney and Robin go too, where everyone recognizes him, stoking Robin's anger. She tells Barney how uncomfortable the thought of him going to a strip club makes her and wants to have a serious talk about their relationship, but Barney remains oblivious.
In the tag scene, Marshall comments to Lily that Jasmine is having trouble on stage. When "Lily" responds with a thick accent, a rather sullen tone and a cigarette in hand, "Jasmine" falls on stage and, realising that Lily has traded places with Jasmine and is now onstage, leaps up to help her.
The movie documents the lives of the lesser flamingos on the isolated shores of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania, revealing the breeding and parenting habits of the species. After mating on an immense salt island, the flamingos breed their chicks, who learn to survive and grow up in an extreme and dangerous environment. In the course of their journeys, they encounter marabou storks who prey on many eggs and newly born chicks and a spotted hyena who takes no pity on the adult flamingos.
As the film progresses, it focuses on the life of one of the flamingo chicks. The young flamingo teaches herself the key habits of the species. She successfully grows up to become a large, pink feathered bird and survives when the group is attacked by the hyena. Her story shows the strength and determination for life the flamingos have. The film ends by emphasizing the importance of preserving Lake Natron from pollution and exploitation to ensure the survival of the lesser flamingos, as over 80% of birds found in nature were born here.
Zoey and her friends face the usual teenage issues. Zoey keeps some secrets from her friends and gets in trouble with them, forcing her to consider the nature of friendship. Kristin Cast said that these moral dilemmas were included because "those are issues teenagers deal with... We're not afraid to discuss things that are actually happening." As with many contemporary vampire novels, exploration of human nature and social commentary forms a subtext. and Tsi Sgili are taken from real Cherokee legends.
A disc jockey and a hipster battle adults trying to ban rock and roll in a small town.
In 1957, W.W. Bright (Burt Reynolds) is an easygoing crook who robs only SOS ("Southland Oil System") gas stations. He meets the Dixie Dancekings, a country music band, while fleeing from a policeman. Dixie (Conny Van Dyke), their singer, gives him an alibi. He claims to be in the music business, and ends up promoting the group. Wayne (Jerry Reed), the band's leader, does not trust him, but the others all have faith in him.
The SOS chairman sends for Bible-thumping ex-lawman Deacon John Wesley Gore (Art Carney) to catch W.W. Meanwhile, W.W. and the newly outfitted band go to see Country Bull Jenkins (Ned Beatty), a highly successful singer-songwriter. He is willing to write them a song for $1,000.
W.W. talks the Dancekings into a bank robbery (SOS has just expanded into the banking business) that does not work out quite as planned. When Gore broadcasts the description of the getaway car on a radio revival show, W.W. burns up his rare, distinctive car (see "Golden Anniversary" Oldsmobile subsection below).
He is ready to separate from the Dancekings in order to shield them, but then he hears them rehearsing Wayne's new song. He persuades Country Bull to listen to it; the man is so impressed, he puts them on the ''Grand Ole Opry'' radio show. There, Gore catches W.W., using an exact replica of his burnt car as bait. Gore makes him drive to the police station, but just as they arrive, Gore realizes it is now Sunday, so rather than violate the Sabbath, he lets him go (with the car).
A patient of Chicago psychoanalyst Dr. Judd Stevens (Moore) is murdered after a session, stabbed while wearing a raincoat belonging to the doctor. Police detectives McGreavy (Steiger) and Angeli (Gould) investigate. McGreavy bitterly resents the doctor from a previous case in which Stevens' testimony led to a cop killer being institutionalized rather than sent to prison.
The patient's personal problems are in question until Stevens' secretary is also found brutally murdered. Stevens realizes he is the murderer's target, while the two detectives treat him as their prime suspect.
A widower, Stevens expresses concern to his physician brother-in-law about the cops' behavior. McGreavy in particular is so aggressive in his interrogations, Angeli reports him to a superior and gets McGreavy thrown off the case.
Posing as doormen, two armed gunmen break into Stevens' apartment. He holds them off until the brother-in-law and two paramedics arrive. Not trusting the cops, Stevens instead made an emergency call to the hospital for help.
Choosing a name out of the Yellow Pages at random, Stevens hires an old, quirky private investigator named Morgens (Art Carney) who lives in a rundown apartment filled with clocks and cats. Morgens saves his life by finding a bomb planted in Stevens' car. After he reports this latest attempt on his life, Angeli promises to lend Stevens a more sympathetic ear than his partner had. McGreavy, however, has secretly cut a deal with their captain to keep an eye on the case from a distance.
One evening, Morgens phones Stevens and claims to know the killer's true identity, but refuses to reveal it over the phone because nobody can be trusted, not even the police. He tells Stevens to meet him after midnight at the Navy Pier and mentions the name "Don Cicini." But when Stevens and Angeli arrive, they find the murdered body of Morgens, holding a cuckoo clock.
After doing some research, Stevens realizes that Don Cicini is an Italian code name for the head of an organized crime syndicate. Offering to hide Stevens in a safe house, Angeli instead drives him to a countryside mansion where the phony doormen appear. Angeli draws a gun but points it at Stevens, telling him he trusted the wrong cop.
Stevens is taken to a crime boss, discovering that the mobster's wife is Ann Blake (Anne Archer), a quiet woman who has been seeing Stevens as a patient. Don Cicini feels he simply can't have anyone knowing his private business, despite the fact that Ann told the psychiatrist practically nothing during their sessions.
Stevens is taken to a warehouse to be done away with permanently. Angeli, expecting a payoff, is killed instead. Stevens tries to escape but is quickly re-captured, then beaten savagely by the crime boss until McGreavy and a team of cops arrive just in time, having been called by Ann. Don Cicini is killed and the rest of his men are arrested.
At a cemetery where Stevens goes to visit his late wife's grave once a week, Ann Blake turns up to apologize for causing Stevens all this trouble at the cost of so many lives. He has quit his private practice, so she asks if that means he can see a former patient socially. It does and they begin to leave the cemetery together, but the doctor (and the viewers) are in for one last shock: Ann is shot and killed by a mob sniper who slips away, leaving behind a grieving Stevens wailing over her dead body.
''Under the Skin'' is the story of two sisters coping with the death of their mother. One sister, Rose (Claire Rushbrook), who is married and pregnant, manages to get on with her life. Iris (Samantha Morton) feels suffocated in her current relationship and her life spirals out of control once she leaves her boyfriend, Gary (Matthew Delamere).
It is the year 2267. After the Earth has become uninhabitable due to an ecological collapse, the remaining people live on overcrowded space stations in Earth's orbit. The young doctor Laura Portmann (Anna Katharina Schwabroh) is one of them. She hopes for a better future alongside her sister on the distant planet Rhea (unrelated to Saturn's moon Rhea). As she needs money to fund the journey, she signs up with Kuiper Enterprises for a job on the decrepit cargo ship Kassandra, heading for an eight-year flight to unmanned Station #42 and back.
The crew consists of five members: Captain Lacroix (Pierre Semmler), Lindbergh (Regula Grauwiller), Yoshida (Yangzom Brauen), Prokoff (Claude-Oliver Rudolph), and Vespucci (Michael Finger). Crew members spend most of the fully automated flight in deep cryosleep while one person stays awake in 8½ month shifts to monitor the ship. Due to the current terrorist threat from the radical Neo-Luddite group '' '' ("Machine Strikers"), there is also an additional security guard aboard: Samuel Decker (Martin Rapold). Toward the end of her shift, Portmann hears unusual noises from the cargo bay, and feels as though she is being observed. She finds Decker awake. He explains he was woken up to do safety checks on the ship. Together they awaken Lacroix to investigate the strange phenomena. When Lacroix is killed, the rest of the colleagues are awakened, and together the crew sets out to investigate.
The crew discover a young girl in suspended animation inside a cargo container that was supposed to contain construction materials. Inspecting the girl's body, Portmann finds a "perfected" virtual reality connector embedded in the girl's spine. Decker is suspected of killing Lacroix. Meanwhile, Lindberg takes over as captain. Later, Portmann sends an account of her finding to her sister on Rhea, and receives a reply in 20 minutes, rather than the usual matter of years. Portmann begins to wonder where the spaceship is really going and what cargo is actually being transported.The crew confronts Decker thinking he killed Lacroix when it is found he has woken up several times from cryo sleep. Decker is arrested by the crew. Portman asks Yoshida to figure out the ships coordinates and believes Lindbergh to be lying to them.
It eventually emerges that Rhea is actually a virtual reality simulation designed to keep the remaining humans hopeful about their future; the people in the cargo hold are going to be wired into a large mainframe, which is the ship's true destination. Upon discovering this, the crew decide to put an end to the deception. Decker is found to have known this all along. He explains that on earth, he and others found the planet to still be liveable. Lindbergh is found to have been deceiving them. Decker and the other crew members decide to team up against Lindbergh and sabotage the virtual reality. Upon arriving at their destination and while the ship automatically unloads its cargo, Portman enters the simulation to broadcast a "final transmission from Rhea", which reveals the simulated nature of the planet to the remaining humans, while Decker sabotages the mainframe's antenna.
Two families in rural Tennessee, headed by patriarchs Laban Feather and Pap Gutshall are at odds with each other. The sons of the two families play harmless tricks on each other but soon the Feather boys decide to kidnap a girl, escalating the rivalry. She turns out to be innocent bystander Roonie Gill, not the made-up Gutshall girlfriend "Lolly Madonna" that the Gutshall clan had invented to get the Feathers away from their still. As events escalate, Zack Feather and Roonie fall in love and try to bring the others to their senses, but to no avail. One family busts up another's still; and in retaliation, the sons of that family assault the daughter of the other. After the feud results in a fiery confrontation in a meadow, where one of the Feather boys is fatally wounded and the mother of the Gutshall kin is shot to death, the two families regroup in order to gear up for a final deadly confrontation. With the exception of Sister E Gutshall, who packs a suitcase and leaves home, the participants engage in battle at the Feather homestead. In the end, all combatants die.
The Danvers State Hospital, located just outside Boston, Massachusetts, was built in 1878 and condemned in 1992. It is rumored by locals to be the birthplace of the pre-frontal lobotomy. The novel begins at 7 AM, with Derik riding up to the Danvers State Hospital in his car. Looking at the crumbling brick building, he starts to think of the people that were locked up in there, the people who died after spending their lives there. The unmarked mass graves around the premises, the tunnels, and the messed up remnants of its former patients. He knows this is the place. The place where he'd make his movie. Derik is flunking out of school, and he decides to submit his film to a contest and save himself from a future of flipping burgers at his parents' diner. He gathers a cast of different backgrounds, and the eve before the hospitals' demolition, they break in. He gets more than he bargained for when the eerie experience changes his life. Forever.
Dan Alton (Hoot Gibson) is a con artist, posing as a lawyer in order to sell copies of a phony law book. When Bill Clary (Jack Rutherford) robs a stagecoach, and plants some of the stolen money at the ranch of Luke Avery (Fred Gilman), Avery's sister beautiful sister Ruth (Sheila Bromley) ropes an instantly smitten Alton into being Avery's defense attorney. As part of his strategy to defend Avery, Alton plans to pull off another stagecoach robbery.
As Yusei Fudo ponders the state of New Domino City, Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan cheer him up with the idea of riding on their Duel Runners. As they ride, a mysterious Turbo Duelist called Paradox challenges Yusei to a duel. Yusei summons his Stardust Dragon but Paradox seals it inside a card and disappears with it. They later discover an article that shows a mysterious battle in the past of Venice, Italy that Yusei knows did not happen in history before. Compounding the situation, New Domino City is vanishing. As a result, the Crimson Dragon appears, giving Yusei's Duel Runner the ability to travel through time.
In the past, sometime after the GX era, Jaden Yuki is attacked by evil versions of stolen monster cards in Venice, Italy, including Stardust Dragon. As Paradox prepares to kill Jaden, Yusei and the Crimson Dragon arrive and protect him. Afterward, Paradox flees to an earlier point in time. Jaden tells Yusei that he was pursuing Paradox, who stole his friends' cards. Yusei explains to Jaden the situation, and they decide to work together. Jaden pulls out a computer and uses the Manjome foundation's database to pull up an article, which states that Paradox killed Pegasus, using Stardust and other famous dragons. Suddenly, Jaden's Neos card disappears like Stardust Dragon did, and this era starts to vanish as well. Yusei and Jaden travel back even further in time to try to prevent Pegasus's death. Years earlier, Maximillion Pegasus is hosting a duel tournament in Domino City, which Yugi Muto is attending with his maternal grandfather Solomon. Paradox uses his newly acquired monsters to attack the event, killing Pegasus, Yugi's grandfather, and several bystanders, but Yugi survives. Then, Yusei and Jaden arrive, and the Crimson Dragon transports them and Yugi 30 minutes back in time before Paradox's attack, in order to stop him, as Pegasus' premature death would drastically alter the course of history. After learning about Paradox's actions, Yugi decides to join them by letting the Pharaoh take over. Jaden notices his Neos is back and proclaims that right now, all their cards are safe from being destroyed by any alteration already done to time.
The trio then confronts Paradox, who reveals that he comes from a dystopian future far beyond Yusei's in which the world lies in ruins and nothingness, and claims that the only way to fix it is to eliminate Duel Monsters from history. However, the three heroes protest that by doing so, all the future events and people associated with Duel Monsters will be erased as well, and they challenge him to a duel. By combining the powers of their key monsters, Yugi, Jaden and Yusei defeat Paradox. After the duel, the three say goodbye to each other and promise to meet again someday. The latter two return to their respective time periods. New Domino City returns to normal, and Yusei returns to his own time, optimistic for what the future holds.
''Fair Land, Fair Land'' begins where ''The Way West'' ends, with Dick Summers riding away from the group of "wagon-train people" he has guided from Independence to Oregon, but Summers leaves without saying goodbye and while the settlers are still sleeping. As a mountain man traveling light, all Summers carries is his Hawken rifle, "his old Green River knife, some ammunition and a small sack of possibles."
As he rides Summers remembers the events of ''The Big Sky'' of about fifteen years before when he was the hunter for a French trading expedition traveling up the Missouri in a keelboat to Blackfeet country, a trip that ended with the Blackfeet killing all the Frenchmen and only the three friends, Summers, Boone Caudill, and Jim Deakins, escaping. Summers meets and shares a jug with a man who mentions having encountered Boone Caudill, "The broodiest bastard I ever see. Turn on you for nothin'." Caudill admitted to the man that he killed his best friend, Jim Deakins, for fathering a child with Teal Eye, Caudill's Blackfoot "squaw."
Dick Summers re-encounters a band of his settlers that had separated from the main group in order to drive their stock by land while the main group had finished by river. In the band is Hezekiah "Hig" Higgins. Hig idolizes Summers and Summers has seen throughout ''The Way West'' what a valuable man Hig is. Higgins and Summers join together and spend most of the rest of ''Fair Land, Fair Land'' together, first as nomadic mountain men in an idyllic type of life that is rapidly disappearing and then as relatively settled men living with Indian wives.
Summers meets Teal Eye again, becomes her mate, and adopts her blind son, who in Indian fashion has been given a descriptive name, "Nocansee." Summers and Teal Eye have another son, Lije, and are ultimately able to have a white marriage ceremony, conducted by their friend Brother Potter. Nocansee was a red-headed baby, but was the natural son of Boone Caudill, who years before had killed his red-headed best friend, Jim Deakins, because Caudill wrongly thought Teal Eye had cheated on him with Deakins.
Dick Summers and Teal Eye arrange for Hig to marry a Shoshone chief's granddaughter, Little Wing, and the ceremony is performed by Summers. The years pass. Hig and Little Wing never have children. Summers forces Lije to leave him and Teal Eye with Brother Potter because Summers sees the end coming for their Native American way of life and that Lije must become educated in how to live in a white world.
Higgins learns that Boone Caudill will be passing through the area on his way to hunt gold in California and tells Summers. When Summers meets Caudill on the trail and confronts him with the facts that Caudill unjustly killed his best friend, Caudill leaps on Summers and attempts to strangle him. Although he has his knife in his hand and will die if Caudill continues the throttling, Summers cannot bring himself to stab. He is losing consciousness when he hears a shot—Hig has killed Caudill and afterward says, "He didn't mean nothin' to me."
A.B. Guthrie writes of the white destruction of the Eden of Montana. For example, greedy white men discover gold in Alder Gulch, resulting in despoiling of the area, corruption, and violence. Or, one afternoon Dick Summers hears a shot and discovers that a boy has gut-shot Summers's best horse, thinking he was shooting an elk or a deer. The horse is suffering, but having caused so much damage the foolish but sorry boy cannot bring himself to complete the job—"I couldn't ... not a horse." Summers is forced to shoot the horse.
Higgins and Little Wing leave Summers and Teal Eye to return to Little Wing's Shoshone people. Dick Summers, Teal Eye, and Nocansee are living in the village of the Blackfoot chief Heavy Runner when the Indian agency orders all the Blackfeet chiefs to a meeting because of Indian horse stealing and a recent Indian killing of a white man. Heavy Runner asks Dick Summers to go with him to speak for the Indians. Running the meeting are two men: General Sully, the superintendent of Indian Affairs, and U.S. Marshal Wheeler. The only Blackfeet to have shown up are peaceful ones, and the band that committed the worst crimes, including the recent murder, doesn't appear. Summers is surprised to find his son Lije standing behind Sully and Wheeler, ill-at-ease as part of the Army and as their interpreter. The fruitless meeting concludes with General Sully telling the chiefs that they must surrender the killers of the white man and return the stolen stock.
After the Army's time limit has passed with no surrender of murderers and no return of stock, officers plan "A secret mission, a stealing out to kill Blackfeet, a surprise attack." The meeting, at which Lije is deliberately degraded to be a servant pouring whiskey, is conducted by Major Baker, perhaps the most overtly evil person in the novel: "This time we show them that we mean business. No prisoners ... I swear this is the last time, so bear with me, gentlemen." As Major Baker plans the slaughter of the Blackfeet he acknowledges that in the dawn attack on the villages the January weather will be cold, but "Think of that other enemy, the Blackfeet, all huddled in camp against the cold. ... Sitting ducks." Lije calls him a fool for attacking such chiefs as Heavy Runner, who is friendly and "has a friendship paper" from the government. Major Baker has Lije put in the guardhouse, where, after having thought over his life, Lije reaches between the bars and breaks a window, the implication being that he is getting the glass in order to commit suicide.
In the morning several days later, Dick Summers wakes up to someone shouting "Wrong camp" and from the flap of his tepee sees Heavy Runner trot out of his lodge "waving his friendship paper" and be immediately shot down. Summers makes Teal Eye escape through a hole in the rear of their tepee and then sits to await his fate. A soldier looks in and remarks that Summers is a white man. The soldier also sees the nonwhite Nocansee sitting quietly. When Summers tells him that Nocansee is blind, the soldier responds that then he need not waste a bullet and clubs Nocansee to death with the butt of his carbine. Summers shoots the soldier in the forehead with his Hawken, the rifle he has carried and relied upon throughout the trilogy. Two more soldiers come in and shoot Summers as "a turncoat son of a bitch" who "Killed his own kind." The novel ends with Summers drifting into unconsciousness and death, hearing the sounds of the soldiers destroying the village and "the wailing of squaws and the crying of children and the voices of soldiers proud of themselves."
A new kid moves into a tough neighborhood controlled by gangs, and tries to teach them poetry.
Idiotic, alcoholic driving instructor and former Marine Corps sergeant Rafferty (Alan Arkin) lives in poverty near Hollywood, California. He allows two young female hitchhikers (Sally Kellerman and Mackenzie Phillips), one an aspiring singer, to kidnap him who are seeking to reach New Orleans. He eventually enjoys their company, and the three take a road trip to Las Vegas and end up in Tucson, Arizona, with many misadventures and scams to finance their trip along the way.
Toni and Marga are two friends who live in a small German town in 1943, during World War II. Both women's husbands, like most men of the town, are away fighting in the war and Toni and Marga are bored, dreaming of an affair with a bearer of a Knight's Cross.
Toni has a joyless affair with Fred Scheuermann, a Nazi Party official and one of the few men in town. Marga lives with her aunt and both women help Marga's aunt perform an illegal slaughter of a pig, an act which is punishable by the death penalty.
When a young soldier comes home for a celebration of his recently achieved Knight's Cross, both women unsuccessfully flirt with him during the party. But then Toni discovers more than 15.000 Reichsmark which had been hidden by her husband and which was probably extorted from one of the Jewish residents of the town. Toni and Marga fear that the money will be worthless soon and both plan to go to Vienna, to buy some valuables with the money on the one hand and to see the city and meet attractive soldiers on the other hand.
During the train ride, they meet Mariu Moltenau, a suave gentleman who claims to be a Romanian officer on a secret mission in Vienna and who offers both women to help them obtain the needed valuables.
In Vienna, Toni meets Mariu in his apartment, gives him most of the money and is asked to return some days later to collect the valuables. Both women spend some days in Vienna sightseeing and unsuccessfully trying to meet decorated attractive soldiers. When Toni and Marga return to Mariu's apartment, no one opens the door. They return to his apartment several times, never getting in.
One night both women finally meet soldiers, Hauptmann Sperlinger who is on home leave and must return to the battle lines the next day, and Major Kopp, who has a limp and is stationed in Vienna. Toni sleeps with Sperlinger and Marga has sex with Kopp. A short time later, Kopp helps Marga and Toni get revenge on Mariu: He, along with another soldier, accompanies both women to Mariu's apartment and forces entry. Once inside the apartment, the soldiers and the women carry away valuables approximately worth the money they had given to Mariu. This includes porcelain, rugs and clocks. Mariu watches resignedly, not offering much protest.
