:In this story, Bunt McBride, shocked that Mr. Dixon is not familiar with The Three Black Crows, retells a story of one of their missions on the Pacific arranged, as usual, by Cyrus Ryder. This story is the first of four in the collection about The Three Black Crows.
:Barreto Palachi was a revolutionary trying to get to San Francisco to smuggle arms, but he could not get there without being arrested. Cyrus Ryder sent Bunt, Hardenberg, Strokher, and Ally Bazan to meet with Palachi’s agent, Esperanza Ulivarri. Bunt was not looking forward to the meeting, as he notes that he is not good with females. Esperanza instructed the four men on how to meet Palachi in San Diego, and gave them half of a calling card to match with the other half that she was to give him. They were struck by her beauty, and Hardenberg and Strokher immediately began fighting over who would have her when they left her office. The arguing continued aboard the schooner, and on a calm day they held a boxing match. It was very competitive but ended in a draw.
:When they arrived in the San Diego Harbor Esperanza and another woman appeared in a rowboat. The woman was Palachi in disguise and, while he climbed aboard, Hardenberg and Strokher both get into the rowboat and stay behind with Esperanza.
:I. The first section of this story takes place in Cyrus Ryder’s office in San Francisco. The Three Crows, Hardenberg, Strokher, and Ally Bazan, are ready for their next assignment, and are considering sailing to Point Barrow in Alaska where some Russians are hunting sea otters. Their skins can be sold to China for great profit. Ryder tells them that an agent of his named Dick Nickerson must accompany them. He used to be a Methodist preacher but he hit his head one day and, when he regained consciousness, he had no memory of his past. A month after this meeting the team departed on the Bertha Miller.
:II. The sail to Alaska is a rough journey filled with poor weather and freezing temperatures. They finally arrive and locate the hunters, to whom they pretend to be a rescue boat searching for survivors from a nearby steam whaler wreck. Strokher remains onboard while the others befriend the Russians, get them drunk, and steal the otter skins.
:III. The Bertha Miller departs, but Dick Nickerson takes a bad fall on the deck and hits his head. His condition improves after a few days, but he does not remember why they are there. The others explain the purpose of their mission and show him the skins to try to probe his memory. They arrive in Juneau and, immediately upon disembarking, Dick goes to the customs office. He tells an officer that he is a Methodist minister being detained on a pirate ship with stolen goods. The Three Crows frantically leave the port and, thinking they are being pursued by a U.S. cutter, burn the otter skins. The cutter approaches, and two men on board inform them that their crewmember broke into the American consul and resisted arrest.
:In this story Mr. Dixon describes a dangerous mission, B. 300, he attempted with The Three Black Crows aboard the ''Glarus''. Everyone thought they were heading back up to San Francisco from Callao but, in fact, they were traveling further south. Dixon says that the mission gave the ''Glarus'' a bad reputation, and now no one in the San Francisco Bay Area is willing to take her out again. They think she is haunted.
:The sailors had seen nothing but ocean for days, and the isolation was getting to them. They were looking for an island that a boat had come across 200 years prior. Dixon does not say what they did there for fear of getting in trouble with the maritime law, but it was evil. As they were leaving the island something came out of the sea that killed twenty men within a week. After another week there were six men remaining, and they all died on the island. Dixon recalls that each of the men on the ''Glarus'' felt uneasy about the mission. He felt like they were being watched. One night Strokher said he fell asleep while on watch and awoke to find a ship in the distance. It was unusual looking, with three masts and no sails, and looked abandoned and frightening. The same night their shaft broke. They decided to continue for the island, but for days the wind would not let them budge. They had no choice but to turn around and saw the old ship in the distance behind them as they left. Upon returning to San Francisco the word spread that the ''Glarus'' had seen a ghost, and she has not seen the sea since.
:I. Cyrus Ryder wants to claim a new island, the Island of Paa, so he calls upon the Three Black Crows. It had previously been discovered by "Old Rosemary", but be had died while his title application was being processed. Ryder knows that great profit lies within the island in the form of nitrate beds. Another man named Petersen is also after the island, so he stresses the urgency to Hardenberg, Strokher, and Ally Bazan. They agree to fix up the ''Idaho Loss'' to take on the mission.
:II. Mr. Dixon, the story’s narrator, goes to visit the three men at the port in Oakland where they are working on the boat. He stays over, and wakes up in the middle of the night to find Hardenberg staring at something in the air behind him.
:III. Hardenberg tells Dixon of a moving figure in the crosstrees of the foremast. They witness the figure raise the sails and then disappear. They decide not to tell the others in the morning, but it comes out when Ally Bazan asks why the sails are raised. Ally Bazan is scared, but the other three stand watch the next night and chase it off. The following night all four of them stand watch, but it does not return for three nights. They stop watching, and wake up to raised sails in the morning.
:IV. The ghost only appears when Ally Bazan is not standing watch. Ally Bazan does not want to take the haunted boat to sea. Strokher falls ill, so the Three Crows decide to abort the mission. Two years later, Dixon and Ally Bazan are on a duck-hunting trip when the same figure appears. As it is hoisting the jib its face catches the light, and Dixon identifies Ally Bazan as the figure. He asks Ally Bazan if he sleepwalks, but never brings up the ghost.
:I. In the first section, entitled "Felipe", Felipe Arillaga leaves the home of Rubia Ytuerate, where he has lived for three months having an affair with Rubia. He misses his wife, Buelna Martiarena, but Rubia is furious and vows to curse the woman who Felipe next kisses. Felipe is superstitious and stops to confess at the mission, but he runs into Buelna and her uncle, Old Martiarena. He kisses Buelna’s hand, but can offer no explanation when Old Martiarena demands to know why he won’t kiss her. Buelna rides away, leaving Felipe heartbroken.
:II. The next section is called "Unzar". Felipe, after a month of misery from losing Buelna, stops for the night at Lopez Catala’s wine shop on a ride home from Monterey. Unzar Ytuerate arrives looking for Felipe, for he is Rubia’s brother and has been sent to kill him. The two begin fighting with knives.
:III. In "Rubia", Felipe wakes up in a bed and the inn with bandages on his head and shoulder. Rubia is there, and she explains that a week after sending Unzar for him she realized her mistake. She professes her love for Felipe, but Felipe insists that he loves Buelna. Rubia kisses Felipe, besetting her curse upon herself. Unzar is dying, so Rubia rushes to his bedside. He yells at her for not standing by him after driving him into the fight, then he dies. Rubia repeats the words of her curse, realizing that it has come true.
:IV. The final section, "Buelna", begins when Felipe stops at the Rancho Martiarena and demands to talk to Buelna. Rafael, the superintendent, tells him that she left for Santa Teresa that day and will become a nun at midnight. Felipe rushes away to try to stop her. The journey to Santa Teresa is long and Pepe, Felipe’s horse, struggles quite a bit towards the end. After many obstacles, they arrive just as Buelna is kneeling at the altar. They kiss in the middle of the church, and get married the following day. Two days later a beautiful woman drowns in a river near Lopez Catala’s wine shop.
"The Pot of Gold" tells the story of the Flower family, who live in a meadow across from a vast green mountain where rainbows frequently form. Within the Flower family are Father and Mother Flower and their seven children, including their oldest daughter Flax Flower. Father Flower is an unappreciated poet who matches all of his children's names with one of their personal traits. Father Flower raises flowers to be sold in market, and each of his flower boxes is arranged so that only flowers with complementary colors and rhyming names are in adjoining beds. The Flowers live in a quaint home surrounded by flowerbeds that the family works hard to maintain. Each of the children takes part in the labor necessary for the upkeep of the flowerbeds, but the eldest daughter Flax Flower takes on the most responsibility. Father Flower and Flax are very close, and he often confides in her that he sometimes wishes he had for more to offer for his family.
While working on the flowers one day, a rainstorm comes through and produces the most beautiful rainbow. Father Flower tells Flax that he wishes he could find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Flax, having never heard of this before, listens while her father tells her of the pot of gold and recites to her the poem he has made about it. Flax insists that if they find the pot of gold, they will be rich and can live a happier life, but Father Flower tells her that it is impossible to find the pot of gold for the rainbow will fade away before they can reach it.
When the next rainbow shows across the river on the mountain, Flax Flower plans how she can reach the large pine tree where the rainbow ends. A few days later, when a shower is suspected after a hot sunny day, Flax sets out to reach the pine tree before the rainbow fades. While searching through the woods, Flax can hear the trees of the forest speaking the same poem her father had shared with her. As the rain starts falling, the trees and leaves grow louder and louder, and as the sun starts shining through the trees, the song is louder than ever and she is surrounded by the colored rays of the rainbow. Flax reaches the tree, and the pot of gold, shining so bright it was almost blinding, and remains even after the rainbow fades. She opens the pot, and instead of being filled with gold and riches, Flax can see the smiling faces of her family at home.
Flax runs home to tell her family what she has seen in the pot of gold. Her father tells her that she is mistaken, for if she found the real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow it would be filled with gold pieces. When Mother Flower hears the story, she tells Flax that she did find the true treasure, and Flax is truly happy even if she didn’t find the real Pot of Gold her father was speaking of. The last line of the story is “But, after all, do you know, I think her father was mistaken, and that she had.”
“The Cow With Golden Horns” is a story of a farmer and his daughter Drusilla who have a cow with two gold horns. Drusilla and her father live in a small cottage, and Drusilla tends to the cow day and night so that they can sell her precious milk to those eager to buy it. One day, when Drusilla is watching the cow in the meadow, she dozes off and when she wakes the cow is nowhere to be found. Frantically looking for him, Drusilla crosses paths with the King and tells him her story. The king, who had been looking for a suitable daughter to marry to the Prince of Egypt, agrees to help find the cow if she will, in return, come be his daughter. Drusilla agrees to these terms so that her father won’t have to live alone without his cow, and the King promises her that if, within a years time, the cow isn’t found then she will be returned home to her father.
Drusilla is taken to a seminary, learning to make many things for herself and the king and queen. As time passes and the cow isn’t found, rumors start spreading that the gold horned cow never existed, and Drusilla planned this scam to become a princess. In anger, the King sends Drusilla home to her father with nothing. As she arrives at home, the gold-horned cow appears in the meadow carrying baskets of jewels and gold. When the king hears of the cows return, he comes to the cottage to apologize to Drusilla and offers her the princess title once again. Although Drusilla declines the offer to stay with her father, the King and Queen remain very fond of them, build a new castle where their old cottage stood, and name Drusilla as a countess.
"i. Princess Rosetta"
“The Princess Rosetta” is the story of a lost princess in the country of Romalia. The king and Queen of Romalia have a daughter, Princess Rosetta, and the three of them are going to the Bee Festival outside of the city on the sixteenth of May. The Bee Festival, which occurs every year, started when the bees migrated across the river from the other Kingdom because they were being treated so poorly. The inhabitants of Romalia, overjoyed to have the bees and delicious honey, treated the bees so well that they have never returned to the kingdom across the river.
At the end of the Bee Festival, the King and Queen return home, with two nurses carrying Princess Rosetta in her basket. Since the baby is so quiet, the nurses deduce that she must be asleep and continue on home. When they return home, the nurses plan to take the baby from her basket and put her straight to bed, without waking her for her nightly routines. The rest of the house workers, however, convince them to wake the baby but when they go to take Princess Rosetta from the basket, she is no longer in it.
"ii. The Pop-Corn Man"
In “The Pop-Corn Man” the whole kingdom goes in search of the missing Princess Rosetta. The king orders for houses to be upturned and every nook and cranny examined for the missing princess, but the search is unsuccessful. The head nurses who were in charge of the Princess on the day of the festival are now forced to walk in shame, wearing their bonnets on backwards covering their faces. One of the head nurses travels to speak with the Baron, who is known for his white magic. The Baron says that the King's court have damaged all of his potions and glasses and he is unable to perform any white magic to find the Princess.
Just then, the Pop-Corn man knocked at the door and brings in his popcorn to sample. When the Pop-Corn man hears that the Princess was missing, he states that he will rescue the princess and takes a group of 6 boys across the river to the other Kingdom to sell his popcorn. The King across the river loves the popcorn, declares it the new food of the Kingdom, and sets his people to work growing, popping, and eating the corn. This constant popping of corn, however, tires out the Kingdom and when the King of Romalia hears that his daughter is across the river, he is able to lay siege to the city successfully to rescue the Princess. The Princess, in the end, marries the son of the King across the river, and as a wedding present the King of Romalia gives a beautiful beehive. Both kingdoms live peacefully, with their own bees, honey, and popcorn.
“The Christmas Monks” is a story of a poor boy named Peter and how he gets the opportunity to work in the garden of the Christmas Monks. The Christmas Monks live in a convent and grow a garden full of Christmas presents every year. All of the children look in awe at the convent, and one day the Monks post a sign looking for two good boys to come work in the garden. They question all of the boys in the kingdom, but most are dismissed because they have done something bad in their lives. The two boys that are chosen are Peter, the poor boy, and the Prince. While the Prince hates the work in the garden and is always being punished, Peter is enamored and loves tending to and watching the presents he planted grow.
One day, nearly at Christmas time, the Prince escapes from the convent, and unsuccessfully tries to bring a sack of presents with him. This same day, Peter's younger, disabled sister sneaks into the garden. Peter, afraid of doing wrong, tells her she can stay but has to camouflage herself as one of the wax dolls in the garden that did not grow that season. When she is discovered by a Monk, the girl is brought to the Holy Abbot and presented as a miracle, for they think she is a wax doll that has come alive where no doll had grown before. The Abbot cures her of her lameness, and on Christmas Day the Monks all line up to worship their miracle with presents. The young girl speaks out and tels the truth about being Peter's sister. The Abbot insists that even if she isn’t the miracle they thought, she is still a miracle in her own way and the Monks continue their presentation of gifts. Peter and his sister return home, and Peter remains an employee of the garden. The Prince, although he is still adored and loved, is sad for he didn’t receive any Christmas presents that year.
“The Pumpkin Giant” is a story of how one family saves their country from a monster known as the Pumpkin Giant. In this country, there are no pumpkins and only potatoes are grown in the fields. The Pumpkin Giant is a terrible creature who eats fat little girls and boys. The King and Queen of this country have a daughter, Princess Adriadne Diana, who is the fattest child in the country. The King is so frightened that she will be eaten that 50 guards are always protecting her. Due to his growing fear, the King issues a statement saying that he will knight whoever cuts of the head of the Pumpkin Giant and kills him, but the town reasons that they were all too afraid and unable to kill him.
There is a family that lives not far from the castle of the Pumpkin Giant. Patroclus and Daphne fear for their son, Æneas, who is just as fat as the Princess. One day, Patroclus and Æneas are outside picking potatoes when the Pumpkin Giant comes towards them trying to eat Æneas. Patroclus throws a large potato into the mouth of the Giant, killing him. The family then cuts off the head of the Giant and Æneas uses it as a toy for some time. After the death of the Pumpkin Giant, pumpkin heads begin to sprout in fields all over the country, and everyone fears that they will soon have hundreds of Pumpkin Giants roaming about. The pumpkin heads stop growing, however, and only the faceless "heads" emerge from the earth. Æneas is very curious about how things taste, and one day takes a bite of a pumpkin head in his yard. It is the most delicious thing he has ever tasted, and soon his family begins cooking the pumpkin heads in different ways. As Daphne is making pies one day, the King rides by and tastes them. He falls in love with the pies and knights Patroclus on the spot for killing the Pumpkin Giant. The whole family moves into the King's castle so Daphne can bake pies for the whole kingdom and Æneas can marry Princess Adriadne Diana.
“The Christmas Masquerade” is the story of a Costumer who disrupts the everyday life of a city. On Christmas Eve, the Mayor is putting on a Christmas Masquerade for all of the children in the town, rich and poor. He is even offering to pay for the costumes of the less fortunate children. A new Costumer has shown up in town, offering the most beautiful costumes. The rich children go to the ball dressed as shepherdesses and chimney sweeps and goose girls while the poor children dress as princesses and fairies. After the extravagant party, the happy children head home but as their parents try to remove their costumes they find that the clothing keeps fixing itself and will not come off. The next morning, after letting the children sleep in their costumes, the parents still can’t remove the clothing. Even worse, the children truly believe that they are the character they’re dressed as. Soon the wealthy children are running around trying to tame their geese and sweep chimneys while the poor children are making demands as if they were princesses and fairies.
The Mayor, concerned for his own daughter who believes she is a goose girl, calls a meeting with the Aldermen and decide that they must ask the Wise Woman how to return the children to normal. The Wise Woman tells them to first feed them castor oil, and when that doesn’t work to spank them and send them to bed without super, but neither of these work and the men insult her and leave. Violetta, the eldest daughter of the Mayor who is concerned for her younger sister, asks the Cherry-man if he knows how to help. The Cherry-man tells her that the Costumer is living up in one of his cherry trees, and the townspeople head there to find him. Despite their riots and attempts to cut the Costumer from the tree, the townspeople are unsuccessful.
The Costumer agrees to return their children to normal after his two demands had been met: first, the mayor must throw the masquerade party every year and fill the stockings of the poor children with presents, and second, the Cherry-man must be permitted to marry Violetta. Reluctantly, the Mayor agrees to the demands of the Costumer and all of the children return to their normal selves. Violetta is married to the Cherry-man and the masquerade continues each year.
“Dill” is the story of Dame Clementina and her long lost father. Dame Clementina has a daughter, Nan, who one day picks a sprig of dill. Her mother tells her of the tale that if you hang a sprig of dill over your door, it will freeze anyone who is ill-willed or envious of you before they can enter the house. Now, Dame Clementina is the count's daughter, but when she marries a poor lowly dairyman she is disinherited from her father. While he gives her silver milk pans and a beautiful dairy, she doesn’t see him for many years and he has never met his granddaughter Nan. One day, Dame Clementina finds that Nan had hung the sprig of dill over their front door, but the Dame insists to Nan that no one is envious of them. But just then, Dame Goulding comes walking up the path and is stopped by the curse for she envied Dame Clementina and her milk pans. Nan runs to get Dame Goulding's husband, but he too is stopped by the curse for envying Dame Clementina's white cow. More and more people try to enter the house but are stopped by the curse and soon the yard is full of people screaming to be released. Finally, the Count rides to the house and is stopped on his horse for he envied Dame Clementina for having a child like Nan.
Nan and Dame Clementina take care of these people the best they can, providing them with food and fire and umbrellas to protect them from the rain. Eventually, Dame Elizabeth comes to the house and is permitted to enter for she was not envious of either of the two. She suggests that they simply take down the dill from the door, and when they do, the people in the yard scurry away freely. The Count, however, remains and just as he is reprimanding Dame Clementina he recognizes her as his own daughter. The Count offers to rewrite Dame Clementina and Nan into his will and invites them to live with him at the castle.
“The Silver Hen” is a story of Dame Penny and how she finds her lost silver hen. Dame Dorothea Penny is a schoolteacher and teaches twelve children out of her house. She has a beautiful silver hen that goes missing from a pad locked coop in her backyard one day. Dame Louisa, who lives next door to Dame Penny, has the most beautiful Christmas trees that line the path in her front yard. Every year, the Christmas trees sprout with strands of popcorn, fruit, candy, and wax candles. This season, however, they are dead and Dame Louisa blames the silver hen.
