Juliette Ferrars is a 17-year-old girl whose touch paralyzes and kills, taking living organisms' energy. Juliette is in an asylum because three years prior, she killed a small boy in a store with her unusual touch. It is evident that Juliette is partly insane, both from prolonged isolation and at horror at herself. She repeatedly dreams of a bird and writes in a small notebook.
Suddenly, for the first time ever, Juliette gets a cellmate who goes by the name of Adam Kent. He reminds Juliette of someone, but she convinces herself that it is not possible that she ever knew him. She shows Adam the ways of the asylum, such as not to eat the scalding food immediately, and when the asylum's occupants are allowed to shower. At some point, Juliette wakes up to find Adam has touched her, and she becomes confused.
One day, the Reestablishment, a government that has the world within its grasp, comes for Juliette. It is revealed that Adam is a soldier for Aaron Warner, the leader of Sector 45 of the Reestablishment. Warner, who is also the son of the Reestablishment's Supreme Commander, makes Juliette an offer that includes her being able to get out of the asylum in turn for her torturing any prisoners with her touch as a weapon for the Reestablishment.
Warner wants to feel the full effects of Juliette's power, but she refuses to touch or hurt him, so he forces her to torture a soldier named Jenkins and a small child through a simulated torture room. During her captivity, Juliette develops a romantic relationship with Adam. It is revealed that Adam knew Juliette prior to the asylum, and is in love with her, and that he can touch Juliette without being harmed or killed. Adam eventually helps Juliette escape from Warner, and as they escape, Warner's hand brushes against Juliette's ankle, revealing that Warner also can touch Juliette without consequence.
Adam and Juliette run away to where Adam's 10-year-old brother James lives, a small apartment Adam helped to make. James is taken care of by others because Adam has to live with the other soldiers; to the brother's knowledge, both of their parents are dead. Through spending time together, Adam starts to become possessive of Juliette. One of Adam's fellow soldiers, Kenji Kishimoto, shows up claiming that Warner had him tortured in order to learn Adam and Juliette's whereabouts. Kenji says that he knows a safe place where they can escape, and they formulate a plan. Juliette and Adam split up with Kenji and James, but Adam and Juliette are captured and Warner shoots Adam.
Warner drags Juliette into an abandoned classroom and tells Juliette he loves her. Warner kisses Juliette, so she seduces him to get the gun from him. She non-fatally shoots him. She finds Adam in a slaughterhouse, and they escape, although Adams's leg is badly injured. They meet up with Kenji and James, whom Kenji has given sedatives so that he will not be traumatized by the condition Adam is in.
It is revealed that Kenji is a member of the Rebellion against the Reestablishment, called Omega Point. Adam, Juliette, and James are recruited by, and then join the Rebellion.
The New Orleans location begins with a SWAT team arriving at a hangar on August 3, 2007 where they find a body hanging from hooks, devoid of blood. Concurrently, detective Nicole Bonnet receives a call informing her that the French police have found another body in Paris and she flies there.
When detective Bonnet arrives in Paris on August 15, a French police inspector explains the body was that of a female ballet dancer completely drained of blood. Additionally, a doll dressed in a French Revolution style dress was lying near the body.
Detective Bonnet investigates the scene and finds that the victim's name was Elizabeth Soapault. Soon after, another ballet dancer named Jacqueline Lorrein is murdered in room number 13 of a Montmartre apartment. The inspector tells Bonnet they have a witness report claiming an American named Jack Dupree rented the room. The witness claimed that she saw Dupree running in haste, dropping something into a grate.
The inspector gives Bonnet his business card while asking her to forget about the case. Arriving back at her hotel, the desk clerk hands her a letter from Jack Dupree stating he is innocent and wants to meet her in private at 11 p.m. at Pont des Invalides.
Nicole accepts the invitation and drives to Pont des Invalides. There, she meets Jack, and he invites her to come to his apartment to show her his evidence to prove his innocence. While they are talking, a hooded teenager on a motorcycle passes by. He shoots at Jack, who has just mentioned to Nicole that someone wants to frame him. Nicole throws her laptop at the moving bike and knocks the gun out of the rider's hands. She picks it up and fires it at his back, but misses.
After this incident, she is confronted by the police, who bring her to Inspector Pety. The inspector orders her to leave France, assigning a fellow officer to accompany Nicole while she packs her bags. She and the police officer arrive at the hotel, and Nicole pretends to pack her belongings. She escapes through the hotel's back door, and puts a handkerchief in the police car's exhaust pipe.
On August 16, 2007, Nicole goes to a Montmartre apartment, where she thinks she will find the evidence of Jack's innocence. Since she doesn't want to tamper with evidence, she decides to sneak into a room by going through a side window. In the apartment she finds a secret compartment, in which she finds a diary in a chest. The diary contains information on the framing. At this point, she hears someone enter the apartment. She hides in a closet and sees a man with a gun coming in. As soon he gets close enough, she jumps out and knocks him to the floor. Nicole jumps out of the window, with the man shooting at her back. After her flight, Nicole drives to a hotel, where she meets a man named Louis Carnot. He asks her about Jack and some documents. Nicole becomes very suspicious of him. After this, she travels to Moulin Rouge.
Nicole arrives at Moulin Rouge the next day. As soon as she arrives, she goes to the backyard, and opens a hatch with a metal pole. She enters a dressing room, and opens the door with Jack's key, which she took from his desk in the apartment. In a dressing room, she finds a phone and reads a message about the next victim. After that, she snoops around the dressing room, where she finds aspirin. She overhears somebody talking, and leaves the building. Nicole runs outside and gets into her car, but is delayed by an unknown man in her car. He points a gun at her and forces her to drive to a hotel. In a hotel room, the man tells her that Jack Dupree has been killed, and that he wants the chest that Nicole took from a secret compartment in Jack's apartment.
She opens the chest with the key she got from a dressing room drawer. Inside, they find a diary and broken pieces of paper which, when combined, reveals half of a map. They set out to find the remaining half, using letters from a man named Marc Taine to Jack as a clue. In his house they find photos of victims, including planned ones. Nicole is shocked when she discovers that the murderer chose her to be his next target and already prepared a doll for her. Before she leaves, she finds Taine's frozen body in a freezer and has a confrontation with the killer. He kills her accomplice and she escapes to Spain.
In Spain, she returns the car to a mechanic and begins traveling on foot in search of an antiquarian. She finds a sclerotic 70-year-old man with considerable knowledge of antiques, who is also wanted by the killer. She wants him to go with her to Paris, where she assumes he will be safe. He tells Nicole that he has the killer's list, with full names, dating back to the French Revolution. However, he is killed before they can leave. Behind a safe in an antique showroom, she finds a secret compartment containing the list mentioned by the antiquarian. Nicole then travels to Marseilles.
When she arrives at Marseilles, she goes through a gate behind the house in which Louis Carrot is living. She climbs the wall, and then opens a window in a basement by using a glass cutter. In the basement, she finds Jack Dupree tied and gagged. She takes the gag from his mouth, and asks him some questions. From him she learns that Louis Carrot is a puppeteer, and that Jack is an eyewitness to the second victim, Jacquiline, his mistress. He tells her that the killer let him live when he and Nicole were on a bridge. It was Louis that was on the motorcycle trying to eliminate Nicole from participating in the investigation. After the chat, she goes to the kitchen stove, under which she finds a coin and a key. She then goes upstairs to open one of the doors. She gets past the security guard by sneaking around him. As soon as she enters the room she locks the door, upon fear that the guard might hear her at any time. She goes to the fireplace, on top of which she finds a picture of the killer and Marc Taine. Nicole discovers that Louis is Marc Taine's brother. She then finds a secret compartment behind the bookcase, namely a door that leads to a room. Inside the room she finds the second fragment of the map. After that she runs to the door and tries to unlock it, but the key gets stuck. She then takes a statue that is standing on the fireplace, and wraps it into a map, both of which she then tosses out the window.
After that, she opens the door and sees the two guards with two dobermans. The guards start to interrogate her about her visit, and accuse her of sneaking in without an appointment, which she lied to them about. After not getting the information they want, the guards make a bet to each other: They will send the dogs to chase after Nicole, as she tries to climb over the wall. The chances that she will succeed, in the guards' opinion, are zero. She begins to run, picks up the statue from the ground, and jumps onto a rope. Nick, her coworker, that has just arrived, rescues her from behind the wall. Nick suggests her to fly to Havana, Cuba, where she will be safe, and she will find plenty of information on Marc Taine, who turns out to have ancestry in Cuba. Nick gives her the number which she'll need to call to arrange the flight. Nicole goes to a phone booth, calls the number given to her by Nick, and receives a call back confirming that her tickets for the flight are ordered, and that she will fly to Havana from Provence Airport.
She arrives in Havana in the evening via rickshaw, where her first task is to meet an archivist. She finds a note on the door that reads: "Meet me at the cafe". She meets the archivist, an old man, and introduces herself. He asks her if she has any cigars, which she does not. She then goes to a hotel and finds a box of cigars in a broken elevator. She returns to the old man and gives him cigars and a lighter. The man then says that as soon as he finishes the cigar he will help her find the person she is looking for in the archives. At the archives, Nicole explains that she is looking for information on the Montoute family. The archivist tells her that he is being watched, and that he would like to have this discussion somewhere private. Nicole does not realize that since arriving in Cuba, she has been followed by a man in a blue shirt. The man tailing her enters the office. She tries to talk to him unsuccessfully, then traps him in an elevator. She returns to the archivist and receives files on Eduardo Montoute. The archivist replies that there is an estate that is located in Las Tunas, that is owned by one of Eduardo's living relatives. He lends her his car to help her investigate further.
She arrives to Las Tunas on April 21, where she needs to find the relative. Unfortunately, the relative can't be found, and the secret compartment she found in the garden was looted. She goes out of estate and meets a mechanic with a rickshaw. The mechanic tells her that he is in need of a cap, since he lost the one he had. Nicole lends him a cap, and asks him about the estate. The mechanic replies that he knows nothing about it but if she wants to, she can ask a shaman under the name of Madame Budoe in the village. She pays a visit to Madame, but the lady that guards her tells her to wait till tomorrow, because Madame Budoe is busy with other clients. Nicole tells her that her case is urgent, and that she doesn't have time. The lady then makes a compromise: If Nicole will fix the fan, then she will let her in right away. Nicole fixes the fan, and the lady fulfills her promise as well. She then goes to the shaman. When she arrives there she sees an old woman sitting in a rocking chair and surrounded by jars which contain different plants. Nicole asks Madame for a piece of a map, to which Madame replies that she might have one. She also asks her about the relative, on which she gets the answer that the shaman is probably an ancestor to the estate. Madame Budoe tells her to collect for her some herbs and make a sacrifice to Lazarus. She collects the herbs, and brings them to Madame, in exchange for which she gets that last piece of map. While preparing the sacrifice she gets knocked out unconscious. While being in that state, Nicole sees the killer's face. After she gets up, she sees that the shaman lady has been hanged, and that a doll dressed in ancestral clothes is lying near her. Moreover, the streets are empty. She hops into her car and goes to Louis Carrot's estate. There she finds a note from Jack Dupree in the basement, telling her to go to the Montmarte cemetery.
At the cemetery, she overhears two thugs that interrogated Jack Dupree. She also hears the argument over the map and that one of the keys is in Jack Dupree's apartment. Nicole jumps onto her motorcycle and drives to Jack's apartment. She comes a bit late, as the thug is already there trying to break the door. She then goes downstairs and rings a bell, from which a woman's voice answers. She tells the woman to call the police, which she does. Soon, the thug is arrested, with Nicole free to go inside. In Dupree's apartment she finds a dagger that was well hidden behind a picture over a fireplace. After she takes the dagger, she jumps onto the motorcycle and pays a visit to the hotel on the way to the cemetery, where she picks up the box she found in Jack Dupree's apartment. She arrives to the cemetery and goes to the rest of the thugs unafraid. The apparent puppeteer tells her to open the grave in which he believes the treasures are being stored. Nicole demands the map, and, by placing the dagger and the key that she found in Jack's box on the map, opens the grave. As soon as she matches the dagger and the key, she gets the path on the map, which she gives to the killer. The killer, however, doesn't fulfill his promise, as he is afraid to trust her because she might turn him in to the police, even though he claimed that he was innocent. He leaves her with his accomplice, and takes Jack Dupree with him. As soon as he and Jack leave, Nicole starts a fight with the accomplice that results in him falling on the bricks near the asphalt and cracking his head. After that, she goes into the tomb. There she goes down by a rubber hose, after which she travels through an underground lake. She finds an open door and goes in it. The apparent killer turns his gun on her and fires it. Nicole falls on the ground unhurt, but her gun is by her side and not in her hands. She tries to grab the gun but the apparent killer warns her that if she does he will shoot Jack. Then, out of a blue, the real killer shows up. From him Nicole finds out that he was the one behind the murders of eight people, that he was a puppeteer she was looking for, and that he did it out of revenge that was 200 years in the making! After that dialogue the real killer's brother calls him a fool, provoking the killer and causing him to open fire, killing his brother and injuring Jack. Nicole, realizing that it's time to act, grabs the gun and fires it at the puppeteer, killing him. After that, she and Jack leave the tomb and go straight to the cafe.
On his way to California, a doctor, John Brighton, decides to stay in Oklahoma Territory after his wife dies in childbirth. He takes a room at the home of elderly Mrs. Fitzgerald, who helps raise his new daughter Louise.
Five years later, as he becomes acquainted with attractive widow Anne Barnes and her mother, Mrs. Waynebrook, the doctor treats the ill child of an Indian named Charlie. He also meets Charlie's teen daughter, Maria, who is so good with children that he puts Louise in her care after Mrs. Fitzgerald's death.
Wealthy rancher Cass Dobie and brother Mel are gobbling up land in the territory. When they determine that oil is on Charlie's property, they scheme to get it. Mel even tries to shoot Charlie, but is killed in self-defense. John testifies on Charlie's behalf.
While awaiting a legal decision on the shooting, Maria professes her love for John. The angry Cass has a confrontation with John, who prevails, after which Maria realizes that John is actually in love with Anne.
Al Munch (Bud Tingwell) is an American private eye who served in Sydney during World War II and decided to stay on. He is hired by Hollywood film producer, Frankoff, to find Joe Barton, an American crime figure thought to be dead but who is now said to be alive in Australia. Frankof has made a film of his life but needs a clearance from Barton before he can release it and hires Munch to locate him.
Munch contacts a lawyer, Timothy O'Leary, to find Barton, but then O'Leary is murdered. Munch discovers Barton and hands him over to the police for O'Leary's murder.[http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/4.2/Moran.html Albert Moran, 'Some beginnings for Australian television: the first Governor-General', ''Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture'', vol. 4 no 2 (1991) Edited by John Hartley]
The work employs a frame narrative set at the royal court during Christmas celebrations in 1552/53. That year Baldwin was employed as an actor and entertainer under George Ferrers, Master of the King's Pastimes. Baldwin creates a character, who is also named Baldwin. He joins Ferrers, someone called "master Willot," and "Master Streamer" (i.e., Gregory Streamer) in a fictionalized debate concerning the question of whether animals possess the capacity to reason. Streamer offers to persuade his interlocutors in the affirmative, and proceeds to deliver a monologue which constitutes the rest of the book. It is divided into three sections, or "orations."
Streamer's account describes his activities while lodging at the London printing house of John Day, a prominent Tudor printer. In the first part, he recounts a fictional conversation he witnessed at that lodging between a man from Staffordshire, someone called Thomas, an anonymous third speaker, and "Master Sherry," probably a fictionalized version of the Oxford academic Richard Sherry. The first tells the group that four decades earlier he had overheard from another person that that man had heard cats report the death of a cat called Grimalkin. Thomas says that thirty-three years ago he had been in Ireland, and he repeats a peasant's tale about the same Grimalkin, who had appeared seven years before that to an Irish man and his son, who had taken refuge in a church after going raiding. After devouring a sheep and cow, the cat eats the son, and the peasant kills him and escapes. The discussion turns to a debate on whether Grimalkin was in fact a disguised witch. The third speaker objects to the reasonableness of Thomas's story, and Master Sherry, the fourth interlocutor, asserts that he believes in the existence of witches, and says that the bishop of Alexandria had found a way to understand birds.
The second part of Streamer's account describes how he heard the mewing of cats outside his window and his search for a way to gain the ability to understand the language of cats. He consults a "book of secrets" which had been attributed to the thirteenth-century philosopher Albertus Magnus, and finds there a recipe to understand birds. Streamer modifies this recipe and acquires various animal organs and body parts, including those of a hedgehog, fox, rabbit, kite, and cat. He combines these into various kinds of food and drink, and after consuming them, attains his goal.
The third portion of the work constitutes its own frame story. Streamer overhears the group of cats speaking outside his window. They have gathered to consume decaying remains of dismembered body parts of executed traitors, which have been affixed above the city gate adjacent to Streamer's lodging. In fact, the cats constitute a feline tribunal, which Streamer overhears as it is in the process of trying a case against the cat Mouseslayer, who is alleged to have violated certain feline promiscuity laws. Streamer overhears Mouseslayer's monologue to the cat-court, in which she defends her conduct and gives an account of her life's story. It is this point in his book where Baldwin includes his harshest anti-Catholic satire. Internal references reveal that Mouseslayer's account takes place between the first half of 1549 and May 1551. During this time, Protestant reformers brought change to England's religious laws, but some resisted these efforts, at least according to this satire. Mouseslayer tells how she had witnessed forbidden Catholic rituals; her story incorporates antifeminist lore and ribald humor associated with the medieval genre of fabliaux (John N. King, ''Voices of the English Reformation'' (2004), p. 152.)
After Streamer completes his "oration", the narrative returns to Baldwin and the others at the royal court. The author-narrator delivers his "moral", a warning to "beware the cat," since cats can witness what happens behind closed doors.
Baldwin's use of dialogue is advanced for his time, the characters are clearly drawn, and the description of Tudor London is vivid. As a satire, the book is effective in criticizing religious practices which were out of favor during Edward's reign. The work also criticizes ostentatious and pompous forms of knowledge which are not based in fact. The 1584 edition of the text included a poem entitled 'T.K To the Reader' which underscores the anti-Catholic sentiment. The work is important for its sophisticated use of layered narration, its multiple narrators, and its satirical deployment of logic grounded in hearsay.
As Holly points out, the story is told from She's perspective, and since She claims to have lived for over two thousand years, since Ancient Egypt, there is no way to compare her story with any other sources, or witnesses.
She Who Must Be Obeyed says that she was Arabian, by birth; and given the name Ayesha.
Although, in the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard links the name Ayesha to Mohammed's wives, and Arabic or Arabic names, (Arabic: عائشة, Āʾisha), stating that it should be pronounced "Ash/ -ha"; A·ye·sha/ äˈ(y)ēSHə/, is perhaps more common.
She claims that her natural beauty and wisdom was so great, it caused wars between the princes, who wanted to marry her. She says that while this was at first a great source of pride among her Father's people, they soon began to resent her, and spread vicious rumours that she was cursed.
Ayesha leads her Father's people into victory, and revels in the battle; but, the women envy her, and the men lust after her. So, she decides to go into hiding, with her tutor, an Egyptian priest; rather than be turned over to the approaching armies of Pharaoh.
She tells about travelling through the ancient world, encountering all the major artists, who want her to model for them; as well as philosophers, and religions of the time, from Ancient Greece and fledgling Ancient Rome to Palestine and Jerusalem.
Finally, they return to Egypt, where once again, her beauty and wisdom become a source of contention. She swears an oath of celibacy, to serve Isis the Goddess of the Spirit of Nature, and turn away from Aphrodite the Goddess of Love.
But, soon a Greek soldier of fortune, Kallikrates, formerly employed by the Pharaoh, comes to her for sanctuary. He takes an oath to serve Isis; but the Pharaoh's daughter pursues him; and, seeing the way Ayesha looks at him, she determines to destroy her, as a rival.
The Princess mocks Ayesha's prophecies as mere parlor tricks. She goads her Father into giving Ayesha away, as a sex slave, to one of his allies.
Repeatedly, Ayesha is in danger; but, even in the midst of fire and battle, Isis and her followers save her from ruin and rape. Ayesha's fame grows so great, that she is called "Isis Come To Earth" and “Wisdom's Daughter”.
Finally, the King of Kings, of the Persian Empire, comes to see her. He laughs that anyone would be afraid of what must be an old hag, as Isis's Priestess. He spits on Isis's statues, and burns the old gods. However, again her beauty, which the King glimpses beneath her veil; betrays her; and, he determines to rape her, with the rest of the country.
Isis saves her; and, they escape, to reunite with her old Captain, Kallikrates, and the Princess.
Ayesha is inspired that Isis wants to rebuild her cult and usher in a new Golden Age, in the world, through herself. She is led to the hidden kingdom of Kor, in Africa, to begin.
Once there, Ayesha meets her former tutor, who has been guarding The Flame of Eternal Life, which will make a person young and powerful, for as long as the world endures. He passes this one last mystery onto Ayesha, warning her of its temptation to her vanity.
The Princess mocks Ayesha's fading youth; and feeling ashamed, in front of Kallikrates, Ayesha determines to break her oaths, and make herself and him both immortal, to rule the world, like Gods, by stepping into The Flame. This way she feels she will be as "Isis Come To Earth", indeed. But, "Wisdom's Daughter" is Fortune's Fool, and falls by Love's Folly.
Kallikrates is afraid when he sees Ayesha, in her preternatural beauty, after she has bathed in The Flame; and, dies. The others either flee in terror or are killed, overwhelmed by her beauty. Aphrodite laughs at her, and Isis.
Now, Ayesha cannot die, or she will be opposed. She is as terrible, beautiful, and deadly as lightning.
After Kallikrates' death, the Princess flees, urging her descendants to revenge themselves on She, through the artifacts she passes down, which Holly and Leo find, in the first book, She: A History of Adventure.
Ayesha is doomed to wait, in Kor, for his return, through the centuries, becoming weary of the world. She has learned everything the world and Nature has to offer; but, still she must wait, for love and redemption.
Alice Tanner is working at an excavation in France when she finds something. As she does, an earthquake is present. Upon hearing voices, seemingly whispering her name, she is drawn into a cave. She finds the remains of two skeletons. On one of the skeletons she finds a labyrinth-engraved ring which she takes. As she slips it on her finger, she is taken back as if she was drunk. She starts calling out as if someone is with her whispering until she is seemingly attacked in her abdomen, her shirt stained with blood. When she exits the cave, she is not in her own world. She walks along as people in white, the Cathars, are burning people alive. One woman notices her and holds out a brown journal of sorts. Before Alice can grasp it, the scene changes.
It is now Alaïs Pelletier, who we now know was the woman holding the book out to Alice, lying in a bed with her husband beside her. She thinks she has left him asleep as she leaves but he is awake.
The story is narrated in the third person by a journalist named Tsegaye who is also the main character in story. He is sent to Asmara, Eritrea, as propaganda minister of the Red Star campaign, an effort to defeat the rising insurgency in the area by a combination of economic and military campaigns. He arrives in Asmara in the evening and goes out to tour the city and make a documentary to be aired that same day. During his tour, he notices the strain caused by the insurgency on the local population, which is suffering from lack of food and fuel. Nonetheless, he attempts to portray an image of a resilient society that stands for peace and unification. He goes to a reception where he meets Fiameta Gila and falls in love with her. He also meets Selay Berhe, who is a double agent with Shabia, and is the chief of a cell operating in Asmara going by the code name of Oromay. He has had previous experience with Fiameta, and is not happy when she approaches Tsegaye during the reception.
Just as Artemis leaves his final session of therapy for Atlantis Complex, he and Butler are summoned by Holly to the office of Commander Trouble Kelp, where they witness the next plan of Opal Koboi; she has two of her underlings kill her past self, who had survived the Kraken blast in ''The Time Paradox''. Her past self's death creates a paradox, causing Opal's creations from the past five years to violently explode. To prevent the destruction of Atlantis, Opal's prison, the Fairies place Opal in the containment chamber of a nuclear reactor. The blast destroys most Fairy technology, which Koboi labs had controlled or created, and human technology, since black market Koboi chips had been used in their development and construction.
As explosions throughout the world blow out most vehicles, buildings, satellites, and cell phones, killing many people in the process, human communication systems shut down, and the human world falls into chaos. During her stay in the nuclear reactor, Opal furthers her ability to use black magic and opens The Berserker's Gate, a portal located on the Fowl estate, behind which dwell the spirits of fairy soldiers killed in the Battle of Taillte, an ancient war fought nearly ten thousand years previously. The spirits rise and possess Beckett and Myles, Artemis's twin brothers, Juliet, corpses, and woodland critters. Queen Bellico is the spirit possessing Juliet.
When Artemis, Holly, and Butler arrive on the estate after a last-minute escape from Haven, they immediately try to foil Opal's plan, but they end up in hiding with Mulch Diggums, who was trying to rob Fowl Manor. After several more battles, Bellico permanently cripples Butler's heart with a bolt of Opal's black magic, and Mulch rides a rampaging troll to assist Artemis' plan to prevent Opal from opening the second gate with a laser cannon from a solar plane Artemis developed in a shed. Artemis and Holly release some of the spirits to heaven before Opal opens the second lock.
Using Opal's dying clone, Nopal, which Opal had created in ''The Opal Deception'', Artemis closes the second lock on the Berserker's Gate, since only Opal's genetic fingerprint can close the second lock forever. The possessed humans are released, but not before the group's leader, Oro Shaydova, uses Beckett's body to kill Opal once and for all. The closing of the second lock destroys all fairies within the boundaries, killing Artemis due to the fairy eye he received from Holly in ''The Lost Colony''.
Six months later, in a recovered human world, Foaly clones Artemis using DNA from Artemis' saliva from when he kissed Holly's forehead just before he began the final plan to stop Opal. Artemis's soul, which clung on through sheer willpower and intellect at the Fowl Estate, then inhabits the mindless clone. As a result of Artemis' resurrection, he has suffered heavy temporary memory loss. Holly begins to tell the clone the story of how she met the original Artemis, starting the opening line of the first book in the series: "It all started in Ho Chi Minh City one summer. It was sweltering by anyone's standards. Needless to say, Artemis Fowl would not have been willing to put up with such discomfort if something extremely important had not been at stake. Important to the plan..."
Miriam Franz (Martina Gedeck) has just turned forty and is starting a seaside vacation with her husband André (Peter Davor) and fifteen-year-old son Nils (Lucas Kotaranin) on the Schlei, a narrow inlet of the Baltic Sea in Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany. André has given Niels permission to bring his twelve-year-old girlfriend Livia (Svea Lohde) along for the trip. Miriam is concerned they may take their relationship to a physical level, but André seems unconcerned.
One day, Nils and Livia go sailing, but Nils returns alone saying that Livia is still sailing with a man they met, Bill Ginger (Robert Seeliger), an American of German heritage. Bill brings Livia home and seems quite taken with her, and vice versa. Miriam is concerned by Bill's flirtation with the underage girl, finding it "a little weird"; André is unimpressed with Bill's fawning compliments. Soon Livia is spending all her time with Bill, while Nils sits at home watching war documentaries.
When Livia fails to come home one night, Miriam, feeling responsible for her summer guest, drives to Bill's home to confront them about their inappropriate behavior. When she arrives, Bill casually tells Miriam that Livia went for a walk after an argument. While they wait, Bill admits how much he's enjoyed his time and conversations with Livia, after his years in America where all talk is about "money and stupidity." He assures Miriam that he knows "when to stop" with the young girl. When Livia finally returns, Miriam drives her home and learns that Livia was disappointed that they didn't have sex.
The next day, Miriam, André, and Livia join Bill for a day of sailing; Miriam and Bill take the C55 catamaran, while André and Livia take the sailboat ''Bénéteou''. During a break from sailing, Miriam expresses interest in Bill's sex life, and as they relax on a beach she starts to seduce him, but he resists her advances. The next day, while Nils and Livia are out sailing, Miriam drives to Bill's house and they have sex. Afterwards, they see Livia waiting downstairs—apparently having heard their lovemaking.
In the coming days, the family spends time at a fair and visits the Landesmuseum at the Gottorf Castle to visit the bog people exhibit. The relationship between André and Nils continues to grow strained. Miriam returns to Bill's house and they have sex again. Afterwards, Bill breaks off their relationship, saying he is in love with Livia. The next day, Miriam and Livia are out sailing when Livia is struck in the head by the main sail boom. Livia says she is okay, and they continue sailing. Miriam informs Livia she can no longer see Bill. When Livia says she's tired and asks to turn back, Miriam dismisses her, thinking she just wants to meet Bill. Later, Livia says she feels sick and collapses, hitting her head again.
Miriam returns to shore and brings Livia to the hospital, where she dies. At home, Nils asks his father why he lied about the timing of the incident, noting if Miriam had turned back earlier, Livia would still be alive. After Nils leaves, Miriam tells André that their son is right—that when Livia was initially struck, they were still fairly close to shore. That night, Miriam packs her things and André drops her off at Bill's house. Initially, Bill does not want to see her, but later they talk about Livia. After Miriam confesses there is no one she'd rather be with, they have sex.
A few years later, Miriam and Bill, who are now a couple, visit with Livia's mother and her new suitor in Germany. Miriam and Bill left Germany in 2004 and have been living in the United States and traveling. Livia's mother reads them a letter her daughter wrote to a friend in August 2004. In the letter, Livia mentions how Miriam and her husband do not belong together, and she thinks Miriam and Bill would make a good match. She thinks she can help bring them together, to be "the happiest couple in the world." Livia's mother asks them if they are now indeed happy, and Miriam says, "Yes, we're very happy."
Ali Khoshdast is involved in a fight and accidentally kills a man. After a desperate flight from the revenge-seeking relatives of the victim, he takes refuge with his fiancée.
At a crowded nightclub, Malvina, a pregnant girl is harassed and tossed around by a group of thugs. Anna is present, who rescues her from the attack and takes her to her home, where she lives with her partner Gordon. A sexually allusive relationship is then established between the three of them: there is no shortage of sex scenes, but Anna seems to pour into her new friend's impending motherhood the enthusiasm she has not been able to have so far herself, having never had children.
One day, while the three are attending a live concert by Italian singer Pierangelo Bertoli, a group of drifters bursts into the sports hall: clashes ensue in which Gordon loses his life as a result of a hard blow to the head while trying to protect Malvina. After the palasport is evacuated, a shocked Bertoli resumes the concert in front of the now nearly deserted stands, with the trio of protagonists still in place despite the lifeless body of one of them. The unborn child, on the other hand, is safe. Now the two women tighten their relationship even more: they leave the city and stop at a beach, where Malvina's child will be born. After giving birth, the latter departs without a word, leaving the baby in Anna's hands.
In Amsterdam during the German occupation of the Netherlands, a group of people, including Walter Süskind, try to help children escape the Holocaust.
Rick runs off to rejoin the Skitters and meets Megan, whose body is slowly changing under the influence of the harness. Speaking for the Skitters, she promises to lead him to them if he tells her everything he knows about the 2nd Mass. However, after doing this, she departs, leaving him feeling betrayed by the Skitters. On learning that the Skitters know the whereabouts of the 2nd Mass, Tom decides to evacuate the civilians while leaving a small force behind.
While Weaver's strike team are away, the 2nd Mass comes under attack from Skitter Mechs, but Scott and Ben save the day by finding and transmitting the right frequency to confuse the aliens. Many Mechs are destroyed using the new armor-piercing Mech-metal tipped rounds. For the first time, the aliens retreat in the face of human resistance.
When neither the 4th nor 5th Mass. militias arrive by the designated time, and are presumed destroyed, Weaver believes that his attack will turn into a suicide mission, but they still have to try. Weaver sends Hal back to the 2nd Mass to report the tactical situation, and to tell everyone that the fighters of the 2nd Mass. went down fighting.
Returning to the strike force, Tom finds that it was decimated without the expected reinforcements. He finds Pope caring for a wounded Anthony, and tells him to carry him back to base. As Pope leaves, he presents Tom with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, equipped with a special grenade that he encased entirely in Mech-metal. Tom then finds Weaver, unconscious in a crashed truck. As they approach the Skitters' base, both realize the hopelessness of achieving the mission, and as a "send-off" Tom randomly shoots a Skitter airship with the special RPG. However, because the airship had been making an approach to land, its wreck crashes into the Skitter's hangar deck, setting off a chain reaction of secondary explosions in fuel and munitions stored there, culminating in a spectacular explosion that severely damages the structure. Shocked, both men flee the city.
On the way back to the 2nd Mass Tom and Weaver are blocked by Karen who has been captured and now wears a harness. She tells them the aliens had not expected such a high level of resistance and this had intrigued them; they want to talk. Weaver and Tom are furious that the aliens have the nerve to try negotiation after everything they have done now that Earth is proving not the easy target they thought. An alien ship lands and Tom is asked to come aboard. He agrees only after being told it is the only way to save Ben from the transition that is befalling him. The episode ends with Tom taking Karen's hand and leaving a shocked Weaver behind.
Home from the war, Captain Tony Travis (Alan Marshal) eyes an estate in Santa Barbara and wonders what it must be like to be that rich. It is the property of the fabulously wealthy Nora Hunter (Laraine Day), who has secretary and friend Sylvia Lockwood (Marsha Hunt) impersonate her in public. Longtime guardian Jonathan Connors (Edgar Buchanan) protects his ward's privacy zealously. During a ship launching, a press photographer takes Nora's picture, but Connors sees to it that the camera film is ruined.
Sylvia tells Nora that she is quitting so that she can accompany her husband, Phil Vernon (Allyn Joslyn), whose job requires him to move to Washington. Nora decides to marry her fiancé Donald (William Post Jr.) so that Sylvia can be her maid of honor at her wedding. But when Donald returns from military duty, he breaks the news that he has fallen in love with someone else.
Nora hosts a tea, but has Sylvia again pretend to be her. There she meets and takes a liking to Tony, but he is more interested in Sylvia. On hearing him vow that love is more important to him than money, Nora and Sylvia invite him to a weekend at Nora's beach house. Nora helps Tony court Sylvia, so that if he does genuinely love the real Nora, it will not be because of her money. All of her friends tell her she is being foolish, that nobody can resist that much temptation, but she stubbornly persists.
Mix-ups ensue. While tipsy, Sylvia accepts a marriage proposal from Tony. That night, Tony sees Phil sneak to Sylvia's bedroom for a late night hug. The next morning, he punches the overly cheerful Phil over it. Nora tells him that she and Sylvia switched rooms that night. Despite this "confession", he eventually realizes who he really loves, tosses the protesting Nora over his shoulder and carries her away to get married. On their honeymoon night in a cheap motel, Nora finally reveals her true identity. Tony is disgusted and starts to leave, but then sees her for the first time in her nightgown and stays.
''Bride of Deimos'' revolves around high school girl Minako Ifu, who has become the focus of the attentions of the demon Deimos. Minako appears to be the physical reincarnation of Deimos' lover and younger twin sister, Venus, the former goddess of love. In order to rescue Venus from the fatal punishment she received as a result of their relationship, he has to bring Minako to the underworld so Venus can possess her body. Over the course of the manga, the reader sees the various ways that Deimos attempts to accomplish this, interspersed with random chapters of Deimos involved in bringing suffering and death to whichever humans he happens to encounter.
The book opens in either the late 1940s or early 1950s in Moscow with 10-year-old Sasha Zaichik, a devoted Communist youth, writing a letter of praise to current Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, on the eve of his induction into the mandatory organization the Young Pioneers. His American mother is dead and he resides in a communal apartment with his high-ranking party member father. He believes his mother died naturally of illness, but it is strongly implied throughout the book that his father was so zealous in his work he denounced his wife, resulting in her execution. After writing his letter, Sasha goes to the communal kitchen to wait for his father to get home from work and it is revealed he and his father are somewhat outcasts who stay primarily in their room. Sasha gives his letter to his father who he believes will give it to Stalin since his father is a top party member and works for the police state as a spy. Before they go to bed, Sasha's father randomly tells him he should go to an aunt for assistance if ever they are separated.
In the middle of the night, Sasha's father is arrested by the secret police, apparently on the tip of a neighbor called Stukachov, who desired the Zaichik family's large room for his own family. While a bewildered and confused Sasha watches, Stukachov tidies the ransacked room, moves his family in, and tells him he will enjoy growing up in an orphanage. Sasha decides there has been some sort of mistake and he will go see Stalin personally to get the matter straightened out. He is chased away from the Kremlin by armed guards and heads to his aunt's home instead, but this aunt doesn't want to get involved and sends him away with a small amount of money because she and her husband have an infant and fear arrest themselves if they get involved. He sleeps in the basement of the aunt's apartment building and goes to school as if everything is just fine, although he knows his father will not come to the ceremony that afternoon.
In the schoolyard, he is confronted by a former friend, Vovka Sobakin, who now bullies him after learning his mother was American. To get the bullies off his back, he throws a snowball at another bullied child, Borka Finkelstein, which breaks his eyeglasses. Borka is a target because he is Jewish and his parents were arrested sometime before, effectively orphaning him. The teacher, Nina Petrovna, does not believe his broken glasses and cut face are reason enough to be late for class, so sends him to the principal for punishment. After this, a coerced and manipulated Sasha joins in a class vote, condemning him. For participating in this groupthink, Sasha earns the honor to carry a banner during the ceremony and is sent to retrieve it.
While carrying the banner back to class, Sasha gets a bit too enthusiastic and swings the banner in a way that breaks the nose off a statue of Stalin in the hallway. In a panic, he runs to the boys' washroom, where he is again confronted by Vovka, who knows he broke the statue and threatens to tattle on him. For some reason, Vovka does not do this right away though, and back in the classroom, Nina Petrovna has the children write lists of possible suspects. The police have been called and during an emergency assembly in the cafeteria, Borka Finkelstein confesses and is hauled off to jail, which is exactly what he wants, because he wants to get into the Lubyanka prison to search for his arrested parents. Sasha thinks he has been miraculously saved again, but back in class, Nina Petrovna announces an enemy is among them still and informs the class that Vovka Sobakin's father had been executed as an enemy of the state, leading Vovka to attack her and by getting heroic and joining in this altercation, Sasha gets himself sent to the principal's office along with Vovka. The principal reveals that the particular orphanage slated to collect Sasha from his former residence after his father's arrest has repeatedly phoned the principal demanding to know his whereabouts, thus the school staff knows he is now also the child of an enemy of the state and he cannot join the Young Pioneers as a result. Already Vovka and Borka were blacklisted and banned and now devoted Communist Sasha is just like them, unwanted and worthless.
Sasha is sent back to class with no conundrum but decides to peek into English class. Later on, frustrating thoughts enter his mind and thus said he would disappear. He goes to the biology room, where guards are searching for him. Sasha encounters the broken nose dressed like Stalin that smokes a pipe and tells him to forget his father who he will most likely never see again, and join the Communist Party. He passes out and is revived by cold water, before being sent back to class, where everyone now knows his non-grata status and Nina Petrovna relegates him to the back of the classroom reserved for outcasts. During last-minute ceremony preparations, Sasha joins in despite not being allowed to and jumps from desk to desk before state police burst in. He thinks they are there for him, but instead, they haul away Nina Petrovna, after discovering the broken plaster nose in her desk drawer, apparently placed there by Vovka Sobakin as an act of revenge. Instead, Sasha is taken away by the principal to the school's basement.
A senior lieutenant meets Sasha in the basement and offers him the chance to join the Young Pioneers and regain good standing. Though he refuses to denounce his father, the senior lieutenant is more interested in getting him to spy on his classmates, better known as, a snitch. He agrees, but at the last moment, as he stands with the banner waiting to march into the ceremony, he decides he does not want to be a Pioneer after all and flees the school.
Alone and homeless, Sasha heads to the Kremlin where the Lubyanka prison is located, hoping to see his father. After encountering a huge queue of others also waiting he goes to the end, which is at least three days from the entrance, and encounters a curious kind woman. She asks where his winter gear is and learning he has none gives him a scarf saying she knitted it for her son who she is waiting to see and also gives Sasha a baked potato. When she learns Sasha has no parents or other relatives, she offers him her son's vacant cot in her room and he accepts, knowing he has nowhere else to go.