Outside the house, Kopp tells the women that he has arranged passage for them to their home town with the valuables but that they will have to pay some intermediates to proceed along the way. During their journey, they have to exchange most of their valuables for the passage and for a small car that they travel with.
When they arrive home, they hide the car immediately but are then informed that the illegal slaughter has been exposed, their aunt has been jailed and Marga will probably soon also be indicted. Toni asks her lover Fred to help them but he refuses and then tells her that Marga's aunt has been killed during an aerial bombing of her prison. Both women now hatch a plan to deflect the blame and implicate Fred: they secretly hide meat products in Fred's office and his garden. Then Toni arranges a tryst with Fred, Marga arrives, and both make it look as if Fred had raped Toni and Marga caught him in the act.
When a party official is sent to investigate the accusations against Fred, he is skeptical of the much too neat evidence against Fred and wants to keep the scandal under wraps. So he makes Fred an offer: if Fred does not officially contest the charges, they will be silently dropped and he will be sent to the Eastern Front instead. After a short protest, Fred accepts and is sent to the front, where he is killed a short time later in battle.
The time skips ahead one year, to 1944, where it is shown that Marga and Toni had a falling out and have a violent argument when Toni wants to take the hidden car for a ride. In her rage, Marga destroys the windshield and more of the car.
The time skips ahead another year, to V-E Day. Marga and Toni are shown greeting each other on the street while watching allied troops enter the town.
In June 1974, judiciary agent Benjamin Espósito investigates the rape and murder of Liliana Colotto de Morales. Espósito promises her husband, Ricardo, he will find the killer and give him a life sentence. Espósito is helped by his alcoholic partner Pablo Sandóval and the new department chief Irene Menéndez-Hastings. Romano, Espósito's rival, accuses two immigrant workers of the murder, which angers Espósito upon discovering that both of them were tortured to obtain a confession.
Espósito finds a lead while looking at old photos of Liliana, which Ricardo gave him: many of them featured a man, identified as Isidoro Gómez, staring at her suspiciously. Espósito and Sandóval sneak into Gómez's mother's house in Chivilcoy. During the break-in, they find some letters from Gómez to his mother. Sandóval steals them and Espósito finds out after returning to Buenos Aires. Their "visit" only causes them trouble with their higher-ups, and they are unable to find any evidence in the letters. Gómez is still on the loose due to a careless phone call from Ricardo to Gómez's mother, in a desperate quest for his wife's killer. Ultimately, the case is closed.
In 1975, Espósito finds Ricardo in a train station in Retiro and discovers that he was trying to find Gómez in multiple stations. Espósito convinces Menéndez to reopen the investigation. Meanwhile, while getting drunk in a bar, Sandóval makes a discovery: an acquaintance of his identifies several names on the letters – seemingly without any connection – as footballers of Racing Football Club. After identifying him as a Racing fan, Espósito and Sandóval attend a game between Racing and Huracán, in hopes of finding Gómez.
While keeping an eye on the game's attendees in Huracán's stadium, Espósito and Sandóval locate Gómez among the crowd, but a sudden goal causes a hubbub and allows Gómez to flee. A chase ensues and Gómez is caught by the stadium's security guards as he invades the pitch. Espósito and Menéndez then grill him illegally, and Menéndez makes Gómez confess by calling him physically weak, and attacking his masculinity. Gómez is tried and sentenced, but Romano bails him out one month later in order to get revenge on Espósito and hires him as a hitman for the right-wing faction of the Peronist Party. Espósito and Menéndez try to reverse it but are stopped by Romano's intervention. Espósito informs Morales that his wife's killer will never go to prison.
Weeks later, Sandóval gets in a bar fight, causing Espósito to take him to his flat and fetch his wife. They find the door pried open, his pictures flipped over and Sandóval shot dead in his room. Espósito soon concludes that Gómez/Romano sent assassins after him, but Sandóval impersonated him to protect his friend. Fearing for his life, Espósito goes into hiding for 10 years in Jujuy Province with Menéndez's cousins. Espósito returns to Buenos Aires in 1985 to find Gómez missing and Menéndez married with two children.
In 1999, Espósito tries to make sense out of the case and visits Ricardo, who moved in 1975 to an isolated cottage in a rural area of the Buenos Aires Province. Ricardo loses control when Espósito asks him how he coped with his wife's death and the unfair end of the investigation since Gómez was never seen again after becoming part of Isabel Perón’s security detail. Ricardo tells Espósito that he kidnapped and murdered Gómez years earlier, and Espósito leaves. Espósito leaves, but remembering Ricardo not wanting an easy death for Gómez decades ago, sneaks back to Ricardo’s house, where he finds Ricardo giving food to Gómez, whom Ricardo kept imprisoned for 25 years without talking to him. Gómez begs Espósito for human contact. Ricardo tells Espósito he promised him "a life sentence" as he staggers out.
Back in Buenos Aires, Espósito visits Sandóval's grave for the first time. He then goes to Irene's office, ready to confess his love to her, something she was always expecting. Smiling, she tells him to close the door.
In 1982, Gandikota village of Rayalaseema region, a feud between two rival families results in the murder of Ramineedu's brother. He, along with his two sons Mallasuri and Baireddy, vow for revenge. 28 years later in Hyderabad, Ramu, an innocent man who lost both his parents, is ousted out of his job. He dreams of buying an autorickshaw for livelihood but is unable to finance it himself. Back in his native, Ramineedu uses his evil sons to murder a broker. One day, Ramu receives a legal notice that he is the inheritor of five acres of land in Gandikota. In the hope of selling the land, he sets off to the village on a train. On the journey, he meets Aparna, Ramineedu's daughter, and they become fond of each other. Ramu ends up in Ramineedu's house to seek his help to sell the land.
However, Ramu happens to be the son of Raghava Rao, the man who murdered Ramineedu's brother. Mallasuri informs Ramineedu about this and asks his permission to kill Ramu. But Ramineedu instructs that Ramu must not be killed as long as he is in their house, honouring their age-old traditions of not shedding the blood inside the house, thereby deciding to murder him as soon as he steps out of the house. Ramu is aghast when he overhears this and realizes that he'd be safe if he confines himself to the house. He pretends to be hit by a swing and takes rest for a day. Ramineedu and his sons realize that he is taking advantage of their tradition and are eager to get him out of the house. The following day happens to be death anniversary of Ramineedu's brother and all their relatives arrive. Ramu is afraid that he'd be killed as soon as everyone leaves. In a ploy to make everyone stay for longer, Ramu manipulates Valasanaidu to get his son Srikanth married to Aparna the same day. Ramineedu reluctantly agrees but Srikanth refuses. Ramu convinces Srikanth to marry Aparna by describing her attributes by which Aparna realizes her love for Ramu.
Meanwhile, Ramineedu announces that wedding would take place at the temple and everyone should go there. Aparna secretly meets Ramu and asks him to meet her at a mosque by escaping in one of the flowerbaskets. Mallasuri tries to secretly kill Ramu in the pent house but he cleverly escapes. As everyone leave to the temple, Bairreddy watches Ramu hiding in the flowerbaskets and plans to kill on the streets but fails to do so. Ramu stayed back in the empty house and finally runs away but Bairreddy and Mallasuri start chasing him. Srikanth, who realizes that Aparna is in love Ramu, tries to convince Ramineedu about their marriage. Furious Ramineedu decides to kill Ramu. Aparna meets Ramu to elope with him, only to realize that Ramu does not love her and was only trying to save his own life. Ramineedu and his sons find them at a wooden bridge. Aparna tries to stop his father but he is determined to kill Ramu as he dared to elope with his daughter. When Aparna says that she was the who loved him, Ramu realizes her love and surrenders himself. When they are about to kill him, she jumps into the river and Ramu saves her by jumping along. Ramineedu understands their love and lets them unite.
Jack and Audrey Landry are a middle-aged couple with three daughters: Nora, Teri, and Dahlia (or Dolly). The eldest, Nora, is a supermodel based in Italy, who rarely comes home. Teri is an independent businesswoman who lives with her boyfriend Bryan. Dahlia, the youngest, lives at home with her parents, and changes her "look" often. Nora's ex-boyfriend Sam works for Jack and is very close to the family.
Their peaceful lives are disrupted when Nora breaks her leg in a car accident in Italy, and has to return home to recover. Teri discovers that Bryan has been cheating on her and promptly moves back in with her parents. For the first time in several years, all three girls are back under the Landrys' roof. Shortly after, Guillermo arrives and introduces himself as Nora's boyfriend. Guillermo explains that he has come to ask Jack and Audrey for Nora's hand in marriage. They agree and Nora accepts Guillermo's proposal. Audrey, Nora, Teri and Dolly quickly consume themselves in wedding plans while an unenthusiastic Jack watches the rising expenses.
Teri finds out that she has lost her job, but a handsome co-worker, Lyle, who has also been laid off, invites her to join a start-up marketing a technology he has developed. They begin to like each other. When Teri receives a bouquet from Bryan begging her to come back, Lyle realizes how he truly feels about Teri and spontaneously asks her to marry him. Teri accepts, and suddenly the Landrys become "a two wedding family." Lyle suggests that both weddings happening on the same day. To Jack's surprise, Nora and Teri agree. The plans, which had already been laid out, are now in upheaval.
If this was not enough, Dolly and Sam realize that they had been falling in love with each other for years and soon decide to get married as well. And so Jack and Audrey get ready to give away all their daughters on the same day. Finally the wedding day arrives and numerous things start to go wrong, starting with the priest going missing, the cakes destroyed and, Jack getting locked on the balcony. Eventually all three get married.
''Enslaved'' is set 150 years in the future after a global war has ravaged the Earth, destroying most of the human race and leaving the world plagued by robots, known as "mechs", left over from the war. Mechs still follow their programming and seek to eradicate hostiles, now surviving humans.
The game opens with the main character, Monkey (Andy Serkis), awakening in a containment cell aboard a slave ship. He escapes and accidentally causes the vessel to crash. He reaches Trip (Lindsey Shaw) leaving the ship using an escape pod, but she ejects the pod without allowing him to enter. When Monkey regains consciousness after landing, he discovers Trip has placed a slave headband on him, which forces him to follow her orders; a Termination Trigger will kill him if she dies. Trip explains she wants to return to her village, and she needs his help to get there. Monkey is angry but has no other choice. As they travel across New York City, glitches in the headband expose Monkey to visions of what appears to be life before the war. When they reach Trip's village, however, they discover it was attacked and is now overrun with mechs. After clearing the village of them, Monkey and Trip discover Trip's father is dead, along with a large amount of other villagers. Assuming there are no survivors, Trip refuses to remove Monkey's headband, explaining her intent to find and kill the person responsible.
Trip takes Monkey to meet a friend of her father's named Pigsy (Richard Ridings), who she believes can help them. Pigsy explains that a nearby mech base is building a 'Leviathan', an enormous and incredibly powerful giant mech. The three infiltrate the base, commandeer Leviathan, and steer it to the mysterious Pyramid, where the slaves are being held. Along the way, Trip apologises to Monkey for breaking their deal and deactivates the headband, but Monkey tells her to turn it back on, hinting they have developed a romantic relationship.
When the Leviathan reaches Pyramid, they are confronted with several mechs. The Leviathan's main cannon fends them off for a while, but one eventually climbs aboard and tears the cannon off, forcing Monkey to destroy the mech himself. With the Leviathan now defenseless and surrounded, Pigsy announces that the only way for them to destroy the opposing mechs is for him to overload the engines. This would blow up the Leviathan and kill Pigsy in the process. Trip frantically tries to convince him not to, but Pigsy demands that Monkey take her away from the blast radius. Monkey and Trip get away just in time to watch the Leviathan explode, destroying all of Pyramid's mechs with it.
In the epilogue, Monkey and Trip enter Pyramid and discover the slaves are under the control of a single individual. The man introduces himself as Pyramid (Serkis) and explains that he lived before the war, and that he offers the slaves solace from the cruel world by sharing with them his memories of a happier era. He believes he is saving them and pleads with Monkey and Trip not to take away what he has given them. Monkey recognises the memories as the visions he has been seeing with the headband on. Pyramid shows Monkey what he has giving the slaves through a mask. Monkey becomes enthralled with the images, but Trip violently disconnects and kills Pyramid, shutting down the system and freeing the slaves. The scene ends with Trip asking Monkey if she did the right thing, leaving those in the pyramid and their future unknown.
Set prior to the events of ''Enslaved'', Pigsy lives a solitary life in the scrap yard with his only companion, a small flying robot named "Truffles" who helps him scout scraps and provides advice in combat. Because of his loneliness, Pigsy decides to build himself a friend. This will require three key components that he and Truffles must find in the scrap yard populated by mechs. While Truffles helps throughout his search, Pigsy seems unappreciative and prioritises his new creation. As Pigsy retrieves the last component, Truffles is damaged and shuts down in the process. With his new friend nearly complete, Pigsy learns what his creation actually needs is a "heart" and inserts Truffles inside. When activated, however, his creation runs amok before being gathered up by a salvaging mech. Pigsy gives chase and fights his way into the main scrap collector. When he finally retrieves Truffles and escapes, Pigsy realises Truffles was his real friend the entire time. Being greatly damaged, however, Truffles shuts down permanently. Pigsy realises too late he took his only friend for granted and vows not to make the same mistake again.
During World War II, four people (two belonging to the Allies, two to the Axis) find a strange vehicle in the Tunisian desert. It whisks them to the far future where the Earth has been conquered and mankind is nearly extinct.
Leo Kroll (Buono) is a mother-fixated lab technician who collects dolls. He is also a serial killer, responsible for the death of a number of nurses, and is questioned by the police regarding those murders, but is released. Kroll claims his next victim, Clara (Bates), the nurse who has been looking after his possessive mother, who is in hospital after a heart attack. However, he leaves a doll behind at the murder scene. (A subplot features Kroll becoming enamored of Tally (Davison), one of the girls who works at the amusement park stall from which he won this doll.)
Kroll is again questioned by the police, but successfully passes a lie detector test and is released. He visits his mother in hospital and tells her how he killed Clara, which induces a second, fatal heart attack. Returning to the amusement park, he sees Barbara (Sayer), Tally's co-worker, talking to the police. This makes Kroll frantic. As Kroll is talking to Barbara about the police, he is visibly nervous. He misses ring after ring while he plays the game. When Barbara mimics one of the dolls by saying "Mama", this reminds Kroll of his mother and finally sets him off. Kroll goes to Barbara's apartment and strangles her as she is stepping out of the shower. The killing of a girl that works at an amusement park stand and not a nurse throws the police off.
Meanwhile, it seems with his mother dead, Kroll finally feels free and it seems his hatred for women is fading. He visits Tally and proposes to her. After he is rejected, Kroll begins to believe in his mind that all the bad things his mother told him about women are true. After questioning Tally and getting a description, the police finally find their strangler. Kroll hides in Tally's apartment and waits to kill her when she comes home. The police, believing Tally could be the strangler's next victim, bug her room and stay close by to catch Kroll. Tally is packing her bag to leave town and ends up covering the bug in her room. The police are unable to hear what is going on when Kroll comes out and begins to strangle Tally. The police burst into the room and open fire. Kroll is hit, goes through the window, and plunges to his death; it is unclear if Tally has survived.
The film opens in the small town of Shiloh, where two boys on bicycles ride through the woods up to the gates of the legendary Albino Farm. The oldest goes in and the youngest stays outside. The oldest boasts he isn't scared of anything, and then a figure leaps out and drags him into the woods.
The film cuts to Stacey (Tammin Sursok), Melody (Alicia Lagano), Brian (Nick Richey), and Sanjay (Sunkrish Bala) driving down a forest road, working on a history research project about backwoods American customs and legends. They almost hit someone, whom they initially take to be a young boy, scraping roadkill off the asphalt. To their sudden fright, the "child" turns out to be a dwarf who turns his head, with an unsettling countenance.
When they walk back to their SUV, they see they have a flat tire. They keep driving until they see a gas station with a local man (Duane Whitaker) out front, who is blind. They talk to him and he talks eccentrically and incoherently, with a biblical turn. They acquire a tire to replace the flat one; Brian, the jerk of the group, deliberately underpays the blind man.
The students continue their trip and stop at a white tent pitched in a field. Melody and Brian head up to investigate and are greeted by another local with a harelip who tells them about the Albino Farm and alludes that it may be a legend. There's a revival meeting in the tent, and the harelipped man strongly suggest that they receive salvation. The foursome keeps driving until they reach the old-fashioned town of Shiloh. They stop at a diner and eat, as night falls. They're served by a friendly, buxom waitress whom Brian and Sanjay knock themselves out over until they note that she has deformed hands, with clawlike fingers. Brian and Melody go looking for the Albino Farm while Sanjay and Stacey talk to an old woman inside an old church who suspiciously and unconvincingly tells them there is no such thing as the Albino Farm. Retreating to a back room, Stacey and Sanjay enter to see the woman breastfeeding a hideously deformed baby.
Meanwhile, Melody and Brian ask a small boy, who communicates via chalkboard, where the Albino Farm is. He tells them to ask a group of unruly and somewhat disgusting teens in a car. There they meet Levi (Chris Jericho) and his two deaf friends, who agree to take them to the Albino Farm for twenty-five dollars and a view of Melody's breasts. After a minor argument, Melody reluctantly agrees, and they head off to the Albino Farm. The teens drive crazily, causing Melody to vomit. They stop in front of the gates to the farm and get into an argument. A fight between Levi and Brian breaks out and the teens drive away after flipping them off. Brian and Melody enter an old house and Brian sees a person and chases after them, with Melody following. Brian gets his leg caught in a bear trap.
Sanjay and Stacey go looking for their friends and ask the same boy for directions. After driving to the farm with the boy as a guide, who bikes away after they arrive. They find a hysterical Melody, and she leads them to where she had last saw Brian, but he is gone. He had been captured and brought to a house inhabited by strange, horribly deformed people—one with a tongue protruding from a rosebud mouth, one with a pinhead, and several of them pig-like. The "Pig Bitch" (Bianca Barnett) reveals her cleavage and does a striptease for Brian, who rejects her. She then takes a meat hook and shoves it through Brian's mouth and cheek.
Melody, Sanjay, and Stacey, after hearing their car alarm, run back to their car to see that it has been oddly vandalized. Sanjay's camera, luckily, catches the perpetrator, who had also taken their luggage. The three go searching for Brian and find their luggage in a clearing, along with other people's. They then see a tree hung with skulls and bones. Going ballistic, Melody runs back through the woods, only to get attacked by the deformed pig people and have her neck snapped.
Stacey and Sanjay find a dilapidated shack and enter cautiously. They see Brian in a chair with his back to them and approach him quietly, only to realize that he's dead. The pig people arrive at the shack and barricade the door. One of them breaks through the wall, but Sanjay hits him in the arm with an axe. The shack catches fire; Stacey and Sanjay flee into the woods. They discover Melody hanging upside down in the bone tree. They run, and the crazed, deformed clan chases them. They hide behind a tree, letting the killers pass without seeing them, but the killers wind up finding them and force them to continue running. They soon bump into the Pig Bitch, who knocks them out and captures them.
They wake up in a cave and find their arms sewn together. They hobble away and stumble upon the pig people's cave campsite. One sees them, and the pair race away. They light a torch and try to rip their arms apart. They gorily succeed. They try to escape, but are attacked by the Pig Bitch. Stacey jabs the torch into her face, forcing her to let go, and they get away. Sanjay ends up falling into a chasm. Stacey climbs down into the chasm and consoles, him and then turns on some propane tanks when Pig Bitch attacks Stacey with a meat hook. Stacey and Pig Bitch fight.
The rest of the monsters arrive, and Sanjay comes to and reaches for the torch. Pig Bitch and Stacey choke each other, and Stacey rips out some of Pig Bitch's hair. Stacey then picks up the meat hook and slashes Pig Bitch's throat before repeatedly stabbing her with the hook. Sanjay then heroically lights the torch, killing himself and a good number of the deformed people, and Stacey runs out of the cave as an explosion ensues, knocking her out.
Stacey wakes up as dawn breaks and runs into the woods before reaching a field. She drops the meat hook as she comes upon the same white tent where a church congregation is meeting. She hysterically runs in and tries to explain what has happened. The preacher, who takes off his sunglasses and reveals abnormally light (albino) eyes, laughs with the rest of the congregation. The congregation is composed of people who are deformed as well—not as horribly as the Albino Farm residents, but in the unsettling way of a freak show—Siamese twin sisters, another suckling deformed baby, a man with a stretched-out smile, another with a fat, pasty face, and the dwarf encountered earlier. As Stacey cries, "My God, its the whole town!" the preacher quotes the passage about the sins of the fathers visiting the children. The audience, visibly amused, sings on, with Stacey, who by now is completely over the edge, grins widely and manically.
The film opens at Potsdam in the time of "The Soldier King" Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia, with the Royal Family sitting at the breakfast table. It turns out that Crown Prince Friedrich, informally called "Fritz", had lost so much money at the gaming tables that he had to sign debentures. Members of the grenadier regiment had seen the crown prince appearing late in a wretched state, which greatly angers his father. The King would like to prepare his son for the future role as a ruler, and regards his preoccupation with music and literature with much displeasure.
Fritz, for his part, is infuriated with the austere treatment by his father and hatches a plan to flee Prussia and get to France and England, where he expects a welcome from his mother's family. His companion Katte would like to help him in this plan. However, being a second lieutenant bound by his officer's code, he at first declines.
The father-son conflict further escalates when Fritz accumulates even heavier gambling debts than those the King already had to pay off. The King insults the Crown prince, calling him "a liar and coward" and puts him under arrest. In the barracks, he is forbidden to engage in his beloved flute playing or read French literature.
