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Incident at Map Grid 36-80

The film is set in the 1980s, when Soviet Naval Aviation Tu-16 pilots risk death to help stop an American submarine whose defective reactor threatens a nuclear meltdown.

The Soviet Navy conducts military exercises in the Atlantic Ocean. Exercises of the US Navy are held in the same area. The main element of the American exercises is training for the attack on the Soviet squadron from a multipurpose nuclear submarine. A special Hughes computer is capable of launching missiles at targets previously programmed into warheads, without human intervention. The computer provides full automation of the launching process of guided missiles. However, to start it is necessary to unlock the control panel in the cabin of the submarine commanded by Turner.

The crew of the air tanker under the command of Major Gennady Volk performs the usual task of aerial refueling of the reconnaissance aircraft in the exercise area. The commander of Northern Fleet aviation, Major General Pavlov, intends to select the most capable pilots for retraining for new aircraft. Curious about Volk, he replaces the co-pilot before departure. For some unknown reason, Volk nevertheless refuses re-training and further promotion, trying to advance the navigator of his crew, Sergei Skiba.

The Tu-16 refuels reconnaissance aircraft, and at this time meets the American anti-submarine aircraft P-3 Orion, which covers Turner's submarine. It turns out that its commander, Major Armstrong, and Volk are “old acquaintances”. Pilots communicate on the air.

In the meantime, a state of emergency occurs on the submarine - reactor specialist Alan detects a leak in the reactor's cooling circuit. Turner intends not to surface the submarine and orders Alan to fix the damage. However, the failure cannot be fixed, and the submarine is forced to surface. She is discovered by the Soviet forces, but the Americans claim that everything is in order.

Alan, who received the strongest dose of radiation, understands that help can only be received from the Soviet military. Therefore, he sneaks into the cabin of the captain and removes the lock from the fire control system. Then he rushes into the radio room and, having pushed the signalman out, sends the SOS signal. But when Alan tries to escape from the submarine on a raft, Turner kills Alan.

Soviet reconnaissance aircraft are tracking the SOS from the submarine and recording elevated levels of radiation. After a meeting, the commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Spirin, decides to send a Tu-16 aircraft to the submarine, carrying a boat and a group of repairmen. They are to be delivered to the target by the plane of Captain Gremyachkin - Volk's second pilot. However, halfway to the target, Gremyachkin's plane encounters a strong counter-flow of air. He does not have enough fuel to complete the task. Only Volk's plane can refuel it, but then he will have almost no fuel left. In the end, Spirin orders Volk to "stand in a circle" and wait for Gremyachkin's aircraft.

Meanwhile, the commander of the American squadron, Admiral Rink, receives information that Soviet forces sent a rescuer to Turner's submarine. Americans can not allow the Soviet military to get on the submarine, but they have no legal basis to prevent this. A plane from the United States cannot fly because of the weather, and Turner is 8 hours flying time away from Greenland. Therefore, Rink makes a decision - to disrupt the rescuer's refueling.

When Volk and Gremyachkin start docking, Armstrong's plane appears next to it. Orion takes up position in front of Soviet aircraft and tries to prevent them from docking by directing turbulent jets from the engines towards them. Armstrong is sure of impunity - in neutral airspace, Soviet aircraft will not fire at him. However, Volk gives the order to prepare for precautionary shooting, and the crews manage to dock and transfer fuel. Gremyachkin's aircraft safely flies off. Volk accelerates, and nearly stalls Armstrong himself.

Gremyachkin's plane reaches the target and drops the boat with repairmen. However, Turner refuses to let them on board and orders a sailor to give a warning burst of fire.

Meanwhile, American sailors are trying to eliminate the malfunction, but a fire begins in the reactor compartment. The voltage drops in the computer's circuits, and the weapons officer orders to turn it off. This leads to a short circuit, and the computer issues a weapon system command to fire a missile salvo at Soviet ships, the target data having been entered during the exercise. The command to prevent the launch does not work, since Alan entered permission to launch from the captain's panel. Turner does not have time to turn on the lock again and the submarine launches two missiles at the Soviet squadron. Automatic reloading of weapons for a second salvo begins ...

Soviet ships detect the incoming missiles. The SAMs on the flagship aircraft carrier Kiev destroy the missiles. Yak-38 aircraft take off from ''Kiev'' in order to sink the American nuclear submarine which fired the missiles. But Admiral Rink communicates with Spirin and convinces him to postpone the attack for 10 minutes explaining that the launch of the missiles is a consequence of a malfunction, the Americans themselves will sink the submarine after the crew leaves it. Spirin agrees with the words: “If in 10 minutes they do not sink the submarine, then we will”.

The crew is evacuated from the submarine, which goes to the bottom. The missile cruiser Kirov (065th) is ordered to take on board Soviet specialists.

Meanwhile, Major Volk's aircraft runs out of fuel, in glide mode, it is approaching the coast. Skiba finds a solution - land on an old German advance airfield from the Second World War. The crew manages to do this. The plane receives minor damage, and the crew get off with light injuries.

After some time, the whole crew meets at the apartment of General Pavlov. During the evening, Pavlov’s wife tells Volk's wife why he refuses to re-train on new aircraft: 8 years ago, Volk's missile carrier aircraft crashed on takeoff and caught fire. Skiba pulled Volk out of the burning plane, but was badly injured, almost missing a leg. After long-term treatment and effort from Volk, Skiba was allowed to fly, but only on auxiliary wing aircraft. However, Skiba himself this evening reports to General Pavlov about leaving to the reserve, freeing Volk from "obligations". In the epilogue, Volk takes off as the commander of a new Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft.

Really Me

The series is about a fifteen-year-old girl named Maddy who wins a contest to get her own reality TV show with her best friend Julia. But being a star isn't as easy as Maddy had thought. She has to deal with the cameras and embarrassing moments that will be seen by all her high school peers and friends. Even though there are tons of cameras, mistakes, and drama, Maddy and Julia will always stick together to get through the many obstacles that they face in their everyday life.

Everybody Dies but Me

Taglines: "Being a girl is hard" ( ); "Not so child games" ( )

Three lower-class Moscow high school friends, Katya, Vika and Janna, learn that there will be a school disco on the coming Saturday night. They start preparations to what seems to be the most important moment in their life.

All About the Money

In 1986, three best friend are planning their future. They return a "lost" cat to the neighbor lady for a $40 reward which they had stolen. Fast forward thirty years and find Vince is living on Chris's couch. He is selling vacuum cleaners door to door and must just quit. Chris works at a car repair garage. His wife comes to the shop and demands that he signs the divorce papers. He tells her he will sign if her rich sugar daddy boyfriend pays him. He quits his job. Kurt works for his rich wife's father and is freaked out over a big presentation. He blows the presentation, is fired and has a nervous breakdown.

All three friends are jobless. Vince sees a newspaper article offering a $25 million reward for the capture of a drug lord. Using Kurt's wife's credit card, they buy first class tickets to South America. They land in Colombia thinking it’s Mexico. Kurt likes the cocaine drug life but is captured by Diego who wants to kill the gringo. Cartel boss Garcia likes Kurt's money saving ideas on drug distribution through Canada. Kurt falls for Garcia's daughter, Maria.

Chris and Vince have to find a way to rescue Kurt and capture Garcia for the reward money. They find a crazy burnt out American special ops soldier to train them in guerrilla war tactics. John Waters dresses in his underwear and just seems never to die.

The Colombian Army is planning an assault on the Garcia mansion at the same time as Waters and his two trained Americans are ready. An assault commences on the complex with lots of explosions, gun fire, and killings. Kurt escapes, Maria is killed and the drug lord is captured.

There is a television news account of the Colombia cartel raid with the result of a new cartel leader named Kurt Pomeroy. His two friends surround him with many beautiful women. They hear of an American reward for an Afghanistan terrorist and the stage is set for a sequel.

Nana (1944 film)

Based in the Émile Zola novel of the same name, which details the life of Nana, a French prostitute of the 19th century.

Nana (1955 film)

Nana, who appears nightly at a downmarket Parisian theatre where her impudence and the scantiness of her costumes make up for her lack of dramatic talent, supplements her income by assignations with admirers. She catches the eye of Muffat, a faithful Catholic husband who is a trusted aide of the Emperor. By perseverance and heavy expenditure, he makes her his exclusive mistress in a palatial private residence. His wife leaves him, his daughter's fiancé breaks off their engagement, and his fortune has gone.

Vandeuvres, his most persistent rival, imports a promising filly and bets heavily on her first race. Sure of a major coup, he persuades Nana to join him at the railway station for Italy. The horse wins and Nana starts packing her bags but, when the stewards find that the losing horse was doped, Vandeuvres commits suicide. Going round to Nana's mansion, Muffat finds her about to depart and, when she says she is leaving him for Vandeuvres, he strangles her.

Lucky Trouble

Vyacheslav "Slava" Kolotilov (Konstantin Khabensky) is a natural science teacher from a coastal Caspian village called Palchiki (diminutive of fingers) who is passing through Moscow seeking luck as a novelist without much success. Lost in thoughts he crosses a street and a car strikes him at high speed. Nadezhda (Milla Jovovich) is at the wheel with her fiancé Danil (Ivan Urgant). Vyacheslav escapes from the collision with just a broken leg. A crush develops between Slava and Nadezhda. Vyacheslav convinces her to cut off her engagement and they pledge to marry each other instead. The teacher, in addition to leaving his work must move to Moscow where the wedding will take place. However he hits a snag, on the same day that he must take the train the preparations for the Russian Youth Football Cup are taking place. He gets mistaken for a coach by the Tournament Supervisor (Vladimir Menshov), a Duma deputy, who takes his passport so that he is not able to escape.

Slava wants to leave as quickly as possible, he receives advice from Khlobustin (Sergei Garmash), coach of Central Moscow, to make sure that his team will lose. Desperate to reunite with his fiancée, he recruits a group of juvenile delinquents (after he catches one attempting to steal his mobile phone). He is certain that they do not have the sufficient expertise but they begin to demonstrate an innate ability to play football and win brilliantly to the despair of Kolotilov.

Kao the Kangaroo (2000 video game)

Kao is a young kangaroo living with his family in the jungle when they are one day captured by a ruthless hunter and his goons. It's up to Kao to drive the invaders from his home and save his family.

The Nesting

New York City novelist Lauren Cochran (Robin Groves) suffers from agoraphobia and, in a bid to overcome her ailment, she rents a stately Victorian mansion in the country from a scientist, Daniel Griffith (Michael Lally) and his ailing grandfather, Colonel Lebrun (John Carradine). A series of strange occurrences begin once Lauren moves in; when she meets Col. Lebrun, he suffers a stroke at the sight of her, and she suspects that the house may be haunted after suffering bizarre dreams of women lounging around the house. She also feels she has seen the home before, and realizes an illustration of it appears on one of her novels, entitled ''The Nesting''.

One day, while investigating the turret at the peak of the house, Lauren becomes trapped outside on the window ledge, and has a vision of a woman inside. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Webber, arrives at the house, and is killed while attempting to save her. Several days later, Lauren is attacked by Frank Beasley, a handyman, at the house. Amidst the attack, he begins to levitate, and flees the house in terror; he has a vision of two women's corpses lying in his truck, and he flees into the woods, and stumbles into a pond, where he is dragged under by ghostly hands and drowns.

Lauren, bothered by the events occurring in the house, visits a local man, Abner Welles, to ask about the house after having heard Frank mention his name. Abner, a drunk with a bad reputation in town, becomes erratic and violent when she inquires about the house's history, and chases her away in his car. The two get into a car accident, and Lauren flees on foot and hides in a barn. Abner finds her, and attempts to attack her with a pitchfork, but it is torn from his hands by an unseen force. Lauren then stabs him through the head with a scythe, killing him.

Lauren's visions in the house become increasingly bizarre, and she begins having precognitive dreams. It is revealed by Col. Lebrun to Daniel that the home was a former brothel during World War II, and that Frank and Abner murdered several prostitutes and soldiers in the home and dumped their bodies in the nearby pond.

At the house, Lauren has an intense hallucination, in which she meets Florinda (Gloria Grahame), the madame of the brothel, and it is revealed that she is Florinda's granddaughter and, as an infant, was the lone survivor of the murders in the home. At the end of the film, she experiences a vivid hallucination in which her manuscript begins burning, and she witnesses Frank's truck crash into the house, and catch fire. At the end of the vision, she comes back to reality, and stumbles out of the house at dawn.

Fever Crumb (series)

Before the events of series, the post-apocalyptic city of London is ruled by an evolved species of human called the scriven. In the final years of the scriven rule, Dr. Gideon Crumb, a human engineer, falls in love with Wavey Godshawk, a scriven and the daughter of the London's ruler, Auric Godshawk. In a violent uprising known as the 'Skinner's riots', Auric and many other scriven are killed in an act of genocide by the human citizens of London. Wavey, who lacks most of the distinctive markings of the scriven, escapes with her newborn half-human baby, but then leaves her child with a friend who passes her onto Gideon along with a note saying 'Her name is Fever'. Wavey then flees across the country where she runs into a carnival run by a dwarf named Borglum. For several years she lives in peace with the carnival's staff, working on engines and building machines.

With Wavey gone into hiding, Gideon raises his Fever as an adopted child in the engineerium for many years, until the twists and turns of fate forced him to explain the truth to her.

Fever leaves London to join the Lyceum, a traveling theatre with children whom she took care of after their father was murdered, where she starts growing out her previously close-cropped hair and begins to loosen up. She meets Arlo Thursday, an orphan boy who becomes her first love. Arlo had fallen in love with a girl named Thirza Blaizey, but she rejects him to marry the rich and powerful Jago Belkin. Although Arlo is originally distrusting towards Fever, (pointing a gun at her,) they grow close enough for Arlo to unveil his plans of the world's first Aeroplane. Fever ends up fleeing along with Arlo after her life is threatened by unknown assailants. They retreat to Thursday Island and begin to construct Arlo's invention using wood and paper and an engine sent to him by another inventor, however this proves to be too heavy and so Fever puts her engineering talents to good use and improvises by cannibalizing a power supply and motor from a Stalker-Crab type creature which was built by Auric Godshawk and given to Arlo's family as a gift.

As the Aeroplane nears completion, Thursday Island is besieged by Jago Belkin, who has learned of Arlo's plan from Thirza, who enticed the information from Arlo's best friend and Angel, Weasel, before murdering him. Jago is accompanied by a legion of soldiers (The London engineer Dr Teal also shows up after the initial assault), who corner Arlo and Fever in a derelict tower where the Aeroplane is kept. Jago is killed in the final confrontation which leads to Fever successfully flying the world's first Aeroplane for several minutes before it plummets into the sea. Fever and Arlo are picked up by Wavey Godshawk and Dr. Crumb, Fever's parents, who persuade Fever to forget about the dreams of flight which she shared with Arlo and return to London, which is in the process of transforming into the first Traction City. Fever saves Arlo's life, but in doing so she is forced to betray him and his research. Breaking Fever's heart, Arlo sails away from Mayda and the Thursday Island, never to return.

She leaves the Traveling Circus to work with Nicola Quercus and the Nomads, returning to London where she reconciles with Wavey and Gideon as the new London was built. Gideon becomes an important part of the engineering team behind the first Traction City, and lives happily with his lover and his daughter for a while.

Borglum and his circus return to London, where they tell Wavey and Fever of a great pyramid from the Ancient times that has recently broken open in an earthquake. Wavey, Fever, and Borglum set off to the North to investigate the pyramid properly. They are imprisoned by the Northern Nomad Rufus Raven. Wavey and Fever escape, but Wavey is brutally killed by a Stalker (possibly Shrike/Grike) while making sure that Fever escapes unharmed. Her death has a profound effect on the other characters, triggering Gideon Crumb's transformation into an antagonist, influencing Fever's journey into emotional acceptance of herself and leading Borglum into a terroristic strike against Raven, which in turn radically influences the outcome of the battle between the Nomads and the first traction city.

Fever meets Cluny Morvish, a Nomadic girl who she falls in love with, making her the first confirmed bisexual character in the Sixty Minute War books. She leaves London behind for good after seeing what Quercus and her father have turned it into, settling into a more peaceful life with her girlfriend Cluny.

The news of Wavey's death has a devastating impact on Dr Crumb – however, instead of grieving, he retreats into the protection of pure rationality while disposing of the potentially very painful emotions that humanized him. He becomes head engineer in Wavey's place, which leads him down a road of cold, emotionless insanity until he has become completely inhuman. He reaches a turning point when he is informed halfway through London's completion that the city must move within weeks to avoid the onrushing army of nomads. In response, he concocts a 'rational' plan which involves not building most of the housing that had been planned on this new city and only taking the most 'useful' people on board London, leaving the others to die. Even when Fever returns relatively unharmed from the North, he has become so cold that he cannot love her and considers leaving her behind when he sees that she has abandoned rationality for love.

The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years

Muppets from ''The Muppet Show'', ''Sesame Street'', ''Sam and Friends'', Uncle Traveling Matt and Sprocket from ''Fraggle Rock'', and other Muppet-related characters host a banquet to celebrate their thirtieth anniversary by presenting a retrospective of their film and television appearances.

After a montage of Muppet clips from 1955 to 1984, and overlaid with Ethel Merman singing "There's No Business Like Show Business", an elegant ballroom is revealed jam-packed with (as the announcer, an uncredited John Harlan, states) "all of Jim Henson's Muppets-except for those who couldn't make it".

Hosted by Fozzie Bear and featuring guest of honor Kermit the Frog, the program provides an overview of the Muppets' history and musical highlights. Kermit does not feel he deserves the cheesy words Fozzie uses to describe, but Fozzie insists, reminding Kermit that he was the one who began the Muppets' careers. A clip from ''The Muppet Movie'' is shown, with Kermit getting the Muppets their big break in Hollywood. A montage of early appearances in the 1950s and early 1960s is then shown. These include clips from ''Sam and Friends'', ''The Ed Sullivan Show'', and commercials for Wilkins Coffee and La Choy. Kermit then mentions that Rowlf the Dog was "the first Muppet to have a regular spot on network television". A clip featuring Rowlf on ''The Jimmy Dean Show'' is shown. This is followed by a clip from ''The Ed Sullivan Show'' (with a clip from ''The Muppet Show'' replacing the actual sketch that Sullivan introduces), Kermit's 1975 appearance on ''Cher'', and a clip of Kermit's 1979 guest host appearance on ''The Tonight Show''. Fozzie then introduces some of Kermit's old friends from ''Sam and Friends'' where Sam and Harry the Hipster are shown as Harry comments that Kermit is different from the last time he has seen him. When Kermit asks where Yorick is, Yorick appears next to him as he attempts to eat Kermit's arm.

Then, Fozzie introduces a selection of clips from ''The Muppet Show'' (Fozzie and Rowlf singing "I Got Rhythm", Gonzo the Great's motorcycle stunt, the Swedish Chef's encounter with a group of Mexican lobsters, and Rita Moreno's performance of "Fever" with Animal), before Rowlf the Dog introduces a montage of clips to honor Miss Piggy. After accidentally falling down a flight of stairs, Miss Piggy arrives alongside Kermit to wish him a happy 30th birthday. Kermit tries to convince Piggy that it is not just his birthday, but "ours". Miss Piggy convinces Kermit otherwise. The two then introduce a montage of clips from ''The Muppet Movie'', ''The Great Muppet Caper'', and ''The Muppets Take Manhattan'', all overlaid by "Hey, a Movie!" from ''The Great Muppet Caper''. After the montage, Lew Zealand pops up between Kermit and Piggy to bring up "the bicycle scene" from ''The Great Muppet Caper''. A clip is shown.

Dr. Teeth introduces a sequence featuring still images of various Muppet book covers, record covers, and magazine covers featuring appearances by the Muppets. Fozzie mentions that the Muppets are seen on television in 150 countries. Before Fozzie can continue, Sweetums and other Muppet monsters interrupt, complaining that their favorite clips were never shown. A montage featuring Muppet monsters, monsters eating other Muppets, and explosions is shown, with "Millions of Us Who are Ugly" and the ''1812 Overture'' playing over the clips. After the montage, Crazy Harry pops up for one more explosion. Count von Count then introduce Bert and Ernie. Bert tries to give a speech, but is interrupted by Ernie pulling "the old nose joke" on him. A montage of clips from ''Sesame Street'' is shown. After a collection of scenes overlaid by the Sesame Street theme song, more clips are shown (Kermit singing the alphabet with a little girl, Bert playing checkers with Bernice the pigeon, Cookie Monster singing his trademark song "'C' is for Cookie", and Big Bird parodying American Express ads). Oscar the Grouch then grumpily introduces Big Bird, who introduces clips from other children's shows from the Muppets. Clips featuring live action baby versions of the Muppets in ''The Muppets Take Manhattan'' is shown followed by clips from the animated Saturday Morning cartoon ''Muppet Babies''. Then, clips from the short-lived Saturday Morning cartoon ''Little Muppet Monsters'' is shown, and is followed by a montage of clips from ''Fraggle Rock''.

The Swedish Chef then introduces the Singing Food, who introduce a clip of the Galley-oh-hoop-hoop. Uncle Traveling Matt introduces twenty-one clips involving imagination, overlaid by Ben Vereen singing "Pure Imagination". Floyd Pepper and Janice then introduce Muppet music clips (Ernie singing "Rubber Duckie", Mahna Mahna and the Snowths singing "Mahna Mahna", the Muppet chickens playing the piano, Bobby Benson and his Baby Band performing, various Alaska Muppets singing "Lullaby of Broadway", and Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem performing "Rockin' Robin"). Afterwards, Scooter introduces clips with guest stars (Steve Martin, Ethel Merman, Zero Mostel, Diana Ross, Lily Tomlin, Elton John, and George Burns). When Robin asks Kermit what his favorite thing about the Muppets are, Kermit says that his favorite scenes are the times when the Muppets don't try to be funny, leading to a montage of some of the Muppets more serious moments (Harry Belafonte's "Turn the World Around", various Muppet animals singing "For What It's Worth", Kermit singing "It's Not Easy Bein' Green" - first alone, and then with Ray Charles). Gonzo then introduces some of the Muppets' more cultural moments (five clips from ''The Muppets Go to the Movies'', two Muppet News Flashes, and a "Pigs in Space" skit).

Afterwards, Fozzie and the other Muppets decide to pay tribute to Kermit, showing a clip of Linda Ronstadt singing "When I Grow Too Old to Dream", reedited to feature a number of (7) clips with Kermit, which is so emotional for the Muppets, it causes all of them (except Kermit) to start crying. At the conclusion, a clip from the finale of ''The Muppet Movie'' is shown with the Muppets singing "The Rainbow Connection". After the clip, the entire cast reprises the song.

Jim Henson appears briefly at the conclusion of the program being given a bill for his food by Grover.

In the closing, Kermit says, "Thanks, everybody. It's been a great birthday party. Our next 30 years start tomorrow, so there will be a rehearsal at 9 AM sharp."

"Happy Feet" plays during the end credits (sequence with multiple Kermit images cut).


After Sage was kidnapped by the Saviors, Clea is fruitlessly searching for him. In the woods outside her house, a family of ghostly apparitions appears and gives her information on his whereabouts.

Clea and her friend Ben track down a hideout of Cursed Vengeance, the group that has been cursed until Sage's death, in an abandoned subway station. They come to a tenuous agreement to help each other find Sage, but after that they will be at odds again.

Through a series of flashbacks, it is revealed that the ghostly family all consumed the Elixir of Life over 2,000 years ago and have been living in immortality ever since. They've trained their minds to gain psychic powers such as telekinesis and astral projection, but the Elixir is running out and soon they'll be left in a comatose state. To prevent this, they are helping the Saviors to kill Sage and turn his blood into more Elixir. The youngest daughter, Amelia, is unsure of this path and decides she wants to help Clea save Sage.

Meanwhile, Sage is being held captive by the Saviors and they perform a ritual to break the bond between his soul and Clea's. At the next full moon, they will kill him with a magical dagger and his blood will become more Elixir that others can drink.

Amelia sends a psychic warning to Clea, letting her know where the ritual will be performed on Sage. She warns Cursed Vengeance, who gathers up a small army and leads an attack on the Saviors compound. Amelia uses her psychic powers to fight her family, seemingly killing all of them in the process.

Clea reaches Sage just in time to witness his throat being cut and his blood turning to Elixir in a bowl. In her anguish, she knocks the bowl over, letting the Elixir soak into the ground so no one can have it. The remaining Saviors leave, dejected.

The book ends with the reveal that Sage's soul entered the body of a man killed during the fighting.

Chelsea Life

A painter passes off another artist's work as his own and mixes in high society.

Josser on the River

Two seaside photographers become entangled with a blackmailer.


After Eric Cartman boasts to his classmates of owning an iPad and mocks them for not having one, he is humiliated when it is revealed that he actually does not own one. When he and his mother Liane go to Best Buy to buy an iPad, the item's exorbitant price prompts her to suggest buying a less expensive Toshiba HandiBook. The demanding Cartman, who had his mind set on the iPad as a status symbol, loudly excoriates her in the middle of the store, accusing her of "fucking" him. The embarrassed Liane decides to leave the store without buying Eric anything.

Meanwhile, Cartman's classmate and frequent nemesis Kyle Broflovski, who did not read the Terms and Conditions when agreeing to download the latest iTunes update, is pursued by shadowy agents from Apple Inc., who wish to perform several intrusive acts upon him, informing him that he agreed to them when he downloaded the update. Kyle attempts to flee the men and is incredulous when his friends tell him they all read the entire Terms and Conditions when they downloaded the latest update. Kyle seeks refuge at his father Gerald's law office. Still, the Apple agents taser Gerald, kidnap Kyle, and throw him in a cage with a Japanese man and a young woman who also failed to read the fine print of their purchased updates.

At a Stevenote address, Steve Jobs unveils the new product for which Kyle and the other two were kidnapped: the HUMANCENTiPAD, comprising the three kidnapped subjects on all fours and sewn together mouth to anus. The Japanese man is in front, with an iPhone attached to his forehead; Kyle is in the middle; and the woman is at the rear, with an iPad attached to her anus. However, Jobs is disappointed when Kyle continues to sign agreements that are put in front of him without reading them first and puts the "device" through tests in an attempt to make it read.

Meanwhile, Cartman appears on the talk show ''Dr. Phil'' to publicly accuse Liane of "fucking" him. The audience misunderstands this to mean that she has sexually molested him. Cartman is given the first-ever HUMANCENTiPAD as Jobs unveils it to the public as a consolation gift. Cartman is elated to have a device that not only supports web browsing and email but also enables him to induce someone to defecate into Kyle's mouth.

Seeking to free his son, Gerald goes with Kyle's friends to an Apple Store, where the customer service agents known as "the Geniuses," after considerable deliberations, determine that they can void Kyle's agreement if Gerald, a PC user, signs up with Apple and creates a family account. Gerald consents, after which he, the Geniuses, and Kyle's friends go to the studio where ''Dr. Phil'' is produced. Jobs, complying with Gerald's new deal, reluctantly makes preparations to have Kyle separated from his two fellow victims. This enrages Cartman, whose dream is now being quashed. Cartman looks up to the heavens and angrily excoriates God, after which he is struck by a bolt of lightning. He is then shown recuperating in a hospital bed, crying while his mother flips through a book indifferently.

Vampireology: The True History of the Fallen

The book purports to have been written in 1900 by Archibald Brooks, the main "Protector" (vampire slayer). Brooks sent a telegram to Joshua T. Kraik, a private investigator and his friend asking him to come to his office and, should he arrive too late, to look in the casket. Brooks was killed on the night of May 10, 1920, at his office in the British Museum. The next day, Joshua went to see his friend, and, when he did, he searched Brooks' office and found the book. He took a look in it to see that Brooks had planned for him to have it so Joshua took it home with him. When he started reading the book, he found he was to be the next Protector, so he read on, taking all the information very seriously. He saw everything about the original three Fallen ones and their bloodlines.

Moloch, the destroyer, whose bloodline kills for pleasure. Ba'al, the deceiver, whose bloodline has the powers of mind control. And Belial, the tortured, whose bloodline carries their ancestors' guilt over Belial's decision to rebel against Heaven. Belials can also feel the emotions that a normal person can, but are still compelled to feed on humans.

He added notes while he read through the book; things like how he is getting on, a little bit of personal life, drawings, bits of newspaper, his feelings about the book, drafts and letters.

On May 14, 1920, he gets a letter from a strange woman living in Venice that said she and Brooks used to be close acquaintances and that Brooks had once promised her the book. Joshua didn't believe her, but he wrote back saying that he can't pass on the book yet but they should keep in touch. A few more letters and drafts later, he decides to visit her in Venice. While he is reading the book at his hotel he gets another letter, this one is short and straightforward and in Joshua's note he describes how terrifying it is and how a part of him always sensed that she was not what she seemed to be.

On the last page, hidden away is a letter addressed to Joshua. He tells Joshua to destroy her with the Sword of Angels (Archangel Michael's sword that he used to defeat the three original Fallen Ones, Moloch, Ba'al and Belial. It is the only sword that can destroy the Fallen Ones). Brooks sheds some light on the mysterious Venice lady. Joshua leaves a note and two newspaper clippings. One reports the murder of another one of Joshua's friends and the other reports the burning of a palazzo in Venice which suggests victory for Joshua in his first task as a Protector.

The book ends here.


Yusaku Hayakawa (Hayato Ichihara) dreamed of one day becoming a detective. Instead, he now works as a trainer for police dogs at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. One day, Yusaku gets an Albino Shepherd named Shiro whom others say can never become a police dog due to a genetic disorder. Nevertheless, Yusaku and Shiro become attached as he trains Shiro to become a guard dog. Sometimes guard dogs are treated as equipment and other times required to become a human shield, but Yusaku and female police officer Natsuki (Erika Toda) are against this. A series of explosions then take place as a serial bomber strikes Tokyo.

Crime on the Hill

A man tries to clear the name of his uncle who is wrongly convicted of a murdering the squire in a picturesque English village.

Star Runners

Tycho "Ty" Johns (Connor Trinneer) and Lei Chen (James Kyson Lee) transport a crate for the government, under the orders of Colonel Bishop (Michael Culkin), which contains a mysterious girl (Toni Trucks) in cryogenic stasis. They wake her up and discover that she has no identifying chip in her arm, unlike the rest of society. She also does not speak. During the outer space flight, the ship is attacked by terrorists. After escaping, they crash land onto a planet in uncharted space. The survivors take shelter in an old military facility on the planet. Once inside the facility, the girl picks up a gun and has a psychic vision. In it she sees the death of the last person who held the gun, which causes her to start firing the gun in a wild manner. She comes out of the vision, as someone grabs hers. The group agrees that to cover more ground, they will split up. While Ty and Lei find a control room, the other groups explore the base and find giant bug-like creatures.

Lei activates the old computers and discovers that there was a solar storm, which caused the bugs to take cover under the protection of the "solar flare shields" that surround the compound. They can not leave the shields without burning to death. Here is where the girl first displays her unusual powers (to the group): when a member of their party tries to leave the shield to escape the bugs, the girl runs out of the shields and pulls him back in, receiving no injury, although he suffers deadly burns. Also using the computer system, they are able to view old videos that reveal the original scientists who lived here were killed by the bugs.

Meanwhile, the terrorist group that attacked their ship has caught up with them and entered the compound. They have also encountered the bugs and decide to form a temporary truce until they can escape this planet. They are after the girl. While looking for weapons to use against the bugs, a member of their group is attacked by a bug. The girl tries to save him and is injured, only to completely heal in a matter of seconds. The act of healing also seems to have helped her memory, as she now remembers her name—Asta. Ty wonders out loud about her, and the leader of the terrorists says, "It'll make sense soon," and nothing more. Using the computer system, the team discovers a tunnel to another compound that still has a ship they can use to escape, but when they try to use the tunnels, they are overwhelmed by the bugs. Lei, mortally wounded, sacrifices himself by overloading his pistol, causing a small explosion. The team discovers another of the girl's powers when she is able to create an energy shield to protect them from the blast.

Using the computer, they decide to take their chances and run to the other compound in between solar flares. Along the way, the terrorists reveal why this girl is so important to them. According to the government, a human colony of over a million people on the planet Centauri III was completely wiped out by a massive solar flare. These terrorists claim that it was no solar flare. They say that the colony was a group of rebels who did not want to be under the control of the government, so they were wiped out, leaving Asta as the sole survivor. Asta remembers none of this. By the time the team arrives at the other compound, only four people remain: Ty, Asta, one of the terrorists and a woman from the original transport ship named Janessa (Aja Evans).

Using the computers in the new compound, they discover what these installations were originally constructed to create a thermonuclear weapon to mimic the radiation signature of a solar flare to use against the citizens of Centauri III ("Project Icarus"). Watching the video, the team also discovers that the bugs they have been battling are the descendants of stowaway Earth bugs that evolved under the solar activity of this planet. Upon this discovery, Asta's memory completely returns. She remembers the attack on her planet as a child and the military Colonel Bishop who found her and left her there to die in the radiation.

With Asta's memory restored, her full powers are unleashed and she creates an energy beam to fight off the bugs. Only three make it off the planet: Asta, Janessa, and Ty, who has promised to take Asta to the terrorist group in the outskirts. Meanwhile, Colonel Bishop, who has been following Ty's progress ever since he found out the ship disappeared, has caught up to them. Janessa is revealed to be Bishop's secret operative, stunning Ty and attempting to kidnap Asta to bring her on board Bishop's ship. Asta overpowers her, but decides to go to Bishop anyway, seeking answers.

Bishop reveals that the inhabitants of Centauri III were being "changed" by the solar flares of their sun. They were developing psychic and telekinetic powers; "the next step in human evolution." This is why they were killed, not because of their political beliefs. Asta leaves him alive, telling him of her plans to expose the truth with the videos they downloaded from the compound's computers.

Asta wakes Ty and they escape, crippling Bishop's ship in the process. They are forced to crash land on the same planet the others have just escaped from, surrounded by the bugs. The movie ends as Asta and Ty plan to tell the world about Centauri III before heading to the outskirts, as they promised.

Just Friends (TV series)

This series revolves around health spa assistant manager Susan Hughes portrayed by Channing, whose marriage is falling apart.

Broadway Folly

Oswald drives his uncovered car, heading towards a night club. After parking his car at a sidewalk by the place, he was immediately flagged down by the bellhop who tells him that parking there is not permitted. As a solution, Oswald compresses his car with his hands until it is hand-sized. The rabbit drops the tiny vehicle in his shorts and gives the bellhop a raspberry before proceeding to the club's entrance.

Coming to the night club also was a large wolf. Holding onto the wolf's garments is his cub who refuses to separate from him. Frustrated by the persistent holding, the wolf puts his offspring inside large pajamas and hangs it on a light post.

The wolf cub was able to come out of the pajamas but was saddened upon losing sight of his father. He came to the night club's entrance and asked "Is my father in there?" A voice from inside tells him not to stay by the doors. The wolf cub would ask the same question to a number of people but would never get the answer he wanted.

Inside the night club, the patrons are dancing as the musicians play the tune ''Alexander's Ragtime Band''. Everyone appears to be having a pleasant time, especially Oswald who stands on a chair, rocking it back and forth. The next event features four dogs in tuxedos who sing part of the song ''Sweet Adeline'' on stage. However, their performance wasn't well received by the guests.

Still enjoying the atmosphere nonetheless, Oswald dances on his table. Sitting by and sharing his table is the large wolf. As he dances, the rabbit accidentally kicks the wolf in the nose, much to the latter's disturbance. The wolf then grabs Oswald's head and rips it off his body. Miraculously, Oswald survives and is able to put himself back together. As retribution, Oswald throws a jar on the wolf's head.

While the wolf tries to take the jar off his head, a cow laughs at him. As a response, the wolf kicks the cow, who in turn, gets laughed at by a mouse. The cow spits at the mouse who then gets laughed at by an elephant. The mouse pulls the elephant's trunk and lets go, causing that animal to trample on the other guests. As a result, everyone gets into a fist fight. Some patrons were able to flee but the rest remained in the trouble. A police car arrives at the scene and takes the whole night club building away.

Knowing his father is still inside, the wolf cub tries to follow the moving building but cannot keep up. As he stops, he comes across an opaque telephone booth at a park. The wolf cub asks his question but only receives silence. Desperate, the little wolf rips open the booth to find a Tibetan man making a phone call inside.

I Heart Connecticut

With the revelation that Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) is still in New York City somewhere, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) conduct a search to find him before upper management can cancel ''TGS'' in his absence. Their search leads them to a warehouse that Tracy appears to have been hiding out in until recently. Meanwhile, Jenna Maroney is set to star in a torture porn movie called ''Take My Hand'', but upon informing Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) of this, he recognizes it as a failed NBC production from a number of years ago. With the budget threatening to overwhelm, Jack is determined to make the film profitable in some way.

In the writers room, Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) argues with Frank Rossitano (Judah Friedlander) over where they should order their lunch from, which results in the pair having an arm wrestling match which Pete wins. His victory earns him newfound respect amongst the ''TGS'' crew but brings him into a confrontation with an unpleasant member of staff named Reggie (Rob Riggle), whom he challenges to a match. Unexpectedly; however, Pete and Reggie end up bonding as they discuss their respective families. It transpires that Reggie has invited his family to watch the arm wrestling match and so Pete decides to let him win so that his son can feel proud of his father. Ultimately, everything turns out to have been a fabrication within his mind and Pete reawakens to find himself losing the original match with Frank.

Finally, Jack's quest to make ''Take My Hand'' profitable leads him to enlist Wal-Mart as a sponsor and rope in ''Everybody Loves Raymond'' producer Phil Rosenthal, before ultimately modifying the film to suit a family audience. Liz decides to stage another webcam conversation between Kenneth and Tracy, in the hope that the latter will in some way give up his location. Despite Kenneth largely giving the ploy away, Liz recognizes where he is hiding — the unused upstairs level of her apartment that she had acquired from her upstairs neighbor ("Sun Tea"). The pair finally apprehend Tracy and convince him to destroy his good reputation so that he can return to ''TGS''.

The Dirty Picture

A day before her marriage, Reshma, a young girl runs away from her rural village, hoping to become a movie star in Chennai. She fails to impress a casting director, and he insults her for being unattractive and unable to act. Determined to secure a role, she spontaneously auditions for the position of a background dancer. However, she dances in a sultry manner, using erotic movements which annoys the film's director, Abraham. He edits out Reshma's entire dance sequence. The film fails at the box office, much to the dismay of the producer Selva Ganesh, who later recalls Reshma's performance and offers her a role in a song in his upcoming film. Selva also suggests that she now be referred to as "Silk", which is more exotic and captivating.

At the first shoot, Silk dances with actor Suryakanth, her childhood idol. Enamoured with him, Silk gains his affection and attention by offering a long-term sexual relationship. Meanwhile, Abraham proposes a new film to Selva Ganesh and is keen to cast Suryakanth. However, Suryakanth's suggestion of adding sex and eroticism, to make the film more commercially viable, angers Abraham. Silk slowly builds a name for herself in the industry and goes on to do many more sexually charged films with Suryakanth, which catapults her into stardom. She gains many male fans and, in a short time, becomes immensely rich and popular as a sex symbol.

Suryakanth's younger brother Ramakanth is a fanboy of Silk and starts to befriend her. Silk develops a liking for him, after she realizes that he is the first man who loves her for more than just her body and sex appeal. At an awards ceremony Silk is praised for her performance but is insulted by Suryakanth who tells her that she is nothing more than everyone's "dirty secret". Hurt by his remarks, Silk announces that she will continue to make her "dirty pictures" and that she has no qualms in doing so. She begins to spend more time with Ramakanth and becomes the focus of tabloid gossip after noted journalist Naila criticises Silk for having a romantic relationship with both brothers. To avoid a scandal, and also to get revenge, Suryakanth drops Silk from his forthcoming films, forcing her to work with smaller, unknown filmmakers. She loses interest in her work and begins to feel threatened by a younger aspiring actress, Shakeela. During a dance challenge, she intentionally trips Shakeela, much to the embarrassment of Ramakanth who then decides to end their relationship.

To ease her heartbreak and the rejection from her family, Silk turns to alcohol and chain smoking. She gains weight, causing her to lose her status as a sex symbol. Silk approaches Silva Ganesh with an offer to produce a film together. Ultimately, the audience and industry has lost interest in her, and the film fails. On the other hand, Abraham directs a film which turns out to be a huge hit, and he feels that he has finally proven to Silk (and himself) that his films do not need any sexualisation to be successful. Having lost her fame and fortune, Silk has accumulated so much debt that she approaches a small-time filmmaker, willing to take on any role. She is shocked to find that he wants her to do a pornographic film, and she refuses. He intoxicates her with alcohol and starts filming, without her permission. The place is raided by the police but Silk manages to escape. She has several visions of her past and encounters her estranged mother running a shop. She reaches her house and cries bitterly.

Abraham finds himself falling in love with Silk, even though he denies it first, as he struggles with this moral dilemma. During a phone conversation with Silk, Abraham becomes alarmed when she asks him to bid farewell to everyone for her. He rushes to her house, and finds her lying in bed dead from a sleeping pill overdose, along with a suicide note written by her.

The film ends with Abraham's narration, examining the life that Silk has led, and he questions whether it was her or her life that was right or wrong. He also thinks that Silk must be creating an uproar up in the sky.

Eugénie (play)

The plot was inspired by an actual incident which befell Beaumarchais's sister.

Act One.

Eugénie and her aunt, Madame Murer, have come to London from their native Wales. They are accompanied by Eugénie's father Baron Hartley, who believes they're in town on business. In fact, Eugénie has secretly married The Earl of Clarendon and has come to visit him; they are staying in the Earl's ''petite maison'', near his palace. Eugénie is dismayed that the Earl has gone out of town despite knowing about their plans to visit. Madame Murer—who is the only member of Eugénie's family that knows about the wedding—tries to reassure Eugénie that noblemen like the Earl simply have busy schedules. (It's of note that the script frequently indicates that Eugénie's father, the Baron, is not a nobleman.) Eugénie is even more concerned because she is already pregnant, and still hasn't told her father about her marriage, due to the insistence of Madame Murer and the Earl that it should be kept a secret. The Baron has even started to prepare an arranged marriage for her to someone else—an old military man by the name of Cowerly.

Eventually the Earl arrives to visit Eugénie. His valet, Drink, prepares to announce him, but chides his master: Drink knows that the Earl's marriage to Eugénie was not valid and in fact was completely staged. Furthermore, the Earl is preparing to marry someone else very soon. The Earl complains that another of his servants, his Steward who had pretended to be the minister at his fraudulent wedding, is also feeling regrets and will probably attempt to write to Madame Murer with the truth. He tells Drink to make sure to check any mail that's received at the house and withhold anything that looks like it might be from the Steward. Drink finally leaves to announce the Earl, during which time the Earl admits in monologue that he does truly love Eugénie but has been pressured by his uncle to marry someone else; he is so terrified of his uncle and so ashamed of his own behavior that he can't bring himself to confess what he's done.

When Eugénie and Madame Murer finally greet the Earl, Eugénie inquires as to why he has been so distant; the Earl responds with various lies which appease Eugénie. The Baron comes in and after meeting the Earl, congratulates him about his upcoming wedding to Lady Winchester, daughter of the Duke of Winchester. Eugénie and Madame Murer are horrified at this news, and the flustered Earl quickly lies and assures everyone that the stories of him getting married are just a rumor that's going around. The ladies retire and the two men exit together.

Act Two.

Later, the Earl sneaks back into the house alone in order to talk with Drink: he instructs Drink to make sure that nobody comes to visit Eugénie or her family until after his wedding is concluded, and he specifically warns about the Baron's friend Captain Cowerly (the brother of Eugénie's fiancé Cowerly.) Meanwhile, Drink has intercepted the letter from the Steward and hidden it. Once the ladies are alone, Drink gives them the remainder of the mail, which includes the news that Eugénie's brother Sir Charles, an officer in the army, has been in a duel with his Colonel; the Colonel lost after being disarmed, but is now trying to have Charles assassinated. Eugénie worries over her brother and gives the news to her father. Soon afterward Captain Cowerly comes into the house, complaining that the servants were insisting that nobody was home and that he had to barge his way in. After being greeted, Cowerly inquires as to where Sir Charles is at. The Baron and Madame Murer are amazed that he already knows about Sir Charles's troubles, and Cowerly explains that not only has he already spoken with Charles in London, but in fact had assumed that the reason for the family's visit was because Charles was there. Gradually the conversation turns to Earl Clarendon, and Cowerly reveals the family is staying in the Earl's ''petite maison'' (a house where parties and sexual trysts are had) and confirms that the Earl is about to marry someone else. Eugénie becomes physically unwell at the news and is taken away by her aunt.

Act Three.

Later, the Baron goes to comfort Eugénie. Eugénie decides she should not conceal the truth from her father anymore and admits to him that she has secretly married the Earl. The Baron is outraged by this news; just when he's beginning to calm down, Madame Murer enters and scolds him for his behavior and argues for the merits of the Earl. The Baron, meanwhile, argues that the Earl is a heartless womanizer. When Eugénie finally reveals she is already pregnant, the Baron is forced to give his blessing to the marriage; but both he and Eugénie remain confused as to why everyone seems to think the Earl is going to marry someone else if he is already married to Eugénie. They decide to ask Drink about what's going on. When Drink is called in, the Baron grabs him by the throat and demands answers; Drink is so frightened and confused that he mistakenly thinks they've learned that the marriage between the Earl and Eugénie was fraudulent, and winds up delivering to them the letter from the Steward since he believes they already know the contents. Eugénie and Madame Murer are horrified when they learn the truth, and the Baron is beside himself with outrage; he claims he will disown Eugénie, and storms off. Eugénie tearfully asks her aunt that they depart from London, but Madame Murer insists she should meet the Earl one more time—her plan is to call out a minister and to arm the servants, and have essentially a shotgun wedding for Eugénie and the Earl.

Act Four.

When the Earl arrives at Madame Murer's request, he brings along a companion he had rescued from an attack in the street—this man, it turns out, is Eugénie's brother Sir Charles. When Madame Murer and the servants try to ambush the Earl, Sir Charles—feeling indebted for the Earl's help to him—comes to his defense and allows the Earl to escape; however, Sir Charles indicates that he expects to duel with the Earl later on to settle the matter of Eugénie's marriage honorably. Eugénie is rendered catatonic by the whole incident and is finally taken away to bed, while Sir Charles swears he will avenge her.

Act Five.

The final act occurs very early in the morning; the family has been up all night fretting over Eugénie's condition, and they even seem to fear that she may die from grief. She is able to emerge from her room, in a weakened state, to try to convince Sir Charles not to fight the Earl—she insists that she'd rather be known as a "foresworn wretch" than to see the Earl harmed. Charles does not listen to her and leaves to fight the Earl: he returns almost immediately, lamenting that when he tried to fight the Earl, his sword shattered and the Earl escaped. Everyone assumes the Earl ran off to go through with this wedding to Lady Winchester. Later, to their surprise, the Earl forces his way into the house and throws himself at Eugénie's feet: he declares that he loves her and has done everything in his power to set things right, including admitting to his uncle all that he's done, and calling off the other wedding. Initially Eugénie seems to be so near death that she hasn't even heard him, but at last she gathers "what bits of energy remain" to reply with a rejection of his offer for marriage: she has been too badly mistreated to ever forgive him. The Earl pleads, and tries to get the Baron or Madame Murer to back him up, but they side with Eugénie. At last the Earl delivers a rousing speech in which he argues that, if Eugénie won't marry him for her own sake, then at least she should wed him for the sake of their child. This argument moves the Baron and he agrees to grant Eugénie to the Earl; at which news Eugénie's attitude (and health) do a complete turnaround, and she gladly accepts the Earl's hand.

Waiting for the Clouds

The neighbor´s son Mehmet is worried about the elderly woman Ayshe, and he likes hearing her stories. When Ayshe´s older sister dies she refuses to be with the other villager and starts searching for her younger brother in Greece. Waiting for the Clouds takes place in 1975 and Mehmet´s experience is based on the directors memory from the 70s. And the character Ayshe would not have had to keep her ethnic identity a secret for 50 years if she had lived in a tolerant environment.

The Runaway (TV series)

While unrelated by blood, Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty live as brother and sister growing up and embark on a secret relationship. The couple are torn apart when Cathy is sent into care, but she manages to escape and finds her way onto the streets of Soho. Befriended by colourful transvestite Desrae, Cathy grows up in the heart of London's underworld, while Eamonn is drawn into a life of crime and ultimately flees to New York. The pair are finally drawn back together in the midst of the nation's impending future, but their future is far from safe.

Santa Claus (1898 film)

Two children are being placed in bed by a maid. She turns off the lights and the children fall asleep. Santa Claus enters the room from the fireplace and proceeds to trim the tree. He then fills the stockings that were previously hung on the mantle by the children. After walking backward and surveying his work, he suddenly darts at the fireplace and disappears up the chimney. The children wake up to see that Santa was in their bedroom. This film surprises everyone and leaves them to wonder how St. Nicholas disappeared.

River of Grass

Cozy is a dissatisfied housewife in her thirties who feels no emotional connection with her children. After getting dressed up to go to a bar she is nearly run over by Lee. Inside, Lee buys Cozy a drink. He convinces her to break into a friend's home where they swim in a pool and Lee shows Cozy the gun that he was given by a friend who found it by the side of the road. While Lee shows Cozy how to use the gun the owner of the pool comes out to investigate and the gun goes off. Believing they have killed the man Cozy and Lee go on the run together.


A handsome young man named Calyste du Guénic is in love with the older woman, Félicité des Touches, a famous writer who uses the pen name of Camille Maupin. Félicité at first does not reciprocate Calyste’s feelings, and Calyste falls in love with the blonde marchioness Béatrix de Rochefide.Carol de Dobay Rifelj, ''Coiffures: hair in nineteenth-century French literature and culture'' (University of Delaware Press, 2010), 143-4. Béatrix is a beautiful but selfish woman; one critic remarked in 1897 in regards to Béatrix that “for cold-blooded cruelty and vulgarity she is unexampled, and her efforts to keep her youth and her hold over men are drawn in Balzac’s heaviest and most pitiless manner.”

Béatrix had already had an affair with Gennaro Conti, and Calyste has an additional rival in the form of Claude Vignon. Félicité des Touches (Camille Maupin) tries to help Calyste win Béatrix’s heart, thus sacrificing her own. Calyste’s efforts are ultimately a failure, and Béatrix is taken away by Gennaro Conti.

Calyste is devastated by his failure, but promises his dying father to get married. Félicité des Touches enters a convent, but before she does, she uses her fortune to arrange a marriage for Calyste with a woman named Sabine de Grandlieu. When Calyste encounters Béatrix again in Paris, his wife Sabine struggles to win back her husband’s affections after Calyste falls for Béatrix again. Subsequently, through the intercession of Count Maxime de Trailles, Béatrix falls for another young man, and Calyste comes to his senses.

'' Balzac describes Béatrix as follows:

Winter Is Coming

Beyond the Wall

On the continent of Westeros, rangers of the Night's Watch scout the forest beyond the Wall, the massive ice barrier to the north, and discover demonic White Walkers and wildlings turned to undead wights. Will, the sole surviving ranger, flees South.

In King's Landing

Watching as the corpse of Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is tended to, Jaime Lannister assures his twin sister, Queen Cersei Lannister, that if Arryn had spoken to anyone about them, they would already have been executed.

In Pentos

Exiled prince Viserys Targaryen plots to reclaim his father's throne from King Robert Baratheon, and brokers a marriage between his sister Daenerys and Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo. As wedding gifts, Daenerys is given books of the Seven Kingdoms from Ser Jorah Mormont, an exiled knight loyal to the Targaryens, and three petrified dragon eggs from Magister Illyrio Mopatis, who helped arrange the marriage.

In the North

The Starks of Winterfell are introduced: Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark, his wife Lady Catelyn, their children – heir Robb, elder daughter Sansa, younger daughter Arya, ten-year-old son Bran, youngest son, Rickon, Ned's bastard son Jon Snow and ward Theon Greyjoy.

Ned takes his sons to witness Will's execution for desertion. Ignoring Will's warning of the White Walkers, Ned beheads him, insisting Walkers are long extinct. The Starks find a dead stag, sigil of House Baratheon, and a dead direwolf, sigil of the Starks, whose pups are taken in by the children.

News arrives of the death of Lord Arryn, Eddard's friend and Catelyn's brother-in-law. Winterfell receives the royal court, including King Robert, his wife Queen Cersei, their children – heir Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella, and Prince Tommen – as well as Jaime, a member of the Kingsguard, and his and Cersei's younger brother Tyrion Lannister, a dwarf known as "The Imp". Robert pays respects to Lyanna Stark, his late fiancée and Ned's sister, appoints Ned the new Hand of the King, and suggests Sansa be betrothed to Joffrey. Catelyn receives a message from her sister Lysa, Arryn's widow, who suspects her husband was murdered by the Lannisters. Ned reluctantly accepts the position of Hand of the King.

Bran climbs an abandoned tower, and discovers Cersei and Jaime having sex. To hide their evidence, Jaime shoves Bran out of the window.

The Ninja Warriors (1994 video game)

In a dystopian future, the world is dominated by a dictatorial regime ruled by a dwarfish mutant-cyborg man who calls himself "Banglar the Tyrant", who commands an army of brainwashed human soldiers, vicious mutants and non-sentient combat robots. For years, he has ruled the global superpower unchallenged, until a rebel army rises up against him, led by a human named Mulk.

Unable to defeat Banglar and his mutant armies using conventional weapons and fearing the World Government's forces are closing in on them, Mulk's rebel army decides to make one last effort to overthrow Banglar by sending a trio of self-aware combat androids styled after Japanese ninja to assassinate him.

In the end, the androids manage to reach Banglar's fortress, fighting through his army and ultimately killing Banglar himself; as a safety measure, explosives carried within the androids' bodies then detonate, both assuring Banglar's death and eliminating any possible threat to the new regime posed by the powerful androids' still experimental programming. Several months later, Mulk becomes the new President of the World Government. The development of autonomous combat androids continues under Mulk, soon making his military far stronger than Banglar's old forces, and Mulk ends up just as much of a tyrant as the fallen Banglar.

DC Universe: Legacies

Retiree Paul Lincoln recounts his following of superheroes through the past decades, narrating the story.

Issue 1: "In the Beginning..."

In the 1940s, Paul and his friend Jimmy live in Metropolis, collecting protection money in Suicide Slum. Paul happens upon strange mask-wearing crime-fighters taking down rival mobsters. The original Atom gives Paul a business card for shouting a warning, and Paul decides to get honest work. In hopes of convincing Jimmy, Paul shows him a magazine of the Justice Society of America (JSA).

Issue 2: "The Golden Age"

Punks try to collect protection money from Paul as a paperboy for the ''Globe-Leader'', and he is saved by Guardian and Newsboy Legion. He begins dating Jimmy's sister Peggy and works his way through college. Jimmy becomes a member of a local mob, the Injustice Gang of the World run by Vandal Savage, and goes on the run after the JSA take the gang down. Ordered by the House Un-American Activities Committee to reveal their identities, the JSA refuse and disappear.

Issue 3: "Powers & Abilities!"

The next decade sees a resurgence of Wild Western culture and the appearance of adventure-type heroes such as the Challengers of the Unknown, Sea Devils, and Cave Carson. Paul becomes a police officer and, partnered with John Jones (secretly the Martian Manhunter), raids a warehouse where they arrest Jimmy. Despite this, Peggy and Paul are married. Years later, Paul witnesses Superman in action and the arrival of Batman, and names his daughter Diana as Wonder Woman makes her debut. More superheroes gather, forming the Justice League of America (JLA).

Issue 4: "The Next Generation!"

More heroes appear with a resurgence of sidekicks like Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, and Speedy, who form the Teen Titans, along with a rogues gallery of super-villains. The JSA comes out of retirement to team-up with the JLA. Paul speaks at parole hearings on behalf of Jimmy, who vows to reform. The Doom Patrol are apparently killed on national media by General Zahl while trying to save the village of Codsville.

Issue 5: "Crisis!"

Things turn darker as the Joker actually kills people and the Spectre exacts vengeance on even petty crimes. Jimmy is released and gets a job at S.T.A.R. Labs, confirming his reformation by evacuating the labs during a battle between Superman and Chemo. Batman resigns from the JLA and forms the Outsiders. Paul has Jimmy, his wife Helen and their son Ted over for dinner when he is called to duty as the Crisis on Infinite Earths begins. He asks Jimmy to guard his family, then bears witness to the chaos of the Crisis as heroes from all eras try to help.

Issue 6: "Aftermath!"

While rescuing the wounded, Paul is helped by the Guardian, who secretly congratulates Paul on the man he's become. Paul sees the Anti-Monitor while the heroes converge for a showdown. Jimmy is crippled in the disaster. After a period of rebuilding, Brimstone attacks Metropolis; Paul is saved by the JLA, who are then defeated by Brimstone. Brimstone is later defeated by the Suicide Squad, a team of heroes and coerced villains. The JLA disband as the U.S. President outlaws superheroes in public. Gordon Godfrey attempts to overthrow the government but is stopped by heroes gathered by Doctor Fate. The victors form the Justice League International (JLI). Shortly after, Paul is promoted to detective, and the Joker shoots and cripples Barbara Gordon.

Issue 7: "Doomsday!"

In Gotham, Bane breaks Batman and tosses him over a roof. Vigilante Azrael takes his place and eventually defeats Bane, leaving him for the police. Meanwhile, the alien monster Doomsday emerges in the U.S. Midwest, takes down the Justice League, and is fought by Superman to Metropolis, where both are apparently killed. Peggy is diagnosed with cancer, but has a chance as it was detected early.

Issue 8: "Parallel Lives!"

Batman stops Azrael's brutality under his identity. Following the death of Superman, four figures claim to be Superman reborn: Superboy, Steel, Cyborg Superman, and the Eradicator. One of them may be responsible for the theft of an extraterrestrial exo-suit which Paul is investigating. Eradicator tries to stop Mongul's spaceship but is attacked by Cyborg Superman. The true Superman returns and, along with Steel and Superboy, sets out to destroy the War world being created from Mogul's ship. Cyborg Superman is defeated. Peggy responds to her cancer treatment, and Diana graduates high school intending to become an oncologist. Green Lantern attacks his own Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe after the loss of Coast City, absorbing the Central Power Battery and becoming Parallax.

Issue 9: "Knight After Knight"

Green Lantern goes rogue, causing death and destruction, then vanishes. Peggy's cancer is in remission when they learn of a battle between the new Green Lantern and Major Force. An alien named Dusk arrives in Metropolis, warning of the arrival of the Sun-Eater and urging to evacuate the planet. Paul, Peggy and Diana gather, and watch news reports as the heroes try to stop the Final Night. Parallax returns and saves Earth, sacrificing his life to re-ignite the Sun.

Jimmy is in rehab to walk again when Paul asks him about the missing exo-suit stolen from S.T.A.R. labs. Paul follows another lead when the events of Day of Judgment occur. The reformed JLA and the Sentinels of Magic bring back the soul of Green Lantern, who bonds with Spectre and drives Asmodel out. Green Lantern vows to change Spectre's mission from vengeance to redemption.

Issue 10: "Truth and Consequences"

While Paul is coming to terms with Peggy's spreading, late-stage cancer, the superhero community is searching for Sue Dibny's killer. It turns out to be Jean Loring in an attempt to win back her ex-husband, the Atom. The man who stole the exo-suit attempts to commit a bank robber as Armory, which is stopped by Superman. Paul and Diana attend Peggy's bedside as she dies. Citizens are secretly transformed into OMACs, and Paul's partner transforms and rampages in S.T.A.R. labs. Jimmy uses the returned exo-suit to battle the OMAC, saving Paul's life at the cost of his own.

Paul is cut short from telling the rest of his story by a nurse who sets him to sleep in the nursing home.

School for Love

Tenor Eric Walter is a teacher at a Vienna conservatory who is separated from his wife, opera singer Marie. When he begins seeing one of the students, Sophie, another student named Elisa becomes jealous.

L'Amour, Madame

Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.

The Perfect Host

Fugitive John Taylor flees an initially unspecified crime, with a wounded foot. (Flashbacks and news reports reveal he robbed a bank, in collusion with a teller.) He stops in a convenience store for some disinfectant, just moments before it is robbed; he manages to turn the tables on the robber, but she gets away with his wallet. The store's TV identifies John and his car, so he quickly ditches it, proceeding on foot into an expensive neighborhood. With a sob story about being mugged, he gains entry to the house of Warwick Wilson, who is preparing a dinner party. He makes small talk and drinks red wine while trying to figure out his next move, and how to keep his lies from being found out. When the radio news makes an announcement about John, he angrily shushes Warwick, revealing himself. John intends to kill Warwick, and tells him so, also forcing him to call his guests to cancel. Suddenly, John keels over; the wine has been drugged, and Warwick is not the person he seems.

When he comes to, John is tied to a chair, and the party is in swing—but all the guests Warwick is interacting with are figments of Warwick's imagination. Warwick takes a Polaroid of John and reveals a scrapbook of his past dinner parties, each with a murder victim, and a timeline of things Warwick is going to do to him. As the night wears on, John is further terrorized, drugged and incapacitated, and learns various things about Warwick's strange lifestyle.

John and Warwick play chess, with the prize being John's freedom; John, who is an excellent player, wins. Warwick lets John go as agreed but taunts him before he can leave, calling him worthless and secondary. John takes one of the swords on display in Warwick's living room and stabs him with it, but it proves to be a collapsible prop knife, and so Warwick knocks John out. When he regains consciousness again, they are in Warwick's bathroom, and Warwick cuts John's throat.

John's body is left outside with the trash. He wakes up and discovers that most of his injuries are fake; Warwick is a master of movie makeup. Detective Morton arrives at Warwick's door—Warwick is actually a police lieutenant, who is working John's robbery. Meanwhile, while waiting, John gets suspicious of Simone, the bank teller he was working with, and discovers she made alternate travel arrangements out of Los Angeles that don't include him. John locates Simone in a parking garage, taking her switch car and the money, leaving her to be captured by the detectives. Warwick stops John from leaving, and blackmails him for the robbery tape, leaving him with only a couple thousand to get past the Mexican border.

A couple of months later, Detective Morton receives a letter from Mexico—it's a Polaroid from the dinner party of Warwick and John together. A suspicious Morton confronts Warwick, who blows it off, but when Morton persists, Warwick invites Morton to a dinner party.

The Half-Made World

The reader is introduced to the character of Dr. Lysvet 'Liv' Alverhuysen at the Koenigswald Academy, where she has taught for years. A letter has come for her dead husband, a plea to come west to the edge of the world and the House of Dolorous, a hospital who takes in all wounded, regardless of which side of the war they were injured on. She begins her difficult journey with the help of the school janitor, a brain damaged but extremely large man who wants nothing more than to protect her.

John Creedmore is relaxing on a ferryboat, enjoying being out of the war, when his masters, the Gun, summon him to take on a new mission. He is to go to the House of Dolorous and retrieve (but not kill) an old man believe to have secrets of a great weapon from the First Folk, wild people who live in the hills, that can kill the Line engines, which are the alternate version of the Gun.

Down the Line, Lowry is tasked with the same mission. He goes about it in the opposite way from Creedmoor, as an army is essentially brought in to support him.

Creedmoor, having continued to ride through the death of several horses, reaching the town of Kloan and decides he needs a break, contrary to his master's wishes. They reluctantly concede and he wanders through the town looking for entertainment. Instead, soldiers of the Line recognize him and the town is turned into an all-out battleground as Creedmoor escapes. Lowry and his support men flood the town hours afterward, but they are too late. Instead, they set up an outpost and prepare to wait until Creedmoor attempts to leave with the General.

Creedmoor tricks his way into the House of Dolorous because his usual method of killing is impossible in the House, which is protected by a guardian who will kill anyone who kills. Liv arrives at the same time, after a difficult journey. She unwittingly picks the General as one of her two psychology subjects to study and attempt to cure, and when Creedmore springs his trap, distracting the guardian with the pain and suffering of all the patients at once, she is carried along with the General as they head west, the only place where they can escape the Line. The soldier of the Line follow, but the going is much rougher for them in the wild west, because they are dependent upon their technology which has not yet stretched this far. Afraid of any type of failure, Lowry presses on as his soldiers dwindle.

Liv and the General are discovered by what is left of the Red Valley Republic, who had moved as far west as they could years ago with their General's defeat. They call their town New Design. Creedmore has gone off to try to slay a dragon-like creature for the thrill of the hunt. His masters' voices come and go now and he sometimes thinks disloyal thoughts about them, which they note upon their return. They threaten to harm him, but he laughs it off, knowing he is the only one they have out here with the General. Liv and the General are made welcome in the New Design, but Liv cannot shake off how ill-prepared the town is, even as she warns them the Line is coming.

The Line comes. The town fights, but falters until Creedmoor decides to throw in his hand and save most of them. During the mop up, he takes the General and Liv follows. The six remaining men of the Line follow. Liv senses that Creedmoor's masters will not allow him to act in his own accord, and when she gets her chance, she stabs him repeatedly with her knife, even as he heals. She causes enough damage that the Linesmen catch up to a broken Creedmoor and are able to subdue him, and they blow up his Gun, which has tied him to his masters for so many years. Once the Gun is destroyed, Liv steps forward and kills the two remaining Linesmen. The General had been shot when Liv first attacked Creedmoor, and he tells them his dying story of where he had been going to find the weapon.

Creedmoor is still tied up, but Liv cannot decide if she will free him or let him die for his crimes committed at whim of the Gun. She eventually frees him.

Friday Night Bites

Caroline (Candice Accola) awakens after the night she spent with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to find bite marks on her neck. She tries to escape from her room before Damon hears her, but he thwarts her attempt and attacks her again.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) worries about Elena (Nina Dobrev) being with Stefan (Paul Wesley) after the bad feeling she had when she touched his hand. She tries to talk Elena out of committing to dating him but Elena is not convinced and instead she arranges a dinner at her place where Bonnie will have the chance to know Stefan better and see that there is nothing wrong with him.

Vicki (Kayla Ewell) invites Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) to a concert as friends. But he becomes angry, because he wants to be more than her friend and, out of frustration, he accuses her of only sleeping with him for the drugs.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) picks on Matt (Zach Roerig) for his lack of action as Elena and Stefan grow noticeably closer. When Tyler throws a football at Stefan's head in an attempt to make a fool of him, Stefan deftly catches it, surprising everyone. Elena suggests that Stefan should join the football team in order to make friends, something that Stefan does even though at the beginning he is not very positive to the idea. Stefan asks Mr Tanner (Benjamin Ayres) to let him join the team but Tanner refuses because Stefan embarrassed him during history class. But Mr Tanner lets him try out and, impressed by his skills, lets Stefan join the team.

Meanwhile, at cheer practice, Caroline shows up late because of Damon and Elena messes up the routine and eventually stops to watch Stefan play football.

Elena and Bonnie prepare the dinner while waiting for Stefan and Bonnie tells Elena that she keeps seeing the numbers 8, 14 and 22, but she does not know what they mean. Stefan arrives but the dinner is awkward until Elena mentions that Bonnie's grandmother claims that their family are witches that come from Salem. Stefan tells Bonnie that her family heritage of witches is something to be proud of and Bonnie becomes more comfortable around Stefan.

Caroline and Damon arrive unexpectedly and Stefan tries to convince Elena not to invite him in the house but she does not listen. During the evening's conversation, Damon makes a cryptic comment referring to their past with Katherine. Elena guesses that Damon also loved Katherine, surprising him by expressing her sympathy for him having lost her too. Meanwhile, Stefan confirms his suspicion that Damon is feeding off Caroline and attempts to convince him that humans are not to be used as toys. In response, Damon reminds Stefan that he has been invited into Elena's house and he can come back whenever he wants and do whatever he wants. He comes back in the evening and invades in one of Elena's dreams.

Stefan ponders how to make Damon see his own humanity and how to protect Elena. At the football game, he gives her a necklace with vervain in it so Damon will not be able to affect her. Prior to the game, Mr Tanner gives a pep talk that highlights Stefan's talents, infuriating Tyler. A drunken Jeremy attacks Tyler because of the way he treats Vicki and a fight ensues between them. Stefan attempts to break it up but he cuts his hand. Elena sees his injured hand but when she tries to check on him, the wound has already healed, making her suspicious. This suspicion leads Elena to question Bonnie about her strange feeling she has for Stefan, and Bonnie tells her that it felt like death.

Damon follows Elena to her car and attempts to compel her, and then he tries to kiss her. Elena slaps him and reminds him that she is not Katherine. Damon figures out that the necklace Stefan gave her contains vervain and that is why he was not able to compel her. He confronts Stefan and threatens to harm Elena. Stefan tells him that no matter how tough he is trying to be, he still has humanity in him. Damon, to prove him wrong, kills Mr Tanner before his eyes.

Matt discovers Mr Tanner's body and calls for help. As the ambulance takes away the body, Bonnie watches in shock when she sees a sign for building eight, the number 14 on a license plate, and parking space 22 where Mr Tanner was killed - the three numbers she was seeing the whole day.

Elena is confused and upset by the evening's events and Stefan assures her that they will be fine. After what happened, Stefan later writes in his journal that he is now convinced that there is nothing good left in Damon and that he must be stopped. At the same time, Damon is in Elena's room watching her sleep, (hinting he may have some type of feelings for her) but he leaves just as she wakes up.

You're Undead to Me

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has been locked up at the basement for three days now, and Stefan (Paul Wesley) checks on him and tries to reeducate him. Stefan also took Damon's ring that protects him from going out to the sun and he warns Zach (Chris William Martin) to stay away from the basement.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) surprisingly finds Vicki (Kayla Ewell) in the bathroom, she having spent the night with Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen). Later, Elena asks Jenna (Sara Canning) if she knows about it but Jenna says she is fine with it. Jenna asks about Stefan and Elena admits that she has not heard from him for three days.

At school, Caroline (Candice Accola) organizes a wash car fundraiser and informs Elena and Bonnie (Kat Graham) about it. Stefan arrives and Caroline asks where Damon is. Stefan only tells her that he left and he will not be coming back. Later at the Mystic Grill, a stranger (Bob Banks) sees Stefan and is convinced that they have met before. He says that Stefan has not aged at all and even Stefan tells Elena that the stranger must be mistaking him for someone else, but she is not convinced. She asks about him but Stefan denies to answer, something that makes Elena upset with him, and she leaves without him.

Stefan, to make up to Elena, prepares her favorite dinner, while at the same time sharing more of his story about Katherine and what his likes are. Elena tries to help him with the preparation but she cuts her finger. Stefan's face changes because of the blood smell and Elena catches a glimpse of his face as it reflects in the window. She tries to see if he is fine but Stefan manages to regain control before he faces her again.

Vicki and Jeremy hang out in his room where she finds Elena's pain medicine from the car accident. Later, Vicki takes Jeremy to her favorite hangout, the cemetery. Her friends are there and when she passes them Elena's pills, which she took from the house without telling Jeremy, he gets mad, takes the pills back and leaves.

At the car wash fundraiser, Bonnie is annoyed by Tiki's (Brandi Coleman) attitude and, without knowing how she did it, uses her powers to make the water hose explode in Tiki's face. When later Tiki puts her on sweeper duty, Bonnie ignites a stream of water and Tiki's car gets set on fire. Stefan manages to stop her before it is burned completely and Bonnie tells him not to tell anyone what happened. Bonnie later goes to her grandmother (Jasmine Guy) and tells her that she does not know what is happening to her.

In the meantime, Elena sees the stranger again while she is tending the cash table and asks him about Stefan. The man tells her that he stayed at the Salvatore boarding house and met Stefan in 1953 and that Stefan's uncle was attacked by an animal back then. Elena approaches Logan (Chris Johnson) and asks him if she can use the station's news archives. Logan tells her that of course she can and also arranges a dinner with Jenna at her place, where his goal is to get the Gilbert watch.

Elena goes through the archives to research the attack and finds a video report. She plays it and is stunned to see someone who looks just like Stefan standing in the background. She tries to understand how he cannot be aging and starts putting the pieces together. But she is not willing to believe what is in front of her, so she decides to ask Stefan straight about it and leaves to find him at his house.

Meanwhile, Damon tries to compel Caroline from his cell so she can come and free him. Caroline starts seeing visions of Damon and hearing his voice. She ends up at the Salvatore house and opens the door to Damon's cell. Zach gets there and struggles to shut the door while telling Caroline to run. Unfortunately, Damon snaps Zach's neck and chases after Caroline but she manages to get out of the house before he reaches her since he cannot go out into the daylight without his ring.

Back at the Gilbert house, Logan searches Jeremy's room and finds the watch. He takes it and on his way out runs into Jeremy. He tells him that he was looking for the bathroom so Jeremy will not suspect anything and manages to get out with the watch.

Vicky and her friends are still at the cemetery. Vicki goes to the car to turn the music back on and sees a man leaning against the car. She asks if he is okay and gets close to him, but it turns out to be Damon, who attacks her.

