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Perils of Paranoia

In the middle of devastating a witness on cross-examination, a district attorney goes to the judge to ask for a recess because he thinks he is having a heart attack. The judge calls for an ambulance. Foreman tells House about the case; the patient didn't have a heart attack. House thinks it's an anxiety attack, but Foreman has already ruled it out by lying to the patient to get him to relax. House gets interested.

House calls his team together to do a differential. After they go through the possibilities, House figures it's a toxin and orders tests and an environmental scan. He also tells them to check out the patient's wife because he thinks she may have done it. When Chase complains he doesn't want to do the work alone, House allows him the choice of Taub or Park. Chase and Adams both call dibs on Taub, but Adams “settles” for Park.

Chase and Taub run into Foreman on the elevator and compliment him for lying to the patient to rule out anxiety. However, they are concerned Foreman is misbehaving and tell him to get a girlfriend. Foreman assures them he's just trying to make sure House does his job. Chase tells him that a girlfriend is a better idea than trying to keep track of House. Taub agrees despite his alimony and child support obligations.

Adams and Park are driving to the patient's house. Adams is telling her how wonderful her new car is, but Park thinks she's avoiding talking about why she doesn't want to work with her. Adams assures Park that House's belief that no-one wants to work with her is simply his way of getting under everyone's skin.

The wife is talking to Taub and dismissing the possibility that someone would want to poison her husband. Everyone at work likes him, even the criminals he prosecutes. She says he only eats stuff he brings from home. Taub thinks the patient is afraid of something, but when Chase talks to the patient, he tells Chase that his first job was at the health department and he knows how dirty restaurants can be. Chase asks him if he got any strange packages or letters, but the patient denies it and notes his three kids are healthy and it's unlikely they would not have been exposed to something that made him sick. Chase brings up the possibility of his wife deliberately poisoning him, and the patient dismisses it. The wife tells the same thing to Taub.

Park and Adams are having no luck, and Park wants to run in case someone called the police - they would give a prosecutor's home higher priority. However, as they go to leave, Park notices that the walls of two adjoining rooms are a lot further apart than they should be. Adams thinks she's kidding about there being a secret room, but Park remembers seeing a magnet of the type used to open child-proof cabinets on their refrigerator and tells Adams to get it. Park sees a spot behind the books, applies the magnet, and swings back the bookcase. They call House and tell him that the patient has an arsenal of weapons. When Park and Adams go to confront the patient about the discovery, he explains that he built it in secret to keep the city from finding out. The wife is surprised to find out, and questions why he felt he needed such an arsenal.

Park and Adams go to report to House, who has already figured out what the patient told them - that he was afraid the government was going to collapse. Adams is astounded, but House says that's what everyone with a bunker full of guns is afraid of. Chase thinks it might be a symptom, but Adams and Park get into an argument. House orders tests for everything they've suggested. He returns to clinic duty and picks the most attractive clinic patient to examine.

Park asks Taub who's more paranoid; the patient or her. He replies he doesn't think the patient has a mental illness and tells Park not to let House get to her. However, Park says she doesn't think the team respects her and Chase doesn't even try to hide it. Taub says Chase just likes working with him and does respect her. Foreman interrupts them and asks to speak to Taub.

Foreman asks Taub to stop telling the nurses he‘s looking for a girlfriend. Taub denies it, but Foreman asks why he keeps getting lunch offers and boxes of cupcakes. However, Taub says he's been too busy to even think about talking to nurses. However, Park realizes he's lying and Taub says it's for Foreman's own good.

House tells Wilson the patient is just stupid, but Wilson reminds House he owns a gun. House says that's different - the patient has an arsenal, and House denies owning a gun. Wilson tells him he does and, as a felon, if he's caught with it he could go back to jail. House says he doesn't need a gun, the only thing worth stealing would require a crane to remove it. Wilson is still not convinced. House is very attached to his possessions and likes dangerous things even making fireworks. Wilson pretends to give in, but House realizes he's lying and Wilson admits he is.

All of Adams' and Chase's tests are coming out negative. They start talking about the “feud” and Adams wants to know why Chase didn't pick Park that morning. Chase says Park is weird. Adams counters that Park is a good doctor, but Chase says good doctors can be weird, like House. He admits Adams is weird too, but it's easier to put up with her because she's hot. He backs up and says she's normal and a pleasure to be with. She calls him weird. They start talking about guns. He thinks she likes shooting sport weapons for fun. Chase makes up a story about shooting kangaroos, but Adams realizes he's screwing with her.

The wife is staying with her husband, but he wants her to give her mother a break. She's worried that he thinks the world is coming to an end. He assures her that he hopes he never has to use them. However, Park discovers he's bleeding from a sore on his leg.

The patient has also developed a fever. They decide to do a biopsy of the sore and start treatment for sclerosis. Park goes to ask House why she's calling her an idiot when it's obvious he doesn't really believe that. She says she doesn't mind him making fun of her, but she doesn't like being manipulated. He assures her he's only making fun of her, but she says she deserves some respect. He assures her that people respect her, they just don't like her. The patient's wife has left the hospital and the patient believes it's because he lied to her. He assures the doctors he's not crazy. Chase reassures him.

Foreman and Nurse Regina are arguing about why the paperwork hasn't been entered in the computer when House leaves the clinic early because he got an emergency page. Foreman tells Nurse Regina to find someone who can do the paperwork because he has to leave. House arrives home to find Wilson in a net trap. Wilson sent the emergency page and calls House an ass. House won't let Wilson out of the trap until he admits that House is too clever to let Wilson ever find a gun even if he had one and will always be one step ahead of him.

Foreman is at the gym with a punching bag when he gets a page. When he goes to answer it, a beautiful young woman, Anita, introduces herself and asks him how bad his day was to take it out on the punching bag, but Foreman thinks Taub sent her and threatens to treat him like the punching bag. However, Anita says she doesn't know what he's talking about. Foreman is still suspicious, but Anita says she will be in the gym for a while if he changes his mind. Foreman picks up his phone again. Taub is on the other end telling Foreman the patient is wrecking things and tells him he's got to go.

The patient is put in restraints. He was hallucinating he was being attacked by bears and Adams says that points to clinical paranoia. Adams and Park argue about whether it's new or old paranoia when Chase interrupts to suggest it may just be a mental illness because all the tests are negative. Park still thinks it's a brain infection, but Adams thinks it's autoimmune. House agrees with both Adams, orders treatment for GAD; steroids and immunoglobulin. Park follows House and tells him that she's not paranoid and it's not that her teammates don't like her, they just don't know her that well.

House arrives home again and finds a trip wire that he spots before he actually trips over it. He sees an open closet door. He pulls the wire with his cane. The trap springs harmlessly and Wilson delightedly jumps out of the closet only to have his spirits fall when he sees House standing untrapped. House tosses him and his trap out the door. House returns triumphantly to his apartment, only to lock himself in the bathroom when the doorknob comes off in his hand. He finds the second door locked too. He goes to examine the first door, but the doorknob to that one falls off too. House looks through the hole in his door and sees Wilson on the other side. He concedes defeat.

Foreman goes to Anita's house and they start making out. However, they hear a man call her name and she tells Foreman he has to go right away. As he leaves, she tells him it's her husband. The patient's fever climbs. Park calls House, who is still stuck in his bathroom. Park says that it must be an infection, but Adams says they probably just started treatment for GAD too late. House orders more steroids. Park objects because if it's an infection, the steroids will be fatal. House counters that if it's an infection, they're probably already too late but they can still treat GAD or at least slow its progress. However, Park keeps arguing they can treat an infection. House finally gives in, but tells them ordinary antibiotics would be useless - they need to identify the infection. He orders tests. Adams reminds him that he just ordered more steroids, but House tells her he changed his mind and to follow Park's instructions. Wilson finishes searching House's apartment and admits there's no gun, although he found his own sunglasses, tennis racket and money clip.

Park and Adams are still arguing about the diagnosis. Chase breaks in to say maybe House was right to let them have a fight to settle things. Foreman interrupts again to speak to Taub. Foreman is trying to blame Taub for almost having him get beat up by Anita's husband by screwing with his head. Taub tells Foreman he needs a life so he won't come back to the hospital at midnight just to yell at him. He asks Taub to stay out of his business. Taub still proclaims his innocence. However, when he leaves, he tells Chase that although he got off to a bad start, he's glad Foreman is trying. Chase calls him an idiot and their pagers go off.

They arrive at the patient's room to find him in anaphylactic shock. Chase performs a tracheotomy, but it doesn‘t restore breathing. Taub calls for epinephrine. Nurse Anne tells him they already tried it, but Taub realizes that the blockage must be below the incision and that they have no other option.

They manage to get the patient breathing again, but they realize the anaphylaxis and edema rules out both infection and GAD. Allergy also seems to be ruled out because it wouldn't get worse after admission. House turns back to toxins, but there was no-one with the opportunity to poison the patient on all occasions. However, Park suggests squamous-cell carcinoma. Although it wouldn't cause hallucinations, related paraneoplastic syndrome would. House orders a biopsy.

House finds Wilson in his office. Wilson confronts him with a gun he found in House's apartment. Wilson was sure House would have moved the gun, so he went back after he searched House's apartment the first time. House denies it's a gun, or that something looking like a bullet is a bullet. He says it's a magic prop. Wilson doesn't believe him, but House gives him the gun to shoot him. Wilson refuses, but House goes to shoot Wilson instead. He then shows Wilson the barrel is plugged by sticking a pencil in the barrel half-way. Wilson is confused, and House asks him to admit he found nothing. Wilson admits House has won. When Wilson turns around, House lets the pencil drop all the way into the barrel, showing us the gun is real. House looks at the “gun” and starts thinking.

He goes to see his team and tells Park, and everyone else, they were wrong. It wasn't tracheal edema that blocked his airway, it was a pseudo-membrane growing across the trachea. The patient isn't even paranoid - he was poisoned by a bacterium. House asks for a bronchial scope and warns the patient he won't be able to breathe, but he has to look down his windpipe through the tracheotomy hole. When House tells Park to call the CDC for anti-toxin, she realizes it's diphtheria. They didn't consider it because no one gets it anymore. House realizes the patient hasn't been getting the vaccine for it. Foreman goes to congratulate Taub. He tells Taub he's just been at a meeting about parking.

The patient slowly starts to improve. He cheers up when his wife shows up. However, she tells him she's moved the kids out of the house. She says she doesn't like being lied to and she can't live with all the guns. She says that when he gets out, he can move in with them, but they can't return to their old house. He embraces her.

Foreman is working hard on his paperwork when Nurse Regina comes in. She invites him to a staff get-together, but he says he has too much work to do. She tells him to drop by if he changes his mind. Park sees Adams and Chase in the elevator while leaving work. She invites Chase for a drink. Chase asks her if Taub put her up to it, but she says she's been thinking about it for a while and decided to ask. Chase says it's a bad idea to socialize with colleagues, but Park knows about Cameron. He finally agrees to go out that evening. Foreman is still working. He grabs his phone and tells someone he's changed his mind. House puts his gun back in its box. He then takes his father's sword out to look at it. Foreman meets Anita at the bar.

Second Spring (TV series)

The scene is a market place in Samatya neighbourhood of İstanbul. There are a number of stories interrelated to each other. Ali Haydar, a widower, is a kebap restaurant owner. (Kebap is grilled meat) Hanım, also a widow, is his female meze cook (Meze is a group of small dishes served during the meal). Ali Haydar soon falls in love with Hanım. But the situation is complicated, because his landlady Neriman an ex-actress whom Ali Haydar is in dept, too wants to marry Ali Haydar. Another problem of Ali Haydar is Vakkas, the owner of a rival restaurant whose father was Ali Haydar's tutor. Vakkas tries everything to ruin Ali Haydar with financial plots. While the fathers are struggling, Ali Haydar's elder daughter Melek and Vakkas' son Medet are secretly planning to marry. Cennet, Ali Haydar’s second daughter decides not to show up in her graduation ball because she doesn’t know how to dance. But Tim, a tourist working as an aide in Haydar's restaurant volunteers to teach her how to dance. Hanım has different problems. Her daughter Gülsüm who has an affair with a wealthy man, gets pregnant and her son Ulaş is planning to migrate to United States illegally. Meanwhile, Secaattin (Şeco for short), Neriman's brother, a ''zabıta'' (municipal police) whom all shopkeepers hate, is trying to fix problems with his ex-wife (who is his superior in the office) and his son.

The Black Stiletto

Martin Talbot is an accountant whose mother—Judy Cooper Talbot—is in sheltered accommodation for sufferers of Alzheimer’s. Martin was given copies of his mother's diaries, written when she was younger.

Through the diaries Martin learns that she ran away from her abusive stepfather, took a bus to New York, and swore revenge on him. She found work in a diner and a room above a gym; she tried to take lessons in self-defence, but no-one would help as women in the mid-1950s were not supposed to fight. Taking a job at the gym, she persuaded the gym owner to teach her boxing. Subsequently, she attended a dojo and learned karate and other martial arts. Judy also learnt how to use a knife from a boyfriend connected to the mafia. After trying a number of different knives she settled on a stiletto and became a vigilante.

Judy's alter-ego, the Black Stiletto, was active for five years in New York and Los Angeles between 1958-1962 and then mysteriously disappeared. Since that time, the vigilante's image and mystique was exploited by the media in comics, films, and action figures. "Who was the Black Stiletto?" became a catch-question like "Who shot JFK?"

Conan the Triumphant

Conan guides his army of mercenaries into Ianthe, capital of Ophir, where they become entangled in the chaos ensuing from the death of King Valdric. The factions of Antimides, Valentius, and Lady Synelle (Countess of Asmark) all contest for the throne. Synelle is secretly a sorceress and the high priestess of a nearly-forgotten demon god known as Al’Kiir. Al’Kiir was imprisoned within the depths of a mountain, called '''Tor Al’Kiir''', centuries before by a mage named Avanrakash. However, Synelle plans on releasing him by providing Al'Kiir a “bride” through human sacrifice and enlist his power in obtaining the throne.

Conan comes into Synelle's attention after he buys an idol of Al’Kiir, which she believes can be used in reviving her god. She plan on obtaining the idol, sending various agents to steal it and bewitching the Cimmerian into enlisting in her service. This attachment is complicated by Conan's interest in Julia, a young noblewoman reduced to trulldom , and his old rival, a female bandit named Karela the Red Hawk, one of many thieves Synelle has hired to steal the idol.

Ultimately, Synelle's true colors are revealed. In the depths of Tor Al’Kirr, she and her priestess attempt to sacrifice Karela to raise the demon. Conan and his company battle her forces and the Cimmerian wins through—just too late. Al’Kiir is raised, but takes Synelle instead of his intended victim. When the demon turns its attention towards Karela, Conan seizes the '''Staff of Avanrakash''' and spears the creature. At its unearthly screams, Synelle's defenders flee. Both Al'kiir and the captive sorceress harden into stone as the mountain begins to rumble. Conan and his men flee, putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the mountain before it erupts in a pillar of flame resembling the staff.

In the aftermath, the victorious army of Valentius marches onto Ianthe. The remnants of the Free Company, sidelined, break up, each going their separate way. Conan urges Karela to go to Argos with him, but she refuses, preferring her free life instead being mastered by the Cimmerian. He proceeds south alone. Meanwhile, Synelle is rescued from the destroyed mountain and brought back to life by Thoth-Amon.

Inazuma Eleven 3

Coach Hibiki gathers Japan's greatest football players from all over Japan (many of these players are featured in the first 2 seasons). The team (below) is mainly made up of players from Raimon/The Ultimate Eleven and Aliea Academy, however there is the inclusion of Sakuma from Teikoku Academy and Hijikata. There are also two newcomers to this game which are Utsunomiya Tormaru and Tobitaka Seiya.

The players divide into 2 teams. One led by Endou and the other by Kidou. At the end of the game (In the anime) Endou's team wins by 3–2, including goals from Hiroto, Gouenji, Someoka, Reize and Fubuki. However, many of Kidou's team managed to make the team anyway, including Fudou, Gouenji, Tachimukai and Kidou himself. When the practice match is over Inazuma Japan's new coach is revealed to be Kudou Michiya and his daughter Fuyuka decides to become a manager for Inazuma Japan. Later the draw for the Asia preliminary matches is done, revealing that Japan had drawn against one of the favorites: Australia's team, Big Waves. With 2 days until the game with Australia, coach Kudou refuses to allow the team to practice and they must stay inside all day! However Tsunami manages to escape and perfects a new hissatsu technique "The Typhoon" which he uses to score past Australia.

But the rest of the players had to resort to practicing in their rooms. We discover that this is what coach Kudou had wished for the team to do in order to beat Australia's Box-Lock Defence, this allowed them to beat this by practicing in such a tight confined space such as a room, for them to be able to keep close control of the ball, the player to realize this first is Kidou. This game finished 2–1 to Japan thanks to Gouenji's newly discovered hissatsu technique "Bakunetsu Screw".

Nostalgia for the Light

Nostalgia for the Light opens with a view of a telescope and images of our moon. The narrator, Patricio Guzmán, describes how he came to love astronomy and begins to remember his childhood during which “only the present moment existed.” Soon, Chile became the center of the world as astronomers and scientists flocked to Chile to observe the universe through the thin and clear skies. We next see Guzmán walking in the Atacama Desert, a place with absolutely no moisture, so much so that it resembles the surface of Mars. This desert, and its abundance of history, becomes the focus of the documentary. Because of how dry it is, the desert hosts the untouched remains of fish, mollusks, Indian carvings, and even mummified humans.

Astronomer Gaspar Galaz is introduced and comments on how astronomy is a way to look into the past to understand our origins. It is generally a science seeking answers, but, in the process, creates more questions to answer. He comments that science in general, like astronomy and geology, is a look into the past; even sitting there having this interview, he comments, is a conversation in the past because of the millionths of a second light takes to travel and be processed. Lautaro Núñez relates astronomer's endeavors to his own; archeologists and astronomers have to recreate the past while in the present by using only a few traces.

The documentary then shifts into Chile's recent past dealing with Pinochet and his dictatorship. Luís Henríquez, a survivor from the Chacabuco concentration camp, describes how a group of about 20, led by a Doctor Alvarez (who was knowledgeable in astronomy), was taught theory during the day and learned how to identify constellations at night. They learned how to create a device that let them track the constellations, and while they studied the cosmos they “all had a feeling of great freedom,” as Henríquez describes it. The military, however, quickly banned these lessons because they believed the prisoners could escape using the constellations. Miguel Lawner, similarly, was a prisoner who survived the concentration camp. He is referred to as the “architect” in the movie because he was able to memorize and then later recreate the environment the prisoners lived in. Miguel would measure buildings and the grounds with footsteps and would then draw a scaled version of the concentration camps with those measurements. He would rip his drawings up and hide them at night, in case of a raid, and then flush them down the latrines in the morning. The narrator concludes that he and his wife Anita are a metaphor for Chile: Henríquez remembers what happened in the past, while Anita, who has Alzheimer's disease, is forgetting.

Valentina Rodríguez talks about how her grandparents were detained and threatened to give up the location of her parents. After their captors threatened to hurt Valentina, her grandparents complied and her parents were taken away. However, Valentina acknowledges that she and her parents all belong to the recyclable matter of the universe, which brings peace to her. She has a son, who she knows will not have to suffer dictatorial violence like his past generations. This idea leaves her strong and optimistic. Guzmán ends the documentary affirming the value of memory because, as he states, “those who have a memory are able to live in the fragile present moments. Those who have none don't live anywhere.”

Inazuma Eleven GO (manga)


Set 10 years after the first anime ''Inazuma Eleven'', a new soccer system is implemented where the results of matches are predetermined even down to the point scoring.

A boy called Matsukaze Tenma loves soccer. However, it is being controlled by Fifth Sector and he is highly against it. In the first episode, he wants to join the Raimon soccer club, but upon arrival, a mysterious team crushes the Raimon soccer club, including its second team. All the second team members leave and Tenma is tested before he joins the team. Now with his new friends, he and Raimon go against the soccer being rigged by Fifth Sector and is determined to defend his soccer honor.

Chrono Stone

After Tenma returns from Okinawa from tutoring the local children about soccer, he returns to Raimon, only to discover that the soccer club has never existed. '''Alpha''', a person who comes from '''El Dorado''', an organization from the future hell-bent on destroying soccer, tries to erase Tenma's soccer memories. With the assistance of '''Fei Rune''' and '''Clark Wonderbot''', both came from the future, Tenma and his friends must defeat El Dorado in order to return soccer to the world.


'''Football Frontier International Vision 2 (FFI V2)''' is being held, and all the best school soccer teams gathered in hope to gain a place in '''Shinsei Inazuma Japan''', Japan's new national soccer team. But things are getting out of control when instead of skilled players, 8 soccer players who are new to soccer are selected, along with Tenma, Tsurugi and Shindō. The team is deemed to be a failure by both audience and Shindō himself, so what is happening? Will Shinsei Inazuma Japan be able to shine on the world stage, or is it too bad to even win a match?

Later, as Shinsei Inazuma Japan advanced through the Asia premilinaries, a terrible truth unfolds—FFIV2 is actually the preliminaries of District A of an interplanetary tournament: '''Grand Celesta Galaxy'''. In order to save Earth from elimination, '''Earth Eleven''' must win through the tournament against all kinds of aliens...

Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gurifon

The movie takes place ten years after the original series, in the middle of the GO season. Soccer is now integral to social status, and as a result, the world of youth soccer is currently under the authoritarian rule of the Fifth Sector organization. A junior high school student, Matsukaze Tenma, is leading his soccer team, Raimon, on a revolution against them. After being abducted by Fifth Sector, the members of the Raimon team find themselves on an unknown island. Tsurugi Kyousuke, who used to work as a SEED for Fifth Sector before turning against them, recognises the island as God Eden, an island that Fifth Sector uses to train young soccer players into become SEEDs, by drawing out powerful avatars.

Raimon are confronted by the manager of God Edan Kibayama Douzan, the manager God Eden, and they are made to play a soccer match against a team of trained SEEDs called Unlimited Shining. Tsurugi recognises the team captain, Hakuryuu, from his time as a SEED. Raimon suffers an overwhelming defeat and are severely injured in the process. However, they are saved from captured, and awaken to discover that their rescuers are Endou Mamarou, their former captain, alongside Fudou Akio, Fubuki Shirou, Kabeyama Heigorou and Kazemaru Ichirouta, members of the legendary Inazuma Japan.

Raimon are informed that they will face another "battle" in several days. With the aide of the adults, they begin training for the match. During their training, Tenma meets a boy who apparently lives on the island, called Shuu. Shuu challenges Raimon to a match against his team called Ancient Dark, and displayed a great degree of skill. However, the match comes to a close with no score after Tenma interrupts the match to stop the ball from hitting a baby lamb, an act of kindness that catches Shuu's interest. Shuu gives Tenma special training, involving climbing a waterfall cliff-face, while the others continued their own training. During a private conversation, Shuu tells Tenma that sometime in the past soccer was used as a method to decide which girl in the community on the island would be sacrified. He tells a story about a girl was sacrified due to her brother's "weakness", before seemingly vanishing. Meanwhile, Raimon's coach Kidou Yuuto, and the managers, Otonashi Haruna, Yamana Akane, Seto Midori and Sorano Aoi, manage to escape from the prison cell where they are being held captive. They witness the harsh, abusive training the SEEDs undergo by Fifth Sector first hand, and are just about to escape the facility when Aoi is captured again.

Raimon arrive at their match and are introduced to the team called "Zero". Shuu is revealed to be part of the team, alongside Hakuryuu. Tenma vows to show Shuu that soccer is supposed to be fun, and that the ideology of Fifth Sector is wrong. With the aide of Hakuryuu's avatar, Shining Dragon, Zero gains the upper hand over Raimon in the first half of the match. Tenma remembers his training and is able to "climb" past Hakuryuu's avatar. Similarly, the other Raimon players use their training to gain the upper hand, however, the tide turns back against them, and the match becomes increasingly more violent. Endou, unable to just stand by and watch any more, joins the match temporarily alongside the former Inazuma Japan members. During their time in the match, they are able to free Aoi from her cage-cell, removing Fifth Sector's leverage over Raimon.

The "battle" comes to a head when Hakuryuu and Shuu fuse their two avatars into Sei Kishi Arthur, and use Sword Excalibur to score a goal, bring the score to 4–5. Tenma, Tsurugi, and Shindou, fuse their own avatars into Matei Gryphon, and use Sword of Fire. Hakuryuu and Shu try to reverse the shoot with Sword Excalibur, but Sword of Fire breaks through, tying the score for Raimon. During the "final battle", Tenma had managed to get through to Shuu about the true value of soccer. Tsurugi also makes Hakuryuu realize that he finds enjoyment in soccer, by making him recall his childhood. The match resumes, the atmosphere in the stadium now much lighter, as Zero are now playing "real soccer" and both sides are having fun. The match ends with an "inconclusive" tied score; however the crowd erupts into applause.

After saying their partings, Raimon leave God Eden. Endou says that he has to stay to look into some matters, but promises he will be back soon. Shuu states a thank you to Tenma to himself, before being dissolving away, revealing that he was a spirit. A post-credit scene shows Senguuji Daigo and Ishido Shuuji discussing that the actual purpose of Fifth Sector is discover those who hold the potential of the "Second Stage Children"

Edna & Harvey: The Breakout

Edna awakes in a padded cell with her toy rabbit, Harvey, who she talks to throughout the game. She has no recollection of how she came to be in the cell and must escape. In order to do so, she navigates along the ventilation shafts and gathers friends (other inmates) as well. Such friends have mental issues like two people in one sweater, one trying to become an energy being, and another who can make keys to any lock. While there, she decides to clear her father's name, although he was killed for murdering the son of the asylum's owner, Dr. Marcel. Harvey then gives Edna the ability to relive certain events in her past, called 'Tempomorphing'. After escaping in Dr. Marcel's car, they crash in a swamp and go separate ways, the 'Keymaster' following Edna. He wanted revenge on Edna for releasing 'Someone who should never be released', himself. After escaping a Church that he locked both Edna and himself in, she finds herself at her own house where she learns that she was the one who committed the murder by pushing Dr. Marcel's son down the stairs and that her father took the blame. Dr. Marcel then arrives and asks her to come back with him so he can have her memory erased as her father asked Dr. Marcel to do. Though he succeeded several times, Harvey always brought her memories back. Edna is then given two options: Destroy Harvey and have her memory erased, or listen to Harvey and push him down the stairs as his son was. If she listens to Dr. Marcel, she cuts Harvey to pieces with scissors, is renamed and given house chores to do for the rest of her life, which she then adores doing. If she listens to Harvey, then she knocks Dr. Marcel down the staircase with a mallet from his office and is never heard from again, the only clue of her fate being the remains of Harvey found by the ocean.

The Man I Love (1929 film)

A prizefighter (Arlen) is struggling to be a champ and is in love with a good girl (Brian), but also involved with a society beauty (Baclanova) at the same time.

My French Whore

Set towards the end of World War I, in 1918, it tells the story of a shy young railway employee and amateur actor from Milwaukee named Paul Peachy. Having realized that his wife no longer loves him, Paul enlists as a private in the U.S. Army and boards a ship for the trenches of France.

Peachy finds temporary solace in friendship amid horrors of war, but is soon captured by the enemy Germans in no man's land. His only chance of survival is to impersonate one of the enemy's most famous spies (as a child of immigrants, he is a fluent German speaker).

As the urbane and accomplished spy Harry Stroller, Peachy is feted as a hero by the German top brass and gains access to a previously unimagined world of sumptuous living. But his new role also reveals inner reserves of courage and ingenuity he never knew he possessed, as the mounting suspicions of his German hosts force Peachy into ever more outrageous deceptions.

In this atmosphere of smoke and mirrors, Paul Peachy falls in love with Annie, a beautiful French courtesan who seems to see through his artful disguise.

Pilot (The Killing)

Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) takes her morning jog along a park's jogging path. Her scenes are inter-cut with a night-time flashback of a teenage girl (Katie Findlay) frantically racing through the woods. The girl is being chased by someone with a flashlight and they find her. The morning jog is cut short when Sarah receives a phone call. She rushes to a crime scene, where a bloody trail leads her to a surprise going-away party thrown by co-workers. It is Sarah's last day as a Seattle, Washington homicide detective. At the police station, Sarah packs her personal items and meets her replacement, Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman). Her boss, Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk), gives her one last assignment, assuring it will be her last, and tells her to bring along Holder. On the way to the crime scene, Holder relates his previous work as a narc for the county police. At the crime scene, they are shown what evidence that has been discovered thus far: a bloody pink sweater and Stanley Larsen's ATM card. No body has been found, so Sarah decides that the sex crimes unit should instead be investigating. Holder argues that the Larsen name should be checked out, promising Linden that they'll be done in time for her to catch her flight.

Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) stops by his home while working to fix a dishwasher that is constantly breaking. His wife, Mitch (Michelle Forbes), again mentions their daughter Rosie's plans to attend college out of state. The mother is for the idea, the father against it. Sarah and Holder later arrive at the Larsen home, where Mitch says that she and her husband spent the weekend camping out of cell-phone range. After noticing a pink bicycle in their garage, Sarah asks Mitch if she has a daughter. Mitch tells Sarah and Holder that Rosie went to a Halloween dance on Friday. Rosie had told her that "only freshmen wore costumes" and wore a pink sweater. After taking a call from the school, Mitch learns that Rosie wasn't with her best friend, Sterling (Kacey Rohl), over the weekend and hasn't been seen since the dance. While Mitch is on the phone, Sarah peeks into Rosie's room, which is decorated with a butterfly theme.

Meanwhile, Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell), a Seattle city councilman and mayoral candidate, visits an outdoor mausoleum. Later, upon arriving at City Hall, he announces to campaign manager Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) and lead advisor Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) that Councilwoman Ruth Yitanes will endorse him, which could seal an election victory. At Fort Washington High, Richmond and his rival, mayor Lesley Adams (Tom Butler), are about to address a student assembly. Sarah arrives and suggests canceling the assembly, to allow the police to investigate Rosie's disappearance. Richmond agrees, angering Adams. At campaign headquarters, Jamie urges Richmond to take advantage of Rosie's disappearance, but the candidate refuses to cooperate. After hearing that Adams knew about Yitanes' endorsement, Richmond asks Jamie and Gwen if a staff member is leaking information. Not long after, he receives a phone call regarding a reporter's inquiries into a rendezvous that only few people on his staff know about.

At their apartment, Stan asks Mitch about Jasper Ames, who has been involved with Rosie. Mitch tells him that Jasper and Rosie had broken up. Stan later confronts Sterling, who tells him that Rosie is with Jasper. Stan calls Mitch with the news. Oakes calls Sarah to tell her that Rosie has been found at Jasper's and halts the investigation. Sarah is skeptical, since no one has spoken directly to Rosie, and stays at the crime scene. However, the reported burial site uncovers only a doll and she leaves the site. While preparing to leave the crime scene, Sarah sees three people with fishing poles walking along a fire road and wonders where they're headed. Holder offers a map showing a lake nearby. As night falls, a crane hoists a black car out of the lake.

Stan bursts into the Ames' weekend home. Jasper (Richard Harmon) protests, but Stan charges into the bedroom, only to find a middle-aged woman (Leanna Merrett) in the bed. Stan calls Mitch to tell her that Rosie wasn't at Jasper's house and that he's now heading to Discovery Park, where the pink sweater was found. With Mitch still on the phone, he approaches two police vehicles blocking the road. He's too far away to see anything, when Sarah has the retrieved car's trunk popped. The body of a teenage girl is found inside. Sarah approaches to tell Stan, but her face confirms his suspicion that Rosie is dead. He screams, as Mitch listens helplessly on the phone. Holder informs Sarah that they checked the plates on the car, which belongs to the Richmond campaign. As police photograph the body in the trunk, Sarah notices the girl is wearing a butterfly necklace.

Beauty & the Beast (2012 TV series)

Catherine Chandler witnessed her mother's murder and was almost killed herself until someone—or something—saved her. After nine years, now working as a detective for the NYPD, a case leads her to Vincent Keller, an ex-soldier believed to have been killed in action during military service, who is actually alive. As Catherine comes to know him, she finds out more about her mother's murder and about who—and what—Vincent really is.

The Girl in the White Coat

Elise, a factory worker who lives in isolation and is tormented by her co-workers, decides that despite her lack of money, she must get her coat fixed. A case of mistaken identity pulls her into events she had not intended.

The Cage (The Killing)

A medical examiner prepares Rosie's body, in order for her parents to view her. As Stan (Brent Sexton) silently identifies his daughter's body, Mitch (Michelle Forbes) turns away and cries. At the police station, Sarah (Mireille Enos) and Holder (Joel Kinnaman) interview the Larsens about the case. Mitch, still in shock, speaks of Rosie's broken fingernails, and Stan describes Rosie as a quiet, family-oriented girl who recently broke up with Jasper Ames. Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk) presents evidence: Rosie's butterfly necklace and a key chain with a bird emblem. Oakes tells Sarah that he needs her for only one more day, asking her to look into the Richmond campaign, adding that campaign car keys were found in the ignition. Sarah urges the Larsens to keep news of Rosie's death to themselves. Stan asks if the detectives will find the killer. Against Sarah's wishes, Holder assures the father.

At Richmond's office, Holder asks direct questions about alibis, in contrast to Sarah's restraint. She requests that Richmond (Billy Campbell) not go public with the campaign's involvement in the case. If mentioned, the killer would realize that Rosie's body had been found. Gwen (Kristin Lehman) and Jamie (Eric Ladin) later encourage Richmond to issue an immediate statement, linking the Larsen tragedy to his own wife's death to generate voter sympathy. Richmond refuses. Alone with Gwen, he confides that someone in the campaign office tipped off a reporter about the Yitanes endorsement via e-mail. He orders an internal investigation.

Holder tells Sarah that the Richmond campaign reported the car stolen on Saturday morning. Since multiple campaign workers used the vehicle, the keys were left in the ignition for convenience. He later questions Sterling (Kasey Rohl), who says she lost track of Rosie at the dance and assumed she was with Jasper. Meanwhile, Jasper (Richard Harmon) brags to Sarah about picking up "some old lady" at a bar on Friday night. He then takes out his cell phone, which Sarah confiscates. He tells her that he and Rosie's relationship was brief. Michael Ames (Barclay Hope), Jasper's father, enters and declares the interview over. Alone with his son, Michael smacks him in the face. Back at the station, Holder considers Jasper as the prime suspect, since Jasper could afford to buy Rosie the expensive designer shoes that Rosie wore to the dance. Oakes adds that Jasper was previously arrested for auto theft.

At City Hall, Gwen informs Richmond that nothing suspicious was found in staff e-mails, and Jamie reports that no staff members are suspects in Rosie's murder. Yitanes (Lee Garlington) enters, demanding to know the secret she's been asked to hear. Sarah arrives, takes Richmond aside, and promises to make him look good, if he stays quiet until midnight, or to look as though he's obstructing a child-murder investigation, if he doesn't. Richmond agrees, then tells Yitanes about smoking marijuana in college. She laughs and leaves. As they campaign door-to-door, Jamie asks Richmond to tell Yitanes about the Larsen situation, but he considers the issue closed. Richmond secretly meets with Nathan (Peter Benson) to ask if he investigated Gwen's and Jamie's e-mail accounts. Told no, Richmond orders him to do so. While driving to the Yitanes endorsement, Richmond receives a call from a reporter requesting confirmation about Rosie and the campaign car.

In a girls' bathroom at the high school, Sarah discovers Rosie's name scratched in a mirror with a line of Xs across it. Smoking outside the school, Holder is approached by two girls who ask if it's marijuana. He offers them a smoke. After he asks about campus party places, one girl mentions a hideaway known as "The Cage." Holder locates the secret room in an abandoned boarded-off area of the school basement. Back at the station, Lieutenant Oakes gives Sarah highlights from the coroner's report. The time of death is unclear, however Rosie was alive when the car hit the water because she ripped off her fingernails trying to claw out. Sarah reminds her boss that she's not staying, but later arrives at The Cage. Holder states that it's where the “real” Halloween party occurred. Sarah surveys the scene, seeing a blood-soaked mattress, a witch's hat like Rosie's, and bloody handprints on the wall.

Upper West Side Story

Neal (Matt Bomer) and Peter (Tim DeKay) are approached by Evan Leary (Graham Phillips), a student at the prestigious Manhattan Preparatory Academy. Evan explains that he believes the money from his scholarship fund was embezzled by a rich investor by the name of Andy Woods (Dylan Baker). Peter quickly takes the case, realizing that Woods is already believed to be associated with a major cartel.

Peter visits the school under the guise of the parent of a potential student. Neal is to pose as his assistant, but he instead takes on the role of a substitute English teacher after learning that both Evan and Woods' 15-year-old daughter Chloe (Elizabeth Gillies), are in the class. Woods soon discovers that Peter may not be who he says he is after learning that he lied about his hotel arrangements; Peter covers for this by admitting that he spent the night with his mistress. Later, Neal tells Mozzie (Willie Garson) about Evan's silent attraction to Chloe, and that he plans to set them up using a sonnet.

Peter discovers that Woods may be working with Graham Slater (John Rothman), the school's headmaster, in order to embezzle the funds. The following day, at the school, Neal sees Slater drop an envelope into Chloe's locker. In order to check the contents of the envelope, Peter pulls the fire alarm. Neal finds the school's quarterly finance report inside.

Chloe later asks Neal to tutor her at home; he accepts and invites Evan to come as well. Woods invites Peter to dinner the same night, and asks that he bring his mistress along as well. Diana (Marsha Thomason), posing as Peter's mistress, accompanies Peter, and, while there, stages a quarrel. Peter, feigning frustration, opens a door to exit, setting off an alarm in the process. Woods turns the alarm off; this allows Neal to easily break into his office and clone Woods' hard drive. Chloe follows Neal into her father's office and accidentally pocket dials Woods. Realizing something is wrong, Woods goes downstairs to his office and discovers Neal with Chloe. Evan quickly enters, taking the blame for the mistake.

The next day, Evan lets Neal know that Woods suspects something. Peter is taken hostage by Woods and held in the shop classroom, where Woods quickly discovers that Peter is with the FBI. Neal takes Chloe's phone and calls Woods, forcing him to step out of the room. Neal and Mozzie create a smokescreen out of lab chemicals and free Peter; Diana meanwhile arrests Woods. Neal explains to Chloe that her life will not be easy, and she begins a relationship with Evan after discovering roses and the sonnet left by Neal and Mozzie.

Later, Peter must give a statement to the commutation committee about Neal's involvement with the Keller case. Although Neal's actions had caused the kidnapping of Elizabeth (Tiffani Thiessen), Peter opts to omit the details surrounding Neal's theft of the art.

What They Always Tell Us

''What They Always Tell Us'' is told from the perspective of two brothers, Alex and James. Alex is a high school junior who struggles with depression; the novel opens a few months after he drank Pine-Sol in an apparent suicide attempt. James is a senior who is presented as the exact opposite of Alex. James is ambitious, popular and athletic. The story takes place over the school year and chronicles the brothers fulfilling school and family obligations, befriending a lost and isolated neighborhood boy, and the brothers repairing their own relationship with one another. The chapters switch back and forth between Alex and James' perspective, giving reader access to both of their thoughts and desires.

The Burning Beekeeper

In the cold opening, Marshall and Lily discuss their upcoming housewarming party with Lily's father, Mickey, imploring him not to ruin the night. However, during the conversation, Mickey mentions that he has been keeping bees in the basement as part of a recent business venture, much to the couple's dismay. On the night of the party, Ted and Robin arrive in the midst of an argument, which they put on hold as they enter the house. Future Ted explains to his kids that the housewarming party fell apart in five minutes. He proceeds to describe those five minutes, going room by room.

In the living room, Lily stresses about how the party is going despite Marshall's reassurance until his boss Garrison Cootes informs him that they need to go back to work. Lily suggests that Cootes have some vegan spring rolls and he departs for the dining room, only to return and confront Ted about the supply of vegan food having already been eaten. Cootes, being a vegan, is angry because he thinks that Ted has eaten the spring rolls, nearly coming to blows with an unusually aggressive Ted before Lily steps in and advises Cootes of other possible food options. He then goes back to the dining room. Meanwhile, a distraught Barney confides in Robin about an issue that is unknown at the moment. Marshall enters with a block of gouda cheese, which Lily quickly destroys. She then sits down, convinced that her party has been a disaster, but Robin manages to convince her otherwise. Moments later, a man in a beekeeper outfit runs through the house on fire.

In the dining room, Barney has eaten all the spring rolls as he converses with a woman he deems is crazy until he sees that she is attractive. He then seduces her and she tells him to meet her in the upstairs guest bedroom to engage in sex. After she departs, Cootes arrives and Barney blames Ted for the missing spring rolls, enraging Cootes who then goes into the living room to confront Ted. Having witnessed the conversation between Barney and the attractive woman, Lily demands that Barney talk to her privately in the kitchen. Marshall then asks Robin for help in confronting Cootes, during which Robin struggles to prove she can maintain her composure over small issues that normally enrage her. Soon afterward, Lily and Barney both leave the kitchen upset and enter the living room. Cootes re-enters the dining room, where Marshall asks to speak with him privately in the kitchen. Eventually, he comes back into the dining room, where Mickey tells him he threw a good party. Again, the scene ends with a man in a beekeeper outfit running through the house on fire.

In the kitchen, Ted and Robin continue their argument after putting the food they brought to the party in the oven and setting a five-minute timer. They argue over Robin's tendency to start arguments with strangers at the slightest provocation and Ted's tendency to run from confrontation, explaining their weird behaviour in the house. Unable to come to a resolution, they eventually disperse into the party before Lily and Barney enter the kitchen. Lily informs Barney of the attractive woman, her neighbor Geraldine, and her history involving previous lovers: the last man to have slept with Geraldine and not call afterward was hunted down and had a "certain part of his anatomy removed". As she warns him again not to have sex with Geraldine, the gouda cheese that Marshall served in the previous scene is accidentally knocked to the floor and almost immediately covered in mice. A shocked Lily flees in alarm, followed by Barney soon after he replaces the cheese on the kitchen counter.

Marshall and Cootes then enter the kitchen, where Marshall reveals that the recent long hours at the office have resulted in the neglect of his pregnant wife. He requests a night off to relax with family and friends, to which Cootes refuses. Marshall quits out of desperation, telling Cootes he needs to relax and find a hobby if he does not want to work himself to death, then leaves to serve the cheese. Realizing Marshall may have been right, Cootes, at the advice of Mickey, decides to don the beekeeper's outfit in an attempt to take up a hobby. However, based on Barney's apocryphal advice moments earlier, Mickey has doused the suit in kerosene to repel the bees. As Cootes begins to enter the basement, the five minute timer for Robin and Ted's dish goes off on the oven. Unaware of the danger, he opens the oven door and immediately bursts into flames. After a frantic run through the house, Cootes leaps into the snow-covered front yard to extinguish the blaze. Exhilarated at the feeling of being alive, he tells Marshall that they will take the night off. He then asks if he will see Marshall on Monday, to which Marshall replies in the affirmative. When Marshall attempts to re-enter the house, he realizes that Cootes has inadvertently allowed the bees to escape their basement enclosure.

Meanwhile, Barney and Geraldine have been upstairs having sex, oblivious to the action occurring in the rest of the house. Barney tries to sneak out when she begins describing their future. He sees the escaped bees in the hallway and hesitates before slinking off into the hallway, screaming at the insect stings.


In South Africa within the Great Karoo, a half-striped zebra named Khumba is born into an insular isolated herd of all-striped zebras where he's raised by his sick mother Lungisa and his father & the herd's leader, Seko. Rumors that the strange foal is cursed spread and before long he is blamed for the drought that sets into the Great Karoo. As he matures, Khumba is picked on and remains ostracized by most of the herd with the exception of Tombi, a young female zebra friend close in age - whom Khumba has a crush on - and uncomfortable in the herd due to her tomboyish manners.

When a mystical African mantis appears to Khumba, he draws a map to what could be interpreted as either water or stripes between it. Khumba jeopardizes the herd and gets into trouble when he attempts to admit several gemsbok into the watering-hole enclosure when their wise elderly healer needs water. A murderous African leopard, Phango, warns Mkhulu that he and the herd can't stay in their enclosure forever. Seko berates and scolds Khumba for putting the herd at risk and for the next week, he'll drink half of his rations. Lungisa tells the story of how a white horse got its stripes by swimming in a magic river and other horses wanted to have stripes like him, making the zebra we know today. Shortly after, Lungisa succumbs to her disease and dies. Then, Khumba leaves the confines of his home knowing that he cannot survive in the herd where it is viewed as only "half-a-zebra".

Khumba ventures beyond the fence and once outside, encounters an opportunistic African wild dog named Skalk who nearly leads him to his doom when Skalk's pack try to eat him, even though he tries persuading his pack not to. He is saved by a maternal wildebeest named Mama V who is a self-confessed free spirit who does not want to be the average stay-at-home mom, like other wildebeest, & had lost her child to Phango. & a flamboyant British ostrich named Bradley who is mothered by Mama V & possesses a histrionic diva-esque attitude. The duo join Khumba on his quest in the hope that their own search for a safe waterhole is over. On their journey, Khumba aids a migrating herd of springbok in opening a hole in a great fence to continue journeying forward. Curiously, the springbok are all so similar that they cannot even differentiate among one another.