At night the King returns earlier than usual and surprises the Crown Prince playing the flute in the music room together with his sister Wilhelmine. Katte, who was also present, manages to hide just in time. The angry King throws Fritz's books and flute into the open fire and orders the Crown Prince to accompany him on a trip to South Germany. Fritz, more than ever determined on his escape plan, can count on Katte's support after this incident.
However, the escape fails, and both the Crown Prince and Second Lieutenant Katte are condemned by a court martial to custody at the fortress of Küstrin. Indeed, the King goes much further, arbitrarily changing the judgement against Katte into capital punishment and insisting on having him actually executed.
The Crown Prince submits to the King's authority and is moved to better quarters in a palace. Nevertheless, in a visit by the King it is evident that the relationship between father and son is still very chilly and they are estranged. Fritz, who in the meantime has proved his "character," is now given his own household at Rheinsberg Castle where he can again follow his artistic inclinations.
Still, reconciliation between the estranged father and son does come about shortly before the death of the King. The last words of the Old King to the Young are: "Make Prussia great!" (The audience, aware of basic elements of German history included in their school curriculum, know that Friedrich would duly proceed to do just that.)
An attorney is accused of murdering a powerful man after having an affair with his beautiful wife.
Joey King Sr. (James Quinn) was part of a successful singing group in the 1950s and now works at a gas station and is a borderline alcoholic. His son, Joey Jr. (Neill Barry) has started a rock band with his teenage friends which triggers anger in his father and he takes away his son's guitar.
The father is jealous of the son's talent until the father starts his old band back up and both Kings separately participate in the Royal New York Doo-Wopp Show at Radio City Music Hall and accept one another.
Quacula (voiced by Frank Welker) was depicted as a pale blue duck with a Daffy Duck-like bill and fangs, dressed in a blue jacket and a black cape with a red lining. He slept by day in a white coffin shaped like an egg, in the basement of a house owned by an anthropomorphic bear named Theodore (voiced by Norm Prescott imitating Joe E. Ross of ''Car 54, Where Are You?'').
Every night Quacula would rise from his coffin and try to terrify Theodore and others, but he would never really succeed; his antics tended to be more comical than frightening. Also, Theodore would come up with one plan after another to rid himself of Quacula, but always fail to do so.
Composer Ray Ellis occasionally repeated music cues from ''Groovie Goolies''.
Joe Martin is a fire fighter in Los Angeles who is assigned by his department chief to the Arson Detail. His first assignment is to investigate a suspicious fur store fire that seems to be set by the store owner himself, Thomas Peyson.
The reason why Joe Martin gets the assignment is because his predecessor in the Arson Detail was killed when inspecting the very same fire site. The predecessor's file with his findings wasn't found on his body and hasn't been recovered. This is just one of many equally suspicious fires in the last few years, where the insurance claims following the fires has been filed by the same agent, Frederick P. Fender. There is suspicion that Fender is somehow involved in the disappearance of all the destroyed stores' goods as well.
Joe begins with Peyson, the store owner, and visits his apartment that was also raged by fire not long ago. He meets the babysitter, Jane, a pretty young teacher, and they get along so well that Joe drives her home and ask her out on a date the next evening.
It turns out Peyson and Fender is in cahoots together, since the first thing Peyson does after Joe leaves, is phone his accomplice. They also meet up the day after, just when Joe comes to see Fender as the next logical step in his investigation. Joe never sees Peyson, as he sneaks out through a back door. Joe gets very little information of use from Fender, but his visit makes Fender put one of his men, Pete, on tailing Joe to see if he finds out something.
Pete starts following Joe around everywhere he goes, even when he visits Jane. Soon Joe realizes that he is followed and when he knowingly enters an illegal gambling place Pete finally makes contact, offering Joe a chance of making a little extra money. Joe decides to play along and go "undercover".
When visiting an illegal bookie, Joe starts to fight a policeman and the next day a picture showing him hitting a police officer is on the tabloids. He gets fired for this highly unfitting behavior, and Pete makes contact again, wanting to use the ex-fireman in the insurance fraud racket. Joe and Jane both meets Fender at a party held at Pete's, and Fender is smitten with the young teacher. Fender's secretary Betty sees this, and feels her own agenda is threatened.
Joe is hired to do some work for Fender, and the following day he is to drive a car for Pete when he is doing a "job", setting fire to another store. Joe's job is to block the way for the fire trucks coming to put the fire out. Pete also jams the water sprinklers inside the store.
Joe shares the plan with an undercover policeman, Murph, and after the fire is set, the cop steps in and single-handedly extinguishes the fire before it grows out of control. All the store goods are already removed from the store by Pete. But Pete returns to the store to see that the fire is destroying the store completely, and he finds Murph at the scene. Pete shoots Murph, but more police arrive to the store, and a car chase ensues, where Jie and Pete ultimately manage to shake the police.
Fender realizes the police was warned and suspects his secretary Betty, who has been behaving strangely. Fender orders her towatch Pete by dating him, and so they go on a double date with Jie and Jane that night, at the Gaucho Club. Joe tells Jane about his undercover assignment on the way to the club.
When Betty gets drunk she accidentally discloses the address where the furs are stored and after the dinner, Joe and Jane go there. Joe is unaware that Betty was ordered by Fender to slip the address to trap Joe.
Joe drives the drunk Pete home and manages to find the file from the fireman investigator in Pete's apartment. He takes Jane with him and return to the warehouse where the furs are, alerting the police on the way. Meanwhile, Pete wakes up again and discovers what has happened.
When Joe and the police arrive at the warehouse there are no furs in it. The police look at the file Joe brought and they find evidence implicating Pete as involved in setting the fire. The police leave to arrest Pete, but Pete arrives to the warehouse with a gun and points it towards Jane. Fender is alerted of the situation by a night watchman and tries to get there as fast as he can, driving in his car with Betty by his side.
Joe manages to take the gun from Pete, but Pete gets the gun from the night watchman and pursues Joe and Jane as they try to escape. Pete sets fire to the warehouse, trying to trap Joe and Jane inside. Fire trucks get the alarm and comes to the warehouse, and Fender crashes his car on the way, driving too fast. With the help of the firemen, Joe catches Pete and overpowers him, and the rest of the villains are caught. After the big intermezzo at the warehouse, Joe and Jane continue dating each other.
In 2019, a gang of bandits called the United Regime Deathriders invade the town of New Hope. They are led by General Julius 'J.W.' Quantrill (Brion James), a descendant of Confederate cavalry officer William Quantrill. A mysterious motorcycle riding gunslinger named Johnny Yuma (Joe Lara) arrives in town and joins the gang, but actually plays the thugs against each other, causing the drunken riders to shoot each other. The next morning Sarah and her son kills two other gangmembers, but the Deathriders believes Yuma is responsible. Yuma challenges his accusers to a duel and shoots all six before their guns even clear their holsters. He is chased by the rest of the gang to the tire refinery, but kills them all, including Julius Quantrill Jr. The son of General Julius 'J.W.' Quantrill.
Leaving one lone survivor, Colonel Roy Ackett (Bo Svenson) to escape so he can warn Quantrill. Most of the townsfolk flee but Sarah and a handful of people stay to help Yuma. Quantrill descends on the town with his entire army, only to find the road blocked by coffins filled with the bodies of his son and Deathriders. Enraged, he shoots Ackett with a shotgun and yells in fury "Leave noun alive". Quantrill's Deathriders enter the town, only to find it empty. The buildings, rigged with explosives, are detonated and most of Quantrill's army is destroyed. The remaining thugs converge on the town center and are attacked by armed townsfolk. Quantrill spots Yuma in a tower and sends his men after him. When they enter the tower Yuma abseils down and detonates a bomb hidden inside.
Meanwhile, Sarah's son hides in an armored school bus which is later taken by Quantrill and chased by Yuma and Sarah. Aftet a chase, in which Yuma boards the bus and fights Quantrill, it crashes, and is then split apart by the truck Sara is driving. Yuma and Quantrill are thrown onto the road, where they lie, injured, both within reach of their guns. Yuma fires first and kills Quantrill.
Yuma loads Quantrill's corpse onto his bike and reveals he was a bounty hunter targeting Quantrill. He rides away to seek out more lawless tyrants and bandits to help rebuild the world.
During a mission, the Vandals get their hands on the ''Infinity Key'', a device that opens all portals to Battle Zones. While Hatch was trying to open it, the device malfunctions, separating the Battle Force 5, the Vandals, and the Sark. Vert, having been freed from capture early on, must find the rest of his team, reclaim the Infinity Key, and lock down the affected zones to stabilize them.
With lead singer Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) no longer part of New Directions, the McKinley High glee club, director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) grows concerned about the club's forthcoming performance at Invitationals. He discovers that April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth), a member of the club during his own high school days, never actually graduated, and convinces her to return to school in order to get her diploma and join the glee club. Having failed to achieve her Broadway dreams, April is now an alcoholic, and goes about winning the favor of the existing club members by unconventional means, including getting Kurt (Chris Colfer) drunk and teaching Mercedes (Amber Riley) and Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) to shoplift. After guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) warns Will that April is corrupting the students, Will asks April to become sober, and she vows to do so.
Club member Finn (Cory Monteith) is concerned for his future, having been told by his girlfriend Quinn (Dianna Agron) that she is pregnant with his child. Emma suggests that instead of aiming to attend college on a football scholarship, Finn should utilize his musical talent. Believing Rachel's participation to be the glee club's only chance at success at Invitationals, Finn feigns romantic interest in Rachel and takes her on a date. Rachel, realizing she is unhappy performing in the school musical and excited over Finn's interest in her, returns to the glee club. Meanwhile, Kurt, Mercedes and Tina are informed of Quinn's pregnancy by Puck (Mark Salling), who pretends Finn fathered the child though he is the actual father. Finding out about Quinn, Rachel becomes furious with Finn and confronts him, asking if he is actually attracted to her at all. Finn insists the kiss they shared was honest, but Rachel is unconvinced and defects from glee club once again, returning to the school musical, where she is given full artistic control. At Invitationals, a drunk April, accompanied by the glee club, performs Carrie Underwood's "Last Name" for a packed auditorium and receives the standing ovation she always dreamed of. Because she had performed drunk, Will tells April during intermission that she is no longer in the glee club. She accepts, telling him that she has realized that it is the kids, not her, who are the ones that should get the spotlight. This leaves New Directions without a lead singer for their next number, but Rachel offers to go on in April's place—she has quit the musical, and wants to rejoin the club—and they all perform Queen's "Somebody to Love".
The game starts in the practice-tactics mode. In this mode, new players learn how to operate the boat, fire torpedoes, read radar on different displays, when to use the engine muffler for a quieter approach, how to operate smoke screens, and how to find other weaponry. Players also learn the history of the craft, as some patrol boats can be piloted only during specific stages of World War II. Additional features of the game include four difficulty levels, radio messages to the player's base for additional air or ship support, automatic pilot, and assigned patrols.
Adam Kindred is a recently divorced climatologist who has moved back to England. After attending an interview for a Senior Research Fellowship position at Imperial College, London, he goes into an Italian restaurant in Chelsea and briefly encounters Dr Philip Wang, who accidentally leaves a file behind. Adam takes it to Wang's hotel, only to discover that Wang has been murdered and still has the knife in his body. Before Wang dies, he asks Adam to remove it and so Adam becomes incriminated in his murder. Adam is tailed by the murderer Jonjo to his hotel and only narrowly escapes, but he sees Jonjo's face.
Deciding to take refuge, he shelters in a small enclosed patch of gardens on London's Embankment to give himself time to think. He decides to go underground, cutting up all his cards and removing anything that could identify him. He soon leads the life of a down-and-out, searching in rubbish bins for food and only venturing out at night. In the meantime, he decides to try to find out from the file in his possession why Wang was murdered and if there is any connection to Calenture-Deutz, the pharmaceutical company Wang was working for. Calenture-Deutz is a company set up by Ingram Fryzer who is another of the novel's protagonists. Ingram is married with three children and is about to reap large profits from the introduction of a new anti-asthma drug, Zembla-4, that is just about to be launched onto the market after its clinical trials supervised by Dr Wang. To speed up the search for the killer, the company offers a £100,000 reward.
Adam decides to visit St Botolph's hospital to find out what Wang was working on. After leaving the hospital he loses his way and is viciously mugged near the Shaftsbury estate [a sink estate] in Rotherhithe, and is helped by Mhouse, a prostitute, who gives him the address of the Church of John Christ. He decides to visit the church to get a decent meal and meets others there who are in the same dire situation. Meanwhile, Ingram is having his own troubles - Alfredo Rilke is a major shareholder in his company and he wants to launch Zembla-4 against Ingram's wishes, since he considers it too early. It turns out, unbeknown to Ingram, that Rilke has arranged for Jonjo, the man who killed Philip Wang, to find Adam and the missing file which is vital to Rilke since it contains evidence that is damaging to the new drug.
Adam continues his life as a beggar, doing very well posing as a partially sighted man to obtain money from sympathetic people. Meanwhile, Jonjo is getting closer to him. His enquiries lead him to the Shaftsbury estate and he pays to find out where Adam is. He learns where Adam was dropped off by Mhouse and her friend, Mohammed, and waits for Adam at his Embankment hideaway. Adam recognises him from the earlier encounter and decides to rent a room with Mhouse and her young son, Ly-on, paying Mhouse for sex from his begging money. His life becomes more stable until, one evening whilst walking hand in hand with Ly-on, he passes Jonjo who does not recognise him with his beard. Adam tells Mhouse he has to leave for Scotland and shacks up with Vladimir, who he met at the Church of John Christ. When he finds Vlad dead the next day, Adam decides to take on Vlad's fake identity as Primo Belem and his new job as a hospital porter at Bethnal & Bow. He gets a transfer to St Botolph's, where he is able to establish why there are problems with the Zembla-4 drug.
Ingram Fryzer realizes that there is something strange about the drug but decides to fit in with Rilke's plans, knowing that he will financially benefit from them. However, he suspects that there is a plot to unseat him. In the meantime, Adam has decided on a plan for attacking Calenture-Deutz following the death of Mhouse at the hands of Jonjo. He also meets Rita, a policewoman, whilst identifying Mhouse's body, and starts to see more of her. He puts his scheme into place and, as a result, Fryzer's comfortable life starts to collapse around him, particularly after a shareholder's meeting and the sale of shares by his selfish, weak brother-in-law, Ivo Lord Redcastle, who is a director on the company's board.
Bad news starts to surround Zembla-4 and Rilke eventually informs Ingram that his proposed takeover of Calenture-Deutz is now off. Ingram has also been feeling strangely ill and it turns out he has a brain tumour that requires an operation. Jonjo, having failed to find Kindred, is sacked from his position as a 'security consultant' and is forced to leave the country after realizing that he will be made the fall guy for Philip Wang's murder and that killers are now after him. And Adam Kindred, happily involved with Rita and Ly-on, wonders whether he should retain his identity of Primo Belem or tell Rita the truth and assume his former life as Adam Kindred.
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival is based on a secret carnival-like base, created by the BuiBui, a red, mischievous version of the MuiMui. The title shows that the LocoRoco were quietly sleeping, while in the background, a BuiBui pulls on a nearby lever (cleverly designed to just look like a star), opening a trapdoor under the LocoRoco, sending them into a chute, taking them into a cannon, which shows the LocoRoco "Boing!" power. The cannon sends the LocoRoco into the BuiBui's secret base, the midnight carnival.
This is the PSP ported version of Locoroco Midnight Carnival for the Xperia Play. It was available via PSN store for Japanese Customers whom had purchased the NTT DoCoMo variant of Xperia Play. Code was sent to email after registering through the Campaign Navi application.
In PlayStation Home, an apartment space was released based on ''LocoRoco''. The apartment space is called "Loco Island" and features different LocoRocos on the island and a shop where users can purchase different ''LocoRoco'' themed virtual items such as crowns and glasses. There's also a video screen advertising ''LocoRoco''. It is one of the download-only PSP titles no longer available for purchase on PSP as a result of the PSP PlayStation Store closing on July 2 2021. The game is currently avalable to download on the PSVita PlayStation Store. It was later re-released on PS4 with several enhancements.
Chelsea Gee is the fifteen-year-old daughter of famous reporter and agony aunt Ginny Gee. Her father is unemployed and loves to cook exotic food. Her brother, Warwick, is leaving to Indonesia to help save the trees and her sister, Geneva, studies in Chicago. Chelsea is ashamed of her mother, because she is overweight and lacks fashion sense.
Laura Turnbull's parents are divorced. Her dad lives with his girlfriend "Bestial" Betsy, and her kids Sonia and Daryl. Laura lives with her mum in a little house. Ruth's going out with Melvyn, who Laura hates. She thinks that her parents should live together.
Jemma Farrant's mother is very old-fashioned. She thinks her daughter should wear hand-knitted jumpers with little bears on it to school. Jemma is not allowed to have a boyfriend or wear make-up.
Jon Joseph has a talent for art, but his father wants him to study law at Cambridge. His mum is not surprised, because she likes painting too, but she cannot understand why her son wants to go to Lee Hill instead of Bellborough Court.
Sumitha Barenji's father thinks that his daughter should have long hair, no make-up and no boyfriend. Sumitha is unhappy and she wants her dad to change. Luckily, her mum is on daughter's side.
Laura calls into Ginny Gee's agony aunt radio show under a false name and complains about her divorced parents and her mother's new boyfriend. Ginny recognises Laura's voice and feels uncomfortable, as she is friends with Laura's mother. Laura's father also hears the show, and wonders about his daughter's happiness.
Meanwhile, Jon argues with his father about his choice of career. Jon leaves on his bike, but accidentally collides with Laura. At first they argue, but they soon realise they are getting along well.
Sumitha's father forbids her to go to a party, but she goes to Laura's for a sleepover and they sneak out together. Chelsea dances with Rob, and Sumitha with Jon, which irritates Laura. After the party Laura and Sumitha argue about Jon.
Few weeks later, there is a parents' meeting at school. Then the holidays start and girls are going abroad with their parents (except Jemma, who is going to Paris with teachers and some students from Lee Hill). But before leaving Leehampton, parents organise a party at the Gees'.
Laura calls into Ginny Gee's agony aunt radio show under a false name and complains about her divorced parents and her mother's new boyfriend. Ginny recognises Laura's voice and feels uncomfortable, as she is friends with Laura's mother. Laura's father also hears the show, and wonders about his daughter's happiness.
Meanwhile, Jon argues with his father about his choice of career. Jon leaves on his bike, but accidentally collides with Laura. At first they argue, but they soon realise they are getting along well.
Sumitha's father forbids her to go to a party, but she goes to Laura's for a sleepover and they sneak out together. Chelsea dances with Rob, and Sumitha with Jon, which irritates Laura. After the party Laura and Sumitha argue about Jon.
Few weeks later, there is a parents' meeting at school. Then the holidays start and girls are going abroad with their parents (except Jemma, who is going to Paris with teachers and some students from Lee Hill). But before leaving Leehampton, parents organise a party at the Gees'.
Wandering alone around St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy where he and his former wife Nina had honeymooned, Beverly Hills divorce lawyer Stephen Blume wonders why he was unfaithful to Nina, whom he continues to love in spite of himself. Through a series of extended flashbacks, he reflects on the aftermath of their breakup and divorce.
Nina comes home to find Blume in his bathrobe and his secretary hidden behind their bedroom door, whereupon she leaves him. Although Blume begins to actively date, he is unsatisfied and grows wistful for his married life. Nina, a social worker, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, trying new experiences like yoga and starting a relationship with Elmo, a free-spirited unemployed musician who is 12 years younger than she.
After his divorce, Blume discovers how much he loved Nina and goes to great, sometimes humiliating and mostly futile lengths to win her back, complicated by the fact that he likes Elmo. Although Nina remains skeptical of his motivations, Blume befriends the easygoing Elmo and the three form an unlikely if precarious group of friends.
One night Blume visits Nina's house, ostensibly to see Elmo, but Elmo is not there. Blume tells Nina that he still loves her. She tells him to leave, but he forces himself on her. Elmo enters and Nina tells Elmo that Blume had raped her. Blume admits to the rape and Elmo hits him, ending their friendship.
Elmo visits Blume's office to inform him that Nina is pregnant with Blume's baby. Elmo also tells Blume that he is leaving town because "it's time to go." Blume tells Nina that wants to help support the child, but she is hesitant. They stay in communication and eventually Nina tells Blume that she wants him to leave town for two weeks in order that she may decide what she wants.
Blume is in Venice for the two weeks away from Nina, but he sees her across the square and they embrace.
The film is set in Manhattan, New York City. The plot concerns the efforts of a woman (Fawcett) and her lover (Bridges) to find the murderer of her husband before they are accused of it themselves. The story's climax occurs at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Reginald Rose's screenplay was nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award. Strewn throughout this story are clues that implicate real elements of the late President Richard Nixon's activities regarding Watergate and are followed by Bridges' and Fawcett's characters throughout the movie to find out who killed her husband.
The player takes the role of an adventurer on a quest to find the treasure of a powerful warlock, hidden deep within Firetop Mountain. The player must navigate the dungeons beneath Firetop Mountain, battle monsters and attempt to locate certain items necessary to completing the quest.
Set in the near future, ''2B'' portrays a familiar decaying world on the cusp of "great transformation and awesome wonders". The story is based upon real science and evolving technologies. When the world's first transhuman is created by a renegade corporate CEO and bioscientist, the foundations of society's beliefs are threatened in a transhuman world where man merges with technology.
