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The Summer of the Danes

Three plots interlock in this novel. First is the embassy of Deacon Mark and Brother Cadfael to two bishops in Wales, reinforcing the Roman rite in Wales. Second is the young woman Heledd rejected by her canon father in reaction to imposition of the Roman rite, sending her to find love among historic Welsh enemies. Third is the trouble raised up by Cadwaladr, and resolved by Owain, who wanted no trouble with the Danes in their dragon boats.

Mark, a young deacon in the house of Roger de Clinton, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, is chosen to carry messages of good will to two bishops in Wales. He takes Brother Cadfael as translator into his homeland of north Wales in April 1144. They travel on horseback from Shrewsbury Abbey. Mark succeeds with the new bishop of Saint Asaph and the bishop of Bangor, sharing gifts and speaking as a diplomat. From Llanelwy to Bangor, they travel in the train of Owain Gwynedd, stopping at his royal seat at Aber overnight, where Cadfael finds a murdered man. Heledd rides away from Aber, not wanting to marry a man she has not chosen, awaiting her in Bangor.

Mark and Cadfael seek the lost Heledd as they head home. Cadfael finds her; as quickly as he does, the two are seized by a group of strong Danes led by Turcaill. They are prisoners in the camp of Otir, leader of the Danes of Dublin. Mark sees them and reports it to Owain. Heledd tells Cadfael she left Aber on a whim, finding the horse saddled and ready.

In a scheme to regain his lands and his good standing with his brother, Cadwaladr makes a deal with the Danes in Dublin to threaten Gwynedd. For Otir it is a cash transaction. The deal is for 2,000 marks in silver, cattle or goods. Otir's men are armed, but they have no plan to take on Owain's army. The ships land at Abermenai, opposite the island of Anglesey, at the end of the Menai Strait. Owain moves quickly to set up camp less than a mile away overnight. His brother approaches him with his scheme. Owain rejects it outright, telling his brother he must make good his debt to the Danes and keep the three captives safe. Cadwaladr instead tells the Danes that they should leave Gwynedd. Owain visits Otir to state his perspective on this awkward and potentially explosive situation. Cadwaladr will pay the amount he agreed, and the Danes will leave quietly.

Mark is the go-between to announce Owain's coming; he is left in place of Cadwaladr while the brothers talk in Owain's camp. Heledd relaxes in this break from her troubles by talking and teasing with Turcaill. Her unknown betrothed arrives at Owain's camp. Ieuan ap Ifor cannot wait; he plans a rescue in the night. Cadwaladr's supporters itch to release him so they join up with Ieuan. Upon hearing Owain's terms, Turcaill kidnaps Cadwaladr from Owain's camp in the night, so Otir can pressure Cadwaladr to gather his money and cattle to settle this affair.

Again Mark is the envoy, carrying Cadwaladr's words and seal to Owain, whom Cadwaladr trusts to gather his resources from his steward and bring them hence. Owain's son Hywel leads the party amassing the payment, Gwion riding out with them. The silver is loaded in barrels onto the Danish boats.

That night, Ieuan succeeds in seizing Heledd. Gwion, returned on his own with supporters of Cadwaladr, does not succeed in freeing him, but sparks a battle, which kills three of the Danes, and some of his own men. Owain arrives after dawn, with the drove of cattle finishing Cadwaladr's debt, seeing the Danes in full battle array. Gwion takes the moment to charge his own men again. Owain orders his men to stop. There are more casualties. Gwion takes a fatal wound from Otir. In the presence of Cadfael and Owain, Gwion confesses to the murder at Aber. His compatriot Bledri would not ride to Cadwaladr that night. The horse was gone. Cadwaladr received no intelligence, so the murder gained him nothing. His death is rough justice for the murder Gwion committed at Aber. Heledd accepts her capture by Ieuan equably. She approaches what had been Otir's camp. At sunset, Turcaill arrives in a boat. She leaves with the man of her choice, leaving behind her troubles with her father.

Mark and Cadfael proceed to Shrewsbury Abbey. They stay at Hugh's manor in Maesbury overnight for a pleasant family visit, with Aline and young Giles to cheer them. They overstayed the ten days promised to Abbot Radulfus, and Cadfael is happy to go home.

The Iron Duke (film)

With Napoleon defeated and exiled, the reluctant Duke of Wellington is persuaded by Lord Castelreagh to represent Great Britain's interests at the Congress of Vienna, where the victorious allies will decide the future of Europe. While there, his friend the Duchess of Richmond introduces the married man to the pretty Lady Frances Webster, an ardent admirer, at her ball. During the course of the evening, however, Wellington receives an urgent message: Napoleon has escaped and has landed in France.

French King Louis XVIII and his niece and most trusted adviser, Madame, the Duchess d'Angoulême, are not alarmed in the least. Ney, formerly one of Napoleon's marshals, volunteers to take 4000 picked men and capture his former leader. However, he switches sides, and the majority of Frenchmen follow suit.

With France once again under Napoleon's control, both sides race to gather their armies. Napoleon routs the Prussians under Marshal Blücher before coming to grips with his old nemesis Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. At the crucial point of the battle, Blücher's timely arrival turns the tide, and Napoleon is defeated for the final time.

The allies occupy France and gather in Paris to divide the spoils. Once again, Castelreagh sends Wellington to try to restrain the others from punishing France too severely, in order to ensure a lasting peace. Wellington's task is made more difficult by the opposition of Madame, who is certain he wants to rule France himself.

Wellington warns Louis that Madame's desire to have the still-popular Ney executed for treason would risk another revolution. Madame arranges for Wellington's recall to London to answer a newspaper story that he is carrying on an affair with Lady Frances. Wellington soon disproves the claim, but while he is gone, Ney is convicted and shot by firing squad. The French people are outraged. Upon his return, Wellington forces the King to dismiss his advisers, including Madame.

Back in London, Wellington has to defend his decision to accept no reparations for his country.


Dulcima Gaskain (Carol White) is the oldest daughter of a large, poor Gloucestershire farming family. Rescuing a drunken farmer, Mr Parker (John Mills) who has fallen and cut his head, she discovers his hat is stuffed with cash, and inveigles him to hire her as a housekeeper by voluntarily cleaning his filthy, chicken-ridden house. Her motivation is partly to escape her tyrannical father (Bernard Lee) and mother, who treat her as a skivvy and unpaid child-minder and verbally abuse her.

Parker's sexual interest in Dulcima deepens after she arrives for work in a revealing outfit. A widower, he invites her to become his live-in housekeeper. Dulcima accepts but keeps him at arm's length by creating a fictitious boyfriend, 'Albert', inspired by a male model she has seen in a magazine.

Showing off, Parker introduces Dulcima to his crooked dealings at the local livestock auction. As her employment continues he neglects to pay her. She however keeps a careful tally of money he owes her. The relationship becomes one of mutual deceit as well as mutual convenience.

Parker tries to spy on Dulcima as she bathes, and later invites her to join him for a beer in the parlour, but she excuses herself. Now knowing that he has a lot of cash stowed away, she begins to coquettishly encourage his increasingly lustful interest, from time to time reminding him he owes her wages, but he always deflects the demand.

Dulcima meets Ashby, a young gamekeeper who resembles 'Albert' her fantasy boyfriend (both are played by Stuart Wilson). When Parker spots Ashby rounding up pheasants which have strayed onto his farm he fears that 'Albert' is spying on him and Dulcima. She plays on this jealousy and paranoia.

To try to get Parker to pay her what she is owed she pretends to be packing to leave. Panicked at this prospect, Parker offers to pay, and she claims £40 rather than the £20 or so she is really entitled to. Parker agrees but tries to trick her with only £15. This payment is explicitly linked with her letting him sleep with her (she later takes the £25 shortfall from his secret cash tin). Thereafter there are several dialogue references to sexual favours as 'little extras' that must be paid for−. She spends money on fashionable clothes, make-up and shoes; Parker is impressed by her transformation and begins to lessen his miserliness.

Dulcima goes to visit Ashby. They are clearly interested in each other.

Parker decides to ask Dulcima to marry him but having met Ashby she asks for time to consider. In attempts to persuade her Parker buys a TV set so that they will have something to do on winters evenings when they are married, and 'reveals' the hoard of cash she already knows about.

In town, we see Parker untypically cheerful and benevolent at the market while Dulcima spots Ashby there and purposely gets the same bus home as he does. That evening, Parker has bought himself a new suit and a wedding dress for Dulcima but, distracted, she doesn't unbox it, instead telling Parker she is going out to visit her family. Suspicious, he follows her and sees her meet Ashby in a field, kiss him and head off toward his house (Parker still thinks this is "Albert"). Ashby and Dulcima go dancing. Parker gets drunk and becomes violent and abusive when she returns. She says she will leave in the morning and locks herself in her room. Parker smashes the living room furniture, including the new TV, and tears up the unwanted wedding dress, then remorsefully pleads forgiveness through her locked bedroom door. She remains silent.

In the final scene Dulcima next morning sees Ashby come into the farmyard through her bedroom window. Coming downstairs she finds both the ruined wedding dress and a wedding ring in a box. There is no sign of Parker. Joining Ashby outside, she tearfully tells him she cannot go with him as she is too worried about Parker. Before Ashby can react, Parker shoots him dead from an attic window.

Throughout the film, Duclima never calls the farmer anything other than 'Mr Parker', even after he has proposed to her.

Dead Gorgeous

''Dead Gorgeous'' follows the adventures of three sisters, Rebecca, Sophie and Hazel Ainsworth who died in a terrible carriage crash along with their beloved nanny, during the Victorian era. Feeling they did not get the chance to experience life properly, Rebecca applies to the ghost council for another chance of life. Their wish is granted but they return 150 years after their death to find their home has been turned into a private boarding school. They are "Living Ghosts" who appear to be normal people but have ghostly abilities such as walking through walls. Unable to reveal their secret the sisters are forced to fit into the 21st century as students in the school that used to be their home. As three refined, old-fashioned young ladies, they are baffled by modern life but with the help of their ghost-guardian Agatha, and a motley selection of ghosts they manage to survive the challenges modern culture brings. They struggle during their attempt to adjust to modern life but do get helped by these people.

Red Army Days

In the provincial town for exercises come tank units of the Red Army. Tank commander Mikhail Belokon (Simon) rents a room at the agricultural school student Tonya Zhukova (Okunevskaya). Between the young people there a romantic attachment. However, each of them believes that the nascent feelings can interfere with more important, in their view, the case in life: to Tonya - tuition at the college for Mikhail - the preparation of military vehicles and soldiers for upcoming maneuvers. Nevertheless, the characters pass by a strip of misunderstanding and explain each other in love.

The Forbidden Street

In late-1800s London, the well-to-do Adelaide (Maureen O'Hara), over the objections of her family, marries her drawing teacher, impoverished artist Henry Lambert (Dana Andrews), and moves into his flat in the run-down street Britannia Mews. Adelaide expects Henry to finish painting his masterpiece and blossom into a prominent artist, so that she can prove to her family that he did not seek to marry her for her money. However, Henry soon proves himself to be an alcoholic who is more interested in drinking and pursuing his hobby of making elaborate marionettes than in completing his paintings. Estranged from her family and running out of money, Adelaide finally confronts Henry, who reveals that he romanced most of his wealthy female art pupils and that he does not love her and simply acquiesced to her insistence that they marry. In the midst of a quarrel, Henry grabs at Adelaide, who pushes him away, causing the drunk and unsteady Henry to fatally fall down a flight of stairs.

Adelaide is then blackmailed by her neighbor, Mrs. Mounsey (Sybil Thorndike), a spiteful old hag who witnessed the couple's last argument. Mrs. Mounsey testifies that Henry fell accidentally, but demands that Adelaide give her regular payments, or else Mrs. Mounsey will change her story and claim that Adelaide pushed Henry to his death. Mrs. Mounsey also prevents Adelaide from departing Britannia Mews for her parents' country home. When Adelaide's mother tries to visit her daughter after several years with no contact, Mrs. Mounsey lies to her that Adelaide moved and her whereabouts are unknown.

Adelaide is resigned to her fate of being a virtual prisoner in Britannia Mews, when she meets a young barrister down on his luck, Gilbert Lauderdale (also played by Dana Andrews), who is the living image of Adelaide's late husband Henry. Unlike Henry, Gilbert develops a genuine affection for Adelaide, and gets rid of Mrs. Mounsey by threatening to prosecute her for blackmail. Unfortunately, Gilbert is already married to a wife who deserted him and moved to America, so he cannot marry Adelaide. The two of them nevertheless begin living together in her flat, calling themselves Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, although at Adelaide's insistence they sleep in separate rooms to avoid any sexual temptations.

Using the marionettes left behind by the late Henry, Gilbert and Adelaide launch a highly successful puppet theatre that eventually transforms Britannia Mews into a fashionable street and reunites Adelaide with her family. Then Gilbert's former wife Milly appears, having located Gilbert through an advertisement for the theater. Milly is seeking a payoff from Gilbert for "wronging" her by moving in with another woman, but Adelaide insists that Gilbert return to his wife. Milly then reveals to Gilbert that she actually divorced him years ago and married another man, leaving Gilbert free to finally marry his true love Adelaide.

Batman: War on Crime

Bruce Wayne is in a business meeting with corrupt Randall Winters, as he proposes to ''replace'' the Bayside area. That night in Bayside, Batman hears gunshots in a store and captures the mugger. When he checks the bodies, he notices something familiar and unexpected: a boy who saw his parents die. The boy, Marcus, is seen by Batman as a mirror to his eight-year-old self. The next night, Batman takes care of a gang with Marcus as one of them, and he runs off. The very next night, Batman stops a drug location and confronts a gun wielding Marcus. Talking him down, asking him not to become what killed his parents, and he lowers the gun. Having given Marcus new hope for the future, Bruce Wayne decides to make changes without the mask by helping rebuild Bayside, not replace it. Randall is not so happy, but due to other things going on, Randall is arrested. Batman knows he is fighting a war he cannot completely win, but the small victories encourage him to keep trying, and hopes that soon he'll move on from his pain.


The owner of a daily paper wants to find the most important news on New Year's Eve. Therefore, he decides to send his top reporters to strategic points in Mexico City.

Chapter 1: The Hospital

One of the reporters arrives at the hospital and finds his wife about to give birth. Upon entering the hospital, he witnesses a number of peculiar cases.


Chapter 2: The Police Station

The Head of a police station is forced to deal with several comedic cases which involve rather peculiar characters.


Chapter 3: The House of a rich man

The reporter shows up at a party hosted by one of the city's richest men, who is about to propose to his fiancee. However, a sudden malaise makes evident that he does not have much time left.


Chapter 4: The Show center

Several stars trying to get ahead in a Show Center. In the middle of the performance, a rich man is blackmailed by two peculiar thieves.


Chapter 5: The Divorce

The owner of the Daily returns home, where his beautiful wife asks for a divorce. The couple begins to remember details of their happy years.


Chapter 6: The Hotel

In a hotel room, a couple of young stars are having a fight: the man (a singer) is unwilling to get up the bed. To his surprise, a particularly beautiful woman shows up.


The Cape Town Affair

The film is set in 1967, at the height of the Cold War. On a Cape Town, South Africa, city bus, a young woman named Candy (Jacqueline Bissett) suspects she's being trailed by government agents. They have correctly deduced she is acting as a courier for Communist operatives. However, a small distraction occurs when a pickpocket, Skip McCoy (James Brolin), deftly lifts a wallet from Candy's purse before exiting at the next stop. Candy uses the diversion to slip away from her pursuers. But later, when checking her purse for the wallet, she discovers it is missing. The wallet's content, an envelope containing state secrets on microfilm, is now in the possession of McCoy. Naturally, Candy's employers are displeased, and they order her to find and retrieve the stolen microfilm—or else. As a result, Candy begins to question her own allegiances.

Meanwhile, government agents solicit local Cape Town authorities for their assistance in tracking down the pickpocket. With valuable assistance from underworld contact Samantha "Sam" Williams (Claire Trevor), they locate the elusive McCoy who proves uncooperative at first. But when he becomes acquainted with Candy and begins to grasp the evil of those behind the theft of government secrets, his patriotic fervor becomes aroused. Before long, he is surprised to find himself aligned with both Candy and the police in tracking down and exposing enemies of the state.

April in Quahog

The local news reports that Stephen Hawking has discovered a new black hole at the edge of the Solar System, but the Griffin family pays no attention to the announcement. Peter then alerts the family that he has been selected for jury duty, which he believes is an exclusive experience. After Brian informs him that everyone serves jury duty at some point, Peter tries to be kicked out of court by annoying the others, expressing fabricated prejudices, singing "Surfin' Bird", and attempting to discuss the trial outside of the courtroom. When Peter returns home that night, the local news announces that the Earth will be destroyed by the newly discovered, and continually expanding, black hole within the next 24 hours. Frantic over the news, everyone in Quahog attempts to live out the best last day possible. Herbert finally attempts to have sex with Chris, Quagmire has sex with Bonnie, and Peter manages to steal a lion from the zoo and say the "you-know-what word" in a black neighborhood - he is well respected as a result. As the countdown reaches its final seconds, Peter confesses to Lois that while he loves her, he hates spending time with his children. Immediately afterward, the news anchors reveal the black hole report was an April Fools' prank.

Even though their father said he was joking around, Meg, Chris and Stewie don't buy it and prevent themselves from making contact with Peter. After realizing how angry they are, Peter tries to reconcile with his children by spending time with each of them. Peter tries to attempt to learn about his children's interests, first by asking Meg about her period, which she claims is not an interest but something she cannot control, then by asking Chris to do methamphetamine with him as a father-son activity, and finally by asking Stewie about his toys (the latter two reveal him getting high on the meth and destroying Chris' rooms wall and the roof in Stewie's room), all of which do nothing to help him. After a heartfelt speech does not work, Peter finally buys his childeren's love by giving them a new Xbox 360, and they proclaim Peter "the best father ever". At the end of the show, Meg asks if she can play the Xbox, but Peter is playing ''Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2'', albeit terribly, much to the other players' fury, two of them being Quagmire and Joe who tell Peter he sucks at the game.

The Last V8

It is 2008 and the world has been devastated a few years earlier by a great nuclear war that left few survivors. The protagonist has survived for years in an underground military research bunker, where he has been working on the design of a special car, "the ultimate V8" to which the title refers. Based on an old car from the 1980s, it has a radiation shield, is computerised and remotely linked to the base, and can reach speeds of up to 410km/h. The V8 has now been authorised to explore the surface in search of survivors to contact, but on his maiden run he has to quickly return to the safety of the bunker, because there are still nuclear warheads that explode periodically.

The Commodore 128 version changes the scenario a bit: the starting base is a colony on Mars, spared by the war, and the V8 is sent to Earth with the same mission of contacting survivors.

Hatchet II

Picking up immediately where the first film ended, Marybeth is attacked by Victor Crowley, but manages to escape. Jack Cracker finds her, pulls her out of the river, and takes her back to his cabin. After finding out her last name, he forces her to leave, telling her that if she wants help, she needs to see Reverend Zombie. Moments after she leaves, Jack views Shapiro's camcorder, which he found in the swamp. The footage shows Shapiro filming different topless women, including Misty and Jenna. It also further reveals Shapiro's plan to lure an underage into doing porn and to venture into the swamp. After Jack finishes watching the video, he is killed by Victor Crowley, who gouges his intestines out and strangles him with them until he decapitates him.

Marybeth returns to Reverend Zombie's shop and, after demanding to speak with him, he reluctantly lets her in. It's revealed that Rev. Zombie had a small business going on with Shawn, the tour guide who was murdered the night before, and the boat was one of his own. After learning her last name, he tells her that her father was one of the boys responsible for causing the fire that led to Victor Crowley's death. He also tells her that Thomas, Victor's father, cheated on his wife Shyann with her nurse Lena after she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Moments before dying, Shyann placed a curse on the child conceived by Lena from the affair. Months later, Lena died after giving birth to the deformed Victor Crowley and the swamp withered. After Thomas accidentally killed Victor whilst trying to save him, he confronted the three boys responsible for the fire, but due to his violent attitude, and the shotgun he threatened them with, they, along with their parents, denied it. Thomas isolated and became reclusive, and he eventually died ten years later of a broken heart. The story is then complemented by various scenes in which the undead Victor slaughters anyone who wanders into Honey Island Swamp.

Marybeth tells Reverend Zombie she wants to go back and retrieve the remains of her father and brother. He agrees, but tells her she must bring a family member with her. After she leaves, Zombie calls Justin, Shawn's brother, and reveals Shawn never returned with the boat. He lies, saying they are going into the swamp to find Shawn and the boat. He tells Justin to summon a group of hunters, specifically a man named Trent Graves to go with them. Marybeth returns home, where her uncle, Bob promptly shows up. He tells her she must stay away from Reverend Zombie, but reluctantly agrees to accompany her to a recruitment meeting in Zombie's shop. Zombie tells the hunters he will pay them $500 each to retrieve his boat and $5,000 for the head of Victor Crowley. He tells Trent he will pay him double to go, and Trent agrees. The hunters proceed to venture into the swamp with Marybeth and her uncle.

As night descends, they find the boat and, as the rest leave, two of the hunters, Cletus and Chad stay by the boat while the others fan out. Marybeth, Zombie, Justin, Bob and Trent look for Crowley's shed, as well as the bodies of his victims. Along the way, Zombie explains to Justin that Trent and Marybeth's father and uncle were the kids who started the fire that led to Victor's death. Zombie believes that if Crowley kills Bob and Trent, his soul will be at peace and he will finally leave the swamp. After not finding the bodies in the shed, they check the main cabin. Meanwhile, the rest of the hunting party are systematically murdered by Victor: Chad is violently hacked in the face with Victor's hatchet, and Cletus' face is mutilated by a boat propeller. While Layton and Avery are having makeup sex, Victor appears and decapitates Layton. Avery tries to run away, but Victor chops her between the legs and in the chest with his hatchet. Finally, John and Vernon are simultaneously split in half from the groin up with a long chainsaw. While searching the cabin, the remaining party members hear Victor outside.

As they hide, Justin tells Marybeth of Zombie's plot to get her uncle and Trent killed after Marybeth tells Justin that Shawn is dead. As she runs to warn Bob, Justin jams the door shut with a chair, but Victor appears behind him and kills him by wearing half his head away with a belt sander. Bob, in an attempt to save Justin, accidentally releases Victor. Marybeth attempts to attack him, but is tossed against the wall. Victor then on seeing Trent immediately goes after him and spearing him into the kitchen where the final battle occurs. Despite Victor's strength, Trent uses the nearby surroundings to his advantage, temporarily pinning Crowley against a support. He beats Victor with tables and chairs, but when Trent tries to kill Victor with a cleaver. Victor kills him by breaking his leg, then severs the top half of his head by kicking it against a table. Meanwhile, Zombie grabs Marybeth and drags her out of the house, trapping Bob inside with Victor. Zombie restrains Marybeth while she screams as she hears Bob being murdered by Victor inside. She falls to the ground in tears, and Zombie declares, "That's it. All over," and claims Victor Crowley is dead.

Marybeth tells Zombie that she will report his crimes to the police, but Zombie responds by preparing to shoot her. Only now does Marybeth reveal that Bob was not her real uncle; her father's brother had died of leukemia when she was twelve, and Bob was her father's best friend. Zombie turns to see Victor breaking through the wall of the cabin, now realizing his plan to kill Victor Crowley has failed. Zombie advances towards Victor and attempts to choke him, but Victor kills him by severing him in half before ripping out his severed spine, effectively skinning him alive. Just after Victor tosses Zombie's skinned upper body into the woods, Marybeth strikes him in the forehead with his own hatchet, knocking him to the ground. She then hysterically beats his head into a bloody pulp. She eventually stops and walks off, just as Victor's hand twitches. She then returns with Zombie's shotgun and fires the gun into the remains of his head, seemingly killing him.

The Very Edge

Happily married couple Tracey (Anne Heywood) and architect Geofrey (Richard Todd) are expecting their first child, when, one fateful day, a maniac, (Jeremy Brett), breaks into their home and assaults Tracey, causing her subsequent miscarriage. Initially unable to cope with life after the attack, Tracey is unresponsive to her husband , and her great trauma does not heal easily. Even after moving home, taking a holiday, and showing his wife every consideration, the strain of waiting for a second attack by the obsessive stalker, and his wife's continuing frigidity, tempts Geoffrey to start an affair with his secretary, who's confessed to falling in love with him whilst supporting him after becoming his secretary, and during his wife's hospitalisation. In the meantime, Scotland Yard detective, McInnes, (Jack Hedley), has been unable to find the psychopath responsible for the assault, and Tracey's safety is still in question as she is constantly stalked by the criminal.

Favorite Son (miniseries)

''Favorite Son'' follows the apparent rise of Terrence "Terry" Fallon (Hamlin), a young and charismatic U.S. Senator from Texas. Fallon is idealistic and a vocal anti-Communist. One morning, during an outdoor press conference in Washington, D.C., Fallon is delivering a speech welcoming Col. Octavio Martinez, the leader of the Nicaraguan contras. A sniper from a nearby rooftop fires on them, instantly killing Martinez and wounding Fallon. The television and cable networks that are covering the press conference as routine news then begin broadcasting the unfolding events live. Fallon, who is bleeding from his side, manages to crawl to Martinez's dead body and then stagger to the podium. With tens of millions of people watching him live on television, Fallon delivers a passionate speech, condemning Martinez's murder and asking how Americans can turn their backs on people who are fighting for their freedom against oppression. Fallon soon collapses and is rushed to a hospital. Fallon's words and his courage stun the nation, and overnight, he becomes a household name and the hottest political property in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, about 10 days before his party's convention, President Sam Baker (Whitmore) is facing a difficult re-election campaign. His chief of staff, Lou Brenner (Mahoney), suggests that he can win by selecting the now-popular Fallon as his running mate and dropping the current Vice President Daniel Eastman (Mitchell Ryan) from the ticket. Baker is reluctant to pick Fallon, not knowing much about him and wondering if he qualified since he may occupy the Oval Office one day. For his part, Eastman refuses to go quietly, and his top aide, E. Ben Wycoff (Frederic Lehne), begins plotting to undermine Fallon by digging into his background. In both the novel and the miniseries, political parties are not named but referred to generically as the "party." President Baker, Vice President Eastman, Senator Fallon, and Speaker of the House Charles MacDonald all belong to the same political party.

Serving Fallon are Sally Crain (Kozlowski), his top press aide (and secret lover), and Chris Van Allen (Alexander), another top aide (and a homosexual). Crain, who is ruthlessly devoted to Fallon, first met him when he was running for a seat on the Houston City Council in the late 1970s. She carefully plots the young Senator's path to the vice presidency and then possibly the presidency. However, secrets from both Fallon's and Crain's pasts may derail their ambitions.

President Baker also holds a meeting with Brenner, FBI director Henry O'Brien (Kenneth McMillan), and CIA director Admiral William Reiker (Ronny Cox) about the shooting. Based on eyewitness testimony, O'Brien identifies the sniper as Rolf Petersen (Brian Thompson), an ex-Marine and former CIA agent who went rogue. Brenner openly suggests that the disclosure that a former CIA agent assassinated Martinez might damage relations with the United States' Latin American allies. Without the president's knowledge, Brenner intimidates O'Brien into running a low-key investigation that just goes through the motions.

O'Brien appoints only two agents, Nick Mancuso (Loggia), a cynical, bitter veteran who is close to retirement, and Dave Ross (Lance Guest), an idealistic but inexperienced young agent, to investigate the Martinez assassination. Ross is delighted with the assignment, but Mancuso explains that it's a setup because if the bureau was serious about finding the sniper, "they would have assigned a whole division" of FBI agents to the case and not just "a lameduck and a green kid." Mancuso and Ross, however, pursue the case. Through a friend at the CIA, Mancuso learns about Petersen, who is still lurking in the area and thought to be plotting a second attempt on Fallon's life, and must track him down. Mancuso and Ross gradually uncover different conspiracies that may shake the U.S. government to its foundations.

Into Temptation (film)

Father John Buerlein (Jeremy Sisto) is the mild-mannered Catholic priest of a small parish in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Overworked and underpaid, he has grown jaded with the profession and has trouble connecting with his parishioners. During confession, a mysterious and unnamed prostitute (Kristin Chenoweth) confesses to a sin she has not yet committed: she plans to commit suicide on her birthday. Father John is taken aback. The confession ends abruptly, and he is unable to stop the woman before she disappears. He knows only that she wears a crucifix and is an Aries (her birthday is soon). Father John grows obsessed with finding and helping this woman, and begins visiting the city's red-light district with the hopes of finding her. On his way home, Father John meets a homeless man named Gus (Gene Larche), but with no money for him, he gives him a rosary instead. Later, he seeks counsel from his friend Father Ralph O'Brien (Brian Baumgartner), who advises him not to become too personally involved.Patrick Coyle (Director). (2009). ''Into Temptation'' [Motion picture]. United States: First Look International.

Kristin Chenoweth and director Patrick Coyle, who had a brief supporting role in the film. Father John returns to the red-light district and speaks to a prostitute named Miriam (Greta Oglesby), who suggests a powerful pimp named James St. Clair (Ansa Akyea) might know about the woman. As they speak in a bar, the mysterious prostitute enters and solicits a john (Patrick Coyle), who leaves with her immediately. As she goes, Father John catches a glimpse of the crucifix she is wearing and tries to chase her down. She leaves in the john's car before he can catch them, but he writes down the license plate as they drive off. Back at church, his sermons start to grow more unorthodox, and Father Ralph warns him that his unusual church manner and trips to the red-light district have the archbishop concerned. Meanwhile, Father John is contacted by his ex-girlfriend Nadine Brennan (Amy Matthews), who tells him she is divorcing her husband and still harbors romantic feelings for Father John.

Father John learns the john's car belongs to an accountant named Steven Miller, who tells Father John the prostitute is Linda, an expensive call girl who is widely considered among the best at her profession. Meanwhile, Linda visits her dying, elderly stepfather Donald Dupree (Tom Carey), who repeatedly raped Linda in her childhood and ultimately set her on the path to prostitution. Linda confronts him about their past, but claims she has forgiven him his sins, even though he continues to deny any wrongdoing. A drunk Nadine goes to talk to Father John in confession about her loneliness and feelings for him. He admits to caring for her as well, but they agree to remain friends. Later, Father John hires Lloyd Montag (Bruce A. Young), an unemployed boxer at his church, to serve as his bodyguard as he talks to St. Clair. The pimp, who knows Lloyd from his boxing days, tells Father John what neighborhood Linda lives in. There, Father John and Lloyd find Zeke (Tony Papenfuss), a taxi driver who knows they are looking for Linda and agrees to take them to her apartment. Zeke explains he had driven her to the church when she first spoke to Father John at confession, and Zeke later visited the church to watch Father John preach.

At the apartment, Father John and Lloyd find Linda has moved out, but they discover she had possessed a 12-year-old newspaper clipping about Father John's ordination. Father John offers Lloyd a job helping out at the church, which Lloyd accepts. Father John then returns to his church and cries, fearing he is too late to save Linda. Meanwhile, Linda goes to a bridge and is about to jump off when she encounters Gus, who offers her the rosary he received earlier from Father John. A grateful and emotional Linda hugs Gus. It is not revealed whether she commits suicide or not. In a confession to Father Ralph, Father John expresses guilt he did not absolve Linda before her confession abruptly ended. Father Ralph says that even if Linda is dead, her soul is immortal, and that Father John's penance is to absolve her now. Father John does so. The film ends with a childhood memory of young Linda at church, where a group of boys laugh at her old torn clothes until she is defended by a young John Buerlein, whose act seems to make a strong positive impact upon her.

The Bridal Path (film)

Ewan McEwan, an easy-going sheep and corn farmer on Beigg, a (fictional) Scottish island, is unable to marry his childhood sweetheart Katie as his hell-raising preacher uncle is opposed to consanguinity - all the islanders are related to each other. When Katie leaves for Glasgow to train as a nurse, he is persuaded to find a wife on the mainland (which he has never visited).

Withdrawing 400 pounds from the £800 he has saved in a bank in Oban, he sets out to meet the local girls. He has been advised by the islanders of what they think he should look for in a potential wife: strong legs, wide hips, knowledge of cows and sheep, and also not a "candle burning Catholic" or a Campbell!

His innocent close inspection of the girls he meets raises their suspicions. The first girl, inspired by a lurid paperback novel she is reading thinks he's a white slaver and so informs the local police. He then becomes a wanted fugitive after he 'borrows' a policeman's bicycle. Then he is mistaken for the leader of a gang of salmon poachers who use dynamite. The police eventually arrest the innocent Ewan on a wide variety of charges, but don't believe his story. Held overnight at the local police sergeant's home (there is no jail), he easily escapes custody and resumes his flight, still examining all the girls he meets.

After two sisters that he takes refuge with come to blows over him, he takes their boat (leaving the money agreed upon) and hitches a passage with a fishing boat. The boat is taken over by fishermen from a nearby island who think they are encroaching on their fishing grounds, and Ewan is locked in a shed. He is rescued by a local girl and they row back to Ewan's home island.

By now he's had enough of searching, and is starving, since he hasn't managed to have a square meal whilst on the run. He and Katie decide to marry anyway, despite the ban on consanguinity.

Fortune Is a Woman

In a dream sequence, a ticking metronome transforms into the sweeping windscreen wiper of a sports car travelling at night in heavy rain. The car pulls up before a large Gothic mansion; the dreamer enters and walks to where a painting of the same house hangs above the mantelpiece; the camera zooms in on the door in the painting. The dreamer, Oliver Branwell, awakes with a start.

Branwell is an insurance investigator with a London firm of adjusters, Anderson & Son. Though it is Christmas Eve, he is sent north to Lowis Manor to probe a recent fire. Mr. Tracey Moreton lives there with his mother and wife Sarah. He introduces Branwell to them and to a neighbour, his cousin Clive. Branwell and the wife exchange glances but do not reveal that they had been lovers five years earlier in Hong Kong. Branwell reviews the fire damage and discovers, among several scorched paintings, one resembling the picture in the dream (an old and valuable distant view of the manor, by Bonnington) which is apparently irreparable.

The insurance company pays out on the damage and the painting. Months later, in a new case, Charles Highbury, known as "The Singing Miner," makes an insurance claim for loss of his voice. He has a black eye, given to him by his wife upon discovering him having an affair with a Mrs. Vere Litchen. Branwell visits Litchen, to see she possesses a painting resembling the apparently destroyed work. Later, he confirms that the manor house is indeed the one in the landscape and he enquires about its provenance. The investigation points to Sarah having sold the painting and making a false insurance claim.

Branwell educates himself on how to spot fake paintings and, believing the occupants to be away, breaks into the manor one night to inspect the authenticity of the paintings. Finding Moreton's dead body downstairs, where it had fallen from a first floor balcony, and, nearby, a distinctive smoking cigarette, he becomes aware a fire has been started in the cellar. He tries to extinguish it, but is unsuccessful. After calling the fire brigade, pretending to be Tracey Moreton, he escapes. The fire destroys the house and any remaining paintings (which Branwell now knows to be fakes). He invents an injury to pass handling of the case to his boss and keeps silent about what he knows for Sarah's sake. In due course, the insurance company settles a £30,000 claim on Sarah Moreton.

Time passes. Sarah visits Branwell, but he is convinced she is implicated. After a misunderstanding, a relieved Branwell realises Sarah is innocent of the arson and goes to show her photo to Mrs. Litchen's rich fiancé, Croft, who confirms Sarah is not the woman who sold him the painting. He apologises to Sarah and they agree to return the payout. He proposes, and they marry in haste before departing on a honeymoon to France.

In France, Sarah is horrified to receive a ring in the post that Tracey Moreton always wore and the couple immediately cut short their honeymoon. In London, she and Branwell are blackmailed for half the payout through an agent representing an individual who clearly knows of the insurance scam. The police are becoming suspicious and question Branwell.

The Branwells follow the agent to the premises of an Ambrosine, the forger of the paintings, and discover she was the painting's seller and is in league with Clive Fisher. Arriving, Fisher confesses to the blackmail but denies Moreton's murder and any connection to the ring. Back in their hotel room, the couple discover that Sarah's poodle has been kidnapped. Sarah later finds a cigarette butt left by the kidnapper that Branwell had hidden. Sarah recognises the brand and goes to Lowis Manor, pursued by Branwell, who finds Sarah with Tracey's mother, Mrs. Moreton. The old lady acknowledges she had suspected her son was intent on destroying the manor as an insurance fraud and had been in the house when her son died. They had argued and, in a fit of rage, Tracey had fallen from the balcony to his death. Mrs. Moreton had kidnapped the poodle and sent the ring to pressure the Branwells into staying silent and thereby preserving her dead son's reputation. The scene dissolves to a board meeting at the adjuster's offices where Mrs. Moreton is finishing her confession. Branwell resigns as a matter of honour, but on leaving is intercepted by board members keen to persuade him to stay in his post.

T-Force (film)

A terrorist group led by Sam Washington (Vernon Wells) seizes the British embassy in downtown Los Angeles, killing hostages. All seems lost, but the T-Force, the world's first fully cybernetic law enforcement team is deployed and within minutes, more than thirty terrorists are dead. One member of the T-Force is destroyed Athens (R. David Smith). Upon learning this Adam (Evan Lurie), one of the members of T-Force, goes too far and shoots a disarmed and surrendering female terrorist (Spice Williams-Crosby). He then destroys a terrorist helicopter with six hostages on board including the U.N. Ambassador Chris Olsen (Clement von Franckenstein) with a grenade launcher. Mayor Pendleton (Erin Gray) and Chief Richman (Duke Stroud) of the LAPD decide to shut down the program and disassemble the cybernauts despite protest from the cybernaut's chief scientist Dr. Jon Gant (Martin E. Brooks).

Perceiving their shutdown a threat to their self-preservation, Adam, Mandragora (Jennifer MacDonald) and Zeus (Deron McBee) rebel and go on a killing rampage by targeting the mayor and the chief. Lieutenant Jack Floyd (Jack Scalia) of the LAPD teams up with Cain (Bobby Johnston), one of the cybernauts who chose to obey the law, to hunt down the renegade cybernauts and destroy them.


Middle Edo Period—One state becomes the gathering place for sinful martial artists, who believe in nothing other than power, knowing no other way-of-life than letting oneself go wild in battle. That powerful state is Unabara, the "Haunt of Demons"...

Naosata Washitzu, the ''daimyō'' of Unabara, is looking for his successor. Calling upon his 31 sons, he tells them to search for whomever they believe to be the strongest martial arts style in the land. Once these 31 styles have been chosen, a great competition called "The Grand Tournament of Unabara" will be held. Pitting themselves against each other, these fighting styles will battle until one emerges victorious. The winner shall be known as the 'strongest fighters in the land', and the son who sponsored them shall become the Daimyo's successor.

In the mountains of Unabara lies the doujo of the "Ogame Ryū" (Giant Tortoise Style). There, Naoyoshi Washitzu, one of the 31 sons of Naosata Washitzu, comes in search of the legendary swordsman, Jinsuke Kurogane, the man known as "The Thousand Man Slayer". When he arrives he discovers that Jinsuke has disappeared and not been seen for several years. Instead he encounters Jinsuke's son, Gama Kurogane. After testing Gama's fighting style and skills, Naoyoshi invites Gama to fight for him in the upcoming tournament. Desiring to become stronger, Gama agrees to his offer, and here marks the beginning of Gama's quest to become the strongest of all...

The Grand Tournament of Unabara

'''Round One''' – The 31 styles will be split into eight groups with 4 to 5 styles per group. For one month the styles in each group will battle each other in whichever way they please, be it one-on-one or an all-out-brawl. When the leader of a style admits defeat, they may be beheaded or spared by the victor. At the end of the month, the style that emerges victorious from each group will move on to the second round. '''Round Two''' – The 10 victorious styles from the first round will battle each other at the same time. The condition for victory against another style will be taking the head of the Daimyo's son who sponsored that style. There is no limit on how many heads can be taken, however, only one head needs to be presented in order for a style to move on to the third round.

Macedonia (comics)

''Macedonia'' opens with Heather Roberson, a student of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, arguing with a professor about the inevitability of war. Roberson argues that it is avoidable, while the professor argues that it is not. Roberson cites Macedonia, which avoided civil war unlike some other former states of Yugoslavia, as an example. Roberson decides to make this the subject of her thesis, and travels to Macedonia to carry out her research.

Once inside the country, Roberson sees the tense relationship between the majority Macedonians and the Albanians, the largest minority. She travels to the cities of Belgrade (in Serbia), Skopje, and Tetovo, conducting interviews with an ombudsman, professors, and a police trainer.

Heat Lightning (film)

Olga (Aline MacMahon) runs an isolated gas station and restaurant in the stifling hot desert somewhere in the American Southwest with her discontented younger sister Myra (Ann Dvorak). The sisters clash when Olga forbids Myra from going to a dance with her boyfriend Steve.

That same day, chance sends Olga an unexpected and unwelcome customer, ex-boyfriend George (Preston Foster). Unbeknownst to her, George and his nervous partner Jeff (Lyle Talbot) are on the run from the police after a botched robbery that left two men dead, killed by George. Initially intent on sneaking across the border to Mexico, George decides to stay awhile when two jewelry-laden, wealthy divorcees, "Feathers" Tifton (Glenda Farrell) and "Tinkle" Ashton-Ashley (Ruth Donnelly), are stranded there for the night by their long-suffering chauffeur Frank (Frank McHugh).

