Johnny Ginsberg, a tailor's apprentice who aspires to be a famous magician, joins a carnival troupe that stops in the town and doubles for sideshow attractions. The troupers, actually a gang of thieves, direct their chimpanzee to pick the pockets of Sam Hubert, a theatrical magnate who is in the audience, but Johnny recovers the wallet. Sappho, an Oriental dancer, learning that Hubert has purchased the Russian crown jewels, vamps Johnny into taking her to his home; and with the aid of the gang, she steals the jewels. Overhearing the gang quarreling over the spoils, Johnny tries to make a getaway with the gems, knocking out each member of the gang separately and affixing to each of them a tag signed "Ginsberg the Great." Hawkins, a newspaperman, publicizes the event, and Johnny consequently receives a reward and a contract from Hubert.
NCIS discovers that one of its former investigative assistants found brutally stabbed to death was selling details for how to rob a warehouse full of valuable possessions. They discover that the warehouse contains items seized from a former Navy officer (JoBeth Williams) who used a Ponzi scheme to cheat many people out of their money. While investigating the warehouse, the team finds that something hidden in one of her desks was stolen. In order to find the killer, Gibbs makes a deal with the officer to downgrade her sentence to house arrest in return for divulging his identity. However, it is a ploy by Gibbs to lure out the real killer, a robber who lost his money trying to launder it through the officer's accounts. The officer grabs her notebook containing the accounts where she hid her money and flees, technically breaking her house arrest agreement. Gibbs and Ziva swoop in, arresting both the killer and the officer while at the same time getting the evidence they needed to put her away for life. Meanwhile, budget cuts cause personnel to be reorganized in NCIS, including the transfer of the Spain team to Washington DC. Tony immediately becomes infatuated with the new team leader, who apparently returns his feelings.
''The Eyes of Thailand'' tells the true story of Soraida Salwala's 10-year quest to help two elephant landmine survivors, Motala and Baby Mosha, walk again after losing their legs in landmine accidents. Along with Soraida's efforts to care for the injured elephants and ultimately help them to walk again, the film also highlights the dangers posed by landmines.
"Happy" Farrell (Moore) wants to be a famous song and dance man. He befriends a young dancer, Leola (Love), who accompanies him to an audition. Leola is given a contract, but Happy is not. Happy changes careers and becomes successful, but still yearns to be a song and dance man. After three years, Leola plans to retire from dancing so that she can get married, but Happy returns to pursue his original dream. Leola is inspired by this, and her fiancé agrees to let her continue her dancing career.
Emanuel is a seventeen-year-old girl still wracked with guilt over her mother who died giving birth to her. She meets Claude, whom she becomes romantically involved with. Emanuel lives at her home in Los Angeles with her father and her stepmother, with whom she has issues.
A woman named Linda moves next door, who looks just like Emanuel's mother. Emanuel discovers that Linda needs a babysitter. Emanuel agrees in order to get to know more about Linda. Emanuel discovers that "baby Chloe" is actually a doll. As Linda and Emanuel develop a friendship, Emanuel tries to hide the fact that Linda's "child" is really a doll from others. This becomes harder when her best friend, Arthur agrees to babysit because Linda will be attending Emanuel's birthday dinner.
At dinner, while in the kitchen Emanuel's stepmother Janice tells Linda that Emanuel is troubled and might be misinterpreting Linda's fondness for her. When saying goodnight to Claude, Emanuel treats him harshly because he's agreed to landscape for Linda. Emanuel thinks that he's following her. He has been to her home multiple times, and now he would be at Linda's. Claude tells Emanuel that she won't have to see him anymore and leaves.
Emanuel babysits when Linda goes out with Arthur. When they return home, Linda suggests Arthur go upstairs with her to see the baby, who Emanuel says is sleeping. Emanuel begs Arthur not to go upstairs but after Linda calls him up again he heads upstairs and realizes the baby is not real. Linda realizes that Chloe is a doll and panics about where her baby is, thinking that Emanuel replaced Linda's baby with a doll. They call Emanuel and ask her where Chloe is. She tells them Chloe is in her crib, and Arthur shows her that it is a doll, demanding to know where Linda's baby is. Emanuel begins to have a meltdown and takes the doll and faints. She has a vision in which she holds onto Chloe while water floods the room.
Emanuel swims out of a window into a body of water, holding the doll and sees her dead mother swimming. The doll springs to life and swims to Emanuel's mother, who embraces the baby and swims away. Emanuel hears her name being called and swims away until she awakens on a gurney with her father and a police officer present. She is taken to the hospital. When asked about the baby's disappearance, she claims the baby got away in the water and went to Emanuel's mom and they both swam away. Once out of the hospital, Emanuel visits Claude at his job and makes up with him.
Linda's husband is found, and he explains to Emanuel and her parents that after much difficulty, they finally had a baby who died, with the autopsy results being inconclusive. Linda blamed herself. Linda began using a doll as a replacement. When her husband tried to have her institutionalized, she disappeared. Linda is currently being held in a psychiatric hospital. Emanuel later asks her father for permission to go see Linda but he tells her no.
Emanuel breaks into Linda's house and steals the doll. With Claude's help, she sneaks into the psychiatric hospital and goes to Linda's room, telling her that her baby drowned. Emanuel describes her vision omitting the part about her mom. Emanuel sneaks Linda out of the hospital and brings her to the cemetery where Emanuel's mother is buried. Emanuel digs a grave over her mother's tomb and buries Chloe in it. The movie ends with the two women lying in the dirt, watching the stars in the night sky.
The film begins with the sound of Adhaan. A woman is standing on the rooftop contemplating jumping. She jumps in slow motion. Flashback. Munis does not want a husband. Her tyrannical brother, Amir Khan, wants Munis to prepare for a visiting suitor and demands that she cook dinner for them. When she scoffs at the idea, he gets angry, and threatens that if she leaves the house he will break her legs.
Protests fill the street. People are chanting ''"Durood bar Mosaddegh, marg bar Englis"'' (''"Long live Mosaddegh, Death to Britain"''). A second woman, the religiously observant Faezeh (Pegah Ferydoni), joins Munis and they discuss the protests. Faezeh calls the protestors "a bunch of ne'r do wells". Munis suggests that they themselves should be outside protesting. Faezeh, who secretly longs to marry Munis' brother, asks if it is true that he will marry someone else. Munis nods her head, ''yes.''
A prostitute, Zarin (Orsi Toth), puts on makeup. A male client gets up and dresses. As Zarin washes her face, a brothel madam is calling out her name. Zarin curls into a corner and begins to sob, as the madam continues to yell that there is another customer. Another man appears in Zarin's room. Surrealistically, in Zarin's point-of-view, he appears to be "faceless." Zarin rushes out of the brothel, the madam calling after her.
In the next sequence, a wealthy 50-year-old woman named Fakhri (Arita Shahrzad), arrives at a military event where her husband Sadr, a general, is being honored. They get into a marital dispute about another officer, an old flame, Abbas (Bijan Daneshmand) who has returned to Tehran and with whom she has been seen talking. Sadr tells Fakhri she is aging and that if she is unable to satisfy him sexually, he'll get another wife. Crying, she says she is tired of him and leaves.
Faezeh and Munis are in the garden of Munis' home, gossiping about the woman that Munis' brother is planning to marry. It is suggested that the fiancee may not even be a virgin. Munis' brother shows up and they get into another argument.
Zarin the prostitute is at a bath house. She is wearing a ''long'' (a traditional Iranian piece of cloth used to cover the body in a public bath). A female ''dallak'' (a person whose job is to help people wash themselves in a public bath) offers to aid her but she refuses. When Zarin opens the robe to bathe, her gaunt body and protruding ribs are revealed. She proceeds to scrub her body vigorously, so hard that her skin becomes raw and bleeds.
Faezeh and Amir Khan find Munis, apparently dead, in the street. She seems to have jumped from the roof while they were getting ready, after Amir unplugs her only connection to the outside world, the radio. On discovering her body, Amir curses her for disgracing him and buries her in the garden as Faezeh looks on.
A group of women in black chadors are mourning. Zarin, in a white flowered chador, walks by, scowling. She continues walking until she comes to a group of men in sujud during prayer. She defiantly stands in front of them until they rise. She then scampers away into the night. Zarin walks until daybreak onto a dirt road, and the rivulet from the beginning of the film appears again. She walks into the river, leaving her chador behind.
The military wife, Fakhri, arrives at a restaurant where her old flame, Abbas, is having a sociopolitical discussion with a group of artists. When they are alone, the young man recites some poetry to her. He tells her she seems sad, upon which she reveals that she has decided to leave her husband, Sadr. In the next scene she is being driven along the dirt road. She steps out of the luxury car and arrives at the gate. A man (the same one who was seen stroking Zarin the prostitute) opens the door. He says that he has been waiting for her. He takes Fakhri to a beautiful, quaint villa house, a mystical retreat which she buys. The interior, while luxurious, is filled with dust. Fakhri examines the house. There are books and instruments, but the place is covered in cobwebs. She walks into the garden and looks into a river, where she sees Zarin lying unconscious. Fakhri calls the man for help and he carries Zarin into the house.
Faezeh is with an old woman with divine powers whom Faezeh has approached to cast a love spell on Amir Khan. While in Amir Khan's house following the seer's instructions, in a magical realist trope, Faezeh hears Munis' voice beckoning from the ground. Munis tells Faezeh that she can no longer breathe, and Faezeh digs her out of the ground. Munis then walks into the howz and immerses herself in the water.
Munis, who was a virtual prisoner in the house even when controlled by her tyrannical brother, goes out to a café to listen to the radio, Faezeh following her. Noticing two men gazing at her, Faezeh quickly walks away. The men follow Faezeh. Munis walks out to find Faezeh curled up into a ball and crying after she has been raped, and takes her to the garden. Walking through the trees, Faezeh prays to God to forgive her "sin". She follows some singing and arrives at the cobweb house, where she finds the military wife. She tells her that she has lost her way and asks for water. She then sees Zarin, the prostitute, lying on a bed.
The next sequence shifts to a street in Tehran. Munis begins a second fantasy life as an independent woman working with an underground Communist group. She becomes infatuated with a young man who is telling people to band together and fight injustice. He shouts, ''"Long live freedom!"'' as he scampers away to avoid authorities. Munis asks if he is a member of the Tudeh Party. As he leaves, he gives her a pamphlet, saying he hopes to see her again. A crowd is in the street shouting the same slogans as before. The crowd is wearing white, and Munis, now standing among them, is wearing a black chador. She says that this time, she is here, ''"Not only to look, but to see. Not only to be, but to do."''
Faezeh is praying. Noticing the gardener outside her window, she rushes to close it, darkening the room. Flash to a dark dreamscape where Munis is calling Faezeh's name. In this surreal sequence filled with abstract voices and music, she watches herself lying on the ground helpless, as the two men rape her. Faezeh awakes at Fakhri's cottage of refuge, in a bed next to Zarin's. Faezeh walks out of the house without her requisite chador, her long hair flowing down to her shoulders. She arrives in a fantastic field of red flowers.
A meeting occurs among members of the Tudeh Party, including the young man Munis met earlier. An announcement is made that the British government has declared Mosaddegh's government illegal and plans to stage a coup d'etat. That night, they distribute flyers under doors. During the day, people continue to protest. A man is speaking on a megaphone, claiming the Shah has run away, but the danger of a coup is still imminent.
We return to Fakhri's mystical house of refuge, where Faezeh and Zarin are recuperating. Fakhri announces she wants to ''"open the garden doors"'' and have a party. Faezeh likes the idea, but Zarin doesn't. Later that night, a tree mysteriously falls through one of the windows. Zarin is lying in some greenery outside, scowling. Munis' narration: ''"The garden is turning. Under this great weight, it seems sick. Now, there is no way back, and no peace."''
A different group of protesters, shouting out, ''"Javid Shah"'' (''"Long live the Shah"'') collide with Mossadegh's supporters. Gunshots ring out. Munis is seen among Mossadegh's supporters. She no longer wears a chador.
The gardener walks into the house, carrying Zarin, who has fallen ill again. Fakhri tells him to put her in her bedroom, as she is preparing the living room for the party. The party guests arrive. A man recites (Saadi) poetry. People drink, ''"to the health of the Shah's rule."'' Amir Khaan arrives and witnesses Faezeh tending to Zarin, the prostitute. Amir asks Faezeh what has happened to her hijab (head covering) and who are these dubious people he thinks she has surrounded herself with. He questions Faezeh's faith, and queries whether or not she still prays. Amir tells Faezeh that he has now come to take her hand and not to worry about his other wife, who will act as a servant to her. Faezeh replies, ''"And perhaps when you get tired of me I will serve your third wife".'' Faezeh leaves in anger. Police arrive, inquiring about the home's owner. The police search the place, and then later are invited to sit down to a grand dinner. The guests ask the police which dissidents they are searching for (the Tudehs, or Mossadegh's supporters). A guest replies, ''"It doesn't matter. Opposition is opposition. We are all Shah-supporters here".''
The next scene is a Tudeh marriage gathering, a celebration which may be a front for their covert publishing activities. Munis is in a back room where a political discussion is ongoing. One of the Tudehs has been taken by the police and they are discussing whether he will talk under torture.
At the garden party, a soldier is praising his country to a foreign guest. Her fiance (Fakhri's old flame) thanks Fakhri and asks her to sing. Faezeh sits with Zarin, who is sweating profusely. The police raid the place. Meanwhile, the Tudeh publishing room and wedding party are also raided. The captured Tudeh, a young man, also arrives with the police. He has been battered and bruised. Munis's friend gets in a scuffle with a young soldier, whom he kills with a knife. Munis cries over the soldier's body.
Back at the garden party, Faezeh, crying, walks into the room where Fakhri is singing. Fakhri realizes that Zarin has died. Fakhri quietly makes her way to Zarin, touches her forehead, and weeps over her body. Munis narrates ''"Death is not difficult. It is imagining it that is difficult. It seems that what we were all looking for, was finding a new shape, a new way towards freedom."'' Munis falls from the rooftop in slow motion once again. There is no mistaking that the party is a last hurrah for a kind of social and political freedom that is now long gone.
On her way to work, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is delayed by what she perceives to be the failure of other subway goers to observe basic social norms, which she generalizes to a breakdown of New York society. While she is complaining to Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) about this in a call, his cell phone is stolen at knifepoint in a construction tunnel. Jack responds to his mugging by hiding in his office for days and organizing the wealthy to protect themselves from the apparently angry lower classes.
Shortly, Liz comes down with a cold and dons an elderly woman costume from one of ''The Girlie Show with Tracy Jordan'' sketches, but discovers to her amazement that the getup causes people to avoid her on the subway, fearing that she is sick and potentially mentally ill. Liz concludes that society rewards rulebreaking and anti-social behavior, so she escalates her imitation of an insane old woman to get more personal space in her day-to-day errands. Meanwhile, Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) and her boyfriend Paul (Will Forte) consider that behaving like a normal couple may be a new fetish after the latter falls asleep instead of taking part in an evening of sexual adventure, and embrace their new way of living with gusto.
Fearing that he needs to exercise control over the lower classes, Jack considers a run for mayor, but eventually ventures out with the help of Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) to confront his fear of walking by the site of his mugging. Suddenly, Liz, in full costume, approaches him to borrow money and a startled Jack throws her in a pile of garbage bags. When the crowd reacts positively to his apparent conquest of the old woman that had been terrorizing the subway, both Jack and Liz come to realise that New Yorkers do cheer those that uphold order after all. Finally, Jenna and Paul reach the realisation that their normal behaviour is not a fetish so much as them beginning to settle down, and resolve to take a "sexual walkabout" for three months to make sure they are ready.
The cast and writers celebrate Leap Day, the widely celebrated holiday with a Santa Claus-like mascot, a gilled creature named Leap Day William, who lives in the Mariana Trench and trades candy for children's tears. Jack introduces Kabletown's latest development in 3-D Internet access, but the ceremony becomes controversial when three people dressed as the letter K dance and then whip a black man. In a dream sequence induced by Jack eating poisonous rhubarb leaves, Kenneth (Jack McBrayer), as the spirit of Leap Day, takes Jack on a journey to see leap days past, present and future. Twenty years from the present, Jack sees his daughter, Liddy (Devin Dunne Cannon), working for Habitat for Humanity and realizes that he needs to spend more time with her.
Tracy (Tracy Morgan) finds a $50,000 Benihana gift card that expires on that day, so he takes the TGS staff to the restaurant. On the way home, he meets a man dressed as Leap Day William (John Cullum), who is implied to be the real Leap Day William. Unable to spend all the money, he ultimately invites people from a soup kitchen to join him.
Jenna (Jane Krakowski) persuades Liz to go to a Leap Day party thrown by Liz's college theater friend "Sad Thad, the skin tag lad" Warmald (Steve Little). Now a billionaire, Thad offers Liz $20 million to take his virginity, revealing that he has always had a crush on her. Before she can accept the proposal, several "hot bitches" such as Karolína Kurková show up, causing Liz to leave in frustration.
The tag has Leap Day William speaking to the camera, telling of how people should remember the magic of Leap Day all year long, and that if they ever see an old man in a blue suit, they should stop and say hello. Then gills pop from his neck and he opens his mouth to reveal fangs.
The finale of ''America's Kidz Got Singing'' is here, and everyone's in high spirits, with Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) proclaiming it's a "great night for the industry" because the show is "something the entire family can enjoy". However, that turns out to be the opposite of the truth when the final two contestants show up drunk on stage, and the night quickly turns into a disaster. The next day, Kabletown CEO Hank Hooper (Ken Howard) shows up in Jack's office, furious that he now has to go to Washington DC to deal with the Federal Communications Commission. After questioning the contestants, Jack comes to the conclusion that it was Hank's granddaughter Kaylie Hooper (Chloë Grace Moretz) who got the contestants drunk. He confronts her, but discovers that Kaylee only did it so that she could get her grandfather out of town for the week so he wouldn't attend a parent-teacher conference in which she expects will get her expelled for hacking her friend's YouFace page and posting inflammatory pictures of her. Jack then agrees to attend the conference instead to prevent her from getting expelled, but it turns out to be another one of Kaylee's tricks - she was trying to get expelled so she could attend a more prestigious boarding school and to be closer to her boyfriend who attends New York University for acting. However, Jack tricked her when he found out about how she likes to play lacrosse.
Meanwhile, the America's Kidz incident has caused a shake-up in the Standards department, causing newly appointed Standards worker Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) to be promoted to head of late night TV standards. This means that he will now be in charge of running the censors for TGS, which proves to be a problem when he creates a new list of over-the-top rules that prevent the show from using any word worse than "dingbat". Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) retaliates and tells him they will be saying whatever they want. However, when she finds Kenneth crying in the men's room (which she decided to go in when the ladies' room was being cleaned), she takes back her statements and agrees to keep it clean. Unfortunately, Liz had already told Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) to perform his dirty stand-up special during the show, and it's up to Kenneth to last-minute "live bleep" him.
Additionally, Jenna - who was planning to "cry" at one of the contestants' performance during the Kidz finale to "humanize" herself - decides to take a different route and meet one of the many children she has thanks to a series of egg donations she gave while living in Chicago. She immediately takes a liking to them - except for one, Judy (Nicole Drespel), who is significantly less attractive than the rest of them. Jenna kicks Judy out of the group - but soon regrets this after the rest of the kids kick Jenna out for being "too old". Jenna then realizes that Judy is the only child who proves Jenna has any good in her and decides to get to know her better.
Frank's mother Silvia (Patti LuPone) confronts Liz (Tina Fey) in the writers' room for allegedly having an affair with Frank (Judah Friedlander), before realizing that she approves of the match. After she leaves, Frank admits that he lied about their relationship to cover up his longtime affair with his old middle school teacher, Lynn Onkman (Susan Sarandon). When he excuses Liz from dinner with Silvia by saying she is sick, Silvia shows up at Liz's apartment with Frank and a home-cooked Italian meal. Liz goes along with the charade for the food, until Frank confesses to his mother and breaks up with Lynn. Although he claims to be fine, Liz realizes Frank is suffering and orchestrates a reunion with Frank and both women where Silvia accepts that Lynn and Frank love each other.
Jack (Alec Baldwin) meets Kenneth's new coworker in the standards and practices department, whom he quickly discerns is out to destroy Kenneth (Jack McBrayer). Jack advises Kenneth to destroy his coworker first, and gives Kenneth some evidence that will do so. Kenneth is reluctant and looks up an old colleague Jack had destroyed decades ago (Stanley Tucci), who in turn visits Jack. Jack feels guilty about turning Kenneth into a monster, but fails to persuade Kenneth to not go through with it. Kenneth has become as paranoid and ruthless as Jack was.
When someone in the office drinks Pete's special whisky, Jenna (Jane Krakowski) resurrects an old character of hers from a police show, and uses investigation skills learned in that role to discover who drank it. With Tracy's help, she learns that Toofer and Lutz are guilty. Rather than reveal the betrayal to Pete and break his heart, she forces the culprits to spend the evening with him and humor his boring anecdotes.
Barbara, a beautiful young woman, is engaged and in love with Sergio, but she accidentally discovers his constant betrayals and decides to take revenge.
A fleet of airships begin an attack on England, bombing an armoured vehicle, a signal box and a town. An inventor and his assistant are preparing to launch a missile in defence. A biplane attempts to shoot down one of the airships, but is destroyed itself. One of the airship's bombs lands on the home of the inventor's lover, whose hand in marriage he had unsuccessfully asked her father for earlier in the day. The inventor rushes to the house and rescues his lover, although her father is dead. Returning to the missile launch site, the inventor successfully launches a surface-to-air missile and destroys the airship. The film ends as the couple embrace.
Set 225 years after a nuclear holocaust in 2015 in the modern day, the survivors are divided between those who live in comfortable underground cities and the "New Primitives" who live in the sunlight. A group of 11 of these people come across a mysterious, abandoned village. Despite the presence of numerous horribly mutilated corpses, the adventurers decide to settle in town after discovering a large amount of food, a greenhouse with various fruit trees and a reservoir of drinking water. The following night hundreds and hundreds of hungry genetically mutated rats are ready to attack them one by one.
Lucifer and Lilith are making love and expelled by the group for being too loud, after an argument Lucifer becomes intoxicated and is attacked and knocked into the sewer where he is devoured at the same time a sleeping Lilith is attacked and eaten from the inside, a rat later emerges from her mouth when her corpse is found - as this happens Noah appears after also being attacked and the leader of the gang, Kurt is forced to kill him with a flamethrower.
The group decide to barricade themselves inside until dawn and as they do Diana is attacked and is bitten multiple times making her ill. Chocolate tends to Diana and tells the group she needs her bite wounds treated or they will become infected so the men decide to go fetch medicine and water while the women keep an eye on Diana but Duke refuses to help anyone and stays in safety.
Tarus is the next killed as the survivors attempt to escape the basement, as he falls down the stairs and is devoured. Duke loses his mind and challenges Kurt for leadership but nobody supports him. Her takes Myrna prisoner and attempts to escape but once at the groups vehicles he is attacked and killed when he drops a grenade which also kills Myrna. After seeing this Diana retreats and commits suicide by slashing her wrists and her partially eaten body is found by the four remaining survivors. They again retreat and find a recording of a distressed man warning anyone who finds the town that the rats will kill them like they have his friends.
The survivors are once again attacked by the relentless rats and Deus and Kurt sacrifice themselves to barricade the door to allow Video and Chocolate to escape outside where teams in hazmat suits appear from the sewers, gas all the rats and save the pair. As the survivors thank their saviors and remark they are all friends because they are of the same human race, the leader of the rescue team removes his mask, revealing himself to be a humanoid rat.
Programmer Squeegie Hornio (Ron Jeremy), based on Mario, and his brother Ornio Hornio (T.T. Boy), based on Luigi, are teleported into Squeegie's in-development PC game after a freak power overload. After regaining their bearings, Squeegie figures out and explains to Ornio that they are stuck in the black void of a computer monitor when it's turned off. A computer virus informs the brothers that King Pooper (Buck Adams), based on Bowser (also known as King Koopa), has kidnapped Princess Perlina (Chelsea Lynx), based on Princess Peach. King Pooper intends on forcefully having Perlina help him travel to Earth with a tub full of semen energized by a special generator.
Squeegie and Ornio travel through the computer world, encountering other villains who attempt to delay them and hamper their efforts. Squeegie is temporarily separated from his brother in the process. Finding King Pooper's lair first, Squeegie attempts to free Princess Perlina, only to be found by King Pooper. Attempting to fight King Pooper alone, Squeegie is about to lose when Ornio reappears and shoves King Pooper into the tub, where he melts and dies. The brothers ask Princess Perlina to teleport them back to Earth, but Perlina only transports herself and Ornio back, leaving Squeegie behind in the cyberworld. Attempting to manipulate the generator to get back to the real world, Squeegie is confronted and appears to be captured by a revived King Pooper.
After a lengthy recap of the first installment, Princess Perlina and Ornio teleport back to Squeegie's office. Wondering where Squeegie is, Ornio is distracted by Princess Perlina offering sex as a reward for saving her from King Pooper. After sexual intercourse, Ornio asks Perlina to bring Squeegie back to the real world. The teleportation goes horribly wrong; Perlina teleports both Squeegie and King Pooper just as King Pooper confronts Squeegie at the generator seen at the end of ''Super Hornio Brothers''. King Pooper escapes, and he begins to enact his ultimate goal, bluntly explained by Perlina to the Hornio Brothers as to "procreate and create more King Pooper offspring." While King Pooper hires a prostitute to start his plan, Squeegie theorizes that the generator is the key to King Pooper's scheme and draws up plans to destroy it.
Mimicking what they did the first time around, Squeegie and Ornio teleport back into the computer. Guided by the computer virus, Ornio distracts a hooker, which allows Squeegie and the computer virus to go back to King Pooper's lair. Squeegie comes up with a plan to thwart King Pooper by having the computer virus "overload" the generator and knock it out. The computer virus rubs his body against the machine, causing it to overload. Squeegie explains to Ornio and Princess Perlina back in the real world that by overloading the generator, King Pooper is now in "a state of limbo" and won't cause any more trouble. Ecstatic, Princess Perlina embraces and hugs Ornio while ignoring Squeegie. A spurned Squeegie turns to the camera and says that he expected the film to end this way.
In Ireland in 1902, Count Marnak invites a troupe of actors to perform at his island castle. He is stunned by how much Evelyn, the lead actress, resembles his dead wife. They begin an affair, but suddenly, the inhabitants of the castle are turning up decapitated one by one. The count fears that an old family curse is responsible for the grisly slayings.
Maki, a young woman, comes to Tokyo with dreams of becoming an actress. However, the theatrical troupe she belonged to disbanded, and she has become burdened with 6 million yen worth of debt. Maki begins working as a stand-in actress, playing everything from a corpse to a ghost to a newlywed, but will she ever find her success as an actress?
The novel tells us the story of two rival families: Echevarrías and De La Torres. One of the main heads of this last family, the evil Lucrecia, hires assassins led by Leoncio Peña "Jaguar" to annihilate all the Echevarría's in a social gathering they were having: Raquel Echevarría's wedding with John Wilson. The massacre occurs and the Echevarría clan ceases to exist in the midst of fire and blood. But there were two survivors: Raquel and her nephew José Antonio. As a result of the beating and rape suffered by Raquel by "Jaguar" moments before the fire, she becomes pregnant with Melissa. After what happened, Raquel becomes a cold woman with a desire for revenge.
On the other hand, Rafael De La Torre, Lucrecia's brother and highest authority in the De La Torre clan, has an affair with the family's servant, who becomes pregnant and knowing that Rafael asks her to abort the baby, she leaves the house. of the family and gives birth in a convent. Minutes later, she dies, but not before asking the nuns to name the girl Milagros.
Over time, Milagros grows up and becomes a pretty, intelligent and enterprising girl, but she has a problem with her leg and finds out about her past. After Rafael's death in a car accident, he leaves in his will that his assets will remain in the hands of the bastard daughter he had, which causes great anger among the members of his family, especially Lucrecia, who was determined to get it all. At the same time, José Antonio is already an intelligent man and trained by his aunt Raquel, he infiltrates the De La Torre family, to begin with the revenge plan for the death of his family. But in his revenge he will find Milagros and love will quickly grow between them, even though a dark past is involved, full of death, pain and misfortune, not to mention the eternal confrontation between Lucrecia and Raquel, that will cause more than one misfortune around the protagonists. Finally, Milagros and José Antonio manage to be happy and end up getting married.
US-American adventurer Stark has been sentenced to death in a Mexican village. A rich Mexican rancher saves him from getting hanged but he must return the favour by saving the rancher's son Fidel. He is told that Fidel has somehow been persuaded or even forced to join a gang. Stark shall bring Fidel back to his father. The American believes that the rancher is worried sick about his son's well-being. When he delivers Fidel he understands just on time that things are very different. The rancher intends to whitewash his honour by getting rid of Fidel because he's ashamed of having an illegitimate son.
When his grandmother and last remaining relative dies, first-year high school student Yōtarō is orphaned. He ends up being adopted into a family of 19 daughters, each with a different personality, ranging in age from several months old to 18 years old. His adventures begin when he moves in with his "true family".
An elderly widow, Helen Mercer, hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, as her companion. Little does she suspect that the woman and her boyfriend are criminals, who plan to make her their next victim, killing her and stealing her money.
Dr. Sharon Fields is framed for malpractice following the death of a patient, an influential congressman, and uncovers the existence of a secret cult of "Amazons" who assassinate powerful men.
The film begins with the murder of an old man on a boatyard with a 200 mm nail. Then a 7-year-old boy named Kolya is kidnapped who turns out to be the son of businessman Vlad Gireyev. The kidnapper later calls the father, and confronts him with a choice: either Gireyev kills himself or the kidnapper will kill the son.
24 hours are allotted, until 6 pm. The kidnapper drives Kolya to a rented house on the lake in the suburbs, and keeps him there in a closed room with no windows. He treats the child roughly, but does not mock, hit, or starve him, takes the child outside immediately when he asks, takes him along for trips, permits to play computer games, gives tips on how to survive alone, teaches how to makes fire and shoot (the gun is not loaded), and then gives him a cartridge as a souvenir. He demands Kolya to call him "Stone". Although Stone seems gloomy to others, everyone thinks that he is a polite rich man. With the neighbor, who in the past was the headmistress of an orphanage, he often plays chess. Once he starts a conversation with her about former pupils, to which the woman makes uncomplimentary comments about orphans in general.
Vlad decides not to shoot himself and hires a professional special effects expert for staging suicide. On the phone, Stone puts pressure on Vlad's wife, urging her to kill her husband in order to save their son. And she almost does it, but at the last moment throws away the gun. Vlad can not figure out what he did to deserve the kidnapper's wrath.
Through flashbacks it turns out that Stone and Vlad grew up together in the same orphanage where they were mistreated by the headmistress and the physical education teacher. Once Vlad stole condensed milk from a warehouse, and Stone did not tell on him. Then Vlad persuades the boy to steal a folder with their personal affairs and to escape from the orphanage (Vlad hopes that his grandmother will take him, who for some reason did not issue guardianship over him). On the way, Vlad says to Stone that when he grows up, he will set his own rules, and no one will give orders to him. But after destroying the case folders, Vlad suddenly abandons Stone, claiming that his grandmother will not take the two of them. He only needed Stone to steal the folders – he was younger and could crawl under the window in to the archive. In parting, he hands him his nail, which was used as a weapon of self-defense. Realizing that in the orphanage he will be severely punished, and wish to be adopted was burned together with the case (before the escape he was eligible for adoption), Stone tries to cut his own throat using the nail. But he is caught and returned to the orphanage, where the headmistress and the physical education teacher torture the boy by dousing him in cold and hot water.
Vlad, using expensive tracking equipment, tries to track down Stone during telephone conversations, but Stone is skillfully encrypted. Finally, Vlad manages to get a personal meeting at a large parking lot where Stone furtively enters his car. When Vlad requires explanation, Stone puts a nail in front of him on the seat and leaves. Vlad understands. Stone visits his neighbor, who was headmistress of his orphanage (she does not recognize Stone) and kills her. It becomes clear that the dead man in the beginning of the movie was the former physical education teacher. At the appointed hour, Vlad goes to the square to stage a suicide, but under the pressure of conscience shoots himself. Even before the death of Vlad, Stone releases Kolya, drops him off on the road near the house. However, Stone does not feel the moral satisfaction from the death of Vlad – childhood's desire to avenge a betrayal eventually became the meaning of life to Stone, which is now simply gone. After some time, Stone, not feeling the desire to live, shoots himself too.
In the last scene on the river banks Kolya buries the cartridge, which Stone gave him. When his mother asks what he is doing, the boy replies: "Collecting stones", — in one scene, Stone, when explaining the reason for his vengeance against Vlad, he says: "It's time to collect stones."
Lorenzo is a young man, who has been appointed as a school teacher in a small Italian village. One of his pupils, 12-year-old boy named Duilio, has romantic feelings to Lorenzo. Lorenzo often visits to Duilio's home, meets with his family, and they become good friends. Lorenzo meets with a lady, with whom he falls in love. However, the relationship with his girlfriend are not prefect and he close to break up with her. Same time he becomes much more closer with Duilio, and they often spend time with each other. But many things change after Duilio’s stepmother begins to distrust Lorenzo. They meet very rarely now, and Duilio needs Lorenzo and miss him. To get out of this hard situation Lorenzo decides to leave the village and Duilio forever.
Best friends Jamie, Mike, and Beth finish their GCSE exams and head towards a sixth form party. Meanwhile, 18-year-old Laura, encouraged by her best friend Danielle, breaks her parents' curfew and heads to the same party; both Jamie and Laura are determined to have a good time. During the party they meet and drunkenly have sex. The next morning Jamie writes Laura a note with his phone number on it and leaves. Some few weeks later, Laura discovers that she is pregnant, and that Jamie is only 16. Life is about to begin, but not in the way either of them expected.
Series 1 follows the life of the two teenagers and their family and friends as they try to get to grips with the impending parenthood and the struggles of pregnancy. Series 2 follows the next stage, caring for the newly born baby, Emily, while Laura faces the difficulties associated with being a new mother. Series 3 follows Jamie encountering a new woman in his life and how that affects his relationship with the mother of his child.
German spy Beulah is posing as a cafe waitress near a depot for trucks delivering war materiel. She listens to the truckers' conversations and reports to her superior Otto, who is posing as Anatole, manager of a beauty salon.
Jane comes to believe her husband Ken is having an extramarital affair with his secretary Kitty. To give him a taste of his own medicine, Jane secretly takes a job as secretary to womanizing architect Bernard Dexter, who, unbeknownst to Jane, has a business relationship with Ken.
Coming from a wealthy family, graduate art student Yoon Seung-joo (Song Yoon-ah) has always lived life with confidence and strong will. She is self-centered, fickle, and quick to lose her temper with her brothers yet is sweet to her boyfriend. But when their father goes bankrupt and then disappears, Seung-joo is suddenly thrown into the real world, facing debt, poverty and hardships for the first time in her life. Now the head of the household with its attendant responsibilities, she must take care of her younger brothers while holding on to her pride even when there is nowhere to turn. Seung-joo learns that there's more to life than greed and the pursuit of money; she approaches life's happy and dark moments with a light, sincere heart and gains courage and determination in the face of adversity. During these difficult times, Geon-woo (Kim Sung-soo) comes back into her life. A university lecturer, Geon-woo broke up with Seung-joo in the past because of his humble family background, but now he wants a second chance to help – and love – Seung-joo again.
In this farce about sexual politics in marriage, a man persuades his suicidal wife that an open marriage is politically correct and embarks on dalliances with younger women, to her dismay and fury. After deciding to be on her own, the tables are turned when she confesses to a new man, Nobel prize nominated professor and inspired singer-songwriter; it is the husband who becomes suicidal.
Steponas Daumantas, an elderly poet, walks the streets of Vilnius photographing young women with their babies. He becomes obsessed with one particular woman, Jolanta, and strikes up a friendship with her. Jolanta gives him a manuscript that her husband has written, and Daumantas promises to look at it and possibly show his publisher, but loses it when he gets drunk. As his friendship with the young woman deepens he can no longer hold back the memories that have been bubbling up for years.
Svetlana is an ethnic Russian living in poverty in the back streets of Vilnius's Old Town. She does bits of washing for Daumantas and, when she encounters him drunk one night, saves a manuscript he leaves behind. Svetlana struggles to earn some money to send her son to England to work, while trying to survive with her brutal husband Ivan. She befriends a young prostitute, Ruta, and has memories of her own she does not wish to recall.
Daumantas grows up in a small village close to Wilno and has early ambitions of being a poet. He falls in love with a local Jewish girl, Rachael. When Rachael rejects him he goes to university in Wilno. Some years later he sees Rachael again on the streets of Wilno with her Jewish husband. In 1939 the Communists invade Poland and hand back Wilno to the Lithuanians. Lithuanian thugs roam the streets; but that is nothing compared to what happens when the Germans invade. As the life is slowly choked from the Jewish population in the Vilna ghetto Rachael makes a desperate demand of Daumantas: take her child and save it.
For a detailed plot, see ''David Copperfield (novel)''.
Set in 1936 China, Ruth Harkness has come to settle the affairs of her husband, Bill, who died while observing the rare and unstudied panda bear. His journal describes the panda as shy and docile, while great white hunter Dak Johnson describes them as ferocious beasts. This intrigues her, and she sets off to retrace Bill's steps and save the pandas from Johnson. She encounters many obstacles, both natural and created by Johnson.
Inspector Sparrow (Glyn Houston) is a provincial detective who sets up his own private-eye firm when Scotland Yard meddles with his business. When crooks accidentally kill a shop cashier while stealing the keys to the jewellery shop where she works, Sparrow goes to work. He successfully tracks down the criminals and turns them over to Scotland Yard.
During the late Middle Ages in Verona, two wealthy families, the Montagues and Capulets, have been feuding for centuries. One day at the market place, the feuding families start a brawl which infuriates the Prince and he threatens that if the peace of Verona is disturbed again, he shall take their lives. Meanwhile, Romeo, a young Montague, reveals that he is in love with Lord Capulet's niece, Rosaline. Romeo's cousin, Benvolio persuades him to forget Rosaline but Romeo rebuffs him.
Later that night, there is a party held by Lord Capulet. Romeo sneaks in with Benvolio and Mercutio hoping to meet Rosaline. Instead, Romeo sees Juliet who is Lord Capulet's daughter and falls in love with her. Juliet feels the same and they share a dance. They go together to a quiet place and share a passionate kiss. Juliet's Nurse interrupts and when Romeo talks to the nurse, he discovers that Juliet is a Capulet.