Jakob Seel (Jeff Stewart) struggles with his growing sense of worthlessness after he is dismissed from his position as a teacher in a Soviet village. A neighbor asks him to say a prayer at the funeral of her brother. He agrees, even though he knows it is illegal. Jakob is reported and he is arrested by the secret police later that night. They take him from his daughter and granddaughter, Marta (played by Chloe Roe).
Thrown into prison, Jakob and his fellow political prisoners find themselves under the heel of the ruthless warden: Nikolai (played by Christopher Elliott). Unknown to them, Nikolai has an old vendetta against Jakob. One by one, during the night, prisoners mysteriously disappear. To help distract them from their terror of being taken, Jakob consents to the prisoners' request to form a choir. In doing so, he unexpectedly finds the sense of worth he had craved. As he rehearses the men, he gains their respect, especially that of the embittered prison bully, Bruno (Sal Rendino).
Then one day, the man responsible for Jakob's arrest — Oigen (Ken Jennings) - is also imprisoned. Now, Jakob faces the test of a lifetime — to see if he's ready to forgive the unforgivable.
A group of wealthy motorists drive exotic cars at extreme speeds late at night on the public highways. These drivers are referred to as the Banzai Runners. The majority of the Runners participate for the excitement of the driving, but one of the Runners is a cruel, ruthless drug dealer. During one of these contests, a policeman is killed. With no witnesses, it's up to the cop's brother to see justice is done. He accomplishes this by assuming a false identity and joining the race. To join the group of Runners, the police officer goes undercover, and obtains a 1972 DeTomaso Pantera. With this car he competes in an all out fight to the finish with the evil drug dealer.
In January 2004, shortly after officially becoming an American citizen, the Iraqi-born filmmaker Usama Alshaibi travels to Baghdad to visit the family he hasn't seen in over two decades. He makes the trip with his wife, Kristie, in tow.
Although Saddam Hussein had been captured by American forces in December, Baghdad is in a state of extreme turmoil with massive explosions a daily, frightening occurrence. Yet, Usama and Kristie are surprised by his family's nonchalance at the chaos. When a bomb blows up and rocks the entire house, Usama's cousin Tareef refers to the explosive device as a "nice bomb," hence the film's title.
An ex-con has just been paroled to a work-release program where he must work off his final year as an ambulance Emergency Medical Technician in the retirement resort, Seabreeze. David McCallum plays a comedic role as the "Jackal" an opportunistic drifter who uses the emergency system as a personal taxi service to allow him to feed his drug habit and get out of trouble. Turhan Bey came out of an over forty year absence from film acting to play an elderly man confined to a nursing home who provides the main character reason to carry on in an incredibly demanding job. Tobey Maguire had one of his earliest roles as a stoned teenager in a car wreck.
Penny and Bolt have been captured by the evil Dr. Calico, suspended above a pool of lava, inside a heavily guarded warehouse on an island in the middle of nowhere - a base which is impenetrable to both people ''and'' dogs. Penny's father watches the events from his lab through a secret camera imbedded in Bolt's collar and worries that he cannot save her. Discovering that no man or dog can break into Dr. Calico's base, he turns to Rhino, who is watching TV in the background. In order to save Penny and Bolt, Rhino is put through the same procedure as Bolt to give him super-powers.
Rhino uses his newly found powers to fly across the sea and crash land outside the armed base encased in his ball. Rhino's battle with the guard is witnessed by Penny, Bolt and Dr. Calico from the inside, with helicopters and cars crashing into the side of the building. Rhino uses his heat-vision to create an opening in the wall.
Once inside, Rhino uses his eye-beams to defeat the armed guards and commandeers a flying missile, riding it like a surfboard to aim at Dr. Calico, though the missile misses. Instead, Rhino uses his "super squeak" (similar to Bolt’s "super bark") ability to finish the villain off. With Penny and Bolt saved, Rhino walks away.
Rhino is next seen on stage performing "The Best of Both Worlds"; the theme song from ''Hannah Montana'' (by co-star Miley Cyrus), where it is revealed that Rhino has been dreaming his adventures all along. Mittens wakes him up, telling him that she's not a fan of his singing. The short ends with another dream sequence, this time about Rhino being selected by the President to defeat Calico once again.
One of the most exclusive areas of Lima, "Las Lomas", is shaken up by the arrival of the Gonzales family from Huamanga, Ayacucho. The family settled in a half-built house they inherited. Their peasant traditions infuriate the neighbors, especially the family living opposite them, the Maldinis. The Maldinis are the richest family in all of Las Lomas, however, they still cannot find a way to get rid of the newcomers. Amid this confrontation, the Ferrands, another neighboring family, befriend the newcomers.
Pepe and Tito receive an offer from Miguel Ignacio for $120,000. Pepe was about to accept, but just his mother and the family of his deceased brother arrived, so he decided to reject M. Ignacio's offer. Nelly realizes that her son was going to sell the house, without giving the part of it to Lucho, so they decide to go to Miguel Ignacio to reject her offer. This angry one swears that sooner or later he will destroy that house.
Joel, Charo's son, meets Fernanda, Miguel Ignacio's daughter, in whom he falls in love with her at first sight, and greets her by dancing and asking her name in badly pronounced English. Which he dislikes and runs away from the new neighbor. Meanwhile, Grace, Charo's youngest daughter, can't stand life in Lima and prefers to return to Huamanga, where she left her crush Kevin, so she decides to elope at night from home. But he is run over by Nicolás, the eldest son of M. Ignacio and Isabella. Terrified he asks Peter for help and they take her to the nearest clinic. Peter forces Nicolás to stay with Grace, she wakes up in the morning and falls in love with him at first sight, Nicolás lies to the doctor who is in love with him so they won't press charges.
Miguel Ignacio is unfaithful to Isabella, with his secretary named Liliana, one day they meet Pepe and Tito on the bus, the latter falls in love with Liliana and tries to woo her, which she is indifferent to this, because for her Tito is a poor boy, unlike Miguel Ignacio, who promised to leave his family for her.
Fernanda, has a lover who does not belong to the same sociocultural class that they usually frequent, so they reject that relationship, especially Miguel Ignacio, who on a date with Liliana, hears Fabricio talking on the phone that he would take his girlfriend to a "telo" (a hostel that couples go to), which Miguel Ignacio disliked and ordered Peter to throw him out of the house. Fernanda in revenge decides to use Joel to anger her family.
Camila, Fernanda's best friend, gives her advice to invite Joel to her house, which Fernanda dislikes but accepts. Her family gets angry at the beginning, but Peter advises them that only a rebellious stage and the best thing is that they continue with Fernanda's game. The Gonzales arrive at night to celebrate the "union" of the couple. Fernanda realizes that things are getting out of hand, Joel tries to kiss her, but Fernanda pushes him away and confesses that she only did that to annoy her family, which depresses Joel and her family is offended by the house of the Maldini. Meanwhile Liliana and Tito both reconcile and confirm their wedding to the Gonzales, to Miguel Ignacio's disgust.
Minutes later, Liliana decides not to marry Tito on the very day of her marriage and leaves him planted at the altar. She then she goes to the construction company and asks Miguel Ignacio to elope together. But Miguel Ignacio warns her that he will never marry her, because he does not want to abandon his family. Consequently, Liliana, regretful of everything that has happened, decides to move away from "Las Lomas" forever, after having lost the opportunity to be happy because of her ambition. But it was too late, because Isabella, after discovering that they were both lovers, decides to divorce Miguel Ignacio and throws him out of the house.
Francesca gives Fernanda a scholarship to Boston University, in order to separate her from Joel, meanwhile Charo and Raúl kiss and start a romance after so long. In the last scene, Claudia Zapata, the former secretary of the construction company, reviews some documents, and finally discovers the secret of Francesca Maldini.
When Peter discovers that Claudia is manipulating Mike and convinces him to leave Fernanda, Claudia kidnaps Peter, shoots him in the chest and leaves him for dead. Claudia attempts to flee the country with money embezzled from the company but is spotted by Mike at the airport, who is also leaving after his attempts to win back Fernanda fail. Having heard of Peter's plight, Mike prevents Claudia from boarding the plane and she is subsequently arrested. While Peter is recovering in the hospital, Francesca overhears Peter in his sleep and under the effects of anesthesia saying that he has always loved her.
Peter recovers only to find out his secret love is well known by everybody and Francesca does not share the same feeling. Soon everybody finds out because Gilberto, Nelly's husband, accidentally tells her. Determined to make Francesca look bad, she tells the whole family. At the same time, Grace and the newly changed Cayetana are planning Gianfranco's (Grace's boyfriend of whom she is convinced will make her forget about Nicolas) birthday which is sought out to be huge. While Cayetana seems to have changed, she plans the party as a trap for Grace and Nicolas (who returns to being her boyfriend after learning that she "changed"). It was when dancing that she reveals Grace's love for Nicolas and proceeds to pours a large amount of mud on them, embarrassing them in front of all the high society guests at the party. Minutes later, Cayetana was locked up in a madhouse by his parents, and Grace then breaks up with Gianfranco knowing that she can never forget about Nicolas.
Meanwhile, Mike succeeds in winning back Fernanda because she thinks it is over and decides he was the best thing that happened to her. Joel is also starting to reconstruct his love life because his co-worker Andrea is in love with him. He, on the other hand, is convinced that she is almost like a guy friend to him and that there will be nothing more. After learning that, Andrea tells him and Joel finally returns her love. Even though she really loves him, she is insecure and is afraid that Joel will go running back to Fernanda.
One day Claudia calls Mike, and makes him believe that she had a mental breakdown which led her to commit her crime. At first, Mike does not believe in her, but at the end he starts visiting her. Unfortunately it is all a trap because somebody that Claudia knows takes a picture of Mike and Claudia kissing. Then Claudia sends that picture to Fernanda and Francesca causing the breakup of Mike's relationship with Fernanda for the second time and after that Mike leaves Lima. Meanwhile, Miguel Ignacio, falls in love with Gladys and they start a project by selling juanes. With a lot of effort they are able to open a restaurant called "¡Ay, La Gladys!" (Lit. ''Oh Gladys!''). But he has to face a problem: Regaining the love of his children who are ashamed of their father. After finding out that his father is poor and is working in a market with Gladys, Nicolas learns to accept it. Fernanda, however, does not. After regaining the love of his daughter, Miguel Ignacio's restaurant is burned down and he loses everything. Later, viewers learn that the fire was caused by Claudia's friend from prison. After losing the restaurant Miguel Ignacio, overwhelmed by the debts, decides to escape by leaving Gladys.
While Miguel Ignacio is trying to escape, he receives a call from Claudia and finds out that she was the one who orchestrated the destruction of his restaurant. After realizing that he is helpless Miguel Ignacio decides to join Claudia. After his bold decision, Claudia tells him how to accomplish what he wants more than anything in the world - to get back at Francesca. She tells him a secret and Miguel Ignacio uses it to blackmail Francesca into giving him back his old job as General Manager. Meanwhile, Luciana, Raul and Susu's daughter return for Raul and Charo's wedding. Grace feels threatened because Nicolas and Luciana used to be a couple. When a rumor is spread by Isabella and Susu that Nicolas and Luciana are back as a couple, Grace furiously tells Nicolas everything she feels for him. After days without talking, Nicolas realizes that he loves Grace and that they should not be friends, but should date instead. After sharing a kiss with Grace, he leaves for her mother's wedding. On his way there, he almost crashes into a truck.
Charo marries Raul in Las Lomas, and Isabella does the same with Leonardo in a hotel in Paracas. He dedicates a song to Isabella, to which they dance. When everything is over he reads a message that Claudia gave him and throws it into the water, revealing he is the brother of Claudia. Back at Las Lomas, everything seems to go well until an unexpected guest (Lucho Gonzales) arrives at the Gonzales' house, leaving everyone in shock and making Charo faint.
Francesca, overwhelmed by the blackmailing of Miguel Ignacio, leaves the hotel with Peter following. When they are in the car, she starts to cry and reveals her secret to Peter: Isabella is not her daughter.
The first episode describes how Charo and Lucho's marriage was like 22 years ago, and what happens afterwards. Miguel Ignacio gains back his original post at the construction management office and calls Gladys, rekindling their relationship.
Days later, Charo decides to board a plane with Raul for a getaway, but she ends up deserting him and heads back home, as she feels that she is abandoning her children. Later, she finds Raul and tells him that she wants to leave with him, but he rejects her as he felt hurt after she had deserted him. They both get divorced, as conflicting relationships arise with Lucho's presence. Later, Raul meets Renata Newman, whom he starts a relationship with to forget about Charo. Charo, in return, goes back to being Lucho's wife, without knowing that he hides a secret from her.
Pepe, Tito, and Joel go to Rio de Janeiro, due to a website they joined. Later, Fernanda (out of jealousy towards the relationship that Joel has with another girl named Andrea) makes a blown-up picture of Joel making out with a girl he met in Rio. Consequently, Andrea breaks up with him. Claudia Zapata is released from prison, with every intention to make the people who hurt her pay.
In an act of vengeance, Isabella, along with Francesca and Peter, smothers Doña Nelly with paint. In retaliation, Nelly says that Isabella is not Francesca's real daughter in front of her, giving Francesca a panic attack, most of all because Isabella calls up her mysterious sister, Rafaella, to tell her the truth. Rafaella tells Isabella that she is neither the daughter of Francesca Maldini nor of Bruno Picasso, but they both love her as if she were their real daughter.
Claudia makes friends with Grace Gonzales, but later Grace realizes that Claudia was only trying to manipulate her. Peter, the Maldini's butler, later sees Claudia and Leonardo, Isabella's new husband, talking. This is something that makes him suspicious. Peter then leaves the Maldini house to go live in the Gonzales' due to "Madam" (his name for Francesca) and her mistrust of him. He then returns to his old post because Tito's mother, Maria Juana Smith, was harassing him, and because he knew that Francesca wouldn't really pay any attention to him.
Fernanda gets back together with Joel, a fact that infuriates Andrea and Lucas, Fernanda's ex-boyfriend, and both Andrea and Lucas wish to get revenge on Joel. Margarita, Grace's best friend, takes advantage of the whole situation and attempts to seduce Lucas, and they later become a couple.
Later in the series, Lucho's secret is revealed. On the day of the wedding in which he remarries Charo, three uninvited guests, a woman and her children, show up. The woman is revealed to be Lucho's lover, Reyna Pachas (Tatiana Astengo), whom Lucho met at a bar. Her children are twenty-year-old Shirley, a cute but superficial girl with a mean personality, and sixteen-year-old Jhonny, a kind and hard-working boy with a disciplined lifestyle. Everyone is completely shocked at the news, and the surprise eventually turns into rage, as the whole family is furious upon finding out that the reason why Lucho was gone for so long was because he was spending time with his "other" family. The wedding soon turns into a nightmare for everyone. It sparks much jealousy between the two families, especially in Grace and Shirley, as Grace and Shirley were both fully convinced that they were "daddy's little princess". When Shirley begins to sob about her father loving her other sister more, Lucho assures Shirley that she is the daughter most dear to him, a fact that Grace overhears, breaking her heart.
When Shirley and Jhonny are kicked out momentarily from the house while everyone inside fights, Nicolas catches Shirley's eye, and she falls madly in love with him. She has no idea that Nicolas was Grace's ex-boyfriend, but when she does find out, she doesn't let that stop her. She does everything she can to make him love her back, without noticing that Nicolas is uncomfortable with her smothering affection for him. Like daughter, like mother, Reyna also tries to seduce Miguel Ignacio, who has gotten back with Gladys and is expecting a baby boy. Gladys, feeling that she is unable to compete with Reyna, becomes jealous and resentful. When Gladys starts to accuse Miguel Ignacio that something is going on between him and Reyna, he fires Reyna's son Jhonny who was working for him as a janitor. When Reyna gets the news she tries to seduce Miguel into giving the job back to her son. She brings him a plate of ''sopa seca'' (a coastal dish popular in Ica, where Reyna hails from) but when she comes clear the table she breaks down and starts to cry. She tells Miguel that she does not know what she is going to do because of what Lucho did to her.
Miguel Ignacio, not knowing what to do, tells her that he will give her son his job back plus a rise and promotion. When she heard this she jumps up and hugs him resulting in Reyna giving Miguel Ignacio a kiss.
Season 3 closes at the day where Mariano Pendavis and Teresa are about to get married and Francesca appears in the middle of the wedding and flees with Mariano, leaving Teresa in despair after having her wedding ruined and the Gonzales family furious. Joel and Fernanda get secretly married. A mysterious man from province (which is later is known to be Isabella's biological father) asks himself how his precious 'wawita' is. Miguel Ignacio leaves a business meeting to witness the birth of his son Otto, which Claudia appears at the last second to make her next move.
In the first episode, the Gonzales household is devastated as the wedding between Mariano and Teresa has been frustrated by the appearance of Francesca. Peter is devastated by hearing this from Gilberto. In a church, Joel and Fernanda get secretly married in order to prevent being separated by the Maldini family. Meanwhile, in the hospital, Miguel Ignacio and Gladys are happy as their son Otto was born, which Claudia kidnaps him afterwards and is given as ransom for 1 million soles ($286204.92). Miguel Ignacio and Raul head to the location where Otto is 'apparently' being held, only to watch the place explodes. Claudia successfully managed to trick Miguel Ignacio and Gladys and flees from the hospital, leaving the baby safe.
At the Gonzales household, Reina Pachas and their family claims 'by right' a place in the house, which started a long-lasting confrontation between Charo and Reina, and Shirley and Grace. Nelly heads to the Maldini household to explain the truth about Isabella.
Isabella Picasso is revealed to have been kidnapped as an infant and taken away from her biological family called the "Pampanuapas". Nelly reveals the secret to many people including Isabella. Francesca and Bruno were jealous they didn't have a child of their own, so Francesca faked a pregnancy and took a baby from the hospital. The real parents of Isabella arrive in the seventh episode and the mother, Chabela, serves as a maid to the Maldini family. She is told of the secret by Francesca's husband, Chabela cries of the bad news. She then informs Emiliano, the father of Isabella, of the discovery and they decide to report it to the police.
Charo and Raúl remarried and went on a trip to enjoy their honeymoon together, but when they returned they were scammed by Mabel Wilson for the purchase of the most luxurious mansion "Los Castillos de Las Lagunas". This fact causes that Raúl is in the ruin and loses all the rights of the producer.
Grace, then meets Gustavo Adolfo, a teacher and magician. Shirley is madly in love with him, but he in turn falls in love with Grace, beginning to relive the love triangles between the Gonzales sisters. Soon after, it is discovered that her parents are professional scammers. It is revealed that Gustavo Adolfo's parents were actually the ones who scammed Charo and Raúl with the purchase of "Los Castillos de Las Lagunas". Raúl, after hearing that, shocked by all this event, takes his revenge on Gustavo Adolfo. Mabel Wilson reappears, who cheated Raúl, approaches Gustavo Adolfo noting that they have a family relationship, it turns out that this is Gustavo Adolfo's sister-in-law, however Grace believes that she is his lover and Shirley ends up intensifying the misunderstanding by lying to him to Grace telling her that Gustavo Adolfo was already dating another girl from high school. Soon after, Grace finds out that Shirley was cheating on her about Gustavo Adolfo and they both end up coming back.
Fernanda and Joel remarry in civil law, but then something happens. Joel fell into a trap with 3 alleged dancers on his bachelor party, which is why Fernanda decided to end her marriage relationship with Joel, since she got tired of her relaxed life without responsibilities and without work living at the expense of her For that reason it was also the family that sadly pushed Fernanda to start her marriage breakdown, so much so that it cost her to fall into a devastated situation. Mike appears again, "El Maldito Gringo Atrasador", but this time as manager of Mía's father's company where Fernanda works. However, he decides to win her back from her so this will bring Joel more problems.
Pepe Gonzales is the majority shareholder of the construction company De Las Casas, because he made a deal with Claudia Zapata to save Don Gilberto's life, so now, apparently the Gonzales are millionaires and this would cause more conflicts with the Maldini. With her new economic position, Doña Nelly puts Gustavo Adolfo in jail because her sister-in-law Mabel Wilson cheated her with the story of the cruise in the Pyramids of Egypt, but Billy Bedoya, Gustavo Adolfo's father and Mabel Wilson's father-in-law, appears. that this helps to get him out of jail. However Billy Bedoya scams Raúl Del Prado with a house again, Grace ends up with Gustavo Adolfo because he never gave them Mabel's whereabouts. Shortly after Nicolás finds out that Gustavo Adolfo and Grace broke up and he decides to win her back and asks Charo to help him but she refuses to help him, shortly after Nicolás and Grace resume their romantic relationship with the help of Shirley and Rasec.
Joel and Fernanda are kidnapped by armed hitmen paid by Claudia Zapata, the Gonzalez and Maldini comforted each other of their potential impending execution. Joel and Fernanda escape with the help of Mike Miller and an anonymous text by Leonardo of the location of where they were kidnapped. And Claudia, disgusted about that rescue, flees again.
With all the money that Claudia gave them, the Gonzales decide to organize a "Caravan of Kindness" in the middle of Christmas, in order to give money to those most in need. But when they return home, they are seized by the bank for being in debt and wasting large amounts of money. They take from Pepe all the shares of the construction company, losing all the fortune granted. This time, economically, the family is poorer than before. As a consequence, Nelly and Gilberto leave "Las Lomas" to forget their financial misfortune.