Khumba thinks his journey is over when he wanders into a new age, bohemian community living safely within the confines of Ying's National Park. There he meets a colorful group of individuals like a family of Meerkats, an Ground Pangolin, two bushbucks, a bat-eared fox, and an Australian endangered riverine rabbit who has survived extinction by mastering a myriad of skills ranging from impersonations to beat-boxing. After narrowly escaping capture by an opportunistic group of park rangers who tranquilizes Bradley and traps Khumba in a cage, he wanders to a nearby mountain to speak to the mighty Black Eagle under the advice of the riverine rabbit.

Khumba encounters a group of fanatical rock hyraxes who worship the Black Eagle and stymie his advance. From the albino Black Eagle, he learns the way to the watering hole and that it lies in Phango's cave. The Black Eagle also reveals that Phango is obsessed with being whole and murdered his whole family, as revenge for being rejected when he was a cub, due to the fact he was born with one eye blind, which gave him a sense of smell like no other leopard, which turned him into a powerfully & endlessly killing, hunter. Unbeknownst to Khumba, Phango is trailing him because of an ancient predator myth that says consuming the half-striped zebra will make whoever ate it the most powerful hunter that ever lived. As Khumba journeys onwards, Seko becomes withdrawn and is remorseful that he has let his herd down. He would have never been so hard on Khumba if it never happened. With Tombi’s help, he realizes that if he does not lead his herd in search of another waterhole, they will all die and sets out to follow the trail of Phango. He is prompted by evidence that Khumba may be alive.

Tensions between Khumba, Mama V, and Bradley escalate as they move on. While slaking their thirst at a well on an abandoned farm, they are driven away by Nora, a loony, solitary Merino who lost her husband to Phango, and Khumba reveals that the watering hole is in Phango's cave. The trio has an argument and a fall-out and Khumba continues on alone. Lost and delirious in a saltpan, Khumba is rescued by the same gemsbok healer that he tried to help and wanders the remaining distance to the mountain, and Phango's lair. Meanwhile, Phango intercepts Mama V and Bradley and discovers that Khumba is fortuitously heading straight to him and returns to his cave. Concerned for Khumba's safety, Mama V and Bradley decide to intercede and warn him. Meanwhile, determined to find the waterhole and get his stripes, Khumba ventures into the leopard's lair. At the same time, Seko and the zebras journey to Phango's lair where they are joined by the springbok herd, the animals from Ying's National Park (all except the pangolin), the rock hyraxes, Skalk (who left his pack due to "creative differences"), and Nora (who was let out of the farm by Skalk).

While Khumba wanders the depths of the dark cave, his herd arrives at the base of the mountain, along with many of the other animals he has encountered along his journey. Within the cave, Khumba finds the watering hole and upon reflection of his mother's words and all of the interactions he has had, he realizes that diversity is essential for survival and that would can be one's difference can, in fact, be one's strength. As Phango closes in, he ends up chasing after Khumba. Khumba races to escape the leopard's clutches as the cave starts to collapse. Part of the cliff gives way which forms a water hole outside Phango's cave. The assembled animals watch the fight between Khumba and Phango, which results in both of them falling due to the collapsing cave. Phango falls off the cliff where he is killed by two large rocks falling on him, while Khumba falls into the water and his body washes up on the shores. As it starts to rain, everyone begins to mourn Khumba until he suddenly awakens from his apparent death. As Khumba gets up, Tombi notices the scratch marks that Phango left on his right side during the fight.

With Phango dead and the zebra herd now having a new home, Khumba celebrates with his herd, Mama V, Bradley, Skalk, Nora, the gemsbok herd, the springbok herd, the animals from Ying's National Park, and the rock hyraxes, who all now live together & engage in different activities around the waterfall.

Whispers (comics)

Sam, who suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, visits his ex-girlfriend Lily and her friends to help comfort her about her father, who is in a coma. He shares with them a dream he had where her father claimed to be happy.

That night, Sam discovers his spirit can leave his body and visit others. During these visits, he can hear people's thoughts and manipulate their decisions. He visits his mother, whom he persuades not to contact him. He then visits an old girlfriend, Vannessa, accidentally putting her in danger from her drug dealer. He decides to visit Lily to get closure from their failed relationship, but is unable to follow through. As he leaves her apartment, he encounters an evil presence which causes him to wake.

Sam tries to tell Lily about his abilities, but she does not believe him. When he returns home, he meets a friendly neighbor woman who does believe him, and she encourages him to investigate the evil presence further. That night, Sam does, and he discovers it to be a monster disguised as a human.

Lab Rats (American TV series)

A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in. While trying to find his bedroom, Leo accidentally discovers teenage siblings with bionic superpowers living in his new basement. The series follows the bionic teens as they unravel in adventurous situations in an attempt to live life like a normal family in the fictional town of Mission Creek, California.

As the series progresses, the series introduces various new characters, including Davenport's younger brother Douglas and Douglas' android son Marcus; Krane and his bionic soldiers Taylor, formerly known as S-1, and Sebastian, formerly known as S-3; and scientist Giselle and her android Troy West. In the third season, Davenport opens up a bionic academy on a bionic island to train Krane's soldiers to be the world's new bionic heroes.

Absolutely Anything

A space probe containing information about the human race is found by the alien galactic council. They debate whether to destroy the Earth or make humanity a member of the council. As a test, they will give one random human limitless power, "absolutely anything". After ten days, if the powers were used for evil, Earth will be destroyed.

The chosen human is Neil Clarke, a teacher struggling under Headmaster Robinson. Neil has a crush on his neighbour, Catherine West. Oblivious to his new power, Neil wishes for aliens to destroy the classroom of students hated by him, which indeed causes an alien spaceship to kill everyone in that classroom.

Perplexed, Neil tests himself to find out that he can do anything. To fix the deaths of his students he wishes that "everyone who died come back to life", causing all dead people to rise as zombies; he reverses this, asking that the explosion never happened, reversing all previous wishes. Next day he wishes for another teacher, Miss Pringle, to worship his friend Ray, who is too shy to tell her he likes her.

Neil uses his power for petty personal gains and to give his dog Dennis the ability to speak. One night, the galactic power glitches, failing to make Catherine fall in love with Neil, but then coincidentally Catherine knocks at his door. They spend the night together and her stalker ex-boyfriend, Colonel Grant sees them.

Catherine hears Dennis shouting that he loves Neil, making her think that Neil has a gay boyfriend. Ray says that Miss Pringle doesn't love him romantically, instead she worships him as a god. Catherine locks Grant in her apartment. Neil breaks Grant's arm and then fixes it, revealing his ability to grant wishes whenever he says a wish and makes a hand gesture. Grant kidnaps Neil, tying him up and gagging him to prevent his escape, and then forces him to grant some selfish or absurd wishes (such as giving all pasty-white English people huge ears and duck feet), threatening to shoot Dennis.

Catherine and Ray rescue Neil who reverses all of the wishes, including Miss Pringle's now violently fanatical worship of Ray, who was close to being ritually killed by her and the cult she created. Catherine angrily tells Neil that she could never love anyone so controlling. Disheartened, Neil decides to use his powers to solve the world's problems; he grants everyone in the world as much food as they want, says that wars shouldn't happen for any reason, grants every person their own dream house and wishes for the reversion of global warming.

However, this backfires when worldwide obesity flares, all land is taken over for houses, several countries declare war for no reason (as opposed to "any reason"), and the planet falls into a global ice age. Neil reverses all these wishes. Disheartened with his personal life and futile attempts to make the world a better place he attempts suicide, but as he jumps into the Thames, Dennis jumps in after him and Neil is forced to rescue the dog and by consequence himself. Afterward, Dennis says that Neil should give the power to him, as he never thinks of anything selfish. Neil does so.

Meanwhile, the aliens decide that Earth is not worthy. It turns out that the galactic council has a inverted understanding of morality - it sees dominance as good, and weakness as evil, with Neil trying to end wars and make the life of others better being a sign of weakness. They decide to destroy Earth, but Dennis wishes that the source of power be destroyed, causing the doom weapon of the council to bounce back to the alien ship, killing them all. With no power left, but full of confidence, the next day Neil asks Catherine out, to which she agrees.

Principal Takes a Holiday

John Scaduto (Zachery Ty Bryan), a troublesome high school senior makes a deal with his parents that he will not get into any more trouble until he graduates to receive a $10,000 gift from his grandma. However, when his principal Frank Hockenberry (Kurt Fuller) is involved in an accident in a prank that he planned, he finds a homeless man named Franklin Fitz (Kevin Nealon), to act as the acting principal to keep his parents and every one else none the wiser. While acting as principal, Franklin falls for Celia Shine (Jessica Steen), a fellow teacher.

Meanwhile, Peter Heath (Rashaan H. Nall) a new student, gets involved with John's plan in order for John to help him get a date with his crush Roxanne (Emmanuelle Chriqui).

El Fin

Depressed by the recent death of his parents and losing his job, Nico; an ordinary 26-year-old, decides to take refuge in his house for six months. Until that feared day when the media announces the end of the world is soon coming, caused by a gigantic meteorite crash, Nico is convinced by his close friend Carlos to come with him to Nosara, a beautiful beach on the Pacific coast, the only place where they were ever happy. So this is where their journey begins, where they will find a meaning to their lives, along with other interesting characters on the way.

Kick (1999 film)

Matt Grant is a champion rugby player at a private boys school. However he secretly wants to be a ballet dancer. Seizing an opportunity to audition for a local company's presentation of "Romeo and Juliet", he nonetheless fears what will happen to his reputation if the other kids in his school find out. Adding the practices to his already burgeoning schedule quickly starts to create problems with his friends, his teachers, his coach, his play director, and his ballet partner.

The Shelbourne Ultimatum

Ross survives the shooting depicted at the end of ''NAMA Mia!'', but has to deal with Gardaí who don't believe his story. He aims to sabotage Fionn and Erika's oncoming marriage. Sorcha gets a job in a pound shop. Honor becomes a child star, while Fionnuala continues to seek fame with her misery memoir.

The Descendants (novel)

Matthew King was once considered one of the most fortunate men in Hawaii. His missionary ancestors were financially and culturally progressive—one even married a Hawaiian princess, making Matt a royal descendant and one of the state's largest landowners.

Now his luck has changed. His two daughters are out of control: Ten-year-old Scottie is a disrespectful troublemaker with a desperate need for attention, and seventeen-year-old Alex, a former model, is a recovering drug addict. Matt's wife, Joanie, lies in a coma after a boat-racing accident and will soon be taken off life support. The Kings can hardly picture life without her, but as they come to terms with this tragedy, their sadness is mixed with a sense of freedom that shames them—and spurs them into surprising actions.

Before honoring Joanie's living will, Matt must gather her friends and family to say their final goodbyes, a difficult situation made worse by the sudden discovery that there is one person who has not been told: the man with whom Joanie had been having an extramarital affair, quite possibly the one man she ever truly loved. Forced to examine what he owes not only to the living but to the dead, Matt takes to the road with his daughters to find his wife's lover, a memorable journey that leads to both painful revelations and unforeseen humor and growth.

Across the Plains (1939 film)

A gang of outlaws attack a wagon train and orphan two young brothers: Jack and Jimmy. The outlaws take Jimmy with them, while Jack is adopted by an Indian tribe. When they grow up, Jack (Randall) is protecting a shipment of gold, while Jimmy (Moore), now known as the "Kansas Kid," works with the gang of outlaws to steal it. The two clash in the attempted robbery, but before the two men can kill each other, Buckskin, the old wagon train master from their childhood, reveals their true relationship to one another. Jimmy discovers one of the outlaws was murdered their parents, and he crosses sides. An exciting final shootout ensues between the two brothers and the outlaws, and Jimmy is killed by Gordon's gang. Jimmy regrets to his brother about his past and dies.

Across the Plains (1928 film)

A dance-hall girl in a wide-open cowtown falls in love with the tough foreman of a cattle ranch. They plan to marry, but they run into more problems than they counted on.

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc

''The Egg of the King''

A soldier named Guts attracts the attention of a mercenary group, The Band of the Hawk, when he kills an enemy champion during a siege. He is forced into joining the group after being defeated in single combat by its leader, Griffith. The Band of the Hawk are employed by the Kingdom of Midland for its Hundred Year War against the Tudor Empire, and Griffith rises in the kingdom's hierarchy after a successful battle. During another siege, Guts and Griffith encounter the demon Nosferatu Zodd, who notices the pendant around Griffith's neck and warns Guts that Griffith will be his doom. Griffith's rise in status is ill-received by Midland's noblemen, and there is a failed assassination attempt on Griffith by the king's brother, Julius. Griffith charges Guts with murdering Julius, and Guts also kills the noble's young son. Guts, emotionally scarred by his actions, overhears Griffith discussing his views on friendship with Midland's princess Charlotte and is unsettled to learn he and the other Hawks are a means to Griffith's end.

''The Battle for Doldrey''

Guts and Casca are separated from The Band of the Hawk, and fend off attacks by the Tudor's cruel commander Adon and his men. Guts defeats most of Adon's men while covering Casca's escape, but begins to lament his life's path and decides he will eventually leave the Band of the Hawk so that he can become an equal and true friend to Griffith. Later, the Band of the Hawk participates in the battle to capture the impenetrable Fortress of Doldrey and end the Hundred Years War, wherein Casca kills Adon. A month after the war's end, Guts parts ways with Griffith after defeating him in a duel. Griffith is distraught at Guts' departure, and in a lapse of judgment he is caught sleeping with the king's daughter, Charlotte. Griffith is charged with treason and imprisoned in the Tower of Rebirth while the members of the Band of the Hawk are branded outlaws.

''The Advent''

A year after Guts' departure from the Band of the Hawk, he returns to aid them in freeing Griffith from the Tower of Rebirth. However, when they find Griffith he is barely alive, rendered mute, and physically withered after months of torture. Griffith attempts suicide, and his necklace reacts to his despair: A solar eclipse occurs that draws him and The Band of the Hawk into another dimension where they encounter the archdemons known as the God Hand. Griffith is told that his tribulations have been leading to this moment, and Griffith agrees to sacrifice his allies in exchange for being reborn as Femto, a member of the God Hand. The Band of the Hawk are slaughtered by the God Hand's monstrous Apostles (former humans like Nosferatu Zodd) and Femto rapes Casca. Guts loses his left arm and right eye trying to save Casca, but Casca loses her sanity from the nightmarish ordeal. Guts and Casca are spirited back to their world by the mysterious Skull Knight, who tells Guts he has been branded by the God Hand and will be subjected to nightly attacks by evil creatures. Guts leaves Casca under the care of former comrade Rickert and embarks on a journey to hunt down Apostles and the God Hand.

From This Day Forward

Army sergeant Bill Cummings (Mark Stevens) is about to be discharged after service in World War II. He was a blue collar worker in civilian life and is seeking employment. As he fills out forms and speaks to personnel at the United States Employment Service, he thinks back on the life events that brought him to this point.

Flashbacks show him at various times in his prewar life. He is shown meeting and marrying his wife Susan (Joan Fontaine) in 1938. Other flashbacks describe their hardscrabble life in a poor neighborhood of New York City during the Great Depression. He and various relatives are shown as frequently unemployed and having difficulty making a living.

He and Susan's financial ups and downs are depicted, as are the humiliation of being supported by Susan's bookstore clerking job, and unfairly being prosecuted as a pornographer.

At the conclusion of the film, he is shown being referred to a badly needed job interview, and we learn that Susan is pregnant.

Romance Town

Noh Soon-geum is a spunky young woman whose mother and grandmother worked as housemaids, and due to poverty, finds herself continuing the tradition. Her life reaches a turning point when she wins the lottery, with a pot money of ( ).

Determined to keep her irresponsible father away from her money, Soon-geum stays on at her job and keeps her newfound wealth (stashed away in boxes and boxes of cash) a secret from the residents of her ritzy neighborhood, including her maid friends and her boss's irritable, disagreeable son Kang Gun-woo, with whom she shares a past. But as Soon-geum and Gun-woo later fall in love, her secret eventually gets revealed, and greed and betrayal mount in the neighborhood, from maids and masters alike.

Killing Season (film)

During the Bosnian War, American troops witness atrocities and then shoot Serb soldiers they hold accountable for them.

In present-day Belgrade, Serbia, former Scorpions soldier Emil Kovač (Travolta), who survived the shootings, meets his informant to retrieve a file on American military veteran and former NATO operative Colonel Benjamin Ford (De Niro). Meanwhile, Ford has retreated to a cabin somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, to try to forget the war. Now a recluse, he meets Kovač, posing as a European tourist, during a hunting trip. The two men become friendly, until Kovač reveals his true identity. Intent on revenge, he initiates a gory game of cat-and-mouse with Ford. The latter is badly injured but is quick to rebound. It is revealed that Ford shot Kovač in the back, crippling him for years. After a showdown, Kovač is overpowered by Ford. They reach a peaceful compromise, however, after understanding each other's predicament. Kovač quietly returns to Serbia, while Ford visits his son, to make up for missing his grandson's baptism.

Soul (South Korean TV series)

Cheerful high school girl Ha-na (Lim Ju-eun) is always the first to come out and protect her introverted twin sister Doo-na (Park Ji-yeon), who has a slight limp. After Doo-na passes away in a fire, Ha-na finds that her body no longer completely belongs to herself. Doo-na's angry spirit now lives in Ha-na, giving her special powers and monstrous strength. Genius criminal psychologist Shin Ryu (Lee Seo-jin) is an expert profiler who is determined to see justice served. When he learns about Ha-na's abilities, he uses her powers to eliminate criminals that are above the law, and to plan his revenge on the man (Kim Kap-soo) who helped his family's killer go free.

The Willow Tree (1920 film)

As described in a film magazine, O-Riu (Dana), daughter of a Japanese image-maker, rebels at his command that she marry a wealthy merchant in order to provide funds for her brother to attend an American college. Due to a coincidence, her flight is misinterpreted as a suicide, and her father sells to an Englishman living in the neighborhood his most prized image. Seeking refuge, O-Riu poses as the image and then "comes to life" apparently by magic. The Englishman falls in love with her and will not answer his country's call to arms until she has apparently disappeared. While he is away for four years, she lives at his home. When he returns after the war, they find happiness. The film has a parallel story concerning Japanese legends.

Underdogs (2013 Argentine film)

A father who is putting his son to sleep narrates him a story, beginning by telling him to use his imagination while listening.

Many years ago, Amadeo, a timid boy and the best foosball player around, was working in a bar in a small and quiet town. He loved Laura, a girl he met in the bar, but she did not know. While showing Laura the foosball table, a bully named Grosso arrives and challenges Amadeo to a game in front of Laura. Although Amadeo refuses to play at first, he is victorious, and everyone at the bar applauds. Outside of the bar, Grosso encounters a manager who offers to take him on.

Seven years later, Amadeo's simple routine falls apart when Grosso becomes the best football player in the world, and returns to the small town to avenge the only defeat in his life. Now that he is famous, Grosso announces that he has purchased the whole village (as the town's mayor escapes in a helicopter), and builds a gigantic football stadium, although he is more interested in owning the foosball table where he lost to Amadeo and destroying the bar where he was defeated. He also wants to win the affection of Laura.

With football, the bar and even his soul destroyed, Amadeo discovers something magical: in the face of adversity, the town's foosball players talk and plan. Together they embark on a journey full of adventures to save Laura. Along the way, they become a real team, and while Grosso turns the town into a giant stadium and forms a soccer team, Amadeo recruits members of Grosso's foosball team along with those of his own, and also forms a soccer team to challenge Grosso for their town.

At the game, Grosso's team takes the early lead, but the foosball players help Amadeo's team to tie the game. However, with seconds to go, Grosso deliberately injures Amadeo, who is unable to stop him from scoring the winning goal. As Grosso gloats and celebrates his victory, the crowd instead praises Amadeo's good sportsmanship, and Grosso is rejected by his fans for his selfishness and his manager abandons him while his teammates also congratulate Amadeo, who reunites with Laura in the end. Amadeo, Laura, and their friends build a new town in honor of them.

The father, Amadeo, finishes his story and leaves his son's bedroom, but he remains awake and hears voices well into the night. Going outside to the shed to investigate, he finds Amadeo and the foosball players conversing at the foosball table. Heartened by this, he joins them.

Other Desert Cities

The play's name refers to a control city guide sign on eastbound Interstate 10 in California, which indicates that the freeway is headed towards Indio, California, and "other Desert Cities" (that is, the rest of the Coachella Valley and onward towards Phoenix, Arizona).

The play's events occur around Christmas Eve 2004, when the family of Polly and Lyman Wyeth gather in Palm Springs, California. Their daughter Brooke Wyeth returns home after six years in New York writing magazine pieces. Polly's sister Silda is also visiting, out of a time spent in rehab. Polly and Lyman are Republicans, while Silda is a liberal who has fallen into alcoholism. The sisters co-wrote a series of MGM comedies in the 1960s, but have since become estranged chiefly due to Silda's resenting Polly for shifting social worldviews over time.

Brooke announces and presents to her family a memoir recounting a pivotal and tragic event in the family's history: the suicide of her late brother Henry, who had been involved with the radical underground subculture in Venice, and a horrific incident resulting from their advocacy.

During the course of the story, Brooke experiences bitter conflict between her yearning for independent understanding and reliance, and her parents' doting yet secretive motives towards her. During this, she also comes to terms with her family's sorrowing frustration in dealing with her post-divorce depressive episode, even years after Henry's disappearance. Nonetheless, after absorbing the family's perspectives, Brooke insists the memoir is vital for her continuing on in life, whether her family continues to embrace her or not.

In an act of submission from Lyman, he and Polly finally recount the specifics surrounding the recruitment center bombing Henry was implicated in, after years of personal clashes and rejection from both parents and son. Henry showed up disheveled, begging for help and insisting he was unaware of his friends' terrorism. When Lyman insisted Henry turn himself in nonetheless, another argument broke out and Lyman slapped him. Henry disappeared into the night, and wasn't found until three weeks later by Polly. She reveals that she made an interstate trip with Lyman and her son to the northern border, and the ferry he disappeared from. But Lyman painfully reveals they had also doctored Henry's suicide note themselves, and stuck it in his shoes with a tearful goodbye. With their darkest secret unearthed, Lyman and Polly come to terms with their grief, and give Brooke their consent for publishing.

Brooke, in the play's penultimate moment, launches all the pages of her memoir into the air in anguish, screaming of her internal suffering since Henry left her life, and trying to spare her parents the potential pain of her suicide despite her continual grief. Lyman embraces his daughter in remorse.

An epilogue reveals Brooke at her memoir's publishing...years after Polly and Lyman's passing, per their initial request. She recounts a memory of her brother, wondering when she will see him again.

Place to Place

The serious-minded Io and the pure-hearted Tsumiki feel they never want to be parted, but haven't become a couple yet. More than friends but less than lovers, they develop an awkward quasi-romance.

Affectionately Yours

Foreign correspondent Rickey Mayberry (Dennis Morgan) hurriedly flies back from Portugal to the U.S. to keep his wife from divorcing him, but he's followed on the flight by love interest Irene Malcolm (Rita Hayworth). Mayberry's wife Sue (Merle Oberon) has indeed divorced him, although she still loves him. The comedy of errors is compounded by Irene and also by Rickey's boss (James Gleason), who both conspire to keep the couple apart.


The story is set on Earth in the future when abnormal activity on the sun devastates Earth's atmosphere and covers the entire planet in a sea of sand. Sam pursues Ozma, an enemy of his brother. One day, Sam encounters Maya, who is being chased by the Theseus army.

Mutiny (Falling Skies)

It now seems likely that not only was Colonel Porter killed recently, but that the 4th and 5th Mass met the same fate as the 7th Mass. Moreover, the aliens have started mysteriously pulling back all of their patrols to form a more secure defensive perimeter around Boston. While the 2nd Mass has scored some victories against the aliens, considering the losses the other militias seem to have taken, it is considered unlikely that the aliens are simply trying to preserve thinning resources. Rather, it is speculated that alien reinforcements must be coming to Earth soon, so their new plan is to just focus on defending their "beachheads" in the massive command towers they have deployed in major cities. When the reinforcements arrive, they will start a huge offensive against the human militias. Therefore, Weaver becomes determined that they must make an all-or-nothing assault on the command tower in Boston, while they still can.

Tom discovers that Weaver surreptitiously obtained drugs - sedatives and stimulants - from Lourdes some time ago and has been taking them since. Tom confronts him about this and questions him his mental state, his ability to lead the fighters and help the civilians, and his orders to continue the attack in the face of heavy odds. but Weaver reacts by ordering Tom locked up. Tom manages to escape with Hal and Jimmy's help, confronts Weaver and convinces him to improve his original plan. Tom respects Captain Weaver for keeping all of the civilians alive and organizing the militias after the first chaotic weeks of the invasion, so he gives Weaver a chance to come clean to the 2nd Mass. When Weaver and Tom are walking to the assembly, it is revealed by Weaver that he stopped taking the drugs after the incident in Boston, where he discovered his daughter's glasses. Weaver admits to the assembled group that they have received no contact from the 4th and 5th Mass militias, making it look increasingly probable that Colonel Porter is dead. Without these reinforcements, the 2nd Mass will be heavily outnumbered by itself, and the mission is probably suicidal.

In another development, while Uncle Scott and Ben are working to disrupt the Skitters' transmissions, Ben discovers he is sensitive to certain frequencies in a way which might be used as a weapon against the Skitters.

Despite the negatives, Weaver insists that he still wants to press the attack, defending his determination to do so by pointing out that if alien reinforcements are indeed coming soon, and the other militias have been destroyed, that they might never get another chance to hit the aliens. It's either that or sit around and wait for death. Even if the assault is suicidal, they have to try, and their sacrifice will inspire other resistance fighters and their children to keep fighting the aliens, no matter how long it takes. Weaver apologizes for hiding the full extent of the bad news from the 2nd Mass, then asks for 50 volunteer fighters, who now know what they are facing. Many volunteer, including Pope, and the group set off hoping that the reinforcements might still show up. Their plan is to fight their way to the support-pillars of the alien command tower in central Boston, then use Pope's home-made demolition charges to take it out.

Raju (film)

The Caucasian couple Sarah and Jan Fischer travel to Calcutta, India, to adopt a 4-year-old supposedly orphan child, Raju, at a children's home. Formalities require a minimum stay of four days.

On the second day Jan and Raju take a trip to the city. When Jan briefly turns around, Raju goes missing on a market. First, the couple turns to the authorities. While Sarah being ill returns and stays at their hotel, Jan searches the streets on his own.

In the evening not having found Raju, Jan takes a cab back to the hotel. He suddenly spots a boy wearing the same jersey as Raju did. Jan finally catches up with the boy mistaken as Raju at a community center. The manager offers the community organization's help in finding Raju, too. While in a different room the manager is sending out their missing person report to cooperating organizations, Jan casually browses a paper folder of reports. He recognizes the picture of a girl he saw at the children's home. Surprised, he browses the folder more carefully and finds out that Raju has been reported missing before, meaning that Raju is in fact not an orphan.

In the same night Jan heads back to the children's home and challenges the manager. She dares him to incriminate himself when he reports the police that they attempted to adopt a ''kidnapped'' child.

The police finds and returns Raju to the Fischer family, yet now Sarah and Jan are struggling and arguing about the ethical implications of their action. The next morning, before Sarah wakes up, Jan unilaterally decides to bring back Raju to his parents.

El Diablo (The Killing)

At Fort Washington High, Sarah (Mireille Enos) discovers a peephole in The Cage. Principal Meyers (Kerry Sandomirsky) unlocks a room adjoining The Cage to which only she and school janitor Lyndon Johnson Rosales have a key. The peephole provides a clear view of The Cage. Later, Oakes (Garry Chalk) asks Sarah to remain on the job through the end of the week because he feels that Holder isn't currently capable of controlling the case. Holder (Joel Kinnaman) boasts to Sarah about finding the crime scene. She dismisses it as an assumption and orders him to stop intimidating suspects. In Rosales’ apartment, Holder distracts the mother while Sarah explores. When she notices a teen-themed porn magazine on the floor, Rosales (VJ Delos Reyes) comes up behind her and slashes her arm with a knife. Holder rushes him, with gun drawn, while Sarah pleads with Rosales that they just want to talk to him. He jumps out the window. At the hospital, Rosales is diagnosed with a skull fracture and rushed into surgery. While a medic stitches and bandages Sarah's arm, Holder lists the suspect's priors: indecent exposure and "kid diddlin'." He also notes that this suspect has an alibi: picked up for a DUI, he spent Friday night in the drunk tank. In his hospital room, Sarah questions Rosales. He confirms seeing Rosie, but not Jasper, at the Halloween dance. Pointing to a yearbook photo of Kris Echols, Rosales whispers, "El diablo (Spanish for 'the devil')."

Reporters ask mayoral candidate Richmond (Billy Campbell) about the Rosie Larsen case. He insists that the case is not about politics. Councilwoman Yitanes (Lee Garlington) calls Richmond a liar and says she's withdrawing her endorsement. At City Hall, Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) offers to endorse Richmond in four years, if he abandons his current campaign, and hints that the police had informed him about the discovery of Rosie in a campaign car. Later, Richmond tells Sarah about the Rosie press leak, but she denies the police as the source. He then meets secretly with Nathan (Peter Benson), who clears Jamie and Gwen of campaign car press leak but produces an office e-mail showing who leaked the Yitanes endorsement to the press. Richmond shows Gwen (Kristin Lehman) the e-mail — Jamie is the leak. They discuss Jamie's possible motivation for the betrayal. Gwen thinks that Jamie is playing both sides in the race, so he can feel like no matter who is elected, he has won either way. At a street basketball game to promote an anti-gang initiative, Richmond mentions the endorsement leak to Jamie, who blames the cops and then Yitanes, adding that everyone is playing both sides. In Richmond's office, Jamie comes up with a plan to win back Yitanes's endorsement by offering her husband a city plumbing contract. Gwen then accuses him of being the Yitanes leak. He claims that his computer was hacked, then accuses Richmond of letting sex (with Gwen) cloud his judgment and leaves. Yitanes enters Richmond's office, confronting him about his suggesting to the press that she'll still endorse him. Richmond offers her the contracting deal in return for her support. She later officially endorses Richmond during a press conference as Jamie quietly leaves the office with a box of his belongings under his arm.

Holder tells Oakes and Sarah about Kris (Gharrett Patrick Paon), a runaway expelled from high school and Jasper's best friend. Reviewing video from the dance, Sarah notices someone wearing a devil's mask. She whispers, “El diablo.” While visiting the Larsens, she reveals that Rosie's cause of death was drowning, then learns that Kris lived nearby until three years ago. At the police station, Kris's mother admits to Holder that she gave up on her son, adding that he mainly hangs out at a skateboard park. At the skate park, Holder smokes a joint and talks with a teenage girl, who confirms that Kris is a regular there. Returning to the car and reeking of smoke, Holder assures Sarah that what he is smoking is "narcscent", a substitute that narcotics officers use that looks, smells, and tastes like marijuana. After noticing that the skate park is within walking distance to the Richmond campaign office's parking lot, Sarah wonders if Kris stole the campaign car. Holder later spots Kris, pins him down, and asks if he caused Rosie to overdose. Sarah tells Holder to release Kris. Later, outside the school, Kris accuses Jasper (Richard Harmon) of telling the police they were at the dance. Watching from a distance, Sarah notes to Holder that Rosie wouldn't have entered The Cage with Kris, but would have with someone she trusted, “like Jasper.” Inside, after confiscating a cell phone from a student, a teacher (Brandon Jay McLaren) later hears it ring. While trying to silence it, he starts a video. At the police station, Sarah, Oakes, and Holder watch the cell-phone video. The footage shows a male, wearing a devil's mask, forcing himself on a girl in a pink wig and a witch costume. The male mentions Rosie's name. When the devil's mask is taken off, the male is revealed to be Jasper. Jasper then switches roles with the cameraman, who turns out to be Kris. Oakes tells his detectives to bring in both boys.

At the Larsen's apartment, father Stan (Brent Sexton) and the boys eat quietly. In the bathroom, Mitch (Michelle Forbes) clings to the side of the bathtub, crying.

House of Numbers (1957 film)

Arnie Judlow (Jack Palance) is an imprisoned gangster. During a prison visit, Bill Judlow, his law-abiding brother, switches places, allowing himself to be incarcerated as the real criminal walks free. Ruth Judlow (Barbara Lang), wife of one of the Judlow boys, wavers in her loyalties.

Preschool Auction

In an attempt to secure a spot for Amy at a prestigious preschool, Reagan volunteers to run the school's annual fundraiser, and asks Ava to help with the charity auction. Meanwhile, Chris reverts to his old competitive ways when his brother (Dean Winters) comes to visit.

The Killing (season 1)

Set in Seattle, Washington, the series follows the investigation into the murder of local teenager Rosie Larsen, with each episode covering approximately 24 hours. The first season covers the first two weeks of the investigation and has three main storylines: the police investigation of Rosie's murder, the attempts of her family to deal with their grief, and the fluctuating electoral fortunes of a political campaign that becomes embroiled in the case.

The main character is Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos), an experienced homicide detective who is about to retire at a young age to follow her fiancé (Callum Keith Rennie) to Sonoma, California. On her last day on the job, Linden is partnered with rookie homicide detective Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman), who has recently transferred from an undercover assignment in vice and narcotics. Holder's erratic and aggressive style contrasts with Linden's more reserved demeanor. The two are sent to investigate a possible crime scene in a local wilderness park, where a bloody woman's shirt and a credit card belonging to Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) have been discovered. The detectives talk to Larsen's wife Mitch (Michelle Forbes), who reveals that the family has just returned from a weekend camping trip and their seventeen-year-old daughter Rosie had not gone with them. It soon turns out that no one seems to know where Rosie was, and her father Stan and the police frantically search for her. Eventually, a car belonging to the mayoral campaign of city councilman Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) is pulled from a lake in the park, and Rosie is discovered dead in the trunk.

As the Larsen family tries to cope with its grief, police suspicion initially focuses on Rosie's rich, dissolute boyfriend Jasper and his drug dealing friend Kris, who had been at a party with Rosie the night she went missing. This suspicion only increases when a video surfaces of Jasper and Kris having sex with someone wearing Rosie's Halloween costume, and blood is discovered in the room where the video was shot. However, one of Rosie's friends comes forward to admit that it was her on the tape.

The police next begin to suspect Rosie's English teacher Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren), after the police discover that he had written her letters and is now married to a woman who used to be one of his students. Police suspicion grows after it is discovered that Rosie had visited Bennet's house the night she disappeared, and that Bennet had lied about the visit. The police's interest in Bennet is leaked to the press, resulting in attacks on Bennet's mosque. The revelation also damages the Richmond campaign, as Bennet had worked as a volunteer at a community program sponsored by Richmond, and the candidate refuses to denounce him without proof of his guilt. After the police fail to obtain enough evidence to arrest Bennet, Mitch Larsen goads her husband, who had previously worked as an enforcer for a local criminal syndicate, into savagely beating Bennet, leaving the man in a coma. However, the police soon discover Bennet is innocent, when a friend who was at Bennet's house provides him with an alibi. On discovering Bennet's innocence, Stan Larsen turns himself in to the authorities.

Now without a prime suspect, the police discover Rosie had been making trips to a Native American casino located on an unnamed island in Puget Sound, where she had been making regular deposits into a secret bank account she had opened under the name of her aunt Terry (Jamie Anne Allman). Terry, it is discovered, had been working as a prostitute for a high-end escort service, which the police suspect Rosie may have been involved in as well. From Terry, the police learn of an intimidating client who had threatened to drown another prostitute. They soon discover this client is Darren Richmond. Richmond had earlier been eliminated as a suspect because his campaign manager (Kristin Lehman), with whom he was romantically involved, had provided him with an alibi. However, after discovering Richmond has been engaging in other romantic relationships, she tells the police Richmond was gone for several hours the night Rosie was murdered. Later, Holder provides them with a photograph from a toll booth camera showing Richmond leaving the casino in the car in which Rosie was found. The police arrest Richmond, potentially destroying his campaign, while Linden boards a plane to Sonoma with her son. Richmond is shown in a perp walk outside the police station. Belko Royce (Brendan Sexton III), a family friend of the Larsens, and a suspect in the case, approaches Richmond and draws a gun.

The season one finale ends with a plot twist. As her plane readies for takeoff, Linden receives a phone call from the state police informing her the toll booth cameras, from which Holder had supposedly gotten the incriminating photograph of Richmond, have been broken for months and no footage is available; she therefore realizes the photograph was falsified evidence and the case against Richmond is compromised. Meanwhile, Holder meets with an unidentified person with whom he discusses his falsification of this evidence.

Anata e

The story follows the journey of a man travelling some 1000 kilometres from Toyama City, Japan to his wife's hometown in Nagasaki Prefecture, in order to scatter her ashes into the sea. Along the way he travels through many famous locations (Osaka, the ruins of Takeda Castle, Shimonoseki City, the Kanmon Bridge, Moji-ku, Kitakyūshū, and Sasebo, Nagasaki), recalling experiences with his wife along the way. He also befriends and is assisted by numerous strangers.

最親愛的/Dearest/Anata e 人生無路盡飄萍 - life is like floating weeds with no harbour to call home

Dearest is a beautifully made “philosophical” 2012 film, starring Ken Takakura, 高倉 健. Takakura, who died on November 10, 2014, made his last film, his 205th, at age of 80.

The storyline is about a prison carpentry instructor, Kurashima who drove a long way to fulfill his wife wish to have her ashes scattered in the sea near her hometown.

Along the way, Kurashima met many strangers, mostly three main interesting characters.

Teruo, a widower and wandering traveler, was driving throughout Japan with no home to go back to. Teruo ended up being arrested for vandalizing places and properties. Teruo befriended Kurashima and gave him a famous poetry book 種田山頭火, from which came the film’s headline: 人生無路盡飄萍. After being arrested, Teruo told the Guard that he had lost his way in life and resorted to vandalizing.

Yuji, a seafood salesperson, was traveling/wandering through Japan. Yuji later confessed that he could not go back home to his daughter and wife as his wife was having an affair and he did not have the courage to confront her. So he traveled and traveled and traveled, from city to city, from hotel to hotel.

Nanbara, an assistant to Yuji, was a fisherman from the village of the Guard’s wife. Nanbara had incurred a large amount of debt, unable to pay the debt, he faked his death while he was out at sea fishing and caught in a torrential storm. Under a new name, Nanbara traveled along with Yuji, so he had no home to go back to.

Having fulfilled wife wish, Kurashima mailed his resignation letter and embarked on his own wandering. First stop, Kurashima handed Nanbara his daughter’s pre-wedding photo which Nanbara's wife had asked Kurashima to drop into the sea while scattering his wife's ashes at sea, so Nanbara could "see" his daughter's picture.

The film ended with Kurashima walking to his unknown journey with Nanbara standing with daughter's picture and Yuji busying serving customer not far away.

The film is about life, the helpless of life. It asks “where is the home?”

Bread of Happiness

Rie and Nao own a bakery-cum-restaurant named Mani on the shores of Lake Toya, Hokkaido. Nao is the baker who bakes the bakery's bread, while Rie is the chef who prepares the food in the restaurant. Graced with beautiful scenery throughout the four seasons, this shop serves a variety of customers, some of whom are having personal problems. However, after they leave the shop, they feel only happiness.

Shadow (2013 film)

Rajaram (Venkatesh) is the son of Raghuram (Naga Babu), an investigative journalist in a United Nations agency. He infiltrates the criminal organization of Nana Bhai (Aditya Pancholi) and earns his trust. He gathers proof against the activities of Nana and hands them over to newspaper publisher Chaitanya Prasad alias ''CP'' (Sayaji Shinde). This is discovered by Nana Bhai and who murders Raghuram in an exceedingly brutal manner. He additionally destroys Raghuram's family. Rajaram manages to flee from the Massacre and vows to get revenge on Nana. With the assistance of Baba (Nassar), Rajaram grows up to be a strong young man. He assumes the identity of ''Shadow'' and starts looking for members of Nana's gang. Meanwhile, Prathap (Srikanth), a tricky cop in the UN agency, is also searching for Nana Bhai and his gang. As expected, the methods of Rajaram and Prathap cross, resulting in friction. However, Rajaram soon learns that he has a terribly sturdy association with Prathap. At last, he manages to reach Nana Bhai and destroys him.

The Pride of the Fancy

After being demobbed from the army, Phil Moran is out of work and joins a troupe of athletes managed by Professor Bonkish. When Kitty, his employer's daughter, is pursued by an unwelcome rich admirer, Moran protects her, but is beaten up. Meanwhile, the unscrupulous Ireton has designs on Sir Rufus Douglas's daughter Hilda, but she loves Oswald Gordon.''Variety Film Reviews 1921-1925'' (1983), p. 32 Moran goes on to become a boxing champion and to win the hand of Kitty.

Today You Are a Man

Liz Lemon's (Tina Fey) old agent Simon Behrens (Josh Fadem) informs her that her contract is almost up, and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) has sent her a new one. Annoyed that Jack would expect her to blindly sign a new contract, Liz decides to negotiate with him for better pay and conditions. She meets with Simon at the library and discovers a seminar tape Jack had recorded called ''Negotiating to Win''. She starts using Jack's own techniques on him in the negotiation, which he recognises and is pleased, since it is now an even playing field between the pair. The two meet at an ice-cream shop, where it seems that Jack has won the negotiation, which prompts him to negotiate with himself in a mirror on her behalf, where he accidentally wins for her.

Meanwhile, Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) returns from his temporary firing, only to realize that no one noticed his absence. Hurt, he decides to switch to ''The Suze Orman Show'' and provides the ''TGS'' crew with an inadequate new page named Hazel Wassername (Kristen Schaal). However, Kenneth ends up speaking with Suze Orman, who explains to him that the reason his ''TGS'' friends don't view him as an equal is because he doesn't earn as much as them.

Elsewhere, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) and Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) are hired by their accountant as entertainment for his son's bar mitzvah, only to be forced to act as Transformers to appease the boy (Nicholas Dayton). The pair come to realize that the boy was only making ridiculous demands because he was nervous about dancing with a girl, which leads Tracy and Jenna to resolve that their own demanding behaviour may be along the same lines, so they pledge to put an end to their selfishness.

Finally, the ''TGS'' crew realize their mistake and lure Kenneth to a farewell party in order to try to get Tracy to convince him to return, since Tracy depends on him so much. However, to everyone's surprise Tracy does the selfless thing and tells Kenneth to find a better job. Jack invites Liz back to his office, where he laments on his failure to win the negotiation and as a businessman. Feeling guilty, Liz yields to him and he reveals that this was his plan, to prove to himself that he could still win. Nonetheless, he signs the contract that Liz had won, assuring her that he intends to take care of her anyway. At this point, Kenneth arrives and asks Jack if he can talk to him about a better position in the company, to which he responds in the affirmative.

The Last Rose of Summer (film)

In ''The Last Rose of Summer'' Oliver Selwyn is a collector who woos Lotus Devine, but not for herself alone. The movie has been called "a melodramatic tale of a spinster betrayed for the sake of a valuable teaset".

Neighborhood Watch (White Collar)

After Peter Burke (Tim DeKay) leaves a scanner at home, Elizabeth overhears plans for a robbery. Peter visits the scene of the alleged crime, but finds nothing to suggest that the robbery exists. Neal and Peter attribute Elizabeth’s actions to paranoia stemming from her recent kidnapping by Matthew Keller. However, Mozzie believes that the robbery was real, and begins helping Elizabeth monitor Peter’s scanner. Mozzie and Elizabeth soon hear the same voices from the original transmission, and discover that they are the voices of the Burke’s new neighbors, Ben (Manganiello) and Rebecca Ryan (Lola Glaudini). Elizabeth immediately visits their house, coercing an invitation for dinner that night. While at dinner, Elizabeth excuses herself from the table in order to search the house. She discovers nothing, but soon finds herself locked in a bedroom. Neal, speaking to her through a window, walks her through picking the lock. However, she is soon found by an annoyed Peter.

Peter finally agrees to investigate the Ryans, quickly being informed by Diana Berrigan (Marsha Thomason) that Ben has an armed robbery conviction. As Peter phones Elizabeth to let her know that she was correct, Ben visits the Burke home and vaguely threatens Elizabeth. Clinton Jones (Sharif Atkins) follows Ben and discovers the identity of Ben’s partner: Connor Bailey (Will Chase). In order to get closer to the suspects, Neal visits Ben’s parole office under the alias Nick Halden. Using information gathered by Neal, Peter quickly realizes that the target of the heist is a luxury hotel. Peter and Neal hurry to the hotel, barely missing Ben and Connor. At the Burke home, Elizabeth and Mozzie follow Rebecca as she leaves the house. Realizing that Peter will not reach them in time, Elizabeth approaches the Ryans as an FBI agent. Her attempt fails just as Peter and the FBI arrive.

Streets of Laredo (miniseries)

Part 1

A young psychopathic Mexican bandit named Joey Garza has murdered numerous people, and cost railroad tycoon Colonel Terry significant business and money through his deadly train robberies. Captain Woodrow F. Call is a grizzled veteran of the west, a man in stark contrast to the inexperienced urban Ned Brookshire, who has been sent to Clarendon, Texas, from New York by Terry to contract Call's services in apprehending the bandit. They form an unlikely pair as they search for Garza, and soon they learn in Laredo, Texas, that he is not the only outlaw preying on the railroad.

Pea Eye Parker, formerly of the Hat Creek outfit, now owns a farm in the Texas Panhandle. He is married to Lorena Wood, the former whore and lover of Gus McCrae, and now a school teacher. Pea Eye is devoted to her and their five children, and she has learned to reciprocate and become almost equally as attached to him. He is, however, increasingly pressured by his wife to settle down, so he initially declines to accompany Call and Brookshire in the hunt for Garza. His loyalty and devotion to Call finally prevails, though, and he sets out after Call, where he is soon joined by the celebrated Kickapoo tracker, Famous Shoes.