After the party ends, Romeo sneaks into Juliet's garden secretly where he witnesses Juliet expressing her love for him. He climbs the balcony and they quickly decide to get married the next day. Romeo seeks help from Friar Laurence to wed them and the Friar agrees thinking that their love may end the violent war between Capulets and Montagues. They perform the ceremony and afterwards Juliet returns home. Romeo catches up with Mercutio and Benvolio but they meet Tybalt and his men on the way. This starts another violent brawl during which Tybalt stabs Mercutio. Romeo is enraged and runs after Tybalt seeking revenge. They fight and Romeo slays Tybalt. As the result of this loss, the Prince banishes Romeo from Verona.
Meanwhile, both families are filled with grief over their losses, especially Juliet. The Friar sends Romeo to Juliet one last night with her. Romeo goes to Juliet and they consummate their marriage. Romeo leaves in haste the next morning. But Juliet is shocked when her father brings news of planning to wed Juliet with Count Paris. Juliet is resistant but her father threatens to disown her if she does not wed Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Laurence for help, threatening to kill herself if the Friar does not have a solution. The Friar in return, gives her a potion that will put her in a deathlike sleep temporarily while he will inform Romeo about this and they shall run away together to Mantua. Juliet drinks the potion that night. Her parents are devastated when they find her next morning, and instead of her marriage, her funeral is planned. During the funeral, Benvolio sees Juliet and thinks she is dead and immediately runs off to tell Romeo.
Friar's letter however, does not reach Romeo and Benvolio tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. Romeo is shocked and devastated and plans to take his life. He buys poison and goes to Juliet. Paris tries to stop him, but is killed in a sword fight. Romeo kisses Juliet one last time, then he drinks the potion unaware that Juliet has awakened. Juliet is overjoyed to see him and they kiss but Romeo suddenly collapses. When Juliet finds out that Romeo took poison, he dies in her arms. The Friar arrives to find a heartbroken Juliet weeping over Romeo's dead body. He hears some guards coming and leaves to hold them off, trying to persuade Juliet to come with him, without success. When Juliet hears the approaching watchmen, she finds and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger. The Friar returns to find them both dead.
Their funeral is held together and the Capulets and Montagues finally reconcile, ending their feud. During the procession, Benvolio steps forward and joins their hands.
As described in a film magazine review, a Secret Service agent is assigned to recover a government code and capture the bandits that stole it. Because he resembles the ringleader of the bandits, he poses as him, recovers the code, marries the fiancee of the ringleader, and escapes. The young woman remains ignorant until later that she has married a Secret Service agent instead of a crook.
Julius is spending his time at the winter outdoors, ice skating on a frozen lake. Coincidentally, a unnamed female cat places a basket on an edge of the lake, and leaves. Something in the basket made a noise momentarily, and Julius heard it. He then approaches and opens the basket. To his amazement, Julius picks up and finds a lost kitten inside. Without anyone else willing to adopt, the big cat decides to take in the little feline.
Julius arrives home with the orphan kitten. Alice, who has been waiting in the living room, was also amazed to see what her friend brought into the house. She then wonders what name the kitten should wear. In no time Julius finds out the kitten is a male and therefore gives the name Oscar.
After giving Oscar a bath, Julius takes his little friend to have supper with them. At the table, Oscar is eating in an aggressive way, which Julius sees as inappropriate. Julius attempts to teach the Oscar how to have meals in a more traditional fashion, but the kitten shows no interest to follow. The frustrated Julius starts pounding the table until a bowl of soup jumps straight up and spills on top of him. Oscar finds this comical and therefore hurls a roast chicken at Julius, knocking the big cat off his chair.
Then it was bedtime. Julius puts pajamas on Oscar before laying the kitten to bed. To help Oscar sleep, the big cat sings a lullaby and rocks the bed back and forth. When the little cat is seemingly dozing, Julius tries to tiptoe out of the bedroom, only to notice Oscar suddenly wake up and cry. The big cat repeats the same method but still gets the same result. As a last resort, Julius grabs a wooden mallet and thumps Oscar in the head but not hard enough cause a lump. With the kitten finally fast asleep, Julius was able to exit the room.
''Under the Never Sky'' follows the character of Aria, a 17-year-old girl who has been exiled from Reverie, the domed city in a dystopian future 300 years after a major catastrophe has decimated the Earth. Aria was banished from her home when she is blamed for starting a fire that took the lives of her best friend and two others. This punishment means almost certain death: outside of her Pod and other similar Pods where the technologically advanced dwell, is a wasteland known as the Death Shop. It's a place known to be filled with cannibals and terrible Aether storms; even the air can kill you. However, she soon discovers that she can breathe the outside air without fatal harm, though she has little other means of surviving in the savage land. Then she meets an Outsider named Perry, Aria eventually realizes that he is her only chance for survival. Despite his reluctance to help a sheltered girl from Reverie, Perry knows that Aria has the potential to help him redeem himself. The two must learn how to work together if they are to survive in this new dangerous world.
A lab mix-up accidentally swaps a vaccine with a virus that turns a high school full of students and teachers into flesh-eating zombies. But all is not lost: New student Aki discovers that the swim team is immune to the plague. With the school rampaged by ravenous monsters, the girls engage in an over-the-top orgy of gory violence to save the day. Sasa Handa, Yuria Hidaka and Hiromitsu Kiba star in this comic creature feature.
In the border shantytown of Ysleta, Texas, Mexican immigrants Pilar and Cuauhtemoc Martinez strive to teach their four children to forsake the drugs and gangs of their neighborhood. The family's hardscrabble origins unite them to survive, but soon the children adapt to their new home, reject their traditional religion and culture, and struggle to remain together as a family. The novel spans four decades.
As a young adult, daughter Julieta travels to Central America, becomes disenchanted with Catholicism, and converts to Islam. Youngest son Ismael, always the bookworm, is accepted to Harvard but feels out of place in the Northeast, where he meets and marries a Jewish woman. The other boys—Marcos and Francisco—toil in their father's old apartment buildings, serving as cheap labor to fuel the family's rise to the middle class. Over time, Francisco isolates himself in El Paso. Marcos eventually leaves to become a teacher, but then returns, struggling with a deep bitterness about his work and marriage. Through it all, Pilar clings to the idea of her family and tries to hold it together as her husband's health begins to fail.
This backdrop is shaken to its core by the historic events of 2001 in New York City, which send shockwaves through this newly American family. Bitter conflicts erupt between siblings, and the physical and cultural spaces between them threaten to tear them apart. Will their shared history and once-shared dreams be enough to hold together a family from Ysleta, this wicked patch of dust?
Sen. Gianni Puppis (Lando Buzzanca) arrives at Rome's airport to greet the female president of the Republic of Urania. Puppis, a contender for the next Italian Chief (President) of State, is captured on film furtively groping her bottom as she greets the Italian press. No one notices the incident, and the victim is unsure who was responsible due to the crowd gathered around her. The TV film editor (Janos Bartha) studies the film with a colleague and remarks, "but he's queer!" Still photos of the incident fall into the hands of a highly unorthodox priest called Father Lucian (Renzo Palmer), an old college friend of Puppis. He arranges a meeting with the bemused politician in a confessional booth and then demands blackmail money for the pictures. Puppis is furious but mystified, for he cannot remember anything about the incident. He leaves the confessional booth refusing to pay. That night, Puppis has a strange dream in which a naked young woman (Eva Czamerys) beckons him, superimposed over the circular plaza of St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican.
Puppis calls the unscrupulous Father Lucian and offers him the money. In return, Lucian offers to arrange a consultation with a German psychiatrist. During the session, Puppis describes his recent affliction: his dreams and waking thoughts are becoming obsessed with behinds, primarily female ones, despite his open preference for fey young men like his personal chauffeur Carmelino (Aldo Puglisi). Asses fill his thoughts and even precipitate black-outs, during which he commits terrible acts of bottom-pinching. "We've got to lick this thing," says Father Lucian. Puppis leaves, vowing to maintain his self-control. But later that day, his hands wander while standing behind a young lady in an elevator at the Senate offices.
The next day, Puppis announces that he is going on a "spiritual retreat" until the results of the elections are announced. Father Lucian drives the frantic Puppis into the countryside, stopping at a filling station to get gas. Puppis experiences a veritable barrage of ladies' bottoms at the filling station forecourt. Before Father Lucian can stop him, Puppis has lurched over to one tartan-frocked figure bent over to examine the a car's engine, only to find himself face to face with a furious kilt-wearing Scotsman. Later that day, Lucian and Puppis finally arrive at a cloister run by his friend Father Schirer (Francis Blanche), a priest and psychiatrist. However, Puppis is blind drunk after consuming several bottles of liquor he bought at the rest stop. Father Schirer welcomes the esteemed patient and informs the barely conscious man that his many skilled nurses will help him. The clinic is staffed by nuns, all of them young and beautiful. That night, Father Schirer is woken up when one of the nurses assigned to watch over Puppis is grabbed on her bottom by the sleeping man. Father Schirer tells the nun that she must remain still until morning, as waking the patent would be too traumatic, under the circumstances.
Back in Rome, Senator Puppis' absence is the subject of heated discussions. His political opponents to the more conservative Sen. Torsello (Feodore Chaliapin Jr.) have been bugging his telephone and are puzzled over coded conversations between Puppis and Father Lucian. But the Italian Army has been bugging the senate phones in the hope of learning something that will ensure the planned military coup stays on course. The Vatican secret police, led by the persistent Mafioso Don Gesualdo (Corrado Gaipa), have been bugging the Army's phones and learning about Puppi's mysterious exit. Cardinal Maravigili (Lionel Stander), an influential member of the clergy, which has the real power in Italy, is sitting in his office watching the film footage of Puppis at the airport. Cardinal Maravigili is enraged, for apparently, Puppis owes his political success to shady deals with the Vatican and military hierarchy. Maravigili, a manipulative sociopath willing to murder to facilitate divine will, has groomed Puppis for the position of president. Even Puppis' preference for men is tolerated because the Cardinal confides in Don Gesualdo that he prefers that Puppis should be homosexual, expecting minor scandal from this man than the customary womanizing of Italian politicians.
At the spiritual retreat, Puppis describes a dream to Father Schirer while under hypnosis, featuring the devout nurses at the clinic and visions of the Garden of Eden where foliage bursts with naked female bottoms. The next night, Puppis sleepwalks to Father Schirer's room and molests him while he is fast asleep. Protecting his vow of chastity, the priest/analyst wakes up the randy senator. Once fully awake, Puppis realizes his actions and professes to feel much better, claiming his dreams have liberated his mind. Puppis returns to Rome full of optimism about his cure the following morning. However, back at the clinic, when Father Schirer takes confession from the nuns, he discovers that Puppis' rampaging sexual dreams have been enacted for real. The libidinous sisters all recount sexual encounters with Puppis.
An angry Father Schirer arrives at Puppis' house and demands an explanation. He is forced to hide when Cardinal Maravigili comes unexpectedly to meet Puppis. Hiding in the bathroom in a shower cubicle, Father Schirer suffers a fatal heart attack when he thinks Cardinal Maravigili will walk in. Unaware of Schirer's sudden demise, Puppis leaves with Cardinal Maravigili to a garden party before celebrating the Italian Republic's founding. After experiencing erotic visions, Puppis swiftly seduces the French ambassador's wife (Anita Strindberg) in the bushes. Back at Puppis' house, Carmelino discovers the dead body of Father Schirer and rushes to tell Puppis, only to be grabbed and taken away by Don Gesualdo, leading the Vatican secret police.
Returning home that evening, Puppis is met by Sister Hildergardt (Laura Antonelli), the only one of the cloistered order not to have been ravished by him. Begging him to relieve her of temptation and simultaneously scolding him for wickedness, she implores that they whip each for their sins. Just as the twisted couple gets down to it, the Vatican thugs arrive. Puppis and Sister Hildergardt escape through a back window.
Hiding out in a secluded motel room, Puppis and Sister Hildegarde are tracked down, and Don Gesualdo and his thugs take her away. Cardinal Maravigli confronts Puppis in the motel room, and he tells the Cardinal that he wants out of politics. But the Cardinal replies that there will be none of that talk. Too much time and effort have been expended behind the scenes to hoist Puppis into position. The Cardinal takes Puppis into the bowels of the Vatican to view waxworks of recently canonized saints. They include Carmelino and Father Lucian, as well as Father Schirer. The threat to Puppis is made explicit when he is told to look carefully at an unfinished rough wax model. Staring at the shapeless features, Puppis imagines a waxwork of himself. When Senator Torsello dies the next day in a "plane crash," Puppis is declared the winner of the election by default.
At a ceremony to accept his appointment as president of Italy, Puppis genuflects before a wax statue of Sister Hildegarde. Puppis knows that his political position trapped him with the corrupt Vatican thugs whom he now can never escape. "The new president is remarkably religious," whispers an onlooker to another. As Puppis, the new chief of state, gives his inaugural address on live TV, a customer in a local bar switches off the televised ceremony who chooses instead to watch a foolish game show on the next channel.
Don Giorgio (Maurizio Bonuglia), a handsome priest who teaches in a convent, has been having affairs with two different women. He decides to break off relations with both of them, and soon after he is murdered. The police suspect one of the two women of the murder, but the field is narrowed when one of the two women has her throat slashed. The police learn that a little boy (Arturo Trina) witnessed one of the killings, but they're not sure if he is reliable.
The PSA, created by Austin, Texas ad agency GSD&M and sponsored by the Advertising Council, was a tribute PSA launched in 2001 to salute to all the deaths and tragedies of 9/11. The PSA shows many scenes of people in the United States saying "I am an American", referring to their lives that they live in America. The PSA shows that they have hope during the tragic event, which occurred on September 11, 2001. Near the end of the PSA, the camera goes to a black background which shows the Latin phrase "''E pluribus unum''" with English translation underneath partially which reads "Out of many," and seconds later, the finishing of the phrase "one." fades in. The PSA ends with a girl waving an American flag in her hand, followed by the Ad Council logo on a black background.
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Ad Council reaired the PSA, with a slight update to the end scene, where the words "Ten years later, we are still one." were added, with the Ad Council logo on the bottom left corner on the screen.
The movie tells the story of two filmmakers seeking talented people for acting in a musical entitled ''Maftuningman'' (''Delighted by You''). One of the filmmakers travels to different parts of the Uzbek SSR in search of potential actors. Wherever he goes he meets exceptionally talented people and hears about other gifted people in different parts of the country. The actors for the movie were in fact chosen in this way from different parts of Uzbekistan.
Massimo Monaldi, a student involved in political protests, steals a valuable tobacco box and becomes entangled in a deadly web between the police and the mafia.
The stress of urban living, his sister's new baby and problems with his desire to move in with his girlfriend, the beautiful Juliette, push André to take too many euphoric pills made in the laboratory where he is employed.
Lieutenant Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. (David James Elliott), a former naval aviator turned lawyer, is employed by the Navy's Judge Advocate General's Corps, the internal law firm of the Department of the Navy. In Washington, D.C., Harm is partnered with Lieutenant Junior Grade Meg Austin (Tracey Needham), a junior officer with drive and determination. Together, Harm and Meg work alongside Commander Alison Krennick (Andrea Thompson), Rear Admiral A.J. Chegwidden (John M. Jackson), and Lieutenant Caitlin Pike (Andrea Parker), as they prosecute and defend the under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This season, the team investigate the murder of a female naval flight officer ("A New Life"), the death of a civilian contractor ("Shadow"), a training mishap ("Desert Son"), a murder at Arlington National Cemetery with connections to Thai diplomats ("Déjà Vu"), and a murder at the U.S. Embassy in Peru ("War Cries"). Also this season, Harm suffers personal losses when his best friend ("Pilot Error") and girlfriend ("Skeleton Crew") are both killed, Meg faces death when she is critically wounded by an professional assassin ("Hemlock"), and Harm is promoted to the grade of Lieutenant Commander ("Defensive Action").
The serial killer nicknamed the "Port to Port Killer" (last referenced in the prior episode "Two-Faced") strikes again, leaving his victim dressed in an Admiral's uniform at the Navy Lodge in Washington, D.C. Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) is jolted to recognize the victim as Danny Price (Scott Grimes), his former partner in the Baltimore Police Department's homicide squad. Believing that the Port to Port Killer may be targeting DiNozzo, or the NCIS team as a whole, the team begins to concentrate on his time in Baltimore.
A series of flashbacks shows DiNozzo and Price working together in Baltimore. The two detectives first met Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) when the latter came to Baltimore on an undercover assignment, linking a Navy officer to a money laundering scheme. Since Gibbs is undercover, the Baltimore detectives take the lead. When they finally arrest the money launderer, DiNozzo uncovers evidence that Price is corrupt and has been working with the launderer. DiNozzo confronts Price in secret, but is unwilling to expose him. Equally unable to continue working with him, DiNozzo considers quitting the police force, but Gibbs, impressed by his abilities, invites him to join NCIS. Price develops a drinking problem and is dismissed from the police a few years later.
In the present, Ducky (David McCallum) discovers a typo in his autopsy report about the details of the Port to Port Killer's previous victims that is reflected in Price's murder, indicating that a copycat killer is responsible. When DiNozzo retrieves his misplaced cell phone, he finds a voicemail from Price before he died, saying they need to talk. Price had realized that the money launderer never exposed him because there was a second, higher-ranking accomplice in the Department - his and DiNozzo's former captain, who killed Price to keep his corruption secret, then disguised his crime as an act by the Port to Port Killer, using details from Ducky's report, which had been emailed to the Baltimore Police by NCIS.
Gibbs and DiNozzo arrest the captain, but Ducky and Abby (Pauley Perrette) announce that they have a worse problem: the email alerting Ducky to the typo in his report did not come from Abby, as he first thought, but from the Port to Port Killer himself, who not only knows that NCIS is tracking him, but has access to their internal records and computer system.
By-the-book Marine Major Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie (Catherine Bell) and Lieutenant Commander Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr. (David James Elliott), a former naval aviator, work at the Headquarters of the Judge Advocate General, the internal law firm of the Department of the Navy. Now stationed out of Falls Church, Virginia, they prosecute, defend, and investigate a plethora of cases including the theft of the Declaration of Independence by a right-wing militia ("We the People"), a brig-break ("Secrets"), superstition in a flying squadron as planes crash supposedly due to the bombing of a mosque during the 1991 Gulf War ("Jinx"), and a sexual harassment allegation by a female fighter pilot ("Crossing the Line"). Meanwhile, Harm finds himself in hot-water when he fires a machine gun during a tense courtroom battle ("Heroes"), Mac hones her Russian language skills ("Cowboys & Cossacks"), and Rear Admiral A.J. Chegwidden (John M. Jackson) becomes the target of a serial killer from his past ("Ghosts"). Also this season, Lieutenant junior grade Bud Roberts (Patrick Labyorteaux) joins ''JAG'' at the behest of outgoing Lieutenant Meg Austin (Tracey Needham) ("We the People"), Mac confronts her past ("Rendezvous"), and Harm goes undercover as a Gunnery Sergeant ("Force Recon").
The series relates the adventures of the African Patrol, a unit of police officers based in Nairobi. Paul Derek is an inspector in the unit whose members are specially trained to investigate crime. Their telephone number is 1356.
Following service in the Congo Crisis, two mercenary comrades in arms go their separate ways to new assignments. Mark Anderson flies to Rio de Janeiro where he is hired to protect mineral mines in the interior of Brazil from saboteurs. The saboteurs have hired his friend.
Detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) is at therapy sessions with Dr. John Lee (BD Wong) and Dr. Judith Evans (Cherry Jones). Having fully recovered from his injuries, Michael recalls the night that he and his family were involved in a serious car accident. He reveals that every time he goes to sleep, he is conflicted between two realities; In one reality, his wife Hannah Britten (Laura Allen) survived the accident, but his son Rex Britten (Dylan Minnette) is pronounced dead at the scene, while in the second reality, Hannah died in the accident instead of Rex.
Michael is trying to juggle his lives in the two realities, and wears a red wristband on his wrist in the reality where Hannah is alive and a green one in the reality where Rex is alive. In the Rex, or green, reality, Michael has noticed that Rex has focused a lot on tennis lately, as it was his mother's sport. Rex's tennis coach Tara (Michaela McManus) has been talking with Rex lately about his feelings. In the Hannah, or red, reality, Hannah is trying to write the late Rex out of their lives, wanting to move and try for another child.
Michael has a different partner in each reality. In the "green reality", his partner is Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris), while Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama) is a uniformed officer. In the "red reality", Efrem is his newly promoted partner, while Isaiah has been transferred to a different precinct. Michael starts to realize that things can transfer from reality to reality, as the clue "611 Waverly," pertaining to a case, is shown to Michael in one reality before it helps him save a girl from being murdered by a quick change serial killer in the other.
Both Dr. Lee and Dr. Evans attempt to diagnose what is going on with Michael. They both see it as a coping mechanism, and both insist that the other reality is a dream. To try to prove this to Michael, Dr. Evans has Michael read a part of the United States Constitution, as if that reality was a dream, Michael could not have done so, unless he had memorized the Constitution. Michael learned that he had alcohol in his system the night of the car accident, with Dr. Lee hypothesizing that Michael has this dream because he feels guilty for killing his son.
At the end of the episode, Michael comes to the conclusion that he wants to live with both of his family members. As he goes to sleep in the red reality, Hannah (who Michael has told about the "green reality") tells Michael to enjoy Rex, and to tell him she loves him for her. Then, Michael goes to sleep, transferring to the "green reality".
The story largely follows the plot of ''Hamlet''. Unlike the original, Hamlet is disconnected from his indifferent father. He does not envy Claudius as the new king, believing him to be a fine monarch, although he pines for the day when he can rule Denmark peacefully and without war. He grieves little after the death of Ophelia. Hamlet does not question death nor his faith, which is unshakable. He is presented as moral and unwavering, a stark contrast to the original Hamlet.
At the end of the story, it is revealed that King Hamlet was not killed by Claudius, as the king had led Hamlet to believe, but by Horatio in retaliation for the king having molested him as a young boy. It is also revealed that the King had molested Laertes, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet is sent to Hell for the harm he's caused and will be with his father for eternity.
Set in a sleepy hunting village, the film tells the story of Elfie Hopkins (Jaime Winstone), a 22-year-old slacker and "wanna-be" detective. She is a stoner and an animal lover, and haunted by the death of her mother and surrounded by her broken father and alcoholic step-mother, Elfie seeks solace and inspiration from old-school detectives in classic films like ''The Maltese Falcon'' and ''Chinatown''. She entertains herself, along with her geeky best friend, Dylan (Aneurin Barnard), by investigating the villagers and upsetting everyone with their imaginative allegations. Elfie's mundane existence is thrown for a spin with the arrival of a family of trendy city dwellers, the Gammons.
The Gammons weave tales of adventure and seduce the villagers with offers of exotic hunting holidays around the world. It is not long before the villagers are flying off to the four corners of the world. Elfie, despite her best efforts, is not free to the Gammons' charms, but soon smells a rat. Elfie and Dylan begin investigating the Gammons' life. Bloody violence and pandemonium soon starts to rage in the village and it is no longer just the blood of animals. Elfie discovers the villagers are not making those flights and when she finally uncovers the truth, it is darker than she could have ever imagined.
The landowner and bachelor Philipp Klapproth, who finances his nephew Peter Klapproth's medical studies, receives a letter from him in which he asks his uncle for 20,000 marks which he wants to invest into construction of an insane asylum. The truth is, the nephew has completely different plans: He can neither see blood, nor has he ever studied medicine at all; instead, he and his music-loving friend Tommy dedicate themselves to their band with heart and soul. With the uncle's money, nothing would stand in the way of building a restaurant of his own. However, Philipp wants to examine the supposed institution before he gets the money out, and makes his way to Peter without further ado. In great need of explanation, he then follows Tommy's advice and leads his uncle to the Pension Schöller: "Peter's insane asylum". Their mystification fails. Peter suspects that something is not right.
The landowner and bachelor Philipp Klapproth, who finances his nephew Peter Klapproth's medical studies, receives a letter from him in which he asks his uncle for 20,000 marks which he wants to invest into construction of an insane asylum. The truth is, the nephew has completely different plans: He can neither see blood, nor has he ever studied medicine at all; instead, he and his music-loving friend Tommy dedicate themselves to their band with heart and soul. With the uncle's money, nothing would stand in the way of building a restaurant of his own. However, Philipp wants to examine the supposed institution before he gets the money out, and makes his way to Peter without further ado. In great need of explanation, he then follows Tommy's advice and leads his uncle to the Pension Schöller: "Peter's insane asylum". Their mystification fails. Peter suspects that something is not right.
A ship loses all means of navigation in a storm. The crew becomes increasingly desperate as food and water run out. The captain, Kamegoro (Taiji Tonoyama), prays to the sailor's god Kompira to rescue them and rations their food and water. His grandson, Sankichi (Kei Yamamoto), follows his grandfather, but the other two crew members, Hachizo (Kei Satō) and Gorosuke (Nobuko Otowa) rebel and insist on eating their rations of food all at once.
In a vision, Kamegoro sees Kompira, who promises to deliver rain. Then the rain comes and the threat of dying of thirst is gone, but there is no food. Each member of the crew revisits pleasant times, which are recreated as flashbacks in the film. Kamegoro also has less pleasant memories of his war service, where he saw another soldier turn to cannibalism. After weeks of hunger, Hachizo and Gorosuke think of killing and eating Sankichi. They trick him with the promise of food and then kill him with an axe. Kamegoro goes to find him. Hachizo tries to fight but they are both weakened by hunger. Gorosuke repents and begs for forgiveness. They bury Sankichi at sea.
Kamegoro lies to the two remaining crew members that he has had another vision of Kompira, who has blown a ship from San Francisco off course with a typhoon so that it will find them. A ship which genuinely has been blown off course exactly as Kamegoro says then appears. They are rescued. While recovering on the deck of the ship, Gorosuke goes into a mad dance, falls into a cargo hold, and dies. Then Hachizo also commits suicide, leaving only Kamegoro alive.
Pie comes from an upper middle class Thai family that adheres to traditional thought and customs, including the very vocal disapproval of homosexuality. Kim, on the other hand, carries herself with deliberate masculinity that defies convention and intimidates Pie upon first encounter, so much so that she immediately requests a roommate change which the college promptly denies.
Pie is reluctant to converse or interact with her roommate so she takes tape and draws boundaries in the room to separate her space from Kim's to avoid as much contact as possible. On the first day of class, Kim by chance meets Jane, who is seen still crying after her breakup. Kim offers her a handkerchief and Jane immediately gets smitten by her. Later that week, Jane walks into Pie and Kim's room and is embarrassed and shocked to see Kim. She immediately walks out, then comes back in and drags Pie out in the hallway. Jane confesses that Kim is the girl she has fallen for and uses Pie to get an introduction and thus begins her chase for Kim.
Despite how hard Pie tries to ignore or discourage Kim, the two begin to intermingle when Kim cooks and shares with Pie and the two have a short conversation together. One day Kim receives a package from her father's worker and is told to deliver to Aunt In. She asks Pie to help her get there but Pie hurriedly turns her down and gives her fast directions before walking away. Night time falls and Kim is seen sitting near a lake, completely lost. Pie finds her and offers her to take her to Aunt In but only as a thank you for the food.
That starts a series of moments where the two begin to spend increasingly more time together and soon those “boundary lines” disappear and Pie finds herself drifting away from her then boyfriend, to Kim. the two share many sweet moments, most notably, when Kim took Pie to the park to help her record information for school. The two share a lollipop and Kim in a roundabout way, confesses her attraction to Pie. The latter does not reply but she is seen smiling.
But as Pie's feelings grow, so do those of Jane for kim, and of P'van for Pie. Because Pie has yet to accept that she may have feelings for Kim, and Kim is reluctant to confess, this triggers mutual jealousy and sadness. When P'van unexpectedly pops up at the school to take Pie out, she tries to turn him down but Jane comes along and invites herself and forces Kim and Pie to accept his offer. During their time together, Pie gets visibly upset at how close Jane is to Kim and tries various times to either make Kim jealous or have them spend time alone. After a failed attempt, she and Jane leave for a moment where P'van talks about Pie's mother and her heavy dislike of homosexuals. He then goes on to say that Kim needs to leave Pie alone because Pie does not like her like that nor will she ever, and then taunts Kim by saying Pie would want the real thing versus silicone (referring to sex). Angry, Kim storms off. When Pie and Jane return they ask for Kim but P'van says he doesn't know what happened.
Pie calls Kim several times throughout the time period and looks all over the mall for her. Eventually she is seen at the dorm with an angry expression. Kim walks in with her hands full of bags, Pie begins to yell at her for leaving and Kim yells back that she had P'van anyway so it did not matter. Pie then yells at Kim for being too close to Jane but rather than announce it was jealousy, says she was disgusted by two girls together. This prompts Kim to dump her bags and leave the room. Regretful, Pie looks through the bags and finds a Jellyfish lap, something she told Kim she had wanted. She then grabs an umbrella and runs to find Kim. Eventually she finds Kim in a phone booth, soaking wet and shivering. Upon finding her, Kim declares her love for Pie and that she knows though Pie will never love her, she will do so. Pie then drops the umbrella and embraces Kim.
After the confession, the two have their first kiss and begin a relationship together, unbeknownst to anyone. The happiness is short lived though as Pie's mother drops by the dorm. In a rush, Pie tells her mother to go use the restroom while she takes down photos of herself and Kim. Soon after, Pie and her mother sit on the bed and chat. Kim, not knowing Pie's mother is there, walks into the room. Surprised, Kim realizes the situation and pretends to be a student from down the hall asking for her book back from Pie, confused and scared, Pie quickly fumbles for some books and gives them to Kim with a "Thank You". When Kim leaves she leaves the door ajar and listens to the nasty comments Pie's mother makes about her, she begins to cry and walks away.
Shortly after, Kim gets sick. Pie takes care of her but soon has to leave for class, to make sure Kim gets some rest, she gives her some medicine and puts a blindfold over her eyes. Jane learns that Kim is sick and stops to make a visit. She lays next to Kim and begins to massage her. Eventually Pie comes back to the dorm to find Kim and Jane in a romantic position, rubbing and cradling each other. Jane hurriedly get up and Kim takes off her blindfold. Realizing that it was Jane that she was with the entire time, she rushes to explain but Pie begins to cry and throws a glass Jellyfish lamp Kim had bought her on the floor and runs out of the room. Kim tries to go after her but Jane holds onto her, demanding she stays and what is it she and Pie are hiding.
Kim races around the campus, going to all the spots she and Pie would always go too and constantly calling her cellphone but gets sent to voicemail and does not find her. She eventually ends up at Aunt In' who tries to find out what's wrong but Kim receives a phone call from Jane crying for an explanation and threatening to expose Pie and Kim's relationship. After Jane hangs up the phone, she takes out a blade, ready to cut herself. But Nerd shows up and smacks her. Kim runs back to the dorm and find Jane, telling her that she only wanted a friendship with her and that she loves Pie. Eventually the two get to a mutual understanding.
Later, you see that Pie has gone home to her mother and is crying in bed. Her mother, who doesn't know what's going on, is worried that Pie has been crying for so long. After Pie settles down she asks her mother would she be mad if she didn't love P'van, her mother responds that she does not care if Pie doesn't love him. Pie then asks her mother what if she liked someone of the same sex, her mother does not respond but is seen with a shocked expression. Kim finds her way to Pie's home days later and speaks to the mother, confessing how she feels for Pie. The mother rejects her and calls down Pie to either accept Kim or not. Pie is too scared and rejects Kim in front of her mother. Heartbroken, Kim leaves the house.
Kim goes back home to her father and works on the farm, after a few weeks, Pie is seen going to the farm and meets Kim's father. After a short introduction, he tells her where Kim is and she rushes to her. As soon as she spots Kim, she begins to confess her feelings and states that she will openly go against her mother and that she needs Kim in her life. When Kim does not answer, Pie apologizes saying "I was too late" and turns to leave crying. Kim stops her with a back hug and thanks pie for daring to love her. The two then embrace each other in a longing hug with Pie's voice reading off a letter she had left to her mother stating she is sorry but she loves Kim and will continue a relationship with her.
It is 1989, and the struggle against apartheid has reached its peak. The story starts when 16-year-old Otelo Buthelezi, his younger brother, Ntwe, and his best friend, New Year, are invited to the beach house where their new friend’s mother is a domestic worker.
Watching Mandla Modise surf, they are taken into a world previously closed to them. It is exactly the opposite of the township where they live – a place under a constant and growing threat from political violence fuelled by Inkatha hostel dwellers on one side, and United Democratic Front comrades on the other. For the boys, who previously had a deep-seated fear of the sea, “flying on water” comes to represent freedom, and they are sold.
Soon, everyone recognises that Otelo is truly gifted on the water, a surfing star in the making. An older white man, Kurt Struely, approaches the boys, certain of their potential. He invites them to his home to watch some professional surfers on video. He also paints an enticing picture of the life they could have if they learn to master the waves. With practice, Otelo soon outshines his friend, Mandla, whose resentment builds even more when Dezi, New Year’s younger sister, falls for Otelo.
As the boys begin to win competitions, Mandla’s jealousy grows and eventually he betrays his friend. In exchange for money for a new surfboard, he sells Otelo’s brother out as a suspected informer for the apartheid security police.
When Otelo discovers the truth behind his younger brother’s death, he has to make a choice between the money, glamour, girls and superstardom of international surfing and justice for Ntwe. On the day Nelson Mandela steps out of prison for the first time in 27 years, the young boy makes a choice that will change his life.
The Hunted is a group of vampire attack survivors who band together to protect themselves from getting turned into cattle. They learn to curb their blood-lust in order to help other potential vampire victims, whom they protect using swords, martial arts and humor.
In the "green reality" Rex (Dylan Minnette) complains about his clean clothes which, nevertheless, smell "weird" and "funny". Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) remembers seeing his wife Hannah (Laura Allen) use fabric softener in the laundry, and realizes what he is doing differently. Dr. Judith Evans (Cherry Jones) congratulates Britten on using his dreams to access his subconscious and work out his problems. Soon after, Britten is called to work; Dr. Banks (Chris McGarry) tells him and his partner, Bird (Steve Harris), that Dr. Bernard MacKenzie (who was a fertility specialist) was brought in dead from a heart attack. After running a second test, however, the coroner confirmed that someone had given MacKenzie potassium chloride to induce a heart attack. The killer placed it in the diabetic MacKenzie's insulin, where it would be "untraceable". Shortly after transferring into "red reality", Britten discovers that Rex was having his mail delivered to his friend Cole (Logan Miller)'s house and asks Hannah if she knew anything about it. She prefers not to open it, as it would stir up emotions. Soon after, Britten sees a list of homeless people who have died and notices that MacKenzie is on the list. In the "red reality" he tells his partner, Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama), to get the file (although the case was closed due to the lack of leads).
While Dr. Evans claims that Britten using his two realities is good, Dr. Lee notes that Britten's two realities are "problems" rather than "tools". However, Britten claims that he is fine with both realities. Meanwhile, Hannah goes to Cole's house and tells him she opened the box; he confirms that there is a camshaft inside. When she asks why Rex had the parts shipped to Cole's house, Cole takes her to a storage facility and shows her the motorcycle they were rebuilding. Hannah tells Cole to finish it, because Rex would have wanted him to. While Britten and Vega interview people in the neighborhood about Mackenzie's death, Britten finally finds a homeless man (Jeris Lee Poindexter) who recognizes MacKenzie's photo and talks to him. The man tells the detectives that he saw an "angry little guy" shoot MacKenzie. After transferring to the "green reality" Bird brings in a suspect, Dr. Arthur Taylor (Jordan Lund), but Britten is convinced of his innocence when he discovers that Taylor is . Taylor claims that he was at home watching television, and Britten asks him what he was watching that night. Hearing that Taylor was watching ''Sunday Night Football'', Britten asks what in particular the commentators said at that time. Taylor describes the commentary in detail; Britten and Bird check the broadcast, and confirm that he was telling the truth. Police tech Nat (Jay Seals) confirms that someone hacked the clinic computer system and deleted a number of patient records. The IP address belongs to Laura Harvison, one of the clinic clients. Nat figures she does not have the computer skills to pull it off, but confirms that her 17-year-old son Sam (Brian Norris) might have.
Britten and Bird go to see Sam at his home; he claims that he was trying to find out about his father, who had cancer. Britten asks how tall he was; outside, Bird asks for an explanation and Britten tries to spin a story about a small window at the clinic that someone could have crawled through to poison MacKenzie. His partner warns Britten that coming up with theories and looking for evidence to fit is not standard procedure. That night, Rex and Cole work on their motorbike. Later, in the "red reality", Hannah tells Britten that she opened the package and was glad she did. She tells her husband about the motorcycle, and how the boys would claim they were going to the beach when they went off to work on it. At the station, Vega tells Britten that they have a new case; however, he insists on sticking with the MacKenzie shooting and checks photos of short criminals. The homeless man comes in and offers more information in return for lunch. The partners start arguing, and Captain Tricia Harper (Laura Innes) calls Britten into her office. Soon after, Britten asks Vega if he wants to lead a new case.
The episode opens in the "green reality" (where Rex is alive and Hannah isn't), with John Cooper (Clifton Powell), a convict that Michael arrested 10 years ago, who is transferred to a medical clinic for dialysis because he is missing a kidney, by Nancy (Lolly Ward). As the guard takes Cooper to the car to go back to prison, he complains that the prisoner is getting preferential treatment over his mother, who is on the waiting list. As they arrive at the van, Cooper uses a paralytic vial hidden in his bandages to knock one guard out. He takes his gun, and makes the other security guard shut the door. Cooper claims his has "nothing to lose". Later, at home, while Rex's tennis coach Tara (Michaela McManus) takes him to tennis practice, Michael gets a call from Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris), his partner, that Cooper had escaped. Rex and Tara are talking about Rex's guilt about his father, when Cooper hits the car, and puts a chemical thing on Tara, and kidnaps Rex.
Michael and Bird investigate in the case, and Michael, with evidence, finds out where Rex is, and runs away. Meanwhile, Rex wakes up inside of a shed, handcuffed to the floor. He tries to dial 911 on the cell phone but Cooper comes in, interrupting him. Michael speaks to Nancy, who admits that she helped Cooper escape but didn’t know he would abduct anyone. She claims that she helped him because he claimed that he was innocent. Tara notes that Cooper had phoned Tara, and told him to go to a payphone near his police station. He goes there, and speaks to Cooper, who tells him to meet him at a warehouse. Cooper then apologizes to Rex, stating that "no son should pay for the sins of the fathers", and walks out of the shack. Michael meets with him; he claims that he met him for "justice", and said that he was innocent. Cooper explains that Rex will die without him, confirming that he will die from dehydration possibly soon. He goes home and takes a sleeping pill, transferring to the "red reality". Later, in the "red reality" (where Hannah is alive and Rex isn't), he speaks with Cooper at jail. He says that he didn't do it, and asks if he knows who did. He claimed that Jim Mayhew, another cop, committed the crime and framed him.