When Dame Penny tells her school children that the hen is missing, they are all terribly sad and she gives them permission to search for her. After searching for three weeks, the children go to Dame Louisa and ask if she knew where they should look. Dame Louisa tells the children to look in the White Woods, which are dangerous and so cold that no one can ever venture in. While Dame Penny is out looking for the hen, the children descend into the woods calling for her. It soon becomes dark and the Snow Man comes out from the woods, frightening the children and telling them that there is no hen here but they should come back to his house for his wife will love the company. When they get to the house, the Snow Man's family is so happy to see the children, but they insist that the children are hot and keep giving them cold food and fans to keep cool. After being shown their bedroom, the children wait until the house is quiet and then try to escape only to find that the Snow Man's wife has placed an icicle in the lock and they cannot leave.
In the village, the parents of the children are in a panic and Dame Louisa knows that the Snow Man and his wife must have the children. She goes to Dame Penny and tells her what she did and the two of them head into the woods to get the children. When they arrive at the Snow Man's house, they rescue the children but as they are riding back out of the woods the Snow Man comes blowing after them, claiming them are stealing his company. Dame Louisa lights her bonnet on fire to scare the Snow Man and they exit the woods safely. When they return home, the Christmas trees in Dame Louisa's yard have returned to their beautiful selves and the silver hen, along with twelve silver chickens, are waiting in Dame Penny's yard.
“Toby” is the story of Uncle Jack's recount of Toby, an old feeble black man who lived in Pokonoket and had a loon. Aunt Malvina, while sitting with Uncle Jack and Letitia, starts talking about Toby, Pokonoket, and the loon while she waits for her car to come and pick her up. When Aunt Malvina leaves, Letitia asks Uncle Jack for the story of Toby and Pokonoket and the loon, and he tells her this story.
Pokonoket was a very dark country, one where the people were required by law to have squeaky sneakers and phosphorescent buttons on their clothes and phosphorescent names on their umbrellas. All of this was necessary so that you could see someone coming towards you. The people of Pokonoket were peaceful and rarely committed crimes. There once was an Ogress who lived in the darkness somewhere in Pokonoket and ate anyone that she could catch. Toby was a widower who spent all of his days making soup and knitting stockings for his grandchildren. Toby also had arthritis, and therefore couldn’t keep up with the knitting and the soup making, so he went in search of a widow, Mrs. Clover-Leaf, to ask for her hand in marriage so she could assist him in making soup for his grandchildren.
When Toby arrived at the widow's house, it was dark and his lantern was out, but he asked her to marry him and she said yes. The two went to the ministers house, were married, and then returned home to begin making soup for the grandchildren returning from school that afternoon. As Toby lit his lantern again, however, he saw that he didn’t marry Mrs. Clover-Leaf and instead was wed to the Ogress herself. Scared for the lives of his grandchildren, Toby ran to the minister and asked for his help. The minister followed Toby home and, by showing the Ogress her own face in a mirror, killed her. The real Mrs. Clover-Leaf accepted Toby's offer of marriage and spent her time making soup while Toby knitted stockings for his grandchildren. After hearing the story, Letitia continues on with her patchwork.
“The Patchwork School” is a story about a city that implicates a new type of reform school for troubled children. There is a benevolent woman with a large amount of money who wants to develop a place for children that misbehave for their parents and are ungrateful or unhappy. A special form of police officer patrols the streets looking for children who appear to be complaining or misbehaving. The woman who started this school, however, doesn’t want the children to be beaten or mistreated so instead she enlists the help of an old woman to watch over the children while they sew patchwork, thus dawning the name of the Patchwork School for this institution. The old woman suggests that the children sit and sew patchwork all day long, having to look longingly outside the windows at freedom. Most all children in the city have spent some time in the Patchwork school, except for one boy, Julia.
While Julia has many reasons to complain about his life, he has yet to be sent to the Patchwork School. Julia, with four grandmothers, spends his days looking for their missing spectacles or chasing the balls of yarn that they drop on the floor. Every Christmas, Julia receives two pairs of knitted stockings from each of his grandmothers, and they all get hung up on the mantle for Christmas morning. While Julia wishes that his grandmothers could get him another present, his wish never comes true. So after Christmas one day, Julia goes outside to cry about his presents. When a stranger asks him “what’s the mater” Julia spills his whole story about the stockings and his grandmothers and before he knows it the special police are carting him off to the Patchwork School.
While Julia is sewing his patchwork one day, the Mayor and the Chinese Ambassador decide to visit the Patchwork School. After staying longer than they expected, the two gentlemen try to leave but as the Ambassador is exiting the door it shuts, for it is time to close the school for the night, and the Ambassador's hair is closed inside it. Since the door cannot be opened again until morning, Julia is asked to sit and tell stories to the Ambassador to help pass the time. Upon hearing why Julia is in the Patchwork School, the Mayor and the Ambassador have him released and when Julia returned home he finds the eight stockings from his grandmothers hanging on his mantle filled with presents and treats.
: “The Squire’s Sixpence” is a story of a little girl trying to do the right thing. Patience Mather, a young student, is in class one day doing her multiplication table when Squire Bean enters the classroom to observe. The Squire makes Patience very nervous, and she struggles to complete the problem of seven times eight. As the class continues and other children struggle, Patience gets to the head of the arithmetic class. After recess, the students come back into the classroom and Squire Bean gives out two sixpences, one of which goes to Patience for being the head of the arithmetic class. Patience, however, heard the answer to her math problem from another student, but when she tries to give the sixpence back to Squire Bean he says she should keep it for she is an “honest and truthful child”(Wilkins 226)
:One day, Patience’s mother asks her to travel to a neighbor’s house, Nancy Gookin, but patience is afraid to go by herself and instead enlists the help of her friend, Martha Joy. Martha Joy has a toothache and doesn’t want to go with Patience, but Patience offers to spend a sixpence she has from her uncle on peppermints for Martha. When Patience goes to buy the candy, she is unable to find the sixpence. Martha calls Patience a liar for not bringing her candy and both girls go back to class crying. During recess, Patience heads to the store and uses her sixpence from Squire Bean, which was intended as a bookmark, to buy the peppermints for Martha.
:Patience knows she wasn’t supposed to spend that sixpence, and one day a worker from Squire Bean’s house, Susan Elder, comes to tell Patience that the Squire wants to see her. After telling Martha the true story of the sixpence she used to buy the peppermints, Patience travels to the Squire’s house. The Squire’s wife tells Patience not to be worried, that the Squire won’t yell, and when she tells Squire Bean the story of what happened, the Squire actually laughs. The sixpence is returned to Patience as a bookmark again and Patience leaves the Squire’s house after eating a large piece of plum-cake with the Squire’s wife.
“A Plain Case” is the story of Willy Norton, a sweat, shy boy, who's vacationing with his grandparents and is accused of a crime that he did not commit. Willy, who had never traveled away from his mother, goes with Grandma and Grandpa Stockton to visit Aunt Annie and his new Uncle Jack in Exeter. Willy spends his days with Uncle Jack, and wishes he could stay just a little longer in Exeter.
The day before they are scheduled to go home, Grandma and Grandpa Stockton tell Willy that they are going to stay a few more days for Grandma and Grandpa Perry's silver wedding. Uncle Jack sends home for Grandpa Stockton's jacket and Willy's shoes, and when they arrive Grandma Perry gives them to Willy to bring home to his Grandfather. When Willy gets home that night and Grandma Stockton asks for the coat, Willy claims he never had the coat.
After being punished for multiple days for lying, Grandma and Grandpa Stockton decide to take Willy home to his mother, Ellen Norton, to see if she can get the truth out of him about where he brought the jacket. One night while talking over what to do with Willy, Aunt Annie and Uncle Jack burst through the door telling the story of how Grandma Perry gave the package to the wrong boy and acknowledge that Willy was telling the truth the whole time. Willy is adorned and loved more so than ever after this. The last line of the story says “Innocence and truth can feel the shadow of unjust suspicion when others can no longer see it.”
“A Stranger in the Village” recounts the story of Margary and Lord Lindsay's son and his days as a stranger in the village. One day, while gathering water for her mother's porridge, Margary runs into her two friends insisting that she come at once to see the beautiful carriage parked at the tavern. Reaching the tavern, Margary sees the most beautiful boy, with blonde curls and a little white dog. When Margary returns home with the pitcher, she begins telling her mother about the boy she saw when he suddenly appears, standing outside their door. The little boy comes inside and has a meal with Margary and her mother, and then continues on his way. Everyone in the town is talking about the stranger they saw yesterday, identifying his as a Lindsay because of his love of butter, as proven by a test done from the eldest woman.
Two days later and after the excitement had settled a bit, a poor beggar boy with his dirty dog comes trudging through the village, stopping at every door to ask for help. Every door that had previously been open for Lord Lindsay's son was closing in the face of the beggar. When the poor boy reaches Margary's house, she and her mother both curtsy and welcome him into their home, recognizing immediately that he was in fact Lord Lindsay's son. The boy tells the story of how his carriage, shortly after leaving the village, was attacked and robbed. Margary and her mother care for the boy until his father, Lord Lindsay, arrives to take his son home. Margary, sad to see this beautiful boy leave, becomes the pride of the village and Lord Lindsay's son comes back to marry her.
“The Bound Girl” is the first of three stories about Ann Ginnins, the apprentice to Samuel Wales and his wife Polly. Ann Ginnins is a young girl, who is sent by her mother to the Wales family as their apprentice for a term of sixteen years, three months, and twenty-three days. Ann, a five-year-old, travels fourteen miles from Boston and arrives at the Wales residence. When she arrives, Ann is very ungrateful and sad to be there, and refuses to answer any of Mrs. Wales's questions. Ann, having dark black curly hair and black eyes, is not what Samuel Wales and his wife had expected of their bound girl. Ann is also acute, and watches carefully as Samuel places her papers, binding her to this family, in his desk drawer and locks it.
As time passes, Samuel Wales and his wife begin realizing that they have their hands full with Ann, as she is very mischievous. Mrs. Deacon Thomas Wales, Samuel Wales’ mother, shows kindness to Ann and always took a liking to her. She, unlike Mrs. Polly, feels that Ann should be out enjoying her childhood instead of doing work around the house all day.
Ann attends a school for three months of the year, and while there she meets a friend, Hannah French, and when she asks Mrs. Polly one day if she can go ice skating with Hannah and gets told no, Ann gets very angry. After Samuel Wales and his wife leave, Ann takes her papers from the desk drawer where they were locked in and runs away. Ann runs to Hannah French's house, drops off her doll, and tells Hannah of her plan. As Ann ran as fast as she could down the Boston Road, Captain French, who is informed by Hannah of Ann's plan, swoops her and returns her to the Wales residence. Scared for the repercussions of her actions, Ann saunters into the kitchen only to find it still empty. She places her papers back in the desk, never to disturb them again. Deacon Thomas Wales dies, and grandma requests that Ann come stay with her to heal her loneliness.
“Deacon Thomas Wales’s Will” is the second of three stories about Ann Ginnins, the apprentice to Samuel and Polly Wales. In the will of Deacon Thomas Wales, he leaves to his wife Sarah the Southwest fire-Room of his house as well as the privilege to retrieve water from the well and to bake in the oven whatever she might need. To his sons Ephraim and Atherton he leaves his homeplace, but Ephraim already has a good home of his own so Atherton and family move into the house alone. Mrs. Dorcas, Atherton's wife, is eager to increase her status by moving into this beautiful house but is disturbed by the fact that she can’t use the Southwest room for herself. Grandma doesn’t approve much of Mrs. Dorcas and is nervous to share a home with her, but as she is her youngest son's wife, she gives in.
Ann comes to live with grandma, despite the hesitations of Samuel Wales and his wife, but Mrs. Dorcas is not very fond of her for she thinks that Grandma should pay more attention to her real granddaughter, the baby Thirsey. Throughout their time in the house together, Ann and Mrs. Dorcas don’t get along and Ann's mischievous side shines through a bit. One day, Ann ruins all of Mrs. Dorcas's hand-made candlewicks, and is scolded by Grandma and instructed to stay home from work and school until she made this up to Mrs. Dorcas.
That night, Thirsey becomes very sick but there is no one to fetch the doctor. Ann, brave as she is, runs through snow and sleet and travels four and a half miles to retrieve the doctor for Thirsey. After recovering from her treacherous journey in the cold, Ann returns home to Grandma and Mrs. Dorcas to find out that Thirsey has been saved. Thinking that Ann saved her baby's life, Mrs. Dorcas is kind to Ann for the rest of her stay with Grandma.
“The Adopted Daughter” is the third and last story of Ann Ginnins, the apprentice of Samuel Wales and his wife Polly. After the death of Samuel Wales, Ann returns home to Mrs. Polly and wants to help her in any way she can. Two gentlemen take the inventory of Samuel Wales’ will, and it proves to be a task that Mrs. Polly can’t bear. Ann, feeling sorry for Mrs. Polly, steals Samuel's jacket hanging behind the door so it won't be quantified for monetary value like the rest of his belongings. Hearing that the collectors would be very upset if they missed something, Ann rushes to the house of one of them, Mr. Silas White, and presents him with the jacket that he has missed.
Shortly after, Grandma passes away and Ann again belongs to Mrs. Polly. Although Ann mourns the death of Grandma, things in Mrs. Polly's house are much better than the last time she left and she can’t help but cheer up. Over the next couple of years, Ann becomes more of a daughter to Mrs. Polly and less of a servant, and one day Mrs. Polly asks Ann for permission to adopt her. Ann agrees wholeheartedly and her name changes officially from Ann Ginnins to Ann Wales.
One night after dinner, Captain French comes to the door of Mrs. Polly's house and asks if either of them have seen Hannah, for she's been missing since she left for her aunt's house the day before. Ann, determined to find her best friend Hannah, heads off towards Bear Swamp to search for her. So she doesn’t get lost, Ann leaves bits and pieces of wool cards stuck to trees to mark her path. Calling Hannah's name out loud, Ann soon finds Hannah, who had gotten lost in the woods. The two begin to climb out of the woods, but soon Hannah tires too much and can no longer walk. Ann leaves Hannah and rushes to get help. When Ann comes back, she is leading a cow for Ann to ride home. Hannah rides the cow home and is returned to her father. Ann is returned to an overjoyed Mrs. Polly.
The story takes place in the late 19th century at Jocelyn's hotel on the beach outside of Newport, Rhode Island, and is told through the voice of a third person narrator. At the hotel croquet court we meet a sickly woman named Louise Maynard and her physician, Dr. Grace Breen. Breen is a graduate of the New York homeopathic school, who has become a doctor to make a difference and prove her worth as a woman. She is cool toward men because the love of her life ran off with her best friend.
When Mr. Libby, an old friend of Mrs. Maynard's, asks her to go sailing, Dr. Breen insists it will be bad for her health but Mrs. Maynard to goes anyway. The weather takes a turn for the worst and the boat capsizes in the bitter waters. Mrs. Maynard blames Dr. Breen for allowing her to go out into the storm.
After this incident, Mrs. Maynard's condition worsens and she trusts Dr. Breen even less than she did before. She requests a consultation from a male doctor, so Dr. Breen decides to contact Dr. Rufus Mulbridge, a local physician who practices mainstream, conventional medicine.
Miss Gleason, another women staying at the hotel, insists that Dr. Breen is the best option for Mrs. Maynard, and that if she calls for a consultation from Dr. Mulbridge she will be making it harder for female physicians to act without a man's assistance. When Dr. Breen arrives at Dr. Mulbridge's office, the reader sees that while he has an established place of business, she works and lives at a hotel, and while he has many patients, she only treats one woman.
After relinquishing Mrs. Maynard's case to Dr. Mulbridge, Dr. Breen assumes the role of nurse under his instruction. He diagnoses Mrs. Maynard with pneumonia, Dr. Breen telegraphs Mr. Maynard, who is out in Wyoming working on a ranch, telling him of his wife's condition.[http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/20th-may-1882/19/dr-breens-practice “Dr. Breen's Practice“]. ''The Spectator'', 20 May 1882.
Mr. Libby and Dr. Breen take a boat ride to New Leyden to receive a telegraph from Mr. Maynard. Mr. Libby professes his love for Dr. Breen.
In spite of his mother's disdain of the professional woman, Dr. Mulbridge also professes his love for Dr. Breen, and proposes to her. However, since he doesn't believe in women's rights or women being able to take men's positions in the world, and he is a mannerless oaf, Mrs. Mulbridge correctly predicts that she will reject him.
When Mr. Maynard arrives at Jocelyn's he suggests that Dr. Breen and Mrs. Maynard come out to Wyoming to live with him., where Dr. Breen could have her own practice. However, she decides that she wasted her time training to become a doctor, and that she would rather go to the opera, ballets, and eventually travel to Italy. She professes her love to Mr. Libby, and they walk down the beach in the moonlight together.
Dr. Mulbridge comes back to Jocelyn's to again ask Dr. Breen to marry him, but she is now an engaged woman. Grace goes on to marry Mr. Libby and they live in southern New Hampshire near his mills. While Mr. Libby works at the mills, Dr. Breen indulges herself by going to plays and shows in Boston, but she also decides to continue practicing medicine.
In the end she has what she originally wanted by practicing medicine, and what she came to love, through her marriage to Mr. Libby.
Wes Anderson (MacMurray) has been "moonlighting," rustling cattle at night under the moon. A lynch mob led by rancher Alex Prince accidentally hangs the wrong man due to a mixup from a cell change during a jail cleaning. Wes escapes.
Rela (Stanwyck), his former sweetheart, after a 5 year absence by Wes, is now involved with Wes' younger brother Tom, who works in a bank. Tom has always admired Wes. Wes seeks vengeance on the lynch party and begins killing some of Prince's hands who lynched the innocent man.
Tom is fired at the Rio Hondo bank by Mott, his boss. Cole Gardner, an outlaw, persuades Wes to rob the bank, and Tom decides to join them. Rela angrily warns Wes that if any harm comes to Tom, she will hold him responsible.
During the robbery, Wes and Cole get away with the money but Tom is shot by his former boss. A posse is formed and Rela demands to be deputized and bring back Wes dead or alive. Cole double-crosses his partner, taking the money and leaving Wes tied up. When Cole encounters Rela on the trail, she outflanks and shoots Cole and then finds Wes tied up, taking him prisoner.
On the way back to town, Rela slips in a waterfall and nearly drowns. Wes saves her life. Ashamed of his ways, Wes offers to ride back to town alongside Rela to turn himself in to the law and accept his fate of possibly 25 years to life imprisonment. Wes asks Rela to wait for him.
''Bridge of Scarlet Leaves'' follows the story of Maddie Kern, a nineteen-year-old violinist with dreams of Juilliard. She lives with her older brother and guardian, TJ, who aspires to become a baseball pitcher. Maddie has lived with TJ since the death of their mother sent their father into a mental hospital. However, TJ does not know that Maddie has a secret—she is dating his best friend, Lane Morimoto, the Japanese-American son of a bank executive. Against the wishes of Lane's family, who want him to marry a Japanese woman, the pair elope and marry. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, Lane and his family are seen as traitors and sent to camp. Maddie must choose between her husband's family and Juilliard. The series also follows TJ, as he becomes a prisoner of war, and Lane, who joins the U.S. Army to save his friend's life.
