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Just Go with It

In 1988, Daniel "Danny" Maccabee (Adam Sandler), a 22-year-old man, leaves his wedding right before the ceremony after learning that his fiancée, Veruca is cheating on him, and is only marrying him because he is going to be a wealthy cardiologist. While he's drinking alone at a bar, a beautiful, young woman walks in and sits next to Danny. She's rude to him initially, expecting him to hit on her like all the other guys had, but then she notices the ring. Taking a chance and making up a fake sob story about his "wife," Danny ends up sleeping with her.

Twenty-three years later, Danny (now 45 years old) is a successful plastic surgeon in Los Angeles who feigns being in an unhappy marriage to get women, as well as avoid romantic commitment that may lead to more heartbreak. The only woman aware of his schemes is his office manager/assistant and friend, Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston), a divorced mother of two. At a party, Danny tends to a kid's knee scrape, removing his ring to treat the wound. Shortly after, he meets Palmer (Brooklyn Decker), a young sixth-grade math teacher who he hits it off with immediately. The next morning, after spending the night on the beach together, it dawns on her that Danny is married after she finds a wedding ring in his pocket. She leaves, upset that he cheated on his wife with her.

Instead of telling her the truth, Danny tells her that he is getting divorced from a woman named Devlin because she cheated on him with a man named "Dolph Lundgren". When Palmer insists on meeting Devlin, Danny asks Katherine to pose as "Devlin", which she ultimately agrees to.

Katherine then meets with Danny and Palmer and gives them her blessing. However, after hearing Katherine talking on the phone with her kids, Palmer assumes that her kids are Danny's as well. Danny then privately meets with Katherine's kids, Maggie (Bailee Madison) and Michael (Griffin Gluck), to get them to play along and gives them the aliases of "Kiki Dee" and "Bart" respectively.

Palmer meets the kids at a play center where Maggie has adopted a fake British accent, and Michael acts very morosely. They blackmail Danny in front of Palmer to take them all to Hawaii. At the airport, they are all surprised by Danny's goofball cousin Eddie (Nick Swardson), who has adopted an Austrian disguise as "Dolph Lundgren" because he is running from his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend. To maintain the lies, Danny and Katherine are forced to bring him along.

At the resort in Hawaii, Danny tells Eddie that he is considering asking Palmer to marry him. Katherine and Danny also run into the real-life Devlin Adams (Nicole Kidman) and her husband Ian Maxtone-Jones (Dave Matthews). Because of Katherine and Devlin's long-time rivalry, Katherine introduces Danny as her husband rather than admitting she is a single mother. Over time, Katherine is impressed by Danny and his way with her kids.

Katherine again runs into Devlin, who invites her and Danny out to dinner. Eddie agrees to take Palmer out to dinner so that Danny can go with Katherine. Since he is supposed to be a sheep salesman, Eddie's cover is nearly blown when he is forced to save the life of an actual sheep who choked on a toy whistle. At dinner, Devlin asks Danny and Katherine to tell each other what they admire most about each other, and, as Danny and Katherine talk, they start to feel a connection. Later, when Palmer and Eddie return from their dinner date, Palmer suggests that she and Danny get married now since a drunken Eddie told her about Danny's plans of engagement. Danny and Katherine are both surprised by her proposition, but Danny agrees. Danny later calls Katherine regarding his confusion, but Katherine says that she will be taking a job in New York City to get a fresh start.

The next day, Palmer confronts Katherine about Danny's feelings for her, which Katherine dismisses. Katherine then runs into Devlin at a bar and admits that she pretended to be married to Danny to avoid embarrassment. Devlin confesses that she is divorcing Ian because he is gay and also that he did not invent the iPod, but rather made his money by suing the Los Angeles Dodgers after getting hit by a foul ball. Katherine confides in Devlin about being in love with Danny, but then Danny shows up behind her, saying that he is not marrying Palmer and that he is deeply in love with Katherine. Meanwhile, on the plane ride back to the mainland, Palmer meets a professional tennis player (Andy Roddick) who shares her interests. Sometime later, Danny and Katherine get married.

Commissar Shakespeare

Cemil is an acting Police Chief and a single father with an only daughter Su. Su who has been cast in the role of Snow White ("Pamuk Prenses") in the school play, is rehearsing when she blacks out and is taken to hospital where she is found to have leukemia. Meanwhile, Cemil's men round up a number of people, including Danyal (a mafiaman), Tatü Hayati (a small-time drug dealer), Ali (a drug addict) and Deniz (an ageing prostitute). When Su's teacher refuses her the role of Snow White, Cemil, sensing his daughter's disappointment, decides that he will produce the play himself and enter it in a TV competition against the school.

He fills the cast with inmates and junior police officers under his command. Tatü Hayati who was formerly a child actor under the name "Küçük Hayaticik" (Little Hayati) and has knowledge of theatre, is appointed director. Deniz is cast as the Queen, Ali as the Prince and seven street children as the seven dwarves. The cast is instructed to present themselves to Su as real, professional actors and rehearsals begin in an empty jail cell at Cemil's police station. When Deniz breaks her leg, Danyal replaces her as the Queen.

A human rights organization pays a surprise visit to the station. They mistake the rehearsals as a prison rehabilitation program and are impressed. The district attorney and his men who visit the station on a tipoff are imprisoned in a jail cell. Cemil and the cast head to the studio for the filming . Danyal shot by a rival gangster and is replaced by Cemil as the Queen. Hayati stands in for a dwarf and is recognised by one in audience as former child star Hayaticik. The district attorney manages to escape and alerts the Police who arrest Cemil at the studio. Su dies of her disease in the final scene of the play. While Cemil is about to be sent to prison, it turns out he has been pardoned and promoted due to the glowing report by the Human rights organization about his police station. Cemil rejects the promotion and decides to form a theatre group with his former inmates and they pick Romeo and Juliet as their next project.

The Yellow Handkerchief (2008 film)

After being released from prison after six years, ex-convict Brett Hanson becomes lost in a new and unfamiliar world of freedoms and responsibilities. Struggling to reconcile himself with his disastrous past, he embarks on a journey to his home of south Louisiana to reunite with the ex-wife he left behind, May. Along this journey, he meets two teenagers: Martine, a troubled 15-year-old who has just escaped her family, and Gordy, a geeky outcast desperately seeking acceptance. Martine and Gordy offer to give Brett a lift home, and on the ensuing road trip the three reflect on their own personal misfit status while discovering in themselves and each other the acceptance each so deeply desires. Brett weighs whether to start a new life or rekindle his love with May – he's not sure she'll take him back – while Martine reevaluates her relationships with boys and her family and Gordy struggles with his affection for Martine.

Honey (2010 film)

In the remote and undeveloped eastern Black Sea region, a six-year-old boy (Yusuf) wanders through the woods searching for his lost father, trying to make sense of his life. His father is a beekeeper whose bees have disappeared unexpectedly, threatening his livelihood. A bizarre accident kills the father. . There is little dialogue or music in the film. The three main characters (Yusuf and his parents) are all fairly taciturn, and the soundtrack is filled out with the sounds of the forest and the creatures that live there. The environment is a recurring theme. .

Caterpillar (2010 film)

The film is set in the late 1930s, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. In the first scene, Lieutenant Kurokawa scourges, rapes and disembowels Chinese people during the war. Later, he returns home as a war hero, but with a horribly mutilated body. He is alive but reduced to a torso (no limbs), deaf and mute, with burns covering half of his face, but with three medals on his chest. Despite his condition, he is still constantly eager for sex, which he performs acrobatically with his wife. The sexual acts are rough and are imposed on his wife, who is repulsed by him. Nevertheless she feels a duty to take care of him. The film concludes with the disabled veteran Kurokawa committing suicide by dragging himself into a pond outside his home.

The Robber

Johann (Andreas Lust) is a convicted felon and marathon runner who has been paroled from prison for attempted armed robbery. Upon his release he immediately continues to commit bank robbery, armed with a shotgun and disguised with a mask. He then moves in with a young social worker and friend, Erika (Franziska Weisz), and the two soon begin a relationship. Johann goes on to win several marathons with record times, and is congratulated by his parole officer.

However, after committing several more robberies, Erika begins to suspect Johann. After finding Johann's loot under his bed she asks him to leave, but not before telling him that change is possible. After weeks of Johann failing to contact his parole officer, the officer shows up after a marathon to talk with Johann. The officer expresses concern that Johann is not keeping in contact and cooperating with him. After pressing Johann to talk with him, Johann becomes enraged and bludgeons his parole officer to death with his trophy.

After a final meeting with Erika, Johann is apprehended by the police in the hotel room where he had kept his money, having been turned in by a heartbroken Erika. After being handed a confession to sign, Johann breaks out of jail through a window and leads the police on a cross country manhunt on foot. He takes refuge in the house of an old man, and during the process of tying him up, the old man pulls a concealed pocket knife and stabs Johann deeply. Johann takes the old man’s car and drives until he notices a helicopter following him, after which he switches cars with some motorists at a rest stop, and seemingly evades the police. As Johann continues to drive he begins to lose consciousness, and realizes the seriousness of his wound. He pulls over, dying, and calls Erika, asking her to stay on the phone. Finally his breath slows, stops, and he dies.

The Einstein Girl

A psychiatrist named Martin Kirsch travels across Germany, Switzerland and Serbia in search of an amnesiac woman's identity, whom she is almost dying outside Berlin in the roast-chestnut smell of Grenadierstrasse, a soggy handbill detailing one of Albert Einstein’s public lectures.

If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle

Romanian youth Silviu (George Piștereanu) serves a four-year prison sentence. A few days before his release, his younger brother visits him and tells him that their mother has returned, who has found work in Italy and will take the younger brother there. He says that he came by bus, but Silviu walks to the fence and sees that their mother brought him with her car. Since prisoners are not allowed to be near the fence, a guard comes to take him away, but Silviu resists. The prison director is lenient and does not press charges, so that his stay in prison is not extended.

With a mobile phone another prisoner possesses he phones his mother and urges her to visit him. She does, and tells him he can come to Italy too, after his release. He hates her for abandoning her children in the past, each time she found a new lover, and blames her for being a prostitute, and says he does not want to come to her in Italy.

He makes acquaintance with young social worker and psychology student Ana (Ada Condeescu), who asks him to fill out a questionnaire. On the one hand he likes her, on the other hand he threatens to kill her with a piece of broken glass, and demands that his mother comes. Toward his mother he threatens to kill not only the girl but also himself, and makes her swear she will not take the brother to Italy.

Subsequently, threatening again toward the guards and police to kill her, he forces his way out of prison with her, to have a coffee together in a cafetaria. After that he walks out alone and surrenders.

Gust Front (novel)

The story begins with O'Neal and various military and civilian personnel taking steps to prepare for the looming Posleen invasion. O'Neal is tasked by the commander of the U.S. defenses with training a battalion of Armored Combat Suits, the most technologically-advanced units in Earth's possession. Other military personnel, including military leaders, combat engineers, and local space defense forces, are also in the midst of preparations for the imminent invasion. The story also includes glimpses of how the Posleen, even before their landing, have already changed civilian human society. In addition, it becomes clear that there are ongoing plots within the Federation as Darhel, Indowy, and human factions jockey for power and control of resources.

A relatively small Posleen invasion force arrives earlier than expected, throwing human preparations into disarray. The landings occur in central Africa, western Asia, southeastern Asia, and the eastern United States. The battles in Asia are shown briefly in character point-of-views, but Africa is only mentioned in passing. The major focus of the novel is the battle in the mid-Atlantic United States. Initially the Posleen focus their assault on Fredericksburg, VA, where combat engineers and local militia construct a series of traps to slow the aliens' advance and cause as many casualties as possible. After overcoming the defenders in Fredericksburg, VA, the Posleen forces in the U.S. split, with some forces heading north toward Washington, D.C., and others heading south to Richmond, VA. The President of the U.S. overrides his military advisers and orders the United States' 9th and 10th Army Corps to cross the Potomac river and engage the Posleen in northern Virginia. This maneuver goes against established military doctrine for fighting the Posleen and results in the almost complete destruction of the 9th Army Corps and the rout of the 10th Army Corps, both of which retreat north toward Washington, D.C., and the relative safety of the Potomac river.

Meanwhile, combat engineers prepare Shockoe Bottom in Richmond, VA, as a deathtrap, luring the Posleen forces into a kill-zone in the city. The Posleen forces take the bait and the southern portion of their invasion force is almost completely destroyed in battle in Richmond.

During the battles, it becomes clear that an outside force, not human or Posleen, has been interfering with human preparations for battle against the Posleen. A clandestine group of humans, Indowy, and Himmit, called Bane Sidhe, whose mission is to subvert Darhel control of the Galactic Federation, send a group of specially trained monks to protect "Papa" and Cally O'Neal from a would-be assassin. Throughout the story it is hinted that the Darhel are not as benevolent as they seem and their purposes may be at odds with the humans'.

After a series of desperate rearguard actions, the last units of the 9th and 10th Army Corps retreat across the Potomac river into Washington, D.C. However, the Posleen are able to secure a bridge across the river before it can be destroyed, and their capture of the city is only prevented by the timely arrival of Captain O'Neal's Armored Combat Suit battalion and a brave stand at the Washington Monument by rejuvenated Medal of Honor recipients and the remainder of the 9th and 10th Army Corps. The President of the U.S. is caught by a Posleen lander near the end of the fighting and is killed attempting to protect refugees. Captain O'Neal and his allies in the military leadership are vindicated in the aftermath of the battle as it becomes clear that the incompetence of several military leaders led to the disastrous rout in northern Virginia.

Rebirth (Futurama)

The episode opens with Fry walking into Professor Farnsworth's laboratory, asking why he is covered in severe burns. The Professor explains that when the crew entered a wormhole at the end of ''Into the Wild Green Yonder'', they emerged near Earth. Zapp Brannigan also emerged from the wormhole aboard the ''Nimbus'' flagship and damaged the Planet Express Ship, causing both ships to crash. Having survived the crash, the Professor revives everyone killed in the crash using a "birth machine" filled with stem cells. Leela, however, enters an irreversible coma. Meanwhile, Bender is reborn lacking adequate power supply to function. The Professor fits him with a doomsday device to power him, but it generates excess power. Bender is forced to party endlessly to burn off the excess energy. Otherwise, he will explode.

A despairing Fry builds a robotic version of Leela, featuring her personality and memories, but this Robot Leela learns the truth almost immediately afterwards when Nibbler bites her arm, revealing robot circuitry underneath, and gets confused over her own identity. As per her final wishes, the human Leela is taken to a planet to be eaten by a cyclops-devouring monster called the Cyclophage. At the service, Bender's obnoxious partying wakes Leela, who is horrified by the existence of Robot Leela. The Cyclophage approaches, and the crew escapes in the ship. The Cyclophage accidentally attaches itself to the underside of the ship as it takes off.

Back on Earth, both Leelas refuse to talk to Fry because of the "freakiness" of the situation. Later that night, Fry professes his love of Leela, which the human Leela overhears. She reconciles with Fry, but a jealous Robot Leela attacks the other Leela. Fry is given a gun and told to shoot one but accidentally shoots himself, only to expose that he is also a robot. The Professor reveals that Fry was killed in the crash while shielding Leela, who survived. Fry's remains were placed in the birth machine, but to no avail. Leela, distraught over Fry's death, made a robotic version of him. However, a malfunction electrocuted Leela and severely burned the robot Fry.

A reborn Fry suddenly emerges from the birth machine. Robot Fry and Robot Leela declare their love for each other, and leave together, leaving human Fry to tell human Leela that he will wait as long as it takes for her. Bender decides he is fed up with constantly partying and begins to vibrate from the buildup of excess energy. The Cyclophage suddenly emerges and attempts to eat Leela. Bender's severe vibrations cause one of his eyes to fall out, and the Cyclophage swallows Bender, believing him to be a cyclops. The device explodes, killing the creature. Bender emerges intact and the Professor declares that Bender expended his excess energy and is now stable. The crew leave to celebrate as the Futurama theme plays, ending the episode with Zapp Brannigan rapidly emerging from the birth machine.

Holy Lola

A French couple, Pierre and Geraldine want kids, but Geraldine is unable to conceive. After eleven years of infertility and a two-year vetting and administrative process they travel to Cambodia to adopt an orphan. They want to adopt before Christmas. When the couple reaches Cambodia, they book a hotel that has other French people that are also waiting to adopt. Their tempers flare when they have to deal with corruption, frequent rain, mosquitoes, many documents, and the uncertainty of whether or not they will be successful and if they are, what they will do if the baby has any serious diseases.

How I Ended This Summer

Meteorology student Pavel "Pasha" Danilov (Grigoriy Dobrygin) is spending the summer as an intern at an isolated, Soviet-era weather station on a remote Arctic island with only the older, experienced geophysicist Sergei Gulybin (Sergei Puskepalis) for company. Their sole job is to collect the weather and tide statistics every four hours on antiquated equipment, which they do in shifts, and report the readings by radio to the state meteorology center. Pasha is respectful and friendly, but he is afraid of the gruff Sergei, who is condescending to him, as he resents Pasha's temporary stay and is jealous that he knows how to operate their only computer.

Sergei takes the boat on an unauthorized fishing trip for a few days, and tells Pasha not to mention this. When the radio operator urgently requests to speak with Sergei, Pasha dutifully makes up excuses why he cannot come on the radio. Eventually Pasha is told to take down a radiogram that Sergei's wife and young son have been "gravely injured" in an accident, although it is apparent they've been killed. He is told that a ship ''Academic Obruchev'' is headed to get them and instructed to simply give Sergei the message and then "leave him alone." The sad news keeps Pasha awake, but when he does sleep he oversleeps; the data goes unrecorded. Seeing Sergei's boat, he hastily grabs the logbook to fill in fake numbers, and in doing so knocks his radiogram under the desk. When Sergei comes ashore with the trout, he is in a good mood. He tells Pasha a warm story about his wife craving salted trout during her pregnancy. Pasha starts to say something, but Sergei interrupts and teaches him how to properly fillet a fish.

Once inside, Sergei quickly figures out that the Pasha made up the numbers in the log and explodes in anger, dragging Pasha inside and berating him. He tells him that the station has been continuously occupied since 1935, and that no matter how bad the conditions got, never had anyone just faked the numbers out of sheer laziness, and that now all their work is worthless. He accuses Pasha of being a "tourist" in the Arctic in order to write a pointless essay, "How I Ended This Summer" (a play on the clichéd "How I Spent My Summer Vacation.") Sergei tells him an intimidating story about the time one geophysicist apparently killed the other due to their strained relationship.

The frightened Pasha does not tell Sergei about his family and temporarily sabotages the radio. When Sergei leaves to get more trout, Pasha is told that the ship is stuck in ice, but that a helicopter will instead come before the weather worsens. Pasha, carrying a rifle, heads to the lagoon to meet the helicopter. Upon hearing the rotors of the helicopter, Pasha lights a flare, but the pilot cannot see the flare due to heavy fog and flies away. Pasha then notices bear footprints. Following the tracks with his eyes, he sees the distinct white shape of a polar bear. He runs a short distance, and notices that the bear is chasing him. He flees, and begins to descend a steep embankment, and subsequently trips.

Pasha wakes up in Sergei's boat. As they disembark, Pasha tries to confess to Sergei that he needs to tell him something but Sergei ignores him. Pasha finally blurts out to Sergei that his family is dead. Sergei turns around and comes toward him, and Pasha, frightened and with an injured leg, falls to the ground. Thinking Sergei is going to attack him, Pasha fires at him but misses. He then gets up and runs away while Sergei picks up his gun and fires at him, and then keeps shooting into the air.

Pasha takes up residence in an old abandoned cabin. He wakes up to hear Sergei outside and hides, still afraid. Sergei calls to him and says he wants to talk to him. Sergei, who is carrying his rifle, hears Pasha step on something that makes a large cracking sound. Thinking Pasha fired at him, he fires his own rifle. The terrified Pasha runs away.

Pasha, freezing, huddles by an old radioisotope thermoelectric generator to keep warm before realizing he has exposed himself to radiation. He sneaks into the cabin when Sergei is away and tries to contact the main station for help but cannot reach anyone. Starving, he steals Sergei's fish and nearly chokes to death on a fishbone. He screams and curses Sergei. He hangs fish up on the isotope beacon; he later sneaks back into the cabin and replaces Sergei's stash of fish with the contaminated fish.

One night Sergei sees the disheveled Pasha looking in the cabin window watching him eat the fish. He signals to Pasha to come inside, and then invites him to sit down and have some fish. He says the ''Academic Obruchev'' made it through the ice after all and will be there in three days. Pasha confesses that the fish has been contaminated. Sergei says nothing, but goes to vomit up the fish he has just eaten. Pasha checks the cupboard and sees Sergei has eaten all of the contaminated fish. Sergei returns and says only that they don't have to tell anyone what has happened. 3 days later, two men help secure the broken thermoelectric generator to a helicopter, which then flies away to the Academic, which has reached the island.

Sergei tells Pasha he plans to stay on the island. Pasha threatens to tell what has happened to force Sergei to get medical help. Sergei grabs Pasha, and hugs him, telling him that he needs to stay on the island alone.

Deli Yürek: Bumerang Cehennemi

Yusuf Miroğlu goes with Zeynep to Diyarbakır in southeast Turkey to attend his best friend Cemal's wedding. While performing the traditional halay dance at the wedding, Cemal is killed by an assassin. Cemal's widowed wife Leyla pleads Yusuf to find the people behind the murder and bring them to justice. Yusuf finds himself caught in a struggle against the PKK and other terrorist groups in the area.

Please Believe Me

Alison Kirbe is a young London girl who has just found out she has inherited a Texas ranch from an old soldier she had befriended during World War II. Mistakenly assuming she is now the owner of a small empire, she crosses the Atlantic Ocean by ship. On her way, she meets Terence Keath, a fellow passenger heavily in debt to casino owner Lucky Reilly. To pay off his debts, he attempts to marry rich and starts to seduce Alison, as he thinks she is a wealthy heiress. Another person who is attracted to Alison is Jeremy Taylor, a millionaire bachelor who is accompanied by his attorney Matthew Kinston.

The following days she enjoys the attention she is receiving from Terence, Jeremy and Matthew, but rejects them all. She feels most attracted to Matthew, but he mistakenly confronts her for being part of a scheme. Trying to hurt Matthew, she borrows money from Terence and buys an expensive present for Jeremy, while posing as a wealthy heiress. After arriving in America, Alison decides to stay in New York for a week before traveling to Texas. Matthew, meanwhile, tries to find more information on the ranch she has inherited, which makes him suspect her of scheming Jeremy all the more.

Matthew confronts Alison at a casino, where she is gambling with Terence and Jeremy. He soon apologizes, however, and they kiss not much later. Terence and Jeremy, who are witnesses of the kiss, are shocked that she prefers a pennyless attorney over them. The next day, Matthew finds out Alison's ranch is not worth anything and accuses her again of swindling Jeremy. Alison bursts out in tears, angry at Matthew for turning an honest and good-hearted inheritance into a supposed scheme. That night, Alison finds out about Terence's financial situation and tries to help him out by offering Reilly to pay off Terence's debts.

It proves unnecessary, though, as Jeremy is prepared to pay for the entire debt. Afterwards, the three men rush to the hotel, where they propose to Alison all at the same time. Alison enthusiastically accepts Matthew's proposal and the other men soon move on, hitting on other women only moments later.

Only "Old Men" Are Going Into Battle

The film combines two storylines: the main war drama plot runs in parallel with vivid artistic performance — the fighter squadron doubles as an amateur musical group during rest time, led by its enthusiastic commander turned conductor.

The title comes from two scenes in the film, where the squadron is facing very difficult dogfights with German fighter planes, so only "old men" are sent up, while those fresh from flying school have to wait on the ground together with the mechanics. Soon, of course, the newcomers have replaced most of those veterans and have become "old men" themselves, taking to the skies while a new group of newcomers wait on the ground with the mechanics.

Plot Summary

The movie begins in the late summer of 1943 during the Battle of the Dnieper.

The pilots of the 2nd Squadron of the Fighter Aircraft Guard Regiment are returning from the mission. However, the commanding officer, captain Titarenko, also known as "Maestro," is missing. Nobody (except for Makarych, the technician) even hopes he survived, since he didn't even have enough fuel, but then suddenly the German Messerschmitt Bf 109 shows up and lands on the airfield. It turns out that Maestro was shot down behind enemy lines, however, the advancing USSR infantry saved him and he received a war trophy aircraft on an advance airfield.

The next day the reinforcements come to the regiment and are being assigned to the squadrons. Several newcomers, including Second Lieutenant Aleksandrov and Third Lieutenants Shchedronov and Sagdullayev, ask for a place in the 2nd Squadron. Titarenko inquires about their musical skills: 2nd Squadron is also known as the "Singing Squadron," as during free time they perform as an amateur orchestra with the commander himself acting as conductor. Shchedronov sings «Darkie», earning the corresponding nickname.

Having only had a brief chat with the reinforcements, the "old men" take off to intercept a group of German bombers. Experienced pilots don't allow the newcomers with them, saying only "you’ll have your share of fighting soon enough:" they know that the new pilots have only received basic training due to a shortened curriculum and are not battle-ready.

They all return to the airfield safely, however, Maestro is furious: his wingman, First Lieutenant Skvortzov, left the battle without a permit, and it appears he did so not for the first time. They have a serious discussion and it turns out that during the Battle of Kursk Skvortzov had barely survived an encounter with a German ace pilot and since then has had a subconscious fear of dogfights. Depressed Skvortzov asks to be released from active duty and to be enlisted to an infantry regiment instead, however, Titarenko burns the report, deciding to give his friend another chance.

In between missions, the 2nd Squadron rehearses performances. Even Aleksandrov, despite his aversion to music, plays the tambourine and soon begins to run the rehearsals in lieu of the captain.

Eventually, the newcomers are allowed to fly. Aleksandrov crash lands his aircraft, destroying it in the process and receives a strict reprimand from the captain. However, he doesn't take it seriously and light-heartedly goes to the field to catch some grasshoppers. Enraged Titarenko suspends the lieutenant from flying and puts him on "eternal airfield duty," while the rest of the officers give Aleksandrov the nickname Grasshopper."

Titarenko leaves on a reconnaissance mission on a trophy Messerschmitt. In his absence, a light bomber Polikarpov Po-2, piloted by female officers Zoya and Masha, takes a forced landing on the airfield. Sagdullayev promptly falls in love with Masha, earning himself the nickname "Romeo."

Titarenko, who has returned from his recon mission, confirms that a large group of German tanks is nearby. When he decides the new reinforcements (except for Grasshopper) are battle-ready, he performs another reconnaissance flight. He finds out that the Germans have camouflaged their tanks with hay bales and sheds, but he's shot down on his way back. Maestro is saved by an allied infantry, which, however, mistakes him for a German pilot. They aren't persuaded by his Soviet uniform nor by his fluency in Russian, and attempt to lynch him. However, when an infantryman slaps Titarenko in the face, he punches the soldier back, knocking him to his knees and answered in a mat manner — that reassures the rest of the soldiers, who are sure that a German doesn't know the lexis like this.

The infantrymen gift the captain a horse, which he uses to get back to the airfield. Having returned, he learns from Makarych that during his absence Darkie has been killed: he was practicing cooperative actions with his partner and was shot down by a Focke-Wulf Fw 190 ace.

In the meantime, Romeo confesses his love to Masha.

Titarenko joins CPSU and receives a task to lead the newcomers by example and to demonstrate to them the vulnerability of Göring's ace pilots. Maestro challenges the Germans to a "joust," but at the very beginning of the fight he decides that this is the last opportunity for his wingman to prove himself. Titarenko feigns a weapon malfunction, putting himself in a mortal peril, and Skvortzov overcomes his fear and comes to the rescue, shooting down one of the enemy aircraft.

The next day, German air forces perform a raid on the airfield. Still suspended from flights, Grasshopper steals the commander's fighter, takes off and shoots down an enemy aircraft, saving the base.

The squadron gives a performance, which, among others, is attended by female pilots from a nearby regiment. Skvortzov performs the song Moonlight Night. The next day he performs a suicide ramming attack, directing his flaming aircraft at an enemy railway.

More time passes. The USSR territory is almost completely liberated from German occupation. The «old men» are preparing for battle, however, this now includes Romeo (First Lieutenant, Maestro's wingman) and Grasshopper (First Lieutenant, 2nd Squadron commander), while Maestro himself is now a major and a regiment commander. Fifteen minutes before takeoff, Romeo asks Maestro's permission to get married (since both he and Masha could be shot down any day) which Meastro gives right away. Once again the "old men" take off, and the newcomers from the reinforcements are left on the airfield.

The regiment returns from the mission, but it turns out that Romeo is heavily wounded. He manages to make it to the airfield and lands safely, but succumbs to his wounds right afterwards. When Maestro, Makarych and Grasshopper go to the female regiment to deliver the sad news to Masha, they learn that both Masha and Zoya were also killed that day. Makarych and Titarenko locate the women's graves and promise to return here and sing "Darkie" once again "from the beginning to the end" once the war is over.

Only "Old Men" Are Going Into Battle

The movie begins in the late summer of 1943 during the Battle of the Dnieper.

The pilots of the 2nd Squadron of the Fighter Aircraft Guard Regiment are returning from the mission. However, the commanding officer, captain Titarenko, also known as "Maestro," is missing. Nobody (except for Makarych, the technician) even hopes he survived, since he didn't even have enough fuel, but then suddenly the German Messerschmitt Bf 109 shows up and lands on the airfield. It turns out that Maestro was shot down behind enemy lines, however, the advancing USSR infantry saved him and he received a war trophy aircraft on an advance airfield.

The next day the reinforcements come to the regiment and are being assigned to the squadrons. Several newcomers, including Second Lieutenant Aleksandrov and Third Lieutenants Shchedronov and Sagdullayev, ask for a place in the 2nd Squadron. Titarenko inquires about their musical skills: 2nd Squadron is also known as the "Singing Squadron," as during free time they perform as an amateur orchestra with the commander himself acting as conductor. Shchedronov sings «Darkie», earning the corresponding nickname.

Having only had a brief chat with the reinforcements, the "old men" take off to intercept a group of German bombers. Experienced pilots don't allow the newcomers with them, saying only "you’ll have your share of fighting soon enough:" they know that the new pilots have only received basic training due to a shortened curriculum and are not battle-ready.

They all return to the airfield safely, however, Maestro is furious: his wingman, First Lieutenant Skvortzov, left the battle without a permit, and it appears he did so not for the first time. They have a serious discussion and it turns out that during the Battle of Kursk Skvortzov had barely survived an encounter with a German ace pilot and since then has had a subconscious fear of dogfights. Depressed Skvortzov asks to be released from active duty and to be enlisted to an infantry regiment instead, however, Titarenko burns the report, deciding to give his friend another chance.

In between missions, the 2nd Squadron rehearses performances. Even Aleksandrov, despite his aversion to music, plays the tambourine and soon begins to run the rehearsals in lieu of the captain.

Eventually, the newcomers are allowed to fly. Aleksandrov crash lands his aircraft, destroying it in the process and receives a strict reprimand from the captain. However, he doesn't take it seriously and light-heartedly goes to the field to catch some grasshoppers. Enraged Titarenko suspends the lieutenant from flying and puts him on "eternal airfield duty," while the rest of the officers give Aleksandrov the nickname Grasshopper."

Titarenko leaves on a reconnaissance mission on a trophy Messerschmitt. In his absence, a light bomber Polikarpov Po-2, piloted by female officers Zoya and Masha, takes a forced landing on the airfield. Sagdullayev promptly falls in love with Masha, earning himself the nickname "Romeo."

Titarenko, who has returned from his recon mission, confirms that a large group of German tanks is nearby. When he decides the new reinforcements (except for Grasshopper) are battle-ready, he performs another reconnaissance flight. He finds out that the Germans have camouflaged their tanks with hay bales and sheds, but he's shot down on his way back. Maestro is saved by an allied infantry, which, however, mistakes him for a German pilot. They aren't persuaded by his Soviet uniform nor by his fluency in Russian, and attempt to lynch him. However, when an infantryman slaps Titarenko in the face, he punches the soldier back, knocking him to his knees and answered in a mat manner — that reassures the rest of the soldiers, who are sure that a German doesn't know the lexis like this.

The infantrymen gift the captain a horse, which he uses to get back to the airfield. Having returned, he learns from Makarych that during his absence Darkie has been killed: he was practicing cooperative actions with his partner and was shot down by a Focke-Wulf Fw 190 ace.

In the meantime, Romeo confesses his love to Masha.

Titarenko joins CPSU and receives a task to lead the newcomers by example and to demonstrate to them the vulnerability of Göring's ace pilots. Maestro challenges the Germans to a "joust," but at the very beginning of the fight he decides that this is the last opportunity for his wingman to prove himself. Titarenko feigns a weapon malfunction, putting himself in a mortal peril, and Skvortzov overcomes his fear and comes to the rescue, shooting down one of the enemy aircraft.

The next day, German air forces perform a raid on the airfield. Still suspended from flights, Grasshopper steals the commander's fighter, takes off and shoots down an enemy aircraft, saving the base.

The squadron gives a performance, which, among others, is attended by female pilots from a nearby regiment. Skvortzov performs the song Moonlight Night. The next day he performs a suicide ramming attack, directing his flaming aircraft at an enemy railway.

More time passes. The USSR territory is almost completely liberated from German occupation. The «old men» are preparing for battle, however, this now includes Romeo (First Lieutenant, Maestro's wingman) and Grasshopper (First Lieutenant, 2nd Squadron commander), while Maestro himself is now a major and a regiment commander. Fifteen minutes before takeoff, Romeo asks Maestro's permission to get married (since both he and Masha could be shot down any day) which Meastro gives right away. Once again the "old men" take off, and the newcomers from the reinforcements are left on the airfield.

The regiment returns from the mission, but it turns out that Romeo is heavily wounded. He manages to make it to the airfield and lands safely, but succumbs to his wounds right afterwards. When Maestro, Makarych and Grasshopper go to the female regiment to deliver the sad news to Masha, they learn that both Masha and Zoya were also killed that day. Makarych and Titarenko locate the women's graves and promise to return here and sing "Darkie" once again "from the beginning to the end" once the war is over.

Our Family Wedding

Marcus Boyd, a young African-American, has recently graduated from Columbia Medical School and is going to Laos for a year to work with Doctors Without Borders. Lucia Ramirez, who is Mexican-American, volunteers at a charter school for recent immigrants as an English teacher, having dropped out of Columbia Law School to pursue her passion, although she has neglected to tell her parents. Unbeknownst to their respective families, they have been living together for several months and are planning to wed before going to Laos together.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Marcus' father Brad, a successful radio host, is returning from a typical one-night-stand with a younger woman when he sees his car being towed by Miguel, who happens to be Lucia's father and runs a successful auto shop and towing business. Brad tries unsuccessfully to halt the tow by holding on to the door of his car. Both Miguel and Brad hurl various racial insults at one another. That night, Marcus and Lucia invite their families to a joint dinner, where Miguel is surprised to learn of Marcus's existence, and Brad brings a much younger date who is in fact an old high school friend of Lucia's. As a shock to both families, the couple reveal their engagement and travel plans, with Brad and Miguel incredulous that they will soon be in-laws. As the wedding planning begins, both families attempt to dominate it with their respective traditions, while Brad's long-time friend Angie helps to mediate things, stressing the phrase "Our marriage, their wedding" to Marcus and Lucia to help them understand how much they must compromise to keep peace between their loved ones.

The wedding is set to take place at Brad's estate, much to his chagrin, and Brad tries to dissuade Marcus from rushing into a marriage as he feels he did with Marcus's mother. Meanwhile, Miguel feels that Marcus is not good enough for Lucia because she did not feel comfortable enough to mention him before the engagement. While wedding dress shopping, Lucia's sister Isabel, who helps run the auto shop with Miguel, argues with Lucia about marrying young like the other women in their family, something they vowed not to do as teenagers. Their mother Sonia overhears their conversation, which quickly shifts to mocking her life as a homemaker who is clearly living vicariously through the wedding, which upsets her.

While trying to hire a DJ for the reception, Miguel and Brad become drunk at a club and are arrested after an altercation. When Marcus and Lucia go to pick them up from the station, an argument erupts in which Miguel feels that Marcus is freeloading off of Lucia since he will be working as a doctor without pay and still believes that she is becoming a lawyer. When Lucia does not come to his defense, Marcus feels abandoned, leading to another argument between them. When Lucia questions if Marcus still wants to get married, he replies "I don't know", which leads her to call off the nuptials. Angered when Sonia refers to the wedding as "our wedding" and Miguel offers to "toss the ball" at the news, Lucia finally admits all the secrets she has been keeping from her parents, leaving them shocked.

Brad and Angie have begun seeing each other after a lifetime of friendship, which ends quickly once Angie sees another one-night-stand in Brad's home. Marcus and Brad have a sincere conversation while attempting to cope with their mutual loss and help each other realize how much they truly love their significant others. Miguel assures Lucia that he will always love and be proud of her as long as she is honest with him, and only wants her to be happy. He also gifts a classic lowrider he was renovating for Lucia as a graduation/wedding gift to Sonia to apologize for how he has let their marriage stagnate, assuring her he will always find her attractive and want to have fun with her. Isabel helps Lucia realize that she still loves Marcus, and pushes her to reunite with him. Lucia goes to Brad's home and tries to serenade Marcus, saying she is happy to marry Marcus in a way that is only for them, while Marcus apologizes for making her feel she must choose between him and her family.

