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It is 1993 in Algeria and Islamists have just assassinated Tahar Djaout. Jean-Paul Sartre (died 1980) and Simone de Beauvoir (died 1986) return to earth from the afterlife to attend Djaout's funeral. While they are en route to the funeral, Islamists abduct them. The Islamists hold their intellectual guests captive and begin sessions of trying to convert Sartre and de Beauvoir to Islam.

Damage (Jenkins novel)

Austin is depressed with the potential for suicide. His best friends are Dobie and Curtis. They all are football players. Austin has issues about the routine he takes to get him to go to school. Their favorite hang out is Dairy Queen. Austin meets Heather. Austin's friends discuss their feelings about heather, how his first date with Heather came about and why they are together.

In chapter 5 they talk about Austin's first away game, and how it plays out.

Chapters 6–9: In this section they go to many places. In chapter 6 they go to a movie and dinner together, Aus. Austin is there thinking about Heather and asks God to forgive him. In chapter 8 he is at home in his bed dreaming about himself and Heather. Then he goes to school and has practice. After practice they are in a locker room talking. Austin takes Curtis home then takes Heather home because she was waiting for him after practice on the truck. In chapter 9 he is at home and Curtis comes over.

Austin talks about how things are now that he is with Heather. He would drive Dobie rides home after practice, but since he started to date Heather, Curtis now drives him home. Austin after practice now takes Heather to the Dairy Queen instead of his friends and they place their usual order. While eating, they talk about things including what happened between Curits and Kat. Austin tires of Heather always brushing her hair before leaving, but he sums it up as, "This waiting for hair to be brushed – is the price of dating Heather". They sit in the car just hanging out for a while. Heather thinks Austin is mad at her when he really is not and she gito please him also in hopes that he will not be angry any longer. Two weeks later they have sex.

In chapter 11 Austin plays in his sixth game, and Curtis ended messing up. Curtis gets bothered by this and he does not speak for a while. They are gonna go out that night and they invite Austin, but he's going to be to busy with Heather. In chapter 12 Curtis happens to be in the Bull-in-a-Ring since he messed up the game in chapter 11. After Bull-in-a-Ring Austin does not know if he should help his best friend up or do as the coach said and go get ready to do sprints. He goes to do sprints.

In chapter 13 Austin sits in Heather's room and watches her get dressed. They just talk about the usual stuff. Heather asks Austin to pass her a clip when he goes to find it he opened the wrong drawer and she gets mad, Austin stared at the note, it was from her father. Austin tell's her its okay to talk about her father to him, but she does not seem to want to open up. Soon Austin has to leave.

In chapter 14 Austin and Heather get into a little argument, and then when they make up they go off to Dairy Queen. After that Austin wants to "please her" but she takes it the wrong way and goes off on him, and tells him all these mean things that make him depressed. Chapter 15 talks about his ride home; lonely. When he arrives he goes suicidal in the bathroom and is thinking about cutting himself, but Becky his little sister comes to the door with the phone, and it happens to be Heather on the line. She wants to talk so she asks him to go over. He drives back over to her house.

Chapters 16–19: In this section they are still going places. In chapter 16 Austin is at Heather's house and they are talking about what happened the other night. They talk about their pass and Heather cries about her past. In chapter 17 he was just leaving Heather's house they were holding each other and talking at 3:00 in the morning. At the game they won. Austin goes home and cannot sleep. It is Sunday and its 4:30 but he does not have to get up til 8:00. In chapter 18 he is at school and has football practice again. He takes Dobie home, then Heather. Austin goes to Heather's house and she tells him it is over with them. In chapter 19 he is at home in his truck thinking. Then he goes to Curtis' house and talks about himself and Heather.

Harare North

The story is set in London. The nameless narrator of the story is a former militia who got caught up in the in-fighting between the Zimbabwean police and the Green Bombers, the notorious militia, and has to flee Zimbabwe when he is charged with murder. He seeks political asylum in the UK but is planning to make the equivalent of US$5,000 in London and fly back as he is sure that with that kind of money he can buy his way out of the criminal justice process. His struggle to raise the money sees him resorting to the low-paid jobs in the underbelly of London, but he also takes advantage of Shingi, his friend and squat-mate and blackmails his cousin's wife when he discovers that she's having an affair. The struggle intensifies as the narrator realises that he has to get back to Zimbabwe as soon as possible for a ceremonial ritual for his deceased mother. His mother's grave, in a rural village, may soon be destroyed by the Zimbabwean government which is evicting the villagers to roll in mining operations since valuable minerals have been discovered there. With events becoming increasingly fractious, the story comes to its denouement towards the end when the narrator's mind begins to unravel and, simultaneously, he and Shingi become a single entity.

London Calling (Ugly Betty)

Hilda (Ana Ortiz) is planning her wedding, which is getting closer and asks Betty (America Ferrera) about the plans for her bachelorette party. Betty tells her that she has planned a champagne tour of The Met museum, but Hilda and Bobby believe it is a joke and Betty has to think of something else.

At ''MODE'', Tyler asks Claire (Judith Light) about his father, instead of telling him that Cal Hartley rejected him, Claire lies and tells him that she met his father in rehab and the records have been lost. Tyler runs into Betty and she tells him that Daniel (Eric Mabius) will come around eventually. Daniel sees them and asks Betty if she is on "Team Tyler", but she tells him to grow up. Marc (Michael Urie) brings Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams) some "dressing down" clothes from the mall she will use in order to win Tyler over and make him a pawn in her plan to bring the Meade empire down. Betty talks Daniel out of going to London Fashion Week and decides to take Hilda there for her bachelorette party.

Hilda, Betty and Amanda (Becki Newton) arrive in London and meet up with Christina (Ashley Jensen). Christina tells the group that she recently held a fashion show and is now a famous designer. She introduces Betty to a publisher, who asks her to fill in for a fashion columnist. Betty has to attend fashion shows, so the others go off sight seeing.

When Betty meets up with the girls she finds that they are getting drunk and Betty decides to join in. During a drinking game, Hilda dares Betty to flash a stranger in the bar and she agrees, but the stranger turns out to be Gio (Freddy Rodriguez). He invites Betty to hang out with him for the rest of the night and they leave. During their walk, Gio tells Betty he is engaged and that he thinks ''MODE'' has become Betty's path and that she has turned a steppingstone into a career. An offended Betty returns to Hilda.

A hungover Betty goes to her interview and is offered a job as a permanent columnist. However, she turns the job down when she realizes that fashion is not what she wants to write about. Before returning to New York, Betty meets up with Gio and informs him that she turned the job down. They have an amicable talk and Gio assures Betty that she will always have a special place in his heart. When Amanda returns home, she tells Marc that she is leaving ''MODE'' to pursue her dream of being a stylist because she was inspired by Christina. A message from a drunk Betty is playing on an answer machine and Henry (Christopher Gorham) is happy to hear that Betty wants him to come to Hilda's wedding as her guest.

Daniel takes Tyler out for the night and apologizes to him. When he mentions that Cal is Tyler's father, Tyler calls Wilhelmina and tells her that he wants a drink. Wilhelmina encourages him to have a drink and Tyler gets drunk and fights with Daniel. Claire gets Daniel from jail and she tells him that Tyler is an alcoholic and that he did not know who his father was. Wilhelmina bails Tyler out and he tells her that he is going to take his share of Meade.

Bobby is annoyed when Justin (Mark Indelicato) turns down a lift to school in favor of walking with Austin and does not want to go to a Beyoncé concert with him. He goes to talk to Justin about his strange behavior and sees Justin and Austin kissing. Justin sees Bobby and asks him not to tell anyone, even his mother.

Jane Eyre (2011 film)

A tearful Jane Eyre runs away from Thornfield Hall, finding herself alone on the moors. She collapses at the doorstep of Moor House, home of St. John Rivers and his sisters Diana and Mary; they take Jane in and nurse her back to health.

The film flashes between Jane's recovery and her grim childhood. An orphan, she is treated cruelly by her cousin John and aunt Mrs. Reed. Jane is sent to the Lowood School for Girls; under the strict Mr. Brocklehurst, the girls are beaten, but Jane befriends fellow pupil Helen Burns, who dies of consumption.

Eight years later, Jane, now 18, leaves Lowood for a position at Thornfield Hall. Welcomed by the kindly housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax, Jane begins a plain and isolated life as governess to Adèle Varens, the young French ward of Thornfield's owner. One day, Jane sees a rider thrown by his horse and comes to his aid. Returning to Thornfield, she learns the man is Edward Rochester, master of the house. He grudgingly praises her instruction of Adèle, and her own "openess and unpolluted mind;” the two find themselves curiously attracted to one another.

One night, Jane discovers Rochester's room on fire, which they manage to extinguish; he warns her not to speak of the incident, and they share a chaste but passionate moment. The next day, Rochester leaves suddenly to call on Blanche Ingram, who Mrs. Fairfax tells Jane is Rochester's prospective wife; she and her family return with him a few weeks later on a grand visit to Thornfield.

Rochester confronts Jane, who is hurt by Blanche's presence, but is interrupted by an unexpected guest – Richard Mason from Spanish Town, Jamaica, whose arrival disturbs Rochester. That night, the household is awakened by a scream. Rochester reassures the guests, but brings Jane to tend to Mason, who has been badly injured. Jane notices a hidden door in Rochester's room before Mason is taken away by a doctor. Rochester confides in Jane, cryptically, that he is haunted by a past mistake but has fallen for a new woman in his life; Jane believes he means Blanche.

Jane receives word that her cousin John has committed suicide, leading her aunt to suffer a stroke. Jane returns to her dying aunt, who gives her a letter from Jane's paternal uncle, John Eyre, asking that Jane live with him in Madeira as his heir. The letter is three years old, and Mrs. Reed admits to writing to John to the effect that Jane had died at Lowood. Jane forgives her aunt and returns to Thornfield, beginning a correspondence with John.

Faced with Rochester's impending marriage to Blanche, Jane tells Rochester she will leave Thornfield and confesses her true feelings for him. Rochester declares that Jane is his only love and proposes; she accepts. At their wedding, Mason appears with a lawyer and reveals that Rochester is already married to Mason's sister, Bertha. Rochester admits the truth and takes Jane to meet his violently deranged wife, kept in a hidden room at Thornfield. Rochester explains that he was made to marry Bertha for her money, but she rapidly descended into madness and he locked her away rather than subject her to an asylum; she was responsible for the strange happenings in the house. Jane, wounded at his deception, leaves Thornfield.

After her recovery at Moor House, St. John gives Jane a teaching position and a cottage. One night, she imagines a knock at her door to be Rochester, but instead finds St. John with news that her uncle John has died and left her his fortune of £20,000 ( ). Jane offers to share her inheritance with St. John and his sisters, and the four live together at Moor House. St. John asks Jane to marry him and go to India as missionaries, but she rejects him.

Jane returns to Thornfield to find the house a blackened ruin. She learns from Mrs. Fairfax that Bertha set fire to the house; Rochester was able to rescue everyone but his wife. Jane visits Rochester, now blind, and the two are reunited.

Degrassi Takes Manhattan

The film begins with the members of Janie & the Studz featuring Peter Stone making their way to the front of Degrassi Community School as the last minutes of the school year tick down. Knowing that Spinner and Jane want to spend more time together in the summer, Spinner hires Emma as a new server, giving her the instructions not to use the sandwich grill until she is fully oriented. With The Dot now employed, Spinner and Jane head to the Coyne's pool party. While in the dressing tent, Holly J. and Jane talk about the time Jane cheated on Spinner with Holly J.'s boyfriend, Declan, with Spinner listening outside. This new information, along with Jane leaving the country to go to college, causes Spinner to break-up with Jane in a big scene. Upon returning to The Dot, Spinner finds it on fire, as a result of Emma using the shorting sandwich grill. This causes Spinner to fall into an even deeper depression, where he violently removes all Jane memorabilia from his loft.

With nothing to do for the summer for Jane, she gets invited to live in the penthouse suite in Manhattan with Holly J., Declan and his sister Fiona. After being a third wheel to Declan and Holly J., Jane continues to explore New York, and gets invited to front an indie band, which will be playing on TVM, the music channel where Holly J. is about to start her internship. TVM is a parody of MTV, but was filmed in the MuchMusic studios in 299 Queen Street West, Toronto. On Holly J.'s first day, she runs into Jay Manuel, as himself, who gives her a warning about her new boss, Kristin, who is played by MTV Canada host Jessi Cruickshank. Holly J. also finds out that Fiona will be interning there, as a result of her jealousy to Holly J.'s time with Declan. A feud breaks out between Holly J. and Fiona, attempting to hurt each other emotionally. Holly J. locks Fiona in a room before a live broadcast, and Fiona attempts to get Declan on her side. She plans a party in their penthouse, to show Holly J., Declan's ex-girlfriends, but when this does not affect Holly J., she proceeds to kiss her brother Declan, to make a scene. This causes Declan to side with his seemingly crazy sister, and Holly J. running out for the night. The following morning, though, he talks to Holly J., winning her back, and asking Fiona to move out.

In an attempt to cheer up Spinner, Emma, Manny, and Jay "kidnap" him, and take him to a casino hotel at Niagara Falls. After some successful games of blackjack, Emma and Spinner become drunk, and wake up the following morning, not remembering what had happened. They find out that they spent their winnings on a legal marriage, and an ugly, unreturnable ring. In the following days they become closer to each other, and begin to think that they may not get a divorce. When Spinner tells Jane that they will hold a ceremony that Saturday, Jane realizes that she still has feelings for him, and convinces Holly J. and Declan to drive her back to Toronto. When Spinner and Emma start to question their marriage, they both say to each other that they want to wait to see if it works. They each go back to their friends, retelling the conversation in their head, until they realize that they do love each other. Spinner runs back to the Simpson/Nelson house to profess his love for Emma, as Snake and Spike have returned home from their vacation. And everyone decides to hold the wedding ceremony.

Not wanting Jane to stop the wedding, Holly J. and Declan try to slow down the road trip, until Jane steals the car. She reaches the lake side party before the ceremony is about to begin, and finds Spinner's tent. After seeing that Spinner is in love with Emma, she allows the wedding to continue. The movie ends at the dance after the wedding.

The Candidate (2008 film)

Advocate Jonas Bechmann is going through a crisis. It has been one year since his father died in a car crash. Although the police have not pursued the case, Jonas believes it was, in fact, murder, connected to the last case his father worked on. To investigate the murder, Jonas quits his job and applies for the post at the law firm his father left open when he died. He is denied the job but told by his father's old partner, Martin Schiller, that evidence has been found his father took a bribe to make evidence disappear that incriminated his last client, Claes Kiehlert. Furthermore, Martin implies that Jonas' father was killed because the evidence turned up in court after all.

Devastated Jonas indulges in a wild night on the town. He wakes the next morning in a hotel room, having only vague memories of having cheated on his fiancée, Camilla. When he enters the bathroom, he finds last night's girl dead on the floor, her throat heavily bruised. He hides the evidence of ever having been there and goes home to find an anonymous envelope waiting for him. It contains a DVD with incriminating footage of him making love to the girl and her being strangled to death. Furthermore, the message states a sum - 5,000,000 Danish Krone - a date and a place.

When Jonas goes to the place of delivery with the money (everything he owns), he hands over the payoff to the wrong person, an incidental passerby walking his Great Dane, who takes off without a word. Next, two masked men arrive demanding that he deliver the same sum of money the next day at the same spot. To put further pressure on Jonas the tape will be delivered to Camilla. The police will be next, the blackmailers warn him.

Having nowhere left to turn to, Jonas retraces his steps of that fateful night, hoping he will find some clue to the identity of his blackmailers. During his search he sights the girl he has allegedly killed, being alive and healthy. She only just gets away from Jonas when two police men tackle him. Still, he manages to track her down. She tells him she is a call girl having been hired to set him up. She gives him the slip and jumps into a car blocking Jonas' in the road. Just before the car takes off an item of clothing belonging to his fiancée is thrown from its window.

Afraid for Camilla's life, Jonas rushes to the summer house where she is residing. There he finds her bound to a chair with a black sack over her head. Before he can free her, the two masked men arrive on the vicinity, threatening to kill Camilla if Jonas doesn't hand over the money. In the subsequent struggle he manages to shoot them both with their own weapons, but only after Camilla has been killed.
However, taking the sack off the woman's head face reveals she is not Jonas' fiancée, but the call girl. The two men turn out to be the policemen who interfered in his chasing her. Martin Schiller arrives on the scene, having been called by a worried Camilla, who is safe at home. He offers Jonas to clean up the mess and urges him to go home.

Jonas does so, but, after a talk with Camilla, makes up his mind to turn himself in. The next day he goes to Martin's house to inform the man of his decision. Just as he is about to ring the bell, a Great Dane shows itself. It is the dog of the man who took off with Jonas' 5 million krone. He follows it to a shed in Martin's yard. In it he discovers not only the two so-called policemen and the call girl - the three of them very much alive - but also the walls to be covered with detailed planning for a large scam: the one he has been led through in the last past days. What's more, among the items in the room he notices his father's old cell phone.

Infuriated, Jonas grabs the phone and a gun and runs back to Martin's house, just in time to see the man drive off in his car. After a bumper to bumper race, in which he tries to push Martin off the road, Jonas faces him. At gunpoint Martin confesses to the murder on Jonas' father. When the concealed evidence turned up in court again, he feared retribution by Kiehlert accociates. Martin holds that he has done no more than Jonas has done in the past few days: concealing evidence of a crime and killing in order to protect himself. He then offers Jonas a dream position at his law firm. Grudgingly Jonas accepts.

In the last scene Jonas is seen signing his new contract in the presence of Martin and the director of the law firm. Jonas thanks Martin and plays a recording which he has taped on his father's phone. It is Martin's confession of the murder.

In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu

Dreaming of freedom from a life of brute servitude, hard labor, and debt to a tyrannical landlord, Papa Santuzzu and his wife, Adriana, push their beloved children to immigrate to La Merica, the Land of Opportunity. In his "wild and giddy imagination," Papa Santuzzu ardently believes in the ease of attaining the American Dream, the promise of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for all, and rests assured that his children will thrive in this great nation of abundance.

Following the painful, yet exuberant, process of the Santuzzu children's displacement from their homeland and relocation in Papa Santuzzu's conceived lush "faraway garden," Ardizzone's novel re-imagines the meaning of such a journey, where every obvious gain entails some unforeseen sacrifice. A loving tribute to Sicilian American culture, In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu resounds with the traditional folklore and songs of Sicily, implanting within our hearts a vibrant and compassionate perspective of the struggles, joys, and proliferation of diasporic communities in modern America.

In their earnest exodus to America, the Santuzzu children arduously clear away the weeds and briars in what seems a vast and rugged wilderness, managing to cultivate their own unknown, yet nonetheless beautiful, version of their Papa's paradisiacal vision—building, at last, a home-away-from home.

Heart of the Order

The main character, Danny "Kiss of the Wolf" Bacigalupo, a baseball player from Chicago's North Side with "blood on his bat." In an open letter to his son, Danny recaps his life and explains how an accidental death, guilt, Catholicism, amnesia, a good glove, a good level swing, and the love of a fat woman with beautiful eyes can shape a life. Profoundly influenced by the accidental death of a neighborhood kid during a ball game (one of Danny's line drives struck him in the Adam's apple), Danny "suffers" the schizophrenic presence of the dead boy throughout high school, the minor leagues, and major league baseball. Bacigalupo's story begins with a flippant, jocular tone; however, it quickly hits a comfortable, engaging stride, describing the thrills, agonies, and occasional epiphanies of growing up Catholic, Italian, poor, and naturally athletic.

In the Name of the Father (novel)

A novel deeply in the American grain that tells the story of the funny and painful transit to manhood accomplished (and endured) by Tonto Schwartz. It's the story of an emotional search for a lost parent and for a way of living. While young Tonto moves forward through successive rites of passage the psychological direction of the novel is backward in time as he struggles to understand the father he never knew.

Set on Chicago's tough North Side, In the Name of the Father is a lean and elegant portrait of an American youth, a book about Chicago, Catholic education, first friends, and first loves. Its hero is a passionate young man who fights his way through the grim realities of his life to a remarkable resolution.

Fist of the North Star (1995 film)

In the aftermath of World War III, the world has plunged into anarchy and chaos. Water is scarce and what is left of the human race scrounges for survival. Two opposing martial arts schools, North Star and Southern Cross, both devoted to bringing order to the world, were previously thrown into disarray after Southern Cross adept Shin turned against his masters and summarily executed North Star master Ryuken, leaving his son Kenshiro as the sole heir to the North Star. Shin then sought Kenshiro himself, defeated him and left him for dead after carving his chest with seven scars in the shape of the Big Dipper. Shin also abducted Kenshiro's fiancee and their shared love interest Julia, segregating her in his tower. Since then, Shin rules the land with an iron fist through a militia called the Crossmen, led by Jackal, a ruthless henchman whose bulging head is held in leather bandages after Kenshiro disfigured him in an earlier fight.

Back in the current time, Kenshiro, who survived Shin's aggression, wanders the wasteland aimlessly. After killing a gang led by bandit Zeed, who attacked the homestead that had given him shelter for the night, Kenshiro continues on towards the town of Paradise Valley, home to one of the few remaining sources of pure water. There, he meets orphan siblings Bat and Lynn. After using a pressure point technique to restore Lynn's sight, which she lost after watching her parents murdered by Crossmen, Kenshiro departs, ignoring Lynn's plea to remain and protect them. Bat follows Kenshiro to talk him into joining the organized resistance against the Crossmen's incursions, to no avail.

The Crossmen raid Paradise Valley and occupy it, commandeering the well. Jackal orders Lynn's execution for sedition, but halts it after she threateningly mentions Kenshiro, taking her prisoner instead to extort Kenshiro's whereabouts. As Lynn's screams from afar ring inside Kenshiro's head, Kenshiro turns back: he and Bat infiltrate the occupied town and free Lynn, but Bat is mortally wounded in a fight against Jackal. Kenshiro spares Jackal and sends him back to Shin to announce his arrival.

By Shin's order, Jackal takes Julia to the tower's basement to hide her from Kenshiro. There, he engages in a cat-and-mouse game in an attempt to rape and kill Julia. Kenshiro breaks into Shin's tower and confronts him in the throne room. As Kenshiro gains the upper hand in the ensuing showdown, Shin lies about Julia's fate and takes advantage of Kenshiro's shock to overpower him. However, after noticing a bud that has sprouted from a seed he had given Julia long before, Kenshiro regains hope and defeats Shin, killing him. After freeing herself from Jackal by removing his bandages and causing his head to swell and explode, Julia rejoins Kenshiro. The surviving Crossmen bow to Kenshiro and Julia in deference.

B Gata H Kei

''B Gata H Kei'' revolves around lascivious 15-year-old high school student Yamada, who makes it a goal to have sexual relations with 100 different guys. However, her insecurities as a virgin herself lead her to reject every guy who attempts to make a move on her. To overcome this mental barrier, she searches for a "cherry boy," an inexperienced guy who will be her first. At the bookstore, she falls on her rather plain classmate Takashi Kosuda, and makes him the target of her seductions.


; : Yamada is a high school girl who is best described as oversexed, flirtatious and lustful. She is particularly vain and is unabashed in flaunting her looks in public. Her goal in high school is to have sex with 100 guys; however, her insecurities as a virgin causes her to turn down any advances. She believes the first step towards realizing her dreams is to lose her virginity to an inexperienced boy; this leads her to pursue Takashi Kosuda after she accidentally falls on him at the bookstore. Through the course of the series, Yamada tries to make advances on Kosuda, and becomes overly jealous whenever other girls interact with him. She eventually acknowledges she has feelings for him. Despite living at home with her younger sister, Yamada is unashamed in her licentious habits. She is an excellent student, although that is partly attributed to her ability to read and memorize articles about sex. At the conclusion of the manga series, author Yoko Sanri noted that she never managed to reveal Yamada's given name. Yamada is voiced by Yukari Tamura in Japanese, and by Brittney Karbowski in English.

; :Takashi Kosuda is Yamada's classmate and the target of her lust and affections. He is perceived by Yamada and their classmates as being nothing special, even "plain and ordinary". When Yamada makes advances on him, he is initially taken in, but becomes confused and anxious because of her mixed signals. His hobby is landscape photography. Over the course of the story, he develops feelings for Yamada while being totally oblivious that she only wants to be with him in order to lose her virginity. He is voiced by Atsushi Abe in Japanese, and by Scott Freeman in English.

; :Miharu Takeshita is Yamada's best friend and classmate. She is described as "dry and sarcastic", and a "foil for the loud, sex-obsessed Yamada". Despite Yamada's prurient interests, she tries her best to help, even going so far as to invite Takashi and Yamada on a double date at the water park. Yamada gives her the moniker "F-shita" as a reference to her cup size. Although she has a boyfriend who is a college student, she rarely talks about him because of Yamada's lewd prying, and hinting that she lost her virginity after junior high school graduation. Miharu is voiced by Yui Horie in Japanese, and by Cherami Leigh in English.

; :Mayu Miyano is the childhood friend of Kosuda, who lives directly across the street from her house. She is depicted as a shy, clumsy, yet busty girl with glasses. Mayu has feelings for Kosuda but doesn't have the courage to confess to him, instead she tends to revert to cooking. Because of her close history with Kosuda and her relatively large bust size, she is perceived by Yamada as a rival, although Kosuda considers her totally sexually innocent and a virgin. By the series' end she has come to terms with Kosuda dating Yamada and has chosen to study at a college in another town in order to become more independent, unaware that a secret admirer has chosen to follow her to university in order to remain near her. She is voiced by Kana Hanazawa in Japanese, and by Jad Saxton in English.

; :Kyoka Kanejo is a returning transfer student from America who joins Yamada's class in their second year. She is extremely wealthy, and classifies herself as a perfectionist who can do everything, including modeling, cooking and sports. After she finishes as a runner-up to Yamada in the school's beauty pageant, she becomes obsessed with Yamada as a rival, and declares to her that she will still steal her boyfriend, However, she has an excessive complex over her brother Keiichi, and harbors a secret room full of pictures and objects that sport his image. Kyoka is voiced by Yū Kobayashi in Japanese, and by Kristi Kang in English.

Supporting characters

The Settlers in Canada

The story begins in England with a reasonably well-off family (the Campbells) who have inherited the family estate. Their eldest son has gone to college and the second son is in the navy. One day a claimant to the estate appears. His claim proves to be true and the Campbells must give up the estate.

Mr. Campbell had given up his business to take over the estate and with the legal costs as well they have very little money left. They just have enough to journey to emigrate to Canada, and take up a settlement near Lake Ontario. The family is united in their troubles and they pull together to make their farm a success, in the process, dealing with the weather, hostile natives and forest fires. They are aided by an eccentric but helpful hunter Malachi Bone, and they rescue young Percival from hostile Indians and welcome new immigrants to their farm.

Eventually a letter arrives to say that the relative who had taken the estate, has died, and it is now theirs once again. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell travel home and the rest of the family go their separate ways.

Inami (TV series)

The series revolves around the adventures of Inami, a young Amazonian native of the tribe of the Bellacaibos who faces many adventures through the forest facing several enemies next to his animal pair Tatune, his best friend Shimiwe and his secret friend Hyaema, of the tribe of Patamis.

Perder es cuestión de método

A fisherman (Jorge Ali Triana) and his dog out for a walk and discover an Impaled corpse. A journalist named Victor Silampa (Gimenez Cacho) is writing an article a la Peter Gay, about bourgeouise attitudes about Romantic Love through the 17th to 19th centuries. Silampa receives a call from the Police-Colonel Aristophanes Moya (Benjumea) who calls him to the station immediately notifying him of the crime. Moya suggests an exchange of favors (Silampa had a criminal record), whereby the journalist would actively investigate the case while Moya will provide him with protection if, in addition, the journalist will "ghost-write" for him a speech for a slimming non-conformist Evangelical Christian sect, originating in Memphis, called "The Last Supper".

Esquilache is being followed by Abuchija and Estupiñan as he arrives in his official car at an apartment where he confronts Barragan - who is extremely agitated and hysterical, and pulling a gun, alternately levels it at the Councilman and his own temple. He has discovered that Esquilache was complicit in the impalement of Pereira Antunez and this is the impaled. The Councilman cannot hide his despising his niece's husband, and in a sudden reversal, Barragan who has been putting the gun into his mouth and to his temple, shoots Esquilache and is killed by the lawyer.

Moya, sitting at his desk, recounts for Silampa's benefit the police's closing report - "the Official Version" ! Silampa is enraged at the neatly self-serving concoction of Truth that Moya is pandering but helpless in front of the Colonel's power. The Colonel reminds him that in fucking Quica he was having sex with a minor, and that the body of Tifli's henchman Morsita was found stabbed to death in Quica's apartment - and if Silampa is going to be exceedingly particular about "justice" - Moya requests Silampa to forget about justice, to go along and publish "the official version" as his journalistic effort and "win the Simon Bolivar Prize for Journalism" so that his girlfriend will return to him upon his getting famous, if not rich - and also to finish the speech for "The Last Supper" and deliver it to him. Silampa leaves impotent, chastened and hemorrhoidal and surprised when sees Vargas Vicuña and Susan Caviedes goes free.

Como el gato y el ratón

''"La Estrella"'' is a poor neighborhood in south Bogotá, mostly inhabited by people displaced by violence. Electricity arrives and, despite objections, is greeted with jubilation. The district is grateful to the Brochero and Cristancho families.

Cayetano Brochero proposes stealing power from the posts along with his best friend Miguel Cristancho and the whole neighborhood. Kennedy Corzo, the mayor of the neighborhood knows the consequences of pirating electricity, and tries in vain to convince the people that such action could lead to jail time.

A dangerous cable passes through the Cristancho's clothes line just when Consuelo Cristancho goes to hang clothes. Consuelo asks her husband Miguel to tell Cayetano to remove the cable, but after a soccer game and a night of drinking, Cayetano forgets. At night, while Cayetano and his son Edson are watching a soccer game in TV, Consuelo scolds Miguel to remind Cayetano, and after a while seeing Consuelo talking to another neighbor, Miguel feels challenged and cuts the cable.

The next day Brochero face angry questioning over who had won the game. Miguel apologizes and admits to having cut the cable, but as a "joke". Even angrier, Cayetano gets a toy rat, belonging to his cat ''"Tapete",'' and puts it into Cristacho's daily "changua" soup. When Corzo and attorney Maria Angelica visit a restaurant to describe the consequences of pirating electricity. They find the rat and everyone flees.

Edson Brochero has his confirmation ceremony in the neighborhood chapel. Johana Cristancho, his neighbor was to sing at the ceremony but his mother forbids it. Cayetano and Miguel lead Kennedy to believe that their friendship is unbreakable, but later held a reception to celebrate the confirmation. Albino is a homeless neighbor tricked into ruining the cake made in Edson's honor, causing the wrath of Brochero. Albino apologizes and fights with neighbors who tease him. Consuelo causes another fight. Albino spoils the car with groceries and Kennedy vainly tries to calm the fight.

Edson meets Johana and proposes to convince their parents to stop fighting. Johana says that her mother would make peace if Brochero apologizes. They declare their love in secret. Cristanchos hangs the cat from the Brochero house and Brochero's retaliate with molotov cocktails. Edson and Johana had seen the fire and Edson confesses to having had sex with Johana just to humiliate Cristancho. Miguel challenges Cayetano and his people to a fight to death. The two sides gather and are electrocuted when the electricity pole falls to the ground. The next morning, the power company announced it would install electricity and counters in homes, but finds only an empty district with Cristancho grandfather pulling a cart.

I Was Nineteen

On 16 April 1945, Gregor Hecker and his small squad follow in the wake of the 48th Army's westward advance from Brandenburg through the river Oder. This is the first time the young Soviet officer has returned to his homeland since he and his parents immigrated to Moscow when he was eight years old. He returns to his homeland as a stranger.

They arrive in Bernau, which is under occupation by Soviet armored personnel, where Hecker is quickly named commandant of the city. With the help of a handful of people, he tries to bring about order by establishing the authority of the Communist Party.

Hecker’s department finds living accommodations for the staff.  They then come across a surprised German Army Inspectorate.  The German Etappenmajor Behring wants to surrender to the Soviet forces properly, but his phone call to his superiors is believed to be a prank call.

In Sachsenhausen, Hecker and Sascha Ziganjuk (Alexey Eybozhenko) meet their leader, Wadim Gejman (Vasily Livanov).  He is trying to save a German soldier from revenge of a Soviet soldier, who was just freed from a concentration camp.  However, Gejman cannot save the German soldier from being shot, which he hears as they make their way back towards the camp.  In the camp, Hecker and other Soviet officers are shown by a former prisoner the full extent of Nazi atrocities, through the examples of the gas chambers and Genickschussanlage.

On 30 April 1945, Gejman receives the order to negotiate the handover of the Spandau Citadel and takes Hecker along as an interpreter. Together, they go before the barricaded gate of the defended fortress. The fortress commander, Colonel Lewerenz (Johannes Wieke), and his adjutant (Jürgen Hentsch) climb down a rope ladder to them. While the other officers in the fortress debate the surrender, Lewerenz explains the German officers' code of honor. When Gejman is soon notified that the Fortress refuses to surrender, he asks to be taken to speak directly with the officers. Gejman and Hecker are allowed to climb together with the Germans into the fortress.

As Gejman tries to impress upon the German officers the hopelessness of their situation, another situation develops elsewhere within the fortress. An SS-Obersturmbannführer honors a Hitler Youth who destroyed a tank and shot one of its crew with a medal. The SS man is then prevented by the adjutant from shooting the parliamentarians and using the opportunity to flee.

On the 1st of May, after the success at Spandau, the good-humored driver Dsingis (Kalmursa Rachmanov) detours the slalom around wrecked trucks on the empty Autobahn. In one of the destroyed vans, Hecker meets a blind German Army soldier (Klaus Manchen), who mistakes him for a German. Despite the man's serious injury, he is hopeful about the future, not knowing that the Russians have already crossed the border.

That evening, a May Day celebration is held. A drunk Hecker falls from a ledge, and imagines hearing his mother's voice, berating him for doing everything too early, including smoking and drinking schnaps. Later, he watches an outburst of emotion from one of the liberated German communists, who loudly supports that all the Nazis should be hanged. The General placates him by saying that revenge is not the best advisor.

The next day, they head back to Spandau to support headquarters. On the way, Hecker and his companions bring along two of the communists. One is instated as mayor in an abandoned place. The other talks with Hecker until they go their separate ways at a checkpoint.

Everything is beginning to feel normal, however this feeling is deceptive. German troops break out of the Berlin basin and, disguised as Soviet units, try to go west. Hecker and his comrades barely escape a surprise attack.

They settle down near a small river crossing and use loudspeakers to try and convince German soldiers to stand down. It is unsuccessful at first, but Hecker soon manages to convince a few to surrender. Soon, they have a large number of prisoners.

Hecker finds a kindred spirit in Willi Lommer, a German non-commissioned officer from Berlin. When marauding SS troops attack the group of prisoners, Lommer takes up arms with the Soviets. Soon, the SS troops withdraw, but Ziganjuk has fallen. Hecker, full of anger and pain, shouts at the fleeing SS troops through the loudspeakers.

Before the German prisoners are transported away, Lommer hands Hecker a letter for his family. Hecker promises to deliver it.

Four Girls in White

Student nurses at a large urban hospital cope with life's problems and career issues.

Crimes of the Past

Retired CIA Agent Thomas Sparrow (David Rasche) retires and returns home to Seattle to try to reconnect with his long-lost daughter (Elisabeth Röhm), but a former colleague (Eric Roberts) complicates things by coming back into Sparrow's life.

The Butcher (2009 film)

Merle Hench (Eric Roberts), nicknamed "The Butcher", is a henchman for gangster Murdoch (Robert Davi) until Hench takes the fall for his boss. Having survived, Hench will earn his nickname on a mission for revenge.

Melody for Three

Dr. Christian takes an interest in a young boy, a violin prodigy, whose mother is a divorced music teacher. His interest isn't just in the boy's music career—he believes it would be best for the boy to have his parents back together, and sets out to do just that.

The Living Ghost

Banker Walter Craig (Gus Glassmire) has disappeared and his best friend, Ed Moline (Paul McVey) hires Nick Trayne (James Dunn), a retired private detective who now earns a living as a quasi-psychic and "listening ear", to take the case. Everyone who lives on the estate is under suspicion—including Craig's second wife Helen (Edna Johnson), his daughter Tina (Jan Wiley) and her fiance Arthur Wallace (Howard Banks), Craig's eccentric sister Delia Phillips (Minerva Urecal) and her husband George (J. Arthur Young), Craig's friend and former partner Tony Weldon (George Eldredge), Craig's cheeky secretary Billie Hilton (Joan Woodbury), and Cedric the butler (Norman Willis). Nick quickly rules out Billie as a suspect and takes her on as his assistant.

Late that night, Delia screams in the parlor when she finds Craig sitting in a chair, though he appears more like a zombie. Nick consults with neurologist Dr. Bruhling (Lawrence Grant), who believes Craig is suffering from a paralyzed cerebral cortex. This state could only have been induced by someone else; Craig could not have brought it on himself. However, Craig's behavior is unpredictable and could be dangerous, so he must be monitored. When Nick goes out to question George in the garden that evening, he finds George has been stabbed to death and Craig is standing by the body. More false clues point to Wallace as the killer. Later, as Nick is talking with Billie in the parlor, Craig wanders in with a knife and tries to stab Nick but fails.

With additional information from Dr. Bruhling about Craig's condition, Nick searches for a laboratory machine that might have been used to alter Craig's brain cells. The trail leads Nick and Billie – who now work together and are falling in love – to a spooky deserted house rented by a Dr. Carson. They search the premises with a flashlight while a storm rages outside. In the cellar, the door is locked on them. Nick professes his love for Billie and she for him. Then they are shot at by an unseen gunman. They return upstairs to find another man who appears to be in the same zombie-like state as Craig. Nick and Billie go to question the realtor of the property, Homer Hawkins, who says he only had contact with Dr. Carson by phone.

Nick wakes up the members of the estate and asks each to record his or her voice so that Hawkins will be able to hear and identify the mysterious Dr. Carson. After everyone returns to bed, two assailants attempt to kill Nick in his bedroom – Tony and Helen. After their arrest, Nick explains their motives: When Craig found out about Tony and Helen's affair, the two knew they could not kill him because Tina would inherit his entire estate. Instead, Tony obtained a machine that would paralyze Craig's brain cells; in that state, Helen could take control of the estate. Tony killed George after George saw him carry Craig back to the house after the brain cell treatment. Though Nick would now be unable to collect the $25,000 reward being offered by Helen, Tina offers to pay it to him instead, and now Nick and Billie can get married.

Swamp Fire

After World War Two, Johnny Duval returns home to the bayous of Louisiana where he was a U.S. Coast Guard bar pilot. However, after serving in the Coast Guard, Johnny is affected by stress when he lost the destroyer escort under his command, blaming himself for the loss of the ship that was torpedoed. Initially Johnny refuses to take up his old piloting duties, offering to work as an ordinary seaman. He is tricked into filling in for a pilot and does an admirable job where he regains his confidence.

In the meantime Johnny is distracted from his bride to be Toni Rousseau by the visit of a spoiled rich city girl Janet Hilton whose father P.T. Hilton buys up land in the bayous and posts the areas for no hunting or fishing that has a devastating effect on the local culture. Local hot head and Johnny's rival Mike Kalavich knocks down the Hilton's signs and goes poaching on their land.


It's been 40 years since E. F. Bloodworth (Kris Kristofferson) abandoned his loving wife and sons for a life on the road as a full-time traveling musician. Now at the end of the line, Bloodworth reappears, forced to reckon with the stale aftermath of his departure. With his ex-wife Julia (Frances Conroy) mentally destroyed and his three sons, Warren (Val Kilmer), Boyd (Dwight Yoakam) and Brady (W. Earl Brown) soured by years of anger toward both him and each other, Bloodworth's only solace is a budding relationship with Fleming, the grandson he never knew. But when Fleming meets Raven (Hilary Duff), the woman of his dreams, will Bloodworth's presence force history to repeat itself?