The series also follows the family of 19-year-old Joey Garza. Joey's mother, Maria, is the midwife of Ojinaga, a small Mexican village on the Rio Grande. She has had a string of brief, failed marriages and has three children, of which Joey is the oldest. Joey, in possession of a Swiss sniper rifle, learns that Call is after him and having shot a gringo, hides out in Crow Town, an outlaw village deep in the borderland desert. The law arrives, and in her son's absence, Maria is taken over the river and is brutalized by the deputies there.

Lorena, meanwhile, learns that a former flunky of Blue Duck, Mox Mox, is alive. Known for burning his captives alive, he was thought to have been killed years before. The news, brought by Charles Goodnight, is especially traumatic for her, since she had nearly been burnt by him while she was a captive of Blue Duck. Fearing for the lives of her children, she sends them on the train to Nebraska, to the protection of her friend Clara Allen.

Part 2

Garza continues his killing spree, returning often to his abandoned mine hideout to store his loot. Maria, now rescued from the deputies by Billy Williams, goes to Crow Town to warn her son that Call is getting closer. She still has reason to hate Call, who had her father and brothers hanged for rustling 30 horses. Call, now in Chihuahua City and also accompanied by Laredo Deputy Ted Plunkert, receives news updates by telegram of the ongoing killings and that the other killer is a past nemesis called Mox Mox.

Garza, still hiding out west of the Pecos River in Crow Town, soon meets another notorious denizen—the legendary Texas gunfighter, John Wesley Hardin. After Maria arrives to warn him, she kills the town's "devil pig" and later butchers it after Joey disappears and steals her horse. She then sets off back home, but not after inviting the town's whores to accompany her on the walk back. Mox Mox and his gang soon arrive in Crow Town looking for Garza, seeking him for the payrolls he stole and denied them, and leave after a tense stand-off with Hardin.

Meanwhile, Corporal Pea Eye and Famous Shoes, unaware of the threat of Mox Mox, continue south to find Captain Call. They are thrown into the Presidio jail when the sheriff accuses Famous Shoes of being a horse thief and decides to hang him. Captain Call, arriving in Ojinaga, hears of their plight and crosses the river to free them from jail, near-killing the sheriff after he refuses to allow their release on order of the governor. He then continues in pursuit of Mox Mox. He ambushes the gang alone just as they are about to burn Jasper Fant's children alive, killing all but two - Quick Jimmy, a renegade Cherokee, who escapes unscathed, and Mox Mox himself, who soon dies. Meanwhile, Lorena, in search of Pea Eye, arrives in Laredo, and Garza rides off to Langtry, Texas, where he shoots and hangs Judge Roy Bean.

Part 3

Call accompanies the children back to Fort Stockton, Texas, just as Lorena arrives in town. They then head off together to find the posse, but Garza shoots Call thrice after he rides out to check on three nearby horses. Severely wounded, and unable to make it back to town in time, he asks Lorena to amputate his right leg. This done, they finally end up back in Maria's house in Ojinaga.

On the trail, Deputy Plunkert receives news of his wife's suicide and rides off for Laredo, but is soon killed and stripped by bandits. Call's remaining posse is then ambushed by Garza, who shoots the horses and steals their provisions. Brookshire, despairing of the situation, decides to face Garza, but is shot dead in cold blood. In the morning, Famous Shoes returns and asks Pea Eye for his boots, since Garza feels he will not be followed without them. Pea Eye, however, has him scout where Brookshire's shotgun is, and despite being wounded, manages to spray Garza with buckshot.

Garza then drags himself back to his native village and attempts to kill his younger siblings. Maria tries to stop him, but he stabs her. The butcher then mortally wounds him. Lorena and Bill return with Pea Eye just as Maria dies from her wounds. At her request, Pea Eye and Lorena adopt Maria's two surviving children, and return with them to their farm. Call, crippled and no longer able to pursue bandits, goes to live with them, and becomes increasingly attached to Teresa, Maria's blind daughter, demonstrating for the first time an attachment to anyone besides Gus McCrae.

The Trouble Shooter

Tom Steele (Tom Mix) is a lineman for a power company. He meets Nancy Brewster (Kathleen Key), daughter of a rival capitalist. Both companies want rights to a strip of land, the ownership of which is to be claimed by the first to stake it off. Against tremendous odds, and with help of Nancy, whom he rescues from a storm in the mountains, Tom beats Brewster and wins his daughter.

Sherlock Holmes (2013 TV series)

The story begins when Dr. Watson, newly arrived and in search of lodging in London, runs into Holmes at the scene of a fatal accident, which Holmes immediately recognizes as murder. He ends up renting a room at Mrs Hudson's, next door to Holmes. Mrs Hudson is a younger and more attractive woman than Watson makes her out to be. She has taken a liking to Watson, but has a problem with Holmes who has no clear occupation and disturbs other tenants with his violin playing and science experiments.

Dr. Watson shortly gets involved in his new friend's life full of exciting and dangerous adventures and becomes his loyal sidekick. He is also trying to build a private medical practice, and to make a name for himself as a writer. His heroic war poetry is turned down by the publisher who convinces him to focus on writing detective stories instead.

The Pauper Millionaire

As described in a film magazine, American millionaire John Pye Smith (Hallard) secretly sails for England with the intention of investigating the young woman his son Harry (Roberts) insists on marrying, concerned she may be a gold digger. An accident deprives him of his valet, without whose trained aid he is singularly helpless. In London, while waiting for a train, his beard is shaved off. A porter refuses to give him his suitcase, not recognizing him as its bearded owner. He goes on without it and then discovers that it contained his passport, money, and bankbook. After his trunk is stolen, no one believes his story of misfortune, and he is stranded in London. After undergoing several hardships, he tries to get work and accepts charity from drunken old Sally (Emery) and gets a job washing windows. He falls from a ladder and, injured, is taken to a hospital. There matters mend when his nurse turns out to be Hilda Martin (Blair), the young woman his son intends to wed. She has a cable from his Harry to the effect that he and his mother (Whalley) are sailing to England. His troubles at an end, John Pye Smith accepts Hilda as his future daughter-in-law.

My Phone Genie

Eleven-year-old Jasmine Hart downloads a free ringtone on her mobile phone and accidentally summons Gene the genie.

Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos

Some time after the Golden Goose incident, Puss in Boots is riding his horse through the desert contemplating the crossroads he found himself at -outlaw or hero?- when he is captured by Italian knights. He is then taken to Princess Alessandra Belagomba, whose "Heart of Fire" Ruby, the crown jewel of her kingdom, is missing. At first, Puss believes he is being wrongfully charged for the theft, but it later turns out that the Princess only wants to hire him based on his reputation, revealing that a French thief called "The Whisperer" was the one who committed the crime and that the Princess' knights have captured his three henchmen. The henchmen turn out to be three kittens (referred to as the Diablos). Though Puss cannot believe that such innocent creatures could be thieves, the princess and her guards are terrified of them. The Diablos agree to help Puss on the premise that they will be free if they return the ruby.

When Puss takes the Diablos to the desert, they quickly turn on him (revealing their backstabbing nature) and bury him alive. Puss later escapes and recaptures the Diablos using his wide eyes against theirs. That night, he talks about sending them back to jail for double-crossing him, but he learns that they have no family and are orphans like him. He then sympathetically tells them how he also knows it's tough growing up not knowing whom to trust and being betrayed, making an example of how Humpty led him down the wrong path, just as the Whisperer has done to them. Puss then decides to point the Diablos in the right direction and trains them how to fight and plays with them, becoming friends. He also gives them names: Perla (because she is one of a kind), another Gonzalo (for his scrappy temper) and the other Sir Timoteo Montenegro the Third (a title is all he needs).

The next day, the Diablos, turning over a new leaf, show Puss to the Whisperer's secret hideout, and are immediately confronted by the Whisperer himself, who, by his name, has a low voice volume and uses his hat as a megaphone to speak clearly. It is also revealed that the Whisperer himself has used the heart as a decoration for his own belt. After learning that the Diablos brought Puss to him to recover the heart, the Whisperer is about to punish them for their betrayal, but Puss fights him and lets the Diablos escape. They, however, return to help Puss with what they learned from him and the Whisperer falls into a bottomless pit, Puss reclaiming the heart in the process. Puss then returns the heart to the Princess and is rewarded with gold, and he gives the Princess the Diablos as her new personal bodyguards. They then say their goodbyes and Puss claims "He will never forget them, just as he is sure they will never forget the name of Puss in-"; unfortunately, the guards slam the doors before he can finish his goodbye.

Dream Kitchen

A young man arrives home from school and meets his father fixing the car. The two barely exchange words except for the boy's father asking him to hand him a pair of Vise-Grips. When he goes inside he sees his pregnant sister smoking and his mother in the dark and untidy kitchen drinking vodka and coke.

As he sits at the table he begins to daydream of being in a clean stylish kitchen with his well dressed mother. Speaking in faux-Elizabethan English to one another he tells his mother that he is gay and she is delighted with the news. She calls in his father who is wearing clean white overalls and when he is told of his son's secret he too is overjoyed. Just then the young man's sister enters and again reacts happily to the news of her brother's homosexuality and hugs him.

The doorbell then rings and the son reveals to his family a glowingly handsome young man, Andrew; his boyfriend. The family welcome him and invites him to a celebratory feast.

The young man awakes from his daydream and is back in the grey kitchen. He tries to initiate a conversation with his mother about a television programme they watched the night before. His father enters and sits at the table still grubby from fixing the car. He asks what they are talking about, to which the mother says "...the programme about those fairies", to which he replies "Bloody perverts!" and rants that the programme is "rubbish" and "dangerous". The parents then ask why the son brought up the programme; just then the doorbell rings and he rushes out.

When he answers the door it is revealed that the handsome boyfriend from the fantasy was real, and the young man grabs his coat and smiles to the camera before they drive off together.

Perfect Sisters

Sandra Andersen, her younger sister by one year, Elizabeth (aka "Beth"), and their younger brother, seven-year-old, Robert (aka "Bobby"), live with their alcoholic 44-year-old mother Linda. Linda, every now and again, has boyfriends who are usually abusive towards her and her children, both physically and psychologically.

Sandra now is a senior in high school and Beth is a junior and they cannot take Linda and her alcoholism. They plot to kill their mother and plan to live with their friends after they kill her because they will get their mother's life insurance money. They tell their friends Justin and Ashley to make reservations at their favorite restaurant while Sandra and Beth get Linda intoxicated, drug her and later drown her in their apartment bathtub. Once they do all of this, Sandra feels guilty while Beth feels excited. Beth then convinces her that everything is going to be better with their mother dead.

The two are sent to live with their aunt and Bobby is sent to live with his long-lost estranged father. No one suspects that Sandra and Beth have anything to do with their mother's death, as everyone just thinks that she drowned in her bathtub while being drunk and on drugs. Sandra and Beth begin to get popular at school after telling their friends that they killed their mother and no one at school even thinks about reporting them.

An older friend of Sandra's begins to believe that Sandra and Beth had something to do with it after Sandra tells him that their mother's death might not have been an accident. He goes to the police and they tell him to wear a wire, pick Sandra up and see if he can find out more about the incident. After she tells him the truth, Sandra and Beth get interviewed by police and Beth remains calm while Sandra has a meltdown. When the police find all the evidence to prove that Sandra and Beth killed Linda, the two get sentenced to ten years in prison and can have no contact with one another.

Forty Winks (1930 film)

One evening, Felix serves as a conductor to four singing cats. Meanwhile at a house only a few yards away, a hefty man is napping on a chair but gets awakened by their act. To silence them, the man grabs and rolls out a bowling ball, knocking Felix and the other cats off their feet. Felix, however, still insists to go on performing as he plays a flute and his friends dance. Awakened once more, the man takes out an ether sprayer and showers its contents onto the cats. While his friends fall into a snooze, Felix decides to have his sleep at home.

Felix enters his apartment, and lies on the sofa. But before he can rest long enough, his dwarf master calls him over. Felix comes in and hears about the dwarf's complaint about an insomnia problem. To assist his master, the cat offers a glass of warm milk but to no effect. The dwarf is still unable to sleep, and therefore craves for some entertainment instead. Felix then plays a clarinet, and the toy soldiers start dancing to his music. After moving around for a few moments, one of the little soldiers fires a small cannon, piercing a picture on a wall with its projectile. The dwarf is amazed by the presentation, and asks Felix to hand over the cannon. When Felix gives it and suddenly turns around, the hostile dwarf aims the small weapon at him and fires. Felix is struck at the back and frightenedly flees the apartment.

Out in the streets, Felix looks for suitable resting places. He then climbs up a telephone pole, and lies down on a set of pants hanging on one of the lines. Because the lines are brittle, the one holding the pants momentarily snaps, and Felix plummets back to the pavement.

Felix wanders further in the neighborhood until he sees a small house on the other side of a fence. He enters it, only to be chased out by the dog inside. Still wanting to take room, the cat stood on the house's roof and blows into the stack, pushing the dog outside. Felix re-enters the house through the stack and immediately closes the door, locking the canine out. The heart-broken dog starts weeping so much that the area is soon flooded by its tears. As a result, the little house starts to float away.

Riding on the floating house over time, Felix finds himself landing on the Dark Continent. After being chased by a hippo, the cat suddenly runs into a mountain lion. Thus the two felines started pummeling each other with punches. Following a number of exchanges, Felix became the only one throwing and landing blows. The little cat then slams the mountain lion repeatedly until the latter turns into a pillow. Felix lies down on his newfound pillow and finally goes to sleep.

Rainbow Fireflies

On a hot summer day, a young boy named Yuta visits the dam where his father died one year ago. At the site he meets a mysterious old man. He gives the old man something to drink and later that day the old man saves him after slipping off the dam. He wakes up to discover he is 30 years in the past. There he meets a girl named Saeko, who loves fireflies, and also befriends a boy his age named Kenjo.

Bananes mécaniques

When summer comes, five young, pretty and penniless women decide to squat at the villa of one of their fathers who's gone for holidays. The girls just want to have fun and the place could looks like heaven for a man who would join in,

I Will Repay (film)

The film takes place in Paris, 1793, during the Reign of Terror following the start of the French Revolution. Paul de Roulade (Pedro de Cordoba) is a hero to the Proletariat, who cry him 'Citizen de Roulade'. One evening he gets into an argument with the Vicomte de Marny over the virtues of a dancing girl; this leads to a fight (provoked by the viscount), forcing Paul to kill the nobleman. The viscount's sister Juliette de Marny (Flora le Breton) swears revenge: to achieve this, she infiltrates the de Roulade household and beguiles Paul into falling in love with her.

It is revealed that Paul has secret Royalist sympathies and, wary of the bloodshed, he decides to smuggle Marie Antoinette out of France . To do this, he enlists the aid of none other than the Scarlet Pimpernel (Holmes Herbert).

When Juliette learns of Paul's intrigue, she realises that this is her chance to get revenge by betraying him to the Jacquards. Or will she fall in love with him as he has with her? Meanwhile, we get a few scenes of Charlotte Corday on trial for the murder of Marat.

Ai Ore!

''Ai o Utau Yori Ore Ni Oborero!''

Akira Shiraishi, a young high school boy with feminine features, joins Blaue Rosen, the all-female band for which Mizuki Sakurazaka, an androgynous girl of the same age, performs lead electric guitar.

Their high school life is anything but typical: Mizuki is the "prince" of her all-girl school while Akira is the "princess" of the neighboring all-boy school. A series of comical events brings them closer together, even as the prejudice of the people around them tries to pull them apart.

''Ai-Ore! Danshikō no Hime to Joshikō no Ōji''

After announcing that he is a boy during a concert for Blaue Rosen in the first book, Akira and Mizuki begin to date. But as their relationship heats up, so does the feud between the two's schools.

This Freedom

As described in a film magazine review, a woman, who learned as a child that man's power was too dominating, strikes out in search of independence. She rears a family as a business women, leaving the children to a governess. Her formula backfires and the fallacy of her ideas is the climax.

Runaways (House)

House is examining a young girl (Callie) in the clinic who is having trouble breathing. House accuses her and the man she's with of being unrelated. She goes to leave, but House tells her that she's bleeding from her ear. House continues his physical examination.

House meets his team and starts a differential. Adams has figured out the patient isn't really 18 and says they have to call social services. House says that the patient will run if social services is called. House decides to treat for pneumococcus, but the team argues that she may have been vaccinated. Adams finds out that she has been vaccinated for pneumococcus. The patient registered under a fake name, but Adams and Park decide to scan the foreclosed house she listed as her address.

When Callie realizes they went to her school she tries to leave the hospital, knowing that social services will come, but she collapses and complains she can't feel her legs. House drags the team to a skeet shooting range for the next differential. Chase comes up with vasculitis and House agrees to steroids. Adams gets back to calling social services and House makes a bet - if she can hit a clay pigeon, she can call. If she misses, she can't raise the issue again. She expertly hits the pigeon.

The social worker arrives but Adams is suspicious - the patient isn't making a fuss and the social worker is wearing five inch heels. Adams wonders if House could have known she was an expert marksman. House hired a prostitute to impersonate a social worker. Foreman explains that House called back and cancelled the real social worker and has arranged another one. Foreman says House should have told him about an underage patient.

House meets the team to start a new differential, as it appears steroids made it worse. House decides on Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and tells them to get consent from the mother to test for it. Adams is opposed as she believes the mother hit Callie. House says that's not relevant unless social services agrees.

Callie says she lied because people understand physical abuse, but not what she went through. Adams asks her to give her mother another chance, but Callie feels her mother will return to drugs when things get bad. Adams and Chase are performing the endoscopy and find an ulcer in the esophagus. Adams thinks it might be alcoholism, but House thinks it is an aneurysm and wants to do surgery.

They discuss the brain surgery with the patient. Callie realizes Adams thinks House is wrong. Adams accuses the patient of being an alcoholic. Callie denies it. She says she wants the surgery, but Taub says it's the mother's decision. Callie assures her mother she's not an addict, but her mother reminds her that's what she always said. Callie snaps back that she's not like her mother and says she wants surgery. House goes to see the mother. He tells her that her daughter hates her and should hate her. He tells the mother to leave. He says he's going ahead with the surgery and will deal with the fallout. However, he leaves his Vicodin. The mother gives him back his pills and tells him to treat her daughter for alcoholism.

They perform emergency surgery, but can't find anything. The blood vessels are all intact. The patient's blood pressure drops. The team start talking about the patient being in Florida and that it might be a tropical infection. House notes those don't wait for years to appear and goes to dismiss the idea when he thinks of something.

House asks the mother if Callie ever went swimming in Florida. The mother says she went swimming in a nearby canal. He asks the mother to follow him into surgery. House reveals she has ascariasis, a parasite. They are generally asymptomatic, but when set off by a small trauma, they attack the body's organs. She is then given mebendazole.

Callie improves rapidly, but runs away while unsupervised. She leaves behind a note, saying that she believes her mother will fall back to her old ways and, not wanting to experience that again, prefers to remember her mother the way she is now.

Gangway for Tomorrow

Five defense workers on their way to the munitions factory tell their stories: a refugee from the French Resistance, a frustrated race car driver, a prison warden, a former Miss America, and an intellectual who dropped out of society and saw the country as a bum.

The Sessions (2012 film)

In Berkeley, California, in 1988, Mark O'Brien is a 38 year old poet who is forced to live in an iron lung due to complications from polio. Due to his condition, he has never had sex. After unsuccessfully proposing to his caretaker Amanda, and sensing he may be near death, he decides he wants to lose his virginity. After consulting his priest, Father Brendan, he gets in touch with Cheryl Cohen-Greene, a professional sex surrogate. She tells him they will have no more than six sessions together. They begin their sessions, but soon it is clear that they are developing romantic feelings for each other. Cheryl's husband, who loves her deeply, fights to suppress his jealousy, at first withholding a love poem that Mark has sent by mail to Cheryl, which she eventually finds. After several attempts, Mark and Cheryl are able to have mutually satisfying sex, but decide to cut the sessions short on account of their burgeoning feelings.

One day sometime later, the power goes out in the building in which Mark lives, causing the iron lung to stop functioning and making it necessary for Mark to be rushed to the hospital. However, he survives and meets a young woman named Susan Fernbach. The film then cuts to Mark's funeral, held sometime later in 1999, and attended by four of the women he came to know and care for, including Cheryl. Father Brendan gives the homily and Susan reads the poem he had previously sent Cheryl.

Death of a Superhero

In the first scene, 15-year-old Don (Sangster) attempts suicide by the train tracks or gives the viewer the impression he intends to commit suicide. However, he lets the train rush past him and simply watches.

The next scene shows him getting therapy in a brightly coloured room. Don appears to have tuned out the therapist and simply jots down a drawing in his notebook. He then tears the page from his book and walks out the room leaving a puzzled therapist who eyes his drawing which features the therapist going 'bla bla bla bla bla'.

Don asks his brother about his relationship with someone who his brother thinks fondly of. His brother seems happy with her.

Don is a talented teenager who draws a lot of comic stories and since being told he had terminal cancer has lived in a world occupied by his superhero. Don frequently suffers from hallucinations and during a scan, sees a twisted woman (a cartoon and figment of his imagination) laughing hideously at him.

In the reception room, a boy named Billy won't stop staring at Don. Don is drawing a picture and then rips it out of his book and hands it to Billy, getting up and leaving. It is a picture of a boy standing in a hole in a cemetery. Behind him there is a grave with the name 'Billy' written on it.

In an effort to stop his suicide attempts, his parents send him to therapy. Eventually, he is sent to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Adrian King (Andy Serkis), one whom he initially does not like; but whom he forms a bond with quickly.

Don walks home from school alone and balances on the wall of a bridge as cars rush past below him. He cautiously walks across, unaware that he has been spotted by the therapist.

Don visually shows the therapist his opinion on his methods when he graffiti's a Skull 'n' Crossbones on his boat. However, later Don comes and cleans it off for him and his therapist offers love advice for his crush Shelly.

Shelly reads out an essay from her book. Don looks at it and realises she has not done her homework and is left amazed. The teacher is on the phone and has not been listening to her. On the way out of the classroom, Don tells her: 'nice essay' and she smiles knowing he knows too.

Don turns up at a party where he and his friends perfect a recipe for a drink made from alcoholic wines and beers. Grinning, Don takes a sip. On the way home he spots the woman again and it shows him spraying the air with something. In the morning there is graffitied woman on the school window which people crowd around taking pictures of. His parents are infuriated and he has been suspended from school for a week. Eventually, he is made to scrub it off and so does so when unexpectedly, Shelly kneels down and helps him.

Don returns to the therapist and notices a picture of Dr. King's wife who died a while ago.

During an English lesson Don and Shelly pass notes between each other and end up deciding to attend a party on the weekend. Don asks his therapist for 'love advice' and attends the party with Shelly. Before the party they both talk on top of a building admiring the view. Shelly tells Don she likes his drawings. Flattered, Don tells her she is the smartest girl in the class and really beautiful. Shelly does not think that is a 'talent' and would do anything for a talent like Don's. The party goes well until they discover a video of Shelly exposing her breasts and lying on the floor and beginning to strip off her clothes. Some one tells Don his girlfriend is 'dirty' and 'crazy' - intended as a joke. Embarrassed, Don claims she is not his girlfriend and they hardly know each other. Then he spots Shelly, who has heard what he said. She drives off on her motorbike without him.

Don arrives home panicking and heartbroken and is then spotted by his therapist who asks him what's wrong. Don tells him to go away and leave shouting loudly. It results with him having a panic attack and needing to be rushed to the hospital. Don is informed his cancer has got worse and has only a few days left to live. His father decides to spend some time with his son smoking and the two get very emotional. When Don's mother finds out she tells the father to drive him to hospital.

Don has a conversation with a younger patient who has cancer too. She claims she wants to be a 'dancer' when she is older. Billy says he'll be a prince and Don reveals he wants to be a superhero.

Don's brother confesses to Don's friend that he does not want Don to die a virgin. They go around the school asking girls if they'll have sex with Don. All of the say that it sounds gross. Eventually they find some girls who are attractive and willing. Don is embarrassed when they show him pictures of the girls and ask for him to make a pick. Realising they've asked the majority of the girls in the school, Don hesitates. However, with the help of his therapist, they get one to agree.

Don is completely nervous during his conversation with them and they stumble across the subject of 'true love'. She then asks for Don to show her some of his pictures. She is impressed and tells him she would do anything for a talent like his. He is reminded of Shelly. In a hallucination he sees the medic woman who tried kill him with a kiss. He leaves her apartment and goes to Shelly and apologizes.

The two walk along a beach, hand in hand. Don makes her promise that if she's upset at all then she should go there and think of him. She promises. The scene fades and it shows Don on his bed dying in peace.

His therapist gets on his sailboat which he has painted and drawn a similar Skull 'n' Crossbones on to what Don drew. Shelly is on the rock and the sailboat sails in the distance. It cuts into the credits.

Zlatna levica, priča o Radivoju Koraću

The documentary part is narrated by basketball players Saša Đorđević and Milenko Tepić featuring appearances by Korać's contemporaries such as Ivo Daneu, Josip Đerđa, Dragutin Čermak, Pedro Ferrándiz, Clifford Luyk, etc.

The feature part dramatizes events from Korać's life.

A Woman in Berlin (film)

In the waning days of World War II, an assortment of women, children and elderly men struggle to survive in Berlin, cast out of their formerly middle-class lives.

The Soviet Red Army arrives, defeating the last German defense. Its soldiers rape women of any age as they occupy the city. After having been raped by a number of Soviet soldiers, the film's anonymous woman, a German journalist (Nina Hoss), petitions the battalion's commanding officer for an alliance and protection. After initially rejecting her, the married officer Andrei Rybkin (Eugeny Sidikhin) is gradually seduced by the beautiful but battered German woman. She has a cool, practical approach to her life and has been part of an informal community that developed among survivors in her apartment building.

The officer subsequently protects, feeds and parties with her and her neighbors. Other women in the flats also take particular officers or soldiers for protection against being raped by soldiers at large. Rybkin comes under suspicion and he is reassigned.

The Vest

Saul (Mandy Patinkin) goes to the hospital to pick up Carrie (Claire Danes), who has been there for a week recuperating from her injuries. To his shock, he finds Carrie acting like a totally different person, talking a mile a minute, and ranting and raving about needing a green pen and theories about Abu Nazir. Saul and Maggie (Amy Hargreaves) take Carrie home. Maggie explains to Saul that Carrie has bipolar disorder, that the trauma from the explosion triggered a major manic episode in her, and that she will need to be supervised around the clock while her medication takes effect. Saul agrees to start staying overnight at Carrie's house. Meanwhile, Estes (David Harewood) meets with Vice President Walden (Jamey Sheridan) who is being kept in a safehouse after the bombing at Farragut Square. Walden is going to announce his candidacy for President soon and is frustrated that he is under protection and not out campaigning. He tells Estes he must track down Tom Walker and to "fire somebody...I don't care who."

Brody takes his family on a trip to Gettysburg, proposing it as a way to spend time together before he embarks on his campaign for Congress. Brody shows the family where the Battle of Gettysburg took place, and tells them stories of Civil War heroes. Later on, they go to a diner for lunch, and Brody excuses himself to get something at the drugstore. Brody instead heads to the back of a clothing store. Waiting there is a man who has tailored an explosive suicide vest for Brody. Brody tries on the vest while coldly asking whether the explosion will sever his head cleanly off his body.

Saul spends the night going through the sea of papers that Carrie had been working on all day. He groups everything by the color that Carrie assigned it and puts it all up on a wall, effectively producing a timeline of Abu Nazir's activity. Carrie and Saul analyze the timeline the next morning and focus on a period of inactivity from Abu Nazir which, unbeknownst to them, coincides with the death of Issa.

The Brody family returns home. Dana (Morgan Saylor) finds the package that contains the vest. Brody does not let her open it, claiming it is a gift for Jessica (Morena Baccarin). Dana shows her boyfriend some unsettling footage that she recorded of her father on her camera: a long period where he stood blankly in front of the battlefield, completely still.

Despite her father's (James Rebhorn) protests, Carrie calls Brody. She describes the period that Abu Nazir went silent, and asks Brody whether he has any insights into it, since he was there and had a personal connection with Nazir. Brody offers to come over and discuss it. Shortly after, Carrie answers her door, anticipating Brody's arrival, but she finds Estes at the door instead. Estes reveals that Brody talked to him, confessing to an affair with Carrie and claiming that Carrie was spying on him and continually harassing him. He finds Carrie to be acting bizarrely and discovers the "timeline" which is made up of highly classified materials that should not be in her home. Estes, already looking for a scapegoat, needs no more convincing—he fires Carrie.

It All Starts Today

In a mining town which has been blighted by economic downturns, an elementary school headmaster struggles to obtain social services on behalf of his students.

Legacy (novel series)


''Legacy'' follows Princess Alera of Hytanica, a willful young woman that cringes at the idea of marrying over bearing Steldor, her father's chosen suitor. Assuming that she will spend her days with a man that she's attracted to, yet does not actually love, Alera finds herself almost instantly drawn to a youthful intruder. Narian is initially captured by the palace guards as a spy from an enemy kingdom, but is eventually discovered to be the son of a noble family that was long since thought to be dead. Alera begins to secretly meet with Narian, who tells her of life in the other kingdom and the two begin to fall in love. Despite this, Alera is forced to marry Steldor while Narian is condemned as a traitor.


''Allegiance'' finds Alera as Queen of Hytanica, married to Steldor. She finds herself unable to love him and equally unable to forget Narian, the one she truly loves. This provokes conflicted emotions in her, as she knows that Narian is destined to conquer her kingdom for the magic user Overlord, the ruler of the rival kingdom Cokyrian. Alera initially refuses to believe that Narian could be capable of these actions until she discovers him leading Cokyrian troops in an attack against the city. Despite her heartbreak, Alera must find a way to lead her kingdom to more hopeful times.


''Sacrifice'' is told through the dual perspectives of Alera, the fallen Queen of a conquered kingdom, and Shaselle, a rebel whose father was murdered. Alera must not only rebuild her kingdom under the rule of Cokyria, but she must also find a way to rebuild the spirit and pride of her people. Meanwhile, Shaselle seeks to shirk her duties as a Lady in favor of achieving her revenge against those responsible for her father's death. Both women are faced with the choice of love or country, a choice that might lead to painful repercussions.

Between Your Legs

Javier, a freelance screenwriter, and Miranda, a telephonist at a radio station, meet one evening at a therapy group to combat sex addiction. Javier's wife has left him because he was tricked by a woman called Azucena into recounting his sexual fantasies over a phoneline and cassettes of his imaginary activities are on sale throughout Madrid. Miranda, while walking her dog after her husband has gone to work and her daughter to school, can't resist quick encounters with men.

Immediately attracted to one another, in the car park after the session Javier and Miranda get into the back of an abandoned car. When a corpse is found in the car next morning, the police enquiry is headed by Félix, who is Miranda's husband. He would be delighted to pin the murder onto Javier, who he has seen with Miranda.

After putting all her sleeping tablets into Félix's soup, Miranda goes with luggage and dog to the hotel where Javier is staying. While making love with her, he has a traumatic flashback. He had gone to the flat of Azucena, who was blackmailing him, and as they made love he discovered that “she” was a transvestite. Enraged beyond control at this further betrayal, he had killed “her” and put the body in the car. Going straight to the airport, Javier, Miranda and dog board a plane that looks Brazilian. Félix, having bought a puppy to replace the lost pet, meets his daughter off the school bus.

Sarah's Key (novel)

July 1942

The first plot follows the Starzynski family. On 16 July 1942, French police raided the Starzynski apartment in Paris, arresting ten-year-old Sarah and her parents. First, the family is sent to the Vélodrome d'Hiver, an enclosed stadium that housed a bicycling track for racing. The captors held more than 7,000 Jews, mostly women and children in the stadium, which was made to hold far fewer people, and they were eventually sent to Drancy, a refugee camp, to separate the men from the women and children and then later, they separated the mothers from the children. Later, we find out, they were all sent to Auschwitz. Sarah, now on her own, is still tormented by thoughts of her brother locked in the secret closet at home, and tries to escape with Rachel, another Jewish girl at the camp. They are caught, but the officer that catches them is a man that Sarah knows from her old life. She begs him to let her go to rescue her brother. He reluctantly helps them escape and even gives the two girls money. The girls find refuge with an elderly couple who takes them into their house, but Rachel falls ill with what is probably diphtheria or typhus fever. The couple, Jules and Geneviève Dufaure, are compelled to call a Nazi doctor, who reports to the Nazi officials that the elderly couple is hiding Jewish children. The Nazis arrive and search for more children, but without finding Sarah they take Rachel away and she presumably dies. Jules and Geneviève dress Sarah in boy's clothes (her hair had been cut short at Drancy) and help her get to her former home in Paris. She had been keeping the key to the closet in her pocket the whole time. She knocks at the door, screaming her brother's name. A young boy or Eduoard as a child (Bertrand's father) opens the door and Sarah rushes into the house, nearly kicking the door to her former room and quickly opens the closet. She collapses and starts to cry hysterically. The boy's father, or Edouard's father comes into the room and removes Michel from the closet and laid him on Edouard's bed, who had died by then (shriveled up), hidden in the closet waiting for Sarah.

Julia Jarmond

The second plot follows Julia Jarmond. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Paris in her early 20s and married a Frenchman named Bertrand Tezac and had a daughter, Zoë. Sometime prior to the action of the book, Bertrand had cheated on Julia with a woman named Amélie after Julia had suffered a miscarriage. The apartment they are thinking of moving into happens to have belonged to the Starzynski family prior to being inhabited by Bertrand's grandparents and father, who was then about Sarah's age, but neither Julia nor Bertrand are aware of this. Julia's boss, Joshua, asks her to write an article about the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup, as the 60th anniversary was nearing. Julia tries to find out more about the roundup and through her research and questioning of Bertrand's grandmother discovers whom the apartment once belonged to. When Julia finds out and tells Bertrand, he does not seem to care. Julia becomes obsessed with the story of young Sarah Starzynski, who was recorded to have been taken to Beaune-la-Rolande, but was not recorded to have returned nor taken to a gas chamber. She does more research and finds out she ran away, but she loses trace of her after that. She does a little more research and becomes in touch with descendants of Jules and Geneviève and they tell her that Sarah had continued to live with the family into her teens, but she grew up an introverted, sad young woman. Julia finds out she is pregnant, but Bertrand says she must either choose between an abortion or a divorce. She chooses to have the baby. She discovers that Sarah married and had a son. Sarah had died when her son William was a young boy and Julia arranges to meet him in his home of Italy. He is very reluctant to learn of his mother's story and asks that Julia not contact him again. Weeks later, the same night Bertrand's grandmother has a stroke, William shows up in France, finally ready to hear Sarah's story. After Julia delivers her daughter she and Bertrand part ways; Bertrand moves in with Amélie and Julia does not feel comfortable about moving into the apartment they were to have moved into, with its sad history of Sarah, Michel and their parents. She moves to New York City with Zoë and the baby. William, having uprooted his own life too in the wake of everything he has learned about his mother, also moves to New York City and eventually tracks down Julia again. He shares with her some of Sarah's writings that he found in his father's drawer. It is revealed that Sarah did not merely die from a car accident as previously believed, but had killed herself intentionally, unable to bear with the pain of her secret past any longer.

Ethel (film)

The documentary shows the story of a normal family guided by parents who are aware of the need to improve the world around them, and encourage their children to acknowledge those needs and do something about it. Scenes include the early years of the family, when they lived in the country. We see episodes of the History of the United States, and realize that the Kennedy parents and children were there.

After dealing with "Jack's" death, the director Rory Kennedy asks her mother about the death of her own father, which occurred when Ethel was expecting her. Ethel can hardly speak, and the same happens to the children, who are now grown men and women. There are scenes of the funerals, and miles of railway surrounded by people wanting to say goodbye.

After the funeral, the life of public service continued, and Ethel became an executor of her and her husband's vision. At home, she teaches her children sports, as well as establishes discipline. She does not, however, take the credit for how the children turned out.

Now, over 40 years after Robert Kennedy's assassination, they continue to be a family.

Moe Goes from Rags to Riches

At a town meeting at Moe's Tavern, people say that Moe's best friend is his old bar rag. Bart continues with the joke by comparing the rag with Milhouse. Insulted, Milhouse spurns Bart's friendship. The rag tells its life story, from being a medieval French tapestry, woven by Marge after Mr. Burns, Duke of Springfield, killed all their sheep which released demon spirits that forced Marge to weave the encounters the tapestry would have. The Duke was later accidentally hanged by the tapestry when he fell off a mountain; going to a cathedral before Vikings attacked it and Homer tore it; and then to the king of Persia(Nelson). Nelson was then told 1001 stories by Scheherazade (Lisa), who releases his other wives who were thrown in a pit for being boring and decapitates him. The rag was also used as a blindfold for the executed and as a cloth on the chopping block in France; was used as a paint rag by Michelangelo in his creation of the Sistine Chapel; was used for a Confederate flag during the Civil War; and was made into soup during the Great Depression. It then went close to the top of Mount Everest as a flag, though the explorer died from lack of oxygen. Moe's father, the yeti on Everest found the rag and gave it as a gift to his son, an infant Moe.

Meanwhile, Bart tries to win Milhouse back as a friend, going to his house at night. Milhouse refuses at first, stating that he is doing well without Bart. Bart reads a poem about friendship to Milhouse, but Milhouse figures out that Lisa wrote it, and tells Bart that he can only win him back by doing something from the heart. As a gesture, Bart agrees to let Drederick Tatum punch him. Milhouse is deeply moved, and renews their friendship.

Moe wakes up to find the rag has been stolen. The thief is revealed as Marge, who cleans the rag before returning it. Moe then realizes that he has real friends in the Simpson family, and tosses the rag out the window for Santa's Little Helper, who takes care of the rag and then fights over it with Maggie. The rag, meanwhile, is overjoyed to have finally found an owner who truly loves it.

Price Check

Pete Cozy (Eric Mabius) has found himself a house in the suburbs and a job in the pricing department of a middling supermarket chain. Pete's job allows him to spend quality time with his wife (Annie Parisse) and young son and, despite the fact that they are drowning in debts, they appear happy.

Everything changes when Pete gets a new boss, the beautiful, high-powered, fast talking Susan Felders (Parker Posey). With Susan's influence, Pete finds himself on the executive track, something that both surprises and excites him. The more his salary increases, the more he has to perform at work... and the less time he gets to spend with his family. At the same time, his relationship with his boss begins to cross the line of professional etiquette. Both become enamored with one another – creating tension in the workplace and in his personal home life.

The Prodigies (film)

Ten-year-old Jimbo Farrar is a gifted child who is misunderstood and regularly beaten by his parents. One day, he is badly beaten by his father while his mother cheers him on, and Jimbo gets carried away by his anger and loses control of his abilities. When he wakes, he finds his mother's body on the floor, as she had been beaten to death by his father, who then hanged himself, all under the mental control of Jimbo. He is then sent away to a mental hospital, where Jimbo is visited by multi-billionaire Charles Killian, who decides to take him under his wing to help him control his abilities. Twenty years later, Jimbo has become a brilliant researcher in the Killian Foundation for Gifted Children, married to Ann with whom they are due to have a child. Jimbo has only one goal: to find young children who, like him, possess supernatural powers. Thus, he created an extremely complex online game "The Game" in the hopes that he'll be able to identify any such people around the United States. One night, five unrelated teenagers pass the game and hack Jimbo's computer. In desperation, Jimbo shuts his computer down and restarts it, only to find a message on his screen with the words: "Where Are You?". Jimbo immediately sets out to find them and bring them to the Foundation, but on his return he learns of the death of Killian. The Foundation therefore passes onto Melanie, Killian's daughter, who plans with Jenkins - her second-in-command - to end Jimbo's game and instead work on a TV show. In order to save the game - and the possibility of locating more "Prodigies" - Jimbo has the idea of combining the ideas: create a large-scale televised competition to reveal future geniuses. The show, American Genius, is launched, and five teenagers are announced as participants - hand-picked by Jimbo, having met and identified them as "Prodigies": Gil, an abused child who was like Jimbo when he was a child but darker; Liza, a young girl trained to be a top model; Lee, a young Asian immigrant who helps her parents in their trade; Harry, an African-American whose mother wastes all her money in gambling; and Sammy, the only son of a wealthy family and physical ungrateful. The five are identified immediately and Jimbo arranges to meet with them in secret in Central Park. No sooner are the teenagers gathered than two thugs assault and rape Liza. Jimbo, however, is not there: he has just learned that Ann is pregnant. He learns of the teenagers' situation too late and, by the time he arrives at the park, Liza is missing and the other four are on the floor, unconscious. However, through Liza's agony while she is being raped, her pain is telepathically extended to the other four teenagers and Jimbo, who unconsciously drive out the thugs using mind-controlling abilities of their own. As soon as Jimbo recovers his senses, he hurries to Liza and finds her in a coma. The next day he learns that Melanie wants to cover up the crime, in order to preserve the TV show, by claiming Liza was injured by a hit-and-run driver. Furious, Jimbo violently demands an explanation, and his anger almost makes him lose control of his abilities and as a result was fired from the Killian Foundation. After that, he vows to protect the other four, and locks himself away in his office with his computer, afraid because of how he had almost lost control like in the day of the death of his parents. Meanwhile, under the leadership of Gil, the five teenagers infiltrate the archives of the Killian group, where they find video recordings of Jimbo during his sessions in the mental hospital. Here he talks about his feelings of isolation caused by his supernatural abilities, as well as the possibility of others like him (even Charles Killian) being out there. The mention of him bringing them all together to avenge themselves for all the years of mistreatment entices Gil, Sammy, Lee and Harry to bring justice upon Liza's attackers, which they do by brutally killing them as well as the officer, who helped cover up the crime, and his wife using their powers. When Jimbo learns of this, he is very alarmed. Furthermore, Melanie refuses to recognize the truth if only to let the TV show continue, Meanwhile the teenagers are demanding justice. However, one evening, as he tries to reason with the teenagers (who are now murderers), they turn against him. Doubting his trust, they put him to the test by ordering him to kill Jenkins. but Jimbo says "No!", So the teenagers go on to make Jenkins beat up Jimbo (once again with their abilities) and kill Jenkins, then frame Jimbo for his murder. Although Jimbo initially attempts to explain to the policemen the truth about his and the teenagers' superpowers, but starts hallucinating when Gil and Lee tries to make him kill the Lieutenant who interrogating him, and then we see flashbacks of the four teenagers avenging Liza by killing Lorenzo, McKenzie, his wife and Jenkins and sees flashbacks of him being beating up by his parents until he uses his mental powers to kill them. As young Jimbo watches sadly as his father commits suicide with his own belt, After that, we later learn why Jimbo refuses to use his powers against or kill Jenkins when the four teenagers tell him to do, After killing a sparrow in a mental hospital, Killian tells Jim never use his powers again to kill or touch any living things. After that, the policemen don't believe him, particularly due his supposed history of having schizophrenia. Jimbo eventually relents and is sent to prison, where he is kept under surveillance. In the meantime, Gil, Harry, Lee and Sammy make plans for causing large-scale destruction upon the United States, under the belief that this will exact justice for all the pain they had been subject to in the past. Shortly afterwards, Liza comes out of her coma, and Ann visits her to ask her for help, for she now knows of Jimbo's abilities from the police interview, as well as the teenagers' plans to infiltrate the White House to launch nuclear weapons. However, Ann angers Liza, who loses control of her powers and almost kills Ann's baby. In a desperate attempt to prevent the imminent destruction the other teenagers plan on causing, Ann reluctantly seeks help from Melanie, the organiser of the final of American Genius, which will take place in the White House, include the four teenagers plus another fifth contestant named Justin, and be attended by the President of the United States. When Jimbo learns of Liza harming Ann, he uses his powers to break free from prison and joins Liza to reach the other teenagers, as well as Melanie and Ann, at the White House. On site, when she and Jimbo are attempting to sneak into the White House, they are halted by guards and Liza uses her powers for the two of them to escape. This triggering an alarm and initiates a security procedure where everybody in the Oval Office (including the finalists of American Genius) must get to safety in a security bunker. But once inside and all exits are sealed, the four gifted teenagers manipulate the soldiers and bodyguards into killing each other, and Melanie is shot dead under Gil's will. Gil then begins the attacks by launching a nuke at Killian University, where Jimbo and Killian worked. Ann's life is spared when Sammy raises the possibility that her child, being Jimbo's as well, might also be a "golden child". Jimbo eventually arrives at the bunker with Liza, where he learns that Gil is the one leading the group into attacking the US. A fight ensues where Gil attacks Ann and Jimbo fights to protect her, until the fifth contestant Justin fires a gun at Gil when Jimbo is at the verge of being killed. But Jimbo, anticipating the bullet, pushes Gil away and instead receives the bullet in his heart. While Jimbo lies in Ann's arms, dying, Gil horribly slaps Liza for her refusal to cooperate with him, which brings Harry to his senses and convinces his friends to stop all the madness of attacking and killing masses of people across the United States. And so, while one controls Gil in order to prevent him from stopping them, Harry cancels the nuclear attack, saving Killian University by seconds. Shortly afterwards, Jimbo takes his final breath. Three months later, Killian's company has gone bankrupt. Ann, still pregnant, receives a package containing Jimbo's phone (which he had lost in the fight at the White House), which has a final video message from Jimbo. Ann does not know it was left by Liza, who has disappeared from the radar along with Harry, Sammy, Lee and Gil. Liza, Harry, Sammy and Lee now search for other gifted people like themselves, using Jimbo's game, but Gil now continues with his journey on his own, and it seems that he is plotting dark schemes.