The day of the wedding arrives, and events quickly turn chaotic as the extended families begin to clash, while Miguel and Brad finally seem to be working together for their children's happiness. Just before the ceremony begins, Marcus asks Miguel for Lucia's hand in marriage as a gesture of good will, which Miguel grants as a sign of respect and acceptance. The ceremony honors traditions from both families, and the reception becomes a joyous occasion. Brad makes an attempt to atone with Angie, apologizing for threatening their relationship and not pursuing her long ago, and promising to commit to her. Marcus and Lucia share a dance, happy that they are married and that their families have found a way to be together.

During the end credits, several pictures of the two families are shown depicting family events, including Isabel's engagement to Harry, who is Asian-American, while Miguel is seen weeping at the troubles ahead.

Comedown (film)

In an abandoned tower, six friends turn the tower into a radio station and soon learn they are not alone as a resident psychopath begins hunting them down.


The short opens with a panorama of Los Angeles where all of its buildings and inhabitants are in some form of commercial branding: Birds are in the form of Bentley and Aston Martin logos and MSN's butterfly; pedestrians are in the shape of the AIM icon; and overhead highway signs are mounted on Atlantic Records logos, among others. The Original Pringles mascot (voiced by David Fincher) pulls into a Pizza Hut restaurant's parking lot and propositions an Esso Girl waitress (voiced by Aja Evans) on a smoking break (her cigarette is the Air France logo). Meanwhile, BiC Boy students alongside Bob's Big Boy (voiced by Joel Michaely) and Haribo Boy (voiced by Matt Winston) are on a tour at a zoo led by a flamboyant Mr. Clean (voiced by Michaely); hating the tour, Big Boy and Haribo Boy hop off the tour train and soon begin to harass the MGM lion by mooning and throwing a bottle of Coca-Cola at it, prompting the zoo's owner, the Jolly Green Giant (voiced by Michaely), to scold them.

As Michelin Man police officers Mitch and Mike (voiced by Bob Stephenson and Sherman Augustus) order lunch at KFC, a call comes in over the radio stating that a criminal named Ronald McDonald (voiced by Stephenson) is on the loose on a red delivery truck; both Mitch and Mike spot Ronald in his truck and chase him. The police pursuit quickly veers out of control, as many innocent bystanders are imperiled/injured. Meanwhile, the BiC students alongside Big Boy and Haribo Boy at the zoo have finished their tour and are back on the school bus, soon nearing the Pizza Hut where Esso Girl is serving the Original Pringles mascot and the Pringles Hot & Spicy mascot. Ronald swerves to avoid the school bus and crashes his truck over in front of the Pizza Hut. Several guns and biological weapons then spill out of the back of the truck, tempting Big Boy and Haribo Boy to steal and sell them at the black market. Ronald gets out of the truck and knocks out Haribo Boy with his foot, before taking Big Boy hostage and running inside the Pizza Hut. Big Boy frees himself by biting Ronald in the arm, before running for cover behind the counter with Esso Girl while an enraged Ronald attempts to shoot him. The police are given the excuse to start firing on Ronald, but Ronald kills one of the police officers.

As the gunfight ensues in the streets, a low rumbling is heard across Los Angeles, resulting in a giant earthquake erupting and opening a fissure shaped like Microsoft's Xbox logo that splits the streets wide open. Big Boy and Esso Girl escape the rapidly collapsing Pizza Hut using a hijacked police car while the Original Pringles mascot and the Pringles Hot & Spicy mascot are both crushed inside. After shooting Mitch with his gun (as shown via the gun barrel sequence à la James Bond), Ronald rides through the city on a stolen ''Grease 2'' motorcycle, but drives into a fallen Weight Watchers sign and is thrown off, sliding and falling into a crevasse shaped like the Zenith Electronics logo. As he pulls himself back up, he is run over by Esso Girl and Big Boy, who barely escape the city and speed along a curved highway shaped like the VAIO logo. As the duo near the Hollywood Chewing Gum Hollywood Sign, it falls apart and sends the giant letters crashing onto the highway in front of them. While evading one of the letters, the duo veer off the highway and down a hill, finally crashing into a tree shaped like the American Century Investments logo. Following this, petroleum oil suddenly erupts from the rifts around town and entirely floods Los Angeles.

The hill Esso Girl and Big Boy are stranded on splits into two, revealing a giant North Face logo while the land crumbles around them, swallowed by the sea and leaving the duo on a tiny island together. The film closes with Esso Girl picking up and biting a colored Apple Inc. logo while lying down on the island alongside Big Boy, before zooming out to reveal that California has been separated from mainland and is now shaped like the Nike, Inc. logo, but also revealing that the entire universe is made up of even more logos. After the credits, a now-bald, black-eyed and partly-toothless Ronald laughs menacingly and says "I'm lovin' it!"

Entre el amor y el odio

After a long absence, Octavio Villarreal (César Évora) returns to Guanajuato in order to see his uncle Fernando (Joaquín Cordero), who is on his deathbed.

Octavio always considered his uncle to be like a father until Fernando prevented him from marrying Frida (Sabine Moussier). Since that day Octavio has only felt resentment towards Fernando. Octavio heads for the Villarreal mansion in his car with Marcial (Alberto Estrella), a trusted employee of Fernando, when they are intercepted by a girl on a horse.

Octavio is taken with the young woman's beauty, but the contemptuous Marcial tells him that Ana Cristina (Susana González) is Fernando's lover. This is a lie, however; Fernando has only protected the girl who lives on the Villarreal grounds with her supposed grandfather, Manuel (Miguel Corcega).

Fernando dies in Ana Cristina's arms, confessing to her that the love of his life was a woman named Leonela. Upon seeing his uncle's body, Octavio remembers the love they had and takes out his pain and frustration on Ana Cristina, calling her a whore.

However, Fernando's will stipulates that his nephew and his protégée will inherit his shoe factory, but only if they marry and live together for a year. The corrupt Marcial goes to Miami to find the ambitious Frida, who renews her relationship with Octavio even though he has married Ana Cristina.

Marcial and Frida want to take over the factory and conspire so that this marriage does not last any longer than necessary, sowing doubts in Octavio's heart about the purity and good intentions of his wife. Although Octavio loves Ana Cristina, his doubts lead him to abandon her and go to Miami with Frida.

From there he returns in the company of the businessman Rogelio Valencia, a man who has a lot to do with the now-pregnant Ana Cristina's past. Frida, also, is pregnant, and Octavio finds himself trapped between his love for his wife and his obligation to the child that Frida carries.

The Alligator's Toothache

The Book tells the story of an alligator named Alli, who lives at the zoo. One morning Alli wakes up with a terrible toothache, and feels miserable. His fellow zoo-animal friends offer well-meaning but non-productive suggestions regarding the toothache, and the zookeeper has nothing in his veterinary supplies to help Alli's pain. So Alli is obliged to catch a city bus to see the dentist, a trip he abhors because he fears that the dentist may be a cruel, sadistic monster whose operation will be even more painful than his toothache. But having never traveled alone before, Alli unknowingly boards the wrong bus, and thus is on his way to an entirely wrong part of the city. His initial mistake turns out to be a stroke of incredibly good luck, however --- while riding the bus through its assigned route, Alli meets a friendly little boy on the bus who is also traveling the same way, and he soon discovers that the lad is, in fact, the dentist's young son! Encouraged by the kind boy's earnest reassurances that his father is, in fact, a kind, caring knowledgeable man, and by his promise to accompany Alli to the dentist's office and hold his hand throughout the operation, Alli at last musters the courage to make the trip to the dentist's office, where he learns, to his great surprise and delight, that his toothache was caused by nothing more than a wisdom tooth that had started to grow in.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Lara Jean Song Covey is a sixteen-year-old half-Korean American girl living in Virginia. She is extremely close to her older sister Margot and younger sister Kitty. Lara Jean keeps love letters to all the boys she has ever loved in a teal hatbox given to her by her late mother who died by a head injury when Lara Jean was just 9. Just before Margot leaves for university in Scotland, she breaks up with her boyfriend Josh Sanderson, who is also their next-door neighbor and Lara Jean's friend.

Lara Jean, who once had a crush on Josh, finds her feelings for him coming back after Margot leaves for school, and Josh admits during a conversation about crushes that his first serious crush was on Lara Jean. To cope with her feelings, Lara Jean writes a long postscript for the letter she wrote when she was fourteen, after Josh asked Margot out instead of her.

Peter Kavinsky, one of the guys Lara Jean wrote a letter to, approaches her and tells her he does not have any sort of attraction to her. Lara Jean is confused, but realizes that he is referring to a letter she wrote him years ago after he received it in the mail. Horrified, she tells him she wrote it a long time ago. Lara Jean recounts what prompted her to write the letter: when she was in seventh grade, she and Peter were with a group of mutual friends when Peter kissed her.

Lara Jean cannot find her hatbox at home. That night, she hears Josh come over and hides in a treehouse she used to spend a lot of time as a kid. The next morning at school, Josh asks her about the letter to him. She lies and says she no longer has feelings for him and that she is dating someone else. When he asks who it is, she says Peter as he's the first person she thinks of while he walks down the hallway. Lara Jean spontaneously jumps onto Peter and kisses him in front of Josh, and Peter kisses her back. At school, Lara Jean explains her situation to Peter, who decides to go along with the lie, as he has just broken up with his long-term girlfriend Genevieve (who is also Lara Jean’s enemy) and wants a clean break.

Lara Jean and Peter set up a list of ground-rules on how to act around each other. The more time they spend together, the more confused Lara Jean gets about her feelings. As Lara Jean and Peter begin to genuinely fall for each other, Josh becomes jealous of Peter, and when Lara Jean confronts him about it, he kisses her and tells her he wants to be with her, which makes Lara Jean realize that she no longer likes Josh and that she wants to date Peter for real.

On a school ski trip, Peter tells Lara Jean he does want to date her and they kiss in a hot tub. The following day, Genevieve tells her that there is a rumor that the two had sex in the hot tub, and Peter did not deny it. Humiliated, Lara Jean avoids Peter during Christmas break. Kitty invites him over to the Covey's recital party, which they had every year before their mother died. When Peter tries to talk to Lara Jean, Josh steps in to try and protect her, and Margot ends up hearing about how Josh and Lara Jean kissed.

Margot and Lara Jean eventually reconcile, but Lara Jean remains angry at Peter until Kitty admits that she stole her sister's hatbox and mailed the letters to try and get back at Lara Jean for almost revealing Kitty's crush on Josh. Lara Jean forgives Kitty. Kitty tells Lara Jean that Peter really cares for her and returns the hatbox that is now filled with notes that Peter gave Lara Jean while they were fake-dating. Reading them over, Lara Jean has a change of heart and takes out her pen and paper to write a real love letter to Peter. Peter and Lara Jean dates after it.

Men Are Not Gods

In London, critic Mr. Skeates dictates a scathing review of Edmund Davey, the lead actor debuting in the play ''Othello'', to his secretary, Ann Williams. Barbara Albert, Davey's co-star and wife, comes to the newspaper offices to plead her husband's case. Skeates has already left, so she begs Ann for help to save Edmund's career, insisting that he is a great actor who was simply overwhelmed by his great opportunity. Ann is touched and takes a great risk (as Skeates never reads his own work), rewriting the review to praise the actor's performance. The critic, however, finds out when Edmund thanks him for his kind words, and Ann is given the sack.

She goes to see the play. She and the rest of the audience are entranced by Edmund's second performance. When Barbara spots her after the show, she introduces Ann to her husband. Ann and Edmund become infatuated with each other, however.

Edmund pursues Ann and even though she admits being in love with him, she won’t give in to it due to respect for his wife. He eventually convinces her and they carry on an affair.

Barbara finds out about Ann and Edmund and goes to Ann pleading with her to stop the affair. Barbara also tells her she is pregnant. Ann tells her she shall have her husband back and writes him a note saying he should stay with Barbara as long as she lives.

Edmund becomes obsessed with “as long as she lives” and tries to actually strangle Barbara during a performance of Othello. Ann is in the audience and screams for him to stop. He snaps out of his trance and later in the dressing room asks Barbara for forgiveness which she gives him and they make up. She tells him to find Ann and say something nice to her. He thanks Ann for stopping him from doing something terrible and Ann leaves.

Woman Chases Man

B.J. Nolan tries to get his millionaire son Kenneth to invest $100,000 in a housing development called Nolan Heights. However, B.J. has a long history of backing crazy projects (which is why his wife left all her money to her son in her will), so Kenneth turns him down.

Architect Virginia Travis, unaware that B.J. has no money and is besieged by process servers, tries to get him to hire her. After B.J. breaks the news to her, she faints, having not eaten in 49 hours. He takes her back to his mansion.

When she learns that B.J.'s son is wealthy, she decides to use her wiles to extract the money they need from him, aided by B.J. and her married friends Judy and Hunk. The latter two masquerade as B.J.'s servants (B.J. had to let his old servants go as he could not pay them) when Kenneth returns from a cruise with his girlfriend Nina and her "uncle" Henri. Nina is in fact a golddigger after Kenneth's money, while Henri is her secret lover.

Virginia first concocts a scheme to have Kenneth sign five checks for household expenses at once using a mechanical device, one of B.J.'s many failures. Kenneth signs without noticing that one check is for $100,000, but when Virginia and B.J. go to the bank, Mr. Judd informs them that Kenneth has to authorize any check over $1000. Defeated, they return home.

Meanwhile, Nina plots to get Kenneth drunk, so he will propose to her. Virginia has the same general idea. After a few drinks, she and Kenneth discover they like the same things and eventually begin kissing, prompting Virginia to have second thoughts about her scheme. She then passes out from drinking too much. Kenneth carries her off to deposit her in her bed, past a fuming Nina.

Shortly afterward, B.J. wakes her up and cajoles her into trying again for the money while his son is still somewhat drunk. She goes to Kenneth's room, but when Nina makes an appearance, hides in a tree outside his window. Her dressing gown gets caught in a branch. Kenneth comes out to free her. He finds the contract B.J. had drawn up and is eager to sign it. Virginia tries to stop him by dousing him with a bucket of water that B.J. had brought. Even in his now sober state and with Virginia confessing all, he still wants to finance the project. He then embraces her.

The Stranger's Return

Miriam Hopkins plays Louise Storr, a recently divorced New Yorker who travels west to Iowa to visit her paternal grandfather, a relation she has never met. Grandpa Storr (Lionel Barrymore) an 85-year-old patriarch, presides over his large farm and its employees. A number of distant relatives are long time residents in his household. They receive the city-girl granddaughter with reserved solicitude. Miriam meets the owner of the adjoining property, the married farmer Guy Crane (Franchot Tone), an Eastern-educated Iowan she finds attractive.

Grandfather Storr's unconcealed preference for his close blood-kin Louise creates tension in the household. She is tested by the resident relatives and farm hands in her performance of her duties on the spread. Her essential good sense and self-esteem serve her well, despite her urban upbringing.

Grandpa Storr, a military veteran of the Civil War, begins to display signs of dementia and the coterie of resident relatives quickly call for a mental evaluation to deem him legally unfit to operate the farm. The old man's apparent decent into madness is only a clever ruse to expose their avarice. He alters his will to disinherit the scheming relations and bequeaths the farm to Louise—the medical examiners acting as witnesses. His ultimate task in life completed, he dies peacefully.

Guy announces that he and his wife will be returning to his Alma mater back East where he will teach agriculture at the university. Louise assumes her position as owner and operator of her grandfather's farm, deeply committed to her ancestral land.

Lady with Red Hair

When Caroline Carter is divorced by her wealthy husband, she also loses custody of her son Dudley in the proceedings. Down on the ground she decides to win her fortune and son back. She leaves Chicago for New York to become an actress and tries to get acquainted to the theatrical producer David Belasco.

Belasco just wants to get rid of Caroline and promises to write her a play to get her out of his office. He has no intention of giving her work, but when she ultimately confronts him on the matter several months afterwards, he tries to get her a part in a show.

He succeeds, but the show is a failure, and instead Caroline decides to marry an actor living at the same boardinghouse, Lou Payne. Belasco tries to stop her from domesticating too soon, and take a part in another show instead. This show is a success on Broadway and Caroline eventually gets an opportunity to return to Chicago to perform. However, her triumph is stained by the fact that she has grown apart from her son.

Caroline goes on to perform in both America and Europe and in lack of a family she is consumed by her career. After some time she decides to go back to Payne and marry him. Belasco gets jealous and punishes her by not letting her work with him anymore.

Caroline pursues a career on her own, but her ambitions are thwarted by a series of unsuccessful shows. Payne eventually convinces Belasco to start working with Caroline again, and the duo reconciles.

A Gentleman After Dark

We pick up the story when the editor of the ''New York Chronicle'' sits on New Year's Eve 1923 awaiting news on the theft of legendary Mrs. Reginald Thorndyke's jewelry, a bracelet worth about $50,000. Meanwhile, Tom Gaynor, Captain of the Detective Bureau, finds out that the jewel thief in fact is none other than the notorious Harry "Heliotrope" Melton. The Heliotrope's signatory is that he always wears a heliotrope flowers in his jacket lapel. His lover and partner in crime, Flo, is just about to give birth at a hospital, when Harry comes to bring her a bracelet as a gift of love. Detective Gaynor believes that Harry deep down is essentially a nice person, with a lot of goodness inside. Gaynor thinks Harry has been led to walk the wrong path because of outer circumstances.

Gaynor is set on helping Harry bring his life back on track, so he informs him that the Insurance Companies Protective Association has put up a reward for any information that helps catch the thief and bring back the bracelet. Harry denies any involvement in the disappearance of the bracelet to the detective. Harry also tells Gaynor that he is about to better his life and become a better man now that he has become a father. The problem is that Flo, who didn't want to have Harry's child in the first place, explains to Gaynor that she isn't interested in moving to the country, become a lawful citizen, and start anew with Harry.

Harry also has a male partner called Eddie. When Harry tells Gaynor about his new plans to become a model citizen, Eddie wants to partner up with Flo instead of him. Faced with this fact, Harry agrees to do a last job with the two of them, a jewel heist at a socialite party hosted by Pamela Cartwright. After the heist is done, Eddie gets back at Harry by trying to frame him for the job. Harry manages to hide the stolen jewelry before detective Gaynor comes to visit, spoiling Eddie's plans. Harry finds out about the relation between Eddie and Flo when he finds them both embracing. in the ensuing gunfight, Harry kills Eddie, and tells Flo he will stop all her attempts of seeing their daughter Diana again.

Doing what he believes is the best for his daughter Diana, Harry turns himself in to the police, and Diana is taken into custody by detective Gaynor, with Harry's consent., until he is out of prison.

Diana remains in Gaynor's custody for many years while Harry is serving his prison sentence. One day, Flo reads her daughter Diana's engagement announcement in the newspaper. She is aware of the fact that her daughter is in Gaynor's custody. Gaynor is now a Supreme Court Justice, and Flo decides to use Diana to blackmail Gaynor into helping her.

Still in prison, Harry finds out about Flo's plans from a pal named Stubby. To stop her Harry breaks out of prison and starts looking for Flo. Eventually he finds her with her new partner in crime, Enzo Calibra. A brawl ensues, and in the following gunfight, one of Enzo's bodyguards accidentally kills him. Flo manages to escape the scene, but Harry catches up with her in her hotel room. He corners her, and when she tries to get away, she takes a step in the wrong direction, off the balcony, and falls down to her death.

When Diana's wedding takes place a while later, Harry sends her a box of heliotrope flowers, his favorites.

Happy Tears

Jayne and Laura play sisters helping their crude but endearing father Joe deal with age-related health and mental problems. Wealthy by marriage, Jayne is otherwise psychologically fragile. Conversely, Laura has her hands full with domestic responsibilities but is considerably more grounded. Upon returning to their childhood home to help their father, they face difficult, frequently comic situations. The home, their deceased mother's effects, and their father's eccentricities evoke memories and sentiments, especially for Jayne. The sisters bicker over the seriousness of their father's condition. They also contend with a romantic dalliance between Joe and his equally eccentric, wigged-out "nurse" Shelly. The struggle to balance familial duties with their own strained lives suggests a more meaningful family connection they may not have had as children.

Short Working Day

In 1968, a young man addresses a meeting of protesters by condemning the firebrands who are agitating the students. Eight years later, in Radom, Poland during the June 1976 protests, the young man is now the local First Secretary of the Communist Party (Wenceslaus Ulewicz). He is facing a mob of strikers protesting a 69 percent increase in food prices by the central government. Demonstrations in the industrial towns of Radom and Plock quickly lead to the beating and firing of thousands of workers. The party secretary tries to appease the crowds of workers massing beneath his window. Despite the growing threat, he decides to stick it out at the party's office instead of making the recommended hasty escape.

While the protesters become increasingly hostile in their calls for a repeal of the price increases, the party secretary remains strong outwardly in his speeches. With bullhorn in hand, he believes he can talk and reason with the protesters. When he is alone, however, he seems lost in his private thoughts and fears. As the morning passes, the secretary becomes increasingly vulnerable because the central government refuses to yield to the protesters' demands. By the afternoon, the party secretary finally yields to the police chief's orders that he leave his office. As the secretary exits the building, the protesters set fire to his office furniture.

Five years later, the same secretary is on television explaining his actions during the June 1976 protests.

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

The game adapts the animated film ''Star Wars: The Clone Wars'' and various episodes from the first two seasons of the television series of the same name, without dialogue and with many humorous deviations. The prologue level is based on the Geonosian Arena battle from ''Attack of the Clones''.

A Sight for Sore Eyes (film)

An overconfident young executive with a matching ego thinks he's a know-it-all with the ladies until he's reunited with Amie; his former high school flame who is now blind. The encounter causes him to rethink his relationships with everyone from the women he dates to his father, whom he hasn't seen in several years.

Back Up, Dancer

At the beginning of the episode Jack (Sean Hayes) learns he will have an audition to be a backup dancer for singer Janet Jackson. The audition was set up by singer Jennifer Lopez, whom Jack worked for in the same position after Lopez let him go. At the audition, Jackson decides that she would like five dancers instead of the six originally planned. Jack, "the newbie," and Artemus (Will Arnett), "the guy who's been here the longest," compete in a dance-off to determine the fifth dancer. Before the dance-off, Karen (Megan Mullally)—Jack's friend—visits to support her friend. She sees Artemus and reveals to Jack the two are former lovers. The two get back together which outrages Jack. Karen reassures Jack that their reconciliation will not affect him in any way, only for her to tell Jack to lose the dance-off. Jack tells Karen he will not throw the competition. During the dance-off, Karen pleads with Jack to lose which Jack ultimately does. Believing he won, Artemus tells Karen he used her to win. After deciding that she only needs four dancers, Jackson fires both Jack and Artemus. At the end, Karen apologizes to Jack for getting him fired.

Meanwhile, Grace (Debra Messing) copes with her failed marriage to Leo (Harry Connick, Jr.). She tries to move on, but mementos of the past do not let her. Her best friend Will (Eric McCormack) tries to help her but to no avail. While at dinner with his boyfriend Vince (Bobby Cannavale), and Vince's superior officer, Grace calls him, displeasing Vince. Believing that Grace might be suicidal, Will leaves to attend to her. Vince shows up at Will and Grace's apartment to confront her, telling her that she is affecting his relationship with Will because she is too needy. This prompts Grace and Vince to bicker, with the two asking Will to choose between them. He cannot choose between them as Grace is his long-time friend, but he also cares for Vince. The episode concludes with him telling Vince that he wants to work things out, but before they can discuss it, Vince sees Grace's wedding album, resulting in him being more focused on the album than the relationship.

The Reversal

Mickey Haller, who has become increasingly frustrated in his role as a defense lawyer, agrees to undertake the prosecution role on behalf of the city of Los Angeles, in the retrial of a convicted kidnapper and killer that had been granted as a result of new DNA evidence. His one condition before accepting the task is that he is permitted to choose his own team; he chooses his ex-wife Maggie McPherson as his co-prosecutor, and his half-brother Harry Bosch as his investigator from the LAPD. The prosecution case rests largely on the testimony of Sarah Gleason, the elder sister of the victim, Melissa Landy.

The body of 12-year-old Melissa was discovered in 1986, discarded in a dumpster, only a few hours after she was reported missing. Unbeknownst to the killer, her older sister Sarah had been hiding in the garden and had witnessed her abduction. On the day of the murder, she identified Jason Jessup, a tow truck driver, as the man who snatched Melissa from the garden. The evidence against Jessup also includes strands of Melissa's hair, found in the seat of his truck. Thus, her testimony is essential for establishing the quick police focus on Jessup. However, DNA evidence subsequently showed that semen stains found on the dress Melissa was wearing, which could not be definitely matched at the time, came not from Jessup, but from the girls' stepfather.

Jessup's defense counsel, "Clever Clive" Royce, mounts a media campaign in his client's favour, and it becomes clear that his main motivation is obtaining a sizable compensation payout from the state. Haller's response is to allow bail and have Jessup tailed by the police in the hope that he will return to his old ways and provide additional support for the prosecution case. Jessup is soon seen visiting various mountain trails in the Mulholland area, and on one occasion parks his car outside Bosch's house at night. Bosch and Haller, both concerned for their own teenage daughters' safety, develop a theory that Jessup was a serial killer but are unable to investigate fully for fear of blowing the police's cover.

Legal procedures require that the jury is kept ignorant of Jessup's post-conviction history. Testimony given in the original trial, where the witness is no longer available because of death or infirmity, has to be read aloud to the jury by Harry Bosch, but the key to the case is still Sarah Gleason's testimony. During direct examination, Sarah admits that the dress Melissa was wearing was hers and that her stepfather was raping her, which accounted for the semen stains. The defense focuses on presenting the stepfather as the real killer and Jessup as the victim of the family's lies. To undermine Sarah's testimony, because of her history of drug use and prostitution in the years since her sister's murder (though she has now been rehabilitated), Haller concludes that "Clever Clive" must have a witness who will claim that Sarah had told a different story during her "lost years." Bosch then traces Sarah's then-lover, Eddie Roman, and finds that he has remained a drug addict living off a prostitute's earnings but has disappeared, presumably to testify against Sarah. Locating Roman's current prostitute Sonia Reyes, Bosch persuades her to enter the courtroom at a crucial moment in Roman's testimony, which causes Roman to alter his testimony and effectively destroys the defense case.

While anticipating a plea bargain offer from the defense team during a lunch break, Bosch and Haller instead learn that Jessup entered Royce's offices with a gun and killed Royce, two of his legal team and a policeman who followed him. Jessup is now at large, but the police surround and kill him at a hideout under the Santa Monica pier that had been discovered by Bosch as a result of the police surveillance activities. Jessup's death ends the search for Melissa Landy's killer, but leaves the prosecution team with a host of unanswered legal and moral questions.

Um Show de Verão

Andréa (Angelica) is a humble carrier of telemarketing. Her boyfriend, Fred (Thiago Fragoso), is a typical businessman's son who thinks he can do anything in life. He decides to turn his girlfriend into a successful singer, with the help of his friend Marcelo (Luciano Huck), who always dreamed of being a music producer. From there, Andrea and Marcelo are to live several adventures the world of music and show biz. Until one night, there is a passion between the two that can knock you out.

The film includes appearances by several Brazilian artists and bands such as Felix Da Housecat, Peter Sun, Gabriel o Pensador, Lulu Santos DJ Marlboro, Capital Inicial, Detonautas, among others.

The Defender (Kalashnikoff novel)

The story is about a Lamut (Evens) named Turgen whose family was killed by an illness which left him alone to his practice of medicine in his Yurt. He then out of his loneliness befriends a group of rams near his yurt this cause the townspeople to look at him and start strange rumors that it is impossible for a man to befriend animals so he must be a sorcerer and shunned because of it. While on coming back from his usual fishing and hunting round he hears crying and decides to help he goes inside the yurt to see 2 children. The eldest one Tim approached Turgen and with all his kindness stayed to tend to the youngest child Aska as she was only but an infant. As time past Marfa the mother of the children came from working to see Turgen tending to her children rather than being angry she was just surprised to find him in her home. As it turns out one of the people who didn't listen to the shamans words was Marfa's late husband who left marfa with some enlightening information that turgen was a kind man that helped anyone that needed and that the shaman only spoke lies and this was proven to her as she came to see him tending to her children. From that point he frequently dropped by to see Marfa and he children bringing them meats, and salts to make sure that marfa did not need to work so hard and with that she was able to spend more time with her children. With these visits Turgen's story about his past affiliation with the rams on how he hunted them for sport and that cause great sorrow in him to see these creatures being hunter for their horns and meats even though they were minding their own business. With this gap of trust between them Turgen set out to create a wall of trust with the ram which he achieved by feeding them every day. As time passed he began to bond with the herd of ram and watched them as they at his food offering and when the rams had encounters with other dangerous creatures like bears and wolves Turgen did everything in his power to help the rams with their fight even if it meant risking his life. In the middle of September hunting season began this is where Turgen's struggle's begin as hunters start to come to the mountains and they are specifically looking for the rams to hunt. Turgen places the responsibilities of guiding the rams to a safer spot in the mountains. With the help of Marfa and her children he was able to lead the rams to safety while being watched by the hunter they threaten his life because of his actions. This is when Marfa stood up and pleaded to hunter to listen to reason and why Turgen had see the rams through. As they listen they were reminded of the shamans words and ignored er words this is when Turgen stood and talk sense to the hunter and told them how the shamans words should not be headed since he was visited by spirit for helping the rams as the Lamut were very religious they believed a spirit haunted Turgen and now believed he was free since the rams were gone. In the end Turgen was accepted back to the village and married Marfa and was able to live normal life.

The Delivery (The Office)

Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) and Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) both acquire sales while making small talk about their baby's upcoming birth. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) wants to do the same and asks Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) to have a baby with him. Angela is initially excited, but becomes annoyed after Dwight makes a parenting contract with absurd demands he wants her to agree to.

Michael Scott (Steve Carell) anxiously waits for Pam and Jim's baby to be born; Jim urges Pam to let him take her to the hospital, but Pam would rather wait until midnight like she and Jim wanted to do initially (arriving after midnight means a longer hospital stay under the terms of their health insurance). She finds comfort in watching the rest of the office performing absurd activities to distract her from the pain. When Jim reaches his breaking point, Pam reveals that their baby is a girl, which calms Jim's nerves a bit, but then she tells him that her water broke.

Since Pam and Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) have gotten hungry at the same times, they have enjoyed regular meals together, and Kevin prepares her one final "Ultra Feast" before she gives birth. When the contractions appear to become too extreme, Jim, Michael, and Kevin all think it is time for her to go to the hospital. Pam still refuses, and finally breaks down admitting that she is scared to give birth. Jim initially assures her that everything will be all right, but goes into a panic when he's informed she is now at 2 minutes in between contractions (5–7 minutes is the suggested time to leave for the hospital). Pam finally relents and Michael drives her and Jim to the hospital, with Dwight "escorting" them. Pam realizes she has forgotten her iPod with her desired birth music on it so they request that Dwight retrieve it from their house, asking that he not "touch anything". After 19 hours of labor, Cecelia Marie Halpert is born at 1:21 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs 2oz.

Pam's breastfeeding does not go well, and though a male lactation consultant (Lee Kirk, Fischer's real-life husband) is summoned to provide apparently successful coaching, Cecelia still fails to "latch" properly. Against the advice of the nurse, Jim and Pam opt to have Cecelia spend the night with them instead of in the nursery, and they are kept up long hours tending to her. A sleep-deprived Pam accidentally nurses a baby that belongs to a new mom (Melissa Rauch) in the same hospital room. As Jim and Pam get ready to leave the hospital, Pam manages to breast feed Cecelia while Jim gets the car (which is littered with parking tickets, thanks to Michael parking the car in an ambulance only zone).

Michael sees the birth as proof that he is a successful office matchmaker. He sets up Kevin on a lunch date with Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper), making Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) jealous. Though Kevin thinks the lunch goes well, Michael rudely tells Kevin that he is not good enough to date Erin, infuriating and confusing Kevin as Michael told Kevin that Erin liked him. Kevin also points out that Michael has dated women that appeared to be better than him. Eventually, Andy finally considers actually asking Erin out himself, to which she happily accepts as Michael looks on.

At the Halpert residence, Dwight embarks on a search for the iPod only to find mold under the sink and moves in for several days while he reconstructs the cabinets. Dwight and Angela make the final revisions to the parenting contract, but Dwight begins to have second thoughts after an encounter with Pam's friend Isabel (Kelen Coleman), with whom he had a one night stand at Jim and Pam's wedding. He signs the contract, but decides to hold it off. Jim and Pam arrive home with the baby and find Dwight and their wrecked house, but decide not to question it.

Today's Special (film)

Samir (Aasif Mandvi), a sous chef at an upscale New York restaurant, gets frustrated with his boss (Dean Winters) and quits after being passed over for a head chef position. His dreams of studying French cuisine in France are shattered after his father becomes ill and he must take over his family's Indian restaurant, Tandoori Palace in Queens. The restaurant has two chefs who don't know what they're doing, an old fashioned wall and faltering income since the only customers are Samir's uncles sitting at a table playing cards. Samir doesn't know what to do because his knowledge of Indian cooking is limited until he meets the larger-than-life gourmet chef and taxi driver Akbar (Naseeruddin Shah). Samir's world is transformed via Akbar's cooking lessons, the magic of the masala and a beautiful co-worker, Carrie (Jess Weixler). Meanwhile, his mother (Madhur Jaffrey) tries to get him to settle down with a nice Indian girl and his father, Hakkim (Harish Patel) is convinced he will amount to nothing. Samir, Akbar and the kitchen staff first update the restaurant's look. Then with Akbar's eccentric help, they concoct the most magical and mouth watering dishes in what soon becomes the best little Indian restaurant in New York with booming business. However, Akbar moves to Akron, Ohio and it is up to Samir to run the restaurant. Meanwhile, Hakkim plans to sell the restaurant. Samir, along with help from his uncles and Carrie, improves business at the restaurant. Eventually, Hakkim calls off the deal and the movie ends with Hakkim hugging Samir.


Serge Pilardosse (Depardieu), retires from the job he has held for many years, as a slaughterhouse worker in Lyon. His colleagues throw him an impromptu party and give him a gift, which he doesn't like. Once home, he becomes all too quickly restless and realizes that being retired is kind of boring, as he has nothing to do. Eventually his wife convinces him to go and see about claiming a pension.

At the pensions office, he discovers that even though he has never missed a day's work for illness, nor been unemployed since college, he cannot claim a pension due to a few gaps in his pensions history, which he has to verify with 10 written proofs from each employer in question. Back home, his wife insists that he goes for the required papers so that the pensions claim can be processed. He takes his Münch Mammut motorcycle, nicknamed "Mammuth" and sails off through France to retrieve the documents.

Over the course of his endeavor, he loses his way and wonders about the sense of his life. He relives memories from his past, especially concerning his girlfriend who many years ago who died in a motorcycle accident. He visits his previous places of employment, old friends, his aging cousin and the home of his estranged brother, hoping to make amends. He also gets to know his niece, who introduces him to the world of naïve art. Realising that people perceive him as a bit of a jerk, he returns to his brother's house and his niece takes him into her world where he re-discovers himself and the poet within. Eventually he visits the site where the accident happened. He places a remembrance bouquet and shakes off the memories, finally liberating himself. He returns to his wife newly invigorated, happy about his future.

On the Path

Luna and Amar are a young Bosniak couple living in Sarajevo. Both have traumatic memories from the Bosnian War of the 1990s. Luna had seen her parents killed by an anti-Muslim militia in Bijeljina, and had come to Sarajevo with her grandparents as a child refugee. Amar had served as a soldier in the war and lost his brother. At present, however, they have apparently built up a successful life - she as an air hostess with B&H Airlines, he as an air traffic controller at the Sarajevo International Airport. When she comes back from a flight they make love passionately and go to have a good time at a local nightclub. Though identifying as "Muslims" in the context of Bosnia's ethnic set-up, religion plays no part in their life. In fact, Amar drinks alcohol a bit too much - which is forbidden by Islam - and it is this which begins to put their relationship under strain.

First of all, Amar loses his job for being drunk at work. Luna is very worried and has little hope of realizing her fragile dream of having a child with Amar. But her fears for their future increase when Amar takes on a well-paid job in a Muslim community hours away from where they live. Only after quite some time has elapsed during which they have had no contact with each other, is Luna allowed to visit Amar in this community of conservative Wahhabis in its idyllic lakeside location. She notices that the men and veiled women live in strict segregation and are closely watched. Luna asks Amar to return home with her but Amar insists that life in this isolated community of faithful followers has brought him peace and also keeps him from drinking. When he returns home a few weeks later, Luna realizes that Amars attitude to religion has fundamentally changed. Amar claims that his only interest is to become a better person, but Luna finds it extremely difficult to follow his line of thinking. She begins to question everything that she has believed in, even her desire to have a child. As the wounds of a tragic war-filled past continue to haunt her, Luna tears herself apart searching if love is truly enough to keep her and Amar together on the path to a lifetime of happiness.

Hollow Reed

Oliver Wyatt lives with his mother, Hannah Wyatt, and her live-in boyfriend, Frank Donally, and spends occasional afternoons with his father Martyn Wyatt. After Oliver suffers a series of mysterious physical injuries, which he vaguely blames on neighbourhood bullies, suspicions are raised by his father, a GP, against Hannah's boyfriend, Frank.