Quagmire's Dad

Peter and Joe visit Quagmire and are introduced to his father, Lieutenant Commander Dan Quagmire. Expecting to see the inspiration for Quagmire's sexual behavior, they are surprised by Dan's stereotypically gay mannerisms.

The following morning, Quagmire invites Peter and Lois to the Naval Ball being held to honor his father, but soon begins arguing with Peter about his father's sexuality. At the ball that night, members of the Navy bombard Quagmire with compliments about his war-hero father, most of which can be taken as double entendres about Dan's alleged homosexuality. Concerned that his dad might actually be gay, Quagmire confronts him and Dan states that he is not gay, but is instead "a woman trapped in a man's body" and that he plans to have a sex change operation during his stay in Quahog, much to Quagmire's dismay. The surgery is a success, with Quagmire's dad emerging as "Ida".

That night, Ida and Quagmire join the Griffins for dinner. As the dinner begins, however, Quagmire becomes frustrated when the Griffins turn the conversation towards Ida's operation, and storms out of the room. At Quagmire's home, Quagmire tells Ida that he is not sure he can deal with her new gender identity. Saddened, Ida leaves Quagmire's home and decides to stay at a nearby Marriott Hotel.

Meanwhile, Brian is stunned when he bids the family "goodbye" so he can attend a class on creating a web series and both Peter and Lois react as if he's telling them he's leaving forever – something they are indifferent about. Brian gets angry that they would care that little if he did really leave forever, but Peter says that they always assume he's going to someday leave and go off to die in the woods, and Lois dismissively tells him that he's not really a member of the family and the "Griffin" surname is applied to him as a courtesy; it is not legally binding. On his way home, Brian stops at the Marriott, meets Ida and has a few drinks with her, unaware of her previous identity. Quickly bonding, they retire to Ida's room for sex.

The next morning, Brian shares his newfound love with Peter and Lois before showing them a picture of Ida on his cell phone. Peter and Lois go into hysterics, while Brian, still both angry at them for earlier and not aware yet of the whole story, dismisses them as jealous. After Stewie fills him in on the events that transpired in his absence, telling him that Quagmire's newly gender reassigned father has been staying at the same hotel as Brian, Brian is amused until Stewie informs him that Dan Quagmire's new name is Ida. Realizing that he has had sex with Quagmire's transsexual father, Brian vomits profusely for thirty uninterrupted seconds, and then he and Stewie begin panicking.

Ida returns to Quagmire's home and apologizes, and Quagmire returns the favor, reconciling their relationship. Ida tells Quagmire that she met someone, and he is initially excited to know who it was. However, when she reveals that it was Brian, whom Quagmire loathes, he becomes enraged.

Brian is traumatized after finding out about Ida and, when he hears Quagmire storming inside the house, he tries to hide under Peter and Lois' bed, but Quagmire finds him and violently beats him, threatening to "blow your head off" if he ever comes near his house. As Quagmire leaves, a bloodied Brian says "Hey". When Quagmire turns around, Brian smugly tells him "I fucked your dad" before slamming the door shut.

The Splendid Source

As Peter and Lois discuss a family trip to Maine, Chris alerts his parents that he has been suspended indefinitely from school for telling an inappropriate joke to his classmates. Assuring Principal Shepherd it will never happen again, Chris reveals that he learned the joke from Quagmire.

Peter asks Quagmire to tell him the joke, which he finds so funny that he involuntarily defecates. Realizing this, Joe and Quagmire play a series of pranks on him, making him soil himself by repeating the punchline to him, which Peter eventually thwarts by wearing Quagmire's pants. Peter asks Quagmire where he heard the dirty joke in the first place, and Quagmire reveals that he heard it from Bruce.

Locating Bruce at his job at the bowling alley, the group discovers that the joke has been transmitted by a large chain of people including Consuela, Dr. Hartman, Mayor Adam West, Angela, Opie, Herbert, Tom Tucker, Bender from ''Futurama'', Al Harrington, and REO Speedwagon frontman Kevin Cronin who has also been tracing the source of the joke and saved them some stops with one of their previous stops involving a Virginia bartender.

The Griffins, the Swansons, and Quagmire prepare for the road trip, ostensibly for their vacation in Maine. Quagmire distracts Bonnie and Lois into telling stories about childbirth as Peter alters course to Virginia instead. The group arrives at a bar in Stoolbend, Virginia. Arriving at the Broken Stool, the guys learn from Gus that he heard the joke from Cleveland who was nearby. Peter asks Cleveland where he first heard the joke, and Cleveland reveals that a Washington, D.C., bellhop named Sal Russo told it to him. The group sets out for D.C. with Cleveland in tow.

They are attacked by a black car, whose occupants fire guns at them to prevent them from learning the joke's origin. Joe shoots out one of the car's tires, causing it to spin out of control and crash onto its roof. The Quahog group arrive at a Washington hotel and locate Sal, who is reluctant to reveal the source of the joke. He races away on a handcart through Washington. Losing track of Sal, they are soon captured by several men in black suits who pistol-whip them until they are unconscious.

Kidnapped and thrown on a plane, they land on a remote island. They are led by the men in suits through a jungle wilderness to a large stone temple. The Dean of the Secret Order of Dirty Joke Writers appears from the shadows and leads the group into a large library, where the world's greatest geniuses study. The Dean explains that many of the world's greatest geniuses have come together to create dirty jokes and tailor jokes to where the need is greatest. The Dean takes them into a dark room. He reveals that they will not be permitted to leave the island now that they know about the network of joke distribution agents, like the bellhop. They are locked in a jail cell. As a diversion, Peter stabs Cleveland with a pencil. When the guard opens the door to investigate, the prisoners escape. They are recaptured by the Dean and his armed guards immediately. As they are about to be shot by the guards, an old man claims he has just written the world's greatest dirty joke and then suddenly dies. Peter snatches a small piece of paper that the man dropped as he died, containing the joke. The prisoners escape with the joke on a small plane. As they fly over the secret enclave, it is destroyed in a fireball resulting from a burning drapery that Peter had set alight with a candle.

Quagmire bemoans that they destroyed the source of all dirty jokes. Joe quickly realize that Peter has best one ever written. Peter, Joe, Cleveland and Quagmire then fly off into the sunset, after finding out the supposed greatest joke ever written is "Guess what? Chicken butt!" Peter doubts that that is really the world's greatest joke. Cleveland replies "No, this is!," and then stabs Peter with a pencil and requests to be taken to Virginia.

In the final scene, Peter introduces footage of an ape scratching himself instead of a public service announcement from the March of Dimes Foundation. However, in the uncut version, he tells the entirety of Quagmire's joke, then goes to change himself.

Up for the Cup (1950 film)

The Yorkshire inventor of a loom, Albert Entwhistle, heads for London to see the Football Association Cup Final. He has a nightmare of a day when his wallet is stolen and then his girl friend stands him up. Chaos ensues, but in the end, Albert wins his girlfriend back and also a contract for his invention, along with a fortune in cash.

Elfy Food

Set in Elf Land, where a community of elves enjoy extraordinarily long and active lives, thanks to super-powers derived from their diet of "Elfy Food". But the ambitious evil dictator called Frank Farter, burns all the crops in a bid to make the elves too weak to fight his takeover plot, but not all hope is lost as the Head of The Elves calls a group of five young elves, Amy, Bippin, Yuri, Sylva and Ezra to go and set out on a quest to find the secret and well-guarded stores of elfy food hidden in the land's most uncharted corners. But with ogres, baddies and evil Frank Farter and his minions hot on their trail, these elflings must find the crops before Frank Farter does.

The name of the real fruits and vegetables in the show change into a name that involves its size, shape, color, and taste. * Apples - Crunch-a-Balls: provides "sportability" * Brussels sprouts - Greenodomes: provides "gas power" * Carrots - Lumo Gooms: provides "night-vision" * Oranges - C Squirters: cures "illness" * Broccoli - Turbo Tips: provides "turbo power" * Peas - Moonbeans: provides "dodgeability" * Pears - Popdrops: provides "super speed"

The China Shop

It's closing time at "Ye Olde China Shop". The china pieces come to life to dance. A china demon kidnaps a female figurine, the male figurine tries to rescue her and a fight that involves the china demon throwing dishes at the male figurine (which also damages both an ostrich figurine which sticks its head into the base that it's standing on and one of the monkey figurines) ensues. The demon is defeated as he is broken into pieces. The next morning when the owner arrives and sees the damage he sells the china as antiques.

Luck of the Turf

The son of a shopkeeper likes to pick winners in horse races and gives tips to his friends.

The House Where Evil Dwells

In 1840, in the rural and wooded hillside region of Kushiata near Kyoto, Japan, a samurai, named Shigero, comes home to find his wife, Otami, in bed with another man, named Masanori. In a violent scene, Shigero kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, an American family of three, whom includes writer Ted Fletcher, his wife Laura, and their 12-year-old daughter, Amy, moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession. The three dead people still haunt the house and subject each of the Fletcher family to various harassment and mischief which gets more frequent and serious with each passing day.

A Zen monk approaches Ted and tells him the story about the murders and urges him to leave the house. At the same time, Laura slowly becomes consumed by the evil presence of the three ghosts and begins an affair with Alex Curtis, a diplomat friend of Ted's whom introduced them to the house. The evil presence within the haunted house, including the ghosts briefly possessing each member of the family to do odd things, reveals that the ghosts are plotting to re-enact the mass murder-suicide so their souls could be free from the confines of the house.

The supernatural incidents becomes more frequent when Ted is nearly drowned in a lake by Otami's ghost, and the ghosts of Shigero and Masanori take the form of giant spider crabs which attack Amy one evening and it leads her to falling from a tree when she tries to escape and is forced to be sent back to America.

At the climax, Ted calls the Zen monk, who exorcises the ghosts from the house and tells them to leave by the morning, before ghosts will return. When Laura tells Ted about her infidelity with Alex, he takes it very badly and attacks her. Alex arrives at the house, whereupon the ghosts also return to the house. They possess all three of them and finally re-enact the gory confrontation from the opening scene, leading to the deaths of Alex, Laura, and Ted. The movie ends with the three ghosts leaving the house for the afterlife, and implying that the souls of Ted, Laura and Alex now haunt the cursed house in their place.

Lunch with Marlene

The first act takes place in a restaurant in London in 1970, in which Dietrich and Coward meet for lunch. Dietrich seeks Coward's advice on whether or not to write an autobiography, for which she has already accepted and spent an advance payment. The two former stars reminisce and discuss Dietrich's experiences as a German American during World War II. The second act presents a musical revue, including such songs as "Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans", "See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have", and "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?".

Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers

As Takato and Jian arrives to Okinawa for their summer trip, they part ways as Takato stays with his cousin Kai and his grandfather, while Jian visiting the underwater ruins offshore. Meanwhile, Ruki, who's staying home in Tokyo, fights a Pteramon at an oil plant, with her and Renamon noticing suspicious motive for its attacks. The next morning, Takato, Kai and Guilmon saves a girl named Minami from Tylomon. Minami explains to Takato later that night that she was being chased by many Digimons, becausw her laptop carried an original prototype V-Pet. Much later, Scorpiomon and Divermon tries captures Minami, but Seasarmon appears from the latop screen and saves her, but Mantaraymon escapes with Minami.

Meanwhile, V-Pets are causing technical viruses around the globe, and taking over the entire computer system. Takato and the others goes to an island where Minami is held captive. Inside, Minami's father reveals that the prototype is carrying a vaccine program, and Tameshiro, the head of the V-Pet manufacturing company, is revealed to be a Digimon named Mephistomon that sent the Digimons to capture Minami. As Seasarmon tries to attack Mephistomon, he is bested and de-evolves to Labramon, resembling Minami's late puppy, Mei. Jian and Ruki arrives via Omegamon's help, who've revealed that it has been hunting for Mephistomon from the beginning.

Takato and the others fight and seemingly deletes Mephistomon, while Minami's cry over Labramon's death activates the vaccine, which cures the computer system over the world. Mephistomon evolves into Gulfmon and overpowers the partner Digimon. Culumon enables the partner Digimons to Ultimate-levels and defeats Gulfmon, setting everything back to normal.

Digimon Frontier: Island of Lost Digimon

Takuya and his companions are traveling through a desert when they find themselves ending up on a floating island known as the Lost Island and in civil war between human and beast Digimon. While ending up on a village of humanoid Digimon, Takuya, Junpei and Tomoki learn from Kotemon of a legend that the island was protected by their god Ornismon. Kotemon proceeds to take them to a neutral location where his friend Bearmon brought Koji and Izumi after they ended up in his village. After the two sides argue what they learned, Bearmon and Kote lead them to a mural of Ornismon with Bokomon deeming the DigiCode to be incomplete. Their peaceful meeting is broken up as Kotemon and Bearmon's older brothers Dinohyumon and Grizzlymon appear and battle each other. But after Takuya and Koji spirit evolve to Agunimon and KendoGarurumon to stop them, Dinohyumon and Grizzlymon take their respective brothers with them.

As the human Digimon prepare for battle after their leader d'Arcmon rallies the crowd, Takuya accepts Dinohyumon's recruitment offer to allow Tomoki to escape with Kotemon. A similar event with Junpei and Izumi spiriting Bearmon occurs at the beast Digimon village as Koji accepts Grizzlymon's offer to fight during a speech by the beast Digimons' leader Hippogriffomon. Izumi, Tomoki, Junpei, Bokomon, and Neemon help Bearmon, Kotemon, and many newborn Digimon assemble the writing under the mural. But upon its completion, Bokomon finds that Ornismon is actually an evil Digimon that oppressed the island before being defeated by The Anicent Warriors AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon. Furthermore, after the group notices a missing piece in the mural that is in the same shape as the ornament both d'Arcmon and Hippogriffomon possess, Junpei and Izumi proceed to find Takuya and Koji while Tomoki, Bokomon, and Neemon stay to finish the mural of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon in hopes that they can find an answer to the crisis.

At the battlefield, Takuya and Koji eventually spirit evolve to BurningGreymon and Lobomon to stop the fight but end up getting both sides to turn on them before Kazemon and Beetlemon arrive. The two revealed that on their way to their friends, they discovered a horrible secret: the two armies' leader being the same Digimon after accidentally catching d'Arcmon turning into Hippogriffomon. Exposed while forced to become d'Arcmon again, the fraud reveals to have been collecting the Fractal Code to revive and control Ornismon while assuming his true form: Murmukusmon. Overpowering the Legendary Warriors, Murmukusmon guides Ornismon to the murals of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon, which begin shining. Kotemon gives his life to protect them, and Bearmon's tears along with Kotemon's sacrifice summons spectral forms of the Ancient Warriors. Their appearance gives the DigiDestined a second wind with the island residents joining them as Agunimon takes out Murmukusmon before the Legendary Warriors destroy Ornismon. With Ornismon no more, the Lost Island returns to the Digital World with the two sides finally making peace with Kotemon turning up alive as he and Bearmon have a tearful reunion.

The Judas Tree (Jonathan Creek)

The episode begins in 1988, with flatmates Emily (Florence Hall) and Kim (Susanne Ahme) lost while driving. Emily sees a nearby house across a field, but when she turns around again the house has vanished. She begins to cross the field, but is seized about the ankle by an old man (Sean Buckley) in the grass. Emily beats him off and flees.

In the present day, Emily begins working as a housekeeper at Green Lanterns house, owned by crime novelist Hugo Dore (Paul McGann) and his wife Harriet. The Dore's other housekeeper, Mrs Gantry, (Doreen Mantle) tells Emily about Green Lanterns' mysterious past. In the late nineteenth century, the house was owned by Dr Thadeus Northcote (Kevin McGowan) and his wife (Amanda Hadingue). Dr Northcote had an affair with his Egyptian housekeeper, Selima El Sharad (Sofia Hayat), who supposedly put a curse on him when the affair ended. Selima accurately predicted the exact date and time of his death, and no foul play was ever discovered.

Emily contacts paranormal investigator Joey Ross about strange events at Green Lanterns, including a ghostly apparition in the woodshed and threatening letters sent to Harriet in Emily's handwriting. One of them seems to say 'Beware the approach of Isis.' Joey and her investigative partner Jonathan Creek agree to take on the case. However shortly after their arrival they get stuck in a cellar, and Creek realises they mistook the handwriting and it means 15:15. Harriet is defenestrated, and identifies Emily as her killer, showing part of her dress at which point Emily sees a piece is missing, before dying in Hugo's arms. After Emily is arrested, Jonathan solves the 1988 mystery, postulating that house Emily saw was actually a standing film set which blew over in the wind when she turned away. He suggests that the man in the field was actually the site watchman, reaching out to Emily in an attempt to free himself from beneath the set. He and Joey continue their investigation at Green Lanterns, and Jonathan is also able to solve the second mystery. He deduces that Selima had a pocket-watch constructed for Dr Northcote containing lethal hydrogen cyanide, beneath a thin sheet of glass which could be shattered by a high-pitched noise at a specific tone. At the predicted time of his death, Dr Northcote took out his pocket-watch, and a nearby Selima screamed at the required frequency to break the glass, releasing the hydrogen cyanide which killed the doctor on the spot. She claimed to have screamed as she saw Death approaching. Jonathan additionally theorises that Hugo framed Emily for Harriet's death, but is unable to convince the jury at her trial, who find Emily guilty.

Still determined to solve the case, Jonathan and Joey return to Green Lanterns and follow Hugo to the Judas Tree in the grounds, where they are surprised to find Harriet alive. It transpires that she and Hugo faked her death, framing Emily as a means of revenge. On the same day Emily encountered the man in the field in 1988, she and Kim car-jacked Hugo's mentally impaired older brother Danny (Gregor Henderson-Begg). When he tried to defend himself, Kim bludgeoned him to death with a stone and hid his body. He survived long enough to draw a picture of his attackers. The jury at their trial ruled in their favour, and years later Harriet persuaded Hugo to exact vigilante justice. Harriet kidnapped Kim, who is shown being drugged next to Harriet's car, then bound and gagged in the house, dressed them both in identical clothes, and threw Kim from the window to her death. She then switched places with her for long enough to implicate Emily in the attack, taking advantage of the fact that Harriet spent so little time in the village that nobody who knew her was likely to see her body after her 'death'. Although their crime is uncovered, Harriet reminds Jonathan that he has already failed to convince a jury once, and is likely to again. Emily remains in prison, while she and Hugo are free (Although Jonathan admits later that Emily's lack of remorse about the death of Hugo's brother – which he is certain she remembers despite Joey suggesting that she repressed the trauma of it – leaves him with little real sympathy for her).

A running sub-plot throughout the episode sees Joey begin working as an assistant to Jonathan's boss, magician Adam Klaus (Stuart Milligan). Adam receives a spate of negative publicity after obliviously making comments which are construed as bigoted. Videos featuring him are edited and posted on the internet, depicting him dressed as Hitler and in blackface. Jonathan explains to Joey how the editing can be performed, and she then suggests to Adam that he perform a routine dressed as a wizard, a costume which is easily manipulated to make it appear that he was wearing Ku Klux Klan robes. The torch he carries turns into a flaming cross. At the end he grabs a sword and angrily asks whose idea it was to dress up as a wizard at which point Joey walks in. Jonathan says it is ironic as it is just coming up to 15:15.

The Dive from Clausen's Pier (novel)

The story begins with a group of close friends from small town Madison, Wisconsin head to Clausen's Pier to celebrate Memorial Day. Carrie Bell has been thinking, for a long time, of how her longtime relationship with fiancé Mike Mayer is wilting away. As everyone has noticed her withdrawal from Mike, Mike decides to win back her attention by taking a daring dive off of the pier into the shallow waters below. As a result of this dive, he breaks his neck and becomes paralyzed. While all of the friends do their best to help him adapt to the situation, Carrie finds herself under too much pressure to stay in the situation, and impulsively moves to New York City.

In New York, Carrie attempts to come to terms with who she is as a person. She faces the guilt of leaving behind her life and paraplegic fiancé. She finds herself in love with a new man, Killroy, who helps her find herself. Carrie, being exposed to the fast-paced and electric city life, finds her release in fashion.

However, the guilt becomes too much for Carrie and she is drawn back to the Midwest. She finds that the bonds are still strong and that while New York was an escape for her, her life is truly in Madison. She returns to her hometown and makes strong efforts to rebuild her relationships not only with Mike, but with her friends, family, and herself.

What's Your Number?

In Boston, Ally Darling is a thirty-something woman, struggling to make better life decisions. Her boyfriend Rick breaks up with her when she asks him to attend her sister Daisy's wedding, and she then gets laid off. On the subway home, Ally comes across a ''Marie Claire'' magazine article entitled "What's Your Number?", which says that women who have more than twenty lovers in their lifetime have difficulty finding a husband.

After making a list of all the men she slept with, she realizes she's at 19, making her decide not to have sex with anyone else until she finds "the one". This lasts all of a few hours when she wakes up after Daisy's bachelorette party and discovers that she hooked up with her ex-boss Roger while drunk.

Hoping to avoid an awkward confrontation, Ally lets her musician neighbor Colin Shea into her apartment so that Roger will leave. It turns out that Colin was only over to avoid a girl he just slept with, because he doesn't want to give the women he sees any expectations.

Ally then runs into "Disgusting Donald", her once overweight ex-boyfriend, now successful and attractive with his fiancée. She decides to track down all her exes hoping that one will have grown into the man she wants to marry, and therefore the number of men she has slept with won't ever increase. She gets help from Colin, who is skilled in "digging up dirt", to find all her exes in exchange for letting him stay in her place after his one-night stands, telling Colin to pay particular attention to one ex Jake Adams, who Ally sees as "the one that got away".

Things do not quite work as Ally hoped and, one-by-one, she remembers why it didn't work out with each. It ranged from one being in the same job since their break-up to another requiring her to pretend to be British. Depressed after the failed meetings, Ally has a night out with Colin culminating in their growing closer and almost having sex. She stops him, but decides to take him as her date to Daisy's wedding. Daisy and Ally's friends worry she is falling for him, warning and reminding her of his promiscuous nature. She is later infuriated to find out Colin had found Jake Adams' contact details but withheld them, believing they were going to become an item, and they have a falling-out.

Ally successfully contacts Jake, and they begin to date again. She takes him to her sister's wedding while Colin and his band perform at a different one. Dancing with her dad at the reception, he makes her realize that her happiness lies in being herself. (Not pleasing her mom, who wants her to marry Jake Adams.) Dancing with Jake, Ally confesses her "number" ("body count") to Jake, and he, thinking she is joking, expresses disgust at the thought. Ally quickly realizes her true feelings lie with Colin and she and Jake are incompatible, so she breaks it off with him. In doing so, she casts aside her fears (in principle) over her number. Ally then goes around the city to numerous weddings to find Colin and confesses her feelings.

Waking up with Colin the next morning, Ally gets a call from an old fling telling her that they in fact did not sleep together. Ally rejoices in the fact that Colin is indeed the 20th and last (ongoing) man, with whom she will ever be.

Call of Duty: Black Ops


Characters and setting

''Black Ops'' takes place between 1961 and 1968 during both the Cold War and the Vietnam War, 16 years to 23 years after the events of ''World at War''. It portrays a secret history of CIA clandestine black operations carried out behind enemy lines. Missions take place in various locations around the globe such as the Ural Mountains, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Hong Kong, Laos, South Vietnam, the Arctic Circle and Siberia. The single-player campaign revolves around an experimental chemical weapon codenamed "Nova 6". This weapon is bound to be used by sleeper agents in the United States, who are infused with sequences of numbers, once broadcasts are transmitted from an unknown numbers station.

The player controls the protagonist, CIA SAD/SOG operative and former U.S. Marine Force Recon Captain Alex Mason (Sam Worthington). Occasionally, CIA paramilitary operations officer Jason Hudson (Ed Harris) and some other characters are playable to progress the story. Alex is often joined by fellow operatives Force Recon Master Sergeant Frank Woods (James C. Burns) and Navy UDT Chief Joseph Bowman (Ice Cube), while Jason teams up with Grigori Weaver (Gene Farber), a Russian-born field operative. Viktor Reznov (Gary Oldman), a key character from the Soviet campaign in ''World at War'', returns along with that game's Russian protagonist Dimitri Petrenko (Boris Kievsky) also making an appearance. Oldman also voices Daniel Clarke, a British scientist assisting in the development of Project Nova. Opposing the CIA are the leaders of Project Nova: former Red Army General Nikita Dragovich (Eamon Hunt), Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Andrew Divoff), and former Nazi scientist Doctor Friedrich Steiner (Mark Bramhall). ''Black Ops'' also features several historical figures. During the story, Mason meets John F. Kennedy, Robert McNamara, and Fidel Castro.


On April 17, 1961, Mason, Woods, and Bowman take part in Operation 40 to assassinate Fidel Castro and assist the CIA sponsored Cuban exiles during the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Mason unwittingly shoots Castro's body double, but he elects to stay behind to protect the extraction plane with Woods and Bowman aboard from an oncoming blockade, before being captured by the real Castro, who hands him over to the Soviet Union. Imprisoned at Vorkuta Gulag, Mason befriends former Red Army soldier Viktor Reznov. Reznov gives Mason the identities of their enemies: Major General Nikita Dragovich, his right-hand man Colonel Lev Kravchenko, and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner, who defected to the Soviet Union. On October 29, 1945, Reznov, Petrenko, and their platoon were sent to extract Steiner from a Nazi base in the Arctic. However, they were betrayed by Dragovich, who tested Steiner's nerve gas known as "Nova 6" on Petrenko's squad, killing them. Reznov was spared the same fate when British commandos, also interested in acquiring Nova 6, attacked the Soviets. In the chaos, Reznov destroyed Nova 6 and escaped, only to be captured by the Soviets and sent to Vorkuta. The Soviets later recreated Nova 6 with the help of a British scientist, Daniel Clarke.

By 1963, Mason and Reznov spark an uprising to flee the prison. Reznov stays behind luring the guards away to facilitate Mason's escape. On November 10, 1963, Mason meets with President John F. Kennedy, who authorizes a mission to assassinate Dragovich. Mason, Woods, Bowman, and Weaver are dispatched to the Baikonur Cosmodrome to disrupt the Soviet space program and eliminate members of "Ascension", a Soviet program giving sanctuary to Nazi scientists in exchange for their knowledge. The team destroys the Soyuz spacecraft, while Woods apparently kills Dragovich in a car explosion with a commandeered BTR.

On January 21, 1968, Mason's team is sent to Vietnam as part of MACV-SOG. After defending Khe Sanh from a North Vietnamese assault, they recover a dossier on Dragovich from a Russian defector being held by the North Vietnamese Army in Hue City during the Tet Offensive. The defector is revealed to be Reznov, who joins them as they penetrate Laos to recover a Nova 6 shipment from a downed Soviet plane. They are captured by Viet Cong and Spetznaz forces at the crash site. Bowman is executed, but Woods and Mason manage to escape, hijacking a Mi-24 Hind and crippling the Ho Chi Minh trail before rescuing Reznov from Kravchenko's base. They confront Kravchenko and Woods stabs him, but Kravchenko pulls the pins off of grenades strapped to himself, forcing Woods to sacrifice himself by pushing both himself and Kravchenko out of a window. In the aftermath, Mason presumes the two dead.

Meanwhile, Hudson and Weaver interrogate Clarke in Kowloon City. Clarke reveals the location of a hidden facility in Mount Yamantau before being killed by Dragovich's men. Hudson and Weaver destroy the base and receive a transmission from Steiner requesting to meet at Rebirth Island, as Dragovich has begun killing loose ends. Mason and Reznov head there to assassinate Steiner at the same time, succeeding just as Hudson and Weaver arrive. Unknown to Mason, Hudson and Weaver had witnessed Mason carrying out the act alone while declaring himself to be Reznov, prompting the pair to interrogate him.

Dragovich has sleeper cells placed within each US State capital which, when ordered by the numbers broadcast, will release the Nova 6 gas. As a result, the U.S., now at DEFCON 2, is preparing a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, which would result in World War III and Mutual Assured Destruction. Hudson reveals that while Mason was imprisoned at Vorkuta, Dragovich reverse-engineered the C.I.A.'s MKUltra program and brainwashed him to serve as a Soviet sleeper agent and assassinate Kennedy. Reznov died during the breakout, and the Soviet defector in Hue had actually been killed before Mason reached him. Mason's visions of Reznov are a result of dissociative identity disorder caused by the brainwashing program. Prior to the Vorkuta uprising, Reznov reprogrammed Mason to assassinate Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Steiner instead. With Steiner's death, Mason is the only person left with any knowledge of the location of Dragovich's broadcast station, from which he transmits instructions to his sleeper cells via numerical sequences, having additionally had the knowledge of how to decipher the numbers implanted into his mind at Vorkuta. Mason finally remembers the location of the broadcast station: a Russian cargo ship named ''Rusalka'' off the coast of Cuba. An assault on the ''Rusalka'' begins, with Mason and Hudson infiltrating the underwater submarine base protecting the ship. Hudson calls in the United States Navy to destroy the ''Rusalka''. Mason and Hudson confront Dragovich in the lower levels of the facility, where Mason strangles and drowns Dragovich before escaping with Hudson. They regroup with Weaver, who declares victory.

Archive footage of President Kennedy before his assassination on November 22, 1963, is shown, revealing Mason was among onlookers who watched Kennedy disembark from Air Force One at Love Field. His presence, and Dragovich's taunt before his death, suggest that Mason may have carried out his initial programming.


Characters and settings

The Zombies story takes place over various eras of time, mostly during the final year of World War II, and the 1960s. The story mainly follows four soldiers: "Tank" Dempsey (Steve Blum) of the United States Marine Corps, Nikolai Belinski (Fred Tatasciore) of the Red Army, Takeo Masaki (Tom Kane) of the Imperial Japanese Army, and Doctor Edward Richtofen (Nolan North) of the Wehrmacht. Other characters include Doctor Ludvig Maxis (Fred Tatasciore) and his daughter Samantha (Julie Nathanson). The map "Five" features historical figures: John F. Kennedy (Jim Meskimen), Robert McNamara (Robert Picardo), Richard Nixon (Dave Mallow), and Fidel Castro (Marlon Correa). "Call of the Dead" features the appearance of celebrities: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, Michael Rooker, all playing themselves and George A. Romero.


During World War II, Doctor Ludvig Maxis formed Group 935, a group of scientists that was intended to improve the human condition. Lacking funds, they soon turned to creating superweapons to aid the Nazis. Their discovery of Element 115 from a meteorite in Japan lead to the creation of zombies. Maxis and his assistant, Dr. Edward Richtofen, also work on other projects, leading to the creation of teleportation devices and 115-powered weapons. Attempting to use himself as a test subject, Richtofen accidentally teleports to a catacomb within the Moon, where he comes into contact with a mysterious pyramid device that causes him to hear mysterious voices, slowly taking away his sanity. He is later teleported to an exotic jungle known as Shangri-La, where he spends three weeks studying the Vril energy force. Upon returning to Germany, Richtofen secretly forms a plan to kill Maxis, and gathers many members of Group 935 to build a Moon base, known as Griffin Station. While maintaining his cover with Maxis and the rest of Group 935, Richtofen manages to capture three soldiers: Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki; he begins to conduct experiments with Element 115, causing memory loss for all three soldiers.

Maxis continues his work on other experiments, attempting to use his daughter's dog, Fluffy, as a test subject for his own teleportation device. However, the experiment fails, and Fluffy is transformed into an undead Hellhound. Richtofen takes the opportunity and traps Maxis and his daughter Samantha inside the teleporter with Fluffy, believing that they would die. Richtofen escapes as Der Riese is overrun by zombies with his three captured soldiers, and arrives at the Rising Sun research facility in Japan, where Element 115 was first discovered. After gathering a sample of 115 at the site, and recovering a weapon known as the Wunderwaffe DG-2, they return to the Der Riese factory in Germany. In an attempt to escape the zombie horde, the group accidentally overloads a teleporter with the DG-2, sending them forward in time. They arrive at an abandoned Nazi theater in the 1960s, where Richtofen discovers several recordings left behind by Dr. Maxis. Samantha, having survived and managing to control the zombies, continues raising the undead in order to hunt down Richtofen.

Some time in 1963, the United States government manages to grab hold of several of Group 935's inventions, keeping them hidden in the Pentagon. Owing to the presence of the undead-raising Element 115, zombies breach the Pentagon. John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Robert McNamara, and Fidel Castro are trapped within the Pentagon, forced to fight their way out. Meanwhile, Richtofen's crew arrive at a Soviet Cosmodrome site, where Richtofen intends to travel to Group 935's Moon base, Griffin Station. The crew is contacted by Gersh, a member of the Ascension Group who requests to be freed from Samantha's grip. After freeing Gersh, the four of them are teleported further in time, and arrive at a Siberian lighthouse sometime in 2011, once used by Richtofen as a secret lab. However, they are trapped within a locked room, and forced to rely on four movie actors: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Danny Trejo, Robert Englund, and Michael Rooker, who are filming a zombie movie on-site along with director George A. Romero, who had been infected as well. Richtofen requests the four celebrities to find a golden rod, which is a Vril generator device, which he then uses to fix the teleporter. He transports himself and the other three soldiers back to Shangri-La, leaving the celebrities behind to continue fighting Romero and the horde. At Shangri-La, the group discovers two explorers, Gary and Brock, who died trapped within a time loop while trying to discover the secrets of the mythical Agartha realm. The group saves the explorers' lives by traveling back and forth in time, altering the environments of the temple in the process. They discover an altar within the temple with Richtofen's name written on it, as well as a piece of a meteorite containing Element 115. However, the explorers remain stuck in the never-ending loop.

With the Vril generator and the meteorite piece, Richtofen now believes he can control the zombies, and returns to Griffin Station. Here, they attempt to activate the MPD, a machine that controls the Aether energy, which opens to reveal Samantha inside; instead of dying by Richtofen's trap, Samantha was teleported to the moon while Maxis was sent somewhere else. Samantha accidentally triggered the MPD and was trapped within the device, but this also allowed her to enter the Aether realm. Maxis, who was retrieved by Group 935 scientists, apologized to his daughter and committed suicide in front of her, prompting her to assume control of the zombies and seek vengeance on Richtofen. Richtofen fuses the golden rod and the meteorite piece, and using it to switch souls with Samantha, takes over as the new zombie controller. This causes his former allies to feel betrayed, and they ally themselves with Samantha (who now resides in Richtofen's body). Maxis is revealed to have become a sentient artificial intelligence living within the systems of Griffin Station, and he guides his daughter and the three soldiers to launch three missiles at the Earth. This severs Richtofen's link with the Aether, but the launch results in the catastrophic destruction of the Earth, while still leaving Richtofen in control of the undead.

Blowback (FlashForward)

Aaron's Past

Fifteen years ago, Aaron is shown to be in jail, and is being visited by his young daughter Tracy. Aaron promises her he will keep his head down and do his time, but as Tracy is leaving, one of the guards makes sexual remarks about Tracy. Unable to contain himself, Aaron promptly begins a fight.

Another flashback shows Aaron receiving the news of his daughter's apparent death two years ago. After Tracy's memorial, Aaron begins drinking heavily, smashing his chair in grief.


Aaron finds Tracy in a bar, and urges her to come home so as not to risk being found by Jericho. The next morning, Aaron informs Tracy that he has found the CEO of Jericho, James Erskine, of whom they need to be aware. Aaron later meets with Mike, who has his suspicions of Tracy confirmed when Aaron tells him she is still alive. Back at the house, Tracy is kidnapped by masked men and is put into a shipping box. Aaron arrives home and cannot find Tracy, and then realizes that it was Mike who kidnapped her.

The next day, Aaron drives Mike to an abandoned junk yard, where he confronts him about Tracy. Mike tries to stab him, but Aaron fights back and breaks Mike's arm before tying him up in his pickup. Aaron meets with James Erskine, demanding to know where his daughter his, but Erskine claims to know nothing about it. Aaron bugs his telephones and overhears Erskine talking with someone about why Aaron knows about Tracy's kidnapping, and if Tracy's arrived at Khandahar. Erskine tells the man to get Mike to kill Aaron. That night, Erskine's daughter finds Mike hanging upside down on the porch. Aaron calls Mark and tells him that he's gonna be off the grid for a while and they will not see each other for a while.


Janis marks the dates January 13 through 19th down, the week that she needs to get pregnant. Janis goes to meet a woman about a sperm bank, and after a while, Janis convinces the woman to accept her as a client.

Zoey & Demetri

Demetri reveals to Zoey that Mark's gun will be the murder weapon used to kill him in the future. Zoey tells Demetri that what she believed was their wedding was really his memorial. Demetri tells her not to worry, as he had paperwork filled out to have the gun destroyed. The next day, Zoey confronts Mark about why he would want to kill Demetri. Offended, Mark explains it could be because he is the suspected mole in the FBI. Zoey heads over to the headquarters, where she talks Wedeck into letting her get into the FBI files to help them find the mole.

Demetri is annoyed of Zoey's involvement, but knows she's pursuing this only because she loves him. That night, Demetri and Janis talk about their flash forwards coming true. The next day, Zoey interrogates Alda Hertzog, who has information about Demetri's death, and tells her that if she does not want to go to jail, she will tell Zoey what she knows and she will put her on trial to have her released. Demetri is bothered that Alda would be cutting a deal, and decides to alleviate Zoey's fears by telling her he will personally destroy Mark's gun. However, upon reaching the evidence locker, they find out that the gun is gone.

Mark and Lloyd

Mark is back at the headquarters, interrogating Lloyd Simcoe about what he saw in his flashforward. Mark then takes Lloyd back to Mark's house and tells Lloyd to direct him what he saw. Lloyd shows him that he got out of bed and got a text message from Simon, something about a formula that Lloyd had written over a mirror with lipstick. Mark asks about the q.e.d. he was close to cracking, and Lloyd says that it's either ''quod erat demonstrandum'' (which means ''that which was to be demonstrated'') or it could be quantum electrodynamics, which would be something that one would use at the beginning of a formula, like the one on the mirror. Mark asks Lloyd about D. Gibbons, and while Lloyd initially claims he doesn't know him, he later reveals he does. Lloyd explains that D. Gibbons's real name is Dyson Frost, who took credit for Lloyd's research of "wave structure of matter". Mark asks Lloyd if he was the one that had told Charlie that D. Gibbons was a bad man, but Lloyd denies this.

The next day, Mark tells Wedeck some information about Dyson Frost, who used to do experiments on mirror tests on animals, including crows. Wedeck tells Mark that they cannot get into Somalia, but Vogel tells him that they can by pretending to be workers of Red Panda. Vogel tells Mark that he cannot go with him to Somalia because losing Mark in Somalia would be a catastrophe because he is the key to the entire investigation. Vogel recruits Janis and Demetri to join him, and upon Simon's request, recruits him also.

White Material

Maria Vial is a white French farmer who runs (with her ex-husband, Andre, and his sickly father Henri) a failing coffee plantation in an unnamed African country in the present day. Maria and Andre have a lazy, mentally unstable son, Manuel, while Andre has another half-African son, Jose. Civil war has broken out and rebel soldiers, many of them child soldiers, are advancing on the area. The French military, while pulling out, makes one final plea for Maria to leave, but unyielding in her desire to protect her family's home, she ignores the warnings. Meanwhile, a rebel DJ on the radio urges the rebels on and advocates attacks on emblems of colonialism. Maria's workers flee for fear of the upcoming conflict. Maria stubbornly refuses to abandon the plantation and its harvest, which will be ready in five days. Risking her life and unable to find Andre, she drives to a village to hire men to finish harvesting the coffee. On the way, she is forced to pay off bandits who threaten to kill her at a roadblock. After hiring the workers, she stops at the elementary school and collects Andre's other son, Jose. Jose is an upbeat boy of about 12, and we later learn that his mother is Andre's father's young housekeeper.