Michael leaves the prison and calls Mayhew, and offers to come over for a beer. However, once Michael comes over, he reminds Mayhew that Bell had a million dollars but only $100,000 ever turned up. He figures that Mayhew killed Bell, took the money, and planted the gun in Cooper's house. When Michael demands his share of the stolen money, he kept stating that there was no money. However, as Michael leaves, Mayhew says that he has the remaining money for him. Michael leaves, Mayhew goes to the door, and finds out that the police are there. They arrest him. Michael's partner in the "red reality", Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama) admits to Michael that he wasn't sure if his partner had dreamed up the entire thing. Later in the "green reality", Michael and the team head to the shed to get Rex, and take him to the hospital. In the shed, Rex had left a video message, which Michael had watched. Rex had said that he loved him. Michael wakes up in the "red reality", and speaks to Hannah about their experiences.
The episode opens in the "red reality" (where Hannah is alive and Rex is not from the car accident), and Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) is jogging around Los Angeles. When Michael gets home, he talks to his wife Hannah (Laura Allen), who is in Oregon looking at a university. Later in the "green reality" (where Rex is alive and Hannah is not), Michael and Rex (Dylan Minnette) are stuck in traffic, and Michael is later called into work. His partner in the "green reality", Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris) talks to Michael, then Michael goes for a run at the Griffith Park. He goes to the top of a hill overlooking the city, while a dog appears from behind a bush and barks at him. Michael notices human flesh in him, and goes to investigate, where he finds a corpse sitting against a tree. Michael goes to the police station, and shows Captain Harper similar cases starting in 1999. In each case, a killer, nicknamed Gemini (Salvator Xuereb), vertically slashed the victim's wrists and carved a Roman numeral in their chests. The murders have taken place all across the United States, but everyone believes that Gemini is dead after an FBI agent Elizabeth Santoro (Megan Dodds) had shot him. Michael wants to cover the area as much as they can and Captain Tricia Harper (Laura Innes) agrees, telling Michael to pick up the profiler that the FBI has sent. Michael goes to Brentwood and meets with FBI agent Elizabeth Santoro. They discuss his history and she admits that she has been focused solely on the "Gemini Killer" for the last 12 years. Michael confirms that they did not find one on the body, so she figures that it is a copycat. Michael goes to the crime scene, while Bird is already there. The partners go over the hillside and find the dog. They take him to Dr. Banks (Chris McGarry) and have him check his stomach, where he finds a United States two-dollar bill in it. When Michael takes the evidence to Harper and Santoro, Santoro insists that it only means that someone with classified information to the case is involved. She suggests they check anyone who has recently laid off law enforcement officers with psych problems. Bird and Santoro create a database if the killer is alive. Santoro lets Harper decide and she tells the detectives to pull the files on law officers. As Santoro leaves, Michael approaches her and says that he understands the implications if the man she shot was Gemini. Meanwhile, the killer prepares a set of medical tools, a wad of two-dollar bills, and a syringe.
Later in the "green reality", Michael suggests they check cheap motels in the area, since Gemini set up base a couple miles from the sites of his murders. Later, Michael talks to the manager at one hotel. After he leaves the hotel, Michael sees a secret place closed and Michael breaks in, drawing his gun. He spots the "Gemini Killer" inside, but he ran away when Michael identified himself as a police officer. Soon after, the CSI team investigates, and Harper and Santoro wonder why Michael was there. He says that he was checking out motels and thought the building looked suspicious, and Santoro claimed that Michael is a "suspect". They are unaware that the killer is listening to them from a nearby vent. Michael leaves the investigation, and as he goes to his car, the killer is seen dressed in a police uniform, as he is starting at him. Later at the station, Harper tells him that they got a call from someone claiming to be their guy. She plays a recording and Gemini addresses Michael as his friend. Harper tells Michael that they traced the call to his home phone. Later, Michael meets with Bird and the two find out that the killer was going to eject and then murder Agent Santoro. Later, the "Gemini Killer" begins to cut the FBI agent's wrist. Minutes later, Michael and Bird try to find the killer, and the agent. They find her and she is taken to the hospital. Her family comes and sees her. Later, Michael tells Hannah what he's learned about the movers and Oregon. She shares her secrets, claimed that she was "embarrassed", and they talk.
Michael's shrink in the "green reality", Dr. Judith Evans (Cherry Jones), cites that one reality will begin the scene as a fantasy. As Michael leaves in the car, Gemini calls Michael and explains that he was intrigued by Michael's success in tracking him down. He broke into Evans' office, read her files, and asks Michael if he is awake or asleep. However, Gemini says that the world needs people like him and Michael; people who can see it sideways. As he takes a flight to Portland, Gemini says that he hopes Michael doesn't wake up and then hangs up.
Three adolescent friends Ed, Edd and Eddy opt to flee the Peach Creek cul-de-sac after their latest money-making scheme heavily backfires. This not only leaves their neighborhood in a state of devastation, but has also severely wounded their neighbors Jonny, Kevin, Nazz and Rolf, who plan to retaliate violently. After narrowly escaping, Eddy decides they should seek protection from his unnamed older brother. Since Eddy does not actually know where he lives, Edd is forced to try and piece together Eddy's inconsistent facts about him to determine a location. Back at the cul-de-sac, the other kids decide to travel separately to hunt down the Eds. Jonny takes his wooden board Plank, don their superhero alter egos, and travel into the city. Rolf rides on his pig, Wilfred, to track the Eds by scent. Kevin and Nazz travel via Kevin's prized bicycle, following random clues left behind by the Eds, but ultimately get separated. While Jimmy and Sarah were not involved or affected by the scheme, they seek to have a picnic and watch the Eds get beaten up, but are caught by the Kanker sisters — Lee, Marie and May. Upon learning about what the other children plan on doing to the Eds, the Kankers set out to save them while taking the duo hostage.
Meanwhile, the Eds are left to wander aimlessly under Eddy's direction. In a cow field, Edd profiles Eddy's brother and reasons that given his con artistry, he would likely be found at a place involving pranks. Ed uses one of his decade-old comic books to suggest visiting the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. Upon arriving, they discover the factory is abandoned and derelict, and Edd cannot find any clues in the office.
After leaving the factory, Eddy claims that his brother was once a whaler, so Edd deduces that he must live by the sea. They build a boat and then ride on it over the river to find him. The river ends in a swamp, where the boat is destroyed. Ed and Eddy then prank Edd into believing that they have sunken to their demises in quicksand. Infuriated, Edd decides to return home and face the other kids' wrath. Ed sobs over their damaged friendship while Eddy is initially enraged by this. He soon breaks down and takes blame for their predicament, prompting Edd to forgive him and the Eds continue their journey.
Meanwhile, Jimmy and Sarah manage to escape from the Kankers and are joined by Wilfred, who has abandoned Rolf after growing tired of his abrasive attitude. That same evening, the Kankers confront and abduct the other children. The next morning, the Eds come across a coastal theme park called "Mondo A-Go Go", which Edd links to a postcard Eddy has from his brother. They conclude that Eddy's brother works there and find his whale-shaped trailer. Everyone else except for Jonny and Plank arrive shortly afterwards. Eddy's brother reveals himself and, although he originally seems to be everything that the children imagined, is eventually shown to be physically abusive towards Eddy without reason, leaving everyone appalled. When Edd tries to interfere, Eddy's brother simply whacks him, prompting everyone to jump in to defend Edd and Eddy. While Eddy's brother is distracted, Ed sends the trailer door flying into Eddy's brother's face, knocking him out.
On the ground covered in injuries, Eddy tearfully reveals that he lied about his brother in an unsuccessful attempt to gain admiration and social acceptance, and expresses remorse for all the scams and lies he has told. Touched by Eddy's confession and eventual apology, the children forgive the Eds and accept them as their friends. Jonny and Plank subsequently arrive and, without giving anyone a chance to explain what happened, quickly attack and defeat the Eds. In response, the other kids attack Jonny and Plank. Kevin then invites everyone over for jawbreakers and they return home together while the Kankers drag Eddy's brother into his trailer. Edd concludes the film and the series by putting a label that says "The End" on the screen. In a post-credits scene, Jonny is enraged after everyone turned against him and vows revenge. However, Plank mentions that there is no time left in the film.
Living in modern-day Eastern Serbia, still fertile ground for various forms of superstition and prejudice, Zorica (Ljuma Penov) is a village girl who carries a curse. Ever since her first boyfriend mysteriously drowned in the river, men around her are dying in most bizarre ways. The plot thickens when stubborn policeman Mane (Branislav Trifunović) who doesn't believe in 'village tales' tries to investigate whether Zorica is a serial killer or a girl looking for love.
The episode starts with Harper (Sterling Sulieman), the vampire who got out of the tomb attacking a hiker and then stealing his clothes. He gets out of the woods and gets to the town looking lost in the modern world. He sees a woman sitting on a bench who nods to him and he nods back.
Jenna (Sara Canning) found information about Elena's (Nina Dobrev) birth mother and she informs her. There is a friend of her mother who lives nearby, Trudie Peterson (Amanda Detmer). Jenna also tells Elena that Alaric's (Matt Davis) wife's name was also Isobel and she is dead but she does not know if it is the same person. Elena tells Stefan (Paul Wesley) about Trudie and Alaric's wife and he asks her if she will go to visit Trudie to let him go with her. Meanwhile, Jenna meets Alaric at school and tells him about Elena's birth mother. He says that his wife didn't have any kids but when Jeanna shows him a picture of Elena's mother he leaves in shock.
Damon (Ian Somerhalder) tries to deal with the truth about Katherine on his own way; partying with girls. Stefan interrupts them because he wants to ask him about Isobel (Mia Kirshner) but Damon says he does not know her and goes back to partying. Meanwhile, Caroline (Candice Accola) is with Matt (Zach Roerig) at his place and while they are making out, his mother Kelly (Melinda Clarke) gets in. Caroline leaves and Matt catches up with his mother.
Elena goes at Trudie's house to ask about Isobel and Trudie, who realizes that she is Isobel's daughter, lets her in. Trudie texts someone: "She is here" and while they are talking, she makes some tea to drink. Elena figures out that she put vervain in it and realizes that Trudie knows about vampires but when she asks her, Trudie asks her to leave. As Elena makes her way to her car, she sees a man standing in the road looking at her. She takes off before the man approaches and later she tells Stefan all about it. Stefan tells her that Alaric thinks his wife was probably killed by a vampire but does not mention that it was Damon and asks her to wait a little before talk to him.
In the meantime, Alaric meets Stefan to talk to him about his wife and if he found out anything since he promised to help him. He wants to know what Damon did to Isobel but Stefan tells him that Damon says he does not remember her and he asks for a picture of hers to show it to him. Stefan shows the picture to Damon but he still says that he does not know her. In a flashback, we see that Isobel was investigating vampires and she was obsessed with finding the truth.
Damon goes to the Grill's bar for a drink and Alaric is there. They talk for a while before Alaric leaves and Liz (Marguerite MacIntyre) appears. She wants to ask Damon to be one of the bachelors at the Founder's fundraiser and he accepts. In return, he asks her help on finding information about Alaric because he does not trust him. Meanwhile, the mystery man Elena saw outside Trudie's house now knocks Trudie's door asking about Elena. Even though Trudie tells him what he wants, the man kills her.
At the Founder's fundraiser, Liz gives Damon the info he wanted about Alaric and he realizes that Alaric's wife is the woman Stefan was asking him about. The Bachelor Raffle begins and Mrs Lockwood (Susan Walters) introduces the bachelors. When she goes to Damon, he starts talking about Alaric's wife and that once they drunk together and that she was delicious. Alaric tries to stay calm and Elena is horrified while she realizes that Damon was the vampire who killed her mother.
Elena runs outside and Stefan follows her telling her that they do not know for sure if Damon killed Isobel because her body never found. While they talk, the mystery man who killed Trudie, shows up and tells Elena to stop looking for ''her'' because she does not want to know her. Elena tries to ask him about Isobel but Stefan figures out that the man in under compulsion and she just tells him that she will stop. As soon as she tells him that, he steps in the middle of the road and a truck hits him. Elena takes his cell phone from the ground and she and Stefan go back inside. There she runs into Damon who can't understand why Elena is so mad at him, until she tells him who Isobel was.
Alaric, leaves the fundraiser and goes to the Salvatore house to find Damon holding a stake and ask him about Isobel. Damon tells him that he did not kill her but turned her since Isobel came to him begging him to do it. Alaric attacks him trying to stake him but Damon gets the stake and kills Alaric. Stefan arrives and sees Alaric dead lying on the floor. Damon tells him that Alaric attacked him and now that he knows Isobel was related with Elena believes that somehow Katherine sent her to him for a reason and he leaves.
Stefan stays with Alaric's body when suddenly Alaric comes back to life. They are both shocked and Stefan believes that someone must have given him vampire blood and they turned him. Alaric remembers a conversation he had with Isobel when she gave him his ring and told him that it was a gift to protect him and he tells Stefan that it was the ring that somehow protected him.
Elena is back at home and dials the last number the mystery man called from his cell. A woman's voice answers asking if there was a problem and if he found her. Elena realizes that is Isobel but the moment Isobel hears that is Elena, she hangs up the phone.
The episode ends with Harper arriving at a house at the woods. He knocks and the woman he saw sitting on the bench opens the door and then calls for Pearl. Pearl comes and greets Harper with her daughter, Anna. Along with them comes a woman who Pearl asks her to invite Harper in.
The plot follows the two main characters: a woman played by Frances Barber and a man played by Paul McGann, who meet and develop a romance while staying at a spa where talking is not allowed.
Kate Beckett gets a call from a man who asks for "Nikki" and claims he has committed a murder. Alex Peterman, a personal attorney, is found shot to death at Grand Central Terminal. Five bullets are found at the crime scene, each one with a letter etched into it, together spelling "Nikki". The murderer is calling out Nikki Heat, which is the main character from one of Rick Castle's fiction novels and based on Beckett. The killer phones Beckett, telling her that he has again killed. This time, the body is found in the Central Park carousel, and the letters on the bullets left behind spell "will". The team discovers that the killer is trying to send a message.
FBI agents arrive at the second murder scene and announce that this is now their investigation, Agent Jordan Shaw (Dana Delany) being the lead investigator. Michelle Lewis, a dog walker, is identified as the second victim. The FBI waste no time in making themselves at home in the precinct, quickly moving in their equipment required for the "war room" . Castle is impressed by Shaw and her equipment, but Beckett is annoyed by her. The team manages to get a print off of Lewis' purse, which matches a man by the name of Donald Salt (Andrew Rothenberg), who is on parole. When the team goes to arrest Salt, Castle is ordered to stay in the car. Salt tries to run from the police, making a mistake by going straight past the car where Castle is hidden inside. Stepping out quickly, the author stuns the fugitive with a high voltage taser gun, found in special Agent Shaw's SUV.
In interrogation, Beckett realizes that Salt is wearing a bandage on one of his hands and so, he informs her that he sold his pinky finger online to the real killer. The bandage has a code of numbers written on it. After pondering about the numbers' meaning, Castle discovers that they correspond to page numbers and words in his novel, ''Heat Wave''. The message for the team says, "I will kill someone else before midnight tonight unless you stop me.". Sadly, the given deadline arrives, with the detectives still having no idea of who the next victim is, or, even less, where their murder will take place. Disappointed, the psychopath contacts Kate once again, testing her, tempting her, pissing her off even more. The FBI traces the call to a parking garage. When they arrive, they find blood, a woman's shoe, some strands of hair, and four shell casings. The only thing missing is the body, which was put in the trunk of a waiting and stolen vehicle.
Castle spends the night on Beckett's couch. When he wakes up the next morning, the body missing from the parking garage is found outside her front door. Bullets from this body read "burn". The killer's message is complete: "Nikki will burn." The third body is identified as taxidermist Sandra Keller (Barbara Anne Klein). The team finds the connections between the bodies. The killer was walking his dog when the second victim was walking a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler attacked and killed the other dog. The dog was sent to a taxidermist, but the killer didn't have enough money to pay for it. The taxidermist was robbed and formaldehyde was taken from the shop. The dead lawyer had been asked to take the case of the dead dog but declined. The client's name was Benjamin Conrad (Nicholas Patitucci).
The FBI team is set up to arrest Conrad when Beckett gets yet another call from their perpetrator. Through a window, she sees him with a gun in his left hand and a cellphone in his right. He disappears from view and a gunshot is heard. The formaldehyde that Conrad had stolen was being used to make cyclonite, a highly explosive element, that only 5 little pieces of could blow the whole precinct up. With that, they found a recording of the killer's voice, repeating, over and over, the words "Goodbye, Nikki.". This recording was meant to activate about 5–10 seconds before a bomb would explode and kill detective Beckett. Back at his house, Castle looks over the crime scene pictures. He suddenly realizes that, in the pictures, Conrad's gun was in his right hand. However, the man in the window was left handed. Conrad was killed by the guy in the window and the real killer is still on the loose, causing him to realize that Beckett is still in danger. Castle leaves his house and calls Beckett to warn her, but she is in the shower. When she finally answers, Castle is seen running towards her apartment and tells her that Conrad isn't the killer . While on the phone, Castle hears the "Goodbye, Nikki" recording, seconds before arriving at her building and then her apartment blows up with Castle right outside. He takes cover from the blast and exploding glass, looking up in horror to see Beckett's apartment on fire.
Jan Chrysostom Kepka is asked to complete a questionnaire for a job application, required by the faceless bureaucrat Comrade Pavlenda. What follows is an ironic answer: a full and surreal account of Jan's life and times.
Maria Kawai transfers to Totsuka High School after being expelled from her previous school St. Katria - a catholic school for girls. Upon entering the classroom and hearing the students gossip, she bluntly states that the reason for her expulsion was an act of violence on her teacher. The sharp tongue and frank nature hidden under her pretty face immediately makes Maria an outcast among her classmates. After all, she was told that she "taints others." She's like a mirror that reflects people's real characters. Nevertheless, Maria hopes for a fresh start. She manages to become close with two of her classmates after they hear her beautiful singing (the song is Amazing Grace and Maria often sings it in the manga). One is Yusuke Kanda, who's kind and friendly to everyone on the outside, but inside isn't that way at all. He teaches her a "lovely spin" which should help her get along with others better, but it just makes her seem even more intimidating. Maria, apparently, isn't a "lovely spin" kind of a girl. The other is Shin Meguro. He is tall, dark-haired and always frowning. Coming from a family of musicians, he knew right away which song Maria was singing. Meguro is a returnee but Maria points out that because he lacks communication skills he doesn't really know how to speak English. Throughout the year Maria faces many problems, mainly relating to getting along with others but soon resolves it with the constant help of her friends and bluntness.
The novel starts with protagonist Franz Tunda, born 1894, escaping confinement in Russia and finding a home with Baranowicz from Poland, who lives in Werchne-Udisnk. In the spring of 1919 the lieutenant hears of the end of the war and decides to go to Vienna to meet his fiancee, Miss Irene Hartmann. By September Tunda has made it to Ukraine. Caught up in the Russian Civil War, he first falls into the hands of the White Army, but later he ends up with the Red Army. Tunda falls in love with his supervisor, a Russian woman named Natascha Alexandrowna, becomes a revolutionary himself and gives passionate speeches in support of Communism.
Later, in Moscow, Tunda has to manage his postwar life. He is asked to join the Communist Party, but leaves to Georgia and falls in love with a woman called Alja. They get married in Baku. Tunda takes care of a French delegation from Paris, shows them around and sleeps with Mrs. G., the only woman in the delegation. Later he is regarded as a spy by the French. When saying goodbye, Mrs G. tells Tunda her address in France. Tunda leaves his wife, gets Austrian identity papers and later lives in Vienna on unemployment benefit. He misses his home in Siberia just as much as he misses to Irene.
On his way to Paris, he visits his brother, a well-off bandmaster who lives in the Rhineland, but they don't have anything to talk about.
Tunda publishes a book about his experiences and sends his wife in Baku a bit of money. In Paris, he meets Mrs G. again, but everyone in France seems to know that he is broke. Tunda and Irene pass each other once, but neither recognizes the other. Baranowicz writes a letter from Siberia: Alja has just arrived at his place and they are both waiting for Tunda. Tunda can now go back to the region of Irkutsk but he doesn't know what to do.
In 1942 in the Swedish province of Värmland bordering Nazi-occupied Norway, a group of Swedish soldiers leave their post at a check-point in neutral Sweden, and ends up on the wrong side of the border. One soldier is killed and another captured by the Germans, and a rescue operation is underway. However, a Swedish colonel sends out an execution squad to eliminate the lost soldiers and their rescuers, in order to cover up the mistake. The lost Swedish soldiers now suddenly face two different enemies on their way home across the border.
In "Monstress", Filipina actress Reva Gogo and her B-Movie director boyfriend go to Los Angeles hoping that an American director can help them be successful.
In "Help", a man recruits his nephew to fight the Beatles for being rude to Imelda Marcos.
In "Superassassin", an isolated boy writes a biographical report on the Green Lantern and practices being a super-powered avenger with disastrous results.
In "Felix Starro", the grandson of a famous Filipino faith healer plans his escape from the family business.
In "The Brothers", a man buries his transgender sister with the help of her friend and remembers the brother he lost.
In "The View From Culion", a young woman raised in a leper colony strikes up a tentative friendship with a US Navy officer afflicted with the disease.
In "Save the I-Hotel", an elderly man tries to manage his homosexual desire for his oldest friend.
Julie Roy, a young woman, approaches a maverick attorney, claiming that her psychoanalyst has raped her, and over a period of time used her for sex before discarding her.
Accompanied by her cousin and her cousin's husband, the 40-year-old narrator travels to the Austrian mountains. They plan on staying in a hunting lodge for the weekend, but the next morning the woman finds herself alone with her cousins' dog, Luchs. The couple, who planned on having dinner in the valley, did not return. The woman leaves to look for the couple but soon discovers why they did not come back: a seemingly endless, invisible wall separates her from the other side of the valley.
In an attempt to find out what had happened, she uses binoculars to look for other people. The only other person she can see is a man who seems to be frozen still. It seems to her that a tragedy killed all living creatures on the other side of the wall. She is entirely alone, protected and trapped, in equal measure, by the invisible wall.
All her attempts to get to the other side of the wall fail, so she slowly starts to adjust to her new situation. Because the area in which she is trapped is fairly wide, she learns to live off her supplies, the fruits and animals of the surrounding forest, and her garden. Besides looking after herself she soon starts to look after the animals who are dependent on her: a dog, cats, and a pregnant cow. With the winter coming she starts writing a report that makes up the book, unsure whether anyone will ever read it.
Towards the end of the novel, the first and only other person appears. He kills her dog and calf, apparently with no reason for doing so. She shoots him, ending perhaps her only chance of ever interacting with a human again.
The story ends with her writing that the cow is pregnant again, and she is hoping that the cat will have new kittens. But she is also running out of ammunition and matches, so her future might become even more difficult. At the end of the book, her fate is unknown.
On Christmas Eve, sometime after a woman is disemboweled in the woods of Christmastown, California by a man dressed as a pirate, a couple drive to a field, which the man, Boom Boom, claims is where Tommy "Oneshoe" McGroo buries his victims, the people who used to bully him. Boom Boom tells his girlfriend, Kitty, that Tommy acquired his nickname when one of his shoes was stolen, and he could not afford another due to his family's poverty. Tommy asked for replacement footwear for Christmas, but instead got an eyepatch with a Christmas tree on it, since he idolized pirates. Driven insane by this, Tommy began murdering his tormentors, though most consider him an urban legend. After telling Tommy's story, Boom Boom goes to urinate, and has his testicles ripped off by Tommy, who then wounds Kitty. Later, Tommy snaps the neck of man having kinky sex with his blindfolded wife, who Tommy then rapes.
At Lame Dog Hollow Camp, Tommy's remaining former classmates are assembled by Ernie Cunningham, who wants them to team-up to kill Tommy when he inevitably comes looking for them. Until then, the group members spend their time trying to amuse themselves, with amateur guitarist Isaac Hiltzik (who only talk sings) and his girlfriend, Lana Hooper, heading to the nearby lake, where Tommy knifes them. The next to die is awkward nerd Dorcas Cunningham, who Tommy sneaks up on with a running chainsaw, only being noticed when he steps on a twig.
After the sultry Abby Honeydew is stabbed while looking for their missing friends, Ernie and Danny make plans to try and summon Tommy's previous victims with a Ouija board, but Ernie is killed with a screwdriver while traversing a cemetery. Danny fights Tommy, and stabs him in the head with a rail spike, though Tommy recovers from this, blasts Danny with a shotgun, and takes one of his shoes. Five years later, Tommy (who still has the spike protruding from his head) is shown to have married the woman he had sex with, and the two have a son, who Tommy gives his eyepatch to as a Christmas present.
''Shaft'' tells one of the adventures of John Shaft, a private detective based in New York City.
Todd (Labine) wants everything to be perfect at his family cottage, where he plans to propose to Cammie (Åkerman). However, things go wrong when Todd's slacker brother, Salinger (Petronijevic), and his free-spirited girlfriend, Masha (Punch), show up. Todd accidentally kills his brother with an axe. After he confesses to Cammie, they devise a plan to kill Masha.
While she in the kitchen cooking mushrooms Masha turns around and catches Todd, who about to strike. Cammie quickly hits her with the frying pan and knocks her out. While lying on the floor, Masha begins to have a seizure. Cammie covers her face with the tarp and slams her head repeatedly against the floor. Todd and Cammie chop up the bodies and dispose of them in the lake on their way to the island. There, Todd proposes, and Cammie says yes.
On their way back to the mainland, they discover that Salinger invited many people to the cottage for a party and that they have arrived. During the party, one of Salinger's friends becomes very concerned about the disappearance of Masha and Salinger and catches Cammie in a lie. The friend then talks to Todd, who is very nervous, and tells him how much Salinger respects and loves him. He notices the cut above Todds head and starts asking him about it.
Todd's timeline fails to match up, but Cammie is determined not to let the murder stand in the way of their happiness.
On an island of Hong Kong’s New Territories, a ship’s cargo of nitroglycerin washes ashore due to a typhoon. The islanders claim the cargo under the law of salvage, but the powerful Nico Patrai threatens to destroy the island and its inhabitants if the nitroglycerine is not given to him in three days.
The village head Win Lim and two other islanders escape Patrai’s men to go to Macau where they seek the help of soldier of fortune Rick Masters who lives on a junk. Masters defeats some of Patrai’s henchmen who have pursued the villagers. Win Lim offers him one third of the profits of the cargo if he can transport it to Hong Kong.
Masters recruits some of his friends to take on Patrai.
A wandering knight Lancelot, a distant descendant on the maternal side of the famous Sir Lancelot, comes to a city which has been ruled by a fierce dragon for four hundred years. Most of the residents do not want to be rescued from the tyranny of the monstrous serpent, explaining its historical importance.
Lancelot, saving the Dragon's victim, an innocent girl, challenges the monster to a fight. In the underground city there are people who help the knight to find weapons and get ready for an unequal fight. Lancelot defeats the Dragon, but he gets wounded and goes into hiding. In the city the dragon's rule is replaced by chaos.
Gradually, the bygone story becomes the past, and the city is getting new decrees. After the fight with the Dragon, the city mayor who at his rule served as a puppet claims victory over the Dragon. Lancelot is forced to return to the city to explain to the residents that in itself the death of the Dragon only means that it is time for each kill a dragon in themselves and that he will make all residents to do so. However, as he does so, the inhabitants of the town come to see him as the next dragon and bow before their new master.
Lancelot goes away from the people. He sees children playing with the Dragon who has shapeshifted from a dark and cynical warlord to a good-natured bearded man. The Dragon offers not to continue battling with the children present but Lancelot refuses. The Dragon declares that the most interesting bit is about to begin. Lancelot, the Dragon and the children leave.
Peter and Chris learn of a local hot dog eating contest on the local news, so Peter enters Chris in it. While Peter and Chris try to find an old possession in the attic for $50, the amount Chris needs to enter the contest, Brian comes across ''News of the World'', the 1977 Queen album. Stewie is immediately frightened of the giant robot on the album that is pictured just having killed the members of Queen, so Brian pays Peter and Chris $50 for the album to be able to mess with Stewie's head. But when Stewie attempts suicide, Brian proves to him that it is just an album and convinces him that "most" of Queen are fine today.
At the contest, Chris eats 41 hot dogs, beating worldwide hot dog eating champion Charles Yamamoto. Chris starts feeling stomach pains soon after, and Peter and Lois decide to enroll him in a fat camp called Camp Fresh Start. While hiking, Peter and Chris discover the dead body of an obese teenager. When Joe brings up that the young man was murdered, everyone turns to see Jason Voorhees, but he reveals he is just there to sign up his son. Joe notices that the victim was strangled, leading Peter to think that the killer was his brother-in-law Patrick Pewterschmidt. The family think it to be impossible as Patrick is still at the mental institution, but he soon appears at the Griffin house. However, after Peter and Joe rush to the house, Patrick reveals that he's not the killer and that someone opened his prison cell door days earlier. This statement is later proven when another obese teenager is found murdered while Patrick was not there. Peter and Joe have an idea to catch the real killer by bringing Patrick along, and he quickly reveals that the killer is really after Chris and the two other victims were killed by mistake due to coincidental similarities.
By that time, while sleeping back at home, Chris is attacked by the real killer: none other than Charles Yamamoto, who wants revenge for Chris beating him in the hot dog eating contest. Just as Yamamoto is about to finish off Chris, Stewie appears and shows Yamamoto the ''News of the World'' album, causing him to die of a heart attack (a reference to the album ''Sheer Heart Attack'' featuring "Killer Queen", and song "Sheer Heart Attack" on the ''News of the World'' album) while wondering if the picture was a vision of the past or future. Police arrive at the house where Patrick points out that the dead Yamamoto is the man who released him, revealing the killer's plan to use Patrick as a scapegoat. But when Patrick disappears just as he is about to apologize to him, Joe has Peter injure him to make it look like Patrick escaped his custody.
The aforementioned "Killer Queen" plays as the credits roll.
When a newly appointed judge shuts down a cheese factory for pollution violations, its owner, La Noce, bribes a monsignor to fix the problem. He discovers the judge has a liking for other men's wives. La Noce sends his assistant, Albertini, to hire a woman to pretend to be La Noce's wife. Albertini finds a virginal-looking prostitute with a dirty mouth. The girl's train ride from Rome to Sicily is filled with mix-ups but they hope that once she's in Sicily, La Noce's plan to compromise the judge will succeed. All the characters come together to create a comedic storyline....La Noce, his real wife, the whore, her pimp, Albertini, the judge, his wife, and his jealous secretary.
When the Milan based mafia hitman Tony Arzenta asks to get out of the business, his bosses decide to kill him as he knows too much but accidentally kill his wife and child instead. He embarks on a campaign of revenge in a journey that takes him both to Hamburg and Copenhagen.
''Palace of Eternal Life'' is a ''chuanqi'' play in fifty acts. The play recounts the love story of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and his favorite consort, Yang Guifei. Though based on a large body of earlier literature and legend, it is unique in its overall form and lyric exposition.
When Lady Yang becomes the Emperor's favorite consort, he gives her as love tokens a gold hairpin and a casket adorned with gold-leaf flowers. Her older brother Yang Guozhong becomes Chancellor of the Right. Banished once for a fit of jealousy, she regains favor by sending the Emperor her shorn locks as a token of her love. A frontier general, An Lushan, is sent to the capital for an offense, but Yang Guozhong obtains a pardon for him, and he wins a promotion and a princely title for himself. A military man, Guo Ziyi, who has come to the capital to receive an appointment, witnesses from a wine house window the extravagant pomp and splendor enjoyed by the Yang family and An Lushan. A prophetic verse on the wine-house wall foretells doom. Guo is appointed a powerful military commissioner and resolves one day to repay his debt to the imperial court in deeds.
Chang E, the Moon Fairy, wishing to pass on the beautiful music of the Rainbow-skirt Feather-jacket Dance to mortals, summons Lady Yang's soul to her in a dream and teaches it to her. At her birthday banquet in the Palace of Eternal Life, Lady Yang later performs the beautiful dance for the emperor.
After challenging the power of Yang Guozhong, An Lushan is exiled from the capital by the Emperor. He stirs up a rebellion, and Guo Ziy] trains his troops to counter the imminent rising. Oblivious of this situation, Emperor Xuanzong and Lady Yang bathe together in a warm spring and on the seventh of the seventh month, loves' night, make a sacrifice to the Herd Boy and Spinning Damsel star gods, vowing eternal love for each other. When An's forces menace the capital, Xuanzong departs with his entourage toward the relative safety of Sichuan. On the way, at Mawei mail halt, his mutinous troops, blaming the Yangs for their plight, kill Yang Guozhong and demand Lady Yang's death. Helpless, Xuanzong allows her to hang herself, and she is provisionally buried there. An Lushan usurps the imperial throne, and takes over the capital. Xuanzong, grieving for Lady Yang, on reaching Sichuan places a portrait of her in a temple and worships and weeps before it. Meanwhile, moved by the plight of Lady Yang's forlorn soul, the Spinning Damsel persuades the Jade Emperor of Heaven to permit Lady Yang to become an immortal in the paradise of Penglai. She also gives Lady Yang liquid jade and liquid gold to pour on her corpse, thereby reuniting body and soul.
Imperial power is transferred to Emperor Suzong, Xuanzong's son, who sends Guo Ziyi to quell the rebellion. Guo succeeds and the two Emperors head back to the capital. When he passes through Mawei, Xuanzong can find no trace of Lady Yang's body-only her perfume sachet. Back in the capital, he dreams that Lady Yang has sent for him and afterward commands the Taoist necromancer You Tong to seek out lady Yang's soul. Aided by the Spinning DamseL, the Taoist reaches Penglai, where Lady Yang gives him half the gold hairpin and part of the casket to take to Xuanzong as tokens of renewed love. On the appointed date, You Tong sets up a fairy bridge to the Moon palace and sends Xuanzong alone on it to the moon. There the two lovers are blissfully reunited, match the halves of the hairpin and the casket, and thanks to the Spinning Damsel's efforts are commanded by the Jade Emperor to dwell forever as man and wife in paradise.
The episode opens with Bridget taking Malcolm to Siobhan's secret office. However, when they get there, the whole place is empty. When she returns to the apartment, she receives a call from a floriculture about a delivery to a woman's house and when she gets the address she decides to see who's the mysterious woman. After entering in the house, the woman thanks Bridget, believing she's Siobhan, for sending the flowers every year. When the woman leaves the room to get some tea, Bridget sees a picture of the woman with a kid, who turns out to be Siobhan's son, Sean. Upon returning to the apartment, Bridget receives the visit of the woman's son, Dylan, who's Sean's father. He tells her that her visit had upset his mother, and that she must stop sending the flowers for good. Flashbacks reveals that Dylan dumped Siobhan after she got pregnant. A few years later, he shows up at her house wanting to see his son. They discuss and he leaves. Siobhan tells Bridget to never let Dylan get closer to Sean. The next day, Dylan returns to Siobhan's house but only Bridget and the kid are there. He asks to take his son out just for the night and that she can go with them, and she accepts. While returning home, Dylan asks is Bridget can support him once he files to be Sean's legal guardian, and a car hits them in the middle of the road, killing Sean in the process. At Sean's funeral, Bridget tries to apologize with Siobhan, who slaps her in the face and refuse to accept her apologies. Back to present day, Bridget discovers where Dylan lives and watches as him plays with his daughter and new wife. In a moment of rage, she takes a brick to throw into their window, but Malcolm stops her. The next morning, Bridget, as Siobhan, comes to Dylan's house and tells him that she forgives him and understands that what happened was an accident and not necessarily their fault. At the end of the episode, Bridget calls Malcolm and tells him that she has decided to tell Andrew and Juliet who she really is.
Juliet discovers that Tessa has bought a car with the money from the scheme they made. Juliet then tells Mr. Carpenter what Tessa did, which could create suspicion, and he tells her that he will take care of that. The next morning, Juliet goes to school only to find out that Tessa has been brutally attacked and is in the hospital, in a coma. She immediately suspects that Mr. Carpenter did it. It's then revealed that her mother, Catherine, who at the beginning of the episode told Andrew that she wants Juliet to move in with her to Miami, was the one who had the idea for the scheme in the first place.
Meanwhile, Henry comes to Andrew's office to take his money from his account. Malcolm, who was just hired by Andrew, sees that Henry has the key to Siobhan's office and decides to keep an eye on him.
Mino, a wealthy count/ taxidermist living under the thumb of his domineering mother, decides to marry his fiancée Laura, a decision that infuriates not only his jealous mother, but their plotting maid Marta, who has desires of marrying the count someday herself. Before Laura goes out for a drive, Marta sabotages her car's brakes and the poor woman is killed when her car plunges off a cliff. Mino, who was following her in his car, witnesses the accident and salvages his fiancée's corpse from the wreckage, leaving the car in a lake. He works on her in his taxidermy lab, stuffing her like one of his birds, and puts her in their marital bed. Meanwhile, Marta has gotten rid of Mino's mother by shoving her down a flight of stairs.
Soon after, Mino begins bringing prostitutes to his mansion, where he makes love to them in the same bed in which he keeps his fiancée's stuffed corpse. When the girls see the body and begin screaming, he strangles them to death. Marta discovers the murders and offers to help him dispose of the bodies in acid, if he agrees to marry her and make her the countess. Everything seems to be going her way until Laura's twin sister Daniela shows up at the estate, trying to find out if her sister's body was ever dredged out of the lake by the police. When Mino sees Daniela, his mind snaps and he thinks it is Laura, returned from the dead. He breaks his deal with Marta and tells her to pack her bags and leave the mansion, so that he and Daniela can be married. Marta tries to stab Daniela that night with a huge butcher knife, but Mino intervenes and stabs Marta repeatedly in a gruesome scene that is heavily edited in the Italian release prints. Leaving Marta for dead, Mino kidnaps Daniela and drives out into the country with her, ranting like a lunatic as they drive. But Marta's not dead, and she manages to drag her blood-spattered body to the phone to call the authorities. Before she dies, she alerts the police to the kidnapping, and a manhunt begins to capture Mino before he can harm Daniela.
Aziz works in an Amsterdam office building. He dislikes his job and his boss, but he has just begun dating his dream girl, Tess. Jealous of his success with Tess, his boss uses the constant phone calls by Aziz's brother Mo as an excuse to fire him. Annoyed but having nowhere else to go, Aziz joins Mo at the pool party to which Mo has invited him, only to become an unwilling participant in a fight instigated by Mo's carelessness. Mo and Aziz end up jailed with Jeffrey and Nolan, incompetent bouncers at the party, and Joris, a thief. All but Aziz hit on Kim, a tough cop, and she tasers both Mo and Jeffrey after they talk back to her. Later, alarms go off and the building loses power. Mo initially dismisses this as theatrics intended to scare them, but when the doors to their cells open, the group discovers the police station in ruins. Curious, they leave the station, and zombies attack them; Kim saves them, and they return to the station.