While Martyn becomes firmly convinced Frank is abusing his son, Oliver keeps silent about the true source of his injuries, and Hannah refuses to believe Frank could be abusing her son. Martyn begins court proceedings to gain sole custody of Oliver, though his gay relationship with Tom Dixon is brought as evidence by Hannah's lawyer of the unsuitability of Martyn's home. Only after she catches Frank abusing Oliver does Hannah accept that her boyfriend is the source of Oliver's injuries, though she is swayed by Frank's pleas and agrees to remain quiet about the issue and promises Oliver that the abuse will end.

In the climactic scene, Oliver attacks Frank and is saved from a terrible beating by his father, Martyn, who instead receives Frank's wrath. As Frank's savagery is witnessed not only by Hannah, Oliver, and Tom, but also by Hannah's neighbours, who in turn call the police, the film ends with Hannah visiting Oliver, who now resides with his father, and asking him if he'd like to return to her home on occasion, now that Frank no longer lives with her. It is implied that Frank is now serving a prison sentence for abusing Oliver. Her request is met with stony silence from Oliver.

Puzzle (2010 film)

A middle-aged housewife, Maria del Carmen (Maria Onetto), suddenly finds she has a gift for assembling puzzles. Unbeknownst to her husband (Gabriel Goity) and two college-age sons, she begins practicing for a tournament with a man (Arturo Goetz) she met through an ad in a puzzle shop. The thrill "of a woman discovering her special gift and rejoicing in it" is just one of the surprises in store for Maria, as she starts to look differently at the pieces of her life, and to try new things.

Splinter (2006 film)

Dreamer (Enrique Almeida) is being questioned by Detective Gramm (Resmine Atis). We flash back to Dreamer and Shaggy sitting in a car when another car pulls up and does a drive-by shooting. The drive by kills Shaggy and the bullet passes through and into Dreamers head.

A girl is poking through a pile of trash and finds the bodies of the men who performed the drive by. It is revealed that Shaggy of the Greenville gang had been going with Vanessa who was with Trigger (Hector Atreyu Ruiz ) of the opposing gang. Vanessa says that the night of the drive-by that Trigger was hiding something. Another shooting leaves two more dead. Detectives Cunningham (Tom Sizemore) and Gramm question two men whom say that the killings were done by members of Greenville. Vanessa gives Dreamer Triggers gun, Dreamer then calls Gramm to have her meet him in the alley where he gives her three spent bullets and casings from the gun.

Detective Cunningham confronts Captain Garcia (Edward James Olmos) claiming the only reason he was partnered with Gramm was so she could report on his actions. Afterward Garcia starts cleaning out Cunninghams desk and takes his badge after being attacked by Cunningham.

Gramm calls Dreamer to tell him the bullets don't match those that killed Shaggy. After another body is found hacked to death Dreamer goes looking for Trigger accusing him of the murder to cover up the killing of Shaggy. Trigger tells Dreamer that even though he can't remember it he also had a thing with Vanessa and that his number came up before Speedy was killed. Cunningham shows up and shoots Trigger after giving him back his gun.

In a garage Dreamer is remembering more of what happened and thinks it was Dusty that shot Shaggy and confronts him with a gun. Gramm and Cunningham who had been listening come in and Gramm tells Dreamer to put down the gun. Cunningham fires setting off a firefight. After a brief chase and Dreamer shooting Dusty in the leg Dreamer is shot by Cunningham, Dreamer shoots Dusty which causes both Gramm and Cunningham to shoot Dreamer killing him. Gramm realizes it was Cunningham who had shot Dusty and wounded Dreamer.

Cunningham coming out of his bathroom is confronted by a group of men with guns who kill him as Gramm listens to the gunfire from her car before driving off.

SpongeBob's Boating Bash

At Mrs. Puff's Boating School, it's the last test of the year and SpongeBob, as per usual, manages to horrendously fail on his boating test. As he sits on the steps on the entrance to the school, looking quite depressed, a shark named Seymour Scales arrives outside the school in a bus, to find SpongeBob sitting on the entrance ramp. Seymour then tricks him into his "D.R.I.V.E." (Destruction, Recklessness, Impairment, Velocity, Escape) classes. As the player progresses through the game, SpongeBob unlocks more friends to sign up. After the final exams, SpongeBob gets his boating licence. But Mrs. Puff informs him it's not real. Then, SpongeBob sees Seymour going into a truck, attempting to escape, after SpongeBob realizes that it was a scam. This leads to a final battle, fought in vehicles, in which SpongeBob wins. He then decides to go to Mrs. Puff's Boating School next year, and Seymour is sent to jail.

Move On (1903 film)

Filmed in New York's Lower East Side, the scene is a street where several pushcart vendors have gathered to sell their goods. In the foreground are fruit and vegetable carts. An elevated railroad track crosses over the street in the background. As the film progresses, two policemen can be seen heading up the street toward the camera and ordering all of the vendors to move. One of the policemen approaches the camera waving his nightstick, and the cart in the foreground begins moving. The film ends with a closeup of the policeman scolding the vendor.

The Bride of Abydos

Divided into two cantos, and further into more than a dozen stanzas each, ''The Bride of Abydos'' has a straightforward plot. After an initial description of the Turkish setting, the story opens with the ruler Giaffir rebuking his supposed son, Selim. Selim professes his love for his half-sister, Zuleika, Giaffir's daughter. Angered, the Pasha refuses Selim a key to the royal harem and upbraids him with insults.

Zuleika herself appears, radiant in beauty, and soon she is forbidden to marry Selim; she tacitly complies. Later, she exclaims her love to Selim and mourns her fate that would be without him. He, in turn, decries Giaffir's judgment as well and vows vengeance. The first canto closes as Zuleika notices a change in Selim's demeanour and wonders about his evasive language. He comforts her with the knowledge that he still retains the harem key and promises to reveal himself later that night.

The second canto again opens with a chthonic description of the Turkish lands and the grotto where the lovers meet. His cloak thrown aside, Selim is dressed as a dashing pirate and declares that Zuleika is not his sister. She is surprised and listens as Selim relates how Giaffir had killed Abdallah, Selim's father and Giaffir's brother. Selim's story continues as he tells her that he learned of his true identity from one of his father's loyal servants, Haroun, and that since Selim himself was raised by Giaffir, he was detested and maltreated.

He became a pirate so that he could gather a posse for revenge, and asserts his lust for Giaffir's blood; the silence at the end of Selim's tale is interrupted by the reports of weapons belonging to Giaffir's men. Selim, wishing to kiss his love one last time, tarries to leave the cave and soon falls, dying on the beach, the fatal blow administered by Giaffir himself. The second canto thus ends with Zuleika dying of sorrow for Selim, while Giaffir is forced to live out the rest of his life in solitude.

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star

Bucky Larson, a small-town manchild with big buck teeth, stumbles upon a family secret: His quiet and reserved parents were famous porn stars in the 1970s. This motivates him to leave northern Iowa for Hollywood, hoping to follow in their footsteps and fulfill his destiny as the biggest adult-film star in the world. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to become a porn star like his parents, and his penis is incredibly small.

Through a series of misunderstandings, he gets a job as a porn actor with fading director Miles Deep. He makes several films and achieves a certain fame when his small penis makes women appreciate their partner's endowment.

Along the way, he meets and falls in love with Kathy, a kindhearted waitress. Bucky chooses Kathy over fame, but she rejects him without explanation, leaving him brokenhearted. During a film shoot, Miles confesses that he had told Kathy to leave Bucky so he could have his prize star all to himself.

Bucky forgives Miles and goes after Kathy, who is on a horrible date with another porn star, the well-endowed but narcissistic Dick Shadow. Bucky declares his love for Kathy, and the two get married. After one year, Bucky opens his own steakhouse. One night, his former roommate comes into the restaurant and yells at him for owing him rent money, and tells Bucky he is "just like John Mayer".

Digimon Story Lost Evolution

Players assume the role of either or , male and female Japanese fifth-graders respectively, who have just moved to a new district. After witnessing a luminous object falling into the mountains during a fireworks ceremony, they are transported to the Digital World, where they meet their Digimon partners. They are joined by classmates , a curious troublemaker, and , a caring, older-sister type, along with Hiroyuki's second-grade younger sister and her friend, a first-grader named . Together, they must aid their Digimon companions while thwarting a group of villains named Uno, Dos, and Tres.

New Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre


Shinobu Kokoro: Hidden Heart

Another work by Temari Matsumoto, called Cause of My Teacher also includes a story about Hiiragi and Asagi.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (2000 TV series)

When a sect tries to melt the dragon saber, another sect tries to steal it. During the chaos, So-so, in a mask, steals the dragon saber, then hides among a crowd with masks. The sect kills the masked people who are actually innocent. Fifth brother (Cheung Tsui-san) & third brother join the fray, and third brother ends up with the dragon saber. Later, So-so and her brother use a trap to injure third brother & take the dragon saber. So-so arranges to transport third brother back home to be treated, but a group of monks break his joints.

Fifth brother watches So-so's sect give a demonstration of the dragon saber. Tse Sun snatches the dragon saber, then uses his lion roar to make most of the audience crazy. Tse Sun wants to bring Tsui-san & So-so to a remote island, but their ship sinks. Tse Sun suddenly becomes insane & So-so makes him blind. Tsui-san & So-so escape from Tse Sun. They end up on a tiny ice berg. They get married. Later, they arrive at an unknown island. Tse Sun arrives at the same island the next day.

So-so gives birth to a son & they name him Mo-kei. After nine or ten years, Tsui-san, So-so, and young Mo-kei leave the island & they board a Tin Yeng Gao ship. Upon reaching the mainland, they first meet So-so's father, then they journey to Mo Dong hill. During the journey, Mo-kei is captured by Yun Meng Yi Lou. Tsui-san & So-so arrive at Mo Dong. Third brother somehow recognizes So-so's voice & repeats what she said when he was injured ten years ago. Tsui-san takes responsibility for the many murders committed by So-so & kills himself in front of multiple sects. Sam-fung & So-so rescue Mo-kei, then So-so kills herself. Mo-kei collapses, not due to grief, but because he is poisoned by a lethal cold touch.

In a separate story arc, Sixth brother is engaged to Hiu-fu. Yeung Siu forces them to get married immediately, but they insist on getting Cheung Sam-fung's blessings first. Yeung Siu brings Hiu-fu to see a rare & beautiful sight. Later, in a separate incident, Hiu-fu is poisoned & Yeung Siu cures her. Hiu-fu falls in love with Yeung Siu. Hiu-fu wants Yeung Siu to promise that he will be a one-woman man but he can't promise that. They separate. After 9 months, Hiu-fu gives birth to a girl & she names her Bat-fui.

The people of Mo Dong are able to keep Mo-kei alive, but he will eventually die due to the cold touch. Mo-kei is now a teenager. Sam-fung rescues Chi-yeuk & Yu-chun from the imperial soldiers. The four of them (Sam-fung, Mo-kei, Chi-yeuk, Yu-chun) board a boat. Later, Sam-fung & Mo-kei part. Wu Ching-ngau is a very clever doctor, but he only treats Ming cult people. He agrees to keep Mo-kei alive. Mo-kei studies Ching-ngau's books & he acquires some medical skills.

Mit-juet defeats Golden Flower Granny. Later, Mit-juet kills Hiu-fu for her defiance & this is witnessed by Mo-kei & Bat-fui. Mo-kei sends Bat-fui to her father whom she has never met, then Mo-kei returns to Mo Dong hill. During his solo journey home, he is injured by a dog. The dog owners trick him to reveal Tse Sun's location. Mo-kei & father of the house fall off a cliff to a ledge. Mo-kei goes inside a cave & uncovers Kow Yong Zhan Keng. He masters it. Kow Yong Zhan Keng allows Mo-kei to cure his cold touch.

Mo-kei is now an adult. Father of the house pushes Mo-kei off the ledge. Mo-kei lands in a house & breaks both his legs. Poison girl (Yan Lei or Ju Yi) helps him.

Six sects go to Kwong Meng Deng to exterminate the Ming Cult. Mo-kei tries to save lives. He reluctantly becomes the new head of Ming Cult.

The 6 sects mysteriously disappear. Sixth brother is found with all joints broken. The Ming Cult people finds out that there are many murders in Siu Lam and Ming Cult is the scapegoat. The same hidden message implies that the next sect to be exterminated is Mo Dong. Mo-kei and his Ming Cult people rush to Mo Dong. Knowing that he might die in combat soon, Sam-fung teaches Third Brother Tai Kek Qun while Mo-kei learns it without revealing his identity. The people who are impersonating Ming Cult arrive at Mo Dong & they are revealed to be Chiu Man, Ah Dai, Ah Yi, & Ah Sam.

Mo-kei receives the list for Seven Insects Seven Flowers & the cure for broken joints/bones from Chiu Man. He uses the cures on third uncle & sixth uncle.

Ming Cult finds out that the 6 sects that disappeared are held in a pagoda in the capital. Just before the rescue, Mit-juet forces Chi-yeuk to make an oath to use Mo-kei to get the heaven sword and dragon saber, never marry Mo-kei, and kill Mo-kei & Ming Cult. Failing to follow the oath has severe consequences for Chi-yeuk's grandchildren. Mit-juet also appoints Chi-yeuk as the next head of Ngo-mei and gives her the secret of the heaven sword & dragon saber.

Everyone is safely rescued except for Mit-juet who refuses to let Mo-kei catch her & falls to her death. Chi-yeuk chooses Mo-kei instead of Cheng-xu & Cheng-xu is very upset.

Chiu Man does not like Peng Nam Wong. Before the wedding between Peng Nam Wong & Chiu Man, she gives a hint to Mo-kei & Mo-kei successfully removes Chiu Man from the wedding. Golden Flower Granny abducts Chi-yeuk & brings her to Leng Se Dou. Mo-kei, Chiu Man, & Siu-chiu disguise themselves as the boat crew. At Leng Se Dou, Mo-kei & Tse Sun are re-united after 20 years.

Bo Si (Persian) Ming Cult people arrive at Leng Se Dou to bring Golden Flower Granny back to Bo Si. After a few rounds of fighting that span a few days, Mo-kei's side loses. Ji-si & Siu-chiu return to Bo Si, with Siu-chiu as the new head of Bo Si Ming Cult.

At the last dinner before their return to the mainland, everyone faints due to poison. When they wake up, Chiu Man, heaven sword, dragon saber, & the boat are missing, while Ju Yi is dead. After a few days, a boat passes nearby & everyone returns to the mainland.

Peng Nam Wong places Chiu Man under house arrest. Chiu Man sends a letter to Ming Cult that results in the death of Peng Nam Wong & his people.

In a separate story arc, Bat-fui falls in love with sixth brother and they are eventually married after a few twists & turns.

Seng Kwan captures Chi-yeuk & Tse Sun. Cheng-xu accidentally kills seventh uncle when he is drunk. Chiu Man uses a trick to make Cheng-xu admit his guilt with the other uncles within hearing distance.

Mo-kei rescues Chi-yeuk. Chiu Man lures Mo-kei away from his own wedding with Chi-yeuk. Chi-yeuk returns to Ngo-mei & claims her position as the next head using Kow Yan Pak Kuat Zhao.

Seng Kwan's attempt to exterminate Ming Cult is reversed by Chiu Man, resulting in a major defeat for the imperial troops. Chiu Man turns herself in & is executed. Later, it is revealed that Chiu Man's father used a trick so that Ah Dai is executed instead. Ju Yi is revealed to be alive.

Seven sects and Ming Cult go to Siu Lam to fight for Tse Sun & the dragon saber. Chi-yeuk is the winner. She almost kills Mo-kei. To free Tse Sun, Chi-yeuk and Mo-kei fight The Three Elders. In a fight between Tse Sun & Seng Kwan, Seng Kwan is blinded.

The imperial troops surround Siu Lam and prepare to exterminate all the sects & Ming Cult. Mo-kei uses Mok Mo Wai Xu & defeats the imperial troops. Chi-yeuk asks Mo-kei, between Chi-yeuk, Chiu Man, Siu-chiu, and Ju Yi, who would he choose. Mo-kei gives his reply.

A Ming Cult general poisons Mo-kei & Chiu Man, then fails to kill Chiu Man because Mo-kei faked his succumb to poison. Since Chiu Man is willing to lose her status as Mongolian Kuan Ju to be with Mo-kei, Mo-kei no longer wants to be the head of Ming Cult, to be with Chiu Man. Mo-kei & Chiu Man have a carefree life. After a few years, Mo-kei & Chiu Man meet Chi-yeuk & her husband (Cheng-xu). Chi-yeuk has lost her memory & martial arts skills.

Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain (2006 TV series)

The plot generally follows the novels but some new changes have been introduced, creating links between the original story and the ''Condor Trilogy'', another set of novels by Louis Cha. Tian Guinong is given a greater role as the primary villain - he survives the fall after being knocked off a cliff by Hu Fei and returns as an even more powerful foe. Apparently, Tian discovered Li Zicheng's treasure in a cave at the cliff's base and found a martial arts manual detailing Zhou Botong's famous skill, the 'Technique of Ambidexterity', along with the reforged Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. He masters the skill and uses his new weapons to face the protagonists once more. Characters from ''The Book and the Sword'' are also given greater roles in the series. The cliffhanger ending in the novel is also replaced by a happy reunion for Hu Fei and his third love interest Miao Ruolan.

Rabbit or Duck

Ted, Marshall, Lily, and Robin hang out at Ted's apartment to watch Super Bowl XLIV, where the camera catches Barney holding up a sign in the crowd asking women to call him. It pays off as his phone keeps ringing with women on the other end. He hires Ranjit as his personal driver. Robin also reveals that, while they were on the air, she accepted an offer from her colleague, Don (Ben Koldyke), to go on a Valentine's Day date. The gang debates whether Robin is attracted to Don using the duck-rabbit illusion. This leads to an intense fight among the group, with Marshall supporting rabbits as an object of desire, and Ted, Robin, Lily and Ranjit supporting ducks. Marshall eventually concedes the point.

Given the success of Ranjit's arranged marriage, Ted decides to let Marshall and Lily pick his Valentine's Day date. Ted joins Robin at Don's apartment, as Don said there would be a party. Ted leaves when he sees Don on the couch naked, attempting ''The Naked Man''. Robin confronts Don and he admits he is interested in her but didn't know how to say. However, she sees him with a large pair of rabbit ears.

Meanwhile, Barney has problems with his pickup phone. When he is about to bed one woman, another calls. This causes him to ditch the woman and have Ranjit drive him back to MacLaren's on three separate occasions. On the fourth incident, involving a woman named Natalia, Barney throws the phone in the dumpster so he can concentrate on her, but he continues to hear the phone ringing in the distance (in the manner of Poe's ''The Tell-Tale Heart)'' and goes to retrieve it. Marshall and Lily hide the phone, and later Ted finds it and answers.

Ted goes on the double date with Marshall and Lily, who have fixed him up with Natalia (Bar Paly). Despite their compatibility, Ted continues to answer the phone, which results in another encounter at MacLaren's. Barney tries to take the phone from Ted, but Ted passes it to Marshall and Lily, who drops the phone in a pitcher of beer.

While Robin prepares for her show, Don apologizes for his behavior and praises her anchor skills. He also tries to improve his work ethic by bringing Robin coffee. She later imagines a duck bill on his face.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Predator

After the crew of several U.S. mining vessels off the coast of Sri Lanka are massacred by unknown assailants, a team of Ghost special forces soldiers led by Colonel Scott Mitchell are covertly sent into Sri Lanka to deal with the situation. On the ground in Sri Lanka, the Ghosts are assisted by Mister Hisan and the Mumpuri Guard, a non-political group formed to protect the civilian population from various armed factions that are currently fighting for control of the country.

The Ghosts receive intelligence from the C.I.A. identifying one of the armed groups, the People's Action Front (also known as the Activists) as being responsible for the massacre of the U.S. ship crews. The Ghosts take out several Activist bases and eventually assassinate their leader, "The Teacher". However, once the Teacher is dead, the Ghosts are ambushed by a much better equipped and more paramilitary-style faction known as the Loyalists. After being rescued by the Mumpuri Guard, the Ghosts engage in activities against the Loyalists, including rescuing Colonel Mitchell after his helicopter is shot down by them.

The Ghosts eventually learn that the C.I.A.'s informant in Sri Lanka, Dilip Khan, is a member of the Loyalists and gave the U.S. false information implicating the Teacher in the attacks on U.S. ships. The attacks were actually conducted by the Loyalists as a false flag operation to trick the U.S. into assassinating the Teacher, so that the Activist faction could be absorbed into the Loyalist faction. The Ghosts capture Khan and force him to make a confession, causing the Activists and Loyalists to go to war with each other. Using the fighting as cover, the Ghosts infiltrate a Loyalist headquarters to rescue the President of Sri Lanka, who has been kidnapped by them. They also discover a Loyalist propaganda broadcast that reveals the leader of the Loyalists is Sunil Ranga, the Minister of Energy.

The Ghosts infiltrate Ranga's mansion estate, where Ranga is either killed or captured, bringing an end to the hostilities. They are thanked by Mister Hisan for their actions, and inform him that "they were never here."

Single Room Furnished

Pop, the janitor of a downtown New York City apartment building, is in the hall changing the lights. While there, he overhears an argument coming from within one of the apartments. The argument is between a young woman named Maria and her overbearing Italian mother, who is concerned that her daughter is bringing shame to the family name by associating with another tenant in the building named Eileen, who works as a prostitute.

After storming out of the apartment, Maria encounters Pop in the hall and he begins to calm her down and the two eventually go into the building's kitchen to talk. Maria explains that the argument was about her friendship with Eileen, before then admitting her admiration for her friend's beauty and supposed exciting lifestyle.

Pop then begins to tell Maria a story of a young woman named Johnnie, who used to live in the building with her husband Frankie about ten years earlier. The film flashes back to Frankie and Johnnie on their fire escape. It is evident that there is an emotional distance between the two, as Frankie seems unhappy with his life, leaving Johnnie, who is pregnant with their baby, to feel isolated. The two reminisce about how they first met, before Frankie mentions an old friend whom he had recently seen. This old friend was in the Navy, and was traveling all over the world. Frankie starts detailing his fascination for Navy life and the prospects it can bring to him, before Johnnie, realizing that Frankie desires to leave her for a better life, tries to change the subject. Pop then narrates that a few weeks later, Johnnie woke one morning to find that Frankie had left her and their unborn baby. Maria asks what happened to the baby, to which Pop informs her that Johnnie had a miscarriage. He also adds that Johnnie eventually changed her name to Mae and moved on with her life. However, she remained a tenant in the building.

While discussing Mae, Pop mentions another couple who live in the building, Flo and Charley, who were involved with Mae at one point. The film then flashes back and shows the beginning of this couple's relationship. It is shown that Charley was friends with Mae, and she comes to his apartment one morning telling him that she is pregnant. Mae reveals to Charley that she plans on putting the baby up for adoption once it's born. Charley, feeling sorry for Mae, asks her to marry him. A few days later, Flo meets Charley in a bar where he explains this situation to her. Eventually, Charley realizes that he loves Flo and that he can't marry Mae just because he feels sorry for her. He then asks Flo to marry him. As Pop finishes narrating the story to Maria, Flo comes into the kitchen and is shown to be pregnant herself with Charley's baby. Maria and Flo begin talking about what became of Mae. Flo explains that while she and Charley got married, Mae had her baby and put it up for adoption like she said she would. Flo also elucidates that Mae, like she had done before, changed her name, this time to Eileen. Maria then realizes that her friend Eileen is the subject of the stories she has been told.

Flo tells Maria about Eileen, who works as a prostitute at a nearby club. One night, she arrives to her apartment to find her lover Billy waiting for her. Billy is a sailor and is in love with Eileen, although she does not reciprocate this feeling. While she removes her makeup and undresses, Billy professes his desire to marry her, stating that he does not care about her past. She interjects by informing him of the many men she has been with and the things she has done with them, before then reflecting of a time when she was in love with a man whom she planned to marry. However, he was killed in an accident shortly before their wedding. Billy still expresses his wish to marry her and while doing so, accidentally breaks a porcelain doll given to her by the man she once loved. Eileen then becomes hostile towards Billy, and begins mocking him, telling him she would never marry him and that she would never love him. Billy incidentally brandishes a gun and points it at Eileen, to which she tells him to go ahead and shoot. Billy, not being able to shoot her, walks out of the room and ultimately kills himself.

Eileen, at first in a state of shock, sits down at her mirror and begins re-applying her makeup, implying that she will again move on with her continuously troubled life.

Pastime (novel)

Spenser's semi-adopted son, Paul Giacomin, visits Spenser in Boston asking for his help. He can't locate his mother, who has apparently left on an extended trip without telling him. While Paul's mother is somewhat lacking in motherly skills, he doesn't believe she would voluntarily leave her home for such an extended period without contacting him. Though Paul can't pay Spenser, he takes the case anyway as a favor to Paul.

Spenser takes Paul along in his sleuthing, introducing him as his "prentice", though Paul has no real intention of becoming a detective: he just wants to find his mother.

Play Dead (2009 film)

Ronnie Reno is a former TV action star in need of a comeback. After a failed audition, he ends up snowbound in a remote town in Nevada overrun with meth dealers including Merle and his dimwitted henchman, Ledge, who works as a crossing guard. After Reno finds the body of a dead DEA agent in Ledge's bathtub, he reunites with his former co-stars including Devon in order to save the town's residents and himself.

Georgica (film)

The action takes place in post-World War II Estonia. An old man lives alone on a deserted island which the Soviet fighter planes use for nighttime target practicing. A young neglected boy, who has become mute, is banished from the mainland and sent to the island to keep the old man company. Both are haunted by memories, the boy about his mother and the old man about the years before World War I he spent as a young missionary in Africa.

At the Bar

A group of young high society friends, aged between 18 and 25, are gathered at a friend's bar that they regularly frequent for the night. But when they finish of their last beer and prepare to head home they find themselves held captive at gunpoint by five strangers. With their mouths, hands and feet tied, they are tortured, raped and murdered until the next morning. The gang who have captured them have no clear reason, they just want to punish these young people for everything left incomplete in their lives.

Shades of Grey

Chromatacia is a future dystopian society that exists at least five hundred years (although possibly more) after the collapse of our own society, identified as 'the Previous'. All life is governed by the laws set by Munsell, the supposed and revered founder of Chromatacia. The rules range from sensible, such as outlawing murder, to bizarre, such as outlawing the manufacture of spoons (though old spoons are often kept as personal heirlooms). The social hierarchy of Chromatacia is defined by the ability to see colour, which is limited in most people to varying degrees of one hue, or at most two. Those who can see red predominantly are in the second-lowest social order (only ranking above 'Greys', who cannot perceive colour), and 'Ultra Violets' hold the highest rank. The perception of colour also affects their health and wellness: certain colours have medical effects on people. Doctors in this world are called "swatchmen", since they show swatches of colour to their patients. Shades of green, especially Lincoln green, act as a narcotic, and are often abused as recreational drugs. Surnames and names of towns are usually derived from various shades of colour, such as jade, carmine and saffron.

Protagonist Eddie Russett is a 'Red' sent to the outer-fringe town of East Carmine to conduct a chair census, which he speculates is punishment for a practical joke played on the son of a prefect. There he meets Jane, a Grey with an upturned nose and a fierce temper, who often causes personal injury to whomever she meets. Eddie's father becomes the swatchman of the village and is well liked by the Greys. In the course of the story, Eddie discovers that much of what the government has told the public is not true. Specifically he learns that misfits, supposedly sent to Emerald City to be brainwashed, are taken to the deserted town of High Saffron where they are killed by looking at a building whose colour is poisonous.

Details reveal that East Carmine is located in Wales (the A470 road is mentioned), and the description of the town close to the lower of a series of five dams suggests it is Rhayader, at the foot of the Elan Valley. Nearby Rusty Hill was once Builth Wells. The town of Vermillion used to be Hereford. The town of High Saffron is on the coast beyond the dams, which suggests Aberystwyth.

The colour values as described in the book supposedly come from the Munsell color system as described by Albert Henry Munsell, but are derived from the HSV color model. The "Ishihara", a test used to determine one's colour vision, is a reference to Shinobu Ishihara, the inventor of the Ishihara colour perception test.

It's My Turn (film)

Kate Gunzinger is a mathematics professor at a Chicago university. She lives with divorcé Homer, in a comfortable but not terribly passionate relationship.

Kate travels to New York for a job interview and to attend the wedding of her widowed father. She is offered the job, though it does not look promising, as she will not be able to continue doing research. She meets the bride's son, Ben Lewin, a former professional baseball player.

Ben is married, but a relationship develops with Kate. He takes her to Yankee Stadium for an old-timers' day ceremony, and eventually, they have an affair. When they part, Kate goes back to Chicago and breaks up with Homer. She returns to work, where she is greeted with a gift sent by Ben.

The Bone Snatcher

When workers begin disappearing in a South African mine, Dr. Zack Straker and a search team are sent into the desert to find out why the geologists of a diamond expedition have lost radio contact. They arrive at camp of the scientists in the desert, but soon find the neatly gnawed bones of their colleagues and a trail that leads them to a strange rock formation. Once at camp they find only the cleanly gnawed bones of the workers. Soon it becomes clear that there is a murderous beast on the loose.

The researchers decided to investigate the structure, but in the gathering darkness, sheer hell breaks loose as the creature, composed of a swarm of ant-like insects wrapped around the bones of its victims, hunts them for their bones. A game of cat and mouse continues through the desert, with the team being slowly picked off and the bug and bone monster eventually being chased down in a derelict mine.

Zack finds it hard to decide to kill the yellow queen brain that controls the swarm that has killed dozens of people, but he eventually does so. Suddenly, the derelict mine structure starts to fall down, leaving Zack and Mikki to run back to the truck - where they find they are now the only survivors of the team. The film ends with Mikki driving into the distance, apparently oblivious that a box loaded into her taxi contains another queen brain.

Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1921 film)

'Blackie' Daw arrives in the town of Battlesburg, Iowa. He has little money, but makes it known that J. Rufus Wallingford, a wealthy businessman, will be arriving in town soon and is interested in finding good investments. When Wallingford arrives, he and the townspeople hatch a scheme to build a factory, but they cannot decide what the factory should produce. Wallingford suggests carpet tacks, which he insists will interest other investors, and the townspeople agree. As time goes on, the company's stockholders begin to doubt Wallingford, who is, in fact, a con man. He is able to assuage their doubts. The establishment of the factory begins a real estate boom, and Wallingford and Daw are planning to skip town with the money they have made. But just before they do, a wealthy financier buys out Wallingford's interest and the factory makes a large sale of carpet tacks. As a result, Wallingford and Daw become wealthy by honest means. They both find women to marry, Wallingford to his stenographer Fannie Jasper and Daw to Dorothy Wells, daughter of a prominent town resident.

Going All the Way

Two young men return home to Indianapolis after serving time in the Army during the Korean War and search for love and fulfillment in middle America during the conservative 1950s.

The Last Centurion

"Bandit Six", the book's protagonist, discusses his adventures following a withdrawal from the Middle East by U.S. forces in a time of chaos and disease. He commands a Stryker company that is left behind in Iran to guard a U.S. military equipment depot after a worldwide outbreak of mutated bird flu. He and his company repeat the journey of the Ten Thousand to return home, where he assists in agricultural recovery efforts and leads a military operation to regain control of a major American city.

The Hollywood Sign (film)

When three great, has-been actors meet at the funeral of a legendary Hollywood agent, their alcoholic reunion leads them to visit the Hollywood Sign. There they find the body of a man – leading them to uncover an in-progress scam for stealing millions from a Las Vegas casino – which originated as a movie plot written by one of the actors' ex-girlfriends – who could not get her script produced. Desperate to make a comeback, the three risk their lives for production capital ... by writing themselves into the "script."

Echo Park (1986 film)

May, a single mom, wants to become an actress. Her next-door neighbor August, a bodybuilder, wants to become a worthy successor to his hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger. They live in a district of Los Angeles known as Echo Park, not far from Dodger Stadium, and dream of a better life.

Jonathan, a pizza delivery boy, arrives at May's door and is immediately smitten with her. As he entertains her young son, Henry, she goes out to pursue an acting opportunity that has come along, only to discover that it involves disrobing in private residences, delivering "strip-o-grams." May gives the strip-o-grams a try and August tries to meet his idol at a reception at the Austrian embassy, while Jonathan worries that the two are more than mere neighbors.

Foreign Body (1986 film)

Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in mid-1970s Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.

Prey (2007 film)

Tom Newman, a hydro-electrical engineer, arrives in South Africa with his family to help build a dam. His daughter, Jessica, isn't getting along with her stepmother, Amy, because she is not happy about her parents divorce. The next morning, Amy, Jessica and her brother David go on a game drive with Brian, a ranger, while Tom goes to the dam. While driving off-road, David asks the ranger to stop the jeep because he has to defecate. Brian grabs his rifle and escorts David to a nearby tree. They encounter two lionesses, backed by a lion behind them. One lioness attacks and David runs back to the car, where Brian sacrifices himself to save the others. The keys lost, Amy, Jessica, and David are trapped in the car and stalked by the lions, who devour Brian.

Back at the lodge, Tom is informed of his family's disappearance, and attempts to contact Crawford, a professional hunter and guide, at the suggestion of the park rangers. Crawford refuses to help him, as he is a big five hunt guide, not a leader of search parties. The next day, after not being able to accompany the rangers in the air, Tom goes to see Crawford, and manages to hire his services at the latter's own price. Back in the car, David spots Brian's keys, and Amy retrieves them, only to wreck the truck when she drives the wrong way. Crawford and Tom look for signs of them while checking in on the rangers trail periodically, but the rain the previous night has washed away any tracks. When the rangers fly by without noticing them, Jessica gets out and tries to draw their attention. She fails and, along with Amy, is attacked by one lioness, which is killed by two native hunters.

Amy and Jessica manage to sign well enough to convince the hunters that they need water, and one leads Jessica to a watering hole nearby. They hear a gunshot and rush back, where the second hunter had been attacked and killed off-screen by the remaining pride members. The first goes to find his friend, and Jessica provides Amy and David with water.

Tom and Crawford locate lion dung, which indicates that it had eaten and was far away, before setting up camp. After dark, Tom and Crawford discuss lions at the fire, and Amy and Jessica discuss how she met Tom back in the car. The hunter comes back and is killed when the lion smashes through the window and drags him out. The next day, Amy, Jessica, and David resolve to survive with what they have and list what that is, and Crawford and Tom find the bones of one of the pride's previous victims.

Crawford and Tom's trail goes cold and he says they'll pitch and start west tomorrow, with Tom disagreeing. Amy gets out of the car, having heard Crawford's car, and begins to call out. Crawford and Tom run to the top of the hill. Crawford senses something is wrong, but Tom rushes down ahead of him, and is confronted by the last lioness. Before she can kill him, Crawford shoots the lioness through the heart. Tom makes it to the car, but on his way up, Crawford is attacked and killed by the lion. Tom crawls under the car and Amy breaks open the gas tank, telling Tom, Jessica, and David to run when she says so. Amy draws the lion's attention, and they dash for a tree as it jumps into the car. Amy lights a cloth fuse with her lighter and causes the truck to explode and kill the lion. Tom believes Amy is dead, but she appears beside the fire, and after Jessica finally acknowledges Amy as her mother, they all head back to Crawford's car to return to the lodge as the camera focuses on the savannah grass.

The Grand Gennaro

The story circulates around the main character, Gennaro Accuci, and how he leaves his family behind in Italy in order to make riches in America. He takes over the business of an old friend by force, and soon rises to power and becomes an influential member of early Italian-American society in New York. After seven years of cheating on his wife, he finally calls for his family to come over to the new country. His oldest, rebellious son, is caught trying to rape a neighbor, and subsequently is forced to marry her by Gennaro, who often beats his son for being lazy. They children soon have an annulment, and the neighbor goes to a Protestant asylum where she is Americanized. She returns to her family, her parents move to the country, the oldest son (Domenico) is killed in the Spanish–American War, and Gennaro's wife dies of sadness. Gennaro then marries Carmela who is now much older, although his youngest son also has feelings for her. However, in the recession of 1907, an old enemy of Gennaro's shows up and kills him (Gennaro stole his business from him when first coming to the country in the 1880s).

Seven Footprints to Satan

Jim and his fiancee Eve, a young society couple, are kidnapped on the eve of Jim's departure for Africa and brought to a mansion that is home to a strange and glamorous cult with a hooded leader called "Satan." Jim is put through a number of strange adventures in the old house and tries to maintain his courage. During the course of the film, Jim encounters an old witch, a dwarf, a gorilla and a strange shaggy creature called "The Spider" (played by Sheldon Lewis). In the end, he is confronted by Satan himself who puts him to a final test. It is revealed to be a hoax played on Jim by his uncle Joe, Eve, and his uncle's employees to convince Jim to forget his adventure plans, stay at home, work for his uncle, and settle down with Eve.


In 1970, 20-year-old Jerry (Michael Douglas) visits his parents Herb (Jack Warden) and Ruth (Barbara Bel Geddes) to tell them he is considering dropping out of university to find himself. His parents are worried, not only because they have wasted expensive tuition on Jerry, but also because the Vietnam War is raging and by dropping out, Jerry will lose his student draft deferral.

Inspired by a television advertisement, Jerry becomes a Big Brother to a black child named Marvis (Kirk Calloway). When Marvis is slightly injured in a fall, they visit a hospital where Jerry meets a nurse named Vanetta (Brenda Vaccaro). Jerry and Vanetta soon fall in love, despite Vanetta being older than Jerry, and they begin living together. Jerry accidentally discovers an autographed photo of Vanetta declaring her love to a man named Tony (Bill Vint). Vanetta explains that Tony is her husband and they separated two years ago, although they are not divorced.