The narrative follows the adventures of a young man named Rigg, an unknowing colonist of a planet called Garden in a seemingly medieval state of scientific advancement. Rigg, at first a fur trapper's apprentice who has been educated in nearly every skill by a mysterious figure claiming to be his father, prominently exhibits a seemingly magical ability to see "paths" (hence the series' title), or the physical traces of living entities through time, to his benefit. Rigg and his companions, a band of unlikely friends, young and old, who have similar time-altering abilities, travel across Garden through many varied societies and environments to use their talents for personal benefit and heroics. The story line develops in parallel with another story which converges as the story of the colonization of Garden by Terrans some 11,000 years in the past.
Colonel John Wister (Ian Hunter) is in charge of a post in the British desert colony of Dickit. While on leave in England he meets and falls in love with the beautiful American Julia Ashton (Kay Francis), whose aviator fiancé disappeared in his plane and presumably died. Although Julia does not love John, she likes him and agrees to his marriage proposal.
John takes Julia to Dickit, where she meets John's best friend, Captain Denny Roark (Errol Flynn), and Denny's sister, Grace (Frieda Inescort), who is secretly in love with John. Denny reminds Julia of her dead fiancé and the two of them fall in love. John discovers this; although he would give her a divorce, he knows that she is too decent to leave him.
A subplot involves Private Wilkins, guilty of cowardice, given a second chance by the Colonel and abused by the other enlisted men, who present him with a box full of white feathers. On an expedition led by Roark, Wilkins “picks up his white feathers” and dies defending his comrades.
An uprising by local Arabs means that one of the soldiers must fly a suicidal bombing mission. Denny volunteers, but as he is saying good bye to Julia, John takes off instead, sacrificing his life so that his best friend and wife can be together.
An unknown soldier (Errol Flynn) relates the story of four young men who are killed at the Battle of Anzio before they go into Heaven. As they approach Heaven, the soldiers ask to be accepted, although they arrived long before they were permitted to complete their lives on Earth.Tony Thomas, Rudy Behlmer & Clifford McCarty, ''The Films of Errol Flynn'', Citadel Press, 1969 p 173
The owner of the Silver Shadow ranch, Maureen McClune (Peggy Moran), runs the Frontier Week rodeo every year, relying on the financial success of the event to support the ranch. The current rodeo is the most profitable in the event's history, but Maureen is told by the rodeo organizers that she must do even better if she hopes to get her contract renewed. Maureen's main competition is Jack Pomeroy (LeRoy Mason), who owns a rival ranch and a local nightclub and gambling house.
Following a series of "accidents" apparently caused by negligence during the rodeo, Maureen's foreman, Gene Autry (Gene Autry), sets out to prove that Pomeroy is responsible. Maureen's Aunt Hattie (Pert Kelton) wins some money at a roulette table at Pomeroy's club, thanks to Gene's disabling of the rigged mechanisms. Returning home, they are ambushed by Pomeroy's men. Later, Gene breaks into Pomeroy's office to get additional proof of his guilt.
On the last day of the Frontier Week rodeo, Gene rides against one of Pomeroy's men in the final event, a stagecoach race. Aunt Hattie bets everything she has on Gene, hoping to save the ranch. When Gene discovers his friend, Frog Milhouse (Smiley Burnette), making a recording of a proposal to Hattie, he realizes that Frog's recorder could entrap Pomeroy. He instructs Frog to place the device below Pomeroy's seats at the rodeo just before the start of the race.
Pomeroy persuades the sheriff that Gene has committed a murder, but Gene is able to escape. With Frog's help, Gene is able to make it to the race on time. While Gene rides furiously, nearly losing his life, Frog records Pomeroy and his men discussing the "accidents" they created during the rodeo. Gene ends up winning the race, Hattie wins her bet, and Pomeroy and his henchmen are arrested. With their financial worries behind them, Gene and Maureen are free to marry, as are Frog and Hattie.
On the night of August 1, 1914, Commander Corlaix of the French Navy and his wife, Yvonne, arrange a shipboard dinner for the officers of his cruiser. Afterward, Lieutenant D'Artelle asks Yvonne to stay on board with him, and when Corlaix (learning by classified wireless that war has been declared) abruptly orders her from the ship, she goes instead with D'Artelle to his cabin. The ship is sunk by a torpedo, and Corlaix is brought before the Admiralty Court on charges of incompetence. Yvonne comes forward to testify and, by compromising herself, proves her husband's adherence to duty. Corlaix, realizing Yvonne's great love for him, forgives her for her indiscretions, and they are reunited.
The novel begins with a brief prologue explaining the history of Dark River, the fictional reservation where the main character, Thomas Just, is born. The day of his birth, Thomas's mother holds him up to a giant octopus that can walk on land, asking for it to look after him, explaining that it knew his grandfather, Witka, a mystical man who used his ability to hold his breath underwater for long periods of time to act as the whale hunter for the tribe. As Thomas grows up, he loves the water like his grandfather and eventually marries a childhood friend named Ruth. They share an intimate marriage until one day at the drafts office, Thomas drunkenly signs up for the war with some of his friends, much to the sadness of Ruth. Ruth bears a child, Marco, named after the explorer Marco Polo, after Thomas leaves for Vietnam. Years pass as Ruth raises Marco; eventually the day comes when Thomas is supposed to return, but he does not. Instead, he disappears and is described as being “made up of lies.” Thomas has been changed by his experiences in Vietnam, and thoughts flow through his head, such as his cheating on his wife with a Vietnam woman named Ma, the sadness he experienced when the army took him away from Vietnam, and the faces of shot men from war scenes he was in.
The novel flash-forwards to the year 1988. There have been rumors around the tribe about a plot to kill a whale, and Ruth, attempting to expose that the whale killing is only for money, takes a stand against the council behind it, which consists mainly of Thomas's old war friends. The whale hunt attracts the media, and Thomas, seeing this, decides to return to the tribe in order to try to find himself. He returns to the reservation, but refuses to talk to Ruth or Marco. The local men, led by Dwight, persuade Thomas to join them on the hunt. Marco has the job of listening for the whale, and on the day of the hunt, he is able to feel a whale as it approaches and expresses this to his father. When the whale appears, Thomas, without thinking, shoots the whale with his gun, and is suddenly flooded with harrowing memories of his experiences in the war. Chaos ensues the other men open fire on the whale, the canoe is flipped over, and Marco disappears. After returning, the men, excluding Thomas, carelessly leave the whale on the beach and go inside to watch a football game, causing Thomas to realize the tribe has abandoned its traditional values. Milton, one of the men who is mentally slow, says that someone with a big ring drowned Marco, but little of the tribe believes him.
Thomas subsequently goes into mental withdrawal and builds a fence around Witka's home where he resides, further isolating himself from the rest of the tribe in the process. Dark River experiences a drought, with rain ceasing to fall and the ocean receding. Ruth decides to ask help from the Rain Priest, a mystical man said to be able to bring the rain back. She offers her boat, the ''Marco Polo'', as sacrifice, and the Rain Priest arrives in Dark River and causes water to pour down for days. In the tribe, the rain reveals the history of the tribe – seashell buildings built by ancestors in the distant past believed to have disappeared. It is revealed that Thomas has made a sacrifice, just like Ruth: he commits to traveling to Washington D.C. to return his medals and tell the army the truth and then to fly to Vietnam to find his daughter, Lin.
Narration shifts to Thomas's experiences in the Vietnam War many years ago. He is described as never fitting in with the other men, who disrespected the dead and didn’t mind the brutal violence of war. One day, Thomas's troop flies to a wrong location, a town containing only poor children and women instead of an enemy camp they had been looking for. One of the troops, named Murphy, begins to attack an innocent young girl. As the others begin to attack other residents, Thomas suddenly fires his gun. He goes on to kill almost his entire platoon with little conscious thought, paralleling his jerk reaction of shooting the whale in Dark River years later. Thomas leaves his dog tags for the American army to find, disappearing into Vietnam society. He marries a local woman, Ma, and actively works to hide from being found by the U.S. Army. They give birth to their daughter, Lin, who Thomas attaches to over time. One day, however, Ma is killed by a land mine, and at her funeral, Thomas is found by the Americans and is taken away from his daughter, throwing him into sadness as he is forced away from a life he loves.
As if to symbolize Thomas's removal from society, Hogan switches from the perspective of Thomas to the perspective of Lin. These chapters are some of the longest in the book and make up a lot of the second part.
Lin recalls her life as an orphan after the death of Ma and the taking away of Thomas back to America by U.S. Troops. She remembers how sad her father was as he rose in the helicopter back to the U.S. and how she waited for him to come back, always holding the red fish he had bought her years ago. Forced away from her village because of soldiers closing in, she is presented with gruesome scenes of violence and corpses. She is grabbed by one of the young soldiers; they stare at each briefly, but the soldier lets her go. Eventually, she travels to Ho Chi Minh City, where she makes a living sweeping the streets. There, she is able to win the favor of a man in a flower shop on the street; realizing that she is homeless, he takes her under his wing and provides her with food. His wife is initially reluctant to accept her, though soon she gains affection for Lin because of the hard work she does. As she grows up, her affinity for knowledge causes her to take secret classes and study different languages on her own. Lin also has a knack for connecting missing family members, a skill which eventually becomes her job. She meets her future husband at an English class, who turns out to be the young soldier that let her go when she was running away from her village years ago. With her life now in order, she now resolves to find her father in America.
Lin leaves her husband to visit Thomas in Dark River. It is here that she meets up with Ruth, of whom Lin's first impression is a strong, stubborn woman who stands up for what is right. Ruth is unusually enthusiastic to see her; she brings her to Thomas's home, where a shell-shocked Thomas is unable to speak or express his feelings. Lin brings him a red fish as memory of when Thomas bought one for her as a souvenir; however, it only reminds him of war and the loss of Marco. Lin leaves and Ruth is angered by Thomas's apparent dismissal of his own daughter.
In part 3, Thomas goes to Washington, D.C. with Dwight and some other men to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. At the memorial, Thomas solemnly reflects on his life in Vietnam. He is reminded of the barren landscapes bombed and defoliated, and the hostility of his unit. He sees his own name on the wall with a circled cross next to it, and suddenly begins to cry as he thinks about the people in his troop that he killed.
At the hotel, Thomas notices the ring Dwight is wearing, recalling Milton's statement about Marco being held down by a man with a ring. He turns against Dwight and accuses him of murdering his son, but Dwight denies the idea. Because of this encounter, Dwight decides later that he needs to “keep a watch” on Thomas. Meanwhile, Thomas tries to return the medals he earned for his service in Vietnam at The Pentagon; this does not go as he had wanted, as the truth Thomas reveals is ignored by the men, who tell him to let the past go.
Back in Dark River, Thomas reconciles with Ruth. He explains that he wants to be remembered as a man of tradition rather than a man of war, and vows to get Dwight back for what he had done to the whale and their son. When he tells Ruth about how he shot the whale during the hunt, she gets angry that he went against Marco and dismisses him, though is partly understanding of his situation.
Thomas and his men paddle on a canoe out into the water. He begins to sing ancient tribal songs, and Dwight, jealous of Thomas and possibly intimidated by the threat he poses, suddenly pulls out a pistol and shoots Thomas. Thomas falls into the water, apparently unaffected spiritually, and dies. However, his spirit is later seemingly reincarnated into his body by the Old Ones and he awakes a new, whole man. Dwight is arrested by his own friends and is put to justice. Months later, Thomas visits Ruth and her boyfriend Dick Russell, expressing his gratitude for all that she has done for him and that he intends to travel to Vietnam to see Lin.
In Hungary, a beautiful, young gypsy girl, Nubi, seeks shelter during a sudden squall. Nubi is given shelter by a well-to-do farmer and his family. The farmer and his family hide the girl when a brutish, older gypsy lover arrives to claim the girl and take her away. The older gypsy leaves, and Nubi is allowed to stay on with the family as a servant. Nubi does little useful work as a servant in the house, and instead proceeds to use her feminine charms to entice and bewitch various male members of the household, leading to many scenes of discord, anger, and jealousy. The spell that Nubi has put on the house is only lifted at the end of the movie when the older gypsy returns, and carries Nubi away—with the farmer and his family no longer willing to offer protection to the troublesome gypsy girl.
Crooked prosecutor Hugo Candless is at his private club with an employee named George Dial. Dial declines a ride home with Candless, who leaves in a chauffeured limousine. The backseat has been sealed off and rigged to fill with cyanide gas, which the driver activates to kill Candless. Dial is with his lover, Francine Ley, and urges her to ditch her boyfriend. He mentions a scam Candless played on a mobster named Zapparty. Francine’s boyfriend, Johnny De Ruse, comes home and Dial leaves. De Ruse is aware of the affair, and tells Francine he is leaving town after giving evidence against Mops Parisi, a dangerous mobster. He gets kidnapped by the same rigged car, but manages to escape and kill the driver. He traces the plot to Zapparty and goes to his club to confront him. Parisi is there as well. A gunfight ensues; Parisi is killed and Zapparty is captured. He admits the gas car was his way of getting revenge, but Parisi carried it out and blackmailed him over it. De Ruse returns to Candless’s apartment and finds Dial, who is the one who sold out Candless and De Ruse. He is about to skip town with Candless's wife and money, but a security guard kills him and wounds her. De Ruse forgives Francine and takes her back.
The plot revolves around Hypatia the pagan philosopher; Cyril the Christian patriarch; Orestes the power-hungry prefect of Egypt; and Philammon an Egyptian monk.Maria Dzielska, (1995), ''Hypatia of Alexandria'', pages 8–11. Harvard University Press. Philammon travels from his monastic community in the desert to Alexandria,Simon Goldhill, (2011), ''Victorian Culture and Classical Antiquity'', pages 203–5. Princeton University Press. and expresses a desire to attend Hypatia's lectures despite Cyril's dislike of Hypatia. Although Hypatia has a deep-seated hatred of Christianity, Philammon becomes her devoted friend and disciple. Philammon also encounters Pelagia, his long-lost sister, a former singer and dancer who is now married to a Gothic warrior. Philammon naturally desires to convert both women to Christianity. The plot is played out against the backdrop of Orestes' scheming to become emperor of Egypt and Africa; he uses Hypatia as a pawn. A subplot involves Raphael Aben-Ezra, a wealthy Jewish associate of Hypatia who falls in love with a Christian girl called Victoria and converts to win her love. A series of events, some of which are orchestrated by a Jewish woman called Miriam, raise tensions between the prefect and the church. Hypatia undergoes a spiritual crisis and comes close to being converted to Christianity by Raphael. Before this can happen, however, rumours are spread that Hypatia is the cause of unrest in the city and she is murdered by a Christian mob. Philammon, despondent, returns to the desert where he eventually becomes abbot of his monastery, albeit with a more worldly view of Christianity.Jess Nevins, (2005), ''The encyclopedia of fantastic victoriana'', page 7. MonkeyBrain Books.
Walter Harker (Loder), who is married to Mildred Harker (Griffith), falls in love with another woman and wants to separate from his wife without losing custody of his daughter. He frames his wife and files for divorce, and Mildred ends up losing her daughter.
Mildred moves into a cheap apartment and gradually becomes a Broadway showgirl and drowns her depression in a life of alcohol and jazz. Ted Willing (Forbes), a wealthy man, becomes her devoted admirer, but after her experience with her ex-husband, Mildred finds it hard to trust anyone. When Willing offers Mildred financial help, she refuses to accept anything, fearing that her daughter may hear about it. Eventually, she realizes that her daughter has completely forgotten about her and allows Willing to take care of her. One day, while she is at a party, Mildred hears of her daughter's death and has a breakdown. She later is jailed for vagrancy and disorderly conduct. Willing comes to the police station and rescues her.
Mixing fiction and reality, the series chronicles the journey of 12 participants (7 men and 5 women) in a reality show taking place at a disabled maximum security prison located in the Amazon rain forest. Each participant are not chosen by chance but have one thing in common: each of them committed a serious crime.
All goes well on the first day of confinement until the production team disappears, leaving them to their own devices, with macabre and supernatural events occurring within the prison. Only one of them will win the prize of R$2 million, but they will have to leave the place alive.
In the 1920s, ambitious but smalltime thief Jack Diamond and his sickly brother Eddie Diamond move to New York City. Jack meets dance instructor Alice Shiffer, lies to her to date her and to steal a necklace from a jewelry store. After being incarcerated for a time, he works with Alice at her dance school while on probation.
He then gets hired as bodyguard of infamous Arnold Rothstein who gives him the nickname Legs. His plan is to supplant Rothstein with the intention of stealing his bootleg, drugs and gambling businesses. After Arnold is murdered, Legs Diamond sells protection. When he travels to Europe with Alice on a vacation, he sees in the newspaper that the New York underworld has changed with the National Prohibition Act. Legs returns to America and confronts the syndicate, demanding a cut from their operations. He kicks Alice out of his life and turns to Monica, who betrays him. Hit men enter his hotel room and shoot him dead. In the final scene, as his corpse is being removed on a stretcher, Alice says he was loved by many but that he loved nobody.
Santer (Mario Adorf) and his gang are after the Apache Gold. They intrude Apache land and intercept a courier named Black Eagle. The young warrior is killed while the gangsters attempt to retrieve information from him.
Meanwhile the young chartered surveyor Charlie aka „Old Shatterhand“ (Lex Barker) discovers that the „Great Western Railway“ commits a breach of valid contracts by taking a shortcut through Apache land. He is told that certain geological complications would leave the company no other choice but he can refute these allegations as a pretext to save money even at the costs of lives.
Winnetou (Pierre Brice) observes how the railway is built right into the land of his tribe. On his way back to his village he comes across the corpse of Black Eagle. He brings Black Eagle to his family and reports to his father Intschu-tschuna.
Chief Intshu-tshuna is deeply worried that even more villains like Santer will get to the Apache land and consequently waste his people if the „Great Western Railway“ can carry on.
A missionary called „Klekih-petra“ beseeches him not to start a war. He talks the aristocratic chief and his son Winnetou into setting up a meeting with a deputation of the Great Western Railway. Proceedings are prepared and Old Shatterhand is chosen to convince the Indians that the company will respect the contracts after all.
But Santer doesn't let go of his ambitions. He strives to give Winnetou's people a bad name, so that the U.S.Army will come and drive the people off their land, hereby making way for his personal ambitions.
Santer persuades the chief of a Kiowa tribe to attack the meeting. Klekih-petra is hereby killed and Winnetou is captured by his arch enemies who plan to torture him.
Old Shatterhand risks his life in order to save Winnetou. At night he sneaks into the Kiowa's camp and cuts the chief's son's fetters. Winnetou can escape but doesn't see his saviour.
Now Old Shatterhand and his supporters commence a crusade against Santer and his henchmen. They go to Santers strongpoint, a town called Roswell. There a tremendous fight takes place. But Winnetou also has unfinished business with Santer and goes there too. As an outsider he cannot tell the good men from the bad ones. He and his warriors attack the whole town.
Old Shatterhand gets wounded and is captured. Winnetou has him brought to the Apache village. Thanks to the dedication of Intschu-tschuna's daughter Nsho-tshi (Marie Versini) he survives. But once he has recovered he must stand trial. He claims an ordeal by battle. Chief Intshu-tshuna himself takes him on and Old Shatterhand can scarcely win.
After Old Shatterhand has spared the chief and Nsho-tshi has discovered proof that Shatterhand did free her brother, Shatterhand and Winnetou become officially friends.
Although this tribe is at the brink of civilisation and the leading family does already build houses, Nsho-tshi wants to attend a school in St. Louis before she marries Old Shatterhand. In order to cover the looming expenses her family goes to their source of gold. But Santer is still alive and hasn't ceased to pursue his evil plans. He follows and ambushes them. Winnetou's father dies during the fight and Nsho-tshi dies only little later in the arms of Old Shatterhand.
The film bears little relation to the first movie. Johnny McGowan and his only true friend, Yowler, the last dragon on Earth, are in serious trouble. The Dark Knight, the enemy of Dragonkin, has returned and is determined to slay Yowler, in order to obtain the magical powers inside the dragon's blood to bring a new evil age of darkness upon the planet. Young John begins a new quest to protect Yowler, defeat the Dark Knight and save the world for all future generations.
Ping Xiao is a popular radio DJ who had been nominated for the "Most Popular Male DJ" award nine times, winning two of them, and is expected to win the tenth nomination. However, when Ping Xiao is caught in a scandal in which he harasses a female patron of a bar while drunk, thinking that she is his deceased horror novelist girlfriend, Jia Li, he is demoted by his boss to host the late-night show, the "Ghost on Air", to save face, while his post is temporarily replaced by a young female host, Pauline. Thinking that Pauline is plotting to deny him his award, he acts cold to her, though she is genuinely worried for his deteriorating condition. As the host of the late-night show, Ping Xiao's job is to tell ghost stories to his audience, most of which he samples from those gathered by Jia Li. Jia Li had left several video detailing her researches to Ping Xiao before her sudden death a month later.
Throughout his experiences, Ping Xiao becomes haunted by the ghosts of the stories, which turn out to be real. One of the stories recounts the life of Jia Li's friend, Ya Ru, who disappeared for six months before suddenly returning, only to reveal that she is pregnant. She aborted the fetus, but felt that her unborn child is haunting her for aborting him. Ya Ru later committed suicide. Through Jia Li's mother, Ping Xiao visits Shophouse 14 boarding house, where a middle school student, Ai Xi, had committed suicide. After several nights, Ping Xiao discovers that the mean landlady, Mang Pao, has been hiding her son, Ya Nan, who had assaulted Ai Xi. He reports this to the authorities and recovers his status, ultimately winning the DJ award. The hauntings of the boarding house, though, has made him cold and distant.
After returning from the award celebration, Ping Xiao views the last video recorded by Jia Li, in which she, having returned from doing research in Shophouse 14, became terrified of the hauntings that she experienced, culminating in her death. Ping Xiao turns back and screams when he sees all the ghosts of the stories menacing him, suggesting that he will share Jia Li's fate.
The story begins as the protagonist, Jacob awakes in a field with no memory of who he is. His only clue is his name, and the fact that his clothes are covered with brown stains. From here Jacob is led by a man called Virgil to a place called Locus. Locus initially resembles a school because of the number of children, but the children do not attend classes, and instead pick stones in the 'picking fields'. Here Jacob meets a girl named Aysha, and a boy called Toby, both of whom become his friends. After a series of visions, Jacob comes to the realisation that he has died, and Locus is the 'next world' to which he has been sent.
Together Toby, Aysha and Jacob set out from Locus, taking a small amount of provisions with them. They walk for a day or so, eating some of their food before waking up to find that the rest had turned into ash. They came across a woman (Nemain) washing brown-stained clothes in a river they had drunk from. After lodging with the woman for a day, they fled when the woman complained about the stained clothes, saying: "How am I supposed to get all the blood off these clothes?". While they fled, they met a group of nomadic people, called the Dedanim. The Dedanim, who have strong biblical connotations (See: Dedan) invited Jacob and co. to stay with them. However, after a few nights, Jacob feels that he is losing sight of his goal, and leaves, followed by Aysha and Toby. At this moment they wake up to find that the Dedanim had disappeared and they were lying where they had been before. They travelled on and were split up after being chased by wild dogs. Jacob is cut off from the group, and meets an elderly man named Moloch (Another religious name, see: Moloch), who lives in a cave. Jacob slowly figures out that Moloch is a cannibal, but finds out too late, for he was promptly trapped in Moloch's cave.
As Moloch starts a fire to smoke Jacob to death, Jacob finds a small passageway at the back of the cave. He proceeds to crawl his way towards the end of the tunnel, which ended in a very high ladder. The ladder (which the novel is presumably named after) is Brian Keaney's representation of the Biblical Jacob's Ladder. After Jacob struggles to the top of the ladder (momentarily contemplating giving up), and comes across a white palace in the desert. He is briefly united with Aysha and Toby before they individually meet the ruler of Locus. The 'ruler' is a being bearing the face of an old man and a beautiful woman. It loosely resembles Roman myth Janus in the way it guards a gate back to the 'normal' world. Its dual-personality (pessimistic and optimistic) also echo Janus's myth.
Seo Eun-young (Shin Eun-kyung) is happily engaged to marry Kang Jung-woo (Kim Yu-seok) until he suddenly dumps her to marry a rich woman, Hong Na-kyung (Im Ji-eun). Eun-young, alone and pregnant, is left behind as her ex-fiancé and his new bride go abroad. Managing to get a job as a nurse at a hospital, she supports herself while five years go by.
Meanwhile, one of her patients, Kang Hyung-woo (Kim Tae-hyun) falls in love with her and wholeheartedly pursues her. With Hyung-woo's wealthy mother Madam Shin, a department store owner, in support of the match, Eun-young has no reason to refuse him beyond her memories of Jung-woo. But then Jung-woo suddenly returns, and Eun-young discovers that Hyung-woo is his half-brother. Hyung-woo is autistic, and with Eun-young, he is able to express himself and open his mind to the world. And though Eun-young initially marries him for money and revenge, with time she starts to genuinely love Hyung-woo.
The film is set in Early Modern Italy in the Duchy of Sidona. Raniero and Renzo are two friends who have been travelling together for two years, having adventures, fighting duels and womanizing. Raniero is the son of the Duke of Sidona, and the elder Renzo his Don Juan-type mentor.
On their way back to Sidona after a two-year absence, Renzo and Raniero encounter Fulvia, a former lover of Renzo. She attacks him then invites him to her estate.
Fulvia's rich husband Gennarelli is at a meeting at Sidona. Pavoncello, the Duke's counselor, is suggesting a new law where all men under twenty must marry and produce children or face imprisonment. (The aim is to ensure future manpower to defend the duchy). The Duke is unsure whether the law is what the people want and refuses to sign it until he consults them.
Gennarelli returns to his estate and surprises Renzo and his wife. The two men fight a duel which Renzo easily wins. Renzo and Raniero head to the castle where the Duke welcomes them. The Duke's daughter, Francesca, regards Renzo as a bad influence on her brother but is attracted to him.
Fulvia arranges a joust with Indian sticks between Renzo and Pavoncello, who wants to marry Francesca. Both men are wounded and the duke stops the contest.
Gennarelli approaches Pavoncello, suggesting he use the proposed law to drive Renzo out of Sidona. Gennarelli and Pavoncello join forces to persuade the Duke to sign the law.
Renzo flees Sidona with Raniero. Pavoncello hires an assassin, Lenzi, to kill Renzo and Raniero. It is revealed Pavoncello wants to take over Sidona and surrounding areas as well; he arranges Lenzi to hire two hundred mercenaries.
Renzo and Raniero are eating in a tavern when attacked by Lenzi's men but they defeat them. They return to the castle and overhear Fulvia talking to Gennarelli about the latter's plan with Pavoncello.
Renzo and Raniero are captured. Lenzi's mercenary army enters Sidona, and imprisons the Duke and Francesca.
Fulvia helps Renzo and Raniero to escape. They manage to rescue the Duke and Francesca and lead an uprising. Francesca uses the women of Sidona to seduce Lenzi's mercenaries. This enables Renzo to kill Lenzi, and for Raniero to raise the Duke's loyal supporters in rebellion. Renzo kills Pavoncello in a sword duel.
Renzo agrees to marry Francesca.
A young actress, Carole Beaumont, is wooed by actor-producer Charles King but she is unsure how she feels about him. During an air raid in the Blitz, a bomb explosion rocks the cafe and Carole is knocked unconscious. In her confused state, fantasies flash through her mind, and she seems to become Nell Gwyn of Old Drury, with Charles King looking very much like King Charles.
Recovering, she is advised by her doctor to take a rest in the country and, there, another beau, Albert Gutman, prompts his grandmother, Lady Drayton (Helen Haye), to invite Carole to their family home at Windsor. She accepts and telephones Charles but hangs up when his phone is answered by a female voice.
Looking out on Windsor Castle, she sees herself as the young Queen Victoria and Albert as Prince Albert. Influenced by her day-dream, she accepts Albert's proposal. Charles arrives to tell her that all arrangements are made for her to leave with him and the company for Burma, but she refuses saying she will never marry an actor.
Barmaid Kate tells Charles why Carole feels the way she does about actors: Carole's mother, Lillian Grey, was with a touring show in 1913 when the handsome star, John Beaumont raised her from the chorus to be his partner in his first West End show. They were a success, fell in love and were married. But the war soon took Beau off to Flanders and Lillian was left to become a great star on her own. Carole was born in wartime, but saw little of her busy mother.
Ned Sherwood, a blackjack dealer in a Havana casino, is given some counterfeit peso bills by a woman. He confronts the woman with the fact they are counterfeit, but she denies it and leaves.
That night, on his way home, two thugs attack Ned but run off when the police are summoned. Guillermo Mastegui, Chief of the Secret Section of the Cuban National Police, interrogates Ned about the attack and accuses him of being involved in a plan to flood Cuba with worthless currency. Mastegui and a U.S. Treasury agent plan to have Ned followed in the hope that he will lead them to the head counterfeiter.
Ned loses his job and can't leave Cuba. He meets with a young woman, Anita Ferrer, who believes that he has the bills, as well as the engraving plates they were made from, and offers to buy them. Anita takes him to meet her father, who is president of the Bank of Cuba.
Señor Ferrer explains to Ned that Mastegui suspects that three million counterfeit pesos, manufactured in Chicago, are about to be laundered through the bank. Because this act would destroy confidence in the bank and in the government, Ferrer is anxious to discover who is behind the plot. Ned tells Ferrer that he knows nothing about the matter and is about to leave when Ferrer's other daughter, Josefina, returns home and Ned recognizes her as the woman who passed him the notes in the casino, but says nothing.
When "Fina" agrees to a meeting with Ned, she again denies any involvement in the counterfeiting, but offers to be seen with him in the hope of having the ringleaders show their hand.
After visiting several nightclubs, Fina admits that she took the counterfeit money from the pocket of Carlos Rubi, her sister's boyfriend.
Upon leaving a club, Ned and Fina are kidnapped by Miguel Collada, a trusted banking aide of her father, and his henchman Chuchu. Collada reveals that he is behind the scheme to substitute the counterfeit bills, which have now been chemically aged, for bundles of old, withdrawn bills that are to be burned under his supervision. He will then keep the genuine, old currency, but fears that his associate, Rubi, may have stolen the plates, which could connect him to the swindle.
To help Ned, with whom she is falling in love, Fina suggests to Collada that Rubi may have hidden the plates in El Morro Castle where Rubi, she and Anita used to play as children. Meanwhile, Anita meets with Rubi to try to extricate themselves from Collada's scheme in which they became involved in order to pay off substantial debts.
After Collada and Fina depart for El Morro, leaving Chuchu to guard Ned, Rubi comes to the house intending to kill Collada, but is shot and killed by Chuchu.
Ned escapes, alerts Mastegui, then goes with Anita to El Morro. When they catch up with Collada and Fina, Collada uses Fina as a shield during a gunfight. Anita tries to bargain with him, but is killed by Collada. Ned jumps on Collada and they fight on the castle's parapet until Collada falls, with the plates, into the sea and is eaten by sharks.
To protect Ferrer from the knowledge of Anita's wrongdoing, Mastegui declares that she has died a hero and considers the case closed. Ned and Fina walk off together.
Ruby is a young, ambitious Lebanese woman who falls in love with a Syrian doctor but marries his Egyptian friend who is also her friend's fiancé. Ruby left her Syrian boyfriend simply because his Egyptian friend was a millionaire, and she fell for his money. Therefore, she breaks both her friend's heart and that of her lover. And then she undergoes the consequences of her mistake by committing a series other mistakes. When married to the millionaire, she makes his life miserable. At the end, he takes his revenge on her and makes her return poorer than she originally was.
Sham Yes ap Soorap is a young assistant doctor on a moletrain, captained by Abacat Naphi, that hunts giant moles for meat in a similar fashion to whaling. Naphi is especially obsessed with one mole named Mocker-Jack and after one encounter, they discover an abandoned train. Sham enters it, discovering a corpse and a camera buried in the ground. Sham and Naphi view the images and are shocked to see an image of a single rail leading off into the distance, an apparent impossibility as it is believed that the railsea is endless.
As rumours spread of Sham's discovery, his investigations lead him to Caldera and Dero Shroake. They are the son and daughter of two explorers who ventured to the furthest reaches of the railsea before disappearing. Sham tells them of the content of the camera, and they resolve to retrace their parents steps aboard their own train. Sham returns to the moletrain. Before it departs, he is captured by pirates who demand that he provide them with instructions as to how to reach the Shroakes as they believe that there is treasure to be found beyond the railsea.
After receiving a message from Sham, Naphi reluctantly abandons the chase for Mocker-Jack and sets out to find him. Sham convinces his former trainmates to assist the Shroakes, who are being sought by both pirates and the navy. They rescue them from their now almost incapacitated train and with a navy wartrain in close pursuit, venture out onto the lonely rail leaving the sea behind them. After a three way confrontation between the navy, Mocker-Jack and a robotic sentinel train that guards the exit of the railsea, the mole train escapes and Mocker-Jack falls into a chasm.
The moletrain crew decide to return with their valuable salvage to the known world, whilst Sham and the Shroakes press on by foot to see what lies beyond. They are joined by Naphi, who is now directionless following the death of Mocker-Jack. They reach the end of the line and find the ancient descendants of the railway controllers, confirming an ancient rumour; that the seemingly endless complexity of the railsea is nothing more than the result of rampant rail development by unscrupulous developers in the distant past. After reaching an ocean they take a boat, left by the Shroakes' parents, and sail out into the unknown.
Rusty, playing with his friends a mysterious board game, is brought into a parallel dimension and becomes a bouncing ball named ''Pallurikio''. He will try to escape and return to his world after clearing all the stages of the game.
Miho Nishizumi, a girl from a prestigious family of ''sensha-dō'' practitioners who became traumatized by a past event, transfers to Ōarai Girls High School to get away from ''sensha-dō'', as she presumed the school was no longer practicing the sport. However, shortly after Miho begins her new school life and makes some new friends, the student council announces the revival of ''sensha-dō'' at Ōarai and coerces Miho, the only student with prior experience, to join. While reluctant to join at first, having practically been forced, Miho soon warms up to ''sensha-dō'' and they enter a national championship, facing off against various other schools, in a competition that becomes a serious matter after Miho and the others learn that their school will be closed should they not win.
The spin-off manga, ''Girls und Panzer: Little Army'', follows Miho in her elementary school days as she participates in ''sensha-dō'' alongside her friends Emi, Hitomi, and Chihiro.
A young Mexican man meets his best friends at the living room of his house. He didn't call them to have fun as they were used to, instead to reveal them a heart-rending secret, which has been hidden from them and their families and has completely changed his existence.
The story revolves around carnival midget “Tom Little” who is loved by the public and carnival folk alike. Although he is a successful circus star, his all-consuming desire to be as tall and imposing as the carnival chief eventually comes to fruition, but not without severe consequences.
It all starts with the discovery of a set of ancient books containing the secret of switching bodies. With this knowledge, Tom can finally trade his small frame for the tall, larger than life frame of the lion tamer carnival chief.
Jacques and Fernanda are newlyweds, but they are mismatched in many ways, not least in age and education. Both enter into marriage with high hopes, but these are quickly dashed by a massive quarrel early on in the book, which becomes an important turning point in the book. The means of reconciliation used by the two characters are very different. After the fight, Fernande attempts to mend the rift by begging and pleading, but Jacques responds with disgust.
Following this, Jacques invites his sister Sylvia and her companion Octave to stay with the couple as guests. Octave and Fernande fall in love. Faced with no choice but to challenge Octave to a duel or concede the marriage, Jacques can find no suitable alternative. He decides to disappear into a crevice in the Alps, never to return.
During the Spanish Civil War the 14-year-old Doña Catalina (Yohana Cobo) is captured by war criminal Antonio Alvarez. She is forced to witness how her father is murdered with a traditional bullfighting weapon known as „rejón de muerte“. Following that her father's murderer rapes her. After this traumatic experience she can get hold of a knife and attempts to take revenge. But she is grabbed by one of Alvarez' accomplices who also tries to abuse her. She stabs him and escapes. A friendly couple saves her. Doña Catalina recovers but turns out being pregnant. The birth is difficult and the couple tells Doña her boy had died. Later they disappear and take the allegedly dead boy with them.
The war criminal who raped her remains unpunished. More than that, after the war he gets more and more powerful as a local politician. He keeps on befathering teenage girls, always getting away by making presents and paying child support. Yet a Christian brotherhood expels him.
Forty years later, during the Semana Santa, again people get killed in the same manner Alvarez once murdered Doña's father. Police detective Quemada and his new colleague Maria Delgado try to find a trace. They interview the leader of a Christian brotherhood and later on an expert for bullfighting. Finally it is revealed that the late Antonio Alvarez had advised his illegitimate sons to stick together and had hereby created a still existing network.
The sons believe they had to get back at their father's former enemies. Doña's lost son is on top of this conspiracy. As a high-ranked local policeman he is a superior of Quemada and Delgado. In order to oppress the truth he doesn't hesitate to kill his subordinates or even his half-brothers.
In the end Doña saves Maria Delgado's life by firing a gun at her lost son.
The body of an Oxford professor is found floating in the river Thames. He had previously been studying an archeological artefact known as the ''Kytang Wafers'', and this is now missing. Scotland Yard investigates. The wafers are bits of ancient text that could alter the relations between Red China and a Tibetan type nation called "Kytang". An autopsy reveals that the professor was murdered by a karate blow.
Perky blonde teenager Kaitlan (Renee Olstead) has decided to invite over a few of her friends after she finds that her parents are leaving her home alone for the weekend. She's planning for a small, relatively quiet get together with her friends Jenna (Valentina de Angelis) and Rose (Shelby Young), but Kaitlan soon finds that Rose has invited boys to the party, Shane (Guy Wilson) and Jeff (Spencer Daniels). Not wanting to seem uncool, Kaitlan allows the boys to stay and party.
Eventually Shane suggests that they play The Midnight Game, where participants confess their deepest fears while performing a strange ritual. Anyone who performs the ritual inaccurately runs the risk of running into the Midnight Man, a terrifying figure that can bring the participants' fears to life. They must carry candles, and if the candle extinguishes then they must relight it in ten seconds or surround themselves instantly with a circle of salt, or the Midnight Man will catch them. The teenagers originally think the game sounds fun and do not take the idea of the ritual seriously, beginning the game gleefully.
Nothing happens for the first hour and a half, yet just as the group is starting to become complacent they begin to hear noises, and their candles start to go out. The boys decide to explore upstairs where they can hear unusual sounds, whilst the girls remain downstairs. Jeff and Shane discover a crucifix upstairs which unnerves them, and they are drawn back downstairs by the sound of the girls screaming; they saw a dark figure moving around outside the house. The candles all start to go out, and the group panics. Kaitlan attempts to end the game by turning on the lights, only to find that they do not work even though the power for the house is still running.
After some time has passed, they eventually draw a circle of salt around themselves and huddle together, eventually falling asleep. At 3:33 AM the lights turn back on and the group awakes, thinking that the game is over. They do not realise that having failed to relight their candles in ten seconds and drawing the circle of salt well after they needed to, the Midnight Man has won the game.
The next morning, Rose awakes to find Jeff is gone. She goes downstairs to the kitchen, and finds that no one knows where Jeff is; Shane assumes that he has gone to basketball practice and texts him, with no response. Jenna, unprovoked, begins to verbally abuse Rose in a bout of sudden anger, accusing her of wanting to steal Shane and always trying to copy her. The others are stunned by Jenna's sudden moodswing, and later she apologises.
Shane, Kaitlan and Jenna decide to go for a hike, whilst Rose chooses to stay at the house and take a nap. On the hike, Jenna begins accusing Shane of cheating on her and acts extremely angry for no reason, until her mood suddenly changes and she is abnormally happy, seeing shapes in the clouds that do not exist and skipping along. Meanwhile, back at the house, Rose begins to hear strange noises and hallucinate unnerving things. Eventually, she walks into a room and sees the Midnight Man, a demonic pitch black figure.
On the hike, Shane receives a text from Rose begging him to help her, and despite Jenna screaming for no reason when he suggests they go back, he and the others return to the house to find Rose huddled in the kitchen, clutching a knife and having a panic attack from seeing the Midnight Man. Shane coaxes Rose to drop the knife, and as she does Jenna begins panicking and acting paranoid. The group deduces that this must be because of the Midnight Game, and Rose decides to go home.
On her way home, Rose starts to hallucinate the Midnight Man again. She sees Jeff at the side of the road and pulls over to talk to him, only to find that he is undead. Rose backs away, and is hit by a car. She then wakes up in the car and realises that this was a hallucination, and decides to go back to the house. Back at the house, Jenna has been growing increasingly panicked and paranoid, hallucinating that Shane cheated on her with Kaitlan. She breaks down, and Shane attempts to comfort her.
The group realise that the reason these things are happening to them is because they did not follow the rules of the Midnight Game, and they decide to play again to see if that will end the chain of horrific events. As they begin the game for the second time, Shane recalls a blog he read on the internet about a boy who did not follow the rules of the game and ended up reliving his worst fears over and over until his death, and the theories he has read that people get trapped in an endless cycle of reliving their death over and over. He fears that this will happen to them.
As they play the game, the candles blow out and they are unable to relight them. They intend to surround themselves with salt, but accidentally spill the salt, leaving them trapped to face the Midnight Man. Jenna goes upstairs, where she is taunted by a hallucination saying that everyone is against her and is driven to hang herself. Kaitlan is pushed off the balcony by the Midnight Man. Shane receives a text from Jeff stating he is in the basement, and discovers Jeff's corpse in a casket. When he returns to the house, Rose states that "he is behind you'", and he turns to see the Midnight Man. Shane runs out the house, pursued by the Midnight Man.
Suddenly, the clock turns to 3:33, and Shane, Rose, Kaitlan and Jenna all wake up on the floor, still alive. Jeff enters the house with a bottle of wine, and they are shocked to see that he is okay. It seems as though the five have survived the midnight game and that things will return to normal. However, the house is then shown to have been vacated for two years, and a realtor shows a prospective tenant around the house. He is put off buying it when he realizes it is where "the incident with the high school kids" took place and discusses the incident with the realtor; how four high school students died, and one (Shane) disappeared, believed to have killed the others.
As the man and the realtor pull away from the house, Rose's car is shown pulling up to the front as it had at the beginning of the film, and the events from the beginning play out for a few minutes. As the camera pans away from the girls entering the house, Shane's corpse is shown in a pile of leaves across the street, vaguely hinting that the five teenagers are all dead and are stuck in an endless cycle of the Midnight Game.
The film follows the singing and acting career of Tally Brown, a classically trained opera and blues singer who became a star of the New York underground scene in the late 1960s. In this documentary, von Praunheim draws on extensive interviews with Brown, in which she shares her collaborations with Andy Warhol, Taylor Mead and other artists, and friendships with Ching Ho Cheng, Holly Woodlawn and Divine. Brown opens the film with a cover of David Bowie's ''Heroes'' and closes with ''Rock 'n' Roll Suicide''. The film not only captures Tally Brown's career, but also a certain New York milieu of the 1970s.
Two wounded officers, one British and one French are deemed unfit and surplus to requirements. They abscond from their hospital and, together with an explosives expert suffering from mental illness, and a Colonel, thought too old to serve in the Army, make their way to France to destroy a long range German artillery piece.
The plot has similarities to the exploits of Commando Sgt Peter King and Pte Leslie Cuthbertson.
The film is about a young woman (Gayle James) running away from her past and moves in with a woman (Leigh Rose) who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease and she believes is her granddaughter.
An office team go on a two-day team-building seminar on a wilderness island. The group includes Chris, a meek office worker and Eagle Scout; Phil, a manipulative bully who steals his ideas; Lisa, an HR manager and Chris' love interest; and Jared, a sarcastic slacker. However, when the pilot is found dead and Storm, their ex-marine guide, is mauled by a tiger, the office workers must fend for themselves.
Phil tries to assume leadership, but the group votes for Chris. Phil immediately wants to sacrifice Javier so they can eat him. He finds some coffee and adds a hallucinogenic herb that induces an orgy among some of the coworkers. They split into two teams. Chris’ team consists of Lisa, Jared, and Brenda. Phil feeds his team more psychedelic herbs and sets himself up as God. Chris` team finds an abandoned building with supplies. Storm is revealed to be alive and not a marine. Chris' team is captured by Phil's group, and Chris beats Phil by pretending to be a better God. A ship rescues the workers, except Phil who is left behind. Storm is arrested for impersonating a marine. Chris gets Phil's job, but quits, taking Lisa with him. It is also revealed Jared is now dating Brenda.
Matt Hunter is a seemingly ordinary man in suburban New Jersey with a pregnant wife, Olivia. But Matt's past is not so ordinary. In his late teens, Matt tried to break up a fight involving his friend, and wound up unintentionally killing the other fighter. While his friends spent time in college, Matt was behind bars serving time for negligent manslaughter. Now nine years after being released from prison, Matt is a paralegal in his brother's law firm and his life is looking up. However, the past won't seem to go away. As Matt and Olivia try to buy a house in his old neighborhood, neighbors and local authorities make it clear he is not welcome. After Matt receives disturbing photos from his wife's phone, a man who is tailing Matt ends up dead. Matt soon learns that Olivia also has a past that she'd like to forget. Unable to trust anyone, Matt and Olivia are forced to work outside the law to save themselves and their future.
A pretty young artist's model named Trilby falls under the spell of a mesmerist named Svengali who turns her into a leading opera singer with no will of her own. German horror film star Paul Wegener plays Svengali, who uses hypnosis to enslave the beautiful young Trilby, preventing her marriage to her fiancée even though he cannot make her love him. The strain of controlling her and shaping her into an opera star takes a toll on both of them, and when Svengali dies suddenly, Trilby inexplicably dies with him.
One night, a young man named Ronald is attacked by an unseen assailant, and during the course of the attack he loses his shirt, then one of his teeth, and gains a tattoo. Finally, he's bitten on his buttocks, which causes him to begin transforming into a vampire and incessantly break wind.
A year later, Bella asks her boyfriend Edward Colon to transform her into a vampire, but he insists that he marry her first. Bella also has to deal with the affections of Jacob, a member of a pack of overweight, flatulent werewolves (who oddly never transforms). One night, Edward gets a vision of Ronald breaking into Bella's room, and brings her to the Colon family home for help, but they are unsure of what to do. Jacob then takes her to meet his grandfather, who recounts the time that he faced an ancient evil that manifested itself as "different characters all played the exact same way" (a stab at Johnny Depp and his performances as Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka and The Mad Hatter), and believes that a similar incident is about to occur. With this information and a recent spate of people going missing, the Colons are able to deduce that a rogue vampire is creating an army of newborns (or "noobs").
The army turns out to be under the control of Victoria, who tricks Ronald into believing Edward killed Gary Coleman and killing Bella will avenge him. The noobs get Bella's scent from a pornographic magazine, and the Colons realize that they cannot protect her, especially because of Rosalie's homicidal rages toward her and Carlisle's inability to stop himself from drinking her blood. She seeks refuge with her flamboyantly homosexual father Charlie, but soon realizes that she cannot stay with him either, due to his insistence in graphically describing his sex acts and holding orgies at his house. Eventually, Edward works out a compromise with Jacob, who takes Bella to safety and uses his flatulence to mask her scent.
That night, Edward meets with Bella and Jacob and the three spend the night in a tent, where Jacob has sex with Bella as an oblivious Edward talks about how he thinks he and Jacob could be friends if they put their differences aside. The following morning the noobs catch up with the trio, but the Colons and Jacob's pack also arrive, and a fight ensues. Bella distracts the noobs by eating a special cake given to her by Jacob, which causes her to experience severe flatulence and creates a smell bad enough to distract Victoria and the noobs long enough for the Colons to kill them all. Bella agrees to marry Edward, while Jacob accidentally ends up stabbing himself to death during a fight with a TMZ reporter.
A year later a pregnant Bella learns a dwarf-like copy of Edward (who had been hitting on her throughout the film, despite her obvious disgust) somehow fathered the child instead.
The movie then ends by parodying the trailer to ''Breaking Dawn – Part 1'', followed by a segment ridiculing the reactions to said trailer (in the form of YouTube videos) by certain "Twi-Hard" fans of the series.
The episode starts with Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) trying to convince therapists Dr. Jonathan Lee (BD Wong) and Dr. Judith Evans (Cherry Jones) that Ed Hawkins (Kevin Weisman) tried to kill him. The therapists claim that he is imagining the plot to cope.
Later, Michael tells Rex he must stay with his Aunt Carol, as Michael is working on a case with a dangerous suspect. His partner, Bird, goes to his house, after trying to call him to make sure he is alright, but then looks in the garage and finds Michael's work on his accident and Detective Hawkins. Bird goes to Dr. Judith Evans, who reluctantly advises Bird to check on Michael. Michael goes to Ed Hawkins' house, shoots Hawkins in the leg, and asks him for evidence. Hawkins says heroin was taken from various evidence lockers and sent out for sale through Westfield Distribution, and further evidence is on his laptop. Hawkins tries to overpower Michael, forcing him to kill Hawkins, right before Bird enters the house. Michael takes Bird's gun and handcuffs him. Bird suggests that to get into Hawkins' laptop, they use a hacker they both worked with previously, right before he knocks out Michael, who wakes up in the red reality.
Michael tells his wife to stay somewhere safe, and then tells the red reality Bird to meet him in the park. He tells Bird what he found out in the green reality (where his son is alive and his wife is dead) regarding Hawkins, his accident and the encrypted file and convinces Bird to copy it from Hawkins' computer, though neither of them know Hawkins has been watching them. Hawkins meets immediately with Tricia Harper and Carl Kessel (revealed to be Bird and Hawkins' precinct chief in this reality) and Kessel says they will kill both Michael and Bird and make it look like Michael did it, given his recently unstable behavior. Captain Harper shows doubts and remorse at this idea, but agrees.
Still in the red reality (where his son is dead and his wife is alive), Michael visits the hacker suggested in the green reality. He gains Hawkins' password and unlocks the file. The files tell Michael that Hawkins and Kessel had a shipping container where they had been storing the heroin. Bird tells Michael that they will meet at his house, but when Michael gets there, Hawkins has killed Bird and tries to kill Michael. Hawkins, however, only manages to injure him. Hawkins calls in that Michael killed Bird and Captain Harper tells her precinct to use deadly force to bring Michael in, much to Detective Vega's surprise. Vega tries to tell Harper that, even deranged, Michael would never kill Bird, but Harper emotionally rebuts him, saying he is showing sympathy for a killer. This leaves Vega confused and suspicious. Michael manages to escape Hawkins, but passes out from his wound and wakes up back in the green reality.
He finds himself back in his car, handcuffed, but relieved to see that the green reality Bird is still alive. He gives Bird Hawkins' password ("tulip"), and the information regarding Kessel and the shipping container convinces Bird that something is wrong. He takes Michael to Harper still in cuffs but they both tell her what they have learned. Harper approves Bird's plan to send a team to the storage container but sends Michael to a cell, saying that if they do not find any evidence of his accusations, he'll go to jail for killing Hawkins.
After a pack of caterpillars chew holes in most of Roger's disguises, Roger rediscovers an outfit in the back of the closet. He puts it on excitedly, unable to recall the persona to which it belongs, only to discover that when he walks through town he draws stares of hatred, culminating in an assault at the hands of Brian Lewis. Roger is reminded that the persona is Ricky Spanish, the most hated man in town. Roger goes into hiding and has Steve bring him another outfit, then on the way home he tells Steve that Ricky was the worst persona he ever created, and that he has earned the hatred of every single person in Langley Falls in one way or another. Using one of the caterpillars he placed into a jar as a metaphor for changing, Steve convinces Roger to let him help Ricky try to make right all the wrong that he has done.
Roger and Steve go first to Brian's houseboat where Brian recalls how Ricky knocked him out and left him penniless and without ID in Tijuana. Next they go to Bullock's house, where Ricky has to remind a coked-up Bullock of how he killed his wife. Both Brian and Bullock forgive him, though Brian only does so as he is on "way too many antipsychotics". Next on the list is Daniel, a former partner-in-crime that Ricky let take the fall in a sweater heist. After getting Daniel out of jail, Steve stops Daniel from killing Roger/Ricky on the spot, insisting that he has changed. Later, at a Burger Joint, Roger secretly reveals to Daniel that he has another heist plan and that Steve will take the fall for this one.
Borrowing Brian Lewis' houseboat and guns from Bullock, they arrive at the docks where Steve learns of the plan and is knocked out by Daniel. Steve comes to after a short time and tries to stop them but the guards are alerted and give chase. When Steve starts to fall from a stack of shipping containers, he is caught by Roger who steals his wallet before letting him drop and be beaten by the guards below and Ricky and Daniel take off. Steve spends time in prison before being freed by Stan and Francine, while the butterfly in the jar emerges but dies in captivity. Werner Herzog provides narration over the final scene, and a title card stating 'A Werner Herzog Film' appears.
Meanwhile, Stan and Francine are in for a surprise when Tungee, their sponsored child from Africa shows up on their doorstep. While not even sure if he was real, they had sent encouraging letters inviting him to someday come live with them. His enthusiastic attitude leads them to ditch Tungee at a Costgo, but once home they begin to have regrets about what they have done and rush back, reuniting with Tungee in a psychedelic sequence and promising never to leave him again. On the ride home, Tungee's perkiness immediately begins to annoy them once more and they leap out of the car, allowing it to roll down the road with Tungee still inside staring in horror from the rear window. Stan and Francine immediately begin to miss Tungee once again.
Cathy is invited to the stately home of Sir Cavalier Rasagne, only to find that she has been lured into a trap by Martin Goodman, a deluded criminal who believes that she broke his heart.
Steed and Cathy are assigned to protect the Emir Abdulla Akaba during his trade visit to London, but despite their best efforts in food service he is assassinated. The Avengers must discover who and what killed him.
Stan gets tired of Steve's playing and insists that it is time he becomes an adult. Stan hatches a plot to get rid of Steve's toys but Steve overhears and thwarts Stan's plan. When Klaus suggests that Steve will lose interest in toys after he loses his virginity, Stan decides to take Steve to Mexico to have sex with a prostitute. On the way, Stan becomes annoyed when he discovers Steve has brought one of his toys. When they arrive at the brothel, Steve declines intercourse. Stan also finds his car's tires have been stolen. Getting a ride, they find that their chauffeurs are a drug cartel and are kidnapped.
Stan becomes despondent in captivity, but Steve improvises a toy to make Stan eat and keep his strength up. Stan eventually joins Steve's fantasy and regains hope. When Steve sees his kidnappers are also suffering, he invites them into his fantasy, managing to trap them in the cell while he and Stan escape. Impressed by his son's resilience, Stan realizes Steve uses make—believe to escape the harshness of reality and grudgingly accepts the need for play. As they throw away the makeshift toy, a cockroach named Pedro, it complains about being abandoned.
Meanwhile, Francine falls at the store and gets free steaks. Roger offers to get some wine but finds he is out and goes out, crashing his car in the process. Arriving at the wine store, he finds the bottle he wants has been sold to Greg and Terry. He goes to see them about getting the wine but they refuse to let go of it. Roger continues to try but fails. Frustrated, Francine goes over and helps herself to the wine but when she opens the bottle she is knocked through the wall by one of Roger's traps allowing Roger to take both steaks.
A false alarm triggers all but one of the nation's nuclear attack early warning systems. Steed and Cathy go undercover to investigate and are invited to a fancy dress party on a train. As guests die one by one, it becomes apparent that one is their killer. The plot was reused in a later episode, ''The Superlative Seven''.
As described in various film magazine reviews, Jessica Weston (Minter), unhappy in her marriage to her feckless husband (Schable), travels to her ranch in Wyoming. Her husband accompanies her, but is more interested in Molly (Daniel), proprietress of the local saloon, than he is in Jessica. This incurs the wrath of ranch hand Ross (Oliver), who is in love with Molly.
Meanwhile Jessica is rescued by neighbouring ranch owner Teddy North (Moore) when her horse abandons her on an island; an attraction develops between them which deepens when Teddy again saves Jessica, this time from a mountain stream.
At a dance in the local saloon, Weston arrives with Molly, angering both Jessica and Ross. A fight breaks out at the same time that the power cuts out, and when light is restored, Weston is found to have been shot dead. Both Jessica and Teddy believe the other to be responsible for the crime, but, to save Jessica from prosecution, Teddy assumes the guilt.
Matters are resolved when Molly confesses that it was in fact Ross who shot Weston out of jealousy. Now that the question of guilt has been answered, Jessica and Teddy are free to pursue their romance.
Cassie (Britt Robertson) is run off of the road by another driver on the way home which leads to a flat tire. Unknown to Cassie, her mother, Amelia Blake (Emily Holmes), is about to see the last of this world. A stranger (Gale Harold) appears outside Cassie's residence playing with matches as a fire breaks out in the kitchen inside. Cassie's mother dies in what she believes is an accident.
One month later, Cassie, still dealing with her mother's death, moves to her grandmother's (Ashley Crow) house in Chance Harbor. Cassie meets new people on her first day of school: Adam Conant (Thomas Dekker) a handsome boy who seems to have this pull to Cassie, Diana Meade (Shelley Hennig) Adam's girlfriend, Faye Chamberlain (Phoebe Tonkin) a young and all around rebel, Melissa Glaser (Jessica Parker Kennedy) Faye's quiet sidekick, and Nick Armstrong (Louis Hunter) her next door neighbor.
Unknown to Cassie, this group of kids makes up a coven of witches. With Cassie now in town they can all experience the full effects of their magic. Faye sets Cassie's car on fire to see if Cassie knows she's a witch. When Cassie can't escape her car, Adam saves her.
The next day, Cassie tries looking for her grandmother but runs into Diana and her father, Charles, the man who is responsible for the fire that killed Cassie's mother. Diana takes Cassie to an abandoned house in the woods and explains that they, along with Adam, Faye, Melissa, and Nick, are all witches. They call this the Circle (with Diana as the ''de facto'' leader) and is only at its best if Cassie joins. Cassie doesn't believe them, saying that witches aren't real, and runs from the house. Adam follows her and they have a moment in the woods where their energy joins together causing all of the water droplets to float. Adam leans in to kiss Cassie, but she pulls away and runs off.
Cassie ponders whether she will join them or not, and all while dark secrets surface such as Diana's father, Charles, is the man that was outside Amelia's house. Along with these secrets, Cassie is revealed to be more of a puppet for the adult generation of witches that were thought to have sworn off witchcraft after a bad accident long ago.
A group of contrasting characters share one thing in common: they all have to do with the subject of AIDS. There is Rüdiger, a conservative gay man who runs a sex sauna. Christian, a devout man who sacrificially cares for his partner who has AIDS. A curious blood doctor who tries to find out the origin of HIV and shares the positive test results with her patients, not without gloating. A reporter disguised as a man tries to spy on the gay scene ... Finally, the government decides to isolate the infected people on the island of Helgoland in order to contain the epidemic. But the outcasts put up a brave fight.
Three years after the events of the first film, Lenny Feder has relocated his family to his hometown of Stanton, where his friends Eric Lamonsoff, Kurt McKenzie, and Marcus Higgins live. Lenny wakes up to find a deer in his bedroom, which wreaks havoc through the house until he uses his daughter Becky's stuffed animal to lure it outside. Lenny dismisses his wife Roxanne's suggestion that they have another child; Eric worries that his wife Sally is encouraging their children's self-confidence above all else; Kurt gives his wife Deanne a gift for their anniversary, which she has forgotten; and Marcus prepares to spend the summer with Braden, his son from a past fling, but is intimidated by the tall, tattooed teenager, who deeply resents him.
Roxanne, Sally, and Deanne are dismayed to learn that their attractive new yoga teacher Kyle is gay. Lenny commandeers his children's school bus from Nick, the unstable driver, and takes everyone to their last day of school. He picks up Kurt and Eric and visits K-Mart, where they are joined by Marcus, who has sent Braden to school. Kurt persuades Lenny to throw a party for the first day of summer, and the friends discuss Lenny's childhood bully Tommy Cavanaugh. Police officers Fluzoo and Dante escort them to Becky's ballet recital at McDonough Elementary, where Lenny runs into Tommy, who openly threatens him.
As school ends, Kurt's daughter Charlotte agrees to go on a date, Lenny's younger son Keith struggles with his own bully Duffy, and Charlotte and Keith's older brothers Andre and Greg accompany Braden to an abandoned quarry, where they join a college party.
After humiliating their old rival Dickie at the Ice Cream House, Lenny, Eric, Kurt, and Marcus visit the same quarry, where they swam during their youth, only to be confronted by a hostile college fraternity led by Milo and Andy, who force them to jump into the water naked. Finding their fraternity house vandalized, the frat boys blame Lenny and his friends and swear revenge. Later, the friends take Marcus' van, vandalized by Braden, to Eric's auto body shop, and Marcus inadvertently rolls through town in a giant runaway construction tire.
Lenny learns that Keith is a gifted football kicker, but accidentally breaks his son's leg. Eric apologizes to Sally for avoiding her to spend time with his mother, and endures a sexually charged car wash from male cheerleaders. Lenny becomes suspicious of Kyle's relationship with Roxanne, who is angered by her employee Penny's lifelong obsession with Lenny. Marcus bonds with Braden, Charlotte goes on her date, Andre passes his driving test overseen by Wiley, and Greg succeeds in asking out Nancy; a girl he has a crush on.
Roxanne tells Lenny that she is pregnant, and most of the town arrives for the Feders’ 1980s-themed party. Lenny realizes Roxanne is not having an affair with Kyle, who has repaired Becky's stuffed animal, and challenges Tommy to a fight, but Tommy takes a dive to allow Lenny to save face in front of his own bullied son. Soon after, the fraternity crashes the party, looking for the culprit of the frat house vandalism, to which Braden admits his role. When the fraternity members insults the townsfolk, a massive brawl breaks out between them. The partygoers eventually defeat the fraternity with Andy getting attacked by the deer thanks to a tactic by Becky using her own stuffed animal.
Afterwards, the friends, Nick, and Dickie enjoy a meal at Mrs. Lamonsoff's house, reminiscing about their childhood together. Eric's mother reassures Lenny about his new baby, and reveals that Eric was accidentally conceived in the men's bathroom at a New England Patriots game. Lenny returns home to Roxanne and they reconcile, looking forward to their growing family.
Plumber Otto Engel has been abandoned by his wife Ada. He gets along really well with Elise, the girl living above his workshop and store. When he finally musters up the courage to ask her out to a variety show, he is utterly shocked to see his runaway wife Ada on stage as a dancer. Otto and Ada decide to try and patch up their marriage, so she returns home. But the theatre keeps drawing Ada and after a short time she leaves for the second time. Elise puts Otto back on his feet again and the two choose to live together. When Ada does not respond to his request for divorce, Otto arranges a false death certificate. Otto and Elise get married, are happy and have a son. Until Ada suddenly returns and accuses Otto of bigamy. In court, Ada is deeply impressed by Elise and Otto's son. She takes some poison and dies on the spot. The Engel family can live on in peace.
After the events of ''Divergent'', Beatrice "Tris" Prior, Tobias "Four" Eaton, Caleb Prior, Peter Hayes, and Marcus Eaton seek refuge in the Amity sector. Tris overhears Marcus and Amity leader Johanna Reyes discuss the fact that the Abnegation leaders died to protect secret information. Erudite and the Dauntless traitors arrive to arrest the Divergents, but Tris flees with Four, Caleb, and Susan Black on a train to the Factionless sector. There, they meet Tobias' mother, Evelyn Johnson-Eaton, who tries to persuade her son to sway Dauntless into joining forces with the Factionless against Erudite.
While Caleb and Susan return to Abnegation, Tris and Tobias head to Candor headquarters, where the other Dauntless now reside. Under truth serums, Tobias confides his reasons for transferring to Dauntless, and Tris reveals her killing of Will in self-defense, which strains her relationship with her friend Christina. That night, the Dauntless traitors, led by Eric, arrive and shoot simulation serums into their fellow Dauntless and knock everyone unconscious except the Divergents: Tris, Uriah Pedrad, and several others. As Eric begins executing the Divergents, Tris wounds him and allows the others to capture him as the remaining traitors flee. Their safety is revealed to be guaranteed by Erudite renegade and Will's sister, Cara.
Tris, Tobias, Lynn, and Shauna spy on the discussion arranged by the Candor leader Jack Kang with Jeanine Matthews's representative and Dauntless traitor, Max. Lynn shoots and kills Max, and Shauna is rendered paraplegic by a nerve serum. To prevent Jeanine from holding another prisoner exchange, the Dauntless vote to execute Eric, which Tobias does without hesitation. To avoid being dependent on Candor, the Dauntless return to their own headquarters and disable most of the security cameras inside. However, Tris is alerted by Christina that one camera has caused three Dauntless members (Marlene, Hector, and Kee) to become simulated into attempting suicide unless a Divergent is handed over. They are unable to save Marlene.
Tris surrenders to Erudite and is placed in a cell by Peter and, to her shock, Caleb, both of whom are working with Jeanine. Tobias follows and is captured but not before he convinces Dauntless to ally with the Factionless, with their insurgency arranged to occur several days. After unsuccessful simulation tests, Jeanine orders Tris' execution, but Peter swaps the lethal dose with a paralytic and frees Tobias, and the three escape to Abnegation. Tris meets with Marcus, who tells her that Jeanine has withheld Abnegation's secret. If the Factionless learned of it, it would certainly be destroyed.
Tris, Christina, and Marcus head for Amity to request Johanna's help. She, alongside several others including Susan's brother, Robert, choose to assist them, despite Amity's resistance. They are joined by Cara and another Erudite renegade, Fernando, who act as navigators. The "Insurgents" infiltrate Erudite headquarters. Fernando is killed, but they manage to access Jeanine's laboratory. Inside, Tris faces down simulations before she confronts Jeanine, who is cornered by Tori Wu. Tori kills Jeanine and then brands Tris a traitor. The invasion of Erudite over, Tris learns of the casualties, including Lynn, and the fact that the Factionless have taken all weapons to rule in Jeanine's place. Tris is handcuffed, alongside Christina, Marcus, and the other Insurgents, but manages to pass the information to Tobias, which he and Caleb share through the computers. The secret video, narrated by Edith Prior, from "an organization fighting for peace," reveals that the world had become corrupt, and the city was sealed to allow the Divergents to increase, and Amity was then to open the fence forever and allow the population to re-enter the world. The room erupts into voices as the book ends.
Awet (Letekidan Micael) is born the daughter of an Eritrean man and an Ethiopian woman - a bad combination in 1974, in the middle of a long liberation war between the two peoples. Asmara is under Ethiopian occupation, and Awet's father takes to the woods with the Eritrean freedom fighters. Left alone and needy, Awet's mother attempts to kill her, locking it away in a suitcase. Awet survives and is taken to a Catholic orphanage ran by Italian and Eritrean nuns. It is during her time in the orphanage that Awet begins to first perceive the injustice all around her, and gradually learns to stand up for her beliefs. Six years later, her father - whom she believed lost - takes her away to live with his new family. But Awet is not welcome; her father torments her and finally gives her and her elder stepsister to the “Morning Stars” - a children's unit within one of Eritrea's liberation armies, the Eritrean Liberation Front, also known as Jebha.
It's here that Awet finds a new family and a mother substitute in the commander Ma'aza: a beautiful and charismatic young woman who has made her way to one of the leading positions, typically occupied by men. Awet falls for her, and tries anything to catch her attention and win her favour. She endures paramilitary training and the harshness of guerrilla life in the dry Eritrean desert, waiting for the moment she’ll fight at the commander’s side. But then Awet encounters the first dead bodies: enemies and comrades lying side by side. In her eyes, the dead friends and foes all look shockingly alike - children like her. So when Ma'aza gives her the long-desired Kalashnikov, Awet shirks the drill and pretends to shoot, but with an empty magazine; she even buries her gun. She gets punished, mocked as a coward and isolated. But her refusal to kill and her naïve questioning set a troublesome precedent - a challenge to Ma'aza’s authority.
Meanwhile losses to the enemy - the Eritrean People's Liberation Front or Shabia - increase and the enemy tightens the circle. A few of Awet’s comrades are caught while fleeing and are killed at Ma'aza’s command. In a final clash with the enemy, the commander calls her fighters to the last sacrifice. But Awet takes control of her destiny this time. She confronts Ma'aza and finally leaves her former idol to her fate. While the troops are breaking apart, Awet is able to save herself and her stepsister - hiding in an abandoned suitcase.
Dr. Alex Cross is a psychologist and police lieutenant who lives in Detroit with his wife Maria and their children. After learning Maria is pregnant, Cross considers accepting a job as an FBI profiler in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, a man participates in an underground fighting match and seduces businesswoman Fan Yau. The man is invited to Yau's house, where he kills her after injecting her with TTX.
At the crime scene, Cross finds a charcoal sketch left behind by the killer in the style of the artist Picasso, leading to the murderer being nicknamed after him. While examining the sketch, Cross deduces that Picasso's next target is German businessman Erich Nunemarcher. Picasso attempts to kill Nunemarcher but is foiled by Cross, and escapes after being shot by Cross's partner Tommy Kane. Cross deduces that Picasso also plans to target billionaire CEO Giles Mercier.
As revenge for foiling his attack on Nunemarcher, Picasso attacks Cross and Kane's colleague, Monica Ashe, torturing her to death. Picasso then tracks down Cross, who is on a date with Maria, and kills her with a sniper rifle.
Picasso targets Nunemarcher and Mercier at a conference, killing Nunemarcher and seemingly Mercier. Cross and Kane track Picasso to the abandoned Michigan Theater. As Cross and Picasso fight, they fall through the crumbling theater ceiling. Cross kicks Picasso off the ceiling, killing him and avenging Maria. Kane helps pull Cross to safety.
Cross deduces Picasso's employer was Mercier himself. Having embezzled money from his clients, Mercier asked for Yau and Nunemarcher's help to fake his death and flee to Bali, then hired Picasso to eliminate them and a double pretending to be the real Mercier. After Cross frames Mercier for drug smuggling, Mercier is arrested in Indonesia, where he will be condemned to death by firing squad. Having avenged Maria's murder, Cross decides to accept the job offer from the FBI and moves to Washington with his family.
Jung-hoon (Yoo Seung-ho) is the best student at his school. His rival, Tae-gyu (Jo Sang-geun), takes any and every opportunity to knock him down both verbally and physically, and the two are known enemies amongst the other students. One afternoon Tae-gyu pushes Jung-hoon too far and the latter threatens Tae-gyu with a knife, an act that's witnessed by another student. Jung-hoon walks away from the situation, but shortly after the beginning of 4th period class he returns to find Tae-gyu dead. The boy has been stabbed repeatedly, and still in shock, Jung-hoon picks up the bloody knife off a nearby desk just as Da-jung (Kang So-ra) shows up, catching him in a most incriminating position. Fortunately for him, she not only believes his innocence, but offers to help him to solve the mystery and catch the real killer – a task made particularly urgent by the fact that in 40 minutes the rest of the class will return and the body will be discovered. The pair set out in search of the murderer and soon discover that just about everyone's a suspect and even more unsettling, the murderer is now after them as well.
Ben Wheeler, a twenty-something bachelor, suddenly becomes a father when his baby daughter Emma is left at his doorstep. With the help of his overbearing mother Bonnie, his older brother Danny, and his two best friends Tucker and Riley, Ben works to turn his life around in order to provide for his daughter.
Clarence and Emmeline Mumford are a middle-class couple, living in suburban Sutton on the outskirts of London with their two-year-old son. Reading the newspaper, they become aware of a young woman seeking a place as a "paying guest", or lodger. To supplement their income they respond to the advertisement and meet the prospective tenant, named Louise Derrick, who is in need of a place to live due to disagreements with her immediate family. Louise, who is poorly educated and bad-tempered, is being romantically pursued by two men: Mr Bowling, who is courting Louise's stepsister Cecily, and Tom Cobb.
The Mumfords do not get on well with their "paying guest", and attempt to persuade her to leave. This does not happen, and a series of events further disrupts the Mumfords' lives, including a private meeting between Louise and Clarence Mumford, which makes Clarence's wife jealous. Louise briefly and half heartedly seems to encourage Bowling's wooing of her, now that his courtship of Cecily is over, but Cobb makes a surprise trip to the Mumfords' home to pursue Louise. Louise, tripping on a chair Cobb had knocked over during the confrontation, accidentally starts a fire in the drawing room of the property, injuring Louise, who is then confined to bed for several weeks.
Eventually, Louise's time as the Mumfords' "paying guest" comes to an end, and she marries Cobb.
As described in a film magazine, Madge Graham (Barriscale), a sculptress who pays for her art work by conducting a tea room in Greenwich Village, New York City, saves violinist Robert Knight (Stanley) during an attempted suicide by throwing a tea cup through his window. She learns that he is despondent over a rejection by the young woman he loves and from losing his position in an orchestra. Her efforts get him his place back with the orchestra and they are married. Her interest in their children leads him to seek appreciation of his talent elsewhere, and he goes to his former sweetheart who is now Mrs. Alden (Cumming). In a fire he burns his hands. Mrs. Alden declines to offer her skin for an operation to save his hands, but when his wife consents he sees that she really understands him.
It told the story of the community living at the bottom of a canyon. The Wendell family was looking for an original holiday by caravan but their trip ends sooner than expected at the bottom of a canyon in Alberta, Canada. The canyon walls are too high to climb and there is no way out. Soon they find out there is a whole community of 29 or 30 survivors from previous crashes down there. Dollars are not accepted and they use golf tees as a currency.
As described in a film magazine, Lieutenant Clifford Bruce (Scott) of the U.S. Navy, in love with Madeline Bancroft (Wilson), daughter of his commanding officer, is accused of the theft of plans for a new gun turret that "render obsolete the navies of the world." Madeline, who has been annoyed by the attentions of Ito, a Japanese servant in the house, comes to believe that he is guilty of the theft. Knowing that there is a Japanese battleship visiting the harbor that could facilitate his escape, she goes to his room at night to learn the truth of the matter by seeming to yield to his advances. She is successful in recovering the plans, but Ito is killed during her escape. She returns the plans to her father Admiral Bancroft (Robson), making it appear that they had only been mislaid. Lt. Bruce is released, allowing him and Madeline to marry.
The film opens in 1994. Yachine (whose real name is Tarek), his violent older brother Hamid, and Yachine's friends Nabil (son of Tamou, a local prostitute and singer), pot-smoking Fouad, and Khalil live in extreme poverty in Sidi Moumen, a shanty town on the edge of Casablanca in Morocco. Hamid earns money by acting as a drug mule. The boys steal liquor from Khalil's father's wedding, and Hamid rapes a drunk Nabil in front of the others.
In 1999, the shanty town is significantly larger, and Hassan II of Morocco has just died. Yachine, Nabil, Fouad, and Khalil spend their time smoking pot, and Yachine is in love with Ghislaine, Fouad's sister. Hamid is now a major drug dealer, paying off the policeman known as "Pitbull" and forcing Yachine to stay out of the drug business. Religious zealots force Tamou to leave town. Hamid is given a two-year prison sentence after throwing a rock at Pitbull's car. Yachine is forced out of the marketplace in the medina, and Nabil gets him a job repairing engines for repairman Ba'Moussa.
The day after the September 11 attacks, Hamid is released from prison, having given up drugs and embraced radical Islam. Yachine kills Ba'Moussa after the drunk man attempts to rape Nabil. Nabil gets Hamid, and he and his radical friends hide the body. Hamid gives the two refuge in an Islamic compound hidden within the shanty town, and Yachine and Nabil meet with Abou Zoubeir—who begins to recruit them into radical Islam. Nouceir, a former neighborhood enemy and now one of Hamid's close friends, intimidates Khalil and Fouad into joining the cell also. All four begin learning jujutsu. Yachine, feeling immense guilt over murdering Ba'Moussa, spends the night with Nabil. But he is also drawn to Zoubeir's message of forgiveness through adherence to radical Islam.
A year later, in November 2002, Tarek (having given up his nickname), Nabil, and Fouad have fully embraced radical Islam. Zoubeir tells Tarek, Nabil, and Fouad they are being admitted to the innermost councils of the cell, which leaves Hamid jealous and angry. An extensive montage depicts the radicalization of the friends. Tarek learns that Ghislaine is going to marry a cousin.
In February 2003, the police raid a public meeting of radical Muslims, beating Tarek. Abou Zoubeir begins to preach martyrdom to the cell. Tamou attempts to see Nabil, but he refuses to see her or accept her gifts. An unidentified emir arrives and reinforces the message of martyrdom, telling Hamid, Tarek, Fouad, Nabil, and Nouceir, "Take care, children of Islam, never to become like those who cling to life down here and fear to become martyrs. Fly, horses of God, and the gates of paradise will open for you." He selects the four for a suicide mission, and Hamid's jealousy toward Tarek worsens.
9 May, the day of the attack, approaches. Abou Zoubeir flees as the police close in on the cell, and the attack is moved to 16 May. The five men drive into the foothills near Casablanca, which Tarek, Nabil, and Fouad have never seen before. They are amazed at the city's wealth, and surprised to see vast forests and rivers (unlike the desert they have lived in). They camp in the forest, waiting for the day of attack to arrive. Tarek hopes Ghislaine will think fondly of him, once he becomes a martyr. Hamid unsuccessfully attempts to convince Tarek not to go through with the attack. The men return to the shanty town on 15 May, where they meet with Abou Zoubeir and the 14 others in their cell. They prepare extensively for their mission by shaving, washing, setting watches, and receiving their bombs.
Hamid, Fouad, Tarek, and Nabil enter Casablanca on 16 May, spending the day wandering the city. That night, they approach the Casa de España restaurant. Hamid refuses to let Tarek go through with the attack, but Tarek pushes him away. Fouad flees, not wanting to die. Tarek and Nabil stab and kill the doorman, and enter the club. Two minutes later, they see Hamid in the club as well. The three set off their bombs.
The film ends with children in Sidi Moumen playing football in the dark, and pausing to listen to the explosions in the city. End titles describe the 2003 Casablanca bombings, where they occurred, and how many people died.
Following the theft of Snowy, a rare albino elephant, Steed and Cathy are brought in to investigate illegal ivory smuggling.
Distraught after losing his fortune in the 2008 financial crisis, stockbroker Jeffrey Desange murders his colleagues and his estranged wife before taking his young daughters, 3-year-old Victoria and 1-year-old Lily, away from home. Driving dangerously fast on a snowy road, Jeffrey loses control; the car slides down the mountain and crashes in the woods, breaking Victoria's glasses. Surviving the collision, he takes the children into an abandoned cabin. Planning to kill his daughters and then himself, he prepares to shoot Victoria but is attacked and killed by a shadowy figure.
Five years later, a rescue party, sponsored by Jeffrey's identical twin brother Lucas, finds a now 8-year-old Victoria and a now 6-year-old Lily in the cabin, alive but in a feral state after five years of isolation. The girls are put in a welfare clinic under the watch of Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss. They make reference to "Mama", a mysterious maternal protector figure. The girls are initially hostile to Lucas, but Victoria recognizes him after he gives her a pair of glasses and she can see properly. Dreyfuss agrees to support Lucas and his girlfriend Annabel's custody claim against the girls' maternal great-aunt, Jean Podolski, as long as Dreyfuss is allowed to monitor the girls' progress. Victoria acclimates quickly to domestic life while Lily retains much of her feral behavior.
Lucas is attacked by a mysterious entity and put into a coma, leaving Annabel to care for the girls alone. Though reluctant at first, she makes progress with Victoria, but Lily remains hostile. Alarmed by nightmares of a strange woman and Victoria's warning about Mama's jealousy, Annabel asks Dreyfuss to investigate further. Dreyfuss’s research brings to light the story of Edith Brennan, a mentally-ill asylum patient who died in the 1800s; he recovers a box from a government warehouse containing a baby's remains.
Annabel has a dream revealing Edith's past; when Edith was sent to the asylum, her child was taken from her and given to nuns. She escaped the asylum and took her baby back, stabbing one of the nuns caring for the baby in the process. Fleeing her pursuers, Edith jumped off a cliff, but before hitting the water below, she and the child made impact with a large branch. Edith drowned, but the child's body snagged on the branch and did not fall with her into the water. Annabel realizes that Edith still hasn't realized her child was caught on the tree, and doesn't understand why her baby wasn't in the water with her. Mama, Edith's troubled ghost, searched the woods for her child for years until she discovered Victoria and Lily and took them as substitutes.
Lucas regains consciousness after a vision of his dead twin tells him to go to the cabin in order to save his daughters. Victoria's growing closeness to Annabel makes her less willing to play with Mama, unlike Lily. Dreyfuss visits the cabin and is killed by Mama. Annabel takes Dreyfuss’s case file on Mama, including the body of her baby. Annabel and the girls are attacked by a jealous Mama, who kills Aunt Jean and uses her body to spirit the children away. Annabel and Lucas find the children on the same cliff where Mama leaped with her infant to their deaths over a century earlier, intent on re-enacting the deadly fall with Victoria and Lily.
When Annabel offers Mama the remains of her infant, Mama recognizes the child as her lost baby, and her appearance briefly turns human. However, when Annabel and Lucas try to bring the girls to safety, Lily calls out for Mama, causing her to revert to her monstrous form and attempt to take the girls again. Annabel clings to Victoria, who asks to stay with Annabel instead of leaving with Mama, which Mama accepts. After a tearful farewell, Mama and Lily plummet off the cliff. Mama and Lily happily embrace before hitting the branch, turning into a shower of moths. Annabel and Lucas embrace Victoria, who notices a moth landing on her hand, suggesting that Lily is still with her in spirit.
Steed and Cathy infiltrate a crime syndicate whose members masquerade as members of the clergy.
At the funeral of his son Marko and associates in Tropojë, Albanian mafia head and freelance terrorist Murad Hoxha vows to seek vengeance on his son's killer. Travelling to Paris with his men, he interrogates and tortures ex-French DGSE agent turned corrupt National Police officer Jean-Claude Pitrel, whose business card was found at the scene of Marko's death, but finds no information. He then bribes a corrupt police official for Pitrel's files and deduces that Pitrel's old friend, Bryan Mills, was responsible and is vacationing in Istanbul.
Meanwhile, Bryan has just finished his three-day security job for a wealthy Saudi Arabian sheikh in Istanbul and is surprised by his ex-wife, Lenore, and daughter, Kim, turning up to visit him. While going out for lunch with Lenore the next day, Bryan spots Murad's men following them. He tells Lenore to run and tries to outrun the Albanians, but finally surrenders when they capture Lenore. Realising that Kim is also a target, Bryan calls her at the hotel and tells her to hide, but then is captured and knocked unconscious. She narrowly avoids capture when the kidnappers are forced to flee after they shoot two security guards.
Regaining consciousness, Bryan finds himself zip tied to a pipe over his head in an empty basement. He uses a concealed miniature cellphone hidden in his sock to contact Kim and instructs her to alert the American embassy; instead, she convinces him to let her help. Opening her father's equipment case, Kim takes a grenade and detonates it on a nearby rooftop; the resulting sound allows Bryan to instruct her on triangulating his location.
The mobsters bring in Lenore, make a small incision in her neck, and hang her upside down to bleed out. As soon as they leave, Bryan frees himself and then her. He next has Kim detonate two more grenades and releases some steam through a chimney to guide her to his location. Kim tosses a gun down the chimney, which Bryan uses to kill the guards holding him captive. He rescues Kim, but watches Lenore get recaptured. Stealing a taxi, Bryan and Kim pursue the kidnappers' van, and an SUV, driven by one of the kidnappers' henchmen, arrives to distract them. A chase and shootout ensue, alerting Turkish police, and ends when Bryan manages to lure the SUV into the path of an oncoming train, taking it out.
Leaving Kim at the American embassy, Bryan uses his memory to find Murad's hideout. He rescues Lenore and pursues the surviving mobsters to a bathhouse, where he kills them. Confronting Murad, Bryan offers to let him walk if he agrees to return home and cease his desire for revenge. Murad agrees, and Bryan drops his gun, but Murad tries to kill Bryan, only to find the gun unloaded. Realizing that Murad will never drop his vendetta against him, Bryan kills him by impaling him with a sharp towel hook.
Three weeks later, the Mills family, at a diner back in Los Angeles, has milkshakes to celebrate Kim passing her driving test. They are joined, much to Bryan's surprise, by Kim's boyfriend, Jamie, and she jokingly tells her father not to "shoot this one."
A middle-aged woman stands in her living room looking at an old wooden box with Hebrew writing on it as it whispers and hums a Polish phrase saying "Zjem twoje serce" which means "I will eat your heart" (The box comes from interwar Poland). The woman prepares to destroy the box with a hammer, but she begins to shake uncontrollably. Unable to move, the left side of her face begins to droop and she is knocked to the floor by an unseen attacker, and the force throws her violently around the room. Her son arrives and finds his mother unconscious on the floor.
Basketball coach Clyde Brenek (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his wife Stephanie Brenek (Kyra Sedgwick) are finishing up their divorce to go their separate ways. Their daughters – 10-year-old Emily "Em" (Natasha Calis) and teenage Hannah (Madison Davenport) – help Clyde settle into his new home during the weekend. At a yard sale, Em discovers a box, the same one from the middle-aged woman’s living room. While holding the box, Em looks into a window of the woman’s home and sees her lying in bed, now wrapped in bandages, and being attended to by a nurse. The woman looks out to see Em holding the box and screams in horror, startling Em. Clyde buys the box for her, and they later find that there seems to be no way to open it. That night, she hears whispering coming from the box. She is able to open it, and finds a tooth, a dead moth, a wooden figurine, and a ring, which she begins to wear. Em becomes solitary, and her behavior becomes increasingly disturbing, even becoming possessive over the box. At school, she violently attacks a classmate when he takes her box, resulting in a meeting with Clyde, Stephanie, the principal, and her teacher. Em's teacher recommends that she spend time away from the box, so it is left in the classroom. That night, curious about the mysterious noises from the box, the teacher tries to open it, but a malevolent force violently throws her out a window, murdering her.
Em tells Clyde about an invisible woman who lives in her box who says that Em is "special". Alarmed by her behavior, Clyde attempts to dispose of the box. During their next weekend at Clyde's, Em gets progressively more upset with the disappearance of the box and accuses Clyde of abusing her. She flees the house and recovers the box. The voice from the box begins conversing with her in the Polish language, before seemingly possessing her. Clyde takes the box to a university professor who tells him that it is a dybbuk box that dates back to the 1920s; it was used to contain a dybbuk, a dislocated spirit as powerful as a devil. Clyde enters Em's room and reads Psalm 91 until a dark but invisible force throws the Tanakh across the room. Clyde then travels to a Hasidic community in Brooklyn and learns from the rabbi Tzadok (Matisyahu) that the possession has three main stages; in the third stage, the dybbuk latches onto its human host, becoming one entity with it. The only way to defeat the dybbuk is to lock it back inside the box via a forced ritual. Upon further examination on the box, Tzadok learns that the dybbuk's name is "Abyzou", or "Taker of Children".
Em has a seizure and is taken to the hospital for an MRI. During the procedure, Stephanie and Hannah are horrified when they see the dybbuk's face in the MRI scans next to Em's heart. Clyde and Tzadok join the family at the hospital and attempt to conduct an exorcism, which results in a struggle between Clyde and the dybbuk. Clyde survives the attack, but the dybbuk is passed from Em to him. Tzadok performs a successful exorcism; Abyzou emerges from Clyde and crawls back into the box. The family is reunited, with Clyde and Stephanie's love rekindled.
Tzadok drives away with the box in Clyde's vehicle but the car is hit by a truck, killing him. The box lands safely some distance from the wreckage, and Abyzou's whispering is heard from it.
As described in a film magazine, to win the favor of his sweetheart's father "Old Pat" MacMurran (Ogle), race car driver Dusty Rhoades (Reid) forsakes the speedway in determination to put over effective publicity for the father's product, Pakro motor trucks. A prospective order from Cabrillo Irrigation Company is an incentive to his effort. MacMurran fumbles his publicity plan to bring a giant Christmas tree down from the mountains for the children of Los Angeles on a Pakro truck and goes soberly to the Cabrillo Valley to spend the holiday. Inability to get supplies to builders of the valley dam over the storm-driven roads threatens the lives and homes of valley residents. The day is saved by a truck driven by Dusty carrying the necessary supplies. There is a certainty of a wife for Dusty in Virginia MacMurran (Wilson) and a job at Pakro as the film ends.
The film's opening explains that in 1994 a web series called ''Murder'', which broadcast footage of actual deaths and acts of violence, appeared. After being active for four months, ''Murder'' was shut down by the authorities and had all of its content confiscated, though the website's host, a man known only as Balan, evaded capture. Now, years later, Balan has reemerged to share more clips that he has unearthed, while also offering commentary on people's obsession with death, the effect it has on them, and how accessible new media has made it. The series of videos is kicked off by Balan querying, "I ask you all... Why are you watching? Are you trying to find reality? Do you feel the need to be shocked? To witness something that human eyes shouldn't see? Murder is reality. Death comes when you least expect it. With what you are about to observe, you may question your own integrity. You will ask, could this happen to me? My answer to you is... Yes it can."
After the last clip, Balan delivers the closing statement, "You realize now it's everywhere. Death casts a shadow on all our faces. The new media shines light on dank crevasses, revealing moral decay and broken experiences that are better left beyond the pale. Goosebumps explode on my skin with every clip we watch. I feel it now more than ever. How do you feel?"
Set in a parallel world resembling Japan's Taishō period, the people have discovered the powerful Blood Swords, the titular Akai Katana. Requiring human sacrifices to unleash their immense destructive power, these swords have been used by the empire to crush neighbouring countries. However, all the bloodshed and power gained through sacrificing close family members has made some of the swordsmen reconsider. With new fighter planes and the powered up swords at their disposal, this small band of rebels now fight back against the tyrannical empire.
An employee of ''Lentera Merah'', the campus newspaper of the University of Indonesia, is found dead in the office with the number 65 written in blood by his body. In the meantime, five students compete for a position at the publication: Risa Priliyanti (Laudya Cynthia Bella), Riki (Tesadesrada Ryza), Lia (Beauty Oehmke), Muti (Auxilia Paramitha) and Yoga (Zainal Arifin).
As part of their entrance test, they must cover supposedly haunted portions of the university campus. Another ''Lentera Merah'' staff member, Wulan (Firrina Sinatrya) is found hanged in the library. The rector forbids the test after these murders are known, but chief editor Iqbal (Dimas Beck) insists that the five students go through the initiation rites to show their mettle as journalists. Lia and Risa go with staff photographer Bayu (Saputra).
After several more staff members are killed, it is discovered that Risa is in fact the ghost of a former ''Lentera Merah'' staff member who was killed in 1965 after being accused of being a communist sympathiser; her body was later buried under the floor of one of the buildings. They realise that Risa is killing them because they are related to the staff members who killed her. Iqbal's father, a ''Lentera Merah'' staff member in 1965, comes to the campus to warn his son. As the remaining students leave to find Risa's body and give it a proper burial, Risa appears and strangles Iqbal's father. Having found closure, she vanishes.
A young girl named Cathy (Jenny Neumann) tries to keep her mother from making out with a man while driving one day, and she inadvertently causes her mother's death in the ensuing crash. Sixteen years later, Cathy is now named Helen and has become a psychotic actress and is starring in an upcoming play called ''Comedy of Blood'', where the actors are picked off one by one by an unseen assailant with a shard of glass.
Betty is making steady progress in her new Weight Watchers program as Thanksgiving approaches. When she visits the Draper home, however, she accidentally and covertly sees the youthful Megan getting dressed. Later, while helping Sally on a family tree project, Betty finds a love note Don had written to Megan. The note reawakens feelings of bitterness and discontent, and Betty passive-aggressively tells Sally to include Don's first wife (Anna Draper) on the family tree. Sally is taken aback, as she was unaware of her father's secret wife. When Sally questions Betty about Anna, Betty snippily tells her to ask Megan.
While staying with Megan and Don, Sally scolds Megan for lying to her. Later that night, Megan tells Don about Sally's knowledge of the late Anna Draper. Don becomes furious at Betty, but Megan tells him to let it go—Betty wants to ruin the marriage and Sally's relationships with Don and Megan from afar. Sally overhears this conversation, and to get back at her mother, she acts as if the revelation meant nothing.
Don becomes competitive with Ginsberg on the Sno Ball account after covertly looking through Ginsberg's private work. The creatives agree to pitch both Don's and Ginsberg's ideas to the Sno Ball executives. When it comes time to pitch the two ideas at the Sno Ball office, Don commits an act of sabotage by leaving Ginsberg's idea in the taxi cab. After Don's idea wins the account, Ginsberg confronts Don in the elevator and tells Don that he feels sorry for him. Don replies that he doesn't think about Ginsberg at all.
Bert enlists Roger to dine with the Manischewitz executives and tells him to bring his wife, Jane Siegel. When Roger protests that Jane is now his ex-wife, Bert feigns surprise. Roger agrees to Jane's request that he buy her a new apartment, free of old memories, in exchange for her help wooing the client. The client dinner goes well, and the client's son (who is the decision maker in the client's firm) is smitten with Jane. Afterward, Jane and Roger have sex in Jane's new apartment. Jane wakes up the next day, despondent over what she perceives as Roger's "poisoning" of the new apartment by creating new memories there associated with their love.
Megan and Don prepare their Thanksgiving meal, as a toxic cloud of smog hangs over New York City. At the Francis household dinner, Betty gives thanks for having "everything I want".
Set in a small town in Edwardian England, ''Regiment of Women'' is about the relationship between two teachers at a private (and elitist) girls' school. One of them, Clare Hartill, is in her mid-thirties and runs the school in all but name, the ageing and sickly headmistress depending on her whenever a decision has to be taken concerning the school or any of its pupils. Most of the girls are devoted to Hartill and gladly suffer under her strict but charismatic rule and the loads of homework she sets them, mainly to prove to her and to themselves that they are more academically advanced than she told them they were. Hartill lives alone near the school in a small, old-fashioned flat full of books but without gas or electricity.
The other teacher is Alwynne Durand, an attractive nineteen-year-old woman without any formal training who lives with Elsbeth Loveday, her unmarried aunt and guardian. When Durand starts teaching at the school she is immediately popular with her students but also excites Hartill's attention — not just because the young mistress is as enthusiastic about teaching as herself, but also because Hartill is always on the lookout for companionship. The two women become close friends, and Durand spends more and more of her spare time in Hartill's flat, occasionally not returning to her aunt's for days. The couple also travel abroad together during the summer holidays. Although Loveday and Hartill hardly ever meet, a strange kind of antagonism develops between them, each woman fighting to spend more time than they do with Alwynne Durand and to be the dominant person in Alwynne's life.
In the course of the schoolyear one of Hartill's protégées, an unfortunate fourteen-year-old called Louise who has disappointed Hartill by failing an important exam, commits suicide by jumping from an upper floor window of the school building. The suicide is successfully hushed up, pronounced a case of accidental death, and quickly forgotten. What Hartill deliberately fails to mention, however, is that Louise's death, which happened on the night of the school play, was apparently triggered by her harsh criticism of Louise's excellent performance in the play. In the months that follow, Hartill even manages to shift the burden of guilt onto Durand's shoulders, persuading the young mistress that she ought to have detected any suicidal tendencies in Louise while giving her extra lessons.
Hartill's increasingly bizarre and offensive behaviour and her naive niece's growing dependence on her older friend call Elsbeth Loveday to action. When, on top of her shattered nerves, Alwynne Durand comes down with the flu, Loveday insists on her not returning to school for the rest of the term and on recuperating from her illness in the country instead. Alwynne agrees, if reluctantly at first, to spend some time with distant relatives she has never met before. The idyllic spring landscape she encounters after leaving town actually soothes her nerves, and Alwynne grows more and more fond of country life and the people she meets in her new surroundings.
But Elsbeth Loveday's scheme includes more than her niece's mere convalescence. As planned by her aunt, Alwynne Durand finds a confidant, and secret admirer, in thirty-year-old Roger Lumsden, a good-hearted, intelligent and handsome man who runs his own gardening business. Completely inexperienced with men except for what she has read in novels, Alwynne does not recognise her feelings for Lumsden as love, and she still looks forward to her reunion with Hartill. When she eventually returns to her home town, Lumsden follows her, proposes to her, and, naturally, is rejected. Only when Hartill, too sure of her seemingly inseparable bond with Alwynne, continues treating her badly does Alwynne wake up to reality. She sends Hartill a telegram telling her she has taken the train to the country in order to get married.
The film tells the forgotten story of Andrée Heuschling, also known as Catherine Hessling, who was the last model of impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir and the first actress in the films of his son, the film director Jean Renoir. Andrée was the link between two famous and widely acclaimed artists, a father and son. While the father is at the end of his brilliant career, the son is still searching for himself, his great career as one of the most celebrated movie directors having not yet begun.
Director Gilles Bourdos used the services of a convicted art forger, Guy Ribes, to create and re-create the Renoir paintings in live action on screen.[https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/movies/guy-ribess-paintings-lend-realistic-touches-to-renoir.html?pagewanted=all ''The New York Times''], Retrieved 25 March 2013.
An ambitious and gifted young man named Al is about to marry the daughter of his boss. This is supposed to make himself the new boss. He celebrates his future with his friends. But when he decides to drive a car in spite of the previous binge drinking he kills somebody. Fearing his prospects to fade away he lets his friends persuade him to commit hit and run.
Roberto is depressed after his wife, Lucía, dies in a road accident. He decides to leave Puerto Vallarta and move to Mexico City with his 17-year-old daughter, Alejandra. Settling into her new school, Alejandra goes to a party one night with her classmates. At the party, she has sex with José, who films the encounter on his phone. The next day the footage has been circulated around the school, with Alejandra getting text messages calling her a slut. This provides an excuse for fellow students to bully and sexually harass her. She does not speak of these incidents to anyone.
The school organises a trip to Veracruz which all students must attend. At the resort, each room is shared by groups of four. Alejandra is bullied again into going into the shower by her female roommates. They then block the door of the bathroom. At night, while the rest of the students enjoy a party in the main room, the boys take turns to enter the bathroom and rape her.
The students then go to the beach to continue the party. When it ends, Alejandra is asleep on the beach as one of the boys urinates on her. One of the female students suggests she should go into the sea to wash herself. The rest join her and they have fun in the water. Alejandra disappears and the rest become anxious about repercussions. The next morning, the teachers discover she is missing and alert her father. He finds out about the bullying and is frustrated when the police cannot take action, as the crimes have been committed by minors.
Unbeknown to everyone, Alejandra is safe in a building where she went to sleep. Meanwhile, her father follows a car driven by José's father and kidnaps José after his father went to park his car. He ties Jose's hands behind his back and gags him. He drives to the coast where he hires a boat and takes José out to sea where he throws him overboard, before starting the engine again and continuing to ride in the sea.
West Point cadet Rockwell "Rocky" Gilman is called before a hearing brought after an influential cadet, Raymond Denmore, Jr., is forced to leave the academy. Gilman has reported Denmore for lying to him during training, and in retaliation has been accused of bullying and hazing the dismissed cadet. Denmore's attorney, Lew Proctor, attacking the academy and its Honor Code system, declares that Gilman is unfit and possibly criminally liable. Gilman is confined to quarters by the academy superintendent and warned not to discuss the case with anyone. Consequently, he breaks a date his girlfriend Ann Daniels without explanation. The hearing resumes and Gilman's classmate, Eddie Loughlin, recounts how Gilman uncomplainingly withstood the rigors of academy training, especially during his plebe year, when he was still recovering from war wounds. Gilman takes the stand and testifies about his war experiences.
Unwillingly drafted in December 1941, he learned by bitter experience that all soldiers in combat must obey their superiors unquestioningly. As a result, he applied for and completed officer candidate school. Gilman joined a unit going into combat in North Africa and became friends with both Loughlin and West Point graduate Lt. Harry Daniels. Daniels was killed in action and Gilman wounded during a battle in Tunisia, after which Gilman spent two years recovering in an Army hospital. Although awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for destroying an enemy tank during the action, Gilman turned down the medal. After his discharge from the Army, Gilman returned home to Brooklyn where he learned that his former sweetheart had married in his absence. Gilman changed numerous jobs before realizing that he cannot adjust to civilian life. On the evening of V-E Day, as the city celebrated, Gilman became depressed, feeling that people were dancing on the graves of countless soldiers, and instead went to see Daniels' family and his widow Ann.
John Craig, a nurse at the hospital where Gilman was treated, then testifies that Gilman suffers from nightmares but refuses to discuss what troubles him. When given a drug to help him reveal his feelings, Gilman disclosed that during the battle Daniels ordered Gilman's platoon to counter-attack at a specific hour but Gilman inexplicably delayed the attack for three minutes, resulting in Daniels' death. Gilman was unable to explain the delay and believes himself a coward. Called back to the stand, Gilman concedes Proctor's charge that he deliberately disobeyed orders but refuses to discuss it. Proctor demands his immediate court-martial, but the superintendent insists that Rocky be given time to consider his testimony. That night Gilman receives a note from Ann saying she is going away and breaks quarters to go to New York. Gilman tells Ann that he has decided to resign from the academy and go with her. Ann refuses to accept the decision and insists that he return to confront his accusers. The next day, Gilman's adoptive father, Pop Dewing, brings three witnesses to the hearing to support his son.
The first, Ann, recalls that when she first met him on V-E day, Gilman shocked her with a confession that he caused her husband's death. Realizing that he is tortured by misplaced guilt, she took him to a West Point ceremony commemorating Daniels' death. Ann realized that she has feelings for Gilman and was told by her mother-in-law that in his last letter, Harry said that if he should be killed, he wanted Ann to have a normal life. Encouraged by Ann, Gilman was admitted to West Point as a cadet, continuing to see her, but she remained unsure if he ever intended to marry her. When he cancelled their date, Ann intended to break off their relationship until he told her of his decision to resign. The next witness, the Army physician who administered the therapeutic drug, testifies that after reviewing Gilman's medical records, he realizes that there is a gap in his memory of the battle. Finally a soldier from Gilman's platoon testifies that while Gilman was leading the unit to make the counterattack, it was ambushed by a German tank concealed in a grove. Gilman was knocked unconscious by an explosion and when he recovered shortly after, was unaware that he was ever unconscious. Gilman was mortified to discover that the specified time of attack had passed and that Daniels had been killed, but because he refused to discuss the incident, he never learned about the concussion that created the delay. Hearing the testimony, Gilman's accuser admits that he lied about Gilman's conduct during training, and the hearing is closed. Later, General Dwight D. Eisenhower speaks at the West Point graduation, with Gilman among the proud graduates.
The film starts 11 July 1879 in Lincoln County, New Mexico Territory. A group of men who work for Major Harper, led by gunslinger Minniger, attempt to arrest rancher Alexander Kain and his English partner Jameson. They are stopped by William Bonney, aka Billy the Kid, who shoots and injures them.
Jameson offers Billy a job as a ranch hand. A drunken group of Harper's men attack the ranch and kill Jameson. Billy goes on a killing rampage, encouraged by the manipulative Kain, who publicly decries Billy's efforts. Governor Lew Wallace offers Billy a pardon which he turns down. Pat Garrett is sent to catch Billy.
Jeff Hassard (Dean Jagger) and his son Ring (Audie Murphy) lead an isolated existence in the mountains breaking horses, because Jeff is wanted for a murder he did not commit. Their lives are interrupted when they stumble upon a young woman, Riley (Wanda Hendrix). When Jeff is injured, Ring has to go into town to get help.
In 1861, prior to the American Civil War, a Union officer (Audie Murphy), tries to prove local Navajo Indians are innocent of killing a prospector. He has to fight the anti-Indian attitudes of his superior officer (Robert Sterling) and north–south tensions within the soldiers. He discovers Confederate sympathizers are planning to cause the Indians to go on the warpath for their own benefit.
Tommy Shea (Audie Murphy), a boxer from Jersey City, is sponsored by millionaire Robert Mallinson (Jeff Morrow). He falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy (Barbara Rush) and decides to work for crooked fight promoter Harry Cram to earn the money to keep her in the style to which she has become accustomed.
Matt Brown inherits a cattle ranch from his father with whom he never got along. He agrees to sell to the townspeople, who want to finally work for themselves. When he arrives back in town, he visits the house and, after meeting with an old girlfriend, decides not to sell, angering the people. However, he discovers that the ranch is deep in debt and about to be foreclosed on. In order to avoid this, he has to drive the ranch's cattle to Santa Fe in three days to sell them for the money to pay off the debt. The town's men help but still conspire to get the ranch. Along the way, Matt discovers the truth about his past.
Ben Lane (Audie Murphy) is breaking a horse in the desert that he believes to be stray. He is caught by some ranchers who treat him as a horse thief when he is saved by Frank Jesse (Dan Duryea). Lane and Jesse are hired by Kelly (Joan O'Brien), who offers to pay them $1,000 each to take her to a town to be with her husband. In reality, she is setting up Jesse because he killed her husband in a shootout. A unique part of the film is that Lane rescues a collie dog that goes with him everywhere, including riding the pack horse.
Two cowboys, Chris Foster and Bert Pickett, go into town to cash their paychecks. Bert gets in a fight after getting drunk and involves Chris. Bert and Chris are put in iron collars, chained to a killer, LaValle. They manage to escape with La Valle's gang, though still wearing their iron collars. During the course of the escape, Bert picks up some negotiable bonds which he hopes to cash once he and Chris escape from LaValle. But LaValle discovers that Bert is holding the bonds. Since no one in his gang can cash them, he holds Chris and demands that Bert go into the nearest town to cash them and bring back the money, or Chris will be killed.
A gang of Colorado bank robbers led by Amos Troop (DeForest Kelley) uses a technique where they break prisoners out of jail, use them to commit crimes, then later kill them to collect the reward. A detective, Gifford (Audie Murphy), goes undercover with the gang to bring them to justice.
Saloon owner Abbie Stevens takes a liking to Gifford while he infiltrates the gang. So does a young outlaw, Kid Carter, who goes to the town's marshal to get help for Gifford, only to discover the marshal's actually the ringleader of the gang. Help arrives in the nick of time, and Gifford guns down Troop and his men.
Gunfighter Clint Cooper (Audie Murphy) returns to his home town of Shelby, Montana after two years. He left Shelby in disgrace after killing two hot-tempered but inexperienced young men of the town in self-defence. The father of the young men, Tom Morrison (Walter Sande) feels that Cooper murdered them. Cooper plans to settle down in Shelby to claim his recently deceased father's ranch and marry his old girlfriend, Helen (Merry Anders), the town's schoolteacher.
On the way to Shelby he runs into his old gang, led by Spangler (Ted de Corsia), who plan on not only robbing the town, but burning it to the ground and having their way with its womenfolk. Spangler believes his former friend Clint is himself intending to rob Shelby's bank full of the money from large cattle sales. Spangler seeks Clint to join his band of 15 men with the motivation of revenging himself on the town that exiled him; or else he won't leave alive. Clint breaks free, killing two of his pursuers.
Clint arrives in Shelby to find all of the town's young men have left on a cattle drive. He tries to warn the town of the impending robbery, but everyone except Scotty and old coot Dan Evans (Frank Ferguson) still hate Clint and want him to leave. Despite this welcome, Clint eventually agrees to help the sheriff, an old friend of his called Scotty (James Best), defend the town against the gang, though Clint discovers that Helen will marry Scotty in a week's time. Meanwhile, Tom and his nephew Rick (Rex Holman) scheme to kill Clint by making it look like self-defence.
Sam Ward and Logan Keliher were once brothers in arms in the Texas Rangers. When both left the force, Ward turned outlaw and is angry at Keliher for marrying his former wife and adopting his child whilst Ward was imprisoned for his crimes. Ward escapes from prison and forms a gang to rob a bank in Keliher's town with Ward planning to kill Keliher after the robbery. Keliher foils the robbery with Ward the only survivor of his gang. Ward escapes with the loot though he is wounded by Keliher. Keliher links up with a posse and uses his knowledge of Ward's ways to track him down.
Once Ward is captured and the bank money recovered, several members of the posse debate whether they should kill Ward and his girlfriend Lottie and keep the bank money for themselves. Their plans are interrupted by an Apache war party.
Captain Stanton is a renowned Indian Fighter with his animosity stirred by the fact that his career officer father was forced to resign after trusting a group of Indians who broke their word to him. Stanton is sent to the field to relieve the commander of a troop unsuccessfully hunting Apaches who have fled their reservation. Stanton quickly meets with success by having his new troop drop their excess equipment to move faster and longer. He defeats a war party of Apache by luring them with an unescorted wagon loaded with hidden soldiers who engage the enemy until Stanton's mounted troop surround and defeat them. Stanton captures Red Hawk, the son of Chief Victorio and uses him to negotiate a truce with the Apaches promising to stay on their reservation in return for white miners not trespassing on their land to mine gold.
Though the territory remains peaceful, the economy of the settlers and miners faces a serious economic threat when the miners are unable to pay the business interests that advance them money for their mines in return for a percentage of the profits.
Captain Stanton's sympathies gradually change when the miners continue their trespassing. He also is attracted to Dawn Gillis, a courageous missionary teacher who is half Indian herself, and teaches in an Indian school. Stanton ruins his military career by beating up a local troublemaker who makes racist taunts to Dawn, then later engages a group of whites who massacre a group of Indians at the school that leads Stanton to open fire on the whites killing several of them.
A delegation complains about Stanton's behaviour and the economic disaster to the Federal Government in Washington D.C. who send out a new commander named Colonel Perry. The Colonel not only relieves Stanton but dismantles his line of outposts to monitor white entry into the reservation that leads the miners to swarm in and hostilities to resume.
Victorio's Apaches lure the inexperienced Colonel and his men into an ambush but a messenger escapes to the remnants of the Colonel's command of which Stanton takes charge to straighten out the mess.
Clint Stewart (Audie Murphy) is a Confederate war hero who has gone out West to join a renegade band, Quantrill's Raiders, and ends up captured by the law.
Sent to prison with his friend Willie Martin (Ben Cooper), for riding with Quantrill (Fred Graham), the two go along with a jailbreak plan masterminded by former U.S. Army Captain Andrews (Buster Crabbe), who now heads the Arizona Rangers, to grant the men a full pardon if they help the Rangers stop a band of raiders who once rode with Quantrill. Clint has an old score to settle with Montana Smith (George Keymas), one of the Raiders, but plans to take off on his own until both his younger brother and his pal Willie are killed by the raiders.
In a small town in 1880s Colorado, a gang of outlaws led by Drago (Morgan Woodward) rob a train and kidnap a saloon singer, Uvalde (Joan Staley). Determined to chase them down, the sheriff, Chad Lucas (Audie Murphy), forms a posse which includes Uvalde's fiancé, Nate Harlan (Warren Stevens), a young kid, and Lucas's deputy (Denver Pyle) – who is secretly in league with the outlaws. During the chase Nate realises that Chad and Uvalde used to be lovers. The posse battles Indians, horse thieves and conflicts among themselves before discovering Uvalde; eventually the sheriff's pursuit is successful.
Cass Bunning (Richard Lapp), a farm boy with a talent for shooting, meets up with Nellie (Anne Randall), a naive woman from the East, who has been lured West by the promise of a waitressing job which turns out to be in a brothel. Cass helps Nellie escape and the two are forced into marriage by Judge Roy Bean (Victor Jory). Cass decides to become a bounty hunter. He crosses paths with Jesse James (Audie Murphy) who, impressed by Cass' shooting, suggests he join his gang, but Cass declines. Cass is killed in a shootout with the outlaw Billy Pimple (Bob Random), and Neillie is left on her own in the brothel.
Felix and a little black kitten are outdoors blowing bubbles. After blowing a few, Felix is asked by the kitten to make one to ride in. Felix then makes the bubble, and the kitten starts to float away in it. Much to their surprise, the bubble is too difficult to burst, and Felix goes on to chase his airborne companion for hundreds of miles.
Finally the bubble reaches the Arctic and settles to the surface. Felix at last opens the sphere and frees the kitten. While they are traveling home, darkness falls, and the two cats are separated without realizing. To deal with the situation, Felix blows lantern bubbles to brighten the place. The Arctic became a beautiful lighted paradise, but a local bear does not appreciate it and therefore goes to confront Felix. To defend himself against the fearsome bruin, Felix shields himself in a bubble. The bear then pushes Felix's bubble into a hole in the ice cap where it sinks into the water. Once more, Felix feels he is untouchable until an eel is able to penetrate his protective orb. Although other eels pack themselves into the bubble, Felix is able to slip out. He then carries the eel-filled bubble all the way home.
Upon reaching a seafood store in a city, Felix sells the eels he has, receiving a sackful of cash. While celebrating his earnings, he suddenly remembers about his little buddy who is still missing. Lost in some wilderness, the kitten is weeping and does not know what to do. Felix gives a loud call, and the little cat, though faraway, is able to hear it. The kitten eventually reaches the city and embraces Felix.
Ethel visits Dr. Myron Bonham, who diagnoses her with cirrhosis of the liver. Her prognosis is dire: six months to a year.
Back at the freak show, the carnies explain that they will not be performing on Halloween by telling the twins about the legend of Edward Mordrake: a noble Englishman with a second, whispering face on the back of his head. His failed attempts to kill the face drove him insane, and his family sent him to Bethlem Royal Hospital. The legend says that if they perform on Halloween, he will appear and take a soul.
At Mott Manor, Dora Dandy throws a tantrum after Gloria gives him a Howdy Doody costume. