As students Fritz (Heinz Erhardt), Ulrich (Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff) and Johannes Wolf Albach-Retty went biking in Carinthia. Twenty-five years later they have made their ways. Fritz is a producer of alcoholic beverages, Ulrich is a stage actor and Johannes a teacher. When they look back at this biking tour the old friends are overcome by a feeling of nostalgia. They decide to take some time out together and relive the journey shared all those years ago. But things become complicated when Katinka, Fritz's future daughter-in-law, confronts him because she's mad about his son Robby (played by Peter Kraus). She decides to hide from Robby by joining the three friends. Fritz and Johannes' wives and Ulrich's girl-friend hear rumours about their partners getting involved with women along the way. So they pick up their trail and follow them secretly. Indeed, the men run into their old flings, unaware of being watched...
A US Army truck convoy is halted by North Korean artillery fire. A Lieutenant is sent out to locate and destroy the enemy's artillery piece with a patrol of picked men including a sergeant the lieutenant feels is a coward. On the way they come across an unconscious US Army Nurse and her ambulance, nicknamed "the Iron Angel". The patrol uses the ambulance to attract the enemy's fire enabling the patrol to engage them.
The story involves the character Piggy, who picks up his girlfriend Fluffy and takes her to a theater where a hot jazz orchestra is playing. Piggy mocks the trumpet soloist, then crashes the stage to play a corny chorus of the 1873 hit "Silver Threads Among the Gold" on the saxophone. The audience, led by three shabbily-dressed drunken dogs in the balcony, mock Piggy with the title song "You Don't Know What You're Doin,'" as Piggy defends his self-perceived "talent."
One of the tipplers (a black dog, perhaps a prototype of Goopy Geer) bounces on a drum and joins Piggy onstage. The dog drinks from a bottle of bootleg hootch (the film was made during alcohol Prohibition in the US) and belches in Piggy's face. The fumes on his breath instantly intoxicate Piggy. Piggy snatches the booze and runs out of the theater with the dog chasing him. He pours some of it into the radiator of an automobile, which arches its back like a frightened cat and takes Piggy for a wild ride through the city. Even the streets, lampposts, telephone poles, and background buildings seem to come to life in a loopy, drunken state.
The dog continues to chase after Piggy, but both of them eventually end up in the back of a truck which dumps them into a trash can. Both of them shout out "Whoopee!" as the cartoon comes to an end.
In 1995, Luke Glanton is a traveling motorcycle stuntman with a carnival. In Schenectady, Luke reunites with his ex-lover Romina Gutierrez, who is now dating another man named Kofi Kancam. Luke discovers that Romina has a baby named Jason whom he accidentally fathered the previous year but Romina never revealed to him. Luke quits the carnival tour to stay in Schenectady with Romina and Jason.
Luke begins working part-time for auto mechanic Robin Van Der Hook. He asks Robin for more work, but Robin cannot offer it legitimately. Robin reveals his past as a bank robber and suggests they should commit several robberies together. Luke accepts the offer as Robin lets him stay in a trailer next to his place. They commit several heists; Luke robs the bank at gunpoint, uses his motorcycle to get away, and quickly rides it into an inconspicuous box truck, driven by Robin.
Luke seduces Romina and they have sex at his trailer. He begins spending more time with her and Jason. Later, Luke lets himself into Romina and Kofi's house and attempts to assemble a crib for Jason. Kofi demands that Luke leave, but Luke strikes him with a wrench. He is arrested and Robin bails him out of jail; Luke explains that he wants to give his money to Romina for Jason's future. Desperate and angry, Luke insists on resuming their robberies, but Robin refuses. The pair fall out, and Robin dismantles Luke's motorcycle. Luke then robs Robin and uses the money to buy a new bike.
Luke attempts to rob a bank alone but it does not go according to plan. He is quickly pursued by police and then flees on foot. He enters a stranger's home and goes to the top floor, phones Romina, and asks her not to tell Jason about him. A rookie police officer, Avery Cross, enters the room and impulsively shoots Luke in the stomach. Luke fires back, hitting Avery in the leg, but Luke falls out of the window to his death.
Avery, a married man with a wife and baby son, is hailed as a hero after the incident. He feels remorseful, but tells amenable police investigators that Luke shot first. A group of veteran, corrupt officers coerce Avery to join them in illegally seizing the stolen bank money from Romina's home. Later, Avery tries to return it to Romina, who rejects it. Avery attempts to hand the money over to the corrupt chief of police, who rebuffs him. Discouraged and fearful of lethal retaliation from the corrupt police department, Avery secretly records other illegal practices in the department and uses this recording as leverage with the district attorney to obtain a coveted position as an assistant district attorney.
Fifteen years later in 2012 , Avery is running for Attorney General of New York. His son, A.J., is a rebellious teenager and a drug user, who has been living with Avery's ex-wife, Jennifer. A.J. moves in with his father and transfers to Schenectady High School. A.J. befriends the now-teenage Jason, but neither know the history between their fathers. The pair are later arrested for felony drug possession, but when Avery collects his son from the police station, he recognizes Jason's name. He gets Jason's charge dropped to a misdemeanor and orders A.J. to stay away from him.
Kofi tells Jason his father's name, allowing Jason to discover Luke's past on the internet. Jason visits Robin, who tells him more about Luke, and their robberies. In school, A.J. pressures Jason to steal Oxycontin for a party. At the party, Jason discovers that A.J.'s father, Avery, is the man who killed his father, Luke. After a violent confrontation with A.J., Jason is hospitalized and then buys a gun shortly after being released. He goes to the Cross family home, assaults A.J., and takes Avery as hostage. Jason forces him to drive into the woods, where Avery breaks down and apologizes. Jason leaves him unharmed but takes his wallet. Inside it, Jason finds a photo of him and his parents, which Avery had stolen from the evidence locker.
Some time later, Avery wins his bid for New York attorney general, celebrating with A.J. at his side. Romina receives an envelope addressed to "Mom", with the old photograph inside. Jason purchases a motorcycle and rides away.
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy are firefighters responding to a hotel fire. Mickey drives a contemporary style hook-and-ladder fire truck, Donald is standing on the stack of ladders on the truck shouting "Fire! Fire! Fire!", while Goofy is steering the rear of the truck.
The three fire fighters arrive at the hotel and go to work. The film is filled with gags which show the trio how to be inept firemen, and the fire and smoke to have a mind of its own.
Finally Mickey realizes that there is a woman upstairs who needs saving. They find Clarabelle Cow locked in the bathroom taking a bath and singing to herself, unaware that the hotel is on fire. After Goofy unsuccessfully warns her through the transom, Mickey and Donald break the door down using Goofy as a battering ram. Clarabelle is alarmed and thinks that Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are kidnappers. As Clarabelle is screaming for the police and hitting them with her scrub brush, the three firefighters lift her bathtub, with Clarabelle still in it, and shove it out the window.
Clarabelle sails through the air in her tub, and slides down a ladder to the ground. The three firefighters then land in the bathtub. The film ends with Clarabelle continuously hitting them with her brush.
The short story is told from the perspective of Don Fenton, an American government agent, and revolves around Ruth Parsons, a woman he meets while on vacation in Mexico. Ruth and her daughter Althea charter a plane with the Maya pilot Esteban and allow Fenton to travel with them. When the plane crashes in a mangrove swamp on the coast of Quintana Roo, Don and Ruth split off from Althea and Esteban in order to search for fresh water. Throughout the ordeal, Don becomes increasingly annoyed when Ruth does not panic or act in a way he expects of a woman. His conversations with Ruth reveal that she feels alienated since she is a woman, though Don is unable to understand her views. She tells him, "What women do is survive. We live by ones and twos in the chinks of your world-machine." During an encounter with aliens, Ruth pleads with them to take her and Althea away from Earth while Don tries to "save" her from the extraterrestrials. In the end the aliens leave with the Parsons, leaving Don bewildered and questioning why the two women would rather leave with aliens than stay on Earth.
Tiptree's own synopsis of the story concludes "Message is total misunderstanding of women's motivations by narrator, who relates everything to self," and who can only see women sexually: the women are practically invisible to him, except when he thinks of them as potential erotic interests. In his mind, Ruth is only a possibility for seduction, as Althea is only a potential seduction for Esteban, even in the midst of a survival emergency.
Animal tracker Ivan Marx opens by mentioning the film is the culmination of 10 years of research. He says that the Eskimos called the creature "bushman," the Colville Indians "Sasquatch," and the Hoopa "Om-mah," but is most commonly known as Bigfoot.
Marx's brother-in-law takes him to the land of petrified wood, showing him rock carvings of creatures with big hands and feet. The carvings tell the story of the creature stealing children, causing a village to be abandoned.
Marx finds large tracks in the snow and later a dead bear with similar tracks nearby. He finds strange hair between the bear's teeth and sets out to track the creature. He finds tracks in the mud beside a river and something moving nearby. He intends to inform others but rain washes the tracks away.
Marx investigates tracks in several states only to find they're not bigfoot tracks. He visits the Oh-mah bigfoot redwood statue in northern California and the Oregon coast, continuing to search.
Marx takes a job in Washington state to film a Cinnamon bear. While there, he films Bigfoot walking through a field. He mentions that his footage of Bigfoot has been questioned by science and used by others on lecture circuits to make money.
Marx shows footage of an injured squirrel, goats eating dirt, and glaciers melting. He mentions the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and visits Yukon Frida, who paints pictures of Bigfoot.
Marx travels above the Arctic circle, showing footage of the Northern lights while relating Bigfoot tales. He visits an Eskimo who promises he'll see Bigfoot. Later in the evening, he films what he describes "the shining eyes" of the creature, but when dawn comes, he says Bigfoot disappeared behind a rainbow.
Marx shows footage of salmon spawning, geese migrating, caribou, and Alaska moose defending their territory. He searches from a plane and films a young Bigfoot near a river. He lands, but Bigfoot runs away.
He films hunters with their kills and beavers gathering wood for their dams. He then shows footage of Bigfoot at another river and a second Bigfoot close by, mentioning a related strong musky odor. Bigfoot is shown eating grass and Marx mentions he must be a vegetarian.
Marx ends the film by saying he has determined Bigfoot's migratory and eating habits and that he'll continue his search to document more of Bigfoot's behaviors.
In October 1974 rural Grove's Mill, Minnesota, widow Mare Blackburn's (Kate Jackson) 3-year-old son Luke (Ross Swanson) is kidnapped by an unknown woman when Mare briefly relaxes her supervision of Luke in the small town's supermarket. Mare blames herself for the kidnapping and has difficulty processing the loss. Sixteen years later, Mare is now in a happy long-distance relationship with Dan (Chris Sarandon) – a California man who moved to Minneapolis after the suicide of his son - when a young man named Mark (Rick Schroder) shows up, claiming to be her son. Mare is reluctant to take him in, fearing that he is playing a cruel joke, until he shares memories from the past and shows a scar from a stove burn that matches with Luke's. He explains that he was raised in Idaho, and is now on a rest stop in Minnesota before returning to New York City to take a job. Mare is excited to catch up on sixteen years with her son, but Dan continues to doubt Mark's credibility.
One day, Mare takes Mark to the supermarket where the kidnapping took place, but faints. In the hospital, Mark finds out that Mare is pregnant and is surprised that she does not want him to tell Dan. Dan continues to seek evidence that will prove whether or not Mark is actually Luke, despite Mare's confession that she does not want to know whether Mark's story proves to be either true or false. At the police station, Dan finds out that the city in Idaho where Mark claims to have grown up - "Emerald City" - does not exist. Upset with Mark, Dan reluctantly saves his life when he almost falls off the roof. Mark then claims that Emerald City was a lie told to cover up his much worse past, and assures Dan of his credibility by showing him a birth mole that Luke also had. Shortly after, Mare rejects the latest of several marriage proposals from Dan, who has just found out through Mark about her pregnancy.
During an ice fishing trip, Dan confronts Mark yet again about the lies about his past. Feeling trapped, Mark pushes Dan into the water and lets him drown to death under the ice. Mark then returns to the house and cuts the phone wire and electricity cable, as well as disabling the motor in Mare's car, thus ensuring that Mare has no way to call for help and no other place to go. Mare is unaware of his responsibility in all these occurrences, though, and is further manipulated by Mark's claim that Dan fell in the water due to his fight with her over their marriage views. A visit from a police officer changes her views on Mark, upon finding out that he did not inform the officer about Dan's death. Mark turns the confrontation by insisting that she has been a horrible mother to him. The police officer, meanwhile, finds out that there are flaws to Mark's claims.
As both realize that Mark is a sociopathic killer, they unsuccessfully try to get away. Mark first nearly kills the officer with a hammer, and then turns to Mare. She attempts to throw him out, but he easily overpowers her; knocking her head through a mirror before handcuffing her. Later, he releases her and gives her another chance "to be a good mother", only to attack her when she claims to love him. When she admits that she is a bad mother, Mark responds that she should die for it. Mare, who does not believe that Mark is her own son anymore, attempts to shoot him to death with the policeman's pistol, but runs out of bullets. She is then pushed into the basement and awakes next to the police officer's nearly lifeless body. While Mark is distracted while digging a hole to bury the two, the officer manages to weakly move his arm enough to indicate his bullet-belt, and so, Mare retrieves the gun and reloads it. Mark, meanwhile, admits that he is not her son, before starting to bury her alive. He begins to taunt Mare, saying that she won't shoot him, and that while he may not be Mare's son, he's someone's. However, Mark's taunting words backfire on him, as to save her life, Mare ultimately shoots Mark. Mark survives the shooting and is about to kill her with a hammer, when suddenly, the police officer's father appears behind Mare and saves her by shooting Mark to death; Mark only has enough time to refer to Mare as "Mom" once more before dying. Mare awakes in the hospital with her mother by her side.
Whatever became of Luke, her real kidnapped son, is still left unresolved.
Reagan attempts to have a better relationship with her parents to set a good example for Amy. When a crew member on Ava's talk show dies, Ava attempts to get along better with her crew. Meanwhile, in fear of his life being cut short, Chris decides to make some lifestyle changes.
Towards the end of TVB series, Lives of Omission <潛行狙擊>, “Laughing Gor” Michael Tse was sentenced to life imprisonment after murdering Bosco Wong's (黃宗澤) character. In prison, Laughing met Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), a university professor imprisoned for drug possession. Despite the professor's gentle and aloof exterior, he was a vicious, cold-blooded criminal. Furthermore, the professor was a criminal psychologist able to discern other people's inner secrets and dark side. Due to such abilities, the professor was able to silently control others. At this time, a mysterious woman, who worked for high-level Security Police unit, visited Laughing in prison. Laughing's imprisonment was spurred by his role in an undercover assignment. It turned out that another person was responsible for Bosco Wong's character's death. Suspecting that the incident involved a corrupt police force, the Deputy Secretary for Security Police assigned Laughing to investigate the case while posing as an inmate.
Jonathan (Chris Burke), a youth with Down Syndrome, is institutionalized by his parents (Alley Mills and Tom Mason), who do not wish to be burdened with caring for him. Volunteer Ginny Moore (JoBeth Williams) spends time with Jonathan at the institution and eventually her own home, where he forges a bond with her and her family (Dana Barron, Chris Demetral, Jeffrey DeMunn). Jonathan's faculties improve with Ginny's care, but his heart problems become increasingly severe. His parents refuse to give consent for the medical procedure that would cure him, so Ginny sues to obtain guardianship of Jonathan so she can give permission for the treatment.
The OSS now has a full child spy section, of which Carmen Cortez and Juni Cortez are now Level 2 agents. Although they were the first of the new Spy Kids Division, they face fierce competition from Gary and Gerti Giggles, the children of Donnagon Giggles (the agent whom Carmen and Juni rescued on their first mission). Carmen defends Gary, as she has a crush on him, straining her relationship with Juni.
At the OSS awards banquet, Donnagon hacks into the president's TelePrompTer, and is named director of the OSS instead of Gregorio Cortez. In his acceptance speech, Donnagon announces his two children are being promoted from Level 3 to Level 1. A fight ensues when a group of Magna Men arrive, rendering all adults unconscious. They're seeking the "Transmooker", a highly coveted device which can shut off all electronic devices around the world. Juni recovers it, but drops it when Gary tries to grab it. Gary blames Juni for the loss, resulting in his being fired.
The next morning Carmen hacks into the database, reinstating Juni as an agent. They take a mission meant for Gary and Gerti to recover the Transmooker. Using some hints from their former arch-nemesis, Alexander Minion, they follow the trail to a mysterious island where no electronics work. Meanwhile, Gary and Gerti are rerouted to the Gobi Desert and while trying to pinpoint their position fall into a pit of camel feces, whereupon they swear revenge.
Shortly after arriving at the island, Carmen and Juni meet Romero, a scientist and sole human inhabitant of the island who has been attempting to create genetically miniaturized animals to sell to kids as "miniature zoos." After creating hybrid animals, Romero accidentally poured a growth concoction over them, greatly increasing their size. He fears being eaten, so is unwilling to leave his lab.
Carmen is captured by a Spork, a flying pig, and dropped into its nest with Gerti, who tells her that Gary is genuinely evil. Her feelings for Gary change after he tries to kill Juni, and she protects him. Romero, encouraged by Juni, leaves his lab and discovers his creatures are much friendlier than he thought. Carmen and Juni eventually find and recover the Transmooker, and are surprised when their family joins them. Donnagon then confronts the group, takes the Transmooker and, after a fight with Gregorio tries to destroy the Cortez family with it, but it malfunctions. Gerti reveals she sabotaged it and threatens Donnagon with telling everything to her mother.
The President and his staff arrive on the island. He and his daughter Alexandra fire Donnagon; Gary is temporarily disavowed, and Alexandra appoints Gregorio as director of the OSS on her father's behalf. Even though offered a promotion to Level 1, Juni resigns due to the impersonal treatment he had received by the OSS after being framed. As the Cortez family leaves the island, Romero gives Juni a miniature spider-monkey as a gift, and the island's inhabitants bid farewell to the Cortez family.
During the credits, Machete hosts a concert featuring Carmen (with a microphone which helps her sing, and a belt that helps her dance), and Juni (with a guitar that plays itself), but realizes too late that he never put any batteries in the devices before they went onstage. Meanwhile, Dinky Winks, the owner of Troublemakers theme park, paddles to Romero's island to offer a business deal.
The game plot follows the storyline of the 2011 ''Puss in Boots'' film:
Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) is a talking cat named for his wearing boots and is a fugitive on the run from the law, looking to restore his lost honor. He learns that the outlaw couple Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris) have the magic beans he's been looking for most of his life, beans that can lead him to a giant's castle holding valuable golden goose eggs. When Puss tries to steal them from the outlaws' room, female cat Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) interrupts, and both fail. Kitty is allied with Humpty Alexander Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis), a talking egg and Puss' long-estranged childhood friend from the orphanage where he was raised. Puss tells Kitty his origin story and of his feelings of betrayal for a youthful misadventure when Humpty tricked Puss into helping commit a bank robbery; Puss has been on the run since. Humpty convinces Puss to join them in finding the beans and retrieving the golden eggs.
The trio steals the beans from Jack and Jill and plant them in the desert. Puss and Kitty's relationship becomes romantic. The trio ride the beanstalk into the clouds to find the castle of the late giant, while avoiding the Great Terror who guards the Golden Goose. When they realize the golden eggs are too heavy to carry, they steal the Goose, which is just a gosling, and escape the castle. While celebrating their victory, the group is ambushed by Jack and Jill, who knock Puss unconscious.
When Puss wakes up, he tracks Jack and Jill to his old hometown where he learns the entire heist was a plot by Humpty to lure him home to be captured, as revenge for abandoning him on the bridge to the authorities when Humpty's youthful heist went bad. Jack, Jill, and Kitty were involved in the con. After pleas from his adoptive mother, Puss turns himself in to the guards while Humpty donates many golden eggs to the town and becomes a hero.
While in prison, Puss meets Andy Beanstalk, the original Jack, from "Jack and the Beanstalk" (Mike Mitchell), who warns him that the Great Terror is in fact the Goose's mother, and it will stop at nothing to get its child back. A repentant Kitty helps Puss break out of prison and tells him she loves him. Puss tracks down Humpty, who wants the Great Terror to demolish the town. Puss convinces Humpty to help him fight off the Great Terror, saying he knows Humpty is a good person at heart. The Great Terror, a giant goose, arrives. Using the Goose as bait, Puss and Humpty lure the Great Terror out of the town, but Humpty and the Goose are knocked off the same bridge, where Puss left Humpty, with him holding onto them. Humpty knows Puss cannot hold both of them, so he lets go, sacrificing himself to save the Goose and the town. Humpty's shell cracks open to reveal he was a golden egg on the inside. The Great Terror then takes the baby Goose and Humpty back to the giant's castle.
Puss' efforts to save the town make him a hero among the townspeople. In the epilogue, Jack and Jill are recovering from their injuries after being crushed by the Great Terror, Humpty is shown once again in his regular egg form, wearing a golden egg suit, as he rides the Great Terror into the clouds, and Puss and Kitty finally kiss.
The series follows a chronology of the major events that happened throughout the life of Sun Yat-sen. It includes, among other events, the formation of the Tongmenghui, the Wuchang Uprising, the fall of the Qing dynasty, the establishment of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai's rise and fall from power, and the National Protection War.
The film deals with suppressed Egyptian teenagers who come from different backgrounds. The film focuses on the lives of three teenagers who go to the same high school. Nada (Magda) comes from a high class, wealthy family. She lives in a mansion with her mother, brother and grandfather. The brother became the head of the family after the death of her father. He is a womanizer who spends money on his women, alcohol and drugs. Nada is 16 years old, very beautiful and innocent. She has never experienced true love before. She is not allowed to go out by herself. Her only freedom is when she meets her friends at school and they talk with each other. Nada’s best friend is Amina. Amina, who is the complete opposite of Nada in ever way, comes from a very poor family; she is 16 years old and lives with her mother, stepfather and stepbrother. Her stepfather is a very mean old man and is frequently drunk; he gives them a daily lecture that he is wasting money on his children, especially his son Ahmed who is in college. Ahmed found peace at home because of his stepmother and stepsister who he loved very much. The third teenager, Huda, comes from a well-off family and likes to party every night and skip school to meet boys with the knowledge of her mother and father who believe that they are giving her freedom in life.
Huda invites Nada to her birthday party, but Nada cannot mention it to her mother because she is not allowed to go out anywhere other than school; she eventually concocts a lie for her mother, telling her mother that her best friend is sick and in the hospital and that she wants to go with their maid to visit her. At the party she meets a man named Issam (Rushdy Abaza), a very handsome military pilot. They fall for each other and slow dance for an hour. Nada comes back home and tells her grandfather. Issam wants to marry Nada but her brother refuses because the family wants her to marry her cousin. Nada’s best friend Amina dies while pregnant with her stepbrother's son after her stepfather forces her to take pills to abort the baby.
After Nada discovers her best friend’s death, she has a nervous break down, made worse because Issam leaves the country on a mission after Nada’s brother refuses him. She becomes sick and even tries to commit suicide. Later her brother feels hurt and goes to locate Issam and bring him to marry her.
Chris Schulz is a German professor for archaeology in the 1970s who in particular lectures on the Unetice culture, frequently quoting from his own book concerning the “Adlerberg-Kultur” (Adlerberg group). His theories are strongly opposed by his superiors Prof. Wienert and Prof. Hubschmied (Friedrich Schoenfelder), who consider them unfounded, and blame him for endangering the university's scientific reputation. When at the end of a semester they urge him to refrain from continuing to teach his theories, he bets them his job that he will present evidence after the semester break. Based on his firm belief that proof can easily be obtained by digging at certain places he had pointed out in his very book, he starts a journey in a Jeep which will lead him through Bavaria, Austria and Eastern Europe. He is accompanied by the university's sceptical assistant Ellen Anne Stegmann, and picks up the hitch-hiking muscular vagabond Paul (Raimund Harmstorf) along the way. Together they become entangled in a variety of adventures and finally arrive at the Black Sea empty-handed, where they are confronted by German tomb robbers who have unfinished business with Paul.
Harmon (Keaton) is a wealthy landlord. When he goes to visit one of his tenements, he gets caught in the middle of a brawl between groups of kids, one of whom, Clipper Kelly (Phillips) starts to attack Harmon. When Harmon defends himself, he is seen by Clipper's sister, Margie (Page). Harmon falls in love at first sight and begins to woo her following his trial for attacking Clipper. In order to demonstrate that he is okay, Harmon opens a gymnasium for the street boys, but Clipper, who has fallen in with a small-time gangster, Butch (Rowan), wants nothing to do with Harmon and turns the other boys against him.
Harmon tries to win them over by staging a wrestling match with his friend Poggle (Edwards) and a rigged boxing match with Mulvaney (Saylor). In the meantime, Butch has gotten Clipper involved in a series of robberies with Clipper dressed as a woman. When Butch and Clipper believe Harmon has learned of their illegal activities, Butch orders Clipper to kill Harmon during a stage play that is being performed at the gymnasium, but Clipper gets cold feet. Butch grabs Harmon, who is dressed in Clipper's drag costume, thinking he is Clipper, and heads up to Harmon's mansion to rob it. Butch's gang joins them and Clipper and the other boys come to Harmon's rescue.
A man's body is found under the statue of a winged kirin in the Nihombashi area of Tokyo. A suspect named Yashima has a car accident and falls unconscious while he is attempting to run away. Yashima's lover Kaori comes from Fukushima and tells detectives that he is absolutely not a criminal. Meanwhile, Detective Kyoichiro Kaga's (Hiroshi Abe) investigates and uncovers a point of contact between the dead body and Yashima. A hidden fact of the victim is revealed which even his children did not know about...
The film begins with the Gokai Galleon being chased by the Super Dimensional Highspeed Ship Dolgiran before crashing into the bay. The Gokaigers (sans Gai, who was sent off to buy dinner for them before this incident) confront the legendary Space Sheriff Gavan, who quickly defeats and apprehends them - despite their protests that the Special Police Dekaranger cleared them of all charges claimed by the Space Empire Zangyack. Retsu Ichijouji delivers his prisoners to Space Police Chief Weeval, who reveals himself as Ashurada, a member of the Zangyack Empire and descendant of Don Horror. After revealing his capture of the Gokaigers as a ploy to expose Chief Weeval's true motives, Retsu frees the crew by remotely unlocking their handcuffs, saving them from the firing squad before telling them to leave the premises. In the midst of the battle, the salute given by Retsu triggers a flashback in Captain Marvelous' mind. The GouZyu Drill arrives at the scene to pick up the Gokaigers while Gavan is captured by Ashurada and his creation Gavan Bootleg before they disappear into Makuu Space.
Back aboard the Gokai Galleon, Captain Marvelous reveals that ten years ago, he stowed away in a freight ship that was attacked by the Zangyack Empire. There, he met Retsu, who encouraged him to be brave and jump off the burning stairway into his arms. It is because of this incident that Captain Marvelous is a fearless pirate. Meanwhile, aboard the ''Gigant Horse'', Ashurada explains to Akudos Gill that the blood of Don Horror runs through his veins, and torturing Gavan will stimulate his blood enough to open Makuu Space and consume Earth. After receiving a phone call from Basco Ta Jolokia, the Gokai Galleon crew meet up with the privateer, who tells them that Gavan is locked up on the top floor of Makuu Prison - the worst prison in the universe, and warns them not to go there to rescue the Space Sheriff because no one has escaped in the prison's 2,600-year existence. Shortly after Basco leaves, the crew meet Shiro Akebono and Daigoro Oume, who know Retsu personally (other than the fact that all three men look alike). The two former Super Sentai warriors reveal that the Gokaigers can use the Battle Kenya and Denzi Blue Ranger Keys to open a portal to Makuu Space. Using the two keys, the crew travel to Makuu Space, where they break into Makuu Prison. There, they encounter two unnamed Alienizers, Jerashid, Kegaleshia, Yogostein and Kitaneidas, Shizuka of the Wind and Gekkou of Illusions, Bae, Yatsudenwani and Vancuria, who have been locked up in the prison cells by the Zangyack Empire. The ruckus between the crew and the imprisoned former villains results in a platoon of Gormin Soldiers storming into the ground floor. Gokai Blue and Gokai Silver deal with the platoon while the other Gokaigers race to the top floor and the former villains are released from their cells. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Basco and Sally make their way toward the unguarded Gokai Galleon to steal the Gokai Treanger Box. However, Basco is confronted by an unfamiliar force claiming to be the 36th Super Sentai, Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. After a brief battle, Basco is too distracted by Sally fighting with a banana, and abandons his plans.
Ashurada has Gavan Bootleg activate Makuu City to slow down the Gokaigers' flight to the top floor by sending them to different dimensions. Gokai Yellow and Gokai Green battle and defeat Sneak Brothers Elder & Sister, while Gokai Red and Gokai Pink fend off Monsu Doreiku, Kinggon and Robogorg before Gokai Red reaches the top floor. There, he engages Gavan Bootleg into an intense sword and gun fight. During the fight, Captain Marvelous uses his Gokai Gun and Gavan Bootleg's Laser Z Beam to fire shots that ricochet off their swords and destroy the shackles on Retsu, freeing the Space Sheriff. After Gokai Red rescues Retsu, the Gokaigers shoot holes on the floors for them to drop back to the ground floor before using the Gokai Galleon Buster to destroy the prison and returning to Earth. Upon their return, they battle Ashurada, Gavan Bootleg and their Zangyack army. Gavan faces and destroys his doppelgänger with the Gavan Dynamic while the Gokaigers finish off Ashurada with the Gokai Blast and Slash Final Wave. Ashurada, however, resurrects himself as a giant, prompting the heroes to summon their mecha. Kanzen GokaiOh docks with Electronic Starbeast Dol and both mecha weaken Ashurada with the Dol Gokai Fire before Gavan and Gokai Red destroy him once and for all with the Gavan Marvelous Dynamic.
Before the crew and Retsu bid farewell to each other, Retsu is reunited with Shiro and Daigoro when a voice in the sky asks the three veteran heroes to demonstrate their transformation poses to the crew. With Shiro and Daigoro borrowing their respective Ranger Keys, the trio transform into their heroic forms, prompting Gai to run to them and ask for their autographs.
Since the age of eighteen, Joseph has been assassinating people on behalf of a cause that he believes in but doesn’t fully understand. The War is ageless, hidden in the shadows, governed by a rigid set of rules, and fought by two distinct sides — one good, one evil. The only unknown is which side is which. Soldiers in the War hide in plain sight, their deeds disguised as accidents or random acts of violence amidst an unsuspecting population ignorant of the brutality that is always inches away.
Killing people is the only life Joseph has ever known, and he’s one of the best at it. But when a job goes wrong and he’s sent away to complete a punishingly dangerous assignment, Joseph meets a girl named Maria, and for the first time in his life his singleminded, bloody purpose fades away.
Before Maria, Joseph’s only responsibility was dealing death to the anonymous targets fingered by his superiors. Now he must run from the people who have fought by his side to save what he loves most in this world.
In this earliest known adaptation of the classic fairy tale, Jack first trades his cow for the bean. His mother then makes him drop them in the front yard, and go to his room. As he sleeps, Jack is visited by a fairy who shows him glimpses of what will await him when he ascends the bean stalk. In this version, Jack is the son of a deposed king.
When Jack wakes up, he finds the beanstalk has grown and he climbs to the top where he enters the giant's home. The giant finds Jack, who narrowly escapes. The giant chases Jack down the bean stalk, but Jack is able to cut it down before the giant can get to safety. He falls and is killed. Jack celebrates. The fairy then reveals that Jack may return home as a prince.
Rebecca Barnes (Susan Dey) is a successful photographer who has it all—including the curse of vampiric immortality. Longing for companionship, Barnes leaves a disastrous trail of blood-less bodies in her wake. Shockingly, photographs that she snapped of one of the victims brings Rebecca into the police investigation and into the arms of Detective Sean O'Connor (Stephen McHattie). As the passion between Sean and Rebecca mounts, so does the evidence against her.
Jerry Flynn's girlfriend leaves him for a gangster with power and money, in order to show her that she made a mistake, Jerry starts his newspaper distribution business.
Don Phelan, the ace newsreel reporter, falls in love with Wilma Howell, the daughter of the owner of another newsreel company that is a bitter rival of the one Don works for. The rivalry, with cameramen jostling each other out of the way, acts of sabotage, and reporters fighting to get the 'scoop', does not bode well for the romance.
Cláudia (Giovanna Antonelli) and Rubinho (Victor Pecoraro) have been dating since they were teenagers, but the differences between the two prevent them from staying together. Vicente (Ricardo Pereira) gave up his love for Lucena (Grazi Massafera) to commit himself to his studies. Vicente and Lucena manage to resume their romance, but Vicente ends up falling in love with Claudia. Rubinho and Lucena team up to prevent this new romance.
In 1933, as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis come to power in Germany, actor and comedian Hans Zeisig (Michael Herbig) and his partner, Siggi Meyer (Jürgen Vogel), have a successful comedy act at a Berlin cabaret doing impersonations of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Meyer is politically active in the Communist Party and through him, Zeisig meets the attractive Dutch communist Frida (Thekla Reuten). Zeisig is apolitical; he's dreaming about a career in Hollywood. He finds the growing political tension an unpleasant nuisance, but Meyer is endangered by the Nazis' power grab. He arrives one day at the theater with a black eye from an attack and says he is going to go underground. Another performer, a Nazi supporter who caricatures a Jewish man, makes a wisecrack about Meyer's black eye. They get into a backstage brawl, fully made up and in costume—the Nazi as a Jew and the Communist as Hitler.Catherine Hickley, [ "Stalin Cavorts With Hitler in Communist Spoof ‘Hotel Lux’: Film"], ''Bloomberg News'' (November 2, 2011). Retrieved November 13, 2011 The fight careens its way from the dressing room to the stage, with "Hitler" on top of the "Jew". The audience, larded with uniformed Nazis, assumes it to be part of the show and cheers.
The situation continues to deteriorate in Germany. Audiences grow dour, and the theater management has to comply with the prevailing Gleichschaltung. Kristallnacht occurs. Zeisig refuses to perform the defamatory act of the stereotyped Jew. When he is told that it won't do anybody harm, Zeisig states, "It will harm ''me!''" He goes onstage clad as Hitler and satirizes him, knowing he will have to flee.Alexander Cammann, [ "Müde Kalauer im roten Bunker"] ''Die Zeit'' (October 23, 2011). Retrieved November 13, 2011 Zeisig learns Meyer has been arrested and deported to Oranienburg concentration camp. Equipped with a forged passport, a fake beard and an assumed name, Zeisig leaves Germany and eventually enters the Soviet Union. His goal is still Hollywood. In Moscow, he arrives at the Hotel Lux (this was a historic hotel in Moscow, where many exiled German Communists sought shelter during the Nazi era).
Zeisig encounters Frida, who under a different name, has an important position in the exiled German Communist Party. He also encounters numerous historical figures, such as Walter Ulbricht, Herbert Wehner and others, who later became important political figures in East Germany. The apolitical Zeisig has landed in a hotbed of political intrigue; all important conversations are held with the water running to shield them from the ubiquitous bugs. Zeisig wonders if he is in more danger at the Moscow hotel than he was in Nazi Germany. Taken for a ride to an unknown location, he learns his assumed identity is that of Hitler's astrological advisor, a person of great interest to Stalin. Zeisig is taken to Stalin in the only available safe place, the bathroom. Stalin motions for him to come forward, but remain silent. Stalin turns the water on and only then begins to speak. With Stalin's Great Purge underway, Zeisig realizes that his life depends on his ability to placate the leader. Zeisig narrowly escapes one danger after another, revives his friendship with Meyer, and gains Frida's support.
The main character, a computer security cracker, get an e-mail from one of his friends using the nickname "sk3tch". He is asked to break into the computer network of the nation Locha, a fictive military junta with a resemblance to Myanmar, as a test for his hacking skills. While drilling deeper into Locha's firewalls, the player discovers that a famous Lochan blogger and political activist has been recently arrested and awaits execution for "trahison and Western propaganda". Using their skills, sk3tch and the player manage to free him and his cellmate, another inmate in death row for suspected terrorism, and to have them board a plane to Florida; but as soon as they land in American soil, the FBI arrests and send them to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, suspecting them to be terrorists as the relation between Locha and the United Nations becomes sour.
The player manages to free the two prisoners and send them to sk3tch's house by bus, only to find that only the blogger arrived. After some research, sk3tch discovers that the other inmate was a Lochan spy, who used the blogger's evasion to get into America for an unknown purpose. It is later found that his goal is to commit a terrorist attack on the headquarters of a multinational bank located in Charlotte by using thermite bombs. The spy also hacked the central server of Charlotte's fire and emergency department to delay any help, to maximize the damage and casualties of the attack. While sk3tch warns the FBI, the player manages to fix the fire department system, warn security about the spy (who is already in the building, disguised as a delivery boy) and traps him in an elevator when cornered by the FBI and security. The spy accidentally kills himself by using thermite to break through the elevator, which catches fire and burns him to death.
After finding documents about the true goal of the spy, the US decides to grant American citizenship to the blogger, and when the UN decides of new sanctions against Locha, sk3tch and the player celebrate their victory by discussing new targets to hack for the good cause.
After Sasha informs Vincent that she will participate in a pornographic film, he expresses his disapproval. While on the set of production, the couple engage in an intense argument and simultaneously break up, making Vincent leave angrily. Meanwhile, Johnny and his friends orchestrate an intervention much to Vincent's dismay, and he leaves the premises.
Eric begins to worry that his relationship with his fiancée may be crumbling. He has dinner with Sloan's father, Terrence, but is shocked when Terrence asks him to sign a prenuptial agreement. Eric gets upset and confronts Sloan about it, and she tells him that they will talk about it when he returns home, to which he agrees. However, upon discovering that his boss Murray has been reporting to Terrence, Eric changes his mind and contacts Scott Lavin. Eric tells him that he'll join forces with him to take over the company, effectively pushing Murray out of his own firm.
Similarly, Ari suffers setbacks in his marriage when, despite throwing an extravagant party for Ms. Ari, she decides to leave him and has her sister go to the house to retrieve her belongings.
Overwhelmed with depression, Vincent consumes alcohol and snorts cocaine in his hotel room, and then decides to attend Eminem's private party at the hotel lobby. He walks around being rude, hitting on girls, and refuses to leave when security asks him to do so. Johnny attempts to bring him home, but Vincent refuses to go with him. After being greeted by Eminem, Vincent begins insulting him which leads to him punching Vincent in the face, initiating a brawl in the process. Vincent is then rushed to the hospital shortly thereafter and attempts to leave, despite the orders of the medical staff. As he nears the entrance, he is confronted by a police officer, who informs him that Vince will need to go with him, as the officer has found a bag of cocaine in Vincent's clothes, leaving everyone stunned.
The film portrays a day, a night and the following day in the life of a teenage orphan, Nina, who lives in a group home. Nina is shy, introverted and lives only in the past, which she tries to fabricate in her diary. She meets Toni, a young woman living on the street who is her exact opposite: she concerns herself only with surviving the present moment.
They meet Françoise, who has recently been released from a mental hospital in Berlin and now wanders the city aimlessly. Unable to give up the hope of finding her daughter, Marie, who was abducted many years ago, she is also arrested by the past. Françoise believes she recognizes Nina as her daughter. Her husband, Pierre, tries patiently to convince her to return with him to France.
When Nina is abandoned by Toni after a party she goes looking for the place where she had encountered Françoise. She hopes that she finally might have found a real mother. Although Françoise is there, at the film's end Nina is left bitterly disappointed.
“The messenger," a man named Jim, descends into the lower vaults of the bank where he works to complete a task for the president. Jim silently considers his frustration with the task while the conversation of his superiors revolves around discussion of "the comet” which is to pass near the Earth soon.