Jerry follows through on his plan to drop out of university. Confident in his self-taught guitar playing, he auditions for the conservatorium and gets a regular paying gig playing at a local coffeehouse. Herb discovers that Jerry has dropped out when he receives Jerry's draft notice in the mail. Jerry is initially not worried because he expects to be accepted to the conservatorium, which would restore his student draft deferral. Unfortunately, despite his impressive audition, the conservatorium rejects him for lack of any formal musical training. He investigates other ways to evade the draft, to no avail.

Jerry's streak of bad luck continues when Marvis's older brother is killed in Vietnam and Marvis takes his anger out on Jerry, ending their relationship. Next, Tony, having just returned from Vietnam wearing his Marine uniform, comes to Vanetta's apartment while she is out, and tells Jerry that Vanetta promised to wait for him. When Vanetta comes home, Jerry leaves to let her and Tony deal with their personal issues. Jerry buys an old Ford Falcon and plans to flee to Canada to evade the draft. Vanetta, torn between Tony and Jerry, decides not to accompany Jerry to Canada.

The night before Jerry is supposed to report for his induction physical, he visits his parents to tell them he is going to Canada and to say goodbye. After a family argument, Herb appears to accept his decision, but urges him to have his car inspected for safety at the local gas station the next day, and even buys him a set of new tires. While Jerry looks at some road maps, he overhears Herb attempting to bribe the gas station mechanic to disable Jerry's car so it cannot run for a few days, in order to prevent Jerry's departure. Jerry bursts into tears and drives his car out of the station into another car being towed by a tow truck.

In the final scene, Herb and Ruth go to bed as their bedroom television broadcasts news footage of action in Vietnam. As they close their eyes, the television shows a close-up of a dying Jerry being carried away by fellow soldiers.

Long Days of Hate

Martin Benson is a Civil War veteran and former outlaw earning money and clearing his name by working as an undercover agent for the US Army. His infiltration of a ring supplying firearms and firewater to Indians has led to the capture and execution of three of the gang, though they would not identify the gang's ringleader. Despite his monetary rewards and the three pistols and gun belts of the executed men that he has posted home to his father, who still believes him to be an outlaw, Benson wants no more of the undercover life. Benson's controller, an Army Captain still wants him to continue his work in order to identify the ringleader and gain the Captain promotion. Though the Captain has another agent, Tony Guy, the Captain prefers Benson's efficiency.

Outside the Army post Benson is unsuccessfully ambushed leading to more fatalities to the gang. The gang decides to revenge themselves on Benson and draw him out by massacring Benson's family. As Benson's sister Susy and two younger brothers are in town visiting Vic Graham who is romantically attracted to Susy, the gang strikes killing Benson's father and mother as well as a hired hand. They also rape Benson's young sister Jenny who is left mute due to shock. Upon their return Daniel, the older brother spies an unidentified wounded man who they take to a cave to nurse back to health so he can identify who was responsible for the outrage.

Martin Benson returns home and together with Daniel carry out their own revenge, retaliation and retribution as well as discovering the identity of the ringleader.

Sweet Hours (Dulces horas)

The past is a riddle to Juan, a well-off bachelor playwright aged around 40. He is obsessed by it, by memories of the older father who went off to Argentina with another woman and the lovely young mother who then committed suicide. He has written a play called ''Sweet Hours'', which contains what he recalls as key scenes of his early life. The play is in rehearsal and he attends the sessions, watchful and absorbed. He is searching for something. Juan slips in and out of the acted reconstructions and his own not necessarily reliable memories of childhood during the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath. Prodded by his sister Marta, who neither idolised her mother nor was her pampered darling, Juan begins to see that under her beauty and charm his mother was selfish and manipulative, driving her husband away and by her suffocating affection warping her son for life. Berta, the stunning young actress who is rehearsing the role of the mother and with whom he is falling in love, realises that for her and Juan to be happy together she must replace the dead mother. So the past repeats itself, inescapably it seems.

The Devil's Daughter (1939 film)

The movie is set in Jamaica and begins with a group performing a song and then a cockfight.

Sylvia Walton (Ida James) of Harlem inherits a Jamaican banana plantation and returns to manage it. Her disinherited half-sister Isabelle (Nina Mae McKinney), who ran the plantation until their father's death, does not greet her. But Sylvia, her two rival suitors, and her comic-relief servant Percy are disturbed by the constant, growing sound of drums.

Nina Mae McKinney can be heard singing an excerpt of ''The Devil’s Daughter'' soundtrack on the album ''Jamaica Folk Trance Possession 1939-1961''.

Grave of the Vampire

In 1940 California, college student Paul proposes to his girlfriend, Leslie Hollander, in the cemetery where they shared their first kiss. During the proposal, Caleb Croft—a serial rapist and murderer in life, now a vampire—awakens from his crypt. Caleb brutally murders Paul and rapes Leslie. A local lieutenant, Panzer, investigates the crime, and interviews a vagrant named Zack who, in a drunken stupor, discovered Leslie in the cemetery. It is discovered that Croft's tomb is also empty.

Panzer visits a catatonic Leslie in the hospital. When he shows her a mugshot of Croft, she violently recoils. Panzer explains to his peer, Sergeant Duffy, that Croft was a prolific murderer and rapist in Massachusetts, who was electrocuted to death in the Boston Subway while attempting to flee from police. To prevent locals from vandalizing his grave, his body was shipped to California and entombed there. Meanwhile, Croft, now wandering through the town, enters the home of a local housewife, luring her into the basement where he kills her with a felling axe before feeding on her blood. Before Leslie is discharged from the hospital, her doctor informs her she is pregnant, but that the fetus appears abnormal. Leslie believes the child to be Paul's, but her doctor insists she get an abortion, which she adamantly refuses. While Leslie returns home, Panzer visits the cemetery to investigate Croft's tomb, but is killed by the vampire in the process.

Some months later, Leslie—orphaned by her parents—gives birth to her son. Her housekeeper, Olga, urges Leslie to contact the town doctor, as the infant is pallid and will not take milk. Eventually, Leslie soon finds that the newborn gains strength by consuming blood. Leslie begins drawing her own blood into syringes and filling bottles to feed the baby, whom she names James.

Thirty years later, Leslie dies, and the adult James chooses to dedicate his life to hunting his father, whom he blames for his and his mother's suffering. Aware that his father preys on college youth, James begins to travel to various college towns, hoping to locate his father. In one of the towns along his journey, James enrolls in a folk mythology class, where he meets Anita Jacoby, a graduate student, and her roommate Anne Arthur. James is unaware that the professor, Adrian Lockwood, is in fact his father, Caleb Croft, who has assumed a new identity. During their first seminar, James gains Croft's attention by espousing his knowledge of the story of Charles Croydon, a 17th-century Englishman thought to be a vampire, as well as the case of Caleb Croft. After class, Anne has a brief conversation with Croft, during which he tells her she reminds him of his late wife, Sarah.

Later that night, Croft murders the university librarian. Meanwhile, James attends a party with Anita, who informs him she believes Croydon and Croft may have been the same person. James subsequently has Anne over to his apartment, and the two have sex. Meanwhile, Croft visits Anne and Anita's apartment, finding Anita there alone. Anita confronts Croft with her knowledge of his identity, and asks that he turn her into a vampire as well, so she can be his bride. When Croft denies Anita, she threatens to expose him, resulting in him slashing her throat. A short time later, Anne returns to her apartment and finds Anita's corpse in the shower. Croft appears behind the shower's frosted glass door, which obscures his features from Anne. James hears Anne's screams and rushes into her apartment to rescue her; Croft escapes unseen.

The following evening, James and Anne visit Croft's lavish estate along with four other graduate students. There, Croft conducts a séance in which he hypnotizes them. Croft calls out to his dead wife, Sarah, and instructs her to possess Anne. Instead, Anita, speaking from beyond the grave, possesses Anne's body, and exposes Croft as a vampire to the students. Croft sternly instructs Anne to cast Anita out of her body; she subsequently collapses on the floor. While James carries Anne upstairs, Croft kills the remaining students. James returns, and a violent struggle ensues between him and Croft. Realizing that Croft is his father, James drives a stake through his heart. Croft dies, but moments later, James begins to convulse in pain. Anne regains consciousness and stumbles upon the scene. James urges her to get away from him. Anne looks on in horror as James stares at her vacantly, now bearing fangs himself.

Extreme (1995 TV series)

A search and rescue team operates a Bell 204B "Super Huey" helicopter in the Rocky Mountains of Utah. The show features the trials and tribulations of the rescue team and the daring rescues undertaken in "Steep Mountain."

The series was filmed on location in Park City, Utah.


Victoria de Loredani is the beautiful, spoiled daughter of the Marchese di Loredani and his wife, Laurina. Victoria, her brother Leonardo, and her parents reside in a palazzo in Venice, Italy. They live in happiness until the Marchese's friend, Count Ardolph, visits from Germany. Ardolph, who takes pleasure in destroying the reputations of virtuous women and breaking up their marriages, appeals to Laurina's vanity and he seduces her away from her husband. The two disappear from Venice together. After Laurina elopes, Leonardo disappears from Venice without explanation, leaving only Victoria and her father in the palazzo. One year later, the Marchese encounters Ardolph in the streets of Venice. They duel, and Ardolph fatally stabs the Marchese. Laurina pays him a final visit, and the Marchese expresses his dying wish that Laurina will find Leonardo, reclaim her children, and leave Venice.

After the Marchese's death, Victoria falls into Ardolph and Laurina's custody, and soon meets Il Conte Berenza, a noble but naïve Venetian man. Berenza quickly falls in love with Victoria, but after overhearing her curse her mother, Berenza becomes wary of her evil character. Laurina and Ardolph do not approve of Berenza, so Laurina forges a letter in Victoria's handwriting persuading Berenza to leave Venice. Ardolph and Laurina then send Victoria to live under the tyrannical rule of Laurina's cousin, Signora di Modena. With the help of her servant, Victoria escapes the Signora's household, disguises herself as a peasant, and returns to Venice. She reconciles with Berenza, and they begin living together. Berenza tells her of his former mistress Megalena, who is known for her jealousy.

An assassin enters the home of Victoria and Berenza at night. He attempts to stab Berenza in his sleep, but Victoria awakens and defends her lover by taking the dagger in her arm instead. The assassin flees, and Berenza awakens, shaken. He is impressed by Victoria's action and no longer questions her love for him. Victoria decides not to tell Berenza that she noticed that her long-lost brother, Leonardo, was the assassin.

The book switches to Leonard's point of view, recounting what happened to him after he ran away. First, he found shelter with the Zappi family. He fell in love with the family's daughter Amamia, but the mother, Signora Zappi, fell in love with him; Leonardo rejected her advances. Signora Zappi falsely accuses Leonardo of rape. Leonardo left the Zappi household and took shelter with an old woman, Nina, who was mourning the death of her son. Nina dies, and Leonardo is forced to move again. He returns to Venice, and catches the attention of Megalena Strozzi. She convinces him to take her as his mistress, told him of the death of his father, and begins to control his every move. One day, Megalena comes across her former lover Berenza with his new lover (Victoria). In a rage, she instructs Leonardo to prove his love of her by killing Berenza. After some hesitation, he agrees. He comes back after stabbing his own sister instead of Berenza, and tells Megalena what happened. They realise that he left the dagger there, and that Megalena's name is engraved on it. They flee Venice to avoid discovery.

The narration returns to the perspective of Victoria. Berenza is deeply moved by Victoria's loving action and decides it is time for them to be married.

Five years later, Berenza's brother Henriquez comes to visit. Victoria quickly realizes she has feelings for Henriquez, but is saddened to discover that his heart lies with Lilla. Victoria feels that she must do anything to prevent the marriage of Lilla and Henriquez at any cost. She begins dreaming about how she will destroy Lilla and be with Henriquez. During her dreams, a familiar face begins to surface: that of Henriquez's servant Zofloya, who she sees as someone who can help her destroy Lilla. During the day, she is intrigued by the handsome figure of the Moor Zofloya, and notices him catching her eye.

Zofloya disappears shortly after, apparently having been killed, but strangely returns to Berenza and Victoria's household later. He approaches Victoria and tells her to meet him in the garden. Victoria confesses her desire for Henriquez, and Zofloya claims he can help her fulfill any desire that she seeks. She is hesitant to take his help, but ultimately her desires take over her body and mind. Zofloya shares his knowledge of poisons and the two begin to plan the slow destruction of Berenza.

As Berenza's health slowly declines, Zofloya advises Victoria to change locations since she is wary of being suspected of Berenza's poisoning. Victoria, Berenza, Henriquez, Lilla, and Lilla's elderly relative retreat to Berenza's mountain castle. Victoria is impatient for Berenza to die and questions Zofloya's methods. Zofloya mentions a poison he believes will kill Berenza immediately, but first he tests the poison on Lilla's elderly relative, who does not die immediately, and must be strangled by Zofloya. After two more weeks of waiting for Berenza to die, Victoria gives him his final ration of poison, and Berenza dies; the cause appears to be a heart attack.

Berenza's death makes Henriquez suspicious. He begins to despise Victoria. In a moment of panic, Victoria confesses her love to Henriquez. He is harsh and cruel to her, but then realises that she was the wife of his brother, and he should contain his hatred for her.

Victoria decides the only way to win his love is to eliminate Lilla. Zofloya and Victoria capture Lilla and tie her up in a cave. Henriquez is deeply upset when he discovers his lover is missing. Victoria confesses her love again, but Henriquez still refuses to reciprocate her emotion. Victoria runs to Zofloya, upset that he has not helped her attain her desires. He tells her she can have Henriquez if she appears to be Lilla. He gives her a potion to administer to Henriquez, which will make the first woman he sees when he awakens appear as the woman of his dreams. Zofloya fails to mention that the illusion will only last until Henriquez falls asleep again.

Victoria gives Henriquez the potion and gets her wish of having him see her and love her as "Lilla" for a day. When they awaken in bed together the next morning, Henriquez realises that he had been wronged, and was with Victoria all night. He kills himself in response by jumping on a sword in his room. Victoria is furious with Zofloya for tricking her. In her passion, she stabs Lilla and throws her off a cliff.

Victoria realises she is in Zofloya's thrall, and he seduces her with his words. He leads her to the banditti, led by her brother Leonardo. Zofloya and Victoria live among savages, and Zofloya shows his possessive evil side when he exclaims "thou wilt be mine, to all eternity" (244); Zofloya begins showing a different side to himself, including an ability to read Victoria's thoughts.

One night, the banditti bring a woman and man into their savage home. The woman and man turn out to be Laurina and Ardolph. Leonardo stabs Ardolph and proclaims that he has finally had his vengeance. Laurina is frightened by Leonardo's actions and, as a gasp escapes her lips, Leonardo turns back his attention to her. He demands to know which of the banditti have harmed her and caused the bruises and cuts she suffer from, but they tell him that it was Ardolph had been beating her and her cries had attracted their attention. On her deathbed, Laurina begs her children for their forgiveness. Victoria refuses, but Leonardo readily forgives her. Leonardo scorns Victoria for being so harsh to their mother.

All the characters and their connecting stories come together in this final scene, and their unfortunate pasts surface. Leonardo and Megalena kill themselves, and Victoria is filled with guilt for all her past actions. She turns to Zofloya to tell him about her guilt, and instead of comforting her, he unmasks himself, thus revealing his hideous nature inside and out. He declares that he is Satan, and had tempted and used Victoria repeatedly. Victoria then gets annihilated by the Devil.

Dacre ends the story with a short paragraph, commenting on the novel. She claims that her story is more than a romance. She comments on human nature, their passions and weakness, and "either the love of evil is born with us, or we must attribute them to the suggestions of infernal influence."Dacre, Charlotte. Zofloya. New York; Oxford, 2000. Print.

Dudebro II

The game would have followed the story of B.R.O. Alliance Forces members John Dudebro and his sidekick, Habemus Chicken.

At the start of the game a briefing with the B.R.O. Alliance General Dawgless Lee takes place, where the protagonists are shown a polaroid picture of the eye-scarred and mustachioed Armando Pesquali. Pesquali is a terrorist known to have been selling illegal weapons in the Middle East. Dudebro and Chicken are then tasked to find the man and stop his arms trade.

A Behanding in Spokane

A mysterious man named Carmichael has been searching for his missing left hand for 27 years. Two bickering lovebirds, Toby and Marilyn, claim to be in possession of his long-ago severed appendage, and look to collect the reward that Carmichael is offering for its return. An eccentric hotel clerk, Mervyn, gets in the middle of the transaction, and his presence threatens to spoil the proceedings.

Stargate: Resistance

''Stargate Resistance'' is set in the second decade of the Stargate Program, after the end of ''Stargate SG-1''. Samantha Carter has been promoted to General according to an easter egg on the SGC level and is in charge of the Stargate program. Over the last decade, the SGC has spread Earth's influence throughout the galaxy, freeing enslaved peoples and developing a free Galactic culture of humanity once enslaved by the System Lords. But the System Lords do not accept this change in the status quo. Intent on regaining what they once held, the new System Lords are beginning an organized assault on key locations throughout the galaxy. Their goals are to drive out the SGC and re-enslave these "lost" populations.

The System Lords will not stop at conquering a handful of worlds. As their dominion increases they will push resistance all the way back to Earth, and enslave all of humanity. The SGC must defend each of these worlds, engaging the System Lords with carefully placed strike teams to preserve the peace.

The Toast of Death

Mademoiselle Poppea (played by Glaum) is the leading ballerina of the Imperial Ballet in Calcutta, India. Her beauty and charm bring to her many admirers, among them a British soldier, Captain Drake (played by Keenan), and an Indian prince, Yar Khan (played by Mayall), of the Bengalese Dragoons.

Although she loves Drake, Poppea agrees to marry the prince because of his title, wealth and high social standing. She keeps Drake as her lover, however, and he visits her regularly at the palace.

When the prince is ordered to transfer, he and Poppea go to live in the South. She finds the climate and culture repulsive and is bored and disgusted with her devoted husband. She then writes to Drake and begs him to come see her. Feigning illness, he takes leave from his military duties and travels to Poppea.

The prince is pleased to see Drake and receives him warmly. By accident, he discovers the adulterous relationship between Drake and his wife. As revenge, he pours two glasses of wine and puts arsenic into one. He then tells Poppea to select which glass each man will drink. Unknowingly, she selects the poisoned glass for Drake. After the toast, the prince watches as Drake has a horrible death. He disposes of Drake's body and forces his devastated wife, Poppea, to flee out into the desert.

Guest in the House

Martha Proctor believes something evil has come to her home. Her nephew Dr. Dan Proctor arrives with his betrothed, Evelyn Heath, who is a frail invalid. Evelyn is introduced to Aunt Martha as well as Dan's older brother, Douglas, an illustrator, along with Douglas's wife Ann and his model, Miriam.

The women sympathize with Evelyn, knowing of the hard life she has had. Evelyn has bouts of hysteria, involving her fear of birds, and also keeps a secret diary in which she mocks her fiancé Dan and expresses a desire for Douglas instead.

While plotting to seduce Douglas, and accusing Dan of jealousy to make him leave, Evelyn next sets out to rid the house of Miriam, whom she sees as a rival. Her gossip succeeds in getting back to Aunt Martha and turning everyone's suspicions to Miriam, who departs.

Douglas then quarrels with Ann, driven apart by Evelyn's diabolical schemes. Evelyn goes so far as to destroy the goodbye note Ann has written to him. By the time everyone realizes who's behind all this and decide to commit Evelyn to an asylum, a hysterical Evelyn flees from the house, screaming, and plunges to her death.

The Hour Before the Dawn

In 1923 in England, General Hetherton is instructing his grandson Jim to shoot a rifle. Jim's dog runs in the way and Jim accidentally kills him. The incident affects him deeply and he becomes a pacifist.

Years later, at the commencement of World War II, Jim is headmaster at a school and has fallen in love with a young Austrian woman, Dora Bruckman, who works for his sister-in-law, May. He is unaware that Dora is a Nazi spy. She meets regularly with her supervisors in London, Mrs. Müller and Kurt van der Breughel, who are posing as Austrian refugees.

Jim's brother Roger joins the Royal Air Force, but Jim applies for exemption from fighting. This is granted. Dora is ordered to provide German bombers with a bearing to a camouflaged airfield using the headlights of May's car. She is caught in the act by May's son Tommy, but claims May must have left the lights on. Dora has to turn them off before the bombers arrive, so the airfield is saved.

Jim and Dora marry to save her from being removed from the district. Kurt plans to use Jim in an effort to convince influential English people to consider capitulation. He sends a fake letter to Jim, asking him to join an effort to educate refugee children, a task Jim is eager to accept. When they meet, Kurt suggests to Jim that the Germans might consider negotiating terms for peace with Britain. Jim tells Dora afterwards that Kurt spoke more like a German than a Dutchman.

Worried, Dora telephones van der Breughel and recommends bombing the airfield that night. She pours gasoline over a hay wagon. Tommy shows up unexpectedly and, undetected, sees what she is doing. She locks him in a room, but when he blurts out that he knows what she is up to, she pulls out a pistol. Just then, she hears the bombers approaching and rushes out to set fire to the hay.

While Roger gets confirmation that Dora is a saboteur, Tommy escapes, encounters Jim, and tells him of his wife's betrayal. When Jim arrives home, Dora is packed and ready to leave. She admits to being a spy and then shoots him in the shoulder, before her gun jams. Jim kills her, just before Roger arrives. Afterward, Jim joins the Royal Air Force as a gunner.

Saigon (1948 film)

World War II has ended and Major Larry Briggs finds out that his friend Captain Mike Perry has only two months to live due to a head injury. Larry and Sergeant Pete Rocco are determined to show Mike a good time before he dies. For a $10,000 fee, Larry takes a flying job working for Alex Maris, a profiteer. Everything is set until Maris' secretary, Susan Cleaver, shows up to board the aircraft. Mike falls for Susan and Larry convinces her to play along but she has fallen in love with Larry.

The first flight is disrupted by Maris arriving a half-hour late with the police right behind. Larry takes off but is forced to make an emergency landing after both engines fail. After checking into a small hotel, the Americans find Police Lieutenant Keon, who is shadowing them, believing that they are smugglers.

When Larry sees Mike falling for Susan, he wants the romance to end and despite her carrying $500,000 for Maris, Larry tells her to leave immediately. When Mike longs for Susan, Larry relents and blackmails her into seeing him or he will turn her into Keon. Sailing to Saigon on a boat, Larry tricks Keon by stowing the money away into an envelope he mails to himself, and throws all suspicion off Susan.

On reaching Saigon, Larry knows he has fallen in love with Susan even though Mike has proposed to her. At Susan's hotel, an enraged Maris and his valet Simon hold Larry hostage, demanding the money that has been posted. Bursting in, Pete realizes what is happening, and fights with Simon, but both men fall off a balcony to their deaths. Susan has secretly arranged to retrieve the money from the post office, returning it to Maris. Mike and Larry confront him but in an exchange of gunfire, Mike and Maris are killed. After Mike's funeral, Larry and Susan start a new life together.

Splendor (1999 film)

When struggling Los Angeles actress Veronica finds herself simultaneously falling in love with a sensitive writer named Abel and an air-headed drummer named Zed, she initially tries to see them both without the other finding out, and then to choose between them. When she is unable to do so, she begins openly dating them both, and the three eventually move in together, forming a unique yet functional group relationship. Veronica's friend Mike is critical of their relationship, though she warms to the concept over time. Abel and Zed are initially antagonistic to one another but grow closer over time, eventually becoming closer to one another than either of them are to Veronica. When Veronica becomes pregnant, the relationship becomes strained and she eventually leaves both Abel and Zed for charming director Ernest, whom she agrees to marry despite not loving. At the film's climax, Abel and Zed race across the city at Mike's urging to stop the wedding and win her back.

Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton

Brainiac unleashes his robot army against the planet of New Krypton, and the Kryptonian citizens rise up to fight the drones. Superman manages to enter Brainiac's ship after penetrating its force field. Supergirl leads the Kryptonians against the drones, but is attacked by an anti-Kryptonian Brainiac probe. Superboy, Mon-El, and the Legion of Super-Heroes join the fight and save Supergirl and the predestined future of their home worlds. The Legion explains to Zod that, just as Krypton's city of Kandor was held in a bottle onboard Brainiac's ship, other planets' cities are also imprisoned, and, therefore, Zod cannot destroy Brainiac's ship until the cities can be rescued. Zod sends Supergirl off and then arrests the Legionnaires, branding them terrorists. Meanwhile, Superman is about to face off against Brainiac when he is knocked down by a kryptonite energy blast fired by Lex Luthor and subsequently captured.

Alura confronts Zod and tells him the Legion are not terrorists. As Alura and Zod argue, the Legion attempts to break into Brainiac's ship, but fail. Inside Brainiac's ship, Superman and Mon-El continue to gather the trapped cities, but are confronted by a re-energized Brainiac. During the brawl, Superman is able to get hold of the telepathic Lanothians but Brainiac teleports away with all the others bottled cities that Mon-El and Superman had in their possession. The Legion manages to enter Brainiac's ship thanks to Brainiac 5's help. But even this does not seem to help, and New Krypton is put into a bottle. Superman is pummeled by Brainiac's weapon's system and is declared dead. Zod says that Brainiac has lost.

The city that Luthor expanded is still growing, now putting Kandor at risk. As Brainiac 5 works on the problem, Supergirl is shocked to discover Superman impaled by pieces of Brainiac's ship as a result of the explosion. Brainiac confronts Luthor and is furious that Lex sabotaged his ship. Luthor mocks him and spits in his eye before Brainiac angrily snaps Luthor's neck, killing him.

Meanwhile, Zod is eager for a final showdown with Brainiac, who calls Zod a coward for confronting Brainiac with his powers intact and an army of super-powered Kryptonians at his back. In response, Zod fires the red sun radiation from an Archer rifle at himself, to remove his powers. Brainiac 5 gives Superman a transfusion of Conner's blood and exposes him to a very large dose of concentrated synthesized yellow sun rays. Using these techniques, Brainiac 5 is able to revive Superman.

Despite the loss of his powers, Zod is able to get the upper hand and force Brainiac to his knees. Zod is about to shoot Brainiac when Superman intervenes. This causes a heated argument between Superman and Zod. Zod commands his soldiers to restrain Kal-El so Zod can proceed with the execution of Brainiac. Brainiac 5, sensing that this is his moment of destiny, steps in and teleports himself and Brainiac off of New Krypton.

It is revealed that Lex used a Luthor robot, supplied by Toyman, to accomplish his mission on New Krypton. It was the robot that was "killed" by Brainiac. Lex is very much alive and discussing with General Lane how his objective, to bring chaos to New Krypton, was achieved. Lex has been working as an agent of General Lane all along. The disarray that Lex caused provides Lane with a window of opportunity as he prepares for the impending war with New Krypton. Lex receives a Presidential pardon for his efforts.

The story has two separate independent endings; following the destruction, Zod rallies his remaining Kryptonian forces and declares war on the planet Earth (which concludes in ''Superman: War of the Supermen''). Meanwhile, the time traveling Legionaires (specifically Mon-El) return all the shrunken cities captured from Brainiac's ship to their predestined home worlds.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

In New Orleans, Dylan Dog, an ace detective whose specialty is paranormal cases, narrates how he helped people with their cases until his wife, Cassandra, was killed by vampires. Since then he has been doing regular cases with his "partner", Marcus Deckler.

One night when Elizabeth Ryan calls her father without getting an answer, she goes to her father's room and finds him dead on the floor. She is then surprised, and almost attacked, by a strange hairy creature. The next day Dylan is informed by Marcus that Elizabeth asked for (and later hires) him. When Dylan interrogates her she explains that he is the only one who can help her; he shows him a card (his old detective card) that says "No pulse? No problem". Dylan sees it, stands up and goes out, stating that he doesn't "do that" any more, followed by Marcus.

That night Marcus is attacked and killed by an unknown creature (who Dylan thinks is the same creature that killed Elizabeth's father). Dylan decides to officially help Elizabeth with her case. He retrieves an old forensics kit from under the floorboards of his office and goes to Elizabeth's house. After finding a hair sample in the tree outside her father's study, he tells Elizabeth that the creature that killed her father is a female eighteen- to nineteen-year-old werewolf who is a member of the Cysnos werewolf clan. Dylan visits the Cysnos leader, Gabriel—an old friend of his—and realizes that Gabriel's 19-year-old daughter Mara might be his main suspect, an idea that makes Gabriel very angry. After he is told off by Gabriel, Dylan is attacked by Gabriel's older son Wolfgang who is then knocked unconscious by Dylan, using a silver gauntlet.

Dylan then finds Mara dead in a warehouse and is briefly attacked by an unknown vampire. He then goes to Elizabeth in order to determine what connections may exist between those involved. She shows him a book of artifacts her father imported and indicates that one of the items pictured is now missing after having been smuggled into the country. The same vampire from earlier attacks Dylan and Elizabeth at her home along with two others demanding "The Heart." Dylan fends them off long enough for them to make an escape and continue the investigation.

Dylan then goes to the morgue (which is run by zombies) to see Marcus's wound and discovers that Marcus has been turned into a zombie (and he also has a missing arm). Marcus initially doesn't believe Dylan, but finally accepts his condition after Dylan shoots him to prove it. Dylan then takes both Marcus and Elizabeth to "the body shop", which is a black market for body parts. While Marcus looks for a new arm, Dylan talks with the owner and is informed that the vampires, led by Vargas, are after an artifact known as "The heart". Dylan then goes to the Corpus House, a nightclub owned by Vargas. He talks to Vargas, an arrogant young vampire who denies being involved with the murders and tells Dylan to go while he still lets him to do so.

Dylan then visits his old vampire friend, Borelli. Borelli tells Dylan that the artifact known as "The heart" is called "The heart of Belial", a cross-like relic that holds the blood of Belial, an ancient monster who cannot be killed unless his/her master is destroyed. After he finds the heart in the tomb of vampire elder known as Sclavi, Dylan is ambushed by Vargas' men. After he awakens, Vargas traps him and Marcus inside the crypt, and takes the Heart. Before sealing the pair up, Vargas reveals that he was the one who killed Cassandra years ago, thus provoking Dylan to kill the vampire elders and leave Vargas in charge. After Marcus digs himself out and releases Dylan, the duo goes after Vargas who has taken Elizabeth to the Corpus House. Vargas reveals to Elizabeth that he intends to turn her into a vampire and inject the blood of Belial into her. Dylan enters the Corpus House and finds that both Vargas and Elizabeth are gone.

On his way to find Elizabeth and Vargas, Dylan realizes that Elizabeth is the real enemy and wants to turn Vargas into Belial as a revenge for her father's murder. She tells him that the reason is not revenge, instead she explains that her family - an organization of monster hunters - are the "good guys" and that the "monsters" (vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc.) must be destroyed. Dylan says that she is wrong and that she is the monster. She injects the blood into Vargas's body and escapes, but before she can do so she is attacked by Marcus who is knocked down by her. Dylan fights off Belial (who is slowly taking over Vargas's body) when Elizabeth tries to stop Belial from killing Dylan, claiming he should do as she says because she is its master. Belial states the anyone who stops him, including his master, is his enemy. After knocking her away, Belial continues after Dylan while Elizabeth escapes while Wolfgang (who was called by Dylan before the battle) and his werewolf allies attack Elizabeth. They manage to subdue and kill Elizabeth, and at the same time Belial dies in front of Dylan leaving Vargas's unconscious body. Dylan gives the heart to Wolfgang, the only one that Dylan can trust to protect it, and goes with Marcus.

Finally, Dylan decides to revive his paranormal detective agency. Using copies of the same card that Elizabeth gave him earlier, calling Marcus "partner"; something that Marcus had wanted for a long time.

Blue Screen (novel)

Sunny Randall is approached by Buddy Bollen to provide protection for his number one client, Erin Flint, star of the Woman Warrior movie series and future star of Bollen’s major league baseball team.. Bollen’s fears prove well founded when Erin’s assistant, Misty, is murdered. Because of Misty’s striking resemblance to her, Erin is convinced the killer was after her. Sunny meets Paradise Police Chief Jesse Stone at the scene of the crime; however Buddy and Erin lack confidence in the Paradise police, and ask Sunny to solve the crime.

Sunny talks to a sports writer who is convinced that Erin Flint’s addition to Bollen’s baseball team is a publicity stunt and that Erin will be able to compete with the male players in the major league. He proves to be right later when Erin faces a major league pitcher and cannot hit one ball.

Sunny discovers that Erin Flint is actually Ethel Boverini, and that she is still married to pimp Gerard Basgall. Sunny and an LAPD detective go to question Basgall, who admits to still being married to Erin and still loving her. Erin admits that she was one of Basgall’s prostitutes, as well as his wife. She and Misty Tyler, who is really her sister Edith, began working for Basgall after their mother died.

Further investigation reveals that Buddy Bollen was looking for financing for his first Woman Warrior movie and found it in Boston mobster Moon Monaghan. L.A. film financier Arlo Delany had brokered the deal and provided Erin and Misty's sexual services for both Bollen and Monaghan.

Bollen decides to star Erin in his Woman Warrior movie. The movie turns out to be a big hit; however Buddy has Arlo cook the books to make it look like it made no money in order to stiff Moon Monaghan. Moon has Arlo killed as a warning to Buddy of what will happen if he doesn’t get his money back. Misty gets scared and threatens to go to the police. Basgall gets into an argument with her and, during the struggle, accidentally breaks Misty’s neck and kills her. Chief Stone and Sunny confront Erin and Gerard about this. Gerard claims that he killed Misty, while Erin claims that she killed her. Touched by the fact that the two try to protect the each other by taking the blame, Chief Stone decides they have suffered enough and lets them go on the condition that they promise not to avenge her.Parker, Robert B. (2006). ''Blue Screen''. New York, New York: Berkley Books.

A subplot involves Sunny's budding relationship with Jesse Stone.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

The protagonist is a boy who wants to become the world greatest monster tamer, so he becomes a stowaway inside a container on an airship going to the Monster Scout Challenge. The boy is caught, but captain Rex Mayday lets the boy stay if he works on the ship. Before he can do that, however, the airship crashes on an unknown island. The hero awakens and then sets out to find the survivors of the crash. During his search, he travels into the forest of Treepidation and encounters an enormous worm.

He rescues a passenger from inside the monster, finding a strange medal as well. He then travels to a plains area known as the Doubtback. There, he finds another gargantuan monster, as well as what he believes is the ghost of Rex Mayday, the ship's captain; the ghost tells him to win the monster scout challenge. Soon after, he finds a cave filled with moles, and their leader, Don Mole, tells him after seeing the medal that he is hosting a monster scout challenge that the Hero will enter. When the challenge begins, the Hero enters and wins the first rank, prompting Don Mole to direct him to a glacier area called Iceolation. The Hero there finds another giant monster, as well as more passengers.

After winning another rank on the challenge, the Hero is sent by Don Mole to the alpine area of Cragravation. There, they find another giant monster, another passenger, and Captain Mayday. Mayday tells the Hero how to get to another area, Unshore; they find another giant monster there, as well as another ghost of a passenger who is still alive. Afterwards, Don Mole instructs the Hero to seek out the Medal of Merit in the Bemusoleum ruins, which he will need to take on the final rank of the monster scout challenge. Meeting another ghost and giant monster, the Hero finds the medal; when he returns to the challenge arena, he is met by a ghost who tells him that the moles of the island are charged with a sacred duty to find the one who could resurrect the Divine Battler, Leonyx. The humans who used to live on the island had corrupted him centuries prior into the malevolynx, which was then sealed into the Necropolis in the Bemusoleum before they fled the island; the ghosts the Hero had encountered were some of the spirits of those killed by the malevolynx.

The hero journeys and defeats the malevolynx; after they do, a monster called the Countess from the airship merges with the fiend to form Leonyx. They explain that the Countess was Leonyx's spirit, which was searching for a champion to heal it, and which by passing near the malevolynx caused the storm that crashed the ship. With Leonyx resurrected, the Hero's work on the island is finished. Lenoyx sends one of the giant monsters to take the airship off the island, and the Hero finally arrives at the original tournament. They easily succeed in reaching the final round, where they face Solitaire and win. After the main game is completed, they return to the island to continue training. Numerous sidequests and challenges are opened to the player, which lead to the player confronting and defeating the evil spirit, Rigor Mortex, which had corrupted Leonyx.

The Mark of the Whistler

A drifter claims the money in a dormant bank account. Later, he becomes the target of men who are the sons of the man's old partner, who is now in prison due to a conflict with him over the money.

Voice in the Wind

Jan Foley (Lederer), an amnesiac Czech pianist, is a victim of Nazi torture for playing a banned song. Living under a new identity on the island of French-governed Guadalupe, Jan tries to recall his past life while working for refugee smuggler Angelo (Alexander Granach).

To the melancholy island of Guadalupe come a band of refugees, stripped of their friends and their country by the war. Among them dwells a brooding, sinister man known only as "El Hombre," whose memory was destroyed by the brutality of the Nazis. One evening, as El Hombre sits trance-like at the piano and plays a somber melody, his music drifts into the room inhabited by other refugees, Dr. Hoffman, his wife Anna, and their invalid charge, Marya Volny. El Hombre's playing reminds Anna of Jan Volny, a famous pianist from her homeland of Czechoslovakia, and she bitterly reflects upon the life that they lost.

After finishing the piece, El Hombre reads a notice from the governor, warning refugees about "murder boats" that will promise them asylum in the U.S., but will leave them to perish at sea after fleecing them of their savings. The demented El Hombre takes the warning as a sign to destroy the fishing boat owned by his compassionate employer Angelo. El Hombre's act infuriates Angelo's cruel brothers, Luigi and Marco, who loathe the stranger and wish him dead.