Houp La!

;Act I The owner of a struggling circus, Marmaduke Bunn, has severe money troubles. In desperation, he has an accumulator bet on all the horse-races of the day, and when his fancies all romp home he is thrilled by the size of his winnings. A French girl, Liane de Rose, tries to teach Bunn some of the complications of her language. Meanwhile, Tillie Runstead, the star of the circus, is in love with her admirer Peter Carey, a rich young polo player, but is worried because to her dismay her beau's interest appears to be veering towards the circus's dancer Ada Eve.Findon, B. W. ''The Play-Pictorial'', issue no. 177 (vol. 29, 1917), p. 82

;Act II Tillie makes good use of Ada's cloak and thus catches out her wandering lover. Sadly for Marmaduke Bunn, he finds he has made a mistake about the name of the winning horse in the day's last race, so he has won nothing, after all.

The Open Door (2008 film)

Anjelica sits at home, angry at being grounded from going to a hip party. She tunes into a legendary pirate radio broadcast, hosted by a strange figure known as the Oracle, that only appears on the nights of the full moon. Angelica wishes ill upon her boyfriend and friends at the party along with her parents, and soon, strange sights and sounds begin, and even stranger things happen to the people around her.

All the King's Horses (play)

Act I

Scene one

Kate Houlihan, a frail aged woman, lives in a cottage somewhere in the south of Ireland and is looked after by her housekeeper Julia Finegan. Kate is convinced she is dying and reminisces about her family. She has two cousins, Michael Maloney from Kildare and William "Willie" MacStay is from Sandy Row in Belfast. Kate has sent for her cousins in the hope of seeing them before she dies. Kate's solicitor, Charles Applebloom, has traced William's whereabouts. Kate intends to include both cousins in her Will and heal the breach between her cousins. Michael arrives at the cottage and is reluctant to the situation. Soon Willie arrives and admits that he did not want to come at first, but Applebloom's telegram told him that it might be to his advantage. Michael and Willie engage in a point scoring exchange by insulting each other's country and politics. The exchange takes a lot out of Kate and she goes to her bedroom, aided by Julia and Michael, to rest. Applebloom confides in Willie that he is worried that if Kate includes him in her will it will result in violence. Willie assures Applebloom that he is confident that Kate will not leave him anything saying that he knows "how the Roman Catholic Church operates up here." Applebloom says that this is not the case, at which point Father Kelly arrives.

Scene two

It is several months later and Kate has died. Michael, Willie and Julia are in mourning at the cottage and Julia is preparing to pack Kate's possessions away. Mr Applebloom arrives and explains the provisions of Kate's will. Kate leaves a small amount to Julia with the remainder of her money and property to be divided equally between her two cousins. However, the men will not get their share unless they live peacefully in the cottage for one month. If one of the men fails then his share will go to the other and if both fail the money will be given to charity. Julia will also get a further inheritance if she acts as housekeeper for both men during this period, if she does not attend both the men this additional share will be donated to Willie's Orange Lodge. Mr Applebloom leaves to allow the others time to consider the proposal. Willie states that a picture of Éamon de Valera will have to be removed from the wall as he considers it provoking. The two men start to struggle, at which point Mr Applebloom returns. Michael explains the situation to Mr Applebloom who realises that the only way to stop the fighting from taking place is to keep both men apart. Mr Applebloom draws a line down the middle of the room, in effect partitioning the cottage. Michael must stay on one side and Willie the other. This appears to solve the situation. However, when Michael requests Willie hand over the picture of De Valera, Willie states that it belongs in his half of the cottage and he doesn't want Michael to have it and hangs it up again facing the wall. Julia prepares to make tea for Michael but, as the cutlery and table cloth are on Michael's side of the room she only lays out the things in his side of the table. When she goes to the dresser to get cups, however, Willie tells her that it is in his side of the room and she must not transport them across the border. Julia leaves to get Kate's good cups from storage. Michael turns on the radio, which is announcing the news. Willie becomes interested as the results of the Northern Irish football teams' matches are announced. Michael lets Willie hear the results up to the point when his favourite team, Linfield, is being announced, turning off the radio when their opponent's scores are about to be read. In retaliation, Willie switches off the lights to the room just as Julia returns with the cups, causing her to trip and shatter them.

Act II

It is the following evening. Willie has brought tools into the cottage and plans to build himself a fireplace, when Julia rushes in to stop him, thinking he plans to murder Michael. Michael tells Julia to let Willie go ahead as he has sent for Applebloom. Michael and Julia are outraged when Willie says that he has a woman solicitor assuming that he means she is a prostitute. Gerry O'Neill, a Northern Irish journalist arrives. Julia thinks he is one of the B Specials and goes to fetch her brother, while Willie assumes that he is a fellow loyalist. Gerry reveals that he is a Nationalist and thinks of all Ireland as his home. He intends to write a story concerning the situation in the cottage. Applebloom arrives, angered at continually having to mediate between Michael and Willie. Gerry leaves and Applebloom cautions the men to live in peace or they will not inherit their share of the fortune. Willie tells him about his own solicitor and Michael storms out of the cottage to go to the pub. Willie's solicitor, Mary MacMillan, arrives. She sees the problem of Michael and Willie as a simple one; Michael wants De Valera's picture and Willie wants an access to the facilities in Michael's half of the cottage. She proposes a solution that she calls an “international trade agreement”. Willie agrees to Mary's proposal and goes to fetch Michael. Gerry returns and decides to wait for Michael. He states that while he considers himself a nationalist he approves of the real Irish border as without it there "wouldn't be a spark of national spirit left in the country." Julia informs Mary that Michael and Willie are brawling in the pub. She says that the fight was started when Willie came into the pub and told Michael that a woman solicitor was looking for him. Mr Applebloom is pleased about the fight as he believes it will disqualify both from their inheritance. Mary informs him, however, that he men only had to live peacefully inside the cottage and not outside. Michael returns badly beaten and bandaged, followed by Willie who is even more badly beaten. The local Garda Síochána officer, Sergeant Reilly arrives. Reilly states that he wants to keep the peace without too much trouble. Mary assures him there will be no trouble between the men and tells him about the "trade agreement" she has proposed. Reilly is keen to see the agreement go ahead and convinces everyone to discuss the matter civilly. Mary convinces Willie to give De Valera's picture to Michael and in return Michael agrees to let Willie use the facilities in his half of the cottage. Applebloom warns the two that if there is any more trouble they will not get any of Kate's money and he too departs. Julia leaves to get some food to make the men their dinner. Gerry is angry at the situation and thinks that Willie should be under arrest for attempted murder. Mary, Michael and Willie try to calm him down but he only gets angrier. Gerry is enraged that Michael is not standing up more to Willie while Willie defends Michael against Gerry's attempts to provoke him. During the course of their arguments Willie and Michael involuntarily cross into the other territory. Gerry laughs at the men and leaves, followed by Mary. Michael and Willie realise where they are standing and awkwardly move back into their own half of the cottage. Michael turns the radio on and the two men sit in silence listening to ''Home! Sweet Home!''.


Scene one

It is two weeks later, De Valera's picture hangs on Michael's side of the cottage and a picture of The Queen hangs in Willie's half. Michael and Willie are more comfortable going into the other's territory and Julia is more pleasant to Willie. Willie says that he can't understand why Julia did not get married and that the men "up here are daft." Julia coyly says to Willie that she was waiting for the right man to come along. Father Kelly arrives at the cottage. At first Julia and Willie assume that Father Kelly wants to convert Willie to Catholicism. But Father Kelly explains that he came to discuss a Tidy Towns competition. Julia is enraged at this and leaves. Michael enters and Father Kelly puts the idea of painting the cottage to him, stating that Kate once had the cottage painted a shade of pale green. Michael likes the idea but states he does not like pale colours and suggests a strong shade of green. Willie suggests that a pale red would be a much better colour. Father Kelly tries to calm the men as each increasingly argues for his preferred colour eventually telling the men to forget it and leaving. Mary arrives and suggests that they paint the cottage white. The two men agree and Michael leaves to buy paint. Mary tells Willie that when the men leave the cottage she would like to buy it. Willie agrees but Mary states that it is not that simple as that as Willie can only sell half the property and that Michael must agree to sell the other half. Gerry arrives and tells Willie that he has seen Michael heading to buy green paint. Willie then runs out to stop Michael. Gerry admits that it was a trick so that he could be alone with her. He apologises for kissing her the previous evening. The two blame it on romantic music and alcohol. They agree to meet that evening to discuss their feelings. Mr Applebloom informs Michael that he has received an offer for the cottage, however, the buyer does not want to be identified. Willie refuses to give Mr Applebloom his authority to sell the cottage as he does not want to go back on his word and refuses to tell Mr Applebloom who his buyer is. Michael is angered and refuses to go back on his word to sell to Mr Applebloom's client. The two refuse to compromise and Mr Applebloom loses his temper with the situation.

Scene two

It is two weeks later. Applebloom tells Julia that he has heard rumours that she secretly has some regard for Willie. Applebloom is disappointed that Michael and Willie can't reach an agreement to sell the house. Michael is adamant that he will only sell to Applebloom's client and wonders if there is a way to force Willie to sell. Michael wants to have a farewell drink with Gerry and asks Applebloom to join them. Applebloom assumes that Michael knew that it was his birthday but cannot join him as he wants to talk to Willie. Michael agrees to drink his health anyway and leaves. Julia returns with Willie and continues to defend him, but he is oblivious to her true intentions. Julia is angered by this and leaves. Applebloom starts to act drunk, due to it his having had a birthday drink, and he tells Willie that love is more important than politics. The two share a drink and Willie admits to having met and falling love with a woman called Martha who died weeks before they were due to be married. He admits that sometimes he can find no sense in squabbling and fighting. Mr Applebloom asks Willie if he will shake Michael's hand before he goes. Willie states he will shake Michael's hand and "ask King Billy to look the other road." Mary arrives and Applebloom worries that he will be remembered in the same league as David Lloyd George for having divided the cottage. A taxi arrives to take Michael to the train station. Applebloom convinces the cousins to shake hands before they depart. Each man admits that they are opposed to what the other stands for but that both points of view are equally important. Michael and Willie then depart in the same taxi for the station. Applebloom complains that the cottage was meant to bring the men together, but instead they have split it in half. Gerry tells Mary that when Applebloom drew the line on the floor he didn't think it would be so hard to rub it out again. Gerry says "I believe there's some difficulty in getting Humpty Dumpty together again." Mary tells Gerry that she has been trying to buy the cottage but because of the situation she is only able to buy half. Gerry reveals that he is Applebloom's secret buyer and together he and Mary would be able to buy the cottage and get married. Applebloom staggers in and overhears the conversation and joyfully starts to sing ''A Nation Once Again''. Michael returns and states that he has missed his train and that the next one isn't until the following day. With the others Michael raises a glass of whiskey and agrees to "drink to Willie MacStay my cousin. NOT to Willie MacStay the Orangeman." At that moment Willie arrives and states that he has missed his train because the I.R.A. has blown up the train line. Michael and Willie start to argue and again the situation descends into a brawl. At first Mary and Applebloom try to calm the situation, but Gerry takes Mary out to the town to buy her an engagement ring. Gerry states that the two men "have as much right to be happy as we have." The two continue to argue as Applebloom begs them to stop.

Doktor Rej i đavoli

In 1964, celebrated director Nicholas Ray — who had been the toast of Hollywood only a decade earlier having made the iconic picture ''Rebel Without a Cause'' starring James Dean — arrives in communist Yugoslavia desperately trying to re-ignite his spiraling career. Problems with drugs and alcohol have made him fall on hard times, but his name in the world of cinema still holds enough cache to get him a lucrative offer of shooting a movie with Yugoslav state funds — a spectacular costumed horror-drama based on Dylan Thomas's 1953 screenplay The Doctor and the Devils.

On the other hand, Ray's powerful host, the director of state-owned production company Avala Film and former UDBA (Yugoslav state security) operative Ratko Dražević, is dreaming big dreams — he is trying to establish a 'Hollywood behind the Iron Curtain' of sorts and feels that Nicholas Ray is a good fit in this regard.

A Smile as Big as the Moon

Ben, a student with Down syndrome, in Mike Kersjes's Forest Hills Northern High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan, special education class, dreams of becoming an astronaut. Kersjes, who is also a football coach is inspired to pursue Space Camp for his students. Obstacles mount as school administrators object to the expense and Space Camp officials have no experience with special-ed students. Teacher Robynn McKinney supports Kersjes's efforts.

Eventually the trip is approved by the necessary parties, and Kersjes faces another set of challenges: fundraising, preparing the students for their trip with science and physical education, and battling bullying and belittling from other students. Kersjes engages the football team in these endeavors.

The Rocket (short story)

The story begins with Fiorello Bodoni, a poor junkyard owner, who spends his nights admiring nearby rocket launches bound for the Moon, Venus, and Mars. After six years, he has finally saved enough money to send one of his family members to Mars. However, when he presents the opportunity to his wife and children, they quickly realize that none could bear the guilt of experiencing such a wonderful journey while the rest stay behind. Bodoni dejectedly returns to his business, but after a stroke of luck, is offered the chance to purchase a mock-up rocket.

He decides to spend his savings on the mock-up and secretly spends the night building a replica rocket with a theater in the cabin using color film, mirrors, and screens. He then excitedly tells his family that they will all be able to make the journey to Mars and back. Despite his wife's hesitations, he takes his children on a convincing trip to outer-space, one that they say they will "remember... for always."

In the end, his wife realizes what a wonderful memory he has given their children, even though the rocket never left the ground, and agrees to share a short trip in the rocket with him in the future.

Go! Go! Kokopolo


The game opens with a nice and peaceful, carefree scene. The wildcat Kokopolo is quietly snoozing away in his favorite hammock, whilst his buddy, Tatsumo, is relaxing under a tree, peacefully reading a book in the shade. High up in the sky, a friendly sky-guardian, Jinbe, zooms across the heavens, drumming a catchy tune on his mystical set of bongo drums. Suddenly, by accident, one of the bongo drums becomes dislodged, and quickly plummets earthwards, into the dense forest below.

In a one in a million chance, the misplaced bongo impacts directly on the sleeping wildcat's head, with a mighty force, waking him suddenly from his tranquil nap. Seething with anger after being rudely awoken, Kokopolo glances upwards, spotting the unwitting Sky-Guardian flying away, and vows revenge on all the peaceful woodland creatures for this heinous act. Kokopolo leaps out of his hammock, grabs his buddy Tatsumo, and sets off on a furious quest to bring chaos and disruption to the entire land.


'''''Kokopolo''''': A hyperactive wildcat, and the "hero" of ''Go! Go! Kokopolo''. Gets riled up at the slightest annoyance, and decides to take it out on everyone by ruining their fun. '''''Tatsumo''''': A laid-back okapi. Kokopolo's buddy, who rarely gets involved in Kokopolo's insane antics, preferring a peaceful life instead. '''''Jinbe''''': A peaceful sky-guardian, and the main "enemy" of the game. Due to accidentally annoying Kokopolo, he has been marked as the unwitting victim of Kokopolo's revenge. '''''Mech-Jinbe''''': A robot created by Jinbe to bring Kokopolo to justice. *'''''Houdini Starfish''''': A mysterious, yet wise starfish. Is the only creature in existence who can annoy Kokopolo.

Heartbeat (2010 film)

Yeon-hee (Kim Yunjin) is the principal of a prestigious English-teaching preschool in Gangnam. She is a well-off widow, and a devout Christian. Yeon-hee remains hopeful in her faith that her daughter Ye-eun will be able to get a heart transplant surgery.

But Yeon-hee has hired black-market organ dealers to search a healthy heart for her daughter. One donor is a live illegal immigrant, and Yeon-hee cannot bring herself to take his life in exchange for sending money to his family abroad. Time after time, the donors slip through her hands. Tired of waiting, Yeon-hee takes matters into her own hands, and betrays her conscience. She pays an exorbitant amount of money to arrange a transplant: the donor is a patient in a persistent vegetative state, and thus unable to consent.

Yeon-hee rationalizes to her doctor friend that the vegetative patient is an answered prayer and pleads him to perform the transplant. Out of her guilt, Yeon-hee monologues to the patient, and cries that she would even go to hell for the illegal surgery, if it could save her little Ye-eun.

When the time nears for her daughter's heart transplant surgery, Lee Hwi-do (Park Hae-il), the son of the woman in the vegetative state, suddenly appears to stop the transplant. In the past, Hwi-do was a bad son often leeching money off of his mother. He parted ways with his mother, but when he learns of the current situation he tries to protect his mother. With only a single heart, Yeon-hee and Hwi-do are both desperate to save the one they love. Just when Yeon-hee is about to carry the patient in an ambulance, Hwi-do shows up and gets into the ambulance with them. During the ride, he confiscates the transplant contracts from Yeon-hee (signed by Kang, who dated Hwi-do's mother for money), and takes over the driver's seat. Yeon-hee runs after the ambulance, but it is gone.

Hwi-do brings his mother to a hospital, but Yeon-hee tracks down the hospital. Hwi-do and his girlfriend visit Ye-eun's hospital room to take Ye-eun captive. Hwi-do decides that he won't abduct Ye-eun, until Yeon-hee calls him that she is sorry for taking his mother. He then kidnaps Ye-eun, of which Yeon-hee's doctor friend notifies Yeon-hee about.

Ye-eun records a conversation on her teddy bear while telling Hwi-do that her mother is not a bad person. Hwi-do and his girlfriend form a friendship with Ye-eun. Still, Ye-eun uses the girlfriend's cellphone to text Yeon-hee the consonants of the location of Hwi-do's auto repair shop.

Yeon-hee receives the text, and discovers Hwi-do's place. She tases Kang and offers Hwi-do an exchange of persons, which Hwi-do refuses. Hwi-do locks Ye-eun in his car and Yeon-hee keeps his mother in her van. Yeon-hee ambushes Hwi-do and beats him up with a plank from the street, while the organ dealers hired by Yeon-hee help carry Ye-eun to the van. Hwi-do and his girlfriend watch them drive off.

Injured, Hwi-do limps to the hospital, to beat up Yeon-hee. Meanwhile, Yeon-hee rushes Ye-eun to the emergency room. Ye-eun tells her on the rolling cot, "Why did you hit someone like that? What if he died? I'm scared of you, Mom..." Yeon-hee becomes weak in the knees and reflects. Hwi-do arrives and finds Yeon-hee sobbing and listening to the audio recorded by the teddy bear. Yeon-hee repents. She apologizes to Hwi-do and tells him that his mother would have done the same thing as she did, and that he should take his mother home.

Hwi-do then finds his mother, and asks her to move her hand. But her heartbeat fails. Yeon-hee weeps with him, and Hwi-do tells Yeon-hee that his mother wishes the transplant to happen.

Months later, during Christmas Eve, Yeon-hee and a healthy Ye-eun are in a car on the way to a restaurant. Ye-eun says that the car seems weird, and needs to be checked out. They arrive at Hwi-do's auto shop, where Ye-eun gives her teddy bear as a present to Hwi-do's now-pregnant girlfriend. Hwi-do invites Yeon-hee for dinner. Yeon-hee quietly goes into the back of the shop and smiles at the picture of Hwi-do's mother.

Let's Go! (film)

Siu Sheung (Juno Mak) is a solitary and frustrated young man. He works as a delivery boy at a small noodle shop and lives with his mother (Pat Ha) in a large, dilapidated Kowloon housing estate. As a young boy he enjoyed nothing more than watching his favourite anime, Space Emperor God Sigma, and singing along to Leslie Cheung's theme song with his father. However, after seeing his dad shot dead trying to apprehend a bank robber, Siu Sheung has spent the last twenty years wandering aimlessly, looking for a way to bring justice back to the community.

A local gangster, Shing (Gordon Lam), impressed by Siu Sheung's fighting skills, recruits him into his gang, part of the impressive Matsumoto syndicate, run by Boss Hon Yu (Jimmy Wang Yu). Desperate for the money, Siu Sheung takes the job and soon finds himself working as personal bodyguard to Hon Yu's beautiful yet feisty daughter, Annie (Stephy Tang). When Shing embarks on a violent coup to overthrow Hon Yu, Siu Sheung is forced into action, not only to protect Annie, but to defeat evil and restore peace and harmony to the community.

Riddick (film)

Five years after Kyra's death, Riddick has become uneasy in his role as Lord Marshal of the Necromonger fleet. His refusal to swear into the Necromonger faith has caused dissent among his subjects. After the latest attempt on his life, Riddick strikes a deal with Commander Vaako: the location of Furya and a ship to take him there, in exchange for Vaako succeeding him as the next Lord Marshal, so that he can achieve transcendence. Led by Vaako's aide, Krone, Riddick and a group of Necromongers arrive on a desolate planet. Realizing that it is not Furya, Riddick kills most of his escort when they attempt to assassinate him; Krone causes a landslide and buries Riddick alive.

Riddick emerges from the rubble with a broken leg, which he sets and splints while fending off native predators: vulture-like flying animals, packs of jackal-like beasts and giant venomous scorpion-like water-dwelling Mud Demons. Needing time to heal, Riddick hides himself within some abandoned ruins. After he's fully healed, Riddick notices a vast savanna beyond some rocky cliffs, but the only passage through is impeded by several muddy pools infested with Mud Demons. He begins injecting himself with Mud Demon venom to build an immunity and constructs improvised melee weapons, as well as raising and training an orphaned jackal-beast pup. He kills the Mud Demons and reaches the savanna. After finding a dormant mercenary station, Riddick notices a series of approaching storms, and concludes they will unleash an unidentified threat. Riddick activates an emergency beacon at the station, which broadcasts his identity to mercenary groups within the area.

Two ships arrive in answer to the beacon, the first led by violent and unstable Santana, with second-in-command Diaz, preacher Luna and hunters Falco, Rubio, Vargas and Nuñez. The second, a team of professional mercenaries: leader Colonel R. "Boss" Johns, second-in-command and marksman Dahl, tracker Lockspur and gunner Moss. Riddick leaves them a message promising they will all die unless they leave one of their ships and depart the planet on the other. Rubio, Nuñez and Falco are killed by Riddick during the first night, forcing a reluctant Santana to cooperate with Johns' team. Riddick later steals power nodes from each of the teams' ships and approaches Johns and Santana to strike a deal for their return. However, the conversation turns into an ambush as Dahl shoots Riddick with several rounds of horse tranquilizer, and Riddick's jackal-beast is shot and killed by Santana.

At the station, Johns interrogates Riddick about the fate of his son, William. When the storms reach the station, Riddick's threat is revealed as thousands of Mud Demons emerge from hibernation underground, awakened by the rainwater, and besiege the station, killing Lockspur and Moss. Johns agrees to release Riddick to locate the hidden power cells, but Santana attempts to kill Riddick because he is worth more dead than alive, and because Riddick promised to kill Santana if set free. Riddick, with one leg free, beheads Santana with his own machete. The group then releases Riddick on the condition he retrieve the nodes and each party gets a ship.

They fight their way to the ships, and Vargas is killed by a Mud Demon. Johns, Diaz and Riddick leave the ship together on the hoverbikes to retrieve the power nodes. During their journey, Diaz crashes Johns' bike over an embankment; Johns is then picked up by Riddick. After they reach the power nodes, Riddick reveals Johns' son's morphine addiction and attempt to use a child as bait. Diaz attacks Riddick and Johns but Riddick fights and kills him; as Diaz dies he shoots and disables the last hoverbike.

Riddick and Johns fend off an endless horde of Mud Demons while running back to the station. Riddick is severely wounded and Johns takes both nodes and abandons him. Riddick begins to fight the advancing Demons and climbs a rock spire; when it seems he is about to be killed, Johns arrives in a repowered ship and shoots the creatures while Dahl descends to rescue Riddick. Given the other ship, Riddick praises Johns for being a better man than his son and departs into deep space.

Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme

At a gala event for the GoDongHae conglomerate's new airline, Kimmy, daughter of company chairman Luisito, is shocked to find that her outfit comically matches the decorations put up by her younger twin Dora, and fires the staff in an outrage. Soon after, Luisito receives a package, and he and his daughters vacation to Korea. On the plane, paranormal events begin to occur, which can only be seen by Dora and heard by Kimmy.

In Korea, Luisito also begins to experience supernatural visions. He then tells his daughters that one of them must marry the grandson of the Sang family, Daniel, as the Sangs had helped Luisito's family with their business in the past. Neither twin is willing to marry Daniel as both have boyfriends, however Daniel takes a liking to Dora.

Back home, Kimmy and Dora continue to experience supernatural occurrences. Kimmy is haunted by mysterious drum-beats and eventually faints. After recovering at the hospital, Kimmy is visited by her boyfriend Barry who proposes. Barry is later attacked by a ghost in the elevator and is found alive but paralyzed in a state of shock. On a date, Dora's boyfriend, Johnson, proposes to her but is soon attacked by the ghost as well.

Luisito explains that the ghost is that of his ex-fiancée from the Sang family, Sang Kang-kang, to whom he was betrothed as a young man. However, while in studying in the Philippines, he met and was (forcibly) married the twins’ mother, Charito. Upon finding out, Sang Kang-kang locked herself in her room, continually beating a drum until she wasted away and died. Now her vengeful spirit has returned and can only be heard by Kimmy and seen by Dora.

That night, when Luisito refuses to have his daughters marry Daniel and amend his ties with the Sangs, Sang Kang-kang attacks him, leaving him in the same state of shock. Luisito is hospitalized along with Johnson and Barry. Soon after, Kimmy and Dora find the package received by their father, revealed to be Sang Kang-kang's old photo album. Looking inside they find their father and boyfriends imprisoned with Sang Kang-kang who claims they are hers.

Lolo, a child shaman, visits the twins and they, along with Manny, a young friend of Barry's, Gertrude, Kimmy's secretary, and Elena, the family maid, attempt a ritual to confront Sang Kang-kang but are overwhelmed by the ghost.

With the only option left being marrying Daniel, Kimmy chooses to do so to spare her sister. However, Lolo interrupts the ceremony so they can attempt another ritual. Kimmy, Dora, and the others visit Sang Kang-kang's grave where they are soon attacked. The armor-clad spirit of Charito arrives and battles Sang Kang-kang.

Charito is eventually overpowered whereupon she apologizes for Sang Kang-kang's heartbreak. At the same time, Kimmy, Dora, and the others complete the ritual and manage to seal Sang Kang-kang inside the photo album, freeing their father and boyfriends in the process. Charito embraces her daughters and tells them to take care of one another before returning to the afterlife.

Soon after, Kimmy and Barry, and Dora and Johnson celebrate their wedding.

Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas

Eight years after the events of the third film and before the fourth film, Christmas is coming and Scrat eyes a beaver assembling a cache of foods, among them an acorn. Scrat sneaks in and takes the acorn, along with others he finds in the area set up as decorations. He ties a large stockpile of them on a piece of bark and tries to leave with them, but they break out and roll away, leaving him with nothing.

Meanwhile, Manny brings the Christmas Rock out of storage, to Ellie's delight: the rock is intended as a surprise for Peaches, who comes sliding down a snow slope in a snowball fight with Crash and Eddie. Manny reveals that the Christmas Rock is the same one from his childhood, a family heirloom, and important as it lets Santa Claus find them to deliver presents. Diego and Sid step in to see the Christmas Rock, with Sid deriding it. Manny refuses to let Sid near the rock and Sid, to find his own means of decorations, decides to find a different decoration and chooses a tree. Crash and Eddie help him to decorate the tree with insects, small animals, and fish bones. To top the tree, Sid puts a star-shaped piece of ice on top, which is accidentally flung off like a boomerang and hits the Christmas Rock, shattering it. Furious, Manny declares that Sid is now on the "Naughty List" for ruining the Christmas rock, but dismisses the idea of Santa to Ellie, Peaches overhears this, and the young mammoth is shocked that Manny does not believe in Santa, and Sid, in tears that he destroyed the rock and is on the Naughty List, slides downhill as his tears freeze solid.

Scrat finds an acorn half frozen in a pond and steps onto the slippery surface to pull it out. After pulling it out successfully, Scrat begins to ice skate with the acorn, going through a log, where he misplaces the acorn and instead mistakenly holds onto a spider, which attacks him. Meanwhile, Sid, feet still frozen, sulks about being on the Naughty List until Peaches calls on him to snap out of it. She intends to head to the North Pole with Sid so as to convince Santa Claus to take Sid off the Naughty List, along with Crash and Eddie, who, despite their misdeeds, still want Christmas.

The four set off to the North Pole by following the Northern Lights, and move on until they reach a whiteout, which separates them for a moment until they find one another and move on, led by Sid, who mistakenly leads them off a cliff. As they fall, they are rescued by a flying reindeer, who takes them to the other side of the cliff and introduces himself as Prancer. Sid thanks the reindeer and moves on before he nearly falls down the cliff again and is caught by Peaches, who decides that the reindeer will go with them. Back at the village, however, Manny attempts to patch up the Christmas Rock with mud and sticks, to poor effect, when Ellie comes along, calling out that she cannot find Peaches, Sid, Crash, or Eddie. Diego states that the four of them headed out to the North Pole to find Santa; with that, Manny and Ellie move on to find Peaches and the others, led by Diego, who tracks them by, reluctantly, picking up Sid's scent.

Prancer and the animals arrive somewhere near the North Pole, seeing sugar plums and peppermint bark. As they continue, they are stopped by a mini sloth and the "santourage", who keep out visitors to Santa. They move towards Prancer and the animals, causing him to fly up into a block of snow, and as they try to pull him out, the ice cracks, causing an avalanche, ruining Santa's work, and toppling the rescue trio. Angered and distraught by the mess, Santa invents the Naughty List after Manny talks about it, causing the mammoth to realize Santa is real and rally everyone to make things right. All the animals fix the mess, but Santa has much more gifts than usual, so Prancer volunteers to fly the sleigh. He realizes he can't do it alone so he goes and gets his family, Dasher, Dancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. Then, Santa leaves through the night sky, and everyone is back on the Nice List, even Sid. Then, Scrat looks at his present from Santa (which is a small nut), but blows away and gets repeatedly kicked by the reindeer while going around the Earth.

Ichi the Killer (manga)

Using Ichi as a tool, the "Old Geezer" plots to kill the Anjo yakuza family leader, Yoshio Anjo, and steal his money. With Anjo's death, his top yakuza, Masao Kakihara, sets out to find his leader's murderer; Kakihara searches for Ichi, while the younger man effortlessly kills off the remaining Anjo family members. This cycle of killing and searching leads the two closer together, revealing Ichi's psychological manipulation and Kakihara's obsession of pain and torture. When the two finally meet, they confront their deepest and most suppressed desires, resulting in Ichi's recovery and Kakihara's demise.

El Yazısı

Set in a humble Anatolian town, ''El Yazısı'' follows three stories on a day when the town is welcoming its very first foreign English teacher. As an accidental tourist is mistaken for her, the wind of change starts to blow.

The first story is young Ahmet's. He loves a girl from the village; both the townspeople and the villagers are against this relationship. Today, as he is planning to elope with her, he is assigned to guide the foreign teacher around the town.

Second story is about Zeynep, the town's pharmacist from the big city. She is about to marry the town's respected teacher Celal. Today, Volkan, a drug representative and an old friend, arrives for stock-taking. Wedding news is a surprise for him.

And finally Ragıp, an eight-year-old boy who is on a quest for his missing love letter to Zeynep. As the letter gets stolen during the welcoming ceremony, he traces the leads with Sevgi, a little girl from the village with a crush on Ahmet.

''El Yazısı'' is a tale about the ones who try to break the enduring morality of the small-town life.

Sweater Girl (film)

While preparing for Midvale College's upcoming revue, which includes a trick shot with a gun, singer Susan Lawrence develops a romantic interest in Jack Mitchell, who also sings, while their friend Louise Menard is seeing Susan's brother, a professor. All are shocked when songwriter Johnny Arnold is strangled and school reporter Miles Tucker poisoned with the glue from an envelope.

A detective named McGill begins an investigation. One night Jack volunteers to look after Louise's mother, a helpless invalid. Susan becomes worried and, when she arrives, Mrs. Menard is trying to help Jack, who has narrowly avoided being killed.

With help from Louise's father, a professor, McGill deduces that Mrs. Menard is holding a grudge from a previous child's death, which she blames on an initiation rite at the school. She has also secretly exchanged Susan's trick gun with a loaded one, which she uses in the show. Everyone arrives too late, but luckily, Susan's aim is bad, Jack survives and all live happily ever after.

Sadako 3D

A mysterious, white-clad man drops a long-haired woman into a well. The well is full of women, all with long hair, all dressed in night-dresses.

Thirteen years after the original film, two suicides prompt Detective Koiso and his partner to investigate a string of mysterious deaths. The deaths involve video played on devices; just before the deaths, a voice says, "You're not the one". While Koiso is unconvinced, his partner deduces that the deaths are the result of a cursed video that online artist Seiji Kashiwada created.

Akane Ayukawa, teacher of a schoolgirl who died, discovers the schoolgirl's best friend Risa had been looking into the cursed video. The video had been deleted, but the Error 404 message in its wake prompts the video to play when the viewer is alone. In it, Kashiwada allows himself to be killed by a long-haired woman. When the video ends, Risa is attacked; Akane arrives just in time to save her. The ghost tells Akane that she is "the one". Akane screams, and the computer is destroyed. Meanwhile, Koiso and his partner scout Kashiwada's apartment, noting the furniture and decorative wallpaper, which look like a set. The landlady notes that everything is superficial.

Akane is a telekinetic who displayed her power years ago when a maniac attacked her high school. Though she saved the school, she was branded a freak. Takanori Andō, son of Mitsuo Andō from the previous film, and a boy who appreciates her abilities, grows up to be her boyfriend. She soon realizes the video is targeted at her when, at their home, the video plays and the woman appears. Multiple screens show the woman attacking. Takanori and Akane run to a street, where they believe themselves safe, but a large LCD display truck shows a giant version of the ghost, who snatches Takanori away.

Until his partner commits suicide in front of him, Detective Koiso continues to doubt the existence of the film, even when it is revealed that the original broadcast of the online video killed its initial viewers and employees of the site where it was uploaded. Koiso makes his way to Kashiwada's apartment, eager to find answers. He discovers the wallpaper is a horde of white butterflies hiding notes and history. Kashiwada had been attempting to resurrect Sadako Yamamura, as revenge against the human populace for persecuting him. He initially kidnapped long-haired women and threw them down the well, alive. However, when it was revealed that a body could not be found that way, he orchestrated the "cursed video" so that the video would find the perfect host for her.

Koiso finds Akane, whom he'd interrogated previously, and the two of them journey to the old Yamamura household. It no longer has the inn, and a "new" decrepit mall was beside the well. Upon approach to the well, a freakish-looking Sadako facsimile appears and attacks Koiso, biting his neck. The women that had been thrown into the well had become imperfect versions of Sadako. They attack Akane, but with stealth and resistance, Akane prevails against the imperfect Sadakos.

When she arrives at the center of the derelict building, she discovers Takanori had been trapped in a mobile phone at the center of the room. A legion of imperfect Sadakos arrive, but her fear triggers her telekinetic powers, which decimates them. Akane is transported to the roof where the "real" Sadako has been waiting. Sadako says they are exactly the same, which Akane denies; Sadako uses her powers to destroy, while she helps people. Seeing Takanori with a knife to his throat, Akane trades herself for his life. Sadako agrees and goes into her. Akane is overlain with a large amount of the ghost's hair and is buried inside it.

Takanori, now free from Sadako's thrall, destroys the phone. The roof gives and Akane drops to the floor below covered in Sadako's hair, but she escapes alive. In a mid-credits scene, it was shown that just outside the building beside the well, Kashiwada's landlord moves away and her words, "Isn't it all artificial?" echo. In the post-credits scene, the intro to Kashiwada's video plays again, but his introduction changes: "Here we go again".

Natsuiro Kiseki

At a Shinto shrine in Shimoda, there is a large rock. It is said that if four close friends gather around the rock and they all wish for the same thing, that wish will come true. As four friends, Natsumi, Saki, Yuka and Rinko, gather around the rock like they used to in their childhood, they soon find the rock can indeed grant people's wishes. With only a short amount of time before Saki is due to transfer schools, the girls spend a summer filled with magic.

Sengoku Collection

;Game The story is set in the tumultuous Sengoku Era of historical Japan, when military masters circle the figurative throne of Japan's first shogunate. In the game, "God of War Cards" have been sealed in six hidden treasures, and fighting breaks out among those who seek the treasures. As a new military master, the player embarks on a journey to obtain the treasures by clearing quests and fighting bosses.

;Anime In a different timeline, female versions of generals from the Sengoku period vie for power. One day, a mysterious light sends Oda Nobunaga and several other generals to the modern day world. As each of the generals adapts to this new lifestyle, Nobunaga goes on a quest to seek out the other generals and retrieve their secret treasures in order to return home.

G.G. (Gossip Girl)

The episode begins with a musical dream sequence of Serena (Blake Lively), featuring herself as Marilyn Monroe singing "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" and Blair (Leighton Meester) as Audrey Hepburn. Everyone prepares for the wedding of Blair to Prince Louis Grimaldi of Monaco (Hugo Becker). Father Cavilla (Marc Menard) visits Chuck (Ed Westwick) to tell him the plan to ruin the wedding – Father Cavilla will replace Father Smythe who will mistakenly have taken sleeping pills, and when he asks during the ceremony if anyone has any objection to the marriage, Chuck will tell that Blair is still in love with him. Though he first agreed on helping him, Chuck changes his mind because he doesn't want to destroy Blair's dream and only wants her happiness.

Georgina Sparks (Michelle Trachtenberg), who has just come back in New York, then teams up with the priest in an act of revenge for everything Blair has done to her in the past. In the meantime, Serena continues to show an interest in Dan (Penn Badgley), even though he is still unaware of her love. Nate (Chace Crawford) reflects on his past failed relationships, while also taking an interest in Lola, who happens to be the real Charlie Rhodes. Blair 's mother tries to dissuade her from marrying Louis but she doesn't want to listen to her so she finds help in Chuck, who agrees to try to convince Blair to stop the wedding. Meanwhile, Georgina tries to seduce Louis and have her husband film it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as Rufus and Lily stop her.

Before the ceremony, Chuck talks to Blair who professes her undying love for him -which has been filmed by Georgina- but still refuses to call off the wedding. During the ceremony, someone sends the video of the discussion between Blair and Chuck to everyone's cell phones. The ceremony is temporarily suspended until Blair comes back to the aisle determined to marry Louis. As a result, she becomes ''Her Serene Highness, Princess Blair of Monaco''. At the reception, Serena tells Dan how she feels about him but quickly leaves before he can answer. During their last dance, Louis reveals to Blair that it will be a loveless, contracted marriage. After hearing that, Blair runs away in a limousine with Dan at the wheel. At the end of the episode, the identity of Gossip Girl is seemingly revealed to be Georgina Sparks.

Liar Game: Reborn

College graduate Shinomiya is delivered 100 million yen and an invitation to the restarted Liar Game. If she does not participate, she must return the money with an additional monetary penalty. She begs for help from her psychology professor, Akiyama (the last winner of the Liar Game) but he seems unsympathetic. Shinomiya is picked up by the organizers and transported to the location hosting the Liar Game. Former Liar Game player Fukunaga informs Akiyama of Shinomiya's plight while inviting him back to Liar Game. Akiyama thus returns to compete.

This edition of the Liar Game features a variant of musical chairs, starting with twenty players and fifteen chairs. Players (including eliminated ones) elect a representative after each round, who removes one of the numbered chairs from the game. Each player receives twenty tokens; each of the winning player's tokens is worth 100 million yen. Losing players must pay 200 million to the organizers. The players protest since they were only given 100 million with the invitation; they fear going into debt. The game is observed by Fukunaga and Tanimura.

The first round eliminates eight players. Shinomiya was tricked by Yasukawa but saved by Sakamaki; both of whom were former Liar Game players. Alliances are formed to win the elections and eliminate numbered chairs of other groups. Religious cult leader Harimoto has a team of five. Kiryu joins forces with Inuzuka and Sarukawa. Shinomiya groups with Akiyama, Sakamaki and Yasukawa, as well as eliminated players Emi and Akagi. The remaining six eliminated also form a group.

The groups of Harimoto and Kiryu work together to outnumber Akiyama's group. Yasukawa threatens to betray, so Akiyama has him eliminated; he joins Kiryu's group. Akiyama orders his group not to vote, resulting in Harimoto and Kiryu's groups turning on each other. Akiyama solicits the votes of the eliminated group, but they instead vote for Shinomiya, who Emi had urged to betray Akiyama. Shinomiya got their votes by offering her own tokens, later the other groups also do so to entice the eliminated group. Emi betrays Shinomiya; it is revealed that she is a spy for Harimoto.

With Sakamaki eliminated, Akiyama disposes of his tokens to assure other players that his team's remaining hope is Shinomiya. She gives her tokens to all players, altruistically urging them to help her win, then her tokens given to them can pay off their debts. The other players reject this plan. Kiryu taunts Shinomiya; she slaps him and is eliminated for using violence, seemingly ending the hopes of Akiyama's group.

Kiryu and Harimoto battle for the votes of the eliminated players' group with token bribes. Kiryu outmaneuvers and eliminates Harimoto by exposing that Harimoto intended his teammate Sakai to win, rendering Harimoto's given tokens useless.

The game comes down to Akiyama, Kiryu, Sakai, and Sarukawa. Sakai deceives Kiryu so that both are eliminated. Akiyama also eliminates himself, so Sarukawa is the winner. What had occurred was that Akiyama enticed Inuzuka to betray her group and hand over Sarukawa's tokens. Akiyama then bribed Inuzuka, Sakai and the eliminated players with Sarukawa's tokens - these players received the prize money instead of Sarukawa, who had none of his own tokens. Earlier, Shinomiya purposely eliminated herself so that other players would trust that Akiyama's team was genuinely aiming for a Sarukawa win.

All the players who received money decide to fully pay off their former allies' debts - thus no player profited or lost money. Fukunaga, Tanimura and the players celebrate the result. Akiyama denies that he entered the game to help Shinomiya, to which she responds that he is a poor liar.

Central Park (1932 film)

Two destitute New Yorkers meet in Central Park to then get separated after getting involved with some gangsters. The gangsters pose as police officers to make money. The two New Yorkers are reunited in the end

The Secret Game

As described in a film magazine, Kitty Little (Vidor), a German spy under the direction of Dr. Ebell Smith (Ogle), is employed by Major John Northfield (Holt). The spies are anxious to obtain information on the sailing dates of transport ships. Nara-Nara (Hayakawa), a clever Japanese spy, is on the trail of the German spies and suspects Northfield of dishonesty. However, a letter makes him suspect Kitty, whom he has grown to love. Northfield, who also loves Kitty and also suspects her, as a test gives her a blank letter which he tells her to mail as it contains transport sailing dates. Kitty takes the letter to Smith. Nara-Nara follows and in a struggle kills Smith. He then endeavors to force Kitty to go away with him, but she reminds him of his ambition to keep his sword clean and he leaves her. While going to examine the body of Smith, Nara-Nara is killed by one of Smith's accomplices. Northfield comes to Kitty, who is in receipt of a letter from her brother in the German trenches that states he is to be shot for shielding women and children. Kitty becomes a true American and the fiance of Northfield.

Outer Touch

Aliens from Betelgeuse crash-land on Earth in their malfunctioning cargo ship. Their arrival draws the attention of four sexually-frustrated humans in a nearby park: Oliver and Prudence (a mild-mannered professional and his highly-strung fiancée), Willy (a bumbling shop assistant) and Cliff (a middle-aged man walking his dog). Oliver, Prudence, Willy and Cliff wander into the ship and encounter its all-female crew: engineer Partha, nurse Cosia and the captain, known as Skipper. Willy inadvertently drops some pornographic magazines that he has just bought. The aliens mistake a herd of approaching cows for a hostile force and hurriedly take off despite the computer's warnings about the fragile state of the ship's systems.

Resuming their original course, the aliens study their guests in detail. Fascinated by the anatomy of the males, they decide to sell them to a zoo for exotic lifeforms on a distant planet. They also debate the significance of the acts depicted in Willy's magazines. Partha is particularly keen to emulate them and enthusiastically has sex with Cliff. However, Cliff soon regrets this decision as he physically cannot keep up with the energetic Partha, who has gained an extreme liking for sex and wants to have it with him non-stop, forcing Cliff to flee the room.

Skipper, Cosia and Partha subject the males to a series of tests to learn more about their abilities. Oliver and Cliff fail miserably, but Willy, searching for his magazines, beats Skipper's combat simulation by unknowingly evading her attacks, causing her to collapse with exhaustion. While conducting a physical examination on Willy, Cosia discovers that his biology is more advanced than anything known to their species. Intriguing Cosia with exaggerated claims about his sexual prowess, Willy loses his virginity to her. Later, he passes an intelligence test by a fluke and has sex with Partha.

In the ship's recreation area, Oliver seeks relationship advice from an artificial intelligence resembling a Wurlitzer jukebox. At the Wurlitzer's suggestion, he adopts a "caveman" approach to seducing Prudence. Shocked by her fiancé's behaviour, Prudence runs to a luxurious bedroom, where she immediately relaxes and willingly has sex with him. Meanwhile, Cliff tries to avoid Partha's advances but ends up getting himself trapped in a chair-like machine that the aliens use for sexual intercourse, which causes him excruciating pain.