While Jim is completing his assignment, the great stone door of the vault mysteriously closes shut. When Jim finds his way out and returns to street level, he discovers that the vault clerk and everyone else he encounters is dead. Jim walks up Fifth Avenue, enters a restaurant where he previously would not have been allowed to eat, and eventually finds a car and drives around the city but still finds no other living person.
Near 72nd Street, Jim hears a woman's voice crying out from the upper window of a home. The survivor is a wealthy, young white woman who is surprised to discover the only other survivor, her would-be hero, is a Black man. The two travel to Harlem, where Jim searches for his family, and the bank where the woman's father works, but find no more living people and only a note at the bank from the woman's father. They attempt to contact the outside world by placing a call on a long-distance telephone but receive no response.
The two grow less uneasy with each other and return to the bank. They seem on the verge of overcoming their racial barriers in an act of procreation for the survival of the human race, when suddenly a group of men arrive, revealing that only New York was affected by the comet. The woman’s father and fiancée have returned; the woman, Julia, leaves Jim to join them. The men question if Jim has acted inappropriately to Julia and suggest lynching him, but Julia says that Jim saved her, though she is unable to look at him anymore. Her father gives Jim a cash reward. At the very end, a Black woman parts from the group and rushes into Jim's arms after calling out his name.
Xiao Mei used to live with her grandparents up in the mountains. When she later moves to the city to live with her parents, she finds the place cold and distant as compared to the village she once lived in. She longs for a simple and carefree life, and the experience of lying down on a field at night and looking up at the starry night above. Her parents are experiencing work-related stress and are having marriage problems.
One day, Xiao Mei was attracted to a beautiful recorder melody of a Christmas carol being played by her neighbor. She later learns that the neighbor is called Xiao Jie, a problematic child who is a new student in her school. Xiao Mei starts to be attracted to Xiao Jie, who is always getting bullied by the rest of his classmates after he was deemed "cocky". The pair's friendship grows deeper after Xiao Mei saves Xiao Jie from these bullies. They decorate their classroom together for an inter-class competition, and Xiao Mei takes to shoplifting for fun after seeing Xiao Jie shoplift. Xiao Mei later shares information on French art with Xiao Jie while she tries to purchase a jigsaw piece from a puzzle of "Starry Starry Night" to replace the one that she had lost.
Suddenly, shortly after her beloved grandfather's death, Xiao Mei's parents announce that they will be divorcing. Upon hearing that, Xiao Mei's world starts to fall apart. She runs away from home, together with Xiao Jie, to visit the small wooden shack that she shared with her grandparents in the past.
On the way to the shack, Xiao Mei leads both of them up a wrong path and they got lost in the forest. Luckily, they found an abandoned church to stay in overnight. That night, Xiao Mei gets to know more about Xiao Jie's tremulous family background, and she stops pitying her own family background. They eventually found the wooden shack the next day, and Xiao Mei starts to look through her grandfather's workshop.
That night, the weather is too foggy for them to enjoy the stars. Xiao Mei also starts to develop a fever. As Xiao Jie carries her back to the wooden shack, he gets a short glimpse of the beautiful night sky that Xiao Mei talked about. Upon reaching the shack, Xiao Jie contacts their parents while Xiao Mei is asleep. When she wakes up, she finds herself on a hospital bed. Later, when Xiao Mei is in the 10th grade, she receives the jigsaw piece that her puzzle of the "Starry Starry Night" painting was missing.
Many years later, in France, Xiao Mei and her stepsister are walking along the streets on Christmas Eve. Suddenly Xiao Mei's stepsister sees a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece on display. Upon entering the shop, Xiao Mei saw a jigsaw of "Starry Starry Night" which had the same missing piece as hers.
Don Arturo Bordega (Cornel Wilde) is part of the old Spanish nobility, and a vocal advocate for California'a annexation by the United States. On his way to a secret meeting in support of that goal, he is attacked by bandits led by José Martínez (Alfonso Bedoya), but narrowly escapes. The planned "guest of honor" at the secret meeting to which Bordega is en route, is none other than then-U.S. Army Captain John Charles Fremont. Martinez's thugs attempt to assassinate Fremont while he is traveling to the same meeting, but succeed only in lightly wounding him. At the meeting, he reveals that the US does not intend to annex California.
It is subsequently revealed that the corrupt Brios brothers, Ernesto (Eugene Iglesias) and Fredo (John Dehner) have paid Martinez to violently oppose the movement advocating American annexation of California, as part of their unscrupulous plot to deliver California to the imperial domain of the Russian Czar (in exchange for a promise to appoint first Ernesto, and later Fredo, as the Russian colonial governor).
Martinez's men violently seize a quantity of rifles from gunsmith Sam Lawrence (Hank Patterson), in order to arm a force in support of the Russian conquest of California. This invokes the wrath of his beautiful daughter, Julia (Teresa Wright), who winds up joining Arturo Bordega in his mission to infiltrate Martinez's bandit group, in order to foil their part in the nefarious scheme. Martinez is eventually killed by Julia Lawrence (and Ernesto Brios is slain by Bordega in a duel), during a period in which they learn the nature of the Brios' plot. Arturo Bordega and Julia Lawrence eventually travel to Fort Ross, where they are able to capture Fredo Brios (as well as a fictional Russian princess, Helena de Gagarine, and a high-ranking Russian army officer), and otherwise manage to thwart the treasonous conspiracy. During the course of their travels together, Bordega and Lawrence fall in love, and the film concludes with their stated intent to marry, and "have 14 children."
At night in Paris, Driss (Sy) is driving Philippe's (Cluzet) Maserati Quattroporte at high speed. Chased through the streets by the police, they are eventually cornered. Driss claims the quadriplegic Philippe must get to the emergency room urgently; Philippe pretends to have a seizure and the fooled police officers escort them. After arriving at the hospital, Driss drives away.
The story of friendship between the two men is then told as a flashback: Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic owner of a luxurious ''hôtel particulier'', and his assistant Magalie are interviewing potential live-in caregivers. Driss has no ambitions to get hired and is just there to get a signature on a document proving his interview was rejected, to continue with his welfare benefits. He is told to come back the next morning to collect his signed document.
The next day when Driss returns, Philippe's aide Yvonne greets him, telling him he has the job on a trial basis. Despite being uninterested and inexperienced, he does well caring for Philippe, although using unconventional methods. Driss learns the extent of his employer’s disability, aiding Philippe in every aspect of his life. A friend of Philippe's reveals that Driss was in jail for six months for robbery, but Philippe disregards the warnings, not caring about Driss's past. As Driss is the only one who does not treat Philippe with pity, he will not fire Driss as long as he does his job properly.
Philippe explains his disability was from a paragliding accident and that his wife died without bearing children. Gradually, Driss helps him to organise his private life, including disciplining his precocious adopted daughter Elisa. Driss discovers modern art, opera and starts painting. For Philippe's birthday, a private classical music concert is performed in his living room. Philippe educates Driss on famous classical pieces, but Driss only recognizes them as advert music or cartoon themes. Feeling the concert is too boring, Driss plays Earth, Wind & Fire's "Boogie Wonderland", livening up the party, with the guests also enjoying the music.
Discovering Philippe has a purely epistolary relationship with a woman called Eléonore, who lives in Dunkirk, Driss encourages his employer to meet her, but Philippe fears her reaction when she discovers his disability. Driss convinces him to talk to her by phone. Philippe agrees to send a photo of himself in a wheelchair to her, but he hesitates and asks his aide, Yvonne, to send a picture as he was before his accident. A date between them is agreed, but at the last minute, Philippe is too scared to meet Eléonore and leaves with Yvonne before she arrives. Philippe then calls Driss, inviting him to fly with him in his Dassault Falcon 900 private jet for a paragliding weekend in the Alps.
Driss's younger cousin Adam, in trouble with a gang, comes to fetch Driss at the mansion on the pretext of delivering mail. Overhearing, Philippe recognizes Driss's need to be supportive to his family and releases him from his job, suggesting he may not want to push a wheelchair all his life.
Driss returns home, joins his friends and manages to help his younger cousin. In the meantime, new caregivers have replaced Driss, but Philippe is not happy with any of them. His morale is very low and he stops taking care of himself. He grows a beard and looks ill. Worried, Yvonne calls Driss back.
Upon arrival, Driss drives Philippe in the Maserati, which brings the story back to the initial police chase. After they elude the police, Driss takes Philippe to the seaside. Upon Philippe’s shaving and dressing elegantly, they arrive at a Cabourg restaurant on the sea front. Driss suddenly leaves the table, saying good luck to Philippe on his lunch date. A few seconds later, Eléonore arrives. Emotionally touched, Philippe looks through the window and sees Driss outside, smiling at him. Driss bids Philippe farewell and walks away as Phillipe and Eléonore chat and enjoy each other's company.
The film ends with shots of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou, the people on whom the story is based, together on a hillside, reminiscent of the paragliding scene earlier in the film. The closing caption states that the men remain close friends to this day.
The plot takes place in a fictional fantasy world. The player prince Corwin is the son of king Oberon, who rules the kingdom of Amber. Corwin wants to become king but his eight brothers, especially his brother Eric, are also interested in the throne of Amber. Prince Corwin must escape assassination attempts and intrigues enacted by his siblings, and yet must forge alliances with some of his siblings to become the reigning king of Amber.
Louise and Henriette are a pair of orphaned sisters, innocent and sightless. After sunset, though, they begin to see (although they see everything through a shade of blue) and to crave blood. The girls embark on a journey through the city of Paris to find victims and quench their thirst, otherwise they would die. Their only refuges are the cemeteries, where they find solitude and piece together the fragmented memories of their past lives.
This novel continues the story of Alan Dale, based on the historical Alan-a-Dale; warrior and troubadour in Robin Hoods band of outlaws. The novel takes place during the Third Crusade, an attempt by European leaders to reconquer the Holy Land from Saladin. In the novel Robin is forced to join Richard the Lionheart on his crusade and during which learns he is the target of an assassination attempt; Alan is tasked with discovering the origins of the attack.
Dorothy Gale is a girl living in Kansas with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry as well as farmhands Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke. She owns a dog named Toto, a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry. Aunt Em asks Tom and Jerry to put their differences aside, and protect Dorothy; the two reluctantly agree. Later, Miss Almira Gulch, who was bitten by Toto earlier, arrives at the Gale farm and takes him away to be put down. Appalled by this, Tom and Jerry give chase and successfully rescue Toto. Dorothy runs away from home with Toto shortly afterwards. As Tom and Jerry return home, a tornado strikes the area and the two seek hide in their house after failing to join Aunt Em, Uncle Henry and the farmhands in the storm cellar. Tom and Jerry are knocked out while trying to get inside the house.
Once they wake up, they find themselves in Munchkinland. The two encounter a grey Munchkin mouse named Tuffy, who tries to save Jerry, assuming Tom wanted to eat him, but Jerry clears up the misunderstanding. Tuffy informs them that the house they arrived in a few hours ago landed on and killed the Wicked Witch of the East. As gratitude, the Good Witch of the North, Glinda, gave the witch's ruby slippers to Dorothy, but the Wicked Witch of the West appeared and swore to claim the slippers for herself. Glinda sent Dorothy down the yellow brick road to reach the Emerald City and find the famed Wizard of Oz in order to get back home. Tuffy advises them not to follow, but Tom and Jerry remember their promise to guard her and insist on following. Tuffy wishes to be taller, so he decides to accompany them as he wants to see the Wizard as well.
Tom, Jerry and Tuffy soon reunite with Dorothy and Toto, meeting the Scarecrow who has no brain, the Tin Man who has no heart and the Cowardly Lion who has no courage. They make it to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard, who decides to grant their wishes on the condition they thwart the Witch and bring back her broomstick. While walking through the haunted forest to get to the Witch's castle, Dorothy, Tom, Jerry and Toto are captured by the Witch's flying monkeys, but are pursued by the others. Jerry bites a flying monkey, setting himself free, but he and Tom are discarded by the monkeys. At the Witch's castle, the Witch puts Toto in a basket and threatens to drown him in a river if Dorothy refuses to give her the slippers. Although she complies, the Witch is electrocuted when she tries to take them off. When she remembers that the slippers won't come off as long as Dorothy is alive, the Witch places an hourglass, stating that Dorothy has only an hour to live. Jerry manages to free Toto, who escapes from the castle to get help.
Jerry is seen by the Witch and thrown out the window with Tom. They encounter two of the Witch's guards, Droopy and Butch, who accidentally mention the Witch's weakness is water. A chase ensues until Tom and Jerry manage to overpower Droopy and Butch, and they reunite with Tuffy, the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Lion, disguised as guards and led by Toto. While Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion rescue Dorothy, Tom, Jerry and Tuffy try to fill a bucket with water from a well and later from the moat, but their attempts to get it back inside the castle are problematic. Eventually, they manage to get hold of a rain cloud and use it to fill the bucket. The Witch and the guards trap Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion and the Witch sets the Scarecrow on fire. Dorothy, with Tom and Jerry's help, puts out the fire with the water, destroying the Witch, who melts when Dorothy inadvertently splashes her.
The soldiers celebrate the Witch's death and allow Dorothy to take the broom. They return to the Emerald City and present the broom to the Wizard, but he still refuses to grant their wishes until tomorrow. Although the Wizard turns out to be an ordinary man behind an illusion, he nevertheless promises to grant their wishes. Scarecrow gets a diploma, Tin Man gets a testimonial, Lion gets a medal, and Tuffy gets stilts. The quartet is left in charge of the Emerald City as the Wizard takes Dorothy, Tom, Jerry, and Toto back to Kansas in his hot air balloon. As the balloon is about to take off, Tom spots a chick and jumps out of the balloon to eat it, prompting Jerry and Toto to stop him. Dorothy runs after them and they are unable to get back to the balloon before it takes off with the Wizard. Glinda then appears and tells her another way to get back home, by tapping her heels together and repeating the phrase "''There's no place like home''". Dorothy, Tom, Jerry, and Toto bid farewell to their friends.
They all awaken in Dorothy's bedroom back in Kansas, surrounded by family and friends (Tuffy's revealed to be a farmhand, Droopy's revealed to be the local haberdasher, and Butch's revealed to be someone's pet dog). Dorothy tells them of her adventures, but they insist it was all a dream, though Tom, Jerry and Toto are the only ones who believe her. As Dorothy promises never to run away again, Tom and Jerry resume their old habits and chase each other outside the house.
This novel continues the story of Alan Dale, based on the historical Alan-a-Dale; warrior and troubadour in Robin Hood's band of outlaws. In the first part of the novel, Robin rescues Alan's sweetheart from an unwanted marriage to an old knight. They stop the bishop from proceeding with the ceremony, and Robin Hood, dressed in the bishop's robes, marries Alan to his bride. This gives way to the novel's main concern: the capture and ransom of Richard the Lionheart; (loosely based on the actual events). During his captivity Richard is driven to compose the song "Ja nus hons pris" or "Ja nuls om pres" ("No man who is imprisoned"), which is addressed to his half-sister Marie de Champagne. The song expresses his feelings of abandonment by his people and his sister. However, this sorrow is resolved when Alan Dale spearheads a valiant and effort to release the king.
Carl Grimes recovers from his operation to remove fragments of a bullet, which he had received earlier when encountering a deer. He asks his father Rick if his friend Sophia Peletier is alright. Since Sophia is still missing, Rick reluctantly lies to Carl and tells him that she is fine. Dale Horvath, Daryl Dixon, Andrea, and Carol Peletier move the vehicles and set up camp at the Greene home and are introduced to the Greene family. There, they lead a funeral procession for their ranch hand, Otis. Shane Walsh is asked to share Otis' final moments; Shane sticks to his lie that Otis had sacrificed his life to save Carl, while in reality Shane sacrificed Otis.
Along with Hershel Greene and his daughter Maggie, the group organize Sophia's search. Since Shane is still injured and Rick is too weak from blood loss, Daryl ventures out on his own. Daryl eventually finds an abandoned house, but does not locate Sophia. He finds a cherokee rose, which is a Native American sign in which the gods protected their children, and gives it to Carol.
Maggie asks the group for help removing a bloated walker that fell into a freshwater well before it contaminates the water. After unsuccessfully using food as bait, Glenn is lowered down as live bait but the others lose their grip on the rope, causing Glenn's legs to be grabbed by the Bloated Zombie, causing him to freak out. Glenn is managed to be pulled out, having put the rope on the walker. The group pulls the walker out, but to everyone's dismay, its body is ripped in half, its lower half falling back into the well and contaminating it. Maggie and Glenn decide to venture to the local pharmacy to find more supplies. Before he leaves, Lori asks Glenn to find a pregnancy test for her. At the pharmacy, Glenn finds the pregnancy test, and afterward finds a bag of condoms, which he is caught holding by Maggie. Not able to explain himself, Maggie believes they were for her and the pair have sex.
Rick and Hershel tour the farmland, where Hershel reveals that the group has to leave once Carl fully recovers. Rick manages to convince Hershel for the group to stay in the meantime. However, there are rules they must follow. Rick pleads with Hershel to not force them to leave and to reconsider his request.
Later on, Rick is up in the room where Carl is recovering in bed. Once Carl wakes up, Rick admits that he lied to him about Sophia; Carl reveals that his mother already told him the truth. Meanwhile, the pregnancy test reveals that Lori is pregnant.
The series centered on Nick Chase, a 42-year old former drill instructor who has retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and is now taking advantage of the GI Bill to attend Saginaw University. He gets assigned to room with Matthew Wiggins, 14-year old "boy genius", who has also enrolled at Saginaw to study marine biology. Nick does not like this arrangement at first, but when he sees Matthew is serious about his studies, he appreciates avoiding the stereotypical raunchiness and zaniness associated with college students and sees the same discipline in Matthew that he saw in his recruits, and the two form a partnership, trying to help each other out. Among those shown were a trio of 'Singing Freshman' who sang through the hallways.
Elmer (Buster Keaton), a member of the idle rich, is smitten by working girl Mary (Sally Eilers), who will have nothing to do with him. When Elmer's chauffeur gets caught up in an army recruitment drive and quits, Elmer goes to an employment agency to find a new driver and accidentally enlists in the army. Elmer learns that Mary is on the base to entertain the troops and learns that his drill sergeant, Brophy (Edward Brophy), is also interested in Mary.
While leaving her husband, whom she has grown to despise, Alice (Sylvia Kristel) drives into the pristine countryside. She must stop at an old house, when her windshield has cracked mysteriously. An old man and his butler welcome her at the mansion as if she were expected. The old man insists on her staying overnight. They even offer to have her car repaired in the morning.
Alice is woken up in the middle of the night by a booming noise. The next day the car is there, with a new windshield. But Alice finds herself alone in the deserted house. After enjoying a good breakfast laid out for her, Alice jumps into the car again. She soon realizes that she cannot find the gateway to the country house from whence she came. A tree trunk seems to be in the way.
Reluctantly, Alice returns to the old house. She then tries to walk the way with her suitcase. In her attempt to do so, Alice meets a young man who tells her to accept the fact that there is no way out. Is she in limbo? She has to spend a second night in the mansion. The old man is there again and provides some explanations.
The following day is a bright morning full of birdsong. Once more breakfast is ready for her in the lonely house. She takes the car again and finds the path and the gate to the highway. Is she really out? A few more strange characters come her way. Her windshield cracks again.
Democratic Congressman Camden Brady, who has run unopposed for the fictional 14th District in North Carolina is exposed when he has an affair with a supporter, damaging his upcoming fifth year campaign. Glenn and Wade Motch, two corrupt businessmen persuade tour guide Martin Huggins to run as Camden's opposition as a Republican nominee. The Motch Brothers ultimately intend to use Martin to forward a profitable scheme with a Chinese company.
Campaign Manager Tim Wattley (also in the pay of the Motch Brothers) transforms Martin into a successful entrepreneur and family man, which pays off during his first debate with Camden and takes the viewers by storm with his resolve to bring back jobs to North Carolina. At a town hall debate, a fight breaks out between Camden and Huggins supporters after Huggins uses ''Rainbowland'', a story written by Camden as a child, to accuse him of being a Communist; Camden and Huggins also end up fighting, believing that they insulting each other but being unable to hear each other over the commotion. Camden further damages his campaign when he accidentally punches a dog and a baby, on both occasions having intended to hit Martin. In response, Camden runs a campaign portraying Martin as an Al Qaeda terrorist (based on Martin's facial hair). Camden's son meanwhile intends to use his father's methods against his opponent for Class President, which Camden realises he is setting a bad example and travels to Martin's home to make peace, but ends up getting drunk and arrested for drunk driving when Martin, encouraged by Tim reports him. Martin then airs another TV advertisement, with Camden's son addressing him as "dad". Furious, Camden seduces Martin's wife Mitzi and records them having sex before releasing it as a campaign ad. This forces his Campaign Manager Mitch Wilson to resign on principle, and prompts his wife to leave him and taking their children with him, leaving Camden despondent about the coming election. Martin leaves Mitzi as a result, but gets revenge on Camden by shooting him during a hunting trip, causing his popularity to further increase. However, Camden's popularity recovers after a mishap at a snake handling ceremony results in him being hospitalized.
Martin meets with the Motch brothers soon afterwards, but learns of their "insourcing" plans with the Chinese; they intend to turn the 14th district into a factory complex and import Chinese immigrants in order to reduce shipping costs. Martin, realising he has been used rejects the brothers' support, who in turn defect to Camden's side, revitalising his campaign and paying his wife to appear alongside him at campaign events to give the impression of reconciliation. Martin reconciles with his wife and family, and desperately appeals to the voters by revealing the Motch Brothers' plans and promising to be completely honest (revealing several embarrassing secrets in doing so). On election day, however, Camden wins due to the voting machines being rigged by the pair. Camden gloats on his victory to Martin, who in turn reveals that during school, he had been inspired by Camden as Class President for having removed a dangerous slide that had scarred the both of them. Realising what he has done, Camden denounces his record as U.S. House representative and withdraws and Martin wins by default. Martin and Camden become friends, with Camden being appointed Martin's chief of staff.
Six months later, the Motch brothers are called to appear before Congress after being exposed by Martin and Camden. The brothers point out that everything they have done is legal under ''Citizens United v. FEC'' but are arrested due to the association with Wattley, who is in fact an international fugitive.
Set in Brittany from 1908–1918, two peasants marry, have a son, and live in traditional Breton ways which is three generations under one roof, a division of labor between the sexes, elders' stories at night, politics and religion during their little free time. These are difficult times for them – la Chienne du Monde drives some to commit suicide; Ankou (death) is always a possibility. Pierre is born into this provincial family, his lyric childhood interrupted by the outbreak of war and his father's conscription. He learns his catechism and, as a child of a Reds, also reveres school. His grandfather and father often put him on their shoulders, giving him a ride on the horse of pride.
Taxi driver Hartmut Mackowiak (Elmar Wepper) is a seasoned man who has grown fond of firm habits and attitudes as it is not unusual for a man of his age. He shows no other ambitions than to do his job properly and to speak his mind. Mackowiak is no family man because his wife Christa (Katja Rupé) abandoned him and now he lives alone. One day a Turkish business woman becomes his passenger when she visits her mother in Nuremberg. She has her six-year-old daughter Hayat (Mercan Türkoğlu) with her because the child is supposed to get to know her grandmother (Özay Fecht) who lives in Germany. Mackowiak makes an impression on Hayat who is soon after left in grandmother's care while Hayat's mother goes abroad. Unfortunately grandmother is no longer up to the task of caring for a little child. Hayat feels that she is on her own when her grandmother suffers a stroke. Wondering to whom she could turn, the grumpy taxi driver comes to her mind. Mackowiak is downright flabbergasted when he realises that she seems to consider his taxi her refuge and that she's thinking "Nazi" was his name because she overheard her mother calling him that. However, he then also realises little by little he is neither too old to make new friends nor unable to learn to look at his world from a hitherto unknown point of view. Thus he even finds a new approach to his wife.
A Chicago newspaper man, Larry Doyle, finds himself in St. Louis after a night of drunken revelry. Low on money, he sees a young woman, Anne Olgivie, at a coffee counter. She hasn't got enough money to cover her bill, so he surreptitiously pays for her. Later, after sending a telegram to his boss asking for funds, Larry sees Anne again, trying to send a wire to her mother for money to come home. Unable to pay for the message, she leaves, and Larry recovers her note. Exiting to the street, he thinks he sees Anne throw herself in front of a car, so he grabs her, making it look as if she embraces him wildly. He admits to her that he is broke and that he knows she is, as well. They take a suite in a Hotel, pretending to be on their honeymoon and try to raise some money. After being revealed to the hotel manager, Larry receives fifty dollars from his coworkers, which gives them some time. Larry attempts to get a job with a local paper because he has a line on the Eel, a local gangster. But his boss in Chicago denies his identity. Again out of money, Larry pawns a police revolver he was given as an award for solving a case in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, Larry and Anne witness a robbery by the Eel, where a police officer is killed. Larry takes the place of the getaway driver and gets the loot before driving off. The next day, Larry describes the robbery to the police, while hiding his involvement. But when the gun used is found, it turns out to be Larry's. Once the police figure out Larry's part in the robbery, he is suspected of murder. When his boss in Chicago finally admits who he is to the police, he is given twenty-four hours to find the Eel. Returning with Anne to the pawn shop, which they have worked out is the meeting place, Larry confronts the pawn broker, reveals he knows of the broker's complicity and they fight. Having knocked out the broker, Larry pretends to be him when the Eel arrives. But the Eel isn't fooled and attempts to shoot him, but is shot by Anne, instead. When the story hits the papers, Larry is worried because they all refer to Anne as "Mrs. Doyle", meaning they'll have to get married, which is fine with them both.
Hong Jeong-hye is sentenced to serve 10 years in prison after killing her abusive husband. Pregnant at the time of her arrest, she gives birth to a baby boy behind bars but must give him up for adoption according to the law.
One day she sets out to start a choir with the help of Kim Moon-ok, a fellow inmate on death row for killing her adulterous husband and mistress. The prison chief promises her a special outing with her baby if she succeeds.
Isabelle is a young, ambitious, and talented executive working in the Paris office of an American corporation. Her immediate boss is Christine, equally ambitious, who presents Isabelle's work as her own to win a promotion to the firm's New York office. Tired of being upstaged, and with the aid of a sympathetic colleague, Daniel, Isabelle blindsides Christine with a secret project that the New York office enthusiastically endorses. Christine's New York promotion is subsequently withdrawn. Enraged by what she considers an act of disloyalty, Christine begins to psychologically torment Isabelle. Christine's lover, Philippe, works with the firm and is suspected of embezzling funds. Using this information against him, she blackmails Philippe into standing up Isabelle, with whom he is having an affair, leaving her inconsolable. Isabelle is then humiliated at a staff party in which security camera footage of her meltdown is presented to her colleagues.
Relaxing alone at home after hosting another soiree, Christine is stabbed to death by Isabelle, who plants evidence at the home implicating herself as the killer. With police pursuing the obvious motive that she was taking revenge for her various humiliations at the hands of Christine, Isabelle is arrested and, despite giving all the signs of being in the grips of a nervous breakdown, confesses to, and then is charged with, her murder. Awaiting sentencing in prison, Isabelle withdraws her confession, claiming it was made under duress and while heavily medicated. She begins to pick apart the circumstantial evidence implicating her guilt; scratches on her arm thought to be knife wounds were from a gardening accident, witnesses testify to seeing her at a cinema at the time of the murder and a kitchen knife thought to be the murder weapon is actually located in Isabelle's shed. The last piece of evidence is a torn strip of a scarf found at the murder scene, an item originally given to Isabelle by Christine as a gift. When Isabelle is able to produce an identical scarf, completely intact, at her home, she is cleared of the charges and released from prison.
Acting on a tip provided by Isabelle herself, police learn of Philippe's embezzlement, and a search of his property locates the remaining section of the scarf in his vehicle, planted there by Isabelle as part of an elaborate effort to frame him. He is arrested and charged. Isabelle, now free of both her nemeses, returns triumphantly to her company. Her loyal collaborator Daniel then reveals that he was aware of her game all along. Viewers are left to ponder what price he will exact for his silence, or whether she will silence him first.
Future Ted reminds his kids that ten years earlier he met the Slutty Pumpkin during the rooftop Halloween party, but lost the Kit Kat on which she had written her number and waited each year for her to appear again.
In October 2011, Ted sees the slutty pumpkin costume in the window of a shop, where the owner divulges the identity of the woman who rented it in 2001. Ted meets Naomi, the girl who wore the costume; she has also been searching for him, and they start dating. Ted realizes they have no chemistry and that he has no feelings for her, but he cannot bring himself to end the relationship so quickly after finally finding her. When Ted decides that he needs to break up with Naomi, he is stunned to see her wear the slutty pumpkin costume; he says that he loves her and they have sex. They arrive at the Halloween party on the roof wearing the costumes they wore when they first met. After Naomi consumes a Tootsie Roll cocktail, she confesses that she found their relationship as awkward as Ted did, but felt similarly resistant to ending it. They break up amicably.
Lily's judgement is impaired by the fact that she has "pregnancy brain", and impulsively decides she wants to live in the suburbs after she and Marshall are given her grandparents' house. Though Marshall wants to live in the suburbs, he does not want to take advantage of Lily's state of mind. Lily tries to trick Marshall into giving in due to the wholesomeness of the trick-or-treaters. When Lily realizes how her pregnancy brain has affected her ability to make decisions, evidenced by giving the trick-or-treaters a stapler, scissors, and a bottle of Pinot Noir instead of candy, resulting in the door being egged, she agrees to wait until she can think clearly before she and Marshall decide not whether they want to move.
Robin learns from Barney's father Jerome Whittaker that Barney's paternal grandmother was born in Manitoba, thus making Barney one-quarter Canadian. Barney is horrified and Robin teases him as revenge for all the mockery she endured from him due to his deep hatred for the country. She agrees to stop if Barney wears a Mountie costume for the Halloween party on the roof, but Barney resists and winds up wearing an American-themed boxing outfit. Robin points out that Barney is not uncomfortable on the cold rooftop in his shirtless costume, due to his Canadian ancestry. When he returns home later, a fantasy sequence ensues in which his Canadian side manifests physically and Barney futilely tries to beat him up; the Canadian version of Barney is unfailingly polite, friendly and unharmed throughout the attack.
Hermes starts performance reviews so that he may rid Planet Express of its worst employee, implying that this will be Zoidberg. Upon completing the review and finding the entire crew lackluster, Hermes determines he is the worst-performing employee, spending too much time reviewing performance. He fires himself and has the Central Bureaucracy replace him with a robot to handle the accounting for Planet Express.
Hermes begins to feel useless. This is compounded by the fact that he and LaBarbara are attacked by the psychotic robot Roberto and only saved by the robot police officer URL. After Roberto is executed, Hermes goes to a black market "upgrade" shop run by Yuri and obtains a robotic upgrade. He finds the upgrade helps to improve his life, and frequents the shop, upgrading his human body despite promises to LaBarbara and Dwight that he will stop. Eventually, he replaces all his human parts except his brain, proves he is more valuable than the robot put in his place, and returns to the Planet Express crew. The crew learns that Zoidberg has been getting Hermes' discarded parts and stitched his body up to use as a ventriloquist dummy named Little Hermes, turning it into a comedy act which impresses everyone but offends Hermes, who feels he needs to replace his brain with a computer.
When Yuri does not want to do the brain replacement, Hermes, Professor Farnsworth, and Bender head to the robot graveyard to exhume a robot body for a processor. Unbeknownst to them, the processor belongs to Roberto. For the procedure to work, Hermes locks his family and the Planet Express crew in the lab until Farnsworth completes the transplant. LaBarbara and Hermes' friends convince Farnsworth to stop this, but Zoidberg volunteers to complete the operation using Hermes' human body to help him. After the removal of the brain, LaBarbara is devastated, but Zoidberg reveals that he did it to bring her husband back, placing the brain in Little Hermes. Hermes comes back to life in his original body, realizing that he gave up his humanity for the pointless pursuit of perfectionism. The crew learns that the processor belongs to Roberto, who comes to life and reshapes his head. Wanting to eat Hermes' skin, Roberto uses the robot body to remove a piece of Hermes' skin, but discovers he cannot tolerate it because of LaBarbara's curried goat. Roberto's body melts. Encouraged by LaBarbara, Hermes thanks Zoidberg for restoring him.
Maleficent's unicorn is shown galloping through the forest.
At the wedding of Snow White (Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Joshua Dallas), the Evil Queen (Parrilla) announces her plan to cast a terrible curse on everyone. Despite the misgivings of the Magic Mirror (Esposito) and her valet (Tony Perez), she goes to see the sorceress Maleficent (Kristin Bauer van Straten), to whom she had traded a Dark Curse. Maleficent refuses to return the curse, but the Queen defeats her in a magical battle, taking the curse's scroll. She lets Maleficent live, stating that the sorceress is the only friend she has. Later in the forest, the Queen assembles a number of dark creatures. She demands a lock of hair from each of the assembly in order to cast the curse and sacrifices the heart of her prized stallion to complete the spell. The curse, however, fails.
To find out why the curse failed, the Queen turns to Rumpelstiltskin (Carlyle), the original owner of the curse. Rumpelstiltskin offers to help the Queen if, in turn, she makes him a wealthy and respected person in the new world and promises that she will do anything he asks so long as he says "please." The Queen agrees, reminding him that in the new world, they would have no recollection of their agreement. Rumpelstiltskin then tells the Queen that she must cut out the heart of the thing she loves the most and use it to complete the spell. The Queen protests that what she loved most died because of Snow White, but Rumpelstiltskin suggests that there is something else the Queen also loves. He also tells the Queen that he has informed Snow White and Prince Charming that their unborn daughter will be able to break the Queen's curse.
On returning to her castle, the Queen is distraught over what Rumpelstiltskin told her. She confides in her valet, who is revealed to be her father. Knowing he is the thing the Queen loves the most, her father tries to dissuade her from her plan, saying that she could still find love again. Appearing to be persuaded, the Queen pulls her father in for an embrace, then kills him and removes his heart, and immediately starts crying.
Alone in the forest, the Queen uses her father's heart to complete the Dark Curse. As the curse takes shape, she lays a black rose on her father's grave. The headstone bears the inscription "Henry, Beloved Father."
Around Storybrooke, residents notice the clock tower's hands moving. Regina (Parrilla) looks through the book of fairy tales and discovers that the last few pages are torn out. She confronts Henry (Jared S. Gilmore), who lies and says that the pages are missing because it is an old book. Regina learns Emma is still in town when the clock's hands move forward. Believing that Emma Swan (Morrison) will try to take Henry away from her, Regina encourages Emma to leave town. Regina meets with ''The Daily Mirror'' editor, Sidney Glass (Giancarlo Esposito), who has run a front-page story about Emma's auto accident (where she crashed into the "Welcome to Storybrooke" sign after trying to avoid hitting a wolf, and was believed to have been drunk driving), which portrays Emma in a poor light, but tells Regina that he has found very little of interest in Emma's past.
Henry tells Emma that he has a plan for them to break the curse, called "Operation Cobra". The first step is to associate his book's characters with each of the Storybrooke residents, as no one can remember their past. Henry explains to a skeptical Emma that she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Concerned about Henry, Emma goes to see his therapist, Archie Hopper (Raphael Sbarge). She is willingly given Henry's file, only to be arrested when Archie claims she stole it. Regina unsuccessfully tries to use the incident to divide Emma and Henry. Emma retaliates by attacking Regina's apple tree with a chainsaw, provoking another confrontation.
Back at the inn, Granny (Beverley Elliott) apologetically kicks Emma out, telling her they have a no-felons policy. Regina suggests to Emma that they meet at her office to make peace. Once there, Emma tells Regina that she does not plan to take Henry away, but that she is worried about Henry's sanity because of his "crazy" fairy-tale theory. Henry overhears Emma and runs away, hurt. Regina acknowledges that she knew Henry would arrive just in time to hear their conversation.
Emma later tells Henry that she thinks the curse is crazy, but that does not mean it is not true. She also tells him that in order to break the curse, they must keep Regina off their trail by making her think that they don't believe in the curse.
As Regina tends the apple tree, Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) offers to help Regina get rid of Emma, for a price. Regina says that she is not in the business of making deals with him anymore, and Gold acknowledges that she had made a deal with him in the past to procure Henry. He asks Regina how she chose the name Henry; she does not answer. She questions him about Emma's past, and he is equally evasive. When Gold attempts to walk away, Regina presses him for an answer, causing Gold to say "please", forcing Regina to obey. As Gold walks away, Regina watches in shock and worry, suggesting that she suspects that Gold remembers their lives in the Enchanted Forest.
The plot in the style of a detective story of the noir crime genre is set in the USA of the 1930s. The player takes a role of a private detective, Sam Harlow. His ex-wife Rita Sweeney has been kidnapped, and he tries to free her. In the process, he is pursued by gangsters who are after his life.
Germain is a 45-year-old, illiterate handyman. As a child, he was bullied at school for being a slow reader, by both the teachers and other students. His mother kept reminding him that he was clumsy and an unwanted child, and did not give him much love. He is a loyal man, with a good heart. He lives in a trailer he parks close to his mother's house, where he cultivates a vegetable garden. He earns some extra money by selling his vegetables at the weekly farmers' market, borrowing a truck from the bar where he is a regular customer with his friends. His girl friend Annette is a younger woman who drives the local bus; she truly loves this sweet, simple and loving man.
One afternoon Germain meets Margueritte, a delicate, 95-year-old woman who sits on the same bench with him to feed pigeons. He has observed the 19 birds so often that he knows each and has named them. He sees that she is highly educated, and learns she had worked as a scientist with the World Health Organization. She lives in a retirement home in the village and reads frequently. They connect over a text from ''The Plague'' by Albert Camus. Because Germain is barely literate, Margueritte starts to read the book aloud to him. Slowly he starts to appreciate the beauty of words and sentences, because he is a good listener and he has a vivid imagination. Germain is affected by the symbolism Camus uses in this philosophical novel, expanding his horizons. The pair meet every day to continue their reading sessions. A friendship develops. Margueritte eventually gives him her old dictionary. In it he tries to find words that he's interested in, but because he can't spell, he finds the dictionary too frustrating. He decides to return it when Margueritte invites him to her place for tea.
She tells him that her eyesight is gradually fading, and that she will soon no longer be able to walk unassisted. Germain decides to reverse roles and try to read to her, but first he must improve his reading skills. With Annette's support he learns to read a story aloud to Margueritte. Shortly thereafter, Germain finds his mother dead at home, and is distraught.
At the notary, he learns that his mother owned her house, which he had thought she rented. She had accumulated a sizeable fortune from strict saving, and always intended to bequeath that to him, but had never told him. Meanwhile, Annette announces she is pregnant. Germain had hesitated to have children, believing he could not offer them enough. Annette tells him not to worry: he can give love. When Margueritte is forced to leave her retirement home for a lesser one in Flanders, she puts aside her dictionary for Germain. He traces her down and brings her back to live with him at his mother's house. On their return, he reads her a poem written for her.
In the very near future, a group of three conspirators capture a very special android named Guernica. The scientists bring her to a deserted warehouse, and tie her to cot, with a protective covering over her mouth. One assisting researcher (Harima) is left to guard the Guernica, but the android secretes a reality-altering substance, causing Harima to slowly lose his mind. The lead researcher and his female colleague (Norris) apparently have just escaped and are on their way back to the warehouse. Norris tries calling Harima and discovers that something must be wrong. They proceed carefully into the warehouse where they discover that Harima has gone crazy and now wants to kill them. Harima makes it to Guernica, who suddenly sits up and blows dust all over him. After this point the movie turns extremely surreal. Guernica's body slowly disappears into dust, fighting and shooting are laced with hallucinations and end in a final act of violence.
Even though dialogue plays a rather minor role in the film, only about quarter of it is actually translated in English.
The script of Death Powder is available online.