The Pampanuapas enter the house of the Maldini family and accuse Francesca for kidnapping. They then brought two police officers to take Francesca to jail. Meanwhile, in a lawyer office, Mariano Pendeivis, the husband of Francesca finds out that Leonardo is the son of Fernando Llanos and the brother of the criminal Claudia Zapata. Knowing that Francesca is in mortal danger, he calls Peter to stay with her at all times as he will tell them of what he just found out. He walks quickly to an elevator, he enters and when the elevator doors opened, he sees Claudia Zapata. Claudia enters the elevator and presses the close door button, after the doors are closed, Claudia murders Mariano with two gunshots. After the murder, security cameras catch Claudia shooting Pendeivis and a police officer intercepts her attempting to escape. She is charged with murder and illegal possession of a gun. Francesca is escorted to a police station where her mugshot is taken and transported to a jail cell, she meets her longtime enemy Claudia Zapata. A terrified Francesca asks why she is there, Claudia tells her that they captured her like Francesca. Francesca says she will be out soon because Mariano will help her, Claudia reveals to her that her husband will not arrive because the reason she is in jail is because she murdered him. Francesca cries on the revelation.
Tito and Teresa have a secret affair and accidentally drank beer and slept together. Charo finds her ex-boyfriend Carlos Cabrera at a Christmas party dressed as Santa Claus.
Nicolás confesses to Rasec that he was intimate with Grace. In the last scene, Grace is seen very nervous, locked in the bathroom, with a pregnancy test in hand, ending the season with a cliffhanger, whether Grace ended up pregnant or not.
Nicolás and Fernanda find out that Francesca Maldini is in jail for stealing Isabella so Peter makes the decision to tell them the truth and they both find out Francesca's secret. Don Bruno pretends to be evicted so as not to be imprisoned like Francesca. After passing these events, the Gonzales and the Maldini prepare for the wake of Mariano Pendavis. Francesca is transferred to the Santa Mónica women's prison, in the presence of her family, who are totally devastated.
When Shirley was about to go to the Institute, she offers Grace a chifa that she did not eat at breakfast, Grace when she sees the chifa runs to the bathroom and Shirley follows her, in that same Grace tells everything to Shirley in confidence. Grace comments to Charito that she returned to Nicolás in her fear of not telling him the complete truth. Charo disapproves of his relationship with Nicolás. Meanwhile, Nicolás became a "meme" on social networks, especially on Facebook, the reason being his Andean origins.
Leonardo upon learning of Mariano's death decides to flee before being discovered by the clues that Claudia left, since he has been an accomplice of all her misdeeds.
On the other hand, Joel, in his despair when he finds out that Fernanda is going to marry Mike, meets with Andrea after 2 years, proposes to her and she accepts. Both begin to resume their romantic relationship. After Fernanda decides to postpone the marriage, a decision that is greeted with relief by Mike, Joel decides to do the same with Andrea, who threatens to jump off a boardwalk if he doesn't marry her.
Meanwhile, Raúl del Prado begins to feel jealousy and insecurity when he learns that Charo was reunited with his first love Carlos Cabrera. Carlos Cabrera holds a meeting for his birthday, to which Charo and Raúl are invited, and by mistake of the recipient of the invitation letter, where Luis Gonzales and wife were written, because Carlos thinks that Charo is still married to Lucho and Reina obliges Lucho to go to Carlos's party.
With 3 months pregnant, Grace decides to tell Nicolás once about her condition. Her when she finally does it on a weekend at the Maldini's beach house where they came accompanied by Rasec and Shirley. Unable to hide the truth anymore, Grace and Nicolás then tell her family about her pregnancy. Although at first Charo had a disappointed reaction, she ends up accepting and giving him her support. Meanwhile, Isabella upon hearing the news of her becomes indifferent to Nicolás and together with Miguel Ignacio they decide to give her a money check to get rid of Grace. However, Charo and Lucho reject and throw Isabella and Miguel Ignacio out of their house. The Gonzales decide to forcibly marry Nicolás to Grace after learning that she is pregnant, but on the day of the wedding Nicolás is kidnapped by M. Ignacio, Isabella and their nona who is the one who plans to kidnap Nicolás. The whole family believes that Nicolás planted Grace and did not want to marry, Raúl Del Prado decides to go look for Nicolás in Miami, because Fernanda tells Joel that Nicolás was there, but during his trip he meets Chris (Malu Costa), with whom he took some very compromising photos with Raúl.
However, Francesca Maldini leaves prison and is under house arrest, regretting her actions, decides to speak with Nicolás who now lives in the Gonzales house, but he refuses, Joel decides to woo Monserrat who tries to leave Las Lomas, because One of Reina's conditions to forgive Lucho was that Monserrat leave and never return, Charo does not let Monserrat leave Lucho tells him about the kiss but Charo is not very convinced Lucho tells him that he only protects her because Monserrat is as her employee, because lately only Monserrat is in charge of the housework. Consequently, Monserrat decides to leave, but at the terminal he realizes that he does not have the ticket to Monsefú. Joel meets her there and takes her to a hotel so that she can stay there. Monserrat feels alone in the Hotel el Cielo and escapes, without noticing she crosses a street and is run over in their luxurious car by Isabella and Leonardo, they grab her and take her to the house where, out of fear of being reported to Isabella, Francesca offers her a job , Monserrat doubts, but then realizes that he would live in front of Lucho and accepts the job. However, Reina believes that she is crazy because she sees monsefuanas everywhere but in reality, if it was Monserrat, Reina decides to go to Ica to cure her madness.
Without a doubt, Isabella is the only one who does not accept the Gonzales, Grace's son was in danger so this situation forces Francesca to escape from her house arrest, after Grace's danger passes, Francesca manages to return home without the law enforcement knowing that she escaped, shortly after Francesca with the help of her lawyer is released on probation.
On the other hand, Francesca decides to pay a visit to the Santa Monica prison and meets Claudia in the prison where Francesca was previously and does not hesitate to threaten her and remind her that she murdered Mariano Pen-Davis, finally ending with a phrase that intrigued many : "I am very good", as Monserrat always says, perhaps there will be a link between the two of them. Francesca inquires about the origins of Monserrat and threatens to report her for complicity with a criminal, to which Monserrat refuses to accept. Monserrat challenges Francesca, but she brings her lawyers home to blame her for complicity.
Carlos finds out that Charo still doesn't want to marry him, so he tries to talk about it but it doesn't work, so he says it's the same as someone else who told him the same thing, Charo thinks it's about Isabella, but it's actually Francesca But still he ends up with him forever. As a result, Isabella invites Carlos Cabrera to dinner at that moment they are interrupted by Doña Nelly to threaten Francesca not to mess with Carlos because he is Charo's boyfriend, then he leaves the Maldini house. Mike also confesses to Fernanda that he will not be able to marry her since he was in love with Andrea, she leaves Mike disappointed, Joel sees her and consoles her.
Peter returns from a trip and Leonardo reappears in the back of his car. However, he confesses to Isabella her true feelings and that he has never stopped loving her despite everything, Rafaella reconciles with Pepe, starting a new relationship.
Cayetana reappeared after the birth of Grace and Nicolás's daughter (Nelly Francesca). Leonardo turns himself in to the police and finally puts together a musical in jail. Monserrat receives a visit from who he claims to be the son of Rodolfo Rojas ("Peter"). Charo after learning that Raúl never cheated on him, goes to look for him at his apartment. But upon arrival, he finds a pretty woman in a robe with him.
It all begins with two moments, in 1958 and 1978, recounting the past of "Rodolfo Rojas" (Peter's real name) and how he finds out that he is a father. His son, Manolo, appears at the Maldini's house looking for Rodolfo Rojas and meets Monserrat with whom he will be getting along very well. On the other hand, Charo is sad because he found Raúl with a woman named Viviana and also, after Francesca and Carlos Cabrera's kiss they start a relationship. The return of Cayetana is also marked, trying to apologize to Nicolás, and informing him that she is no longer angry, thanks to two-year therapies. She would later return as Miguel Ignacio's love interest. It is also discovered that Doña Nelly changed her daughter's name to Nelly Francisca and was bothered by that (this would be reversed later). While everyone was in the hospital, Doña Nelly wins the lottery and in that she dies of a heart attack. On the other hand, Viviana meets Charo and offers her an oil commercial but she does not accept and takes it as a joke. Bruno plans to follow Francesca with Isabella and they discover that she is with Carlos Cabrera on a date. After what has happened, Carlos and Francesca make their relationship official but some do not agree except Fernanda. The police go to the Gonzales Pachas' house and want to see Lucho for beating "Yunguyano". Nobody knew what to do and Reina asks Monserrat to ask Francesca to call her lawyer. They manage to keep Lucho from going to jail but they have to pay a greater amount of money so they plan to rent the apartment from him and live on the other floor.
Reina and Charo face each other but Charo has won so he began to be freer. When Raúl sees Viviana and Carlos Cabrera talking, he aroused their jealousy and caused an argument with Viviana. Charo decides with Teresa to go out to a place and meets Raúl, Viviana and a businessman from the company. When they sit down, Charo dances with the businessman and Raúl has become jealous of him. When he returns home with Viviana the two argue and Viviana left and the Gonzales made fun of him. Then Raúl asked Charo for advice to win back Viviana, naively. Shortly after, it is discovered that Reina listens to Charo in the commercial that they have offered her, so what she did was disguise herself as her and when she went they accepted her for the commercial, to Charo's disgust.
Six months later, Joel meets Cayetana and they become friends. Nobody knows, but Reina sees them talking as over time they both become in love. However, Cayetana makes a Ranch to Joel without knowing what a “Ranch” is, Fernanda in a mocking moment makes him notice that a Ranch is a ranch party so she makes her family dress up as ranchers, shortly after in the Fiesta del Ranch Cayetana's parents appear, Sebastián Bogani (Rubén Martorell) and Marisienka Bogani (Marissa Minetti) at first they did not assimilate the Gonzales or Joel due to their low socio-economic condition, but despite everything Marisienka and Sebastián support the Cayetana and Joel's relationship.
Fernanda feels jealous of Joel and Cayetana's relationship and decides to go face Cayetana so that she leaves Joel alone, but in her outburst she falls casually into the pool. However, Francesca suffers a nervous breakdown and is admitted to a nursing home, during her crisis she imagines seeing Mariano Pen-Davis. Grace argues with Cayetana, and she suffers a nervous breakdown and is admitted to the same nursing home where Francesca is located, however she suddenly disappears,
While Miguel Ignacio and Isabella resume their relationship. Isabella reconciles with Miguel Ignacio and has made him return to the house, but they all did not think that was very good. While Lucho becomes the right hand of Miguel Ignacio, which is why Reina is happier with her husband.
On the other hand, Charito finds out that Viviana and Raúl are getting married, causing her to become jealous. Grace returns to see how Nicolás was but he is now with Rubí. Desperate Raúl sings a song to Viviana and she ends up throwing water at him. Raúl, being sad about Viviana's departure, talks to Charo, she advises him and Raúl thanks her, Miguel Ignacio reconciles with Gladys taking advantage of the fact that Viviana is not there but Gladys did not remember to cook so Charito brings food to Raúl.
Rubí appears, the "Unnameable", the one who in the past broke Manolo López's heart makes her appearance. Manolo invites Tere to a pub to share a moment alone and listen to music, without imagining that Rubí would be in that place as a singer, which began to cause Manolo disturbances. Rubí and Teresa become friends causing terror to Manolo who kisses Rubí again feeling something for her ending with Teresa. When Teresa discovers the truth, she goes to Socorro to explain to her about the unnamable. Upon leaving, Grace and Nelly Francesca, to Huamanga, Nicolás meets Rubí, then they fall in love and end up as boyfriends. Grace, upon returning from Huamanga, discovers them, for which Nicolás asks Grace for a divorce and she does not accept. After a while, the two finally divorce.
On the other hand, it is revealed that Miguel Ignacio has hired the dancers for Joel's bachelor party 2 years ago. Upon learning about it and remembering the event, his daughter Fernanda ends up despising him and returns to Joel. After being jealous of him with Cayetana, his "little girl", Fernanda separates from Joel, then he decides to grow up and goes to Ayacucho. Fernanda seeks to be independent on her own. Days later, she and Cayetana travel to Huamanga on her own account and look for Joel but he chooses Fernanda, they return to Lima and re-plan their marriage while Cayetana vows revenge on both of them.
Charo opens a restaurant with the help of Francesca and Dr. Cross, and he became very famous and had a large audience, and a very famous chef appeared in the restaurant, until Diego Montalbán closed it because they had not asked permission from the famous chefs of Peru, and is closed by the municipality of Las Lomas.
Darío appears, who is a great admirer of Susú, when he saw her act in Nubeluz as a child. Later they start a relationship despite their age difference, which brings problems to Susú who is expelled from the Maldini house by Bruno. Socorro decides to finally break up with Peter, leaving him completely devastated. Luciana meets Darío, and they start dating as friends without knowing that he is her mother's boyfriend. However, it is discovered that Darío and Mateo were twin brothers. Luciana decides to return to Madrid. Nicolás ends up with Rubí when he realizes that he only wanted him for his money. He then he begins to meet with Grace so it seems they would resume their relationship. Rubí, feeling devastated and deceived, she will one day seek revenge on the Gonzales and Nicolás.
Francesca to release her guilt for having defamed Carlos Cabrera and organizes a "Caravan of Kindness 2" together with all of the Gonzales. But hours later, Carlos discovers that Francesca defamed him internationally, thanks to some documents that Morgana gave him. After this, Carlos leaves Las Lomas and leaves Francesca forever. Cayetana sends Fernanda muddy on her wedding day to prevent her from marrying Joel with the intention of doing it herself. However, thanks to Teresa, Fernanda manages to overcome the terrible moment and manages to marry him. Meanwhile, Cayetana, also dressed as a bride, is transferred by her mother to a psychiatric clinic. Miguel Ignacio and Rubí are in a bar and she would take the opportunity to start a relationship with him out of ambition. Raúl and Viviana celebrate the arrival of their son after discovering that she is pregnant. And finally, Grace and Nicolás suffer a fatal car accident while traveling to Paracas. Right after, Charo receives a surprise call.
It is revealed that a drunk driver was responsible for Grace and Nicolás' accident. Grace's "death" causes great regret between the two families. Only Nicolás managed to survive the accident, while the "mysterious redhead" (Ariana) appears in the distance praying to a relative. Now Miguel Ignacio and Rubí are a couple, and Peter and Francesca had a close relationship, which makes them both uncomfortable. The series goes on an eight month timeskip, with everyone dealing with their own lifes. Nicolás points out that he will move forward with her daughter. He then meets Ariana, a professional psychologist, and starts a relationship together.
The Maldinis begin to return from "Fort Lauderdale" starting with Francesca, although she does so only to fire Peter over a misunderstanding. Pepe briefly loses his sanity for having lost Tito, who left for Amsterdam. Then, Koky Reyes (Paul Vega) appears and, to stay at the house, he makes arrangements, for Charo's bad streak, who hates him for the indecent compliments he made when he met. However, Tito would return shortly. Nowadays Joel has his company "Taxi Churro" and Manolo is a teacher.
The series focus again of Claudia's revenge after being released from prison. Among the macabre plans being carrying out this season are: The kidnapping of Violeta and Milagros; Rubí's frustrated wedding; Miguel Ignacio's boarding school in an asylum; the manipulation and attempted assassination of Manolo; and the linking of "Constructora De Las Casas" under the hands of Ángel Gaviria's mafia with the objective of devastating Angel's mafia by the PNP (Peruvian National Police), in a domino effect of taking down the entire Maldini family for the rest of their days in prison and in absolute misery for drug trafficking crimes. By doing so, Claudia's revenge would come to an end. Throughout the season, Sergio Estrada (Isabella's former psychiatric doctor) and Rubí will be Claudia's accomplices in carrying out her revenge.
Milagros, a humble young woman who works selling sandwiches, comes to the life of the Gonzales and Nicolás. After the immense void that Grace left when she presumably passed away, Milagros wins the affection of the Gonzales and takes Grace's place in the heart of Charito, who sees her as her new daughter.
Since Miguel Ignacio and Raúl unmasked Sergio, ending his relationship with Charo, he decides not to be the "Good Sergio" anymore. In this phase, the thirst for revenge is shown to leave Francesca humiliated and defeated, for this, both will use all their cards, first manipulating Rubí, then M. Ignacio and then with Manolo. Meanwhile, Francesca expels M. Ignacio forever from the Constructora due to her intimacy with Claudia. She later learns the truth about Rubí and that she was blackmailed by Claudia. With all these changes, Francesca decides to put Nicolás as General Manager and Fernanda as Image Manager. Much to her regret, Milagros is now Fernanda's assistant and the two do not get along very well. Ariana rather, this reassures him.
The story has a 360° turn with the death of Violeta, who was run over by Emilia, Nicolás' upstart girlfriend. Francesca will be an to this crime to cover up Violeta's death so that Emilia marries Nicolás and succeed the Maldini legacy when Francesca passes away. This tragedy brought Nicolás and Milagros closer together. On the other hand. Ángel Gaviria and Miguel Ignacio will have a rivalry for Rubí's love. Shortly after, Milagros would kiss Nicolás, who would not reciprocate her feelings. Rubí, through Ángel, informs Milagros of the witness of her mother's death: Jacinto Tinoco, Gilberto's fellow countryman, a trickster beggar and swindler. Francesca buys his silence by pretending to be crazy.
Meanwhile, after failing in love, Isabella looks for Pepe, her love since childhood, and after a while she lets go and decides to accept her origins in Abanquino and forgive her parents. Therefore, Isabella and Pepe went to Abancay, to visit them. It was then that Chabela, Isabella's real mother had passed away, before Isabella and Pepe arrived. Isabella wanted to fix things with her mother, apologizing for not coming earlier, finally calling Chabela "Mom", just like Chabela has always wanted her to say her since she was little. She befriends her father, Emiliano hers, to whom she tells that she will visit him often or he can come to "Las Lomas" whenever he wants.
By neglecting some Chinese investors, Nicolás puts the company in "red". At that moment Luchito resigns to go with M. Ignacio and this fact is used to mislead Francesca. Ángel Gavidia appears to be the new investor and save the prestige of the Construction Company. More changes happen in the company. Joel becomes Fernanda's new secretary (which is convenient for Nicolás to remain as Francesca's favorite) and on the other hand, Miguel Ignacio and Raúl founded their own company.
Both Nicolás and Ariana are unsure of what they feel. At the doors of their wedding, both have a meeting with Emilia and Manolo respectively: When Manolo writes about how she feels about Ariana, she begins to fall in love with him by reading her writings. In that, they kiss. On the other hand, Emilia has been plotting that Nicolás is attached to her, she is the ideal woman for what the Maldini are looking for from the young heir, and he makes a mistake and kisses her. After that, he regrets it. These infidelities would come out in a short time.
While Rubí is happy now with Ángel, in a meeting, they witness Nicolás's breakup with Ariana. Ariana reveals to Nicolás that she no longer feels anything for him. Manolo confronts Nicolás, Ariana appears in the Constructora but Emilia had already plotted everything and reveals everything. Ariana discovers the falsehood of Emilia, who knew everything and being like that, Ariana stays with Manolo and Emilia with Nicolás.
Claudia had set bomb planted at Constructora De Las Casas, with Sergio believing that it was set on Nelly Francesca baptism. The bomb exploded and completely devastated the company, leading the Maldini to bankruptcy. In an act of revenge, Francesca shoots Claudia twice, but Claudia confesses a secret to her before dying. Miguel Ignacio is rescued from the asylum by Raúl and Betty, disguised as a doctor and a nurse, respectively.
After the investigation carried out by Manolo and handed over to the PNP, Ángel Gaviria's mafia is disbanded by the police and setting everyone under arrest. Nicolás, Emilia, Joel, Fernanda, Pepe, Tito, Rubí, Alejo and Gilberto were captured and sent to prison along with Ángel for being linked to the mafia. Only Koky avoids his arrest and asks Charo for forgiveness, leaving her alone and stunned. Raúl and Manolo decide to leave Las Lomas forever with Betty and Ariana, respectively. Patrick and Richard have a plane crash, with the mystery if they had died or survived. Milagros is saved from the explosion, in which she realizes that the case of her mother's death is closed and she goes to study in Buenos Aires, resigned to losing Nicolás but moving forward with her life.
The season finale's last scene shows a mysterious house very far from "Las Lomas", where a woman is revealed to be in a wheelchair looking forward from a balcony. It was later revealed that the woman's identity was, in fact, Grace, revealing that she never died at least.
Francesca receives a brief phone call from Grace, who contacted her at the request of Carmen, the woman who is posing as her mother. After discovering that Grace is still alive and tells Peter, they both go to Grace's 'tomb' in a cemetery. Francesca begins to have nightmares about Grace, telling her that she is alive, which Francesca decides to find out with Peter's help, but they accidentally break the headstone. Charo and Teresa find out that Grace's grave was desecrated, but unfortunately they couldn't find out who the culprits were. One day when women visit the prison, the criminals made a riot and seized the prison, but were arrested with the help of Sergio Estrada and the deputy director of the prison. The leader of the rioters, Atila, managed to escape with Charo as hostage, but Koky manages to stop him and was shot in the chest by Atila, and is transferred to a clinic. The Gonzales are set free from prison, conditionally. Ángel Gaviria managed to escaped disguised himself as a woman along with his assistants. Meanwhile, Koky is in danger of dying, but he managed to survive. Reina goes out to the street with his mother and the Gonzales took the opportunity to take back the first floor.
Meanwhile, in a house very far from "Las Lomas", where Grace is, a fire breaks out, so she tries to escape, but it was not easy. It is there that she meets Marco Sandoval, an agronomist and cherimoya farmer, who saves her from the fire that has occurred. It is there that they fall in love with her at first sight of her, and Marco begins to hang out with her, bringing her cherimoyas. It is there, where Francesca gives Carmen a large amount of money to free her from her.