Stefan gets back home and finds Zach dead. He immediately retrieves a stake and runs to find Damon but the moment he opens the door Elena is standing there, frighteningly asking him: "What are you?"


Seed pods from space land in the area surrounding a small rural town, and the seeds become alien creatures that contaminate the human population in the area, turning people into unwilling seed pods that in turn hatch into even more monsters.

Kicking the Moon Around

In an effort to discover whether his fiancee is a gold digger, a millionaire's son pretends to have lost all of his money.

The Gambler and the Lady

An American gambler, Forster (Clark), aspires to find acceptance amongst the British nobility after falling in love with the aristocratic Lady Susan Willens (Chance), a prominent blueblood who has actually been pursuing him. To start a relationship with her, he dumps his girlfriend (Byron), a singer in one of his nightclubs who becomes murderously jealous. He must also deal with mobsters who try to take over his nightclubs. Swindled by an upper-class con-man (Ireland) into voluntarily selling out to the mobsters anyway all his valuable assets including the gambling-casino nightclubs, a racehorse and a boxer, in order to invest in a gold-mining scam that is eventually unmasked as a fraud.

He finds himself broke and in a gunfight with the mobsters, who have been deceived by a gang member with a grudge against him into thinking that they need to kill him. Wounded in the gunfight, he is about to make an escape from his mobster pursuers when his jilted girlfriend tries to kill him by hitting him with her car. He is knocked down by a glancing blow, and she flees the scene. At that point, Lady Willens and Forster's butler arrive on the scene and come to his aid. Forster looks up from the gutter and says, "Susan" with relief and gratitude. Susan tells the butler, "Let's bring him home."

Our New Errand Boy

A mischievous boy (Tom Williamson), sent by the grocer (James Williamson) to deliver the goods home, causes havoc in the streets of Hove. When he returns to the shop, he finds all his victims waiting for him. It follows an adventurous escape, in which the unrepentant boy soon gets the better of his pursuers and laughs at them.

The Kingsroad

In the Dothraki Sea

En route to Vaes Dothrak with Khal Drogo's ''khalasar'', Jorah Mormont reveals to Viserys Targaryen that he was exiled for selling poachers into slavery. Viserys is impatient for control of Drogo's army.

Daenerys Targaryen struggles with her new marriage and the nomadic Dothraki lifestyle, taking comfort in her dragon eggs. Distressed by sex with the Khal, she asks her handmaiden Doreah how to please her husband. Later, she is able to have sex with Drogo while facing him, leading the relationship to become more intimate.

At Winterfell

Bran Stark has been in a coma for over a month. After slapping his nephew Joffrey Baratheon for refusing to give his condolences to the Starks, Tyrion Lannister informs his siblings that Bran will survive.

Ned Stark and his daughters prepare to journey to the capital with King Robert Baratheon, while Jon Snow leaves to join his uncle Benjen in the Night's Watch, accompanied by Tyrion. Jon gives Arya Stark a sword, and Catelyn Stark chastises Ned for leaving her. Ned promises Jon to tell him about his mother when they meet again. As they embark for King's Landing, Robert tells Ned of Daenerys Targaryen's marriage to Khal Drogo and the possibility of Viserys raising a Dothraki army to overthrow him.

A fire breaks out at Winterfell as an assassin tries to kill Bran, but the assassin is held off by Catelyn and killed by Bran's direwolf. A strand of blonde hair in the tower where Bran fell convinces Catelyn that the Lannisters are involved. Confiding with her son Robb, Maester Luwin, Master-at-Arms Ser Rodrik Cassel, and the Starks' ward Theon Greyjoy, Catelyn decides to go to King's Landing to warn Ned.

At the Wall

Reaching the Wall, Tyrion disabuses Jon of his romantic notions of the once-noble Night's Watch, now a place for criminals, prisoners, and bastards.

At the Inn at the Crossroads

The king's entourage stops at an inn, where Joffrey's cruelty to Arya's commoner friend Mycah results in Joffrey being bitten by Arya's direwolf Nymeria, whom he accuses of attacking him. Sansa, newly betrothed to Joffrey, claims to remember nothing, and King Robert gives in to Cersei Lannister's demand that the direwolf be killed. With Nymeria having fled, Sansa's direwolf Lady is to be killed instead, which Ned takes responsibility for himself. He encounters Joffrey's bodyguard, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, who has killed Mycah for the prince.

Reluctantly, Ned kills Lady, while in the North, Bran suddenly awakens from his coma.

Maria Marten (1928 film)

When his secret lover Maria Marten tells him she is pregnant with his child and asks him to marry her, the villainous Squire Corder murders her and buries her body in the red barn. The dead woman's ghost later visits her mother in a dream, and leads her to find her daughter's body, incriminating the squire.

Lucky Ladies

Some sisters inherit a large sum of money.

Into the White

On 27 April 1940, a Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111 bomber (1H+CT) is pursued near Grotli by a Fleet Air Arm Blackburn Skua (L2940) fighter. Three of the four German crew survive the crash: pilot Leutnant Horst Schopis (Florian Lukas), Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk (Stig Henrik Hoff) and Obergefreiter Josef Schwartz (David Kross). Unteroffizier Hauk did not survive the crash. Josef's arm is injured, but it does not appear serious. They then set off for the coast to rejoin the fighting. When a snowstorm develops, they lose their supplies and encounter a hunter's cabin. Two British airmen from the other downed aircraft, Capt. Charles P. Davenport (Lachlan Nieboer) and his air gunner Robert Smith (Rupert Grint), are heard approaching the cabin. The Germans allow them in the cabin, but as prisoners of war. Horst divides the room roughly in half and explains the British must not cross the line without permission. The only food found is a small amount of oatmeal, which the Germans share equally. The Germans treat them fairly, but clearly both groups make no secrets of their contempt for the other; Smith in particular is antagonistic.

With little firewood, they begin chopping up things in the cabin to use. Horst takes Davenport's lighter, which Davenport objects to greatly as it was a gift from his father. Horst promises it will be returned when this is over. The following morning, an attempt to set out for help is abandoned when they start to get separated by the snowstorm, as the weather is clearly too rough.

After returning to the cabin, Smith sees an opportunity and grabs Josef's gun, putting it to Josef's head and forcing the other two to hand over their weapons. The next day, Smith and Strunk go out, hoping to spot some reindeer Smith had seen earlier. They only find (and Smith shoots) a rabbit instead.

Back at the cabin, Davenport orders Horst to chop down what is the main support beam in the middle of the cabin for firewood, despite Horst's objections. Immediately the roof begins to cave in, stopped just in the nick of time by Horst and Davenport standing on two small tables and holding up the roof. Horst takes advantage and takes Davenport's gun. When Smith and Strunk get back, there is a standoff, and both sides agree to a "cease fire" until they can get to safety. They put all of the guns in a box. At this point, tensions have eased as the men get to know each other and realize they must work together to survive. This is aided greatly by Strunk accidentally uncovering a box under the floorboards with supplies, including dried meat and several bottles of alcohol.

Josef's arm gets infected with gangrene and the men realized they must cut it off for him to survive. They get him drunk and cut off the arm, saving his life. At this point the men have become friends, spending the night drinking and talking about each other's lives.

The next day, Smith and Strunk go out on skis found in the cabin to get to a hill and look for the best route to travel. Meanwhile, in a nearby military camp, a Norwegian scout finds the downed German aircraft and a small party of men is dispatched to look for the German airmen. When they encounter Smith and Strunk skiing back downhill towards the cabin, a Norwegian sniper fatally shoots Strunk and they capture Smith. The rest of the men are also captured.

Back at the military camp, a Norwegian officer interrogates the Britons, perceiving them as collaborators with the Germans. Davenport finally snaps, insulting the officer and telling him they were simply trying to survive. Horst then walks in and explains he wants to return Davenport's lighter, which he does. Davenport cannot bring himself to look at Horst as Horst places it on the table.

Horst and Josef are seen being taken away in a canoe to be shipped to a prison camp. Davenport and Smith walk to the edge of the dock, where Davenport and Horst exchange a glance.

The epilogue credits state that eventually, Horst and Schwartz become prisoners of war in Canada. Smith and Davenport are returned to combat action and are shot down in their very next flight, during which Smith is killed. In 1977, Horst gets a call in his Munich home. It is Davenport, who invites Horst to London, where the former enemies meet as friends.

The Supernaturals (film)

During the American Civil War, deep in the sullen backwoods of the Southern United States, a Confederate town is held captive, the soldiers forced to walk through a piece of woodland laced with mines. Because he is found wearing a Confederate States Army outfit, Jeremy (Chad Sheets), a young boy is also forced to make the crossing. If they make it across the minefield the Union Army 44th will set them free. Only Jeremy and his mother (Melanie) - who runs to save him - survive, despite the fact that the mother has stepped on a mine. Jeremy exhibits unearthly powers. Jump to ''circa'' 1985 and a platoon of soldiers are out on manouevres in the same backwoods. They too are the 44th, descendants of the Union platoon of years before, those who committed the atrocities. The main character here is Pvt. Ray Ellis (Maxwell Caulfield), the only soldier to catch glimpses of the beautiful and mysterious Melanie; Ellis also has a romantic interest in Pvt. Angela Lejune (Talia Balsam). The platoon decide to camp inside a circle of yellow grass seemingly caused by brush fire, a spot from which the wind only blows outward. Pvt. Ellis is reluctant to camp there, but Sgt. Hawkins does not like having her authority undermined. Whilst the platoon are setting up camp, Melanie reappears - this time witnessed by all in the platoon - and takes a strong interest in Pvt. Ellis who bears an uncanny resemblance to her husband, Evan.

Trouble for Sgt. Leona Hawkins (Nichelle Nichols) and her platoon begins with the soldiers' drunken and childish antics; however, events take a sinister turn when Pvt. Cort (Bobby Di Cicco) is found shot in the head. They inexplicably lose radio contact and the nearest town is over twenty miles away. Hawkins and her platoon go in search of - and arrest - Melanie, who lives in an old wooden shack with what looks to be her father or grandfather, a withered old man. In the cabin, they discover the relics of muskets and an old diary, written by Evan. They take Melanie back to camp, but leave the old man at the cabin; he is too old and frail to go anywhere. During the night, an eerie fog rolls in, encompassing the 44th, and the Confederate Dead close in on their camp. Most of the 44th are subsequently killed - one-by-one - whilst Pvt. Ellis heads off into the woods in search of the old man who, it turns out, is Jeremy (he has used his powers to keep his mother the same age). Along the way he is forced to do battle with the Confederate zombies and also runs into Melanie, who shows him a locket. Inside is a picture of Evan, and Ellis immediately recognizes the resemblance. He snatches the locket from around her neck and runs in the direction of the cabin. Once there he persuades Jeremy to end the evil spell and send Melanie and the zombies back to wherever it is the dead are supposed go. Exhausted, Jeremy dies and Ellis returns to the camp where Lejune and Hawkins are waiting, the only survivors. Ellis embraces Lejune and the locket falls from his hand to the woodland floor, where it is lost amongst the leaves.

Theodore Boone: The Abduction

13-year-old Theodore Boone's best friend April is not happy with her life. Her mother is a neglective hippie and her father leaves her mother and her at home for days on end to tour with his band.

The story begins with Theo being woken up in the middle of the night to find out that April has been abducted. The fear is that April's cousin, the notorious criminal Jack Leeper, has kidnapped her. He is seen around town and eventually caught. Leeper claims to know where April is but refuses to tell the police unless they agree to his conditions. Theo and his friends search the town but are stopped by unhelpful policemen. The rumours around April's disappearance are made worse when a body is pulled out of the river. The jaws are missing and the police cannot identify the clothing. However, after a few days of examining the body, the police discover it was a man.

Theo realizes that April could actually be with her dad, who is touring fraternity houses with his band. When Theo's parents leave for a law conference out of town, they leave Theo with the Whipples, who are friends of the family. Once Theo arrives at the Whipples' house, he and Chase Whipple search for pictures of April's father's band on Facebook pages and eventually spot a girl whom they assume to be April standing near the band in one of the pictures. Theo persuades his uncle Ike to drive him to the next destination of April's father's band while Chase distracts his older sister, who is supposed to be watching them, by lying about their activities.

Once Ike and Theo arrive at the fraternity house, they go to find April in the basement, where a party is going on. The two grab April and escape the basement to find one of the members of the band demanding to know what they're doing with April. Ike quickly concocts a lie about being friends with April's family and wanting to catch up with her. The band member lets them go and the trio drives back to Strattenburg.

Safely back at home, Theo is praised for finding April, and April's family goes to court to decide what changes will be implemented within their family life. During this fast-paced novel, Theodore Boone is desperate for solutions. On one desperate turn, he decides to rely on the family reject, Ike Boone. April is in trouble.

Need for Speed: The Run

Jack Rourke, an experienced street racer, finds himself in serious trouble with the Mob due to a massive debt with them. After narrowly escaping being crushed within his car at a scrapyard in Oakland, due to his failure to repay what he owes, Rourke evades his captors by stealing one of their cars. Heading to San Francisco, he makes contact with his friend Sam Harper, a fixer who arranges his entries into street races, who offers to help him deal with the mob on one condition - Rourke must enter an illegal, large-scale street race from San Francisco to New York City, for which she will front the entry fee, and win the race's cash pot of $25 million for her. Rourke agrees to her condition, knowing that he will be allowed to keep 10% of the prize money for himself, and receives a tablet device from the race's mysterious organizer that details the race's route.

4 hours later, Rourke selects a car from his personal garage, and begins the race by completing three stages covering the route from San Francisco to Las Vegas, learning he must be in the top 150 before reaching the end of the third stages to stay in the race. In addition to dealing with other racers, seeking to win the cash prize, and the local police, who seek to stop and arrest the racers involved, Rourke finds himself attempting to defeat Marcus Blackwell - a family member of the Mob, who wants to ensure his defeat after he escaped his execution. Rourke manages to win all three stages, but is caught out by a police roadblock, forcing him to evade the cops and secure a new vehicle for the next four stages of race from Las Vegas to Chicago, learning he must be in the top 50 to keep in the race.

As Rourke holds out against the increasing efforts of his rivals and police to stop him, he soon finds the Mob entering the race to stop him. Despite reaching Chicago in the top 50, the Mob catch him out with a roadblock, forcing him to lose them initially in a police cruiser. Upon securing a new car for the remainder of the race to New York City, Rourke contends with both the police, the Mob, and an armed helicopter along the next stage of the route, but evades both sides and reaches a garage that can supply him a new vehicle, at Harper's request, to compete against the top drivers. As the police step up their efforts, Rourke evades capture, overcomes his rivals, and defeats Blackwell in New York to win the race.

Following the race's conclusion, Rourke meets with Harper in a streetside diner, who reveals his trouble with the Mob has been dealt with. Upon receiving a key to a safety deposit box containing his cut of the prize money, Harper suggests that he take time to relax, but upon seeing him question this, she offers him an opportunity to double his money, stating she got a call to another high-stake race.

Tetsujin 28-go (2004 TV series)

The story takes place ten years after World War II, approximately the same time as the manga debuted, focused mainly on Shotaro's pursuit to control and fully understand Tetsujin's capabilities, all the while encountering previous creations and scientists from the Tetsujin Project.

Tetsujin 28: The Movie

Shotaro Kaneda is a young boy living in Tokyo with his widowed mother, Yoko. He is haunted by the death of his scientist father, Dr. Shoichiro Kaneda, and is frequently bullied at school. One day, a giant robot called Black Ox wreaks havoc on the city. Shotaro receives a phone call from his father's former assistant, who informs Shotaro that he is destined to save the world. He guides Shotaro to the location of Tetsujin 28, a giant robot developed by the Japanese during World War II and hidden away by Dr. Kaneda for Shotaro to find. With the help of Chief Otsuka and classmate Mami Tachibana, Shotaro learns to control Tetsujin and does battle with the villainous Dr. Reiji Takumi and Black Ox.

The Dreamers (play)

The play is about how Aboriginal family, the Wallitches, go through everyday life. The story takes place over a period of six months in the home of the family.

The play maintains an elegiac tone throughout for a tribal past, for a people one physically and spiritually in harmony with their world.

The Night of Nights

Dan O'Farrell (Pat O'Brien) is a brilliant Broadway theater playwright, actor, and producer who has left the business. When he was younger, he and his partner Barry Keith-Trimble (Roland Young) were preparing for the opening night of O'Farell's play ''Laughter'' by getting drunk. When it was time to perform, they were so intoxicated they ended up brawling on stage and fell into the orchestra pit. The two left the theater and continued drinking, until they learn that they have been suspended. At the same time, O'Farrell learns that his wife, actress Alyce Martelle, is pregnant and has left him for ruining her performance in ''Laughter'' as Toni. Despondent, he in left the business and went into seclusion.

Years later, his daughter Marie (Olympe Bradna) locates him and inspires him to return to Broadway. He decides to restage ''Laughter'' with its original cast, but with Marie substituting for Alyce in the part of Toni. Hoping to make a glorious return with a show that would be a hit with critics and the public alike, O'Farrell enlists the aid of friends to embark on a full-fledged comeback.

Everything Sunny All the Time Always

Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is clearing out her apartment following her discovery that Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) had been living there. She comes to the conclusion that she needs to take control of her personal life. However, her hopes are dashed when a plastic bag blows into a tree opposite her apartment and refuses to be moved. Following a disastrous visit to City Hall, Liz attempts to take matters into her own hands and attacks the tree, before being apprehended by a police officer with a taser.

Meanwhile, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) is shocked to learn that his wife Avery Jessup has been kidnapped by Kim Jong-il whilst in North Korea, and forced to take part in Anti-American propaganda. Jack turns to his ex-girlfriend, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with whom he broke up via text message, for help. However, she is unable to assist and Avery is forced into marrying Kim Jong-un.

Tracy returns to work at ''TGS'' but is shocked to discover his entourage members, Grizz (Grizz Chapman) and Dot Com (Kevin Brown), referring with Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) to an amusing incident that happened during his absence. Tracy forces the trio to recreate the events that led to the incident, and they eventually admit that they missed Tracy.

East of Ealing

''East of Ealing'' is a novel in which the plot features perpetual motion, robots, time travel, Merlin, Sherlock Holmes and a microchip Antichrist.

Tween Academy: Class of 2012

Kara (Barbie Forteza), George (Bea Binene), and Enzo (Elmo Magalona) are 3 best friends who have been constantly bullied at school and nicknamed the Imba Trio. On the night of the school dance Enzo gets carried out of the dance by Maximo (Derick Monasterio) and his crew because he accidentally bumped into Chloe (Lexi Fernandez) while dancing and ripped her dress. And while Kara and George try to help him they also get dumped in the trash along with Enzo and are helped by Christian (Alden Richards) and Diego (Kristofer Martin). After the prom the 3 decide to make a list to do that helps them become popular so they won't get bullied and pranked on anymore by the date of the prom, and they make the list a dare.

The next day at school Enzo learns that he has to retake a class again. And after trying to go to the bathroom he is stopped by the janitor who is still cleaning the bathroom. So Enzo decides to use the women's restroom hoping no one will notice. But he bumps into a hot chick Maddie (Sam Pinto), and develops a crush on her. Meanwhile, George finds out her best friend, Jepoy (Jake Vargas) is back in town. And Kara is at a comic convention where she tries to help Robin (Joshua Dionisio) when his backpack gets snatched, and unknowingly sells him the #1 issue of Metal Man online. Later that night, Enzo helps Maddie get her car out of a tight parking space and locks himself out of his car. Kara later becomes friends with Robin online without knowing his true identity. George later hangs out with Jepoy who sings his new song for her and starts to think he has a crush on her and she starts to develop a crush on him.

Spooky Nights

In Spooky Nights, a story with a slightly scary theme runs for a number of weeks and is replaced by a new one with a different cast once it finishes.

Typhoon Over Nagasaki

Pierre Marsac, a French engineer working at the Nagasaki shipbuilding yards is in love with a young local woman Noriko Sakurai. However, when he encounters a former lover, the journalist Françoise Fabre he drifts apart from Noriko. Tragedy strikes when a typhoon overwhelms the region.

He's on Duty

Bang Tae-sik is perennially unemployed as he drifts from one job to another, from manual labor to serving coffee. His appearance (dark skin and short height), being rather atypical for a Korean is to blame it seems, but best buddy Yong-cheol persuades Tae-sik to make better use of these disadvantages: Desperate and having nothing better to do, he adopts a strange accent and ethnic hat and is reborn as Bang-ga (a twist on his family name) from Bhutan, and immediately lands a job at a chair manufacturing factory.

Despite a shaky beginning ― due to his unredeemable clumsiness, rather than doubts about his alleged Bhutani roots that are all too convincing ― Tae-sik gets along with his co-workers, and even starts romancing the lovely Jang-mi from Vietnam. He is even voted to become president of a migrant workers labor union and competent Korean language instructor, and joins in a harmonious effort to win a local singing competition for foreigners.

Tae-sik begins to truly bond with his co-workers but his loyalties are put to the test when Yong-cheol finds a way to swindle their money.

Tell Them Anything You Want: A Portrait of Maurice Sendak

Starting in 2003 Spike Jonze and his frequent collaborator Lance Bangs began to film a series of interviews with author Maurice Sendak. Sendak spoke about his youth, family, thoughts on death, and his career and some of the controversies that came from his books ''Where the Wild Things Are'' and ''In the Night Kitchen''.

Sheesh! Cab, Bob?

Tina's 13th birthday is coming up, and Linda suggests to Bob that they should make it extra-special since she will become a teenager. Tina wants to have a party with a smoke machine and streamers and invite people from her class and more. She also wants the party to have a romantic moment with classmate Jimmy Pesto Jr., the eldest son of Bob's business rival, nemesis, and owner of the restaurant across the street, Jimmy Pesto (Jay Johnston). Bob believes they can't afford what Tina wants, but Linda insists they must find a way. Bob asks the restaurant's landlord Mr. Fischoeder (Kevin Kline) for an extension on their rent. He refuses, instead offering Bob one of his side businesses so he can earn extra money as a taxi cab driver.

Bob accepts the offer while Louise becomes Tina's kissing coordinator as a birthday present to her to get ready for the expected kissing moment with Jimmy Jr. On the first night of his job, Bob starts to enjoy driving around the city, even befriending three transgender prostitutes: Glitter (Steve Agee), Marbles (Jack McBrayer), and Cha-Cha (Oscar Nunez). Tina starts inviting classmates to her party, including Jimmy Jr., who needs permission from his father for the R.S.V.P. Unfortunately, Jimmy Sr. forbids Jr. to come because of his rivalry with Bob, and Tina refuses to have a party without Jimmy Jr. Bob tries to talk sense into Jimmy Pesto, but Jimmy refuses unless Bob shaves his mustache and brings it to him as part of his collection. Tina disrespects him for his refusal to shave his mustache since he does not want to negotiate with the Pesto family.

After a night out with the sex workers, Bob deliriously comes back to the restaurant (due to drinking alcohol and possibly taking crack). Linda tells Bob that Tina agrees to attend the party, but only for a few minutes. Bob wakes up half an hour late for the party, and finds out it is not going well: the boys and girls aren't dancing, Gene in his role as the DJ and Mort working as the magician are appalling. Bob remembered that he invited not just his regular transgender customers but others, including another trans woman named Marshmallow (David Herman) and a homeless man (having invited all of them while he was drunk/high). Tina is disappointed in Bob for what he's done and refuses to talk to him. The trans women mention to Tina that Bob worked really hard for the party and reminds her that she has a good father who worked two jobs to pay for her party. She apologizes to Bob for what she said to him and lets him know that he already made the party perfect, even without Jimmy Jr. present. However, Bob has already shaved his mustache off. The trans women recognize Jimmy Sr. as one of their dates, known as "Baby Num Num", a "diaper lover." Bob brings the trans workers over to Jimmy's restaurant and threatens to publicly expose him about his personal dates and fetish. He concedes to Bob's demands; Bob keeps his mustache hair, albeit in a plastic baggie, and Jimmy Jr. is allowed to attend the party. Jimmy Jr. comes to the party, and Tina is grateful to Bob for what he has done. Tina and Jimmy Jr. kiss under the party's disco ball, with Louise's encouragement, and Gene plays the Thompson Twins' song, ''If You Were Here,'' creating a reference to the ending of the film ''Sixteen Candles.'' The episode finishes with everyone enjoying the party.

American Reunion

Thirteen years after their high school graduation, Jim Levenstein lives in the Chicago area with his wife Michelle and their two-year-old son. Chris "Oz" Ostreicher works as a sportscaster in LA with his unfaithful supermodel girlfriend Mia and is clearly unhappy, Kevin is married and works from home as an architect, Paul Finch tells his friends that he has been traveling the world, and Steven Stifler works as an office temp for a verbally abusive boss.

Former classmate John, one half of the "MILF" duo, organizes the Class of 1999 high school reunion in East Great Falls, Michigan. Jim and Michelle return to Jim's dad's house, where he encounters his neighbor Kara, who he used to babysit, and is almost 18. At a local bar, Jim, Oz, Kevin, and Finch meet Selena, Michelle's friend from band, and Stifler appears unexpectedly. The next day, at the beach, Oz meets his high school girlfriend, Heather, who is dating a cardiologist, Ron, and Kevin reconnects with high school sweetheart Vicky. Stifler destroys Kara's boyfriend's jet-ski, much to the disapproval of the guys. That night, they stumble upon Kara's birthday party. Kara gets drunk; Jim drives her home, and she tries to seduce him. Kevin wakes up next to Vicky and assumes they had drunken sex.

Jim and Michelle attend a party hosted by Stifler and bring Jim's widower dad along, who Stifler gets drunk. Kevin confronts Vicky who maintains they did not have sex. Mia takes ecstasy, and Ron humiliates Oz. Heather comforts Oz, and they reconcile before Mia and she gets into a fight. Jim's dad meets Stifler's mom.

Michelle, concerned about the recent lack of sex in their marriage, attempts to have BDSM sex with Jim but is interrupted by Kara. Her boyfriend arrives and a fight breaks out between his friends and Jim's. Michelle finds out that Kara seduced Jim and tried to lose her virginity to him. Jim tells Michelle he does not care about Kara. Upset, both Kara and Michelle leave. The police arrest Finch for stealing his boss's motorcycle, which Stifler thinks is funny. Exasperated by Stiffler's immaturity, the guys rally to Finch's side, reiterating they dislike Stifler. Distraught, Stifler ends the party.

The next morning, Jim's dad offers him advice on how to fix his marriage. Finch admits to being an assistant manager at Staples. The boys ultimately learn that despite Stifler's immature behavior, he genuinely cares about them. They then apologize to Stifler, they also sympathize with him when they realize how unhappy he is, and insist that high school would not have been fun without him. Stifler quits his job and they head to the reunion together: Kevin reconciles with Vicky; Finch makes amends for lying to Selena; Oz reunites with Heather after breaking up with Mia and Stifler punches Ron for threatening Oz. Jim reconciles with Michelle and Nadia (who appears with a man by her side) interrupts them having sex but is pleased to see them still together. Jessica reveals that she is a lesbian, and with Stifler's help, Sherman hooks up with Loni. Stifler is offered work as a wedding planner. He then meets Rachel Finch (Paul Finch's mom) who makes a brazen sexual pass at Stifler and they proceed to have sex on the lacrosse field. John is reunited with his estranged buddy, Justin, and they watch Stifler having sex with Mrs. Finch while shouting “MILF!” from the bleachers.

The next morning: Jim and Kara apologize to each other; Oz plans to stay in town with Heather; Finch plans a trip with Selena to Europe; and Stifler drops subtle hints about sleeping with Finch's mom. Kevin proposes a pact for them to reunite once a year.

In a mid-credits scene, Jim's dad gets fellatio from Stifler's mom in a movie theater.

A New Life (film)

Steve Giardino, an abrasive, workaholic Wall Streeter, and his wife Jackie divorce after twenty-six years of marriage and find themselves thrust back into the dating world in middle age and in search of a new life.

Steve's fellow trader, Mel Arons, likes being single and chasing women, encouraging Steve to join him, with disastrous results at first. Jackie, starved for affection, is at first thrilled by the romantic interest of a man called Doc, only to end up smothered by his attentions and in desperate need of some private space.

Unwilling to stop smoking and drinking or to eat properly, Steve has a mild heart attack. He ends up falling for his doctor, Kay Hutton, but a rift develops when he insists that he is too old to father her children and begin a new family.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations


Following the events of the previous game, Shaun Hastings stays in Rome to attend Lucy Stillman's funeral, while Rebecca Crane takes the comatose Desmond to his father, William Miles, in New York. To save Desmond's mind, they place him in the Animus's safe mode, the "Black Room". Awakening on Animus Island, a testing program within the Black Room, Desmond meets the consciousness of Clay Kaczmarek, Abstergo's previous Animus test subject, who explains that Desmond must repair his mind by fully reliving his ancestors' memories, at which point the Animus can separate Desmond from his ancestors, and awaken him.

Desmond returns to the perspective of Ezio, who, in 1511, travels to the Assassins' former fortress in Masyaf to learn more about their secrets. He finds Masyaf occupied by the Templars, who try to execute him. Ezio escapes, and discovers the entrance to an underground library built by Altaïr, which requires five "keys" to unlock. The Templars have found one key underneath the Ottoman Sultan's palace, and are searching for the rest in Constantinople. Travelling there, Ezio is met by Yusuf Tazim, leader of the Ottoman Assassins, and befriends the young student Suleiman. Ezio soon learns that the keys were hidden by Niccolò Polo, and meets Sofia Sartor, an Italian traveler and collector. Ezio finds the keys with Sofia's help, while developing feelings for her.

Meanwhile, Prince Ahmet and his brother Selim are quarreling over who will inherit the Sultanate. Revealing himself as Selim's son, Suleiman asks Ezio to investigate the Byzantine Templars, whom he suspects to be behind the feud. Ezio discovers that Manuel Palaiologos, with Templar support, is attempting to raise an army to overthrow the Ottomans and re-establish the Byzantine Empire. Ezio travels to Cappadocia, kills Manuel, and recovers the final key, but learns Ahmet is the true mastermind behind the Templar plot to open Altaïr's library.

During these events, Ezio uses the keys to witness various moments in Altaïr's life. He learns that Altaïr, after killing his traitorous mentor, Al Mualim, took over and tried to reform the Assassins, but was challenged by a former friend, Abbas Sofian. While Altaïr and his wife Maria were away fighting off the Mongol invasion, Abbas staged a coup, seizing control of the Assassins and executing Altaïr's youngest son, Sef. Altaïr sought revenge, but Maria tried to stop him, leading to her also being killed. Altaïr was subsequently forced into a self-imposed exile, but eventually returned to kill Abbas and reclaim leadership of the Assassins. Years later, Altaïr encoded his memories on the keys before entrusting them to Niccolò.

Returning to Constantinople, Ezio discovers that Ahmet has killed Yusuf and kidnapped Sofia, demanding the keys in exchange for her. Ezio agrees, but after saving Sofia, he pursues Ahmet and recovers the keys. While Ahmet is killed by Selim, now the Sultan, Ezio is spared due to Suleiman's endorsement, but is ordered to leave Constantinople and never return. After completing this memory, the Animus begins to delete excess data. Clay sacrifices himself to save Desmond from being deleted.

Ezio and Sofia return to Masyaf, where Ezio unlocks Altaïr's library, finding it empty except for Altaïr's skeleton and a sixth key. Through the key, Ezio discovers that the library was a vault meant to house Altaïr's Apple of Eden, and that Altaïr had sealed himself to protect it. Ezio leaves the Apple there, stating that he had seen enough for one life, and speaks directly to Desmond, knowing that he is watching. He tells Desmond that he realizes he is nothing more than a conduit for a message, and hopes that Desmond will be able to find answers to his questions. With this, Ezio retires from the Assassins.

Desmond is approached by Jupiter, a member of the First Civilization. He explains that his race had studied methods to save the planet from destruction, and transmitted all the collected data to a central vault—the Grand Temple. Jupiter tells Desmond that he must find the Temple before an impending solar flare hits the Earth and kills all of humanity. Awakening from the coma, Desmond finds Rebecca, Shaun, and William next to him, and tells them that he knows what they must do, just as they arrive at the Grand Temple's location.


The multiplayer aspect has its own plot from the Templar perspective. After impressing Warren Vidic in the first stage of Abstergo's Animus Training Program, the player is selected to participate in the second stage of the program for further training. Upon being promoted to the rank of Master Templar, the player is allowed into the inner sanctum of the Templar Order and is implanted with a tracker to ensure their trustworthiness. After reaching level 50, the player is dubbed an active agent, and assigned the task of finding and capturing the current Mentor of the Assassin Order: William Miles.

Voodoo (film)

Unable and unwilling to live apart from his girlfriend, Andy has decided to move from the UK to the United States, so that he can be near Rebecca while she studies medicine at university. He meets Cassian Marsh, who persuades him to approach the Omega fraternity where Marsh is the leader. Following a typical fraternity initiation, Andy is offered a place in the Omega house and readily accepts. He then notices a suspicious looking old man hanging around the campus and the stranger warns him that the brotherhood are hiding a dark secret: Marsh is part of a Voodoo cult and that remaining at the fraternity could be dangerous. Andy decides he is just a crazy old man; but, as events unfold, it seems that Marsh is just using the Frat house as a front in order to practice voodoo along with his zombie friends.

Centipede: Infestation

In a post-apocalyptic world where most of the Earth has been turned into desert wasteland inhabited by giant mutated bugs and humanity has been reduced to small cities and colonies due to the explosion of a bomb, a young man who calls himself Max the Bug Slayer wanders the wasteland constantly fighting and shooting the bugs for fun, until one day he stumbles across a garden being taken care by a young woman named Maisy Chambers. Max offers himself to follow and protect Maisy until they get to her home, and thus they start travelling together across a series of environments such as a desert, an abandoned city, a swamp and various caves, all taken over by giant bugs. Meanwhile, they start to reveal a bit of their past to each other: Max lived with his father and brother until the bomb dropped and both died, leaving him alone in the wasteland; Maisy and her mother had a gardening business together, until her mother disappeared while looking for soils in the wasteland, also leaving Maisy alone.

While in the caves, they find a locket that belonged to Maisy's mother, next to the lair of an Alpha Centipede, who Max calls Soot. Max explains he found Soot when it was small, and it was his best, and only, friend, until Soot grew larger and more aggressive, forcing Max to leave it behind in fear of getting himself hurt. Maisy says that the locket had a picture of herself in it but it has been taken out, so they go to Soot's cave in search of her mother and Max and Soot go into battle. Soot then tries to attack Maisy, and Max is sadly forced to shoot and kill it. Not having found her mother, Max and Maisy then embrace together as the soil grows grass and flowers from the nutrients in Soot's blood.

In a post-credits scene, a mysterious woman, whose face is never shown, holds a picture of a young Maisy in her hand.

1635: The Tangled Web

The main setting takes place in Fulda in 1633 and follows in four interlinking stories which ties together near the end of the novel.

"Prince and Abbot"

The New United States decided to accept the return of Johann Bernhard Schenk von Schweinsberg as the Abbot of Fulda, but the Abbot will have to give up the title of prince. Moreover, he will not be allowed to collect tithes. The N.U.S. is now the secular authority in Fulda and will collect the taxes. The Abbot surprises Wes Jenkins - the administrator of Fulda - in his attempts to persuade the monks to abide by the new rules of his order. The local monks have resisted abiding by these rules. Even the importation of Saint Gall monks hasn't won them over to the Tridentine doctrines. Dissatisfied Catholic conspirators in Bonn decide to unsettle affairs in Fulda, in which they initially arrange to post scurrilous flyers all over the town and then hire Irish mercenaries led by Walter Leslie to abduct the Abbot and several N.U.S. administrators.

"Mail Stop"

The story focus on Martin Wackernagel. As a private courier, Martin delivers correspondence and small packages on a route stretching from Grantville to Gelnhausen along the imperial road. He also makes side trips to Barracktown and other locations near his route. Martin visits his mother now and then during his travels, but he is reluctant to face her. She keeps asking when he will be married, but things are not as they seems. There is a secondary thread involving a pair of fourteen-year-olds operating a downtime mimeograph machine and unwittingly producing propaganda material that could lead to local unrest that is always in the background of the first three stories.

A third thread involves a young teenaged Jewish boy named David who wanted to leave his village and see the world as a postal carrier instead of being tied to his village in an unwanted profession and an arranged marriage to a vapid young girl. All of the different thread diverge and intersects along Wackernagel's postal route.

"Happy Wanderer"

“MAIL STOP” and “HAPPY WANDERER” tell the story of Martin Wackernagel, a private courier with a regular route. Martin maintains three separate households complete with wife and children unknown to his mother or his other “wives”. The woman he hopes to make his fourth wife is niece to Clara Bachmeierin, who married Wes Jenkins in the first story.