Awed by Willy's assumed physical and intellectual superiority, the aliens propose to return the others to Earth but take him with them. Willy is reluctant to leave his planet behind but agrees when Skipper, wanting to confirm Cosia and Partha's findings for herself, allows him to seduce her. The ship touches down safely and Oliver, Prudence and Cliff depart. However, the subsequent launch causes a fatal overload and the ship explodes, killing Willy and the three aliens. The disembodied voices of the computer and the Wurlitzer are left stranded in space.

Prey (1977 film)

At night, a carnivorous, shape-shifting alien named Kator lands in the woods of rural England. The vanguard of an invasion force, his mission is to evaluate the suitability of humans as a source of food for his species. Stumbling across Anderson and Sandy, a couple having a tryst in their parked car, he kills both and assumes the appearance of Anderson. The next morning, he encounters Jessica-Ann and Josephine, a lesbian couple who live in a nearby manor house. Although Jessica owns the property, having inherited it from her Canadian parents, the dominant of the pair is Jo, who is unusually possessive of Jessica and deeply suspicious of men. Simon, Jessica's boyfriend, has mysteriously disappeared. The women are vegetarians and live in seclusion with only a few chickens and a pet parrot, Wally, for company.

Calling himself Anders, and feigning an injured leg, Kator is taken in by Jessica and Jo. His arrival immediately causes friction between the two. Bored of her monotonous existence, Jessica welcomes the stranger's arrival. Jo, however, openly resents his presence and suggests that the socially-awkward Anders is an escapee from a psychiatric hospital (which she is herself). Later, having returned to the spot where he killed Anderson and Sandy, Kator kills and partly devours two policemen who are examining the couple's abandoned car. Back at the house, Jessica finds a knife and bloodstained clothes in a spare bedroom; recognising the latter as Simon's, she realises that he was murdered by Jo.

The next morning, Jo is furious to discover that all the chickens have been slaughtered. Blaming a local fox, she lays traps for the animal and goes after it with a rifle, assisted by Jessica and Kator. When the hunt fails, Kator tracks and kills the fox on his own and presents it to Jessica and Jo as a trophy. The trio celebrate with a champagne party for which Jo dresses Kator in drag. A subsequent game of hide-and-seek brings out more of the hunter in Kator. Later, Jo is disturbed to find the fox carcass stripped bare and realises that the animal was not caught in a trap as she and Jessica thought. Jessica angrily rejects her warnings about Anders, interpreting Jo's fear as jealousy and revealing that she knows the truth about Simon.

The next morning, Jo arms herself with her knife and stalks Kator as he hunts swans on a nearby river. Her attempt to eliminate him is thwarted when she's called for by Jessica, who notices her gone she wakes up. Kator starts to drown when he walks into the river, alerting Jessica with his screams. Jessica and Jo rescue Kator and take him back to the house. While the two women clean themselves up, Kator kills and consumes Wally, Jessica's bird who he had been eyeing before. Jessica tells Jo that she is no longer willing to be controlled and is leaving with Anders. Outraged, Jo knocks Jessica unconscious and runs into the woods to dig a grave for her. On waking, Jessica seduces Kator. As they start to have sex, Kator's predatory instincts are stirred, causing him to revert to his natural form and tear open Jessica's throat, killing her. Having returned to the house, Jo attempts to flee but falls into the open grave just as Kator catches up with her, and she screams as the scene fades to black.

Some time later, Kator leaves the house and calls his mother ship on an alien transceiver. Hungrily watching two girls walk along the river, he advises his superiors to dispatch more of his kind to Earth.

Terror (1978 film)

Three hundred years ago, the witch Mad Dolly is captured on the orders of Lord Garrick. She is about to be burned at the stake when she invokes the Devil, causing one of her executioners to catch fire. Garrick rushes back to his house, where a disembodied arm bursts through a wall and strangles him. Lady Garrick is confronted by a sword-wielding Mad Dolly, who beheads her and curses the family's descendants.

Credits roll, revealing that these scenes form the ending of a horror film directed by James Garrick – the last of the Garrick line with his cousin Ann. James is hosting a preview screening for Ann, an aspiring actress, and their friends at the largely unchanged Garrick house, which he now owns. He believes his film to be based on true events and has also inherited Mad Dolly's sword.

Gary, a mesmerist, hypnotises Ann as a party trick. Ann picks up the sword and swings it at James in her trance, wounding him slightly. After being overpowered by the other guests, she comes to her senses and leaves the house. When James's friend Carol departs, she is stabbed to death in the surrounding woods by an unseen assailant. Ann returns to her hostel in London with bloodstained hands, observed by her roommate Suzy.

Other murders and strange deaths follow. At the strip club where Ann and her friends work as waitresses, a patron is ejected by the bouncer after groping Ann; on returning home, he is thrown onto a row of spiked railings and dismembered. At James's film studio, an overhead lamp falls to the floor and crushes Les, a short-tempered director trying to shoot a sex film called ''Bathtime with Brenda''. Viv – the title character and one of Ann's friends – is stabbed to death at the hostel. Ann visits James's assistant Philip at the studio and tells him that she has no memory of her attack on James or how she got home on the night that Carol was murdered. After she leaves, Philip is attacked by flying props and equipment and decapitated by a falling sheet of glass.

Ann flees the hostel when she finds Suzy being questioned by police about her and Viv. An officer pursues her but is repeatedly run over and crushed by his car, which is being driven by a supernatural force. While making her way to the Garrick house, Ann is caught in unusually strong winds and takes refuge in a parked car but is forced to jump out when the vehicle inexplicably rises into the air. Reaching the house, she experiences bizarre visions and sees various objects moving of their own accord. She is then startled by the sudden arrival of an unseen figure and strikes him down with an axe, only then to discover that she has killed James. The spirit of Mad Dolly re-appears, cackling, as her sword flies across the room and fatally impales Ann against a wall.

The Idol Dancer

Mary (Seymour) is the daughter of a French man and a Javanese mother and enjoys dancing. She has two lovers, one being a beachcomber (Barthelmess) who was tossed off a passing ship for failing to work and desires only to drink gin. The other is a sickly young American (Hale) who has come to the island in hope of regaining his health and is staying with his missionary uncle (MacQuarrie) and his wife (Bruce). Natives from a neighboring island attack. The beachcomber reforms and Mary comes to love him.

Rich (Skins series 6)

Rich has been desperately waiting for Grace, who is in a coma after the car crash in the previous episode, to wake up, having been barred from visiting her by her father, David Blood. Despite the best efforts of Alo and his friend O'Malley to get Rich involved in a band, Grace's condition occupies Rich's mind permanently, and even causes him to alienate his parents. Eventually, though, he receives a phone call from Grace, and rushes to the hospital to come and see her. After managing to sneak in through a vent, the two begin to kiss, but Blood walks in and has Rich escorted from the premises, revealing that he is taking Grace to Switzerland, ostensibly to keep her away from Rich. Rich is upset and, the next day, goes to Blood's house to try and reason with him to let Grace stay, only to find that the Bloods have already left. Devastated, he breaks into their house, and discovers an old collection of film reels, which turn out to be Grace's baby videos, and he occupies his time watching them.

Days later, Alo comes knocking, having worked out that Rich is staying in the house, and offers support. They squat there with a bag of weed and begin trashing the house. However, Rich continues to be occupied by his pain at not seeing Grace, which is made even worse when Mini turns up at the house to have sex with Alo. Rich attempts to call the hospital in Switzerland, but Blood picks up the phone and tells Rich off. Nonetheless, he receives another call from Grace, and tells her to meet him in Paris. Rich's temper reaches boiling point when Alo moves the band stuff into the house, and in his rage, he begins to destroy the instruments. He then has an argument with Alo over his having sex with Mini, and when he makes a harsh comment, their argument becomes a fistfight. Depressed, Rich contacts Liv, who is shocked to discover that Grace had awoken from her coma and nobody had bothered to call her. She in turn informs Franky, and the three resolve to go to Paris to find Grace (since Franky is fluent in French). Alo reveals that he has arranged a band gig at the Bloods' house, and that if they charge a £5 entrance fee, they can get to Paris in Alo's van. During the gig, however, Rich begins to see Grace in the crowd, and runs after her. He makes it up to her room, and finds her in bed. Relieved, the two begin to have sex.

Then next morning, however, Rich wakes up in an empty bed, finding the house wrecked and empty. He hears his phone ringing outside, picks it up and answers a call from Grace, who cryptically tells him that she has to go, and comments that "it's so beautiful, out here." When the call ends, Rich looks at the phone to find that it is broken. He returns inside, where Blood has returned home. Rich learns that Grace had not even come out of her coma — meaning that his visions of her and the phonecalls were just hallucinations. Blood acknowledges the damage that has been done to his house but is unfazed by it, and, through tears, informs Rich that Grace has died.

Men (1918 film)

As described in the ''Exhibitors Herald'', a film magazine of the time, the plot was the following. Laura Burton (Lehr) refuses the love of an honest artist to accept the flattering attentions of Roger Hamilton (Cain), a society pet. In due time, however, she finds that she has been betrayed and returns to her mother (Walker). She reads of Hamilton's engagement to Alice Fairbanks (McCoy) who, in reality, is her sister adopted by the Fairbanks in childhood. Laura and her mother arrive in time to prevent the completion of the ceremony. Hamilton is denounced, Alice is free to marry the man she loves, and the young artist returns to claim Laura.


A skilled martial artist is murdered by traitors during the late Goryeo era and resurrects as the iron-eating monster Bulgasari to seek revenge.

Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie

Following his encounter with his mother, Naruto has returned to the Hidden Leaf. He and the rest of the Konoha 11, led by Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, drive off a group of White Zetsu posing as fallen Akatsuki members. Upon their return, everyone's parents decide to have their children recommended to become jonin, with the exception of Naruto due to his parents being deceased, and Sakura Haruno, whose parents Kizashi and Mebuki dismiss her capabilities. Naruto begins to feel depressed about not having had parents growing up, leading him to lash out at Iruka Umino. Sakura, after arguing with Mebuki, later uses Naruto as an excuse to avoid her. Alone at the park, the two are confronted by Tobi (who at this point they believe to be Madara Uchiha), who proceeds to blind them with a great light before fleeing.

Regaining their senses, Naruto and Sakura discover the world around them significantly changed: their friends' personalities are the polar opposite of their original demeanors; Sasuke Uchiha never left the village and is now a womanizer; Naruto is referred to by others as "Menma"; no one knows who Madara is; and Kizashi was the Fourth Hokage, him and Mebuki sacrificing their lives to seal the Nine-Tails inside Menma, leading Sakura to become adored as the "Child of Heroes". It is revealed that Tobi subjected them to a genjutsu-based, limited version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Limited Tsukuyomi, in the hopes of claiming the Nine-Tails without resorting to the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Naruto and Sakura begin investigating the world in the hopes of finding a way back home, but Sakura begins relishing her lack of parents and newfound fame. They eventually meet with Tsunade, who reveals the existence of a masked ninja who has been attacking villages in order to obtain an object called the Red Moon Scroll; Jiraiya found and hid the scroll before being killed by the Masked Man. With the location known, Tsunade assigns a mission to find it, being led by Naruto's parents Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, who never died due to the Harunos' sacrifice and are active, regular ninja. Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and Guy also join the mission (the former two hoping to use the scroll to escape the Limited Tsukuyomi), but Naruto becomes enraged at his parents' presence, believing Tobi to be taunting him, and refuses to reciprocate when they show him affection.

During the mission, the team is attacked by Jiraiya's toads, who never developed a kinship with Minato and Naruto and thus treat the group as intruders. In the ensuing fight, Kushina injures her ankle trying to shield Naruto from a poison attack. Minato eventually obtains the scroll, and Sakura heals Kushina. Naruto's parents lecture and console him over the turn of events, overwhelming Naruto with emotion. Upon learning the scroll can only be activated during a red lunar eclipse, Naruto and Sakura realize they have to wait till then. Sakura soon begins to realize the loneliness Naruto felt as an orphan, while Naruto accepts the fake Minato and Kushina as his parents and begins enjoying spending time with them.

The village is then attacked by the Masked Man, having allied himself with Tobi, who has used an incorporeal form to observe the Limited Tsukuyomi, The Masked Man captures Sakura to hold ransom for the Red Moon Scroll, then proceeds to destroy the village. Naruto attempts to leave to save Sakura, but Minato and Kushina hold him back. Realizing they are not like his actual parents, Naruto reveals his true identity to them and thanks them for spending time with him. Wearing Kizashi's Hokage cloak, he takes the Red Moon Scroll and leaves to save Sakura and face the Masked Man, finding them at an old training ground used by Jiraiya and Minato.

While the Akatsuki - a group of mercenaries led by Itachi Uchiha in this universe - dispatch the Masked Man's puppets, Naruto battles against the Masked Man, who is revealed to be the real Menma. Menma absorbs the defeated masked beasts to manifest the Black Nine-Tails, with the Nine-Tails making a temporary truce with Naruto to defeat its counterpart. However, this all plays to Tobi's plan as he possesses Menma so he can personally extract the weakened Nine-Tails from Naruto while completely wiping his mind. Sakura saves Naruto before the Nine-Tails is extracted from him, and Naruto regains his memories from looking at the scroll. Naruto and Sakura, along with assistance from Minato and Kushina, then force Tobi out of Menma and undo the Limited Tsukuyomi. Once back in their reality, after informing Tsunade of their ordeal, Sakura tearfully reunites with her parents while Naruto makes amends with Iruka and realizes he already has a family in his friends.

The Cat (1977 film)

Amedeo Pegoraro (Ugo Tognazzi) and his sister Ofelia (Mariangela Melato) are the greedy dual landlords of a run-down apartment building with few tenants left. The siblings are constantly fighting. Due to a real estate company offering one billion lira for the building on the condition that it has no tenants, Amedeo and Ofelia harass and spy on their tenants to goad them into leaving, or find justification to evict them. Amedeo is drawn to, but refuses the advances of, Wanda Yukovich (Dalila Di Lazzaro), a young and attractive secretary who works for Legrand (Jean Martin), a corrupt businessman. Amedeo and Ofelia find their pet cat dead, which was disliked by many tenants for its mischief. The siblings begin to investigate the death of the cat, hoping to evict the culprit; meanwhile, Police Commissioner Francisci (Michel Galabru) becomes more and more exasperated by their antics.

Amedeo suspects The Princess (Adriana Innocenti) due to gunshots being fired at the cat and her being experienced with firearms; after reporting this to the police, her apartment is raided and revealed to be an illegal brothel. After no gunshot wounds are found on the cat's body, Amedeo searches the apartment of a group of musicians while Ofelia unsuccessfully tries to seduce the priest Don Pezzolla (Philippe Leroy). After discovering cocaine, Amedeo reports the musicians to the Guardia di Finanza, leading to their arrest for drug trafficking.

While investigating the apartment of Don Vito Garofalo, a mafia boss, Amedeo discovers bloodstains, and he and Ofelia follow two suspicious men who were in the apartment. After finding a corpse in the trunk of the two men's car, the siblings follow them to a beachfront home owned by a male politician who was in a relationship with Salvatore (Aldo Reggiani), Don Garofalo's gay butler. There, the two men dump Salvatore's body, attempting to frame the murder as a crime of passion. Ofelia writes anonymous threatening letters to the remaining tenants that state that 'we know your secret', which is seen as an empty threat by most of the tenants, but Paul Herdigher, an American journalist, takes it seriously and commits suicide. Ofelia discovers that the cat was poisoned by Wanda, and confronts her at work, only for Legrand to attempt to bribe the siblings to drop the case. Instead of accepting the bribe, Ofelia gives her testimony in the trial of Legrand. Ofelia explains to the court that the cat was poisoned as Wanda fed her dinner to it as she had suspected someone had poisoned her food, as she had incriminating recordings of Don Garofalo and Legrand.

Don Garofalo sends an assassin to kill Wanda, who eludes him and attempts to flee the country, Amedeo follows her, and receives the incriminating tapes from her. After the tapes are played in court, Don Garofalo is immediately arrested. Don Pezzolla moves out of his apartment after Ofelia writes obscene letters to the Bishop about Don Pezzola, and he gets transferred elsewhere as a result. With all tenants out of the building, the siblings return to the real estate company's lawyer to receive their money, only for Wanda to return to live in her apartment, and the lawyer promptly rips up their checks.

Talcum Powder (film)

Sergio Benvenuti (Carlo Verdone) is a meek and timid young man who works as a door-to-door salesman; naturally, his disposition makes incredibly hard for him to convince potential customers to subscribe to the offers he peddles.

Desperate to improve his sales' rate, he asks for the help of a more outgoing and successful colleague, Nadia, who agrees to take him with her to 'show him the ropes' of a successful sales pitch.

Due to a mishap Sergio reaches alone the abode of a colorful, over-the-top character, who introduces himself as 'Manuel Fantoni' and entertains him with tall tales about his incredible life and his intimate acquaintance with lots of Italian and American celebrities.

Oblivious of the appointment with the belated Nadia, Sergio is fascinated by Manuel's stories and spend the day listening to him, and believing everything, until the sudden arrival of the police to arrest the strange character. 'Manuel' is revealed to actually be 'Cesare Cuticchia', a much-less-glamorous petty criminal, guilty of a series of misdemeanors>

Before being led away in manacles, Manuel/Cesare asks Sergio to 'keep an eye' on his house. For the timid young man this is the chance to "impersonate" Manuel, and to play, for once in his life, the role of the uber-cool, mysterious and affluent romantic anti-hero. At this point Nadia arrives to the appointment. Since she has never seen him in person, Sergio manages to easily assume the new fake identity, and he fascinates her by repeating the same tall tales. He also boast personal friendship with her favorite singer Lucio Dalla, hugely successful at the time. Being a huge fan of the performer, Nadia begs Sergio/Manuel to arrange their meeting, in the hope to also propose to Dalla a few new songs of her own and maybe get a head-start as a musician herself.

Caught in his own web of lies, Sergio doesn't dare to reveal the truth and tries to buy time with excuses. Meanwhile he rushes to visit Giuseppe in jail, asking him for advice and support in order not to disappoint the girl and therefore spoil his own romantic chances with her.

Giuseppe of course laughs at Sergio's request, and reveals that all the signed photos in his apartment, including Lucio Dalla's, aren't evidence of any special familiarity within the show business in general or with that singer in particular. They simply hark back from a time when Giuseppe owned a small restaurant with many actors and musicians as customers, who often settled the bill by leaving their autographs. Nevertheless the shrewd and cunning con-man urges Sergio to keep the pretense up in order to bed Nadia, and to reveal only later the truth. This way of dealing with the situation appears to both intrigue and repel Sergio. For a while he continues the pretense of being Manuel, although this adds complications also in his own dealings with his fiance Rossella, a plain girl of modest culture and little charm, who wants desperately to marry him. Sergio has grown to loathe the idea, but he is also afraid of disappointing the expectations of Rossella's burly, coarse and violent father, Augusto (Mario Brega). Sergio continues with his attempt to seduce Nadia and to play the part of Manuel, as a last adventure before the unglamorous marriage. In the end a romantic dinner with Nadia is crashed by the thunderous arrival of Augusto and Rossella at Cesare's apartment, which culminates in Sergio's savage beating during which his true identity is revealed to both women.

Nadia leaves the premises entirely disillusioned. Several years later Sergio will meet her again, and they both find the other one caught up in a life which they don't enjoy. They finally exchange a deep, passionate and sincere kiss.

Fixing America

''Fixing America'' is a journey across the byways of America interviewing citizens who offer solutions to fix America's problems. ''Fixing America'' claims that the "ordinary" American people are those most suited to disentangle problems and crucial issues, saying that they are the ones who deal with complexity everyday, struggling to make ends meet and put their children through college.

In this documentary the interviewees offer simple ideas, without conveying the need for simplicity. They refer to the forefathers, the Constitution, and historical events during America's history. The documentary includes appearances from scholars such as professors Lawrence Kotlikoff, John Friar, and Khalil Habib; journalists such as Dylan Ratigan and Louie Free and activists such as Lew Ward, Grover Norquist, Steve Forbes, Robert Scott, Ned Ryun, and Scott Paul.

A Better Human Being

When Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) realizes that Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) is experiencing memories from the Olivia of his original timeline, he convinces her to allow his father Walter (John Noble) to examine her. They find nothing immediately wrong with her brain, but Walter takes some hair samples for testing. With Olivia out of earshot, Walter scolds Peter in the belief that Peter is—perhaps unintentionally—empathizing his memories onto Olivia, who as a child was highly emotionally attuned to others.

The Fringe division learns of a case of a teenager, Sean Martin (Harrison Thomas), in a mental institution who, while in a nighttime trance, reportedly related in perfect detail the distant murder of a reporter by three teenagers. Sean explains that he hears voices from "outside" his head, leading Walter to believe that some type of telepathy is involved. Sean's transcription of the voices he heard during the murder leads the team to a subway bathroom, where they discover blood from an assailant injured in the attack. Astrid (Jasika Nicole) stays with the boy as he is purposely taken off his medications, hoping to identify the voices that he hears.

Analysis of the assailant's blood does not produce an identity, but Walter realizes that the sample shares a similar genetic anomaly with Sean's DNA, a trait that can only be shared by common ancestry. Olivia and Lincoln (Seth Gabel) learn from Sean's mother that Sean was conceived by in vitro fertilisation, and that the deceased reporter had called her a few days before, looking into the process. Walter concludes that Sean is reading the thoughts of other in vitro children that share the same genetic trait and are protecting themselves like animals in a hive. The team locates the doctor that performed the process, Dr. Owen Frank (John Aylward). Dr. Frank admits that he modified and donated samples of his own DNA to re-introduce instinctive traits into humans, attempting to build "a better human being". Walter recognizes that the children who share this trait are likely killing to prevent their genetically modified nature from becoming public. Dr. Frank provides Olivia and Peter with the location of his files, unaware that several of his progeny have already arrived there and are lying in wait. As Olivia and Peter discover the destroyed files, Olivia mentions information from the original timeline that Peter was not privy to, which means he can't be projecting his own memories on to her. Meanwhile, Sean hears voices plotting to ambush the duo, and Astrid is able to alert Olivia in time for her and Peter to defend themselves and capture their attackers. However, a second pair of teenagers suffocates Dr. Frank. With the doctor dead, Sean is no longer able to hear any voices, a situation he both welcomes and fears.

Walter discovers from Olivia's hair samples that she has recently been given doses of Cortexiphan. He and Lincoln confront Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) and demand an inspection of Walter and William Bell's Cortexiphan samples, which were stored in Massive Dynamic's headquarters under biometric security measures. Nina shows them the vials, but Walter recognizes that the Cortexiphan inside has been replaced with food coloring, implicating Nina.

After completing the case, Olivia and Peter stop at a gas station on their way home. Olivia discusses the lifestyle they had in Peter's timeline and he confesses that he can tell from her eyes that Olivia is the same as from his original timeline. After a brief kiss, Olivia leaves the car to use the restroom, but Peter discovers that she has disappeared. Elsewhere, Olivia regains consciousness tied up in a tiled room, along with a fatigued Nina tied to a chair opposite her, telling her that everything is all right.


Opening sequence

Red Riding Hood is shown in the forest.

In the characters' past

In a small village in the Enchanted Forest, a happy, cloak-wearing Red Riding Hood (Meghan Ory) flirts with her love Peter (Jesse Hutch) through her window before being called away by her Granny (Beverley Elliott), also known as the Widow Lucas. A group of villagers show up at their cottage door, planning to go after a giant wolf that has been killing their sheep. Red asks if she can go, but Granny refuses to let her and tells her to stay inside with her cloak on—even after they secure their cottage. The following morning, Red goes to check on the chickens, only to come across a sleepy Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin). Red agrees to help Snow, who, being a fugitive, asks to be called Mary. When they go to the well for water, they notice the water is filled with blood and find a trail of slaughtered bodies left lying on the snowy ground. Later on, during a town hall meeting, Granny tells the citizens of her own encounter with another wolf, which killed her family 60 years earlier and left her with a scarred arm. She claims that there is no way anyone can kill the creature. Despite this, Red and a reluctant Snow decide to search for the wolf on their own.

Red, a superior tracker, finds the wolf prints, but they morph into human boot prints as the duo follow them. Worse, they lead to Red's window and the only person she remembers seeing there is Peter. That night, Red meets Peter to tell him he is a werewolf. She has to tie him up on full moon nights, but she will stay with him. Back at Granny's cottage, Granny finds Snow posing as Red in her cloak on her bed. Snow assures Granny they are safe since Red has Peter tied up. Granny is dismayed at this and explains that Red is the wolf and the curse has been passed among the family. Granny herself was a wolf but has lost most of her power due to age, though she can still track Red by scent. They find the tree where Red tied up Peter, but it is too late—she has already transformed and devoured him. Granny strikes Red with a silver-tipped arrow and orders Snow to put the cloak over her as it is magical and keeps the wearer from becoming a wolf. Red returns to her human form, confused at first, then horrified to discover what she has done. The hunting party closes in as Granny tells the girls to make their escape into the woods.

In Storybrooke

At the sheriff's office, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) asks David Nolan (Josh Dallas) a few questions about Kathryn's absence, but since there is no proof of a crime, she lets him go. Elsewhere at Granny's Diner, Ruby (Ory) is chatting with August (Eion Bailey), who tells her about his world travels. Granny calls her over and tells her to start the paperwork that comes with extra business. Ruby answers that she would rather see the world like August and quits her tedious job. Emma and Mary Margaret (Goodwin) run into Ruby trying to brush off Dr. Whale (David Anders), and get a ride out of town. They offer to take her home with them so she can figure things out. Mary Margaret later goes to the spot where Kathryn had disappeared and runs into David, who is now acting strange and keeps repeating over and over that he's looking for his wife, leaving Mary Margaret very concerned about his behavior.

Back in the sheriff's office, Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) helps Ruby look for jobs, such as being a bike courier. When Ruby answers the phone and takes messages for Emma, she applauds her for her help and offers her a job as her assistant. Ruby goes to pick up lunch for everyone just as Mary Margaret walks in to tell Emma everything that happened with David. At the diner, Ruby tries to flaunt how happy she is now, but Granny doesn't seem to buy it. She tells Ruby her new job is basically the same as her old one, majorly cutting down Ruby's confidence. When she returns with the food, Emma tells Ruby that she's going to do real police work and help her find David. They follow tracks in the woods when Ruby hears something. With Ruby in the lead, she and Emma find David groaning and barely conscious. He reveals that he doesn't remember anything since leaving the sheriff's office the previous night. At the same time, Ruby doesn’t know how she found him.

In the hospital, Dr. Whale tells David and Emma that there is a good chance he was asleep during the whole ordeal and it might have been the same thing as when he came out of his coma. Regina (Lana Parrilla) then barges in, being David's emergency contact, and immediately tells Emma to leave. In the hall, Emma calls Ruby, telling her to go to the Toll Bridge and see if she finds anything. There, Ruby uses her unknown senses and instincts to find a box buried under a washed-up piece of wood. She screams in horror when she sees what is inside of the box. Back in the office, Emma opens the box. She tells Ruby she did a good job, but Ruby doesn't feel cut out for the excitement of police work. Ruby goes to the diner where she talks to Granny who reveals that the markings on her arm are here in Storybrooke and that her arm bothers her once a month. Granny tells Ruby she had asked her to learn every part of running the diner so that when she retires, she can leave the diner to her. Granny wants to leave it to someone who loves it as well. After hugging her, Ruby gets her job back and turns down Emma's job offer.

At David's place of work, he paces in the lobby with Mary Margaret trying to calm him down. Emma comes in to tell them about the box, which contained a human heart and fingerprints inside. David reacts right away, telling Emma to put him in handcuffs, but she stops him to reveal that the fingerprints belong to another suspect, Mary Margaret.

Heart of Darkness (Once Upon a Time)

Opening sequence

Jiminy Cricket waves to us from in the forest.

In the characters' past

In the Enchanted Forest, King George's men catch up with Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and Red Riding Hood (Meghan Ory). To cover the prince's escape, Red throws off her cloak under the full moon, which lets her transform into the wolf. Back in the cottage, Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) is humming "With a Smile and a Song," seemingly content, until she spots a bluebird, which she swats violently. Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) enters to ask her to come to dinner, but it turns out that the dwarves have arranged an intervention with the help of Jiminy Cricket (Raphael Sbarge). They explain to Snow that she has been angry and unfriendly since she drank the amnesia potion. Snow blames her ire on the Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla), and decides to take revenge on her instead. Snow learns that the Queen will soon be en route to her summer palace.

Grumpy hopes to find a potion that will reverse Snow's predicament, but is told by Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) that "no potion can bring back true love," saying that "if you can bottle love, you can do ''anything''." Snow tells Rumpelstiltskin that she does not desire to have her love back anyway, but instead wants his help in killing the Queen, so he gives her a magical bow and arrow. After Snow has left, Charming asks Rumpelstiltskin to undo the potion. Rumpelstiltskin reminds him that true love's kiss can break any spell and gives him a map of Snow's whereabouts in exchange for Charming's cloak. Hours later in the woods, Charming ambushes her from behind, kissing her passionately. However, Snow still does not remember who he is, and knocks him unconscious and ties him to a tree. Moments later Jiminy arrives and sets Charming free, then mentions that Snow is not going to remember who Charming is until she remembers herself.

Snow prepares to strike the Queen riding out in the open but Charming dives into the arrow's path taking it in the shoulder. Charming reminds Snow that he would die for her, which Snow is touched by. He then kisses her again and she begins to remember, but their reunion is short-lived as King George's army finds Charming and Snow, as Snow is shoved away while Charming is put into a moving prison. Snow swears she will find him and as she returns to the Dwarfs' cottage to apologize for her actions towards them, the dwarves forgive her and agree to help with their plans to rescue Charming. Meanwhile, Rumpelstiltskin takes a hair from Charming's cloak and pairs it with Snow's hair, then bottles it successfully, labeling it "True Love."

In Storybrooke

At the Sheriff's office, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), despite believing Mary Margaret's (Goodwin) innocence in Kathryn's (Anastasia Griffith) murder, photographs Mary Margaret for her mug shots. Regina (Parrilla) joins the two as Emma questions Mary Margaret. Emma pulls out the box that the heart was found in. To Mary Margaret's surprise, it is her jewelry box and states it must have been stolen. Regina states that she does not believe her. Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) says that Regina has a motive: she hates Snow White. Emma finds no signs of a break-in, but hears rattling coming from the heating vent. Upon opening it, she finds a hunter's knife inside, which matches the weapon that was used in the murder.

Later on at Granny's, August (Eion Bailey) approaches Henry to talk to him. August tells Henry that he believes that his book could be more than just stories. August says he has come to make people like Emma believe, but Emma won't go off of blind faith; she needs proof. August then hints that the answers to Henry's problems are instead in the book itself. Despite Emma's reservations about Mr. Gold (Carlyle), Mary Margaret hires him as her lawyer. Later, Henry finds the ring of keys in Regina's office and shows them to Emma, telling her that he thinks Regina used the keys to get into their apartment to steal the jewelry box and plant the hunting knife. Emma has a hard time believing him until Henry uses one of the keys to open the door.

Meanwhile, David (Dallas) speaks with Regina, saying that he believes in Mary Margaret's innocence. Regina tells him that everyone has a dark side. David accuses himself, blaming his blackouts. During a session with Archie (Sbarge), David goes under hypnosis to remember what happened during the blackouts, and has a flashback to the Enchanted Forest, where he is telling Snow not to murder the Evil Queen. He tells Mary Margaret about the vision but doesn't realize that this is a flashback to the Enchanted Forest, not the Storybrooke woods. When he asks Mary Margaret whether or not she killed Kathryn, Mary Margaret tells him to leave, upset that he does not believe her. Not long after the confrontation, Mary Margaret discovers a key in her cell. Emma tells Mary Margaret that the DNA test results came back and the heart was Kathryn's, but tells Mary Margaret she believes Mary Margaret is being framed. However, Emma states that they must keep this idea a secret in order to have an advantage over Regina. Afterwards, Emma approaches Mr. Gold for help in the case, determined to prove that Regina is behind the murder. At the end of the episode, Mary Margaret's jail cell is shown to be empty.

The Stable Boy

Opening sequence

A young Regina rides on a horse through the forest.

In Storybrooke

A week before Kathryn Nolan's (Anastasia Griffith) disappearance and suspected murder, Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) and Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) plot to frame Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) for the crime. While Regina plays with the ring Daniel gave her while staring out the window, Mr. Gold asks her for a favor in getting District Attorney Albert Spencer to drop the battery charges against him, and in return he offers her an idea on how to inflict pain upon Mary Margaret. It also turns out that Mr. Gold and Regina know what happens to people when they try to leave town. When Regina asks how she can trust him, Mr. Gold truthfully responds that he always honors his agreements.

A week later, Elsewhere, Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) comes out of the diner as David Nolan (Josh Dallas) catches up with her where he tries to apologize for saying that Mary Margret was guilty, but Emma informs him that she needs a miracle. Back in the sheriff's office, Mary Margaret is woken by Regina, who offers her a chance to confess, but Mary Margaret stands by her innocence. Regina tells her that confession or not, she is leaving Storybrooke. Later that morning, Emma, Mr. Gold, and Mary Margaret talk about the upcoming case, where Mr. Gold suggest using their most valuable asset, Mary Margaret herself. Sidney Glass (Giancarlo Esposito) then arrives to say that he can’t find anything on Regina. Mary Margaret says she will talk to the district attorney, knowing she has nothing to hide. Unfortunately Regina shows up with Albert Spencer (Alan Dale), the DA and King George's Storybrooke counterpart. He then badgers Mary Margaret during questioning, eventually goading Mary Margaret into admitting she wanted Kathryn gone. Not pleased with Spencer's hostility, Mr. Gold ends the questioning early.

Hours later, Emma studies the book as August Booth (Eion Bailey) approaches her. Emma explains that she is struggling to prove Mary Margret's innocence, to which he suggests re-looking over what she has already done, causing Emma to re-evaluate the crime scenes. Emma finds a shard of shovel in the ground where the box containing Kathryn's heart was found. Henry Mills (Jared S. Gilmore) radios Emma via a walkie-talkie, explaining that Regina is in the shower and the key is under the mat. Emma and August search the garage and discover a broken shovel, revealing that Regina buried the box. Emma later returns with a search warrant to find that the shovel had been replaced. Emma then accuses August of telling Regina before walking away.

Back in the Sheriff's office, Mary Margaret cries in her cell when Regina comes in to gloat causing Mary Margaret to apologize for anything she did wrong, however Regina tells her she deserves this. Emma later talks to Mr. Gold, who tells her that there is still time for him to work a little magic. In frustration, Emma smashes the vase with the tulips that Sidney brought in, discovering a bug inside and realizes that Sidney was working with Regina. As August comes out of the diner, Emma approaches and apologizes for doubting him and shows him the bug when Ruby (Meghan Ory) screams out: Kathryn is lying in a nearby alley, dazed, yet very much alive.

In the Characters' Past

In the Enchanted Forest, a young Regina rides her horse as her father (Tony Perez) watches. However, her mother, Cora (Barbara Hershey), approaches and scolds her. Daniel (Noah Bean), the stable boy offers Regina a saddle, but Regina says she’s done riding for the day and begins to stomp away only for Cora to drag her back with magic. An angry Regina tells her to stop using her magic to control her. With that, Regina promises to be good. Later that evening, Regina meets up with Daniel and kisses him.

The next day, Daniel tells Regina to tell her parents about their love. Regina explains to Daniel that she is afraid of her mother’s magic, although Daniel counters that the magic of true love is more powerful. Meanwhile, a young Snow White (Bailee Madison) loses control of her horse nearby, prompting Regina to save her. Later on, Cora changes Regina into a ball gown using magic and explains that King Leopold (Richard Schiff) is coming to thank her for rescuing Snow White. King Leopold comes in and asks Regina for her hand in marriage as she is the first person to have taken an interest in Snow. Later that night, Regina asks Daniel for his hand in marriage, explaining her situation in the process, as well as suggesting that the only way out is to run.

Suddenly, Snow White walks into the stable to witness the pair kissing before running away. Regina manages to catch up to Snow after she trips and falls. When Snow asks why she was kissing Daniel, Regina explains that she loves Daniel and not her father and explains that true love is the most powerful type of magic. Snow smiles after the explanation but Regina makes her promise to keep this secret, to which Snow agrees.

The next day, Snow White is looking at the flowers and reaches up to grab one when Cora comes in and tells her to be gentle. As the two talk, Cora tells Snow White not to fear her, then asks the little girl why Regina has pulled away from her. Snow tells her to not make Regina get married if she wants her to be happy, and that she doesn't love her father. Not wanting Regina to lose her mother like she had, Snow tells Cora about Daniel.

That night, Regina runs into the stable where Daniel is ready to go to make their getaway. They embrace just before Cora arrives and locks the stable. Cora says she will not stop her and Regina hugs her with thanks, then takes Daniel aside and rips his heart out and crushes it, killing him. Regina falls to his side and asks her mother why she has done this, to which Cora tells her that it was because it was her happy ending. After Regina yells and screams of how she loved Daniel, Cora explains that love is weakness.

As Regina is being fitted for her wedding dress, Snow White walks in and tells her that she is the fairest of them all. Snow tells Regina about how she told her mother about Daniel. As Regina listens in horror, she turns and Snow notices how upset she is and she apologizes. Snow White asks Regina if she was mad, but Regina pretends to be happy and tells her no stating that she's happy, and lies that Daniel has left her so that they're both going to be a family. But after Snow White leaves, Regina's behavior starts to change. Cora walks into the room, while Regina guesses that Cora was the cause of Snow's wild horse. Regina then tells Cora that she should have let Snow White die on her horse, unaware the latter was tricked into revealing her relationship.

Kurenai no Tsuki

The hand of an Oni with a ring is found on the bed of a river. The police finds out that the hand belongs to a woman, missing for a month, and closes the case, but the husband can't believe that his wife was a monster and so he instructs the young detective Kouya Karasuma to investigate. While exploring the forest, the boy gets lost; it's already evening when he hears some voices and decides to ask for directions. He therefore ends on the edge of a pond where two girls are having a bath, but he faints due to fatigue. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a house: the two girls' mother tells him that, having seen them naked, he has to marry one of them, as required by the rules of Saginomiya family. Kouya asks for time to think, discovering that in the village there's a legend about the existence of an Oni and there are rumors that Saginomiya family is in some ways involved.

18 Miles Out

Randall, the teenager who Rick Grimes rescued, has fully recovered from his leg injury. Rick and Shane Walsh tie him up, gag him with duct tape and blindfold him, with plans to leave him at a school 18 miles from the farm. En route, Rick confronts Shane about what Lori has told him, including Shane's attraction to Lori and Shane's involvement in Otis' death.

At the school, they find a secure building and leave Randall there with a knife. As they leave, Randall pleads to take them back, and then says he had gone to school with Maggie Greene and knows her father Hershel, suggesting he knows the farm's location. Shane prepares to kill Randall, but Rick tackles him. During the fight that follows, Rick is able to defeat Shane, who angrily breaks a window that releases a horde of walkers in the building. Shane takes safety in a school bus while Rick rescues Randall back to their vehicle. After contemplating leaving Shane, Rick returns to help Shane get to safety as well. They tie up and gag Randall again and return with him to the farm. Rick tells Shane that he will need to follow his orders to remain part of the group.

At the farmhouse, Lori, Maggie, and Andrea are taking care of Maggie's younger sister Beth, who is now conscious. Maggie confides that Glenn has lost confidence because he feels their relationship made him lose focus at the shootout in the bar, hence Lori advises her to make Glenn "man up". The women eventually realize Beth has become suicidal and place her under suicide watch. Lori and Andrea argue; Andrea believes the decision to stay alive should be Beth's alone, while Lori strongly disagrees; Andrea and Lori criticize each other in the process.

Andrea then proceeds to take over responsibility for Beth, after convincing Maggie to take a break. She locks Beth inside the room, opens the bathroom door, and leaves Beth alone to make her own choice. She advises the pain will never subside, "but you make room for it". Beth attempts suicide by using a shard of broken mirror to cut her wrist, but Maggie and Lori manage to pry the bathroom door open in time to save Beth, who is bleeding profusely but relatively okay. Andrea returns to the house to check on Beth and is confronted by a furious Maggie. Andrea reasons that she allowed Beth to explore her choices, and Beth is now more convinced than ever that suicide is not an option. Maggie condemns Andrea's actions and forbids her from ever again setting foot inside the house.

Judge, Jury, Executioner

Daryl beats and interrogates Randall in the barn. Randall admits he comes from a larger group of men, who had once found and raped two girls in front of their father.

The group agrees that Randall is an imminent threat, and Rick Grimes believes he should be executed but waits until sunset. Dale finds most of the group agree with Rick's decision, and attempts to change their minds by appealing to their humanity, civilization and morality. Most agree with Rick's choice for various reasons, but Shane agrees to support Dale should he be able to convince the others to change their minds. Meanwhile, Beth has since recovered from her earlier suicide attempt. When Glenn comes to check on her condition, Hershel gives him a family heirloom representing his approval of Glenn's relationship with his daughter Maggie.

As the day progresses, Rick's son Carl becomes restless and sneaks into the barn to observe Randall. Randall tries to convince Carl to release him, before Shane discovers Carl's presence and scolds him. Outside, Carol attempts to cheer Carl up by reminding him Sophia is in heaven, but he lashes out at her, disgusted seeing Carol calm about losing her daughter. Carl ends up taking a gun from Daryl's stash and heading into the nearby swamp alone. He finds a walker half-stuck in mud, and taunts it by throwing rocks at it and then moves in close to shoot it in the head. The walker suddenly frees one of its legs and lurches forward; Carl panics and drops the gun before running back to camp, not telling anyone what happened.

At sunset, the group discusses Randall's fate, and Dale's arguments have failed to sway the group, and he storms out. Rick, Shane, and Daryl return to the barn and Rick prepares to shoot Randall when Carl runs in and urges his father to do it. Rick is horrified and stops the execution, much to Shane's annoyance.

Dale walks alone in the fields to cool off when he comes across a cow that has had its stomach gutted. Realizing the danger, he is about to head back when a walker attacks him. The group races towards his screams, and Daryl quickly dispatches the walker; Carl realizes it is the walker he found in the swamp. Hershel finds Dale's injures are too severe and he will not survive. The group agrees to euthanize Dale, but Rick himself cannot take the shot. Daryl takes the revolver and ends Dale's suffering.

Better Angels (The Walking Dead)

Dale Horvath's death has profoundly impacted the group cohesion. Rick Grimes, reflecting back on Dale's last words that the group is "broken," abandons Randall's execution and plans to release the boy. Hershel Greene allows the group to stay as winter approaches, and they help to gather supplies and secure the property from walkers. A guilt-ridden Carl Grimes discloses his role in the events surrounding Dale's death, and Rick helps to console him.

Shane Walsh is left speechless after Lori Grimes expresses all of her feelings to him, including uncertainty, regret, and appreciation toward her former lover in an attempt to keep him stationed with the group. Shane sneaks into the barn, and takes Randall at gunpoint out into the woods, supposedly looking to join Randall's group. There, he breaks Randall's neck, killing him, and then smashes his own face against a tree and hides his gun.

Shane returns just as Randall's absence is discovered. Shane lies that Randall had escaped and overpowered him before running into the woods. Rick, Shane, Daryl, and Glenn set off to find Randall. They split up, with Shane leading Rick in one direction. Daryl and Glenn discover Randall, now reanimated as a walker, which they dispatch before investigating the body and finding he died from the broken neck, but had not suffered any bite marks from a walker. They question how Randall had become a walker.

Meanwhile, Shane continues to lead Rick back towards the farm, but Rick has grown suspicious that Shane wants to assassinate him and blame his death on Randall. Shane draws his gun on Rick, but Rick refuses to engage, challenging Shane to kill an unarmed man. Rick continues to talk to Shane, allowing him to get close enough to stab Shane in the chest. Shane collapses and dies, as Rick grieves for his lost friend. As he is mourning, Carl walks up, and then aims his gun toward Rick. Rick thinks Carl is upset that he killed Shane and tries to plead with him. Rick is surprised when Carl fires at the reanimated body of Shane that was advancing on Rick from behind, killing him.

Unbeknownst to them, Carl's gunshot has attracted the attention of a horde of walkers in the nearby woods that start to advance on their location.

Beside the Dying Fire

The episode opens showing a horde of walkers as they follow a helicopter overhead, leaving Atlanta and migrating to the countryside over several days. As they near the Greene farm, they hear the sound of a gunshot—from the shot that Carl used to kill a reanimated Shane Walsh—and they turn to head toward the farm. As Rick escorts Carl back to the others, the walker horde emerges from the forest, and Rick and Carl take shelter in the barn.

Elsewhere, Daryl Dixon and Glenn report the death and reanimation of Randall to the others, but also that he turned without being bit. Lori Grimes asks Daryl to go out and search for Rick and Shane. However, they too soon see the walker horde and start arming themselves. While Rick's group is ready to abandon the farm, Hershel Greene intends to protect his land with his own life, if needed. As the group starts to dispatch walkers, Rick and Carl are able to lure a number into the barn, and set it ablaze. Jimmy drives the RV near the barn and allows Rick and Carl to safely escape, but he is killed when the walkers overrun the RV.

The group quickly realizes they are outnumbered, and they all attempt to escape to safety. Patricia is killed as walkers overtake the Greene household, and Rick convinces Hershel to abandon his property as it is a lost cause. Everyone escapes in groups, except for Andrea, who was separated from the others. Unknown to them, she manages to escape the farm, only to run into a mysterious hooded figure who has two armless walker pets and wields a katana.