The book ends with Sasha and the woman standing in line waiting together.
Sterling Archer (H. Jon Benjamin) drinks at a bar and after he unsuccessfully attempts to pick up a woman for sex, a man nearby laughs at Archer's incident. When Sterling threatens him, the man easily subdues him. Sterling suddenly realizes that the man is his idol, Burt Reynolds. After gushing to Burt about how much of a fan he is, Archer learns that—much to his horror—Burt is dating his mother Malory Archer (Jessica Walter). A shocked Sterling passes out in the establishment, and by the next day is seen with a black eye. Sterling assumes that it was an "involuntary reaction".
Malory informs Sterling that a group of Cuban hitmen have established a warrant against him, which makes Sterling even more irate. Burt then calls Malory and asks her out to a movie premiere that night. Later that day, however, Malory gets a letter from Reynolds, saying that he is leaving her for a younger woman and moving back "to Tinseltown". However, Lana Kane (Aisha Tyler) quickly figures out that the letter was written by Sterling himself (citing how no star actor uses the term "Tinseltown"). She quickly figures out that Sterling visited Burt, knocking him out with knock-out gas, and taking him to his apartment. Lana, along with Cyril Figgis (Chris Parnell) and Ray Gillette (Adam Reed), go to try to reason with Sterling. Once there, they encounter the Cuban hit squad, who believe Gillette is the real Sterling based on the recon photo they have (taken during the events of "Honeypot") and a firefight begins. Meanwhile, Sterling holds Burt hostage, promising to never let him date his mother again, but he is interrupted by the firefight between the ISIS agents and the Cubans. As they drive off, Sterling prepares to go after them, but Burt says that Sterling won't be able to catch up to them and that he can. Sterling agrees to a bet: If Burt can't catch up to them, he will leave for Hollywood and never call Malory again, and if he does, he can be allowed to continue dating Malory.
Sterling agrees to this, which results in a hectic car chase that frightens Sterling some, despite Burt's expert driving that allows him to achieve many Hollywood driving stunts. During this, Burt tells Sterling that he needs to stop thinking of Malory as just his mother and rather think of her as a person with emotional (and sexual) needs and that he should think about her happiness and not his. This seems to sway Sterling and at that point, Burt has been able to catch up to the ISIS agents and the Cubans and saves the ISIS agents. The then group drives back to a heartbroken Malory. Sterling apologizes for writing the phony letter and Burt takes Malory on their date to the movie premiere.
A group of female bikers try to help American soldiers framed on drug charges.
Jūbei is a poor carpenter working under the master architect Genta. When the Abbot proposes the construction of a new pagoda, Jūbei insists that he take charge of the construction. The Abott has pity on Jūbei. Genta proposes cooperation between the two, but Jūbei rejects his offer. The Abott finally gives Jūbei full authority over the project. One of Genta's servants, Seikichi, is furious about Jūbei rejecting his master's offer which makes him lose face. Seikichi goes to the construction yard of the pagoda and attacks Jūbei in a rage, cutting off his ear and severely wounding him. Despite his injuries, Jūbei insists upon finishing the project. Eventually the pagoda is completed, but then one night a terrible storm hits Edo, endangering the pagoda. One of the servants, Eiji tricks Jūbei into coming to the site during the storm. Jūbei rushes to the roof of the pagoda and stands in defiance of the storm and waits for the storm to die out. Everyone fears the pagoda will come crashing down, but amazingly enough, it stays standing. In the coming days, the Abbot finalizes the pagoda with an inscription signifying the pagoda was built by Jūbei, and approved by Genta.
Okichi, Genta's wife, speaks with Seikichi about Genta's rival, Jubei. Jubei is a lowly carpenter and Okichi becomes aggravated by his audacity to challenge her renowned carpenter husband for the position of building the coveted pagoda. Jubei's inability to find work troubles his wife, Onami. His peers undermine his ability by calling him “Nossori, Slowpoke”, which causes additional grief for Onami. She also worries about how Jubei's peers will view him if he continues to challenge Genta for the pagoda job because of their large gap in social status.
The Abbot Roen of Uda wants the pagoda built in order to utilize the funds left over from Genta's renovation of the Kano Temple. Although it was presumed Genta would build the pagoda, Jubei heard about the pagoda and decided to ask the Abbot if he could build it instead. When Jubei visits the Abbot, Tame’emon tries to send him away, but the Abbot welcomes Jubei inside. Jubei explains to the Abbot how he built a model of the pagoda and how much he wants to build the pagoda. After looking over Jubei's pagoda model, the Abbot agrees Jubei has the necessary skill to build the pagoda. The Abbot struggles to decide if either Genta or Jubei should build the pagoda.
The Abbot calls both Genta and Jubei to the temple and lets them know they should decide between themselves who should build the pagoda. He tells them a tale about two sons and their father. When the two sons fight, they accomplish nothing, but when they work together, they find precious sands. When the Abbot finishes, Genta and Jubei both wonder why the Abbot chose to share the tale with them. In the story, the younger son allows the older son to walk over the bridge first to the precious sands. Jubei knows he is the younger brother and the tale suggests he should let Genta go ahead and build the pagoda, but Jubei's carpenter Katagi does not allow him to give up on his dreams of building the pagoda. Genta knows the older son only found the precious sands because the younger son helped him, so Genta wants to build the pagoda with Jubei's help in order to follow the Abbot's tale. Okichi thinks Genta should not have to share the pagoda with Jubei at all, regardless of what the tale suggests.
When Genta visits Jubei to tell him he can help with the pagoda, Jubai turns Genta's offer down and says he either wants to build the pagoda by himself or not build it at all. Both Onami and Genta get angry with Jubei for being so irrational, because Jubei should eagerly accept the opportunity to work on the pagoda, even if it meant sharing half the credit with Genta. Genta leaves and goes home to drink with Seikichi and Okichi. Seikichi agrees with Okichi that Genta never should have offered to share the pagoda with Jubei and threatens Jubei for overstepping his position in society. Genta realizes he needs to remain calm about the situation to avoid any embarrassment.
Genta goes to the temple to ask the Abbot to choose who should build the pagoda because Jubei and Genta were unable to reach an agreement. The Abbot tells Genta that Jubei came earlier and said the same thing. The Abbot encourages Genta to show compassion towards Jubei.
Ino, Jubei's son, tells Onami he had a nightmare where someone bashed Jubei's head open. Onami worries the dream may hold some deeper meaning. Meanwhile, Jubei gets summoned to the temple and Endo lets Jubei know he's the chosen one to build the pagoda. Genta invites Jubei to a place in the pleasure quarters to congratulate him and discuss how they should move forward with the building of the pagoda. Genta apologizes for getting angry before and expresses how he wants to help Jubei. When Genta tries to give Jubei the work he did on the pagoda so far, Jubei refuses to it. Genta gets angry and tells Jubei he will be waiting for him to mess up. Genta leaves Jubei behind in frustration to meet up with his friends to drink and have a good time.
Jubei, as promised, pours his heart into building the pagoda, creating an atmosphere of productivity. In contrast to the bright mood at the pagoda site, Genta's home has turned into a site of gloom with Okichi brooding over Genta not getting the pagoda job. Okichi questions Seikchi's loyalty to Genta, so Seikichi sets out to prove himself. Seikichi goes to the pagoda site and attacks Jubei with an adze, cutting his left ear off. Eiji stops Seikichi from doing any more harm to Jubei. Eiji goes to Genta's home only to realize Genta already left to go to Jubei's home to apologize for Seikichi's actions. Eiji tells Okichi about what happened to Jubei.
Genta visits both Jubei and the Abbot to apologize for Seikichi's actions. Seikichi's mom deeply apologizes to Genta for Seikichi because she knows her son has a good heart but he let his anger get the best of him, which is why she thinks he did what he did. Genta feels sorry for Seikichi's mother and does not know how to respond to her. Okichi, on the other hand, knows Seikichi only attacked Jubei because of his respect for Genta and because of her persuasion. She feels responsible and takes care of Seikichi behind Genta's back. Seikichi feels remorse for his actions because he realizes how much trouble he caused Genta.
The day after the accident, Jubei gets ready to go to work. Onami tries to stop him but Jubei insists on going to work because he does not want his workers to view him as weak. With hard work and determination, Jubei finishes building the pagoda. Everyone marvels at Jubei's pagoda and it gets the high praise of “Deva King”.
Out of nowhere, a huge storm comes to challenge the pagoda, led by the Demon King. The storm warns against giving praise to man-made objects and proceeds to wreck everything in sight. Everyone in Edo is terrified of the storm, especially Tame’emon and Endo. They express concern over the pagoda's ability to withhold the storm and bribe Shichizo to bring Jubei to the pagoda to check on it. Jubei refuses to go to the pagoda unless the Abbot summons him there, so Shichizo lies and tells Jubei the Abbot did summon him in order to get Jubei to go. Jubei takes this as a direct insult to his carpenter katagi and rushes over to the pagoda, prepared to kill himself if he finds any error with his pagoda. Genta also monitors the pagoda, waiting to see if it would make it through the storm.
When the pagoda survives the storm unscathed, everyone continues their adulation for the pagoda and for Jubei's craftsmanship. The Abbot inscribes the pagoda with both Jubei and Genta's name, and since that day, the pagoda and its legend has continued to live on.
The episode recounts events in Brody's captivity, interwoven with events of the present day.
For the first time in five years of captivity, Brody (Damian Lewis) is given suitable living quarters. Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban) puts him into a fully furnished bedroom and bathroom and gets him a shave and haircut. Nazir has a young son named Issa (Rohan Chand), whom he introduces to Brody. He asks Brody to live with Issa, and teach him to speak English. As they spend time together, Brody teaches Issa to speak English and takes on a fatherly role, and the two form a close relationship. As the first source of meaningful human contact in many years for Brody, he grows quite attached to the boy.
One day, the school Issa attends is destroyed by a drone strike. Issa and 82 other children are killed. Brody is devastated by the loss. Later on, Abu Nazir and Brody watch a speech made by Vice President Walden (Jamey Sheridan) addressing the strike. Walden claims that a missile struck Abu Nazir's compound and that any images of dead children are merely images fabricated by the terrorists for propaganda purposes. The flashbacks end with Brody and Abu Nazir praying together as they prepare Issa's body for burial.
Carrie (Claire Danes) meets with Special Agent Hall (Billy Smith) from the FBI at the mosque. They review the SWAT Team's actions and how Walker (Chris Chalk) improbably escaped. They conclude that Walker must have had prior knowledge of the interior of the mosque. The imam (Sammy Sheik) of the mosque is outraged that two innocent worshipers were gunned down and is publicly disputing the FBI's claims that their agents did not shoot first but were merely returning fire. Carrie believes the imam may have information on Tom Walker and his presence at the mosque, but that the only chance he might cooperate is if the FBI admits the truth about the mosque shooting. Carrie meets with Agent Hall again trying to convince him that the FBI should come clean. She has no luck, but she was also secretly recording the conversation, in which Hall admitted that his agents shot first. She wants to use the tape as leverage to force the FBI's hand, but Estes (David Harewood) does not allow it.
After doing some shopping, Brody is attacked in the parking lot by two men who beat him, knock him unconscious, and take him away in their car. When Brody wakes up, he is alone in a room with a computer monitor with a webcam. Abu Nazir appears on the screen in a video chat session. Brody confronts him with the knowledge that Tom Walker is alive, and that Nazir has been deceiving him for the past eight years. Nazir reminds Brody of the events that led them to this point, and that it was Brody's own decision to embark on this mission. Nazir attempts to reaffirm Brody's faith, and his commitment to the mission.
Tom Walker is in a forest calibrating his rifle and taking practice shots. A hunter named Dan happens by and they talk briefly. The hunter is unnerved and goes back to his truck where he has a newspaper and finds Walker's photo on the front page. He goes to make a phone call but is shot dead by Walker. Walker then drives off in the hunter's truck with the body in the back.
Carrie visits the imam at his home. She warns the imam about the potential backlash facing him, and the mosque, if he was harboring and protecting a man who ultimately committed a terrorist act. The imam still offers nothing but, later on, the imam's wife calls Carrie. She reveals that at the mosque, Walker was regularly talking to a man with diplomat license plates on his car, and that the number on the plate indicated he was from Saudi Arabia. It does not take long for the CIA to use this information to identify Saudi diplomat Mansour Al-Zahrani (Ramsey Faragallah) as Walker's handler. Saul and Carrie begin watching him, but are limited in what they can do, as Al-Zahrani has diplomatic immunity.
Nazir ends the conversation with Brody. Al-Zahrani walks into the room and tells Brody that Vice President Walden is going to ask him to run for office. Brody is to accept the offer as a sign of his commitment to the cause. Brody goes home and explains his absence by telling Jessica he was mugged. Jessica tells him that there is a message for him on the voice mail from the Vice President.
The story is told from the perspective of a fictional version of the author with the pen name "Rohan". During his journey to Tokyo, young Rohan enters a small town. He is told he must cross through the mountain to reach his next destination. Rohan makes the trek. Freezing and exhausted, he chances upon a small hut nestled away in the environment. A strange young woman offers him shelter and nurses him back to health. Taken with this strange woman, Rohan inquires as to how she came to this unfortunate circumstance out so far away from civilisation. The woman relates to him her story of how she became a hermit. After the tale, the house vanishes and Rohan is left out in the snow alone. Next to him is a skull in place of the young woman. Rohan finally finishes his trek through the mountain and enters into the next village. He inquires about the hermit woman he encountered. A towns person tells him that the woman was originally a hideous, insane old beggar who, rejected from society, fled into the mountains and was never heard from again.
Mike Di Donato, an Italian-American man with a mysterious past, leads a solitary life in an anonymous sea island. His unusual work is the hunting of sharks, from which his partner derives handicrafts for the local market.
Everything appears normal, until the arrival of several men of an unidentified organization in search of an unreachable booty of one hundred million dollars. Mike would be the only man able to retrieve it, but he is not willing to cooperate.
The film saw the coining of the phrase 'Mooney Maiming'. It describes the artful way in which a shark can be maimed by spearing the upper reaches of his open mouth as it surfaces. This term is now widely used in the Great White Shark hunting community.
The story in this film is a loose adaptation of notable Leopold von Sacher Masoch novel Venus in Furs.
Along with his sidekick Whistle (Giancarlo Prete), Scaramouche (Michael Sarrazin) unwittingly becomes entangled in a plot to assassinate Napoleon - only to find himself the unlikely object of desire for Napoleon's lascivious new bride, the Empress Josephine (Ursula Andress).
Tedeum and his parents and granddad are all con men travelling around in a sailboat on wheels. When he inherits a mine from another well-known con man he assumes that it is false and tries to sell it. His first attempts turns out to be at the Texas’ sheriff convention and he has to escape together with another con man who is disguised as a monk. However, the mine does in fact exist, and the big boss Grant is out for it, though his confrontations with Tedeum usually ends in him losing his pants. Two female con men, the strong Betty and the beautiful Wendy, also get involved. In the end we find Grant, Tedeum, the monk and Tedeum's father as inmates of Laredo prison – because the mine lies right under it!
Johnny Hamilton returns to his Texas home from the American Civil War where he fought for the Confederacy. He camps with a theater troupe who is rehearsing ''Hamlet''. When they are attacked by gunfighters, Johnny defends the artists and leaves immediately.
Arriving to his Ranch El Señor, where he finds that his father was killed by the Mexican bandit Santana and his mother Gertry has married his uncle Claude. He is distressed by this disrespect. His friend Horace consoles him and gives him a silver decoration found at the killing site. He goes to a cave cemetery where he makes the grave digger to open the grave of Santana. The skeleton wears a belt with silver decorations like the one found by Horace.
Johnny reconnects with Emily. He suspects that lost Confederate gold is related to the killing. The theater troupe arrive to town and Johnny sleeps with an actress.
Emily is killed by Claude. Her body and Johnny's father's revolver are found in the river by her father, the sheriff. The actress is also killed by Claude.
Johnny searches for Santana and finds him and Claude hidden. They had hidden the Confederate gold. They capture Johnny, who instills doubt in Santana about trusting Claude.
Johnny is found by the sheriff who puts him on a decussate cross. He is freed by Horace.
Santana and his men attack the ranch. Gertry confronts Claude and is shot by one of Claude's henchmen. After fighting the bandits, Claude checks his gold. Johnny fights him and kill him.
As Johnny recovers, the Confederate gold is blown away by the wind. Horace arrives and both friends ride away.
Following the American Civil War a bunch of deserter Confederate soldiers dwell in Mexico and make a living on terrorising the villages around. Bounty hunter Stuart and his assistant Manuela put a crackdown on these misdeeds.
A handsome young playboy (Gianni Garko) picks up a pretty Italian girl (Giovanna Ralli) and brings her to his father's house for some fun. What he doesn't know is that two dangerous convicts are lying in wait at the house to avenge themselves on the young man's father (Fernando Rey), who was the judge who caused them to go to jail. The characters are all trapped together in the house for a very tense night, with the young playboy trying to figure out how to save his dad from a bomb planted at his father's workplace.
Seo Myung-joon is a South Korean scientist who falls in love with North Korean scientist Im Jin-jae while developing an alternative energy source together. But when Myung-joon unexpectedly becomes the president of a reunified Korea, political tensions rise as a massive struggle for limited natural resources continues to divide the country.
Young Jonathan Kowalski hides in a cave when a bunch of criminals kills his family. Hereby he meets a little bear. The two orphans live together until Jonathan gets picked up by a friendly tribe of Indians. Being raised as the chief's stepson he's respected and takes a squaw named Shaya. When he thinks he's got it all, the tycoon Fred Goodwin finds oil in the soil of his tribe. Still haunted by not having been able to rescue his original family Jonathan decides to protect his clan against Fred Goodwin and his mercenaries. His enemies finally capture and crucify him. Jonathan is soon rescued by the son of African slaves.
Mizoguchi is an ex-boxer who killed an opponent during a fight. He is brought into a school to deal with a gang of disruptive students led by Kitajo.
In San Francisco, two teenagers playing hide and seek among the cars in an abandoned railway depot exchange affection. A white van arrives in the vicinity of the store and points a gun toward a large LCD clock. The teens have sex, the cannon fires all around, catches fire, and melts. Then doctor Yuri Svoboda, former University of San Francisco professor, menace the municipality of the town with his laser ray if he is not given five million dollars.
In 1907, when Amelia Earhart was nine years old growing up on a Kansas farm, she was an intelligent, precocious child and builds a play aircraft with her sister "Pidge". Later, as America enters World War I in 1917, Amelia is a college student, working in a doctor's office. She decides to join the war effort and become a nurse. One night on the roof of her building, while on break with a coworker, she sees an aircraft which re-sparks her childhood interest in aviation. In 1921, young Earhart (Susan Clark) has her first training flight, with female flight instructor, Neta Snook (Susan Oliver). That same year she buys her first aircraft, a Kinner "Canary" with the blessing of her father(Charles Aidman) who has become a chronic alcoholic. In 1924, she and her mother (Jane Wyatt) drive from coast to coast, Los Angeles to Boston, in an open roadster, arguing some of the way. In Boston Earhart has an off-and-on relationship with a young man and later goes to work in a children's orphanage. What little money she saves subsidizes her flying.
In 1928, while in employ at the orphanage, Earhart is invited to become the first woman ever to fly the Atlantic in a fixed-wing aircraft, the Fokker "Friendship", albeit as a passenger, while pilot Wilmer Stultz (Jack Colvin) and copilot Lou Gordon (Steve Kanaly) are at the controls. That same year she flies her Avro Avian biplane in a coast-to-coast, stop-and-go flight where some southern locals recognize her from the transatlantic Friendship flight. Her marriage to media tycoon George Palmer Putnam (John Forsythe) and a series of record-breaking flights, propel her to international fame as a long-distance flyer. Despite her open and frequently strained relationship with Putnam, she develops a close relationship with his son David (Lance Kerwin). With help from a close friend and adviser, Paul Mantz (Stephen Macht), Earhart plans her longest flight ever, a round-the-world attempt in 1937. The disappearance of Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan (Bill Vint) during the last stage of the flight, leads to a massive search effort that eventually proves fruitless, but solidifies Earhart as an aviation icon.
Louis Percival (Harold Lockwood) uses his forgery talent to woo Nina (Marguerite Leslie). He saves her father from bankruptcy by forging a check, but gets caught. Percival is then blackmailed to use his forgery skills to help the shady character who caught him.
A blind but deadly gunman is hired to escort fifty mail order brides to their miner husbands. When he is double crossed by his friends and a Mexican bandit, he heads for Mexico to settle scores and save the women.
Abandoned at their late grandfather's house for the summer, teenage brothers Zak and Seth are left to their own devices. With the endless possibilities of summer fun and adventure to be had in the idyllic Belgian countryside, they feel the world is their oyster. But when money runs short and with no help in sight, the boys scheme to support themselves by renting their deceased grandfather's house to a local drug dealer, but things don't go exactly as planned.
Vivian Saunders (Elizabeth Peña) comes home one day to an unusual surprise: her boyfriend Reggie Barker (Andrew McCarthy) is lying on the kitchen table with a large sword sticking out of his body. At first Vivian thinks this must be some sort of joke, but she discovers that Reggie is indeed dead, and as she calls her best friend Louise (Paige Turco) to figure out what might have happened and what to do, it occurs to her that she blacked out after too much wine the night before and isn't sure what she did before she passed out. After a few phone calls, Vivian's women's support group arrives, and what to do about Reggie soon takes second place to what Vivian should do for herself.
The storyline of ''Omega'' takes place 25 years after the Holy Wars of the 20th century narrated in the original manga and its anime adaptation. The goddess Athena is still on Earth after reincarnating to continue her duty of protecting peace against several antagonistic deities. Athena and a new generation of Saints prepare to face new threats that lurks in this new era, in which Pegasus Seiya, the protagonist of Kurumada's manga, is revered as a Saint of legend and one of Athena's Gold Saints.
The first part of the series is the , introducing the new Pegasus Saint Koga and his friends Dragon Ryuhou, Lionet Souma, Wolf Haruto, Aquila Yuna and Aria, and the beginning of their fight against the God of War Mars in his quest to capture Aria to become the new Athena. The second part is the , featuring Koga and his friends who decides to fight against the many Gold Saints who have aligned themselves with Mars in their fight to save Athena before it is too late, eventually being accompanied by Orion Eden.
The second season begins the , introducing Athena's new enemy Pallas and her Pallasite warriors, a new ally in the Steel Saint Subaru, and new powers with their stronger New Cloths. The second half of season 2 comprises the , where Athena and her many Saints take their war with Pallas to her stronghold Pallasvelda, where Pallas's elite Pallasites begin to conspire against her.
As an installment separate from Kurumada's work, the series will introduce characters new to the ''Saint Seiya'' fictional universe, that will make use of elements already established within it. Some of them, such as the deities, exist in the original manga. Additionally, known elements from ''Saint Seiya'', such as the Cloths, the armors worn by the Saints, bear their known constellations, but are presented in ''Omega'' with a new design that differs substantially from those in the original source material, and departing from it, the Cloths emerge from jewels worn by the characters to envelop their bodies, which are known in ''Omega'' as .
The Cosmo essence, one of the basic concepts of ''Saint Seiya'', is expanded in ''Omega'' with the addition of specific elemental properties: , , , , , and .
In the second season, several Saints including the main characters have their cloths upgraded, sporting a new design much more reminiscent of Kurumada's original designs, and are stored in special boxes like in the original continuity.
Michael Lanyard, the Lone Wolf, agrees to go to Alexandria to help the Allied cause during World War II. There, he and his valet, Llewellyn Jamison, are met by his old friend, nightclub owner Johnny Booth.
Fritz comes to drive him, supposedly to see Sir Robert Wembley, head of the British secret service in the region. However, he is actually taken to meet Karl, the leader of a Nazi spy ring. Karl threatens to kill Jamison (whom he has kidnapped) unless Lanyard does some as yet unspecified work for him. When Lanyard reluctantly agrees, the two men are released. After they leave, Karl reveals to Fritz that he expects the Lone Wolf to try to trap him, but that is all part of his plan. When Lanyard meets with Wembley, the spymaster makes clear that he does not want an amateur's help, but reluctantly agrees to let the Lone Wolf play along in order to gather more information.
Complicating matters further, Lanyard and Jamison encounter the latter's son Donald, a British naval officer, and his fiancée, reporter Valerie King in Booth's nightclub. Lanyard soon suspects that she is not all she appears to be. In Booth's private office, he also meets freelance spies or informers (more or less on friendly terms with Booth), who call themselves "Rembrandt" and "Cezanne". Cézanne shows him that the lace King was knitting contains a secret message. When the two spies leave, Rembrandt shoots Cézanne; he dies in front of the nightclub, at King's feet.
When King returns to her hotel room, Karl is waiting for her. She is one of his agents, currently extracting information from Donald for their real goal: the plans for the minefields and defences of the Suez Canal.
Meanwhile, the Lone Wolf is approached by "Whistler", yet another unscrupulous man with information to sell. Whistler sells him lace that King had sent to a laundry; the hidden message indicates that whatever the Nazis plan to do is to be finished by midnight.
Karl visits Lanyard and gives him his assignment: break into a safe at British Intelligence and steal some documents. However, it eventually becomes clear to all that Lanyard's part is merely a distraction. The plans have already been stolen. Wembley orders the arrest of the Lone Wolf for treason, but Lanyard escapes.
He and Jamison head for the laundry. Along the way, they come upon the unconscious Donald. They revive him and take him along. Inside, they find secret rooms and overpower Karl. They also discover the body of Whistler and a clue, shards of a distinctive watch crystal, just like the one King has, microfilming equipment, and ashes of the defence plans. Lanyard deduces that the plans have been transferred to King's watch. When she telephones, Lanyard pretends to be Karl and learns that she is at the hotel. Before they get there, however, Rembrandt kills her and takes the watch to Karl.
Fortunately, Booth has an aircraft armed with machine guns. Lanyard pilots it, finds the speeding car taking Karl and Rembrandt to the submarine, and guns them both down.
Mordaunt (von Seyffertitz) and his gang use Marie (Love) as an unwitting accomplice in the theft of the acclaimed Rajah diamond. During the heist, a man is killed, and innocent Rogers (Fenton) is later sentenced to death for the murder.
Marie works with District Attorney Banning (Shaw) to get Mordaunt to confess, just in time to save Rogers from the electric chair. Marie and Shaw are married.
Although she and her family are poor, Rose (Love) is very generous to a lame child Lola (Giraci). Her kindness captures the attention of wealthy publisher Stevens (Stockdale), whose interest in Rose angers her beau Creig (Beranger), who is a worker and radical writer. When her uncle is imprisoned, Rose goes to the father of Stevens (Stewart) to have him released. He is impressed by Rose, and learns about Lola, deciding to adopt her. Creig follows Rose to the Stevens home, and is surprised to find that they published his radical treatise, and are prepared to pay him for his work.
In the Adirondacks, notorious philanderer George Montgomery (Cody) is murdered, and his former sweetheart Grace (Love) is put on trial. Betty Brown (Breamer) and her husband Fred Masters (Mayo) both serve on the jury. When the defendant is nearly wrongfully convicted, Betty reveals her own history with the murder victim—that she once had been in love with him and tried to kill him—proves that the defendant is innocent.
At the Wapi Eagle Casino, Detective Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) speaks with casino manager Nicole Jackson (Claudia Ferri) and security chief Roberta Drays (Patti Kim), both of whom deny seeing Rosie. Sarah learns that the casino camera footage gets erased after 24 hours and asks to interview customers. Nicole tells her that she is on Indian land, which is not under state regulation, and orders her to leave. Outside the casino, Sarah calls a district attorney to obtain a warrant on the bank that owns the casino ATMs, so she can review their camera footage. Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) arrives and they discuss the case. She tells him that Rosie's phone and backpack were never found and could be inside the casino. The girl had taken the last ferry to the island on Friday and must have spent the night there. Sarah tells him that the casino manager will offer no help. As her phone begins to ring, Holder calls his sister and leaves a voice mail, saying that he plans to attend his nephew's school event. Sarah's call is from her son Jack's school. He has been absent for the past three days. Holder drives Sarah to the motel, where she finds Jack's phone but not him. Thinking Regi might know where Jack may be, Holder drives Sarah to the marina. However, Regi has already sailed away on her boat. Sarah speaks to the mother of Jack's best friend by phone. She is told that Jack is the leader of a group of boys who cut class and gather at a place called The Tunnel.
Sarah drives Holder's car, while he navigates, to The Tunnel, a graffiti-covered area below a viaduct. Holder calls the place “hooky central.” When asked why kids run away from home, he replies that a kid sometimes runs away so someone will come looking. A group of kids soon arrive, but Jack is not among them. Holder believes that Regi has Jack. Sarah tells him that Regi is a social worker, whom she has known her whole life, and would not take Jack without telling her. After scouring the town, they take a rest at a restaurant, where he admits to becoming addicted to meth while undercover. He sought treatment after his boss found out he was using. He asks about the last case that obsessed Sarah. She tells him of a boy's father who had killed the child's mother. Child Protective Services took the boy, but Sarah feels that he will not be adopted.
Outside, Holder figures out the password on Jack's cell phone and Sarah finds three text messages from someone discussing meeting Jack. The last message was received as she was dropping him off at school that morning. Not knowing the identity of the messenger and only getting voice mail from people on Jack's contact list, she reports Jack as missing and requests an all-points bulletin. Holder takes Sarah back to a still-empty motel room and again calls his sister. In another message, he says he cannot make to the event, because he has to help a friend, swearing it is a legitimate excuse.
An hour later, the detectives resume their search for Jack. As Holder drives, Sarah tells him that she knows Seattle neighborhoods well. She was abandoned at the age of five by her mother and has lived in many foster homes. He upsets her by attributing this as the reason she is a flawed mother herself. She gets more angry with him, when he tells her that, two days earlier, Jack called him, after not being able to make contact with her or Regi, to ask for advice. She screams at him to stop the car, gets out and walks away. He apologizes and she returns to the car, telling him that he does not know anything about her.
As night falls, she directs him to a playground, recalling a happier moment there, dancing with Jack. She ponders when Jack stopped being happy. Later, a dispatch on the police scanner tells them about the discovery of the body of a young boy whose description resembles Jack. She orders him to go the scene. Arriving there, she rushes toward the tarp covering the victim, and he stops her before she can reach it. Another dispatch confirms that the child is not Jack, and she breaks down, sobbing. He takes her back to the motel, where they find Jack (Liam James) standing in the hallway. Holder suggests bodily harm to the kid, she smiles and goes to hug her son.
Outside in the car, Holder receives a call from the district attorney, saying that the casino ATM footage is being sent to the station. While inside their room, Jack tells Sarah that he has spent the day with his birth father. At the police station with a technician (Steve Archer), Holder watches footage of people making transactions at four ATMs. On one screen, he sees a young woman wearing a butterfly necklace with a pink blouse — Rosie Larsen (Katie Findlay).
One of many McNally plays to explore his Texas roots, the play is set in Houston, and involves a cowboy troupe called the Lush Thrushes, the five members of a TV show, all named after iconic American liquors, and their performing horse Whiskey. The character's names are I. W. Harper, Tia Maria, Johnny Walker, Southern Comfort, and Jack Daniels. All five characters are drunk throughout the play and end up burning to death in a hotel fire. Only the bad-tempered horse Whiskey survives. In an epilogue we see the five dead cowboys and cowgirls in heaven, all dressed in white, still drinking, and bemoaning the fact that Whiskey will now have the show all to himself.
A bounty hunter named Regan wishes to settle down and begin a new life, maybe become sheriff, but a murder leads him in pursuit of bank robbers and lands him in a range war with farmers and cattlemen.
Having just rescued Truman Zanotto, Raz and the other Psychonauts stage an elaborate interrogation construct in the mind of Dr. Caligosto Loboto to identify who hired him for the kidnapping. They learn he was coerced and his mind heavily booby-trapped against revealing any helpful information, but Raz sees the fear tactic instilled in Loboto’s brain: a vision of Maligula, a powerful hydrokinetic psychic believed dead for 20 years after flooding her home country of Grulovia and being subdued by the founding Psychonauts, the Psychic Six. Sasha and Milla conclude that Loboto could not have committed such a high-profile abduction without help on the inside, and resolve to identify the “mole” back at headquarters.
Upon arrival at the Motherlobe, Raz is stripped of his unofficial Psychonauts rank and assigned to the intern program under a mailroom clerk named Nick, who turns up brainless on his first day. During a routine classroom workshop to learn a new psychic technique, Raz manipulates the thoughts of Hollis Forsythe, the Psychonauts' second-in-command, to eliminate her inhibitions and allow him and the other inexperienced interns along on the particularly dangerous next mission to investigate Nick's missing brain and the new lead on the “mole”. After entering her mind and correcting his mistake, the agents and interns discover the hideout of a "Deluginist", a member of a conspiracy theorist group believing Maligula to still be alive or able to be resurrected, along with evidence of a possible plot to involve Lili, as Truman’s daughter, as a pawn to ruin the Psychonauts from the inside.
Back at the Motherlobe, Truman awakes from a feigned coma and instructs an impressionable Raz to bring him Ford Cruller—the only person able to match the threat of Maligula. Raz sets off on his confidential mission just in time for his father Augustus and the rest of his family to arrive at the Motherlobe, having caught up with him after his runaway to Whispering Rock.
After summoning Ford back to headquarters using the bacon strip given to him at camp, Raz finds that Ford’s erratic and fractured psyche requires repair. In the process of trying to access Ford’s multiple personalities around headquarters, Raz makes the acquaintance of the now-elderly members of the Psychic Six: Compton Boole, grandfather of Raz’s camp friend Dogen and the pioneer of psychic work with animals, and Otto Mentallis, research & development head of the Psychonauts and keeper of a vault of spare experimental brains.
In hopes of stabilizing Nick's brainless body, Raz claims an unmarked brain from Otto’s lab to temporarily keep Nick occupied. When the brain promptly causes Nick to experience sensory overload and fly into a panic attack, Raz investigates the mind and finds it to be the long-dormant brain of Helmut Fullbear, another member of the Six who was frozen into a glacier during their fight against Maligula twenty years prior. After helping Helmut handle his panic and recover some of his memories, Raz discovers Maligula was in fact Lucrecia “Lucy” Mux, once a dear friend of the Six and even romantically involved with Ford. Determined to reunite the Six and untangle the new Maligula threat, Raz is finally able to piece Ford’s fragmented mind back together.
Ford confesses to Raz that he never killed Maligula, too in love with Lucy to put an end to her. Once a pioneering Psychonaut, Lucy had returned to her home country of Grulovia amongst political unrest, and was pushed to the breaking point in service of the monarchy, violently quelling peaceful protests, traumatizing her to the point her fight-or-flight complex took over. Raz, horrified, is finally given the truth: that Ford locked the most dangerous part of Lucy’s mind away and rewrote her remaining memories to hide her amongst Raz's family, as his Nona. Then, to punish himself for his deeds and to forget the pain of losing Lucy, Ford shattered his own mind for good measure.
Now knowing his Nona is in fact Lucrecia Mux, with Maligula deeply buried in her subconscious, Raz reluctantly agrees to help Ford fix his mistake by helping him gather the remaining Psychic Six (Seven) to the Green Needle Gulch. Here, he meets with Cassie O’Piea, an expert in mental partitions and archetypes; and Bob Zanotto, uncle to Truman and expert psychobotanist, who succumbed to alcoholism after losing his husband, fellow Six member Helmut, to the fight twenty years prior. Cassie and Bob assist Raz in uncovering an old experimental tool, the Astralathe, necessary to fashion a mental "pit" and allow the Six to permanently banish Maligula into the depths of her psyche.
As Raz and the Six confront Maligula within Lucy's mind, Raz is pulled out and into reality where Truman Zanotto is erratically investigating the Gulch and tailed by a concerned Lili. When Raz and Lili peek into Truman’s mind, they find it is not his brain in his head at all: it’s Nick’s missing brain, except Nick is the mole, and is in fact Gristol Malik, exiled prince of Grulovia and hellbent on restoring Maligula to overpower the revolutionaries that ousted the royal family. Sasha, having independently connected the dots about the mole, races to the showdown at the Gulch along with Milla, Oleander, and Forsythe.
Ford and the others appear to lose the fight within Lucy’s mind and all are forced to flee as Maligula appears in full force, enveloping the Gulch in a hurricane and threatening to drown everything and everyone. Raz’s family, reeling from the revelation about their matriarch, physically and psychically help Raz overpower Maligula and, with a now-lucid Lucy’s help, banish her from Lucy’s mind and from reality forever.
While Raz’s family is left to bond and heal from their falsified past, and the Seven are left to reconnect and repair old wounds, Truman’s brain is restored to him, Gristol is put in psychoisolation, and plans are made to rescue Helmut’s body from the frozen glacier. Loboto escapes from Sasha’s lab amidst the confusion, mentioning to Raz that he needs to get back to Whispering Rock, as he “left his kid there”. Raz and the interns are promoted to junior Psychonauts for their role in uncovering the mole and for defeating Maligula.
Scotland Yard's Inspector Higgins (Joachim Fuchsberger) becomes involved in a case that began with the corpse of Sir Oliver supposedly laughing from inside of his own coffin during his funeral. Soon people who were close to Sir Oliver start to get killed. Sir Oliver's brother Sir Cecil swears he saw his dead brother jaunting around the countryside in a skeleton costume. Higgins teams up with reporter Peggy Brand (Siw Mattson) and his bumbling chief Sir Arthur (Hubert von Meyerinck) to unmask the villain who is killing people with a poisoned scorpion ring.
Movie-maker-come-idiot Mike Hawk sets about making his latest movie, a Rom-Com called "Get Becky Laid", and is followed in his pursuits by documentary maker and film fanatic Philip K Longfellow. Mike Hawk also plays the lead character and has named him Mike Hawke - after himself only adding another 'e' to his name to distinguish the two. Mike's bitten off more than he can chew, and is followed as he gets through the making of the film, achieving it only through sheer determination and ignorance.
In 2047, an unknown, alien life-form, codenamed FOS, attacks Earth, destroying the world's major cities in one fell swoop. The survivors unite to fight back, and three years later they erect a world shield, the Diffuser, to stop further invasions. Now in 2053, a last, desperate counterattack is being mounted against the FOS. Taishi Akejima, a soldier in the Planetary Defense Forces Alliance, would like nothing better than a shot at the aliens responsible for his father's death six years ago. However, the new offensive requires a powerful weapon to be deployed and the Diffuser to be disabled, leaving the entire planet terribly vulnerable once more. Will humanity regain the stars or lose everything in the final, ultimate gamble?
A group of 17 Chilean soldiers is marching through the baking hot desert, led by a captain who demands rigid discipline. One at a time, the men fall victim to the overwhelming drudgery and engagements with irregular troops.
The series begins with the destruction of a warehouse the club uses to store and assemble guns, which is their main source of income, by a rival MC right before the overdose of Jax's Methamphetamine-addicted, pregnant ex-wife Wendy. An emergency C-section is performed, and their son Abel is delivered ten weeks prematurely. Jax finds his father's memoirs when he visits a storage unit to collect some old baby clothes. John Teller, Jax's father, was one of the founders of SAMCRO, and the book describes his trials with and hopes for the club. Jax's mother, Gemma Teller-Morrow, is now married to the President of SAMCRO, Clay Morrow. Jax's best friend Opie has just been released from prison for serving time for a club-related crime. The first season deals with Jax trying to reconcile things happening to the club with what he reads in his father's memoirs, Opie trying to take a lesser role in the club, and local and federal law enforcement trying to shut down SAMCRO.
White separatists called the League of American Nationalists (LOAN) arrive in Charming. LOAN's leader Ethan Zobelle and Zobelle's enforcer, A.J. Weston, seek to drive the Sons of Anarchy from Charming. To send a message to SAMCRO, Zobelle orchestrates to have Gemma kidnapped and gang raped by Weston and two others. Due to the improper handling of an internal problem, the rift between Clay and Jax continues to widen as Jax challenges most of Clay's decisions and comes to a head when a lone car bomb nearly kills another member of SAMCRO. The second season sees SAMCRO battling LOAN for control of Charming, Jax and Clay veering further apart in their individual visions for the club, and evading the ever-present threat of the ATF.