"Window of Opportunity"

The story examines the actions of the Mainz Committee of Correspondence. Bernard Eberhard – Captain Duke of the Swedish Army – is sent to Fulda by General Brahe to observe the interplay between NUS administrators and Abbot von Schweinsberg. Bernhard takes his brothers and his fellow CoC members with him to Fulda. He and his brothers began working for Major Derek Utt. Later, Utt plans an operation against the Irish soldiers who had abducted the Abbot. He sends Sergeant Helmut Herke and a small band of soldiers to determine the whereabouts of the colonels.

The Millionaires

What started as the perfect crime for a pair of employees at the private banking firm of Greene & Greene takes a turn for the worse. Charlie and Oliver Caruso work at Greene & Greene, a private bank that is so exclusive you need at least two million dollars just to be a client. The brothers are denied a promotion. As one opportunity closes, though, another reveals itself. A mysterious benefactor brings to their attention an abandoned bank account. No one knows of the account's existence, it doesn't belong to anyone, and it contains three million dollars. IT is the brothers' for the taking. The brothers see the abandoned account as their way into a new life, debt-free. As soon as they take the money though, things take a turn for the worse. A friend of theirs dies, and then the eyes of the Secret Service, their bank, and a female private investigator turn on them. The brothers must scramble to find out who is pulling the invisible strings of that account, how they will prove their innocence, and what they need to do escape the Secret Service. In the process, their trust and relationship is tested.

Jerry's Painting

Leslie (Amy Poehler) feels powerless at work because a policy by Chris (Rob Lowe) forbidding workplace romances is preventing her from dating Ben (Adam Scott). Meanwhile, now that he is staying in Pawnee permanently, Ben decides to move out of the motel where he has been living. Andy (Chris Pratt) and April (Aubrey Plaza) offer him a spare room in their house, since their previous roommate moved out and left the house to them. Although the two have been living by themselves for only a week, the house is a complete mess with no everyday items like plates or utensils available. Ben decides to teach a reluctant Andy and April how to properly live like adults.

Meanwhile, the parks employees attend an art show exhibiting paintings that will later be hung in government buildings. Jerry (Jim O'Heir) displays his painting of the fictional topless centaur Greek goddess Diaphena, which looks exactly like Leslie. Jerry explains he subconsciously painted Leslie while thinking about powerful women. Instead of being embarrassed, Leslie feels empowered by the painting. Tom, however, is humiliated because a pot-bellied cherub in the painting shares his likeness. The next day, local conservative activist Marcia Langman (Darlene Hunt) compares the painting to bestiality, deems it unsuitable for a government setting and demands it be destroyed.

Leslie goes on the news program "Ya' Heard? with Perd" to rouse public support for the painting by portraying it as a depiction of a powerful woman. However, she is undermined when reporter Perd Hapley (Jay Jackson) also has on pornographic film actress Brandi Maxxxx (Mara Marini), who defends the painting by comparing it to pornography. Chris convenes a meeting of the Pawnee Public Arts Commission to rule on whether the painting is acceptable. Despite Leslie's eloquent defense, the commission fears the nudity is offensive and decides to destroy it instead of risking public backlash. Leslie instead steals the painting and runs away. Meanwhile, after cleaning up around the house, Ben gives Andy and April money to buy common household items. Although they almost waste their money on frivolous items (including many As seen on TV items), Andy insists they need to take Ben's advice. April admits she is afraid of growing up because she does not want them to lose their unique personalities, but Andy assures her they will not change.

Chris angrily demands Leslie bring the painting to city hall the next day to be destroyed. When Leslie reluctantly agrees to do so, Jerry expresses disappointment that she would give up so easily. Feeling empowered again, Leslie asks Jerry to quickly paint another, similar painting, only this time with Tom as the centaur. Leslie tells Marcia the new painting is the original one but painted over. With no more nudity in the painting, a frustrated Marcia gives up her quest to have the painting destroyed. Tom is delighted with the painting until he realizes that Jerry forgot to draw a penis on the centaur. Ben later confides to Andy he likes Leslie but is unable to ask her out because of Chris, but Andy tells him if they truly care about each other, then it will eventually happen.

Lo (film)

Justin (Ward Roberts) sits inside a pentagram. He has obvious claw marks on his chest. He cuts his hand and uses a spell from a book to summon the crippled demon Lo (Jeremiah Birkett). Justin orders Lo to search Hell for his girlfriend April (Sarah Lassez), who was abducted by a demon. Lo argues that the task will be impossible, but eventually concedes and asks for information about April. Justin describes his first meeting with the endearing, quirky April; the memory is depicted as a Vaudeville production.

The demon Jeez, who abducted April, arrives. It tells Justin that April is actually a murderous demon who abandoned Hell in order to experience human love. Justin denies this despite Lo admitting that it knew April as a demon. Justin insults Lo and both demons leave. The cut on Justin's hand begins to speak and argues with him about April.

Lo returns and tells Justin that April is imprisoned and cannot be retrieved. Instead, it presents two damned souls who describe being tortured after April tricked them into selling their souls. Lo reveals that its legs were crushed when April returned to Hell. Justin concludes that Lo helped her escape and was punished. Lo tells him to think about her if he wants to see her again, prompting a flashback of their first Christmas together.

Justin gives April a rare edition of Faust. She seems confused by the concept of gift-giving but becomes excited about reading for amusement, which appears to be a novelty to her. April becomes confused when she realizes Justin expected a gift in return. She gives him the only thing she has: a book on demon summoning. She orders him not to open it, and to burn it if she ever leaves.

Lo says it was obvious April was a demon. Justin's hand suggests that April was manipulating Justin. Lo tells Justin that his condition will worsen the longer he stays in the circle, and he should undo the spell and leave. A waiter appears and offers Justin a drink. Lo tells Justin that the drink will allow him to travel through Hell to April, asking if Justin thinks she is worth it. Justin downs the drink, and Lo smugly tells him it was poison.

Lo leaves and Jeez returns. Jeez says the poison is slow-acting, and if he stops the spell and seeks medical treatment he will survive. Justin refuses to leave without April. Jeez asks what love is. Unable to define it, Justin merely smiles, causing Jeez to leave in irritation.

The hand and Justin argue over whether it would be better to live alone or die for April. Justin becomes distressed and decides to cut the hand off, but Lo interrupts him. Lo and Justin argue about April's true nature and whether she is worth the effort Justin is going to. Justin forces a third flashback.

Justin comforts April after she wakes up from a nightmare. Jeez appears and attacks April, fatally slashing Justin's chest in the process. April agrees to return to Hell with Jeez if she can save Justin. She leaves Justin the demon summoning book and takes the Faust book with her.

Lo admonishes Justin for not burning the book. Justin becomes philosophical about the differences between humans and demons. Lo laughs at this, infuriating Justin. Justin reasserts his control over Lo and orders it to find April. Lo leaves, and Justin begins to cry while looking at a picture of April.

April appears in front of Justin and forgives him for not burning the book. Justin affirms his love for her and his determination to bring her back. She kisses him, extracting the poison from his body. She tells Justin that she cannot come with him, because demons would pursue her and put Justin in danger. Justin offers to stay in Hell with her but April refuses. She begins to leave. As she looks back, she becomes Lo, revealing that they were the same person all along. The next day, Justin burns the book.


In the year 1940, Blubberella is an obese vampire/human hybrid with a hatred of Adolf Hitler, and a soft spot for food. The rest of the film roughly follows the plot of Bloodrayne 3: The Third Reich, although some scenes are inserted for comedic purposes, such as a scene were Blubberella talks to her mum, and numerous jokes about sex, obesity and being gay.

Murder on a Bridle Path

An apparent accident involving a horse in Central Park leads a police inspector to join forces with a brash amateur detective (Hildegarde Withers, played by Helen Broderick) to solve a woman's death.

Quinneys (1919 film)

An antique dealer's daughter loves a foreman who sells fakes to his ex-partner.

Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger

Volkoff Industries heiress Vivian Volkoff (Lauren Cohan) decides to make Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Agent Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) suffer, based on the misconception that the CIA forced her father, MI6 scientist Hartley Winterbottom (Timothy Dalton), to upload a government database called the Intersect to his brain, accidentally overwriting his personality with that of his cover identity, arms dealer Alexei Volkoff. Vivian poisons Chuck's fiancée Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) with the Volkoff Industries "Norseman" weapon, and Sarah is rushed into the emergency room. Chuck, his mother Mary (Linda Hamilton), and ally John Casey (Adam Baldwin) set out to find an antidote to the Norseman's effects, but when Chuck breaks into the prison holding Alexei, he discovers that elite agent Clyde Decker (Richard Burgi) has anticipated his move and relocated Alexei. To protect Alexei's true identity and conceal the government's botched experiment, Decker revokes Chuck's clearance to CIA facilities.

With General Beckman's (Bonita Friedericy) aid, Chuck intercepts the transport carrying Alexei, only to find that Decker has deprogrammed Alexei and restored his previous identity and memories of Hartley Winterbottom. Hartley administers an antidote, but it fails to cure Sarah. Mary then remembers that Alexei had developed a stronger antidote, but it is stored at the Volkoff Industries Headquarters in Moscow, Russia. As they leave the hospital, Chuck, Casey, Mary, and Hartley are captured by Decker and taken to Castle, a government base under the big-box store Buy More, where Decker suppresses the Intersect in Chuck's mind. Casey helps Chuck and Hartley escape, giving Chuck discs containing clean fabricated identities for him and Sarah.

Chuck and Hartley go to Volkoff Industries, and Hartley reveals to Vivian that he went undercover voluntarily, resulting in his transformation into the villainous Volkoff. Chuck gives up the discs from Casey so Vivian and her father can start a new life. Chuck returns with the antidote to Burbank, California, where Decker is waiting for him. A standoff occurs, but as Chuck is backed up by a superior force made up of his friends, family, the C.A.T. Squad (Mini Andén and Mercedes Masöhn), and Volkoff's Spetsnaz paratroopers, Decker is forced to stand down. Using the information about Alexei as leverage against Decker, Chuck delivers the antidote.

The scene then changes to Chuck and Sarah's wedding, after which they receive a wedding present from Hartley. Two weeks later, Chuck returns from his honeymoon to a deserted Castle, where he learns from Decker that he has been manipulated his entire spy career, leading to him receiving the Intersect and facing Fulcrum, the Ring, Daniel Shaw, and Volkoff. It is then revealed that Hartley's gift was all of Volkoff Industries' assets, giving Chuck and Sarah almost a billion dollars. Chuck purchases the Buy More from the government's front company, and he, Sarah, Casey, and Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez) set up their own freelance spy operation in Castle to investigate the conspiracy involving Chuck. Morgan then spots a pair of glasses in a box of Chuck's belongings sent from Beckman. Morgan puts them on and accidentally uploads an Intersect.

Petty in Pink

The opening montage shows Blair Waldorf preparing for her date with Louis, having received the heel that she gave him as a parting gift from Paris. Lily van der Woodsen (Kelly Rutherford) finds herself under house arrest in her apartment, spending time through online shopping and preparing the Pink Party, a cancer awareness charity event. As she makes her preparations, Anne Archibald (Francie Swift) arrives to tell Lily that the gift bags will be prepared at a different venue. Lily soon realizes that her incriminated status has caused her supposed friends to shun her. When Blair decides to skip a class and commands that her minions go take her class take notes for her. She keeps the identity of her date secret until Penelope (Amanda Setton) sends a tip to Gossip Girl that Blair has a secret date. Following a voice mail from Vanessa about Dan and Blair's kiss, Serena (Blake Lively) recruits Charlie to help her find information behind Dan and Blair's kiss, training Charlie in the methods of using Gossip Girl and receives word of Blair's date on her blog. At the loft, Rufus (Matthew Settle) inspires Dan to repair his friendship with Vanessa and leaves Dan, who finds himself on a job writing an article involving a royal that recently arrived in New York.

Charlie finds herself on stakeout and sees Dan and Blair having a conversation at the restaurant counter. Charlie informs Serena of Blair and Dan's date but is unaware that Dan had left after Blair forces him out to make her date with Louis. Shortly, Serena arrives at the restaurant and realizes that Blair is dating Louis, shrugging off her suspicions that Dan and Blair are seeing each other. Insisting that she couldn't have mistaken Dan for someone else, Serena praises her work but Charlie excuses herself, saying that she'll be staying to scout out New York University. As Serena leaves, the audience sees Charlie using the Gossip Girl spotted map, looking for Dan.

At the Empire Hotel, Raina finds herself troubled over the whereabouts of her mother and enlists that aid of a private investigator. Nate however, suspects something when he sees a change in Chuck's demeanor and follows Raina. Chuck later discovers that Raina is looking for her mother. Around NYU Dan calls Vanessa and patch their differences, inviting her over at the loft.

Blair and Louis find themselves being tracked down by Lucien (Dominik Tiefenthaler), Louis' royal adviser, and Blair discovers that Lucien had bribed Dan on the pretense that he was interested in Dan's writing. Blair calls Dan and demands that he meet her at a store. Charlie continues her investigation of Dan and finds him with Blair, who plans her scheme to drive out Louis. Blair persuades Dan to stage a fake relationship at the Pink party thereby convincing Lucien to leave without Louis and for Blair to be able to spend time with him. Charlie takes a photo of Blair presenting a pink tie to Dan and sends it to Serena, who conspires with Eric and Rufus to have the Pink party moved at the van der Woodsen apartment. Serena decides to blackmail a party planner to keep an eye on Dan and Blair. The move complicates Dan and Blair's scheme as they both fear that Serena will find out about their scheme and misunderstand their intentions behind it. Nate and Raina proceed to leave for New Jersey after discovering that Raina's possible mother was there and Chuck decides to accompany them.

At a diner, Nate, Chuck and Raina confront a waitress who fits her mother's description but finds a case of mistaken identity. Returning to the Empire Hotel, Chuck enlists the aid of his private investigator to investigate the events that lead to the death of Raina's mother. The transfer of the Pink party draws the ire of Lily's guests, especially Anne, who confronts Lily over the party transfer. Lily realizes that someone had moved the party and that none of the women whom she considered as friends consider her as a friend. Dan and Blair succeed in their scheme but are unaware that Charlie has been filming their kiss and sends it to Gossip Girl, who sends a blast to everyone at the party. Dan finds out that Charlie was responsible as he and Blair look for Serena. Serena tells Louis that Blair has been lying to him and Dan and Blair explain everything to her. Serena finds herself betrayed further conflict rises when Serena raises Blair's jealousy being the reason why she finds herself drawn to Dan until Blair berates Serena's arrogance and her need to be the center of attention. Blair leaves Serena to look for Louis. Unable to take the scrutiny, Lily disobeys her house arrest and goes down to the lobby, waiting for the police to arrive. The police arrive but Lily asks them to shut down the event, at the same time avoiding arrest. Charlie later arrives at Brooklyn to apologize to Dan, adding that everything had happened because of Vanessa's message to Serena.

The closing montage shows Blair convincing Louis that she loves him and make their relationship public, Dan shutting out Vanessa and severing ties with her while letting Charlie stay for a drink, Serena calling Louis' driver, and Chuck watching the security tapes that recorded the night of Avery Thorpe's disappearance.

Django Unchained

In 1858 Texas, brothers Ace and Dicky Speck drive a group of shackled black slaves on foot. Among them is Django, sold off and separated from his wife von Shaft, a house slave who speaks German and English. They are stopped by Dr. King Schultz, a German dentist-turned-bounty hunter seeking to buy Django for his knowledge of the three outlaw Brittle brothers, overseers at the plantation of Django's previous owner and for whom Schultz has a warrant. When Ace refuses to sell Django to Schultz and levels his gun at him, Schultz kills him and shoots Dicky's horse in order to pin him to the ground. Schultz insists on paying a fair price for Django before leaving the other slaves to kill Dicky. Schultz offers Django his freedom and $75 in exchange for help tracking down the Brittles.

Django and Schultz kill the Brittle brothers at Spencer "Big Daddy" Bennett's Tennessee plantation. Bennett lets Django and Schultz leave due to the warrant, but later tries to attack them with a posse. Schultz ambushes the posse with explosives and Django kills Bennett. Feeling responsible for Django, Schultz agrees to help him find and rescue . They return to Texas where Django collects his first bounty, keeping the handbill as a memento. He and Schultz rack up several bounties before spring, when they travel to Mississippi and learn that 's new owner is Calvin J. Candie, the charming but cruel owner of the Candyland plantation, where slaves are forced to wrestle to the death in brutal "Mandingo" fights. Schultz and Django hatch a plan: deciding that Candie will price Broomhilda beyond their reach if they try to buy her upfront, they will instead offer for one of his best fighters as a pretext to acquiring Broomhilda for a nominal sum. They meet Candie at his gentlemen's club and make the offer. Intrigued, Candie invites them to Candyland. En route, the group encounters Candie's slave trackers who have cornered D'Artagnan, an escapee Mandingo fighter. Schultz attempts to save him, but Django intervenes to prevent him from blowing their cover. Candie has the trackers' dogs maul D'Artagnan to death, visibly upsetting Schultz.

Having told of their plan, Schultz offers to buy her as his escort while negotiating the initial deal during dinner. Candie's staunchly loyal and suspicious head house slave Stephen realizes that knows Django, deduces their plan and alerts Candie. Candie alters the deal at gunpoint to sell Broomhilda for $12,000 instead of the fighter; Schultz reluctantly agrees. During the sale's finalization, Candie threatens to kill Broomhilda if Schultz does not shake his hand to seal the deal. Having had enough of Candie's arrogance, Schultz shoots and kills Candie. Butch Pooch, Candie's bodyguard, kills Schultz, and Django goes on a rampage, killing Pooch, Candie's lawyer Leonide Moguy, and several of Candie's henchmen, but is forced to surrender when is taken hostage.

The next morning, the chained Django is tortured and about to be castrated by Candie's henchman Billy Crash when Stephen arrives, informing him that Candie's sister Lara, who has taken charge of the plantation, has ordered him to be sold to a mining company and worked to death. En route there, Django devises an escape plan and uses his first handbill to prove to his escorts that he is a bounty hunter. He falsely claims the men on the handbill are at Candyland and promises the escorts a share of the reward money. Once released, Django kills his escorts and returns to Candyland with dynamite. Recovering 's freedom papers from Schultz's corpse, Django bids him goodbye and avenges him and D'Artagnan by killing the trackers, and frees just as Candie's mourners return from his burial. At the mansion, Django kills Lara, Crash and the remaining henchmen, releases the two remaining house slaves, and kneecaps Stephen before igniting the dynamite he had planted throughout the mansion. Django and watch from a distance as the mansion explodes before riding off together.

Jackals (novel)

Locals from a small town cruise the rural back roads in order to prey on solitary drivers.

The Wind on the Moon

Major Palfrey is off to war. He warns his two daughters, Dinah and Dorinda, that while he is away they must behave themselves: "When there is wind on the moon, you must be very careful how you behave. Because if it is an ill wind and you behave badly, it will blow straight into your heart, and then you will behave badly for a long time to come." And so it proves: before long the girls are drinking a potion provided by the local witch and turning into kangaroos, getting stuck in the zoo, and staging an escape along with their new friends, a golden puma and a silver falcon.

Their appetite for naughtiness and cleverness whetted, Dinah and Dorinda turn their attention to freeing their dancing master, Casimir Corvo, from jail. And then comes their greatest adventure: Count Hulagu Bloot, the tyrant of Bombardy – who loves torturing people and eating peppermint creams – has captured their father and imprisoned him in the dungeons of Bloot's castle. The two girls, together with their puma friend and their beloved dancing teacher, smuggle themselves from England to Bombardy in a room made of furniture hidden inside a huge removal van and stage a dramatic rescue.

Circle of Deceit (1998 film)

Having walked out on her cheating husband Jeff (Morales), Terry Silva (Turner) moves in with her best friend Donna Avedon (Tracy Griffith). This set-up proves most untenable when Terry finds out that Donna is Jeff's longtime mistress. Vowing to get revenge on both Jeff and Donna, Terry fakes her own death — intending to frame her husband and her faithless friend for murder.

Yet another variation on the old ''Diabolique'' formula, the made-for-TV ''Circle of Deceit'' was clearly conceived to showcase the flexibility of ''Northern Exposure'' star Turner, who was also one of the movie's producers.

Satan's Baby Doll

The daughter (Jacqueline Dupré) and wheelchair-bound brother of a dead aristocrat are placed in the care of an evil nun in a remote Spanish castle. The daughter embarks on a rampage of lust and murder after becoming possessed by the spirit of her dead mother.

The Man Who Never Was (TV series)

Lansing initially plays the dual role of Peter Murphy, an American spy, and Mark Wainwright, an influential playboy millionaire who is his exact double. One evening, as the spy is being chased through the streets, he sees Wainwright drunkenly stumbling out of a bar. Stunned at the physical resemblance, Murphy unwittingly allows enemy agents to kill Wainwright, after which he assumes his identity. Although Wainwright's wife, Eva, realises immediately that Murphy is not her husband, she allows him to continue the impersonation, partly because it is financially convenient, and partly because she is moved by his kind treatment of her, in comparison to her abusive husband. Murphy and Eva eventually fall in love. In the final episode, "I Take This Woman", which aired on January 4, 1967, Murphy decides to quit being a secret agent. He proposes marriage to Eva, who accepts, which ended the series, One of the few TV shows to have a definite ending. Two movies were later made by editing episodes together, "The Spy with the Perfect Cover" and "Danger Has Two Faces"; both have the final scene from the last episode, but one version of it was re-filmed with the same dialogue.

Playback (2012 film)

On October 21, 1994, Harlan Diehl (Luke Bonczyk) murders his family at their farmhouse and he is shot by the police, as he kills his sister. The tragedy leaves behind video footage (which he had taped) and his sister's baby, who lives. Fifteen years later in Marshall, Michigan, an ambitious high school student Julian Miller (Johnny Pacar), is tasked with completing a film assignment on forgotten local stories for journalism class. Choosing the Harlan Diehl case, though it goes against the wishes of his mother, Anne Miller (Lisa Jane Todd), he selects his girlfriend, Riley (Ambyr Childers), to be his project partner, and borrows camera equipment and archive footage from his reserved former coworker at a video store, Quinn (Toby Hemingway), who has since become a news station cataloger. He also recruits his fun-loving friends, DeeDee Baker (Jennifer Missoni), Nate (Jonathan Keltz), and Brianna Baker (Alessandra Torresani) to re-enact the murder scene, allowing him to produce a gory slasher movie.

One night, Quinn watches footage from the aftermath of the tragedy, where Harlan is taken away after having been shot. Still alive, Harlan awakes as the video intercuts, leading to the spiritual possession of Quinn's body by way of video playback transmission. Besides cataloging footage, Quinn is paid by a perverted cop, Officer Frank Lyons (Christian Slater), to set up spy cameras to privately record teenage girls, using this chance to initially possess Brianna, who finds and looks into the camera. He begins to kill people, starting with a coworker at his news station. Meanwhile, Julian and Riley discover that Harlan, whose parents died when he was four, bounced around from foster home to foster home until he was adopted by the Diehls, and that he is the descendant of Louis Le Prince, the inventor of cinematography. They locate the Diehl house to record footage, in the process finding out that there was a baby in the family, omitted from the reports.

At work, Julian's disabled coworker, Wylie (Daryl Mitchell), tells him about an ancient legend involving Louis Le Prince, who is believed to have invented a way to steal souls, taking the soul of his own son, Adolphe, and replacing it with his own demonic spirit simply by filming him in the motion picture, ''Roundhay Garden Scene''. The evil spirit would then possess each child in the bloodline from father to son, from generation to generation, which explains the Diehl family case. Some time later, Nate is killed by Brianna, who has become possessed. As Frank is assigned to investigate Nate's disappearance, Quinn kills Brianna, and DeeDee is possessed by Quinn through a spy camera that she finds. Next, Quinn kidnaps Riley and kills Frank and DeeDee, while Julian asks a retired newscaster, Chris Safford (Mark Metcalf), about the Diehl case. He learns Harlan raped his adoptive sister and together they conceived a baby. Their parents planned to put the baby up for adoption in order to cover up the incident, but Harlan objected and killed them. Afterwards, the baby was adopted by Julian's police officer mother, Anne, meaning that Julian is Harlan's child. Having acquired tapes from Frank, Quinn discovers this by watching police-owned footage showing Anne taking the baby.

Quinn kidnaps Julian, and restrains Julian and Riley in the Diehl home. Before Quinn can possess Julian, the electricity goes out. Quinn heads upstairs from the basement to fix the issue and buying Riley time to free herself from the restraints and rescue Julian from the other room before they flee. On their way out, they stumble across Nate's dead body. They hide until Julian's armed mother Anne arrives, suspecting trouble after trying to contact Julian. Quinn shoots her with his gun and this forces Julian and Riley out to save her. They fight Quinn, though he subdues them and prepares to use his phone to film and possess Julian, as an injured Anne, wearing armor, shoots down Quinn. The next day, Anne is hospitalized and Julian and Riley see the police report about the recent murders. Shortly after, Julian receives a video message and Quinn uses it to possess Julian.

Lucky Partners

Portrait painter and caricaturist David Grant, newly arrived in Greenwich Village, wishes Jean Newton good luck on a whim as they pass on the sidewalk. When Jean delivers books, a woman makes her the gift of an expensive dress. She is quarreling with her son-in-law, who had given the dress to his wife. Believing David to be lucky, Jean asks him to partner with her on a ticket for the Irish Sweepstakes. He agrees only on condition that, if their horse wins, she accompany him on a platonic trip to see the sights before she settles down to married life in Poughkeepsie, New York. She and her fiancé, Frederick "Freddie" Harper, are dubious about the proposition, but he talks them into it.

When their $2.50 ticket is one of the few that draw a horse, its value shoots up. Freddie wants to sell it, but the other two decide to try for the jackpot. Their horse does not even place, but Freddie informs Jean afterward that he sold their half for $6000. Outraged at his duplicity, she offers half the money to David. He only accepts provided she keep their bargain. Once again, he gets her to go against her better judgment.

They drive to Niagara Falls in a new car David has bought in Jean's name. Freddie, suspicious of David's intentions, follows them there. Even though he finds they have separate (though adjoining) hotel rooms and have registered as brother and sister, Freddie is not appeased.

Meanwhile, when David and Jean go dancing, they attract the attention of the Sylvesters, an older couple celebrating their 50th anniversary. They persuade the couple to accompany them to their favorite spot, making David pick Jean up and carry her across a footbridge. On the other side, David kisses Jean.

Later, realizing things have gone far beyond what he had intended, David checks out and drives off in the car. He is stopped by a policeman and, when he admits the car is not his, taken to jail. Jean becomes furious when she realizes he has gone. Then, she and Freddie are also picked up by the police.

They are brought before a judge, and David is forced to admit under oath that he is really Paul Knight Somerset, a celebrated painter who disappeared three years ago after being imprisoned for drawing what was then deemed indecent illustrations for a book (now considered a classic). The court reporters seize upon the story, and the courtroom is packed with the elite of society. Both Jean and David act as their own counsels. By questioning himself on the witness stand, David reveals he is genuinely in love with Jean, and the two are reconciled.

Jump (2009 film)

Phoenix is a young peasant who dreams of becoming a dance star in the big city. One day, a previous resident of the town comes and offers ten slots at his factory to those interested. Phoenix wins one, but she gives it to her best friend Snow instead. They leave their town and travel to Shanghai. Snow takes a job in garment factory. Phoenix accidentally gets a job there, too.

She sneaks out at night and takes another job as a janitor in a dance studio so she can learn enough to be in a hip hop street dance competition. After running into her several times, the owner of the studio helps her take dance classes. Eventually, he (Ron Chan) begins to drop his playboy exterior and takes her out to dinner. One day though, Phoenix catches him saying cruel things about her on the phone, although he tells her its just publicity. Suspicious, she follows him to the airport and sees him meeting a woman there. Phoenix flees back to her home, leaving Ron and Snow confused about where she went.

In her village, Phoenix realizes that she has to follow her dreams no matter what and returns to Shanghai in time for the dance competition. She steps in when one of the dancers sprains her ankle. Despite Phoenix's great dancing, the team loses to the Korean team, South City Crew. All her friends showed up to the competition though, and they reunite joyfully despite losing. A surprise addition to the party is the woman from the airport, who turns out to be Ron's sister. Phoenix and Ron make up and end up together again.

During the credits, Phoenix and her friends are seen returning to the village and teaching everyone to dance to hip hop. Even the scarecrow is dressed in hip-hop clothing.

Good Cop Bad Dog

In the Dunphy household, Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) are furious at Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke (Nolan Gould) for barging into their room while they were changing. This leads to their mother, Claire (Julie Bowen) to yell at them, while their dad, Phil (Ty Burrell) attempts to push himself away from Claire's anger behind her back. Annoyed, Claire confronts Phil about how he always makes her play the 'bad cop' role in their family and keeps the 'good cop' role for himself. He reluctantly agrees to switch roles with her. Claire takes Manny and Luke go-karting (although Phil had been quite keen to go), while Phil has to stay and make the girls clean their bathroom. The go-karting goes horribly as Claire, whilst trying to be fun, crashes her kart into the boys, and pushes them into ordering large quantities of food. While driving home, Luke gets sick from drinking a milkshake he hadn't even wanted. At home, Phil goes berserk when the girls lie to him about cleaning the bathroom and jumps on their car to stop them from leaving. He then forces them to clean both their bathroom and his, under his direct supervision, whilst duct-taping their laptops shut. That evening, Phil and Claire admit that they cannot handle each other's natural parent roles, and agree to go back to normal.

Meanwhile, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) wants to help a grocery-store worker, Guillermo (Lin-Manuel Miranda), so she convinces Jay (Ed O'Neill) to let Guillermo pitch him a business idea: a dog-training system labeled "The Good-doggy / Bad-doggy Training System", which consists of two sets of dog treats, one of them being bland and the other a tastier one with bacon. The pitch goes wrong when Guillermo's dog, Stella (Brigitte), chews on Jay's pillow and seems to prefer the bad doggy treat. Seeing that Gloria's blind encouragement is doing him no favours, Jay adopts a firm, frank tone with Guillermo and tells him that, while he has obvious presentation skills, enthusiasm and charisma, his idea has no legs. Guillermo, who had invested five years of his life in this idea, leaves in tears. Gloria follows him to apologize, but Guillermo admits that he found Jay's honesty refreshing, and has decided to reorganize his life, which means moving back in with his sister to go back to school, but it also means that he must give the dog away. Gloria allows the dog to stay with them much to Jay's anger, which is increased when Manny walks in and believes the dog is a present for him. Jay drives the dog to the pound but Stella's sweet face makes him take her back home.

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) has bought tickets to a Lady Gaga concert, but his plans go south when Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) gets sick. This causes Mitchell to be torn on whether he should stay with Cameron or go to the concert. He eventually tries to be supporting and attempts to subtly persuade Cameron to let him go, as Claire has advised him to do. Mitchell tries to sneak away after noticing that Cameron has drunk most of a cough syrup that would "put down a Grizzly", but he is caught when Cam wakes up. Mitchell then gives a speech about how selfish he has been to Cameron, before realizing Cameron has fallen asleep once more. He then sneaks off to the concert and comes back before Cameron wakes up again. When Cameron does wake up, Mitchell acts as if he never went out, unaware that his glow stick is still visible underneath his shirt. As Cameron returns to bed, he pleasantly informs Mitchell that his glow-stick is still flashing, and switches off the light to reveal it.

Salvation Boulevard

Carl Vandermeer is a former Deadhead turned evangelical. He, his wife Gwen and his stepdaughter Angie attend a megachurch, the Church of the Third Millennium, run by the charismatic Pastor Dan Day, who is planning to expand his church into a large Christian community, "City on a Hill". At the start of the film, the Vandermeers attend a debate between Pastor Dan and Professor Paul Blaylock, an outspoken atheist. At the end of the debate, Pastor Dan is invited to Blaylock's college for a nightcap. He brings along Carl. At Blaylock's office, he reveals that he invited Pastor Dan over to propose that the two of them, both bestselling authors, collaborate on a book about their opposing worldviews and views on religion. During a discussion about morality without religion, Pastor Dan picks up an antique pistol and pulls the trigger on Blaylock, unaware that the gun is loaded and functional. The bullet hits Blaylock in the skull, apparently killing him. In a state of shock, Pastor Dan places the gun in Blaylock's hand to make it look like a suicide. He and Carl then drive home in silence, neither of them telling anyone what happened.

After getting a call from a stranger claiming to be his "friend", Pastor Dan approaches Carl's neighbor, videographer Jerry Hobson, and appears to confess to what happened. At the sermon the next day, Pastor Dan informs the congregation that Blaylock survived his "suicide", the bullet was removed and he is in a coma. After the sermon, Jerry takes Carl aside and gets into his car. During the drive, Jerry turns out to have been told by Pastor Dan that Carl was the one who pulled the trigger and tried to cover it up. Jerry drives Carl to a quarry and tries to execute him. He is distracted when Angie, who was asleep in the backseat of the car, interrupts the act, allowing Carl to knock Jerry out with a rock. Carl then meets with Gwen and her father, Jim Hunt, and tells them what happened with Pastor Dan and Jerry, but neither believes him, thinking it was a dream or an "acid flashback". Realizing they will tell Pastor Dan, Carl goes to Blaylock's college, where he runs into Honey Foster, a friend from his Deadhead days who became campus security and met him at the debate. He asks her to turn in the footage from a security camera that would have seen him and Pastor Day enter, but finds that the footage has been altered to erase them - apparently by Jerry, who worked at the campus as a video technician.

Meeting with Gwen and Jim, Pastor Day convinces them that Carl may be unstable and will react violently if he is caught by the police. Meanwhile, since most of the police are loyal to Pastor Dan, Honey lets Carl hide at her house until things blow over. While they are out driving, Carl's car is stopped by a group of armed men who kidnap him. He wakes up in the house of Jorge Guzman de Vaca, a Mexican crime lord who claims he is in Mexico. Guzman shows that he has a secret recording of Pastor Dan shooting Professor Blaylock. He makes Carl write down and sign two confessions. One tells the truth of what happened, but in the other Carl backs up Pastor Dan's story. Guzman, who has a large business in construction, plans to use the recording to blackmail Pastor Dan into giving him the contract to build City on a Hill, promising to keep Carl in the house until the project is done.

The next morning, when Guzman, revealed to be Pastor Day's mysterious "friend", leaves to make the deal, Carl escapes the house, which turns out to be in the same state as the church, with a DVD containing the footage hidden in a bible. He calls Gwen, asking her not to tell Pastor Dan and to call the police, and later sees a news report revealing that Professor Blaylock has woken up and can tell the truth. Carl is picked up by a detective, who turns out to be in league with Pastor Dan and Jerry, whom Gwen called instead. Jerry and the detective take a handcuffed Carl to an abandoned warehouse to burn him with gasoline, but discover that none of them have any matches or a lighter. When they try to light the gasoline with a stun gun, they bungle it and get set on fire themselves, allowing Carl to escape. Meanwhile, Pastor Dan meets with Guzman at the construction site of City on a Hill. Guzman tries to play the DVD of the shooting, but instead plays a sex tape he made with his wife. Offended, Pastor Dan starts hitting him, but is stopped when Guzman stabs him in the abdomen and leaves him in the trunk of a car. After a while, Carl arrives by foot and finds the bleeding Pastor Dan, who is hallucinating because of the blood loss and thinks he is at the Pearly Gates, and calls for help on a cell phone. Thinking Carl is an angel, Pastor Dan asks him if he is going to heaven. Out of sympathy, Carl tells him he is. As Carl waits for help to arrive, a bolt of lightning strikes the ground behind him, severing his handcuffs.

The credits reveal that Pastor Day survived, spent two years in jail, where he founded a new ministry inspired by his near-death experience, and became a real-estate broker in Arizona. Gwen divorced Carl citing irreconcilable differences, though Carl still has a good relationship with Angie. Jim started his own private investigation firm and went back to his old Episcopal church. Professor Blaylock continued his teachings against religion. Carl, on the other hand, left the church, began a relationship with Honey and became an "ex-ex-Deadhead."

My Life with Caroline

Wealthy publisher Anthony Mason weds ditsy socialite Caroline, who continues to chase men while married. Caroline flirts with Paco Del Valle while at a charity ball in Alpine Lodge, Idaho, and Paco then asks her father Mr. Bliss for permission to marry his daughter. Bliss tells them that they need to ask her husband, and Caroline and Paco telegraph Anthony in New York.