Meanwhile, we see Andre in town meeting with the African mayor, Cherif. Cherif, seeing that Andre is desperate, takes advantage of the situation and offers to purchase the plantation for the cancellation of Andre's debts. Cherif requires Andre to get his father to sign over the coffee plantation to him. Having returned to the plantation, Maria searches out her son Manuel and finds him in bed after midday. Trying to rouse him, she laments his listlessness and scolds that he is without purpose. Manuel rises, and after a swim, is intrigued by a noise in the house. He follows it to two young rebels. They run, and in spite of his lack of shoes, Manuel follows them far from the home. They eventually corner him; he discovers that they're armed with a spear and a machete. The rebel children threaten him, cut his hair, and retreat to the bush, firing shots from a revolver. Maria, Andre, and some workers converge on Manuel and are shocked to find him stripped and standing naked in the field. Maria loads him in the tractor and heads back to the house. Manuel, obviously traumatized and out of his mind, abandons the tractor and goes to his grandfather's home. There the heavily tattooed Manuel reacts to his assault by shaving his head, stealing his grandfather's shotgun, attacking his grandfather's housekeeper, and disappearing on his mother's motorbike.

Despite Andre's continued pleas that they should flee, Maria remains steadfast in her efforts to bring in the coffee crop. She discovers the wounded rebel hero known as 'The Boxer' in a barn and feeds him. As night falls the workers bed down and Maria falls asleep dreaming of an earlier evening where we see her discussing Manuel with Cherif in what appears to be a romantic situation fueled by marijuana. Cherif warns her that her son is 'half-baked', a statement which makes her laugh. She awakens and attempts to start work again. However, the radio issues reports that the Boxer is being harbored by the "foreigners" and that loyal citizens should oppose them. Her workers, hearing this, demand to be paid immediately. Upon threat, Maria opens the safe to find that the money is all gone, likely taken by Andre to secure passage out of the country. Gun at her head, Maria submits to a demand to drive the workers back to the village.

Before they can reach the village they are stopped by a band of young rebels who appear to be wearing her clothing and jewelry. The rebels demand the truck and, when a worker protests that they are just poor villagers, the rebels shoot him and drive off leaving Maria by the roadside. Maria discovers they have looted the pharmacy and killed the doctor and his assistant. Driving the truck down the road the rebels are pursued by Manuel, who tells them that he knows where the Boxer is and leads them back to the plantation, where he assists the rebels to loot his own family's food store. The rebels and Manuel gorge themselves on the food and then ingest the many pharmaceutical products that they have stolen. Almost all then pass out in and around the house.

Government troops then retake control of the area. They slip onto the plantation grounds, immediately in front of Andre's father, who calls out no warning to anyone inside. We see the troops move from room to room, slitting the throats of the child rebels who are passed out from the orgy of food and medication. Government troops then lock the gun-toting Manuel in one of the farm buildings and burn him to death. Andre is shown dead on the floor of the house holding the family passports.

In the town Maria is overwrought. She is seeking a way back to the house when Cherif sees her and gives her a ride. At the plantation Maria finds Manuel's charred body. Andre's father is shown walking around the barn where Manuel was burned. Maria kills Andre's father with a machete.

At the end, we see one rebel leaving the area with the wounds to his head. He carries the beret of the Boxer. He tucks it into his trousers and continues into the countryside.

All Tied Up

Brian (Zach Galligan) buys an engagement ring for Linda (Teri Hatcher), his girlfriend who is out of town. She returns early and catches him in bed with another woman, the latest in a series of infidelities. She dumps him. He forces his way into the house she shares with roommates Kim and Sharon, hoping to reconcile with Linda. He knocks himself out and the women tie him to a bed for several days, "Home Shopping Network" blaring. They dress him in a skirt, shave him with a rusty razor, feed him only squash, buy jewelry on his credit card, and nearly cost him his job by preventing him from going to an important interview. Linda ultimately releases him.

Brian remains smitten and returns to the house after a few days, kidnaps Linda and brings her to his own house where he ties her to a chair. She is unpersuaded of his love and he releases her, but she later changes her mind and they reconcile with the agreement that she will be able to tie him up during future sexual escapades.

Payback (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)

A white male cab driver in his mid-30s is found murdered in his cab. Detectives Benson and Stabler go to the scene; when they ask why the sex crimes unit was called, they are informed that the man's genitals have been removed. The cab driver's license says he is "Victor Spicer". However, after they run a background check on Victor Spicer they see that he (Matt Skollar) is serving a prison sentence at Riker's Island for male prostitution. They go and meet with him and he says that he sold his license to a man with a baby on Broadway for $100.

Benson and Stabler return to the precinct and are told that the victim died from 37 stab wounds and that forensics found a broken-off red fingernail. Benson is convinced the killer meant to kill the real Victor Spicer and they follow that lead, but it leads nowhere. By interviewing witnesses at a restaurant named Cabbie's diner, the detectives learn that the victim was last seen in his cab being hailed by two women. They are also able to inform his wife who is taking care of a young boy. Stabler finds out that Interpol made a positive hit on the victim, identifying him as Stefan Tanzic, a Serbian soldier indicted for crimes of ethnic cleansing and the rape of sixty-seven women, five of whom live in New York City.

Benson, who herself is a child of rape, begins to sympathize with the killers. She and Stabler are called back to the morgue and they are told that there were two killers and two weapons. They start to look for the rape victims. The first one they talk to is Ileana Jashari (Sevanne Kassarjian) who is blinded and horribly scarred at the hands of Tanzic. Next, they go visit Marta Stevens (Mili Avital); they are told by her husband that Marta is at work. Benson notices a little boy who runs in the room with them, and she concludes that this little boy is the product of Marta's rape. When Benson visits her, Marta uses work as her alibi, but is not sorry that Tanzic is dead. She goes on to tell Benson about how she was repeatedly raped for twenty-three days. Benson leaves convinced that Marta is guilty, but doesn't arrest her, a move that upsets Stabler.

The third rape victim is in Europe and was there at the time of the murder, so she is ruled out. The fourth rape victim they look up is Anya Rugova (Gordana Rashovich). When they go to see her at the restaurant where she works, she says she was at the restaurant, but her hand is hurt. Stabler takes pictures of the two women to their witness at Cabbie's diner, but he cannot make a positive ID. However, he does say that he is sure they will recognize him. Stabler calls in arrests claiming he has a positive ID. Benson arrests Marta and advises her not to say anything without a lawyer. Stabler goes to arrest Anya, but she dives away from him, grabs a knife and stabs herself. As she is dying, she whispers something in his ear. Marta meets with Benson, Stabler and ADA Abbie Carmichael (Angie Harmon). Carmichael pleads her out at manslaughter 2 and sentences her to 18 months in a psychiatric hospital.

Cragen chastises Detectives Benson and Stabler for their sloppy investigative work in the case. Sitting in the squad room, Stabler tells Benson that the words Rugova whispered before she died were, "I just want to be with my family."

Whitethorn Woods

The plot centers around a supposedly miraculous well dedicated to Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, located in a grotto overgrown with whitethorn bushes in the woods next to an Irish town called Rossmore. While the parish priest is frustrated by people's allegiance to the well rather than the church, the novel traces the stories of numerous people who find inspiration through the well in many different ways. The town faces a major dilemma as news surfaces that a new highway is scheduled to be built through the woods, which would threaten the well and the peaceful life that the town has enjoyed so far.

Second Choice

Vallery Grove (Costello) is in love with Don Warren (Morris), but her mother opposes the match because he is poor and has no social standing. Don decides to terminate his engagement to Vallery after attending a party where he meets a spoiled rich girl who is interested in him.

Dolores is later introduced to Owen Mallory (Mulhall) who informs her that Don is now planning to marry the spoiled rich girl. Mallory, who has himself been recently jilted, and Vallery find comfort in each other and eventually Owen proposes to Vallery. She finally accepts, and they elope.

Once she is married, Vallery discovers that Don has broken off his engagement. She becomes uncertain about her love for Mallory and while her husband is away on business, she invites Don, who is drunk, into her house.


The last time the beautiful Roma woman Jovanka Antich (Claudia Di Girólamo) was in Chile, she was a teenager and had a secret, torrid affair with Raphael Dominguez (Francisco Melo) the son of a local well-to-do family. The affair ended badly, with both of them believing that the other betrayed them - when really it was Raphael’s mother Victoria North (Marés González) with the help of the power hungry and vengeful Roma Drago (José Soza) who tricked the young lovers into hating each other and separating.

The day they had planned to run away together Raphael doesn’t show and Jovanka leaves Mejillones alone, never to tell him she is pregnant. She ends up in Spain where she has a baby girl and marries a wealthy and good Roma man named Jairo. They adopt two other girls, and the three of them grow up believing they all adopted.

Jovanka has now returned to Chile, with her daughters and now a rich widow, after 25 years to attend her father’s wedding. Her father, Melquíades (Héctor Noguera) has brought his whole tribe with him to Mejillones where he plans on marrying the young beauty Milenka California (Blanca Lewin), daughter of Jovanka's once-fiancé Lazlo (Alfredo Castro). Jovanka finds herself once again in this town that brings back so many memories.

Many of the townspeople like Victoria North have an adverse hatred and prejudice towards gypsies, but the town itself is doing poorly with many businesses on the verge of bankruptcy, and the arrival of the Roma will change all that. It's not long before Jovanka runs into Raphael again, and Victoria, afraid that she'll be found out, comes to tell her to leave. Remembering all the pain of the past, still hurt and humiliated from Raphael’s abandonment, this only provokes Jovanka to shout out for the whole town to hear and know that the day Raphael Dominguez dies she will share her fortune and gold with everyone in the town.

From here is where things get complicated. People start attempting plots against Raphael. Victoria and Drago once again plot together to get rid of Jovanka. And Drago has his own plans to get rid of his best friend Melquiades so that he can become the leader of the tribe ''and'' have revenge against him. Jovanka meanwhile starts to fall in love with Raphael's older brother Juan (Francisco Reyes) who unlike his brother has a great affection for the gypsies. However, he happens to be a priest, and both Jovanka and Rafael struggle with the mix of hate and love they feel for each other. And Raphael's son, Sebastián (Ricardo Fernández) becomes enamored with Maria Salomé (Francisca Imboden), one of Jovanka’s daughters, who may or may not be his half-sister.

Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger

Bolitho and Dancer are given leave from the ''Gorgon'' after its return to Plymouth for a refit. They decide to spend this holiday at the Bolitho estate. However, soon after they arrive a taxman is killed. Because they are the only agents of the King locally, they must investigate the body and suspect that he was killed by either smugglers or wreckers. Soon after, Hugh Bolitho arrives, charged with finding and capturing whoever committed the crime, and Bolitho and Dancer are ordered temporarily under his command. With the midshipman aboard, they hunt the wreckers. They capture a vessel smuggling guns, and learn that they are connected to the shipwreckers. Trying to set a trap, they send the guns in a small convey under the command of Dancer. The convey runs into an ambush in which Dancer is captured. The smugglers release Dancer who recognizes the voice of their leader, as a local member of the landed gentry. He attempts to flee to France in a private yacht, however a lucky suggestion by Bolitho allows Hugh to catch the yacht in flight, which the Avenger captures with little resistance.

The Big Honey Hunt

At the beginning of the book, around the Berenstain Bears' table, Mama discovers that they are out of honey and tells Papa to go get some more. He agrees and takes Brother along with him. However, he ignores Mama's advice to go to the store to buy the honey and tries to collect wild honey instead. To that end, Papa and Brother follow around a bee as it flies from tree to tree. At each tree, Papa declares that he is sure there is honey inside of it, but instead variously encounters an owl, a porcupine, and a family of skunks. When they do finally find a tree full of honey, it is protected by a swarm of bees. The bees chase them down to the river, where they jump in to avoid them. After the bees leave and the bears exit the water, Papa gives up and readily buys the honey from the store, as Mama suggested before.

Her Only Child

Lily Stanler (Nicholle Tom) works as a claims analyst for an insurance company in Philadelphia. She is an average woman living an average life. Unfortunately, her life gets interrupted by her mother, Inez (Gwynyth Walsh). Lily moved in with her mother to take care of her when she was ill. This creates more responsibilities for Lily. In the past, Inez's husband has left her, making her a lonely and bitter person. As time goes by, she becomes even lonelier and possessive, wanting her daughter to be home all the time.

At work, Lily meets Larry Nowack (Cameron Daddo), who works in another department of the company. The two get to know each other better, by going out to lunch at the local Chinese restaurant and eating dinner at Larry's house. An instant romance is developed, although Lily's mother is not thrilled about this situation. To prevent her daughter from seeing Larry, Inez tries to foul up her relationship. For instance, several times she has called up Lily to come home immediately, because she "accidentally" cut herself or the dog mistakenly ate chocolate (even though Inez purposely cut herself and fed the dog chocolate). Lily soon realizes that her mother is only behaving this way to prevent her from being with Larry.

You Have 0 Friends

Kyle, Cartman and Kenny surprise Stan by creating a Facebook account for him. Stan protests, but is quickly pressured by family and friends to add them as friends. To his annoyance and frustration, Stan finds people such as Randy, his grandmother and even Wendy confronting him over his supposed disregard for them and judging his real-world friendship solely by his Facebook configuration. Meanwhile, Kyle adds shy nerdy student Kip Drordy (anagram: Dorky Drip) to his thriving friends list out of pity. Kyle's number of Facebook friends rapidly declines when he does this, in part due to a ''Mad Friends'' podcast he finds Cartman has set up in which he berates Kyle for choosing a loser as a friend and asserts nobody will want to hang out with Kyle. Kyle understands this, but, on principle and out of pity, cannot bring himself to delete Kip to please others. Desperate to stem the loss of friends, he asks Cartman for advice. Cartman introduces Kyle to Chatroulette as a way to make new friends, which fails as most of the people on the site are online predators (either masturbating or flashing their genitals), until Cartman finally finds another Jewish kid named Isiah, who agrees to be Kyle's friend, much to Kyle's delight.

Meanwhile, Stan now has 845,323 friends (almost all of whom he hardly knows or does not know, despite the fact that this is actually impossible to do for real, since Facebook only allows a maximum of 5,000 friends per profile) on his account and has finally decided to delete it, only to find that Facebook refuses to allow him to. Instead of deleting his account, Stan is forcibly transported by the software into the virtual world of Facebook, where he meets "profiles" of everyone he knows who communicate in Facebook lingo, and is forced to engage in Facebook activities such as Yahtzee. Unexpectedly winning on the first roll, Stan escapes and finds his way to Kyle's ''Farm Town'' farm, blaming Kyle for getting him "sucked into Facebook" in the first place. Stan orders Kyle to check out his profile status and Kyle finds out that Stan is supposedly hosting a party elsewhere in Facebook at ''Café World''. Kyle makes it to Stan's party, only to find that Isiah has refused to be his friend because of Kip. Desperate to retain some friends, Kyle finally deletes Kip, leaving him with no friends. Kip, too, is disheartened to find his friend has abandoned him.

At the party, Stan encounters his online profile, which has the form of a huge monstrous version of himself. It challenges him to a game of Yahtzee and Stan wins, again on the first roll, causing the profile to be finally deleted. The victory returns Stan to the real world once more. He now has no Facebook friends, and Randy, upon realizing that Stan is no longer his friend, asks Stan why he deleted him. Stan explains what just happened to him and that he has "sent all his friends somewhere else". Back at Kip's house, Kip is still depressed about Kyle deleting him as a friend, but is then overjoyed when all 845,323 friends Stan had prior to deletion are suddenly transferred to his account as friends.

Family Ties (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode starts with Elena (Nina Dobrev) waking up to a noise. While trying to check where it's coming from, she sees on the news that she was found dead after an animal attack. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) appears and starts chasing her. Stefan (Paul Wesley) wakes up from his dream with Damon sitting next to him. As it appears, all of these were just things that Damon put into Stefan's head while he was sleeping. Damon also informs him that the police captured the animal that is responsible for the attacks since he decided to stay for a while at Mystic Falls and he covered his tracks.

Elena tries to polish a pocket watch from her family heirlooms because Mrs. Lockwood asked for it along with some other things for the Founders Council heritage display. Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) gets upset when he hears that she is going to give it away and the two of them disagree about it. Stefan comes and Elena asks him to escort her to the Founder's Ball. At the same time, Damon compels Caroline (Candice Accola) to ask him at the Founder's Ball.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) is at the bar/restaurant where Vicki (Kayla Ewell) works, having dinner with his parents. When Vicki comes to their table, he acts like he does not know her. After his parents leave, he tries to talk to her but she is upset and brings up the Founder's Ball and how he did not ask her to escort him. Tyler asks her but Jeremy sees the whole conversation and tells her that he only asked her because she brought it up.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) talks with Caroline and encourages her to reveal the secret that Damon told her about Stefan because she is worried about Elena. Caroline reveals the secret and Bonnie tells Elena later about it, planting the suspicion that Stefan may be concealing the truth about his relationship with Katherine. Elena tells her that this is Damon's side of the story.

At the Salvatore house, Zach (Chris William Martin) asks Damon why he came back, which makes Damon angry and he attacks Zach. Stefan intervenes between the two men and when Damon leaves, Zach encourages Stefan to use vervain on Damon to weaken him so he can fight him. Stefan tries to put it in Damon's drink but he fails since Damon figures it out and doesn't take a drink.

Tyler arrives at the Gilbert house to get the box with the donated items his mother needs for the Founder's Ball. Elena gives it to him but later, Mrs. Lockwood calls to tell Elena that the pocket watch was not among the items. Elena says she will look for it and bring it to the Ball. She goes to Jeremy's room and accuses him of stealing it. Jeremy denies that he took it but he eventually gives it back to Elena telling her that he only took it because their father was going to give it to him. Feeling bad, Elena decides to return the watch to Jeremy before she leaves for the Ball.

At the Founder's Ball, an ex-boyfriend of Jenna's (Sara Canning), Logan Fell (Chris Johnson), the town's news reporter attempts for reconciliation but Jenna turns him down because he was the reason she left Mystic Falls in the first place. He is persistent and at the end of the Ball, Jenna agrees to meet him for dinner.

Damon wants to stay alone with Elena so he asks Caroline to ask Stefan for a dance. When they stay alone, he apologizes for his behavior at the game and explains that the Salvatore brothers are cursed with sibling rivalry. He shares with her the history of the "first" Salvatore brothers and the woman they both loved. Elena tells Damon that she does not want to be in the middle of their rivalry and she leaves. While dancing with Stefan, she asks about his past with Katherine but he refuses to tell her anything. Frustrated, Elena leaves him alone on the dance floor believing that what Bonnie told her might be true.

Damon reveals the true motive for attending the Founder’s Ball when he retrieves a crystal hidden in a wooden box in the Heritage Display. Caroline tries to prevent him from stealing it but Damon explains that is not stealing since he is the one who put it there a long time ago.

Meanwhile, Bonnie amazes herself when she can light every candle in the dining room using her powers. Elena sees the bite marks on Caroline's body and questions her about them. Caroline says that Damon did not intend to hurt her and leaves. Elena goes straight to Damon to warn him to stay away from Caroline and then goes to Stefan to apologize for her behavior earlier. She tells him about Caroline and what Damon is doing to her but Stefan reassures her that he is handling it.

Having removed Caroline from view, Damon sinks his teeth into her neck but after drinking from her, he collapses onto the grass in agony. Stefan appears and he confesses that since he could not spike Damon's drink with vervain, he spiked Caroline’s, knowing Damon would bite her. Stefan carries Damon, who is too weak to resist, to the basement of their house and locks him there to protect Elena from him.

The episode ends with Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, Sheriff Forbes, and Logan Fell gathered together to discuss the pocket watch that Elena did not bring to the Ball and that they needed it. They ask Sheriff Forbes if she is sure about what is going on, and she says yes since all five dead bodies were drained of blood. Logan says: "They've come back" (hinting something about the four of them).

Chuck Versus the Other Guy

Main Plot

As the episode opens, Shaw has taken Sarah to a warehouse where he claims the Director has been tracked. The two break into the facility and Shaw leads her down into its lower levels, where he deliberately separates from Sarah and leaves her alone to find video equipment playing a looped recording of the film shown to him by the Director. Sarah recognizes it as her red test, and Shaw reveals to her that the woman she killed was his wife, Evelyn. He tells the stunned Sarah that he knows she wasn't to blame and that she was set up by her superiors to make the kill. Meanwhile, Chuck is panicking over Sarah's situation and turns to Casey for help, but Casey is still discouraged by civilian life. Chuck manages to convince him to help when Sarah's emergency locator activates. With contact information provided by Casey, Chuck launches an assault on the warehouse complex only to arrive and find Shaw hugging Sarah in apparent forgiveness.

Back at Castle, Chuck is reprimanded by Beckman for his unauthorized use of the strike team, although Shaw defends his actions to protect his partner. Nonetheless, Beckman benches Chuck and orders Sarah and Shaw to Washington to head up the search for the Director. Shaw finds the director, and Sarah chooses Chuck to help them apprehend him.

Chuck is unsure of Shaw, but goes along with the attempt to apprehend the Director by breaking into his private elevator while Shaw provides security. Chuck and Sarah confront the Director, who reveals that the Ring has developed its own prototype of the Intersect Cipher, and carefully manipulates the situation to create a Mexican Standoff between Sarah, Chuck, and two of his operatives. He then reveals that they have walked into a trap when several additional Ring agents arrive and force Chuck and Sarah to stand down. Shaw arrives and kills the Director's men, and offers to cover their withdrawal while he retrieves the Cipher. The elevator doors close, leaving Chuck and Sarah outside as they hear a gunshot. However, after they leave the facility it is revealed that the entire incident was staged by the Director, and Shaw has in fact joined the Ring.

The team debriefs at Castle, and Beckman this time reprimands Shaw for apparently killing the Director, but Chuck comes to his defense for saving their lives. Beckman reveals that the Ring's Cipher is flawed, and based on the components, was manufactured in Paris. Beckman orders Shaw and Sarah to follow-up. Chuck returns home, and while Morgan is unconvinced of Shaw's motives, Chuck is confident of Shaw's loyalty. However, when he shows Morgan security footage of Shaw defeating several Ring operatives in hand-to-hand combat, Morgan stops the video when he notices that none of Shaw's attacks actually connected (due to his expertise on fake action scenes in films). Chuck attempts to contact Beckman with this discovery, but she angrily suspends Chuck when she sees Morgan in Castle, leaving the two to help Sarah alone. However, Morgan reminds Chuck they have one more asset they can count on, and Chuck and Casey are soon on a flight to Paris.

Meanwhile, Shaw takes Sarah to the street where Evelyn was killed and Sarah realizes he has been turned by the Ring. She is then poisoned by a paralytic agent. The Ring Director reveals that the CIA suspected Eve may have been turned, so CIA Director Graham ordered Sarah's red test to eliminate her. Shaw turns over all his technical data on the Intersect to the Director, who leaves so Shaw can finish Sarah off. However, Chuck and Casey arrive, and while Casey deals with the Director, Chuck confronts Shaw. The two get into a fight, but even with the Intersect, Chuck is unable to defeat Shaw and is soon incapacitated. Shaw apologizes and assures Chuck that he is not at fault, and promises not to reveal his identity as the Intersect if he does not interfere. Chuck will not allow Sarah to be killed and pursues anyway, confronting him on the bridge where Shaw intends to throw Sarah into the river. Chuck tries to reason with Shaw, but Shaw is convinced Chuck is unable to shoot and cannot abandon his own desire for revenge for Eve's death. With no other options to save Sarah's life, Chuck shoots Shaw in the chest, and he topples over the bridge, trying to pull Sarah over the edge with him into the river below. Chuck saves Sarah, but can only watch as Shaw falls to his death.

The next day, Chuck explains everything to Sarah who is not disappointed that he killed Shaw to save her.

Chuck and Sarah

Chuck goes home and gets drunk after being benched, and flashes and ties up Morgan when the latter tries to take away the bottle. Sarah arrives to discuss the situation and Chuck asks her if she loves him. Sarah says yes, and that she fell for him from the first time they met. Sarah then tells him they have a mission and takes him to meet Shaw to capture the Director.

When Sarah later recovers from her poisoning at the hands of the Ring, she awakens in Paris and pieces together the events of the previous night. She realizes that Chuck was forced to kill Shaw and that he saved her life. Recognizing that in spite of this, he is still the Chuck she fell in love with, she kisses him after Chuck explains why he killed Shaw. Beckman interrupts on the computer, but they break the connection and Sarah orders him to "shut up and kiss me" as they climb into bed together as a couple.

Morgan and Casey

Morgan believes that he is going to be made a full member of Team Bartowski, much to Casey's envy. Morgan subsequently tenders his resignation to Big Mike, and tells Casey to enjoy "my old life," a sentiment Casey mirrors. However, Beckman later proves displeased with Chuck involving Morgan in the mission when he recognized Shaw's fight with the Ring was staged, and suspends Chuck instead.

Meanwhile, Casey is still largely paralyzed by his dismissal and initially unwilling to help when Morgan and Chuck arrive to enlist him in their off-book operation to save Sarah. However, Morgan is able to appeal to his sense of duty and convinces him to help. On the flight, Chuck's ability to flash is of no use in determining Shaw's destination, however Casey reminds Chuck of his own intelligence without the need of the Intersect.

In Paris, Casey apprehends the Director and uses him as a bargaining chip with Beckman to get himself reinstated, and also convinces her to make Morgan an official part of the team. Morgan receives her call just after he returns to working at the Buy More. Morgan goes to quit again but Beckman reminds him that he has to stay to maintain his cover.

The Twelfth Card

The story starts out in a museum where Geneva Settle, a high-school student in Harlem, is researching information for a paper about her ancestor, Charles Singleton. While she is looking at an old newspaper, Thompson Boyd, an unfeeling, professional killer, attempts to murder her. As his attempts continue, each time he leaves behind a clue which either helps or misleads Lincoln Rhyme. Amelia Sachs, Fred Dellray, Mel Cooper, and Lon Sellitto help Lincoln to solve why Boyd is after Settle. Rhyme believes initially that Geneva was the witness to a planned terrorist attack. It is eventually revealed that Boyd was hired to kill her because of her ancestor's secret. Singleton's secret was that he owned fifteen acres of prime land in Manhattan in the 1800s. Rhyme had discovered through the investigation of the crime that Geneva's ancestor was falsely accused of murder and had his land stolen. The person who bought the land ended up creating a huge company in the modern time. As the land was not legally sold, all of Singleton's relatives were legally entitled to compensation over the course of 200 years. The chase to catch Boyd and all of his accomplices continue throughout a two-day period. Throughout the story, there are also some other smaller story lines and this crime eventually leads to the solutions of other crimes. Some of the people in the novel are not who they appear to be. One of Boyd's accomplices pretends to be the guidance counselor at Settle's high school. Also, a common vandal and criminal turns out to be Settle's dad.

Pilot (The Vampire Diaries)

The episode begins with a couple, Darren Malloy (Steve Belford) and Brooke Fenton (Cindy Busby), driving their car when, suddenly the area fills with thick fog and they hit someone. They stop to see if the person is injured, however both of them end up being killed by this person.

In the small, Virginia town of Mystic Falls, Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) and her brother Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) cannot come to grips with the fact that their parents had recently died in an accident involving their car driving off the edge of Wickery Bridge and that they are being looked after by their aunt, Jenna (Sara Canning), who acts more like their friend than a parent. Elena becomes emotionally withdrawn after recently breaking up with her boyfriend and former best friend, Matt, while Jeremy turns to drugs to avoid dealing with his own feelings. At school, Elena bumps into the mysterious new student, Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley), after she had just walked out of the men's restroom. The mystery guy attracts Elena's and clearly Caroline's attention.

Elena goes to the cemetery to visit her parents' grave and write in her diary. While writing, a crow appears and refuses to move even when she attempts to scare it away. Suddenly, fog begins to cover everything and Elena starts running, dropping her journal. She trips, gets hurt, and upon standing up, finds Stefan there. While they talk, the smell of blood from Elena's leg seems to cause some changes in Stefan's face who vanishes as Elena lifts her pant leg up to check on the cut. He later goes to Elena's house to apologize for vanishing and returns her journal to her. He reassures her that he didn't read it, seeing as he wouldn't want anyone reading his. Moments later, Elena invites Stefan to The Mystic Grill with Matt, Caroline and Bonnie.

Matt seems upset about his break up with Elena so he talks to Bonnie about it. Caroline walks in so Bonnie goes to talk to her. They take a seat and wait for Stefan and Elena to arrive. Afterwards, Stefan is invited to a campfire party which he agreed to go to if Elena goes to. She agreed.

At the Salvatore house, Zach (Chris William Martin), after seeing the news about the two people who were attacked by an animal, asks Stefan why he came back and why he attacked these people despite his promise not to hurt anyone. Stefan denies that he had anything to do with the attack and leaves to attend the campfire party where Elena will be.

Elena's friend, Bonnie (Kat Graham), tries to make fun of her grandmother who told her that she is a psychic, but she gets a picture of fog, a crow and a cemetery when she touches Elena . Intuitively, she suspects something is strange about Stefan when they meet up at a campfire party after Bonnie touched Stefan. She felt blackness. Death.

Matt's sister Vicki (Kayla Ewell) is found by Jeremy in the woods, bitten by something they believe to be an animal. Stefan realizes that there is someone else in town who is like him and who is also responsible for the first two attacks and he runs back home; Matt watches him and thinks he is acting weird. As his sister is losing a lot of blood, Matt chooses to ignore the red flag. He informs Zach about it and then Stefan's brother, Damon (Ian Somerhalder), appears.

Stefan confronts Damon why he is in Mystic Falls despite his dislike of the town. Damon answers that he is in town because of Elena, who looks similar to a girl named Katherine whom Stefan keeps a picture of from 1864. Damon tells Stefan to feed on Elena and the siblings get into a fight. Damon, who is much stronger than his brother because he is feeding on human blood, beats Stefan. Damon takes Stefan's ring which seems important for their survival though its features still seem mysterious, but he then gives it back.

In the meantime, Vicki wakes up at the hospital with Matt by her side. She whispers the words "vampire" and then drifts back to sleep. Matt is concerned but doesn't want to wake her.

Forget Me Not (2009 film)

The film opens with a little girl crying and running through a graveyard. She makes it to her house and her parents ask her what's wrong. The girl responds, "I don't remember."

Years later, Sandy Channing and her brother, Eli, are college students who attend a party at their friend T.J.'s house. Everyone goes to the graveyard to play a game. A new girl their age joins them. They play a ghost version of 'Tag', and the new girl wins. The girl asks Sandy if she remembers her. Sandy tells her she does not, and the girls states, "You will," before jumping from the cliff behind her. The police arrive but are unable to find a body. There is a flashback to two girls playing the game in the graveyard during the day, one is Sandy and the other is presumably the girl who jumped off this cliff. Sandy is the ghost during the game and when she finds the other girl, who requires an inhaler, they sit and talk, the other girl explains that the flower in her hair is a Forget Me Not, which is put on the graves so they remember the dead. Sandy says she doesn't know any dead people, and the girl replies, "I do". She gives the flowers to Sandy proclaiming them best friends, to which Sandy replies, "best friends forever."

The next day, Layla and Chad have sex in Chad's car, after which Chad tells Layla he wants to break up. Furious, Layla throws his class ring, which was hanging on her necklace, into the lake. Chad drives off and leaves her alone. Layla goes into the lake to retrieve the necklace when she sees a mysterious girl in the water. She is then drowned by the girl, who is revealed to be a demonic incarnation of the new girl who had disappeared the night before. Meanwhile, Chad arrives at Sandy and Eli's house, and when Sandy mentions Layla, Chad seems to have forgotten who she is.

The rest of the group is waiting for T.J. to come so they can go on their spring break trip. T.J. is negotiating a deal to buy an engagement ring for his girlfriend, Alexis "Lex" Mitchell. He is soon killed by the now-demonic Layla. When Sandy mentions T.J. to her boyfriend Jake (Lex's brother), he and the rest of the group have no memory of T.J., just like Layla. Sandy then finds T.J.'s contact information erased from her cellphone.

The group stops at a convenience store, with Lex distracting the cashier by having sex with him while everyone else steals liquor and food. Frustrated with Lex's promiscuous behavior despite dating T.J., Sandy walks off. Chad is killed next when the ghosts make his car explode. Sandy yells at Eli to pull over when she sees Chad's car. However, no one but Sandy remembers who Chad is, and they drive to T.J.'s house, which appears vacant and in ruin. As Sandy goes into the house with Jake and Eli, Lex and Hannah get into an argument in the car. Sandy begins to remember the unnamed girl from the graveyard as her childhood friend. Lex is killed by undead versions of her murdered friends. The other three think Sandy is crazy, as none of them remember Lex anymore.

Sandy and the others go to the police station, where they learn the mysterious girl's name is Angela Smith and she lives in a convent. At a hotel, Hannah and Eli go to the pool and have sex, after which Hannah is killed by the ghosts. Sandy and Jake then discover Angela is in a coma. At the convent, Jake is killed and Eli doesn't remember Jake anymore. He realizes that they are being erased from time, just like the rhyme they sang before playing the game in the graveyard. After heading home, Sandy, whose parents believe she has become depressed, is sedated and taken to the hospital. While there, Eli is killed by his friends' ghosts. At the hospital, Sandy asks for Eli, of whom her parents have no recollection at all.

Sandy dreams of a time where she and her friends played a scary prank on Angela, who had a seizure in front of the convent after knocking her head into the door. Sister Dolores comes out of the convent and screams "who did this?". It is revealed that the little girl at the beginning of the film is a young Sandy, and the girl who mysteriously vanished and has been committing the murders is Angela. Sandy awakes and, recalling the rhyme to "kill the ghost or seal your fate", goes to Angela's room and switches off her life support. However, she then finds Angela sitting up in bed. Sandy is chased up to the roof by the ghosts of her friends, and encounters the young version of Angela. After Sandy's failed attempt to reason with her, young Angela hands her a bouquet of flowers (called Forget-me-not) and looks up, a demonic expression on her face as she says, "Best friends forever, right, Sandy?" This scares Sandy, and she falls from the roof. The film ends with Angela "miraculously" awakening from her coma, while Sandy is revealed to have taken her place in a coma of her own.

No Contest II

Erich Dengler (Lance Henriksen), the son of Manferd Dengler (a prominent Nazi during the rule of Adolf Hitler in Germany), poses as an Art Collector, Eric Dane, in order to take over the Holman Museum to retrieve a shipment of nerve gas that has been hidden in some art work. He holds the occupants of the museum, including Sharon Bell (Shannon Tweed) and film director Jack Terry (Bruce Payne), who are looking for a good location to shoot a film, hostage. Dengler attempts to unleash a lethal nerve gas bomb which threatens the safety of the world. His plan is to sell the rest of the nerve gas to the highest bidder. Jack and Sharon make it their business to stop him.

The Prisoner in the Opal

Julius Ricardo, a middle-aged wine connoisseur, makes a point of keeping his wine knowledge up to date by spending several weeks every summer visiting the vineyards of Bordeaux. In London, he is asked by the young and beautiful American Joyce Whipple to keep an eye on her friend Diana Tasborough who owns the estate at Chateau Suvlac. Joyce has received letters from Diana which convince her that her friend is threatened by great evil, though there is nothing overt in the letters and she is unable to explain why. Ricardo suggests that Diana's fiancé, Bryce Carter, would be the best person to deal with this, or even Joyce herself. A clearly embarrassed Joyce explains that Diana and Bryce's engagement has recently been broken off.

Invited to stay at the Chateau Suvlac, Ricardo finds the atmosphere strained. Diana is distracted, and one of her house guests, Evelyn Devenish, seems to feel an extraordinary hatred for Joyce. Ricardo is introduced to Diana's estate manager Robin Webster, and to the owner of the adjacent estate Le Vicomte de Mirandol.

That night, unable to sleep, Ricardo sees from his bedroom window a light burning late in Robin Webster's chalet, and across the valley the lights shining out from de Mirandol's house. In the morning, both Evelyn and Joyce have disappeared from their rooms. Robin Webster has injured his hand. A large basket is found in a nearby river containing the naked body of Evelyn Devenish; her right hand has been hacked off. Joyce remains missing.

Ricardo's old friend Inspector Hanuad of the Paris Sûreté investigates, working with the local examining magistrate Arthur Tidon. Hanaud visits de Mirandol and finds him, oddly, repainting his garden gate. In the upstairs room that had been lit at 2am he finds a conference table that has recently been re-covered and a large cupboard, opening in the manner of an altar screen, that has been freshly painted white. He announces that Evelyn Devenish had been killed in that very room.

Hanaud locates Joyce, and with Ricardo's help rescues her shortly before she is due to be killed. Safely back, she explains that during her time at the Chateau Suvlac, she had come to realise that both Evelyn and Diana were besotted with the charismatic Robin Webster. He had toyed with them both, and was getting tired of Evelyn's increasing demands. When Joyce appeared on the scene he had pursued her, too, arousing Evelyn's jealousy. Joyce, however, knew there was something evil about the man.

When Joyce discovered that Robin – once a Catholic priest – had become a renegade and was now the leader of a devil-worshipping sect, she sought to expose him. Hearing that a Black Mass would be taking place in de Mirandol's house on the night of Ricardo's arrival, she had coated the latch of his garden gate with a mixture of varnish and mustard gas, a mixture that would cause severe burns to anyone touching it. Ricardo realises that this would explain both Robin's injury and the dead Evelyn's missing hand.

Then, Joyce continues, she had slipped a sleeping draft into Diana's drink to ensure she would not be able to attend the rite, stole the masked costume she was intending to wear, and covertly took her place. In the upper room, the cupboard was open displaying its diabolical paintings, and the table laid out as an altar. Evelyn lay on it, naked, while Robin said the mass over her. Then, without warning, he plunged a knife into her heart. In the resultant chaos, Joyce slipped out and ran back to the Chateau Suvlac. But unable to make her escape she was captured and imprisoned.

When Hanaud questions de Mirandol, the examining magistrate objects that Hanaud is not treating the investigation with the delicacy it deserves given the social standing of the parties, and attempts to dismiss him. But Hanaud has noticed that Tidon himself is hiding an injured hand. Realising he is trapped, Tidon commits suicide.

Webster and de Mirandol are charged with murder. Joyce and Bryce Carter are free to take up their relationship once more.

The Mystery of the Condor Hero

The story is an unofficial prequel to Louis Cha's novel ''The Legend of the Condor Heroes''. It tells the story of Wong Yeuk-see's early life.

They Wouldn't Be Chessmen

Nahendra Nao, heir to the Maharajah of Chitipur, unwisely lets Elsie Marsh of the Casino de Paris wear his priceless ancestral pearls, which react badly to her skin. In order to restore their lustre his secretary, Major Scott Carruthers, hires a resting young opera singer, Lydia Flight, to wear them while they heal. To provide cover, Lydia is to act as paid companion to a woman introduced by Carruthers, Lucrece Bouchette; while Oliver Ransom, an ex-Captain of the Bengal Police, is added to the party to protect the pearls. Lydia and Ransom are immediately attracted to each other and become a couple.

The party take a houseboat on the Seine near Caudebec-en-Caux, and make the acquaintance of Julius Ricardo. He senses an uneasy atmosphere, and is on his guard when Guy Stallard, an American millionaire, invites him and the houseboat party to a fancy dress ball at a large house he has rented nearby.

While most of the guests are on the terrace watching a tightrope walker, the evening’s entertainment, Lydia goes upstairs to change her dress, followed by Ransom. She soon stumbles back downstairs, on the point of swooning, explaining later that she had been attacked in her room and the pearls taken from her. Shortly afterwards, Ricardo sees Ransom’s car being driven away at speed.

When Carruthers reports the theft to Nahendra Nao, Nao calls in the famous investigator from the Paris Sûreté, Inspector Hanaud, an old friend of Ricardo’s. Lydia arranges a meeting with Hanaud and promises to explain what happened to her, but when she fails to appear and Ransom cannot be found it seems that the pair may have been accomplices and thieves.

Hanaud eventually discovers that Carruthers had for some time been plotting to steal the jewels, frame Lydia, and blackmail Nao. He had devised a meticulous plan and issued detailed instructions to his associates Lucrece (his lover), George Brymer (an ex-convict posing as Guy Stallard), and several servants. But things go awry – resulting in Lydia being kidnapped and Ransom murdered – when Carruthers' co-conspirators refuse to act as his chessmen, taking their orders instead (as Hanaud points out) "from their lusts and hates".

Rage and Passion

The story is an unofficial prequel to Louis Cha's novel ''The Legend of the Condor Heroes''. It tells the story behind the birth of Wong Chung-yeung and his early life.