Gemma has been hiding in Rogue River, Oregon with Tig at the home of Gemma's father, Nate (Hal Holbrook), who suffers from dementia. Gemma struggles when she takes Nate to his new assisted living home, and he pleads to be taken back to his house. She returns to Charming to reunite with her grandson, unaware he has been kidnapped. The return of A.T.F. agent Stahl twists the facts about the murder of Donna, Stahl attempts to make a deal with Jax behind the club's back. Father Kellan Ashby's sister, Maureen, contacts Gemma at Ashby's request and tells her Abel is safe in Belfast. Upon learning of her grandson's abduction, Gemma suffers a cardiac arrhythmia and collapses in the Teller-Morrow lot. After the club returns from Northern Ireland and brings home Abel, agent Stahl double crosses Jax and tells the club about the side deal Jax made with her, unaware that Jax and the club had it planned all along knowing Stahl would back out of the deal. Jax, Clay, Bobby, Tig, Juice and Happy are hauled away to jail. While Opie, Chibs, Piney, and the Prospects are all en route following Stahl. Chibs finally gets revenge on Jimmy by killing him and Opie kills Stahl as revenge for the death of his wife, Donna.
After the deaths of Agent Stahl and Jimmy O’Phelan, the imprisoned SAMCRO members leave the penitentiary after their 14-month stay and are met by Lieutenant Eli Roosevelt of the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department, the new law enforcement presence in Charming. They also discover Hale has become the mayor. US Attorney Lincoln Potter seeks Lieutenant Roosevelt's help to build a RICO case against SAMCRO.
In retaliation for the death of Veronica Pope (Laroy's girlfriend, who was also the daughter of powerful Oakland kingpin Damon Pope), the Niners attack SAMCRO and ambush a cargo shipment. With the death of Piney Winston and the growing conflict between the Niners and SAMCRO, along with several home invasions targeting people linked to the Club, Jax is forced to meet with Damon Pope, to face a new threat unlike anything SAMCRO has ever faced.
Following the arrest of Tara and Clay, Jax struggles to hold SAMCRO together while Tara is imprisoned. Toric approaches both Tara and Clay and offers them deals in exchange for giving up SAMCRO; both initially refuse, but Clay later relents when confronted with being thrown into the prison's general population and assuredly being killed by inmates paid off by Damon Pope's men as a retaliation for Pope's murder. Juice returns to Charming after helping Bobby relocate after stepping down as VP, which angers Chibs, who doesn't believe Juice has been punished enough for talking to cops and later beats him.
The wealthy Bates family owns a profitable broom factory, but father Thomas Sr. (McWade) is criticized by son Thomas Jr. (Hamilton) for his outdated methods of running the family business. Thomas Sr. agrees to let his son run the business for a year.
The family also takes in Geraldine Marsh (Love), the daughter of a family friend, who has fallen on hard times. Thomas Jr. falls for Geraldine, and breaks off his engagement to Florence Levering (Haver), but then suspects that his father is also in love with Geraldine, and sends his father and Geraldine away.
After his year of managing the company has ended, he has been proven to be an unsuccessful businessman. His father and Geraldine are allowed to return, and when he sees that they were never in love, he marries Geraldine, and returns control of the factory to his father.
In a suburban San Fernando Valley tomato garden of Van Nuys in Los Angeles, Theo, self-named "Turbo", is a garden snail who dreams of being the greatest racer in the world, just like his hero, five-time Indy 500 champion Guy Gagné. However, his obsession with speed often makes him an outcast in the slow and cautious snail community, and a constant embarrassment to his older brother, Chet. One night, Theo wanders onto a freeway to admire the traffic and wishes upon a star, later revealed to be an airplane, that he was fast. Suddenly, he is sucked into the supercharger of a Chevrolet Camaro drag racer, fusing his molecules with nitrous oxide. When he wakes up, he possesses superspeed and some characteristics of a real car. However, his first attempt to try out his new powers ends with him crashing a boy's tricycle into the garden in which many other snails work, resulting in him and Chet getting fired from the garden crew.
Chet angrily scolds Theo for his recklessness and ends up being snatched by a crow, but is pursued and rescued by Theo at a run-down strip mall called Starlight Plaza. There, they are captured by Tito Lopez, a Mexican-American taco truck driver, and are brought to a snail race held by him and his co-workers. Theo wins the race in a matter of seconds, astounding both humans and snails alike, earning the respect of the snails, led by Whiplash, and firmly establishing the name "Turbo" as his own. Chet, on the other hand, is not happy with his brother's new ability and wants to find a way to return him to normal. Tito dreams of reviving Starlight Plaza, in which his taco business is set up, with Turbo as an attraction, much to his brother and coworker Angelo's annoyance. The snails eventually manage to divert and strand a tour bus, bringing impressive business. At this success, Turbo convinces Tito to enter him in the Indy 500 as a competitor. The neighbors agree to put up the entrance fee and accompany them to Indianapolis.
Tito is initially refused entry into the race due to insulting a race official, but a chance meeting with Gagné gives Turbo a chance to show off his speed, astounding the audience and the racers by qualifying for the race via achieving a speed of 226 mph, becoming a sensation on social media and forcing the CEO of IndyCar to reluctantly let Turbo compete. The night before the race, after a heated argument with Chet (who is still unwilling to respect his brother's wishes), Turbo sneaks out to meet Gagné, who reveals his true colors by demoralizing him. In the race, the racetrack and the more experienced competitors leave him trailing in last place. At a pitstop, Whiplash and the crew give Turbo a vital pep talk, advising him to stop racing like a car. Turbo uses his small size to his advantage and rapidly gains ground, but Gagné resorts to cheating and knocks him against the wall, damaging his shell and weakening his superspeed.
With one lap to go and Turbo in the lead, Gagné drives over debris on the last turn and overtakes Turbo, inadvertently causing a pile-up involving most of the competitors, including Turbo, who wakes to find his shell punctured and his superspeed gone, so he falls into deep despair. Alarmed at seeing his brother losing hope, Chet, with a change of heart, braves several dangers to meet with Whiplash's crew. Seeing Chet and the crew arrive on crows to encourage him to continue, Turbo resumes the race. Gagné single-mindedly pursues him, dragging his wrecked car, but Turbo narrowly wins and Gagné is assaulted by one of the strip mall business owners for trying to harm him.
Starlight Plaza thrives from Turbo's fame; all the businesses become spectacular successes and hold elaborate snail races. Whiplash's crew are given special propulsion aids for their shells, while Chet is content with his new job as the track referee and paramedic. The garden crew have also received special shells of their own. As for Turbo, he discovers that his shell has healed, and with it, his superspeed has returned.
In a mid-credits scene, one of the snails from Turbo and Chet's garden is finally able to tuck into his shell, only to realize that he is too big to come out.
Keegan Dark (Blaise Embry), the protagonist, has a condition called hyperthymesia. A condition that makes a person remember almost every single moment of their life. Keegan Dark and his boyfriend (Timo Descamps) arrive at the mansion of Keegan's estranged mother Mrs. Celeste Dark (Shannon Day) where not only is he constantly being haunted by his past, but also discovers a plot that puts his life and lives of his loved ones in danger. Along the way we meet Keegan's new step-father and step-brother (Andy Copeland and Sean Paul Lockhart) and his ex-boyfriend/Mrs Dark's lawyer, Ernesto (Eduardo Rioseco).
The main villain from the last game, Kaos, finds himself shrunk and put on display in a toy store on Earth. He finds a Portal of Power, and goes back to the Skylands. The first level takes place 10,000 years ago to discover how the Giants became the first Skylanders. 10,000 years ago, the Skylands were ruled by an evil race of giant robots called Arkeyans. They forced the inhabitants of Skylands to work as slaves, but the Skylanders made a stand and began war with the Arkeyans. Eventually, the Giants face off with the king of the Arkeyans and removes the source of the Arkeyans' power, the Iron Fist of Arkus. However, this victory backfired on the Giants and they were sent to Earth. miniaturized and petrified, due to the human world's lack of magic. These Giants eventually were thought to be myths because of their unexplained disappearance.
Back in modern day, the Portal Master and the Skylanders must repair Flynn's ship (known as the Dread-Yacht)Multiple new characters show up throughout the levels, including Ermit the hermit and Brock the drow (dark elf) gladiator. Ermit reveals that Kaos has returned and has accidentally awakened an ancient Arkeyan Conquertron, which recruits Kaos as its new leader, and goes on the search for the Lost City of Arkus. The Skylanders must then race Kaos to the Lost City, and Ermit tells the skylanders that he has a giant robot of his own. While attempting to activate the robot, the player encounters a "machine ghost" which turns out to be the soul of Ermit's robot, who also aids the Skylanders on their journey.
The Skylanders travel to an ancient vault which is said to contain a map to the city of Arkus, but Kaos arrives and attempts to crush the player with falling rocks. In an effort to save the player, Machine Ghost sacrifices himself by shielding the Skylanders from the falling rocks using his robotic body. Kaos and his robot travel into the vault to find the map, but the map is destroyed as a result when he accidentally pulled a mechanism. Glumshanks, Kaos' troll butler, remembers an image of the map, and with Kaos' help, finds the location of the lost city. Meanwhile, Machine Ghost tells the player to go after Kaos and find the lost City of Arkus, before disappearing, presumably dead.
Despite the Skylanders' efforts in reaching the Lost City of Arkus, Kaos manages to reach the Iron Fist of Arkus and transformed into a large Arkeyan robot, preparing his conquest over Skylands. The player soon reached Kaos within the City of Arkus, only to discover that the now robotic Portal Master was impossible to stop unless the Iron Fist of Arkus was removed from his grasp. With the help of Ermit and the revived Machine Ghost, the Skylander was able to remove the Fist of Arkus, returning Kaos to his normal form and stopping him from commanding his Arkeyan army. The Arkeyan Conquertron carries Glumshanks and Kaos out of the collapsing city and to the safety of an island before shutting down completely.
Post-credits, Kaos and Glumshanks are shown entering Kaos' Kastle. There they run into Kaos's mother, whose shadow is only shown, as we are left to wonder what happened next. If players complete Nightmare Mode, they are given a scene where Chompies dance and party around the deactivated Iron Fist of Arkus.
''Vibrations'' follows the story of TJ Cray, an up-and-coming rock star in the making. On his way to the big city to audition for an A&R man and secure a record deal, his car is hit by a car load of drunks who then use heavy machinery to sever his hands. With his hands gone TJ falls out of the music business and becomes a homeless drunk with plastic hands. TJ Cray believes all is lost until one night he is awoken in the dirty warehouse he sleeps in by a pulsating rhythmic beat. There's an illegal rave party in the warehouse and TJ is found by Anamika, a computer artist, who takes him outside for fresh air. They become good friends after TJs plastic hands help him stop Anamika getting raped by knife wielding rave thugs. Anamika introduces TJ to her friends, including Geek, who replace TJs plastic hands with metal robot piano playing hands. Eventually TJ has a metallic cyber suit made for him and he pioneers electronic music, becoming an overnight sensation known as Cyberstorm.
In 1921, novelist Winthrop Clavering (Emerson), known as "The World's Greatest Detective", befriends young inventor Bartholomew Thompson (Spottiswoode Aitken), who has just invented a radio controlled flying bomb (weaponry that would come to be known as guided missiles). Bartholomew is soon murdered by spies, described as "yellow men from the East" in the film, who steal his new invention. Clavering and his Swedish maid Hulda (Bessie Love) set out to find the spies who have been invading the United States. Clavering and Hulda catch up with spies just as they invade California and force them out of the country with the same device they stole.
Wealthy businessman William "Will" Van Luyn (Conrad Nagel) proposes to his secretary, Joan Thayer (Leila Hyams). She accepts, but worries how her family will react. When he meets them for the first time, little sister Helen (Bessie Love) is delighted by the advantages he will bring, but cousin Henry starts lecturing him on the virtues of the downtrodden middle class. The rich can afford medical treatment, and the poor can rely on the government to pay the bills, but the middle class has to shoulder the financial burden on its own. Nevertheless, Will marries Joan.
A month later, their honeymoon is interrupted when he has to return to the city to deal with a lawsuit. Joan insists that they stay in her family's apartment for a few weeks. Her father (James Neill) turns down Will's offer to buy them a luxurious twelve-room apartment in a much better neighborhood, and the rest of the family supports his decision. Will gamely goes along with Joan's plan, but insists her bedroom is too small for the two of them, and sleeps on the living room couch. This does not contribute to the couple's marital bliss; he has insisted that she quit working, so she does not see much of him during either the day or the night.
Will's good intentions only cause trouble. He secretly arranges for Henry to be offered a good job in South America, but Henry finds out about his hand in it and turns the opportunity down. When Will gives Helen expensive jewelry as a belated birthday present, her fiancé, truck driver Tom Gibney, is furious. He picks a fight, but Will easily knocks him down with a couple of punches.
To teach his in-laws a lesson, Will announces that he is going to become one of them by giving away his fortune to charity. Joan's father has just lost his job, and the entire family admit they have been wrong and try to talk Will out of it. Finally, he reveals that it was all a ploy to get them to realize that his wealth is not something to be ashamed of. They no longer object when he showers them with gifts.
Although a devoted couple, empty nesters Kay and Arnold Soames are in need of help to reignite the spark in their marriage. Married for thirty-one years, they have slept in separate bedrooms for various pragmatic reasons since their youngest child went off to college, and forgo any physical affection. One day Kay (who works as a Coldwater Creek employee) tells Arnold (a partner in an Omaha accounting firm) she has paid for them to undergo a week of intense marriage counseling with Dr. Bernie Feld in a coastal resort town in Maine. Arnold, a creature of plodding, unimaginative routine, denies their marriage is in trouble.
In sessions with Dr. Feld, a psychiatrist, they try to articulate their feelings, revitalize their relationship, and find the spark that caused them to fall in love in the first place. Dr. Feld counsels them, asking increasingly frank questions about their sex life and feelings. Being private and old-fashioned, Arnold is angry and defensive, unwilling to see the depth of his wife's disappointment. Angry and crying, Kay goes alone to a bar where she has several glasses of wine, confides in the female bartender and learns that few others are having any sex, either. Arnold visits a nautical museum.
Back together, they spend the night in the same bed for the first time in years, and Kay awakes to find Arnold's arm around her. At this sign of progress, Dr. Feld urges new measures. They make halting attempts at intimacy on the bed of their budget motel and again in a movie theater, but this time with disastrous results.
In a one-on-one session, Dr. Feld explains to Arnold that couples seeking marriage counseling are doing so for a reason, and asks Arnold frankly, "Is this the best you can do?" Arnold finally takes the initiative to arrange a romantic dinner and a night at a luxury inn, where they attempt to make love in front of a fireplace, but the grand gesture ultimately fails. At their final session, Dr. Feld tells them they've made much progress and should take up couples therapy back home.
Back in Omaha, old habits resume. Kay offers to pet-sit for a fellow employee and packs a bag to stay there, as a first step in a permanent break with Arnold. That night, both are shown in bed trying to sleep. Arnold enters Kay's bedroom and they tenderly embrace. The lovemaking that follows is warm, natural, and quietly passionate. The next morning it's clear that the marriage has shifted into an improved direction. Later that year, as Kay said she fantasized, they renew their wedding vows on a beach with Dr. Feld and their grown children present, making promises to be more understanding and considerate of each other.
Three couples join the freshly wed Halsteads and upon their arrival in their overcrowded D.C. hotel they set out for the honeymoon suite, only to find it usurped by the previous newlywed couple, Ann Sheridan and John Ridgley as the Cadmens. Finally a third newlywed couple the Dillons, Alexis Smith and Craig Stevens, arrive to claim the suite as well. Add to this: a military contractor with a no nonsense attitude; a lecherous boss; an F.B.I. investigator; a judge (to make one couple's marriage "legal"); a group of orphan babies; a Russian who likes to shoot pigeons; and a wandering man trying to find somewhere, anywhere to get some sleep. ''The'' ''Doughgirls'' is a raucous farce where the humor comes from the unconsummated marriage of Wyman and Carson, with a great performance by Eve Arden as a visiting Russian.
''The New York Times'' reviewed it saying it is "distilled from the play" and "at times the dialog twirls into nonsense being saved only by the performance of the players."
''The Doughgirls'' is based on a stage play of the same name, written in 1942 by Joseph Fields.
When the evil Warstar aliens attack Earth, the supernatural guardian Gosei, assigned to protect the Earth by Zordon, and his faithful robot assistant Tensou recruit five teenagers with attitude to combat the invading forces. Equipped with powers that grant them mastery over martial arts and other forms of combat, the teenagers transform into the latest champions of good: The Power Rangers Megaforce.
In the second ''Super Megaforce'' season, when an alien armada led by Prince Vekar - the brother of Vrak - plans to invade the Earth, Gosei gives the Megaforce Rangers new Morphers and special keys to allow them to become the Super Megaforce Rangers and also imbues them with the power to transform into any past "Legendary" Power Rangers. In course of time, due to their virtues and fighting spirit, they unlock various megazords of the past rangers (meeting several along the way.). An alien named Orion, whose home world was destroyed by the armada, then joins their ranks as the Silver Ranger, and gets all the legendary Sixth Ranger along with those of Robo Knight. Later, in a battle with the most powerful machines of evil, the Megazords of the Rangers as well as their Legendary Megazords are destroyed. After that, Troy and Orion enter the ship of Vrak and Vekar's father the Warstar Emperor Marvo, fight him, and unleash the ship's power, which destroys every other ship in the Armada. Later they both succeed in destroying Marvo and then they return to the ground. The Rangers then find that thousands of X-Borgs, the innumerable soldiers of The Armada, have been let loose on them. At this point, all the Legendary Rangers, whose powers the Rangers have been using throughout the series, appear to help them. Together, all the Rangers destroy the X-Borgs, saving the Earth.
Giacomo Solaris is a film-maker whose latest released feature film is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is murdered. A resentful Sicilian magistrate orders the film seized, but then the judge winds up dead, in a fashion just like that in Solaris's movie. Solaris realizes that corrupt political forces are pulling strings and attempting to cover up murders of his friends who begin to die in grisly ways. Will he learn the truth about the murder of the judge in time?
The game takes place immediately after the events of ''LittleBigPlanet 2''. The Story Mode features Sackboy racing against The Hoard, who are planning to steal the Craftverse's prizes for "no reason other than to hoard them." Players begin the story mode by hopping into a cart which had been crashed by a member of The Hoard, and takes off after them to reclaim the stolen prizes. Sackboy races through many places ransacked by the hoard. The Sackbots aid him in his quest.
The adventure begins with the Queen asking Sackboy to clear the Hoard from LittleBigPlanet. Afterward, Sackboy travels to a tropical beach-like planet called Monster Islands, where a local named Ray the Turtle asks for help locating the legendary Huge Monster. By the time they find her, they discover that the Hoard have stolen her egg, so Sackboy must take it back. The Hoard also attempt to steal "brainergy" and pastries from Victoria's Laboratory (now a separate planet).
In the process of stealing, Hoard mess with the technology on the futuristic theme park planet Progress Emporium. On Eve's Asylum, Venus the Flytrap warns Sackboy that the Hoard are unintentionally summoning evil forces (such as the flaming centipede that threatens to burn down the forest) as they steal more things.
Finally, Sackboy visits Avalonia, where the brother of Avalon Centrifuge from ''LittleBigPlanet 2'', Captain Sirius Oculus, invites Sackboy and the Hoard to a party on his nightclub space station, the Space Bass. Soon, however, the entire Space Bass, along with Captain Sirius, is sucked into a nearby anomaly known as the Funkhole, which leads to the planet where the Hoard stash their collection. After Sackboy defeats a giant monster that arises from the dump, the Hoard redeem their mistake and decide not to hoard anymore. The planet explodes and scatters the Hoard's stuff all over the Craftverse.
Ruby and some of her friends are all headed to Sweets Land, the home of the Sweetspets, to celebrate her birthday with a special dance. However, during the preparations, a strange thing falls from the skies, containing a Sweetspet boy named Gumimin. Unknown to everyone, he may be the only one who can save Sweets Land from impending chaos, and eat all the sweets in Sweets Land to help save it.
Chen Yulin (Steve Yap) is forced to marry Shen Danfang (Yeo Yann Yann) to inherit her family's incense making business. Yulin has also promised his father-in-law to let their first child to follow Dan Fang's family name to ensure the continuity of the bloodline. On the day of their marriage, Yulin was surprised when he realized Yuhua (Debbie Goh), his longtime lover, is now his sister-in-law.
Separated from her mother after an accident at sea, Anna Luna is forced to live in the city with her estranged grandmother, Doña Martina Dominguez.
Anna Luna is unwanted in the Dominguez mansion. To the old woman, she is a constant reminder of her daughter's disobedience by marrying a poor man. To a greedy aunt and an irksome cousin, she is a threat to the inheritance.
John, a grieving father, slits his wrists after losing his son, Daniel. A thief, Ms. Merrywood, is killed in her trailer after a shootout with police. Tamara, a young woman, is killed by her angry boyfriend. All three are greeted by denizens of Hell as they die ("Heaven's All Around").
In Hell, which is a carnival, Lucifer's second-in-command, the Ticket-Keeper, rallies the carnies in a big-top circus tent and calls out the names of the carnies who will be "performing" that night for the recent arrivals. He selects the Painted Doll, a mute woman with a cracked face; the Twin, a reptilian man with the ability to shape-shift; the Hobo Clown; and the Scorpion, a knife-thrower. The Scorpion is absent from the meeting, so Ticket-Keeper sends Painted Doll to find him. John, Ms. Merrywood, and Tamara all awaken, each finding an envelope containing a ticket to enter. While searching for the entrance, John and Ms. Merrywood bump into each other, and they arrive at Ticket-Keeper's booth as the carnies welcome them to the carnival ("The Devil's Carnival"). Ticket-Keeper then explains all the 666 laws of the Carnival ("666") before welcoming them in.
Tamara, wandering in the back of the Carnival, finds The Scorpion in a cage. She frees him, and he begins to flirt with her. Meanwhile, John finds himself in the Big-Top tent. He is harassed by Wick and her three cohorts, the Woe-Maidens ("Kiss the Girls"). They vanish suddenly, however, and John sees Painted Doll in a kissing booth. She offers him Daniel's location in exchange for a kiss, only to bite off his ear, which spontaneously reappears.
Meanwhile, Daniel meets Lucifer, who begins reading him fables, starting with Aesop's "The Dog and Her Reflection". Ms. Merrywood, follows a pamphlet into a dark tent with the intent of finding a large diamond. The Twin has the diamond, and promises it to her if she wins his "game" before morphing into her. Merrywood, not recognizing her own reflection, loses the game ("Beautiful Stranger"). She is then stripped naked and whipped in front of the carnies, while the Hobo Clown sings retelling of the fable Lucifer is reading ("A Penny for a Tale").
Lucifer begins reading Daniel another fable, "The Scorpion and The Frog." Tamara is continually wooed by the Scorpion. She follows him into a dark tent where a knife-throwing wheel has been set up, and finds him and the Painted Doll kissing. Embarrassed, she tries to leave, but Scorpion angrily accuses her of not trusting him, which she denies. He straps her to his knife-throwing wheel, before throwing a switch-blade directly into Tamara's heart, killing her ("Trust Me"). The Painted Doll then retells the fable to the carnies through song, showing off Tamara's body for them ("Prick! Goes the Scorpion's Tale").
Lucifer reads one final fable for Daniel, "The Devil and His Due". John stumbles through a tent, even passing through a replica of the bathroom where he committed suicide ("Grief"). John, distraught over losing his son, claims Heaven has abandoned both Daniel and himself. John finds Daniel in Lucifer's study, only for Daniel to morph into the Fool, a dwarf carnie, much to Lucifer's amusement and John's dismay. Lucifer taunts John, revealing to him that he is in fact in Hell as he could not let go of his grief. John weeps but eventually decides he no longer wants to grieve, and Lucifer sends John to Heaven.
Later, Lucifer rallies the carnies, announcing a plan to offer the condemned souls redemption and thus, access to Heaven ("Grace for Sale"). Ticket-Keeper informs the carnies that, come tomorrow, they will wage war with God and his angels, in order to "put Heaven out of business." The carnies excitedly celebrate ("Off to Hell We Go").
In a post-credits scene, Tamara finds Lucifer in the big-top tent. She blindly trusts and allows her to seduce him like she did with the Scorpion, ultimately repeating the sin that brought her to Hell ("In All My Dreams I Drown").
Susanne Lamond, who earns her living as a simple cigarette saleswoman in a cabaret in Paris, does not know that she is in fact a Hawaiian princess named Laya. The attaché Stone from the United States falls in love with her and follows her when Liberation Movement agents lure her to Hawaii with an alleged offer to perform as an artist. Here, according to the plans of the Hawaiian nationalists, she is to be married to a prince, the pretender to the throne, Lilo Taro.
However, US Governor Harrison has other political plans in mind and plans to marry the prince to his niece Bessy to further support US claims to the Pacific Islands. However, Bessy loves Harrison's secretary, Buffy. When the conspirators kidnap Susanne to the old royal castle, where a big wedding ceremony is to take place, Susanne objects. She has long since fallen in love with the smart American and they both want to get married. She renounces all claims to the throne and titles and follows him. Eventually Bessy and Buffy become a couple too.
The film was shot in Yangon. It's a love triangle story between three people. Min Htin Si (Datsa) is the boyfriend of Ngwe La Thar (Eve). Moe Thout (Adam) also loves Ngwe La too. There was a problem between Moe Thout and Min Htin Si. Min Htin Si's father died because of Moe Thout's father. Moe Thout's father had love stories with Min Htin Si's mother. Therefore, Min Htin Si's father and mother had conflicts because of that. So, Min Htin Si hated Moe Thout's family since he was a child. Moe Thout did everything Ngwe La want while Min Htin Si was using Ngwe La to revenge Moe Thout since he knows Moe Thout loves Ngwe La. However, Ngwe La never thought that her boyfriend, Min Htin Si, is using her. But when she know that her boyfriend is using her, she tried to hate Min Htin Si.
Set in "Komuna e Parisit", a street in Tirana, the series shows the life of a group of students who live in this street.
Policeman Dante Matucci investigates a series of murders involving people in prominent positions. Left behind at each murder scene is a drawing of a salamander. As the body count grows he sees a pattern that might point to a conspiracy to take over the Italian government.
Dagny Taggart pilots an airplane in pursuit of another plane. Dagny asks herself, "Who is John Galt?" before apparently crashing into a mountainside.
Nine months earlier, Dagny is trying to understand the abandoned prototype of an advanced motor she and her lover Hank Rearden have found. Scientists across the country have been disappearing under mysterious circumstances, but Dagny is able to locate Quentin Daniels, who agrees to help from an abandoned laboratory in Utah.
Dagny's brother James Taggart, president of the family railroad company, meets store clerk Cherryl Brooks and brings her to see a renowned pianist, who disappears during his performance, leaving a note asking, "Who is John Galt?" Later, at James and Cherryl's wedding, Dagny's friend Francisco d'Anconia argues with other guests about whether money is evil, and secretly informs Rearden about devastating explosions at his copper mine—the next day. Rearden spends the night with Dagny. Later, he is confronted about the affair by his wife Lillian, but when he offers a divorce she declines, in order to maintain her position in society.
Rearden sells his advanced Rearden Metal to Ken Danagger's coal mining company, but refuses to sell it to the federal government, in defiance of the newly enacted "Fair Share" law that forces businesses to sell to all buyers. The two are charged under the law. Dagny barges into Danagger's office, realizes that he too is about to disappear, and understands that she is close to understanding the force behind the disappearances. At trial, Rearden defends individual freedom and the pursuit of profit, and is given only a token penalty by the court, which fears turning him into a martyr. The government announces "Directive 10-289", which freezes employment and production and requires that all patents be gifted to the government. Rearden defies this decree as well, but relents when he is blackmailed with photos of himself and Dagny that would damage Dagny's reputation.
When Dagny hears about Rearden's "gift" and her brother's complicity, she quits the railroad. During her absence, a Taggart Transcontinental train collides with a military train in a tunnel, due largely to political pressure by a passenger and human error by Dagny's poorly trained replacement. This impels Dagny back to her job. D'Anconia tries to dissuade her from returning, as he had earlier tried to talk Rearden into leaving his business, but she returns anyway.
Dagny takes a train to Colorado to show her faith in the railway, but its engine fails. The repair technician used to work for 20th Century Motor Company, which produced the motor Dagny found. He tells Dagny how the need-based reward system in his company failed, and his coworker John Galt left the company vowing to "stop the motor of the world." Dagny calls Daniels, who tells her that he is quitting. Dagny buys a small airplane and flies to Utah to try to dissuade him, but as she is landing, she sees him get into a plane on the airstrip.
After a pursuit in the air—the opening scene of the film—Dagny's plane crashes in a valley hidden by stealth technology. A wounded Dagny Taggart crawls to the edge of her crashed plane, where she is greeted by John Galt.
Linda is performing prenatal yoga, despite the fact that she has not been pregnant for nine years. The kids call her over from the television to help them with their homework, and Bob chastises Linda for coddling them. Later, Bob shows off his new soft serve ice cream machine to Teddy, dreaming of selling ice cream during the summer months. At school, the children complain about how much they hate gym class, and convince Mr. Frond to allow them to instead have an independent study of synchronized swimming, which they have no intention of actually doing.
The next morning, Bob shows the kids how to use the soft serve machine and Linda continues doing things for the kids, including making a Navajo mask for Gene's school project. Bob again chastises Linda for coddling. At school, the kids ditch gym class for their "independent study" and have fun around town. At Reflections, Linda runs into Mr. Frond, who mentions the kids' synchronized swimming study supposedly coached by Linda. Back at the restaurant, Linda announces to the children that she will be coaching them in synchronized swimming instead of letting them run around alone.
Later, Linda takes the kids to the community pool to begin their lessons, and Louise finds numerous ways of staying out of the water. At the restaurant, Bob finds himself swamped attempting to fill in for Linda and dealing with the new soft serve machine. The next day, several more children join the independent study, and Linda quits as coach when they continue to goof off and after Andy and Ollie naïvely blurt out the independent study being made up. The kids think they have gotten out of work, and Mr. Frond finds them to let them know that the school board wishes to watch a performance that afternoon or face summer school. They beg for Linda's help, who refuses, and Bob decides to coach them because he needs them to work there over the summer. At the pool, Louise finds several ways of attempting to get out of the performance, but ultimately fails. Linda arrives at the last minute to help them with a synchronized performance of her prenatal yoga. They receive a D and don't need to go to summer school.
The book tells the story of Griff Burkett, a football fallen star, who was caught cheating and was sent to prison. After five years, Burkett is a free man. He meets Foster and Laura Speakman, a wealthy and successful but childless couple. They hire Burkett to do a secret job, but then is suspected of an unsolved murder by his long-time nemesis, detective Stanley Rodarte. Burkett tries to prove his innocence and save the people they care about the most. The narrative contains a lot of sexual content. The book was published by Ricochet in 2006 and later by Simon & Schuster.[https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/sandra-brown/play-dirty-2/ "PLAY DIRTY"]. ''Kirkus Review'', July 1st, 2007
Mary (Love) and her son Buster (Lee) live in a single room in a tenement in the slums of the city, having been deserted by their husband and father, wealthy Spencer Wellington (Tucker). While selling newspapers, Buster meets Wang (Hayakawa), a vegetable peddler. Wang protects Buster from attack, and receives a black eye in the endeavor. When Mary becomes ill, Wang cares for her until she is well. When Mary and Buster are about to be evicted, Wang sells his horse and vegetable stand to help them out, and he and Buster team up and become fortune-tellers.
Through Wang, Mary learns that her husband is planning to remarry. When Wang entertains at the wedding reception, he reveals Spencer's past, and Spencer's new fiance, society lady Norma Biddle (Wilson), ends the engagement. Mary obtains a divorce from Spencer, and marries the new rent collector Johnnie Rand (McCullough), who is a former sweetheart. Wang is able to retrieve his horse, and he returns to his homeland, where he is reunited with his sweetheart.
Private detective Christopher Adams chases a precious antique jade lion through the Mexican cafes, auto courts, and the seamy side of Los Angeles.
Adams has a meeting scheduled with a mystery man named Gomez, who is killed. Alice Ashley, a woman he encounters in a bar, then picks Adams' pocket, stealing his wallet. When he tracks her down, he finds Alice stabbed to death. Nosy neighbor Theresa Appleby happens upon the scene after Adams arrives.
A police lieutenant, Sam Wilson, immediately suspects Adams of murdering the woman. Investigating together, they conclude that a bartender, Patrick Macy, once engaged to Adams, is behind the killings. Mrs. Appleby also helps a grateful Adams in solving the case.
When the poor Gordon family must move out of its house and into a small cottage, young Peggy Gordon (Love) becomes a gardener to earn money. Her wealthy neighbor falls in love her, after seeing her "over the garden wall" and through a tennis racket; but she mistakenly believes that he is a chauffeur. When her younger sister attempts to elope with a bad man, Peggy and her new beau successfully prevent this from happening, and her beau's wealthy identity is revealed.
In Cleveland, Ohio, high school senior Karen “Wren” DeSantis' opening narration describes Halloween in Cleveland as a time for its citizens to dress up and be less ashamed of themselves, citing the nickname "the mistake by the lake." Wren's widowed mother, Joy, is dating a 26-year-old named Keevin. Wren has her heart set on college life at New York University. Her friend April has her eyes set on social status, and Wren's nerdy friend Roosevelt has his heart set on Wren. The two girls are surprised when they find they are invited to a Halloween party by local heartthrob Aaron Riley. Unfortunately, on the day Wren is supposed to go to the party, she is commanded by her mother to take her 8-year-old brother Albert trick-or-treating so she can go to a party with Keevin. The party that Keevin invites Joy to turns out to be run by Keevin's friend Nate Brueder. At a haunted house later that night, Wren and April run into Roosevelt and his best friend Peng. Albert meets a convenience store employee named Fuzzy who seeks revenge against Jörgen, a mixed-martial arts fighter, who won the heart of his ex-girlfriend Lara. Roosevelt's parents are revealed to be semi-eccentric pacifistic lesbians.
Wren suspects that Albert might be at a local Captain Chicken restaurant on Euclid Avenue, a fictional pirate-themed fast food chain. Again they arrive too late to find him, almost running him over while fleeing Mike Puglio before he is rescued by Denise, a college girl dressed as a "Galaxy Scout" (a fictional anime character). Remembering Fuzzy's description of Jörgen, Albert stows away in his convertible. Wren, Roosevelt, and Peng drive off looking for Albert, and now April, who later calls from Aaron Riley's party with the false impression that she has found Albert. Wren, Roosevelt, and Peng arrive at the party, and the earlier duel with Puglio gives Peng some level of social acceptance.
Wren receives a phone call from Jörgen, who is holding Albert hostage at his house, and threatens to turn him over to the police for pulling the stunt with Fuzzy, unless she gives him a ransom of $400 in cash, which she doesn't have. After Jörgen gives her his address, Wren desperately runs through the streets of Cleveland trying to find his house. Arriving there and telling Jörgen she doesn't have the money, he calls the police but puts them on hold when Wren finds out that he is a fan of the Beastie Boys, and offers to give him the collectible jacket she inherited from her late father which was left behind by Mike D as a substitute for cash. Jörgen seems interested in her offer, but he calls the police until Fuzzy breaks in to rescue the boy and his older sister by throwing fireworks throughout the house. Jörgen is injured in the explosion.
Wren and Albert visit the cemetery where their father is buried and place a plastic pumpkin with flowers on his grave. Albert thanks Wren for finding and rescuing him, just before their mother picks them up and drives them home. Roosevelt also states that he will get a part-time job at Captain Chicken to raise money for the chicken statue's repairs. Joy then allows Roosevelt and Wren to kiss. Meanwhile, April wakes up to find herself in the arms of Peng, and after looking around for witnesses decides to make out with him again. Fuzzy meets Denise, who asks him out on a date. Fuzzy also reveals that his real name is Manuel. Later, Albert reveals that he secretly has been pulling prank phone calls on both his mother, sister, and his sister's friend for six months, which includes the uploading of a video to Wren's Facebook page, making fun of Wren's bug dance and "explaining rap".
Jim (Michael Tse) and Roy are friends living together. Jim has recently broken up with his girlfriend and decides to meet new girls through a social networking website ICQ. There, he meets a girl Hiroko (Liz Kong) and they become friends.
Both Jim and Roy find Hiroko attractive and Roy plans to have a one-night stand with her. He uses Jim's ICQ account and asks Hiroko out where then they meet in Ma Liu Shui. However, Roy never comes back from his meeting with Hiroko and is later found dead.
This case is handled by Inspector Lau. Hiroko is the prime suspect but there is no evidence. Lau begins to track down old files and ends up finding something very shocking.
In rural Pennsylvania, a young girl screams for help in a rural meadow, her leg caught in an animal trap. A group of children, along with an older woman they call Mama, arrive, and one of the boys, Abraham, knocks the girl unconscious. Later, the children chant a Satanic prayer over the girl at the behest of their mother, and one of the children, Cynthia, proceeds to brutally stab her to death with a dagger.
Years later, teenaged Nancy Johnson runs away from her home after her stepfather Bert, a police officer, attempts to rape her. While hitchhiking to her sister's home in San Francisco, she is picked up by two benevolent young men, Hank and Tom. In the backwoods, they pick up a Baptist preacher and his adult daughter, Sandra, who they drop off at a cemetery to visit the grave of the preacher's wife. Sandra says a prayer and heads back toward their house; her father remains, and is stabbed to death by a man with a machete. Later, Sandra finds her father's corpse on their doorstep, and is also murdered by the man with the machete.
At a local bar, Tom, Hank, and Nancy encounter racists who refuse to serve them because Hank is African-American. Short on money, they steal groceries from a small market and are chased by two local police officers. They lose the police by driving onto a dirt road into the woods. Upon stopping, they witness a man in the woods carrying a large object draped with a sheet. Not wanting to be caught by police, they ultimately decide to camp in the woods overnight.
In the morning, Nancy goes for a walk, and returns to the campsite to witness two police officers, Luke and Abraham, arresting Hank and Tom, accusing them of murdering a local woman. The police shoot Hank and Tom to death execution style, and then pursue Nancy, who flees into the woods. She comes across a farmhouse, and inside finds a teenage girl, Cynthia, playing cards. She asks for a phone, and is directed to another room; when she enters, she finds the man she, Tom, and Hank saw earlier (whom she comes to find is named Cyrus) dismembering two corpses. She is confronted by the two officers, who lock her in an animal cage next to another victim, Gwen. In conversation, Gwen recounts how Luke and Abraham murdered two police officers the night before and stole their uniforms. Luke, Abraham, and Cyrus return to the campsite and burn the bodies of Hank and Tom. Later, Luke goes upstairs and has a conversation with his dead mother, a decomposed corpse the family keeps in a bed.
Meanwhile, Bert reports Nancy missing and begins searching for her himself. At the farmhouse, the family conduct a Black Mass at midnight and sacrifice Sharon, another local woman they have kidnapped, in the name of Satan. Observing the mass from a cage, Nancy prays to God as they slit Sharon's throat before feeding her blood to their dead mother, attempting to resurrect her. Luke and Abraham drive Sharon's body to a field the next morning and begin digging a shallow grave, an event witnessed by Bert, who stumbles upon the scene; he hears them discuss sacrificing Nancy and Gwen on Easter.
At their next Black Mass, Cynthia sacrifices Gwen, while Nancy quietly recites the Lord's Prayer. This time, Luke drinks Gwen's blood himself. After the mass, Luke prepares to bring Gwen's body outside, but is accosted by Bert, who clobbers him. Bert holds Abraham and Cyrus at gunpoint, and forces Abraham to retrieve Nancy. Just as Nancy is brought outside, Cynthia attacks Bert, stabbing him to death. As he collapses, his gun discharges, shooting and killing both Cyrus and Abraham. Nancy flees into a barn and is chased by Cynthia, but Nancy manages to overpower her and slash her throat with a sickle. Nancy proceeds to pour gasoline on Luke, who has regained consciousness, and lights him on fire. Traumatized, she collapses against a shed and watches Luke burn to death.