As Caroline and Paco await an eastbound plane at the airport, Mason has just arrived. Seeing the two together, Mason recalls a nearly identical situation that occurred two years earlier when Caroline was enamored with sculptor Paul Martindale in Palm Beach, Florida. Caroline sees Mason's pilot carrying a bust in her image that had been sculpted by Paul and follows the pilot to where Mason had been waiting.

Paul, who also attended the charity ball, joins Anthony, Caroline, Bliss and Paco at the airport. Caroline tells Anthony that she cannot decide between Paco and Paul, forcing Anthony to work to win her back.

Silver (film)

Jun Shirogane's entire family is killed in a house fire set by criminal gang while she is away at a karate tournament. She is subsequently hired to be the first member of Fear of God, a new branch of the Japanese Secret Service. She joins forces with her former partner, a judo champion, reforming the team known as "the Flower and the Dragon". She is given the cover identity of Jun Silver, a touring member of the Ladies Legend Pro-Wrestling team under manager Rumi Kazama.

Her first target is the blackmailer Mistress Nancy Otori, whom she interrupts dominating President Mah Sasazaki of Ryowa Bank. Jun is caught and whipped until Nancy is called away to dominate the boss of the Otsunami Family and Jun breaks free and escapes. President Sasazaki has her brought to his office and attempts to shoot her in order to keep his secret safe but she overpowers him as well as the members of the Otsunami Family, then returns to Mistress Nancy but is unable to find film negatives or a list of her clients.

Angered at being two-timed by Nancy, Agent 004 of the secret criminal organization known as the Viper's Nest offers Jun Nancy's negatives and list of clients if she defeats him in battle. She meets him at Shibaura Pier, where she uses her coin-throwing skills to defeat his dart-throwing skills, then fends off his attacks in hand-to-hand combat. Impressed with her skills, he offers her a truce but is then shot by an unknown female sniper as Jun escapes.

Television Spy

A scientist invents a television called the Iconoscope, which thieves try to steal.

Gate 7

''Gate 7'' follows Chikahito Takamoto, a secondary school student whose strong interest in history brings him to Kyoto, where he meets a beautiful childlike warrior named Hana, who fights supernatural enemies with the aid of Tachibana and Sakura, two young men with magical powers of their own. The trio of Hana, Tachibana, and Sakura are members of the Urashichiken Hanamachi, a secret society dedicated to waging battle against otherworldly creatures that appear in Kyoto.

As Chikahito soon learns, the Urashichiken's battles go back to the Sengoku era in Japan, when warlords and other key figures attempted to defeat their rivals by forming blood contracts with powerful spiritual beings known as Oni. Since then, many of masters of the Oni have reincarnated in the present, with the Urashichiken's current leader being the reincarnation of Toyotomi Hidetsugu, and they struggle to find the long-missing body of Oda Nobunaga in order to obtain the most powerful Oni of all. Chikahito inexplicably finds himself in the midst of the otherworldly spaces where the battles are fought as he begins his new life in Kyoto.


Ireland is in recession, but Ross's shredding company is successful. He becomes a "toy boy" for Regina Rathfriland, a wealthy older woman. Ross tracks down Oisinn and brings him back to Ireland. Fionnuala has switched to writing "misery lit" memoirs.

Batman: Gates of Gotham

The series revolves around a decades-old mystery connected to the founding fathers of Gotham City that comes to light in the present day, leading Batman to assemble a team of detectives to try to unravel the conspiracy. In addition to Batman, the series features Red Robin, Black Bat (Cassandra Cain) and Robin (Damian Wayne) as the main characters.

The series was used as a launching point for several high-profile Batman storylines in 2011, and also touched upon elements introduced in Grant Morrison's ''The Return of Bruce Wayne'' limited series.

Golden Gloves (1940 film)

During an amateur boxing prizefight a young boy, Joey Parker, is beaten to death, and there is no acceptable official reason for why it happened. Because of this his sister, Mary Parker, becomes a strong opponent of boxing and all it stands for.

A newspaper refuses to print the truth of what lies behind the Parker boy's tragic death, so sportswriter Wally Matson resigns in protest. The truth is that Parker was only one of many boys unscrupulously used by a boxing promoter, Joe Taggerty, who has paid off Wally's editor at the newspaper for his silence.

Wally vows to clean up the amateur boxing scene by exposing the corruption. He lands a job at a small newspaper and persuades the publisher to sponsor a legitimate tournament.

Wally personally invites amateur Billy Crane to participate in the tournament's opening match. Billy is in love with Parker's sister Mary, so out of consideration for her, he declines. To get Billy to fight, Wally needs to win over Mary, so he takes her out for dinner. He tells her about his tough childhood and how boxing gave hope to friends as a way of securing their futures. Billy gets her permission to enter the tournament.

Taggerty is not happy, believing this new tournament started by Wally will ultimately put him out of business. Taggerty lies by telling Billy that Wally only is after his beloved Mary, and that the two of them already have been on a date. Billy is devastated.

Taggerty goes even further to sabotage the tournament. He pays a professional boxer, Cliff Stanton, to enter it posing as an amateur. Taggerty's plan is spoiled when Billy is set to fight against Stanton. Inspired by Mary's vow of everlasting love for him, he beats Stanton fair and square in the fight. Taggerty's deceit is exposed, and the Golden Gloves amateur tournament wins national acclaim.

Ribbon Hero 2

Clippy, one of the Office Assistants which were included in Microsoft Office 97 through 2003, is looking for a part-time job and requires help with his resume. However, he enters a time machine and is taken to several different time periods. He travels to the Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt, the 1960s, Ancient Greece, the Renaissance period and the future. In each time period, there are several tasks which must be completed before moving to the next period. These tasks include formatting documents, inserting graphs and pictures, and other common uses for Microsoft Office products.

Mystery Sea Raider

A woman (Carole Landis) and a U.S. captain (Henry Wilcoxon) foil a German spy's (Onslow Stevens) plan to use their freighter to sink a British ship.

Her First Romance

College student Linda Strong speaks to friend Susie about the upcoming dance lamenting her plain looks from getting her a date. One a dare, fraternity pledge Donald Whiting is forced to ask Linda to the Dance which she gleefully accepts. Once home her guardian and older half-sister, Eileen Strong, does not allow her to go even after her cook Katy has gotten excited for her. After Eileen's rejection, Katy, Linda, and her cousin, Marian Strong, conspire to get Linda a dress and shoes for the dance.

In the interim, Linda was singing in the woods of the Strong estate one day when a voice joined her in duet of a man who had been fishing on the property, not knowing her was trespassing. They finish their song, and Linda goes to meet him but falls in the water where he pulls her out. Free of her glasses, she and "Crusoe" have a picnic and talk excitedly about fishing and the like. Linda believes he would be a good match for her cousin Marian whose fiancé, John, has been stolen by Eileen. "Crusoe" drives her back home where Linda and Marian wave him off. Only then does Linda find out from Marian that "Crusoe" is the famous singer Philip Niles in town to relax, visit relatives, and attend a dance in his honor.

The night of the dance Linda is readying herself with Marian and Katy when she receives a call from Susie who has just learned of the plot to get Donald to ask Linda to the dance. Linda is heartbroken and refuses to go to the dance with him. However, her transformation means Donald actually wants to take her to the dance and doesn't take no for an answer until Linda sprays him and his fraternity brothers with the hose. As she goes off to cry, Philip shows up and offers to take her to the dance. Upon arriving few can believe it is really Linda especially on the arm of the guest of honor. They sing a duet and Linda gets attention from all the boys while Eileen shows up and sets her sights on Philip and Linda's career in singing. Eileen invites him for tea the next day "to talk about Linda's future" expressly dis-inviting Linda from the conversation.

In response Linda spreads word to some nearby old women that Philip will be at her house tomorrow for tea. As Eileen is overrun by 150 women for tea, Philip joins Marian and Linda on a picnic as Linda is still trying to play matchmaker for her cousin. There they run into John after he sends a golf ball straight into their lemon pie. That evening the character gather for dinner at the Strong's where Eileen finally gets Philip alone and discusses Linda's future while she eavesdrops. After this debacle, Marian tells Linda that she is not interested in Philip and would like Linda to pursue him.

Having no experience in the field, Linda borrows Eileen's copy of ''How to Get Your Man'' which leads her to take Philip to her family's cabin. While there she tampers with the car and hose to make it appear that they are stranded in the rain and must wait to leave and get help. Philip finds the book and decides not to confront her until Eileen pulls up and makes Linda's scheming clear. Eileen then wants to go to San Francisco with Philip to talk more about Linda's future. Fed up, Linda fixes and drives Philip's car back to warn John of his fiancée's plans with Philip. John misunderstands and believes Marian is leaving with Philip and slaps him before everything is made clear. With this outburst John also realizes that he never lost his love for Marian and proposes to her again and they are married that day. After the ceremony Philip asks Eileen for Linda's hand which she absolutely refuses. The last scene sees Philip and Linda agree to marry once she is 18 and no longer needs Marian's consent so she can join him as a famous singer and his wife.

Under Age (1941 film)

Sisters Jane and Edie Baird are arrested for vagrancy, having no place to sleep. They are later released from jail and immediately contacted by the local pimp gangster, Tap Manson, who wants them to work as hostesses for a company called "House by the side of the road, Inc.". It is a franchise of motels by the highway roadsides. Head of the company is Mrs. Burke, an old, hardened gangster of a woman who has a deceivingly kind appearance.

At first the sisters try to find other jobs, but their search leads nowhere. Eventually they meet with Mrs. Burke and gets hired as hostesses at House 42, one of the motels that is located somewhere in the Midwest. Manson takes them there, together with three other unfortunate girls.

Their job is to walk along the highway, pretend to be hitchhikers and lure the drivers in to the combined motel, bar and restaurant. Jane manages to get a ride with Rocky Stone, who understands about the hitchhiking scam but agrees to take Jane anyway.

Upon Rocky's arrival to the motel, Manson learns that he has jewels worth $60,000 in his car, and steals them. Rocky believes Jane has taken the jewels and confronts her. After the confrontation, Jane is called in to Mrs. Burke for questioning, and because she doesn't leave the desired answers, she is beaten by the mean old lady.

When Edie finds out about her sister's misfortune she decides to take her vengeance on Manson, who tricked them into working at the motel. Unfortunately her plan is overheard by one of the other girls, Rhoda, who reports to Manson. Edie is run over by Manson in his car. Jane is devastated over her sister's death and turns to Rocky for help. They get Manson to admit he killed Edie and confess to the racket Mrs. Burke is running. The two gangsters are then convicted of their crimes in a court of law, and Rocky takes care of Jane, who he has grown fond of.

1636: The Saxon Uprising

In the alternative history scenario of the novel and series, Emperor Gustav Adolphus, ruler of the new United States of Europe, has suffered a head trauma in battle, rendering him unable to rule. The Swedish chancellor Axel Oxenstierna seizes this opportunity to try to reestablish the power of the nobility in the USE. He keeps the USE army occupied fighting against Poland and reinforcing Bohemia, leaving Swedish and Provincial forces as the only professional soldiers in the country. He uses this advantage to co-opt the ruling Crown Loyalist Party and bully its leader, Prime Minister Wilhelm Wettin, into co-operating with him. Other conservative leaders remain wary, such as the landgravine of Hesse-Kassel, which has the strongest provincial force; she chooses to keep neutral in the conflict. When Bavaria invades the Upper Palatinate the only soldiers available to meet them are the Thuringia-Franconia National Guard and one battalion of USE forces. Wettin, discovering that Bavaria invaded on the covert invitation of the Chancellor to ensure the defense forces cannot oppose his coup, confronts Oxenstierna, only to be arrested and removed from office.

Meanwhile, Swedish general Johan Banér lays siege to Dresden, the capital of Saxony, which is under the control of Oxenstierna's opponents. Ernst Wettin is the official Imperial Administrator, but Gretchen Richter and the Committees of Correspondence hold the real power there. They enter into an informal alliance with Saxon rebel forces in Vogtland in order to protect as many people as possible from Banér's butchery.

Rebecca Stearns and the opposition Fourth of July Party coordinate with the CoC to act in a restrained manner and undermine the legitimacy of Axel Oxenstierna and the Crown Loyalists gathered in Berlin. Meanwhile, Princess Christina and Prince Ulric travel to the capital at Magdeburg, symbolically aligning themselves with Oxenstierna's opponents and further undermining the Swedish Chancellor.

Mike Stearns, leader of the USE army in Bohemia, takes this opportunity to lead his Third Division into Saxony to break the siege of Dresden. He meets General Banér in battle during a snow storm in which his troops are more prepared to battle. Banér is killed, the Swedish forces routed, and the siege broken. Gustav Adolphus regains his wits soon after that and puts an end to Oxenstierna's bid for power. Wilhelm Wettin is released from custody and reinstated as Prime Minister, but with his Crown Loyalists discredited agrees to call early elections. Gustav Adolphus meets with Mike Stearns to negotiate an orderly transition of power, and the emperor commissions Stearns to take on the invading Bavarians.

The Crimson Petal and the White (TV serial)

In Victorian London, William Rackham is the heir to a perfume business and has a mentally ill wife, Agnes, who is confined to her home. Despite his dreams to become a renowned writer, he has no talent for it, and his father decides to cut his allowance until William starts working seriously in the company. William meets and becomes infatuated with a young and intelligent prostitute named Sugar, who is writing a novel of her own, filled with hatred and revenge against all the men who abused her and her colleagues. William moves Sugar into a flat of her own on the condition that she sees him exclusively, while she helps him emotionally and financially by giving good advice on how to handle the company. Sugar becomes more and more attached to William and, as she comments to one of her old friends, "the world that comes with him". Eventually he moves her into the Rackham household under the pretence of working as a governess to his young daughter Sophie, the daughter Agnes has never acknowledged the existence of due to her madness. Agnes becomes increasingly unstable and desperate and, having caught glimpses of Sugar, believes her to be her own guardian angel who will bring her to the imaginary Convent of Health.

With time Sugar grows close to Sophie, becoming the mother she never had, and Agnes, by reading her journals and helping her. Agnes' irrational behaviour risks her being incarcerated in an asylum and the night before she is taken and William is away, Sugar helps Agnes to escape. Later on a body is found that William identifies as Agnes (he recognises only her hair, not knowing that Agnes had cut her hair before escaping). William and Sugar's relationship grows distant, with William treating Sugar more and more like a servant and adviser rather than a lover. Sugar becomes pregnant, but realising that William no longer wants her, induces a miscarriage. William begins to court another woman, despite telling Sugar things would get better, and when he discovers Sugar's pregnancy (not knowing she has already miscarried), he coldly tells her to leave.

Enraged by the betrayal, Sugar gathers Sophie's belongings and runs away with her. While running away, Sugar loses her manuscript and buys a new notebook to start a new story and a new life with Sophie. Meanwhile, William discovers what Sugar has done and tries to catch up with them, but after being mocked by Sugar's old friends he realises he has lost everything.

Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound


The game was set to take place in the fictional Forgotten Realms continent of Faerûn. It would have been set in the Dalelands and allowed players to travel mostly in the area of Archendale. Players would have also been able to travel to key areas in Archendale such as the White Ford, the Church of Lathander and bases of the Red Wizards of Thay. Other areas in the Dalelands featured would have been Battledale, Deepingdale as well as an area of North Sembia. Though it is possible that Baldur's Gate would have appeared in the game as well in a cameo appearance, this remains unconfirmed and highly unlikely.


None of the characters from the previous Baldur's Gate games would have returned, the cast would have been completely original as well as the story, although characters from the Icewind Dale series would have returned. The reason for this is Icewind Dale was released after Interplay lost the initial ''D&D'' license. An original NPC would have been Stellaga Brightstar, a priestess in the Church of Lathander. The game would have revolved around the hunt for May Farrow, the evil cleric who killed a black hound. The Black Hound was the representation of the selfish acts of the game's main antagonist and would appear to the player through circumstance and remind him of his actions throughout the game.

The main faction in the game would have been the Archenriders, who are also the first faction encountered by the player, the Church of Lathander would have been a faction at the same importance. The Red Wizards of Thay, the Sembian Silver Ravens, the Malarite People of Black Blood and the Elves of Deepingdale would have been other major factions in the game that the player would have been allowed to side with. The characters from Icewind Dale that would have come would have been the gnome, Maralie Fiddlebender and the Druid, Iselore who would have appeared in a cameo. The Harpers and the Zhentarim would have also appeared. The Zhentarim would have been seen for part of the game as the Black Network.


May Farrow and her gang of raiders have spent weeks tracking down the black hound, the essence of May's guilt for unleashing a great evil. The player character is resting by the firelight in an old barn to hide from the storm outside when a black hound arrives and after being shot twice by an arrow, it cries one last time before it dies on the player lap. May almost kills the player, accusing him of being in league with the dog (meaning she thinks the player character is another essence of her guilt) and almost kills the player character (PC) before the Riders of Archendale save the PC. They question the PC, take the PC to the magistrate, who question the PC further and inform the PC not to leave the areas of North Sembia, Archendale, Battledale and Deepingdale. Whenever the player then approaches somebody with great guilt, the black hound appears to him and eventually the players actions make the player the essence of guilt throughout the four areas mentioned above. As the player unravels more secrets, he learns that he can't kill guilt, thus he cannot kill the black hound or what he has become (the player can physically die, but people won't forget about what the player did). Eventually, he learns the tale of a widowed farmer's wife, taking great guilt in her husband's death as for some reason she believes it is her fault, she tries to resurrect him. She succeeds but finds him to be an abomination and cannot stop him, despite him being very weak at the time. Through the course of the game, the farmer is growing stronger and stronger off the guilt absorbed by the black hound through the player. The player learns of this wife being May Farrow, who believes killing the hound would be a way to stop the farmer, the hound however latched its soul onto the player and uses him as a tunnel to channel guilt to the farmer and as a guide to the world.

The game would not have been a sequel to ''Baldur's Gate II'' in terms of story but rather gameplay, however, it did continue part of story of ''Icewind Dale II'' through joinable NPC's, specifically Maralie Fiddlebender, who would have been an adult in the story. There was a hound featured in the storybook of ''Icewind Dale II'' of which Maralie narrated, according to the developers, the game would have revolved around this hound. The game was also revealed to have a connection to another one of Black Isle Studios games, Project Jackson. Project Jackson was then revealed to be ''Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II''. This connection was unknown and as of current, there is only one connection known: a Forgotten Realms setting. It is possible that there could be a story connection due to both the Harpers and the Zhentarim being in the game, but this was never revealed by any developer on the project. It was only stated that the projects were related once in the entire history of the project.

Cucumber Castle (film)

The plot revolves around two heirs, Prince Frederick (Barry Gibb) and his brother Prince Marmaduke (Maurice Gibb), and their dying father (Frankie Howerd). On his death bed, The King orders his kingdom divided into two halves, the Kingdom of Jelly and the Kingdom of Cucumbers. Before the king dies, Prince Frederick declares himself the "King of Cucumber" and Prince Marmaduke becomes the "King of Jelly". The film intersperses comedy sketches with Bee Gees songs plus performances by Lulu and Blind Faith with several cameo appearances. At the end, the king changes his mind and comes back, "I think those pills are working".

In Darkness Waiting

A unnamed highly trained killer has drifted from planet to planet, following the collapse of an empire. He eventually settles on a primitive and violent planet, and spends many years recruiting followers and apprentices to establish a Guild of Assassins, known as the Hoorka. Adopting the title of Thane, he sets up a rigid code that the Guild must follow. The Hoorka will accept paid contracts to kill, but the proposed subject is offered the chance to match the fee paid by the contractor and thus void the contract.

The Hoorka accept a contract by political figure, Li-Galant Vingi, to kill Gunnar, a rival political leader. The assassination team, led by Aldhelm, the 'Number Two' in the Hoorka hierarchy and possible successor to the Thane. fails. Gunnar has survived the chase until the dawn; the Code requires that he be given back his life if he has survived thus far.

Vingi is furious and demands that he and the Thane meet with Madame d'Embry, of the Alliance diplomatic resources team, who are trying to establish a new political unity. Vingi believes that the Hoorka have allied with Gunnar's party and d'Embry is unsure of the Hoorka's neutrality. The Thane hopes that she will allow the Hoorka to accept off-world contracts.

The Thane confronts Aldhelm, his protégé, over the future of the Hoorka; is Aldhelm the best choice for a successor?

No Minor Vices

Successful pediatrician Perry Ashwell (Dana Andrews) takes his attractive wife April (Lilli Palmer) and their conservative lifestyle for granted. When he allows artist Octavio Quaglini (Louis Jourdan) into their lives to sketch their "inner selves", Octavio becomes enamoured with April and tries to steal her away from Perry.

Greystone Park

The film is said to be based on true life experiences. Sean Stone and Alexander Wraith play filmmakers who meet at a dinner with Oliver Stone (Sean's real-life father) when ''Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps'' was being filmed in October 2009. They start to discuss ghost stories. As a result, Sean and Alexander decide to visit an abandoned psychiatric hospital in New Jersey, famous for its radical treatment of patients with mental illness, 'to explore whether or not they believe in the supernatural'. Once inside the institution, they soon discover that they are not alone.

Tomboy (2011 film)

Laure is a 10-year-old whose family moves to a new address in Paris. Laure sees a group of boys playing outside the window and goes to play with them, but they disappear quickly. Instead, Laure meets Lisa, a neighborhood girl. Lisa assumes that Laure is a boy and asks for Laure's name. After a moment's thought, Laure comes up with the male name "Mickaël". Lisa then introduces Mickaël/Laure to the rest of the neighborhood children, stating that Mickaël is the new kid in the apartment complex. Mickaël becomes friends with Lisa and the boys, playing soccer with them. When invited to go swimming, Mickaël cuts a one-piece swimsuit into male swim briefs, and makes a clay penis to put inside.

Over time, Lisa and Mickaël become closer, and Lisa eventually kisses Mickaël. Mickaël also becomes increasingly accepted by the group of boys. One day while playing, Lisa makes up Mickaël's face and comments: "You look good as a girl." Mickaël goes home hiding her face under a hoodie, but Laure's mother says she likes it, encouraging her to be more like a girl.

When Lisa comes by the apartment to look for Mickaël, she runs into Laure's precocious six-year-old sister Jeanne instead. The conversation makes Jeanne realize that Laure has been presenting as a boy. Jeanne confronts Laure and wants to tell their parents, but when Laure promises to take her along on all of Laure's outings for the rest of the summer, she quickly becomes happy to have a big brother, which she says is "way better" than having a big sister. She also helps cut Mickaël's hair to be more boyish, and promises to keep Mickaël's secret.

After Mickaël has a fight with one of the boys for pushing Jeanne, the boy and his mother come to Mickaël's door to tell Mickaël's mother about her son's bad behavior. Laure's mother is quick to understand and plays along, but after the visitors have left, she scolds Laure for "pretending to be a boy". Jeanne understands Laure's predicament and does her best to support her sibling emotionally. Laure's mother forces Laure to wear a dress and takes Laure to the apartment of the boy that Laure hit, and also to Lisa's apartment. Lisa is stunned to see Mickaël in a dress and runs off without a word.

Deeply embarrassed, Laure goes to the woods. After a time there, Laure takes off the blue dress, leaving on a tank top and boy-style shorts. Walking away from the discarded dress, Mickaël sees the other children in the distance. Mickaël can hear them talking, speculating about whether Mickaël is a girl or not. When they spot Mickaël, the boys chase and capture Mickaël and say they're going to see if Mickaël's really a girl. Lisa stands up to them and tells them to leave Mickaël alone. But when they tell Lisa: "You kissed him. If it's a girl, that's disgusting, isn't it?" Lisa agrees and reluctantly looks in Mickaël's shorts, with Mickaël in tears but letting her. Lisa is shocked. The boys and Lisa leave while Mickaël remains in the woods, devastated.

Later, it is seen that Laure's mother has given birth to a baby boy. The family spend time together at home, with Laure not wanting to go outside. However, Laure sees Lisa waiting outside the window, and goes out to see her. After a long silence, Lisa quietly asks for Laure's name. "My name is Laure", Laure responds, and smiles a little.

Ikigami (film)

''Ikigami'' takes place in a dystopian society where the government has implemented the "Prosperity Law". This law dictates 1 in 1000 random citizens ages 18~24 will die for the state in a mandatory lottery. Death occurs at a preset date and time, which is when an injected nano-capsule, received at an early age, explodes. The law is meant to create appreciation for life by instilling fear in order make people live the best possible lives.

Once it is decided you will die, you receive your “Ikigami” or “Death Letter” 24 hours in advance. The Death Letter entitles the chosen to free transportation, lodging, and food for their last day alive. The law entitles the family of the chosen to be financially compensated for the death of their family member; though, this compensation can be forfeit if the chosen one has committed a crime. The movie follows the story of three lottery winners as seen through the eyes of a “Prosperity Law” letter handler: a rising musician, the brother of a blind woman, and a politician's suicidal son. Each has their own way of dealing with their fate. These cases are all accompanied by the choices the letter handler has to make.

The Crystal Stopper

During a burglary at the home of Deputy Daubrecq a crime is committed and two accomplices of Arsène Lupin are arrested by the police. One is guilty of the crime, the other innocent but both will be sentenced to death. Lupin seeks to deliver the victim of a miscarriage of justice, but struggles against Deputy Daubrecq's ruthless blackmailer, who has an incriminating document hidden in a crystal stopper.

The First Snow of Winter

The story takes place in Ireland. Winter is approaching and ducks are starting their migration south. A young and daring white diapered duck named Sean McDuck decides to slide down a hill and cross over to the other side of a stream, despite warnings from his young puffin friend, Puffy. When Sean reaches the other side, Puffy tells him about a red fox, which Sean narrowly escapes. When Sean and his family migrate, he gets lost trying to chase some seagulls. Later, he is hit by a Boeing B-9 jet aircraft and becomes stranded with a broken wing. His family thinks he has been killed by the fox when Sean's mother sees her with her kits playing with white feathers.

A kindly tympanic water vole named Voley is preparing for his winter hibernation but stops to help Sean get ready for the cold weather ahead. Voley also teaches Sean to play a blade of grass as a musical instrument and even does an Irish stepdance with Sean and a chorus line of sheep. Despite Sean's wishes for him to remain, Voley soon heads off to start his hibernation. After struggling through the first night of a snowy blizzard warning and having to take shelter in a wellington boot, Sean discovers that Puffy was also left behind.

For the rest of the winter the two friends keep each other company. When spring comes, Sean and Puffy eagerly look for their families. The two friends are then cornered by the fox and eventually end up on a ship, but are rescued by Voley while Sean manages to drive away the fox, regaining his ability to fly in the process. Shortly afterward, Sean and Puffy are happily reunited with their families as Sean stepdances with Voley.

The Gathering of Five and The Final Chapter

The Gathering of Five

After surviving an attempt on his life by supervillain Nitro, Norman Osborn makes a phone call to someone, telling them it was time for "the gathering of five".


Norman Osborn and Gregory Herd have a meeting with Hamilton Cromwell of the Neomancers to try to persuade him to join The Gathering of Five and bring his piece to the ceremony. Cromwell wants no part of the ceremony and warns Osborn and Herd they should not perform the ceremony either. Herd returns later in his Override costume to steal Cromwell's piece. Spider-Man sees him entering the building and tries to prevent him from stealing the piece, but he is able to escape with the piece. Herd convinces Osborn to allow him to take Cromwell's place in the ceremony, instead of payment, for stealing the piece so he may try to heal his wife.

The Scriers mention a fight with Kaine, but are still able to deliver a "package" to Osborn. Alison Mongrain is found by Joe Robertson in Paris.

A Hot Time in the Old Town

Spider-Man fights the Molten Man as he walks a straight line of destruction through the city in a trance-like state to try to kill Alison Mongrain, who has returned to New York City with Joe Robertson. Osborn convinces Morris Maxwell to bring his piece and join The Gathering of Five. Maxwell reveals that all participants in the ceremony must come willingly, in order to receive one of possible five gifts and curses: power, knowledge, immortality, madness and death.

Web of Despair

Madame Web asks Spider-Man to retrieve an artifact for her, and he does without knowing what it is. She then takes it to Osborn as she volunteers to be a participant in The Gathering of Five, because she will die soon if she does not gain immortality from the ceremony. Norman Osborn monologues that his time with the Cult of the Scriers allowed him to gather information on the ritual and the main artifact.

A Day in the Life

Spider-Man stops various minor crimes and an unknown person brings the last piece for The Gathering of Five to Osborn.


Spider-Man stops Override after he robs an armored car. While in police custody he is able to escape and reclaim the money he stole. He steals the money so his wife Annie will be fine in case anything goes wrong during The Gathering of Five.

The Final Chapter

And Who Shall Claim a Kingly Crown?

Mattie Franklin is revealed to be the mystery person who brought the final piece necessary for the ceremony. The Gathering of Five is performed and each participant appears to receive one of the gifts or curses. When the Molten Man attacks Alison Mongrain and Joe Robertson in front of the Parker house it is revealed that Osborn implanted something in his brain so that he would ceaselessly go after the tracking device that he had given to Mongrain as a necklace. Mongrain gives the Molten Man the necklace for him to destroy, but after his attack had already fatally wounded her. Before she dies she is able to tell Mary Jane "May is alive."''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #441

Let the Heavens Tremble at the Power of the Goblin

Spider-Man fights the Green Goblin as he tries to get to the Osborn hunting lodge in upstate New York. Spider-Man believes the Green Goblin is holding his daughter alive there and that she did not die at the end of the Clone Saga because of what Mongrain told MJ. At the end of the issue it is revealed that Aunt May is actually alive and the one the Green Goblin was holding prisoner.

The Triumph of the Goblin!

The Green Goblin allows Spider-Man to take Aunt May without a fight. Spider-Man brings her to Reed Richards to test what she is, believing her to be an imposter or clone. Using a blood sample from one of Peter's science experiments as a child Richards is able to confirm her identity, but there is a mysterious device implanted in her brain that will eventually kill her if not removed soon. Spider-Man then fights the Green Goblin until the Green Goblin declares that he has finally killed Spider-Man.

The Final Chapter

At the very beginning of the issue it is revealed that the Green Goblin received the curse of insanity rather than the gift of power from The Gathering of Five and he only believes that he has killed Spider-Man. In reality Spider-Man had defeated the Green Goblin and during the fight, while ranting like a maniac, the Green Goblin revealed that it was the real Aunt May currently under the care of Reed Richards and it was actually a paid actress infused with Aunt May's DNA who Spider-Man had believed to die before (in ''The Amazing Spider-Man'' #400). He also revealed that if the device in Aunt May's brain is removed it will trigger bombs all over the world. One final pumpkin bomb makes the Daily Bugle building nearly collapse until Spider-Man is able to save the building. He then is barely able to get to the hospital in time to tell Reed Richards about the device. Richards and the other surgeons are able to fix it so the device stays in Aunt May, thereby not triggering the bombs, while not killing her as it stays. Peter also tells Mary Jane that he is quitting his career as Spider-Man and burns his costume.''Peter Parker: Spider-Man'' #98

Sweetheart of the Campus

Betty Blake (Ruby Keeler) is a lead vocalist for Ozzie Norton's (Ozzie Nelson) orchestra. While performing a one-night stand at a college campus, Betty vows to prevent a hostile takeover of the establishment by puritanical trustee Minnie Sparr (Kathleen Howard). To this end, Betty, Ozzie and his entire band enroll as college students.

Confessions of Boston Blackie

Diane Parrish (Harriet Hilliard) is impatient for the sale of her statue of Augustus Caesar, as she needs the money to help her sick brother. Joe Buchanan, one of the art dealers handling the auction, asks her to stay away, claiming that an emotional attachment to the work might cause her to make a scene. She shows up anyway, and notices that the statue is not hers, but a fake. When Buchanan pulls out a gun to silence her, Boston Blackie (Chester Morris) spots him and fires his own pistol. Parrish is only grazed, but Buchanan accidentally kills his partner and the replica's sculptor, Eric Allison.

When Police Inspector Farraday (Richard Lane) arrives, he automatically assumes that Blackie is guilty and takes him into custody. Buchanan hides in the hollow fake statue. Then when the coast is clear, he puts Allison's body (and the incriminating bullet) inside and makes his escape. The replica is purchased by Blackie's wealthy friend, Arthur Manleder (Lloyd Corrigan). Despite lacking a corpse, Farraday keeps Blackie in jail, but not for long. Blackie switches places with an ice cream man (William Benedict) and escapes.

He goes to see Diane in the hospital to obtain information. To get in undetected, he once again appropriates the unlucky ice cream man's uniform and pretends to be Diane's doctor. When he learns why she needs the money so badly, he arranges for his assistant, the "Runt" (George E. Stone), to masquerade as an insurance adjuster to give her $6000 he borrowed from Manleder. The money had initially been intended to pay off a blackmailing Mona (Joan Woodbury), who claims she is Blackie's wife. When Mona shows up and demands the money, Diane realizes that Blackie is her benefactor.

Buchanan arranges to buy the statue from an unsuspecting Manleder. Blackie learns about it, and sees a way to unravel the mystery. He follows the movers back to their lair. Sneaking inside, he overpowers Caulder (Kenneth MacDonald), one of Buchanan's henchmen. However, Buchanan returns, with Diane as his prisoner, resulting a Mexican standoff. Meanwhile, both Manleder and the Runt are picked up by the police. Farraday has them released, hoping they will lead him to their friend. The Runt is too experienced to be taken in, but Manleder does return to the crooks' secret underground workshop, where they copy artworks. In the ensuing gunfight, Buchanan is killed, but the shots destroy the electrical circuits controlling the only way in, trapping them all in the soundproof chamber. Blackie comes up with the idea to start a fire in the ventilation shaft, and firemen arrive to let them out.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge

Five years after Freddy Krueger's apparent defeat, the Walshes have moved into Nancy Thompson's former home. Their teenage son, Jesse, has a nightmare about being stalked by Krueger driving a school bus. He wakes up and attributes the dream to the unusual heat in the room. Jesse goes to school with his friend Lisa, whom he is interested in romantically, but is too shy to flirt with her. After getting into a fight with a boy named Grady during gym class, Coach Schneider has them stay after class and they become friends. Lisa comes to visit Jesse after school and they discover Nancy Thompson's diary detailing her nightmares, which are strikingly similar to Jesse's. Small fires happen around the house, which culminates in the spontaneous combustion of their pet birds. Jesse's father accuses him of sabotage.

The following night, Jesse has a nightmare where he encounters Freddy, who tells him to kill for him. The dreams grow more intense and Jesse unsuccessfully attempts different measures to keep himself awake. He eventually begins wandering the streets at night. One night, he is caught by Schneider ordering a drink in a gay bar and is made to run laps at school as punishment. After sending Jesse to the showers, Schneider is attacked by an unseen force that drags him to the showers. Jesse vanishes into the steam and Freddy emerges, killing Schneider by slashing his back. Afterwards, Jesse is horrified to see the glove on his hand. He is escorted home by police after being found wandering the streets naked, and his parents begin to suspect that Jesse may be on drugs or mentally disturbed. Lisa takes Jesse to an abandoned factory where Freddy Krueger worked, but they find nothing there.

The following night, Jesse goes to Lisa's pool party and kisses her in the cabana, but his body begins to change and he leaves in a panic. He goes to Grady's house, confesses to killing Schneider, and instructs Grady to watch him as he sleeps and to stop him if he tries to leave. When Grady eventually falls asleep, Freddy emerges from Jesse's body and kills Grady. Freddy then changes back to Jesse, who finds himself looking at Freddy's laughing reflection in Grady's mirror. He flees before Grady's parents enter the room. Returning to Lisa's house, Jesse tells her what is going on. Lisa realizes that Jesse's terror is giving Freddy his strength, but he cannot stop fearing him and transforms again. Freddy locks Lisa's parents in their bedroom and attacks her, but realizes he cannot harm her due to Jesse's influence. Freddy goes outside where he begins to slaughter the partygoers. Lisa's father emerges with a shotgun, but Lisa stops him from shooting Freddy, who escapes in a ball of flame.

Lisa drives to the factory, facing sudden nightmares and having to control her fear before confronting Freddy. She pleads with Jesse to fight Freddy, but Freddy's hold is too strong. When Lisa confesses her love for Jesse and kisses Freddy, Jesse begins to fight back. Freddy combusts and turns to ash, from which Jesse emerges.

Later, as Jesse, Lisa, and Lisa's friend Kerry are taking the bus to school. Jesse begins to notice similarities to his original nightmare and panics. After Lisa calms Jesse down, Kerry says that it is all over just before Freddy's clawed arm bursts through her chest. Freddy laughs as the bus drives into the field, just as in Jesse's first nightmare.