Frank pretends there is something wrong with their car so he can have a rest from driving. Olga, the mechanic, plays along. When Mrs. Ashton-Ashley becomes worried about a large Mexican family spending the night nearby, Olga offers to store the women's valuables in her safe.

George manipulates Olga's feelings, reviving the love she once felt for him. Though she knows better and tries to resist, she eventually succumbs to his charms, and they sleep together. This gives Myra the opportunity to sneak away to meet Steve. Myra returns later that night, terribly upset after having been taken advantage of by Steve. When Olga starts berating her for going off with her boyfriend, she responds by revealing she saw George leaving Olga's bedroom. The two miserable women then comfort each other.

Meanwhile, George orders Jeff to open the safe. Jeff is reluctant to cause trouble for Olga, but gives in when George pulls out his gun. Olga overhears George say he slept with her just to set up the theft. She gets her pistol and shoots him. As he lies dying, he apologizes to her. Olga lets Jeff go.

Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror

After losing her mother at a young age, Haruka has treasured the hand mirror she had received from her. As she grew older, she forgot about the mirror and eventually lost it. One day, she decides to go to a local shrine and pray to Inari for the hand mirror to be returned to her. After a brief nap, she drops her house key under the steps, but when she retrieves them, a small fox/pig-like creature, takes her key. She follows the creature into the woods, and comes across a small pool with one of the eggs offered at the shrine. She dips her hand into it but is sucked through the pool and lands in a cart with the creature.

The creature, named Teo, explains to Haruka she is in the world of the neglected, made of forgotten things because his race cannot make things themselves. Haruka agrees to give him her keychain if he can help her find the mirror. With Haruka in disguise, the two board a tram cart to the main town on Oblivion Island. After asking several vendors, Haruka discovers that the mirror has magical powers, and it was kept by the Baron, the leader of the land who hovers in an airship, but that it was stolen. A group of bullies try to remove Haruka's mask, but Teo and Haruka escape.

At a theater area where they project the memories of neglected things. Haruka recognizes her stuffed animal named Cotton, who is upset that Haruka neglected him. When the bullies bust in with a large ostrich-like contraption, Haruka grabs Cotton and they escape. At Teo's place, Haruka learns Teo wants to build a real airplane. Cotton shares that the mirror was taken by a group of underground bandits called the Petitloss. While Teo goes to get water, he is captured and delivered to the Baron, who orders him to help Haruka find the mirror but bring it to the Baron, who will neglect his crime and will also give him a huge reward of stamp cards.

Haruka, Teo and Cotton head into the lair of the Petitloss. They soon find themselves attacked by Petitloss and a large Petitloss creature. Cotton removes the threads from the large creature and Haruka finds her mirror. Although they escape the underground area, the Baron arrives to seize the mirror and to abduct Haruka. Teo is left with a pile of stamp cards but he is upset about his choice to betray his friend.

The Baron tries to make Haruka swallow an Oblivion Drop in order to remove her memories. Teo tells the townsfolk that humans are actually good. He gives away his stamp cards, and the townsfolk build him a plane, which he flies. Cotton rallies the petit-loss to raid the airship, and Haruka breaks free. The Baron activates a bunch of robots using the power of the mirror to grab Haruka, but she falls off the airship, and hangs by a banner. Cotton attacks the Baron but he rips Cotton in two and tosses it. Haruka dives after Cotton and falls, but Teo rescues her in the plane. The Baron's airship attacks the plane. It falls onto a tunnel track but they reverse it in time to get out. They crash into the airship. Teo and Haruka climb the inside and the array of the other mirrors to try to get the hand mirror. The Baron tries to stop them, but Haruka grabs the mirror and it activates. Haruka finds herself inside the mirror which shows memories of her family life; she cries. The Baron chases them out of the mirror but accidentally damages the airship, causing all his mirrors to fly around. Teo snatches the mirror as the Baron falls and the airship crashes and is destroyed. The Baron is reduced to a mask-less creature and flees. Later, Teo sends off Haruka and Cotton through the portal, where she returns to the temple and calls her dad to meet him for dinner.

Mister Drake's Duck

Mr. Drake (Douglas Fairbanks Jr.) inherits "Green Acres Farm" in Sussex, in the English countryside, and moves in with his new American bride Penny (Yolande Donlan). Through a misunderstanding, Penny unexpectedly finds herself the proud owner of 60 ducks. She is further astonished when one of the ducks begins laying radioactive eggs. As the news spreads, the Drakes find themselves under siege by the army. "Green Acres Farm" is designated a prohibited area, and all its inhabitants and visitors made prisoners. "Operation Chickweed" is formed: a bureaucratic concern wherein the army, Navy and Air Force all lay separate claims upon the atom-age duck.

Jumping for Joy

Willie Joy (Frankie Howerd) works at a greyhound track as a cleaner, which involves his picking up droppings from the dog track between races. He is tricked into standing in the line of the lure and falls on it as it speeds passed with the dogs chasing it. He gets fired. This times itself with a useless dog also being let go by an owner (Bert Benton) and Joy plays a small sum and takes it home. His landlady is less than pleased at a dog in his room and evicts him.

He meets Captain Montague (Stanley Holloway) and together they hatch a plan to make money from the dog. They give it the name of "Lindy Lou".

To play the part Joy steals a top hat and tails to wear to the races at White City Stadium (London). When Lindy starts to prove herself at the trials Benton wants to buy her back.

Wandering around the East End he foolishly enters a snooker hall and flashes £20 around. A pretty girl tries to hustle him out of the money by playing a snooker set. Various crooks use Joy as an unwitting collaborator in fixing races and placing large bets.

The crooks pass doped meat to be given to the dog but Joy and Montague eat it themselves. The crooks find them asleep but cannot find the dog. They detach the Captain's railway carriage home and move it onto an active railway line. When they awake they are told by a local that they are near Doncaster. The dog is rescued just before the carriage is hit by a train. They re-encounter Lord and Lady Cranfield (from whom he earlier stole the suit) and they give him a lift to the White City.

Lindy Lou wins the Gold Cup but only due to a distraction in crowd as Joy hits a policeman to ensue a whistle is blown. He is arrested and recognises the distinctive shoes of Haines of Scotland Yard as the ringleader of the crooks.

He also gets mixed up with criminals who want to fix the race by doping dogs. The greyhound in the film called Lindy Lou was actually a racing greyhound called Moyshna Queen from Wandsworth Stadium.

The Girl from Maxim's

A doctor tries to pass off a singer as his wife in Paris in 1904.

Triple Trouble (1950 film)

The boys are on their way home from a masquerade party when they hear noises in a warehouse and decide to investigate. They find the warehouse is being robbed and they are mistakenly captured by the police and sentenced for robbing it. Gabe, as their lawyer, gets them off with just probation but Slip insists that he and Sach accept jail time in order to find out who is behind the series of robberies in the neighborhood. He deduces that the instructions are being sent from inside the prison via a short wave radio.

Upon entering the prison they are mistaken for notorious criminals and make fast friends with the masterminds behind the robberies. Whitey, who owns a short wave radio, overhears the plans and informs Louie who runs out into the street and tells the police of the plans that his sweet shop will be robbed next. The cop doesn't believe him, but eventually Louie is able to persuade the warden of the prison when Whitey hears about a jailbreak attempt. The warden sets up a sting operation and catches the gang that was behind the robberies and the boys are exonerated.

Across the Sea (Lost)

Washed ashore on the island, a pregnant woman named Claudia (Lela Loren) encounters an unnamed woman (Allison Janney); both speak Latin. The woman helps Claudia give birth to her son, whom she names Jacob. Another boy is born, unexpectedly. The woman kills Claudia and raises the twins as her own, keeping them ignorant of the outside world. She teaches them to be distrustful of humanity, which she regards as corrupt and dangerous.

At age 13, Jacob's brother (the future Man in Black) finds a Senet game. Jacob (Kenton Duty) asks about the box and his brother (Ryan Bradford) asks him to keep it secret, but the woman sees through Jacob. She confronts Jacob's brother and claims she left the box for him, telling the young boy that he is "special". When the boy persists in asking about their origins, the woman explains that she came from her own mother, who is now dead, adding that the boys will never need to worry about death.

After following a boar, Jacob and his brother discover other people on the island. The woman warns the brothers to avoid the other people; she reluctantly decides to show the brothers a mysterious tunnel filled with light and an underground stream. She claims that one of them will eventually be its caretaker, and that she has made them incapable of harming each other. The woman explains that the light is highly coveted and warns, "If the light goes out here, it goes out everywhere."

Soon after, the brothers are playing the game and Jacob is frustrated at his brother's rules. Suddenly, a vision of Claudia appears to the young Man in Black. She reveals herself as their birth mother, and claims the other people came to the island with her. The young Man in Black confronts the woman about Claudia's claims, and attempts to convince Jacob to join the other people with him. However, Jacob refuses and stays with the woman.

Over the course of the next 30 years, Jacob (Mark Pellegrino) visits his brother (Titus Welliver) at the camp he shares with the other people. The Man in Black reveals they have discovered a way to leave the island by digging wells in spots where "metal behaves strangely". Jacob declines his invitation to leave.

When the woman hears of what the Man in Black is doing, she visits him and learns he and the others have constructed a giant wheel down a well. He tells her that his people have dug into the light from other locations on the island, and plan to create a system that will allow them to leave. Upon hearing this, she knocks the Man in Black unconscious. When he awakens, he discovers the people in the camp massacred, and the well completely filled in.

Meanwhile, the woman shows Jacob the tunnel of light again, explaining that Jacob is to succeed her in guarding it. She tells Jacob never to enter the tunnel, warning of a fate worse than death. Jacob reluctantly drinks a wine that the woman pours, and she proclaims, "Now you and I are the same."

Enraged by her actions, the Man in Black stabs the woman in the back and asks why she wouldn't let him leave the island. She replies that she loves him, and dies. Jacob retaliates by beating his brother, and throws him into the tunnel of light. The smoke monster emerges in his place. Jacob then finds the Man in Black's physical body and places it with the woman's in the cave where she lived, along with a pouch containing the black and white stones they used in the game.

In a repeat of a scene from the first season, now in a new context, the corpses and stones are found centuries later by Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) and Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), and dubbed Adam and Eve by John Locke (Terry O'Quinn).

Blues Busters

Sach develops an uncanny ability to sing, after having his tonsils removed, and Slip convinces Louie to turn his sweet shop into a night club, The Bowery Palace, after unsuccessfully trying to get Sach a singing job at a neighboring club, The Rio Cabana.

After Sach's singing makes him a star, Rick Martin, the owner of the now-rival club, tries to hire him away but is unsuccessful. Rick gets his lady friend, Lola, to get Sach to sign a contract with him, using the pretense that she is asking for his autograph. Rick then goes after the Bowery Palace's other star, Sally Dolan. She, however, does not want to go because Rick is after more than just her singing talent. She tips off Lola about what Rick is up to and Lola agrees to testify that Sach's signature was just an autograph and not a signed contract, thereby allowing him to return to the Bowery Palace. However, by this time Sach has gone to a doctor to help cure the "tickle in his throat' and he has lost the ability to sing.

City of Fathers

Kang-soo is a third-rate street thug in Busan; he's an alcoholic and gambling addict who's always on the run from loan sharks. But when his rebellious teenage son Jong-chul is diagnosed with kidney cancer, he tries to be a real parent for the first time and seeks out Jong-chul's biological father, Tae-suk, a pimp. Tae-suk, however, refuses to help.

Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1947 film)

When thieves rob his country estate, Bulldog Drummond uncovers a deadly jewel caper involving foreign agents trying to steal plans for a top-secret British aircraft.

Leather Gloves

Former boxer Dave Collins leaves the city to get away from his previous life to hide out in the southwest. He applies for a job in a sleepy old town and is immediately offered by bar owner Bernie, to fight the local champ, Vince Reedy. The prize if he wins is $200.

Dave agrees and starts training, assisted by an old drunk, Dudley. After a few days in town he meets the beautiful bar waitress, Cathy, who only has eyes for his opponent, Vince. Cathy wants Vince to lose so that he stops fighting altogether, marry her and start a family.

A wealthy widow named Janet Gilbert notices Dave and falls in love with him. She wants him to lose the fight and marry her. Dave offers Vince to lose the fight for $200. He also gets $100 as an advance payment from Bernie and asks Dudley to place a bet for $200 on Vince to win the fight.

Bernie finds out that Dave is planning to let Vince win, and they all bet on Vince to win. During the fight, Dave changes his mind and puts an effort into his boxing. He wins the fight and infuriates everyone who has placed bets on Vince. Dave barely escapes from being beat up, aided by Janet, and flees town, leaving Janet behind. He is happy for the sake of Cathy who is able to marry Vince, and that he has proven himself as a prize fighter. He finds a job at a ranch and puts an end to his fighting career for good.

Sunny Side of the Street (film)

Betty Holloway (Terry Moore) a receptionist at a major TV station hopes to secure a break for her singer boyfriend Ted Mason (Jerome Courtland), Betty enlists the aid of Laine. Mason's career really takes off when a team of TV writers discover that he's the childhood sweetheart of Gloria Pelly (Audrey Long), the daughter of an important sponsor.

Purple Heart Diary

During World War II, a singing trio goes out on tour entertaining wounded soldiers. They get involved with a severely wounded soldier who is in love with a nurse.

All Ashore

Three petty officers have returned from Korea on the battle cruiser , and disembark for long awaited shore leave in California. Skip and Joe have no money due to losses in a crap game, but their shipmate Francis "Moby" Dickerson has $300 ($ today) he won in poker. Skip and Joe have constantly taken advantage of Moby throughout their cruise and once again beg some money off him. Moby wishes to spend his leave on Santa Catalina but his shipmates take an unwilling Moby to an off-limits clip joint bar where bargirls and a bartender drug and rob them of all their money.

Waking up broke and guilty but wiser, Joe is determined to get Moby to Santa Catalina by using his scheming ability. Joe arranges their passage and $5 each in exchange for Moby working on the ship. Skip meets dancer Gay Knight where an impromptu dance session earns them some more money that entertained passengers throw at them. Gay takes them to her trailer park where the three have enough money for two of them to rent a cabin; Moby has to sneak in at night and sleep at the floor. Skip arranges more money and meals for a second day by having Moby work as a waiter in a night club. Moby meets Nancy, the daughter of the trailer park owner, when she hits him in the head with a horseshoe, but Skip later sweeps her off her feet and takes her for his own girl.

After entering the wrong cabin and unsuccessfully hiding from the two women living there, Moby becomes further dejected when he feels out of place accompanying his shipmates and their girlfriends to the beach. The unwanted Moby decides to return to the mainland. Having to wait half an hour for the next ship, Moby's luck changes when he meets Jane, whose motorboat is not working. In fixing the engine, Moby is thrown in the water. Jane takes Moby to her father's yacht where his uniform can dry out. She invites Moby to a party and her father, the Commodore, invites Moby to sail with them to the mainland. On the way to the party Jane's boat fails again with both Moby and Jane being thrown into the water as the boat comes to life and motors off without them.

Moby gets his confidence back by saving Jane, who cannot swim, and using his navigation skills to get them back to safety in Avalon. Jane's grateful father throws a party for Moby where he turns the tables on his scheming shipmates when the sheriff, who had arrested Joe and Skip, turn them over to Moby where he has them fanning him and Jane in the manner of servants.

Cruisin' Down the River

Beau Clemment, a singer in New York City, learns that he has inherited a riverboat once owned by his grandfather, Beauregard, who had won it from its captain, Thaddeus Jackson, in a game of chance. Jackson has been bitter ever since, his old acquaintance Humphrey Hepburn recalling how Beauregard also won the heart of the vessel's star performer, Melissa Curry.

Beau travels to Alabama to claim the boat, which he finds in something far less than ship-shape condition. Unsure whether to scrap it or sell what's left of it, Beau meets singer Sally Jane Jackson, granddaughter of Thaddeus, and they develop a mutual attraction. He elects to restore the vessel and launch it with entertainment and gambling. He even recruits Thaddeus's singing butler, William, to perform aboard ship.

Thaddeus objects to his ownership and presence, doing everything in his power to scuttle the venture. By the time the law catches up to it, Beau's boat has sailed into Georgia, out of its jurisdiction. Thaddeus, finally accepting the situation, is given a 50-50 interest in the boat with Beau, who is about to wed Sally Jane and become a part of the family.

While the Sun Shines

Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men. The first man is Colbert, a Frenchman residing in England. The second man is Joe Mulvaney, an American lieutenant. Difficulties ensue as Lady Elisabeth finds that due to these romances both her military career and her impending marriage are in danger.

So This Is Paris (1955 film)

Joe, Al and Davy are in Paris, three sailors on a furlough. They see the sights, but have their sights set on getting to know three girls, including Colette d'Avril, a nightclub singer, and Suzzane Sorrel, who has just had her purse snatched.

Each is in for a surprise. Joe finds out that Colette is Janie Mitchell, a girl from Brooklyn. She also is raising several orphans at home with financial aid from a male benefactor. Al, meanwhile, learns that Suzzane is a high-society lady who lives in a mansion.

Complications occur when Suzzane makes a play for Joe, giving him a kiss that is photographed and appears in the next day's newspapers. Janie is not happy about that, but is grateful when the sailors organize a fund-raiser for the kids after her benefactor's death. All the boys need to get back to their ship, but promise they will be back.

Full of Life

Writer Nick and his wife Emily are expecting their first child. When a necessary home repair proves too costly to afford, Nick must swallow his pride and visit his father, a proud immigrant stonemason with whom he has a difficult relationship, and ask him to do the work. Confronting the issues of religion and family tradition which have separated father and son causes Nick and Emily to reevaluate their lives and the things they value most.

Synanon (film)

Hooked on heroin, Zankie Albo is admitted to Synanon House, a rehabilitation center. Chuck Dederich, a recovering alcoholic, is in charge.

Zankie is placed in the care of Joaney during his early, painful stages of drug withdrawal. She, too, is a rehabbing junkie, and any further mistake on her part could permanently cost her custody of her child.

An attraction develops between Zankie and Joaney, resulting in jealousy from another man interested in her, Ben, a parolee and "graduate" of the center. Ben reports them to the center's officials after catching Zankie and Joaney in a romantic tryst. A patient who manages to get high on cough medicine is persuaded by Zankie to share it, leading to a tragic end.

Zankie while in a seedy motel room with Joaney shoots up heroin, which unbeknownst to him is bad. As he experiences a reaction to the drug, Joaney watches in horror; seconds later Zankie is dead from the overdose.

Whity (film)

In 1878 in the south west of the US, Ben Nicholson is the richest rancher of the area. A tough man who strikes a hard bargain, he has been outwitted by his second wife Katherine, a flirtatious intriguer. Of his two sons from the previous marriage, Frank is gay and the unfortunate David is a half-wit. There is a third son in the house however, born from the black cook Marpessa, who acts as butler: this is Whity.

Despite his capability, Whity gets humiliated and whipped. His only hope of any decency lies in his friendship with the town's saloon singer and whore, Hanna. She has landed a job back in the east and offers to take Whity with her, but he says he must stay with his family.

To trap Katherine, Ben arranges for a Mexican called Garcia to pretend he is a physician and to seduce her, confiding to her that Ben has not long to live. The plot succeeds but, rather than pay what he promised, Ben kills Garcia. When he learns that Hanna witnessed the murder, he pays her for her silence.

Excited by the prospect of inheriting the ranch, both Frank and Katherine try to get Whity to kill Ben. In the end, after repeated humiliations in a household where everybody is trying to seduce or kill each other, Whity decides he must at last act. He shoots all four Nicholsons and flees into the desert with Hanna, whose money he had earlier stolen and gambled away. Once their water is finished, they dance together as the sun sets behind them.

A Talent for Loving (film)

A gambler named Patten wins the deed to a Mexican ranch, but finds a curse has been placed on the place. Don Jose must marry off his beautiful, nymphomaniacal daughter to permanently free her of the curse.

Sound Off (film)

An obnoxious nightclub comedian at Ciro's is drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War. At his arrival at his basic training he meets a WAC Lieutenant and romantically pursues her. His activities irritate his drill sergeant and the entire army when he goes AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) for her. He is imprisoned and sentenced to thirty days hard labour that turns him into a soldier. Then he is shipped overseas to join the Special Services.


This adventure follows the story of a young navy man, his wife (Shirley Jones) and their baby son, Bobby aka ''Bobbikins.'' To his surprise, Dad discovers his son talks, not baby-talk or gibberish but has adult conversations with his father only. Bobbikins learns stock market tips and passes them to his Dad.

After making a killing on the stock market, problems really begin. The dad is presumed mad, the government is after him, and the break down of relations between the young couple ensues. But there is hope.

Hall Pass

Best friends Rick and Fred are in stagnant marriages with their wives, Grace and Maggie. The two discuss how they miss their single days, so Grace and Maggie give them a "hall pass": a week during which they can have sex with other women. Rick and Fred try to pick up women with their friends Gary, Flats, and Hog Head while Maggie and Grace decide they should get hall passes, too.

On day one of hall pass week, Rick and Fred decide to eat before going to a local bar but become too tired after eating to stay out longer.

On day two, they eat hash brownies and play golf but get too high and wreak havoc on the golf course.

On day three, Rick and Fred go to a bar with their friends but fail to impress the women there. They get drunk to loosen up, but wind up getting into a bar fight. They spend day four suffering from hangovers.

On day five, Rick goes to his favorite coffee shop, where he flirts with the attractive waitress named Leigh, angering her co-worker Brent, who wants her for himself. Rick and Leigh later meet at her gym and she invites him for a beer after they work out. Rick falls asleep in the hot tub for several hours, leaving his muscles too weak to use; two naked men have to help him leave. Meanwhile, Grace and Gerry get closer, and Maggie finds herself attracted to Gerry's coach.

On day six, Rick and Fred go to a bar with their single, womanizing friend Coakley, where Rick meets his children's babysitter Paige, who has just turned 21 and is partying with her aunt Meg. Paige is attracted to Rick, but he turns her down to dance with Leigh. Later, Rick parties at Coakley's while Fred takes a girl to his hotel room. However, she feels sick and, after a minor incident in the bathroom, is sent home in a taxi by Fred before anything happens. Later that evening, Meg shows up at the room and mistaking Fred for Rick, seduces him.

Meanwhile, Gerry's coach tries to seduce Maggie but she rebuffs him. Grace, on the other hand, has sex with Gerry but tells him she can't see him again; he agrees, saying she is too old for him. On her way back home, she feels guilty about cheating on Fred and has a car accident.

At Coakley's house, Leigh offers Rick casual sex. To his own surprise, Rick turns her down, saying he loves Maggie too much to cheat on her. After answering Fred's phone, Rick learns of Grace's accident and rushes to the hotel to tell him. In the lobby he finds Paige, who thinks he was having sex with Meg. They enter the room and find Fred with her. After finding out he's not Rick, Meg kicks Fred in the face.

On hearing about Grace's accident, Fred tries to go to the hospital but finds Brent vandalizing what he thinks is Rick's car because of jealousy over Leigh. On seeing Meg (his mother) at the hotel, Brent thinks Fred has had sex with her and tries to kill him, but Paige and Meg tackle him. Rick and Fred go to the hospital with Brent and the police in pursuit. At the hospital, Brent is arrested for attacking them.

Rick goes home to Maggie. He tells her he did not use the hall pass and confesses that she is the only woman he has ever been with. Moved, Maggie tells him she did not use her hall pass, either, and they reconcile and have sex for the first time in months.

Fred and Grace also reconcile and decide to stick to not divulge, as per the 'hall pass'. However, Fred ultimately reveals that he had sex with Meg when Grace asks him to take her to see Kathy Griffin.

During the credits, Fred hosts a barbecue where he pays Kathy Griffin to be present. Gary's wife suggests that she give him a hall pass. Gary imagines sleeping with a married woman and then being forced to kill her, her entire family, and several bystanders and being raped in prison; but he then shrugs it off and agrees to "give it a whirl".

Vice Squad (1953 film)

A married undertaker having an affair, Jack Hartrampf, is a reluctant eyewitness to the shooting of a Los Angeles cop. He does not wish to testify, but captain of detectives "Barney" Barnaby is just as determined. After a bank robbery pulled by Alan Barkis and his gang, another policeman is gunned down and a bank teller is taken hostage. Escort agency madam Mona Ross is willing to help Barnaby with the case for a fee. Barnaby places one of Barkis' partners, Marty Kusalich, under arrest until Marty implicates the real killer. Pete Monte steals a boat in an attempt to get Barkis to freedom, but Barnaby and his lieutenant, Lacey, arrive in the nick of time.

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue (film)

Thugs working for union boss Al Dahlke ambush and shoot Solly Pitts, an honest man who hires longshoremen on the docks. Solly is wounded and hospitalized, looked after by wife Madge, who trusts Lt. Tony Vosnick to see that justice is done.

The district attorney, Howard Rysdale, turns over the investigation to a relative novice, Bill Keating. As his marriage to fiancee Daisy Pauly draws near, Keating tries in vain to get longshoremen to speak with him about activities on the docks. An intermediary tries to persuade Keating to collude with Dahlke, who issues vague threats after Bill rejects him.

Witnesses are intimidated and discredited by attorney John Jacob Masters in court, and Bill and Daisy receive an anonymous death threat on their wedding day. Keating goes to the docks for a direct confrontation with Dahlke's men and triggers a near-riot. As the dust settles, the men hear on the radio that Solly's attackers have been found guilty.

Anna Lucasta (1958 film)

At the family home in Los Angeles, patriarch Joe Lucasta learns that his friend Otis has sold a farm in Alabama, distributing the proceeds to his children. Otis' son Rudolph is bringing his share to California, where Otis hopes that Joe can find a wife for Rudolph. Joe's son Stanley and son-in-law Frank hope to get the money by being the ones to find Rudolph a wife. Though uninterested in the money, Joe's wife Theresa suggests youngest daughter Anna, whom Joe put out of the house sometime earlier. Theresa believes Anna is good and sees a chance for her to get a fresh start. Stanley, Frank, and Frank's wife Stella who's also Anna's and Stanley's sister regard Anna as a "slut", but will try to make her seem respectable to deceive Rudolph. Joe objects to their designs on Rudolph's money and to Anna returning, as he also holds her in low regard. Eventually, Frank browbeats Joe into going to Anna's last known whereabouts, a dockside cafe in San Diego, to bring her home.

The cafe is Anna's regular haunt, as she leads a day-to-day existence seducing sailors for meals, drinks and board. As the cafe is closing, she has no place to spend the night. Just then, Danny Johnson arrives looking to renew his acquaintance with Anna. His naval enlistment ending, he asks her to move in with him, though he's uninterested in marriage. As Anna parties with Danny, Joe arrives and asks her to come home. Anna consents, but after her arrival, Joe angrily rebuffs her efforts to rebuild their relationship.

Soon thereafter, Rudolph arrives in town. Having expected Rudolph to be a rube, Frank is disappointed to discover that he's a college graduate, unlikely to be fooled by Anna's guise of respectability. Furthermore, Rudolph's only interest is getting a job, the search for a wife having been more his father's concern than his own. When Rudolph meets Anna, however, he's smitten and they begin a romance. Anna tells him of her ejection from the household - Joe had become angrier than she'd ever seen a person when boys took interest in her (but later it appears he was unnaturally jealous), so he falsely accused her of promiscuity and threw her out. After she confesses the truth of her life in San Diego Rudolph says that he still loves her, and Anna agrees to marry him.

As Anna is alone in the family home after the wedding, Danny arrives, responding to her letter asking him to come. She informs him that after sending the letter, she fell in love and got married. Danny protests, but Anna is insistent and he surrenders. As Danny is leaving, Joe comes home, declaring his intention to break up Anna's relationship with Rudolph. Anna begs Joe to allow her to begin a new life and be happy. Danny sticks up for Anna, offering to beat up Joe to prevent him from disrupting her marriage. But Joe says that he's ruined Rudolph's job opportunity by informing the employer about Anna's past. He says that he'll do the same any place Rudolph seeks work. As Anna breaks down into tears and Joe flies into a rage, Danny pulls Anna away and takes her out of the house.

Danny and Anna head back to San Diego and spend days partying before deciding to move to Brazil. Danny needs time to raise money for ship's passage, but Anna wants to leave immediately and remembers she has money at the Lucasta home. When she and Danny return to retrieve it while the family is at church, they find Joe on his deathbed. While Danny goes to call a doctor, Anna stays with Joe as he deliriously addresses her as though she were a little girl, calling her his "angel" as he had before their relationship soured. Joe implores Jesus to watch over Anna, who is so overwhelmed that she's unable to respond to him before he dies.

Danny observes Anna weep inconsolably over Joe and looks at a joyful picture of the two of them during Anna's childhood. He then quietly exits the house. As he's about to drive away, he smiles upon seeing the family, including Rudolph, returning from church. As Danny drives off, Rudolph notices him and realizes that Anna is in the house. He excitedly rushes past the others and runs inside.

The Best of Enemies (1961 film)

In 1941 "Abissinia" (Ethiopia) in Italian East Africa during the Second World War, British Army Major Richardson (Niven) is taken prisoner by an Italian detachment on the march in the desert when the pilot (Wilding) of his reconnaissance airplane manages to crash. He is questioned by Captain Blasi (Sordi), but gives only his name, rank and serial number. A British night attack is repulsed, but Italian Major Fornari is killed, leaving Blasi in charge. As time goes on, Blasi and Richardson come to irritate each other.

Blasi decides to let the two escape to tell their superiors how ineffectual his force actually is in the hope that the British will not think them worth bothering about. However, Richardson is ordered to take his motorized squadron and round up Blasi's unit. Blasi and his men reach a fort, where supposedly the rest of their forces are rallying, but they find only abandoned equipment. Minutes later, Richardson's armored cars show up. Blasi, under the prodding of his friend Bernasconi, reluctantly agrees to surrender, though he is angry at what he considers his betrayal at Richardson's hands. He balks at Richardson's terms and has his Italian infantrymen sneak out the back, ordering most of his African soldiers to remain behind and surrender in an hour given as a deadline.

Furious at being made a fool of, Richardson chases them into hilly terrain, against Captain Rootes' advice. After Blasi dismisses four African tribal warriors for misbehaving, they sneak behind the British and set a fire in the forest which destroys their armored cars and supplies. Both sides flee to an island in a nearby lake.

After the fire dies down, they start marching across the desert, the outnumbered Italians as prisoners of war. When they reach a native village, the headman states he supports the Allied side and asks for the Italians' weapons and the Italians themselves, but Richardson refuses to part with either. They stop in an abandoned village because a British officer is too sick to be moved, only to find themselves surrounded by many hostile natives, led by the headman Richardson dealt with before. While they wait, Richardson and Blasi become acquainted. Richardson makes the decision to arm the Italians, but then discovers they left the Italian ammunition behind. He decides to have everyone sneak away, six at a time, down a gully, but that just makes it easier for the natives to capture them. After their weapons and boots are stolen, they are allowed to leave and take their war away with them.

They reach a road. Blasi is delighted to find a road sign that indicates they are 150 miles behind Italian lines. He and his men march away. Shortly afterward, however, Richardson encounters a British convoy on its way to a victory celebration; the Italians have been defeated. Blasi and his men are recaptured. The two units meet again at a railway station. Richardson has his men present arms to show his new-found respect.

Wikipedia:Help desk/Archives/2010 March 12

Is writing an unreferenced plot summary considered OR? ''' Kayau ''' ''Voting'' IS evil 14:23, 12 March 2010 (UTC) :Should be fine but please have a look at WP:PLOTSUM before you do anything. Zain Ebrahim (talk) 14:25, 12 March 2010 (UTC) ::Ah, thanks. Didn't know there's such a great essay out there. ''' Kayau ''' ''Voting'' IS evil 14:27, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

A Girl Must Live

Running away from her finishing school in Switzerland, Leslie James (a false name taken from a musical star of the past) finds a room in a London boarding house. There she learns from two other lodgers, Gloria and Clytie, that there will be an audition for a new musical that day, at which all three win places in the chorus line. Gloria meanwhile, tipped off by her conman cousin Hugo who plans to make plenty of money out of the deal, has caught the eye of the bachelor Earl of Pangborough. Her roommate Clytie, also keen on what profit she can extract, tries to detach him at the first night party but instead of these brash blonde showgirls he prefers the quiet brunette Leslie.

He invites the whole cast to spend the weekend at his country mansion, just so that he can get closer to Leslie. Despite spirited competition from Gloria and Clytie, manipulation from Hugo, and hostility from the Earl's aunt, she keeps his interest. Terrified however that she will be exposed as a runaway schoolgirl using a false name, she flees the house in the middle of the night. Abandoning his guests, the Earl gives chase and his pursuit ends with the two marrying.

The Cutting Edge: Fire and Ice

Alexandra "Alex" Delgado's figure skating career came to an abrupt halt after her partner (on and off the ice) became injured. As their love affair cooled, a heart-broken Alex stopped competing and turned to teaching. Enter James McKinsey, the smoldering bad boy of speed skating, who has had fiery Alex in his sights as a skating partner ever since he was banned from speed skating. There are not many girls who say no to James, and Alex may well be the first. However, James pushes her buttons, challenging her like no one else and her fighting spirit returns. She agrees to be his partner and they begin a grueling practice regimen fueled (and occasionally derailed) by their own tempestuous relationship which heats up as they get closer to competition. But will their passion destroy Alex's chance to bring home the gold again?

Sexual Healing (South Park)

The new edition of the ''Tiger Woods PGA Tour'' series of video games incorporates elements of the alleged physical altercations Woods had with his wife regarding his extramarital affairs, and resembles a fighting game more than a golf simulation. Cartman, Stan, Kyle and Kenny become big fans of the game. Meanwhile, scientists at the Center for Disease Control determine that sex addiction is a disease reaching epidemic proportions. They decide to screen schoolchildren for the disease, and Kenny, Kyle, and Butters are diagnosed as sex addicts. Kenny is killed after attempting autoerotic asphyxiation while in a Batman suit, while Kyle and Butters are sent to attend a therapy session for sex addicts consisting of Michael Douglas, Michael Jordan, Ben Roethlisberger, David Duchovny, Charlie Sheen, David Letterman, Bill Clinton, Billy Bob Thornton, Kobe Bryant, Eliot Spitzer, and Tiger Woods.

When performing an experiment on chimpanzees, the CDC determines that money is somehow responsible for infecting males with sexual addiction. Because an image of Independence Hall appears on the back of a $100 bill, they believe the origins of the disorder can somehow be traced there. They submit their findings to President Barack Obama, who believes that a virus for sex addiction had previously been brought to Earth by extraterrestrials. He accompanies a SWAT team on their raid on Independence Hall in search of the "wizard alien" that is responsible for the sex addiction epidemic. When one member of the team suggests that the mission is irrational and that sex addiction is simply an inherent part of the male ego, he is ordered by Obama to be hauled away.

Because Kyle also feels sex addiction is not a disease, but rather a natural male desire that can be kept under control with the proper discipline, others suggest he is somehow immune from the "spell" of the wizard alien. He is brought to Independence Hall along with Butters and both are given rifles by the SWAT team. The hauled-off SWAT member, gagged and bound in an alien wizard costume, stumbles into the room. On orders from the SWAT team, Kyle and Butters shoot the costumed officer dead and the "spell" is suddenly lifted. Woods announces he is cured of his sex addiction, and the next incarnation of his video game once again focuses on golf. Cartman and Stan reject the new game, with Stan proclaiming that "golf is stupid again."

On My Walk

Mothers and toddlers take a stroll through Vancouver streets and parks, hearing the sounds of animals around them, and find themselves caught in a summer rainstorm on a Kitsilano beach. The writing style is a unique sing-song rhythm employing children's onomatopoeia.

A Fatal Grace

Inspector Gamache investigates after CC de Poitiers, a sadistic socialite, is fatally electrocuted at a Christmas curling competition in the small Québécois town of Three Pines. CC, who had a "spiritual guidance" business based on eliminating emotion, was hated by seemingly everyone, including her husband, lover, and daughter. The crime links to a vagrant's recent murder as well as to the pasts of several other villagers.

There (film)

When the matriarch of an Istanbul family dies in a home for the elderly, the son and the daughter bury their mother and set off to find their father, a recluse in the family house on one of the Princes' Islands. As the three members of the family come together, it turns into a day of painful confrontations.

Men on the Bridge

Fikret (Fikret Portakal) earns a living by selling roses on the Bosporus Bridge. He also tries working in a restaurant, but it is not an improvement.

Umut (Umut İlker) is a dolmuş driver on the Taksim-Bostancı route. He and his girlfriend struggle to pay their apartment rent from their combined wages.

Murat (Murat Tokgöz) is traffic policeman on the Bosporus Bridge. He has dates with women he knows from chatting on internet. Some women are disappointed about his low wages.

The lives and dreams of these three men who live in the ghettos of the big city intersect unknowingly every day with each other's and those of millions of Istanbulites on the Bosporus Bridge, the heart of the city.

Dark Princess

The plot follows a character named Matthew Townes, a college student in his junior year at the University of Manhattan studying to be an obstetrician. Early in the novel, Townes is told that not only is he barred from pursuing his career aspirations, he is not allowed to finish his academic studies. His status as an African American disqualifies him in the early 20th century from completing required courses at a white obstetrics hospital, where he would be caring for white female patients.

Townes is devastated and goes to Germany in a kind of exile. There he meets Princess Kautilya of Bwodpur, India, daughter of a maharajah. She reassures Towns of the importance of the history of people of color in the world, and of their presence and impact of their beauty worldwide. The Princess takes him from his dreary American world with its strict binary divide by race. She introduces him to a vibrant world of prominent world leaders of color, while acknowledging some with negative influence on the progress of blacks in the United States. Du Bois is believed to be referring to the leader Marcus Garvey in his character Perigua.

The relationship between Townes and the princess develops; she bears his child, who by birthright is the Maharajah of Bwodpur. Townes had not thought it possible that an African American man might have such a connection to royalty.

How Are You? (film)

Semahat, whose parents emigrated to İstanbul from Sarajevo many years ago, decides to take a journey to her homeland in spite of her old age. Fatih, a film director, finds her story very interesting and wants to shoot the entire journey in the form of a documentary. Ufuk, a friend of Fatih’s, feels this journey will be an opportunity to leave behind the mess in his life and joins to help them. He records the story of the family on his camera while they are headed to Sarajevo. When they arrive, the journey will make them face the dreadful truths of the most recent war. There is no meaning of the past and no hope for the future for those who are struggling to survive.

Yendorian Tales: The Tyrants of Thaine

Following on from the story of Yendorian Tales Book I and Yendorian Tales Book I: Chapter 2, the seal on the wizard Paltivar has been broken and his return to the lands of Yendor is imminent. However, as dire as the threat from the great wizard is, the kingdoms in the land of Thaine are on the brink of war themselves and must be pacified if the wizard's threat is to be averted.

Yendorian Tales Book I: Chapter 2

Beginning with a seemingly insignificant quest, the hero was led to the mysterious Lost Isles of Yendor. Following the trail of a group of evil mages, the hero encountered civilisations of Gnomes, Elves, and Halflings. Throughout the journey, the hero learned that the evil Paltivar had found a way to communicate through portals. He was able to gain the loyalty of three mages, Simech, Cyril and Irudon. These mages unlawfully gathered many powerful reagents to construct a quartz chamber in Thaine. Eventually, the hero was able to defeat them. Unfortunately, their chamber was already complete, awaiting the eruption of a volcano. When filled with lava, this chamber will be activated and allow Paltivar to be freed from his eternal prison.

Lovelorn (film)

Nazım, a primary school teacher, returns to Istanbul from his posting in the east . He temporarily takes on a job as a taxi driver with the help of his friend Atakan. One night he picks up Dünya, a singer at a club and after striking up a friendship, becomes her driver. While Nazım is waiting for Dünya to finish her performance one night, she is attacked by a man. Dünya is injured, and is rushed to the hospital by Nazım.

Dünya reveals that he is her ex-husband Halil, who wants to take away their daughter Melek. Nazım takes Dünya and Melek into his home but Halil continues to stalk them. Halil reveals to Nazım that he still loves Dünya and wants to remarry her to start over a new life. After he gives his word, Dünya and Melek leave with them. Meanwhile, Nazım faces up to his failed obligations to his own children Mehmet and Piraye.

One day, Nazım gets a phone call from Dünya asking for protection from Halil who has gone back to his old ways. Nazım travels to meet Dünya at the otobus terminal, but Halil gets wind of this and confronts them there. Halil asks Dünya to sing a folk song to him for the last time, before he would let her go. Halil is euphoric when he hears Dunya singing passionately, but then realises that it isn't directed at him, but at Nazım. Halil becomes enraged and shoots Dünya. He then turns the gun on himself, after leaving Melek in Nazım's care.

The Illustrated Man (film)

Set in the backroads of America, the film enacts three of Bradbury's short stories set in the future, with Steiger as a man named Carl telling tales behind some of his tattoos, which he insists are not to be called tattoos, but only ever "skin illustrations", which come to life and tell the illustration's story when stared at directly. The stories are about virtual reality ("The Veldt"), a mysterious planet ("The Long Rain") and the end of the world ("The Last Night of the World"). Carl, accompanied by his dog, Peke, tells his tales to Willie, a traveler. The tie-in prologue tells of how Carl came to be tattooed after he encountered a mysterious woman named Felicia (Claire Bloom) in a remote farmhouse. The plot comes to a terrifying conclusion when Willie looks at the only blank patch of skin on Carl's body and sees an image of his own murder at Carl's hands. Willie attempts to kill Carl and then flees into the night, pursued by a still-living Carl, with the audience left undetermined as to Willie's fate.