Book One begins with senior student Hikaru Umino luring teacher Mr. Shima into an empty classroom afterschool and raping him. Shima complains about Hikaru's poor technique and asks him to "take responsibility" for his actions. Hikaru responds with marriage proposal, but Shima harshly tells Hikaru he doesn't love him, and to think about how to apologize. Hikaru agonizes over his actions, becoming depressed when he sees the scratch marks left on his back, imagining that Shima was in horrible pain. Nevertheless, he stalks Shima, visiting his apartment block every day after school.
Meanwhile, Shima continuously flirts with Hikaru, then, after finding him lurking around outside, invites him in and initiates sex with him, telling Hikaru that he can atone for the earlier rape by being pretend lovers until Hikaru graduates, but they can only play lovers if Hikaru's grades are good; therefore, Hikaru must earn good exam scores if he wants to go on dates with Shima.
Meanwhile, Amamiya has asked Shima to get back together with him, but Shima refused. In order to get Shima to "take him seriously" Amamiya attempts to force him while they're both drunk at a party, but Shima brutally fights back and tells Amamiya "If you're rough with me, I'll do the same to you", which contrasts his passivity with Hikaru in a similar encounter. Shima gives Hikaru his cellphone number with the promise that if Hikaru gets good grades, he can have dates and phone calls with Shima.
Book Two opens just prior to the second semester. Shima has bought a car and Hikaru and Shima go on a number of dates, including a trek to a mountain temple to make their New Year's prayers, where Hikaru fears it will be the last time he is able to be with Shima. Because he has to study for entrance exams, Shima refuses to see him for fear of disrupting his studying. Without ever going on another date with Shima, Hikaru graduates. The "play acting" quietly comes to an end. Hikaru asks Shima for his favorite watch as a graduation present, which Shima gives him, and after that they separate. Both become depressed.
Hikaru and Shima eventually see each other when a group of graduated seniors, including Hikaru and his girlfriend, Tsukasa, return to school to attend the school festival. However, Hikaru and Shima don't speak, and avoid each other. Amamiya takes Hikaru aside and tells him that Shima is depressed and not eating, and has sold his car. Hikaru confronts Shima, but Shima refuses to admit anything and tells Hikaru to go back to his girlfriend. Angry, Hikaru tells Shima that Tsukasa is just using him as a placeholder, gives Shima back his watch and storms out, then realizes he dropped his phone. When he returns, he finds Shima in the same place, crying.
Shima admits that he loved Hikaru for a long time, so he manipulated him by teasing and flirting and encouraging him with physical actions until Hikaru became overwhelmed and "forced" himself on Shima. He tells Hikaru that it wasn't rape because it was what Shima wanted, and that his scratches came from Shima 'holding on', not fighting him. Shima also admits that he felt guilty, and as penance, severed their play-acting so that Hikaru could have a good love life in the future, without being burdened by a serious relationship. However, Shima's plan did not work, as Hikaru's love life is dysfunctional. Hikaru proposes that they act as pretend lovers until he graduates from university, with the agreement that if either one finds someone better, they can leave the relationship. Shima agrees, and the two lovers reunite. Amamiya announces himself completely over Shima, and begins an affair with the school nurse, Ms. Morikawa.
Book Three begins a year after the events of Book Two, and Hikaru and Shima are still "playing lovers". Hikaru now works at a cafe part-time and Shima is the chairperson of the school festival. Because they are both so busy, it's been a long time since they've seen each other, but Hikaru calls Shima everyday when he takes a break at the cafe. During one call, they make plans to meet at the high school festival, and afterwards spend the night together. Meanwhile, Mami, an underclassman who has a crush on Hikaru, frequently visits Hikaru's cafe to flirt, but he's oblivious. Hikaru's coworkers laugh about his obliviousness, and inform new worker Nagisa that Hikaru has a crush on a beautiful teacher from his old high school, which they call a "Madonna". The young coworkers mistakenly think the Madonna is Ms. Morikawa, the school nurse. Nagisa is pleased to hear that Hikaru is not in a relationship, and stakes his claim on Hikaru by openly flirting and hugging Hikaru in front of Mami, who becomes disturbed.
During school the next day, Shima, who is becoming run down due to his committee position, takes a nap in the curtained bed in the nurse's office. A while later, Mami comes in to talk to Ms. Morikawa, who knows about her crush on Hikaru. Mami complains about the older Nagisa shamelessly flirting and touching Hikaru at the cafe. Morikawa is unsure whether Shima, on the bed behind the curtain, has heard. However, Shima later sends Hikaru a text message saying that Hikaru does not need to come to the festival.
Hikaru reads this as a direct order not to attend, and becomes panicked that he has upset his lover. Shima ignores Hikaru's phone calls, but berates himself for being so jealous, and eventually shows up and suggests that he and Hikaru buy matching rings, trying to keep his jealousy a secret in order to not scare Hikaru.
A month or so later, Shima, Morikawa, and Amamiya come to visit Hikaru at his cafe to take him out to lunch. His coworkers, seeing him so flustered, all assume that Ms. Morikawa is the object of his affections, but she is clearly with Amamiya. They tell Hikaru that he doesn't have a chance with his "Madonna" because Amamiya is much better-looking. Hikaru believes they are talking about Amamiya and Shima, because they are ex-lovers. Nagisa also tells Hikaru that his "Madonna" is probably using him because he is so young and inexperienced, and that they are "ill matched". Hikaru's self-confidence suffers and he begins to wonder if Shima actually loves him, since he never shows any jealousy.
Book Four picks up immediately following the events in Book Three, with Shima and Hikaru canceling their ring shopping to go back to Hikaru's place. However, their love-making is interrupted by each of them expressing their fear that the other wants to leave the relationship. Shima believes Hikaru is in love with Nagisa, while Hikaru, who knows that Amamiya broke up with Shima because Shima was too obsessive, believes that this lack of obsession towards Hikaru means that Shima doesn't love him very much. Both try to hide the obsessive feelings that they believe are too frightening, oppressive, and immature. However, when Nagisa shows up at Hikaru's apartment, the two lovers admit their serious feelings to each other.
The story then skips to the high school festival, where Mami prepares to plainly confess her feelings to Hikaru. However, she runs into Nagisa first, who is also looking for Hikaru. Nagisa flirts with Mami, but she tells him they are rivals. Shima interrupts this, and Nagisa, unaware of Shima's identity as Hikaru's "Madonna", flirts with him and invites him to tea. Shima, curious about his rival, agrees.
Mami, worried about her favored teacher, reports to Morikawa that Shima has been "taken hostage" by Nagisa. Amamiya, who has been napping in Morikawa's office, hears this, and gets up to go "rescue" Shima. His intervention is unnecessary, but Shima once again feels guilty for letting his jealousy get the better of him. Meanwhile, Nagisa is once again annoying Mami, and during a discussion about Hikaru, mentions Hikaru's supposed relationship with Ms. Morikawa. Mami, thinking that Ms. Morikawa listened to all of her personal confessions about her love of Hikaru, while secretly laughing at her, goes searching the roof for the school nurse, but doesn't find her. Mami and Nagisa call a temporary truce to search for Hikaru, who is meeting Shima in an empty classroom for a quiet interlude.
Mami then confronts Morikawa in her office, with Nagisa trailing behind, but Morikawa admits her relationship with Amamiya (who is once again napping on the clinic bed), and quietly displays her engagement ring. Nagisa immediately realizes that this only leaves Shima as Hikaru's mystery lover, although Mami has not figured this out yet. Nagisa and Mami continue to roam the school looking for Hikaru, while gently teasing each other and discussing their favorite parts of Hikaru.
Hikaru and Shima, after only a kiss, leave the empty classroom so that Shima can go take care of the festival. However, Hikaru is worried about Shima and chases after him, catching him right before he falls down some stairs, and then catches Shima again when he almost falls back off the stairs, hugging him close in full view of both Nagisa, Mami, and many students. Both Nagisa and Mami must admit defeat. Book Four ends with both Shima and Hikaru reaffirming their feelings.
During a routine stop in a diner for his morning coffee, Gibbs faces a gunman. He then suddenly finds himself inside a spectral version of the diner where he sees various characters from the past and present, both living and dead. He meets Mike Franks, who tells him that this is an opportunity for him to reflect on his past actions. He shows him an alternate future where Kate did not die, but marries DiNozzo and has a baby, due to Gibbs spotting Ari in time and forcing him to abandon his sniper nest when he sees the police helicopter coming. However, as a result, Ziva stays with Mossad and is eventually arrested by NCIS. Gibbs then meets his mother, and he reaffirms that he had always loved her. Disgraced NCIS Agent Riley McCallister then appears and questions Gibbs' decision to murder Pedro Hernandez in revenge for killing Shannon and Kelly. Gibbs has Mike show him the future where he could not kill Hernandez and avenge his family, and it is revealed that he would have left NCIS and become a broken, reclusive alcoholic who pushes away any attempts to reach out to him. Finally, he meets Shannon and Kelly, who show him a future where they had never died. Gibbs would have stayed a Marine, but would have been killed in action overseas, with two Marines in full dress uniform arriving at Shannon's doorstep to give her the grim news. Through this experience, Gibbs learns that he should not regret the choices he has or had not made.
This experience is related to a case one day before the shooting, where a Petty Officer and civilian contractor are found shot aboard a drydocked warship. They were attempting to steal the ship's military hard drives and sell them to the Chinese. However, the third accomplice, Michael Rose, eventually balks and is forced to kill his co-conspirators in self-defence. Michael's son, Steven, pleads to Gibbs that his father was trying to do the right thing, and he was just misguided. Gibbs decides not to help Michael. On the day that Gibbs is shot, he draws his pistol but refuses to fire when he realises that the shooter is Steven. Steven fires, but only hits Gibbs in the shoulder. Steven is subdued by several bystanders and he apologises for shooting Gibbs as they wait for the police to arrive and arrest Steven for attempted murder of a Federal lawman. The next day, McGee tells the rest of the team that he turned down Director Vance's offer for a promotion to Okinawa since he feels there is still a lot of good he can do where he is right now. Despite being injured, Gibbs returns to work, freshly inspired by his near death experience.
Uhm Jung-Hwa dreamed about becoming a singer when she was young but had to put her dream aside when she married Hwang Jung-min. Although Hwang is a lawyer, he is always worrying about paying the rent.
One day, Hwang rescues a drunk man who falls off of a subway platform and becomes an instant hero. His heroic act pushes him into the political arena and he decides to run for Seoul mayor. Things go along just fine until Uhm receives a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sign with an entertainment agency, forcing her to choose between her dream and his. It's not long before she realizes that she can't give up her dream and she decides to pursue both.
The film demonstrates that age is just a number and that dreams can come true.
In 2013, seven species of extraterrestrial refugees (the Votans) arrived in orbit around Earth. They had expected to find the planet uninhabited and suitable for terraforming and colonization, and were as surprised by humanity's presence as humanity was by their arrival. Confusion over what to do about the alien refugees led to a series of events including the "Arkfall", wherein most of the Votans' spaceships were destroyed in orbit, and a series of conflicts called the Pale Wars. These events resulted in the destruction of most nation-states and the accidental and uncontrolled deployment of Votan terraforming technology, which radically altered Earth's landscape and mutated its ecosystems. A seventh alien race, the Volge, also arrived at Earth during the Pale Wars, to the surprise of both humans and Votans. These wars ended in the Battle of Defiance, which took place at Fort Defiance in San Francisco, formerly the Palace of Fine Arts.
Decades later, one of the veterans of that battle, Joshua Nolan, and his adopted Votan daughter, Irisa, arrive in the town of Defiance, named after the battle and built on top of the ruins of St. Louis. Defiance is a melting pot of human and alien cultures and insists on remaining neutral between the Western hemisphere's two major nation-states: the human-dominated Earth Republic, centered in New York City, and the alien-dominated Votanis Collective, headquartered in Brazil. Intending only to salvage a "terrasphere" from some Arkfall wreckage, Nolan and Irisa discover a plot by the town's former mayor to hire Volge mercenaries to destroy the town. After saving the town, they decide to stay a while, with Nolan being appointed "lawkeeper" (a sheriff, more or less). This position allows Nolan to investigate various crimes and conspiracies related to the ex-mayor's attempt to destroy the town, and how those plots are all related to Irisa, the apocalyptic cult from which she was rescued as a child, and a Votan spaceship buried under the town. He must also contend with drama unrelated to Irisa and the ex-mayor, such as the blood feud between the town's two richest families - the human McCawley family, which owns and operates the Gulanite mines on which the town's economy depends, and the alien Tarr family, which runs organized crime.
Bosch tackles a 20-year-old cold case which took place during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. A white photojournalist is found killed near a burned-out store. Harry Bosch and Jerry Edgar were the original detectives called out to the scene. Riots Task Force later took up the case but it remained unsolved over the years. The case is reopened when Harry matches a shell casing he discovered at the scene to three other murders. Attempts to stall Harry's investigation by his supervisor as well as the police chief, to avoid a bad publicity fallout, fail. In his personal life, Harry's daughter Maddie says she wants to become a member of the LAPD, after having expressed an interest in a law enforcement career in ''The Drop''. The story also introduces a part-time recurring character, Nancy Mendenhall, an IAD investigator. The 'Black Box', just like ones in the airlines, refers to the piece of the puzzle that will tie all ends together.
A fashion model embarks on a romantic affair with her psychiatrist. The relationship is thrown into question when the protagonist espies her lover with another woman. The man she sees winds up being his evil twin, further complicating matters.Clifford Thompson, ed., ''Current Biography Yearbook 2005'', 66, (H.W. Wilson: 2006), p.456.
''Broken Age'' tells the story of two teenagers with no immediately apparent connection, each "seeking to break the tradition in their lives".
Vella Tartine (voiced by Masasa Moyo) is a young woman living in the Badlands, a land ravaged by the Mogs, giant creatures that come from beyond a wall called the Plague Dam. Appearing every fourteen years, they are appeased by the sacrifice of young girls at a number of Maiden's Feasts held at various villages. Vella is chosen to be sacrificed to Mog Chothra at the feast in her hometown of Sugar Bunting (formerly a town made up of warriors named Steel Bunting) but concludes that if the monster could be killed, the rituals could be ended. She finds a way to escape the beast and ends up in Meriloft, a small colony which rests on a cluster of semisolid clouds. They are dealing with the aftermath of their own Feast, affirming her belief the rites are disastrous to their people and should be ended. She then finds her way to a nearby port town, Shellmound, where they are preparing for their own Feast. There she discovers the Dead Eye God's temple, which turns out to be an ancient spaceship, the Maloruna, half-buried by the sand. She is able to wake its pilot, Alex, from his three hundred year stasis, and he helps her to rig the ship's scanning system to fire a laser at Mog Chothra when he shows up for the Feast. Vella's plan works, and she is able to bring down the creature.
Shay Volta (voiced by Elijah Wood) is a young man and seemingly the only passenger on the spaceship Bossa Nostra (Bassinostra), an "incubator vessel". The ship's computer has two artificial intelligences (A.I.s). The computer's diurnal A.I., named "MOM", acts as a mother figure to Shay, occupying him with infantile "missions" and boring routines, while preventing him from learning about or exploring anything farther than the outside of the ship. The computer's nocturnal A.I. acts as a father figure to Shay and is more understanding of Shay's desire for independence, but appears to be too busy to spend time with Shay. The computer tells Shay that he is part of ''Operation Dandelion'', a last-ditch effort by his home planet, Loruna, to protect him following the planet's destruction and to try to find a home for him. After a brief encounter with an unknown stowaway, Shay sneaks into the bowels of the ship, finding the stowaway to be a wolf costume-wearing being named Marek. Marek claims that, unbeknownst to him, a war is raging in the galaxy, and he needs Shay's help to save some innocent creatures who have been imprisoned in different areas of the galaxy as a result. Marek guides Shay through various missions against the computer's knowledge and control, trying to rescue a number of the creatures at each location, before they are discovered by an enemy force. During one of these rescues, Shay refuses to leave the last creature behind, causing the ship to be attacked, and trapping Marek underneath a pile of debris. In the ensuing chaos, Shay is knocked unconscious.
Act 1 ends when Vella, going up to the downed Mog Chothra, discovers the monster is mechanical. Shay emerges confused from inside, revealing that in fact he was not in outer space, and he was unwittingly controlling Mog Chothra. Vella attempts to punch Shay but misses and falls into Mog Chothra's mouth. The mouth closes behind her, leaving them both trapped in each other's worlds, uncertain of what to do in their new surroundings.
Shay, trapped outside Mog Chothra, realizes that the ship's "AIs" are actually his real parents; his father, Ray Volta, stuck outside with Shay, warns that his mother is still trapped within. As Ray tries to find a way back inside, Shay, recovered from his shock of the outside world, starts taking a look around when the ship takes off, stranding them there. Shay meets Alex, learning that he was a previous subject of ''Operation Dandelion''. Alex was born on his ship, the Maloruna, a Diamond Age Dandelion Cruiser. His parents never showed him any pictures of Loruna. They lived for about 20 years after the crash (280 years ago), and then died three months apart from each other; their passing was one of the reasons why he went into ''crysolation''. Before his ship's crash, Alex had a talking cello named Marek who told him to hack the controls and rescue innocent creatures, just like Shay, who realizes that they were really capturing girls.
Shay offers to help repair Alex's ship to return to Loruna, where Alex believes Shay's ship is heading. Meanwhile, Vella (having accidentally reactivated the computer's autopilot) works her way into the ship and encounters Marek, who is still pinned under debris. Marek directs Vella to get into the control room as to stop Shay's mother, Hope Volta. Vella pretends that she is Shay to trick his mother into opening the door, but they are both quickly locked inside by Marek, who reveals himself to be Marekai, a member of a race called the Thrush. Marekai told Hope their world was dying so she went forth and found salvation, like many before her: their ships were the Mogs. It turns out Loruna is not a planet but an empire beyond the Plague Dam, as he directs the ship to deliver Vella there. Meanwhile, Shay makes his way through Shellmound and Meriloft to find parts to repair Alex's ship and go back to Loruna. He retraces Vella's journey and talks to the people with whom she interacted in Act 1 and her family, as they search for her.
Back on Vella's side, Vella frees herself and Hope, and the true nature of ''Operation Dandelion'' is revealed: the Thrush, believing the rest of the beings on the planet to be filled with disease, barricaded themselves with the humans whom they govern beyond the Plague Dam, and over the generations, modified their normal human DNA to become "superior", but also lost certain traits necessary for survival. Project Dandelion has been used to send out uniquely attuned human children from their normal human population who could locate a special maiden via the Maiden's Feasts to "true" their bloodline. Vella was the one Shay selected amongst the other Maidens (who are alive but held captive), and the Thrush is planning on killing her to incorporate her genetics into theirs.
Knowing her potential fate, Vella creates a bomb from the ship's power core to destroy the hangar where all the Mog ships are kept. After planting the bomb, Hope and Vella set their ship to escape. Meanwhile, with the repairs complete, Shay helps Alex reactivate his ship and they set a course directly for the Plague Dam, accompanied by Shay's father and Vella's family. Right outside the gate, the two ships collide and the Thrush starts attacking the ships, which are both stuck on autopilot. Shay and Vella work together to cause Alex's ship reactor to overheat, melting both ships together. Everyone but Shay escapes, and Vella and Hope encourage him to jump to safety; Shay jumps, just missing a ledge, but is saved by the noble sacrifice of one of his robots, Grabbin' Gary. The fused ships soon solidify, forming a bridge between the mainland and the Plague Dam. Shay and Vella finally meet. After a moment's hesitation, they smile at one another.
Within the credit sequence, it is shown that the Thrush is deposed from power, the Plague Dam is demolished, and the humans of Loruna and the Badlands form a peaceful alliance. Many images in the credits include the notable people, animals, and machines shown throughout the game living much better lives.
Following the events at the end of How Firm a Foundation, civil war has wracked the Republic of Siddarmark, causing widespread starvation and violence between those loyal to Lord Protector Greyghor Stohnar and the Temple Loyalists, who have risen up against him at the behest of Zhaspahr Clyntahn, the Grand Inquisitor of the Church of God Awaiting. The suddenness of the uprising (code named "The Sword of Schueler") has "officially" caught the heretical Empire of Charis by surprise, and Emperor Cayleb and Empress Sharleyan begin to make preparations to send an expeditionary force to assist Stohnar in repelling the Church's invasion force while also sending large quantities of food to help the starving population. In the meantime, Princess Irys, Prince Daivyn and Earl Coris arrive at long last in Tellesberg, where they are met by the emperor and empress. While they officially recognize Prince Daivyn as the legitimate ruler of Corisande and grant him and his sister freedom of movement throughout Old Charis, political considerations preclude the possibility of Hektor Daykyn's children from returning home to Corisande. While the prepubescent Daivyn is having the time of his life playing with noble boys his age (and generally getting into trouble) Irys is faced with a serious crisis of faith and conscience, as she confronts all the implications of their current political situation as well as all the religious implications of Charis' push to innovate and seek out that knowledge which the Church of God Awaiting defines as forbidden.
Meanwhile, Charis has finally constructed steam engines that are now in use in various manufactories and are now being added to the design of the new ironclads. At Merlin's behest, 4 riverboats are plated in iron and fitted with steam engines, to be sent to Siddarmark for the upcoming campaign. As Ruhsyl Thairis, the Duke of Eastshare, and Kynt Clareyk, the Baron of Green Valley, begin marching their troops through Raven's Land to reach seaports where ships could most quickly pick them up and sail them to Siddarmark, fighting continues to rage on between armed Temple Loyalists and forces loyal to the Lord Protector in the strategically critical provinces of Glacierheart and South March as well as in the Sylmahn Gap with a scratch force of Charisian marines assisting where possible. But with winter all but over, the Church's Army of God begins to march into the northern provinces of the Republic while Dohlar and Desnair send troops to the Southern provinces. With such enormous armies at its doorstep, the decimated Republican Army cannot hope to hold. Realizing these odds, Cayleb dispatches several thousand marines and armed seaman from Old Charis, under the command of General Hauwerd Braygart, the Earl of Hanth, to stop the invasion in the south.
After leaving Breygart's forces in South March, Cayleb and Merlin sail to Siddar City, the capital of Siddarmark, where the emperor meets Lord Protector Greyghor and signs a mutual defense treaty. Meanwhile, Irys and Daivyn, accompany Archbishop Maikel Staynair and the empress on their voyage to Chisholm, during which Irys finally decides to take the final step in accepting the schism and commits herself to the cause of the Church of Charis. Upon arrival in Chisholm, Empress Sharleyan presents her with a choice which would allow them to return home to Corisande and Daivyn to claim his throne: to accept the terms of the armistice imposed upon them (and the continuance of the Charisian occupation) or join the Empire of Charis as Emerald and Tarot have done. The Earl of Coris, knowing that her father would have chosen the former possibility, counsels her to take the latter course as he had seen what her father's cynicism, pride and ambition had done to Corisande and the world. However, Sharleyan also demands that Irys agree to marry Lieutenant Hektor Aplyn-Ahrmahk (Cayleb's adoptive son) as an additional assurance of the House of Daykyn's continued faith (a demand that is not all that onerous to Irys, as she and the Hektor have grown fond of each other). During this time, Merlin activates a VR module in Nimue's Cave, uploaded with the neural imprint of the deceased Prince Nahrmahn, which he created shortly before the prince's death. After apologizing for doing this to him without his knowledge (or consent), he allows Nahrmahn to choose whether or not he wants to continue to exist in a virtual world and help them take down the Church of God Awaiting. Nahrmahn eventually decides to continue to exist and eventually reveals his existence to the rest of the Inner Circle, all of whose members are happy to have him back, even if only as a disembodied neural pattern.
In Siddarmark, the war turns uglier as the Desnarian army decimates 2 Siddarmarkian pike regiments, and the survivors are "mercifully" killed upon the orders the Desnarian commander who is horrified by the idea of handing them over to the Inquisition as ordered. In the Northern and Western provinces, the Army of God crushes all remaining resistance to the Temple Loyalists while the Inquisition moves in to establish internment camps where people suspected of heresy can be properly "questioned". In the Sylmahn Gap, the Army of God purposefully throws wave after wave of its troops at the Siddarmarkian forces holding the Gap in an attempt to overwhelm the defenders. Despite horrendous losses on both sides, the Siddarmarkian troops manage to hold their position. In the West, Brigadier Taisyn along with 4,000 Siddarmarkian and Charisian troops, blocks a critical river to prevent the Army of God from sweeping into Glacierheart. And in the South, Earl of Hanth manages to ambush the vanguard of the Royal Dohlaran Army forcing them to retreat, but lacking enough troops to overwhelm their new fortified position, he is forced to fortify his position with the Imperial Desnairian Army closing in from the South.
At long last, the Imperial Charisian Army lands in Siddar City along with their new weapons and the 4 ironclads. Duke Eastshare takes half the troops and marches to relieve Brigadier Taisyn's troops in the defense of Glacierheart, but fails to arrive before the Army of God overwhelms his position (at an atrocious cost in blood to the Church's forces). Eastshare establishes a new roadblock further to the West and prepares for the arrival of the Army of God. Meanwhile, Baron Green Valley takes the other half of the available troops to the Sylmahn Gap, where the new breech-loading rifles and mortars come as a most unpleasant surprise to the Church's forces who are forced back on the defensive. Upon Merlin's advice, the four ironclads are sent North into the canal system supplying the Army of God. After Merlin surreptitiously eliminates 5 crucial signal stations along the canals, the 4 ironclads, dragging several thousand troops behind them, proceed to eliminate every lock on the canal system. One of them shows up in the rear of the Church forces besieging the Sylmahn gap and destroys a large amount of their supplies while suffering few casualties. The entire operation hamstrings the Church's logistics, forcing them to stop their offensive until the locks can be rebuilt. In the Temple, the Grand Inquisitor is furious over this turn of events and attempts to lay the blame upon the Army of God's incompetence. However, Vicar Allayn Maigwair, the Church's Captain-General, manages to stand up to Clyntahn at last, while Vicar Rhobair Duchairn, the Church Treasurer manages to preserve the peace within the Group of Four (barely). Though the situation stabilizes for the Charis and Siddarmark, Merlin remains troubled by his sense of guilt over all the death and destruction his activities have caused. Nahrmahn manages to console him that he truly had no choice, and that with him, they at least have a chance to win.
The series tells the story of Agata Przybysz (Agnieszka Dygant), coming from Bydgoszcz an over-thirty director of law section in a big insurance company, who loses her job as effect of some unpleasant events. Now she has to build her career life and private life from the beginning. Her friend, Dorota (Daria Widawska), offers her to launch a set of chambers together. For Agata, it is the brand new experience. The cases, people and their problems, that she faces in her new job, differ from the insurance cases she was used to.
The Thirty Years' War is at its height while the peasantry suffers under countless marauders. The protagonist Harm Wulf, a peasant, lost his family in the first years of war; he becomes the ''defending Wulf'' (''wehrender Wulf'') by defending a hill fort and its surrounding carr, with peasants hiding from the pillaging hordes. Harm Wulf gathers allies until 121 men are in the ''Alliance of the Wehrwolf''. After peace is restored, Harm Wulf is a grim old man.
While Karen (Katharine McPhee) returns to Iowa to make an important decision about the future, the favorite for the role of Joe DiMaggio—Michael Swift (guest star Will Chase)—is discovered to be holding a secret and Eileen (Anjelica Huston) suspects her soon-to-be-ex-husband is sabotaging the musical by turning potential investors away.
At the request of Inspector Lestrade (Colin Skinner), Sherlock Holmes (Patrick Macnee) investigates a double murder at the Strand Theatre, with the assistance of Dr John Watson (John Scott-Paget).
The town of Rimrock, Arizona is run by political boss Luke Starr (Broderick Crawford). When one of Starr's henchmen wishes to escape from Starr he meets with the editor of the town newspaper, Roy Carlin (Víctor Vilanova), to ask for his help. Starr discovers the meeting and he and his loyal henchmen shoot both of them, spreading the story that the two killed each other in a gunfight.
Roy Carlin's brother Jess (Audie Murphy) is a former Texas sheriff now living in semi-retirement with his girlfriend in Mexico. He has a price on his head for unstated crimes committed in the United States but earns income and beats the boredom of his quiet life by capturing fugitive American criminals and turning them over to American lawmen who return them across the border.
When Jess finds out the story of his brother he renounces the quiet life to bring his brother's killer to justice, as he knows Roy never carried a firearm. On the way he is unsuccessfully ambushed by bounty hunters and has to escape without his saddle.
Stopping off at a ranch he thinks is unoccupied, he leaves money for a saddle but is held at gunpoint by the ranch owner Sandy (Luz Márquez). She changes her opinion on Jess after discovering he has left money as payment that is four times the value of the saddle.
Riding into Rimrock, Jess unsuccessfully tries to find out more about his brother's death. The new editor of the paper asks Jess to stay to eliminate Luke Starr and his band. Jess explains that in the past, when he was a sheriff in the same town where his brother was a newspaper editor, they cleaned up the town but found out the hard way that the men who replaced those they got rid of were much worse.
After fist and gun fights, Jess is finally able to establish proof of Luke's involvement in the killing when he finds a decorative concho that leather worker Sandy is able to identify as one that came off Luke's gun belt.
On a childhood trip to the British Museum, young Charlie (Richard O'Sullivan) falls instantly in love with the Portland Vase, and his passion for it leads to him eventually becoming a dealer in English pottery. Whilst still a boy he sees a newspaper cutting that describes the theft, 50 years before in 1886, of art treasures, including a perfect green Portland Vase created by Josiah Wedgwood in 1783. Years later and struggling in his profession, Charlie (Peter Finch) learns of a room full of Wedgwood in a country mansion up for demolition. Lacking funds, he turns to Abe Sparta, a successful businessman and the owner of the house in which Charlie, his wife Bella and their two children live. He takes the train to view the contents before the auction of the mansion's contents. To his great disgust, Charlie finds only French fakes.
When Nicky, a pretty (if absentminded and clumsy) redhead, walks to the neighbouring cottage, Charlie follows. He purchases a worthless porcelain piece from her, just because she needs two pounds. She invites him to look around to see if he might find something of value. Nicky is looking after Sir John, an aged relation with a wicked reputation. Charlie conceals his astonishment upon spotting two of the art objects stolen along with the vase. Then he finds the Portland Wedgwood vase gathering dust in the attic. Charlie offers Nicky £10 for it, but she wants £100 for a fur coat. He reluctantly agrees, but she refuses to accept a cheque.
Charlie arranges for other bidders to come to the auction, including Wendl (a long-time bitter rival of Sparta's) and Armstrong and Armstrong's American clients, Mindel and Sweeting. At the auction, Charlie starts playing off the three bidders against and with each other, to his great profit, obtaining enough in this underhanded way to pay Nicky. When she demands £150, however, Charlie goes to Sir John and persuades him to perform the first good deed of his life and give him the vase for nothing (the rightful owner having died and left no heir). Charlie does give a delighted Nicky the promised £100 anyway. With some of the rest, Charlie buys his wife a long-promised fur coat.
In a dark Catholic confessional, an unseen man tells Father James he was horribly sexually abused as a child by a priest, promising to kill James at the beach the next Sunday (James being a good man whose death will hurt the Church more than would the death of an abusive priest). James has a week to arrange his affairs. His bishop leaves it to James to decide whether to notify the police.
James' daughter Fiona has attempted suicide after feeling abandoned following her mother's death and her father's entry into the priesthood. Their reconciliation is a principal theme of the film.
Local butcher Jack Brennan has hit his unfaithful wife, Veronica, and James confronts him. Jack denies it, blaming Veronica's lover, Simon. James goes about his pastoral duties, and obtains a revolver for an elderly American writer who is contemplating suicide to thwart senile decay.
Millionaire Michael Fitzgerald's family has deserted him and he feels directionless and detached from reality. At the hospital, following a car crash, James performs the last rites for the Italian driver, and comforts the widow, Teresa. She bravely accepts her husband's death, believing life with love lost better than life without knowing love. James visits Freddie Joyce in jail, a killer who ate his female victims and now, asking for forgiveness, cannot recall where one particular victim is buried. James initially accuses him of insincerity, but later remarks that if God cannot understand Freddie, nobody can. Through James's dealings with Freddie, Michael, another potential suicide (Milo), Teresa, and Fiona, the film reflects on guilt, sin, virtue, depression and suicide.
That night, James witnesses the burning down of his church. He later tells Fiona he will never abandon her, spiritually at least, and she reciprocates. Finding his dog dead with its throat cut, he buries it, weeping, but keeps the death from his daughter the next morning as she leaves. Walking a country lane, James chats innocently with a young girl when the father drives up, orders her away from him and rudely questions his motives. At the pub, the doctor/pathologist tells James a horrifying story about a small child rendered deaf, mute, paralyzed and blind after botched anaesthesia, and contemplates the ineffable terror of such sensory isolation. James, angered, gets drunk, argues with cynical publican Brendan Lynch and empties the revolver into the furnishings.
Brendan wields a baseball bat and later, a beaten-up James is recovering at home. He violently berates his house guest Father Leary who, offended, leaves the next morning. James decides to fly to Dublin, but returns from the airport after meeting Teresa and seeing her husband's coffin disrespected by the airport staff. Heading to the beach on the fateful Sunday, James chats with the ageing writer en route, then by phone to Fiona, saying sin is considered too much and virtue not enough. He stresses the importance of forgiveness and they forgive one another.
After James throws his revolver into the sea, a distressed Michael walks up and James promises to visit him. Later, the altar boy, painting a seascape at the top of the beach, witnesses James waiting on the beach as Jack Brennan strides along the shore towards James, a revolver outstretched. Jack confesses to the arson and to hitting Veronica but denies killing the dog. Jack, hearing that James shed tears over his dog, asks if he cried similarly over news reports concerning children abused by priests. James says no, he had felt detached from such stories—whereupon the enraged Jack shoots James in the side. The boy runs towards them but James shouts at him to flee. Jack says it is too late to stop, telling James to say his prayers. When James says he already has, Jack delivers a mortal shot to the priest's head.
In brief tableaux, we see the parishioners and Teresa going about their quotidian lives. The final scene ends as Fiona visits Jack in prison, each tentatively picking up a telephone handset to talk across the intervening glass panel. No words are spoken before the film cuts to credits.
Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) has been taken to a disused medical facility by David Robert Jones (Jared Harris) and his agents. She is placed in the same room along with Nina Sharp (Blair Brown), also secured to a chair, revealing she was also abducted by Jones the night before. Jones arrives and asserts that Olivia has great abilities due to her Cortexiphan doping but he must coax them out of Olivia. He presents a light box test that Olivia should be able to activate with her mind, torturing Nina to create the emotional driver, but Olivia admits she can't do it without rest. During this period, Olivia, her memories a mix of her own and that of Olivia from Peter Bishop's (Joshua Jackson) timeline, asks Nina to help her make an emotional connection, but she recognizes that this Nina is not the real one but instead the one from the parallel universe. Olivia continues to play along, explaining to Nina that her Cortexiphan abilities could only be induced by being near Peter; Nina fakes illness to be extracted from the room, where she explains to a complicit Jones that they need to abduct Peter.
Following Olivia's disappearance, Peter discovers a surveillance camera in her apartment. He takes its memory device, which has been overwritten numerous times like a palimpsest, to Walter Bishop's (John Noble) laboratory, using forensic tools to examine previous images on the disc. Lincoln Lee (Seth Gabel) and Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick) take Nina into custody, learning that someone with Nina's bio-metric signature had accessed the Massive Dynamic supply of Cortexiphan over the last few months; Nina is surprised by this but refuses to talk. As they work, Walter accuses Peter of taking advantage of Olivia's state, even if unintentionally, imprinting his memories of Olivia of the original timeline onto her. They identify a face belonging to Leland Spivey (Monte Markham), a man with ties to Jones and Nina, and Peter suspects that they are dosing Olivia with Cortexiphan for nefarious purposes. Their work is disrupted by the sudden appearance of the Observer September (Michael Cerveris), bleeding from a chest wound.
With September nearly dead, Peter decides to use Walter's equipment to enter the Observer's mind to try to learn of Olivia's location. Within September's consciousness, Peter learns the Observers are a team of scientists from one possible future of humanity, having used technology to travel to the past to witness their own creation. September, however, disrupted events by attempting to observe the point where Peter's cure was discovered, and his disruption has since caused several unintended changes within the timeline, including the war between the two universes. Ultimately, this would lead to the birth of Henry, Peter's child with the parallel universe's Olivia, which September claimed never should have happened and will be a catalyst for disruption of future events. By Peter entering the Machine and altering the timeline, Henry also ceased to exist. September explains that Peter's reappearance may be a means to set things right, and insists he find a way to reunite his romance with his original Olivia. As the reality of September's mind breaks down and he claims "they are coming", the Observer tells Peter to "go home". Peter is suddenly awakened in the lab, September's body goes into convulsions and vanishes.
Peter realizes that September's message was literal, and returns to his home, where he is knocked out by Jones' men. He is brought to the same facility as Olivia and tied up. As they prepare to torture him, Olivia begins to use her powers to activate the lights, not only on the box but within the facility, creating electrical sparks that kill one of Jones' men. As Jones and Nina retreat, Olivia frees Peter and they give chase, though Olivia suffers from a seizure, following excessive use of her powers. They catch up to Jones and Nina as they are crossing back to the parallel universe, but the two are able to escape. Peter contacts the authorities to bring medical help for Olivia. As they are waiting, Peter admits to Olivia that he fears what he has done to her memories, and has seen his original Olivia through the Observer's mind. He leaves her, believing that staying away from this Olivia would be for the best.
To beat the world's best dance crew at a dance-off in Paris, France, German streetdancer Ash (Falk Hentschel) and new friend and manager, Eddie (George Sampson), gather the greatest streetdancers from around Europe, whilst hoping to add a Latin element courtesy of salsa dancer Eva (Sofia Boutella). After a rough start, the group all agree to incorporate this element and have fun adding Latin to street dance; whilst doing this, Ash and Eva grow closer. Two days before the big dance-off, Ash rejects Eva on the dance floor and refers to their fusion dance as a "Little Latin Experiment" when they're up against "The Surge" (Flawless) in a friendly dance-off. The police come and break up the dance-off and Eva runs away. Ash chases her but she doesn't want to know. The next day Ash goes to apologise to Eva but meets her Uncle (Tom Conti) who tells Ash to leave. Ash comes back to explain when he finds Eva's Uncle on the floor. He is rushed to the hospital where Eva meets him and Ash. When Eva's Uncle wakes up, he tells Ash that he should go to the dance-off. Ash and his crew leave for the dance-off and are frustrated to find the gates locked. Ash gets them in wearing popcorn sellers' clothes. They battle Invincible until the last dance where they need Eva. She appears and does the dance as planned. Ash and his crew finish, and are estatic to find they have won. Invincible's leader then hands the trophy to Ash. As everyone celebrates, Ash and Eva share a kiss.
Sir Edward Dominey (Ralph Bellamy) and Baron Leopold von Ragenstein are spitting images of each other and have known one another since their days at Eton College in England. The story picks up as Dominey is found severely ill in the Dakar jungle and is brought into his old college buddy's camp, where he heals from his injuries.
One night when they are in the jungle camp together, England declares war on Germany and they conclude that they are now each other's enemies. Ragenstein orders his right hand man, Dr. Schmidt (Ludwig Stössel), to kill Dominey, and sets out on a long journey to London to impersonate Dominey and spy for the Third Reich.
Some time later, the German High Command sanctions Ragenstein's mission to go undercover into Britain and infiltrate the English upper ranks. His first task is to find out the defence plans for the English channel. He meets with another German agent, Frederick Seamon (Henry Daniell), who is a native Brit. Ragensteins sets out to get the plans from a relative to Dominey's wife, Sir Ronald Clayfair (Aubrey Mather), who is the British Minister of Home Defense.
