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Beneath the Blue

Dolphin researchers suspect the US Navy's sonar program is causing dolphin deaths. When the US Navy abducts a scientific research dolphin, a teenage dolphin researcher, Alyssa Hawk, risks getting caught to save the dolphin.

S.W.A.T.: Firefight

Sgt. Paul Cutler (Gabriel Macht) is an ex-military Los Angeles Police Department S.W.A.T. officer and considered to be one of the best, even holding a record of having no civilian casualties for ten years straight. After successfully rescuing hostages with no casualties, Cutler is requested to train the Detroit S.W.A.T. with an updated training curriculum from the F.B.I.'s Hostage Rescue Team training program. Shortly after arriving in Detroit, Cutler immediately imposes his authority and has a rough time with the Captain (Giancarlo Esposito) of the department as well as one of the senior S.W.A.T. commanders Justin Kellogg (Nicholas Gonzalez). During the middle of a training exercise, the team responds to an emergency call wherein ex-government agent Walter Hatch (Robert Patrick) is holding his girlfriend (Kristanna Loken) hostage.

Although the girl is saved unharmed, she hijacks Hatch's handgun and pleads with Cutler to move so she can shoot Hatch. When Cutler refuses to and tries to calm her down, she puts the gun to her head and commits suicide. Cutler's 10-year record with no hostages lost is broken and it takes its toll on him. The rift between Cutler and Kellogg escalates at a local bar, where Cutler makes a bet for Kellogg to beat him in a higher score with an arcade machine in exchange for Cutler leaving the city. Kellogg loses the bet, and is instead reassigned to "Charlie Company". Due to low manpower, Cutler enlists military squadmate Lori Barton (Shannon Kane) to assist his training. As the training goes on, Hatch steals a binder which contains details of tactics and information on the members. Meanwhile, Cutler starts a passionate relationship with Kim Byers (Carly Pope), the Detroit PD's Psychiatrist. The phone calls from Hatch now increase and he kidnaps Kim after planting a bomb under Cutler's car and shooting a member of S.W.A.T. The Captain orders Cutler to return to Los Angeles, where Hatch would not be able to target him.

The team is then called to a derelict warehouse where things do not appear to be right as no officers are on the scene. In the van, communication from the station shows that the call was a hoax. One S.W.A.T. officer is killed by a bomb while Barton and Watters are kidnapped. Aware of the full situation, Kellogg gives Cutler access to the armory and a squad car to save the hostages at one of the training grounds. Cutler briefly rescues Watters, but Watters perishes due to gunshot wounds to the chest from one of Hatch's henchmen. Cutler manages to save Barton and pursues Hatch. Cutler engages Hatch in a hand-to-hand fight while Kim tries to cut free from a bomb vest. She manages to escape it after Lori breaks the chain holding her with a shot from her sniper rifle, and throws it towards Hatch just as Cutler kicks him back into the wall. Cutler fires a shot, hitting the vest and detonating it, while Hatch falls down from a window as the blast engulfs him. The rest of the S.W.A.T. team arrives, with Cutler graduating the surviving members. Cutler asks Kim if she wants to go back to Los Angeles with him and she silently nods as they hold each other.

The Search for WondLa

Eva Nine has reached the age of 12 living her whole life in an underground Sanctuary. She has been raised by a robot named "Muthr" (Multi-Utility Task Help Robot zero-six), and knows only of the outside world through holograms and a small piece of cardboard inscribed with the fragmented words "Wond" and "La." When the facility is attacked by a large creature named Besteel, she is forced to leave Muthr behind and flee her home. Upon seeing the outside world for the first time she remarks that it is nothing like the holographic simulations she had been brought up on, encountering many dangerous and alien species of plants and animals that her Omnipod device fails to identify.

After another encounter with Besteel and meeting an alien named Rovender Kitt and a large behemoth Otto (identified as a giant water bear by the Omnipod), Eva reunites with Muthr in her (now demolished) home and convinces the Sanctuary computer to allow the robot to escort her to the next underground Sanctuary. When they find it abandoned they convince Rovender to lead them to the royal city of Solas.

The group has several more encounters with Besteel and other aliens, in which Eva is nearly embalmed for display at the royal museum. While in the museum she learns that the life forms of this planet (called "Orbona" by its natives) arrived long ago on a dead world that they "reawakened" for their own use. She also discovers many ancient human artifacts and learns of a ruined human civilization beyond a dangerous desert.

Eva, Muthr, Rovender, and Otto cross the desert to discover the remains of an ancient human city buried under the sands. Besteel soon arrives and attacks, severely damaging Muthr. Eva then uses her Omnipod to attract several deadly Sand Snipers that kill Besteel and drag him beneath the sand. Muthr, unable to be repaired, dies shortly afterwards, and when the remaining characters tunnel into one of the buried buildings they discover that it was once the New York Public Library, meaning Orbona was once Earth. The still-functioning library computer identifies the cardboard "WondLa" as the cover of ''The '''Wond'''erful Wizard of Oz'', by '''L'''. Fr'''a'''nk Baum. This leads her to the conclusion that Earth died, and was reawakened as Orbona.

In the epilogue, a human boy named Hailey swoops down from the sky in an airship named the ''Bijou'' and informs Eva that he is there to take her home.

The Winner Stands Alone

The loosely connected plot tells the story of several individuals: Igor, a psychopathic Russian mobile phone mogul; Ewa, formerly Igor's wife but now married to Hamid, a Middle Eastern fashion magnate; Jasmine, an African woman on the brink of a successful modeling career; American actress Gabriela, eager to land a leading film role; and an ambitious criminal detective, hoping to resolve the case of his life. The tale narrates the tension within and between the characters in a 24-hour period.

Saved by the Great White Hope

The fictional, Clinica Cruz del Sur, is set in a remote, but beautiful, location in a lush tropical forest 'somewhere in South America.' Three new doctors arrive to join those already staffing the clinic. These new doctors are Lily Brenner, who specialises in emergency medicine; Mina Maynard, who specialises in infectious disease medicine; and Tommy Fuller, who specialises in plastic surgery.

Each of the young doctors works on their own specific case throughout the episode.

Lily Brenner

Lily's patient, Ed, has been involved in a collision with a tree while he was using a zipline. He is suspended from the zipline high above the valley floor by his arm which has caught in the mechanism. Lily and clinic founder, Ben, are required to go out on their own ziplines in order to free the man. Lily is forced to cut Ed's arm free of the mechanism using a scalpel.

Ed reveals that he had been reliving his honeymoon, which had led him return to the zipline. Claiming that he should never have been up there. Lily manages to free Ed and get him to the ground. Ben later reveals that he knows that Lily took a long leave of absence from her residency, and she "wasn't bad for your first day back". Lily also reveals that she lost somebody, which is why she took the time out of her residency.

Lily continues to monitor Ed throughout the night. Ed tells Lily of the 'Lago De Luz', a lake where the algae are luminescent, looking "like fireflies caught just beneath the surface". It was Ed's wife's favourite place in the world, and the place that he wants to scatter her ashes. The next morning, Ed's vitals drop dramatically. It becomes clear that he has major internal injuries. Zee, Otis and Ben perform surgery on Ed, noting that a number of his internal organs have been damaged during the collision with the tree (including his spleen and liver). When Ed starts to bleed out it becomes clear that the clinic does not have enough blood to perform a transfusion.

Ben and Lily use the milk from green coconuts as a substitute for blood. The milk has the same electrolyte balance as blood. Ben claims that he has done a coconut transfusion more times than anyone else 'down there.' Which he then qualifies meaning he has done it once before. The transfusion is successful and Ed survives.

Before he is airlifted out, Lily demands that Ed is taken to the Lago de Luz so that he can complete his trip: "Today we saved his life, now lets give him the chance to move on with it." Lily explains that she lost her fiancé, which is why she left her medical residency.

Mina Maynard

Mina is seen to be a very thorough doctor, treating a man who presents with joint pain as though he has haemorrhagic fever. When Dr. Otis Cole challenges her, she retorts that they are in a hotspot for infectious disease, to which Cole responds that sometimes it is just tennis elbow, from playing tennis. Mina then diagnoses an elderly woman with the common cold, telling her that there is nothing that she can do.

The old woman continues to linger at the clinic, much to Mina's annoyance. When the old woman collapses, Mina is forced to inject her with epinephrine in order to get her to breathe again. It is then that she diagnoses the old woman's illness as asthma.

Lily finds Mina as she is looking through the supplies to find a steroid. Mina laments that she nearly lost a patient to asthma, but she was looking for other infectious diseases. Lily says, "They say when you hear hoofbeats you should think of horses, not zebras." Mina explains that the reason she applied for the clinic was that she misdiagnosed a young boy with the flu, when 20 children a day were presenting with the flu. It turned out he had bacterial meningitis, and he died. "Sometimes it is zebras."

Mina – who suffers from asthma – gives the old woman one of her own inhalers so that she can breathe again. In thanks for helping her to breathe, the old woman returns. This time she has brought Mina a chicken, to thank her.

Tommy Fuller

Tommy is on a housecall. He is treating a family with TB. Otis Cole had previously been treating the wife, who had been improving. However the husband stopped giving her the drugs Cole had prescribed, and so ultimately she died. It falls to Tommy to try and convince the man to let him treat his ailing children.

At first, Tommy is unsuccessful; the man doesn't want his family to be treated. So, Tommy has him sign a bit of paper absolving himself of any responsibility for their deaths. This does not go over very well with Otis Cole who reprimands Tommy, telling him to drag himself back up there and be a doctor - or don't come back.

Tommy returns the next day; he too explains his reasons for coming to the clinic. He was too proud to apologise to his parents for disappointing them, and when they told him how disappointed they were, he told them to get out of his life. A year has passed since he last saw his parents. The man agrees to let Tommy treat his family.

At the end of the episode our three young doctors are seen standing at the edge of a cliff, staring out at paradise. Lily says: "If there was anywhere to start over, this is it..."

Alice Lorraine

The story is set in the early years of the 19th century. The hero and heroine, brother and sister, are children of Sir Roland Lorraine, representative of a very ancient family.''The Literary World: A Monthly Review of Current Literature'', (1874), Volumes 5-6, page 4 Hilary, while studying for the bar in London, falls in love with the daughter of a Kentish farmer, the sister of his fellow-pupil. He confesses his folly to his father, who at once buys for him a commission in a regiment of foot on service in Spain. The young man distinguishes himself at Badajos, and is on the high road to fame, when he falls under the spell of a Spanish countess, and forgets for a time his promise to the Kentish girl. Through the countess's treachery he loses £50,000, military funds, with which he is entrusted, and leaves the army. Meantime his sister has been fighting a severe battle at home—defending herself against a plot to make her the wife of a drunken fellow named Chapman. Hilary comes home; Mabel, the Kentish girl, is sent for, and matters are serene with all but Alice on the day appointed for her wedding. When the hour for the ceremony approaches, she walks out and throws herself into the river, is carried a mile, rescued and resuscitated.

The Kid with a Bike

Cyril, a 12-year-old in a Liège children's home, tries calling his father, who said he would only be there for a month. The staff tells him his father never answers and to go to play. Cyril refuses and, when the phone is disconnected, bites a carer then attempts unsuccessfully to abscond. Soon after, Cyril absconds successfully looking for his father.

To get into his father's building, he tells the clinic he is injured. He goes to his father's apartment and knocks until a neighbor tells him it is empty. When caretakers find him, Cyril flees to the clinic and grabs a waiting woman. She says she doesn't mind, only don't squeeze so tight. The caretakers take Cyril to the empty apartment, showing his father has abandoned him.

The next morning, the woman from the clinic, Samantha, shows up with his bike. She says she bought it, but Cyril thinks it was stolen from his dad. He likes Samantha, and asks her to take him on weekends. She agrees and Cyril stays at her home and salon. Samantha and partner Gilles provide Cyril with a happy childhood. He enjoys playing with other children, running errands, and cycling. Still, his father's abandonment haunts him, even after discovering his father sold his bike. One night, he goes to Samantha's bedroom, shocked when he sees Samantha and Gilles having sex. Samantha asks what is wrong and he says he wants his father. Without official permission, Samantha tracks him down and drives Cyril to see him.

When Cyril's father does not meet as agreed, they look for him. At his address, they encounter a woman, who directs them to her restaurant. There, he reluctantly invites Cyril inside while Samantha stays outside to give them privacy. Cyril asks why he has to stay at the home but his father gives no indication of wanting him back. After taking his cellphone number, he tells Cyril to leave and let him work. He asks Cyril to wait outside while he tells Samantha he cannot raise Cyril now that his grandmother is dead, has a new life, and says Cyril is her problem. Samantha demands Cyril's father be honest with him and his father says he must stay at the home or with Samantha, because he doesn't care. Cyril has a breakdown and Samantha has to stop and hold him.

Cyril, heartbroken, turns to Samantha for comfort. Nevertheless, he is adopted by Wesker, a gang leader. When Cyril stays out without checking in, Samantha and Gilles look for him and are displeased that he's keeping company with reprobates. Cyril's cheekiness leads to the couple arguing, with Gilles demanding Cyril apologize and telling Samantha to choose between them. Samantha chooses Cyril and Gilles leaves. Samantha, upset, then drives them home. Cyril fails to understand Samantha's feelings and continues running wild.

One night, rather than go out with a friend and his parents, Cyril angrily demands to go out. He doesn't say he's supposed to meet Wesker for crimes, but Samantha suspiciously refuses permission and blocks the doors. In frustration, Cyril screams he does not want to be with her anymore, but she tells him to call the home, but he won't be leaving the house. In anger and to get away, he stabs Samantha's arm with a pair of scissors and bolts. At Wesker's prompting, Cyril beats and robs a newsstand owner and his son. Wesker, fearing discovery, threatens him and forces him to keep the money. Cyril tries giving it to his father but his father does not want involvement. Dejected, Cyril returns to Samantha, apologizing for her injury. The robbery is settled by Cyril apologizing: the owner accepts but his son does not. Later, the son against his father's wishes confronts and chases Cyril who climbs a tree and falls when struck by a thrown rock. While he lies, possibly dying, the owner and son discuss what lies to tell and how to dispose of evidence. While they're talking, Cyril regains consciousness and declines an ambulance. They watch aghast as Cyril pedals away.

Six Bridges to Cross

Jerry Florea (Tony Curtis) is planning a heist. The story begins with the events which led a young Florea (Sal Mineo) to become a crook. One day he is shot during a robbery and as a result an amenable policeman and his wife take him under their wing. As a young man he deludes them, and pretends to no longer have criminal intent and even gets a job at the Brinks. They are unaware he is preparing to rob the establishment. It is only after he and his gang pull off the heist that Florea reconsiders his actions and attempts to make amends for the crime.

F (film)

A teacher at Wittering College in north London, Robert Anderson (Schofield), is hit in the face by a pupil and forced to take three months' leave to avoid being sued by the parents of the child for giving the pupil an F grade, which is against school policy. Anderson is deeply affected by the incident and upon his return to teaching, he is an alcoholic, emotionally disturbed and separated from his wife, Helen (Aubrey). Their daughter, Kate (Bennett), lives with her mother Helen and has classes with her father, but does not respect him. The headmistress, Sarah Balham (Gemmell), loathes Anderson and clearly wants to get rid of him, but the National Union of Teachers does not allow her to fire him. She indirectly accuses him of bad teaching and bringing alcohol into school.

When Anderson reads about violence in another school, he sends a memo advising all employees at the school about the high number of attacks on teachers and auxiliary staff annually. As a result, he is considered paranoid and delusional by everybody at the school. One day, after hours, Anderson is overseeing detention, in which he has placed his daughter. They argue over her use of a mobile telephone during the detention session – he slaps her in the face and immediately regrets it. Soon after, the protagonist notes some strange movements outside the school and discovers that the telephone lines are down. As he stands by a closed window, a milkshake is thrown at him from outside and the message 'U R Dead' appears written in the milkshake. He advises security guard James (Finlay Robertson), who seems uninterested.

Meanwhile, another security guard Brian, (Jamie Kenna) has been murdered by hoodies who locked him in a wheelie bin and set fire to it. Looking for his daughter, Anderson visits the school library but, after he leaves, the librarian is confronted by two hooded characters, who murder her. Anderson finds his daughter smoking in the toilets with her boyfriend, Jake Eaves (Max Fowler) and headmistress Balham instructs them all to go home. Kate tells Balham that her father slapped her and Balham asks her to make a statement. Meanwhile, PE teacher Nicky (McKee) passes through the gymnasium and into the changing rooms, where she is attacked by four teenagers wearing hoodies and carrying crowbars.

Having left the building, Anderson goes to his car, but finds the dead security guard's torch on the ground in the car park. Meanwhile, Kate is writing her statement in the staff room. Balham realises she can finally sack Anderson and, unable to use the telephone, calls security guard James to ensure that the teacher does not re-enter the school, and Helen, to inform her of the assault. Balham subsequently finds a body and escapes from two attackers herself, only for them to kill her before she can call the police. Anderson then discovers her corpse, her face badly disfigured. He tries to call the police, but when an attacker enters the room he hides, abandoning the phone, which the attacker crushes. Leaving the building, Kate is immediately chased back in by one of the attackers. Her boyfriend Eaves, who was waiting outside, enters the building to look for her. She comes across a member of auxiliary staff Gary, (Tom Mannion), who is unaware of the situation in the school and goes after the attackers, but is electrocuted immediately after discovering Eaves, who is wrapped in barbed wire. Anderson and James team up to find Kate, who has left a 'Help' note in view of a CCTV camera. They discover Nicky struggling along a corridor, but she has been badly mutilated. Finding the room in which Kate is hiding, they are confronted by a hoodie and in a moment of cowardice, James locks the door with Anderson inside.

Meanwhile, the police arrive and enter the school. A female police officer is pushed down a flight of concrete stairs by one of the hoodies and the other policeman is hit with a crowbar in the face. The attackers then find James, who tries to escape but is cornered by the youths. Anderson finds Kate, but one of the hooded attackers catches the pair off guard, but his attack on Anderson is deflected and he stabs and wounds Kate. Anderson manages to overpower the attacker, grabs the knife and stabs him multiple times, then picks up his daughter and rushes out of the building. However, when they reach his car, they spot Helen's car in the car park and realise that she has arrived at the school. Anderson has to decide in an instant whether to save his daughter's life by driving her to hospital, or to save Helen by re-entering the school. He puts Kate in the back seat of the car and drives her to the hospital, leaving Helen to walk around the school, unaware of her potential fate.

Show Me (film)

When two squeegee kids, Jackson (Kett Turton) and Jenna (Katharine Isabelle) descend upon Sarah (Michelle Nolden) and her luxury sedan, the fuse is lit on a tense cat and mouse tale of captors and captives. Sarah is forced to continue her trip to an isolated cottage where the twisted trio bait and entice one another in a reckless search for truth. Show Me plunges us into a maze of mystery, desire, memory and self-sacrifice.

Into the White Night

A pawn shop owner in Osaka is murdered, but due to a lack of conclusive evidence the police lists the man's death as a suicide. Detective Sasagaki, who investigated the case, can't forget the main suspect's daughter Yukiho (Maki Horikita) and the pawn shop owner's son Ryoji.

As time goes by, more mysterious deaths surround Yukiho and Ryoji. Detective Sasagaki, still unable to let go of the pawn shop owner case, discovers startling details about Yukiho and Ryoji.

Wrath of the Titans

Ten years after defeating Hades' Kraken, Perseus, the demigod son of Zeus, now lives as a fisherman with his young son Heleus, after the death of his wife Io. Zeus visits Perseus and asks for his help, saying that humans are not praying to the gods; as a result, the gods are losing their power and becoming mortal, meaning they can no longer sustain the walls of Tartarus which are holding back the imprisoned Titan Kronos from freedom. Perseus, valuing his family's safety, refuses to get involved.

Zeus meets his brothers Hades and Poseidon and his son Ares in Tartarus. He asks Hades's help in rebuilding Tartarus's walls, but Hades rejects the offer and attacks Zeus. Ares too, having decided to betray Zeus, attacks his father. Poseidon is fatally injured in the ensuing fight. Hades and Ares imprison Zeus, stealing his thunderbolt. They plan to make a deal with Kronos; in exchange for remaining immortal, they will drain Zeus's divine power to revive Kronos. The walls of Tartarus break, unleashing monsters onto the world.

After killing a two-headed Chimera that attacked his village, Perseus travels to meet his father. He instead finds a dying Poseidon who informs him of the circumstances and tells him to find his demigod son Agenor, who will lead him to Hephaestus, who knows the way into Tartarus. Poseidon then gives Perseus his trident and succumbs to his injuries. Perseus, Andromeda and Agenor set out to find Hephaestus on a hidden island.

Agenor explains that Hephaestus created three weapons which Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon wield: Zeus's thunderbolt, Hades's pitchfork, and Poseidon's trident, which can jointly form the Spear of Trium, the only weapon that can defeat Kronos. After an encounter with three 30 ft. Cyclopes, the travelers eventually meet the now-mortal Hephaestus and reach the entrance of a labyrinth leading to Tartarus. Hephaestus sacrifices himself during an attack by Ares to enable Perseus, Andromeda, and Agenor to enter the labyrinth. Once inside the labyrinth they encounter the Minotaur that attacks them, but Perseus manages to kill it.

The group eventually enters Tartarus. Meanwhile, Zeus has been almost entirely drained of power as Kronos awakens. Zeus apologizes to Hades for banishing him to the underworld and asks his forgiveness, as he has forgiven Hades for his actions. Hades decides to help Zeus and stop Kronos in contrast to Ares, who still wants to proceed to the former's revival. Perseus arrives and frees Zeus. Ares wounds Zeus with Hades' pitchfork, allowing Perseus to obtain it before he and the others escape Tartarus with Zeus.

Aiming to retrieve Zeus' thunderbolt from Ares in order to defeat Kronos, Perseus challenges him to a duel. Meanwhile, Andromeda's army is overwhelmed by the Makhai. Hades revives Zeus and together they defeat the creatures. Kronos appears and begins to attack Andromeda's army. Zeus and Hades hold off Kronos while Perseus duels Ares, eventually killing him with the thunderbolt. Combining the gods' weapons into the Spear of Trium, Perseus destroys Kronos by traveling to his heart and throwing the spear into it.

Zeus reconciles with Perseus and then dies of his wounds. Hades leaves, telling Perseus that he is now powerless. Perseus kisses Andromeda, and Heleus tells his father that he wants to return to his life as a fisherman, but Perseus tells him they can't. Perseus encourages Heleus to be proud of himself, as he is the son of Perseus and the grandson of Zeus. The film ends with Perseus giving his sword to Heleus.

Make a Wish (1937 film)

While at summer camp in the Maine woods, young Chip Winters (Breen) befriends British composer Johnathan Selden (Rathbone), who left the city high life to try to break his creative block, and is soon playing matchmaker for his widowed singer mother Irene Winters (Claire) and Selden.

Student of the Year

Terminally ill and on his deathbed, former Dean of St. Teresa's College, Yogendra "Yogi" Vashisht, requests to see the students from his last batch. Some of them arrive to meet him and hold themselves responsible for the lively Dean having fallen ill. The film then goes into a flashback set ten years back.

Rohan "Ro" Nanda is a handsome, popular guy in the college and the son of its trustee, tycoon Ashok Nanda. Ashok wants him to be a businessman like his elder son Ajay and dislikes his passion for music. Shanaya Singhania, a rich and highly popular girl in the college, is his girlfriend. She feels dissatisfied due to his constant flirting with Tanya Israni, another student and her nemesis. Abhimanyu "Abhi" Singh, a new student coming from a middle-class family, who wants to become rich like Ashok, soon becomes the college's heartthrob. Abhi is an orphan whose grandmother is the only person who he truly loves in his life. He and Ro initially don't get along but soon become best friends after a football match. Ro introduces him to Shanaya, reminding him to not get involved with her, but Abhi maintains that he isn't interested. Kaizad "Sudo" Sodabottleopenerwala, a student who Ro is repulsive to, has a lot of admiration for Abhi, and in the process, he too becomes part of Abhi's, Ro's and Shanaya's circle.

At Ajay's wedding, Shanaya sees Ro flirting with Tanya and feels betrayed; in return, she openly flirts with Abhi, who tacitly hints her off, to make Ro jealous. Over this period, Abhi realizes that he, too, has fallen for Shanaya. Meanwhile, back at the school, the "Student of the Year" competition commences, with the first rounds being a quiz test, a treasure hunt and a dance battle. Shanaya slowly develops feelings for Abhi over the course of the competition. Abhi's grandmother becomes ill before the dance battle and Abhi's aunt berates him for bringing bad luck to every family he goes to. After the death of Abhi's grandmother, Shanaya helps him cope and, feeling attracted to each other in a tender moment, they share a kiss. Ro witnesses this, resulting in a fight between him and Abhi. Following an intense confrontation with Ashok back home, Ro is now determined to win the competition. Shanaya and her best friend Shruti fall out over the competition, and so does Ro and his friend Jeet, who always followed him around as a stooge. Shanaya goes with Jeet to the dance battle, and Abhi goes with Shruti, while Ro goes with Tanya. Shanaya, conflicted by her feelings, leaves in the middle of the dance battle, and she, Sudo and Tanya are eliminated.

The final round of the competition is a triathlon. Abhi, in the lead, during the end, surprisingly slows down, resulting in Ro winning the competition. Ro, however, declines to accept the award citing personal reasons. After Rohan steps down, Yogi is heavily berated by Sudo, who talks about how the Student of the Year competition has always been rigged from the start. Sudo says that the competition broke their friendship of two years and was unfair to people like Sudo, who wasn't as popular or attractive as Abhi or Rohan. After finishing his speech, he storms out. This causes Yogi to eventually retire. The students soon graduate and lose contact with each other.

Back in the present, Ro, a pop star and Abhi, a successful investment banker run into each other when they come to visit Yogi. Shanaya is now married to Abhi; he and Ro end up fighting while talking about their past and happen to release the anger they were holding back for the last ten years. Abhi also reveals the truth about the triathlon – he saw that Ashok was happy to see Ro losing and so he intentionally allowed Ro to win and that it was his way of surpassing Ashok in stature. Both of them realize how important their friendship is and reconcile. The film ends with both having a friendly running race.

24 Hours (novel)

Joe Hickey is a serial criminal working to extort money from wealthy doctors by kidnapping their children under a 24-hour ransom deadline designed to minimize police involvement. In what he decides will be his final kidnapping, he abducts Abby Jennings, child of Dr. Will Jennings, whom Joe Hickey blames for his mother's death. Abby has diabetes and her parents begin to panic that she will die if they cannot rescue her in time.

Dawn (1985 film)

Starring the British Michael York and Philip Lautard of France. "Dawn" takes place during the British Mandatory Palestine, in 1947. The story follows one night in the life of a young man, a Jewish Holocaust survivor named Elisha, who was guarding a British prisoner during that night, in order to execute him at dawn. This, in retaliation for the killing of members of the Jewish underground. The story is based on The Sergeants affair, the abduction of two British Sergeants by the Irgun and their hanging in a grove in Netanya.

The Body in the Library (film)

Miss Marple helps her neighbours the Bantrys when a lovely young girl is found dead in their library. The girl is traced to a seaside resort and the desperate family of a wealthy old man.

The Throne of Fire

Sadie and Carter Kane must find the three scrolls of the Book of Ra, to wake the sun god Ra from his sleep, and stop Apophis, the serpent of chaos, from destroying the world. The first scroll is hidden inside the Brooklyn Museum. With two of their magician trainees, Jaz and Walt, the Kane siblings manage to retrieve the scroll, fighting off a griffin and evil spirits. That night as she sleeps, Sadie's ba (soul) leaves her body and travels to the Hall of Ages, the House of Life's headquarters. She sees Desjardins, the Chief Lector of the House of Life, discussing a plot to destroy Brooklyn House with a man named Vladimir Menshikov. Meanwhile, Carter's ba meets with the god Horus, who warns him that the gods might attack him if he tries to wake Ra.

On Sadie's birthday, she decides to go to London to visit friends, but is attacked by the baboon god Babi and the vulture goddess Nekhbet, who are possessing her grandparents. She is rescued by Bes, the dwarf god. He then accompanies Sadie and Carter to the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. There, the siblings find the second scroll with Menshikov, who has summoned Set and trapped him in a vase. Menshikov discovers them and unleashes a four-legged, two-headed snake that wounds and poisons Carter before Sadie kills it. Sadie is no match for Menshikov's magic, so she releases Set from the vase, and he knocks Menshikov unconscious. Set tells Sadie the location of the third scroll and the name of Zia's home village. In exchange, Sadie gives back his secret name, releasing her control over him. Then, she heals Carter.

Carter and Sadie separate: Walt helps Sadie find the third scroll in the Valley of Golden Mummies, and Bes escorts Carter to Zia's village. Walt and Sadie successfully obtain the third scroll after warding off a horde of angry Roman mummies. Carter and Bes find Zia in an induced sleep. Carter wakes her, and Zia, having no memories of the adventures her shabti (animated clay or wax figures that can appear to be real humans or animals) had with Carter, attacks him, believing him to be a traitor. Desjardins and Menshikov arrive, and they cage Bes and decide to execute Carter. Sadie and Walt appear just in time, releasing Bes from his cage. Bes banishes Menshikov and Desjardins back to the Hall of Ages, and Menshikov begins assembling a demonic task force to destroy Brooklyn House. Sadie persuades Zia to join forces with them, and Zia and Walt leave to defend Brooklyn House. Carter and Sadie climb into Ra's boat and travel into the Duat to retrace Ra's journey along the River of Night, through the Houses of Night.

On the way, they encounter a giant man with horns, one of three aspects of Ra's soul. They read to him from the first scroll of Ra, and he allows them to pass. The siblings travel through a Lake of Fire, and Bes joins them at the Fourth House, a special care facility for elderly, forgotten minor gods. Tawaret, a fertility goddess who takes the form of a hippo and shares a turbulent romantic history with Bes, runs the facility. By reading from the second scroll, Carter and Sadie find Ra and wake him. He is old, feeble, and has the mind of a child; he seems unaware of his surroundings and constantly speaks gibberish. The Kanes continue down the River of Night until they reach the Seventh House. Unfortunately, they cannot continue through the Eighth House, because it is past eight o'clock. To finish their journey, Carter, Sadie and Bes play a game of senet with the moon god Khonsu, gambling their rens (secret names) for three extra hours of moonlight. They successfully earn three hours at the cost of Bes's ren. The Kanes resume their journey deep into the Duat to the pit where Apophis is imprisoned. Menshikov, already there and waiting for the siblings, challenges them to a duel. While Carter keeps Menshikov preoccupied, Sadie reads the third scroll to wake the third part of Ra's soul, which takes the form of a golden scarab. Apophis possesses Menshikov and prepares to destroy the Kanes, but Desjardins appears. He execrates Apophis even deeper into the Duat, but kills himself in the process.

As dawn approaches, the Kanes travel back to Brooklyn House, which is being attacked by demons, evil magicians, monsters and flying snakes. Carter and Sadie help defend it while Bast escorts a still incoherent Ra to his place in the sky, but not before he gives the golden scarab to Zia. After winning the battle, the Kanes give the enemy magicians the option to join them and learn the path of the gods. Some accept; others flee. Because Apophis' defeat is only temporary, Sadie and Carter must work harder than ever to unite all magicians. The gods reluctantly acknowledge Sadie and Carter's victory and pledge to fight beside them in the coming war against the forces of Chaos.

Chuck Versus the Push Mix

The plot of "Chuck Versus the Push Mix" is fairly complicated with several story threads interwoven together, and much of the supporting cast figures into the overall mission in some way.

Volkoff Industries

Chuck Bartowski, Morgan Grimes, and Alex McHugh are in a hospital room next to an unconscious John Casey (from injuries sustained in the previous episode). Casey suddenly wakes and grunts the word "pants", leading them to find the piece of Yuri the Gobbler's glass eye in his pants pocket, which had been used to store the Hydra database. When Chuck asks where it came from, Casey grunts "Sarah", proving to Chuck that Sarah Walker has not actually gone rogue, and restoring his trust in her.

In Moscow, Sarah and Mary Elizabeth Bartowski (Linda Hamilton) infiltrate Alexei Volkoff's office while he is away. They try to access the Hydra network, but they learn that Volkoff has hidden it with "The Contessa". Volkoff later returns to his office to find every electronic device malfunctioning. A message appears on his screen, reading, "Hello Volkoff. I want my wife back." The message is then revealed to be from Orion (Stephen J. Bartowski), confusing Volkoff, as Stephen was killed by The Ring. Nevertheless, Volkoff decides to move Mary to the Contessa.

Meanwhile, Chuck flashes on the eye fragment, learning that it was designed by Roni Eimacher. Chuck reports this to General Beckman, who advises him to "stay put". However, Chuck and Morgan take on their own private mission and decide to locate Eimacher. When they interrogate him, it turns out he is not working with Volkoff, but was kidnapped to design the eye. When asked about the Contessa, he reveals that it is not a person but in fact a ship, which Volkoff uses as a mobile base. The duo infiltrate ''The Contessa'' and rendezvous with Sarah and Mary. Together, they attempt to access the Hydra database, but the system can only be accessed by Volkoff's voice, and they are locked inside. When Volkoff arrives, Mary is forced to stay behind and hold him at gunpoint to allow the others to escape. Volkoff overpowers her, but instead of executing her, he shows her a message sent by her husband, which shows directions to his location.

Volkoff goes to Stephen's cabin, where he finds not Stephen, but Chuck, who knocks him out and ties him up. When Volkoff regains consciousness, Chuck is pointing a gun at his head. Volkoff mocks his attempt at revenge while managing to escape from his bonds, revealing that his men will execute Mary unless he says otherwise and an assassin, Armand (Igor Jijikine), has been sent to kill both Casey and Ellie. However, Sarah returns to the ''Contessa'' and frees Mary while Casey defeats the assassin by playing dead and hitting him with a bonsai tree. As Volkoff holds Chuck at gunpoint, Chuck tricks him into saying the phrase required to access his network, which Morgan has secretly been recording, allowing them to transfer Hydra to a local computer. Volkoff brags that Chuck will still need an army to overpower his men outside, at which point General Beckman walks in and arrests him, his men already having been subdued. Beckman then allows Chuck and Morgan to take a helicopter to the hospital, where Ellie is in labor.

Casey and Alex

As Casey regains the ability to communicate, Alex gives him a bonsai tree (which he is later forced to use to defeat Armand) to make him feel at home. When Ellie is in labor, Casey reveals to Devon that he regrets missing his own daughter's birth, and advises Devon not to make the same mistake. Morgan and Alex later join Casey as he wheels himself out of the hospital.

The Birth of Clara

Chuck prepares a "push mix" CD, compiled with music to help Ellie relax when she gives birth to her baby, and gives Devon Woodcomb a number to alert the CIA should any trouble arise. However, Jeff Barnes and Lester Patel steal the CD, planning to give a live performance for the baby instead.

Ellie's water soon breaks. However, Devon discovers that the Push Mix CD is missing and panics. He calls the number Chuck gave him, and agents quickly transport them to the hospital. Seeing that he is worried, Ellie tells Devon to wait outside, where he becomes even more uncomfortable after seeing a room full of babies. Casey advises that he not miss his daughter's birth, as Casey missed Alex's. Meanwhile, the Jeffster! duo arrive at the hospital, but are refused direction to Ellie's room, as they are not family members. Instead, they play "Push It" over the public address system, only to be hauled out by hospital security.

Chuck, Casey, Morgan, Sarah, and Mary arrive, but only one family member is allowed to enter Ellie's room, so Chuck chooses Mary to be by her daughter's side. Ellie expresses her joy that Mary could witness the birth of her granddaughter, and Mary reveals that everyone is there for her. Mary witnesses Dr. Ayub (Sonita Henry) deliver her granddaughter, Clara Woodcomb. Devon describes the overwhelming experience of holding his daughter for the first time as "Awesome".

Chuck and Sarah

When Casey regains consciousness, he proves to Chuck that Sarah has not actually gone rogue, restoring Chuck's trust in her. They reconcile on the ''Contessa'' and passionately kiss.

Chuck finally proposes to Sarah in the hospital hallway. She accepts, kneeling with him and kissing him as the scene fades.

Ticking Clock

After killing a woman and cutting her open, Keech calms her crying baby boy.

Investigative reporter Louis has a rocky marriage to Gina, a girlfriend named Felecia, and a slumping career. District Attorney Felicia tells Louis she is ending the relationship. Later that day Keech murders Felicia in her home. Louis fights Keech who drops a book and escapes. The book is Keech's journal. Louis sees two more murders scheduled in the next three days. He writes the two names down, but Keech steals back the journal and the note.

Louis tries to tell the police but instead he becomes a suspect in Felicia's murder. Louis tracks down a scheduled murder victim, school teacher Vicki. He asks her out, but she goes to a bar. There, Keech talks with her about a boy she reported for abusing a cat. Vicki leaves for the restroom but Keech follows and murders her. Louis traces Vicki to the bar but finds her murdered.

The police still doubt his story. Louis' only evidence is a torn piece of Keech's coat, and a bloody fingerprint on a newspaper clipping. He sends both to a friend at a local crime lab. She tells him the blood matched an 11-year-old orphan living in a boys' home. The unfamiliar fabric of the coat reacts strangely to heat.

Boy's home Director Polly tells Louis the boy, James, has behavioral problems. James describes his wish to travel back in time to fix his life. James shows Louis a box with small animals that are dead and cut open. Lewis is shocked and James starts yelling, sending Louis away.

Tracing the evidence, Louis realizes that Polly is the next woman on the list. Louis deduces that Keech is James, having traveled back from the future to "fix his life." The police do not believe this and jail Louis. Keech pretends to be Louis' lawyer, and reveals to Louis that he is James from the year 2032 coming back to fix his life, using a pocket watch time machine. James transports Louis and himself to the boys' home. Polly is tied up on the roof.

Keech threatens to kill Polly and forces Louis to bring James. Louis hides James in a restroom. Keech tells Louis he killed his abusive mother (the woman from the first scene) with the intention of changing his traumatic childhood. However, he further reveals that each change has simply resulted in another change, relentlessly steering Keech to his original horrific past: his teacher's actions condemned him to a similar fate, and after killing his teacher, a prosecuting attorney repeated the cycle, and now Polly will ultimately condemn James (young Keech) to yet another grim fate. Keech believes that by killing Polly, framing Lewis for the crime, and arranging for James to "capture" Louis and be hailed a hero, Keech can finally break the cycle and assure his younger self a happy future.

Unknown to either man, James has followed Louis, and interrupts the confrontation to ask Keech if he is his father. Keech says he is his future self. James is upset that Keech plans to hurt Polly, stating she has been nice to him, but Keech says she will send him to a mental hospital.

Keech drops a futuristic knife and James grabs it, slashing Keech's leg. Keech accidentally knocks James off of the roof and shoots Louis in the chest. Keech disappears as James dies from the fall.

Louis drives home. Since James died at age 11 he never became Keech, the serial killer. Each victim is shown alive including James, back with his mother again.

Ninja Turf

Tony is the new kid at school. Right off the bat, he befriends gang leader Young and his friends Mark, Frank, and Darrin. However, after bumping into Young's rival Chan, he gets threatened. Young challenges Chan to a fight and defeats him using a wooden sword to Chan's staff. Two mysterious people show up and offer Young and his friends a job for a private security agency. When the boys aren't in school, they pull security at a party. They get into fights with the Spikes Gang, a racist gang and the Blades, a Latino gang. Meanwhile, Tony starts a romance with Lily, who just happens to be Chan's sister and that just makes Chan even more upset and at the same time, Young seems jealous that Tony has found love where Young feels alone due to his mother's constant drinking and promiscuity. He sees Tony as a brother and when he sees him with Lily, it makes his upset.

When the boys are asked to do security for a rich businessman, Young learns that his new client is actually one of the biggest drug dealers in the city. After the party, while the dealer is with his girlfriend, Young takes the briefcase of money the mob boss scored on the deal and runs off. Angry, the mob boss hires two hitmen, a master Yakuza swordsman named Yoshida and a New York-based martial artist named Kruger. The hitmen confront Chan and his men, yet Chan decides to help them locate their hideout. Mark, Frank, and Darrin are all kidnapped and tortured. While Tony is at home studying, Young proceeds to take out the syndicate. He kills Yoshida but is slightly injured in the process. He defeats Kruger by breaking his knee.

On his way back with the very injured Mark, Frank, and Darrin, Young is confronted by Chan and his gang. Finally realizing her mistakes, Young's mother tells Young she is sorry and that she loves him. However, Chan proceeds to hit Young's mom and Young is mortally wounded in a fight. Tony, looking for Young, finds his fallen friend and goes on a rampage. Taking Young's wooden sword, he proceeds to defeat Chan's gang and mortally wound Chan himself with a strike to the head with the sword. As Young's mom and Tony run towards Young, Young passes away in their arms and the two grieve as daylight hits Los Angeles.

La Teacher de Inglés

Jesús ''Kike'' Peinado (Víctor Mallarino) is the owner of a lingerie manufacturing company, which he founded with his ex wife Mercedes (Lully Bossa), who left him after getting involved with a rich American citizen. ''Kike'' starts doing business with American clients, but since he does not speak English, he asks his cousin Luis Fernando (Juan Alfonso Baptista) for help. Luis Fernando, who is involved with drug dealers, is joined by his assistant and lover Milena (Isabel Estrada), both wishing to take advantage of Kike's company. Despite his cousin's help, ''Kike'' decides to learn English on his own and meets Pili (Carolina Gómez), a middle-class young woman and a professional English teacher unable to travel to the US after having her visa denied. Kike slowly falls in love with Pili and hires her in order to give private English classes for him and his employees.