The construction company is rebuilt and renamed as "Corporación Maldini" as a major conglomerate of all of Francesca Maldini's companies, with the help of Miguel Ignacio. Fernanda and Nicolás become independent from their family and entrepreneured their company "Corporación Fernico", with Ángel Gaviria's help after their innocence was "proven", but later ended up being a subsidiary of Corporación Maldini.
One of the milestones that marked this season was the reappearance of Grace Gonzales in the middle of Emilia and Nicolás's wedding. Carmen set Francesca Maldini as the main responsible for the kidnapping, as she wanted Emilia to be her successor and was even arrested for this. However, Grace's friend Belen tells the truth to the Gonzales family that Grace was not kidnapped by Francesca but by Claudia, removing the complaint from her. When it was already thought that Grace and Nicolás would get back together as a couple and parents of Nelly Francesca, the two decided to continue with their own path, Grace with Marco and Nicolás with Emilia, which generated altercations between the two about how they were going to raise Nelly Francesca for the rest of the season.
This also marks the second divorce between Joel and Fernanda, due to the fact that Emilia's brother, Camilo, fell in love with Fernanda and she also fell in love with him, because it is difficult to live with her husband Joel because they are of a different class, in addition to rumors of flirting with Miss Elizabeth. Camilo and Fernanda were together until it was discovered that the first cheated to his ex-girlfriend Almudena. Camilo then embezzled and broke Fernico and was later arrested but then escaped and was returned by Ángel (possibility killing him). But it was too late because Joel fell in love with Grace's therapist, Pilar García, which in the end turned into a love triangle because Joel still hasn't forgotten Fernanda, and even before she left for Panama where they had sex in a hotel. Fernanda then returns to Lima, realizing she was pregnant with Joel, which causes that he breaks up with Pilar and returned with Fernanda.
Grace soon discovers that Marco is cheating on her with Ivana, which is not true. Then they both end, and Grace will find a way to win back Nicolás, but then in reality, it is discovered that Marco was telling the truth about Ivana, so it seems they would resume their relationship. Ivana, spending so many moments with Marco, discovers that she is in love with him, much to Marco's chagrin, and tries to stop Grace and Marco from getting married. So she starts, apparently, a relationship with Tito. Marco, knowing that he cannot stand Ivana, decides to unmask her, and with the help of Tito, Pepe and Grace, they succeed. Tito discovers the whole truth, and ends up with Ivana forever, who, feeling cheated, leaves Las Lomas, vowing to return to win back Marco. But it was too late because Grace confessed to Marco that she kissed with Nicolás, so they both end forever, canceling their marriage, and Marco returns to her home, although he will also help Grace only when she needs it.
Meanwhile, Lucho and Reina get married in a dream marriage but everything is frustrated when Miguel Ignacio appears along with the police accusing Lucho of having systematically stolen a large amount of money. Faced with the situation, Lucho confesses his crime and is taken to prison but is later released. Lucho after being fired from the Maldini Corporation, he travels to Yunguyo to refresh his conscience, but on the way he again suffers a car accident and it is presumed that he died a second time, but the truth is that once again he fled not to face the fact to have a third family with Dora Hilasaca. Lucho meets some of his relatives who reject him, then he returns home to try to fix things. Tired of his lies, the Gonzales kick him out of the house once more for good decreeing that Lucho is totally dead and buried for them. When the options run out, he decides to accept defeat, and leaves with Dora and Luchito from "Las Lomas".
Nicolás discovers that Grace and Nelly Francesca had escaped, with the aim that the latter does not separate her from Grace forever. It is revealed that the two of them actually went to where Marco lives, who receives them lodging. Shortly after, Nicolas finds out where Grace and Nelly Francesca really went and decides to look for them. Once found, Grace finally reluctantly agrees to return. Upon returning home, while arguing about what was really happening for the property of Nelly Francesca, due to a carelessness of her daughter to unbuckle her belt, Nicolás turns and they suffer a traffic accident where Nelly Francesca was the most affected. She was admitted to the clinic in a comatose state, but thanks to union and the prayers of the two families, Nelly Francesca was able to wake up. However, the doctor pointed out that they should operate on her due to her delicate state. By majority, it was decided operate her in USA, so Grace needed the humanitarian Visa to travel. Francesca moved her influence so that Grace can not obtain the passport succeeded thanks to Emilia. Grace, ultimately, could not travel with Nicolás to see the progress of the operation.
Nelly Francesca is saved from the accident, and was discharged, uniting the two families right after. Rafaella returns to "Las Lomas" and resumes her relationship with Pepe. Lucho starts a relationship with Dora and decides to forget about Reina Pachas. Carmen, devastated by the death of her daughter Claudia, decides to take revenge on Francesca and shoots Isabella to the belly in a theater, killing her. Francesca and Leonardo are devastated by her death. Later, Carmen and Leonardo are arrested, and sentenced to prison. Milagros and Jacinto Tinoco reunited the evidence that proofs that Emilia was responsible for her mother's death a year ago. She is then arrested by the police and sentenced to prison. Nicolás, after learning the truth about Emilia, is consoled by Grace, and both reconcile, resuming their relationship definitively. A romantic encounter would reveal that Marco found love in Pilar. Miguel Ignacio, upon learning that the Gonzales mortgaged their house to help Grace, and lost it, after a false paperwork done by Mabel Wilson, took advantage of the opportunity and bought it. Then with the help of some thugs, they evicted all of the Gonzales from her house to destroy it. As a result, half of the Gonzales find themselves in the worst of miseries, moving to live in a prefabricated cabin at the foot of a hill, in which they meet again with Susú who is now engaged in social work. Gladys leaves for her town with Otto, leaving Miguel Ignacio forever after seeing that he will never change his ambitions and always think about money, the demolition of the Gonzales house and everything that happened. Miguel Ignacio is left definitely alone. Mike is disinherited by his mother, Anita Miller, who reappears to break the news and reveal her opposition to his relationship with Monserrat. Francesca, together with her butler Peter, sells the Maldini house and goes to live in a new modern mansion in the district of "La Molina" to forget Isabella's death and all the crimes that committed in the past. Feeling lonely, she invites the Gonzales and all the other residents of Las Lomas to live in her new, immense and luxurious mansion, finally ending the difference between the two families. Fernanda and Joel give birth to their two twins: Nemo and Doris. *Both families (The Gonzales and The Maldinis) finally managed to overcome their differences between them and form a family united forever.
Female inmates wrongly imprisoned on an island fortress plan their escape.
Taylor Worth is a devastatingly handsome and charming weatherman for a Philadelphia television station. A confirmed bachelor, he sees a lot of women and gains the envy of his closest friends.
One of them, Ned Broudy, offers Taylor a wager, that he cannot get three randomly chosen women to fall in love with him over a three-month period of time and accept a proposal of marriage.
Taylor takes the bet, putting up his weekend cabin against a valuable painting that Ned and Clair Broudy own.
Clair knows nothing of the bet, so she is pleased when her husband fixes up Taylor with her friend Veronica Briskow, a concert pianist. Ned is sure that the haughty Veronica will have nothing in common with a shallow TV weatherman, but Taylor does find a way to attract her interest.
The remaining two women Taylor must persuade to fall in love with him are Erin Cooper, a sexy Philadelphia Eagles receptionist, and Eleanor Larimore, an attractive older woman. The choice of Eleanor is a dirty trick on Ned's part, inasmuch as she is already married.
Eager to teach Ned a lesson, Taylor quickly seduces Erin, then proposes marriage to her in front of a hidden TV camera. This causes jealousy in her protective friend Tarry Childs, who plays for the football team, but he wants Erin to be happy. And although Taylor doesn't have many scruples, he refuses to sleep with Erin after learning she is still a virgin.
His next mission is Eleanor. It turns out she is unsatisfied at home and a willing participant when Taylor flirts with her while posing as a shoe salesman, engaging him in dangerous sex in public places. She, too, accepts Taylor's secretly filmed marriage proposal—two down and one to go.
Veronica won't be easy. She is career-minded and not eager for marriage. Plus the sex between her and Taylor is surprisingly disappointing so far.
The more time they spend together, though, Taylor realizes he doesn't want to lose Veronica after the wager is won. He proposes at his cabin and she accepts. Clair is delighted, Ned devastated.
Then the real trouble begins. Taylor first needs to break it off with Erin, disappointing her desire to start a family, which he does by pretending to be impotent. Eleanor, alas, is enjoying her improved sex life and brags about it openly to Clair and Veronica.
It becomes clear that three women are seeing the same man. Taylor is dumped by his fiancees. Erin finds solace in the arms of her football player while Eleanor takes pleasure in Taylor's humiliation at being exposed for what he really is, but Veronica is genuinely heartbroken.
A broken man, Taylor tells his friend Ned to forget the bet. As a grand gesture, he makes a public apology to Veronica at a benefit auction in a giant hall, expressing his love and his desire to be with her for everybody to hear.
Charlie is a twelve-year-old boy that has been forced to live in his basement all of his life. He has no idea what the outside world is like. Charlie has to scavenge for food when his psychotic father goes to sleep, and he must go to the bathroom in the yard. His father brainwashed him into thinking that he deserves the abuse. When Charlie accidentally goes into the outside world, he collapses and wakes up in a hospital. He is then sent to a foster home. With the help of his foster family and a psychologist, he tries to get over his psychological trauma and get used to the outside world. Charlie eventually gets used to the outside world, but still in fear of his nightmares that his dad will one day take him from his foster family. During his time in the outside world Charlie makes a new friend, Aaron, and his foster mother has two new children. He eventually overcomes his fear of his dad coming to get him.
Wally the Great (Tony Harvey), great-grandson of Waldo the Magnificent, is an amateur magician whose dream is to win the competition at the Magic Club for Best Magician. He is confronted with a rival, Roland the Remarkable (Dale Burridge), who believes Wally is a nobody. Meanwhile, children's entertainers the Wiggles, consisting of lead singer Greg Page, guitarist Murray Cook, drummer Anthony Field and keyboardist Jeff Fatt, are performing at a nearby school for Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday. Mrs. Bingle (Joanne Samuel), the principal, had an accident with Anthony after she blew a whistle, causing him to act extremely silly. Wally, watching from behind a wall, sees Dorothy herself laying Greg's (who is a magician) wand on a table while sulking that everyone has forgotten her birthday but really they were trying to keep the surprise party for her a secret. Wally quickly snatches it but is caught by Dorothy. The two have a tug of war and the wand breaks in half. Meanwhile, the Wiggles decide to go out looking for Dorothy in their Big Red Car.
After seeing Henry the Octopus and his Underwater Big Band, they happen upon Brrrrrrrrrr Street where they get frozen; since they have no luck finding Dorothy, they go to Wigglehouse. Meanwhile, the wand is broken to bits after an accident with Wags the Dog and his pups. During the adventures that Wally and Dorothy have, their friendship grows more and more. When they visit Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate, a crew member falls in the water and Wally saves him and is rewarded a medal with a mini feathersword planted on it. Dorothy leaves and sits on a bench, sadly, complaining to Wally that nobody remembers her birthday. Wally then says "I didn't forget your birthday" which makes Dorothy a little bit better. Wally begins to daydream about his grandfather, Waldo, saying to him to believe in himself. Wally forgets all about the Magic Competition and is almost late, but thanks to Dorothy, he makes it. Jimbo the Juggler blocks their way and say that Wally should put his vehicle in the full car park, but Wally thinks quick and says "You find a spot" and tosses his helmet at him, leaving Jimbo pinch-faced. He then signs in and runs into Roland, who clearly amuses the judges when his score is 9–9–9.
Wally find his grandfather's old chest of magic supplies and grows confident in himself. Meanwhile, the Wiggles are waiting for Dorothy to come to the party but nobody shows up. After Wally does his magic act, the judges score him 10–9–9. He wins the competition which leaves Roland jealous but at the same time impressed. Wally takes Dorothy to her party when it is just about to be cancelled and the party begins. Dorothy is proud that she has found a new friend and that her friends have remembered her birthday.
A playboy (Harve Presnell) helps a young woman (Connie Francis) turn her father's Nevada ranch into a haven for divorcees.
A young boy witnesses four mobsters beating his father to death. Twenty years later, he sets out on a quest to eliminate all of the gang members involved in the murder. After killing three of them, Police Captain John Kiley (Karl Malden) informs the mob's boss that an unknown boy has begun killing his mob partners.
Kiley flies to Portugal and begins assembling the pieces of the puzzle. (Kiley and the mob boss had been partners in 1952, but turned to a vicious rivalry from opposing sides of the law.) With the help of a confidential informant, he finds out Raymond Castor (Christopher Mitchum) has kidnapped Alfredi's daughter, Tania (Olivia Hussey). He goes to Spain to find him and he discovers a garage where Raymond works. This sends Kiley to Torrejón, to talk with Raymond's business partner, another mechanic. He finds Raymond's apartment, at the "Torres Blancas" in the Avenida América de Madrid. Raymond's apartment is a treasure of information, but the only personal picture shows Raymond as a young boy on the beach with his parents.
Meanwhile, he and Tania, after a rocky start (she attempts numerous escapes and tries to kill him with a sharpened closet pole), begin to fall in love. On the day he confronts Alfredi, Raymond hesitates to shoot him, and it ends with one of Alfredi's bodyguards shooting Raymond, who steals a motorbike and tries to escape. An accident then kills Alfredi and everyone else.
Raymond returns to his house and finds Police Captain Kiley is there. He is arrested, but just for a short time. Raymond has lost Considerable blood, and Tania takes care of him as best as she can. Kiley lets them both go, but Raymond doesn't understand why. Kiley answers: "You don't have to. Just keep going before I change my mind." They escape, and when Kiley returns to New York, mobsters-Alfredi's bodyguards-kill him.
Tyler is obsessed with the horror film ''The Hills Run Red'', considered the scariest movie ever made, with the deranged serial killer Babyface in the lead role. However, the film's director, Wilson Wyler Concannon, disappeared years ago, and no known copy of the film exists. Tyler's obsession leads him to neglect his girlfriend, Serina. When Tyler discovers that Concannon's daughter Alexa works in a nightclub as a stripper, he decides to meet her and ask about the lost film. He visits Alexa and asks her about the project. As she gives him a nude lap dance, the audience sees Serina cheating on Tyler with their best friend, Lalo. Alexa informs Tyler that the movie might be in her father's home in the woods.
Tyler drives out to Concannon's home, accompanied by Serina, Lalo, and Alexa. On the way, they are bound and attacked by rednecks, who threaten to rape Alexa and Serina. Babyface appears and kills the assaulters before chasing the teens into the woods and disappearing. Tyler breaks into the house and finds a red room that contains many film reels hanging from the ceiling. When Tyler hears pain-filled screams, he finds Alexa tied to a bed and releases her. The two leave the house and find Serina, but Babyface breaks through the door, brutally throws Tyler into a wall, and injures Serina. Alexa is slammed against the wall by Babyface and says "fetch," telling him to run after Serina and revealing she has been in league with Babyface all along. Tyler drops unconscious as Alexa approaches him, smiling. Serina hides under the car parked in front of the house. Babyface enters a barn as Serina quietly moves to an adjacent building. Serina is shocked to find bloodied bodies in the room, which turns out to be a smokehouse. When Babyface goes inside the smokehouse, he does not find her and leaves. Serina emerges from a drum used to store blood and changes clothes. However, when she leaves the smokehouse, Babyface jumps down at her from the roof.
Tyler wakes and finds himself tied to a wheelchair. Many film reels are on the shelves behind him; all titled The Hills Run Red. Tyler is shocked when Concannon finally appears. Concannon tells him the secret behind the scares in his film and plays a video of twenty years before when the film was shooting. Concannon was dissatisfied with the actor portraying Babyface and angrily explained how to properly make a scene feel scary. He takes Babyface's costume and axe and violently axes the actor to death. It is then that the reason why screenings were canceled and all actors vanished is revealed: the film was considered too violent, and all the death scenes in it were real. He also admits that Babyface is his son, a product of incest between him and Alexa; after his wife died, he lusted after his daughter and raped her when she was thirteen, producing Babyface. Growing up watching ''The Hills Run Red'', Babyface mutilated his own face and stitched the masked to himself like the fictional character to please his father. As Concannon speaks with Tyler, Alexa begins filming her own movie as she tortures Lalo in the barn while Babyface rapes Serina.
Concannon brings Tyler to the barn, where he is enraged to see his daughter making her movie without him. He calls Babyface, who leaves Serina alone. She breaks free from her binds and successfully escapes the room. Alexa stabs Lalo in the chest as she argues with her father, killing him. Angered by their disagreements, Concannon tells his daughter he's the only director of the family and shoots her. Angered by Alexa's apparent death, Babyface turns on his father and fights him. Tyler takes a camera and encourages Babyface as he kills Concannon. Babyface then turns on Tyler, but before he can kill him, Serina stabs Babyface through the back with a long iron staff, killing him. However, Alexa recovers and knocks both Serina and Tyler unconscious, enraged by her son's death. Alexa then ties Tyler up and forces him to watch her cut of ''The Hills Run Red,'' thanking him for realizing her potential as a director independent from her father. As the film continuously loops, an insane Tyler frees his mouth gag and begins maniacally laughing as he bleeds out.
In a mid-credits scene, Serina, still Alexa's prisoner, is several months pregnant with Babyface's child and brings Babyface's mask as a gift for her future grandchild. Alexa sings a lullaby to Serina's unborn baby as Serina screams.
The movie narrates the story of Appu (Mammootty), an elder brother who sacrifices his life for the younger one.
Appu, the M.D. of Leela Group of companies is a self-made businessman. He is a workaholic and still manages to make quality time for his family. He is married to Ashwathi (Mohini). Appu's father Pappettan (Innocent) had a humble beginning as a porter.
Appu's brother Hari (Indrajith) returns after getting MBA from England and marries Revathy (Gopika). All these people stay together as a joint family. Appu has many enemies in the business field, the most important among them being Sivan (Sai Kumar), the M.D. of Bharath Motors, who wants to destroy Leela Group. Sivan tries to influence Hari through his secretary Veni (Sindhu Menon) and her lover Deepak (Riyaz Khan). Hari has already been creating problems at the office as well as at home but Appu tolerates it. The story takes a turn with the accidental death of Deepak which was actually committed by Hari. In order to save his brother's life, Appu confesses to the murder. The rest of the movie deals with Sivan's attempt to take over Leela Group and how Appu takes revenge as well as the agony associated with it.
Michael Dori, a Japanese American, teaches at Bienvenida Elementary School in Beverly Hills, priding himself on the fact that his students regularly score in the top five percent of state standardized tests. However, when he is confronted by a 10-year-old Japanese student with an apparent learning disability, Kai Goldman, the authoritarian teacher first tries to bond with the child through the commonality of their race, and then pushes the child too hard in class regarding multiplication tables, which seriously embarrasses the boy. The next day, the child brings a gun to school.
The reason the child brought the weapon is the central conflict of the play. The teacher, Mr. Dori, accuses the boy of trying to get retribution for the embarrassment he felt over the incident with the multiplication tables. The child insists he was bringing the gun to impress his teacher. The weapon is an old Civil War relic and incapable of actually being fired, a fact Kai insists he was intimately aware.
Left to sort out the issue is the school's African-American principal, Robert Rees, who has only held the position a few months, and Coral Bryson the specialist in charge of Kai's Individualized Education Program. Complicating the already tedious racial issue is Kai's adoptive parents, Aaron and Nancy Goldman, who are Jewish.
The play, which is told from Coral's perspective, examines many school issues including race, parental involvement, and the differences in quality between public and private schools.
Toddie and Budge are identified as the two best children in the world. They enjoy a comfortable life with their parents Tom and Helen Lawrence. Helen's brother is Harry Burton, a wealthy bachelor who, although never having had one, is an expert on knowing how to raise children. When Tom and Helen receive a letter from Harry, in which he announces he will travel to them for a vacation, they see an opportunity to get a break from the kids. Knowing that Harry is an expert on children, they assume that he will appreciate the gesture and leave just after he arrives. Unbeknownst to them, Harry only wrote a book about raising children because his publisher told him to, and actually he isn't fond of children at all. He reluctantly takes the position as the babysitter of his nieces and is escorted by Alice Mayton, the Lawrence's attractive neighbor.
It soon becomes clear that Harry won't get any rest, as the careless girls often annoy him by getting themselves into danger or going through his possessions. Many of the dangerous situations Toddie gets herself into include climbing a tree and attempting to shave herself. Although they always try to help him out, Toddie and Budge only make things worse. Harry is only irritated by their constant attempts to comfort him and isn't able to take advantage of his own advice on raising children. He writes Helen a letter, in which he threatens to abandon the girls if she doesn't return immediately. However, before he is able to send it he is interrupted by a visit from Alice. Alice has always been a big admirer of his work, but notices that he isn't a real expert on parenting. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she invites him over for dinner.
Harry, secretly having a crush on Alice, accepts the invitation and shreds the letter into pieces. He wants to win over her affection at dinner and buys some fancy flowers. Unbeknownst to him, Toddie had secretly replaced the flowers with her doll. As he hands Alice the box, she is surprised to receive the doll, but thinks of it as a comic gesture. While Harry and Alice grow closer, the children run away to follow a dog they notice. Harry and Alice immediately start to look for them and they cross a group of Spanish gypsies. Noticing a piece of clothing on the ground belonging to one of the girls, Harry suspects that they have kidnapped the girls and violently starts to look for them.
Meanwhile, the girls are playing with the dog on the railroad tracks and are almost hit by a train. Coincidentally, Tom and Helen are traveling on that train to surprise the girls with an early return. They are devastated that their daughters almost died and think that Harry is fully responsible. They start yelling at Harry, until they find out how fond the daughters are of him. The film ends with Harry and Alice kissing each other.