By pure chance, Dominey's wife, Lady Muriel Ingram Dominey (Evelyn Ankers), spots Ragenstein, whom she believes to be her husband, at a restaurant in London, and introduces him to Sir Ronald, who invites him to dinner. At the dinner, Sir Ronald offers him a position with the Home Defense.
Unfortunately Ragenstain is recognized as himself at the dinner, by an old friend and mistress, Baroness Stephanie Idenbraum (Kaaren Verne), whom he has to socialize with to avoid suspicion. Lady Muriel sees her husband with the baroness and confronts her "husband" about it. Ragenstein makes up a story and tells Lady Muriel that the baroness just mistook him for another man. Captain Francois Bardinet (Edward Norris) of the French Consulate, who is a guest at the dinner, claims that the baroness' husband was killed in a duel a few years ago by an unidentified, mysterious lover. Lady Muriel is still baffled by her husband's new and improved behavior.
It turns out that Bardinet is a German spy who has had an affair with Lady Muriel. Seamon tells Bardinet to step back and let Ragenstein court his "wife" so that they can get their hands on the plans.
Bardinet gets jealous and sabotages Ragenstein's relationship with Lady Muriel, telling her that he has seen him court the baroness on a previous occasion. The suspicious Lady Muriel talks to Sir Ronald, but he tells her to keep up appearances until they can determine if Dominey is who he says he is.
The information about Dominey's relations with the baroness reaches the British intelligence, and Ragenstein is brought in for questioning. He is disclosed as Ragenstein and arrested as a spy and impostor. Ragenstein still manages to convince Sir Ronald that he is the real Dominey by telling old family stories and claiming that he has killed Ragenstein. He also claims to have infiltrated the German High Command and convinced them that the British aristocracy supports Hitler.
The German High Command decides to send a high-level emissary to Britain to visit Dominey at his summer estate in Scotland. Ragenstein delivers the plans to Seamon, to be brought back to Germany by submarine. This time around, the baroness and Bardinet are both suspicious about Ragenstein really being himself, but Seamon assures them they are being paranoid and jealous of his accomplishments. However, they are right in their suspicions.
When Dominey arrives in Berlin, he receives a warm welcome as Ragenstein. The Germans send Rudolf Hess to Dominey's estate to meet with the English aristocracy in support of Hitler. He is arrested upon arrival, and orders are given to arrest the baroness and Bardinet too. Just before they are apprehended, they manage to send a radio message to Berlin, saying they have been double-crossed by Dominey.
Dominey manages to sneak across the border to France and avoid being arrested by Gestapo. He returns to London to be reunited with his wife.
The protagonist of ''Mass Effect Infiltrator'' is Cerberus operative Randall Ezno. At the opening of the game he is deployed to an ice planet, charged with bringing down a turian that Cerberus has marked for death. Upon returning to a Cerberus base known as The Barn, he is caught in a mass prisoner escape, and discovers that his advisor Inali is being horribly experimented on against her will. Randall must then battle his way across the installation, fighting Cerberus troops and escaped prisoners alike in order to rescue her and contact the Alliance to request a rescue.
The father of the household makes obscene phone calls while his teen son and daughter fight about the illegal drugs at their high school; the mother blots it all out. Then the body of their son Jimmy, killed in the Vietnam war, arrives. A television station wants to film their reactions. Jimmy arises and wonders why he died.
''Yalan Dünya'' is about the lives of actors and actresses in Cihangir, Istanbul, an up-and-coming neighbourhood with a lot of bohemians and nouveau riche families. Two actresses move in together with of one of the actresses' brother, who befriends one of the main actors on the show, ''Fırat'ın Yazgısı''. They move in next door to a conservative family and frequently interact with them on the shared terrace of their apartment building. One of the main actresses falls in the love with the next-door family's single bachelor. Deniz, the main actress, and Riza fall in love. Riza's family is against there relationship; they have other plans for him with another woman. The woman they found is apparently perfect for him: her family is rich, she's a perfect housewife, and she's a germophobe.
There is an organization called the Arcana Famiglia, which protects the island of Regalo (Italian for "gift" or "present"). The Famiglia is made up of people who have made contracts with Arcana cards, and have received special abilities due to this. On his birthday celebration, Mondo has decided it is time for him to retire and give up his title to a new boss who has control over an Arcana. To decide who in the "family" gets this title, he calls for a tournament, called the Arcana Duello, between Arcana users. To the winner, he promises the title of "Papa", a wish of the winner's choice and his daughter's hand in marriage. Refusing to accept this, Felicità decides to fight to choose her own path, with Libertà and Nova fighting for her freedom by her side.
When the crew of the U.S. Navy ''Ohio''-class ballistic missile submarine, the USS ''Colorado'' (SSBN-753), pick up a U.S. Navy SEAL team off Pakistan's coast, the ''Colorado'' receives an order to launch nuclear ballistic missiles at Pakistan.
''Colorado'' s Commanding Officer, Captain Marcus Chaplin (Andre Braugher), asks for confirmation of the firing order because the orders were received through a legacy Cold War secondary communication channel, only to be used in the event that Washington, D.C. has already been destroyed. After confirming Washington's continued existence and refusing to fire the missiles until the command is sent through the proper system, Chaplin is relieved of command by the Deputy Secretary of Defense William Curry, and the ''Colorado'' s second in command, Lieutenant Commander Sam Kendal (Scott Speedman), is given command instead. When Kendal also questions the orders and asks for confirmation, the vessel is fired upon by the ''Virginia''-class attack submarine USS ''Illinois'' (SSN-786). Two nuclear missile strikes are subsequently made on Pakistan by other U.S. submarines.
Realizing they have been declared enemies of their own country, the ''Colorado'' seeks refuge on the island of Sainte Marina (a fictional French island located in the Indian Ocean) and commandeer a NATO communications and early missile warning facility. When a pair of B-1 bombers is sent to attack the submarine and island, Chaplin launches a Trident nuclear missile towards Washington, D.C. to impress upon the national leadership that he's serious. The B-1s turn away at the last minute, but Chaplin (who has altered the missile's final target coordinates) allows the missile to visibly overfly Washington, D.C. and explode beyond in the open Atlantic, the explosion clearly visible from both Washington and New York City. Via a television feed to the media, he then declares a 200-mile exclusion zone around Sainte Marina.
Now, the crew must find a way to prove their innocence and find out who in the U.S. government has set them up, so they can finally return home.
As the series progresses, Chaplin finds himself having to become a reluctant ally with China, while trying to keep his own crew, led by Chief of the Boat Joseph Prosser (Robert Patrick), from rebelling against him. He must also combat the schemes of the local drug lord Julian Serrat (Sahr Ngaujah). The series also follows the efforts of Kylie Sinclair (Autumn Reeser), a weapons designer back home who allies with Christine Kendal (Jessy Schram), the wife of the ''Colorado'' s XO, to discern the truth behind the nuclear attack on Pakistan and the ''Colorado'' s fugitive status. An ongoing subplot involves a Navy SEAL named James King (Daniel Lissing) who, wracked with guilt over his role in the events leading to the nuking of Pakistan, cultivates a romance with one of the island's residents (Dichen Lachman) while surreptitiously aiding the XO.
The series concludes with a series of mutinies, ending with the ''Colorado'' destroyed with Chaplin still on board, the surviving crew returning home to the United States, the President assassinated, and the full story made public when Kylie Sinclair arranges for proof of the president and his administration's traitorous activities to be handed over to the press.
Denny Larsen (Seth Isaac Johnson) wants cereal for breakfast, only to find the milk carton is empty. After taking money from his father's wallet, he walks, in his pajamas, to the store to buy some. While his brother is gone shopping, Tom (Evan Bird) wakes up to find he has wet his bed. He tosses his soiled pajamas and sheets downstairs into the moving company's trash can. Back upstairs, he sees Denny eating Rosie's cereal and threatens to tell their parents. Denny replies that their parents don’t care what the boys do. Later, Terry (Jamie Anne Allman) hears the boys mention that there is no food in the house and offers to go to the store. Mitch (Michelle Forbes) says that she will buy the groceries. Downstairs, Belko tells Stan that their moving jobs are being canceled because of Rosie’s death and offers to find out whom at the high school is being investigated. Stan originally declines the offer, but, later, grief causes him to accept.
At the high school, Sarah and Holder ask Bennet if he ever drove one of Richmond’s campaign cars. He tells them that he has not. He adds that he returned home after the Halloween dance. His wife cannot confirm this, because the floors in their house were being refinished, so she stayed with her sister to avoid the fumes. As for the flooring company, they canceled at the last minute and also cannot confirm his alibi. Sarah asks about his letters to Rosie. Bennet replies that they were an “intellectual discourse.” To prove Rosie’s intelligence, he gives the detectives a Super 8 mm film project that she had done. At the police station, Sarah and Holder view Rosie's film, which shows images of butterflies and Rosie riding a bicycle. Sarah says that someone else helped make the film and wonders if one shot might contain a reflected face. Outside the station, Sarah spies Holder receiving an envelope from a man in a car. In his office, she sees Holder counting what he says are blackjack winnings. He tells her that the flooring company says that Bennet canceled the job, which contradicts Bennet’s previous statement.
At his apartment, Gwen (Kristin Lehman) tells Darren that the Larsen death harms the campaign and asks him to request that the parents appear in a commercial. Later, at a boathouse, he meets Jamie (Eric Ladin), who informs him of an upcoming meeting with Mayor Adams and again argues that Gwen is the campaign's leak. Richmond does not think so. Later, at the supermarket, he approaches Mitch and tells her of his own grief following his wife's death. He tries to comfort her then leaves. In his car, he tells Gwen that Mitch was not in the store. Jamie meets with Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) and his campaign director, Benjamin Abani (Colin Lawrence), at a private club. He admits to frustration with Richmond. Adams then mentions discovering that Councilwoman Yitanes had tried to plant someone in his own campaign. Later, Jamie and Richmond again secretly meet, where Jamie tells him that Yitanes is the leak and reminds him that Gwen previously worked for the councilwoman.
At the high school, Holder wonders if a tryst gone wrong led Bennet to kill Rosie. Sarah muses that perhaps Bennet canceled the flooring appointment so he could clean the apartment before his wife returned. The detectives interview Principal Meyers, who reveals that Bennet married a former student. Sarah and Holder visit Bennet's pregnant wife, Amber (Ashley Johnson). She also talks of letters Bennet wrote to her while she was in high school, encouraging her to pursue her dreams. Amber says that, on Friday night, she drove the couple's car to her sister's house at Bennet's request. Sarah asks to use the bathroom, but, instead, examines a room containing plastic sheeting and chemicals, including ammonium hydroxide. Holder continues chatting with Amber. She tells him that Bennet called her at ten o'clock on Friday night from his cell phone, not the apartment's phone. Back at the station, Holder wants to arrest Bennet, but Sarah says they must first place Rosie in his apartment. Sarah then requests that Rosie's body be tested for ammonium hydroxide.
Richmond receives an envelope at his office followed by a phone call from Jamie. Minutes later, security guards remove communications aide Nathan Patrick (Peter Benson). That evening, Richmond and Gwen accuse Councilwoman Yitanes of planting Nathan to leak campaign information, in order to manipulate Richmond. He threatens to have her arrested for the felony if she withdraws her endorsement. As she leaves, she mentions to Gwen that he also investigated her e-mails.
A lab technician (David Bloom) tells Sarah that Rosie tested clean for drugs and alcohol but positive for ammonium hydroxide, which could explain the lack of evidence under her nails and the inconclusive tests for sexual assault. Sarah remarks that the killer sounds like a professional and later analyzes still pictures captured from Rosie‘s film. Elsewhere, Holder stands outside a house, watching a woman and two children inside, before placing an envelope in the home's mailbox.
Meanwhile, Richmond shoots a campaign commercial highlighting his Seattle basketball program. As the cameras film, he places an arm around Bennet, a coach in the program.
Ninjutsu master Hamato Yoshi (Splinter) is carrying his four pet turtles through the streets of Manhattan when he encounters members of an alien race called the Kraang. During an altercation with these aliens, Yoshi and the turtles are exposed to the Kraang's chemical, called mutagen, which causes organic beings to undergo major physical transformations. Yoshi takes on characteristics of a brown rat and the turtles take on human characteristics. Yoshi retreats to the New York City sewers where he raises the four turtles as his sons and imparts to them his knowledge of ninjutsu.
Now teenagers, the turtles (Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo) venture to the surface for the first time and learn that the Kraang are using the mutagen as part of their plan to take over New York City. They befriend the teenage April O'Neil after she and her psychologist father Kirby are abducted by the Kraang. Donatello, who has developed a crush on April, is able to rescue her. While Kirby remains a prisoner of the Kraang, April becomes an ally of the turtles, who try to help her locate her father. April is also trained by Splinter to be a kunoichi, a female ninja.
After learning of Splinter's and the turtles' presence in New York, Splinter's adoptive brother and long-time enemy the Shredder travels there from Japan and orders his birth clan, the Foot to track down Splinter and his sons, and put an end to their clan. Learning about the Kraang's presence through his adopted daughter Karai, Shredder enters an alliance with the aliens to destroy their mutual enemies in the Hamato Clan.
The turtles later discover that the Kraang came to Earth from Dimension X and built their headquarters with a company called TCRI and are plotting to use the mutagen and a set of Kraang-like powers that April was born with to convert Earth into a planet suitable for their race. After the turtles rescue Kirby, the Kraang invade New York, but the turtles and April emerge triumphant when they send the Technodrome, the Kraang leader Kraang Prime's ship, crashing into the sea. Meanwhile, Splinter battles Shredder and learns that Karai is his own daughter, Hamato Miwa, who was kidnapped by Shredder and who believes that Splinter killed her mother. The season ends with the turtles celebrating their victory over the Kraang as Splinter hides the secret of Miwa from them.
The turtles struggle to contain an outbreak of mutations that occurs thanks to the leftover mutagen from the thwarted Kraang invasion. Kirby is among the victims of the outbreak, and a misunderstanding leads April to break off her friendship with the turtles. However, the turtles are able to earn her forgiveness when they save her from Karai, who has taken temporary command of the Foot while the Shredder is away in Japan. Along with April came her new friend Casey Jones, who helps repel an assault on the turtles' lair. Kirby is eventually restored to his human form when Donatello manages to concoct another Kraang chemical called retro-mutagen, which causes organic beings to reverse their major physical transformations.
Meanwhile, Shredder returns from Japan with the mutated Japanese bounty hunter Tiger Claw as his new second-in-command. Tiger Claw is later sent through a portal to the 1987–1996 animated series reality, but later returns to the 2012 reality.
During a battle with the turtles, Karai is informed of her true nature by Leonardo (who has developed a crush on her since season 1), but she is too reluctant to accept it. When she is taken to the lair, she finally realizes the truth and disowns Shredder, who responds by imprisoning her. Repeated attempts to free Karai ultimately succeed, but Shredder captures her again and uses her as bait to kill the Hamato Clan. However, Karai ends up transforming into an albino horned viper, to everyone's horror.
In response to this, Shredder has the Foot Clan help the Kraang, who have just perfected the previously unstable mutagen, launch a second invasion of New York, starting by destroying the turtles' lair and forcing them to abandon it. The Kraang begin mutating New York's populace, including Kirby, despite the efforts of Earth's military and the turtles. Leonardo is gravely wounded when he is ambushed by the entire Foot, and Splinter is seemingly killed during a battle with Shredder. The turtles, April, and Casey are forced to flee to the O'Neil family's summer home in Upstate New York as the Kraang successfully conquers Manhattan.
The group takes refuge at the O'Neil family's summer home in North Hampton in order to recuperate from their loss at the hands of the Kraang and the Foot Clan. Leonardo takes an extended amount of time to recover, but guided by an apparition of Splinter, is able to overcome his physical and mental wounds. They eventually return to New York City with the goal of finding Splinter, Karai, Kirby, and their other missing allies and liberate the city from the Kraang. They are successful in finding Splinter and set up a temporary base in the abandoned Antonio's Pizza, and Donatello begins work on new samples of retro-mutagen as the search for Kirby and Karai continues.
Meanwhile, Shredder sends his new minions Bebop and Rocksteady to find Karai. The duo succeed, and Shredder promises to cure her. The turtles, run into a new team the Mighty Mutanimals, with they manage to banish the Kraang back to Dimension X and free New York. The effect of the invasion eventually earns Shredder cemented control of the city's criminal underworld for his efforts to create a mind-control serum meant for the turtles, Mutanimals and Karai.
The turtles are later offered by future time sorceress Renet to time travel to the past, where they meet up with a younger Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki, as well as Yoshi's late wife and Karai's mother, Teng Shen. During the battle between Yoshi and Saki inside the burning Hamato Clan dojo, Shen is accidentally killed by Saki, who meant to kill Yoshi instead. Saki leaves the dojo after his hair burns off from the fire and kidnaps Yoshi and Shen's baby daughter Miwa, vowing to raise her as Karai and leaving Yoshi to die. After his escape, the turtles save Yoshi, as they were "always destined to" before traveling back to the present with Renet.
When the Kraang return to Earth, the Turtles discover that the Kraang have another enemy from Dimension X in the form of the Triceraton Empire. Despite their best efforts and Shredder violating the Foot Clan's temporary truce with the Turtles by stabbing Splinter during the fight, the ruthless Triceratons activate the Heart of Darkness, a black hole-creating machine which annihilates both the Kraang, the Earth, and everyone on it. But just as it comes to the worst for the Turtles, April, and Casey, they are rescued by a friendly robot by the name of Professor Honeycutt (also known as the Fugitoid) who uses his spacecraft to take the Turtles, April and Casey to a journey into space.
After the Turtles, April, and Casey are saved from the destruction of Earth, the Fugitoid uses his spacecraft the Ulixes to travel six months back in time in order for him and the Turtles to prevent the Triceraton Empire led by Emperor Zanmoran from again assembling the three components of the Heart of Darkness that are scattered throughout the universe before everything on Earth is lost. Besides fighting the Triceratons, the Turtles also face new enemies in outer space like Lord Vringath Dregg of the planet Sectoid and the bounty hunter Armaggon, and even have an adventure with their interdimensional 1987 counterparts and their enemy Krang who is an exiled relative of Kraang Subprime. Despite the efforts of the Turtles, the Triceratons are still able to collect all three pieces of the Black Hole Generator, only for the Turtles to return to Earth and join forces with their past selves to warn Splinter before he is killed by the Shredder, stop the detonator of the Heart of Darkness, and defeat the Triceratons. The Fugitoid destroys the Black Hole Generator near the Triceraton spacefleet, causing to explode, presumably killing the Triceratons. In the aftermath of the fight against the Triceratons, the past versions of the Turtles, April, and Casey leave Earth with the past Fugitoid in the Ulixes while the present Fugitoid's head reactivates in Earth's orbit.
Weeks later following the Triceraton Invasion being thwarted and the Foot Clan's disappearance, April is promoted to kunoichi at the time when the witch Shinigami arrives and is revealed that she is Karai's friend as they plot to rebuild the Hamato Clan and dispose of Shredder who is still recuperating from his last fight with Splinter. While Karai and Shinigami got some ninjas on their side, the Foot Clan strengthens the Footbot army by creating the Elite Footbots. Furthermore, some other crime organizations have been plotting to take over the Foot Clan's territory and a crystal shard of unimaginable power which April received from the alien Aeons during their space adventure is beginning to exert a baleful influence on her. Using a special mutagen formula made by Stockman-Fly, Oroku Saki recuperates and becomes Super-Shredder in order to take back control of the Foot Clan. Once a stable formula is made, Super-Shredder attacks the Turtles, the Mighty Mutanimals, Karai, and Shinigami which ends with Splinter falling in battle against Super-Shredder and is buried at the O'Neil family's summer home in North Hampton. This leads up to the final battle at Super-Shredder's hidden mansion where Leonardo manages to slay Super-Shredder and throw his mutated Kuro Kabuto to the other Turtles in victory.
Following the death of the Super-Shredder, Tiger Claw has led the unspecified Foot Cultists into obtaining the Scroll of the Demodragon and a special control amulet called the "Seal of the Ancients" that would enable him to summon the demodragon Kavaxas. When Kavaxas is summoned from the Netherworld, Tiger Claw plans to use Kavaxas' wish-granting abilities to revive the Shredder. Upon demonstrating the revival ability on Rahzar who fell in an underwater battle against Leatherhead, Kavaxas states that he will need the Kuro Kabuto that contains Shredder's mental energies. Upon Rahzar and Tiger Claw reclaiming the Kuro Kabuto after Kavaxas drained the soul out of Shredder's former right-hand man Hattori Tatsu, Kavaxas states that they will need the Shredder's heart for the revival to occur. The Foot Clan obtains the Shredder's heart that was in the possession of Don Vizioso. Upon Shredder's heart being placed on his corpse, Kavaxas begins to work on reviving Shredder as the Zombie Shredder. This goes against what Tiger Claw eventually planned when Undead Shredder destroys the Seal of the Ancients which enables Kavaxas to raise the spirits of the Netherworld in order to rule both worlds. While Splinter's ghost helps those fighting on the surface, Michelangelo managed to use gum to stick the Seal of the Ancients back together enabling him to have Kavaxas undo his damages and open the portal to the Netherworld as the Zombie Shredder drags Kavaxas back to the Netherworld.
Afterwards, the Turtles face different challenges like the return of Lord Dregg when he collaborates with Newtralizer, being transported to Miyamoto Usagi's reality where they help to protect the pug Kintaro from the evil gray wolf Jei, an adventure featuring an alternate future ruled by mutant animals, and another adventure involving the return of Savanti Romero where he collaborates with Count Dracula to make Earth more habitable for monsters.
The Turtles later reunite with their 1987 counterparts when they face the return of Bebop and Rocksteady, who are recruited by the Shredder and the Kraang's counterparts. They plan to conquer the Earths of both the 1987 and 2012 realities with a fully powered Technodrome after their Bebop and Rocksteady were accidentally left behind. While the Turtles and their allies fight off a horde of Foot Soldiers from the 1987–1996 series reality and the 2012 Rock Soldiers led by Traag and Granitor, Bebop and Rocksteady discover Shredder and Krang's treacherous scheme to destroy the Earth and choose to become heroes in order to save the planet.
An alternate-continuity series finale, released as a made-for-TV film ''Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse'', features a flash-forward several decades into the future, following a major catastrophe as Raphael traverses a wasteland Earth, along with Donatello (whose consciousness is transferred into a robot). They eventually encounter Michaelangelo (who has become a hippie guru, "The Holy Chalupa") and finally Leonardo, who had lost his memory and sanity and mutated into the archvillain Maximus Kong, before Raphael is able to re-trigger Leonardo's consciousness, reuniting the four core characters for a happy ending.
Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) investigates links between Rosie Larsen's case and those of other missing girls, telling Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk) that a serial killer might have murdered Rosie. Holder (Joel Kinnaman) asks him about getting a search warrant for the Ahmed's apartment, but Oakes replies that they need more evidence for it. Sarah and Holder learn from a neighbor (Michael Roberds) that a girl arrived at Bennet's house on Friday at 10 p.m. He is shown a picture and confirms the girl was Rosie. Holder and Sarah question Bennet (Brandon Jay McLaren), asking if Rosie visited on Friday. He admits that she did, apologizing for forgetting that she dropped off a book after the dance. When asked to see the book, he says that they cannot without a search warrant. In order to determine how late Bennet stayed at the dance, Sarah makes a call to have school video checked. Later, Holder sits in a car with a man (Brian Markinson) who mentions the Larsen case. When told that Bennet is the prime suspect, he tells Holder that Stan Larsen previously provided muscle for Janek Kovarsky's mob and once had a gambling problem. At the police station, Holder interviews Amber Ahmed's sister who says that Amber arrived at her house at 1 a.m. the night of the dance, upset that Bennet was keeping secrets from her. Sarah later receives a call saying that Bennet was on tape at the dance at 11:20 p.m. and could not have let Rosie into his apartment.
Principal Meyers (Kerry Sandomirsky) visits Richmond (Billy Campbell) to tell him that the police are investigating Bennet. Gwen (Kristin Lehman) cancels the campaign advertisement featuring Bennet, and Jamie (Eric Ladin) advises Richmond to distance himself from him. Richmond resists. Senator Eaton (Alan Dale) later warns Richmond that he'll be committing political suicide if he doesn't cut Bennet loose. During a televised debate that occurs between him and the mayor, Richmond promises morality, using the Seattle All Stars program as an example. Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) asks if one of its mentors is the chief suspect in the Larsen murder, and, after Richmond defends Bennet, the mayor accuses him of coddling criminals.
The Larsens hold Rosie's wake in their garage, to which Bennet attends. Belko (Brendan Sexton III) receives a phone call from his high school contact. After hanging up, he relays news to Stan (Brent Sexton) that Bennet is the police's prime suspect. Back in Bennet’s neighborhood, Sarah learns from a resident with a telescope that at 12:03 a.m. the previous Saturday, he saw Bennet carrying a girl that was wrapped in a blanket and not moving. He added that Bennet had help carrying her, and they all left in a black car. Holder joins Sarah, and they knock on Bennet's door, but no one answers. Inside, Amber (Ashley Johnson), clutching a hammer, crouches on the floor. In the squad car, Holder tells Sarah that he has learned of Stan's connection to the Polish mob. Sarah urges him to call Bennet. Back at the wake, Bennet's cell phone, which he had placed on a table, rings, but he does not hear it. Bennet tells Stan about Rosie and is offered a ride so he can tell Stan more about her. Sarah and Holder later arrive at the garage to learn that Bennet is with Stan. In the van, Bennet points out that Stan has missed the exit to his house. Stan ignores him.
Leonardo "Leo" is a 15-year-old blind high school student with his one friend in class, Giovana, sitting next to him. Seated behind Leonardo is the new student Gabriel. After class Giovana invites Gabriel to walk home with herself and Leonardo; she customarily links arms with him for support even though his house is further from the school than hers. Later Giovana teases Leonardo about never confiding in her about romance and suggests he receive math tutoring from Gabriel.
Over time the three grow closer, walking home and playing games together. Leonardo becomes more self-conscious about appearance, asking questions about what he and Gabriel look like. Gabriel volunteers to take over escorting Leonardo so Giovana doesn't have to backtrack, though she possessively says that's not necessary. However, Leo happily agrees. A school project requires same-sex pairs, leading Leonardo to work with Gabriel instead of Giovana. During a more serious conversation about his blindness, Gabriel points out Giovana's attraction to Leonardo, but Leonardo says he does not reciprocate. After school one day, Leo links arms with Gabriel rather than Giovana, much to Gabriel's surprise and Giovana's chagrin.
When they arrive at his house, Leonardo changes shirts in front of Gabriel, who is stunned before removing his own sweatshirt. Gabriel asks Leonardo where the bathroom is to brush his teeth, but Gabriel is standing in the doorway and sees Leonardo smelling his sweatshirt. However he does not mention this to Leo. The next day in class, Gabriel tells Leonardo he left his sweatshirt at Leonardo's house but must leave school early for a dentist's appointment, and so will collect it the next day. After the other students have left, Leonardo admits to Giovana he is in love with Gabriel.
Doubtful about the homosexual romance - and hurt because she has feelings for Leo as Gabriel suspected - Giovana does not provide a positive response before a sudden phone call summons her to her grandmother's birthday, leaving Leonardo to walk home alone with a white cane. At home, when he hears someone come into his room, he chastises Giovana for leaving him and expresses his doubts about confessing his love for Gabriel. However, the visitor is actually Gabriel himself, who smiles to himself at this unintended confession before silently kissing him on the lips, leaving with his sweatshirt. Later, Giovana arrives while apologizing for taking so long. Leonardo is left confused and, after feeling around his room, discovers the sweatshirt is gone. He smiles at the realization that Gabriel was the one who kissed him.
Ryōta Sakamoto is an unemployed 22-year-old young man who lives with his mother Yukie. He is one of the world's top players of the combat video game called ''Btooom!'' One day, he awakes in what appears to be a tropical island, though he does not remember how or why he has been transported there. While wandering around, Ryōta sees someone and calls out for help. The stranger responds by throwing a bomb at him. Ryōta soon realizes that his life is in danger and that he has somehow been trapped in a real-life version of his favorite game. In the game Ryōta meets Himiko, who is another ''Btooom!'' player — and Ryōta's in-game wife.
As the series progresses during Iida's investigation with the government agents like Matthew Percier, along with the help from Ryōta's step-father and step-uncle Hisanobu and Mitamura, it is revealed that the developer of ''Btooom!'', Tyrannos Japan, has been associated with the Illuminati-like organization called Schwaritz Foundation, led by Longer Schwart, who is none other than Himiko's biological father, in an attempt to use the players as their test subjects for Project Themis to conquer the entire world through the domination of the virtual world and getting rid of the evidence of their exposed crimes they are currently committing.
It also contains two separate endings on Chapter 121, a good ending, and a bad ending. In the good ending, Ryōta survives and together planning a marriage with Himiko while in the bad ending, Ryōta perishes to sacrifice himself for Himiko and the remaining players to survive the game. Both endings contain the same event after the game in which the victors are called to the HQ of Tyrannos for a victory ceremony and 10,000,000 yen worth reward for each players. Himiko eventually met her father and he reveals her true heritage and implores her to rule the world from shadow alongside him and her chosen half-siblings. Disgusted with her father's action in creating the death game and causing misery and death throughout the world, Himiko detonates the gas bomb, which she hid after making back to the mainland, killing her father and ending his organization for good.
The story follows Hetty Pepper, a lower-class woman who has lost her job at a department store. Bargaining with a rib of beef (her last bit of food) she befriends a neighbor and a love interest, who donate ingredients for a stew greater than the sum of its parts. Early in the story the waggish narrator remarks, "You can make oyster soup without oysters, turtle soup without turtles, coffee-cake without coffee, but you can't make beef stew without potatoes and onions," casting the beef rib in much the same role as the stone in "Stone Soup".
Months after the incident of the movie, Dr. Curt Connors' incarceration, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy sneak into the restricted areas of Oscorp after hours to investigate rumors of the company continuing Connors' cross-species experiments. They are caught by new Oscorp director Alistair Smythe, who confirms the rumors and gives them a tour of Oscorp's restricted areas to see the experiments themselves. However, the cross-species react to Peter, a cross-species himself, and break out, infecting numerous scientists, including Smythe and Gwen, with a deadly virus they are carrying. A giant scorpion bites and infects Dr. Smythe and a giant vermin rat bites and infects Gwen on her left shoulder. Donning his Spider-Man suit, Peter gets the infected to quarantine, but fails to stop the cross-species from escaping into the city.
After a fight with S-01, a massive cross-species hunting robot created by Smythe, Spider-Man reluctantly breaks Connors out of the Beloit Psychiatric Hospital to help find a cure for the virus. Spider-Man and Connors set up a laboratory at the apartment of Aunt May's friend Stan, and begin development of an antidote while keeping in close contact with Gwen and Smythe via webcam, unaware that Smythe is developing his own "cure" using nanobots that destroy the host from the inside out. After defeating Rhino, one of the escaped cross-species, Spider-Man retrieves Connors' research from a secret Oscorp lab before it gets destroyed. While there, he meets Whitney Chang, an undercover investigative reporter, who enlists Spider-Man's help in unveiling Oscorp's suspicious activities. Spider-Man also collects a blood sample from the rat cross-species, Vermin, for Connors' antidote, while battling a group of "Hunters" - a new type of cross-species hunting robot who identify him as one.
Spider-Man eventually delivers Connors' antidote to Gwen at Oscorp, now under complete quarantine. However, a skeptical Smythe takes and tests it on himself, claiming that, if it works, Oscorp will replicate it and he will take all the credit as the city's savior. However, instead of curing him, the antidote causes Smythe to lose the use of his legs and sanity. Enraged, he commands his robots to eliminate Spider-Man, who escapes after destroying S-02. Realizing that Spider-Man is a unique cross-species who maintains his humanity, Connors creates a new antidote using his DNA, which Spider-Man again delivers to Oscorp, fighting his way past security and the Scorpion cross-species. The antidote works, saving Gwen's and the other scientists' lives.
As the CDC quarantines the city due to the advancement of the virus, Spider-Man, while waiting for Connors to replicate the antidote, returns to his heroic activities. He foils a bank robbery orchestrated by Felicia Hardy, who escaped from Beloit during Spider-Man's initial attempt to break Connors out; assists in the re-capture of Scorpion; stops Rhino from poisoning the city's water supply, and rescues the district attorney from the Iguana cross-species. Meanwhile, Smythe, having been fired from Oscorp for his actions, discovers Spider-Man's secret identity and kidnaps Connors from their apartment, challenging Spider-Man to come and rescue him at Oscorp's robotics facility. While he rescues Connors, Spider-Man is captured by Smythe, who injects him with a nanobot serum that strips away his powers, and reveals his plan to spread the same serum across the city using his greatest invention yet, S-03, unaware that the nanobots are slowly killing the host. Spider-Man escapes and makes his way across a Manhattan consumed by chaos to reach Connors' secret lab, where he reunites with him and Gwen.
While Connors transforms into the Lizard and leaves to try and stop Smythe, Gwen resuscitates the dying Spider-Man with an AED. Realizing that electricity can destroy the nanobots, Spider-Man leaves to assist Connors and boards S-03 with Whitney Chang's help, whereupon he electrocutes himself to destroy the nanobots, regaining his powers. Spider-Man and Connors defeat Smythe, but Connors then succumbs to the Lizard's consciousness and flees into the sewers. Leaving a remorseful Smythe, who regained his sanity, for the police, Spider-Man pursues the Lizard, along the way defeating Natie, the piranha cross-species, and saving Gwen, who has reprogrammed a Hunter to administer the cure across the city. Eventually, Spider-Man defeats and cures the Lizard, whereupon Connors willingly returns to Beloit. As New York slowly returns to normal, both Spider-Man and the Lizard are credited as the city's saviors. Peter and Gwen learn from the news that Smythe has escaped custody but decide to deal with it later.
In a post-credits scene, Smythe, having regained the use of his legs due to being in the final stages of his infection, returns to his lab and commands one of his Hunters to kill him, choosing to die rather than become a cross-species or take Peter and Connors' cure.
Several years before the events of the first game, Nate and Sam hunt for the treasure of pirate Henry Avery, who plundered a fortune during the 1695 ''Gunsway'' heist. Alongside Rafe, the Drake brothers infiltrate a Panamanian jail to access the former cell of Avery's first mate, where Nate discovers a hollow St. Dismas idol. When the prison warden who aided them demands a cut, Rafe impulsively kills him, triggering a frantic escape. Nate and Rafe successfully escape, but Sam is shot by guards, presumed dead.
Fifteen years later, following the events of the previous game, Nate has retired with his wife Elena but misses the excitement of his old life. He is visited by Sam, who survived the gunshots and has spent the intervening time incarcerated. He explains that he escaped with drug lord Hector Alcazar, who demands that Sam find Avery's treasure or be killed. Nate agrees to help Sam, lying to Elena that he has accepted a salvaging job in Malaysia which he had actually refused. Aided by Sully, the Drakes steal a duplicate Dismas idol from an illegal auction in Italy, bringing them into conflict with South African mercenary boss Nadine Ross and her employer, Rafe, who is still searching for Avery's treasure. A map inside the idol leads the Drakes to St. Dismas' cathedral in the Scottish Highlands. There, they discover a hidden temple and a map highlighting King's Bay in Madagascar.
In King's Bay, the Drakes and Sully learn that Avery, Thomas Tew, and ten other pirate captains pooled their treasures. Following clues to a tower in the city, Nate uncovers a map to Libertalia, a fabled pirate utopia founded by the other captains. The group returns to their hotel to find Elena waiting. Upset at Nate's deception and the appearance of Sam, whom Nate had never mentioned, Elena leaves. Nate sends Sully after her. The Drakes follow the map to an island and discover Libertalia. They find evidence of a civil war; the founders stole the city's treasure and moved it across the island to New Devon, an extravagant and well-fortified town built for them. The brothers are cornered by Rafe, who reveals that he released Sam from jail two years ago and that Sam's Alcazar story is a lie, he actually double-crossed Rafe to resume the search with Nate. Deciding that he needs Sam, Rafe prepares to shoot Nate; Sam shields him, but Nate is knocked off a cliff and falls unconscious.
Elena rescues Nate, who reveals his past: as teenagers, he and Sam discovered that their mother, a brilliant historian, was researching Libertalia. The boys, after nearly being caught by cops due to breaking into the house of the person associated with their mother, decided to start new lives by changing their surname to Drake to honor their mother's theory about Francis Drake's descendants. In New Devon, Nate and Elena learn that Libertalia descended into conflict over the treasure. Tew and Avery poisoned the other founders and absconded with the hoard, but Tew betrayed Avery.
The group rescues Sam and convinces him to escape with them, but he soon decides to pursue the treasure. Following Sam's trail, Nate finds Avery's treasure-laden ship in a cavern. Having collected a large amount of treasure, Nadine refuses to risk more of Avery's traps, but Rafe coerces her by bribing her men. Aboard the ship, Sam triggers a trap, starting a fire and pinning him beneath rubble. Nate confronts Rafe and Nadine in the ship hold, where the skeletons of Avery and Tew lie, having killed each other over the treasure. Nadine betrays Rafe and leaves him with Nate and Sam to die. Rafe challenges Nate to a sword fight. Nate drops a bundle of treasure on Rafe, killing him, and frees Sam. The pair return to Sully's plane, and the group escapes.
Sam and Sully team up for a new job while Nate and Elena return home. Elena explains that Sam recovered some of the gold and gave it to her. Realizing that they both need adventure in their lives, she buys the salvage company for which Nate worked, installing Nate as the owner, and plans to revive her old exploration show. Years later, Nate and Elena have become successful salvagers. After their teenage daughter Cassie (Kaitlyn Dever) discovers relics from their adventures, Nate decides to tell her their story.
In Brussels, rival criminal gangs confront each other. One is led by Vicky, proprietor of a nightclub on a barge; the other by Bug, who wants to reign over the lucrative nightlife business. Vicky and her gang, who are planning a bank raid, are going to see their plans confounded by Bug. In effect, he is being manipulated by a police officer who forces him to help break up a drug trafficking deal in return for keeping his residence in Belgium. Bug and Yoko will strongly compromise the bank raid, believing that it is linked to the drugs.
''Call of Duty: Ghosts'' is set in the near future that follows the nuclear destruction of the Middle East. The oil-producing nations of South America form the Federation of the Americas in response to the ensuing global economic crisis and quickly grow into a global superpower, swiftly invading and conquering Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico.
The game's main protagonists are the Ghosts, a force of U.S. Special Operations personnel trained to conduct clandestine missions behind enemy lines. The unit is led by retired U.S. Army Captain Elias Walker (Stephen Lang). He is joined by his sons Logan and David "Hesh" Walker (Brandon Routh), along with a trained German Shepherd named Riley, Captain Thomas A. Merrick (Jeffrey Pierce), and Gunnery Sergeant Keegan P. Russ (Brian Bloom).
The game's main antagonist is Gabriel T. Rorke (Kevin Gage), the former leader of the Ghosts who works for the Federation after being captured and brainwashed by the Federation via torture and hallucinogens.
In 2017, U.S. Army officer Elias Walker tells his teenage sons Hesh and Logan the legend of how the Ghosts, an elite coalition of all U.S. Special Operations units, first appeared. Meanwhile, in space, the Federation of the Americas hijack the Orbital Defense Initiative (ODIN), an orbital superweapon that consists of a network of satellites that utilize kinetic bombardment. The Federation uses it to destroy several cities in the southwestern United States. U.S. Air Force astronauts Baker and Mosley sacrifice themselves to self-destruct the space station and prevent ODIN from launching other payloads further inland. The Walker family narrowly escapes the destruction of San Diego.
Ten years later, the war between the United States and the Federation has been a bloody stalemate along a front that comprises the destroyed cities (known as "No Man's Land"), which has become a war of attrition as more Federation forces attempt to break the frontlines. However, the U.S. stands its ground, fighting near the former United States-Mexico border. Hesh and Logan are part of a U.S. special unit under the command of Elias and are accompanied by Riley, their loyal military-trained German Shepherd. During a mission into No Man's Land, they spot Federation agent Gabriel Rorke interrogating Ghost member Ajax. The brothers meet and join Ghost members Thomas Merrick and Keegan Russ in an attempt to rescue Ajax, but he is killed.