As Marya's condition worsens, Anna blames herself for forcing the girl to leave her homeland and recalls the conditions that drove them into exile: After invading Prague, the Nazis grant permission to Czech pianist Jan Volny to present a concert. They stipulate, however, that "The Moldau," a much-loved patriotic symphony written by Bedrich Smetana, be excluded from the concert. Carried away by the beauty of the music, Volny ends his concert with a four-minute paraphrase of the famed symphony. Realizing that his act will draw the wrath of the Nazis and that his wife, Marya, will also suffer at the hands of their oppressors, Volny arranges for the Hoffmans to smuggle her out of the country, but before he can escape himself, he is captured and subjected to unspeakable violence, which deranges him.

En route to a concentration camp, Volny overpowers his guards and escapes. After making his way to Lisbon, he hides on a fishing boat owned by Angelo and his brothers, which embarks shortly thereafter and carries him to the island of Guadalupe. In the fog of his unhinged brain, Volny fails to remember his own name and identity, and is thus dubbed El Hombre. As Anna's thoughts return to the present, Marya, enchanted by the sound of El Hombre's piano, rises from her bed, inches her way down the stairs and then collapses in the street. El Hombre finds her there, and as he fingers the crucifix encircling her neck, his memory begins to return.

When the Hoffmans come looking for Marya, El Hombre retreats into the shadows. He begins to recall snatches of his life with Marya, but his reverie is cruelly interrupted by Luigi's harsh voice challenging him. Angelo hears shots and finds Luigi, gun in hand, standing over El Hombre's body. As the brothers argue, Luigi stabs Angelo with an ice pick. Noticing that El Hombre has vanished, the wounded Angelo follows a trail of blood up the stairs to Marya's room, where the Hoffmans are notifying the police of Marya's death. At her bedside, El Hombre cradles Marya's lifeless body in his arms, begging her to return to life. His entreaties echo the words spoken to him by Marya at the time of their separation in Czechoslovakia, affirming her certainty that he will one day come for her.

Better Late Than Never (1983 film)

Nick (Niven) is the supposed grandfather of 10-year-old Bridget (Partridge), who stands to inherit a sizeable fortune. Charley (Carney) shows up and claims that he is the genuine grandpa. Both men once slept with Bridget's grandmother, and she was never certain which of the two produced her child. Neither Nick nor Charley are good prospects, so Bridget must choose from the lesser of two evils.

Slow Chocolate Autopsy

The book is in twelve parts, each one featuring Norton (nine of which are in the form of stories and three as a mixture of illustrations and photo-strips). His adventures include participating in the death of Christopher Marlowe, the Ripper murders, as well as more recent events that have shaped London.

The Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue

During the Great Depression, an unemployed Detroit man is arrested for a crime he didn't commit, prompting his three children to travel over 500 miles to the White House in search of help from President Herbert Hoover in order to have their father home for Christmas.

Bed & Breakfast (1992 film)

A charming Englishman changes the lives of three generations of women who run a near-bankrupt bed and breakfast. Three women find him out cold on a beach and offer him free board in return for fixing the place up and being the handy man. Claire, widow of Senator Blake Wellesly, is initially unwilling to let him in the house, partly due to the mystery around him caused by amnesia. Her mother-in-law Ruth, recently retired and craving adventure, insists on allowing him inside. Claire's teenage daughter Cassie, who is rebellious against her mother's old-fashioned behavior most of the time, names him Adam.

The Bushwackers (film)

Tired of killing, war veteran Jefferson Waring rides west, but in Missouri he sees "squatters" mowed down by men working for rich, ruthless Artemus Taylor.

He spends the night at Independence newspaperman Peter Sharpe's place, but is jailed when daughter Cathy Sharpe finds this total stranger in her room. The local marshal, John Harding, is just one of many men on Taylor's payroll.

Peter's business is threatened by banker Stone unless he takes Taylor's side against "squatters" settling in the region. The blind and wheelchair-bound Taylor and ambitious daughter Norah are secretly aware that railroad surveyors are considering laying tracks nearby, so they want all the land for themselves.

Jeff decides to leave. Norah and henchman Ding Bell intercept him; Norah shoots at him but misses. They take him to see Artemus, who tells a vocally reluctant Bell to take Jeff off to a remote canyon and murder him. Under Norah's instructions, Artemus's chief thug Sam Tobin goes after them to murder both; he wounds Jeff and kills Bell, but not before Bell hits him with a fatal shot. A doctor treats Jeff's wounds but Marshall Harding turns up and charges Jeff with the two killings.

When the situation escalates and two of Taylor's thugs gun down Peter Sharpe, Jeff breaks out of jail and organizes a group of settlers to resist Taylor's planned big attack. The settlers slaughter Taylor's thugs; Taylor dies of a heart attack; Norah, having shot and she thinks killed banker Justin Stone in order to get some getaway money, is killed by him as she leaves. Jeff stays in town to run the paper with Cathy.

Fiesta (1941 film)

Don Juan Hernández's niece Cholita returns to her village from Mexico City announcing she will not marry José, her village boyfriend, bur rather the radio star Fernando Gómez who has accompanied her home. José enlists two of his friends to pose as bandits to frighten the arrogant and cowardly Fernando and win Cholita back.

Chrystal (film)

In Arkansas, a woman named Chrystal, has become permanently injured, emotionally detached, and mentally unstable stemming from several traumatic events in her past.

The movie begins with Joe fleeing from the police in a high-speed police chase with his wife and son in the same car. While weaving down the mountain roads at a high speed, Joe loses control of the vehicle and ends up rolling down a hill and, subsequently, crashing into a tree. Chrystal is severely injured in the accident, suffering a broken neck. Their son, who the police presumed was flung through the windshield, was never found at the scene of the accident, or anywhere in the surrounding areas.

For his role in running from the police and causing injuries to his passengers, Joe is arrested and sentenced to 16 years in prison for a variety of crimes, including fleeing to avoid capture by police.

Upon his release from the state prison, Joe comes back to his home in search of a change in his life. He ends up coming back home to his wife, who hadn't divorced him even while he was away in prison. Because of Joe's run-in with the law, and the resulting car accident and loss of their child, Chrystal is permanently injured in her neck that left her a quadraplegic. Although later Chrystal has managed to regain limited mobility in her body, she has completely lost her enthusiasm, emotions, or will to live.

As Joe begins to slowly work his way back into her life, she is unsure of whether to accept him once again, fearing what may happen if she does so. He now wants to change and atone for his past life of crime. Forced to face his past to continue with his future, Joe runs into an old enemy of his, Snake (Ray McKinnon). Worried about him, Snake invites Joe to rejoin him in his illegal drug operation.

My Dead Body

''My Dead Body'' brings the story arc of the preceding four books of the Joe Pitt series to a close, as the rival vampyre factions of Manhattan Island face off.

Smokin' Hot

It is Fashion Week at Mode and Daniel helps Betty cover a low-priority show, this after Betty is singled out by Wilhelmina, who then gives her something else to do a story on, like the history of the sewing machine. However, thanks to a malfunction in Daniel's new Bluetooth headset that recorded a conversation between Daniel and Wilhelmina about Betty that later shows up on Betty's cellphone, Betty ends up giving Daniel the cold shoulder at work but she forgives him.

Betty discovers a new designer called Marisa, and decides to help promote her as one of the ''10 Designers to Watch'', however she faces stiff competition from Marc, who gives her tips on how to pitch the designer to Wilhelmina. During the pitching, Marc does the talking while Betty plays Vanna White, but after winning over Wilhelmina, Marc ends up getting all the credit instead of Betty, leaving her furious with him for failing to give her credit. Amanda, jealous of Betty and Marc moving up in the world, teams up with Helen to create a new clothing line to make the list, but struggles to persuade Marc and Betty to lobby Wilhelmina on her behalf. Both Marc and Betty agree that even though Amanda and Helen have great ideas, they cannot pitch the idea to Wilhelmina and come clean to an upset Amanda.

Daniel gets seduced into male modeling, which is spurred on by Wilhelmina who hopes to add more male models to the event after several of the females bail out. Claire's (Judith Light) son, Tyler, arrives in New York to find his mother, only to get sidetracked by Wilhelmina, who mistakes him for a male model and makes him part of the show, where he becomes the reason for Daniel's attempts to try to become a model. Daniel tries his best to walk, talk and act like a model, but realizes that at his age and with his excess weight that he is not cut out to be a model and opts out of the event.

At the Suarez home, Ignacio brings home a huge chandelier from the restaurant, which seems to have problems, and Hilda tells Bobby she wishes her salon would be struck by lightning, so she can use the insurance money. However, just as Betty comes home later that afternoon, Marisa, feeling nervous about the event, asks Betty if she can leave her designs at the place. This is later followed by Amanda, who stops by that evening to apologize to Betty. When Marisa stops by to tell Betty that she wants to back out but Betty calms her down, the three see Bobby yelling after they smell smoke coming from the salon as the Suarez home mysteriously catches fire and Marisa's designs are ruined.

Despite the damages, and thanks to a suggestion from Justin, Betty, Marisa and Amanda redesign the burned outfits to make them "Smokin' Hot", and Marisa's show is saved, although Wilhelmina ends up getting the credit for "discovering" Marisa. Also at the event, Helen tells Marc and Amanda that she got engaged to a guy she met during the show, while Betty and Marc reassure Amanda that she does have talent as a stylist. Just as Claire and Tyler discover each other at the event, Claire does come clean to Tyler afterwards, but tells him not to say anything about being her son yet. However, when Daniel sees Tyler talking to Claire, Claire lies to Daniel, who remarks that he is glad that he will not have to see Tyler again, which hurts Claire's feelings.

As for that fire at the Suarez home, Bobby consoles Hilda and tells her that because of the fire that she will be able to collect the insurance. This put doubts into Hilda's head but unaware at the same time outside the house, just as Justin prepares to take out the trash... Justin takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his jacket and puts them in the trash bag to cover his tracks.

When Betty thanks Wilhelmina for letting Marisa on the show and tells her that she has not been a fan of her taste, Wilhelmina tells her she noticed Betty being afraid of her, comparing it to her own experience with Fey Sommers. Wilhelmina says she never doubted herself, and reassures Betty that taste is having courage in one's own convictions. She then compliments Betty's shoes, which match hers.

Haunted (2007 film)

Suat is a young Turkish man who leaves his new bride Nurcan behind in Turkey and joins his childhood friend Metin in Berlin where he can earn some money. Here he is haunted by dark visions that eventually drive him to attempt suicide. When the doctors in Germany can find nothing wrong, Suat and Metin return to Istanbul to seek the advice of spiritual healer Haci Burhan Kasavi. Suat and family of Haci except a daughter of Haci was killed by a demon angry about him for being killed when born as the baby of Nurcan. ''Musallat 2: Lanet'' (2011) by the same company is about a young woman find she is a relative of a jinn and being born after a couple asked a witch to ask for a child for a jinn through the cut animal ''legs sorcerery ritual.''

Venus in Fur

Thomas Novachek is the writer-director of a new play opening in New York City; this play-within-the-play is an adaptation of the 1870 novel ''Venus in Furs'' by the Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and happens to be the novel that inspired the term "masochism". The play begins with Novachek on the telephone lamenting the inadequacies of the actresses who have showed up that day to audition for the lead character, Vanda von Dunayev.[ Broadway review] by Marilyn Stasio, ''Variety'', 9 February 2012 Suddenly, at the last minute, a new actress called Vanda (Wanda) Jordan bursts in. At first it's hard to imagine that she will please this very particular and exasperated writer/director: She's brash, vulgar and unschooled. But she convinces him to let her audition for the part of Vanda von Dunayev, with the director/writer reading the part of Severin von Kushemski. Much happens during this dynamic reading, as lightning flashes and thunder crashes outside. Vanda shows astonishing insights into the novel and her character, and she performs what is in effect a terrific audition. They both become caught up in the characters they are reading. The balance of power is reversed, and the actress establishes dominance over the director, which is similar to what occurs in the novel.

Destiny of Kings

In ''Destiny of Kings'', an assassin kills the King of Andevar, and the King's brother seizes power. A loyal retainer hires the player characters to find the missing prince, who is held by agents of the usurper. They are charged with bringing him back to claim the throne.The module includes descriptions of a citadel, a castle, an abbey and an inn.

King Halfred of Dunador has died in a mysterious accident. As the heir has disappeared, the wicked Lord Edrin intends to seize the throne. Hollend, head of the Royal Council, asks the player characters to seek out the missing Prince. The characters must contend with scheming Dukes, raiders and corpses as they trace the pilgrimage the Prince took before the King's death. They must uncover and rectify ignoble deeds, bringing traitors to justice.


In Story Mode, the player controls a sex offender with a history of previous arrests. The protagonist sexually assaults two minors and an adult woman in the order of 12-year-old Manaka, 42-year-old Yūko, and 17-year-old Aoi. After the player finishes raping all three women, they unlock ''Free Play'' mode.

Aoi Kiryū catches Masaya Kimura groping a woman on a subway train, leading to his arrest by the authorities. The next morning, Aoi and her younger sister Manaka help their mother, Yūko, find a wallet she lost around their home while talking about Aoi's incident the previous day. Unknown to them, Kimura secretly eavesdrops on their conversation while waiting outside their house. It is revealed here that his father, a well-known influential politician, managed to release him from custody. When Kimura discovers that Yūko is widowed, he decides to exact revenge, starting with Manaka.

After following Manaka to the subway station, he gropes her on a train. Leaving the train at the next stop, he traps Manaka in a public bathroom, rapes her and takes photos of her naked, semen-covered body with his mobile phone. Masaya instructs Manaka to feign sickness and stay in her room the next day.

The following day, Masaya follows Yūko from her house to the subway before fondling her on a train. He then follows her to the city park. As instructed by Masaya, Manaka calls Yūko on her mobile phone, telling her that she is in the bushes at the park. When Yūko walks towards the bushes, Masaya ambushes her, ties her up, and rapes her. He takes photos as he did with Manaka previously, before handing her over to his gang of henchmen, who detain her for him.

On the third day, Masaya follows Aoi to the subway and shows her a picture of her tied-up mother. Shocked, she can only follow his orders as he gropes her on a train. After getting off the train, she asks Masaya the reasons for his actions, at which point she recognises him as the same man she reported for molesting a woman earlier. Getting in a vehicle, Masaya and his henchmen take Aoi to a hotel owned by his family. He violently rapes her in a mini-suite room and again photographs her after withdrawing.

After Masaya has had his way with Aoi, Yūko and Manaka are taken into the room via a secret door. With all three captured, Masaya reveals his plans to make them his sex slaves. Yūko tries to cover for her daughters and pleads with him to take her instead. He considers this and tells Yūko he might spare her daughters if she can prove her worth. Yūko gives him fellatio while her daughters watch. When Masaya seems pleased at her performance, Yūko thinks she has won her daughters' freedom. However, Masaya reveals that he will never change his mind and that they are all there to stay. Yūko breaks down in the end, Manaka breaks next and finally Aoi as well. The main story ends with an ominous title card stating that as a new day starts, the Kiryū family horror has just begun.


There are two possible endings. Regardless of the ending achieved, it results in Masaya's death.

Jew Suss: Rise and Fall

When Ferdinand Marian's career is on the rise at the end of the 1930s, the Austrian actor is personally selected by the Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels for the title role in the feature film ''Jud Süß''. Marian at first rejects the offer, but then succumbs to the temptation of a recognizing career. Whilst filming under director Veit Harlan, Marian begins to change, which leads to an argument with his Jewish wife, Anna. ''Jud Süß'' premieres at the [Venice Film Festival] at the beginning of September 1940 and opens in German cinemas a few days later. There, the anti-Semitic propaganda film reaches an audience of millions, and from then on Marian is identified as the role of the threatening-looking Jewish tax officer, Joseph Süß Oppenheimer, and he receives many deals to act in other films.

Now part of the German Reich, Marian gets to know the threat behind the National Socialists, which drove many of his professional colleagues into exile. The Jewish actor Wilhelm Adolf Deutscher, hidden in Marian's garden house and disguised as a gardener, is betrayed to his friend Lutz by the domestic servant Britta, with whom Marian apparently had an affair. Marian then takes solace drinking alcohol and cheats on his wife with a Czech lady named Vlasta. Joseph Goebbels deports Anna in order to gain control over Marian, but this causes an opposite effect.

As the Nazi regime falls at the end of the Second World War, Marian is not allowed to resume acting because of his involvement in ''Jud-Süß'' and the Nazis. At the same time, he has to watch many of his professional colleagues go into hiding and is confronted by the American military. ''Jud-Süß'' director Veit Harlan insists that he was forced to make the film. Marian then encounters his friend Wilhelm, who survived a Nazi concentration camp. He informs Marian about his wife's death. Then he discovers that Vlasta is having an affair with a U.S. soldier, leading to a mental breakdown and driving his car off the road, resulting in his death.


The story of two brothers who lose track of each other after an unstable childhood until they meet up again in prison is the focus of former Dogme 95 director Thomas Vinterberg’s film based on a book by Jonas T. Bengtsson, a Danish novelist celebrated for his unflinching realism. The film’s title refers to a method of torture known as ‘submarino’ in which the victim's head is held under water until just before the point of drowning.

Nick and his younger brother have grown up in terrible circumstances: their childhood was marked by poverty, abuse and an alcoholic mother until the family was torn apart by tragedy. Nick is now thirty-three and has just been released from prison. He’s a man who knows what he wants: to train hard and drink hard in order to stand up against a hard world. A bodybuilder, he lives in a dilapidated hostel on the outskirts of Copenhagen. His brother is a junkie, a heroin dealer, and a single father for whom only two things count in life: his daily fix and a better life for his six-year-old son, Martin.

The brothers may live separate lives in grim Copenhagen, yet they are somehow searching for each other. What binds them is their mutual struggle for a life worth living. Occasionally their paths cross, but they only really find each other in prison. And that’s almost too late for them.

Threshold (1981 film)

Respected cardiac surgeon Dr. Thomas Vrain performs a risky operation to provide a patient with the first artificial heart ever implanted in a human subject.

He and his colleague, research scientist Dr. Aldo Gehring, consider the risks and weigh the odds as time runs out for Carol Severance, the patient. Severance will die unless the experimental surgery is done quickly and succeeds.

Flight of Black Angel

Captain Eddie Gordon, a top gun pilot of an Air Force academy, is a talented and aggressive pilot who proves too much for his fellow instructees to match. His flight instructor, Matt Ryan (Peter Strauss) tries to encourage him to practice restraint, but with little success.

After his birthday party at his home in Las Vegas, Eddie puts a religiously motivated long-organized plan into action: He kills his brother (Rodney Eastman) and his parents (Ben Rawnsley and K. Callan). He then holds Captain Melissa Gaiter (Patricia Sill) of the Air Force base at gunpoint and forces her to arm his IAI Kfir C1 with live ordnance, a radar-jamming pod and a tactical nuclear weapon. Melissa refuses to co-operate further and is murdered.

Later, Colonel Bill Douglas (James O'Sullivan) of the base's flight control is informed of the triple murder at the Gordons' residence while a training exercise involving Eddie is under way. Eddie takes this opportunity to shoot down his fellow instructees. Ryan manages to alert the base and tries to lure Eddie into the firing range of the base's surface-to-air missiles (SAMs). Eddie however, destroys the SAMs, Ryan's plane, and the airbase runway.

Eddie lands in Garrison, Utah to hide his jet in a deserted barn, but is accidentally discovered by a family on vacation, Richard (Michael Keys Hall) and Valerie (Michele Pawk) Dwyer and their baby. Before Valerie can raise the police on the CB radio, Eddie takes them hostage.

While Eddie works on defeating the fail-safes on the tactical nuke, he is exposed to lethal radiation, and his health quickly deteriorates. The next day, he and Valerie leave for a hardware store in a nearby city to obtain tools. Valerie uses a traveler's check and writes their hostage location on the back, but the clerk (Scott Menville) does not notice. Valerie then persuades Eddie to go to a drug store to find a cure for his vomiting and nausea. She repeats the same practice; this time, the pharmacist (John D. Brancato) notices Valerie's notes on the check.

Two police officers (George Fisher and Steven D. Simpson) arrive to investigate. Eddie kills one and engages the other in a firefight. Richard and Valerie try to flee with their baby; however, Eddie shoots the second officer, Richard and Valerie. Richard dies and Valerie is seriously wounded. Painstakingly, Valerie manages to collect her baby and crawl to the roadside, where she is picked up by a truck driver.

Ryan is cross-checking police leads when the report of Valerie Dwyer comes in. She insists that she has seen Eddie working on a bomb. Just before a surgery, Ryan learns Eddie's target from Valerie: Las Vegas. Subsequently, Ryan convinces Douglas to concentrate on Las Vegas; he travels to Hill AFB to take an F-16 fighter plane to fly lead. An AWACS plane confirms what Valerie had said.

It has been determined that although Eddie cannot launch the bomb, his jet fuel could detonate the bomb if he is fired upon. Ryan successfully talks Eddie into chasing him out into the desert by provoking Eddie into a duel to see if God made him "the one". After evading Eddie's last missile, Ryan orders the other pilots to clear away, and then fires on Eddie. Both pilots and 36 people on the ground are incinerated.

A recovering Valerie receives sanitized TV news on the incident in her hospital bed with her baby in her arms. The report assert that the pilots were on a "training mission" in the area.

True Women for Sale

The story revolves around two women in the grassroots of Hong Kong society, struggling to survive and haunted by demons in their respective pasts. The literal translation of the Chinese film title is "I do not sell my body, I sell my uterus". In fact, it deals with one woman who does sells her body but strives to improve herself, and one woman who views herself to be of higher status than the street walkers, but in reality is also selling herself by marrying someone and becoming pregnant just to become a Hong Kong citizen. The two women live in the same apartment building and share some interactions on screen; however, their stories do not necessarily intermix. The film takes place in the Sham Shui Po area of Kowloon, Hong Kong circa 2000.

Lai Chung-Chung (Prudence Liew) is a crack cocaine-addicted yet good-natured street walker who is fast approaching a "destiny call" made by a fortune teller advising her that in the year 2000, she would finally repent all her sins from her previous life and will turn over a new leaf. To prepare herself for the life-changing event, she works hard to save up for a dentistry process to clean her badly decaying teeth and gums from years of crack cocaine use. After witnessing Lai heroically save a child from being hit by a van, freelance photographer Chi (Sammy Leung) thought that Lai would make a good human interest story for a magazine and starts to photograph Lai while having his girlfriend, journalist Elaine (Toby Leung) interview her. During Elaine's interview with Lai, it is revealed that Lai has had a troubled past with her mother and younger sister.

The other subject is Wong Lin-Fa (Race Wong), a woman from Mainland China who married Kin: a middle-aged, construction-working Hong Konger, in hopes of attaining a better life by gaining Hong Kong residency. Upon hearing Kin died in a work accident, Wong travels to Hong Kong, pregnant with Kin's child in hopes of collecting an abundance of condolence money from Kin's family. However, she only receives HK$5000 and is kicked out by the family, who labels Wong as a golddigger. She then moves into Kin's apartment in a building that many prostitutes inhabit, including Lai. Insurance broker Lau Fu-Yi (Anthony Wong Chau-Sang) notifies Wong that Kin had bought life insurance with her as the sole beneficiary. Lau later begins an unlikely friendship with Wong, helping her with her quest to give birth and gain residency in Hong Kong, all the while trying to sell her insurance. Lau has a way of classifying people in his head by calculating their potential insurance coverage. He does this for Lai and Chi and quickly dismisses them as having a potential of $0 while evaluating Wong at US$2 million.

Galentine's Day

Leslie (Amy Poehler) throws her annual "Galentine's Day" party for her female friends, celebrated the day before Valentine's Day. She asks her mother, Marlene (Pamela Reed), to tell the story about how she fell in love with a lifeguard that saved her from drowning in 1968, but the two had to break it off over objections from Marlene's parents. Leslie later tells the story to Justin (Justin Theroux), who is amazed by the tale and wants to unite the two. He tracks down Marlene's old flame, Frank Beckerson (John Larroquette), and convinces Leslie to go with him to Illinois and reunite the two on Valentine's Day at the Senior Center Valentine's Dance, which the parks department oversees.

Leslie and Justin meet Frank, a strange and depressed man who has constant panic attacks. Leslie begins to have doubts about bringing him to her mother and tries to call it off, but Justin insists that they should "let this unfold". At the dance, where Andy's (Chris Pratt) band Mouse Rat is playing, Frank meets up with Marlene, who is repulsed by Frank's past, current unemployment and overall failure at life. She turns down his offer at a second chance at love, prompting him to storm onto the stage and denounce her over the microphone. Leslie apologizes to her mother for bringing Frank. She is later upset with Justin, but has trouble pinpointing the reasons for her dissatisfaction. Ron (Nick Offerman) explains that Justin is a "tourist," meaning that he takes "vacations in people's lives" and only cares about telling interesting stories to impress other people, which makes him selfish. Two older women then recognize Ron as jazz saxophonist Duke Silver, but he denies it. Leslie later breaks up with Justin, which Tom (Aziz Ansari) takes especially hard, reacting as if his parents were getting divorced.

Before the senior dance, Tom invites his ex-wife Wendy (Jama Williamson) to his office to finally disclose his romantic feelings for her, but she rejects him. Not satisfied with the outcome, he attempts to blackmail her into a date using an alimony lawsuit as leverage. Tom and Wendy are later shown hugging and presumably making amends, although their conversation remains inaudible. Meanwhile, April's (Aubrey Plaza) boyfriend Derek (Blake Lee) and his boyfriend Ben (Josh Duvendeck) mock the senior citizens, causing April to question why their interactions must constantly be "cloaked in, like, 15 layers of irony". They accuse her of "lameness", which they attribute to spending time with Andy, and provide her with several ultimatums. She breaks up with them in response. Ann (Rashida Jones) and Mark (Paul Schneider), at the same time, celebrate their first Valentine's Day together. In an interview with the camera crew, Ann describes the relationship as "good", but her tone of voice and body language around Mark contradict her statements. She later becomes jealous when Andy dedicates a song to April, even going so far as to question April about the possibility of a budding relationship between April and Andy, to which April responds impatiently.

Mexico City (film)

The film opens with a brief montage of vintage black and white film clips promoting tourism in Mexico City, saying, "But that is not the Mexico City of today," before a dazzling series of scenes of the colorful, modern capital are shown. We see an older couple in a gated home as he gets ready to go to work, before he is kidnapped on the street in a daring ploy. The news reports the Mexican president's doctor was kidnapped and eventually murdered in an attempt by political opponents to show he cannot even protect his own administration officials from the corruption of his police forces.

Mitch Cobb and her brother, Sam, arrive in the city on their way to Oaxaca to do some exploring. In the taxi Mitch finally tells Sam the whole truth about seeing her husband kiss his lover on the street as she drove by with the kids after picking them up from school, just before they are hit by a truck and the children are killed. Her husband blamed her, and Mitch went along with her brother on this trip after the divorce to try help him stay clean off drugs and out of trouble. Sam has recently learned his girlfriend is pregnant, and he doesn't know what to do. So Sam leaves her at the Hotel Majestic and visits some bars.

The next morning he has not come back to the hotel. She begins a frantic search, her concerns dismissed by the hotel staff, who warn her against involving the local police, and Ambassador Mills, who introduces her to the city police chief at the consulate, mocking her brother as a druggie who got lost on a bender. She remembers Pedro, the taxi driver who drove them from the airport, who offers to help her look for $100 a day. They finally find the bar where Sam was last seen, and eventually track his killer, a gang lord from the bar, confirming they have the right man when his driver appears wearing Sam's orange baseball cap, eventually confessing they took his camera. Her bravura after being threatened gets her both back, and they are allowed to leave.

After Mitch tells the consul how she found the camera she is knocked out by an intruder at the hotel who steals it, and the Ambassador is suddenly very interested in what might be on the film, because the president's doctor was shot behind the same bar where Sam was last seen. The gang lord swears they beat him after he ran out of the bathroom in a panic, for daring to come onto their turf, but left him alive.

She tells the Ambassador she already sent the film to be developed, and after Pedro helps her get the photos, he drops her at the consul's safe house where they see the doctor executed from the bathroom window of the bar, in Sam's photos, before her brother runs out in a flashback scene. Within minutes the safe house is overrun by the Mexico City Police, the Ambassador and everyone else is killed except Mitch, hiding in a bathroom with the photos. She takes a gun with her as she flees.

She seeks refuge in a church, then Pedro volunteers to drive her to the Texas border. In talking a little about their own lives, Pedro gently encourages her to consider making a new family for herself. 10 kilometers from the border a Mexico City police car stops them. Mitch shoots the officer with the gun she took from the safe house before they can be executed; Pedro says not to worry about him, as he drops her near the border crossing. As she walks across she is brutally arrested, with the Mexican guards and American guards in an armed standoff. She is soon exonerated, when the photos she left at the church are given to the authorities showing the doctor's execution by a known assassin.

Sometime later Mitch and Sam's young son are seen running on a beautiful beach, where Mitch is taking photos, until she hands him the camera, and he takes a photo of her, smiling in the sun.

Bewitched (1945 film)

The story is told as a flashback: It is late at night, and Dr. Bergson (Edmund Gwenn) is dictating case notes to his secretary. He suggests pausing but she is so intrigued by the case that she asks him to continue.

On the night of a lovely party celebrating her engagement to Bob Arnold (Harry H. Daniels Jr.), a demure young woman named Joan Ellis (Phyllis Thaxter) at last succumbs to the voice in her head (Audrey Totter) and flees her Midwestern home to New York City, leaving behind a loving family and circle of friends who are shocked, bewildered and frightened for her. She leaves a note asking her parents (Addison Richards, Kathleen Lockhart) not to search for her.

Going by the name Joan Smith, she builds a new life in the city and falls in love with Eric Russell (Horace McNally), an attorney. The voice, which calls itself Karen, approves of this mature man, and when Karen emerges, briefly, while they are on a river cruise, she kisses him with a fiercely devouring, possessive passion that is unnerving. When Joan regains control, she asks “What did I do?” and bursts into tears. Eric is very worried, but she won't talk to him about it. (Joan's inability to tell anyone about what she is experiencing adds greatly to the tension and suspense in the film. Repeatedly, the story reaches a point where she might be expected to confide in someone, but the moments always pass.)

At last, after a long search, loving, loyal Bob finds her. He is thrilled, but while he is helping her pack, Karen takes control of Joan's right hand and compels her to pick up a pair of scissors and stab him in the back. She is put on trial for murder, a capital offense. Dr. Bergson is brought in as an expert witness; he says that Joan is not insane. She remains silent, and Eric uses this silence to convince the jury that there is more to the story and, whatever the truth may be, she is innocent of murder. After a long deliberation, the jury returns, smiling; clearly they have found her not guilty. In Joan's mind, Karen exults: She will have Eric now, and when she tires of him, he will meet the same fate as Bob. Joan leaps to her feet screaming over and over “I’m guilty!”

In prison awaiting execution, Joan refuses to explain to anyone. Lying on her cot in utter misery, she weakly murmurs to Eric “I want to die. When I die, she dies.”

This sets Dr. Bergson thinking, and, with the execution imminent, he persuades the governor (Minor Watson) to listen to his theory—that here are two women living in one body, one guilty and one innocent. He takes a book from the governor's library shelf that addresses this very subject, but it is unread, and he has to ask the governor's wife (Virginia Brissac) for a paper knife to slit some pages. Eric is also present.

Saying grimly “There will be an execution tonight,” Dr. Bergson hypnotizes Joan. In the film, Joan and Karen emerge—transparent, in the classic photographic representation of spirits—and stand on each side of Joan's seated form. Karen wears heavy make up and her expression is a feral smile. Neither entity speaks. Dr. Bergstrom tells Joan that she is getting stronger and Karen that she is getting weaker—dying in fact. Under his repeated assaults, the image of Karen fades and disappears. Joan slumps forward into Eric's arms and then straightens, smiling.

Untamed Youth

Sisters Penny and Jane Lowe are arrested for hitchhiking and skinny-dipping and are sentenced to work on a rural Texas farm for a corrupt agricultural magnate named Russ Tropp. The judge, who sentenced the sisters to the farm, is dating Tropp and is unaware of the treatment of the prisoners; her son is hired to work at the farm and uncovers that a scam had been going on. Through dating the judge, Tropp ensures that all delinquents and rule breakers are ordered to work off their sentence at his farm, therefore giving him a stable amount of cheap labor and allowing him to undercut all competition he faces. The judge's son falls in love with Jane, while Penny, who performs four songs in the film, dreams of making it big in show business. One of the girls, named Baby, at one point falls ill, leaving the judge's son to hijack one of Tropp's cars to rush her to a hospital for treatment. Baby dies from internal hemorrhaging caused by a miscarriage.

The Girl in Black Stockings

A lodge in Kanab, Utah, is where Los Angeles lawyer David Hewson goes for a peaceful vacation. He quickly is attracted to Beth Dixon, a switchboard operator and a former personal assistant to lodge owner Edmund Parry.

The murder of playgirl Marsha Morgan, her throat cut, disrupts the peace and quiet. Sheriff Holmes begins the investigation, starting with the wheelchair-using Parry, who admits to hating the dead woman, and Parry's possessive sister Julia, who helps him run the lodge. It turns out David once dated Morgan as well.

A new guest, Joseph Felton, checks in. The sheriff's suspects also include guests Norman Grant, a drunken actor, and his ambitious girlfriend, Harriet Ames. A missing kitchen knife believed to be the murder weapon is found by Indian Joe, who works at the lodge.

Beth eavesdrops on a phone call Felton makes from his room. She overhears him speaking to a man named Prentiss. Felton is later found killed by a gunshot, and it turns out he was a private detective. David becomes more and more convinced that the Parrys are behind all this. Ames is seen kissing Edmund Parry, which does not please Edmund's sister or Grant.

To his shock, David arrives as Beth holds a knife to Julia Parry's bloody throat, claiming to have stabbed her in self-defense. It turns out, however, that Prentiss is Beth's husband and he had hired the investigator Felton to follow the psychologically disturbed Beth, who is responsible for all the murders.

Vice Raid

Police Sgt. Whitey Brandon works for the Vice Squad and is determined to beat corruption in the city. He encounters Carol Hudson who is working as a model. She is sent to frame him and succeeds. Carol's sister comes to visit and is raped and bashed by a thug who knows Carol. Carol, desperate for revenge, enlists the help of Brandon to fight the thugs who attacked her sister.

Take My Life

Nicholas "Nicky" Talbot attends the London debut of his wife, opera singer Philippa Shelley, at Covent Garden. After her successful performance, Nicky runs into former girlfriend Elizabeth Rusman backstage, a musician in the orchestra, who asks for his help. She gives him her address (and keeps his personalised pencil) before Philippa appears. At home, Nicky and a jealous Philippa quarrel over Elizabeth. When Philippa throws an object that strikes her husband in the forehead, he leaves in a huff.

The scene then shifts to a courtroom, where the prosecuting counsel reveals that Nicky is on trial for the strangulation of Elizabeth that night. A flashback shows the murderer setting fire to the body. When the killer leaves the flat, he conceals his face from a man using a handkerchief pressed to his forehead, leading the police to assume he has been injured there. Also, the pencil is found at the scene of the crime. The police take Nicky into custody.

Philippa goes to see Elizabeth's mother in Holland, then to an employment agency and Elizabeth's acquaintances, without any progress. Inspector Archer does, however, let her examine the dead woman's possessions and copy a bit of music. When Philippa plays it at home, she discovers that her nephew is already familiar with it.

She sets out for a school in Scotland, having ascertained that one of the masters may be the composer. Mr. Fleming, the headmaster, is disturbed to recognise her from her photograph in the newspaper. He takes her on a tour of the school. She notices that the school group photograph for the previous year is missing. When she plays the tune on the chapel organ, she sees in a mirror that he is perturbed. Philippa obtains a copy of the photograph the next morning and sees Elizabeth in it. Fleming becomes aware of this and follows her aboard the train. He confronts her in her compartment. They are interrupted when a man enters, but when the newcomer reveals that he is deaf, Fleming confesses to the crime, though it was unpremeditated. Elizabeth had threatened to divorce him for cruelty, which would have ruined him. After the deaf man leaves, Fleming destroys the incriminating photograph and tries to throw Philippa from the train. The deaf man returns just in time. Fleming then jumps to his death.

When Philippa goes to see Inspector Archer (still without proof), he introduces her to Detective Sergeant Hawkins, the "deaf" man who is not deaf at all and therefore heard Fleming's confession.

Golden Salamander (film)

Sent by the British Museum to take charge of the shipping to London of important artefacts, David Redfern's route along an isolated Tunisian road is blocked by a landslide. During a heavy rain he makes his way to the town, but not before witnessing a gun-running operation. At the café in the town he meets Anna, a young Frenchwoman who with her brother Max had moved to North Africa during the wartime German occupation of France. Realising that Max is mixed up in the gun-running, Redfern decides to remain silent about what he has witnessed and concentrate instead on his job of removing the artefacts as quickly as he can.

As he spends time in Anna's company, Redfern falls in love with her and decides to help Max escape from the criminal existence in which he has become trapped and send him to Paris where as a talented painter he can make a fresh start. However Max is killed by his associate on the way to Tunis.

Realising that Redfern knows too much about their operations, Serafis, the head of the criminal outfit, and his henchman Rankl plan to kill him and make it look like an accident. With the help of a friend, Redfern is able to escape. Tracked by his enemies during the town's annual boar hunt, he manages to demonstrate to the authorities that the gang have murdered Max.