Stanny Boy and Frantastic

Concerned that their lives are becoming boring, Stan and Francine set out to make some new friends. They run into a young couple named Tom and Cami who have an active, child-free lifestyle, and in order to maintain the friendship Stan and Francine pretend to be young and childless as well. However, Tom and Cami engage in such activities as rock climbing, free running (which is parodied off District 13), and much drinking, which begins to take its toll on the Smiths. Unable to keep up but not wanting to lose their friends, they sabotage the couple's birth control in the hopes that having a baby will slow them down. Unfortunately, the stress of the unexpected pregnancy ruins Tom and Cami's relationship, and when Stan and Francine try to patch it up they accidentally confess to the sabotage and to being in their 40s, ending the friendship. After having been through all this, however, Stan and Francine decide that they like being "slow" and relaxed.

Meanwhile, Roger and Steve see an advertisement for a cotton candy shooting gun and decide to buy it using Greg Corbin's credit card. Klaus asks to get in on the action, but the pair insults him, saying that fish can't enjoy portable things or cotton candy. When the gun turns out to be a dud, they decide to get a refund but start to reconsider when they hear the projected wait time is two weeks, only for Klaus to convince them to stick it out. After two weeks of frustration and getting transferred to the wrong person, they finally get through to a real person and are told how to get a refund. Klaus observes that the money will just go back to Greg, not them. Roger and Steve then realize this and ask Klaus why he had them stay on hold; Klaus explains it was revenge for the two saying he couldn't enjoy portable things, then adds that while he can't enjoy cotton candy, he can enjoy making them suffer, as they'll never get back the two weeks they wasted. After he leaves laughing hysterically, Roger asks Steve if they are stupid, as Roger has a master's degree in city planning from Howard University, but can't tell when "a fish is giving me the business."

To the End of the Land

Ora, a recently divorced Jerusalemite physiotherapist in her early fifties, had anxiously waited for her son Ofer to get through his three years' term of military service – spent mainly in confronting and skirmishing with the rebellious Palestinians of the Second Intifada. But just as she prepares to mark Ofer's safe return by going off with him to a long-planned week of backpacking in the Galilee, the West Bank situation sharply escalates and the Israeli Army launches an all-out invasion ("Operation Defensive Shield" of April 2002). To Ora's great dismay, Ofer volunteers to rejoin his unit. Taking him in a taxi to the base camp, Ora is filled with apprehension that Ofer is going to get killed, and compares herself to the Biblical Abraham who took his son off to be slaughtered. Back in her empty home, she is haunted by unbearable visions of army officers knocking on her door and bringing the message of Ofer's death in action, and at a moment's notice she runs off "To the End of the Land".

Ora's wanderings and trekking through the Israeli countryside make up the bulk of the book's plot. She refuses to listen to news broadcasts or read papers, but cannot help noticing monuments of old battles and the inscribed names of dead soldiers. Interspersed with Ora's various experiences – surrealistic, nightmarish and sometimes humorous – are memories of previous events in her life, love relationships and motherhood, and the way it was impacted by earlier wars and conflicts in Israel's history.

The story moves back and forth in time with extensive flashbacks, going back to the 1967 Six Day War – when the teenager Ora was confined to a hospital isolation ward where she met two boys, Avram and Ilan, fell in love with both of them and entered into a very complicated, lifelong love triangle. It would be Avram who would eventually father Ofer, while Ilan would become Ora's husband, lovingly raising this son. Avram would become terribly traumatized after undergoing torture as a prisoner of war in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and cut himself off from her and from his son – despite, or precisely because of, caring greatly. But at the ultimate crisis in the story's present moment, Avram would reappear to share Ora's desperate quest.

Camorra (1986 film)

Hostel owner Annunziata (Ángela Molina) is attacked, but before her assailant can sexually assault her, the man is killed. The killer plunges a hypodermic needle into one of the rapist's testicles and escapes before Annunziata is able to identify him. This soon becomes the signature of a serial killer who appears to be targeting drug dealers.

The Chaperone (2011 film)

Ray Bradstone, a talented getaway driver, is determined to go straight, be a better parent to his daughter Sally, and make amends with his ex-wife, Lynne. As Ray struggles to find honest work, he agrees to take one last job with his old bank-robbing crew, led by Phillip Larue. Ray changes his mind at the last second, choosing to chaperone a field trip with Sally's class and leaving the thieves without a worthy means of escape. The robbery is a disaster and now Ray must deal with an enraged Larue while driving a school bus full of kids.


The Heart of the World is a land in strife. For fifty years the Holy Empire of Mann, an empire and religion born from a nihilistic urban cult, has been conquering nation after nation. Their leader, Holy Matriarch Sasheen, ruthlessly maintains control through her Diplomats, priests trained as subtle predators.

The Mercian Free Ports are the only confederacy yet to fall. Their only land link to the southern continent, a long and narrow isthmus, is protected by the city of Bar-Khos. For ten years now, the great southern walls of Bar-Khos have been besieged by the Imperial Fourth Army.

Ash is a member of an elite group of assassins, the Roshun - who offer protection through the threat of vendetta. Forced by his ailing health to take on an apprentice, he chooses Nico, a young man living in the besieged city of Bar-Khos. At the time, Nico is hungry, desperate, and alone in a city that finds itself teetering on the brink.

When the Holy Matriarch’s son deliberately murders a woman under the protection of the Roshun; he forces the sect to seek his life in retribution. As Ash and his young apprentice set out to fulfil the Roshun orders – their journey takes them into the heart of the conflict between the Empire and the Free Ports . . . into bloodshed and death.

Rosalie (film)

Dick Thorpe (Nelson Eddy) is a football star for the Army, and Rosalie (Eleanor Powell), a Vassar student who is also a princess (Princess Rosalie of Romanza) in disguise, watches a football game. They are attracted to each other and agree to meet in her country in Europe. When Dick flies into her country, he is greeted as a hero by the king (Frank Morgan) and finds Rosalie is engaged to marry Prince Paul (Tom Rutherford), who actually is in love with Brenda (Ilona Massey). Dick, not knowing of Prince Paul's affections, leaves the country. The king and his family are forced to leave their troubled country, and Dick and Rosalie are finally reunited at West Point.

Kiler-ów 2-óch

The time flies and Jurek Kiler has already forgotten the fact that he used to work as a taxi driver and that he was suspected of series of murders. He is now a public person, and together with his girlfriend Ewa runs a foundation that successfully raises money from all over the world. He is now a man of a great renown as he injects a substantial sums of money into various public institutions. However, the idyllic life becomes thwarted when two murderers who do their time - Siara and Lipski - do everything to blow him away. One time they hire a world-famous Polish murderer called Szakal, other time a Cuban hireling alleged Kiler's double who, after many attempts, fail to carry out their "responsibilities". The situation becomes even more perplexed when Lipski obtains a pass for his daughter's wedding and gets to know that his daughter Dona falls in love with Kiler whom she wants to marry.

The Young and The Brave

During the Korean War, three American prisoners of war – Sgt Ed Brent (Rory Calhoun), Staff Sgt Peter Kane (William Bendix), and Pvt Kirk Wilson (Robert Ivers) – escape from their North Korean captors and try to make it back to American lines, about away. At the beginning of their trek, they are given shelter by a Korean couple, who have a young son Han (Manuel Padilla). While Han is hiding in nearby hills, the North Korean captors who are pursuing the three escapees kill the couple. The three Americans elude the North Korean pursuers and encounter Han with his companion dog Lobo (Flame, German Shepherd), an abandoned K-9 corps police dog.American Movie Classics (AMC)

While eating some of their few K-rations, which the three share with Han and the dog, the three Americans discuss whether they should bring Han and the dog with them on their trek to the American lines. Brent is in favor of bringing them along and, as ranking officer, orders the other two to do so. Kane opposes bringing the boy and the dog because of the drain they would pose on their few rations. Kane appeals to Wilson to out-vote Brent, based on the assertion that after being held captive, rank no longer matters. Wilson, showing no conviction either way, sides with Kane. However, they eventually agree with Brent and the five proceed on the trek.

Along the way, Han confides to Kane that he doesn’t like him because Kane didn’t try to save his parents from the North Koreans. Kane convinces Han that there wasn’t anything they could do as escaped prisoners with no weapons. Kane befriends Han and leads him to believe that he could be adopted and go to America.

Cpl John Estway (Richard Jaeckel), a fourth escaped prisoner who was brainwashed, is encountered on their trek. He is carrying a two-way radio recovered from a broken-down Jeep, but the batteries that powered it have been depleted. They agree the radio would be useful in summoning help, if they could find replacement batteries.

While traveling through brush, Wilson, who is in the lead, steps on a land mine and is killed. Han starts to return to the three remaining men, but is prevented from stepping on a second land mine by the dog Lobo, who is able to sense it through smell. They decide Lobo would be a valuable resource and use him to sniff out more land mines along their path.

After running out of K-rations, they split up to search for food. Han discovers a wild pig in a thicket, which Kane captures and kills. While discussing how to cook it, someone suggests that they first skin it. Han asks if they have pigs in America and says you don’t skin a pig but rather roast it whole over an open fire. After doing so and enjoying a wonderful meal, they muse about how bright Han is for a child that they figure to be 9 or 10 years old.

They come upon a grass-thatched farmhouse and wonder whether it is occupied. Upon seeing a radio antenna on the roof, they surmise that they might find batteries for their radio inside. They hesitate to approach the house because enemy North Koreans might occupy it. Han suggests that he should go and ask for food under the assumption that the enemy, if there, would take him as an innocent child. The men are amazed at how clever and brave the boy is and agree to his plan. There are enemy soldiers inside, and they react violently to the presence of the boy. They come out, shoot the boy in the leg and search for the suspected escapees. Two of the enemy approach the three hidden Americans, who ambush them. Kane and Estway don the fallen enemy’s uniforms and pretend to hold Brent under arrest. The three approach the other North Korean soldiers and when they get close, they open fire and kill them all. The wounded boy meanwhile has fled to escape the North Koreans.

After finding batteries in the farmhouse, they make radio contact with a nearby American base, which sends a helicopter to pick them up. They search for Han, but can't find him. The helicopter arrives but the three prisoners of war won't leave without the boy. The helicopter pilot informs them that he can only carry two of them at a time and insists that two of them get aboard. Eventually Estway gets aboard alone and the helicopter flies away. The other two continue to search for Han. The helicopter returns shortly under gunpoint from Estway and drops a note saying that Han was spotted in the next canyon, which has been infiltrated by many enemy soldiers and would soon be under barrage by American forces. Brent and Kane hike to that canyon and spot Han, but are caught under fire by both sides. In the process, the dog Lobo is fatally shot and Brent is wounded in the knee. They reach Han and shortly later are rescued by American infantrymen.

After being transported to the American base camp, they are charged with disobeying orders to board the helicopter and Estway is charged for holding the pilot at gunpoint. Kane, however, insists on explaining the entire situation to the commanding colonel who finally agrees they are really heroes. The commander discovers that Han is only seven years old and marvels at how young and brave he is. Kane tells Han that he still has two years left in his enlistment and won’t be able to adopt Han and take him to America. However, Kane convinces both the boy and Brent that Brent should adopt the boy since Brent would be returning to America shortly because of his wound. Han leaves with Brent to the hospital and Kane is left displaying a feeling of accomplishment at the end.

Hold Back the Night

The film tells the story in flashbacks of a bottle of scotch carried by a World War II Marine lieutenant and Korean War captain, Sam MacKenzie. His girl Anne gives it to him in 1942, but tells him to save it for a very special occasion. She asks him to marry her before he ships out to the fighting, but he does not want to risk making her a widow. While on leave in Melbourne, Sam meets Kitty and considers a dalliance, but leaves when he learns she has a husband who may be a Japanese prisoner of war or dead. When he returns to Anne, he is disgusted to find she has acquired a major as an admirer. However, they get things straightened out and marry.

During the Korean War, Sam's Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, First Marine Division, is pursuing the fleeing North Korean Army and looking forward to going home. However, Sam is informed by his superior that the Chinese have entered the war, so they will have to conduct a "fighting withdrawal". Sam is ordered to provide flank protection for the regiment.

That night, the Chinese attack in battalion strength and almost overrun the company, but artillery fire drives them back. The retreat over the next few days is a nightmare of ambushes and mounting losses. His last remaining officer, Lieutenant Couzens, is wounded. Finally, the men are too tired to go on, so Sam uses his bottle of scotch ... as incentive for once they rejoin their side. They eventually have to abandon their last few vehicles, but throughout, Sam insists that none of the wounded be left behind, even if they have to carry them. While dealing with an enemy tank, Sam is shot. An American helicopter spots them and is able to evacuate the most seriously wounded, including Sam. The rest, along with the bottle entrusted to them, reach friendly lines under the leadership of Sergeant Ekland. Once they are safe, Ekland offers the men the scotch, but nobody wants to drink it, feeling it has been lucky for them. The bottle is returned to Sam, who is still saving it for an important occasion.

A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies

On the way back home, Ryota and his sister Aya met an abandoned Shiba Inu. At first reluctant to adopt it because their father hates dogs, they eventually brought it home secretly because the dog kept on following them home. In order to officially keep the dog at home, Aya told her grandfather that she wanted that dog for her birthday present. Since he promised to give her anything she wants for her birthday, he reluctantly agreed. This initially led to a quarrel between him and his son. Meanwhile, his son, is considering moving to Nagaoka city from Yamakoshi, their village, reduce the time needed for his father to reach the hospital and for the children to live near their school, despite opposition from his father. Aya subsequently names the dog Mari, and it becomes a part of the family.

A year later, Mari gave birth to three puppies. That spring, animals behaved strangely, foreshadowing something major to come. On 23 October 2004, a major earthquake, which later became known as the Chūetsu earthquake struck and devastated the whole village. At that time, only grandfather and Aya were at home, and they were pinned down by a wardrobe that collapsed onto them. Mari quickly moved her puppies to a safe place before trying to help the two of them in the house.

Meanwhile, Ryota, who was in school, and his father were safe. They immediately went to the emergency shelter, where they heard that Yamakoshi became isolated after the earthquake, thereby making it hard for rescuers. Subsequently, rescuers from the Japan Self-Defense Forces started combing the village and evacuating people by helicopter. Mari noticed two such rescuers and eventually led them to Aya and her grandfather. Thanks to Mari, the two of them were successfully extracted from the wreckage. Her grandfather had lost a lot of blood, and therefore the pair was evacuated by air. However, just when Aya was about to be evacuated, she asked that Mari be evacuated along as well. Her rescuer reluctantly refuses this request, and seeing her pain at being separated from the dog, he felt extremely bad. He even apologizes to her when they met again at the emergency shelter. Without its owner, Mari tries all ways and means to protect her puppies and feed them properly. It also waited patiently for the return of its owner.

One day, Aya read in a newspaper that torrential rain would soon flood Yamakoshi and became worried about Mari. She convinces Ryota to sneak into the disaster zone in order to rescue Mari. Together they sneaked off into the devastated village, but they have difficulties navigating through the debris there. To make things worse, they also had to contend with aftershocks and the heavy rain. In this treacherous terrain, Aya cuts her foot, making it painful for her to carry on. She later runs a high fever, and Ryota panics, unsure of what to do in this situation. Luckily, someone who had seen them leaving the shelter had told their father of their whereabouts, and their father managed to find them after a long search.

After this incident, Aya did not mention about Mari anymore. When the aftershocks subsided, each family was able to send one representative to go into the village to survey the damage and to collect personal items. Since everyone at the shelter had heard the story of Mari, some people forgo their places to let Ryota and Aya search for Mari again. After a long search, there was no sign that Mari or its three puppies were alive. Just when they were about to give up, a puppy appears, followed by the rest of the dogs. The family happily took back the dogs to the shelter amid applause from the villagers.

In 2005, the family moved into a temporary shelter and life for them more or less returns to normal. Mari also lives there with her three puppies.

The Bishop Revival

15 people suffocate at a Jewish wedding, appearing to have asphyxiated from the inside out. When the Fringe team arrives, Olivia (Anna Torv) identifies that all the victims were from the groom's side, whose grandmother was a Holocaust survivor - and Walter (John Noble) surmises that they were all killed via their shared genetic traits. Later, a similar mass death occurs at a coffee shop, in which Walter recognizes the victims all had brown eyes, another common genetic trait. From fingerprints found at the scene, they discover the culprit is Alfred Hoffman (Craig Robert Young), a Nazi scientist apparently somehow over 100 years old. Walter realizes that the man likely worked with his own father, Robert Bishoff (a German scientist who defected to the US in 1943 and anglicised his name), in creating a chemical agent that, once heated as a gas, could be used to target any specific trait using DNA from the target subject—especially those not of the master race. Though Walter originally had his father's files on the subject, his son Peter (Joshua Jackson), 10 years earlier, had sold them; Peter tries to recover the files but finds some have been used by an artist to create sensationalism art, causing Walter to become distraught.

They trace Hoffman to his home, finding his equipment used to create the chemical agent downstairs but no sign of Hoffman. Walter nearly suffocates from an agent left by Hoffman, but Olivia and Peter are able to save him in time. As the FBI search the premises, they find evidence that points to a convention being held to promote world equality. Olivia and Peter depart to try to find Hoffman, while Walter remains behind, examining Hoffman's equipment.

At the convention, Hoffman has replaced the heating elements for the chafing dishes with his own. Olivia and Peter struggle with locating Hoffman before Walter and Astrid (Jasika Nicole) arrive. Walter uses a fogger to distribute his own chemical agent, this time specific to Hoffman, and soon the man is found dying. As the team regroups, Walter fully admits to killing Hoffman, a crime in itself, but Broyles (Lance Reddick) decides to let Walter go. Later, Peter has been able to recover the rest of his grandfather's work and returns it to Walter; Walter then goes through the files, finding an old photo of his father and Hoffman working together.

Slide (TV series)

'''''SLiDE''''' tells the story of five Brisbane teenagers in their final year of high school making their way from school to adulthood. Tammy and Ed have been friends since they were five years old. Luke knows Ed from scouts and school, but he moves in a different crowd. Eva is at school with them but she keeps to herself. They all spend their weekends in The Valley, seeing music, going to parties, stealing experiences they're not yet entitled to. When Scarlett arrives from Melbourne an unlikely friendship grows between the five teenagers.


In 1983 KBS launched a campaign to reunite families torn apart in the Korean War three decades earlier. In an expert dissection of the social and familial rifts in modern Korea, director Im Kwon-taek integrates footage from the campaign into the story of Hwa-yeong, who leaves her middle-class life in Busan to search for the son she lost in Gilsotteum during the war.

Here Comes the Bride, My Mom!

A single mother comes home to her single child and is accompanied by an unannounced, much younger man. Her daughter Tsukiko thinks in the first place her mother intends to pair her off with this stranger, but her mother wants the unemployed chef for herself. Tsukiko, who is unemployed herself, has it hard to somehow cope with this development.

Tinta roja (film)

Two university students, Alfonso Fernandez Ferrer and his girlfriend Nadia, report to the editor of a tabloid newspaper to begin their stints as trainees. Nadia is given first choice and chooses the entertainment section as her assignment. Alfonso indicates that he too wanted the entertainment section but is advised that, since the newspaper's policy is to assign only one trainee to each section and Nadia has already chosen entertainment, Alfonso must work in a different section. To Alfonso's consternation, he is assigned to serve as a trainee to Don Saul, the editor of the police crime section.

Adagio (film)

The story of the tragedy, an innovator - the leader, the prophet, the consequences of joining the world of new ideas and about how distorted the followers of the search of eternal truths can be. Throughout the cartoon sounds the Adagio in G minor (commonly attributed to the composer Tomaso Albinoni).

Heaven's Story

''Heaven's Story'' shows a murder and how it changes the lives of those people who were closely related to the victims.

Austin & Ally

In the initial episode, "Rockers & Writers", Austin overhears Ally singing a song she's written. Later, he changes the tempo of the song and sings it himself, although he's completely forgotten it's the same song he heard Ally singing. He becomes famous from it after his best friend, Dez, directs Austin in a music video for the song and posts it on the Internet, making Austin an overnight sensation. Once Ally takes credit for her song, she and Austin work together on a second song. At the end of the episode, Austin convinces her to become his partner, and the two agree to work together and eventually become close friends. Ally's best friend, Trish, pitches in as Austin's manager and Dez continues to direct Austin's music videos. At the end of the first season, Austin gets signed to Jimmy Starr's record label.

The second season sees both Austin and Ally taking bigger steps. Ally conquers her stage fright by performing a duet with Austin. By the end of the second season, Ally signs a record deal and records an album with Ronnie Ramone, while Austin goes on his first national tour. Due to her schedule with Ronnie Ramone, Ally is unable to attend the first half of Austin's tour, but in the first two episodes of the third season, Ally does attend the second half of the tour.

In the third season, Ally's career takes off. Later, Ally is making her first album. By the end of the third season, Austin sacrifices his music career when his record label forbids him from being together with Ally. Austin chooses to be with Ally as they confess their love for each other. In the end, Austin goes with Ally on her first tour, Trish starts her own management company, and Dez goes to film school in Los Angeles.

In the fourth season, the group reunites after the tour and turns Sonic Boom into a music school called A&A Music Factory, where they help students pursue their musical dreams. They combine their talents to become business partners, and the store's success explodes.

The series has been described as a "pint-sized" version of HBO's comedy-drama ''Entourage''.

Derivative (film)

Nazım (Güçlü Yalçıner) is a successful young Istanbul writer who is about to marry Süreyya (Gülçin Santırcıoğlu). Süreyya is not sure about Nazım's love and so she asks her best friend Burcu (Beste Bereket) to seduce him in order to test his fidelity. Reluctantly Burcu complies and then she falls in love.

Fantasy Life

The game is set in the fantasy world of Reveria, which is made up of several cities, plains, and mountains. Its rulers spend their days ruling over their citizens and guiding them in their Life paths. One day this peaceful state is shattered when a strange purple meteorite falls into the house of the player, setting off a chain of events foretold in an ancient prophecy involving Reveria's goddess and the moon Lunares.

The player is asked by King Erik of the land of Castele to investigate these strange occurrences, as the meteorites, later dubbed Doomstones by the world's inhabitants, have the ability to fill creatures with dark, destructive energy. They are joined in this quest by a glowing butterfly that has the ability to speak. As the game progresses, the butterfly reveals that her real name and form is Yuelia, the daughter of Celestia, whom the people of Reveria worship as the Life Goddess.

They soon discover that the Doomstones are chunks of a dome that surrounds Reveria that has been slowly falling apart. This had happened in the past once before, but was stopped by Celestia, at the cost of her never being able to return to Lunares. Yuelia and her sister Noelia discover that the only way to save the world is to gather the wishes of as many people as possible and take them up to Lunares, where those wishes will restore the dome completely. The player and the two sisters manage to successfully travel to Lunares, but soon find out that they do not have enough wishes to restore the dome. Yuelia, becoming content with her Life on Reveria, wishes that she never has to leave. With that final wish, the end of the world is averted and Reveria is saved once again, ending the main story.

Time Travelers (video game)

In 2013, a mysterious hole, called "Lost Hole", emerged from the sky, and along with it, came an enormous explosion that devastated the central Tokyo area and claimed the lives of many. Eighteen years later on April 28, 2031, in a newly rebuilt metropolis, a new event is about to occur, one that could change the fate of the world forever.

The game takes place in a rebuilt central Tokyo. Technology has greatly advanced since the event that took place eighteen years ago, evident by the holographic signs that fill the streets. A building called "Space Elevator" can be seen rising from Tokyo Bay, with the height of two thousand meters above the city. This particular building is what powers the city, although exactly how it is able to generate energy is a mystery.

Mikoto Shindo, a teenage girl who has time travel ability, must gather the fellow time travelers to prevent a second "Lost Hole" disaster and also to stop a terrorist group named "Mysterious Skull".

Johari Window (Fringe)

In upstate New York, a child is picked up on the road by a state trooper. While en route, the child suddenly morphs into a deformed creature. At the station, the troopers try to decide what to do with him, and one takes his picture. Two other deformed people enter the station, kill the troopers and take the boy.

The Fringe team comes on the scene to investigate and find the boy's photograph, along with recorded sightings of deformed people going back 30 years. They arrive in Edina, the city these sightings occurred near, and Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) hears a buzz called the "Edina hum". The sheriff explains it is coming from a nearby military base and offers to show them case files of past sightings. While driving, the SUV containing Olivia, Peter (Joshua Jackson), and Walter (John Noble) is run off the road by another vehicle, whose driver then starts shooting at them before getting shot and leaving. The FBI find the abandoned vehicle and follow a blood trail to the shooter. Peter is visibly disturbed after killing his first person, and Olivia tries to comfort him.

Agent Broyles discovers that the army did classified experiments in Edina called "Project Elephant", but most of the records are gone. The team brings the body, along with a butterfly Walter found in the town and thought Astrid would like, back to the lab in Boston. They discover that both have transformed into deformed versions of themselves. Peter and Olivia go back to Edina to talk with the sheriff and try to locate the owner of the truck. Meanwhile, back in the lab, Walter tries to remember why the case feels so familiar. Throughout the episode Walter had been humming some strange melody, and he and Astrid realize he might previously have worked on the project with the army. The melody was a memory trick Walter used to remind himself where he stored the experiment files so many years ago. The experiment was done by the army in the late 1970s to test how electromagnetic pulses can camouflage soldiers and was conducted on the townspeople; the army was unaware of the long-term effects of the study until it was too late, and the people were stuck in a deformed state. The "hum" hides their deformities from the human eye through a massive electromagnetic pulse that runs through the town, and once they leave and are out of the pulse's reach, their true deformities show.

Walter and Astrid find the source of the electromagnetic pulse, and begin investigating the house the pulse was built on. At the same time, Peter and Olivia go to a rural meeting place where the sheriff said they would find the truck's owner, only to be shot at by the sheriff and his deputy, who are hell-bent on keeping the town's secret. Walter manages to turn off the pulse, and all of the townsfolk revert to their deformed appearance. The daughter of one of the army scientists saves Olivia and Peter from getting shot, and explains that her father stayed in Edina to perfect the pulse. After Walter pleads to Broyles to let the townspeople keep their secret, the Fringe team decides to not report the case so that the remaining residents can live a normal life.

The Journey of a Young Composer

The film is set in 1907. The film's protagonist, composer Nikusha (Levan Abashidze), travels to Georgian villages to collect folk songs. His companion is accidentally becomes Tatasheli Leko (Gia Peradze), who mistakes Nikusha for a revolutionary conspirator, and his map illustrating the villages for an insurrection plan.

Solsidan (season 1)

Alex is a thirty-nine-year-old dentist, who moves back to his childhood home in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, along with his pregnant girlfriend Anna. Anna works as an actor and feels like an outsider in Alex's old neighbourhood. Alex's mother Margareta has sold the couple her house, but thinks that she still lives there. Fredde is Alex's childhood friend who lives down the block with his wife Mickan and two children. Ove Sundberg is another of Alex childhood friends who is believed to be the dullest and greediest resident in Solsidan.

Tomorrow, the World!

Emil Bruckner (Skip Homeier), a young German orphan, comes to live in the United States with his American uncle (Fredric March). Although the American family reaches out to the boy, trying to make him part of their lives, he has been heavily indoctrinated in Nazi propaganda from his years in the Hitler Youth.[] Accessed January 16, 2011.

His uncle is a "gently liberal university professor," while the young boy – even though he is an orphan with a father who was anti-Nazi – has become a parrot for the Third Reich, denouncing his late father as a traitor and being as nasty as possible to the professor's Jewish fiancée (Field).[ NYT review.] Accessed January 16, 2011.

Emil's father, Karl Bruckner, had died after being sent to a concentration camp for opposing the Nazi regime. His uncle, Mike Frame, holds Karl in the highest regard for his ideas, commitment to the ideas of universal peace, and his courage. The Nazis, however, have taught Emil that his father was a coward, a traitor to the state, and committed suicide. Emil believes the lies and mutilates a highly prized painting of his father.

All the characters have their unique perspectives and reactions in response to Emil's outlandish display of Third Reich sensibilities and most want to find the good in the boy- especially his loving and very tolerant cousin Pat (Joan Carroll). Emil, however, has other ideas, donning a Nazi armband soon after his arrival.

Emil refuses to make friends, spouts propaganda he learned in the Hitler Youth, and seeks to act as a Nazi agent on enemy soil, even attempting to recruit the Frames' German maid to his cause. He's horrified to find out that he's going to be mixing with kids of all backgrounds that he's been taught are inferior and that his teacher, Leona Richards- soon to be his aunt- is a Jew. He goes out of his way to mock a Polish boy and later ridicules the boy when he finds him hanging laundry. After first avoiding a fight, he pushes the boy into the mud from behind, and then slices the laundry line so that the clean linen will fall into the mud as well. When a shy girl sees what he has done he terrifies her into silence with the knowledge that her father is a prisoner of war in Germany, and threatens to have her father hurt. In an ironic moment, Emil is the one who exposes the incident to his teacher: unaware of the American custom of not squealing, he seeks to get his version on the record first and accuse others of lying. The resulting confrontation ends with Emil fleeing the school and scrawling anti-Semitic graffiti against his teacher, Miss Richards, on the sidewalk.

Seeking to break the engagement between his teacher and his Uncle Mike, Emile finally provokes her into slapping him (by calling her a "Jewish tramp") and then attempts to manipulate his Aunt Jessie, whose jealousy of the relationship he had perceived, into an alliance to this purpose, but only forces her to confront her own guilt.

Just before his birthday party is due to begin, Emil's cousin- Mike's daughter, Pat- catches him trying to break into a desk where he hopes to find classified documents. Following her to the basement, he attacks her with a fire iron and leaves her badly injured before fleeing the house. His schoolmates eventually apprehend him and bring him home to face the police. Before their arrival, he provokes his Uncle Mike with another threat against Pat, and Leona Richards intervenes to keep Mike from killing him.

Alone with Emil, Leona forces him to open one of his birthday presents. Seeing his cousin Pat's thoughtful gift for him finally triggers Emil's first experience of remorse and guilt. Leona urges Mike to offer compassion and understanding rather than send Emil away. As Emil confronts his feelings about his father's death and his treatment at the hands of the Nazis, hope for redemption finally begins to appear and he remains with his new family.

Among Giants

Ray (played by Pete Postlethwaite) is a middle-aged Sheffield father of two, down on his luck. Separated from his wife, his life revolves around his close friendship with his much younger flatmate Steve (James Thornton) and a passion for climbing.

One summer, the pair and their loose gang of workers gain illicit, cash-in-hand employment painting the electricity pylons of the Yorkshire Moors. Their deadline is tight and their terms of employment precarious, but both are grateful for money and the opportunity to climb daily.

The pattern of life is interrupted by the arrival of footloose Australian backpacker Gerry (Rachel Griffiths). Attractive, and a talented climber, she and Ray fall in love and become a couple despite Steve's apparent interest.

Ray harbours some reluctance at Gerry's wild ways, but manages to overcome these to propose marriage. Gerry too is doubtful that her wandering days are over, and wonders if she can live the staid existence on offer, despite her love for Ray. Things come to a head when she and Steve, both clearly affected by the backpacking bug, are caught drinking vodka atop a tall pylon.

Abseiling recklessly to face an angry Ray, she and Steve are fired on the spot.

In a confrontation, Gerry tells Ray that she cannot commit to the relationship, nor be tied down. Meanwhile, Ray's friendship with an increasingly jealous Steve is also in trouble, and the younger man moves out of the flat, planning his own travels to India. He and Gerry have a brief sexual encounter, but back out when they recognise the wrongs of their actions.

Gerry waits on Ray's doorstep, hoping for some form of reconciliation, but is rejected. Upset, and undertaking a solo rock climb, she falls and is hospitalised with serious injuries. As Ray is being told this by an emotional Steve, the pylons are electrified as Ray's gang are still at work, and the crew are lucky to escape without electrocution.

This heralds the end of the summer's work, and their elusive paymaster Derek, the electricity company official, arrives on the scene. He is apologetic at the mistake, but cannot say when the workers will receive their pay.

The film ends on an uncertain note, with Steve departing for India, a recovered Gerry deciding to return to Australia, and Ray left standing on the Moors contemplating his scant options.

I'll Always Remember You

Miley's boyfriend, Jesse, comes to see Miley, and reveals that he knows Miley's secret, that she is the pop star Hannah Montana. After telling him that he can be her guitarist again, she tries to convince him to not show any affection while she is Hannah Montana, for fear that it is revealed he is cheating on one of them.

While performing on ''The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'', Jesse kisses Hannah, and Leno calls them America's new sweethearts. After Jesse gets recognized at the pier, he hugs Miley, and this picture is spread across the news, including Leno's show, where he announces Jesse cheated on Hannah. Via text messages from his family, Jesse learns that Hannah fans are growing upset with him, and says to Miley, that as long as there is two of her, he cannot be with her, so they separate.

Miley and Lilly's college acceptance letters come in the mail, and Miley finds out she did not get accepted to Stanford University, when Lilly did. Miley drives the 200 miles to Stanford, to find out that though she has the right character and grades, she did not have as many extracurricular activities as Lilly. She becomes more upset when she realizes that she has done plenty of things, but cannot tell because of the Hannah secret.

After driving back home, Lilly has the idea to tell the admissions woman that Miley was Hannah's assistant, and that she did do all those things. On the drive there, Dr. Phil appears as a visual manifestation of her overstressed subconscious. Upon arrival, Miley finds out that she needs some sort of proof of employment, and drives back home once more to change into Hannah Montana. When arriving as Hannah, she finds out that a celebrity like herself would be admitted, if she had Miley's grades. After a short consideration to take off the wig, she returns home disappointed.

Lilly then opts to stay out of college for a year, until Miley gets in. Jesse then comes over, reconciling with Miley. While in her bedroom, Miley talks to her conscience, which appears as Hannah, about how much her friends and family have had to compromise for her secret. Then again in the house, she sees Jesse and Lilly telling her that they have had to compromise their lives for her.

After a talk with her father, Miley looks back at all her Hannah outfits and remembers the great times she has had as Hannah from the beginning of the show. She has made up her mind; she sits down to talk with "Hannah" again, who bids her one final farewell as Miley thanks her, before finally leaving Hannah behind.

She appears on ''The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'' again, with something to say. She goes on to say that the eleven-year girl wanting to be a rock star, and to have a normal life, no longer wants to pretend anymore, and takes off her Hannah wig and sings a song as Miley. In a show of support, Robby takes off his manager moustache, and Lilly takes off her Lola wig, and together they say good-bye to their alter egos as well.


This is the second episode where there is background commentary along with the storyline, the first being "He Could Be the One". Jason Earles, Moises Arias, and Tammin Sursok narrate the story as Jackson, Rico, and Siena (but do not appear in the actual episode, instead directly addressing the audience) in eight performances. * The episode is introduced with the three as singing mice, each with their traditional character's respective initial on their sweaters, singing to the tune of "Camptown Races", in an Alvin and the Chipmunks parody, on the kitchen counter. * After Hannah kisses Jesse on ''The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'', the three perform an electronic song at the pier as silver living statues. * After Miley gets rejected from Stanford, the trio performs a show tune parody. * On Miley's drive back to Stanford, the three sing an old-time song as hillbillies on the car radio. * After Hannah gets rejected from Stanford, they perform another show tune, this time as cats. * After Jesse takes Miley back, the trio appear on a bag of horse feed, where they sing to the tune of the ''William Tell Overture'' as cowboys on a wagon. * After Miley realizes what the secret is doing, the three parody Lady Gaga's song "Poker Face" dressed as jesters. * At the end of the episode, the three sing a lullaby to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" as babies, listing all of the people who knew Miley's secret prior to her telling the world: Lilly, Oliver, Jesse, Jake, Siena, and the town of Crowley Corners.

Top of the Form (film)

This story explores a bookmaker Ronnie Fortescue (Ronald Shiner), who becomes headmaster of a boys' school, and of his and his pupil's adventures in passing examinations and on a subsequent free trip to Paris. Once in Paris, headmaster and pupils become embroiled in gambling casinos, and in a plot to steal the French Crown Jewels.

George in Civvy Street

This comedy film portrays George Formby leaving the forces and becoming a village pub owner, who works to turn a waitress from her current boss, a rival pub owner. Formby falls in love with the waitress, and various battles ensue between the pub rivals.

Reluctant Heroes

This comedy is set in an army boot camp. It displays a drill sergeant who must somehow turn an inept group of recruits into real soldiers.

Primary Suspect

While on an undercover infiltration mission, Denver police detective Christian Box played by William Baldwin has to use some drugs, and is believed by many to have become an addict; it goes wrong, and his wife, also on the operation, is killed and Christian Box gets blamed. Thanks to Lieutenant Blake played by Lee Majors, Box is not officially charged, but instead is demoted to desk work. Two years later he grabs a unique opportunity to mount a new, Box goes on a personal mission to destroy his wife's killer.

Up to His Neck

Sailor Jack Carter has been marooned for ten years on a South Seas island, and treated as a King by natives. He is eventually rescued by the Royal Navy, who then use him to train up commandos to recover a stolen submarine, and to foil an oriental criminal plot.

Not Wanted on Voyage

Two cabin stewards working on a luxury vessel on a Mediterranean cruise to Tangier attempt to earn extra money from the passengers using every possible means. However, when one of the wealthy dowagers has her valuable diamond necklace stolen, they do everything they can to ensure it is restored to her.

Little Big Shot (1952 film)

This crime comedy depicts the bumbling son of a recently deceased crime boss, who does his best to follow in his father's footsteps, but to little avail. In the end, he accidentally switches sides and helps to bring in the crooks.

Keep It Clean

Advertising agent Bert Lane (Ronald Shiner) plans to market his brother-in-law Peter's (Colin Gordon) new miracle cleaning machine. However, Bert's boss Mr. Bouncenboy (James Hayter) wants him to advertise Mrs Anstey's famous crumpets, but Bert's cheesecake advertising slogans incur the wrath of Mrs Anstey (Jean Cadell) and her Purity League, as well as that of his boss.

Girls at Sea (1958 film)

Officers throw an extravagant party on board the battleship HMS Scotia when it visits the French Riviera. At the end of the night, the final shore-boat is judged unseaworthy, and three attractive female guests, Mary (Ann Kimball), Jill (Mary Steele) and Antoinette (Nadine Tallier), must spend the night on board ship. But before they can be escorted ashore the next day, the battleship is called out on manoeuvres off the coast of Italy. Having no choice but to take the women along, Captain Maitland (Guy Rolfe) must hide the girls presence from the admiral (Michael Hordern).

Calling All Stars (1937 musical)

After a set of master discs is dropped, the recording artists are gathered with each providing a portion of their composition.

Angel Town (film)

Jacques Montaigne is a French college student who heads to Los Angeles not only for school, but to help train an Olympic team of fighters. He shows up a few days late (for a rendezvous with a girlfriend in France) and is given a list of houses where they may have rooms for rent. He comes across to a house where single mother Maria Ordonez lives with her son Martin and her mother. Maria tells Jacques that they were supposed to have taken their house off the listings due to being in an unsafe neighborhood. However, Maria decides to let Jacques stay.

That night, on his way to a college social, Jacques finds himself confronted by two neighbors, Chuy and Jesus. Brandishing a small knife, Jacques warns the duo not to mess with him. At the mixer, Jacques gets the attention of fellow student Sarah as well as the graduate dean, who is unimpressed with him. As Jacques walks Sara home, they are stopped by Jesus and Chuy, who are with their gang boss, Angel and other gang members. When some of the gang members start to cause trouble, Jacques intervenes and uses his martial arts skills. This scares Angel and the gang away. However, when Jacques returns to the Ordonez home, he is met again by Jesus, Chuy, and more of Angel's gang. An attempt to ambush Jacques leads them to a nearby bush, where the gang members beat themselves up while Jacques walks away. This impresses Frank, a former war vet who lives across the street, but is also upset at the fact that he's paralyzed from the waist down from the war.

It's been revealed that Angel wants to recruit Martin to his gang. When Martin constantly rebuffs Angel, it only makes him even more mad and threats soon follow. Jacques decides he must help Martin out of his ordeal. During an attack at the house, Martin's grandmother passes out from the stress and is taken to the hospital. With Maria working, Jacques decides to take Martin to a local martial arts school run by good friend Henry, who is the one who convinced the Olympic Committee to bring Jacques to L.A. Henry knew Martin's father Pedro, who had protested vehemently against Angel and his gang and was ultimately murdered by Angel, which Martin doesn't know. Jacques decides to teach Martin some self-defense along with Henry and tells him the ramifications of what can and will happen should Martin decide to join Angel's gang.

Upon returning home, Martin is in shock to learn his grandmother had passed. It was because Angel's goons once again started trouble and Frank tells Jacques that she ended up having a massive heart attack, yelling for Martin. Maria has learned what Jacques had been doing and she realizes that she can trust him and divulges the truth about Pedro's death and why the streets are no longer safe. When Maria and Jacques are shot at by Angel and his gang, Jacques turns to Henry and his wife to help protect Maria and Martin. Henry finds a connection with Mr. Park, a Korean gang boss who knows of all the gangs. He warns Henry and Jacques that Angel can be intimidated, but it is his gunfire that gives him his power.