Story summaries

Shaun the Sheep (video game)

The sheep have escaped and Shaun must find the rest of the flock before the Farmer comes home. Gamers play as Shaun and interact with favorite characters such as Shirley, Timmy, Bitzer and more as they adventure through their favorite scenes and explore areas from the series like the junk pile, the sheep pool and the circus tent. Players utilize the DS touchscreen and microphone as they experience three different gameplay modes: Story Mode, Mini-game Mode and Collection Mode and maneuver around obstacles, access hidden areas, and try their hand at eight unlockable mini-games and eight collectible slide puzzles. Five “micro” games offer players more interactivity and depth by showcasing memorable moments from the show such as saving Timmy from the circus high wire or making a ball of wool to distract Pidsley the cat.

Desirable (film)

Helen Walbridge (Verree Teasdale) is a famous actress who does not want her true age to be known. She, therefore, keeps her 19-year-old daughter (Jean Muir) secreted away in a boarding school.

Berlin 36

The athlete Gretel Bergmann wins the high jump championships in the United Kingdom. Since the Nazi racial laws prevented her continuing her training in Germany, being a Jew, her father had sent her to England, where she could live more safely and continue her sporting career.

At the Berlin Olympics in 1936, the Americans and the IOC (International Olympic Committee) demand that Jewish athletes are not to be excluded from the event, especially the high jumper Gretel Bergmann of international fame, thus putting the Nazi Olympic Committee in great difficulty. A victory by a Jewish athlete would seriously humiliate the Nazi party. When her family in Germany is threatened, Gretel returns to Germany. She is included in the German Olympic high jump team, seemingly with the same rights as the other athletes in the training camp.

Hans Waldmann, the coach of the team, is enthusiastic about the skills and discipline of Gretel and adopts a policy of impartiality based solely on sportsmanship. However, Waldmann is dismissed by Nazi party officials and replaced as coach by Sigfrid Kulmbach, loyal to the party. Kulmbach attempts, instead, by every means to discourage the young athlete and undermine her self-esteem.

Her roommate and sole competitor in talent is Marie Ketteler. Marie, however, is really a man, by whom the Nazis want to attain the gold medal in high jump. Between Marie and Gretel, despite numerous threats from outside, a friendship forms.

Despite being the most promising athlete in high jump training, Gretel is suddenly excluded from competition under false pretences, only a few days before the Games. She is replaced by Marie, the second best athlete.

Marie, however, behaves in strange ways: she never takes a bath with her companions, shaves her legs several times a day and has a deep voice. Gretel, therefore, discovers her true identity. Meanwhile, Marie discovers that Gretel was excluded from the race under false pretenses. So Marie decides to deliberately lose the final and decisive leap. The dislodged bar spells the shattering of hope of victory in the German officials, who are dumbstruck. Marie gains only the fourth place. Marie and Gretel, the latter observing the contest as a spectator, exchange a secret happy smile, for their common opposition led to the defeat of the cruel Nazi ambitions and ideals.

Hot Money

''Hot Money'' tells the story of three workers at the Bank of England incinerating plant in Essex. The trio, led by Bridget (Caroline Quentin), hatch a plan to steal thousands of pounds by stashing the notes in their underwear.

Song of the Trees

Eight-year-old Cassie Logan is woken up one sunny morning by her paternal grandmother, Big Ma. As she gathers herself together, she accidentally knocks into a chair. Prompted by Big Ma, she opens her bedroom window and gazes out into the field and examines the forest of trees that sits behind the house far back into the property. She admires them, but this is quickly short-lived as Big Ma tells her to get moving or else she'll whoop her.

Cassie goes to the kitchen where her mother, Mary, is preparing breakfast. Her older brother, Stacey, is also in the kitchen setting up the fire in the oven with one of her younger brothers, Christopher-John. Mary is scolding Christopher-John for eating all of the cornbread in the middle of the night. While she doesn't want to let her children go hungry, she tells Christopher-John to ease up on his appetite. At this time, it is learned that her husband and the children's father, David Logan, is down in Louisiana laying down tracks on the railroad to support the family. Cassie's other youngest sibling, Little Man, enters and they get into a brief fight over a stain on his pants from the day before. Little Man believes Cassie is responsible for the stain. Their fight is interrupted by Stacey, but Cassie and Little Man decide to settle their differences on the matter later without Stacey around to see them.

After breakfast, Cassie and her brothers go into the forest with their three cows and their offspring, walking them to a pond. It was a muggy morning, but the trees were keeping the heat out as their leaves blew above them. Cassie takes it as them singing and asks Stacey if he can see it too, but Stacey dismisses this and tells her that it's just the wind. Shortly after, Cassie asks Stacey about the well-being of their mother when overhearing her and Big Ma talk about medicine. Stacey assures her that their mother was alright but if she was ill, then it wasn't that serious for them to worry about. The kids leave the cows and their calves at the pond to drink water while they go out and pick blackberries.

Along the way, the kids decide to play a quick game of hide-and-seek. Cassie notices the leaves of the trees stop moving. When Stacey approaches her, she tells him that they "aren't singing anymore". Stacey tells them that they should pick the berries now before it got too late. They come across two white men, Mr. Andersen and his partner Tom, who are talking about cutting down the trees. The kids hide so they aren't noticed. Mr. Andersen hasn't gone to spoke to Big Ma yet about taking the trees but is planning to do that soon. Tom is worried about David's reaction as he doesn't make dealings with white folks. Mr. Andersen assures him that David won't be a problem since he doesn't own the land and sends Tom on his way to get his team of lumbermen to start cutting down the trees for him to claim. The Logan kids hurry back to the house where they find Mr. Andersen there talking to their mother and Big Ma. Mr. Andersen offered up sixty-five dollars and says that's more than what David would make in two months. Mary objects the offer, feeling they can make it with the amount David sends. Mr. Andersen says that anything could happen to David and he could get into an accident. This worries Big Ma who quickly accepts the offer, but the kids quickly come in to protest. Cassie scolds Mr. Andersen, saying that the trees were her friends and wasn't going to let him cut them down. Her mother grabs a hold of her and sends her off to her room.

That night, Cassie wakes up and looks outside the window of her room and sees Mama, Big Ma and Stacey on their mare, Lady. She asks her mother where Stacey was off to and Mary tells her that he was off to retrieve their father. Three days pass. On the fourth day since Stacey's departure, Cassie sees her mother walking alone through the forest. She decides to join her and ask how sick she was, remembering the conversation she had with Big Ma just days earlier. Mary tells her she was very much sick, but was going to feel better when David returned home. They enter into an area and see that many of the trees have already been cut down. The ones still standing had been marked with white X's to soon signal their cut-down. Mother and daughter held tight to each other and cried at the sight of this.

After they returned to the house, Little Man decided he wanted to go look at the destruction for himself. Ignoring his mother's orders not to go into the forest, he does so anyway with Cassie and Christopher-John following him. They come across Mr. Andersen and his team of lumbermen who spot them. Mr. Andersen orders the children to return home, but when they refuse, Mr. Andersen has a black man named Claude handle them. Claude grabs a hold of Little Man who fights his way from him and was eventually shoved down. Cassie charges towards Mr. Andersen, but is stopped by Claude who carries her off with Christopher-John trailing behind trying to get Claude to let him go. He leaves them off at the pond for them to make the rest of the trip home.

Not knowing where Little Man was, they go back to where Mr. Andersen and the lumbermen were and find him fighting with them. They fail to get him to stop and he hits Mr. Andersen in the leg with a huge stick. He quickly runs off, but is soon grabbed by the lumbermen. Cassie and Christopher-John order them to let him go and are also captured themselves. Christopher-John breaks free and charges at Mr. Andersen, kicking him in the shin twice. He is grabbed again by the lumbermen. The now angry Mr. Andersen takes off his belt and was about to whoop the children, but is stopped when Stacey appears with Lady and their father who is holding a black box. David orders his children to be released. Mr. Andersen, happy to see David, follows through with the request and assumes he's going to handle them. Stacey takes his siblings and lures them far away from the site.

When they're far enough, Stacey tells them that he and their father set up sticks of dynamite around the forest and the black box David is holding had a button that will trigger the dynamite and blow up everyone in sight including himself. If Mr. Andersen doesn't stop cutting down the trees. Mr. Andersen tries to talk David into going with the plan he and Big Ma set up. David refuses and the lumbermen sees he isn't playing around. Mr. Andersen's partner Tom suggest they leave. Mr. Andersen agrees and wants to take the logs they already cut down with them, but David prohibits this. The white men and the lumbermen leave the land empty handed. David stays in place until the men are all out of sight.

Afterwards, Cassie looks up at the trees to see if they will "sing" some more and does not receive an answer. They stay silent and their leaves don't move.

The Dragon's Lair (novel)

Barely one day after fulfilling his second mission for King Vandemere as Royal Reporter of the land of Serendair, young Charles Magnus Ven Polypheme—known as Ven—is off on another adventure. To keep them safe from the wrath of the Thief Queen, whose rage at their escape from the Gated City knows no bounds, the king sends Ven and his friends on an important mission.

Their journey takes them across a wondrous land filled with marvels—and danger. For the mission the king entrusts to Ven is a delicate one: to discover the cause of a dispute between two warring kingdoms. Unfortunately for Ven, the answer leads him straight into the lair of a very angry dragon…

Danger! and Other Stories

The story describes Britain's need to update its naval preparations. Norland, a fictional small country in Europe has been fighting England and is now invaded by an English army. However, Norland has a naval flotilla of submarines commanded by Captain John Sirius. Sirius uses his submarines to lay a naval blockade around the British Isles, so that no supplies can be landed. Consequently, the British start suffering famine. Some of the submarines are sunk and the British are congratulating themselves, when Sirius, waiting outside Liverpool, purposely torpedoes a large White Star liner, the RMS ''Olympic''. The British end up surrendering.

Stephanie's Image

A former model, Stephanie, is found murdered in her San Francisco apartment. Her boyfriend, Richard, whose body is also found at the scene, apparently killed her and then committed suicide. A photographer who worked closely with Stephanie decides to make a documentary about her life, a kind of memorial. She interviews those people closest to Stephanie, but she soon discovers that almost everything she’s been told about the crime is false, and everyone she interviews is lying. The circumstances surrounding Stephanie’s death become more and more contradictory and as the filmmaker struggles to find the truth she also realizes she may have played a frightening part in what happened to her friend.

Day & Night (2010 film)

''Day & Night'' follows two characters, Day and Night. Inside Day is a day scene with a sun in the center, and inside Night is a night scene with a moon in the center. Whatever goes on inside of Day or Night expresses normal events that typically occur within a day or night, respectively, and these events often correspond with actions or emotions that Day or Night express or receive. For example, when Day is happy he will have a rainbow inside him, and when Night is happy he will have fireworks inside him.

Day and Night meet and at first, they are uneasy about each other. They are dismissive of each other because each perceives the other as being different, and their prejudices result in a physical altercation between the two. However, as the characters discover the many fascinating events that occur in each other, they learn to appreciate them and learn to like one another. At the end of the film, the Sun descends in Day and rises in Night, so that when the Sun is at the same height above the horizon in each, both characters appear to be identical. As the Sun continues its course, Day becomes Night, and Night becomes Day.

Solos en la madrugada

José Miguel García, a thirty-seven years old radio announcer, has achieved professional success with his late-night radio show ''Solos en la madrugada'' (''Alone in the morning'') which is devoted to criticizing the government of ''caudillo'' Francisco Franco.The program has achieved the highest audience in the country. The space, full of irony, is directed to those men and women born during the Spanish civil war or in the years immediately after, whom he accuses of cowardice and failing in a life burdened by the past.

The journalist pessimistic point of views are a reflection of the dissatisfaction he faces in his own life. José Miguel is separated from his wife, Elena, with whom he has two children, whom he rarely sees. During this period of his life comes the opportunity to begin a new life with a girl named Maite, who belongs to a generation of war and the postwar period.

Chuck Versus the American Hero

Main plot

Chuck arrives in Washington, D.C. to be briefed on his new assignment in Rome and Beckman grants him a week's leave before shipping out when Chuck admits he doesn't feel he's ready. Beckman reveals that Chuck is not going to Rome alone, but will be allowed to assemble a team of agents of his choice. Chuck returns to Burbank, to meet the one person he wants most - Sarah.

Devon wants Chuck out of Burbank so Ellie also feels comfortable leaving. Morgan also agrees to help win Sarah back. They are soon joined by Casey, who sees Chuck's freedom in choosing his team as a chance to regain his government position. The three resolve to get Chuck and Sarah back together, but his first attempt fails when Sarah responds icily to his promotion. She admits after seeing him "kill" Hunter Perry, he's no longer the same man she fell in love with. Morgan, Casey and Devon refuse to let him quit, and borrow Jeff's spy gear-equipped van to kidnap Chuck and stakeout Sarah and Shaw on a date. While Morgan draws Shaw out of the restaurant by calling him in the guise of a Ring agent, Chuck moves in and lays out how he feels to Sarah. Shaw finds Morgan and the two are assaulted by ''actual'' Ring agents. Shaw attempts to get back to the restaurant to warn Sarah of the attack but is intercepted by other agents seeking to bring him in to the Director. Devon, thinking Shaw is going to interfere with Chuck and is unaware of the situation, tackles Shaw and they smash through a window, temporarily rescuing Shaw but disrupting Chuck's talk with Sarah.

The next morning, Ellie angrily confronts Chuck about coming to Devon, Casey and Morgan about Sarah and not her, and orders him not to give up on Sarah. Back at Castle, Shaw announces his intent to use himself as bait to target the Ring and its senior leadership in revenge for his wife's death. General Beckman approves of the plan, despite Sarah's objection that this is a suicide mission, saying Shaw will be a "true American hero", hence the episode title. Shaw swallows a tracking device to use as a target for an air strike and contacts the Director and agrees to come in. Chuck arrives as Shaw gives Sarah a goodbye kiss, and Shaw leaves after telling Chuck to take care of her. Sarah explains Shaw's intent to sacrifice himself, and that he can't be allowed to go alone. Chuck locks down Castle to trap her there, promising that Shaw won't be alone, then leaves to help Shaw. Sarah uses the connection between Castle and the Buy More to send a message to Casey, who soon arrives to free her from lockdown.

Shaw arrives at the rendezvous, where the Director's men forcibly extract the tracking device and take him to the compound where the Director is waiting. Chuck arrives and finds the tracker, and tipped off by Jeff and Lester (who were stalking Shaw after feeling left out of Chuck's efforts to get back Sarah), follows the Ring agents to their compound. In the bunker, the Director reveals to Shaw that before his death, Hunter Perry was smuggling stolen surveillance footage of Shaw's wife's death and plays it for him. Shaw snaps when the video shows that Sarah was the one to kill his wife and attacks the Director, who reveals he was never actually in the room, but that Shaw was interacting with a hologram. Shaw is then knocked unconscious. Meanwhile Chuck arrives as a B-2 begins its bombing run on the building. He fights his way through several Ring agents and rescues Shaw. Sarah pulls up in her car just in time to watch a bomb strike the building, and sees Chuck emerge unharmed with Shaw slung across his shoulders.

Back at Castle, Beckman congratulates Sarah, who admits that everything was done by Chuck. Chuck once again lays everything out to her and tells her that he loves her and wants to be with her, and repeats Sarah's previous offer in Prague by asking her to meet at the train station to run away together. He leaves her with a kiss and lets her make her own decision. Later, Casey arrives at Sarah's apartment to find her packing, and admits he was the one who killed Perry, noting that Chuck "didn't have the stones" to pull the trigger. At this confession, Sarah's face lights up, and she thanks Casey, who responds with wishing her a good life as he departs.

Before Sarah can leave to meet Chuck, Shaw arrives at her apartment, having escaped from the hospital, and tells her they have a new mission. While Chuck waits for her at Union Station, he is recalled by Beckman to Castle, where she shows him the video implicating Sarah in Evelyn Shaw's death. Chuck is shocked to realize that Shaw now knows the truth, and that Sarah is with him and in danger.

The episode ends as Shaw drives Sarah out to an undisclosed location to "settle an old score."

I Heart Vampires

The show is a parody of the fandom that surrounds popular vampire franchises like ''Twilight''.

Season One

Corbin and Luci, two best friends, run "I <3 Vampires" - a fansite for their favorite book, ''Confessions of a High School Vampire'', for which Corbin makes daily vlogs regarding the book series. When Luci receives an anonymous e-mail containing the first six chapters of the upcoming book in the ''Confessions'' series (derived from the online leak of part of the fifth Twilight book, Midnight Sun), the best friends are so excited that Corbin posts the chapters on "I <3 Vampires" without thinking about the consequences. When the books' author, Siona McCabre, learns that chapters of her new book have been leaked, and announces that she has halted the publication of the book indefinitely, Corbin and Luci take it upon themselves to find Siona and apologize, hoping that Siona will continue with the book's publication. With the help of Corbin's annoying neighbour, Wyatt, the three go on a quest to find Siona, which proves to be more difficult - and much more complicated - than they had originally thought.

Season Two

A year ago, Corbin and Luci found out that their favorite book, ''Confessions of a High School Vampire'', was more real than they ever could have imagined. Now the two are no longer friends, and have abandoned "I <3 Vampires," the fansite they created for ''Confessions''. They have also broken up with their supernatural boyfriends, Nick and Wyatt, and so Corbin is surprised when Siona McCabre, author of ''Confessions'' and mother to Corbin's ex-boyfriend Nick, asks Corbin to help her find Nick, who has been missing for several weeks. Corbin refuses. Three days later, Corbin learns that Siona has been killed, and so she makes her first vlog since abandoning "I <3 Vampires," in which she apologizes for leaving the fansite without an explanation. Corbin then goes missing, and it's up to her college roommate, ''Confessions'' fan Sam, to reunite Luci and Wyatt so that the three of them can find Corbin together.

The Noble Spanish Soldier

After enjoying the favours of Onaelia, niece to the duke of Medina, the Spanish king repudiates her and her son, Sebastian, making Paulina, daughter of the duke of Florence, his queen. On hearing this, the noble soldier Balthazar works on the conscience of the king to take back Onaelia. Despite the threat of civil war, the king refuses. Count Malatesta proposes to the queen that she pretend to be pregnant, to sound the hearts of the Spanish people. Roderigo, Lopez, and Valasco, dons of Spain, rally to the cause of their majesties against the duke of Medina's faction. Angered at her rival, the queen proposes to Balthazar the murder of Onaelia and her son, to which he pretends to acquiesce after receiving the king's command. But, loyal to Onaelia, Balthazar announces these plots to Medina, who disguises himself as a French doctor to gain access to the king.

When the disguised Medina speaks to the king, he becomes convinced of the legitimacy of the king's plot to murder his niece as well as Balthazar's loyalty. To appease the rebellious faction, the king proposes a marriage between Onaelia and Cockadillio, a courtier, an offer which is accepted. The queen and Malateste again confer, deciding to poison Onaelia. During the marriage ceremony, the king takes up the poisoned cup meant for Onaelia, to the queen's and Malateste's consternation. While the king is drinking, Malateste admits their crime and is stabbed to death by the faction. While dying, the king passes the crown to Sebastian and commands that the queen be sent back to Florence with treble dowry. Onaelia and Balthazar are appointed to protect Sebastian in his youth.

The Mouthpiece of Zitu

The second novel in the Jason Croft series finds Jason once again relating his adventures on the world of Palos to Dr. George Murray via astral projection. Croft awakens to find that the high priest Zud has declared him the "Mouthpiece of Zitu", complicating matters with his engagement to Naia. Croft once again relies on using astral projection and his knowledge of earth technology to strengthen the nation of Tamarizia and once more win the heart of the princess.

Night and Day (Parker novel)

Night and Day begins with the investigation of a middle school principal accused of molestation. Several girls accuse Principal Betsy Ingersoll of making them pull their dresses up so she can see their panties. The principal claims that she did this to ensure they were wearing proper attire for the school dance. She also claims that her job is not only to ensure they get a proper education, but that they also grow into proper ladies and do not become sluts. She sends several girls home for wearing slutty panties. Although there is no crime to charge her with, Jesse determines to make trouble for her until he can find something to charge her with as he is convinced the girls’ civil rights were violated.

He begins interviewing the principal along with her high powered attorney husband, as well as the girls. Later one of the girls comes to see Jesse at his office. She tells him that her parents are swingers, and often host parties for that purpose at their home. She and her little brother hate it and she asks Jesse if he can help. With swinging not illegal, Jesse finds his hands tied, but decides to investigate anyway. He has Suit talk to two of the women, one of whom he knew in high school, to get more information on the swingers club. Suit discovers that the girl’s mother is not into it, but only does it because her husband wants to. Jesse has Spike threaten her husband about the swinging, and she later leaves him.

The main plot of the novel involves the investigation of the Night Hawk. The Night Hawk starts as a peeping tom, and the Paradise police get several calls about him. Later the Night Hawk escalates his voyeuristic attacks by breaking into homes while women are home alone, forcing them to undress at gunpoint, and then taking nude photos of them. He then begins writing Jesse detailing his exploits, and includes the nude photos. He writes that he cannot stop himself; he must discover these women’s “secret.” He also writes that he does not know what he will do next and fears that he will escalate further.

Jesse begins to combine his investigation of the swingers with his investigation of the Night Hawk. Since the Night Hawk never touches anyone, he questions the swingers to find out if there is anyone in their club that only likes to watch and never touch. The women in the club all identify Seth Ralston. Ralston is a professor of English at a nearby university. He is married to a young grad student who is working on her doctorate. Jesse discovers that Ralston's wife used to teach a Wednesday night class, which corresponds with all the peeping tom reports. He also discovers that the peeping tom reports stopped at the same time that Ralston’s wife quit her teaching job to begin doing her doctoral work full-time. Jesse questions Ralston’s wife about the swinging to see if she will inadvertently reveal something about her husband that will confirm he is the Night Hawk, and even hints to her that her husband may be the Night Hawk. She responds by belittling Jesse for being a dumb cop, and singling them out for their lifestyle.

Meanwhile, Jesse continues to pressure Betsy Ingersoll, who then reports that she is a victim of the Night Hawk. Soon after Jesse receives a nude photo of Betsy, however he and Molly become convinced that she is posing in the photo and suspect the attack was staged. The local media request an interview concerning the attack, and Jesse uncharacteristically agrees. He gives details of the attack and later receives a letter from the Night Hawk who demands that he never attacked Betsy Ingersoll. Jesse believes that the Night Hawk is telling the truth, as he has never denied an attack before, but always been honest about his attacks. Jesse confronts Betsy with this and she admits that she staged the attack. She says that she did it to get some attention from her husband, but that he did not even care. She was acting out because her husband cheats on her constantly with young women, which also explains her obsession with teenage girls not growing up to be sluts. Jesse agrees not to charge her with any crimes if she agrees to see Sunny Randall’s shrink, Dr. Silverman (the long-term love interest of another Parker character Spenser), which she does.

A few days later Seth Ralston’s wife comes to Jesse to report that her husband is missing. They begin searching for him, and soon after Jesse receives another letter from the Night Hawk blasting him for speaking with his wife, and ruining his life. He writes that he is going to leave town, but only after he discovers one more woman’s secret, as he calls it, and warns that this woman will be someone close to Jesse. Jesse thinks that he is trying to hint that the woman will be Betsy Ingersoll, but Jesse believes he is actually targeting Molly. They set a police unit in front of Betsy’s house as a decoy, but then stake out Molly’s house. Molly waits at home with a gun strapped to her thigh, and a wire so Jesse can hear her. The Night Hawk breaks in on her and forces her to begin stripping at gun point. Suit and Jesse then break in to arrest him. Surprised that they figured out he was after Molly, he raises his gun to shoot her, but Molly, Suit, and Jesse all shoot and kill Seth Ralston, putting an end to the Night Hawk. Suit is left with a moral dilemma that it was his shot that killed Ralston, but since all three fired, Jesse is able to disfuse the situation by convincing Suit that it could have been any one of the three.Parker, Robert B. (2009). ''Night and Day''. New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

In Prison Awaiting Trial

Roman surveyor Giuseppe Di Noi, who has lived in Sweden for many years and married a Swedish woman and respected professional, decides to take his family on holiday in Italy. At the Italian border he is stopped and arrested without any explanation. After three days in jail in Milan, he learns - through the efforts of a guard - that he has been charged with "manslaughter" of a German citizen. Giuseppe is deemed a "fugitive" and thus ineligible for house arrest; he is instead transferred from prison to prison until he reaches the imaginary town of Sagunto (near Salerno), where he gets placed in solitary confinement.

Di Noi undergoes a genuine judicial ordeal, full of humiliations. He is unwillingly involved in a riot, and as a result is transferred to a prison for inmates serving life sentences, and ultimately to a psychiatric facility. It takes the obstinacy of his wife, the passionate interest of his lawyer and the benevolence of the investigating magistrate otherwise on vacation, to arrive at a logical explanation.

While recovered at the hospital, Di Noi's lawyer learns about a highway viaduct Battipaglia-Matera - built years before by an Italian firm where he was employed as a surveyor - which collapsed and caused the death of a German driver in transit. The protagonist had subsequently moved to Sweden. Lacking international communications, he could not be notified a subpoena, and therefore technically became a fugitive. Even after regaining his freedom, Di Noi remains irrevocably marked by the ordeal, both physically and psychologically.

Bodycount (video game)

''Bodycount'' revolves around Jackson, a former American soldier recruited by the enigmatic "Network", seemingly a private military contractor who resolves international conflicts. On behalf of the Network, Jackson must fight different groups of enemies across the globe including terrorists and enemy mercenaries of the hostile "Target" network. The Target network utilises some advanced science-fiction weaponary and is revealed to be influencing global conflicts. As the plot progresses, Jackson inflitrates and destroys bases of the Target network. The primary antagonist is a female Target mercenary who serves as the final boss. The game has an ambiguous conclusion which seems to imply that the Network has established a dominant influence in global affairs with the destruction of the Target.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1

A few months after the events of the previous film, it is the day of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen's wedding. They happily exchange vows and are married. During the reception, Jacob Black, who had left town upon receiving an invitation to the wedding, returns. Bella is pleasantly surprised to see him, and they share a dance in the woods. Bella admits that she and Edward plan to consummate their marriage on their honeymoon while she is still human. Jacob becomes furious, knowing that such an act could kill her.

After the wedding, Bella and Edward travel to Isle Esme for their honeymoon, and they make love for the first time. Two weeks after the wedding, Bella vomits after waking and notices her period is late. Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, is told by Bella she believes she is pregnant. Edward is distraught, as it is highly unlikely a human will survive giving birth to a vampire's baby.

Edward tells Bella Carlisle should perform an abortion; she refuses, and convinces Edward's sister, Rosalie, to be her bodyguard. They fly back home to Forks, Washington. Jacob rushes to the Cullens' house and finds Bella pale, underweight, and visibly pregnant. He is upset by Bella's failing health, saying Carlisle should terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible to save her life. Bella opts to continue her pregnancy.

Jacob storms out of the Cullens' residence, shapeshifting and arranges a meeting in the woods with his packmates regarding Bella's pregnancy. Sam believes the baby will not be able to control its craving for human blood once it is born. He thinks they should kill Bella to ensure that her unborn child does not harm anyone. Jacob does not want any harm to come to Bella because he still has feelings for her and she has done nothing wrong. Sam believes if they do not kill Bella, her unborn child will. Disagreement over this issue causes Jacob and a few other wolves to disperse from Sam's pack to form their own.

As Bella's pregnancy progresses, her health declines rapidly. However, a snide comment from Jacob makes her realize the baby is craving blood. When she begins drinking human blood obtained by Carlisle from the hospital, her health improves. Bella's pregnancy continues to progress at an alarming rate; as a half-vampire, the fetus's development is far more accelerated than that of a human fetus. Edward's dislike for the baby dissolves as he notices he can read the baby's thoughts.

Bella is sharing her ideas about baby names with Edward and Jacob when she collapses. Edward, Jacob, and Rosalie begin performing an emergency cesarean section, as Carlisle is out obtaining blood. The procedure is excruciatingly painful for Bella, and she falls unconscious. Following the procedure, Bella wakes up and sees her healthy newborn daughter. After she chooses Renesmee (a combination of her mother's name and Edward's mother's name) as the baby's name, Bella's heart stops.

Jacob desperately attempts CPR. Edward injects Bella's heart with his venom in an attempt to transform her into a vampire, but his action appears to be futile as Bella remains lifeless. Panicked, Edward begins chest compressions. A distraught Jacob decides to kill Renesmee, as he believes she was the cause of Bella's death; however, when they look into each other's eyes, he imprints on her. The imprint prevents the werewolves from killing Renesmee, as their most absolute law is not to harm anyone who has been imprinted on.

Bella is cleaned and dressed. Over the course of two days, her injuries heal and her figure returns to normal. Finally, the transformation is complete; her eyes open, and they are blood-red. Bella has become a vampire.

In a post-credits scene, the Volturi's secretary, Bianca, delivers a message from Carlisle. Aro reads the message, which basically states about Bella and Edward's wedding and Bella's transformation into a vampire. Aro has Bianca killed by Demetri and Felix for spelling Carlisle's name without an 's'. The two other Volturi banter about how Carlisle is growing his coven and that the Volturis' dispute with the Cullens is over. However, Aro disagrees, saying they still have something he wants.

Mr Shaw's Shipshape Shoeshop

Sylvester Shaw is a shoemaker by trade who (along with his cat, appropriately named "Shoo-Shoo") operates his own business in a port city. Besides shoemaking, his main passion is ship watching – every Wednesday he closes his shop at noon to watch the ships (especially his favorite, the ''S. S. Sheba'') sail out of port. Shaw dreams of taking an ocean voyage but does not make enough money in his business to do so.

One Wednesday Shaw receives word that the building in which his store is located will be torn down by the city as being a fire hazard, and he must relocate in 30 days. Franklin Flair, owner of a much larger operation (the Fair-and-Square Shoeshop) offers Shaw the opportunity to come work for him, but Shaw declines, wanting to maintain his own business; Flair agrees to hold the offer open should Shaw reconsider.

While ship watching, Sailor O'Shea from the ''Sheba'' meets Shaw and, upon learning he is a shoemaker, offers Shaw the chance to repair the shoes of Captain Shipley, the ''Sheba's'' captain. When he returns the shoes, Shaw is given a tour of the ''Sheba'' and is invited to the ship's party, both then and every time the ''Sheba'' is in port.

As the month progresses Shaw is unable to find a suitable building in which to relocate his business; thus, he reluctantly agrees to accept Flair's offer of employment. Flair offers him a window area (with a view of the harbor) and agrees to allow him to hang up his sign as a reminder of his old business. As the ''Sheba'' is in port that day, he visits Captain Shipley to notify him of his new address, and is informed of a ship's party the following day, which coincides with Shaw's move to Flair's building.

While Flair's men pack up Shaw's equipment, Sailor O'Shea arrives to take Shaw to the ''Sheba's'' party. While at the party Shaw receives a surprise – Flair and Captain Shipley both agreed that Shaw would be happier running his own business, and would love to do so while on a ship; thus, Captain Shipley appoints Shaw "Ship's Shoemaker" and relocates Shaw's entire business to the ''Sheba'', just in time for ''Sheba's'' upcoming around-the-world trip.

The story ends with Shaw and Shoo-Shoo having traveled around the world 10 times, with Shaw's business aboard the ''Sheba'' being as busy as ever.

Category:1970 children's books Category:American picture books

Supermale (novel)

A large part of the novel takes place on Andre Marcueil's estate, Chateau de Lurance. It is set in the 1920s, the near future when it was written.

During a dinner party at the mansion of Andre Marcueil, the main character, several guests discuss the nature of love. Arthur Gough, William Elson, Dr. Bathybius, and the host propose four definitions of love. Love is thought to be an emotion, an impression on the soul, an enfeebled sensation and (which Andre tries to prove) an activity.

The story then flashes back to Andre’s childhood, introducing the idea of the Supermale. Andre, a sexually-repressed 10-year-old, is confused about his body. He begins taking bromide and exercising to become super-strong.

Back at the dinner party, the discussion becomes earthier with the women absent. The men begin speculating about how many times a person can have sex in one day, and Andre tries to demonstrate his strength by breaking a dynamometer.

As the dinner party ends, Andre and Ellen have a sexual conversation and she admires the roses on his property. As soon as she leaves, he orders his servant to cut them down.

The story switches to the 10,000-mile race. A five-person bicycle is racing a train full of spectators, including Ellen. Perpetual-motion food is giving them the strength and stamina to keep up with the train. One of the cyclists dies, but the bicycle speeds up. The cyclists notice a mysterious shadow in the background, which passes them. They finish a day and a half ahead of schedule but instead of finding cheering fans, they find roses at the finish line.

At another dinner party in Andre’s mansion, the police appear and announce that they have found a girl who was raped and murdered on the estate; the matter is taken very lightly. Andre, trying to see how many times the girl can endure sex with him, is the culprit; this dents his heroic reputation.

Seven prostitutes begin to roam the mansion, and find themselves in a room. They hear mysterious footsteps, and assume that an "Indian" is coming for them. Trapped in the room for hours, they begin eating their cosmetics.

Bathybius, in the study, returns to his notes to find something unusual he had written and considers the potential of God compared to man. The "Indian" (Andre) meets a disguised Ellen. Ellen tells Andre that she had locked the seven prostitutes in a room. They begin an experiment, with Bathybius observing and keeping count in a nearby room, and set a new record of 82 episodes of lovemaking (breaking the old record of 70).

During one of their breaks, Ellen falls asleep and Bathybius enters the room. Andre (as the Indian) greets him with "Who art thou, human creature?" The gallery is filled with people.

The Indian is carried to where the people are, and they speculate that he can revive them by producing offspring with supreme qualities. However, the Indian says that he is sterile (much to their dismay). He returns to the room where Ellen is sleeping.

The prostitutes break the window in their room, causing a commotion to get Andre’s attention. Irritated, he drowns them out with a phonograph. They continue, while Bathybius observes them from another room.

Andre realizes that his theory about love was wrong; sex does not equal love, since he has not fallen in love with Ellen. After he sees Ellen apparently dead (although she is asleep, he writes a poem for her about Helen of Troy and the carnage she caused). He falls into a deep sleep, murmuring "I adore her".

Andre is revealed as the Indian, and William Elson is convinced that Andre must love Ellen. It is agreed that a love machine (similar to an electric chair) must be built to force Andre to love Ellen. While Andre is still faint from the sex marathon, he is strapped to the love machine. He awakens when 11,000 volts are sent through his body, causing him to break free of his chair and try to escape, but he dies. Over time, Ellen eventually gets over Andre, and marries a man who can keep his love within human capacities.

Las verdes praderas

José Rebolledo has a good job at an advertising company and sincerely loves his wife, Elena. The couple has two children and they all seem the perfect family. Without financial problems they can afford some quirks and have acquired a chalet in the Sierra de Madrid where they spend weekends in the company of family and friends, playing sports and having barbecues. However, for José, within this apparent happiness lies a deep sense of frustration with the lifestyle he has chosen. José finds himself out of place in this bourgeois life and he decides to break with it.

The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (film)

Dr. John H. Watson (Robert Duvall) becomes convinced that his friend Sherlock Holmes (Nicol Williamson) is delusional—particularly in his belief that Professor James Moriarty (Laurence Olivier) is a criminal mastermind—as a result of his addiction to cocaine. Moriarty visits Watson to complain about being harassed by Holmes. Watson enlists the aid of Sherlock's brother, Mycroft (Charles Gray), to trick Holmes into traveling to Vienna, where he will be treated by Sigmund Freud (Alan Arkin).

During the course of his treatment, Holmes investigates a kidnapping case with international implications and Freud uncovers a dark personal secret suppressed in Holmes's subconscious.

Der geteilte Himmel

The main characters are Rita Seidel, age 19, and Manfred Herrfurth, a chemist ten years older, who meet at a dance event in a village and become a couple, although they are different. Rita comes from a rural background and is emotional, while Manfred is a rational city-dweller. The action begins in East Germany in June 1961, shortly before the Berlin Wall is built.

They live together with Manfred's parents in Halle, where he works and she studies to be a teacher, which includes training in a socialist work "brigade" at the company Waggonbau Amendorf, building rail wagons.

Manfred, who grew up in a difficult family, becomes disillusioned about the future in the GDR, after one of his engineering designs is refused by economics officials. He moves to West Germany via East Berlin. Rita visits him there and tries to persuade him to return, but without success. Shortly after her return, the Wall is built. Rita tries to take her life. She wakes up from unconsciousness in hospital and tells the story from that perspective.

Battleship (film)

In 2005, potentially habitable "Planet G" is discovered, and a communications array to reach any extraterrestrial life is built in Oahu. There, Alex Hopper is arrested while attempting to impress Sam Shane, daughter of Admiral Terrance Shane. Alex’s brother, Commander Stone Hopper, forces Alex to join the U.S. Navy. Seven years later, Alex is a lieutenant aboard the and in a relationship with Sam, a physical therapist working with wounded veterans. While Stone is a model officer commanding the , the rebellious Alex is facing a disciplinary discharge.

During the 2012 RIMPAC exercise, five alien spacecraft arrive. Their communications ship hits a satellite and crashes through the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, while the others plunge into the waters off Hawaii. ''Sampson'', ''John Paul Jones'', and Japanese destroyer JDS discover a floating structure that generates a force shield isolating the Hawaiian Islands and the three destroyers, from the rest of the world, and jamming all radar and communications inside. Three alien warships surface and open fire; ''Myōkō'' is destroyed, ''Sampson'' is lost with all hands including Stone, and ''John Paul Jones''’ command crew are killed, with Alex reluctantly assuming command. ''John Paul Jones'' disengages to recover ''Myōkō''’s survivors including Captain Yugi Nagata, while alien drones destroy Oahu’s military installations and roads, ignoring all targets that do not pose a threat.

Hiking near the communications array, Sam and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and double amputee Mick Canales discover the aliens' presence. They encounter scientist Cal Zapata, realizing the aliens have taken over the array to re-establish communications with their home planet. ''John Paul Jones''’ crew captures an alien which telepathically links with Alex, revealing their history of destroying worlds. Other aliens retrieve their comrade while another sabotages the ship. Its armored suit proves impervious to small-arms fire, but is obliterated by the destroyer’s 5-inch gun, and the captured alien's helmet reveals their eyes are sensitive to sunlight. Ashore, Sam, Nick, and Zapata recover his spectrum analyzer, using it to radio ''John Paul Jones'' that the aliens will contact their planet when the facility’s satellite is in position in four hours.

As night falls, Captain Nagata suggests using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tsunami warning buoys around Hawaii to track the warships without radar, allowing ''John Paul Jones'' to destroy two of them. The third proves too elusive, so they lure it into facing east as the sun rises. Alex and Nagata shoot out its bridge windows, blinding its crew with sunlight as ''John Paul Jones'' destroys the ship. The destroyer attempts to target the communications array, but is sunk by drones; Alex, Nagata, and several other sailors barely escape.

The survivors commandeer the decommissioned World War II battleship with the aid of retired veterans. The floating structure is revealed to be a giant mothership, but ''Missouri'' disables the force field while Admiral Shane summons fighter jets from the aircraft carrier . The battleship’s turret carrying the ship’s last shell is disabled, forcing the sailors to carry it to another weapon system. Sam, Mick and Cal stall the aliens at the array, where Mick kills an alien soldier. Alex uses the final shell to destroy the array, rendering the ''Missouri'' defenseless, but the mothership’s drones are destroyed by Royal Australian Air Force Boeing F/A-18 fighter jets which carpet bomb the mothership, eliminating the alien threat.

Alex is promoted to lieutenant commander and presented with a Silver Star and his brother's posthumous Navy Cross. Admiral Shane promises Alex will soon have a ship of his own, while he is also invited to become a Navy SEAL. Alex asks him for Sam’s hand in marriage, and the admiral initially refuses, but invites Alex to lunch.

Orkkuka Vallappozhum

Sethumadhavan is left alone following the death of his wife and the migration of his only son and his family to a foreign nation. With nothing much to do the old man takes a fifteen-hour drive to an old bungalow in the high ranges where he had spent his childhood and adolescent times, studying in the British school nearby. While walking through the nostalgic steps, ignoring the hardships of his age, Sethumadhavan also memorizes Paru, his schoolmate with whom he had spent some important stages of his life.

Sethumadhavan collects details about Paru from the localities but is finally disheartened to hear about the sad fate that embraced her. Totally shattered, the old man then decides to take a different route, which may instill the lost happiness to his life. The loneliness that he experiences in his life, on account of the death of his wife and also on account of his son being far away, in a foreign land, makes him seek refuge in the memories of the past.

The Last Exorcism

Filmmakers Iris and Daniel follow Cotton Marcus, a reverend living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who seeks to delegitimize exorcisms. Marcus, who lost his faith after the birth of his ill son, is accustomed to performing fake exorcisms on "possessed" individuals. He accepts an exorcism request sent by farmer Louis Sweetzer, who claims his livestock are being slaughtered by his daughter Nell; Louis suspects that Nell is possessed by Satan.