Television broadcasts reveal that a Russian space probe, contaminated with a green slime, has caused the residents of Amsterdam-West to turn into zombies. Aziz becomes worried when he sees that the probe crashed into his office building, and when he receives a call for help from Tess, he insists that they go there to rescue her. The others refuse and instead suggest that they go to a designated shelter. After they loot a sporting goods store for equipment, Aziz sets off on his own to rescue Tess, and Kim reluctantly accompanies him, equally impressed and annoyed with his dedication to Tess. They do not get far before they are swamped by zombies, and they rejoin the rest of the group, who have accidentally killed Ben Saunders. The group retreats to a chop shop, where the mechanics demonstrate that the green slime is an energy source. When the mechanics turn into zombies, the group splits up: Aziz and Kim set off to rescue Tess, and Joris convinces the others to rob a bank.
Joris doublecrosses the others and leaves with the money, and a zombie bites Nolan. When Nolan begins vomiting green slime, he requests they kill him; after several unsuccessful attempts to bludgeon Nolan to death, they abandon him. Both Mo and Tess call Aziz and ask for help. Caught between his brother and his girlfriend, Aziz decides to first help his brother. Kim and Aziz rescue Jeffrey and Mo, but they end up stranded at a playground. They are rescued by the Barachi brothers, who, in a video game sequence, defeat the zombies and then leave. When the group arrives at the shelter, soldiers refuse to assist Aziz in rescuing Tess, and he steals a truck. The others join him, and they set off for the office building. Jeffrey, now armed with a minigun, holds off the zombie hordes while Aziz, Mo, and Kim work their way up the building, only to find out that Tess was already rescued by a former lover.
Furious at the pointlessness, Kim leaves on her own and randomly encounters Tess, who has now transformed into a zombie. At the same time, Aziz and Mo reach the building's roof, where a Russian commando explains his plan to blow up the building. Before he can, he is bitten, turns into a zombie, and bites Mo, who decides to stay behind and use the detonator. Aziz finds Kim just as she beheads Tess, and Aziz hurriedly explains about the explosives. Jeffrey, who has climbed the entire building while toting his minigun, follows them back down the staircase. As zombies swarm Mo, he triggers the explosives, and the building collapses; Aziz, Kim, and Jeffrey escape with the help of the Barachi brothers. When they triumphantly return to the shelter, they see the soldiers suck the blood from survivors. Aziz says that he hates vampires, and they prepare for another fight.
Set in the year 1896 in the Yukon Wilderness, the film opens when Charlie (Daniel Martin) an Aboriginal Canadian fur trader, discovers his young son Mitsah (Missaele) attempting to befriend a wolf, he scares the beast away, believing it to be too wild and dangerous. Unknown to him, his son persists. Mitsah names the animal White Fang because of the ivory-white teeth the beast sprouts. That night, Charlie changes his mind about the animal when it arrives at his hut barking furiously. Mitsah, while strolling through the woods at night to meet his friend, falls through the thin ice of a frozen lake and the animal, a wolf/dog cross breed, raises the alarm.
Mitsah is saved by his father and canine friend, but falls seriously ill with hypothermia after his plunge into the icy water. Charlie decides to take his son for medical treatment at the nearest settlement. While carrying Mitsah down a mountainside, he meets an old friend named Kurt Johnson (Raimund Harmsdorf) a fellow fur trapper who agrees to help Charlie carry the barely conscious Mitsah. Kurt tells them the nearest town is a place called Dawson City, in which he informs them that it is not safe there. But Charlie tells them that he must get medical attention to his son or he will die. The group, after arriving at a riverside port below the snow line, are introduced to Jason Scott (Franco Nero), a writer traveling to Dawson City in search of a story. Once they arrive in town on a riverboat steamer, they meet with Sister Evangeline (Virna Lisi) a middle-aged nun who has recently arrived in Dawson City to set up a hospital mission. Jason and Kurt soon discover that Dawson City is a hotbed to business corruption and barely suppressed lawlessness. Sister Evangeline has already encountered corruption in the form of the town's alcoholic priest Father Oatley (Fernando Rey), whose interest in her money is highly suspect. Father Oatley is under the thumb of Dawson City's richest and most powerful resident, Beauty Smith (John Steiner). Smith has bought his way into overall control of the settlement, with some cash and many promissory notes he gives to the residents in exchange for gold. He surrounds himself with a posse of thugs wherever he goes and lords it up around town like a dandified ''artisto''. Smith is also romantically involved with Father Oatley's attractive daughter Krista (Carole Andre), who works as a singer and dancer in Dawson City's notorious bar while her father conceals his paternity connection to her in shame.
Sister Evangelina takes care of the sick Mitsah at the hut she plans to turn into a hospital, while outside, Scott, Kurt, and Charlie are threatened by Hall (Rick Battaglia) one of Beauty Smith's henchmen plus a few others, demanding money for keeping Mitsah in town as well as for the hospital sign they put up. Scott and Kurt beat up Hall and all of Beauty Smith's henchmen single-handedly, which Smith himself watches with both anger and admiration for their courage.
A little later, Charlie is threatened by Smith's henchman who make racial slurs as him as well as demand money as well as the fur pelts that he brought with him. A fight is provoked by between White Fang and Smith's champion hound he uses for dogfight gambling bets. White Fang is victorious, killing the opposing dog. Beauty Smith, seeing the whole thing, approaches Charlie and offers the Indian trader a large sum of money for his dog. Charlie refuses to sell White Fang. Furious at this one humiliating failure of his attempt to wield cash power, Smith stalks off for a muttered conference with his lackeys. As Smith walks away, Charlie is surrounded by the jostling gang and fatally stabbed to death. Scott and Kurt arrive on the scene just as Smith's henchmen disperse where the assembled townspeople, gripped with fear of retribution, claim to have seen nothing.
White Fang is captured by Smith's henchmen and put to service, earning money in a public fight against a captured, wild bear chained to a post. White Fang is severely injured before Scott and Sister Evangelina arrive to rescue him. Returning the wolf-dog to Mitsah, who is starting to recover, they suppress any news of the death of his father until he is physically recovered. In the meantime, Scott takes a parental interest to the youngster.
Soon, everything starts to go wrong for Beauty Smith when he tries to persuade Krista to accompany him away from Dawson City for he is planning to skip town with his ill-gotten money, trailing unpaid promissory notes behind him. A frantic tussle erupts where Smith accidentally shoots Krista, killing her. Father Oatley, arrives on the scene and sees what Smith has done. Enraged, Oatley runs out onto the streets shouting Smith's secret to the startled townsfolk. Smith immediately decides to start packing to move onto Nome, Alaska where more gold has recently been discovered and set up shop there. Oatley's outburst blows the lid off the secret as the whole town prepares to move on to the newly discovered gold deposits.
Meanwhile, Chester (Daniele Dublino), the Smith assassin who murdered Charlie, is freed from his jail cell by a corrupt Mountie (Janos Bartha). On Smith's orders, Chester sneaks into Jason Scott's quarters and almost succeeds in killing him. But White Fang leaps in through a window and savages Chester. Beauty Smith and his lead henchmen, Hall, then sneak into the mission hut and take Mitsah hostage, and shoots Father Oatley dead as he attempts to stop them. Scott, White Fang, and a horde or irate villagers give chase. Smith attempts to sweep away his pursuers by blowing up a dam. But White Fang jumps upon Smith and saves the day by gnashing at the villain's wrist. But as Scott drags Beauty Smith back to face justice, the dynamite explodes, sweeping away Smith, Hall, and White Fang.
The following day, the remainder of the townspeople, including Scott, Kurt, Sister Evangelina, and Mitsha sail away from the abandoned town down the river in a steamboat as a tearful Mitsah is distraught over the loss of both his father and beloved hound. But at the last minute, White Fang reappears, swimming from the riverbank after the departing boat and is soon reunited with Mitsah once again.
Barney decides to pursue Quinn, even after discovering she works as a stripper named Karma. Although she appears interested, she avoids answering Barney as he continuously tries to ask her out on a second date, claiming that her boss is always watching. When Barney sees Quinn behaving similarly towards another client, he realizes Quinn was just playing him, tells her off for it and storms out of the club, leaving her feeling guilty. Barney later runs into Quinn at a coffee shop, where she defends her behaviour and tells him off for failing to recognize her even though she has worked at the Lusty Leopard for a year. When she mentions a number of things that Barney mentioned to her, he is impressed that she remembered; she admits he is an interesting man. Out of guilt, she buys him a coffee and he accepts her offer to sit down together to talk.
Robin has temporarily moved in with Lily and Marshall, but becomes annoyed at their mundane lifestyle. When she attempts to flee one night, Lily and Marshall catch her. They admit they find the suburbs boring, but believe it is best for their future child. Robin tells them that if they are unhappy with where they live, that will not make it the best place for their child. Robin finally moves out to stay at Patrice's apartment.
Since Robin has moved out, Ted attempts to take his mind off of her by using her empty room for various hobbies such as smoking meats, woodworking, and pottery. Robin goes to meet Ted later, and helps him realize that some things should not be forced and that one should instead just move on. A few days later, Lily and Marshall receive a message from Ted to come hang out in the city, and the two eagerly rush off. When arriving at Ted's apartment, they find the place empty and a note from Ted. Ted never took their names off the lease, and he has decided to move out for good as he needs a change. He gives the apartment to Marshall and Lily and has decided that Robin's old room should be used for their baby.
Set in the Yukon, Canada in 1899 around three years after the conclusion of the previous film, Mitsha (Missaele) (the young boy from the first White Fang movie), is now a pre-teenager working with his wolf-dog and two fur traders when Beauty Smith (John Steiner) and two henchmen appear and raid the traders camp shooting and killing all of them, including Mitsha, and escapes in a canoe with all their equipment. Several hours later, the wolf-dog is found by John Tarwater (Harry Carey Jr.) a grizzled old trader who buries the dead Mitsha, and takes the hound back to a nearby town which is his home. The wolf-dog befriends another young boy who is John's orphaned, 10-year-old grandson Bill Tarwater (Renato Cestle). After looking for a name, Bill gives White Fang his name by yet again from the beasts ivory-white teeth. At a local saloon, White Fang helps John Tarwater win some money at a card game from a crooked card-shark, and a fistfight breaks out between the swindler and his victims as John casually counts his money, while White Fang and Bill take cover behind the bar. John then embarks on one of his periodic expeditions to discover gold.
Meanwhile, Beauty Smith is alive and well, and again exploiting the people of the very town where John and Bill live. Smith lives under the alias 'Charles Forth', a local businessman, and fakes a crippling injury by confining himself to a wheelchair with his two henchman always at his side. Sister Evangelina (Virna Lisi) is now running a new mission hut in the town to convert into a hospital. She decides to ask 'Mr. Forth' for funding to operate her hospital despite warnings from the townsmen that 'Mr. Forth' is a businessman and won't give her any money unless she gives him assurances that she will repay the loan, with interest, within 60 days or less. Sister Evangelina nevertheless goes to meet with him, and she recognizes the villainous man immediately.
Sister Evangelina contacts novelist Jason Scott (Franco Nero) who's on a book tour down south and agrees to come to her assistance. Scott also meets with his old friend Kurt Johnson (Raimund Harmstorf), now working as a mines inspector to help out. Together, the three of them take their accusations to the town's police chief, Inspector Leclerq (Renato de Carmine), who is actually on the payroll of Beauty Smith and he claims to have known the crippled 'Mr. Forth' for six years. Leclerq's wife Jane (Hannelore Elsner), is pressuring her husband to accommodate Smith's nefarious plans in return for more bribe money he gives them in exchange for protection.
Jason Scott attempts to expose the illegal complicity between 'Mr. Forth' and the Inspector with the help of a local worker named Liverpool (Donald O'Brien), who agrees to write a statement in exchange for money. But Liverpool goes back on his word to help Scott by skipping down with the money that was given to him. Shortly afterwards, Scott encounters Bill and John Tarwater when White Fang drags them back to town after their sled dogs had run away leaving them stranded on a snowy plain. The animal shows both affection for both Bill and Scott having remembered the latter from their previous adventure in Dawson City three years earlier. Elsewhere, Kurt meets Liverpool's younger and attractive sister (Yanti Somer) and a romantic attraction develops between both of them.
The following day, Liverpool shamefacedly returns to the town having found two men, one dead and the other terribly ill from frostbite, who have been sold insufficient and overpriced supplies from Beauty Smith. The survivor, named Carter, has gangrene in both legs and Scott has to help Sister Evangelina perform the amputation at the mission hut. When Beauty Smith and his henchmen see and recognize White Fang, they frame the wolf-dog for savaging Liverpool to death. An enraged posse attempts to kill White Fang, forcing Bill to drive the beast out of town.
The next day, when Bill looks for White Fang in the woods, he gets attacked by a vicious eagle, but White Fang jumps in and saves him by fighting off the eagle. Bill smuggles White Fang back into town and to Sister Evangelina's mission where the wolf-dog's injuries are tended. While visiting his grandson and his hound at the mission, John learns from Carter about the location of a gold-stream in the mountains that he found. But Harvey (Werner Pochath), a mission employee and a secret associate of Beauty Smith, sees them discussing the location and reports it to his boss. Jane then fakes a sickness to lure Sister Evangelina away from the mission, leaving Carter alone in his sickbed. Beauty Smith (no longer pretending to be crippled) pays a visit and tortures Carter for the location of the gold stream. Smith then kidnaps John Tarwater and has his two henchmen set fire to the mission hut. Carter is burned to death, while Bill, who walked in while Smith was torturing Carter, is trapped by the flames. When Sister Evangelina realizes that Jane is not sick, she races back to the burning mission and rushes in saving Bill, but gets caught on fire and dies from the severity of her burns.
Hearing of her death, the townspeople start a riot after learning from Bill about the wanted Beauty Smith and of Inspector Leclerq's association with him. As the mob breaks through the Mounties into the police station, Leclerq shoots himself. Scott, Kurt, and Bill find Jane where she tells them where Beauty Smith is heading. Scott and Kurt, with White Fang in tow, organize a posse to give chase. Locating Smith and his henchmen, Scott leads the posse forward and a gun battle develops. Smith manages to shoot a few posse members, while his two henchmen are killed. White Fang catches up to Smith and attacks him. Smith's gunshots miss the beast and instead triggers an avalanche. The villain finally dies as he gets crushed to death under the falling snow and ice. Shortly afterwards, Scott, Kurt, and White Fang locate John Tarwater who was shot and left for dead. But before he dies, he asks Scott that his grandson be the beneficiary of the gold stream that he found right near him with Carter's advice. The two-faced Harvey suddenly shows his true colors and says that the owner will legally be the first one to register the claim in the town. He suggests a dog-sled race to settle the disputed claim.
In the climatic sled race, Harvey attempts dirty tricks to win the race, but the tables turn on him when he falls from his sled and dies when he gets accidentally run over by the sled-team headed by White Fang. Scott and White Fang arrive in the town first, and the writer enters Bill Tarwater's name in the ledger in place of his own.
In the final scene, Jason Scott says his goodbyes to Kurt who will be staying in the town having gotten the job as the new police inspector, and he announces that he and Liverpool's sister will be getting married in the spring. Bill also stays to live with Kurt and his wife who have agreed to raise the boy and White Fang. Scott then returns to Vancouver with new stories to write, while White Fang is torn between running after him or staying with Bill. However, the wolf-dog chooses to stay with his young master as he runs back to Bill.
Danny (Graham) is a hustler who is about to be punished by a criminal gang-leader when he is rescued by a huge man with learning difficulties named Joseph (Akinnuoye-Agbaje).
Danny and Joseph are friends, but Danny falls deeper into drugs, debt and failed money-making schemes. Eventually he persuades Joseph to begin fighting for prize money, in an effort to dissuade his criminal-world accomplices and bosses from exacting their revenge for his unpaid debts.
Danny falls for a prostitute he has started to see and Joseph starts to see a mentally challenged woman who he saves from a group of teenage bullies and starts to drag himself away from the money-making fights that Danny needs him to participate in. Danny begins to question his own motives as he sees the physical damage being done to Joseph.
Danny plans to escape to Ireland with Joseph, aided by his girlfriend Lisa. Unfortunately, Danny is captured and tortured to reveal Joseph's whereabouts.
Ultimately Joseph and Lisa find the location Danny is being held at and after a showdown between Joseph and one of the boss's prize fighters and then the boss, the trio escape in a camper van, pick up Joseph's girlfriend (Maxine Peake) and cross via ferry to Ireland as planned.
The final scene shows Danny seeing Joseph genuinely happy outside playing in the snow being brought cups of tea by Lisa, through the window of the camper van where he is laid up from his injuries, then smiles, starts to bleed heavily from his mouth due to the internal injuries sustained under torture and passes away seemingly at peace.
Dr. Robert Banks, a prominent Navy psychologist, is found dead from an apparent suicide, and happens to be one of Dr. Cranston's patients. Cranston believes that Banks was murdered, and the team finds evidence that her suspicions are correct. They then begin investigating Banks' work as a psychological warfare agent. However, the Psy Ops Director, Dr. Samantha Ryan, is reluctant to give Gibbs any useful information, however she does point Gibbs towards Former Marine Kyle Baxter, who Dr. Banks had discharged from the navy for psychological issues. Upon investigation into Banks' life, the team discover that someone was using PsyOps techniques to destroy him, such as replacing his medicine with poisonous substances.
Gibbs begins to suspect that they are being manipulated by Ryan, especially when Dr Cranston points out Ryan uses PsyOps techniques to manipulate almost everyone she meets. When she refuses to provide anything beyond Baxter, Giibs starts believing that Ryan is hiding something: a suspicion confirmed when he discovers that Ryan has bugged his basement. To throw her off, Ryan discovers Gibbs waiting for her outside where her son goes to school, which is supposed to be classified information. Furious that her private life is compromised, Ryan complains to Director Vance but Gibbs reveals her bugging his home. Further evidence comes to light which puts Baxter as the prime suspect, seeking revenge for his discharge by manipulating Banks' life, but when Baxter is eventually tracked down, he reveals NCIS has been fed false information by PsyOps: he has been working as a CI for the DEA for over a year, and has been under 24/7 surveillance.
Ryan then approaches Gibbs at his home, and in return for him keeping her son's whereabouts a secret gives Gibbs the necessary clues to solve the case. The team finds out that Banks was murdered by his daughter, who wanted the money from his life insurance policy, and one of Banks' co-workers who she seduced into helping her.
Afterwards, Ryan calls Gibbs in the middle of the night, telling him that he has a special gift for making people feel safe, and asks him out for breakfast, to which he replies that he knows a diner that is open 24 hours.
A rich Sicilian: Fefè Mottola, decides to call a wealthy girl graduate: Giovanna, who is about to become a teacher, because his son needs repetitions. The boy, named Franco, is shocked by the physical beauty of the teacher, and so to restrain himself decides to pose as gay. But the deception does not last long, because the sexual impulses of Alfredo explode.
A commander of northern Italy is embroiled in a shady deal, and is forced to flee to Apulia. There, the man falls in love with his son's beautiful teacher: Monica Sebastiani. The son, however, loves also Monica Sebastiani, and so comes into the fight with his father.
Loredana d'Amico is a restless teenager, who has the advantage of being very beautiful. Her parents do not understand her, and she does not understand them, judging them immature and not authoritarian. While Loredana's father has flings with PYTs, her mother is in a physical relationship with another man. Loredana, since she has bad grades, likes to seduce the teachers of high school to have good results. She helps the classmates out by seducing the professors when they are in trouble.
One day, her classmate, who is also a budding artist, invites her home to paint a naked portrait of her, but when he sees her undressed, he gets aroused and wants to take advantage. She hits him on the head and he faints as she leaves for home in disgust. One day a new student Gianni comes to her class. He has curly hair and has lived in America (the USA) since his father used to work there. She is instantly attracted to him and him to her.
After a brief fling, they go to the outskirts and enjoy skinny dipping near a waterfall. They kiss passionately and are about to take it to the next step when she suddenly leaves as she thinks "men want only one thing". Gianni gets angry that she led him on and then did nothing. He rides off on his bike alone, leaving her in the wild. Loredana takes a lift to get home to Rome. All this while, Loredana is also in constant touch with another close friend, who, formerly unbeknownst to her, has acquired wealth via a "profession of ill-repute". To make Gianni jealous, Loredana openly flirts with the new professor. He gets angry and attacks the professor at night with his friends' support. The professor fights them off quite ably and is able to recognise Gianni from his class. Later Gianni and the professor are both angry at each other and the professor, being a mature adult, explains to Gianni that Loredana had duped both of them.
Loredana meets an associate of her father's, and engineer from Turin named Silvi and is charmed by his personality and gentlemanly appearance. He doesn't speak much, from which she infers that he wasn't married or else he would have talked about his wife and his family. She confesses to her friend Lucia that he is a very different man, one who treats her with respect and not one to jump to the physical stuff. Some time later, with mutual consent Loredana and Silvi have intercourse. Loredana is saddened and in pain because now she has been deflowered. Silvi tells her he would have preferred her to be a non-virgin and had she told him she was a virgin, he would have been gentle; but not that he didn't like what they did.
After his work in Turin is done, Silvi says that he is returning home soon. Loredana expresses a desire to run away with him. He is silent, obviously not wanting this. On the day he is to leave, a jealous Gianni follows him with the aim of beating him up and his bike gets into an accident. Meanwhile, Loredana is given a letter by the hotel where Silvi was staying, stating that their love should be only a beautiful memory and the reason why he cannot take her will be clear to her when she grows up. Heartbroken, she returns to meet Lucia. All this while, her divorced parents are out looking for her in worry. They come to know that she had planned to run away to Turin for a man, from which Loredana's father Signor d'Amico infers that it must be Silvi; but dismisses the idea as he knows Silvi is happily married.
She confesses to Lucia that all men are the same and she does not want to believe in love any more. Lucia says that Gianni truly loved her. At this moment, the artist friend from school shows up and informs them of the accident. They rush to meet Gianni in the hospital. Loredana is truly sad to see his state, but he calls her a bitch and wards her off as she had caused him so much physical and emotional trouble. Silently, she goes away to meet her friend who was in the profession of carnal pleasure. She laments to her that all men she met have duped her under pretense of love. She expresses a desire to have a paid physical relation with a client of hers. He arrives but she backs out at the last moment, realising her mistake.
At home, she finds her mother's lover waiting outside for her mother. He says that her mother loves him for him and if he were a stronger man, she may not love him any more; because then he would have become a changed man, not the one she loved to begin with. In short, he explains that one should always be oneself and stop pretending - stop lying to yourself and the world. Loredana realises that she was trying to grow up too fast and there is more to life than infatuation and sex. When her parents arrive, she says that all is fine now, but it would be better if they were to become a couple again. While they do not accept, they do agree (after she leaves) that she is now becoming mature and she has a point.
Loredana tries to seduce the professor again but when she sees Gianni, she realises her true feelings (being oneself) and renews their relationship. The professor is left confused while the artist friend is ravaged by Lucia in the bushes as the credits roll.
Italy, late 1970s. In a high school, the gym teacher Claudia Gambetti (Nadia Cassini), wreaks havoc with its attractiveness and its particular teaching method, based on dance.
After the death of cartel leader Cesar at the end of the first game, Shank's homeland has been engulfed by warfare as various factions attempt to take control. General Magnus has emerged victorious, and his militia now rules with an iron fist. They have overthrown the government and Magnus has declared himself president, taking over much of the cartel's criminal activities.
The rebellion against the militia is being led by Shank's old mentor, Elena. At the game's opening she is kidnapped by the militia's forces; unbeknownst to the majority of the population, Magnus is gravely ill, and he needs a heart transplant if he is to survive. He intends to take Elena's heart, a process which will kill her. Shank must fight his way through Magnus's army in order to rescue his mentor and once more overthrow a despot.
August Booth rides a motorcycle through the forest.
In the Enchanted Forest, Baelfire (Dylan Schmid) plays with his ball until it rolls in front of a cart which knocks him down. The driver of the cart fearfully apologizes though Baelfire insists he is okay. Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) comes to check on his son who has a scraped knee. As punishment, he turns the driver into a snail and squashes him. Back at home, Rumpelstiltskin treats Baelfire's scrape but the boy refuses magic. Baelfire explains that everyone avoids him because they fear his father. Rumpelstiltskin explains that the only way to destroy his power would be killing him with his own dagger. The housekeeper overhears this, but being a mute, she does not respond. Baelfire asks his father if he could get rid of his power without hurting either one of them, would he do it. Rumpelstiltskin agrees, but he doubts that it is possible. The next day, Rumpelstiltskin encourages Baelfire to play with the other kids while he attends to some business in the woods. Baelfire deduces from the blood on his father's boot that he has killed their housekeeper to keep the dagger a secret. A friend of Baelfire's suggests he call on the Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy), which he does. The fairy offers Baelfire a magic bean that will take them to a land where magic does not exist and his father would be human again. However this bean is the last one of its kind and will only work once. When Baelfire goes to his father with the plan, Rumpelstiltskin is skeptical, but his son reminds him that he promised.
Father and son take the bean into the woods and throw it on the ground. A vortex opens which will take them to the land with no magic. Baelfire jumps in while holding his father's hand, but Rumpelstiltskin resists, saying he cannot go through with it. His son calls him a coward and lets go. The vortex closes, taking Baelfire away and leaving Rumpelstiltskin behind. He realizes he has made a terrible mistake and calls on the Blue Fairy for help. The Blue Fairy tells Rumpelstiltskin that was his only chance and there is no other way to the realm where his son has gone. When Rumpelstiltskin suggests a curse might take him to Baelfire, the fairy's hesitation tells him he is onto something, but she is opposed to the idea, because she does not believe that he is willing to pay the price of the curse. Rumpelstiltskin lashes out at the fairy for taking his son away, but she tells Rumpelstilskin that he drove his own son away. Rumpelstiltskin vows that he will not rest until he creates such a curse and finds his son.
August (Eion Bailey) wakes up with awful pain in his leg so he makes a call and tells the person on the other end that they must accelerate the plan. The person turns out to be Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) who helps August with a mission at Mr. Gold's (Carlyle) shop. Henry keeps Mr. Gold busy looking for a gift for Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) while August searches the office in back. Mr. Gold catches him before he can find anything and becomes suspicious of what August could be looking for. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) visits Kathryn (Anastasia Griffith) to ask what she remembers after her accident. She recalls being kept in a basement but she did not see anyone. Mayor Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) confronts Mr. Gold about breaking their deal to frame Mary Margaret for Kathryn's murder which is now impossible. Mr. Gold defends that he only broke one deal in his life and it was not this one. "You can't just turn someone into a snail and crush them," he tells her. Regina fears that the set-up and fake DNA test are bound to lead back to her. Kathryn's next visitor is David (Josh Dallas) who apologizes for what happened between them. Kathryn says she does not blame him for realizing they were not right for each other.
At Mary Margaret's welcome home party, Henry presents his teacher with a card and a bell. David arrives, but Mary Margaret signals to Emma that she does not want to see him, so Emma politely sends David away and asks him to take Henry home. Mr. Gold asks Emma what she knows about August and she answers, honestly, that she doesn't know much. Emma counters by asking Mr. Gold what he knows about Kathryn's mysterious reappearance. She finds it hard to tell if he is working with Regina or against her.
The next day Emma continues her investigation by confronting Sidney (Giancarlo Esposito) with the bug she found in his flowers. When Sidney tries to defend Regina, Emma realizes he does her bidding because he is in love with her. Mr. Gold breaks into August's motel room and discovers a drawing of The Dark One's dagger. This raises his concern that the writer might want to kill him. Mr. Gold follows August and discovers him talking with Mother Superior (Tracy). He demands to know what August wanted and she answers only that August asked for advice on reconnecting with his long estranged father. David finally catches up with Mary Margaret and apologizes profusely for doubting her innocence, but she is still hurt deeply by it.
Mr. Gold sees Archie (Raphael Sbarge) to ask how he should handle seeing his son for the first time in years, and is afraid that the conflict between them might have caused anger and resentment. Archie tells him the only thing to do is talk and be honest and, also, to ask for forgiveness. Outside the cabin in the woods, Mr. Gold and August meet to talk openly about their past. Mr. Gold tells August he deeply regrets letting him go and begs for forgiveness. The two share a hug. August explains that he was looking for the dagger because if his father still had it, that means he had not changed. Mr. Gold leads him to the dagger buried in the woods. He offers it to August so he can destroy it. Instead, August attempts to command the Dark One's powers. Mr. Gold bitterly realizes that August is not his son. The dagger has no magic in this world and Baelfire would know that. But since he has heard about the dagger, Mr. Gold deduces August has come from his world. Mr. Gold threatens to kill him and asks August why he is willing to risk such an encounter with him if he is aware of his true identity. August admits that he hoped to find some magic to help cure his illness. He hoped "the savior" (referring to Emma) would believe in magic, but she probably will not before it is too late. Mr. Gold decides to spare August, since he is going to die anyway and he might be his best shot at getting Emma to believe. Thus, he and August establish an alliance.
The next morning, Emma arrives at her office and finds Regina prepared to offer a confession from Sidney. Sidney admits to the kidnapping, the set-up, and faking the DNA results. Emma does not buy this for a minute figuring he is only confessing to Regina's crime because of his infatuation. She tells Regina she knows nobody can win her game, so she is going to play a new one. Emma declares that she is taking back her son.
According to the producers: "At the heart of one of the fiercest rivalries in sports, two of the greatest athletes of all-time battled for multiple championships and the future of their sport...Johnson and Bird, went head to head, electrified the nation, reinvigorated the NBA, and turned their rivalry into the greatest and most famous friendships in professional sports. With classic NBA footage prominently designed throughout, ''Magic/Bird'' transports the audience into the heart of their matchup."
Attending a matinee performance at a Gotham City theatre, the Penguin foils a thief's attempts to steal a ruby from the beautiful actress Sophia Starr. Then, at the Millionaire's Club, he stops two crooks from kidnapping millionaire Reggie Rich from a steam room. When Batman and Robin arrive, the Penguin announces his Penguin Protection Agency, which will protect the wealth of Gotham City's society crowd. Batman and Robin are immediately suspicious, believing this to be a plot to steal Sophia Starr's jewels, which Penguin has been hired to protect; they send Alfred Pennyworth, in the guise of an insurance company agent, to photograph the jewellery and switch Penguin's cigarette holder for one with a hidden microphone; however, a bug detector located in the handle of the Penguin's umbrella spoils Alfred's ruse, and he only just manages to escape with the photos. After using the pictures to create fake jewels, the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder break into Sophia's apartment in order to swap them with the real jewels, but they are caught red-handed by the Penguin and his agents and charged with burglary....
Ted Harbison (Kevin Kaine) is found dead in a park. Dr. Megan Hunt (Dana Delany) investigates into his death and during the investigation, it is revealed Ted had surgery just before he died, and Megan finds three surgical staples that weren't closed fully, causing him to bleed out internally, causing Megan to think that Ted was murdered. Megan visits her old hospital, where she was once a neurosurgeon. Ted's surgeon, Doctor Chandler (Marc Blucas) has a reputation for recklessness while performing surgeries and Megan finds out that the video was never turned on, meaning the surgery was never recorded. While at the hospital, Megan meets her old friend and the hospital administrator Gwen Baldwin (Carolyn McCormick) and while there Gwen reveals her son died of an overdose. Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, Ethan (Geoffrey Arend) and Curtis (Windell Middlebrooks) autopsy Jessica Archer (Christina Hendricks), with both Ethan and Curtis unsure how she died. Jessica's twin sister arrives, Karen (Hendricks), and she and Ethan are attracted to each other.
Meanwhile, Megan discovers that the surgical staple gun was tampered with. The guns come in packs of three but the pack was broken up between three surgeries, one was given to Ted, another to George White (Dan Amboyer) who Megan has to perform emergency surgery on after finding him near-dead, and the third staple gun was not used. Megan finds traces of fungus found on bonsai trees on the staple guns and Megan realizes that Gwen has bonsai trees. When her son died, he was pledging for the fraternity where George is president. Gwen tampered with the staple guns to kill George, not realizing that the pack would be broken up. Ethan and Curtis find out that Jessica had a genetic mutation that caused a blood clot, so Ethan warns Karen that she might also have one. Megan confronts Gwen, who confesses to Megan. Gwen is eventually taken away by the police, after admitting to George's attempted, and Ted's accidental murder.
The film tells a story of a captured female Red Guard fighter, Miina, and the soldier Aaro who escorts her to her trial. The fictional character Emil Hallenberg is loosely based on the actual Erik Grotenfelt, a poet turned judge and executioner.
When a dead and unknown woman is found in a canal, the case arrives on the desk of police inspector Martin Beck. When the woman is identified, the police reconstruct the woman's final day - a trip on the canal boat "Wilhelm Thams".
A young American tourist is murdered while onboard a cruise ship set sail for Sweden. The body of a victim is discovered in the water by the police, who can't determine the cause of death due to loss of clues. When they finally find something, they use a policewoman as live bait to catch a killer, where she almost gets killed.
Each month, the Black Widowers meet at a restaurant and converse over dinner with each other and their waiter. The host of the group brings the evening's guest. On this occasion, Geoffrey Avalon brings a Dr. Hanley Bartram to dinner. (All members of the club and all guests for the evening are referred to as doctors, and those with doctorates are referred to as "doctor doctor.")
Bartram tells the group of two business partners, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Anderson, the former tirelessly honest and the latter relentlessly dishonest. Anderson shunted Jackson out of their venture, and shortly afterward spotted him acting in a suspicious manner inside Anderson's cluttered house, leading Anderson to suspect that the honest Jackson had stolen something. Unfortunately, due to the variety and extent of the objects within the dwelling, Anderson was unable to tell what was taken. He called in Bartram, who is an investigator, to discover what had been taken. When he failed, Anderson grew restless and morose, until he slowly wasted away.
The group tosses around theories as to what had been stolen, until Bartram reveals his true reason for attending the meeting: their waiter, Henry, is none other than the honest businessman in question. He asks Henry what it was that he stole from Anderson, and Henry replies that he had only taken Anderson's peace of mind.
Dr. Thomas Trumbull, as the evening's host, brings a Doctor Doctor Arnold Stacey to dinner. (Note: the rules of the club dictate that all members and guests receive the title of "doctor," so all with doctorates are known as "doctor doctor.") Upon questioning by James Drake, it is revealed that Stacey's "lesser doctorate" is in chemistry, and that he teaches at the university where Drake got his doctorate.
This prompts Drake to discuss a student in his classes, a Lance Faron, whom he believes to have cheated on his finals in a class, even though the system was airtight, the questions were all based on things students got wrong in class, and Faron's classmates watched him constantly. He received a 96 on a course known to be the most difficult in the school, and the professor backed him when he used it as a reason to apply for his Ph.D. The members of the club make several suggestions as to the method by which he cheated.
Finally, Henry, the waiter, speaks up. He asks if it were not possible that the student gave the teacher the questions – not vice versa – and that Faron had written the test based on what he had observed his fellow students struggling with. In other words, Faron wrote the examination paper himself and bribed his professor to use it.
As the novel opens, Ray Mitchell is lying in a hospital, having been attacked and gravely injured by being hit over the head with a large vase. He refuses to press charges and it appears he will survive, so the police drop the case. However, an old friend of his from childhood, Nerese Ammons, pays a visit to her (and Ray's) old high school, to give a talk to the kids, and the principal tells her of a man who has been volunteer teaching at the school, and who was almost killed in an attack. When Nerese learns that the man involved is Ray, she is pleased. Nerese has a philosophy of always repaying acts of kindness—it helps her make sense of the world, and Ray once did her a great kindness: when she was around 10 years old and Ray around 12, she received a bad cut on her face during a game of stickball, causing all of the children present to run away... except Ray. He stanched the blood with his shirt, helped take her to the hospital, and sat with her and comforted her throughout the ER visit. She therefore begins to pursue the case, despite Ray's refusal to cooperate and refusal to press charges. The novel then alternates between scenes of the events leading up to the attack, and Nerese's investigations.
When Ray leaves his job as a TV writer, he becomes unemployed so volunteers as a writing teacher at his old high school, where he says encouraging words to his students, though may not be teaching them much. He has an extreme need to please people and make them feel better, and in return be given gratitude. One day an old student from 10 years earlier, Selim, shows up. He was once a promising art student and Ray set him up with an appointment at an art school and gave him a lot of art supplies, but Selim never showed up for his interview and did not pursue the lead. Selim has been in jail for the past six years, largely because he handles situations badly and makes stupid mistakes. He spins a story of aspirations he has, but Ray can see right away that he's not trustworthy and his stories don't hold together. Nevertheless, he can't help himself and he gives him $1000 to help him get on his feet.
Prior to the attack, Ray was trying to forge a relationship with his daughter, Ruby. Their relationship was awkward because for the first few years of her life, he was a cocaine addict. Then he was kicked out of the house by his wife, and seldom saw Ruby. He cleaned up from the drugs, then had a relapse, until an old student of his from his days as a teacher offers him a job as a writer on a TV show in Hollywood. Ray cleans up and moves out to California, and therefore does not see Ruby much. Now that he is back, his interactions with her are awkward, with him trying to buy her things and being overly solicitous. When an old acquaintance from childhood, Carla Powell, calls him up to tell him her son has died and asks if he can help donate funds for the funeral, Ray, seeing a way to impress his daughter, impulsively decides to give her the full amount of $3200, which he does in person, at her Dempsey housing project apartment, with a flourish, so his daughter will see and appreciate. But his gesture does not go as well as planned. His daughter is a little disturbed by the surroundings, and senses the real reason for his generosity. Carla, who is a proud woman, is humiliated by the gift, and insists she will pay him back. And Carla's daughter, Danielle, also seems to see through him.
However, Ray ends up dating Danielle, though does not believe her assertions that her husband will be in jail for a long time. Ray realizes Danielle is just using him to make her husband jealous and that she is trouble, despite her frequent assertions of high aspirations. Danielle brings her son Nelson to Ray's home many times, sometimes using him as a babysitter, and Ray plays catch with him, buys him books, and pays him a lot of attention. Ray can't bring himself to break it off with her despite all of the red flags—he does not like to disappoint people.
Meanwhile, Selim comes back to see Ray, full of another tale of woe and with a scheme to set up a business. Ray sees through him but funds him for $7300. Then Selim comes back with more problems, and Ray gives him $4500.
Freddy Martin, about to get out of jail, threatens Ray to stay away from his wife, so Ray immediately breaks it off with Danielle. Shortly thereafter, Nelson comes to see Ray, wanting to stay with him, and play with him some more. Ray, knowing he would be risking his life to spend time with Nelson, insists Nelson leave.
Meanwhile, Nerese has her own tales of issues resulting from people doing good deeds. When she was 13, she got in trouble for painting graffiti, and was humiliated in public by jeering children and the behavior of her mother when she was taken into custody. However, a cop that sat with her during her arrest gave her a brief and reassuring squeeze and pat on the back. That single humane gesture at the darkest moment of her life, to show her that someone cared about her, transformed her life. It set her on the path to become a cop in his honor. Nerese has continued her attitude of always trying to help others. She takes responsibility for several other people—her teen son Darren; her ex-father-in-law, a 97-year-old man with dementia who complains no matter what she does, but who she cannot turn away; her nephew; and her drug dealer brothers. And she decided when her son was around six years old that she would never bring another man into the house, because it troubled her son to keep having new "daddies". She gave up that aspect of her life, without anyone knowing and with no reward, for the benefit of her son.
One of the people Nerese and Ray meet is "White Tom" Potenza, a former drug addict who now acts as a major force for good in the neighborhood, helping numerous people get off of drugs, and keeping kids safe in the neighborhood. His philosophy is that everything happens according to god's plan; that even when bad things happen, there really are good things behind it, like when he got beaten so bad he almost died and suffers from intense chronic pain, yet the beating is what led him to get off of drugs, meet his wife, and start on his current path as a drug counselor and savior to many.
Finally, in her investigations, Nerese is able to interview Nelson Martin. She feels that Freddy Martin was the attacker, and that if she questions Nelson the right way, he will reveal crucial information to rat his father out. However, unexpectedly, in the interview she learns that the attack was carried out by Nelson himself, because he was angry that Ray had deserted him.
Ray decides to move back to LA, which will break Ruby's heart. His pattern has been to make grand gestures to inspire gratitude, but to fail in the day-to-day activities. However, something that happens during one of his classes changes his mind, and he decides to stay.
Ray receives one final visit from Selim, but Ray rejects him, upsetting Selim. Ray realizes that his desire to help has narcissistic impulses. An ugly confrontation ensues and Selim leaves, whereupon he tries to mug a cab driver but is caught by police. He calls Ray to ask for bail, and Ray bails him out for $2500. Afterwards, Selim tells Ray that if he only had given him the $1000 he wanted the night before, he could have saved $1500 by not needing bail.
The campaign initially follows Task Force Mako, made up of DEVGRU SEALs "Mother", "Voodoo", "Preacher" (who were part of AFO Neptune in the previous game) and "Stump". The story does not progress linearly and jumps forward and backwards in time.
At a ship dock in Karachi, Pakistan, Task Force Mako plants a demolition charge to sabotage a terrorist organization's smuggling operation. However, the charge unexpectedly sets off secondary explosions which destroy the docks. Debrief by their "OGA" (Other Government Agency) handler Dusty, a former U.S. Army Delta Force operator, suggests that their charge set off hidden PETN explosives being smuggled in the shipping containers to the Philippines.
Mako follows the lead to Isabela City, Philippines, but are diverted to aid the Philippine SOCOM's Task Force Tiger, led by General Barrera, with rescuing several hostages kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf Group. They identify one of the hostage takers as Marwan al-Khalifa but General Barrera denies Mako's recommendations and instead orders his own NAVSOG operator, "Tiger 12", to shoot Khalifa. Tiger 12 wounds Khalifa and, in the chaos, the kidnappers and an unidentified terrorist are able to escape with the hostages. Mother and Preacher link up with the NAVSOG team and push in to secure the hostages. After taking multiple casualties due to General Barrera's poor decisions, Tiger 12 directs the NAVSOG team to ignore Barrera and follow Mother's orders. The NAVSOG and DEVGRU operators are able to secure the hostages, though Tiger 12 is seriously wounded and Khalifa and the unknown terrorist escape. Humiliated, General Barrera uses his political connections to force Mother and Preacher to retire from the Navy.
Weeks later, Task Force Mako, now led by Voodoo and consisting of Stump and two replacements (Dingo and Tick), assists a Marine-led amphibious raid aimed at curtailing local Somali piracy.
Preacher takes his discharge and travels to Madrid, Spain to repair his failing marriage. While waiting for his wife's train to arrive, he unexpectedly sees Khalifa but is unable to stop him from committing a suicide bombing in the station. When Preacher regains consciousness in the hospital, he finds Lena and their daughter are safe as they missed their train. Mother visits and tells him that intel from their missions revealed connections between the Madrid train bombing (which used smuggled PETN), Abu Sayyaf, the unknown terrorist (now identified as Sa'ad al Din), and a terrorist leader known only as "the Cleric". Mother persuades him to join a newly-formed covert unit codenamed Task Force Blackbird, a joint effort between the Navy and the Central Intelligence Agency to investigate the PETN proliferation.
Meanwhile, Mako returns to the from their mission ashore to deal with a hostage situation on a U.S. freighter off the Somali coast.
Task Force Blackbird, composed of Mother, Preacher, and Ajab, a local Pakistani CIA asset, track a gun runner named Faraz who is linked to the PETN smuggling. The operation is kept secret from Pakistani officials as Blackbird suspects they are actually aiding the terrorist network. This appears to be confirmed as Blackbird is forced to engage Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agents protecting Faraz. Mother and Preacher apprehend their target and learn the PETN is being supplied by a banker in Dubai named Hassan. While waiting for extraction, Faraz is killed by an enemy sniper and Ajab is barely able to help the two escape. While this is happening, Mako has tracked the PETN to Yemen and raids the terrorist facility storing it. There, they find a training camp with mockups of airports and train stations but only half of the PETN stockpile.
Blackbird arrives in Dubai and capture Hassan for interrogation. The SEALs manage to upload crucial data from Hassan's laptop but are captured before they can escape with Hassan. This data leads Mako to Sarajevo, where a Bosnian weapons dealer named Stovan Bosic is selling the PETN. Mako links up with a team of Polish GROM, and the joint forces track Bosic to the abandoned bobsled/luge track from the 1984 Winter Olympics where they capture him. Bosic reveals that two ships containing the PETN had just left Dubai. Dusty notifies NATO forces in Croatia to impound one of the vessels while Mako is sent to intercept the other headed for Karachi.
Unbeknownst to them, Sa'ad al Din is interrogating Preacher and Mother aboard that very same cargo freighter. After refusing to divulge information, Mother is executed by Sa'ad al Din. As Mako arrives and assaults the ship, Preacher is able to escape and fight his way to the bridge. He corners and overpowers Sa'ad al-Din before Mako arrives and takes the latter into custody. This enables them to identify the Cleric's identity as Hassan and his compound in Pakistan.
Preacher and Dusty join Mako in the final raid on Hassan's compound. During the assault, Voodoo and Preacher locate Hassan and kill him when he attempts to detonate his suicide vest. Afterward, they return home and pay their respects to Mother at his funeral.
Three individuals (a Super Sentai otaku, a cosplay otaku, and a closet anime otaku) are chosen by a beautiful scientist otaku to become the "Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger" and "protect Akihabara" from powerful otaku villains that only exist in their delusions. However, the otaku fight eventually gets literally real when their "otaku enemies" begin to materialize in the real world.
A series of adventures happen to "Charlie" as he visits the Sydney Royal Easter Show: he chases a couple of larrikins who have picked the pocket of a man visiting the show, encounters various side-show acts, fights a boxing lady, meets a confidence man, and chases girls. The movie ends with a chance and Charlie driving off with a couple in a motor car.
Shiro's struggle with his father's cancer and impending death leads to a realization that he must communicate his love and admiration for him before it's too late. A series of flashbacks reveals their relationship over time, and the trouble Shiro faced connecting to his strict father who was also his teacher and soccer coach. With a consuming secret of his own, Shiro, now in his late 20s and about to get engaged, must eventually learn how to share it with his loved ones.
The novel is based in Albany, New York. Ted McCormick is a former Chicago stockbroker turned professional home organizer. He's also a devoted husband to his wife, Mary, a beautiful woman he married twelve years before.
The difficult James Smith hires him to clear out all the junk in the cluttered Victorian mansion of his recently deceased father. Smith tells McCormick to look carefully for something of great value within the house, as he suspects his eccentric father hid something.
Ted also begins to fall for one of his clients, a seductive and divorced single mother, Janet Blake. Janet becomes involved in the search for the hidden secret in the mansion, and she and Ted discover a baffling clue. Meanwhile, Ted's wife begins to suspect he is carrying on with Janet, and Janet's jealous ex-husband becomes threatening. Ted eventually ends up making amazing discoveries that effect the entire city.
Beat relocates to Tsushima, Tokyo to live with his father, with whom he had strained relations. This is because his father chose not to see Beat's mother on her deathbed, but instead chose to stay at his fashion show. Later, when Beat visits Kirara in a nearby hospital, he meets Mei.
The next day, Mei discovers that Beat will be her new classmate. On that day, however, their class was abuzz about the upcoming school festival. The class has always organized a fashion show, since the famous model Miki was in their class. Miki did not like any of her classmates' clothes designs, and threatened to cancel the fashion show. Beat decides to take up the challenge of designing something that Miki will like. Beat first overhauls Satoru's geeky image as a means to prove his ability. He succeeds, and manages to entice Miki and the rest of the class to use his fashion designs in the upcoming fashion show. Satoru also agrees to help Beat design the runway needed for the show, since Satoru is actually skilled in architectural design. The rest of the class also volunteer their services.
After Miki publicized herself wearing Beat's designs on her official blog, Beat's designs were widely praised on the internet. However, World Stage, a fashion company, simply copied the designs. They also got Miki, who had a modelling contract with them, to model the stolen designs. This action caused people to cast doubt on the originality of Beat's design, causing friction amongst the class. Beat, hurt by the lack of trust, decides to pull out of the fashion show. The class later learns that their school will be closing down after the school year ends due to the lack of funding.
Meanwhile, Kirara's doctor said that she would not live beyond another six months. Beat was extremely upset by this, and this further affected his morale. However, in preparation for this, Beat made many beautiful pajamas for Kirara. During this trying time, Beat starts to become closer to his father, after his father shows him a beautiful wedding dress that was meant for his mother. Mei also manages to persuade him to return to designing. The class's enthusiasm level rose again, and they paraded on the streets to publicize their upcoming fashion show.
Mei suddenly confessed her love to Beat one day while he was making his designs. Shocked, Beat tells her that he is not ready for a relationship yet. Beat later finds out from his father's personal assistant the reason why his father abandoned his mother. His father refused to leave the fashion show because Beat's mother told him that if the show was successful, she would also find the strength to overcome her illness. It was then that his respect for his father increased.
Before the show, the group was suddenly informed that World Stage had already booked the new event venue that they were planning to use. Miki was also told that by participating in the fashion show, she will break her contract and her future in modelling will be limited. In spite of this, however, Miki decides to continue participating in the show. The class also decided to revert to their original location, their school. It was also decided to hold the fashion show on March 20, the last day of school. With the townspeople help, they managed to prepare the stage in time for the event. Just before the event started, Beat was told that Kirara had suffered a serious infection and would have to undergo an operation.
In the end, the fashion show took place more or less smoothly, with only minor problems. Beat also invited Mei to put on the wedding dress intended for his mother and walk with him on the runway. The crowd roared their approval, and the participants finally realized that they have the potential to excel, if given the chance. Kirara's operation was also a huge success.
House treats a marriage expert who collapses during a seminar. However, as the patient gets worse, so do his feelings about the institution he's an expert on. House's attention is focused on his own "marriage" when his green-card wife Dominika returns in order to prove to the immigration authorities that she and House are in a "bona fide" marriage. Faced with jail for House and deportation for Dominika, this turns into a crash course in which both will learn a little something about love and marriage while they learn about each other. House also decides to formally appoint one of his fellows as the team leader.
The first interstellar expedition successfully reached Barnard's Star and its double-planet Rocheworld and made contact with the flouwen, intelligent aquatic beings with a talent for higher mathematics and a love of surfing. The flouwen joined with the humans to explore the rest of Barnard's planets and moons. When a landing craft carrying ten humans and three flouwen crashlanded on a habitable moon—Eden—the team was marooned on Eden with no hope of rescue until decades later when a second expedition was scheduled from Earth.
Not having any other option, the marooned explorers settled down to make the moon their home, befriending the indigenous inhabitants, the Jollys, exploring, learning to live off the land, and, most important, raising families. They struggled to survive natural disasters and unexpected attacks from the sea. Meanwhile, a strange tablet seems to show evidence of intelligent life beneath the ocean. The years pass... Crew members die, but many children are born.
A new generation grows up hearing of Earth and its technology as a dim legend, and thinking of Eden as their natural home. The attacks from the sea are discovered to have come from an intelligent and aquatic species, the "weresharks" and not to have been on purpose. But communication proves to be difficult when it is discovered that the Flouwen are responsible for the Death of Steadfast Defender, a wereshark who was just trying to communicate. However, this misunderstanding is eventually resolved and the weresharks accept the so-called "Slimedevils".
When the Second Expedition finally arrives, its leader announces that he has orders to rescue all the survivors. But many do not want to leave, considering Eden their home.
With the help of George G. Gudunov (now promoted to General) a compromise is reached.
Category:American science fiction novels Category:Fiction set around Barnard's Star Category:1995 American novels Category:1995 science fiction novels Category:Novels by Robert L. Forward
In China, Tse Chan (Hayakawa) flees to the mountains after his wife (May) is executed under the command of the unscrupulous Ling Chee.
His son Li Chan (also Hayakawa), who has grown up in America, returns to China many years later as a successful civil engineer. Li falls in love with the beautiful Hyacinth (Love), who is betrothed to the viceroy Fu Wong (Franklin). Li takes a position as Hyacinth's private tutor, and the pair escape to the mountains.
They hide in the crater of a volcano and are captured when they nearly suffocate from the fumes. The viceroy is about to have them executed when The Unknown (also Hayakawa) helps them escape by sacrificing himself in the volcano, causing it to erupt.
The events in ''Mahallada duv-duv gap'' occur in a ''mahalla'' — a traditional Uzbek neighborhood — in an old part of Tashkent at a time when big-scale construction works are taking place. The movie humorously depicts the relationships between traditional parents and their modern children.
Ruby is a registered nurse in Compton, California, who had been working to become a doctor and now dedicates most of her time to visiting her husband Derek in prison and helping him to get paroled early. Flashbacks during the film depict Derek's arrest and, along with encounters with one of Derek's friends, Rashad, suggest that Ruby has not been aware of everything that Derek had been doing. As pressures for Derek's case build, Ruby's life becomes increasingly constricted. She ultimately distances herself from her sister Rosie, whose son she has often cared for, and from her mother Ruth, who is poisonously bitter that her daughters have not lived up to her expectations.
Ruby's one growing attachment is with Brian, a bus driver, who is clearly attracted to her. While Ruby feels guilty as they begin to date, she eventually learns that Derek has lied to her more than once and begins to come to terms with how to forge ahead with her own life while remaining true to her convictions.
A young couple falls in love with each other. They are studying at Columbia University, USA. They marry against the wishes of the boy's father, who cuts them off from his family. A sudden twist of fate brings the girl face to face with the boy's parents and she tries her best to win their hearts.she is very wise and intelligent so she won the heart of boy's parents
Continuing from the previous book, it is revealed that the giant zombie nerds move really slowly, so the giant Zombie Nerd Harold actually crushed a giant ketchup packet, not Tippy. Tippy Tinkletrousers travels back to 10 minutes before Kipper and friends see him and freezes them. Tippy shrinks and abducts his past self when George and Harold are about to be arrested. The boys travel back with their pets, but accidentally take Mr. Krupp with them. Big Tippy sends his smaller self back ten minutes to find where, then back there then, where the small ones zap themselves back and steal the Goosy-Grow 4000, which turns Tiny Tippy extremely massive. When Big Tippy attempts to use his nuclear bomb to kill Captain Underpants, Supa Mega Tippy zaps himself back in time (with his twin) and kicks Big Tippy and his bomb away into the Gulf of Mexico. When the bomb explodes, it blows a huge crater and kills the dinosaurs.
The five protagonists and their captor then travel to the African savannas where the boys and their pets gain the trust of some cavemen who inhabit the surrounding jungles. The cavemen are taught English through drawings and subsequently, the boys make the world's first comic book (which involves drawings of traps working on Tippy). The Neanderthals, inspired by the book, then set traps for Tippy and defeat him. He then sets off his freeze ray (which has been tampered with by his younger twin so that it could not be turned off), and the Goosy-Grow 4000 enlarges the ice which appears to make Crackers' condition deteriorate and causes the Ice Age (and freezing Tippy himself).
George and Harold are then transported to the future by Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy, who is now gigantic, thanks to the Goosy-Grow 4000. But it turns out they are now teachers at Jerome Horwitz Elementary, and Mr. Krupp is an old man. After getting rid of their evil future selves by vowing never to take life seriously, they snap their fingers, turning both Mr. Krupps into Captain Underpants, and they beat up Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy, who afterward attempts to use his nuclear bomb to blow up the entire galaxy. After that, Crackers and Sulu decide to save the entire galaxy by sending Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy and themselves back to the time before the universe existed (13.7 billion years ago). The three are then killed by Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy's giant nuclear bomb and the universe is formed. It also turns out that Crackers had laid a brood of eggs (revealing Crackers to have been a female) and George, Harold, and the younger Captain Underpants all decide to take care of them. Suddenly, George's and Harold's nemesis, Melvin Sneedly, in a giant Robo-Squid, appears and captures George, Harold, Captain Underpants, and Crackers' eggs, taking them back to the past.
The story of follows Mr. L, a twenty-first century man who was cryopreserved at the moment of clinical death from a terminal disease. The album begins as Mr. L is being revived at a point in the distant future, when technology has advanced enough to cure his disease. Mr. L finds himself in a world that has drastically changed – to the point that the line between what's real and what's not is no longer clear.
Mr. L's appointed psychological advisor, Voight-Kampff (Hauer), is tasked with helping him emotionally adapt to this strange new world. The listener follows Mr. L's emotional journey as he is confronted with both serious and comical aspects of the "New Real", and desperately tries to decide if he can find a meaningful place within it.
''Lost in the New Real'' features several elements indicating it is set in the same universe and timeline as Ayreon; Lucassen stated "There are some connections to the Ayreon saga (I couldn't resist...)", even if insisting on the fact it was still a separate story. Due to ''The Theory of Everything'' being a fresh start for Ayreon, ''Lost in the New Real'' was the last Lucassen album to take place in the fictional universe and storyline originating from ''The Final Experiment'' in 1995, until the release of ''The Source'' in 2017, which acts as a prequel to the storyline.
The cover art features the Dream Sequencer, a device previously featured in three Ayreon albums, here appearing identical to the cover of ''Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer''
Mr. L already appeared in the Ayreon song "The Truth Is in Here" from ''01011001'', where he was also voiced by Lucassen. The song was set in present day, presumably before the events of ''Lost in the New Real''. In "The Truth Is in Here", Mr. L was referring to several Ayreon stories, including the stories of ''The Final Experiment'', ''Into the Electric Castle'' and ''The Human Equation''.
In the booklet, "Our Imperfect Race" explains that "In their ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI finally has detected a signal that could be some sort of binary code. Is it an alien life form trying to contact us, or just a freak coincidence?". This is a reference to ''01011001'', where The Forever, a fictional race featured in several Ayreon albums, sends a distress signal under the form of a binary code.
Instead of returning Amy and Rory to Leadworth for Christmas as he had promised, the Doctor accidentally lands the TARDIS on an Earth-like planet during winter. While Rory returns to the TARDIS to get a heavier coat, the Doctor and Amy meet the inhabitants of the planet, called Morphans, who capture them as they are convinced the Doctor's psychic paper is a conjure which is banned by their religion. A young woman named Bel Flurrish believes they are connected to her missing sister Vesta, who disappeared the previous night. The Doctor denies that they know anything about Vesta and gains Bel's trust; he uses his sonic screwdriver to unlock their cage and the three sneak out from the council of Morphans to look for Vesta. Bel tells the Doctor that they are colonists on the planet, named Hereafter, from Earth. The past few years the winters have grown colder, and this year livestock has disappeared in addition to Vesta, suggesting that there is something out there which is eating them for food. The Doctor, Amy, and Bel find they have been followed by a young Morphan named Samewell Crook, who chastises Bel for releasing the Doctor and Amy as he believes her sister will be found by the council, and threatens to go back and report the incident. Because of this, the Doctor decides he will allow Samewell to come with them. They come across footprints intersecting with another set of footprints and soon find blood in the snow; however, this belongs to a sheep, as Samewell soon finds a sheep bone which he easily recognises.
Rory, meanwhile, finds the Doctor and Amy gone and glimpses menacing figures in the distance which he runs away from. He runs into a group of Morphans, who are also looking for Vesta and who plan to take him captive. However, they see a "green thing" which the Morphans attempt to fight, but defeats them with deadly energy blasts, and Rory escapes. Rory eventually takes refuge in an abandoned building, but an unknown figure hits him over the head with a mallet and knocks him out. When he regains consciousness Rory discovers that it is Vesta Flurrish, and gains her trust. Vesta tells him she was going to put flowers on her father's grave that morning when she ran into one of the "green things" and took shelter in the building. A Morphan finds them and brings them back to the council, who are initially suspicious of Rory, but they accept him.
The Doctor, Amy, Bel, and Samewell see a spaceship-like object in the sky, and the Doctor explains that an invasion of the plane has been going on for quite a while. One of the "green things", which the Doctor identifies as an Ice Warrior, appears. The Doctor interferes with their weapons with his sonic screwdriver, giving them time to escape. They take refuge in a small building, where the Doctor explains to Amy that the Ice Warriors are probably seeking a new home as their home planet, Mars, is gone, as is the Earth and the solar system. Amy is separated and then attacked by rat-like creatures; the Doctor uses a high-pitched sound from his screwdriver to render them unconscious and explains they are genetically engineered rats made by the Morphans' terraforming system and are responsible for the dead livestock. Exploring the terraforming plant, the Doctor finds a device which is able to transport holograms of them to the assembly hall when Rory, Vesta, and the other Morphans are. He tells Rory his plan: to reset the terraforming plants which will restore Hereafter's climate and drive the Ice Warriors out. However, the terraforming system is very complicated and the Doctor believes the "Guide" the Morphans speak of as their religious figure may be referring to a guide for the terraforming. Amy, Bel, and Samewell escape from the Ice Warriors who interrupted them, but they hold and interrogate the Doctor. He convinces them that what they are doing is not honorable, a trait they value. Meanwhile, Rory discovers he and Vesta were not talking about the same thing earlier; she did not run away from an Ice Warrior but a monster. The Doctor realises that the Warriors' sabotage of the terraforming system has led to the creation of this "transhuman".
A transhuman orders the Morphans to let him see the Guide, and the Doctor's hologram appears and reveals that the Morphans have essentially been preparing Hereafter for their ancestors: elite people who believed they were destined to live and are in suspended animation in the terraforming plant, waiting for the Morphans to prepare the planet for them. The Doctor and the transhuman reveal that once this is done, the Morphans will be eaten by these people. Transhumans and Ice Warriors bring Amy, Bel, and Samewell to the Doctor, but the two species turn against each other. As they are fighting the Doctor instructs Rory to let him view the Guide's information, and he uses the information to stop the transhumans. He convinces the Ice Warriors to leave honorably, and offers a planet nearby he knows they will settle in. Before returning to the TARDIS to take Amy and Rory home for Christmas, he informs the Morphans that he reset the Guide to make it more user-friendly, and they will have the option to choose when they let their ancestors out, if at all.
Every parent’s nightmare becomes reality for Kara Marshall when her daughter, Lindsay, vanishes from her bedroom during the night. The police suspect that the girl is just another moody teenage runaway, angry over leaving behind her school and friends because her family is moving. But Lindsay’s recent eerie claim, that someone invaded her room when the house was opened to prospective buyers, drives Kara to fear the worst: a nameless, faceless stalker has walked the halls of her home in search of more than a place to live.
Patrick Shields recognizes Kara’s pain, and carries plenty of his own since he lost his wife and two children in a devastating house fire. But more than grief draws Patrick and Kara together. He too senses the hand of a malevolent stranger in this tragedy. And as more people go missing from houses up for sale, Patrick’s suspicion, like Kara’s, blooms into horrified certainty.
Someone is trolling this peaceful community, undetected and undeterred, harvesting victims for a purpose no sane mind can fathom. Someone Kara and Patrick, alone and desperate, are determined to unmask. Someone who is even now watching, plotting, keeping a demented diary of unspeakable deeds, and waiting until the time is ripe for another fateful visit.
Yoshiko and her friends are visiting her shut-in uncle when a strong earthquake suddenly erupts. As the tremors subside, however, they come to realize that the world has mysteriously changed. As they wait for rescue, horrifying apparitions begin to haunt them and test their sanity.
Teddy tells the Belcher kids that the abandoned taffy factory, which is scheduled for demolition the following day, contains hidden treasure. This turns out to be a joke, the punchline of which is that the map he draws looks like a butt, but Louise takes it seriously and convinces Gene and Tina to go with her that night to find the treasure. To Louise's frustration, Tina has invited Jimmy Pesto, Jr. to come along and wherever Jimmy Jr. goes, his best friend Zeke must go as well. Further complicating matters are Andy and Ollie Pesto, who show up randomly out of nowhere.
Meanwhile, Bob and Linda have their scheduled sex night, though they have difficulty getting in the mood, and their plans are interrupted by the discovery that the children snuck out. They go looking for them, becoming equally lost in the factory. Louise gets trapped in a pit with a man made of taffy, whom she names Taff and becomes close friends with during her isolation.
Eventually Bob and Linda reunite with the kids and they escape just in time to avoid being killed in the demolition. Louise wants to take Taff home with her, but Linda convinces her to throw him away. The episode ends with the revelation that the coastline around the factory perfectly matches the map drawn by Teddy, and that unbeknownst to the kids, Taff was full of gold bars. The episode ends with Cyndi Lauper singing a version of "The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough" called "Taffy Butt," which describes the episode's ending.
American showman Thaddeus Spencer (Adolphe Menjou) is stuck without money in the Swiss Alps with his wife Billie (Arline Judge), a girls' band, a comedy trio (The Ritz Brothers) and a recent harmonica-playing discovery (Borrah Minevitch) when the group learns that the Grand Palace Hotel in Ardetz, where they were to perform, has burned down. Upon seeing Greta Muller (Sonja Henie), an innkeeper's daughter, ice-skate, Spencer has a vision of her performing with a skating ballet that will make him millions. He arranges for her to skate in a tryout performance at a St. Moritz casino for which he will be paid 950 francs.
American reporter Bob Harris (Don Ameche) from the ''Paris Herald'' arrives at the inn to investigate the hotel fire which, rumor has it, was an attempt to kill a European premier. Bob has his photographer, Danny Simpson (Ned Sparks), trail Ratoffsky (Montagu Love), a suspicious-looking bearded guest, and tries to romance Greta, who is sullen after a band member has Bob massage her neck.
When Bob learns that Greta's father Heinrich Muller (Jean Hersholt), a 1908 Olympic figure skating champion who lost his medal because he accepted money as a gift for teaching, has trained Greta for twelve years for the upcoming Olympics, he follows the troupe to St. Moritz and stops Greta after her first number, warning that she is risking her Olympic eligibility. Unaware that her exhibition involved money, Greta is grateful to Bob as they ride back on a sleigh.
At the Olympics, Greta wins first place in figure skating, but when she refuses to turn professional and skate for Spencer in New York, he threatens to expose her St. Moritz performance to the ruling committee. Heinrich returns Greta's medals himself when he learns of the St. Moritz exhibition, but Bob takes Spencer to explain the situation to the secretary of the committee, Sir Frederick Brooks (Montagu Love), who earlier was vacationing in the Alps incognito as Ratoffsky. As Greta has received no payment and Spencer has used all the money he received for expenses, Brooks declares Greta's eligibility proven, and the whole troupe, with Greta now as the star, performs in Madison Square Garden.
Set in present-day New York City, ''Seminar'' follows four young writers — Kate, Martin, Douglas, and Izzy — and their professor, Leonard. Each student has paid Leonard $5,000 for a ten-week writing seminar to be held in Kate's Upper West Side apartment. As tensions arise and romance falls, they clash over their writing, their relations, and their futures.
While being handcuffed on the hidden room's floor, Det. Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) looks around to see a sleeping area for a young girl, stopping on a pink T-shirt. She and Det. Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) are released by the FBI. The FBI agents believe the two might have stumbled into a terrorism investigation. Outside, Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk) scolds Linden for entering the building without a warrant. She tells him that the sleeping area could contain evidence related to Rosie's murder, but he forbids her to be anywhere near the place again. Later, she calls the station and asks for the Larsen case files to be emailed to her personal computer, saying that Oakes approves.
Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) tells his wife Mitch (Michelle Forbes) that he has to take the boys to school, but she insists on doing it. In the garage, she realizes that she's forgotten something and leaves the boys in the car with the engine running. Upstairs, she sees a televised news report about Rosie's crime-scene photos and sits to watch it. Mitch's sister Terry (Jamie Anne Allman) soon enters the exhaust-filled garage and panics, but the boys are unharmed.
Outside the station, Linden sees Holder passing an envelope to someone in a car. Inside the station, FBI agents take away the Larsen files and evidence. Lt. Oakes shows Linden a newspaper with crime-scene photos and suspects another leak. He then excludes Det. Holder from a meeting with the federal agents. In the meeting, Linden learns about multiple border crossings of someone named Muhammed, and that maps and falsified passports were found at the market. Citing security reasons, the FBI refuses to give Muhammed's last name.
At City Hall, Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) proposes hiring investigators to find something negative about Mayor Adams. Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) approves, but forbids personal attacks. Hoping to get some more funding for Richmond's campaign, Wright meets Tom Drexler (Patrick Gilmore) at an underground mixed martial arts fight. After hearing that a private investigator has been hired to look into Mayor Adams, Drexler says he has information against the mayor. Wright later shows Richmond documents that he claims will surprise the councilman. Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) says that the new information cannot be proven and is not relevant.
At the police station, Mitch berates Linden for the publication of the crime-scene photos and of doing nothing. At the FBI staging area outside the meat market, Linden poses as a Seattle detective and asks to see the evidence taken from the building. Left alone, she takes a picture of the pink shirt, before being caught and reprimanded by an FBI agent for breaching the evidence's chain of custody. Later, she visits Mitch to show her the photo of the pink shirt. Crying, Mitch identifies it as Rosie's, and then complains that Bennet Ahmed is still happily living his life. Upstairs, Mitch finds her husband has cleared out Rosie's room. Saying they need to focus on the future, he hints at knowing what happened with the boys in the garage. Mitch blames Stan for allowing Rosie to stay home alone on the weekend of the dance while they were out of town; he says that if Mitch had not been so strict, Rosie might not have kept secrets from them. She later restores Rosie's room to its previous state.
Back at the station, Lt. Oakes again scolds Linden for her activity at the staging area, then tells her that she should remove herself from the case, even though earlier he was the one demanding she delay her resignation and her move to California to pursue it. Outside, she sees Holder get into the car she saw earlier and follows him to a run-down neighborhood, where he attends a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. Outside the meeting room, she surreptitiously listens as he thanks his sponsor, Gil (Brian Markinson) (the man with whom he has been secretly meeting), and describes himself as sober for sixth months. He alludes to a dysfunctional upbringing and that he was raised by his sister. Haltingly and with shame he describes how, as a junkie, he stole his nephew's prized gold coin to sell for drug money. When Linden's phone rings at the end of his confession, he spots her as she tries to slip away. The call is from a mother, angry that Linden's son Jack emailed the photos of Rosie's crime scene to her son. In her car, Linden scolds her son for emailing the photos and causing the Larsens distress. He protests that she only cares about other people's families.
Councilman Darren Richmond attends the parole hearing of a woman (Jillian Fargey), who begs forgiveness for causing his wife's death. After the hearing, he punches a bathroom mirror, shattering it. On the drive back to City Hall, Richmond phones Gwen Eaton and tells her to release the information about the mayor to the press. Later, Richmond, Eaton and Jamie Wright listen to a news report the mayor paying the rent on the apartment of his former intern, who is 19 years old and pregnant.
Det. Holder meets with Linden to tell her that he has had a wiretap placed on Bennet Ahmed's phone and that he can get a friend who is a judge to allow any evidence. At his apartment, Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) speaks excitedly on the phone, at times in the Somali language. Amber Ahmed (Ashley Johnson) overhears him speak about future passports. In the car with Linden, Holder receives a call. He tells her that they got something on the wire.
''Opening quote:'' "The beasts were loosed into the arena, and among them, a beast of huge bulk and ferocious aspect. Then the slave was cast in."
A recently retired man and his wife are brutally murdered at their home in the woods. The murderer chews on a piece of raw meat, but flees when he hears people coming. He is caught by men on horseback and dragged away.
Nick and Hank's investigation leads them to a boxing gym, behind which they discover a fighting arena and various gruesome weapons. The arena is for the Löwen Games, run by a Löwen. It is revealed that Renard knows about the games, and has been able to control them by limiting the fighters to a list provided by him, but the Löwen has begun expanding his recruitment base. Renard confronts the Löwen and tells him to close the fight down, but he refuses, saying too much money is involved. Monroe goes undercover to find out more about the Löwen Games, but he is tricked and captured, finding himself conscripted into a fight. Meanwhile, Juliette is anxious about her and Nick's anniversary dinner. She finds a ring in a drawer, leading her to believe that Nick is about to propose.
Nick and Hank arrive at the arena after Monroe's fight has started. Nick tries to stop the fight, but is instead forced to join it. He and Monroe survive long enough for police to arrive in force and stop everything. The Löwen escapes, but is confronted by Renard, who has him killed.
Nick drives home, calling Juliette to apologize for being late for their dinner.
The film opens with Angus Buchan's story as he realizes from the time he is a teen that he wants to be a preacher, and is discouraged when his minister tells him about the years of schooling he must complete. He goes on to acquire a farm and eventually marry, and while he works hard to make a success of his land, he never abandons his dream. He begins by preaching to the maize in his field from the back of his truck, and this grows into his audience of thousands at his Mighty Men's Conferences.
The story then shifts to three interwoven stories, based on real characters and real events.
Lucky Nzimande (Lucky Koza) is a career criminal who unwittingly attempts to hijack what turns out to be two policemen on their way to the Mighty Men's Conference. After his gun fails to fire on Lucky, one of the policemen takes this as a sign from God that he is meant to take the man to the Conference with them. They handcuff Lucky in the back and ask him about his story; he talks about never knowing his father and his mother dying when he was 8. He started stealing early on to help provide for his siblings and grandmother, who died when he was 13. Lucky escapes from the policemen and is assaulted that night, suffering a gash on his head. The next day the men see him and kindly offer to tend to his wound and give him a ride home. Afterwards he agrees to go to the Conference with them.
André Cloete (Jaco Muller) is an alcoholic young adult who is self-destructing quickly due in part to his emotionally absent but strictly religious father. His mother covers for him when he crashes his car into a neighbor's gate, begging her not to call the police. After another severe accident his father prays over him and realizes he is too harsh, but Andre continues to drink and party after getting out of the hospital. He then finally agrees to attend the Conference with his father and brother.
John Peters (Anton Dekker) is a middle-aged panel beater and biker with two sons. He marries a woman named Marlene and she and her two girls move in with them. Marlene's brother-in-law Danny (David James) asks John for a business loan; John doesn't have the money but agrees to stand surety if Danny applies for a bank loan. John's youngest son then dies in a motorcycle accident, Danny defaults on the loan and John is diagnosed with a chronic lung condition. Sensing he is taking his anger out on his oldest son, Marlene encourages him to attend the Conference. John reconciles with Danny and apologizes to his son before he goes.
The men all make their way to a Mighty Men's Conference where they listen to Buchan's preaching, which includes his recounting of the two heart attacks he suffered the year before.
After the Conference, Lucky returns to his impoverished hometown and begins passing out religious flyers. Andre calls a friend and tells him that he's given his life to the Lord. John suffers an accident on the way home and dies. After his funeral, Danny is seen off to himself, crying and praying.
The film ends with titles revealing that Lucky continues to preach, Andre does volunteer work, and John's oldest son Gavin took over his business and continues to care for Marlene and her girls.
It is September 4, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois, and Sam Beckett has "leaped" into the body of pool hustler Charlie "Black Magic" Walters, a former mentor of Al Calavicci. Magic's granddaughter, Violet, has borrowed money from a loan shark to convert an old pool hall into a blues nightclub. Unfortunately, disreputable pool hustler Eddie Davies has purchased the note for Violet's loan from the loan shark and is using it to goad Magic into a series of games of pool, threatening to take over the nightclub if Magic refuses. Unable to obtain a bank loan to purchase the note, Sam agrees to the match, with Ziggy providing Sam (who has no clue how to play pool) with guidance to allow him to play at Magic's level. Despite Eddie's interference - including having his henchman destroy Magic's beloved cue stick, Alberta - and the loss of Ziggy's guidance at a critical point in the match, Sam defeats Eddie and wins the note.
Three husbands Govind (Jayasurya), Jerry (Indrajith) and Arjun (Asif Ali) are on a trip to Goa to take a break from their messy married lives with their dominating wives Teena (Rima Kallingal), Abhirami (Bhama) and Veena (Remya Nambeesan). During the trip, they meet a husband Sunny (Lal) who is on the verge of a divorce, which becomes a turning point in their lives. Their vacation in Goa, how they hook up with three young ladies and how their wives come to know about it, forms the rest of the movie.
Fred is a 13-year-old boy who was walking one day and saw a robot from space crash. The robot, which will turn into any electronic device Fred could ever imagine, imprints on Fred who names it Friday. However, the robot was supposed to belong to Fred's next-door neighbor Braianna, a.k.a. top-secret agent Brains, and now Fred must help to protect the planet with Brianna and Friday.
Vera Lanz is First Police Chief Inspector of the Homicide division in Munich. After the mysterious death of her husband, a fellow inspector, Vera raises her daughter Zoe alone. Successful in her professional life, Vera struggles personally as she's having an affair with the married state's attorney. Her co-worker, Police Chief Inspector Paul Böhmer, is the former partner of her late husband, which provides tension between the investigators. In the first episode, Jan Trompeter completes Vera's team.
The story is about a little boy who is the descendant of the leader of the thieves who met their fate in the 1001 Nights. He joins forces with a mouse and 38 cats to form the 40 thieves whose sole purpose is to steal back their rightful treasure from Ali Baba the 33rd. The tyrannical Ali Baba being nearly broke as he has spent most of the money his father left him, finds a magic lamp which is inhabited by an ailurophobic genie who cannot work his magic unless all the cats in the kingdom are gone. The boy and his companions, plan to save the jailed cats, to get back the stolen treasures from Ali Baba and saving the oppressed people from his tyranny.
William Shatner stars as Chris Jordan, a man going through a mid-life crisis. His wife Katie (Michelle Phillips) is attractive, however after having three children, they have lost the prior intimacy in their relationship. Chris begins seeing prostitutes, but after a series of scares involving a sexually transmitted disease and a close scrape with a police sting, he decides to stop and instead attempt to repair his relationship with his wife.
While shopping for lingerie as a gift for his wife, he is approached by Elaine (Cybill Shepherd), another prostitute, and Chris begins an intense relationship with her, resulting in an emotional attachment. Eventually, his dual life begins to unravel as he encounters problems from Elaine's pimp and attempts to hide his behaviour from his family.
Yang Yuhuan became the wife of Li Mao, a prince. Li Mao was the son of Emperor Xuanzong's favorite, Consort Wu. However, Emperor Xuanzong soon falls in love with her, and he takes her as a consort to deal with the death of Consort Wu. After being harmed several times by Consort Mei, Yang Yuhuan rises to the rank of Guifei. She is compared to Zhao Feiyan by her former lover, Li Bai, and she is reminisced by her former husband, Li Mao. This is the story of a love quadrangle consisting of Yang Yuhuan, Emperor Xuanzong, Li Bai, and Li Mao.
Chris (Jesse McCartney), his girlfriend Natalie (Olivia Taylor Dudley), and their mutual friend Amanda (Devin Kelley), are traveling across Europe. They stop in Kyiv, Ukraine, to visit Chris' brother, Paul (Jonathan Sadowski), before heading on to Moscow, Russia, where Chris intends to propose to Natalie.
Paul suggests they go for an extreme tour of Pripyat, an abandoned town which sits in the shadow of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Chris is against going on the tour and would rather stay on the original plan of going to Moscow, but Paul insists. They meet tour guide Yuri (Dimitri Diatchenko) and are joined by a backpacking couple, Norwegian Zoe (Ingrid Bolsø Berdal) and Australian Michael (Nathan Phillips). Yuri drives them through Ukraine, before they arrive at a Chernobyl Exclusion Zone checkpoint, where they are refused entry by the Ukrainian military. He then takes them to an alternate entry he discovered years ago.
The group stops at a river where Yuri points out a large, mutated fish apparently able to live on land; while returning to their van several other mutant fish are seen. The group is worried about radiation poisoning, but Yuri assures their safety with a Geiger counter. After spending a few hours exploring, Yuri takes them to the upper floor of an apartment building and shows them the Chernobyl nuclear plant on the near horizon. After hearing noises at the other end of the apartment, it is found to be a bear which runs through the hallway past them, but not harming them.
The group prepares to leave Pripyat, but Yuri finds the wires in his van have been chewed through. He tries to radio for help, to no avail. As night falls, the group decides on whether to hike to a nearby checkpoint which is 20 km (12 miles) away, or to stay put and wait for help. Suddenly, strange noises come from outside, where Yuri goes out to investigate and Chris follows. Shots are heard and Paul runs out to investigate, returning with Chris, whose leg has been severely mauled, and claiming that Yuri has been taken. While they decide to stay the night in their locked vehicle, they are attacked by dogs.
The next day, Paul, Michael, and Amanda go out to look for Yuri. They follow a trail of blood to an abandoned cafeteria and find Yuri's mutilated body. They take his gun and are chased by a creature through the building before returning to the van. Amanda checks her camera and one of the pictures shows a humanoid creature inside one of the apartment buildings. Natalie stays with the wounded Chris while the others begin the hike to the checkpoint.
During the hike, Paul, Amanda, Michael, and Zoe find a parking lot, where they find parts for Yuri's van. On the way back they are chased by dogs and also attacked by mutant fish in a stream. Night falls as the group returns to the van, only to find it upside down and ripped to shreds. They find Natalie's video camera, showing that she and Chris were attacked and captured by humanoid mutants. While searching for the two inside an old building, the group is chased by more mutants.
During their escape, a traumatized Natalie is found and rescued, but when the group gets distracted by a mysterious young girl, Natalie is captured again. The rest of the group is swarmed by a horde of mutants and are forced to retreat. While fleeing through an underground passage, Michael is captured. As they continue, they find Chris' engagement ring for Natalie, with no sign of Chris. While climbing a ladder, a gang of mutants drags Zoe back down, forcing Amanda and Paul to leave her behind, emerging from the passage right beside the exposed nuclear reactor core. Paul recognizes that extremely high radiation levels are causing their skin to blister. They come upon Natalie's body just before they are confronted by some of their mutant attackers. Fighting them off, the two survivors then encounter Ukrainian military forces outside the reactor building. Blinded by radiation, Paul stumbles toward the soldiers, who kill him.
Amanda falls unconscious and later awakens on a gurney. Several doctors, in protective hazmat suits, inform her that she is in a hospital and they will help her. The doctors reveal that the "creatures" were escaped patients, and after realizing that Amanda "knows too much," she is then forced into a dark cell and is swarmed and devoured by the recaptured patients.
An alternate ending for the film features Amanda being taken away by the soldiers after they kill Paul. She is later seen in a dark hospital room, inflicted with radiation poisoning (as evidenced by her missing hair), begging for help as the film cuts to black.
This story is set during the Tang Dynasty, during the late reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. A young girl named Yang Yuhuan fell in love with Peng Bo with the help of her best friend, Xie A'man. Due to unfortunate circumstances, Yang Yuhuan is chosen as the wife of Li Mao, the Prince of Shou. Even after her marriage, she communicated with Peng Bo through Xie A'man. The Prince of Shou is a kind and gentle man, and Yang Yuhuan eventually develops feelings for him.
The Prince of Shou's mother Consort Wu soon succumbs to illness. His father, Emperor Xuanzong is greatly saddened since Consort Wu Huifei was his favorite consort. Emperor Xuanzong's servant, Gao Lishi soon seeks to find a replacement for Consort Wu. At a banquet, Emperor Xuanzong notices the beauty of his daughter-in-law, Yang Yuhuan. He falls in love with her, and sensing this, Gao Lishi soon offers Yang Yuhuan as a consort to Emperor Xuanzong.
Yang Yuhuan is angered, because she actually loves the Prince of Shou. She is forced to leave him, and she watches the Prince of Shou willingly comply with Gao Lishi's orders. To reward the Prince of Shou with his behavior, Emperor Xuanzong awards him a new wife. She also reunites with Peng Bo and Xie A'man, and tells them about her hardships. Xie A'Man becomes her dancer, and they gain the favor of Emperor Xuanzong. She is soon promoted to the title of Guifei.
Tragedy would again struck, due to the corruption of Yang Guozhong, Gao Lishi, and other officials. Yang Guozhong was Yang Guifei's cousin and succeeded Li Linfu as chancellor. Li Linfu was a capable official, and after he was removed, chaos enveloped the government. This leads to the rebellion of An Lushan, and the imperial family loses their dignity. An Lushan's forces soon take over the Imperial Palace, and Emperor Xuanzong is left wandering with Yang Guifei. The situation soon escalates, and Gao Lishi persuades Emperor Xuanzong to leave Yang Guifei. Yang Guifei performs one last dance for Emperor Xuanzong, and hangs herself.
The newborn Princess Bedelia of Arapathia is blessed by three good fairies with the gifts of beauty, grace (ala Sleeping Beauty), &... Common sense. Eighteen-years later, a dragon takes up residence on a mountain in the kingdom, demanding a princess to devour, or else it would turn its fiery-breath down on the kingdom. The court sees no alternative but to give up the Princess Bedelia to the dragon's appetite, but Princess Bedelia points-out that dragons couldn't tell the difference between her or anyone else. To defeat the dragon, Bedelia puts together a Guy with one of her stately gowns, with a core of gunpowder. At the Dragon's cave, Bedelia calls the dragon out and has the princess-Guy thrown down into its waiting gullet, and the dragon is killed when the gunpowder ignites inside of it.
News of Bedelia's defeat of a dragon brings her the unwanted attentions of Lord Garp, who rules the kingdom of Istven, (Arapathia's neighbor to the north), who comes with a procession of a century of courtiers, and many gifts, to ask King Ludwig for Princess Bedelia's hand in marriage. Repulsed by the old, ugly & greedy Lord Garp, but looking to avert a possible war, Bedelia invokes an old custom of a princess setting tasks to would-be suitors (ala Princess Kaguya), and gives him an impossible task, (hoping that Lord Garp would quit his suit); to bring her a branch from a living tree of gold and jewels, which is located 1500 km away and guarded by vicious beasts.
The conniving Lord Garp accepts, and just two weeks later returns with the branch, having apparently succeeded, but Bedelia catches on that the branch has no scent and thus is a fake, as the real tree is a living tree, despite being made of gold and jewels. Unashamed, Lord Garp insists he'll perform another task, and so this time Bedelia asks for a cloak made from hyde from the salamanders of a far-off volcano, the poisonous volcanic gases of which keep anyone or anything else from even coming within a mile of the volcano's base. A week later, Lord Garp returns with a resplendent cloak all of the colors of fire, but once again Garp has presented Bedelia with a fake and she catches-on, revealing it as such, as the cloak burns in an ordinary fire while the real salamanders live amongst much more powerful temperatures unharmed.
Enraged at being caught out again, and Princess Bedelia once again refusing his suit, Lord Garp abducts her right then and there in broad daylight using magic, and locks her up in a cell in an isolated tower (ala Rapunzel), out in a remote location. Every day, Lord Garp comes and demands her hand in marriage, and each and every time Princess Bedelia refuses him. After a few days, Bedelia decides to try and find a way out herself, as there is no guarantee that she'll be found by anyone else; and in the tower finds three other cells, one of which is already occupied, and Bedelia helps her fellow prisoner, Prince Perian, the rightful ruler of the kingdom of Istven, break the curse of sleep (via counting sheep) that Lord Garp placed on him to usurp his throne.
Using Prince Perian's overgrown hair and beard to climb down the tower, Bedelia escapes, but no-sooner had Bedelia gotten down to the ground, Lord Garp, on his approach to the tower on horseback, sees all of this and, in a fit of unthinking anger, yanks Prince Perian down by his overgrown beard, only for Prince Perian to land on him, killing Lord Garp in the process. Bedelia and Perian ride to the Istven capital on the horse; Bedelia later marries Perian, but not before insisting that he have a haircut and shave to see what he really looked like before accepting his marriage proposal--"''for she was always practical''".
Unruly cowboys Rondo, Jeb, Mule and Davy ride into town. They can't pay for their drinks, so Sheriff McCauley jails them for a night. Then they refuse to pay clerk Ellie Walters at the general store, and take rooms at Kate Miller's hotel.
The rancher Sam Christy is asked for help. He is an American Civil War hero, but has lost the use of one arm and is tired of fighting. When the cowboys beat up the saloon keeper and McCauley is killed by Jeb, however, Sam offers to do what he can.
He is ambushed by the cowboys at the ranch, beaten and his horses stolen. Ellie tends to him and they kiss. In town, Davy is upset by what's happening and wants the cowboys to leave. Ellie is attacked by Rondo, who then comes at Sam with a knife. Ellie shoots him. Sam then kills Mule in a fight and shoots the fleeing Jeb. He allows the remorseful Davy to leave town.
Up-and-coming racketeer Dutch Schultz joins the Legs Diamond gang in Prohibition-era New York. A bootlegger named Murphy is murdered by Dutch, who falls for the dead man's daughter, Iris.
Iris marries her fiancé, Frank Brennan, a police detective. They need money and Frank accepts payoffs from Dutch, who is forming a gang of his own.
After getting rid of Legs, Mad Dog Coll and others standing in his way, Dutch again makes a play for Iris, but she learns that he killed her father and begins to drink. Frank vows to reform and win her back. Betraying his pal Bo to the mob, Dutch discovers that a hit has been put out on himself as well. While fighting for his life, he is shot by Bo by mistake and is killed.
The story revolves around Alin (Ann Thongprasom), a 30-year-old Nang Ek (นางเอก: soap opera star) with an over-inflated sense of her own celebrity. Aware that her career is on the wane because of her age and much younger competition, Alin is looking to marry the "right" man; handsome, rich, famous, with a prestigious name and a mansion to match. When she is contacted by television producer Khun Lek Anucha (Willy McIntosh) to audition as a celebrity chef for his new TV cooking show, Alin quickly accepts but lies about her lack of cooking skills. She immediately falls in love with Khun Lek the first time they meet and hatches a plan to marry him.
While Alin's reputation is that of a typical prim and proper actress, in reality she is stubborn, spoiled, conceited, and childlike. Desperate to land the cooking show job, Alin hires the earnest apprentice chef Din/Pasu (Theeradeth Wonpuapan) to quickly teach her how to cook. The two opposite personalities immediately clash but soon come to appreciate one another. Through the course of the story, Alin develops feelings for Din while questioning her desire to marry the "perfect man" Khun Lek.
Seven WASP, blonde, privileged teens reside in the exclusive Hamptons, New York. Their group and entire existence consists of PLUs (People Like Us).
''Nemoe Karma'' opens with Pan Soedana, a widower who enjoys gambling and is deeply in debt. After his debt drives him to divorce his second wife, Men Tirta, Pan Soedana gives Pan Soekreni in Ubud his son, Soedana, to clear his debt. The novel then follows the life of Soedana, who spends his childhood working off his father's debt before running away. After he is rescued by the Men Soekarsi family, the novel begins to focus on interactions in the family.
A neighbour, Pan Sangga, intends to arrange a marriage between his son Sangga and the Soekarsi's daughter, Soekarsi. The Soekarsi family refuses, and it is revealed that the young Soekarsi has fallen in love with Soedana. She marries her adopted brother; however, Soedana accepts the marriage only because he feels he has a debt of honour to the family. Meanwhile, Sangga is married to his distant cousin Wiri; however, Sangga becomes an abusive husband to the point that his father apologizes to Wiri for forcing her into the marriage.
Sangga is then revealed to have fallen in love with Soedana's half-sister, Loeh Tirta (known to him as Loeh Ratna). When he asked his father permission to marry Loeh Tirta, Pan Sangga refused as her genealogy was unclear. Eventually, Sangga divorces Wiri and goes looking for Loeh Tirta; while looking in the forest, he meets with Soedana. The two eventually find her, but she has already married. Sangga leaves because he thinks that Soedana also wants to marry Loeh Tirta. Afterwards, Soedana meets his step-mother.
A married television executive has many mistresses. Nine of the mistresses and his wife band together and plan to kill him. His wife tells him they are planning to kill him and they fake his death at a meeting of all ten women using a pistol loaded with blanks and a tomato.
The other women tell her that they were not really serious about killing him and run away. One of the women, Miwako, commits suicide, and her ghost comes back to view the proceedings. Then they find out that he is not really dead, and they decide to kill him again.
His wife divorces him and one of the other women takes him on.
Married for centuries and now living half a world apart, two vampires wake as the sun goes down. Adam sits holding a lute, in his cluttered Detroit Victorian, as Eve wakes up in her bedroom in Tangier, surrounded by books. Rather than feeding on humans directly, they are dependent on local suppliers of the "good stuff," for fear of blood contaminated by the 21st century environment. Adam, still a famous musician, also fears exposure, visiting a local blood bank in the dead of night in disguise as "Dr. Faust", bribing "Dr. Watson" for his coveted O negative. Eve relies on their old friend, the author Christopher Marlowe, who faked his death in 1593 and now lives under the protection of a protégé.
Despite having influenced the careers of countless famous musicians and scientists, Adam has become withdrawn and suicidal. His desire to reconnect through his music is at odds with the danger of recognition as well as his contempt for the corrupt and foolish humans he refers to as 'zombies'. He spends his days recording his compositions on outdated studio equipment and lamenting the state of the modern world, whilst collecting vintage instruments. He pays Ian, a naïve young music fan, to procure vintage guitars and other assorted curiosities, including a custom-made wooden bullet with a brass casing he thinks of using to kill himself. Having acquired much scientific knowledge over the years, Adam has built contraptions to power his home and a vintage sports car with technology originally pioneered by Nikola Tesla. His reclusive nature adds to his mystique as a musician and composer; he is upset when some intrepid fans turn up on his doorstep. Ian promises to discreetly spread rumours about Adam living elsewhere to draw them away.
When Eve phones, she recognises Adam is despondent and decides to come to Detroit to comfort him. Soon after she arrives, Adam goes out for more blood, and she discovers his revolver hidden under the bed with the wooden bullet. Her vampire senses reveal to her that the bullet is new, and she is worried. Eve confronts Adam when he returns, chiding him for wasting the life and opportunities he has to enjoy and appreciate the good things in the world, as well as their relationship. They spend their nights cruising the empty streets of Detroit, listening to music and playing chess. Their idyll is shattered by the arrival of Eve's younger sister, Ava, from Los Angeles. Ava gorges herself on their stash of the "good stuff" and, hungry for excitement, persuades them to go out to a local club with Ian, where they hear Adam's music played by the band White Hills. Ava offers Ian a hit off the flask she secretly filled with blood and brought to the club, but Adam snatches it from her with supernatural speed and insists they leave. Before dawn, Ava kills Ian by drinking too much of his blood, and Adam kicks her out of the house.
Adam and Eve dispose of Ian's corpse in an acid pool in an abandoned factory. Ian's murder and the appearance of another group of Adam's fans at the house, compel the couple to hastily return to Tangier with only what they can carry onto the plane. Desperately hungry, they visit Marlowe and learn that their old friend and mentor has been poisoned by accidentally drinking contaminated blood. After they discuss how Marlowe secretly wrote most of Shakespeare's plays, Marlowe dies. Eve takes Adam's ready cash and leaves him with the promise of a gift. He is captivated by the music from a nearby club, where Lebanese singer Yasmine Hamdan is finishing a haunting song. Eve reappears with a beautiful oud, and as they sit together outdoors and contemplate their likely demise, they spot a pair of young lovers kissing. "What choice do we have?" Adam remarks, before the two of them apologetically approach the couple with the intent of drinking their blood.
Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) listen, as a woman (Shukri Iman) translates Bennet Ahmed's wiretapped conversation. The caller tells Ahmed that the police know about the meat market and “the girl.” Linden calls for police to meet at Ahmed's apartment and tells Holder to prepare an arrest warrant for his judge friend to sign. Mitch Larsen (Michelle Forbes) calls Linden and asks if Ahmed has been arrested yet. Linden tells her that he soon will be. When Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) arrives home, his wife tells him the news and they embrace.
Mayor Adams (Tom Butler) accuses his opponent Darren Richmond of slander in a press conference. He denies an affair, then claims that he is sterile from a medical procedure performed years earlier. Later, he instructs Benjamin Abani (Colin Lawrence) to double the payments to the pregnant teen and have his physician backdate records to support his medical claim. In Richmond's office, Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) denies, to a reporter, his team’s involvement in the Adams leak. Linden arrives seeking more documents from Richmond (Billy Campbell), who again asks if Bennet Ahmed killed Rosie. Linden does not respond.
Judge Elliot (Jay Brazeau) declines to sign Holder’s wiretap warrant, saying the police misuse the anti-terrorism provisions of Patriot Act. Holder calls Linden to tell her that he was not successful, and she calls off Bennet Ahmed's arrest. The next morning, Oakes (Garry Chalk) scolds Holder for the wiretap attempt; Linden covers for him and says that it was her idea.
In Richmond's office, Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) reports that a mosque has been defaced and Richmond calls off any future negative attacks on the Mayor. Richmond later visits the mosque, where Imam Gelabi (Peter Bryant) and his followers are removing anti-Muslim graffiti. Richmond promises to restore the mosque, but the imam feels that both Richmond and Adams are alike.
Mitch's sister Terry (Jamie Anne Allman) gives Mitch two of Rosie’s textbooks that she found in her car. Mitch says she'll return them to the high school. Upon arrival, she sees Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) entering the school. Inside, Principal Meyers (Kerry Sandomirsky) asks Ahmed to leave. He replies that she should either fire him or let him teach. Later, he sees that someone has written the word “KILLER” on his classroom whiteboard, and all of his students walk out.
Linden finds a note in the mosque Quran. The note has a name, “Adela,” the word “Friday,” and a time written on it. She suggests that the time could be an appointment after the dance. Having accessed her husband's cell phone, Amber Ahmed (Ashley Johnson) arrives at the station and gives them Muhammed's phone number. Speaking about Muhammed and Ahmed, she questions their recent behavior.
After doing research, Holder tells Linden the phone number belongs to Muhammed Hamid. The phone is tracked to a downtown public market. While heading out to check on the new suspect, Linden is met by Mitch Larsen, who complains that Bennet Ahmed is back at school like nothing ever happened. At the market, Linden calls the cell phone and spots Muhammed (Jarod Joseph) in the crowd when he answers it. He notices her rushing toward him and flees, but she and Holder corner him.
At a bar, Gwen Eaton and Darren Richmond discuss the death of his wife. Eaton suggests letting the voters see that side of him. He vows to not use a personal tragedy to win the election and speaks of regret over losing his confidante, which seems to hurt Eaton. He later visits Tom Drexler (Patrick Gilmore) to request a $5 million donation for the Somali community. Drexler mocks him, then offers him a challenge. He tosses him a basketball, telling him that, if he makes the shot in just one try, the money is his. If Richmond misses, he should withdraw from the mayor's race. Later, at his office, Richmond places the basketball on his desk and smiles. He has won the challenge.
Holder and Linden ponder Muhammed Hamid’s reason to cooperate as he has no police record. While being questioned, Muhammed scoffs, in the Somali language, at the threats of jail time and the breakup of his family. Holder then insinuates that Bennet Ahmed will probably turn on Muhammed, because Ahmed is about to be a father. Hamid begins to speak in English and describes letting a girl into Ahmed's apartment, taking her to the meat market, and then moving her again. He refers to the girl as though she is still alive and Linden shows him a photo of Rosie Larsen. He says the girl in the picture dropped off a book and left that same night. When Linden asks who he was previously talking about, he describes Aisha Ramallah, the missing girl from the mosque. She was being forced into an arranged marriage and forced to undergo a painful and disfiguring female circumcision, from which he and Ahmed were trying to protect her. He leads the detectives to an apartment where Aisha Ramallah (Odessa Rojen) is hiding. Linden and Holder are stunned to see the youth of Aisha, whom Hamid had described as 12 years old. Linden then receives a call from Amber Ahmed. Her husband has not returned home.
Mitch, who presumes Ahmed has killed their daughter, accuses Stan of letting him go. Stan and Belko (Brendan Sexton III) drive Ahmed out of town. Ahmed protests, saying that he was helping another girl, but he gets dragged out of the vehicle. He makes a run for it, but Belko tackles him and brings him back to Stan, who savagely beats him. At home, doing laundry, Mitch finds Rosie’s pink T-shirt that she had told the detective was missing. She tries to reach Stan by phone, but to no avail.
Falling for the reigning Emperor of Tang during a chanced encounter, orphan Yeung Yuk Wan's dreams seem to come true when she is summoned into the imperial palace as a candidate for Emperor Xuanzong's consort selection. However, Yeung quickly finds that the palace can be a cold and ruthless place where jealous consort and officials alike duel for power making the Emperor's favor as much desired as it is potentially dangerous for the enemies it brings. Thrown into the middle of the constant struggle for the Emperor's good graces, the hostility of a conniving palace soon becomes a harsh reality for Yeung who finds that in a world where seemingly everyone has something to hide, trusted allies are as much a threat as hostile enemies. With the help of Yeung's cousin, Yeung Chiu, who enters the palace as an official, Yeung and the Emperor fight to embrace their seemingly tragic love in a world that appears determined to keep them apart but neither they nor their allies are prepared for the full extent of what lays in store for them as their actions unknowingly set in motion a series of events that would bring about the An Lushan Rebellion.
Researchers conduct secret and illegal experiments using stem cells. The researchers accidentally discover a serum derived from these stem cells capable of reviving dead cellular tissue. When a security guard, David Doyle, threatens to sue the research company and wants to leave the project, he is promptly murdered and used as a test subject.
David returns to life but, in the style of ''The Reanimator'', David is not the same man he once was. Not only is his personality and memory changed, but he is seen to acquired psychic and telekinetic powers, as well as increased strength and aggression. David begins to act out against the researchers, who all at once are his captors, murderers, and creators.
Sixteen-year-old Ethan Wate lives in Gatlin, South Carolina, with his widowed father. Lena Duchannes is a mysterious girl with magical powers who appears in Ethan's recurring nightmares. Though she initially rebuffs his attempts at interacting with her, they eventually become friends despite harassment from other classmates that almost gets her expelled. Lena's uncle Macon Ravenwood also attempts to keep Ethan and Lena apart to protect them. Every member of Lena's family is a "Caster" with magical powers. On Lena's sixteenth birthday, she will be "claimed" as either a Light or Dark Caster, but she is terrified of becoming an evil Dark Caster.
Meanwhile, Ethan discovers a locket at Greenbrier plantation, that induces visions of Lena's ancestor Genevieve Duchannes and Ethan's ancestor Ethan Carter Wate, who were engaged during the Civil War. Through the locket, they discover that Genevieve tried to resurrect Ethan Carter Wate using the magical Book of Moons. Due to Genevieve's use of the spell, the Book has the ability to determine which of the Duchannes will be Light or Dark. Ethan and Lena find the Book of Moons in Genevieve's grave and study it for ways to prevent Lena from becoming Dark. Furthermore, Lena is continuously spiritually attacked by a Dark Caster named Sarafine, who is actually her mother. While the Duchannes cannot prevent the attacks, Ethan's presence seems to stop them.
Lena's sixteenth birthday is celebrated by Ethan, the Duchannes, and her classmates. Macon forbids Lena to attend the party set up by her classmates, but Lena sneaks out anyway and confesses her love to Ethan, who reciprocates. Sarafine reveals herself at the party, accompanied by incubus Hunting Ravenwood. Sarafine tells Lena that she will be able to Claim herself for the Dark or Light at midnight. If she chooses to go Dark, all the Light Casters in her family will die, but she would be able to have a previously-impossible physical relationship with Ethan. If she chooses to go Light, all the Dark Casters in her family will die, including Macon. A fight occurs, culminating in Sarafine escaping and Hunting nearly killing Macon. After Ethan gathers the other Duchannes for help, Ethan searches for Lena, but instead meets Sarafine, who kills him. At midnight, Lena uses her power over nature to block out the moonlight, preventing her from being claimed. She negotiates with Amma and then recites a spell from the Book of Moons to resurrect Ethan. The spell works, but at what cost?
''Beautiful Chaos'' takes place shortly after the events in the previous book. Lena and Ethan are once again a couple, but her Claiming both the Light and Dark has some serious repercussions, as it disturbed the Order of things. Meanwhile Ethan finds himself slowly changing. He is unable to eat even his favorite foods without becoming nauseous, begins to hear voices, see mysterious writings, and his dreams make it impossible for him to sleep. Ethan also finds himself beginning to slowly lose his memories as well as seeing a stranger in his mirror, something that Amma reacts abnormally to. Suspicious, Ethan and Link follow Amma as she travels to visit a male Seer. They decide to return later to visit him, where they discover that due to Ethan being revived in the events in ''Beautiful Creatures'', his soul was brought back too quickly and was fractured as a result. Part of his soul resides in the underworld and unless Ethan brings the two back together, he will eventually change more and ultimately lose himself completely. Link inquires as to how this would be possible, only for the Seer to mention that he and Amma made a deal and then refuse to elaborate.
As the chaos in Gatlin increases, Ethan and Lena attempt to find a way to save the town. They discover that the "One Who is Two" must be sacrificed for Order to be brought back into balance. It is believed that this person is Lena, as she had claimed both the Light and the Dark, only for them to find that it cannot be her because she is destined to bind the new Order once this person is sacrificed. The group briefly believes that it is John and the group travels to the town's water tower so John can commit suicide. Once there, John shares a brief moment with Liv, whom he has grown to love, before jumping from the tower. John narrowly avoids death, as it is revealed through one of the voices in Ethan's head that John is not the sacrifice and the group is transported back to Ethan's room by the Seer.
Ethan eventually discovers that he is the one destined to be the sacrifice to restore Order and spends the rest of the night in Lena's arms. The next day, he spends his last hours with his loved ones, later going to find Lena so he can say goodbye. Lena begs him not to become the sacrifice and that nothing else matters but him. The two exchange gifts, Ethan giving Lena his map of the various locations he'd planned on traveling to and Lena giving him her memory necklace. Ethan makes Lena swear to bind the new Order after his death, only for Lena to become hysterical. For their last moments together he holds her until it is time for him to go. After leaving Lena, Ethan looked over his house and father one last time, as well as confronting Amma over her knowledge of his death and sacrifice.
Ethan arrives at the tower with John, only for Amma to appear and state that she was present for his birth and would do the same for his death, even though this is not that day. She attempts several times to save Ethan using her power and the power of her ancestors, which is interrupted with Macon's arrival and eventually ends with the Greats turning their backs on her. Ethan then climbs up the water tower and tries to jump, only to be stopped by his other half. The two fight, eventually toppling off the side of the water tower and slamming into the ground. Before he falls, Ethan thinks of Lena.
Sam, a young New York City author, is dissatisfied with his life. Although his novelization of the blockbuster film ''Teen Vampire'' is popular he does not want to write the other novelizations his agent Alan urges; Sam suffers from writer's block with his own work, however. He is infatuated with Birdie, a street artist and barista at the local coffee shop, but does not know how to meet her.
After his roommate Eliot suggests checking Birdie's Facebook profile, Sam decides to pretend that he shares the interests she lists on her profile. He begin to learn how to play the guitar and cook French cuisine, and buys books by Walt Whitman and songs by Joan Baez. After pretending to accidentally meet at a comedy club Birdie mentioned online the two become friends and partners at a ballroom-dance class, and Sam begins to write a novel based on their relationship.
To spend more time with her Sam pretends to share Birdie's other interests, including pedicures and bourbon. They begin to fall in love, and Birdie accompanies Sam, Eliot, and Eliot's girlfriend, Ashley, to a spiritual retreat where they sleep together for the first time. Although Sam enjoys spending time with Birdie he finds participating in her many interests to be difficult, and is intimidated by her skill in such areas as caricature, singing, and rock climbing.
After Birdie tells Sam that she loves him and mentions her parents' plan to attend their impending dance recital, an insecure Sam discourages her interest in him. At a pitch meeting Alan and another agent praise Sam's novel as a superb portrayal of a pathetic "eunuch" who, after foolishly breaking up with his girlfriend, is doomed to remain alone. Realizing that he has made a mistake, Sam rushes to the recital where Birdie is about to perform with another partner. He states his love for her and confesses to using her Facebook profile to adjust his public persona. She tells him that she knew all the time, even adding items to see whether he would respond. She decides to let each other begin from where they left off and Sam decides to give his book a happy ending. They begin to dance together.
Magazine editor Daphne Zimmer (Mam Smith), who edits for the Society Fair magazine, is found dead in her swimming pool. Daphne is a friend of Megan's (Dana Delany) mother, Joan Hunt (Joanna Cassidy). At the crime scene, Megan finds evidence to suggest that there was a struggle near the pool, as well as bruising on the Daphne's stomach, which indicates that she died several days ago instead of that morning as was originally believed. At Daphne's workplace, Megan, Detective Bud Morris (John Carroll Lynch), and Peter Dunlop (Nicholas Bishop) tell the employees of Daphne's death. Bud questions Daphne’s employees, Stephen Burnett (Neal Bledsoe) and Lauren Matthews (Nadia Dajani), finding out that one of Daphne's enemies is Colin Lloyd (Robert Walsh), a wealthy man whose career Daphne ruined. Megan examines Daphne’s body, noticing that Daphne has kidney damage. Whilst Dr. Curtis Brumfield (Windell Middlebrooks) is working on maggots found on Daphne’s body, Dr. Ethan Gross (Geoffrey Arend) determines that hair, which was found at the crime scene, is human, and there are traces of arsenic and lead.
Megan decides that the only way to confront Colin is to accept her mother's invitation, which she had previously declined, as Colin is attending and after questioning him, she rules him out as a suspect. Curtis confirms that the maggots that he was testing take around two days to mature, so Curtis confirms that Daphne was dead for two days before the body was found. There are also traces of aspirin in them, so either Daphne was taking aspirin or it was being given to her without her knowledge. With the assistance of Dr. Kate Murphy (Jeri Ryan), Ethan determines that the hair is Victorian. Stephen admits to giving her aspirin, though did not realize she was getting sicker because of it, whilst Megan figures out that Daphne was electrocuted. After investigating, the police find out it was Lauren who killed Daphne, killing her after feeling angry about having to compete with interns for a journalism award. She threw Daphne in the pool in a rage when she confronted her, then throwing a space heater in the pool which electrocuted Daphne and killed her, not realizing she had dropped some of her ancestor's hair in the pool, which she kept in a locket. Stephen is released from holding after Lauren is arrested.
Karen (Katharine McPhee) performs at a government party; tensions between Michael (guest star Will Chase) and Julia (Debra Messing) increase; Eileen (Anjelica Huston) becomes associated with Ellis (Jamie Cepero); Ivy's (Megan Hilty) romantic relationship with Derek (Jack Davenport) hits a bump in the road.
The day before Christmas: a group of friends can be found, as tradition, rich in the house of one of them, for a game of poker. Each of the four men, including a mysterious lawyer, has problems in families, and trying to scrape together a Christmas game in a considerable sum in order to live better. But fate has a special plan for each day players.
An old lady recalls the most beautiful memory of her life: a school trip from Bologna to Florence, through the Apennines, on the eve of graduation exam in the early twentieth century. The thirty boys are accompanied by the teacher of letters and drawing. The latter will have an love affair with one of the pupils. But the professor, in love with her, will defend her from scandal.
Romagna countryside, 1950, near the sea. The baker Vanni Porelli is commissioned to organize the graduation party of Mrs. Gaia's daughter in a dilapidated abandoned farmhouse. The work is difficult and the woman refuses to pay even an advance, but Vanni accepts, because ten years earlier, on the occasion of the 1940 declaration of war, he had been kissed by surprise by Gaia, with whose family the mother of him, and had been naively in love with him so much that he ended up separating from his wife.
Vanni gets to work, helped by his son Nicola, by two orphans adopted by his wife, by some evacuees who had illegally occupied the farmhouse and by other occasional collaborators. The party ends in disaster, totally disorganized and inadequate to Gaia's demands: in the end the man even refuses to be paid. The party remains a modest amateur film shot by the lawyer of the town.
The story begins with an unnamed Thracian's involvement in a unit of Roman auxiliary in a campaign against the Getae in the Lower Danube under the command of the ''legatus'', Claudius Glaber. In 72–71 BC, Roman general Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus, proconsul of the Roman province of Macedonia, marched against the Getae, who were allies of Rome's enemy, Mithridates VI of Pontus. The Getae frequently raid the Thracians' lands, so the Thracians are persuaded by Glaber to enlist in the Romans' service as auxiliaries. Glaber is persuaded by his wife Ilithyia to seek greater glory, decides to break off attacking the Getae and directly confront the forces of Mithridates in Asia Minor. The Thracian, feeling betrayed, leads a mutiny against Glaber, and returns to find his village destroyed. The Thracian and his wife Sura are captured by Glaber the next day; the Thracian is condemned to die in the gladiator arena for his crime, while Sura is taken away, condemned to slavery. The Thracian is shipped to Capua in Italy, a center of gladiator training. Against all odds in the arena, he slays the four gladiators appointed to execute him and becomes an instant sensation with the crowd. Senator Albinius commutes the punishment from death to slavery. The prisoner's true name unknown, Quintus Lentulus Batiatus, the owner of a ''ludus'' in Capua, suggests to name him "Spartacus", because he fought like the ferocious Thracian king of that name.
Noting well the Thracian's fierce raw talent and popularity with the masses, Batiatus purchases him for training within the walls of his ''ludus'' under the tutelage of Oenomaus, a former gladiator and fellow slave who is known to the gladiators as 'Doctore', meaning instructor. He is befriended by Varro, a Roman who sold himself into slavery in order to pay his debts and support his family. He is harassed by more senior gladiators, notably Crixus, an undefeated Gaul, and Barca, a Carthaginian. Spartacus soon learns that Sura was sold to a Syrian slave trader. Batiatus, who has been unable to control Spartacus during his first days of training, promises to find Sura and reunite them in exchange for the promising neophyte's cooperation in the arena.
After many near-fatal ordeals and much further training Spartacus kills Theokoles, The Shadow of Death, and attains the status of a living legend and is named the "Champion of Capua" and "The Bringer of Rain". Batiatus arranges the purchase of Sura, but she is delivered mortally wounded, supposedly having been waylaid by bandits en route. Her murder was secretly ordered by Batiatus to keep Spartacus loyal and focused. Spartacus casts off his heritage as a Thracian and forgets his dream of freedom, becoming content with life as champion. Meanwhile, Barca, wishing to buy his freedom, was slain by Batiatus with the help of slave and former gladiator, Ashur. Batiatus' wife, Lucretia, is conducting an affair with Crixus. She and Batiatus have been unable to conceive a child, though she later falls pregnant with Crixus' child.
The turning point comes when Spartacus is set to fight his only friend in the ludus, Varro, in an exhibition match celebrating the coming to manhood of the Capuan magistrate's son, Numerius. Ilithyia, who has hated Spartacus since he embarrassed her husband Glaber by his mutiny, seduces the young man and convinces him to demand death for the loser of the match. Spartacus wins (as expected), and when the young man gives the "thumbs down", Batiatus, wishing to ingratiate himself with the boy's powerful father, forces Spartacus to comply and kill Varro. While suffering from both his wound in this match and his remorse and sorrow over having to kill his friend, Spartacus has fever dreams that lead him to suspect that Batiatus arranged Sura's death. He is able to confirm this by forcing Batiatus' man, Aulus, to confess the act before killed him. Knowing that it is all or nothing when it comes to resistance of his enslavement, he resolves to "kill them all" and lead a revolt against the ruling house he once fought for.
In order to get his revenge, Spartacus enlists the help of Crixus and the rest of the gladiators to defeat the house of Batiatus once and for all. A battle to the death between Crixus and Spartacus is arranged for the Capuan elite at the ludus. Doctore (whom Batiatus refers to by his real name, Oenomaus) confronts Batiatus about Barca's death and Ashur's hand in it. Spartacus gains support from Mira, Batiatus' wife's new slave, who is tasked with opening the gate to the villa from the training area. Crixus resists aiding Spartacus in hopes of reuniting with his lover Naevia; (banished from the ludus by Lucretia after she discovers her affair with Crixus because of Ashur's trick to avenge Crixus), however, after learning he was weakened to ensure Spartacus' victory, at the last moment he joins with Spartacus. Doctore initially stops Spartacus from killing Batiatus. In the ensuing chaos of the gladiators' killing of the guards and some guests, Crixus persuades Doctore to join him with Spartacus, while Illithyia escapes and has her guards seal the door to the ludus from the outside. Doctore, making good on his word, tries to kill Ashur but his intended victim eludes him. Crixus grievously wounds Lucretia with a sword stab to her abdomen, piercing her womb and killing their unborn child. Varro's wife, Aurelia, kills Numerius after revealing to him that Varro was her husband, and Spartacus finally kills Batiatus in front of the seriously wounded Lucretia. After the massacre, Spartacus vows to make "Rome tremble".
The miniseries features the history of the House of Batiatus and the city of Capua before the arrival of Spartacus. The main story opens not long after Quintus Lentulus Batiatus becomes lanista, manager of the House's slaves and gladiators, when he takes over his father's ludus.
Batiatus is quickly discovered to have grand ambitions, beginning with the stepping out from his father's shadow. As the story progresses, Batiatus continues to seek greatness for the House under ''his'' leadership, as well as recognition for his own name. By his side stands his devoted wife, Lucretia, who is willing to help her husband achieve his goals regardless of the cost. Batiatus soon places all of his fortunes on one man whom he believes will bring fame and glory to the House of Batiatus, his best gladiator, the Celt Gannicus. Gannicus is a skilled warrior almost without equal, who wields his dual swords in the arena with great prowess. However, Batiatus' opponents would not sit idly and allow his ascent to greatness without challenge.
Purchased as an undisciplined and disheveled recruit in the first episode, Crixus the Gaul initially endures mockery and threats of death, before eventually rising to become a gladiator of skill and fame second only to Gannicus. As Batiatus fends off repeated attempts by his professional rival Tullius and his other archenemy Vettius to obtain Gannicus, his relationships with his father Titus and friend Solonius begin to suffer the strain of Quintus' relentless ambition. Former champion gladiator Oenomaus reluctantly retires from combat to become Doctore, while Syrian recruits Ashur and Dagan become fierce enemies as Ashur tries to prove himself worthy of being a gladiator. Veteran gladiators Barca and Gannicus accept the rising star of Crixus but fear that their own careers will suffer, as the machinations of Batiatus and Lucretia to court Capua's elite end in tragedy for several members of the household. Against all of this, the city's splendid new arena nears completion and with it the opening games that will make men into gods. When the arena opens Solonius' and Batiatus' gladiators compete with each other, Batiatus' gladiators prevailing in the contest. Gannicus again proves himself to be the champion of Capua and the god of the arena and by virtue of his win against Solonius' gladiators, becomes the champion of Capua and gains his freedom.
After the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that concluded ''Spartacus: Blood and Sand'', the gladiator rebellion begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in ''Spartacus: Vengeance''. Praetor Claudius Glaber and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush Spartacus' growing band of freed slaves before they can inflict further damage. Spartacus is given a choice between satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man who condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death, or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking.
This final season of Spartacus began airing January 25, 2013 and concluded April 12, 2013. This season follows the final struggle between Spartacus and Marcus Licinius Crassus. Crassus pursues Spartacus as he struggles to feed his ever-growing army of former slaves. Spartacus wins several victories against Crassus' forces and continues to frustrate the Romans. The series culminates in a direct all-out battle between Spartacus and Crassus.
On February 10, 1675, the settlement of Lancaster, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was attacked by Native Americans in the Lancaster raid. The Native Americans burned down houses and opened fire on the English settlers, killing several of them and wounding more. They took many of the survivors captive, including Mary Rowlandson and her three children. Mary and her youngest child were among the injured, while others of her family, including her brother-in-law, were killed.
After spending a night in a nearby town, the Native Americans with their captives headed further into the wilderness. Being injured, the journey was difficult for Rowlandson and her daughter. They reached an Indian settlement called Wenimesset, where Rowlandson met another captive named Robert Pepper who tried to help the new captives. After staying in Wenimesset for about a week, Rowlandson's injured daughter, Sarah, died. Rowlandson was sold to another Indian who was related to King Philip by marriage. They buried Rowlandson's dead daughter, and she was allowed to visit her oldest daughter, Mary, who was also being held in Wenimesset. Her son was allowed to visit from a nearby Indian settlement. The Indians gave Rowlandson a Bible in which she found a great deal of hope.
After attacking another town, the Native Americans decided to head north, and Rowlandson was again separated from her family and her new friends. The Native Americans, along with Rowlandson, began to move quickly through the forest, as the English army was nearby. They came to the Baquaug River and crossed it with the English soldiers close behind. However, the English were not able to cross, and Rowlandson and the Indians continued northwest. They reached the Connecticut River and planned on meeting King Philip, but English scouts were present so they scattered and hid.
Rowlandson and the Native Americans soon crossed the river and met King Philip. At this settlement, Rowlandson sewed clothing for the Indians in return for food. Rowlandson wanted to go to Albany in hopes of being sold for gunpowder, but the Indians took her northward and crossed the river again. Rowlandson started hoping that she might be returned home, but the Indians turned south, continuing along the Connecticut River instead of heading east towards civilization. The Indians continued their attacks, and Thomas Read joined Rowlandson's group. Read told Rowlandson that her husband is alive and well, which gave her hope and comfort. Rowlandson and her group finally started to move east.
They crossed the Baquaug River again where they met messengers telling Rowlandson she had to go to Wachuset where the Indians would discuss the possibility of her returning to freedom. Rowlandson eagerly headed towards Wachuset, but the journey wore her down. She was disheartened by the sight of a colonist injured in a previous Indian attack. She reached Wachuset and spoke to King Philip, who guaranteed her freedom in two weeks. The council asked how much her husband would pay for her ransom and they sent a letter to Boston offering her freedom for twenty pounds.
After many more Indian attacks and victories, Rowlandson was allowed to travel back to Lancaster, then to Concord and finally to Boston. She was reunited with her husband after 11 long weeks. They stayed with a friend in Concord for a while until Rowlandson's sister, son, and daughter were returned. Back together, the family built a house in Boston where they lived until 1677.
The movie focuses on the misadventures of low-profile theater troupe actor Mutsugoro Suzuki who begins a surreal journey back to his hometown, marked by his quest to find the person responsible for infecting him with a sexually transmitted disease. As he travels down to his parents' house for a family reunion, his dreams become more and more intrusive. Eventually, after reuniting with his father, younger sister and friends, his dreams eat away at his sanity and he finds himself unable to differentiate between his dreams and reality. Thus, the movie ends with Suzuki abruptly leaving his family reunion and running down the evening road screaming and singing "Into a Dream."
The novel is situated on board of the ''UNSS Armenia'', a generation ship which is traveling from the Earth to a far away planet, where humanity is to establish a new civilisation. Because of the vast distance involved, the journey will span the lives of many generations. Apart from the generation which began the journey, and the generation which might end it, most generations will live and die on the ship. But when a child named Orphan is illicitly born from two lovers named August and Celeste, the ship's mission is turned upside down. After a nuclear holocaust wipes out most life on the Earth Orphan eventually takes control of the ship and turns the ship around back to Earth. Many years later a suicidal cult takes over the ship and it plummets back into the Earth, killing everyone on the ship and all remaining life on the planet.
In Bologna, Franco, Lele, Stefano and Ugo, once old friends once, reunite for the Christmas holidays. Franco, who was defeated 18 years before, is now a great industrialist and film producer, and he is going to have the rematch of a poker game played many years ago. Initially, Franco loses many euros, but after a while, he starts winning. At the end of the game his friends leave defeated, and Franco realizes he is left alone because of a game because now he has lost the esteem of his dear comrades.
The film is set in the Sixties, in the Tuscan beach of Forte dei Marmi. A group of young friends spends their holidays at the sea. One of them has a girlfriend, but she loves another man, while his brother is with a beautiful American girl, but he prefers another woman. Finally, a shy student falls in love with an older woman. The end of the movie is a fast-forward in which the same friends gather together after twenty years; however, they are sad because everything is different in their life.
Justin Bayard is a mounted policeman in the Kimberley escorting an aboriginal warrior, Emu Foot, back to headquarters at Fitzroy Crossing for murdering another aboriginal. Emu Foot is being pursued by warriors from the Kapunda tribe seeking revenge. Bayard is attacked by Kapundas and is badly injured, despite killing several of them. He takes refuge at an isolated cattle homestead Kootapatamba, owned by Tad Kirkbridge.
Bayard soon realises he has walked into a tense domestic situation: Kirkbridge is unhappily married to the neurotic Julie, who is cheating on him with their neighbour, Crispin, and encouraging him to sell Kootapatamba. The head stock manager is Ned Palady whose mixed race daughter Blanche takes a shine to Bayard. Crispin is trying to persuade Kirkbridge to join him in a new method of transporting cattle. Emu Foot is kept prisoner in a boab tree that has been hollowed out but ultimately escapes.
Bayard falls in love with Blanche and fights off another attack from Kapundas. Julie is killed by a spear to the back and Bayard interrogates members of the homestead. He discovers that the killer is Left Hand Spider, an aboriginal stockman who did not want Julie to see Kootapatamba. Spider is killed fleeing Bayard. Emu Foot is also killed by Kapundas.
Bayard and Blanche get married. Tad Kirkbridge sells the homestead to Blanche and her father and Bayard decides to work on it as head stockman.
The Consort Dowager Shun, Niohuru Yuen-sau (Christine Ng) bears a grudge against her half-sister Niohuru Yu-yuet, the current Consort Yu (Sheren Tang) because she believed that Consort Yu faked her illness during the selection ceremony so that Yuen-sau would be chosen as a concubine of the ailing Emperor, and when the Emperor dies, Yu-yuet will become the new Emperor's consort, rising in power and status and rendering Yuen-sau's status as a consort obsolete. This presumption, coupled with the intense hatred and bitterness building up in her for years caused Yuen-sau to spread rumors about Yu-yuet being an evil and manipulative person (this is seen in the events of War and Beauty). For many years, Yu-yuet tolerated with Yuen-sau and tried her best to reconcile with her but to no avail until a kunqu troupe whom the much lauded Ko Lau Fei (Moses Chan) is a part of enters the palace that Yu-yuet had the opportunity to reach out to Yuen-sau. Because the harem forbids males from entering, the appearance of Ko Lau Fei intrigued its members including the lonely Yuen-sau and wet nurse Seung-ling (Ada Choi), causing much distraught to Yu-yuet. The two sisters began to plot and scheme against each other, with Yuen-sau wanting to keep Ko Lau Fei in the palace and allying with the lunatic Tung Kat Hoi (Kenny Wong) and Yu-yuet planning to send Ko Lau Fei out of the palace with the help of her trusted maid, Yee-ho (Rachel Kan). However, when Yu-yuet found out that Seung-ling fell in love with Ko Lau Fei, it threaten to thwart her schemes.
When a body, apparently cut in half at the waist, is discovered in the middle of the Øresund Bridge, which connects Copenhagen with Malmö, placed precisely on the border between the two countries, the investigation falls under the jurisdiction of both the Danish and Swedish police agencies. It is not one corpse but two halves of two separate women: the upper half being that of a female Swedish politician, the lower half being that of a Danish prostitute. Saga Norén from Sweden and Martin Rohde from Denmark lead the murder investigations.
Martin has had a vasectomy. August, the nineteen-year-old son from his first marriage is now living with Martin and Mette, his current wife, with whom Martin has three children. Mette discovers that she is expecting another set of twins. Saga lives alone and rather than have serious relationships, she prefers to pick up men in bars for casual sex. Her poor social skills, her difficulty in empathizing and her inability to channel her emotions make her appear cold, insensitive and blunt but she is completely honest and forthright in all aspects. In the course of the investigation, Martin and Saga develop a close working relationship.
The investigation quickly escalates as a journalist, Daniel Ferbé, whose SUV was used in the crime, found rigged with a bomb timer getting attention, begins receiving phone calls. The caller, who becomes known as the "Truth Terrorist", claims to be committing crimes in order to draw attention to various social problems. A social worker, Stefan Lindberg is an early suspect; his estranged sister Sonja is a poisoning victim. Working together, the Danish and Swedish police conclude that the killer must have a connection with them. After the killer has murdered several people, his true motivation begins to seem personal. They discover that he has been planning his campaign for a period of several years. In the midst of the investigation, Martin has an affair with one of the victims of the Truth Terrorist during a home visit. This affair reaches Mette, who ousts Martin from the Rohde residence.
The ties between all the Truth Terrorist's targets are pinpointed to Jens Nielsen, an ex-Danish police officer who had supposedly killed himself. Jens is still alive, masquerading as Mette's colleague under false pretences and plastic surgery. Several years earlier, his wife cheated on him having an affair with Martin. Jens has meticulously crafted a plan of revenge for Martin, using his disguise and subsequent crimes to get closer to his family. The death of Jens's wife and children on the bridge in an accident leads Jens to believe that Martin is to blame, after a supposed affair between Jens's wife and Martin. Jens kidnaps Mette and Martin's children (sans August), forcing Martin to try to save them. In Denmark, Saga uncovers that the real target is August, who Jens catfishes to gain access to information about the case and his location. Jens kidnaps August and traps him in a coffin. A standoff occurs between Martin and Jens on the bridge. Saga arrives. Martin asks her to tell him that August is alive, but August has been killed. Upon hearing this, Martin is prevented from killing Jens when Saga shoots both of them. Jens is finally arrested, with Martin left grieving in hospital. With the case closed, Saga drives to Sweden.
Series two starts 13 months later.
A coaster veers off course and hits the Øresund Bridge. When Saga arrives, there is no crew- just three Swedes and two Danes below deck, chained and in poor condition. Although Martin has gone through a nervous breakdown following his son's death, she arranges for him to be assigned to the case. Two new officers join the investigation, Rasmus and Pernille from Sweden and Denmark, respectively. After the victims on the coaster die from pneumonic plague, a viral video appears in which four disguised eco-terrorists claim responsibility for the incident. They embark on further attacks, including blowing up a petrol tanker and distributing poisoned food. As the police close in on the group, they are all found dead in a shipping container, thus raising the question of whether there are other terrorist cells or a larger group. When Rasmus is found to have obstructed the investigation under false pretences after a visit to the eco-terrorist hideout, Hans ousts him from the investigation.
The keynote speaker of an upcoming EU climate conference in Copenhagen is one of those killed by poisoning. Caroline Brandstrup-Julin, the head of the conference, appoints Viktoria Nordgren, head of the Medisonus pharmaceutical company, as his replacement. While arranging the congress, Caroline's sister Bodil is asked by Oliver Nordgren, Viktoria's brother and a shareholder of Medisonus, whether she would be willing to write Viktoria's biography; Viktoria has been diagnosed with cancer and has about six months to live.
During the retrieval of a sunken boat, seven corpses are found inside. The owner of the boat is Marcus Stenberg. The investigation discovers the identities of the dead and finds that some of them had previously been volunteers in medical studies undertaken by Medisonus, but who had gone missing. The company's security chief tells them that a possible industrial spy gained access to their headquarters.
Bodil and Viktoria meet to discuss the content of the biography. Oliver, who lives in the house opposite to his sister's and has secretly installed cameras in her house, watches them make love. When Viktoria asks Oliver to keep out of her life, he confesses that he is responsible for the eco-terrorist acts. When he tries to kill her, Oliver's wife Gertrud arrives to save Viktoria and kills Oliver. The police assume that Oliver acted alone as the ringleader of the plot, but Saga then turns up further evidence that there must be at least one more accomplice.
The police pathologist shows that two of the dead bodies found earlier contain a deadly virus, which causes internal bleeding and becomes airborne once the victim's blood escapes the body; Saga and Martin guess that Gertrud has developed the virus and infected Viktoria with the intent of spreading it at the EU conference. They manage to alert Caroline and command her to evacuate the building and turn off the ventilation. Eventually, the police arrive at the conference and begin searching for the dying Viktoria. She is eventually discovered in a bathroom by Pernille, who handcuffs her to a pipe to help contain her. Before she can leave, however, Viktoria starts coughing blood, infecting Pernille with the virus. As the area is contained, Martin and Saga communicate with Pernille over the radio, and as Viktoria dies painfully, Pernille decides not to go the same way and commits suicide with her gun. Meanwhile, Gertrud drives to a secluded warehouse where she shoots a video and is executed by an unidentified man who arrives and castigates her for the failure of her plot.
Martin, in an attempt to get over the death of August, begins visiting Jens in prison, to try to get through to him. He is satisfied when he sees that his visits have made an impression, and Jens begins to feel remorse for his crime. When Martin moves back in with his estranged wife Mette, ready to start again, she admits that she no longer loves him. A distraught Martin blames Jens and begins to suffer renewed symptoms of paranoia. Saga hears that Jens has died in prison, apparently a suicide, and suspects Martin of having poisoned him, using the poison he stole from Oliver. The series ends as Martin is arrested, apparently as a result of her intervention, whilst Saga looks on longingly as the friendship between them disappears before her eyes.
Series three starts 13 months later.
When a female body is found on a construction site in Malmö, Sweden posed in a tableau representing a traditional family Saga is assigned to the case together with a Copenhagen police officer Hanne Thomsen, who is hostile towards Saga due to her role in the incarceration of Martin Rohde. The victim is identified as Helle Anker, a resident of Copenhagen. Anker, a lesbian married to a Swedish woman, was the pioneer of Denmark's first gender-neutral preschool. Her work had been the target of numerous threats, including vlog posts by right-wing lawyer Lise Frise Andersen, whose husband owns the facility where Anker's body was discovered. While attempting to question Anker's son Morten, a mentally unstable veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Thomsen is wounded by a booby trap. Saga is then assigned a new Danish partner, Henrik Sabroe. The relationship between Saga and Henrik builds quickly, starting a 'friends with benefits' relationship between them. Things complicate even more so for Saga when Marie-Louise, her mother, returns into her life 20 years later, greatly unnerving her.
Another murder is linked to Andersen's blog. Hans Petterson is suddenly abducted and when found, is in a critical condition leading to Linn Björkman taking over as his replacement. The murders are described on the television news, leading Emil Larsson, an art gallery employee, to come forward and show that they may have been staged to look like artworks from a collection owned by multi-millionaire Freddie Holst. The police suspect Holst's former business partner, Claes Sandberg. Holst had legally gained control of his company and art collection after Claes was admitted to rehab.
Marie-Louise challenges the assumption that Jennifer was the victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, suggesting that it was Saga's inability to connect with her sister emotionally that drove her to suicide. Marie-Louise claims that Saga has been to her home and threatened her. At first, when Marie-Louise is found dead, the assumption is suicide but later it is considered it could be murder. Saga is interviewed by Internal Affairs. The pressure of her mother's investigation and her grief when Hans dies causes Saga to make a serious error during a hostage situation at the Malmö headquarters - injuring a child. This forces Linn to temporarily suspend Saga and replace her with Rasmus, previously shunned by Hans for obstruction of justice in the eco-terrorist case. A woman named Jeanette carrying Freddie's baby is kidnapped and a woman named Annika is discovered. Freddie outfoxes his security detail, goes to the secluded location that the killer has instructed and finds himself with Emil Larsson who explains that he has been enacting justice on those who wronged him during his childhood as a foster child. Freddie was the sperm donor used to conceive him. He takes Freddie and the baby to Saltholm where he has prepared the final artwork. Saga and Henrik are following up on a lead and arrive in time to save the lives of all three. However, Emil commits suicide in custody shortly afterwards by slitting his wrist with a paperclip.
Throughout the series, Henrik is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his family, consuming narcotics to cope and seeing hallucinations of them in his abode. Six years after she disappeared, the body of Henrik's wife, Alice, is discovered, but no trace of their two daughters; causing him to spiral into depression and overdose on drugs. Saga goes to his house in time to rescue him. Shortly after, Saga is informed that a preliminary hearing is being scheduled on her case and, despite Linn's belief that it will not proceed further than this, she worries that she will lose everything as a result. Henrik, wanting to find his two missing daughters himself, resigns from his job and goes to find Saga, intending to ask her to join him. He eventually finds her at the train tracks where her sister killed herself, looking visibly distressed. Realising she is considering taking her own life on the tracks as the lights of an approaching train appear, Henrik desperately tries to talk her out of it, insisting he needs her expertise to help find his girls. When he attempts to cross the track to her, Saga draws a gun on him and orders him to stay back, before seemingly stepping into the path of an oncoming train. When it passes, however, Henrik sees that she has not gone through with it but has fallen to her knees a short distance away, and goes to comfort her as she begins sobbing. The series ends with Henrik and Saga studying the case information about the disappearance of Henrik's daughters.
Two years later, having spent more than a year in prison, Saga Norén is released following a retrial which found that there was reasonable doubt about her murdering her mother. Henrik Sabroe investigates the murder of the director general of the Immigration Service, Margarethe Thormond, who has been stoned to death. At first, Henrik is joined by Danish PC Jonas Mandrup, who is seemingly intolerant towards the victims and is cold towards Saga, noting her track record of Danish partners. With her apartment lost upon her arrest and assignment to help Henrik solve the murder case, Saga moves in with him. However, her untreated trauma regarding Hans's death, Emil's sudden suicide and Marie-Louise's investigation against her culminates in a panic attack while driving across the bridge, leading her to start therapy. In the meantime, Henrik attends meetings for addicts. There, he is befriended by a man named Kevin, who became paralysed after jumping off a balcony in a drugged stupor and is a wheelchair user. Two more victims are discovered and Saga realizes that each victim is killed using one method of executing prisoners sentenced to death - suggesting a total of seven victims, leaving four to come. She also notes that the victims are selected not because of their actions but because of something their loved ones have done.
As more people are murdered, Henrik realizes that the common link between the victims is people associated with Tommy - a gangster and a police informer that Henrik used to know 4 years prior. Tommy had told Henrik when and where his gang would be raiding another gang but the prosecutor refused to follow up on the tip. The raid led to bloodshed and a number of deaths, resulting in the execution of Tommy as a police informer, a fact inadvertently revealed by a journalist whose brother was one of the victims. Henrik and Lilian's involvement in that case makes their loved ones potential victims of future murders because they are considered to have betrayed Tommy. Lillian is distraught when she receives Hans's decapitated head in a bouquet of flowers, causing her to relinquish her power to Jonas. Kevin is revealed as Tommy's son, whose real name is Brian.
Meanwhile, Saga has become pregnant and she considers having an abortion, which upsets Henrik. She agrees to proceed with the pregnancy provided he keeps the baby and raises it on his own. Later, Saga realizes that she is in love with Henrik, so she aborts her pregnancy to remove a possible obstacle to her relationship with him. When she tells Henrik, he is furious and throws her out of the house. Acting on discussions with her therapist, Saga decides to make amends and redoubles her efforts to find Henrik's daughters. A chance encounter with Christoffer, whose father was a minor figure in the investigation, enables her to track down one of Henrik's daughters, Astrid, who is living as the daughter of another man, Frank Wahlberg, in a closed community. Reunited with Henrik, Astrid tells him his other daughter, Anna, died of untreated appendicitis. Alice had initially left Henrik when their relationship broke down, taking the girls in with Frank. She had later died of a "fall", when she wanted to leave Frank, with Frank telling the daughters that both their parents had died.
Saga discovers that the murderer is Tommy's former lover, Susanne Winter, personal assistant to the Thormonds. Winter is arrested and provides details about the murders. With the help of her therapist, Saga lets go of her guilt for her sister's suicide. Her therapist suggests that Saga is a police officer to make amends for her sister's suicide. The pathologist, who admires Saga, helps confirm that her mother suffered from a psychological problem and probably caused her sister's death. With her guilt resolved, Saga discovers she can explore life outside of the police.
However, when summoned to talk to a former fellow prisoner, Saga learns that Susanne Winter was not acting alone. Jonas is ousted from the investigation when it is discovered that he has leaked information to the press. In the meantime, Henrik is trying to rebuild his relationship with Astrid, who faces difficulty in reentering her previous life as his daughter. Brian unexpectedly comes to visit them one evening to celebrate. When Henrik turns around, Brian stands up from his wheelchair and attacks him. He ties up Henrik and Astrid and asks Henrik to watch as he aims to execute Astrid, in revenge for Tommy's death. Henrik refuses, so Brian shoots her in the leg and says he will continue to maim her until Henrik opens his eyes. A gunshot is heard and Henrik sees that Brian has been shot dead by Saga.
Saga visits Henrik and tells him she is leaving to explore doing the things she wants to do but promises to stay in touch, sharing a kiss before Saga leaves. Returning to Malmö, she stops at the halfway point to throw her police badge into the sea. Her phone rings, and she answers just with her name, omitting her former job title. The show ends with her driving back to Sweden in the distance.
Paul Bruckner, a surgeon whose license has been revoked for alcoholism, poses as "Dr. Sloane" aboard a train passing through Arizona. His presence there is part of a caper involving a fictitious patient, on whose behalf he gains access to his physician's bag in the baggage car. There he blows the safe and steals a cash payroll of $500,000. Bruckner and the "patient," supposedly infected with polio, are let off at a remote small town with a hospital, which is also far from any scheduled train stop, and escape with the money in an ambulance. The railroad officials do not discover the robbery until the train reaches Phoenix, many hours later.
In response, the insurance company puts a claim investigator, Charlie Norman, on the case, forcing him to postpone his vacation to Mexico with his wife Ruth the next day. Joe Armstrong, a veteran railroad policeman who is also investigating the crime, works with him. Gradually evidence starts to turn up that the thieves stole the ambulance just before the robbery, then ditched it in the desert, escaping in a stolen helicopter. The scheme was thus elaborate, showing that the robbery had been carried out according to a strict timetable.
But there was one misstep that keeps it from being the perfect crime. During the escape the "patient," Lombard, accidentally shot himself, forcing Bruckner—and the money—to remain with him instead of escaping to Mexico, throwing off the timetable. Assigning Charlie to the case, a move by the insurance company unanticipated during planning of the crime, further disrupts the timetable. The audience learns that Charlie is the secret mastermind. Charlie carefully planned the crime after meeting Bruckner, who filed a false accident claim. Charlie plans to disappear in Mexico with Bruckner's wife Linda, who pretended to be Lombard's wife, and use the cash to finance his new life. Bruckner, desperate for money, joined in the crime strictly for the cash.
Charlie decides they should all wait for the investigation to cool off before trying to continue on to Mexico. However, Joe, methodically investigating each aspect of the crime, finds an accomplice, who leads to another, Wolfe, the owner of the "stolen" helicopter. Charlie realizes that Bruckner and Wolfe double-crossed him, killed Lombard and planned to keep the money for themselves. Charlie kills Wolfe to silence him and makes it appear to be a suicide. Bruckner, trying to escape to Mexico with Linda and his share of the loot, panics during a routine customs check and tries to force his way across the border, but is killed by police. Linda escapes, and Joe arranges to go with Charlie to Mexico to find her, believing she has the rest of the loot.
Charlie sees an opportunity to escape and stashes his cut of the money in a briefcase to smuggle into Mexico. He suspects Bruckner had already arranged to leave Mexico for another country with Linda. Charlie also discovers that an unsuspecting Ruth has tried to pull a practical joke on him by substituting fishing gear for his work reports in the briefcase. She has discovered the stolen money and returned it anonymously to the insurance company. While tracking down Linda to take Bruckner's place in the double-cross plan, Charlie draws the suspicion of Joe and the Mexican police, who close in. Forced to abandon Bruckner's plan, Charlie and Linda are cornered and killed in a shoot-out.
Beginning after the First Siege of Vienna the century before, the film brings viewers through the various conflicts between Catholic Christianity and Turkish Islam which led up to the events of 11 September 1683 and the Battle of Vienna. It shows the alleged circumstances of the 2nd siege of Vienna and the assault of Ottoman Turks led by Kara Mustafa (Enrico Lo Verso) against the Habsburg monarchy. The assault was stopped by King Jan III Sobieski (Jerzy Skolimowski), and curtailed Turkish expansion into European Christendom.
Depressed after getting dumped by her cheating husband, Augusta recovers from a resulting nervous breakdown by way of observing her two sons, 18-year-old Henry and older brother Matthew, as they come of age.
Life does not offer much satisfaction to the recent graduate [4] engineer [2] [4] Colombo: in a job interview in which candidates are asked to draw a tree, he is the only one not hired by the company since his drawing, instead of being monochromatic and schematic as the executives would like, is colorful and lush. Colombo lives in a battered but lively palace with a railing; he has for neighbors a woman who is perpetually pregnant, the members of the theater cooperative Quelli di Grock, a girl always intent on carrying heaps of rags and a ramshackle dance school attended by a student he is in love with, but who does not deserve a glance .
He is in his own way a genius of electronics and automation (he has built a contraption that prepares his breakfast and brings it to him in bed, and which hands him his clothes for the day), however his job is that of a waiter. at a remote drinks kiosk at the top of Montagnetta di San Siro. The owner is a fat and good-natured hag who, her only customer, spends her days being served beers by Colombo. The routine is interrupted when the manager of an international summit, the "boss" of the credits confined to a wheelchair, is taken ill: one of those present at the summit calls a nearby bar to bring a glass of ' water, but by mistake dials the number of the kiosk.
Colombo finds himself having to run across the whole of Milan carrying the glass of water on a tray, which during the journey suffers a sequence of ridiculous accidents: it is first poured into the helmet of a traffic cop, then some painters accidentally dip the brushes, is soiled by the unloading of a truck, pigeons eat birdseed and finally an insect falls into it. Once at its destination, the concoction is still made to drink by the now cyanotic boss, who not only recovers, but miraculously gets up from his wheelchair laughing and hopping. It would therefore seem that Columbus's life is at a turning point: at the kiosk a long line of paralytics is queuing to drink the miraculous concoction, which Columbus prepares by skilfully reproducing on the spot all the previous misadventures. But the boss also arrives at the most beautiful, who buys the entire kiosk with millions to turn it into a sanctuary.
The crone, who was already giving herself a saintly airs, is enthusiastic about the project while Columbus is suddenly reduced to unemployment. The engineer, to make ends meet, improvises himself as a violinist for the deranged theatrical cooperative which is based in his condominium. His life, however, does not improve much: the impresario, severe and grim, comes to the courtyard to gather the actors and leave for a show but, not seeing them arrive, goes up to the messy apartment where they sleep massed and wakes them up. trumpet sound; they rush to wash up the dishes, throwing them from one part of the kitchen to the other in a sort of hilarious assembly line, and are finally loaded badly into the van.
Columbus, who finds himself sleeping in the condominium garbage can, is awakened in his turn very abruptly. After grotesque incidents along the way, the company arrives in the courtyard of a rural town scattered in the fog, where it sets up a pathetic show (the improbable Magic Show) in the midst of chickens, geese and cows. In the meantime, the impresario does nothing but devour everything that comes his way, even the flowers that the local children give him. The spectators, at first only perplexed by the insipid staging completely devoid of head and tail, then take up shovels and pitchforks and force the actors to a long and ruinous escape on foot.
Back home exhausted, Colombo is again snubbed by the dancer he is in love with, who instead rushes to help a neighbor. He then decides to take action but, too shy to woo the girl in first person, he builds a remote controlled automaton made in his own image with recovery means: dressed in full dress and sent to the balcony, through her he finally manages to attract the attention of the student of the dance school. The two go out to go to the disco; Colombo, left at home to pilot the automaton, follows the evolution of the evening on a screen, which seems to be proceeding well until the control system explodes: the automaton is enchanted and continually orders the waiter "to drink for two ", sitting next to the now completely drunk girl.
Alerted by the roar of the explosion, the girl who constantly collects rags rushes to Colombo's house. Noting her good health conditions, at first she expresses her sympathy for her cheerful and extravagant home, and then invites him to follow her into a warehouse full of colorful rags. There the two take turns dressing up and rolling around, finally both finding happiness in a completely unexpected way.
''Lahure'' is based on the story of the brave Gorkha soldiers and the sacrifices made by them and their families. Starring Shrawan Ghimire, Pradip Pakhrin, Tripti.
The workshop of ''Marilyn'' is finally held. Ivy (Megan Hilty) gets stage fright and slips up, leading Derek to tell her off at intermission, much to the chagrin of Tom. Karen (Katharine McPhee) has the opportunity to meet with a big record exec, but because the meeting is at the same time as the workshop, she decides to do the workshop instead. Julia (Debra Messing) feels guilty about what she and Michael (guest star Will Chase) did, and gives rebuking Michael one more shot.
In 1795, Doctor Victor Frankenstein creates a monster by putting together parts of corpses and reanimating them. Horrified by his creation, Frankenstein tries to destroy it, but the monster survives and murders his wife Elizabeth. Frankenstein chases it to the Arctic, but he succumbs to the cold weather. When the monster returns home to bury Frankenstein, it is attacked by demons, but is then rescued by two gargoyles, Ophir and Keziah. They bring it to a cathedral, where the monster meets the gargoyle queen Leonore and her second-in-command Gideon. Leonore explains that they were created by the Archangel Michael to battle demons on Earth and protect humanity. She names the creature "Adam" and invites him to join them, but he declines and chooses to depart. He is given baton-like weapons to protect himself, as more demons will come after him. The weapons allow him to "descend" demons (destroying their bodies and trapping their souls in Hell) as they have the symbol of the Gargoyle Order carved on them.
For the next two hundred years, Adam lives apart from society, killing any demon that pursues him and hiding from them. Deciding to rejoin society in the modern-day, Adam looks for and confronts a group of demons. During the fight, a police officer is accidentally killed. This causes Adam to be summoned by the gargoyles once more and they decide to imprison him as punishment. A demon Helek, who survived Adam's attack, reports to his leader, the demon prince Naberius, that Adam is alive. Naberius has disguised himself as billionaire businessman Charles Wessex and employs scientists Terra Wade and Carl Avery to conduct experiments to try to reanimate corpses. He sends a group of demons led by his most formidable warrior, Zuriel, to attack the gargoyles' cathedral and capture Adam so he can unlock the secret to resurrecting the dead.
In the attack, many demons are slain and 16 gargoyles, including Ophir and Keziah, are "ascended" (returned to and trapped in Heaven), but Zuriel sneaks in and captures Leonore and takes her to an abandoned theater. Adam interrogates a demon who tells him that they lured the gargoyles out in order to capture Leonore so they can force the gargoyles to trade Adam for her. Gideon is instructed to trade Adam to them, however, Adam escapes after the attack. Without Adam, Gideon instead offers to trade Frankenstein's journal for Leonore, which was found on Adam's body on the night they found him. At the theater, Gideon gives Zuriel the journal and Leonore is spared. Adam follows Zuriel to the Wessex Institute, where he discovers thousands of corpses underground and learns that Naberius plans to recreate Frankenstein's experiment by reanimating the corpses and using them as hosts for the descended demons so he can rebuild his armies and destroy humanity. Adam retrieves the journal from Terra and escapes the demons. He later tracks down Terra and asks for her help. The two are then attacked by Zuriel, where Adam fights him and manages to descend him.
Adam warns the remaining gargoyles of Naberius' plan, agreeing to give them the journal if they get him and Terra to safety. Leonore agrees and when Adam leaves, she secretly sends Gideon to kill him after he retrieves the journal. After a violent fight, Adam ascends Gideon and then decides to burn Frankenstein's journal and destroy its secrets before the gargoyles come after him. Luring them out of the cathedral, Adam leads them to the Wessex Institute, where they descend Naberius's right-hand man Dekar and then battle more demons. In the ensuing battle, Adam goes into the institute to rescue Terra, who had been kidnapped by Naberius and forced to begin the process of reanimating the corpses. Naberius overpowers Adam and tries to have one of the demon spirits possess him, but it doesn't work because Adam has developed a soul of his own. Adam carves the Gargoyle Order symbol on Naberius, descending him to Hell. The institute collapses and falls into an abyss, where all the demons and all the possessed corpses are destroyed and Naberius' plan is thwarted. Leonore rescues Adam and Terra from falling into the abyss as well and they return to the cathedral.
Leonore forgives Adam for Gideon's death and Adam bids farewell to Terra. In the ending scene, Adam narrates that he will continue defending the world from demons as he declares himself “Frankenstein.”
Julia Atwater (Love) is the most popular girl in her Midwestern small town. She has many suitors, but she chooses an older man, Mr. Crum (Elliott). When he takes her back to his home in Chicago, she finds out he is married. She leaves him, returning to neighbor Noble Dill (Goodwin).
Twenty-five-year-old Jai, portrayed by Asad Shan, an impoverished life in Delhi with his humble Punjabi family who he constantly struggles to support. He migrates to London on a three-month tourist visa to fulfill his dream and earn a decent living as an illegal immigrant, leaving his family burdened with a loan. London is his most beautiful dream. Soon he finds a best friend Goldie (Aliakbar Campwala) on a council estate and find love on the London underground in the form of Simran (Sabeeka Imam) who is Shahrukh Khan's biggest fan. One phone call changes his life and he becomes trapped in a dark and dangerous situation leading to an edgy, exciting, fast-paced thriller where each man is on his own and its a jungle law.
Inside Out and Back Again is a story about a young girl named Kim Hà and her family, consisting of her mother and three brothers, being forced to move to the United States because the Vietnam War had reached their home country, and it was no longer safe. They board a navy ship and flee. Upon spending a couple months at a refugee camp, they end up moving to Alabama. There Hà struggles with learning English and confronting bullies, including one that she nicknamed Pink Boy, at her new school. Hà at one point said, "No one would believe me but at times I would choose wartime in Saigon over peacetime in Alabama." Eventually, she has pushed through those hard times with the help of their next door neighbour, Mrs. Washington and the support of her family. In the beginning of the book, it mentions that Hà's father, a soldier in the Vietnam war, was captured by the North Vietnamese Army when she was only a year old. In the end, Hà's family figures out that unfortunately, her father had died while in North Vietnamese hands. Hà then gets used to living in the U.S and her family celebrates the new year. She prays for good things to happen to her and her family.
Marie played by Alexandra Neldel and her husband Michel Adler played by Bert Tischendorf have a happy life until Michel has to go to war against the Hussites for König Sigismund but does not come back. Marie does not believe that he is dead and starts her journey to find out what really happened to him.
It is sometimes displayed - on recording and when digitally streamed - as ''The Revenge of the Siren'' in English-translated versions (and similarly for its predecessor, The Royal Siren, and successor, The Legacy of the Siren, in the series.)
The story is set in a Roman inn in the year 1683. Ten guests of varying origin are resident, including a French guitar player, a Tuscan doctor, a Venetian glass artisan, an English refugee, a Neapolitan astrologer posing as an artist, and an enigmatic Jansenist. Everyone is hiding their own secret. When the French nobleman De Mourai dies suddenly, the inn is placed under quarantine because the authorities believe the plague has broken out. One guest, the mysterious abbot Atto Melani, suspects instead that the Frenchman has been poisoned. Together with a young servant (as narrator), he starts to investigate. Together Melani and the servant discover a network of ancient tunnels, once used by early Christians to avoid persecution. They also discover that the other guests of the inn are using the tunnels for their own mysterious reasons. While the scenario unfolds, outside the whole Christian world anxiously awaits the outcome of the Turkish siege at the Battle of Vienna. The Christian military coalition has been assembled under the direction of Pope Innocent XI. If the Christian reinforcements arrive too late, Vienna will fall and Europe will be at the mercy of the Ottomans.