The House in Lordship Lane

Julius Ricardo is holidaying in Lézardrieux, France, when he is informed by telegram of an unexpected visit to London by his friend Inspector Hanaud. He hitches a lift home across the Channel on the yacht ''Agamemnon'', owned by Philip Mordaunt, an acquaintance who happens to be in the area. In a storm en route, ''Agamemnon'' narrowly avoids colliding with the prison steamship ''El Rey'', heading for Gravesend to repatriate some British 'undesirables' previously held in a Venezuelan prison. Hearing a cry from the water, they pick up an escapee, Bryan Devisher. Devisher had found himself caught up in a Venezuelan revolution while handling stolen goods for Daniel Horbury, a shady London MP – and he now holds a grudge. As Devisher has been left with nothing, Mordaunt gives him a letter of introduction to Septimus Crottle, owner of the Dagger shipping line. Crottle is a controlling patriarch who runs his business with a rod of iron, allowing very little autonomy to his two nephews, George and James Crottle.

When Horbury is found dead with his throat cut at his home in Lordship Lane, Hanaud and Ricardo assist Superintendent Maltby of Scotland Yard in his investigation. Devisher has disappeared without trace, and he initially seems the obvious suspect but Hanaud suspects that Olivia Horbury, Daniel's wife, may not be telling the truth about what happened on the night of his death.

Mordaunt takes a job as a drugs officer with the Egyptian Coastguard and is astounded to run into Devisher in a small village near Cairo. Devisher claims to be working for the Dagger Line, but he appears be involved in drug running and Mordaunt cannot understand how such a hands-on owner as Septimus Crottle could possibly have put an ex-convict into the company's commercially important Cairo office. When he says that he must write to thank Septimus, Devisher shows real fear.

Septimus Crottle is kidnapped and held in solitary confinement for several weeks, during which time George and James take over the business. Hanaud discovers where Septimus has been held. Searching the nephews' office, he finds evidence that George has been using Dagger Line ships to facilitate drug running, and that it was he rather than Septimus who had found a post for Devisher in Cairo. When Superintendent Maltby not only accuses George of kidnap but also arrests him for the murder of Daniel Horbury, Ricardo is perplexed. George commits suicide before he can be questioned, but leaves a full written confession.

George recounts that he was being blackmailed by Daniel Horbury, who had found out about his drug running activities. When Horbury discovered that Devisher was back in England and likely to seek revenge, he summoned George to Lordship Lane to make a proposal: in return for George packing Devisher off somewhere far away in one of his ships, Horbury would return the incriminating evidence he held. But unknown to both, Devisher was at that moment prowling around outside in the dark. When Devisher entered through the French windows, George threw a heavy long-bladed knife at Horbury, catching him on the throat and killing him outright. Devisher panicked and left the scene.

Olivia Horbury was persuaded that given his background and the circumstance Devisher could hardly escape conviction for her husband's murder. Desperate for Daniel's blackmailing activities to remain secret, and hence unable to publicly accuse George, she reluctantly agreed to tell the police that her husband had died while she was sleeping upstairs. George would then get Devisher out of the way on one of his ships. Finding Devisher still nearby after the killing, George had found him more than eager to accept a free passage to Cairo.

Vamps (film)

Stacy (Krysten Ritter) and Goody (Alicia Silverstone), are two vampires enjoying life in New York City. Goody was turned in 1841 by the vampire Ciccerus (Sigourney Weaver). After leaving the man she fell in love with in the 1960s, she struggled with her life as a vampire until Stacy was turned by Ciccerus sometime during the early 1990s. Goody was able to teach Stacy how to use her new abilities, like sustaining themselves on rat blood, while Stacy helps Goody stay youthful and trendy. Goody keeps her actual age a secret because she is afraid of being viewed as old by Stacy. While at a vampire meeting, Goody discovers that if their maker or "stem" Ciccerus is ever killed, she and Stacy would revert to their human ages.

While working at a hospital as an exterminator, Goody runs into her ex-boyfriend Danny (Richard Lewis), whom she has not seen since the 1960s. They re-connect under the pretense that she is Goody's daughter, but Danny eventually learns the truth when he sees her bite into another man to prevent a stroke. When he asks why she left him, Goody explains that even though she loved him, she did not want to stand in his way of finding someone he could actually build a life with.

Meanwhile, the government is using the Patriot Act to track down vampires, causing panic amongst the vampire's anonymous group. Goody comes up with a plan to delete and change all the information about all the vampires in the New York area during a solar eclipse. After they succeed the vamps throw a party for both human and non-human feeders, but all is endangered by the threat of Ciccerus who didn't attend and massacred an entire restaurant full of people.

Stacy begins a relationship with a young college student named Joey (Dan Stevens). It is soon revealed that Joey is the son of the infamous vampire slayer Dr. Van Helsing (Wallace Shawn) who is in town to find and kill vampires. After spending the night at Joey's place, he sees Stacy crawling down the side of his apartment building in order to get home before the sun rises. Despite his initial shock, Joey accepts that Stacy is a vampire and the two resume dating. Stacy soon discovers she is pregnant, and is informed that the baby will not survive unless she becomes human again, which can only happen if they kill Ciccerus.

The girls team up with Joey and Dr. Van Helsing and after a struggle, they end up killing Ciccerus so that Stacy can keep her baby and have a future with Joey. Stacy looks relatively the same despite being forty years old, but Goody rapidly ages into an old woman. Revealing her actual age, Goody accompanies Joey and Stacy to Times Square where Goody reminisces about her life. As the sun rises, she disintegrates into ash.

A few years later, Stacy and Joey show up at Dr. Van Helsing's house to pick up their young daughter, whom they have named after Goody. As Van Helsing plays with his granddaughter, he notices that the little girl sports a set of vampire fangs, but rather than being horrified he seems amused.


As a favor to his old war buddy Nate Meineke, Piney sells a number of AK-47 assault rifles to Meineke's right-wing militia. He heads out to the woods with Jax to meet Meineke and his son, Russell. After briefly testing the weapons out on targets, the militia buys the guns and head off. They then use the guns to ambush a prison convoy and free one of their members, Frank Cison. A shoot-out ensues, resulting in the deaths of a Charming police officer and two innocent bystanders. While fleeing, Meineke drops his cell phone at the scene, which is later found by ATF Agent June Stahl. She discovers that the phone's last call was from Clay's garage.

SAMCRO hears news of the jailbreak the following day. Juice returns from Indian Hills with the guns, and Cherry, in his truck. Clay tells Juice off for bringing Cherry to Charming, as he doesn't want a woman that he recently slept with near his wife. However, Juice tells him that she only wants to see Half-Sack. Gemma deduces from Clay's angry reaction to Cherry that they slept together while on the road. She then laments the situation in a conversation with Luann, saying "What happens on a run stays on a run. It does not show up and slap me in the goddamn face!."

Shortly after, law enforcement raid the clubhouse and arrest Clay for aiding and abetting a triple homicide. At the police station, Stahl tells Clay that she knows that SAMCRO supplied the guns used in the jailbreak and will soon have a warrant to search the club's garage, where weapons are being stored. Back at the clubhouse, Piney admits that he made a mistake in selling the guns, and he only did it because Meineke is a friend. After pressing a reluctant Sheriff Trammel for information, Jax learns that the ATF will be back with a search warrant and tells the others that they will have to get rid of the guns from the garage.

Later, Meineke contacts Piney again and sets up a meeting at the militia's woodland hideout. The Sons agree that they will have to kill the militia to stop them from informing on SAMCRO if they are apprehended. The meeting is set up for the following day. In the meantime, with a search of their property imminent, SAMCRO must get the remaining guns to the One-Niners as soon as possible. They load up a septic truck with the guns and drive it away under the noses of an ATF stakeout. When the ATF searches the garage, they find nothing. However, the Sons' celebrations are short-lived when they learn that Laroy no longer wants to buy the guns.

As Gemma is walking down the street in Charming, she notices Cherry approaching in the opposite direction. In a fit of rage, she takes a teenager's skateboard, hits Cherry in the face with it and is subsequently arrested. While being questioned by Hale, Clay notices Gemma being brought in for booking and learns that she was arrested for assault. Clay and Gemma then engage in a heated airing of their dirty laundry as they argue over the issues involving Cherry in front of the ATF and police. Clay is subsequently released and heads to the holding cell to talk to Gemma. They reconcile, but Gemma refuses to post bail, explaining that she needs a night in jail to get herself together as she is struggling with the changes caused by menopause.

The following morning, Jax, Piney and Opie set out to meet Meineke in the forest. Meineke tells them that he and his men are fleeing to Mexico and want to buy more guns from SAMCRO. The Sons sell them bags of grain, supposedly containing the rifles but actually filled with explosives, which they then load into their trucks. Once the deal is done, Piney hugs Meineke one last time. As they drive away, Opie detonates the explosives, killing all of the militia. Clay picks up Gemma from jail and as they prepare to head home, they spot Cherry walking by. Gemma and Cherry settle their differences as Cherry explains that she is only in town to pursue a relationship with Half-Sack and will immediately leave town if that does not work out.

Beauty (Selbourne novel)

Set in Wolverhampton, England, ''Beauty'' relays the tribulations of ten days in the life of Beauty Begum, a nineteen-year-old Muslim Bengali woman who has survived a substantial degree of physical and emotional harm from her family. As a consequence of the fact that the novel is told using an oscillating narrator, the reader has the benefit of 'hearing' the thoughts of the main characters.

At the beginning of the novel, Beauty is again living with her family after having returned from Bangladesh, where she was supposed to be the wife of a mullah more than twice her age, an arranged marriage that has not worked out due to Beauty's opposition. Having preserved her virginity, and having been pronounced dumb and insane by her family, she now realizes that she is again being singled out to marry someone for whom she does not care. The first few chapters provide an account of her unhappy life, having to provide meals for the rest of the family according to precise specifications, being verbally and physically abused by family members and only being allowed out of the home to attend English classes.

Her one act of rebellion – her leaving home before it is too late – causes her first encounter with the world of "white people." She meets Mark Aston, a young ex-con who is trying hard to stay on the right path as well as Peter Hemmings, his middle-class neighbour. Peter has been unable to commit himself to his relationship with Kate Morgan, a career woman whose sophisticated feminist demands have alienated her from him. Beauty also meets a group of elderly residents of an old people's home where she finds work.

Although she is appalled at many aspects of white people's lives, Beauty realizes that she can also benefit from her interactions with them. Mark's attempts at teaching the illiterate young woman to read as well as Peter's lecturing her on Western thought, in particular atheism and Darwinism, help her gain some practical knowledge and skills but also reconsider her own prejudices and strengthen her own faith. At the same time, Beauty is exposed to the bureaucracy of the welfare state and the futility of its endeavours to help those in need.

Somewhat empowered, Beauty, who has successfully fought off all timid advances by both Mark and Peter, has to choose between her family duty and her own freedom.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil

After a brief meeting between the High Priest Auron Tenebrae, Cleric Vandameer Craven, and Solomon Wreath, it was decided that Valkyrie would be considered as The Death Bringer within the Necromancer community, however, further proof would be needed to be acquired. Wreath was given the task to use the previously captured Remnant to make it inhabit Finbar Wrong's body to read the future regarding Valkyrie.

Meanwhile, Skulduggery and Valkyrie were searching after Davina Marr, whom they held responsible for the destruction of the Irish Sanctuary. During their investigation, they realised that they were not the only ones looking for her. Shortly after they realised this, they encountered Tesseract, a highly skilled Russian assassin who was in the middle of a deadly chase after Marr. They were able to rescue her from him. Instead of giving her up to the authorities, they took her to Kenspeckle Grouse, as Skulduggery wanted to question her beforehand. While they had to give time to Kenspeckle to fix her, Valkyrie decided to visit the Echo Stone Gordon Edgley, as her uncertainty about her frightening future grew to drastic measures. After a long discussion with Gordon, he advised her to visit a Banshee, in order to gain information about how to seal her True Name.

Solomon Wreath captured Finbar in order to force the Remnant into him and receive the information he wanted. While he could gather the information he thought to be valuable for the Necromancer community, the Remnant realised the importance of Valkyrie becoming Darquesse and thus providing a purpose for it to gather the others and gain control over her. Now fuelled with its purpose, the Remnant broke away from Wreath and escaped in search for Anton Shudder's Midnight Hotel.

While Valkyrie is highly in doubt about her true nature as the destroyer of the world, she visits Caelan in order to ask him to taste her blood. If he did, it would mean he could tell Valkyrie what Dusk tasted or if there was anything "Special" about it. At first, Caelan refuses to help, stating he would: 'Tear her throat out'. He gives Valkyrie a penknife, instructing to cut herself and give him a small amount of blood. Once tasted, Caelan pretends to lose control, pushing her back against a tree. Instead of biting Valkyrie, he kisses her.

The Zombie King Vaurien Scapegrace was on the verge of falling apart, he was restlessly searching for a cure, which would help him to treat the downside of being a zombie. As he searches in vain, he acquires the location of Skulduggery's house, and takes his information to Roarhaven, where he was to sell it to the one who offers the information he needed. Among the auctioneers were Lightning Dave, Hokum Pete, Brobding, Hieronymus Deadfall, and unknown to them, Tesseract. While the former were keen to get the location, Tesseract eliminated each of them and gained the information he needed, and set to capture and kill Davina Marr.

Meanwhile, Anton Shudder is possessed by a remnant and frees all the remnants from the Midnight Hotel. Tesseract also attacks Skulduggery Pleasant and his friends, who have Davina Marr. After killing Marr, Tesseract returns to the Torment to collect a payment, only to be almost killed and buried alive by his collaborators Graft and Ceryen. Tesseract escapes, killing Graft and infiltrating the Sanctuary. He kills Ceryen but is attacked by the Torment and other Children of the Spider. During the fight, however, remnants attack the Sanctuary, and Tesseract is possessed.

At Christmas time, after a Christmas dinner where Valkyrie notices that Carol and Crystal have become nicer people, Valkyrie is taken to Dr Nye, who seals her True name. However, Nye double-crosses her and attempts to perform experiments on her, making Valkyrie threaten it with Necromancy. After explaining to Skulduggery that she is Darquesse, they find Scapegrace and bring him to Grouse to prevent his body from decaying. In Roarhaven, Finbar has been mentally disturbed by remnants and Solomon Wreath is possessed. At Bespoke Tailors, Skulduggery, Ghastly, and the others are attacked by Remnant-possessed Wreath with two other sorcerers, forcing them to retreat.

Valkyrie and Fletcher go dancing, but everyone in the nightclub is possessed by remnants. Valkyrie is forced to explain sorcery to Crystal and Carol in order to convince them to leave. At the Hibernian, the sorcerers all formulate a plan to activate the giant Soul-Catcher at MacGillicuddy's Reeks in order to capture all the remnants. Grouse also releases a harmless virus that makes people act like they are possessed in order to cover up the remnant outbreak. Valkyrie also shows the group Echo Stone Gordon to help. Skulduggery, meanwhile, plans to enter the new Sanctuary with a couple of sorcerers, but they fail and Skulduggery, the only one who cannot be possessed, escapes while the others are possessed.

During the search for the key to the Soul-Catcher, Tanith and Ghastly confess that they have feelings for each other. The key halves are recovered in a church and from a sorcerer. Fletcher is possessed at the Hibernian. Valkyrie is saved from Fletcher by Billy-Ray Sanguine, who also hints that he has feelings for Tanith too. Valkyrie searches for Kenspeckle, only to discover that Clarabelle has become possessed and has stabbed Kenspeckle to death. Valkyrie is saved from Fletcher by Caelan, who lets her leave with the group.

Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ghastly, Tanith, China and Billy-Ray start driving to the Soul-Catcher, but China reveals she is possessed and attacks the group. Ghastly is possessed and Sanguine steals the key. However, Ghastly and the others possessed capture Valkyrie. At the Soul-Catcher, Valkyrie is possessed and is turned into Darquesse. She kills many people but is stopped by Skulduggery, who convinces her to destroy the remnant inside of her. The Soul-Catcher is turned on and all the remnants are sucked back in, except for Tesseract's, who possesses Tanith. Tanith then attacks Valkyrie and the others. Right before she hurts Valkyrie, Skulduggery shows up and she leaves.

At the Sanctuary, a new Council is chosen, with Erskine Ravel as the Grand Mage, and Ghastly and Madame Mist as the other Elders. Fletcher takes Valkyrie to Australia to apologise for his actions, but Valkyrie continues to be interested in Caelan. After the four-day period, by which time Tanith becomes permanently possessed, Tanith visits Valkyrie. She now has Billy-Ray as a boyfriend and tells Valkyrie that she slowly plans on leading her towards being Darquesse. The two then leave for Ohio.

At the end of the book, Tesseract breaks into the Torment's apartments and kills him. Skulduggery attempts to arrest Tesseract, but something appears and mortally wounds Tesseract. Skulduggery reveals that it was Lord Vile, who had returned to kill Valkyrie. Tesseract requests Skulduggery to take him outside to see the sunset. As the two sit on a bench, Tesseract dies trying to smile.

Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy

The brothers Antonio (Totò) and Peppino (Peppino De Filippo) Caponi are boorish landowners living in southern Italy. Antonio is lavish and steals his stingy brother's money. Gianni (Teddy Reno), their sister Lucia (Vittoria Crispo)'s son, is studying medicine in Naples, when he falls in love with Marisa (Dorian Gray), a revue dancer, and follows her to Milan.

The news is broken to the family with an anonymous letter, and the three brothers travel to Milan in an attempt to stop the relationship, which they consider dangerous. Antonio and Peppino try to bribe Marisa away from Gianni but he woos her back by moving her to tears with the song "Malafemmina", and Lucia realizes that she is a good girl. In the end, she leaves the revue world, moves to their village and marries Gianni.

Darkstar: The Interactive Movie

The player is Captain John O'Neil of the ''Westwick''. You awaken from a cryogenic sleep that has spanned a period of over 300 years. As a result of the abnormally long hibernation, you have no memory as to who you are, where you are, or why you are there. Beside you are three other sleep chambers. One is empty, the other is occupied by a beautiful woman, and in the final chamber lies the body of a man–300 years dead and missing his left hand.

Your ship is damaged and helplessly adrift in the orbit of the ominous Theta Alpha III. An unknown crew member has deleted any data that provides an explanation as to why this is.

You know, despite the emptiness and desolation, that someone is in the cold silence waiting for you.

And, as if the day isn't bad enough, the Earth has been destroyed for three centuries.

No Contest (film)

A Miss Galaxy competition is hijacked by a gang who take a number of hostages and demand diamonds as a ransom. However, the host, Sharon Bell, a kick-boxing actress, is determined to stop them.

Possessed (1983 film)

An insane man is shot dead by two cops Kung and Hsiao after he refused to listen to them and stabbed a woman dead. After that, the two cops always meet strange things and Hsiao's girl friend is also haunted too. In order to reduce the fear, the cops employ a Taoist to find out the problem. After several enchantments, the Taoist discovers the truth: As Hsiao's father was involved in some corruption that led to a death. Now the spirit of the victim has returned from hell for revenge.

Possessed II

A bar waitress lived with her boyfriend and gave birth to a baby boy called Paul. Seven years later, her boyfriend abandoned the family and never returned. Out of rage, the bar waitress committed suicide and killed Paul too. Thirty years later, new residents move in the house while knowing nothing about its history. When they get settled, strange things start to happen...

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

The novel begins in the summer of 1799 at the Dutch East India Company trading post Dejima in the harbor of Nagasaki. It tells the story of a Dutch trader's love for a Japanese midwife who is spirited away into a sinister mountain temple cult.

Part 1: The Bride For Whom We Dance

In 1799, Japanese midwife Orito Aibagawa helps deliver the baby of Magistrate Shiroyama.

Jacob de Zoet, working as a clerk on a Dutch merchant ship, arrives at the island of Dejima, midway through an ad hoc trial of Daniel Snitker, the acting chief of a factory on the island. Jacob hopes to make his fortune working under Chief Vorstenbosch and the Dutch East India Company to pay for the dowry of his betrothed, Anna. After Snitker is fired for smuggling, Deputy Melchior Van Cleef considers Jacob for the position. Jacob meets Orito, who, along with being a midwife, is also a talented student and the only female at the medical academy led by Dr. Marinus. Jacob sneaks a Psalter onto Dejima, and if discovered as a Christian, he will be deported at the least and executed at the worst due to Japan's anti-Christian laws. The interpreter, Ogawa Uzaemon, keeps Jacob's Psalter a secret, and the two form a friendship.

Jacob realizes that Vorstenbosch only outed Snitker to make an example: Vorstenbosch punishes Jacob for not signing a forged document by forcing him to remain on the island for longer than his allotted time.

On New Year's Day, Orito is taken to live at the Mount Shiranui Shrine, run by Abbot Enomoto.

Part 2: The Mountain Fastness

A monk from Enomoto's monastery escapes with a scroll detailing the atrocities at Mount Shiranui: the monks rape the women kept at the Shrine, and the cult sacrifices the babies to attain immortality. The women of the Shrine, however, believe that their children are still alive, living down in the city. The scroll eventually comes into the possession of Jacob.

Unlike the other women, Orito isn't intended to be a mother, but a midwife to help the other women through their pregnancies. Orito eventually discovers a way out and nearly escapes the compound, but her guilt for abandoning the women overpowers her, and she gives herself up to the Shrine.

Before the events of the novel, Ogawa Uzaemon intended to marry Orito, but their circumstances prevented it. He still loves her, however, and, being a trained samurai, he mounts a rescue mission. When they arrive at the Shrine, however, Uzaemon is betrayed by his team to Enomoto, who kills him.

Part 3: The Master Of ''Go''

Captain Penhaligon leads a crew of Englishmen in their attempt to take the trade route with Nagasaki for themselves (in response to the fall of the VOC on New Year's Day). They do this with the help of Daniel Snitker, assisting out of hatred for Vorstenbosch (who has left for the Netherlands) and Jacob. As the Dutchmen on Dejima refuse to submit to the English, the conflict escalates to actual war: the English ship fires, accidentally hitting Nagasaki as well. With Japanese firepower against them, the English retreat.

Having earned Shiroyama's respect in the conflict, Jacob gives the magistrate the scroll listing the atrocities of the Shrine of Mount Shiranui. Shiroyama heroically sacrifices himself to kill Enomoto, poisoning their drinks at their game of ''Go''.

Part 4: The Rainy Season

Years, later, Jacob marries and has a son with a Japanese woman other than Orito. Orito lives happily, leading the academy the late Marinus founded.

Part 5: The Last Pages

Jacob returns to the Netherlands without his son, remarries, and has another son. On his deathbed, he thinks of Orito.

Into the Gauntlet

''Into the Gauntlet'' begins as Amy and Dan Cahill enter a London hotel tired and with no lead whatsoever. They receive another lead, which Amy realizes leads to William Shakespeare, so they go to a performance of ''Romeo and Juliet'' in The Globe Theatre. Once there, they confront the Starlings, who are back in the clue hunt after being sent to the hospital in an explosion back in ''The Maze of Bones'', and steal their lead, but they are trapped by Jonah Wizard, who was forced back into the clue hunt by Cora Wizard, the Holts, Alistair Oh, and the Kabras. Hamilton Holt steals the piece of paper with the lead, but Dan rips off the top and bottom, and he and Amy run away while everyone else is fighting over the rest of the lead.

Amy and Dan realize that it leads to Shakespeare's grave site, and are among the last to arrive there. However, they are surprised to find that no one is fighting with each other and are instead making unsuccessful exchanges of clues and information. After the other teams leave, Dan rubs the grave and finds a secret message in which Shakespeare asks them to dig up his grave.

Inside Shakespeare's grave, Amy and Dan find a lead that takes them to the house of the original Cahills—a house on an island off the coast of Ireland. The other teams follow them there, but they are forced to work together as they make their way through the gauntlet, a series of doors with questions about the clue hunt. However, every door except the last is opened, and when they reach the vial that supposedly has the master serum, they find that Isabel Kabra beat them to it. She reveals that the serum is fake and forces them to give her all their clues to save the people they love. However, when Isabel is about to drink it, Ned Starling bursts into the room, and she turns towards him, about to shoot him with her gun.

Everyone unites and charges her, knocking the gun and the serum out of her hands. Only Amy and Dan hold her down while everyone else chases after the serum. In the ensuing fight, Amy destroys the serum, but everyone gives Amy and Dan their clues because they were the only ones that held down Isabel while they all chased after the serum.

After finding their way out of the gauntlet, the teams separate on amiable terms, and Amy and Dan stay behind with Fiske Cahill and Mr. McIntyre, who give them a letter from Grace. They then reveal that the entire Clue Hunt was just a preparation for the battle with another family. Amy and Dan are left in the legal custody of both their Great-Uncle Fiske and Nellie, but the letter makes it clear that their adventures aren't over yet.

Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok

Set in a mysterious utopian city that has been abandoned, the player takes on the role of an anonymous urban photographer who becomes trapped at the center of a battle between good and evil at the time of Ragnarök.

The Franchise Affair (film)

In a quiet English town, 14-year-old schoolgirl Betty Kane (Ann Stephens) claims that the owners of an isolated house ("The Franchise"), spinster Marion Sharpe (Dulcie Gray) and Marion's mother (Marjorie Fielding), kidnapped and beat her. The police believe Betty's story, but local lawyer Robert Blair (Michael Denison), a bachelor, is sceptical. Risking ostracism from the community, Blair quietly sets about proving the innocence of the two women. The community begin to shun the women as they have already effectively been tried by the local press. Attacks on the house begin: breaking windows and painting graffiti on the walls. A local garage mechanic (Kenneth More) offers to help guard the house.

It eventually emerges that Betty was claiming to be 19 and having an affair with a travelling salesman. She planned to explain her absence by a kidnap and chose "The Franchise" house, having seen it over the high wall from the top of a double decker bus.

Lawyer Blair asks Marion to marry him, but she declines and after the trial she and her mother go to fly away to Canada. However Robert is sitting in the seat behind her on the plane and surprises them both.

Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower

Assigned a mission to capture a missing-nin named Mukade, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Yamato and Sai wield chakra-knives. At the one thousand-year-old desert city ruins of Loran, they confront Mukade attempting to dominate the Ninja World with the power of the Ryūmyaku (the Ley Line in English), an ancient chakra flowing deep underground. He breaks the seal created by Minato Namikaze to unleash the Ryūmyaku's power, creating a light that engulfs Naruto and Yamato, before Sai and Sakura ride on an ink bird and attempt to escape.

Naruto and Yamato are sent twenty years into the past. When Naruto awakens from this time slip, he meets the queen of Loran, Sāra. It is later revealed that Mukade traveled to the past six years before Naruto and changed his name to Anrokuzan, the minister of Loran who had killed Sāra's mother Sēramu. Naruto agrees to protect Sāra, after Anrokuzan declares about the kidnapped citizens and creates to summon the "Puppet Ninja Forces". Minato, Shibi Aburame, Chōza Akimichi, and Kakashi Hatake, on their own mission to stop Anrokuzan, appear to support the heroes. While they rescue Sara's people and Naruto holds Minato's kunai, Sāra recalls her memory about Sēramu's lullaby. Anrokuzan uses the parts of the tower to become a giant defensive puppet. Minato and Naruto use their regenerative chakra enough to create the legendary Super Rasengan. After Sāra disables Anrokuzan's technique, Minato exposes Anrokuzan's weak spot and Naruto destroys it. As Yamato and Kakashi rescue Naruto and Sāra, Minato uses the kunai to completely seal off the power. Just as the heroes vanish from the past, Minato erases all of their memories to keep history unchanged.

With Mukade gone, Sakura and Sai reunite with Naruto and Yamato in the present. As they are about to leave the ruins, they run into Queen Sāra's daughter, who kept the old chakra blade that belonged to Naruto. She informs that it was given to her mother by a 'hero in a dream. Naruto recognizes his blade, reaches out to his back where he usually keeps his blade but it isn't there. He's left dumbfounded, but Sakura pinches his ear and accuses him of having a perverted dream.

How I Got Lost

The story involves a young disillusioned banker (Aaron Stanford) as seen through the eyes of his sportswriting best friend (Jacob Fishel), who has emotionally withdrawn since September 11, 2001 and the end of his post-9/11 relationship. When the two decide to leave town, the film becomes a road movie about the hidden gifts of getting lost.

The Genesis Code

Kerry Wells (Kelsey Sanders), a college student journalist and committed Christian, has been assigned to do a story on Blake Truman (Logan Bartholomew), the college's hockey superstar. Blake struggles with personal crisis but rejects Kerry's reliance on her faith. He is convinced that modern science has disproved the Bible and especially the Genesis story of creation. Together they discover that the creation story and science may be in perfect accord.

''The Genesis Code'' takes on two current social and cultural issues: Evolution vs. creation and end-of-life decisions. Although this becomes a romance story, it gives a look to the age-old question of how science and a book of the Bible, Genesis, may both be correct and told in a format that a normal layperson will understand.

The Black Hussar (1932 film)

In 1812, during the French period, large parts of Germany are occupied by the troops of Napoleon. Several paramilitary Freikorps units battle the French forces, among them the Black Brunswickers led by the 'Black Duke' Frederick William of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. After the War of the Fifth Coalition, the Black Hussars are pursued by Napoleon throughout the country, but frequently take refuge with the noble-minded German people.

While the Duke has taken a passage to the Isle of Wight, his cavalry officer (''Rittmeister'') Hansgeorg von Hochberg and his friend Lieutenant Aribert von Blome hide away in an inn with two young women. They hear of the plans evolved by the French governor Darmont to abduct Duke Frederick William's bride, Princess Marie of Baden, to marry her to the Polish prince Potovski.

King of the Damned

Convict 83 is a prisoner on an island, where the harsh regime of the Governor pushes him to lead a revolt.

The Passing of the Third Floor Back

The film focuses on a run-down boarding house in London, home to assorted residents. Many of them cling precariously to their social positions with only one figure, the wealthy self-made businessman Mr Wright, being truly successful. The house is owned by the grasping Mrs Sharpe, who mistreats the maid, Stasia, a rehabilitated juvenile delinquent. The members of the household are miserable and openly sneering and rude towards each other, the one exception being the respect shown by all to the powerful Mr Wright. In the case of one couple, Major Tomkin and his wife, this involves pressuring their daughter, Vivian, to marry Wright in spite of her obvious horror at the idea.

The house's familiar routine is thrown off-balance when a mysterious foreigner (secretly an angel), takes up residence. In time, he earns the respect of the others in the house, especially Stasia. He takes a room on the "third floor back" and joins the residents for a dinner being held in celebration of the engagement between Wright and Vivian. It becomes evident that she does not want to marry Wright because she is in love with one of the other lodgers, and she storms out of the room. The desperate Major later tries to convince Wright that it is a misunderstanding and that the engagement is still on. He and his wife are terrified and by the loss of security if the marriage is broken off.

The stranger observes the meanness shown by the other members of the house, and gently encourages them to treat each other better and to pursue their dreams rather than live in fear about their precarious social positions. This gradually begins to work, as some of the house's residents are convinced by his charisma. On a bank holiday, the stranger announces that he will treat them all to a boat trip to Margate, surprising the more snobbish residents by insisting that the servants, including Stasia, join them. Despite the initial awkwardness, the outing soon begins to go well. When Stasia falls in the River Thames, one of the women jumps in to save her life. Once Stasia is rescued, she is looked after by the Tomkins, who treat her as though she were their daughter. They also begin to regret their bullying of their own daughter into a marriage with Wright. During the trip, various members of the household begin to enjoy themselves and treat each other with more respect.

Wright resents this change, and he spitefully begins to wreck the stranger's attempts to reform the guests. The next day, the inhabitants return to their previous unhappy existence and resume fighting. Wright taunts the stranger by demonstrating how easily he has corrupted them through the simple power of his money. The stranger tries to convince Wright that he, too, should try to seek a better and happier life, but Wright rejects this. Their dispute develops into a moral battle between the stranger's goodness and Wright's evil.

Friday the Thirteenth (1933 film)

The film depicts the lives of several passengers in the hours before they are involved in a bus crash.

Let the Devil Wear Black

Jack, a grad student who has a history of mental illness can not get over the death of his father. Jack decides to take over his father's business. After receiving an anonymous tip that his father was murdered, he tries to put together the murder scheme. Soon after, he settles on his uncle Carl as the prime suspect. At the same time, he realizes that his life is in danger.


''Teaserama'' is presented as a documentary film, with all actors and actresses playing themselves. It opens with Bettie Page assisting Tempest Storm with her brassiere. Afterwards, when the show begins, Page separates the acts by showing placards with the names of the acts. Stripteases are provided by Storm, Chris La Chris, Twinnie Wallen, Trudy Wayne, Vicki Lynn, and Cherry Knight. Stand-up comedy is provided by Joe E. Ross and Dave Starr.

The Visual Bible: Matthew

In Israel/Palestine/Jordan, then known as Judea (Roman province) of the Roman Empire, Jesus Christ of Nazareth travels around the country with His disciples preaching to the people about God and salvation of their souls. As prophesied in the Old Testament books, he was born of the virgin, Mary. He performed great miracles while spreading the gospel of hope and peace as the son of God and the Messiah who can save men from eternal death if they believed in Him. He is then arrested by the Romans and crucified. He rises from the dead after three days.

To Sirloin with Love

Hank finds himself left alone with Bobby when Peggy decides to spend an evening with the other women of the neighborhood. The two have an uneasy dinner at a steakhouse, during which Bobby surprises Hank by accurately pointing out the inferior quality of their steaks. This draws the attention of the coach of the Heimlich County Junior College meat examination team, and Hank enthusiastically supports Bobby's decision to join them. Driven by his talents - which were brought on by Hank teaching Bobby about cows and cuts of meat ever since he was a baby - the team performs well until the final event of the regional competition. Bobby represents HCJC, confident that he can deliver a victory, but makes a crucial mistake that results in a fourth-place finish. Even though the team has qualified at the statewide level, Bobby's teammates lose all their confidence in him.

At dinner the night before State, Bobby discovers that the rest of the team does not share his passion for meat and will do anything to win, even assaulting rival squads if necessary. He decides to quit, but Hank insists on riding to State with the team as well. Suddenly, the bus is hijacked by supporters of Texas A&F, HCJC's nemesis, and stranded in a creek. At home, Peggy, Enrique, and Joe Jack bring out a small propane grill meant as a surprise present for Bobby after the state finals, so that he and Hank can grill together. Seeing the grill inspires Bobby to rejoin the team, but when Peggy drives him there, they learn of the others' absence and Bobby has to represent HCJC by himself.

Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer find the stranded bus, having followed it from Arlen, and give Hank and the team a ride to State. On the way, Hank realizes that Bobby was right about the others and berates them sharply for giving up on him so easily. Peggy calls Boomhauer to find out what is going on, having first tried to call Hank, whose cell phone was taken during the hijacking; by the time the team arrives, Bobby has reached the final event and is about to face off against Texas A&F. His teammates push him to the sidelines, but a pep talk from Hank gives him the confidence to stand up to them. Despite his teammates' verbal lack of faith in him, Bobby correctly identifies a minuscule flaw in a side of beef that all the others had missed, winning the championship for HCJC.

Afterward, Hank and Bobby fire up their grills, having finally found a common interest, and attract a yard full of happy, hungry neighbors ready for a cookout. Kahn tells Connie to take the night off from studying; Dale has figured out how to relieve Nancy's headaches on his own, Lucky and Luanne scoop up Gracie and head for the Hills'; and Boomhauer hurries over, leaving his wallet behind - which flips open to reveal a Texas Ranger badge, the only definitive indication of his career in the entire series. As Bobby puts the last steak on the grill, Hank reassures him that he can grill for his entire life. The final shot of the episode mirrors the beginning of the series pilot, with the camera panning over Arlen accompanied by a "yep" from Bobby.

The Descendants

Matthew "Matt" King is a Honolulu-based attorney and the sole trustee of a family trust of of pristine land on Kauai. The land has great monetary value, but is also a family legacy. While Matt (like his father before) has ably managed his own finances, most of his cousins have squandered their inheritances. With the trust expiring in seven years due to the rule against perpetuities, the King clan is pressuring Matt to sell the land for hundreds of millions of dollars. Amidst these discussions, a boating accident has rendered Matt's wife, Elizabeth, comatose. With Elizabeth hospitalized, Matt is forced to cope with his two troubled daughters, 10-year-old Scottie, who seeks attention by bullying other children, and 17-year-old Alex with a history of substance abuse who is away at a private boarding school on the Big Island. Doctors determine that Elizabeth's coma is irreversible and her living will directs all life support to be discontinued. When Matt tells Alex, she reveals she learned Elizabeth was having an affair during her last visit, causing a major rift between mother and daughter.

Two close family friends, Kai and Mark Mitchell, tell Matt that Elizabeth was unhappy and loved Brian Speer, a real estate agent, and wanted a divorce. After Matt informs friends about Elizabeth's condition so they can say goodbye, he decides Brian should also have an opportunity to do the same. He and the girls, along with Alex's slacker friend Sid, travel to Kauai to find Brian. While there, Matt's cousin, Hugh, mentions that Brian is brother-in-law to Don Hollitzer, the developer to whom the majority of the family wants to sell the land. Brian stands to make a small fortune from the sales commission. Matt privately confronts Brian and informs him Elizabeth is dying, and offers him an opportunity to say goodbye. Brian says Elizabeth loved him, but he only loves his wife and children, then apologizes to Matt.

Frustrated and fragile from recent events, Matt asks Dr. Johnston to explain Elizabeth's inevitable death to Scottie. Elizabeth is disconnected from life support. Elizabeth's father, Scott, admonishes Matt for failing to be a more generous and loving husband. Withholding his wife's affair, Matt agrees with him, but Sid and Alex unexpectedly defend Matt. At the King family meeting, Matt overrules the majority vote of his cousins, deciding instead to keep the land and look for a way around the rule against perpetuities. Shocked, Hugh tells Matt that the family will take legal action, but Matt is undeterred.

After learning about Brian's affair with Elizabeth, his wife, Julie, comes to the hospital. She tearfully tells a comatose Elizabeth that she wants to hate her for "trying to destroy" her family, but that she forgives her. Matt comes to terms with his wife's infidelity and impending death. He kisses her goodbye, followed by Alex and Scottie. They later scatter Elizabeth's ashes in the ocean off Waikiki.

The Head of the House of Coombe

Lord Coombe is considered to be the best-dressed man in London. He is also a man whose public reputation, despite his formidable intellect and observant eye, is one of unmitigated wickedness. During one of his social forays, he meets a selfish young woman named 'Feather' with the face of an angel. Fascinated by her, he slowly drifts into her circle. When her husband dies unexpectedly, leaving her alone and desolate in London, he ends up taking her under his wing.

Feather has a daughter named Robin, of whom she takes little notice. She treats Robin with shocking neglect and once Coombe takes over responsibility for the household's finances, Feather readily abandons poor Robin to the less-than-kindly ministrations of her nurse. In fact, Robin doesn't even know Feather is her mother for her first six years, calling her 'The Lady Downstairs'. Robin also hates Coombe, having heard a conversation that blamed him for the loss of her first friend. This was a little boy named Donal who was in fact Coombe's heir. Donal's mother disapproves both of Coombe and Feather and when she discovers that her son has been playing with Robin, she whisks him away, leaving Robin heartbroken. However, Coombe does not return this dislike and in fact makes a point of serving as her guardian, albeit without Robin's knowledge. As Robin grows, he builds her a set of rooms, engages a loving nurse for her, and eventually secures a reputable governess for her. While her mother continues to behave with the selfish freedom of a wanton child.

As Robin grows, she becomes a lovely and intelligent though innocent, girl. Feather's circle includes some unsavory characters, one of whom, a German nobleman, tries to make Robin into his plaything. This caricature of Imperial German stereotypes uses Robin's desire to support herself to trap her in a house of ill repute. His plan fails mainly through the actions of Coombe, but the after-effects leave Robin crushed.

One of Coombe's few true confidants is a dowager Duchess - a woman of both great intellect and great understanding who has recently lost her long-time lady companion. After Robin's experiences with the German, Coombe suggests Robin as a suitable replacement. The Duchess is the one person who knows the secret of Coombe's determination to watch over Robin and why he is willing to tolerate the activities of her mother. This secret is finally communicated to the reader as well during one of Coombe's talks with the Duchess. The Duchess does indeed take in Robin and befriends her. Robin is introduced to the Duchess' children and their friends and finally sponsors a small dance for Robin. At the dance, Robin meets Donal again as Coombe and the Duchess learn that an Austrian Archduke has just been assassinated in Serbia.