New York cartoonist Duffy Bergman marries gourmet chef Meg Lloyd. Meg wants to have a baby. Duffy agrees, but after unsuccessful attempts, Duffy encourages her to focus on her career and come back to the child issue later. After his mother's death, however, Duffy becomes fixated on wanting to have a child. Meg no longer sees this as a priority, as she's trying to open her own restaurant. The two start to have marital problems, leading to a separation.
Duffy travels to Arizona to speak at a Delta Gamma sorority convention. He explains that the Delta Gammas have always been his dream girls—his Love Goddesses. There he meets the much younger Daphne Delillo, and when she moves to New York to work as a network sports reporter, their attraction develops into a relationship. Daphne becomes pregnant. Duffy is happy to father a child, but uncomfortable with how fast this relationship is progressing. When she has a miscarriage, Daphne breaks up with him, believing that they were really staying in the relationship for the baby.
At his father's wedding, Duffy hears news about Meg and decides to go to her restaurant. He tries to reconcile with her, insisting that he doesn't care if they remain childless as long as he can be with her. Duffy discovers that Meg has adopted a baby boy.
When Zak and his girlfriend Delphina visit his estranged father in the Catskills, they find him suffering from dementia and inadvertently uncover a dark family secret from World War II: an impossible sacrifice Zak's grandfather (Eli Wallach) made to join Rudolph Kasztner's controversial freedom train out of Hungary.
After the holidays, Chelsea, Jemma, Sumitha and Laura meet at Jemma's to talk about what they did over the summer. Chelsea tells them that she dated a boy called Juan in Spain, but that he was only interested in sex. Sumitha began dating Bilu Chakrabarti after she met him in Kolkata visiting her grandparents. Laura tells the girls that she could not stand spending time with Betsy on holidays and Jemma summarizes week she spent in Paris.
Jon cannot choose between Laura and Sumitha. He asks Sumitha out, but she declines because she is dating Bilu. Instead, Jon spends time with Laura. Jon's dad accepts that he will not study law, and respects his choice to become an artist. Jon is worried that his mother is being unfaithful because of her relationship with Vernon, a university friend. When he confronts Anona, she tells him that Vernon is gay.
Jemma meets Rupert Kentigan-Fry at a golf club and is surprised to learn that he likes her. They meet again at his sister's birthday party, but his friends ridicule her for attending a state school. Rupert takes her to the garden to dance, but Jemma feels insulted when he feels her up. Jemma plays Nancy in ''Oliver'', and Rob Antell develops a crush on her.
Laura's mum is pregnant, and her boyfriend Melvyn wants to move in. Angry, Laura runs away to her father's house, but he and Betsy insist she returns home. Laura attempts to dye her hair black to attract Jon's attention, but the dye comes out wrong. Melvyn pays for a professional hairdresser to fix it, and Laura decides he is not as stupid as she thought.
Sumitha is in love with Bilu, but he is not always nice to her. He takes her to a party where she gets drunk and then his friend Giles drugs her drink. Bilu begins to drive her home, but leaves her alone at a gas station after she calls her parents. Sumitha breaks up with him, and her father apologises for pressuring her to date a Bengali boy.
''Dear J'' is about an evangelist, James Jamisin (Joseph Halsey), who must cope with the unexpected death of his agnostic girlfriend: Paige (Maya Serhan). To sort things out, James admits himself into Logous Psychiatric Institute, where he replays a make-believe Trial in his mind over and over again. The Trial is presided over by a no-nonsense imaginary Judge (played by Karen Lynn Gorney) and is animated by an array of off-the-wall characters. Some of the witnesses called to the stand are inspired by real-life individuals, like the literary scholar and apologist C.S. Lewis (Patrick Mitchell). Throughout the movie, his psychologist, Dr. Frolick (Allison Lane) tries to get him to open the letter Paige wrote to him just before her death—a letter he has been carrying around and refuses to read. Trouble brews when the head of the institute, Dr. Donovin (Carson Grant), plans on foiling all attempts to bring James to a resolution.
A detective assumes the persona of his young daughter and hunts the internet for the man who killed her.
A day has come when not one, but two UFOs make their way into Earth's atmosphere. The larger ship is clearly chasing the smaller one, and the alien has the look of a soldier about him. The smaller ship is able to cause the larger one to crash, then lands itself. The pilot (Renn) sets out for town looking for an Earth woman named Annie Nilssen. Annie is a local school teacher who has recently broken up with her boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Logan. While she's on a girl's night out at the tavern with a friend, she encounters Renn. Refusing his offer to take her home, they nonetheless share a smoking hot kiss. Feeling ill during school the next day she goes to her doctor only to be told she is 2 1/2 months pregnant - an impossibility not only because she broke up with Logan four months ago, but because uterine scarring had made her infertile. While reading up on pregnancy and baby books at home that night she is found by Renn. He explains that he is the father of her baby and insists she come with him to escape the following alien killer. Renn ends up having to kidnap Annie. When she wakes the next day he gives her an egg-shaped supplement and tries to explain to her about how his world had died and why his people needed Earth women - to repopulate themselves. The baby's pregnancy is meant to be done in three days and he has to take her back to his ship. Annie doesn't believe him and tries to escape until she meets Willard, the second alien. He had accompanied Jack Logan and his deputies on a rescue expedition and tries to kill Annie on the trail. His attempt is foiled by one of the deputies and Renn is able to reclaim Annie and keep moving her to his ship. When his ship is found to be destroyed by a lightning storm they must continue on to the nearest mountaintop to try and connect with his mother-ship.
Over the course of their journey Annie begins to soften towards her captor. And Renn in turn discovers he's developing feelings for the Earth woman. They barely make it in time to a mountain where the baby's psychic cry has alerted the mother-ship to come for them. Annie has the baby. Renn kills Willard in a final fight but is mortally wounded. He tells Annie he repaired the damage to her uterus, she can have children of her own now. Renn dies at peace with having completed his mission, and his people take his body and the baby away. Annie and Jack embrace, and Annie looks up at the departing ship wondering what will become of the little girl known as "Daughter of Annie."
The player drives a Battlesphere, an ovoid mobile weapon armed with a laser cannon and a protective shield. Battlespheres ensure the stability of the spaceways between the moons of the planet Armageddon by removing destructive debris. The magnetic side panels which keep the vehicles on the spaceways are malfunctioning and can not only delay but completely destroy a Battlesphere.
The player is on a treasure hunt, and visits five worlds to collect treasures without getting crushed by giant rocks, boxing himself in, getting caught by enemies or running out of time. Once the required amount of treasure is collected, the player must locate the exit door to finish the level.
Gold coins must be collected. Enemies here are bats and evil monkeys. Killing a bat will give 9 coins. One level features a giant snake, which can turn evil monkeys to stones and stones to gold coins.
This food-themed world consists oranges (or rolls) as stones, and apples as treasures. The enemies are sandwiches and fried eggs. Killing a sandwich gives 9 apples. This world features two types of sausages - a good sausage, which turns fried eggs into oranges and oranges into apples, and an evil rotten sausage which does the polar opposite. One level features a clock collectible, which gives additional time.
Stones are cacti here, and red rubys are collectibles. Enemies include geologic hammers and Colt Woodsman revolvers. Hammers give 9 rubys when killed. The final level has a colonist wagon which turns cacti into rubys and cold woodsman revolvers into cacti. This worlds' clock powerups are bugged and won't increase overall time.
Cosmonaut players must collect suns, and Earth globes function as stones. Enemies are mainly evil black holes, but at one level, strange dinosaur-like space-doves appear, which give out 9 suns when killed. This particular level is also notable for a boiling and expanding plasma-like substance which kills enemies when they're in its close proximity, while growing even bigger. At the end, the whole mass may eventually turn into suns or Earth globes.
Hearts must be collected here, eyeballs serve as stones. Enemies include skulls, and palette-swapped butterflies (these give out hearts when killed). Two worm-like characters will also appear here: a bony one, which turns hearts to eyeballs and eyeballs to skulls, and a healthy meaty one which turns skulls back to eyeballs and eyeballs to hearts.
A girl named Alice (Margie Gay) is struggling to complete a difficult crossword-puzzle when her cat Julius tells her they should go to the beach. They swim in the ocean for a while then dry off and Alice continues her puzzle. Just as she begins, Bootleg Pete (a collector of rare crossword-puzzles who discovers that it is the one that he is missing) demands that she give him the puzzle.
Alice refuses and even smacks him in the face, enraging Pete. She then runs into a lighthouse and locks the door. Pete breaks down the door and chases Alice around the lighthouse. Alice screams for help and Julius hears her. He climbs to the top and a fight breaks out. Julius wins the fight by knocking Pete off the lighthouse. Alice then discovers the last phrase in her puzzle, "The End".
The player pilots a Grumman Avenger while hunting for the German battleship ''Bismarck''. The player first must learn to fly the aircraft. The player' Avenger takes off from and lands on the aircraft carrier ''Ark Royal''. The player selects one of four missions by drawing straws during the opening game sequence.
Jules examines her naked body in the mirror after coming out of the shower. At a football game at her son's high school, Jules relaxes in the stands with her friend and co-worker, Laurie. They are playing the traditional game of "Son...or Boyfriend?" with a few 40-something moms sitting with much younger guys. Meanwhile, Laurie tries to convince Jules to go out and party, but Jules has two glasses of wine and a Scrabble board waiting at home for her best friend and neighbor, Ellie, to come over. However, Ellie promised her husband Andy that they would have sex at least once a month and he is making her honor the agreement. The next morning, Jules goes outside to get the newspaper and sees her 40-something neighbor, Grayson, say goodbye to another 20-something conquest. This time, she confronts him about the fact he's sleeping with sorority girls only a week after his wife leaves him. He thinks it's because she couldn't "bag a young stud if she tried." Therefore, she tries by flashing a kid on a bicycle. The kid eventually crashes headfirst into a car.
After dropping Travis off at school, he trudges off for a day of humiliation after dealing with his mom's busty real estate ads around town, and his dad's new job as his school's lawn mower. As a real estate agent, Jules has the obligatory lawn signs posted all over town. Jules is horrified that Laurie would do that, but Laurie is hell-bent on getting Jules out in the dating world. After seeing another older man with a younger girl, Laurie insists she and Jules go out and have a little fun. After arriving at the club, Jules soon meets a younger guy, Matt, and though drunk by the end of the night, she goes home alone. When Jules gets home, she is ready to share a bottle of wine with Ellie. Although, Laurie unexpectedly swings by and leaves Matt at Jules's place. Reluctantly, Jules sleeps with Matt three times. Several hours later, they are relaxing by her pool, and she wants to do something to him she always told her ex-husband she hated. As Jules attempts to go down on Matt, Bobby and Travis walk in. In the morning, she tries to apologize to Travis and explain she fears shriveling up and dying if she doesn't get out and do things. Feeling bad for Travis' bitterness toward her posters, Jules and Laurie chase down the kid responsible for stealing most of the posters.
"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers led by Papá Basilio (Rabal) and Mamá Dorita (Jurado). They're waiting for the second coming of Christ, so they've abandoned the world, searching for a new spiritual life. Mamá Dorita sees in young Tomasa (Gurrola) the signals of the chosen one. The young girl will be the new leader in "La Nueva Jerusalem".
Chelsea's parents don't want their daughter to have a birthday party, because it will be too expensive. Chelsea becomes jealous of her siblings Geneva and Warwick, who receive more money from their parents. Chelsea befriends Bex in the ''Stomping Ground'' nightclub. A few weeks later, their friendship is cemented after Fee's friend Eddie tries to assault Chelsea, and Bex comes to her aid. Barry Gee buys his own restaurant, which will be called ''Gee Whizz'', after its owners, Barry Gee and Will Zetland.
Jemma wants to be an actress, but her parents aren't happy when she neglects her schoolwork to attend acting and dancing lessons. Jemma ignores them, and trusts Ms. Olivia Ockley, the owner of the acting school, who praises her talent. However, Jemma is annoyed when Alexa Browning receives a lead role instead of her. Jemma also dates Rob, which causes friction between her and Chelsea, although they reconcile after Chelsea's encounter with Eddie.
Jon wants to date Sumitha, but she is no longer interested. Jon is annoyed by his parents, who have little time for him. However, after Laura is injured in front of him at one of his mother's animal rights demonstrations, he realises that he likes her and asks her out.
Laura's mother is pregnant, and her boyfriend Melvyn objects to Laura spending time at demos with her neighbour Daniel. Laura's brother is born prematurely, and at Laura's suggestion is named Charlie.
Sumitha becomes a swot when she develops a crush on her new science teacher, Paul Sharpe. At the end of the term she tells him about her feelings, but learns that Paul is engaged to Mrs. McConnell. Sumitha is dismissive when Sandeep asks her to come back home with him, and feels bad after learning that he is being bullied by Kevin and Matthew.
TV writer Greg Whitcomb did his military service heroically but now has settled into everyday life with a young wife, Katy. A letter from the war department arrives that Katy believes is calling Greg back to active duty from the Air Force reserve, but she hides it during a party celebrating their wedding anniversary.
A captain attending the party, Barney Sloan, casually calls Greg an "old-timer," offending him. Greg gets drunk and passes out. His pride stung, Greg is willing to return to duty once he learns of the letter, so Katy, a former Air Force officer herself, decides to re-enlist so they can stay together.
Trouble is, Greg flunks his physical exam due to a bad knee. Katy is shipped to a base in Hawaii without him. Female neighbors keep suggesting Katy will be lonely and surrounded by handsome servicemen, so Greg flies to Honolulu to join her. He ends up spending hours with the wives, a situation their husbands don't appreciate.
Greg decides to sabotage Katy's career so she can get a discharge. His stunt backfires, but because Greg's knee has healed, he is now recalled up to duty. Which would be fine, except Katy now needs to be honorably discharged and sent home because she is pregnant.
Burlesque comic Ralph "Skid" Johnson, and specialty dancer Bonny Lee King, end up together on a cold, rainy night at a train station, after she fails an audition with a vaudeville company and he complains about her treatment by the impresario of the show and is fired. They decide to team up and apply for work with a much better show on "the big wheel" called the High Steppers Burlesque Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, run by Lefty Miller.
Miller hires the duo and the two fall in love. Later Skid asks her to marry him, but he gets drunk and ruins their wedding night. During this time a female comic, Sylvia Marco, who is attracted to Skid, tries to come between them. Skid is offered a solo part in the Ziegfeld Follies in New York and Bonnie encourages him to take it, but stays behind. Unbeknownst to Bonnie, Sylvia is also hired for the show. After his success on the big stage he neglects to send for her so after Lefty's show closes, Bonnie travels to New York to see him. She sends him a telegram letting him know she's coming to see him and to meet her backstage at the theater. After she arrives Skid has already left the theater, but she is told he may be at a speakeasy. She talks the doorkeeper into letting her in to see her husband but she finds him kissing Sylvia. Bonnie leaves him a note that says she will be filing for divorce which leaves him devastated.
The two are separated and Bonnie plans to marry Harvey Howell. Skid is still heartbroken over the break up and finds solace in alcohol, which is ruining his career. Lefty hires him for the lead role in his upcoming show provided Skid can stay sober, but Skid's drinking problem leaves him unable to perform, which puts the show in jeopardy. In order to save the show, Lefty sends for Bonnie to help Skid sober up so that he can perform and the two are reunited. But Skid passes out on stage on opening night which ruins the show. Bonnie joins him on stage the following night and Skid is able to perform.
The drama is about two love triangles between Emily, a maid who has a crush with her boss Miguel, and Sara, whom Miguel likes. However, Sara marrying to Vince, Miguel's brother. Heime, another of Miguel's brothers, likes gambling but stops when he discovers that he was adopted. Vince likes Sara, and they are married for his father who is to die in a few weeks.
Emily finally learns that Miguel doesn't love her, so she leaves, while Sara finally learns to love Vince. Emily goes to visit Sara and tells her that Miguel needs her but Sara doesn't want him anymore. They visit Vince's father but are shocked because it is discovered that Heime was trying to kill him, and he kidnaps Sara and Emily for five million pesos, to pay off his gambling debts. Vince is later shot in the arm and Emily in the back. Miguel realizes that he loved Emily all along and discovered that Emily was pregnant. At the end, Heime dies.
Kyla as Sara Jay R as Vince Mart Escudero as Miguel Jennica Garcia as Emily the maid *Paulo Avelino as Heime
Sumitha meets Seb, who is in a band called ''Paper Turkey''. Although they both like each other, they do not officially date. Sumitha dances to ''Paper Turkey's'' music in ''Stomping Ground'', but her father sees it and forbids her to see Seb again. Sumitha lies to her father in order to go to a music festival where ''Paper Turkey'' are playing in a competition, but the band is drunk and do not win. Sumitha's father wants to arrange a marriage for her, and his friend Sajjed comes to visit, along with his son Asim and wife Chhobi. Asim objects to having an arranged marriage, which gains him Sumitha's admiration.
Laura wants to break up with Jon because she has met Simon Stagg, but she does not know how to tell him. On New Year's Ever, she leaves her celebrations with Jon to see Simon, upsetting Jon who still loves her. Laura is hurt and upset to learn that Simon is gay, and she eventually gets back together with Jon.
Chelsea has difficulty writing a sociology essay about unemployment, but after her mother is fired she writes an excellent essay and decides to study harder in the future. Bex returns to Leehampton, because her brother, Ricky, is a victim of violence at school. Chelsea helps him.
Jemma is angry, because her dad wants to move to Scotland. She also argues with her father because he objects to her starring in a commercial. Jemma attends casting anyway, but walks out after she realises that the commercial suggests that only slim people are valuable.
Jon's dad wants to move to Cornwall, because he is tired of his work. Jon argues with him, and then feel guilty after his father has a heart attack, even though it happened while his father was jogging.
The episode opens with a car crash. Mark Benford (Joseph Fiennes) climbs out of his wrecked car and looks around him: there is devastation everywhere, people lie injured and/or dead in the road, cars and trucks are piled up and things are on fire. Mark calls out for his partner, Demetri Noh (John Cho).
In a flashback sequence, each of the leads goes about their daily lives. Olivia Benford (Sonya Walger) scrubs up at the hospital before surgery; Bryce Varley (Zachary Knighton) prepares to commit suicide by shooting himself at the beach; Aaron Stark (Brían F. O'Byrne) and Mark attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; Nicole Kirby (Peyton List) sneaks a boy into the Benfords' house as she babysits their daughter Charlie (Lennon Wynn). Later, Mark and his FBI partner Demetri give chase on a freeway after getting a lead on a case. Then, the blackout occurs. Upon awakening, Bryce finds himself alive and helps to save the lives of surfers lost at sea; Olivia's patient flatlines in theatre; Aaron wakes up injured on an electricity pole; Nicole and her boyfriend are in a naked and confused state. Each of them panics and tries to get help.
Everyone slowly admits they experienced a 'vision' during the blackout: Mark was furiously working an FBI case and has resumed drinking alcohol; Olivia was with another man; Janis was 17 weeks pregnant. The Benfords' daughter Charlie tells Nicole, "I had a bad dream. I dreamt there were no more good days." World news shows that the blackout was global. Demetri starts to panic when he realises he may be the only person not to experience a flash forward - believing that he will be dead in six months.
Olivia treats an 8-year-old boy, a victim of the blackout. She tells him he will be okay, and he refers to her by name, even though she does not know him. Later, Olivia sobs and tells Mark about her blackout. Her flash forward is shown, in which she is in bed with a man she doesn't recognise. At the hospital (in the present time), that same man from Olivia's vision walks into the ward where the 8-year-old boy resides and asks to speak to Dr Benford.
At the end of the episode, Charlie gives Mark a bracelet she made for him. Mark is alarmed: the bracelet is the same one he saw in his flash forward, indicating that the visions may be coming true. Elsewhere, Janis Hawk (Christine Woods) is checking CCTV from during the blackout. She focuses on a baseball game in Detroit and notices that as everyone blacks out, one dark figure is moving across the back of the stadium.
Georg Røed's father Jan Olav died when he was four years old. Eleven years later, Georg's grandmother finds letters addressed to Georg from Jan Olav, written before his death, along with a story titled "The Orange Girl."
As Georg soon discovers, "The Orange Girl" is not simply a story, but a riddle from the past that centres around an incident from his father's youth. In the story, it is revealed that Jan Olav had once boarded a tram and had taken notice of a beautiful girl who had been clutching a bag of oranges. When tram abruptly jolted, the girl's oranges were dispersed. Jan Olav attempted to collect the oranges, but found that the girl had already disembarked from the tram. The story is a request for his son to solve the mystery of the orange girl's identity.
Georg realizes that the "orange girl" was his mother, whom he is still living with. The story turns out to be his father telling him how he and his mother met, and then explains how horrible it was to find out he was dying. He ends the letter by asking Georg the question: if before you were born, you were given the choice to live and be very happy, but die young and have all of the happiness taken away, or to not live at all, what would you choose?
Koldo and Clara are about to celebrate their wedding day and have gathered their friends and family in a sumptuous country house for the occasion. That evening, a veterinarian recently bitten by a dog develops abnormal behavior and becomes aggressive. In a few moments, an uncontrollable wave of violence sweeps over the party as an increasing number of guests are infected as a result of bites. Clara and Koldo are separated amidst the chaos. Koldo finds refuge in the kitchen with his cousin Adrián, Clara's sister Tita, the wedding photographer Atun and a copyright inspector nicknamed "Royalties". They escape through the air-conditioning ducts, apart from Atun due to his size. Outside, the group finds a police vehicle and a guest eating the policeman's flesh. After killing her, they try to contact the police, but Royalties is devoured by the now-infected policeman. The vehicle's sirens are triggered and alert the infected. The group escapes and joins other survivors within a chapel, which the infected cannot enter. Through the P.A. system, Koldo hears Clara say that she is safe as well as pregnant, and he decides to find her.