On his way to campus, Angel sends men to get rid of Jacques but they fail. Jacques has had enough and wages war on Angel and his crew. He goes as far as killing Angel's female driver to send him a message. However, Angel declares war and begins with a vicious assault on Maria, who is taken to the hospital. Martin, having had enough, goes back to his house and arms himself with a shotgun. With the help of Frank, who arms himself with a machine gun, the duo begin to shoot at any of Angel's gang who invade Martin's house. When Angel and the rest of the gang show up, they slowly begin their assault. However, just when Martin runs out of ammo, one gang member throws a stick of dynamite but is stopped by a returning Jacques.

Jacques has also brought Henry and some of Henry's martial arts students. They begin their own assault, using their martial arts skills to dispatch most of Angel's gang. Jacques puts dynamite in Angel's car and Angel narrowly escapes when the car explodes. Jacques and Angel begin to fight and just when Jacques is about to knock Angel out, Henry convinces him that it should be Martin who should fight Angel. Angel puts up much of the fight but Martin, finally having the advantage, beats Angel and kicks him while he is on the ground repeatedly until he is unconscious. Jacques finally tells Martin he did what he had to and the police show up, including a helicopter whose light shines on Angel.

Wherever I Go (Hannah Montana)

Miley gets an offer from Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise to star in a movie. However, filming is in Paris, and will take a year, making her incapable of going to college with her best friend, Lilly.

She keeps this from Lilly, and tries to get Lilly to come to the decision of not wanting to go to college with Miley, when they drive to Stanford University for a weekend orientation. Lilly, however, is just happy to be able to go to school with her best friend.

Finally, Miley reveals the movie deal to Lilly, and they get into an argument, where Lilly says to Miley that she would never want to go anywhere with her again. On the car ride home, Lilly further declares that she is moving back in with her father. Distraught, Miley discusses her dilemma with Jackson, and he suggests that Miley should have asked for Lilly to join her in Paris. Miley then hugs Jackson, and Robby declares it a touching moment for him.

Miley realizes that the real reason Lilly was upset was because they have done everything together, and Miley didn't ask Lilly to come with her to Paris. Miley then asks for Lilly to come with her to Paris, and they both decide to go to Paris together. Miley and Lilly's respective boyfriends, Jesse and Oliver, meet up with them at the airport to see them before their trip.

Oliver gives Lilly some key words that force her to second guess her decision. Before getting onto the plane, Lilly tells Miley that she has decided to go to college after all, even if it means being without Miley. Miley and Lilly begin their lives apart backed by a duet sung by the two actresses. The music eventually centers in Lilly's dorm where she gets a knock on her door.

She opens the door to reveal Miley, who declares, "I'm Miley, I'm your new roommate." Miley tells Lilly that there will always be movies, concerts, and tours for her to do, but she will only have one chance to go to college with her best friend, therefore implying that she decided not to do the movie. The two hug as the camera pans away from them and we see a close-up of the collage of Miley and Lilly with a fade to black, and then a montage of images from the course of the show is displayed through the credits with the song "I'll Always Remember You" as the series ends.


Jackson struggles to keep up with his girlfriend Siena's bikini model lifestyle, as he feels inadequate in comparison. He makes several attempts at jobs to receive more money to buy Siena a nice gift, including demonstrating a snake, and working for Rico again. When he buys her a nice necklace, she buys him a car. Distraught, Jackson discusses his dilemma with Miley, and she gives him a pep talk.

Rico realizes he likes Jackson, and finds him a dream job, as a video game tester. Rico and Jackson finally admit that while they may fight, they are also close friends.

Later, while Jackson is working from a hot tub, Siena comments on how the banter between Jackson and Miley comes off as mean, but Jackson explains to her that it is simply how they show their affection.

Alternate ending

Included in the ''Hannah Montana Forever'': Final Season DVD was an alternate ending to the episode. The alternate ending picks up from the airport scene, where Miley and Lilly say their goodbyes as Lilly goes to Stanford and Miley goes to Paris to work with Spielberg and Cruise. The camera then pans away from Miley and Lilly hugging and zooms onto a little girl sitting in a chair, holding a Hannah Montana doll. The text: "Tennessee: Twelve Years Ago" appears and shows a young girl portraying young Miley Cyrus playing with a Barbie doll, singing a song about herself becoming a famous rockstar.

Miley's real-life parents, Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus, walk into the room, tell her that it’s past her bedtime and tuck her in. Miley then says, "I'm going to be a rockstar one day, just like Daddy." Then Tish tells her that as long as she keeps believing in herself, she can do anything she wants to do and Billy Ray tells Miley that someday her dream will come true. The scene eventually shifts into a photograph of the real life Miley and her parents, suggesting that like Miley Stewart, Miley Cyrus imagined herself being famous one day and her dream indeed came true.

Little Gem

Three generations of Dublin women, Kay (grandmother), Loraine (mother) and Amber (granddaughter) narrate several months of emotional turmoil that they have experienced. Each woman is experiencing some sort of emotional crisis and communication between the three is fraught at best. Amber, who abuses alcohol and cocaine, has recently started dating the wayward Paul and it is suggested he will not be loyal. Lorraine has been separated from her partner Ray for many years. Ray is a homeless drug addict that occasionally drops into her life wreaking havoc as he does so. As the play opens Lorraine has experienced something of an emotional break-down in work and has been encouraged by her employers to seek therapy. Kay’s husband, Gem, has suffered a recent stroke and so is emotionally and physically distant from her, requiring homecare and is unable to feed or dress himself.

In each of the women’s experience an absent male partner contributes to the disconnection that they feel. But as a token of hope and redemption the baby boy Amber gives birth to and names Gem brings the women together as they close the play by sharing a bed with the child each contributing to the care of the child.

A Flea in Her Ear (film)

Gabrielle (Rosemary Harris) is convinced her attorney husband Victor (Rex Harrison) is seeing another woman because of his inattention to her amorous needs. She sets up a meeting with her husband at a bordello-hotel, and he is completely unaware that the woman he is going to meet will be his own wife.

Hitokiri (film)

Okada Izō is a rōnin born into poverty who joins the , a group of Imperial loyalists based in Tosa and headed by Takechi Hanpeita. Izō soon becomes a well known and successful killer, and he is stubbornly loyal to Hanpeita. However, Sakamoto Ryōma warns him that he is merely "Takechi's dog" and that Hanpeita will end up betraying him. After Izō fouls a night attack by the Kinnō-Tō on Ishibe Station by revealing his identity, Hanpeita's wrath at his blunder and resentment at his own subordinacy begins to test Izō's loyalty. Eventually abandoning Hanpeita, the regretful Izō returns and apologizes. He is then ordered to assassinate the aristocrat using the sword of Tanaka Shinbei. The assassination is successful, and during his interrogation over Anegakōji's death, Tanaka commits harakiri after his recovered sword is presented to him as evidence. As Hanpeita becomes increasingly determined to succeed in his plan to become daimyo of Tosa by eliminating his opponents, it becomes necessary to sacrifice Izō, which he does by betraying him after he is arrested as a rōnin by the Aizu Mimawarigumi and later by trying to poison him with amygdalin-drugged sake (座枯らし). Izō survives, but, disillusioned, confesses to his murders for the Kinnō-Tō, and is condemned to crucifixion. Before being killed, he is told that Hanpeita will be forced to commit harakiri.

I Am a Hero

''I Am a Hero''

The story begins with Hideo Suzuki, a 35-year-old manga artist assistant, whose life seems to be stuck around his exhausting but low-paying job, unfulfilled dreams, strange hallucinations and unsatisfying relationships. He sees himself as a supporting character in his own life, and has low self-esteem, resulting in frustration.

One day, the world as Hideo knows it is shattered by the presence of a disease (nicknamed ZQN) that turns people into homicidal maniacs who resemble and behave like zombies, and whose first instinct is to attack and devour the nearest human. Armed with only his sporting shotgun, he runs for his life, meeting strangers along the way. For a while, he and his companions struggle to stay alive, while questioning their moral choices. In the end, only three of them remain and drive all the way to the top of Mt. Fuji to be saved.

''I Am a Hero in Osaka''

''I Am a Hero in Osaka'' is set at the beginning of the ZQN outbreak in Osaka. This manga is centered around a part-time manager named Tatsuo with a love for motorcycles and his gasoline-fueled journey to rescue his girlfriend Kozue, stranded on an airplane at Kansai International Airport, as well as Kozue's fight for survival in an increasingly hostile environment. Against sinking odds, the couple do their utmost to reunite with the other.

''I Am a Hero in Ibaraki''

''I Am a Hero in Ibaraki'' is set at the beginning of the ZQN outbreak in Ibaraki. The focus of this story is about an isolated high-school student and his dog struggling to survive, not only against the ZQN, but also that of his infected family and childhood friends.

''I Am a Hero in Nagasaki''

''I Am a Hero in Nagasaki'' is set at the beginning of the ZQN outbreak in Nagasaki. The manga consists of the story of Yamada, a high-school dropout turned photographer who suffers from vivid hallucinations brought upon by a form of Anthropophobia and Nirei Aya, a Kyūdō national champion and Yamada's former classmate. The story documents their journey to Hashima Island, a perceived place of safety. However, their journey will not only be threatened by simply the ZQN, but also from their fellow humans.

Silly Love Songs (Glee)

Glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) gives New Directions a love song assignment. Having fallen for the group's newest member Lauren Zizes (Ashley Fink), Puck (Mark Salling) serenades her with Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls". Lauren finds his song choice insulting and stands him up on a pre-Valentine's date, but eventually agrees to spend Valentine's Day with him as friends.

Artie Abrams (Kevin McHale) and Mike Chang (Harry Shum Jr.) celebrate their respective relationships by performing Michael Jackson's "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" for their girlfriends, Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) and Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz). Tina later begins to sing "My Funny Valentine" to Mike, but is too overcome with emotion, and begins to cry while continuing to sing.

Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) sets up a kissing booth, to take advantage of his popularity in the hope of kissing his ex-girlfriend Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron). He also wants to donate the proceeds to the glee club. Quinn initially refuses to buy a kiss from Finn, but does so at the insistence of her boyfriend Sam Evans (Chord Overstreet), who is suspicious of their relationship. The kiss further re-ignites Finn and Quinn's feelings for one another, and they begin an affair. Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera), angry for having recently had her bad behavior highlighted by the other club members, conspires to give them mono and reveal Quinn's infidelity. Finn's most recent ex-girlfriend Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) is dismayed by his renewed feelings for Quinn, but resolves to concentrate on her career instead of romance, and leads the female New Directions members in a performance of Katy Perry's "Firework".

At Dalton Academy, a private school attended by former New Directions member Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer), the object of his affection Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss) announces his intention to sing a love song to his crush. Kurt believes that Blaine has feelings for him, so is disappointed when his crush turns out to be Jeremiah (Alexander Nifong), the assistant manager at a local Gap store. The Dalton Academy Warblers accompany Blaine as he serenades Jeremiah with Robin Thicke's "When I Get You Alone". Jeremiah is subsequently fired and rebuffs Blaine. Kurt confesses his feelings to Blaine, who tells Kurt that he cares for him but is terrible at romance, and does not want to risk damaging their friendship. The episode ends with New Directions assembled at Breadstix, a local restaurant, where the Warblers perform the titular "Silly Love Songs".

Casa de mi padre

Armando Álvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his father's ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch encounters financial difficulties, Armando's younger brother Raúl (Diego Luna), shows up with his new fiancée, Sonia (Génesis Rodríguez). It seems that Raúl's success as an international businessman means the ranch's troubles are over as he pledges to settle all debts his father has incurred. But when Armando falls for Sonia, and Raúl's business dealings turn out to be less than legitimate, all hell breaks loose as they find themselves in a war with Mexico's most feared drug lord, the mighty Onza (Gael García Bernal).

Last Words (How I Met Your Mother)

Everyone goes to St. Cloud, Minnesota, Marshall's hometown, to attend the recently deceased Marvin Eriksen's funeral. Marshall is devastated, while his mother Judy keeps herself distracted by doing chores, having not eaten or slept in two days. Lily offers to help Judy, which results in Judy yelling at her before taking a nap. Meanwhile, Robin amazes the gang, as well as other people at the funeral, by providing them with virtually everything they need out of her purse from mobile chargers to drugs. She soon runs into rough waters when she accidentally gives alcohol to Marshall's teenaged cousin. Lily takes the blame and faces Judy's outrage to let the latter vent all her emotions. Finally, an exhausted Judy eats and rests.

Judy and Marshall learn that the funeral service will not be held by the Reverend, but by his son Trey (Danny Strong). The gang is surprised to learn that Trey used to bully Marshall in high school, especially since Trey is very short. Trey turns out to be extremely insensitive, though Judy agrees that Marvin Sr.'s last words should be the theme of the service. Marshall is reluctant to tell any such story as his last conversation with his father was over trivial issues, while the stories told by his mother and older brothers are very touching and inspiring. After charging his phone, which was out of power since before Marvin's death, Marshall discovers that he has a voicemail from his father. Marshall is wary about listening to the message, and asks the group what their father's last words to them would be should their fathers die; they realize that none of them would have anything special to say. Meanwhile, Ted and Barney unsuccessfully try to make Marshall laugh by showing him multiple videos of men getting hit in the groin in odd ways.

During the service, after hearing stories told by Judy, Marcus, and Marvin Jr., Marshall's turn to speak at the memorial service comes. He impulsively goes out to hear his father's message, which appears to be a pocket dial. An outraged Marshall says how much his father meant to him and how unfair it is that his last message to him was a "pocket dial". However, as he continues to rant, Marvin's voice jokes about his pocket dial error, before telling Marshall that he enjoyed his visit, and finally telling him "I love you."—and immediately asks for his foot cream as his rash had started to act up again. Deciding that his father's last words to him were "I love you", Marshall keeps his father's real last words to himself, instead telling everyone of how when he last saw his father he had told him to rent ''Crocodile Dundee 3''.

Judy thanks Lily for what she has done during the course of the wake while making one last crude joke at Lily's expense, stating that it will be the last time, apparently resolving their strained relationship. After reflecting on the service, Ted, Lily, and Robin call their fathers to have meaningful conversations with them. Meanwhile, Barney calls his mother and tells her that he is ready to meet his father.

Storm Dragon

Gaven d'Lyrandar, his mind broken by the ancient Prophecy of the Dragons, has been rotting in Dreadhold for over twenty years. He is rescued by a band of adventurers loyal to Haldren, his only companion in his time at the terrible prison, but he begins to get the feeling that he is just a tool. A dragon named Vaskar has hired them to help him fulfill a prophecy and become the Storm Dragon. In exchange, he promises to grant Haldren the throne of a reunited Galifar. Gaven escapes and continues to run from the Sentinel Marshals, but along the way he discovers that he has the power of the Storm Dragon. Just as Haldren is gathering an army to stage a battle and fulfill another part of the prophecy, thus signaling "The sundering of the Soul Reaver's gates", Gaven begins heading towards the Soul Reaver, where he faces Vaskar and defeats him in battle, creating a spear from the Eye of Siberys (a dragonshard). Ultimately, Gaven faces the Soul Reaver in battle and destroys it by destroying the Heart of Khyber (another dragonshard).

Carte Blanche (novel)

Set in mid-2011, the story takes place over the course of a week. James Bond is a former Royal Naval Reserve officer who has recently joined the Overseas Development Group – a covert operational unit of British security under the control of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office tasked "to identify and eliminate threats to the country by extraordinary means." Bond is employed within the 00 Section of the Operations Branch.

He starts his assignment on the outskirts of Novi Sad in Serbia where an Irish sapper-turned-enforcer named Niall Dunne is planning to derail a train carrying 300 kilograms of methyl isocyanate, dumping it into the Danube. Bond is able to prevent the catastrophe by derailing the train himself at a much safer place along the line. He is unable to detain Dunne, who kills Bond's Serbian contacts in the course of his escape.

Using what little intelligence Bond was able to gather from the operation in Serbia, the ODG is able to establish a connection to Green Way International, a waste disposal consortium contracted to demolish an army base in March. Because Bond is not authorized to act on British soil, he is forced to work with a domestic security agent named Percy Osborne-Smith. The two men clash over the interpretation of the intelligence, prompting Bond to manipulate Osborne-Smith into pursuing a lead Bond knows to be false, and allowing him to investigate the March army base on his own. While exploring the base hospital, he is sealed inside by Niall Dunne, who intends to kill him by bringing the hospital down in a controlled demolition. Bond escapes by improvising an explosive device.

Bond turns his attention to Green Way International, led by the enigmatic Severan Hydt. The Dutch-born Hydt is a "rag-and-bone man", who made his fortune in the disposal of waste. He has an intense fascination with death, which is strongly implied to be a sexual fetish. The Overseas Development Group authorize Bond to investigate Hydt when intelligence surfaces suggesting he is also known as 'Noah' and a key player in the derailment in Serbia, which is believed to be a prelude to a much bigger attack that will affect British interests. Bond gets wind of a second attack, to occur later in the week, killing up to one hundred people. He tracks Hydt to Dubai and, with the help of CIA officer Felix Leiter, eavesdrops on a conversation with one of Hydt's senior researchers. Concerned that the attack is imminent, Bond attempts to anticipate Hydt's next move and is on the verge of evacuating a crowded museum when he realises that Hydt is there for an exhibit of the bodies of 90 tribal nomads who were killed a millennium ago. Aborting his planned evacuation, Bond returns to Hydt's facility to find that Leiter has been attacked by an unknown assailant and a local CIA asset has been murdered.

Hydt leaves Dubai for Cape Town, with Bond following closely. Once inside South Africa, he meets Bheka Jordaan, a local police operative. Bond is able to get close to Hydt by posing as a Durban-based mercenary, and fuels Hydt's fixation with death by promising him access to mass graves across the African continent. Hydt is taken by Bond's proposal of exhuming the bodies and recycling them into consumer products such as building materials, and gradually welcomes him into his inner circle. Bond attends a fundraiser for the International Organization Against Hunger with Hydt, where he meets Felicity Willing, the charity's spokesperson. After helping Willing deliver the left-over food from the fundraiser to a distribution centre, the two become lovers.

Using his cover, Bond is able to infiltrate Hydt's operations in South Africa. His relationship with Bheka Jordaan sours, particularly when he encounters the assailant who attacked Leiter in Dubai: the brother of one of his contacts who was killed in Serbia. As the deadline for the attack – known as Gehenna (derived from the Hebrew word for Hell) – approaches, the Overseas Development Group is ordered to pull Bond out of South Africa and send him to Afghanistan as Whitehall believes the attack will happen there as they can see no connection between Hydt and Gehenna. M is not convinced and manages to keep Bond in South Africa, but the future of the agency depends on his being correct in suspecting Hydt.

On the day of the Gehenna attacks, Bond deduces that the target is somewhere in York, but his report is ignored by Osborne-Smith, who believes it is aimed at a security conference in London. Bond manages to access Hydt's research and development facility, where he uncovers plans for a weapon developed by Serbia known as "the Cutter", which fires razor-sharp shards of titanium at hypervelocity. Hydt has been using his operations to steal sensitive information, from which he has acquired the blueprints to the Cutter. Bond realised that the derailment in Serbia was a false flag operation: its intention was not to drop methyl isocyanate into the Danube, but to allow Niall Dunne the opportunity to steal scrap metal from the train for use in the prototype Cutter. Hydt was employed by an American pharmaceutical corporation to detonate a Cutter at a university in York, killing a cancer researcher on the verge of a breakthrough that would bankrupt the pharmaceutical corporation. Misinformation fed to a Hungarian newspaper would suggest the attack was aimed at a fellow lecturer who was a vocal opponent of the Serbian government. With the help of Hydt's personal assistant, Bond is able to stop the attack. Hydt is arrested, but Dunne escapes and shoots his employer at long range.

Bond is uncomfortable with the conclusion, feeling that there are too many loose ends at hand. Research shows that the ODG had been misled, and their intelligence misinterpreted; Severan Hydt was never known as Noah. Rather, it is an acronym for the National Organisation Against Hunger, which recently expanded to provide food aid on an international scale. Niall Dunne is an associate of Felicity Willing, whose organisation has expanded to the point where she directly controls one-third of all food aid arriving in Africa. She intends to use this power to strategically distribute food throughout east Africa, giving the Sudanese government a pretext to go to war with rebels and prevent Southern Sudan from seceding. She set Dunne up in Hydt's organization so he could help her put the authorities on his trail, providing the distraction she needed to put her plan into action. Bond lures Willing into a trap at an abandoned inn where she confesses the plot. Niall Dunne re-appears, attacking the party before Bond and Bheka Jordaan shoot and kill him. Willing is taken to a black site after MI6 spread stories suggesting she was embezzling from her own charity.

A subplot throughout the novel involves Bond's investigations into a KGB operation code-named "Steel Cartridge". Bond believes that his father was a spy for the United Kingdom during the Cold War, and that he was killed by Russian agents. Further evidence suggests that Steel Cartridge was a clean-up operation, with the Russians assassinating their own agents who had infiltrated Western intelligence organisations. The suggestion that his father was a traitor does not sit well with Bond, until he unearths further evidence that shows the Russians carried out a Steel Cartridge assassination on a Western spy-hunter who was dangerously close to identifying Soviet moles – his mother, Monique Delacroix Bond.

Embraceable You (film)

A getaway car, leaving the scene of a murder, strikes and injures a woman. Afterward, the driver visits her in the hospital. In New York City, after gambler Sig Kelch shoots a crooked poker player, the getaway car driven by Eddie Novoc strikes Marie Willens. Although Eddie is shaken by the big accident, Kelch insists that he keep driving. Later, a concerned Eddie visits Marie at the hospital, pretending to be a friend of her brother.

Police detective Ferris becomes interested in Marie's visitor after she tells him that she has no brother. Then Dr. Wirth discovers that Marie has an inoperable, fatal aneurism caused by the accident. Because nothing can be done for Marie, Wirth decides not to tell her that she is going to die. When she learns she is to be released from the hospital, a distraught Marie tells Ferris that she has lost her job and is locked out of her apartment. The next time Eddie visits Marie, Wirth tells him about her condition. Outside the hospital, Ferris informs him that, although he cannot prove it, he knows that Eddie was driving the car that hit Marie and orders him to take care of her until she dies. After failing to get the necessary money from Kelch, Eddie sells his car in order to rent Marie an apartment. Marie is delighted with her new home and calls her friend Libby to ask for help finding a job. Libby's agent, Matt Hethron, agrees to see Marie, but while demonstrating her specialty, a tap dance, she collapses.

Eddie pawns his watch and then blackmails Kelch for enough money to support Marie, but soon realizes that Kelch's men are after him. With Ferris' help, Eddie plots to leave town with Marie. Having evaded Kelch and his men, Marie and Eddie live an idyllic life in the country until Marie's worsening attacks leave her unable to walk. Eddie summons Wirth, who finally tells Marie the truth about her condition. Now that Marie knows she is going to die, she asks Eddie to marry her. When he refuses, even though he loves her, Marie realizes that he was the person who caused the accident. She forgives him, however, and they agree to marry. In the city, Kelch's men have been watching Eddie's friend Sammy, and when one notices Eddie and Marie's names written on a wedding cake that Sammy has made, they follow him to the couple's hideout in the country. Unknown to Kelch, however, Ferris' men have also been watching Sammy's shop, and when Kelch tries to shoot Eddie, Ferris kills him first. Now that Ferris has resolved the gambler's murder, he wants to take Eddie to jail for the hit-and-run accident. Eddie begs to be allowed to marry Marie and to make her happy for the short time she has left to live. At first Ferris is unwilling, but persuaded by Eddie's love for Marie, finally agrees. After the wedding Marie asks Eddie to make believe that the marriage "is forever." Eddie kisses her and vows, "It is forever."

Crawl Space (Bob's Burgers)

Linda annoys the family with her cleaning and preparations for her parents' visit. Bob decides to make his in-laws sleep in Gene's smelly room. When Linda forces Bob to fix the leak on the ceiling, he discovers a crawl space in the attic. As Grandma Gloria (Renée Taylor) and Grandpa Al arrive, Bob realizes that he can pretend that he's stuck in the crawlspace to avoid them.

Linda sends family friend and contractor Teddy (Larry Murphy) to rescue Bob, who tells him to come back the next day, after the in-laws leave. During the night, the kids overhear Gloria and Al having sex in Gene's bed; Tina incorporates the sounds into a sexual-zombie nightmare, while Gene samples them for his keyboard. The next day, Gloria decides that she and Al will be extending their stay for another night. Linda finds out that Bob lied about being stuck before and is now really trapped, so she cancels Teddy's visit. Bob starts to go crazy, recording himself with a video camera and befriending Louise's green nightlight. Meanwhile, Gloria makes a tuna burger recipe called Tunami and Linda makes it the Burger of the Day. Bob dreams that he goes into a bar and later encounters Louise's nightlight, who alerts him about Gloria's subversive actions (The Tunami). The scene in the bar and the restroom facilities resembles a similar scene in the horror movie ''The Shining'' (1980).

While Bob is trapped, the kids get detention: Louise for lying about Bob's death (and reappearance as a ghost), Gene for presenting his NSFS samplings as a history report, and Tina for sneaking above the boys' changing room. The concerned counselor, Mr. Frond, believes they are "kids in crisis" and conducts a home visit, almost immediately threatening to call social services. As he is making the call, Gloria finds Bob unconscious and breaks through the kitchen wall, then orders Mr. Frond to hang up and never interfere with the family again. As she and Al leave, Louise fights Bob for her nightlight.

7 Billion Needles

The story revolves around Hikaru Takabe, a reclusive teenage girl who is secretly host to a being known as Horizon, in search of an intergalactic murderer intent on killing humanity.

Alice the 101st

With only 100 students accepted at the prestigious Mondonville Music Academy every year, competition to get in is fierce with students numbering in the highest elite in the country. 14-year-old Aristide "Alice" Lang is a misfit and baffles both the staff and students around him when he becomes the 101st student to be accepted in this year's intake after a personal interview and performance impresses the board. Not only are people shocked by his coveted place as the 101st student but also through the amazing ability he displays during class and practice, even though he can't read music and doesn't know even the most basic chords. However, the answer comes when he picks up a violin and plays a very difficult piece of music from memory both perfectly and passionately. Before Lang was another 101st student who was a child prodigy and grew up to be famous; the piece so expertly performed by Lang was also this man's signature composition. With the help of his violin teacher Yannik Dalberto, he begins to unravel his past which helps him make sense of the future he's being pushed towards.

Long Pigs

Two desperate and young filmmakers stumble upon the ultimate subject, a 33-year-old cannibalistic serial killer named Anthony McAllister, who has agreed to let them document every aspect of his horrifically violent life-style. Initially terrified, the filmmakers get to know Anthony as a person. They even begin to identify with his ecological and philosophical justifications for his cannibalistic lifestyle.

It's only when they investigate further that the filmmakers begin to doubt Anthony's accounts of his past. Tensions noticeably rise as the filmmakers continue to confront Anthony on his conflicting stories and ever-changing philosophies. During an awkward interview, the filmmakers interview Merle, the father of a young girl who was abducted and never found. This abduction was Anthony's first child victim. Merle welcomes them into his home and gives them a heart-felt experience that even Anthony is touched by.

As the documentary reaches its conclusion, Anthony begins to become uncomfortably aware of the how much of his life he has revealed to these filmmakers. In a final interview with Anthony, a deadly confrontation erupts and all that remains is a broken camera and this footage.

What a Beautiful Day (film)

Checco, a man who works as a bouncer at a nightclub in Brianza, dreams of becoming a carabiniere like his uncle Giuseppe Capobianco, however, he is rejected by Colonel Gismondo Mazzini after his third interview in one year. By the recommendation of the Archbishop of Milan, Checco manages to become a security officer at Milan Cathedral. While working at the cathedral he meets Farah, an Arab woman pretending to be an architecture student in order to gain access to the Madonnina. Farah, with the help of her brother and two other accomplices, plans to place an explosive device at the feet of the Madonnina to avenge the killing of her family in an unspecified bombing. Checco takes Farah to a dilapidated trullo, which he inherited from his grandfather in Alberobello. Checco wants the trullo to be demolished, however, it would cost €10,000. As the two spend time together, Checco falls in love with Farah.

Farah becomes conflicted by her plan to destroy Milan Cathedral, and by the friendship and kindness shown to her from Checco and his family. Before returning to her country, Farah gives Checco a suitcase that is supposed to contain the bomb, telling him not to open it until he reaches the Madonnina. When Checco opens the suitcase he discovers a model of a house that conceals the activation mechanism of the bomb. The bomb, which Farah had evidently placed in Checco's trullo, explodes, demolishing it as Checco desired.

Throughout the film, Checco continuously mentions (albeit some do also appear) relatives of his sharing the last name "Capobianco", acting as a running gag.

Kaathirupaen Unakaaha

The plot revolves around a love triangle, which unfolds into a tragedy.

Raji loves Raja, Raja however is in love with Shantha. The plot twists further as Raji's brother Kannan and Raja's sister Vanita fall in love with each other.

Knowing that Raja is in love with Shantha and is about to marry her, Raji's brother Kannan rapes Vanita in order to blackmail Raja into marrying Raji. By tradition in Tamil culture once a girl is raped or has had sexual relations with a man she has to marry him or she is shunned by society.

The rest of the story unravels the choice that Raja makes. Does he break Shantha's heart and marry Raji to save his sister's life or does he follow his heart at any cost?

Final Fantasy XIII-2

The game opens in 3 AF, as the Pulse town Serah lives in is attacked by monsters. A stranger named Noel appears to help fight the monsters and claims to be a time traveler from 700 AF. He arrived in her time via Valhalla, where he claims to have met Lightning as she guarded the throne of the weakened Etro. As part of Lightning's transfer to Valhalla, she was erased from the fall of Cocoon onwards (making everyone except Serah forget her being with them on Gran Pulse), and paradoxes have erupted throughout time, warping the timeline. Serah joins Noel in a journey to resolve these paradoxes by removing items and monsters that are out of their original time; she in hopes of finding her sister, and he in hopes of changing the bleak future he comes from. While journeying to 5 AF to resolve a paradox on Cocoon, they meet and help Alyssa, an Academy member and survivor of the Purge, a massacre by the Sanctum at the beginning of ''Final Fantasy XIII''.

Traveling to the ruined city of Paddra in 10 AF, they find Hope leading the Academy, with Alyssa as his assistant. They also find a recording of prophecies made by one of the seeresses of Paddra, who are believed to have died out centuries prior: one fragmented prophecy shows Lightning in Valhalla. Paddra is shrouded by an eclipse, which Noel says is not supposed to happen for several centuries. While Serah and Noel resolve the paradox causing the eclipse, they encounter Caius Ballad, a man Noel knows from 700 AF who opposes their mission, and Yeul, who looks identical to a girl of the same name Noel knew in the future. After resolving the paradox, an alternative timeline appears in which there was never an eclipse. The repaired prophecy shows Caius in Valhalla fighting Lightning and the pillar supporting Cocoon collapsing. Noel claims that this takes place around 400 AF, devastating the human population as well as the world, creating a future where he is the last human in existence. Serah and Noel move on, while Hope and Alyssa work on finding a way to prevent the pillar's collapse.

In 300 AF, the pair find Snow fighting a giant paradox-fueled monster that is dissolving the crystal pillar. After resolving the paradox, which delays the fall of Cocoon until 500 AF, Snow disappears again as an anomaly from another time. The pair then go to the city of Academia on Gran Pulse in 400 AF where they are attacked by the city's AI, which claims they were killed two hundred years previously. Traveling to 200 AF, they discover a paradox whereby a man-made fal'Cie meant to re-levitate Cocoon turned on its creators. Resolving the paradox, Noel and Serah travel to an alternative 400 AF Academia. In this world, the pair find Hope and Alyssa again, who had put themselves in stasis. They explain their new plan to mechanically float a new Cocoon to hold humanity, which Serah and Noel help with before heading to 500 AF Academia. They are betrayed by Alyssa (revealed to be a living paradox doomed to disappear in the corrected timeline) and trapped by Caius in dream-worlds. Before being trapped, Serah meets the spirit of Yeul, who explains that she is the seeress of Paddra, continually reincarnated throughout history, while Caius is her immortal guardian, gifted with Etro's own heart.

Yeul explains that every time the timeline is changed, the resulting shock kills her; Caius has been driven mad by watching her die repeatedly and seeks to end the process by unleashing the Chaos trapped in Valhalla to destroy all time. Serah has the same power, and risks death every time she changes the future. Resolving to go on, Serah breaks free of her dream-world and frees Noel from his, in which he is the last living human after his Yeul dies and Caius leaves for Valhalla. After briefly encountering Lightning, the pair fight Caius, first in 500 AF Academia and then in Valhalla. As they defeat him, he claims to have killed Lightning, then impales himself through the heart on Noel's blade, killing the weakened Etro. When the pair return to Academia in 500 AF, where Vanille and Fang have been rescued from the collapsing pillar and the new Cocoon, named "Bhunivelze", has risen, Serah dies in front of Noel and Hope from the shock of the future changing. A black cloud erupts from the sky as the Chaos that Etro was keeping trapped breaks free. Lightning is then shown in crystal stasis on the throne of Etro's temple. If the player completes all optional parts of the game, they are shown an additional scene in which Caius is on the throne, declaring that the goddess is gone for good, and that Yeul and he can begin a new life freed from their 'curse'.

You May Not Kiss the Bride

The unassuming pet photographer, Bryan Lighthouse (Dave Annable) is thrown into a serious action and romance adventure when he is forced to marry Masha Nikitin (Katharine McPhee) to pay a debt to her criminal parents against his will. Masha's father Vlatko (Ken Davitian) marries her to Bryan to get her a green card, under the condition that Bryan cannot touch her. Off to spend their honeymoon at a remote tropical resort somewhere in Tahiti, Masha's former boyfriend Brick (Vinnie Jones), who is in love with her (although she does not return the feeling), follows them.

After Masha catches Bryan dancing with a hotel waitress, she storms off, as it is hinted she hates womanizers. Feeling bad, the waitress Lani (Tia Carrere) suggests Bryan take Masha on a romantic outing, to a secret beach encased by a tropical rainforest to make it up to her. While teasing Bryan at the secret cove, Masha flees into the rainforest and is kidnapped.

Bryan searches for Masha back at the hotel, unaware she has been kidnapped. He then finds that his psychotic assistant, Tonya (Mena Suvari), who is in love with him, has tracked him down to the resort. Tonya has brought condoms and tries to have sex with him. After Bryan informs her that he does not want to have sex with her, Tonya agrees to help find Masha, but tells him that she will one day force him to have sex with her, after trying to have sex with him one more time.

After receiving a call from Masha's kidnappers demanding a ransom, Bryan asks Lani for help. While Bryan, Lani, and Tonya are making plans, Brick storms in and Lani and Tonya escape off the balcony, leaving Bryan to face Brick's wrath. When Brick finds a condom Tonya had brought on the unmade, wrecked bed, he assumes that Bryan had attempted to take Masha's virginity and hits him. Bryan barely escapes, while Brick calls Masha's father back in the USA and informs him of Masha's kidnapping, making it sound as if Bryan had been the kidnapper. Meanwhile, the kidnappers turn out to be two American INS agents Agent Meyers (Howard Bishop) and Agent Ross (Kevin Dunn).

Afterwards Brick tells Masha's father Vlatko about the condom and Bryan's supposed attempt to have sex with Masha, Vlatko becomes enraged and prepares to fly to the island. Lani calls her cousin, Ernesto (Rob Schneider) to help find Masha with his helicopter. A chase scene occurs between Brick and the four heroes (Bryan, Lani, Tonya, and Ernesto) and ends with the group making a hasty escape in Ernesto's helicopter, only to later crash-land by a fishing village. Deciding to rest on a beach at the edge of the village, Ernesto and Tonya kiss passionately, unconcerned of Masha's dire condition, and Lani and Bryan storm off in anger. Alone, Ernesto and Tonya almost have sex in a boat in the grass, but Brick soon shows up and knocks them out, revealing that Brick is in on the kidnapping. Separated, Lani and Bryan obliviously go in separate directions. Masha escapes her surfboard shack prison and finds Bryan, who is crazily driving a jeep stolen from Brick after he tried to kill Bryan. Bryan and Masha crash the jeep, which erupts into flames, and make an escape on foot.

Finding a canoe on a river, they outrun the three culprits and find a friendly welcoming old-time village. After eating a huge dinner and dancing and having fun, Masha and Bryan have sex for the first time. The next morning, they awake to a cheering village. However, during breakfast the two agents and Brick find the village. Brick and the lovers battle on a steep ocean cliff. Just as Brick is ready to kill Bryan, Lani and Ernesto show up in the helicopter, catching Brick off guard. Masha, using the distraction, grabs Brick's gun and shoots him in the back: he falls off the cliff, taking Bryan with him. Masha is in shock, terrified with the thought that she killed Bryan too. Bryan appears in the waves, unharmed, and they are reunited with Masha's family.

Vlatko gives Bryan his blessing to marry Masha for real, but he declines despite his feelings for her.

Masha, heartbroken, continues her old life taking dance lessons. One day, unable to concentrate on the dance routine she was practicing, Marsha leaves the dance studio to find Bryan outside ready to propose to her as he changed his mind. As the crowd around them applauds, the film ends with the camera panning away from the couple as they kiss.[ 'You May Not Kiss the Bride' Official Facebook Page]

The Dark Angel (1925 film)

During the First World War, Captain Alan Trent, while on leave in England with his fiancée Kitty Vane, is suddenly recalled to the front before being able to get a marriage license. Alan and Kitty spend a night of love at a country inn "without benefit of clergy" and he sets off.

At the front things go badly for Alan, who is blinded and becomes a Prisoner of War after being captured by the Germans. He is reported dead, and his friend, Captain Gerald Shannon, discreetly woos Kitty, seeking to soothe her grief with his gentle love.

After the war, however, Gerald discovers that Alan is still alive, in a remote corner of England, writing children's stories for a living. Loyal to his former comrade in arms, Gerald informs Kitty of Alan's reappearance. She goes to him, and Alan conceals his blindness and tells Kitty that he no longer cares for her. She sees through his deception, however, and they are reunited.

El barco (TV series)

A global cataclysm, caused by a fatal accident in Geneva, Switzerland, during the implementation of a particle accelerator, leaves the crew and students of the barque school-ship ''Estrella Polar'' (''Polar Star'') isolated in a post-apocalyptic world where most of the world's landmass is now under water. The ship becomes their home in this isolated world. However, apart from the isolation, they also discover they are not alone, and must face "the others".

Frankie Starlight

Frank Bois writes a successful first novel and finds himself looking back over his life. His mother Bernadette (Parillaud) was a French woman who, after the death of her friends and family in World War II, hid herself aboard an Allied war ship heading to Ireland, where she exchanged sexual favors for silence among the soldiers who found her on board. A nice customs agent, Jack Kelly (Byrne), allowed Bernadette to enter Ireland illegally, and they soon became a couple, even though she was already pregnant from one of the soldiers from the ship.

Bernadette gave birth to Frankie (Alan Pentony), who suffered from dwarfism. As he grew older, Frankie developed romantic feelings for Jack's daughter Emma (Georgina Cates), who did not share his feelings, while Jack taught astronomy to Frankie. Eventually, Bernadette met Terry Klout (Dillon), an American soldier she had met on the war ship, who offered to marry her. Bernadette and Frankie went with Terry to his home in Texas, but both mother and son felt they didn't belong, so they returned to the Irish home they loved. An older Bernadette eventually committed suicide, and Frank then used his life as source material for his writing.

The Killing of Worlds

Imperial Captain Laurent Zai is sent on a suicide mission to defeat an incursion by the Rix, a space-faring nation who worship planet-sized artificial intelligences (AIs). The planet he is protecting from the Rix is home to a newly emergent AI named Alexander, which the local population is helpless to remove. Although severely outclassed, and in spite of deadly mutineers, Captain Zai is successful in destroying his Rix opponent; he also discovers that the Rix ship was shielding and transporting a vast swarm of silicon particles.

Alexander uses the help of a surviving Rix commando and her Imperial lover to project his consciousness into space, inhabiting the silicon particles as an independent entity. Although political guardians on Captain Zai's ship try to prevent it, he makes peaceful contact with both Alexander and with the Rix commando. From them, he learns the greatest secret of his Emperor; the Emperor's claim that he can revive people from death and give them an eternal post-life is false. In fact, the Emperor's 'symbiont' technology gives a semblance of life after death, but not the eternal life that is promised.

Laurent Zai's empathic lover is Senator Nara Oxham, a woman who is elevated to the Emperor's war cabinet. She discovers that the Emperor has assigned Zai a suicidal mission, and that the Emperor intends to destroy the AI by destroying the planet which Laurent Zai is protecting. Another member of the war cabinet, a member of the plague axis, warns her that the paranoia of the Empire is leading them all into genetic inviability. When the Nara warns Zai of his danger, she is arrested for treason. Immediately before her trial, Laurent shares the Emperor's secret, and she exposes his story to the entire population.

Rutherford and Son

Rutherford, "a bull-headed capitalist who crushes his own children beneath the wheels of industry" has built a glassmaking business which he has always intended to pass onto his son, John. He sent John to Harrow School to have him educated as a gentleman, but to his disgust John turned his back on the business and went to London, where he married a working-class girl, Mary. When John and Mary had a child, Tony, they could not afford to feed and look after the baby properly, and they have come back to live in Rutherford's house. Rutherford dominates the household, consisting of Ann, his sister, and his children John, Richard and Janet; he barely acknowledges Mary's existence.

John, trained in chemistry, has developed a metal which he believes can save the business a great deal of money; but rather than giving it to his father to benefit the business, he regards it as his to sell to make his fortune. He tries to sell it to his father, who turns him down as he believes that John owes him it both in return for bringing him up and to benefit the business which will ultimately come to John. To support his estimation of the value of his invention, John says that he has shared it with his father's right-hand man Martin, whose opinion of it was favourable.

Martin is seen sharing a passionate kiss with Rutherford's daughter Janet, and they arrange a further meeting in secret.

Rutherford's other son Richard (Dick), who is a curate, comes to ask his father's permission to leave the house and take a position in Blackpool. He also asks his father to see Mrs Henderson, the mother of a lad Rutherford has sacked. During the course of an acrimonious discussion she tells him that Janet and Martin are carrying on. After Dick has gone, Rutherford summons Martin from the mill, and persuades him to betray John's trust and give him the recipe. He argues that this is needed to save the business, which he tells him has been losing money for seven years.

When Martin has left, Janet comes in and Rutherford asks her how long it has been going on. She does not attempt to deny the affair, and tells her father what she has long wanted to say to him about her life and how he bullies her and her brothers. Rutherford tells her that she may stay the night, but when he comes home tomorrow she is to be gone and will never be mentioned in the house again.

In the morning Janet is euphoric about her coming freedom and new life with Martin. Martin comes in dazed: after he delivered the recipe, Rutherford dismissed him. He does not respond to Janet's euphoria at all; but he says he will make an honest woman of her, and tries to give her some money. She eventually realises that her dream is not to be, and leaves the house alone.

Martin has come not to see Janet, but to tell John that he has betrayed him. John is furious and despairs, thinking that his one hope of a life of his own has vanished. He steals all the money he finds in his father's desk, against his wife's begging him not to: he is convinced that by right it is his. He is talking of their going to Canada to make a new life; but Mary persuades him that it is better for him to go alone, and send for her and Tony when he is established.

With all three children gone, Mary speaks up to Rutherford, and offers him a bargain: if he will keep and clothe her and her son for ten years, she will then hand the boy over to him entirely to be trained to take over the business. Rutherford accepts, and tells her "I'm known as a hard man. But I don't know that I could have stood there and spoken as you have".

Jacksonville (Fringe)

A localized earthquake in New York City damages only one building, killing nearly all inside. The Fringe team discovers that a second building appeared at the same location as the first, fusing the structure and people inside together. Walter (John Noble) realizes that the second building has been pulled from the parallel universe by Thomas Jerome Newton, using the technology that Walter and William Bell had discovered years ago. Walter warns that because of conservation of mass, a building of similar mass will be taken from the prime universe to the parallel one sometime in the next few days.

While Massive Dynamic offers its computing resources to identify possible buildings of similar mass, Walter implores Olivia (Anna Torv) to recall her childhood Cortexiphan-induced ability to see objects from the alternate universe, believing she will be able to foresee which building will be affected and warn everyone in time. He takes her to the disused child-care facility in Jacksonville, Florida, where the Cortexiphan trials were performed. Walter first puts Olivia under heavy sedation, and she experiences meeting her younger, frightened self, but is still unable to trigger her ability. Olivia begins to remember the gruesome trials she experienced, including footage from one test where she exhibited pyrokinesis. As Walter's deadline nears, he realizes that Olivia is no longer frightened and thus she cannot engage her abilities, which were triggered by fear.

They return to New York City as small micro-quakes occur, indicating the onset of the event. Though a few buildings have been identified as possible targets, there are far too many to evacuate without starting a mass panic. Olivia, unable to help, goes off privately, but Peter (Joshua Jackson) follows and comforts her. Olivia soon recognizes she is frightened again, and races to a rooftop, seeing a building "shimmer" in the distance. The building, a hotel, is quickly identified from the list of candidates, and it is evacuated in time, moments before it is pulled into the parallel universe.

Agent Broyles (Lance Reddick) provides a cover story of an unexpected controlled demolition to explain the disappearance of the hotel. Olivia later meets Peter at his house prior to their going out on a date, but when she arrives, she sees the same shimmer on Peter. Walter quietly asks Olivia not to tell Peter that he is from the other universe.

Supah Ninjas

The series revolves around Mike Fukanaga and his friends, Owen and Amanda. After the death of his grandfather, Mike is given a mysterious letter which leads him to discover that he comes from a long line of vigilante ninjas. With Owen, and later Amanda, they are ushered into the world of crime-fighting, forming the team "Supah Ninjas." They are trained with a hologram of Mike's grandfather, whom Owen refers to as "Hologramps" in Empire City.

The Problem Solverz

The series follows the eponymous detectives Alfe (Ben Jones), Roba (also Jones), and Horace (Kyle Kaplan). The trio take up solving, and sometimes creating, the numerous problems that plague their town, Farboro. To their aid is Tux Dog (John DiMaggio), an extremely wealthy dog who helps the Solverz in some of their cases but is just as often the source of their problems.

Alfe (pronounced ''Alfé'') is a large, fluffy, fur monster (even though it was suggested that he may be "half-chocolate, half-mutt" in ''Neon Knome'' or that he was a man-dog-anteater by creator and voice actor Ben Jones during the 2011 San Diego Comic Con Panel) found and raised by Horace when both were young. He loves devouring large quantities of food, especially pizza and hamburgers, and acts impulsively during missions. Roba, Horace's twin brother and cyborg, is the smartest member of the group, but he suffers from insecurity and anxiety. Horace is the calm and collected leader of the team, usually applying common sense with his detective work and caring after Alfe.

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

As the novel opens, Flavia Sabina de Luce schemes revenge against her two older sisters, Ophelia (17) and Daphne (13), who have locked her inside a closet in Buckshaw, the family's country manor home located in the English village of Bishop's Lacey. Flavia has braces and pigtails like a typical 11-year-old girl, but she is also a brilliant amateur chemist with a specialty in poisons and a fully equipped, personal laboratory on the top floor of her home. With her scientific notebook at the ready, she steals her oldest sister's lipstick, adds poison ivy extract, and then waits, eagerly anticipating changes in Ophelia's complexion. Flavia is especially jealous of her oldest sister because, at 17, she is the only one of the three girls with memories of their mother, Harriet, a free spirit who disappeared on a mountaineering adventure in Tibet 10 years earlier and is presumed dead. Harriet's disappearance devastated their father, Colonel Haviland "Jacko" de Luce, a philatelist and former amateur illusionist who spends most of his time poring over his stamp collection. The family shares their home with loyal retainer Arthur Wellesley Dogger, who once saved Colonel de Luce's life during the war and now works as Buckshaw's gardener, suffering frequent bouts of memory loss and hallucinations due to posttraumatic stress disorder from his time as a prisoner of war.

Mysterious events begin to occur when Mrs. Mullet, Buckshaw's housekeeper and cook, discovers a dead jack snipe on the porch with a Penny Black stamp pierced through its beak. Then, Flavia and Dogger overhear a heated argument between Colonel de Luce and a red-headed stranger who shortly turns up dead in the family cucumber patch. When Colonel de Luce is arrested for the crime, Flavia takes to her bicycle, Gladys, and begins an investigation in the village of Bishop's Lacey, interviewing suspects, gathering clues, and compiling research at the library, always staying ahead of Inspector Hewitt and the police department. As she single-handedly solves the crime, she uncovers the truth behind a 20-year-old apparent suicide at Colonel de Luce's alma mater, Greyminster. The suicide victim, housemaster and Latin scholar Grenville Twining, and the red-headed stranger in the cucumber patch, Horace "Bony" Bonepenny, both uttered "Vale" as a last word. The trail connecting their deaths also includes political intrigue, rare Ulster Avenger stamps, sleight of hand, theft, blackmail, and murder.

Trick Baby

"Blue" Howard (Mel Stewart) and "White Folks" (Kiel Martin) are two con men in Philadelphia. Blue is an older black hustler who raised "White Folks and taught him "the con". White Folks is the son of a black mother who is a prostitute and a white father. White Folks has a complexion light enough for him to pass as a white man which gives him an advantage in the con. The duo exploit the dynamics between whites and blacks to achieve their cons. Blue usually plays a vulnerable black man being exploited by White Folks which allows Folks to gain the credibility needed to pull off the con.

See How They Run (1955 film)

In this crazy farce, Cockney corporal Wally Winton (Ronald Shiner) desires promotion so that he can finally receive an inheritance. He dresses up as a priest and goes out one night with Penelope Toop (Greta Gynt), the vicar's attractive blonde wife. To add to the theme of mistaken identity, there are several priests running around, some real, some fake. One of these, Basher (Charles Farrell), is discovered by Winton to be an escaped convict, and is placed under arrest. The corporal is then promoted and becomes eligible for his inheritance.

The Texas Rangers (1936 film)

Sam, Jim and "Wahoo" are outlaws with a sweet racket. Wahoo is a stagecoach driver who feeds information of routes and cargoes of stagecoaches to his outlaw confederates Sam and Jim, who rob the stage and shoot at Wahoo to prove he has nothing to do with the robberies. The three split up one night when lawmen surround their camp and they make their escape but Sam is nowhere to be found.

Wahoo and Jim continue their racket until one day a Texas Ranger rides shotgun on the couch next to Wahoo. Jim is supposed to rob the stage when the stagecoach stops to water their mules but Wahoo has a feeling about the Ranger and won't let Jim rob the stage, instead bundling a mystified Jim on board as a paying passenger. Wahoo and Jim realise their lives have been saved when the Ranger quickly kills two other robbers.

Needing money and impressed by the Ranger's reputation, Jim and Wahoo join the Rangers with the pair planning to use the position to enrich themselves. When sent to locate cattle rustlers Jim and Wahoo discover they are led by Sam who agrees that teaming up to work both ends against the middle will make all of them rich. However Wahoo and Jim begin to have second thoughts when they take on a group of hostile Indians who have murdered the family of young David whom they look after. Jim gets a strong reputation among the Rangers when he saves their company from annihilation by a large Apache war party. Jim becomes so trusted he is sent to singlehandedly brings a murdering town boss by arresting and prosecuting him. Jim originally plans to install Sam as the new town boss but changes his mind and has Sam promise to leave the area.

Sam begins a reign of terror but Jim seems too noticeably reluctant to bring him to justice.

Brown Betty (Fringe)

The episode begins with Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) smoking his own strain of marijuana called "Brown Betty" while Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) attempts to find his son, Peter (Joshua Jackson), who disappeared at the end of the previous episode after learning Walter stole him from a parallel universe. Because Dunham's sister Rachel (Ari Graynor) is unavailable, she brings her niece Ella (Lily Pilblad) to the lab for Walter and Astrid Farnsworth (Jasika Nicole) to look after. To pass the time, Walter tells Ella a detective noir story in which Olivia is a private investigator.

In the story, Rachel approaches Olivia to find her boyfriend, Peter, who has gone missing. During the investigation, Detective Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick) leads her to Massive Dynamic, where the CEO Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) informs her that Peter is a conman and industrial spy. Later, Rachel is found murdered, with her heart taken. Olivia finds a check signed by Walter Bishop, who in the story, is an inventor that has created "everything that is wonderful in the world" in order to benefit humanity (hugs, rainbows, bubblegum, singing corpses). Questioning Walter, Olivia learns that Peter worked with Walter, who treated him like a son. One day, Walter made a glass heart but Peter later stole it. Were the heart not to be found, Walter and his ideas would die. To help find Peter, Olivia calls her assistant, "Esther Figglesworth" (Farnsworth).

Later, Olivia follows Nina Sharp, only to find herself kidnapped by a "watcher" (the Observer, played by Michael Cerveris) working for Sharp. The watcher attempts to kill Olivia by placing her in a wooden crate and sending it out to sea. Fortunately, Olivia is rescued by Peter. After taking her to his hideout, he reveals that the glass heart was his by nature of having been born with it, and that after working with Walter, Peter loved him enough to donate it to him. However, he took it back after learning a terrible secret behind his inventions: they were stolen from children's dreams and replaced with nightmares. Later, the house is under attack by an army of watchers. Olivia fights them off, but not before they manage to take Peter's heart with them. After placing batteries in his heart cavity to act as a temporary measure, Olivia discovers that Walter set up the attack. In the confrontation, Walter apologises for his misdeeds and promises to change. However, Peter does not forgive Walter and leaves him, ending the story.

Ella is disappointed by the ending, as that is not how she believes stories ought to end, so she proposes an alternate ending: when Walter says he can change, Peter believes him and splits the glass heart in two, and together they "lived happily ever after." At the episode's end, Olivia returns, having found no leads on Peter's location. Farnsworth returns Walter to his home, where the Observer watches from a distance and notes Peter's disappearance.

The Bang Bang Club (film)

The film tells the story of four young men and the extremes they went to in order to capture their pictures in the days prior to the downfall of apartheid in South Africa.

Three Brothers (1944 film)

Private Snafu is seen performing the tedious task of sorting boots. Driven to madness by boredom he is taken to visit his brothers Tarfu and Fubar by the gruff Technical Fairy, First Class, somewhat in the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghosts of Christmas. Brother Tarfu is seen tending to every need of carrier pigeons while brother Fubar is the unlucky dummy used in training attack dogs. After seeing his brothers' terrible jobs Private Snafu returns to work with gusto, exclaiming that his job is important.

Bellflower (film)

Woodrow and Aiden migrate to Los Angeles from Wisconsin, constructing weapons and testing them out in empty lots. At a bar that hosts live acts, Woodrow volunteers to enter a cricket eating contest and meets Milly, who beats him in the contest. They exchange phone numbers, while Aiden talks to Milly's friend, Courtney.

Woodrow and Milly decide they'll drive to Texas to eat at the scariest place Woodrow can think of. Woodrow gets in a fight with a local who disrespects Milly, is made sick by the day-old meatloaf, and trades his car for a motorcycle. Returning to California, Woodrow and Milly begin dating each other, despite Milly's ambiguously hostile roommate Mike.

Woodrow finds Aiden has completed the flamethrower, and they successfully test it out. Aiden is impressed with the motorcycle, which is the second part of their three pronged plan to create a Medusa Gang which will reign over their imagined vision of an apocalyptic future, and now they only lack a flame blowing muscle car. Tensions between friends rise, when Woodrow and Milly spend more time together than they do with their best friends.

Woodrow becomes more controlling and jealous of Milly, who is annoyed by his behavior. He returns home early to find Milly having sex with Mike. Woodrow and Mike scuffle, then Woodrow drives away on his motorcycle and is hit by a car, leaving him with serious injuries. When Aiden picks him up from the hospital, he's utterly despondent and blames Milly. Woodrow lies in bed for days and when Courtney drops in , they have sex despite that Aiden is interested in Courtney.

Aiden purchases a 1972 Buick Skylark and works on turning it into the fire blowing Medusa, while Woodrow continues to have sex with Courtney. Mike comes to Woodrow's to retrieve Milly's personal items, but Aiden intercepts him and tells him not to come around again or he'll kill him. Woodrow takes Milly's personal items, puts them in a box, walks them over to her apartment court with his flame thrower strapped to his back, and lights them on fire in front of her door. This inspires Mike to seek revenge, and he finds the Medusa muscle car in front of Woodrow's house and breaks a window with a baseball bat. Aiden stops him from creating further damage by wrestling the bat from him, and when Mike tries to get the bat back Aiden strikes him in the head. When Mike stops moving, Aiden runs. Milly finds out what's happened and ambushes Woodrow, knocking him unconscious, and she and an unknown man tattoo Woodrow's cheeks, chin and upper-lip.

Courtney confronts Milly about what she did to Woodrow and they fight, with Milly pulling a knife on her former best friend and forcing her to leave.

When Woodrow wakes up and sees himself in the mirror he flies into a rage, tracks Milly down and has a screaming confrontation with her. When he tells her that he's been thinking of doing some "sick shit" to her all morning, she replies that she doesn't care and submits to his anger. This results in sex that turns increasingly violent, ending with Milly screaming out in pain.

As Woodrow leaves Milly's house his shirt and hands are covered in blood, and he encounters Courtney in the street. She has a pistol and shoots herself in the head when he won't talk to her.

The film then back-tracks to when Woodrow has put Milly's things in a box, and gives an alternate series of events, much less apocalyptic, where Woodrow and Aiden light Milly's things on fire at the beach and then leave town. The film flashes forward again to Woodrow in the street, where Milly has caught up with him and they hold each other as credits roll.

Penelope (Enda Walsh play)

The play opens with the four men, Fitz, Burns, Dunne and Quinn, in an empty swimming pool, going about their daily lives with only Burns seemingly at odds with his environment. There is a blood stain on the wall which we learn was caused by the suicide of a fifth man, Murray, only the day before. Burns attempts to scrub away the blood to no avail. A barbecue stands towards the rear of the pool, it has never been lit and is the source of great curiosity and some fear by the men. In a shared dream they see it lighting heralding their death at the hands of Odysseus. Penelope, separated from the men, stands on a platform above and unseen from the pool. A television screen relays the successive addresses by the men for her perusal in a contemporaneous nod to reality television formats. Each man hopes to win her affections through their monologues. But as the day wears on signs and premonitions of Odysseus’ return grow more ominous and they formulate a plan to work together in order that one of them may succeed in winning Penelope, thus saving the others from Odysseus’ revenge.

In a final sequence Quinn performs a quick-change cabaret routine to the music of ‘Spanish Flea’ and ‘A Taste of Honey’ by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass as the others aid his performance. Variously Quinn costumes himself as male and female lovers of exceptional note —such as Napoleon and Josephine and Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara— it is when he strips down to his toga, as Eros the Greek God of Love, that he is stabbed by Burns. Dunne and Fitz take part in the stabbing and Quinn is killed. Burns makes a final address to Penelope in which he argues for their collective redemption through love and human affection. Burns concludes his speech with the words “love is saved” and at this moment "''the barbecue goes up in flames. As their dream predicted, it begins from its legs and quickly spreads to the rest of the frame and grill''" thus signalling the deaths of the men as above them Penelope withdraws from the stage "''and into her new future''".


Ravi (Uday Kiran), a strong headed young man gets an opportunity to travel to Switzerland after meeting Viswanathan (Satyanarayanan) and becomes the general manager of Vishwanathan's business. He meets Anjali (Gajala) there and falls in love, however fate splits them apart. Back in India he becomes the head of Vishwanathan's entire business. The rest of the film is about the issues he faces and whether he succeeds in his love.

Jeeves and the Yule-tide Spirit

Lady Wickham has invited Bertie to her home, Skeldings Hall, for Christmas. Bertie and Jeeves had originally planned to go to Monte Carlo, but Bertie takes up Lady Wickham's invitation, which disappoints Jeeves. Bertie's Aunt Agatha calls and tells Bertie to behave himself at Skeldings, since Lady Wickham is her friend. Sir Roderick Glossop will also be there, and Aunt Agatha has convinced him to give Bertie another chance to demonstrate that he is not mentally unsound.

At Skeldings Hall, Bertie encounters Lady Wickham, her daughter Bobbie Wickham, and Sir Roderick Glossop, who is surprisingly cordial to Bertie. Bertie sees that Jeeves is upset about missing Monte Carlo, and explains his three reasons for coming to Skeldings: first, there is more Yule-tide spirit in Skeldings; second, Bertie wants to get revenge on Tuppy Glossop, Sir Roderick's nephew, because Tuppy once tricked him into falling into the Drones Club swimming pool; third, Bertie is in love with Bobbie. Jeeves says that Bobbie, though a charming young lady, is too volatile and frivolous for Bertie. Jeeves also believes that Bobbie's vivid red hair is a dangerous sign. Bertie dismisses Jeeves's concerns.

Later, Bertie tells Jeeves that Bobbie proposed a clever scheme for his revenge. Bertie will tie a large darning needle to the end of a long stick, then sneak into Tuppy's room at night and puncture Tuppy's hot water bottle while he is asleep. Jeeves objects, but Bertie insists that Jeeves prepare the stick and needle. Jeeves informs Bertie where Tuppy sleeps. At half-past two on Christmas morning, Bertie sneaks into Tuppy's room and punctures the hot water bottle. Then the door loudly falls shut, which wakes the occupant of the bed, who, to Bertie's surprise, is not Tuppy, but Sir Roderick Glossop. Angry, Sir Roderick tells Bertie that he and Tuppy had changed rooms. He had asked Jeeves to tell this to Bertie. Bertie feels betrayed by Jeeves. His bed ruined, Sir Roderick leaves to sleep in Bertie's bed instead. Defeated, Bertie sleeps on an armchair.

Bertie wakes to see Jeeves standing with tea. Jeeves greets him, "Merry Christmas, sir!". When asked, Jeeves confesses he knew about Tuppy's room change, but had allowed Bertie's plan to proceed in order to ruin any chance of Glossop approving a marriage between his daughter and Bertie. Bertie is instantly moved, and feels he has wronged Jeeves. Jeeves adds that a second incident occurred during the night: while in Bertie's bed, Sir Roderick's hot water bottle was pierced by Tuppy, who thought Bertie was in the bed. As a joke, Bobbie had suggested this idea to Tuppy, after she had suggested the idea to Bertie. Bertie is stunned by Bobbie's betrayal, and does not love her anymore. To avoid Sir Roderick and Aunt Agatha, Jeeves suggests that Bertie go to Monte Carlo, since Jeeves already booked accommodations there and forgot to cancel them. Bertie agrees.

Andromeda Stories

On the planet of Astria in the Andromeda Galaxy the Cosmoralian Empire is about to marry Prince Ithaca to Ayodoya's Princess Lilia, in the process crowning him King Astralta III. Unfortunately the happy couple's honeymoon is interrupted when sinister machines from another planet land and invade Astria, intent on eradicating all life, controlling human minds, and terraforming the once-green planet into a mechanical wasteland inhabited only by artificial life forms. After the King and his ministers are assimilated by the alien machines, the Queen Lilia and her newborn son Prince Jimsa must flee Astria. However the natives of Astria are not aware that exiles from the planet of Murat (the source of the enemy) have actually been selectively breeding the royal lines and Prince Jimsa is the ultimate fruit of their efforts. He is destined to lead their resistance against the alien machines.

Bead Game

A single bead multiplies into two beads. From there, they continue to expand, turning into Atoms which eventually transform into creatures. These creatures magically ingest each other then mutate into other mythical beings. For example, a monster eats a dinosaur then transforms into a seal. This sequence displays how creatures deal with conflict without the control of brain power.

As the cycle continues, the beads eventually turn into humans. The chronological arrangement demonstrates how civilization has dealt with conflict inspired by creatures of the past, only now, with the advancement of technology in terms of the weapons used. For example, in its earliest sequence, it shows humans blasting cannons into enemy territory. It then moves on to humans shooting rifles during war.

The entirety of the short film is based on how different time periods dealt with competition, this case, it is displayed through malicious actions shown through the evolution of the beads.

To accentuate the seemingly unbroken chain of evolution over centuries, Patel chose to film the beads themselves growing in a constant flow of movement into larger and more complex creatures and images, with the camera continuously zooming out to accommodate the escalation; this requires him to film on a continual basis without deviating from whatever path he had taken once filming began, and cuts had to be kept to an absolute minimum.

The Tall Man (2012 film)

Julia lives in a small town in Washington called Cold Rock. She is the town's local nurse, widowed by her husband, who was the town's doctor. Cold Rock was formerly a prosperous mining town, but has become poverty-stricken. There is little work, the school has been closed and the town has virtually vanished from the map. During her day, Julia visits several families. Jenny and Carol live with their mother and her violent, alcoholic boyfriend, who has impregnated Carol. Despite this, their mother did not kick him out, drawing Julia's ire. Instead, she sends away Carol and her baby, whom Julia helped to deliver. Because of her rough life, Jenny is selectively mute, communicating through a journal she carries. She also sketches things she's seen, including "the tall man". This is a local legend or urban myth surrounding a being who abducts local children who are never seen again.

Julia returns to her large home on the outskirts of Cold Rock, which she shares with her son David and his nanny. She eats dinner, puts David to bed, and falls asleep on a couch. She awakes to a noise downstairs, followed by a loud radio sermon. She finds the nanny bound and gagged, then rushes to her son's bedroom, finding him gone. While in pursuit of what the viewer believes is "The Tall Man", it is gradually revealed that David is not her son at all, but rather one of the kidnapped children. The kidnapper is actually the real mother of the boy, attempting to take back her child. The rest of the town, skeptical of the mother's accusations, agree to give her a chance to prove her claims.

Julia, with the help of Jenny, pursues the mother, reacquires David, and hands him off to "The Tall Man" in the tunnels which run under the town, left over from the defunct mine. Jenny begs her to send the Tall Man to take her, too. Julia initially refuses but then relents, cautioning her to remain silent about it until the Tall Man comes for her. Julia then waits in her house. The police and FBI arrive, as does an angry mob. The nanny hangs herself, and Julia is taken to jail, where she is despised and threatened as a child killer. Julia admits to kidnapping and murdering the children, but the confession is later revealed to be a lie.

Soon after, Jenny watches her mother engage in a drunken fight with her boyfriend, before laughing with him over it. Disgusted, Jenny walks off into a nearby field, where she finds the Tall Man waiting for her—Julia's husband, who is not dead after all. He takes her to an empty house in a nearby city, providing her with new clothes. He then delivers her to a new family, with a new identity. The Tall Man refuses payment, saying that the organization faces massive risks to rescue each child, with Julia martyring herself to save the organisation, which "rescues" young children from bad homes and places them with good ones, in an attempt to break the cycle of poverty and abuse which passes from one generation to the next.

In Cold Rock, Jenny's birth mother grieves over her runaway daughter, the town continues to decline, and Julia sits in prison. The police have given up on finding the children, thinking that Julia buried them in the tunnels which run for miles and are dangerous to traverse because of cave ins, etc. In comparison, Jenny lives in a beautiful home, where her art is encouraged, and she has the best of everything. She has begun to talk and seems well-adjusted and happy. As she walks to an art class, she gives a voice-over expressing love and gratitude toward her three mothers: her birth mother, whom she misses; Julia, who gave her a chance at a new life; and her new mother, who is providing her with everything she could ever want. As she crosses a park, she sees David with his new family, which he now accepts as his own. (Jenny thinks he and the other younger ones have forgotten and do not recognize her, but the visual cues leave it decidedly open-ended). Despite getting her wish of a better life, she sometimes wishes to return. Jenny's closing thoughts question society's implication that her new life is better.

Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage

As a part of the Mandark's ongoing quarrel with Dexter, he decides to reprogram Dexter's robots and destroy his lab in the process. Forced to save it, Dexter has to rush to the lab in an attempt to find the deprogramming codes and defeat the enemies along the way.

Sister Street Fighter – Fifth Level Fist

Kiku is the daughter of kimono manufacturers in Kyoto. Her parents desperately want her to find a husband, but she prefers to practice martial arts on her own with no interest in dating. Nearby, a movie studio operates a clandestine drug trade, hiding cocaine in Buddhist statues that are sold by art galleries to Americans. One of their American contacts warns them that the police are wise to the operation, and are sending U.S. agents to investigate.

Kiku has a best friend, Michi, whose half-brother Jim is Black - their mother sired children to a white and Black American respectively. Jim has been working as muscle for the studio's drug operation, but is eliminated by them when they determine he's been identified by police. Michi tries to get revenge against the heads of the organization, but is quickly captured. Kiku goes on her own to infiltrate the gang, find her friend, and avenge the brother's death.

Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible

Main plot

CIA seduction specialist Roan Montgomery (John Larroquette) goes on a rogue mission to Marrakesh, Morocco, to seduce and capture counterfeiter Fatima Tazi (Lesley-Ann Brandt). However, Tazi, known for leading a team of female mercenaries, seduces and captures Roan. John Casey, Chuck Bartowski, and Sarah Walker go to Castle to request a mission. When they call General Beckman, they find her drinking. She reveals that they can rescue Roan from Tazi, although they will be unsupported and in danger. They eagerly accept to escape their overwhelming families.

After Tazi ties Roan up, he offers to be her head of distribution, using his international contacts to protect her flawless counterfeit bills (or "super notes") from the government. Team Bartowski sneaks in using a tracking device in Roan's watch. After tranquilizing Tazi's guards, they proceed to her bedroom, where they find Roan tied up and blindfolded. When they remove his blindfold, Roan reveals that he has seduced Tazi to infiltrate her counterfeiting ring. He orders them to hide so he and Tazi can "seal the deal." When Chuck sneezes, Tazi has him, Sarah, and Roan placed in a dungeon.

Casey crawls out from hiding under the bed and attempts to seduce the guard to the dungeon. He almost succeeds, but a comment about her weight offends her, so Casey tranquilizes her and uses an explosive to destroy the door. As they escape, Casey reveals that he will re-enter the building to continue the mission. Roan refuses to return with Chuck and Sarah, so Casey tranquilizes him before crawling back into the wall. Beckman assigns Roan to the Buy More as punishment for his actions.

Casey watches as Tazi makes a deal with a nefarious Saudi oil tycoon that Chuck earlier flashed on. Tazi offers $1 trillion worth of her "super notes". When the tycoon stresses that his economy depends on a strong dollar, Tazi's women execute the tycoon and his associates without hesitation. Part of the load-bearing wall caves in on Casey, trapping him in the wall. Casey suggests removing his arm to free himself, but General Beckman orders him to wait for further instructions. She then orders Chuck and Sarah to find the location of Tazi's mint so she can destroy it and rescue Casey before he amputates his arm. Beckman permits them to take Roan, supposedly the only man who could seduce Fatima Tazi twice.

Roan climbs up a wall and surrenders to Tazi. He expresses his love for her, and asks her what her motives are for releasing the super notes. She reveals her motives for collapsing the United States economy to avenge the destruction of her village. Beckman listens in and tracks Tazi's mint to her village, ordering an airstrike. Meanwhile, Tazi's guards find Chuck and Sarah trying to sneak Casey out. Tazi angrily orders the guards to execute them. However, Casey manages to shoot them through the wall and Chuck pulls him out. As Tazi holds Roan at gunpoint, Beckman calls his phone. Tazi answers and Beckman expresses her happiness to see him die. Beckman asks to speak with Roan, and she tells him to duck down. It is then revealed that Beckman has personally accompanied the team on their operation, firing a RPG to disable Tazi.

Roan and Beckman

It is revealed that General Beckman and Roan Montgomery have maintained an ongoing romantic relationship for some time. In Berlin, Germany, during the Fall of the Berlin Wall, they engaged in a tryst and promised to retire together if they survived the next twenty years. Beckman was subsequently angered when Montgomery went on a rogue operation rather than meet her as he promised. She personally joins the team in the field during one of their operations. When Beckman and Montgomery meet at the end of the episode, Beckman ironically admits that she ''also'' intended to break off plans to retire—both admit they are too involved in their work to be comfortable settling down in a "normal" life. Beckman only had Montgomery tracked down because "you don't run from a general."

Mary and the Woodcombs

Having been freed from Volkoff Industries, Mary Elizabeth Bartowski (Linda Hamilton) joins her daughter and son-in-law Ellie and Devon Woodcomb to help with Clara. One night, Ellie overhears Mary telling Clara a bedtime story about being poisoned and woken by her partner with an antidote on his lips.

Realizing Mary's desire to stay in the CIA, Ellie gives her consent to do so. Mary reveals that she is making up for missing Ellie and Chuck's childhoods, but Ellie insists that she only needs to be a grandmother. She changes the subject and asks about the agent that kissed Mary awake; Mary reveals that it was her husband.

Casey, Morgan, and Alex

Casey, his daughter Alex McHugh (Mekenna Melvin), and her boyfriend Morgan Grimes visit the Woodcombs to see Clara. When Casey talks about the stress of having a baby, Morgan changes the subject to Alex. Casey angrily suspects that Alex is pregnant, but he is relieved when Morgan denies it. However, Morgan reveals that Alex wants him to meet her mother Kathleen (who believes Casey [as Alexander Coburn] died prior to Alex's birth). Casey agrees to consider talking to Kathleen so Morgan will not have to lie.

After Alex arranges for Morgan to meet Kathleen, Morgan reveals that Casey is going to contact Kathleen. This angers Alex, who only wants to see her mother happy. Morgan contacts Casey, telling him not to see Kathleen. Casey is confused; he asks if Alex will ever let him see Kathleen again.

Casey drives to Kathleen's house to meet with her. As he walks to the door, Kathleen (Clare Carey), Morgan, and Alex come out with an older man. Casey realizes that Kathleen has moved on and, happy for her, decides to leave her alone.

Chuck and Sarah

Chuck and Sarah visit Ellie and Devon to see Clara, but they are overwhelmed with all their questions about their wedding. Chuck, who has finally gotten his family back together, would like to have a big wedding, but Sarah, who has no family to invite, asks to elope. Chuck asks Morgan for advice about saying, "No", and Morgan suggests saying it about several smaller issues first. During their mission, Chuck declines several items from Sarah, but he reluctantly accepts each time.

Chuck and Sarah continue arguing about the wedding plans in the dungeon, with Chuck attached to a literal ball and chain. After they escape, Chuck asks for Roan's advice to seduce Sarah and convince her to have a big wedding. Chuck makes a dinner reservation and puts on a suit, only to find Sarah attempting to seduce him with a belly dance. They are each angered by the other's intentions.

Later, Roan advises them to listen to each other and never go on a mission angry. As they search for Casey, Sarah reveals her real reasons for wanting to elope and they resolve their fight. Later, Chuck expresses a desire to meet Sarah's family.

White Tulip

Walter (John Noble) struggles with writing a letter to Peter (Joshua Jackson) to explain the events from 1985 that led Walter to bring Peter to his universe from the parallel one. As he contemplates the final letter, he and the rest of the Fringe team are called to investigate several dead bodies in a passenger car of a train. Walter, after being told the victims' personal electronics were drained of power, suspects someone drew energy from both the people and their devices' batteries. They trace the man responsible to MIT astrophysics professor Alistair Peck (Peter Weller), and enter his residence to search for clues, finding evidence that Alistair was studying time travel. Alistair arrives while the Fringe team is there, and activates a mechanism on his body, causing him to travel back in time.

Alistair reappears on the train at the same point in time as his previous travel, again having drained the people aboard it, and alters his behavior to avoid another encounter with the Fringe team. However, when they are brought to investigate this time, they have a feeling of déjà vu and find other evidence that points to Alistair, and determine that he is trying to go back in his personal time line ten months prior to May 18, 2009 in order to prevent the death of his fiancée in a car collision. Alistair is found at his MIT office. Walter, having read through Alistair's writings on time travel, offers to go in and talk to Alistair first before the armed officers attempt to seize him.

Walter approaches Alistair as a fellow man of science, who is replacing components that form a time machine that he has constructed within his body. Walter professes that Alistair's attempt to jump back several months would require a great deal more power than Alistair has predicted, possibly killing hundreds in the area near where he appears. Alistair, aware of this, recalls an empty field where he was at, a few blocks from where his fiancée died, and plans to use this field where only the vegetation will die out from his arrival. Walter tells Alistair how to correct the mistake that caused him to jump to the train but warns him of the other consequences that changing events will bring, explaining that stealing Peter from the parallel universe has left him wracked with regret. Despite being a man of science, Walter's torment over the years drove him to believe in a higher power, and he hopes for a sign of God's forgiveness—and thus, eventually, Peter's—in the form of a white tulip.

Alistair considers this, but with Walter's time up, a SWAT team starts to move in. Alistair jumps back in time again by only a few hours to complete the modified power calculations based on Walter's comments, and to prepare a pre-addressed letter he brings with him. As the SWAT team barges in, Alistair re-engages his time machine. Alistair's modifications have worked, as he finds himself in the field, minutes before his fiancée's death. Alistair is able to make it to his fiancée in time, reuniting with her in the car just long enough to say "I love you" before they are both killed by the collision.

In the present, the events of the episode never occurred, and Walter, having time to contemplate the letter to Peter instead of being called to the case, tosses it into the fireplace. Later, he receives an envelope in the mail—the one Alistair had prepared and instructed to be delivered to Walter on this specific date. Inside, Walter finds a drawing of a white tulip.


Corrupt and sleazy entrepreneur Cetto La Qualunque comes back to Italy and "si butta in politica" meaning he "throws himself into politics" lest his law-abiding opponent, Giovanni De Santis, is elected as mayor.

Cetto La Qualunque is an entrepreneur from Calabria, a region in the South of Italy; he's very crude and vulgar, an embodiment of the Southern Italian society, also represented by corrupted politicians, administrators and auditors. While being a fugitive from the law in a Latin American country, Cetto met a beautiful girl, whom he calls ''"Cosa"'' (an Italian word meaning "you" or, rather, "thing" used to refer to people whose name is not remembered or irrelevant) comparing her to an object; he conceived a daughter with her whose name he doesn't even remember. When Cetto gets back to his hometown of Marina di Sopra ("Upper Sea Side"), in Calabria, his wife goes on a rampage after seeing his concubine alongside her husband. Cetto also has a son named Melo (short name for Carmelo but also meaning "Apple Tree") who lived with his mother while he was away, and who is awkward and shy.

After Cetto makes his triumphal comeback to his house, which looks like a typical 'ndrangheta mansion ('ndrangheta is the Calabrian name for the organised crime, the local mafia), he goes to his club in the nearby town, where he meets his friends who support him in every wickedness he commits. Cetto also owns a campsite, wrongly named "Paradais Village" a misspell of "Paradise Village", a very kitch and shabby place. During the meeting, his friends also tell him about his hated neighbour De Santis's intention to run for Mayor of Marina di Sopra, to improve the economic and cultural plight of the people, since almost all of them are poor peasants. Hearing this news, Cetto decides to run for Mayor of the town as well. He does everything possible to be voted by the people of the town, but his ignorance and narrow-mindedness does not impress journalists and reporters, so Cetto is forced to call a manager, Gerry Salerno, from Bari but living most recently in Milan. Cetto just sees Pino as "The Stranger" (that's because Cetto is from Calabria while Pino is originally from Apulia, a different region) as a turncoat fellow since he left the South of Italy to go to the North, somehow betraying its cultural heritage. Cetto begins the campaign with Gerry, using tricks, cheating and deceit against the peasants inhabitants of Marina di Sopra.

Meanwhile, Cetto also tries to make his son a "made man" or a "wise guy", forcing him to leave his girlfriend because she is not curvy enough; the two of them go hunting illegally in protected areas, shoot at mannequins that resemble black men. At the end of this father to soon life trip Cetto forces Melo to have sex with his favourite prostitute so to prove its manhood. Stressed by the events related to the elections Cetto divorces his wife Carmen and quickly plans to marry his new girlfriend, Cosa from South America.

The story has a twist when Cavallaro of the Carabinieri a righteous military officer (who has been trying for years to imprison Cetto for all its illegalities and underworld activities) having no evidence, discovers that Cetto does not have a building permit for his pizzeria. Unfortunately when he goes to arrest him, Cetto has already changed the pizzeria's documents making his son the owner so to send him to prison instead. This way, Cetto has the opportunity to continue his electoral campaign. Meanwhile, his wife Carmen believes her husband to be a heartless monster and leaves him, while Cetto is preparing to hold its election speech in the square, and he promises procurement and abolition of taxes, but also guarantees the arrival of many prostitutes that he commonly nicknames "pilu" (female pubic hair, south Italian slang for "pussy"). Thanks to Gerry and the corruption of the reporter Calogero, Cetto knocks down the good intentions of De Santis and is elected mayor of Marina di Sopra. While Cetto is partying, Gerry leaves Italy and brings with him "Cosa" to give her a dignified life and to provide the little daughter a good education.

Mako: The Jaws of Death

Sonny Stein (Richard Jaeckel), learns while working as a marine salvager in the Philippine Islands, that he has a connection with Mako sharks. He is given a medallion by a Filipino shaman that protects him from sharks when he is among them. Having become alienated from society, Stein lives alone in a small stilt house offshore of Key West, Florida. He develops an ability to telepathically communicate with sharks. He then sets out to destroy anybody who harms sharks. People enter into his strange world to exploit his abilities and his closeness with his shark "friends". They include an unethical shark research scientist and a morbidly obese strip club owner (Buffy Dee) who wants to use a shark in his dancers' acts. Stein uses the sharks to get revenge on anybody he considers a threat. He later loses the medallion and is then himself killed by the sharks.

Socks and Cakes

Harry (Timothy J. Cox) is a misanthropic French literature professor who is just taking his life one day at a time, getting by with just enough to survive. His ex-wife Amanda (Kirsty Meares) is now married to Harry's best friend, Richard (Jeff Moffitt), an architect. Both seem to put on a positive front that all is well with their marriage, but Amanda has her doubts and Richard has a wandering eye, especially when he meets the free-spirited, innocent, Sophie (Alex Vincent). Sophie has come to the party with her current boyfriend, the older and always grinning real estate broker, David (Ben Prayz).

The Forgiveness of Blood

After their father and uncle are suspected of murdering a neighbor because of a land dispute, the lives of the children are changed. Nik, the teenage son, is confined to the house, while Rudina, the oldest girl, is forced to quit high school and take over the family's bread delivery business. The film contrasts the modernization of rural Albania, where the teenagers text each other and Nik dreams of opening an internet cafe, with centuries-old customs.

The Off Hours

The official website describes the film: "In ''The Off Hours'', Amy Seimetz alluringly commands the screen as Francine, a waitress whose liberation from her mundane existence is long overdue. In the restless world of the night shift at a highway diner, Francine's life consists of casual encounters and transient friendships. What she wants is out of reach—or is it that she's lost track of wanting anything at all? When a banker turned big-rig driver becomes a regular, he sparks hope in Francine. As change begins to invade the quiet diner, Francine is reminded that it is never too late to become the person she was meant to be."

A Separation

Nader, Simin, and their 11-year-old daughter, Termeh, are a secular, middle-class family living in a flat in Tehran. Simin wants the whole family to leave Iran and has prepared the visas, but Nader wishes to stay to care for his father, who lives with them, and has Alzheimer's disease. Simin therefore files for divorce, but the family court considers the grounds to be insufficient and rejects the application. Simin moves back to her parents’ home and Termeh stays with her father.

Nader hires Razieh, a deeply religious woman from a poor and distant suburb, to take care of his father during the day. She comes each day with her young daughter, Somayeh. She soon finds that she cannot cope, in particular because the old man has become incontinent. One day, when Razieh and Somayeh are busy, he slips out and wanders in the street. Razieh hastens out and dodges through the traffic to get to him.

The next day, Nader and Termeh come home early and discover the old man lying unconscious on the floor in his bedroom, tied to the bed. Razieh and Somayeh are out. When they return, Razieh says she had some urgent personal business; Nader accuses her of neglecting his father and stealing some money (which Simin had in fact used to pay some movers). When Razieh refuses to leave until he pays her, he pushes her out of the flat. She apparently falls down some steps. Nader and Simin later learn that Razieh has suffered a miscarriage.

If Nader knew of Razieh's pregnancy and caused the miscarriage, he could be guilty of murder. There is now a series of claims and counter-claims before a criminal judge: on one side, Nader, with Simin and Temeh; on the other, Razieh and her husband, Hodjat. He is a hot-tempered man, embittered and humiliated by the loss of his long-time job as a cobbler, and harassed by creditors. More than once, he attempts to assault Nader.

Razieh says that Nader knew of her pregnancy because he heard a conversation in the flat between her and Termeh’s tutor, in which the tutor recommended a doctor to her. Nader denies this, and the tutor gives evidence in his support. Termeh finds reasons to believe this is not true, and Nader at last admits to her that he has lied for her sake and his father’s: he cannot go to prison. The tutor withdraws her evidence. To protect her father, Termeh tells the judge that he did not know of the pregnancy until she told him.

Nader claims that when he pushed Razieh out of the flat, she could not have fallen down the steps, but would have been protected by the railing. Razieh confesses to Simin that when she went out to bring back the old man, she was hit by a car and was in pain that night; this was the day before Nader pushed her, and she had gone out that day to see a doctor.

Hodjat is violent, and Simin fears for Termeh’s safety. Simin persuades Nader to make a payment to Hodjat, but Nader first asks Razieh to swear on the Qur'an that he is the cause of her miscarriage. She cannot do so. Hodjat cannot force her, and begins hitting himself in a rage.

Later, at the family court, Nader and Simin are granted a divorce. As the film ends, they wait separately outside the court while Termeh tells the judge which parent she chooses to live with.

The Iron Lady (film)

The story begins with Thatcher in the present, then in a series of flashbacks, the audience is presented with a young Margaret Roberts working at the family grocer's shop in Grantham, listening to the political speeches of her father, whom she idolised it is also hinted that she had a poor relationship with her mother, a housewife. We learn she has won a place at Oxford University, revealing her struggle, as a young lower-middle-class woman, attempting to break into a snobbish male-dominated Conservative Party and find a seat in the House of Commons, along with businessman Denis Thatcher's marriage proposal to her. Her struggles to fit in as a "Lady Member" of the House, and as Education Secretary in Edward Heath's Cabinet are also shown, as are her friendship with Airey Neave, her decision to stand for Leader of the Conservative Party, her eventual victory, including her voice coaching and image change.

Further flashbacks examine historical events during her time as Prime Minister, after winning the 1979 general election, including the rising unemployment related to her monetarist policies and the tight 1981 budget (over the misgivings of "wet" members of her Cabinet – Ian Gilmour, Francis Pym, Michael Heseltine, and Jim Prior), the 1981 Brixton riot, the 1984–1985 UK miners' strike, and the bombing in Brighton of the Grand Hotel during the 1984 Conservative Party Conference, when she and her husband were almost killed. Also shown is her decision to retake the Falkland Islands following the islands' invasion by Argentina in 1982, the sinking of the ARA ''General Belgrano'' and Britain's subsequent victory in the Falklands War, her friendship with U.S. President Ronald Reagan and emergence as a world figure, and the economic boom of the late 1980s.

By 1990, Thatcher is shown as an imperious but aging figure, ranting aggressively at her cabinet, refusing to accept that the "Poll Tax" is unjust, even while it is causing riots, and fiercely opposed to European integration. Her deputy, Geoffrey Howe, resigns after being humiliated by her in a cabinet meeting, Heseltine challenges her for the party leadership, and her loss of support from her cabinet colleagues leaves her little choice but reluctantly to resign as Prime Minister after eleven years in office. A teary-eyed Thatcher exits 10 Downing Street for the last time as Prime Minister with Denis comforting her. She is shown as still disheartened about it almost twenty years later.

Eventually, Thatcher is shown packing up her late husband's belongings, and telling him it's time for him to go. Denis' ghost leaves her as she cries that she actually is not yet ready to lose him, to which he replies "You're going to be fine on your own... you always have been" before leaving forever. Having finally overcome her grief, she contentedly washes a teacup alone in her kitchen.

The Children of the Marshland

The film is set in a marsh, along the banks of Loire river about ten years after the great war. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.

O: A Presidential Novel

The story begins a few months after January 2011 as the campaign for the 2012 election for president begins to heat up. The book is tightly focused on the campaign itself, centering on a small cast of about eight characters, the primary ones being Cal Regan the new campaign manager, and the fictional character "O" the president of the United States (Barack Obama). According to an early review by ''The Washington Post'', the book "clearly illustrates, season by season, just how effectively presidential campaigners plan, draft and articulate the political discourse that the press pretends it controls." When the president is attacked by his opponent, for example, his campaign staffers point out that the press can be distracted if the president merely buys a second dog.

Terror in a Texas Town

The film opens with an unusual variation on movie Westerns show-downs: Johnny Crale (Nedrick Young), a gunfighter clad in black, stands in the middle of a street in fictional Prairie City, facing an opponent, George Hansen (Sterling Hayden), who is armed only with a whaler's harpoon. The credits then roll, followed by an extended flashback to the events leading up to this moment.

The wealthy McNeil (Sebastian Cabot) wants to control Prairie City and the land around it. He tries to burn out small ranchers and then hires gunfighter Johnny Crale—described as "Death walking around in the shape of a man"—to run them off. Crale, who wears a prosthetic right hand lost in a previous gunfight, has trained himself to be a deadly shot with his left hand.

Swedish immigrant Sven Hansen ([ Ted Stanhope]), who had once been a whaler, learns with his neighbor Jose Mirada (Victor Millan) that there is oil on their land. When Crale tries to coerce Sven into giving up his ranch, Sven refuses and Crale callously shoots him dead.

The dead man's son, George Hansen, arrives in town and finds out that his father has died, but isn't sure how or why. The sheriff is in McNeil's pocket and unwilling to help, but George is determined to take over his father's ranch and to find out who killed his father. George tries talking to Molly (Carol Kelly), Crale's female companion, who only tells him that she is loyal to Crale because he's even lower than she is. George is set on by Crale and other men of McNeil, beaten unconscious, and dumped on a train leaving town. Coming to and in bad condition, George manages to walk back to the Mirada ranch, where he is cared for and told about the oil on his father's property.

In the meantime, the sheriff has informed Crale that Mirada had witnessed the murder of George's father, so Crale also heads to the Mirada ranch. Crale promises to spare Mirada's life if he gets on his knees and pledges to be silent about the killing, but Mirada replies that he knows that Crale will kill him anyway and dies standing. When Crale returns to McNeil's hotel room, he seems shaken, explaining "I saw a man who was not afraid to die." He tells McNeil that he intends to quit, but when McNeil angrily protests, Crale shoots his employer.

Now determined to avenge both his father and his friend, George meets Crale in the street armed only with his father's harpoon, returning the story to the opening scene. Crale shoots and wounds George, who still manages to hurl his own weapon and kill the gunslinger.

Mrs. Donaghy

Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) married his girlfriend Avery Jessup (Elizabeth Banks) in the French Caribbean over New Year's. However, when he returns to New York following the nuptials, he discovers that he is instead married to his employee and friend Liz Lemon (Tina Fey). At the wedding, Liz was Jack's best man and wore a white shirt with a head net, while Avery wore a black dress. As a result of what Liz was wearing, the minister (Jean Brassard) instead married Jack and Liz. Jack informs Liz that the minister married the two of them instead of him and Avery. The two set out for a divorce, however, ''TGS with Tracy Jordan'' producer Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) tells Liz not to sign the divorce papers, as she can use their marriage to her advantage because ''TGS'' is affected by budget cuts at NBC as part of the merger with its new parent company, Kabletown. She demands that Jack, an executive at NBC, give the show its lost budget, but he denies the request. As a result, Liz will not sign the divorce papers unless her conditions are met.

Meanwhile, ''TGS'' star Jenna Maroney's (Jane Krakowski) dressing room is now a temporary room for a technician (Meng Ai), as Jack is renting space on the ''TGS'' floor in the 30 Rock building to keep the budget down. As a result, Jenna is forced to share a dressing room with her ''TGS'' co-star Danny Baker (Cheyenne Jackson). Immediately, the two start behaving like an old married couple. NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) gets upset about Jenna and Danny fighting and decides to stop their bickering. Kenneth interrupts one of their arguments by showing them a childish picture he drew of the two. This works to no avail, as Jenna and Danny continue arguing. To put a stop to this, Danny moves out from his dressing room and into the Y.

At the same time, ''TGS'' star Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) is informed by Dr. Leo Spaceman (Chris Parnell) that he has health problems only found on dead people. Tracy and his wife Angie Jordan (Sherri Shepherd) meet with Jack and Tracy reveals what Dr. Spaceman told him. Angie becomes concerned on whether or not their family will be taken care of after Tracy dies. Jack offers Angie a job in the entertainment business and takes the opportunity to get even with Liz by assigning Angie as Liz's intern. Liz realizes that Angie's new job is Jack's way of messing with her. She explains to Angie that she is not getting paid to be her intern and fires her. Angie gets upset with Jack and Liz, but Jack offers her a reality show during ''TGS'' s time slot unless Liz signs the divorce papers. Liz, however, still refuses—even admitting she likes the concept of a reality show starring Angie and would watch it. To get back at Jack, Liz holds a press conference and announces that she and Jack have decided to donate $5 million to ''The Jack and Elizabeth Donaghy High School for Teen Drama, The Arts, and Feelings''. The next day, Jack and Liz have a sit down meeting with NBC Human resource mediator Jeffrey Weinerslav (Todd Buonopane) to discuss their marriage, as NBC has strict anti-nepotism guidelines. During the meeting, the two realize that they have had the longest and most meaningful relationship either of them has ever had. They apologize to each other and Liz agrees to sign the divorce papers, while Jack promises to restore ''TGS'' s budget.

Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning

As it dawns on Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) that he's no longer a part of GE and now works for Kabletown, he decides to conquer this new phase in his life just as he did before. After researching, he finds that the most watched reality programs of the past five years are celebrity benefits for natural disasters. Since all the networks air benefits at the same time, no one network has an advantage nor dominates in the ratings. To combat this, Jack decides to pre-tape a benefit to air on the night of the next natural disaster. When a disaster devastates an island called Mago, Jack is ecstatic until he finds out that the island is owned by the infamous troubled actor, Mel Gibson. Regardless, the event is a success.

Meanwhile, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) pushes Liz Lemon's (Tina Fey) buttons as usual by not showing up to rehearsals and leaving work to do something insane. However, Tracy's demeanor instantly changes when a camera crew starts to follow him around for his wife's new reality show. He starts to act responsible and respectful in front of the cameras, as he wants to avoid ruining his chances of winning an Oscar. Liz has the idea to use Tracy's fake good behavior to get him to do things he blew off in the past, knowing that he can't refuse while taped. This works until Tracy finds a loophole. When Liz tries to get Tracy to do more things, he refuses and insults Liz to the melody of "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel. Since the song is copyrighted, any footage containing that song can't be used. Therefore, Tracy's irresponsibility wouldn't be aired on the show. Liz tries to outcrazy him with autotune, but she later realizes that she can't match his insanity. They finally talk it out alone and each argues that the other person would have been a failure without their help. Nevertheless, cameras manage to film this and Tracy and Liz refuse to make up. However, when the show edits their various confrontations and uses two look-alikes to create a make up scene along to the song "Secrets" by OneRepublic, both Liz and Tracy are moved to tears and make up for real.

Line Engaged

Eva Rutland (played by Jane Baxter), the wife of caddish Gordon (Leslie Perrins), is in love with David Morland (Bramwell Fletcher), a successful novelist. David's father, an Inspector (Arthur Wontner) gives his son a cast iron murder plot. Later, when Gordon is shot, it seems David has fulfilled his father's hypothetical musings.

Sisters on the Road

The sudden death of her mother brings Myung-eun back home to Jeju island. There she meets her estranged sister Myung-ju and Myung-ju's daughter Seung-ah, still living at their old home, and Hyun-ah who has lived with them for over 20 years like a relative. A career woman whose hard exterior masks her illegitimacy and abandonment issues, Myung-eun tells Hyun-ah she wants to start looking for her father after the funeral. Single-minded in her desire to dig up memories of her father and discover why he left, Myung-eun resents that Myung-ju, who like their mother is a carefree fish trader and an unmarried mother of a young daughter, seemingly doesn't care. At first Myung-ju is reluctant to accompany Myung-eun, but after Hyun-ah persuades her, guilt and her sense of duty as an older sibling prevails. And so the two sisters who are dissimilar in character, lifestyle and even fathers go on a road trip together. On their trip, Myung-eun and Myung-ju quarrel over their differences, share secrets, reminisce about their past, and eventually embrace each other as family.

Director Boo Ji-young captures the delicately subtle atmosphere floating between women, and how inscrutable life is.

The Lost Gate

Danny, being the oldest person in the North family not to have developed any visible powers, is forced to work as a teacher and babysitter for younger kids with more magical power than him. One day, while trying to make his cousins focus on learning about their powers, he decides to take drastic measures. Wrapping their 'clants', creatures they create by channeling their wills, in a sack, he prevents them from leaving their clant bodies or from escaping the sack. He ties them in a tree to teach them a lesson, but is confronted by his outraged family. After everyone leaves, his favourite aunt, nicer than most of the family, tells him to retrieve the girls, and while climbing the tree for the second time, and more slowly, he discovers that he has created a magical gate while climbing the tree. The gate teleports him a short distance up the tree, healing his bruises at the same time. This is a forbidden type of magic he didn't expect to have. After returning the girls' clants, freeing them, he pretends not to know about his forbidden powers, and continues with his duties, knowing he is hunted.

When Danny is thirteen, he and his family are inspected by the Argyros family, the Greeks. With them is a girl a year or so younger than Danny. The Norths try to act pathetic and weak, and later, while he is spying on the adults from both families, the twelve-year-old girl, Yllka, comes into the room and reveals him as a gatemage. While he is a Gatefather, the most powerful type, she seems to be nothing more than a Finder, who can only sense gates. When Danny escapes, he comes upon Thor, a relative, who informs him that the North family has suspected his skill, but promises not to try very hard to track Danny, while warning Danny that he should try to hide or Thor will be forced to capture him.

Afterwards, Danny goes to a local Walmart, where even though he is observed by a detective, Danny makes off with decent clothes. Danny then encounters Eric, a teenager who begs and burglarizes houses, and they beg for money and rides until they get to Washington, DC. There, Danny and Eric find a house that belongs to a man named Stone — a meadowfriend (a mage that specializes in growing flowers), Ced — a windmage who can control the wind —, and Ced's wife Lana (not a mage). Stone's talents with growing Westil flowers unconsciously leads mages to his house, where he evaluates their powers and determines if they will fit with a group of mages not associated with Families—called the Orphans. Shortly after entering, Danny is sexually assaulted by Lana, which makes Danny realize the consequences of not being able to use his gates in an emergency.

Afterwards, Danny and Eric rob a house using Danny's gates to their advantage, only to find that out of all of the houses in the area, they chose the one which had already been robbed. Inside the cellar in the house, Danny finds a family tied up and left for dead, and the father has died. Danny calls the police afterward and is yelled at by Eric for calling the police whilst robbing a house.

In order to repay Eric for taking care of him, Danny robs several houses by gating into them and passing the goods back through to Eric. The fence for the stolen goods, suspecting cops, breaks Erics ribs and attacks Danny. By manipulating his gates Danny incapacitates the fence, steals the money that they are "owed" and heals Eric. Instead of returning to Stones' house, Danny drops Eric off behind the Walmart where they met and gives Eric all the money they took from the fence.

On the advice of Stone, Danny travels to Ohio and meets Leslie and Marion Silverman, Orphans who agree to train him and help to develop his gatemagery. Leslie is a beastmage with an affinity for cows, and Marion is an earthmage able to sense large deposits of oil and coal. After several months, Danny comes to see the Silverman's as his parents and things seem to be going well until a stranger appears out of one his gates. The stranger (Victoria Van Roth, aka Veevee) is actually an Orphan gatemage, but because she can't create a gate, has never seen one and no one believes her claims. On stumbling unto one of Danny's gates in DC, she becomes obsessed and follows the chain of gates she finds until she catches up to him in Ohio. Because she has acquired a large academic library of material on gatemages, she offers to learn and study with Danny.

As Danny approaches his 16th birthday he convinces his guardians to let him attend high school, and he picks a school close to the North family that he used to watch in Virginia (Parry McCluer High School). Veevee is listed as his aunt, she rents an apartment in Buena Vista and Danny links it via gates to her condo in Florida. On the first day of school Danny quickly befriends Laurette, Sin, Xena, Pat, Hal and Wheeler, while antagonizing the track coach Coach Lieder.

While helping Hal climb the rope in gym class, Danny inadvertently creates a series of gates throwing whoever climbs a rope a mile into the air, then landing them safely back on the ground. As the students begin to line up to "ride the rope", it becomes clear this is bad for Danny; he can't stop or close the gates, the media will pick up the story, he will be exposed to all the families and they will come hunting for him. However, after only a couple students have done the ride, the gates begin to stop working and become locked. Another gate mage is close and able to control his gates. Hoping it's Veevee, Danny nearly runs into the Greek gate mage (Yllka aka Hermia), but immediately gates away.

As Hermia pursues Danny, she teaches him how to remove his gates, lock them and Danny comes to understand by helping him she has forfeited her place with her own family. She promises to help him build his Great Gate. The ability of Gatefathers to create gates connecting Earth to Westil (the mage home world) has been missing for 1400 years. Mages that make the trip find their powers exponentially magnified, but all the attempts to create these gates have failed since Loki stole all of them. Any Gatefather attempting it has lost their powers completely. Danny believes making the attempt is the only way he can be safe from the mage families, by controlling the access to Westil and making peace with them. By accident, when he helped Hal climb the rope he had stumbled on the process of creating a Great Gate. Gathering his friends: Stone, Veevee, Ced, Leslie, Marion and Hermia, Danny returns to the rope and creates his own Great Gate. The Gate Thief immediately attacks Danny as Leslie, Marion and Ced enter the gate. Danny is able to defeat the Gate Thief, but it leaves him paralyzed as he tries to control all the gates he has pulled from the Gate Thief.

Wad's Story

A secondary story interleaves throughout the book about a boy named Wad. In the remote part of Westil, a young man emerges from what seemed to be a man shaped tree, and stumbles around. Naked and unable (or unwilling) to speak, he is provided some food and clothes by a kind young woman. The young man makes his way to the castle in the country Iceway where he befriends a cook in the castle and is named Wad. For years Wad is the cook's helper. He speaks to few and constantly spies on everyone, finding unexplained passages to inaccessible places in the castle. His spying allows him to thwart an attempt on the unloved queen's life, and he becomes her lover. The queen becomes pregnant and convinces the King the child (named Oath) is his. The King learns to love his wife and pulls away from his mistress and their two sons. The Queen, fearing that the mistress' illegitimate sons could challenge her own son, asks Wad to kill them. Instead of murdering them, Wad imprisons them beneath the castle. Eventually the Queen and the King conceive their own child. Wanting her claim to the throne to be completely legitimate, the Queen kills Oath, and attempts to murder Wad, the mistress, and her children in their prisons. As Wad is saving the mistress and children, Danny makes his Great Gate, causing Wad to remember his plans as the Gate Thief. His failed attempt to eat Danny's gate leaves him with the ability to spawn only a handful of gates.


Danny is able to master the gates he swallowed from the Gate Thief. Leslie and Marion return successfully from Westil but Ced has remained behind. Before they can leave the high school, Danny's family attacks him to demand access to the Great Gate. The powered up Leslie and Marion have no problems defeating them and making it clear that they will control access to the Great Gates only if Danny is obeyed and safe.

Go Big or Go Home

After three months of closure due to the Pawnee budget crisis and government shutdown, Leslie (Amy Poehler) excitedly informs her fellow employees that the parks department has been reopened, although on a shoestring budget. State auditors Chris (Rob Lowe) and Ben (Adam Scott) announce they may only conduct existing park maintenance, but Leslie wants to offer better programs and services. Meanwhile, the always-optimistic Chris continues trying to convince Ann (Rashida Jones) to go on a date with him. Ann finds him too intense, but Leslie convinces her to accept a date and try to persuade Chris to increase the parks budget.

Due to popular demand from citizens, Ben restarts the youth basketball league, although with only two teams. They are coached by Ron (Nick Offerman), who is extremely strict and disciplined with his players, and Andy (Chris Pratt), who is very laid back and lets his kids go out of control. Tom (Aziz Ansari), who referees the game, becomes jealous when his ex-wife Wendy (Jama Williamson) arrives to support Ron. Tom insists he is happy with his new girlfriend Lucy (Natalie Morales) and does not mind that Wendy is dating Ron. However, Tom repeatedly calls false fouls against Ron's players until all of them are benched. When Ron and Wendy get angry, Tom ejects them from the games and declares it a forfeit, which concerns Lucy.

Ann finds she enjoys her date with Chris. When she asks why he is always so positive, he explains he was expected to die as a baby due to a blood disorder, so he now feels fortunate to be alive every day. Leslie crashes the date to help Ann persuade Chris to increase the parks budget, but to her surprise, Ben also arrives, having predicted Leslie's plan. The four end up taking their date to a gay bar called The Bulge, where Chris tells Leslie he will consider increasing the parks budget. Leslie excitedly declares "mission accomplished", accidentally giving away her scheme and prompting Chris to leave, hurt that Ann had an ulterior motive for the date. Later, however, Ann apologizes to Chris and asks for another date, to which he happily agrees.

Meanwhile, April (Aubrey Plaza) shows up to work after having disappeared three months earlier. Andy still has a crush on April, who previously liked Andy until she learned Ann had kissed him. Andy had been leaving messages to April ever since, but she did not return them because she was in Venezuela, where she met her new boyfriend, the handsome Eduardo (Carlo Mendez). A discouraged Andy seeks advice from Leslie, who encourages him not to give up and to "go big or go home". Inspired by her own advice, Leslie proposes restoring the parks department with a Harvest Festival, which was once a Pawnee tradition until eliminated by budget cuts. Leslie and the other parks employees agree that if it is not a success, the parks department will shut down. Impressed by their enthusiasm, Chris and Ben agree to the idea.

The Dictator (2012 film)

For years, the fictional North African nation of Wadiya (shown as coterminous with the boundaries of Eritrea on a map) has been ruled by Admiral-General Haffaz Aladeen, a childish, sexist, anti-Western, and antisemitic dictator who surrounds himself with female bodyguards, sponsors terrorism (especially giving shelter to al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden after "they killed his double one year ago"), changes many words in the Wadiyan dictionary to "Aladeen", and is working on developing nuclear weapons to "destroy Israel". He also refuses to sell Wadiya's oil fields, a promise he made to his father before his death. After the United Nations Security Council resolves to intervene militarily, Aladeen travels to the UN Headquarters in New York City to address the council.

Shortly after arriving, Aladeen is kidnapped by Clayton, supposedly in charge of the security preparations but actually a hitman hired by his treacherous uncle Tamir, whom Aladeen's father passed over as successor in favor of his son. Tamir then replaces Aladeen with a dimwitted look-alike named Efawadh, whom he intends to manipulate into signing a document nominally democratizing Wadiya while opening up the country's oil fields to foreign vested interests. Aladeen escapes after Clayton accidentally burns himself to death in a failed torture attempt. When his burnt corpse is discovered, Tamir thinks Aladeen has been killed. However, Aladeen is practically unrecognizable as Clayton shaved off his iconic beard prior to his death.

Wandering through New York City in civilian clothes, Aladeen (assuming the false identity of "Allison Burgers") encounters Zoey, a human rights activist who offers him a job at her socially progressive, alternative lifestyle co-op. Aladeen refuses the offer and encounters "Nuclear" Nadal, the former chief of Wadiya's nuclear weapons programme, whom Aladeen thought he had previously executed over an argument about the warhead's design. Aladeen follows him to New York's "Little Wadiya" district, which is populated by refugees from his own country, and meets him in "Death to Aladeen Restaurant", a restaurant run by and visited by numerous people whom Aladeen had ordered to be executed. After a failed attempt to cover up his identity, Aladeen is accused of being an "Aladeen sympathizer" by the restaurant's waiter and the refugees. Nadal saves Aladeen from being attacked and reveals to Aladeen that all the people he had ordered to be executed are instead sent into exile to the United States, as the executioner is a member of the resistance movement. Nadal agrees to help Aladeen thwart Tamir's plot and regain his power, on condition that Aladeen makes him head of Wadiya's nuclear programme again. Aladeen agrees and accepts Zoey's job offer, as she is catering at the hotel where the signing is to occur. Aladeen grows closer to Zoey after she refuses his sexual advances and teaches him how to masturbate, and eventually falls in love with her after seeing her angry. Turning around Zoey's struggling business, Aladeen begins imposing strict schedules on everyone, forming a personality cult around Zoey and intimidating an inspector into giving the store a good review.

However, Aladeen's relationship with Zoey becomes strained after he decides to be honest with her and reveal his true self; she cannot love a man who was so brutal to his own people. After acquiring a new beard taken from a corpse, Aladeen ziplines into the hotel and tells Efawadh he has recovered; his double was fooled into thinking the Supreme Leader was ill. At the signing ceremony, he tears up Tamir's document in front of the media and holds an impassioned speech praising the virtues of dictatorship, drawing unintended parallels to current issues in the United States. However, upon seeing Zoey in the room, he declares his love for her and, knowing Zoey's strongly-held views, vows to democratize his country and open up Wadiya's oil fields for business, but in a way where the general populace will benefit. Furious with Aladeen staying in power, Tamir attempts to shoot him but Efawadh jumps in front of the bullet and survives, as it is his job "to be shot in the head". Tamir is arrested afterwards.

A year later, Wadiya holds its first democratic elections, although they are rigged in favor of Aladeen (who has now added the title "President Prime Minister" to his previous Admiral-General). Afterwards, he marries Zoey, but is shocked when she breaks a glass with her foot and reveals herself to be Jewish; throughout the film he was shown vowing to destroy Israel. Scenes during the credits show Aladeen's convoy, now consisting of eco-friendly cars, Aladeen visiting a re-instated Nadal, and later Zoey revealing in a television interview that she is pregnant with the couple's first child. Aladeen responds to the news by asking if Zoey is having "a boy or an abortion".

Unrated version

The unrated cut of ''The Dictator'' runs an additional fifteen minutes from the original 83-minute theatrical version. Much of the added material is additional sexual content and dialogue. There is a scene following Aladeen falling asleep in the back of the store where one of his bodyguards, Etra, tries to kill him by beating him with her enlarged breasts on orders by Tamir. Another added scene is Mr. Ogden, the manager of the Lancaster Hotel, talking to Zoey at The Collective and cancelling the catering contract because of Aladeen.

Princess and the Pony

In order to protect her identity, young Princess Evelyn (Fiona Perry) is sent to live with distant relatives in America. She initially has difficulty adjusting to life in the town until she befriends a pony held captive by a shady carnival owner.

Confessions of a Sexist Pig

A daytime soap opera star has to deal with his sexist ideas when he falls for his new co-star, a woman who seemingly follows his manly ideas about dating.

The Young Lions

Christian Diestl is at first a sympathetic Austrian drawn to Nazism by despair for his future but willing to sacrifice Jews if necessary. Noah Ackerman is an American Jew facing discrimination. Michael Whitacre is an American WASP who struggles with his lack of direction.

The three have very different wars: Diestl becomes less sympathetic as he willingly sacrifices more and more merely to survive; Ackerman finally overcomes the discrimination of his fellows in the army only to be nearly undone by the horror of the camps; Whitacre, still without meaning in his life, survives them both.

Montevideo, God Bless You!

In 1930 Belgrade, Yugoslavia, eleven passionate, mostly anonymous but very talented soccer players and their journey from the cobblestone streets of impoverished Belgrade neighborhoods to the formation of the national team before the very first World Cup in faraway Uruguay. So far away that the country's capital, Montevideo, seems more a distant dream than a familiar reality. Named after the city where the inaugural World Cup was held, director Dragan Bjelogrlić's adaptation of journalist Vladimir Stanković's best-selling book centers on the relationship between the two top players: natural talent and poor boy Tirke (Miloš Biković) and playboy superstar Moša (Petar Strugar).

The two young men eventually become friends when they're thrown together on the front line of the dominant local team, BSK Belgrade. As the club hierarchy is faced with the challenge of keeping the squad afloat, the opportunity arises to create a national team. However, team unity is strained when Tirke and Moša clash over beautiful women. Rosa (Danina Jeftić), the voluptuous, small-town innocent who adores Tirke, but her soccer-mad uncle conspires to set her up with Moša; and vampish Valeria (Nina Janković), a rich flapper who seduces Moša and finds much fun in pitting him against Tirke. The initial doubt that surrounded their personal and professional lives is transformed into a shared ambition to prove themselves in Montevideo; as a result, a story about friendship, enthusiasm, persistence and love for the game is unraveled.

Amar de nuevo (TV series)

The story begins one tragic day, when Frijolito was in a traffic accident with his best friend Palito and his parents, Salvador and Veronica.

Veronica's cousin, Bulmaro, had received orders from his boss, Max, to cause the accident. Max wanted revenge on Salvador, as he had hoped to get closer to Veronica. After that day, everything changed. Frijolito and Salvador were killed in the accident, Veronica was in a coma for two years and Palito was entrusted to the care of his grandmother Lily.

Frijolito could hear Palito praying for his mother, Veronica, every day. Palito never doubted that one day she would recover. Frijolito's "boss" could also hear the prayers of Palito, and decided to send him as Palito's guardian angel. Though nobody believed that it was possible, Veronica woke up, proving that miracles do happen.

When Veronica came out of the coma, she was surprised to learn that the love of her life had died in the accident. She felt that she had no reason to live, but her mother reminded her that she had a son who loved her deeply and that she should keep going for his sake.

Veronica decided to be strong for Palito, but she declared that she would never love again. It was then that Frijolito's "boss" decided to send him on a mission: find a new parent for Palito.

Román García del Solar was a perfect candidate. He was a good man who had also lost not only his wife, but his faith in love. His only reason for living was also his children, María Sol, Jorgito, and Flor. The only obstacle was his sister-in-law Rosilda, the twin sister of his deceased wife, Laura. Rosilda was obsessed with winning the heart of her brother-in-law.

Both Roman and Veronica had come to believe that they would never love again, but Frijolito would teach them that it is possible. They would not need magic to find each other; their hearts would serve as the guide.

Hyenas (2011 film)

A woman is driving down a road when she crashes. She then she sees a light, before hyenas attack and kill her and her baby. The woman's husband, Gannon (Costas Mandylor), teams up with veteran tracker Crazy Briggs (Meshach Taylor) to track down and kill the hyenas.

Andy Hardy Comes Home

Returning to his hometown of Carvel after several years' absence, Andrew "Andy" Hardy, now a high-flying West Coast lawyer, reminiscences (in flashbacks to earlier films) about his past. He also reconnects with his mother, aunt, sister, and nephew Jimmy as he attempts to convince the skeptical townsfolk to let his company build a factory there.

When his plan to buy land from his old friend Beezy runs into difficulty, Andy brings his wife, Jane, and two children, Andy Jr. and Cricket, to bolster his resolve, and to help him live up to the lessons instilled in him by his late father.

While all seems lost, the closing moments reposition the resurrected series for a new set of Andy Hardy films, but these never materialized.


Mitsy (Greeley) is a teenage student who lives with her grandmother, Bride (Walsh) after having been left at an early age by her mother (Wells). Mitsy secretly dreams of leaving her small town to live with her mother in Alberta but finds her life disrupted when her mother suddenly reappears.

Crayon Shin-chan: Super-Dimension! The Storm Called My Bride

In the future, a grown-up Shin-chan is turned to stone by his to-be fiancé (Tamiko Kaneari)'s father. Distressed by Shin-chan's fate, she travels to the past via a time machine in order to get 5-year old Shin-chan to help her save his adult self. In the present, Shin-chan & his friends (Kazama, Nene, Masao and Bo) are discussing their ambition, Tamiko arrives and takes them to the future.

Once their, they get separated from Tamiko and seek refuge at Shin-chan's old house. There, they meet an older Hiroshi (who has gone bald) and Misae (affected with Metabolic Syndrome). Despite their changed appearance, they still maintain their kind nature. They explain to young Shin-chan and his friends that the crashing of a huge meteorite ceased sunlight to reach the Earth as Kaneari (Tamako's father) and his company took over Japan.

The next "morning", Shin-chan and his friends head out to locate Tamiko and along the way, they encounter the adult versions of Masao and Nene, who are far more rougher and fiercer but still maintain a kind heart. Meanwhile, Kaneari confronts his daughter and forces her to marry adult Kazama (a successful Businessman) in order to maintain his image and get a huge amount of money from Kazama's company.

As the wedding takes place, Shin-chan is deeply angered and accuses Tamiko of betraying him. Determined to save adult Shin-chan, Tamiko escapes the wedding as Kazama refuses to marry Tamiko. Adult Bo-chan suddenly arrives and reveals himself to be a scientist. The young and adult Kasukabe Defense Force (alongside old Hiroshi & Misae) aid Tamiko in her endeavors as the general public turns against Kaneari. Angered by all of this, Kaneari takes control of a super-sized robot and attempts to destroy the stoned adult Shin-chan.

Bo brings his own robot, titled "Tetsujin Bo-chan No. 28" along with adult Himawari (now member of the Police). In the middle of all the chaos, Tamiko and Shin-chan go to rescue adult Shin-chan. Something which they succeed in only after great effort. As adult Shin-chan is restored to his original state, sunlight falls once again in Japan as Shin-chan discovers that his adult version hasn't changed much.

As Shin-chan and his friends return to the present, Shin-chan is relieved to see his parents in their original state.

The Road Not Taken (Fringe)

The Fringe Division investigates the case of a woman (Jennifer Ferrin) who "spontaneously combusts" in the middle of a busy New York street. The team discovers that the victim is the subject of a ZFT experiment to cultivate pyrokinesis. As they investigate, Olivia (Anna Torv) experiences "visions" while awake. Walter (John Noble) suggests she is seeing a parallel universe which has branched off from our own. Olivia and Peter (Joshua Jackson) visit an agoraphobic website designer (Clint Howard) who is apparently aware of William Bell, the drug trials, and the coming war, although his credibility comes into question when he believes himself to be a character in the plot of ''Star Trek''.

Using information from her visions, Olivia tracks down the victim's twin sister, who only moments before was kidnapped for more ZFT experimentation. Harris (Michael Gaston) is revealed to be responsible for the crimes, and while closing in on him, Olivia gets locked in a room with the twin sister, whose unstable pyrokinetic abilities threaten both their lives. With Olivia's guidance, the woman focuses her energy on Harris and incinerates him. Olivia finds out that the sisters were part of the same nootropic drug trial that she was as a child. She presses Walter to reveal why he and William Bell were developing "supersoldiers," but Walter only shares that it was for protection against some impending doom that he regrettably cannot recall.

Meanwhile, Walter reveals that the ZFT manuscript was written by William Bell, and that the copy of the manuscript that ZFT uses is missing a chapter dealing with ethics. He locates the original, but the Observer (Michael Cerveris) shows up and takes Walter away, cryptically stating: "it is time to go." Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) visits Broyles (Lance Reddick) to discuss the Observer, and is later shot in her hotel by two masked gunmen using a suppressed pistol.

03:34: Earthquake in Chile

The movie shows three stories of people that was affected by the disaster.

The first of them, shows a woman (Andrea Freund) that goes from Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region, to the devastated town of Dichato, Biobío Region, as her sons were there spending their vacations there with Manuel (Marcelo Alonso), their father.

The second story shows the experience of a convict (Fernando Gómez-Revira), who escapes from the Chillán Prison to Concepción, as his daughter was in the Alto Río building, which collapsed during the earthquake.

The third story is developed in Dichato, where a group of young people (Loreto Aravena, Eduardo Paxeco, and Andrés Reyes), while enjoying their last day of vacations in a party, experience the strong movement and tsunami that annihilates the place.

Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir!

Despite the fact that he comes from a long line of disciplined workers, Law Yiu-wah (Moses Chan) is a teacher of a notorious school. One day, he was urged to resign after being vilified by his students as a peeping Tom. At present, the triads have expanded their drug network at local schools. Wah, who has turned into a cop, is told to go undercover at the school where he used to teach. At school, he is impressed by the enthusiasm of a new teacher Ho Miu-suet (Tavia Yeung). He also comes to realize he was too strict with his students in the past. With a determination to boost students’ confidence, Suet invites bowling expert Koo Ka-lam (Linda Chung) to teach bowling at the school. When Wah learns about her triad background, he decides to go after her hoping to learn more about the triads. Wah also finds himself in a contest of wits with Inspector Ching Man-lik (Ron Ng), who has been assigned to work as a liaison officer at the school. On one hand, Man is attracted to Suet but on the other, she only loves Wah. All of a sudden, Wah, Suet, Lam and Lik find themselves involved in a complicated love square.

Grace Under Fire (Hong Kong TV series)

Mok Kwai-lan (Liu Xuan) is an ordinary girl working as a water labourer in one of Guangzhou's most famous restaurants. She lives in a simple and steady lifestyle with her uncle, Mok Ping (Law Lok-lam), and Ping's adopted son, Yau Sam-shui (Kenneth Ma). This simplicity is shaken when she meets the unsociable and eccentric young boxer Lui Ching-lung (Bosco Wong) in an underground martial arts arena, and the ambitious Kwai Fa (Fala Chen), an assistant chef who begins working in the same restaurant as her. Longing for Fa's affections, Sam-shui hopes to become a student of Wong Fei Hung (David Chiang), the greatest martial artist of Guangzhou, in order to impress her. Kwai-lan, originally uninterested in martial arts, becomes spellbound by the sport after watching an intense fight between Fei-hung and Fok Koon-wai (Kenny Wong), a Mizongyi practitioner.

Fei-hung is a man loved by the people, but his past had not been without causing offense. When Kwai-lan finds out that Ching-lung's father Lui Kong (Dominic Lam) is sick with leprosy, she asks for Fei-hung's help. However, Kong does not appreciate Fei-hung's hospitality and blames him for destroying his family. Twenty years ago, Kong was once Guangzhou's champion in the Lui Gar fighting style. Fei-hung, already famous for his martial arts in Foshan, challenged Kong to a duel. The two swore an oath: whoever lost the duel would have to leave Guangzhou. Fei-hung defeated Kong, but Kong's wife fell ill, postponing his leave. Fei-hung, drunk from a celebratory dinner, disgraced Kong in public and claimed him to be dishonourable for not keeping his promises. In a rage, Kong quickly leaves the city by night with his sick wife and their infant son Ching-lung. As a result, Kong's wife died and Kong contracted leprosy. Since then, Kong and Ching-lung had been struggling with discrimination and instability. Ching-lung, who had been kept in the dark about his family's history, is overwhelmed. When Lui-Kong, feeling guilty over his inability to provide for his son, decides to drown himself Ching-lung seeks revenge and attempts to kill Fei-hung in public. He is easily defeated, Fei-hung however apologises to Ching-lung for his mistakes and advises Ching-lung to pick up more martial arts before coming back for revenge.

Unknown to his son, Lui Kong is actually saved by Tong Yuet-hang (Elliot Ngok), Guangzhou's chief commissioner. Yuet-hang talks Kong in starting his life over, and suggests him to rebuild the Lui Gar martial arts school in order to compete with Fei-hung's Po Chi Lam. Yuet-hang actually has his own agenda, like Lui Kong he hated Fei-hung and wanted Lui Kong to publicly humiliate him. While Lui Kong recovers and prepares to re-establish his school, Ching-lung is touched by Fei-hung's generosity and decides to become his student. He develops a crush on Kwai-lan, and also wins the affections of Fa.

Fei-hung is touched by Sam-shui's enthusiasm and agrees to teach him and Kwai-lan, but Ping is strongly against it. He believes they would become aggressive and domineering if they learned kung fu. Kwai-lan disagrees and argues that kung fu is for self-protection. Her unyielding determination overwhelms Ping, and Kwai-lan learns from him that she is the only descendant of the Mok Gar family fighting style. As Kwai-lan's father died from a kung fu match, Ping does not want Kwai-lan to meet the same fate. Fei-hung sees a lot of potential in Kwai-lan and convinces Ping to teach her the styles of Mok Gar. Ping finally agrees, simultaneously allowing Sam-shui to become Fei-hung's student. Sam-shui, now proud and egotistical, begins abusing his newfound martial arts skill. This led to his involvement in a drunken brawl, and the death of Fei-hung's second son Wong Hon-yip (Raymond Wong Ho-yin). Initially charged with murder and to be executed, Fei-hung eventually realizes his son had been murdered by someone else and rescues him, but their friendship was forever ruined. Now hardened by life in prison, plagued by a prison record, jealous of Fa's love for Ching-lung and constantly looked down upon by the powerful, Sam-shui abandons martial arts and Fei-hung's ideals, instead striving to place himself in power first by becoming the increasingly powerful Lui Kong's head disciple.

Ching-lung and Fa had left Guangzhou in their efforts to find Lui Kong, and Fa was doing it only partially because she hoped to stay with Ching-lung and keep him away from Kwai-lan, who she knows Ching-lung had fallen for. When Kwai-lan unexpectedly visits them, she confesses to Fa she had actually fallen for someone, and Fa encourages her to go back to Guangzhou and admit her feelings while she and Ching-lung continued their search for his father. Kwai-lan does so, but not before telling Ching-lung that his father was actually still in Guangzhou. Both Kwai-lan and Ching-lung return to Guangzhou while a devastated Fa, rejected by Ching-lung, leaves by herself.

Amidst facing the threats and attacks against Po Chi Lam, Kwai-lan and Fei-hung grow closer. Kwai-lan not only helps Fei-hung in facing Kong's duel challenge, she also saves Po Chi Lam from collapsing. The two begin to fall in love, and Kwai-lan, being forty years younger than Fei-hung, marries him despite Ping's objections. Their happiness does not last long. Fei-hung, weak from an injury, is defeated from a duel against Kong and loses his title as Guangzhou's number one martial artist. Ching-lung, disgusted by his father's influence and still close to Fei-hung and Kwai-lan, chooses to stay in Po Chi Lam and allows Sam-shui to take his place in Lui Gar school. As he watches Yuet-hang and Kong's corrupted governance over Guangzhou, Fei-hung falls fatally ill. Before he dies, Fei-hung teaches all his knowledge of medicine and martial arts to Kwai-lan.

For more power, Sam-shui grows closer to Yuet-hang's office dealings and soon meet with one of Yuet-hang's strongest allies: the Japanese merchant Tokugawa Kazuo. When Kazuo visits Guangzhou, he brings with him Fa, the woman he had fallen in love with. The match seemed to meet all of Fa's hopes for a relationship, for Kazuo had wealth and prestige, and soon Fa becomes one of the most public and influential women in town. Partially seeing her as an example and because he knew Fa would not give him any favors, Sam-shui marries Yuet-hang's daughter Shuet-kiu (Kaki Leung) and also becomes a spy for Kazuo. Soon Sam-shui gains control of all of Yuet-hang's business and political jobs, later becoming the co-mayor of Guangzhou. The Japanese merchants and fighters gain control of Guangzhou's economy and martial arts schools, forcing Po Chi Lam out of business. With his power secured and his enemies weak, Sam-shui starts to threaten and control Yuet-hang's family from the shadows. Kazuo, who had been blackmailed by Yuet-hang, was more than happy to help him. He felt a personal grudge against the Chinese martial arts schools, for he and Fa had almost gotten married before Ching-lung confessed his feelings for her. Despite all that Kazuo could offer her, Fa chooses a simple life with Ching-lung, and Kazuo was feeling particularly vindictive over his loss. In an attempt to protect himself and his daughter, Yuet-hang tries to release information of Sam-shui's secret collaborations with the Japanese to the public, but is murdered by Sam-shui before he could do so.

Kwai-lan, hunted by the corrupt police and Lui Kong's men, forced to flee and hide in Foshan with Ching-lung, returns to Guangzhou and wins in a fight with the Japanese martial artists, reviving the pride of Chinese martial arts. Despite opposed by Lui Kong himself, she hoped they could truly reunite all the martial arts school now, but Lui Kong is soon murdered for his possession of Yuet-hang's evidence against Sam-shui. He dies tragically, but had successfully hidden the evidence. Kwai-lan knows if anyone found it Sam-shui's life was forfeit and tries to convince him back on the right path. The two of them have a private meeting, Sam-shui admits that for the sake of their sibling relationship he could let her escape, but only her and she must swear to never interfere in his affairs. She refuses him, and both bid the other goodbye knowing one of them would soon have to die. Sam-shui, now too invested in Japanese imperialist ambitions, starts a fire to burn Po Chi Lam down to the ground in order to destroy any evidence of his wrongdoings. Because of this, the evidence was discovered, and although Fa took a bullet wound the proof was given to the national government.

Forced to flee for his life, Sam-shui demands that Kazuo help him escape to Japan. Kazuo, angry that Sam-shui had caused the Japanese residents in Guangzhou so much trouble in his attempts to discredit political enemies, ends up shooting Sam-shui instead. However Sam-shui survives, and almost manages to escape Guangzhou when he boards a train with Shuet-kiu. Perhaps to use her once again or perhaps because he did retain some humility, Sam-shui apologizes to her for all the trouble he had caused and admits that had she not been Yuet-hang's daughter he would have been kinder to her. Shuet-kiu tearfully admits that she had been happiest with him, but now that he had caused the death of her father and unborn child she could no longer forgive him. She stabs him to death in the train, the bloody scene was the last thing Kwai-lan will see of her remaining family since Shuet-kiu had told her she didn't want any relation to Sam-shui's relatives.

Kwai-lan moves into Hong Kong, meets up again with Ching-lung and Fa, and opens a school of martial arts, unprecedented of the time she takes in students of all ages and background. By doing this, she hopes to spread martial arts out to the rest of the world, fulfilling Wong Fei-hung's hopes of the future.

The Ghosts Must Be Crazy

Part 1: Only ghost will give you off - 鬼才給你OFF (Day-Off)

Sometime in the 1990s, late at night, two soldiers (played by Suhaimi Yusof and Khariudin Samsuddin) dig a shellscrape during a military exercise, encountering human hair buried in the ground. Attempting to pull it out of the dirt, the duo encounters a female ghost standing behind, which later apparently frightened them to death. Moving forward to the present-day, two reservist soldiers, Ah Nan (John Cheng) and Ah Lei, tries to get their on-the-ball commanding officer, LTA Chua (Chua En Lai), to grant them a day-off during their last unit exercise including stories about the female ghost by Ah Nan and telling that Ah Lei's grandmother passes away, which fails comically. Another soldier, Ah Tan (Dennis Chew), comes to see Lieutenant Chua to get a day-off or light duty too, citing ill health (he suffered for internal injuries), but gets rejected as well. Since the beginning, Ah Nan and Ah Lei didn't believe that Ah Tan felt ill, instead thinking that Ah Tan acted to get a day-off, including Ah Nan betting that Ah Tan will get rejected by Lieutenant Chua for a day-off or chop off his head. Ah Nan and Ah Lei encounters their Sergeant Major, 1WO Muthu (David Bala), after leaving the commander's office while chasing Ah Tan, who demands that Ah Lei (who dyed his hair yellow) either shave his head or get his hair dyed back to black. Later, during a chat with other reservist mates, it is revealed that Muthu had apparently died in a terrible car accident sometime back with his head knocked off, unsettling both Ah Nan and Ah Lei (it is later revealed that it was nothing more than a prank on the two by their fellow soldiers at a briefing before the exercise).

During the exercise, Ah Tan, who is still sick, cooks his traditional Chinese medicine while he, Ah Nan and Ah Lei dig a fire-trench (only Ah Tan dig the fire-trench while the other two are cooking their meals). When Muthu comes to inspect their progress, he notices Ah Tan's medicine cooking and, citing a real wartime scenario, naggingly scolds the three soldiers for inadvertently exposing themselves to enemy fire by cooking in the field. Knowing that their training area is reputedly haunted, Ah Tan and Ah Lei attempt to spook their sergeant-major in the night as they encountered the same incident where two soldiers saw a buried human hair, leaving Ah Tan alone digging while still badly ill. Later that night, when Muthu returns to his field-post, he encounters the same ghost as at the start of the film, and while running away encounters disguised Ah Nan and Ah Lei (dressed up as long-haired ghosts), frightening him even more and leading him to inform Lieutenant Chua of his encounter with the spirit. Chua dismisses his claims and later meets with the trio (Ah Tan, Ah Nan and Ah Lei), where it is revealed that Ah Tan's illness gets worse and Muthu takes charge of sending Ah Tan back to the camp's medical centre (the medic attached for the exercise had reported sick previously). While driving out of the jungle, Muthu sees the same female ghost and in shock crashes the jeep.

Shortly after, Muthu gets out of the wrecked vehicle and runs back to Lieutenant Chua to inform him of the accident and that Ah Tan was killed. Ah Tan, however, is standing behind Muthu and is visible to both officers, spooking Muthu. Meanwhile, Ah Nan and Ah Lei encounter Ah Tan standing alone in the jungle and are unconvinced he is a ghost (his pale face was pierced with glass shards and bleeding), mocking him for his acting and demanding him to frighten Chua to terminate the exercise. Later, the duo (joined by Muthu shortly after) went to their commander's tent, where they saw Ah Tan standing in front of Chua as Chua berates Ah Tan for malingering and his acting attempts to gain an off-day or light duty request, despite Ah Tan exposing many unnerving traits and behaviour (such as teleporting and showing a bloody face) to the officer. Eventually, the female ghost reveals herself through Ah Tan's body, frightening Chua enough, who then runs off into the woods where his screams echo throughout (his final fate is unknown). Ah Nan, Ah Lei and Muthu drive off in an army van out of the training area, all clearly spooked by what transpired. On their way out of the jungle, they pass by the accident site, encountering the police and the hearse handling Ah Tan's body beside the wrecked jeep. Suddenly, Ah Nan notices a second body-bag (aside from Ah Tan's) and alerts Ah Lei; it is soon revealed that it was Muthu's, shocking the duo. They then see Muthu's spirit looking down on his corpse and crying out that he was really dead (referring back to when the soldiers claimed he had died), smacking his forehead repeatedly until his head fly off, causing the two soldiers to scream and even louder after realising Muthu was still in their van, as is Ah Tan's ghost, who appears and tells Ah Lei that their commander has finally granted him a day-off. Suddenly, the female ghost appears behind and places her hands at the back of the van (with the duo still locked inside shouting fearfully, despite struggling to either get out or drive off) and pulls the vehicle back into the jungle as the men continue to scream, with their eventual fates left uncertain.

Part 2: Only ghost will marry you - 鬼才嫁給你 (Ghost Bride)

Ong Kim Hui (or simply Ah Hui) (Henry Thia) is a middle-aged bachelor who has not been successful in his life, not being rich (and apparently having debts to loansharks) and having no luck with women (as he was dumped 20 times by his ex-girlfriends despite lowering his standards), despite his seniority in age. He encounters an apparent benefactor, Ah Hai (Mark Lee), who promises to make him rich through striking the first-prize in lottery. Ah Hai takes Ah Hui to Mount Vernon Columbarium and makes him pray to the spirits of the deceased there to gain luck for his gambling exploit. While leaving, he picks up a wallet, opens it up and chooses to wear a jade bangle contained inside it, despite the protests by Ah Hai, telling him that it was fate that he picked up and now owned the bangle. He also notices two sets of numbers for 4D lottery inside and bets on them, and it is later revealed he won on both bets. After he rejoices with Ah Hai, he quits his job as a dishwasher and pays off his debt in full, surprising the loansharks (noting that Ah Hui had been near broke a couple of days before) and also splurging his new-found wealth on massages and women. He also gets revenge on his ex-girlfriend (Tay Yin Yin) and her new boyfriend by shoving her into a cage and dumping a starving cobra inside while he counts (stretching out the time as he counted from 1 to 3, as he was said to be “long in everything”), leaving her to an uncertain fate.

Later, he visits a gambling parlour and after winning $35,000 as Ah Hai expresses congratulations, chooses to continue his betting, which ultimately turns sour and causing him to lose a large portion of his money. After realising Ah Hai has left, he despondently walks to the carpark to his car, where an urn lands on his vehicle, soon followed by many hundreds sliding on the floor towards him. Spooked, he runs to the carpark exit ramp and believes himself safe, only to watch thousands more come from all directions on the ground and surrounding him, all rising into the air as three float near his face and explode. The next day, at a hawker centre, Ah Hui confides in Ah Hai of his encounter with the urns and Ah Hai questions Ah Hui on whether he had returned the favour to the spirits at the columbarium for their blessings to him, to which Ah Hui said he had not, revealing to Ah Hai that he had just $30 left after spending his money around wildly. Ah Hai seems concerned but tells Ah Hui he has a plan to save him, eventually stating to Ah Hui that a female spirit by the name of Chen Xiao Juan (or Xiao Juan), who died in her late teens (22 years old) and single, has now expressed her love for him, shocking Ah Hui.

Ah Hai brings Ah Hui to Xiao Juan's home, where he introduces her parents, her sisters and their husbands to him. When Ah Hui asks to see Xiao Juan, her father (Henry Heng) expresses his surprise to Ah Hai that Ah Hui claimed to have never met him (Ah Hai) before, sparking confusion between Ah Hui and Xiao Juan's family, and once the big picture begins to set in for Ah Hui, he is stunned to realise that Ah Hai and Xiao Juan are the one and same person. Xiao Juan soon enters the living hall and the writing on the wall became clear: that Xiao Juan's human persona is none other than Ah Hai, and she was actually drawn and attracted to Ah Hui while she acted as a normal human being and was helping him to get rich. Ah Hui's initial shock from being told by her family for them to get married becomes disgust as he felt Xiao Juan was ugly and more man than woman (due to her coarse voice). Despite showing him her genitals (shocking her family), Ah Hui still refuses to accept her hand in marriage and in his insults to her enrages her parents, who attempted to kill him before Xiao Juan steps in and scares Ah Hui badly enough for him to marry her. Ah Hui returns home and tells his mother about his marriage to a ghost, which initially concerns her but she lets it go after hearing Xiao Juan's mother (Lin Ruping) promising to grant her riches through buying lottery and winning every time.

Later, Ah Hui goes to a Chinese prayer-supplies store and at the insistence of Xiao Juan purchases a large quantity of luxury goods and items for the Afterlife (including a large 3-storey mansion, 3 iOne tablets (mock-up of iPad) and ten cars (all of the cars were mock-up of Mercedes-Benz E500), among others) and is later married at a temple ceremony to Xiao Juan before spending the first night together consummating their relationship. The next day, Ah Hui walks around in a daze and gets knocked down by a vehicle while crossing the road but is unaware he had been killed until he saw his bloodied corpse lying on the ground, surrounded by a large group of concerned passers-by. He turns around and to his horror realises that Xiao Juan, driving a hearse with his funeral portrait hung on the bonnet, had run him over and killed him. Smiling, Xiao Juan comes to greet her husband, who is angry that she had ended his life prematurely as she had promised never to harm or kill him. Xiao Juan, however, dismisses it as mere deception and that Ah Hui had unwittingly fell for her lies. Unwilling to leave his corpse behind, he is eventually persuaded to leave with her for a “Great Singapore Sale for Ghosts”, and gets into the hearse and the couple drive away, leaving Ah Hui's body laying there while the witnesses look on.

This second part then ends with a phrase (in Mandarin) which states, “If you choose to make a deal with the devil, you must be prepared to pay the ultimate price”, before the credits roll.

The Sorcerer and the White Snake

Abbot Fahai and his assistant Neng Ren meet an ice harpy at the top of a mountain. The harpy turns the impetuous Neng Ren into an ice statue. Unrepentant, Fahai is forced to capture her with a demon trapper, which releases Neng Ren from the transformation. Neng Ren is then tasked to confine the ice harpy at Lei Feng Pagoda, confining it in a magic circle along with other trapped demons.

On the other side of the mountain, two female snake demons (Qingqing and Susu) are playing around when they spot a physician, Xu Xian, picking herbs at the foot of the mountain with his friends. Qingqing, being a playful snake, scares him, causing him to fall into the lake below. Susu, being gentler, assumes human form and kisses Xu Xian, which allows Vital Essence to flow from her into his body thus saving him. When Xu Xian wakes up he tells his friends about the kiss, which only makes them laugh.

After finding a victim of a bat demon, Fahai and Neng Ren leave the temple to subdue the bat demon. Xu Xian comes across them and offers a boat ride to the city. Susu starts thinking about the day she kissed Xu Xian and decides to head to the city to find him. Meanwhile, while Qingqing is exploring the city, she comes across Neng Ren and decides to help him subdue the bat demon by revealing its location. Neng Ren defeats the bat demon's cohorts, but is unable to subdue the bat demon king and is bitten. Though he is subsequently saved by Fahai, Neng Ren starts turning into a bat demon himself the next day and decides to run away. Meanwhile, Xu Xian recognizes Susu and they spend the night together, oblivious to the fact that she is a snake in human form.

Neng Ren is found by Qinqing and the two befriend each other. They realize that Neng Ren, despite becoming a bat demon, still has all his human taste for human food, and most of his human qualities. Meanwhile, Xu Xian and Susu wed. Fahai gives Xu Xian a dagger that can kill demons, anticipating that Susu is a demon since she is able to counter the poison of the fox demon and confronts and defeats her but spares her as she had helped save others with a warning to leave Xu Xian as their union will only cause pain and threatens to kill her otherwise. When she doesn't, Fahai and his disciples attack her and Xu Xian's cottage. Susu fights the battle in snake form, but is stabbed by Xu Xian, who is unaware of her true identity. Susu escapes but is gravely injured. Xu Xian, after realizing what he has done, decides to get the spirit root to heal her.

Helped by Susu's friend, a mouse, Xu Xian manages to retrieve a root kept inside the Lei Feng Pagoda, but is possessed by demons since the root was the thing that kept the demons in place. Fahai and the other monks capture Xu Xian and prepare to cast spells to banish the demons from his body. When Susu recovers, she goes to find Xu Xian along with Qinqing. They are confronted by Fahai, who tries to explain to them that the spell should not be broken before it is complete. Susu, however, does not believe him and accuses him of trying to separate them. The two sisters battle Fahai and after Fahai breaks their swords, they retaliate by unleashing a tidal wave on Jinshan that Fahai is able to cut in two to prevent too much damage only to be attacked by their true forms. Susu releases Xu Xian from the spell, but he does not have any memory of Susu. Susu blames this on Fahai and they battle. Despite managing to repel Susu's fierce snakes and incapacitate Qingqing, Fahai is left defeated as he questions whether he was too driven on his demon-hunting and fierce defense of Buddha as despite all his efforts, disasters would continue on without stopping. When Susu recommences the battle, Fahai is empowered by his faith in Buddha and manifesting many divine arms around him, easily deflects all of Susu's attacks before he is able to trap Susu in Lei Feng Pagoda. At this point, Susu repents and asks to see Xu Xian just one last time. Buddha implores Fahai to fulfill Susu's wish and Fahai, filled with the divine spirit, obeys and lifts up the pagoda, temporarily freeing Susu. After an emotional talk with Xu Xian, Susu kisses him, causing him to remember everything. Susu is then sucked back into the temple as Fahai lets go of the temple, trapping Susu there again much to Xu Xian's sadness. Qingqing, watching all this from a distance with Neng Ren, tells him that she doesn't want to love anyone as her sister loved Xu Xian, and leaves saying that he will never be a true bat demon anyway.

In the epilogue, Xu Xian picks herbs around the pagoda, while Susu has returned to her snake form trapped inside the temple. Fahai is seen walking around the mountainside when suddenly Neng Ren (now a complete bat demon) appears alongside him. Throwing him an apple, Fahai tells him that he has grown used to his new look, and they journey together again.

Friends of Peter G.

When Brian and Peter decide to go and see ''The Sound of Music'' together, Peter sneaks in liquor, and the two become extremely intoxicated, disrupting the entire audience. Joe is then called upon to arrest them. In court, the two are ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous for thirty days, much to their annoyance. At the first meeting, Peter is told that alcohol is a bad part of his life, with Brian becoming reluctant to give up drinking. Realizing that the people in Alcoholics Anonymous have nowhere to drink without being judged, Brian and Peter decide to bring several cases of beer to their next meeting. Joe is once again called upon, under a noise complaint, causing everyone to transform the center into a church and spring into a large musical number in favor of sobriety in order to trick Joe into leaving.

Afterwards, Peter decides to drive home drunk, and ends up passing out at the wheel and crashing into a tree, killing him instantly. Death arrives, and Peter's soul exits his body. Death decides to give Peter a second chance, and takes Peter into the future, where he sees what will result from his continued excessive drinking: an abusive, drunken and filthy man who tortures his family with cigar burns (which Stewie enjoys) and has sex with his boss Angela while at work. After seeing this, Peter wishes that he had never touched a drop of alcohol in his life, so Death also shows Peter what his life would be like without alcohol: he is extremely cheerful, has a different voice and drinks milk with uptight friends at the Drunken Clam, and he also does not know Joe or Quagmire, but instead looks at them as noisy and uncouth. Peter also does not like this version of himself at all either. Death explains to Peter that he doesn't need to give up alcohol altogether, but to drink responsibly, and persuades him that he can live his life without being totally dependent on alcohol.

Afterwards, whenever Peter buys a 6-pack of beer, he takes three cans and throws them in the garbage, thus allowing him to drink in moderation, much to Lois' delight. The episode ends at a landfill site, where the seagulls become extremely intoxicated from drinking the beer that Peter threw away.

Colomba (novella)

Through the lens of historical fiction, the novella examines the Corsican vendetta. In the story, Orso is forced to consider whether he should avenge the death of his father, apparently perpetrated by the Barricini family. An Englishwoman, Lydia Nevil, attempts to dissuade him from murder, while his sister, Colomba, uses all her cunning to ensure the opposite result.

Bailey's Billion$

A talking Golden retriever named Bailey inherits a fortune from his deceased owner, Constance Pennington. He becomes the target of a dog-napping plot by Constance's nephew Caspar and his wife Dolores. The scheme is ultimately foiled.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (film)

Nine-year-old Oskar Schell is autistic and lives in New York City with his parents Linda and Thomas Schell. He is close to his father, who stimulates him with missions to hunt for clues to New York City's "lost Sixth Borough". The tasks he is given force him to explore his surroundings and communicate with other people, which is not easy for him.

On September 11, 2001, schools close early, and Oskar arrives home alone to find six answering machine messages left by his father from the World Trade Center. Oskar hides under his bed, where his grandmother finds him and stays until Linda returns home. Oskar is angry at his father's funeral, unable to make sense of his death.

A year later, Oskar has a secret hiding place with memories of his father, including the answering machine and its messages. In his father's room, he accidentally shatters a vase, and inside finds a key in an envelope with the word "Black" on it. He becomes obsessed with finding the lock the key fits, believing it a clue from his father. He finds 472 Blacks in the New York phone book and plans to visit each one. He lies to his mother, with whom he is becoming increasingly distant, about his outings. He first meets Abby Black, who is in the process of divorcing her husband, but she tells Oskar she did not know his father. Further encounters are fruitless, but he meets a variety of people, photographing and recording notes on each one in a scrapbook.

One day, Oskar ventures into his grandmother's apartment, but instead of finding her there, encounters the reclusive elderly renter that has been living there, whom his grandmother had warned him to avoid. The renter does not talk, communicating instead with the words "yes" and "no" tattooed on his hands and a writing pad. Oskar confides in him, and the man offers to accompany Oskar on his outings. As they explore the city together, Oskar learns to face his fears, such as those of public transport and bridges. Eventually, Oskar concludes that the stranger is his grandfather and plays the increasingly desperate answering machine recordings, but the man becomes agitated, refuses to listen to the final one, and tells Oskar to stop his search. Later, Oskar sees him arguing with his grandmother and packing to leave, and angrily confronts him as his taxi pulls away.

Oskar then notices a phone number for an estate sale circled on the back of a newspaper clipping of his father's. He dials the number and reaches a surprised Abby, who takes Oskar to meet her ex-husband William. William realizes Oskar's key is the one he has been looking for, left to him by his own deceased father in the vase, unbeknownst to him when he sold it to Thomas at the estate sale. Oskar confides that on the day of the attacks, he was home when the phone rang a sixth time, but was too afraid to answer. After witnessing the tower collapse on TV as the phone call cut off, he replaced the answering machine so his mother would never find out. He leaves the key with William, but runs away from Abby, distraught.

Back in his room, he proceeds to destroy the material from his search, until his mother reveals to him that she had been aware of all his outings, and had gone ahead of him to meet all the Blacks to prepare them for his visit. Finally realizing how much his mother cares about him, he accepts his father's death and writes letters to all the people he met to thank them for their kindness, including his grandfather, who returns to live with his grandmother. He gives his mother his scrapbook from his adventures filled with pop-ups and pull tabs, titled "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close".

Soon after, Oskar visits a spot in Central Park he and his father frequented, and looking underneath his father's favorite swing, finds a message from his father, congratulating him for finishing what would have been their final expedition, giving Oskar the closure he desperately needed.

Something to Sing About (2000 film)

The film opens as Tommy, Darius McCrary, is reading a newspaper, trying to find a job. He eventually finds God and acceptance with help from people around who care.

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The Big Bang (2011 film)

Detectives Poley (William Fichtner), Frizer (Thomas Kretschmann), and Skeres (Delroy Lindo) are interrogating Ned Cruz (Antonio Banderas), a Los Angeles private investigator, who tells them that five years earlier, Russian mobster Skinny Faddeev gave $30 million in blood diamonds as an advance to Anton (Robert Maillet), a boxer, to intentionally lose a fight against his nephew. However, during the fight, Anton unintentionally killed the nephew. When Skinny was found dead, Anton was sentenced to life in prison. While Anton was in prison, he received over 200 letters from a woman named Lexie Persimmon.

Anton gives Ned the job of finding Lexie. Ned is skeptical about his job, since he doesn't have a photo of Lexie. As he starts investigating the various clues, people start dying mysteriously. Ned also notices that a black Lincoln is following him, which he assumes is the Russian Mafia. He finds a clue that leads him to believe that Lexie might be in San Celeritas, New Mexico.

Ned then meets a waitress named Fay Neman (Autumn Reeser)—a particle physics buff—who helps him. Ned meets Simon (Sam Elliott), his wife Julie (Sienna Guillory), and Niels Geck (Jimmi Simpson), a physicist who is conducting an experiment for Simon. Simon is interested only in finding the "God particle" and feels indifferent when Julie tries to warm up to Ned. Ned suspects that Julie might really be Lexie and decides to tell her what is happening. Meanwhile, Anton tracks down Ned to Simon's bungalow. Ned confronts Julie with his suspicions about Lexie's true identity, but Julie has no idea what he is talking about. Ned and Julie hear gunshots, causing Ned to suspect that Anton is at the house.

Realizing that he and Anton have both mistaken Julie for Lexie, Ned tries to save her. When the duo head toward the basement, Ned is astonished to find Niels dressed like a woman, and in a blonde wig. A box containing cosmetics has the phrase "Lex Parsimoniae"—a Latin phrase meaning "When all things are equal, the simplest solution is the best"—printed on it. Ned realizes that Niels had written the letters to Anton, who becomes angered when Niels tries to convince Anton to accept him. In a shootout, Ned is injured and passes out.

The story cuts back to the present day, where it is revealed that Niels and Anton killed each other while the detectives, who had followed Ned to Simon's house, held Ned and Julie hostage. Julie is kept bound and gagged with duct tape. Ned accuses the trio of following him and killing the people he met, also stating that Skinny was killed for diamonds, which his killer never recovered. Ned proves that Frizer killed all the people who could have known about the diamonds. Frizer admits his crimes, for which the other detectives scold him. Ned looks at a glass tank containing a gecko and realizes something; he tells the villains that he knows where Niels stored the diamonds.

The detectives take Ned and Julie to the spot where he had confronted Julie after she had shown him a hidden shoe box. While Julie and Ned are in the car, Skeres and Frizer go to get the shoe box. Meanwhile, Poley spots Julie and Ned signaling each other. He attacks them, but they overpower him and manage to drive the car towards Skeres and Frizer. Skeres and Frizer are disappointed when they discover the diamonds are not in the box. When they see the car coming towards them, they realize what is happening and start shooting. Ned shoots them both dead. Meanwhile, Simon the physicist's experiment destroys his lab and creates a giant crevasse. Ned and Julie speed away in the car, and later pick up Fay.

Ma and Pa Kettle at Home

The Kettles' son Elwin enters a scholarship contest by submitting a report on farming techniques to a national magazine. The essay claims that his family's own farm is a model of modern efficiency. The magazine's editor, intrigued, insists on visiting the farm himself. Ma and Pa Kettle try to camouflage their ramshackle farm to reflect Elwin's visualization, while trying to keep the fastidious editor from inspecting the premises too closely.

Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki

In July 1952, the Kettles help out cousin Rodney Kettle in Hawaii with his pineapple business. Ma and Pa get acquainted with blue-blooded Mrs. Andrews who thinks the Kettles are the "lowliest" people she has met. This is Percy Kilbride's last appearance as Pa Kettle, and his final movie as well.

Cousin Rodney(Loring Smith) has paid Ma and Pa Kettle's way to Hawaii,under the false assumption that Kilbride is a business genius who can help increase stalled business at the family pineapple factory.

Pa DOES come up with a solution,athough purely by accident.

The Kettles also meet a Hawaiian family who are their "mirror image"---hard working Mother(Hilo Hattie),lazy Father(Lung), and twelve children named after the months of the year.Pa Kettle is naturally curious as to what will happen when the next child comes along.

Unscrupulous business rivals kidnap Pa,who remains innocently oblivious of his danger.Both large families converge on the hideout for a slapstick rescue mission;with Hawaiian food as the chief ammunition.

The Kettles in the Ozarks

With Pa out of the way, Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.

The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm

Ma and Pa help Brad Johnson to turn his girlfriend Sally into a good farm wife.

Popeye: Rush for Spinach

The evil Sea Hag has stolen the world supply of spinach. Popeye, Olive Oyl, Bluto, and Wimpy must travel through time and space to put an end to her plans.

The Undefeated (2000 film)

In 1950, long after World War II has ended, a fight continues behind the newly drawn Iron Curtain: as the Ukrainians keep fighting Soviet forces, General Roman Shukhevych (Hryhoriy Hladiy) is forced by brutal circumstances to lead a guerrilla war as part of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

The film explores Shukhevych, both as a military leader and a family man. In the end, Shukhevych was unable to defeat the Soviet forces and was killed in a targeted assassination by the MGB, but the UPA re-enforce Ukrainian nationalism as an underground force until the end of the Cold War.

The Father Clements Story

Frustrated when his call for volunteers to adopt troubled black youths gets little response from his congregation, a priest in Chicago decides to adopt himself, landing himself in hot water with his superiors in the Church..

A Feast at Midnight

Dryden Park, a prep school, welcomes a new boy, Magnus (Freddie Findlay) whose father is convalescing in Paris. Magnus is immediately targeted by bullies and gets no support from his housemaster, Professor "Raptor" (Christopher Lee). Magnus seeks solace in letters from his father, with whom he shares a love of good food, but the school follows a strict diet, so Magnus organizes his new friends into a secret society who enjoy midnight feasting. Magnus and other boys also being bullied go to the school kitchen after lights out, where Magnus cooks and serves a midnight feast made up of delicious snacks. As the Midnight Feast Society grows under the nose of the housemaster, the bullies continue to dislike Magnus and his friends and set out to cause trouble for all those who are part of the Midnight Feast.

The Firefly (Fringe)

The Fringe team is brought to a nursing home, where Roscoe Joyce (Christopher Lloyd), the former keyboardist of the band Violet Sedan Chair, was seen talking to his son Bobby (Nick Ouellette) who had died in 1985, as well as evidence of an Observer. Walter Bishop (John Noble), meeting his musical hero, requests to take Roscoe back to his lab to help Roscoe remember what his son said. Walter is able to help Roscoe remember much of his past since the loss of his son through therapy that includes helping Roscoe to recall his piano-playing skills. Roscoe shortly recalls the conversation with his son, which was actually a message from the Observer September to Walter. September (Michael Cerveris) soon appears at the lab and requests to speak to Walter.

As they walk, September reminds Walter of the damage he did when he brought Peter from the parallel universe. September recounts the events of one such chain: in the prime universe, three months after Walter's crossing, Peter (Joshua Jackson) captured a firefly which set into motion a chain of events that eventually led to the death of a pedestrian in a car accident (Walter brought over Peter, Peter caught a firefly, a little girl nearby didn't catch that same firefly, she wandered away, her father drove around looking for her, he hit the pedestrian). September mysteriously departs when Walter answers a telephone call, but not before leaving him with a message: "give him the keys and save the girl." Later, Walter returns Roscoe to the nursing home. Roscoe thanks him and explains that the recent events reminded him of the last phone call he had with his son, where Bobby said he had dreamed of meeting Roscoe in a nursing home in the future. Roscoe is remorseful that Bobby died shortly after that call when a car struck him while crossing the street, which led to the breakup of the band. Because of the date and place of the accident, Walter realizes that Roscoe's son was the pedestrian previously mentioned by September.

Unbeknownst to the Fringe team, September has engineered several events in the last few days, including stopping an armed robbery to help the asthmatic female employee (Olivia Cheng) recover from an asthma attack, taking her inhaler. When Walter hears of this witness, he requests Peter and Agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) to bring her to his lab, believing her to be related to the Observer's warning. Minutes from the lab, September rams the car in which the woman is being transported, initiating another asthma attack. September races from the scene, prompting Peter to follow him in Walter's car, requesting Walter to "give me the keys and save the girl." Walter realizes that September has been orchestrating the events leading up to this point and urges Peter not to go, believing that following the advice of the Observer might lead to Peter's death. Walter eventually relents and returns to help the woman, creating a makeshift inhaler before emergency help arrives. Meanwhile, Peter and Olivia follow the Observer to a rooftop. Peter corners September, who says "It must be very difficult, being a father", before he shoots Peter with an energy blast that knocks him off his feet. Olivia arrives in time to give chase to the Observer but September disappears from an adjacent rooftop.

While Walter and Agent Astrid Farnsworth (Jasika Nicole) ensure that the witness is safe at the hospital, Olivia takes Peter back to the lab. Peter, suffering from a headache, takes an aspirin and drinks out of what he believes to be an ordinary bottle of milk from the fridge. In reality, the milk contains a serum developed by Walter in order to help him recover his full mental function. However, the serum was incorrectly prepared, which causes Peter to begin convulsing. Over the phone, Walter directs Olivia to inject Peter with the correct compounds in order to save his life. Walter realizes that the serum would have killed him if he had consumed it, and that this was another step in the Observer's plot. Later that evening, September meets with another Observer, and identifies the fact that Walter was able to let Peter go, despite believing that he may not survive, and that when the time comes, they can expect Walter to do it again.

In a side plot, Olivia and Peter attempt to reorganize their relationship after Olivia receives a book (''If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him!'' by Sheldon Kopp) from Peter that he had originally ordered for Olivia's doppelgänger from the parallel universe.

200 mph

When the older brother (Tommy Nash) he idolizes is run off the road by a ruthless drug dealer (Darren Thomas) during a nighttime street race known as Sepulveda Suicide, Rick Merchant (Jaz Martin) channels his grief into getting revenge behind the wheel. But to win, he'll need to modify his trusty 1988 Mazda RX-7/Nissan 240sx (Zenki/Kouki, chase scenes) -- with help from a mechanic Kelly (Hennely Jimenez) -- to get the maximum performance out of his machinery.

Dark Metropolis

Mankind has lost a 300-year war against a genetically enhanced race that man created, abused and finally tortured. Now the descendants of that race - known as the 'Ghen' control the planet Earth from advanced underground cities.

The Orator (film)

Manu Asafo has described the film as an attempt "to portray Samoan culture".

It shows Samoans "surrounded by family and support", in accordance with ''fa'aSamoa'' (the "Samoan way"). The New Zealand Film Commission describes it as showcasing not only "Samoan tradition and values", but also "universal" themes: "love, courage, personal adversity and honour". Samoan Deputy Prime Minister Misa Telefoni has described it as "a beautiful and poignant love story" which brings "the finest aspects of traditions of our Samoan culture into the international spotlight".

The main character, Saili, a "simple villager", a taro farmer and a dwarf, must "find the strength" to "defend his land and family, which are threatened by powerful adversaries". "He ultimately attempts to reclaim his father's chiefly status, even if the current ageing village chief does not believe he has the physique or the oratory skill required."

Tamasese described his film as "my image of what I see of growing up in Samoa", and "a bit like a tour. You get thrown into this place and you are seeing things", witnessing aspects of Samoan life without explanation - such as evening prayer time (''sa''), or ritual atonement (''ifoga'').

Angel's Friends

Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils/Demons (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils. The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered. Angels and Devils cannot operate at the same time, so they decide, clashing in the Challenge Room, who will work first. Moreover, they are subject to the V.E.T.O. (Vetoed from Exposing, Touching or Obstructing/Overhearing in the comic – ).

Comic plot

While the Angels and Devils are attending their stage on Earth, the planet is threatened by ancient creatures, the Reliveds, led by a mysterious man called Maliki. He was a Devil who gave up his eternal life because he loved a human woman, named Vera. When she left him, he decided to take revenge on all Angels, Devils and humans. As a result, the Angels and Devils form an alliance to fight against him.

Cartoon plot

First season

The evil Neutral One Reina, imprisoned in the Limbo with her slave Maliki, wants to take revenge of Angels and Devils who confined her. To get free, a sacrilege is necessary: because of this, she exploits the rising feelings between Raf, an Angel, and Sulfus, a Devil, forcing them to kiss. The sacrilege breaks the chains and Reina, once free, tells the truth about her origins to Raf: she was born a Terrestrial, not an angel and was adopted by the High Spheres when her parents, two powerful sovereigns, died during the struggle between Angels and Devils. Reina persuades Raf to enter in the Hall of Portraits to see her parents' faces: while Raf is in, Reina steals all of the portraits to control the Earthly One's will. At the end of the first season, using the ''Prism Fly'' ability, Raf manages to defeat Reina. Raf discovers that her real father is Maliki, who sacrifices himself to save her, while her mother is imprisoned somewhere in an endless slumber.

Second season

After the Summer vacations, Angels and Devils return to the Golden School to begin the second year of their stage, their new Earthly Ones are given to them. Meanwhile, Sulfus is blackmailed by two masked Eternals who hold in their possession Raf's mother: Angelie. In order to make sure Sulfus does not try to escape their control, a mysterious girl: Blue, watches over him. Raf and Sulfus' love is highly tested with the appearance of these new enemies and more mysteries about Raf's past are revealed. At the end of the second season, Raf and Sulfus learn that the School's Angel principal and also angelic army general, Cassidy, and Devil principal and also demonic army general, Kubral, manipulated them in order to destroy the V.E.T.O.'s scales and wage war against each other. The season ends on a cliffhanger of Blue, the princess of Limbo, who goes back to Limbo with what she wanted by the two Golden School's principals and frees Reina. Although there is no sign of a season 3 in the works.

The Sleep of Babies

Abel is finally healthy enough to return home. Wendy walks in on a tender moment between Jax and Tara and realizes that Gemma is using her to get to Tara. Wendy confronts Gemma, then notifies Tara that she intends to mend her relationship with Jax and that Gemma is determined to sabotage Jax and Tara's relationship. Having sold all of their arms from Ireland and strapped for cash to pay for Bobby's legal defense, Clay plans to sell the club's own guns to the Mayans. In Oakland, Clay and Jax are to pick up the guns, while Tig and Opie drop off the money. However, Clay has given Tig orders to kill Opie. Eager to play both sides of the war between the Mayans and One-Niners, Clay also makes arrangements with Laroy Wayne - leader of the One-Niners - to ambush the sale. Clay and Jax escape the ambush unscathed, and when given the chance to kill Opie, Tig balks. Tig tells Clay that he didn't get a chance to kill Opie during the chaos of the ambush, so Clay orders Tig to finish the job after Abel's homecoming party and to make it look like a drive-by perpetrated by the One-Niners. Feeling guilty that Stahl's actions have framed an innocent man, Hale tells Unser about the bugs the ATF planted on Opie. He then angrily confronts Stahl, who is being pulled from the cold case. At Abel's homecoming, Tara kisses Jax in front of Wendy, and slaps Jax when he privately asks her not to rub their relationship in Wendy's face. Tara leaves, as does Opie and his family. Opie takes the kids home in Donna's car, and Donna takes Opie's truck to run some errands for Gemma, who is busy hosting the party. Unser shows up at the party and tells Clay that Opie is innocent. Clay attempts to call off the hit, but Tig misses the call and shoots at Opie's truck with an UZI, accidentally killing Donna. SAMCRO is quick to arrive at the crime scene, and as everyone consoles a devastated Opie, Jax shoots a furious glare at Clay, and Hale blames a shocked Stahl for Donna's death. Back at their home, Wendy consoles Jax and the two have sex.