The brothers return to Santa Monica, California, where U.S. forces hold out against a Federation assault, and reunite with their father, who reveals himself as the leader of the Ghosts. Recruiting his sons into the Ghosts, Elias tells them about how Rorke was the Ghosts' previous commanding officer until Elias was forced to abandon him during a successful mission in Caracas to assassinate a former Federation leader. The Federation captured and brainwashed Rorke, and are now using him to hunt down the Ghosts.
The Ghosts assault Rorke's base and capture him, but Federation forces destroy their plane and rescue him. The team lands in the Yucatán Peninsula, where they witness the launch of a mysterious Federation missile. The Ghosts infiltrate a Federation base and discover plans to create a new superweapon. Constructing a counter-attack, the Ghosts make significant gains against the Federation by destroying their Atlas oil platform in Antarctica and sinking a destroyer guarding a Federation factory in the port of Rio de Janeiro. The team then breaks into the factory and discovers that the Federation reverse-engineered ODIN into their own orbital bombardment system named LOKI.
After destroying the factory, the Ghosts regroup at a safehouse in Las Vegas, but are captured by Rorke, who executes Elias. In a last-ditch effort, the U.S. pools all its remaining forces, including its last aircraft carrier USS ''Liberator'', in a synchronized all-out assault. Hesh and Logan launch a missile to destroy the Federation space center in the Atacama Desert, while forces in space take over the Federation space station. They seize control of LOKI and decimate the Federation forces by turning their weapons on them. Hesh and Logan then disobey Merrick's orders and pursue Rorke to avenge their father. Despite being shot by Logan and left to drown, Rorke survives and captures Logan, wanting to brainwash him into becoming a Federation agent.
In a post-credits scene, Logan is seen inside a caged pit in the jungle, presumably going through the same torture methods as Rorke.
The Extinction story takes place in an alternate reality following the events of the first mission of the Ghosts campaign, where the ODIN strike unearths ancient creatures known as Cryptids upon mankind. The player takes on the role of an elite unnamed soldier, whose appearance is carried from the player's multiplayer character. The story revolves mainly around two central characters: Doctor Samantha Cross (Ali Hillis), a researcher of the Nightfall Programme who was studying Cryptid origins; and Captain David Archer (Dave B. Mitchell), leader of the Nightfall Program.
Following the Federation's attack on ODIN Station and the strike that decimated a large portion of the United States, a stray missile hit Caldera Peak, Colorado, revealing a colony of ancient creatures called Cryptids lying dormant below it. The Cryptids' masters, the Ancestors, seized the opportunity by commanding them to awake, massacre the town, and destroy everything in their path. In order to contain the outbreak, a Task Force codenamed Spectre was sent in to exterminate the Cryptids' presence. Though they were successful, remains of the Cryptids were collected by Nightfall, a research program dedicated to uncovering the origins of the creatures. The program's leader, Captain David Archer, implemented covert operations to breed Cryptids for experimentation, as well as deciphering of glyphs found within several sites where Nightfall was researching on Cryptid appearance. However, one of the doctors working at Nightfall, Samantha Cross, began to fall under the Ancestors' influence, and slowly became one of their hypnotic spies, capable of telepathic abilities. She caused an outbreak at the Nightfall facility, killing all members within it, except herself and Archer. An elite squad named CIF Team One was dispatched to help Archer and Cross escape, but Archer secretly snuck away on a destroyer vessel supplied by one of his mysterious contacts, in order to arrive at another Cryptid site.
For the following three weeks, Archer would experiment on Cross in order to learn of her abilities, realizing that she is capable of taming the Cryptids. Using her as a beacon, Archer guided the destroyer toward the remaining Cryptid Arks around the world. Cross fell into the Ancestors' control even more, and upon full possession, she began to summon the Ark's guardian, the Kraken, to protect the Cryptid colony and kill Archer and everyone aboard the destroyer. CIF Team One was sent in once again to rescue Archer, as well as eliminate Cross, per the deal between Archer and CIF Team One's handler, General "Godfather" Castle. However, Cross evaded their attempts to kill her and wound up in the Cryptid Ark. Archer and his men later arrived at the island where the Ark is located, however they encounter hordes of Cryptids, leading to Archer's hand being infected. Cross arrived and amputated his hand, then forged a temporary alliance with him, as she attempted to explain the Ancestors' true motives, and her reasons for not siding with them. CIF Team One was later dispatched by Castle to find Archer as well as retrieve the Cortex, a device containing tissue samples of an Ancestor's brain. The team succeeded in finding the Cortex, and Cross was extracted from the Ark, while Archer was left to die.
While on their way back to the United States, CIF Team One was attacked by Cryptid forces, and was stranded in the heart of the outbreak, while Cross escaped captivity. For the next three months, Cryptids would begin to overrun all military centers of the US, leaving General Castle as the leader of the surviving remnants of the country. He came in contact with CIF Team One, and ordered them to protect the Exodus launch site, allowing the remnants to escape Earth into outer space, away from the Cryptids' influence. In the midst of the operation, Cross regained contact with the survivors, reasoning CIF Team One must sacrifice themselves to activate the Medusa, a psionic weapon capable of eradicating all Cryptids within a three-mile radius, and give mankind a chance to overcome extinction. In a final order, General Castle commanded his men to defeat the oncoming Cryptid siege led by the Ancestors themselves. Now in safe passage to the space station, Cross acknowledged that her otherworldly powers were key in humanity's future retaliation, agreeing to be placed in a replica Beacon Amplifier to harness her gifts to benefit the future descendants of the Exodus program.
Traveling to the village of his aunt to hear the reading of her will, David Rousseau, an author of crime novels, investigates the death of a beautiful young woman named Candice, an apparent suicide in Mouthe. As he investigates Candice's death, the plot of the movie slowly reveals that it is an allegory of the life and death of Marilyn Monroe. Rousseau refuses to believe she has committed suicide. Teaming up with a local policeman, he seeks to prove that Candice was murdered.
Yoshiaki suddenly starts behaving strangely, which includes making strange jerking movements and howling. He and his wife, Keiko, go to Sakashita, a student from Yoshiaki's medical school, for assistance. He is unable to do anything to stop these occurrences. Yoshiaki begins to transform into something else. After his wife hears reports of murders happening, she wonders if her husband could be the one committing the murders.
In Gothenburg a gang of five swedish-Somali teenage boys act out an elaborate scheme for taking the belongings of three teenage boys, in which the gang members play good cop/bad cop which is previewed at the very start of the film with an earlier theft from two different boys. First, they ask the time. When one of the victims checks the time on his mobile phone they claim it looks like one which was stolen from a brother of one of them. The three boys are seeking help in a coffee shop, and the owner offers shelter but does not feel the need to call the police, as requested. The 3 are ultimately intimidated to come along with the 5 to verify this with "the brother".
The film is interspersed with scenes of adults traveling in a comfortable, uncrowded train. At one point the conductor announces that a cradle has been found and should be picked up lest it would be removed for safety and fire precautions - the travelers chuckle. When the conductor removes it at one station the station manager brings it back into the train, because the message had merely been announced in Swedish, and is then repeated in English.
In the tram, a gang of 3 adults are beating them up, as per a woman, searching for a stolen phone. Two boys get separated from the other six. A man witnesses the scene but does not interfere, but slips a note with his name to one of the boys, saying he would stand witness in trial if need be. Eventually, the one boy offers the other boy to make a call, then calls his mother and leaves a message. It is not her, but the rest of the group calling him back, telling them their location so they reunite. After some moving around, and the boy being forced to play The Entertainer on his clarinet, one boy of the gang wants to quit; the gang questions him and the eldest /leader responds by beating him up in the bus, and kicking him. An older man tries to interfere, but is intimated by one of the boys. None of the adults help the boy even though he is injured. The four remaining gang members proceed with the three boys.
The group exits past a building site with large machines and a couple of security guards safeguarding the building site. They walk into meadow at a lake under a tree. The four force the three to participate in a running contest, with one of the three against one of the four, where the group of the winner gets all valuables of all the boys. The two walk along a curved path to the starting point from where they have to run back to the others. The three lose due to a trick of the four: the boy from the group of three thought they had to run along the path, but the other boy ran straight. The 5 argue about the bounty, justifying their share according to the roles one saying "I played good cop" another "I played bad cop". The three are free to go. Without phone to contact their parents and without money for the tram, they travel without a ticket; they do not explain the circumstances to the 2 conductors, get fined 1200 Kronas each and scolded for fare evasion. Later the gang is seen in a restaurant when the mother of one of the other boys calls. They make fun of her and him.
Half a year later the father of one of the victims walks in a park with his son and a friend with his son. The victim recognizes the gang member sitting on a bench with the wooden cradle. The father and his friend ask for the phone and pull him when he does not comply. A pregnant female bystander disapproves but is told to stand clear. After the boy forks out the phone, the two adults leave him alone but get confronted by two female witnesses. <The man yells and ignores them and the 2 fathers walk away with their 2 sons, telling them they don´t need to be afraid, and that everything was in order.
The last scene plays in a school, where a white girl is dancing convincingly to African music, followed by one of the boys playing a classic piece terribly on his clarinet.
The film starts with Alex Pandian and Divya jumping off a train in an attempt to escape the goons who are seeking to kill them. Three days later, Alex enters Kaalayan's house. Alex's playful attitude and closeness with Kaalayan's three sisters irritates him, and he makes many attempts to evict Alex from his house, but it only makes the bond between Alex and the sisters stronger. Alex also comes into conflict and shaves the head of a local goon, whose brother Parthiban swears revenge on him, but later, it is revealed like the movie paruthiveeran, that Alex and Parthiban are old friends, and they come to terms. Meanwhile, Divya is receiving treatment, whilst NRI chemist Alvin Martin and corrupt doctor GKM are in search of the two. Upon finding Alex and Divya, the goons chase them. Kaalayan demands to know who Divya is. Divya happens to be the daughter of the Chief Minister. Alex, a local thief, is asked to kidnap Divya for three days so that the CM would sign the papers which would allow Alvin and GKM to distribute fake medicines with devastating side effects. Alex brings her and keeps her as a hostage in a forest. On the third day, as Alex is driving back, Divya explains the reason for why she was asked to be kidnapped and thus requests him to take her back to her father. Alex decides to save Divya. The film shifts back to the present and by now, Divya has fallen in love with Alex. As fate would have it, the goons arrive at their hiding place. The film ends with Alex killing the villains and uniting with Divya.
The film tells the story of two journalists investigating the mysterious death of a woman who got to discover the source of eternal life using some rare books stored inside the National Library. Vatican officials have come to Brazil to warn that the angel of darkness Lucifer is acting on Earth through some followers with the intent to possess immortality. However, the code is stored in one place in the confines of the human mind. And the reversal of life is the only option to save humanity.
Satoshi Minagawa (Kanji Tsuda), an office worker, seems normal but is in fact a violent porn movie fan. Nao Aiba (Rubi Aiba), a high school student, roams around town instead of going to school. Sayuri Maejima (Shion Machida) is unemployed and her brother Kou grows magic mushrooms for sale. Satoshi has a crush on Sayuri but his preparations to introduce himself are a little odd (Employs Nao to stalk Sayuri).
The story is set in the Qing dynasty during the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor. Yongzheng's harsh and brutal policies lead to widespread discontent and dissension. Meanwhile, a secret death squad, named after their dreaded weapon — the flying guillotine — goes around slaying the emperor's enemies.
The young crown prince, Hongli, disguises himself as a commoner and embarks on an inspection tour to Jiangnan. There, the prince evades assassination attempts orchestrated by nobles plotting to seize the throne, and uncovers a shocking truth about his birth and origin. Besides, he also meets and befriends two maidens, Lü Siniang and Yuniang, who turn out to be actually planning to assassinate Yongzheng. Lu Siniang is the granddaughter of Lu Liuliang, whose family was executed. She trained under Princess Changping, the last princess of the former dynasty.
Inventor and engineer Robert Draper is unjustly found guilty for the murder of his partner. Just as he's sent to prison, the prison truck crashes in the midst of a civil defense blackout, propelling him into a search for the real killers who framed him. Czech-American screenwriter Franz Schulz was billed as Francis Spencer for the film.
Twenty-year-old Maddie Haskel (Heather McComb), attends her mother's funeral in Joplin, Missouri, and returns to the family home afterwards. There, Jim Gilroy (John Pyper-Ferguson) attempts to rape her, but he is beaten unconscious by Haskel's boyfriend, Bobby Webber (Jeffrey Donovan). Webber and Haskel drive off with Gilroy hostage in the trunk of the car, but are later stopped by a state trooper. When the trooper notices noise coming from the car's trunk, he is shot dead by Webber.
Peter Watts (Terry O'Quinn), a member of the private investigative organization the Millennium Group, informs his friend and fellow Group member Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) about the Missouri shooting. Records for the car show it to be registered to Gilroy, but Watts points out that Gilroy is simply an alias, and the man is actually Jake Waterson, a serial rapist who murdered three women several years earlier before disappearing. Searching Waterson's address—Haskel's family home—for clues, Black and Watts find the word "angel" carved into a television, but do not know what it means. Black also views footage taken by the trooper's dashboard camera, realizing that Waterson is not the shooter, but is unable to identify Webber.
Elsewhere, Webber savagely beats Waterson, repeatedly asking him "where is he?". Webber and Haskel then break into a farmhouse, confronting the family with the same question. When they do not answer, Webber kills them both before realizing that Waterson had given him the address as a decoy. Webber threatens to kill Waterson unless he tells him the truth. Waterson complies, but is locked in the car's trunk again, and the car is pushed into a lake. Webber and Haskel steal the dead couple's car, and drive off.
Waterson's submerged car is recovered by police before he drowns, and he is charged with the earlier rapes and murders. However, he refuses to reveal anything about the state trooper's shooting. Black reads several letters found in Haskel's home, written to her father but never posted, and deduces that "Angel" is Haskel's son. Waterson's bank account reveals a $7,000 deposit shortly after Angel's birth—Black realizes that Waterson, who is Haskel's stepfather, sold the child for the money. Investigating the records of the lawyer who brokered the sale reveals the identity of the child's recipients, a Mr and Mrs Travis.
Meanwhile, Webber storms into the Travis' house, demanding the child be returned. When Haskel takes hold of her son, he begins to cry, and she realizes he is already in a good home. She hands the child back over to Mrs Travis. However, Webber protests angrily, causing Haskel to snatch his gun from him, and shoot him dead. Black later visits Haskel in jail and comforts her, telling her she did the right thing.
The story is set in the late Ming dynasty, when corrupt officials dominate the government and the aggressive ''wokou'' (Japanese pirates) constantly raid China's coastal regions. General Qi Jiguang and his cousin, Qi Jiyu, organise a military force called the 'Qi Family Army' to resist the invaders. They score several victories over the enemy.
Oshima Masao, the ''wokou'' chief, is not content with defeat, so he bribes the eunuch Tong Dabao, a close aide of the incompetent emperor, to spread slanderous rumours about the Qi Family Army in the hope that the emperor will order the army to be disbanded. Qi Jiyu, assisted by his son Qi Shaozheng, manages to find evidence of Tong's treachery, and intends to report Tong to the emperor. However, Tong finds out, destroys the evidence, and has Qi Jiyu arrested and imprisoned. Tong then attempts to induce Qi Jiyu into accusing Qi Jiguang of treason by tempting him with promises of riches and fame but Qi Jiyu refuses. Qi Jiyu secretly tells Qi Shaozheng to escape and warn the Qi Family Army about Tong's plot.
Tong Dabao is furious when he learns that his plan has been foiled. He orders the execution of Qi Jiyu and his clan, and places a huge bounty on Qi Shaozheng's head. Qi Shaozheng flees to Shaolin Monastery for refuge and is accepted by Abbot Zhiyi as a student and is renamed "Tanzhi". When Tong Dabao discovers that Qi Shaozheng has survived, he sends the Jinyiwei to surround Shaolin and threatens to destroy the monastery if the monks do not hand over Qi. The monks refuse to capitulate so Tong orders Shaolin to be burnt down. Zhiyi dies in the blaze. Before his death, Zhiyi instructed a monk called Sanjiao to protect Tanzhi and bring the latter to the Southern Shaolin Monastery.
Tanzhi and Sanjiao travel to Southern Shaolin and encounter numerous dangers along the way. While in the wilderness, Tanzhi is injured but is saved by a girl called Xiaoni, and is forced by her grandfather to marry her. The old man is a former soldier in the Qi Family Army. When he learns of Tanzhi's true identity, he decides to allow the boy to proceed with his journey, much to his granddaughter's dismay. Tanzhi and Sanjiao later join a performance troupe by accident, where Tanzhi develops feelings for the maidens Baihe and Honglian. They leave after driving away Tong Dabao's henchmen and eventually arrive in Southern Shaolin, where Tanzhi becomes a student of Abbot Yuanzhao. In Southern Shaolin, Tanzhi befriends several seniors and meets a group of young nuns living near the monastery. He also gets involved in another romantic relationship with a Japanese girl who disguised herself as a man so that she can infiltrate Shaolin and learn martial arts.
Tanzhi trains hard in martial arts to fulfil his quest for justice. With strong backing and support from his friends and allies, he rebuilds the Qi Family Army and succeeds in defeating and driving away the ''wokou''. He uses the powerful skills he mastered to overcome and kill Tong Dabao and avenge his family.
Dr. Samantha Unger, CEO of Europa Ventures, narrates the story of the Europa One mission. Six astronauts embark on a privately funded mission to Jupiter's moon Europa to find potential sources of life. The crew members are commander William Xu, pilot Rosa Dasque, chief science officer Daniel Luxembourg, marine biology science officer Katya Petrovna, junior engineer James Corrigan, and chief engineer Andrei Blok.
After six months of mission time, a solar storm hits the ship, knocking out communication with mission control. Blok and Corrigan perform an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) to repair the system from outside, but an accident rips Blok's suit. While he is being guided back into the airlock, Blok notices that Corrigan's suit has been coated with hydrazine and he cannot enter the airlock or else he would contaminate the rest of the ship. Blok attempts to save Corrigan by taking him out of his suit, but he blacks out from a lack of oxygen. Knowing there is no hope for himself, Corrigan pushes Blok into the airlock, thus propelling himself away from the ship as it continues its journey to Europa. Stranded, he dies in space; the crew continue with the mission, demoralized by Corrigan's death.
After twenty months, the ship goes into orbit around Europa and its lunar lander lands safely on Europa, but misses its target zone. The crew drills through the ice and releases a probe into the underlying sea. Blok, who is sleep-deprived and eliciting concern in the rest of the crew, sees a light outside the ship but he is unable to record it or otherwise convince the crew of its occurrence. The probe is struck by an unknown lighted object and contact with it is lost.
Petrovna insists on collecting samples on Europa's surface; the crew votes and she is allowed to go. Analyzing the samples, Luxembourg discovers traces of a single-celled organism. Petrovna sees a blue light in the distance and decides to investigate it. As she approaches the light the ice below her breaks and she falls through. Her head-mounted camera continues to broadcast, displaying her last moments as the blue bioluminescence is reflected in her eyes, before cutting out.
The crew agrees to leave to report their discovery to Earth, but the engines malfunction. As the lander hurtles back to Europa's surface, Xu unbuckles from his seat to dump water shielding to reduce the impact speed. Remarkably, the ship crashes at the originally-targeted landing site. On impact, Xu is killed and the lander is damaged, leaking oxygen and losing heat. It begins to sink into the ice.
Blok and Luxembourg suit up to make repairs outside the ship. Luxembourg tries to descend but dies as he falls through the ice. Blok knows that there is no chance that he alone will be able to repair the lander before it sinks. Instead, he manages to fix the communication link to the orbiting mother ship, at the expense of turning off the life support systems, just before the same blue light Petrovna saw approaches and is killed as he falls through the ice as well.
Dasque re-establishes communication with Earth; all the collected images and data that have been saved since the solar storm are relayed to Earth via the mother ship, just as the ice cracks and the lander begins to sink. Alone and anticipating her death, Dasque opens the airlock to flood the lander in hopes of revealing the source of the light. As the water rises to the cockpit, she sees a tentacled, bioluminescent creature rising toward her before the camera cuts out.
In the epilogue, narrator Samantha Unger confirms that the crew of Europa had discovered life and exceeded every expectation, as the footage plays from an earlier scene of the crew posing in front of the camera.
Martina ("Marty") could not be more different from her sister. Marty is a tomboy who loves animals and drawing comics which feature a character she created, Mighty Mart. Her elder sister Melissa loves the colour pink and make-up and is very feminine; Melissa does not get along with Martina. Their mum makes dresses and is a school secretary. Their dad is a travel agent who is losing most of his income because of the rise in online booking.
Marty is invited to Alisha's party just because her mum made a dress for Alisha. Her mother forces Marty to attend and makes a blue party dress. When she comes and picks her up she talks to the owner of the dancing school where the party was held. She announces that she wants her to make some costumes for the children and other parents want bridesmaids dresses. This means their mother has to expand – she needs an extra room to sew in so Marty and Melissa need to share a room. It gets decorated, although most of it is chosen by Melissa because she's elder. At school two mean girls, Ingrid and Katie, call her bluebottle because of the dress. Marty sneaks in raw eggs and throws them resulting in some disastrous consequences. Marty invites her best friend Jaydene to look at her new room but Jaydene acts like she prefers Melissa to Marty, which annoys her. When Melissa shows her friends the room, she is shocked to find Marty has trashed the room. Marty brings up some smoothies as an apology and is horrified to find out that Melissa is mocking her homemade animals. Marty embarrasses her by showing her friends Melissa's toy Baba and Melissa swears she will take revenge.
In the morning Marty can't find all her animals and as the bin men had already been, presumes that Melissa has thrown them in the bin. Marty begins to pull off Baba's limbs but as a shocked Melissa climbs up the bunk bed ladder to get to Marty, the ladder breaks and causes her to lose her grip and fall. Melissa gets taken to hospital where she is visited by Marty, who meets a young artist called Mattie. Marty and her dad return home and she finds her animals were under the bed all along. Marty sews together Baba and takes it to the hospital where Melissa is very thankful. The story ends with Marty saying how much she loves Melissa.
After the kind-hearted but clumsy Super Dave Osborne (Bob Einstein) survives a near-fatal accident, he discovers his manager has embezzled from him. This forces him into bankruptcy and causes him to lose his house. Super Dave decides to retire from stunt work, but ends up meeting a single mother named Sandy (Gia Carides). When Super Dave learns that Sandy's son, Timmy (Carl Michael Lindner) needs an expensive heart surgery, Super Dave comes out of retirement to raise the money. In the process, he must face off against his arch-enemy, Gil Ruston (Dan Hedaya).
Kirby Winter (Hays) is an easy-going man who meets a free-spirited brunette named Bonny (Dawber) and inherits from his millionaire uncle a gold watch that has the power to stop time.
A couple have a gold watch that has the power to stop time. Kirby Winter and his fiancée Bonnie Lee Beaumont try to save her family farm from a land developer.
Danielle (''Bernadette Lafont''), a grandmother in her sixties, is planning to take her two grandchildren to their father’s house for the Easter vacation. Since retiring as a schoolteacher, Danielle has regularly taken on this responsibility after her daughter’s divorce. This time, however, the children’s father is not there to welcome them, giving Danielle the opportunity to spend a bit more time with her grandchildren and to take them out for the day.
Jumping at every opportunity presented to them, Danielle soon transforms this day-outing into an impromptu holiday. Only what starts out as a fun adventure gradually turns into an inexorable deconstructing experience, and it soon becomes impossible for Danielle to contemplate taking the kids back…
The Official Site (taken down after the premiere) listed this as the plot summary:
The Sleeping Soul is a story about a woman "Grace" who has lost her fiance & unborn son to a drunk driving accident. Almost a year after the accident Grace is beginning to recover from the tragedy, until her vivid nightmares & paranormal occurrences begin to push her to the edge. The line between sane & insane begins to blur as the days grow closer to the one year anniversary.
The adds more details. The trailer begins with her sitting at her computer, filming a video diary, with smudged makeup and a somber face. She begins, choked up, "It is the one-year anniversary of when my fiancee died." A ghost (assumed to be her husband's spirit) torments her in between her next video diary, moving things eerily while she is in the shower. In the next video diary she says "It's constantly toying with me...I don't know how much more I can take." We see her recklessly taking pills and drinking in an obvious downward spiral. The trailer ends with an unexplained startling noise apparently brought on by her dead fiancee.
Seven young Texans in the Confederate army during the American Civil War, The Concho County Comanches, journey to Shiloh, Tennessee where a major battle is about to take place. Along the way they encounter many perilous adventures.
J.C. decides he no longer wants to follow Buck and takes his money and leaves. Buck finds him just as he is shot and killed by card sharks. Buck rejoins the remaining five and takes a stage to Shreveport, LA, on the way picking up a run-away slave. Out of duty they deliver him to the next town's sheriff, only to see him hung on the road out of town, despite promises he would be returned to his owner.
In Shreveport Buck meets and makes love to Gabrielle DuPrey, but leaves her to lead his men to join the Confederate Army in Richmond, VA.
After being forced to join Braxton Bragg's army and joining the Battle of Shiloh, Little Bit Lucket dies of disease. Todo dies gutshot, Eubie Bell dies in a mortar attack and Willie Bill is shot in the head - all but Miller and Buck are killed in the battle or die of wounds. Miller deserts and is shot by a bounty hunter and dies with Buck by his side, trapped in a barn with the army closing in on them. Before Miller dies, he encourages Buck to leave the army, go get the girl he met in Shreveport and return to Texas.
Sgt. Barnes, who had befriended the Texans, convinces Gen. Bragg to allow Buck to return alone back to Texas instead of being shot as a deserter, the last survivor of the seven who set out for Richmond.
The novel is structured as a recorded narrative of the purported exploits of 111-year-old Jack Crabb, a white male who was raised by the Cheyenne nation, as he describes his wanderings across the nineteenth-century American West to Ralph Fielding Snell, a somewhat gullible "Man of Letters." Though unknown to conventional history, Crabb has supposedly crossed paths with many of the West's notable figures, including Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Buffalo Bill, and George Armstrong Custer. At various times captured, rescued, escaped, and returned to or from both white and Native American societies of the time, Crabb also claims to be the "sole white survivor" of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
The story is told from the point of view of an Akita dog named Happie, adopted by a working-class Japanese family as a puppy and lives with them for several years. The dog enjoys living with them and especially appreciates the daily walks "Daddy", the name he gives to the man of the family, takes him on. However, years later, the man's wife requests a divorce. Now homeless, jobless and with little money, an upbeat Daddy decides to take Happie on a road trip to southern Japan. Along the way, the pair stop at a convenience store, where Daddy spots a dirty-looking young boy attempting to steal bread. He buys it for him instead, and the boy invites himself into Daddy's car. Daddy agrees to take him wherever he wants to go, but the boy is mostly silent. They sleep in the car, and the next morning Daddy discovers that the boy is gone and has taken his wallet. Not long after, Happie experiences extreme pain while urinating and Daddy rushes him to a veterinarian, where he learns that Happie has kidney stones. They operate, and Daddy is forced to pawn almost everything he owns to pay the bill, leaving him almost penniless. They continue on, eventually running out of gas near a campground. They live there for a while, living off the food they can scrounge and catch and sleeping in the car, until one day Daddy dies in his car of a preexisting heart condition. Happie continues to live there for two Winters until one day he perishes as well. The police discover their bodies about three months later, with Happie's loyally body resting next to Daddy's feet.
This story begins right where Stargazing Dog ends, when Okutsu, a middle age social worker receives the assignment to locate Daddy's family to inform them about his death. Looking for clues about Daddy's past, he makes the same travel backwards until reaching the point where Daddy sold all his properties to pay for Happie's kidney operation. As he progresses his investigation, reflections about his own life achievements and remembers his childhood with his grandfather, who made a large window on his camp house for his sick wife so she could watch a large sunflowers field while resting on her bed. Okutsu compares his own life with Daddy's, and finally remembers his own behavior with a lonely pup he had when he was a child, bought by his grandpa after his wife passed away. This dog used to contemplate the stars at night in the sunflowers field for long periods of time, as if he would like to reach them. Eventually Okutsu understands Daddy and Happie's life is a parable of the way as goes the people live, and comes to the conclusion that in the end, we all are like a stargazing dog, always dreaming a way to reach the impossible. Unable to locate any relatives since Daddy intentionally destroyed all traces of his past, Okutsu decides to authorize the cremation of his remains as an unidentified person, and disperses his ashes around Happie's grave, which coincidentally is in the middle of a sunflowers field like the one next to his grandfather's home.
Kang Tae-poong is a handsome and successful architect who constantly emphasizes the importance of substance over style in architecture, but has yet to apply this philosophy when it comes to love. Until one day, after a minor car accident, he suddenly suffers from a "temporary visual impairment" that makes beauties appear ugly and vice versa. When an inebriated and hot-tempered Wang So-jung passes out in front of Tae-poong's office building, he sees her as the beautiful resurrection of his dead fiancee and falls head over heels. Ugly duckling So-jung is completely baffled when Tae-poong keeps calling her his "goddess," but she soon makes him fall in love with her for her true charms, like how she is humble and unafraid to be goofy. Tae-poong's eye problem is fixed, however, by the time So-jung returns from a business trip a few days later, and when they meet again, he fails to recognize her.
On his death bed, old Revolutionary War general Darby bequeaths his Georgia estate, Sangaree, to a man he trusts, Dr. Carlos Morales, requesting that he seek freedom for servants and slaves.
The general's son Roy has no objection, but knows his sister Nancy is determined to keep Sangaree in the family. She and her fiancé, attorney Harvey Bristol, make it clear to Morales that he will have a fight on his hands.
Roy's wife, Martha, is secretly still in love with Morales, an old beau. Martha spreads word that Nancy is in league with Felix Pagnol, a French pirate who is making raids off the Savannah coast. A plague outbreak also concerns Morales, who is running a free clinic.
Morales learns that Bristol has a business partnership with Pagnol the pirate and that Martha, not Nancy, is involved.
Bristol's warehouse, where the stolen goods are being kept, is the source of the plague so Morales burns it to the ground.
Martha contracts the plague and dies after shooting Bristol. Nancy joins forces with Morales to live together at Sangaree.
Jeff Travis, a spy for Quantrill's Raiders, leaves when he realizes Quantrill's true nature and enlists in the confederate army. After the war he narrowly escapes a gang looking for Quantrill's men by jumping off a river boat, thanks to Josie's warning. He rides to Prescott, Arizona to start a new life.
Crooked saloon owner Jules Mouret hires Jeff to monitor a series of gold shipments on the local stage line run by Jason Conroy and his daughter Shelby in preparation for a major robbery. Aided by henchmen Dan Kurth and Bull Slager, Jules runs his competitor, the Mexican bandit Degas, out of town. There is a hint of a possible romance between Jeff and Shelby, but nothing materializes once Josie arrives and sets up shop in Jules’s saloon.
After the stage driver, Jim, is gunned down in a stage robbery, Jeff turns honest and vows to avenge Jim. While waiting to rob the stage, Jules and his gang encounter Degas and his gang. Jules shoots Degas and tries to rob the stage but is stopped when Jeff kicks Dan off and returns to town. That night Jeff and Dan face off ready to draw but Jeff is faster. The next morning in the saloon Jeff faces off with Jules and Bull in the saloon. Bull tries to sneak his gun out but Josie yells and throws a lamp setting the saloon on fire. Bull keeps trying to shoot Jeff but Josie pulls his gun hand down allowing Jeff to shoot him, and Josie escapes. Jeff goes after Jules, but the fire is too much, trapping Jules. Jeff makes it out with only minor burns on his hands. Later that day Jeff and Josie board the stage for California to begin a new life. Shelby and her father bid them good-bye.
Takagi (Shinichi Tsutsumi), a seemingly average Japanese businessman, wakes up in a hotel room but doesn't know how he wound up there. When a packet of "purification salt" falls out of his pocket, he starts having memories of a funeral and a meeting with a yakuza boss. Soon he finds out he is in deep trouble.
It starts with their initial deployment from Port Moresby on board a US plane called the ''Honeymoon Express'', then covers their flight over the Owen Stanley Range and Kokoda Trail to an airstrip at Dumpu in the Ramu Valley ten miles from the frontline. The eight troops them march through the Ramu Valley to Shaggy Ridge in the Finisterre Range – which the foreword claims was the nearest point to Tokyo reached by Allied troops. Some of the film was shot under fire. En route the patrol encounters enemy fire from a Japanese machine gun crew in a bunker and enemy sniper, which the Australians kill. Then they take part in a battle to take Shaggy Ridge.
A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child.
Frank is a low-level cocaine dealer in London, conducting business with his partner Tony and would-be-girlfriend Flo. When a former cellmate contacts him for a large drug deal, Frank borrows £45,000 of cocaine from Milo, a dangerous Serbian drug lord. He promises to return to Milo with the money the next day, plus £3,000 that he previously owed, but police raid the deal and Frank is forced to dump the cocaine in a duck lake. In custody, Frank is told by police that Tony has confessed to the deal, but they release him the next day. Frank quickly finds Tony and beats him savagely with a baseball bat.
Frank returns to Milo without the cash or the cocaine and requests more time to pay Milo off. Milo demands £55,000 to be paid soon. Frank scrambles to call in old debts and tries to get back in touch with Danaka, a drug mule who is scheduled to return with a half kilo of cocaine. Frank is unsuccessful and becomes increasingly on edge. Milo's henchman Hakan arrives to help Frank strongarm his debtees, but they have no success. Frank finally gets in touch with Danaka, but discovers that the cocaine pack she brought back is worthless. Frank becomes desperate and robs a high-class drug party, but is still far short of the required sum.
Milo's patience runs out and Frank is brought back to him. With only a few thousand pounds to his name Frank begs for more time, but Milo begins to torture him instead. Frank manages to escape and returns to Flo, asking her if she wants to run away with him to Spain using the funds he has gathered up. As Frank makes a few final arrangements, Milo calls and says that their feud has become too costly and will therefore accept a token payment to resolve it. However, we see that Milo and his henchmen are actually planning to kill Frank when he arrives.
Frank brusquely tells Flo that their plans are called off and laughs at the thought of them running away together. Heartbroken, Flo steals all of Frank's remaining cash and escapes in a taxi. Frank catches up to the taxi and the two stare tearfully at each other through the closed car window as the film ends.
Jim (Daniel Adnewmah) leaves his tribal area to seek his fortune in Johannesburg. As soon as he arrives, three gangsters mug him. When he regains consciousness, a friendly night watchman named Charlie (Dan Twala) takes care of him. With the watchman's help, Jim gets a job in a nightclub as a waiter. He is offered the chance to sing on stage with the club's female star, Julie (Dolly Rathebe). Just before his debut, he recognizes the gangsters who mugged him and overhears them plotting a robbery. Jim has to decide how to stop the crime and still be in time to perform.
A group of wild young people, after enjoying antics in a jeep, kidnap a wealthy woman driver (Bunjaku Han) by shooting out her car tires. They set her free but she forms an attraction to a member of the group. They begin a romance and she tells him she is the mistress of the leader of a religious organization called Shinkyo Gakkai.
The group dig up a stash of weapons buried in a school courtyard at the end of the second world war. They plan to rob the organization.
Inspector Hans Bärlach, at the end of his career and suffering from cancer, is recovering from an operation. He witnesses how his friend and doctor Samuel Hungertobel turns pale and becomes nervous when looking at a photograph in a magazine he is reading. The person pictured is the German Dr. Nehle who carried out horrific experiments on prisoners in the concentration camp Stutthof near Gdańsk, including operating on patients without anesthesia. Hungertobel explains that his colleague Fritz Emmenberger, who was in Chile and publishing medical articles from there during the war, closely resembles Dr. Nehle.
Bärlach suspects that Nehle and Emmenberger either changed roles during their time in Chile or happen to be the same person. A close friend of Bärlach's is the Jew Gulliver who fell victim to Nehle's experiments in Stutthof. Gulliver visits Bärlach and they talk and drink through the night. In the morning, Bärlach is convinced that Dr. Emmenberger, who is now the director of a famous private clinic for the rich and dying in Zurich, committed Nazi war crimes under the false name of Dr. Nehle. He determines to sign himself into Emmenberger's clinic under the false name of Kramer in order to confirm his suspicions and put the suspect under pressure.
In the clinic, Bärlach easily identifies Dr. Emmenberger as the man who committed those terrible crimes. However, the cancer has weakened him and, drugged by Emmenberger's staff, he sleeps though several days. The staff proves to be blindly committed to Emmenberger, whose plan it is to brutally murder Bärlach under the pretense of an operation. Bärlach is saved in the nick of time when Gulliver steps in, murders Emmenberger and leads Bärlach out of the dubious clinic to be reunited with his friend Hungertobel in Bern.
Luke Delson (David Arquette) is a professional carjacker who is currently residing in Los Angeles. After a call, he decides to go to Nice, to track a car for an oil oligarch Constantine Charkos. The car, named RPM, can apparently drive without any kind of power source. Charkos, afraid that the mass production of the car would destroy his oil empire, offers him 1 billion dollars to steal it. But with the police detective on his tail, Biggerman, the man who built RPM, and also his sister Claudia (Famke Janssen), who wants the money, on his tail, he will find it very difficult to steal the car. Along the way, he meets Charkos' girl (Emmanuelle Seigner), who wants her car back (which Luke has stole, but Claudia took it), and she helps him steal the RPM in exchange of bringing her car back, and the two eventually start a romance.
When Derek (Jack Davenport) hosts a party for young teen star Lyle West (guest star Nick Jonas), Eileen (Anjelica Huston) seizes the opportunity to try a new strategy for raising funds. Karen (Katharine McPhee) learns how to increase her chances of success in the high-stakes world of Broadway and Tom (Christian Borle) goes on a special first date.
A couple is told their child has a disease that won't allow him to live outside the mother's womb. It won't matter how much physical or mental pain they feel; as therapeutic abortion is illegal on Chile, they'll have to wait until the natural birth.
Herman Mussert, formerly a schoolteacher of Latin and Greek and later a travel writer, wakes one morning in a hotel room in Lisbon. His last memory had been falling asleep the night before in his Amsterdam apartment, but now he has Portuguese currency in his wallet and room service finds nothing strange in his ordering breakfast. Moreover he remembers the room from a love encounter twenty years before with a colleague’s wife. This had come about when his favourite student, the beautiful and talented Lisa d'India, had an affair with Arend Herfst, another master in the school. In revenge, Herfst's wife Maria Zeinstra, who taught science in the same school, had seduced Mussert. Eventually this leads to a public fight between the two men, after which Herfst drives away with Lisa and she is killed when he crashes the car. In the ensuing scandal, all three teachers are dismissed from the school and Mussert becomes a successful but facile travel writer under the name of Strabo.
Mussert recalls some of this as he wanders about Lisbon and later boards a ship sailing to Brazil and then up the River Amazon. Travelling with him are a Spanish boy, an Italian monastic, an Arabian airline pilot, an English journalist, a Chinese professor and an unidentified woman. One by one the males tell how they had come to die until it is Mussert's turn. The only audience left to him, apart from the readers of the book, is the woman - now revealed as his former star student, Lisa d'India - to whom he relates "the following story".
Set eighteen-months after "Forever Charmed", the sisters have each entered into motherhood free of demons. Piper has had a third child, a girl named Melinda and is planning on opening her own restaurant. Phoebe has had her first daughter, Prue, with Coop and is preparing to return to work. Paige has had twin girls with Henry, is working as a whitelighter, and is seen helping Leo at Magic School with his students. Two new warlocks named Neena and Hogan begin implementing a plan to revive one of the sisters' greatest foes. The first arc begins with Piper and Phoebe attending the funeral of Brittany, the first "innocent" they ever saved. Meanwhile, Paige visits her latest charge, a high school bully named Brent, a witch later targeted and murdered by Neena and Hogan. While searching the ''Book of Shadows'' for clues to Brittany's death, Phoebe receives a powerful premonition showing that every single innocent saved by the sisters over the past nine and a half years is in grave danger.