Clara and the wedding priest have found refuge in the video surveillance room and are helplessly watching the carnage unfold. Spotted by the infected, they escape and find Rafa, a friend of the couple, and Natalie, Clara's French friend who had retired to a room for sexual intercourse without realizing the situation. Clara, Rafa and Natalie flee while the priest immobilizes the infected by reciting a prayer. Meanwhile, Koldo arrives at the surveillance room and witnesses the massacre of Adrian, Tita, his grandmother, and others as they get cornered and eaten by the infected. Clara, Natalie and Rafa meet another survivor, children's entertainer "Sponge John". Natalie is bitten and Clara faces her infected mother. John shoots the mother before he himself is bitten. Clara and Rafa flee through a tunnel, but Clara turns around when she hears a song played by Koldo in the ballroom.
Clara, followed by Rafa, takes a chainsaw and fights her way through the infected, but Rafa is bitten and Clara is forced to kill him. Koldo enters the kitchen to find a dead Atun, having slit his wrists to prevent infection, and killing the Vet with a kitchen tool. Clara finds Koldo in the kitchen and both are surrounded by a horde of infected, which are suddenly paralyzed by the voice of the priest reciting scripture over the P.A. system. Clara and Koldo go out into the garden, but Clara is bitten by her infected grandfather, whose deafness renders him immune to the prayer. Koldo cuts Clara's arm just below the elbow to stop the infection, and they arrive at the estate's exit, where they discover that the authorities have quarantined the area. The attempt to stop Clara's infection fails, and she begins to show the first signs of infection; Koldo takes her outside where the police and a GEO team tell him to let her go. Clara and Koldo share a final kiss before Clara, now fully turned, bites his tongue off and then turns to attack the armed men, who shoot both of them down. In their final moments, Clara and Koldo hold each other's hands as they die of their wounds.
After Kordian, a 15-year-old romantic, suffers rejection in love and survives a suicide attempt, he travels through Europe, learning the importance of money. He changes from an adolescent dreamer into a youth in quest of a purpose; in a moment of epiphany, the tragic lover transforms into an idealistic patriot. Inspired by Arnold von Winkelried, he resolves to devote his life to assassinating Russian Tsar Nicholas I (Russia having been one of Poland's three partitioners). Ultimately Kordian fails in his mission because of qualms over the ethics of assassination—but possibly escapes with his life.
This play has been translated into English for the first time by Gerard T. Kapolka. It was published by The Green Lantern Press in 2011.
Phoebe is a perfectly happy senior at high school and headed for USC with her best friends after graduation. Everything changes when her Mom comes back to California announcing she is marrying a Greek man and they have plans to move there. They move to a secret island where she is accepted to an exclusive academy for the descendants of Greek gods, which is run by Phoebe's new stepfather. Phoebe doesn't really fit in, partly because she believes she's not of holy descent. Her new step-sister and others easily torment her, but Phoebe ignores them. At the school, she quickly befriends Nicole and Troy. Phoebe makes it onto her cross country team, running is her natural talent. Soon after, she gets swept up in controversies including her, Griffin, Nicole, Troy, Stella, and her dead dad. At the very end of the book, Phoebe finds out the biggest secret of her life: Phoebe is a descendant of Nike, the Goddess of Victory. She then proceeds to talk to Griffin, who tells her he was destined to be with a descendant of Nike. They start a relationship together.
'''Phoebe Castro''', the main character in the book. Her mom gets married, and she has to move to Serfopoula, causing her world to be turned upside down. She has trouble adjusting to her new life.
'''Nicole Matios''', one of Phoebe's three friends. Nicole is hardcore and isn't afraid of anything.
'''Troy Travatas''', a friend of Phoebe. He is the descendant from Asclepius.
'''Griffin Blake''', a boy from Phoebe's school that she likes. He is a descendant from Ares and Hercules from his father's side.
'''Valerie Petrolas''', a therapist and Phoebe's mom. Her relationship with Phoebe went downhill after they moved out to Serfopoula.
'''Stella Petrolas''', Phoebe's stepsister, who tries to make Phoebe's life miserable. Stella is part of the mean and popular clique at school. Likewise, she is a descendant from Hera.
*'''Damian Petrolas''', Phoebe's stepfather (marries Phoebe's mother near the beginning of the book) and Stella's father. He is also the headmaster of the school that Phoebe and Stella attend.
To help his actress girlfriend regain her confidence a Hollywood bigshot bankrolls a small film being made by a first-time producer and director duo. Despite the hand-to-mouth way it is made the film turns out well, as does the off-set relationship between the actress and her unknown male lead.
Andromeda Klein is a teenage girl with many problems. She is unattractive, hard of hearing, her best friend and former magical partner Daisy recently died of cancer, "St. Steve" her boyfriend has gone missing, her mother is completely overbearing and her father is a paranoid conspiracist. She makes sense of the world through her complete immersion in the world of cerenonial magic and tarot, even taking on a job at her local library, which conveniently houses an impressive collection of esoteric books on just such subjects. When a list comes in, threatening to wipe the entire collection, Andromeda immediately enlists the help of all those she can find, and begins her battle with the "Friends of the Library".
Meanwhile, Andromeda begins to receive myriad messages from Daisy, beyond the grave and plies Daisy's younger brother with naked girl magazines (or "bagel worm agonies" as she mishears thanks to her partial deafness) in exchange for the remaining scraps of her dead best friend's belongings. She then uses these as part of her witchcraft in an attempt to figure out just what Daisy is trying to tell her.
Rosalie van Genuchten, and the rest of Andromeda's "afternoon tea" (alcohol and drugs) party friends, sick of her pining for St. Steve, attempt to set her up with various potential suitors who Andromeda dismisses on sight. However, in this process, she picks up Byron, a short guy with unfortunate facial hair who nevertheless becomes a kind of apprentice to Andromeda's occultism, and confidant as new, exciting, but generally confusing text messages suddenly start coming in from St. Steve.
The story gathers pace as Andromeda's tarot readings become increasingly literal and prophetic, sparking interest from fellow students, eager to know their futures, and more pressingly, who their boyfriends are cheating on them with. Andromeda's dreams start to feature a powerful new figure, called "The King of Sacramento", she begins to hear a voice in her head (that calls itself Huggy) and in a crescendo of increasingly elaborate and freaky spells, the mysteries of St. Steve, her tarot readings, and Daisy all become clear.
In a small Irish village in 1957, Tara Maguire, a young resolute woman, is the talk of the town because she is having a baby out of wedlock, and refuses to name the father. During Sunday mass she goes into labour giving birth to a baby boy. Sergeant Brendan Hegarty, the local police officer of the Garda Síochána, and Mick, a local landowner, vie for Tara's hand in marriage, but she refuses them both.
Mick loses his cattle and facing financial ruin commits suicide. People in town blame his death on Tara's rejection. The local priest, Father Malone, attempts to compel Tara to marry the constable before another tragedy takes place. But Tara is not in love with the solemn and older Sgt. Hegarty, a reformed alcoholic, who hides the fury of his unrequited love for Tara in his devotion for her. He carves a cradle for the baby, but Tara vehemently refuses the gift and his attentions.
The beautiful and strong willed Tara lives with her sister Brigid and is determined to make it on her own. She supplements her income as a dressmaker, raising chickens in her garden and smuggling goods from the nearby border with Northern Ireland. However even in this she has to face Hegarty who discovers her secret illegal dealings while riding his bicycle at night looking for smugglers on the roads.
The arrival of a shabby troupe of travelling actors called the "Playboys", stirs the town. Tara surprises Tom, one of the actors, stealing one of her chickens. He has to pay for it, but he is smitten with her beauty and her character. They flirt and spar around the village, all under the resentful eye of the constable. The Playboys are a success in the sleepy village and the tent is full when the show starts at night. One of their numbers with female dancers lifting their skirts causes a furious response from Father Malone, who has another opinion of what is wholesome entertainment. The actors are forced to switch to staging ''Othello''. A blind woman gets so excited during a show that she suddenly regains her vision. Not only do the group of actors have to deal with discord when the time to share the dividends comes, but the recent arrival of television threatens the survival of their art.
The romance between Tara and Tom grows slowly over the few days the theatrical company is in the village. Her past has made her suspicious of men, and Hegarty's intrusions provide an added obstacle. He tells her that Tom is a liar who already has a wife, which turn out not to be true. Hegarty confronts Tom and tells him that he is the father of the baby, but Tara assures him that not only she does not have any feelings for the constable but that the baby was conceived on a lonely night without deep feeling involved on her part.
One of the actors is involved with the IRA and has smuggled some explosives. When the explosives are accidentally discovered by Hegarty he blames his rival. Tom is framed as an IRA man, but he breaks out of jail with Tara's help. When ''Gone With the Wind'' plays at the local cinema, the actors stage an instant, improvised knock-off of it, with Atlanta burning while Tom struggles with his lines in the role of Rhett Butler. Comically, Fred has to take the role of Mammy. During the show the triangle between Tara, Tom and Sergeant Hegarty comes to a boiling point. The performance is interrupted by the frantic Brigid. Hegarty, drunk, has taken the baby. He comes to the tent, drunk, but gives the baby back to Tara. There is a confrontation between Tom and the Sergeant, but the Sergeant painfully loses in a public fist fight with Tom. Even after this defeat, he trashes the tent. The next day the time for the playboys to leave has come. Hegarty, now jobless and in civilian clothes, also leaves the town for good. Tom is happily surprised when Tara decides to join the group with her baby and share a life together, perhaps in the end to take on a new life with Tom in America.
Faith (Amy Shiels) is a young woman trapped in a relationship with her abusive boyfriend, Jimmy (Vance Daniels). She flees from him and moves to Atlanta to start over again. As Faith begins her new life, she meets a fun and free-spirited young woman named Lola (Lucy Holt). Lola lives on a farm with her controlling father, Jorgen (David Sterne), her older brother, and her younger brother. Faith and Lola become good friends, and Lola invites Faith to live with her and her family to help out with the farm work. During the day, the family (and Faith) work on the farm, and at night the two young women go out on the town to party in Atlanta. Lola brings home a different man every night. Eventually Faith notices that these men disappear after their encounters with Lola, and she suspects that Lola's father is murdering them in the farm's slaughterhouse.
Beaty (Mirren) is a prostitute working at a London cabaret where Emory (John Shea) is a sound/lighting technician. They begin an affair encumbered by Beaty's job as a call girl. They eventually fall in love, but predictably he grows increasingly uncomfortable with her line of work. In addition Emory has a bit of a dark secret from his past involving the accidental death of his then-wife. To further complicate things, Beaty has shared custody of a young son.
Eventually a pair of unsavory characters from each of the lovers' pasts shows up and further endangers their love. Emory's gay friend Max (Murray Salem) arrives and wants to cut Emory in on an upcoming drug deal. He is simultaneously foppish, arrogant and abrasive. Beaty's abusive former lover, the father of her son and possibly her pimp is Alex (Paul Angelis), a strong-arm gorilla type fresh out of prison also arrives, needing a place to stay. Alex is clearly a brutish psychopath who threatens Beaty and Emory's future. Emory and Beaty's two past companions could not be more different, Max is sophisticated, articulate, stylish and outspoken. Alex is a working class English thug, quiet, simple and burning with violent rage. Beaty rebuffs Alex's desire to rekindle whatever they had and this enrages him. He does however agree to be part of Max and Emory's caper (believing it to be gun smuggling).
On the day of the caper, Max, Emory and Alex end up in a car together with Max continuously taunting Alex. Alex finally has enough and shoots Max dead in the car. Emory and Alex dispose of the body and it becomes apparent that Alex is aware of Emory's intention to take Beaty and her son away. He is resigned to this and insists that Emory take some surplus cash found on Max's body. Emory drops Alex off with the smuggled drugs where Alex promises to 'take care of' (kill) the drugs' intended recipients to keep them from bothering Alex, Emory or Beaty. When Emory and Beaty first reunite, she refuses to leave the country with him, citing a concern about her son, clearly having trouble uprooting and letting go of her past even though with the proceeds from the smuggling, they will be well set up and she will never have to work at her past profession again.
The end shows Emory, Beaty and her child racing to catch a plane, free of their past encumbrances.
Dean is an American film director whose most recent film has been chosen for the Venice Film Festival. A beautiful French journalist arrives at the festival with the intention of interviewing the eccentric filmmaker and in the midst of the festival madness, she is forced to confront the wide divergence between things as they really are and things as they seem to be, both on screen and off. Shot in Venice, Italy and Venice, California, ''Venice/Venice'' looks at the effect movies have on our lives, loves and dreams.
Featuring an all-female cast, the film is set entirely inside and around a spacious house in Los Angeles. Helene is a woman turning 40 years old and her friends—who include French filmmaker Martine, house guest Sophie, and Lydia—throw her a party. But also there is Kate, a friend turning 30, and Sadie, a Hollywood film agent turning 50. So, all of Helene's, Kate's, and Sadie's friends arrive for the triple-birthday party where Martine films the events with her movie camera, as well as filming the shocking secrets revealed by Helene's mother Whitney and younger sister Nancy who confide in their interviews about their obsession with food and their roles in life.
Sixteen years after her sister's tragic suicide, a tough female private detective investigates her death. Giorgia Cantini, 39 y.o., a declining Bolognese detective who works in her father's investigative agency, spends her nights wandering from one room to another. When Aldo -friend of his older sister, Ada, suicidal inexplicably sixteen years before- sends her videotapes that reconstruct the diary of suicide woman, Giorgia begins to dig into the past to shed light on her existence and the one of Ada.
Marco (Bentivoglio) is visited at home by a girl named Teresa (Marsillach) who claims to be the girlfriend of Rudy (Massimo Venturiello), an old college friend of Marco's; she also claims that Rudy is in jail in Morocco (for possession of hashish), and has sent her over to his old friends to collect the 30 million lire that are needed to bribe a judge and return him to freedom.
Marco brings together two more members of the old company, Maurizio Ponchia (Abatantuono) and Paolino (Cederna), and they eventually resolve to bring the money to Rudy in Morocco. Ponchia, who is a used car dealer, provides a Mercedes offroad car for the journey. Along the way, they also go and get Cedro, a fourth friend, who has since chosen to live in isolation somewhere on the Alps (inspired by the reading of Kerouac's ''Desolation Angels''). Marco, Ponchia, Paolino, Cedro, and Teresa thus begin their journey through France and Spain and across the Strait of Gibraltar to Marrakech.
Once in Marrakech, the four men are shown around by Teresa while they are supposedly waiting for Rudy to get out of jail to meet him. Amongst other things, they experience a turkish bath and have themselves a tattoo. Meanwhile, Teresa has disappeared, and much to their dismay, they realize the money and the car are gone, too. At the time due for Rudy's coming out of jail, another Italian comes out, Salvatore (Ugo Conti) who knows nothing about Rudy or Teresa, but helps them find out the truth, that Rudy was never jailed, and actually lives in an oasis in the desert.
The friends resolve to go look for Rudy, Teresa, and their money. Having lost their car, they have to adapt to travelling on a local bus and then by bike. As they try to cross the desert towards Rudy's oasis, fatigue and dehydration eventually knocks them off, but they are timely saved by Rudy himself who brings them to his place. Rudy reveals them that he needed the 30 million to install a drill and start an orange plantation. After a first reaction of anger, the friends enjoy themselves participating in the installation and first activation of the drill, which also marks the end of their journey, and the time to go back to reality.
On their way back, the four friends mention reuniting the group somehow (more specifically, reuniting the futsal team); but along the way their enthusiasm fades away as they realize that these plans are not realistic. The group finally disbands as Cedro and Paolino choose to stop over at Cedro's place in the Alps, and Marco and Ponchia drive back home alone.
After Fiona and their three children scare away some teenage trick or treaters, Shrek, Donkey, Puss, the Three Little Pigs, the Big Bad Wolf, Gingy, and Pinocchio (after unsuccessfully trying to scare Shrek and his family) decide to tell scary stories. Shrek claims that whoever can tell the scariest story will be crowned King of Halloween. They go to the run down kingdom of Duloc where Lord Farquaad once reigned and get settled inside his abandoned castle and each take turns telling their story.
'''The Bride of Gingy''' told by Gingy (a spoof of ''Bride of Frankenstein'') '''Boots Motel''' told by Donkey and Puss (a spoof of ''Psycho'') *'''The Shreksorcist''' told by Shrek (a spoof of ''The Exorcist'')
Gingy goes to see the Muffin Man and tells him that his girlfriend dumped him because he only thought of himself. So, he and the Muffin Man make a new girlfriend named Sugar. When they make her, Gingy decides to use a lot of sugar, thinking that she will love him forever, despite the Muffin Man's warnings. When she is baked, Gingy becomes happy with her but ends up becoming freaked out of all her love for him.
After running away and pushing her in a big container of batter, he finally becomes free of her, unaware that the batter Sugar was dropped in ended up creating thousands of zombie clones of herself, surrounding Gingy and eating him. The Three Little Pigs get scared and run away and Big Bad Wolf wearing a witch hat heads after them on the grounds that they're his ride home. Shrek comments on the falsehood of Gingy's true story, saying that he cannot be there if he was eaten, and Gingy runs off as well to hide his embarrassment.
Next, Donkey and Puss tell a story about them taking shelter from a thunderstorm at the Boots Motel (a parody of the Bates Motel from ''Psycho''). Their story starts off well, but when Donkey tells it, it always end up with Puss getting killed (which irritates Puss to no end), so Puss decides to change it: Donkey and Puss go to the Motel, but Donkey calls Puss his sidekick.
When Puss tries to deny it, Donkey says he took a tongue bath, and gets killed by the innkeeper, but Puss retells it, saying he would fight the innkeeper but the keeper gets knocked over by Donkey, who rescues Puss.
It turns out that the keeper was Prince Charming and he zaps Puss with his wand to dust, but Puss says he used his sword and leaped to safety, but Donkey says he was standing on an 'X' spot, which Charming pulls a lever to trap Puss, but Puss says he would never let that happen to him, so he says that he woke up, revealing to be all a dream. Donkey comes in and tells Puss that he is actually on the ceiling.
The lights go out and when they come back on, Donkey is in the shower and about to be eaten by a giant waffle. Donkey tries to run, but gets covered in butter, wear a pink tutu, a sombrero and a coconut bra. Finally, Donkey gets Pinocchio to spray Puss with water, making him run away. Shrek suspects that this was cheating.
At last, Shrek tells the final story about his experience babysitting a crazed and possessed Pinocchio.
After repeatedly beating up Shrek, Pinocchio leaps from the window, despite Shrek's attempts to catch him. When Pinocchio lands on the streets, a talking cricket (Jiminy Cricket) pops out of Pinocchio's head, claiming to be his conscience and the voice in his head that made him go crazy, in which Pinocchio squashes him with his foot in retaliation.
Pinocchio denies that the story is true, but when Shrek shows him a normal cricket, he screams and flees in terror. Now alone, Donkey and Shrek once again discuss the rumours about Farquaad's ghost, with Shrek recalling that Donkey was involved in Farquaad's death. Suddenly, they hear the wind moving about, and a walking suit of armour calling Donkey's name. It appears to be Farquaad's ghost, who has come to exact revenge. Scared out of his wits, Donkey admits defeat and runs away.
Fiona reveals it was her and the babies who planned the ghost act and then they, along with Shrek, celebrate by egging the Seven Dwarfs.
The movie begins when old auntie Mirta (Mirta Saknīte) succeeds in a lottery and wins a car which every Soviet citizen longs for – a Zhiguli car. Because of her old age, she cannot use the car herself. And when the word spreads out about her luck, different family members all of a sudden come to her countryside house to 'be helpful' in favour to get the car after aunt's death. Mirta's nephew Ēriks with his wife Dagnija and their son Uģis decided to give up their holiday to Carpathian Mountains just to lay their hands on aunties' legacy. Not only Mirta's nephew decided to surprise her with his arrival but her ex-daughter-in-law Olita together with her new family including her new husband Viktors and their offspring Lāsma.
The funny rivalry between two sides of the family, foolish jealousy of the near living peasants' family, who had always non-selfishly been there for auntie Mirta, is a caricature of greasy human nature. This is a slight humor of the Soviet life details as well. But aunt Mirta isn't a fool, she is still young in her heart until her very last breath, which also can be seen in her last will - to whom she left her car to, a Limousine The Colour Of Midsummer's Eve.
In the aftermath of a highway mishap, photo model Simone (Pascale Bussières) decides that conceiving a baby with her best friend Philippe (Alexis Martin) is the only way to give her vacant life some meaning. Philippe reluctantly agrees with the proviso that they conceive in a desert.
The work is narrated in the first person and opens with a justification (it is not a real prologue) in which the author declares that he wishes his narrative to be a consolation to those who read it, such as he found thanks to God and the intercession of Our Lady.
The protagonist, desperate because of the unreturned love of a widow, calls on Death, falls asleep and dreams. In his dream appears a man who declares himself to be the deceased husband of the widow, who says he has come, sent by God and through the intercession of Our Lady, to free him from the ''labyrinth of love'' into which he has fallen.
The protagonist tells the story of his love to the spirit, who warns him against women who, with their lust, endanger men.
The spirit then begins to tell him of his own experiences with the woman, drawing attention to all of her shortcomings. After hearing the story told by the spirit, the protagonist declares himself convinced and says that he wants to remedy his mistake. The spirit therefore invites him to revenge himself by using his skills as a writer to "unmask" the true nature of women. Still in the dream, the protagonist promises to do so and when he wakes up, in his room he finds himself healed of his troubles. The author concludes his work by warning the young against "female wickedness".