Strike Commando

Sgt. Michael Ransom (Brown) and his team of ''"Strike Commandos"'' are sneaking into a Vietnamese base, who are planning to lay explosives. Colonel Radek and Ransom's majors watch from a nearby vantage point. All prove to be successful, until one of the commandos is caught and killed by a sentry, rising the alarm. The commandos have no choice but to retreat, but Colonel Radek who is in charge of the mission demands the explosives be set off as the commandos are still retreating. One of the explosives kill one of Ransom's soldiers as he retreats, and Ransom is blown into a river.

Ransom drifts unconscious in the river until he is found by a village boy, who treat and nurse him back to health. He speaks with Le Due (Pigozzi) a retired French soldier who says the village used to be a church until the Viet Cong kept attacking. Ransom also learns that there is a Russian presence in Vietnam. Ransom agrees to take the Vietnamese village people to safety in an unknown location. As they come across a decomposed dead soldier who has a radio, Ransom calls his home base and tells his commander that he's alive and where he could be picked up. However, he also says that the Strike team demands justice and that he will strike vengeance. Radek sends a helicopter to retrieve Ransom at a specific spot. Ransom and the village people make camp, as Ransom talks to the village boy who saved him about the wonders of America and Disneyland.

The next day, the group run into resistance while trying to cross a river, and are shot down by a nearby patrol boat. Ransom decides to go into the river and take down the boat. However, the group is flanked by a group of VC's who are taken down by Le Due with a grenade. Ransom dumps a huge amount of grenades into the boat and kills everyone in the patrol boat.

Later, the village people still make their retreat out of the jungle. While Le Due stops to catch his breath he is caught and choked to death by a Russian soldier. Ransom finds the corpse of Le Due and finds a Russian patch symbol torn from the soldiers uniform. The Russian soldiers are in search of the village people as Ransom kills them off one by one. Ransom soon discovers, however, that there are too many and that he must retreat. Radek commands the helicopter to retreat to base, but Ransom's major is able to talk the soldier into picking him up anyway. Ransom's major is able to calm Ransom so much so that Ransom volunteers to go back to take pictures of the base so that there will be proof of Russian presence in Vietnam.

Ransom goes back to Vietnam but finds the village people have been slaughtered. Ransom finds the village boy that helped him in the beginning as he is dying. Ransom tells him more things about the amazing Disneyland, just as he dies. Ransom finds the name of the Russian soldier, Jakoda, and seeks revenge. Ransom mugs a VC and he tells him where to find Jakoda. Ransom, enraged, fires at the village with his stolen M60 machine gun. Jakoda finds Ransom reloading the weapon, but he is able to talk Ransom into surrendering by holding a civilian hostage. Ransom's superiors find out that there are Russians in there and that now he is going to be tortured. They brutally torture Ransom by having him do exhausting yard work for hours, beating him, electrifying him, and burning his back with a blow torch. After spending months in a cell with a corpse, Ransom breaks and agrees to make a demoralizing radio broadcast. However, he is able to get the best of the Russian soldiers and kills them. Ransom takes Jakoda's girlfriend Olga (Kamteeg) hostage, he is able to kill some of the soldiers using Olga as bait. He then radios Radek to bring another chopper to pick him up, and he kills more of the soldiers. When Ransom and Olga reach the pick up point, Olga says that they will not pick up Ransom but attempt to kill him. The helicopter flies by but kills Olga and almost kills Ransom. Ransom is able to gun down one of the gunmen and the helicopter retreats. Ransom then comes across an army boat and dives in to go kill some more soldiers. A VC sneaks up on him and strangles him, but Ransom is able to stab him and dives out when the ship explodes.

Ransom comes back to the shore and kills a Russian soldier, but Jakoda boots him in the head and challenges Ransom in a fight. Ransom and Jakoda brutally beat each other until Ransom gets the best of Jakoda and propels him into a waterfall, possibly killing him. Ransom yells in triumph.

Ransom is able to find his way back to base and is enraged and looking for Radek. He fires at Radek's office. But Ransom's major says that Radek has gone AWOL. However, one of the generals finds out where Radek is hiding.

Ransom finds out that Radek has actually become an importer/exporter in Manila. Ransom arrives at the building where Radek is, and goes to the front desk lady. He then lays a 2-minute grenade on the ash tray on the desk. The lady then alerts all the people. Ransom roams the halls of the building using his M60 and mows down all the men. He then loads a grenade on his gun and fires at Radek, blowing him up.

Ransom then leaves the building, but he finds that Jakoda is back and that he has got a pair of metal teeth from their last fight. Jakoda tackles Ransom, but Ransom puts a grenade in Jakoda's mouth; Ransom runs and Jakoda explodes, leaving only his metal teeth behind and the echo of Jadoka screaming, ''Amerikanski!''.

Bastion (video game)

The game takes place in the aftermath of the Calamity, a catastrophic event that suddenly fractured the city of Caelondia ( ) as well as the surrounding areas of the game's world into many floating pieces, disrupting its ecology and reducing most of its people to ash. Players take control of the Kid, a silent protagonist who awakens on one of the few remaining pieces of the old world and sets off for the eponymous Bastion, where everyone was supposed to go in troubled times. The only survivor he meets there is an elderly man named Rucks, the game's narrator, who instructs him to collect the Cores that once powered Caelondia. A device in the Bastion can use the power of the crystalline Cores to create landmasses and structures, as well as enable the Kid to travel farther afield via "skyways" that propel him through the air.

During his quest, the Kid meets two more survivors: Zulf, an ambassador from the Ura, underground-dwelling people with whom Caelondia was once at war; and Zia, an Ura girl who was raised in Caelondia. Both of them return to the Bastion, but upon reading a journal that the Kid discovers, Zulf intentionally damages parts of the Bastion's central device (the monument) and returns to Ura territory. The Kid learns that the journal belonged to Zia's father, Venn, who had worked for the Caelondians. He had helped Caelondian scientists ("Mancers") build a weapon intended to destroy the Ura completely to prevent another war. Venn rigged the weapon to backfire, so that when he was finally forced to trigger it, the resulting Calamity destroyed most of Caelondia as well.

To repair Zulf's damage to the Bastion, the Kid starts collecting Shards, a lesser form of Cores. As he obtains the penultimate shard needed, the Ura attack the Bastion, damaging it and abducting Zia. In the next seven days, The Kid engages in sporadic skirmishes in Ura territory. When he finally blasts through an Ura outpost and meets Zia, she tells him that she had left with the Ura voluntarily to find out their intentions; Rucks had previously told Zia that the Bastion had the ability to somehow fix the Calamity. The Kid travels to the once-underground Ura homeland to retrieve the last shard. There, he discovers Zulf being attacked by his own people: the battle with the Kid has devastated the Ura forces, and they blame Zulf for bringing the Kid to their home. The Kid can choose to drop his weapon to help Zulf or leave him. If he leaves Zulf behind, the Kid destroys the remnants of the Ura and escapes through a skyway. If he chooses to carry Zulf, Ura archers initially open fire on them but ultimately cease fire and watch silently as the Kid and Zulf take the skyway back to the Bastion.

After the Kid returns and recovers, Rucks gives him another choice: He can have the Bastion rewind time to before the Calamity in the hopes of preventing it, or use it to evacuate the survivors and move on to somewhere safe. Rucks is unsure if there is any way to prevent the Calamity from reoccurring if the time is rewound, as there was no way to test the process. The game ends either way, showing images of the characters (with the inclusion of Zulf if the player chose to rescue him) flying away or of their lives before the Calamity along with the credits. In the New Game+ mode, which is unlocked after beating the game once, it is hinted that restoring the world did not prevent the Calamity.

Entrada (Fringe)

At the end of the previous episode, Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) was able to cross over back to her universe long enough to warn Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) she is trapped in the parallel universe. After receiving the message, Peter tests the Olivia from the other dimension, "Fauxlivia", by telling her the Greek phrase ''Na einai kalytero anthropo apo ton patera tou'' (roughly, "May he be a better person than his father"), which Olivia told Peter in the "New Day in the Old Town". When Fauxlivia fails to recognize the phrase, Peter confirms his suspicions. Realizing she has been exposed, Fauxlivia forces Peter to inject himself with a paralyzing agent. She then goes to a typewriter store in the Bronx to contact the parallel universe to request an extraction.

After Peter recovers, the Fringe team starts a search for Fauxlivia. Walter Bishop (John Noble) is distressed that he has no idea how to find Fauxlivia and no idea how to bring Olivia back. However, Astrid Farnsworth (Jasika Nicole) discovers Fauxlivia brought Walter malasadas from a bakery in the Bronx. Peter, Walter, Farnsworth and Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick) search the nearby area, Peter finds the typewriter store and the team finds the typewriter used to contact the other universe (a "quantum entanglement" device). There, the team realizes that Fauxlivia is going to a train station in Newark for a 4:00 PM pick-up.

Meanwhile, in the parallel universe, "Walternate" (Noble) plans on using Olivia's body in order for her alternate self to return home, as it would require a person of Olivia's mass to complete the transfer. However, Walternate arranges for Olivia's brain to be removed for further study on how to traverse universes safely. Before she is to start the operation, Olivia receives a visit from Colonel Broyles (the alternate universe's counterpart to her FBI supervisor), who is still grateful to Olivia for helping his son. Olivia convinces him that her universe is not at war with theirs; the troubles started not from any hostile action, but only as an accidental side-effect of Walter's initial crossing to save Peter. Broyles later talks with his wife and then returns to Liberty Island to save Olivia. Together, the two reach the immersion tank that Olivia used earlier, but find it empty. As a back-up plan, the two travel to Walternate's long abandoned lab at Harvard to use the sensory deprivation tank. Broyles reveals there is a GPS tracker in him, but manages to buy Olivia enough time to successfully return to her universe.

As this transpires, Fauxlivia meets with a shapeshifter at the station to inject her with resonating rods. By that time, Broyles and Peter arrive at the station. To ensure her escape, Fauxlivia holds a hostage. However, Peter realizes the hostage is the shapeshifter when the hostage is unable to state the name of "her" nearby daughter. Peter shoots the shapeshifter in the head, killing it, and Fauxlivia is arrested. Later, the team learns that their own Olivia has returned. However, Fauxlivia still manages to escape back to her universe, leaving behind the mutilated body of the alternate counterpart of Broyles to make up for her mass. While Peter and Olivia reunite at a hospital, the typewriter store owner trades a piece of the doomsday device in exchange for the restoration of his paralyzed legs.

Over There (Fringe)

Part one

Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) and FBI agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) discover that Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) has agreed to return with his real father, dubbed "Walternate" (Noble), to his own universe called the Other Side, which runs parallel to ours. One of the mysterious Observers (Michael Cerveris) leaves Olivia a note indicating that Peter is named in a prophecy as the one responsible for the end of the world. To warn Peter of his impending role, the Fringe Division work with biotechnology corporation Massive Dynamic to come up with a way to cross over. They form a plan that takes advantage of Olivia's universe-hopping ability, and recruit three other Cortexiphan test subjects who have unique abilities: Nick Lane (David Call), Sally Clark (Pascale Hutton), and James Heath (Omar Metwally), two of whom appeared in previous episodes. The team—composed of Walter, Olivia, Nick, Sally, and James—successfully arrives on the Other Side. James dies shortly after arrival, but the rest manage to escape the alternate reality's Fringe Division, who had used their special technology to detect their arrival. It is revealed that Walternate is the Secretary of Defense on the Other Side.

Peter reunites with his real mother, Elizabeth (Orla Brady), while Walter's team journeys to meet with William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) at Central Park. But instead of Bell the alternate Fringe Division appears, and attacks Walter's team. Nick is shot and Sally stays with him; she produces a suicidal fireball that torches both her and Nick to ashes and severely burns the Other Side Fringe Division's principal investigator Lincoln Lee (Seth Gabel). Walter is shot and walks to the hospital. Olivia follows her alternate counterpart and encounters Bell, who insists he did not betray their location to the Fringe Division and tells her that Walter is in trouble. Walternate is seen in the room housing the doomsday device Peter will be a part of, and leaves with its final component.

Part two

Walternate learns of Walter's presence in the hospital and dispatches "Fauxlivia" (Torv) and "Alt-Charlie" (Kirk Acevedo) to apprehend him, but before their arrival Bell and Olivia liberate Walter and escape. Fauxlivia sees a surveillance shot of Olivia and Walter and decides to confer with Walternate about the doppelgängers. During a discussion in his office, Walternate lies to Peter about the doomsday machine's real purpose, claiming it can help to heal both worlds. Fauxlivia meets Peter in Walternate's office and subsequently drives him to his new apartment. Walter and Bell travel to Harvard to collect some equipment necessary for the journey back to their own universe, and Walter reveals his intense dislike for Bell, whom he considers to have been a selfish war profiteer while he himself was locked away for seventeen years. Bell tells Walter that the parallel universe equivalent of himself died in a car accident as a young man. Olivia confronts Fauxlivia, who recognizes that Olivia has feelings for Peter. The women fight, and after rendering Fauxlivia unconscious Olivia dyes her hair to assume Fauxlivia's identity. Meanwhile, Peter discovers that the machine is symbiotic and needs a particular human to control it—him.

Olivia and an oblivious alt-Charlie visit Peter to take him to a safe location. Olivia knocks out alt-Charlie and reveals herself to Peter, informing him of the machine's real purpose and Walternate's intentions. Peter tells her that he does not belong in either reality, following which Olivia admits her romantic feelings for him and convinces him to leave with her. The couple race to meet Walter and Bell at the Opera House, where Fauxlivia and a team of Fringe Commandos catch up with them. Bell and Olivia hold off the assault while Peter and Walter set up the dimensional device to enable their return home. Lacking a fuel source for the device, Bell sacrifices himself to create a nuclear reaction, using his body's unstable molecular state. Close to death, Bell reveals that he removed Walter's memories at his own request, and he and Walter are reconciled. Olivia, Walter, and Peter return home. Peter tells Walter he will never understand him, but because Walter traveled to another universe twice to save him—which has "gotta count for something"—he forgives him. Olivia is revealed to be Fauxlivia, infiltrating Our Side, when she arrives at a typewriter communication station to await orders. The Olivia from our world is then seen in a military detention center on the Other Side. Walternate visits and stares at Olivia without speaking before leaving her in the dark, in solitary confinement.

The Iceman (film)

When a man insults Richard Kuklinski's fiancé during a game of pool, he follows the man to his car and murders him by slashing his throat. Kuklinski marries Deborah in 1964 and the couple have two daughters. Kuklinski presents himself to everyone as a normal working man, but he has a dark, violent side that he hides. As a boy he and his younger brother were the subject of brutal beatings from their immigrant Polish father, shaping the boys into emotionally disturbed, sadistic young men. His brother is serving a life sentence in prison for raping and murdering a 12-year old girl.

Kuklinski works dubbing pornographic films, but tells his wife he dubs cartoons. The mob-backed company he works for is shut down by Roy DeMeo, a powerful New York City gangster. DeMeo tests Kuklinski by having him kill a homeless man then hires him as an enforcer and contract killer. In 1975, Kuklinski moves his family into a nice suburban home and starts telling people he works at a currency trading company. He is ordered to kill a man who betrayed DeMeo, but finds a teenage girl in the closet afterwards. Freezy, a freelance hitman also hired by DeMeo, almost kills her, but is stopped by Kuklinski. DeMeo, already involved in a dispute with the Cali Cartel, is furious when he learns what happened and decommissions Kuklinski indefinitely. Needing money, he makes a deal with Freezy to carry out his murder contracts for him in return for half the bounties.

Kuklinski's home life is beginning to unravel. He starts becoming incapable of hiding his inner rage and shows bursts of anger towards his wife and strangers. DeMeo's boss Leo Merks hires Freezy to kill one of DeMeo's associates, which Kuklinski does by poisoning him with cyanide. DeMeo finds out about the hits Kuklinski has been doing behind his back and threatens to kill his family if they ever cross paths again. Kuklinski then goes to Leo Merks to collect the bounty money, but Leo is furious that the job was not untraceable. He refuses to pay anything, prompting Kuklinski to shoot him dead. Kuklinski's daughter is hospitalized after a hit and run by DeMeo. Both Kuklinski and Freezy have to go on the run to escape DeMeo, but Kuklinski kills Freezy for suggesting that they kill each other's families to prevent them from talking to the police and then claiming that he already knows where Kuklinski lives (although Kuklinski is certain that he has never mentioned his address to Freezy).

Following an undercover sting operation, Kuklinski is arrested in 1986. Neither his wife nor his daughters had ever suspected him of being a killer. Kuklinski admits to having committed over 100 murders, both for personal reasons and for profit, in his 22-year career. After being sentenced to two life terms in prison, he never sees his wife and daughters again. As the movie ends, Kuklinski's only regret is hurting his family through the crimes he committed. In 2006, he dies in a prison hospital, from a rare inflammatory disease; the film's closing intertitles indicate that foul play was suspected in his death as he was scheduled to testify at the trial of a Gambino family underboss.

The Beggar (film)

Emam plays Hasanin, an uneducated man who leaves his small village to live with his uncle's family in the city. After having no luck keeping a job, he must return to his village. On the way, after getting kicked out of a mosque he tries to sleep at, he ends up in a homeless shelter that he discovers is actually run by a gang forcing people to beg in the streets after maiming them. Hasanin is set out to pose as if he is a blind beggar.Behbehani, Ali I. [ Letter to the Editor], ''Arab Times'', Retrieved January 24, 2011

Imperio de cristal

Sofía Vidal has been having nightmares during her childhood with her mother's death. Now as an adult, the dreams shift to Katia, her daughter. One day she assists with her husband Uriel and Katia to a party at the Lombardos' mansion.

Cesar, the headship of the Lombardo family and company (the powerful crystal entrepreneurs), finds out that Sofia is the daughter of his impossible love. Elena, who died tragically in an accident, when Sofia was still a child. Cesar, without Sofia knowing it, decides to protect her because of Elena's memory, which he cherishes still.

Cesar is married in second nuptials to Livia Arizmedi, a former actress who dreams on recovering her career. Sofia's appearance seriously worries Livia, considering her an intruder who could displace her, just as Elena would have done in the past.

Livia, who hides a terrible secret that involves Sophia, plots against her, trying to separate her from the family. For this, she convinces a friend of her, Renata, to seduce Uriel and cheat on Sofia. Julio Lombardo is the third of Cesar's children and the black sheep of the family. After studying in Italy he returns to Mexico in order to marry his childhood sweetheart, Elisa.

Augusto, Cesar's second children, is obsessed by Sofia and is determined to taking her at any price, knowing besides that it's the way for his father to name as his successor in the enterprises Augusto does everything to end Sofia's marriage, until finally Uriel decides to abandon her and little Katia.

Sofia and Julio meet and great passion arises between them, to the extent that Julio is determined to face anything, including ending his relationship with Elisa. To make that Julio will come back with her, Elisa convinces her father, Bernal to fire Sofia since he's her boss at the Prisma company unless she leaves Julio.

Sofia accepts but Cesar helps her by finding her a job at the Lombardo company. Cesar's youngest children are twins: Narda and Claudio who're despised by their parents, the first because she's capricious and stubborn and the second because he has been in an insane asylum for years (because the sadistic Augusto has been abusing him, at the back of his family) creating him an infantile psychosis and making him paranoid and traumatized.

While Elisa stops chasing Julio because she has fallen in love with Julio's best friend, German. But Bernal disapproves of this relationship. Octavio, Cesar's oldest son and next in line to inherit the family headship, has an illness that makes him become very sick every time he has a pressure.

Due to this, Augusto breaks the machines that Octavio had bought for the company, making Octavio fells ill again. Then he sends Esther and Marco Aurelio (Octavio's wife and son) to the movies and puts an overdose of his pills in his figs with the help of Livia.

Octavio dies and Claudio sees what happened but he's unable to say anything to the family because of Augusto's abuse. To be sure that Claudio won't say anything about Octavio's death, he sets his dog on him who bites him severely. When the family returns from Octavio's wake ceremony they're surprised to see an injured Claudio muttering to himself "Don't touch me. If you do I'll break... I'll break like glass".

Since them he avoids contact with others but his family ignores him because they think he's mentally unstable again. Only Julio believes him. After Octavio's death, Narda begins working at the Lombardos' company but Augusto has Bruno, a poor-class guy, seduce her and make her pregnant. Bruno fells in love with Narda in the process but he's kicked out after it was revealed that he was hired by Augusto.

It's shown that Livia's mother has lived in an asylum for years without her grandchildren to know about this, until Julio finds it out. Augusto hires Uriel, who's now Sofia's ex-husband to help him with his evil plans. For this, he kidnaps Katia (who happily agrees as she can see her father again) but Julio rescues her.

Then, in Katia's birthday, Uriel decides to betray Augusto so he will have the money for him. Augusto kills Uriel with a car, as he was going to Katia's party. Claudio finds the gift that Uriel had been planning on giving to Katia, which is a teddy bear and a note that reveals that Augusto killed Octavio.

This makes Claudio more reclusive and paranoid due to his fear of Augusto. When Cesar and his family are in a yacht, Augusto poisons and throws Cesar to the sea. Sofia and Julio go to the asylum in which Antonia, Livia's mother, remains. They try to make her reveal if Livia killed Elena but the old woman says that she will only talk to Elena (even she knew that she was dead).

Sofia dresses up as Elena and Antonia reveals that years ago, when Sofia was a young girl, Livia talked to Elena to cut her relationship with Cesar. When she refuses, Livia changes the parts of the car making that the car crashed and Elena died, while Sofia survived.

Sofia takes the conclusion that Antonia is in the asylum because Livia locked her there so she won't say what happened that day (as she saw what Livia was doing to the car). Julio and Esther ask Claudio if he knows what happened. The young man reveals that Augusto crashed the machines Octavio bought for the company so he would fall ill and when Claudio revealed the plot to Octavio, Augusto poisoned the figs and " made his heart break.".

While saying this Clauido breaks down again. Livia causes a heart attack that results in Bernal´s death after she reveals that she's the new owner of Prisma, Bernal's company. Before his death he approves German and Elisa relationship. That night, Claudio, Katia and Marco make a puppet show named "''The Rat Trap''" that reveals with indirects to the family. All the crimes Augusto committed (included Octavio's murder).

Cesar survived the fall from the ocean and tries to send Augusto to prison but he escapes. Then he shoots Julio and Sofia resulting with an injured Julio. Narda gives birth to twins, like she and Claudio are. She forgives Bruno for what he did and ends up with him. Julio is in the hospital and Claudio takes care of him. Juanita calls Claudio and prevents him from Augusto, who is coming to kill Julio. Claudio hides Julio in a closet and Augusto plan fails.

Julio and Claudio decide to go for Sofia who is in the theater. Livia, who is preparing herself to return as an actress, reveals to Sofia that she killed Elena and everyone hears this on the stereophones of the theater. Cesar with the help of Bruno had made a trap so Livia will confess. It's revealed to Augusto that Cesar is not his father but Phillippe, Livia's lover and a French actor. He gives money to Phillipe in order to never see him again and despises his mother.

Andrea meets an ex-boyfriend who saved Cesar from drowning at the sea. He tries to start a relationship with her again but she refuses, since her family is the most important thing to her by now. Cesar apologizes to Claudio and reveals that he always knew the abuse he was going through but never did anything (as Cesar was more interested in Elena by that time).

Claudio accepts and says that he does not hate his family for what they did except Augusto, but he's disappointed because he could not help Julio much and he's weak. Cesar denies this. Livia is left alone and tries to cut her wrists wearing the costume she was supposed to wear at her return as an actress. No one tries to help her but Claudio.

Seeing that her youngest son still loves her after all the abuse and neglect, Livia apologizes to Claudio and says that he's the kindest and the best of the family. Cesar knows by a letter that Augusto is not his son. Augusto tries to kill a pregnant Sofia but Julio pushes him to a glass door that crashes resulting in his immediate death.

There's a Baptism party for Julio Cesar, Julio and Sofia's baby son. Juanita tells Claudio that he had won a contest of crystal design and his castles. Narda reveals that she sent Claudio's designs to the contest. Claudio takes Julio's former job at the Lombardos' company: glass designer.

Cesar names Julio as the Lombardos' successor and family headship. Livia goes to her own asylum in which she is attended by Flora. Sofia has another nightmare in which Augusto kills her and her baby with a sword. She wakes up and finds herself with Julio, their son and her daughter. Sofia tells them that her nightmares are gone and her dreams had just started. Finally the Lombardo family can live happily.

'''Character''' '''Sofía Vidal''' (Protagonist) Daughter of Elena. As a young girl, her mother died in a car accident and she has frequent nightmares after this (sometimes is her daughter, Katia, that appears). In a party she mets the Lombardo family and Cesar is surprised to see that she resembles his sweetheart, Elena. After this she begins to work in the Lombardo company and fells in love with Julio but she is forced to marry Augusto. '''Julio Lombardo''' (Protagonist) Third children of the Lombardo family and the black sheep of the family. He returns to Mexico after studying for years in Italy to marry his girlfriend Elisa. But he fells in love with Sofia and lefts Elisa. Unlike Augusto, Julio is not interested in his father's inheritance thus making him fight with his father several times. The problems at the house makes him to care more for his family and take his revenge on Augusto. '''Augusto Lombardo''' (Villain) Second children of the Lombardo family and Livia's favorite. He's very smart but also sinister and greedy. He is abusive towards Claudio to the point that the younger was sent to an insane asylum. He decides to use Sofia for his plans by making him marry her in order to receive his father's inheritance. In the end he's revealed that his father isn't Cesar, but Phillipe, a French actor and Livia's affair. He is later killed by Julio. '''Livia Arizmendi''' (Villain) Cesar's second wife and a retired actress. She dislikes Sofia because she believes that her presence and the fact she looks a lot like Elena (who Cesar truly loved) is bad for the Lombardo family. She helps Augusto with his plans because she believes that he will help her to become the star actress she once was. '''Narda Lombardo''' - Fourth child of the Lombardo family and Claudio's older twin. She's a rebel and a spoiled princess but this is just to get attention from her parents. She's mean to Claudio, but she truly loves him. When she begins working at the family company, Augusto tries to make her quit and convinces Bruno to seduce her. In the end she gets pregnant with twins. '''César Lombardo''' - The head of the Lombardo family. '''Claudio Lombardo''' - Fifth child of the Lombardo family and Narda's twin. As a child he was abused mentally and physically by Augusto to the point that (after a severe beaten by Augusto's side that caused Claudio to break down) he was sent to an insane asylum in which he spent his childhood and his first teenage years, because everyone thought that he was mentally unstable (except Octavio who knew everything that happened to him but never said a word). He is released but has become traumatized and paranoid to the point of stutter and wear baggy clothes. He is still very afraid of Augusto (who still abuses him) and still loves his parents and his siblings (except Augusto) even they think he's mentally unstable. He's also childish and creative and loves to make castles. '''Octavio Lombardo''' - First child of the Lombardo family. The only son of Cesar and his first wife. He is the next in line to inherit the family headship but he is ill most of the time. To kill him so he could inherit the family headship, Augusto (with the help of Livia) poisons the figs he was eating and dies. Before dying, he convinces Claudio (who saw the murder) to act like he's really mentally unstable so Augusto would not suspect of him. He's revealed to be the only one that knew about Augusto's abuse towards Claudio but never said a word even when Claudio was unjustly locked away.

You Must Remember This (House)

When a waitress, Nadia, (portrayed by Tina Holmes) with a perfect memory suffers temporary paralysis, her older sister visits her in the hospital, which triggers high stress levels and even more health complications. The patient's sharp memory proves detrimental when a grudge she's been holding against her sibling gets in the way of receiving proper medical treatment, and Masters discovers that patching a broken sisterhood may prove to be more complex than diagnosing the patient who was finally diagnosed with McLeod syndrome which House came up with from the fact that the patient has a hobby of solving jigsaw puzzles. Meanwhile, Foreman volunteers to help Taub prepare for a medical examination, and House, determined to help Wilson get back in the dating scene, discovers Wilson's secret new companion, a cat named Sara.

The Girl with the Hungry Eyes (1995 film)

A fashion model in the 1930s, who owns an Art Deco Miami hotel, kills herself when her fiancé is unfaithful to her. Sixty years later she returns to life as a vampire.

The Scapegoat (2011 film)

Şahin K. is a wealthy and famous (or, rather, ''infamous'') man who is discontented with his life. All he wants is to leave behind his past in Germany, wipe the slate clean and start leading a normal, low profile life in the southwest coastal town of Bodrum. In the meantime, he is also trying to win back his estranged son, who turned his back on him years ago because of his infamous career. However, as Şahin K. strives to win back his son, he unwillingly becomes a local hero to whom the entire town turns to get their problems solved.

Breathless (2008 film)

Sang-hoon is a foul-mouthed and violent gangster working for an illegal money-lending organization run by his long-time friend and loan shark, Man-shik. He is first seen attacking protestors who are disrupting the work of a construction company with the other members of the organization. Sang-hoon has a nephew, Hyung-in, whom he adores. His sister cares about the nephew also, even inviting him to dinner. Sang-hoon and her are on less than friendly terms and he avoids her. It is revealed that when he was a kid, his abusive father once had a quarrel with his mother and stabbed his sister by accident. His mother was then hit by a car. It is implied that his father has remarried.

One day, after visiting his nephew, he accidentally spits on a high school student, Han Yeon-hee, who demands that he apologize. They get into an argument and he punches her, knocking her unconscious. When she wakes up, she realizes that Sang-hoon was waiting for her to awake and has wiped her clothes clean. Undaunted by his ferocity, she demands compensation from him. He is intrigued by her spunk and they form a tenuous friendship. While Sang-hoon believes that Yeon-hee comes from a rich family, they, in fact, have trouble regularly paying the rent. Her father is a war veteran who has delusions that Yeon-hee's mother is still alive. Both her father and brother, Han Young-jae, frequently threaten and verbally abuse her.

A junior colleague of Sang-hoon recruits a friend, Young-jae, to work as a debt collector for Man-shik. On his first day, he accompanies Sang-hoon and his friend on their rounds. He is hesitant and Sang-hoon berates him.

One day, as Sang-hoon visits his father – recently released from prison for stabbing Sang-hoon's sister with a knife – his father has already cut his own wrists. It is then that he realizes how much he still loves his father. That same day, Yeon-hee's father is even more paranoid and threatens her with a knife. Sang-hoon and Yeon-hee meet up for a drink and both weep, overcome with emotion.

Sang-hoon tells Man-shik that it will be his last day as a gangster and invites him to meet Yeon-hee, his sister and Hyun-in. Man-shik also decides that he has had enough and wants to open a gogi gui restaurant. On his last day as a debt collector, he is doing the rounds with Young-jae. Young-jae beats a debtor against Sang-hoon's wishes, and the debtor responds by hitting Sang-hoon with a hammer. As Sang-hoon walks away with Young-jae, blood starts to flow out of his nose. He asks Young-jae for a handkerchief, but Young-jae attacks him with a hammer, and leaves him dying by the road.

In the epilogue, it is strongly suggested that Sang-hoon died. Yeon-hee, Hyung-in, Sang-hoon's sister and father enjoy dinner together at Man-shik's newly opened restaurant. On leaving, Yeon-hee sees her brother destroying a street-side food stall like her late mother's.

Boat (2009 film)

Hyung-gu, a young smuggler, was raised by his boss Bo-kyeong after his mother left him when he was six years old. Hyung-gu's boss asks him to work with a Japanese man named Toru; Toru needs the money to support his younger sister. Hyung-gu and Toru are forced to live on Hyung-gu's boat and kidnap a Korean woman named Ji-su, which leads to trouble.

Eve (1968 film)

An explorer looking for a priceless missing Inca treasure in the Amazon jungle runs across a bikini clad and barefoot young woman named Eve, who is worshipped as a goddess by jungle natives. Eve is also being pursued by a showman who wants her for his freak show; by the natives who now want to kill her for helping a white man; and by an explorer, Eve's grandfather, who wants to silence her.

The Turn of the Screw (2009 film)

The film's story is told in a series of flashbacks interspersed with discussions between Ann (Dockery), a patient in a sanatorium, and Dr Fisher (Stevens), a sceptical and atheistic psychiatrist. Despite the suggestion of his superior (Redgrave) that he focus upon soldiers who have returned from the First World War, Fisher wishes to help Ann if he can.

In flashbacks, Ann is hired by a wealthy and sophisticated aristocrat (Umbers) to act as a governess for his orphaned nephew and niece who live at Bly. He tells her that he is not to be bothered in London, and that Ann is to deal with any problems that may arise. Ann travels to Bly, where she meets the all-female household staff—led by Mrs Sarah Grose (Johnston), the housekeeper—and then the young Flora (Sayer), one of Ann's new pupils. Ann finds the house unnerving, and the staff standoffish and unwilling to talk. Ann subsequently receives a letter informing her that Miles (Lindsay), her other pupil, has been expelled from his boarding school, but is assured by Mrs Grose that Miles is well-behaved. When he arrives at Bly, Ann finds Miles to be charming, and although he does not explain what happened at school, she does not push him. Her interactions with the children are idyllic, and they sail on Bly's lake and enjoy picnics together. Meanwhile, Ann fantasises about the Master, futilely hoping that he will visit.

Ann discovers that her predecessor, Emily Jessel (Lightfoot), is buried in Bly's church, and is told that Jessel killed herself. She also begins to see the figures of a young man and a young woman around Bly. Mrs Grose dismisses Ann's stories, but one maid, Carla (Walker), tells Ann of the sexually abusive former valet Peter Quint (MacLiam). Mrs Grose reveals that Carla had been badly affected by the War, and is prone to flights of fancy. Later, Ann is woken at night by the figure of the woman, and follows her to find Flora standing next to an open window. The pair see Carla fall from the roof, landing near Miles, who is in the garden. Ann rushes outside, and sees the male figure on the roof. Inside again, Mrs Grose assures Ann that she must be confused.

Ann believes the figures to be the ghosts of Quint and Jessel, seeking to continue their passionate and violent sexual encounters through Miles and Flora. However, she is concerned to find that others apparently cannot see the ghosts. She then begins to suspect that Miles and Flora, having been groomed by and involved in the activities of Quint and Jessel, may be deliberately seeking to bring the pair back. She resolves to leave Bly, but, when saying goodbye to Miles, learns that he, too, sees the figures. Minutes after leaving, she asks to be taken back. Later, Ann panics, believing Miles and Flora to have left the house. She finds them by the lake, but they are playing roughly; when Miles pushes Flora's head under the water, Ann sees the pair as Quint and Jessel. She rushes to intervene, and grapples with a figure alternating between Quint and Miles. When Ann repeatedly strikes Miles, Mrs Grose stops her, and Flora says that she no longer wishes to see Ann. After ordering the staff and Flora away from Bly, Ann waits with Miles to confront Quint. The pair are scared, but when Quint arrives Ann tells Miles to demand that Quint leave him alone. Miles (speaking with Quint's voice) shouts at Ann, but eventually (in his own voice) tells the ghostly Quint that he wishes him to leave. Ann embraces Miles, whose body goes limp.

Ann is found some time later by the police, clutching Miles's dead body, but she refuses to speak of what happened until meeting Dr Fisher. He seems to accept Ann's story, unconvinced by his own psychosexual explanations of her visions. Fisher is dismayed to see Ann led away by the police, accused of Miles's murder, and he sees Quint's face on one of the officers. The film closes with a new governess arriving at Bly.

Outerbridge Reach

The novel follows the story of a copywriter who enters an around-the-world solo boat race, and a filmmaker who makes him the subject of a documentary. Stone reportedly stated that it is partly based on the real-life story of Donald Crowhurst, though the novel does not mention Crowhurst by name. In a note from the author that appears in the first few attached pages preceding the work, Stone states as follows: "An episode in the book was suggested by an incident that actually occurred during a circumnavigation race in the mid-1960s. This novel is not a reflection on that incident but fiction referring to the present day." See Outerbridge Reach, A Novel By Robert Stone.

Ščuke pa ni, ščuke pa ne

The story was set in a town municipality office. Workers have a good boss, they don't have to work so hard. They gossip each other a lot, they have parties.

Riotous Assembly

Kommandant van Heerden, who has risen to Chief of Police of Piemburg through his family connection with a 'hero' of Boer republicanism rather than merit, is called out to deal with a strange murder case involving the eccentric British spinster, Miss Hazelstone. It appears that Miss Hazelstone has obliterated her black cook 'Fivepence' with a quadruple-barreled elephant gun. A paradoxical anglophile, van Heerden is initially willing to brush the incident under the carpet, until Miss Hazelstone reveals that she and the cook were former lovers (an offence under the Immorality Act) sharing a penchant for transvestism and rubber fetishism.

In his panic to stop the truth getting out, van Heerden places Miss Hazelstone under house arrest, calling in all reinforcements available in order to quarantine the area and places his assistant, the profoundly stupid and bloodthirsty Konstabel Els, on guard, carrying the same elephant gun. The chaos that follows turns a potentially sensitive political scandal into a full-blown catastrophe, one that van Heerden, his deputy Lieutenant Verkramp and Els must resolve to uphold the 'honour' of Piemburg and apartheid.

There Are More Things

The story's protagonist, while in Austin, Texas, receives the news of the death of his uncle, Edwin Arnett, in Turdera, Argentina, south of Buenos Aires. Shortly after, Arnett's house is bought by a man called Max Preetorius. Preetorius immediately disposes of all the furniture and initiates a series of modifications in opposition to Alexander Muir, the architect responsible for the original design of the house and the late Arnett's best friend. The modifications are performed under unusual conditions—during the night with all the windows and doors closed. In addition, all trees within the bounds of the property are cut down.

The protagonist is surprised by these events, and travels to Lomas de Zamora to investigate. He asks Muir and Preetorius' carpenter about Preetorius' intentions, and about the purpose of the strange modifications. He is unable to obtain any relevant information.

He soon discovers that the inhabitants of the town deliberately avoid passing near the house. One of the locals tells him that one night, as his gaze wandered across the house's garden, he "saw something." It is also reported that a missing dog was found decapitated and mutilated on the lawn.

One rainy night, the protagonist is caught in the storm and is forced to enter the mysterious house; the front door is unexpectedly open. Once inside, his nose immediately detects what he describes as "a sweet, sickening smell."

Turning on the lights, he discovers strange, incomprehensible pieces of furniture, such as a long U-shaped desk with circular holes on opposite ends and a ladder with irregularly-spaced steps.

When it stops raining, the horrified protagonist decides to leave. He hears the house's occupant moving between him and the door, and realizes that he will have to pass by the creature in order to exit the house. His curiosity overcomes his fear and he does not close his eyes as he does so.

The Plateau (Fringe)

Olivia (Anna Torv), trapped in the parallel universe, has been conditioned with drugs to believe she is her doppelganger, "Fauxlivia", by Walternate (John Noble), and has been integrated into the alternate Fringe team, though she is haunted by images of Peter (Joshua Jackson) and Walter (Noble) from the prime universe.

She, Charlie (Kirk Acevedo), and Lincoln (Seth Gabel) are called to the scene of an accident where a pedestrian has been run over by a bus, nearly duplicating events of a similar bus accident the day before, a statistical impossibility according to Astrid (Jasika Nicole). Olivia finds a ball-point pen at the scene, a rarity in the parallel universe because of the adoption of digital interfaces. Evidence suggests that the discovery of the pen by a bystander created a sequence of reactions that led to the victim's death. The next day, another pedestrian is wounded in a bus accident. As the Fringe team investigates the scene, finding another pen, a bystander is struck and killed by an ambulance. Olivia spots a suspicious man in the crowds, but he uses a seemingly random series of happenstance events to get away.

Olivia discovers ties between the three victims and a medical center. At the center, Dr. Levin (Malcolm Stewart) explains they help mentally challenged patients with experimental processes to boost their intelligence; Olivia observes one set of patients uses pens as they are unable to cope with digital devices. When Olivia and Charlie discuss the victims with Dr. Levin, he is able to identify their culprit as Milo (Michael Eklund), a patient taking an experimental drug to boost his IQ exponentially. Though released to care of his sole remaining family member Madeline (Kacey Rohl), he was scheduled to return to reverse the process for his own health and safety. Dr. Levin identifies all three victims as those charged to return Milo to the center, the last victim only having been selected the day before. They visit Madeline, who worries for the safety of her brother. She explains that Milo is able to predict the outcome of numerous events to the smallest detail, and only by showing him a toy horse, a connection to their deceased parents, can she break Milo's concentration. She provides Olivia and Charlie the location of the hotel that Milo is staying at.

As they return to the city, Olivia and Charlie discuss plans with Astrid on how to capture Milo, but realize that since he can predict their every move, any plan would be futile, and approach the hotel directly. Milo leads Olivia on a chase through a construction area including a marked zone where the air is too thin, expecting to crush her under a load of cement bricks. Olivia, unaware of the warning signs for the zone, races through it instead of stopping to put on a respirator, nearly asphyxiating herself, and dodges the bricks in time to capture Milo. At the center, Dr. Levin notes that Milo's condition is too far advanced to reverse, and only a computer is able to keep up with his thoughts. Madeline sadly leaves the toy horse at Milo's side.