Melba (film)

Based on the life of Dame Nellie Melba, the film traces the career of Melba (Patrice Munsel) from the time she left Australia, traveling to Paris to receive vocal training, meets a new suitor, and debuts her talent in Brussels. As her success grows, her former suitor from Australia arrives in Monte Carlo, convinces her to marry him, but then finds himself placed in the position of being "Mr. Melba". When he leaves her to return to Australia, Melba remains in Europe to continue singing.

Dark Side of the Moon: A Sci-Fi Adventure

''Dark Side of the Moon'' follows the story of Jake Wright, who inherits the mineral rights to the planet Luna Crysta after his uncle dies suspiciously.

Lemon (short story)

The protagonist, who has diseased lungs, is tormented by strange anxiety all the time. He lost his interest in the stationery store Maruzen, music, and poetry that he had been interested in before. He only continues walking around aimlessly in Kyoto.

In one such incident, he visits a fruit shop he likes on a regular basis through Teramachi (Kyoto Miyako Naka-ku "八百卯; Eight Hundred Rabbit", closed January 25, 2009). There were rare lemons placed side by side. He bought one lemon that he was interested in; the coldness of the fruit in his hand was just right. After that, he felt uncomfortable, even though he stopped by his favorite shop, Maruzen, he began feeling uneasy.

He felt an unchanged feeling of dissatisfaction. Even though he looked at the usual picture albums that he used to like, he put the lemon as a time bomb on the pile of illustrations. Then he imagines the works of fine art flying out of the Maruzen shop, the excitement of blasting a lemon as a time bomb.

He was satisfied with what he had done at the end.


Jimmy hosts South Park Elementary's first annual comedy awards show. Among the awards given are the award for Most Unfunny People, which goes to the Germans, and the Kathy Griffin Award, given for the celebrity most likely to show up and receive it, which goes to Tyler Perry. The only person to laugh at Perry is Token, who appears upset with himself after realizing that no one else finds Perry funny. When the Germans find out that they have been voted Most Unfunny People, they are furious and the next day German chancellor Angela Merkel, German president Christian Wulff and the rest of the German government attack South Park Elementary. They take the students hostage and unveil a robot called the XJ-212 Funnybot, in an attempt to show the students that Germans are funny. Funnybot tells jokes in a robotic tone, punctuated by the punch line "Awkward!"

Funnybot takes the comedy world by storm, becoming ubiquitous in all kinds of media. This distresses a number of famous human comedians, such as Adam Sandler and Jay Leno, who fear for their livelihoods. The comedians decide to storm South Park Elementary, demanding that the students stop Funnybot. Jimmy, Stan, Cartman and Kyle take up the task, but it is complicated by Funnybot's increasingly sinister behavior. During a stand-up performance, Funnybot reveals that his body houses two rotary cannons, which he then proceeds to fire into the audience, resulting in numerous deaths.

The boys manage to gain access to Funnybot, only to discover that he plans to destroy the world as the ultimate joke. Funnybot connects to the defense mainframes of both the United States and Russia, arming the nuclear missiles of both countries. The boys are unable to disconnect Funnybot due to a defensive field surrounding him. However, Kyle remembers that robots can be confused by a logical paradox, which inspires Jimmy to present Funnybot with a comedy award. This confounds Funnybot's programming, since one who accepts an award for being funny is clearly taking themselves and comedy seriously, which is not funny. The loop ultimately overwhelms Funnybot's circuits, deactivating it.

Afterwards, the action moves to a junkyard, where the Germans, the boys, the comedians, and President Barack Obama overlook a massive hole. The boys push a wooden crate onto a platform, where it is encased inside three massive metallic shells and dropped into the large hole, which is filled with concrete. Funnybot then appears, stating that he now knows that comedy is meant to be performed by humans. A noise is heard from the concrete-filled hole, and it is revealed to be Tyler Perry, buried in the ground. Jimmy admits that he has learned his lesson and promises that there will not be a comedy awards show next year, and Cartman ends the episode by saying "Or will there be?", breaking the fourth wall.

Listen to My Heart (TV series)

This is the love story of Cha Dong-joo (Kim Jaewon), a man who's been rendered deaf after an accident but pretends he can hear, and Bong Woo-ri (Hwang Jung-eum), a woman who's intelligent but pretends she's dim-witted to protect the dignity of her mentally handicapped father. She has been looking for her step-brother, Bong Ma-roo, who ran away from home 16 years ago. What she soon finds out is that Jang Joon-ha (Namkoong Min), Cha Dong-joo's brother, is Bong Ma-roo himself.

About the Little Red Riding Hood

The story takes place one year after the well known story of Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf, who had been killed by the woodcutter, is revealed to have left behind family and friends who now wish to get revenge on Little Red. The deceased wolf's mother pays his friend, Lean Wolf to take her other son, Fat wolf and together catch Little Red Riding Hood.

The wolves find a way to make Little Red Riding Hood believe that her grandmother has fallen ill again. Unaware that her grandmother is not truly ill, Little Red Riding Hood sets out through the forest to go visit her, meeting the wolves and other people on her journey. The little girl manages to foil all of the plans thought of by the wolves to catch her. They try dressing in clothes that will deceive Little Red Riding Hood into believing that they are kind and friendly, but in the end, she sucks them into her own game and they continually fail to catch her.

Wolf cub, the deceased wolf's son, who spends his time reading stories, is clearly opposed to taking revenge on anyone for the things that have happened, and prefers to have nothing to do with his vengeful wolf family. His grandmother, angry with his lack of support, burns his storybook, which sends the cub into tears, and he runs away from his grandmother.

On her travels, Little Red Riding Hood meets with ever more obstacles, such as a young spoiled boy who wishes to take Little Red Riding Hood as his possession so he can play with her whenever he wishes. He locks her in a room, but she is saved by Lean Wolf and Fat Wolf, who are now dressed as stately women, but are waiting with a sack to snatch her up. Wolf Cub takes the sack and foils their plans.

The cub tries to hint at Little Red Riding Hood that her grandmother is not truly ill, but she does not heed his advice and continues on her way, and again the two wolves attempt to catch her. However, Fat Wolf, has grown attached to Little Red Riding Hood and is no longer so keen on capturing her as he had been initially.

Little Red later learns from a shepherd who had previously conspired with the wolves, that her newfound companions are indeed the wolves. Upset and frustrated by this news, she dresses as the shepherd and gets the Lean Wolf to confirm his identity. She also brought the wolves a sleeping pill made of poppies instead of water, and they were put to sleep.

Little Red Riding Hood proceeds to run away and runs into a hunter who only speaks of himself as if he were great, when in reality he is a coward. He wishes to shoot the wolves while they are asleep, but the girl stops him because she wishes to take the wolves to her village to be judged and so they can repent.

The people from the village now learn of the trouble and come to Little Red Riding Hood's aid. They intend to hurt the wolves, but Little Red does not wish them any harm. She allows the wolves to flee.

Actor's and Sin

The film lampoons the Hollywood motion picture industry and is separated into two sections. The first section is ''Actor's Blood'', a morality play about legitimate theater. The second section is ''Woman of Sin'', a send-up of Hollywood greed.

''Actor's Blood'' takes place in New York City. Broadway star Marcia Tillayou has been found shot dead in her apartment. Her father Maurice is himself an actor, and had watched her theater career rise as his own declined. She had let success overcome her, and had thus alienated critics, fans, producers and her playwright husband. She had a few recent stage flops before being murdered.

''Woman of Sin'' takes place in Hollywood. Dishonest writers' agent Orlando Higgens has been receiving frantic calls from Daisy Marcher about a screenplay that she had written titled ''Woman of Sin''. Thinking they are crank calls, Higgens tells her to never again call his office. He then learns that because of a mail mixup, her screenplay had been received by film mogul J.B. Cobb, a man who had once passed on ''Gone With the Wind'' based on Higgins' advice. Cobb thinks that Higgins sent the script and offers him a lucrative sum for the rights. However, Higgins does not know where Daisy is or that she is actually a nine-year-old child.

Bar-Z Bad Men

When reckless and boisterous Jim Waters (Johnny Mack Brown) is faced with a jail term for what he calls harmless fun, he heads to the Bar-Z Ranch, promising to stay out of town. When he gets there, he runs right into the middle of a range war between two cattlemen. Murder and deceit draw Jim in, determined to uncover who’s in back of the rustling.

The Ten Gladiators

Roccia and a band of fellow gladiators join forces with a patrician named Glaucus Valerius to replace Nero, (and his evil henchman, Tigelinus), with a new emperor: Servius Galba. During the course of this bloody struggle, the gladiators lose their mentor and trainer - Resius - and then must rescue Lidia, Resius' beautiful niece, from death on the cross.

That Dangerous Age

Sir Brian Brooke, a famous attorney, collapses while acting as defense counsel in a high-profile murder trial. Doctor Thorvald informs his (second) wife Cathy that Brian needs to rest for six months or he will die; Brian is also temporarily blind. They and Brian's daughter Monica relax in Italy.

They receive an anonymous letter accusing Cathy of carrying on an affair with Brian's junior partner, Michael Barcleigh. Brian's lawyer instincts makes him believe it, until Cathy reveals that Michael has confided to her that he is in love with Monica. Brian is apologetic, and delighted by the news. However, Cathy has lied, and the letter is correct.

Vulcan, Son of Giove

Following a dispute between Jupiter and Mars the latter ascends to Earth. Together with Venus he instructs the Thracians how to erect a castle which is supposed to become more beautiful than Mount Olympus. Jupiter assigns Vulcan and Etna to find Mars. Eventually the Thracians capture Etna and torture her. Vulcan saves her life and incites the slaves of the Thracians into an uprising. Mars and Venus try to return to Olympus but Jupiter sends Vulcan back to Earth to be with Etna.

Double Deal (1939 film)

Two men, Tommy McCoy and Dude Markey, are in love with Nita, a beautiful nightclub singer/dancer. Markey robs a jewelry store and gives the haul to a local gangster. Later, he steals the jewelry from the gangster's safe and frames McCoy for the robbery in the hope that the gangster will kill him, thereby getting rid of his rival for the lovely Nita.

Moon Over Harlem

A gangster, Dollar Bill Richards, seduces a wealthy widow, Minnie, to get his hands on her money.

Bill Cracks Down

Bill Reardon runs a steel mill and is the idol of his workers; he'll forego his board meetings to challenge his workers in coal shoveling contests. His heart eventually gives out, but prior to his death he makes his will out with some unusual provisos. His playboy artist son Bill Junior returns from Paris to discover that in order to receive his inheritance he must work in the steel mill for one year with a false name, with the foreman "Tons" Walker being in charge of the mill. "Tons" decides to build Junior's character by changing him from an office file clerk to a hard working coal shoveling steel man. Junior plans his revenge by seducing "Tons"' fiancee.

The Toothbrush Family

They are commonly remembered from the first series, where they came to life at night when the moon shone into the bathroom.

The main characters in the family were father Tom, mother Tess, the kids Tina and Toby, and Gramps. Also featured were other bathroom items: Flash Fluoride the toothpaste, Hot Rod Harry the electric toothbrush (portrayed as having wheels and a love of speed), Bert Brush, Cecily Comb, Nev Nailbrush, Susie Sponge, Shaggy Dog, Callie Conditioner and Sally Shampoo.

A Scream in the Night

A colonial police detective (Chaney Jr.) in an Eastern seaport seeks a stolen gem, and infiltrates the underworld by posing as a drunken, look-alike wharfside bar owner.

The Princesses and the Frog

Chuck (Ed Westwick) informing his P.I that he doesn't believe his father is responsible for the murder of Avery Thorpe - Raina's mother - and for him to drop the case.

Serena, on the phone to Blair, finds that her attempt to break up Louis and Blair has only made them stronger thus far. She fakes being happy for them, and afterwards explains to Eric that she is trying to break them up because Blair crossed "sacred territory" when she kissed Dan. Eric tells her off, saying that acting like Blair is no way to go on. However, Serena still seems determined to break them up. Back in the apartment, Rufus announces that the meeting with the band went well, and he has invited them round for dinner. Eric mocks him on his 'street cred', so Rufus moves the dinner from the penthouse to his apartment back in Brooklyn. Blair arrives at Chuck's, where he tells her that he needs her now more than before, because the only thing that's been real in his life has been her. Blair tells him about Louis proposal, and that even though she wanted to be Chuck's for so long, she can't be anymore. Chuck gets violent, punching a glass wall which in turn cuts Blair's face. Blair flees, and a watching Nate realises the extent of Chuck's problem, and calls Raina to tell him he chooses her. At the same time, Raina is on the phone to Jack Bass, hoping to get his help with dealing with Chuck. Chuck is seen sitting alone, holding his engagement ring. Blair, still at odds with Serena, calls her mother, to tell her she's engaged.

Nellu (1974 film)

The film portrays the life of the "Adiyar" community, a tribe whose ways of life belongs to centuries ago. They live in the Wayanad hills in the deep Kerala forests. The film envelopes the passions, superstitions, religious practices, customs, and the servility and exploitation the tribal people endure. The film is narrated through the observations of an outsider.

The Courage to Love

Henriette Delille, a free woman of color, was born in 1813 into one of New Orleans' most prominent families. Her family assumed she would follow her mother and sister's path and become a mistress for a wealthy white man. However, Henriette had different plans for her life.

Beau Ideal

The last two surviving members of a French Foreign Legion detachment, who know each other as Smith and Brown, are consigned to a grain pit in the desert to die slowly. As they await death the two soldiers eventually realize that they were childhood friends, John Geste (Ralph Forbes) and Otis Madison (Lester Vail), respectively.

Once they recognize one another, they have a series of flashbacks to their boyhood friendship in England. These memories are followed by Otis' memory of his return to England and discovery that John has joined the French Foreign Legion. While in England, Otis also learns that Isobel Landon (Loretta Young), who he is enamored with, is betrothed to John. Despite his feelings for her, he vows to follow John to Africa and return him to England. He makes arrangements and leaves for the dark continent.

Upon his arrival in Africa, Otis, and his detachment, are ordered to garrison a French fort in the desert. As hardships ensue, his fellow legionnaires begin to mutiny. Otis does not participate in the uprising, instead he attempts to get the other soldiers to cease their rebellion. When the uprising is eventually thwarted, the commanders do not believe Otis' story, and assume that he was part of the rebellion, and send him to a penal detail. While part of that detail, he is again falsely accused, and is thrown into the pit, along with John, which puts them both in the pit where the film begins.

Back in the present, as they are about to die, they are miraculously rescued by a passing band of Arabs. Unknown to the two friends is that the Arabs intend to use them as bait to draw their fellow legionnaires into a death trap. Fortunately for the friends, the girlfriend of the Emir, Zuleika (Leni Stengel), also known as "the Angel of Death", is attracted to Otis. Otis uses that attraction and agrees to marry her, after which Zuleika informs him of an impending attack by the Arabs on the nearby fort, and then helps Otis and John to escape. The two legionnaires race to the fort, and help to repel the Arab attack, which earns both of them their freedom.

Otis now has to face up to his commitment to Zuleika. However, she has now transferred her affections to Major LeBaudy (Hale Hamilton), which allows Otis to be relieved of his matrimonial duties. Free from any entanglements, the two friends return to England. Once there, John releases Isobel from their betrothal, which clears the way for her and Otis to marry.

Nairu Pidicha Pulivalu

The film is set against the backdrop of a circus company. Chandran is a circus performer. Thankam, a beautiful 17-year-old girl, is his childhood sweetheart. But, Thankam's mother Kalyani Amma forbids her to prolong her affair with Chandran. She wants Thankam to marry Gopi, a well known bully from the town. Thankam's father Paithal Nair, however rejects this proposal. But as the circus shifts to another village, everything goes wrong. The circus people owed some money to Paithal Nair which they were unable to pay. Despite the circus manager's assurances Kalyani Amma and Nair decide to hold the circus animals hostage until the circus manager repays his debt. Managing the animals soon becomes a nightmare and Paithal and family realize they have invited trouble (pulival pidikkuka - an expression in Malayalam for trouble, mess etc. It literally means catch a leopard by its tail). Paithal Nair is in financial stress and has no other way than to accept the marriage proposal from Gopi for his daughter. Chandran decides to make enough money by playing trapeze without a safety net. But Lalitha, whose proposal is rejected by Chandran, damage the rope of trapeze to kill Chandran. But Chandran fall to ground only with minor injuries and Lalitha commits suicide. Gopi is attacked and killed by an unleashed tiger, just before the marriage. Chandran arrives to the spot and kills the tiger though Gopi eventually dies from the injuries. At the end of the movie, Chandran marries Thankam.


In the midst of World War II, Harvey Leeds, working as secretary for the highly reputed British criminologist Sir Stafford Hart in London, is lobbying for legislation ordering the immediate arrest of all foreign agents stationed in Britain. Harvey is engaged to Sir Stafford's daughter, Pamela, and is visiting the Hart mansion. He is about to leave the mansion to be with Pamela, who works at an air raid shelter, when he happens upon a briefcase in the foyer. He looks through the briefcase that belongs to Sir Stafford's assistant, Kent Wells, before heading out in the night. He does not get far though, and is knocked out by air raid warden Anton Schugg and thrown into the back of the warden's ambulance.

Kent Wells happened to see Harvey go through his briefcase, and when he goes upstairs to the mansion's top floor, he sees someone opening Sir Stafford's safe in the library. Before Wells has any chance of stopping him, the man is off with the plan for the government's new secret weapon - the beam detector. The man drops a cufflink with the letter ”L” on it.

Sir Stafford involves Scotland Yard in the investigation of the stolen plans. Two American Inspectors, Crane and Dickens, are visiting the Yard and are invited by the chief investigator on the case, Inspector J. Stephens of Scotland Yard. The three men go to the Hart mansion and conclude that the ”L” must mean that notorious jewel thief Michael Lanyard is responsible for the theft. He is also known as the ”Lone Wolf”.

An air raid hits London, and during the commotion that ensues, the Lone Wolf meets with his valet Jamison. The building closest to them begins to topple, and the Lone Wolf saves a man from being crushed by it. The man, air raid warden George Barrow, expresses his gratitude and grants Lone Wolf a favor.

During the rest of the raid, the Lone Wolf and his valet hide out in the same air raid shelter as Pamela works in. The Lone Wolf tries to hide the plans he has stolen, but Inspector Stephens soon arrives and arrests him for espionage. Stephens doesn't find the plans though, and Jamison manages to get them back after the Lone Wolf is taken away.

During interrogation of the Lone Wolf, he manages to grab a gun and take Sir Stafford hostage. He escapes from custody, and happens to meets air raid warden Schugg outside, who gives him a ride, although not oblivious of his crime. Schugg then stops the car and offers the Lone Wolf a deal. He wants to buy the plans on behalf of the German agents in London. In charge of the Germans is the undercover agent Gustave Sossel. When the Lone Wolf is taken to the German agents’ hideout, he also discovers that the Germans hold Harvey prisoner. The Lone Wolf explains that he doesn't have the plans, but he can retrieve them in a few days. Kent appears at the hideout and explains that he captured Harvey because he was too nosy. He also explains that the Germans intend to reveal the plans to Berlin through a radio broadcast from a radio transmitter at the hideout. The Lone Wolf is then let out in the street with instructions to inform Schugg when he has the plans.

The newspapers report that Sir Stafford has died in the air raid. When Inspector Stephens visits the Hart mansion, he discovers a secret document sanctioning the Lone Wolf to work undercover for British Intelligence to disclose and catch a ring of spies in the country. Later, the Lone Wolf also makes contact with the Hart mansion, thus leading the police away from the mansion and to his own apartment. The Lone Wolf then go off in search for the German hideout, but discovers that Pamela is following them.

Lanyard tricks her into phoning Stephens so that there will be police reinforcements in the district surrounding the spies's headquarters. Pamela alerts the police of their whereabouts, and they come to surround the German hideout, believing they are close to catching the thief. The Lone Wolf escapes the ring of police by riding in Barrow's ambulance. The Lone Wolf then returns to where he believes the hideout is, under the Blue Parrot Café, and finds Pamela there. They are both apprehended by the German agents and taken to Sossel. It turns out Kent's real name is Kurt Weil, and that he's an agent for the Germans. The three police inspectors, who have tracked the Lone Wolf, are also apprehended by the Germans. When the Germans start broadcasting the plans, Barrow arrives and pretends to hold a stick of dynamite in his hand. The German agents throw down their guns, and the Lone Wolf explains to the Germans that the plans were fake, in order to find the ring of German spies. The Lone Wolf then produces the real plans to the police and is freed of all suspicion.

Amma (1952 film)

The film tells the tale of Lakshmi Amma, a loving mother, and her son Venu. Venu falls in love with Radha, a rich lady, and later marries her. After the marriage, Venu and Radha shift to Madras. He manages to send some money to his mother in the beginning. But as days went, Radha intervenes and Venu is not able to send any more money to his poor mother. Meanwhile, a private moneylender from whom Lakshmi Amma had borrowed some money for Venu's marriage, kicks her out of the house. Venu brings Lakshmi Amma to his Madras residence, but Radha is not ready to allow her to stay there. This creates problems and Lakshmi Amma has to leave the house. She is thrown to the streets. A lot of dramatic happenings form the rest of the story.

Seven Miles from Alcatraz

During World War II, two prisoners break out of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, only to encounter German spies.

Doctor Bari

The film is about three doctors.

The House of Peril

In Deauville a German couple lure girl gamblers to a 'haunted' house and kill them for their jewels.

A Taste of Blackberries

As told from the point of view of the unnamed narrator, the story begins as he and his best friend Jamie go blackberry picking. We follow the boys as they take part in a series of exploits - some told in current narrative time, some revealed in poignant flashbacks - allowing the reader to witness their world and shared experience. When Jamie tragically dies as a result of an allergic reaction to bee stings, the narrator struggles to cope with denial, grief, guilt, and loneliness, before coming to terms with the loss. The story is set in a suburb of Washington, D.C., the author's birthplace.

The Reluctant Spy

Stanislas Dubois is an ordinary businessman. When he meets a woman on a date in a restaurant, he takes off his coat. Upon leaving he confuses a similar coat with his own. Following this mix-up he becomes increasingly aware that something about him is attracting peculiar people. Hidden in his new coat is a microfilm which interests more than one secret service. After being drawn into the world of international espionage, a secret service of his own country hires him to lure enemy spies into a trap.

Blockade (Stargate Universe)

In a standard power-braking maneuver, ''Destiny'' skirts a gas giant before a routine power recharge, but when they emerge from the shadow of the planet the crew discovers that their approach to the star is blocked by a Command ship, which immediately launches drones to attack ''Destiny''. Fortunately, the power-brake maneuver leaves them far enough away from the ship to initiate a jump to FTL, with only minimal damage to ''Destiny'', but having drained its critical power supplies. Col. Young suggests another star, but having ''Destiny'' drop far enough away to assess the region first. Young's caution pays off as another Command ship awaits them at the star, and ''Destiny'' jumps back into FTL to escape.

The crew suspects that Command ships will await them at every red dwarf star that ''Destiny'' normally uses for energy, creating a blockade. Eli proposes using a blue supergiant to recharge instead; ''Destiny'' would be able tolerate the higher temperatures though the interior of the ship would become impossible to live in. Instead, leaving a few personnel aboard in the space suits that can withstand the temperatures, the rest of the crew would use the Stargate to safety stay on a nearby planet until the fueling process is complete. Young reports to Col. Telford on Earth on the plan; Telford insists on bringing expert pilots aboard via the communication stones to handle the maneuver, but Dr. Rush assures that he and Eli are the most experienced pilots for ''Destiny''.

The crew begins to gather as many perishable goods as possible prior to evacuation, particular as many plants from the hydroponics dome and putting them into refrigerated storage. Dr. Park convinces Young to let her stay aboard, using the third suit, to continue to collect and save as many of the plants as possible before ''Destiny'' enters the star. ''Destiny'' drops out of FTL sooner than anticipated, and the crew race to evacuate the ship as it draws closer to the star, finding themselves in an apparently-abandoned Earth-like city.

Eli and Dr. Rush initiate the approach to the star. Just as Dr. Park is ready to leave the dome, the doors seal shut, and cannot be overridden; Dr. Rush suspects that ''Destiny'' knows the dome will not survive the extreme temperatures and already shut off the section, despite his attempts to abort their path towards the star. Knowing that he needs Eli's attention on the flight controls, Dr. Rush advises Dr. Park to submerge and secure herself in the water collection pool to survive the heat for as long as possible. As the ship skims the star and collects energy, the dome ruptures, igniting the plants and pulling the remains into the void of space. Dr. Park barely hangs on through the maneuver. Eventually, once the ship is cleared, Eli is able to override the door seals and frees Dr. Park. Though she is safe, she has suffered from flash blindness.

On the planet, Young organizes teams to search the remains for any supplies. They come to learn that the planet was attacked by drones in the past, with most of the population fleeing through the Stargate. The recon teams encounter one of the drones and are able to subdue it. However, a civilian, realizing there are still drones around, panics and tries to open the Stargate, alerting the drones to their presence. The recon teams race back to protect the crew just as a command ship lands on the surface. Young orders the Stargate opened back to the ship ten minutes early. Though the ship is still cooling down, the crew is safely recovered with the meager supplies, and TJ races to provide medical support to Dr. Park. While the ship has been recharged, the crew recognize that blue supergiants are even more rare than red dwarfs, and they will not likely be able to use the same ruse again against the Command ships.

Zazoo U

The series follows the antics of a university college populated by different animals.

Savages (2012 film)

Best friends Chon and Ben are marijuana growers in Laguna Beach, California. Chon, a former Navy SEAL, smuggled the seeds for the plants out of Afghanistan. Ben, a University of California, Berkeley graduate in business and botany, cultivates the marijuana. The seeds yield a particularly potent strain, which develops a wide customer base. Chon and Ben become wealthy, and Ben devotes time and money to charity work in Africa and Asia. They are both openly in a relationship with Ophelia Sage.

The trio receives a video from Mexican drug-cartel enforcer Miguel "Lado" Arroyo of severed heads and a chainsaw, and Arroyo demands a meeting at which the cartel offers a partnership. Although Chon and Ben offer to hand over their network and get out of the business, the cartel wants their expertise and insists on a partnership. Chon and Ben make plans with Ophelia to go to Indonesia for a year, not telling her that they are fleeing the cartel. They speak to corrupt DEA agent Dennis Cain, who is on the take from them and who urges them to join the cartel. Ophelia is kidnapped by Lado's gang; Chon and Ben are notified of the kidnapping by a video call from cartel leader Elena Sánchez, who threatens to harm Ophelia if they decline the partnership.

They discuss the situation with Dennis, who tells them that Elena is facing the loss of her political connections in Mexico (foiling her efforts to move into the US). Since she has already lost most of her family, Dennis says that he has nothing on her that can help them. Chon stabs Dennis in the hand and demands DEA intelligence so they can attack Elena. With help from Chon's Navy SEAL friends, he and Ben attack a cartel money convoy and kill seven of Elena's men.

Ophelia, held in horrible conditions, demands to speak to whoever is in charge. Lado drugs and rapes her in retaliation for going over his head. Elena, traveling to the US to visit her daughter and deal with the escalating situation, has Ophelia brought with her. Chon and Ben frame high-ranking cartel member Alex as an agent of Elena's rival, El Azul. With Dennis' help, they falsify evidence and give it to Lado. Lado tortures Alex to force a confession. After Alex confesses, Lado covers him with petrol and forces Ben to ignite the petrol; Ophelia is forced to watch. Lado double-crosses Elena and begins working with El Azul.

Ben and Chon pay Dennis $3 million for information about Elena's daughter, Magda, and the name of his informant in Elena's cartel. They kidnap Magda and video-call Elena to establish that they are now in control. With Elena at their mercy, they arrange a desert meeting to exchange Ophelia and Magda at which snipers from both sides are in position. Elena asks who revealed her daughter's location, and Chon tells her it was Lado. She tries to kill Lado, but he shoots her first; a firefight erupts, and Chon is shot several times. Lado is shot in the back by Ben, but shoots him in the neck before Ophelia kills him. Ben is mortally wounded, and Chon injects him, Ophelia and himself with a fatal overdose so they can die together.

Ophelia wakes from a nightmare. At the meeting, Lado steals Elena's car and escapes as Dennis leads DEA agents to the scene. Everyone but Lado and Magda are arrested. Because Ben has incriminating information about Dennis, Dennis identifies Ben and Chon as his informants in the cartel and they are released. Elena is sentenced to thirty years in prison, and El Azul and Lado create a new cartel called the Azulados. Ben, Chon and Ophelia leave the country and live in a beachside hut, possibly in Indonesia. Ophelia tells us that they are living like savages.

The Falcon Strikes Back

Amateur sleuth Tom Lawrence (Tom Conway) known as "The Falcon," is approached by Mia Bruger (Rita Corday) to help in finding her brother, who had gone missing. When Tom goes to a cocktail bar, he is attacked and knocked unconscious. When he revives, he finds himself in his car on a country road. A motorcycle police officer stops him and arrests him, because Police Inspector Timothy Donovan (Cliff Clark) has put out an "all-points" bulletin for his arrest in the case of a murdered bank official and the theft of $250,000 in war bonds.

Although the Falcon has an alibi with his fiancée, reporter Marcia Brooks (Jane Randolph) and assistant, "Goldie" Locke (Cliff Edwards) supporting him, Donovan is skeptical and attempts to incarcerate Tom, who makes his escape. Returning to the bar, it is now the headquarters of a woman's knitting society, run by Geraldine Lipton (Wynne Gibson). When the trio of sleuths head off to Lipton's resort hotel, they find a number of suspicious individuals, hotel manager Gwynne Gregory (Harriet Hilliard), former criminal Rickey Davis (Erford Gage), a nurse to invalid Bruno Steffen (André Charlot) and Mia.

When Tom approaches Mia, she pretends that she doesn't know him and dives into the pool but as she hits the water, she is killed by a gunshot. Looking for the killer, Tom runs into puppeteer Smiley Dugan (Edgar Kennedy), who alerts Donovan that the Falcon is at the hotel. Picking up a cigarette case that might be a clue to the murderer, Tom has to work quickly before Donovan arrives.

Marcia reports that the fingerprints on the cigarette case belong to a notorious thief known as "the Duchess". Tom phones his houseboy, Jerry (Richard Loo), telling him to pose as the Chinese Trade Commissioner wanting to buy war bonds. After Steffen confides to Jerry that he plans to buy war bonds from Gwynne, Tom exposes Mrs. Lipton as the Duchess, and accuses her of stealing the bonds, but Donovan, with a warrant for murder, arrests Tom, Marcia, Goldie and Jerry instead.

Finding a way to escape once again, Tom returns to the hotel, and confronts Mrs. Lipton, who was being blackmailed by Rickey into selling the war bonds. When Rickey is killed, a terrified Gwynne confesses that she was involved because Rickey was her husband. When he is trapped in an elevator with Gwynne, Tom realizes that the killer is still in the hotel. Finding a way out, Tom rushes to Mrs. Lipton's room to find the puppeteer threatening the hotel owner. When Tom tries to apprehend him, Dugan falls to his death. Donovan, now convinced in Tom's innocence, arrives to arrest Mrs. Lipton for the theft of the war bonds.

Le Miracle des loups (1924 film)

The narrative takes place in the 15th century, when Louis XI was at odds with Charles of Burgundy. The king's forces are attacked by the Burgundian troops and Beauvais must be defended until reinforcements can arrive. The defence of the city is led by Jeanne Hachette. There are realistic scenes in which wolves attack some of the opponents of Louis XI.

The Widow (1955 film)

Countess Diana Gaston (Patricia Roc) meets Vittorio Serra (Massimo Serato), the grandson of Carlo Serra, a prominent businessman. Convinced that she has met the man for her, she does all she can to keep him in her life. Unfortunately both of them are self-centered and this leads to repeated conflict. Vittorio's passion for auto racing leads to continued disagreements between him and the countess.

Though remaining civil, the two separate over their disagreements even though both believe that they cannot live without the other. When Vittorio attends a party thrown by the countess, he meets Adriana (Anna Maria Ferrero), who immediately falls in love with him. His indecision over Adriana's attentions causes her to try to make him jealous, but he does not fall for the ploy. Vittorio then leaves on a trip to Sicily, he learns that Diana and Adriana have been corresponding and the jealousy does arise. Even though he loves the countess more, Vittorio asks Adriana to marry him. She refuses. When Diana learns of his proposal, she throws a tantrum and breaks objects precious to Vittirio, objects which she knows he superstitiously depends upon for luck.

Vittrio then learns that out of spite, Adriana has married Bonelli (Leonardo Botta), his friend and fellow auto racer. About to compete against Bonneli in a race, and distraught at the news of the marriage, Vittorio removes his lucky bracelet. Diana has a premonition of bad fortune just before she learns the news that Vittorio has died in a racing crash.

Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur

Shaggy discovers he has a disorder which causes him to unhealthily overreact to anything frightening, putting an end to Mystery Inc. The gang takes him to a spa resort in the town of La Serena to calm his nerves. While the gang meets the resort owner, Mr. Hubley, Scooby-Doo has a run-in with a dinosaur and keeps it to himself to spare Shaggy's fears. The gang soon meets Professor Svankmajer and her student Winsor, the paleontologists in charge of an archaeological dig, before they see a large "ghost dinosaur". Scooby rescues Shaggy, paralyzed by fear, and is subsequently chased by the dinosaur until they are saved by Fred, who knocks the dinosaur off of a cliff while driving the Mystery Machine.

Mr. Hubley tells the legend of the "Phantosaur": a phantom dinosaur summoned by Native Americans to regain their land stolen by European colonists. Mr. Hubley hypnotizes Shaggy into being confident and fearless so long as he hears a keyword, the same word of which will return Shaggy to his original state of mind. However, no one, including Mr. Hubley and Shaggy, remembers what the keyword is.

At the dig site entrance, Daphne, Fred, and Velma notice dinosaur tracks and potential snake tracks. Meanwhile, at a buffet, Shaggy upsets a gang of bikers who threaten him but in doing so say the keyword, triggering the effects of his hypnotherapy. Shaggy defeats the biker gang in a brawl and agrees to a motorcycle race. However, Shaggy hears the keyword while parting ways with the bikers, returning him to his original state of mind.

As Velma plans a dinner date with Windsor, Daphne and Fred find a mining company van and witness company members meddling around the handcar Scooby escaped on and retrieving a dinosaur tooth. Shaggy learns from Daphne how to ride a motorcycle, and just before the race starts hears the keyword. Gang leader Tex almost falls off a cliff but is saved by Shaggy, who earns Tex's respect in the process. The race is later interrupted by the phantosaur.

Daphne, Fred, and Velma notice the same mining company van from earlier, which now has attached cables that leave tracks similar to the tracks that they saw at the entrance of the dig. They and the bikers flood the van, revealing that the phantosaurs are actually animatronics used to scare the paleontologists away so as to retrieve a vein of silver.

Mr. Hubley tells the gang that his equipment for hypnosis was stolen. The gang follows some velociraptors into town to encounter a seemingly different phantosaur before it disappears. The next day, they present Professor Svankmajer with photos and find out that her camp was attacked. She lies to them about having sent Winsor home and intends to leave herself.

The gang learns that the velociraptors are graduate students in costume, the new phantosaur is a projection made by Professor Svankmajer and Winsor from Mr. Hubley's stolen equipment, and its fire breath is from the super-heated air of paint strippers. The paleontologists had found a dinosaur preserved in a quartz crystal and wanted to scare away townspeople to secretly claim it for themselves. One of the paint strippers activates the explosives that the paleontologists planted to collapse the caves, and they and the gang are forced to travel deeper into the mines, led by a confident Shaggy after he hears the keyword. Near an exit to the cave, Daphne says the keyword, reinstating Shaggy's cowardice. Scooby realizes the keyword is "bad", but struggles to say it. Shaggy, out of trance, nimbly escapes the cave and finds Tex's gang, having arrived to rescue the group.

The police arrest Professor Svankmajer and Winsor. Shaggy, along with the rest of Mystery Inc., receives hypnotherapy that returns him back to his usual self, causing the whole gang to think that each of them is Shaggy.

The Stand Up

Stand-up comic Zoe Hardwick is desperately in love with his beautiful girlfriend, Miranda (Julia Dennis). When she dies tragically, Zoe is devastated and drops his budding career, moves back home, and pines after his departed love for a year. His father, the principal of an elementary school, decides that one year of moping around the house is enough and forces Zoe to take a job teaching kindergarten, Zoe finds himself standing before a very different demographic. The innocent insights of the children help Zoe in finally healing. He meets fellow kindergarten teacher, Veronica (Margarita Levieva) and a new love is kindled.