The surviving group reunites on the highway that they had been taking to reach Fort Benning at the start of the season, and assume Andrea is dead. With their remaining vehicles, they travel on back roads to avoid hordes, until one runs out of gas. They camp for the night, where Daryl pressures Rick on how Randall's body had reanimated without a walker bite. Rick reveals what Dr. Edwin Jenner whispered in his ear: they are all infected carriers of the walker pathogen, and become walkers if they die for any reason which Rick hadn't believed until he saw Shane turn. Rick also reveals to a shocked Lori that he had been forced to kill Shane, and Carl had shot his reanimated form.

As the group continues to debate, the others, save for Daryl and Hershel, start to lose their faith in Rick as a leader. A noise echoing in the distance places the group on high alert, but Rick does not allow anyone to investigate. Carol Peletier urges Rick to take action, causing Rick to snap, saying that he never asked that he be put in charge, and blurting out that he had killed Shane for their sake. He dares anyone to leave the safety of the camp. When nobody leaves, he issues a final warning: "If you're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore," establishing his position as leader of the group. Afterwards, the group is shown to be unknowingly camped near a prison.

A Ferret Called Mickey

Paulie is having a pretend tea party with his sister and his doll in the garden while his father and mother watch from inside the house. Paulie's father, Jim, is annoyed that his son is wearing his mother's dress and takes him to Dougie O'Neill to buy a ferret so that they can go rabbit hunting. Paulie picks a ferret and calls him "Mickey".

Jim takes his son into the countryside in the rain to find a rabbit burrow. Jim tells Paulie to release the ferret who scares the rabbits out of the burrow and into a net where he hits them with a shovel. Paulie is upset when he learns that the true meaning of hunting is to "kill bunnie rabbits". They arrive home with a table full of dead rabbits, to which Jim's wife complains what she is to do with them. He tells her to make rabbit stew. When Jim goes to the shed, Paulie tells him that he fed Mickey éclairs so he isn't hungry anymore and so won't have to kill any more rabbits.

At dinner, Paulie refuses to eat the rabbit meat and runs out to the shed. When Jim confronts Paulie he tells him to put Mickey back in his cage and go finish his food; but Paulie refuses and tells him to do it himself while holding the ferret up to him. Jim is actually scared of handling Mickey and backs up knocking some petrol cans over, causing the ferret to bite Paulie on the lip.

While returning the ferret to Dougie O'Neill, Jim realises that he was the one that lost his nerve with the ferret and it was his intolerance that caused Paulie to getting injured.

Back in the garden, Paulie is upset about losing Mickey when Jim sits beside him and invites him on a fishing trip. When Paulie declines, he says "You'll need this then, I suppose..." and hands him his doll, and the two sit together and have a pretend tea party.

No Pressure (How I Met Your Mother)

Future Ted tells his children that the day that he told their mother he loved her was significant because he had not said those words to anyone since he confessed to Robin that he still loved her. In the aftermath of Ted's confession, he reminds Robin that five years ago their thoughts on the future were too different, and they broke up. He heads to bed but Robin surprises him by kissing him the next morning. Before they can talk about how Ted's confession could change their platonic relationship and status as roommates, Robin suddenly has to leave to work on a story in Moscow — she thought she had another twelve hours before she had to leave. After Ted hurriedly helps her pack, she kisses him again before leaving, promising to continue the conversation with him once she gets back.

Meanwhile, a hungover Barney wakes up at Lily and Marshall's house after taking the "drunk train" and becomes convinced that they have a sex tape hidden somewhere in their house despite Lily's insistence that there is not one. While searching for it with the aid of some cleaning women, he finds a box of long-term bets they have been keeping, one of which involves Lily betting Marshall that Ted and Robin will not end up together. As Ted tells Marshall and Lily what happened between him and Robin, Barney arrives and calls Marshall and Lily out on their numerous long-term bets. When Barney learns that one of the bets confirms the existence of a sex tape, he returns to Marshall and Lily's house and eventually finds the tape. Ted learns of the bet regarding his relationship with Robin and becomes upset with Lily, who forces Ted to consider why he has not gotten back together with Robin in the past five years.

After successfully finding the sex tape, Barney returns to Ted's apartment to use his VCR. When Ted considers that the reason why he and Robin never got back together was because she is in love with Barney, he is surprised with Barney's tepid reaction. Barney tells Ted everything that happened between him and Robin, saying, "Whatever I thought was there, she thought differently", and despite being told that Robin and Kevin broke up, he gives his blessing to Ted if he and Robin begin dating again. However, before they can watch the sex tape, Marshall and Lily arrive to try to win the bet involving the sex tape—Lily wins if Barney watches it, while Marshall wins if Barney does not. After scaring Barney with possible images that he will not want to see, Marshall wins the bet when Barney destroys Ted's VCR.

When Robin returns from Russia, she and Ted have the chance to re-examine their relationship. Ted picks her up at the airport and takes her to dinner at the Brooklyn bistro where they had their first date. Then at home, he realizes that they are not going to work out and turns down Robin's consolation that they still have an agreement to get married if they are both single at age 40. When Ted asks if Robin loves him, Robin admits that she does not and feels comfortable with them as friends. Ted asks her to forget that the past week ever happened.

When Marshall learns that Ted is giving up on the idea of being with Robin in any romantic context, he tells Robin that she should move out for Ted's sake, which she agrees to do, leaving Ted forlorn and alone on the roof of his apartment building. Some time later, as future Ted tells his children that getting closure on his relationship with Robin finally opened the possibility of meeting their mother, Ted walks out of MacLaren's Bar as all the people on the street walk by with yellow umbrellas. At their house, Lily, convinced that this is the definite end of Ted and Robin, asks Marshall to pay up on their bet. Echoing his words at Ted's wedding to Stella, Marshall refuses, smiles and then says "Not yet".

Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword

A young, nameless samurai hero sometimes referred to as "Sakura Samurai", trained by an old kappa and dubbed as the Sakura Samurai (or Hana Samurai), travels the game's world to rescue a kidnapped princess called Cherry Blossom, a daughter of the cherry blossom god in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Sniper Elite V2

The protagonist is U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Karl Fairburne (Tom Clarke-Hill), a German-American OSS operative and skilled sniper who is inserted into Berlin in 1945, during the final days of World War II. The game starts with Fairburne discussing Operation Paperclip and its predecessor, Operation Overcast, as the United States makes an effort to recruit the top scientific personnel of Nazi Germany with offers of employment. Fairburne is tasked with tracking down key individuals involved with the development of the V-2, which pits him against both the fanatical German forces defending Berlin and the invading Soviet forces who are eager to recruit the scientists to their side.

The campaign's first mission has Fairburne assassinating German Major-General Hans von Eisenberg as he meets with a Soviet agent to defect to Russia. He escapes, and is given a new target: Dr. Gunther Kreidl, an expert in rocket engines who is being escorted out of the city in a military convoy. After laying an ambush, Fairburne eliminates Kreidl and obtains documents revealing the location of Germany's primary V-2 production facility, where Kreidl's three colleagues are hiding. Fairburne infiltrates the facility and destroys it with C-3, but finds no trace of the scientists. He manages to overhear a radio message revealing that one of his targets, Dr. Efram Schwaiger, has been caught trying to defect to the Americans.

American intelligence informs Fairburne that Schwaiger has been taken to a detainment camp at the Opernplatz. To distract the Germans, Fairburne provokes the Soviets into attacking German defensive positions at an abandoned museum knowing that reinforcements will be sent to defend them. He then locates the camp, shoots a German officer before he can execute Schwaiger, and covers the scientist as he flees to safety before holding off Soviet troops sent to capture him. Schwaiger is mortally wounded in the crossfire and with his dying words states that "Wolff has a plan" involving "Tabun". Not knowing what to make of this information, Fairburne proceeds with a mission to assassinate his fourth target, Colonel Müller. After surviving a large German ambush while recovering his equipment, Fairburne infiltrates a flak tower and kills Müller with a long-distance shot.

To find his last target, Dr. Wolff, Fairburne raids a Soviet field HQ. He obtains intel revealing that "Tabun" is actually a nerve gas developed by German scientists, which Wolff and the Soviets intend to load onto V-2 rockets aimed at London. With no idea where the launch will take place, Fairburne goes to Wolff's private office near the German war ministry to look for clues. He finds a notebook revealing Wolff's plan to escape on a Soviet airplane and a tattered map detailing all V-2 storage facilities and launch sites. Arriving just as the Soviets are fueling one of the rockets for the attack, Fairburne destroys it by detonating its fuel supply. He then fights his way back to the Brandenburg Gate, where he had assassinated von Eisenberg only a few days earlier, and where Wolff is about to escape with a Soviet escort to the airfield. With a single shot, he kills Wolff as the doctor speeds away, causing his car to swerve and flip over. As the Battle of Berlin comes to an end, Fairburne notes that the war may be over, but a new conflict is just beginning, and that his actions have made him its first soldier.

Griffin and Phoenix (1976 film)

Geoffrey Griffin is in the midst of a camping trip with his estranged wife Jean Griffin, and their children Randy and Bob, at Yosemite National Park. His children and especially his wife are bored with the trip and uninterested in any family togetherness, despite his insistence. As the family is traveling back home, Griffin is driving the car while his wife and kids are being hauled in the camper behind him. He has a flashback to a doctor's visit where he is told that he has an inoperable form of terminal melanoma and will soon die, which is assumed to have been the motivating factor behind his initiative to take the trip, which his family had talked about doing before he and his wife separated. After becoming increasingly frustrated at his family's apathy about the trip, their reviling attitude toward him, and their trivial demands such as that he stop to walk the dog, he detaches his car from the camper and drives away, deserting them.

Sarah Phoenix is receiving news from her doctor that she has a terminal disease, leukemia. She is in denial regarding the diagnosis, and following an angry outburst she consults another doctor who delivers the same information. Geoffrey drives to Los Angeles, where he meets with his brother, George, who updates him on his ex-wife and children and gives him $1,500 to spend at his leisure. Faced with his grim diagnosis, Geoffrey expresses his interest in a course entitled "Psychological Processes of Death and Dying", which he attends. Sarah also attends the class, and it is where the two characters first meet. After class, Geoffrey asks Sarah to meet him the following Wednesday night for dinner if she were interested. She is guarded and shows a lack of interest in developing a close relationship with Griffin due to her terminal illness, and instead of showing up for the date she spies on Griffin from the neighboring restaurant, where he spots her and invites her over.

Griffin and Phoenix spend the next several weeks together falling in love and living their lives to the fullest, engaging in fun but outrageous and childish public behavior and constantly switching between an on-again and off-again relationship. Among their activities include sneaking into a movie theater, freighthopping, riding amusement park roller coasters and evading police after being caught painting messages on a water tower, where Phoenix writes "''Class of '59''" and Griffin secretly writes "''Griffin Loves Phoenix''" encased in a heart and arrow design. Neither knows that the other is also terminally ill until Sarah discovers books related to cancer, death and dying in Geoffrey's apartment, and bursts out at him in rage under the mistaken assumption that he had been stalking her and knew she was terminally ill. She tries to run away, and when Geoffrey catches her and questions her they both learn of each other's shared impending deaths. Sarah tells Geoffrey that when she becomes too ill to continue living a normal life, she will resign herself to a hospital and she does not want him to come and find her.

That day finally comes; Geoffrey finds a note from Sarah telling him that her pain was too unbearable, and that he should go spend time with his family and remember his promise not to try to find her. Distraught, Geoffrey seeks her out and finally finds her after searching at over a dozen hospitals, where he sits by her bedside and they comfort each other. Unable to handle the emotional distress of Geoffrey presence, Sarah asks him to leave, which he does, presumably never to return before her death. We then see Geoffrey browsing a cemetery, where he finds Sarah's gravestone that under her name and dates of birth and death reads: "''P.S. – Hi Griffin Thought you'd probably drop by''". He then proceeds to leave the cemetery and smash his own and several other cars in anger over her death. The film ends as we see a maintenance man painting over Sarah's and then Geoffrey's water tower messages.

Take Two (novel)

The story line taking place right after the first book (''Trading Faces'') ends, identical twin sisters Payton and Emma Mills are entering detentions, when they learn they are to report to the school guidance counselor's, Counselor Case, office. Instead of serving detention, the twins must do community service, Emma tutoring Counselor Case's troublesome eight-year-old twin boys. The twins must deal with the social stigma of middle school, they both have their own friends, while remaining close. Payton is very close to Tess and seems to be developing a crush on Nick, the tech guy for the school play, although she doesn't know it yet. She also has to deal with Sydney and Cashmere constantly putting her down and works on standing up to Sydney. Emma is friends with Quinn, and is not officially in a relationship with Ox, although it is very obvious they like each other. Emma is nemesis's with Jazmine James, another very intellectual girl. Both are very competitive with each other.

As Emma's relationship with Ox continues and becomes better friends with Quinn, she gets very confused. Between tutoring the twin boys, who bring a gecko to Emma's lessons every time, creating even more stress for her, friendships and relationships, Emma feels she must decide between social life or winning competitions and beating her nemesis, Jazmine James, she decides to go back to being AcadEmma, all academics and no social life. Quinn and Ox get upset by this, Emma even breaking up with Ox and starts ignoring all Quinn's invitations to hang out with her. At the end, Ox is not allowed to date but wants to date Emma.

Meanwhile, Payton works in the stage basement, and is very upset that Tess and Sydney and everyone else get to be in the play, while Sydney constantly torments her. Payton also feels left out, and even resorts to pretending to be Emma and eating lunch in the library. When she sees Tess, Nick, Reilly and all her other friends from the play practicing without her, she is heartbroken. Payton also becomes better friends with Tess and Payton begins to have a crush on Nick, who returns her feelings, although neither of them are aware of that yet.

Things eventually get better for the Mills Twins. Emma wins mathletes, and when Sydney breaks her ankle the night of the school play, Payton takes over her role as Glinda from "The a Wizard of Oz". However, one of the twins that Emma tutors, Mason Case-Babbit, loses his gecko, so Payton must look for it, due to Emma having a phobia of small reptiles. Emma then takes over Payton's role, but everyone, except for Tess, who tells the twins that she knew after the play, thinks it's Payton. Emma gets over her fear of geckos and searches the basement herself after realizing how important the play is to Payton, and Payton goes on stage.

After the play, Payton and Emma meet Nick's family, when Emma realizes that she can succeed in competitions and do well in school and balance a social life at the same time. She becomes "unofficial" boyfriend and girlfriend with Ox, due to the fact that their parents think they are too young to date. Payton becomes aware of her crush on Nick (although not revealed until the next book). The Mills twins realize that everything will be all right for them.

Moonlight Madness (video game)

The player character, a boy scout, has approached a mansion looking for work during Bob a Job week. The door is answered by an old man wearing horn-rimmed glasses—the owner of the mansion. The man, a mad scientist, expresses surprise that the boy has managed to get past the guards and booby traps in the mansion's grounds. As the boy scout explains the reason for his visit, the scientist collapses, asking for his pills. At this point the game begins. The player must gather the 16 keys needed to unlock the safe and retrieve the scientist's pills before he passes away. During play the boy scout must negotiate the mansion's rooms, avoiding hazards and the mansion's staff, who have been told to protect the inventions within the mansion, using lethal force if necessary. The staff are unaware of the boy scout's purpose and will attack him should they come into contact.

Finding Me: Truth

A year later, Faybien has been keeping in touch with Lonnie by writing him numerous letters, updating him on what's been going on with he and his friends. He never receives a letter in return, assuming that Lonnie has moved on. Faybien's life has changed as he has ended his dead end job at the mall. As for his friends, Amera and Greg, their lives have changed as well. Amera has found love with her boyfriend of four months, Gabe, and awaits the release of her new album. Unfortunately, Greg has lost his job and has trouble finding employment. To ease the employment woes, he has entered a blossoming relationship with Reggie Hunt, a struggling medical student, and a "sex only" arrangement with Tammy Jones, unbeknownst to Amera, Tammy's cousin.

Representative Brody

Vice President Walden (Jamey Sheridan) visits Brody (Damian Lewis) at his home. He offers Brody the chance to run for a seat in the House of Representatives soon to be vacated by the disgraced Richard Johnson. Brody accepts the offer. Jessica (Morena Baccarin), however, is resistant to the idea, fearing the media scrutiny and disruption to their lives. Jessica also reveals that she knows Brody and Carrie had an affair, much to Brody's surprise.

Carrie (Claire Danes) and Saul have been digging for dirt on Mansour Al-Zahrani (Ramsey Faragallah), the Saudi diplomat who was found to be conferring with Tom Walker (Chris Chalk) at the mosque. He is heavily in debt, yet is making large deposits to a Swiss bank. He is also leading a closeted gay lifestyle, and they have photographs to prove it. Carrie and Saul corner Al-Zahrani at the bank he frequents, and stage an interrogation. Carrie presents the photos and threatens to out Al-Zahrani to his wives, his children, and his ambassador. Al-Zahrani calls her bluff, saying to go ahead and expose him, and that his wives already know he is gay. He starts to leave, but Carrie tries a new approach. She threatens to have Al-Zahrani's daughter, a National Merit Scholar attending Yale, deported to Saudi Arabia. Al-Zahrani finally agrees to cooperate, posting a signal at his house which indicates to Walker that they are to meet at noon in Farragut Square the next day.

Brody tracks down Mike (Diego Klattenhoff) and tries to make amends after their falling out. Brody apologizes, and forgives Mike for his relationship with Jessica. He then asks Mike to appeal to Jessica to support his run for Congress. Brody also calls Carrie, wanting to discuss something personal. They agree to meet at Carrie's. Carrie is led to believe there will be possible reconciliation, and is heartbroken when Brody merely tells her he is running for Congress and wants to confirm that nobody knows about the affair they had.

Al-Zahrani arrives for the meet at Farragut Square, where various agents are undercover and waiting to seize Walker when he arrives. Carrie is there coordinating the operation. A black man who looks like Walker arrives, carrying a briefcase, but none of the agents can confirm it is him. Carrie observes that the man is carrying a briefcase in his left hand and has a watch on his right wrist, but that Walker is known to be right-handed. As the man approaches Al-Zahrani, Carrie attempts to evacuate the area. Walker is watching through a window nearby and, with his cell phone, remotely detonates a bomb that is in the briefcase. The bomb explodes, killing Al-Zahrani, the Walker look-alike, and three bystanders, while grievously injuring many others. Carrie is left with a severe concussion.

Jessica tells Brody that after discussing it with the children, they all fully support his run for Congress.

Saul visits Carrie in the hospital. He tells her that the man who delivered the briefcase was a homeless man hired by Walker. Saul concludes that Walker was tipped off and that there must be a mole placed somewhere in the government. The duo watch Brody on television officially announcing his candidacy in the special election.

This Blinding Absence of Light

The plot is based around the events following the second failed coup d'etat against the late Hassan II of Morocco in August 1972. The protagonist is a prisoner in Tazmamart, who, despite being a fictional character, is based on accounts of the prisoners who survived their incarceration there.

The plot focuses on how prisoners who were kept in the extremely harsh conditions of Tazmamart survived, through religious devotion, imagination and communication. The prisoners spent their sentences in cells that are described as being only five foot in height and ten foot long. The prisoners in the novel are not actively tortured, but are fed poorly and live without light.

Would You Rather (film)

Iris, a young woman caring for her sick brother Raleigh, is unable to afford the costs of his treatment for leukaemia. Raleigh's oncologist Dr. Barden introduces Iris to Shepard Lambrick, a philanthropist who heads the Lambrick Foundation that manages schools and hospitals in third world countries. He offers her a deal: if she wins a parlour game at a dinner party he is hosting, he will pay for Raleigh's treatment and use his foundation's influence to shortlist a bone marrow donor for him.

The following day at Shepard's manor, Iris is introduced to his son Julian and the other contestants: Lucas; Travis, a war veteran; Linda, a paralyzed elderly woman; Peter, a gambling addict; Amy; Conway, an alcoholic debtor; and Cal. A steak and foie gras dinner is served but Iris, a vegetarian, initially declines to eat it. Shepard then offers her $10,000 to compromise her principles; she reluctantly accepts his offer and eats the steak. When Shepard realizes Conway is a recovering alcoholic, he offers him $10,000 to drink a glass of wine. When Conway declines, Shepard offers him $50,000 to drink an entire decanter of Scotch, which Conway accepts.

After dinner ends, Shepard gives the guests an opportunity to leave if they wish. When none do so, the game begins. Shepard reveals it to be a version of the party game "would you rather" in which players must choose between two options. After Shepard's butler, a former MI5 agent named Bevans, wheels in an electric shock machine, Conway attempts to leave but is shot dead. The remaining contestants learn how serious and deadly the game is, and realize they can only win the game if they are the last surviving player. The first round is played by having two contestants connected to the shock machine, and one person decides whether they should shock themselves or the other person. The contestants take turns making the difficult decision, and the round ends with no one eliminated.

After a heated argument occurs between Travis and Shepard's jerk son Julian, the second round begins. In the second round, each contestant has 30 seconds to choose between stabbing the person next to them in the thigh with an ice pick or whipping Travis three times with a sjambok. Iris and Lucas choose to whip Travis, out of fear of killing someone, and Travis chooses to be whipped by Bevans. Ultimately, Travis is badly injured and, Peter, knowing he won't survive another lashing, stabs Linda in the leg, but he hits the femoral artery and she dies shortly after stabbing Amy. Amy is then given the choice to either whip Travis or choose any player to stab. She chooses to stab Iris, but in the side instead. Thanks to Lucas, she survives. Cal then whips Travis enough to have him incapacitated and removed from the game.

Lucas causes a distraction and everyone except Amy attempts to escape the room. Cal advances on Shepard with the sjambok as Lucas attacks the guards and Iris escapes. After Shepard shoots and kills Cal, the others surrender. Shepard sends Bevans and Julian after Iris; Julian finds her and attempts to rape her, but she stabs him with the ice pick. Dr. Barden, who has had second thoughts about sending Iris to Shepard, breaks into the manor to save her. Before they can escape, Bevans kills Dr. Barden and escorts Iris back to the game. Shepard sends Julian to his room for the remainder of the game and personally apologizes to Iris for his son's behavior.

The third round begins with each player having 30 seconds to choose to be submerged underwater in a barrel for two minutes, or an unknown task written on a card that is placed in front of them. Peter chooses a card, which requires him to light an M-80 firecracker in his hand; when it explodes, it causes a heart attack and he dies. Lucas's card forces him to slit open his own eyeball; he does so and survives. Iris chooses the barrel and survives (her unpicked card is revealed to have all of her teeth extracted). Amy, who was witness to her husband drowning their daughter, then chooses her card and learns that she must be submerged underwater for four minutes, and she drowns.

With only Iris and Lucas in the final round, Iris is given the choice to either shoot and kill Lucas to win the game, or spare him, which would result in both walking away empty-handed. After some hesitation, Iris shoots Lucas in the chest, killing him. Shepard crowns her the champion and gives her a bag full of money that's more than enough to pay for her brother's treatment, pay off all her debt as well as enable her to go back to the university. He also explains that a donor has already been located for her brother in Romania.

When Iris arrives home, she discovers Raleigh had committed suicide by overdosing on pills while she was out, as he could not stand being a burden any longer, meaning there was no point in her playing the game.

The Impossible Dead

Inspector Malcolm Fox and his team from the Lothian and Borders Police department of “Complaints” (Professional Ethics and Standards), Tony Kaye and Joe Naysmith, are assigned to an investigation in the town of Kirkcaldy in Fife. Detective Sergeant Paul Carter has been found guilty of misconduct, and Fox’s job is to reassure the Fife Constabulary that the other Kirkcaldy police are clean. Fox visits Paul’s uncle Alan Carter, who had reported Paul, and is drawn into the murder investigation when Alan is killed and Paul is framed for it. Fox and his team must dodge, while exploiting as sources, not only the hostile Kirkcaldy police but contingents of Fife headquarters CID, Murder Squad, and even an emissary from London’s Special Branch.

When Fox visited him, Alan Carter was investigating the suspicious 1985 death of an Edinburgh lawyer named Francis Vernal, who was involved with Scottish Nationalist paramilitaries in the 1980s, including Dark Harvest, a terrorist group trying to use anthrax. Fox becomes obsessed by Vernal’s story, in part because there are similarities between Vernal’s death and Carter’s murder. He interviews various former associates of Vernal, including his onetime law partner, his widow, a madman, a TV personality, and a Chief Constable who is herself trying to deal with a group of terrorists. Eventually Fox identifies the person who killed both Vernal and Carter, but Fox has to risk his own life to capture them.

Nobody's Fault (House)

House and his team are subjected to a disciplinary hearing after their patient suffered a psychotic breakdown and stabbed Chase. The hearing is conducted by Dr. Walter Colfield, Foreman's former mentor at Johns Hopkins University.

The patient is a chemistry teacher who was injured during a chemistry experiment gone wrong. An explosion occurs which initiates the medical issue. Each member of the team comes up with a different initial diagnosis. As Chase attempts to biopsy the patient's rash, the patient suffers another psychotic episode and stabs Chase with a scalpel, lacerating his heart. Chase survives surgery but is left paralyzed. House concludes that the paralysis is caused by a blood clot. Chase regains feeling when surgery is performed to remove the clot that is pressing on his spine, but he faces extensive physical therapy.

House goes to see the patient before he is transferred. He finds his wife and tells her that her husband has a lymph node tumor and requires full body radiation therapy and plasmapheresis.

During the last day of the hearing, Dr. Colfield calls House brilliant but a fiasco; however, the patient's wife speaks up on House's behalf, saying House "saved my husband's life". At this point Colfield decides that House is an important part of the hospital and he would damage the hospital by sending him back to prison. Therefore, he rules that the accident was "nobody's fault". House before leaving accuses Colfield of being a coward; he then goes to see Chase, who is doing his rehabilitation exercises. House tells Chase how Colfield decided that his stabbing was nobody's fault, but he then says "they're wrong, I'm sorry." Chase blows him off, asking him if he's done, stating that he's kind of busy at the moment. House leaves without saying anything else.

Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199

In 2191, Earth made first contact with aliens called ''Gamilas''. The first attempt at peaceful contact with the Gamilas failed, resulting in interstellar war. The United Nations Cosmo Navy, even though outmatched by the Gamilas’ space naval forces, was able to stop their direct assaults on Earth in the Second Battle for Mars, though it suffered heavy losses in the process. The Gamilas, from their military base on Pluto, then began planetary bombardment with modified asteroids called ''planet bombs''. These bombs hampered the United Nations’s efforts to rebuild their space fleet and forced Earth to construct underground cities to protect humanity. The planet bombs altered the atmosphere and irradiated the planetary surface, causing the complete destruction of the planet's biosphere. The Gamilas then started what is believed to be their first step in terraforming—preparing the Earth to be inhabited by themselves—by introducing plant life that was lethal to any life on Earth. With mankind facing extinction, the United Nations started planning for a small colony of humans to leave Earth in an attempt at the survival of humanity, called the ''Izumo Plan''. But in early 2198, ''Starsha'', from the planet Iscandar, learned of Earth's situation and dispatched her sister ''Yurisha'' to Earth. Yurisha brought with her the designs to what is called the ''Dimensional Wave Motion Engine'', providing for interstellar flight along with other technological assistance to Earth. The Iscandarans revealed that they could reverse the damage done to the Earth with the ''Cosmo Reverse System''. For technical reasons they could not send the system directly and would need Earth to send a ship for it. The United Nations then scrapped the Izumo Plan in order to build a new Cosmo Navy ship to retrieve the Cosmo Reverse System. The new ship was designed as a heavily armed space battleship. To conceal the ship's construction from the Gamilas, Earth built the new ship at the same site as the sunken World War II Yamato battleship. The new space battleship was also named the ''Yamato,'' for which the series ''Space Battleship Yamato 2199'' is named.

Over the course of the series, the ''Yamato'' and its crew were continually attacked by Gamilan forces on Jupiter, the moons of Saturn, and Pluto. As the ''Yamato'' battled its way out of the Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy, Gamilas leader Abert Dessler took a personal interest in the unusually advanced and seemingly unstoppable Earth vessel. Suspicious of Iscandar's involvement in the humans' quest, Dessler schemed to stop the ''Yamato'' at all costs before it could fulfill its mission—even as political intrigue plagued his empire. To this end, he ordered his top military commanders and most sophisticated spacecraft into the fight, putting the determination of the ''Yamato'' crew to even more rigorous tests as they coped with questions about their mission and strange incidents aboard their own ship.


On My Way (Glee)

With the Regionals Competition imminent, Dalton Academy Warblers captain Sebastian Smythe (Grant Gustin) threatens to post a sexually explicit photoshopped picture of Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) on the Internet unless New Directions co-captain Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) withdraws from the competition. Rachel, who believes that her performance is crucial to her admission to NYADA, refuses to do so, which angers Finn.

Dave Karofsky (Max Adler) is outed at his school and subsequently bullied by his teammates in the locker room. He is also mercilessly attacked online. Karofsky, devastated, attempts suicide by hanging, but is saved in time by his father. The news causes shock at his old school, McKinley High: Members of the staff believe they could have done more to help him when he had been a student there, while Kurt blames himself for ignoring Karofsky's repeated phone calls that week. It also shocks Sebastian, who had cruelly rebuffed Karofsky at a gay bar, and he destroys the photos of Finn, thus abandoning his attempt at blackmail. New Directions coach Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) has all of the members reveal something they are looking forward to in the future, to remind them that no matter how low they think their lives have sunk, they should not forget what is ahead of them. Rachel and Finn apologize to each other, and decide to get married the day after Regionals.

Regionals opens with the Warblers performing two songs, "Stand" and "Glad You Came", and the second group, the Golden Goblets, are strong performers as well. In the choir room, before New Directions goes on, Finn announces that he and Rachel are getting married afterward, and tells the group to live each day as if it is their last. New Directions opens their set with a mash-up of "Fly" and "I Believe I Can Fly", which is followed by a Troubletones performance of "What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)". Rachel ends the set by performing "Here's to Us", and New Directions wins the competition, with the Warblers finishing second.

Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) asks cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) to allow her to rejoin the Cheerios, but Sue refuses, although she confides in Quinn that she is pregnant. However, following Regionals, she changes her mind, and gives Quinn a cheerleading uniform. Quinn also changes her mind about Finn and Rachel's marriage and tells Rachel that she now supports it, and hopes it isn't too late to be a bridesmaid.

Hiram Berry (Jeff Goldblum) and Burt Hummel (Mike O'Malley) attempt to devise a last-minute scheme to derail the wedding. Rachel is reluctant to start without Quinn, who has driven home to pick up her bridesmaid's dress, and texts Quinn to find out where she is. Quinn is responding to Rachel's text when a truck crashes into the driver's side of her car.

Zarafa (film)

The film is framed by a village elder (Vernon Dobtcheff) telling a story to a group of eager children.

Set in the early 19th Century, the story tells of Maki (Max Renaudin), a ten-year-old orphaned Sudanese boy who has been sold into slavery with his friend Soula. He escapes the villainous slave trader Moreno (Thierry Frémont) and comes across a young giraffe and its mother. Moreno catches up to Maki and kills the mother giraffe. Maki promises the calf's mother that he'll protect and nurture her. Just as Moreno is about to take him to his slave camp, Hassan, a Bedouin nomad (Simon Abkarian), intervenes and saves his life. Maki follows Hassan as soon as he takes the giraffe with him. Hassan names the giraffe Zarafa (Arabic for "giraffe") and reluctantly agrees to take care of Maki and Zarafa. They come across a merchant, Mahmoud, who gives them two Tibetan cows, Mounh and Sounh. Maki discovers Soula being forced into slave labor by Moreno. When the evil man turns his attention on Maki, Soula hits him with a palm leaf, but before Moreno can beat her with his whip, Maki cries out for her and Hassan steps in. Maki thanks Hassan for saving him.

Hassan is on a mission to the Pasha of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, who wants to offer a young giraffe to the King of France, Charles X, to convince him to unite his country against the Turks besieging Alexandria. Maki and Hassan join together with the aeronaut Malaterre (François-Xavier Demaison), who agrees to take Zarafa to Paris via a hot air balloon. Hassan convinces Maki to leave Zarafa, but Malaterre thinks otherwise, seeing Maki's determination, and takes the boy with them. The basket gets heavy, so the cows jump overboard, and Hassan unwittingly tosses Maki after them, as Maki is hidden in a bale of hay. Maki and the two cows land on a pirate ship, where they come across the pirate queen Bouboulina and her ragtag crew. Maki explains that he is in pursuit of a treasure of great value aboard the balloon. Instead of taking him prisoner, Bouboulina welcomes Maki to her crew. Meanwhile, Moreno is determined to hunt down Maki and arrives on shore with Soula in tow. Bouboulina and her crew rescue Maki and scare off Moreno and his henchmen. The group continues on their journey. During a perilous crossing of the mountains where the balloon crashed, one of the cows is taken by a pack of wolves.

Hassan, Maki, Malaterre, and the surviving cow eventually reach Paris. The cynical King Charles accepts the gift but refuses to help the Pasha. Zarafa is shut away in the city zoo, and Maki stays firm about returning the giraffe to her home. Moreno kidnaps him and forces him to work in his household. Hassan is ashamed that he had failed his mission and mortified to have lost Maki, so he sinks into despair and alcohol. As several years pass, Zarafa's appearance causes "giraffe mania" and she grows up. Maki finds himself at zoo with Soula. King Charles is receiving a new hippopotamus, and, remembering an experience he had with one before meeting Hassan, Maki tells Soula to hold up her parasol. Maki does the same and the hippo squirts a colossal pile of dung onto King Charles and his subjects, giving the children enough time to make a getaway. They manage to find Malaterre and Maki plans to escape with Zarafa in the hot air balloon. The trio locate Hassan, but the nomad is unable to help them, since he has become an alcoholic. They rush to free Zarafa, but now she is too large to fit into the balloon. Maki realizes that he must give up Zarafa and escape with Soula. Moreno appears and prepares to kill Maki, but Hassan steps in to protect them and is shot. Aided by Malaterre, Maki and Soula escape in the balloon. Moreno gives chase, but the two friends bite him and he falls off the basket and into an enclosure where he is devoured by a polar bear. Maki and Soula return home, marry, and found a flourishing new village. Hassan, treated at the hospital, survives his wounds and falls in love with Bouboulina.

As it turns out, the storyteller is actually Maki himself.


The film is presented as an anthology of short horror films, built into a frame narrative which acts as its own short horror film. Each short film is linked together with the concept of found footage (each segment is from the VHS tapes found in the room).

"Tape 56"/frame narrative

Directed by Adam Wingard Written by Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett The frame narrative focuses on a criminal gang who film their exploits, which include smashing the walls, windows, and light fixtures of an abandoned house and sexually assaulting a woman in a parking lot. An anonymous source offers them a large sum of money to break into a house and steal a single VHS videotape. The gang accept the task, eager to expand their criminal enterprises.

Entering the house, the criminals find the corpse of an old man sitting in front of several televisions playing white noise. While the other criminals are free to roam the house, one of them stays behind in the TV room with the dead body to watch a tape left in the VCR. The contents of the tape and the four subsequent ones comprise the bulk of the film, with the action cutting back to the criminals' efforts between each short.

"Amateur Night"

Directed by David Bruckner Written by David Bruckner and Nicholas Tecosky

Shane, Patrick, and Clint are three friends who have rented a motel room to fulfill Shane's intent of bringing women back for sex. Clint is wearing glasses that have been outfitted with a hidden camera and microphone that will allow them to turn their planned encounter into an amateur porn video. While the three men are bar-hopping, Clint encounters Lily, a mysterious young woman who appears unusually shy and says little other than "I like you."

In addition to picking up Lily, the men also succeed in convincing another young woman, Lisa, to return to their motel room. Lisa passes out as Shane attempts to initiate sex while Patrick discourages him from continuing. Lily continues awkwardly coming on to Clint, but it is Shane who comes on to her instead. Clint notices that Lily's feet are clawed and have scales as he undresses her, but Shane and Patrick are oblivious. Lily appears responsive, pushing Shane onto his back and then beginning to undress Clint, seemingly beginning a threesome. Overwhelmed, Clint goes to the bathroom. Patrick disrobes and attempts to take Clint's place, but Lily has made it clear that she dislikes Patrick.

Moments later, Patrick bursts into the bathroom with a large cut on his hand, claiming that Lily bit him. When they approach Shane, Lily suddenly sprouts fangs, then attacks and kills Shane. Clint and Patrick hide in the bathroom until Patrick, still nude, arms himself with a shower curtain rod and returns to the room. Clint tries to wake Lisa as Patrick attempts to fight Lily, but she subdues and pounces on him, drinking his blood and ripping off his genitals. Clint escapes the room, but ends up falling down a stairwell, breaking his wrist in the process. Lily catches up to Clint, but instead of attacking, she attempts to perform fellatio. As Clint is unresponsive, Lily believes he has rejected her and starts to cry, then growl angrily. Clint flees, begging bystanders for help, but he is suddenly lifted into the sky by Lily, who has transformed into a winged creature. The glasses fall off Clint's face as Lily carries him away, hitting the ground before the footage ends.

Back in the frame story, one of the criminals discovers that Brad, the person who stayed to watch the tape, is missing. Meanwhile, the other criminals search the basement and discover hundreds of unmarked VHS tapes, and begin collecting them all to ensure they get the right one. One of them manages to catch a glimpse of a strange figure wandering off when they gather the tapes. The criminal still upstairs, Rox, replaces the tape in the VCR with a different one and settles down to watch it.

"Second Honeymoon"

Directed by Ti West Written by Ti West Sam and Stephanie are a married couple travelling to Arizona for their honeymoon, with Stephanie recording and documenting everything along the way. That night, they visit a Wild West-themed attraction known as "Wild West Junction", where Stephanie receives a prediction from a mechanical fortune teller dressed as a prospector. The prediction claims that she will soon be happily reunited with a loved one, and that she is also very trusting and is easily taken advantage of. Sometime later, a strange woman comes to Sam and Stephanie's motel room and awkwardly tries to convince Sam (off camera) to give her a ride somewhere the next day.

In the middle of the night, while the couple are asleep, a mysterious stranger breaks into the room, turns on the camcorder, and films themselves stroking Stephanie's buttocks with a switchblade. The intruder also steals $100 from Sam's wallet and dips his toothbrush in the toilet. The next day, on their way to visit the Grand Canyon, Sam notices the missing money and accuses Stephanie of taking it, but she assures him that she did not. That night, the stranger enters the room again and repeatedly stabs Sam in the neck with the switchblade, filming him as he chokes to death on his own blood. The camera then shows the killer, the woman from earlier wearing a porcelain mask, cleaning the blade while she and Stephanie make out passionately, revealing that the woman was Stephanie's lover. The recording cuts to Stephanie and her lover driving away, with Stephanie asking her lover if she has erased the footage.

Back in the frame story, Rox is left confused by what he has witnessed. Unknown to him however, the old man's corpse has disappeared. Back in the basement, the other criminals debate on why the tape they are after is so special, and also plan to make copies of it so they can make extra money. The film then transitions to the next tape.

"Tuesday the 17th"

Directed by Glenn McQuaid Written by Glenn McQuaid A group of 20-somethings, Joey, Spider, and Samantha, accompany their new friend, Wendy, on her annual trip to a lake located in a nearby forest. Joey films the group as Wendy leads them through the woods, occasionally mentioning "accidents" that took the lives of her friends. When the camera scans certain areas, glitched images of mutilated bodies appear in the film. They also discover the mutilated corpse of a pig nearby, shortly before Wendy mentions that everyone is going to die. Relaxing and smoking weed by the lake, Wendy tells the others that the lake is the same place where a murderer killed many people years earlier, but the group laughs it off as a joke.

Spider and Samantha leave the group for a bathroom break. Suddenly, Samantha is killed when a knife is launched into her face. Spider attempts to run, but is stabbed in the head repeatedly by the culprit: a strange figure with a featureless red head obscured in tracking errors known as "The Glitch" (identified as such in the end credits). Back at the lake, Joey asks Wendy where Spider and Samantha went, to which she answers that they left, then awkwardly asks if he wants to have sex. Joey guesses that Wendy was serious about the story she had been telling them about the murders, mentioning that he remembers hearing about it himself. Dropping the façade, Wendy reveals that she had been to the lake before, where the murderer slaughtered all of her friends, leaving her as the only survivor. She notes that the police did not believe her when she said that the killer could be in two places at once. Wendy then tells Joey that she lured all three of them to the woods to use as bait, so that she can find and kill the Glitch. As the two talk, the Glitch walks up behind Joey and slits his throat.

Wendy runs away, luring the Glitch into a pit trap, then into a bear trap, which traps it momentarily. She tries filming the Glitch up close, but it continues to be obscured by the tracking errors and slashes her hand. Wendy continues to run through the woods, warning anyone who finds the tape never to come to the area. She finds Joey in his death throes and watches as he dies. The Glitch approaches Wendy before a bed of spikes impales it. Wendy gloats at the Glitch and walks away, but when she turns around, it is gone. It reappears in a tree and pounces on Wendy, beating her to death with the camera, then slashes her stomach, subsequently eviscerating her. Wendy's corpse is last seen twitching and shuddering violently as the camera glitches out, revealing that she is becoming a Glitch herself.

Back in the frame story, the old man's body has returned to the room, but Rox is nowhere to be seen. The remaining criminals, Zak and Gary, are confused as to where the others have gone, with Gary telling Zak to look through the tapes. Zak replaces the current tape with a new one and sits down to watch.

"The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger"

The next night, Emily attempts to contact the strange child. She closes her eyes and carries her laptop to have James look out for the being. The ghostly child appears again along with a similarly ghostly young girl. The children manage to knock her unconscious as James quickly appears in her apartment. The children are revealed to not be ghosts, but rather aliens, watching as James surgically removes an alien fetus from Emily's torso, revealing that they are using Emily as an incubator for alien/human hybrids. James, who has been working with the aliens and removing the fetuses for some time, questions the aliens how much longer they plan to do this to Emily, mentioning to them that the arm bump is a tracking device. The aliens erase Emily's memory, while James breaks some of her bones to "make it look like an accident again".

In their next chat, a badly injured Emily believes that she sustained her injuries after wandering into traffic in a fugue state. She reveals that the doctor James recommended has diagnosed her as schizoaffective, and tearfully says that James deserves a better, more normal girlfriend. James assures Emily that she is the only person he wants to be with, but once their chat ends, he begins a new chat with a different woman. This woman has the same bump on her arm and also believes that James is her boyfriend, revealing that the aliens are using multiple people as incubators.

Back in the frame story, both Zak and the old man's corpse are gone. Gary, now the only one left, searches the rooms upstairs. He finds the decapitated remains of Zak and is subsequently attacked by the old man, who has become a zombie. Gary attempts to flee downstairs, but he falls and twists his ankle, and is killed by the zombie. The frame story ends with the camera left in the TV room picking up the sound of the VCR starting the last tape by itself.


Directed by Radio Silence Written by Radio Silence & Justin Martinez On Halloween night 1998, Tyler, dressed as a teddy bear implanted with a nanny cam, meets his friends, Chad, Matt, and Paul (dressed as the Unabomber, a pirate, and a Marine, respectively) as they head out to a Halloween party at a friend's house, only to end up at the wrong place. Thinking that they are the first ones to arrive, the quartet sneak inside. They begin to experience paranormal phenomena, but believe that they are at a realistic haunted house attraction and have fun with it.

In the attic, they find several men gathered around a young woman whom they have suspended from the rafters, apparently performing an exorcism. The men happen to be chanting "cast you down" towards the woman, and the boys exuberantly join in. This alerts the men to their presence, and they react angrily to them before proceeding to physically assault the young woman, causing some of the men to be pulled upwards into the darkness by an unseen force. More violent, overtly threatening paranormal phenomena then begin to occur as the boys initially flee, but realize that they should try to rescue the girl. Returning to the attic, the boys work to untie her and get her to safety. When the girl is freed, the house comes to life with poltergeist phenomena, with ghostly arms rising from the walls and the floors to claim the lives of the woman's captors.

Exiting through the basement, the boys pile into their car with the girl and drive away. The car abruptly stops and the girl disappears, reappearing in the street before them and walking away amid a flock of birds. The boys then realize that the car has stopped on train tracks. The boys attempt to get out of the car as a train approaches, but they are unable to start the car or unlock the doors. The train smashes into the car off-camera, killing all inside.

During the end credits, clips from Tape 56 are shown.

Alternative ending to "10/31/98"

A joke ending was shot in one take by Radio Silence, in which the doors are unlocked and the boys get out just before the train smashes into their car. The boys walk away and talk about how much fun they had, and what a crazy night it was. Meanwhile, the train hits the car and it explodes behind them.