When Jeff Converse is convicted of a brutal crime he did not commit, he sees his bright future slipping away from him. Then, he is suddenly whisked away to a secret underground Manhattan society with mysterious, twisting tunnels and chambers, where darkness lurks around every corner. He sees the eerie underground group of the homeless and the mad, and realizes what he has to do. Jeff must now find a way to escape alive from this living hell, with only his bare hands and his wit.
The film tells the story of three protagonists: Benny Parrish, a young boy diagnosed with bipolar disorder whose troubled soul and vivid imagination create both suffering and joy for him and his complex and loving family; "CeeJay" (played by Cedric Thompson), a black teenager and aspiring football player who has taken refuge in Bombay Beach hoping to avoid the same fate of his cousin who was murdered by a gang of youths in Los Angeles; and that of Red, an ancient survivor, once an oil field worker, living on the fumes of whiskey, cigarettes, and an irrepressible love of life. Together they make up a triptych of American manhood in its decisive moments, populating the Salton Sea's land of thwarted opportunity. ''The New York Times'' writes, “[Bombay Beach] feels like a fever dream about an alternate universe. Suffused with a sense of wonder, it hovers, dancing inside its own ethereal bubble.”
Har’el explains about the film, “This film can only serve to show glimpses into some of the larger issues one can pick out from these people’s lives and the way in which they live their lives in this particular place. All these things that can be perceived as wrong or right, or bad or good, all reside together, side by side. This is the human experience of life and that’s what I wanted to illustrate more than anything, how things co-exist, all the wrongs and the rights together, the love and the violence, the broken dream and the persistence of dreams. Even though the dream is broken, you can still see the people.”
From Salon: “You either like this kind of ambitious, brave, borderless experiment or you don’t, and I think it’s absolutely magical and tragic. Maybe it took a foreign-born Jewish filmmaker to make a movie that seems so positively biblical (…) about the current conditions of America.”
Santos Trinidad, a corrupt policeman and disgraced former GEO ( Spanish police equivalent to SWAT) member, goes binge drinking late at night. He is thrown out of a bar and aggressively demands a drink from a waitress in another bar despite the fact that they are closed. The manager attempts to defuse the situation by offering Trinidad a free drink, but his physical proximity is deemed too invasive by Trinidad, whose training and instincts suddenly rouse him from his drunken stupor; he breaks the manager's nose, the bouncer draws a pistol, and Trinidad shoots each of them dead. As Trinidad cleans up the evidence, an eyewitness escapes. After Trinidad studies their wallets for clues on the identity of the eyewitness, he destroys all identifying papers.
Chacón and Leiva investigate the crime. Without any way to identify the victims, their investigation proceeds slowly, though they initially suspect a gangland hit. After using the police's resources to identify the witness' license plates, Trinidad searches his apartment and car. Trinidad takes the man's GPS device, which he uses to identify common locations. Though he attempts to disguise himself, he is caught on a surveillance camera. Trinidad later tracks the man down and pursues him to the subway, where he attempts to kill him, only to be stabbed by an accomplice that the witness calls.
Trinidad and Chacón separately come to realize that the murder victims had ties to the Colombian drug cartels. Each seek out Rachid, a police informer who was previously involved with the same groups. Chacón, through her contacts with anti-terrorism intelligence, finds him first. Rachid tells her that his former acquaintances move from drugs to Islamic militancy, though he lost track of where they were based. Chacón questions Trinidad after seeing his egress from the apartment on the apartment complex's surveillance camera, but without any solid evidence she is forced to let him go free.
By threatening Rachid's ex-girlfriend, Trinidad tracks down Rachid, whom he also threatens. Rachid takes Trinidad through Madrid, where they attempt to track down the Islamic terrorist cell to which the witness belongs. Meanwhile, the cell purchases and sets a series of bombs in a Madrid shopping mall hidden as fire extinguishers. Trinidad arrives at their headquarters while they place the bombs. Trinidad kills all of the terrorists, including the witness, before they can remotely detonate the bombs. However, he is again stabbed, this time fatally. Chacón and Leiva arrive at the scene after his death. The film ends with several scenes of crowds of people at the mall, none of whom know that the bombs are still active.
Caroline Evans was left traumatized by the death of her husband. Now alone with her two children, she worries how they will make ends meet. However, she is soon swept off her feet by Anthony Fleming, who embraces her and her children. Soon they all move into a building named ''The Rockwell'', which becomes more bizarre by the minute. First, Caroline's daughter begins to have recurring nightmares that strangers enter her room at night. Then her son tries to inform everyone that a neighbor's recently deceased son is not dead at all, and being held captive somewhere in the building. And when Caroline discovers a shocking secret about Anthony's past, it seems that she too is falling victim to the creeping paranoia affecting her family.
''The Devil's Labyrinth'' follows the character of Ryan McIntyre as he is enrolled at St. Isaac’s Catholic boarding school due to Ryan's reaction to his father's untimely death and his mother's reaction to a severe beating by students at his old school. St. Isaac's is no stranger to death and controversy, as Ryan soon discovers that there have been multiple incidents of disturbing behaviors, including a violent death and a missing student. Meanwhile, fellow newcomer Father Sebastian claims to be able to exorcise demons and, much to Ryan's horror, he begins to suspect that the priest is actually inserting evil into others rather than exorcising it. Ryan soon finds that Sebastian has plans for a bigger conquest than St. Isaac, plans that include the Pope himself.
After leaving Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) unconscious in the cold, driving rain, Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) arrives home. Mitch (Michelle Forbes) notices his bloody hands and shows him Rosie's pink shirt, disproving their mistaken assumptions about Ahmed.
At the police station, Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) lie to Lieutenant Oakes (Garry Chalk) about the Somali girl disappearing, claiming she is probably with family in Canada. Linden admits her error in judgement about Ahmed. Oakes informs them that Ahmed has been admitted to the hospital. Later, with Holder, Linden regrets discussing the case with the Larsens. Holder states that Ahmed caused his own problems. Linden adds that, if Ahmed had been truthful with them, he could have simply been charged with kidnapping a minor. She then receives a phone call that Stan Larsen has turned himself into the police.
At the marina, Regi Darnell (Annie Corley) informs Linden that she caught Linden's son, Jack (Liam James) and three friends smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. After an argument with Regi, who complains that Jack is not being adequately supervised, Linden storms out with Jack and their belongings and checks into a motel.
The next morning, Linden looks over the Larsen evidence, focusing on a keychain's bird symbol and the mosque’s Quran. Holder arrives, and they wonder where Rosie could have gone after leaving Bennet Ahmed's apartment. At the jail, Linden asks Stan Larsen if Rosie's death could be connected to his mob past. He does not believe so. She mentions hearing his voice on the 911 call reporting Ahmed's injuries. Stan later pleads guilty to charges of kidnapping and attempted murder, but the judge permits his defense attorney to enter a not-guilty plea.
Meanwhile, Holder visits Belko Royce (Brendan Sexton III) at the Larsen garage. Belko denies knowledge of Ahmed's assault. Holder then asks about the man’s previous involvement with the Kovarsky mob. Belko maintains that was in the past.
Linden receives a phone call about a cab driver who picked up Rosie at Ahmed's apartment. She interviews the driver to learn that he drove Rosie home. Linden and Holder later view video footage from Rosie’s cab, noting that she arrives home at 10:37 p.m. under no apparent duress. On the video, as Rosie exits the cab, the lights in the Larsen apartment go off, indicating that someone is inside. The detectives arrive at the Larsen residence. Upstairs, Terry (Jamie Anne Allman) reveals to Linden that she and Belko have keys to the Larsen apartment. In the garage, Belko tells Holder that, on Friday night, he was home with his mother, whom he calls "Bev," and that, in any case, Stan didn't allow him in the apartment. Outside with Linden, Holder remembers that Belko's hands were “shredded.” At Belko's apartment, Bev (Patti Allan) greets Holder and Linden. She refers to Belko as her late-in-life "miracle baby" and her “little man.” In his bedroom, Holder spots a collage of Larsen-family photos, including many of Rosie, taped to the ceiling.
After more interrogation, Belko admits to the detectives that he witnessed Stan beating Bennet Ahmed. Linden is more interested in the night Rosie was killed. He confesses to being inside the Larsen apartment when Rosie arrived, but hid because Mitch did not like him being upstairs. He states that Rosie was on the phone and saying "Adela, I'll be there," before she left again. Linden later tells Holder that she believes Belko, and that they must figure out who Adela is and why Rosie was meeting her. Linden heads to the motel where she and Jack are staying, only to find Rick (Callum Keith Rennie) waiting for her in the hallway. He asks if she will fly with him to California later that night. When she doesn’t answer him, he kisses her and departs.
Mitch Larsen receives a call on the garage phone. A bank employee informs her that a check has bounced and there are not enough funds in the family's savings account to cover it. Stunned by the news, Mitch begins to study the family’s business and financial statements.
A campaign intern (Diana Bang) reveals to the campaign staff a video clip of Darren Richmond shaking Rosie's hand. Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) tells Gwen Eaton (Kristin Lehman) that they should not make the video's existence known, even to Richmond. Later, alone, Eaton stares at a screenshot of Richmond (Billy Campbell) and Rosie (Katie Findlay).
The next morning, Linden runs along the waterfront and hears a ferryboat's horn. A nearby signboard displays the vessel's name, ''Adela'', and schedule, which includes an 11:45 p.m. departure. On Puget Sound, she stands on the ''Adela'' s top deck. As the ferry approaches its destination, a sign for the Wapi Eagle Casino comes into view. The casino's logo matches the key chain found with Rosie's body.
Season one comprised three episodes that followed the lives and love of a group of young students whose bright lives and fabulous future were balanced on a knife edge due to their love of risk and danger. This season told the story of a modern girl Ayira (Lupita Nyong'o) who knew what she wanted and how to get it. She developed passion with an older man at the expense of a longtime lover Ty. This season also highlighted the life of other two lovers Virginia and Leo who had various obstacles in their relationships but they were determined to make it work. This season also featured cameo appearances from Madtraxx, P-Unit, Nonini, Nameless, Juliani, Jimmy Gait and Dj Adrian.
Principal photography for the series took place in Kenya (Nairobi and Malindi) in August – September 2011. The title song for “Shuga: Love, Sex, Money” debuted on MTV Base (DStv Channel 322) on Saint Valentine's Day in 2012. Other artists that featured in the soundtrack included Camp Mulla, Flavour, P-Square, Wyre, Madtraxx, J Martins, and Stella Mwangi. Season two premiered on 10 February 2012 at the Kenya National Museums. This season comprised six episodes which were followed by a one-hour synopsis episode. It was aired in Africa weekly on MTV Base (DStv Channel 322) from Tuesday 14 February 2012 at 21:30 CAT (20:30 WAT/22:30 EAT) and on other terrestrial broadcasters. The storylines in this season are rape, transactional sex and homosexuality plus a bunch of other issues to be explored included HIV testing, stigma, condom use, gender inequity and the role of multiple partnerships in driving the HIV epidemic. This season also planned some gay scenes that were meant to tackle the HIV/AIDs spread among the gay people. According to Georgia Arnold the executive producer of the drama series, the actual plan had to be pulled back to avoid controversy since it was a delicate matter in Kenya.
The third season of the series, dubbed ''Shuga Naija'', was shot and set in Nigeria, produced in partnership with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA). It is directed by Biyi Bandele and stars Tiwa Savage, Chris Attoh, Maria Okanrende, Emmanuel Ikubese, Sharon Ezeamaka, Efa Iwara, Olumide Oworu, Dorcas Shola Fapson, Rahama Sadau, Okezie Morro, Timini Egbuson, Kachi Nnochiri, Sanni Mu'azu and Leonora Okine. Shuga Naija tells the story of several Lagos youths and how they deal with love, sex and relationships.
It was announced in June 2013 that new seasons of ''Shuga'' would be produced in Nigeria At the unveiling event, it was stated that the new series will have a whole new look; with predominantly Nigerian cast and crew. Speaking on the transition, Alex Okosi, the Managing Director of Viacom International Media Networks Africa says producing the project in Nigeria will help the realization of the series due to Nigeria's flourishing entertainment industry. According to Business Day; "When it is a Nollywood production, it tends to get more recognition and embrace for people, both locally and internationally". Principal photography commenced in August, mainly in Lagos.
The third season of ''Shuga'' [''Shuga Naija''] premiered on 26 November 2013 at the Silverbird Cinema, Victoria Island, Lagos, and was generally positively received by the audience.
The fourth season of ''Shuga'' was filming in Nigeria, in early 2015. Prior to its release, a nationwide HIV campaign tagged "MTV Shuga on Tour" was held in March 2015, in partnership with the Elton John AIDS Foundation. The campaign involved a peer to peer education drive seeking to change the attitude of Nigerian youth towards public health issues. ''Shuga 4'' focused on themes involving adolescent girls, stigma, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT), HIV testing, gender based violence, first sex and the disclosure of HIV status.
The fifth season was called "Shuga: Down South" and it was based in South Africa. It premiered on March 17, 2017. It was set in the cool clubs, hangouts and schools of Johannesburg’s Braamfontein, and the township of “Zenzele”. Starring Vanessa Mdee, Samke Makhoba, Nick Mutuma, Given Stuurman, Mohau Cele, Lerato Walaza and Emmanuel Ikubese, with cameo performances from Seyi Shay and Kwesta. The seasons themes included abusive relationships, sexual assault, back alley abortions, and "blessers" in addition to continuing the conversation about HIV. This was one of the darkest seasons of Shuga as it featured the death of a character.
The sixth series of Shuga returned to Nigeria and premiered on March 7, 2018. Set against the backdrop of a bustling Lagos metropolis, where we see the northern and southern communities blended together. In this new season we meet a host of new characters dealing with coming of age drama. Friendships are tested, relationships reach risky heights, and secrets threaten to break family ties. Starring: Timini Egubson reprising his role from previous seasons as Toby. Sharon Ezeamaka, Jemima Osunde, Rahama Sadau, Adebukola Oladipupo, Moses Akerele, Abayomi Alvin with a cameo performance from YCEE.
The seventh series was again based in South Africa and called "MTV Shuga Down South". Stephanie Sandows who had played Tsholo in the first series reappeared as herself for a special.
"The Money Collector" (Charles Santore) is a Los Angeles debt collector with a short fuse who burns too many bridges and now must leave town before he gets himself killed. The film's narrative revolves around his life and the low-life scum that he encounters in his everyday life. When he's not collecting money, threatening people in broad daylight, or getting blowjobs from hookers, he's often being scolded by the underworld crime boss that he works for. His family life isn't much better. His estranged wife and deadbeat father only come around when they need money and the only person in his life that he trusts is his mentor, a former collector who gives him a chance to get out of the racket before things take a turn for the worse. Of course he doesn't take his mentor's advice which tragically leads to the most stable person in his world being murdered on the direct orders of his own boss. This act of betrayal sets in motion the film's climatic showdown.
The film opens with Philadelphia television reporters viewing and broadcasting a news story about violence in society since JFK's assassination in 1963. With the increase in crime, Philadelphia is becoming unsafe. Proud Italian-American, John D'Angelo, runs a deli in town. While driving with his wife, Lisa, John comes across a pimp known as Eldorado, brutalizing one of his prostitutes. John's wife confronts the pimp, who chases the D'Angelos and rams his car into the back of the D'Angelos' vehicle, injuring Lisa and killing their unborn baby. Later, John's mother, Vera, is assaulted in the neighborhood by robbers who tried to take her wedding ring.
John decides to make a stand, organizing a neighborhood patrol of regular citizens who are also fed up with the crime in their neighborhood. They call themselves The People's Neighborhood Patrol (PNP). They have their own uniforms of blue hats and vests that have a PNP logo on them, headquarters to take phone calls, and vehicles containing the PNP logo and led by John and his best friend Vince Morelli, a police officer. After D'Angelo's house is burglarized and their dog is killed, the film cuts to the reporters' studio footage of Anthony Imperiale ten years after the 1967 Newark riots, self-defense classes in Beverly Hills, various target practice sessions and the Guardian Angels on patrol in New York City. With Vince's help, the police allow the PNP to patrol the neighborhood. However, the PNP seems to operate with no regard for the law and does what it wants. To make their first stand and to introduce themselves to the neighborhood, the group goes to a dirty bar in town known for being a hot spot for criminals, including Eldorado and his men. John casually walks into the bar with the rest of the PNP behind him. John confronts the bartender (Allan Graf) to try to get answers as to who is responsible for mugging his mother. Things turn violent when the bartender laughs in John's face, triggering an all-out brawl, but the PNP comes out on top.
John and the PNP start gaining media attention, and the neighborhood starts to rally behind the PNP. The group starts taking out various street criminals. The PNP operates above the law. John does what he wants, and his actions are seen as racial discrimination by a small portion of the African-American community. John meets with Ivanhoe Washington, a black leader of a similar vigilante movement. Ivanhoe presents John with the two men who mugged his mother, one of whom is white while the other is black. John beats up the black man, proving Ivanhoe's point that John is guilty of discrimination.
With widespread media attention, John decides to run for councilman in the upcoming election. Just when things are looking good for the city, tragedy strikes when Vince is gunned down and killed at the hands of Eldorado and his men. In retaliation, John organizes a large-scale attack on the park where Vince was killed. All members of the PNP head to the park, where they demand for everyone in the park to clear out. When their demands are ignored, the PNP takes action and starts to clear out the park by brute force. A large brawl soon erupts, and police arrive on the scene not long afterward. John spots Eldorado and chases after him; during the chase, John is tackled and arrested by police. Eldorado manages to get away.
Meeting with the Police Commissioner, John is informed where Eldorado is, the Commissioner sardonically explaining that John can understand that at the moment the police are "too busy" to arrest Eldorado and in effect inviting John to assassinate Eldorado. When John explains he does not know how to thank him, the Commissioner says "oh yes, he does" and explains that his job is based on working with people and paying and collecting favors and that John is going to owe him some big favors when he is elected.
Essentially having permission from the Commissioner to take out Eldorado, John waits patiently on the roof above Eldorado's vehicle. When Eldorado and his men enter the car, John drops a grenade through the vehicle's roof. The grenade explodes, killing everyone inside the car.
John ends up winning the election, and a large celebration with family and friends takes place inside his deli. The PNP has cleaned up the neighborhood, and crime is no more. The final scene shows children playing in the same park that was once occupied by criminals.
In the film Karl, a high-flying car insurance executive, is assigned menial work at a car rental agency by his boss Fernandez (Peter Kurth), ostensibly to do research but really to try to get a reaction out of Karl due to his depressive nature. There he meets Hans who is the complete opposite of him. Karl initially does not want anything to do with Hans due to his hyperactive nature and Karl's introverted lifestyle. He also does not want to get involved with Hans as Karl's time at the car rental agency is based on a lie. The two finally kick it off with Hans' perseverance to discover their common interest in fast cars which they are able to drive due to their job. Karl's lifestyle and depressive nature soon changes after he meets Hans' girlfriend Stelle (Sabine Timoteo), and they establish a kind of ménage à trois. Karl emerges from his shell thanks to Hans and the friendship they create based on fast cars and their love for Stelle.
The scenes where Karl and Hans are driving the fancy sports cars were meant to not only to represent the car culture in Germany but also to give the audience a taste of freedom, a hint of the same experience as Karl. After one particular evening the two are driving down the autobahn stark naked and upon reaching their destination Hans puts on Karl’s clothes instead of his own. The two characters switching clothes is not just done for comedic purposes but also to symbolize the new “role” Karl has assumed during this assignment given to him by his ‘real’ boss back at the insurance company. He is symbolically walking in the shoes of Hans.
The conversation between Karl and Stelle where they converse in Spanish in front of Hans, who doesn’t speak Spanish and is unaware of what is happening, is important because it marks the point where the lonely, quiet Karl is finally stepping out of his shell and opening up. They begin by playing a game of role-play in Spanish directed by Hans. At one point in the conversation he tells her that her father must have been a thief because hers are stars that someone must have stolen from the sky. And then Karl finally confesses his love for Stelle all unbeknownst to Hans.
Harriet and Reba take their '76 AMC Pacer on the open road and instead get a wild ride towards an impending nuclear holocaust in downtown Los Angeles.
While celebrating their high school graduation, Nina, her boyfriend Martin, and their friends Mona, Clemens, and Alex each receive an anonymous text message telling them that they will be dead in three days. The quintet dismiss the threat as a prank up until Martin is found at the bottom of a lake, having been abducted from a dance and thrown into the water while tied to a weight. Patrick, an outcast and Martin's rival, is questioned as a suspect, but is released due to a lack of evidence indicating any involvement on his part in Martin's death.
Martin's killer captures Nina and attempts to drown her, but she is saved by Patrick, who the murderer stabs to death while Nina escapes. As Nina recovers in a hospital, the killer decapitates Alex by slamming her onto the frayed edge of a fish tank. Nina identifies her attacker as Manfred Haas, the father of Fabian Haas, a childhood friend who had died due to falling through a frozen lake that he was playing ice hockey on with her, Martin, Mona, Clemens, and Alex.
The police inform Nina that Manfred hanged himself two years after his son's death, and that his wife moved away, though she still owns a house nearby. Nina, Mona, and Clemens sneak out to explore the Haas property, and are followed by Nina's sister, Kerstin. The killer binds and gags Kerstin, and is revealed to be Mrs. Haas, who is attempting to avenge her son's death (which occurred three days after he fell through the ice) while wearing a mask fashioned out of her dead husband's preserved face.
Mrs. Haas fatally stabs Clemens, knocks Nina out, and chases Mona, who falls off of a balcony and onto a spiked fence. Unaware that Mona survived and has gone for help, Mrs. Haas leaves with Nina, and rows out to the middle of a lake, which she intends to drown Nina, and herself, in. Nina stabs Mrs. Haas and knocks her overboard, but is pulled into the water along with her. Divers save and resuscitate Nina, who they bring to the same hospital that Mona is in, while she flashes back to how she and her friends had taunted Fabian into skating onto thin ice, running off when he fell through it.
There lived a poor woman in a certain town with her two daughters. The younger daughter decided to help her impoverished family. She turned into a beautiful tree by performing a strange ritual with her older sister. They carefully performed the ritual which required two pitchers of water – one to transform the younger to a tree and the other back to human form. Her older sister plucked flowers from the transformed tree making sure that she doesn't damage any other part of the tree. She then converts her younger sister to human form. They weaved the fragrant flowers into garlands and sold them at the King's palace. They decided to keep this a secret from their mother and saved the money for future.
One day the prince discovers the garlands in the palace and gets curious about their origin. He followed the girls back to their house. Next morning at dawn, he went to their house and hid himself behind a tree and eventually saw the secret origin of flowers. He asked his parents (King and Queen) to marry the girl that sold flowers and told them the secret. The minister summoned the girls' mother and presented the proposal. She couldn't help but agree. Later at her house, the younger daughter had to demonstrate how she transformed into a tree to pacify her angry mother.
After the wedding, several nights passed without him speaking to her or touching her. Finally he makes his demand: she must do her transformation for him. Ashamed, she resists, but finally relents and performs the ceremony for him. Her envious sister-in-law watched her do the transformation on one night. She forced her to transform into a tree and broke her branches while plucking the flowers. They also ignored the water ritual and poured water on her indifferently, here and there. When the princess changed to the human form, she had no hands and feet. She had only half a body. She was a wounded carcass. She crawled into a gutter.
Next morning a cotton wagon driver spotted her and rescued her from gutter. He covered her naked body with a turban cloth. He left her at a ruined pavilion in a town. Her husband's elder sister was married to the King of this town. The palace servants informed the queen about her. She was brought to the palace, bathes, healed and kept at the main door as a "thing" for decoration. Meanwhile, the prince distraught at her wife's disappearance assumes that she left him due to his arrogance. Full of remorse, he turned into a beggar and wandered across the country.
After a long time, the prince haggard and unrecognizable reached her elder sister's town. In shock, the Queen recognized her brother and brought him to the palace where he was bathed and fed. He never uttered a single word. His sister was worried and tried all sorts of ways to make him speak. One day she sent the half body of his wife in a hope that the beauty would move him. He immediately recognized his lost wife. She told him the complete incident. She asked him to perform the ritual and fix all her broken branches and then transform her back to human form in a hope that she would be normal again. The method worked. The Queen (his elder sister) bid them farewell.
The King (prince's father) was overjoyed at the return of his long lost son and daughter-in-law. After discovering the bitter truth, the king had seven barrels of burning lime poured into a great pit and threw his youngest daughter into it. All the people who saw this said to themselves, "After all, every wrong has its punishment."
Dr. Megan Hunt (Dana Delany) receives a call as a hand and a foot were found. Megan and Peter Dunlop (Nicholas Bishop) notice that the hand and foot are severed, leading them to search for the other body parts. Megan concludes that it is a single male and has rheumatoid arthritis. After finding a stamp on the victim, it leads them to a casino, they find out his name is Cal, and see him on the security footage. Megan, Peter, and Ethan Gross (Geoffrey Arend) find a knee and a thigh, and the team find out that the man had knee replacement surgery. Peter tracks the serial number for the knee replacement; finding out the victim is Callum O'Donnell. His daughter Jenny (Abigail Hawk) identifies the body parts of Callum, based on his scars and injuries. They find the rest of Callum's body parts in his freezer, apart from the head. Megan and Detective Samantha Baker (Sonja Sohn) speak to Callum's neighbours, Mira (Li Jun Li) and Frank Ling (Pun Bandhu) and the Ling's nanny, Irina (Kathy Searle).
The money that Callum won from the casino is missing, and Samantha finds it with Jenny and her husband Dean (Tom Pelphrey), after they stole it. Jenny and Dean are brought into questioning; however Jenny tells Megan that Callum was giving it to her, to go on an art course. Samantha talks to Frank again, but when they question him about Irina but he does not know her. They find out that Irina was Callum's nurse, for his arthritis and that Callum was going to help Irina get her son from Belgrade to the US. Irina confesses that she did cut up Callum, but did not kill him. Irina found Callum dead, so cut him up so that she could forge the last immigration document to get her son to her as Callum had not finished it. Irina tells Megan where the head is, and they find a fracture on his head. Megan and Samantha go back to Callum’s apartment, and Megan demonstrates why Irina couldn’t have killed Callum due to the mark on the wall being too high to be Irina. Megan traces metal to Callum's landlord, Mike Walsh (Kelly AuCoin). Samantha infers that because Cal was under rent control, Mike killed him so a paying client could stay in the apartment. Meanwhile, Lacey Fleming (Mary Mouser) asks if she can go to Megan's work, for a school project. Lacey arrives, and speaks with Dr. Kate Murphy (Jeri Ryan), discussing her work. Lacey tries to get Kate to allow her to see the body, however she refuses. Lacey speaks to Ethan, Curtis Brumfield (Windell Middlebrooks) and later Megan, who shows her pictures of bodies, telling her about her job.
Dexter learns that Joe Driscoll, his biological father who he assumed had been long dead, has only recently died and left all of his belongings to Dexter, including his house in Dade City. Dexter travels to the house with Rita. Later, Debra and Rudy who unbeknownst to her is the Ice Truck Killer arrive to assist Dexter in cleaning out the house. Dexter suspects Driscoll was murdered. Flashbacks to Dexter's childhood show his questioning his adoptive father Harry about his real parents, learning that Driscoll had donated some of his blood to the young Dexter for surgery. Irma, Driscoll's elderly neighbor, recognizes Rudy as a cable repairman who happened to be Driscoll's last visitor before he died. After Rudy leaves the premises with Dexter and his family, he later returns to the elderly woman's house dressed as the cable repairman. Paul begins to slide back into his old abusive habits when Rita attempts to prevent him from seeing their children.
Back in Miami, Batista is questioned about a shooting incident involving Doakes, who claimed to have fired in self-defense. Dexter's analysis of the blood spatter evidence suggests that the suspect was not shot from where Doakes says he had shot him. Batista decides to report his actual observations, the forensic evidence, and the discrepancies with Doakes' story to Internal Affairs, even though this will brand him as a rat. It turns out that the man Doakes killed was a former Haitian terrorist militia member of the Tonton Macoute, whom he had encountered during a black ops mission overseas. In the end, the situation gets kicked under the rug.
Series of vignettes about the theme of male infidelity and its adulterous variants.
Fifteen-year-old Alison Shaw never really cared about her looks. But her mother, Risa, knows that success can reflect on your beauty. And thus, she marries plastic surgeon Conrad Dunn, who says he can transform Alison into a lovely young lady. Risa and Alison move with Conrad to Bel Air, Los Angeles, where Alison eventually agrees to undergo the procedure.
However, Alison soon finds an old photo of Conrad's first wife, and realizes the shocking resemblance between her face and the face that Conrad will give Alison. When Risa continuously refuses to see the resemblance, Alison continues to look into her stepfather's sketchy past, and worries that all these secrets he is hiding may turn into a horrifying reality.
Detective Nick Blades (Adam Copeland) is a New Orleans cop on trial for corruption. Assistant District Attorney Theo Gold (Jamie Kennedy) is the man in charge of putting him behind bars. When these two unlikely partners from opposite sides of the law stumble onto a criminal plot, they'll need to rely on luck - and patience - to take down a dangerous killer without killing each other first. Alicia Witt, Jennifer Esposito and Jessica Walter co-star in a story that proves that when the going gets tough, the tough continue to move at a moderate pace, thus proving that slow and steady wins the race.
When 14-year-old Sarah Crane is seriously hurt by her alcoholic father Ed, she is sent to live with a foster family. However she soon realizes that her new foster family has only taken her in for the money they receive from the county. Sarah has difficulty making friends at her new school, though connects with Nick Dunnigan, a young boy recently released from a mental facility. Sarah also befriends Bettina Phillips, who lives in an old mansion known as Shutters.
As Sarah begins spending more time at Shutters, she senses crimes that have been committed by the prison's long-dead inmates. Though as Sarah begins to look further into the mystery, two of her enemies fall victims of violence, and their town becomes thirsty for revenge.
After a young girl is murdered one hundred years earlier in Port Arbello prior to the beginning of the novel, the one responsible comes back and begins taking out more children, one by one. As people scramble to find the culprit, everyone comes to a shocking realization that an evil history is repeating itself.
Two years after the events of the previous film, Skye Rotter is moving out of her boyfriend, Brigg and his family's house to New York City for college with her new friend, the free spirited Sienna whom she met on Craigslist. As she is on the road, Skye receives a call from her estranged sister, Alex Bell, who Skye has not spoken to in the past two years. Alex is surprised that Skye wasn't going to tell her that she was leaving. She begs Skye to come see her at her grandparents' country house to say goodbye before she leaves. Initially, Skye refuses, but is convinced by Sienna to tie up all loose ends before moving on with her life. Upon arriving back in Mill Basin, Skye and Sienna are greeted by Nathan Stillo, a 22-year-old man who shows them the way to Alex's after getting lost. At Alex's grandparents' house (Bell Manor), Nathan is asked to immediately leave the estate by two of Alex's guests: Leo, Alex's love interest, and Nico, who is ready to have fun no matter what. Skye goes inside to find Alex. Alex reveals that today is actually her "Sweet 16".
Stunned and confused at Alex's actions, Skye almost leaves the party but decides to stay for a while longer when Alex becomes worried when she hears Nathan came along with them and unknowingly reveals her location to him. She then meets Ami, Alex's friend who tells Skye to lose the drama. Alex tells Skye in private that she wanted her over because it is a special day for her, and Skye is the only one who could ever understand what it is like to live with the stigma from being Charlie Rotter's daughter.
Brynn, a spoiled girl and Nico's girlfriend walks in on the two and is annoyed. As day turns into night, Alex tells Skye of how she met Nathan at Zoe's funeral. He later became obsessed with her, and is willing to do anything for her love and admiration. Nico, Leo, Ami and Brynn tell their perspective of Nathan as "South Basin trash". Sienna comes in to tell Skye that Nathan must have ditched the place. After trying to talk to Skye, she is forced to wait outside on the top of her car so that Alex can get more bonding time with Skye before they leave. Brynn is outside in the back trying to make a call.
When Nathan startles her, Brynn tells him that Alex will never love a freak like him. An angered Nathan chases her down with a knife before striking a lamp post to her skull, apparently killing her. Nathan tosses her body in the pool. At this time, Nico looks around one of the rooms in the house. Nathan threatens Nico with the use of speakers installed in the room and has the doors electronically locked on him. Nico shoots the door with a shotgun causing everyone to worry. He unlocks the door only to find a bloody piece of clothing of Brynn's and shows it to the others. Brynn, who crawled out of the pool with her brain severely damaged, walks around the house aimlessly till she crashes on a pool table, throws up blood on Ami, then dies from her wound.
Everyone goes inside the room only to have all the doors and windows locked by Nathan, who has complete control over the house as he watches them from one of many cameras installed in the house. A door near Ami opens and she runs for escape but before Skye and the others could get out, the door locks behind Ami. As she calls the cops, the police think she is making a prank call. She trips and her phone falls underneath a table.
While trying to reach it someone claiming to be the police knock on the front door. When she opens the door, the "cop" is revealed to be Nathan, who shoots her with a nail gun. In shock she runs off but is locked out of the living room where Skye, Alex, Nico and Leo are. Nathan then continues to shoot her with nails, pinning her against the door.
Meanwhile, Leo has unlocked another door upstairs. Alex and him run off for escape, leaving Skye and Nico to hunt them down. Skye gets separated from Nico when she heads into the theater room where she finds a mask resembling the one her father used. Nathan walks in and has a film playing all the events from Skye and Alex's life. He reveals that he has known about Charlie Rotter for a long time and admires his doings. He seeks to copycat him and do exactly what he did in his murder sprees; killing Skye's friend and taking her for himself. Skye calls her father sick for the things he has done, but Nathan expresses his beliefs that her father was a genius for murdering spoiled teenagers. She is sickened and is stalled as Nathan locks her in the room. Meanwhile, Alex and Leo reunite and find themselves being stalked by Nathan in the dark. Leo points a gun in that direction but before he can shoot, Alex unexpectedly pulls a knife out and kills him by slitting his throat.
Alex holds the knife close in defense as she sees a man in a mask walking out from the darkness to her. He pulls off the mask to her. Then he pulls her in and begins to romantically make out with her. As their lips part, Alex smiles. It is now revealed that Skye's little sister is the mastermind behind the horrors; Nathan is her accomplice. Later Nico, who is upstairs, jumps out of an opened window with a knife in hand. When he falls he is wounded by his own knife as Nathan comes out and kills him.
Sienna, who is now frustrated from waiting too long, finds Nathan hiding Nico's body. She gets help from him to start her car up, which has died out on her. As he has her checking under the hood, he continually slams the roof on her till she isn't moving any more, making Nathan believe she is dead. After telling her that this has nothing to do with her, Nathan goes back inside the house. Skye, who has managed to escape, has found a scythe in another room. She hears Alex scream and sees her crying over Leo's dead body. Skye tries to comfort her, but Alex, whose face is hidden from her, turns from sad to disgust at the mere touch of her sister.
Nathan shows up and Skye passes out when Alex (who is behind her) chloroforms her. Skye wakes up tied to a chair at a dinner table. The other seats are occupied with the bloody corpses of Brynn, Ami, Leo and Nico. Alex is on the lap of Nathan, kissing him. Skye asks what she is doing. Alex happily replies that she is celebrating her birthday. Alex then changes drastically and admits she is hurting on the inside, suffering from the death of her parents and blames her for leading Charlie to their demise. She then claims that no one would believe Alex as the killer as she just lost her parents and has great recommendations from her therapist, whom Alex had been playing the whole time.
Alex and Nathan go back to making out until Skye starts talking and plays on Nathan's emotions. She tells him that he should feel proud for succeeding in the event of getting both of the Rotter daughters in one room. She also tells him that Charlie never knew Alex had existed and would always want Skye to be protected. Realizing that these facts are accurate, he unties her. When Nathan refuses Alex's orders to stop, Alex grabs the scythe and kills Nathan by slitting his chest open. Alex charges for Skye. They duke it out and run outside.
After seeing an unconscious Sienna has made it to the gates, Skye is chased by Alex in her brand new car, and they head into a wooded area, which is too narrow for Alex to drive through. Alex gets out of the car and they fight it out till Skye uses pepper spray on Alex's face, then gets up and grabs the scythe. Alex taunts Skye to kill her, telling her she's just like their father. Skye strikes the scythe down to the ground, without killing her, then kicks her in the face, which knocks Alex out. Skye finds Sienna stumbling around, in desperate need of hospital attention. Skye sees that a police car has actually reacted to the call made earlier and drives around to check if things are well at the Bell estate. Skye is unable to get their attention in the foggy rain. Skye finds a flare in the trunk of Alex's nearby car and uses it. That still doesn't get their attention, so she sticks the flare in the gas tank, then runs for cover and shields Sienna. Skye walks off, victoriously, as the police have stopped to rescue them.
Time has passed since the party and Skye is looking through a window, where she sees Alex at a mental institution in a straitjacket. Skye tells her that she wishes to go back and prevent everything from ever happening, but knows that she can't. She goes on saying that everything that happened because of Charlie Rotter has to end with them and tells her that she will always be there for her because they are family and that she truly does love her. Alex, listening and bewildered with anger, immediately slams her face into the window in a failed attempt to attack Skye. Skye finally leaves her past behind as she heads out. Skye and Sienna are later seen at an art opening, showing off Skye's art, including one based on her and Alex, which displays the pain they went through together. Skye doesn't want to stay for the opening, as she feels that this gallery wasn't for them, but for her and her accomplishments. Outside she is surprised to see Brigg Jenner, who has come from his own college, where he finally tells her he loves her. They walk off together hand in hand as Skye is truly happy.
The plot follows Latin and psychology teacher Peter Balsam as he is hired to work at St. Francis Xavier High School in the small town of Neilsville, Washington. The principal of the school is Monsignor Peter Vernon, an old friend of his from seminary school before Balsam left to pursue an unsuccessful marriage. Soon after his arrival, Balsam's students begin to commit violent suicide, with some in the community believing that Balsam's classes are inspiring the suicides. It is up to Balsam to investigate both the suicides and the school's involvement before more students die a horrible death.
Omar is a young and lively, rather macho Algerian who holds a good job in the Department of Frauds and lives in a crowded apartment with his sisters, his mother and grandparents. He loves to listen to chaabi music and Indian music, to party with his friends, and to dream about women. A friend of his gives him a tape; when he listens to it, he is fascinated by the woman's voice. That same friend arranges for him to meet the woman, who is totally different from what he had imagined on hearing her voice.