Shuva (film)

Shuvaa was named as Shuvashini (one who has melodious voice) but she grows as deaf and dumb. Her father married off her two elder sister Suhashini and Sukeshini with grand ceremony. Now its Shuvaa's turn. Shuvaa and Protap from the same village love and understand each other. Protap asked her father to marry her and her father comes to Protap's parents with marriage proposal. Govinda Goswami refuses the proposal and insults him. Being refused and insulted, Banikonto leaves the village with his daughter and wife to his eldest daughter's house to marry off Shuvaa. Soon after her marriage, her husband Nibaron learns Shuvaa's condition that brings misery for her.

Quicksand: No Escape

A hard-working architect is pulled into intrigue when his wife hires a private investigator to make sure he's just working late. The private eye sees an opportunity to frame him for a murder instead.

Page Eight

Johnny Worricker is a long-serving MI5 officer. His best friend and superior, director general Benedict Baron, summons Johnny to a meeting with MI5 agent Jill Tankard and Home Secretary Anthea Catcheside regarding a potentially explosive report. Worricker verbally highlights a note at the foot of page eight alleging that Prime Minister Alec Beasley has knowledge of secret overseas prisons where terror suspects have been tortured by American authorities. If true, Beasley did not share any intelligence gained with the security services, at the possible expense of British lives.

At the same time, Johnny begins spending time with his neighbour Nancy Pierpan, a Syrian-born political activist whose brother was killed by the Israeli military. Johnny shares his love of modern art and jazz with Nancy but, wondering if she aims to exploit his connections, asks friend and covert intelligence operative Rollo to investigate her. Meanwhile, Baron dies of a heart attack at his country home before he can make the report public. Beasley orders the report to be buried and tells Johnny of his plans to replace MI5 with a US-style Homeland Security organisation. Catcheside's silence is bought by naming her Deputy Prime Minister.

Johnny sells a valuable Christopher Wood painting from his own art collection, for cash. He breaks into the studio of an acquaintance of Nancy's, seen loitering around the apartment building, and learns that the acquaintance is Tankard's son and has been paid to monitor him. Johnny realises that Beasley and Tankard are running a politicised "cowboy" intelligence operation. Johnny gives Nancy a copy of the secret file on her brother's death but points out that he would be implicated if its existence were to be revealed by her. Johnny ends up making a deal with Tankard to keep quiet about the report. In return for Johnny's silence, Tankard agrees to kill the reorganisation of the intelligence services as well as leak the file on Nancy's brother's murder to the BBC. The fallout forces Johnny to disappear for his safety.

Johnny gives Nancy another Christopher Wood painting from his collection, and tells her she can have his car, as he is leaving the country. On seeing the leaked report of her brother's murder on the news, she realises that Johnny arranged it to allow her to pursue a legal case against the Israelis without implicating himself. At Stansted Airport, Johnny dumps the original report incriminating Beasley in a rubbish bin. As Johnny looks at the departure screen, Nancy looks closely at Johnny's painting, of a church near a beach.

Where Soldiers Come From

Motivated by a variety of reasons from college tuition support, to a sense of purpose, best friends Dominic and Cole join the Army National Guard after graduating from their rural high school. After persuading several of their friends to join them, the young men are sent to Afghanistan as part of the 107th Engineer Battalion, 168th Engineer Brigade, where they are tasked with searching for roadside bombs in order to keep roads safe for other troops. By the time their deployment ends, they are no longer the carefree group of friends they were before enlisting; repeated bombs blasts around their convoys have led to TBI symptoms, and they have become increasingly disillusioned about their mission.

Coming home is no relief as they are now confronted with the silent war wounds of PTSD and TBI. The soldiers struggle with reintegration with society and some miss the simplicity in life they had while in Afghanistan. The latter half of the documentary focuses on their struggles on the home front and how each of them, and their families try to return to normal life.

Red Dragonflies

Three Junior College students, Rachel, Tien and Jun begin exploring an abandoned railway track, and an accident happens. Three years later, Rachel and Tien cross paths again.

Two Half Times in Hell

It is the spring of 1944. Nazi officers want to organize a football match for Hitler's birthday, in which Germans would play against Hungarian labour servicemen of war. They call for the famous Hungarian footballer, Ónódi, and order him to organize a team. Ónódi accepts, but in turn demands extra food, a ball with which he and his team can train before the match, and asks that they be allowed to concentrate on training before the match and not work. The Germans accept all the demands, but recommend Ónódi not include any Jews in his team. However, Ónódi can't organize the team only from his labour battalion, because only 8 out of 98 servicemen can play football. Therefore, Ónódi recruits players from the other battalion. One of the players is Steiner, who is a Jew and can't play football. He lied to Ónódi because he was afraid to die. During training the footballers subdue the Hungarian gendarmerie guarding them and try to escape. They are soon recaptured and told they will now probably face the death penalty. However, the Hungarian officer orders the Hungarian team to still play the match. At the beginning of the match Ónódi and his team are discouraged, as the Germans easily score three goals. The Hungarians succeed in scoring one goal and the first half ends 3-1 in favour of Germany. At the interval the Hungarian commander tells the Hungarian players that they might not be executed if they lose the match. The Hungarians refuse to believe this. At the beginning of the second half they score three goals. As a result, during the match, they are executed by the Germans.

Star's Lover

Lee Ma-ri (Choi Ji-woo) is a top star in South Korea and throughout Asia. The head of her management agency, Seo Tae-suk (Sung Ji-ru), hires a ghostwriter to help transform Ma-ri's image. Poverty-stricken university lecturer Kim Chul-soo (Yoo Ji-tae) takes the job in order to earn money to repay his ex-girl friend, who paid for his college tuition. Whilst they are in Japan he falls in love with Ma-ri. However, when the travel essay book ''Lovers in Asuka'', written by Chul-soo on Ma-ri's behalf, becomes a bestseller, Ma-ri gets caught up in the controversy generated by the ghost writing. The two lovers try to continue their relationship away from media attention, but obstacles abound: eligible young executive Jung Woo-jin (Lee Ki-woo), who pursues Ma-ri; Ma-ri's first love Kang Woo-jin (Choi Phillip), who suddenly vanished from her life; Chul-soo's ex-girlfriend Choi Eun-young (Cha Ye-ryun); and the manipulative Seo Tae-suk, who seeks to control everything in Ma-ri's life.

Asphalt Man

Kang Dong-joon (Lee Byung-hun) is a young car designer who dreams of starting his own car company in Korea. He tries to get assistance from his father (Park In-hwan), but the family is in financial trouble. His younger brother Dong-seok (Jung Woo-sung) hates their father, and leaves the country to become a car racer in the United States. Meanwhile, his sister Dong-hee (Lee Young-ae) also flees to the U.S. after conceiving a child with a U.S. army soldier.

Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge

In an unlit store, a shadowy figure steals clothes and a crossbow. Melody and her friend Susie get jobs at the new mall, just before its scheduled grand opening. The shadowy Eric, his face half scarred, excitedly sees Melody, his former girlfriend, from hidden vantage points around the mall, and leaves flowers and gifts for her. He breaks open a mannequin head to fashion a half-mask. When a mall maintenance worker spots Eric in the ventilation ducts, Eric kills him by forcing his head into a running fan. Eric attacks anyone who threatens Melody; he kills a guard, who spies on women in the dressing room via mall security video, by crushing him into an electrical panel using a forklift. A masked mugger attacks Melody in the parking lot, but Eric shoots him with the crossbow. Later the mugger is revealed to be the mall pianist; Eric kills him on the toilet with a poisonous snake. The mall owner's son, Justin, harasses Melody's friend Susie; Eric kills him with a lasso pulled into the mall escalator. Reporter Peter Baldwin becomes interested in Melody, investigates the suspicious fire, and with Melody, Susie and pal Buzz, tries to learn if Eric is still alive. A year earlier, Eric Matthews' house was destroyed in a suspicious fire which apparently trapped and killed him, just after he saved his girlfriend Melody. Now, a year later, in the mall built over the site of his home, Eric plants a time-delay bomb beneath the mall, timed to coincide with the mall's grand opening.

Mall guard Christopher Volker attacks Melody and Peter at gunpoint as they talk, in a car, about the fire; he boasts that he is the arsonist. As they escape and Volker chases them with his car, Eric leaps onto the roof, distracting him and causing a crash. Later, Volker attacks Melody again, knocking her unconscious. Eric fights him, then kills him using the automatic box crusher, and carries Melody to his lair.

Buzz tricks a guard away from the video surveillance boothTatum, Charles (March 29, 2003). [ ''Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge]. so he and Susie can search for Melody. Melody awakens, and talks with Eric. She is glad he is alive, but confesses she does not love him anymore; he angrily declares that he has planted the bomb, so she will die and be with him forever anyway.

As Peter searches for Melody in the tunnels, Eric deploys the snake to kill him, for being interested in Melody. When Peter retreats, then later finds them anyway, Eric tries to fight and kill him, but Eric is stunned by Melody's shout that she loves Peter. Peter takes the chance to knock Eric out, so the pair escape and are able to warn Buzz and Susie of the bomb. Eric revives and kills those involved in the arson, the coverup, and the construction of the mall: mall owner Harv Posner and the complicit Mayor Karen Wilton. Melody, Peter, Buzz, Susie, and all of the mall patrons escape, as Eric's subterranean bomb explodes, destroying the mall.

Route 30 (film)

Three interconnecting stories about some rural folks in South Central Pennsylvania. First film in the Route 30 Trilogy. 'Deer Hunters' Wives' tells of the frustrations of Civil War tour guide Mandy (Nathalie Boltt), who obsesses on Jennie Wade, the only civilian killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. While her friend June (Christine Elise McCarthy) struggles with an internet porn scheme to make extra money. 'What I Believe' focuses on a man (Kevin Rahm) who seeks the help of a Christian Scientist (Wil Love) to heal his back pain and explain the Big Foot that chased him down the mountainside. 'Original Bill' is the story of a writer (David DeLuise) who buys a farmhouse in the country in hopes to find unique inspiration to write his novel. He is sidetracked by his Amish neighbor (Dana Delany), who smokes, drinks, swears and watches his TV.

Sirens (1999 film)

Sally Rawlings is a white woman who is making out with Vincent Morgan, her black ex-husband in a parked car when a group of policemen surround the car and murder Vincent. The officers then plant phony evidence at the scene of the crime that would point the blame away from them — Sally knows this is a sham and is determined to find out the truth and bring the cops to justice.

The Roots of the Mountains

The story is set in Burgdale, a small Germanic settlement in a valley at the foot of a mountain range, and the neighbouring woodlands, pastures and dales. The area is inhabited by the interdependent Dalemen, who are weavers, smiths, and traders, the Woodlanders, who are hunters and carpenters, and the Shepherds. Their society is challenged by disruptions from the outside world in the form of the Sons of the Wolf, the descendants of the Wolfings from the previous novel, and the invading Dusky Men (the Huns). The Sons of the Wolf, driven from their original country by the Dusky Men, continue to resist the invaders as a frontier force guarding their new home. The somewhat troubled integration of the Sons of the Wolf into the society they are protecting is told in the story of five lovers representing both peoples, four of whom eventually marry.

Morris projected a sequel to ''The Roots of the Mountains'' to be called ''The Story of Desiderius'', although it was never completed.

I'm Losing You (film)

A melodrama of a wealthy Los Angeles family - and the journey each one begins after a death in the family. The title of the film refers not only to the loss of life and love, but to a phrase used by most Angelenos while talking on cellular phones; I'm Losing You... "I'm Losing You" follows the path of each character after a cataclysmic event: the death of Bertie's young daughter Tiffany, in an "accident". The family comes closer together in the wake of such an event, seeking to recover from a blow that has driven each one to near madness.

Thomas Muentzer (film)

In 1519, the teachings of Martin Luther sweep through the German principalities. They are welcomed by the peasants, who hope that the new doctrines will help to liberate them from the oppressive yoke of the nobility and the magistrates. The young pastor Thomas Muentzer embraces Lutheranism, but he is more radical in his support for the peasants.

In 1523, Muentzer arrives in Allstedt to assume the office of the local pastor. When a local villager is arrested after assaulting an overseer who tried to rape his sister, the priest helps him escape. He also carries a first Mass in German rather than Latin, and preaches his flock to destroy all the saints' icons in the local chapel, which he deems to be heretical. The people burn it down. The local baron retaliates by destroying the village. The priest now realizes that he is no longer a follower of Luther, who called to refrain from violence. He flees to southern Germany, where he and his friend Heinrich Pfeiffer take over the city of Muehlhausen and form a peasant rebel army, intending to liberate the people. But betrayal and the schemes of the nobility bring about their defeat in the Battle of Frankenhausen. Muentzer is captured; as he is tortured, he refuses to deny his religious doctrines and is then executed.

The Guilt Trip (film)

Andy Brewster is a UCLA-graduate organic chemist and inventor. He is attempting to get his environmentally friendly cleaning product, ScieoClean, in a major retail store. However, each retail store he visits dismisses him before he can end his pitch. After a disappointing sales pitch to K-Mart, he visits his mother, Joyce Brewster, in New Jersey before leaving on a cross-country trip to Las Vegas, lying to her that his pitch ended well so she won't worry about him. While there she reveals to him that he was named after a boy she fell in love with in Florida named Andrew Margolis, who she hoped would object to her marriage with Andy's father. However, he never did and she felt that she never mattered to him afterwards. After a little research, he finds Andrew Margolis is still alive and unmarried living in San Francisco. He invites his unknowing mother on the trip, claiming he wants to spend some time with her.

The road trip quickly becomes hard for Andy as his mother continues to intervene in his life. After their car breaks down in Tennessee, Joyce calls Andy's ex-girlfriend Jessica, whom Joyce insists Andy should get back together with, to pick them up. At a pregnant and married Jessica's house she reveals that Andy proposed to her before college and she turned him down, shocking Joyce, who believed Andy had trouble proposing to women. Andy is glum afterward and Joyce apologizes for calling Jessica, which Andy half-heartedly accepts. In Texas, Andy has a meeting with Costco executive Ryan McFeer; however, Joyce stays at the meeting and criticizes the product's bottling and name along with Ryan to the point that Andy snaps at him. At the motel that night, a depressed Andy begins drinking and Joyce attempts to make up with him; however, Andy snaps at her, only to have Joyce snap back and leave for a nearby bar. Later Andy attempts to retrieve his mother but gets in a fight with a bar patron who attempts to stop her from leaving, receiving a black eye in the process.

At a steak restaurant the next day, the two exchange apologies and Andy reveals that he is failing at selling ScieoClean. Joyce enters a steak-eating challenge where she is noticed by cowboy-styled businessman Ben Graw, who gives her tips on eating and helps her finish the challenge. Afterwards he reveals he does a lot of business in New Jersey and asks her to dinner. Joyce, who has never been in a relationship after Andy's dad died when he was eight, balks at the offer so Ben merely leaves his number and asks her to call if she reconsiders.

Andy and Joyce begin to genuinely enjoy each other's company after, taking time out of their trip to visit the Grand Canyon (which Joyce has always wanted to visit) and having many other adventures.

At Las Vegas, Joyce has such a good time that she asks Andy to leave her while he visits San Francisco, forcing him to reveal that there is no sales pitch in San Francisco and he only invited her to get her to meet Andrew Margolis. Joyce is very distraught as she believed Andy invited her because he actually wanted to spend time with her. He goes to make his pitch at the Home Shopping Network but finds that his science-fact based pitch bores the network's executives and makes them uninterested. He then sees Joyce in the filming crew and takes her advice by appealing to the Network's host family safety and drinking his own product, proving that it is organic and safe for children. Afterwards the Network CEO approaches him and shows genuine interest in selling ScieoClean on the Network. Later, a jubilant Andy and Joyce decide to visit Andrew Margolis's house.

However, when they arrive they are informed by Andrew's son, Andrew Margolis Jr. (whom Andy mistakenly researched instead of the father), that his father died five years ago. After seeing Joyce's grief he invites them inside, where he learns that his father and Joyce were close. She asks if Andrew's father ever mentioned her, but he says he never did as he only confided personal information to their mother, who is away. However, he then introduces his sister, who is named Joyce after Andy's mom. Joyce is overjoyed by this as she had previously stated her belief that you name your children after someone you cherished and want to remember. This shatters her belief that she didn't matter to Andrew and makes her overjoyed.

Afterwards they part ways at the San Francisco Airport; Andy to make his next sales pitch and Joyce back to New Jersey, where she arranges a date with Ben Graw. The two leave content and much closer than they had been.


A married couple inherits a condo unit, unknown to them the area resides in a negative energy convergence area, which made the inhabitants unlucky.

Respawn (30 Rock)

With the fifth season of ''TGS with Tracy Jordan'' over, and having been fined for incurring a hate crime against what the council is claiming to be a "Jewish tree" in the previous episode, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) escapes to The Hamptons for a relaxing summer vacation. However, her peace and quiet is disturbed when she discovers that Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) is staying in the house next door to hers and plans on having a disruptive summer full of loud partying.

Meanwhile, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) is coming to terms with the abduction of his wife Avery (Elizabeth Banks) by North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il and he begins to grow very close to Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) as he seeks to fill the void left in his life. Elsewhere, Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) has been made honorary spokeswoman of the Wool Council but her new employer Eugene Gremby (special guest star Victor Garber) warns her that her relationship with crossdresser Paul (Will Forte) creates an unwholesome image that the council doesn't wish to be associated with.

Back at ''TGS'', the writers celebrate the end of the season by having a ''Halo: Reach'' marathon, in which they each avoid being killed by one of the others by purposefully dying and "respawning". In order to get away from Tracy, Liz refuses to pay her fine and is sentenced to community service all summer, whilst Kenneth is forced to literally take on the role of Avery in order to make Jack see what he is doing to him, and Jenna decides that her relationship with Paul is more important than the Wool Council. With the summer over, Liz returns to ''TGS'' to find the writers still playing ''Halo: Reach''.

The Thieves' Labyrinth

Following the second instalment of the series, ''The Vice Society'', Inspector Albert Newsome of the Metropolitan Police's Detective Force has been temporarily demoted to the Thames River Police for his insubordination. He can regain his old position only if he proves himself with good behaviour. Meanwhile, his old enemy, George Williamson, is working as a private detective, at the theatres of London, where his job is to catch pickpockets. Both men are highly suspicious of a new face in London: Eldritch Batchem, who claims to be an investigator "By Royal Appointment". When an outrageous theft is made from the city's docks, a competition begins to see who will be the first to solve the crime.

Shanks (film)

In a film that explicitly describes itself as "a grim fairy tale" (in intertitles), Malcolm Shanks (Marceau) is a deaf (but expert lip reader), mute puppeteer who lives with his cruel sister (Chelton) and her alcoholic husband, Mr. Barton (Clay). His skill with puppets is noticed by Mr. Walker (also Marceau) who takes him on as a lab assistant at his gothic mansion. His sister and brother-in-law make him be the breadwinner, and are outraged when he keeps $50 of his own pay. The doctor's experiments involve reanimating the dead and controlling them like puppets. He begins with a frog and a chicken. When Mr. Walker dies unexpectedly, Malcolm comes home and cradles his puppet of Mr. Walker in his arms (Shanks's puppet shows are personal projects based on his family and people in the town, and he is making one of his teenage assistant and friend, Celia, for her birthday). His family is outraged that he is not at work, and Barton smashes in the head of the puppet of Mr. Walker and insists Malcolm return to work, which he does by using the experimental procedure on Mr. Walker.

When Mr. Walker doesn't answer the phone, Barton arrives in person. Malcolm attacks Barton with the reanimated chicken, and Barton falls down the stairs to his death. Malcolm then buries Mr. Walker "out of mercy" (according to an intertitle), and animates Barton instead, walking him through the streets all the way home. Barton's marionette-like movements can pass for drunkenness, and his wife runs out into the street where she is struck and killed by a car. He evades a police officer (Morgan) responding to a neighbors call about the accident by setting his family up as though he is sitting between them watching TV as the officer shines the flashlight through the window. He then animates her through the same procedure.

The next day, he takes them to the grocery store (outside of which he performs) to see if they can pass for living, which they do. He pays off the Barton grocery tab over and above what is owed, and the grocer (Castle), allows them to take whatever they like, Malcolm having Barton fill a wicker basket with his characteristic gin. He again encounters Celia, whose mother gives her permission to go with Malcolm on a picnic where he demonstrates all he can do with the Bartons, although she becomes very disturbed when she learns they are dead, which he gestures was the result of a car accident, implicitly for both. Malcolm takes Celia to see Walker's mansion for her birthday. Celia is enchanted by pictures of Mr. Walker's beautiful wife (unseen by the audience), who predeceased him, finds one of her dresses, and reverently puts it on. Malcolm, who also puts on 19th century attire (but keeping on his bell bottoms) then has dinner with Celia with the Bartons as servants. Mrs. Barton cuts off her finger while cutting the cake, which Malcolm hides from Celia by putting in his lapel pocket.

Outside, a motorcycle gang is near the mansion when their leader, Beethoven (Phil Adams), runs off the road and is killed. The gang carries him into the perpetually unlocked mansion and lays him on the table, sending the cake and other objects to the floor. Other gang members attack Malcolm and Celia. One of them, Goliath (Manard) sexually assaults Celia, and his girlfriend, Mata Hari (Kallianiotes) tries to stop him, but is unable. Goliath hits Mata Hari, and she proceeds to get drunk on Barton's gin. Another gang member, Einstein (Calfa), becomes interested in Walker's experiments and makes the Bartons do tricks more humiliating than Malcolm would have considered. Malcolm finds Celia lying dead in the yard, and animates Walker out of the grave to fight the gang after they throw the Barton controls into the well. The gang is horrified by Walker and flees. In a sepia tone sequence, Malcolm reanimates Celia for a brief dance, at which point the film returns to the opening scene, revealing that the entire revenge scenario is simply what is going on in Malcolm's mind as he performs his puppet show, the imaginary sequence bookended with extreme close ups of Malcolm's eye. Each puppet gets his curtain call, and the film ends with a quote from William Makepeace Thackeray: "Come... let us shut up the box and the puppets—for our play is played out."

Yo amo a Paquita Gallego

Soledad Gallego, a poor girl is in love with Javier Hidalgo, the son of the richest man in town. One night she is gang raped by three men including a club owner and a butcher. She gets pregnant but can't tell which one of the rapists is the father. Carolina Hidalgo, Javier's mother, uses the incident to separate Javier and Soledad, by telling him that Soledad has betrayed him.

Soledad's daughter, Paquita, is born on a stormy night. She never cries, because she doesn't have tears. Little Paquita goes to her mother's rapists asking them which one of them is her father, but none of them can tell. The three rapists die that night in a car accident, leaving the mystery forever unsolved.

Javier married to Margarita, a girl from high society and has a son, Andres. Andres and Paquita have been really good childhood friends and they go to the same school. Paquita is bullied by Rina Marcela because she's poor, fatherless, and has skin rash all over her face and body. But mostly, it's because Rina Marcela has feeling for Andres. After realizing the situation, Chavela Vargas, Soledad's aunt and a tarot reader, home-schools her.

Paquita is treated by Raimundo Rugeles, a doctor who falls in love with her mother. As she grows up, her skin rash is cured and she looks beautiful. She and Andres meet again and they fall in love. Andres has always loved Paquita, he has been painting hearts on the walls with "Yo Amo a Paquita Gallego" (I Love Paquita Gallego) written in them. Javier, seeing this as a redemption for Soledad, approves their relationship, even though his family wish to see Andres marries Rina Marcela instead. When Hidalgo family goes abroad, their plane crashes and it is reported that no one survives. Soledad dies of a broken heart and Chavela dies from alcohol soon after, leaving Paquita all alone. One thing leads to another, she has no other choice but to marry Raimundo. Paquita doesn't know that Andres is still alive. When he returns, Paquita is already married. Devastated, Andres sleeps with Rina Marcella and is forced to marry her out of guilt.

Chavela is back from the death as Paquita's subconscious and she narrates the whole Paquita's story. In the death realm, there are five candles that represent the obstacles that Paquita must face to get her happy ending.

The first candle represents Raimundo. Even though he is rich, he is extremely religious and forces Paquita to live a simple but dull life. Raimundo dies from heart attack after Paquita bitterly goes to him to consummate their marriage. He leaves Paquita a great inheritance. Paquita sells her properties and moves to the city.

The second candle represents Alejandro Olmos, an underwear model that seduces Paquita to marry him just so he can manipulate her money. Their marriage lives short, Alejandro dies in a skydiving accident.

The third candle represents Tatiana Martin, a horror novelist. She offers to make a story based on Paquita's life, but ends up being a psychopath. She dies from drugs overdose.

Meanwhile, Andres and Rina Marcela's marriage falls apart. Andres is still in love in Paquita and has been with her throughout her three obstacles. Rina Marcela finally gives up after she realizes that she's sterile. Paquita and Andres get marry and has a daughter, Little Paquita.

The fourth and the fifth candles are Rina Marcela and Anibal, a rich landlord who falls in love with Paquita. An incident causes Paquita to lose her memories and Rina Marcela and her father Ramon take the opportunity to send Paquita to a mental home. Anibal, a murderer and psychopath, kidnaps Paquita and hides her at his ranch. Rina Marcela tries to take Paquita's place and win Andres' and Little Paquita's heart. After a long and horrific search, Andres finally finds out Paquita's whereabouts. In the climax, desperate Rina Marcela shoots Anibal. A fight ensues resulting the barn explodes, killing the two and presumably Paquita.

Grieving but still believing that Paquita is still alive, Andres paints the whole city with hearts and writes "Yo Amo a Paquita Gallego" (I Love Paquita Gallego) inside them, just as he used to do when he was a boy. Paquita, who successfully escaped before the explosion happened, starts collecting pieces of her memory. When she sees Andres' writings and hears her daughter calling her, for the first time ever since she was born, she finally sheds the tears and cries.

The whole candles are out, Chavela goes back to heaven, Andres and Paquita remarried at the church and everything ends well.

Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi

Behzat Ç. is a rough, violent, and morally ambiguous police officer who is the head of the homicide department in Ankara. His team consists of five people: Harun, Hayalet (Ghost), Akbaba (Vulture), Cevdet, Selim and Eda. Behzat Ç and his team usually work together with the public prosecutor Esra, who later becomes his love interest. They chase criminals with perseverance and solve murders while sometimes (and usually unwillingly) getting involved in different cases.

Character background

Behzat Ç. graduated from the police academy in 1985. He does not care much about his superiors — not even the law in some cases. He only follows his inner conscience and instincts. This often brings him trouble. Even though he graduated from the police academy many years ago, suspensions and reprimands have kept him in the same position for years while his colleagues have reached the top of their careers.

After an unsuccessful marriage, he no longer trusts women. The only woman he seems to care about is his daughter Berna. During the first season, Berna is found dead, which looks like a case of suicide at first glance, but turns out to be a murder. Behzat Ç. and his team attempt to solve the secrets behind her murder. During the ordeal, he becomes close to his ex-wife, but she turns down the relationship. He gets in a relationship with a club singer named Gönül and then becomes interested in Esra. The main suspect in Berna's death is flamboyant mob boss and businessman, Ercüment Çözer, who is tracked down successfully by Behzat Ç., but flees abroad using his deep political connections.

At the end of the first season, Berna's killer is revealed to be Şule, a girl who has been living with Behzat Ç. for months and whom Behzat Ç. treats as a second daughter. Later in the episode, Şule also confesses to Behzat Ç. that she is his biological daughter. The final episode of the first season was considered by many critics as the best season finale of a Turkish TV series.

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The second season begins a few months after the events of the first season. During the first episode of the second season, Behzat Ç. does not speak (which was a running theme for most of the second novel, ''Son Hafriyat''). This season also involves a new main plot as well as numerous new and old subplots that introduce and explore new characters. The main plot of the second season is the search for the Parmak Kesen Katil (Finger-Cutter Killer), who started killing again after a hiatus of 15 years.

Goo Goo Goliath

Presented in the mockumentary style of previous Robert C. Bruce-narrated shorts, the story focus on a giant baby that had been delivered by the drunken stork to a married couple. The giant baby escapes the couple from their house and wanders into the streets. The stork eventually delivers the giant baby to its correct parents but then delivers the married couple's actual baby (which he had delivered to the giants) to a kangaroo inside the zoo.

Dead Awake (2010 film)

Dylan (Stahl) tries to unravel the answer to a decade-long mystery by staging his own funeral and examining who shows up. The problem is, Dylan might actually be dead.

Young Adult (film)

Mavis Gary is a 37-year-old divorced, alcoholic ghost writer of a series of young adult novels, on deadline with her editor to finish the last book of the soon-to-be-canceled series. Mavis receives an e-mail with a picture of the newborn daughter of her high school boyfriend Buddy Slade and his wife Beth. Believing it to be a sign she and Buddy are meant to be together, Mavis leaves Minneapolis, returning to her hometown of Mercury, Minnesota, to reclaim her life with Buddy, under the pretext of overseeing a real estate deal.

Arriving after listening to "The Concept" by Teenage Fanclub from an old mixtape Buddy gave her in high school, Mavis arranges to meet him the next day at a local sports bar, for old times' sake. Beforehand, she goes alone to the bar, Woody's. There she reconnects with a former classmate she barely remembers, Matt Freehauf, who became disabled after being beaten by jocks who erroneously assumed he was gay. He tells her that her plan to reclaim Buddy is irrational and selfish, but she ignores him.

The following day, Mavis meets Buddy at the bar, where they see Matt again, as he is the bookkeeper. On their way out, Buddy invites Mavis to a performance of Beth's "mom rock band". Mavis spends another night getting drunk with Matt, who distills homemade bourbon in his garage where he lives with his sister Sandra. On another outing with him, Mavis also runs into a cousin who lives locally. When Mavis attends the gig, the other moms are resentful of Mavis, whom they remember as the "psychotic prom queen bitch". When Beth's band performs, the lead singer dedicates their opening song to Buddy from Beth; "The Concept".

Beth wants to stay out longer, so Mavis offers to drive the drunk Buddy home. On the lawn, they share a kiss that is quickly broken up when the babysitter opens the front door to greet them. The next day, after an awkward encounter with her parents, who didn't know Mavis was in town, Mavis is invited to Buddy's daughter's naming ceremony. She later goes out drinking with Matt again, and he tells her to grow up. The following day, Mavis attends the party, where she declares her love for Buddy, but he rebuffs her. Everyone at the party is called out to the lawn to await a surprise Buddy has prepared for Beth. Mavis, who has been drinking, collides with Beth, who accidentally spills punch on Mavis's dress. Mavis insults her and, in a profanity-laced tirade, tearfully revealing she became pregnant with Buddy's baby years ago but had a miscarriage at three months.

Buddy, who has been preparing a drum-set gift for Beth in the garage, opens the garage door and belatedly learns what has transpired. Mavis asks him why he invited her. He reveals it was Beth's idea, as she feels sorry for Mavis. Humiliated, Mavis leaves and visits Matt, where she breaks down in tears and, later, initiates sex. The following morning, while Matt sleeps, Mavis has coffee in the kitchen with Sandra, who still idolizes her. Mavis talks about needing to change herself, but Sandra says Mavis is better than the rest of Mercury and should not change. Mavis says she agrees and prepares to return to Minneapolis. Sandra asks to go with her but Mavis declines and leaves alone.

In a diner on her way home, Mavis writes the ending of the book, in which the main character graduates high school, quickly leaves her past behind, and looks forward to the future. Afterward, in the parking lot, she glances at the crumpled bumper of her car, before driving off.

The Artist (film)

In 1927, silent film star George Valentin is posing for pictures outside the premiere of his latest hit film when a young woman, Peppy Miller, accidentally bumps into him. Valentin reacts with humor to the accident and shows off with Peppy for the cameras. The next day, Peppy finds herself on the front page of ''Variety'' with the headline "Who's That Girl?" Later, Peppy capitalizes on the headline by auditioning as a dancer and is spotted by Valentin, who insists that she have a part in Kinograph Studios' next production, despite objections from studio boss Al Zimmer. While performing a scene in which they dance together, Valentin and Peppy show great chemistry. With a little guidance from Valentin, who draws a beauty spot on her after finding her in his dressing room, Peppy slowly rises through the industry, earning more prominent starring roles.

Two years later, Zimmer announces the end of production of silent films at Kinograph Studios, but Valentin is dismissive, insisting that sound is just a fad. In a dream, Valentin begins hearing sounds from his environment (as does the audience), but cannot speak himself, then wakes up in a sweat. He decides to produce and direct his own silent film, ''Tears of Love'', financing it himself. The film opens on the same day as Peppy's new sound film ''Beauty Spot'' and the 1929 Stock Market Crash. Valentin's only chance of avoiding bankruptcy is for his film to be a hit. Unfortunately, audiences flock to Peppy's film instead, while only a few people (including Peppy herself) attend Valentin's. With Valentin ruined, his wife, Doris, kicks him out, and he moves into an apartment with his valet/chauffeur, Clifton, and his dog. Peppy goes on to become a major Hollywood star.

Later, the bankrupt Valentin is forced to auction off all of his personal effects, and after realizing he has not paid loyal Clifton in over a year, gives him the car and fires him, telling him to get another job. Depressed and drunk, Valentin angrily sets a match to his private collection of his earlier films. As the nitrate film quickly blazes out of control, he is overwhelmed by the smoke and passes out inside the burning house, still clutching a single film canister. However, Valentin's dog attracts the help of a nearby policeman, and after being rescued, Valentin is hospitalized for injuries suffered in the fire. Peppy visits the hospital and discovers that the film he rescued is the one with them dancing together. She asks for him to be moved to her house to recuperate. Valentin awakens in a bed at her house to find that Clifton is now working for Peppy. Valentin seems to remain dismissive of Peppy having taken him in, prompting Clifton to remind Valentin of his changing luck.

Peppy insists to Zimmer that Valentin co-star in her next film, threatening to quit Kinograph if Zimmer does not agree to her terms. After Valentin learns to his dismay that Peppy had purchased all his auctioned effects, he returns in despair to his burnt-out apartment. Peppy arrives, panicked, and finds that Valentin is about to attempt suicide with a handgun. Peppy tells him she only wanted to help him. They embrace and Valentin tells her it's no use; no one wants to hear him speak. Remembering Valentin's superb dancing ability, Peppy persuades Zimmer to let them make a musical together.

Now the audience hears sound for the second time, as the film starts rolling for a dance scene with Peppy and Valentin and their tap-dancing can be heard. Once the choreography is complete, the two dancers are heard panting. The director of the musical calls out audibly, "Cut!" to which Zimmer adds: "Perfect. Beautiful. Could you give me just one more?" Valentin, in his only audible line, replies "With pleasure," revealing a French accent. The camera then pulls back to the sounds of the film crew as they prepare to shoot another take.

A Fistful of Paintballs

Mike (Anthony Michael Hall) and his gang are chasing "Fat Neil" down a corridor when Annie emerges and defeats the bullies. "Fat Neil" asks her for a paintball gun, but winds up shot when he tries to pull the gun on Annie.

In flashback it is revealed the paintball game was started by Dean Pelton and "Pistol Patty's Cowboy Creamery", an ice cream company. The Dean explains the reason last year's "Paintball Assassin" game was unsuccessful was that the prize was too important. He then lets the mascot Pistol Patty, a giant ice cream cone in western attire, explain the prize. Pandemonium breaks out at the announcement that the prize is $100,000 in cash.

Annie comes back to her base to find Abed, who proposes she join him, Jeff, and Chang in the library. Meanwhile, in the library, Jeff and Chang are trapped by the math club, so Chang betrays him. Abed saves Jeff, but Chang gets away. Jeff informs Annie that he is also low on ammo and they discuss whether they should join Pierce, who is hiding in the cafeteria, or steal his ammo since he has "more paint than a French kindergarten". They are interrupted by a stranger (Josh Holloway), who they believe does not go to Greendale, and manage to escape from him.

On their way to the cafe they run into Britta, Shirley, and Troy and find out they are working for Pierce, who has set up a safe zone known as Fort Hawthorne in the cafeteria. During dinner with Pierce, he expresses his desire to team up and split the cash. He informs them of the location of a stash of ammo. As the study group is looking for ammo, Annie finds Chang who is about to be "executed" by a gang of cheerleaders, whom he betrayed the math club to join. Annie shoots the cheerleaders, but Chang runs away. She chases him but is caught by the stranger, who for some reason is known as "The Black Rider". Jeff and Abed arrive and save Annie, but she finds out that Pierce loaded Jeff's gun with blanks. The study group finds Dean Pelton hiding in a closet and get all of last year's paintball supplies from his office. Annie takes the paintball machine gun Chang used last year and storms off to confront Pierce.

Back at Fort Hawthorne, the group finds it's been demolished by "The Black Rider". They find Pierce hiding in the bathroom and confront him. Pierce confesses he loaded Jeff's gun with blanks because he was offended to find the group playing cards without him three days ago. Annie admits that they weren't playing cards, but were actually voting whether to allow Pierce to remain in the study group next year or ban him. One holdout vote (revealed to the viewer to be Annie) prevented Pierce's ejection from the group. "The Black Rider" emerges, adding another side to the Mexican standoff, but Pierce appears to have a heart attack. As the only one in the room who doesn't realize Pierce is faking it, "The Black Rider" goes to help him and gets shot. Having lost the game, he leaves in disgust, revealing that he was hired by Pistol Patty's to keep the prize money. Pierce runs off alone, vowing revenge.

Chang is seen looking for another alliance to join when he is shot by a paintball machine gun from the Pistol Patty's van. Pistol Patty leads out a commando team in white, declaring "Plan B: Operation Total Invasion" to prevent any of the Greendale contestants from winning the prize money.

Playing for Keeps (2012 film)

George Dryer is a former professional Scottish football player who played for Celtic, Liverpool, A. C. Milan, D.C. United and the Scotland national team. He is largely seen as a "has been", and his attempts to sell his sports memorabilia and become a sports announcer are met with ambivalence. His relationship with his son Lewis is equally unsuccessful. When he discovers his ex-wife Stacie is marrying her boyfriend Matt, George grows despondent.

After dropping off an audition tape of him practicing sports announcements, George goes to help Lewis’ soccer practice. The team's parents pressure Stacie to ask George to become the new coach, and he reluctantly agrees. George is bribed by Carl King to give his children preferential treatment, and attracts the attention of the divorced Barb, ex-sportscaster Denise, and Carl's wife Patti. Denise is particularly forward, sending George an email that she is thinking of him.

At practice, George is invited to a dinner party at Carl's house, is approached by Barb, and is told by Denise that she has been given a copy of his audition tape to watch and pass along. At Carl's party, George learns Carl has been having affairs; unbeknownst to Carl, Patti knows. Carl lends George a Ferrari under the implication that he "takes care of his friends", which George drives to see Stacie. They discuss their relationship, but Stacie says that she does not wonder about the past anymore.

Returning home, George finds Barb waiting. She confesses her loneliness, and shows him her plans to start dating again, and he compliments her. This results in her seducing him and having sex together. The next morning, Barb leaves a Thank You note, and Carl calls George, asking him to pick up money from Patti to bail him out of jail, as he got into a fight at the party. Doing so makes George late to pick up his son, but he entertains Lewis by letting him ride in his lap and drive the Ferrari. George discovers Lewis is sad that his mother is marrying Matt, whom he will not call "dad". Denise calls, explaining that ESPN is looking for a new football sportscaster and George must come to the studio to record a tape. George and Denise go to the empty studio and George struggles to record a professional tape, but eventually gains confidence and records a TV-worthy tape. Immediately afterwards, Denise hops on to the table that he’s standing behind to record and asks him whether or not coaching soccer is different from sportscasting. After he answers, she moves the subject from parents to single moms and eventually herself as she asks him whether she’s a “distraction or inspiration” to him as she unbuttons her dress, revealing her bra. After some slight resistance from George, she seduces him into sex. This causes George to be late to pick up Lewis again, straining his relationship with both Lewis and Stacie.

Arriving home, George is berated by his landlord Param for not paying his rent but driving a Ferrari, and receives a call from Patti that she is in his bed. Realizing she is actually in Param’s bed, George distracts him by paying him with Carl's bribe money. Patti continues to approach George sexually, but he rebuffs her, telling her that she should leave Carl rather than have an affair. His relationship with Lewis worsens when he sees Denise kiss George, leading Lewis to realize why his father was late. Lewis is furthered angered due to noticing George not paying, due to receiving a phone call by Barb mid game, asking whether or not they’re fling could be a potential relationship, as well as Denise making a motion at George of tugging her ear, which she mentioned earlier right before kissing him that her doing that is a sign of her telling him he’s thinking about George on top of her. This spurs Lewis into fighting during a game, and he tells his mother he wants to quit football. Coaxing Lewis into playing football in the rain, George and his son bond. Stacie and George reconnect romantically, complicating her relationship with Matt.

George receives the ESPN job thanks to Denise, but he rejects her romantically. The job requires him moving to Connecticut, and he asks Stacie to move with him. Stacie initially refuses to come with him, but he meets her at her car and she kisses him. At that day’s game, George learns Barb is dating Param, and Carl has discovered misleading pictures of Patti in George's house. As George and Carl fight, Stacie is upset by the pictures, and Lewis' team wins the game.

George leaves for his new job, but ultimately chooses to stay with Lewis instead. He renews his relationship with Stacie, who has broken off her engagement with Matt, and becomes a local sportscaster in Virginia.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro (2011 film)

Michel (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), lives happily with Marie-Claire (Ariane Ascaride), his wife of nearly 30 years. A dedicated shop steward for CGT (General Confederation of Labour), he is charged with calling out the names in a draw in the shipyard to select who will be the 20 workers which it has been agreed will be made redundant. Though he did not need to place his own name in the draw, he did so and it is drawn, and so he becomes one of the two losing their jobs.

His fellow workers and his family organize a party for his 30th wedding anniversary and present he and his wife with travel money and a ticket to Tanzania so they can climb Mount Kilimanjaro, singing the 1960s hit song "Kilimandjaro". Raoul (Gérard Meylan), Michel's brother-in-law, workmate and fellow trade union official presents him with a treasured but long-lost comic book from Michel's childhood, which Raoul says he found in a secondhand bookshop.

Before they leave for their holiday, Michel and Marie-Claire are playing cards at home with Raoul and Raoul's wife, Denise (Marilyne Canto) and are brutally robbed by two men of the comic book and other possessions. Michel is injured while Denise becomes seriously disturbed from the trauma.

On a bus, Michel sees two children reading the stolen comic book. Following them, he recognises their older brother Christophe (Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet) as one of his fellow redundant workers. He identifies Christophe to the police and watches his arrest. Gradually, Michel and Marie-Claire discover that Christophe is caring for his two younger brothers, neglected for years by their mother.

Michel has second thoughts and wants to withdraw his accusation, but the case cannot be withdrawn. In the spirit of his hero, the French socialist leader Jean Jaurès, he decides to try to help the two younger brothers, only to discover that Marie-Claire has beaten him to it and is already secretly taking care of the children. They realise that it is their shared ideals that cement their relationship and, after arguments with their own, grown-up, children and with Raoul, they take the two boys into their home to look after them while their brother serves a long sentence. Raoul admits that he didn't find the comic book in a secondhand bookshop at all, but had stolen it from Michel when they were children.

Beauty (2011 film)

François van Heerden (Deon Lotz), is a white man in his late forties who lives in Bloemfontein in South Africa. Married with two grown daughters, he runs his own timber business and leads a seemingly comfortable life. He is also openly racist and homophobic, but at the same time he is sexually attracted to other men and regularly has secret sexual encounters with other white closeted men.

At his daughter's wedding reception, he meets Christian Roodt (Charlie Keegan), the handsome young son of old family friends who live in Cape Town. Christian is studying law at university while also enjoying a budding side career as a male model. François becomes infatuated with Christian, learning everything he can about him. When François' other daughter Anika later starts dating Christian, François becomes jealous and contrives a way to punish her.

During a visit to his doctor for an examination, it becomes clear that François is suffering from psychological problems that are affecting his health, no doubt partly related to his inability to come to terms with his true sexuality.

After telling his wife he needs to go to Cape Town on business for a few days, François goes to visit the Roodts so that he can be around Christian. When Christian is not there, he asks for Christian's phone number under the pretext of discussing a legal matter with him. Later, after getting drunk in a gay bar in the city, François calls Christian and asks him to come and collect him. Christian obliges and the two have a meal. François is thrilled at the chance of being alone with him, and later invites him back to his hotel room for a drink. Once there, Christian takes the opportunity to ask François if he would invest in his plan to start his own business. Suspecting that Christian may not actually be interested in him but only his money, François clumsily attempts to kiss him but is gently rebuffed. After a few moments, François then unexpectedly erupts into a violent rage and assaults and rapes Christian.

Days later, back at home, François asks Anika if she is still seeing Christian but she says she hasn't heard from him in a while. François quietly continues with his life as usual, almost as if the horrific crime he committed never happened.

Safe (2012 film)

Ex-cop and cage fighter Luke Wright unintentionally wins a fixed fight, angering Emile Docheski, head of the Russian mafia. As punishment, Docheski's son Vassily and his men kill Wright's pregnant wife, then promise to kill anyone to whom he speaks regularly. Luke leaves his life behind, becoming a homeless tramp. Meanwhile, in China, Mei, a young mathematical prodigy, is kidnapped by men working for Triad boss Han Jiao. Han wishes to use Mei as a mental calculator to eliminate his criminal enterprise's traceable digital footprint. He sends her to New York City, in the care of brutal gangster Quan Chang.

One year later, Han arrives from China, asking Mei to memorize a long number. On the way to retrieve a second number, their vehicle is ambushed by the Russian mafia. Mei is taken to Emile, who demands the number, but Mei refuses. Before they can further interrogate her, they are interrupted by police, sent by the corrupt Captain Wolf, who works for Han. Mei escapes during the confusion, chased by the Russians to a nearby subway station, where Luke contemplates suicide. Recognizing Chemyakin, one of the men who killed his wife, and seeing Mei's distress, Luke boards the train and kills Chemyakin and the other Russians. Mei flees at the next stop, only to be stopped by two corrupt detectives working for Wolf. Luke arrives and incapacitates the detectives, convincing Mei of his good intentions, before he also dispatches some Russians.

Hiding in a hotel, Mei explains the number to Luke, who guesses that it is the code to a combination safe. However, Quan tracks Mei down through her cell phone and escapes with her during a diversion, as Luke fights through Quan's men. Across town, Captain Wolf meets with Mayor Danny Tremello, who has learned that Luke is involved. He cautions Wolf, explaining that Luke wasn't a regular cop, but a black ops hitman for the government loaned as a favor to Tremello by friends in the CIA shortly after 9/11, along with his former partner Alex Rosen. Luke and Alex assassinated several crime bosses as an effort to impose order, and Luke quit after exposing Wolf's detective squad as dirty cops. Luke is living a life of exile as atonement for the things he did for the government.

Using Chemyakin's phone, Luke sets up Vassily, whom he kidnaps. Emile reluctantly accepts a deal for his son's life, explaining that Mei's number unlocks a heavily guarded safe in Chinatown with $30 million, though he does not know the contents of a second safe. Needing a team to get to the safe, Luke recruits Wolf and his detectives. Together, they fight through numerous Triad gangsters to reach the safe. As Luke is about to open it, Wolf attempts to betray him, but Luke kills the remaining detectives and takes Wolf hostage. Using the money, Luke bribes Alex, now the mayor's aide and boyfriend, into rescuing Mei. Alex reveals the second safe belongs to the mayor, containing a disc with data on every crime syndicate in New York. Alex meets and kills Quan and his men as Mei watches. Elsewhere, Luke assaults the mayor and retrieves a copy of the mayor's disc.

Alex and Luke arrange a meeting, but Luke refuses to surrender the money, instead suggesting that they settle it with a fight. Before they can begin, Mei shoots Alex, wounding him, and Luke finishes him off. In the aftermath, Luke gives Wolf $50,000 and instructs him to return Vassily to his father, unharmed. He sends the remainder of the money to Han to buy Mei's freedom, threatening to ruin Han's operations should Han try to recover Mei. Han leaves New York City in disgust, as Luke hides multiple copies of the disc throughout the city. Luke and Mei make plans to leave the city and head west, possibly to Seattle. When Mei asks if they are finally safe, Luke responds that they will take it one day at a time.

Miss Bala (2011 film)

23-year-old Laura Guerrero (Sigman) lives with her father Ramón (Javier Zaragoza) and little brother Arturo (Juan Carlos Galván). Laura and her friend Suzu (Lakshmi Picazo) both enter the competition for the Miss Baja beauty pageant. They go to the Millennium Night Club, where Suzu meets her boyfriend Javi (Hugo Márquez). However, when Laura goes into the bathroom, she witnesses members of the La Estrella gang causing chaos by shooting and killing a number of DEA officers and nightclub-goers. Frantic, she tries to search for Suzu, and as a result fails to show up for the early rehearsal for the pageant, and is ejected from the competition.

She is then kidnapped by the leader of the La Estrella gang, Lino (Noé Hernández), and the gang also kidnap her brother and father as bargaining chips to control her. Laura is used by the gang for criminal missions, including transporting drug money across the US border, and luring out a DEA agent who has infiltrated the organization (José Yenque).

The climax of the film occurs after Laura wins the Miss Baja contest; she attempts to escape, but is recovered and later raped. The gang uses her to seduce a prominent military general (Miguel Courtrier); but she switches sides when she learns that Suzu had been a casualty in the nightclub shooting. She manages to survive the ensuing shoot-out but is captured by the military, beaten, and paraded as a member of the gang.

In the final scene Laura is taken away by the police and dropped off at an undisclosed location.

Broadway Gondolier

Richard "Dick" Purcell (Dick Powell), a taxi driver, aspires to achieve his dream of becoming a singer. After a couple of theatre critics discover him while riding in his cab, one of them recommends him to a radio producer (Grant Mitchell). The producer's secretary, Alice Hughes (Joan Blondell), hears him sing and falls in love with him. She sets up an audition for Dick to sing for the sponsor, Mrs. Flaggenheim (Louise Fazenda). He's late for his audition and blows his big chance.

Convinced she must go to Italy to find a good enough singer, with enough "romance" to represent her fine cheese products, Mrs. Flaggenheim takes Alice with her to find one in Venice. Dick watches as Alice boards the ship and manages to get on board and work for his passage to Italy. When in Venice, he looks up his friend and mentor from New York City, professor de Vinci (Adolphe Menjou), who had gone ahead to use his old connections to help Dick's singing career. They manage to score a couple of jobs as gondoliers for an upcoming event.

Dick uses the opportunity to showcase his voice. Mrs. Flaggenheim hears him and wants to sign him to a contract immediately, thinking he's an authentic Italian named "Ricardo Purcelli". Alice recognizes him, but they continue to hide his true identity and they all go back to New York. However, his fellow taxi drivers recognize him as soon as he gets off the boat. Richards is appalled the moment he lays eyes on him, but Alice convinces him that “Ricardo”’ will get away with it. He instantly becomes a radio sensation. Alice's jilted boyfriend figures out that Ricardo Purcelli is actually just Dick and gives him an ultimatum. Dick must decide if he wants to continue masquerading as Ricardo and finally attain the fame and fortune he'd always dreamed of....or give it all up for Alice, the one he loves. Dick keeps singing, because Alice wants him to. Too many people depend on him. One of the cabbies gives the story to the newspapers and rumors spread. Alice lies to Dick, letting him think that she would not marry him if he gave up the pretense. Sick of being a phony, Dick reveals the truth on the air and walks out. The papers are full of the news. Thousands of fans write to say they love Dick's voice and don't care about the rest. Everyone is looking for him, especially Alice, who wants to tell him that she'll live with him anywhere. De Vinci literally runs into Dick in the street when their cabs collide and rushes him to the studio in time for the broadcast of the Flaggenheim Cheese Hour with the Broadway Gondolier. Alice hears the broadcast and rushes to the studio and into his arms.

Knockout (2011 film)

Dan Barnes (Steve Austin) is a former pro boxer who retired after growing weary of his violent existence. While Matthew learns how to box and stand up to his tormentors, one of whom is the school boxing champ Hector Torres (Jaren Brandt Bartlett), Dan's new found role as a teacher helps him come to terms with his tumultuous past. Throughout the film Matthew (Daniel Magder), is constantly being bullied by Hector, on various occasions Hector and his friends target Matthew and constantly do anything to get under his skin. Matthew has a passion for boxing, due to the fact that his grandfather was one of the top boxers at an early age. After a small fight with Hector, Matthew is sent to Principal Lee's office for a week in detention. Matthew has troubles with his mom and step father accepting him joining the boxing club at school. Matthew has to argue back and forth with his family in order for his parents to allow him to join the boxing club. Once he gets accepted into the school boxing club, the first day he has to spar with his tormentor bully Hector. As they spar in the boxing ring, Hector becomes aggressive towards Matthew. Once the referee blew the whistle and said stop fighting, Matthew takes a cheap shot at Hector which leads to him being kicked out of the boxing club on the first day. Dan the janitor sees the whole thing, and talks to Matthew, noticing Matthew is really upset about the entire situation. Dan then takes the responsibility of helping Matthew achieve his boxing dreams. Matthew trains, and does whatever it takes to become the best he can be. With the help of his coach Dan, Matthew is able to train and become a better boxer. Throughout his training with Dan, Dan trains him both mentally and physically, and gives Matthew an opportunity to box his all time bully Hector and gives him another opportunity to join back into the boxing club.

Free and Easy (1941 film)

Max (Cummings) and his father (Bruce) are both looking to marry wealthy women, which would be easier if either one of them had any money of their own.

Max decides on Martha (Hussey), but Martha says no when he says that he is poor as she admits she is also. So she accepts the proposal of Sir Kelvin (Owen), but changes her mind by the next day. When Florian tries to win money gambling for Max's wedding, he loses a bundle. When Max finds out about the debt, he decides to marry the wealthy Lady Joan (Anderson) to keep Florian out of jail.

Pacific Rendezvous

A code expert (Lee Bowman) working for Naval Intelligence is assigned to decode enemy messages despite his desire for active duty.

A Ticklish Affair

Commander Key Weedon (Gig Young), a pilot with the U.S. Navy, is sent to investigate when an S.O.S. emergency signal is spotted in the San Diego area near NAS North Island. He discovers it is the doing of a six-year-old boy, Grover Martin, whose Uncle Simon (Red Buttons), an airline pilot, gave the boy a blinker light as a gift.

The child's mother, Amy (Shirley Jones), is an attractive widow, and Key develops an immediate interest in her. Her three sons also enjoy the attention Key gives all of them. Amy has a blind spot when it comes to naval officers, however, not wanting a permanent relationship with one because they are constantly on the move. She had been a military child herself, and missed not having permanent "roots". Sure enough, Key gets orders to go to Italy, so Amy refuses his marriage proposal, though they love each other.

Uncle Simon has a new treat for Grover and his brothers. He ties them to helium weather balloons and flies them as one would a kite. Unfortunately, Grover unties his tether and he goes floating for miles over San Diego. Large-scale rescue operations are quickly organized by the Navy, and it turns out to be Key himself who lowers himself on a rope ladder from a Navy blimp to rescue the boy. A grateful Amy then decides that wherever he goes, Key is the man for her.

The Swinger

Kelly Olsson is an aspiring writer, but ''Girl-Lure'' magazine keeps rejecting her racy submissions. Kelly decides to show the magazine boys what they are missing. She creates a fake identity for herself, pretending that a story about a young woman's wild ways is actually about herself.

''Girl-Lure'' s lecherous editor, Sir Hubert, and his suave editor, Ric Colby, like the concept but aren't sure they trust the facts. Kelly tries to fool them by staging an orgy in her apartment building, asking friendly tenants to go along with her scheme. Sgt. Hooker of the vice squad does not feel she is fooling, however, and places Kelly under arrest.

Ric comes to her rescue. But when her hoax is revealed, he decides to get revenge by insisting that Kelly pose for a provocative layout for the magazine to prove she is as wild as she claims. By the time his car and her motorcycle meet head-on in the end, they're in love.

The Caribbean Mystery

Eight geologists employed by the United Oil Company have disappeared after visiting an alligator-infested swamp in the Caribbean rumored to contain pirate gold. The police commissioner calls in an American detective, Mr. Smith, to solve the case. The island's officials – the governor, the police commissioner, the police lieutenant, and the physician/coroner – are unimpressed with Smith's wise-cracking Brooklyn persona, and Smith in turn makes fun of their belief that quicksand and alligators killed the geologists, especially after he shows them the hole in his hat caused by a bullet he received while touring the swamp. Smith expresses his nervousness over an ornamental dagger displayed in the governor's office. Soon Smith's assistant, Gates, is found dead in his hotel room.

Smith receives an anonymous telephone message telling him to be in his room at midnight. A few minutes before twelve, he hears whistling from the garden, goes to the door, and narrowly misses a dagger being thrown at him. He leaves the dagger in his room to inquire at the reception desk, but when he returns, the dagger is gone. At midnight, Mrs. Jean Gilbert, the hotel's hostess, comes to his room. She tells Smith that Gates had befriended her during his visit and gave her a treasure map to give to Smith should something happen to him. She explains that the swamp completely encircles the island, making it inaccessible to the many who have come over the years to search for pirate gold. Smith escorts her to the hallway and watches her enter her room, then hears a bloodcurdling scream and finds her dead with the same dagger in her heart.

The police commissioner, Colonel Lane, and his daughter Linda appear to have been kidnapped to the island. Smith enlists the help of the governor's son, who is in love with Linda, and they wander in the swamp for two days trying to find the island. To attract attention, Smith fires his pistol; the pair are found and taken to a village run by Captain Van den Bark, who welcomes them and sends them off with his aide who has orders to kill them. Smith manages to wound the aide with his own gun and escapes into the swamp while Van den Bark sends men out to search for them. Meanwhile, Van den Bark and his aide pack up all the pirate gold they have extracted from the swamp and prepare to leave the island. They are caught in the act by Smith, who escapes the dagger-throwing aide and puts him away.

Smith leads Lane, Linda, the governor's son, and Van den Bark out to Van den Bark's launch and prepares to depart. He gives his gun to Lane to stand guard over Van den Bark, but Lane shoots him. Smith pretends that Van den Bark is not fatally wounded, and they return to the administration office. Smith then sets up an elaborate ruse with a doctor at the hospital, having Van den Bark's body placed on a bed in clear sight of the garden. Smith watches from the bushes as all the island officials come to the hospital, and sees the physician/coroner throw a dagger at Van den Bark to kill him. The physician then admits to his own smuggling operation of pirate gold and his murdering the geologists who interfered with it. The case solved, Smith and the governor's son engage in a friendly game of darts.

The Glory Brigade

US Army engineer Lt. Pryor's detachment is assigned to work with Greek troops during the Korean War. The Greek forces are led by Captain Charos and Lieutenant Niklas.

The Way to the Gold

Joe Mundy (Hunter) is being released from prison and an old convict, whom he has befriended, tells him the location of stolen gold. Leaving the prison, Joe is followed to Glendale, Arizona by Little Brother Williams (Neville Brand). There he meets Henrietta Clifford (North), who befriends him after he's badly beaten by Williams. Eventually, Joe and Henrietta go searching for the gold themselves.

Guns in the Heather

Rich Evans (Kurt Russell), An American exchange student’s day at the Leinster School in Ireland is interrupted when a bleeding man drives up to the school and gives Rich a message for his brother Tom (Glenn Corbett), before dying. Rich and his friend Sean O’Connor (Patrick Dawson) are taken from the school by a man who claims to be from the American Embassy, but who turns out to be an Eastern Bloc agent. Rich and Sean make a daring escape and eventually reach Tom, who is an American intelligence agent and not the Irish sales rep for an American steel company as Rich thought. Rich and Sean get off the flight to London Tom placed them on when they spot some of the enemy agents and find Tom in time to save him from other agents, who had grabbed him. They head to Boyne castle, where the message said vital info about an East Bloc defecting scientist was hidden. However Tom is locked up with the real Lord Boyne, while East Bloc agents replace Lord Boyne and his staff. Rich finds the info, but when he calls the US embassy with it, the bad guys are listening in. The imprisoned group help Tom make an ingenious escape from the dungeon they’re locked into. Using a dory and a glider they are able to intercept the East Bloc agents before they can grab the defecting scientist.

Scandalous John

John McCanless is a rip-snorting, 79-year-old western rancher,together with the prettiest granddaughter; ugliest horse; scrawniest herd; and puniest partner, a Mexican handyman; go on a cattle drive (of one cow) and do battle against a wealthy, land-grabbing industrialist. After an adventurous (and humorous) trek, à la Don Quixote, the rancher confronts the villain in a shootout that parallels the classic struggle of good and evil in the Old West.

False Identity

When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.

The Branded Woman

As described in a film magazine, Ruth Sawyer (Talmadge) is the unhappy victim of a notorious marriage between her parents. Her grandfather Judge Whitlock (Fawcett) disowns his son and makes the wife Dot Belmar (Studdiford) swear never to claim her daughter. The judge adopts Ruth under the name Sawyer and is known to her only as her guardian. Dot is now associated with Velvet Craft (Serrano) who runs a gambling house. Dot decides to hit at the judge through Ruth by breaking her promise and goes to see her at a fashionable boarding school. Dot is recognized as a notorious woman and Ruth is dismissed as an undesirable student. Her mother takes Ruth to the gambling den and initiates her to its loathsome secrets. When the judge returns from Europe, he immediately goes to Ruth and saves her from the degradation of such a life. Later he has the den closed. Ruth is broken up over her branded name. The judge introduces her to Douglas Courtenay (Marmont), a youthful British diplomat. Douglas is recalled to Paris where a valuable post is awarded him. The Judge and Ruth cross over to Europe on the same ship. Following her grandfather's advice, Ruth does not tell Douglas her story. Several years pass, and Ruth and Douglas are happy in Paris with their baby daughter, and Douglas has steadily advanced in his career. Velvet enters Ruth's life, and she gives him money to buy his silence. She slips, however, when she gives Velvet several large pearls from a necklace. The firm where her husband bought it discovers this when he brings the necklace to add two more pearls. The jewelry house puts a detective on Ruth and Velvet's trail. Ruth finally is forced to confess, and Douglas puts the wrong light on her explanation and says his faith in her is destroyed. Ruth returns to her grandfather's house. Several months later Douglas, thoroughly repentant, finds her, and they leave in happiness.

The Mind of Mr. Soames

John Soames is a thirty-year-old man who has been in a coma since a brain injury during birth. Now revived, he shows the behaviour of a child and is monitored by two doctors attempting to find out if he can be rehabilitated into the adult world. One English doctor, Dr. Maitland, is only interested in educational activities and he works John until he stops interacting and refuses to eat. Another doctor, the American Dr. Bergen suggests play for its own sake would have benefits and he brings a bouncy ball into John's room. John is soon interacting again and eating once more.

During all this time, John has met no women, nor any schooling in morality. Eventually, John is allowed outside into the natural world by Dr. Bergen and he delights in it, drinking water from a pool by dipping his head in. Dr. Maitland finds out and returns John to his room. Again, John becomes distressed. The men talk to him a great deal but John has fewer words, and although he appears to understand, when he is told to wait six months until he goes outside again, he does not know how long that will be.

John breaks free, having struck an orderly with a wooden chair and knocked him out, nearly killing him. He runs through woods until he reaches a river where he sleeps. The next day, he sees a busy road for the first time. A man stops his car thinking he is a hitch-hiker. The man chats whilst John is silent. John gets out, finds a pub and helps himself to some food without paying. A woman offers him a drink, a glass of bitter that John spits out on the floor that attracts intense attention from the pub crawlers. A man comes to help the barmaid, saying he owes money. John is ejected from the pub.

He passes a school playground and attempts to join a group of children who are playing with a ball. John takes the ball where he creates a scene with the schoolchildren and their teacher. He runs away once again and it gets dark.

John helps himself a coat from a car parked outside someone's house. The owner shouts at him, John runs and is hit by a car. The couple stop and get him into their car. The woman wants to take him to a hospital but the man says they'll call the police (he has been drinking), so they drive John to their house. The woman puts him in the spare bedroom.

The next day, the woman offers to clean him, and asks what he remembers. John says a few words and the woman thinks he is in shock. She suggests he was injured by an unknown hit-and-run driver, and the woman found him by the side of the road. John eats breakfast and the woman announces his name - she has seen a newspaper. She says he is wanted for attempted murder upon the orderly. She accepts that he was locked up by bad people. John touches her hair and she says she cannot recall the last time her husband was half as gentle.

John leaves before the police come to the house but . He manages to get a train ticket and uses money from the coat he has on. The doctors are still in pursuit. On the train, John talks very slowly to a nervous teenaged girl with his limited vocabulary. The girl drops her violin and as John goes to help her he puts his hand on hers and the girl screams repeatedly and pulls the emergency brake. The train stops, John runs away through the countryside with the girl telling a guard that John tried to attack her.

Eventually, the police use dogs to follow John across the countryside to a barn. The doctors arrive. Maitland threatens to 'get angry' if he doesn't come out. The other doctor, Bergen, says to be calm. He goes in and speaks to John and realises John has hurt his leg (falling from the train). Bergen offers medicine from his car and says he won't force John to go with him, it is John's decision. John asks him not to go and then follows him out into the rain. Meanwhile, two young journalists reporting on John's history from the institute are watching from a car. The man's hand is poised over a switch.

Suddenly, a bright light dazzles John and the dogs start barking. In panic, John spins round and round with the pitchfork he holds. He lets go and it spins out, hitting Bergen. John cries out and collapses. People step forward and place him on a stretcher. Bergen is in pain but all right. Bergen's assistant gets into the van beside John and says his name kindly. John, who looks traumatised, gradually turns to look at him and reaches out a hand. Bergen's assistant takes it. They drive away leaving Maitland standing in the rain until the two students drive over to pick him up.

By Right of Purchase

As described in a film magazine, against the promptings of her heart, Margot Hughes (Talmadge) marries Chadwick Himes (O'Brien) and completely ignores the fact that her husband is very much in love with her. As a result, Chadwick comes to believe that it is impossible to win the love of his wife, and becomes cold towards her just as her love for him begins to awaken. There is a decided breach between them and when Margot takes up with Dick Derwent (Courtleigh), even though her husband forbids it, they break altogether. Through a friend Chadwick learns that his wife loves him. He goes to their home to beg for her forgiveness only to find it empty. He goes to his yacht for seclusion only to find Margot there, and they have a happy reunion.

Swamp Shark

An animal smuggler accidentally releases a large shark into a swamp near a town, and the shark happens to like the taste of humans.

A Fox in a Fix

The story opens when the fox is seen sneaking from atop a hill down to a farm. As he is walking, he narrates the story to the viewer. His first line is like: "As the last light went out, I knew my chance had come, to get at those chickens". After his first attempt and fail at stealing the chickens and being caught by the watch dog, he decides a different approach. To gain the friendship and trust of the bulldog, the fox shaves his tail and pretends to be a hard-luck terrier looking for a place to live. Unbeknown to the fox, the bulldog instantly sees through the fox's ploy but acts as though he's fooled. He agrees to share his home with the fox. At night, the fox sneaks into the chicken coop to steal one of the hens. The dog disguises himself as a huge chicken, which the greedy fox takes, and when the bulldog reveals himself beneath the disguise, the fox bolts and runs to a highway, where he hitches a ride on a passing truck, not noticing that the truck belongs to a fox furrier company.

Presidential Reunion

The skit revolves around Barack Obama (Armisen) preparing for bed, but is too concerned about a problem with the banks and credit card companies in America. Michelle (Rudolph) convinces him to retire for the evening, but as soon as he does, former Presidents Bill Clinton (Hammond) and George W. Bush (Ferrell) enter the room. Clinton and Bush come to offer Obama advice as to how to handle the situation, reminiscing on their past duties. George H. W. Bush (Carvey) then exits the bathroom and offers his advice to the Obamas: to forget about approval rates. Jimmy Carter (Aykroyd) then enters the room (with a toolbox and begins fixing a random object on the wall) and is ridiculed by the other former presidents. Carter tells Obama to establish a consumer finance agency, stating people are becoming frustrated with being conned by banks and credit card companies. Ronald Reagan (Carrey) then appears before the group, surprising Carter (since Reagan is dead).

Reagan tells Obama to grow some balls in order to take on the banks and credit companies. Gerald Ford (Chase) too enters the room (tripping over a table, spoofing himself slipping on a set of stairs exiting Air Force One) and Chase breaking character, assuming it is another episode of ''SNL'', only to be informed he's on Funny or Die. Ford suggests the only way to stop the banks is to pardon Richard Nixon (which he did). Carter interprets what Ford really means, but Ford is shocked to see Carter, thinking he was dead, only to be informed ''he'' was dead. The group ask Obama if their suggestions helped, but Obama dismisses them, saying they were the reason the mess was created. Reagan then quotes a false George Washington statement, saying Obama's it and the group begin taunting Obama until he wakes up and realizes that he does need to be the one to establish a CFA, rushing off to gather his cabinet.

Restol, The Special Rescue Squad

In 2034, the future world experienced serious natural disasters. In 2035, GEONOID was established as a company in order to protect the earth against natural calamities. Furthermore, the organization set up SRS (Special Rescue Services) that consists of the orbiting rescue station R-SAT, five RESTOL units, and the Shell Diver carrier ship.

Kang Maru, a 14-year-old boy, was chosen by GEONOID via a simulation video game competition to pilot RESTOL unit 03, as he demonstrated superb skills.

Subject: I Love You

Inspired by the "I love u" computer virus, the film tells the story of a young man, Victor, who will do anything to reconnect with Butterfly, the only woman he has ever loved- even if it means entangling himself in an international criminal investigation.

Edge of the Axe

In the rural Northern California mountain community of Paddock County, nurse Mirna Dobson is viciously murdered by a masked murderer with an axe while driving through a car wash.

Meanwhile, Gerald Martin, an eccentric young man who is obsessed with computers, has recently moved into a cabin on the property of an elderly hermit named Brock. One morning, Gerald accompanies his friend Richard, an exterminator, to investigate a putrid smell in the basement of a local tavern. There, they find the rotting corpse of Mary West, a missing female barmaid, lodged in an attic crawlspace. Her death is dismissed as a suicide.

Gerald soon meets Lillian Nebbs, the daughter of another local tavern owner who is home from college. The two bond over their mutual fascination with technology. Late one night, local beautician and prostitute Rita Miller is brutally murdered while walking through town. Her body is found the following morning, crushed by a train on the railroad tracks. Officer Frank McIntosh begins investigating the recent rash of killings. Meanwhile, while entering search commands on a computer Gerald gave her, Lillian finds a list of the three women who have been killed. When she asks him about it, Gerald explains that he regularly makes lists of data for amusement.

During a windstorm one night, another local woman is attacked by the killer, who has infiltrated her home for a second time, having previously broken in and left one of her hogs' severed heads in her bed. The woman flees to her barn, but the killer strikes her in the back with the axe before bludgeoning her to death. While boating on the lake the next day, Richard finds the severed head of a nurse from a local psychiatric hospital. Later that night, Anna Bixby, a leader of Lillian's church choir, finds her dog murdered in her home. When she goes to retrieve her shotgun, the killer, hiding in the pantry, chops her fingers off before hacking her to death.

Lillian confides in Gerald that she has recently discovered her cousin, Charlie, was released from a mental hospital he was admitted to years earlier following a head injury caused when she pushed him from a swing set. She suspects Charlie may be responsible for the killings. Later, Lillian uses Gerald's computer, claiming to be researching a graduate program at the University of Portland. Gerald is puzzled when he finds a list of psychiatrists in the computer's search results log. Lillian admits that she was attempting to research more information about Charlie.

That evening, Laura, Richard's middle-aged artist wife, gets drunk with local Christopher Caplin at the Nebbs' tavern after discovering she is bankrupt. She leaves with Christopher, but crashes her car en route home. She briefly exits the car and rests against a tree. Upon returning to the vehicle, she finds the masked killer in Christopher's seat. The assailant pursues her into the woods and kills her. The next morning, Richard arrives at Gerald's, and tells him Laura never returned home; he claims that she emptied their bank account before disappearing. Laura and Christopher's bodies are found in the woods later that evening. At the crime scene, McIntosh finds a pin from the Nebbs' tavern, leading him and his officers to go question Lillian and her father.

Meanwhile, Lillian, who is home alone, hears strange noises downstairs. Upon investigating them, she is met by Gerald. A frightened Lillian accuses Gerald of in fact being Charlie. He responds by telling her that Charlie is a figment of her imagination; on the computer, he confronts Lillian with supposed medical records of a head injury she sustained years prior, as well as documentation of her psychiatric confinement. Additionally, he produces a list of all the victims, each of whom were either hospital employees who cared for Lillian, or women who were romantically interested in her father. Believing she is being gaslit, Lillian attempts to attack Gerald with an axe. The two fight, and Lillian flees outside with Gerald pursuing her. McIntosh and his deputies arrive just as this occurs, and they swiftly shoot Gerald to death. McIntosh consoles Lillian, who begins to smile maniacally over his shoulder.