While Piper and Paige attempt to gather as much information about their past innocents' current whereabouts, Phoebe finds her empathy power has returned as she conducts the wedding of Romeo & Juliet. Piper and Paige arrive at the home of Tyler Michaels, a teenage firestarter whom they saved from The Source many years ago. They find him under attack from demons who want to revive The Source, following Neena and Hogan's plan. Paige then receives a new power: a force field called an orb shield. The Charmed Ones later gather at the manor where they realize that they must go back to fighting evil, but they are unaware that Neena and Hogan's plan has been successful. When The Source makes himself known to the sisters and attacks them outside the manor with a huge fireball, Piper attempts to attack him and discovers that she has a new power. This causes the street to melt and bind to The Source, causing him to get stuck. The sisters escape to Magic School. Gathering magic from all their supernatural allies and using it in tandem with the "Power of Three", The Charmed Ones effectively vanquish The Source once again.
The second arc picks up with the one-shot, "Morality Bites...Back". In the issue, after Cal Greene begins dating her assistant Mika, Phoebe deals with the potential threat of the baseball player based on a premonition she received nearly 10 years ago. When her empathy powers advance, Phoebe learns that she uses her empath powers to murder Cal in the future by reflecting his emotions back onto him, causing his brain to overload. After Cal attacks her editor Elise, Phoebe fears she will fulfill her premonition. Instead, she confides her secret identity as a witch to Elise and together they use magic to scare Cal into a confession. Later in the arc, Piper learns that her daughter Melinda is half-whitelighter, despite Leo being mortal during her conception. New Elder Kyle Brody reveals that the previous Elders activated Leo's latent whitelighter genes in her, hoping to making a more powerful "Power of Three" with Melinda and her half-whitelighter brothers, Wyatt and Chris. Now that The Source has been vanquished by The Charmed Ones, Neena, who has killed Hogan, has taken control of the Underworld and sets her sights on taking control of the Upper Regions and home of The Elders.
In the eighth issue, "Oh, Henry", Paige rescues a baby from the womb of a dying and homeless teenage mother. She and Henry adopt the boy and name him Henry Jr. Later in the second arc, in an altercation with Neena, Piper is sent into an alternate dimension. While trying to rescue her, Phoebe and Paige discover that Neena is no ordinary warlock; she is the First Witch and has been waiting many millennia to enact revenge upon The Elders and Angels of Destiny for interfering with her life and lover. Meanwhile, Piper realizes she is not alone in her alternate world; she talks with an Angel of Destiny who informs her of Neena's origins. Piper also interacts with Cole Turner, who provides her with an escape from the alternate dimension. After Piper is reunited with her sisters, The Charmed Ones and the spirits of their ancestral line battle Neena and her demon army in the Upper Regions in an all-out war. With the help of the Angels of Destiny and Leo, who gains mysterious powers after picking up an artifact protected by The Elders, The Charmed Ones soothe Neena's anger and banish her to the alternate world where Piper was previously imprisoned. While there, she is reunited with her lost love for six months out of every year. Realizing that meddling with Neena's destiny nearly resulted in her destroying the world, the Angels of Destiny also undo the meddling The Elders performed on The Charmed Ones' children, promising that should a new "Power of Three" emerge, it will be natural and not through outside influence.
The third arc begins with "Piper's Place" and features the grand opening of Piper's restaurant named "Halliwell's". This arc features the long-awaited return of Prue. After Penny and Patty task Cole with finding Prue's missing spirit in exchange for helping him find peace in the afterlife, he locates her in the form of a blonde witch named Patience who resides in Salem, Massachusetts. When confronted by Cole about her true identity, Prue (as Patience) explains that she was never allowed to move on into the afterlife; the prophecy of the Charmed Ones kept her tied to her sisters. As long as Prue still had a connection to the Warren line, she would stop her sisters from realizing their full power. She had to go someplace to be alone and chose a quiet corner of the Astral Plane. She found a witch who was in a coma with no chance of recovery and took over her body. In order to not interfere with the new "Power of Three", Prue chose to stay away from her sisters and used her powers to protect innocents. She asks Cole to keep her secret.
Paige later finds herself with a new charge, a telekinetic witch named Sarah who happens to be Patience's co-worker at a Salem tour house. Paige shows up looking for Sarah; however, Cole won't let her in the house. Despite his pleas, she orbs into the house, where she meets Patience (Prue) and the two touch, causing their powers to blast them apart. After recovering, Patience tells Paige that she is Prue. At first, Paige doesn't believe her, but they go to the manor where Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are finally reunited. Prue's presence causes the sisters' powers to go haywire because the Charmed prophecy never spoke of a "Power of Four". To diffuse the chaos, Paige volunteers to strip her powers so that Prue can rejoin her sisters in the "Power of Three". Cole steps in and informs Prue that the real reason she remained tied to the "Power of Three" and unable to move on in the afterlife was because she refused to truly let go of her destiny with her sisters. Realizing that her time as a Charmed One has passed, Prue strips herself of her Warren powers. After removing her active powers, she keeps the basic powers that allow her to cast spells and brew potions. Prue later returns to Salem with Cole, who will help her train new witches to atone for his evil past.
The fourth arc begins with "The Old Witcheroo". Due to the machinations of Rennek, all magical beings have been disempowered and all mortals have been granted the ability to use magic. Because her powers were stripped at the time, not only did Prue gain her powers back, but she also gained all of her sisters' powers. Over the next six months, Prue became extremely busy as she was considered the most powerful witch on Earth. Prue figures out how to give her sisters their powers back: if she continues using her powers, they will drain from her and gradually return to her sisters. Phoebe gives birth to a girl, Parker, in the Manor. She wishes Prue could have been there, and apologizes to Parker for bringing her into the world without her magic to protect her from it. Elise tells Piper that the magical situation is the biggest news story ever and that some think it could be the end of the world. She assures Phoebe that the world will right itself soon enough. They wonder what Rennek is up to, believing that he's somewhere mobilizing his forces and plotting against them. Meanwhile, he is lying pool-side on a hammock with two magical creatures pampering him. Prue returns to the manor after many months away, very tired from all her battles. Neither Darryl nor her sisters can recognize her (they see Patience, not Prue's soul). Prue tells her sisters that Rennek stole the Grimoire before implementing his plan.
Next, Phoebe has a premonition in which she sees Prue dying. Prue (who has had the same premonition) drives out the enemy but dies. She enters limbo again and meets Cole. He tells her that the entrances to the Upper Regions and the Underworld have been closed to everyone, magical or not. Cole says that the dead magical creatures in that dimension could tear a hole back to Earth, and wants Prue to do it because he has information that could help her sisters. Prue returns to the land of the living. The sisters learn there is another Nexus, The Nexus of the All. It is located in the desert and can resolve the current magical issues. During the battle with Rennek at the Nexus of the All, Prue grabs the Empyreal Sword out of the Grimoire, absorbing it into herself. She casts a spell that gives her ownership over both items and vanquishes Rennek. Prue (covered in various symbols and runes) casts another spell to reconnect the realms at that place and to erase all memories of the last six months. The Nexus of the All is now a complete replica of the Manor, and everyone goes inside. "Patience"'s body has now become Prue's for good. Because she absorbed the Sword and the Grimoire, she is now the conduit that holds the realms together. She is the caretaker of the connection and can never leave the Nexus. Cole is her messenger.
The film takes place in an unspecified Western capitalist country where a fascist government is attempting to suppress a socialist uprising. The revolutionary leader Thomas Lamm is imprisoned by the government but he escapes to the Soviet Union. There he meets the engineer Podobed who invents the "death ray" – a device which explodes gunpowder and fuel mixtures at a distance.
Father Revo, a fascist intelligence agent, steals the invention and brings it back to his country. The government begins using it as an instrument for suppressing labor strikes. However, the workers end up seizing the device and use it to blow up bombers in the air which are sent against them.
A successful mentalist, Arthur Sinclair (Hal Holbrook), preys upon wealthy socialites such as Helen Carrington (Eve McVeagh) for their money. The movie opens as Arthur is talking on the phone with his much younger wife Allison (Katharine Ross). She wishes him luck as he departs to give an interview. However, she is in fact in bed with another, much younger man, Gil Weston (Barry Bostwick). Weston is a would-be actor in love with Allison, and we soon learn she is planning to have Gil kill Arthur by scaring him to death (by overloading his weakened heart). Their plan is to have Weston storm the house pretending to be a burglar – and then point his pistol at Arthur, who would supposedly die from the shock. The night comes and Gil breaks in. Gil presents himself as a journalist there to have an interview with Arthur. He and Gil have a hearty conversation, and it turns out that both men have something on each other. Gil knows that Arthur is a fake and that he somehow knew the information about a killer in a different town. Arthur knows that Gil is not a journalist. Gil is not panicked by that and he uses Arthur's competitive behavior to make him do 50 push-ups to allegedly tire out Arthur's heart. Soon Gil draws the gun, the two men struggle, and Arthur apparently shoots Gil. When Allison comes home, he is distraught by the incident; then Gil (Allison had loaded a blank bullet into the gun) comes behind him, and Arthur stumbles across the house and screams in pain...then laughs and applauds as the two lovers look on.
Arthur has known about Allison and Gil for months, and now ''he'' is out to get ''them''. Then suddenly, Arthur's lawyer and longtime friend George (Richard Anderson) comes into the house. He turns out to be Allison's real lover; Gil was just a chump to do the dirty work. George shoots Arthur, then he and Allison depart. Some time afterwards, Allison returns to the house and finds that Arthur's body is gone. It turned out that Arthur knew about George, too, but Arthur wondered if George would actually go through with murder. Arthur had replaced all the bullets in the gun with blanks.
Arthur next points his pistol at Allison, now loaded with ''real'' bullets, and she asks him what is he going to do. Arthur replies: "I have a suggestion for you, darling...why don't you read my mind?"
Yoo-bang (Lee Beom-soo) sneaks into a villa at night and discovers the dead body of Chunha Medical Group executive Ho-hae (Park Sang-myun). His niece Yeo-chi (Jung Ryeo-won) is hiding in the room. At the funeral, both Yoo-bang and Yeo-chi get arrested for murder. How did things come to this? It all began three months ago when Chunha began trial testing for their new medicine. In exchange for a job recommendation from Ho-hae, Yoo-bang agrees to join the trial testing and steal information about the drug. Rival company director Hang-woo (Jung Gyu-woon) is also there undercover to find out about the new drug. Spoiled rich girl Yeo-chi is undergoing training because her grandfather wants her to inherit Chunha one day, though she herself is completely uninterested. For the trial testing, 30 testers, including Yoo-bang and Hang-woo, are shut off from the outside world for 10 days. During the trial period, strange things begin to happen...
Two Life Weavers, Zerion and Zane are discussing strategies for an upcoming confrontation with the darkness. The key to their plans is finding a young woman named Celeste Daniels, who has been foretold to be the savior of Coelum from the darkness. Meanwhile, Celeste and her husband Anthony are going about their daily routine unaware of the impending danger. Celeste has a dream about the approaching darkness and the world she must save. The couple head to the Kingdom of Hadrion the next day for Anthony to find a job at The Mantra Research Facility. After Anthony attains his new job, he comes up missing, and Celeste will do anything to see her husband again.
''Life Weaver'' then shows the progression of the story through two perspectives, that of Anthony's who has been teleported to The North Pole and Celeste who is traveling the three kingdoms looking for any sign of Anthony. Celeste encounters many allies and enemies during her travels, and eventually masters her powers she had never known she possessed before her journey began. Celeste finally learns of Anthony's true whereabouts, and she pursues her husband in the same way he ended up in his current location. At the same time, Anthony learns of a sinister plot put in motion by the evil Santa Claus and his elf minions to destroy the world. After Celeste's long journey and Anthony's struggle for survival, the couple reunites and faces off in a final confrontation with the evil elf headmaster.
A man flees China with a painting that contains a list of Japanese officials from World War II. His girlfriend (Cynthia Khan) follows him. The Japanese send a woman (Yukari Oshima) to Hong Kong to retrieve the painting, where she is joined by a friend (Michiko Nishiwaki) and they both team up to find him.
Continuing from "The Fourth Horseman", several Millennium Group members in biohazard suits clear out a house full of bodies, victims of a viral outbreak; outside, dozens of bird corpses litter the ground.
Group member Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) returns home with his wife Catherine (Megan Gallagher) and daughter Jordan (Brittany Tiplady). Black realizes that the family home holds painful memories and decides to find somewhere else to settle; the post that day contains a deed from his late father, who had left him a cabin in the woods. Later, Blacks meets with Richard Gilbert (Glenn Morshower), who is trying to convince Black to join his corporate security firm. Black reaffirms his commitment to the Group, however, Gilbert warns that their lives may be threatened by the Group's activities. The next day, Black learns that Gilbert died in a car accident; he believes the vehicle may have been tampered with.
Later, fellow Group member Peter Watts (Terry O'Quinn) tells Black that he has uncovered computer files from the Group, indicating that a virus discovered by bio-weapons scientists in the Soviet Union has been living dormant in bird species since the end of the Cold War, and may now be making a resurgence in the United States. Watts reveals that a vaccine has been developed by the Group, but only in sufficient quantities for its members; Watts and Black have already been inoculated without having realized at the time. Black tells Watts to locate Lara Means (Kristen Cloke), another Group member, as he hopes to keep them safe in the cabin until the crisis resolves.
Watts arrives at Means' home, but is confronted by other Group members and assaulted. Means is inside, experiencing a prolonged hallucination. She considers suicide, instead writing something and sealing it in an envelope. Black finds her home, accompanied by paramedics who take her away. She gives Black the envelope—containing a phial of vaccine—and he thanks her, unable to discover what happened to Watts.
Black takes his family to the woodland cabin, where he and Catherine decide that the dose of vaccine should be given to Jordan. Black and Catherine discuss how they would handle infection; Catherine asks to be euthanized, Black states he would wander off to die alone. That night, Catherine wakes up, experiencing symptoms of the disease. She quietly leaves the cabin and walks into the forest. The next morning, Black wakes up, and finding blood on Catherine's pillow, realizes she has gone. He cradles his daughter as the screen flashes images of the collapse of society, interspersed with video noise.
The episode, as its title suggests, is centered on Dr. Robert Chase, who is coping both physically and mentally and recuperating from his injuries suffered from being stabbed in the previous episode, "Nobody's Fault".
Since his injury, Chase has been avoiding House and his work at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, instead undergoing physical therapy and what Foreman calls his "night-time version of it". Still on crutches, he is persuaded by Foreman to return to clinic duty, where he encounters a postulant complaining of sudden-onset left shoulder pain. In private, the patient admits to Chase that she's having second thoughts about her imminent vows to enter the convent. Chase suspects breast cancer or angina pectoris, and admits her.
Wilson clears the patient of cancer, leaving her shoulder pain without a clear cause. House enters with the team and begins probing why Chase took this particular case. Chase leaves to avoid House's badgering, but not before House surmises that the patient has a fungal infection.
Chase and the patient begin to connect further, finding a shared love of surfing and tenuous motivations to faith: Chase was driven to enter the seminary by his unstable family life, whereas the patient claims that no particular event is driving her to become a nun. She begins suffering from nausea and vomiting, ruling out fungal infection. Chase finds House on the mezzanine, attempting to pelt Taub with soda-filled water balloons, and again deflects House's questions about his motivations.
Each member of House's team offers Chase sympathy and personal help, but Chase manages to avoid their professional help until the patient's foot goes numb. A round of team diagnostics leads to the prescription of calcium channel blockers, which prompts a seemingly-full recovery. During her discharge, the patient admits to Chase that she is joining the nunnery because she was a nanny whose two-year-old charge was killed under her care. Chase tells her that she is running away.
House accuses Chase of fearing real intimacy. Chase denies emotional involvement with his patient, but finds her on his doorstep that night. She tells Chase that he was right; the two kiss and go into his apartment.
The next morning, the former postulant seems ready to abandon her convent plans. Their conversation in bed is interrupted by her suddenly developing a swollen neck and tinnitus, indicating a carotid artery dissection. Chase rushes her to the hospital, where House deduces that Chase and his patient spent the night together. Despite the team's opposition, House backs Chase as the best surgeon available to perform the emergency surgery, and the patient pulls through. When she wakes, she tells Chase that she saw the dead two-year-old while anesthetized.
Foreman removes Chase from the case, citing the potential fallout of Chase's personal involvement should the patient die from her illness. An angry Chase confronts Adams, Foreman's informant, but she replies that she is saving his career. With the addition of liver failure to the patient's symptoms, the team diagnoses lymphoma; House apologetically cuts off Chase's attempts to find a less-lethal conclusion. Breaking the news to the patient, Chase reveals that he left the seminary after he was caught sleeping with the groundskeeper's wife, and admits that he has always struggled with faith.
The patient suffers one more symptom, Jaw claudication, which changes the diagnosis to giant cell arteritis. Chase and House prescribe steroids, and the patient quickly begins to return to health. Chase asks her to surf with him, but she tells him that her near-death vision has convinced her to join the nunnery.
House finds Chase researching near-death experiences and chides him for selfishly attempting to deflate her hopes, even if they are in his view a delusion. Chase accuses House of trying to make him suffer like House does; House responds that if he wanted that, he would be urging Chase to "make a stupid stubborn decision that blows up your life and leaves you lonely and miserable".
After a final fond farewell, Chase's patient departs for the convent. Chase finally abandons his crutches and takes up his usual place with the team. House acknowledges him with a nod.
The life, picturesque customs, pesky conflicts and passions of the populars who are in charge of washing the clothes of Lisbon inhabitants – an artisanal but very competitive industry... Competition between carriers: Uncle Jacinto and the sour goddaughter Gracinda, with the widow Quitéria and her son Luis.
Mark is a nice, young, blond teenage boy, who's blind and, as of recently, is suffering from disturbing visions. He lives with his cold, beautiful, older, blonde sister Christine and their strict, religious grandmother. When the grandmother dies in a freak accident caused accidentally by Mark, he and Christine go to live in a rundown hotel in Venice owned by their sickly aunt and depressed uncle. When the aunt dies, the uncle kills himself and the kids are left to their own devices. Christine takes charge and turns the place into a successful brothel. Then she suddenly becomes pregnant even though she's supposedly still a virgin. She also becomes meaner and meaner to the point of sadism towards Mark. Mark fears that all this has something to do with a disturbing vision he had about the birth of the Antichrist. Mark finds an ally in Giorgio, an artist and Christine's ex-boyfriend. They try to find out more about the mysterious hotel guest who calls himself Dan and who might be the father of Christine's child. Meanwhile, a local catholic priest, Father Stefani, becomes interested in Christine. Can Mark stop the Apocalypse or is he just an unwitting pawn in the devil's endgame?
Merrill Hammond (John Howard), governor on the prison island of Caruba, is traveling with S.S. Bombay towards Australia. The ship is attacked by Japanese bombers and the ship has to return to Caruba. Merrill invites one of the other passengers, a woman named Diana Bryce (Helen Gilbert), to stay at his place while they wait for another transport.
The island inhabitants are few; there is Doc Brown (Alan Mowbray), the prison doctor and George Kent (Bradley Page), prison administrator.
Diana gets to stay in a house that Merrill originally built for his wife, who died shortly after her arrival to the island. Her presence is not appreciated by Kent, who dislikes the idea of a woman living there. Diana is interested in the prisoners and expresses a wish to see them.
Soon after Doc Brown tells of a typhoid epidemic on the island. While the four inhabitants have dinner one night, they are watched by Dan Curtis (Gilbert Roland), one of the convicts, who has been found guilty of murder. The others are unaware that Diana is in fact Dan's wife. Dan is discovered and sent back to his room.
In the night, Diana secretly meets Dan and explains that she is there to set him free. He tells her he will try to escape, but she wants him to wait until his retrial, where she will help him get a new verdict. Kent hears someone talking and is about to investigate, when Merrill comes around and leaves Diana a book, this interrupting Kent in his search. Diana gives her money and jewels to Dan to help him in his escape.
Kent looks closer into Curtis' background, and finds the jewels when he searches his room. To avoid surprises he puts Curtis in an isolation cell, which makes it impossible for him to break out.
Diana tries to get Brown on her side, telling him about her husband. She wants the doctor to tell the others that Curtis has died from the epidemic and help him escape. The doctor agrees.
While Diana is left alone in the doctor's office, she happens to look into Curtis' records and finds out that he is a pathological liar and two-timer. She is appalled by this, and when Curtis has been safely stored on a ship on its away from the island, she tells him she will leave him because she doesn't love him anymore.
The doctor tells Merrill what he has done, but Merrill lets Curtis escape because of Diana, whom he has fallen in love with. When Kent questions his decisions and judgement, he resigns his position.
During a fight aboard the ship, Curtis is killed, and Diana returns to the island to look for Merrill. She finds him and confesses her love for him, and they leave the island together.
Living in deep countryside Katsuhiko Kishi works as lumberjack at a local company. His wife died almost three years ago and the relationship to his only son Koichi is disturbed, because Koichi doesn't live up to the expectations of Katsuhiko.
One day Katsuhiko meets the young director Koichi Tanabe and the chief of filming crew Mr. Torii and rather reluctantly helps them to find a filming location. He is also asked to play in a zombie walk scene. Next day he is invited to watch the filmed scenes. After the watch he meets the young regisseur in a public bath and gives him a lift to the train station. Koichi Tanabe is surprised about the interest expressed by Kastuhiko towards the movie and leaves him the script book. While Katsuhiko reads the script, Torii and two other crew members arrive at the station and prevent Koichi from escaping to the Tokyo.
Koichi turns up at Katsuhiko's to retrieve the script and they spend some time like father and son, while the own son of Katsuhiko has left for Tokyo.
Next day Koichi has to direct the next scenes, but he feels unable to make any decision about any change initiatives from actors and asks the opinion of Katsuhiko, who is at the filming all day now. Katsuhiko learns that very few actors are available to play anti-zombie-battalion and calls village people to participate. The whole village joins in enthusiastically. Seeing villagers joy Koichi Tanabe smiles the first time and starts to feel more confident as a director. He is even able to deal with an old movie star, which participates in one scene, and earns his recognition as a director.
Excited about movie Katsuhiko skips work and almost forgets about the anniversary of the death of his wife. But relatives arrive and remind him. After the ceremony one of relatives tries to give advice to the son of Katsuhiko in a sharp tone, but Katsuhiko defends his son fiercely and earns the astonished gaze of his son.
Last day of filming the rain disturbs the plan, but with the advice of Katsuhiko they manage to film the very last scene just in time during the break between rain showers.
Villagers go back to they everyday life, the Katsuhiko's son works now with his father, and Koichi Tanabe directs the next film, but he takes a "director's chair" made by Katsuhiko everywhere with him.
Wallenberg (Helmut Berger), an ambitious Nazi SS commandant, devises a plan to select a special group of female informants in order to plant them as prostitutes in a high class brothel on the eve of World War II in order to collect intelligence on various important members of the Nazi party and foreign dignitaries who frequent the establishment. The selected SS auxiliaries are then group tested with SS men to assess their suitability. The brothel is then purged of its regular girls and Kitty (Ingrid Thulin), the owner and Madam of the brothel, is forced to comply and allows her original girls to be deported as the building gets wiretapped with listening devices and other surveillance equipment, after which the new girls proceed to spy on their illustrious clients. However, when one of the informants named Margherita (Teresa Ann Savoy) discovers that the surveillance project resulted in the execution of her lover, Luftwaffe pilot, Hans Reiter (Bekim Fehmiu), she enlists Kitty to help her take down Wallenberg. Margherita entraps Wallenberg via a recording where he tells her that he has the dirt on all the top Nazi hierarchy and intends to bring them all down. As a consequence, Wallenberg is executed for treason.
On stardate 45635.2 (falling between the stardates of ''The Next Generation'' episodes "The Outcast" and "Cause and Effect"), the Federation planet Delta IV comes under attack from a combined force of Borg and the Cybermen who were first seen in "Rise of the Cybermen". This prompted a planetary evacuation.
Meanwhile, the TARDIS, with the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams inside, somehow crosses between universes and lands on the holodeck of the ''Enterprise''-D. Though confused at having new memories from this universe, the Doctor meets with the ship's captain, Jean-Luc Picard, and they soon discover the Borg/Cybermen alliance. However, the Cybermen quickly turn on the Borg, prompting the Borg to ask Picard for assistance, to which he reluctantly agrees. Among the new memories the Doctor recalls is how his fourth incarnation encountered an earlier generation of Cybermen alongside James T. Kirk and his ''Enterprise''.
The ''Enterprise'' crew begins work on adding gold to its weapons, since it is effective against Cybermen, while the TARDIS goes back in time to retrieve a vital piece of Borg technology that had been lost to the Cybermen. A strike force led by the Doctor and Picard then infiltrates the Cybermen's main vessel and, with the help of the ''Enterprise'' s gold-enhanced weapons, defeats the Cybermen. The Doctor and his companions return to their own universe aboard the TARDIS; meanwhile the Borg, intrigued by the Doctor, decide to investigate time travel.
Federal Bureau of Investigation agents Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) and Emma Hollis (Klea Scott) travel to Travelers Rest, South Carolina to investigate the deaths of film director Lew Carroll (Paul Stanley) and Marta Danbury, the leading actress in his newest film. As the local sheriff guides Black and Hollis through the murder scene, Black realizes that the film is based on a real murder case he investigated thirteen years previously; he is shocked to learn that the true story is being sensationalized for the screen.
The pair interview the cast and crew as suspects, discovering that many would benefit from either of the deaths—producer Kenny Neiderman had been having an affair with Danbury; Rowdy Beeman replaced Carroll as director; Ruby Dahl and Ramona Tangent, whose roles in the film will expand without Danbury; and Mark Bianco, a method actor relishing the opportunity to meet Black, whose role he plays. Also questioned is Hugo Winston, the man whose partner was murdered in the earlier case and who is campaigning against what he sees as a disrespectful production.
The production continues, and after the filming of a pool scene the crew gather in catering; Beeman discovers a severed finger in his sandwich, recognizing from its ring that it belonged to Niederman. When the sheriff shuts down production, Black theorizes that the killer may target the crew's hotel; he and Hollis arrive to find the body of the film's publicist hanging from a rope. The next day, a film extra (Gene Simmons) confesses to the killings; Black pokes holes in his story and discovers he is not a credible perpetrator. Regardless, production is resumed—and shortly afterwards, several crew members are found with their throats cut, while Winston's body hangs nearby in an apparent murder-suicide.
Black doubts that Winston is the killer, and while Hollis stays in the hotel, he visits the production's climactic shoot, set during a performance by the band Kiss. As he looks around him, the sheriff's body is thrown down from the rafters; as the pandemonium settles, Black realizes that horror films end with the leading lady being targeted—the killer is after Hollis. Racing back to her hotel, Black discover Hollis fending off a chainsaw-wielding Bianco. Black is able to subdue Bianco after Hollis disables the chainsaw; the actor then explains that he lacked Black's insight and had to commit the crimes in order to see through the eyes of a killer.
While reviewing pictures of the planet Jupiter, astronomer Jennifer Dreiser (Joanna Miles) discovers a new comet streaking through space. The joy of finding the comet is short-lived, however, when it is determined that it may hit the Earth in just eight days. Dreiser is summoned to see the President (Andrew Duggan) at his vacation home, along with a number of other experts, to discuss the situation. Astronomer Jason Voight (Richard Crenna), a specialist in near-Earth objects, shocks the group by telling them that the comet will hit within 50 miles of Phoenix. Voight urges the President to order an evacuation of Phoenix and the surrounding area, but the President ultimately leaves that decision in the hands of Arizona's governor, Michael Ritchie (Nicolas Coster). The President does order the nuclear warheads of a Minuteman ICBM to be launched into space aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket, so that an attempt can be made at destroying the comet.
After talking with the President, Governor Ritchie meets with a number of key people, including his chief of staff Elliott Kirkwood (Kip Niven), insurance executive Paul Gilliam (Lloyd Bochner), newspaper owner David Allan (David Dukes), and emergency management officer Wayne Lustus (William Bogert). David's wife, television station owner Sharon Allan (Elizabeth Ashley), gets wind of the meeting, but is unable to get David to tell her what's going on. Ultimately, Sharon asks Carol (Maggie Wellman), a reporter at David's newspaper with whom David is having an affair, to find out.
Voight is adamant that the people be told what is going to happen to Phoenix. Sharon Allan is the only media person in town who is willing to discuss the issue with him. Ultimately, Voight convinces her to put him on the air and describes what will happen when the comet hits. Voight's broadcast has one desired effect—people begin leaving the city for safety. But it also leads to businesses being looted. Governor Ritchie instructs Elliott to report the broadcast to the Federal Communications Commission, in an effort to get Sharon's television station's license to broadcast revoked.
The U.S. Air Force's attempt to intercept the comet is broadcast on national television. Both of the nuclear warheads detonate behind the comet's nucleus, in its tail. Once it has been confirmed that the comet is still on course to hit the Earth, the network broadcast is interrupted with instructions from Civil Defense urging citizens of Phoenix to begin leaving the area immediately. Governor Ritchie, now understanding the real danger posed by the comet, resolves to withdraw the FCC protest against Sharon's station, and he takes to the TV to urge people to evacuate the city.
On the day of the comet's impact, Voight tells Jennifer to meet him in Tucson, so that they can go off to Mexico together. Jennifer begs him to go directly to Tucson with her, but he insists on taking some scientific equipment to the comet's projected impact point, to record atmospheric and seismic data from the impact. When he gets to the impact area, in the desert outside the city, he finds a large group of Pima Indians whose truck has broken down. Voight calls for help on his Citizens Band radio and is promised that helicopters will pick them up as soon as possible. Not knowing if the help is really going to come, Voight gives the keys to his car to one of the adults in the stranded group, and after packing all the young children into the car, gives the man instructions to head away from the impact zone.
Evacuees clog the roads leading out of Phoenix, and many of them pour into Sky Harbor Airport to catch flights out of the city. These people include Paul Gilliam, his wife Ellen (Marj Dusay), and their daughter Paula (Cindy Eilbacher). When her parents leave their car to go into the airport terminal, Paula stays behind to look for some jewelry her mother has forgotten. This gives Paula the opportunity to get back to her boyfriend, Tom Reardon (Michael Biehn), a rough-and-tumble college student with whom she has a romantic relationship and of whom her father disapproves. Tom's grandmother (Diana Douglas) refuses to leave her home and Tom is unwilling to leave her to face the comet's impact alone, so Tom, Mrs. Reardon, and Paula begin preparing for the coming disaster.
In the hours before impact, Stan Webster (Merlin Olsen), who is leading a group of young boys including his nine-year-old son, Danny (Dino Bachelor) on a survival hike, finds out about the comet over the radio. With no shelter immediately available, Webster and the boys dig themselves into the desert floor and cover themselves with sleeping bags in a desperate attempt to survive the impact. Governor Ritchie and Elliott try to fly out of Phoenix, but air traffic controllers refuse them clearance. Elliott orders the pilot to fly them out, which the pilot reluctantly tries to do. Their small aircraft is destroyed after hitting a larger commercial plane, tearing the landing gear off the commercial plane and forcing it to be diverted to San Diego. Meanwhile, Ann Webster (Jenny O'Hara), who has been in the family station wagon looking for her husband and son, has broken down in the desert and takes cover in a drainage ditch. Tom, Mrs. Reardon, and Paula take cover in the farmhouse's cellar. David Allan, who had been drafted to help evacuate patients from a local hospital, takes refuge with them in the basement of a bank building downtown. Sharon Allan, who keeps her television station on the air until the last possible moment, rushes to the lowest levels of a parking garage with several members of her staff in the moments before impact. Jennifer Dreiser arrives safely in Tucson before the comet hits.
Helicopters never arrive to airlift Voight and the stranded Pima Indian adults out of the impact zone. As the comet makes its final approach, Voight looks up and sees the fire in the sky that he had warned so many people about. He and the others are all incinerated when the comet strikes. Strong winds and earth tremors devastate Phoenix. The bank building's basement, though rattled by the impact, holds up and David and everyone else inside survive. Sharon is abandoned by her colleagues when they think the parking garage is going to cave in. One of them eventually makes it to the bank building for medical treatment after the impact and tells David where Sharon is. David finds Sharon amidst the rubble of the garage, and after a tearful reunion, they vow to work on their struggling marriage. The Reardons and Paula survive too, though the Reardons' home is destroyed. Stan Webster and his son, riding to a refugee center with the rest of their hiking group through the desert in the back of a military truck, spot Ann Webster walking along with a small group of survivors. They jump off the truck and greet her with hugs, happy that she survived the impact.
Leaving a bowling alley, student Taylor Watts (Jacinda Barrett) is abducted by two men. As she is dragged into a car, her dropped purse shows that her father is Millennium Group member Peter Watts (Terry O'Quinn). Watts is then seen briefing Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents on the kidnapping, as a witness describes one abductor, who was wearing a mask like those issued to U.S. troops in the Gulf War. FBI agent Emma Hollis (Klea Scott) remarks to the agents that Watts failed to mention of the Millennium Group or those opposed to it in his briefing, and that her partner Frank Black (Lance Henriksen), who has been investigating the Group, is absent.
On an examining table, one of the kidnappers, Eric Swan (James Marsters), strips Taylor, harshly washes her with a course brush, and photographs her. The picture is sent to Watts, who is seen looking at it while supervising the crime scene. Black is also at the scene, and experiences a vision of Operation Desert Storm. Evidence is found of military-style tyre and boot tracks; these lead the FBI to an address where they find the second kidnapper murdered—Black and Watts clash over whether the Group or Swan are responsible. Back in the examination room, Swan exposes Taylor to a substance contained in a canister.
Black tracks the history of the second kidnapper, finding that he was involved in a military medical group; Swan's name is also associated with this group. As Black is investigating, Watts approaches him, showing him a second photograph of Taylor, now looking sickly, beside the canister. Watts believes she has less than two days to live. Meanwhile, Hollis has discovered that Swan frequently called Art Bell's ''Coast to Coast AM'' radio show under a pseudonym to discuss conspiracy theories about Gulf War syndrome. Bell invites Black onto the show to speak to a listening Swan; the two realise that Black's wife was killed by a pathogen Swan was ordered to test on his troops during the Gulf War—an order which came from a group outside of the Army.
At his hideout, Swan retrieves an antidote for the pathogen; meanwhile, Hollis has managed to discover his location. Black and Hollis arrive to find that Watts and Group members have trained a sniper upon the building; Watts speaks to Swan over the phone and agrees to release information confirming the Millennium Group's role in the biological tests. However, during this time, Taylor has freed herself and taken Swan's antidote; she ambushes him and breaks his neck. After she returns home, she asks her father if Swan was right about Group's involvement; he does not answer.
The story is set in November 1965. A 50 megaton nuclear missile is launched from Scotland and detonates over the North Pole. A terrorist named Pendragon delivers an ultimatum to heads of state in London, Paris, Rome and Bonn. Russia and United States are excluded. The British secret service contacts AXE for assistance.
The missile launch is traced to Blackscape – an island in the Orkney archipelago controlled by Lord Hardesty – the richest man in the world. His objective is to provoke the destruction of Russia. Carter heads to the north coast of Scotland to begin his investigation. He meets Gwen Leith one of two British Special Branch agents assigned to the mission and under his command. They wait for orders in a cottage and discover that fellow agent, James Stockes, has been captured.
Carter and Leith attend a ceremony on a nearby moor organized by the Militant Druids – a neo-Fascist group supported by Lord Hardesty. Posing as Druids, Carter and Leith infiltrate the ceremony. The highlight is a sexually charged black mass presided over by figure in a devil costume during which agent James Stockes is tied to a cross and burned alive. As an act of mercy, Carter shoots Stockes in the head. The ceremony breaks up in chaos and Carter and Leith attempt to escape across the moor. Leith trips and sprains her ankle; she orders Carter to flee without her.
Carter evades capture and boards the Oban-London overnight mail train. On board he meets Lady Hardesty. She is accompanied by four henchmen employed by her husband to watch over her. She attempts to recruit Carter as her lover, murder her husband and live with her in luxury. Carter overpowers the guards and escapes from the train. Stranded in the Scottish Highlands he eventually makes his way to London. He meets up with Ian Travers from Scotland Yard Special Branch who arranges for him to be arrested and taken to Dartmoor Prison with Alfie McTurk, one of Pendragon's henchmen.
Carter and McTurk escape from the prison van (with Travers' intervention) en route to Dartmoor and hike across the moor. They stop at an isolated house. McTurk calls his Druid contacts and arranges for a light plane to pick them up. As they wait, McTurk rapes and murders the woman of the house. Carter beats McTurk to death. The plane lands and takes Carter to Blackscape Island.
Lady Hardesty has been imprisoned on the island by her husband. She summons Carter and repeats her plan to have him kill Lord Hardesty so that they can rule the world together. To buy time Carter agrees. As a test of loyalty Carter feigns executing Gwen Leith who has also been held captive on the island. Carter overpowers Lady Hardesty and releases Gwen Leith. Together they successfully destroy the three remaining Titan I missiles hidden in silos on Blackscape Island. Lady Hardesty attempts to flee from Blackscape via a small boat. Gwen Leith attacks her and beats her to death with a rock. Carter and Leith use the small boat to escape the island and are picked by a Royal Navy submarine.
Carter is debriefed by Travers at Scotland Yard. Carter recalls that Lord Hardesty owns a disused movie lot on the outskirts of London and heads there. Lord Hardesty is there alone and asks Carter to kill him rather than bring him to trial. After a scuffle Carter kills him with Hugo – his stiletto.
Carter and Leith recuperate from their injuries and take a holiday together in Dorset.
In Nazi Germany, a group of female prisoners are transported by train to an SS concentration camp and subjected to torture by the camp commandant (John Steiner) and his guards which include a lesbian warden. There is also a joint suicide by cyanide capsule of a guard and his inmate lover just before they are forced to make love before the entire camp. Meanwhile the commandant develops an infatuation with a particular inmate, Tania Nobel, who he was in love with before the war and who rejected him in favor of another man, who is later murdered on the orders of the commandant. After initially attempting to starve herself, she feigns falling in love with him. However, following an evening together in the commandant's bedroom, he reveals his plan to escape to South America and in an act of revenge, Tania severs his manhood using a hidden razor blade in her vagina during their love making. During the film's climax whilst allowing the other inmates to escape, she guns down a group of SS guards, only to then be shot herself by one of the fatally wounded guards.
Sudou, a young man who is plagued with recurring vivid dreams of bloody ancient battles, is approached by Suzuki, a shy and quiet girl. When Suzuki visits Sudou's apartment, she plays an instrument he made, which transports Sudou to the year 1209. He awakes to find that he is now a woman nicknamed and Suzuki a Mongol prince named Yurul. The story takes place in the early 13th century; Genghis Khan has united the Mongolian clans and is strengthening his forces to end the Western Xia dynasty. The plot follows a Xia soldier, sole survivor of a unit massacred by forces led by Mongol general Harabal. Now driven by vengeance, she is feared by the Mongols as "the Evil One" or Shut Hell in Mongolian for her merciless killing. She accompanies Yurul as he flees his Mongol family to preserve a vital collections of writings, knowing that Harabal will follow them, giving her a chance to kill him.
Epifania Ognisanti di Parerga, the richest woman in England (and possibly Europe), barges into the offices of solicitor Julius Sagamore wanting him to draw out a will leaving everything to her husband Alistair Fitzfassenden (an amateur tennis and boxing champion), and states that after the will is signed, she intends to kill herself. Sagamore manages to get her to calm down, and she explains her circumstances: before her father died and left her thirty million pounds, he had made her promise that if any man wanted to marry her, she was to give him one hundred fifty pounds and six months to turn it into fifty thousand; if the man failed, she was never to see him again. Alistair succeeded (by co-producing a hit play), but the marriage has since imploded to the point where Alistair is having a relationship with Patricia Smith (nicknamed "Polly Seedy-Stockings") and Epifania is spending time with Adrian Blenderbland (a self-styled intellectual and inveterate gourmand). Alistair and Polly arrive at Sagamore's office while Epifania is there wanting to discuss a possible separation between Alistair and Epifania, and Blenderbland also turns up also wanting to consult Sagamore. After a confusing consultation in which nothing gets resolved, Epifania leaves with Blenderbland to have lunch somewhere in the country and Alistair and Polly leave together (with Polly telling Sagamore that she fully intends to have Alistair for her own).