This Thing Called Love (1929 film)

A man returns from a trip to Peru rich and looking for a wife. While still single, he has a real estate agent show him a house or two. The agent invites him to dinner, during which the agent and his wife start bickering, causing the poor fellow to rethink marriage over. He does still want to share his home with someone, however, so he has the agent's sister-in-law move in. Eventually, they fell in love.

Things Happen at Night

An English country house is plagued by a poltergeist who destroys things in the home, rearranges pictures on the wall, and possesses the daughter of the owner causing her to be expelled from school. A psychic ghost breaker and an insurance agent help the homeowners battle and expel the spirit.

Cops and Roger

Roger and Francine plan a day of shopping while Stan is doing a stakeout. When they are mugged, Roger flees in panic and Francine ends up with a black eye. Feeling insecure about his manhood, Roger joins the Langley Falls Police Academy after watching an ad for it. Things go poorly at first, as Roger is in poor physical shape and cannot even properly state the Miranda rights. Roger receives advice from Stan to not give up, and Roger admits he wishes he could be a real man like Stan. Realizing Roger is serious, Stan trains Roger and helps him succeed in becoming a police officer. Roger does so well, he comes under the eye of crooked cop Chaz Migliaccio, who soon teaches Roger how to take advantage of his position, by first beating up his mugger. Stan notices Roger's actions when he assaults the criminals Stan is staking out, and is astonished that Roger is a dirty cop after only being on the force three hours.

Roger commits more crimes, acts overconfident, and harasses people. Stan confronts Roger, telling him that he is acting dishonorably; Roger responds that he now feels like he has all the power he lacked before and likes it. Stan decides to turn Roger in, but Chaz gets word and orders Roger to kill Stan. However, Stan gives the tape of their crimes to Roger, deciding to believe in Roger's original intention of being a good cop and trusting him to do the right thing. When Roger meets with Chaz at a warehouse, he finds Chaz has captured Stan, gives Roger a gun, and orders Roger to kill him. Roger tells him that Stan gave the tape to him, but Chaz believes Stan will turn them in no matter what. Roger turns the gun on Chaz, but it is not loaded. Chaz pursues Roger, managing to shoot him in the shoulder. Roger climbs up a rope, and in an act of desperation, performs an elbowdrop directly on Chaz's head, causing it explode from the impact, killing him (which Roger notes was unexpected). In the end, Stan assures Roger that he is proud of him for doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, Hayley apologizes to Reginald for coming on to him in the previous episode and suggests a double date with Ian and Rhonda. On their date, Hayley and Reginald flirt constantly, much to the annoyance of their partners; Rhonda is particularly upset when Reginald abruptly reveals that she has acid reflux. Later, Hayley and Reginald watch a movie about their exact situation, severely tempting them. The next day, Reginald reveals he broke up with Rhonda, and Hayley responds that she also broke up with Ian. Reginald suggests a date, and Hayley accepts. After Reginald leaves, Hayley calls Ian and breaks up with him.

He Snoops to Conquer

The film is set in immediate post-war Britain. After being ordered to do a piece on town planning two newspapermen randomly pick on the small, industrial town of Tangleton. After arriving at the town hall the only man they can find working is the odd job man, George Gribble, who gives them a guided tour of the town. However, they run a negative angle on the story highlighting the fact that the wealthy leader of the council, Mr Oxbold, lives in a giant house by himself while Gribble is one of fourteen staying in a tiny slum house. When they read the article, the town's leaders order Gribble to do a public opinion investigation around the town. Instead of doing a cross section as ordered, he interviews the entire town's population. The results he produces shock the town's complacent leaders, who discover the people are deeply unhappy with the status quo and wants radical changes in living conditions and other services. This is a blow to the council leader and his colleagues who all have financial interests in keeping the town as it is. Oxbold is a slum landlord who fears a Whitehall scheme to demolish much of the existing town and rebuild it with council houses. To avert this, Oxbold and his colleagues decide to send off to London only those limited number of forms which praise the current situation. Gribble is ordered to burn the rest but, not wishing to waste paper, he puts them out for salvage instead.

Gribble had agreed to conduct the polling in return for being paid £27.10s (decimal equivalent: £27.50), which he needed to give to a loan shark. However, facing upcoming municipal elections with a clearly unpopular the town's leader decides to invite the inventor Sir Timothy Strawbridge to stand for the council to boost its popularity. Strawbridge is a wealthy, reclusive, eccentric who enjoys popularity in the town because of his extensive Philanthropy. Strawbridge was the only man who did not respond to the polling because Gribble could not get past the door by the butler. Gribble is told he cannot have his money until he completes his survey and is sent off to find out of Strawbridge has sound opinions, but again fails to get into the house. He then enjoys a chance meeting with Strawbridge in the street, when after a mishap, they find themselves careering through the town on the road sweeper. Gribble accidentally presses a button that releases all the unfavourable polling forms through the street. To avoid the police on their tail they go and shelter in Strawbridge’s house, where Gribble meets Strawbridge’s daughter Jane who he is immediately smitten by.

Despite finally persuading Strawbridge to fill out his form Gribble is sacked by his bosses when they discover that it was he who originally showed the newspapermen round the town. His problems mount when he is beset by an angry mob of townspeople who have found the abandoned forms on the street and blame Gribble for the cover up. He is also pursued by a bailiff for the money he owes. However, Jane comes up with the idea of Gribble running for the council on a pro-town planning platform. With the support of the newspaper, he soon builds up a head of steam and looks likely to be elected. Oxbold and his colleagues plan to top this by getting their hands on the forms to destroy the evidence of their dishonesty. After Gribbles' furniture is possessed by the bailiffs including the vase where he had stored the forms, he takes part in a desperate race against the clock in order to recover them and produce them at a major town planning conference. Gribble fails to recover them but is saved by Strawbridge who had recorded them electronically. The film ends with the crooked councillors exposed and Gribble being hailed by the people.

A Cup of Kindness (film)

The son and daughter of two feuding families announce their upcoming marriage, to widespread uproar.

House of Five Leaves

Set during Japan's Edo period, ''House of Five Leaves'' follows Masanosuke Akitsu, a (wandering samurai) and a skilled swordsman, whose timid personality often causes him to be let go by his employers. One day, he encounters Yaichi, the charismatic leader of a group of bandits calling themselves the Five Leaves, and is offered a job as his bodyguard. Although he is worried about their intentions, Masanosuke is intrigued by the group and agrees to work with them.

O.H.M.S. (film)

An American gangster evades the New York Police's pursuit of him for a murder he didn't commit by fleeing to England with the victim's papers, having assumed his identity. Once in England he joins the British Army and finds romance and adventure on campaign in China.

A Captain's Duty

Phillips was a mariner of 30 years' experience when his ship was taken. He took extensive security precautions to keep his crew safe and hidden, leaving himself as the only possible hostage. This led to an ordeal of several days in a lifeboat in the hands of pirates, whom Phillips portrays as alternately conciliatory, vicious, and unfocused.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy assembled a large task force, and tensions steadily rose, as did Phillips’ fear for his life. The book details Phillips' attempted escape and eventual rescue by U.S. Navy SEALs, and portrays Phillips' wife Andrea as loyal and strong-willed.

Crime of the Century (audio drama)

The Doctor has a masterplan that begins in London, Friday 13 October 1989. Cat burglar Raine Creevey infiltrates a fancy dinner party to crack open their safe. That's where she discovers the Doctor. He is gathering rare artifacts and distributing them carefully. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union is invading a country in the Middle East. But a third army has been attacking both sides: noble, insectoid aliens known as the Metatraxi.

Thin Ice (audio drama)

The Doctor and Ace arrive in Russia, 1967. The Russians are hoping to gain an advantage in the Cold War after discovering ancient Martian technology. However, the Ice Warriors want one particularly important artifact back. This will not be a test for the Doctor, but a test for Ace. He believes she may be ready to graduate.

The Second Doctor Boxset

The Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive at a point in the future when the Earth is ruled by Chairman Babs and all men are subjugated. While Zoe is brainwashed, Jamie and the Doctor are sent to a satellite prison where they instigate a revolution for men's suffrage.

The Second Doctor Boxset

Soldiers in the far future battle against the menace of the Daleks.

The First Doctor Boxset

The First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara arrive in 323 BC, Babylon and befriend the King of Macedon, the ruler of the known world, Alexander the Great. They join Alexander on his travels, along with his generals and officers, including his brave but contemptuous father figure Cleitus, the wise Calanus of India, the nobel young Hephaestion, the Nubian bodyguard Ptolemy, the prophetic priest Iollas and the cunning Seleucus. Over the course of their weeks together, Alexander's greatest friends suffer horrible deaths. Suspicion falls on the Doctor and his companions, who must prove their worth to escape execution. But when the great king himself falls ill, his life is in their hands.

The First Doctor Boxset

The TARDIS arrives on a beautiful utopian world known as Fragrance. The Doctor persuades the peaceful inhabitants to build a filament that could improve his ship's navigation. And Barbara spends time with a young man named Rhythm, who falls in love with her. When his feelings are not reciprocated, his life is forfeit.

The French Atlantic Affair

A luxury ocean liner, the SS Marseille of the French Atlantic Line, is hijacked by Father Dunleavy, a messianic priest, and his cult followers for a $70 million ransom in gold. Harold Columbine, a novelist, and Charles Girodt, the ship's captain, attempt to save the lives of the passengers, some of whom are also members of the group.

Two young amateur radio enthusiasts are the only link between the ship and the outside world. The SS ''Marseilles'' was based on the ocean liner SS ''France'' (1961) of the French Line.

In the novel, the hijackers were a group of employees laid off by NASA and its contractors after the termination of the Apollo program. The amateur radio operators were a passenger (not a member of the terrorist group), and his on-shore friend, both of whom were physicians.

Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster

Summer vacation has come and Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo meet up with Fred and Daphne so they can go to meet Daphne's uncle, Thornton "Thorny" Blake V, who has given them summer jobs at his country club in Erie Point in order to pay back damages from a prior mystery. The night of the club's opening party, a huge frog-like monster suddenly appears and wreaks havoc. The gang decides to investigate the only person who has ever taken a picture of the lake monster, a lighthouse keeper named Elmer Uggins. He then tells them the story of the lake monster: when people were first settling in Erie Point, a witch named Wanda Grubwort warned them not to come onto her land. They paid no attention to her, so she used her magic staff - which used moonstones as the source of her power - to turn a frog into a horrible monster that attacked the villagers. Wanda was later tried for her crimes and burnt at the stake.

The next day, Velma shows the others security footage of the lake monster meeting a mysteriously cloaked figure on the beach. They begin to zoom in on the figure to see its face, but Velma accidentally spills her green tea on the computer and destroys the footage. Things are further complicated due to friction between Fred and Daphne, whose relationship is strained due to them regularly finding each other socializing with other people, as well as Shaggy's blossoming feelings for Velma causing him to alienate Scooby.

The next morning, they find Velma unconscious on the beach. Shaggy begins to tell her that he was very worried, but stops when he notices warts on her hand. Velma looks surprised, but guiltily assures them that it is nothing. After they fill her in on the latest monster attack, Daphne says that she saw purple paint on the figure's cloak and suggests they check out a boat that they saw on the way to Erie Point. Shaggy asks Velma out on a date, and things go well until he lights a match to light some candles. Velma flings herself back in terror, though she is unsure why. Scooby, who is angry at Shaggy for ignoring him, tries to ruin the date, causing Shaggy to knock over the table and drop the moonstone on the ground that he was going to give to Velma as a surprise. Fred and Daphne go to see the boat, but are then locked in a flooding room by the monster. However, they are able to escape.

The gang drives to the home of Hilda Trowburg, who is Wanda's descendant. They see the witch's figure through the windows, who is soon discovered to be a very warty Velma. She claims to not be Velma and attacks the gang, knocking them out for a moment. The gang wakes up later and find Trowburg, who says that the spirit of her ancestor has possessed Velma. The gang realizes that their infighting caused them to miss all the little signs - the warts, Velma's fear of fire, her love of moonstones and how she spilled the tea on the video of the witch because it was going to show her face - that should have proved Velma was up to something. Trowburg says that Wanda probably would have gone to the underwater caves; they arrive in the cave and Shaggy bursts out of hiding and confronts Wanda, who turns a trio of frogs into new monsters and sends them after the gang.

As the monsters corner Fred and Daphne, Shaggy tries to save Velma by singing her favorite song. Velma joins in and manages to break free of Wanda's possession. Wanda tries to reclaim her staff, but Scooby arrives just in time and smashes it, destroying Wanda and turning the monsters back into their original forms. Shaggy confesses how much he really likes Velma and they share a kiss, but both realize that they did not feel a single spark and, along with Fred and Daphne, agree that it is better if they are just friends. Thornton thanks the gang for saving his county club and promises to hook them up with a lawyer so they can avoid any future legal problems, prompting Daphne to name their group Mystery Inc.

Blood Dance

Chicago, 1929: Quentin Collins encounters a mysterious nightclub owner.

London's Burning (audio drama)

London, 1906: Quentin investigates how music hall star Rosie Faye is connected to a series of cases of spontaneous human combustion.

13 Assassins (2010 film)

In the year 1844 of the Edo Period, as the Tokugawa Shogunate is in decline, the sadistic Lord Matsudaira Naritsugu of Akashi rapes, tortures, mutilates and murders nobles and commoners at will. He is shielded because the Shōgun is his half-brother. Sir Doi Toshitsura, the Shōgun's Justice Minister, realizes that when Naritsugu ascends to the Shogunate Council, civil war will break out between the Shōgun and the many feudal lords Naritsugu has offended. Then, the feudal lord of the Mamiya clan publicly commits seppuku as a protest against the Shōgun's refusal to punish Lord Naritsugu, who has personally murdered the feudal lord's entire family. When the Shōgun still insists upon Naritsugu's promotion, Sir Doi seeks out a trusted older samurai, Shimada Shinzaemon, who served under the former shōgun, and secretly hires him to assassinate Naritsugu. However, Naritsugu's loyal retainers led by Hanbei, an old contemporary of Shinzaemon, learn of the plot by spying on Doi.

Shinzaemon gathers eleven trusted samurai including Shinzaemon's nephew, Shinrokurō, who together plan to ambush Naritsugu on his official journey from Edo to his lands in Akashi. Just before they leave, Hanbei arrives and warns his old colleague that he will suffer grave consequences if he tries to kill Naritsugu.

The group, with the legal authority and financial assistance of Doi, buy the help of the town of Ochiai in order to create a trap. They also enlist the help of Makino, a feudal lord whose daughter-in-law was raped and son murdered by Naritsugu. With troops, Makino blocks the official highway, forcing Naritsugu to head into the trap; Makino then disembowels himself to conceal his own involvement in the conspiracy. During the assassins' journey to the town, they are attacked by rōnin who have been paid off by Hanbei to kill the plotters. The group decides to head through the mountains but end up getting lost. In the process they encounter a hunter named Kiga Koyata who becomes their guide and later the thirteenth assassin.

The town is converted into an elaborate maze of booby traps and camouflaged fortifications. When Naritsugu and his retinue arrive, their numbers have been augmented by additional troops. The 13 assassins are no longer facing 70 men-at-arms; now they face at least 200. A lengthy battle follows, with Naritsugu and his guards trapped inside the village and attacked on all sides by arrows, explosives, knives, and swords - with the exception of Koyata, who fights with rocks in slings and with sticks. In the midst of the carnage, the sadistic Naritsugu is aroused by the bloodshed of the battle. He tells Hanbei that when he ascends to the Shōgun's council he will bring back the wars of the Sengoku Period.

The assassins are killed one by one, but not before they kill nearly all of the Akashi forces. Eventually, Naritsugu and Hanbei, along with two retainers, are the last remaining of the Naritsugu's party, and are confronted by Shinzaemon and Shinrokurō. After Shinzaemon kills Hanbei, Naritsugu kicks his loyal retainer's head away, insulting the samurai who has given his life for him. Contemptuously, he announces that the people and the samurai have only one purpose: to serve their lords. Shinzaemon counters by telling Naritsugu that lords cannot live without the support of the people and that, if a lord abuses his power, the people will always rise up against him. Naritsugu and Shinzaemon mortally wound each other. Crying, crawling in the mud, and experiencing fear and pain for the first time, the lord thanks Shinzaemon for showing him excitement. Shinzaemon then decapitates him.

Shinrokurō wanders through the carnage and meets the hunter Koyata who, having suffered a fatal injury earlier, runs up to him with characteristic vigor, unharmed. They make their separate ways out of the town after they briefly discuss how they intend to live their lives from then onwards. An epilogue states that the Shōgun and his government covered up what really occurred, announcing that Naritsugu died of illness on the journey back to his lands. Twenty-three years later, the Tokugawa Shogunate would be overthrown during the Meiji Restoration.

Lucky Night

Two people meet in a park (Cora, played by Myrna Loy, and William "Bill" Overton, played by Robert Taylor). They become acquainted and each discovers that the other is also poor. They try to get 50 cents to eat at a restaurant but a man complains to the police. They convince a policeman to give them 50 cents by saying that they are engaged (which they are not).

While walking, they drop the money without knowing it. When their restaurant bill comes to 50 cents, they suddenly realize they must have lost it. Someone leaves a coin on the table, Bill tells Cora to steal it, which she does. Bill spots a slot machine in the restaurant and tells Cora to gamble, which she does and wins. Bill and Cora go to a casino, win a car in a game and make more money gambling.

The two get drunk and wake up to find out they are married. Bill gets a job but still gets the urge to gamble; Cora doesn't care to live that life, so she leaves Bill and goes back to her father. Bill goes to her house to get her back and he succeeds.

Lucy and Superman

Bandleader Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz) and his young son Little Ricky (Richard Keith) watch the latest episode of the ''Adventures of Superman'' television series, which concludes with the narrator stating that Superman will be making personal appearances in the coming week at Macy's Department Store in New York City. As Ricky's wife Lucy (Lucille Ball) enters and sends her son to bed, she promises to take him to see Superman at Macy's. Ethel and Fred Mertz (Vivian Vance, William Frawley) arrive and drop off favors for Little Ricky's fifth birthday party, which is scheduled for Saturday. Shortly thereafter, Lucy and Ricky entertain Caroline and Charlie Appleby (Doris Singleton, George O'Hanlon), whom the Ricardos consider to be good friends, except when they brag about their son Stevie (Steven Kay) – Little Ricky's best friend. Lucy and Caroline get into an argument when they realize that both of them have scheduled birthday parties for their sons on the same day, but neither will agree to change the date.

Because Stevie and Little Ricky are in the same class at school and have the same friends, Lucy worries that none of the children will attend Little Ricky's party – especially since Stevie's party will include a clown, puppet show and magician. Realizing that she must have more exciting entertainment for her son's party, Lucy convinces Ricky to ask Superman to appear at Little Ricky's party. Since Superman is in town – and since Ricky met him when the Ricardos and Mertzes visited Hollywood – Ricky agrees to ask him. Meanwhile, Lucy promises her son that Superman will be there. Even Stevie wants to come to Little Ricky's party upon learning about Superman, thus Caroline relents and changes the date of her son’s party. However, Ricky later calls and tells Lucy that Superman will be leaving town on Saturday and cannot appear at the party. Desperate to avoid disappointing Little Ricky, Lucy decides to dress up as Superman herself. She and Ethel hatch a plan whereby Lucy will use the vacant apartment next door to walk onto the ledge and enter through the window of the Ricardo apartment during the party, hoping to fool the children that she is the Man of Steel.

During the party on Saturday, Lucy dons her makeshift Superman costume (complete with a football helmet to hide her red hair) and steps onto the ledge, just as Ethel enters the vacant apartment with a pair of prospective tenants (Ralph Dumke, Madge Blake), who have arrived unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Ricky returns home with the real Superman (George Reeves), who changed his plans once he heard that it was a child's birthday party. Delighted that the real hero came after all, Lucy turns to go back into the vacant apartment, but cannot do so because the prospective tenants are still there. It begins to rain as the couple prepares to leave, so they close the window, trapping Lucy outside on the ledge.

As the party ends and the children leave, Superman expresses regret that he has not had the chance to meet Lucy (about whom, he remarks, he has heard so much). When Ethel lets it slip that Lucy is on the ledge, Ricky and the Mertzes race to the window to find her still there, with her cape snagged on a drainpipe as the rain pours. At Little Ricky's suggestion, Superman goes out onto the ledge to rescue her. A furious Ricky screams that this is one of the craziest stunts Lucy has pulled in their entire fifteen years of marriage. Astonished to learn how long Ricky has been married to Lucy, the Man of Steel exclaims, "And they call ''me'' Superman!" Still on the ledge, an embarrassed Lucy turns to face the wall.

The Sun Sets at Dawn

A young man sits in prison on the night before his execution, while his girlfriend waits for the inevitable in the prison governor's house. The warden and his wife sympathize with both of them. It is the first use of the electric chair in the state, and there are teething problems with its installation. Meanwhile, a group of reporters discussing the case, realize that the M.O. of the crime bears a similar style to that of a criminal, "Parrot" Farucco, who was supposed to have died three years previously. As the execution takes place off camera, a prison orderly collecting mail in the cafe identifies a customer as Farucco. He confronts him and is shot by the criminal, who is subdued and tied by other customers who happen to be prison officers waiting to begin work.

At the same time the reporters rush in, back from the prison to use the Post Office telephones. It turns out that the execution has had to be postponed owing to electrical problems with the chair. Farucco is brought into custody into the prison governor's office, and moved by the distraught girlfriend's grief, admits to the crime just in time to prevent the second execution attempt.

The Crouching Beast

In 1915 during the First World War, a British secret agent is killed while stealing secret Turkish plans for the Gallipoli Campaign but manages to pass his information to an American journalist. Travelling to Constantinople she manages to make contact with the British network, but the ruthless head of Turkish intelligence is close on her trail.

Have a Laugh!

The series features short and long versions of Disney shorts. The short versions are re-voiced with current Disney voice actors such as Tony Anselmo (Donald Duck), Jim Cummings, Bill Farmer (Goofy), and Bret Iwan (Mickey Mouse). The show features Disney cartoons with the original opening and closing credits restored (if content has been removed, a stamp bearing the words "Short Version" appears on the title card).

The series also features short subjects such as "Disney's Re-Micks" where they match classic Mickey Mouse cartoons and popular songs such as "He Could Be the One" by Miley Cyrus, similar to the 1980s ''D-TV'' series.

The School of Night (play)

Act One

In Scadbury Park, the home of Thomas Walsingham, Marlowe engages in a mock incantation to his personal deity Dog. He discusses his religious scepticism with Walsingham and Kyd. They introduce an actor called Tom Stone who will be performing for them in tandem with Rosalinda, a mixed-race Italian actress who is in love with Marlowe. Marlowe and Rosalinda are suspicious of Stone, who asks a lot of questions. Rosalinda is convinced she has seen him before. Walter Raleigh arrives to witness the performance. They discuss art, politics and religion while watching Stone and Rosalinda act in a risqué satire written by Marlowe. Afterwards Stone queries Kyd about the ‘school of night’, an allegedly atheistic and subversive secret society to which Raleigh, Walsingham and Marlowe belonged. Kyd tells Stone that it was supposed to have promoted republicanism. He also tells him about Marlowe's early career as a spy. Marlowe and Rosalinda reappear and confront Stone. They have discovered that his real name is Shakespeare, author of the ''Henry VI'' plays. He explains that he is using a stage name, but they are unconvinced. Shakespeare tells Marlowe he is working on a poem, ''Venus and Adonis''. Marlowe is surprised by the similarity to his own new project ''Hero and Leander''. Kyd decides to leave Scadbury.

A day later: Shakespeare has been in bed with Rosalinda. Marlowe enters and reads some lines from Shakespeare’s new poem. He is disturbed by its power. He and Shakespeare discuss literature. Walsingham informs Marlowe that his indiscreet declarations of heretical opinions can get them all in trouble. Raleigh has already been arrested on the unrelated charge of marrying illegally, but they are all coming under suspicion. In London Skeres and Poley burst into Kyd’s rooms and arrest him, looking for documents believed to be held by Marlowe on the 'school of night'.

Act Two

A ''commedia dell'arte'' performance is held at Scadbury. Shakespeare argues that opinion gets in the way of art. Marlowe is disconcerted by Shakespeare's views. Horsemen arrive to arrest Marlowe.

In London, Marlowe is visited in prison by Raleigh who tells him he has been denounced as a blasphemer. Raleigh says he can free Marlowe, but he wants to be sure that Marlowe has no incriminating records of the meetings of the school of night. Marlowe insists there are none. He is freed.

In the Rose theatre Shakespeare reads one of the Dark Lady sonnets he has written about Rosalinda. They are hiding there with Marlowe. Skeres and Poley arrive. Shakespeare attempts to fight them, but Marlowe assures him they are friends. They tell Marlowe that they have a plan to get him away. They will meet at Deptford, where they will have a body resembling Marlowe. They will claim he drowned in the river, while Marlowe escapes overseas. Marlowe tells Rosalinda that he has hidden the records of the school of night at Scadbury. She is to get them and then meet him in Venice. Shakespeare is suspicious of the escape plan, and suggests that Marlowe travel by another route. However, he agrees to allow Marlowe's 'posthumous' works to be published in his name.

At Deptford, Marlowe, Frizer, Poley and Skeres discover that the man whose body they have been given died from a stab wound. They decide to improvise a new plan according to which Marlowe will be killed in a fight. Frizer will be the killer and the others will say he acted in self-defence. Marlowe is now very suspicious. He abuses Frizer and threatens him with a knife. He forces Skeres to swear that there is no plan to kill him. Frizer, infuriated, twists Marlowe's arm back, stabbing him with his own knife. Skeres and Poley are horrified. Marlowe dies.

Shakespeare and Rosalinda visit Marlowe's grave in Deptford. Rosalinda is still convinced that all went as planned and she will meet Marlowe in Venice. Shakespeare says she must prepare herself for the possibility that Marlowe is dead.

Kyō, Koi o Hajimemasu

Despite Tsubaki Hibino's talent in styling other people's hair, she isn't comfortable with doing the same for herself. On her first day of high school, she is immediately looked down upon her delinquent-like classmates for her old-fashioned taste. When she is teased by the top student, Kyouta Tsubaki, who shares the same name as her, she defiantly cuts his hair. Interested in her actions, Kyouta decides to make her his target.

Kyouta, who is not only a promiscuous playboy but also has control of the class, makes Tsubaki need him during class activities, although Tsubaki attempts to resist his advances. Gradually, the two begin to fall in love with each other until Tsubaki discovers that Kyouta cannot commit himself into a relationship due to his mother and a nurse he trusted. But with both of them having their first experiences in love, troubles start to weigh and test their relationship.

Freaky Green Eyes

The novel opens with Franky explaining how "Freaky" came into her life. It was few weeks after her 14th birthday and she went to a college party near Puget Sound in Washington with some friends from her high school. While there, she met Cameron (a college freshman at the University of South Carolina), who tried to rape her. As a swimmer, Franky used her strong legs to kick Cameron hard enough to get him off her. Altererad , Cameron looked at her and said, "You should see your eyes! Freaky green eyes!"Oates, Joyce Carol. ''Freaky Green Eyes'', New York City: HarperCollins, 2005. 17.

Franky, now 15, lives in Yarrow Heights (a suburb of Seattle) with her father Reid Pierson, her mother Krista Pierson, her younger sister Samantha, and her half-brother Todd. As a sports reporter, Reid has had a big contract go through with a TV network and wants to celebrate with his family. Krista, however, goes to an arts and crafts convention in Santa Barbara, California instead, which angers Reid. When Krista returns home, Franky starts to notice the tension between her parents, especially after hearing them fight. She hears her mom say she does not want to go to Reid's work gatherings because she feels like she doesn't fit in with his crowd. In turn, Reid gets mad that Krista isn't fulfilling her role as a wife.

Krista starts wearing scarves around her neck and long shirts to cover her wrists and arms, which Franky notices, thinking her mother is hiding something from her. Yet she cannot muster up the courage to ask her about it. Instead, she starts feeling resentful toward her mother, thinking all the fighting was Krista's fault for provoking Reid. Her younger sister, Samantha, worries that their parents will divorce but both say that that won't happen, "now or ever." Krista moves out of the house and into a small cabin in Skagit Harbor. She starts by taking her art supplies, then clothes and her dog, Rabbit. Whenever Reid is home, Krista lives in her cabin. When he leaves to cover sporting events, she comes back home to be with her children. Samantha sometimes calls Krista and begs her to come pick them up so they could all spend time together, but Krista always says no, saying it was their father's decision. Reid, however, is saying the opposite. Samantha's frustration angers Reid so he twists her arm to make her quiet, giving her welts.

For the Fourth of July, Franky and Samantha go with their father to Cape Flattery to stay with one of his friends. While there, Franky learns that Reid's friend's sons steal animals from a wildlife refuge and put them in cages to make their own zoo. In the middle of the night, Franky releases all the animals. When confronted about it the next morning, she confesses but says she's not sorry. Enraged, Reid grabs Franky and shakes her very hard, stopping only after his friend pulls him away.

Later that month, Reid finally lets the girls go down to Skagit Harbor to visit their mother. Franky vaguely remembers the cabin from her childhood, recognizing the fake rooster she had thought was real as a kid. Krista shows them around the property, including a small burrow hidden underneath a rock. The reunion is cut short when Reid arrives, yelling at Franky and Samantha to pack up and get in his car. When they get in, Reid tells them Krista is having an affair and that they should never forgive her for it.

After that, Krista tries to call and talk to her daughters, but Reid tells the new housekeeper to forbid it. Twyla, Franky's best friend, tells Franky that Krista calls her to talk about Franky and see how she is. Twyla tells Franky that Krista said, "Don't forget Mr. Rooster!" One night, Franky phones Krista and angrily tells her she never wants to see her again. The next day, she regrets what she said and tries to find her mother's number but can't find it. She had no idea the conversation the night before would be their last.

Krista (and her friend Mero Okawa) disappear. The police interview Franky about where her father was that night, but Franky says Reid took medication for a headache and slept the entire night. During the interview, she expresses her anger at her mother, referring to her only as "Krista Connor," not "mom." As a result of media attention on the case, Franky and her family move to the house of Reid's defense lawyer on Vashon Island. While there, the defense lawyer coaches Samantha and Franky, telling them that if Reid would have left in the middle of the night, they would have heard him leave.

During this time, "Freaky" tries to convince Franky that something is not right. One night, Franky dreams about her mother's cabin, and in the dream, the fake rooster is crowing. The next morning, Franky skips school and heads towards Skagit Harbor to visit her mother's cabin. She walks toward the barn and looks into the secret burrow, where she finds her mother's journal. Krista had kept it up throughout her separation with Reid. In the journal, Krista writes about how Reid beat and threatened to kill her. After reading the journal, Franky realizes what her father has done. She recalls waking up the night her mother disappeared, hearing Reid coming into the house through a door they never use.

Franky calls her Aunt Vicky to pick her up and they go to the police station. In a second interview, Franky tells the police what she knows, not what she has been coached to say by her father or the defense lawyer. Reid is sentenced to 50 years-to-life without parole for the deaths of Krista and Mero, whose bodies were found dumped at Deception Pass. Franky and Samantha, in the custody of their aunt, move to New Mexico.

Main characters

; Francesca "Franky" Pierson: The 15-year-old narrator and protagonist who keeps a journal to reflect on the time before her mother went missing. ; Krista Pierson: Franky and Samantha's mother and Todd's stepmother. Her maiden name is Connor (which is the name she used to sign her artwork). She had been a TV announcer before marrying Reid. ; Reid Pierson: Franky, Samantha, and Todd's abusive father. He had been a famous professional football player before becoming a sportscaster for CBS. ; Samantha Pierson: Franky's 10-year-old sister. ; Todd Pierson: Franky and Samantha's 20-year-old half-brother, who followed in his father's footsteps and plays college football. ; Rabbit: Krista's Jack Russell terrier. ; Mero Okawa: Krista's gay friend in Skagit Harbor. Reid thought he was Krista's lover. ; Bonnie Lynn Byers: Reid's first wife and Todd's mother. She was killed in a boating accident in which Reid was the only witness. Her case was reopened after Krista's case was concluded.

New Tales of the Flying Fox

Two main figures of a rebellion, Wu Yi Dao and Miao Ren Feng are working together to further their cause, however, there are some tensions between the two. They agree to duel each other in order to discover who is the greater fighter, and who should have more power within the rebellion.

During the duel, Wu Yi Dao is killed, following this his wife commits suicide, unable to live without her husband. This leaves Miao Ren Feng as the only person left to raise their child, Wu Fei, as he is responsible for this situation he decides to raise the child.

However, Miao Ren Feng's younger brother attempts to kill the child, he is stopped by a servant who manages to save the child and escape with him. The servant then raises Wu Fei until he reaches adulthood, where he plots to seek revenge for the death of his parents.

The Sword of Many Loves

Wu Fei (Leon Lai) and his uncle Ping travel together as brick salesmen. They find themselves traveling to the home of Ling (Michelle Reis) to deliver bricks for the grave of Ling's recently deceased master, who himself was the mastermind behind a sect of poisoner's and as such was in possession of a medical manual.

Other members of his poisoner's sect now want the medical manual for themselves, this results in an absurd assassination attempt on Ling, featuring a lot of slapstick comedy.

After witnessing this trouble, Fei and Ping run away and end up in Nanking, it is here that they learn their friend Chung has been framed by Young Fung, son of the local crime boss Master Fung. Fei and Ping intervene against the crime boss which leads to the death of Ping. Fei retreats from the scene but vows revenge for the murder of his uncle, after this Fei meets Purple Yuen who aims to stop the martial arts leaders from being distracted and return them back to their task of restoring the Ming Dynasty through a government-backed martial arts contest. Yuen wishes to beat all the leaders and claim the title for herself.

Fei and Yuen then travel together, developing a romantic relationship with several elements of comedy. Fei then confronts Master Fung, Fei almost kills Master Fung but is stopped by Yuen, who is Master Fung's daughter. It is revealed that Fung killed Yuen's mother's family which caused her mother to commit suicide. Yuen only stops Fei from killing Fung so that she may kill Fung herself as revenge. However Yuen is poisoned by Fung (causing her bottom to inflate), Fei then takes her to Ling to be cured.

Ling has now fallen in love with Fei and will only cure Yuen if Fei breaks off his romantic relationship with Yuen. This leads to several comedic scenes and catfights until Yuen is finally cured. All three then attend the martial arts contest together with the aim of killing all the martial arts sects, culminating in a final showdown between Master Fung and Fei.

Introduction to Film

Jeff (Joel McHale) convinces the rest of the study group to enroll in an easy class, taught by the eccentric Professor Whitman (John Michael Higgins). Whitman claims that they will all get 'A' grades as long as they follow the mantra ''carpe diem''. He then confronts Jeff after the class, saying that he is an opportunist and will fail the class unless he seizes the day by the end of the week. Jeff's initial attempts to impress Whitman by wearing rainbow-colored suspenders, flying a kite and playing jump rope fail.

Meanwhile, Abed (Danny Pudi) is unable to join the class as his father Gobi (Iqbal Theba) will only pay for classes which teach skills that can help him with the family's failing falafel stand. Britta (Gillian Jacobs) gives Abed money to enroll in filmmaking classes, an interest of his. Abed purchases a new camera and starts to document conversations within the study group, casting Britta as his mother and Jeff as his father, to their dismay. Gobi accosts Britta for interfering with his parenting. Britta and Jeff explain their problems to each other, and Jeff promises that he will convince Gobi to meet with them to discuss Abed's future.

As Abed works, Gobi, Jeff, and Britta get into an argument, but Abed interrupts them with his completed video. He has used his footage of Jeff and Britta arguing, superimposing the images of his parents' heads onto their bodies; the film is cut to recast the study group's conversations as Abed's parents' opinions of him, as an abnormal child who refuses to let his parents parent him. The film also implies that Abed's parents divorced because of his atypical behavior. Gobi is moved by the film, and allows Abed to continue his filmmaking studies to help him be better understood. Thankful for Jeff's help, Britta kisses him when she sees Whitman nearby. An enthused Whitman is satisfied that Jeff has seized the day.

In the end tag, Abed starts to krump in front of Troy, who then begins to demonstrate his method of krumping. Jeff arrives and asks what they are doing, before demonstrating his own technique, and the three krump together.

The East Is Red (1993 film)

Following Dongfang Bubai's apparent death in ''Swordsman II'', the ''jianghu'' (martial artists' community) disintegrates into chaos as it lacks a dominant figure to serve as a ''de facto'' leader. Several imposters use Dongfang Bubai's name to rally supporters, form their own sects, and fight for power. One of Dongfang Bubai's devoted lovers, Xue Qianxun, rebuilds the Sun Moon Holy Cult by impersonating Dongfang Bubai.

The Ming imperial court sends a naval admiral, Gu Changfeng, to assist the Spanish in searching for the remains of a Dutch warship sunk near Black Woods Cliff, the site of Dongfang Bubai's death in ''Swordsman II''. At Black Woods Cliff, Gu Changfeng discovers that Dongfang Bubai is still alive in disguise as an elderly woman, and manages to convince him to return to the ''jianghu''.

Dongfang Bubai unleashes his fury and starts a bloodbath in eliminating all those who impersonate him. He discovers that Xue Qianxun has been pretending to be him, and seriously injures her in anger. Consumed by his desire for power, Dongfang Bubai decides to continue his ambitious plan to unite the ''jianghu'' under his rule and dominate China.

Gu Changfeng realises that Dongfang Bubai has gone out of control so he leads the Ming imperial navy to fight Dongfang and his Spanish and Japanese allies. In the ensuing naval battle, all the warships are destroyed and Dongfang Bubai emerges victorious after defeating and killing Gu Changfeng. However, Xue Qianxun loses her life in the process. Dongfang Bubai realises his mistake and embraces his dead lover as he retires from the ''jianghu'' again.

World War Hulks

Ulik resurfaces and is shown to have gone on a multi-state drinking binge. He ends up destroying a train bridge with the disaster being averted by A-Bomb and Marlo Chandler. When Ulik starts choking Marlo, he is defeated by A-Bomb.

While in a fantasy world where Bruce killed the Hulk and the smart heroes joined the smart villains in a machine to help the world and where General Thunderbolt Ross is still alive, Bruce is visited by Doctor Doom who gives him a robot arm. Back at his home (with his imaginary family which consists of Betty Ross, a son, and a daughter), he activates it and wakes up for a moment. He is quickly interrupted by his fantasy son. While playing with his fantasy family, Doctor Doom arrives. Doctor Doom harms his son that then transforms into Skaar forcing Banner to activate the arm and get himself and Doctor Doom back to reality. Meanwhile, Glenn Talbot sends the army to fight the marines that were taking Washington. They receive back up from Skaar, Korg and A-Bomb. The fight continues until the Hulked-Out-Heroes arrive and attack them. Rick says they must find Banner so Skaar launches them to the Hellicarrier where Banner is captive while staying behind to fight Hulked-Out-Heroes consisting of Hulkified versions of Captain America, Thor (referred to as The Mighty Thor), Ms. Marvel, Cyclops (referred to as Hulklops), Iceman (referred to as Icehulk), Storm, Human Torch (referred to as the Hulking Torch), Invisible Woman, and Thing (referred to as No-Thing). Now awake, Banner sees Doctor Doom trying to steal the brains of the smart heroes, since he and the others, including Banner, were still connected to the machine. However, Doom accidentally blows his own brain before being launched off the Intelligencia Helicarrier by Red-She-Hulk. Rick and Skaar then arrive and Skaar stabs Red-She-Hulk with his sword forcing her to revert to her human form revealing her true identity as Betty Ross.