3 Nuts in Search of a Bolt

An out of work Method actor is hired by a stripper, a male model, and a car salesman to listen to their problems and go see a psychiatrist on their behalf; the three "nuts" lack the funds to see the psychiatrist on their own, hence the request. The actor has to pretend that he alone has all the problems of the three who hired him. The psychiatrist is naturally intrigued and begins secretly recording her sessions with him.

Circumstantial Evidence (1945 film)

Three witnesses swear they saw Joe Reynolds murder grumpy baker Kenny (Ben Welden) with a hatchet. Joe claims Kenny's fatal head wound was the result of a fall as they argued—the baker hit his head on an oven as he fell—but the eyewitness testimony prevails and Joe is sentenced to death in the electric chair. His buddy Sam Lord has an uphill struggle to prove his innocence.

The Weaker Sex

Set near Portsmouth, one of the main bases for the D-Day invasion fleet, the film portrays life on the British home front during World War II.

During the run up to D-Day (1944), widowed Martha Dacre (Ursula Jeans) tries to keep house and home together for her two daughters and two servicemen billeted on her. Although her two daughters serve as Wrens, and her son is away in the Navy, she has chosen to stay at home as a housewife (although she also participates in fire-watching and works in a canteen). When she learns that her son's ship was damaged during the landings, she experiences regrets about not taking a more active role in the war.

Using occasional footage of actual events and with frequent reference to contemporary newspaper and wireless reports, the story moves forward from D-Day to VE-Day, the 1945 general election and on to 1948 when the film was made. Martha eventually re-marries to naval officer Geoffrey (Cecil Parker) who was one of the men billeted on her and has by now become a father-figure to her son and daughters.

Night Without Sleep

A composer, Richard Morton experiences blackouts and cannot account for his actions. He seems to recall a woman's screams and a conversation with his wife, Emily, but it's all a blur.

Morton goes to see his friend John Harkness and is introduced to a film actress, Julie Bannon, and is attracted to her. He also apparently has made a date with Lisa Muller, who is angry when Morton shows up two hours late. He loses his temper and threatens her.

Julie goes out with Morton and attempts to seduce him, but something in him resists. He returns to Lisa and begins to menace her again, only to suffer another blackout. When he wakes up, Morton is in his own home by himself and isn't sure where he has been or what he has done.

He phones Lisa and learns she is all right. Concerned, he contacts Julie as well, but she also has not been harmed. Morton is glad that his violent temper did not cause him to lose control and that the woman's screams are all in his mind, until he goes to his own bedroom for the night and finds his wife there, dead.

Passage Home

Captain "Lucky" Ryland (Peter Finch) is about to retire. He has a flashback of several years to a voyage on a merchant ship which he was captaining from South America. He is forced to give passage to a British governess, Ruth Elton (Diane Cilento), who is returning to England.

Both Ryland and his second mate, Vosper (Anthony Steel), fall for Ruth. Ryland proposes to Ruth and when she turns down his offer he tries to rape her in his cabin but she is rescued by Vosper. The ship survives a very severe storm in which Vosper saves Ruth's life outside on deck after which Ruth and Vosper realize that they are in love with each other.

There is a subplot about the dissatisfaction of the ship's crew with being fed rotten potatoes, which Ryland has bought cheaply simply to save money. Ryland says a good cook would still be able to use them productively. The potatoes are dumped overboard and Ryland is determined to find out who is responsible by offering the crew £5 for any information as to who did it. Vosper accuses Shorty (Bryan Forbes), who is acting oddly, and they fight. Ike (Geoffrey Keen) intervenes and fights Vosper. Shorty then confesses to Ike but Ike takes the blame. Probably due to the fight, Ike, who is already known to be ill, takes to his bed and dies. He is buried at sea in a makeshift coffin.

At the allotted time of the funeral Ryland is drunk, drowning his sorrow in whisky due to being rejected by Ruth (whom he had seriously assaulted, ripping her dress). The red ensign is flown at half mast. Ryland struggles to find the right pages in the Book of Common Prayer and loses his place. When the body is slid overboard they recite the Lord's Prayer.

That night Ryland is even more drunk. The steward brings his dinner and he rudely demands that he "do his job" and tidy his room. A violent storm is throwing things around. The ship is in trouble but Ryland musters himself and manages to give logical instructions to get her through the storm. Down below the engineer struggles to keep up the power. In the hold things start sliding and Shorty is crushed by a crate holding a bull while pushing Burns to safety. They head for "The Lizard". Ruth goes on deck and is in danger of being swept away when part of the safety railing is destroyed. Vosper saves her and carries her to her cabin where they kiss.

Coming out of flashback, Ruth and Vosper are now married and are attending Ryland's retirement function. Ryland shakes her hand and calls her "Mrs Vosper". The film ends with Ruth looking at Ryland in tears because she still has feelings for Ryland after all of the years.

Jacqueline (1956 film)

Steel worker Mike McNeil's drinking spirals out of control when he loses his job due to vertigo at the Belfast shipyard. But his devoted young daughter Jacqueline vows to help him. She attempts to persuade a tough land-owner to give her troubled dad another chance.

The Singer Not the Song

A priest, Father Michael Keogh (John Mills), is sent by Rome to Quantana, a remote Mexican town which is under the control of a ruthless bandit, Anacleto Komachi (Dirk Bogarde). Anacleto is educated and intelligent, and is "down" on the Church, but he finds in Keogh a man he strangely admires and with whom he can have intelligent conversation. However, he does not allow this to distract him from his goal: to expunge the priest from his fiefdom at any cost.

Two Left Feet (film)

Based on David Stuart Leslie's novel, ''Two Left Feet'' is a story about Alan Crabbe (Michael Crawford) a callow youth desperate for a date with any girl who can offer him the experience he lacks. Every time Alan tries a manful stride into the jungle of sex, his two left feet turn the attempt into a trip-and-stumble. Then he meets Eileen (Nyree Dawn Porter), the new waitress at the corner cafe, and some sparks begin to fly.

The Love War

Two warring planets choose to settle their conflict over which of them will take over the planet Earth, each sending a trio of soldiers to Earth to fight to the death. The combatants, disguised as human beings, can only identify each other by using special visors.

Kyle, one of the combatants, falls in love with Sandy, a woman he meets during his stay in a small town. In the end, despite cheating by the other side, Kyle is the sole survivor, but before he can signal his people he has won, Sandy shoots him with one of the alien weapons. A dying Kyle then learns that Sandy is also an alien; the other side has cheated twice. She chose duty to her people over her love for him. Weeping as she watches him die, she asks him what their half-breed children would have been. The film's closing shot shows Sandy through the visor as she really is — a hideously scarred humanoid. Earth faces an orgy of destruction and the extermination of humanity.

Sunday Light

In early 20th-century Spain, Urbano, an idealistic liberal young man arrives in Cenciella, a small village, to be a secretary at the town hall. Urbano falls in love with Estrella, the daughter of a local landowner Joaco. Politically, the town is split in two, with the forces of evil repped by mayor Atila. Urbano tries to remain neutral but his intentions would be brutally punished.

The Sunday prior to his wedding to Estrella, while the couple are in the forest enjoying an idyllic moment, everything changes with the presence of the chief, who comes to take revenge. He comes accompanied by his trusty servant, Longinus, and his three sons, who assault the couple. Urbano is tied up to a tree and beaten, while Estrella is brutally raped. However the whole assault is politically motivated as the boss says to his servant when he was denied the chance to do what have his three sons did to the girl, "is political, not vice." At another point the mayor is extending its personal view of what happened: "Women and the laws are to be violated, provided that cause us problems."

Bewildered, Urbano's response is visceral but rational, without resorting to wash his honor and take immediate revenge, as would be more suitable to the melodrama of the time. Thinking in what is best for Estrella and in the future, the family does not report or talk about the rape, and the betrothed marry. What happened serves no other purpose than to sadden the happiness of the bride and relatives. Urbano also sees and makes Juaco, his father in law, see with different eyes, the baby that Estrella is expecting as a result of the rape. Urbano takes the baby as his own.

However vengeance occurs after some time, but in a way that gives it a certain beauty to the outcome of a sad story. Eventually, the couple, along with the child, moved to live in New York, which represents in the film that ideal world, very missed by his grandfather, that rural life amid beautiful scenery could not provide for the ambitions of a local chief.

The Challenge (1970 film)

An American orbital weapons platform crashes in an uninhabited area of the Pacific. An unnamed Asian country arrives first, but US naval forces block their escape from the area. The platform would allow any country to threaten the US from space. While the US has an overwhelming advantage in force, the country is allied with China, which the US does not want to aggravate. The Chinese government does not want to enter a full-scale war, but neither do they want to lose face. They agree to settle the matter with a "surrogate" war, fought by a single representative of each country. General Lewis Meyers is opposed to the proposal as he believes US forces can crush its adversaries.

American agents track down and bring back Jacob Gallery from a Latin American country, where he is a guide on a big game hunt. Meyers is familiar with Gallery, who was court-martialed during the Vietnam War for hunting Viet Cong sentries at night and keeping trophies of his kills. During one such unauthorized nightly expedition, his unit was wiped out while he was hunting alone. Meyers wants to send Bryant, a Marine Captain who respects authority, but the Secretary wants to send someone whose disregard for rules and procedures is more likely to produce victory.

A small tropical island is selected for the battle, its inhabitants relocated to Guam. Gallery reluctantly agrees to the assignment after demanding $1 million in advance. He is put through a training program and given a selection of weapons, including a pair of Madsen submachine guns bolted together that fires regular ammunition and a birdshot rounds. He is warned that the greatest threat on the island is fungi, which can quickly infect any wound. A former resident of the island advises Gallery on where to find fresh water.

Gallery is sent on his way from a surfaced submarine at the same time his adversary is sent. After his first encounter with Yuro, he sets up his base inside a hidden cave. He begins polluting the water sources, forcing Yuro to the last one. When Yuro goes to the pond, Gallery ambushes him. Yuro escapes, but not before being wounded. Gallery discovers Yuro's treetop base and booby traps it with a grenade. But Yuro had set razor blades in the tree trunk, one of which cuts Gallery's leg.

On the submarine, Meyers arrives and unveils his plan to secretly send Bryant since Gallery has not been successful after four days.

In the now-abandoned village, a feverish Gallery sets traps, but Yuro gets the drop on him. Gallery barely escapes and makes his way to the beach with Yuro in pursuit. Hearing his name, he peeks around rocks to see Bryant holding Yuro at gunpoint. Bryant tells Gallery to kill Yuro and be a hero, but a disgusted Gallery shoots Bryant instead. Yuro runs off.

Making his way back to his cave, Gallery comes upon one of Yuro's countrymen, hanging dead in one of Yuro's tree snares, signaling betrayal from both countries. Resting in his cave, he hears Yuro beseeching him to forsake the treacherous country that sent a second man against the rules. Yuro offers to save Gallery from his festering wound, but is pointing his gun at the cave. Gallery empties his magazine into the greenery, killing Yuro. He takes out his transmitter to proclaim victory, but decides against it, throwing it away before succumbing to his infection.

V.I. Warshawski (film)

Victoria Iphigenia "V.I" Warshawski (Kathleen Turner) is a Chicago-based, freelance, private investigator who lives the part of the hard-boiled detective, but below the surface, she is a softy. One night, while she is drinking at her favorite bar, she meets an ex-Blackhawks hockey player named Boom-Boom Grafalk (Stephen Meadows). The two connect and a romance appears to be in the making, but Warshawski is surprised when Boom-Boom appears at her doorstep later that night with his 13-year-old daughter Kat (Angela Goethals) in tow.

He asks Warshawski if she could watch her, and Warshawski agrees. Later that night, Boom-Boom is killed in a boat explosion, and Kat hires Warshawski to track down her father's killer. In doing so, she befriends the victim's daughter; together they set out to crack the case.

The Strange Woman

In Bangor, Maine in 1824, a cruel young girl named Jenny Hager pushes a terrified Ephraim Poster into a river knowing he cannot swim. She is prepared to let him drown until Judge Saladine (Alan Napier) happens by, at which point Jenny jumps into the water and takes credit for saving the boy's life.

About ten years later, Jenny (Hedy Lamarr) has grown up to be a beautiful but equally heartless and manipulative young woman. Her father, an abusive, drunken widower, whips Jenny after learning of her flirtation with a sailor. She secretly schemes to wed the richest man in town, the much older timber baron Isaiah Poster (Gene Lockhart), while his mild-mannered son Ephraim (Louis Hayward) is away at college in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Isaiah is unkind to Ephraim upon Ephraim's return. He is unaware that the boy and Jenny (now Isaiah's wife) were once sweethearts and that Jenny is again flirting with Ephraim behind his back. Isaiah is more concerned about the lawlessness in town, lumberjacks drunkenly pillaging the town, manhandling the women and killing the judge, confirming Isaiah's long-held belief that Bangor must organize a police force.

Jenny secretly hopes that her husband will die after he falls ill. When he recovers, Isaiah must make a trip to his lumber camps. Jenny appeals to Ephraim to arrange his father's death, saying, "I want you to return alone." In the rapids, both men fall from an overturned canoe and Isaiah drowns. His son, still deathly afraid of water, is unable or unwilling to save him.

Ephraim returns, with Jenny telling him "You can't come into this house, you wretched coward...You've killed your father." He becomes a hopeless drunk, hating her and speaking freely about her deceitful ways. Isaiah's superintendent in the timber business, John Evered (George Sanders), goes to confront Ephraim but isn't sure whether to believe the harsh words he hears about Jenny.

Jenny proceeds to seduce Evered, who is engaged to marry her best friend, Meg Saladine (Hillary Brooke), the judge's daughter. Lust overtakes them during a thunderstorm. After their wedding, Evered is eager to have children, but Jenny learns she cannot bear any. She confesses this to her new husband after some delay, fearful of his rejection of her, but to Jenny's relief, Evered wholeheartedly affirms his love.

A traveling evangelist, Lincoln Pettridge (Edward Biby), preaches a sermon of fire and brimstone that results in Jenny's searing confession to her husband that all Ephraim had said about her was true. Evered goes off to be by himself at a lumber camp, and Jenny learns that Meg has gone to see Evered there. In the cabin, knowing of his love for Jenny, Meg tells him to go back to his wife. Jenny pulls up to the cabin right afterward and, seeing them together frantically whips her horse, bearing down on them with her carriage. It hits a rock, careens off a cliff and Jenny is mortally wounded. Her dying words are an expression of her passionate feelings for Evered, who has let her know true love.

Robbery Under Arms (1920 film)

Two brothers, Dick and Jim Marsden, become involved with the bushranger, Captain Starlight. They romance two girls, work on the goldfields, and are captured by the police after Starlight is shot dead.

Escape in the Fog

During World War II, a San Francisco nurse dreams of a murder and then meets the "victim" in real life. What she saw in the dream helps her in an effort to thwart enemy spies.

Bubbling Over (film)

Samson Peabody is the janitor in an apartment building where he and his wife Ethel live with a large crowd of Samson's freeloading relatives. When more relatives come to stay, Ethel throws them out. A scheming occupant of the building reads Samson's mail and poses as a clairvoyant predicting the events of the letter; the arrival of Samson's rich Uncle for dinner. However, the Uncle is a penniless lunatic (imagining himself to be The Emperor Jones) and a pickpocket. He steals the chicken dinner, several watches of the guests, the clairvoyant's crystal ball, and (in the final scene) all the clothes of the people in the room.


Following ''Catching Fire'', Katniss Everdeen, her mother, her sister Primrose Everdeen, mentor Haymitch Abernathy, and her friends Finnick Odair and Gale Hawthorne, along with the survivors from District 12, adjust to life underground in District 13, headquarters of the rebellion in Panem. Katniss reluctantly agrees to act as "the Mockingjay”–the symbol of the rebellion–for rebel propaganda, on the condition that District 13's President Alma Coin grants immunity to all surviving Hunger Games tributes, including Katniss's friend Peeta Mellark and Finnick's lover Annie Cresta. Coin, however, insists on flipping a coin for Katniss's other demand: the right to personally execute Panem President Coriolanus Snow. Katniss is sent to a hospital in District 8 to film the destruction that the Capitol has inflicted, and while Haymitch orders her to retreat as soon as a raid begins, she stays behind and fights before giving a speech that is broadcast in all twelve districts. The Capitol tortures Peeta to demoralize Katniss. A rescue team extracts Peeta along with the other captured victors, but discover that he has been brainwashed to fear and despise Katniss. He attempts to kill her, and is restrained under heavy guard while medics seek a cure. Finnick and Annie marry in a propaganda effort.

Katniss and Gale are sent to persuade District 2 to join the rebellion. Gale’s controversial strategy results in a decisive victory over District 2, enabling a final assault against the Capitol itself. Katniss is assigned to a squad and sent with a film crew to shoot propaganda in the Capitol. President Coin also sends Peeta, still dangerous and unpredictable; Katniss suspects Coin wants her dead for her lack of support and growing influence. While filming in a supposedly safe Capitol neighborhood, the team's commander Boggs is fatally wounded; before dying, he gives Katniss the team’s command. She decides to infiltrate the Capitol and kill Snow, telling her team that this was Coin's secret plan; she later reveals the lie, but the team sticks with her. In the ensuing urban warfare, many of Katniss's comrades, including Finnick, are killed. As the last of her squad reaches Snow's mansion, a hovercraft bearing the Capitol seal drops bombs among a group of children being used as human shields. Rebel medics, including Prim, rush in to help the injured children, and the remaining bombs detonate. Prim is killed, and Katniss sustains severe burns.

As she recuperates, Katniss, deeply depressed over her sister’s death, learns the rebels have taken over the Capitol and Snow is to be publicly executed. She confronts Snow, who claims that Coin orchestrated the bombing to turn Snow’s remaining supporters against him, reminding Katniss of their promise to never lie to each other and how District 13 benefited from the revolution. Horrified, Katniss realizes Gale had earlier proposed a similar tactic. She becomes convinced that, rather than establish a republic governed by representatives from each District, Coin intends to take Snow's place and maintain the status quo. Coin hosts a referendum for the remaining Victors to decide whether to host another Hunger Games for the Capitol children. Although three, including Peeta, are against the plan, Katniss, Haymitch and two others outvote them.

Set to execute Snow, Katniss instead shoots Coin and immediately attempts suicide, but Peeta stops her, and she is arrested in the ensuing riot. Snow is later found dead, and rebel Commander Paylor of District 8 takes over as president. Katniss is acquitted of murder by reason of insanity and sent home to District 12, while her mother leaves for District 4 and Gale leaves for District 2. Other District 12 natives later return, including Peeta, who has recovered his memories and his love for Katniss. She embraces him, recognizing her need for his hope and strength. Together, they write a book to preserve the memory of those who died. Though still suffering flashbacks and screaming nightmares, they manage to comfort each other.

Twenty years later, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. Under Paylor's administration, the Hunger Games are abolished with the arenas replaced by memorials. Katniss is happy with her new life and her family, but still carries mental and emotional scars, and dreads the day her children learn about their parents' involvement in the war and the Games. She tells her young daughter that when she feels distressed, she plays a comforting, repetitive game: reminding herself of every good thing she has ever seen someone do. The series ends with Katniss's reflection that there are much worse games to play.

All Alone (novel)

Marcel Mabout is a "ten-year-old man", sent by his father with their three cows to summer pasture in the French mountains. While he is being trusted with the "family fortune" for the first time, Marcel is even more entrusted with the family creed, which also permeates his village, "Mind your own business". It is a village of friendless strangers, not neighbours. In the mountains, Marcel faces the cold, fear, and loneliness he was not prepared for. But when he hears the yodels of Pierre Pascal, a slightly older cowherd boy in the mountains, and their yodeling consoles each other. Then Pierre's cows wander over to Marcel's mountain, and he is faced with a crisis of conscience that pits his antisocial upbringing with his inner sense of righteousness. Deciding to take the risk of returning Pierre's cows, Marcel sets off a chain of events that leads to a revolution in the village.

Shadrach (novel)

The novel is set in the Netherlands. 6-year-old Davie waits a long time for his pet, a black rabbit he calls Shadrach. When the rabbit finally comes, every day seems miraculous. But one day Shadrach runs away.

Hurry Home, Candy

''Hurry Home, Candy'' tells the story of a young dog named Candy, chronicling his life through several traumatic and joyful events. Told from the dog's perspective, the reader experiences Candy's separation from his mother and being brought to a cold kitchen floor with the ever-present threat of being hit with a broom. Later in the story, Candy becomes a beloved pet to two small children, only to later become separated from them. His quest to survive and be re-united with his new family constitutes the rest of the narrative.

Flying By

A real estate developer goes to his 25th high school reunion without his wife, and finds his old teenage band playing. They get him up on stage for a couple of songs, and convince him come to a rehearsal. His wife is outraged that he played. His daughter thinks it's kind of cool. His mother, in a retirement home, encourages him to enjoy life. He feels some temporary relief from the pressures of business complexities and the stress of marriage tensions. The band gets booked at a popular bar, which leads to a last minute booking to open for a reunion tour, with the possibility of additional tour dates. But the band has internal conflicts. He faces a tough decision to give it a shot even though it will affect his marriage, his family, particularly his daughter, and his business.

Anna Howard Shaw Day

''TGS with Tracy Jordan'' head writer Liz Lemon is due for a root canal. To avoid feeling lonely on Valentine's Day, she schedules her surgery for that day, but soon realizes she will need someone to escort her home from the dentist's office due to the aftereffects of anesthesia. She asks her colleagues at the 30 Rock building for a ride home, but all of them have Valentine's Day plans and cannot help. When Liz calls the dentist's office to say she does not have anyone to pick her up, the receptionist (Shinnerrie Jackson) informs her that after her procedure she can only leave alone if she signs a liability waiver. Liz initially intends to sign the document, but is dissuaded at a party by musician Jon Bon Jovi, and instead decides to claim to the receptionist that she has a ride home after all.

Jack Donaghy, who is Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming for General Electric, makes an appearance on the fictional CNBC show ''The Hot Box''. During the appearance, Jack interacts with the show's host, Avery Jessup (Elizabeth Banks), with the two flirting during the broadcast. Avery and Jack share Republican viewpoints, and she asks him out for a drink after the show, which he accepts. They eventually embark on a number of both successful and unsuccessful dates. During one of those dates, Jack invites her to a ''TGS'' VIP party he has hastily staged, whereupon he enlists the help of Jon Bon Jovi—at the time NBC's real-life Artist in Residence—to come over and talk to them, in an effort to impress the successful Avery. When Bon Jovi approaches them, though, Jack disregards him due to his own intriguing conversation with Avery, which impresses her even more. After the ''TGS'' party, the two go back to Jack's apartment and end up sleeping together.

Elsewhere Jenna begins to worry that her stalker, Maynard Roger Hoynes (Horatio Sanz), has lost interest in her. Jenna tracks down Maynard and her suspicions are confirmed, after he tells her that his therapist encouraged him to stop his obsession with her and move forward. Later, in the 30 Rock building, NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) finds Jenna upset in her dressing room. She tells him why she is in that state and shows him letters that Maynard sent to her in the past. Kenneth, however, is confused as to why Jenna misses her stalker, leading her to reveal that Maynard has been the longest relationship she has ever had. The next day, Jenna enters her dressing room and sees that her picture is inscribed with the words "I want to eat your boogers." Jenna is touched to find that Kenneth is responsible for the graffito, and thanks him for his thoughtfulness.

On Valentine's Day, Liz goes to her dentist appointment and tells the receptionist that she did not sign the waiver. After her surgery, Liz reassures the dental staff that the anesthesia is having no effect on her and can take herself home. In the lobby, Liz sees her former boyfriends Drew Baird (Jon Hamm), Dennis Duffy (Dean Winters), and Floyd DeBarber (Jason Sudeikis), and is moved that they came back so that she not be alone on Valentine's Day. Liz is hallucinating, however, and the people she sees as Drew, Dennis, and Floyd are actually the three Jamaican women who are dental assistants at the oral surgeon's office. One of them calls Jack, Liz's boss, asking if he could come pick up Liz and take her home. Jack had just spent the night with Avery, who thinks that the phone call was made up by Jack as an excuse to end the date, but when he invites her to come along, she is impressed by his kindness to Liz.

The 7 Adventures of Sinbad

Adrian Sinbad is a millionaire owner of an oil company and is from a long-line of descendants of great mariners. He and a small group of people fly to the Indian Ocean after learning that his oil rig has sunk after being taken over by Somali pirates. The helicopter becomes trapped in a thunderstorm and Sinbad refuses to go back, ignoring the pleas of his pilot. The helicopter crashes into the sea and he is washed ashore, Sinbad later battles a giant crab and meets up with his surviving crew, Gemma and Whitaker as well as Mehrak, the leader of the Somali pirates, and Atash, the oil tanker's captain and his crew member. Sinbad also encounters Loa, a female warrior living on the island. Loa tells Sinbad that he must fulfill a long-forgotten pledge and become a warrior to save the world from catastrophe from Elmec Ishu, a supernatural force that is angered by the oil spill after Sinbad's rig is sunk. The island suddenly experiences a violent earthquake, and the group then plunges into the sea, the island is actually the back of an enormous but harmless sea creature and they are attacked by a flock of large flying reptiles (called Rocs in the film), they take them back to their nest to be fed to their young. Meanwhile, Simon, the CEO of Sinbad's company, takes over while Sinbad is missing.

The group manage to fight off a Roc and flee their nest, but a crew member is devoured by a young Roc. They flee to a cave, which is home to a club-wielding Cyclops. Whitaker checks out the inside of the cave, but is ultimately killed and possibly eaten by the Cyclops. Sinbad blinds the Cyclops and later trips and impales him by a stalagmite. When night falls, the men are seduced and hypnotized by some Sirens, and are to be eaten by them. Loa and Gemma prepare to kill the Sirens when it is darker, so that they can avoid getting hypnotized by looking into their eyes. But unfortunately, Gemma is hypnotized by a Siren and devoured. Loa kills all of the Sirens as they are preparing to devour the men, and Sinbad finishes off their queen. Later Sinbad and his companions enter a small village, called 'Utopia', where all those who are stranded join. Loa realizes her father is the leader of the 'Utopia' and Sinbad, Mehrak, and Atash are forced to fight each other. Atash is shot by one of them after Mehrak refuses to kill him.

Sinbad tries to convince the people that he knows a way to escape, but one of them says he's lying, Loa kills the man and a fight is started between those who want to join Sinbad and those who want 'Utopia'. Mehrak is injured and fights gallantly but is killed seeing her father get injured. while trying to distract them while Sinbad and Loa escape. Sinbad knows that he must retrieve otherworldly crystals in a mountain, in order to escape the island and lowers himself down, and retrieves the crystal and kills a demon residing in the mountain with explosives. Sinbad and Loa learn that the crystal produces steam when in contacts with water after her father died. They use an old hot-air balloon and use the crystal to power the balloon, and find a ship and call for help, Loa is missing but the ship crew manages to find her. Sinbad and Loa head back to his company and uses his mini submarine to head into the sea to bring the oil rig to surface while Elmec Ishu unleashes his wrath on the city by summoning deadly water spouts, Simon is killed after sabotaging Sinbad's mission. The submarine is confronted by a giant squid, but it does not attack them, the oil rig is successfully raised and Elmec Ishu stops his rampage and appears, and commands the squid to bring the submarine to safety.

Holiday for Lovers

Robert Dean is an old-fashioned psychologist who reluctantly allows his oldest daughter Meg to join a four-week tour in South America before returning to college. When he learns that she is planning on six more weeks in São Paulo, he travels to Brazil, accompanied by his wife Mary and younger daughter Betsy. Upon arriving, Robert is displeased with the changes to Meg's character, as she has begun habits that are shocking to Robert, such as smoking. He mistakenly believes that Meg is interested in her older mentor Eduardo Barroso, but she is engaged to be married to Barroso's son Carlos.

Meanwhile, Betsy is enjoying the attention that she is receiving from members of the U.S. Air Force and falls in love with Sgt. Paul Gattling. Back at the hotel, Carlos is reluctant to meet Meg's parents, fearing that they will disapprove of his bohemian lifestyle. Carlos makes a horrible impression on Robert, who tries to prohibit Meg from seeing him by booking a flight for the family to Rio de Janeiro and then on to Lima.

Feeling betrayed by her father, Meg calls Carlos to tell him goodbye, but he responds by accusing her of leading her father's life. Carlos and Eduardo follow her to Lima, where Carlos and Meg are reunited at a bullfight. Paul, who has also come to Lima as well, proposes to Betsy, but she rejects him, explaining she is not ready to marry. Later that night, Eduardo and Carlos announce that they are returning to São Paulo the following day. Robert reluctantly allows his daughter to accompany Carlos.

After bidding Meg farewell, Robert visits a bar, gets drunk and falls unconscious on the street, where he is mistaken for a member of a Spanish tour group. When he awakes, Robert finds himself on a plane bound for Madrid, and he is eventually dropped off in Trinidad. There, he phones Meg to offer his sincere blessing to marry Carlos, but she announces that she no longer loves Carlos.

Betsy asks Robert for permission to wed Paul, but her father declares that she is old enough to make her own decisions. She then becomes officially engaged to Paul.

Nobody's Baby (2001 film)

In this comedy, Billy Raedeen (Skeet Ulrich) escapes the law after being convicted with his partner in crime Buford Bill (Gary Oldman). On his way to Utah, Billy rescues a baby from an auto wreck and decides to keep it though he knows next to nothing about caring for an infant. He gets help from diner waitress Shauna Louise (Radha Mitchell) and her neighbor Estelle (Mary Steenburgen). When Buford tracks Billy down, he sees the baby as a monetary potential. However, Billy and Shauna Louise have grown attached to the child and they are not willing to give her up.

I Was Happy Here

Cass follows the bright lights to London, but is quickly disillusioned. She meets (and marries) Doctor Langdon, but soon realises her desire to return to her home by the sea, and her first love, Colin.

Ordeal by Innocence (film)

Paleontologist Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to give them an address book that belongs to Jack Argyle. He is told that Jack was executed for the murder of his adoptive mother two years previously. Dr. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent and restarts the investigation, with lethal consequences.

Temple Grandin (film)

Temple Grandin is an uncommunicative child who is prone to tantrums and is diagnosed with autism. The medical consensus at that time was that autism was a form of schizophrenia resulting from insufficient maternal affection. Despite recommendations to place her in an institution, Grandin's mother hires therapists and works to help her daughter adapt to social interaction.

As a teenager, Temple travels to her aunt and uncle's ranch to work. She observes cows being placed into a squeeze chute to calm them, and, during an anxiety attack, she uses the chute to calm herself. Inspired by her teacher, Dr. Carlock, to pursue science, she is admitted to Franklin Pierce College where she develops an early version of the squeeze machine to calm herself during stressful times. Her college misinterprets the use of the machine as a sexual act and forces her to remove it. In response, she develops a scientific protocol to test subjects' reactions to the machine, proving it to be a purely therapeutic device. Grandin graduates with a degree in psychology and pursues a master's degree in animal science.

Temple faces sexism while attempting to integrate into the world of cattle ranching but ultimately designs a new dip structure designed to allow cattle to voluntarily move through rather than being forced. Initially, the device works as intended, and garners favorable coverage in local press, but ranch hands are dismissive of her design and alter it, resulting in the drowning of several cows. Angered, Grandin visits Carlock, and leaves the meeting encouraged to continue her efforts to improve the industry.

Temple and her mother attend the 1981 National Autistic Convention. The speaker is unable to answer many of the questions from the audience, but Temple speaks out from the crowd explaining how she has adapted, and tells of her mother's contributions to her success. The audience calls her to the podium, marking Temple's transition into autism advocacy.

Faster (2010 film)

On leaving prison James "Jimmy" Cullen retrieves his 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle, a gun, and a list of names before heading to an office in Bakersfield, California and killing a man. He then visits Roy Grone, who gave him the car and gun, and forces him to give him more names. Meanwhile, Cullen is tracked by detectives Cicero and Humphries; a hitman known as “Killer” is also hired to kill Cullen.

Cullen locates the second person on his list, Kenneth Tyson, who films his own personal snuff films. After finding and killing Tyson, Cullen gets into a gunfight with Killer in the hallway, but manages to escape. This affects Killer philosophically, and, after proposing to his girlfriend, begins to take the task personally. Humphries and Cicero investigate Cullen’s past and discover he was double-crossed during a robbery. Cicero remembers him from a video of his older half-brother Gary's death filmed by Tyson, which depicts an unidentified man shooting Cullen in the head; he narrowly survives, and has a metal plate surgically implanted in his skull.

Cullen visits his former girlfriend, who knows he is killing those involved in the video. After revealing that she aborted their unborn child and has begun a new life, she wishes him well. At a strip club in Nevada Cullen stabs bouncer Hovis Nixon for his role in Gary’s death, but he manages to survive. Soon, both Humphries and Killer get word that Nixon is in the hospital. Knowing Cullen will go back to finish him off, they converge there.

Cullen enters the hospital and kills Nixon while he is in surgery. Humphries attempts to unsuccessfully bring down Cullen, but is spared when the latter sees his badge. While driving away from the hospital, Cullen encounters Killer where they get into a high-speed chase on the freeway, culminating in Killer shooting Cullen in the neck.

Eventually Cullen comes to believe that his father arranged to have him and Gary killed after they refused to share the money they stole in a bank robbery. However, Cullen finds out that his father died years before, and realises that it was Gary’s girlfriend who sold them out. The last man on his list is a traveling evangelist named Alexander Jerrod; after concluding his service, he is confronted by Cullen, but is spared after revealing that he has turned his life around and begging for forgiveness. Cullen is then confronted by Killer.

Cicero eventually learns the true identity of the man who shot Cullen, and she hurries to the church where Humphries is already on the scene. As Killer and Cullen confront each other, Humphries walks in and shoots Cullen in the head, revealing it was he who shot him in the video. He offers Killer the money for the job, but Killer declines, telling Humphries to never contact him again.

Humphries calls his wife, who is revealed to have been his informant while she was still Gary's girlfriend. Suddenly, he is shot by Cullen, who survived due to his metal plate. Cicero arrives on the scene after Cullen leaves, and she covers up Humphries’ involvement.

Cullen scatters Gary's ashes in the sea and drives off into the sunset; simultaneously, Jerrod begins a sermon on forgiveness.

Spring Parade

Based on a story by Ernst Marischka, the film is about a Hungarian woman who attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller which says she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Soon after the woman gets a job as a baker's assistant and meets a handsome army drummer who dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor, but is held back by the military which discourages original music. Wanting to help the army drummer, the woman sends one of his waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries, which leads to the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.

Between Us Girls

Carrie, a strong-willed but mischievous 20-year-old actress, returns from a successful stage play in Detroit to New York to see her mother, Chris. After the two of them meet, Chris tells Carrie that she has a new boyfriend, Steve Forbes. Although she is in love with Steve, Chris admits that, because she worried that he would think of her as old if he knew she had a fully-grown daughter, she had implied to him during their conversations that Carrie was much younger.

Determined to help Chris succeed with Steve, Carrie disguises herself as a twelve-year-old, braiding her hair in pigtails, wearing children's clothes, and acting immaturely when Steve and his younger friend Jim Blake arrive. (A picture of Carrie as an adult that Steve and Jim accidentally see is described as Chris' alcoholic sister.) Despite Carrie ostensibly being a child, she and Jim are attracted to one another, and when it is revealed that he has a girlfriend, Carrie concocts an elaborate set of excuses to keep him with her, resulting in his girlfriend leaving him. In one of their outings, Carrie's hand is cut at an ice-cream parlor; in another, she drives a car recklessly and is arrested for speeding, but is able to narrowly escape telling the truth about her age.

The night before Carrie is scheduled to return to Detroit to act in a stage adaptation of Joan of Arc, Carrie and Chris go to a nightclub to celebrate, where they run into Steve and Jim. As she appears to be an adult, Carrie is introduced once again as Chris' adult sister, but Jim realizes the truth after seeing the cut on her hand. Jim angrily leaves the party; Carrie follows him, entering his car and explaining the truth to him as he drives. The two of them stop next to a lake, and Jim throws her in for revenge, before driving off.

Later, Steve proposes marriage to Chris, and Chris explains the scheme. Meanwhile, after realizing he loves Carrie, Jim sneaks onto the set of Joan of Arc, disguising himself as a knight and proposing to her mid-scene. Without breaking character, Carrie accepts the proposal.

Music for Millions

"Mike", age 6, arrives in New York to stay with her pregnant older sister Barbara Ainsworth, who lives together with a group of young women, her co-players in a symphony orchestra. As the orchestra prepares to go on a tour of army camps, a telegram is received informing them of the death of Barbara's soldier husband in the Pacific war theater. The girls decide to keep the tragic news from her until after her baby is born. The orchestra is shown playing several classical standards before various military audiences. The talented Iturbi variously conducts the group as well as effortlessly plays difficult piano pieces, while Durante sings comically and acts as a grandfather figure to Mike. In a surprise ending, shortly before giving birth, Barbara receives a letter from her husband saying he is in good spirits and convalescing in a military hospital.

Two Sisters from Boston

Abigail, a young lady from Boston, leaves home to go to New York City for singing lessons in pursuit of her grand ambition to sing for the Metropolitan Opera. Unable to make ends meet, she takes a job singing in a Bowery beer hall without telling anyone from her family back home.