Marcus arrives and claims Nell is possessed by Abalam, a powerful demon. He persuades the family that he has driven out the demon and leaves, believing he and his crew have cured her of a mental state that was misdiagnosed as possession. That night, Nell appears in Marcus's motel room, visibly unwell. Marcus takes Nell to the hospital for tests, which conclude that she is in perfect physical condition. Marcus goes to see Louis's former pastor, Joseph Manley, who informs Marcus that he has not seen Nell for three years. In the morning, Louis takes Nell home but chains her to the bed after she cuts her brother Caleb's face with a knife.

Marcus frees Nell from her restraints and later finds her trying to drown a doll while seemingly sleepwalking. When the hospital calls back to inform that Nell is pregnant, Iris accuses Louis of incest, which Marcus rejects. That night, Nell steals their camera and goes into her father's barn, where she brutally smashes a cat to death. Iris and Daniel discover her morbid paintings; in addition to the death of the cat, they depict Marcus standing before a large flame with a crucifix, Iris dismembered, and Daniel decapitated. Marcus confronts Louis about Nell's pregnancy; Louis insists that Nell is a virgin and has been impregnated by the demon. Offended at Marcus's insistence that a demon is not involved, Louis demands that the crew leave and alludes to intending to kill Nell. The crew tries to escape with Nell, who attacks Marcus before Louis threatens to shoot her. Marcus offers to attempt a second exorcism to dissuade him as Nell begs Louis to kill her.

During the exorcism, "Abalam" agrees to release Nell only if Marcus can remain silent for ten seconds. Each second, Nell breaks one of her fingers. After three, Marcus yells for Abalam to stop; Abalam asks Marcus if he wants a "blowing job". Marcus challenges that a demon would know the actual name of the sex act and concludes that Nell is not possessed, but a disturbed and ashamed girl. Nell anguishes over losing her virginity to a boy named Logan, which Louis again rejects. Marcus and the crew meet Logan, who explains that he is gay and the only contact he had with Nell was a brief conversation at Manley's house six months ago; the crew realizes Manley was lying about having not seen Nell. They return to the Sweetzer farmhouse, which they find empty and covered with numerous occult and countercultural symbols on its walls.

The group follows the sound of voices into the woods, where they see a large fire and a congregation of hooded cultists led by Manley. Louis is tied up, gagged and blindfolded while hooded figures pray around an altar, atop which Nell is bound. She gives birth to an inhuman child. Manley throws the child into the fire, which causes the fire to grow rapidly as demonic roars emanate. Marcus, his faith restored, grabs his cross and rushes towards the fire to combat the evil. Iris and Daniel flee, and Iris is subdued by members of the congregation and killed with an axe. Daniel continues to run before Caleb decapitates him and the camera falls.

The Taqwacores (film)

A sophomore majoring in engineering, Yusef (Bobby Naderi) seeks living quarters with fellow Muslims after a year in the godless dorms. He moves—rather improbably, given his conservative nature—into a building inhabited by various punky misfits (it is unclear whether they are also students) wrestling with their cultural and religious identity. Or, as red-mohawked guitarist Jehangir (Dominic Rains) puts it, their "mismatching of disenfranchised subcultures."

Others include ever-shirtless skateboarding wild man Amazing Ayyub (Volkan Eryaman), spike-haired stoner Fasiq (Ian Tran) and brawny, glowering Umar (Nav Mann), the would-be moral enforcer in a houseful of rebels against Koranic strictures. Sole female in residence is Rabeya (Noureen DeWulf), who wears a head-to-toe burka yet is full of ideas that might be considered blasphemous.

The Killing (Danish TV series)

Inspector Ulrik Strange arrives at a port where Lund is working as a border guard, on the orders of her former boss, Brix, to ask her to return to help investigate the murder of Anne Dragsholm, a military adviser found murdered in Ryvangen Memorial Park. Lund suspects that the murder is not as straightforward as it seems, despite the forced confession of Dragsholm's husband. Meanwhile, Thomas Buch, the newly appointed Minister of Justice, suspects that his predecessor was involved in the cover-up of a massacre of Afghan civilians by Danish soldiers and that this incident is connected with the murder. Lund is about to be discharged from the case when a second killing, that of a Danish military veteran, leads to fears that Islamic extremists are involved. Jens Peter Raben, a sectioned war veteran, knew both victims and tells his story of the execution of an Afghan family by a special forces officer named "Perk". Raben escapes, and two other members of the unit are murdered. Suspicion falls on senior military officers, including Raben's father-in-law, Colonel Jarnvig.

Buch and his secretarial team uncover further evidence of the cover-up, but the cabinet pressures him to continue pinning the murders on Muslims in order to assure the passage of an anti-terrorism bill. Raben takes refuge in a church presided over by a former army chaplain, who tries to convince him to give himself up and stop investigating the killings. Lund discovers the chaplain's body and pursues the perpetrator. She arranges for the exhumation of Perk's body. When Lund and Strange catch up with Raben, he calls out Perk's name before Strange shoots him. An injured Raben persists in accusing Strange of being the officer responsible for the massacre, yet it is later officially confirmed that he had left Afghanistan before the killings. Lund is uneasy about Strange's alibis for the murders, but takes him with her to Afghanistan to investigate a new suspect. Lund's persistence results in the discovery of the bones of the Afghan civilians.

Upon returning to Denmark, Lund meets her mother, who has had a premonition of Lund lying dead. Following a further search of a military barracks, suspicion falls on Captain Bilal, an anti-Taliban Muslim who kidnaps Raben's wife Louise. Raben and Jarnvig lead Lund and Strange to Bilal, who is killed by an explosion before they are able to question him. Strange volunteers to return Raben to the mental hospital, but Lund insists on driving them. On the way, they make a stop at the scene of Dragsholm's murder, where Lund points out to Strange the reasons why Bilal is unlikely to have been involved. Strange reveals a detail that only the murderer could know, and confesses to the murders before shooting Lund with her own gun, which he then plants on Raben. He phones the police and is about to shoot Raben when Lund hits him over the head. When Strange tries to retrieve his gun, Lund shoots him dead. As the police arrive at the scene, Lund walks away, removing her bullet-proof vest.

Truth or Dare? (1986 film)

Mike Strauber, a businessman with a history of mental illness, walks in on his wife, Sharon, having sex with Jerry, his best friend. Mike storms off, and wanders aimlessly as he contemplates suicide while flashing back to his time with Sharon, and a childhood incident where he cut himself with a razor while playing 'truth or dare?'

Mike picks up a female hitchhiker, and the two go to a campsite, where they play 'truth or dare?' The game turns violent and ends when a park ranger finds Mike, who had mutilated himself at the behest of the hitchhiker, who was just a hallucination.

Mike is admitted to the Sunnyville Mental Institution and is released over a year later due to good behavior, overcrowding, and budget cuts. Immediately after being discharged, Mike tracks down and murders Jerry and is readmitted to Sunnyville after being wounded while trying to kill Sharon. Once back in Sunnyville, Mike hallucinates playing 'truth or dare?' with two disfigured patients and cuts most of his own face off with a knife he had smuggled into the facility. Five months later, Mike, who has taken to wearing a frowning copper mask, goes berserk in his room after an employee taunts him by giving him a picture of Sharon. When an orderly tries to calm him, Mike stabs the man in the eye with a pencil, then escapes the institution, hijacking a car full of weapons on his way out.

Mike goes on a rampage, indiscriminately slaughtering men, women, and children on his way to Sharon's house. Realizing where Mike is going, Detective Rosenberg and Doctor Thorne head there, with Thorne arriving first. Thorne is unable to save Sharon and is killed in a shootout with Mike. Rosenberg happens upon Mike, bleeding heavily from being shot by Thorne and manages to talk him down and disarm him. Mike is taken by paramedics and placed back in Sunnyville.

Split Image (novel)

The novel begins with Chief Stone investigating the murder of a man Suit finds crammed into the trunk of an abandoned car. The man turns out to be Petrov Ognowski, a tough guy for local mob boss Reggie Galen. Jesse then goes to the Galen residence to interview him. While there he meets Galen’s beautiful and submissive wife, Rebecca Bangston. Envious of the life that Galen has with his wife, Jesse tailspins into a drinking binge, wondering why his wife couldn’t have been like that. Despite his increased drinking, he continues to investigate and discovers that Galen’s neighbor is another mob boss named Knocko Moynihan and is married to Rebecca’s twin sister, Roberta Bangston.

Soon after the first murder, Knocko Moynihan is found murdered. Jesse begins to suspect the wives, leading Jesse and Suit to the Bangston’s hometown. There they discover that their mother is a widow, and that their father was involved in criminal activities with the girl’s husbands, who had met in prison twenty years earlier. While investigating they also discover the girls promiscuous past. Apparently they made a game of having sex with men and seeing if he could tell which one was which throughout. This activity got them the nickname “The Bang Bang Twins.” Jesse wonders if they have continued this behavior. During an interview with the twins later, they strip naked and try to seduce Jesse with their sex game, confirming his suspicions. He resists.

Meanwhile, the father and widow of Ognowski come to Chief Stone demanding that he solve the murder. Jesse assures them he will do his best, however, the widow takes it upon herself to start sleeping with one of Galen’s bodyguards. The bodyguard admits that he killed both her husband and Knocko. The wives had been having sex with Petrov, and when Knocko found out about it he had the bodyguard kill Petrov. Later the twins decided they wanted Knocko killed, so they came to Reggie with a story about Knocko abusing Roberta. Furious that Knocko abused his wife’s sister, he has the same bodyguard kill Knocko.

Jesse confronts the bodyguard with this information in his office along with Ognowski’s large mobster father, and presents him with two options. One, he can roll over on Reggie Galen, or two, he can leave and take his chances with the elder Ognowski. He chooses the former. Galen is arrested for the murders, and even though the wives were behind the whole thing, Jesse has nothing to charge them with. He leaves them to Ognowski.Parker, Robert B. (2010). ''Split Image''. New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

American History X-cellent

Mr. Burns throws an elaborate Fourth of July party for himself, forcing his employees to wait on him and perform a Broadway-style musical number without pay. When Homer, Lenny and Carl become frustrated, they break into Burns' wine cellar and become completely drunk. Burns discovers this and calls the police, but the police soon notice that Burns' mansion contains stolen artwork including ''The Concert'' by Vermeer. He is arrested and paraded through the streets of Springfield inside a bamboo cage, where he is jeered by the townspeople on his way to prison. He leaves a reluctant Waylon Smithers in charge.

In prison, Burns is placed in a cell with another white-collar criminal, but then demands to be moved when he discovers his cellmate was educated at Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia. Burns soon finds himself in the company of a tough-looking felon (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson), a born-again Christian who convinces Burns to find religion. The man became a born-again Christian when an inmate gave the man the book ''Helter Skelter'' with its subject Charles Manson on the cover; since the man was illiterate he misidentified the picture as Christ. He then "sucks" the evil, represented by green slime, out of Burns. The prison, first seen by Burns as a hell hole, now becomes a heaven hole: he joins the prison choir and a Beatles tribute band called "Stab Four" and reads the Holy Bible many times in the prison laundry while Sideshow Bob is being washed.

Meanwhile, Smithers assumes management at the nuclear plant and attempts to show the plant employees that he is nothing like Burns by being kind and accommodating. But when he joins Homer, Lenny and Carl for beer at Moe's, he overhears the three friends making fun of him. Smithers realizes why Burns scorns humanity and his behavior quickly deteriorates into that of a tyrant, to the point of releasing wolverines instead of Burns' hounds.

Homer, Lenny and Carl decide to break Burns out of prison by disguising themselves as prison guards to sneak into the institution and remove Burns from his cell. Burns, however, does not want to leave because he believes he has found his spiritual home. When the cellmate tries to stop them from escaping, Burns realizes that he misses being a power figure and that his toilet-tank baptism did not purge away all of his inner evil, stating that he forgot to suck some evil from between his toes, which had then multiplied rapidly and made him "a bigger bastard than ever". But Burns also wonders genuinely why his cellmate helped him; he is told that after killing so many rich white men over the years, he figured he would do right by at least one of them. The two men decide they are not so different and part company. Burns uses his money to leave the prison system, and is once again at the helm of the nuclear power plant, although he hopes his friend will gain another disciple. Burns' former cellmate finds a new disciple in Fat Tony.

Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa are forced to play with one another when Marge goes shopping (she notes that the mall is deserted when the townspeople are rioting, as is the case with Burns' trip to prison). When the two fight over Lisa's ant farm, it breaks and Santa's Little Helper eats all but one of the ants. The experience brings Lisa and Bart closer together, and they name the ant Annie (as in ''Little Orphan Annie'', as well as the layman's term ant itself). They care for her as they would a child, but realize that she is near death. They decide to release her, so she can live out her last days in the wild, but as soon as they let her go Santa's Little Helper eats Annie.

Princess Fragrance (film)

The film covers the second half of the Louis Cha's novel ''The Book and the Sword''. It introduces another protagonist, Princess Fragrance, who does not appear in the first film ''The Romance of Book and Sword''.

Chaos Rings (video game)


''Chaos Rings'' takes place in a mysterious fictional location known as the Ark Arena that holds many dungeons. Characters begin the game by being automatically transported to the arena with no clear idea of how or why they have arrived there. Dungeons of the Ark Arena consist of mixed indoor and outdoor environments with mid-dungeon and ending boss battles. Characters have the ability to enter and leave dungeons as they please. When not in dungeon-play, characters return to a "home" area, where health points and magic points are instantly recovered.

The Ark Arena is described as an attempt to destroy a being known as the Qualia before it destroys every single time space that the Ark Arena has created by travelling back and forth through time, now for the 2003rd time. It is a place to train chosen couples from different parallel time spaces, eventually joining forces in order to defeat the Qualia. The Ark is designed to return to 10,000 years in the past when a couple is chosen as worthy, to germinate a new, genetically superior race. This process then repeats periodically, theoretically making contestants stronger at each Ark Arena contest, in the hopes to be powerful enough to face the Qualia itself in battle. It is also possible for the Ark to send a couple to the meeting point of the Qualia in another time space, thus making possible the meeting of couples from different time spaces.


The game features eight playable characters that were designed by Yusuke Naora. The game originally did not feature voice acting, but a later update added voice acting to key scenes in the game (only in Japanese). The characters consist of five couples: Garrick and Alto, Escher and Musiea, Olgar and Vahti, Eluca and Zhamo, and Ayuta and Mana. Garrick and Alto are not playable, as Garrick dies in the beginning and Alto is killed shortly after (her death varies across the storylines). Each couple has a unique story.

; :''Voiced by:'' Junichi Suwabe :Born into royalty, he was kidnapped by thieves as a young boy. When it was obvious they would not get the ransom they desired for him, they cared for him and taught him their ways. Eventually, he was 'rescued' by knights who brought him back home. However, everyone looked down on him for his past. Unable to live in such circumstances, he left, and using his skills learnt by his adoptive family, became a cleaner for the underworld. On a mission to assassinate a traitor from his organization who had already taken care of the priest and nuns (who were selling children into slavery) from the orphanage where Musiea (Aida) was working. It is after Escher slays the traitor that Musiea walks in and brands him a murderer. Escher is also afflicted by a debilitating disease that manifests itself in hacking coughs.

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:''Voiced by:'' Marina Inoue :Escher's only childhood friend. She was brought to him, so he could watch over her, as the thieves looked around for someone interested in buying her. She and Escher became good friends. He helps her escape to avoid slavery, promising to find her again one day. Escher receives many beatings for this. She was brought to an orphanage, where her name was changed, and she was raised. She changed her name from Aida to Musiea when she was baptized.

; :''Voiced by:'' Sayaka Ohara :The royal bodyguard and top warrior in a southern kingdom. She was about to behead Zhamo by the order of the 'Divine King' with his family when the sky came to complete darkness. She was envious of Zhamo because of his intelligence and manners, and with the finding that the warrior ring chose Zhamo instead of her. Later on, she makes up her mind to join Zhamo to overthrow the 'Divine King', though she is plagued by thoughts of what she must do if, and when they return to their kingdom, where she will still be under orders to kill him.

; :''Voiced by:'' Hiro Shimono :The prince of a southern kingdom. As he was about to be beheaded for defying the 'Divine King', he saw the light fade away and appeared in the Ark with his executioner, Eluca. He later says that he never hated Eluca, since she was acting as only the tool of the Divine King. His goal is to make a country where poverty does not exist by overthrowing the 'Divine King' once he returns to his world. He initially lacks confidence in himself but later becomes a warrior with the help and encouragement of Eluca and Escher in the Ark Arena.

; :''Voiced by:'' Nobuhiko Okamoto :A stablehand of an eastern kingdom. He is a loyal servant of Princess Mana, with whom he is in love. He states that he thought of her an 'outgoing' person, and got to know her when she was doing archery training, and when she tried to ride a horse. It is revealed later explained in the story that the person Ayuta saw is actually Shea, the Princess' exchanger. His memories are suppressed, and it is with the help of Olgar and Vahti, who have defeated a 'ruthless, demonic' Ayuta in the previous Ark Arena, that they come back. It is then revealed that Ayuta was one of the people who organized the Ark Arena and was participating (with his memories suppressed to make his grisly work easier) in order to prevent the genetic threshold in the Ark Arenas from falling too low. He also reveals that the Ark was never meant to kill. Those who lost were simply to be released back to where they had been with their memories of the Ark suppressed, though they would still succumb to the Qualia shortly after.

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:''Voiced by:'' Kana Hanazawa :Originally introduced as Princess Mana from an eastern kingdom, her true identity was later revealed as Shea, a body double to the real princess. She was supposed to keep the princess safe until her betrothal. She reveals her identity to Ayuta before the Arena battle against Olgar and Vahti. She is an outgoing person; she practices archery and horseback riding. The first time she meets Ayuta was when she falls from the horse she was riding and was rescued by Ayuta. Ayuta has feelings for Shea, and she, in return, also has feelings for Ayuta. She is secretly jealous because Ayuta still seems to have feelings for Theia, the original First Woman, whose consciousness has become the driving force behind the Ark 'In lieu of AI'. In the end, Ayuta chooses to live in Shea's world and Shea, in return, promises to Theia that if they ever have a daughter, it will be named after her. Theia gives them her blessing, and then finally dies after eons of time travel. It is unclear whether or not the Princess Manas in the other three time spaces are the true princess, or still one of her body doubles. During Olgar's story, it is revealed she has an incredibly powerful ability: to transform her own life force into a devastating arrow attack, which she used to obliterate the Executioner easily.

; :''Voiced by:'' Unsho Ishizuka :The first to ever make it into two consecutive Ark Arenas, he is shown to be a brutal foe in combat, and coarse in speech. In his first Ark Arena, he killed his fiancee's own parents in combat (Chaos Rings Omega reveals the context, however). As his second Ark trip continues, he realizes what it is like to fight his own children, or rather, extremely removed descendants, who remember him and Vahti in myths, changing him for the better, though perhaps not for the best of the world. He chooses his first love, Vahti, over a look-alike with Theia's vastly superior, potentially world-saving genes, simply for his love, smashing down an eons-old and likewise skilled Ayuta to do so. He is also revealed to be the very first Divine King of Eluca and Zhamo's realm, from which came a myth of two saddened giants roaming the earth, creating mankind from their tears. The Agent in his plot line is different in that it absorbs subjects to gain their abilities, doing so with Theia's clone in his first fight, and with Princess Mana for her life force channeling abilities in the second battle. There appears to be no difference in the actual fights, however.

; :''Voiced by:'' Ayano Niina :Though her husband is introduced as a juggernaut of war, Vahti shows so much sympathy with the other combatants that it is 'almost' like she's their own mother. Except for Ayuta, this is quite truthful. At some point before the third dungeon, she is kidnapped by Ayuta, placed into a cold sleep, and replaced with Theia's last clone, altered to have her exact memories, personality, appearance, and abilities. Olgar fights through the final dungeon alone in order to get her back, even though, according to Ayuta, his superior genes, along with Theia's, would be most certainly able to spawn a human race capable of defeating the Qualia. Later, after sustaining fatal wounds from the Executioner, she collapses against the might of the Agent, even as Olgar smashes him flat. As Olgar grieves, Mana manages to transfer what was left of her life force after using it to defeat the Executioner, once, to Vahti, preserving her life at the cost of Ayuta's and her own.


In ''Chaos Rings'' four couples compete in the ominously named Ark Arena (one extra pair, Garrick and Alto, voiced by Shin-ichiro Miki and Asami Seto respectively, are eliminated early on in all four storylines and cannot be selected for play). In the beginning, Garrick attempts to attack the Agent, the apparent director of the Arena's events. The Agent states that those who do not follow the rules shall be killed, and a grim reaper-like monster comes and his body dissipates in a cloud of purple mist. The Agent also says that immortality and eternal youth await the champions of the Ark Arena. He then allows the remaining couples to enter a door, and find the first ring, the Warrior's ring required to fight in the Ark Arena. When the couples come back, they are sent out once again to gather the other required ring, the Companion's Ring. When the first round of battles begins, the couple the player is playing as will always have to win. Once the couple wins, they are sent to find proof of why they have been selected to fight in the Ark together, after which they must fight other humans once again. After the final battle is won, the couple will have to call the Agent to speak to him. He says that the couple must fight him to become immortal. After he is defeated, he says something to 'the Almighty' regarding their incredible power.

The couple will appear back in the main room where the dungeon door now has an option named 'Original Door'. If Original Door is chosen, the player will see a cutscene where the characters appear on Earth 10,000 years ago. They have been chosen because of their superior DNA to start a new human race strong enough to defeat a monstrous being called the Qualia. They are granted immortality and eternal youth. It is also shown that the Ark Arena is a floating ship that travels through time.

If the player saves after the credits and reloads the game, the dungeon door will have a new option named 'Bereshith Road' where a whole new story unwinds. The grim reaper-like creature is revealed to be the Executioner (though its name is revealed earlier in the Ayuta-Mana/Shea route), and his purpose is to remove insubordinate or defeated competitors in the Ark Arena. He must be fought and killed. Next, the players enter a room where documents explaining the Ark Arena, the Agent, and the Executioner are held. It is learned that both the Executioner and the Agent are artificial organisms that are programmed to ensure the smooth running of the Ark Arena. Soon afterwards, they stumble upon the terrible Arena itself. Later, they find the Agent, who is to test them once more. This time he is called the 'True Agent' and is much more powerful, attacking twice per turn, one of the few foes who can. Once he is defeated, the couple learns of a 'Final Door' that leads to the Qualia. They go up another level (Bereshith Road is actually a moving platform that goes up to higher levels, where more and more powerful beings are held), to find yet another powerful being, the Almighty. The Almighty is the creator of the Ark Arena and the operator of it. It is a woman's body that extends from the floor, appearing to be part of the Ark itself. If she is defeated, then the couple arrives at the top floor, and a glowing red vortex awaits their arrival.

As they enter it, the chosen couple comes across with the other three couples they thought had been defeated in the past arena battles. It is later then explained by Ayuta, who has recovered his original memories, that each of their story is true, since the people they were forced to kill were of different timespaces. They then encounter the Qualia, which envelops the Earth almost immediately. They are staggered by its sheer power, but then regain their strength and composure and go on to defeat the Qualia.

The Qualia is defeated, but more Qualia emerge from the parallel timespaces that they have destroyed. With their limited strength, the four couples once again lose hope, until Theia tells them to see the miracle they created for their resistance to destruction. With a burst of light, hundreds of starships, supposedly crewed by the parallel timespace's denizens, appears and completely annihilate the Qualia.

With Theia's last strength, she sends the couples back to the dimensional time and space of their choice. The couples choose to return to the period before they were summoned to the Ark. Finally, Theia issues the command to shut down the ancient Ark, finally terminating the endless timespace-generating spiral.

Macabre (2009 film)

Adjie and Astrid, a married couple, are getting ready to travel to Sydney for a new job. They are accompanied by their friends, Alam, Eko, and Jimmy to the airport. On the road, they meet up with Adjie's sister, Ladya, and convince her to go with them. Ladya, who still blames Adjie for their parent's death, declines but later changes her mind. After they drive from Ladya's workplace, they see a confused beautiful woman named Maya on the road. She tells them she has been robbed and is unable to get home. Pitying her, they give Maya a ride home.

The group drives to what seems to be the middle of nowhere, where Maya's house is located. There, they meet Maya's family. Her mother, Dara, has a very young and lovely face with an eerie expression and mysterious body language. Adam, Maya's brother is very gentlemanly. Arman, Dara's eldest son, is grumpy and never speaks. Dara secretly drugs Astrid's drink. After much insistence, the group agrees to stay for dinner. Adjie and Astrid, who is pregnant, go upstairs so Astrid could rest. Unfortunately, the remainder of their friends at the dinner get drugged and knocked out. Arman takes them to a cellar, with Alam still at the dinner table. Alam is seduced by Maya, but rejects her. Out of anger, she slashes him and Adam breaks his arm.

Adjie and Astrid see this and try to escape upstairs, but Adam breaks Adjie's leg. Astrid locks herself in the guest room. Dara tells her that the drug she was given will cause her to go into labor. Astrid finds a small window and sees a car arriving at the house. She calls for help, but the woman from the car is Dara's friend. She is given several coolers of "meat", revealing the motive for the slaughter to come. They are a family of cannibals, who belong to a secret society attempting to gain immortality from it. They regularly search for victims, providing human flesh for the society. Astrid's water breaks, and she gives birth on her own.

Astrid gets out of the room with her newborn son and embraces her husband. Dara sneaks in and takes the baby. She tells the couple they can escape by themselves but if they try to take the infant back, they will all die. Astrid follows Dara as Adjie looks for help.

Down in the cellar, Arman has slaughtered Alam with a chainsaw. Ladya knocks him out and breaks out of the cellar. She sets Eko and Jimmy free. After their escape, the trio re-enter the house in an attempt to save the married couple. Maya, armed with a crossbow, shoots at Eko, hitting his left ear. They run to the forest, with Adam now chasing them. Ladya gets away and goes back to the house. Adam catches Jimmy and snaps his neck, killing him. Eko finds a road, where he is spotted by the light of a car.

Back in the house, Adjie enters a room filled with baby cadavers and sees one baby being preserved. He then finds Astrid dead, having been stabbed in the neck with a large hair pin. Adjie attempts to strangle Dara in revenge but Dara stabs him and strangles him into unconsciousness. Arman captures Ladya and prepares to rape her.

The car Eko saw is revealed to be a police patrol car. They find Eko and arrive at the house. The four police officers search the house; one of them finds a video containing the clip that was seen at the start of the film. Shocked, he accidentally drops a collection of photographs, depicting Adam, Arman, and Maya, strangely dated 1912. A photo of Dara is dated 1889. Upstairs, Arman is stabbed in the eye while raping Ladya. She escapes while Arman screams, tipping off the police. Adam turns off the lights, and the family of cannibals attack the police in the dark. However, the leader gets away and fires his assault rifle at Maya, fatally wounding her. Dara, who has killed the other officers, fights the leader for the gun and shoots him to death. Dara finds the dying Maya and breaks her neck to end her daughter's suffering.

Arman comes out with a wooden stick jammed in his eye. He slashes the throat of one of the officers and they die together. Ladya runs to where Adjie is, and they are attacked by Adam. Eko enters and jabs Adam with a sword. Adjie pours a liquid over his head and uses Ladya's lighter to set Adam on fire. Eko is slashed by Dara with a chainsaw while Ladya and Adjie attack a severely burnt Adam. Together, they decapitate Adam.

Ladya and Adjie take the baby to another part of the house. Ladya takes revenge on Dara, the last cannibal remaining. She finds Eko's body and is attacked by Dara and her chainsaw. Ladya fights her with a sword. Dara slashes Adjie's shoulder. Ladya, using one of the officers' guns, shoots Dara, then strangles her with her necklace. She reunites with Adjie and apologizes to him. Adjie forgives her and dies after he asks Ladya to care of her nephew (his newborn son).

Morning has come as Ladya leaves the house with her nephew. She starts the car, but Dara reappears, still alive, and attacks Ladya. Ladya drives and smashes Dara against a large tree. She then looks at Dara's fallen body and drives away. Dara's bloody hand is seen twitching slightly.

Ay Lav Yu

Yusuf Ağa, the landlord of the tiny southeast Anatolian village of Tinne, keeps sending petitions to high level state officials to make the voice of his village heard by the central government. Years ago, Yusuf abandoned his son, İbrahim, in the courtyard of a university so that he could get a good education and become an important man. There, İbrahim was found by Father Hana, who raised him and gave him a good life. Now İbrahim has turned 30, and he returns to his village along with his girlfriend, Jessica. But will the tiny village of Tinne become the new home of İbrahim and Jessica? SYNOPSIS In a forgotten part of the Earth, in a deserted land in this forgotten part, is a simple and lonely village ‘Tinne’. Almost no one knows about its existence, except the beaming Sun maybe.

This land is Tinne, that doesn't even exist on the national map, that has no school, roadway or clinic. No dweller has identification paper over there. ‘Existence’ or ‘nonexistence’ is the one and only question. Its destiny may as well be the victim of its name's definition in Kurdish language, which means ‘non-existent’.

Tinne, a village abandoned to its own destiny in the middle of Mesopotamia, in the Southeast of Turkey, has been intentionally or unintentionally ‘forgotten’ by the government for years. Its inhabitants don't even have any record in the civil registry. Neither Tinne, nor any of its people exist officially, whereas Yusuf Agha and its whole family have been living in this land for over a century.

Even though Yusuf Agha constantly tries to get in touch with the government, he cannot get a reply to any of his letters. Hoping that his son will get a certificate of identification, he decides to leave his newborn son Ibrahim in the courtyard of the college while many others leave theirs in the mosque's courtyard. Luckily, Priest Hanna who happens to pass by there comes to Ibrahim's rescue. He adopts him so that he has identification, so that he exists, and by his existence, makes Tinne finally exist.

Now-30-year-old Ibrahim returns to his homeland having finished his military service and graduated from college. He is enthusiastically and joyfully welcomed in the village. The only hope for Tinne, the village's unique source of pride is back, bringing with him the chance for Tinne to start to exist, to become wealthy, to have a school, a roadway, a clinic and to become modern.

However, Ibrahim's heart is left in far away lands. Even though the facts that he received his college degree, that he finished his military service and that he is in love with a girl are greeted with happiness, this whole picture turns into a complete shock with Yusuf Agha hearing the girl's name: Jessica. So, where is this Jessica from? What family does she belong to? Ibrahim answers: Colorado! The family is completely bewildered. Kolarado???

Ibrahim, while studying Fishery Engineering at the University of Çukurova, met Jessica who worked as an interpreter in America's military base in Incirlik-Adana and he quickly fell in love with her. She became the reason of his life, so he did for her. They both had a hard time trying to convince their families.

For Ibrahim's family, it is a major issue to travel to the United States from Tinne, considering that they don't even have identification cards. Finally, Jessica manages to take her father Christopher, her mother Pamela and her brother Danny to Tinne. This is the arrival of America to Tinne, which is not heard of, seen or known by the Turkish government.

After this moment, everything becomes a reason for bewilderment and confusion, one after the other. Different cultures, different traditions, different civilizations and different philosophies of life...

Beneath Hill 60

As seen in flashbacks that occur throughout the film, Oliver Woodward is an Australian miner supplying copper for the war effort. He falls in love with Marjorie Waddell, a young woman ten years his junior. However, he is under constant pressure to enlist, especially from Waddell's father. He has the opportunity to do so when the British Army forms the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company to supplement the Royal Engineers; Woodward is commissioned to lead the unit.

In May 1916, near Armentières, France, 30 feet below the Western Front, Woodward meets Frank Tiffin, a young Australian soldier who is suffering from shell shock. Woodward reassigns Tom Dwyer and Norman Morris to relieve Tiffin. Two German tunnelers break through into the tunnel. Morris and Dwyer dispatch both of them, but Dwyer is killed when a German explosive goes off, bringing down the tunnel on top of them; Morris is rescued by the other sappers.

Woodward is later tasked with destroying the Red House, a fortified German position raining enfilade fire down upon the frontmost section of the British trenches. Although Woodward initially proposed tunneling beneath the Red House, his commanding officer, Colonel Wilson Rutledge, insisted that it be done by dawn. Along with Corporal Bill Fraser and Morris, Woodward crosses No Man's Land. They manage to reach the Red House and plant explosives underneath it. However, as they make their way back to the British lines, they discover that the reel of cable is too short, so Morris runs ahead to retrieve the exploder. While they wait, they discover mortally wounded Lieutenant Robert Clayton, who had been ordered to cut a gap in the wire obstacle for them. Morris arrives with the exploder and they destroy the Red House. After they destroyed the house, Clayton died of his wounds.

The next day, after a friendly game of rugby against some British soldiers, Woodward is promoted to captain and he subsequently promotes Fraser to Sergeant; he later receives word that they are to be moved up the lines to the Ypres Salient. Upon their arrival, Tiffin, Walter Sneddon and Billy Bacon are separated from the rest of the battalion and pinned down by German machine gun fire. Bacon, being the fastest runner, volunteers to distract the Germans while the others make a run for the British lines. Although Tiffin and Walter succeed, Bacon is killed mere inches from safety.

The unit continues on to Hill 60, located in the Zwarte Leen area of Zillebeke, south of Ypres. During an inspection, it is revealed that the Canadian & British Engineers have been tunneling deep below the Messines Ridge (helling van Mesen - heuvelrug Wijtschate-Mesen) for months, planting a million pounds of ammonium nitrate in 21 massive mine chambers. Woodward is tasked with maintaining two of the mines dug by the Canadians, Hill 60 and The Caterpillar, as the British military buildup begins; they hope to kill as many German troops as possible. To this end, he constructs an enormous shaft to keep the water table from inundating the explosives. He also digs multiple diversion tunnels to confuse the Germans. Jim Sneddon (Walter's Dad), is buried in one such tunnel when he is ordered into it by Colonel Rutledge, despite reporting that the Germans would likely be setting off the explosives soon.

The Germans eventually discover their plan and dig toward the main tunnel. An attack tunnel is dug in response, and the Australians successfully destroy the exploratory shaft with minutes to spare. However, the charge that was used weakens the clay and a portion of the tunnel collapses, trapping Tiffin. His compatriots race to stall the detonation of the mines, but the schedule cannot be delayed on account of one man. Woodward detonates two of the mines fired at the start of the Battle of Messines.

Woodward returns to Australia and the surviving members of the unit gather for his wedding with Marjorie.

Lost Songs of Anatolia

A musical journey among the many historic places and ethnic peoples of Anatolia, this documentary offers live recordings of 20 lesser-known or forgotten local folksongs, performed by the native artists of that particular region.

Richard Bolitho, Midshipman

The book opens with Richard Bolitho arriving at a Portsmouth inn frequented by midshipmen. There he meets another midshipman, Martyn Dancer. A lieutenant recalls them to their ship, HMS ''Gorgon'', a 74-gun ship of the line. Sailing towards West Africa, they encounter an empty merchantman, ''City of Athens''. Dancer and Bolitho are sent aboard the ship and discover that it has been pillaged and the crew killed. The officers soon deduce that the ship was raided by pirates and Captain Conway announces that the Admiralty had dispatched them to investigate the disappearance of ships in the region. In company with the captured ''City of Athens'', ''Gorgon'' approaches a coastal fort surrounded by treacherous reefs and shoals. They sight two ships in the nearby harbour. The fort then opens fire and disables ''City of Athens''. ''Gorgon'' withdraws and returns after dark to salvage the ship. Dancer and Bolitho are sent on the mission, commanded by the 4th lieutenant, Mr. Tregorren, who holds a grudge against Bolitho's prestigious heritage. They succeed at taking the ship, and also capture a slave dhow in the escape, with the help of ''Gorgon''. The ships, under the guise of being members of the pirate fleet, raid the castle which the pirates had been using as a base.

A Tragedy of Error

Mrs. Hortense Bernier receives a letter notifying her of her lame husband's return after an absence of two years. She is greatly affected by the letter; It is implied that she has been carrying on an affair with Monsieur de Meyrau and is certain her husband will find out. The next day, she rents a boat from a "dogged, brutal, and sullen" ferryman. In conversation, she learns that he is very poor and has killed several men. She asks him to meet her husband at the port when he arrives and kill him in return for payment. He agrees. The next day, M. de Meyrau goes to meet M. Bernier at the dock. On hearing that he had already been carried off by a boatman, he asks a different boatman to take him to Madame Bernier's. This boatman, who mistakes him for Monsieur Bernier, says, "You're just the man I want." An hour later, Hortense Bernier steps out of her house to see a limping man come toward her with outstretched arms.

Solatorobo: Red the Hunter

The story of ''Solatorobo'' is divided into two parts, with the first focusing on the conspiracy of the organization Kurvaz. Red Savarin is tasked with retrieving an important file that has been stolen. To retrieve it, he boards a massive airship called the Hindenburg, deep within which he finds a mysterious medallion. Suddenly, a gigantic creature called Lares rises up through the plasma sea beside the ship and heavily damages the Hindenburg. As Red makes his escape from the burning Hindenburg he runs into a mysterious Felineko child, who has passed out. At risk of his own life, Red carries the child out of the ship onto his personal craft, the Asmodeus, where he learns the child's name to be Elh. Before he knows it, Red finds himself in an epic journey sweeping across the Shepherd Republic to uncover the mysteries of the medallion and stop Bruno from controlling Lares.

The second part of the story focuses on Red's origins as a Hybrid and the mysterious operation known as "Operation CODA" (known as Continent Orientation Defloat Alignment). Shortly after defeating Lares, Red and his friends first encounter and are attacked by Blanck and Nero, human-like Hybrids who first attacked parts of the Shepherd Republic. Despite Red's efforts to defend against the attacks of Blanck and Nero, he was no match against them. Following the confrontation, Red learns from Merveille that he is like the two by his ability to enter Trance, which allows Red to shift to human form. Along with discovering his ability to enter Trance, Red also discovers that Merveille, through previous involvement in Operation CODA, rescued him to safety 9 years ago, as an unwanted byproduct of an experiment to create Hybrids for use in Operation CODA, in which Red was deemed a "failure" and labelled to be disposed of otherwise. Soon after Red finds out the truth, Baion, a human hybrid who was awakened prematurely from his sleep and the creator of Blanck, Nero and Red, starts initiating Operation CODA. Sooner or later, Red learns that their world is indeed Planet Earth and was once inhabited by humans. But the obtainment of mysterious entities called Juno by humans caused the extinction of the human race due to their greed for knowledge. They also learned that Baion's plans for Operation CODA are to summon Tartaros and reset Earth by eradicating the current civilization. Red and his friends must do everything to stop Operation CODA and Baion before their world is destroyed.

Grass on the Wayside

After having returned from England, Kenzō, an egocentric, emotionally detached man in his thirties, teaches English literature at Tokyo Imperial University. His wife Osumi, with whom he constantly argues, is pregnant with their third child, and to facilitate their monetary situation, he starts writing articles for magazines until late in the night. While he holds neither one of his siblings in high regard, he supports his older, sickly half-sister Onatsu with a monthly income, although she is herself married (her husband Hida is rumoured to spend his money on a mistress), and also lends money to his older brother Chōtarō. One day, Kenzō is approached by his former adoptive father Shimada, who asks him for his financial support. Kenzō remembers his secured but loveless childhood at his possessive foster parents' home, where he lived between the age of two and eight. When Shimada divorced his wife Otsune and remarried, Kenzō first lived with Otsune before returning to his natural parents, where he was regarded as a burden. Although reluctantly, Kenzō repeatedly gives Shimada the sums he asks for, commented on disparagingly by Osumi. In a final agreement reached between the two men and their emissaries, Kenzō pays Shimada 100 yen, with Shimada in return signing a document declaring that he will never make contact with Kenzō again.

Light and Darkness (novel)

O-Nobu suspects that her husband, Tsuda, loves another woman and tries to find out the truth. Tsuda, who cannot forget his former lover, Kiyoko, goes to a hospital for a minor operation. O-Nobu visits her and her husband’s relatives in order to get some extra financial support, since the couple are extravagant. Kobayashi, an unemployed former friend, visits Tsuda and threatens that if he does not treat him well, he will reveal Tsuda’s past to O-Nobu. Kobayashi also visits O-Nobu, but nothing happens. Tsuda’s sister visits him and tries to make him realize how he should act towards his parents. Mrs. Yoshikawa, the wife of Tsuda’s boss, also visits him and tries to make him change his attitudes. She sends him away to an onsen where Tsuda meets Kiyoko, who is now married to another man.


The novel starts off with Daisuke, the protagonist, waking up and staring at the ceiling with his hand on his heart, feeling for his heartbeat. He is a son of a wealthy family. He is a polyglot and well-read, and has graduated from a prestigious university. At the time in Japan universities were a new element in society, and the government had to hire Western professors in order to teach students. But despite graduating, he is now thirty years old and unemployed, and depends on his father's wealth.

One day, he meets his university friends, Hiraoka and Terao. Hiraoka had a career in the Japanese civil service but he fought with his boss and was fired for mismanaging finance. Terao intended to become a world-famous novelist but ended up in a part-time job translating works and writing short articles for low wages. These two friends represent a world he feels completely detached from, and he questions their reasons for working.