Labbé, a hatter in a French provincial town, appears to lead the life of a respectable citizen but is in fact a serial murderer. The only person to suspect this is his neighbour, Kachoudas, an Armenian tailor. After Labbé kills his own wife, he kills six of her friends to stop them from visiting her and prepares to murder a seventh, who dies naturally. As a substitute, he murders the maid. Labbé soon confesses his crime to the dying Kachoudas. After getting drunk, he visits his favourite prostitute, Berthe, and kills her; he is found at the scene of the crime in the morning by police.
In Nazi occupied France, Jean Blomart sits by a bed in which his lover Hélène lies dying. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn about both characters and their relationship to each other. As a young man filled with guilt about his privileged middle-class life, Jean joins the Communist Party and breaks from his family, determined to make his own way in life. After the death of a friend in a political protest, for which he feels guilty, Jean quits the Party and concentrates on trade union activities. Hélène is a young designer who works in her family's confectionery shop and is dissatisfied with her conventional romance with her fiance Paul. She contrives to meet Jean, and although he initially rejects her, they form a relationship after she has an abortion following a reckless liaison with another man. Jean tells Hélène he loves her even though he believes he does not. He proposes to her and she accepts.
When France enters World War II, Jean, conceding the need for violent conflict to effect change, becomes a soldier. Hélène intervenes against his will to arrange a safe posting for him. Angry with her, Jean breaks their relationship. As the German forces advance towards Paris, Hélène flees and witnesses the suffering of other refugees. Returning to Paris, she briefly takes up with a German who could advance her career, but soon sees what her countrymen are suffering. She also witnesses the roundup of Jews. Securing the safety of her Jewish friend Yvonne leads Hélène back to Jean, who has become a leader in a Resistance group. She is moved to join the group. Jean has reconnected with his father with the common goal to liberate France from Germany. His mother, however, is less impressed by the lives lost to the Resistance.
Hélène is shot in a resistance activity and during Jean's night vigil at her side, he examines his love for Hélène and the wider consequences of his actions. As morning dawns, Hélène dies and Jean decides to continue with acts of resistance.
The story is a fictional account of what might happen if a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) of 2,200 men were to be somehow transported through time from their base in modern-day Kabul, Afghanistan to the time of the Roman Empire when being ruled by Augustus Caesar, appearing near the Tiber River in 23 BC with their full allotment of equipment - M1 Abrams battle tanks, bulletproof vests, M249 SAW light machine guns, M16A4 rifles, and grenades, but with no way to resupply with fuel or ammunition when depleted.
''Popular Mechanics'' spoke with Erwin about his story concept of a modern Marine unit confronting Roman legions in battle, and then discussed the concept with Adrian Goldsworthy, an expert on Roman military history. In comparing a Marine Mechanized Infantry Unit, typically containing about 2,200 troops, along with associated artillery and vehicles, to that of the Roman legions, which at that time consisted of nearly 330,000 men armored in either heavy leather or in metal, carrying swords and javelins as weapons, and operating ballistae and crossbows as their long distance weapons, Goldsworthy noted that Roman armor would be useless against rifle rounds and grenades:
Since they nonetheless would lack the necessary manpower, the Marines could not expect to "control Rome itself—with a population of a million or so—let alone the wider empire."
American Henry Miller enjoys a wide variety of sexual escapades while also working hard to establish himself as a serious writer in Paris.
Hamato Yoshi is a member of the Foot Clan led by Oroku Saki during Japan's feudal period. After seeing Saki act ruthlessly, Yoshi leaves the Clan and is marked a traitor, and Saki orders Yoshi's entire family to be put to death. Yoshi's wife, Tang Shen, is attacked and severely wounded, and with her last breath she beseeches Yoshi to protect himself and the children. He flees with the boys and remains on the run for several years. Saki, who will later be known as Shredder, eventually finds Yoshi and his children, and murders them all.
Yoshi and his sons' spirits are reincarnated in modern times as a gray rat and four green turtles in a research laboratory called ''Stock Gen'', owned by Baxter Stockman, a scientist who has secretly allied himself with Krang. An intern at Stock Gen, April O'Neil, names the turtles after Renaissance artists: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. Members of the Foot Clan break into the facility to steal an alien mutagen. The animals are taken by mistake, and when they and the stolen mutagen get lost in the sewer, they are covered with the spilled mutagen and transformed into enlightened, humanoid beings.
Yoshi, now called Splinter, remembers his past life and begins to train the turtles in the art of ninjutsu. Unfortunately, the seemingly trivial event which led to the creation of the Turtles and Splinter is part of an escalating conflict between several powers trying to take control of the Earth: * The Foot Clan, with their leader Shredder, who has survived into the new age due to the machinations of the shape-shifting witch Kitsune; * The Utrom warlord Krang, who plans to terraform Earth into a new home for the last survivors of his race; * The zealous government agent John Bishop, leader of the Earth Protection Force, who seeks to eradicate mutantkind and aliens; * The mysterious Madame Null and her enterprise ''Null Group'', a business conglomerate with its hands in many ventures and ties to other dimensions which deliberately creates mutants as a slave workforce; * A mysterious Pantheon of immortal creatures, with some of them are seeking to subvert humanity to their will, as they once did in bygone times. Finding new allies as they go, the Turtles are forced to strive against enemies and save the world from total destruction as this many-fold conflict begins to spin out of control.
With a mutagen bomb attack by Hob on the New York populace during Baxter Stockman's inauguration as the city's new mayor, the world's public is made aware of the existence of mutants. A ghetto called Mutant Town is erected in the heart of Manhattan to quarantine them, with Hob and his Mutanimals exercising loose political control over its inhabitants. The Turtles and their friends unite to make Mutant Town both a better place to live in and a hub of tolerance and communication with the outside world,but new conflicts begin to emerge: Zom becomes pregnant and gives birth to a daughter, hailing a new era for the Triceratons, but also stirring hostility in the radical Utrom Ch'rell The Punk Frogs, a street gang of mutant frogs, attack the Turtles and burn the dojo, believing that they took away one of their members, Bonnie a mad mutant surgeon by the name of Jasper Barlow tries to "improve" on mutantkind the Rat King, eager to see his family's power game brought to a conclusion, attempts to unleash his own twisted version of Armageddon on mankind
The series reimagines the origins of the Turtles, as well as other characters such as April O'Neil, Splinter, The Shredder, Casey Jones, and Baxter Stockman. Notably, the series, like the original Mirage version, initially gives all four Turtles red eye masks until issue #5, where Splinter gives Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo their well-known blue, purple and orange masks, respectively, with Raphael keeping his signature red.
The series features characters and plot devices from throughout the ''TMNT'' franchise, including: * Tang Shen, Karai, the Purple Dragons, the Utroms, the Triceratons, the Rat King, Professor Honeycutt, Leatherhead, Renet, Savanti Romero, the vigilante Nobody, Klunk, Chet, the Pantheon, Louis Braunze and Seri from the Mirage Comics; * Antoine Puzorelli (here named "Antonio") from the Volume 3 series by Image Comics; * Dimension X, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, Slash, Metalhead, the Technodrome, the Neutrinos, the Stone Soldiers, the Roadkill Rodneys, Mutagen Man, Antrax, Dark Water, ''Channel 6'', Burne Thompson, Vernon Fenwick, Irma Langinstein, the Punk Frogs, Mona Lisa, Don Turtelli and Big Louie, Groundchuck and Dirtbag from the 1987 cartoon series; * the Mighty Mutanimals, the Warrior Dragon, Null, the Gang of Four, Wyrm, Manmoth, Maligna and the Malignoids, Ace Duck, Cryin' Houn', Stump, Sling, Bob and Carmen, and the Nova Posse from the Archie Comics series; * Ch'rell (alias the Utrom Shredder), Angel, Hun, Agent Bishop and the Earth Protection Force, Darius Dun, the Street Phantoms, the Battle Nexus Tournament and the Triceraton invasion of Earth from the 2003 cartoon series; * Pigeon Pete and the monicker "Hamato Clan" from the 2012 CGI series; Tokka and Rahzar from the feature films; Venus De Milo from ''Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation''; *Fred Hamster and Ferd (by name) from the Palladium Books role-playing game.
It has also introduced new characters, such as: * '''Old Hob''', a mutated alley cat and former enemy of Master Splinter, now founder and leader of the Mutanimals gang. Stemming from his bitter personal experience with humans, Hob intends to prepare for what he perceives an inevitable war between mutants and humans, eventually resorting to terroristic means to recruit his Mutanimals army. * '''Alopex''', a mutant polar fox who begins her new life as an assassin of the Foot Clan, but later becomes a friend of the Turtles and Raphael's romantic interest. It is later revealed that she was intended to be a pawn for Kitsune, a role Alopex eventually rebelled against. * '''Woody Dirkins''', a young pizzeria employee and one of the first human friends of the Turtles. He later develops a crush on Angel after meeting her at the Turtles' Christmas party. * '''Harold Lillja''', a middle-aged and highly paranoid, but extremely gifted inventor who befriends the Turtle family through Donatello. * '''Kitsune''', a shape-shifting immortal witch, sister of the Rat King and the youngest member of the Pantheon, who has helped the Shredder through the ages with the intention of making him the new host for the Pantheon's long-lost patriarch, the Dragon, and who seeks the destruction of humanity so that only the Pantheon will remain masters of Earth. * '''Takeshi Tatsuo''', a samurai from medieval Japan who became the founder of the Foot Clan. Betrayed by his clanspeople for his ruthlessness, but aided by Kitsune, he was reborn in the body of Oroku Saki/the Shredder. * '''Oroku Maji and Masato''', two ''chunin'' of the Foot Clan who brought down Takeshi Tatsuo for his bloodthirsty ways and were later killed by his reincarnation, Maji's son Saki. * '''Kid Demon''' (or just "'''Kid'''"), a lesser demon and guardian of ''Yomi'' who encounters the Shredder during his journeys into the afterlife. * '''Koya and Bludgeon''', two loyal mutated henchmen of the Foot Clan: Shredder's pet reconnaissance falcon and a hammerhead shark. * '''Toshiro''', an elderly mentor of the Foot Clan who is often consulted by Karai for his wisdom and serenity. * '''Lindsey Baker''', a former aspiring biochemist researcher at ''Stock Gen'', later recruited by Old Hob to create his mutant army. She is also the first ''TMNT'' character in an official storyline to be outed as a lesbian. * '''Herman''', a mutated hermit crab and member of Hob's Mutanimals gang with a soldier's personality and bearing who acts as the Mutanimals' "tank". * '''Sally Pride''', a mutated lioness and talented vehicle operator, and initially a member of Hob's Mutanimals gang. However, after becoming displeased with Hob's methods, she defects to the Turtles' side and later becomes Mutant Town's first mayor. * '''Brooklyn S. Bridge''', Angel's father and a former member of the Purple Dragons who now runs a bar named ''Skara Brae''. * '''Kara Lewis''', a young New York police officer and a friend of Michelangelo and Casey Jones. Because of her personal experiences with mutants, she is made an NYPD liaison to Agent Bishop, but she strongly disapproves of his fanatically hostile attitudes towards all mutants. * '''Ma'riell''', a moderate-minded Utrom who disapproves of her brother Ch'rell's brutality and loyalty to Krang. After the Utroms' revival on Earth, she becomes their official leader. * '''Lieutenant Kleve''' and '''Corporal Montuoro''', two Utrom military officers and loyal followers of Krang. After Krang is killed by Leatherhead during the conclusion of his war crime trial on Neutrino, they revive Krang's loyal second-in-command, Ch'rell, from his stasis sleep. * '''Chi-You''', a temperamental member of the Pantheon and the template for the ancient Chinese war deity of the same name. * '''Aka''', the eldest member of the Pantheon who is amicably neutral in human affairs. * '''Jennika''', a young Foot Assassin. Initially loyal only to the clan than its leader, she now pledges her service to the Foot's new leader, Splinter and his sons. In time, she begins a relationship with Casey Jones. When she is fatally stabbed by Karai, she is administered Leonardo's mutagen-infused blood in order to speed her healing, but is in the process transformed into a mutant turtle and joins the Ninja Turtles as a fifth member. * '''Libby Meitner''', an inventor and Harold's former wife and partner, who betrayed him for her own profit and has become the chief engineer for Darius Dun and his Street Phantoms. She has since made up with Harold, but his concern about her welfare has caused Harold to break his ties with the Turtles until Donatello eventually manages to reconcile with him. * '''Pepperoni''', a baby protoceratops befriended by Raphael. Originally from the Cretaceous period, she met the Turtles during a couple of time-travelling adventures with Renet and accompanied them back to the present day, where she stays as a pet. * '''Anchovi''', a young velociraptor or deinonychus picked up by the Turtles and Renet during the ''Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything!'' storyline, and later Bebop and Rocksteady's companion in the ''Hit the Road!'' miniseries. * '''Jill Amante''', Lindsey's ex-girlfriend and a leading geneticist at ''Null Industries''. * '''Zodi''', a female scorpion mutant created by ''Null Industries'' as a secret operative. * '''Doctor Shevlin''', the Earth Protection Force's leading technical scientist. * '''Maureen Lin''', a young New York Police Detective who befriends Michelangelo while looking for her missing brother-in-law, who is revealed to have been killed by Wyrm. * '''Toad Baron''', a hedonistic member of the Pantheon who strives to be the perfect host for anyone who enters his realm, even against their will. '''Alberto, Franz and Bob''', the Toad Baron's anthropomorphic frog servants. * '''The Dragon''': The allfather of the Pantheon, and a child of Brahma, who was entrapped in the netherworld by his sister, The Dreamer. Kitsune seeks to restore him to his "rightful" place on Earth (despite her siblings' opposition) by using Shredder as his host. * '''The Dreamer''': A daughter of Brahma, the allmother of the Pantheon, and the Dragon's opposite in the aspect of creating and preserving life, whereas the Dragon stands for the destruction of life. She entered sleep and watched humanity through her dreams; when the Dragon perverted them, she imprisoned him in Oroku Saki's soul to neutralize him. * '''Gothano''', a Cthulhu-esque, soft-voiced member of the Pantheon who wreathes himself in a black robe. * '''Ocho''': A yokai guardian of the ''Kira no Ken''. She was transformed by Kitsune into a giant anthropomorphic mole, and quartered in the last chamber of the cave where the sword resided. She joins Karai's entourage when she receives the sword. * '''Hayashi Natsu''': A young woman who was a part of a Japanese Yakuza clan, but has since sworn allegiance to Karai. She is a femalized new version of Tatsu, a character from the 1990 and 1991 live-action films. * '''Hakk-R''', a cyborg bounty hunter and assassin from Dimension X, hired by Krang to dispose of accusatorial witnesses before his trail. * '''Commander Zom''', a commanding Triceraton officer and General Zog's love interest, who seeks to establish a home for her people – who were artificially created from Terran triceratops DNA as a slave race for the Utroms – and therefore becomes an inadvertent menace to Earth. * '''Krisa''', a python mutated to serve the ''Null Industries''. * '''The Foot Orphans''': A group of pre-adolescent New York children orphaned during the Triceraton invasion who were saved from the Rat King by the Turtles and entrusted with their master Splinter, who was at that time master of the Foot Clan. After Karai's hostile takeover of the Foot, they are evacuated to Dimension X, where they are taken in by the Neutrinos. * '''Wayne Bishop''', the former founder and director of the Earth Protection Force, and father of its current director, Agent John Bishop. After investigating the Roswell incident, he used the technology and alien (Utrom) DNA recovered from the site to aid his son, a preemie, which left John intellectually fully developed but physically a stunted, dwarfish mutant. Long a retiree, Wayne is killed by his son when Hob attempts to use him as a bargaining chip for Slash's release. * '''Special Agent Ravenwood''', a member of the Earth Protection Force. She is revealed to be the result of a secret government experiment which split her body into six separate entities with a collective consciousness, and bestowed her with superhuman strength, body elasticity, and longevity. Her state makes her empathize with other mutants, including (at least initially) the miscreants Bebop and Rocksteady. The '''Inhabitants of Mutant Town''': ** '''Lita''', a small New York child mutated into an albino turtle who is taken in by Clan Hamato. She was named after the rockstar Lita Ford.''TMNT'' #113 (IDW) (January 20, 2021) In an alternate future, she is shown as an orphan after a catastrophic chain of events leads to the break-up of her adopted family, and she was subsequently taken in and trained as a time mistress by Renet and is able to go back in time to rectify this mistake. '''Zanna, Zink and Mushroom''', three mutant weasel children bred by Hob to serve as merchandise for the Foot Clan in exchange for vital supplies. After escaping their captivity, they are taken in by Clan Hamato. '''Sheena''', a mutant pig and hard rock singer in Mutant Town, who befriends Jennika through their mutual passion for music and later becomes her girlfriend. '''Ivan''', a mutant bat and small-time criminal dealer in Mutant Town. '''Silas''', a mutant muskrat and Jennika's ex-boyfriend from her time before the Foot Clan. '''The Road Hogs''', a group of mutant pig bikers under the leadership of '''Tusk'''. '''Jo''', a mutant orca who becomes a friend to the Turtles. '''Jay''', a grim mutant poison dart frog. The '''Mutanimal Enforcers''', a gang of bullying mutants recruited by Hob to "keep the order" in Mutant Town. Known members include ** '''Diamond''', a mutant porcupine, who was dismissed for acting against Hob's orders; ** '''Puggle''' and '''Bandit''', respectively a mutant platypus and raccoon, and a partnered couple; ** '''Stone''', a mutant octopus, and '''Night''', his lemur partner '''Antoni Rosetti Junior''', the young son of a mafioso who was assassinated by Jennika while she was still human. He was raised by his ambitious mother, who wanted him to ascend as head of his crime family until she was trapped in Mutant Town and later tries to enlist the now-mutated Jennika to train him. Antoni and Jennika become friends, even after Antoni learns about their common past, and after escaping his mother, Jennika gives Antoni into April O'Neil's custody. '''Lola Cruz''', a journalist who is eager to score a story about life in Mutant Town. '''Doctor Jasper Barlow''', a mutant albino mouse, surgeon and self-declared "scientific researcher" who pursues a twisted idea of "improving" mutants with cybernetic implants or combining body parts into wholly new Frankenstein-like creatures.
With a spring in his step, Charlie notifies the gang that he's written a musical. Dennis and Mac quiz Charlie over his motivations, but the gang want to play the parts that Charlie has written for them purely out of their own vanity.
Since he is functionally illiterate, Charlie enlists the help of Dee's friend Artemis to transcribe the script into something legible. The gang squabble over which parts to play. Initially, Mac is excited to play The Dayman, but Dennis goads him into trading parts. Frank is cast as the troll and Dee is picked to play the princess.
Dee is concerned over the subject matter of her song's lyrics, contending they sound like she molests children with a rusty fork. Charlie also tries in vain to get Frank to say "boy's soul" rather than "boy's hole" in his song.
Charlie tracks down The Waitress, giving her a ticket and telling her that he will never bother her again if she attends.
On the night of the show, the gang is excited to perform for an audience. However, some drama ensues when Dee ad-libs a song clarifying that she's not interested in children, much to Charlie's chagrin. Mac gets laughs when he comes on stage as The Nightman, much to his dismay.
The Troll sings to The Nightman that he has to pay the Troll Toll to get the boy's soul, although Frank's pronunciation results in him saying "hole" instead of "soul." Mac hops onto Dennis in bed, who points out that Mac has an erection. Dennis transforms into the Dayman and kills the Troll with a handgun. The Dayman fights the Nightman and pulls his heart out. The remaining cast members then join together for an ensemble reprise of "Dayman," which Dennis and Charlie came up with in the earlier episode "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person"
Following "The Dayman" reprise, Charlie swoops down from a sun from above the stage, wearing a yellow outfit, singing "Marry Me" to The Waitress as a wedding proposal to her. This awkward moment reveals his true motivation in penning and putting on an entire musical. Unsurprisingly, Charlie's gambit is all for naught, as she declines his proposal and storms out.
A CEO falls mysteriously ill just days before he signs a contract that would relocate his company's entire labor force to China. In a bid to restore funding to his department, House attempts to make an underhanded business transaction with his wealthy patient. However, when the patient's condition worsens, the team must work around the clock to save his life.
Meanwhile, Park (Charlyne Yi) prepares for her hearing with the Princeton Plainsboro Disciplinary Committee chaired by Foreman (Omar Epps), but it soon becomes clear to her that House's concerns for her future are based solely on the bet he has placed against her. Adams' (Odette Annable) outlook on her patient's business venture reveals her deeper feelings about loyalty. Meanwhile, House must once again contemplate an important choice – risk going back to prison or letting orthopedics get away with pranking him.
Prison warden Dr. Fazetti (Leander Haußmann) is confident about having found a striking new concept for the rehabilitation of prisoners by offering them the chance to take a break from their sentence if only they can find a trustworthy woman who takes care of them and vouches for them. The convicts Steinbock (Til Schweiger) and Hammer-Gerd (Detlev Buck) succeed in doing so. However, since they are tough guys stamped by prison fights they have their issues when it comes to discipline and it is particularly hard for them to have a lady as boss. However, Steinbock falls in love with Emilia (Marie Bäumer) and Hammer-Gerd promotes Maren's career as a singer. (Heike Makatsch, who played Maren, would later in 2009 play the German actress and singer Hildegard Knef in a biopic called ''Hilde''.) Eventually they have go back behind bars but Emilia and Maren are now waiting for them.
Clark and Summer, a young married couple, are on their way to see Summer's parents. Their car has a blowout and, as they do not have a spare tire, the couple decides to walk onwards and find help. Upon arriving at a small collection of buildings, they realise that the town is abandoned. It isn't long before a drifter in a cowboy hat comes along. The stranger introduces himself as Joseph, and immediately overshadows Clark with his personality and style. That evening, around a campfire, the three talk: Summer shows Joseph a photo of her older son, Ben, who is Clark's stepson, while Joseph talks about how unlike Clark - who is a slave to society — he is himself, being beholden to no one but God.
The next morning, Joseph suggests that he and Clark walk back to the couple's car and siphon off the gas, then continue on to Joseph's truck and leave the area. Summer wants to accompany them, but Joseph and Clark both say that in her delicate condition, she should remain. Joseph pulls out a revolver and teaches Summer how to use it, touching her in an intimate way. Clark is obviously furious, but he and Joseph still set off together. On the way, Joseph continually mocks Clark for his weaknesses, claiming to know everything about him. Clark is convinced that Joseph is a fanatical, religious hippie. When they arrive, Joseph tells Clark that everything he is about to go through is his own fault, because of his sins, then disappears. Clark opens the trunk of his car to find Ben's rotting body, buzzing with flies. He is horrified, then realises that he has left Summer alone and rushes back.
Meanwhile, Summer has found a room in one of the abandoned buildings with photographs on the wall, including her photo of Ben, with a cross scratched over his face. She turns to find that Joseph is in the room with her. She attempts to shoot him, but the gun he gave her is unloaded. Joseph subdues her and uses a razor to carve a cross into her forehead, saying that she will have the mark forever and will remember what happened there. She begs to know why he is doing this and he claims that it is God's will. At that moment, Clark arrives and attacks Joseph, beating him to the ground.
When Joseph regains consciousness, he is tied to a chair. Clark demands to know how they can escape the town, but Joseph won't say. Clark takes a pair of pliers and cuts off one of Joseph's fingers in order to make him talk. Finally Joseph admits that he is an avenging angel, sent to punish the wicked for their sins. He suggests that Clark tell Summer what was in the trunk of their car but Clark says it was nothing. Joseph then agrees to help them as long as he can first show them something down by the river. Just past the water tower, there is a field of rough, wooden crosses, marking graves. Summer asks if Joseph killed all those people but he claims that he never killed anyone; all did it to themselves and every one of them deserved it.
Further into the makeshift graveyard, there are three empty graves. Joseph again exhorts Clark to tell Summer what his sin is. When Clark refuses, Joseph loads the gun and hands it to Summer, reiterating that she need only cock it and squeeze the trigger. Receiving no response to Joseph's repeated question, Summer assumes it has something to do with Ben and finally shoots Clark. When she asks what she has done to deserve this pain, Joseph tells her that her sin is apathy: she knew something was wrong but did nothing about it.
Joseph raises his hand to the sky and murmurs a prayer, and his finger reappears. His face is no longer wounded and bloody. Leaving Summer at the graveyard with the gun, he walks off. Summer attempts to shoot herself, but there had been only one bullet in the chamber.
Britta's (Gillian Jacobs) anonymous personality tests indicate that one study group member is deeply disturbed and homicidal. She tries to identify the individual by observing the group's reactions to a horror story. In her story, a couple, played by Britta and Jeff (Joel McHale), makes out in a car until an escaped psychopath attacks. Abed (Danny Pudi) criticizes the story as cliched and offers an improved version. The group proceeds to tell their own "horror" stories, all taking place in a cabin.
In Abed's story, he and Britta visit a secluded cabin. Abed takes every logical precaution, such as bringing a radio and awaiting the escaped psychopath by standing back-to-back holding knives, boring everyone. In Annie's (Alison Brie) romantic story, she is a schoolteacher who tames Jeff, a vampire, by teaching him how to read. When Jeff turns on Annie, she reveals herself to be a werewolf and mutilates him, horrifying the group. In Troy's (Donald Glover) story, he and Abed are fighter pilots who encounter a crazed doctor, Pierce (Chevy Chase), who sews them together. However, this gives Troy and Abed psychokinetic powers, with which they knock Pierce unconscious. As revenge, they sew Pierce's buttocks to his chest and swap his hands and feet, creeping out the group. In Pierce's story, he is a stud surrounded by sultry versions of Annie, Shirley (Yvette Nicole Brown), and Britta. When Abed and Troy, as stereotypical hood film characters, invade his home, Pierce easily subdues them, baffling the group. In Shirley's story, the Rapture occurs while the other group members party and use drugs. The Devil, portrayed by Dean Pelton (Jim Rash), enters, but Shirley holds him off temporarily before rising to Heaven, leaving the others to be tortured, offending the group.
Bored, the group tries to leave. Britta stops them by revealing the test results and explaining how the disturbed individual could kill them. Her gruesome descriptions and the flickering lights create alarm. To calm everyone down, Jeff tells a story wherein a hookman attacks the group. After questioning by Jeff, the hookman reveals himself to be Chang (Ken Jeong) and asks for a hug, and the group accepts him warmly. Jeff's story, however, fails to calm his friends, as they think he's trying to divert attention away from himself. Jeff admits he filled out his test paper randomly, frustrating the group. Annie checks the papers and realizes Britta scanned them upside down. The corrected results reveal that every group member except one is crazy. The group decides not to determine who it is so they can each hope they are the sane one. The final shot reveals that Abed was the one member of the group who tested as sane.
A race-car driver whose career is on the skids because of his drinking falls for a rich society girl. That motivates him to clean up his act and resume his career, but it may be too late for that.
As described in a film magazine, Corporal Jack Borden (Hart) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is assigned to arrest Phil Lawson (Roseman), a crooked mine promoter, on suspicion of murder. Discarding his uniform, Jack follows Phil to New York City and overtakes him just in time to rescue a stenographer from Lawson's clutches. Lawson escapes and, with Jack on his trail, foes to an underworld retreat. Jack overtakes him and is victorious in another battle, but the promoter escapes again. Still on his trail, Jack follows his man back to Canada where, after several fistfights, he finally captures Lawson and sent to pay for his crimes. Jack is finally able to return to his wife Milly (Palmer), from whom he has been long separated.
The sisters of the legendary Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, are nearing completion of a chapel, but architect, contractor, and laborers have all omitted stairs to the choir loft. This becomes a source of disagreement and contention between all parties until one day a mysterious drifter, Joad, arrives in town and is hired by the Reverend Mother Madalyn to design and build the staircase.
In order to afford their dream house, newlyweds Jen and Mitch Mckenzie ask their best friend Danny to move in with them. The plan works beautifully until Danny brings home Blair, a stunning and beautiful temptress. Blair tries to seduce Mitch with her beauty and sex appeal when she is with Danny. This makes Mitch make behavioral changes towards Jen. Later, Blair electrocutes Danny in his bath tub. Then, it is revealed that Blair's earlier boyfriends had also died in some way after meeting her. After Danny's death Mitch allows Blair to stay in the house and is falling to her temptations. This widens the gap between Jen and him. Jen leaves the house and starts working as head chef in a hotel.
In a market store, Blair is confronted by Sharon who tries to blackmail her and warns her that she knows how she killed her boyfriends just for their money. On their next meeting, Blair kills Sharon and hides her body in the house. Later that night Blair, tries to seduce Mitch but he refuses her, remembering of Jen. Angered by his reaction, Blair then tries to kill him but is interrupted by the arrival of Jen back at the house. A fight ensues between the two and Blair is killed by Jen when she is run over by Jen's car. Mitch is saved and both unite when the police arrive at the scene.
The assembled student body of South Park Elementary is informed that they have scored the lowest in the entire country on the Presidential Fitness Test due to Eric Cartman's extremely poor health, which single-handedly ruined what would have been the school's otherwise acceptable average; as punishment, the students are forced to alternate physical education in place of recess for four weeks. When they rebuke Cartman for this, he accuses them of being "the 99%" that is "ganging up" on him, the 1%, but when Craig Tucker dismissively tells him to go home and cry to his stuffed animals as usual, Cartman does just that. As he commiserates with his five stuffed animals, he carries on an imaginary conversation with them. When the toys "tell" him that the Fitness Test is Barack Obama's fault, Cartman concludes that he is being blamed because it is politically incorrect to blame a black president, even accusing the student-filled cafeteria of being a "99% rally" being held against him.
This inspires Butters Stotch and Jimmy Valmer to form a 99% club to protest their being punished for Cartman's poor health. An angry group of fifth graders agrees, saying that it is time to make Cartman suffer. When the head of the Colorado Division of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition refuses to drop Cartman's test scores from the school's average, Butters and Jimmy stage a two-man protest outside his office that despite its size, attracts the attention of the police, who create a two square mile perimeter around them, and the news media, who mistakenly report that they are occupying the Red Robin two doors down from the Council office.
Meanwhile, Cartman discovers his beloved stuffed animals being mutilated and destroyed one by one, beginning with his long-beloved Clyde Frog, nailed to a tree with his stuffing ripped out, and the word "VENGEANCE" written beneath him. Cartman regards his animals' destruction as their "murders", and even holds a funeral service for Clyde Frog. When Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick ask the fifth-graders whether they are behind the mutilations, they do not give a straightforward answer, but state that Cartman has had a comeuppance coming his way for a long time, and that because Stan and the other fourth-graders have failed to rein in Cartman's problematic behavior, the fifth-graders have something big planned to remedy the problem, in which they warn Stan and his friends not to interfere. When Peter Panda, another of Cartman's toys, is destroyed by a fire set in Cartman's bedroom one night, he seeks refuge with his three surviving stuffed animals at Token Black's house, because, according to Cartman, black people are not subject to criticism or harassment.
Meanwhile, the fifth-graders stage an "83%" protest right next to Butters and Jimmy's 99% protest, proclaiming that as the 83%, they are tired of being punished for the fourth grade class. This begins an argument between the two groups that degenerates into a physical altercation that media characterize as "class warfare".
Despite being at Tolkien's mansion, Cartman discovers Muscle Man Marc melted in a boiling pot of water and Rumper Tumpskin chained to a wall with explosives, which Cartman triggers with a tripwire. He finds the remaining toy, a doll named Polly Prissypants, sitting in an armchair with a revolver, claiming responsibility for all the toy "murders". Polly "explains" that she did this because his friends were right when they said that he needed to grow up. Unbeknownst to him, Cartman's stunned friends watch the bizarre scene unfold from a balcony, as do Cartman's mother and Token's parents from outside a window. Cartman is incredulous that Polly murdered her friends, but Polly explains they were holding her and Cartman back, and that now, with the latter deaths occurring at Tolkien's house, the blame will fall on him, while she and Cartman can grow up together. When Cartman points out that black people cannot be blamed for anything any more, Polly realizes her catastrophic error, and convinces Cartman to shoot her to death in order to escape blame himself, which Cartman tearfully does. Shocked at what they have just witnessed, Stan asks "what the hell?" Kyle, knowing how psychologically disturbed Cartman is, explains, "We told him to grow up so he got rid of his stuffed animals".
The protests eventually fall apart, as the 99% and 83% are replaced by various smaller percentages, according to a reporter, who then rushes away when he is informed that protestors are now "occupying" a Macaroni Grill.
The series follows the plight of Ra'Nell as he navigates the pitfalls of living on the crime-filled Summerhouse estate after his mother, Lisa, is admitted to a mental hospital. Ra'Nell, who has gained a reputation around the estate for his volatile behaviour after stabbing his abusive father, is quiet and closed-off. While his mother is in hospital, he is cared for by her close friend, Leon, who was once a respected enforcer of the estate, but has since put his past behind him. Meanwhile, Lisa's friend Heather enlists Ra'Nell's help to grow a cannabis crop so she can earn enough money to move out of the estate and raise her unborn child somewhere safer.
Meanwhile, his best friend, Gem, finds himself in over his head when he begins to work as a drug dealer for Summerhouse kingpins Dushane and Sully. Gem is easily coerced and finds himself at the mercy of their trusted enforcer, Dris, who is ruthless and violent.
Dushane and Sully run the estate together with relative ease, but when Kamale, a rival drug dealer from London Fields, steals a large amount of their supply, they are forced to hunt down the thief before their supplier, Bobby Raikes, takes action. The urgency of the chase puts Dushane and Sully's partnership in jeopardy.
After the police uncover a body, Dushane, Sully, and Dris are arrested. Dushane quickly realises that there is a snitch in their crew, and must deal with the repercussions. Meanwhile, Sully is attempting to start up his own crew to rival Dushane's with his friend Mike, a borderline-psychopathic ex-convict. When a deal with Dushane's Albanian business partners goes bad, he attempts to enlist Sully's help once more to take them out.
A young dealer, Michael, begins to fear for his life when the police force him to give information that could imprison Dushane.
Lisa is faced with eviction from her business when the landlord triples her rent, while Ra'Nell tries to better himself by attending football youth trials. Gem is in deep trouble with the vicious Vincent, who uses Gem as his pawn to complete drug deals. Meanwhile, Sully comes into contact with Jason, a neglected boy who is trying to survive in a world filled with drugs and murder. Gem and his father move to Ramsgate and Michael dies.
Dushane has fled to Jamaica, where he is getting by working in his cousin's car-rental shop. When he makes a business deal with an imprisoned drug lord named Sugar, he returns to Summerhouse to sell Sugar's product and become Top Boy once again, with the help of Dris and Jaq, who were running Summerhouse while Dushane was away. However, a new crew from London Fields, headed by the ruthless Jamie, won't stand for Dushane stepping on their turf.
Sully is in prison and is caught in a power-struggle with Modie, a murderous drug-dealer who ran the rival London Fields gang in Dushane and Sully's absence. When Sully is released, he reconnects with Jason and Gem to begin selling in Ramsgate. Meanwhile, Dris, having suffered a stroke that has left him partially disabled, struggles with his responsibilities upon Dushane's return.
Jamie attempts to assert his dominance in the borough, driven to provide for his younger brothers, Aaron and Stefan, as their parents both caught cancer and died within months of each other, when Jamie was just 18-years-old.
Dushane wants to expand his empire beyond the streets by making huge investments in London and finding new connects in Spain and Morocco, which causes tensions between the community and his sick mother, who is now aware of her son's business.
Jamie has been released from prison after six months and his gang begins to work with the Summerhouse gang. He attempts to reconnect with his younger brother, Stefan, following his friend Ats' death to knife crime but is sent by Dushane to sort out a botched drug deal in Spain and Morocco.
Jaq, Dushane's new second-in-command following the assassination of Dris, tries to rescue her pregnant older sister Lauryn, who is in an abuse relationship with Liverpool-based weapons dealer Curtis.
Sully, suffering PTSD as comes to terms with murdering longtime friend Dris (Shone Romulus) and the death of his son-figure and friend Jason, is suspicious about Jamie and Dushane doing business together. Meanwhile, Dushane's girlfriend Shelley and other local residents try to fight against Dushane's redevelopments for Summerhouse.
Emi Hosho, a third-rate lawyer without much of a future, is tasked with defending Goro Yabe, a man arrested for the murder of his wife. Without much hope of winning, Yabe proclaims his innocence, saying that he was under sleep paralysis at the time of the murder. Emi heads to the inn where Yabe stayed and encounters the ghost of fallen samurai Rokubei Sarashina, who claims he was the one holding Yabe in sleep paralysis. Rokubei is brought to the court as a witness. However, the prosecution denies the existence of the occult, asserting that Rokubei's testimony is inadmissible in court. So begins the struggle to prove Yabe's innocence.
The game backstory as explained in the manual is that an evil Ancient Egyptian priest has put a curse on a massive pyramid dedicated to the Sun God, Ra. Any object obstructing Ra's shrine from the Sun would be destroyed. The protagonist is an unnamed archeologist who learns that October 26, 1930, a total eclipse will obstruct the sun above Cairo, and the protagonist realized that the curse will cause the Moon to explode, devastating Earth with its debris. The protagonist then decides to travel to that pyramid and destroy the shrine to Ra, preventing the curse/prophecy.
The game starts with the protagonist having just arrived with a biplane parked outside the pyramid he is about to enter, two hours before the eclipse. The player has to enter and explore the pyramid, avoid traps, trigger and activate puzzles and navigate through maze-like rooms. Causes of death include dehydration, and heart attack caused by various hazards such as falling off ledges, getting crushed by falling stones and taking hits from poison darts. Throughout the maze the player can discover treasure to accumulate the score, and also ankhs that serve as keys to locked doors.
A diamond theft takes place involving unlikely thieves, crazy lovers and fast-paced action.
Sean Fallon, a corrupt cop, attempts to solve a series of unexplainable rapes that have resulted in the brutal deaths of prostitutes. Fallon discovers that the rapes are the work of a creature worshiped as a god by South American tribes. Aided by a local pimp, Fallon attempts to stop the creature while dealing with his own issues.
Samson Greene is found wandering in the Nevada desert and is identified by the ID in his wallet as he has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Tests reveal that Samson has a cherry-sized tumour in his brain and after the tumour is removed and found to be benign, Samson finds that he has no memories past the age of 12.
Although his wife, Anna, holds out hope that Samson will eventually recover and remember her, Samson does not. Eventually the strain between them grows great as Samson grows less fond of Anna and bonds with a former student of his, Lana. Samson and his wife decides to separate and Samson sublets an apartment from Lana, who has temporarily moved to attend film school at UCLA. He receives a call from Dr. Ray Malcolm who invites him to come to Los Angeles and be a part of his experimental procedures.
While in Los Angeles being tested Samson meets Donald, a man who is working with Ray and his team so that they can extract one of his memories. After Donald's memory is extracted Samson agrees to be the first subject to have a memory transferred into his brain. When the procedure succeeds he is left with violent images of nuclear weapons testing which upset him and cause him to leave the clinic and search for Donald.
In Vegas, when Samson is unable to contact Donald he returns to the hospital where they removed his brain tumour and steals the slides with the samples of his tumour on them before running to his great-uncle Max's retirement home, hoping to find out where his mother is buried.
While visiting Max, who has dementia, Samson realizes his mother was cremated and buried under the magnolia tree in his childhood home. He returns there and buries the slides of his tumour in the ground with his mother.
Set in Belfast in the 1950s, the novel tells the story of a 37-year-old Catholic male teacher, Diarmuid Devine, who is single and sexually inexperienced. When he overhears a colleague refer to him as “that old woman”, he understands that his life is slipping away from him. He meets and is attracted to a Protestant girl 17 years younger than him, who is on the rebound from an affair with a married man.