That evening, Olivia has a vision of Peter; the vision tries to break Olivia from the conditioning, explaining that her lack of knowledge of the parallel universe saved her life.

Yoshitsune (TV series)

In the Heiji Rebellion, Taira no Kiyomori defeats Minamoto no Yoshitomo. Yoshitomo flees the battle but is betrayed by his own vassal and killed in Owari province. Yoritomo (one of Yoshitomo's sons) is captured, but Kiyomori decides to spare him and banishes him to Izu. Yoshitomo's beloved concubine Tokiwa Gozen flees to Kyoto with their three children. After learning that Kiyomori has arrested her own mother, Tokiwa goes to him to plead for mercy. Kiyomori spares the lives of the children, sending the older two to temples, and brings the youngest boy, Ushiwaka, and Tokiwa into his household. Treating him as his own child, Kiyomori receives criticism of his generous behavior towards Ushiwaka, the son of his enemy. Soon, he sends Ushiwaka to the Kurama temple where he is renamed Shanao. Shanao frequently escapes the temple at night, and this behavior makes it clear that he will not enter the priesthood. After learning the true identity of his father, of his Genji lineage, and of Kiyomori's plans to move against him he bids his mother farewell and travels northeast to Oshu.

While Kiyomori starts to build a dream city and international port in Fukuhara, he also starts to work his way into the Imperial Court, eventually marrying his daughter Tokiko to the Emperor. With this new power the Heike grow fierce and unpopular with the court and people of Kyoto. Shanao, now named Yoshitsune after his rite of manhood, is living under the guardianship of Fujiwara no Hidehira and decides to join his exiled older brother Minamoto no Yoritomo and throws himself into the feud between the Heike and Genji.

The Perpetual Bond

The First Doctor returns to 1960s London and discovers duplicitous Bowler hatted businessmen dealing in immoral commodities.

Escape from Memory

Kira Landon is a fifteen-year-old girl whose life has been completely normal until her friends talk her into being hypnotized. She finds herself revealing things about a past that she never knew, remembering her mother carrying her through war-torn cobblestone streets while speaking a foreign language. Kira's best friend Lynne pushes her to investigate, but before they can find out anything, Mrs. Landon disappears. That evening, a strange woman shows up at Kira's house, saying that she is her "Aunt Memory".

"Aunt Memory" takes Kira to Crythe, a land where people are trained from childhood to remember everything that ever happens to them. Kira soon discovers that not only is her mother a prisoner in Crythe, but that many people are not who they claim to be. Mrs. Landon is actually Kira's real Aunt Memory, and the woman who had called herself "Aunt Memory" is actually Rona Cummins, an old enemy of Kira's parents who tries to obtain her parents' secrets. As Rona keeps raising the stakes, Kira must find a way to save Lynne, Mrs. Landon, and herself, as well as her parents' memories.

The Mind of Mr. Reeder

Reeder, an employee of the Public Prospectors Department, pursues a gang of counterfeiters.

A Piñata Named Desire

Roger auditions for a new play entitled "Piñata Man" and begins boasting about his acting ability, infuriating Stan. Stan insists that he's a better actor and is still the "top dog" in the house. Francine gets frustrated with their constant fighting while Hayley attributes it to sexual tension and says they should just have sex already and get over it. Roger, disbelieving the story, follows Stan to work and sees that he is indeed acting as a waiter in a CIA sting. However, he finds that Stan is a terrible actor, unable to even offer water to the patrons convincingly and causing the sting to turn sour, resulting in the deaths of several agents. Back home, Roger taunts Stan over his failure and Stan finally admits that he can't act. Stan asks Roger for help, and Roger refers him to acting coach Irwin Beyer Jr. (who, as Stan correctly predicts, is another of Roger's personas.) Stan shows progress by acting out a scene from ''WarGames'' by relating it to his acting inability, but refuses to perform the love scene with Roger as the "leading lady". At the casting call for "Piñata Man", the title role goes to Stan, who reveals that he took the acting lessons so he could steal the role right out from under Roger and reassert his dominance.

On Opening Night, Roger injures the leading lady and her understudy so he can claim the role as an actress named Cleshawn Montague and show up Stan. The performance devolves into the pair desperately trying to outdo one another, including damaging the set and turning a scene into an impromptu battle rap. When they come to the love scene, Roger is confident that Stan won't be able to kiss him, but Stan gets over his disgust and does so; this leads to another battle of one-upmanship as they perform increasingly raunchy sexual acts until finally they're both arrested for public indecency for simulating sexual intercourse on stage. In the police car, Stan and Roger have become friends again, complimenting each other's acting talent, much to the confusion of Francine and with Hayley reaffirming what she said at the start of the episode.

Meanwhile, Steve and his friends plan to have a slumber party together. Vince Chung and the rest of the school students overhear and make fun of them, and Steve's friends think that they are too old to have a slumber party. Steve later suggests that this be the last sleepover that he and his friends will ever have. At a local pizzeria, Steve and his friends get into an argument over details, including a moment where Toshi tells Snot to "eat his bowls" after he screams at him to learn English. In the end, they hold a sleepover at Steve's treehouse, being reunited with the alleged fifth member of the group who had moved away years ago. Steve suspects he is a stranger who overheard them in the pizzeria, but they let him participate anyway. All try to achieve autofellatio with the fifth member succeeding as the other boys watch.

Safe (Fringe)

At Philadelphia Mutual Savings Bank, a group of men led by Agent Mitchell Loeb break in and use a machine that makes it possible to walk through the bank's wall. Several men pass through the wall and steal a safe deposit box numbered 610. One of the men is unable to make it back through, however, before the wall solidifies again, and he is left stuck inside the wall; Loeb shoots him in the head to prevent him from talking, and they leave.

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Agent Broyles (Lance Reddick), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) arrive to investigate, and Broyles says this is the third robbery where a large safe deposit box has been taken. Olivia says she recognizes the victim as Raul Lugo from their time in the Marines together. Peter and Walter go to a local hardware store and buy an electric saw to cut the man out of the wall.

Meanwhile in Frankfurt, imprisoned biochemist David Robert Jones is visited by his lawyer Mr. Kohl (James Frain), who tells Jones that the job in Philadelphia was successful. Jones tells Kohl to wire Loeb another $100,000, and he makes a list of items he needs Kohl to bring on his next visit. Olivia visits Raul's wife Susan Lugo (Rosa Arredondo) and claims to have met her before as well, but Susan does not remember their meeting. She says the only people at a meeting Olivia describes were Raul, Susan, and John Scott (Mark Valley). Olivia realizes that she apparently still has his memories inside of her head, and is mixing them up with her own. Over at Massive Dynamic, Nina Sharp's (Blair Brown) attempts to delve into Scott's memories for information hit a dead end when they find out that crucial pieces of his memories are missing; they soon discover that the memories they need are in Olivia's mind.

The boxes are found to have been bought with bogus names and cash 23 years ago. Raul's amputated forearm is examined and discovered to be radioactive, leading Walter to conclude these are after effects of using the technology to pass through walls. Olivia and Peter go to a bar to find out information about Raul from one of his old friends, who says Raul has spent much of his time at the VA. While there, Peter realizes the numbers of the stolen safe deposit boxes match numbers Walter continually spouts off at night. When they confront him, Walter says it is the Fibonacci sequence, and he then realizes that the safe deposit boxes are his. Walter tries to remember what he put in the boxes and where the next two are. Meanwhile, Broyles discovers the VA that Raul went to was in Washington, D.C., leading Olivia to find out Raul and three other patients were in a chess club together. The FBI discovers these men bought a plane ticket to Providence, and Walter remembers which bank he would've used to store something. But when Olivia and Charlie arrive at the bank, the safe deposit box has already been stolen. When they are fleeing, Olivia is able to wound and capture one of the men.

Kohl arrives with Jones' requested items and is told to come the following morning with some paperwork. Jones also asks Kohl for one more thing: Olivia. Peter insists on interrogating the wounded man himself and tells him he has radiation poisoning. The man breaks down and says he was hired freelance but does not know his boss's name. He says all he knows is that his crew is going to a field in Westford, and Olivia figures out it is Little Hill, a word previously given to Jones. Walter remembers the machine he built that is hidden in the safe deposit boxes is able to "retrieve anyone from anywhere". Loeb and his remaining team begin setting up at Little Hill, while Jones kills Kohl in Frankfurt. Jones puts on Kohl's suit and is seen preparing for something by putting on suntan lotion and eye drops. While the FBI converge on Little Hill, Olivia is attacked and captured en route by Loeb's forces. Jones is successfully teleported from Frankfurt to Little Hill.

Blue Friend (manga)

Two very different girls meet in the same class. They are outgoing, athletic Ayumu Kurihara and pale, quiet Misuzu Tsukishima. After Ayumu cracks through Misuzu's self-imposed alienation, Misuzu begins to fall in love with Ayumu and kisses her one day. Misuzu tells Ayumu that the kiss meant nothing, and Ayumu is not sure what to believe. Satsuki Azuma, a delinquent girl from Misuzu's past, shows up and begins reminding Misuzu of an incident she wants to forget, especially now that she's with Ayumu.

Dark and Stormy Night

On a dark and stormy night in the 1930s, a number of people gather at an isolated country estate to hear the reading of the will of the wealthy Sinas Cavinder, including: wealthy nephew Burling Famish Jr. (Brian Howe) and his wife Pristy (Christine Romeo); Pristy's dim-witted lover Teak Armbruster (Kevin Quinn); big-game hunter Jack Tugdon (Jim Beaver); the foppish Lord Partfine (Andrew Parks); elderly Mrs. Hausenstout (Betty Garrett); kindly Seyton Ethelquake (James Karen); and the fragile Sabasha Fanmoore (Fay Masterson), Cavinder's ward.

They are joined by rival reporters Eight O'Clock Faraday (Daniel Roebuck) and Billy Tuesday (Jennifer Blaire) along with cab driver Happy Codburn (Dan Conroy), to whom Faraday owes "toity-five cents" (not including tip). The party grows by two when psychic Mrs. Cupcupboard (Allison Martin) and "stranded motorist" Ray Vestinhaus (Larry Blamire) arrive unexpectedly.

The large group gathers in the home's parlor so that lawyer Farper Twyly (Mark Redfield) can read the will. Before Twyly begins, the guests note the unusual threats surrounding the estate: Sabasha has been the subject of mysterious death threats; a serial killer known as the "Cavinder Strangler" is still at large and in the area; and it happens to be the same night on which the 300-year-old ghost of Sarah Cavinder is supposed to return.

Twyly reads the will, revealing that some characters receive trivial gifts and other substantial ones. The bulk of the estate is given to Sabasha, but with the clause that upon her death the estate would then be given to Burling. Twyly then reveals the existence of an additional letter that amends the will; he discovers that it has been stolen, but assures the group that he and only he knows the contents. Before he can recite the letter, the lights are turned off. When they are turned back on, the group discovers that Twyly has been stabbed to death.

When Ray tells the group that the only bridge back to town collapsed behind him, Faraday and Tuesday suggest that they all wait until morning for the police to arrive. However, at the stroke of midnight, Pristy is strangled by a masked killer. Dr. Van Von Vandervon (H.M. Wynant) arrives and announces that he's tracked an escaped lunatic to the house, but because of the nature of his work (in which the therapist and patient never see each other), he is not sure what the patient looks like, or even if it's a man or woman.

Over the course of the evening, the group attempts to find both the letter and clues leading to the killer. A seance is held by Mrs. Cupcupboard, but the spirit (Marvin Kaplan) is of no help. Mrs. Hausenstout occasionally pops up with a gorilla (Bob Burns) in tow, and a police inspector (Tom Reese) arrives—and is promptly killed. As the night progresses, Jack, Teak, Seyton and Dr. Von Vandervon are murdered, as is Archie the cook (Robert Deveau). Happy discovers a woman (Susan McConnell) locked in an attic room. Although the group assumes she is the ghost of Sarah Cavinder, the housemaid Jane (Trish Geiger) tells them that she is Thessaly, the confrontational and slightly insane daughter of Sinas Cavinder. Jane also knows the contents of the letter and tells Faraday and Tuesday that the letter makes Thessaly, not Sabasha, the inheritor of the estate.

Faraday and Tuesday track down and confront the guilty parties—Burling and Sabasha, who began the night working independently but who later "joined forces" to knock off their rivals to the inheritance. Faraday and Tuesday also deduce that the real Sabasha is dead and that the woman pretending to be her is actually Dr. Von Vandervon's escaped lunatic.

Burling threatens to blow up the house unless Faraday and Tuesday turn over the letter, but he is accidentally electrocuted after being confronted by Thessaly. Ray appears and admits that he is actually Bax Tremblay, a police investigator working undercover. He, Faraday, and Tuesday attempt to apprehend the false Sabasha, but she strangles herself to death to avoid capture.

The next morning, Thessaly takes possession of the estate. Faraday proposes marriage to Tuesday and she accepts; the two of them agree to share their newspaper "scoop". They are driven away by Happy, who belatedly realizes that because he left the cab's meter running all night, Faraday owes him $87.42.

Come On George!

In this farce, Formby plays a stable boy. He also has the unique ability to soothe an anxious racing horse. Expectedly, George races the horse and wins.

Faust (2011 film)

Heinrich Faust (Johannes Zeiler) is driven by his longing for enlightenment. He seeks to understand the very nature of life and how it makes the world go round. Driven by his burning desire for cognition, he even unearths corpses and rummages in their guts just to localize the home of the soul.

While he keeps on telling himself "in the beginning was the word", he gets to know the racketeer Mauricius (Anton Adassinsky), playing a worldly version of Mephistopheles, who eventually contradicts him: "In the beginning was the deed". In spite of being amorphic, Mauricius considers himself an ''Übermensch''. Faust's obscure new friend takes him to the twilight zones of their small town.

In a bath, his attention is caught by the young Margarete (Isolda Dychauk), also known as "Gretchen". Later the two new friends are entangled in a pub brawl, Faust accidentally kills Gretchen's brother. Faust becomes obsessed with Gretchen, who appears to embody the beauty of blooming life. He indulges himself in thinking that studying her would be reasonable as a part of his research about what makes all the difference between life and death. When the aging Faust has become irreversibly infatuated with Gretchen, Mephistopheles offers him to let him have her.

Faust cannot resist the idea of spending a night with Gretchen. Yet Mauricius demands nothing less than Faust's soul in return. Faust even has to sign the contract with his own blood. Now living on borrowed time, Faust can pursue Gretchen, but he is haunted by penitence and fear. Finally Faust cannot bear Mauricius' nihilistic comments anymore. Overwhelmed with wrath, he buries Mauricius under rocks and finds himself lost in the middle of nowhere.

Late Autumn (2010 film)

Washington state, US, the present day. Anna (Tang Wei), an immigrant from China, has been in prison for seven years for the manslaughter of her husband (John Woo), who was jealous over her re-meeting her former boyfriend Wang Jing (Jun-seong Kim). Hearing that her mother has died and her brother John has arranged her bail, Anna is given 72 hours parole to visit her family in Seattle. On the coach she meets a young Korean man, Hoon (Hyun Bin), who borrows towards a ticket, and he gives her his watch as security, promising to pay her back later. Unknown to Anna, Hoon is a gigolo on the run from powerful businessman Steve (James C. Burns), who wants to kill him for having an affair with his Korean wife, Ok-ja (Jeong So-ra). Hoon meets Anna again in Seattle, and the pair spend time together. The next day he turns up at her mother's funeral, and gets into a fight with Wang at a restaurant afterwards. Anna tells him she has to return to prison on time, but Hoon doesn't give up so easily.

The Drug Knot

High-school student Doug Dawson has it all: a loving family (composed of his younger brother and their parents), a terrific girlfriend, a rock band he plays in after school...and a drug habit. He began by smoking marijuana but is now seeking more dangerous highs. The latter costs him everything else, as his behavior becomes increasingly erratic and alienation – some of it mutual – sets in. Doug wanders into an anti-drug lecture by David Toma, playing himself, but Doug is eventually ejected for disruptive behavior. In his bedroom, Doug snorts a line of cocaine, unaware his younger brother is watching from the doorway.

Doug's girlfriend tires of his volatile behavior and she convinces Doug's mother to meet with the charismatic Toma to get help for Doug. Initially in denial, Mrs. Dawson agrees to seek help for her son. However, unlike most young people's specials, The Drug Knot has a completely downbeat ending. Doug's adoring younger brother Louie finds his brother's drug supply and snorts a line himself. Doug arrives home to find Louie floating facedown in the family swimming pool. As Doug frantically jumps into the pool to rescue Louie, a voiceover of Toma asks: "You kids are killing yourselves...for what?"

Maya (1966 film)

Fourteen-year-old Terry Bowen travels from the U.S. to India to meet his father Hugh Bowen for the first time. After a dispute with his father, Terry runs away and is befriended by Raji . Together, Terry and Raji have many adventures in the jungles of India. The cultural and religious differences between Terry, an American Christian, and Raji, an Indian Hindu, cause conflict. However, the boys overcome their differences and survive to deliver Maya, a sacred white elephant, and her calf to a faraway temple.

Gor (film)

After being snubbed before a weekend-getaway by his teaching assistant, socially awkward professor of physics Tarl Cabot accidentally unlocks the magical properties of a ring which transports him to the planet Gor. After his arrival, Cabot encounters a village being attacked by the army of the tyrannical priest-king Sarm. Sarm's forces are invading neighboring settlements in an effort to retrieve the Home Stone, a mystical object that creates pathways between Gor and distant Earth. Cabot too is abruptly attacked by Sarm's warriors. After inadvertently killing Sarm's own son during the encounter, he is left for dead in the desert. He awakens to find himself being nursed back to health by Talena (Rebecca Ferratti), a scantily clad barbarian princess of the Kingdom of Ko-ro-ba. Cabot learns that Talena's father, the King, has been captured by Sarm, along with the Home Stone. Cabot travels with Talena on a rescue mission to Sarm's lands, where they are captured. Cabot leads a group of rebels in an escape effort, whereupon Cabot is able to kill Sarm, rescue Talena and her father, and reacquire the Home Stone. Tarl ''et al.'' return to Ko-ro-ba, where, after Cabot and Talena admit their love for one another, Cabot accidentally activates the Home Stone, and is returned to Earth.

Let's Pollute

After a brief history of the pollution imperative from before the Industrial Revolution to the present, the film follows a nuclear family polluting its way through an average day. The narrator explains that pollution is a critical part of our culture and keeps our economy strong. The film connects our wasteful, selfish habits with consumerism and its ally, big business. The resulting out-of-control pollution of the air, water and land is displayed in scenes of dismal destruction overlaid with happy music and cheerful calls by the narrator to pollute more for a better tomorrow.

The Crush (2010 film)

Eight-year-old Ardal Travis has a crush on his second class teacher, Ms. Purdy. He demonstrates his affections by giving her a toy ring. While shopping with his mother, Ardal sees Ms. Purdy, who happily explains that she has just been proposed to by her boyfriend Pierce and is engaged to be married. Pierce appears to be a jerk: he refuses to take Ms. Purdy for lunch to celebrate the hour-old engagement, instead insisting on going home to watch football. Ardal sees his dad put a gun carefully in the closet; he stares into the closet contemplating his options.

Ardal confronts Pierce while Pierce is impatiently waiting for Ms. Purdy outside of the school. Ardal challenges Pierce to a duel to the death, which Pierce mockingly accepts.

The next day, Ardal meets Pierce in the school yard. Pierce forgets his gun on purpose and Ardal pulls a gun on him. Pierce at first believes it is a toy, but Ardal insists it is not. Ms. Purdy attempts to intervene but Ardal refuses to back down. Pierce, reduced to a crying mess says he never loved Ms. Purdy but only proposed to her to “shut her up.” Ardal shoots Pierce and he falls to the ground.

It is revealed that the gun was a toy, after all, one that Ardal’s father was saving in the closet until his birthday. Ms. Purdy angrily calls off the engagement and breaks up with Pierce. She walks Ardal home, agreeing to “keep this between ourselves.” Ardal then tells Ms. Purdy that he doesn't deserve to marry her as well because he is "financially unstable and can't cater to all her needs" and that a woman like his teacher should get everything she wants. They then continue to walk hand in hand.

At the beginning of the movie Ms. Purdy asked her students to look up the three words (Reveal, Pretend and Love), these three words summarize the whole film.

The Promise (2011 TV serial)

Part 1

Erin Matthews is a British teenager about to start her gap year. She is taken reluctantly to see her grandfather Len, in his eighties, who is in hospital paralysed by a stroke. Erin hardly knows him, but whilst helping her mother to clear out his flat she finds a diary of his time in the 6th Airborne Division in British Mandate Palestine after the Second World War. Her mother wants to throw it away, but she surreptitiously keeps it. She decides to take up her best friend Eliza's offer to spend time in Israel, while she undergoes basic training for her compulsory Israeli military service. As they fly out Erin starts to read the diary, and becomes fascinated; it opens with Len describing "the worst day of his life so far" – the horror of liberating Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Thereafter the series intercuts between the two stories as they develop, hers in 2005 and his in the 1940s.

Len's unit is posted to Stella Maris base near Haifa, as part of the forces keeping the fragile peace between Arabs and the growing Jewish population. Their first job is to round up Jewish refugees coming ashore from a ship, who are taken to a detention centre. The forced showers and captivity behind wire fences remind Len of what he saw in Germany.

Returning to the beach Len finds a straggler, and is about to let her go when they are spotted by a passing patrol. Len is reprimanded; his commander emphasises the danger of Arab insurrection if Jewish immigration is not controlled. At the City Hospitality Club in Haifa, Len's corporal Jackie Clough introduces him to two Jewish girls: Ziphora and Clara. Clara explains that the club's purpose is to generate goodwill for the Jews, and that she is paid to be there. Meanwhile Len leads a search of the kibbutz at Qiryat Haiyim, but finds nothing. He is told that the entire secretariat at Stella Maris is Jewish and leaks are very common.

Clara invites him home for tea, where her father tries to get him to talk about Stella Maris. Len's superior Rowntree encourages Len to contact the Jewish underground, suggesting that a crowd at a rally would be a safer place to meet them than Clara's flat. However, when Len is approached, his contact is shot dead by the British forces policing the rally: Len has been set up. Out on armoured patrol a chamberpot is emptied over the soldiers. Then at the base several of Len's men are shot, some in the back while they are hosing down the vehicles, in a raid by Jewish militants. Len goes to see Clara, whose father apologises for what has happened, but tells him he is no longer welcome. Clara however follows Len down the stairs and embraces him.

Meanwhile, in 2005 Erin is staying with Eliza's well-to-do family, who live in Caesarea in a beach-front villa with a pool. Eliza takes Erin shopping and clubbing in Tel Aviv, cut short when Erin's epilepsy is triggered by flashing lights in the club. Erin meets Eliza's brother Paul, described by Eliza as "crazy", who left the army transformed into a peace activist. Paul and Eliza's father is a former general who criticised the occupation and is now a leading liberal. Nevertheless he and Paul clash over politics. According to Paul, his father's liberalism misleads people into thinking Israel is a normal country like their own; he says the truth is that it is dominated and led by former military leaders. Erin asks Paul to take her to see the grave of one of Len's comrades, who in the diary has just been killed in the raid of the Jewish militants on the base. At the CWGC cemetery she finds the graves of two more names from the diary: Sergeants Robbins and Nash, who at that point in the diary are still alive.

Paul takes her through a checkpoint into the Occupied Territories. In Nablus Erin hears him addressing a meeting of Combatants for Peace together with Omar, a former member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Afterward the two shake hands, and Paul drives Omar back to the Israeli side of the line. They are waved through the checkpoint, but Omar goes back to remonstrate with the border guards about a couple being split up, and is detained. Paul condemns the checkpoints as just a way to make Palestinian life difficult, and points to a stretch of the separation barrier where there is a Palestinian village on each side of the wall, arguing that a terrorist might live in either village. They go to a café, but when Paul goes back for his wallet, the building is blown apart by a suicide bomb.

Part 2

Len disciplines soldiers who are abusing his company's Palestinian servant. Later at the club, Clough teases him that Clara is seeking a passport from marrying him. Len takes Clara home; there is no-one in, so she takes him to bed, asking him to stay longer, but he has to attend a meeting. The meeting, at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, is a briefing on "Operation Bulldog", the upcoming cordon and search of Tel Aviv. There is an explosion outside. Some civilians in a neighbouring room come to the balcony, and Len encourages them to move back from the window, but there is a bigger explosion. When Len regains consciousness, he sees that a wing of the building is destroyed.

In 2005 rescue teams arrive to help the wounded from the café explosion. At the hospital Erin finds Paul, just as his father arrives. Paul is alive, but his leg, arm and eye are bandaged.

Len digs a dead woman out of the rubble of the King David Hotel. That night, Len rounds on Clara for having known in advance and trying to protect him. Clara protests she was only trying to show that she loved him. At the base, the servant alerts Len that Alec Hyman, one of his men who is Jewish, is being given a "regimental bath" in retribution—he is being viciously scrubbed. Len breaks it up, and later thanks the servant, learning his name: Mohammed. Operation Bulldog gets underway. Len's platoon storms a house where one of the King David bombers had been hiding. But he has already been tipped off and gone. The owners protest that they had been forced to harbour "Irgun" members, but they are nevertheless taken away, and the British blow up their house. Mesheq Yagur kibbutz is searched, and Len discovers a substantial arms cache hidden in a room below a children's merry-go-round. Returning to base, the soldiers are serenaded by schoolchildren handing out flowers. Rowntree explains that they are anemones, or ''kalaniot'' in Hebrew: "red for the paratrooper's beret; black for his heart". Len gives the bunch to Mohammed, only to be told he has now put Mohammed under an obligation, and Mohammed will be duty-bound to offer him dinner. Subsequently he visits Mohammed and his family for dinner. They take a group photograph outside.

Paul's mother complains that the suicide bombers at the café are 'animals'. Paul replies that she should tell Erin about some of the 'animals' who blew up the King David Hotel, including her own father.

Erin is on the point of going home, but reads the last page of Len's diary and finds with it, in an envelope, a key. Len is facing prison, and has let down everyone who trusted him, wishing he could return the key to Mohammed. Haunted by this, and knowing her grandfather has been unhappy all his life, Erin decides to stay. Looking up Omar's telephone number in Paul's phone, she gets Omar to take her to Ein Hawd, which was the location of Mohammed's house, and finds that that village is now Ein Hod, a Jewish artistic centre. She is told that the Palestinians left in 1948, but some had returned to found a new Ein Hawd in what had been their orchards above the old village. An old man agrees to let them drive him, and they identify what had been Mohammed's house. He thanks Erin for taking him back, even though it had been painful. He is able to give Omar a Hebron address for the family, although when Erin asks Omar to take her, he suggests that Paul might be a better guide.

Erin and Eliza visit Eliza's grandfather. He is unapologetic, and tells them that his father, mother, sister and brother had all died in German camps. He says that his generation had been determined that the Jewish people would never again capitulate in the face of genocide, and want to secure land that could alwaya be safe. He explains that the British stood in their way, so they wiped them out.

Len and Jackie and another soldier are off duty and driving through town when they are ambushed. Len reaches for his revolver, but two men with handguns shoot all three. As Len and Jackie struggle for their lives, they are ignored by onlookers sitting in cafés.

Part 3

In hospital, Len shows compassion to Avram Klein (a Jewish militant who has been shot after shooting three British policemen), even after an attempt to free him. Rowntree asks Len to persuade Klein to appeal to the Privy Council to avoid his execution. Len finds Klein in solitary confinement in Acre, but he is unwilling to appeal, saying that every movement needs its martyrs.

Meanwhile Len has started giving Mohammed's son Hassan tuition in mathematics. Clara is getting hostile glances from people who think she is fraternising with the enemy.

Erin is dropped by taxi at Abu Dis, where Omar lives, which is near the separation wall. He is playing cards on the roof, and non-plussed when Erin says he had agreed to give her a driving lesson. He also tells Erin that he is a Palestinian Christian. In the car Erin admits that she is forbidden to drive because of her epilepsy. Omar drives back to Caesarea, where Erin tempts him into the house, and then into the pool. They are starting to kiss when Eliza's parents appear. Eliza's father is formally polite; his wife looks very unhappy, and a strained dinner follows. Paul also seems not entirely happy. Eliza's parents start to have a serious talk with Erin, but she is struck by another fit. When she recovers, Paul comes to see her; she senses that he is upset with her, but he denies it.

Arriving at Clara's flat, Len is perturbed to find it apparently deserted. Clara is in the bath; much of her hair has been torn out, and she has been daubed with oil and feathers. Len comforts her, but later needs to leave for an appointment. Clara can't believe he still does not trust her. Len relents and tells her everything, including the name of the spy that he, Robbins and Nash are going to meet.

At the meeting they are ambushed; their Jewish informant is led away, and Len and the two sergeants are abducted. A purported British Army major apologises to Len that it has been a ruse, to determine whether Robbins is a spy. But Len is unconvinced, and he is dragged off to join the others, being held in a hole under a trapdoor, with just enough room for an oxygen cylinder. Days pass, and Len is again taken to the "major", who tells Len he was indeed a wartime officer, in the Palestine Jewish Brigade, and had then spirited Jews out of the camps onto boats. He asks Len to join, but Len is not interested. Days later, Len is dragged out again. Unhooded and in the open, he expects to be shot, but finds he has been released. He takes Rowntree back to the factory, but Robbins and Nash are gone. Two miles away, Robbins and Nash are found dead, hanging from trees. A message hung around Robbins's neck says he has been executed in reprisal for the "illegal killing" of Avram Klein. Sappers declare the ground clear, but when a member of the Palestine Police starts to cut down the body, it explodes. Len returns to Clara's flat in fury, but she has gone. Clara's father apologies for his daughter's views. Len confesses everything to Rowntree. Later, talking to Clough, he suffers an epileptic fit. Robbins and Nash are buried with military honours.

Erin is shocked to read about Len's fit. She shows Paul a press cutting about Robbins and Nash; he remembers it, and says it was what broke the British will to fight. Paul kisses her, and she wakes up the next morning in Paul's bed.

From a bus on the way to Hebron she rings Omar and asks if he could meet her there. At a military checkpoint a liberal Israeli guide is explaining to a group that part of the city has been closed off as a "sterile zone"; he is being barracked by an orthodox settler with a megaphone. Erin slips past into the zone. She meets Palestinian schoolgirls walking home from school. The girls are verbally abused and then stoned by some Jewish boys, while IDF soldiers watch. The group point her to a house that matches her address, where she is met by a Jewish orthodox woman and led to a room where orthodox men are eating. Erin starts to explain her quest, when two IDF soldiers arrive, brought by the daughter, to lead Erin away. Behind her the man rebukes the woman. Outside, she is bundled into an IDF vehicle. Erin secretly sends a text from her phone.

Part 4

Erin is to be questioned at the IDF base when Paul appears, and greets his former colleagues. He tells her the army is there to protect the settlers, not to keep the peace. Erin wakes in the night and is almost shot by a sniper bullet. Paul has his ex-comrades throw him a gun, and he shoots into the night, justifying his actions as loyalty. The next morning, they find a woman who is the grand-daughter of Mohammed's cousin. Settlers drop broken glass onto her yard from what had been her grandfather's house. The orthodox woman from the previous day arrives to taunt her. Erin tries to intervene, but Paul leads her away, saying it would make things worse. Paul tells Erin that Mohammed's family is now in Gaza, which is an unreachable war-zone.

Back in 1947, a crowd is celebrating the UN partition resolution which will create a Jewish state. Searching for the source of the Kol Zion underground broadcasts, Len's men raid some flats; Clough's gun ‘accidentally’ misfires. Len stumbles, but Clough catches Ziphora, his girlfriend, but lets her go. Later, Len beats him, and he admits to having told her everything – just as he told Clara about Robbins and Nash. Len visits Mohammed and advises him to move somewhere safer, because the British will not protect him, but Mohammed will not leave.

Erin feels out of place at a party with Eliza's friends. On a laptop, she watches news of another suicide bombing. She argues with Paul, who does not understand why this is all so important to her.

Len is driving Mohammed's son Hassan back from a maths exam. He turns down a track to investigate a column of smoke from the village of Deir Yassin. Jewish fighters are going from house to house, throwing grenades and shooting the occupants. Men are being forced into the village square and shot. One of the fighters is Clara. She asks him to join her, but Len turns and leaves. He later confronts Rowntree, but Rowntree is under a direct order that British lives are not to be risked protecting the Arabs.

Erin goes to see Omar, but he too refuses to help. She shows him the key, and he explains its importance to displaced Palestinian families, and then shows her the key to his own uncle's house in Jaffa. He agrees to take her to Gaza.

Len's platoon is in Haifa, stationed between the Jewish and Arab-controlled areas, overlooked by armed Jewish irregulars. They are ordered to pull back, but Len orders them to hold the position to prevent Jewish mortar attack on the souk. Len goes to find Rowntree, but he is gone and the last personnel is evacuating. The roads are clogged with Arab refugees. Mohammed insists that the Arab armies will protect them; but Len tells him that they will come too late: the Jews will arrive by nightfall. The family leaves home and Len drives them to the docks, where the Royal Navy is taking people to Acre. Mohammed commands Hassan to keep the house key safe, because one day they will return. Hassan goes missing in the crowds, and Len promises to go back and find him, persuading Mohammed to get his wife and daughter to safety. Len returns to his men and fills a bag with grenades and ammunition, ordering Alec to take the men to the docks.

Erin and Omar are led through a tunnel into Gaza. A taxi takes them to a house of a cousin of Mohammed's, where relatives have gathered for the funeral for his daughter, who had been the suicide bomber of the previous night. Erin sits by herself on the roof, overlooked by a military watch-tower. A young girl Samira pulls her in, miming that it is not safe. That night there is shooting; Erin comforts the girl. Later, she is woken by arguing from downstairs. The son, who is with Hamas, is brandishing a gun and telling Omar, a Fatah member, to go. But the house is raided by Israeli soldiers. Omar and the son run off, while Erin and the family are confined in a bedroom. An IDF officer takes Erin's name and address, while the son is marched away. In the morning, the IDF are searching the house. Eliza appears to deal with Erin, called as a favour to her father.

Len finds Hassan fighting with a group of Arabs, under fire from a sniper. Len takes charge, only to find that the sniper is Clough, who has joined the Jewish militants. He confiscates his rifle and lets him go. Len agrees to stay and fight, if Hassan will go to the docks. But as Hassan sets out across open ground, he is hit by a bullet. Before he dies, he asks Len to promise to give the key back to his father. Back at the docks, Len tries to find Mohammed, but is arrested by two military policemen, who had been tipped off by Alec to make sure Len gets home.

IDF soldiers take Samira for a human shield when they go to occupy the brother's house. As Samira becomes frantic, Erin suggests that they take her also. They are confined in the room of a bedridden old woman, who tells Erin she learned English from the British. She shows Erin a photograph; it is the photograph of Len with Mohammed and his family. She is Mohammed's daughter Jawda, with fond memories of Len, but she says her father was angry with him for many years as he failed to bring Hassan back. Erin produces the key, and as soldiers come in she clutches it in her hand. The IDF lay explosives in the house. Erin finds a toolbox, and chains herself and Samira to a pillar. The IDF commander tells Eliza to get a cutter, and she is freed. Outside, Erin finds Jawda being loaded into an ambulance, as the houses are blown up. Erin retrieves some trinkets in a box and the photograph album, and gives them to Jawda. However, an IDF soldier takes away the box. Erin starts to remonstrate, but is seized by another fit. Later, Erin is back in Caesarea, gathering her things. She thanks Eliza's parents for her stay, and Paul hopes she may come back one day.

As she flies home, Erin turns to the last page of Len's diary. He is leaving Palestine as prisoner on a Royal Navy ship. He writes that the Jewish state has been born in violence and cruelty, and worries that it will not thrive. For himself, he says all he has to look forward to is a long prison term and a dishonourable discharge. He wishes that one day he can return the key to Mohammed, though he is not sure he could face him.

At the airport, Erin surprises her mother with the intensity of her embrace. In the hospital, she holds her grandfather's hand, and tells him she has given Mohammed's daughter the key. A single tear runs down his face.

Kingston Paradise

Life on the streets of Kingston, Jamaica is about frantic survival for small-time hustler Rocksy—a taxi driver/part-time pimp—and Rosie, a prostitute, his roomie and business investment. They dream of something different, another life with a future. On the peeling walls of their tenement, Rosie prominently places a painting she owns that gives them both hope and something tangible to cling to. It's an exotic beach view of another more peaceful world, but they exist miles and worlds a part. So with his friend and cohort Malt, Rocksy eyes a fancy sports car nearby and together they devise a plot to steal it to sell for parts. The car belongs to a local Lebanese businessman, Faris and they figure the money could change their lives immediately, but of course it’s only temporary. Their plot is also risky and not well thought out. Rosie is dead set against it and fed up. She dreams for the beach view, she wants out, out of being entangled and out of the life. But she's bait and Rocksy cannot manage without her. When she finally leaves Rocksy becomes even more desperate and devastated. He does the unthinkable. In the chaos something changes within him, something rises and like the sun, it sets. In the context and contrasts of the Jamaican landscape its backstory is political, as the current embedded system doesn't allow for change...

Skippy Dies

''Skippy Dies'' follows the lives of a group of students and faculty members at the fictional Seabrook College, a Catholic boarding school in Dublin. The title character, Daniel "Skippy" Juster, dies during a donut-eating contest in the novel's opening scene. The rest of the novel explores the events leading up to Skippy's death, as well as the aftermath within the Seabrook community.

Diner Dash 5: Boom!

A mysterious figure is lurking around Flo's Diner, removing the word "Fat" from the "Fat-Free Breakfast" banner on the roof using white paint, which makes Flo's Diner look like it's having a free breakfast promo. The next day, Flo and Chef Cookie are surprised by the sign, unfortunately it is too late. As soon as they open the diner, customers start running into and overloading the diner, and as a result, Flo's Diner explodes.

Flo later encounters Mr. Big, who offers to buy her diner. Flo refuses, but Mr. Big blackmails by saying that if the lot is unused in one week, he will buy the diner. One of Flo's customers, Hal the Hungryman, doesn't want to let Mr. Big buy Flo's Diner, and has agreed to rebuild the diner. Flo and Cookie proceed to get a hold of Hal's employees who have been scattered across Dinertown (Avenue Flo, Squid Row, Thyme Square, and Dinertown University).

But then they receive the news that Mr. Big has forwarded the deadline; with help from her friends, Flo manages to rebuild the diner before the deadline. Frustrated at the diner having been finished, Mr. Big challenges Flo by putting signs all over the streets so that the diner will be overloaded once more, but he fails.

In the end, Flo's Diner is back to normal, and it seems Mr. Big will not be bothering Flo and Cookie anymore, as his office is seen in the flash news in ruins thanks to flying balloons rigging the circuits of the office billboard and turning "Free Interest Money Loan" into "Free Money", causing people to rush into the office, overloading and exploding it in the process.

Ravex in Tezuka World

As "another story" set after the end of the original manga, the plot starts after Astro is found on an asteroid after his final act to save Earth (shown in the 1960s anime). The robot boy is rescued by the three members of Ravex, and he is miraculously revived by "Space Jack". The newly revived robot is named "Ratom" - built by combining Rock with Astro, and equipped with the power of music.

Professor Ochanomizu works with Space Jack to create the newly evolved Ratom.

I Want to Go Home (1989 film)

Joey Wellman, an American cartoonist from Cleveland now largely forgotten at home, visits France with his partner Lena to attend an exhibition in Paris about the comic strip (''bande dessinée'') which features his work. He also hopes to be reconciled with his daughter Elsie who has been a student in Paris for two years, in flight from the American culture of which she sees her father as a typical example. Elsie is naively infatuated with French literature, and is trying to secure an introduction to the brilliant university professor Christian Gauthier, an expert on Flaubert but also an enthusiast for comic books. The meeting of father and daughter goes badly, but Elsie is persuaded to join Joey and Lena for the weekend at the country house of Gauthier's mother, Isabelle. During a comic-themed masquerade party, all of the characters are made to reconsider their present and past relationships.

Night Is Day

Jason Mackenzie was a normal young Glaswegian until he was mysteriously bestowed with supernatural powers. Now he has the ability to see into the future of anyone he touches, as well as the ability to generate electricity, creating lightning bolts as he fights crime.

Superintendent Charles Sloan of F-division, a special team that keeps the truth about monsters and demons from reaching the population, knows first-hand of Jason’s abilities. His team consists of Detective Inspector Iain Mullan, a rough and ready cop, and Inspector Rebecca Munro.

The Cailleach, an ancient creature in Scottish mythology who wields magical powers and is believed to have formed Scotland's landscape has been freed after years of imprisonment in limbo. Working with Jason’s adversary Mr. Philips, a corrupt businessman who seeks only power and control, the Caillech threatens to wipe out the world in three days.


Hiyori Nishiyama is a 15-year-old girl who is extremely short. After being in an accident that caused her bones to stop growing, she starts going to high school as a freshman, along with her best friend Ritsuka. In her class there is a boy whose name is Yuushin Hirose and becomes Hiyori's friend (despite the fact that Hiyori is not very happy with his height or his constant happy attitude). After an accident where her panties were shown to the class, she is consoled by Yuushin and starts liking him, eventually growing closer to him.