Daisuke does not have much attachment to traditional Japanese society since his education has given him the knowledge that the world is too vast to be confined to the boundaries delineated by tradition. Furthermore, he cannot form any connection to modern society which views education merely as the prelude to success in a bureaucratic order. Because of Daisuke's detachment from everything, his family decides to support him financially for the rest of his life if he marries a woman who is chosen by the family. However, Daisuke decides not to get any support from his family and not get married. He eventually falls in love with Michiyo, the wife of Hiraoka.

Someone Behind the Door

A neurosurgeon and psychiatrist manipulates an amnesiac to murder his wife's lover, believing that the patient will have no memory of what he has done, providing the surgeon with a perfect alibi.

Acts of Worship (film)

Alix (Ana Reeder) is a woman living in New York City who is fighting a losing battle with heroin and cocaine addiction. Her boyfriend Mark (Christopher Kadish) has grown tired of her dependence problems and forces her to move out of his apartment. With nowhere to go, Alix must fend for herself on the streets, and she supports her habit by stealing. Mark eventually takes pity on Alix and allows her to come back, but she soon overdoses on heroin, and a nervous Mark drags her comatose body out of his apartment and into the apartment complexes hallway. Digna (Michael Hyatt), a photographer who has had her own problems with addiction, finds Alix and takes her in over the objections of her boyfriend, Anthony (Nestor Rodriguez). Digna tries to help Alix clean up, but Alix is unable to stay on the wagon, and when she falls back into the cycle of addiction, Digna soon follows her.

Patriotism (short story)

The story of Patriotism centers around the experiences of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama and his young wife, Reiko, and their ritualistic suicide following the Ni Ni Roku Incident, a mutiny against the Imperial Army in 1936. Their suicide is discussed in brief at the very beginning of the story, and then followed by an introduction to the characters and their daily lives.

The focus of the story takes place across three days, beginning on February 26, and ending on February 28, 1936. On the morning of the 26th, the lieutenant leaves in a hurry to the sound of a bugle; he does not return until the evening of the 28th. When he does return, he tells his wife of the mutiny in the army ranks, and that the following morning, he will be in command of a unit ordered to attack the mutineers. Most of these mutineers are friends of his.

Unable to choose between loyalty to the Emperor and loyalty to his comrades, he informs his wife that he will kill himself that evening, and she immediately requests to accompany him in his endeavour. He asks her to be a witness to his own suicide, and she agrees.

The lieutenant kills himself by ''seppuku'' later that same evening; this is described in a violent, lyrical display, typical of Mishima's literary style.

The writing reflects on the interlacing of mundanity and beauty, as when the intensity of passion that the husband and wife share for one another is related to the description of the couple in the photograph taken at their wedding, a recurring reference throughout the story.

Hotel Paradiso (film)

Playwright Monsieur Feydeau is staying in the Parisian Hotel Paradiso. He needs to write a new play, but has writer's block. He takes the opportunity to observe his fellow guests: Monsieur Boniface, henpecked by his domineering wife, and Marcelle, the beautiful but neglected wife of Henri, a building inspector. Henri is sent to the hotel to investigate rumours of ghosts (which turn out to be caused by drains). However, the hotel is the trysting place of Marcelle and Boniface, who are having an affair.

In the 'by-the-hour' hotel, there are two husbands and one wife, plus Henri's nephew and Boniface's maid, who are also having an affair. Marcelle and Boniface's affair is severely compromised (not least by a police raid). All these events provide Feydeau with the material for his play, which becomes the ''succès fou'' of the next season.

Another Year (film)

Tom Hepple, a geologist, and Gerri Hepple, a counsellor, are an older married couple who have a comfortable, loving relationship. The film observes them over the course of the four seasons of a year, surrounded by family and friends who mostly suffer some degree of unhappiness.

Gerri's friend and colleague, Mary, works as a receptionist at the health centre. She is a middle-aged divorcee seeking a new relationship, and despite telling everyone she is happy, appears desperate and depressed, and seems to drink too much. The Hepples' only child, Joe, is 30 and unmarried and works as a solicitor giving advice on housing.

In the summer, the Hepples are visited by Ken, Tom's old friend from his student days. Ken is overweight, eats, smokes and drinks compulsively and seems very unhappy. Tom and Gerri host a barbecue in his honour. Mary drives her newly bought car to the party, but gets lost and arrives late. Having had some wine, she flirts with Joe, whom she has known since he was little. He remains friendly but does not reciprocate. After the party, Mary reluctantly gives Ken a lift to the train station. He makes a clumsy romantic advance and Mary irritably rejects him.

Months later, in the autumn, Mary is once again at Tom and Gerri's home. Joe arrives with Katie, a new girlfriend. Mary appears rude and hostile towards Katie, which Tom and Gerri don't appreciate, creating a rift between Gerri and Mary.

In the winter, Tom, Gerri, and Joe attend the funeral for the wife of Tom's brother Ronnie. Towards the end of the service, Ronnie's estranged son Carl arrives, and angrily asks why the ceremony was not delayed for him. At the reception at Ronnie's house, Carl becomes aggressive and walks out. Tom and Gerri invite Ronnie back to London to stay with them for a while and Ronnie agrees.

While Tom and Gerri are at their garden allotment, Mary arrives unannounced at their home and persuades Ronnie to let her in. Her car has just been wrecked and she is upset. They have a cup of tea and a desultory chat before Mary takes a nap on the settee. When Tom and Gerri return, they are unhappy to find Mary there. Gerri explains to Mary that she feels let down by her earlier behaviour towards Katie. Mary apologises and weeps. Gerri gradually extends a degree of warmth to Mary, suggesting she should seek counseling and inviting her to stay for dinner, and the two women set the table. Joe and Katie arrive, their relationship still appearing strong and happy. The Hepples enjoy dinner together. Mary eats with them but appears lost and uncertain.

Chuka (film)

The film begins with a U.S. Army commander dictating a report. Held prisoner in the commander's office, in a fort that has been almost totally destroyed, is the Arapaho Indian war chief, Hanu (Marco Lopez). He says very little. Within the fort's ruins have been found a single grave and a Colt pistol once owned by a gunman Hanu describes as a "quiet, lonely man..." At this point the action of the movie commences.

A wandering gunman, Chuka (Rod Taylor), rides into an Arapaho camp. It is winter and everyone in the camp is starving, so he gives them some food. Shortly afterwards Chuka crosses paths with a stagecoach taking Mexican passengers Senora Veronica Kleitz (Luciana Paluzzi) and her niece Senorita Helena Chavez (Victoria Vetri) through the territory. Chuka and Kleitz look hard at each other. Suddenly mounted Arapaho warriors, led by Hanu, surround the coach. Everyone connected to the stagecoach expects to be killed, but Hanu recognizes Chuka and the braves simply ride on.

Chuka accompanies the coach to a nearby U.S. Army fort. The outpost's commander, Colonel Stuart Valois (John Mills), is worried the Arapahos may have ambushed his overdue patrol and refuses to allow the civilians to leave. He sends out his scout Lou Trent (James Whitmore) to reconnoiter, but the horse returns without the rider.

Everybody in the fort has a past they would rather forget. Before he became a hired gunman, Chuka was in love with Kleitz, but because he was only a lowly hired hand on her wealthy father's ranch, he was run off. She dutifully married a man selected by her father from their own social class. The soldiers are the dregs of the army. Valois was cashiered from the British Army for suspected cowardice, including being drunk when his command was attacked. His second-in-command, Major Benson (Louis Hayward), is a card cheat, and also (though Valois does not know it) keeps an Arapaho mistress hidden within the fort. Lieutenant Daly was acquitted of a charge of treason. Most of these revelations are told during dinner by Colonel Valois, to humiliate the men involved. Only Sergeant Otto Hansbach (Ernest Borgnine) is a first-rate soldier. When the coach arrived at the fort he had been overseeing the flogging of a soldier, Spivey (Michael Cole), for desertion. Hansbach takes an immediate dislike to Chuka.

The fort is constantly being infiltrated by Arapaho warriors, which would be more successful if not for Chuka's instincts and shooting skills. Recognizing that he is no match for Chuka with a gun, Hansbach challenges Chuka to a fight over the latter's threateningly defiant refusal to obey Valois's order to work for the fort as a scout. A brutal fist fight follows, which ends in a draw.

Chaka is paid $200 to sneak out and scout the enemy for Valois; in the process, he rescues Trent. On his return he tries to renew the relationship with Kleitz, who is now a widow, but she tells him it is too late. He offers to take the two women to safety, but by the time Kleitz asks him to flee with her niece, the fort is under threat of imminent attack. Chuka tells her in any case he would only have tried to flee if she rather than her niece would have gone with him.

Having seen the size of Hanu's force and the tactics the Arapaho are practicing, Chuka urges Valois to abandon the fort and leave the food and supplies inside, which is all Hanu wants. Valois will not consider it, even though his force is hopelessly outnumbered. Before the Arapahos attack he suppresses an attempted mutiny of his soldiers, shooting the ringleader Spivey in the process. Chuka guesses, and Valois confirms, it was the first time he has killed a man. (During the contentious dinner Valois had attempted to provoke Chuka by asking him how many men he had killed.) As they await the attack, Senora Kleitz goes to Chuka and they have an intimate encounter. Later, over coffee, Hansbach and Chuka talk in a friendly manner, and Hansbach explains his absolute loyalty to his commander. When Hansbach was a young soldier under Valois's command in the Sudan, he blundered and was captured by the enemy. Valois's unit rescued Hansbach from torture and certain death, but Valois was captured and castrated. Valois was eventually rescued, but was left deeply scarred psychologically as well as physically.

The Arapahos attack. They get help from inside the fort, when Major Benson's Arapaho mistress, after stabbing him to death, sets fire to the stables. When the walls of the fort are breached, Senora Kleitz and Valois are killed. Kleitz dies in Chuka's arms. Enraged, he shoots wildly at the Arapaho overrunning the walls. Valois, with his last words, laments that he was struck down too soon to learn if he is indeed a coward. Hansbach is fatally shot, as he slumps to his death he sees his fallen commander. With all the soldiers dead, and he himself seriously wounded, Chuka hides with Helena Chavez while the victorious Arapahos take the fort's supplies and leave. As Hanu rides through the burning fort on a final inspection, Chuka takes aim at him with his pistol. Hanu sees the two of them in their hiding spot. Chuka recoils and puts his pistol to Helena's head, ready to kill her to keep her from being taken by the attackers. Expressionless, Hanu slowly follows his braves into the night. Presumably he again recognized Chuka, and having taken the fort is satisfied. Hanu's debt to Chuka, if he ever owed one, is doubly paid.

Back in the present, the commander is finishing his report. He says he will not disturb the grave to discover who is buried there. Of Chuka and Helena there is no sign, but as a relationship between them was foreshadowed it is to be inferred that they somehow left the fort together, after burying Señora Kleitz.

Digital: A Love Story

The game, set "five minutes into the future of 1988", opens with the silent protagonist, whose name is given by the player, having just obtained a computer. When the player checks their messages, they learn the telephone number to the ''Lake City Local'' BBS, a local board, and can then log on to there. One of the topics posted to that board is some poetry by a girl named "Emilia"; when the player responds to her message, the two start up a conversation. While this conversation is ongoing, the player learns of another BBS and of a board whose telephone number is in another area code. They also learn of an illegal method to get access to boards like that, which would otherwise require the purchase of long distance calling cards. The conversation between the player and Emilia, which is inferred to have taken place over a much longer duration of time than has transpired in reality, begins at this point to show Emilia forming an attachment to the player. Soon after, Emilia confesses to the player that she loves them; the host computer for Lake City Local then breaks down, however, leaving the player unable to contact her.

Soon afterwards the owner of Lake City Local contacts the player with a garbled message that Emilia had tried to send to them. This message implies that Emilia is in danger, asking the player to contact someone named Paris, and provides a mass of binary code. The player has no context for this message; but after hacking into another BBS, The Gibson, the player finds a cryptic message reposted from another board saying that there are several artificial intelligences (AIs) around the world that have been recently "killed", naming Emilia as one of them. The player hacks into the source board for this message, and finds a history of artificial intelligence posted there by *Blue Sky, a "historian" AI.

According to Blue Sky's records, the American government created an AI at the same time it created ARPANET in the 1970s. This AI, Mother, in turn created child AIs, but its first attempt spread out of control and had to be destroyed by a virus that spread after it—later officially explained by the government as the real-life Creeper and Reaper worms. Mother's later attempts, which could only exist on one system at a time, were more successful, and these AIs left the ARPANET in favor of the Internet when it was developed. Reaper, however, continued to spread and destroyed any AI it found, such as Emilia. The player finds Paris, another AI and Emilia's brother, on an ARPANET node, who explains that compiling the binary code in Emilia's message can recreate her. The player compiles Emilia onto their system, and the two learn of a "payload" that the other AIs have developed, which exploits a vulnerability that can cause Reaper to self-terminate; however, infecting Reaper with it requires that an AI be recompiled with it as living bait, meaning permanent deletion. Realizing that they have no other choice, Emilia becomes the payload carrier. After a final conversation, the player allows *Emilia to sacrifice herself, saving the AIs and ending the game.

Black Dogs Barking

Selim’s family has migrated from Anatolia to İstanbul. A naive young man without any special training or expertise, he likes to feed pigeons on the rooftop of the building he lives in. Selim’s best friend, Çaça Celal, is a local tough guy. Selim and Çaça work for a man they refer to as Usta, running car parks in the ritzy neighborhood on the other side of the road. Their greatest dream is to have a car park of their own. In a club that Selim frequents, he meets Mehmet, who makes an offer that will change their lives forever

Mentors (TV series)

''Mentors'' follows the adventures of 15-year-old boy genius Oliver Cates who uses his computer to bring famous historical figures such as Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, and Joan of Arc from the past into the present for 36 hours. He and his friend Dee Sampson often use the device to help cope with the challenges of being teenagers, as well as learning about history. Eventually Oliver hands the machine over to his two cousins Simon and Crystal, who bring forward figures such as Confucius, Anaïs Nin and Vlad the Impaler.

Michael Collins (film)

At the close of the Easter Rising in 1916, the besieged Irish rebels surrender to the British Army at the Irish Republican headquarters in Dublin. Several key figures of the Rising; Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh, Tom Clarke and James Connolly are executed. Éamon de Valera is spared execution due to his American citizenship, but is imprisoned alongside Michael Collins and Harry Boland.

The 1918 Irish general election results in the victorious Sinn Féin party to unilaterally declare Irish independence, beginning the Irish War of Independence. De Valera is elected President, Collins is appointed Director of Intelligence for the emerging IRA. Ned Broy, officially a member of the loyalist G Division sympathizes with the independence cause, and tips Collins off that the Castle intends to arrest the entire Cabinet that evening. De Valera, sensing that the arrest will spark an international outcry dissuades his cabinet from going into hiding, and allow their arrests to take place. Collins and Boland evade arrest, though there is no response to the wider action.

As the last senior leader still free, Collins begins a counter-intelligence campaign with help from Broy. Numerous assassinations take place on agents and Irish collaborators by the IRA's Dublin Brigade. De Valera soon breaks out of Lincoln Prison, but announces upon returning to Ireland that he will go to the United States to seek President Woodrow Wilson's official recognition of the Irish Republic. The war continues to intensify; the British assign SIS Officer Soames to counter the IRA, though he and several of his agents are assassinated in an attack orchestrated by Collins. To retaliate, the Black and Tans are sent to Dublin to brutally suppress unarmed civilians in support of independence, culminating in a massacre at Croke Park, where 14 people are killed during a peaceful Gaelic football game. Broy's assistance to Collins is also discovered by Soames, who subsequently has Broy tortured and killed.

De Valera returns from America, unable to secure President Wilson's support. The British hint at direct communication with the Irish, though Collins' guerilla campaign has boded poorly for Ireland's image, therefore de Valera decrees that the IRA must fight as a conventional army; though Collins knows that this will just lead to another defeat against the might of the British Empire. Adamant at securing peace, de Valera orders an attack on The Custom House, but the IRA suffer heavy casualties and the attack fails catastrophically. Despite the desperate situation the IRA now find themselves in, the British unexpectedly call for a ceasefire.

Collins is sent to London to negotiate Irish interests as part of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which is signed in 1921. Though the Republic is not immediately granted independence, the treaty grants Ireland to achieve it over time whilst also becoming a British dominion during the interim, plus the cost of six of the nine Ulster counties. De Valera is furious upon learning of this, who sought unconditional independence for Ireland. As a result, de Valera and his supporters resign in protest, including Boland. The subsequent people's vote backs the terms of the treaty, though de Valera rejects the result, and in 1922 leads a seizure on the Four Courts in Dublin, the IRA lead by Collins are ordered to retake it. In the Battle of Dublin, Boland is killed.

Devastated upon learning about his friend's death, Collins journeys to West Cork, where de Valera is in hiding, to mediate peace. Collins, however, is misdirected by de Valera's associates, and he is led into an ambush where he is shot and killed. Kitty Kiernan, the love interest of Collins, is informed of the latter's death just as she tries on a wedding gown.

Pandora's Box (2008 film)

Two sisters and a brother living in the centre of Istanbul are confronted with the care for their dementing mother who they brought back with them from the mountains near the Black Sea where she lived.

As the siblings start reminiscing about their mother, the tensions between them quickly become apparent; like a Pandora’s Box which is spilled open, all the unresolved disputes are scattered around. The confrontation with their mother’s sordidness brings them to realize how poor their own lives are. It is only the oldest daughter's rebellious son Murat who empathizes with the old woman and an unusual alliance is born between the two.

Park Safety

Leslie (Amy Poehler) holds a drawing to determine who will fill the park's hummingbird feeders, a job reviled by the parks and recreation department. Jerry (Jim O'Heir), who is often mocked by his co-workers, is chosen because everybody writes down Jerry's name instead of their own. Later, Leslie receives a call from Ann (Rashida Jones) that Jerry is in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder. Jerry claims to have been mugged in the park, and Leslie decides nobody should tease Jerry anymore. When Jerry returns, he acts particularly buffoonish during a slideshow presentation, and ends up farting and splitting his pants, but everyone holds back laughter at Leslie's request. Leslie meets with Carl Lorthner (Andy Samberg), a park security ranger who is incredibly loud but oblivious to the fact. Leslie suggests Carl get more help for the park to be safe. Meanwhile, Ron (Nick Offerman) teaches a self-defense course to the rest of the department so they don't end up like Jerry.

Leslie, Tom (Aziz Ansari), and Jerry join Carl to take a tour of the park where Jerry was mugged. Carl says the area is largely unprotected due to budget cuts, so Leslie vows to get more funding. She appears on ''Pawnee Today'', the local news show, saying the Pawnee government failed the parks and that security is poor. Paul (Phil Reeves), the city manager, is angry over the television appearance, but informs Leslie the stunt worked and the mayor is offering $2,500 to help fix the park. While at a press conference about the money, Jerry confesses to Leslie that he wasn't mugged: he dropped a breakfast burrito in a creek, then fell while trying to grab it and dislocated his shoulder. He fabricated the mugger story because he was embarrassed and didn't want everyone to make fun of him. Leslie angrily relates Jerry's story to Mark, but he stops her short when he says that Jerry was too scared of his co-workers to be honest with them. Leslie soon discovers Carl was offended by Leslie's statements about park security and plans to show footage of Jerry falling into the creek on ''Pawnee Today''. Leslie negotiates with Carl to not show the event, and instead they talk during the show about how much they enjoyed the film ''Avatar'', much to the anger of host Joan Callamezzo (Mo Collins). As part of their deal to not show the tape, Leslie buys Carl a brand new security cart. Carl hands over the tape, which she agrees to throw away after she watches it one last time. The office goes back to mocking Jerry, but with less venom than before, while Jerry confides that he doesn't really care because he's just two years away from retiring on a full pension and enjoying a peaceful retirement.

In a side plot, a love triangle develops between Andy (Chris Pratt), April (Aubrey Plaza) and Ann. In an interview, Ann says Andy is a fun person but was a terrible boyfriend because he is completely reliant on others. When learning self-defense from Ron, Ann takes down Andy with a wrist grab, impressing Andy but making April jealous. After Andy is accidentally knocked out by Ron, Ann later approaches Andy at his shoe shine stand and brings him gifts to help him feel better. April arrives and Andy gives her a vegetarian muffin. Surprised Andy got something for someone other than himself, Ann believes Andy has changed.

The Master (2009 film)

Dogan, a car mechanic in a small town, is obsessed with flying. He has been building a small biplane in his back yard for years. His wife Emine does not share his affinity for aviation and feels neglected in their marriage. When Dogan's plane crashes during an aeronautics fair, she gives him an ultimatum: he can either pursue his passion for flying or live a humble life with her, solely as a car mechanic.

3 Apples Fell from the Sky

Ali, a young petty thief, runs away from home and seeks refuge with his grandfather in Istanbul. His grandfather, an ex-military disciplinarian who at first did not even recognize his own grandson, is involved in a feud with his upstairs neighbor Nilgun, a middle-aged prostitute. We learn they are not quite what they appear to be in a spiraling chain of events that makes these three seemingly antagonistic characters come closer and closer together.

Mommo the Bogeyman

Two young siblings, Ahmet and Ayse, find refuge with their grandfather after their mother dies and their father's new wife rejects them. The old man however is not able to care for them and finally has to take the children apart. This simple, poignant tale of a village, and the relationship between a brother and sister, portrays very gritty living circumstances in rural Anatolia.

In Darkness (2009 film)

Egemen is an advertising agency clerk in his thirties who has to share a roof with his mentally ill mother, Gülseren. Having to endure his mother's anxieties and mental black outs, his only outlet is his workplace; where he feels he can breathe and escape the hell that is his home, even if it is for a little while. But Egemen's amorous interest in his boss Umay unveils little by little just how much Gulseren has emotionally damaged her son.

Shadrach in the Furnace

The story begins on 14 May 2012 as Dr. Shadrach Mordecai, personal physician of the dictator Genghis II Mao IV, awakens. He checks the health of the dictator through a series of implants within his body that link to the general health of his client, allowing him to receive any information on the health of the dictator through codings of various twitches in his own body. Through a series of security checks, he enters into his office to prepare for a kidney transplant for his master.

As he passes Surveillance Vector One, the eye on the world which gives committee members the ability to view all events happening on Earth, he meets Mangu, the prince of the world and viceroy of the committee, a charming man who earns the admiration of all his subjects. Mangu is concerned about the surgery, but Shadrach Mordecai assures the prince that Genghis Mao has grown used to surgeries. Here, Shadrach also reveals to the reader that Mangu was chosen as the subject for Project Avatar, where Genghis Mao will continue to reign in the body of his own son. He also feels sorry for Mangu, since he was tricked by his father into believing that he would inherit the throne. Once in his office, he contacts Nicholas Warhaftig, surgeon of the dictator. Warhaftig orders Shadrach to bring Genghis Mao to the Surgery by 0900. Soon, Genghis Mao himself contacts Shadrach to ask how his health is that day. As Shadrach tells the dictator of his health state, he also informs the dictator of the incoming surgery and its timing. Genghis Mao requests for Shadrach to enter his room and prepare him for the surgery at 0900. We also learn from this conversation that the surgery would give the dictator the fourth liver he is having. Afterwards, Shadrach looks up the leaders of the projects Talos, Phoenix and Avatar, for it is his responsibility as personal physician to the Khan to keep checks on the progress of such projects. First, he contacts Katya Lindman of Project Talos. She reports to Shadrach their progress in coding Genghis Mao's eyelid mannerisms and as Shadrach asks her to continue working on coding his mental processes, she has an apprehensive look but agrees. Next, he contacts Irayne Sarafrazi of Project Phoenix. She talks of her problems with brain cell deterioration and becomes worried as Shadrach presses for her to make further progress in the subject. Lastly, he contacts Nikki Crowfoot of Project Avatar, who is also Shadrach's lover. After she recounts her progress, she arranges a meeting with Shadrach for 0230.

Shadrach reveals to the reader his belief that Project Avatar is far superior to the other two, since Project Talos could only create an automated Genghis Mao which could never live up to the ability of the original while Project Phoenix would constantly be confronted with the problem of brain cell regeneration. Afterwards, he leaves to take Genghis Mao to the Surgery. As Warhaftig and his team operate on the dictator, Shadrach, due to his implants, acts as a "computer" for the team, informing them of the health status of the dictator throughout the entire surgical process. During the operation, Shadrach also comments on the calmness and tranquility of the dictator and how he has grown accustomed to constant organ transplants. After the surgery, he prepares to leave with Crowfoot to Karakorum, the playground of the world's ruling class. As they enter Karakorum, Nikki Crowfoot muses about how Shadrach and Genghis Mao are like one entity and compares them to the sculptor and his sculpture, how the actions and health situation of Genghis Mao affect the actions of Shadrach. Nikki Crowfoot decides they ought to go to the transtemporallism tent, where supposedly religious rites are carried out using chemicals to transport a client into a dream-like state where he may witness famous scenes, usually related to Christianity. Shadrach is transported to the scene of the Cotopaxi eruption, where he helplessly watches the civilians die all around him. When he wakes up and leaves the tent, he sees many government members, who greet him. Among them is Roger Buckmaster, who claims that he has gained enlightenment from the transtemporallist experience.

Buckmaster first recounts his dream of the Last Supper and the subsequent betrayal at Gethsemane, and how it taught him to hate evil. Then, he begins insulting Shadrach and blaming him for keeping Genghis Mao alive. Both Shadrach and Buckmaster have a lengthy moral argument, but soon Nikki Crowfoot leaves the tent and they leave the area, with Buckmaster shouting curses to Shadrach. Shadrach and Nikki book a room and sleep together, after which they encounter Bela Horthy and Donna Lambile, two members of the government.

Mangu is giving a speech about the worldwide distribution of Rondevic's Antidote against organ rot, to which Bela Horthy yells curses that Genghis Mao constantly lies about healing the world from the organ rot disease, despite the desperate urgings of Lambile. The next day, Shadrach awakes feeling tremendous vigorous twitches from the implants and immediately rushes to meet the Khan. There, he sees many government members surrounding the dictator. He learns from Ionigylakis, the Vice President, that Mangu was assassinated. He soon realises that the twitches were due to the shock from Genghis Mao when he received the news. He also learns that Bela Horthy was the one who witnesses Mangu falling from his window before he informed the Khan. Genghis Mao gives Avogadro, the security chief, orders for subsequent arrests and sentences against suspected individuals in order to invoke fear into the population.

In Committee Vector One, Shadrach has a brief conversation with Avogadro, who states that no one, not even Bela Horthy, saw any assassins throw Mangu out of the window, thus many government members believe it was merely suicide, but Genghis Mao remains convinced that Mangu was killed. Shadrach then asks Bela Horthy about the exact recount he gave to Genghis Mao. At first, Horthy is apprehensive but soon replies that he merely stated that Mangu had died and nothing else. Shadrach also learns from Horthy that Buckmaster has become a prime suspect in the assassination case due to his words of folly at Karakorum the previous night. Shadrach asks Horthy about his own words at Karakorum, but Horthy insists that he was not at Karakorum at all. Meanwhile, the committee members are in chaos as General Gonchigdorge struggles anxiously to find possible suspects and Surveillance Vector One. As the general calls for Frank Ficifolia, Ficifolia reveals to Shadrach his opinion that the committee members have gone mad and that Mangu had probably committed suicide. Shadrach returns to his room, where he sees Nikki Crowfoot. He recounts to her the incidents that occurred and Crowfoot is immediately shocked since her project is affected by the death of the chosen subject. As she listens to the subsequent events, she comments that Bela Horthy probably intended for Genghis Mao to feel great shock due to his testimony and perish. Shadrach returns to his office where he receives a call from Katya Lindman, who requests that he review her progress on Project Talos. She shows the robot of Genghis Mao and all its actions and becomes angry when Shadrach does not seem impressed. As she continues to show Shadrach all her equipment, Shadrach begins to suspect that she has feelings for him.

Later on, he receives a call from Avogadro to participate in his interrogation of Buckmaster. During the interrogation, Buckmaster constantly defends himself, saying that he was drugged from the transtemporallism. Avogadro is shocked that Shadrach also attempts to defend Buckmaster, but more passively. However, in the end, Buckmaster is arrested on the basis of a faulty "I'll destroy him" while he was arguing with Shadrach at Karakorum. Shadrach then argues with Avogadro, saying that it was not justified to arrest a man he knew was innocent. However, Avogadro is apathetic to the plight of Buckmaster and even uses Shadrach's words at Karakorum against him that "guilt is a luxury we cannot afford". They both assume that Buckmaster is being sent to the Organ Farms, where his organs would be used to support the dictator. The next day, Shadrach visits Genghis Mao, who speaks deliriously and even offers to make Shadrach pope in Rome. Shadrach infers that Genghis Mao has gone mad over the death of Mangu. That night, he goes to Karakorum with Katya Lindman, where they try dream-death, an experience where one is placed in a dream-like state and imagines death and the subsequent afterlife. Shadrach travels the afterlife realm with Katya in his dreams, and after enjoying themselves, to enters into a tranquil state before awaking. Katya reveals that she was having a different dream from him, one which was not as light-hearted as his. Then, they return home to rest, where Katya randomly and suddenly warns Shadrach to be careful. Nikki Crowfoot grows increasingly distant from him, and Shadrach is unable to discover why. He visits Genghis Mao and informs the dictator of an aneurysm he detected in the dictator's abdominal aorta. The news annoys Genghis Mao, since he is preparing a colossal funeral for Mangu which he refuses to delay. Shadrach has lunch with Katya, who reveals to him that, on the night before his death, she informed Mangu that he was chosen as the Avatar subject. Katya tells Shadrach that she did so only out of sympathy for Mangu, but Shadrach suspects that she wanted to kill the Avatar subject so that her project could supersede Nikki's and hopefully destroy her relationship with Shadrach so she could have him too. However, he soon realises that his suspicions contradict Katya's decision to reveal this information to him. Shadrach hopes to visit Nikki and after learning that she had fallen ill, makes the decision to visit her in her room. There, he pretends to examine her but subsequently asks about her project, to which she responds angrily, ranting about the setbacks in her work. As Shadrach leaves, he also reveals to Nikki that a member of Project Talos informed Mangu that he had been chosen as the Avatar subject, but he disguises it as a rumour. However, Nikki believes it and instantly suspects Katya Lindman to be the culprit. Later, Shadrach confesses to Katya what he had revealed to Nikki. Katya is disturbed at first, but soon informs Shadrach that he had been chosen as the next Avatar subject. Shadrach soon realises that that had to be the reason Nikki had chosen to distance herself from him. Katya advises Shadrach to make a plan of escape and also tells him not to trust Nikki anymore, since she must have agreed to continue her work despite the fact that he was chosen. The day of the aorta transplant arrives. During the surgeries, Shadrach thinks to himself that if he killed Genghis Mao on the operating table, Project Avatar would be finished. He muses about plans such as jostling Warhaftig's elbow or feeding them misleading information, but resolves not to.

In his office, Shadrach begins thinking about Genghis Mao's possible origins and begins crafting fake diary entries from the perspective of Genghis Mao in his mind. Soon, he decides to confront Nikki Crowfoot about him being the Avatar subject. Nikki is shocked and somewhat remorseful, but she defends herself, saying there was nothing she could do. Shadrach is distraught, but lets the matter rest. He resorts to carpentry to cope with the stress. On one of his adventures to the carpentry chapel, he meets Frank Ficifolia, who offers Shadrach the chance to escape from Ulan Bator and remain hidden. Ficifolia also reveals that members of the government helped to conceal Buckmaster, who is still alive, and offers to do the same for Shadrach. However, Shadrach is unsure and asks for time to think. Then, he is approached by Bela Horthy, who advises Shadrach to take the offer and flee from Ulan Bator, but Shadrach continues to refuse. He makes a visit to the Project Avatar laboratory to meet Nikki Crowfoot. After a tour of the laboratory, Nikki takes him to her office. She advises Shadrach to flee from Ulan Bator, even at the expense of her work. However, Shadrach still wants more time to think, to which Nikki responds that she loves him still. Soon, Shadrach decides to go on a vacation so that he would think better overseas. He informs Genghis Mao about his decision, who is slightly disappointed but agrees. Shadrach first goes to Nairobi, where he meets Bhishma Das, a merchant. Bhishma Das constantly asks him questions about the organ rot disease and the Roncevic's Antidote. As they continue their conversation, Shadrach begins speaking of utopian ideals that, after many years, the world will rebuild itself. Although he is unsure of this prophecy, under the encouragement of Bhishma Das, he becomes convinced that that will eventually happen. This gives him encouragement to deal with the problem of Project Avatar. He then leaves for Jerusalem, where he meets Meshach Yakov at the Wailing Wall. Shadrach is distressed about the widespread organ rot and poverty amongst the people, including children, and he prays. Meshach takes Shadrach to his house, where he and his family chat with Shadrach about politics. He then goes to Istanbul, Rome and San Francisco. In each place, he is constantly distressed by the suffering of the people but also begins to suspect that the Citpols, policemen of the Genghis Mao regime, are spying on him.

At San Francisco, he meets an old friend, Jim Ehrenreich, who is struck with organ rot and requests that Shadrach steal some of Rondevic's Antidote for him. However, Shadrach refuses, saying that the antidote only immunises and cannot cure. At first, Ehrenreich is angry but after a while, he accepts his fate. At Peking, Shadrach begins to feel strange twitches in his implants and after a series of checks begins to suspect clogging of cerebrospinal fluid. He rushes to the airport, hoping to get a quick flight back to Ulan Bator. At the airport, he meets Avogadro, who informs Shadrach of the multiple headaches suffered by Genghis Mao and that he requested for Shadrach's return to the capital. Shadrach returns to the capital and visits Genghis Mao, informing his master of the problem and suggests that it be cured by brain surgery: more specifically, to implant valved tubes to his skull to drain the excess fluid. Afterwards, Shadrach arranges a meeting with Frank Ficifolia, requesting to meet Buckmaster. Although Ficifolia is annoyed that Shadrach chose to return when he could have escaped the capital, Shadrach reassures him that he has a plan. Ficifolia agrees to arrange the meeting. Shadrach is taken to the transtemporallists in Karakorum, where Buckmaster has hidden himself as an ascetic, entering multiple dreams to witness the life of Jesus. Shadrach requests for Buckmaster to create a device that will allow him to control the valve that will be implanted into Genghis Mao, and after much persuasion, Buckmaster agrees.

In Ulan Bator, he arranges a meeting with Katya Lindman. Both of them talk about the funeral of Mangu, which he missed while he was on holiday. He also informs her about his cure for the headaches of Genghis Mao, and despite the warnings of Katya, Shadrach states that he has a plan to save himself. Soon, Genghis Mao is operated on and the valved tubes transplanted. He then meets Nikki Crowfoot, who informs him of her progress in Project Avatar. She adds that she hopes her project will not be chosen, but Shadrach tells her not to worry about him but to focus on her work instead. To rest, he leaves again for Karakorum unaccompanied and visits the dream-death tent, where he enters the afterlife and heals numerous people in the dream. He is hailed as their Saviour but is soon interrupted by the scene of Katya informing him that he was chosen as the Avatar subject. Shocked, he awakens and returns to Ulaanbaatar. Already implanted with the device to control the valved tubes, Shadrach visits Genghis Mao and informs him of how he is able to control the tubes using the device implanted in his hand and whenever he clenches his fist, the tubes will reverse, quickly killing the dictator. Instead of begging or becoming angry, Genghis Mao is pleased and informs Shadrach that he was never going to become the Avatar subject in the first place. He also admires Shadrach's shrewdness in dealing with the situation. Shadrach demands to become a committee member in charge of public health to oversee the production and worldwide distribution of Roncevic's Antidote. Genghis Mao agrees and, confused about the dictator's reactions, Shadrach leaves the room to admire the outside world.

I'm Here (film)

Sheldon (Andrew Garfield) is a gray robot with a head shaped like an old PC tower. Every day, he rides the bus to the public library then rides home again at the end of the day to recharge himself in his apartment. He appears unhappy and forlorn until one day, while waiting for the bus, he sees Francesca (Sienna Guillory), a sleekly-designed woman robot, driving a car (despite an apparent ban on robots driving). He sees her again the next day, driving with several other robots and one shirtless human. Though she passes by him at first, she turns her car around and offers Sheldon a ride home, which he accepts.

Francesca stops at a mall and she, and Sheldon, walk off together while she sticks pieces of paper on an "Exit" sign and a palm tree. The papers show a drawing of long hair and eyebrows with the words "I'm here". Francesca falls off a ledge and injures her knee. Sheldon repairs her knee with his built-in toolkit, and they listen to "There Are Many of Us" by ASKA & The Lost Trees on her car radio.

Sheldon and Francesca grow closer. One night, while they are lying together in Sheldon's apartment, Francesca tells Sheldon about her dreams, something Sheldon thought was impossible for robots to have. The two later go to a rock concert, where Francesca gets lost in the crowd and loses her left arm. Sheldon takes her to safety then goes back to retrieve her arm. Finding it smashed on the floor, he replaces it with his own arm, transplanting it onto Francesca's body.

Later, Sheldon finds Francesca lying in the hallway outside his apartment, her right leg missing. He removes his own leg to replace it; and though Francesca initially protests, he convinces her to take it by telling her he had a dream about her needing a leg and choosing his over all the legs that were offered to her.

Some time after, Francesca fails to pick up Sheldon at the library (as she normally does), leaving him to take the bus. When he gets home, he receives a phone call summoning him to the hospital. He arrives to find Francesca's body broken and lifeless on an operating table, and he saves her life by having the rest of his body surgically transferred to her, with only his head remaining. Francesca is taken out in front of the hospital in a wheelchair, cradling Sheldon's head in her lap. The two smile and look out towards the setting sun as a taxi pulls up to pick them up.

All the World's a Stage (Ugly Betty)

Justin loves his acting class, helmed by the eccentric Lena Korvinka (Carol Kane), and finds himself in an unexpected triangle with his new pals, Austin (Ryan McGinnis) and Lily. When Betty drops by class, she's smitten with a cool young playwright, Zachary (Aaron Tveit), whom she will profile for Mode. But she challenges her own ethics when she starts dating him. And Wilhelmina is hospitalized with a perforated ulcer, and can't help her type-A personality even when bedridden, but then her roommate, Roberta (Dana Ivey), prompts an epiphany.

The Old Maid (1972 film)

Muriel (Annie Girardot) is a shy woman who bluffs and blusters around in order to hide her shyness and to protect her loneliness, even though she longs wistfully for a companion of some sort. She has been lonely so long that now she is an old maid and has never been wooed. But Muriel finally gets a glimpse of romance when Gabriel (Philippe Noiret) walks into the seaside hotel she is vacationing in. His car has broken down, and he has to stay there for a few days while it is repaired. Hers is the only dinner table with room at it, and Gabriel cannot prevent himself from charming women. She is stiff with him at first, but soon they develop a friendship.

Shadow Tower Abyss

The game is set within the citadel first featured in ''Shadow Tower'', and sees the return of a number of familiar non-player characters. The protagonist, an explorer, is in search of an arcane spear thought to have given great powers to the long-dead ruler of the kingdom, and ushered in an age of unrivalled prosperity. What remains of the kingdom today is largely covered over by the forest, save for the tower itself. Once inside the citadel, the protagonist encounters a mysterious Old Man, who traps him within and forces him to climb to the very top of the structure to escape.

Rurufon, a female non-player character, returns from ''Shadow Tower''.


Season 1 (2010)

Motti Amoyal lives on a bus farm in Jerusalem with his three best friends, Itzik, Newton and Katzar. Their lives are about to change drastically as they discover that the land, on which Motti built the farm, holds an enormous debt to city hall because of his late grandfather's past disputes over garbage dumping. The city threatens to repossess the land because of the future profit from zoning plans. Amit Peled, an insurance agent who works for his overly demanding father, accidentally discovers the zoning plans and visits the farm in order to buy it. He arrives there with his girlfriend Shir, who sees Motti and they both recall that they were romantically involved during a trip to India.

Upon learning of the zoning plans, the four friends realize that keeping the farm is their chance of redeeming their lives. From that moment on, it becomes a race against time for them. They try every possible scheme, be it working on a taxicab they "borrow" from the repair shop where Itzik works, laundering the lottery Grand Prize through the black market, stealing from houses, gambling online, selling drugs or even committing armed robbery for a criminal lord. The season's plot mainly revolves around their adventures, as well as the intricately woven relationship between Shir and Motti, along with other romantic complications.

Season 2 (2011)

Picking up approximately 6 months following the events of season 1, Motti is living with Shir, who by then had divorced Amit and moved to the bus farm, but is inclined to move to Tel Aviv, much to Motti's dismay. Newton returns from his trip to Peru just in time for his aunt's funeral, and Katzar reads a book left at Itzik's apparent death scene, which he sees as a deliberate hint towards Itzik's ruse and encourages everyone to keep their hopes up. Initially skeptic, the three remaining friends decide to embark on a trip to Amsterdam to try and follow Katzar's intuition. Motti remembers an ex-girlfriend, Reli Eugenia, and looks her up on Facebook. Upon seeing her son's picture, he decides to pass through Barcelona (without telling Shir) to find up whether he is the child's father; on the plane, he bumps into Itai, who is now married to Yuli and they have a baby together. After a bumbling attempt for a random search, Newton and Katzar spot Itzik attending a soccer game on TV and notify Motti, who by then reconnects with Reli; she seems happy to see Motti, but denies his paternity of Enrique, her son, due to his romantic involvement with Shir. Encouraged by the news about Itzik, Motti comes to Amsterdam and the three start actively looking for Itzik.