When a rumor gets back to Boston that Abigail is performing at a beer hall and showing her limbs, her family is shocked and they decide that they must come to New York and investigate the rumor. Abigail then lies to her family and claims to sing in the Metropolitan Opera, not a beer hall. She even sneaks into a performance at the Met, persuading her family that she really is a singer there, despite causing a mishap that interferes with Olaf Olstrom, the company's top tenor.

Martha, Abigail’s sister, eventually figures things out. She decides that she must help Abigail really get into the opera so that Abigail can leave her scandalous job at the beer hall. Along the way, Martha must cover for Abigail and protect the secret of her job at the beer hall. Martha ends up meeting a young man named Lawrence and begins a romance with him.

The Unfinished Dance

Aspiring ballerina Meg Merlin idolizes the head of her dance school, Ariane Bouchet, so much so that she often neglects her own studies just to watch Ariane dance. Only the intervention of kindly Mr. Paneros keeps her from being expelled.

When Meg learns that the "first lady of ballet," Lady Anna La Darina has been hired by the school, Meg is livid at the idea of Ariane being upstaged. She sets out to sabotage Anna's stay, beginning with mischief, like turning off the lights in the middle of a photo session.

Meg is so obsessed in her quest, she even strikes dance student Phyllis Brigham when she dares prefer Anna's talent to Ariane's, earning a formal reprimand. During a performance of "Swan Lake", intending to switch off the lights again, Meg accidentally pulls the lever instead on a trap door. Anna plummets through the stage floor opening, seriously injuring her spine, and is likely never to dance again.

Phyllis and Josie have a hunch that Meg is responsible, so they blackmail her. Worse yet, Meg discovers that Ariane is self-indulgent, focusing more on clothing and fame; whereas, Anna is generous and kind, coming back to the school to advise the students as best she can.

Meg becomes more and more frightened and riddled with guilt regarding Anna's plight. Mr. Paneros, decides to talk to Anna and inadvertently reveals Meg's involvement regarding her accident. When Anna learns the truth, she soon forgives her. Meg now has a new idol.

Wabash Avenue (film)

Ruby Summers (Betty Grable) is a burlesque queen in a successful dance hall in 1892 Chicago. The owner of the dance hall Mike (Phil Harris) has cheated his ex-partner Andy Clark (Victor Mature) out of a half interest in the business. Andy schemes to potentially ruin Mike and also hopes to make Ruby a classy entertainer, as well as his own girl.

My Blue Heaven (1950 film)

Kitty Moran (Betty Grable), a radio star, finds out she is pregnant. After she miscarries, Kitty and her husband Jack (Dan Dailey) move their show to television, and become determined to adopt a baby.

Elopement (film)

Jacqueline "Jake" Osborne is sent to college to follow in the footsteps of her successful father Howard, but she falls in love with professor Matt Reagan. They impulsively decide to elope.

Howard and his wife are furious, but when they confront the young professor's parents, they find them equally irate. The parents hit the road together hoping to prevent the marriage, while Jake and Matt begin to bicker and wonder if their decision was made in haste.

The Power and the Prize

Although he is scheduled to wed his boss George Salt's niece that weekend, Amalgamated World Metals vice chairman Cliff Barton is sent to London to conduct a business deal that will enrich the firm. Salt considers him a protege and intends to turn over control of the company to Barton someday, insisting to him that business always comes first.

Cliff must hide the fact from Mr. Carew, who runs the British company, that Salt intends to unscrupulously assume control of the company rather than simply merge with it. While following through on Mrs. Salt's request to drop by her pet London-based charity, Cliff learns that it is operated by an Austrian refugee, and former concentration camp prisoner, named Miriam Linka.

Although his loyalties are with the company, Cliff wants no part of betraying Carew's trust. He also, against all odds, falls in love with Miriam and persuades her to return to America with him to be married. Salt angrily tries to spin the guilt so that it appears Cliff was the one defrauding the British, while accusations fly that Miriam is not only a prostitute but a Communist as well. Cliff is prepared to resign his position rather than give up Miriam, but board member Guy Elliot has investigated Miriam and clears the rumors about her with an Army Intelligence report. Elliot then presses Salt to retire, making Barton chairman as was always planned. Barton is made chairman and leaves on a honeymoon with Miriam.

The Story of Ruth

The first part of the film revolves around Ruth, visualized as a pagan idolatress in her youth who serves as the spiritual teacher of a young Moabite girl, Tebah, who is being prepared to be sacrificed to Chemosh, a Moabite deity. Unhappy with the ritual crown created for Tebah, high-priestess Eleilat, along with Ruth, instruct Mahlon, the Judean artisan, to revamp the crown with jewels and glitter. Mahlon delivers the crown to Ruth at the temple, and he begins to question her about the existence of Chemosh. Ruth becomes doubtful of her religion and ultimately falls in love with Mahlon, sharing an interest in monotheism.

The non-biblical part ends with the sight of the Moabite girl being sacrificed, from which a distressed Ruth flees. The Moabites condemn Mahlon, his father Elimelech, and brother Chilion. Chilion and Elimelech die in the prison, while Mahlon's punishment is to work at the quarries for the rest of his life. Ruth comes to free Mahlon, but he is wounded as he flees the quarry. He marries Ruth in a cave soon afterwards, and promptly dies.

The biblical storyline begins as Naomi (who was married to Elimelech), Orpah (who was married to Chilion), and Ruth are widowed. The second part is based more on the Book of Ruth, although a subplot is added, that of the Bethlehemites' initial disapproval of Ruth's pagan past and Naomi's closest kinsman rejecting Ruth as his wife. As the next of kin after him, Boaz successfully obtains Ruth's hand in marriage. As the film concludes, the final verses of the Book of Ruth are quoted.

Escape (1948 film)

A former RAF squadron leader, Matt Denant, goes to Hendley, England to visit an airfield run by his friend Titch. Rodgers, an employee at the airfield, asks Matt to do him a favour by making a large wager on a horse. Matt does, but when the horse loses, Rodgers promises to repay him.

While strolling through Hyde Park, a woman strikes up a conversation with Matt, but Penter, a detective, charges her with unlawful soliciting. Matt intervenes on her behalf, but when the two men fight, Penter knocks his head on a park bench and is mortally wounded.

Matt is placed under arrest; he is then sentenced to three years in prison after Penter dies. Believing it an unjust punishment, Matt escapes. Inspector Harris of Scotland Yard is assigned to find him, while Matt takes refuge in the home of Sir James Winton, whose daughter Dora helps him hide.

Titch gives an aeroplane to Matt, enabling him to flee to France, but he is betrayed by Rodgers after the police offer a reward. Matt's plane is caught in a heavy fog and crashes. He survives and takes refuge in a farm. Dora finds him and professes her love, also persuading Matt that he must turn himself in to the law.

Blood in May

Year 1808. The young Gabriel Araceli is working as a typesetter in a modest printing of Madrid. His girlfriend, Inés, is a pretty orphan girl living in Aranjuez, hosted by his uncle, the evil Don Celestino Santos. During his visit to the Royal Site to see the bride, Gabriel coincides with the historic uprising of 19 March against Godoy, whose palace is assaulted by the mob. Thinking about the girl's sake, Don Celestino consent to Inez moved to Madrid to live with their relatives also Don Mauro Requejo and sister Restituta. Gabriel, to be near his girlfriend, in response to a notice is provided as a waiter in the shop. With the help of the boy John of God, who is in love with the girl, tries to kidnap Agnes, for Don Mauro seeks nothing less than to marry her himself. And after many vicissitudes, Gabriel gets away with taking advantage Ines tumultuous reception that the people of Madrid surrenders to the new King Ferdinand, the Desired. They plan to flee to Cádiz, the birthplace of the boy, but times go scrambled because, under the pretext of their way to Portugal, Napoleon's troops entered Spain. The French soldiers are not popular among the population of Madrid, which regards them as invaders. And on 2 May, the popular revolt against imperial outposts breaks out. And, incidentally, Gabriel Araceli is involved in the fierce battles taking place in the Puerta del Sol and elsewhere in Madrid.

Sanctuary (1961 film)

In 1928, in the county of Yoknapatawpha, Mississippi, Nancy Mannigoe, a 30-year-old black woman, is condemned to death for the willful murder of the infant son of her white employer Mrs. Gowan Stevens, the former Temple Drake. On the eve of the scheduled execution, Temple tries to save Nancy by telling her father, the governor, of the events leading up to the murder.

Six years earlier, Temple was a pleasure-loving college girl carrying on a flirtatious romance with young Gowan Stevens. One night, Gowan got drunk and took her to a backwoods still where she was raped by Candy Man, a Cajun bootlegger. The next morning, although in a state of semi-shock, she willingly submitted to more of his lovemaking, and then agreed to live with him in a New Orleans brothel. Nancy became her personal maid, and Temple reveled in her new life, until Candy Man was reported killed in an auto accident and Temple was forced to go home. Marriage to Gowan followed; but for Temple it was a dull life, and she hired Nancy as a servant to remind her of the brothel life she had loved so much. Suddenly, Candy Man returned, and Temple decided to abandon her home and marriage and once more run off with him. To bring Temple to her senses and prevent her from ruining her life, Nancy sacrificed the infant child by smothering it to death.

Though shocked by the candor of his daughter's confession, the governor is unable to grant a pardon for Nancy. The next morning Temple visits Nancy in her cell. As the two women beg each other's forgiveness, Temple realizes that it is only through Nancy's sacrifice that she has been able to find salvation.

E. Pauline Degenfelder of Worcester Public Schools estimated that thirty percent of the plot takes place in the present time with the remainder in flashback; of that seventy percent flashback material, she attributed forty percent to the original novel, eight percent to the sequel novel, and the remainder to "a transition between ''Sanctuary'' and ''Requiem''". The Lee Goodwin/Tommy element is not included.Phillips, "Faulkner And The Film: The Two Versions Of "Sanctuary"," p. 269. Note that the article says "Ira Stevens" is the new name even though credits state the name is "Ira Bobbitt". A car accident was used as a plot device for Temple to be discovered as, due to the absence of the aforementioned element,Phillips, Gene D. ''Fiction, Film, and Faulkner: The Art of Adaptation''. University of Tennessee Press, 2001. , 9781572331662. p. [ 82]. Horace Benbow is not in this version and therefore cannot track her down.Phillips, "Faulkner And The Film: The Two Versions Of "Sanctuary"," p. 269-270.

Dead Cert (1974 film)

In this film based on Dick Francis' mystery novel, Alan York (Scott Antony) is stunned when his dear friend, skilled jockey Bill Davidson (Ian Hogg) is killed during a simple steeplechase. Convinced Davidson's death was no accident, York begins an investigation with a suspicion that Davidson's racehorse, Admiral, was drugged in a murderous act of sabotage. Assisting him as he delves into this world of high stakes, horses and gambling is Davidson's devoted widow, Laura (Judi Dench).

Joseph Andrews (film)

Lady Booby alias "Belle", the lively wife of the fat landed squire Sir Thomas Booby, has a lusty eye on the attractive, intelligent villager Joseph Andrews, a Latin pupil and protégé of parson Adams, and makes him their footman. Joseph's heart belongs to a country girl, foundling Fanny Goodwill, but his masters take him on a trip to fashionable Bath, where spoiled society comes mainly to see and be seen. Sir Thomas really seeks relief for his sick foot, but drowns in the famous Roman baths. The all-but-grieving lady attempts to seduce Joseph, but, on finding that his Christian virtue and true love are as immune to her passes as to those of the many ladies who fancy her footman, she fires him. On his way back home on foot, Joseph falls prey to highwaymen who rob him of everything, even the clothes on his back. He is found and nursed by an innkeeper's maid; lusts are stirred at the inn, once more challenging his honour, until he is found by the good parson. Meanwhile, the lady consents to her cousin marrying below his station, on learning that his fiancée is Joseph's sister, Pamela. The parson prevents an attempted rape by a squire, and barely escapes a wicked gentleman's totally unjust justice after being accused of it - he comes to learn of a significant child theft by gypsies. Meanwhile, the parson, Joseph and Fanny again fall prey to the squire's utter debauchery...

Musical Varieties

Farm workers harvest the crop whilst singing. At night they meet at the barn dance for more singing and dancing. Later, a man and a woman declare their love for each other, that "you could have knocked me over with a feather". The pair's song number is imitated by a male trio, one impersonating the woman.

Zero History

Hollis Henry and Milgrim find themselves in London working for Hubertus Bigend, unaware that their lives previously crossed in ''Spook Country''. One of Bigend's current interests is fashion, particularly the intersection between streetwear, workwear and military clothing. Milgrim is sent to South Carolina to take photographs of a pair of Army BDUs where he gains the notice of a federal agent named Winnie Tung Whittaker employed by DCIS. Winnie photographs Milgrim and intimidates him into working as an informant.

Bigend asks Henry and Milgrim to investigate a secret brand, named Gabriel Hounds after the English legend. At the same time, he becomes aware that a coup is being plotted within his company, Blue Ant. When Milgrim realizes his cell phone is being tracked by rogue elements in Blue Ant, he slides the phone into a pram belonging to the moll of a member of the Russian mob, which leads to one of the mercenaries involved in the coup, who followed the pram, being captured and beaten. Revenge against Milgrim then becomes the top priority of the mercs.

A parallel subplot follows Hollis as she tracks down the Gabriel Hounds designer. Joined by her boyfriend Garreth, the mysterious daredevil featured in ''Spook Country'' who had been severely injured in a BASE jump, Hollis Henry offers to help Bigend gain the release of Bobby Chombo, who has been captured by the mercenaries to force Bigend to swap him for Milgrim, but as part of the deal, Bigend must allow the Hounds designer to remain anonymous. Garreth, because of his knowledge of tradecraft, assists Hollis in this, and in doing so calls in favors from an old man, implied to be the same person Garreth worked with in ''Spook Country'' (who, via implication in both books, might be Cayce Pollard's father), to help ensure secrecy. Bobby Chombo is critical to Bigend's plan to gain the ability to foresee stock market prices by a number of minutes. Events reach a climax at night in Wormwood Scrubs (an open space in London) where the mercs demand the prisoner exchange take place.

A Shot in the Dark (1935 film)

A college student (Charles Starrett) discovers his roommate's body hanging from a window and calls the police. What at first looks like suicide turns out to be murder. While a police investigation is ongoing, more students are killed.

Moonbase Alpha

''Moonbase Alpha'' is set in the year 2032 and focuses on simulating a day in the life of a lunar-based astronaut. As a meteor impact damages an outpost near the Moon's South Pole, the player must take control of a member of the outpost's research team and repair the outpost in order to save the 12 years of research accomplished there. These tasks include repairing vital components of the life support system, solar array and oxygen units, and can be accomplished with a wide variety of tools ranging from robotic repair units to the lunar rover.

Man of the East

The young English nobleman Sir Thomas Fitzpatrick Phillip Moore (Terence Hill) arrives in the West following the wish of his late father who years earlier had to leave England due to an affair. The trouble led to a conflict with "Vicci Windsor". In the West, the young man joins up with his father's former pals, the stagecoach robbers Monkey (Dominic Barto), Holy Joe (Harry Carey Jr.) and Bull (Gregory Walcott).

The characters are introduced as time moves on during Tom's journey, beginning with Bull who works at a stagecoach station disguised as a mute man. After Bull has listened in on the conversation of two headhunters and found out about the death of "The Englishman" (Tom's father), he begins a journey of his own. In a small town he finds a preacher in his church, conducting a fiery sermon to a somewhat dubious audience of drunkards, gamblers and easy women who he had to drive into his church just as he had to have the saloon's pianola moved into the church right before. Both of them then proceed to Yuma, where the third one, Monkey is in jail as usual. Through deceit they manage to free Monkey after they manage to keep him from taking revenge on the sadistic warden, because according to Holy on the day of the Lord you don't shoot people. From there they travel to the Englishman's gang's old hideout in the mountain, which is also the destination of Tom's journey, who had just before been in a stagecoach robbery performed by the masked trio of Monkey, Bull and Holy.

Tom was just about to inspect the property around the log cabin when suddenly his walking stick is shot out from under him by the three crooks, who do not know who Tom is and therefore suspect him to have come back to retrieve the stolen money.

Soon the situation is explained by Tom showing them a photograph of his father along with giving Holy a letter of his father for the three of them.

In his letter the father asks them to make a "real man" out of his progress-loving son. Initially they fail miserably since Tom refuses to touch a weapon and would rather ride his bicycle than a horse. This changes once he meets Candida (Yanti Somer) in the town's thrift store, the landowner's daughter who he had once met before when she travelled in the same train as him and had captivated his thoughts. There she asks for Books of Lord Byron, which he can procure, unlike the trader. Candida returns his love.

Since Morton (Riccardo Pizzuti), Candida's father's rough ranch administrator has also set his eyes on the girl this leads to several brawls during which Tom initially ends up on the receiving side. Only after an intensive course in all things brawling, shooting and spitting which his father's accomplices put him through Tom not only manages to put Morton in his place but also Candida's father (Enzo Fiermonte) who has been convinced of Tom's skills. It ends with a happy end although Monkey, Bull and Holy leave the town in which progress has taken a footing, driving them to flee further toward the west. In the last scene they reach the Pacific, shocked to hear the whistle of a steam train and so they turned back.

For the Term of His Natural Life (1927 film)

After an argument, Ellinor Devine reveals to her husband, Sir Richard, that he is not actually the father of their son, also named Richard, but that he was fathered by her cousin, Lord Bellasis. Sir Richard throws his son out and storms off in a rage. Shortly afterwards, Richard Junior finds his biological father dead in the forest. Only the viewer and an unidentified witness know that Lord Bellasis has actually been killed by his own son, known as John Rex. However, it is Richard Devine who is found next to the body and arrested. Thinking that his father killed Bellasis, Richard wants to protect his mother's reputation and gives his name as Rufus Dawes.

The convict ship that brings Dawes to Tasmania also carries the new governor Vickers and his wife and his daughter Sylvia. The commander of the ship is a brutal man by the name of Maurice Frere. With the Vickers is a young girl, Sarah Purfoy, as a nurse to the child. However, she really is the fiancée of John Rex, convicted for forgery, and tries to help the convicts take the ship. The rebellion is led by a murderer named Gabbett. They fail when Dawes overhears their plans and manages to warn an officer while being brought to a quarantine room for the sick. Gabbett decides to claim that Dawes was the actual ringleader.

A few years later, Frere comes to visit Vickers and shows interest in Sylvia, who has grown to be a beautiful young woman. Gabbett has come back after an escape and hints that he cannibalized his comrades to survive. Dawes, who is kept in solitary confinement on an island before the coast, attempts to drown himself. Frere has brought Vickers the order to give up the settlement and move to Port Arthur. Vickers embarks the convicts and sails with them. A smaller boat is supposed to carry Frere, Mrs Vickers and Sylvia, but is taken by John Rex, who maroons the three on the abandoned shore. Dawes finds them there a few days later and manages to inspire in them a new will to live. Sylvia especially takes to him very much and convinces him to make a boat, but Mrs Vickers dies before they can leave and makes Dawes promise to look after her daughter. The three survivors are found later by Vickers who has started to search for them. Frere takes the credit for saving Sylvia, who is herself unable to remember a thing after waking. Dawes is put back into prison.

Later again, it is shortly before the wedding of Sylvia and Frere. John Rex has been captured and Sarah Purfoy begs Frere to save his life by saying that he left them food and weapons. She threatens to reveal his past with some of the women in the settlement to Sylvia and Frere complies. Dawes, who also testifies, is shocked to find that Sylvia cannot remember him. He escapes on the night of the wedding to speak to Sylvia but is apprehended. The next day, a young convict named Cranky Brown is sentenced to a flogging for escape despite the protest of the reverend North and Dawes is ordered to carry out the punishment. He refuses to do so after Brown faints and is flogged himself. Upon finding that Brown is dead, Dawes curses Frere.

John Rex has planned another escape with the help of Gabbett. Dawes refuses to leave with them but asks Rex to post a letter for him. John Rex manages to escape with Sarah's help, while Gabbett and five other man get lost in the wilderness. Gabbett again starts killing and eating his comrades to survive. When he arrives at the shore, he is found by a group of sailors, who kill him. Rex reads Dawes letter in Sydney and understands his striking resemblance to Dawes, since they have the same father. He returns to England, where Ellinor Devine first accepts him as her son, but begins to become suspicious when he starts spending the family fortune. She confronts him with the fact that Richard was illegitimate, and Rex confesses to what happened.

Some years later again, Dawes is on Norfolk Island. Frere is on his way there to restore order. He quickly finds out that Dawes is the core of a rebellious "ring" whose members avenge every punishment through violence. The heavy punishments to which he sentences Dawes break him after some days. Reverend North becomes a close friend of Sylvia and when he visits Dawes in the hospital, the latter begs him to talk to Sylvia. Frere quickly learns about their friendship and after North infuriates him, he revenges it by punishing Dawes. One evening, he finds North and Sylvia in an embrace and suspects his wife to cheat on him. After he strikes her, Sylvia takes the next boat to the mainland; to her father. North goes to visit Dawes and confesses to him that he witnessed the murder of Lord Bellasis but did not tell anyone because Lord Bellasis held banknotes that North had forged. He gives Dawes his coat and tells him to go and see Sylvia. A storm breaks loose. The ship is about to sink as North frees the Norfolk Island convicts, who go after Frere. Sylvia recognises Dawes shortly before the ship sinks; at the same time, the convicts kill Frere. The next morning finds Dawes and Sylvia on a plank in calm waters.

Maniac Chase

A man dressed as Napoleon is locked in a cell. After a fight with three male nurses, he breaks the bars of his window and runs away followed by the nurses. After overcoming various obstacles, he comes back to his cell.

Voice of the Whistler

A dying millionaire, trying to do good, marries his penniless young nurse so she can inherit his wealth and live in comfort. He then miraculously recovers, but the troubles for both husband and wife are just beginning.


Mark and Lynn (Darby Hinton and Diana Peterson) are drawn into acts of hatred and revenge after trying to collect on a bet with a "Hi-Rider," a drag-racing car club known for "jacking up" the rears of their cars much higher than stock. When a local "hothead" challenges the club to a race, both drivers are killed in a spectacular explosion. The local boy's father vows revenge, and an action-filled chase through town ensues between the Hi-Riders and the local henchman.

Assassinator Jing Ke

In 260 BC, the Qin state inflicts a devastating defeat on the Zhao state at the Battle of Changping. A group of refugees flees from Zhao and settles down in the Lively Valley, an isolated paradise-like world. Two young men, Jing Ke and Fan Wuji, grew up in the valley with their common love interest, Ye Xiaohu. When Fan Wuji learns that his ancestral roots are actually from Qin, he leaves them and returns to his native state, where he becomes a subordinate of the infamous Qin general Bai Qi. On the other hand, Jing Ke and Ye Xiaohu travel to the Qi state and settle there. As Ye Xiaohu is tired of leading a wandering life, she leaves Jing Ke and marries a rich man, who abuses her all the time. Ye Xiaohu plots with the rich man's henchman, Nie Wuya, to kill her husband and seize his fortune, and then frame Jing Ke for the murder.

Jing Ke is arrested and almost executed, but is saved by Tian Guang, who recommends him to join an assassin organisation. Later, he becomes an apprentice of a powerful swordsman and inherits his master's legendary skills. However, as he completes more missions, he feels that he is pursuing a life that he does not want, especially after he witnesses the death of his second love interest, Yunxi. At the same time, he strikes up a close friendship with the musician Gao Jianli. Meanwhile, in the Qin state, Fan Wuji wins the favour of Ying Zheng, the King of Qin, for his distinguished service on the battlefield, but unknowingly incurs the jealousy of the chancellor Lü Buwei.

Jing Ke's adventures lead him to the Yan state, where he meets Crown Prince Dan, who requests his help in assassinating the ruthless Ying Zheng to save the other states from being conquered by the Qin state. Dan was initially held hostage in Qin, but was released by Fan Wuji. Fan Wuji, who is now denounced as a traitor by Ying Zheng, flees to Yan to join Jing Ke and Crown Prince Dan. Jing Ke accepts the mission. Fan Wuji aids him by committing suicide because Ying Zheng has already placed a high price on Fan's head for treason. Jing Ke embarks on his no-return quest, bringing along with him Fan Wuji's head and a map of Dukang with a dagger concealed inside. Jing Ke's attempt on Ying Zheng's life would be a celebrated story in Chinese history.

Namakura Gatana

''Namakura Gatana'' (translated into "dull-edged-sword"; is of ) is a short comedy about a dim-witted samurai and his worn down sword which turns completely useless as he tries to fight even the weakest opponents. The samurai, trying to figure out why his old sword won't cut anyone he strikes, tries desperately to attack random townspeople who defend themselves and knock him out.

Green Light (2002 film)

Elif is a married woman who has just caught her husband cheating. Ali is an investor on the verge of making a huge deal which could be very profitable, though at a high risk. The two cross paths at a bookstore and when they purchase the book "Yeşil Işık" ("Green Light"), and have a magical experience at the intervention of a figure observing them. When he loses all his money on the stock market after the September 11th terrorist attacks, Ali gets a heart attack . At the same time, Elif is discovered unconscious by her friend. They are both rushed to the same hospital, but Ali dies.

Ali reaches heaven, but he is refused entry into heaven and can't return to earth for a new life because his body has been buried and his (living) liver has been transplanted to another body. The figure who had been observing him all along, Yakup, turns out to be Ali's guardian angel and informs Ali that the person carrying his liver is Elif and the only solution would be to kill her.

Elif who is mourning after her mother death tries to commit suicide, but Ali remembering Elif from an encounter in a restaurant, saves her. After they spend the day together, Yakup warns Ali that he is endangering his own chances. Ali promises that he will kill her after a dinner date, but he unable to bring himself to do it. Instead they fall in love and drive to a hill to see if they can see the green light described in legend. When Ali is given the choice by Yakup to save himself or Elif, he sacrifices himself. But since their love was true, Ali is brought back to life. However Elif has no recollection of Ali or what took place.

Istanbul Beneath My Wings

The film takes place in the 17th century. Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi and Lagari Hasan Çelebi are researching bird flight. The new Sultan Murat IV resists the domination of his mother, the Valide Kösem Sultan and tries to enforce strict law and order in the empire. Meanwhile, a Venetian ship that has been captured by Algerian pirates is brought into Istanbul. One of those on the ship is a girl with a manuscript showing how to fly, the latter of which comes into Hezarfen's possession. However, this manuscript can't be deciphered by anyone.

Hezarfen and Hasan are caught examining a dead body (which is against the law) and sent to be executed. At the intervention of the Sultan, they are sent for a court trial. Hasan tries to justify the research and experiments by claiming that they could be used as a weapon to defeat the enemies of the Ottomans. Murat forbids experiments on dead human bodies but gives his blessing to the duo's research on flying, hoping for a new army of flying soldiers that could get past ground level barriers like walls and the sea, and drop bombs. To go about their task, Hezarfen and Hasan tell Murat of the undecipherable script and ask him to release the girl from the dungeon.

The script belongs to Leonardo da Vinci and they realise that he too had the same idea of flying with wings, but the text is coded so they are unable to read it. Hezarfan and the girl (whose name turns out to be Franceska) fall in love. After witnessing some fireworks, Hasan tries experimenting with rockets and during a grand launch, manages to reach a reasonable altitude before bailing out and landing in the water below. When some drinks are accidentally spilt on the manuscript, the coded text becomes visible and Hezarfen uses his own ideas and that of Da Vinci's to build a flying machine consisting of artificial wings. The conservative Şeyh-ül İslam who is against Hezarfen tries to turn the Sultan against him. He succeeds when the Sultan bans Hezarfen from flying and orders his arrest. Hezarfen (with Franceska) manages to escape with the help of Evliya Çelebi to the Maiden's Tower and launches his flying machine across the Bosporus.

Wind and Cloud

The plot is based on the first two-story arcs in the manhua series. Xiongba, the chief of the martial arts clan Under Heaven Society, learns from the prophet Nipusa that he will rise to prominence in the ''jianghu'' (martial artists' community) with the help of "Wind and Cloud". By chance, he meets two boys – Nie Feng (Wind) and Bu Jingyun (Cloud) – and immediately accepts them as his apprentices. When Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are grown up, Nipusa reveals to Xiongba that his downfall will also be due to "Wind and Cloud". To prevent this from happening, Xiongba devises an elaborate scheme to make Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun destroy each other, but the plan fails. The rest of the story focuses on the character development of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, such as their relationships with their respective lovers, and their journeys to becoming top-notch fighters in the ''jianghu''.

At one point, Xiongba is betrayed by his followers, loses his powers and finds himself at the mercy of Bu Jingyun. He promises to repent and retire permanently from the ''jianghu'', so Bu Jingyun spares him. In the meantime, Juewushen, a Japanese warrior, arrives in China with his clan with the intention of dominating the Chinese ''jianghu''. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun join forces to defeat Juewushen and drive away the invaders. Towards the end of the series, it is revealed that Xiongba has been secretly plotting to stage a comeback and realise his ambition of ruling the ''jianghu''. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun combine efforts to overcome Xiongba and restore peace, thus fulfilling Nipusa's prophecy.

Cholera Street

The film is set in a rundown, crime ridden neighborhood of Istanbul dubbed "Cholera Street" (Kolera Sokağı). Salih is a mechanic and son of a respected barber Ali. A woman Tina arrives at Cholera street where she takes up residence and works as a prostitute. Deniz is a gangster who gives himself the nickname "Reiss" ("Chief"), tries to take control of the neighbourhood through intimidation.

After Reiss takes over a horse stable and causes the suicide of the owner, Arap Sado (a close friend of Salih) challenges Reiss to a knife duel and after defeating him, demands that he leave the neighborhood. One night, a prostitute is murdered with her genitals cut out, and this causes fears of a serial killer on the loose called the "Kolera Canavarı" ("Cholera Monster"). Sado is targeted by Reis' men in a drive by shooting and he dies in Salih's arms after giving him his prized pocket knife.

With Sado dead, Reiss opens a casino and seeks to dominate the neighbour. At the opening of Sado's bust, Salih and Reiss clash on the street, during which the public defies Reis and side with Salih. Tina invites Salih to her home that night, after which Tina and Salih become a couple. Salih gets Tina to promise that she will give up prostitution, but this causes hardship because they now have no income. The "Cholera Monster" strikes again and murders "Puma" Zehra (the madame of a brothel) on Salih's watch. Reiss takes advantage of the situation, declaring himself protector of the neighborhood and turning the public against Salih.

Salih becomes suspicious after Tina returns late and confronts her about it. Tina tries to justify her returning to prostitution by saying that they needed money to survive. While Tina runs away from an angry Salih, she is attacked by the "Cholera Monster" but Salih manages save her and subdue him.

Tina's former pimp Nihat is distraught at the loss of his livelihood and his treatment at hands of Tina. He goes to Reis who takes him in and draws up a scheme to get rid of Salih. After being provoked by Reis, Nihat attacks Tina and slashes her cheek with a blade at a wedding. Salih runs him down, kills him and cuts his cheek off with a knife. The corrupt police chief who is under Reis' pay, arrests Salih and tries to force him to confess to the murder. Reis approaches Tina and makes a deal that he will get Salih released if she gives herself to him. When Salih returns home, he finds Reiss and Tina together in bed; he becomes distraught and cuts himself and bleeds to death. As an act of revenge, Tina gets into Reis' car and blows it up with Reiss and herself in it.

A Cricket in the Ear

'''Evtim''' (Popandov) and '''Pesho''' (Mavrodiev), two young men, decided to leave their native village and move to the big city. They bring with them big stuff from the home household goods but also their good intentions and uncertainty. Both of them carry some remorses too. Evtim because of the scandal with his older brother and Pesho because of leaving the home with not a notice to his parents. Standing by the road, amid a heap of luggage, they turned to be a colorful view as hitch-hikers to the passing vehicles. But so, the two friends have an opportunity to meet the variety of life. They see generous sympathy but also the selfishness; they see the exciting waves of the true love but also the repulsive duplicity. This meetings, in its own way, form their realization about the substantial milestones in the path of life.

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

The movie itself is presented as being a trailer for a 9 hour long movie. It starts with a voice-over, telling the viewer that: "some murders take seconds; some murders take minutes; some murders take hours; this murder... will take years!".

The movie portrays the story of a forensic pathologist called Jack Cucchiaio (played by Paul Clemens; "cucchiaio" means spoon in Italian), who finds himself being haunted by a deranged-looking man (Brian Rohan), who is, without any clear reason, hitting him with a spoon. No one seems to believe this though as the mysterious attacker only shows up when Jack is alone. He is seen developing a phobia of spoons, stirring his coffee with a fork.

Jack attempts to defend himself - stabbing the murderer in the throat with a kitchen knife. But to Jack's surprise his enemy turns out to be immortal, pulling the knife out of his throat and throwing it away, then continuing to hit Jack with the spoon. However, in this scene Jack also notices a strange sign on the arm of his attacker.

Jack travels to the far East where he learns that his attacker is known as the Ginosaji ("silver spoon" in Japanese), an immortal and unstoppable being. It searches for a victim to terrorise and slowly kill by repeatedly hitting them with a spoon. The Ginosaji will follow Jack to the ends of the Earth, and it will never stop attacking Jack until he is dead. After this, Jack is shown travelling around the world, trying to escape from the Ginosaji or to fight it. He uses various weapons, including dynamite, guns, and an RPG. Since the Ginosaji is immortal, however, he will always survive and find Jack again. The last scene shows a weakened, wounded Jack, crawling in the desert, with the Ginosaji still striking him with the spoon. Then, suddenly, the spoon breaks. However, Jack's final hope is brief as the Ginosaji opens his jacket and shows dozens of spoons. Finally, the title and credits are shown in typical trailer style.

Andy Robson

Set in Edwardian England and starring Tom Davidson as the eponymous hero, the series concerned the adventures of Andy, who had been sent from a coal mining town in County Durham in North East England, to live with his aunt and uncle in rural Northumberland after his father was injured in a pit accident. The series also starred Stephanie Tague and Stevie-Lee Pattinson as Victoria and Alec, two of Andy's friends in his new surroundings.

Bushido, Samurai Saga

The story covers seven generations of a family, from the beginning of the Tokugawa shogunate to the early 1960s, and the extremes its members take out of devotion and unswerving loyalty to lord, country or company, at the cost of their lives and those of close relatives. Susumu, the last in line of male heirs, finally decides against this stance after his fiancée's suicide attempt.

Escape from Furnace


Furnace Penitentiary, in the distant future, is the world’s most secure prison for young offenders. It is buried a mile beneath the Earth’s surface. One way in and no way out. Once you're here, you're here until you die, and for most of the inmates that doesn't take long - not with the sadistic guards and the bloodthirsty gangs. Convicted of a murder he didn't commit, sentenced to life without parole, ‘new fish’ Alex Sawyer knows he has two choices: find a way out, or resign himself to a death behind bars, in the darkness at the bottom of the world.

Only in Furnace, death is the least of his worries. Soon Alex discovers that the prison is a place of pure evil: where creatures in gas masks stalk the corridors at night, where giants in black suits drag screaming inmates into the shadows, where deformed beasts can be heard howling from the blood drenched tunnels below waiting to kill. And behind everything is the mysterious, all-powerful warden, a man as cruel and as dangerous as the devil himself, whose unthinkable acts have consequences that stretch far beyond the walls of the prison.

Together with a bunch of inmates - some innocent kids who have been framed, others cold-blooded killers - Alex plans the prison break to end all prison breaks. But as he starts to uncover the truth about Furnace’s deeper, darker purpose, Alex's actions grow ever more dangerous, and he must risk everything to expose this nightmare that's hidden from the eyes of the world...


Alex, Zee and Gary are on the loose in Furnace tunnels and caves but are eventually found by the warden, the blacksuits and their hounds. Alex and Zee are condemned to a month in the 'hole', the solitary confinement, while a wounded Gary is taken to the infirmary. In the pitch black hole, where all the worst nightmares come true, Alex and Zee manage to stay sane by communicating to each other by banging on the steel pipes and the frequent visits of Simon - he yanks them out of their cells and works with them and his friends in order to make an escape attempt: first through a steeple, later through the incinerator. In the prison's underground mazes Alex and Zee discover the dark truth: the inmates are lab rats; the wheezers perform procedures on them in order to become blacksuits but these experiments sometimes fail so they're either turned into 'rats' which seek only for food and revenge or 'mutants', half rats half boys, who are harmless because they remember their old lives. In the infirmary Alex finds Gary and Donovan (who is later smothered by a pillow) who are turned into blacksuits. Alex's second escape plan doesn't go smoothly either: Zee is taken to the infirmary but is later saved by Simon and Alex, the steeple doesn't lead to the outside but to one of the rats' lair and on their way through the incinerator Alex, Zee and Simon are caught by the blacksuits.

''Death Sentence''

Alex undergoes the blacksuit procedure, while Simon, Zee and Ozzie are locked up. With the 'nectar', a dark liquid full of tiny golden flecks, in his veins, Alex starts to forget things - his life prior and in Furnace, his friends and even his name - and what's left is a cruel, merciless hatred toward the weak and a lust for power. But to become a real blacksuit, he has to pass a test, in which he successfully kills many rats and Ozzie. As a new recruit, he finds out other secrets: the existence of the 'berserkers' (creatures that are bigger, stronger, more merciless and with no rational thoughts as the blacksuits), and the nectar - the essence of it (the darkness that lies in someone's fear of death) and the motives behind it (to create perfect soldiers without fear, pain nor pity). When he has to pass another test by killing Zee, Alex starts to remember his name so he attempts to escape for the third time along with Zee and Simon, this time through the elevator that connects the prison with the main gate. After a while, he starts to feel weak due to the lack of the nectar; without it he can either become a boy again or completely lose his mind and become a merciless killer, worse than a berserker, but Simon takes care of it. In the prison's 'gen pop' they and the other prisoners successfully defeat their enemies sent - first the blacksuits, later two berserkers - and reach the main gate. They are finally free. Hearing the police sirens, Alex, Simon and Zee run for it while in Alex's mind there's Furnace's voice screaming ''I am coming for you''.