Epifania and Blenderbland are at a rather run-down riverside establishment having just finished lunch. Epifania is cheerful, but Blenderbland is totally "out of temper" because of the horrible meal he has just had to endure. His bad mood leads to harsh words between the two, and when Blenderbland makes disparaging remarks about Epifania's late father (whom she still worships), she uses her knowledge of and skill at judo to throw him not only all over the room but down the stairs. after which she collapses in hysterics. She is found in that condition by an Egyptian doctor, who, seeing that her fit has subsided, rushes to Blenderbland's aid instead of staying with her (much to her astonishment) and later returns to inform her that the landlord is taking Blenderbland to the local hospital in her car. She becomes fascinated by the doctor and insists that he become her doctor, which he refuses. Her feminine wiles also have no effect on him, since "Women are neither interesting nor attractive to me except when they are ill. I know too much about them, inside and out," and he is completely dedicated to his work; however, as a case she does interest him. As they talk, Epifania becomes extremely interested in the doctor and tells him point-blank that she wants to marry him, She starts to tell him about her father's test, but he interrupts her to inform her that his late mother had made him promise to impose a similar test on any woman who wanted to marry him: he is supposed to give the woman two hundred ''piastres'' (approximately thirty shillings or one and a half pounds) and she is to make her living for six months with only that money and the clothes she is currently wearing. Epifania accepts the challenge (even though he has to borrow the two hundred ''piastres'' from her) and arranges for him to get the one hundred fifty pounds. She departs, leaving the doctor to wonder if she's not one of Allah's jokes on humanity (and on himself in particular).
Epifania tries to get work at a sweatshop somewhere in London, but the owner and his wife are scared that she’s really a labor Inspector and try to bribe her off. In the course of their conversation, Epifania learns not only about the workings of the sweatshop but also the conditions most female workers have to exist under. She begins to suggest certain ideas to cut out the middlemen that the owner and his wife have to deal with and how the operation can be upgraded to make it more profitable for everyone. Epifania leaves (not finding much of a challenge for her here) to get a job elsewhere, but promising to return every so often to keep things running smoothly (in effect, taking control over the business from the owner and his wife); her intelligence and force of will are so powerful that the owner and his wife have no choice but to comply.
Alistair and Polly are enjoying a quiet weekend at the riverside inn from Act Two which has been rebuilt and remodeled into a first-class hotel. The manager tells them the story about how a newly hired scullery-maid got control of the old inn, upgraded everything and eventually took over, forcing the old owners (his parents) out but giving him a well-paying job and making the business a major success. Alistair is horrified to discover that Epifania is the scullery-maid of the story and is about to beat a hasty retreat with Polly when Sagamore arrives with Blenderbland, who is still recovering from the injuries inflicted upon him by Epifania in Act Two. Blenderbland intends suing Epifania for damages and hospital costs, which Sagamore hopes Alistair and Polly can talk him out of. Epifania arrives and upon learning of Blenderbland's plan orders Sagamore to begin countersuit proceedings against Blenderbland, insisting that she will not submit to blackmail. Sagamore finally makes Blenderbland see that suing Epifania would be a waste of time; not only will her financial means outlast his, but a jury (presumably all-male) would have no sympathy with a man who had been thrashed by a woman. With that matter out of the way, Epifania finally decides to divorce Alistair on the grounds of spousal abuse (he had accidentally knocked her out with a solar plexus punch during a fight on their honeymoon) and announces her intention to find a man truly worthy of her. At that moment, the Egyptian doctor enters, having been summoned to attend Blenderbland, and Epifania announces her intention to marry him, having easily fulfilled the conditions of his mother’s test. However, the doctor has NOT fulfilled the terms of her father’s test; he has used the money to help the widow of his old medical teacher. It turns out that the teacher had invented a new type of filament but never filed for a patent on it, and the doctor had forced the company using the filament to compensate the inventor’s widow, thereby (in retrospect) investing in the discovery and making more than the required fifty thousand pounds. Blenderbland warns the doctor that in marrying Epifania he will be headed for trouble, but Epifania counters with, “What do the unmarried know of this infinitely dangerous heart tearing ever-changing life of adventure that we call marriage? Face it as you would face a dangerous operation: have you not performed hundreds of them?” The fact that the doctor has fallen in love with Epifania’s pulse (the strongest and steadiest he has ever encountered) settles the matter, and Epifania instructs Sagamore to arrange both her divorce and the marriage proceedings.
At the Mexico–United States border, a brave young woman defends herself from the attack of the fearsome bandit, "Red", mastering a gun and the game of poker. Falling in love with a young Frenchman, he asks her to give up gambling and start a quiet and normal life, but when the young man is abducted by "Red", she is determined to seek revenge.
The series follows the story of five friends: a newly engaged couple - Natasza and Adam (Julia Kamińska and Maciej Zakościelny), a long-married couple - Magda and Grzegorz (Katarzyna Kwiatkowska and Jan Jankowski) and their still-single friend - Jacek (Paweł Wilczak).
"Who Killed Zebedee?" opens with a direct address to the readers by an otherwise unnamed narrator. On his deathbed, our narrator, a Roman Catholic, feels compelled to make a confession to the readers about his involvement in an unsolved murder case back when he was still a young police constable in London.
The recounting of the death of Zebedee opens with a distraught young woman, Priscilla Thurlby, the cook at the Zebedee's boarding house, rushing into the police station with a blood-curdling scream. Priscilla informs the skeptical assembly that, "A young woman has murdered her husband in the night!" While the police initially believe the young woman to be intoxicated, they eventually visit the boarding house to find that a young, married man has been stabbed in the back with a knife.
The police immediately begin an inspection of the scene of the crime. The lodgers of the boarding house are interviewed, all of whom prove to be eccentric, however, during the interviews, the young constable and his fellow officers become increasingly suspicious of Mr. Deluc, a smarmy cigar agent, who had made repeated amorous advances towards Mrs. Zebedee. Unfortunately, this suspicion is confounded by Mrs. Zebedee, who is positive she has killed her husband in her sleep. A sleepwalker, Mrs. Zebedee had read a story about a young woman who had murdered her husband in her sleep before falling asleep on the night her husband was murdered. The police suspect the real answer might hinge on the half-inscribed knife, ''"To John Zebedee-"'' still wedged in Zebedee's back, but a preliminary search reveals nothing.
After several false leads, interest in the case wanes, until the police and the public abandon the case entirely. Finally, the young constable is the only one left with a vested interest. Over the course of the investigation, the constable falls in love with Priscilla Thurlby, and proposes marriage. Priscilla rejects him on the basis of their both being working class and unable to afford a marriage. The constable becomes convinced that if he can solve the case, they can have their marriage and so Priscilla acquiesces and invites him home to her village to meet her family.
On the way to Priscilla's country home, the constable is detained by an incompetent railroad station attendant and ends up temporarily stranded in the town of Waterbank. As he waits for the next train, he notices a shopfront, James Wycomb, Cutler etc., and begins to wonder whether the London police have fully exhausted all cutlers in their investigation. The discovery the constable makes inside brings the case to its dramatic conclusion.
Alain van Versch, an unemployed father in his mid 20s known as Ali, arrives in Antibes, southern France, to look for work to support his young son Sam. Having no money, he crashes with his sister Anna, who already has her own share of problems with money and temporary employment.
Ali gets a job as a bouncer in a nightclub but still keeps his passion burning for fighting. On a typical evening in the night club, Ali meets Stéphanie and escorts her safely to her home after she is injured in a brawl at the club. She works at a local marine tourist park. She suffers an accident during a show and wakes up in the hospital to realize that her legs have been amputated.
Ali meets a guy at work who informs him about a kick boxing fixture he can earn money from. Stéphanie, now in a wheelchair and trying to adjust to her life without legs, is deeply depressed and gives Ali a call. Ali visits her and takes her to a beach where Stéphanie forgets her self-consciousness and feels freedom when Ali carries her out to the ocean to swim.
Over a period of time, Ali and Stéphanie spend a lot of time together, and Stéphanie starts to feel better about herself while in Ali's company. She gets artificial limbs and starts to walk again. Stéphanie accompanies Ali to his mixed martial arts fights and is surprised to learn he has a son.
After a frank discussion, Ali offers to have sex with Stéphanie to help her adjust to her new body. Their friendship evolves to include casual sex, although Stéphanie prevents deeper intimacy by telling Ali that there will be no kissing during their encounters.
Ali, Stéphanie, and some friends visit the same night club where Ali used to work. Ali goes to the dance floor and flirts with a girl as Stéphanie watches curiously. Ali goes away with the girl, leaving a surprised and dejected Stéphanie with other friends. A man at the bar tries to kiss her but she backs away from him, revealing her prosthetic legs. Looking down at her aluminum legs in her skirt, the man apologizes to her and Stéphanie flies into a rage, throwing a glass and attacking the man. She has to be escorted out of the club.
The next day Stéphanie sullenly questions Ali about their relationship status. She tells him that if they continue having casual sex, they have to respect each other's feelings and be more discreet about their other involvements. Their intimacy increases and Stéphanie, letting down her guard, kisses Ali, igniting true intimacy. Stéphanie also begins managing Ali's bets for his fighting after his manager leaves town.
Anna is fired from her job when the managers realize she has been taking home expired food products. Anna blames Ali for this, as Ali was involved in an odd job where he installed spy cameras in work areas. He does this at the direction of the management to spy on the activities of their employees. This results in a standoff between Ali and Anna's partner, who demands he move out and not come back.
Ali, feeling guilty and rejected, leaves town without a word to Stéphanie. She is hurt to be left behind. Sam stays with Anna while Ali goes to a combat sports training facility near Strasbourg, losing touch with Stéphanie.
Anna's partner, with her permission, drops off Sam to visit for a day with Ali at the training facility. It is winter and Ali and Sam play in the snow on a frozen lake. A weak spot on the frozen lake cracks and Sam falls through the ice, swiftly losing consciousness. He is submerged in the icy waters as Ali turns away momentarily distracted by a call of nature. It takes Ali a while to realize that Sam has fallen through. Once he spots the hole and sees Sam under the ice of the frozen lake, Ali releases a desperate volley of punches to break the surface and is finally able to pull the unconscious boy out. In the process, Ali fractures almost every bone in his hands.
After carrying Sam to the hospital, Ali stays at the boy's bed while he's in a coma. Sam survives, coming out of his coma. Stéphanie, who calls after hearing about Sam's accident, speaks to Ali at the hospital. Ali breaks down while talking to Stéphanie on the phone, and confesses his love for her.
As Ali narrates, he explains how broken bones normally heal stronger than before, but he knows the pain will return in his hands.
After some time passes, Ali is shown celebrating a fight victory in Warsaw as Stéphanie happily watches. After the celebration of the win, Ali and Stéphanie take Sam by the hand and lead him out through the revolving door of a hotel.
Quinn's (Dianna Agron) car accident has left her in a wheelchair, suffering from a severely compressed spine. On her return to school, she performs "I'm Still Standing" for the glee club with Artie (Kevin McHale), and tells them she is happy to have survived and they should not feel sorry for her: she has some feeling in her legs and is planning on a full recovery.
Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) informs Sue (Jane Lynch) that swim coach Roz Washington (NeNe Leakes) is now Sue's cheerleading co-coach. Sue makes a deal with Figgins: if she helps New Directions win the Nationals show choir competition, she can regain sole control of the Cheerios. Sue offers Will (Matthew Morrison) her assistance and takes over dance rehearsals. She is a harsh and insulting taskmaster, which upsets the glee club.
Cooper Anderson (Matt Bomer), Blaine's (Darren Criss) older brother and an actor in television ads, visits McKinley High and is treated as a celebrity by Blaine's boyfriend Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Sue. Blaine is unhappy, though, when after he and Cooper do an impromptu mashup of two Duran Duran songs in the choir room, Cooper finds fault with Blaine's singing. Sue recruits Cooper to give an acting master class for the club, which contains such bad advice that Blaine is appalled. Worse, Cooper subsequently criticizes Blaine's acting in a class scene.
Most of New Directions goes on a "senior ditch day" to Six Flags, but Artie takes Quinn to a skate park designed for people with disabilities to enjoy adventurous sports. Quinn has a great time, but when Artie broaches the possibility that she might always need a wheelchair; she asserts that she will walk again. Quinn is later assisted by fellow "God Squad" member Joe (Samuel Larsen), who has been praying for her. Quinn invites Joe to join new directions, which he does at the end of the episode.
Sue goes to the doctor to find out the sex of her baby, accompanied by Emma (Jayma Mays) and Will. The doctor says that Sue is having a girl, but her amniocentesis results show "irregularities". Sue later tells cheerleader Becky (Lauren Potter), who has Down syndrome, that Sue's baby will be "just like her"; Becky advises Sue to learn to be patient. Sue tells the glee club she will moderate her harsh coaching methods as long as they give her their all.
Puck (Mark Salling) wants Finn (Cory Monteith) to join him in moving his pool-cleaning business to California. Finn demurs, but later broaches the possibility to his fiancée Rachel (Lea Michele) as an alternative to New York. She is aghast, and says she needs him with her in New York; he replies that she needs to be sure she loves him for who he is, not who she wants him to be.
Kurt urges Blaine not to give up on Cooper, who is in the auditorium, and Blaine sings an emotional "Somebody That I Used to Know" to Cooper—and then with him. Afterward, Cooper apologizes to Blaine, and tells him he has always known how truly talented Blaine is. The two determine to be friends as well as brothers.
The film combines actual footage of Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti's funeral with the intermingled stories of four people affected by his death: Ettore, a Venezuelan radical who abandons the wealthy Italian woman he loves to go back to his country and help his cause; Ludovico, an ailing filmmaker who finds out that art alone is not enough; Giulia, a woman who embarks upon a lesbian affair with a former mistress of her husband; and Ermanno, a philosophy graduate who breaks up with his past.
Lallo di San Marciano moves from Naples to Milan after the death of his father Bebe. Because the father did not own anything, except a series of elegant dresses, Lallo is welcomed into the home of his uncle Carlo. Lallo begins attending the wealthy friends of his aunt, with whom he starts a series of sexual relations in order to be kept.
Poli Truper (Candela Vetrano) is a 16-year-old girl. She is a seemingly ordinary teenager but with a special gift: she is super powerful and equally clumsy. Poli has the misfortune of losing control of her powers whenever she gets nervous or gives vent to her feelings, which gets her in trouble constantly, especially at school.
She is actually "Super T", (Super Truper), but, being too clumsy, people call her "Super Clumsy" and it annoys her that people call her like that. Poli knows the possibilities that her powers could give her, but fails to dominate them. Thus, her clumsiness will unleash several disasters, as freezing all her school classmates wanting to stop time in a happy moment, getting caught on the wall with half body inside and half body outside when she tries to teleport from one room to another, or leave the school principal deaf for a few minutes when she sings a song with her super squeaky voice. Fortunately, her brother Filo – whose only super power is to be unbearably clever – is always responsible for covering the destructions that Poli produces with her bungling and avoid that her secret gift is discovered.
The only place where Poli feels in control of her powers is in her dreams, where not only she manages to master them to perfection but also makes it while wearing her glamorous superhero costume. In addition, in her dream world she sings as the gods and manages to conquer Felix (Pablo Martínez), her class companion whom which she's madly in love with. With the help of her brother, her best friend Mia and her Chinese nanny Chin Chan – who is, in fact, a professional trainer of superheroes – Poli will attempt to learn how to master her powers to become the superheroine that she is intended to be and fight against evil, as she muddles through the ups and downs of adolescence and the challenge of growing up.
Paola, wife of a wealthy Milanese industrialist, meets Alberto, a friend of her husband, who emigrated to Argentina and has returned for business reasons. After a few days, Alberto confesses his love to Paola, but she resists. However, during a vacation in Sardinia, having waited in vain for the arrival of her husband, she gives in to Alberto's wishes. They continue their relationship back in Milan, but she chooses not to follow him to Argentina.
U.S. Navy Captain Jack Wallace and his friend Dexter Murphy are shot dead in Murphy's Washington, D.C. flower shop. Both men had ornate costumes under their clothes, revealing them to be participants in the real-life superhero movement (community activists whose activities sometimes extend into vigilantism). Shortly before his death, Wallace called reporter Wendy Miller, who agrees not to publish a story that might embarrass the Navy, in exchange for access to NCIS' investigation. Gibbs, who is known for disliking reporters, intentionally makes a very reluctant Tony the official liaison with Miller, who happens to be his ex-fiancée; they have not spoken since she broke off their engagement nine years earlier, and he rejected her invitation to Christmas brunch in the episode "Newborn King".
A failed assassination attempt on Wendy's life leads the team to believe that the case involves one of her stories. When Ducky confers with other medical examiners, they reveal that several other RLSHs were killed in neighboring districts, and Gibbs recognizes a pattern. The team arrests corrupt real estate developer Wayne Tobett and his ex-military security officer (assisted by Wayne's own son, Clarence, an enthusiastic RLSH). Tobett was concerned that the RLSHs' activities were discouraging crime, and thus increasing property values, in slum areas where he wanted to buy cheap. One of Wendy's stories reported the increase in property values in the same areas where the RLSHs were killed, and Tobett feared she would make the connection.
In private, Tony asks Wendy why she cancelled their engagement; she answers that she wasn't ready for commitment at the time, but she reached out to him after divorcing her previous husband, because she wants to explore the option of restarting their relationship.
One weekend, Aunt Bam's nephew-in-law Stewart is granted a court-ordered visitation with his children. Although his new, much-younger wife Mona is a bundle of nerves, Stewart seizes the opportunity to reconnect with his children, whom he loves dearly. Then their mother, his ex-wife Gloria, shows up drunk. It will take Madea's partner-in-crime, Bam, to tame this situation and set a few things straight. (DVD Release Date June 12, 2012)
''Mal.com'' follows the adventures of a group of children who discover that one of TV's most popular hosts, Malcom Mann is actually a robot, otherwise known as a Male Artificial Life form. Television producer Holly picked him up cheap at an auction site and reprogrammed him to become the number one star on TV3, the number one TV network. The three homeless children - Jake, Daisy and the Kid - offer to keep quiet if she gives them a home, so they pretend to be his children.
Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) drives Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) to a deserted dock and orders him out of the truck. Stan describes the way a daughter and father bond. Ahmed assures him that he did not hurt Rosie. Larsen drives away in his truck, leaving Ahmed behind. Back at the Larsen garage, Ahmed's cell phone rings, but Belko Royce (Brendan Sexton III) silences it, while Det. Holder (Joel Kinnaman) questions Mitch Larsen (Michelle Forbes) about her husband, alluding to Stan's mob past. He then tries to intimidate Royce if he doesn't reveal Stan’s location, but Royce remains stoic.
At the Ahmeds apartment, Bennet's pregnant wife Amber (Ashley Johnson) tells Det. Linden (Mireille Enos) that she was upset about young girls being around her husband so she drove to the dance on Friday night. She also says that Rosie had returned a copy of the Quran, that same night, and Bennet let the girl into the apartment. Det. Linden retorts that video from the dance proves that he is lying. After being asked who else has access to the apartment, Amber Ahmed says that her husband studies the Quran with a man named Muhammed, and that Muhammed has access to the apartment. As she tries to explain her uncertainty about Muhammed, her husband returns home, demanding that Linden leave. Outside, Linden looks inside the same Quran to find the name of a mosque is stamped inside. She calls Holder to tell him they need to check out the mosque.
The next morning, in the campaign office, Councilman Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) argues with Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) about the campaign’s continued attachment to Bennet. Left alone, Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) spies an empty envelope on Darren Richmond’s desk from a women’s correctional facility. Richmond later arrives at the house of Maryanne Thompson (Merrilyn Gann), the mother of his dead wife, Lily, to discuss the parole hearing for the drunk driver who killed her. Maryanne suggests that Richmond is unable to forgive himself for Lily's death.
Mitch confronts Belko Royce for not telling her about Bennet. Belko replies that his contact said Bennet took Rosie to a room in the high school's basement.
Richmond learns that Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) has called an emergency city council session to freeze funding for the Seattle All-Stars program. Wright tells Richmond that, in order to save the program, he has to demand Bennet's resignation. At the session, which Mayor Adams attends, Richmond urges the council not to punish the program. He still loses the vote.
Linden and Holder drive to the mosque and ask its religious leader, Imam Gelabi (Peter Bryant), about Muhammed. While the three talk, a woman slips a note with an address into Linden's shoe. Linden and Holder go to the address, an abandoned meat market. She finds a door in the rear, and he kicks it open, while she reminds him they do not have a warrant and are illegally breaking in. Inside, Holder breaks into a locked meat vault that Linden has spotted. With flashlights, they enter the dark room, and, moments later, an FBI SWAT team storm in behind them. Linden and Holder are shoved down to the floor and ordered not to move.
The Fringe division tracks down a series of deaths of wives shortly after the deaths of their respective husbands. Discovering traces of the husbands' DNA on the bodies of the wives, Walter Bishop (John Noble) suspects that the killer is using pheromones taken from the husbands to get close to the wives, using the substances as a perfume. Further identifying castoreum within the pheromone mix, they identify the murderer as Anson Carr (Michael Massee), a former and disgruntled employee of a perfume company afflicted with a rare skin disease. They arrive at Carr's home to find another husband, already dead, in a dehydration chamber, and race to protect his wife, Dianna (Ona Grauer). When no attack comes at the wife, Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) realizes that her husband may have been having an affair, and races to the mistress' home, stopping Carr before he can kill her. As he is taken away, he admits he was trying to discover what love was, scientifically, so that he could reproduce it and allow the entire world to share in it.
During the investigation, Olivia finds that the memories she is gaining from Peter Bishop's (Joshua Jackson) original timeline are overriding her original memories. Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) becomes concerned and suggests that Olivia talk to Walter to help reverse the memory loss. During the case, in talking with the latest victim's wife, Olivia realizes that she is truly in love with Peter. After the conclusion of the case, she admits to Nina that she will let the memory alterations continue, even if this means she will forget the times she spent with Nina during her childhood.
Simultaneous to these events, Peter has attempted to flee to New York City and points beyond to stay away from Olivia, fearing that staying near her would further erode her original memories. Walter calls him back, identifying that the Observer September (Michael Cerveris) had implanted something in Peter's eye during the events of the previous episode. The small disc reveals a nearby address, where Peter finds a stash of September's Observer equipment, including a GPS-like device that leads him to a strange pod (as shown previously in "The Arrival"). Peter is ultimately able to activate the pod, where September appears. September states the pod acts as a beacon, allowing him to return after the other Observers hid the universe from him. In response to Peter's questions about trying to return to his own timeline, September states that Peter is actually home; he was never truly erased from time as his love for his friends, and their love for him brought him back. September soon vanishes, and the pod buries itself in the ground. The episode closes as Peter and Olivia rejoin each other with a passionate kiss.
Isadore Goldberg, an enterprising Russian Jew, comes to the United States and establishes himself in the delicatessen business so that he can one day send for his parents. Forced to vacate his store, Izzy relocates in an Irish neighborhood; there, after he changes his surname to "Murphy," his business prospers. While waiting for a subway train, Izzy recovers a girl's handkerchief; later, he meets her in his store and learns that she is Eileen Cohannigan, from whose father he buys foodstuffs. After the arrival of Izzy's parents, he embarks for France with an all-Irish regiment and inspires his comrades to deeds of valor. He is welcomed home by Cohannigan, but when Cohannigan learns that he is Jewish, he denounces his daughter for loving him. With the aid of his service buddies, however, Izzy and Eileen head for City Hall to be married.
Izzy, a perfume vendor, is urged by Jake, his partner, to sell Monsieur Jules, a millionaire perfume merchant, their special formula, but the merchant is incensed to see his daughter's picture on Izzy's perfume bottles and gives him the bum's rush. Aboard Jules's palatial yacht, he receives from Orchid Joe notes threatening his life. Joe is a lunatic who hates people who destroy flowers, and he plans to kill Jules with the help of a crew of maniacs on the yacht. Izzy gets aboard by announcing himself as "Muscle-Bound Murphy," along with Jake, and they promise to help the millionaire and his daughter, Marie. When Izzy is assigned to kill Jules, he feigns great joy and induces Jake to stand in for the assassination, but they are captured by the crew. Through his cleverness, Izzy outsmarts the maniacs and attracts a rescue party, thus closing the sale and winning the love of Marie.
Monika is a pretty fifteen-year-old from a wealthy family and left much to herself. She has a relationship with Leo, a student older than she, who often accompanies her in the car. Over time, however, Monika gets closer and closer to one of her professors, Bruno de Angelis, a non-conformist teacher of art history.
Following an inappropriate episode at her sixteen-year birthday party, Monika decides that Leo isn't the right guy for her and starts falling in love with the professor. The latter and Monika, one day, have an interesting conversation about love and its meaning. The conversation ends with a kiss and the professor and Monika make love, but he is at the same time the lover of the wife of the lawyer Moroni, who in turn is in love with Monika.
When Monika discovers the professor's secrets, Moroni tries to console her, but exaggerates and forces Monika to flee. During the chase the lawyer accidentally loses his life.
A young neurotic dedicates his life to harassing others, especially his father and stepmother. Not even an encounter with a beautiful girl manages to keep him away from his world of macabre fantasies.
The story begins in the year 1463 DR with a meeting of the Xorlarrin House of Menzoberranzan. Ravel, the second boy and spellspinner of the house, proposes a plan to take Gauntlgrym as their own and establish a new drow city with them as the rulers. Matron Mother Zeerith Xorlarrin approves an expedition to Gauntlgrym led by Ravel. The rest of the party consists of Brach'Thal, a mage of diminished power since the Spellplague and Ravel's older brother and father; Jaerth, the house weapon master; and Saribel and Berellip, priestess sisters of Ravel. Nearly 100 mercenaries are hired, consisting mostly of houseless rogue drows, a drider named Yerrininae and his twenty warriors, and a host of goblin slaves. Tiago Baenre is also sent by Matron Mother Triel Baenre to ensure the journey goes according to her wishes, and is accompanied by Gol'fanin, a master drow blacksmith.
Drizzt and Dahlia begin their journey back to Neverwinter. Close by, Effron spies on them unnoticed and prepares the Shadovar mercenaries of Cavus Dun for an ambush on the two with the desired result being Drizzt's death and Dahlia's capture. The force consists of Jermander, leader and swordsman; Ratsis, spider tamer; Parbid and Afafrenfere, warrior monks and friends; Amber Gristle O' Maul ("Ambergris"), a dwarven priestess; Bol, a large tiefling warrior; Horrible, a silent female warrior; and Shifter, a powerful Shadovar mage.
The struggle for power in Neverwinter continues, with Herzgo Alegni declaring himself ruler, despite opposition by Jelvus Grinch and the citizens of Neverwinter. Arunika, the succubus, and her partner Brother Anthus strive to find a way to weaken Herzgo's rule while waiting for the eventual return of the Aboleth Sovereignty. Arunika goes to the site of the Dread Ring to find the lich Valindra Shadowmatle and instead finds her imp familiar Invidoo and a zombie Sylora bent in half unable to walk. Invidoo wants his freedom from service and Arunika will grant it to him if he can find a replacement for himself who is familiar with Drizzt.
Artemis Entreri, still susceptible to the control of Charon's Claw, decides to seek out Drizzt and Dahlia in hopes of the three of them defeating Alegni and freeing himself of the sword's servitude. The Cavus Dun mercenary force ambushes Drizzt and Dahlia, and during an extended battle, Entreri arrives and saves Dahlia from a snare set by Ratsis' spiders. Bol, Parbid, Horrible, and Jermander are killed during the fight, and Shifter and Ratsis flee. In the confusion Ambergris knocks out Afafrenfere and carries him off, and the two of them return to Neverwinter together.
Drizzt, Dahlia, and Artemis join forces and travel to Neverwinter together. Dahlia and Artemis begin to share a common bond because of the pain they have shared at the hands of Herzgo, a bond that Drizzt does not share.
In the Underdark, a power struggle begins to develop between the priestesses, Ravel, and Tiago as to whom is in charge. Eventually they reach Gauntlgrym and defeat the dwarf ghosts guarding the city. Tiago then puts his support behind Ravel, giving him the upper hand over his two priestess sisters. Ravel and the rest begin the process of clearing out the city and reactivating the forge of Gauntlygrym. Brach'Thal, though greatly diminished in power, is instrumental in this as he is a master of controlling elementals.
Drizzt, Dahlia, and Entreri sneak into Neverwinter through the sewers. Herzgo confronts the three companions on the Herzgo Alegni Bridge, having learned of their presence from Invidoo's imp replacement. The companions win the ensuing battle, and when Herzgo tries to escape through a shadow gate, he is tackled by Guenhwyvar. They both go through the gate to the Shadowfell, where Guenhwyvar is held captive by Draygo Quick. Draygo charges Herzgo with retrieving Charon's Claw, making it clear that failure is not an option.
Ambergris and Glorfathel (an elf mage agent of Draygo Quick) watch as the battle ends, and the Shadovar are quickly outmatched by their opposition. Glorfathel decides that the battle is lost, and enables the retreat of the rest of the Shadovar to the Shadowfell. Ambergris stays behind and approaches the companions, offering to heal their wounds, and points Drizzt towards Arunika, who informs him that Guenhwyvar is no longer connected to the onyx figurine.
With Drizzt having retrieved Charon's Claw after the battle, the companions decide to head to Gauntlgrym, as the primordial is their best chance to destroy the sword. Upon entering Gauntlgrym, the Shifter approaches Drizzt and offers to give back Guenhwyvar in exchange for Charon's Claw, an offer that is refused by Drizzt.
Glorfathel, Ambergris and Afafrenfere enter Gauntlgrym in pursuit of Drizzt, and the Shadovar teleport in to the city to intercept the three companions as well. A fight ensues, but is interrupted as they are ambushed by Ravel's drow force. The three are captured by the drow, but Entreri is able to convince the drow that they are agents of Bregen D'aerthe, and the drow decide to let them go. All the drow except for Brach'thal (who has allied with the primordial) retreat to the lower levels as the battle between the primordial elementals, the Shadovar, and the three companions intensifies. This interrupts Gol'fanin's ongoing work on a sword and shield of great magical power for Tiago.
Herzgo prepares to confront the three companions and sends Ambergris, Afafrenfere, Glorfathel, and Effron to stop them from escaping. Ambergris betrays the others by throwing Glorfathel into the lava pit, stunning Afafrenfere with magic, and attacking Effron. Meanwhile, Dhalia and Entreri engage Herzgo's remaining forces, allowing Drizzt to slip by, confront and kill Brach'Thal, and get to the primordial pit.
As the battle has become lost, Herzgo tells Effron to retreat and is about to do so himself when Drizzt wills Charon's Claw to call to Herzgo with a vision of the sword being thrown into the maw of the primordial, begging for him to save it. This distraction provides an opening for Dahlia to launch an attack on Herzgo, killing him.
Dahlia continues to brutalize the dead body of Herzgo when Effron calls out in anguish to his dead father, revealing Effron, Herzgo, and Dahlia's true relationship for the first time. With nothing left standing in their way, Drizzt throws Charon's Claw into the pit, expecting this action to kill Artemis Entreri as well. The sword is destroyed but Artemis lives, for reasons none of the companions understand.
In the Shadowfell, Effron begins to plot his revenge on Dahlia, with Draygo Quick's blessing. Afafrenfere attempts to attack Drizzt but Ambergris stops him and then places a geas on him so that he cannot ever attack Drizzt, earning Drizzt's trust (she later reveals the geas to be a fake). Tiago, realizing that all the opposition has left Gauntlgrym, urges Gol'fanin to return to the forge and complete his work on the sword and shield.
In the throne room, Pwent returns to life as an undead vampire. Invidoo's replacement imp is revealed to be Druzil, servant of Errtu, whose hundred years of banishment are almost over and is plotting his revenge on Drizzt. Back in the forge room Gol'fanin reveals to Tiago that the drow he thought was an agent of Bregen D'aerthe was actually Drizzt Do'Urden. He points out that the sword and shield he is forging will give him the power to become house weapon master, but the head of Drizzt would make him a legend.
The plot follows closely the original play. Tokubei (Ryudo Uzaki) works as a soy-sauce maker. He falls in love with indentured prostitute O-Hatsu (Meiko Kaji). After O-Hatsu's indenture is bought by a wealthy patron, they plan to commit suicide.
Kseniya is a 23 year old pastry chef from Moscow. She is focused on her new romantic relationship. Her seven-year-old son Artyom Fadeev uses his imagination to escape the pain he feels over his parents' separation. In his fantasy, he sees himself as a superhero called "Kosmoboy". Kosmoboy together with a robot called "Edger Beroev", he imagines engaging in battles against the monster robot "Mrakovlast" (“Darklord”).
On August 5, 2008, Kseniya receives a telephone call from Artyom's father Zaur, an Ossetian who serves as a peacekeeper in South Ossetia. Zaur asks Kseniya to send Artyom to live with Zaur's parents in Sidamonta, a village on the border between South Ossetia and Georgia. Zaur assures Kseniya that Artyom would be safe.
After some hesitation, Kseniya agrees because she wants to take a vacation in Sochi with her new boyfriend Yegor, who is a banker. Yegor doesn't get along with Artyom and also wants time alone with Kseniya. Kseniya tells Zaur she will only agree if he sends Artyom back when she asks.
On 7 August 2008, Kseniya learns from news sources that South Ossetia has become a conflict zone. She calls Zaur and demands that Artyom be brought back to Russia. Zaur tries to convince Kseniya that Artyom is safe and happy because his parents enjoy Artyom's presence. Kseniya doesn't agree. She approaches Yegor at his bank but he doesn't want to become involved in her family situation. The conversation becomes heated and turns to Kseniya's and Yegor's intimate relationship. The conversation continues loudly as Kseniya departs in the lift and it leaves Yegor publicly humiliated.
Kseniya immediately flies to Vladikavkaz, then takes a bus through the Roki tunnel into South Ossetia. An anti-tank missile is fired at her bus. A Russian Army reconnaissance unit helps Kseniya and the other surviving passengers. The unit's commander, Lyoha, takes Kseniya to Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia. That night, the Battle of Tskhinvali begins and the central square is bombarded by Georgian BM-21 Grad rockets.
Kseniya reaches the Dzau refugee camp. Along the way she calls Zaur, who is driving to Sidamonta to evacuate his parents and Artyom. Kseniya and Zaur arrange to meet in Dzau. When Zaur evacuates his parents, he and they are killed by shelling from a Georgian tank. Artyom is injured and runs from the scene in deep shock. Kseniya calls Artyom on his mobile phone but he can only say ''Mrakovlast was here... Mrakovlast killed all...''. Kseniya decides to rescue Artyom herself. Meanwhile, Artyom is hallucinating due to his injury and sinks deeper into his fantasies.
Kseniya joins Zaur's friend Khasan Baroyev, known as "Ilya" on a Russian military and journalist convoy. Ilya is killed by a Georgian soldier when the convoy is ambushed. Kseniya is saved by Lyoha who is with a reconnaissance unit. Lyoha takes Kseniya to his base which is near where Artyom is hiding.
En route to the base Lyoha's vehicle is attacked by a Georgian tank which he evades. At the base, Lyoha must help many refugees sheltering there and so Kseniya goes on alone. Kseniya finds Artyom who is unable to walk. When Kseniya steals a Georgian army Jeep, she and Artyom are fired upon. All seems lost but then the Georgian army is attacked with a Sukhoi Su-25 air strike giving Kseniya and Artyom the opportunity to escape.
Kseniya and Artyom are stopped by a Georgian soldier, Aleksandr Khoshabaev. He takes pity on them and drives them towards the Russian military position. Kseniya walks over a hilltop to approaching Russian tanks. The leading tank stops right in front of her and the commander asks her if she speaks Russian. He asks her to get out of his way. Kseniya and Artyom do so and continue walking. Artyom recovers in hospital and learns the fate of his father. He and Kseniya meet with Lyoha, who tells them that the Russian forces have captured the city of Gori, resulting in Russia winning the war. Kseniya and Artyom are then returned to Russia by helicopter.
The novella tells the story of Hauke Haien, related to the narrator by a schoolmaster in a small town in Northern Frisia. Hauke is the son of a farmer and licensed surveyor and does his best to learn his father's trade. He even learns Dutch so he can read a Dutch print of Euclid's work on mathematics and geometry. Over time he becomes very familiar with the dykes along the local coast and begins to wonder if it would not be better to make them flatter on the sea side so as to reduce their windage during floods.
When local ''Deichgraf'' Tede Volkerts fires one of his hands, Hauke applies for the job and is accepted. He soon becomes a great help for Volkerts, which makes Ole Peters, the senior hand, dislike him. Tensions rise even more when Hauke begins to show interest in the Deichgraf's daughter, Elke. Hauke even proposes marriage, but she wants to wait.
After the unexpected deaths of both Hauke's and Elke's fathers, the people of the village must choose a new Deichgraf. Hauke is actually already doing the work, but does not hold the necessary lands required for the position. However, Elke announces that they are engaged, and that he will soon hold her family's lands as well. With the traditionalists satisfied, Hauke becomes the new Deichgraf. However, the people soon start talking about his white horse, which they believe is a resurrected skeleton that used to be visible on a small island, but is now gone.
Meanwhile Hauke begins to implement the changes to the form of the dykes that he has envisaged since childhood. However, during a storm surge several years later, the older dykes break and Hauke has to witness Elke and their daughter, Wienke, being swept away by the water. In agony, he drives his white horse into the sea, yelling, "''Lord, take me, spare the others!''"
The novella ends with the schoolmaster recounting that after the flood the mysterious horse skeleton was once again seen lying on the small island off the coast. Hauke Haien's dyke still stands and has saved many lives in the hundred years since its creator's tragic demise. And the older ones in the village say that, on stormy nights, a ghostly rider on a white horse can sometimes be seen patrolling the dyke.
The film opens with a strange dance number that continually gets interrupted by Leigh Bowery and his friends (Sue Tilley and Nicola Bateman, later Nicola Bowery), who keep walking over to a table of fruit. Michael Clark wakes up and begins rehearsing. Other members of the company gradually arrive. A reporter calls, then drops by to interview Clark; they discuss how he started dancing and came to London, as well as his interest in traditional Scottish dance. Clark appears on a TV program with Mark E. Smith and Brix Smith. Gaby Agis walks by the river, musing about how she should find her own apartment (she's been staying with Clark). The company performs scenes from ''New Puritans''. Julie Hood's boyfriend, meanwhile, is shown wandering London. Clark and Agis shoot a scene in a film. Clark visits Bowery, who along with his friends Trojan and Rachel, are "getting ready" (dressing up) for the clubs. Clark leaves for a rendezvous with "a date," then heads out to a clubs himself, where he dances. Finally, at pre-dawn, he heads home, where Agis is already in bed. Clark strips and dances to Elvis's "Are You Lonesome Tonight?"
In order to win a bet, British gentleman Phileas Fogg attempts to circle the globe in eighty days, along with his French servant, Passepartout. Fogg is wrongly suspected of having robbed the Bank of England and faces the risk of arrest throughout his journey.
The Native American Siwash people have been displaced from their land and live on a reservation. Wealthy Boland (Churchill) attempts to buy the reservation from the Siwash, who consult honest attorney Harrington (Meighan) for advice. Harrington looks into the contract and advises the Siwash to accept it. However, after the sale goes through, Boland drills for oil on the land, violating the contract. This angers Harrington, who exposes Boland's fraud. In retaliation, Boland has Harrington arrested on false charges.
A local court looks into the surveys associated with Boland's contracts, and returns all the Siwash native lands to them. Harrington is released from prison, and falls in love with the Siwash schoolteacher Lahleet (Love).