Meanwhile, Itzik lives in Marseilles with Juliette, working in her father's winery and desperately trying to win his approval. After a series of failures, Itzik befriends Kika, an Israeli coffee shop owner in Amsterdam, who hooks him up with a series of illegal drug smuggling jobs for an eccentric French-Israeli entrepreneur named Ouliel. Itzik tries to disguise the money he makes as successful wine deliveries, but Juliette's father calls his bluff rather quickly, and Juliette herself discovers the nature of Itzik's endeavors; enraged, she orders him to leave her house and never return. Itzik does so and goes to stay in a hotel; unbeknownst to him, the three friends are in the same hotel, after accidentally getting to Kika's coffee shop, receiving the winery's address from her and subsequently getting no help from Juliette's father. The four reunite in a joyfully tearful manner, but get involuntarily tangled in what turns out to be a failed hit by Mossad agents (including Itai) on a radical Islamic terrorist link when Motti saves Itai from a gunshot. Panicking, they flee the hotel, with Itai critically wounded, and inadvertently become fugitives after the French police discovers the CCTV footage, believing the four to be accomplices.

Now on the run, they are detained by Mossad agents, but are quickly intercepted by the Islamists, who manage to steal their passports. Itzik contacts Ouliel, as he believes him to be the best source of help. Incidentally, Ouliel has a business partner named Nassimian, who is a friend of Kobi's and is aware of Kobi's still-ongoing hunt after Itzik. Ouliel initially connects Itzik with an associate of his who issues fake passports, but the Islamists track down his trailer, kill him and wait for the four to return. Kobi, having received information from Nassimian, enters the trailer and is mistakenly shot by the Islamists. The four return and accidentally manage to knock one of the Islamists unconscious, discover the critically wounded Kobi in the trailer and reluctantly decide to drop him off at a nearby hospital. In the hospital, Motti notices sketches of their faces and manages to escape before the police arrives. Having taken the trailer and noticing a small Barça ball which reminded him of his earlier bonding with Enrique, Motti decides to hide at Reli's hotel.

Meanwhile, back in Israel, Shir grows concerned over Motti's absence, and befriends Danny, an archaeologist sent to the bus farm on the behalf of City Hall to search for ancient remains with possible historical value. Danny is a dialysis patient who desperately needs a kidney transplant, and later turns out to be Kika's brother, which also explains her involvement with Ouliel to raise money for Danny's transplant. When Danny is informed of the possibility of a transplant in Israel, Shir accompanies him to the hospital but is surprised to see Yuli there, as the situation arose from Itai's critical condition, and therefore Danny's transplant is in opposite correlation with Itai's chances of survival. Not fully realizing it, Shir stays to support Yuli, and the two reconnect. When Shir tells Yuli about Motti's unexplained absence, Yuli rekindles her detestation of Motti and encourages Shir to move on, possibly with Danny. Itai manages to recover, and the subsequent bad news leaves Kika amidst a dilemma, as the Islamists have requested Ouliel to aid them in finding the four, and Ouliel puts Kika on that mission, promising her the money Danny needs for a transplant in a European hospital. She tells Ouliel that she does not know of their whereabouts, mainly due to her romantic feelings towards Itzik, but contacts them anyway and joins them in their journey to Spain.

At the Eugenia hotel, Reli reluctantly agrees to harbor the four. She admits that Enrique is Motti's son, but forbids Motti to visit Enrique, as she is married to Xavier, who has no knowledge of Reli's romantic endeavors in Israel or the fact that Enrique is not his son, and who also turns out to be a police officer. The four are now working at the hotel to pay for their stay; Katzar and Newton, separately, meet two Israeli sisters, who appear to be from a famous rich family. Katzar earlier found out that the aunt that had recently died was his biological mother, who became legally crazy after being raped and spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair; now he tries to win the heart of a wheelchair-using former model, Anaelle. Newton developed a "man crush" on a guy named Johnny during his trip to Peru, but Johnny slept with Orly behind his back and both abandoned Newton separately; emasculated by the incident, Newton is trying to imitate Johnny's personality (even introducing himself as "Johnny, the musician") to impress Anaelle's sister, Tamar. Having lost his cell phone, Motti dials the only number he remembers by heart – his childhood friend Amir, and asks him to tell Shir that he is safe and sound. Shir is relieved, but Yuli, oblivious to Itai's work and thus the whole story, encourages her to think that Motti is acting selfishly; when Itai understands that, he feels he owes Motti his life and tells Shir things are not as they seem. Itai accidentally tells her that Motti flew to Barcelona, and later Shir answers Danny's phone, where Kika tells her she is in Barcelona, and Shir is puzzled whether there is connection.

Itai's father reveals that the four might become casualties of Mossad's cover-up of the fiasco, and Itai unsuccessfully pleads him to change it with the higher-ups. Enrique gets attached to Motti, and Xavier starts realizing that Motti is more than a friend to Reli; by a series of deductions, he concludes that Motti is Enrique's father and leaves Reli. Motti unsuccessfully tries talking Xavier out of it at the police station, but manages to snatch a fax with their face sketches that had arrived from the French police. Now believing they need to leave, Motti talks to Gaston, a guest he befriended earlier, and asks him to come to Israel in his yacht.


A young girl returns home to find her parents missing and the house in disarray. She sits down to watch television, and the news reveals that five years earlier, a zombie outbreak killed off 4.5 billion people worldwide, 10 million of which are from the United States. After detonating a nuclear bomb over San Francisco and walling off New York City, the U.S. government declared the outbreak over and established a paramilitary force known as R-Division to hunt down and destroy the remaining zombies. The girl watches a reality TV series called ''Re-Kill'' that broadcasts live footage of R-Division squads. Commercials interrupt the show, showing attempts to repopulate the United States and reassure the populace.

The show begins with a recap. An embedded journalist accompanies a squad on a raid to New Orleans, which has had reports of zombie activity. The squad is overrun, and only two people make it to a car: Alex Winston and the journalist. When the journalist stops speaking coherently and moans uncontrollably, Winston realizes she is infected and shoots her. The government promises that the situation is under control and clears out the zombies. Winston is reassigned to Division 6, which includes new recruit Tom Falkirk, former thief Omar Hernandez, immigrant Nguyen, Rose Matthews, "Grizzly" Adams, conspiracy theorist Trent Parker, and the squad leader, Sarge.

Along with embedded journalists Jimmy and Bobby, Division 8 is sent to investigate reports of a family who are harboring reanimated members. Sarge explains that the outbreak spread so far because people could not give up hope their loved ones could be saved. After neutralizing the human resistance, the soldiers rescue prisoners kept chained up for zombie food. One of the family members reveals that his sister, a zombie, is kept in the attic. Before she can be put down, she bites Tom, who is mercy-killed to prevent him from turning into a zombie. In interviews, Parker is dismissive of Tom's sacrifice, and Sarge says that it is a known risk of the job.

Division 8's next job is to investigate a truck suspected of carrying contraband. When they finally stop the truck, they find it contains zombies. Sarge uses a rocket-propelled grenade to clear out the zombies. The truckers initially profess ignorance of their cargo but eventually confirm rumors of the Judas Project, a shadowy program rumored to be an experiment on the zombies trapped in New York City. Parker believes it to be a secret military project, but Sarge is more concerned with the possibility of a second outbreak, which he believes is inevitable due to human nature.

In the forbidden areas of New York City known as The Zone, they discover dead scientists and zombies who seem more intelligent. After an ambush, Omar insists that Parker was bit and demands they kill him. Before they kill him, Parker opens fire on the squad, killing Adams. Winston is wounded next, and he sacrifices himself with a grenade to allow the others to escape. In a previously recorded interview, he describes his belief that the government has secretly organized an ark for eligible survivors; he posthumously wishes the squad well and hopes they are accepted there. Deeper in the Zone, Hernandez is bitten and turns.

As the squad faces a horde of zombies, including Hernandez, a man who claims to be the last remaining member of the Judas Project leads them to safety. He explains the project was designed to turn the zombies against each other, but it instead revealed an alpha zombie, nicknamed Elvis, capable of leading a zombie army. Jimmy says the network's drones will pick up and broadcast his and Bobby's footage every two hours. As they perform reconnaissance, Bobby dies, alerting the zombie army. The squad flees, only to be overwhelmed by zombies and killed one-by-one with the only survivor being Rose, who manages to kill Elvis. As a special news report reveals zombie activity near the Zone and the start of a new outbreak, the young girl who was watching the program is revealed to have transformed into a zombie. Elsewhere, it is shown that the ark is real and soldiers, including Rose, discuss having found groups of survivors.

Don Geiss, America and Hope

Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), outgoing Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming for General Electric (GE), researches company Kabletown (which recently purchased the NBC network as a charitable, tax-deductible act), to find a way he can contribute in the corporation's development. NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) lets it slip that he may have been living forever, when he shows concern that Kabletown may impose new rules for "age limits and age verification" for pages. A former colleague, Dave Hess (Scott Bryce), who left NBC for Kabletown, reveals that Kabletown's success comes from running pay-per-view adult channels; the company runs "the perfect business" and needs no investment in new services or products. On learning this, Jack is horrified at the prospect of no longer making things. Later, however, while giving a eulogy at former GE CEO Don Geiss's (Rip Torn) funeral, he has an epiphany and proposes to Kabletown executives that they produce "porn for women" (specifically, channels featuring attractive men who "listen" while women blather on).

Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) tries to avoid meeting with Wesley (Michael Sheen), the British man she met and flirted with while under the influence of anesthesia. Liz finds him to be annoying, but they continually run into each other, which leads them to believe they are meant to be together. However, after visiting the dentist office where they met, Liz and Wesley come to terms with the fact that the anesthesia was the cause of whatever they experienced, and agree to stop seeing each other. But when they run into each other yet again, Wesley suggests that they should probably just "settle" for one another. Liz is horrified at this prospect and consults Jack for advice, but he is still disconsolate at the prospect of "settling" for a company without upward momentum, and cannot help her. Later, Liz meets Wesley to tell him her answer is no, and she believes both of them can do better than being with each other; she is further dismayed to learn he shares his name with actor Wesley Snipes.

Meanwhile, Tracy Jordan's (Tracy Morgan) nanny publishes a tell-all book, revealing that he has never actually had an affair with anyone, a secret he had shared only with Jack in "The Ones". In order to restore his womanizing persona, Tracy holds a press conference announcing he is leaving show business to spend more time with a stripper, but no one is convinced. To make matters worse, women begin to come forward and admit that they did not have sex with Tracy. His wife Angie even advises him to have an affair in order to save his career, a suggestion which Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) urges him to take seriously. Tracy attempts to proposition Liz, but is unable to pretend he wants to cheat on his wife. Liz rebuffs Tracy's advances, admitting she envies his happy marriage and urging him to embrace his monogamy.

At the end of the episode, Liz is seen watching and being intrigued by some of the "porn for women" content, which somehow features her fantasy boyfriend Astronaut Mike Dexter.

Oblivion (1994 film)

Set in the year 3031 on a frontier planet light years away from Earth, a bizarre gang of futuristic desperadoes have their sight set on turning the tumbleweed town of Oblivion into their own private playground.

The action begins with the murder of the town's Marshal Stone by a power-hungry villain called Red Eye (Andrew Divoff). Using a substance prized on the planet—which also happens to short out electrical devices—Red Eye cheats his way to victory during a showdown on the street, killing Stone and disabling his cyborg deputy, Stell (Meg Foster). He and his cronies begin to bully and persuade the townspeople into allowing him to take over the town. Oblivion's mortician, Gaunt, who possesses supernatural ability to foresee death, seeks out the Marshal's son, Zack (Richard Joseph Paul), who is prospecting in the wilderness.

Meanwhile, Zack saves a "native", Buteo (Jimmie F. Skaggs), from an untimely death by giant scorpion. They team up just before Gaunt arrives with the news of Marshal Stone's death, and they all journey together to Oblivion for the funeral. During a misadventure in a saloon along the way, Zack avoids violence, even when harangued by one of Red Eye's henchmen. After attending his father's funeral, Zack visits his old friend Doc Valentine (George Takei), an inventor whose technology had failed to protect the Marshal. At the local whorehouse, a townswoman, Mattie (Jackie Swanson), learns that Zack is not a coward, but an empath, who feels everything that those around him experience. This leads him to abhor violence. Buteo learns that one of Red Eye's associates had been responsible for the deaths of his wife and children, and seeks revenge. Challenging him to a fair fight, Buteo triumphs and his opponent is killed. Red Eye and his gang capture Buteo in retaliation, place him in stocks, and whip him.

Sensing that something unsavoury is going on, Zack confronts his fears, saving Buteo and shooting many of the townspeople who had taken Red Eye's side. Apparently having won a victory, Zack celebrates until he learns that Mattie has been taken by Red Eye into the Badlands. He and his friends rush to save her, and in the process defeat all of the villains for good.

Beyond the Time Barrier

U.S. Air Force test pilot Major Bill Allison flies the X-80 experimental aircraft to sub-orbital spaceflight successfully, though he loses radio contact. When Major Allison returns to the airbase, it appears abandoned, old and deserted. Mystified, he sees a futuristic city on the horizon and heads for it. The major is rendered unconscious and captured.

When Allison wakes, he finds himself in a dystopian underground city known as the Citadel. Unnerved by his captors' refusal to speak with him, Allison initially reacts hostilely, but he eventually calms down and is brought to their leader, the Supreme. The Supreme explains that he and his second-in-command, the Captain, are the only two residents of the Citadel who are able to speak or hear. The rest of the inhabitants, including the Supreme's granddaughter Trirene, are deaf-mutes, and everyone except possibly Trirene is sterile. A telepath, Trirene reads Allison's thoughts and indicates to the Supreme that she believes him not to be a spy, as the Captain suspects.

The Captain sends Allison to be imprisoned with a group of bald and violent mutants who are determined to kill everyone in the Citadel. As the mutants attack him, Allison overpowers one and demands answers. They claim to be the survivors of a "cosmic plague", and they blame the residents of the Citadel for their problems. The Captain releases Allison and explains that Trirene has convinced the Supreme that he is not an enemy. Sensing his confusion, Trirene shows him historical photographs that help explain the Citadel's history, and at his urging, leads him to the "scapes", two scientists and a Russian woman officer.

After disabling surveillance devices, the scientists explain that Allison has traveled through time to the year 2024. Nuclear weapons testing damaged the Earth's atmosphere, letting through dangerous cosmic rays in 1971, resulting in the cosmic plague. Those who fled underground to the Citadel were still afflicted. Although they were not as badly afflicted as those who stayed above ground, there have been no births in twenty years. The 'scapes themselves are also accidental time travelers: Russian Captain Markova comes from 1973, and General Kruse and Professor Bourman arrived from colonies on other planets in 1994. Markova explains that the Supreme needs Allison to try to repopulate their society with Trirene's help. The scientists warn Allison not to trust the Citadel. As the Captain arrives to re-enable the security device, he in turn warns Allison not to trust the scientists.

As Trirene and Allison spend more time together, they fall in love. Although initially reluctant, Allison joins the 'scapes in a plan to turn Trirene against her people so that he can return to the past and try to change history. Markova sets the mutants free to attack the residents. She then demands that she accompany Allison, not Trirene, and to 1973, not 1960. Kruse and Bourman arrive, and Kruse shoots Markova for her treachery. Then Bourman knocks out Kruse, explaining that Kruse was planning to hijack the aircraft. Bourman, however, also intends to use the X-80 to return to his own time. As Allison and Bourman struggle over Kruse's pistol, a stray bullet kills Trirene before Allison can overcome Bourman.

Allison takes Trirene's body to the Supreme, who is distraught over both his granddaughter's death and the doom of his people, now that the last fertile person has died. The Supreme directs Allison toward a secret passage out, persuaded by Allison that there is always hope. Returned to his own time, Allison recounts his fantastic adventure in a recorded debriefing. As high-ranking officials visit Allison in the hospital, he is revealed to have aged drastically and is now an elderly man. Allison frantically warns them of the future events, and one of them says that they have a lot to think about.

The Bar at the Crossing

Vincent Van Horst (Jacques Brel) is a hard-drinking bon viveur who loves his freedom and his women. In 1916, he leaves Europe, which is torn apart by the war, and moves to Canada, intending to meet up with Maria, the only woman he ever loved. On the way to Canada, he meets a young boy who dreams about fighting in the European war. When Vincent arrives at the Bar de la fourche, managed by Maria, he finds her looking older. He finds consolation in another woman, Annie, who looks down on him and drives Vincent and Olivier to fight a duel against each other.

The Quakeress

The setting is an early American village, where a young Quaker woman, Priscilla (played by Glaum), is in love with the schoolmaster, John Hart (played by Ray). The local minister, Rev. Cole (played by Taylor), who calls on her at her cabin with flowers, is an unwelcome suitor. In revenge, he has "blue laws" passed, among them is one requiring attendance at church on Sunday.

Priscilla refuses to comply with the law and is arrested. After being plunged in and out of water and pilloried, she is banished from the colony. John goes with her. They are attacked by Indians and John is badly wounded. Priscilla manages to get back to the village in time to warn the Puritans of an impending attack. They defeat the Indians after a desperate battle.

The Rev. Cole, who has been mortally wounded, begs Priscilla's forgiveness and the Puritans make amends for their harsh treatment of her.

100 (play)

The play centers on the afterlives of four characters who, finding themselves in a mysterious 'Void', are informed by the equally enigmatic Guide that they must choose one memory from their lives in which to spend eternity. The remainder of the play follows their individual memories and searches for self-knowledge. Although heralded at the time as new, the premise of the play is in fact quite similar to that of Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda's 1998 film 'After Life', in which the concept was less stylized.


The player controls a mecha pilot from an unknown location. The game begins with the player on a starship heading towards the planet Loreon where the player will attend G.E.A.R.S. University in Soluna City. After joining the university the player is educated and trained in the art of mecha and energy blade combat. The player soon discovers the threat that is posed by the Shadowscythe empire, who plans to assimilate the entire Galaxy, so the player sets out to stop the Shadowscythe evil plans.

Holiday events

''MechQuest'' has several recurring holiday events. These include New Years Day, Valentine's Day, April Fools' Day Halloween (named "Mogloween" in game), Christmas (named Frostval in game), Friday the 13th, Talk Like a Pirate Day and Thanksgiving.

AdventureQuest Worlds


The player character, known simply as 'Hero' arrives in the midst of a war between two factions, the Evil and the Good. Summoned by the Good army, the hero is tasked to aid in the battle against the undead led by , commander and ruler of Evil. In the town of Oaklore, undead forces have begun plaguing its residents. Among other soldiers, the hero faces off against the undead attacking Oaklore and makes their way to an elite Evil soldier known as the Dread Dragon deeper in battle.

Having defeated the Dread Dragon, the hero continues their journey to Swordhaven, capital of Lore where King Alteon, leader of the Good army and his remaining forces fend against another invasion by the undead. Relentless assaults by the undead allows Sepulchure and his elite group of undead to enter the castle and battle the king, Alteon. Drakath, later introduced as the Champion of Chaos, interrupts the personal combat and strikes the two away from each other infecting them with a sickness known as Chaorruption. Agitated by the sudden interruption, Sepulchure decides to attack Drakath in spite of his weakened state and fails as Drakath counters and eventually kills him. The hero and corrupted Alteon watching the scene unfold are spared by Drakath.

Sepulchure's death alerts his daughter Gravelyn. Now the new ruler of the Evil forces, the grieving empress swears to avenge her father's death by defeating Drakath. With a common enemy, this led to the truce between the Good and Evil empires.

13 Lords of Chaos Saga

There are already signs of corruption in the nearby forest and marsh causing the player to capture the Chaorrupted Wolves, Chaorrupted Bear, and Chaos Demon Spiders alongside some antidote-based plants to be studied. Drakath forms the 13 Lords of Chaos by recruiting the mage Escherion, the Drow Dragonlord Vath, the Yōkai Shogun Kitsune, the Werepyre Wolfwing, and singer Kimberly Freeman. They are instructed to unleash their Chaos Beasts upon Lore, which the player has to defeat one by one.

The 7th Lords of Chaos Ledgermayne later rebels against Drakath and instead moves towards causing Lore's destruction. When the hero fights him, Drakath suddenly deals the finishing blow and reveals that he will be saving Alteon and the hero for last, before fleeing. Then the players take on the Chaos Djinn Tibicenas in the Sandsea.

In Bloodtusk Ravine, mass confusion and hysteria (partly due to the Chaos Lords Xing and Xang interfering) arises between the Horcs and the Trolls as it is revealed that one of the Lords of Chaos is among them and is sending Chaorrupted monsters to them. It is soon revealed that the Troll Krellenos is the Lord of Chaos in question, but he is quickly killed by Khasaanda, who absorbs his Chaorruption and becomes the new Chaos Lord. Khasaanda, seeking vengeance, begins to hunt down Drakath. Drakath quickly shows up, and offers the hero the choice of either sparing Khasaanda to continue her goal to kill Drakath, or to defeat her due to being a Chaos Lord that could potentially disrupt Lore. Khasaanda then goes off to find Drakath herself, regardless of the choice made.

The hero then ventures into the Span, where they meet the chronomancer Iadoa. Iadoa has recently been made the a new Lord of Chaos, but he is trying to use his time to mentor the hero before he succumbs to the Chaorruption. Iadoa tells the story of Galanoth slaying the Eternal Dragon of Time to the hero, while motivating them to finally defeat Drakath. Iadoa ultimately fails to resist the Chaorruption, and is soon forced to be defeated by the hero.

After a period of time, Maximillian Lionfang kidnaps the hero's allies, viewing them to be against the forces of Good. Gravelyn and the hero then intervene and rescue them via leading an attack on his tower. Lionfang is ultimately defeated, but not before he is made into the eleventh Chaos Lord by Drakath. Lionfang then attacks Falguard, seeking the Tears of the Mother to end Chaos. While he is briefly tricked into retrieving a fake replica, he soon retrieves the real vial of the Tears and throws it at Drakath. As the Champion of Chaos and not a mere Chaos Lord, Drakath shrugs it off. Lionfang, in a fit of fury, accuses the hero of lying and fights them. After the conflict, the hero soon discovers that Drakath plans to activate runes on the Chaos Portal upon the defeat of each Chaos Lord in order to free his master, the Queen of Monsters. Lionfang is then sent falling, but his body is nowhere to be found.

The hero then ventures into the Mirror World, where they learn that the Xang in Lore is, in fact, the Xang from the Mirror Realm, rendering both Xing and Xang evil and causing an imbalance. Right as Xing and Xang are about to merge into Xiang, the hero manages to send Lore's Xang through the portal, causing balance to return with the help of Mirror Drakath. The fusion is still successful, but during the final fight with Xiang, Xang takes over and attempts to help the hero, before Xing regains control. This ultimately ends with Xiang's defeat.

Meanwhile in Swordhaven, Alteon begins to succumb to his own Chaorruption from the clash in the intro, and soon becomes the 12th Lord of Chaos. Alteon then lays waste to Swordhaven, before he begs the hero to kill him to put an end to his destruction.

The hero then ventures up to Mount Doomskull to confront Drakath once and for all, fighting off hordes of Chaorrupted monsters in the process while noting that the 13th Lord of Chaos hasn't shown up yet. The seemingly final confrontation ends with Drakath being the victor, and he Chaorrupts the hero as the 13th Lord of Chaos. The hero, driven mad by the Chaorruption, attacks various locations in Lore. They soon manage to awaken their Chaos Beast, the Eternal Dragon of Time.

Using some of its abilities, they summon all of the previous Chaos Beasts to lead Lore to its destruction. However, the hero becomes so mad with power that they ultimately decide to vanquish the Chaos Beasts they summoned and usurp Drakath. Drakath then reveals that the hero and the Eternal Dragon of Time are one and the same, before killing the hero. The hero, now trapped within Death's realm, makes a deal with Nulgath to defeat Death himself and thus become the new Death. Meanwhile, Gravelyn and the rest of the alliance lead an attack on Drakath's forces. With the deal's conditions fulfilled, the hero escapes and confronts Drakath for the final battle. During the final conflict, Drakath manages to kill the first Chaos Lord Escherion (who was turned into a frog) and Khasaanda, the last Chaos Lords that needed to be defeated in order to complete the ritual to summon the Queen of Monsters.

When in the Chaos Realm, the hero fights the revived Chaos versions of the 13 Lords of Chaos including their clone as the 13th Lord of Chaos. Drakath is ultimately defeated, but is left alive by the hero within the Chaos Realm (and is later revealed to have escaped to fight the Queen's forces). The hero then ventures out of the portal, entering a world terrorized by the Queen.

Queen of Monsters: Ancient Evils saga

Now that the Queen of Monsters has been freed, she plans to raise each of the eight Elemental Titans that are scattered across the shattered continent of Drakonus. The Elemental Titans were created by the Elemental Avatars to represent them. As not all of the Elemental Titans were consent with their roles where they stepped on lesser creatures and fought dragons, the Elemental Avatars put the Elemental Titans to sleep in the different parts of Drakonus. The Queen of Monsters plans to use her minions to awaken all eight of the Elemental Titans so that a new era can begin. During the struggle with one of her generals named Tyndarius, Sepulchure's spirit regenerates and possesses the fire dragon Akriloth's body. After this fusion is defeated, his spirit leaves with another fragment awakening within Gravelyn's Doomblade. After Phedra: Elemental Titan of Fire and Gaiazor: Elemental Titan of Earth are awakened, a minion of the Queen of Monsters asks if they would awaken the Elemental Titan of Darkness. The Queen of Monsters dismisses that idea and states that they will take "another path,” which is later revealed to be the Queen’s army of Infernals from the Infernal Realm stealing Celestial weaponry in order to make themselves more powerful. The Infernal army then invades Lore, ultimately forcing Gravelyn, the hero, and their allies to escape as both Shadowfall and Swordhaven are invaded.

Throne of Darkness saga

The Mysterious Figure gathers Vaden the Death Knight, Vath's daughter Xeight, Ziri the Sneevil Daemon, Drakel Warlord Pax, Pharaoh of the Black Hole Sun Sekt, and Queen Scarletta Tyrall at their castle lair to learn about their encounters with the players. Following the story of the sentient table Plank who mentioned how he, Dr. Dryden Darkwood, and their Trolluk servant Skudly had captured the players, the Mysterious Figure is seemingly revealed to be Dr. Dryden Darkwood as they tell the assembled villains that they have the hero in their dungeon. When the players defeat Dr. Darkwood and Skudly, they borrow Dr. Darkwood's hooded robe and pose as him in order to listen to the villains' story. Upon unmasking themselves, the players defeat the vengeful villains and return their cursed items to them in exchange that they listen to his proposition to help them against a greater darkness. The villains agree to the terms while Plank has an idea on who the threat is. The final image shows Sepulchure's helm.

Book of Monsters saga

At the time when the players are fighting the Queen of Monsters' forces, a rift opens in the Neverglades as the Elder Monster called Extriki the Destroyer emerges and renders the surrounding areas toxic. When the players defeat, capture, and interrogate the toxic monster Zognax, it tells the players that Extriki and the monsters that came from the Rift thrive on toxic and can't survive in non-toxic location. In addition, Zognax states that Extriki is one of the Queen of Monsters' earlier children. With help from the Heart of the Grove from Brightoak, the players are able to weaken Extriki and slay it. Then the players deal with Kolyaban the Reshaper who is the Queen of Monsters' oldest daughter and the first Darkblood as she reshapes some creatures and the pet vendor Aria. Her appearance causes a Darkblood civil war where the players free Aria from Kolyaban's control and defeat Kolyaban who escapes. Meanwhile, Aria meets with the Avatar of Nature, who eventually grants her the ability to reshape herself as the Champion of Nature.

Shadows of War saga

After a period of months, another rift suddenly opens with the hero being sent to investigate while storming the Queen of Monsters' lair. They immediately stumble upon the shadow lord Malgor and his Shadowflame army, the former of which reveals that the hero killed the Queen of Monsters as Malgor holds her head, but the hero is unable to recall these events. Malgor then offers the hero to join him in his goal to unify everyone into his forces and put an end to the cycle of war in Lore. Varga: Goddess of War intervenes and rescues the hero before mentoring them on having them remember some of their abilities as the Eternal Dragon of Time they forgot. After besting Malgor's minion Shadowknight Gar, the hero then begins to gather allies that were previously working for Malgor’s army while fighting off hordes of his forces throughout Lore. They gain allies like the Pirate Queen Teja, the Kittarian cat burglar Jinx, and the Spirit Mage Mahou. Malgor even tried to get Dage the Evil, Nulgath, and Drakath on his side to no avail. Malgor then enlists Tyndraius in a plot to invade the Plane of Fire and steal the powers of Lady Fiamme: Avatar of Fire which turns Tyndarius into a giant lava monster. Fiamme uses what's left of her powers to awaken Galanoth as the Champion of Fire. The other Elemental Avatars find out what Malgor and Tyndarius did and dispatch their Elementals to help fight the Shadowfire army and a Shadowflame-corrupted version of Tyndarius' old centaur enemy Kyron. The players find that Malgor is keeping Tyndarius from dying from the side-effects of stealing Lady Fiamme's powers and that Malgor takes advantage of anyone's anguish and personal trauma. Varga helps to train Galanoth and the other Elemental Champions. After the players and Galanoth spar with Varga, the players fight through Tyndarius' forces and persuade his envoy Elius to help them. When Galanoth uses his Champion of Fire abilities to turn into a dragon and send a fireball towards Malgor, it enables Lady Fiamme to reclaim her powers where she spares Tyndarius' life as he makes Elius the new leader of their people. Unfortunately, Malgor has taken control of the Mana Core.

Nan's Christmas Carol

The Beginning

Jamie comes to visit Nan in her council flat, only to find she's been sitting in the dark with the heating off to save money. She is visited by some carollers (played by Madness) and an old friend who she does the lottery with. This doesn't please her, but she doesn't buy the lottery and she keeps it in a jar for herself to save. "Northern Bob", his family and their dog, Tim, are hoping to stay for the night and have Christmas dinner with Joanie. They give her an alternative Christmas present by making a donation in her name to the Mobile Library of Sudan. She eventually throws them out.

In the night, the ghost of Jake Taylor (Dominic Coleman), her deceased husband, comes through her closet to tell her she'll be visited by three more ghosts.

Christmas Past

The first ghost she is visited by is the Ghost of Christmas Past (Ben Miller), who is really rubbish at his haunting tricks.

He takes her to her house when she was a little girl. They see her mother putting her to bed to be ready for Father Christmas. She leaves him out a mince pie and a glass of milk. In the morning, Father Christmas left the younger Joanie a tangerine. She opens her mouth and "Nan" is born. Then he takes Joanie to the 1950s when she sees her and Jake failing to arrange a date together. Then he takes her to the 1970s, where Joanie and Jake are very unhappily married.

Christmas Present

The next ghost to appear is the Ghost of Christmas Present (David Tennant). He comes on with his mobile playing the "Ghostbusters Theme", which doesn't impress Nan.

He shows her "Northern Bob" and his family living in the streets having crisps for their Christmas dinner, which chokes Tim to death.

Christmas Future

The last ghost to visit her is the Ghost of Christmas Future (Roger Lloyd-Pack) who appears in an advert on her TV, which again doesn't impress her.

He takes her to the following year where she sees her lottery friend's numbers coming up. She pretends to go into the convenience store to get the money, but she comes back out and gives them £1 each, claiming that there were thousands of winners but it turns out that she hadn't gotten the lottery ticket and the other ladies chase her down the street. Jamie has a baby son, Ludvig Brian Taylor, by his German wife Stephanie, but doesn't invite Nan to the christening as he wants her to have nothing to do with the baby. She ends up living in a retirement home where nobody comes up to see her, and everyone hates her. At her funeral, nobody turns up except Jamie, Stephanie and their son, who don't pay any attention at all. The Ghost explains to Nan that if she doesn't change her ways, she will spend the rest of her life alone. Nan wakes up the following morning in her flat.

The End

She tells Jamie to get to the convenience store to buy her stuff for a Christmas banquet. She invites Bob and the family (and lets them stay for the night), and her Lottery friends. The carollers come back and sing "Baggy Trousers".

When everyone is in bed, she picks up a packet of crisps and shouts for Tim and offers one to him implying she hasn't changed at all.

The Explosive Generation

The story is about Peter Gifford, a teacher who wants to teach high school students to think for themselves and express themselves. A female student pushes to have open classroom discussion about the physical and emotional issues associated with teenage relationships and sex. This issue gets blown out of proportion by parents who don't have the facts and jump to ill-informed conclusions, demanding sanctions against the mostly innocent teacher, who keeps still on the matter to protect the involved students. The entire student body rallies in a Gandhiesque silent protest that helps everyone learn to appreciate the truth of the matter.

The Yellow Canary

Andy Paxton (Boone) is an arrogant, obnoxious pop idol who is about to be divorced by his wife Lissa (Eden) and constantly abuses his staff, including his bodyguard – ex-cop Hub, his manager Vecchio, and his valet, Bake.

Andy begins an engagement at the Huntington Hartford Theater in Los Angeles. Hub and he arrive home to find a maid hysterical – his infant son Bobby has been kidnapped and the son's nurse murdered. The ransom note has the code word "canary" and they summon the police, led by Lt Bonner (Klugman). Andy does not tell the police about the code word out of fear that his son may be killed. A second message arrives demanding $200,000 ransom, which Andy manages to raise, and the money is delivered to an isolated beach, but nobody comes to meet him. Hub takes Andy to a lonely inn and tortures a woman into giving them the address of a man who might have been in touch with the kidnappers. They find the man, but he is dead.

After Bake is found murdered, Andy receives further instructions by telephone from the kidnapper, and realizes that Hub is one of the few people who know their unlisted number. Andy and Lissa return to the inn and rescue their baby, and Andy shoots the mentally deranged Hub as police cars surround the inn.

Sergeant Ryker

Sgt. Ryker (Lee Marvin) is an American soldier charged with treason during the Korean War, he is court-martialed and prosecuted by Capt. David Young (Bradford Dillman) and convicted and sentenced to death.

Ryker's wife, Ann (Vera Miles), insists that her husband received an inadequate defense. She believes his story that he had been on a secret mission, assigned by a superior officer who has since died and can no longer vouch for him.

Capt. Young believes Ryker is guilty, but he, too, thinks Ryker received an inadequate legal defense. He persuades the commanding general to give Ryker a new trial. The general reluctantly does so, but he insists that this time Young must serve as Ryker's defense counsel. Ryker has already resigned himself to his fate, and has to be persuaded to go along with the retrial. As it unfolds, all the evidence is damning to Ryker, the best Young can do is establish that Ryker's version of events is not impossible. The defense is also undermined by several of Ryker's lies and omissions, which are exposed during testimony at the trial, and also by Ryker's occasional fits of temper. A further complication ensues when a romantic attachment develops between Young and Ryker's wife. Ryker is furious when he realizes it has happened, and the general on hearing about it tells Young he will be court-martialed as soon as Ryker's trial is over.

The prosecutor, Maj. Whitaker, unearths new evidence damning to the defendant's case, and all seems lost. At the last minute, however, Young learns some information from a Sergeant Winkler, which verifies some aspects of Ryker's claim, and which when followed up on by Young, is enough to compel that Ryker be set free.


A French research team travels to the Swiss Alps to investigate a discovery. After a car accident, the group becomes lost in the mountains with a group of tourists and struggle to survive while being hunted by mysterious figures.

Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star

One night, three aliens from the planet Taros — a young woman named Robyn, a girl named Tavy, and a furry three-eyed, three-armed creature named Kirbi — stow away on a spaceship headed for Earth, and land near Aladdin, Wyoming. The next morning, the aliens befriend a rancher's son named Dirt while he's out riding fences on his motorcycle. Robyn shows off her bike-riding skills, and the quartet go to visit Dirt's grandparents. After Kirbi beats Grandpa at poker, the creature drinks a can of gasoline. Later, Kirbi keeps feeding the goats even though Grandpa wants him to feed the chickens. Grandpa then shows Kirbi how to shoot Coors cans with a gun while he complains about how much the world has changed. Dirt forms a relationship with Robyn, learning that her hair changes color depending on exposure to sunlight and that she's come from a moonbase and was supposed to go back to her home planet, rather than coming to Earth. Dirt tries to keep his new friends a secret from the rest of his family, but things get complicated when other aliens come looking for the missing trio, Grandpa shows Kirbi to some old folks at the General Store, and a Senator arrives at the ranch for a barbecue.

Cancel My Reservation

Television personality Dan Bartlett, having difficulties with his wife and TV co-star Sheila, retreats to his Arizona ranch. When the body of Mary Little Cloud is found in the back seat of his car, Dan is placed under arrest.

Freed for lack of evidence, Dan returns home to find attractive, scantily clad Crazy Hollister there. Her stepfather John Ed owns a 50,000 acre property nearby. Crazy is upset that John Ed has blocked her inheritance and may have even murdered her mother.

Sheila shows up and believes she has caught Dan having an affair, but Crazy convinces her that's not true. Meanwhile, county recorder Snagby tries to blackmail John Ed with information Mary Little Cloud gave him, but John Ed's evil henchman Reese has him killed. Sheriff Riley once again thinks Dan is responsible.

The Bartletts are taken captive by Reese and sealed inside a cave. There they renew their love. Riley is able to free them while Crazy finds proof that Mary Little Cloud had a document showing her tribe to be the lawful owner of John Ed's land. Reese is betrayed by John Ed, who ultimately learns that crime doesn't pay. Dan and Sheila can't wait to get back to their old lives.

Mr. Ricco

A murder charge is dropped against San Francisco black militant Frankie Steele, who is represented by liberal attorney Joe Ricco.

Two police officers are then gunned down. An eyewitness, the young son of a friend of Ricco's, identifies Steele as the man he saw leaving the scene of the crime.

Ricco is a lonely widower. He has a loyal secretary and a dog. His closest friend is George Cronyn, the detective in charge of the case. Cronyn is irate that Steele got away with killing a woman, Mary Justin, resulting in the deaths of two of his fellow officers.

Cronyn and his men raid a hideout of Steele's organization, the Black Serpents. But while Steele manages to get away, a racist cop named Tanner kills the unarmed Calvin Mapes and plants a gun on him, then arrests his brother, Purvis Mapes.

Their sister, Irene Mapes, who works in an art gallery, asks Ricco if he would be Purvis's lawyer. He agrees and uncovers evidence that Tanner was at fault. In exchange, Ricco persuades Purvis to reveal where the fugitive Frankie Steele can be found.

Irene invites Ricco to the opening of a new art exhibit. Ricco also meets a woman, Katherine, with whom he becomes romantically involved.

A sniper tries to shoot Ricco in his home. A neighbor, an old woman with poor eyesight, sees a man who once again resembles Steele. After a second attempt on his life, Cronyn assigns a cop named Barrett to tail Ricco wherever he goes. It makes no sense to Ricco, though, that Steele would want to kill his own lawyer.

Ricco shakes the tail because he promised Purvis Mapes not to reveal Steele's whereabouts. He goes to a church and finds Steele, who denies killing the cops but blurts out that he did indeed murder the woman Mary Justin. A fistfight between the two men results, landing Ricco in the hospital.

Regretting that he got a guilty man off, Ricco apologizes to Mary Justin's brother, who doesn't accept it, angrily accusing Ricco of being "an accessory." The racist cop Tanner is then found murdered. Ricco is relieved when Cronyn's men apprehend Steele.

He goes to the black-tie affair at the art gallery, taking Katherine as his date and letting Barrett tag along. A sniper appears and takes aim. He hits Katherine by mistake, then shoots Barrett as well. Ricco grabs the cop's gun and gives chase. The killer wounds more cops before a shot by Ricco drops him. It is clearly Steele, but when the body is examined, it turns out to be Mary Justin's brother wearing a disguise.

Asso (film)

Asso, an ace poker player, has just married his long-time love, Silvia, the most coveted woman in his neighborhood. For her sake, he promises to give up poker, but the unexpected arrival of a notorious player in town and his wife's permission push him into one last game, which he wins. But as he tries to return home the following morning, he is apprehended by Sicario, one of his closer acquaintances and a professional assassin who has been hired to do away with Asso himself.

Shot multiple times, Asso dies but returns as a ghost out of worry for leaving his wife behind without any means of supporting herself. Because of their close bond, Silvia can see and hear him, but to anyone else Asso is invisible. After managing to convince his wife that he really is dead, he tries to get her remarried so she won't end up on the streets, and his choice falls on the feeble but rich banker Luigi Morgan. Morgan is of course delighted to win the attention of such a beautiful lady, but this invites the jealousy of Bretella, Asso's rival over Silvia's hand. As it turns out, Bretella had commissioned Sicario to assassinate Asso and now tries to hire him again to finish off Morgan. Shaken by remorse over killing Asso, Sicario refuses and even promises to go to the police, whereupon Bretella kills him and decides to do the job himself.

However, after getting a short leave of absence from Hell, Sicario reveals Bretella's true intentions to Asso, who rushes to Morgan's protection. He cannot prevent Bretella from kidnapping the banker, but by taking Police Commissioner Rinaldi for a forced ride and thus catching the attention of the police, he does manage to prevent Morgan from getting killed and get Bretella arrested. In his desperation, however, Morgan has started praying to his dead wife for salvation, and once rescued, he revokes his courtship of Silvia due to what he perceives to be his wife's grace.