The Suicide Shop (film)

In a gloomy French city with a high suicide rate is a shop where you can find everything necessary to efficiently commit suicide in whatever manner you wish. The shop has been run by the Tuvache family, which consists of two apathetic children, Vincent and Marilyn, and their parents who keep the business running. Things are going great until Lucrèce Tuvache, the mother gives birth to her third child, Alan. Even as a baby, he can't help but smile and find happiness in everything he sees. Unfortunately for the business, his bubbly personality starts to affect the customers. Mishima, Alan's father, starts to grow tired of Alan's personality and gives him a pack of cigarettes in hopes that it'll kill him faster. Mishima's mental state slowly deteriorates as Alan starts to make him feel guilty for his customers' deaths. He later winds up attempting suicide and is sent to a therapist who claims he's schizophrenic. He's forced to stay in bed for two weeks while Alan and his classmates start to stop the customers from committing suicide. Though Marilyn and the mother are warming up to him, Alan is still proving to be problematic to the business as he asks his friend's uncle to build a car with a music center so loud that it shakes all the supplies in the shop off the shelves and onto the floor where they'll break. Though Vincent shuts off the car as soon as he can, the damage has already been done. Alan gets scolded by his mother, however, a young boy who was there as a customer has met and fallen in love with Marilyn and proposed to her then and there. As Marilyn agrees to marry him, the mother feels grateful that Alan did what he did. Everyone, including Vincent, is finally happy. The new fiancé bakes crepes for the family and, attracted by the smell of them, Mishima awakes and comes out of his bedroom. He angrily demands an explanation for the wreckage of their shop to which Alan admits to causing. Mishima is furious and chases after him with a sword in hand. On a roof of a skyscraper, Alan fakes suicide, throwing himself off the building. The family despairs until Alan bounces back up from the jump after landing on a sheet his friends were holding, making his father laugh for the very first time. The suicide shop becomes a crèpes shop, but Mishima secretly sells cyanide crèpes for those who still long for death.

Mass Effect: Deception

Cerberus assassin Kai Leng journeys to the ancient city of Thondu on the batarian homeworld of Khar'shan to retrieve an item in an auction of rare goods and artifacts. The item in question is the design for a DNA-specific bio-weapon tailored to target the Illusive Man, the leader of Cerberus, and which could potentially affect thousands of people distantly related to him. Leng snatches the design and makes his escape.

On the Citadel, David Anderson, Kahlee Sanders, and Nick Donahue prepare to speak to the Citadel Council about Paul Grayson's attack on the Grissom Academy. At the Citadel Tower, Anderson and Sanders inform the Council of the Reapers' involvement, but the Councilors are unconvinced and prefer to argue that Grayson was acting on behalf of Cerberus, even after they are shown Grayson's Reaper-mutated corpse. Anderson and Sanders are told to continue their investigation. After the presentation, they find that Nick has disappeared. They go to The Cube, a gym for biotics, to see if he had gone there early, but no luck. A volus attendant at The Cube directs them to Ocosta Lem and Arrius Sallus, a salarian and a turian that Nick had been seen with on earlier visits. Lem and Sallus's address turns out to be fake, and Anderson and Sanders come to conclusion that Nick is missing.

Kai Leng meets with the Illusive Man on an abandoned mining world in the Crescent Nebula. The Illusive Man orders Leng to steal Paul Grayson's body and begin observing Anderson and Sanders; their recent activities on the Citadel have drawn unwelcome attention to Cerberus.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, the batarian slave ship Glory of Khar'shan attacks the quarian ship Idenna, carrying Gillian Grayson and Hendel Mitra, who are part of the ship's security team. When the batarians disable the Idenna's drives and board it, Gillian and Mitra help defend the ship. With Gillian's help, the quarians gain the upper hand and charge onto the Glory of Khar'shan. One of the ship's freed slaves is Hal McCann, a former Cerberus operative who worked on the space station where Paul Grayson had been experimented on with Reaper technology. McCann keeps this fact to himself, but does tell Gillian that her father had been killed and persuades her that information on who killed her father could be found on the Citadel. Deciding to track down her father's killer, Gillian commandeers the Glory of Khar'shan and brings Mitra and McCann with her.

Anderson and Sanders find a message from Nick at their apartment. Nick explains that he left to join a group known as the Biotic Underground that advocates biotic supremacy over all of the galaxy's races. Anderson uses contacts in C-Sec to dig up info on where Nick had gone. Videos show Nick leaving with Ocosta Lem and Arrius Sallus, members of the Biotic Underground.

Aya of Yop City (film)

The film takes place near the end of the 70's in the Yopougon neighborhood in Côte d'Ivoire. The story revolves around the lives of 19-year-old Aya and her friends and family. Aya's mother, Fanta, is the most trusted healer in the neighborhood. Aya's father Ignace is a salesman for the crumbling Solibra Brewery, owned by the magnate Bonaventure Sissoko. Aya is a studious young woman with dreams of studying medicine, but is opposed by her father, who wants her to get married and start a family. In contrast, Aya's best friends Bintou and Adjoua flirt with boys, party, and dream of opening beauty salons.

Everything changes when Adjoua gets pregnant during one of her flings. Deciding between getting an abortion or telling her family, Adjoua decides to go through with the pregnancy and claims the father is Moussa, the lazy and immature son of Sissoko and heir to Solibra Brewery. In reality, Moussa is not the father, but Adjoua convinces everyone in order to marry him and secure wealth and social status for her family. Sometime after the marriage and birth of the child, Sissoko becomes suspicious of Adjoua when he realizes the baby does not look like Moussa. The baby's father is revealed to be none other than the local playboy, Mamadou.

Meanwhile, Aya's other friend Bintou is having an affair with a "Parisian" named Gregoire, who unbeknownst to Bintou is actually a local imposter who saves up money for his womanizing escapades. Bintou hopes Gregoire will take her with him to Paris so she can live a luxurious life. Aya's father also has a small subplot involving a secret affair with his secretary, which he desperately tries to hide from his family amidst his crumbling job security.

The Cay (film)

Phillip is aboard the S.S. ''Hato'', which is torpedoed during World War II. It soon sinks and Phillip awakens on a raft with Timothy, an older black man, and Stew Cat, a stray cat of a crew member on the S.S. ''Hato''. Phillip, who hit his head on the S.S. ''Hato'', soon becomes blind from the head injury. After days on the sea, they notice a Cay in the distance. They all survive on the island, but soon Timothy worries about Phillip if he dies. Timothy prepares him to be self reliant to fish and find food. As the novel goes on, a hurricane hits the Cay. Timothy shields Phillip from the strong winds and rain, flaying his whole body. Phillip regains consciousness and finds Timothy very weak. Timothy manages to get out his last words, "'Phill-eep... you.. all right... be true?' 'Terrible tempis'." Timothy dies. Phillip remains confident until a plane finds over the island, but doesn't stop for him. Phillip, who is still blind, becomes discouraged. When Phillip hears another plane, he realizes the smoke is clear. He decides to put sea brush in the fire to make the smoke thicker and blacker. It becomes visible to the plane, and they call for help. A boat arrives to rescue Phillip and Stew Cat, and they get on a plane home. Phillip is reunited on the plane with his mother and father. He receives surgery on his eyes and his vision is restored. He reminisces about visiting the cay one day. Although not recognizing it by sight but by sound.

The Royal African Rifles

In August 1914, a consignment of Vickers machine guns are stolen off a Royal Navy ship, HMS ''Marlin''. An RN Lieutenant aboard the ship goes undercover as a white hunter through British East Africa to find the weapons before they get into the hands of the Germans and alter the balance of power in Africa.

A Soundless Echo

Kris Echols (Gharrett Patrick Paon) fidgets in an interrogation room, while Detectives Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) watch. Linden enters to question him, but Echols denies killing Rosie. She shows him a video of Rosie at the Halloween dance. He remains stoic. Holder ponders to Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk) that Kris, desperate for meth, will soon crack. Oakes tells Holder that Holder looks worse than the suspect and to clean himself up. Linden sets up Kris so he sees Jasper (Richard Harmon) and his lawyer (Fred Henderson) entering an interrogation room across the hall. Holder hints to Kris that Jasper's lawyer is cutting a deal. Linden plays the cell-phone footage from The Cage for Jasper, who claims it's not what it appears to be. Across the hall, Kris explains that he would never hurt Rosie because she was nice to him. When shown the same cell-phone footage, Kris scoffs that the police don't know anything.

Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) is told that Mayor Adams has opened an eight-point lead. Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) suggests that he asks Tom Drexler, a wealthy entrepreneur who loathes Adams, to finance a media package. Richmond declines. Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) meets Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) at a bar and invites him to join his “winning team.” When longtime donors spurn Richmond, Gwen Eaton secretly calls her father, Senator Eaton (Alan Dale), asking him to arrange a meeting between Richmond and Drexler. He admires her creativity, but criticizes her for having sex with Richmond.

At the high school, Sterling (Kacey Rohl) confesses that she's the girl in the cell-phone video. She explains that she was tired of never being noticed when Rosie was around and went to the Cage with Jasper, because she was drunk and he was nice to her, adding that she was wearing Rosie's costume because Rosie had left the dance. She also claims the blood found there was from one of her nosebleeds. Noting that Rosie sometimes boarded a bus after school, Sterling thinks that Rosie was secretly meeting someone. Holder says that he will follow up with the Larsens, but Linden says she will handle it, eliciting grumbles from Holder. Later, at the police station, she questions the Larsens about Rosie's possible affair. Mitch (Michelle Forbes) doesn't believe that has occurred. The Larsens then visit a priest (David Abbott) at a church to make arrangements for Rosie's funeral. Mitch fixates on the tortured Christ on the crucifix at the church. Mitch asks the priest where God was when her daughter needed Him.

Gwen Eaton and Darren Richmond arrive at Drexler's penthouse for a party also attended by Adams. In private, Drexler (Patrick Gilmore) gives Richmond a $50,000 check, claiming that he wants the mayor to know that he helped him lose the election. Richmond then secretly meets with Jamie Wright, who provides Richmond with an update on Adams and asks him how he knew Wright wasn't the leak. Richmond jokes that Jamie would have found a smarter way to ruin him.

Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) drives his employee and friend, Belko Royce (Brendan Sexton III), to a suburban home. It was to be a surprise purchase for Mitch, but now he cannot afford it. Belko offers to take care of Richmond, referring to a contract killing. Stan replies that he doesn't do that anymore. He later enters a Polish restaurant to see Janek Kovarsky (Don Thompson), who scolds Stan about ignoring him for the past 17 years. After Stan explains his financial situation, Janek offers several thousand dollars, saying that family always comes first. Stan responds that they were never family, before taking the money. He later stashes the money in a drawer at his moving-company office. At their home above the business, Stan looks for a funeral dress in Rosie's closet. When Linden arrives to search the bedroom, she apologizes for their seeing crime-scene photographs earlier. Stan chastises her for not being honest with them.

At school, a boy mocks Sterling by approaching her at her locker and groping her, while suggesting a trip down to the Cage. Shaken, she fends off this sexual harassment and moments later, Mitch arrives. She sees Sterling in the hallway. She hugs Sterling, telling her that she's not to blame for Rosie's death. Sterling tells Mitch that Rosie was happy on Friday night and that she doesn't know whom Rosie may have been seeing. Later, teacher Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) discovers Mitch on a bench in the hallway. He tells her that her daughter was a smart and eager girl. He shows her a copy of Rosie's favorite book.

Following Linden's orders, Holder rides the bus that Sterling had mentioned. He shows a picture of Rosie to the driver, but he doesn't remember every passenger's face. Holder is about to give up, when a new driver takes over. He shows this driver the picture and is told that she was an occasional passenger who rode to the end of the line. At the end of the bus line, Holder follows a student wearing a high school varsity jacket to the headquarters of the Seattle All-Stars after-school basketball program. He begins showing Rosie's photo around. He is directed to a photo of one of the teams, along with their coach, Bennet Ahmed. Meanwhile, Linden discovers several handwritten letters hidden in Rosie's room. She reads a lengthy one, which is signed "Bennet." At the high school, Bennet offers Rosie's book as a keepsake to Mitch.

The Grand Heist

In the late 18th century of Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), during the last years of King Yeongjo’s reign. Ice is a commodity more valuable than gold. Blocks of it are harvested from frozen rivers in winter, put in royal storage and distributed or sold throughout the year for general consumption. When corrupt officials conspire to form a monopoly and fix its price, a gang of 11 professionals is formed to stop the scheme — and to do that they must make all the royal ice blocks in five storage rooms disappear for a night.

Lovelace (film)

In 1970, 20-year-old Linda Susan Boreman is living with her parents in Florida, having moved from New York City.

While out dancing one night with her best friend, Patsy, Linda attracts the attention of a man named Chuck Traynor and the two soon develop a relationship after a vulnerable Linda reveals to him that the relationship with her parents is strained. The strain was caused because Linda had earlier given birth to a son out-of-wedlock and her domineering mother Dorothy had tricked her into putting the baby up for adoption.

Chuck, much older than Linda, begins teaching her how to perform sexual acts, which she is initially thrilled about. After breaking curfew one night, Linda is berated by her mother Dorothy; forcing Linda to move out so she can live with Chuck, later marrying him. During a party, Linda watches one of Chuck's homemade pornographic films for the first time and tells him that good girls never do things like that.

Six months later, Linda bails Chuck out of jail for facilitating prostitution, although he claims to have had little knowledge of what went on in the parking lot behind his bar. Desperate for money, he persuades Linda to become a porn actress. By 1972, Linda begins working on a film, ''Deep Throat'', in which she uses her new stage name "Linda Lovelace".

The movie becomes a huge hit, making over $30,000 at the box office in its first week. After it becomes a worldwide phenomenon, Linda is interviewed by a variety of print and radio reporters, and becomes the subject of late night television humor. Her life is seen as exciting and glamorous, and Linda poses nude, and attends parties, weekly.

During a private screening in Los Angeles, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner convinces Linda that she has the potential to be more than a porn actress. However, Chuck's violent and cruel nature is gradually exposed and Linda's life is revealed not to be as perfect as it seems. Chuck seemingly chokes Linda during sex, refusing to stop when she asks, and later forces her into prostitution at gunpoint.

A battered Linda soon visits her parents seeking to move back in. Despite telling them of Chuck's dominating abuse towards her, Dorothy encourages Linda to endure her ordeal as their religion forbids divorce. When learning that Linda has been discussing a new salary with the movie's director, Gerard Damiano, without telling him, an enraged Chuck punishes her by making Linda shower in freezing cold water.

Years after Deep Throat's success, Chuck tries to persuade Linda to do another porn film. When Linda refuses, a now sadistic Chuck takes her to a party and forces Linda to participate in a gang bang. Her attempts to escape result in Chuck sleeping on top of Linda, almost suffocating her.

The following day, Linda secretly meets with Anthony Romano, telling him she wants out of the porn business and also revealing the abuse inflicted on her by Chuck. Disgusted, Romano has her checked into a private hotel while he and his bodyguards attack Chuck for abusing Linda and for the $25,000 he owes.

Six years later, Linda marries Larry Marchiano, moves to Long Island and has a young son. Linda later takes a polygraph test before publishing her autobiography ''Ordeal'', which details years of Chuck's physical and sexual abuse, as well as his stealing all of her earnings. Linda appears on ''Donahue'', and her distraught parents break down in tears while watching her. A few days later, the Marchianos travel to Florida for Linda to reconcile with her parents.

Telling Stories with Tomie dePaola

This show is about Tomie dePaola and his squirrel sidekick Gabe who present stories revolving around his storybook characters.

Blood Brothers (The Vampire Diaries)

Stefan (Paul Wesley) is still locked up in the basement and he is hallucinating because of the lack of blood. He flashes back to 1864, the night Katherine (Nina Dobrev) got taken. He and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) try to save her, Stefan distracting the guards of the prison truck and Damon getting her out. The moment they try to untie her, Damon is shot from afar and dies. Stefan is also shot and dies a moment later. He wakes up in a quarry and Emily (Bianca Lawson) is there who explains to him what happened. He and Damon are both in transition and she made them the rings to protect them from the sunlight at Katherine's request. Stefan says he never drank Katherine's blood but Emily tells him she was compelling him to do it, while Damon was doing it willingly.

In the present day, Damon brings Stefan some animal blood to drink but Stefan denies it saying he is not hungry. Damon throws the bottle in the cell and leaves when Alaric (Matt Davis) calls him to inform him what he has found about John (David Anders). He tracked some calls to Grove Hill and the two of them plan to go and check it out.

John tries to talk with Elena and tells her that he knows she knows. When he asks her what her mother would think of all these, Elena makes him understand that she knows her birth mother is Isobel who is a vampire herself and she leaves.

Anna (Malese Jow) is now a student at Mystic Falls High and she is happy to see Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) while Pearl (Kelly Hu) meets John at the Grill. She tells him that she will not give him the Gilbert gadget he wants and John tries to use her "weakness" for Gilbert men due to her past with Jonathan Gilbert to get it. He makes fun of her by telling her that Jonathan felt so guilty for betraying her because he loved her and then laughing he tells her that Jonathan hated her. Pearl is upset and before she leaves, she tells him that she gave the device to Damon.

In 1864, Damon and Stefan discuss about their new state with Damon saying that he doesn't want to complete the transition and prefers to starve to death since Katherine is gone and there is no purpose to continue living. Stefan decides not to turn as well and heads to his home because he wants to say goodbye to his father Giuseppe (James Remar) before he dies. Giuseppe freaks out when he sees Stefan and tells him that ''he'' was the one who shot and killed his sons. Believing that Stefan is now a vampire, he attacks him and Stefan - not knowing his own strength - hurtles his father away in defense. Giuseppe gets hurt and starts bleeding and Stefan does not have the strength to resist to his need for blood and he feeds on his father completing his transformation.

Back in the present day, Elena visits Stefan in his cell ignoring Damon's warnings not to go down there alone. She tries to make him drink the blood but Stefan still refuses it. She opens the cell door and goes in. Stefan tries to scare her away but Elena does not go anywhere. He finally takes the blood and drinks while he is telling Elena the whole story of how he completed his transformation. Elena is shocked at the story but not turned off and she wants him to keep talking to her. She leaves to give him some space but puts his ring next to him telling him she will be upstairs to wait for him to continue their conversation.

In the meantime, Alaric and Damon arrive at the house John's phone calls were tracked to and they run into a vampire named Henry (Evan Gamble). Henry attacks Alaric but Damon throws him off recognizing him from the tomb. Henry tells them that John helped him get used to the modern world and in return, Henry keeps tabs on the other vampires from the tomb. Henry's phone rings and Damon offers to answer it since it is John but when he does not, Henry suspects that something is not right and he tries to attack Alaric again who stakes him in the heart and kills him. Alaric and Damon talk about not finding anything about Isobel and Alaric decides that he should stop looking for answers and let it go.

Anna comes back home and finds Pearl packing and telling her they are leaving town because too many people in Mystic Falls know the truth and they are not safe. Anna does not want to leave and Pearl lets her make her own decision for once and if she wants to stay she is free to do it. Anna leaves to pay Jeremy a last visit before they go.

Damon comes back home to find Elena waiting for Stefan come upstairs. She tells Damon that Stefan is depressed and it might have helped if he had not spent all those years making Stefan feel guilty over Katherine. Damon gets mad with that and he fills her in on the rest of the story, after Stefan fed on their father and came back to where Damon was.

In 1864, Damon still tries to resist human blood when Stefan arrives with a young girl as a gift for him to feed on. Stefan admits that he fed on their father and he keeps telling Damon how better he feels now and insists that Damon needs to complete the transformation. Damon does not want to do it but Stefan bites the girl's neck making it bleed. He pushes Damon closer to her blood and Damon cannot resist so he finally drinks from her.

Elena, after hearing the whole story, realizes the reason Stefan wants to die and runs downstairs to find him but he is gone and he left his ring behind. Stefan goes to the place where the quarry was once, where he brought Damon that girl to feed on. He remembers newly turned Damon promises him that he would make his eternity an eternity of misery. Then Emily appears to tell him that she only helped him because she owed Katherine and that his heart is pure and that will be his curse because that will make him feel guilty for every person he hurts.

Stefan's memories bring him back to present where Elena finds him. She knew where he would be after Damon told her the whole story. Elena tries to talk to him and make him see that he is not responsible of everything that happened since they cannot control everything. She tries to tell him that he is a good person and Stefan tells her that it hurts to try be good because every time he fights his need for human blood it hurts. He is afraid that if he continues living he doesn't know if he'll be able to fight this forever. Elena gives him his ring and tells him he has a choice; throw it away and die or put it on and keep fighting. She turns to leave when Stefan calls her out, he puts his ring on and they kiss.

Pearl and Harper (Sterling Sulieman) finished packing and they are ready to leave town. Pearl opens the door but she drops dead after someone stakes her in the heart. Anna, returns home after to find both, Pearl and Harper, dead. Outside, John throws his stake gun into his car and calls Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) to update her about the vampires.

Elena and Stefan return to the Salvatore house. Elena goes upstairs leaving the two brothers alone. Stefan thanks Damon for helping him through his withdrawal and Damon tells him that there is no need for him to carry his own guilt as well. Before Damon leaves, he admits that the reason he was always being mad at Stefan was not because he betrayed Katherine and the others took her to kill her or because he made him complete his transformation, but because Katherine was supposed to turn only him but she turned both of them.

The episode ends with Alaric having a drink at the bar when a familiar voice greets him. Alaric does not look surprised to hear it, turns around and sees Isobel (Mia Kirshner) standing in front of him.

Space Bucks

In the year 2375, Humans share the galaxy with four other races, the Colikars, Tesarians, Secanii, and the Krec N'had. Your fledgling trading company, consisting of a single port and a single ship, must, by the year 2500, expand by any means necessary to become the dominant trade empire in the galaxy. Three computer opponents will be pursuing the same goal.

Jewel BEM Hunter Lime

Once upon a month, a door behind the full moon opens. This door is between the human world and magical world. Now it just so happens that on one such night, Lime and Bass are in hot pursuit of a demon who had stolen six power gems from the magical world. The demon escapes to the human world through the open door, and the two follow. Now they must search for the six power gems, all of which have been scattered all over Tokyo. It's up to Lime and Bass to blend into with humans and find the gems.

Fefu and Her Friends

''Fefu and her Friends'' is set in New England in the spring of 1935. The story takes the audience through an amazing entire day beginning around noon and ending in the evening; it climaxes in a death scene.

The play is split into three parts. It begins in the living room of Fefu's country house. Part 2 is set in four different areas of the house: the lawn, the study, the bedroom, and the kitchen. Fornés deconstructs the familiar stage, removing the fourth wall, and scenes are played in multiple locations simultaneously throughout the theater. The audience is divided into groups to watch each scene, then they rotate to the next set, as the scene is repeated until each group has seen all four scenes.

Fefu and her seven female friends gather at Fefu's house to rehearse a presentation for their charity toward school education. Each character plays a role in this event. Before and after their rehearsal, the women interact with one another, and share their thoughts and feelings about life along with their personal struggles and societal concerns. Fornés portrays these characters as real women, in a shift in her playwriting style to realism in setting, character, and situations.Diane, Moroff Lynn. ''Fornes Theater in the Present Tense'', The University of Michigan Press, 1996.William, Gruber E. "The Characters of Maria Irene Fornes: Public and Private Identities", ''Missing Persons Character and Characterization in Modern Drama'', The University of Georgia Press, 1994, pp. 155–81

The Miss Firecracker Contest


''The Miss Firecracker Contest'' is set in Brookhaven, Mississippi during the midst of Carnelle's attempt to salvage her tarnished reputation as "Miss Hot Tamale" through entering the Miss Firecracker Contest, the town's annual beauty pageant held on the Fourth of July. Carnelle, who is an orphan, was taken in by her Aunt Ronelle and raised with her two cousins, Elain and Delmount. Aunt Ronelle died of cancer after receiving a pituitary gland transplant from a monkey, causing her entire body to grow long black hairs. Elain won the Miss Firecracker pageant at the young age of 17, compared to Carnelle who pushes the pageant age limit of 24. Elain married well, using her beauty to win a husband after junior college. Delmount was admitted to a mental institution and has been involved in quite a few scandals with exotic beauties who catch his eye. Carnelle recently recovered from syphilis, though not before giving it to the sickly Mac Sam. Carnelle has been attempting to redefine herself by volunteering for the cancer society, attending church, and taking an orphan to dinner every week. She now plans to win the Miss Firecracker Contest to prove to everyone in Brookhaven that she is a valuable and beautiful young woman.

Act 1

The play opens with Carnelle practicing her skit in her living room for the talent section of the pageant. Carnelle is a 24-year-old self-conscious woman with a tarnished reputation. Growing up, Carnelle developed self-esteem issues which caused her to seek the company of many men and eventually contract syphilis. Her past promiscuity earned her the nickname "Miss Hot Tamale," and in an effort to dissociate herself from her past Carnelle wants to be crowned Miss Firecracker at the upcoming pageant. Popeye, a 23-year-old quirky seamstress, arrives to take her measurements for the contest. Popeye earned her nickname by accidentally putting ear drops in her eyes as a child which caused them to swell. Popeye herself is quiet, shy, and impressionable, shown when she falls in love with Delmount after only seeing his picture. Carnelle and Elain then discuss the beauty pageant and Carnelle's chances of winning. Elain is Carnelle's beautiful first cousin who previously won the title of Miss Firecracker and has continued to be remembered for her beauty. Encouraged by her mother, Elain went to junior college and capitalized on her beauty to marry a wealthy man and while she appears to have the perfect life, Elain is unhappy and narcissistic. Elain confides in Carnelle that she has left her family. Delmount arrives to an empty living room, and Popeye meets Delmount. Delmount is Carnelle's 28-year-old cousin and Elain's brother. He has a history of violence, and pleaded insanity to avoid a jail sentence after hitting a man in the face with a glass bottle. Elain refused to take custody of him, so Delmount remained in the asylum longer than was originally intended. As a result, Delmount and Elain often butt heads. In addition, Delmount has strange recurring dreams about dismembered and deformed women's body parts, and has a strange obsession with beauty. Delmount explains to Carnelle that Aunt Ronelle's house was left to him and he intends to sell it and all of its contents. Elain and Delmount get into a heated debate about Delmount's criminal history and time in the asylum. Delmount tells Carnelle he intends to give half of the profits made from the house to her, and Carnelle eventually takes to the idea, inspired by the prospect of "leaving in a blaze of glory" after she wins the pageant.

As Delmount sets prices for the items in the living room, he and Elain argue about the past. The two reveal that Carnelle has not received a telephone call yet saying she is a finalist for the pageant. Although Delmount thinks the pageant is ridiculous, he still feels sorry for Carnelle. Elain tells Delmount she is leaving her husband, and Delmount is very happy because he does not like Franklin, though he suspects that Elain is not completely sincere. They discuss their mother, Carnelle's Aunt Ronelle, and her shortcomings as their caregiver. Popeye enters and tells Elain that her "heart is hot" and that she believes she is in love with Delmount. Elain is surprised to hear this and tells Popeye that Delmount is not sane. The phone rings and Carnelle answers it, finally receiving news that she is a finalist for the pageant.

Act 2

The scene opens in a dressing room at the beauty pageant. Carnelle tells Tessy that she needs Popeye to fix her dress. Tessy is the 23-year-old coordinator of the Miss Firecracker Contest. Her twin sister is a contestant in the pageant, although neither of the women are attractive. Despite this fact, she has a history with Delmount, and flirts with him at the pageant. Mac Sam, Carnelle's 36-year-old ex-lover, is the balloon man at the pageant and visits her in her dressing room. They discuss the fact that Carnelle gave him syphilis and he has not been treated for the disease. In addition to syphilis, Mac Sam has a plethora of other diseases, all of which he refuses to treat medically simply because he has lived longer than he expected without treatment. After Mac Sam leaves, Delmount informs Carnelle that the house auction went well. Carnelle tells Delmount that Popeye has feelings for him, and Delmount becomes agitated. Elain enters with the news that Popeye is missing and thus cannot fix the dress, but she has brought a Mardi Gras mask that Carnelle can use to hide the poor alteration. Carnelle receives a frog suit from Mac Sam and realizes that Popeye is somewhere close by, so Carnelle and Elain leave to find her. Popeye tries to fix the dress in their absence. Mac Sam, Carnelle, and Elain all come back to the dressing room, and Carnelle panics because the dress cannot be fixed without scissors. The others calm her down and then she finishes getting dressed.

Mac Sam and Delmount discuss the pageant and their views on beautiful women. Popeye and Elain reveal that Carnelle tripped while wearing the red dress, and consequently the audience began to laugh at her and call her names. Delmount is furious at one man in particular and exits with intent to fight him. Carnelle appears and feels humiliated. Carnelle does not feel confident in her chances of winning. After Carnelle leaves, Delmount and Elain explain that they are reluctant to watch Carnelle humiliate herself further. Elain receives flowers from Franklin and tells Delmount she is returning to her family, which makes Delmount very angry with her. Carnelle reappears, happy because the crowd loved her act. Carnelle then nervously departs for the crowning. Alone, Delmount further criticizes beauty pageants. Mac Sam, Elain, and Popeye come back to the dressing room after Carnelle loses the pageant. Carnelle follows after them and loses her temper with everyone. Tessy informs Carnelle she has to follow the parade carrying a flag, which Carnelle readily does.

Elain arrives back in the dressing room slightly drunk. She and Delmount make amends. Elain leaves to have a fling with a man. Popeye and Delmount discuss the future, and Delmount invites Popeye to watch the fireworks with him. The two of them leave before Carnelle arrives once more. Carnelle is surprised when Mac Sam appears next, and explains that in her absence she was by the railroad tracks thinking about her life. Mac Sam says he does not regret the times he spent with her, then departs. Delmount and Popeye climb up a tent to watch the fireworks. Delmount and Popeye invite Carnelle to watch the show with them. While she is climbing up, Delmount kisses Popeye and tells her he loves her. Carnelle reaches the top and explains that she realized that the beauty pageant was not that important after all. The play ends with the three admiring the fireworks.

Temptation (play)


''Temptation'' takes place at a science institute. The characters, having worked together at the Institute for an unspecified amount of time, are fairly familiar with one another. They have attended office parties together, and exist as a "community" of scholars tasked with the advancement of scientific (and ''strictly'' scientific) knowledge.


'''Scene 1''': the play begins in a room in the Institute. Doctor Foustka, the main character and representation of the Faust character in the play, walks in on his associates, is welcomed and asked about his private studies. Foustka quickly rejects working on private studies, and the other characters smile at one another. The Deputy and Director (the primary antagonist and representation of Satan) walk in, and the Director explains to the group that the Institute, an institute of science, must prevail against the growing cult/fad of black magic.

'''Scene 2''': in his apartment, the Doctor uses black magic to call upon a wizard named Fistula, a cripple, and clear representation of Mephistopheles in the play. After a number of odd exchanges, Fistula agrees to help Foustka with his study of black magic in exchange for a testimony that Fistula helped him.

'''Scene 3''': at the office party later that night, the wizard demonstrates his powers by making Foustka's love interest, Marketa, fall in love with him and kiss him.

'''Scene 4''': Foustka's girlfriend, Vilma, sees this. In her bedroom later that night, Vilma confronts Foustka about his interactions with Marketa. Foustka counters by bringing up the dancer, but they make up. When the dancer drops off flowers for Vilma, Foustka loses it and slaps her to the ground.

'''Scene 5''': back in the original room, a replay of the opening scene occurs up until the Director's announcement. He accuses Foustka of betraying the Institute's noble cause of science by studying and even using black magic. Foustka is guaranteed an "innocent until proven guilty" trial.

'''Scene 6''': returning to his study, Foustka again meets Fistula and they argue about the "stunt" pulled at the party. Fistula diagnoses Foustka with CDS, a syndrome of looking over one's past mistakes. Fistula tells Foustka that Vilma exposed him, among other things, and Foustka seems doubtful.

'''Scene 7''': in the original room again, Doctor Foustka's "trial" begins. Foustka is able to convince everyone that his studies of dark magic were for scientific purposes, and is subsequently celebrated for his brilliance; the group's next party is revealed to be a costume party featuring witches, wizards, etc., planned in order to mock black magic and celebrate Dr. Foustka's research.

'''Scene 8''': back in Vilma's bedroom, Foustka accuses Vilma of revealing his activities to the Director, to which Vilma responds with a breakup. Distraught and upset, Foustka attempts to strangle Vilma, but the Dancer arrives and is allowed in. The Dancer comes in and dances with Vilma while Foustka sits helplessly and watches.

'''Scene 9''': back in Foustka's apartment, Houbova gives her concerns about Fistula to Foustka, all of which Foustka ignores. Fistula is let in and accuses Foustka of breaking their deal to keep their meetings secret. Foustka, resembling his earlier trial, convinces Fistula that he only revealed their meetings to gain the Director's trust and to further the interests of dark magic. Fistula, content, says that the devil himself wouldn't have tolerated a deal-breaking like that.

'''Scene 10''': at the costume party, Foustka repeatedly fails to gain the Director's attention. When he finally does, the Director reveals that he was on to Foustka from the start; he also reveals that Fistula was his accomplice in finding out the truth. He states that you cannot serve two masters for your own interests. As the Director makes his speech, everyone from the institute surrounds Foustka, he is set on fire, smoke covers everything and the play ends.


Having returned from the UK to his native Ireland, middle-aged Fred (Colm Meaney) lives an isolated life in his car, caught in a bureaucratic trap: Without social benefits he cannot afford to rent a room and without a permanent address, he is not entitled to social benefits. That all changes when he forms an unlikely friendship with Cathal (Colin Morgan), a dope-smoking 21-year-old with a positive attitude, who becomes his 'neighbour.' Sharing laughs and the hard times too, Fred and Cathal find some simple, free pleasures of life.

Cathal is determined to make Fred sort out his life and it works. Fred modifies his car, beats the system and makes a friend in Jules, an attractive music teacher who lives alone nearby. But Fred struggles with his pride to tell Jules about his 'home' and Cathal’s life is threatened by his escalating drug habit.

Fred's trust in Cathal is soon thwarted when he discovered Cathal injecting drugs into the veins of his feet. Cathal had sworn he had never injected, even showing Fred his arms as proof. Fred shouts at Cathal and then storms away to see Jules. While Fred is gone, Cathal is attacked by his drug dealer. Beaten and exhausted, Cathal breaks into his dad's house, begging for money. His dad refuses to pay, and Cathal leaves. He then shows up at a bonfire with other drug addicts. They steal his shoes in exchange for a needle. Cathal injects himself in the arm and passes out.

Fred returns to find Cathal's car trashed and his treasured watch broken. He searches everywhere for Cathal, and eventually finds him in the mortuary. Cathal has died, but not before succeeding in improving Fred's life. Jules knows about Fred living in a car, and Fred is on the way to having a place of his own thanks to Cathal's persuasion. In the end, Cathal still managed to save Fred, though he couldn't do the same for himself.

Poison (Wooding novel)

Poison is the story of a rebellious human teenager living in the swamp town of Gull with her father, stepmother, and her baby sister Azalea. She struggles against the oppression in her life, particularly with her strained relationship with her Stepmother, Snapdragon. Her only friend in Gull is the old traveler, Fleet, who tells her tales of the old wars and phaeries and maintains that Poison has some of the “Old Blood” in her.

On Soulswatch Eve, Azalea is replaced with a Changeling. After consulting with Fleet, Poison sets out from Gull to rescue her from the Phaerie Lord. She pays the Wraith-Catcher Bram to take her to Shieldtown to seek out the creature Lamprey, to whom Fleet has referred her. Once in Shieldtown, Poison encounters a young woman heading back to Gull and asks her to relay a message to her parents. After proving herself to Lamprey, Poison is sent to the home of the Bone Witch.

In chapters fairly reminiscent of Hansel and Gretel, Poison enters the house of the Bone Witch. She meets another young woman named Peppercorn, who keeps house for the blind, old witch. Peppercorn is unwilling to help Poison (aside from hiding her one night), and so it is with Bram’s help that Poison defeats the witch. Bram and Poison escape the house with Peppercorn and her highly intelligent cat Andersen.

The quartet meet a fisherman named Myrrk, who hints that all is not what it seems in the phaerie realm. He sends them on their way to the phaerie Lord’s castle. Once there, Poison strikes a deal with Aelthar the phaerie Lord that he will return Azalea to her if she obtains a dagger for him. This deal sends her and her companions into the castle of the spider woman Asinastra. She obtains the dagger and returns to Aelthar, where she learns that he has no intention of returning her sister.

Angered by Aelthar’s deception, Poison and her companions journey to the meeting of the lords at the Hierophant’s castle. There, they reunite with Fleet. Fleet, we learn, is an Antiquarian: a human who seeks out stories of interest and value for the Hierophant to transcribe.

Upon learning that the Hierophant has created all that the world is and every person in it, Poison tries to fight her role in the story by doing nothing and stagnating the plot line. As Poison tries to fight her own destiny by refusing to live it, everyone around her begins to weaken and deteriorate. After Bram reasons with her that the story she is in is actually about her, since her malaise seems to be what is causing everyone to deteriorate around her, Poison's realization that she can fight against the Hierophant by doing nothing is enough for her to get well enough to continue her story. As she recovers she begins thinking of ways to get back at the Hierophant and stop his control over her.

As Poison recovered from her illness, it is revealed that the Hierophant has been murdered with the dagger Poison acquired for Aelthar. The lords of the varying realms are in an uproar, as the death of the Hierophant means that a successor must take his place; each realm wants the new Hierophant to be of their own realm. Aelthar is particularly determined.

Poison discovers that he, by way of the Scarecrow, the phaerie creature who replaces children with changelings, has been breeding phaerie-human hybrids, as humans are the only species with imaginations and therefore best suited to become Hierophant. Aelthar shows Poison her own sister, Azaelea, now a teenager, whom he had sent home after deeming her unsuitable. Poison realizes that the girl she sent back to Gull with word of her journey was, in fact, her rapidly aged sister. Deprived of her quest, Poison is furious and determined to get revenge.

Aelthar sets the Scarecrow after her among the Hierophant's archives, and she kills it. Scriddle, Aelthar's assistant, stabs her. The world starts to rapidly dissolve around Poison, and she grins through the blood, announcing that she has realized that she is the new Hierophant. Scriddle does not believe her and continues to stab her trying to take her throne, as he does, the world becomes less real. In a panic and desperate for survival, the Hierophant's widow Lady Pariasa kills Scriddle by stabbing him through the neck, screaming that she wants to live.

Poison blacks out from blood loss, but is saved by her companions and revived. She embraces her new role as Hierophant as her companions disperse. Just as the last Hierophant wrote his own story, she begins to write hers.

Finger Lickin' Fifteen

Stephanie's friend Lula witnesses the murder (by decapitation) of celebrity chef Stanley Chipotle. When Chipotle's sponsors offer a $1 million reward for the capture of the killers, Lula decides to enter an upcoming BBQ cook-off contest, deciding that the most likely suspect is a rival chef. Despite her complete lack of culinary skills, she is joined by Stephanie's Grandma Mazur, their friend Connie Rosoli, and a reluctant Stephanie.

Several of Ranger's clients' homes have been burglarized, leading him to suspect one of his men. He asks Stephanie to resume her job at Rangeman, as a pretext for snooping around. He also offers to lend his considerable skills as a bounty hunter to helping her do her regular job.

While Lula attempts to perfect her "skills" as a chef, she is attacked several times by Chipotle's (extremely inept) killers, but manages to escape each time, though she is forced to move in with Stephanie, and later with the Plum family, and her prized Pontiac Firebird is destroyed by a poorly-constructed car bomb.

On the day of the cook-off, one of the killers, "Marco the Maniac" is caught trying to flee to the airport. He identifies his accomplice as the cook-off's emcee, a vice president of the sauce company that employed Chipotle. The emcee holds Lula hostage at gunpoint and confesses: Chipotle was having an affair with the company president's wife, who planned to divorce her husband and carry half his assets to a new company founded with Chipotle. The killing and the reward were intended to be a publicity stunt that would both rid them of Chipotle and generate media attention to the company. Lula manages to disarm and subdue the emcee, though she has to accept that she won't be getting the reward.

After patient investigation, Stephanie identifies Ranger's thieves as two teenagers who were turned down for jobs at his company, then decided to finance their own company by robbing Ranger's clients, with hidden cameras planted over the clients' security keypads. When Ranger and his men burst into the rival "company"'s office, they find all of the stolen jewelry and valuables stored there; the teenagers were so inept that they used the cash they stole to rent the office space, but had no idea how to fence the stolen property. Ranger does not usually display emotion, but admits to severe embarrassment at being "almost ruined by two goofy kids."

Having solved both her problems, Stephanie decides to resume the "on" stage of her "on-again/off-again" relationship with Joe Morelli.


The novel begins as Sukartono (Tono), a Dutch-trained doctor, and his wife Sumartini (Tini), residents of Batavia (modern day Jakarta), are suffering a marital breakdown. Tono is busy treating his patients, leaving no time for him to be with Tini. In response, Tini has become active in numerous social organisations and women's groups, leaving her little time to deal with household work. This further distances Tono from her, as he expects her to behave like a traditional wife and be waiting for him at home, with dinner ready, when he returns from work.

One day, Tono receives a call from a Miss Eni, who asks him to treat her at a hotel. After Tono arrives at the hotel where Eni is staying, he discovers that she is actually his childhood friend Rohayah (Yah). Yah, who has had romantic feelings for Tono since childhood, begins seducing him, and after a while, he accepts her advances. The two begin furtively meeting, often taking long walks at the port Tanjung Priok. When Tini goes to Surakarta to attend a women's congress, Tono decides to stay at Yah's house for a week.

While at Yah's, Tono and Yah discuss their pasts. Tono reveals that after he graduated from elementary school in Bandung, where he studied with Yah, he attended medical school in Surabaya and married Tini for her beauty. Meanwhile, Yah was forced to marry an older man and move to Palembang. After deciding that life as a wife was not for her, she moved to Batavia and became a prostitute, before serving as a Dutchman's mistress for three years. Tono falls further in love with Yah, as he feels that she is more likely to be a proper wife for him; Yah, however, does not consider herself ready for marriage.

Tono, a fan of traditional ''kroncong'' music, is asked to judge a singing competition at Gambir Market. While there, he discovers that Yah is also his favourite singer, who sings under the pseudonym Siti Hayati. At Gambir, he also meets with his old friend Hartono, a political activist with the political party Partindo, who enquires about Tini. On a later date, Hartono visits Tono's home and meets Tini. It is revealed that Tini was romantically involved with Hartono while the two of them were in university, where Tini surrendered her virginity to him; this action, unacceptable in traditional culture, made her disgusted with herself and unable to love. Hartono had made the situation worse by breaking off their relationship through a letter. When Hartono asks her to take him back, Tini refuses.

Tini discovers that Tono has been having an affair, and is furious. She then goes to meet Yah. However, after a long talk she decides that Yah is better for Tono and tells the former prostitute to marry him; Tini then moves back to Surabaya, leaving Tono in Batavia. However, Yah feels that she would only ruin Tono's respected status as a doctor because of her history. She decides to move to New Caledonia, leaving a note for Tono as well as a record with a song recorded especially for him as a way of saying goodbye. On the way to New Caledonia, Yah pines for Tono and hears his voice calling from afar, giving a speech on the radio. Tono, now alone, dedicates himself to his work in an attempt to fill the void left in his heart.

So This Is Paris (1926 film)

Paul and Suzanne Giraud are happily married and living in a quiet neighborhood. When Suzanne notices that their new neighbors are expressive dancers in revealing outfits, she demands Paul speak to them about their lack of morality. Paul discovers that the woman is Georgette Lalle, an old flame. Paul does not respond to Georgette's displays of affection and instead introduces himself to her husband, Maurice. Back at home, Paul lies about his meeting with the Lalles, which confuses Suzanne when Maurice returns the visit moments later. Suzanne and Maurice exchange flirtations, which Paul overhears.

Paul is on his way to a secret meeting with Georgette when he is stopped by a police officer for speeding. After insulting the officer, Paul is charged, convicted and sentenced to three days in prison. As Paul dresses up for a night out at the Artists' Ball with Georgette, he convinces Suzanne that he is heading to jail to serve his three-day sentence.

While Paul and Georgette are enjoying themselves and dancing the Charleston, Maurice visits Suzanne and they grow intimate. They are interrupted by a detective, who has come to arrest Paul for failing to serve his sentence. Fearing a scandal, Suzanne convinces Maurice to pose as her husband and he unhappily complies. Meanwhile, she overhears through the radio that Paul and Georgette are the winners of a Charleston contest at the Artists' Ball. Suzanne confronts her drunken husband at the Ball and tells him that, thanks to her, he won't have to go to jail. They reunite.

The Love Flower

As described in a film magazine, Thomas Bevan (MacQuarrie) has served an undeserved term in prison. He marries again, but his new wife is unsympathetic towards his daughter Stella (Dempster) because of the father's great great love for and comradeship with his daughter. Matthew Crane (Randolf) of the Secret Service, who sent Bevan to prison, comes to the town where Bevan is now living. Bevan's wife is unfaithful, and a loyal servant (Lestina) goes after Bevan, who had been leaving on a business trip, and tells him of the treachery. Bevan goes back to verify the statement, and in a fight the man (Kent) is accidentally killed. Crane hears of the murder and intercepts Stella, who had been on her way to the motorboat Bevan had purchased for his getaway. Bevan comes up from the rear and makes a captive of Crane until he and his daughter leave. They eventually land on a South Sea island and happily live there with one servant. Visiting a nearby island to trade with a native, Stella meets Bruce Sanders (Barthelmess), a wealthy plantation owner out for excitement. She wants to be friends with him, but fears he may be a federal officer looking for her father. Sanders is puzzled by her cold manner. Sanders returns to the mainland where he meets Crane who is hot on the trail. Crane persuades Sanders to take him to the island where Stella and Bevan live, which he, unsuspecting, gladly does. On their arrival Crane arrests Bevan and Stella, believing Sanders deliberately brought Crane there, will have nothing to do with him. Stella sinks Sanders's boat, marooning all four on the island. When the boat is washed ashore, Sanders to show his good faith sinks it again, and Stella confesses that she loves him. Crane's comrades send help to him on the island, and Bevan refuses to get on the boat. After a dramatic fight, Crane believes Bevan has drowned. Stella and Sanders return and wed on the mainland and make plans to rescue her father.