The inmates are on the run with the police and the SWAT on their heels, but are also chased by Furnace nightmarish creatures that carry the 'red-flecked' nectar - it has evolved into a plague, so the infected creatures or humans spread it by attacking and/or killing others. Trying to get as far away from the prison as possible, Alex, Zee and Simon hide first in a mall, later in the metro where they meet Lucy. After encountering some infected, Alex is bitten by a red-flecked berserker that causes him to teeter on the brink of insanity thanks also to Alfred Furnace's voice and visions - he wants Alex to be his right-hand man in the new 'Fatherland'. Soon they realize that the city is in a state of chaos and destruction, a war between Furnace's infected and humanity. After an attack of the infected in St Martin's Cathedral that Alex, Zee, Simon and Lucy survive, they are brought by Annabel and another soldier to a supposed safe place of PMCs, later revealed as the blacksuits. During their short capture, Alex, Zee, Simon and Lucy discover another inconvenient truth: the red-flecked nectar has been created by Alfred Furnace and is more powerful than the warden's nectar, and the Furnace Penitentiary is not the only place where blacksuits are created. They decide to destroy Furnace's tower with Furnace and his creatures in it. When Alex comes to meet Furnace, he finds instead Warden Cross who fills himself with the red-flecked nectar. He fights Alex but is eventually defeated. Drinking from Cross' blood, Alex becomes a berserker. On the tower's roof while the building is being bombarded, Alex promises to find and kill Furnace.


Alex is brought by the army, along with Zee, Simon and Lucy, to St Margaret's hospital where he, Simon and other Furnace creatures are studied by Panettiere and others while the plague's spreading through and out of the country. During the experiments, Alex drifts in and out of sleep where he experiences Furnace's memories. With Zee's visit, Alex realizes that he's expendable - he doesn't have any information about the nectar reproduction/annihilation or the whereabouts of then culprit. So Panettiere kills him but is resurrected by Sam. After Cross' death, Alex's considered Furnace's right-hand man, therefore, Sam and some berserkers help him and his friends to escape. With Panettiere and her army on their heels (they want to study Zee's immunity to the nectar), they spend the night in Alex's house, where he finds out that his parents haven't abandoned him as he remembers but have been trying to get him out of prison, and then they finally reach the island where Furnace is. At last, Alex meets Furnace who's still alive by being attached to a machine and wants Alex to be his heir - Alex is the only one who could handle the nectar and remember his history, and that's what the Stranger needs to survive. He accepts Furnace's offer, in doing so Alex's nectar is replaced by the Stranger's blood in Furnace's veins. Furnace is turned to dust and the Stranger manipulates Alex in continuing the war. However, with his friends' support Alex ends it by killing all of Furnace's creatures, including Simon, through telepathic images of freedom and peace. When Panettiere finally reaches them, she receives all of Alex's blood and dies while Alex's saved by receiving a nectar transfusion. Alex, Zee and Lucy are then brought to a military base where he's interrogated about what's happened. As time passes, the three of them and the whole world are trying to live a better, normal life, and Alex goes under the knife in order to become human again.

So Much Unfairness of Things

Phillip Sadler Wilkinson, a 14 and 15-year-old student at Virginia Preparatory School (V.P.S.) has been held back for three years because of his failed Latin exam. Phillip, or P.S. as he's known to his friends and other students, claims he's studied but has very bad studying habits and is easily distracted. VPS has a long tradition of students, all bound by an honor code which requires students to report misdeeds like cheating - their own and those of others. For the third year in a row, his Latin teacher, Dr. Fairfax, gives P.S. the exam. P.S. is desperate to pass, in order that he not displease his father, himself a VPS graduate, as were previous generations of Wilkinson men. During the exam, P.S. finds a "cheat-sheet" in his desk, and uses it. P.S. is sure that no one saw him cheat, not even his friend, "Jumbo". After the exam, P.S. feels guilty but doesn't tell anyone. He smokes a cigarette in bathroom while contemplating what he has done. P.S. decides to live with his guilt. Nevertheless, P.S. soon learns that he was spotted cheating by Jumbo who, following the honor code, reports him, and P.S. is asked by Dr. Fairfax to come with him to the Honor Court where other Honor Committee members are there as well. At a school "honor court" P.S. is found guilty of cheating and is expelled from VPS. P.S.'s father picks P.S. from school. He is both disappointed with his son's actions and also confused by them. The two leave school together. The story suggests that despite P.S.'s misdeeds and punishment, an emotional gulf between the two is now more likely to be bridged.

The Conqueror's Story

The plot follows a story-by-story pattern, with each episode featuring an event before and during the Chu–Han Contention. A cast member explains the background of the story in the prologue of each episode.

Night Fright

As part of NASA experiment Operation Noah's Ark, several animals are sent into space on a rocket. The experimential plan was to send the animals to circle the moon and return to test the effects of space on them.

Unfortunately, radiation interferes with the rocket's operation, which mutates the animals and causes the rocket to crash land near Satan's Hollow, Texas. Locals think the crashing rocket is a UFO.

The Texas community is beset by a rash of mysterious killings, some of the dead include students from the local college who want to throw a party at the spaceship crash zone.

When Sheriff Clint Crawford (John Agar) investiges the deaths discovers the startling identity of the killer responsible for the murders, a mutated an alligator into an ogre-like form. After the death of one of Crawford's deputies, it is discovered that the monster is a bullet-proof unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for blood.

Professor Alan Clayton (Roger Ready) scientist is called in to assist law enforcement with the problem (after bullets fail to harm it). the mutant is killed by luring it into a dynamite trap.

The Monster (novella)

After being admonished by his father, Dr. Ned Trescott, for damaging a peony while playing in his family's yard, young Jimmie Trescott visits his family's coachman, Henry Johnson. Henry, who is described as "a very handsome negro", "known to be a light, a weight, and an eminence in the suburb of the town", is friendly toward Jimmie. Later that evening Henry dresses smartly and saunters through town—inciting catcalls from friends and ridicule from the local white men—on his way to call on the young Bella Farragut, who is extremely taken with him.

That same evening, a large crowd gathers in the park to hear a band play. Suddenly, the nearby factory whistle blows to alert the townspeople of a fire in the second district of the town; men gather hose-carts and head toward the blaze that is quickly spreading throughout Dr. Trescott's house. Mrs. Trescott is saved by a neighbor, but cannot locate Jimmie, who is trapped inside. Henry appears from the crowd and rushes into the house in search of the boy, finding him unharmed in his bedroom. Unable to retreat the way he came, Henry carries Jimmie, wrapped in a blanket, to the doctor's laboratory and the hidden stairway that leads outside. He discovers the fire has blocked this way out as well and collapses beside Dr. Trescott's desk. A row of nearby jars shatters from the heat, spilling molten chemicals upon Henry's upturned face.

Dr. Trescott returns home to find his house ablaze; after he is told by his hysterical wife that Jimmie is still inside, he rushes into the house by way of the laboratory's hidden passageway. He finds Jimmie still wrapped in the blanket and carries him outside. Hearing that Henry is inside the house, Dr. Trescott attempts to re-enter, but is held back. Another man goes into the house and returns with the badly burned "thing" that used to be Henry Johnson. The injured men and boy are taken to Judge Denning Hagenthorpe's house across the street to be treated, but while it is thought that Dr. Trescott and Jimmie will survive their injuries, Henry is pronounced as good as dead; he is mourned as a hero by the town.

Henry Johnson survives, however, under the watchful eye of Dr. Trescott, who treats the injured man out of gratitude for saving his son's life. Hagenthorpe, a leading figure in town, urges Trescott to let Henry die, stating that he "will hereafter be a monster, a perfect monster, and probably with an affected brain. No man can observe you as I have observed you and not know that it was a matter of conscience with you, but I am afraid, my friend, that it is one of the blunders of virtue." Ultimately Trescott decides to move Henry, who has sustained disfiguring injuries to his face and psyche, to a local Black household, but Henry's presence proves troubling for the family's well-being, and he is moved to another. One night Henry absconds, visiting various people around town and leaving terrified neighbors in his wake, including Bella Farragut, who he attempts to court as if no time has passed since they last met. Not welcome anywhere else, Henry is eventually moved to the carriage-house in the newly built Trescott home. Despite Dr. Trescott's protection, Henry is branded a monster by the townspeople, who avoid the Trescotts as a result. Although previously friendly to Henry, Jimmie now mocks him, daring his friends to approach the disfigured man. Once the leading doctor in Whilomville, Trescott's reputation suffers greatly, as does that of his wife, who no longer receives visitors.

Deep Waters (1948 film)

Because he has given up his study of architecture to become a fisherman, State of Maine social worker Ann Freeman breaks her engagement to Hod Stillwell, explaining that she could never bear being constantly concerned about his safety. In this same period, she convinces her friend Mary McKay to take in 11-year-old orphan Donny Mitchell, whose father and uncle died at sea. Longing for the sea, Donny has run away several times. Ann hopes the tough but fair Mary will bring some discipline into his life.

The following day, Donny befriends Hod while hunting. Soon after, Hod, returning from a fishing trip on his boat with his partner, Portuguese Joe Sanger, discovers Donny on his lobster bank, having rowed out to it in a dingy and stolen two of Hob's lobsters, without knowing they belonged to Hod and Joe. Hod gives him a good telling off and returns him home to Mary and suggests that she let Donny work for him on his boat on Saturdays. She agrees and Donny is very happy out at sea on the boat and even catches a large halibut, his share of the catch earning him $5.75. This worries Ann, who has recently witnessed her friend Molly Thatcher's loss of her husband to the sea and she threatens to move the boy to an inland family if Hod allows Donny to go out to sea on his boat again. Reluctantly, Hod follows Ann's advice and tells Donny he cannot work for him any longer and that their partnership is ended.

Very upset and feeling betrayed and rejected by Hod, Donny stands on the jetty and watches the boat go off into the distance without him, before going into town and stealing a camera from a drug store and selling it to make enough money for him to run away from home again and return to the sea. He steals a boat and puts to sea, but is caught in a terrible storm and has to be rescued by Hod and Joe. Realizing that she cannot prohibit Donny from being near the sea, Ann allows him to return to work for Hod. Donny goes to Hod and tells him the good news and Hod agrees to let Donny go out with him on his boat again.

Happy beyond words, Donny runs home to tell Ann and Mary the good news, but as he runs into the house, he notices the local sheriff and the owner of the second hand shop to whom Donny sold the stolen camera are awaiting him. Ashamed, Donny admits the theft and begs Ann and Mary not to tell Hod he is being sent away to a reform school, fearing Hod will not want to see him anymore.

Hod soon asks Ann about Donny's whereabouts. Ann does not tell him. Hod starts to investigate and finds out that Donny is in a reform school. Not wanting Donny to be in this situation, Hod prompts the state to let him adopt Donny. Donny initially refuses the adoption, ashamed of what he had done. However, when he finds out Hod is not mad at him, he allows himself to be reunited with him and he returns home accompanied by Hod and Ann.

A Kiss in the Dark (1949 film)

Concert pianist Eric Phillips (David Niven) has been on the road touring for twenty-one years when he finally returns home. One day he is served a warrant to perform repairs on the building he owns, and learns that his financial advisor, Peter Danilo, bought the building with his money some time ago as an investment. Eric goes to visit the building and meets some of its tenants. Among them the young and beautiful photo model Polly Haines (Jane Wyman), and Eric is instantly smitten by her. While they speak Polly's suitor, an insurance salesman, Bruce Arnold (Wayne Morris), arrives to the building. Being afraid of damaging his piano hands, Eric is convinced to buy an insurance for himself before he starts the building repairs. Eric and the rest of the tenants agree to fix up the building together during the next few weeks. They start off by building a roof garden with a day care center, and while the rest of the tenants go at it, Eric takes the kids on a hike. When he returns from the hike, a building inspector tells him that the building repairs are insufficient. Eric blames the former owner and present manager, Horace Willoughby (Victor Moore), for the poor quality of the work, and fires him on the spot. Polly comes to Horace's defense, telling Eric that he is a helpful soul who was unfortunate and had to sell the building to manage. Filled with remorse, Eric rehires Horace as chief of the repairs.

Inevitably, Eric and Polly fall in love, much to Bruce's dismay, and he is beyond himself with jealousy. Eric takes advice from a musician friend, Madame Karina, and works less with his hands. Bruce somehow convinces Eric that Polly isn't really interested in him, and that she only led him on so that Bruce could sell him the insurance. Eric decides to go on a tour again, but before he has a chance to go, Horace locks him in with Polly in his apartment. They talk to each other and discover that both Bruce and Peter Danilo wanted Eric separated from Polly, for different selfish reasons. Eric then leaves on the tour with Polly, and it becomes their honeymoon trip.

Susan Slade

After working for ten years in an isolated desert in Chile, mine manager Roger Slade (Lloyd Nolan) returns to the United States with his wife Leah (Dorothy McGuire) and their beautiful but naive 17-year-old daughter, Susan (Connie Stevens). During the journey, Susan has a shipboard romance with Conn White (Grant Williams), a wealthy young mountain climber. Susan and Conn make love in secret and plan to marry, but Conn wants to hold off making any announcement to their families until after he returns from his scheduled trip to Alaska to climb Mount McKinley. He travels on to Anchorage, while Susan and her parents go to Monterey and move into a home provided by Roger's grateful employer and longtime friend, Stanton Corbett (Brian Aherne). Roger has a serious heart condition which he has kept from his wife and daughter so as not to worry them; he has confided only in Stanton, who gave him a house, laboratory and life income so that Roger could rest and recover while giving his wife and daughter social opportunities.

Susan waits eagerly for letters from Conn, but he does not write and the one time he calls, she is out and misses the call. She soon discovers that she is pregnant with Conn's child, but keeps this a secret while urgently trying to contact Conn. Her parents attempt to take her mind off Conn by encouraging her to date the Corbetts' son Wells (Bert Convy) and buying her a horse, which is kept at the stables run by Hoyt Brecker (Troy Donahue). Hoyt is shunned by the local community because his father, an executive with Corbett's company, was convicted for stealing from his employer, and later committed suicide in his prison cell. Compared to Susan's family and friends, Hoyt is relatively poor and lives on what he can earn from his stables (which have lost many customers due to the scandal involving his father) and as a struggling writer. Despite all this, Hoyt and Susan gradually become friends and he confides in her his determination to not run away in the face of local disapproval, but to instead become a renowned writer and redeem his family name.

Susan finally receives a telephone call from Conn's father, whom she has never met, informing her that Conn had told his parents of his love for her and that Conn died climbing Mount McKinley. Susan has a breakdown and tries to drown herself in the bay, but is rescued by Hoyt. In her delirium, she lets slip to her mother that she is pregnant by Conn. Roger and Leah decide the only way to avoid disgrace and protect Susan is for the family to move to remote Guatemala, where Roger has been offered a two-year job running a mine. Susan can then finish her pregnancy and have her baby in secret, and Leah and Roger will pass it off as their own. All goes according to plan, but after the baby (named "Rogey" after Susan's father) is born, Susan has difficulty setting aside her maternal feelings and treating the baby as her brother rather than her son.

Roger's heart condition worsens due to the stressful work at the mine, and he suddenly dies. Leah, Susan and baby Rogey return to their Monterey home, which Susan is dismayed to find has now been fixed up by the unsuspecting Corbetts to give her an apartment of her own, separated from the baby's room. Hoyt and Susan, who have been writing to each other regularly, renew their friendship and Hoyt professes his love for Susan, but Wells Corbett also begins to court Susan and soon proposes. Leah pushes Susan to accept Wells' proposal, but warns her never to tell Wells or anyone else the truth about Rogey's parentage, for fear that Rogey, Susan and the family name will be disgraced. Susan is reluctant to marry anyone because she would not be able to be honest with her future husband, but finally decides to marry Wells, just as Hoyt sells his first book to a publisher and rushes to tell Susan the good news.

Hoyt and Susan argue over her decision to marry Wells, as Hoyt has a grudge against the Corbetts and also thinks Susan does not really love Wells. As they argue, baby Rogey accidentally sets himself on fire while playing with a cigarette lighter. Rogey is rushed to the hospital and the Corbetts, Slades and Hoyt all wait to hear the outcome. The doctor finally announces that Rogey will survive, but is seriously hurt and only his mother can see him. Susan, unable to hold back any longer, reveals that she is Rogey's true mother, which causes Wells to rescind his marriage proposal, although his father Stanton praises Susan for her honesty. However, Hoyt's feelings for Susan have not changed. Susan professes her true love for Hoyt, and they embrace.

Stolen (2009 American film)

Tom Adkins Sr. (Jon Hamm), a police officer, loses his son while briefly leaving him in a bar. Eight years later, he is still struggling with the loss when he and his wife, Barbara (Rhona Mitra) get a call that a child’s body has been discovered buried within a suitcase at a construction yard. They assume that their son has been found, but the police forensics unit determines the remains are 50 years old. Seeking redemption from his own son’s disappearance, Tom takes on trying to solve the death of this unidentified child.

In 1958, Matthew Wakefield (Josh Lucas) has lost his wife and leaves his elder sons with his sister Cora, and her husband Jonas (Michael Cudlitz). Cora won’t take care of Matthews son, John (Jimmy Bennett), because of his cognitive disabilities and so Matthew takes him with as he goes out to look for work.

Matthew finds work at a construction site in a small town, where he finds friends among the fellow laborers, The Swede (Holt McCallany) and Diploma (James Van Der Beek). While out at the bar one night with his friends and son, Matthew meets Rose Montgomery (Morena Baccarin), the wife of a local gas-station owner. Rose seduces John and takes him out behind the bar while John disappears from the car where Matthew had left him sleeping.

Back in the present, Tom is attempting to piece together the details about what happened 50 years ago, despite few surviving witnesses. Matthew's wife, Sally Ann Wakefield (Jessica Chastain), tells Tom that Matthew could never get rid of his own guilt and that John's disappearance may have something to do with Roggiani, the only person who helped Matthew to look for his son.

In 1958, the police chief (Jude Ciccolella) thinks that Matthew is exaggerating and threatens to expose his affair with Rose to her husband. Diploma seemingly helps Matthew search the town, but his behavior is unusual and when Matthew is away, Diploma is seen putting nails into an old suitcase. Meanwhile, Matthew goes to Rose’s house and threatens her husband, who disparages John and calls him retarded.

In the present, Tom is growing increasingly obsessed with the case and its similarities to his own son’s disappearance. Sally Ann shows Tom an old photograph of Matthew, John, and Roggiani, who Tom identifies as Diploma. Tom confronts Diploma about what happened in the spring of 1958.

Diploma reveals he used to work at the building site with Matthew and admits to killing John because he felt the boy was destroying Matthew's life. Diploma says that that boy should have never been born at all. During the interrogation, Tom pushes Diploma, who admits to another killing where he found a boy who had wandered into a fairground where Diploma was playing a clown. He recounts taking the boy and breaking his neck under a tree. It is implied that this was Tom’s son.

In the conclusion, Tom has solved both murders and recovers the body of his son, buried in the ground under Diploma’s mobile home. At the funeral, Tom leans in on his wife and allows himself to break down and cry.

Drum Beat

In 1872, veteran Indian fighter Johnny MacKay (Alan Ladd) is sent for by then President Grant (Hayden Rorke). He tells government officials in Washington about hostilities between settlers, soldiers and Modoc renegades near the California and Oregon border. He is appointed peace commissioner for the territory.

On the way west, Johnny gives an escort to Nancy Meek (Audrey Dalton), a retired army colonel's niece. Nancy is traveling to a ranch owned by her aunt and uncle. There is an ambush outside Sacramento during which the sweetheart of their stage driver Bill Satterwhite is killed by a Modoc renegade. Later they find Nancy's aunt and uncle murdered and the ranch burned.

The grown children of an old Modoc chief, Toby (Marisa Pavan) and Manok (Anthony Caruso), meet Johnny at Fort Klamath. They tell Johnny it is a chief who calls himself Captain Jack (Charles Bronson) and a band of renegades who are responsible for the brutality while most of the other Modoc wish to live in peace. They both served as intermediaries for the Modoc.

Toby and Manok take Johnny and others to a peace talks near Lost River to discuss violations of the peace treaty signed by the Modoc in 1864 in hopes of bringing about peace again. When the violations are being discussed between Johnny and Captain Jack a vengeance crazed Satterwhite (Robert Keith) opens fire and kills the brave who killed his woman. A rampage results in which the renegades massacre 18 settlers. The Army responds but is unable to dislodge the renegade Modoc from their mountain stronghold and are forced to retreat with several casualties. After hearing of the massacre and the Army defeat President Grant orders General Canby's to act as a defensive force only.

Once more peace talks were arranged but Toby and Manok warn of treachery. General Canby (Warner Anderson), Dr. Thomas (Richard Gaines), a Modoc sympathizer, Johnny and friend Mr. Dyar (Frank Ferguson) are to come unarmed but Johnny and Mr. Dyar come armed with revolvers hidden under their shirts. During the negotiations Captain Jack pulls a hidden revolver and kills the General as other Modoc pull theirs and start firing. Dr. Thomas is also killed. Johnny is shot but only wounded and unconscious and is about to be scalped when Toby tries to shield him from harm and is killed. Mr. Dyar escapes in a hail of bullets. The Army responds causing Captain Jack and the other Modoc to retreat back to their stronghold before Johnny can be killed.

President Grant is forced to act because of the public outcry and orders Johnny to do whatever is necessary to bring Captain Jack to justice. The renegades are eventually dislodged from their stronghold and are forced to split up into separate groups. Soon most of the Modoc surrender leaving Captain Jack to survive on his own. He and Johnny have a shootout and hand-to-hand combat. Johnny prevails and places him under arrest. Captain Jack is jailed, put on trial and sentenced to hang. Afterwards Johnny returns to the woman he has fallen in love with, Nancy.

Bird of Paradise (1951 film)

A Frenchman, Andre Laurence (Louis Jourdan), accompanies his college roommate Tenga (Jeff Chandler) home to Polynesia. There, he learns how to surf and how to keep his sarong from falling off. He also marries Tenga's sister, Kalua (Debra Paget). All is paradise until Andre falls under the disapproving glare of a witch doctor. He is called the Kahuna (Maurice Schwartz), and he warns his native flock that Andre will poison paradise with his evil White ways. Sure enough, when the island's mountain erupts in endless lava flow, the Kahuna decrees that the volcano gods can be appeased only by human sacrifice. And which human shall go to the gods? None other than Andre's wife, Kalua.

The island's population gather to witness the sacrifice—that is, all except the infidel Andre, who is ordered to remain in his hut. As the villagers watch, Kalua walks up the peak and leaps feet-first into the hellish maelstrom. The mountain responds with a long, satisfied belch, and the island is saved. The next day, his wife having become volcano ash, Andre bids goodbye to paradise and returns to civilization.

Generator Rex

Five years ago, a massive explosion released high concentrations of underdeveloped, incomplete nanites into the atmosphere, infecting almost every living thing on Earth. These nanites may randomly activate inside their hosts, mutating the subject into a monster known as an E.V.O. (short for "'''E'''xponentially '''V'''ariegated '''O'''rganism"). Though some E.V.O.s retain human-level sanity, intelligence, and memory and are in full control of their special E.V.O. abilities, most transform into monster-like creatures and go violently berserk, causing widespread chaos and destruction. An international military-style organization known as Providence exists to combat the E.V.O. threat.

Rex is a fifteen-year-old (sixteen, later on in the series) amnesiac teenager who is a permanent E.V.O. Unlike most E.V.O.s, he lacks any physical deformation but has forgotten his past. He is also able to control his active nanites, allowing him to manifest from his body a wide variety of various bio-mechanical abilities and powers. Rex has the unique ability to deactivate nanites inside other E.V.O.s, effectively curing them of their monstrous mutations and returning them to normal. Working for Providence under Agent Six, and White Knight, Rex uses his unique abilities to stop and cure rampant E.V.O.s. His archenemy, Van Kleiss, is a British E.V.O. scientist who despises Providence and is connected to the original nanite explosion (which is noted as simply "The Nanite Event" throughout the series). His ultimate goal is to be all powerful, using E.V.O.s to get him there, he promises to tell Rex about his childhood past if he will join him.

Rex is eventually thrown into the future, in which everything has changed since his "six-month disappearance" and that Providence has been taken over by a woman called Black Knight, who attempts to manipulate Rex into utilizing him and his ever-developing and evolving abilities for her side in "saving" humanity by restarting the Nanite Project with those who had funded it six years ago in order to become all-powerful by ensuring the creation of five certain meta/master-control nanities that contain "the God Code", only four of which were scattered all across the planet, with the fifth and most powerful one having been kept hidden undetected within Rex himself.

Return of the Texan

After his wife dies, Sam Crockett honors her last wish by moving back to their native Texas with their two sons and Grandpa Firth. They have a farm there that is in serious disrepair.

Neighbor and old acquaintance Rod Murray has become owner of a large ranch by marrying Averill Marshall. He hates poachers and resents Grandpa hunting deer on his land. He also is unhappy that Averill's sister Ann, engaged to a doctor, is developing a romantic interest in Sam.

Sam needs money and does some fencing work for Rod, who is slow to pay him, leading to a fight. Grandpa suffers a stroke and Ann helps nurse him back to health. She knows that Sam still loves his late wife, but persuades him that they can begin a life of their own.

Treasure of the Golden Condor

Jean-Paul (Cornel Wilde) is a Frenchman, who is cheated of his birthright by his deceitful uncle, Marquis de St Malo (George Macready).

Men of War: Red Tide

The game is divided into 6 campaigns. Each mission represents 1 or several battles and starts with an intro to the scene. The first mission of the campaign also has an intro informing the player of the historical situation. Campaign I: Odessa Must be Ours. Campaign II: The Crimean Offensive Campaign III: Manstein's Big Guns Campaign IV: Breaching the Blue Line Campaign V: Company of Heroes Campaign VI

Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair

Ma and Pa Kettle are trying to raise money to send their daughter Rosie to college, although the couple are unemployed and in debt. Pa deliberately walks in front of street traffic, hoping to win a monetary injury settlement, but only succeeds in causing a collision. Ma then decides to participate in contests at the county fair, and Pa buys Emma, an old tired horse, on credit for the Harness Race, promising to pay the owner later with Ma's fair prize winnings. Birdie Hicks tries her best to win all of the contests, but the Kettles are the ones who get the last laugh.

Live Wires (1946 film)

Slip Mahoney has trouble keeping a job. Each one he finds leads to an altercation and he loses it, disappointing his sister whom he lives with. Eventually Sach helps him obtain a job with the District Attorney where he finds some success. Through a series of events, Slip and Sach help capture several notorious gangsters, including one that was about to flee the country with his sister.

The Winged Tiger

The late King of the Martial World has written a coveted manual which details his skills which can turn the practitioner into a supreme fighter. Knowing his two disciples would be deadly rivals, he separated the manual into two parts: one with odd-numbered pages and the other with even number pages. The Yin family possesses the odd-numbered page manual while the Winged Tiger, Teng Fei (Cheng Lui), has the even-number paged manual. Master Yin (Tien Feng), the King of Hades, wants the entire manual and arranges his younger sister, Yin Cai-fa (Angela Yu Chien), to marry the Winged Tiger in order to obtain the other manual. The chief of Mount Hua (Cheng Lui) and the leaders of Eight Schools sends famed martial artist, Flying Hero Guo Jiou-ru (Chan Hung-lit), who is proficient in ventriloquism and possesses comparable skills to Teng, to impersonate him and infiltrate the Yin household to steal away the other manual in order to prevent Yin from boosting his skills for evil doings.

Guo arrives at the Peaceful Tavern and orders a room next to Teng where he eavesdrop on Teng's conversation with his assistant, the Soul-Sucking Lad (Wong Kin-wah), on his plan to pretend to fall for Cai-fa and requests Yin for the marriage with Cai-fa before he can learn the manual, as Teng is also after Yin's half of the manual. The next day, while on his way to the Yin Forest, Teng is attacked by martial artists who are after his manual, but he manages to kill all of them. Guo, who is disguised as Teng, is also attacked by a group of martial artists who are after Teng's manual. Teng happens to pass by during this time and joins Guo in the fight where they kill all of the martial artists. Afterwards, Teng asks Guo of his identity and the Soul-Sucking Lad and informs Teng of Guo's identity and his mission. Guo fights with Teng and the Soul-Sucking Lad and kills both of them and obtains Teng's manual. Master Liu Yi-ying (Fang Mian) and her daughter, Yan-qing (Annette Sam) arrives to bring a letter from the Right Schools to Guo suggesting him to destroy the manual to minimize his danger once he reaches the Yin Forest. Guo refuses to do so since he wants to obtain the full manual to spread its teachings to the martial world and rips off a couple pages of the manual and gives it to Yan-qing in cases he dies in his mission, Yin would not be able to obtain the complete manual. In return, Yan-qing gives Guo a mini sword which once impaled, the wound can only be treated by Master Liu.

Guo arrives at the Yin Forest where he meets Yin, You Ming (Paul Wei) and the Three Officers, Jade Face Bai Yun-sheng (David Chiang), Iron Hand Zhao Bi (Luo Han) and Golden Face Liu Kun (Tong Tin-hei). Guo presents Yin with his part of the manual before speaking privately to You Ming, who is colluding with Teng to obtain Yin's part of the manual, although You Ming suspects Guo of his identity. At this time, the Three Officers also schemes to have Guo killed to take his manual and obtain Yin's manual as well.

Cai-fa, who is unhappy about her marriage with Teng, instantly changes her mind after she sees Guo in person and is smitten with him. Guo then stealths around the Yin mansion and kills several guards while Yan-qing also sneaks in to the Yin Forest to give a message to Guo. In the meantime, Teng's body was also discovered by Yin's lieutenant, Zhang Piao (Yeung Chsk-lam) and was brought into the Yin Forest where You Ming suspects Guo may be impersonating Teng. Since Teng flies with his wings while Guo jumps with the power of his feet stepping on each other, You Ming suggests Yin to test Guo's martial arts to see whether he knows Teng's signature killing technique. Guo then fights and kills a couple of Yin's henchman with Teng's signature killing technique and wins Yin's trust while also handing his part of the manual to Yin. You Ming, however, is still suspicious of Guo's identity and suggests Yin to lure Guo to the steal the manual by telling Cai-fa to inform Guo where the manual is hidden.

Guo secretly follows Yin, Cai-fa and You Ming when they hide the manual inside a tripod inside a cave. When Cai-fa returns to the mansion, Guo fakes s conversation with a shadow mannequin of You Ming where he pretends to tell You Ming that he is no longer interested in the manual since he was fallen in love with Cai-fa and wants to marry her. Guo and Cai-fa make love and Cai-fa reveals Yin and You Ming's plan to him about testing his sincerity. At this time, Yan-qing had also snuck into the Yin mansion and unhappy of Guo and Cai-fa's relationship, Guo explains to her about pretending to be in love with Cai-fa, who overhead their conversation. Cai-fa informs her brother of Guo's identity and ambushes Guo. After an extended fight with Yin's guards, Guo was heavily injured and flies away where he then hides in Cai-fa's room. Despite his betrayal, Cai-fa is still very much in love with Guo and nurse him back to health and Guo reveals to her his true intention of obtaining the full manual and spread its teachings to the martial world and that they can be together after he succeeds but she is not completely convinced.

Cai-fa ties Guo up but he escapes by burning the rope with a candle when Cai-fa fell asleep and goes to the cave to steal the manual. However, the tripod turns out empty and Yin traps Guo inside the cave. Cai-fa then arrives to attack Guo with enticing bombs which are really duds as she actually helps him escape and fend off Yin's thugs, but Guo accidentally impales her with the sword given to him by Yan-qing. Cai-fa tells Guo she does not hate him for using her and would rather him pretend to love her until the very end while Guo also deduces he has fallen into You Ming's trap of using him to steal the manual. You Ming also arrives at this time and Guo fights and kills him before fighting and killing the Three Officers. Guo then attempts to flee with Cai-fa was stopped by Zhang and more guards and kills them before Yin arrives and fights with Guo where Yin gains the upper hand when he wraps his whip around Guo's neck. In order to save him, Cai-fa asks Guo to give Yin the manual and it is revealed Yin never hid the manual in the cave and wanted to pages that Guo ripped off from the odd-numbered manual. Cai-fa then pulls out the sword impaled in her and cuts off Yin's whip and Guo kills Yin. Cai-fa dies from her would and Guo carries her dead body to Mount Hua.

World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

The book is set over an extended period, and has many duplicate scenes from other works, including ''Tides of Darkness'', ''Beyond the Dark Portal'', ''Day of the Dragon'', ''Reign of Chaos'', ''The Frozen Throne'' and ''Wrath of the Lich King''. However, while the scenes themselves remain the same, they are experienced from alternate viewpoints.

The story starts off with Arthas at age nine, in the period between the First and Second Wars, with Anduin Lothar and Varian Wrynn first arriving in Capital City bearing news of the fall of Stormwind. Arthas and Varian play together, though while Varian was trained to fight since childhood, Arthas was shielded from such teachings by his father. However, with Muradin Bronzebeard coming across Arthas fighting imaginary orcs while Alliance forces battle against the Horde on Draenor, Muradin volunteers to train him. Later, Arthas is caught up in Daval Prestor's attempt to marry Calia Menethil.

The love triangle between Arthas, Jaina Proudmoore and Kael'thas Sunstrider is developed through the plot, Arthas and Jaina partaking in the festivities of Noblegarden, the Midsummer Fire Festival, Hallow's End and the Feast of Winter Veil together. Later, as Arthas starts taking on the responsibilities of a prince, he visits Durnholde Keep, seeing Thrall fight other adversaries in the gladiator arena. Quel'Thalas is visited and high elven culture depicted. Eventually, he is inducted as a Knight of the Silver Hand in the Cathedral of Light.

Eventually, the Third War begins. The story covers Arthas and Jaina meeting Kel'Thuzad, Arthas calling Uther a traitor and dismissing him and the Knights of the Silver Hand from service for their refusal to aid in the Culling of Stratholme. In time, Arthas' search for vengeance leads him to Frostmourne, the (apparent) demise of Mal'Ganis and the moments leading to and after the murder of King Terenas.

The storyline continues beyond this point, to Jaina and Aegwynn in Theramore. Numerous scenes from ''Wrath of the Lich King'' are included along with cameos of Tuskarr and Taunka races.

Road Kill (2010 film)

Marcus (Xavier Samuel), his best friend Craig (Bobby Morley), and their friends, Liz (Georgina Haig) and Nina (Sophie Lowe) are driving through the Australian outback, when a road train comes up behind their SUV and pushes them off the road, breaking Craig's arm. The truck stops some distance up the road. The group approach it, but the driver is nowhere to be found. Distant gunshots are heard, and a crazed figure in the bush screams and runs towards them. Panicked, they commandeer the truck and drive away. The truck's radio turns on by itself. After all four fall asleep, the truck drives itself off the road and up a hill. When they wake up, Nina looks after Craig while Liz leaves to search for a shack she's seen. Unable to start the truck, Marcus accompanies Liz.

Nina discovers the truck's fuel tanks are empty, but finds a large pipe underneath the trailer, filled with a mysterious red fluid. Craig, tormented by visions of the hellhound Cerberus, finds a key to the trailers. He opens and enters the rearmost trailer, only for the door to close itself behind him. Marcus and Liz have a disagreement over her having slept with Craig, causing Liz to storm off. Marcus stays on the road and has a run-in with the truck's driver, who shoots himself. Liz locates the rundown shack, where she finds unlabeled cans containing the red fluid. Thirsty, she drinks some, but quickly runs back to the truck after finding bloody remains.

Liz and Nina try to start the truck, but Marcus, now bearing the driver's clothes and gun, tries to destroy it. The women overpower and tie him up. Craig emerges from the trailer and kills Marcus. The truck starts up again, and Nina tries to back it up. Liz stands at the rear to signal Nina, but eventually leaves to drink more red fluid. Nina, unable to see Liz, exits the cab and sees Craig, who tries to lure her into the rear trailer. Hearing Liz crying for help from inside, she pushes Craig in and locks the door. Eventually, after Nina turns the truck around, she stops and examines the front trailer. To her horror, she discovers it is an abattoir where human bodies, including Marcus's, are ground into the red fluid that fuels the truck. Shocked, she returns to the cab and keeps driving.

Nina spots a car and signals them for help. The truck radio turns on again, distracting Nina long enough to allow Craig and Liz to break into the cab. As the three fight, Craig rams the truck into the car. Liz is thrown from the cab by Nina, who is then knocked out. When Nina awakens, she finds Craig dragging Liz's body to the trailer. He tries to persuade her to help, rambling of a "magnificent opportunity". Nina instead flees, but Craig slams her head on the side of the cab. He drags her into the trailer, but she manages to defend herself and flees into the bush. Craig pursues and catches Nina, but she kills him with the truck driver's gun. As Nina emerges from the bush, she spots the couple from the wrecked car examining the truck. She runs toward them, screaming warnings. The couple, having been run off the road, hearing distant gunshots, and seeing a screaming figure running towards them, commandeer the truck and drive off, leaving Nina to watch in horror as the bloody cycle repeats itself.