Rama Chandra is an orphan who leads a simple life along with his friend. He falls in love with Sathya, who is a very rich girl. Sathya imposes a condition that Rama Chandra's family history and pedigree are very important. At this very moment, Rama Chandra learns that a rich and powerful royal Suryavamsi family seeks to adopt an heir, and he seizes the chance. Once he goes there, he realizes that things are not as simple as they seem. The family has a violent past and a bitter dispute with another rich and powerful royal Chandravamsi family headed by a Chandravamsi King. He also realizes that thousands of people in the area are now dependent on him for their very survival. He also discovers that he is the real heir to the family. Rama Chandra does not like violence and tries his best to solve the problems peacefully. But the rival gang does not give him a chance. Vexed with the violence, Rama Chandra nearly kills the Chandravamsi King's eldest son and kills King's youngest son. He opens the Chandravamsi King's eyes by placing a sword on his middle son. In the climax, the Chandravamsi King realizes that he was wrong and apologizes to all. Rama Chandra becomes the hero of the village.
Dusty Crophopper is a young crop duster plane who works at a cornfield in Propwash Junction, Minnesota, and practices aerobatic maneuvers in his spare time, dreaming of becoming a racer. His dreams are scorned by his boss, Leadbottom, and his forklift/mechanic friend, Dottie. However, he is supported by his fuel truck friend, Chug. Dusty and Chug train for qualifiers for the upcoming Wings Around the Globe Rally. On the night before the qualifiers, Dusty asks an elderly navy war plane named Skipper Riley to teach him how to fly well, but Skipper declines. Dusty qualifies for the race on a legal technicality, as one of the planes was disqualified for illegal fuel intake.
Skipper decides to mentor Dusty, and discovers Dusty has a fear of heights. With training complete, Dusty travels to New York City to start the race. There, he befriends a Mexican racer named El Chupacabra, who falls in love with a French-Canadian racer named Rochelle, who shows no interest in him. Three-time defending champion Ripslinger rudely dismisses Dusty. Dusty falls in love with an Indian plane named Ishani, who becomes supportive of him. During the first leg of the race from New York to Iceland, Dusty's refusal to fly high causes him to finish in last place.
During the second leg of the race to Germany, Dusty shows good sportsmanship by saving another racer, Bulldog, from crashing, winning Bulldog's respect but finishing last again. After the third leg of the race to Agra in India, Ishani invites Dusty to fly around the Taj Mahal and advises him to fly low through the Himalayas by following some railroad tracks. After flying through a tunnel (and narrowly missing a train), Dusty is in first place at Upper Mustang in Nepal, but he is upset to discover that Ishani deliberately gave him bad advice (implied to be under orders from Ripslinger) in exchange for a new propeller, and he shuns her.
The fifth leg is over the Hump (the mountains between northeast India and south China) to Shanghai, where Dusty gets into first place again. There, Dusty manages to help El Chupacabra win over Rochelle with a romantic song, which works a little too well.
In the sixth leg of the race across the Pacific, Ripslinger, refusing to lose to a crop duster, has his teammates and henchmen Ned and Zed clip off Dusty's navigation antenna. Lost and low on fuel, Dusty comes across the USS ''Dwight D. Flysenhower'', which allows him to land and refuel. On the carrier, Dusty discovers that Skipper only flew one war mission, which contradicts his reputation.
Continuing the race, Dusty crashes into the ocean but is rescued. Severely damaged, he is flown to Mexico. Skipper confesses that his one mission leading a squadron of new fighters turned tragic. Skipper was the only survivor, but couldn't bring himself to fly again. Dusty considers dropping out of the race but is encouraged to continue by his fellow competitors, who donate parts to repair the damage he sustained. Ishani also gives Dusty her new propeller, reconciling their friendship.
Racing back to New York, Ripslinger plots to finish off Dusty, but he is thwarted by Skipper. Dusty conquers his fear of heights when he rides a jetstream. Nearing the finish line, Ripslinger slows for the cameras, which allows Dusty to pass him and win, and Ripslinger crashes into portable toilets. Dusty is congratulated by his friends, and Skipper thanks him for giving him the confidence to fly again. Skipper rejoins the navy, flying one last time with Dusty.
Mickey and Donald The plot is introduced in newspaper headlines that Fifi, Minnie Mouse's pekingese, has been dognapped, along with a description of the suspect, Peg Leg Pete. A radio transmission detailing the suspect's get-away car is heard by police officer Mickey Mouse and his sidekick Donald Duck. The pair soon see Peg Leg Pete speed by in the car and they chase after him, Mickey driving a motorcycle and Donald riding in a sidecar. Despite Pete's evasive maneuvers he is unable to escape from Mickey and Donald, and they eventually follow him to his hideout in an abandoned sawmill.
Inside, Pete chains Fifi to the wall and grabs a submachine gun. Mickey and Donald follow Pete into the sawmill and hold him at gunpoint. The film is filled with various gags showing the two law men as bumbling and incompetent, yet at every turn they are able to stay ahead of Pete, but not capture him.
Finally, while Mickey and Donald are standing on a log, Pete activates a circular saw positioned to cut the log. Mickey and Donald run to stay ahead of the blade, but eventually the end of the log comes and the saw blade shakes loose and spins out of control. The blade proves a threat for all three of the characters, but eventually Pete gets his peg leg caught in the blade's arbor hole and brings it to a stop. Mickey and Donald restrain him with a corset, and they march Pete off to jail, accompanied by the instrumental "The Girl I Left Behind" with the now-free Fifi angrily barking at him.
In the spring of 1941, American journalist Michael Gordon (George Sanders) and his colleague, William Chalmers (Robert Anderson), arrive in Damascus. When Chalmers is murdered, Gordon sets out to find out why. He is helped along by glamorous secret agent Yvonne (Virginia Bruce), who is on the trail of a group of Nazi saboteurs. Intrigue centers around the actions of Josef Danesco (Gene Lockhart) who offers to sell information, as well as French diplomatic official Andre Leroux (André Charlot) and Eric Latimer (Alan Napier), the owner of the Hotel International, both suspected of having connections with the Nazis.
Gordon enlists the help of Mathew Reed (Robert Armstrong), a member of the American Consulate and uncovers a plot to maneuver the Arabs into an insurrection as a diversion for an attack on the Suez Canal by the Nazis. Abdul El Rashid (H.B. Warner), the revered Arab leader, has been deceived by Kareem (Jamiel Hasson), a pro-Nazi chieftain. When Gordon proves Leroux to be a German provocateur to Abdul El Rashid, it results in the deaths of Reed and Leroux and the wounding of Gordon, but the plot to attack the Suez Canal is thwarted.
Bumper Morgan is a veteran police officer in Los Angeles, who continues to patrol the streets in uniform. The series dealt with Morgan's daily dealings with dangerous criminals and drug dealers.
Guest stars included Jim Davis, Robert Hays, Vivi Janiss, Harry Lauter, Gerald McRaney, Bruce Glover, Robert Hoy, and Lee Weaver. After a run of twenty-three episodes the series was cancelled by CBS.
Prue is in a park with Mac when "a murder of crows" swoops down and carries him away. Prue runs after him (followed by her classmate Curtis), and sees the crows carry him into the Impassable Wilderness. Prue goes home to her parents and manages to make it look like she still has Mac. The next morning, she heads for the Wilderness, but discovers Curtis has once more followed her. Prue does not want Curtis along, but before she can send him back, they are separated while fleeing from Coyote Soldiers. Curtis is captured and taken to Alexandra (the leader of the coyotes), while Prue rides a mail truck to South Wood. There, Prue finds a Kafkaesque bureaucracy and dysfunctional government. Police state tactics and paranoia over foreign threats are used to keep the regime in power. Prue eventually meets the Crown Prince Owl Rex of the Avian Principality, who tells her how Alexandra came to be exiled shortly before he himself is arrested.
Alexandra's son Alexei died in a horse-riding accident, and then her husband Grigor died of heartbreak; to remedy his death, Alexandra hired the two greatest toymakers in all of Wildwood to fashion her son a new body that was later brought to life by recalling his soul via Black Magic. Later Alexei learned the truth of his death and rebirth and purposefully destroyed a crucial part of his inner workings, resulting in his second death. Alexandra was exiled for the use of Black Magic and plotted her revenge. Owl Rex proposes that Prue cross Wildwood and find help from the Mystics of North Wood. Meanwhile, Alexandra is flattering Curtis with a fancy uniform and commissions him into the coyote army as an officer. In a battle against bandits, Curtis breaks a howitzer by dumb luck, becoming a coyote war hero in the operation. He then finds Mac in Alexandra's headquarters and she shows him her plan to sacrifice the baby to the magical ivy of the Wood, which will allow the ivy to spread rapidly and consume the Wood and its inhabitants. Alexandra offers to share the power with Curtis, but he says no and is locked away in a cage suspended from the ceiling with some other captured bandits and unfaithful coyotes.
Prue flies to North Wood on the back of an eagle sent by Owl Rex, but is shot down by a coyote archer. She is found by Brendan, the King of the Bandits, who offers to help. However, they are captured in a coyote attack and Brendan is imprisoned with Curtis while Prue is taken to Alexandra. Alexandra promises her that she will find Mac, convincing Prue to leave the Woods. In prison, Curtis reveals Alexandra's plan and then leads an escape, earning the trust of the coyote and bandit prisoners. Prue returns home, where she learns from her parents that they were only able to conceive Prue and Mac because they had made a deal with Alexandra to use her magic, but that Alexandra's price was the second child that Prue's mother bore. Realizing that she has been tricked, Prue returns to Wildwood to rescue Mac.
Back in the Impassable Wilderness, Prue travels to see the Mystics in charge of North Wood. Meanwhile, Curtis and the other escapees rejoin the bandits and set out to stop Alexandra. Prue alerts the North Wood Elder Mystic, Iphigenia, to the danger and the citizen militia gather farming implements and kitchen utensils for weapons and march south. Prue rides her bicycle ahead and convinces the bandits to join forces. Just as the sacrifice is about to occur the armies meet in an ivy-filled ruin. Brendan gives a speech to inspire his forces, christening the combined army the Wildwood Irregulars.
The Battle for the Plinth ensues, and the Wildwood Irregulars are near defeat. As Alexandra prepares to carry out the sacrifice, Iphigenia confronts her. Curtis and the remnants of the army make a final push, expecting to be cut down when above them the sky is filled with an army of eagles and other birds from the Avians. The battle turns against the coyote army, but Prue discovers that she can control plants the way the Mystics can and uses her new skill to make the tree boughs snatch Mac from Alexandra. Brendan shoots Alexandra with an arrow and the Ivy consumes her. Brendan is now in command of the ivy and is told by Iphigenia to make it sleep, and he does so. The victorious Wildwood Irregulars regroup and press on to the gates of South Wood and demand that the corrupt government resign. As a new, peaceful order begins among the factions of The Wood, Prue and Curtis part ways as new friends: she goes home with Mac while Curtis remains behind to start a new life as a bandit.
Sophie comes to New York from France with the intention of meeting up with a man she met a few months before. She finds herself alone in the man's apartment, and she discovers that he left town because he was scared stiff at the idea of seeing her.
A group of gay activists are trying to organize a pride parade in Belgrade. Among them is Mirko Dedijer, a struggling theater director who mostly makes a living by planning lavish and kitschy wedding ceremonies. Organizing such a parade is no easy task in Serbia as evidenced by the violence at the 2001 attempt. Now, almost a decade later, the situation is not much better – nationalist and right wing groups pose just as much threat particularly as the police refuse to secure the event. Mirko's effeminate boyfriend Radmilo, a veterinarian, is not as political and is content with keeping a low profile. Although the two try to live discreetly, both experience abuse from the homophobic majority.
In parallel, we meet Miško Drašković a.k.a. Limun, a macho Serbian veteran of the Yugoslav Wars in his mid-to-late forties. No stranger to criminal activities, divorced Limun operates a judo club that doubles as a bodyguard agency (whose clientele mostly consists of nouveau riche businessmen and female turbo-folk singers) while dating Biserka, a younger, low-brow ditsy trophy girlfriend who runs a beauty parlour. His son from a previous marriage, Vuk, works in an auto repair shop and is a member of a fringe right wing skinhead group that attacks gay people.
The paths of the two couples cross. Radmilo performs a life-saving operation on Limun's beloved bulldog, the victim of a drive-by shooting that served as a warning to its master. Simultaneously, Biserka seeks out Mirko with a view of hiring him to plan hers and Limun's wedding. The eventual meeting of the two couples goes horribly wrong with Limun's violent and homophobic side emerging, which serves as the catalyst for Mirko (who had already obtained an Immigrant Visa for Canada) to leave Radmilo and Biserka to leave Limun.
Biserka decides to end contact with Limun but calls Mirko to apologize. Radmilo picks up the phone and, learning of the circumstances of Biserk and Limun, sees an opportunity and formulates a plan. He then shows up at Limun's agency/judo club offering Mirko's services in organizing his wedding party in return for Limun's personnel securing the gay parade. Limun reluctantly accepts, and, though Biserka returns to him, his Serbian staff refuse to protect homosexuals, partly due to the likely reaction of their community. Seeing no other option, Limun decides to contact former wartime adversaries, most of them who engaged in petty smuggling across the borders during the Yugoslav wars. Limun and Radmilo embark on a recruiting trip all over ex-Yugoslavia.
They manage to sign up for their mission: Roko (45) a Croat war veteran who now runs a kafana, Halil (50) a Bosniak who owns a video rental parlour, and Azem (45), an Albanian from Kosovo who makes a living by selling drugs, mostly to the US troops stationed there.
When Limun's attempt to train the gay activists in martial arts fails, the skinheads refuse to be bought off and the police decline a bribe to protect the parade, the tiny group is attacked and brutalized. However, the film ends by celebrating a successful parade the following year.
Alex (Gael García Bernal) and Nica (Hani Furstenberg) are in love and engaged to be married. They are seasoned travelers on a trip in the country of Georgia, formerly a republic of the Soviet Union. They hire a local guide (Bidzina Gujabidze) to take them backpacking through the breathtaking scenery of the Caucasus Mountains.
While on their journey, they meet an older man with two boys on their route; he is suspicious of the two foreigners. After a short conversation with their guide, the older man suddenly aims a hunting rifle aggressively at Alex and Nica at point-blank range. For a moment, Alex's reaction is to shield himself behind Nica. He immediately regains his composure, and pushes himself in front of Nica to face the stranger's gun, while their guide in turn persuades the stranger to lower his gun and go on his way. A seemingly traumatized Nica walks away on her own.
A few scenes show the couple not speaking or walking together while on their journey to the mountains, although Alex repeatedly attempts to reconnect with Nica. At one point, they cross a stream where Nica accidentally falls only to be saved by the local guide. Alex tries to offer a shivering Nica some help but she rebuffs him. At night, the local guide tells Nica the story of his failed marriage, and they kiss. Soon after, Nica returns to Alex and the couple have sex. At dawn, the trio start packing up their camps, and it remains ambiguous as to whether or not the couple have finally reconciled.
During winter in Gotham City, a financially struggling man named Bob, picks up a package full of money from a trash can; it is implied he is delivering the money as a bagman for the Joker. Almost immediately, Batman (referred to as Scrooge by the narrator), drops from above, attacks Bob and demands to know where the Joker is.
When the terrified Bob tells him that he does not know, Batman lets him go, but secretly attaches a tracer to him as he runs home to his son, Tim, who lives with him in a shabby apartment. Like the original Tiny Tim, Tim is in poor health and has a disabled leg. Although disabled, Tim is good-spirited and attempts to brighten up their drab apartment with a makeshift Christmas tree made of junk items. Bob is too terrified of the Joker (and Batman) to share any holiday cheer.
Lurking outside the apartment, Batman assumes the Joker will come to retrieve the lost money and intends to use Bob (and indirectly, Tim) as bait to capture the Joker.
Back at the Batcave, Bruce watches Bob and his son, informing Alfred that he intends for the father to be arrested so his son will be too terrified to follow in his footsteps. During this, Bruce constantly hacks and coughs, implying that he is catching a cold.
Alfred then reminds Bruce that a similar plan led to his former partner Robin (Jason Todd) losing his life. Afterwards, Bruce sees a vision of Robin (playing the role of Jacob Marley), which disturbs him throughout the rest of the night. He remembers earlier days fighting crime alongside Robin in colorful 60s-style uniforms, in contrast to his current mostly-black combat suit.
Batman responds to the Bat-Signal, where Commissioner Gordon tells Batman that Catwoman (playing the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past) has tipped off the GCPD that she has information about the Joker, but demands that she only talks to Batman. Confronting Catwoman, Batman discovers, as he suspected, that she was lying and only called him so she could "play with him", under nostalgia of their adventures together. Batman bluntly tells Catwoman he was never "playing", upon which she takes off leaping between rooftops. Batman chases Catwoman before falling several stories to the ground, as she watches wide-eyed from a distance.
Lying semi-conscious in an alley, Batman is confronted by the glowing figure of Superman (playing the role of the Ghost of Christmas Present), who uses X-ray vision to determine Batman is coming down with pneumonia, though Batman shrugs it off. Superman then takes Batman into the skies to watch ordinary Gothamites preparing for Christmas; Batman scoffs at his sentimentality. They then stop to watch Bob and Tim, then Commissioner Gordon talking with an officer about their differing opinions of Batman.
Advising Batman to take time off and recover his health, Superman drops Batman off at the Batmobile, then flies off into the night. Batman attempts to enter the Batmobile, which explodes upon activation and knocks him out.
The Joker (playing the role of the Ghost of Christmas Future) arrives and drags the still-comatose Batman to a graveyard to be thrown alive into an open grave. While buried, Batman has a vision where Gotham is plunged into chaos after his death, with Gordon tried and convicted for cooperating with Batman's extra-legal activities, and civilians killing criminals in cold blood, mirroring Batman's ruthless behavior and black-and-white view of the world after Jason Todd's death.
Realizing what he has become, Batman digs himself free from the grave and saves Bob and Tim from the Joker, who has arrived at the apartment to brutally recover his money. The Joker holds Bob at gunpoint as Batman smashes in the apartment window.
Bob manages to grab the Joker's gun and holds the latter at gunpoint, threatening to kill him, but Batman urges him to show his son the man he truly is: not a killer but a man who will protect his son. The Joker goads Bob to pull the trigger, but he lowers the gun and the Joker is arrested. Learning a new lesson in life, Batman returns to the Batcave and sleeps. Alfred pulls a blanket over him.
The next day, Bruce Wayne gives Bob an established job, a raise, medical coverage and an actual Christmas tree. The narrator is revealed to be Bob himself, relating the tale to Tim and asking him what he thought the moral of the story was. The story ends with a now-healthy Tim leaping Batman-style in a snowy Gotham street.
After the September 11, 2001 attacks on American soil, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department creates a secret anti-terrorist division within the Public Security Bureau in order to tackle crime, espionage and terrorism cases to preserve Japan's national security by doing black ops work to locate and apprehend spies and terrorist suspects.
The unit recruits a new officer named Hina Matsuzawa, who wishes to become a full-time detective. Leading the unit is Public Security veteran officer Keiji Sumimoto as the unit is tasked a mysterious terrorist freelancer known with the codename FISH and his cell operating in Tokyo.
Marcus Cornelius Primus is a young gladiator that was a farm boy until he was kidnapped away from his mother and father, who is a retired centurion. He is sold as a slave to a gladiator school and is trying to find help and justice to stop the people that took him.
A SWAT team barges into a school library to find a student holding an axe and surrounded by savaged bodies, before the film goes back eight hours previously. Six unruly prep school students are forced to serve Saturday detention for eight hours at Crestview Academy, where psychologist Dr. Day conducts psychological testing on the students to examine their personalities and trigger their demeanors, recording each session in the process. When Headmaster Nash gives an expulsion notice to low-income student Matt Clark, Matt convinces him to change it to an eight-hour detention on Saturday. Matt serves the detention with the awkward Tarek Ahmed, the jock Craig Cook, the sly Goth girl Veronica Harmon, the prissy and asthmatic Megan McDurst, and the popular girl Tricia Wilkes.
For their detention, Dr. Day takes away their phones, restricts their internet reach, and gives them an assignment to write the school's history. He then locks the students alone in the school's new library, which has had some further remodeling by the janitor, Max, with his addition of Native American portraits and an Apache statue. The students believe the library is haunted. They realize they have mutually dysfunctional family lives, though they have their differences with each other, sparked from prior encounters which have been recorded on camera. Veronica hides Megan's inhaler and frames Tarek, leading to Megan having an asthma attack and dying.
With limited computer access to the school's databanks, Veronica begins work on their history project. They learn how land was stolen from an Apache tribe in the 1870s by General Andrew Winston Clarke, which was then taken over by the city of Crestview to build the school. The new library was built on neighboring land that belonged to recently deceased Apache elder Jacob Rainwater.
As the students argue on-and-off, they discover a vent that allows them to navigate to different rooms that are locked. They learn that Matt has an undisclosed criminal background and become suspicious of him. After Tarek goes missing and they return to the library through the vent, they learn that Tricia's mother is the governor, Craig's father is a city councilman, and Megan's father co-owns the (former Rainwater) property on which Tarek's father's company built the library, all of whom made an agreement with the school to ensure their spoiled kids would be guaranteed to graduate in exchange for gifting the library.
A dark storm rages outside the school, tampering with the lights and electronics inside, increasing the students’ fear that there is paranormal activity. Craig falls down the steps in the library and is staked by one of his crutches, dying instantly. Not long after, Tricia admits her mother was the reason why Rainwater lost his house, and Veronica secures evidence on Craig's camera showing that Tricia, Craig, Megan and Tarek had killed Jacob Rainwater at his home to vacate the ownership of the property, leaving no next of kin to take over. Deeply believing in the paranormal, they attempt to contact Jacob's spirit so that Tricia can call a truce, but the spirit rebels and seemingly harms Veronica. The spirit then appears, and Tricia uses a nail gun to commit suicide due to fright.
Dr. Day emerges to reveal his alliance with Veronica. The whole time, they masterminded everyone's paranormal delusions and emotional outbursts, triggered by psychological inkblots tests, all to sell the story and make money. Killed by Dr. Day for trying to escape through the vent, Tarek's dead body is what was used as the ghost. Before Veronica can shoot Matt using the nail gun, Dr. Day abruptly kills her with an axe for poisoning him and causing his diarrhea earlier. Matt is framed for all the murders, as an unexpected booby trap involving the statue severs Dr. Day's head, killing him. A SWAT team barges in to find Matt armed with an axe in the middle of the carnage. Matt is subdued, placed in a straitjacket and gagged.
Max the janitor arrives, revealing he is related to Jacob Rainwater. In the closing credits, Matt is driven away in an ambulance and Tricia's mother, Tarek's father and Craig's father pay off Headmaster Nash in order to clear them of any involvement in the incident.
Narrator/protagonist Mary Grey, who has come from Canada to the land of her fore-bearers, leans against Hadrian's Wall, near a cliff, when Connor Winslow hostilely accuses her of being his long-lost (second) cousin "Annabel". Uneasily aware the cliff’s edge, Mary persuades him, with difficulty, that she is not his prodigal relative. Astonished at her resemblance, Connor sees an opportunity.
Days later Connor offers Mary money to impersonate Annabel Winslow at Whitescar, the Northumberland family farm that Connor manages (nod to Josephine Tey’s ''Brat Farrar''). Despite running off to the States 8 years earlier and cutting off ties to the family, Annabel remains heir to her grandfather’s estate. Connor wants Mary to “reestablish” herself with Annabel’s ailing grandfather, Matthew Winslow, inherit his estate, and then transfer it to him. Mary agrees, is coached in the impersonation, and succeeds in convincing the household that she is Annabel.
The impersonation has two weaknesses. One is Mary's fear of horses, which contradicts Annabel's natural horsemanship. The second is Connor’s unawareness of the adulterous relationship between Annabel and Adam Forrest, owner of neighboring Forrest Hall. Forrest’s intimacy with Annabel now poses a threat to the impersonation.
Annabel’s younger cousin, Julie, 11 years old at the time of Annabel’s departure, reveals that she knew of Annabel and Adam’s letter exchanges in the hollow of an old ivy tree. Adam is now a widower, whose hand has been disfigured in saving his invalid wife’s life in the fire that destroyed Forrest Hall (an echo of Charlotte Bronte’s ''Jane Eyre''). Mary braces to control the inevitably awkward first encounter with Adam. Anticipating that Adam will be drawn to the rendezvous spot upon learning of Annabel’s return, she makes a late night visit to the ivy tree. Staying in the shadows, she tells Adam resolutely that their relationship is years dead. Adam persists in asking for a second chance. He draws her into the light and declares that she has changed too much to be Annabel, but his attraction to her is apparent. Exploiting his ambivalence, Mary persuades him to keep her identity secret as long as no one is hurt.
Seeing Mary’s genuine grief at Matthew Winslow’s deathbed, Connor again becomes suspicious, but Mary again manages to reassure him.
In a plot twist, the reader learns that Mary Grey is indeed Annabel Winslow. Annabel has seen a chance in Connor’s confusion to go back to Whitescar to visit her dying grandfather safe from Connor’s menace. The night of her departure had been doubly traumatic. Annabel had been emotionally devastated when Adam rejected her ultimatum, insisting he could not abandon his invalid wife. Following this drama, Connor had urged a marriage that would give him future control of Whitescar. When she had rejected Connor emphatically, Connor had turned menacing, nearly pushing her off a cliff.
Adam discovers her skillfully riding a difficult horse, and tells her he knows she is Annabel. They discuss Annabel’s motives for leaving and admit their lingering love.
Through Julie’s embarrassed recollection, they learn that the Ivy tree, fatefully, still holds the letter that Annabel wrote to Adam weeks after her departure. Before leaving for the Americas, Annabel had mailed a letter to Adam urging him to run off with her. The postman had improperly given the letter to Julie, who had placed the letter in the hollow of the ivy tree, where she had seen the two lovers leave messages. Adam had not looked there for a letter weeks after Annabel’s departure. (The symbolism of the ivy tree, delaying their improper union until a more honorable time, again echoes the relationship of Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester.)
At the climax, Annabel gives herself away to Connor when Adam is trapped in a cave-in of an old cellar, and she must ride the spirited horse to seek help. Connor confronts her angrily in the stable and attempts to kill her. His violent actions spook the horse, who bucks and tramples him to death. Annabel and Adam are finally united.
In the summer of 1942, something is dramatically changing for the small community of Brandon, Manitoba as hundreds of young men from all over the world descend on this sleepy hamlet. In this newly found excitement of meeting newcomers, Lill (Christianne Hirt), a young prairie farm wife whose husband is already overseas for two years, and LAC Lachlan Curry (Russell Crowe), a gallant Australian airman are fated to meet. He has come to train at the Royal Canadian Air Force air base nearby to become a pilot. His friend, LAC Johnny Crouch (Peter Outerbridge) who has struck up a relationship with Lill's younger sister, Kate (Sara McMillan), introduces Lachlan to Lill.
During a languid moment, Lachlan recites to Lill the poem, "High Flight" by fellow airman, John Gillespie Magee, Jr. which epitomizes what he is going through in his training. Lill recognizes the poem as it had been widely distributed after the death of the young airman who had penned it. The young lovers also have a kinship with another unlikely pairing, Betsy (Wanda Cannon), a bootlegging charmer who sells more than alcohol and also has a husband away in the army and two children to look after, and Zeek Williams (Scott Kraft), the flying station's chief flight instructor from Chicago.
The short period that they have together is punctuated by the strain of dangerous wartime training and their inevitable realization that there is little time left for them. Lachlan has to deal with death from all sides, first when "Scotty" (Robert G. Slade), the trainee who bunks next to him, commits suicide. More devastating is the death of Lill's brother, Dennis (Kelly Proctor) that leads her to a fateful decision to end their relationship, and her sister to cancel wedding plans. When Zeek crashes on the edge of the field, he extracts a cruel promise from Lachlan who later seeks out Betsy to tell her what he had to do. At the wings parade, a farewell to the trainees who have earned their wings who will be shortly sent off to war, Lachlan and Lill are unable to reconcile, but Kate remains true to Johnny, saying she will be there when he comes back. Across the parade square, Lachlan and Lill share a final moment, saying goodbye quietly, with a phrase he has taught her, "Fair dinkum."
Kabul-based French journalist Elsa Casanova (Diane Kruger) writes an article about warlord Zaief (Raz Degan) and names him "the butcher of Kabul". Her informer Maina (Morjana Alaoui) warns her that Zaief is out for vengeance. Before Maina returns to Zaief, she bids farewell to Elsa, because she is convinced that she will die by an honour killing. Elsa tries to hold her back but fails. Her friend Amen (Mehdi Nebbou) urges Elsa to leave the country, but agrees to help her try and save Maina. Zaief ambushes and captures Elsa and Amen. Amen asks Elsa to show no fear in front of Zaief. Still, she breaks down when their friend Salemani (Greg Fromentin) is cruelly murdered in her presence.
Zaief publishes a video of Salemani's gruesome death, which eventually reaches the French government. A small French team, consisting of 4 Naval Commandos, 1 1st Marine Infantry Paratroopers Regiment and 1 Air Force Paratrooper Commando 10 (CPA10) members are entrusted with Elsa's rescue. They find Zaief's hideout in Pakistan and witness the execution of Maina. When they leave with Elsa and Amen, a bullet hits their wireless set. Without a means to contact their base, they cannot be found or picked up.
In leu of another solution, they head for the Khyber Pass in order to reach their base in Afghanistan on foot. In the mountains, there is another firefight with Zaief's gunmen.
When the fugitives come across a village, Elsa asks for hospitality. Whilst resting with the locals, Marius (Alain Alivon) is shot dead by a sniper, who is then killed by the team's own marksman Elias (Raphaël Personnaz). Later on, Zaief's gunmen arrive, and Zaief himself kills Amen. When Victor is hit, they retreat into the mountains.
Elias is the second of the team to be killed while luring Zaief's soldiers away. Victor, Kovax, Tic-Tac, Lucas, and Elsa soon run into a snowstorm, but Victor subsequently goes into shock and dies. Once again Zaief attacks, and Lucas is killed, Tic-Tac is injured and Kovax kills Zaief after he takes Elsa hostage.
They still have a long way to go when they are surprised by an avalanche. Kovax saves Elsa and Tic-Tac but in the process breaks one of his legs. The two men persuade Elsa to leave them behind. Elsa, although severely exhausted, reaches a road where she is rescued. She refuses to return to Paris and is lifted out of her wheelchair by Admiral Guezennec (Tchéky Karyo) who carries her on his back to a helicopter. Together they find Kovax and Tic-Tac still alive.
Following the events of ''Hugo's House of Horrors'', Hugo and Penelope visit Hugo's Great Uncle Horace at his mansion in England. They arrive in their guest room, and Penelope decides to take a nap. While she sleeps, Hugo discovers a secret passage behind a bookcase and disappears. When Penelope wakes up, she hears arguing and looks through a keyhole to see Great Uncle Horace being stabbed to death. She passes out from fright, and after regaining consciousness, she discovers the secret passage.
Penelope explores the house and the garden outside, avoiding deadly killer bees and Venus flytraps, navigating a maze, and crossing a bridge over a stream. She meets the old man from ''Hugo's House of Horrors'', but having no time for trivia questions, she strikes him across the head. Penelope also finds a phone booth, and after dialing a number she's transported to another planet with a pastiche of The Doctor and a Dalek from ''Doctor Who''. Penelope eventually returns to the mansion and goes down a well to find a cavern before returning to explore another wing of the mansion. At 6PM, the detective arrives but cannot determine who the killer is. It's then revealed that Great Uncle Horace had been rehearsing a play.
Following the events of ''Hugo II, Whodunit?'', Hugo and Penelope depart from Great Uncle Horace's mansion by plane only to crash in the Amazon rainforest. While exploring, Penelope is bitten by a large venomous spider. A native from the nearby tribe tells Hugo that he needs to find water from a magic lagoon, but Hugo finds that a streaming waterfall blocks his path. He visits the tribe to trade for supplies and escapes capture from a witch doctor. Then he finds an elephant and stuns it with a blowgun. The elephant lands in a stream, blocking it and cutting off the supply to the waterfall. Hugo goes to the lagoon, collects the water, and returns to heal Penelope.
A young woman (Mira Sorvino) arrives at a cabin in an isolated forest in a small island inhabited by the apparition of a man (Shane West) whom she cannot see or hear, and who cannot leave the cabin. The Ghost, although undisturbed, is curious about her and starts watching her, something that she starts to perceive faintly.
After a few days, her boyfriend (Justin Kirk) joins her unannounced and, although surprised, she happily shows him around. She brings him to an elevated spot with a broad view of the area that she claims was a favourite of her when she was a child. The Man suddenly proposes to her, and noticing that she is confused and full of doubt, bids her to keep the engagement ring and think about it. At that moment, he loses his balance and nearly falls off, as she rushes to pull him back to safety. The event changes her mind and she accepts his proposal; however, the ring seems to have been lost in the accident.
The same day, while the woman is busy with work and her boyfriend is cooking dinner, the Ghost perceives whispers and, watching her, notices another ghost dressed in black (Tony Curran) who sits very close to her and feeds her with ill words about her relationship, as she apparently cannot see him either but receives his words all the same. The Ghost in Black notices the other ghost and approaches him, proposing to aid him to escape his limited supernatural existence in exchange for his help. The first Ghost notices that the other one’s words affect her, turning her cold and hostile and causing her to snap to her boyfriend. Later that night, the Ghost notices the Ghost in Black sitting between the couple and talking to both in the same secret way, furthermore increasing the tension between them. The following day, the man seeks to discuss things with her, which angers her and makes her break the engagement. This causes him to be upset and decide to leave, which she says he cannot do as they can only leave the island on a boat that only comes occasionally unless summoned. He attempts to call and finds out that the cell phone is dead.
Later, the man makes ready to leave, but before he can do so he tries to look for her, and discovers that she is missing. He goes outside and remembers an opening that she had shown him upon his arrival which leads to the space underneath the cabin, into which he crawls. The woman, back in herself after reflecting on things and finding the engagement ring, returns to the cabin hoping to mend things, and finds that he packed his things but cannot determine whether he has departed. She feels the presence of the ghost and questions him about her boyfriend, to which he answers by knocking loudly and informing her that her partner has not left. She crawls into the space underneath the cabin herself and finds him lying unconscious and injured. The Ghost in Black, after threatening the other Ghost for having helped her, reveals himself to her and urges her to smash her partner’s head with a rock, which she seems resolute to do, before she stops and defies the ghost. She goes back outside to call for help, but the Ghost in Black keeps standing in her way. Before he can harm her, he notices some other presence behind him; he then turns around and screams in terror while she escapes.
She retreats into the cabin, where the first Ghost is standing still unseen. He then screams, which makes her notice him and realize that he was never against her. The third presence (Deobia Oparei) enters the cabin; it is revealed in flashbacks that this third Ghost has benignly aided the couple, both saving the man from falling off and later placing the ring for her to find. He rescues the Ghost from his existence and both disappear. Mr. Browman (Muse Watson), a townsman, appears at the door and tells her that he came because he had a feeling that something was wrong and had tried unsuccessfully to communicate with her. They bring her boyfriend out from under the house and take him away on his boat so he can receive medical assistance. As they leave, another silent presence can be seen sitting next to Mr Browman.
Hasan (Slamet Rahardjo) and Nurlela (Christine Hakim) are a newly married couple living at the home of Nurlela's father (Maruli Sitompul) because they do not have enough money to find a place of their own. Nurlela's father constantly compares Hasan negatively to his rich son-in-law Bakri (August Melasz), causing friction between the young couple. They eventually find a way to move out.
''Encyclopaedia Britannica'' describes ''The Luck of Ginger Coffey'' as being about an "Irish-born Canadian immigrant whose self-deluded irresponsible behaviour nearly breaks up his family".
The book's protagonist, James Francis Coffey, is called "Ginger" because of his reddish hair and moustache. He is unfulfilled in his career, no matter which job he takes. After his release from the Army, he and his wife, Veronica, together with their daughter Paulie, move to Montreal.
In Canada, Coffey still has trouble finding work. Veronica gets very upset when she finds out that Ginger is still unemployed and has spent their ticket money home.
However broke and empty-hearted they may be, they do have one friend to count on in Canada: Gerry Grosvenor, who helps Coffey get a job working as a proofreader at a newspaper. Coffey is unimpressed once again and continues to tell Veronica it will all get better, but Veronica has her own plans for improving her life in Canada. She leaves Coffey for Grosvenor and takes Paulie with her. She also takes all of Coffey's money and most of his belongings. Coffey gets a small place at the YMCA, and during his stay there he encounters a man who offers him a diaper delivery and pick-up job.
Coffey finds this job even more repulsive than his current one but takes it anyway, with a plan in mind: To get back at Paulie and impress Veronica with his selflessness. Veronica is still unconvinced, but Paulie turns to her father's side and they get a flat of their own. Coffey is obsessed with Veronica and begins to get sick from lack of sleep and food and an excessive work schedule. He is also obsessed with being promoted to reporter so that Veronica will take him back, but unfortunately she only brings up the topic of divorce. After many drunk excursions, fist fights with Gerry, a run-in with the police and promotion battles, Veronica finally sees how hard Ginger is working and fighting for her, and at the moment when he finally decides to let her go she sees just how much he really loves her.
Brian Moore's original novel was written in 1972. The film is set in the then futuristic year of 2000.
In defiance of the Sacrosanctum Concilium from the edicts of the Second Vatican Council, and a future Fourth Vatican Council, a group of monks from a monastery located on an island offshore the Republic of Ireland conducts the traditional Tridentine Mass in Latin on the Irish mainland. These traditional masses are so popular that groups from all parts of the world make pilgrimages to attend the masses and express their displeasure at the changes in the Roman Catholic Church. This future Vatican Council also destroys the mystery of the Mass, denies Transubstantiation, and insists that priests only wear clerical clothing on ceremonial occasions.
The Vatican is outraged at the beginnings of a potential Counter-Reformation, particularly when an upcoming Interfaith dialogue is about to take place in Singapore. The Father General sends out Father Kinsella, a strong adherent of Liberation theology to order the monks to change their ways or face transfer to other monasteries.
The King of Djinns Ifrit is defeated by a man named Suleiman and made his servant. Then some anonymous magical being destroys Suleiman's house and weakens Ifrit. To grant Ifrit freedom, Suleiman seals him in a Contract Ring and shall be free after a thousand wishes have been granted by a thousand hands.
One century later, in the town of Bazaar, an orphan girl named Shukran finds the Contract Ring and unleashes Ifrit. With 999 wishes used throughout last the century, Shukran uses the last wish for peace in her homeland. Ifrit however cannot stray far from his ring, so Shukran and Ifrit travel the land together to make this possible.
Awarded radio personality George Harrison Apostol, known as DJ Heidee to her listeners (Sarah Geronimo), provides love advice to people who are having problems in their relationships. DJ Heidee receives a call from a girl named Melissa (Megan Young) who is asking advice on how to break up with her boyfriend Andrew (Gerald Anderson). Unfortunately, Andrew is listening to the same program and hears Heidee telling Melissa how they should break up. Andrew blames Heidee for what happened and even threatens to sue her for giving that particular advice. In order to prevent a legal battle, and to ease her conscience, Heidee decides to help Andrew win Melissa back. In the process of getting the two together, Andrew and Heidee begin to feel an attraction toward each other. Will they be able to overcome their past and become lovers instead?
Lydia Davis (Amber Valletta) comes out of her coma, but doesn't remember anything about what happened. Suspicions of Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) are amplified by Victoria Grayson (Madeleine Stowe). Tyler (Ashton Holmes) begins to realize their dirty plans. Emily's plot further unravels, and Victoria's unstable relationship with her family grows increasingly more tense when the real Emily Thorne, an unwanted pawn (Margarita Levieva) in Emily's game, heads to the Hamptons with questionable intentions. Meanwhile, Lydia's memory is a growing concern for the Graysons, and a recently embittered friend begins to play dirty.