Alone once more (save for Asso's company), Silvia learns of the arrival of a gifted young card player who is a dead look-alike of Asso. Once she falls for him, Asso fades away and goes to Heaven, where God himself invites him to a round of poker and, following Asso's defeat, a rematch in about three thousand years.

The Longshot

Four friends enjoy betting on horses at the race track. Someone tells them that he's got something to give his horse to make it run faster, and they can win a lot of money if they bet. Dooley tries to romance Nicki Dixon to get the money, but he finds out she's a lunatic who tries to kill him when he reminds her of her ex. Later, they borrow an envelope of money from the mob, who expect them to pay back within a week. They find out that the man who gave them the tip was a fraud, but Dooley remembered someone saying that the horse would run fast if he saw red. He ran out to the track, waved a red dress and the horse won the race.

The Killing Jar (film)

Several people are gathered at a diner—Noreen, a friendly and talkative waitress; Lonnie, a dim-witted cop; Jimmy, the short-tempered owner; Billy and Starr, a young couple on their way to elope; John, a meek salesman on his way to New York City; and Hank, a quiet regular. A radio is playing, and the group hears of an entire family murdered gruesomely in a neighboring county. Noreen, shocked, becomes increasingly agitated and nervous after an aggressive man in a black leather jacket enters. Noreen covertly asks Lonnie to investigate the newcomer, but Lonnie brushes aside her concerns. After Noreen spills the man's coffee, Hank urges Lonnie to do something.

When Lonnie questions him, the man becomes antagonistic and belittles Lonnie, who pulls his gun on the man. Lonnie sheepishly apologizes when Hank reports the man's vehicle does not match the police reports. As the patrons relax, the man leaves the diner, only to return with a shotgun and pistol. After he kills Lonnie and Jimmy, he takes the rest of the diner hostage. He orders Noreen to collect all the wallets and cell phones, and he forces Hank to dispose of the corpses. The gunman catches Noreen trying to sneak a cell phone, and threatens to kill her if she does it again. Hank quietly proposes that they rush the gunman, as he has used up several rounds already, but Noreen and John refuse. The lovers, frightened, huddle at another table.

A new customer enters the diner, introduces himself as Mr. Greene, and seems minimally surprised by the situation. He hands the gunman a suitcase full of money and addresses him as "Smith". When Greene attempts to leave, the gunman takes him hostage and demands answers. After being severely beaten, Greene eventually reveals that he is a corrupt land developer who hired a professional hit man to kill the neighboring family when they refused to sell their land to build a shopping mall. With no heirs to the family's life insurance policy, Greene would buy the land from the bank.

Disgusted, the gunman kills Greene for not giving enough information and reasons that one of the people in the diner must be the hit man. Noreen begs him to let them go, but the gunman says that he intends to see the situation through. He also tells her he uses extreme methods to extract information from certain people.

The gunman immediately discounts Noreen and the young couple. He first interrogates Hank, who, after being shot in the leg, reveals that he is an ex-soldier who is cheating on his wife. After being shot, he admits that he has sex with women and men at truck stops, gas stations, and bathrooms. Satisfied that Hank has held nothing back, the gunman kills him.

He then handcuffs and interrogates John, who quickly gives up his pretense of being a salesman. John matter-of-factly recounts killing the family but rejects comparisons between himself and the gunman, whom he calls insane, and that John tells the gunman he was at the wrong place at the wrong time when Lonnie started harassing him for information. The gunman threatens to torture John, but John coolly laughs it off as pointless, as he will not reveal any details about his employers except that they are powerful and well-connected.

John turns around his interrogation, and the gunman reveals that he is also ex-military, forced out because of mental instability and jailed for two years. With the situation now reversed, the gunman unsuccessfully attempts to bargain with John. Convinced that whatever he does will result in him being marked for death by the organization, and knowing he will never stop running or hiding, the gunman panics and kills the young couple. As the gunman prepares to kill John, Noreen lunges at him with a knife and slashes his throat. John gratefully asks her to free him, but when she hesitates, he again drops his friendly demeanor and tries to cruelly bully her into surrendering. Noreen admits that she has trouble standing up for herself and that she is afraid of change but surprises him by instead shooting him with the last round in the pistol. Rather than call the police, she plays music on the Jukebox, takes the money and walks out of the diner.

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

The game begins with Eradan (voiced by Nolan North), Andriel (Laura Bailey) and Farin (Fred Tatasciore) arriving at the Prancing Pony in Bree, where they meet Aragorn (Chris Edgerly), informing him that three days previously the Dúnedain guard at Sarn Ford was attacked by the Nazgûl, who passed into the Shire. After the raid, the Witch-king of Angmar (Eric Lopez), met with a Black Númenórean named Agandaûr (Fred Tatasciore), who told the Witch-king his orcs are forming an army in the ruins of Fornost, as per Sauron's command. Aragorn explains that a Hobbit with a "great burden" is on his way to Bree, and if the enemy take the object from him, it will mean certain doom for the Free peoples of Middle-earth. As such, he asks the trio to distract the orcs at Fornost.

In Fornost, the trio rescue a Great Eagle imprisoned by orcs. Revealing his name is Beleram (John Patrick Lowrie), an eagle from the Misty Mountains in the service of Gwaihir, they tell him of Agandaûr, and he offers to help. They then encounter Elladan and Elrohir (Liam O'Brien), the sons of Elrond, who they also tell of Agandaûr and their mission to distract him. The twins, however, suggest they may be able to destroy Agandaûr. In the citadel at the center of the ruins, the group fight their way to the top, where they face Agandaûr, who leaps from the roof onto a waiting Fell-beast. Unable to predict Agandaûr's next move, each of the group elects to return to their respective superiors; Beleram to Gwaihir in the Misty Mountains, Elladan and Elrohir to Elrond in Rivendell, and the trio to their captain, Halbarad, at Sarn Ford.

Halbarad (Peter Jessop) tells them Aragorn left Bree in the company of four hobbits, heading towards Rivendell, and he advises them to follow. After passing through the Barrow-downs, they reach Rivendell, where they are welcomed by Elrond (Jim Piddock), Gandalf (Tom Kane) and Aragorn, who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Agandaûr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls.

The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where they again encounter Beleram, who tells them the orcs and trolls in the region have formed an army under a Stone-giant named Bargrisar, who is waging war on the Eagles, and as such, several Eagles have come to the Ettenmoors to kill him. The trio agree to help, eventually finding and weakening Bargrisar, allowing Beleram to kill him. They are then joined by Gwaihir (Ike Amadi) and two other eagles, Baranthor (Liam O'Brien) and Armenel (Brandon Murray). Gwaihir speculates Bargrisar must have been operating under the command of someone else. The trio return to Rivendell with Beleram, Baranthor and Armenel, where Elrond says the Fellowship have safely departed. He has also found evidence of Mount Gundabad orcs operating in the Ettenmoors.

The eagles drop the trio near Gundabad, and as they climb, they see a massive army of orcs gathering in the valley. Once inside the fortress, they find the bodies of many dwarfs, with a dying dwarf telling them a group of dwarves came to Gundabad to activate a secret weapon with which to destroy the orc army. He tells them that Nordri has the key with which to operate the weapon, and is still alive within the chambers. The trio locate Nordri (Nolan North), who, along with Bruni (Jim Meskimen) is attempting to activate the weapon. The trio assist them, and once the weapon is activated, a horn sounds, the reverberations of which cause the fortress to start collapsing. The dwarves explain the weapon's function is to destroy the entire fortress. However, the Eagles then fly into the chamber, rescuing the trio and the two dwarves, and taking them to the dwarves' home, Nordinbad, a secret mountain stronghold on the edge of Rhovanion. Nordri introduces the trio to his father, Gorin (Ike Amadi), Lord of Nordinbad, who tell them he fears Agandaûr may be attempting to ally himself with Úrgost, a Dragon who lives nearby. The trio volunteer to approach Úrgost and find out.

They learn that Úrgost (Keith Szarabajka) has been approached by Agandaûr, who offered him Nordinbad in return for assisting in the destruction of the North. However, Agandaûr does not yet possess Nordinbad, and Úrgost will not join him until he does. In any case, Úrgost has no real interest in Nordinbad. Instead he wants Carn Dûm, a fortress in Angmar, which is currently occupied by Agandaûr. Úrgost does not wish to make an enemy of Sauron by taking the fortress from Sauron's ally. He proposes the trio take the fortress instead and turn it over to him. In return, he will remain neutral in the war. He also tells them if they wish to save Nordinbad, they should hurry, as it is under siege as they speak.

They head back to find Bruni has been killed, with Nordri coordinating the defenses. The eagles attack the siege towers, whilst the trio help defend the courtyard. Nordinbad is successfully defended, although Baranthor and Armenel are killed, and Beleram is seriously wounded. The dwarves take Beleram inside to tend to his injuries as the trio head to Carn Dûm to face Agandaûr. They fight their way towards the summit, but are attacked by a fell-beast. Suddenly, Beleram appears, killing the beast. Still injured, he tells them he will be there for them should they need him in the fight against Agandaûr. They confront Agandaûr and as they fight, Beleram attacks, lifting Agandaûr into the air. However, Agandaûr is able to stab and kill him. The distraction, however, allows the trio to strike, killing Agandaûr. As he dies, he calls on Sauron for aid. However, nothing happens. Úrgost then arrives, telling the trio that Sauron has been defeated and the Ring destroyed. He takes possession of Carn Dûm as the trio begin the journey back to Rivendell.

In an alternative ending, in which the player does not call on Beleram for support during the fight with Agandaûr, Beleram survives and joins them on the journey home.

Fire! (1977 film)

Convict Larry Durant escapes from an Oregon road gang, and starts a fire in a forest, which goes out of control and threatens to destroy a small mountain community. Involved are a lumber mill owner, Sam Brisbane; Martha Wagner, the widowed operator of a forest lodge; teacher, Harriet Malone, who is on a class outing; a country doctor, Doc Bennett, and a young couple, Doctors Alex and Peggy Wilson, whose shaky marriage is healed when battling the blaze brings out their better natures.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (film)

In Paris, Professor Espérandieu is experimenting with telepathic techniques, and he unintentionally hatches a 136 million year-old pterosaur egg within the ''National Museum of Natural History''. This results in the death of a former prefect (scandalously sharing a taxicab with a '' '' showgirl) which though witnessed only by the then-drunk sparks an epidemic of claimed sightings of the creature. The President of France orders the case be considered of utmost urgency by the National Police, only for it to be handed down to the bumbling Inspector Albert Caponi.

Adèle Blanc-Sec, a journalist and travel writer of some fame, finds herself involved after returning from Egypt, where she was searching for Ramesses II's mummified doctor/physician Patmosis. She wants to revive the mummy with the help of Espérandieu so the doctor can save her sister Agathe, who is comatose following an unfortunate tennis incident involving a hatpin. After a brief struggle with her nemesis, the mysterious Professor Dieuleveult, she retrieves the mummy and returns home. Her mission is complicated further by Espérandieu being on death row, having been blamed for the pterosaurs attacks, in lieu of Inspector Caponi and celebrity big game hunter Justin de Saint-Hubert having any success in taking down the beast itself. Andrej Zborowski, a researcher at the Jardin des Plantes who is enamored with Adèle, is able to lure the pterosaur into hiding. Adèle, riding the pterosaur, rescues Espérandieu moments before his execution.

Saint-Hubert fatally shoots the pterosaur along with Espérandieu, but not before Espérandieu is able to revive the mummy. The mummy reveals itself to be the Pharaoh's physicist ("I'm a nuclear physicist. I deal in figures, signs and equations.") and is unable to help her sister medically. Instead he accompanies Adèle to the Louvre, where they revive the rest of the Pharaoh's mummified court on display there, including the Pharaoh himself. The Pharaoh's doctor uses their advanced medical techniques to revive Agathe. The Pharaoh then decides he wants to see Paris, so the entire court wanders out into the night, scaring the ever-hapless Choupard yet again.

Adèle decides she needs a vacation to relax. As she boards the ship, the name RMS ''Titanic'' is revealed. Dieuleveult is then shown, sarcastically wishing her a "good journey".

In a mid-credits scene, Ménard pursues Saint-Hubert with a rifle, still outraged that Saint-Hubert shot the pterosaur. Ménard is arrested by Caponi as two gorillas stare menacingly at Saint-Hubert.

Steamin' + Dreamin': The Grandmaster Cash Story

Seamus Kelly is a sociology student from Cork who, as part of his final year in college, directs a documentary on subcultures in suburbia, eventually coming to focus on the Cork hip-hop scene and local artist Grandmaster Cash in particular. The documentary follows Cash as he struggles to achieve fame and fortune, amidst the trouble of negative critical reception and dealing with the rival hip-hop crew, led by Dr Feekinstein.

The Missing Rembrandt

Sherlock Holmes goes on the trail of a Rembrandt painting, stolen by a drug-addicted artist.

The Thanos Imperative

While the Guardians of the Galaxy watch over the newly resurrected and imprisoned Thanos and Nova pursues the false Quasar, the Magus and the Universal Church of Truth tear open the Fault (opened at the end of the War of Kings and previously sealed by Adam Warlock). Monstrous creatures emerge from the Fault and are confronted by the Kree and Shi'ar armadas, Galactus, the Celestials, and other cosmic beings. Among the invaders is their leader, Lord Mar-Vell, who is an alternate version of Captain Marvel. Mar-Vell kills the Magus for failing to locate Thanos. Mar-Vell is the ''de facto'' leader of the extradimensional Cancerverse—a metaphysically unbalanced dimension where Death itself has been completely banished and Life runs rampant, like a cancer—and seeks to spread his dimension's plague of "undeath" to all other universes.

Mar-Vell is the avatar of Life, and Thanos is the avatar of Death. Because of this, the battle will only be over when one of them destroys the other. While Star-Lord leads the Guardians and Thanos into the Fault hoping to locate Lord Mar-Vell, Lord Mar-Vell scours the Marvel Universe for Thanos. Nova leads Quasar, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator, the Silver Surfer and Ronan the Accuser in an attack on Mar-Vell, but loses badly. When Thanos kills Drax the Destroyer, his death as the avatar of life alerts Mar-Vell to his presence and he returns to the Cancerverse.

When Mar-Vell confronts Thanos and the Guardians, everyone is surprised when Thanos immediately surrenders. As he willingly prepares to be sacrificed by Mar-Vell, he muses about how the Captain Marvel he knew never considered the consequences of his actions either. Mar-Vell realizes he has been tricked just as Death, summoned by Thanos's death, arrives to claim him. This causes a chain reaction that kills Mar-Vell's followers and triggers the collapse of the alternate universe and the Fault. Thanos, expecting Death to embrace him for his actions, becomes enraged when she once again spurns him. Teleporting the rest of their comrades to safety, Star Lord and Nova remain behind to contain Thanos, who blames the heroes for Death's manipulation of him and vows to make the entire universe suffer, by keeping him within the Cancerverse until its imminent destruction.''The Thanos Imperative'' #6 (Jan 2011)

A memorial service is held for those lost in the conflicts. Quasar informs Rocket Raccoon that, without Nova, Worldmind has shut down and the Nova Force disappeared. Still reeling from the struggle, the Kree Empire on Hala is assailed by the forces of Blastaar in a bid for easy conquest. During the battle, Ronan is aided by the other surviving members of Nova's strike force. Under Cosmo's guidance, they set up base in Knowhere. The newly christened "Annihilators" propose they be a loose-knit force to be implemented only as the "last resort". Abruptly, Ikon of the Spaceknights materializes in their midst, proclaiming urgency in her errand and asking where to find "this team [she is] supposed to lead".

Critical Reception

The crossover received critical acclaim. According to Comic Book Roundup, it received an average score of 8.3 out of 10 based on 42 reviews.

Dara (film)

The film begins at restaurant which is owned by a beautiful and perfect woman named Dara. That night, Dara invites a man named Adjie to dine with her on the next night in her house. Then, after black fades, Adjie is shown again, bounded by chains in a blood-splattered room. He tries to break free, but Dara, comes to the room and test the quality of Adjie, as her test, she bites Adjie's stomach. Attempting to kill Adjie, Dara starts to slash him off with her chainsaw. Suddenly, a bell rings and, Dara, with her chainsaw broken, leaves the room and opens the door.

It was a bald-headed man named Eko, wanting to meet Dara. Eko is welcomed to the dinner table to eat, while Dara leaves him for a second, goes to a room and dumps Eko's flower bouquet onto a bed in there. She crosses Eko's name in the next day's date, and writes Adjie's name on the current date. From this activity, we know that Dara is a cannibal who invites men secretly and kills them when they are in her house. And Dara schedules her victims each night, for one reason: to have fresh meat every day. And the men who come to her house now, will be slashed like Dara's past victims.

At dinner, after Dara shuts Adjie's mouth and turns on classical music loudly, Dara is visited by a quiet, fat man named Rama who joins Dara and Eko for dinner. The conversation in there is dominated by Eko who tells Rama about exercising for a six pack. While they are at the dinner table, Adjie manages to break the chain and set himself free from the room. Realizing that Adjie is loose, Dara takes her crossbow (placed secretly under the dinner table) and shoots Eko's chest, then slits his throat with a machete. Then, she slashes Rama's shoulder and when Rama crawls to the front door, he is decapitated by Dara with the same machete as a slash on his shoulder.

Adjie returns to the gory room and hides there from Dara. Dara, who finds Adjie, gets stabbed in the hand by Adjie. Then Adjie quickly runs to front door, opens it, and goes into his car. When he wants to close his car door, Dara with her chainsaw turned on breaks it and slaughters Adjie with it, leaving no survivor that night.

The scene changes to Dara's restaurant, where she takes some meat from her refrigerator, and it is revealed that the meat used for her meals, are human meat. Then the camera pans through the restaurant as everybody looks appreciatively at the food cooked by Dara herself. Dara who still won over the men' fights yet, smiles and makes a grimace to camera.

Bowery Battalion

The military is performing a practice air raid on New York City. Sach convinces the boys that it is real and they go down to the recruiter's office and enlist. Meanwhile, Slip arrives at Louie's and finds out what just happened and goes down there to stop them. He is too late, as they have already joined, and is tricked into enlisting himself.

Louie tries to enlist as well, but is turned away as being too old. He was, however, in World War I and when he was there he invented the 'Hydrogen Ray', which did not work as intended. However, the army is using the plans for that ray as a decoy to try to capture spies that are at the local base...the same base the boys have been assigned to. The army decides to reinstate Louie to use him as bait for the spies. He ends up being kidnapped by the spies and they try to get the secrets of the ray out of him. The boys come to his rescue and are rewarded with medals for bravery and then sent to the brig for leaving their posts to rescue Louie.

Listening for Lions

Rachel Sheridan is the only child of British missionaries working among the Kikuyu and Masai tribes of British East Africa (present-day Kenya). Her father is a doctor and her mother a teacher. Life goes haywire as an influenza epidemic strikes when Rachel is 13, in 1919. Many die from the sickness, including her mother. The Pritchards, arrogant planters who live nearby, bring their daughter Valerie to the hospital, but it is too late to save her. After Rachel's father dies and it looks as if the hospital will be closed, Rachel is taken in by the Pritchards. They persuade the reluctant Rachel to impersonate their daughter, sending her in Valerie's place to visit her dying grandfather in England, on the pretext that it will save his life. Rachel considers telling people of the Pritchards' lies on the ship, but she soon arrives in England and begins to develop a close relationship with her "grandfather", who, like her, is very fond of birds. Just as things begin to get better, the Pritchards' unveil their new plot, to take the grandfather's property when he dies. In scorn of his son, the grandfather sends them away, but his trusty solicitor, Mr. Grumbloch, gives Rachel his address and tells her to come in an emergency. Rachel comes within the day, and he returns her to her grandfather, telling him the truth, which they have already suspected. There is an epilogue at the end of the novel, in which Rachel becomes his adopted daughter and attends school, later returning to her father's hospital as a doctor.

Hrabina Cosel

''The Countess Cosel'' is based on the true story of the beautiful Anna Constantia von Brockdorff, a German noblewoman who became mistress of Augustus the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony in 1704.

Against the backdrop of life at Augustus’ court the movie follows the arrival at Dresden of 24-year-old Anna Constantia von Brockdorff, who is an inordinately beautiful and scrupulously devout young married woman; her romance with the king and her ‘ten year reign’ as his mistress – a role she consents to in the belief that she has won the king’s love and commitment; and finally, her heartbreak, disillusion and struggle against him. The conflict between Anna and the king arises from the fact that Anna takes seriously not only the relationship, but the written promise of marriage which she manages to secure from him during their courtship. Neither the relationship nor the contract is held in much esteem by Augustus, who replaces her, as he has always done, with another mistress, as soon as she loses for him the charm of novelty. Her valiant refusal to return the marriage promissory note upon request enrages him and delivers her to her miserable fate.

In the opinion of the court, Cosel came to be considered increasingly dangerous when it became known that king Augustus had given her a secret written promise of marriage. Ultimately, she fell from grace with the king when she showed her jealousy after her spies told her about the king's affair with Countess Maria Magalena von Dönhoff of Warsaw. Distraught and feeling desperate to win back king's affection, Cosel departed Dresden to meet the king in Warsaw only to be turned back at the city gates. Augustus, having no more feelings for his former mistress, gave orders to lock her up in the Stolpen fortress. Cosel's faith and courage, which replaced her initial despair and anger culminated in her decision to remain in her jail, even after Augustus’ death, thirty-two years before her own, opened the way for her to regain her freedom. As a result, Cosel was imprisoned for forty-nine years, before she died in 1765, being eighty-five years of age. To the end of her life she preserved traces of her great beauty, by which she became so famous.

Love Is All You Need

Danish hairdresser Ida (Trine Dyrholm), who has recently completed a successful breast cancer treatment after undergoing a mastectomy, returns home to find her husband Leif having an affair with his accountant, Tilde. In a different part of Copenhagen, English businessman Philip (Pierce Brosnan) is a successful exporter of fruits and vegetables who has become misanthropic after the death of his wife.

Meanwhile, Ida's daughter Astrid and Philip's son Patrick have gone to Italy to prepare Patrick's family's villa for their wedding, which is to take place only three months after they met.

Ida is in denial about her husband leaving her. She intends to travel alone to Italy for the wedding, but at Copenhagen airport she bumps into Philip for the first time (her car collides with Philip's). After he shouts at her for being a reckless driver he realizes she is Astrid's mother and the two travel the rest of the way to the villa together. They do not have a favourable view of one another as Philip finds Ida irritating while Ida thinks that Philip is rude and mean.

At the villa drama ensues when Leif brings his new girlfriend, Tilde, to the wedding and everyone is surprised when she introduces herself as his fiancée. Upset, Ida goes for a swim in the cove near the house. Philip sees her swimming nude and runs to urge her out of the water as the current can be dangerous. On their walk home he shows her the groves of lemon and orange trees on the estate.

Philip begins to feel attracted to Ida's warm and sunny personality and eventually confides the way in which his wife died to her. He also rejects the advances of Benedikte, his sister-in-law. At a celebration before the wedding Philip dances with Ida. He allows Leif to cut in but after he pushes Ida around their son comes to Ida's rescue and punches Leif. Philip then tells Ida she's beautiful and wonderful but they are interrupted by Benedikte.

Back at the party Patrick sees Astrid grinding on Alessandro, a hired hand at the villa. He breaks them apart but Astrid tells him that he is gay. When he goes to apologize to Alessandro the two end up kissing.

The morning of the wedding Patrick disappears. Philip finds him and Patrick confesses that he doesn't want to marry and only did it in part because he thought it was something Philip would want him to do. Before the ceremony Patrick and Astrid inform the guests they will not be getting married. Ida goes to comfort Astrid and Philip comforts Patrick. Philip is able to say goodbye to Ida before she leaves but they do not say anything of consequence.

Sometime later after arriving back in Denmark Ida comes home to a house filled with roses. Leif tells Ida he still loves her and apologizes to her for leaving her for Tilde. Philip meanwhile finds his life cold and unsatisfactory. He goes to visit Ida at the salon where she works and tells her that he is cutting back on his workload and moving to Italy. He asks Ida to come and visit him. Ida tells him that Leif has moved back and that she loves him. Back at home Ida realizes she no longer loves Leif and dumps him.

Ida goes to Italy, ditching her wig and wearing her short hair which is growing back from chemo. She goes to Italy where she finds Philip who has gone back to working in the lemon orchard on his estate. She asks him to sit with her while she opens a letter from the hospital giving her her latest test results. Philip and Ida kiss before they open the letter. After reading the results they smile and then kiss again.

Ten Gentlemen from West Point

In the early 19th century, West Point Military Academy opens despite some doubting its worth - including the officer in charge, Sam Carter. A number of men enlist in the first class, including rich Howard Shelton and Kentucky backwoodsman Joe Dawson. The men are initially antagonistic towards each other, especially when Joe falls for Howard's fiance, Carolyn Brainbridge.

The men take part in the war against Tecumseh with William Henry Harrison.

Heritage of the Desert (1932 film)

Based on the novel ''Heritage of the Desert'' by Zane Grey, the film is about a rancher whose spread includes the only way out of the valley where an outlaw is hiding a huge herd of stolen cattle. When the outlaw decides to challenge the rancher's claim to the land, the rancher stays one step ahead of him and hires a surveyor to remap and confirm the property lines.

Slaughter Night

Eighteen-year-old Kristel survives a car accident in which her father dies. Tormented by nocturnal visions she continues her father's investigation of serial killers – especially Andries Martíns, a child killer. She decides to visit an abandoned mine, with a little group of friends from college, where her father headed the investigations on Andries. In the dark, abandoned mine shafts, convicted murderers used to be used as 'firefighters' to detect explosives, which was a job that normally nobody survived.

When the group arrives at the mine, the shaft lift suddenly drops 60 metres. The students must now find a way out of the dilapidated mine maze but they are not alone. The spirit of Martins is more bloodthirsty than ever. Kristel and her friends spend the night in the mine but the trip becomes more and more of a nightmare and a battle for survival.

Under the Tonto Rim (1933 film)

A complete failure as a ranch cowhand and then a chuckwagon driver, Tonto Daley's embarrassment is total after accidentally causing a wagon to tip over and his boss's daughter Nina Weston to fall into a creek.

Tonto hits the trail with his tail between his legs, taking a job from Porky and Tom to become a hog farmer. He is miserable and lonely, and things get worse when former foreman Munther tries to railroad Tonto in the rustling of some cattle. He finds out Porky and Tom are in on it, and Nina becomes Tonto's ally in the fight to make things right.

Diplomatic Courier

Mike Kells is assigned by the State Department to fly to Salzburg and meet his old friend Sam Carew, who will pass a top-secret document to him on a particular train platform. A passenger on the Salzburg-bound plane, Joan Ross, takes a liking to Mike and expresses a desire to see him again.

However, at the set meeting site, Sam ignores him because he is apparently being tailed by two men. Mike boards the same train and sits near a woman Sam seems to know. In a tunnel, Mike is shocked to see the two men throw Carew's body off the train.

Col. Cagle and Sgt. Guelvada of the US Army tersely interrogate Mike as to what went wrong. They believe the woman's involved and order him to travel to Trieste to find her. Guelvada goes along.

She is identified as Janine Betki, a singer and a possible Russian agent. Mike goes to a club where she once performed. He runs into Joan there instead. After a strange man slips Mike some information, the man tries to flee for safety but is murdered in a hit-and-run incident by a car which had almost killed Mike a moment before.

Janine is located and explains to Mike that she not only worked with Carew but also loved him and spied on the Russians on his behalf. Still, the colonel insists Janine was a loyal Soviet agent by showing Mike the dossier on her efforts as a Russian spy, a dossier which was compiled by Carew himself. Joan then contacts Mike and claims a sniper tried to kill her. After he leaves, it is Joan who is revealed to be the Russian agent.

Mike deduces that Carew hid microfilm in a wristwatch. He retrieves the watch from the pawn shop where she left it, only to have Joan try to take it from him at gunpoint before she is surprised and overpowered by the faithful American Sergeant. Meanwhile, a complication arises that no one anticipated because the pawnbroker had cleaned the watch and removed the film. After Mike is captured by the Soviets, Janine successfully bargains for both of their lives by agreeing to give the microfilm to them. In the end, the microfilm is recovered by the American authorities while Mike manages to meet with Janine in the presence of her Soviet spymaster in a compartment on a moving train, where he ultimately facilitates their escape to freedom.

The Racers

Race-car driver Gino Borgesa meets a ballerina, Nicole Laurent, whose pet poodle causes a crash at the track. She persuades an ex-lover to give Gino money for a new car. They begin a romance, although Gino warns her that his racing comes first.

After winning a 1,000-mile race, Gino is hired by a successful racing team managed by Maglio, who is leery of Gino's reckless driving tactics but takes a chance on him at the urging of veteran driver Carlos Chavez.

Nicole is troubled by Gino's unconcerned attitude about a mechanic accidentally killed at the track. A crash at a race in Brussels seriously injures Gino, whose leg is not amputated only because Nicole persuades doctors not to perform the operation.

Once he recovers, Gino begins taking painkillers as well as unnecessary risks. His behavior, too, is out of control, causing him to insult Michel Caron, a young French driver who admires him. Nicole is offended, and the last straw comes when Gino relentlessly wins the final race of Carlos's career, even after Maglio instructed him to let Carlos have one last victory.

In time, Gino's stature in racing begins to fall, and he is alone. He begs Nicole to return, but she is involved with Michel now. A contrite Gino returns to the track, where he willingly lets Michel speed past him.

Are You in the House Alone?

16-year-old Gail Osborne is a typical high school student with a passion for photography. Six months ago, she and her parents moved from San Francisco to a smaller town due to her father Neil's claim the city was too dangerous following a burglary. Gail, a high-spirited romantic, initially started dating classmate E.K. Miller, but he broke off their relationship because Gail was unwilling to sleep with him.

Now, Gail is dating Steve Pastorinis, despite her overprotective mother's objections. After a while, she receives an anonymous letter which says: "I am watching you.” Gail thinks the letter is creepy, but is convinced by her best friend Allison Bremer that it is a practical joke from some student. However, when another note is found saying, "I know where you are I'm watching you you tramp I'm coming after you,” and phone calls from a strange man laughing in a creepy way. Gail decides to warn her principal, who informs her it could be the act of her current or former boyfriend, someone she's rejected, or perhaps someone she knows that's hanging around.

One day, Gail tries to tell her mother Anne about the stalking, but Anne is too busy to pay attention and blows Gail off. Therefore, Gail ditches school and heads to San Francisco to visit her father at work. There, she finds out her father has been fired. Back home, she confronts her mother with this, who demands her to keep silent so Neil will not feel ashamed. Gail realizes more serious matters are going on in her life and decides to no longer pay attention to the notes and phone calls. One day when she's late for class, there is another message sticking out of her locker – a black and white picture of herself that she took in photography class with the word "RAPE" all in red across her face.

One night, she is babysitting the children of Jessica Hirsch, who is dating Gail's teacher Chris Elden. She receives a phone call from her boyfriend Steve Pastorinis, and he asks if he can come over after work and spend time together. Gail, relieved, says yes, and he tells her he'll be there soon. The phone rings again, and thinking it's Steve she answers, but it's the same stalker, laughing hysterically asking: ''Are you in the house alone?'' Afraid, Gail locks the door and windows all around the house.

Someone knocks on the front door. Excited to see Steve, Gail opens the door and sees it's Allison's boyfriend, Phil Lawver. Phil asks if Allison is around because she said she was going to come by, and Gail responds she isn't there. Phil then asks to use the phone to call Allison's house. Phil picks up the receiver and dials the number, but puts his finger on the receiving end to cancel the call and then pretends to be on the phone with Allison's mother while pulling out a handkerchief and wiping off the phone. Gail looks over and sees him wiping the phone and he looks back at her before dropping the phone on the ground.

He looks at her and says, "I really had you fooled, didn't I?" Gail lets out a sigh of relief figuring he was pulling a prank on her. Phil then says in a raspy creepy voice "Are you in the house alone?" Phil reveals that it wasn't a prank and that he's been stalking her and knows everything about her. He then attacks her, forces her onto the ground, and proceeds to rape her. Afterwards, he runs out of the house.

Due to the trauma, Gail is hospitalized and at first refuses to say that Phil raped her, knowing she won’t be believed. Instead, she claims it was all a blur. Another female officer comes in to ask if she can try to remember, and Gail continues to lie out of fear. The female officer leaves, but tells her that if she changes her mind, to call her at the station. She also mentions that if Gail doesn't give her a name, they have no case, and her attacker can do this to someone else. Fearing that some other girl might endure what she just went through, she tells the officer it was Phillip Lawver. Her father is outraged at Phil, but finds out they can not sue him because Phil's father is a close friend of the local judge.

Gail is eventually encouraged by her teacher Malevich not to be afraid any longer and she returns to school. There, she finds out another girl is receiving the same creepy notes. Determined to stop Phil, she attempts to catch him on camera. Phil, however, is onto her and attempts to beat her up, but is caught by Steve. In the end, Phil pleads guilty to assault but is not charged with rape. He disappears, and one rumor has it that he is in a boarding school in New Hampshire.

Man of the Forest (1933 film)

Based upon a novel by Zane Grey, ''Man of the Forest'' involves a young lady (Verna Hillie) who is captured by a band of outlaws led by Clint Beasley (Noah Beery Sr.). Brett Dale (Randolph Scott) figures out their plan and rescues her.

Come On Marines!

"Lucky" Davis, a ladies' man and a devil-may-care U.S. Marine sergeant, is leading a Marine squadron on an expedition through a Philippine jungle where an outlaw bandit is leading a guerrilla-war rebellion. Their assignment is to rescue a group of children from an island mission that has been cut off from all communication. When they arrive, they get a bit of a surprise when Davis discovers that the "children" are a group of 18- to 25-year-old girls blissfully bathing in a pool while awaiting rescue.

The Witching Hour (1934 film)

While Jack Brookfield (John Halliday) runs a gambling gathering at nighttime in his Kentucky house, his daughter Nancy (Judith Allen) is frequently visited by and becomes engaged to young Northern architect Clay Thorne (Tom Brown). His mother (Olive Tell), an old friend of Brookfield's, arrives from Baltimore to save her son from the vice of gambling, but when Brookfield shows her her son and his daughter in the garden, she is delighted. Brookfield announces to the gentlemen that for that evening the gambling is over early, due to a feeling he has.

After everybody has left, Brookfield's old friend (and customer) Lew Ellinger (Richard Carle) proposes to play poker. But Brookfield answers he is not a gambler. Ellinger deals the cards anyway. To his astonishment, Brookfield tells him exactly what he has in his hands. When it is repeated a second time, Brookfield tells him that he cannot tell what cards he has if Ellinger doesn't look at them. When this second time he tells again the card Ellinger has, Ellinger asks Brookfield how he does it. Brookfield does not know how he does it, but he does not gamble because of this gift, which saddens Ellinger.

Meantime, the police chief (Frank Sheridan) gathers his men to raid Brookfield's house. When they arrive, however, they can find no trace of gambling activity.

After Nancy turns in for the night, Clay becomes terrified when he sees a cats-eye ring (collateral put up by Lew) on Brookfield's finger. This causes Brookfield to question Clay's manhood.

Afterward, Brookfield receives a visit from Frank Hardmuth (Ralf Harolde). Hardmuth has a grudge against him and is determined to show that he is the boss of the town. When Hardmuth states he is good enough for Nancy, Brookfield punches him and tells him that one day a man will come in his office and shoot him. Clay overhears him. Brookfield tells him, after Hardmuth leaves, that his fear is absurd. He hypnotizes the young man without realizing it.

Judge Martin Prentice (Guy Standing) is Brookfield's last visitor that night. Brookfield finds in him an understanding person concerning his gift. Prentice warns him to be more careful about hypnotizing people.

Clay goes to Hardmuth's office and shoots him dead, without knowing what he is doing. His loved ones search for a defense attorney, but nobody takes hypnotism seriously or believes it is grounds for a defense. Finally, they think of Judge Prentice, who is retired, but would certainly understand how to manage the case. Prentice does not want to take the case, but the ghost of Margaret Price (Gertrude Michael), Mrs. Thorne's mother and Prentice's love, persuades him to change his mind. The trial goes badly for the defense; even the testimony of Dr. von Strohn (Ferdinand Gottschalk), an eminent expert in hypnosis, cannot turn the tide. Finally, in desperation, Prentice has Brookfield hypnotize the openly skeptical jury foreman (William Frawley) into shooting the district attorney (the gun has blanks). The jury reaches the verdict "not guilty", and Clay is a free man.

From Hell to Texas

Ruthless cattle baron Hunter Boyd orders his riders to capture a former ranch-hand, Tod Lohman, suspected of murdering one of Boyd's sons, Shorty.

The victim's brother, Otis Boyd, initiates a stampede to facilitate Lohman's capture, but Tod evades capture by driving the animals in an opposite direction. Later, Tod gets the drop on Otis's brother, Tom, who has been trailing him. Tod insists he did not kill Tom's brother, Shorty, and explains what did happen. Tod tells Tom to relay the truth to his family and sends him on his way. While trying one more time to kill Tod, Tom shoots the man's horse, instead, before retreating home.

On foot, Tod collapses near a river bank. He is found by rancher Amos Bradley and his daughter Juanita, who provide food and shelter. Juanita takes a liking to Tod, who is searching for his missing father; he was raised by his mother, who instilled in him biblical principles and lessons.

Tod departs the Bradley's, but is soon surrounded by Hunter Boyd and his men. In gratitude for not shooting Tom when he had the chance, Boyd permits Tod a horse and a four-hour head start, then resumes the chase.

Tod rides into the town of Socorro, where he discovers that his father has died. He visits Amos Bradley's ranch. While there, Nita and he fall in love. He knows he must keep running, but hopes to return permanently. Hunter Boyd, Tom, and a member of the posse confront Bradley and wound the old man when he will not let them search his home for Tod. This proves the last straw for Tod, who aborts his plan to flee and takes on the Boyds in town. During the gunfight, as ordered by his father, Tom shoots a chandelier in an attempt to douse the lighting. Tom is engulfed by the resulting flames. Tod's instincts take over and he saves Tom's life. An appreciative Hunter Boyd thus calls off the vendetta.

The Last Safari

Miles Gilchrist (Stewart Granger) is a big game hunter in Africa. He goes on a safari to shoot an elephant who killed his friend. He is accompanied by Casey (Kaz Garas), an American millionaire intrigued by Gilchrist's story, and Grant (Gabriella Licudi), Casey's half-caste girlfriend.

Miles feels he is to blame for his friend's death, and has to redeem himself. He sees hunter Alec Beaumont (Liam Redmond) refusing to eat with Grant, an indication of how life is different in Africa. Casey and Miles help to save a group of white hunters ambushed in a Masai village.

Later, Miles and Casey are nearly killed by a herd of charging elephants, led by a rogue elephant. Casey refuses to fire knowing Miles also won't shoot, but is not afraid. Casey bids Miles farewell and leaves Africa and Grant, who stays behind in the hopes of finding a new benefactor.

Shoot Out

Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck) is released from prison after serving seven years for robbing a bank. He goes looking for his former crime partner, Sam Foley (James Gregory), who shot Lomax in the back as they ran from the bank and left him to be arrested. Learning of his release, Foley hires a trio of young thugs—Pepe (Pepe Serna), Skeeter (John Davis Chandler), and Bobby Jay Jones— (Robert F. Lyons) to track Lomax's movements. Lomax locates an old friend, Trooper (Jeff Corey), a former U.S. Army cavalry soldier, now confined to a wheelchair, running a town saloon and offers him money for information about his ex-partner. The thugs catch up to Lomax at Trooper's saloon / hotel and force Alma (Susan Tyrrell), a prostitute / saloon girl working for the gruff but kindly old soldier, to spend the night with them. They wind up disturbing Lomax from his sleep with his old girlfriend Emma (Rita Gam) with the racket in the neighboring room, and have an altercation in the corridor.

Later Lomax meets a train at the whistle stop to meet an old lady companion who was bringing a large sum of money that she had held for him all these years. But surprisingly, the conductor, Mr. Frenatore (Paul Fix), brings out a 7-year-old girl, Decky Ortega (Dawn Lyn), who had accompanied the woman on her train journey. The woman had died a few days before in a distant town leaving the girl an orphan. Lomax finally pulls the child off the train. The conductor hands him a wad of cash saying that if he hadn't retrieved and taken custody of the kid, the money would have gone towards her support when the conductor turned her over to a sheriff in the next large town on the line. Lomax tries to find someone to take care of Decky, but is unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the thugs mistreat and leave bruises on Alma, then vandalize the hotel/saloon as the old handicapped owner demands restitution. Led by Bobby Jay, they fatally shoot Trooper and rob the saloon, taking Lomax's money and Alma with them, before continuing to follow Lomax. Lomax returns, learning of Trooper's death and that he mentioned the location "Gun Hill" with his dying breath.