Meanwhile, Red Hulk fight the Hulked-Out-Heroes constantly using their powers against themselves until using Hulklops' power to damage the Helicarrier and then escaping briefly seeing a still trapped Banner until being attacked by the Hulkfied versions of Spider-Man (referred to as Spider-Hulk) and Wolverine (referred to as Wolverage) but beats them with a fastball special. Red-She-Hulk arrives and drains the energy from Red Hulk's body reverting him to General Thunderbolt Ross who quotes "I was General Thunderbolt Ross. I became the very thing I hated most in life. I am the Red Hulk. And for all I've done...I deserve to die..." Meanwhile, Samson tells MODOK and Leader that transforming the heroes into Hulks was not a good idea. He then deduces Leader has feelings for Red She-Hulk. Samson then attacks Leader, but is beaten by MODOK.

With Red She-Hulk's identity exposed, Betty begs for Bruce to kill her, explaining that she was resurrected by the Intelligencia into an uncontrollable mutation. Although she is willing to die, the appearance of Samson (who was involved in her mutation) inspires enough rage in her that she transforms once again, engaging Samson while Banner and Skaar are contacted by the mutated Amadeus Cho who like the Leader has acquired a mutated mind rather than a mutated body. Using Cho's gamma-enhanced intellect, Banner realises that the Hulked-Out Heroes joined by a Hulkified version of Namor (referred to as Hulkmariner) will 'burn out' within twenty-four hours unless the radiation is removed from them. While Amadeus Cho keeps the Intelligencia occupied (even reverting M.O.D.O.K. to his human form during the fight), Banner releases Beast, Mister Fantastic, Black Panther and Henry Pym to help him re-tool the Cathexis Ray Generator so that he can draw the gamma energy out of the heroes. Unfortunately, it is only after he has activated the machine that Banner reveals that he is transferring the gamma energy into himself as he is the only person capable of physically handling that much power. However, at a crucial juncture, the machinery begins to break down from the feedback. Samson steps in and absorbs the additional excess energy, but for unknown reasons his body is unable to absorb the energy as readily as Banner's body can and he is killed by the overload, reduced to a charred skeleton in seconds. As his body finishes absorbing the excess radiation, Bruce transforms back into the Hulk as the Intelligencia's base is destroyed, Skaar being clearly satisfied at this new chance to kill his father.

General Ross then reviews all of his life and then proceeds to absorb energy from the Cosmic Hulk (who had arrived to attack him) and angrily splits him in two. As Red Hulk, General Ross then attacks The Leader, who had just escaped from Banner and takes the gamma energy out of him, leaving him to suffer for the rest of his life being "Ordinary". Red Hulk then goes to the White House and kills the Glenn Talbot L.M.D. and declares he is in charge quoting "I always suspected that Talbot was an L.M.D. Like with the Ross L.M.D., the Leader wasn't going to let anyone assume command other than himself. This Talbot probably didn't even know he was just a thing. The Glenn Talbot I knew and respected was and will remain dead. In the end, everything is as it should be. I won."

Bruce Banner leaves a video for the heroes telling them how he planned all of these and to allow Skaar to kill him besides saving the civilians. Skaar absorbs energy from the planet (even through the heroes try to stop it) and uses it to attack the Hulk. However, the Hulk decides not to fight him claiming he is not here to fight him, but Skaar then says how Caiera was alive in Sakaar till he allowed Galactus to consume it. This ended up angering the Hulk prompting him to continue the fight. During the fight, Red She-Hulk attacks Skaar and tells Hulk to run but he doesn't. Skaar defeats Red She-Hulk knocking her into a building which is about to collapse on Red She Hulk's impact. Hulk then saves the civilians in the building with a thunder clap kicking up sand to stop the building from collapsing. Hulk and Skaar then continue their fight where Hulk beats Skaar into submission. Skaar realizes that Hulk isn't a monster (something Bruce was training him to kill) after saving the people in the building and tells him they'll work it out. Realising that continuing their struggle to kill the perceived 'monster' that is his son would accomplish nothing except turning him into his father, Bruce returns to human form, and he and Skaar (in his child version) then hug.

Bruce then transforms into Hulk, fully controlling it, and goes back to Washington to battle Red Hulk. Red She-Hulk tries to stop it, but is defeated by She-Hulk. Banner's battle with Red Hulk gets them to the Intelligencia who manage to escape as their battle continues. Their battle eventually ends with Hulk defeating Red Hulk at The Lincoln Memorial, Hulk refusing to kill Red Hulk because of his relationship to Betty even as he informs his adversary that Ross's faked death means that he can never return to his human life now. Later, Banner and Captain Steve Rogers lock Red Hulk up and makes it clear that, given his strength being second to that of the Hulk and his exceptional tactical expertise, they have plans for him.

Hulked Out Heroes

Bob, Agent of HYDRA (at this point working for A.I.M.) sends Hulkpool (a gamma-powered Deadpool) back in time so he can kill his original Deadpool incarnation for being an unrepentant murderer, using the machine Red Hulk used to send Thundra to the future. However, Hulkpool instead meets with a Blackbeard version of the Thing after Bob inadvertently sends him back to the year 1717. After preventing a storm from sinking the pirate ship and sending away Johnny and Reed (who were trying to get to the Thing), he becomes a pirate as First Mate under Captain Blackbeard-Thing until the British Royal Navy attacks their ship with a summoned Kraken. He and the Thing attempt to defeat it, but are sent to the Savage Land in the present day due to Bob's interference. There they encounter Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, and after mistakenly assuming that they were sent to prehistoric times, Thing asks if Bob can get him back to his original time period. Hulkpool affirms his request and has Bob initiate another timejump to take Ben Grimm back, taking Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy with him. They then arrive in the Old West in 1873, where Hawkeye is lost in time, and Devil Dinosaur becomes unhinged and starts running havoc. However, Bob sends them back in time to prehistory (and the Thing back to his pirate age), but Hulkpool is sent to the point in time at the end of WW2 when Captain America lost Bucky in a missile explosion and decides to save Bucky. While in this alternate reality's version of World War II, Hulkpool aids Captain America and Bucky in hunting down and killing that reality's versions of Adolf Hitler and the Red Skull. After Bob tries to transport him through time once more, he ignorantly manages to prevent the origin stories of numerous superheroes (including the original Hulk). He ultimately succeeds in killing the Deadpool of this (alternate) timeline and returns to the main Marvel universe at the end.

Dressage To Win

Twelve students compete to win a scholarship to England for horseback riding. The story's main couple includes Ben and Michelle who were lovers but, due to a misunderstanding, they broke up. A few years later they meet up again at horseback riding camp competing with each for the scholarship. Other couples include Kimmy and Ah Him, and couple Nel and Ah Boy who are complete opposites of each other. As the competition heats up so does the love between these students.

The Past Presents the Future (Ugly Betty)

Betty (America Ferrera) invites Daniel (Eric Mabius) to come to her sister Hilda (Ana Ortiz)'s wedding with her and he accepts. While Betty is listening to her messages, she listens to a message from Henry (Christopher Gorham) telling her that he will be happy to come to the wedding as her plus one. Betty then remembers the drunken message she left for him. Betty then bumps into Mr. Dunne who has come to New York to find her and offer her a job of running his new magazine in London. Amanda (Becki Newton), having now quit her job as a receptionist, returns to ''MODE'' to take supplies for her meeting with her first client as a stylist, soap opera actor, Spencer Cannon. Justin (Mark Indelicato) arrives to talk to Marc about Bobby seeing him kiss Austin. He is worried that Bobby will tell everyone and he does not want anyone to know yet.

Amanda is getting on well with Spencer and she decides to set him up on a date with Marc (Michael Urie). Marc tells Amanda that he does not want to be set up as he is still getting over Troy. He later changes his mind and Amanda invites Spencer to the wedding. Betty and Henry meet up and he tells her that he has a job interview that means he will be moving back to New York. Betty agrees to have breakfast with him the next day. Hilda asks Bobby why Justin is always going off with Austin, but Bobby tells her that nothing is going on. Hilda then realises that Justin and Austin are a couple. She then calls Betty to tell her that Justin has a boyfriend, Betty goes to her apartment and finds Hilda and Ignacio (Tony Plana) preparing a coming out party for Justin. Marc arrives and tells them that a party is the last thing Justin would want. Quoting passages from a PFLAG brochure, they assure Marc they were only trying to be accepting of Justin's orientation so that he would have a good foundation for future relationships, but Marc persuades them to let Justin come out on his own terms.

On the day of the wedding, Justin brings Austin and Ignacio brings Elena. Henry does not attend the wedding and Daniel arrives dateless, he then tells Betty that she looks great. He gazes at her while Hilda gives a speech about soulmates who know each other better than they know themselves and would do anything to protect them. Betty decides to accept the London job and Justin also takes a big step by leading Austin to the dance floor in front of his proud family. Marc tells Spencer that he is looking for a serious relationship but Spencer tells him that he only came to the wedding to please Amanda. Marc then spots Spencer's Tweety Bird tattoo, a feature matching one of the known details about Amanda's biological father.

Tyler tells Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams) that she is the only one he can trust and that he just wants his money. He also tells Claire (Judith Light) that he knows the truth about everything, Claire then tells him that she will give him nothing. Claire also goes to confront Wilhelmina and they end up fighting and falling into a pool of water. Wilhelmina realizes that Tyler has taken her gun and goes to warn Claire, but she is too late and Tyler arrives. Wilhelmina then tells them that the situation is all her fault and tries to get Tyler to hand over the gun. Just as he goes to hand it over, the gun goes off.

The Black Waters of Echo's Pond

A groups of friends vacation in a plush mansion, where they find a mysterious board game which draws out the nastiest qualities in all of its players.

I Didn't Do It (film)

A man named George Trotter staying at a theatrical boarding house is framed for a murder.

The Borrowers (1973 film)

The Clock Family are "borrowers," tiny people who live in the houses of regular sized "human beans" (a borrower mispronunciation of "human beings"). They survive by borrowing all they need from big people and try to keep their existence secret. The main characters are a teenage borrower girl named Arriety Clock and her parents, Pod and Homily. During a borrowing expedition with her father and contrary to borrower nature, Arriety befriends a human boy who lives in the home and develops a friendship with him.

The tiny family, who live under the kitchen floorboards of an old manor, are eventually discovered by the other humans who occupy the home and are forced to flee into the English countryside.

Wagon Train (film)

Pecos businessman Matt Gardner is buying up freighters, or wagon trains of food supplies, at cheap prices through intimidation, and charging high prices by deliberately causing phony food shortages at his trading posts. The only one refusing to sell his supplies is Zack Sibley, who is dead set on maintaining his freighter business as well as tracking down his father's murderer, his ex-business partner. Gardner plans on eliminating any competition Sibley presents by sending his thugs to kill him and raid his wagon train.

The Renegade Ranger

Captain Jack Steele of the Texas Rangers is sent to arrest the beautiful Judith Alvarez. She claims she is innocent.

The Fargo Kid

A cowpuncher is mistaken for a notorious gunman.

Beautiful People (manga)

''Beautiful People'' consists of six unrelated short stories, a format Mitsukazu Mihara frequently uses for her narrative.

In , a man finds an abandoned snow maiden. He brings her back to his apartment, but despite his efforts to keep her alive she dissolves into water after the air conditioning is turned off. He uses the water to help grow a flower, something she had always wanted.

focuses on the two survivors of a biochemical weapon: a spoiled lesbian and a male homosexual. Both live together but most of the time are annoyed by each other's presence. At one point the tension rises to unbearable levels for both and she forces him to leave, only to later realize that she needs him.

The third story, , features a bullied teenage boy who discovers that his online friend might be his mother, who left him with his father when he was young.

In , a woman who believes she is stalked by a co-worker is later revealed to be delusional since the co-worker is in fact stalking her friend.

The protagonist of has plastic surgery done in the hope that she would become beautiful and loved, but after meeting a girl stitched from corpses, realizes that it was the girl who was truly beautiful since she gave love.

The last story, , focuses on the lifelong relationship between an abandoned girl and a vampire.

Imaginary Larry

Betsy (Riki Lindhome) is seen talking to herself, complaining that many of her dreams have not come true. Kenneth (Malcolm Barrett), who's visiting his famous brother Tevin (Ryan Devlin), enters the room. Betsy panics and is embarrassed that she was caught talking to herself. She feels she has to announce that she's alone when Kenneth turns to leave. Kate (Kate Micucci), her imaginary friend, is angry Betsy ignored her presence. Kenneth returns and asks Betsy for a date.

During the date, Kate tries to dissuade Betsy from going out with him. Betsy, unable to ignore Kate's interruptions, eventually breaks down and tells Kenneth she cannot date him. Kenneth becomes distraught over his failure and begins to cut himself. He later goes to Betsy's house and she tells him about Kate. After a talk with his brother, he decides to create his own imaginary friend, who insists on being called Alfonse (Christopher Stewart).

They return to Betsy's house where Alfonse is able to seduce Kate. The two imaginary friends leave, which saddens Betsy. Trying to comfort her, Kenneth sits next to her and asks "What do you think they're doing?" A split screen shows Kate and Alfonse together and Betsy and Kenneth together, with each couple making love.

Nightmare Beach

Diablo, the leader of the Demons motorcycle gang, is about to be executed for the murder of a young woman. Confronting the victim's sister Gail (Sarah Buxton), he proclaims his innocence and vows to return before being killed via the electric chair. A year passes, and Spring Break has come to Miami. Two football players, Skip (Nicolas de Toth) and Ronny (Rawley Valverde), are amongst the partygoers for the week-long festivities.

While Spring Break is occurring, a mysterious biker appears and begins to dispatch people. The back of his bike has a lever that when pulled (combined with a button pushed by the biker) causes the victim to undergo a treatment similar to the electric chair. When Ronny ends up a victim of the mysterious killer, Skip attempts to find Ronny with the help of Gail, who works as a bartender during Spring Break. The duo soon find Ronny and learn that local police chief Strycher (John Saxon) and physician Doc Willet (Michael Parks) have covered up Ronny's death for the partygoers not to worry. However, as the body count rises, Gail and Skip begin to wonder if Diablo made good on his promise to return from the dead or is someone else responsible.

Meanwhile, Trina, Diablo's girlfriend, is relaxing at the gang's old hideout. She puts headphones on and is listening to music when a figure appears. She assumes it's Diablo back from the dead. It's not until he grabs her violently that she realizes it's not. Trina is slammed on the couch, and then the biker pulls a live wire out of the wall and attaches it to Trina's headphones. Volts of electricity run through Trina's body, killing her slowly and painfully.

A confrontation at a local tire yard between Gail and the biker reveals that the killer is Reverend Bates (Lance Le Gault), who thinks Spring Break is nothing more than an excuse for sins. Considering himself a "guardian angel", he feels all sinners must die like Diablo, "death by electrocution". Bates also confesses to being the real killer of Gail's sister. Skip arrives in time and fights off Bates. As the duo run, Bates hops on his bike and goes after them only to trip his bike on a stray tire. Bates goes off the bike onto an electric field and like those he murdered and Diablo, dies by electrocution. The next day, Skip and Gail decide to leave Florida and head to Ohio, where Skip hails from.

Zoo or False

When the gang discovers Marshall doesn't have any money to pay for the pizza they had ordered, he is forced to reveal that he was mugged by a man (Jon Dore) with a gun in Central Park. Lily is worried, and aided by Robin's gun-loving nature, expresses her interest to buy a gun for protecting herself. Marshall is frightened by this prospect, and then reveals he wasn't mugged; instead, he had visited the Central Park Zoo, and while standing close to a monkey cage, a monkey had swiped his wallet. Robin asks to interview him for her show, and he agrees to help boost her show's ratings. Marshall then privately explains to Barney and Ted that the monkey story is false, and that he really was mugged; he had made up the monkey to calm down Lily and stop her from buying a gun. Furthermore, he refuses to lie on television and risk hurting Robin's credibility as a journalist.

Meanwhile, Barney is using the story of being mugged to pick up women. He is interrupted by a woman he had earlier convinced he was Neil Armstrong. He tells an even greater lie in an attempt to get out of it and suggests a threesome. When later telling the story to Ted, he claims to have gone through with it, but Ted notices he appears to have two drinks thrown in his face and concludes that the women actually rejected him.

The next morning, Ted brings along a scale model of the Empire State Building he had been working on; Ted had asked Robin to interview him about it, but she refused, but Ted brings it in case Marshall is unable to talk about the monkey mugging. Marshall is rattled when Robin reveals they have brought Bobo, the monkey from the zoo, as well, and the monkey will be separated from his mate Milly for committing the crime. Marshall finally refuses to talk about it, causing Robin to cut to a commercial and question him as to why. Marshall confesses that he made up the monkey story and Lily renews her intention to buy a gun, prompting Marshall to change his story back, but he again asserts that he was mugged by a human after being reminded what will happen to Bobo. Bombarded with everyone asking him what really happened, Marshall then says "I'm going to bed," before leaving, with the Future Ted saying they never did find out what really happened, but in the end Lily never bought a gun, Robin's credibility remained intact, and Bobo and Milly lived out the rest of their days together at the zoo. Ted tells Barney he would be better off if he stopped telling lies but Barney replies Ted will someday tell this story and lie to give it a better ending. Robin is forced to interview Ted about his model, but as they are about to start, the monkey breaks free and snags a small doll nearby. It then proceeds to climb to the top of Ted's model, with the cameraman throwing paper aeroplanes at the monkey to get it off. Ted is left in disbelief that the ending from King Kong is being recreated before him, while Future Ted simply states "True story".

Return of a Stranger (1961 film)

The quiet suburban world of Pam and John Allen is shattered when a strange man begins stalking them with late night phone calls and sudden disturbing appearances. It emerges that the man, Homer Trent, was a part of Pam's teenage past at an orphanage. He was besotted with her then, and was eventually imprisoned for her rape. Now free, Trent is intent on claiming Pam.

Three Spare Wives

On the death of his Arabian uncle, George (Robin Hunter) inherits three wives. Problems ensue with his existing wife Susan (Susan Stephen) as well as with the British Foreign Office.

Three Hats for Lisa

Three young Cockneys take a day off work to meet Lisa Milan, an Italian movie star, at Heathrow airport. She travels with them and their taxi driver in search of some typically British hats. The rule of the game is to steal a hat from its wearer. Lisa wants a bobby's helmet, a businessman's bowler, and the bearskin cap off a palace guard. A musical chase ensues around Swinging Sixties London, evading press and police.

Corpse Craft: Incident at Weardd Academy

The game is set within a gothic version of London city, the style of which has been likened to the work of artist Edward Gorey and film director Tim Burton. The game's plot is advanced through limericks displayed before each level of play. The game is primarily located at the Eygor Weardd's School for Responsible Reanimation, an academy where students learn to reanimate corpses under the tutelage of Weardd. When the school burns down, killing the headmaster, a bright student named Ralph suspects his rival Jack of involvement. This results in the school courtyard becoming a battleground, with both students sending their undead creations into the fray.

New Alcatraz

In New Alcatraz, the world's most secure prison located in Antarctica, a drilling operation inadvertently releases a giant, boa constrictor from a large, hollow rock that had been preserving it in suspended animation. The snake chews a hole through the ice, enabling it to escape into the prison. The hole is discovered by workers and a guard is placed on it until the engineers can assess the hole and block it up. Jenkins, the guard, hears a strange hissing noise in the tunnels and is sent by Sergeant Quinn, his supervisor, to investigate; Jenkins, unnerved, requests backup, causing Quinn to send the engineers, Poluso and Goodman, to help him. Jenkins is stalked and killed by the snake; arriving on scene, Poluso and Goodman grumble about being woken up. Blood drips down from the pipes onto Poluso, causing him to stare up in confusion, just as the snake attacks him and Goodman. The engineers’ screams can be heard as the snake begins to move further into the prison. The prison sends out a distress call which is received by the United States military. They hire paleontologist Robert Trenton and his wife Jessica to assist a military team led by Major Larsten in the search to destroy the snake. When they arrive at the prison, they discover a group of survivors, led be head of security Quinn and prison warden Fred Riley.

The security and military personnel split up and set out to find and kill the snake whilst Robert, Jessica and Fred watch on in the control room. A soldier named McCarthy is killed by the snake while his partner Simmons is found shot dead; one by one, the other personnel are also killed. Robert and Jessica join in the hunt. After a skirmish with the snake, a gas pipe ruptures and explodes, killing the remaining security and military members. Robert and Jessica survive and flee from the snake, but Jessica is seemingly killed. Robert returns to the security room and convinces Fred to release the prisoners to help in their escape. Fred releases the prisoners, and the group devises a plan to escape. During the escape, one of the prisoners, a “black hat” hacker named Kelly Mitich, attempts to save himself, only to be killed by the snake and accidentally causing another gas explosion, killing Fred. Meanwhile, the other group led by Chechen prisoner Yuri Breshcov and his cousin Peter Yuvol who had been arrested at the beginning of the film for attempting to purchase mid-range nuclear missiles for Chechnya. He finds Jessica alive, and they take her in. The snake then kills two of the prisoners, but Yuri and Jessica escape to the surface. Meanwhile, Robert and prisoner Patricia O'Boyle, a member of the Irish Republican Army, attempt to escape, although the snake kills Patricia while Robert escapes to the surface. Robert, Jessica, and Yuri attempt to escape on the military plane, although the snake sneaks onboard and kills one of the pilots. In the ensuing battle, the snake is ejected from the plane, but Yuri is dragged out with it, and the two fall to their deaths. Robert and Jessica, bewildered but alive, fly to safety.

Pokémon Black and White


''Black'' and ''White'' are set in the Unova region, a continental mass located far away from the previous regions, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. Unlike the previous regions which were based on real locations in Japan, Unova is modeled after New York City, an idea developed by game director Junichi Masuda when he visited the city for the launch of ''Diamond'' and ''Pearl''. One particular example of this is Castelia City, which serves as the region's central metropolis and had such inspirations as its "Brooklyn Bridge-style suspension bridge" and its "huge skyscrapers". Masuda also wanted to convey a "feeling of communities" in Castelia's streets. Unova is host to large urban areas, a harbor, an airport, an amusement park, several bridges, and several mountain ranges. In addition to a diversity of new landscapes, the Unova region is also home to a diversity of people who vary in skin tone and occupation. The region's Japanese name is derived from the Japanese words and ; the many kinds of people and Pokémon seen up close look like only one kind of life from afar.


Like previous ''Pokémon'' games, ''Black'' and ''White'' both follow a linear storyline; the main events occur in a fixed order. The protagonist of ''Pokémon Black'' and ''White'' is Hilbert and Hilda, who journeys through Unova to become the Pokémon master. At the beginning of the games, the player chooses either Snivy, Tepig or Oshawott as their starter Pokémon as a gift from Professor Juniper. The protagonist's friends, Cheren and Bianca, are also rival Pokémon Trainers who occasionally battle the player; Cheren will choose the Pokémon with a type advantage against the player's, while Bianca will choose the Pokémon with a type disadvantage. The player's primary goal is to obtain the eight Gym Badges of Unova and ultimately challenge the Elite Four of the Pokémon League, and its Champion, to complete the main story.

In addition to the standard gameplay, the player will also have to defeat the games' main antagonist force, Team Plasma, a Knights Templar-esque group who claim that Pokémon are oppressed by humanity and seek to liberate them from their trainers. Team Plasma is led by N, a young man who was brought up alongside Pokémon and sees them as friends rather than tools for sport. Throughout the game, the player has some encounters with N, who claims that by capturing one of the legendary Pokémon (Reshiram and Zekrom) of Unova and defeating the Pokémon Champion Alder, he will be recognized as Unova's hero and will be able to convince the humans to part with their Pokémon. Depending on the game version, N will capture Zekrom in ''Black'' or Reshiram in ''White''.

After the player defeats the Elite Four and enters the Champion's chamber, he or she finds that N has defeated Alder and become the newest Pokémon Champion. Soon after, he summons a large castle surrounding the Pokémon League, challenging the player to find him to participate in one final battle. When the player finally reaches him, Reshiram in ''Black'' or Zekrom in ''White'' appears before the player, and the player must capture the legendary Pokémon before challenging N. After his defeat, N laments the possibility that his ideals are mistaken, Ghetsis intrudes and angrily reveals that his true intentions were to use N to ensure that he would be the only human left with control over Pokémon and use them to rule the world. In his rage, Ghetsis challenges the player to battle. After Ghetsis's defeat, he is arrested, allowing Alder to resume his position as the Pokémon Champion of the Unova region. N then thanks the player for helping realize his mistake about the nature of the relationship between people and their Pokémon before leaving the castle on his captured Pokémon to a far-off land.

After Team Plasma's defeat, Looker arrives in Unova and tasks the player with finding the remaining Sages of Team Plasma, so they can be brought to justice. The player can also challenge the Elite Four once again, and challenge Alder, ultimately becoming the Unova region's new Pokémon Champion. The player also gains access to the eastern portion of Unova, which contains Pokémon from the previous games in the series, as well as access to an area unique to each game version: the ultra-metropolitan Black City, home to powerful Pokémon trainers; and the White Forest, home to humans and Pokémon living in harmony. Cynthia, a former Champion of the Sinnoh region, is also found in this area of the game and can be challenged. A non-player character named after Shigeki Morimoto, a Game Freak programmer, creature designer, and the director of the ''Pokémon HeartGold'' and ''SoulSilver'' games, can also be found and battled in the game.

Restless (2011 film)

Teenager Enoch Brae takes the death of his parents hard and lives with his aunt and guardian Mabel. A year ago, his parents died in a car accident, while he himself experienced clinical death and was in a coma for a month.

Enoch does not go to school (he was expelled after a fight with a student who spoke badly about his dead parents) and has an unusual hobby—attending strangers' funerals; he also befriends the ghost of kamikaze pilot Hiroshi, whom he began to see after waking from his coma.

At one of the funerals, he meets teenage girl Annabel. After they grow closer, she tells him she is a volunteer at a hospital for children with cancer and they start spending time together. Later, Annabel confesses that she lied: she herself suffers from brain cancer and has three months to live.

Enoch tells Annabel that he can help her get ready and offers to help her have as much fun as possible. Their relationship becomes romantic, and he no longer needs to attend funerals and spend all his time with a ghost.

They go out on Halloween night, him as Hiroshi and she as a geisha. Running into an old school friend, bullies come after them. Annabel is told that one is the guy Enoch put in the hospital for mocking him about his parents' death, the reason he'd been expelled.

The couple are left off in the middle of the woods. Thinking they are alone, after playing hide-and-seek they are intimate, only to be walked in on the next morning.

When the couple quarrels, Enoch, deeply traumatized by the theme of death, realizes that he will soon lose Annabel like his parents. In desperation, he destroys the monument to his parents and demands Annabel's doctor help her.

Meanwhile, Annabel is getting worse, and the couple reunite in the hospital. Enoch reconciles with his aunt, and sees for the last time Hiroshi, who decides to accompany Annabel on her last journey. She dies, and Enoch is left with a memory of their short relationship that changed him and his attitude to life.

Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar

Nine separate stories intertwine into one comedy on people’s expectations and perceptions of a beautiful summer vacation: the stories of those who are only after love; of those who have to stay at home and fight mosquitoes on summer nights; of those who only go to the sea; of those who cannot appreciate the value of a bicycle - the most beautiful summer gift ever; and of those who are still away at their holiday spot even after they have returned home.

LOL (Laughing Out Loud)

Lola (Christa Theret) is a teenage girl living with her mother Anne (Sophie Marceau), who is divorced from Lola's father, Alain (Alexandre Astier). Nicknamed 'LOL' by her friends, Lola has been taking her first steps into teenage romance, dating a boy from her class named Arthur (Félix Moati). Following the summer break, Arthur tells her that he cheated on her over the summer and was dating one of her friends. Lola decides to break things off with him, and starts seeing his close friend, Maël (Jeremy Kapone). Lola's friends seem to enjoy complicating matters even more. But life at home has also become impossible with her mother, Anne (Sophie Marceau). Lola attempts to play her mother and her father Alain (Alexandre Astier) off against each other for her own advantage, but what she doesn't know is that Anne and Alain have begun dating again on the sly. After a class trip to England, her relationship with her mother comes crashing down.

Heartbreaker (2010 film)

The bulk of the story takes place in Monaco. Charming attractive Alex (Romain Duris), his sister Mélanie (Julie Ferrier), and her husband Marc (François Damiens), operate a unique business for concerned third-party clients—breaking up relationships, but only where the woman is "not knowingly unhappy." The trio concoct elaborate, custom, and sometimes expensive ruses to deceive the women. After each woman has fallen for his act, Alex tells her she has made him come alive again, but that it is too late for him. The women presumably leave their relationships to seek men who make them feel the way Alex has.

They are hired by a wealthy man (Jacques Frantz), who is a florist and gangster, to prevent the wedding of his daughter Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) to a wealthy Englishman of whom he does not approve, Jonathan (Andrew Lincoln). The main problem is that they only have ten days to do so before the wedding. The task is further complicated because, after doing a lot of research, the couple appear to be truly in love and absolutely perfect for each other. They also could not find the usual "flaws" in the couple that they use to cause break-ups. So, at first, Alex turns down the job, but, massively in debt to a loan shark through his own lavish spending on the business, he is pressured into putting aside his honourable principles to complete the seemingly impossible task with only five days until the wedding.

Alex becomes Juliette's 'bodyguard' in order to gain close and constant access to her. While on the job, Alex finds out things that Juliette likes and pretends to like these things as well to impress her; some of these things include the movie ''Dirty Dancing'', Roquefort cheese and the music of George Michael. Eventually the two develop feelings for each other but the early arrival of Jonathan disrupts Alex's access to Juliette. The night before the wedding, Juliette is restless, and she and Alex sneak out and have a wonderful time, including recreating the 'climactic lift' scene from ''Dirty Dancing'', and early the next morning Juliette confesses her feelings for him. Alex begins his usual script but, realising he cannot be with her after how he has deceived her, abruptly changes it and says she should get married.

The next day, as the group leave the hotel, Marc inadvertently drops Juliette's case file in front of her. Seeing the surveillance photos and her background information, she realizes her father has hired Alex to try to stop the wedding. At the airport Mélanie, after carefully observing the 'goings on' the last several days, chides Alex for walking away from real love to return to an empty life of fake seduction. He runs toward the wedding from the airport.

Meanwhile, Juliette's father tells her that while Jonathan is a decent man, she will be bored with him. As they are walking down the aisle, he tells her that Alex refused to take any payment for the contract. Before reaching the end of the aisle, Juliette turns and runs away from the ceremony to find Alex. The two meet and kiss after Alex confesses that he hates Roquefort and George Michael and had never seen ''Dirty Dancing'', is broke and sleeps in his office, but he needs to see her every day.

As the end credits roll, back at the 'non-wedding', it is revealed that the loan shark to whom Alex owes money actually works for Juliette's father, while Juliette's scheming friend Sophie flirts with Jonathan. Later, Mélanie and Marc alone attempt another 'seduction', but Marc doesn't quite have Alex's charm to pull it off successfully.

Evolusi KL Drift 2

Racing life between Zack (Syamsul Yusof) and Sham (Farid Kamil) has not ended yet. Zack, who used to be an illegal racer is currently a professional drifter. After the accident, Sham no longer drifts due to his broken leg and has to walk using the aid of crutches. Soon a female professional drifter called Aleeya (Scha Al-Yahaya) appears. Joe (Aaron Aziz), who managed to escape unhurt from the accident, wants revenge on Zack. Joe's assistant Ery (Shaheizy Sam) also wants revenge on Zack because he caused his best friend, Karl (played by Iqram Dinzly in the prequel) to get locked up in jail. Joe wants to control the whole drug business syndicate in KL, and ASP Kamal (Remy Ishak) suspects him for the crimes that involved deaths. What is the outcome of their new race this time? Will they be able to reach the finish line without complication?

Gears of War 3

''Gears of War 3'' begins as Chairman Prescott unexpectedly arrives on the ''Sovereign''. Prescott informs Marcus Fenix he needs to relay important information to the ship's senior officer, Captain Michaelson. The Lambent then launch a surprise attack on the ship, which leaves Michaelson dead and Prescott mortally wounded. Before dying, Prescott gives Marcus an encryption to the disc that Colonel Hoffman has and reveals that his father, Adam Fenix, is still alive but captive on Azura, a secret COG base. Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Baird fight their way to the Anvil Gate Fortress, where Hoffman possesses the necessary equipment to decrypt Prescott's disc. Upon arriving at Anvil Gate, Marcus and his comrades assist Hoffman's soldiers in repelling a combined Lambent and Locust assault.

Upon further analysis of the disc's content, Marcus learns that Azura is protected by man-made hurricane generators, making the island only accessible by submarine. Marcus and his comrades, joined by old friend Dizzy Wallin, successfully find a submarine but require Imulsion to fuel it. Dom suggests they first venture to an abandoned town called Mercy, where they discover that humans are becoming Lambent. During extraction, the Gears are nearly overrun by Locust and Lambent; Dom sacrifices himself to create an explosion that wipes out the hostile forces. Demoralized, they are forced to continue their search for fuel in the city of Char after their truck runs out of fuel. The ruined city is inhabited by several Stranded civilians who are led by Griffin (voiced by Ice-T). Despite his dislike for the COG and Gears, Griffin reluctantly tasks Marcus to recover a supply of Imulsion. After acquiring the fuel they are attacked by the Locust Horde, led by Queen Myrrah. Griffin's forces sustain heavy casualties in the ensuing battle, but the Gears are ultimately able to escape and reach the shipyards where they have to fight the Locust as they repair and fuel their submarine.

Marcus' group finally arrives at Azura, discovering that it is a sanctuary and resort for Sera's most elite and powerful individuals. Adam contacts the Gears and reveals he is being held captive atop Azura's main hotel tower. Marcus's group battles through waves of hostiles before finding his father. Adam quickly explains that he has created a device capable of eradicating all Lambent and Locust life forms on Sera. Adam had worked with Myrrah before to try to tune the wave so that only Lambent would be affected, but with the Imulsion, revealed to be a parasitic lifeform, now infecting humans, Adam ran out of time, infuriating Myrrah. Marcus and his comrades defend Adam from the Locust and Lambent, and from an attack by Myrrah. Adam reveals that he had to infect himself with Lambent cells in order to test his machine. As the machine begins to pulsate with energy, Adam bids his son farewell before the device kills him. Myrrah rises from the rubble and begins insulting Adam. Marcus fatally stabs Myrrah with Dom's commando knife he got back in Mercy. Shortly afterwards, the machine emits a blue wave of energy that sweeps across Sera, destroying the Locust, Lambent, and the Imulsion. The scene transitions back to Marcus, who is mournfully wondering what humanity has left. He is comforted by Anya, who assures Marcus that the sacrifices of Adam, Dom, and their comrades have guaranteed humanity a future.

Gears of War 3

The surviving COG city of Ilima is besieged by a coming Kryllstorm, a mass of millions of Kryll that will devour everything in their path once the city is dark enough. To speed up the Kryllstorm, Locust General RAAM leads an elite unit throughout Ilima, decimating COG resistance and summoning Seeders to black out the sky faster. Throughout the battle, RAAM is instructed by Queen Myrrah who sees taking Ilima as a stepping stone towards reaching the COG capital city of Ephyra.

At the same time, Zeta-Six is assigned to help evacuate Ilima via convoys of APCs, only to have their checkpoint attacked by massive Locust forces. Repelling multiple waves, Zeta ultimately uses the Hammer of Dawn to finish off the attacking Locust and is reassigned to help another squad defending a bank with civilian survivors inside. Zeta fails to save the other Gears and most of the civilians, but discovers a young Jace Stratton holed up inside of the bank's vault. The squad rescues Jace and escorts him to a convoy for evacuation, killing several Seeders and a Brumak to protect the convoy. At Jace's request, Zeta agrees to check out the local high school where Jace believes that there might be more survivors, including his adoptive father Dr. Wisen.

Reaching the high school, Zeta finds it to be a COG evacuation center which has been overrun by the Locust, including a Berserker, packs of Wretches and several giant Serapedes. However, they overhear a message from Dr. Wisen directing the survivors of the attack on the school to retreat to his nearby orphanage. Zeta fights their way back outside, managing to kill the Berserker by using several exploding cars in the parking lot. Finding their comms blocked by the Seeders and with time running out, Zeta fights their way to city hall where Barrick uses the mobile command center located there to take control of the Hammer of Dawn and kill the Seeders. With communications restored and less than half an hour left until the city is consumed, Zeta contacts Command who reveals that they are the only COG forces left in the city. As Kim refuses to abandon the survivors at the orphanage, Command agrees to redirect the last APC to meet them there for evacuation.

At the orphanage, Zeta discovers several survivors, including Dr. Wisen. As the APC arrives, carrying Jace, General RAAM leads a personal attack on the survivors, killing Alicia Valera and destroying the APC. Jace joins the remaining Gears in fighting off the Locust, though they are quickly cut off from the others. Zeta and Jace fight their way back through the nearby streets and sewers, encountering and killing most of RAAM's elite unit, particularly the elite Theron Guard that had been acting as RAAM's second in command during the battle. Upon their return to the orphanage, the Gears and Jace face off against multiple waves of Locust led by RAAM himself from atop a Reaver and weaponizing the Kryll against them. The group manages to shoot down the Locust General's Reaver, but Barrick is forced to stop the vengeful Kim from making a suicidal attack on the trapped and injured RAAM. Retreating to the roof, the survivors are evacuated by a King Raven helicopter just before the Kryllstorm completely engulfs Ilima. Impressed with Jace, Barrick commends the young man's courage and states that he will make a great Gear in the future.

Outcast (1922 film)

As described in a contemporary film publication, Valentine Moreland (MacLaren) has married her husband for money and jilted Geoffrey Sherwood (Powell). He feels her rejection keenly, and his friend Tony Hewlitt (David) finds Geoffrey alone in his apartment drinking. Miriam, abandoned by her husband and whose child had died from neglect, has been forced out on the street when her room's rent becomes overdue. Tony sprays some soda water out the window and hits Miriam. Miriam is invited in and Tony offers to compensate her for her hat. She tells Geoffrey her story, and he sees that he is no worse off than other people. Miriam works with Geoffrey in his South American business and he helps her get an apartment. She loves him and tries to win his affection, but he is held back by his memory of Valentine. Valentine has become weary of her elderly husband and seeks Geoffrey at his apartment. Miriam arrives and, seeing that Geoffrey is infatuated with Valentine, resolves to leave. Valentine glances out the window and, seeing her husband John (Wellesley) entering the house, panics. Miriam hides Geoffrey and Valentine in the next room, and, when John comes in, convinces him that she is Geoffrey's mistress and the only woman there. After John leaves, Valentine decides to rejoin her husband. Miriam leaves and, after sending a letter to Geoffrey indicating an intent to kill herself, leaves on a boat for South America. Geoffrey pursues her in a seaplane and rescues her when she jumps of the ship. They are married and honeymoon in Rio.

F.E.A.R. 3

The game begins nine months after the events of the first two games. Young Alma is shown sitting at a tree, playing with her doll. She pauses, listening for a moment, but then continues playing. Suddenly, there is a growl, and Alma becomes instantly terrified.

The game then cuts to a prison in Brazil where Armacham Technology Corporation (ATC) soldiers are interrogating Point Man. As the interrogators demand to know the location of Jin Sun-Kwon, a red mist floats through the room's closed door, and possesses one of them, who then snaps the other's neck. Point Man immediately grabs a knife and slits the possessed interrogator's throat. The man's body falls to the ground, leaving only Fettel, surrounded by the red mist. Point Man then sets out to rescue Jin, who is trapped in Fairport, and is joined by a reluctant Fettel, who is more concerned with Alma's pregnancy than Jin's fate.

The brothers escape the prison via the sewers, and steal a helicopter, flying back to Fairport, unaware how dangerous the city has become. As they approach the city, a wave of psychic energy hits the helicopter, forcing them to crash. As they move across the city, they discover that most of the population have either been driven insane by the paranormal activity or executed by ATC clean up crews. Meanwhile, both men begin to catch glimpses and have hallucinations of a hideous creature. In one particular vision, the creature is about to attack a terrified Alma. Intermittently, they are also dragged into a fragment of memory from their childhood, when they were kept imprisoned in a lab by Harlan Wade, and experimented upon.

Eventually, the brothers find Jin, although she cannot see Fettel. She tells Point Man that Sgt. Michael Becket of Delta Force is claiming he was raped by Alma and is the father of her unborn child. Given that Alma is pregnant, Jin speculates that the energy pulses may be her contractions rippling out across the world. With Becket held captive by ATC, he is due to be transported out of the city in a few hours, so the brothers head to intercept him. As the city literally collapses in on itself, they approach the airport. Finding a distraught Becket, Fettel possesses him, confirming he is telling the truth about his role in Alma's pregnancy and learning about Project Harbinger and the attempt to artificially create psychic commanders. However, the possession causes Becket to explode.

The brothers head to the facility where Harlan Wade kept them as children. There, as the creature stalks them, they begin destroying items associated with horrific memories from their childhood. As they do, they recall ATC scientists talking about how the first prototype (Point Man) was a failure but the second (Fettel) is perfect. They then remember that the creature is from their childhood. Called "the Creep", it is a monster manifested from the cruel actions of Harlan Wade towards the brothers and their subsequent psychological trauma.

They defeat the Creep and find Alma, who is moments away from giving birth. Point Man aims his pistol at her belly, but Fettel intervenes. They fight, and one of two endings occur, depending on which character has scored the most points across the game's challenge system. In Point Man's ending, he shoots Fettel in the head. He then aims his gun at Alma before lowering it, and helps her give birth. She then peacefully dies and Point Man learns from Jin that everything in the world has returned to normal. He then leaves with the baby. In Fettel's ending, Fettel possesses Point Man and extracts the baby. He vows to raise the child in his own image before cannibalizing Alma to acquire her power.

In a post-credits scene, security footage of the first Synchronicity Event is shown; Alma, although in a coma at the time, linked telepathically with the ten-year-old Fettel, causing him to go into a rage, in which he mutilates several ATC security officers using his psychic powers. Fettel is then heard in voiceover saying, "They deserved to die. They all deserved to die." He vows he won't stop until ATC is completely destroyed and he has achieved revenge for his mother.

Saw II: Flesh & Blood

The first part of the game involves Campbell Iman, a drug addict placed in the "Venus flytrap" who has to cut beneath his right eye to retrieve a key to stop the deadly mechanism. He then has to go through numerous, deadly traps in order to retrieve his long lost son, who is also a drug addict, including throwing a man off a ledge for his own survival. Before finding his son, the player is forced to choose either sacrificing Campbell for the sake of a stranger, or saving himself.

After Campbell's sections, the game then cuts to Michael Tapp at his father David's apartment after his suicide. He sees Chief of Police Henry Jacobs, a detective named Joseph Poltzer, and David's reclusive neighbor Sarah Blalok. Michael also sees Jennings Foster, a forensics specialist who was a survivor of the first ''Saw'' game. Michael is then kidnapped by Pighead and forced to play Jigsaw's game in order to investigate his father's death. After being abandoned by another victim, Solomon Bates, Michael is given another chance. The first victim Michael must save is a college student named Griff whom his father arrested for raping his professor, now trapped in a room full of explosives. Michael continues through the hotel, traversing traps, and rescuing a pedophile named Zeke from a glass box similar to the one from ''Saw II'', though he passes out from blood loss and is dragged away by Pighead. Michael then finds Henry in a trap that will cause a loaded gun to go off in his mouth, and learns that he is corrupt and has been selling drugs on the street. Upon being saved, Henry pretends to be grateful but later meets up with Joseph, and the two decide to kill Michael to ensure their corruption is kept secret. Michael then saves Sarah (whom he met earlier but who turns out to be a drug addict) from being drowned in a glass case. Upon being freed, Sarah flees and Michael continues through the hotel to save his next victim.

While attempting to confront Michael, Joseph is kidnapped by Pighead and is forced into a vise trap which Michael must save him from. An ungrateful Joseph leaves Michael, who is led to a factory to find the next victim. In the factory, Michael is attacked by Henry but manages to escape. He is then attacked by Zeke, whose hands have been replaced with bladed prosthetics by Jigsaw, and is forced to kill him. Michael next saves Carla Song, a hospital intern from the first ''Saw'' film, from an elevator trap which would have ripped her in half. It is revealed she was smuggling drugs from the hospital to sell illegally. Michael's last victim is Solomon, who is revealed to be the third partner of John Kramer and Art Blank. Solomon altered finances and forged books to cover for a larger group of criminals. Upon being saved by Michael, Solomon reveals that Henry, Joseph, Sarah, Carla, and himself are all part of a large drug operation. It was also revealed that David discovered this operation while chasing Jigsaw but was more interested in pursuing him rather than corrupt cops. Michael also admits to stealing his father's files on Jigsaw, and used them to advance his reporting career. The files, in which David admitted that his raid on Jigsaw's lair was without a warrant, were used as grounds to fire David by Henry in order to cover up his drug ring.

Along the way, Henry murders Carla to silence her, but is later killed himself by Pighead. Solomon is pushed into a pit of needles by Pighead and never seen again. Joseph also kills Sarah in a train station, but is later killed himself by Michael. Michael then spots Jigsaw, and chases him to a room where it is revealed that Campbell, the man from the beginning, has chosen Michael's fate by either sacrificing or saving himself.

Fascination (1922 film)

As described in a film magazine, Dolores de Lisa (Murray), born of a Spanish father and American mother, combines the warm blood of the South with Yankee pep. To hold her in restraint, her aunt Marquesa (Fitzroy) takes her to Madrid. Dolores slips away from home on Easter day when the streets are filled with crowds going to the bullfight where, after obtaining a wig and costume, she occupies a box. She becomes fascinated with the toreador Carrita (Frazer), and the Count de Morera (Foote) offers to introduce her if she will agree to attend his ball. At the ball Dolores dances for the guests, and then joins a party at a cabaret where she meets the great Carrita. Her family meanwhile is searching the city for her, her father Eduardo de Lisa (Lane), her brother Carlos (Hale), and her sweetheart Ralph Kellogg (Coleman), having just arrived from the United States. Her father enters the cabaret and Parola (Ware), a faded cabaret singer, recognizes him and invites him to her room. Dolores follows them and hears Parola accuse Carlos of being the father of her son. As Carlos turns and starts down the stairs, Parola attempts to kill him with a heavy lamp but Dolores grabs it. Parola then turns on the daughter, but she is saved by the toreador. Parola tells Carrita that Carlos is his father and urges him to avenge her. Carrita leaves and before he can carry out his purpose, Parola admits that she lied and was only attempting to blackmail Carlos, which saves him from death at the hands of the toreador. Dolores arrives home bedraggled and completely cured of her desire for excitement, bullfights, and underworld cabarets. She happily sinks into her American sweetheart's arms.

The Book of Khalid

The novel, which is intensely autobiographical as Rihani himself immigrated as a child, tells the story of two boys, named Khalid and Shakib, from Baalbek in Lebanon (at the time, the Syrian province of the Ottoman Empire) who migrate together to the United States, coming by ship through Ellis Island and enduring the classic "Via Dolorosa" of an immigrant. They move into a wet cellar in the Little Syria community of Lower Manhattan near Battery Park and begin to peddle counterfeit Holy Land trinkets and religious items throughout the city, a typical Arab endeavor in America. While Shakib, although himself a poet, is focused and accumulates savings through peddling, Khalid becomes distracted and turns away from commercial activity toward frantically consuming Western literature and participating in the New York City intellectual and bohemian scene. At one point, he burns his peddling box, decrying the dishonesty of their sales.

After exhaustion from reckless "bohemian" pursuits, Khalid shifts towards party politics when he is offered the position of a functionary and ward for the Arab community in the machine politics of the city. However, Khalid insists on moral purity in his political work, causing conflict with his "Boss." As a result, he is jailed for a brief time of ten days (Shakib helps secure his release) under the charge of misapplying public funds. The two decide to return to Lebanon before long, and Khalid then shifts back to intense peddling for a time, paying off his accumulated debts and earning funds for return passage.

Describing the result of their return, Christoph Schumann has stated that "the subsequent course of events mirrors the progress of his American experience: spiritual retreat, political activism, and persecution." Khalid soon engages in a series of actions that anger Maronite clerics in his home city. He refuses to attend church services and spreads pamphlets and ideas seen as heretical. Moreover, he presses his wish to marry Najma, a young cousin, but Church leaders refuse to grant consent. As result of the growing conflict, Khalid is excommunicated. After burning the official excommunication order in the town square of Baalbek, he sets off a battle of opposing sides and is sent by Ottoman troops to a prison in Damascus. Meanwhile, Najma is forced by her father to marry an Ottoman official. After Khalid's release, Khalid moves to the mountain forests and starts to live as a hermit.

During this period of exile, he contemplates nature and integrates lessons learned in America with his views on the cultural and political dilemmas of the Arab world. He evolves into a self-identified "voice" for the Arabs, and chooses to return to spread his views on liberation from the Ottoman empire and on the importance of religious unity and scientific progress. Khalid travels to different cities engaging in political and spiritual speech, periodically writing letters to Shakib. During his travels, Khalid meets an American Baháʼí woman named Mrs. Gotfry with whom he discursively engages on questions of love and religion. He travels to Damascus where he speaks in the Great Mosque about his views of the West and of religious tradition, producing a riot and prompting the Ottoman authorities to pursue his arrest. He flees with Mrs. Gotfry to Baalbek, where he meets Shakib and learns that Najma, along with her young son, is abandoned and now ill. All of them (Khalid, Mrs. Gotfry, Najma, her son, and Shakib) flee together into the Egyptian desert to escape the Ottoman authorities. After an idyllic period in the desert of several months, Mrs. Gotfry and Shakib leave. Najma's son, Najid, dies suddenly of an unexpected illness, and Najma relapses and follows him in death in her grief. Khalid disappears and does not contact Shakib; his whereabouts are unknown.

The Seventh Scroll

This book is set in the present and follows the adventurer Nicholas Quenton-Harper and his love interest, Dr. Royan Al Simma, as they uncover the tomb of Tanus.

Duraid Al Simma and his wife Royan decipher the seventh scroll from the tomb of Lostris. They are attacked and their work is stolen. Duraid is brutally murdered, but Royan escapes. Royan heads to England and convinces an old friend of Duraid, Nicholas, of the existence of the treasure in Pharaoh Mamose's tomb. Together they travel to Ethiopia following clues laid out by Taita.

As the pair journey along together, they grow fond of each other's company. They find the tomb's location, but are attacked by the Pegasus group, which were behind attempts on Royan's life. Royan and Nicholas' work are stolen.

It is revealed that the Pegasus group is owned by Herr von Schiller, a ruthless German collector. With the help of his right-hand man Jake Helm, Colonel Nogo, and Duraid's former assistants under his command, he acquires a strong force that are willing to go to extreme lengths.

Colonel Nogo was put in charge of keeping Royan and Nicholas out of their way and Duraid's assistant was in charge of exploiting the works Nicholas and Royan discovered, while Jake Helm provided them with Pegasus' facilities.

With the help of an old friend of Nicholas, Mek Nimmur, Nicholas and Royan sneak back into Ethiopia with equipment to search for the treasure. Accompanying them is an old fisherman to help in their quest.

With spies of Herr Von Schiller's gloating around Nicholas and Royans' premises, how Nicholas and Royan manage to find the tomb and escape from von Schiller forms the rest of the novel.

The Fight Before Christmas (The Simpsons)

The structure of the episode is similar to the structure of the Treehouse of Horror episodes, only that it is divided in four stories instead of three.

Bart's Story

Bart stays up late on Christmas Eve to kill Santa Claus for not bringing him a dirt bike three Christmases ago. He eventually falls asleep and dreams that the Polar Express, driven by Otto Mann, lands in front of the house and flies him to the North Pole. Bart meets Santa (Krusty the Clown) only to find out that he has run out of money, since giving out presents in return for cookies every year is not a sustainable business model. Feeling pity, Bart decides that Santa no longer has to give him a dirt bike and leaves with Santa throwing a party in his office after revealing how stupid kids are.

Lisa's Story

Lisa dreams that it is December 1944 and that Marge is a soldier in World War II. Due to Marge being taken suddenly for overseas deployment while buying a Christmas tree the previous year, Lisa has sworn to never see another Christmas tree until Marge returns home safely. However, during Christmas of 1944, the family gets a telegram saying that Marge is missing in action. After hearing the news, Lisa runs away to the place where she had last seen her mother, the Christmas Tree Farm. The owner of the place says that Marge paid for a tree the previous year but never picked it up. Lisa, believing the tree to be a symbol that Marge is alright, takes it home and decorates it together with Homer and Bart. As a Dumbo spoof, Marge is then seen assassinating Fuehrer Adolf Hitler with an MP40 in a movie theater in France as he watches a propaganda film. When she walks away from the scene, the theater explodes behind her.

Marge's Story

Marge dreams that she has sent a letter to Martha Stewart asking for her to help save the family's Christmas. Martha promptly arrives and fills the house with the Christmas decorations Marge has always dreamed of, but the other family members end up as part of the decorations instead of being able to enjoy the holiday with her. Marge quickly realizes that it is Homer and the children that make Christmas special for her, so Martha gets rid of all the decorations with a magic wand. Marge then wakes up on Christmas Day to find that her family has brought her the ingredients for breakfast in bed. Their attempts to cook it go awry, so they go out for breakfast instead.

Maggie's Story

Maggie dreams that the entire family has become puppets in a theater. As the Simpsons prepare for a trip to Hawaii and ask Moe to house-sit for them, Homer's boss Mr. Burns pays a surprise visit. He soon learns that Homer has feigned a neck injury to get time off work for the trip and calls his attack hounds on him. However, only one arrives (represented by a crude sock puppet), since the show has spent its budget on Katy Perry, who appears as herself and Moe's girlfriend. Noticing that Burns is disappointed by the lack of his attack hounds, Katy gives him a kiss. Touched by this, Burns decides to forgive the Simpsons and allows them to enjoy their trip in Hawaii, and then everyone sings a parody of "Twelve Days of Christmas" which plays during the credits. At the end of the credits, Moe attempts to kiss Katy but is not tall enough to reach her mouth, so he instead opts to kiss her bellybutton through her dress. Katy retorts that he is not kissing her bellybutton, meaning that he is actually kissing her vulva, but also says she did not tell Moe to stop.

All My Life (2008 film)

The film's plot revolves around the life of Rami, a 26-year-old homosexual, his life in Cairo, and his experiences with his friends and neighbors.

The Best of Everything (TV series)

The show focuses upon four young secretaries and their lives in an intense publishing firm: Linda, April, Kim, and Barbara. They were tormented by their ruthless head editor, Amanda Key, and counseled by the warm and loving Violet Jordan. Although the soap opera was short-lived, there were several plotlines, including Kim being brutally attacked by a mysterious villain named Squirrel. The series also revolved around Barbara, who had become depressed since her marriage failed.

Better Angels (FlashForward)

Ganwar Region, Somalia: 1991

The young Somali boy with a cut across his face from ''137 Sekunden'' walks back into his village to find every civilian on the ground, not moving, possibly because of the five towers surrounding the perimeter of the village. The boy runs to his mother who is lying on the ground, wearing a necklace with two red stones and one yellow stone, but she doesn't wake up. The boy sees a black camel kneeling down at him. "The Black Camel" is considered as an omen for death in Somalia. The boy runs away, and when the war comes to Somalia, the boy goes to join an army camp. When he returns to his village, he finds the bodies of his people gone, and only one of the towers remains standing. The boy is led to believe that his people driven off by the war.

Ganwar Region, Somalia: Present Day

Demetri, Simon, Janis and Vogel are traveling to Somalia via helicopter dressed as Red Panda representatives to investigate the remaining tower standing because they thought it was a design made by Simon when he was thirteen years old, and was then stolen by whoever created the tower. As they're about to enter the village, they are shot at by a couple of Somali men, one of them being the adult version of the small Somali boy in 1991, whose name is revealed to Abdi. They are taken captive by Abdi's men and their cover is ruined when Abdi recognizes Simon as the scientist who claims to have caused the global blackout. Abdi knows that they're really there to search the tower, claiming they're just like "the others". Abdi explains that back in 1991, Americans came to Somalia, claiming to be creating the towers to provide them with electricity.

One day, when he went out to herd the goats, he came back to find his people dead. Later, Demetri and Vogel stage a breakout by causing a brawl to get the guards to join in and knock them out. They see two people near the helicopter, and shoot them. But one of the guys had an RPG on him, and it accidentally goes off, blowing up one of the buildings and alerting Abdi. They are caught once again, and Abdi tells them that they are being held captive for a reason. He claims in his flashforward, he was speaking in front of thousands of what he believed was about starting a war against America, and his army would be called ''The Better Angels''. After a while of listening to what Abdi is saying, Janis realizes what Abdi's flashforward really meant, and offers to show him what it really means and they'll tell him who they really are.

Janis shows him, through the mosaic website, that he was reading an excerpt from Lincoln's first inaugural address: "The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." Abdi now realizes that he's not supposed to ''start'' a war, he's supposed to ''stop'' it from happening. Demetri explains that they're there because they believe that the tower is the cause of a small blackout that occurred in 1991 and is somehow related to the global blackout. Abdi takes them inside the tower, where they find a video that reveals that his people were questioned for what they saw, and they see that D. Gibbons was the one behind the operation.

Vogel finds a secret door in the tower, and they find the skeletons of the villagers, who, according to Vogel's autopsy, were shot to death. Abdi finds his mother's body via identifying her necklace, and he blames Simon for what happened since the tower was based on his designs. Right before he pulls the trigger, Vogel shoots Abdi from behind, fatally wounding him and saving Simon's life, but also preventing his flashforward from happening. That night, Abdi's people thank them for killing Abdi since he was a hard man to work for, and to show their gratitude to them, give them some food and a place to stay for the night. Vogel and Simon share their flashforwards with each other, and Vogel's flashforward reveals him walking up to a man in a suit, and saying: "Mark Benford is dead". Meanwhile, Demetri is rewatching the video, and after a few minutes of watching the static, D. Gibbons reappears and says "Hello Demetri. My name is Dyson Frost, and I'm recording this message in 1991. Got your attention, didn't I?"

Mark and Family

Mark shares some information with Wedeck about the hydra painting he saw in his vision and shows how it's connected with Dyson Frost. Mark also tells him the information he got about Dyson Frost. Mark heads home to have lunch with Olivia, where they discuss where they can move to get away from everything bad that could happen. Mark tells Olivia that they still need to know what Charlie saw in her vision, because she told Mark "D. Gibbons is a bad man". That night, Olivia finally convinces Charlie to tell her what she saw in her vision. Charlie tells her that she gave Dylan a cookie and they overhear his dad saying D. Gibbons is a liar. Dylan writes out "D. Gibbons is a bad man" on the refrigerator, saying that bad people lie. Charlie hears some fireworks go off, she goes to the back door, and sees Vogel telling another man "Mark Benford is dead". Olivia reveals what she heard to Mark, and when Olivia decides to leave the house that night, Mark tells her he can't because there's gonna be another blackout and he needs to see it through, meaning he needs the flashforwards to come true to see what he saw come true.

Bryce and Nicole

Bryce is vomiting in the bathroom due to his cancer, and he gets paged back to the hospital. He bumps into Nicole and finds out she's taking pre-med. Bryce says that she's part-way there since she has a good name (Dr. Kirby), and he jokes with her by saying his real name is Dr. Martin Goathead. Later that day, Bryce gives her a calculator that should help her in physics and all the other classes she has. Calculating it all to twelve years, Nicole says that in twelve years they'll be able to work together. But Bryce reveals to Nicole about his cancer.

200 (South Park)

While on a school field trip to a candy factory, Butters spots actor Tom Cruise working there, packing fudge into boxes. Stan, who previously told Cruise that his acting is not as good as others' in "Trapped in the Closet", accidentally insults him again by calling him a "fudge packer," as Cruise claims to be fly fishing. Cruise then recruits 200 other celebrities who have been ridiculed by the town of South Park to bring a class action lawsuit against the town. Stan returns to the factory with his father Randy to try to apologize and convince Cruise to drop the suit, but also finds it difficult not to call him a fudge packer as well since he was literally packing fudge while they spoke. An angry Cruise agrees to do so, but only if they can help Cruise meet Muhammad. This causes an uproar because depictions of Muhammad are forbidden, and the townsfolk fear that forcing Muhammad to appear in public will drive Muslim radicals to bomb the town. Stan and Kyle go to the Super Best Friends, a squad of superhero-like religious figures (Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Laozi, Joseph Smith and "Seaman") of which Muhammad is a member, to request he return with them to South Park. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Cruise and the other celebrities only want Muhammad for his "goo," as Rob Reiner, previously shown to be filled with "goo" in "Butt Out," has invented a machine to transfer Muhammad's "goo" to the celebrities, which they believe will make them immune to ridicule, just like Muhammad.

By this time, Cartman arrives with "Mitch Conner," a face painted on his hand as one-half of a ventriloquist act. Previously, Connor had successfully impersonated actress Jennifer Lopez in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head," and now Cartman and Connor return to the Lopez imitation in order to get involved in the lawsuit along with the other celebrities. Connor soon secretly convinces Cartman that they should steal Muhammad's goo for themselves to sell on the black market for more than the lawsuit could offer. Meanwhile, Kyle and Stan convince the Super Best Friends to let Muhammad come to town, but only if he stays in the back of a U-Haul truck and is not seen. When the townspeople realize they must bring Muhammad to Cruise's limo, they allegedly put him inside a bear mascot outfit. South Park is about to give Muhammad to the celebrities when the exchange is interrupted by a bomb planted by the Ginger Kids, a group of fair-skinned, red-haired children who are tired of being made fun of for their physical appearance. The Gingers want Muhammad for themselves, hoping to use his goo for their own means. They threaten to blow up the town if Muhammad is not turned over to them.

The people of South Park decide to turn Muhammad over to the Gingers, fearing the violence that will befall their town if they do not. The celebrities are angered by this change in events, but refuse to resort to violence for fear of ruining their careers. Instead, the celebrities decide to awaken the rebuilt Mecha-Streisand, a giant mechanical monster form of Barbra Streisand, who previously terrorized the town of South Park before being destroyed. The celebrities hope to use Mecha-Streisand to force South Park to accept their demands. Meanwhile, due to the chain of events, Cartman decides Connor's scheme has become too complicated and tries to quit, but Connor convinces him to stay involved by revealing that the townspeople of South Park have lied to him about his true father. Although they previously claimed his hermaphroditic mother was his father, Connor insists this is a lie. Cartman confronts his school teacher Mr. Garrison and Garrison's old hand puppet Mr. Hat, who admits to Cartman there was indeed a cover-up. Mecha-Streisand roars threateningly and continues her reign of destruction as the episode ends on a cliffhanger, setting the stage for 201.

Dead Men are Dangerous

Penniless and debt ridden writer Aylmer Franklyn (Robert Newton) happens upon a dead man lying under the branch of a tree, apparently killed during a violent storm. Swapping clothes and identities with the corpse seems like a way out of his troubles, and Franklyn even attends his own inquest; but little does he know the man had a criminal history and he soon finds the police on his trail.

The Echo Murders

A man's life is threatened and he seeks the assistance of Sexton Blake.

Father Steps Out (1941 film)

Jimmy Dugan (Frank Albertson) is a shotgun newspaper journalist who would kill to get a scoop. He finds a lead to a great business story and manages to get an interview with the subject in question, J.B. Matthews (Jed Prouty), who is the CEO of Bay Shore Railroad. Matthews company owns the Midland Central Railroad, where Tom Oliver (John Dilson) is in charge. Jimmy pretends to be Matthews physician and gains access to his mansion to perform a physical examination. He orders Matthews to relieve stress by taking a weeks vacation. While he performs the physical, Matthews’ daughter Helen (Lorna Gray) discovers that Jimmy isn't a real doctor, but intrigued by the reason for the charade, she keeps quiet and doesn't tell her father. Jimmy comes back to the mansion the day after when the family has left on their vacation, to search the house for leads to his story. He finds out that the family is on a train vacation, and takes a car to follow the train by road.

Jimmy goes through a great ordeal to catch up with the train; he crashes his car and steals a police motorcycle. Eventually he manages to board the train, but at the same time, Matthews jumps off the train to escape his nagging sister. Matthews became acquainted with two hoboes living near the railroad tracks, and his wife Martha panics when she finds out he isn't aboard the train anymore. Matthews is soon reported missing and his rival Tom Oliver start scheming to take control of the enterprise on his own. Jimmy reports back to his editor that the railroad tycoon is missing. There is a reward set to the person who can leave information leading to finding Matthews, but he is quite comfortable where he is with his new friends. Before the Bay Shore is sold to Midland, someone who has met Matthews in his new environment reveals his whereabouts. Jimmy helps find the tycoon and get him back before his assets are sold off by the bank. Jimmy wins the respect and heart of Helen, and the hoboes come and visit Matthews at the mansion.

City Limits (1934 film)

In a variation of Captains Courageous, J.B. Matthews (Frank Craven) president of a railroad, is getting sick of doctors, when he falls off his train, and meets up with a pair of hoboes, King (James Burke) and Napoleon (Jimmy Conlin), who show him how to enjoy life, and real cooking. It's up to intrepid reporter Jimmy Dugan (Ray Walker) and Helen (Sally Blane) to find him, and bring him in. The hope is that they do it before a rival ruins him. However, time is running out.

Amish Grace

When a group of Amish schoolgirls are taken hostage and killed in their classroom, their parents and the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, stun the outside world by immediately forgiving the killer. Ida Graber (Kimberly Williams-Paisley), mother of one of the murdered children, has a tougher time than the others accepting the tragedy, but in her anguish and pain, she begins a personal journey of renewed faith, ultimately accepting the heart-wrenching tragedy of losing a child after learning that her murdered daughter, Mary Beth Graber, had promised to pray for the perpetrator before her death; reconnecting with her husband (Matt Letscher), family, and community; offering forgiveness to the killer; and even showing kindness and compassion to the killer's widow (Tammy Blanchard) and children — all in the form of Amish grace.

The film was dedicated in memory of the victims of the West Nickel Mines School shooting.

Rapture of the Deep (novel)

On the day that Jacky Faber is to wed her true love, Jaimy, she is kidnapped by British Naval Intelligence and forced to embark on yet another mission for the Crown, searching for sunken Spanish gold off the coast of Havana. Along the way, Jacky and her mates find more than they have bargained for.

Dark Town

A man, Jacques De Bergerac, is in a coma after being in a car accident. He finds himself in Dark Town, where the land is dominated by strange living, breathing puppets and marionettes with button eyes.

The Lords of Dark Town are trying to kill Jacques, and use his body in the real world as a vessel for an agent of Dark Town. There's only one problem: Jacques' imagination. He carries it with him always, in a red suitcase. It protects him from the horrors of Dark Town.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Jacques' wife decides to take him off life support. Jacques now only has 12 hours to live. Back in Dark Town, Jacques encounters Death, who informs him of his time limit, and tells him how to escape Dark Town. The book ends on a cliff-hanger, as Jacques is captured by a knight after wandering onto a chessboard.

It's Never Too Late (1956 film)

Feeling her combative family has long taken her for granted, genteel British housewife Laura Hammond somehow finds time to write a film script amidst the chaos of her home life. Her work catches the attention of a Hollywood producer, and Laura unexpectedly finds herself the author of a hit film. She also finds she can only write when she's surrounded by her dysfunctional family. Eventually, Laura must choose between being a highly paid writer and celebrity or a housewife.

Treasure Hunt (1952 film)

On his death, the eccentric family of rakish Sir Roderick Lyall (Jimmy Edwards) gathers at his ancestral Irish mansion, Ballyroden Hall, for the reading of the will. Everyone is shocked to hear that, once debts are paid, the only asset remaining will be the mansion. The family doctor, Mr. Walsh (Miles Malleson), suggests the mansion be turned into a guest house to bring in funds. Half the family supports the idea, but Uncle Hercules (Jimmy Edwards) and Consuelo (Athene Seyler) endeavour to sabotage the scheme. All the while, Aunt Anna Rose (Martita Hunt) insists she has mislaid a fortune in jewels – but her story is doubted due to her eccentric personality. When the first paying guests, Eustace Mills (Naunton Wayne), Mrs. Cleghorn-Thomas (June Clyde) and daughter Yvonne (Mara Lane), arrive for their holiday, expecting peace and quiet, they find themselves caught up in a series of farcical situations caused by their hosts.

Incident in Shanghai

In Shanghai, Madeleine Linden is an unhappy wife who falls in love with wounded pilot Pat Avon, upon whom her husband Brian, the head of the Red Cross, must operate.

Everybody Dance (film)

When a successful nightclub singer (Cicely Courtneidge) finds herself guardian to her late sisters children, she ditches her singing career and takes the kids to live on a farm. Her manager is less than happy and resorts to legal means to try and stop her.

S.H.I.E.L.D. (2010 series)

The series details the secret history of an occult organization called the Brotherhood of the Shield, with a history extending back to ancient Egypt.

The main story of the first issue is set in 1953 shortly after the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, during the height of the Cold War. Shield agents Nathaniel Richards and Howard Stark enlist a young man named Leonid with unspecified superpowers into the organization, taking him to Shield's High Council in the Immortal City under Rome. The High Council reveals that they know "the final fate of Man", and their mission is to ensure nothing threatens the world before this occurs. They have chosen Leonid because he has a destiny. Flashbacks reveal that the Shield was founded by Imhotep following a battle (alongside Apocalypse and the original Moon Knight) against the Brood, and that previous agents include Zhang Heng (who tricked a Celestial into using the sun to give birth to its child instead of destroying the Earth or the Moon to do so), Galileo Galilei (who fought against Galactus) and Leonardo da Vinci (who is shown with a mysterious device, flying off in an ornithopter).

Leonid spends three years working with the Shield before being visited by his father, a superhuman named the Night Machine who has encountered the Shield before, and apparently been killed by them. The Night Machine gives Leonid the key to a secret area of the headquarters, saying his destiny cannot be dictated by others. The issue ends with Leonid meeting Leonardo da Vinci, who has apparently traveled through time to use his device to save the world. Leonardo's return was met with resistance from Isaac Newton who saw it as a threat to his reign as leader of the organization. This eventually leads to a great schism that divides the Shield into two factions; one led by Leonardo da Vinci and one led by Newton. Meanwhile, the child of a Celestial, the Star Child, is picked up by Leonardo from the sun.

Also connected to the story are Renaissance man Michelangelo who as The Forever Man has amazing superhuman powers of time and space manipulation and Nostradamus who was doused with the Infinity formula and tortured for centuries by Newton to tell the future for centuries. It is later discovered that The Night Machine is really Nikola Tesla who received his cybernetic implants from Michelangelo. Tesla is also discovered to be Leonid's adoptive father and that his biological father was Newton. The reader learns that Newton murdered Galileo Galilei and a host of others to meet his needs.

Night Machine, Stark, and Richards return to the city, and put a stop to the conflict by deciding to put the decision to Leonid on who is right, he chooses Leonardo da Vinci. Newton escapes to the future. Meanwhile, the Star Child goes mad on seeing that the world will end. The second volume stalled at issue 4, with the 5th issue completed not to be published until the 6th issue is ready to be started. Jonathan Hickman (writer) and Dustin Weaver (artist) were tied up with the Marvel summer crossover events for 2013.

Judge Me Tender

Homer and Bart participate at an "Ugliest Dog" contest in Springfield", entering Santa's Little Helper. At the contest, Moe feels neglected because nobody wants to let him sit next to them (Agnes Skinner even sets the chair next to her on fire). Moe sits on the ground until he notices that the judge, Krusty the Clown, is not managing to entertain the crowd due to his lack of enthusiasm over his work. He taunts and insults Krusty for his inability to be funny, despite being a clown. Angry, Krusty leaves and offers his job to Moe, much to the delight of the crowd, who then urges him to replace Krusty, to which Moe agrees, as he now has a place to sit. During the competition, Moe makes sardonic, offensive but undoubtedly funny comments about all the ugly dogs, but chooses the Simpsons' dog (under the alias of ''Satan's Little Helper'') as the winner because the Simpsons disguised their dog's buttocks as if it were his face, leaving Santa's Little Helper upset over his appearance until Lisa comforts him later. After that, Moe becomes the judge of most Springfield competitions (including a bully competition at the beach) and is offered a job as one of the judges on ''American Idol'', since several other programs with the opportunity of this kind of job were suddenly cancelled.

Moe flies to Los Angeles and becomes a protégé of Simon Cowell, who then explains all the details of his job, but before his first show, Cowell shows several clips of people (including Mr. Burns) who think the judgments of Moe are very offensive and became angry with him (with even the usually innocent and good-natured Ralph talking so boldly about Moe that most of his words have to be censored). Cowell warns him to not "become the mean judge, like I did", since he himself does not have many friends. He tries to be more positive, but when Cowell mocks his judgment of a contestant, he realizes that Cowell tricked him; angered, Moe threatens Cowell's life on air, but is apprehended by security and expelled from the building.

Meanwhile, Homer feels bored after Moe closed his bar to judge competitions and decides to spend time with Marge. After his presence at the house becomes too annoying, Marge decides to help him to find a new bar, but when this fails (due to the obnoxious customers), Grampa advises Marge to put Homer in a round of golf, where he will become too distracted to even bother her again. However, before the game begins, Marge meets an elderly man who tells her that he got addicted to golf and barely saw his family again. Marge then realises that she was going too far and stops Homer from playing, and they both end up having makeup sex. In the end, in the reopening of his tavern, Moe explains that he was put on trial and, as punishment for his sociopathic behavior, he is not only banned from California, but is also forbidden from ever judging anything again ''anywhere'' in the country (he cannot even express his opinion on how much beer a person should drink before driving). But fortunately for Moe, he is also forbidden from watching the Fox network, something that he acknowledges as being a blessing in disguise, as this leads to an increase of the customers in his bar, including Rupert Murdoch, who asks him to put on ''The Jay Leno Show''.

Samayou Yaiba

The only daughter of widower Nagamine Shigeki (Terao Akira), an architect, is found dead. A few days later, Nagamine gets an anonymous phone call giving him the names and address of the perpetrators. Upon entering the said apartment, Nagamine finds a snuff video in which two young men rape and kill his daughter. He waits for the murderer to return home, and stabs him to death.

Nagamine then heads out of the city to Nagano to find the other youth in the video, writing a long letter to the police about why he killed the boy in the apartment, and his intention to do the same to the other murderer when he finds him. In the letter he specifically cites the Japanese laws that fail to punish under-age criminals. This letter also is sent to the press, and is published in newspapers across the country.

While in Nagano, Nagamine tracks down the murderer. During his lengthy journey, he touches a number of people with varying opinions about the validity of his quest, including the Tokyo policemen investigating his case, and a father-daughter family unit who own an inn in which he takes refuge.


''Bulletstorm'' takes place in the 26th century, where the universe is run by the "Confederation of Planets". Grayson Hunt (Steven Blum) is the leader of Dead Echo, a black ops team under the command of Confederation General Victor Sarrano (Anthony De Longis). Dead Echo assassinates a man named Bryce Novak and accesses his personal files; they discover Novak was not a criminal "separatist" as they had been told, but a civilian reporter, documenting evidence of Sarrano's corruption and his use of Dead Echo to eliminate his political and personal enemies. When Sarrano tries to have them killed for questioning him, Grayson and his team desert, flee to the edges of the universe, and become pirates.

Ten years later, the ship carrying Grayson (now struggling with alcoholism), and his comrades Ishi Sato (Andrew Kishino), Rell Julian (Chris Cox), and Dr. Whit Oliver (Robin Atkin Downes) is intercepted by the ''Ulysses'', Sarrano's flagship, near the ruined planet of Stygia. In a drunken rage, Grayson attempts a suicide attack on ''Ulysses''. Both ships crash land onto Stygia, fatally wounding Ishi. Oliver sends Grayson and Rell to find an energy cell to power the ship's medical equipment so he can operate. Grayson locates an escape pod from ''Ulysses'' and retrieves its energy cell and a device called an "instinct leash". They return with the cell, and Doc manages to replace most of Ishi's body with cybernetics, including an AI processor for parts of his brain. However, in the middle of the operation, marauders break into the ship; Doc and Rell are both killed, and while Ishi survives, he is left permanently disfigured by the incomplete surgery.

Grayson and Ishi decide to work together to get off the planet, despite Ishi blaming Grayson for their friends' deaths. As they work their way towards the nearest city, the AI processor in Ishi's brain takes over several times, fueled by his anger at Grayson's selfishness and refusal to give up his vendetta. The instinct leash leads Grayson to another escape pod, where they find Trishka (Jennifer Hale), a member of Final Echo, the unit that replaced Dead Echo. She agrees to work with Grayson and Ishi on the condition that they help her rescue Sarrano. Grayson eventually learns that Trishka was Novak's daughter; after Dead Echo inadvertently saved her life, she joined the military to hunt down the "separatists" who killed him. Grayson tells her that Sarrano was in fact responsible for her father's death, but lies about his involvement.

The three fight their way to Sarrano's escape pod, which landed on top of a skyscraper. Trishka holds Sarrano at gunpoint and demands answers; he manages to throw her off the roof and informs Grayson and Ishi that the ''Ulysses'' is carrying a "DNA bomb" designed to wipe out all life on Stygia so it can be repopulated. He claims that the bomb is damaged and that if it is not disarmed soon, they will die before help arrives. Reluctantly, the two fight alongside him to reach the wreckage of the ''Ulysses''. Sarrano tricks Grayson into arming the bomb and escapes, leaving him and Ishi trapped. Just as it seems they are about to die, Trishka, who turns out to still be alive, rescues them.

The three race to Sarrano's rescue ship and get on board just as it takes off. They fight their way through Sarrano's "Heavy Echo" troops and confront him on the ship's bridge. Trishka demands to know who killed her father, and Sarrano reveals that Grayson and his men did. An argument ensues, and Sarrano then uses his own instinct leash to hijack Ishi's body and force him to attack Grayson and Trishka. Encouraged by Grayson, Ishi manages to wrest back control and winds up taking a bullet meant for his friend. Enraged, Grayson impales Sarrano on the wall, but Sarrano is able to eject him and Trishka from the ship back onto Stygia's surface. Grayson and Trishka race back to the ''Ulysses'' and board an unused escape pod. They launch it into low orbit, with the explosion of the DNA bomb propelling the pod into space. As Stygia is slowly consumed by the blast, the two talk about Grayson's revenge, the loss of his team, and Sarrano still being alive. Trishka asks Grayson what he is going to do about Sarrano escaping, and the screen fades to black. In a post-credits scene, it is revealed that Sarrano is now a cyborg due to the extent of his injuries. Ishi also survives, albeit under the full control of his AI processor.

At Sword's Point

The sons (and a daughter) of the original Four Musketeers ride to the rescue of besieged Queen Anne in 1648 France.

D'Artagnan and his companions are alerted that the terminally ill Queen (Gladys Cooper) is being pressured by the evil Duc de Lavalle (Robert Douglas) into agreeing to a marriage with Princess Henriette (Nancy Gates). Too old (or dead) to respond, their sons (and one daughter) race to Court to help.

After much derring do – including episodes of imprisonment and betrayal, with a burgeoning love sub-plot between D'Artagnan Jr. and Claire, daughter of Athos (Maureen O'Hara) thrown in for good measure – they succeed.

SpongeBob's Last Stand

Early one day, SpongeBob and Patrick become the first visitors to a new section of Jellyfish Fields. As they wander in the area, they discover a sign that states that Shelly Superhighway will be built through Jellyfish Fields. Believing that the highway will pollute and ultimately destroy Jellyfish Fields (some jellyfish will die from moving or from a dirty environment or from the fact that this is a home destroyed), SpongeBob resolves to prevent the highway's creation.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob asks Mr. Krabs for assistance, but he supports the highway, believing it can bring more customers to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob then shows Mr. Krabs the highway's blueprint, which shows that the highway with concrete columns will run over the Krusty Krab and end directly at the Chum Bucket, revealing that Plankton is responsible for the highway's development. Mr. Krabs thus decides to support SpongeBob. They both go to the Chum Bucket and ask Plankton to not develop the highway, but he states that, already, the whole rest of the town has unanimously voted to build the highway.

Refusing to give up, SpongeBob and Patrick peacefully petition to stop the highway. Nobody listens to them or supports them, however, and they are quickly exiled for their actions. Shortly after arriving there, they see a parade meant to commemorate the groundbreaking of the highway. It is rapidly built and, as SpongeBob predicted, it turns Jellyfish Fields into a wasteland and fills Bikini Bottom with pollution.

A few days later, the Krusty Krab's business quickly dwindles due to the highway. Believing that no one will come to the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs decides to finally give Plankton the Krabby Patty formula. Mere seconds before he does, however, the angry jellyfish from Jellyfish Fields invade Bikini Bottom and start attacking civilians and destroying the city out of revenge. Seeing this as an opportunity to demolish the highway, SpongeBob makes an appeal to the people, who realize that the freeway was a terrible idea and agree to destroy it. Everybody in Bikini Bottom turns against Plankton and destroys the pavement and the columns of the highway (Plankton, who thinks his highway is unremovable, tries to save it but gets run over). Jellyfish Fields is restored to its natural state.

Descendant (2003 film)

Ethan Poe, a writer living in the shadow of his infamous ancestor, is under deadline to finish his next book. He moves to a small town to concentrate on his novel and meets Anne who falls for the troubled writer. When the shadow of Poe's ghost falls over the two lovers women turn up murdered in Poe-etic fashion. Ethan is the Police's prime suspect. Is Anne next to be murdered? Can she save herself from the dark curse on the Poe family?

Cause and Effect (Numbers)

Drs. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz) and Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat) are married at CalSci. Charlie's father Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), Charlie's older brother FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), and friends FBI Special Agents David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard), Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown), and Assistant United States Attorney Robin Brooks (Michelle Nolden) attend the ceremony. Charlie and Amita's friend and colleague Dr. Larry Fleinhardt (Peter MacNicol) officiates. After receiving a call from FBI Special Agent Liz Warner (Aya Sumika), Don and David leave the reception to arrest Ted Dacosta (Luke Rosen), a man wanted on fraud charges. During the arrest, a man who has just learned that Decosta had swindled him tackles Don and David. The tackle knocks Don's gun away from him. Someone picks the gun up and walks away from the scene. A member of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) questions Don about the incident, and Don completes the required paperwork. Nikki contacts her former colleagues at the LAPD for assistance.

At Charlie's house, Alan and Charlie notice that Don is upset about losing his gun. Charlie offers to help his brother locate the gun, but Don refuses, citing Charlie and Amita's upcoming visiting professorships at Cambridge. Don receives a call about two drug dealers who were fatally shot with Don's gun. None of the neighbors appear upset about the dealers' deaths. A tip from LAPD leads the FBI team to the leader of the community crime watch. He insists that he did not have the gun but later confesses to possessing it when presented with contradictory evidence. Don confesses to Robin that he feels that the search for his gun could determine his future with the FBI. Robin replies that the current case should not influence his decision. Meanwhile, FBI technician Matt Li (Matthew Yang King) discovers many references to Don's gun as a vigilante gun on several social networking sites. Charlie, Amita, Larry, and Otto Bahnoff (John Cariani), a plasma physicist who has assisted the FBI on two previous cases, use the small world network to track the gun. While discussing the math, Don and Charlie agree that, although they had spent their lives apart from each other, they want to keep the relationship they have with each other. The team receives another call, this time leading them to the body of a woman who planned to drink and drive without a driver's license.

Amita, Charlie, Larry, and Otto find a woman who used her real personal information on a web site which referenced Don's gun. The woman tells the agents that she passed the gun to someone named Jim. Don and David question Jim Mazzolla (David Burke), who claims that his neighbor Michael Hiller (Vyto Ruginis) had been bullying Mazzolla and his family. Both Mazzolla and Hiller deny being in possession of Don's gun. With Charlie's analysis and further investigation, the agents discover that Mazzolla, a criminal, was in the area where Don lost his gun the day of the incident. Don and David return to Mazzolla's house, where they discover Mazzolla's son, Jim Jr., (Bridger Zadina) holding Hiller at gunpoint. Don wrestles the gun from Jim Jr. and arrests Hiller on unspecified charges. FBI Special Agent Ian Edgerton (Lou Diamond Phillips) suddenly appears to escort Hiller. Ian informs Don and David that the team's earlier background check on Hiller, an escaped prisoner from Florida, alerted Ian to Hiller's location. Ian also expresses disappointment about not being able to attend Charlie and Amita's wedding. At the FBI office, Colby, Liz, and Nikki discuss David's new promotion to team leader of an anti-corruption team based from the Washington, DC FBI field office. Don, who recommended him for the position, tells David that David will do well in his new position. At Charlie's house, the Eppes family and the team celebrate Charlie and Amita's wedding. Charlie and Amita inform the group that they will be converting the garage into a guesthouse for Alan so that Alan, who had decided to find an apartment since Charlie and Amita have married, can have space and that they can have him live near them. Charlie wants to provide for Alan, and Amita is willing due to her Indian heritage. Confident about his work with the FBI, Don tells Robin that he will accept a promotion to become a special agent in charge. Don proposes to Robin, and she accepts. As Alan designs the new guesthouse, he, Don, and Charlie discuss the changes and the constants in their lives.

Thirty-Six Hours

A freight train and a passenger train collide with each other. Several people on the passenger train are killed, and others are trapped in the wreckage. Suspecting terrorism, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) calls FBI Special Agents Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard), Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), and Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown) to the scene. Don leaves David and Colby at the scene to rescue survivors while he and Nikki talk to a conductor who had jumped out of the train before it crashed. Nikki attempts to tie the conductor's deceased crew-mate, who stayed on the crashing train trying to apply the breaks and has Syrian origin, to a terrorist plot. Don feels that the wreck was unrelated to terrorist activities. At CalSci, Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), Don's younger brother and a FBI math consultant, demonstrates a group of swarmbots, robots which can gather information using infotaxis, the use of information to create a map of the robots' environment, to Don and their father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch). Charlie tells Don the swarmbots could map the wreck in order to find survivors.

Charlie arrives at the crash site and inserts the swarmbots into the wreckage. At the FBI office, Don calls Dr. Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat), Charlie's girlfriend and a fellow FBI consultant, to determine whether mechanical failure caused the crash. Don and Nikki question several other people, including a former member of the mob who is now a legitimate businessman, the freighter train's owner, and a rail master. Back at the crash site, David and Colby pull a woman out alive. She is concerned about her asthmatic son, who was with her at the time of the crash. The mother calls her son's cell phone, and she and David talk to the boy for a while to keep him calm. Amita finds that two switches must be thrown in order for a train to switch tracks. Upon a suggestion from Alan, Amita realizes that someone threw the second switch a few minutes too late. Don calls the rail master back in for questioning. During the interview, Don learns that the rail master has had a lack of sleep and left his post a couple of minutes before the crash to rouse himself.

Back at the crash site, David loses contact with the boy. Movement inside the railcar crushes the swarmbots, leaving Charlie without a visual of the inside of the railcar. Impatient with Charlie, David enters the railcar with the boy's inhaler. Don arrives at the scene as Colby enters the wreckage after David. David and Colby find the boy and a rail worker who has been with the boy since the crash alive and rescue them. Charlie realizes that the freight train's momentum should have stopped it. Don learns that the freight train's owner misrepresented the train's weight, and Don and Nikki then arrest the owner.

Arrow of Time (Numbers)

While Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), a CalSci math professor/FBI math consultant, rehearses a lecture on entropy and his brother, FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), is at temple, federal prisoner Buck Winters (David Gallagher) escapes from prison along with two other prisoners. As Winters and his fellow escapees are federal prisoners, the Los Angeles Police Department calls FBI Special Agents David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard) and Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown) to the scene of an abandoned car and hands the FBI agents a rope made from dental floss. David explains to Nikki that, two years prior, Buck's wife, Crystal Hoyle, kidnapped fellow FBI Special Agent Megan Reeves (Diane Farr). Don allowed Buck to be tortured in order to learn Megan and Crystal's location. At a briefing at the FBI office, Don acts as though he is not bothered by the news of Buck's escape. Don's girlfriend, Assistant United States Attorney Robin Brooks (Michelle Nolden), becomes worried about Don as the case should be personal to him. FBI Special Agent Liz Warner (Aya Sumika), who knew only about Megan's kidnapping and had learned about Don's actions from FBI Special Agent Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), confronts Don about his actions. David and Liz take the rope to CalSci to be analyzed by Charlie and Drs. Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat) and Larry Fleinhardt (Peter MacNicol), Charlie's friends and fellow FBI consultants. When Charlie and Larry learn of Buck's escape, Charlie is surprised, as Don had not told Charlie about the escape. Larry is visibly upset as Megan was his girlfriend at the time of her kidnapping.

Charlie's calculations reveal that the prison break had been planned for months and that someone outside of the prison had to supply the dental floss. Colby and Nikki bring the girlfriend of one of the prisoners in for questioning. The girlfriend points to a friend of the prisoner's cellmate. David and Colby question the friend, who denies any knowledge of Buck or the floss. Meanwhile, Robin confides to Larry that she wishes that Buck would be found dead, and Larry tells Robin what he was thinking when Megan was kidnapped. Don and Charlie's father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), confronts Don about his recent behavior. Don confesses that he fears having to kill Buck in a confrontation. Charlie analyzes Buck's movements and realizes that Buck is after Don. At the FBI office, Charlie confronts Don, who is reviewing a tape of the Crystal Hoyle shooting. They discuss the ability to control a situation. Charlie tells Don that Don has to focus on the present since he cannot change the past. As Charlie leaves, Don receives a phone call from Buck.

David, Colby, Nikki, and Liz find one of the escaped prisoners dead at a hotel. While discussing the development, they learn that Don had called Buck. Later, David, Colby, Nikki, and Liz arrest the accomplice. As Don and David prepare to arrest Buck, David confronts Don about Don's recent actions. Don gives David two options: report Don or trust him. Unarmed, Don confronts Buck at Don's synagogue. Don learns that Buck, thinking that his arrest disappointed Crystal, wants Don to kill him. Don explains that he had to shoot Crystal and that the decision has haunted him for some time. The team, who has been positioned around the synagogue, arrests Buck without firing a shot. Robin, who has been outside during Buck's arrest, enters the synagogue and finds Don leafing through a copy of the Tanakh. Meanwhile, Alan, Charlie, Amita, and Larry discuss Don's predicament during a discussion about forming a think tank. Charlie realizes that he contradicted himself while at Don's office; Charlie felt that the situation was irreversible. Larry uses Maxwell's Demon as a metaphor for outside circumstances forcing a change in the situation.

The Whoopee Boys

Two dim-witted New York street peddlers, Jake Bateman and Barney Bonar, have grown tired of the frozen cold. They head to a car place where drivers are hired to transport vehicles. When they are denied driving a Cadillac to Palm Beach, Florida, Jake flirts with the car place owner and threatens to eat her goldfish until she agrees.

Upon arriving in Palm Beach, the duo find themselves accidentally crashing a party held by a rich elderly couple who lost their dog, Ralph. Barney's attempt at befriending a Navy admiral and his wife doesn't go too well while Jake meets Olivia, an heiress who runs a local orphanage. When Jake and Barney leave to find the Cadillac had been towed, Olivia offers to take them in in exchange for help at the orphanage. Olivia and Jake begin to get a little close when she drops a bomb on Jake. She is to be married to someone her uncle approves. Her uncle will only accept those whom he considers "perfect gentlemen". If she cannot marry in 30 days, she will lose her orphanage to a real estate developer, Strobe, who just also happens to be Olivia's ex-boyfriend who can't seem to let her go. When Jake offers to marry Olivia, she is convinced that Jake is not going to be good enough for her uncle.

Upset, Jake turns to Barney, who suggests they go to a charm school run by Henrietta Phelps, a well known expert in etiquette. Taking the back route to the school, Jake and Barney are joined by the nerdy Eddie Lipschitz, aggressive police officer White, neurotic Shelley, Indian man Roy Rajmataj, and Claudia, the pregnant wife of a Mafia boss. At first, things don't bode well for anyone in the group. One night, Jake and Barney sneak off to a local bar where they find Henrietta's husband Colonel Phelps. The Colonel reveals he is part of a secret society similar to the Illuminati in terms of learning how to be a perfect gentleman. The duo splits their time between the couple, learning proper etiquette from Henrietta while the Colonel has the boys take mock photos with royal figures and government politicians to make themselves established.

Having finished both courses, Jake intends to win back Olivia. However, he must deal with the likes of Strobe and his two right hand men, Whitey and Tipper. To impress Olivia's uncle, Judge Sternhill, Barney brings in some of his friends from the charm school to help Jake. For instance, Officer White gives Barney a machine gun to help Jake shoot skeet successfully with Barney actually pulling the trigger. When at a party, Jake manages to make Strobe look foolish, the Judge is disappointed with both men and suggests a game called "cross courts", the two get Eddie to join in. However, when Eddie unwittingly confesses to Whitey about charm school, the ruse is up and Olivia is forced to marry Strobe.

At the wedding ceremony, Jake and Barney sneak in while Claudia comes in as a guest. Officer White distracts the priest and "arrests" him. Roy disguises himself as the priest with Eddie posing as an altar boy. When Strobe unveils the bride, it is actually Barney in a wig and totally embarrassing Strobe. Jake and Olivia finally get Sternhill's approval and Strobe is arrested by Officer White. Jake and Olivia drive off while Barney meets two women coming out of the church. The finale sees Judge Sternhill finding Colonel Phelps and they both give off the secret sign that they were both members of the "secret society" that Jake and Barney had become the newest members of.

Cama de Gato

Gustavo, once a poor, kindhearted youngster, is now a successful entrepreneur in the perfume business but has turned cruel, arrogant, and miserable. Alcino, his best friend and business partner, helped him achieve his present success. When Alcino finds out that has a fatal disease and has a few months to live, he decides to play a prank on Gustavo to help him rediscover the decent man he once was and the joy of living he once possessed. Gustavo is married to Veronica, a rich, selfish, spoiled, and ambitious woman who has never loved her husband. Alcino's prank takes an unexpected turn when Veronica, the story's antagonist, interferes, manipulates the surprise, and makes Gustavo lose almost everything after being taken for dead and accused of a crime. While trying to pick up the pieces of his life, Gustavo meets Rose, a simple, hard-working woman who raises four kids by herself with great spirit and optimism. Because of her good heart, she starts to help Gustavo to put his life back together. Gradually, Gustavo and Rose develop feeling for each other, leading him to rediscover his humanity through the hands of this newfound love.

Belthandros and Chrysantza

Belthandros, a Roman (Byzantine) prince and youngest son of king Rhodophilos, quarrels with his father and leaves his home to seek his fortune. After wandering in the hostile lands of Anatolia and dealing with Turkish bandits, he reaches Tarsus in Armenian Cilicia. There he sees a fiery star in the depths of a river (a metaphor for love) and follows it to the north. In this way he finds a castle built of precious gems, which belongs to King Eros ( , ''Erotokastron''), and is full of various miracles and magnificent statues and automatons.Beck, p. 120 Belthandros leaves his escorts outside and enters the castle alone. There he sees an inscription that tells of his predestined love between him and Chrysantza, the daughter of the king of Great Antioch. He is then summoned by the lord of the castle, Eros, who announces to him a beauty contest at which Belthandros must give a wand to the most beautiful among forty princesses. The contest takes place and Belthandros gives the wand to the most beautiful princess, whereupon all that surrounds him suddenly disappears "like a dream", leaving him alone in the castle. At this point he resolves to go out and seek the princess.

After a short journey he arrives in Antioch where he meets the king of the city, is accepted as his liegeman, and soon becomes an intimate of the royal household. There he meets his daughter Chrysantza, whom he recognizes as the princess he chose at the Castle of Eros. Although Chrysantza has never seen him before, she too recognizes him, and the two fall in love. Two years and two months however pass before their first love meeting, which takes place secretly at night in the royal garden. The meeting ends suddenly when a jealous courtier discovers them and Belthandros is put in jail. In order to save her lover's life, Chrysantza convinces her faithful chambermaid, Phaidrokaza, to take the blame by declaring that the prince had visited her instead. The king believes the story and a forced marriage between Belthandros and Phaidrokaza takes place.Beaton, p. 113

The following days the couple continues to meet secretly, but soon the situation becomes unsatisfactory, and they decide to flee, together with the chambermaid and two retainers. On the way, they cross a flooded river, where Phaidrokaza and the two retainers are drowned, while the two lovers are separated and thrown up on the far bank. Chrysantza comes upon the corpse of one of the retainers, made unrecognizable from the river. Thinking it is Belthandros, she is about to fall on the dead man's sword, when Belthandros himself appears to forestall her. The lovers reach the seacoast where they find a ship sent by king Rhodophilos in search for his son. The romance ends with their return to Constantinople, where a wedding ceremony is performed and Belthandros is proclaimed heir to his father's kingdom.Beck, p. 121Schmeling, p. 726

Love on Wheels

A daily commuter on a Green Line bus from the suburbs to Central London Fred Hopkins romantically pursues a fellow passenger Jane with the help of Briggs the bus conductor. His hopes are thwarted when he is fired from his job at a major department store. However he is eventually able to return, securing both his dream job as advertising manager in charge of window dressing and the girl he loves.

Flying Fifty-Five

After being disinherited by his wealthy father, an amateur jockey, Bill Urquhart goes to work under an assumed name (Bill Hart) at a rural racing stables owned and run by Stella Barrington and her drunken brother, Charles, who is an old friend of Bill's. Confusion arises when Bill is mistakenly reported to have been murdered.

Red State (2011 film)

Teenagers Travis, Jarod, and Billy Ray drive to meet a woman named Sarah in response to an invitation for group sex. Along the way, they accidentally sideswipe the parked vehicle of Sheriff Wynan as Wynan is engaged in sex with another man. Wynan returns to the station and tells his deputy Pete to look for the vehicle involved.

Sarah tricks the boys into drinking drugged beer, and they pass out. Jarod wakes up in a covered cage and realizes he is inside Five Points Trinity Church, a fanatically conservative church, after he identifies church leader (and Sarah's father) Abin Cooper. Cooper begins a long, hate-filled sermon. His followers ritually murder a captive gay man and drop him into a crawl space where Travis and Billy Ray are bound together. Cooper begins preparing Jarod to be murdered in the same way, but stops when he notices Pete driving up to the church.

Travis and Billy Ray manage to cut themselves free, but are overheard by Sarah's husband, Caleb. Travis fails to escape his binds, so Billy Ray abandons him. Caleb chases Billy Ray into a room stocked with weapons, where the two shoot each other. Pete hears the gunshots and calls Wynan for back-up, but is shot and killed by Cooper's son Mordechai. Cooper blackmails Wynan, telling him to stay away or he will reveal Wynan's homosexuality to his wife. Wynan calls Agent Joseph Keenan of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, who begins setting up outside the church.

Travis breaks free, arms himself and plans to shoot the congregation, but witnesses Jarod being held captive in the church. Travis instead flees the church, but is mistaken for a member by Wynan and shot. Keenan tries to reason with the group, but Cooper shoots an ATF agent. A shoot-out erupts and Wynan is killed. The ATF orders Keenan to stage a full military raid on the church to eliminate all witnesses. Keenan passes the order on to ATF Agent Harry, who refuses.

During the shoot-out, Sarah's daughter Cheyenne escapes and is captured by an ATF agent. Sarah kills him as he is about to shoot Cheyenne. Cheyenne returns to the house and frees Jarod, begging him to help her hide the congregation's children. He refuses and she attacks him. Sarah attacks Jarod, and Cheyenne accidentally shoots and kills Sarah. Jarod decides to help Cheyenne hide the children. They plead with Keenan to spare the children but are both killed by Harry. The shoot-out is interrupted by a mysterious trumpet blast. The church congregation members lower their weapons and run outside rejoicing, claiming that the Rapture has occurred and taunting the ATF.

The film cuts to a government briefing several days later. Keenan reports that he head-butted Cooper and took the rest of the congregation into custody. He explains that the trumpet noises were a prank by a group of local college students irritated with Cooper. Keenan is promoted despite disobeying a direct order from his superiors. They explain that their initial decision to kill the members of the congregation was personal and that they are satisfied with incarcerating the congregation without trials, upsetting Keenan. Cooper is seen pacing around his cell singing and sermonizing until another prisoner tells him to shut up.

Original ending

During various interactive Q&As for the film, Smith has stated that the original ending continued with the Rapture happening and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse descending on the scene.

Easy Riches

Two rival firms of builders fight for business in a small town.

The Hidden Power of the Dragon Sabre

The film is a spin-off of the original story of ''The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber''. Zhang Wuji retrieves the Heaven-reliant Sword and the Dragon-slaying Saber and places them in the Ming Cult's headquarters. He carves the inscriptions from the ''Nine Yang Manual'' on the walls of a secret chamber and asks his godfather Xie Xun, who has become a monk, to help him guard the chamber. Zhang returns the original copy of the manual to the Shaolin Sect.

Song Qingshu, a defeated villain from the original story, returns and starts a reign of terror. He traps a beautiful Mongol princess and masters a new Yin and Yang-combined martial arts technique, becoming almost invincible. Zhang Wuji has to put an end to Song Qingshu's rampage.

Another Century's Episode: R

The plot of ''Another Century's Episode: R'' revolves around an original timeline created specifically for the game, as opposed to linking the stories from each of the represented series. In this timeline, humanity has expanded beyond the Solar system, with planet Area becoming one of those resulting colonies. Androids known as Seasons were originally built to help the colonists settling on Area, but later rebelled against their human creators. Leading a robotic army collectively known as the Icon, the Seasons successfully wipe out the human population on Area, but there is one last trick up the colonists' sleeves: they made a data copy out of one of the Seasons androids and entrusted it, named Autumn-4, with genetic seeds of themselves as well as a trans-atmospheric battleship Ark Alpha. The intention was for Autumn-4 to take the gene seeds as far away from the Seasons' grip as possible so that the now-deceased colonists can be reborn on a safe world. Soon after the commencement of Autumn-4's mission, however, Ark Alpha was intercepted by a fleet of Icon warships led by Winter-1, head of the Seasons.

Overwhelmed by the numerically-superior enemies and in desperation, Autumn-4 activated a device within Ark Alpha called V-Drive, which has the ability to create a blackhole-like portal to parallel universes: it worked, with Brunhilde emerging from the portal and repulsing the Icon fleet, but also unintentionally caused characters from other timelines to be transported to planet Area as well. To make the matter worse, the energy discharged by Brunhilde in the process affected Autumn-4's memory circuits and corrupted her record of the event, leaving her unable to explain to all the people who now find themselves stranded in a foreign universe. Nevertheless, feeling responsible for their plight, Autumn-4 decides to find out what happened and how to return them to their homeworlds while enlisting their help in finding a way through the robotic army of the Seasons, who would shoot first and never ask questions much later.

Muriel a andělé

At the beginning of the story, Muriel saves the life of the angel Ro. Ro enables her to visit the world of distant future, full of young and beautiful winged people, who live in peace and love, without wars and armies. Maniacal general Xeron manages to travel with them, but he doesn't like the optimistic and peaceful vision of future and attempts to prevent it. Muriel and Ro seek to protect a young boy, who is the future inventor of immortality. The boy's name is Mike Richardson.Diesing (2009), p. 257

Walkure Romanze

''Walkure Romanze'' s story revolves around Takahiro Mizuno, a student studying at an academy with jousting as the main focus for sport. Takahiro acts as an advisor to the riders of the sport. Takahiro goes through each day tediously until the time of the annual competition draws near. Due to some odd circumstances, his childhood friend Mio Kisaki is challenged to a duel and she is forced to participate even though she has never even ridden a horse before. Takahiro agrees to train Mio as her Begleiter, but only until the duel is over. She later enrolls in the annual competition. She and the four other heroines all want Takahiro to become their Begleiter.

A Carne

Lenita is a young, naïve 22-year-old woman who, recently orphaned, goes to live with an old farmer who raised her father. In the farmer's house, she meets his son, Manuel Barbosa, a divorced man. They soon start a forbidden love relationship.

Exception to the Rule

A married jewel trader is seduced by a beautiful woman while on a business trip. Upon returning home, he receives a video tape in the mail of his tryst and a threat to ruin his marriage if he doesn't turn a shipment of diamonds over to the woman.

Arakawa Under the Bridge

Set in Arakawa, Tokyo, the series tells the story of Kou Ichinomiya, a man who has accomplished everything by himself. Ever since he was little, his father has taught him one rule: to never be indebted to another person. One day he is attacked by child bullies in the bridge, they remove his pants and attach them high up in the bridge archer, in trying to retrieve them, he falls into the Arakawa River and almost drowns. A girl by the name of Nino rescues him and, in return, he owes her his life. Unable to accept the fact that he is indebted to her, he asks her about a way for him to repay her. In the end, she tells him to love her, beginning Kou's life of living under a bridge. However, as Kou starts to learn, Arakawa is a place full of weirdos and all of the people living under the bridge are what society would call "denpasan".

Way Down South (film)

In antebellum Louisiana in 1854, young orphan Timothy Reid Jr. inherits a plantation and its slaves. However, lawyer Martin Dill is made the executor of the estate. Dill plots to sell the slaves and flee to Paris with the proceeds. Timothy is befriended by Jacques Bouton, who persuades Judge Louis Ravenal to look into the matter and save the day.


The film starts off with art supplies and dramatic music. The art supplies draw an EC Comics knockoff that the camera zooms into, showing a family on vacation.

The family sees a "No Hunting" sign that seemingly says you can only hunt monsters called "tropopkins", and the kid of the family, Todd (Billy Corben), just happens to have a comic detailing what a tropopkin is. Todd's mom Abby (Molly Cheek) has a weird sense of humor and suggests that the sign could mean only tropopkins are allowed to hunt. Almost instantly the roar of a tropopkin is heard. Todd doesn't see the tropopkin, but he does find a giant chicken-like footprint, which matches the tropopkin footprint in his comic.

Just then a beautiful woman appears and seems to be flirting with Todd's dad George (Alan Thicke), who acts like a seemingly generic grumpy 1950s dad - humorless, irritating, and super-serious. Sometime later, a monster appears one night in the woods and chases Abby until catching her, and wrapping her in a cocoon.

6 months later, Todd is sadly living with his grandparents Shirley and Norman (Alice Hirson and George Gaynes) after the incident, with all, except Todd, believing the mother to be dead. George arrives and reveals that he will marry Denise Gore (Robin Riker), the suspicious beautiful woman from earlier, and has been dating her for the entire six months following Abby's disappearance and the time Todd got left with his grandparents. Todd has been unaware of this, and even the grandparents call out George for it.

There is a short little heartwarming scene between Todd and his grandpa Norman, filled with random sports metaphors, in the style of Benjamin Sisko from ''Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'', on how everything is like baseball, or how everything ties into baseball.

Todd begins to get suspicious of Denise after her sees her gnawing on a bone, just like how he saw a tropopkin do the same thing in a comic book that details various things. Denise also has some tiny creature in a box that she talks to, and feeds it a live goldfish. George enters, notices a missing fish automatically, and blames Todd for it. The scene cuts to Todd being a peeping tom and watching his neighbor Wendy (Ami Dolenz) strip down. This ties into the plot, because Todd catches Denise eyeing a jogger at night.

She flirts with some fat, bald, middle-aged jogger (Mark Barbolak) who follows her, steps in a gooey dog mess leftover from a pet dog she seemingly ate, doesn't find this suspicious at all, and continues following her. The jogger seemingly finds a half eaten dog with her shoe, and he doesn't find this at all suspicious, and off-camera, Denise eats the jogger.

The next morning, the newspaper headline states "Jogger Found Dead", presumed to have been eaten by a dog. That night, George and Denise decide to go out and hire a babysitter for Todd, which happened to be Wendy, the neighbor that Todd was peeping on earlier. Wendy's boyfriend "Phlegm" (Corey Feldman) comes in, and he and Wendy have a date, much to Todd's dismay. Phlegm turns out to be smart, as he explains about how Denise is waiting on the summer solstice to eat George, and reveals that he knows this because he also reads comic books. It just happens that the summer solstice is on the same day as the wedding.

The next night, Denise is following a young paperboy (Eric Mettner) around, but this time Todd is there to watch her become her monstrous form. Todd watches her eat the little kid alive, tries to take photos for evidence that he wasn't just reading too many comic books about monsters, and runs off.

Todd gets the photos developed and shows them to his neighbor/babysitter without looking at them. However, they all seem to be photos from when he was peeping on her, as the ones of Denise in her real form instead came out in nothing but fuzz. Later that day, Todd found out the thing Denise keeps in her box is a giant bat-like monster. Todd goes after it with a baseball bat, breaks a bunch of things in the process, and ends up reprimanded by his dad.

Todd tries to tell George that the bat-like thing is called a harpy, and that harpies help tropopkins, but a disbelieving George grounds Todd and throws away his comics. George goes off to leave Todd alone with Denise. Due to this, Todd runs off to tell his grandfather all about tropopkins, but his grandfather doesn't believe him. With no one believing Todd, the evil monster forces Todd to do chores, during which Todd gets the idea to make a big trap to catch Denise in her monster form. Predictably, she turns back into a human the second George comes back.

Todd gets taken to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Emmerson (Edie McClurg). He tells Dr. Emmerson the whole truth and nothing but, and she predictably ignores it all and assumes that he's just exaggerating things and that the two would get along if Todd gave her a chance. Denise is then sent to go see Dr. Emmerson, and predictably, she turns into her tropopkin form and eats her, destroying evidence that Todd knew what he was talking about.

Todd's grandpa takes him out to a comic shop run by a flamboyant, cleanfreak Spock-like guy (Sean Whalen), and they look for a comic book on tropopkins so Todd can find out how to defeat them. Sadly, the comic book is $500, being a collector's copy.

Todd then seemingly goes to peep on Wendy again, but sees Denise going after her. He goes to warn her, and instead sees her in her underwear. As Wendy freaks out, the monster bursts through her door. The monster instead freaks out when it's covered by a blanket, and then flees. This convinces Wendy what Todd had been saying.

Todd then comes up with a plan: to get a loan on his violin to buy the $500 comic book—simply to gain the defeating information and then return the comic book and pay the pawnbroker right back, but Todd's dad George catches Todd in the act and threatens to throw the comic book away. Upon finding out that Todd got a loan on the violin, George angrily and rashly ripped up the $500 comic book into shreds. Todd and Wendy search through the garbage that night for the comic pieces and find all but the one piece of the comic book that reveals the monster's one weakness—just what Todd needed.

The wedding day arrives, and there is a shot of Denise, in monster form, in her wedding dress, using a deep voice—her real voice, which George doesn't find suspicious for more than a split second. Todd waxes the steps in the hopes Denise will fall and reveal her true form. Denise falls down the steps as expected but turns out completely fine. The minister (John Astin) then pronounces George and Denise man and wife.

By coincidence, Todd manages to find the last piece of the comic book hidden under the couch that reveals the weakness: Violin music, which explains Denise's hatred of the violin. Todd gets out his cassette recording of violin music, and Phlegm brings a bunch of Marshall amps to make the music loud to defeat the monster. Now believing Todd, Norman arrives to help blare the violin music to defeat the monster. They carry out their attack when George and Denise are alone in their bedroom that night, and George finally witnesses his wife transform. She doesn't kill him though, simply knocking him out with a wine bottle before running outside and being incapacitated by the violin music.

It turns out to be a trick, as the monster soon gets back up and goes after Todd, while her harpy arrives to destroy the cords that connect the amps, stopping the violin music and wrecking the cassette. Just then George, having recovered, comes out with a violin (George had paid the loan back), and plays it at the monster—a Deus ex machina. The grandfather's non-sequitor baseball reference from earlier turns out to be useful, as the kid ends up killing the harpy with it. The violin music kills Denise, and she disintegrates into nothingness. Todd and his dad reconcile.

The next day, as part of the reconciliation, Todd and George go hiking in the area from the beginning of the film. They find Denise's cave, complete with cocoons where Denise stored food for the winter. Todd and his dad free the victims from the cocoons, and the 3rd and final cocoon turns out to be Todd's mom Abby, who is alive! The film ends with the family happily walking away together while the camera pans down to reveal the comic book shown throughout the film, depicting the ending scene in panel-form.

Dorian Gray (1970 film)

Dorian sirs with his friend Basil and another man, drinking in a London strip club. They split up. Dorian goes to an empty theatre and watches a girl rehearsing the part of Juliet from Romeo and Juliet. He takes her for a hot dog and coffee and they drink water from a fountain. They walk arm in arm through the night.

She takes him back to the theatre and plays a tape of Romeo and Juliet as they make love. The next day she says she was a virgin. He drives her to her parents' house. He goes to see Basil in his riverside studio.

Basil's client Henry Wotton arrives with his sister and wants the picture of Dorian Gray for his gallery. The picture shows him stripped to the waist, wearing a purple scarf. They go outside to speak to Dorian and ironically discuss Oscar Wilde. They debate the demerits of marriage.

Dorian takes the girl to a red-tiled cottage in Windsor Great Park. She runs off saying that he has had other girls there. He catches her and they make love under a huge oak tree.

Mr. Lincoln's Way

Mr. Lincoln is the principal of an elementary school and is admired by all of the students, except one. Eugene “Mean Gene” Esterhouse terrorizes other students on the playground and says offensive remarks. He then invites Eugene into his office and gives him a book about different types of birds. Eugene tells Mr. Lincoln that his grandpa taught him a lot about birds when he lived on his grandpa’s farm. Mr. Lincoln decides to create a bird atrium at the school to help Eugene change his behavior. The atrium attracts all different kinds of birds, and Eugene is fascinated by all of them. Eugene took the bird book with him everywhere and began to be nicer to the other students.

A couple of days later, a teacher reports to Mr. Lincoln that Eugene had made racial comments to two students in the lunch line. Mr. Lincoln calls Eugene into his office, where he learns that Eugene’s dad was mad that Eugene had been spending so much time with Mr. Lincoln because he’s African American. Mr. Lincoln shows Eugene that he cares for all of the birds the same, regardless of color, and Eugene promises to never use racist comments again.

A couple of days later, the mallard eggs in the atrium begin to hatch. The ducks need to live near the pond, so Mr. Lincoln and Eugene come up with a plan and start to lure them to the river. After the ducks make it to the water safely, Eugene hears his name. His grandpa had come to see the ducks make it to safety. Eugene asks his grandpa if he can live with him again, to which grandpa replies, “We’ll see, son. We’ll sure see.” ==Characters==

'''Mr. Lincoln''' – Mr. Lincoln is an African American principal of the elementary school. All of the students really admire him, except for Eugene. He teaches Eugene about different kinds of birds and teaches him not to terrorize the other students and not to use racial comments.

'''Eugene “Mean Gene” Esterhouse''' – Eugene terrorizes his peers on the playground. He gets in fights and calls the other students mean or racial names. He becomes fascinated by birds after he visits with his grandpa.

'''Grampa''' - Eugene loves his grandpa and wants to visit him again. Grampa was the one who got Eugene interested in birds.

'''Eugene’s Dad''' – Eugene’s dad becomes angry when Eugene begins spending a lot of time with Mr. Lincoln because he is not of the same race. He is an intolerant and uses racial slurs for anyone who is not of the same race he is.

Married in Hollywood

A showgirl, part of a troupe, tours Europe where she falls in love with a Balkan prince. The prince's parents disapprove and attempt to put a stop to the romance. A revolution occurs and the prince and the showgirl elope to Hollywood.

Wild on the Beach

Co-ed Lee Sullivan (Sherry Jackson), a student at an unnamed California college, inherits a house on the beach from her late uncle. She wants to use the building as a boarding house for girls, thus both alleviating the student housing shortage and financing her education.

Meanwhile, Adam Miller (Frankie Randall) plans to turn the beach house into a boys' boardinghouse, claiming that he received permission to do so while Lee's uncle was still alive. Adam secretly files first for an off-campus housing permit, and the boys take up residence in the house. Lee also receives a permit, and naturally, problems develop when both male and female students decide to co-habitate – this administrative mix-up also makes for much ducking and dodging of the university authorities.

In spite of being at odds with each other, a romance blossoms between Lee and Adam.

A Canção da Saudade

A father and son get into conflict because of their different musical styles.

Counterfeit (1919 film)

As described in a film magazine, Virginia Griswold (Ferguson), whose family is in financial straits, resolves to remedy the situation by finding the source of widely distributed counterfeit bills, as a large reward is offered for the capture of the maker of the fake bills. A clue takes her to Newport where she poses as one of the idle rich and falls in love with Stuart Kent (Powell), a man of means, who returns her affection. Vincent Cortez (Gerard), about whom little is known, also becomes enamored of Virginia and she accepts his affections, much to the consternation of Stuart. She offers no acceptable explanation to Stuart for this. Carefully and craftily she leads Vincent to the point of sharing confidences, although this course greatly enrages Stuart and for a time threatens to bring open rupture of their relationship. After Vincent admits he is the counterfeiter, however, Virginia brings Stuart to an understanding of the situation and a happy conclusion.

Hell's Highway (1932 film)

The film centers around brutal conditions in a prison of the Southern United States. Chain gang prisoners forced to construct a "liberty highway" for their overseer chasten under his brutal stewardship. Duke Ellis is the most influential inmate among them. He soon discovers his younger brother has also been incarcerated and joined the chain gang. Soon enough Duke will mastermind a mass riot.

The American (2010 film)

Jack, a gunsmith and contract killer, and his lover, Ingrid, are relaxing in Sweden. As they walk in the wilderness outside their cabin, Jack becomes alarmed by a trail of footprints in the snow and pulls Ingrid towards shelter. Sniper gunshots ring out. Ingrid sees Jack pull a gun from his pocket and shoot the sniper. Knowing his identity is in jeopardy, and with little hesitation, Jack kills Ingrid before locating and killing another armed man. He flees to Rome and contacts his handler, Pavel, who insists that Jack cannot stay in Rome. Pavel sends him to Castelvecchio, a small town in the mountains of Abruzzo. Jack becomes nervous, and disposing of the cell phone Pavel gave him, goes to nearby Castel del Monte instead—where he uses the name Edward.

While in Abruzzo, Jack contacts Pavel, who sets him up with another job. He meets Mathilde, an assassin who wants him to build her a custom sniper rifle. He also begins patronizing a prostitute, Clara, and they begin a relationship. Jack borrows tools from the priest's friend and builds a silencer. Jack continues to notice he's being followed by a man. He meets with Mathilde to test the weapon. She is impressed by the craftsmanship but asks him to make a few more adjustments. Later, Jack kills the man following him; an assassin from Sweden.

Jack is tormented by dreams of the events in Sweden and regrets killing Ingrid. His friendship and conversations with a local priest, Father Benedetto, encourage him to question his life choices. Both Mathilde and Clara notice Jack's association with butterflies, Mathilde by his expertise in endangered butterflies, and Clara by his prominent tattoo. When Father Benedetto tells Jack he senses he lives in a special kind of hell, "a place without love", Jack starts to let himself feel love for Clara and envisions a life with her.

Jack talks to Pavel, asking how the Swedes have found him. In his growing fear, he even suspects Clara when he discovers a small pistol in her purse. He questions Clara about the gun and is satisfied with her explanation (to defend herself, since newspapers have reported murdered prostitutes).

Jack agrees to deliver the weapon to Mathilde as his last job, but at the last moment, he re-opens the briefcase. At the drop-off, Jack becomes suspicious that Mathilde plans to kill him. Before anything can happen, a bus load of school children arrives. Mathilde gives Jack his payment—a thick envelope full of cash—and the two separate. As Mathilde drives away, Pavel contacts her and asks if she has killed Jack. She tells him she has not, but says she is following him and will kill him.

Clara meets Jack at a religious procession in town. Jack asks her to go away with him and she agrees. Mathilde tries to shoot Jack from a nearby rooftop but the rifle backfires in her face, confirming Jack's suspicion and his last-minute decision to sabotage the rifle. Seeing Mathilde fall from the roof, Jack gives Clara the envelope full of cash and tells her to go to a river where they had picnicked before and wait for him. He runs to Mathilde, who is dying on the pavement, and discovers that she also works for Pavel.

As Jack goes to meet Clara, he hears Pavel behind him. They exchange gunfire and Pavel drops dead. As Jack drives to meet Clara at the river, he feels his abdomen and realizes he has been shot. Jack arrives at the picnic spot and as he sees Clara, he collapses. Clara screams and runs to the car. A white butterfly flits skyward from Jack's car.