On a Friday night in Nottingham, Russell attends a house party. He assures best friend Jamie that he will be there on Sunday for Jamie's daughter's birthday. Russell leaves early, deciding to go to a gay club for a hookup. He meets Glen, an art student, and they have sex at Russell's apartment. The next morning, Glen coaxes Russell to speak into a voice recorder about the previous night, for an art project. The more reserved Russell is taken aback by Glen's blunt discussion of sex. After Russell finishes, they exchange numbers before Glen leaves. Russell writes about Glen on his laptop, something he does after each of his encounters.
Russell spends a lonely morning working as a lifeguard. He texts Glen, who agrees to meet. The two learn about each other, and share a bicycle ride back to Russell's flat, where they continue discovering more about each other's pasts. Glen explains that his art project seeks to explore the gap between who people are and who they want to be, as demonstrated by the personas they assume when hooking up with someone for the first time. Russell reveals that he never came out to his parents because he does not know who they are; he grew up in foster homes with Jamie.
Before leaving, Glen discloses that he is moving to Oregon the next day to attend a two-year art course. On a whim, Glen invites Russell to his goodbye party at a straight bar that night, and Russell decides to attend. While Glen gets into an argument about heteronormativity with the bar owner, Russell chats with Jill, Glen's flatmate. She tells Russell that she never got to listen to his recording; Glen let her listen to all of his others. She then tells Russell that she and her friends do not expect Glen to travel to America, to the point that they started a bet. She also discloses that Glen was in a relationship with someone named John, who cheated on Glen repeatedly and was attacked at a park shortly before the relationship ended. Since then, Glen has said he "doesn't do boyfriends."
Russell and Glen ditch Glen's friends and go to a carnival. Glen admits he feels like his friends hold him back. They return to Russell's apartment and smoke marijuana, drink alcohol, and snort cocaine.
Russell confesses that he records his experiences, albeit more privately. He reads some of his entries to Glen, and it is revealed that one of the men Russell slept with was John. They begin arguing about the motivations for the fight for gay marriage given Glen's anti-relationship stance. Russell tells Glen that he thinks Glen only lost faith in relationships because of John. Glen tells him it is not that simple; while he thinks Russell would make an amazing boyfriend, he does not currently want one. Russell is upset and goes to the bathroom. He returns and they reconcile, passionately making love that night.
On Sunday morning, Russell reveals how self-conscious he feels in public about being gay. Glen deduces that Russell keeps a record of his encounters because he is fascinated by how people come out. Glen pretends to be Russell's father, giving Russell the opportunity to come out. Glen notes that he is leaving by train that afternoon, while Russell has Jamie's daughter's birthday party to attend. Russell searches for the right way to say goodbye, but Glen leaves after kissing him.
At the party, Russell attempts to stay interested, but is clearly distracted. Jamie persuades Russell to talk about what is on his mind, though they do not usually talk about this part of Russell's life. After Russell explains, Jamie takes Russell to the train station, where he finds Glen.
As the two wait for Glen's train, Russell struggles to convey how much their encounter meant to him. They kiss in public, notable for the usually restrained Russell. Glen gives Russell a present, and with one last kiss, Glen leaves. Later, looking out from his apartment window, Russell opens the present to find the voice recorder that Glen used to record Russell. He hears himself begin to recount the events of the weekend.
Deon, a skilled college Runningback falls ill from a genetic disease. Though idolized for his athletic ability, Deon shares the glory on and off of the football field. His mother Bee is incredibly proud and his younger brother Sean—understandably jealous. Eric, Deon's stepfather, sees the football star as a winning lottery ticket. While fighting cancer, Deon seeks to finish what he started.
A homeless deaf mute man named Adán is a waste picker who one day stumbles upon 10,000 pesos. As he marvels in his new fortune he meets many characters who now accept him trying to get their part of the money. Eventually Adán buys a puppet named Titino from an unscrupulous ventriloquist, thinking he will have a companion with whom to talk. When the obvious dawns on him Adán angrily breaks the puppet. Eventually he resigns to take care of some puppies and to decide to do some change to the world.
''Virtue's Last Reward'' features nine main characters who are kidnapped by an unknown individual called Zero. The player character Sigma is joined by Phi, a girl with a "no-nonsense attitude"; Dio, a rude and insensitive man; Tenmyouji, an elderly man; Quark, an energetic young boy; Luna, a kind and quiet woman; Clover, an unpredictable girl who appeared in ''Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors''; Alice, a commanding and focused woman; and K, a man who wears an irremovable, full-body suit of armor. Zero III, an artificial intelligence who appears in the form of a CGI rabbit, controls the Nonary Game. Zero III is nicknamed "Zero Jr." by the participants to distinguish the entity from the human Zero, who is in turn nicknamed "Zero Sr."
The game is set in an abandoned warehouse-like facility containing rooms filled with puzzles, where Zero forces the characters to participate in the Nonary Game. The characters are affixed with bracelets that display a point value that is initially set at three. During the game they participate in rounds of the Ambidex Game, in which they have to choose to "ally" or "betray" the other characters. The choices made affect the players' bracelet points: if two opponents both choose "ally", each individual gains two points; if the two opponents both choose "betray", no change occurs; and if one opponent chooses "betray" while the other chooses "ally", the opponent who chose "betray" gains three points while the other opponent loses two points. Participants who gain at least nine points are able to escape, while those who reach zero points are executed.
In 2028, Sigma is abducted and placed inside an elevator with Phi. Zero III appears on a monitor and informs them that they are participants in the Nonary Game and that they must escape the elevator before it falls. Upon escaping, they find themselves in a warehouse-like facility with Dio, Quark, Tenmyouji, Luna, Alice, K, and Clover. Zero III informs the group that nine individual bracelet points are necessary to escape the facility, and points can only be earned by participating in the Ambidex Game.
The story begins branching into different timelines that can be experienced in any order, depending on the choices made by the player. While completing the first set of puzzle rooms, the participants learn of a pandemic caused by Radical-6, a virus that slows down its victims' cognition and drives them to suicide. Depending on the given timeline, the characters also discover either the murdered body of an old woman or antimatter bombs. The other participants' backstories are explored: Luna is a humanoid robot, tasked with maintaining the Nonary Game; K was raised by Zero Sr. inside of the facility; Tenmyouji willingly joined the game, together with his adopted grandson Quark, after being promised a chance to find a certain woman; Alice and Clover are government secret agents tasked with stopping the religious cult Free the Soul; and Dio is a member of Free the Soul.
In a Schrödinger's cat-like situation, prior to the start of the Nonary Game, Dio either murdered the old woman and took her place in the game, or failed to do so but was still placed into the game by her and later planted the bombs. In the timeline leading to the game's ultimate ending, Sigma defuses the bombs, while Dio is restrained and incapacitated. The remaining participants proceed to the next set of puzzle rooms. As Sigma, Phi, and Tenmyouji complete their room, they uncover a holographic message of the old woman, Akane Kurashiki, whom Tenmyouji – revealed to be the player character Junpei from ''Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors'' – was seeking. Akane and Zero Sr. had developed the AB project, a project that encompassed the Nonary Game and the Ambidex Game, to train Sigma and Phi to transport their consciousnesses through time. This occurs shortly thereafter, and Phi subdues Dio before he can kill Akane. Akane explains that the game's dangerous elements were necessary to speed up one's brain to transport one's consciousness through time, and each participant was infected with Radical-6 to amplify this increase. The Nonary Game was designed so Sigma and Phi could experience multiple timelines and retain what they learn in each one. Sigma and Phi's consciousnesses are then returned to the present, where they find everyone has cooperated to acquire enough points to escape.
The group leaves the facility and emerges on the Moon's surface. The year is 2074 and most of humanity was killed by Radical-6 after it was unleashed by Free the Soul from a Mars mission test site in 2028. They re-enter the facility and discover a cold sleep pod. K explains that each person was brought to the facility to recreate the events that Zero Sr. and Akane had previously experienced. Clover, Alice, and Phi were abducted in 2028 and placed in cold sleep until the Nonary Game began. The pod opens to reveal a clone of Sigma, and K reveals he is actually Akane in disguise; in the timelines where Akane was killed, the armor was instead occupied by Sigma's clone, Kyle.
Akane explains that Sigma, after his abduction in 2028, had his consciousness transported into his elder self's body in 2074, while his elder self's consciousness was transported into the younger Sigma's body in 2028. The goal of the AB project was to enable the elder Sigma to prevent the Radical-6 outbreak in 2028 with his future knowledge; Dio sought to stop the project. Akane makes Phi and Sigma's consciousnesses jump to 2029, after the outbreak. Sigma, as Zero Sr., spends the next 45 years developing the AB project together with Akane, while Phi is kept in cold sleep. Sigma creates Kyle as a spare, in case his own body gets damaged. Immediately before the start of the Nonary Game in 2074, Sigma and Phi jump back to 2028 to infiltrate the Mars mission test site.
A widowed king marries an evil enchantress named Clementianna, who is the most beautiful woman in the land. One day, the king leaves to fight a great evil that has invaded the land, but never returns. Clementianna becomes Queen and rules in his absence, while confining her young stepdaughter, a girl named Princess Snow White, to the palace.
Ten years later, Snow White, now a young lady, desires to explore the kingdom and sneaks out. Walking through the forest, she meets the visiting Prince Andrew Alcott, a prince from the Kingdom of Valencia, who has been robbed by a band of Dwarves; she and the prince are instantly smitten with each other. Snow White arrives in the town, and finds the people are destitute due to the Queen's heavy taxation.
Meanwhile, Clementianna is introduced to Alcott and plans to marry him for his wealth. Clementianna throws a ball to woo the Prince, and Snow White secretly attends, planning to ask the prince to help her restore the kingdom. The queen notices Snow White and the prince dancing and orders her manservant Brighton to take the princess into the forest and feed her to the beast. Brighton leaves Snow White in the forest, but she runs away from the beast, collapsing at the door to the dwarves' hideout. The dwarves take her in and introduce themselves as Grimm, Butcher, Wolf, Napoleon, Half Pint, Grub, and Chuck. When Brighton collects more taxes levied by the queen to pay for her expensive parties, the dwarves rob him. Snow White takes the money and returns it to the townspeople, crediting the dwarves, whom the people hail as heroes.
Clementianna informs Alcott that Snow White is dead. When the prince finds out that the bandits have robbed Brighton, he goes after them. In the forest, Alcott discovers that Snow White is alive and in league with the dwarves, who have trained her in combat. Each believing the other to be in the wrong, Snow White and Alcott duel. Alcott returns to the palace defeated and informs the queen that Snow White is alive.
Clementianna enters her Mirror House, within which lives her reflection, the Mirror Queen. Clementianna has the Mirror Queen temporarily turn Brighton into a cockroach, and requests a love potion so she can make the prince fall in love with her. The potion turns out to be a 'puppy love' potion and the prince becomes devoted to her like a puppy dog. Under this spell, the prince agrees to marry her. Using dark magic, the queen attacks Snow White and the dwarves with two giant marionettes; but Snow White defeats them by finding and cutting their strings.
On the day of her wedding, Clementianna arrives to find that Snow White and the dwarves have robbed the party and abducted the Prince; for her inability to handle bandits and for lying about Snow White's death, the aristocrats demand the queen be deposed. Back in the forest, Snow White manages to break the spell on Alcott with true love's kiss.
Snow White encounters Clementianna, who sends the beast after her. Prince Alcott tries to save Snow White, but the Beast captures her. However, the beast hesitates in killing her and Snow White sees that it wears a necklace with a moon charm on it similar to the one the queen wears. Snow White cuts the necklace off, breaking Clementianna’s spell, and restoring the beast to its true form: Snow White’s father. Clementianna begins to age rapidly and the Mirror Queen explains this is her punishment for using dark magic.
Grateful to Alcott for his assistance, the king agrees to let him marry Snow White. At the wedding, an old hag appears and offers Snow White an apple as a wedding gift. At first, Snow White accepts the apple; but, as she is about to bite it, she realizes that the old hag is Clementianna. Snow White cuts a piece from the apple with her father's dagger and gives it to Clementianna, who reluctantly accepts it. The Mirror House shatters declaring it Snow White's story after all. Snow White, Prince Alcott, the King and the dwarves live happily ever after.
Team Rainbow is called to New York City to deal with a terrorist group calling itself the 'True Patriots'. Styling themselves as a populist militia group, the True Patriots have taken it upon themselves to act as judge, jury, and executioner on behalf and avenging the alleged victims of what they see as Wall Street corruption.
To complicate the situation, the new leader of Team Rainbow is James Wolfe, a former Navy SEAL who believes ethics are irrelevant in dealing with the True Patriots. As Echo Leader, a man who looks up to Wolfe as a father figure, they must stop the True Patriots at all costs; even at the price of their own personal morality.
The narrator introduces the audience to Africa. The journey begins in the heart of Darkest Africa. Porky Pig is leading a group of African people as they sing, carrying items. Then, during their song, they sing "We don't know where we're going, but we're going!". Meanwhile, a sign says, "Welcome to Africa Lions Club". Then, Porky and the Africans approach a sour-pussed caricature of Spencer Tracy named Stanley, a reference to his role in "Stanley and Livingstone". Stanley presumes that Porky is Dr. Livingstone, but Porky tells him his name. Stanley shrugs and lets Porky and the Africans continue marching.
The narrator tells the audience that during their journey, they saw interesting specimen of wild life. An ostrich has put his head into a hole. Underground, the ostrich is actually sleeping on a pillow, and a loud snore from the ostrich is heard.
Meanwhile, two lions are eating bones of their prey. The second lion gets a columba, and together, the two lions grab the ends of the bone. The lion says "Make a wish", and after breaking the bone, they continue eating.
High in the tree tops, a mother monkey is taking her baby for a breath of fresh air. The mother is using her tail to swing her baby is if in a carriage.
Meanwhile, emerging out of the grass comes a gorilla, and as it turns around, it reveals itself to be a caricature of Tony Galento with a beer, saying that he'll "moider da bum".
A native is seen using a blowgun to "put meat on the table". Just then, it is revealed that the native is playing a carnival-related game to win a ham. The person in charge (with Mel Blanc's voice imitating Rochester from The Jack Benny Program) gives the native a ham to put meat on the table.
Later, after nightfall, the narrator says that at night, the African jungle is filled with silence, but noises start being heard. A tired Porky pops his head out of his tent, and yells to the animals "QUIET!", and goes back to sleep. Meanwhile, Stanley is still looking for Dr. Livingstone. He looks in a mother kangaroo's pouch, only to be honked on the nose by her baby.
The next day, the Africans and Porky resume their march. A tree has a poster that is a re-election poster for "King of the Jungle" (promising "Thirty Coconuts Every Thursday"- a reference to a popular "Thirty Dollars Every Thursday" pension plan of the day).
Meanwhile, the explorers come upon a very unusual situation. A cat kicks an elephant out of her house, and until he can pay his rent, she'll be keeping his trunk. Then the elephant, now without his trunk, starts crying and says that his trunk has all his stuff in it.
A vulture is looking for food. He sees three baby deer who wandered away from their mother. The vulture starts charging at them, and the deer run into a clump of grass. Just then, the grass lowers, as the deer use "Air Raid" on the vulture. They shoot down the vulture, and the deer laugh in a villainous manner.
Back with Porky, a little African native is running, yelling "Two arms!", and random gibberish. He points to the village, as the narrator says that the boy says that the villagers have spotted a strange white man in the village. Porky then drags Stanley over to the village, as the narrator says that his journey is finally over. Stanley presumes that the white man is Dr. Livingstone. The white man reveals himself to be "Cake-Icer", as he is a music teacher (a reference to Kay Kyser, and his "Kollege of Musical Knowledge" radio program). He asks the students if he's right, and then a monkey comes out of Stanley's hat saying "Yeah!" many times. Cake-Icer wants everyone to dance, and music starts with an elephant using his trunk like a tuba. Everybody starts dancing, including two fat Africans.
The narrator says that after a long day, they decide to return home. Then, Porky and the Africans start running, as the Africans are singing a different song this time. The narrator says his farewell to Africa, and then the actual continent (with a face) moves and waves goodbye.
Tourists visit Central Park for 'Treegasm', a once-in-a-lifetime mating ritual between two tree creatures, or 'treatures'. The trees grow towards each other for decades before engaging in a ritual known as "screwing". Mark Lilly cannot understand why people care about two trees losing their virginity. Demon bureaucrat Twayne Boneraper has been appointed to be in charge of the ceremony, but gives the job to Mark and wizard Leonard Powers as he has to spend four days to get fitted for a triple-breasted suit. Meanwhile, demon Callie Maggotbone demands to have sex with Mark, and Leonard explains to him that a female demon's body is so toxic that she has to periodically shed it for a new one, and sex is the only thing that can ease her pain. Later in Central Park, Mark introduces himself to the tree creatures, Nicky and Neel, as their "screwing coordinator". Mark remarks that it is refreshing for two beings to be so committed to each other as opposed to just having sex with strangers. Neel begins to feel anxious about the ritual, as Mark's remarks about having sex with others sounds more exciting. Later, Neel breaks up with Nicky as Mark opened his eyes for other opportunities. Neel states that Nicky is predictable and that he wants someone crazy. Mark accepts Neel's change of heart, but Leonard explains to him that the tree creatures are forced to mate because their roots run so deep that they encompass Manhattan. If Neel does not ejaculate soon, his root could swell up and endanger the entire city.
Twayne assigns Mark to fix the problem, and Mark enlists his zombie roommate Randall to talk about his unhealthy sex experiences to Neel. Randall's story makes Neel change his mind and go back to Nicky. Later, 'Treegasm' is about to commence, but Neel is nervous because of the pressure and the event's many spectators. His roots begin to swell and come up above ground and seize different buildings. The pressure causes his sexual organ to go flaccid, and Leonard quickly enchants him with a magical spell that acts like Viagra. Callie takes Mark with her into a portable toilet for the final sex before her shedding. Just as Neel is about to penetrate Nicky, Callie sheds and reveals herself in her new form while standing naked, mimicking ''The Birth of Venus''. The pressure causes Neel to suffer from premature ejaculation and he ejaculates all over the park. Later, when the crowd has left, Leonard enchants Neel with a spell to make him less nervous and the ritual continues without spectators. Callie and Mark meet at a bar later for drinks, but when Mark invites her to sit with him, she teases him, saying she lost respect for him for allowing her to do some of the things she has done to him.
Meanwhile, Randall loses his penis after having sex with a female he met at the movie theater. After he fails to find it, he tries to get used to life without having a penis, but considers killing himself. However, he receives a call from the police who informs him that they have found his penis, but tells him that it did not fall off, it ran away because it did not like the way Randall treated it. To make it come back, Randall has to follow a few conditions, such as accepting it as an equal, which Randall gladly approves of.
Olivia (Anna Torv) and the others of Fringe division attempt to determine the origin of Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), who purports to be Walter's (John Noble) son who had died as a young boy in the original timeline. Peter refuses to speak to anyone but Walter, yet Walter is very reluctant to accept Peter's story. Peter is held at Fringe headquarters in secure facilities.
The Fringe division is brought to investigate the violent murders of a woman and her live-in boyfriend in her home. They find that she was earlier married to Dr. Malcolm Truss (Arye Gross), a former Massive Dynamic biochemical researcher, and believe her murder was an attempt to access his aborted research on cell cloning by one of the new shapeshifters, Nadine (Michelle Krusiec) (previously seen in "Neither Here Nor There"). While at Massive Dynamic, it is revealed that Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) raised Olivia and her sister Rachel after Olivia killed her stepfather and ran away from Walter's Cortexiphan trials; Walter resents Nina for both this and for her interference that led to young Peter's death. The Fringe team is unable to locate Truss before Nadine does, and begins a manhunt to track him down. Meanwhile, Nadine has tried to convince Truss that she is a patient in need of his cloning research, and coerces him to take her to a secret laboratory to synthesize the cure. It's revealed she has a daughter, Haley.
As Fringe division attempts to work out Truss's location, Peter, from inside his cell, uses the intercom electronics to try to convince Olivia and the others that he knows about shapeshifter technology. Under guard, Peter is able to use one of the memory discs previously recovered by the Fringe team to identify a tracking signal, leading the team to Truss's laboratory. Truss has come to discover Nadine's truth after she temporarily loses control and takes the form of his deceased wife, but under threat of death, continues to synthesize the cure.
Truss finishes the cure just as the FBI and Fringe agents surround the warehouse containing the lab. After being given the cure, Nadine attempts to fight off the agents, but appears to have dived into the water below. After recovering a body from the water, they realize that Nadine had taken the place of a fallen agent and had escaped their grasp. Nadine uses a Hermes 3000 typewriter stored in a locker at a Boston train station to type a report informing them of the success of Truss's cure; moments later, the typewriter, on its own, types out further instructions for her.
Walter, after trying to resolve his issues with Peter, returns to Fringe headquarters to inform Peter that because he had two chances to save his son and let him down both times, he will not try to help again for fear of doing more harm. Meanwhile, Olivia experiences an unexplained time fluctuation.
Barney and Robin awaken in bed together from the events of the previous night. They agree to try to keep it a secret, but this will prove difficult as they are attending a cruise party with their significant others, Kevin and Nora. They realize that they cannot keep it a secret, and believing this is the way they are meant to reconcile, decide to tell Kevin and Nora they cheated on them. After several failed attempts on the boat, Barney and Robin agree to tell Nora and Kevin respectively after they return to shore.
Meanwhile, Ted, Lily, and Marshall attend a concert, where Ted insists that he and Marshall consume some "sandwiches" (a euphemism that Future Ted uses to refer to marijuana) to enjoy the concert. Marshall reluctantly agrees, though he believes that he must become more responsible because he will be a father soon, while Ted fears that life is moving too quickly and they will not be able to enjoy all the things they wanted to in the past.
While they are high, Ted and Marshall leave their seats to find some nachos for Lily. Walking around the entire arena twice, also inadvertently standing in line for the women's restroom many times, they become frustrated with one another and set off on their own. They are met by a mysterious guitarist, who guides them back together and presents them with nachos. Though disappointed that they have missed the concert, Ted and Marshall conclude that time will go on whether they are ready or not. When Lily finds them, she informs them that rather being gone for several hours, they were only gone for two minutes. As captured by a security camera, Ted and Marshall actually stayed in the same section of the arena, the guitarist was really a life-size cardboard cutout, and Ted actually pulled the nachos out of a trash can. They return to the concert, but decide to leave after ten minutes.
Kevin winds up in the hospital after a drink is thrown in his face. Robin tries to use the scene to tell Kevin she wants to break up with him in order to return to Barney, but Kevin first tells Robin that he loves her and accepts anything that she may do wrong. Barney, though at first obstructed by the unexpected arrival of Nora's parents, tells Nora the truth and when he admits that it meant something to him, they break up. Barney waits at the bar for Robin, and when Ted, Marshall and Lily walk in, he informs them he broke up with Nora, and says the hard part is over. Robin arrives at the bar with Kevin, unable to bring herself to tell him. This leaves Barney heartbroken and he excuses himself, not wanting to stick around. Ted leaves the bar soon after, as he is still high. As Ted gets back to his apartment, he sees Barney picking up rose petals off Robin's bed and blowing out the flames of candles, implying he had a special night planned. Ted walks to his room without saying anything.
Vera Jebsen is raped in Fagerborg in Oslo, on liberation day 8 May 1945. She does not say a word during the entire pregnancy, not until she gives birth in a taxi. She names the child Fred.
Arnold Nilsen from Røst in Lofoten, a circus artist and salesman, known as "The Wheel" after rolling spectacularly down a slope as a child, is allowed to move in with Jebsen's family, thanks to his self-confidence and his yellow Buick. Other than Vera and Fred, the family consists of Vera's mother, Boletta, and grandmother, known as The Old One; all in all four generations. Soon Vera has another child, whom they name Barnum Nilsen, after the master scam artist P. T. Barnum.
Barnum is sharp but very short and therefore lacks confidence. He is impressed by Fred's rebellious attitude. He attends a dance class where he meets Peder and Vivian. After being sent out from the first lesson, the three meet and hang out every time their parents think they are dancing. The three become close friends and stay by themselves for the most time. Vivian becomes a kind of girlfriend for both of the boys.
Fred and Barnum share the same bedroom. They often have confidential talks at night. Fred tries to influence Barnum to become tougher and go his own way. He hates Arnold, the stepfather, and tells Barnum that he rather would have been Barnum's father. Once, The Old One received a letter from Wilhelm, her fiancé, who disappeared while hunting in the Arctic Ocean and Greenland. The letter means a lot for everybody in the family. Barnum often reads it to Fred, who is dyslexic. Fred begins to show more respect for Barnum and his ability to write down his dreams, and gives him a typewriter as a birthday gift. Fred's recognition means a lot to Barnum. Fred attempts at a career as a boxer. Barnum adopts a motto from his father: "The important is not what you see, but what you think you see".
Barnum wins a writing competition in school which stimulates his desire to write. After coming in contact with the production of the film ''Hunger'', based on Knut Hamsun's novel with the same title, Barnum decides to become a scriptwriter for film. Peder becomes his agent after returning from the United States. As a consequence of his grandmother's drinking habits, he develops an uncritical attitude to alcohol, which eventually leads to alcoholism.
Datho (Merab Ninidze) has been innocent in prison for many years. When he comes home nobody wants him. His angelic wife Elene (Anja Antonowicz) has fun with a fire-eater. The two children imagined the father as a hero, not as a sorrowful knight. But everything changes when Datho reveals he has the ability of weather modification. He can freeze his enemies in the bathtub or he calls for rain so that they remain stuck in the mud.
In Bangalore. ACP Varadhanayaka lives happily with his parents, wife Lakshmi and younger brother Hari, a college student. A girl named Sirisha comes across Varadhanayaka when she is on a field trip from her college with her friends. She gets friendly with his daughter Pinky. It turns out that Hari studies in Sirisha’s college and soon after they accidentally even come to know each other.
Varadhanayaka investigates the case of a dreaded criminal ''Section'' Shankar, who is involved with land dealings which is completely illegal and others including the DIG is involved. When the chairman of the bank who has lent money for the deal demand the money back as the deal hasn’t worked, Shankar eliminates him. The people who are customers of the bank take to the streets and try to damage the bank.
Varadhanayaka arrives there and arrests the manager. Shankar discovers where the manager has been taken. He arrives there with his men and the DIG nearly kill ACP Varadhanayaka. Shankar asks his men to dump the body. On the way, Hari gets involved and ultimately rescues his brother from a burning bus and Varadhanayaka dies in Hari’s arms.
The entire media and the people assume that Varadhanayaka has swindled off all the money as they have been made to believe that by the DIG. Hari seeks vengeance on the people who killed Varadhanayaka, where he kills Siddharth "Siddu" (his friend and Shankar’s brother), and later kills the DIG. Shankar kidnaps Hari's entire family where Hari arrives and kills Shankar, he spills the beans that Varadhanayaka is dead and rescues his family under the supervision of the new DIG, who supports him wholeheartedly.
Adjeng (Titi Rajo Bintang) lives alone in an apartment paid for by her boyfriend, a rich businessman (Joko Anwar). A writer of children's stories, she wishes to write short stories for adults; in this, she is mentored by Asmoro (Ray Sahetapy) – with whom she is also having sex. Meanwhile, Adjeng's mother (Henidar Amroe) handles various aspects of her life, constantly calling her and making surprise visits. This has led Adjeng's friends, Venny (Ayu Dewi) and Andien (Fairuz Faisal), to tease her about her overbearing mother.
When Adjeng goes clubbing with her friends, she drinks too much and vomits, later passing out in a toilet. As she lies with her head on the seat she recalls that, as a child (Nadya Romples), she had been forced to eat vegetables she had previously vomited. Later, when Andien uses her apartment for a one-night stand, Adjeng peeks and recalls how she had observed her mother having sex with her lover (Bucek Depp), a man who had previously molested Adjeng – an act which is not shown explicitly. This background, as well as her recollections of life as a teenager (played by Banyu Bening) at the home of her womanising father (August Melasz) are worked into Adjeng's short story "Lintah" ("Leech").
When Asmoro reads the story, he says that it is unrealistic and that readers need a climax. However, Adjeng insists that reality is unrealistic and that not all victims of rape are willing to call the police. Several days later, while they are lying in bed, Asmoro shows Adjeng that "Lintah" had been published in ''Kompas''. Adjeng's mother, aware of the story's autobiographical nature, is furious and, after going to Adjeng's apartment, blames everything on Adjeng's father abandoning them.
Upset, Adjeng goes out with Venny and Andien, but when the two begin arguing about motherhood Adjeng leaves them both in the street. She then goes to a café to drink with Asmoro, who comforts her. When she returns home she checks her messages, most of which are about the short story. Venny and Andien, meanwhile, return to their families and think of the importance of children.
The following day, Asmoro sees the businessman, Adjeng's boyfriend, leaving her apartment, which puts him in a foul mood. He and Adjeng fight, and Asmoro almost smothers Adjeng with a pillow before saying that they are through. As Adjeng lies on the bed, she recalls how her mother's lover raped her and how her mother murdered him. As the phone rings, Adjeng watches the people from her past going about life in a residential complex, smiles, and returns to writing.
After finding out that Ida, the kitchen maid of the Foundling Hospital is her mother, Hetty regularly sneaks into her room at night to bond with her. Hetty dreams of being a successful author, writing stories under her true name, Sapphire Battersea. However, one night, Hetty is followed by another girl, Sheila Mayhew, who often bullies her. Hetty and Ida's relationship is found out and as a result, Ida is fired and is sent away to Bignor-on-Sea (named after Bignor but based on Bognor Regis and Middleton-on-Sea) as a housekeeper to an elderly woman by Miss Sarah Smith, a member of the Board of Governors and a friend of Hetty's. When the time comes for Hetty to be discharged from the hospital, Miss Smith arranges for Hetty to be sent to Mr. Charles Buchanan, a fellow writer, as a scullery maid in the countryside of Kingtown. As Hetty is picked up by Mr. Buchanan's cook, Mrs. Briskett, a young man calls out to her and unsuccessfully tries to chase down the cab she was in. This young man is later revealed as Hetty's former foster brother, Jem.
After spending most of her childhood cooped up in the Foundling Hospital, Hetty is often confused, scared and in awe by the outside world. As she settles into her job, Hetty becomes a secretary of sorts to Mr. Buchanan, copying his stories as Mr. Buchanan's handwriting is hard to read. In return, Mr. Buchanan agrees to help refine Hetty's memoir, and to supply Hetty with stamps so she can continue to write to her mother. She also finds a potential love interest in Bertie, the local butcher's boy, who takes her out to the fair, on a boat ride, and for a walk in the park. Hetty also accompanies the parlourmaid, Sarah, to a seance with Madame Berenice, a medium. During the seance, an apparition of Hetty's long-dead foster brother, Saul, appears before Hetty, frightening her.
Hetty's new life is soon shattered when she accuses Mr. Buchanan of plagiarising her work after she finds a poorly written manuscript of her memoir in his office under the name ''Emerald Greenwich''. Hetty is immediately fired. Before she leaves, Sarah gives Hetty her suitcase and Mrs. Briskett gives her a jar full of money as well as some food to take with her. Hetty goes to see Bertie for the last time before setting off to Bignor to be with her mother.
On the train to Bignor, Hetty makes friends with the kindly Greenwood family. Hetty reunites with her mother, but is shocked to see how sickly she has become. She calls for a doctor who diagnoses Ida with consumption. When the doctor breaks the news to Miss Roberts, the woman Ida was caring for, she fires Ida on the spot and refuses to hire Hetty—for fear that they would infect her. Ida is admitted to an infirmary while Hetty stays with the Greenwood family for two weeks. She becomes like a part of the family, while continuing to visit Ida. The Greenwoods offer to take her with them when they leave Bignor, but Hetty declines. She gets a job at Mr. Clarendon's Seaside Curiosities as "Emerald the Amazing Pocket-Sized Mermaid", making a tail out of a green dress, a bodice of pink gauze and a scallop-shell bra. While working here, Hetty makes friends with Freda, a female "giant". Ida succumbs to her illness and eventually dies in Hetty's arms. With Freda's help, Hetty holds a funeral for Ida.
Hetty returns to Kingtown and goes to see Madame Berenice for a seance, with the hope of contacting her now-deceased mother. During the seance, Hetty finds out that Madame Berenice and her sister/accomplice are frauds, but decides not to expose them, as it provides hope (however fake it may be) for Madame Berenice's other clients. Sarah, who was at the seance, takes Hetty back to Mr. Buchanan's house for slice of rabbit pie. In the kitchen, Hetty meets Mr. Buchanan's new servant girl, Rose-May, who reveals that Bertie is now taken with her. Upon hearing this, Hetty runs to the outhouse and vomits. While lamenting the fact that she's truly an orphan now, she hears Ida's voice informing her that she isn't an orphan- her father is still alive. The book ends with Hetty declaring "I am Sapphire Battersea," with her intent to seek out her father.
Vincent Coll starts off as a New York street-fighter, and moves quickly all the way up to being a criminal kingpin in the mafia, and engages in a
turf war with fellow mobster, Dutch Schultz.
Zeinab and Hussein are the hard-working parents of a family in Cairo. One day, their daughter announces that she is getting married. When Zeinab and Hussein meet the groom's parents, the latter make a series of over-the-top demands for the wedding.
Aubrey Allington is a hopelessly impractical inventor who is deep in debt. When he inherits a large sum from a relation in Mexico he stands to see none of it because his creditors would claim it all. His resourceful wife comes up with a solution: the cousin to whom the legacy reverts on Aubrey's death is believed to be dead. Aubrey's supposed death in an explosion in his laboratory enables him to come to life again masquerading as the cousin from Mexico, able to collect the full legacy. He reappears in sombrero and extravagantly Mexican guise. Unfortunately for the conspirators, the cousin's long-estranged wife claims Aubrey as her own, and a further fake suicide – this time by drowning – ensues so that Aubrey can escape her. Meanwhile Sprules, the family butler, has got wind of the plot, and seeks to cash in by arranging for his brother to impersonate the Mexican cousin. The impostor's arrival necessitates a further reincarnation of Aubrey, this time as the new curate of a nearby parish. He tries to come to an agreement with the pretended Mexican, but they are interrupted by the arrival of the very-much-alive real cousin. In the end it turns out that there is no legacy to be had: the money has been annexed by the Mexican Revolutionary Committee.
The film immediately introduces the two main protagonists. Paris (Jessica Clark) is a young, dark-haired woman who works as a high-priced escort/call-girl, but is a creative artist by nature. Rebecca (Barbara Niven) is a rich, blonde, middle-aged wife. The initial voice-over also narrates a cancer affliction that has grown beyond hope.
Rebecca has lived a wealthy yet unhappy existence in creating a seemingly perfect family with her husband Mason Westridge (John Heard). The signs of trouble are their hostility towards each other and conflicting opinions about whether Jessica, Rebecca's only daughter who has a different father, should receive equal stock shares of the family business as her two half-brothers. It is revealed that Mason had attempted to, and possibly succeeded in, sexually assaulting Jessica.
Rebecca feels an emotional emptiness and confides in her two lesbian best friends that she has never had an orgasm, and that she and Mason only have sex once every six months, which is fine with her. One of her friends suggests that Rebecca try a very discreet escort service run by her own cousin (Morgan Fairchild).
It is then that Rebecca meets Paris and through a series of very discreet meetings, Rebecca eventually warms up to Paris' gentle advances and achieves her goals of having sex with another woman, and experiencing true happiness and satisfaction.
We learn that Paris, who is well appreciated for her services, seems to be in agony over a past mistake that had led her to this profession. It is implied that Paris' husband died after she accidentally pushed him into the road and he was hit by a car shortly after their wedding day. It is Rebecca who later helps Paris to let go of her past and heal.
Meanwhile, one of the three Westridge children finds the medical report of inoperable cancer that Mason Westridge has been hiding in his office desk. They all confront Rebecca and ask whether she had known about it all along. The children assume that the report refers to their father, and Rebecca tells her children that and they are not to mention it. Rebecca contacts another escort, Paris' friend, and gives her an envelope of money to help Paris leave the escort world and pursue her artistic talents. She reveals that she is the one who has cancer, and that she is dying. Afterwards, Rebecca makes the courageous decision to say goodbye to Paris.
Towards the end of the movie, Rebecca is seen as a butterfly, beautiful girl and such a kind human. Someone who has learned to spread her wings because of her relationship with Paris. In the final scene, Paris has her own art exhibition after Rebecca's funeral. Jessica approaches Paris and introduces herself, as the two lesbian best friends watch, and says, "I want to learn about my mother at the end."
After looking through her dead mother's diary filled with pictures of her time surfing in South Africa, Dana (Sasha Jackson) decides to leave California to travel there, surfing everywhere her mother did as well as Jeffreys Bay, where her mother always wanted to surf but never did. Dana leaves while her father (Gideon Emery) is away on a business trip taking a wooden carving with her. On her plane ride there, she meets Grant (Chris Fisher) and he tells her to look him up if she is in his area. After landing, Dana gets on a bus headed for the beach and is followed by a man that tries to take her backpack. When he tries to sit next to her, she calls to a girl around her age that just boarded the bus saying she saved her a seat. Pushy (Elizabeth Mathis) introduces herself and they go surfing together after Dana puts her backpack in a locker. On the water they meet Tara (Sharni Vinson) and Chris Wigmore, stuck-up Roxy surfers. After some confrontation, Pushy leaves and Dana beats Tara for a wave. On the next wave Tara cuts in on Dana, causing her to break her board that was her mother's and cannot be replaced.
Once back on the beach, Dana finds that her locker was broken into and her money and wooden carving (belonging to her mother) were stolen. Pushy takes a depressed Dana back to her place, a group of huts on the beach where she and other surfers live. Tara also lives there and continues to be mean to Dana. At the same time, policemen arrive and give the surfers one week to vacate the premises. Dana meets Tim (Ben Milliken) and he instantly takes a liking to her. After a nap there is a party that night and while Tim is trying to talk to Dana she spots Grant from the plane and dances with and kisses him. The next day she tells them about her mom and how she wants to take pictures of herself at all the same places her mom did. Tara bets her a hundred dollars that she won't be able to do it and Pushy agrees to travel with Dana on her "odyssey". Grant lets them borrow his truck in exchange for working at his restaurant. As they are about to leave, Tim gives Dana a Polaroid camera so that the pictures will be the same and her board that he repaired. After each surfing destination they return to the beach house and soon there is only Jeffreys Bay (J-Bay) left where Dana will fulfill her mother's dream and Pushy will try out for the Roxy team.
While waiting for the right weather to leave for J-Bay, Dana works and one day she thinks she sees the man that stole her possessions. He is talking to Grant but Grant says he doesn't know the man. That night Dana and Pushy travel to the part of town Pushy is from to go dancing. While there Dana is confronted by the man who stole her possessions and she and Pushy follow him and find Grant's truck filled with elephant tusks. The men chase them and they barely get away. Pushy then gets mad at Dana and says she is dangerous and on her own for J-Bay. After their fight, Dana rips down all the odyssey pictures from the wall. The next morning the police come back, this time with bulldozers, to tear down the illegal beach hut where they live. After getting out, Dana and Pushy reconcile. Tim gets his bus working and they decide that everyone will drive to J-Bay. On the bus Tim has the odyssey pictures that he saved from the demolition and he and Dana grow closer. One night while everyone is gathered around a fire Dana and Tim go off and he sings her a song he wrote her and they fall in love.
Meanwhile, Dana's father finds her gone and comes to South Africa looking for her. He ends up at the torn-down beach hut and is told they went to J-Bay so he flies there to find her. Dana's father then finds her and they get in a fight. While Tim and Pushy are consoling her they run into a beach party that Grant and Tara are at. Tim confronts Grant about the elephant tusks (Tim works with the elephants) and they get into a fist fight that Tim wins. The next day Pushy tries out for the Roxy surf team and wins using that 360 aerial move that Dana has been teaching her. Tara puts aside their differences and congratulates her. Tara also returns the wooden carving to Dana that she found among Grant's things. That night Dana's father comes back and after making up she shows him the pictures of her odyssey and gives him the wooden carving. They then go to the beach and drop her mother's ashes out the carving (an urn). The next day Dana goes to surf J-Bay that has very big waves and is a boy's club. Once out there Grant gets the guys to let her stay and after getting crushed on her first wave, she has a great ride with Tim, Pushy, and her dad watching her. They then take a picture together and her dad says that he is proud of her and that her mother would be, too. The film ends with Dana and everybody back on the bus and heading on their next location.
Kenny, a psychotic killer with mommy issues, Monte, a charming crooked cowboy, and Maureen, Monte's beautiful oversexed wife-to-be, steal some jewels and smuggle them across the border surgically implanted inside a horse. Monte turns out to be not a sharing or marrying type of person. He saddles up, steals the horse and the jewels, and heads for his brother's ranch in Montana, where his brother and sister-in-law do not fully trust him. When Kenny and Maureen realize what Monte has done with the horse and jewels they set off in hot pursuit of him.
Just like the first viewer mail episode, Brian and Stewie read their mail from viewers and tell three stories.
The episode uses the premise that ''Family Guy'' is based on a British television show. The characters from ''Family Guy'' are all presented as stereotypical English people, apart from Stewie, who is a devoutly religious redneck with a hillbilly accent, as he already has an English accent in the main show. Brian is also an effeminate horse.
In this British version of the series, Neville (Peter) states that he is going to the pub to meet his friends, much to Lydia's (Lois) irritation. When the news announces that Queen Elizabeth II will be in the parade, Neville tells his friends that he is related to the Queen (due to him misinterpreting his nana say she was in a bad marriage with a "bloody" duke, when it was just blood in her stool) and wishes to gain a lock of the Queen's hair to test it. When the Queen passes by, he tries to set up a fake barber chair along the route. When this fails to gain the Queen's attention twice, Neville and Collingsworth (Chris) steal a police motorcycle and chase the Queen to her death in a tunnel. As Neville and Collingsworth try to nonchalantly walk away, they are chased by a cohort of London Bobbies to the tune of "Yakety Sax". Back home, Neville discovers they are not related to the Queen after all.
While Peter is watching a roast of his favorite stand-up comedian Robin Williams on Comedy Central, he feels offended when insult comic Jeff Ross insults Williams. Peter runs outside in the middle of a thunderstorm and accuses God of hating Williams, wishing that everyone were Williams before getting struck by lightning. Upon waking up in the hospital, he discovers he has gained the ability to turn everyone and everything he touches into Williams (similar to the Midas Touch). Peter turns everyone in the city into Robin Williams (while "Rockin' Robin" is played). At first, this goes well for Peter, but soon the multiple clones become too much for him, especially after he accidentally turns Lois into one. After numerous suicide attempts which fail because everything he touches turns into Williams, he orders the drove of clones to venture into the world to make others laugh but chooses five clones to serve as replacements to his family members. The story ends showing that Peter appears insane and has cut both his hands off, a solution that prevents him from bringing any new clones into the world. Stewie was the only one that was not transformed, as he mimicked Williams to make Peter think he was clone, and at the end of the scene he is shown on the roof suggesting that Disney did not let the show portray Williams' role as the Genie from ''Aladdin''.
The audience sees the world through Stewie's eyes as Lois changes him, Meg wishes him to keep her ring (Stewie stating this is a "Red Flag"), and his friends ask him to go down the slide at the playground (doing a reference to the film ''National Lampoon's Vacation'' in the process). Later, Stewie secures a Twinkie to stuff in Brian's tail pipe on his car but ends up going for an unexpected ride with Brian where he chases a squirrel in his car and kills it. He then spots Herbert underneath a school bus. At bath time, he imagines a doll being eaten by a shark and Peter joins him. At bedtime, he makes a quick trip through time to stop Kurt Cobain from killing himself in 1994 by introducing him to Häagen-Dazs ice cream; on returning to the present he sees an obese Cobain on a 2012 album. As Lois reads a bedtime story about the town from ''Footloose'', a drunken Peter rudely interrupts for sex as Stewie is forced to listen. In his dreams, he visualizes Peter and Lois, who are having sex in reality, as lumberjacks chopping down trees with axes, with Peter, cutting down his tree signifying the end of the sex, and Lois beginning to cut down hers with a chainsaw, representing her beginning to use a vibrator, to finish.
Faffner Hall is a music conservatory that was founded by Fughetta Faffner. When Fughetta Faffner passes away, her ghost lurks in Faffner Hall and it is currently run by her great-great-grandnephew Farkus Faffner who hates music. Now Fughetta must thwart Farkus' plans with the help of Mimi, Riff, and the Wild Impresario. During this time, they meet up with the famous musicians that visit Faffner Hall.
A video ("Pocket Full of Hawthornes") by drag queen Miss Urbana Champaign (Shangela Laquifa Wadley) devoted to Hawthorne Wipes has made the product popular among the gay community. Pierce decides to cash in on its popularity by launching a new line of wipes—Hawthorne's Pride Wipes—in "Greendale's First Annual Gay Bash". While plans for the party get underway, the event is canceled with the arrival of Pierce's dad, Cornelius (Larry Cedar), who makes several strongly racist remarks towards the group.
Jeff (Joel McHale), who grew up resenting his father's absence, is clearly affected by Pierce's submission to Cornelius and decides to help Pierce go ahead with the party. Britta (Gillian Jacobs) thinks Pierce and Jeff have Oedipal complex, although she constantly mispronounces it as "edible complex". Pierce is initially resistant to disobeying his father, but relents after receiving a warm welcome from the people at the party. Midway through the party, Cornelius shows up. Out of fear, Pierce declares Hawthorne Wipes a "straights-only" product, much to the disgust of the gay people at the event. While they jeer at him, Pierce collapses, faking a heart attack. At the hospital where Pierce is being treated, Jeff lays into Cornelius for his treatment of Pierce with an impassioned rant seemingly directed at his own absent father. Cornelius himself suffers a heart attack and dies.
Meanwhile, Troy (Donald Glover) impresses Jerry (Jerry Minor), the school plumber, with his seemingly nonchalant talent for plumbing. Jerry warns Troy not to abuse his talent. While walking down the hallway alone, Troy is kidnapped by the secret Air Conditioning Repair School, led by Vice Dean of Air Conditioning, Robert Laybourne (John Goodman). At the school's initiation, Troy is the quickest at assembling an AC unit while blindfolded. This leads to an invitation to join the school by Laybourne, who promises Troy lucrative employment as an AC repairman for life. However, if Troy accepts, he must keep his occupation a secret. Jerry confronts Troy about being approached by the air conditioning school, but Troy rebuffs him. Troy consults Abed (Danny Pudi) about choosing between plumbing and air conditioning. Abed is indifferent, saying that both are similar, but tells Troy to go with what makes him the happiest.
At the funeral of Cornelius (attended by all members of the group), Pierce tells Cornelius to "suck it" in his eulogy. Jeff gains ownership of Cornelius’ ivory toupee. Laybourne meets Troy at the funeral, asking for a decision. Troy declines Laybourne's invitation, saying his decision is to "watch TV with [his] friend." Laybourne warns Troy that he is making a mistake and vows to keep pursuing him. At the funeral's end, Chang (Ken Jeong) picks up Miss Urbana Champaign and comically derides Jeff for going home alone.
The book takes place in Iceland in 1883. It opens with a priest hunting a blue fox, then jumps backward to the days leading up to the hunt. An herbalist buries the recently deceased woman with Down syndrome that he rescued from a shipwreck. It details their life together before returning to the present. The priest shoots and kills the mysterious blue fox he is hunting, but the sound from his rifle causes an avalanche. While trapped underneath the snow in a glacial cave, the priest starts to go insane. The fox comes back to life and argues with him about the invention of electricity and the priest kills the fox a second time, this time skinning her and wearing her fur. He then transforms into a blue fox himself. The book ends with a letter from the herbalist, who explains the girl with Down syndrome was the priest's daughter, whom he sold into slavery several years before the herbalist rescued her.
Young newspaper reporter Matt Harper (Steve Talley) is dispatched from Nashville to cover the murder of the police chief of Amos, Alabama. There he meets Trey Hall (Lauren Jenkins), a 21-year-old "blue blood" who lives on her family's hunting plantation. She wants Matt to investigate the nearly 20-year-old unsolved killing of a black teenager, Wallace Sampson (Romonte Hamer). Matt believes solving the murder will jump-start his career, and he begins to investigate. Being distracted, he forgets an appointment related to his upcoming wedding, which causes his fiancée Delana Calhoun (Anna Felix) to call off their engagement.
Matt asks his editor, Walker Burns (Jeremy Childs), to let him look into the murder. While Burns notes that Matt is already on thin ice with the publisher (David Ditmore) for a lack of productivity, Burns allows Matt some time to investigate, on the condition that politically incorrect reporter Ronnie Bullock (Eric Roberts) accompany him.
Matt and Ronnie discover old police files that point to a Klansman who operated 'The Store' near where the shooting occurred. The day before Wallace's murder, someone had attempted to firebomb 'The Store' during a civil rights protest. Just as the two reporters are making headway, Matt's ex-fiancée Delana tells Matt his father, Lucas (J.D. Souther), has cancer. Matt and Delana visit Matt's father, but later fight because Matt hasn't told his father about the broken engagement and because Matt is critical of his ill father.
Matt and Bullock continue investigating without the publisher's knowledge. One of their sources, Wallace's mother Mary Pell Sampson (Jackie Welch), is reluctant to talk to them, and Matt begs Delana to help him in speaking to the woman. Delana reluctantly agrees, not for Matt, but because she dislikes someone getting away with murder. Mary Pell tells Delana that 'The Store' was firebombed because it was a front for prostitution.
The publisher discovers that Matt and Bullock are continuing to work on the story against his orders. After a public confrontation in which Matt challenges the publisher, Matt seeks his father's help. Using his father's advice, Matt and Bullock subvert the publisher and renew the investigation. They ask Delana to help with the interview of Wallace's girlfriend Vanessa (Maisha Dyson), and Delana again becomes part of the team. Vanessa reveals a crucial clue about someone running from the scene. Matt and Bullock discover that Judge Buchanan (Tommy Cresswell) owned the store that was firebombed.
Somebody in a car tries to run Delana off the road when she leaves Amos, but she escapes. Matt realizes how much Delana means to him and rushes to comfort her. He delivers a full and complete apology for his self-centered behavior.
Matt and Bullock track down the man running from the scene, Billy ‘Possum’ Baker (Clay Brocker). They learn he's been an anti-Klan informer and is still undercover. Baker is now dying, and he is no longer worried about the consequences of coming forward with the truth.
Just as they publish the story, Matt's father dies. Matt arrives in time to make his peace and to hear the words of approval he's always craved. When Matt has to choose between doing the right thing and doing the professional thing, he makes the right choice, and Delana falls back in love with him.
Matt and Bullock's story leads to indictments. Evidence proves the same gun that killed Wallace Sampson also killed the police chief. The reporters foil an attempt on Possum's life the night before a hearing where everything is made clear and Mary Pell reveals a final shocking truth about the killer that leaves everyone gasping.
The reporters receive a prize for investigative reporting. The town of Amos is transformed. Matt Harper has become a reporter with a conscience and someone who finally deserves Delana.
Three years after the events of the previous film, ex-CIA operative Frank Moses tries to lead a normal life with girlfriend Sarah Ross. He dismisses Marvin Boggs’ claims that enemies are still after them; Marvin drives off and his car explodes. Although Frank is unconvinced Marvin is dead, Sarah convinces him to attend Marvin's funeral where he delivers a tearful eulogy. Government agents interrogate Frank at an FBI Yankee White facility. Corrupt agent Jack Horton and a team of private military contractors ambush the facility; he threatens to torture Sarah until Frank gives him the information he needs. Frank evades Horton, and with the help of the still living Marvin, goes on the run with Sarah.
Marvin explains he and Frank have been targeted as members of Operation Nightshade, a clandestine operation during the Cold War to smuggle a nuclear weapon into Russia. Horton convinces international agencies that Frank and his associates are terrorists on the run. Frank’s old ally Victoria notifies him that she has been contracted by MI6 to kill the fugitives. Another top contract killer, Han Cho-Bai, is also hired, seeking revenge against Frank. Frank, Marvin, and Sarah steal Han's plane and fly to Paris to find "The Frog", with the Americans and Han in pursuit. They are met by Katja Petrokovich, a Russian secret agent with whom Frank had a relationship, who is also investigating Nightshade. They interrogate the Frog and Sarah, hoping to one-up Katja, seduces him.
The Frog gives them the key to his security box, which Katja takes after drugging Frank; Marvin, anticipating her double-cross, provided Frank with a similar key to give her. Marvin, Frank, and Sarah search the box themselves and find documents pointing to physicist Dr. Edward Bailey as the creator of the Nightshade bomb. They discover Bailey is alive, held for thirty-two years in a maximum security asylum for the criminally insane in London. Victoria, alerted by Marvin, ambushes the trio, but helps fake their deaths and infiltrate the asylum. They find the hyperactive Bailey, incapacitated by mind-fogging drugs, and bring him to Marvin’s safehouse, where Bailey remembers the location of the bomb.
In Moscow, Bailey concludes he hid the bomb in the Kremlin. There, the team locates the suitcase bomb, powered by red mercury. Katja stops them, but Frank persuades her to join their mission. They escape, but a call from Victoria, who has broken out of MI6 confinement for failing to kill him, reveals that Bailey was imprisoned because he wanted to detonate the bomb. Holding Frank at gunpoint, Bailey confirms Victoria's message, admitting he made a deal to give Horton the bomb. He fatally shoots Katja, frames Frank, and leaves with the bomb. Horton reneges on their deal, intending to torture Bailey for all his secrets, but Bailey deploys a nerve gas and escapes to the Iranian embassy in London. In pursuit, Frank is attacked by Han. Reaching a standoff, Frank urges Han to join him in stopping Bailey; Han relents, and the five enact a plan to recapture the bomb.
Sarah seduces the Iranian ambassador and takes him hostage. Marvin poses as a potential defector, causing a diversion in the embassy that allows the team to enter disguised as plumbers. They learn the bomb’s location, but Bailey has already triggered the timer and killed Horton. Bailey takes Sarah hostage and flees to Han’s plane to escape the imminent explosion. Frank, Marvin, Victoria, and Han give chase, but Marvin’s attempts to disarm the suitcase bomb cause the timer to count down even faster. Frank boards the plane and confronts Bailey with the suitcase; he forces Frank to leave with Sarah and the suitcase. They rejoin the others and wait for the suitcase to detonate as the plane takes off – high in the sky, it explodes. Frank reveals that he hid the bomb aboard the plane and confronted Bailey with the empty case. Han angrily demands $30 million for his plane and $20 million for not killing Frank.
The film ends as Sarah enjoys herself on a mission in Caracas with Frank and Marvin.
Legend of the Millennium Dragon (aka Onigamiden) starts off with a battle between samurai and Oni, "visualized demons that seem to be made of smoke" . It does not go well for the samurai and as the Oni prepare to make their final push to destroy a local temple, but Monk Gen'un wipes them all out in one blow with his magic powers. The film then shifts focus over to Jun Tendo, a shy teenage boy, who is transported 1200 years into Japan's past to the Heian era. There, he must enlist the aid of the dragon Yamata no Orochi to resolve a war between humans and Oni. He is bullied over and over because of his weak appearance and lack of skills. Jun is then followed and attacked by an Oni, which he runs away from. While running, Jun finds himself hiding in the temple of Monk Gen'un and is confronted with the truth. Monk Gen'un starts by telling Jun that he is being targeted by the dark monsters and about the war between humans and Oni back in the Heian era. Jun passes out and wakes up at the temple where he meets Raiko Minamoto, a highly skilled swordsman that fights alongside of Gen'un. Jun is treated as royalty and is highly confused.
During the night the temple is attacked by Oni. The humans retaliate and fight back to protect their temple and their "savior," Jun. Jun is a descendant of the Magatama clan with a birthmark on his left shoulders. Only direct bloodlines with that birthmark can awaken the full powers of a mystical dragon named Orochi. In order to summon the dragon to save Raiko and everyone else in the village, Jun must chant the incantation. Jun sees that Raiko is in deep trouble and screams his name while awaking the powerful dragon in the process without the incantation. Jun awakes finding himself riding on the back of Orochi, which becomes Jun's servant and source of power.
Jun comes in conflict with Mizuha, an Oni, and find out that they are not the demons that everyone makes them out to be. Instead of being demons, the Oni are regular people that wears a mask which causes the visualization of the demons. Jun shortly finds out a different story than what Gen'un has told him from the Oni and now wants answers. He feels both side of the stories and does not know whom to trust. Mizuha singles out Jun and asked him to join them and fight to project their cause, but Jun refuses to make such a quick decision because he wants to trust both side. Jun gets pressured by the Mizuha and calls upon Orochi to escape. Mizuha jumps on Orochi and escapes with Jun, but they soon hit an Oni-free barrier and gets struck down by magic power. Jun wakes up to find himself with Tsuna and Kinta, Raiko's fellow swordsman's, who has been searching for Jun to meet up with Raiko.
Gen'un is confronted by a counsel men of the temple and his true plans are exposed. Jun becomes furious once he finds out that the counsel men dies and calls upon Orochi. A battle between Oni and Human finally breaks out. Jun orders to stop the battle, but is attacked by Raiko. Jun does not recognize Raiko and is told by an Oni that Gen'un used his powers and turned Raiko and his friends into the Four Heavenly Kings "god-powered suits of armor". Raiko and his friends do not have control over their bodies anymore. Jun finally learns the evil plans of Gen'un and that the counsel men's assassination was Gen'un's doing. Gen'un wants to obtain true greatness and powers of a God.
Before stopping Gen'un, Jun has to defeat Raiko first. Jun knows that Raiko is not evil and has no control over his body. Jun tries to talk Raiko out of fighting but there is no response until he brings up the death of Raiko's father and how they were ordered to death by Gen'un. Gen'un notices that Raiko is starting to resist the powers given to him and strikes him down, destroying the power of the heavenly kings and defeating Raiko himself. Jun begins to take the fight seriously and finally knows what he is fighting for. Mizuha hands over a small mirror like item and a small dagger that contains his true power. When placed next to each other, they merge and become a sword that Jun uses to fight. Gen'un then transforms the Four Heavenly Kings into one giant beast and attacks everyone that gets into his way, even his own people. Everyone tries desperately to take down Gen'un, but he is just too powerful. Not wanting anymore bloodshed, Jun unleashes all his powers and begins glowing. Orochi, who has power over the water and controls all water is transformed into its final form, the true Yamata no Orochi and defeats Gen'un. The film ends with Jun back in his own time and in his school uniform, now with confidence and moving on with his life.
Murder comes to a quiet settlement of the English countryside, and with more than one ghost. Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night, shortly before the murder? Who was the mysterious blackmailer who held all England in their grasp? Why didn't the famous detective, Andy MacLeod, do his duty?
''?'' focuses on interfaith relations in Indonesia, a country wherein religious conflicts are common, and there is a long history of violence and discrimination against Chinese Indonesians and other minorities. The storyline follows three families living in a village in Semarang, Central Java: the Chinese-Indonesian Buddhist Tan Kat Sun (Hengky Sulaeman) and his son Hendra (Rio Dewanto), the Muslim couple Soleh and Menuk, and the Catholic-convert Rika and her Muslim son Abi.
Sun and Hendra run a Chinese restaurant that serves pork, which is forbidden for Muslims, although the restaurant has many Muslim clients and staff. To ensure good relations with his Muslim employees and customers, Sun uses special utensils for the preparation of pork, which he does not permit to be used for other dishes, and allows his staff time for prayers; he also gives them a holiday during Eid ul-Fitr, the largest Muslim holiday. One of his employees is Menuk, who supports her unemployed husband, Soleh. Rika is Menuk's friend and is involved with the unsuccessful Muslim actor Surya.
Already in his 70s, Sun falls ill and the restaurant is taken over by Hendra, who decides it will serve exclusively pork, alienating their Muslim customers. Hendra comes into conflict with Soleh over Menuk, as Hendra had previously dated her. Menuk becomes increasingly depressed after Soleh tells her that he plans to divorce her, and they are driven apart. Rika feels stressed as a result of how she has been treated by her neighbours and family after converting to Catholicism from Islam; Abi is also facing ostracism. Meanwhile, Surya and Doni are competing for Rika's affections. Surya is upset over his failure to find a good acting job.
Soleh joins the Islamic charitable group Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), hoping to gain confidence. Though he is initially reluctant to protect the security of a church during Christmas Eve, he ends up sacrificing his life when he discovers a bomb has been planted inside the church. He rushes out with the bomb, which explodes outside, killing him but saving the worshippers. Later, Sun dies when the restaurant, which did not close to honour Eid ul-Fitr, is attacked by a mob of fundamentalist Muslims. After the attack, Hendra reads the 99 names of Allah and converts to Islam; he attempts to approach Menuk, although it is unclear if she will accept him. Surya receives an offer from Rika to play the role of Jesus in her church's Christmas and Easter pageants, which he accepts for a high fee after hesitating due to fears that it will be against his religion; after the pageant he reads Al-Ikhlas in a mosque. Rika is able to obtain her parents' blessing for her conversion.
A lost Nazi bunker in a forest in Germany contains a dreadful secret. Marine archaeologist Jack Howard returns to the lost island of Atlantis in the Black Sea to answer questions about the Atlantis priests that have plagued him. Then by tracking down the 1930s expeditions of Himmler's Ahnenerbe - the Nazi's Department of Cultural Heritage - and its link with Atlantis, Jack realises he is not just on the trail of the greatest lost relics from the past.
After having killed extortionist Mayil Vaaganam, police officer Durai Singam covertly meets Home Minister Ramanathan on the highways, while returning to Thoothukudi. 2 days before, Durai Singam publicly resigns from police and returns to his hometown. Eight months later, he starts working as an NCC master in a Thoothukudi school, and studies the illegal activities happening, for undercover purpose. The only people who know about this operation are the Chief Minister Kumaravel and Ramanathan. Sathya is a +2 student who has heavy infatuation on Singam, though he is waiting to marry his love interest Kavya.
Singam's father Soundara Pandi is enraged about him leaving the police force. He also forbids the marriage between Singam and Kavya, as he fears that Kavya's billionaire father Mahalingam might take Singam away to manage his business empire and that Singam will lose respect with his relatives. Susai, a local who works as peon at Singam's school, shows Singam parts of Thoothukudi and tells him about the rogue happenings in those places. Singam requests Ramanathan to transfer his colleagues Erimalai and Damodarai to assist him. Singam later learns that Sathya is the niece of an influential don named Thangaraj, who is involved in Financial and Seaway Scams. Thangaraj is partners with Bhai, a criminal who controls the southeast coastline of Tamil Nadu.
Bhai and Thangaraj have connections with the international gangster and drug lord Michael Kong, aka Danny, and they are trafficking cocaine. Singam does not know about their connection and keeps Bhai in his off-duty surveillance. One day, due to a verbal fight in a pub, Bhai's chief drug importer Saghayam kidnaps a girl from another caste after her brother (another don) insults him, and holds her ransom until sunset. This causes riots between both gangs in the city, and Singam's school principal has to close the school for the day. With his info connections, Singam learns of the problem, takes charge as new DSP, rescues the girl, and returns her to her family. He is praised by the public and is also forgiven by his father.
Meanwhile, Sathya learns that Kavya and Singam are strongly in love and distances herself from them. Singam then finds out about Thangaraj and Bhai's partnership. He decides to arrest Saghayam first at the harbour, who has brought Danny with him to attend Thangaraj's new hotel party. Sagayam is arrested, along with Danny for insulting the police. Thangaraj tries to make Singam release the duo, but to no avail. Bhai sends an army of goons to bust Danny and Saghayam out of prison. Singam then finds that Danny has escaped, the police station is in ruins, and his fellow officers are injured. All of Singam's efforts are spoiled, and the next morning, he is suspended for unruly behavior. Singam warns Bhai that he knows about Danny and will return soon.
Singam meets Ramanathan at Chennai, and proposes plans for an operation to arrest all of Danny's associates in India. He then gets re-appointed and gets his superior suspended. He gets authorization to kill drug dealers on sight even without evidence. Since the next load of drugs is ready to be delivered by Danny, Bhai decides that Saghayam will deliver the drugs to him in Kerala, and he will bring it back, but he is arrested by Singam. Later, at Singam's engagement function, Mayil Vaaganam's former ally Harbour Shanmugam informs him that Thangaraj has hired goons to attack his home and family that night. Singam fights the goons himself and kills them all. He then places a drug bag insides Thangaraj's house and jails him.
The next day however, Singam gets a call and immediately goes to Sathya's home only find that Sathya has committed suicide by consuming poison, despite previously being told by Singam about her uncle's criminal activities. He analyzes that Sathya was killed by her father as plotted by Thangaraj, whom Singam confronts in prison and ensures that if he cannot prove it by arresting Danny, he will give Thangaraj a death penalty, or else Singam will kill Thangaraj and go to prison instead. Singam seeks permission from Ramanathan for traveling to South Africa as his marriage will take place in three days. Singam arrives in South Africa and joins Major Kyle Ambrose and the police to confront Danny, who has taken sanctuary with Durban-based don Alex. Singam and the Durban police give chase by car, which kills Alex in the process. Singam defeats Alex's men and confronts Danny and his men on his ship. The two fight furiously and ends with Singam's victory over Danny, arresting him, and dragging him to the same cell from which he escaped. Afterwards, he reunites with Kavya.
A foppish English aristocrat secretly rescues people from the guillotine during the French Revolution.
On November 15, 1982, Janet Harduvel (Laura Dern) is devastated by the news of the death of her husband Ted (Vincent Spano) who flew as a United States Air Force pilot in one of the world's most sophisticated fighter aircraft, the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. She is stymied in finding out the truth behind his crash in Korea and takes on the US military and General Dynamics, maker of the F-16. With the help of her lawyer, Leo Morrone (Robert Loggia), and her sister Mary (Welker White), Harduvel begins the long process of unraveling the lies and deception that are behind a joint military and General Dynamics cover-up that blames the accident on pilot error. Despite setbacks, she proves to be unwavering in her search for the truth to clear his name and uncover the deadly secret buried in the F-16.
The film opens with a young boy wearing a dress while playing with a doll. He's discovered by his mother, who angrily destroys both the dress and the doll in front of him, bringing the boy to tears. This so traumatizes the boy that he castrates himself.
''Cassadaga'' follows Lily (Kelen Coleman), a deaf woman who has traveled to Cassadaga, Florida in order to teach and grieve for her dead sister Michele (Sarah Sculco). She's also attending Cassadaga University on a scholarship provided by Claire (Louise Fletcher), who also allows her to live on her property with herself and her grandson Thomas (Lucas Beck). While staying in the town she begins dating Mike (Kevin Alejandro), the divorced father of one of her students Haley (Rachel Durose). Lily ends up visiting a psychic (Avis-Marie Barnes) after one of Mike's friends suggests it, during which time she makes a brief connection with her sister's spirit but also receives a warning about a female spirit that has attached itself to her. Soon after Lily experiences a series of terrifying visions. Meanwhile, the young boy, now an adult, is shown to be a grisly murderer that turns his corpses into marionettes.
Lily then ends up meeting Christian (Rus Blackwell), while he's inspecting a greenhouse he built for Claire, during which time he informs her that Jennifer (Amy LoCicero), the last person who won Claire's scholarship, ended up going missing. The police suspected that Thomas had killed her, but were unable to find enough evidence to arrest him. Correctly suspecting that Jennifer is haunting her, Lily convinces Mike to help her search for clues. Together they discover evidence that shows that Thomas was stalking Jennifer prior to her disappearance and also learn that Lily is unable to leave town until she puts Jennifer's spirit to rest.
Mike ends up leaving Lily because his ex-wife is using Lily's strange behaviors (due to the haunting) as a way to gain full custody of Haley. This saddens and infuriates Lily, who knocks over paintings she'd been making of her visions. Through this action she realizes that her visions have been of Claire's greenhouse. She investigates the building and finds both drugs and Jennifer's corpse. Lily is attacked by Thomas, who is promptly arrested by police arriving on the scene. While he is arrested for both the drugs and Jennifer's murder, the police discover that Thomas is not the killer. One officer, Officer Hall (Lucius Baston), goes to interview Christian, who he quickly deduces is the true murderer.
Christian murders the officer and abducts Lily, who he plans on turning into his next marionette. Lily initially manages to escape her captor and flee using a car, but is distracted and causes a car crash. As Christian approaches Lily, Jennifer appears in front of Christian, giving Lily the opportunity to attack him with a pair of scissors he dropped. This causes her to see a vision of her sister, signifying that she has come to terms with Michele's death.
31 December 2010: At 11:59 pm, a sudden bomb blast occurs in London, killing several people.
After a year, A blind man named Kenny Thomas lays flowers on the memorial and mourns someone's death during the bomb blast. He is provided with secret details by a mysterious woman. Kenny then takes a taxi driven by Sathyan, a comical Tamilian. He drops Kenny at a place and waits for him to return, but Kenny goes inside to kill someone, where he kills him and throws him down.
Seeing the corpse, Sathyan flees, Kenny is shown to produce a sound from his mouth to find his way, which is later shown as echolocation. Later, Kenny play the piano in a church, and as he is blind, he has so many people who care for him. In the meantime, he carries out two more murders, taking the same taxi driven by the innocent Sathyan, following instructions from the mysterious woman.
Sara Vinayagam, a British-born Anglo-Indian woman, wins the Miss London title, and to build her social profile, she goes to Kenny's church and acts like she is helping out there. Initially, Kenny does not like her, but eventually, they become friends. Sara's father is a doctor, who supports Kenny. Inspector Veerakathi, a British Tamil, is the officer in charge of the murders.
As the autopsy of the murdered victims takes place under Sara's father, Veerakathi visits him and learns about Kenny, who is admitted there for a small accident. Veerakathi initially suspects Kenny but is not convinced. As Sathyan is found on all the murder spots, the police arrest him, suspecting that he must be having a connection with the murders. Sathyan manages to find a picture of Kenny from a local newspaper and informs Veerakathi.
Sathyan is released and meets Sara, and both of them go to a place (which she learns of from Kenny's phone, which he misses during a fight with the local thugs). They reach there in time to see Kenny almost kill a steel company owner named Victor. Kenny flees the scene after sensing them and takes Sathyan's taxi to escape. As he is blind, he runs the taxi into a river, along with Sathyan and Sara. Later, they reach a riverbank. Sara and Sathyan try to escape, where they see Geetha, who confronts Sara and Sathyan and reveals Kenny's real identity:
'''Past''': Kenny is actually a RAW officer in India, whose real name is Shivakumar. Shiva and his close friend Sharath completed various missions for the government. In the meantime, Shiva marries Meenakshi, an eye doctor in Delhi. Time goes by, they become closer to each other. Meenakshi decides to express her love to Shiva on New Year's Day (which turns out to be his birthday).
Meanwhile, Sharath handles a case where an Indian Army secret (a flowchart) about a WMD goes missing. Shiva shows interest in this case and leaves for London (with a different name, where a former Indian policeman named Kenny helps him) to find an important clue, as Sharath is injured during a fight, but Shiva is shocked to find his plan go wrong and is now chased by the L.C.P.D, following a few incidents.
Shiva soon realizes that Sharath is the mastermind behind the missing flowchart, as he sold it to a terrorist group, with some help from the London militants. Shiva finds out about this entire plot and asks Sharath to surrender, but he later learns that Meenakshi has also come to London along with Sharath (to surprise Shiva on his birthday and propose to him). To save her, Shiva abides by Sharath's order and comes to a place (with Kenny), where a sudden bomb blast occurs, killing Kenny and Meenakshi and blinding Shiva.
'''Present''': Kenny's actual wife is Geetha, who decides to take revenge on those responsible for the deaths of Kenny and Meenakshi. She forms a team with Shiva and joins him in a school where he learns echolocation from Daniel Kish. After that, Geetha reveals about the people who caused the disaster to Kenny, which is the reason for the murders.
After burning Sharath with the Metal Melting Machine in Victor's (Sharath's friend) factory, the Union Minister requested Kenny to come back to India as Shivakumar, but he rejects the request as Kenny's former identity as Shivakumar had ''died'' and he is going to spend his life for Meenakshi.
After a lecture from 1/16th Cherokee Indian David "Running Horse" Sawitski, the boys are assigned to write a report on the history of Thanksgiving. They view a TV show on the History Channel that suggests the first Thanksgiving in 1621 was influenced by the presence of extraterrestrials. Despite Kyle's outrage at the program's arguments, he is outvoted, and the boys use the program as a source for their report. After turning in their reports, agents from the History Channel demand the boys tell them where they got their information on aliens, which matches History's own information. When the boys explain they derived their knowledge from that program, the head agent sees this "coincidence" as validation of History's theories, and shows the boys' testimonials on a subsequent program, crediting Stan as a "History Expert", and Kyle as a "Professor of Thanksgiving—DeVry Institute", despite the fact that Kyle is shown arguing against the idea. This incurs the wrath of Sawitski, who, angered at the proliferation of falsehoods about Native American history, shows up at Kyle's house and holds him, Stan and Kenny at gunpoint.
Captain Standish of Plymouth, a planet in Canis Major whose inhabitants resemble colonial era American Pilgrims, falls to Earth. On Plymouth, the Pilgrim leader rallies his people, saying that their enemies, the Indians, have raided their stuffing mines, which leads to a stuffing shortage on Earth that causes Cartman to panic. Standish shows up at Kyle's house, kills Sawitski, and asks Kyle for help returning to his planet. After Natalie Portman drives them to a wooded area, Standish shows Kyle a map of five planets: Earth, Plymouth, Indi, Colthenheim and Green Lantern World, which are connected by wormholes that, on the map, resemble the hand-traced drawings of turkeys made by schoolchildren. Standish explains that his people and their enemies were indeed responsible for the first Thanksgiving, and warns Kyle that because the 300-year treaty between Plymouth and Indi has ended, the Indians will plunder the Plymouth stuffing mines. Agents from the History Channel appear, and when they tell Standish that they failed to open the wormhole to Plymouth by drawing the turkey symbol at Plymouth Rock, Standish informs them that they need Natalie Portman, who is the Keeper of the Portal. After being wined and dined by Kyle, Portman "opens her wormhole", sending Standish back to Plymouth, where he vanquishes the Indians.
Back on Earth, Standish's campaign against the Indians is related in another History TV special, which also adds the new theory that the first Thanksgiving was haunted, much to Kyle's outrage.
''Niní'' tells the story of Nina Gómez, an innocent girl, somewhat distracted, spontaneous and with a big heart, who has been left alone with her grandfather, the gardener of the embassy in which they live. The life of Nina it is altered with the arrival of the new ambassador, Tomás Parker (Federico Amador), an orderly and distant man. Tomás Parker arrives at the mansion accompanied by his ambitious secretary Celina Martínez Paz (Paula Morales) and his four adopted children, who, having been born in different countries, form a heterogeneous and very particular family. Niní, who quickly becomes fond of the kids, she must overcome several obstacles to be able to remain in the embassy next to them. To the point that she ends up disguising herself as a man and becoming Nicolás, the new ambassador's driver. Niní will fall madly in love with Tomás just like he does with her. From now on a delicious plot begins to develop where Niní, with its simplicity and brightness, will reach the heart of the Parkers, transmitting values that neither power nor money can get, freedom, love and a sense of humor outside of the usual. But things will get complicated when Nicolás appears, who is actually Niní disguised as a man.
There are significant differences between this adaptation and the original novel. Whereas the action of the novel takes place in France, this screen version is set in the UK in 1952 as Britain prepares for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Teacher John Standing, who has just lost his job, meets his doppelgänger Johnny Spence, a failed businessman, in a hotel. Standing is encouraged by Spence to get drunk and the next morning wakes without his clothes and wallet and with Spence gone. Collected by George, the chauffeur to the Spence family, he has difficulty explaining himself and is taken to the family's grand home. He is quickly drawn into family and business affairs and is forced to deal with Spence's business problems and the women in his life: his wife, mother, sister, young daughter, and two mistresses (Spence's sister-in-law Nina, and Bela, a French artist who lives in the nearby town).
The family glass business is failing, and Standing staves off the inevitable by pretending to have signed a contract with a major customer. He finds that Spence's younger brother, Paul, is capable but lacking in confidence, whilst his sister, Blanche, hates Johnny, whom she blames for the suicide of her close friend. Standing discovers that the only money available to save the business is a trust fund belonging to Spence's neglected wife, Frances, but the trust pays out only if Frances has a male heir or she predeceases her husband. Spence, curious as to what is going on in his absence, returns to the house to retrieve his gun and sees Standing sleeping with Frances. Astonished, he uses their (John and Frances') improved relationship to his advantage.
While Standing is out at a shooting party lunch with the rest of the family, Spence manipulates Frances into taking an overdose of morphine so that he can claim the trust fund and save the glass business. She willingly submits, sacrificing herself to save her family. Her daughter, "Piglet," sees them together and confronts Standing, still mistaking him for her father. Standing rushes to the house to find Frances barely alive; he revives her with help from Charlotte, Spence's mother's caretaker.
Standing confronts Spence at the glass foundry. Spence offers him a share of the money, but Standing refuses, so Spence forces him at gunpoint to exchange clothing, planning to kill him and dispose of his body in the foundry. A struggle ensues, and Spence is killed. Standing returns to the house, intending to disappear, but is dissuaded by Charlotte, who has seen through him. In the final scene, Standing is seen with the Spence family, including a pregnant Frances, watching the Coronation on a newly acquired television set.
The story centers around two characters Adam (Luke Treadaway) and Morello (Natalia Tena) who end up handcuffed whilst appearing at T in the Park. Adam is the lead singer with successful pop group ''The Make'' who are booked to perform at popular music festival in Scotland. While looking for his manager he happens upon Morello, the lead singer for the all girl punk band ''The Dirty Pinks''. The two do not get along and end up arguing, while doing so attracting the attention of a preacher who decides to teach them both a lesson in cooperation and compromise. He handcuffs the two together and disposes of the key, leaving the two stuck together until the handcuffs can be removed. This also means that the two must perform together, an arrangement that both are unhappy with. But over time they both see that they have more in common than first thought and Morello begins to wonder whether she is truly happy with her boyfriend Mark (Alastair Mackenzie).
In the film Carlos, a middle-class man from São Paulo during the development of the automotive industry in the late 1950s, has an existential crisis amidst the industrialization process.
Airline pilot Captain Whip Whitaker (Washington) uses cocaine to stay alert after a sleepless night in his Orlando hotel room. He pilots SouthJet Flight 227 to Atlanta, which experiences severe turbulence at takeoff. Co-pilot Ken Evans takes over while Whip discreetly mixes vodka in his orange juice and takes a nap. He is jolted awake as the plane goes into a steep dive. Unable to regain control, Whip is forced to make a controlled crash landing in an open field, hitting his head and losing consciousness on impact.
Whip awakens in an Atlanta hospital with moderate injuries and is greeted by his old friend Charlie Anderson, who represents the airline's pilots union. He tells Whip that he managed to save 96 out of 102, losing two crew members and four passengers, but mentions his co-pilot is in a coma. Whip sneaks away for a cigarette and meets Nicole Maggen, a heroin addict recovering from a recent overdose in the same hospital. The next morning, his friend and drug dealer Harling Mays picks him up from the hospital.
Having retired to his late father's farm, Whip meets Charlie and attorney Hugh Lang (Don Cheadle), who explain that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) performed a drug test while he was unconscious. Results showed that Whip was intoxicated during the flight. Hugh promises to get the toxicology report voided on technical grounds and succeeds. Whip visits and soon becomes intimate with Nicole but Whip's drinking habits clash with Nicole's attempts to stay drug-free. Later, he attends a funeral for Katerina, a flight attendant who died in the crash, and with whom Whip had spent the night before the incident. He sees a surviving crew member, Margaret, and asks her to tell the NTSB that he was sober.
Whip pays a visit to his co-pilot Ken Evans after he awakens from his coma. Evans has likely lost much of his ability to walk and may never pilot an airplane again. Although upset, Evans has no intention of telling the NTSB that Whip was drinking. Nicole decides to separate from Whip after he fails to stay sober. Hounding him, the media catches Whip drunk after he spontaneously drives to the home of his ex-wife and son, both of whom resent him. He stays with Charlie until the NTSB hearing, vowing not to drink. The night before the hearing, Charlie and Hugh move Whip to a guarded hotel room with no alcohol. Although his minibar is empty, he finds the door to an adjacent room unlocked and raids the minibar there.
Whip is discovered by Charlie the next morning, passed out and still drunk. Harling is called to revive him with cocaine. At the hearing, lead NTSB investigator Ellen Block explains that a damaged elevator assembly jackscrew was the primary cause of the crash. She commends Whip on his valor and skill, noting that no other pilot was able to land the plane in trial simulations of the crash. She then reveals that two empty vodka bottles were found in the plane's trash, despite beverages not being served to passengers, and that Whip's blood test was excluded for technical reasons. She then states the only other member of the crew to test positive for alcohol was Katerina. Whip pauses, unable to bring himself to blame Katerina for his actions. He collects himself and comes clean, admitting to being intoxicated the day of the crash; he also admits to currently being drunk.
Thirteen months later, an imprisoned Whip lecturing a support group of fellow inmates says he is glad to be sober and doesn't regret doing the right thing. Whip is seen looking at pictures of Nicole, family and friends on the wall of his cell, along with greeting cards congratulating him on his first anniversary of being sober. He is working to rebuild his relationship with his son, who visits to speak with him about a college application essay he's working on. It's about "the most fascinating person that I've never met". His son begins by asking, "Who are you?" As a plane flies overhead, Whip replies, "That's a good question."
''The Art of Love'' is composed of several chapters, which follows several Parisian couples. Isabelle (Julie Depardieu) has not had sex in a year. She declines an offer from her friend Zoé (Pascale Arbillot) to "borrow" her husband and instead winds up impersonating Amélie (Judith Godrèche), another friend who cannot bring herself to sleep with her buddy, Boris (Laurent Stocker). The singleton Achille (François Cluzet) thinks his prayers have been answered when his svelte new neighbour (Frédérique Bel) knocks on his door wearing a negligee and suggests they have an affair. In another chapter, a middle-aged couple’s marriage is threatened when wife Emmanuelle (Ariane Ascaride) finds herself lusting after every attractive man she lays eyes upon and a pair of young lovers (Elodie Navarre and Gaspard Ulliel) discover the pangs of jealousy.
The show centers on a social services center. Raquel (Leonor Watling), a young Spanish divorcee and a theorist of social work, used to be employed as a social worker in Brussels. However, after requesting a transfer, she has returned to Spain. Thanks to connections, she is employed at the social services center, which is run by a thirtysomething woman, also named Raquel (Cayetana Guillén Cuervo), but who prefers to be called Quela.
The series helped create awareness for social workers' duties and challenges, and also created a public and popular perception of social workers in Spain.José Vicente Pérez Cosín, ''El Trabajo Social, sus imágenes y su público. La construcción de una identidad colectiva'' (2003, Universidad de Valencia,
Achaja is a firstborn daughter of one of the seven Great Dukes of Troy, Archentar. It is a Troy's tradition to have the first child sent to a military service in their youth. While most noble families manage to get their daughters out of this ordeal by temporary adopting some boys from lesser nobility, Archentar is manipulated by his young wife to actually sent the princess off to the training. Soon after, her unit is dispatched to a battlefield and captured by the enemy forces of Luan. There, Achaja is to be used as a leverage to get back lands from Troy. Upon Archentar's diplomatic visit in Luan, the girl is tortured beneath his window so that the man could hear her screams before the negotiations over lands. As the man does not budge, she is made into a slave and sent to a labour camp to build a Royal Road. In order to survive, she takes a deal made by two experienced slaves to sell her body to them for protection. One of them, Hekke, turns out to have been a famous sword master before he disgraced himself and ended up as a slave. He teaches Achaja the craft. After a while, Achaja decides to try and run away from the camp despite the risk of terrible death if she is caught. Against all odds, she manages to succeed and starts her journey which will make her take on many different roles: a prostitute, a farmer girl and finally, a soldier instrumental in a war that will change the shape of the whole continent.
When Achaja is first introduced to the reader, she compares herself to a little girl of which she has been reading - alone in the woods and afraid of monsters. As her own story goes on, Achaja realises that she has now herself become a monster that little girls in the woods may be afraid of.
A wizard Meredith is visited by one of the gods, who tells him to slay the leader of The Order, a powerful religious organization that oversees this world. He attempts to fulfill the god's will, but fails and is captured by the Knights of the Order. He is sentenced to life in a dark, underground cell. Even though it is said that nobody can get into the cell once it is locked, the wizard is soon visited by Virus - a creature that claims to have neither a body nor a soul. Virus promises the man to help him accomplish what nobody ever did - to escape from the Order's prison.
Zaan is a highly intelligent scribe bored with the routine of everyday life. He dreams of becoming a legend, of making his mark in history and being remembered by generations to come. Yet his life passes monotonously. Until one day he meets Sirius, a young contract killer. Zaan is drawn to the adventurous life that Sirius leads and decides to become his companion. When the two men start talking, Sirius tells Zaan how as a child he was captured by pirates and made into a slave. He recounts that among other slaves on the ship, there was another boy his age - a long missing son of Great Duke Orion whose fate remained a mystery for years and was only known by Sirius. He and the prince befriended and the young royal told him many stories about Orion's court. One day, the pirate ship started leaking and everyone but Sirius died. Hearing the story, Zaan comes up with an idea to convince Orion that Sirius is in fact the missing prince. With his wit and knowledge, the man manages to get them into Orion's court and soon gains power that he could previously only dream of. Determined more than ever to get everything he ever wanted, Zaan wages a war against the whole world.
Despite having scars on her face, Princess Winter is known for her stunning beauty and kindness. Her relationship with her stepmother Levana is strained at best, especially as Winter is secretly in love with Winter's royal guard Jacin. When Winter refuses to marry the queen's thaumaturge Aimery, Levana orders Jacin to murder Winter. Instead, he stabs Winter's favorite pet, a wolf named Ryu, so Winter can escape unharmed and Queen Levana will believe she is dead. Jacin gives Scarlet a pod key and a knife and tells her to flee to RM9, Wolf's home Sector. The Crew sneaks onto a ship owned by Levana's fiance Prince Kai, who is secretly part of the plan to overthrow Queen Levana.
Once on RM9, Cinder, Thorne, Iko, and Wolf take refuge with Maha, Wolf's mother. They break into a control room and Cinder hacks to display her video proclaiming herself to be Princess Selene and asking for the people to become her army. Levana finds her and sends her guards and thaumaturges to RM9. In the confrontation, Cinder gives herself up, Wolf is taken, and Maha is murdered by Aimery for having housed them.
Jacin finds out he is in trouble for not killing Winter. He tells Cress it's time to leave, and they maneuver through train tunnels. Scarlet and Winter go to find the wolf-like mutations of human soldiers in an attempt to convince them to join Cinder's army.
During Cinder's trial, Cinder announces that she is Princess Selene, and Levana is a traitor to the crown for trying to murder her as a baby. During the ensuing battle, Cinder dives off the tower into the lake. Her systems are damaged and she almost drowns, but is saved by Thorne and Jacin. Levana, in a bid to quell the uprising from the disastrous trail, announces Cinder is dead with a fake body to prove it.
Scarlet and Winter find the wolf soldiers. The soldiers decide to join them and go topside to find supporters to rally. Once arriving in a lumber sector, an old crone, who is Levana in disguise, offers Winter a sour-apple petite, Winter's favorite candy. However, the petite is laced with a serious plague called "letumosis" and Winter faints. Scarlet and several of the soldiers are also infected. Winter is put into a suspension tank. During Levana's coronation, Cinder, Jacin and Iko break into the labs, steal the letumosis cure, and grabs Winter out of suspension.
Cinder starts a revolution. Cress opens the gates and a mob storms the palace. Levana has just been crowned empress when Wolf attacks her and Cinder's message distracts everyone. Cinder finds Levana in the throne room, with Thorne tied up by the balcony. Levana demands Cinder relinquish all claims to the throne or she kills Thorne. Still being controlled by Levana, Thorne stabs Cress in the stomach and Cinder in the thigh. Levana feigns penance, then stabs Cinder in the chest, who in turn shoots her. Levana dies, while Cinder survives due to being a cyborg.
Wolf and Scarlet reaffirm their feelings for each other. Thorne and Cress officially become a couple. Jacin kisses a recovering Winter awake. Cinder agrees to sign the Treaty of Bremen with Earth and is crowned Queen of Luna.
60 years ago, a violent sandstorm uncovered an ancient tomb in the desert outside Cairo. A British expedition set off in hope of finally finding Egypt's legendary Lost Queen. The expedition never returned. The explorers were lost and presumed dead. In the present day, Nancy Drew joins leading archaeologists as they unearth what they presume to be the tomb where the British explorers were lost. The site is rumored to be cursed, due to an increase in suspicious accidents. The site's lead archaeologist, Professor Jon Boyle, was attacked during a fierce sandstorm and sent to the hospital to recover. As an amateur detective, Nancy attempts to discover who attacked Professor Boyle as well as what happened to the previous expedition.
Owen (Rico Blanco) and Mariella (Angelica Panganiban) are fighting in a car by a lake. It appears that Owen has left his wife to be with Mariella, and is angry that Mariella is not willing to make the same sacrifice. The fight turns violent and Mariella tries to escape from the car. The scene cuts to flashback.
Mariella tells her husband, Ivan (Dingdong Dantes), that her best friend, Samantha (Bettina Carlos) needs company and drives off. Later, it is revealed that Mariella is dead.
Mabel (Kris Aquino) owns an antique store. She is the only child of her mother, Adela (Helen Gamboa). It is revealed that Mabel's sister, Marie, was lost in an accident when they were children. Marie's ghost haunts their home on the anniversary of her loss. One rainy day, Ivan meets Mabel and they begin a relationship. One year later, Ivan proposes. His daughter with Mariella, Angel, greets Mabel icily. Meanwhile, Samantha begins expressing her interest in Ivan, who does not reciprocate her feelings.
Mariella's ghost begins haunting Mabel. On some poor advice from Mabel's best friend, Anna (Bangs Garcia), Mabel unknowingly buys Mariella's red bag but throws it out when she realizes. Anna's boyfriend, Dindo (Jhong Hilario), sees Mariella's ghost.
Samantha “jumps” out her window after seeing Mariella's ghost. Ivan and Mabel argue after Mabel tells him she has been seeing Mariella's ghost. Angel and Mabel finally reconcile. Mabel and Anna turn to a medium, Manang Letty for advice. At a séance, Mabel is told Mariella's soul has been released and the only way to set her free is to leave the red bag in church. However, an old lady sleeping inside the church takes the bag and leaves; the bag starts bleeding. Dindo sees Mariella's ghost again, and is killed. Mabel confronts Ivan, who thinks Mabel is leaving him for Dindo. Ivan turns violent, and Mabel ends the relationship.
Mabel takes Mariella's car to show Ivan as proof of the haunting. Mariella takes control and takes Mabel to the lake, revealing that it is Ivan who assaulted her at the beginning of the film, not Owen. Ivan then killed Mariella and ran the car, with Mariella in it, into the bottom of the lake.
Ivan calls and tells Mabel that Adela is with him. Mabel goes to save her mother. It is revealed that Ivan killed Owen, Mariella, Dindo, and Samantha. Mariella's ghost appeared to Dindo and Samantha just before Ivan was to kill them. Mabel and Ivan fight but Ivan overpowers her and throws her limp body into the pool. As Adela lies injured, Marie appears to Adela, and morphs into Mariella. On the home CCTV, Ivan notices Mariella bringing Mabel to safety, and Mabel knocks Ivan into the pool. Mariella grabs Ivan to drown him.
The epilogue shows the remains of the car that are found by the river, and Adela expresses relief at learning that Marie had led a good life and that her soul is at peace. Later, Ivan's ghost begins to haunt Mabel.
The soap's story centered on best friends: Don Armando Braganza and Damian Valiente, most especially their sons, Theo Braganza and Gardo Valiente, whose lives are opposite from each other. Theo was born rich, a playboy and was groomed as heir to Hacienda Braganza. Gardo on the other hand, was born poor, God-fearing and was poised to take over his father Damian as one of Hacienda Braganza's workers. Despite their differences, Gardo and Theo treated each other like brothers until the death of Don Armando which caused conflict in the hacienda when Donya Trinidad took over the ownership, as well as the accidental killing of Theo to Luming Valiente. The conflict worse as an uprising occurred in the hacienda which caused the imprisonment of Damian. After which, Gardo falls for Theo's youngest sister, Maila. Their relationship was doomed from the start as Theo never liked Maila for Gardo as he preferred her other sister Leona to fall for his friend.
Leona confessed to Gardo the crime her brother made. Theo had accidentally shot Luming Valiente while playing his father's gun a long time ago. Donya Trining concealed this incident by blaming it on rebels. Gardo after finding out of this incident later on planned to retaliate to Theo. He used the rebel's power to threaten the Braganzas. To fix this problem, Donya Trining agreed to imprison Theo but in exchange Gardo will marry Leona. On the day of their marriage, Gardo took his place to reveal Theo's crime in front of prominent persons and mediamen. Because of this incident, Leona lose her consciousness that made her to be placed in a mental hospital, where they discovered that Leona's pregnancy was brought by an anonymous man who raped her.
Theo became very sad on what happened to his family. His sadness let him to comfort his self on a bar where he met Vivian. Vivian knowing on newspaper that her customer is a prominent person placed herself off from Theo even though it did gives love to her. She also advised Theo to come home and face his problems. Theo, knowing Leona's situation, became very mad to Gardo. This let him attempt to kill Gardo one night after burning its face on a fire. Don Luis saw Gardo left bloodied on his way to Rancho Regalado. On the other hand, The Braganzas are in need to supplement their company's near bankruptcy. Donya Trining seeing Vincent Lee, a Chinese businessman that invests a lot in Bahay Pangarap look for him and asked for help. She let her son Theo to be married to Vincent Lee's daughter Elaine to support their company's financial problem. Maila left sorrowful on Gardo's false death. Joel Gatchalian, Theo's friend took this incident to have Maila's love. The situation made Maila to answer yes to Joel's marriage proposal.
Gardo, was left scarred by the tragedy and the betrayal his best friend done to him. Don Luis, pursued him to take his revenge to the Braganzas. Gardo changed his name as Nicolas Vallejo and studied a lot all about business. He even became one of the top amateurs in the corporate world. On the other hand, the ambitious Donya Trining decided to run for mayor of San Rafael. Vincent hearing this supported Donya Trining for him to have the political power on his side for his businesses. He gave up a lot of money for Donya Trining's election campaign. Miguel Magno, Donya Trining's opponent for being mayor took Damian as his adviser and his campaign manager. As his financial support, Miguel took Don Luis. At the end, Donya Trining became the new elected Mayor of San Rafael replacing Mayor Manding. Donya Trining commanded Peping to kill Damian but accidentally the gunshot went to Don Luis. Later they accused Damian for doing this. Damian went to his niece, Vivian to hide from Trining's power. Vincent on the other hand, requests Mayor Trining for her debts to pay it to him immediately. The greedy Mayor Trining in exchange gave him his death. She commanded Peping to kill Vincent. Mayor Trining commanded the whole San Rafael to find Damian with a 2 million pesos in exchange. However, the evidences points Mayor Trining as the primary suspect and this turned out as Nicolas good luck. Mayor Trining asked for Nicolas help to hide her from her crimes. Nicolas helped her with one condition, that is to give him the Villa Braganza's lot title. Mayor Trining with no doubt did what Nicolas said.
The novel is based around the Scottish Wars of Independence and in particular the actions of Robert the Bruce, set in the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
A snowstorm has invaded Quahog, Rhode Island, with Stewie set to visit his grandparents, Carter and Barbara Pewterschmidt at their mansion. While on the drive there, Carter falls asleep at the wheel and crashes his car into a tree. The three are admitted to the hospital, where Joe Swanson alerts Carter that his driver's license has to be revoked because of Carter's old age. Barbara then suggests that the two retire. Carter is reluctant at first, since he does not want to leave a $6 billion company, but he eventually agrees to do so, admitting that he never had free time for himself. Later that day, the retired Carter decides to visit his son-in-law Peter along with his friends Joe and Quagmire at the local bar to learn about their discussions of their lives at home, much to their chagrin. Carter also moves in with the Griffin family and attempts to find someone to hang out with, including Quagmire.
Peter voices his distaste of the situation, and he suggests that they put Carter and Barbara in a retirement community in Florida. Impressed at first at the surroundings, Carter then refuses to live in the community, fearing that the people living there are just waiting to die, but Peter convinces him to live in the home, and promises to show him how great it is to be retired. The two then perform various tasks, including playing bingo and trying out the thermostat in their room, and Carter then eventually agrees to live there.
Six months later, Barbara calls the Griffin family, alerting him that something is wrong with Carter. When they arrive, they discover that he has become grumpy while also acting more tired and elderly than before. Attempting to fix him, Peter, Lois, and Barbara take him back to his old business in Quahog. Peter is able to make some proposals to Carter's secretary over the intercom by making the business more humane and having the elevator operator wear white gloves, which angers Carter so much and causing him to return to his old self. Carter then warns Barbara, Peter, and Lois never to put him in a retirement home ever again, vowing to continue running his business until the day he dies. Just then, Peter's mother Thelma calls from the nursing home on Peter's phone where she complains about her nursing home. Peter remains non-committal whilst also reassuring her and vows to visit her on Thanksgiving.
Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage) is averaging a "respectable" C in Mr. Collins' math class. Despite his best efforts, Kevin can only muster average 'C' grades. Kevin is mostly content with this, particularly after he does pull off a 'B' on a recent test, reasoning to himself that he is trying his best. However, Kevin becomes curious when he sees that Paul received a note from Mr. Collins on his math paper which read, "Good job, Paul." Kevin stops to talk with Mr. Collins regarding his progress in the class, expecting Collins to be impressed with his grades. When Mr. Collins doesn't reciprocate Kevin's enthusiasm for his grades, Kevin begins to wonder why. Kevin stops Mr. Collins in the courtyard and the teacher explains that he does not believe Kevin is achieving his potential in the class, and could achieve an 'A' on his upcoming midterm, if he really tried. Mr. Collins begins to personally tutor Kevin, and the two develop a unique bond in the class.
After many tutoring sessions in preparation for the midterm, one afternoon, Mr. Collins suddenly tells Kevin that he would not be able to help Kevin with his math for the rest of the week because he would be away, but would be back for the midterm at the end of the week. Kevin does not take this well, saying, "I thought you were my friend," to which Collins replies "I am not your friend Mr. Arnold - I am your teacher". Mr. Collins, after being away a few days does show up for the midterm and Kevin, feeling betrayed, purposefully flunks the midterm examination, writing "who cares" and "???" in response to the questions, which disturbed Mr. Collins greatly. Kevin drops his test off and rushes out of the class, while Mr. Collins, looking over the paper, calls out "Kevin!", which Kevin ignores. Although Kevin is proud of himself that evening, as the weekend progresses, Kevin regrets his decision to flunk the test.
On Monday, Kevin asks to see Mr. Collins in the teachers' lounge to apologize for his behavior. Mr. DiPerna surprises Kevin at the door and pulls him aside, explaining that Mr. Collins had died over the weekend from a heart condition, something he was suffering from for a long time. Mr. DiPerna apologizes for telling Kevin this news prior to a school-wide announcement, and informs Kevin that he will be taking over the class for now until a permanent replacement teacher could be found.
Kevin is distraught at this news, and sincerely regrets his decision to scorn Mr. Collins in such a way. Later, Kevin and Paul are eating lunch in the cafeteria when one of Kevin's friends pokes fun at Kevin and Paul over a score that Paul received on a math quiz in an advanced math class, which was taught by a female teacher. Kevin flicks Jell-O on the friend but is caught by Mr. DiPerna, who asks to see Kevin after school.
After school, Mr. DiPerna shows Kevin an envelope that contains all the midterm math exams. Mr. Collins had graded them all before he passed, but Mr. DiPerna informs Kevin that Mr. Collins had "lost" Kevin's exam. and asks if Kevin has any ideas what to do about it. Kevin says he doesn't have any ideas, to which Mr. DiPerna responds, "Well, Mr. Collins did," and reveals a blank test paper that Collins wrote 'Kevin Arnold' at the top of it, and gives him 55 minutes to complete. Kevin realizes that Mr. Collins had posthumously given him a second chance to prove himself, and sees this as his opportunity to make amends with him. Kevin proceeds to thoroughly apply himself on the exam, and when he hands it in, he confidently tells Mr. DiPerna, "You don't have to grade it, it's an A." As Kevin leaves the classroom, he looks back at Mr. Collins' old desk, and sees a vision of his late former teacher in the chair with a look of approval on his face, and says out loud, "Good job, Mr. Collins." The camera dims as Kevin walks out of the building and a black and white photo of Mr. Collins in the yearbook with the words 'IN MEMORIAM Arthur A. Collins 1919-1970' are shown as the closing music plays.
Lydia Blessing (Mary Tyler Moore) is an 82-year-old heiress of wealthy background who, since the death of her husband decades earlier, has been living as a bitter and reclusive widow at her mansion called 'Blessings'. Meanwhile, a man named Skip Cuddy (Liam Waite) has just been released on parole from county jail following an armed robbery gone wrong, only to find his girlfriend Shelley (Laura Regan) cheating on him with an old friend, Chris (Joris Jarsky). Deciding to abandon his old customs, Skip accepts an offer to work for Lydia at her mansion. Lydia's personal maid Jennifer (China Chow) is aware of Skip's mistakes in the past, and warns him not to betray Lydia, as does her daughter Meredith (Kathleen Quinlan).
One night, a couple unfit of parenthood leaves a baby at the garage of Lydia's estate. Skip finds the baby and takes care of her, while working long shifts at Lydia's, at which he is mostly criticized by Jennifer due to his affiliation with gangs in the past. When Lydia finds out about the baby, she wants to give it up for child services, but Skip is able to convince her that a foster family is not a good resolution by sharing experiences from his childhood. Lydia agrees to raise the baby with him, naming her Faith and keeping her existence a secret from Jennifer, and quickly bonds with the child. She notices how great Skip is with the care of Faith, and once she tells Jennifer the truth, she criticizes her for giving Skip a bad treatment.
Slowly, the baby brings spirit to the lives of Lydia and Skip. Then one night, Skip's friends from the past break in, only to be caught by Skip, who has alarmed the police. Chris, among the two friends, feels betrayed by Skip and claims that Skip was in on the crime when the police arrive. Not only is Skip arrested, but the baby is taken in as well. In jail, he finds out that the baby's mother wants her child back, upsetting Skip for feeling that he is now her father. Jennifer, who now takes a liking in Skip, bails him out and decides to help him demand custody of Faith. Skip, however, fears that he will lose the battle, and decides to give up, both disappointing Jennifer and Lydia.
Throughout the film, in flashbacks, the viewer learns that Lydia (Janaya Stephens) made mistakes in the past as well as Skip. She was once a lustful young woman with many men in her lives, including the married father of one of her friends. She then married a family friend, Benny (Diego Klattenhoff) when she got into trouble, and gave birth to his daughter Meredith at age 19. Sometime later, Benny was killed in action, leaving Lydia heartbroken at home, while her brother Sunny (Marcus Hutchings) committed suicide after revealing to Lydia that he had lost his true love.
Back in the present, Lydia processes Skip's rejection and finds through a letter that Sunny was a closeted homosexual man in love with Benny. Skip hands over the baby to the true mother in the presence of Lydia, who in a speech announces that the young lady does not deserve to be her mother. The next morning, she dies in her chair while thinking about her past with Sunny and Benny. Skip inherits the garage including its contents, such as a Cadillac and boxes filled with $70,000.
Like in the books Malko is a nobleman whose family bequeathed him a huge castle and an aristocratic appearance but no sufficient means to sustain the inherited premises or to keep up the appropriate life style. This time it is the castle's roof that requires work and forces Malko to accept another CIA mission. The secret service is worried about rumours which endanger the US-American reputation. It was brought to the CIA's notice that a former collaborator named Enrique Chacon (Raimund Harmstorff) allegedly went rogue in San Salvador. Malko is supposed to investigate Chacon over the atrocities of death squads and then do whatever seems fit against the background of his findings. So he travels to San Salvador and goes about it. Soon he becomes a witness to the crimes of the death squads and eventually he has to realise how Chacon is indeed the driving force for all that. That leaves him no other choice than to render Chacon harmless for good before he can return to his castle and his fiancée, Countess Alexandra (Sybil Danning).
Eleven-year-old Annie Parker is living the perfect young life, loved by all, and especially by her mother, father, and older sister. But none of them knows that something horrible is stalking their perfect family. On a fall afternoon in 1976, young Annie hears a noise from upstairs. Her mother has collapsed and died, and an agonizing downward spiral begins.
At UC Berkeley a brilliant research geneticist named Mary-Claire King is embarking on something of a personal crusade to uncover the genetic roots of breast cancer. While still in her twenties, she has already made a famous discovery that made the cover of the prestigious journal ''Science''—quantifying the genetic variation between humans and chimpanzees. But her conviction that there is a hereditary basis to at least some forms of breast cancer is not widely shared. Nevertheless, her tireless research throughout the 1980s would end in a medical breakthrough—the discovery of the location of the BRCA1 hereditary breast cancer gene—considered one of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century.
At the age of 19, after the sudden death of her father, Anne marries Paul and soon is pregnant. She struggles to find a way in the world with her equally young but misguided husband and her older sister, Joan Parker who tries to become a surrogate parent to Anne. But, cruelly, Joan contracts the same cancer that killed their mother, and in a few months, she, too, is dead.
Annie is diagnosed with the same disease that killed her mother and sister—breast cancer. It is severe, and surgery and chemotherapy, with all the accompanying difficulties, soon follow. She loses her hair, and if that wasn't enough to endure, her husband, never really mature or stable, has begun an affair with Anne’s closest friend Louise, and leaves her. Paul is soon diagnosed with cancer and expires shortly before she is diagnosed with a second cancer.
While Annie struggles, King is pursuing her belief that some forms of breast and ovarian cancer have a hereditary basis. While she captures headlines for her work applying DNA fingerprinting to help reunite "the disappeared" with their families in Argentina, her priority is to map the breast cancer gene. King focuses on collecting families with a particularly high incidence of breast cancer, suspecting that these cases are most likely to reveal any genetic predispositions. Advances in genetic mapping through the 1980s gradually allow her team to embark on studies to map the location of the BRCA1 gene. Finally, in 1990, King and her team find conclusive evidence linking DNA markers on chromosome 17 with an inherited flaw in a gene dubbed BRCA1. The work was presented at the American Society of Human Genetics conference in Cincinnati, and published in ''Science'' a short time later.
Mary Claire King ended up on the cover of ''Time'', and Anne Parker finally had the answer she herself had long sought. Anne Parker happily remarried, and a few years later contracts cancer for a third time. And survives again. And she laughed while being treated, for reasons only she knew and understood.
In the beginning of the game, Joe Wildwest organizes the Caliosteo Cup, a tournament in which participants battle with vivosaurs. The BareBones Brigade tries to stop the tournament, but Joe Wildwest organizes the Hero and friends into the Patrol Team to counter this threat.
During the finals, Joe Wildwest reveals himself to be in fact a sorcerer named Zongazonga and tries to possess the Hero but is foiled by Don Boneyard, who reveals himself to be the real Joe Wildwest, who helps the Hero escape. When the Hero confronts him with the Caliosteo Pipsqueak, a tool used to detach Zongazonga from his body, he knocks it out of the hero's hands into the wind and challenges the Hero to a Fossil Battle. He loses, and the Hero knocks Zongazonga out of Joe's body. However, he escapes with Rupert and possesses his body. Zongazonga then summons his castle where the Hero faces him, and Zongazonga is defeated. He separates from Rupert and transforms into a Zombie Vivosaur form, and is defeated again. Zongazonga's skull is broken and sealed, and his castle is destroyed. The Hero and Rupert are then rescued by Todd and Pauleen.
The first half of the story is set in Persia (present day Iran) and Central Asia in the 11th century, and revolves around the scientist, philosopher, and poet Omar Khayyám. It recounts the creation of his Rubaiyat throughout the history of the Seljuk Empire, his interactions with historical figures such as Vizir Nizam al-Mulk and Hassan al-Sabbah of the order of the Assassins, and his love affair with a female poet of the Samarkand court.
The second half of the story documents the efforts of a fictional American named Benjamin Omar Lesage to obtain the (fictional) original copy of the Rubaiyat, witnessing Persian history throughout the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1907, only to lose this manuscript in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
Orm Rurikson joins the crew of a Viking longship, whilst still a child. The novel follows the "Oathsworn", the brotherhood who crew the boat, as they hunt for relics, including the secret burial horde of Attila the Hun, their journeys taking them through a treacherous maritime area known as "The Whale Road".
Since her divorce from her husband, 35-year-old Nora Schoonover has relocated from New York to Los Angeles and has fallen into a depression. She is working a low salary job and has gotten into great debts. Will Brodsky is assigned to help her work off her debts, and they quickly fall for each other. One day, her estranged 16-year-old son, Steven, who has been living with his father since the divorce and is supposed to be on computer camp, shows up on her doorstep. A television interview with former class mate and recent Triathlon winner Mary Garritee, inspires Nora to enter and complete the Hawaiian Triathlon as a way of starting a new life. Steven, who has no interest in returning to his father in New York, promises to help and train her.
Norma quickly wants to give up, and claims to be too sick to enter the Triathlon, as well as taking care of Steven. Steven feels that she is making up excuses and reminds her of the fact that she never finishes a project. Inspired by her son's devotion of helping her, Norma continues her training. Simultaneously, she grows closer to Will, who has reported her car stolen, even though he is of knowledge that she sold it to tourists. Life gets better for both Nora and Steven, until John shows up one day demanding for his son to return to New York. For one moment, Nora considers blowing it off again, lying to Will that she is seeing another man and advising Steven to go with his father. Steven does not take her advice, though, and accompanies her to Hawaii.
In Hawaii, Nora gets acquainted with her competition, including Mary and Mark Wilson, while Steven attracts the attention from a young blonde. During practice of the Triathlon, Nora completes swimming, but falls off her bicycle and gets injured on her arm. She is determined to complete the Triathlon, though the accident causes her not qualify for the race. Her only hope now is a lottery, which gives some unqualified contestants a second chance. Nora loses fate in the competition, until she gets picked in the lottery, with Will showing up to support her.
During the actual Triathlon, Nora finishes 58th in the swimming category, which is led by Wilson. This is followed by a 5-hour bike ride, in high temperatures and with a backfiring wind. Nora struggles with the heat, though stays focused and finished 31st overall. Steven, extremely proud of his mother, expresses his interest in moving in with her, before she starts running in the final category. By the time Mark has already finished, Nora is still in the race, but starts to lose ground and threatens to reach her physical limits. With the final mile in sight, Nora is pushed to the finish by contestant Donald Turnquist, who suffers from a lung disease. Nora collapses right before the finish, but stands up and completes the race in 13 hours and 32 minutes on the 217th place, winning her son's respect.
The story revolves around Orm Rurikson, a young man who joined the crew of a Viking band as a child in the previous novel and is now their reluctant leader. This novel centres around the band pursuing Starkad, a villain based on the historical figure of legend, in an effort to reclaim their magical sword "Rune Serpent", which Starkad has stolen.
The story revolves around Orm Rurikson, a young man who joined the crew of a Viking band as a child and is now their reluctant leader. This novel centres around the oathsworn band returning to their quest for Attila the Huns legendary lost hoard of silver. A number of their band have been kidnapped by Prince Vladimir and face impalement should Orm fail to bring them the treasure.
The story is set against the backdrop of the Assam agitation and its aftermath. Dwijen Bhattacharya (Kapil Bora), a young academic and writer, whose tryst with the social unrest and the student movement of his home state leaves an indelible scar on his personal and professional life. Attempting to write his novel of love, Dwijen ironically loses his intimacy and connection with his wife, Manosi (Zerifa Wahid). Their marital relationship goes through a rough phase. He suffers from neurotic hallucinations and severe depression, and attempts to break free from everyday life by alienating himself from his academic and personal responsibilities.
In Santa Cruz, the police department is under pressure to solve a series of murders which appear to be the work of two independent serial killers. To help with the cases, Detective Tom Harris turns to his best friend, Edmund Kemper, a genius, but psychopathic, house painter who lives with his abusive mother, and who had previously helped Harris capture another criminal named John Linley Frazier. Together, Ed and Tom decipher a message sent by one of the killers, who they discover taking pictures at the latest crime scene while they are staking it out. During the ensuing confrontation, the delusional man, Herbert McCormack, opens fire on the two, but is shot to death by Tom. Upon returning home after the encounter with McCormack, Ed bludgeons his mother with a hammer, and kills a female hitchhiker he had taken captive, revealing that he is the second killer.
While inspecting the abandoned pool where the hitchhiker's body was dumped, Tom receives a call from Ed, who reveals his involvement in the girl's death. While rushing to the Kemper residence, Tom gets another call from Ed, who instructs him to go into the kitchen, where Tom discovers Mrs. Kemper's vocal cords in the garbage disposal, and her severed head pinned to the wall with several darts protruding from it. Ed is eventually traced to a motel, but manages to escape, wounding an officer in the process. This, coupled with his past association with Ed coming to light, results in Tom being suspended from the force by the mayor, though he is quickly placed back on duty when Ed abducts a woman named Brandi, and threatens to kill her and one other person a day if Tom is not rehired.
As the investigation continues (with Ed shooting his grandparents at a young age coming to light, and a number of his previous victims being found in his backyard) a weary Ed ultimately allows the police to trace him to an abandoned hospital, where the mutilated Brandi is rescued. When Tom finds him wandering the building, Ed tells him that he was born there, and that his mother viewed him as nothing more than a burden forced upon her, a toxin spawned from the poisoned seed of a man who did not even bother to stick around. After apologizing for everything he has done, Ed tries to commit suicide, but is wounded by a sniper, and arrested. The film ends with Tom visiting Ed on death row.
Half-demon Callie Maggotbone's demon father Aldermach is pressuring her to break up with her boyfriend Mark Lilly and marry Twayne Boneraper, to fulfill an ancient magical blood pact; Aldermach gets paid by Twayne's family to deliver him a bride, and if he does not, he will get murdered. Callie refuses to marry Twayne, and to prove that her relationship with Mark is serious, she invites him to move in with her, but does not tell him about her arranged marriage to Twayne. Meanwhile, Mark is having troubles at the Department of Integration; he receives rather negative feedback on his teacher evaluation forms from his students. Since the department cannot afford having individual sessions with students, he decides to hold them at his and his zombie roommate Randall's apartment. At his first session, Mark is kidnapped by Aldermach who bribes him to break up with Callie. Mark declines, and Callie's human mother Rosie shows up and argues with Aldermach, which gives Mark the idea to invite them both to therapy sessions. Following the session, Mark leaves the room for a short while, and when he comes back, Aldermach and Rosie are having sex and eventually get back together.
The next day, Rosie and Aldermach announce that they have given birth to Callie's sister, Lilith. Thanks to the hormone injections Rosie has had, it only took a day for Lilith to be born and she will age one year, every day, and take Callie's place as Twayne's bride. After an accident caused by Lilith, Rosie is hospitalized and Mark and Callie take on the task to raise Lilith. In just a few weeks, she is eighteen years old and has started dating Randall. Mark takes in Twayne for a session and finds out about his arranged marriage to Lilith, and that the marriage will be a televised sex ritual. Callie realizes that she is forcing Lilith to marry Twayne, just like her father forced her, and tells Lilith that she does not want her to marry him. Lilith, however, wants to the opposite of what Callie wants and tells her that she will marry him. Just before the ritual is about to commence, Lilith reveals to Mark that she plots to kill Callie and Twayne and instead join Mark at the sex altar. Mark informs Callie, who takes out her soul to transform into a more demonic figure. Following a battle between the two, Lilith falls down to a lower level of Hell. Later, Callie kicks Mark out of her apartment as she does not have to marry Twayne anymore.
The story revolves around Orm Rurikson, a young man who joined the crew of a Viking band as a child and is now their reluctant leader. This novel centres around the oathsworn band attempting to protect the pregnant Queen Sigrith from the combined forces of their old enemy Sterki and Styrbjorn, nephew to King Eirik, who is seeking to claim the throne by ridding himself of the current heir, Sigrith's child.
The story revolves around the fictional character of Hal Sientcler of Herdmanston. Hal owns a minor holding in Lothian and the novel describes Hal's problems regarding the appointment of John Balliol by Edward I of England as the King of Scotland. The book follows the beginning of the story of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, culminating in the Battle of Falkirk, during the Wars of Scottish Independence.
The series portrays a group of rock remediation technicians whose primary objective is to protect the public and their communities from rockslides. As trained professionals, these men suspend on the sides of cliffs that are anywhere from 25 to 200-feet high and remove any unstable rocks or boulders that could pose a potential threat to unsuspecting drivers and hikers below. The crew use scale bars, a crow-bar type of tool with an angled tip, to bring down most of the rock. Often they also utilize rubber airbags inflated by an air compressor to bring down the larger masses of rock. The company also specializes in rock bolting, wire mesh installation, rock net installation, shotcrete, slope monitoring and slope blasting. The company has been around since 1968 and has long been a leader in the rock remediation world.
The story takes place in the Four Lands, 100 years after the previous trilogy. People have grown ever increasingly distrustful of magic and its wielders, ever since the Third Council of Druids. The potential to once again find the lost Elfstones of Faerie could change that for the better, assuming that the Ard Rhys survives the attempt.
Mike and Terry are cousins that are as close as brothers, whose fathers are killed in a car accident during their youth. When they are both 25, a drug deal goes wrong: Terry is imprisoned, but Mike gets away. Mike lives as a fugitive, working as a bartender in Oklahoma. The short stories include flashbacks, remembering Mike's childhood and young adult life and shows how one tragedy changed their lives.
The second half of the novel includes interviews with the author, S.E Hinton, in which she discusses her earlier novels, the movies based on the books, and her idea for the title of ''Some of Tim’s Stories.''
Six years after the events in ''Battlefield 3'', a squad of US marines, codenamed "Tombstone" (consisting of Dunn, the squad's leader, Sergeant Recker, Irish, and Pac) attempts to escape from Azerbaijan with vital intelligence about a potential military uprising in China. After being trapped underwater in a car while being pursued by Russian special forces, Dunn, critically wounded and trapped, sacrifices himself by ordering the squad to break the windscreen and escape, leaving Recker in charge of Tombstone. Reuniting with their commanding officer Captain Garrison, codenamed "Fortress", Tombstone learns that Admiral Chang, head of the Chinese army, has taken control of China with Russian support, and eliminated Chinese presidential candidate Jin Jié, a progressive politician seeking reforms within the Chinese government. The group finds itself sent to Shanghai with orders to rescue two VIPs: a woman named Hannah, and her husband, with assistance from an intelligence agent named Kovic.
Although the rescue is a success and Kovic takes the VIPs back to the USS ''Valkyrie'', a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, Tombstone becomes trapped in the city and is forced to rescue civilians against Pac's protests. Shortly after returning to the ''Valkyrie'', Garrison assigns Kovic as head of the squad, and sends them to the USS ''Titan'', a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier that had just been attacked, to recover its voyage data recorder before the wreckage sinks. Upon returning to the ''Valkyrie'', Tombstone finds the ship under assault by Chinese Marines. The squad rescues Garrison and the VIPs, but Kovic is fatally wounded and passes control of the squad to Recker. Learning that China's air force is grounded due to a storm, Garrison assigns Tombstone to assist US forces planning to assault the Chinese-controlled Singapore airfield to weaken Chinese air superiority. Hannah volunteers to join Tombstone on their mission, much to Irish's chagrin.
Despite the airfield being destroyed by a missile strike, Pac is separated from Tombstone during evacuation and assumed killed in the blast. Hannah then ostensibly betrays Recker and Irish, allowing both to be captured by Chinese soldiers. Both men are imprisoned in the Kunlun Mountains for interrogation under Chang's orders. In his cell, Recker finds himself befriended by a Russian prisoner named "Dima" (a survivor of the Paris nuclear blast, now suffering from radiation poisoning). The two escape from their cell, start a mass prison riot and use the chaos to make their escape, with Recker rescuing Irish along the way. As the Chinese military arrives to quell the riot, Hannah prevents the group from being recaptured by a group of soldiers. Although Irish mistrusts her, Hannah reveals her action was necessary for her mission, revealing her husband is in fact Jin Jié, who survived Chang's assassination attempt.
The group uses a tram to leave the mountains, only for it to be shot down by an enemy helicopter, killing Dima in the crash. Forced to make their way down on foot with privation, the group eventually finds a jeep and drives towards the US-occupied city of Tashgar. During the journey, Hannah reveals how she lost her family to Chang's men after bringing Jin Jié to meet them, causing Irish to make amends with her for his behavior. Upon reaching Tashgar, the squad finds US troops being besieged by both Chinese and Russian forces, and offers assistance to the US commander by destroying a nearby dam, flooding the area and eliminating the opposing forces. Learning the ''Valkyrie'' is within the region of the Suez Canal, Tombstone is airlifted to the ship, and arrives to warn the vessel that they are blindly heading towards Chang's navy. Stopping Chinese forces from boarding the ship, the squad soon finds Jin Jié amongst other survivors, including Pac (who had survived the events in Singapore).
Knowing he must show his face, as Chinese forces had been fighting under the assumption he was dead, Jin Jié convinces Recker to let him show his face and calm tensions between the three forces. The assault quickly ends with Chinese soldiers beginning to spread the news of Jin Jié's return. Chang, wanting to prevent this and conceal the truth, proceeds to barrage the ''Valkyrie'' with his personal warship. Recker, Irish, and Hannah decide to board Chang's warship and destroy it with C4 explosives. However, when they fail to detonate, Irish and Hannah each volunteer to manually replace the charges, sacrificing his or her own life. If the player does nothing, Chang destroys the ''Valkyrie'', killing Pac, Garrison and Jin Jié; if the player chooses Irish or Hannah to rearm the explosives, he or she will be reported missing in action after the warship's destruction, while the survivor and Recker are recovered by the ''Valkyrie''. Canonically, Irish and Pac survive, as revealed in the events of ''Battlefield 2042''. During the credits, the player hears new dialogue between Irish and Hannah, discussing their pasts, and how they have to keep moving forward with no regrets.
The protagonist is a young boy named Alexander growing up with a well-off family in Ukraine. Around 1918 when he turned 10 the Russian civil war forced him and his family to leave their home in hopes of trying to escape to Warsaw but they were hit by artillery fire and killed his father, brother, and uncle. The protagonist ends up living with an aunt in Moscow and attending college there. His aunt ends up being arrested at which point the protagonist abandons the apartment they were living in and has already dropped out of college. The protagonist decides to go on an expedition to find the Tungus meteorite which happened to strike earth the same day he was born. During this expedition, the protagonist abandons the group and makes a spiritual connection with the meteorite which he describes as "Ice". The Ice tells the protagonist that he is a member of the brotherhood of the light, his name is Bro, and he must go out into the world and find the rest of 23,000 members.The brotherhood of the light created the universe but made one mistake which was earth. People and animals are disrupting the universe and the 23,000 want to come together to destroy the earth and restore order to the universe. The protagonist immediately sets out to accomplish this goal.
Young-sim is a fourteen-year-old girl who has a round face, round eyes and a pony tail. Her boyfriend Wang Gyeong-tae follows her incessantly. He is considered ugly and stammers when he speaks, but he deeply loves Young-sim. Young-sim treats Gyeong-tae coldly. However, Young-sim displays considerable jealousy upon discovering Gyeong-tae was with another girl. Her mean best friend and her sister Sun-sim add humor to the story.
The game consists of several different but intertwined arcs, with each assuming the perspectives of the respective characters. Completing one character's arc will unlock another character's arc.
;Banagher Arc :Told through the perspective of the protagonist, Banagher Links. In this arc, the player will be piloting the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, alternating between "Unicorn Mode" and "Destroy Mode".
;Frontal Arc :Told through the perspective of the antagonist, Full Frontal. In this arc, the player will be piloting Full's personal machine, the MSN-06S Sinanju.
;Marida Arc :Told through the perspective of Neo Zeon female ace pilot, Marida Cruz. In this arc, the player will be piloting Marida's NZ-666 Kshatriya.
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After seven years of marriage, the mild-mannered Doo-hyun (Lee Sun-kyun) is at the end of his rope, Jung-in (Im Soo-jung), his wife is driving him crazy with her endless nagging and complaining. He can't even bring himself to ask for a divorce because of the fights that will follow. When Doo-hyun's company transfers him out of state, it seems like his dream of getting away is coming true. But to his horror, Jung-in surprises him by moving across the country to be with him. Desperate but too afraid to ask for a divorce, Doo-hyun recruits his next-door neighbor and legendary Casanova Sung-ki (Ryu Seung-ryong) to seduce his wife and make her leave him first. After scoping her out, Sung-ki is intrigued by the challenge and confidently agrees to seduce Jung-in as his career finale. Meanwhile, to give her something to do, Doo-hyun has already arranged for Jung-in to get a spot on the local radio station, shooting her mouth off about life's injustices. As times goes on, Sung-ki eventually succeeds in grabbing Jung-in's attention, and the two slowly grow closer. But though Doo-hyun asked for it, he grows to regret his decision and decides to spy on his wife and her lover. He starts to have feeling for his wife again, and does not want to divorce her anymore. But in the meantime Sung-ki falls in love with Jung-in. Doo-hyun asks Sung-ki to stop seducing his wife, but in return the latter threatens that he would disclose to his wife that Doo-hyun recruited him if he comes in-between them. The later part is about who wins Jung-in's heart
Archpriest (''protopope'') Savely Tuberozov is a spiritual leader of a ''Sobor'' (cathedral) in a provincial town of Stargorod, supported by Father Zakharia Benefaktov and the deacon Akhilla Desnitsyn. He firmly believes in his spiritual and social mission, and, unwilling to make compromises, comes into conflict with his church seniors, as well as the local authorities. As a young man, he came to Stargorod to combat the Old Believers, but he gave up because he realized that he had to take bribes and denounce the Old Believers to the authorities. At the time the novel opens, Tuberozov is an old man, depressed by his inability to turn the Orthodoxy of the townspeople into an active faith. Tuberozov's main enemies are the corrupt local officials and the atheist schoolteacher Prepotensky. Tuberozov's mission of guiding the townspeople is hardened by the mischiefs of the deacon Akhilla.
Tuverozov's downfall starts after the government inspector Bornovolokov arrives to Stargorod. Bornovolokov's secretary is Izmail Termosesov, an amoral ex-nihilist, and he wants to build himself a career by any means. Tuberozov makes the speech, accusing the local officials of religious hypocrisy, exploiting peasants and abusing the rural areas. Termosesov denounces Tuberozov to the authorities as a dangerous revolutionary. Tuberozov gets removed from his post, falls ill and dies. Akhilla tries to defend the memory of his teacher, but dies himself in a freak accident. Father Zakharia dies of natural causes soon afterwards.
Lee Kang-hoon (Shin Ha-kyun) is a neurosurgeon in his early 30s. He graduated from Korea's most prestigious medical school with the best grades and completed his residency. Ashamed of his poor, uneducated parents, he has sworn since he was young that he will change his own fate. He chose neurosurgery, the least popular department, because there he can easily gain privileges by making connections with senior doctors. Seo Joon-suk (Jo Dong-hyuk), who was born with everything, is the person Kang-hoon despises the most and views him as his rival. Kim Sang-chul (Jung Jin-young) is a caring, empathetic neurosurgeon professor in his mid-50s who acts as a mentor to Yoon Ji-hye (Choi Jung-won). Joon-suk likes Ji-hye, but she has feelings for Kang-hoon. The series takes a shocking turn when Kang-hoon learns that Sang-chul caused his father's death.
After being held in solitary confinement, Thomas is eventually released by Janson (nicknamed the "Rat Man"), who is the assistant director of WICKED (World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department). Janson tells the Gladers (Group A) and Group B that most of their number are immune to the Flare, but some, whose names he reads, are not immune, including Newt. The Gladers are offered the chance to remove the mind-control chips in their heads and restore their memories but at the cost of Thomas's ability to communicate telepathically with Teresa and Aris. Only Thomas, Minho, and Newt choose not to undergo the surgery, as they do not trust WICKED, and Thomas does not want to know who he was when he helped to create the maze. All three of them escape from WICKED with the help of Brenda and Jorge before their chips are removed.
Brenda and Jorge are revealed to be working for WICKED. Thomas initially feels betrayed, but Brenda convinces him to forgive her. Soon afterward, the Gladers discover that everyone who had undergone the memory restoration abandoned them. Newt gives Thomas a note and tells him to open it "when the time is right." The five then travel to Denver to find Hans, a former WICKED researcher who can remove their mind-control chips. There, a man in a black suit directs them to an address, where Gally is waiting for them. Gally has joined the rebel group the Right Arm and explains that WICKED is capturing every Immune that it can find to prepare another cycle of the Trials. He also reveals that in the decaying cities, many live who suffer from the Flare but take the illicit drug Bliss, which slows down the brain's functioning and helps to relieve the pain that Cranks feel from the Flare.
The group finds Hans, who removes Minho's control chip. However, WICKED uses Thomas's chip to force him to resist the procedure. Brenda, Jorge, and Minho must hold him down so that Hans can perform the surgery. Afterward, the group visits a café, where a security guard apprehends Thomas to sell him to bounty hunters, who will take him to WICKED. Janson intervenes in a holographic, sends a police vehicle to rescue Thomas, and tells him that he must return to WICKED "to save Newt." Thomas and his friends find out in a note that Newt has been taken to the Cranks. Minho convinces them to go to the Denver Crank Palace to rescue Newt, where they bribe the guards to get in. When they meet Newt, he angrily orders them to leave, and the other Cranks chase them out. Thomas then remembers Newt's note, reads it, and discovers that he had begged Thomas to kill him. Thomas despairs over not having read the note earlier.
After returning to Denver, Thomas sees that Newt has succumbed to the Flare. Thomas answers Newt's pleas by shooting him in the head as an act of mercy. The group then discovers that Teresa and the other Immunes have been captured. After knocking out the guards, they discover that the guards were led by Vince, the leader of the Right Arm, who explains that they are infiltrating WICKED's headquarters. Inside, Thomas discovers how Janson tried to use his attempt "to save Newt" to compile data for the cure by examining the physical structure of Thomas's brain, which would kill him. Thomas is forced to begin the deadly brain surgery but manages to plant a device that disables WICKED's weapons, which allows the Right Arm to begin storming the facility.
Thomas wakes up to find a note from Chancellor Ava Paige, the head of WICKED, who explains there are already enough resources from the Trials to make a blueprint for the cure and so his brain is not needed after all. Paige reveals the location of the Immunes "sold" by the Right Arm to gain access to WICKED, and she gives directions to a "safe place" where Thomas should take all of them. Thomas and his friends re-enter the Maze and find the captured Immunes. However, they learn the Right Arm intends to destroy, rather than occupy, WICKED headquarters. Explosions rock the Maze, and falling debris kills some of the Immunes who are inside. Triggered by the commotion, the Grievers come out of storage, but Teresa shows Thomas how to shut them down. Thomas finds a back-door; which turns out to be a Flat Trans. They start herding the Immune kids through the Flat Trans but before Thomas and his friends can escape, Janson and the security guards corner them. They start a fight which ends when Thomas strangles Janson to death. However, Teresa also dies from falling debris to save Thomas's life. Fleeing the building, the Immunes escape through the Flat Trans that leads to a lush paradise.
The epilogue is narrated by Paige. She reveals that after the catastrophic solar flares, the Flare was deliberately created and released by the government as a form of population control. However, the government and WICKED found themselves unable to control the plague. Paige came to realize that they would never be able to find a cure for the Flare and that WICKED's efforts were futile. She realized that the only hope of preventing humanity's extinction was for Immunes to start their society, away from the rest of the world. She devised a plan with Brenda and Jorge to send them to a safe place where they could restore human civilization and so she stated, "WICKED is good."
The player character is dead and trapped in Papa Sangre’s kingdom in an afterlife filled with darkness, and needs to save the soul most precious to them trapped in the palace while avoiding a death from dangerous monsters.
Merrick Wells and Alvin Schierstedt meet a man-like alien (Ashembe) from Murashema. He demonstrates genius by quickly learning English from a copy of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. In the course of assisting Ashembe with repairs to his ''Shoraru'', which Ashembe translates as "Sky Car", one of the men is trapped inside and makes the return flight to Murashema. Faced with the choice of working for a living or performing as an artist to pay for his keep, Merrick performs popular English poems in dramatic rhythm. He is lauded by the aliens for this new art form, but Merrick learns he will be castigated and punished if it is discovered these poems are not original. He luckily makes his escape before his misunderstanding of alien customs casts him into peril; and he learns that even a seemingly utopian government must inevitably have flaws.
The novella '''''Sonechka''''' tells the life story of a Russian booklover. Sonechka spends her youth immersed in the world of Russian literature, living her life vicariously through the characters in books. One day, when Sonechka is working at the local library, a man named Robert Viktorovich inquires about an ensemble of French books. The 50-year-old man, who is a member of the intelligentsia, returns to the library 3 days later and abruptly proposes to Sonechka. She accepts and embarks on a new life with her husband. She lives a fulfilling life as she moves around Russia with her husband and her daughter Tanya. Eventually, the family settles in the Montmartre of Moscow. Sonechka’s husband gets a studio to work on his paintings and Tanya tumbles around in her studies and distances herself from her mother. However, when Tanya enters afternoon classes, a new girl, Jasia, enters the life of the family. Jasia, a beautiful Polish girl, charms Tanya and Robert. One Christmas Jasia and Robert start an affair. Despite this, Sonechka views the girl as a fragile individual, who becomes the daughter Sonechka always dreamed of having. Suddenly, Robert has a heart attack and dies, leaving Sonechka and Jasia alone. Sonechka prepares for the funeral and takes care of Jasia. By the end of the story, Sonechka rediscovers her love of literature while Tanya relocates to St. Petersburg and Jasia marries a European aristocrat.
Thee, a struggling 40-year-old marketing officer, moves from Bangkok to Laddaland, an upmarket housing estate located in Chiang Mai, bringing along his wife, Parn, his rebellious teenage daughter, Nan, and lively young son, Nat. Thee is certain that the move is the best option to answer all of his financial problems relating to the company he works for, which sells dietary supplements, despite his wife's concern over the hefty mortgage payments required to purchase the new house.
Thee also hopes to mend his relationship with Nan, who is resentful of her parents due to spending much of her life with her maternal grandmother as per an agreement between Thee and Parn's mother — Nan was born out of wedlock when her parents were still in high school, and Parn's mother, who never accepts Parn's relationship with Thee, demands Nan in return for their continued relationship. Nan is unimpressed despite Thee's best efforts to make good of the situation and wishes to return to her grandmother.
While Laddaland appears to be a relatively ordinary, if quiet, neighborhood, Thee and his family realize that something is wrong with the environs, since the place seems to sow discord on the families to commit violence. A Burmese housemaid is found dead in a grisly murder. Somkiat, Thee's next-door neighbor, regularly beats his wife and son while mistreating his elderly mother; the entirety of the family eventually perish when Somkiat commits murder suicide, with his son's death being the most horrific as he disfigures his face by vertically cutting it. Meanwhile, Nan experiences supernatural phenomena when she is swayed by her friends to visit the house where the Burmese maid was killed, but Thee's inability to believe them causes her to move to her boarding school until the end of her term.
Thee and Parn also eventually succumb to the discord, Thee because of his discovery that his company is a fraud and his boss is taking away all of his money, forcing him to work in odd jobs such as being a shop clerk, and Parn because of the stress of Nan's absence and her own supernatural experiences. Nat is the only one who remains uncorrupted from the violence and is happy to live there, but his friendship with an imaginary friend that turns out to be Somkiat's deceased son only worries Parn even further.
The dysfunction reaches its nadir when Nan, on the day of her return from boarding school, is haunted by the spirit of Somkiat's wife and mother next door and has to stay at a mental hospital so she can be calmed down. Parn lashes out at Thee and says that she and the children will move back to her mother. Thee discovers Nat missing that night and searches Somkiat's house, where he is haunted by the spirit of Somkiat's son. He is followed by Parn, who finds Thee shooting at a wardrobe where Nat is hiding in his hide-and-seek game with Somkiat's son. Nat survives the shot, but Thee, thinking that he had killed his son, commits suicide.
Parn drives her children back to her mother in Bangkok after the tragedy. She recounts to Nan of how she became accustomed to Thee, how she lost her dreams when she discovered her pregnancy, and how in spite of everything, Thee always tries to do his best and love his family. The film ends with flashbacks showing Thee and his family in happier times.
Beavis and Butt-Head are seen in Mr. Stevenson's garage, playing with his tools. After Stewart says not to play with his dad's tools, they ignore him and Beavis starts screwing a screw into an action figure's butt. Beavis suddenly starts bleeding after unknowingly screwing it into his own hand. Butt-Head tries to remove it with a drill, but he accidentally tightens the screw, penetrating Beavis' other hand as well. Stewart tells him to take Beavis to the hospital.
At the hospital, Beavis gets the action figure and the screw removed from his hands. Beavis is given painkillers, but against the doctor's advice he takes several at once and he transforms into his alter-ego, The Great Cornholio (or simply Cornholio). A group of cultists in the hospital notice that Cornholio speaks in tongues and has a hole in each of his hands and mistakes them for stigmatas, thinking he is the new messiah. After taking Cornholio and Butt-Head to a cult meeting, Cornholio demands large quantities of toilet paper.
The cult members start to look wherever they can for toilet paper for Cornholio. Cornholio addresses the cult members until the pills wear off and he becomes Beavis again. The duo decide that the place sucks and they leave without realizing that they had a chance of having sex with the women there.
The next day, the cult members come to the duo's house and Beavis tells them that Stewart is now the beloved and the duo are oblivious to the fact that they are actually taking Stewart for sex, much to his delight.
The film is set in the early Northern Song dynasty, AD 986, of northeastern China. Former Northern Han general and the patriarch of the Yang clan Yang Ye pledges allegiance to the new Han Chinese-ruled Song regime after Northern Han's fall. Years later Yang's seventh son, Yang Yansi, participated in a martial arts tournament with his father's rival Pan Renmei's son Pan Bao in his sixth brother Yang Yanzhao's place to win Later Zhou's former princess Chai Meirong's (who is Yang Yanzhao's childhood sweetheart) hand in marriage, which ended in the latter's death. The following morning Yang and Pan meet with the emperor about the issue; Yang executes 30 whiplashes to his young sons as punishment. Later, Song's border stations are burned, signaling an invasion from the Khitan-ruled Liao regime.
The Khitan army hopes to take its revenge on the Yang Clan and their followers for a past defeat that killed a Khitan general ten years previously. It was noted that the leader of the invading Khitan army is Yelü Yuan, son of the deceased Khitan general. Due to politics and Pan Bao's death, Pan Renmei is awarded with 50,000 troops to repel the Khitan army. As punishment, Gen. Yang is given a lesser task—to lead the charge and be the scout. When the two armies meet, Pan Renmei's lack of experience and inept leadership causes chaos among the Song army, and the Khitan forces emerge with a decisive victory. All the while Gen. Yang is trapped behind enemy lines in an abandoned town in front of Wolf Mountain. The Khitan army surrounds the town, allowing no one to leave. Pan, however, refuses to send troops to rescue Yang as revenge. This leaves Yang Ye's wife, She Saihua, devastated as she sends her seven sons to rescue him. It is later revealed that this is exactly what Yelü Yuan wanted, and the sons fall into his deadly trap.
Led by the eldest son, Yang Yanping, the seven brothers—including the two youngest, who unlike their brothers have never seen combat—set out with a small band of Yang Clan's elite soldiers to fight through an army of thousands to reach to the Wolf Mountain. When they finally arrive in the town, the Khitan army starts bombarding it with catapults and unleashes a fierce attack. The seven escape with their father, but are the only ones of the clan to survive; all the soldiers with them are killed. In the escape the father is wounded with a poisoned arrow (actually wounded in the previous battle). and he ultimately kills himself. The sons decide to bring their father's body home for a proper burial and to allow their mother to see her beloved husband one last time.
Before sending off the seven sons, She Saihua visits a fortune teller, who gives her a slip of paper saying: "Seven will set off, six will return". By the end of the film, Yang Yansi dies after Pan's archers fill him full of arrows under his orders after he escaped from Wolf Mountain, and Yelü Yuan personally hunts Yang Ye's surviving sons and kills five of them. However, Yang Yanzhao alone defeats and kills Yelü in combat, seemingly proving the prediction wrong. It turns out, though, that the message was correct; what it actually meant was that Yang Yanzhao, who was son #6, was the one who would return and have a greater destiny than his siblings. He returned with his father's body, the brothers' weapons and Yelü Yuan's severed head. Although four of Yang Ye's sons' bodies were recovered, two had never been found. After his father's and brothers' funerals, Yang Yanzhao marries Chai Meirong. His victory over Yelü Yuan redeemed his father's failure to stop the Khitan army, and the Khitan empress had to halt her assault on the Song empire due to the loss of her general. Because of the sons' courageous actions, Yang Yanzhao rises to his late father's position as general and the Yang Clan developed a legendary reputation in China.
''Gofrette'' is about a curious little cat who—along with his dog and bird best friends—lives through various adventures evoking the program's tag line: "... that busy, busy cat!" The show takes place in the fictional mayorless town of Zanimo and is based on the original books written by Doris Brasset and Fabienne Michot.
A man is waiting in a seemingly endless line, but for what? ''The Queue'' begins with a cacophony of voices and the protagonist, Vadim, encountering a woman named Lena. As the day progresses the queue-goers realize that they have no choice but to come back the next day to finally receive their items. A woman comes along handing out numbers so that the next day there will be limited chaos. Vadim and Lena end up spending the night in the park on benches along with other members of the queue. And again the same process begins all over again; people sharing their speculations of what’s being sold, others trying to figure out the rate that the line is moving, and the occasional break from waiting in the queue to get food or drink—essentially waiting in other queues. After this ensues yet another roll-call emphasizing just how many people are waiting for unknown objects. Finally after two days of waiting it appears that the end of the line is in sight, but suddenly it begins pouring and Vadim seeks shelter. He is taken into an apartment owned by a woman named Lyuda. After a simple meal and an intelligent discussion, the two of them make love and fall asleep. The next morning Lyuda reveals that she works at the store everyone is queued up for, and that his days of waiting were in vain.
To bring to an end a protracted war between the Sires of San Miniato and Vincigliata a marriage is arranged between their children Jacopo and Beatrice. One night however the bejewelled and beautiful Beatrice is distracted from the tender words of her betrothed by the serenade of a young troubadour beneath her window. When the Sire of Vincigliata discovers that his daughter has fallen in love with the troubadour, he has him put into prison and condemned to death by hanging. Beatrice bribes the prison guard to allow her beloved to escape. She waits for him in a boat and, although the alarm is sounded, they break free from their pursuers and head for the open sea. Her father is overwhelmed when he hears of the elopement and dies of a stroke.
Stalin's bust is opened on an operating table, and this leads into an animated sequence which depicts Czech history from 1948, when it was taken over by Communists, to 1989, when the Velvet Revolution took place.
Luciana is a beautiful and joyful young girl who, after her father’s death, escapes from the sexual harassment of Don Aquiles, the tyrant in the town where she grew up, and arrives in Mexico City. In order to survive, she has to take a job in “El Inferno”, a bar with a very bad reputation. One night, one of the customers tries to go too far with her, but she defends herself and scratches him on the face; a commotion is started and they end up in the police station. Luciana is accused of hurting a customer and when everything seems lost for her, Claudio, her attorney, rescues her. She sympathizes with him immediately and he offers her his unconditional help.
After this event, Luciana gets a job as a maid in the Torreslanda home, where she helps to take care of Patricio, one of their kids who suffered an accident and became quadriplegic. She immediately gets along with him and Jana, his sister; Patricio recovers his desire to live thanks to Luciana and she becomes his best friend and confidant.
There, she meets Rodrigo, the oldest son of the family, and she is impressed when she realizes that he is the same young guy that defended her during the commotion at the bar. Rodrigo is a handsome guy who holds a reputation as a lady-killer, but he is currently engaged with Gala, a beautiful and rich girl who is also a successful executive. A strong attraction grows between Rodrigo and Luciana, which little by little becomes a deep love; Rodrigo decides to end his engagement with Gala to secretly marry Luciana.
When Gala and Roselena, Rodrigo’s mother, find this out, they make a plan to separate them. They tell Rodrigo that the girl has manipulated him looking forward to taking his money and that she has escaped from her town because of a money debt she still has not paid, which made her family lose their poor home; moreover, they tell him that when she arrived in the city, she worked as a “table dancer” at a bar where there is still a formal complaint against her by one of her clients. Madly upset, Rodrigo confronts Luciana, who tries to defend herself, but everything accuses her. Rodrigo, blinded by jealousy, does not listen to her and he throws her out of his home and his life forever.
Devastated, Luciana looks for consolation in Claudio, who shortly after discovers he is Luciana’s biological father. When they discover this, both of them promise to make the Torreslanda family pay for all the pain they have caused them; Claudio spent many years in jail accused of a fraud that was in fact committed by Maximino, Rodrigo’s father, which stripped him of all his goods.
Later, Luciana realizes she is pregnant and she decides not to tell Rodrigo and have her baby on her own. Rodrigo, on the other hand, marries Gala and lives in hell because she makes his life miserable.
Luciana gives birth to Rodrigo Jr. during a risky labor, which almost kills her. Roselena learns that Luciana is having a child and plans to kidnap him; to stop her, Luciana escapes from the hospital but she faints in the way and loses the baby. A homeless musician takes the baby believing she is dead; when Luciana wakes up and does not see her baby, the pain drives her crazy and she spends her life looking for him.
Some years later, Rodrigo meets a boy who works in the street and they become friends, but he doesn't know that the kid he befriended is his biological son. On the other hand, his situation with Gala gets even worse and they decide to get divorced. he runs into Luciana one day and he apologizes to her, but she assures him with a cold look that she despises him now exactly with the same passion she once loved him. Rodrigo promises Luciana to find Rodrigo Jr....but only time will define the direction their destinies will take, which by now will remain united by the hope to find their son and be able to live together with him in.... “A Shelter for Love”.
Yoko Asagiri composes a piano sonata to show her love to a young man. While listening to the song on a walkman she passes him but doesn't have the courage to confess. Then she is transported to a fantastical world. There she meets a talking dog. While talking to the dog, she sees off in the sky a reflection of her world. She then discovers that she can transport herself between the worlds while listening to the song. Then her walkman is stolen by strange men riding mechanical creatures who attack her. Yoko then transforms into a powerful sword wielding warrior and defeats them.
They meet a young girl named Yoni who explains that the floating castle, Garuba, nearby is ruled by Zell, an evil man using Leda's power for evil. He wishes to open a portal to the world of Noa to conquer it. Yoni leads her to a giant robot named the Armor of Leda that can transform into a ship called the Wings of Leda. Zell's floating towers attack and Yoni's giant robot, Rubber Star, is destroyed during the battle. Yoni and Yoko then fly to Zell's castle. They confront Zell, who erects a force field separating Yoko from her friends. Zell tells her that she came to this world because she wanted to escape from her world.
Zell captures her friends, and puts Yoko to sleep to use her to help control the portal machine. There Yoko dreams where she is dating the young man. Instead of walking past him, she started talking to him. She breaks the spell, rescues her friends, and the machine overloads. Zell, in anger lunges towards Yoko. Yoko stabs him, killing him. While the castle is destroyed Yoko and her friends escape. Yoko then returns to her world. she sees the boy and runs after him to talk to him.
Beavis and Butt-Head watch a black-and-white TV show in which one of the characters asks for the hand of someone's daughter. Beavis and Butt-Head do not understand that this meant that he wanted to marry her, and they get the idea to ask someone for his daughter's "hand". They go to a house where a girl named Victoria lives and asks her dad for her "hand", but he says that she is a few years older than them and already has a boyfriend. Beavis and Butt-Head, not understanding, ask him again and the man responds by saying that they would have to wait a long time if they want a chance with his daughter. After he ends the conversation and closes the door, the duo sits on the sidewalk, thinking that the man meant they only had to wait for hours or days. Their neighbor, Tom Anderson, is close by in his yard raking leaves and is interrupted by the duo's conversation. Butt-Head says that they are waiting to have Victoria's "hand" and Mr. Anderson says to them that only one of them can have her "hand", thinking that she is still single and not realizing what they really mean, adding that they should just get up and get her "hand". The duo then goes back to the man's door to ask him for his daughter's "hand" yet again, but this time he says that he does not think she would want to date or marry either one of them. After they repeat the request, the man begins to realize that what they want his daughter to do. Enraged, the man attacks Beavis and Butt-Head. The two are still asking for her hand. Suddenly, Mr. Anderson intervenes and tells the man to get his hands off of them, and the neighbor tells him to shut up and get lost. They start attacking each other after Mr. Anderson hits him on the head with his rake, which leads the neighbor to knock Anderson to the ground and then punch him numerous times in the face. During the fight, Beavis and Butt-Head realize that they have "their own hands" to use and don't need Victoria, or any other woman, to satisfy their needs.
The farmers of Muju, Cheonbuk Province, are not only poor, one year they don't even have enough water to irrigate their rice paddies. Despite many attempts to dig a canal to the Geum River, they fail every single time.
Throughout these difficulties, the villagers find the strength to endure, until at last the military coup of 1962 brings in a government that gives them the support they need to escape starvation and ruin.
''Queen of the Falls'' is about a 62-year-old woman named Annie Edson Taylor who remembers getting closer and closer to Niagara Falls with her father, entranced by the sight and sound of the water. Finally, as a 62-year-old, she goes over the falls in a wooden barrel, seeking fortune and fame.
Beavis and Butt-Head walk to an abandoned drive-in to find out that it has been replaced with a computer technical support office, where Butt-Head asks one of the office workers what has happened to the abandoned drive-in. Thinking that they're new employees, the technical support worker named Hamid (a Middle Eastern man with a thick accent) gets Beavis and Butt-Head to sit down and work at the two vacant workstations inside his cubicle. However, the duo tries to browse the internet for pornography while mishandling the technical support calls they get, to which Hamid complains to his manager about their antics. While talking to Hamid, the manager nonetheless thinks the duo is doing their job correctly and encourages him to act like them. As a result, Hamid starts to imitate Beavis and Butt-Head, with the duo starting out being impressed with his imitation. Eventually, the duo stops finding him funny and while Hamid is talking to a customer who is having problems with a computer at a power plant, Butt-Head tells Hamid to tell him to "butt plug his computer". Hamid misunderstands him and instead tells him to unplug the computer, while Butt-Head meanwhile finally obtains a porn site called "Lonely Nasty Housewives". As the girl in the website is about to strip, the power goes out. The duo, however, thinks the computer is broken and unplugs it in order to get it fixed. As they walk out, two men in a truck (Ross and Harlan) spot them and think that they are looting due to the power outage, then drive through the window of the building and begin looting. Butt-Head calls the place cool again.
Two Hydra scientists enlist the Abomination to help them capture the Hulk and siphon his gamma energy into their own version of Tony Stark's arc reactor. By the time Iron Man arrives to investigate, he and Hulk find themselves facing the newly created energy creature Zzzax. They also fight a Wendigo and a fleet of Mandroids.
Red Skull and Taskmaster strategized a plan to be rid of Captain America; by stealing the weapons that belonged to Iron Man.
After the two heroes' training was complete, the Hydra soldiers infiltrated the Helicarrier and headed towards the weapons vault. During their attack, two of the soldiers went in and escaped with the Stark Repulsor Cannon. Iron Man flies to reclaim his repulsor cannon while Cap fights with Taskmaster, but to no avail as Taskmaster takes him down and kidnapped him to the base.
Red Skull stole Cap's superhuman blood to create an army, replicated with the same powers as he has, with machine called the Neurotransducer. Iron Man has been reported that not only the hull of the Helicarrier is damaged, but his Mark VI armor is taken by Taskmaster during the infiltration. He found their base in an abandoned military bunker in the Southern Estonia.
The serum was fully created and Red Skull brainwashed Cap, causing him into becoming an ally to Hydra (Captain Hydra) and fights against Iron Man, who arrives to rescue him. During the fight, Cap hacks into Iron Man's systems, allowing Taskmaster to gain access to control his Mark VI armor. Iron Man gets Cap back to normal and put up a fake fight to make Taskmaster thinks Cap is still in Hydra's control. After that, Taskmaster announced his plan to Cap about overthrowing Red Skull and to rule the world, before being beaten down by the two. As they leave, Taskmaster escapes and activates his Mark VI armor, naming himself "The Iron Master."
Arriving in Antarctica, two of the Avengers witnessed a giant rocket, containing Cap's blood, enough to turn everyone in the world into his super-powered army, and an underground facility where they mass produced Stark's repulsor cannon and copied Cap's shield from the real one. They fight off against the remaining Hydra soldiers and shut down production of the facility. Before they can take down Red Skull, The Iron Master arrives and attempts to kill him, but the armor was in Red Skull's control and forced him to kill them, but is quickly beaten. The superhuman Hydra soldiers arrived to defeat the two avengers. Before they can finish them off, Hulk arrived to their aid of assistance. Iron Man fights against Iron Master with Hulk and won, while Cap goes to confront Red Skull and to halt the rocket's launch sequence. Cap succeeds in stopping the rocket by stuck his shield into the fuel tanks, causing the rocket to destruct by the launch, and destroying the whole facility in the process. Red Skull, Iron Master and the remaining Hydra soldiers survived and escaped, but taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D.
At the Helicarrier, Iron Man, Cap (in his Iron Patriot armor) and Hulk began training and end up with the two being beaten by Iron Patriot's heat-seeking missiles. After the two make up, they and Hulk went out to eat.
The game begins with Sylvie Leroux writing an article in Paris, and seeing a vision of Knights Templar. A person on the phone informs her that her uncle, an archaeologist, have gone missing. Sylvie packs up a suitcase and travels to Malta, not finding her uncle in his home. Then she travels to the archaeological site in Gozo, where, she believes, she might find her uncle. Upon entering the site, she discovered that the police have taken control of the site. Not only did they took control of the site, but they managed to take her uncle's house under control as well. She creates a fake ID and presents herself as a reporter. By chance, she finds 4 photographs with cubical-shaped stones on them, and two photos with Maltese shroud. She suspects that her uncle's disappearance has something to do with this. When she comes back from Gozo, Sylvie finds out that her uncle's house has been ransacked, but nothing is stolen. She also finds a note to James, that explains the breakup of Templars and Hospitallers. She then travels from Malta to Istanbul, Turkey, where she enters into an art gallery and talks to the art gallery director about the stones. But the gallery manager was a suspicious and unfriendly person, so she left. Sylvie is desperate to get the stones, that she suspects are located somewhere in the gallery. She sneaks through backyard into an attic, in which she finds boxes in which she suspects located the illegal merchandise, including the stones, of which photographs she has. She opens the boxes. In one of them she finds the Maltese shroud, and in the other she finds 4 cubical stones. But, as she was about to put them into her pocket, somebody hit her. The only thing she remembers is that the gallery manager was scolding her for something, and that the guards then kick her outside. She then travels to Vatican. The game ends with Sylvie's uncle being killed by trying to break up a gun fight, between James, and inspector Gronc, over the illumination beliefs.
Following the death of her fiancé as he was speeding to their wedding, Margot Weston is left pregnant and devastated. A former doctor, Jim Howard, helps the desperate Margot. When her son is born, Jim helps her find a home for the baby with Phil Marshall and his wife. Margot insists that neither the Marshalls nor the child can ever know that she is his mother.
Five years later, while working as a well-paid buyer for couturier Harriet Martin, Margot meets Jim Howard again, and the two begin to fall in love. When Margot is sent to Europe on a business trip for Harriet, she meets and is wooed by the charming and carefree Count Giovanni Corini. While in Paris, she happens to meet her son, Roddy, who is traveling with his aunt who has been taking care of him since his adoptive mother died.
On the trip back to America, Margot and Roddy become close. Giovanni is also on the same ship, and he continues to pursue Margot. Back home, Margot becomes convinced that Jessica Reid, Phil's new fiancée, does not love him, and would be a bad mother to Roddy. Margot decides to break up the engagement, though Jim, beginning a career as a scientist, reminds her of her earlier promise not to interfere in the boy's life.
Phil overhears a conversation between Margot and Jessica which brings their engagement to an end. Meanwhile, Jim tries to ask Margot to marry him, but then Phil asks Margot to marry him for his and Roddy's sake. Though Margot admits she loves Jim, he steps aside so that she can have a life with Roddy and Phil.
The book begins with Dessa Rose, a pregnant slave fugitive in a prison cell in Marengo County, Alabama. Captured along with many of her fellow runaways, Dessa's execution was postponed until the birth of her child. Shortly before she gives birth, three men appear at night and rescue her. The four travel to a small plantation in Sutton managed by Ruth Elizabeth. Her husband had departed on a business trip several years ago and never returned. The slaves took off and Mrs. Rufel (as everyone calls her) began harboring runaway slaves to replace them. The fugitives devise a plan to free themselves. Mrs. Rufel must sell the slaves during the day, then pick them back up at night, cheating the buyers out of their money. When the small band has accumulated enough money, the slaves will flee west.
When Cleveland Brown returns to Quahog for a week, he visits his old friends Peter, Joe and Quagmire. When Peter gets tired of his wife, Lois, constantly demanding for him to do chores so the group decides to take a road trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. Whilst their husbands are away, Lois, Bonnie and Donna proceed to enjoy "girl time", resulting with them doing wine-induced childish antics which include forcibly dressing Brian in a humiliating bumblebee costume.
While driving through a rural area in Georgia, Peter and his group are pulled over by the local sheriff, and Peter makes every effort to talk as annoyingly and rudely to him as possible. But the Sheriff is more offended by Cleveland's attempt to calmingly explain themselves, punching out their left headlights and then planting a bag of marijuana in their trunk. The group are then sent to a county work camp where they are forced to perform various tasks, including ditch digging and rock crushing. As their stay in the jail supposedly comes to an end, the warden then approaches them and tells them that their stay has been extended an additional thirty days. Learning from another prisoner that they might be locked up forever, the group decides to break out of the prison when the prison guard's eyes are diverted. Successful in their attempt, they soon come across a house where they discover a set of handcuff and shackle keys.
They then discover that they are in the sheriff's home, who returns soon after. Peter tries to pretend to be his wife while hiding in a closet, and he convinces the sheriff to let the fugitives go free. This exchange ends with the sheriff asking for a hug, which makes Peter jump out of the closet and reveal the group, making the sheriff realizing that he doesn't have a wife. The entire police force then comes after them, until they are able to jump on a train and arrive in Quahog, only to be met by the sheriff and his deputies. Joe, however, had called ahead and arranged for the Quahog police department to arrive and rescue them. Joe then wrecks the sheriff's car, shoots him in the leg, and demands he leave Quahog.