During the journey to Gun Hill, Lomax and stubborn little Decky bond closer, especially after he throws her in a stream to wash and scrub her, then gently dries and warms her by the campfire. She asks him if he is her father which he denies, but he knew her mother well and the paternal implication is clear. One night, the gang of thugs watch Lomax in his camp, but he hears them and disarms them. When he finds out the purpose of their trailing mission, he tells them to go ahead to Foley in Gun Hill and tell him that he is coming for him. Later, a rainstorm forces Lomax and Decky to take shelter at the ranch house of a lonely widow named Juliana Farrell (Patricia Quinn), who quickly becomes infatuated with Lomax and offers to watch over Decky. The thugs catch up to them later in the night and take everyone prisoner. Bobby Jay orders Pepe to go down the trail and watch for the return of Farrell's four ranch hands, who had gone into town. Bobby Jay then gets drunk, knocks out Lomax and terrorizes the young mother by saying he was going to shoot a target off her son's head. but uses Decky instead. Later, he kills saloon girl Alma. Lomax wakes up to see part of this and gets behind Skeeter whom Bobby Jay accidentally kills while shooting at Lomax.

Bobby Jay grabs Decky and flees the house on his horse. The horse goes lame as he approaches Pepe on the trail. When Pepe refuses to give up his horse Bobby Jay kills him. Decky takes advantage of his distraction to escape into the night. Her yells fail to alert Lomax as he rides past chasing Bobby Jay, but she is picked up and taken back to the ranch by Juliana and her son who are following behind Lomax. Now alone, Bobby Jay has ridden ahead to warn Foley and get his promised money, but gets greedy at seeing the amount of cash in Foley's safe. Foley tries to reach for a gun, and is shot dead. Bobby Jay is surprised by Lomax, who arrives while Bobby Jay is gathering his loot. Now enraged and seeking revenge for all that Bobby Jay has done, Lomax terrorizes Bobby Jay by shooting things off of his head while demanding Decky's whereabouts. When he confesses that she ran off into the night and he has no idea where she is, Lomax has the housekeeper place a cartridge on top of Bobby Jay's head and tells him that either the cartridge will explode and kill him, or Bobby Jay will not be fast enough to quick draw his gun to kill Lomax. Bobby Jay tries to outdraw Lomax but cannot and is shot dead by the far more experienced gunslinger. Lomax leaves the money with Foley and Bobby Jay's bodies, tells the housekeeper to go get the law, and then goes to find Decky back at Juliana's house.

The Holy Thief

Two visitors from the now reviving Ramsey Abbey arrive in February 1145. Sub-prior Herluin and young Brother Tutilo request alms and aid in restoring their abbey. The Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and the people of Shrewsbury respond generously. Herluin seeks Sulien Blount at Longner Manor. Sulien will not rejoin as a monk. The family gives coppice wood for rebuilding. Lady Donata, Sulien's ailing mother, has the pleasure of hearing beautiful music from young Brother Tutilo. She donates her personal jewellery for Ramsey Abbey. Also staying at the Abbey is a successful Provençal troubadour, Rémy of Pertuis, his groom and a singer.

The Sheriff cries the warning that the River Severn is rising rapidly. A chaotic scene develops as the flood continues to rise after dark, as items of value are moved without benefit of lamps or candles within the Abbey buildings by monks and guests, and the cart for Ramsey Abbey is loading to leave. Herluin and Tutilo ride out to Worcester.

When the flood subsides, in place of Saint Winifred's reliquary they find a wrapped piece of timber, the same size and heft, showing this to be a planned theft. The Sheriff and Prior Robert are dispatched to meet Herluin for what he knows. James of Betton returns to the Abbey more than a week after the cart set out, with the news that cart did not make it all the way to Ramsey Abbey – the same news Nicol delivers to Herluin in Worcester. Nicol leads them to the place of the ambush.

The reeve finds the reliquary in Ullesthorpe, where the brigands dumped it, and carries it to safety at Huncote, home of the Earl of Leicester. The Sheriff, the Prior and the sub-prior explain the story of the reliquary to the Earl. Herluin and Prior Robert explain this loss and rediscovery as the saint's own actions. Earl Robert sees the competition between them for it, and lightheartedly makes his claim, as it was found safe on his land. Earl Robert joins them in carrying it the long journey home in state.

Cadfael finds Aldhelm, who moved the reliquary at the request of a monk. Brother Jerome eavesdrops on Hugh and Cadfael speaking about this visit, expecting Aldhelm to confirm Tutilo as the one who put the reliquary on the wagon. Bénezet, the groom, overhears Jerome talking with Prior Robert, and shares the word with Daalny, the singer, who tells Tutilo. Jerome is not seen that evening. Aldhelm does not appear at the agreed time. After Lauds, Tutilo returns, deeply shaken, after tripping over a dead man in the dark on his return to the Abbey from another visit to Longner Manor. At dawn, Cadfael and Hugh confirm the dead man is Aldhelm. He was stunned by a hit on the head with a piece of fallen wood; next his head was smashed by a large stone, which was carefully replaced. Hugh Beringar, Radulfus, Prior Robert, Cadfael, Sub-prior Herluin, and Earl Robert gather. Tutilo confesses that he did take the saint, as she encouraged him to help Ramsey Abbey in this way. He had no part in this murder. Tutilo is put in a penitential cell of the Abbey. There remain three claims to possession of the saint in her reliquary. The earl wants an unbiased judge. Radulfus proposes a method.

Sulien Blount arrives after Compline, requesting Tutilo for his mother who will not last the night. Radulfus agrees, sending Tutilo under guard. He sings for her as she quietly dies. He returns before dawn on a day in early March, with the gift of a psaltery and words of advice on the needs of a troubadour.

The four conduct the ''sortes Biblicae'', placing the book of the gospels on Saint Winifred's reliquary in front of the monks. Each verse is accepted as the saint telling them where the reliquary of Saint Winifred belongs.

Radulfus :The last shall be first, and the first last. Matthew Ch 20 verse 16

Earl Robert :Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me; and where I am, thither ye cannot come. John Ch 7 verse 54

Father Herluin :I tell you, I know you not, whence you came. Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity… Luke Ch 13 verse 27

Prior Robert :Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. John Ch 15 verse 16

The breeze in the chapel turns the pages :And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death. Matthew Ch 10 verse 21

They agree that the saint stays on her altar at Shrewsbury Abbey. Cadfael dares not explain his verse to Earl Robert. The sober last verse causes them to turn to the monks for their aid. Jerome unexpectedly confesses to the murder. He describes his actions up to striking Aldhelm on the head with a piece of wood in the dark, then leaving upon discovering it was not Tutilo as he anticipated. Jerome wails out his pain in the second penitentiary cell.

Daalny lets Tutilo out of his cell. Herluin is enraged; the Earl is not bothered. Daalny says that someone here is a thief. Bénezet realises she means him; he flees on someone else's horse. They find two surprises in his saddle bags. One is the bag of silver coins and Lady Donata's gold jewellery meant for Ramsey Abbey. It never left Shrewsbury Abbey. The other is a laundered shirt, with blood stains on it. Bénezet killed Aldhelm, waited for him, fearing that Aldhelm might have seen him take the alms out of the coffer the night of the flood. Hugh's men hold Bénezet for murder. The Earl asks for Daalny to be fetched from Saint Winifred's chapel. She is gone. The Earl seems to expect this. Rémy mourns her loss, but is very pleased to be part of the Earl's household.

Hugh and Cadfael are relieved that the seals of the reliquary were never opened. Cadfael is pleased that Tutilo and Daalny have joined for a new free life for both, and impressed that Donata, finally free from her years of pain, was the one who read the lad aright.

Rock of the Dead

Players will take on the role of the main character (voiced by Neil Patrick Harris) who has the ability to defeat enemies (often zombies) with the power of rock as he searches for his love interest, voiced by Felicia Day. Players have a few weapons at their disposal (including a shield and blast power-up), but the player can only use these by strumming the correct colored fret buttons in order on their guitar controller. The developers have bands record rock versions of classical music.

This Man Is News

Simon Drake (Barnes) has predicted the death of a prominent man in advance, which makes him Scotland yard's top suspect for his murder; the only one who believes in his innocence is his loyal wife Pat (Hobson). Meanwhile, Macgregor (Sim) is Drake's beleaguered city editor, who hires and fires him multiple times depending on how guilty or innocent he looks at the moment.

The Farmer's Wife (comics)

Nurse Nancy, a city dweller, and Bill Toomey, a war-wounded veteran and farmer fifteen years her senior marry. When Bill takes a job with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the two journey to Washington, DC but Bill is unhappy in the city. He returns from work every night tired while Nancy wants to attend parties and shows.

One night, she vents her frustrations and goes out alone. When she returns home, she finds a note from Bill telling her he has left for his farm and is willing to grant her a divorce because she is obviously unhappy with him. Nancy breaks into tears and bewails her selfishness. She leaves her job in the city and goes to Bill's farm to renew her marriage on Bill's terms.

The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

The fourth grade students of South Park Elementary are assigned to read ''The Catcher in the Rye'', and are excited when Mr. Garrison tells of its controversial history. However, after reading the book, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny perceive it to be completely inoffensive, and feel that the school has "tricked" them into reading. In response, they decide to write their own novel, ''The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs'', with the purpose of being deliberately offensive. Later, Stan's parents find and read the manuscript. Their disgust is such that they cannot read it without vomiting profusely, but they appreciate the quality of its writing and inform the other parents. Fearing that they will be reprimanded, the boys convince Butters that he wrote the book while sleepwalking. Butters believes them because after reading ''The Catcher in the Rye'', he feels as though he has been entering into altered states of consciousness that make him want to kill others, only to find that his intended targets have long been deceased.

Butters confesses to writing the novel, but is surprised at the adults' positive response. To the other boys' anger, a representative from Penguin Books agrees to sign Butters for a book deal. ''The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs'' becomes a success, to which consumers attest despite vomiting as they read the book. As Butters' success grows, the other boys unsuccessfully campaign to have the book banned. They are annoyed to find readers interpreting passages from the novel as allegories for contentious political issues, which was never their intent. Since Sarah Jessica Parker is routinely mocked in the book, Cartman and Kenny plan to have her killed, assuming that the public reaction and media attention would result in the book's ban. They fit Parker with antlers to disguise her as a moose, before abandoning her in the woods during hunting season.

Butters later writes his own book, ''The Poop That Took a Pee'', which consists solely of simple descriptions of coprophilia juxtaposed with toilet humor. The four boys are convinced that the book will be a failure and publicly expose Butters as a fraud over ''The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs''. Much to their annoyance, however, while readers are not as disgusted by the new book, they nonetheless perceive it as more profound and continue making their own interpretations. After finishing the book, one crazed reader crashes a taping of ''Keeping Up with the Kardashians'' and murders the entire Kardashian family in a mass shooting.

Both ''The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs'' and ''The Poop That Took a Pee'' are banned as a result, and Butters is devastated, mainly because he was a devoted fan of Kim Kardashian. Stan and Kyle suggest that rather than reading books and mindlessly interpreting them, people should simply watch television instead. Cartman also convinces Butters that he was responsible for Parker's death, Butters is initially shocked to learn this but then calms down, saying, "Oh well, at least ''she'' was ugly."

Carland Cross (TV series)

Carland Cross, a typical British private detective from the 1930s era, is called upon to investigate cases of the strange and mysterious. Cross attempts to solve cases involving ancient ruins, forbidden regions, strange inexplicable murders, criminal Satanic curses, deserted cities and an array of unimaginable monsters. The central storyline is set in the United Kingdom, mainly London, which is depicted as a mysterious drowned city of fog where crime is prevalent, and with it, apprehension and danger.

Whistling in the Dark (1941 film)

Wally Benton (Red Skelton) is the star of a mystery series on radio, ''The Fox'', which he writes himself, inventing for each episode a crime that has "only one loophole" so the criminal can be caught. He is about to elope with Carol Lambert (Ann Rutherford), but his agent (Eve Arden) tells him he must go out with the sponsor's daughter, Fran Post (Virginia Grey), or risk his show being canceled.

Outside the city, at a mansion called Silver Haven, Joseph Jones (Conrad Veidt) runs a cult that promises serenity and contact with the dead, but is really just a scam to collect donations. He learns that a member has died and bequeathed a life interest in $1,000,000 to her nephew Harvey Upshaw (Lloyd Corrigan), with the principal going to Silver Haven on Upshaw's death. Jones, angry that she did not leave the money directly to his cult, determines to have Upshaw killed at once, but he must avoid suspicion. Some of Jones's henchmen are fans of ''The Fox'' and admire Benton's plots, so he gets the idea to kidnap Benton and make him invent a real crime with no loopholes. Learning that two different women are expecting to meet Benton that night and one is his fiancée, he has Lambert and Post kidnapped as well.

Benton tries to protect the women, but is out of his depth. After a bumbling escape attempt through a secret passage fails, he decides he needs to come up with a plot as Jones demands. He has the idea to substitute poison for the tooth powder that Upshaw will undoubtedly take along as he flies overnight to meet his aunt's lawyer. The women are aghast at Benton's cooperation, but when the poison is brought to Benton, he puts it in a packet but then substitutes another harmless one. However, this gets lost and another packet is made up with real poison: Upshaw is in real danger. And so are Benton, Lambert, and Post, as Jones will have no reason to let them live once the plot succeeds.

Benton finds a hidden telephone, but before he can reach the police, he is seen and the phone is ripped from the wires. Jones leaves and Benton is locked in with the women in the same room. He touches the telephone wires together to simulate dialing 0, but cannot talk to the operator without a telephone. But, noticing a radio in the room, he uses his knowledge of radio to improvise a way to use it as a phone: the loudspeaker will double as a microphone if they swap the right wires back and forth each time he starts or finishes talking.

He reaches the telephone operator and tries to get a message sent to Upshaw's flight, but Jones's man on the flight finds a way to disable the aircraft radio, and contact is lost. Benton then has the operator contact his radio station, where it is almost time for ''The Fox''. They patch his phone call through to the transmitter and he begins telling all his listeners what has been happening.

But they have to speak loudly, and the one dim-witted guard who was left outside the door bursts in. They save themselves by convincing him they are just passing the time by pretending to do a radio show. He finds the idea fun and even participates, adding useful information such as the mansion's address. Unfortunately, the local police assume it is fiction, like the recent ''War of the Worlds'' broadcast, so the three hostages are not saved until Benton's friends from the radio station arrive with city police.

Meanwhile, on the flight, Upshaw learns of the plot thanks to a small boy who enjoys ''The Fox'' and listens to it by an ordinary radio on board. Warned not to brush his teeth, he remarks, "I won't even take them out".

Whistling in the Dark (1933 film)

Otto Barfuss refuses to pay for protection and won't bow down to the syndicate. When they come for him, he puts the sting on them. Jake Dillon thinks its time to end Barfuss for good, but he knows it has to be done properly so that they don't get caught.

Wallace Porter and his girl Toby Van Buren are eloping when their car breaks down near Dillon's house. He's a mystery writer who brags about his abilities to write the perfect murder. He is forced to give Dillon the perfect way to kill Barfuss while he and Toby are held as prisoners.

Porter manages to connect the radio to contact the phone operator. He and Toby get a message out to save Barfuss. Dillon comes back and is caught by the police.

Matariki (film)

It is New Year's Eve and Gunge (Edwin Wright) finds that his debt to a ruthless drug dealer sets off a chain of events that rip through his South Auckland neighbourhood. After bravely intervening in a beating, star rugby player Tama (Mark Ruka) finds his own life in jeopardy. His wife, Megan (Sara Wiseman), comes into conflict with Tama's Māori family over decisions concerning his care. Tama's brother Rick (Jarod Rawiri) is so rocked by the tragedy that he is forced to confront his own secrets and his allegiance to Maori values.

Meanwhile, teenaged Aleki (Jason Wu) struggles to find his identity in a new home. Transplanted from a small island in the South Pacific to the vibrant, multicultural community of South Auckland, Aleki feels caught between his father's traditional values and the temptations of his new culture. Nearby, Lisa (Alix Bushnell), who is nine months pregnant and devoted to her drug addicted boyfriend (Michael Whalley), begins to suspect that he may not make the best father for her baby.

Moonlight Mile (novel)

Amanda McCready was four years old when she vanished from a Boston neighborhood in 1997. Desperate pleas for help from the child's aunt led savvy, tough-nosed investigators Kenzie and Gennaro to take on the case. The pair risked everything to find the young girl — only to orchestrate her return to a neglectful mother and a broken home.

Now Amanda is 16 — and gone again. A stellar student, brilliant but aloof, she seemed destined to escape her upbringing. Amanda's aunt is once again knocking at Patrick Kenzie's door, fearing the worst for the little girl who has blossomed into a striking, bright young teenager who hasn't been seen in two weeks.

Haunted by the past, Kenzie and Gennaro revisit the case that troubled them the most, following a 12-year trail of secrets and lies down the darkest alleys of Boston's gritty, blue-collar streets. Assuring themselves that this time will be different, they vow to make good on their promise to find Amanda and see that she is safe. But their determination to do the right thing holds dark implications Kenzie and Gennaro are not prepared for consequences that could cost them not only Amanda's life, but their own.

Since ''Prayers for Rain'' Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro have married and had a child.

Dalida (2005 film)

The series deals with French-Italian singer Dalida, from her birth to Italian parents in Cairo, Egypt, to her long and successful singing career in Europe, Asia, America and Africa, until her tragic death in Paris, France.

Just William (film)

A rascally child recruits his friends as assistants to help his father get elected to the city council. Sadly, the children accidentally help two jewel thieves to escape. They feel sorry about this, and to redeem themselves, the kids begin investigating a rival candidate's conspiracy. Their involvement causes the boy's father to win the election.

Three Men in a Boat (1961 film)

The advertisement salesmen Harry Berg und Jerome, named "Jo", Sommer are on holiday at the Bodensee alone. Jo is trying to catch the young girl Grit and Harry wants to get rid of his intrusive girlfriend Julitschka. When she suddenly appears, Harry and Jo are trying to buy a boat to drive away. They also find a dog and call him "Sputnik".

Also the art salesman Georg Nolte is trying to have holiday but his wife Carlotta and his daughter Grit are not allowing him it. In a bar he's listening to Harry's and Jo's talk about the boat and asks them to join them, he offers himself as a cook. Both agree and the three of them are calling the trip "Three Men on a boat, not to forget about the dog", in reference to a well-known book. They also call the boat "Marianne".

When the wives discover the missing of their husbands they are trying to follow them. Julitschka even is hiring a Swiss detective Georg offers to travel over the Rhine, so he can be at an auction in Amsterdam to buy a painting by Renoire and sell one by Brueghel. On the boat Georg and Harry are named Captains (Georg claimed that he was on a battleship, however he told later that he was only a visitor) and Jo the first maid. But things change after they have an accident at the Rheinfall, where Georg doesn't noticed it, so he becomes the first maid instead of Jo. Later they have another accident with another ship, where one of the crew, the maid Betje is falling over board and is saved by the three men from the "Marianne".

During the travel they also stop in Königswinter, where Georg finds his daughter and he realized that Jo was after her, but he allows him. He hasn't seen his wife and tells her over the phone to wait in Amsterdam. Meanwhile, Harry is trying to catch his luck with Betje.

In Amsterdam Harry and Jo go to the auction but Georg is late, because he's stopping the boat at a place for carriage boats. When he comes to the auction he's told that the Renoire is sold very cheap to a young guy. Apparently Jo accidentally bought the painting, because he didn't know the hand-raise-rule of the auction. Harry told Georg about it in the way, that Jo did a great bluff. Georg is impressed with Jo and at the end everybody is happy.

At the end Julitschka doesn't want Harry any more and starts dating the detective. Meanwhile, Harry and Georg are on the boat with Betje and Carlotta, while the boat is tied by a rope to a car with Jo and Grit inside. At the end Jo said, "Would be good to get rid of them", not noticing that the rope got ripped. The movie ends with that scene.

Differences from novel

The location is changed from the Thames to the Rhine River, the story differs substantially and is set to happen in 1960. The main connection to the novel is the basic idea of three friends travelling downriver in a boat and the names are of the characters are similar. The novel itself is also mentioned in a dialog.

Murder at Monte Carlo

A Fleet Street reporter (Errol Flynn) investigates the claim of Dr Becker, a professor of mathematics, to possess an infallible system of beating the roulette wheel at Monte Carlo. He refuses to take his fiancee Gilian (Eve Gray) along, but she decides to go anyway and report on the story for a rival paper. Dr Becker winds up dead and it looks like suicide, but Gilian is convinced it is murder. The finale involves Gilian getting all the suspects into one room and re-enacting the crime.

Grand Prix (1934 film)

A racing car driver accidentally kills his fiancée's father.

Vincent and the Doctor


The Eleventh Doctor takes Amy to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, where they admire the work of the post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. The Doctor discovers a seemingly alien figure in a window of the 1890 painting ''The Church at Auvers'', and decides they must travel back in time to speak to Vincent. In 1890 Auvers-sur-Oise, they find Vincent, a lonely man, at a café. A young girl is murdered outside the café. When the trio go out to see what happened they are stoned by locals who blame Vincent's insanity for the killing. The Doctor and Amy talk Vincent into letting them stay the night and they return to his home.

That evening, Vincent confesses that his works have little value to anyone else. Amy goes outside and is attacked by a creature that only Vincent is able to see. He sketches it for the Doctor, who identifies it as a Krafayis. After initially feeling distraught that everyone leaves him, Vincent joins the Doctor and Amy at the church to paint it. Vincent begins to paint and soon spots the Krafayis inside. Vincent saves the Doctor and Amy from the Krafayis, which the Doctor realises is blind. The Krafayis is fatally impaled on Vincent's easel when it tries to lunge at Vincent. Vincent empathises with its pain.

The Doctor and Amy take Vincent in the TARDIS to the van Gogh exhibit at the Musée d'Orsay. Vincent is stunned at the display and becomes emotionally overwhelmed when he overhears art curator Dr. Black (Bill Nighy) say that Vincent was "the greatest painter of them all" and "one of the greatest men who ever lived". They return an emotionally changed Vincent to the past and say their final goodbyes. As the Doctor and Amy return to the present, Amy is confident that there will be hundreds of new paintings by Vincent waiting for them, though the Doctor is less certain. Amy is crushed to learn that Vincent still committed suicide weeks after their adventure, at the age of 37. The Doctor explains that life is a mixture of bad and good, and while their brief encounter with Vincent couldn't undo all of the bad, they added some good to his life. The evidence is in Vincent's displayed works: the face no longer appears in ''The Church'', and now ''Vase with 12 Sunflowers'' bears the inscription, "For Amy".


Images of the First and Second Doctors are displayed on the Doctor's mirror device and printout from the TARDIS's typewriter. The episode presents these trips as the Doctor's compensation to Amy for her fiancé Rory Williams' death in the previous episode, which Amy herself does not remember since Rory was consumed by a crack in the universe and thus erased from time. Van Gogh is able to sense Amy's sadness at Rory's death, and the Doctor later accidentally addresses Amy and Vincent as Amy and Rory, respectively.

The Pandorica Opens


The Eleventh Doctor and Amy, following a message from River Song, arrive in Roman Britain in 102 AD. River shows the Doctor a Vincent van Gogh painting she recovered titled ''The Pandorica Opens'', which depicts the TARDIS exploding. The Doctor realises the Pandorica, a fabled prison for the universe's deadliest being, must be stored in a memorable location near the coordinates: Stonehenge.

Beneath Stonehenge, the Doctor, Amy, and River find the Pandorica. While examining the Pandorica, Amy confronts the Doctor about an engagement ring she had previously found in the pocket of his jacket and feels a strong emotional attachment to. River warns the Doctor that "everything that ever hated [him]" is being drawn to the Pandorica. The Doctor is aided by a volunteer group of Roman legionaries; the centurion in charge of them is Amy's fiancé, Rory. Neither Rory nor the Doctor can explain Rory's presence, as he was consumed by a crack in the universe and erased from existence.

The Doctor urges River to bring the TARDIS to Stonehenge while he, Amy, Rory, and the legionaries prepare. When River tries to use the TARDIS, an outside force takes control of it and pilots it to Amy's house in the present day, which has been broken into. In Amy's room, River finds a story book about Pandora's box and a children's book about Roman Britain. River communicates this to the Doctor, warning him that the Pandorica must be a trap, created out of Amy's memories. Realising that River is at the onset of the time energy explosion that caused the cracks in the universe, the Doctor warns her to leave immediately, but she finds herself again trapped in the TARDIS as the central control console begins to go critical.

Back at Stonehenge, the Doctor discovers that the volunteer legionaries, including Rory, are Autons, and he is quickly captured as his other orbiting foes materialise around him. Above ground, as Rory fights to retain his human identity, Amy suddenly remembers him, but as his Auton identity emerges he fatally shoots Amy. The Doctor's captors reveal that they have formed an alliance to imprison him in the Pandorica. Knowing the TARDIS exploding would cause the cracks destroying reality, they believe only the Doctor can operate the TARDIS, and thus removing him will prevent the explosion. As the Doctor is sealed inside the Pandorica, every star in the sky goes supernova.


In the first episode of the series, "The Eleventh Hour", Prisoner Zero tells the Doctor, "The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall". The Pandorica was also mentioned by River in "Flesh and Stone" as the next time she would meet him, and the Doctor dismissed the Pandorica as a fairy tale. In River's timeline this takes place before "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone". The painting of the TARDIS explosion passes through several characters from previous episodes: the painting is created by Vincent van Gogh (Tony Curran) after his meeting with the Doctor ("Vincent and the Doctor"). The painting is found in 1941 by Winston Churchill (Ian McNeice) and Professor Bracewell (Bill Paterson) from "Victory of the Daleks", and River steals the painting from Liz 10 (Sophie Okonedo), who previously appeared in "The Beast Below". The recurring phrase "silence will fall" came to a head in the next series with the introduction of the alien species and organisation of the Silence.

Cold Blood (Doctor Who)

Deep under the Earth, Amy and Mo escape from Silurian doctor Malohkeh's experimentation and Mo discovers his son, Elliot, sedated in a chamber and under observation. The leader of the Silurian warrior caste, Restac, insists both the Eleventh Doctor and geologist Nasreen Chaudhry be executed and escorts them to a Silurian court; though Amy and Mo interrupt the trial with stolen weapons, they too are captured. Eldane, Restac's superior, is called in by Malohkeh and demands a halt to the hostilities.

The Doctor makes contact with Rory; Mo's wife, Ambrose; and Ambrose's father, Tony, reminding them to keep their captive Silurian, Restac's sister Alaya, alive. They are unaware that Ambrose has already killed Alaya because she would not help Tony, whom she had infected with Silurian venom. The Doctor arranges a conference between Eldane, Amy, and Nasreen; the three discuss how humans and Silurians can co-exist on the surface. Ambrose and Tony, worried about the Silurian reaction when they discover Alaya's death, set Nasreen and Tony's drill to burrow into the oxygen pockets of the Silurians' underground city fifteen minutes after they depart, which would destroy it.

Meanwhile, Restac has killed Malohkeh for his betrayal and awakened other members of the warrior caste, intending to stage a coup against Eldane. The Doctor escapes with the humans and channels an energy pulse to the base of the drill before it impacts the city. Eldane returns the warriors to hibernation by initiating a "toxic fumigation"; the humans escape, and Eldane hopes that in a thousand years, peace between humans and Silurians can occur. Tony, still affected by Silurian venom, opts to stay behind to be cured, and Nasreen stays with Tony.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory find a crack in the cavern wall similar to those they have seen before. The Doctor surmises that the crack was caused by an explosion in time, which might have left shrapnel behind. He reaches in and pulls out an object which he wraps in a handkerchief. Restac, dying from the toxic exposure, crawls around the corner and fires at the Doctor, but Rory pushes him out of the way and takes the shot, dying in Amy's arms. The crack absorbs Rory's body, erasing him from existence and causing Amy to lose her memory of him. Returning to the surface, the Doctor takes out the object he pulled from the crack—a burned piece of the TARDIS's sign.

The Donner Party (2009 film)

The film opens with text explaining who the Donner Party was and how they ended up in the terrible situation of passing the cutoff.

Revenge of the Bridesmaids

Two 29-year-old women, Abigail Scanlon and Parker Wald, best friends since childhood, return to their small hometown of Lambert, Louisiana from New York City for a visit. During a party to celebrate Parker's parents' wedding anniversary, they run into old friends. They learn that their close friend, Rachel, has lost the love of her life, Tony, to their ex-friend, Caitlyn, a conniving gold-digger who pretends to be pregnant to trick Tony into marrying her so that she can use his money to keep her family's estate. Intent upon preventing a loveless marriage, Parker and Abigail go "undercover" as Caitlyn's bridesmaids to sabotage the wedding. Along the way, Caitlyn's tightly wound mother, Olivia, works hard to keep Abigail and Parker at bay as Parker falls for the town detective Henry Kent. The bridesmaids put their best-laid plans in motion only to see them go outrageously awry with Olivia interfering as much as possible. As a result, the trio are arrested by Henry, but Parker convinces him to release them. So Abigail, Parker, and Rachel sneak into the wedding and kidnap Caitlyn. They take her to the hospital for a pregnancy test and trick her into admitting the truth. At the wedding ceremony Tony lies to Caitlyn that his family lost their fortunes which leads to her canceling the wedding and storming off. After Caitlyn is gone, Tony gets on one knee and proposes to Rachel, also revealing that he lied and is still rich. At the end of the film, Parker stars in a major action film with Henry at her side as her consultant, Rachel marries Tony, and Abigail sells her book on their antics as bridesmaids.

Brewster's Millions (1935 film)

Jack Brewster, a pauper living in London and the heir to a fortune from his wealthy father, falls in love with Cynthia, a boarder in his boarding house "home." When Jack inherits his fortune, which includes £500,000 and the house, he falls prey to chorus girl Rosalie. His uncle then dies, leaving Jack six million pounds, on the condition that he become penniless in the next six months. At his house warming for his first inheritance, Jack learns of the second bequest, which require him not only to lose all his money, but to have no female entanglements and tell no one of its conditions. Jack goes on a wild spending spree, which includes producing a musical stage show starring Rosalie. He then takes the entire cast of the show on a yacht to Monte Carlo, in the hope of losing his money through gambling. Jack has nothing but good luck, however, as the show is a hit and he even wins at the gambling tables. Jack goes so far as to buy some seemingly worthless stock, which only turns out to be worth another fortune. Jack undergoes various indignities, such as being chased by kidnappers through a fiesta, which ends with him winding up as the rear end of a paper mache dragon. Throughout his spending spree, Cynthia becomes more detached and Rosalie more attached. As his "zero hour" approaches, Jack trades away his entire fortune, leaving him with nothing more than the suit he wears, despite the well-meaning attempts of friends to give him money. Finally meeting all the conditions of his uncle's will, Jack attains the £6,000,000, as well as the love of Cynthia.

One Hysterical Night

A wealthy man dresses up as Napoleon for a fancy dress ball, but is instead detained in a lunatic asylum where they suspect him of having delusions of grandeur.

Die Bienen – Tödliche Bedrohung

When Karla brings her father Hans in Mallorca to a clinic because he was stung by a bee, it does not look good for him. The doctors want to find just a normal bee sting, but Karla does not consider it feasible. Together with the researcher Ben she gets down to find the true culprit—and finds oversized bees, which are also extremely aggressive. This new insect species is a major threat to thousands of people on the holiday island.

Fonazei o kleftis

Lia (Rena Vlachopoulou) is married to retired general Solon Karaleon (Dionisis Papagiannopoulos), who is now chairman of a public organization responsible for military supplies. Her brother Antonis (Andreas Douzos) is working in the organization and has made many embezzlements there along with other employees. To justify the luxurious life of her brother, Lia and Antonis pretend that he is financially supported by a wealthy uncle of them who lives in the US, which in reality is very poor. Someday, this uncle sends a letter, possibly revealing that he is not rich, to Lia which is received by Solon but he doesn't open it in order to give it personally to Lia. Her brother tries to retrieve it but Solon leaves to his home with the letter in his wallet. Arriving home it is revealed he lost his wallet on a street and Lia is calmed down that the fraud is not revealed. Solon heads towards the police department to report the loss. Intermittently, Timoleon "Timos" Lamprou, a very honest and stubborn accountant who frequently loses his job due to his character, finds the wallet and goes to Lia's home to return it. he refuses to give the letter to Lia as the letter is firstly directed to Solon Karaleon house and secondly in person is addressed to Lia. So Timos refuses to give it to Lia which makes her furious, angry and finally violent as she attempts to throw an ashtray to him. Before she throws the ashtray, Solon returns home and is given the letter and the wallet by Timos. Solon then gives the letter to Lia but she refuses to take it, wanting not to draw attention on her persistence to have it. So, Solon puts it in his coat and starts taking with Timos, who reveals he was fired many times due to not being keen to cooperate with his employers to fraud the tax services. In the meantime, Lia brings Solon his robe and takes the coat with the letter, something that relieves her. Solon finally suggests hiring Timos in the organization he presides over.

To thyma

A working dance, a fiancée, which bitterly works for not having nothing from his little brother that is studying in Athens, they went to the capital because he was in trouble. He even wanted to check the inside where it causes pains from doing a lot of work. In Athens, his brother lives the great life, they hanged out with girls and stayed up and paid all his money which he brought from his brother. The remaining was spent on eating a sexy drink, a juicy singer which she knows his brother arrived in Athens and it was crazy in the house together. In that way he spent most of his money on their favour, until they ask to pay for recording a record. Then, his little brother tried to take his situation to his own hands, he noticed that his austere brother, the singer that intervened and gathered even his big brother returned to the countryside and his fiancée, his little brother had a mained to take even his success in agriculture.

Twilight: The Graphic Novel

The story of ''Twilight'' begins with an Isabella "Bella" Swan moving to live with her father Charlie Swan, the Chief of Police, in Forks, Washington.

When Bella was seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seemed repulsed by her. He disappeared for a few days, but warmed up to Bella upon his return. A few days later, Bella was nearly run over by a classmate's van in the school car-park due to ice, but was saved by Edward when he instantaneously appeared next to her and stops the van with his bare hands.

Suspicious, Bella becomes determined to find out how Edward saved her life. After a family friend, Jacob Black, told her the local tribal legends at a party, Bella concluded that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confessed that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was too desirable to him. However, he admitted his true nature and when Bella was undeterred, they began a relationship.

They began questioning each other about their lives, and Edward decided to show Bella why he and his family couldn't be in the sun. They went hiking, where Edward tried once more to show how dangerous he was as a vampire, but it turned out that neither could stay away from each other, culminating in a kiss. This first part of the novelization ends with Edward taking Bella home.

Part 2

Part 2 begins when Edward Cullen takes Bella Swan home from visiting his family at their house. All of the Cullens are very welcoming to Bella except for Rosalie, who is concerned that the relationship between Edward and Bella may end badly, implicating the entire family and forcing them to move again. However, Edward is very careful not to lose control when he is around Bella, and their relationship continues to grow. The relationship is disturbed when another vampire coven arrives in Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, she receives a phone call from James, who claims to be holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her. Before James can kill her, Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues her and defeats James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward successfully sucks the poison from her bloodstream and prevents her from becoming a vampire, after which she is brought to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, but Edward refuses.

Madhya Venal

Sarojini is a house wife and is also a social worker. In her village, majority of the villagers depend on the Khadi weaving mills for their livelihood. Sarojini too runs a mill. Her husband Kumaran is a local politician and trade union activist. Praveen who is an executive from a new generation bank comes to help the villagers. Without any proper documents he lends money to them. Being innocent they do not realize the trick behind Praveen's business. Kumaran opposes the bank and also clashes with party leadership on the plight of workers. Kumaran gets suspended from the party.

Sarojini and Kumaran try their level best to make the people understand Praveen's intention. Meanwhile, Praveen fakes love for Manikutty, the daughter of Kumaran and Sarojini, since they were against him.

Say Cheese (How I Met Your Mother)

It is Lily's 32nd birthday, and, as one who really loves her own birthday, she wakes herself up at midnight for the sole purpose of announcing that it is officially her birthday before falling asleep once again. Later in the morning, Marshall brings her breakfast in bed with its own theme, ''Spanish Interlude'', complete with a guitarist and a picture of the "lyrical rolling hills of northern Spain (Alozaina, Málaga)" in the window.

One of Lily's first presents to be opened is a new digital camera with naked pictures of Marshall inside. As she enjoys taking pictures all the time, Barney and Robin cringe as they remember all of the group shots Lily took over the years and the situations that happened before the pictures were taken. Ted arrives at the door with his new girlfriend, Amanda, who has volunteered to bake Lily's cake, which upsets Lily and Marshall.

The group plays parlor games designed to test their knowledge of Lily, but Amanda does not know anything about her. Lily gathers the gang together for their annual group photo while Amanda prepares the birthday cake in the kitchen, in an attempt to take the photo without Amanda. Ted objects, so Lily brings out a photo album showing pictures from past events where Ted has brought his dates along and says that Ted's dates always ruin the occasion. Lily challenges Ted to name them, but he fails to remember a single one. Lily also reminds him of their trip to Paris: It was initially reserved for only her and Marshall, but Ted came along with Karen. Karen and Ted got in a fight and broke up before the plane landed. Karen's presence in Paris ruined the whole trip.

Ted apologizes for always ruining their group shots, but explains that he is always trying to find "The One". Robin admits not inviting Don because some of the gang's important events are not ideal to bring new friends. Ted notes that Robin is Lily's best friend, but she began as one of Ted's "random skanks", Lily countering that Robin is the "skanky exception to the skanky rule". Ted accepts that Amanda does not have to be in the group photo, but asks Lily to give her a chance. When Amanda reveals the birthday cake, which reads "Happy 42nd Birthday, Lori", while Lily is merely amused, Marshall gets angry and kicks Amanda out of the apartment. Marshall explains he has become cynical because every time Ted breaks up with a girl, Marshall is there to pick up the pieces and console the girl.

Ted comments that all of the photos in Lily's photo album show no signs of the fights and disagreements that happened only moments before they were taken. Lily turns the page to the first photo that she, Marshall, and Ted had taken together back in college, a result of Ted inviting her into the picture because he believed that her and Marshall's relationship would last. Lily apologizes to Ted and agrees to call back Amanda.

Robin notices that Barney's pose is exactly the same in all of the photographs. Barney explains that he never takes a bad picture. He compares and contrasts his photo presence with Marshall's; while Barney always looks "drop dead, stone cold amazing", Marshall "just looks dead, stoned, and cold". Robin tries to take candid pictures of Barney, but is shocked to see his usual pose in all the pictures. When the time comes for the group photo, Robin tricks Barney into removing his suit jacket just before the picture is taken, but the finished product shows Barney in his usual pose, much to Robin's dismay.

At Lily's 33rd birthday, Lily asks Ted to identify Amanda in the photo album, but he cannot remember her name. As they gather for the group photo, Robin offers Barney some dip. Barney realizes too late the dip contains cilantro, which he is allergic to, and begins to sneeze. Finally, Robin catches Barney in a compromising position for a bad photograph.

Judas Kiss (2011 film)

Failed filmmaker Zach Wells is asked by his friend and hotshot director, Topher Shadoe, to take his place as judge in the annual Keystone Film Festival, held in Zach's alma mater, Keystone Summit University. Zach is initially reluctant, as it brings memories of the festival defining his life for the worse: he won the festival 15 years ago, which convinced him to drop out of college and move to Hollywood, where his career struggled. The night before the judging, Zach goes to a gay bar where he has sex with a younger patron.

To his shock, Zach finds out that the patron is a participant in the festival. Even more puzzling, he is named Danny Reyes, Zach's birth name, and submits ''Judas Kiss'', the same film Zach submitted years ago. Zach suspects it as Topher's elaborate joke, but it becomes more and more real as the headmistress, Mrs. Blossom, dismisses his misgivings about Danny's identity. Zach is approached by Welds, the school's elderly security guard. Welds seems to understand the situation and tips him that Danny, with the help of his friend Abbey Park, cheats in order to increase his chance of winning the competition. He tells Zach that the latter's future depends on whether Danny wins or not.

Danny strikes a relationship with Chris Wachowsky, the winner of the previous year's festival. As he is preparing for the big day, he is approached by Shane Lyons, the son of famous Hollywood producers and self-proclaimed "emperor" of the college. Shane takes an interest in Danny and has sex with him, asking him to move to his residence regardless if he wins the festival or not. Chris warns Danny that Shane is only interested in him because he is a potential winner and will dump him – just as he did to Chris a year ago – if his parents disapprove his film. However, Danny is insistent about Shane's involvement as his abusive father, Daniel Sr., threatened to cut him off if he shows the film, straining his relationship with Chris and Abbey.

On the day of the awards ceremony, Zach presents evidence of Danny's deception to Daniel Sr., who in turn gives it to Mrs. Blossom. He tries to convince Danny to quit the festival, but the latter brushes him off. Welds appears one last time to Zach and reveals that he is actually Danny - and by extension Zach - as an old man. Danny's fraud costs him the award, but the other judges' assertions win him chance to play ''Judas Kiss'', an autobiography of Danny's abusive life after his mother died. He is given special recognition, but this ends his friendship with Chris and Abbey for good. Danny visits Zach in his compartments and shares his fears. Zach tells him that what already happened cannot change, encouraging him to craft a better life.

After the festival, Zach is working on his project while sitting on a roof, like he did in the beginning. Topher returns from his business and joins him. It is revealed that Topher is really Chris, having reconciled with Zach after the latter failed to break into Hollywood.