Iris: The Movie

The Korean peninsula is constantly under political and military tension, especially with the North Korean nuclear issue. To avoid a second Korean War, a secret black ops agency known as the National Security Service (NSS) protects South Korea's national security by training special agents who would use any means to fulfill their mission. They officially do not exist and are not acknowledged or protected by the government. Although they are trained to be cold-blooded killers, there is one taboo they cannot avoid: love. Hyun-jun and Sa-woo were close friends and rivals in the 707th Special Mission Battalion, and both are recruited into the NSS and quickly become the best of the best. Each with different secret assignments, they soon take different paths in life. In a world of conspiracy and betrayal, they both fall for Seung-hee, the beautiful but lethal profiling specialist at NSS. Kim Hyun-ju's mission is to dismantle IRIS and prevent a nuclear attack on Seoul.

Pulling Strings (White Collar)

After taking vacation from work to be with his wife–and her parents–on her birthday, Peter turns Neal over to Sara in order to retrieve a missing Stradivarius that she believes was stolen by her former fiancé and current boss, Bryan McKenzie (Bailey Chase). Before beginning work on the case, Neal is approached by Agent Kramer (Beau Bridges), who is in New York to look into Neal's upcoming commutation hearing. Searching McKenzie's apartment, Neal discovers a hidden security tape. Meanwhile, Sara convinces him to attend the symphony with her. With help from June (Diahann Carroll), Neal and Diana Berrigan (Marsha Thomason) are able to go to the symphony as well. While they quickly discover that the second-chair violinist is the woman on the security video, McKenzie realizes that Neal is not exactly who he claims to be. While searching backstage, Neal and Diana find a body; they quickly recognize him as the symphony's instrument expert. Upon questioning the violinist from the security tape, Diana discovers that she had damaged the violin and had given it to the instrument expert for repairs. Sara approaches McKenzie with the information she has, pretending to want to join him. Diana and Neal soon arrive to arrest McKenzie, and Sara tells Neal to “call [her] sometime.”

Meanwhile, Peter suffers through the arrival of his in-laws. Everything goes wrong at Elizabeth's birthday: her parents give her a much-despised doll from her childhood, Peter's gift to Elizabeth does not turn out the way he had planned, and Elizabeth's father continues to disapprove of Peter. Peter eventually calls upon Mozzie (Willie Garson) for assistance, and together they right all of the wrongs.

Agent Kramer returns to the FBI to speak with Diana, who has recently announced her engagement to Christie. Kramer intimidates Diana, learning that she, Peter, and Jones (Sharif Atkins) have been covering up Neal's recent crimes.

Come Morning (film)

Arkansas, November 1973 - Frank and his grandson, D, go on an afternoon hunt. Just before dusk, the two hunters wander into the darkening woods to track down their kill. To their horror, they find that instead of a deer, they’ve shot their trespassing neighbor, Marion Mitchell.

With a history of land disputes with the Mitchells fresh on Frank’s mind, he tells his grandson that they have to hide the body deep in the woods. As the night draws on, Frank and the boy find themselves only deeper in darkness. Soon the lines between good and evil are no longer clear. D begins to question if all will really be okay, come morning.

Destino de Mujer

A murder committed in the past marks the life of Mariana Oropeza and Víctor Manuel Santana, two young people who fall in love without knowing of the past that links them.

Years ago, Alfredo Oropeza killed Victor Manuel's father, stole his fortune and raped his fiancée, Aurora, whom he had always desired. After killing Esteban, Victor Manuel's father, the servants run for their lives together with his little brother Luis Miguel. But as they are being pursued by Alfredo's men, the nanny carrying Luis Miguel falls into a river. Traumatized and half naked, Aurora arrives at a Church calling for help. But her evil sister, Lucrecia, convinces her that everything that is happening was her fault, and has her locked up in a mental asylum. Nine months later, Aurora gives birth to a baby girl called Mariana, the product of her rape. Lucrecia takes away her niece and blackmails Alfredo—whom she has always loved—into marrying her.

Years later, Mariana and Víctor Manuel meet each other after they compete to win for an international business contract. They both cannot ignore the mutual attraction they feel for each other, until Víctor Manuel discovers that Mariana is the daughter of his worst enemy and the murderer of his father. Víctor Manuel decides to take revenge by seducing Mariana, but he cannot imagine that he will end up falling in love with her.

Palais Royale (film)

This dark crime comedy is set in 1959 where Gerald Price (Matt Craven) is a newcomer to Toronto. He competes with mobster Tony Dicarlo (Kim Coates) for the affections of Odessa Muldoon (Kim Cattrall). Meanwhile, Michael Dattalico (Dean Stockwell) is eager to expand his organized crime business in Toronto. Much of the action takes place in the art deco dance hall of the title, a historic building set on the shores of Lake Ontario.

The film does feature a nice turn by Cattrall channeling Marilyn Monroe as a gangster's moll before her departure to the U.S. and fame in ''Sex and the City''.

Akai Meiro

Criminal psychologist Masato Yuki, played by Ken Utsui, returns from a three-year sojourn in America, to his wife and daughter Akiko, played by Momoe Yamaguchi. Shortly after his return, his wife is murdered under suspicious circumstances.

The Jigsaw War

With little help of the Second Doctor, Jamie is trapped within a temporal puzzle with an opponent, Side...

Energy of the Daleks

The scene is set in London 2025. An energy crisis persists and The GlobeSphere Corporation plans to alleviate it with solar panels on the moon and a satellite dish on top of the National Gallery. The Doctor has detected an even more incongruous energy in the vicinity.

Proof of the Man

A young black man from New York named Johnny Hayward (Joe Yamanaka) receives a sum of money. He buys new clothes and takes a flight to Japan. After he arrives, he is found fatally stabbed in a lift in a Tokyo hotel at the same time as a fashion show by designer Kyōko Yasugi (Mariko Okada) is being held. The police department, including Munesue (Yūsaku Matsuda) and his partner (Hajime Hana), come to investigate. The only clue is the dying man's last words "straw hat". At the same time, a woman having an extramarital affair, Naomi (Bunjaku Han), is accidentally run over by Yasugi's son (Kōichi Iwaki). He and his girlfriend dump her body in the sea, but drops his watch at the scene. He is haunted by his actions and confesses to his mother, Kyōko, who suggests he flee to New York with his girlfriend.

Munesue starts to suspect that Kyōko knows more than she is letting on. He travels to New York to find out more about the dead man. There he is partnered with American detective Ken Shuftan (played by George Kennedy), who seems to be the same man who killed Munesue's father. Munesue finds that the young man is the son of a black American soldier and a Japanese woman. He also finds Yasugi's son, who deliberately provokes Shuftan into shooting him dead. Munesue returns to Japan and begins to suspect Kyōko. He travels to a resort and discovers that Kyōko was a prostitute in the years after the war. Finally he has enough evidence and confronts Kyōko that Johnny was her mixed-race son, and she killed him to protect her reputation. Kyōko commits suicide. In America, Shuftan goes looking for the Johnny's father and finds he is dead. Then Shuftan is stabbed and dies.

Macross The Ride

The plot of the light novel is set in an air race competition performed using advanced civilian "valkyries" (variable fighters) in the massive space emigration colony ship ''Macross Frontier'' in the year 2058 A.D., one year before the events of the ''Macross Frontier'' anime television series. Many designs from the different ''Macross'' series also appear in this novel.

Never Give Up (1978 film)

A girl survives a massacre of villagers by Japanese soldiers in a remote mountain village.

A Fugitive from the Past

Three robbers escape with loot from a heist, but during the escape, two of them are killed by the other one. Their dead bodies wash up on the shore after a maritime disaster, but a policeman, Yumisaka (Junzaburō Ban), becomes suspicious because they are not listed as passengers. The surviving robber Inukai (Rentaro Mikuni) is sheltered by a prostitute, Yae (Sachiko Hidari). In return, the robber gives her a large sum of money, and she is able to start a new life. The policeman follows Yae to Tokyo on the trail of the robber, but she refuses to cooperate with him.

Many years later, Yae sees the man who had given her the money in a newspaper article. She tries to thank him, but because he has now become a respectable citizen, living under the name Tarumi, he kills her so that his secret is not known. Yumisaka, who was forced to resign from the police force because of his obsession with this case, and a young detective (Ken Takakura) pursue the clue they need to bring him to justice.

Finally, as Inukai is being transported on a ferry back to face charges, he commits suicide by jumping from the boat.

Saving Hope

The protagonist of the show is Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance), a doctor whose fiancé, Dr. Charles Harris (Michael Shanks), is in a coma after a car accident while on his way to their wedding. The show follows the life of Charlie in his comatose state and Alex dealing with her patients, all the while hoping that he will survive. Dr. Reid is the Chief Surgical Resident while Dr. Harris was the Chief of Surgery until his accident. Dr. Harris recovers at the end of season 1, but in subsequent seasons he continues to be able to see the spirits of comatose and dead patients.

The show also stars Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), an orthopedic surgeon and Alex's former lover. Reid also works alongside Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji), a neurosurgeon, Dr. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), a third year surgical resident on rotation in the General Surgery department, Dr. Gavin Murphy (Kristopher Turner), a psychiatry resident, Dr. Zachary Miller (Benjamin Ayres), the ER doctor, OR nurse Victor Reis (Salvatore Antonio), Dr. Tom Reycraft (K. C. Collins), Dr. Melanda Tolliver (Glenda Braganza), and Dr. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden), a cardiologist, who is Charlie's ex-wife.

The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf

Tetsuya Asakura, a mild-mannered accountant works for an oil company by day and as a bank-robbing assassin by night. Hell-bent on bringing his corporation down, he finds he's not the only one as another criminal blackmails the top officials from the corporation. As loyalties are tested and double-crossed, Asakura soon finds himself in a deadly battle with the mafia.

His & Hers (1997 film)

While chopping carrots in her suburban kitchen, a nervous housewife, Carol (Caroleen Feeney), accidentally chops off her husband Glenn's (Liev Schreiber) pinky, causing the detached finger to fly out the window and into the backyard. After chasing down the neighbor's dog, which has absconded with the errant digit, Carol eventually recovers it, But as the couple races to the hospital to have the finger reattached, Carol discovers that Glenn has been unfaithful. Indignant, she decides that she is not giving it back until Glenn confesses to the identity of his affair. After much hemming and hawing, Glenn eventually acknowledges that it is Pam (Cynthia Watros), who also just happens to be Carol's best friend. Incensed, Carol drives to Pam's house to confront her, only to raise the ire of Pam's husband, Nick (Michael Rispoli), who grabs the finger and runs off, planning to put it into a bank deposit machine.

Kailangan Ko'y Ikaw (TV series)

''Kailangan Ko’y Ikaw'' follows the story of Police Inspector Gregorio Dagohoy (Robin Padilla), a police investigator who accidentally meets the Manrique sisters; Ruth (Anne Curtis) and Roxanne (Kris Aquino) because of kidnapping incident. It happens that Ruth planned her own kidnapping and wanted to extort money from her family. Despite of her being the black sheep in the family and pushing her passion to be a model, her sister Roxanne remained faithful to her. Gregorio became close to the two sisters that has a connection to a crime that his father became involved despite of his innocence.

Fashion King (TV series)

''Fashion King'' tells the story about a young aspiring designer Kang Young-gul (Yoo Ah-in) who has nothing and starts his fashion business as a vendor on Dongdaemun Market. He has never had any goals or dreams for a bright future until he meets Lee Ga-young (Shin Se-kyung) who loses both parents in an accident at a young age and grows up into a smart, determined young woman with a natural talent for designing. After receiving a scholarship to the New York Fashion School, Ga-young travels to America hoping to achieve her dream of becoming a designer.

Meanwhile, Jung Jae-hyuk (Lee Je-hoon) is a second-generation chaebol to a large enterprise that covers construction, distribution, and fashion, while his ex-girlfriend, Choi Anna (Kwon Yuri) now works under a top internationally renowned designer. Gradually, Jung Jae-hyuk loses interest in Choi Anna and sets his sights onto Lee Ga-young. But Ga-young's heart is for Young-gul, and Young-gul's heart is for Anna, so will this love square ever be settled? And who will win and become Fashion King?

Cruel Passion

Justine is a young virgin thrown out of a French orphanage and into the depraved world of prostitution. She slips into a life of debauchery, torture, whipping, slavery and salaciousness while her brazen, flirtatious and liberated sister Juliette ironically receives nothing but happiness and reward for her wanton behavior.

Mad Buddies

Enemies, Boetie (Leon Schuster) and Beast (Nkosi) are forced to embark on a road trip as unwitting subjects of a new TV reality show ''Mufasa Mufasa, Walla Habibi'', devised by a TV producer, Kelsey, played by Tanit Phoenix. On camera, with the whole of South Africa in on the joke, the pair comes stuck at every stage of the journey until they discover that they have been conned and join forces to exact revenge.

Conan the Hero

Conan and his friend Juma, both soldiers in the army of Turan, are stationed in the far-off jungles of Venjipur to defend its beleaguered royal family against the rebellious Hwong tribe. Both comrades are dissatisfied; they and those under them have been doing all the fighting, and see no chance for advancement, as their timid superior officers never risk their own lives in battle. In one skirmish, Conan rescues a girl named Sariya from being sacrificed by Mojurna, an evil shaman. This subsequently leads to trouble, when one of the Turanian officers attempts to rape her and is killed by Conan.

There are orders for Conan's execution, but he is the hero of Yaralet and a man whom King Yildiz has his eye on. However, Yildiz's captain devises a plan to get Conan out of circulation for a while by sending him deep into enemy territory. Conan's unit is ambushed, and he calls for reinforcements, only to have his request denied by one of the officers who has it in for him. His men defeat their attackers on their own—barely. The wounded Conan is carried back to camp by Juma. Meanwhile, his enemies plan to have him disposed of by their corrupt Venjipoorian allies. Accordingly, Conan is drugged and brought before the duplicitous Pheng Loon, leader of a Venjipoorian tribe the Turanians are supposedly there to help. Despite his hallucinations induced by the drug, Conan is able to throw off its influence and escape.

In segments interspersed with those detailing the main action, it's revealed that King Yildiz in Agraphur has his eye on Conan almost literally. His court wizard has kept Yildiz up-to-date on events in Venjipoor by scrying through a magic mirror. Also, the king's known enthusiasm for Conan has both fanned and inhibited his officers' machinations against the Cimmerian. Soon, Yildiz's intervention partiality results in Conan being summoned back to Agraphur for a ceremony. However, bureaucratic delays in his orders give the officers once last chance to try to get him killed. Again, Conan and Juma's forces are sent deep into rebel territory, where they're ambushed by numerically superior foes—but again they turn the tide and win. Their enemies now have no choice but to allow them to return to the capital.

After a long journey, Conan and Juma reach Agraphur, where King Yildiz gives Conan a medal and names him a Hero of Turan. Days of feasting and revelry ensue, to lead up to an official presentation ceremony. During these festivities, Conan works to uncover the identities of his enemies. Everything comes to a head at the ceremony, where Yildiz is menaced by a carnivorous vine sent by Mojorna. Conan and Juma defend the king against the plant, but delay destroying it long enough for it to consume the corrupt officers whose incompetence has cost so many lives in Venjipoor. Apprised of their plots and soured on foreign conquest, Yildiz commissions the Cimmerian to take over the Turanian forces in Venjipoor and set things right. Back in Venjipoor, Conan shuts down the Turanian mission there. He is aided by the fact that Mojurna died when his plant was destroyed, but this development effectively denies him Sariya, who has taken the shaman's place as leader of the Hwong.

Descending Angel

A recently engaged man (Roberts) comes to visit his fiancée (Lane)'s future father-in-law (Scott) and gets to know him better, when he unearths clues that the man may have been a Nazi collaborator and mass murderer.

Yellow Faced Tiger

San Francisco police officers John (Robert Jones) and Wong (Wong Tao) arrest two men raping a girl named Sylvia (Sylvia Chang), utilizing their knowledge of martial arts to take down the assailants, but at the station Sylvia refuses to press charges claiming that she knew the men and that the altercation was all in fun, in clear contradiction of what had truly taken place. In retribution for their arrest, the rapists kidnap John in broad daylight and take him to the beach, where he is beaten by numerous assailants. Wong manages to come to his partner's rescue, killing one of them. For this, he is kicked out of the force by his superior Captain Newman (Dan Ivan) and soon imprisoned, but John still keeps in touch with his old friend. After serving his sentence, Wong takes a job as a waiter. While waiting tables he meets Chuck Slaughter (Chuck Norris), a criminal mastermind. Slaughter offers Wong a job in his organization but Wong refuses, even as Slaughter threatens to have him killed.

John witnesses some men running away from a bank robbery one morning. While John is chasing some bank robbers. He's pursues the robbers, but there are too many for him and one of them pulls a gun. John runs but is caught in the backyard of the Chu family, where the robbers kill him. The next morning when the police find his body the captain, Newman, accuses Mr. and Mrs. Chu of being in on the murder and the bank robbery. Newman has the Chu's arrested and locked up without bail despite Mr. Chu's claims that he had nothing to do with the crime and didn't even see the men killing John in his backyard. Wong becomes involved because he wants to avenge John's death and free the Chu's. He begins shaking down Chinese criminals looking for clues, and they lead him to Captain Newman. Newman, who was working for Mr. Slaughter, intended to frame the Chu's for the crime committed by Slaughter's own men.

Wong fights Newman and kills him. After Wong kills Newman, he attempts to warn Chu's defending lawyer, but the boss of the gang has already murdered the lawyer (Joy Sales). Wong is confronted by Slaughter's men on the street, and fights them all off, eventually confronting Slaughter himself. Wong defeats Slaughter after a heated battle, and almost kills him when the police burst onto the scene. The new police captain stops Wong from delivering the lethal blow, informing him that he knows the whole story. Wong is reinstated to the police force, but refuses to carry a pistol saying "(He) has no need of guns".

The Patient in Room 18 (film)

Private investigator Lance O'Leary (Patric Knowles) suffers a nervous breakdown from being unable to solve a case and his doctor has him hospitalized for rest. It just happens to be the same place where his lady friend, Sara Keate (Ann Sheridan), is the head nurse. The first night there a murder takes place as wealthy Mr. Warren is killed in his room and $100,000 worth of medicinal radium on his chest is stolen. Also, head doctor Dr. Lethany is murdered as well. Everyone on the staff seems to have a motive and O'Leary must work with combative Inspector Foley (Cliff Clark) to solve the crime.

The Beast to Die

A journalist who covered the Vietnam War becomes mentally unstable and goes on a spree of robbery and murder.

A Homansu

A homeless man suffering from memory loss is unbeatable in a fight. He becomes involved with the Yakuza.

The Feminine Touch (1995 film)

Jenny Baron (Paige Turco) is a beautiful investigative reporter swept into a deadly conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of the government. When she is assigned to get the story of charismatic Presidential candidate Senator Ashton (George Segal), her job is complicated by a string of political assassinations and attempts. After her lover (Dirk Benedict) is killed, things get personal. Jenny finds herself in possession of a computer disk that holds a list of powerful politicians marked for elimination, and the key to the massive web of death and deceit —— and now she's next on the list of targets! Pursued by hitmen and hunted by police, if she survives, she may discover a truth she's not prepared to accept.

Inside Men

The serial was written by Tony Basgallop. It follows the story of an armed robbery at a secure money counting house in Bristol, the events that lead up to it, characters who work there and the aftermath. It begins with a depiction of the brutal robbery and then explores the motivations of those who committed the crime. The three main characters are John Coniston (Steven Mackintosh), who is the seemingly straightlaced manager of the secure depot; Marcus (Warren Brown), who moves trolleys of cash; and security guard Chris (Ashley Walters).

Stuck in Love

Novelist and part-time teacher Bill Borgens has been floundering since his wife, Erica, left him for a younger man two years ago. Instead of working on a new book, he spies on Erica and her new husband Martin while pretending to be jogging. Bill's son Rusty is a high school student in love with a classmate named Kate but lacks the courage to talk to her. Bill's daughter, Sam, is a cynical college student who prefers one-night stands and hookups with people she knows are less intelligent than herself in order to shield herself from love.

On Thanksgiving, Bill has a reluctant Rusty set a place for Erica. At dinner, Sam announces that her first novel has been accepted for publication. Bill, having raised his children to be writers from birth, is thrilled, but becomes annoyed when she admits the book is not the one he had been helping her write. Rusty smokes weed before he goes to a second Thanksgiving dinner with Erica and Martin, but Sam refuses to join, citing Erica's betrayal of Bill.

While at a bar, Sam's classmate Lou tries to prevent her from initiating a hook-up with a sleazy guy. Despite being rebuffed, he continues to pursue her and eventually strong-arms her into a cup of coffee. While discussing their favorite books, Sam is unnerved by their similar tastes in literature and runs off, refusing to be roped into a relationship. When Lou stops coming to the writing seminar they both attend, Sam is saddened by his absence and tracks him down to the house where he takes care of his mother, who is dying. Sam realizes how much she cares for Lou and agrees to go out with him. When they discuss Sam's novel she reveals that a scene in which the main character sees her mother having sex with a man on the beach was about Erica and Martin. When Martin worried if Bill might see them, Erica replied, "I don't care." While listening to Lou's favorite song, Between the Bars by Elliott Smith, Sam begins to cry, afraid of being hurt by a failed relationship. Lou tells her he won't hurt her, and they share a kiss.

Rusty reads a poem in class about an angel, but the poem is actually about his crush and classmate Kate. Bill pays Sam and Rusty to write frequently in their journals and reads Rusty's journal to check in on his writing progress. When Rusty catches him, Bill tells Rusty that he worries he's letting life pass him by and needs to really experience life in order to become a better writer. Rusty and his friend Jason bribe their way into a party held by Kate's boyfriend, Glen. Rusty inadvertently sees Kate and Glen doing cocaine in the bathroom, leaving him dispirited. He and Jason are about to leave when they witness Kate and Glen arguing; when Glen shoves Kate to the ground, Rusty punches him in the face and flees with Kate and Jason. Since Kate can't go home bruised and high, Rusty brings her to his house. While tucking her into bed, she asks Rusty if his angel poem was about her; he admits it was. They share a kiss and begin a relationship. On Christmas Day, they have sex in his closet, which she believes neither of them will forget since it is Rusty's first time having sex and Kate's first time having sex in a closet. Sam and Bill are seen joking about Rusty's coming-of-age and sexual escapades. For Christmas, Rusty gives Kate a copy of ''It'', his favorite novel, and she gives him her favorite album. At the same time Kate struggles with her drug addiction; while visiting Erica's house, she rifles through a medicine cabinet and is on the verge of stealing prescription drugs when Erica walks in on her.

Bill has regular sexual liaisons with his married neighbor, Tricia, with whom he occasionally jogs. However, he continues to mope over his failed marriage. While Christmas shopping he runs into Erica and they talk over coffee. He tells her that, if given a second chance, he would be a much better husband, leaving Erica visibly uneasy. Tricia urges him to move on and begin dating again, helping him dress better and creating an online dating profile. After going on a somewhat successful date, he stops by Erica's house and peeks in her window. Seeing her read a book, he leaves his wedding ring as a sign that he has moved on. However, he does a double take and realizes she is reading one of his own books. Heartened, he takes back his ring.

Sam has a party for the launch of her book, where Bill makes a speech about the process of writing, quoting ''What We Talk About When We Talk About Love'', his favorite book. Erica is invited by Lou, but is clearly uncomfortable and avoids conversation. Bill encourages her to talk to Sam, who pretends not to know her when signing Erica's copy of her novel. Sam is infuriated with Lou for inviting Erica, and tells him she no longer wants to see him. Sam gives Kate champagne—unaware of Kate's addiction and ignoring the fact that she's underage—Kate goes back for more and is eventually incapacitated due to the mixture of drugs and alcohol. Gus, one of Sam's classmates, takes an incapacitated Kate to his home, which causes the Borgens to panic and track her down. Bill and Erica barge into Gus's apartment and find her unconscious in his bedroom after a night of drinking and doing drugs. As Kate is loaded into the car, Rusty lifts the blanket covering her and realizes that Kate was sexually assaulted, which leaves him in tears.

Devastated, Rusty turns to alcohol and comes home drunk almost every night. While at a convenience store with Jason he runs into Glen, who chases down and beats him. Kate writes Rusty a letter apologizing and telling him she's in rehab, having realized the only person who could truly fix her is herself. She hopes that one day she could be worthy of somebody like him. Bill, worried about Rusty, tells him to channel his pain into his writing. Rusty asks if he did the same when Erica left, prompting Bill to ground him. Rusty writes a story titled "I've Just Seen a Face" (after the Beatles song of the same name, which he told Sam he hears when thinking of Kate) and finds it therapeutic. Later, he gets a call from Stephen King, his favorite author, who tells him that Sam sent his story to King, who had it published in ''The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction''.

A frustrated Sam tells Bill he needs to move on from Erica. Bill then reveals to Sam that he walked out on Erica when Sam was a baby, and that when he came back six months later she accepted him, having waited for him the whole time. He promised that if she ever left him, he'd wait and give her a second chance like she did for him. Lou calls Sam when his mother dies, which makes Sam realize her own mistakes and how much her mother means to her. She visits Erica and they tearfully reconcile. Sam and Lou get back together, and Sam helps him through his mothers' death.

The film cuts to a year later, and Bill shows he's moved on from Erica by not setting a place for her at the table for Thanksgiving. It is also mentioned that Rusty and Kate are back together, and Kate is in a much healthier place now. As the family sits down to eat, joined by Lou, Rusty answers the doorbell and sees Erica standing there, and she tearfully asks if she can come in and join them for Thanksgiving. Bill is taken aback, but vocalizes that he is happy that Erica has finally come home. She joins them at the table, and Rusty announces his story is being published. While the family celebrates, Bill's narration again quotes from ''What We Talk About When We Talk About Love'': "I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark."

The Astronomer's Dream

In an observatory, an astronomer is studying at his desk. Satan appears, then a woman appears and makes Satan vanish. Then she disappears. The astronomer draws a globe on a blackboard. The globe develops a sun-like head and limbs and starts to move on the blackboard. The astronomer looks through a small telescope. The Moon appears in a building as a large face. It has eaten the astronomer's telescope. Additionally, men tumble from its mouth. Then the Moon is in the sky. In a different dress, the astronomer stands on a table, which disappears. He falls.

The Moon becomes a crescent. The mythological goddess Phoebe (i.e., Selene) appears from it. The astronomer chases her, but she eludes him. Then another figure stands in the crescent of the Moon before reclining into its C shape. The Moon appears as a prominent face again, and the astronomer jumps into its mouth. A woman and Satan appear. The astronomer appears again. Then, in the observatory, the astronomer sits asleep in his chair.

A Free Ride

''A Free Ride'' s opening intertitle denotes the film's setting as "in the wide open spaces, where men are men and girls will be girls, the hills are full of romance and adventure". The film shows two women walking home together alongside a rural road. A wealthy male motorist in a right-hand-drive 1912 Haynes 50-60 Model Y Touring Car arrives and offers them a lift. After some hesitation, the women accept his promise to behave properly, and sit beside him in the front seat. However, the man immediately kisses and fondles them, before they get underway.

Some time later, the man stops the car and steps out of sight into the trees to urinate, but the women follow and voyeuristically watch him, returning to the car as he finishes to conceal that they have done so. After his return, the women go the same spot themselves to urinate. He secretly follows, watches them, and becomes sexually aroused, also returning to the car before he is discovered. The women return to the car, and accept the man's offer of liquor.

The man asks one of the women to accompany him into the woods, and they masturbate each other while standing. The other woman becomes curious and follows them into the woods. Upon seeing them, she becomes sexually aroused and stimulates herself. Meanwhile, the man and the first woman have sex in the missionary position. Soon after, the second woman joins them and the man has sex with her doggy style. Later, they have a threesome, and one of the women subsequently performs fellatio on him. After finishing the sexual acts, they return to the car and drive away.

Mystery House (1938 film)

At a hunting lodge retreat, banker Hubert Kingery (Eric Stanely) announces to five fellow officers that one of them has forged documents and embezzled $500,000. Before the evening is over, Kingery is shot dead and the police officially rule it a suicide. Kingery's daughter Gwen (Anne Nagel) doesn't agree and asks for help from her aunt's nurse, Sarah Keate (Ann Sheridan), who suggests her detective boyfriend, Lance O'Leary (Dick Purcell), for the case. O'Leary has all of the suspects return to the lodge and begins his investigation. Stuck in the snowbound shelter, the suspects and victims begin to pile up.

Keep the Lights On

In 1998, Danish artist Erik living in New York City meets Paul, a lawyer, through a phone sex hotline. Attracted to each other, they share an intimate moment and sex. Erik later visits a man named Russ who seems more interested in showing off his muscles to Erik than having sex. Erik sees Paul again, and tells him about how he broke up with his ex-boyfriend Paolo, who was HIV-positive. Erik confides to his friend Claire on how he is happier with Paul than he was with Paolo.

Paul asks Erik to keep quiet about his drug use, and gets Erik high. Paul, who has been closeted, sees his ex-girlfriend while visiting an art gallery with Erik. She tries to persuade Paul to introduce Erik to her.

While away from the city, Erik calls his doctor and learns that he is HIV-negative. Later, Paul throws a surprise birthday party for him.

In 2000, Paul catches Erik talking to another man in the street. He confronts him and they argue but manage to get over it. Paul then briefly goes missing during a dinner with Erik and his friends, and evades questions about where he was. Erik, temporarily away to work on a documentary, feels lonely and calls a phone sex hotline. He is startled when he is connected with Paul and becomes upset. Back in New York, Erik argues with Paul but they make up again. Erik comes home to find an unconscious Paul outside their apartment. Paul is sent to rehab and states that Erik ruined his life. Erik goes to a gay club and meets a painter named Igor.

In 2003, with Paul's release from rehab and Erik's success with his film, Erik assumes everything will be better. The assumption is rocked when he learns that Paul left home while he was at work. While his sister comforts him, Erik gets a call from Paul who tells him to visit him at a hotel. Paul displays erratic behavior, trying to pretend he is okay while it is clear to Erik that he hasn't improved since rehab. Erik tries to convince Paul to return home, but he remains at the hotel and hires a male prostitute whom he has sex with while Erik watches. Erik goes to visit Russ, and the two share drugs and possibly sex.

In 2006, after not having seen each other for about a year, Paul meets Erik at a diner where both seem better than before. Erik invites Paul to spend the night at his apartment, to which Paul agrees while avoiding to having sex before going to sleep. Erik later runs into Igor and the two have a drink at a bar.

When spending time together in the countryside, Erik asks Paul how he feels about their relationship. Paul turns aggressive and gives Erik an ultimatum. They either decide to move in together, or break up. Erik says they should move in together, but later at night drives to Paul's apartment to tell him that he changed his mind. He walks Paul to work and admits that he still loves him, although Paul is skeptical. The two hug and Paul tells Erik to be well.

Fast Girls

Sprinter, Shanaya Andrews (Lenora Crichlow), who lives in British Council Housing with her aunt and problematic sister, trains with a fallen-from-grace older coach (played by Phil Davis) on a dilapidated track in the suburbs of London. Her diligent training comes to fruition where she wins the 200m dash against the well-known, entitled runner, Lisa Temple (Lily James), at a regional track meet. When Shanaya wins the final heat, the UK Track and Field National Team approaches her as a leg in the 4 x 100m relay team. While three other team members accept her into the fold, Temple holds a grudge against Andrews from the last race. The rivalry gets toxic and upsets Andrews, and the first exhibition indoor race turns into a disaster as she had stayed up the previous night falling back into her past self-destruction behavior with her sister and dubious friends at the government housing complex. Shanaya and Lisa (anchor leg and presumed fastest runner) botch the handoff technique and the runners descend into recriminations.

Shanaya decides to focus on the solo 200 metres and abandons the relay team in anger much to the dismay of the coach, who is trying to patch things up between the two rivals. Upon arriving back home, her aunt has decided to throw Shanaya and her partying sister out of the apartment after an all-night party was held there. Shanaya, now homeless, has to rely on her old coach for training and housing as she works to stay on the team as a single event runner.

After a all-girls night out, relations thaw a bit between the runners but Shanaya still refuses to rejoin the team as the 3rd leg. The relay team is formalized, with older runner and British legend, Trix Warren (Lorraine Burroughs) as the replacement runner.

At the world championships, held in London before the 2012 Olympics, both Shanaya and Lisa have disappointing position finishes in the 200m open race, despite personal-best times, as they are easily beaten by dominant US and Jamaican teams. Lisa's father, a past Gold Olympian and UK Olympic chairman, is angry and disappointed. To add insult to injury, Trix tears her hamstring in her 100 metre heat and the team is without a leg of the relay. Trix and Shanaya have a heart to heart, with the veteran runner lecturing the younger on lost opportunities. Shanaya rejoins the relay squad but the UK team, yet again, has issues with their underhand handoff technique which takes crucial time off the team's position in the semi-final heat. The UK comes in fourth and does not make the final slot, and the 2 runners end up in a physical fight over the handoff issues.

Due to an out-of-lane technical fault, however, the French 3rd place finishers are disqualified and the UK slips into the finals despite the problems of the runners. However, Shanaya is thrown off the team by the UK Track and Field oversight committee led by Lisa's father and the team will most likely have to default. Lisa, struggling with her domineering father, is convinced by Shanaya to confront him and the committee to allow her back in or else Lisa will also resign from the UK team. David Temple (played by Rupert Graves), is stunned and speechless at his daughter's strong-willed demands and the conversation is left open-ended.

Determined to fix their relationship and their handoff issues, Shanaya and Lisa work on their technique in a local parking garage. It becomes apparent that the problem is Shanaya's approach speed and handoff to Lisa, the anchor. Lisa comes to the conclusion that the traditional ordering of "fastest is lastest" would work better and is more appropriate. The revelation proves successful as both Shanaya and Lisa perfect the overhand handoff technique (a faster but less reliable method of transferring the baton). In the final heat, the movie focuses on the 1-2-3-Anchor handoffs in anticipation of another dropped baton. To the UK coach's dismay, the overhand handoff gets the millisecond needed to pull off the UK photo-finish win over the US and Jamaican teams.

A Diary of Chuji's Travels

The three films focus on the travels of the kindly yakuza boss Kunisada Chūji. The existing print begins with Chuji on the road, fleeing the law while taking care of Kantaro, the son of a dead friend. He leaves Kantaro with Kabe Yasuemon, an honorable local boss, but is shocked to find out that his own men have been committing robberies using his own name. Angry, Chuji hits the road and eventually settles in another town, assuming another name and working as a clerk for a sake brewery. Okuma, the daughter of the brewer, falls in love with Chuji, but he ignores her. When he saves her brother from trouble with the Otozo gang, his identity is revealed and the police close in. Okume kills herself and Chuji flees, but the palsy he had been suffering from worsens and he is finally caught. His henchmen, however, succeed in rescuing him and bring him back to his home village. Unable to walk and confined to bed, Chuji is hidden in a storehouse. His woman, Oshina, discovers that one of his men has betrayed him, but it is too late. Despite the valiant efforts of his men to hold off the police, Chuji is finally arrested by the authorities.

Flight 7500

Vista Pacific Airlines flight 7500, a Boeing 747-300, departs from Los Angeles to Tokyo Haneda. Passengers onboard include a group of two vacationing couples, Lyn (Aja Evans) and Jack (Ben Sharples) and Brad (Ryan Kwanten) and Pia (Amy Smart), who have secretly broken up; a thief named Jake (Alex Frost); a suspicious businessman traveling with a strange wooden box, Lance Morrell (Rick Kelly); a young woman named Raquel (Christian Serratos); newlyweds Rick (Jerry Ferrara) and the snobby Liz (Nicky Whelan); and the goth Jacinta (Scout Taylor-Compton). Air hostesses Laura (Leslie Bibb) and Suzy (Jamie Chung) welcome the passengers on board, and Suzy questions Laura about her secret relationship with the married captain, Pete (Johnathon Schaech).

A few hours into the flight, the plane hits turbulence that soon passes.

Lance has a panic attack and begins to bleed profusely from his mouth. When Lance suddenly dies, Captain Pete continues to Japan, moving the first-class passengers into Economy class and keeping Lance's body in the closed-off first class.

While dispensing drinks, Laura notices plastic water bottles collapsing and quickly warns everyone to fasten their seatbelts, as the cabin pressure drops. Oxygen masks are dispensed above the seats, but at least one does not work. The co-pilot falls unconscious. A thick smoke fills the cabin floor. After the cabin pressure returns to normal and the smoke disappears, Laura finds Raquel unconscious in the toilet and revives her with an oxygen tank. Meanwhile, the plane's radio has stopped working and Captain Pete cannot contact Tokyo air traffic controllers.

Jake goes to first-class to steal the Rolex from Lance's body when the body suddenly moves. He does not notice; when he pulls back the cloth covering the body, he is petrified by something the audience is not shown. Suzy finds out that Jake, and Lance's body, have both disappeared. When Laura notices an F-16 fighter jet flying beside their plane and calls the cockpit to inform Pete, he replies that no fighter jets are present. Brad's in-flight TV show (The Twilight Zone episode "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet") distorts and shows an image of Lance, while Liz is startled by a reflection of Lance on her laptop screen. Raquel returns to the washroom to do a pregnancy test and is relieved to find it negative. However, smoke begins to fill the toilet and a hand grabs her and pulls her into the floor.

The images of Lance appearing on their screens lead the group to search his belongings. Inside his carry-on are multiple tubes of hair with women's names taped onto them. They open Lance's small wooden box and find a "death doll," which Jacinta explains is a shinigami — a being who collects people's souls after they die, but only if they let go of whatever is holding them to this world. Subsequently, Suzy informs Laura that Lance's death has made her realize she does not want to marry her fiancé, which in turn leads to Laura breaking up with Pete.

Laura searches Lance's checked luggage, entering the cargo hold through a small hatch. A hand emerges and drags Laura away. As Suzy waits for Laura by the hatch, another hand grabs at her. Suzy runs into first class, while a cloud of smoke follows her. The smoke quickly clears and Brad, Pia, Rick, Liz, and Jacinta rush to find out what is wrong. As Suzy walks towards them, one of the overhead compartments opens and she disappears into it. While the others rush towards the cockpit, Jacinta hears her own words and hesistantly walks towards an unknown figure which appears before her.

The others discover Captain Pete and the co-pilot slumped in their seats. They eventually, alone or with another, find themselves slumped in their seats. The entertainment screen in the cabin suddenly shows a breaking news story that Flight 7500 suffered a catastrophic decompression, communication had been lost, and a fighter jet found no sign of life on board. It is revealed that everyone who has disappeared was taken after they let go of the one thing that had been tying them to the world. Brad and Pia accept their death and reconcile as the plane runs out of fuel and crashes into the ocean. Sometime after, Liz awakens to find the plane empty. She hears a strange noise coming from one of the waste bins, a discolored hand appears, and Liz ducks out of frame.

Meanwhile (2011 film)

A man must traverse the city of Manhattan to get the keys to a friend’s apartment while coming in contact with various New Yorkers along the way.

Inside Llewyn Davis

In 1961, Llewyn Davis is a struggling folk singer in New York City's Greenwich Village. His solo album ''Inside Llewyn Davis'' is not selling; he is penniless and sleeps on acquaintances' couches. After playing The Gaslight Café one night, he is beaten up in the alley behind the café by a man in a suit.

Davis awakens in the apartment of two friends, the Gorfeins. As he leaves, their cat escapes and is locked out. He takes it to the apartment of Jim and Jean Berkey, where Jean reluctantly allows Davis to stay the night. Jean tells Davis that she is pregnant, and that he could be the father. The next morning, Davis opens a window and the Gorfeins' cat escapes. Later, Jean asks Davis to pay for an abortion, though she is upset it may be Jim's child she is losing.

Davis visits his sister, hoping to borrow money. Instead, she gives him a box of his belongings, which he tells her to discard. She mentions that he could make money by returning to the Merchant Marine. On Jim's invitation, Davis records a space travel-themed novelty song with Jim and Al Cody. Needing money for the abortion, Davis agrees to an immediate $200 rather than royalties. Davis tries to make an appointment for the abortion, only to learn that payment will not be necessary because he already paid for the same procedure two years earlier on behalf of another woman who kept the child without informing him.

Davis captures what he believes to be the Gorfeins' cat and returns it to them that evening. Asked to perform after dinner, he reluctantly plays "Fare Thee Well", a song he had recorded with his old partner, Mike. When Mrs. Gorfein sings Mike's harmony, Davis angrily tells her not to. She leaves the table crying, then returns with the cat, having realized it is the wrong sex and thus not theirs. Davis leaves with the cat.

Davis drives to Chicago with two musicians: the beat poet Johnny Five and the jazz musician Roland Turner. During the trip, he discloses that his musical partner, Mike Timlin, died by suicide.

At a roadside restaurant, Roland collapses from a heroin overdose. The three stop on the side of the highway to rest. When a police officer tells them to move on, he suspects that Johnny is drunk and orders him out of the car. Johnny resists and is arrested. Without the keys, Davis abandons the car, leaving the cat and the unconscious Roland behind. In Chicago, Davis auditions for Bud Grossman, who says he is not suited to be a solo performer but suggests he join a trio Grossman is forming. Davis rejects the offer and hitchhikes back to New York. Driving while the car owner sleeps, he hits a cat; it limps into the woods as Davis watches.

In New York, Davis uses his last $148 for back dues to rejoin the Merchant Marine union. He searches for his seaman's license so he can ship out, but it had been in the box he told his sister to trash. Davis returns to the Union Hall to replace it, but cannot afford the $85 fee. He visits Jean, who tells him she got him a gig at the Gaslight.

At the Gaslight, Davis learns that Pappi, the manager, also had sex with Jean. Davis is thrown out for drunkenly heckling a woman as she performs. He visits the Gorfeins, who graciously welcome him, and learns that the novelty song is likely to be a major hit with massive royalties. He is amazed to see that their actual cat, Ulysses, found his way home.

In an expanded version of the film's opening scene, Davis performs at the Gaslight. Pappi teases him for heckling the previous evening's singer and says that a friend of his is waiting in the alley. As he leaves, Davis watches a young Bob Dylan perform. Behind the Gaslight, he is beaten by the suited man for having cruelly heckled his wife, the previous night's performer. Davis watches as the man leaves in a taxi, bidding him "Au revoir".

Quartet (2012 film)

The plot takes place in Beecham House, a retirement home for former professional musicians, patterned after the real-life Casa di Riposo per Musicisti founded by Giuseppe Verdi. Reg, Wilf and Cissy are retired opera singers who often worked together in the past; among other residents are Cedric Livingstone, a former director, and diva Anne Langley. All the guests in the retirement home are suffering in varying degree the ailments old age can bring but continue to be engaged in their former professions in one way or another, including lecturing and introducing young people to music.

Finances threaten closure of the home, but proceeds from a yearly gala concert on Verdi's birthday hold hope for a continuation of the place. However, Cedric has become rather desperate because some of the most prominent singers have either died or decided not to participate at all. Reg, Wilf and Cissy were in the cast of a very highly rated recording of the opera ''Rigoletto'', which includes a famous quartet for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and baritone ("Bella figlia dell'amore"). This version is very prominent among opera buffs as THE ''Rigoletto'' of the post-war era.

Reg is shocked to find his former wife Jean Horton, the missing soprano of the ''Rigoletto'' recording, turning up to live at Beecham House. Reg is angry not to have been warned or consulted as their parting was on very sour terms. At first, Jean tries unsuccessfully to mend things with Reg. In the ensuing conversations her infidelity arises, as well as her past marriages, but Reg comes to understand that all that is now in the past. In the meantime, Cedric has come up with a plan that could work, but has one flaw. He meets with Wilf, Cissy and Reg to put his idea to them. His hope is to convince them to re-form the quartet who sang on the famous recording and to sing it again for the Verdi Gala concert, hoping it will sell enough tickets to save the home. Reg is sceptical but agrees, having overcome his issues and problems with Jean living at the home and being in such close proximity daily. Wilf persuades the doctor in charge to allow them a night out, resulting in Reg, Wilf and Cissy inviting Jean to dinner. Blissfully unaware and thinking friendships mended and repaired, with the past forgotten, Jean accepts the invitation; however, she is harder to persuade as she vowed never to sing again after retiring, resulting in her getting angry and storming out of the restaurant.

The following morning, Cissy brings Jean flowers from the garden to cheer her up, and asks if she wishes to discuss the quartet, but Jean doesn't want to take the flowers and beats Cissy with them, which only aggravates Cissy's already delicate senile condition. Jean apologises and is finally persuaded to sing in the quartet from ''Rigoletto'', after learning that Anne Langley will be singing "Vissi d'arte" from ''Tosca'' as a finale, unless the four of them sing together, in which case they will be given pride of place as the last to perform. The group prepare for their performance and, moments before their curtain call, Cissy gets very confused and attempts to walk out the door, saying that she has to go back to her family, but Jean manages to salvage the situation. During her conversation with Cissy, Jean expresses regret for all her past bad behaviour towards Reg and admits that she is still in love with him. Reg overhears this.

Just as the recital is about to start, the director of the home is amazed at the energy displayed by the guests of the home. The idea of rehearsing and playing before an audience has brought life back to the home and the quartet. Prior to going on stage, Reg asks Jean to marry him again. As the quartet enter the stage individually, and to the rapturous applause of the audience, Reg stands next to Jean. Jean asks Reg if he was serious, he replies yes. Jean accepts and takes Reg by the hand.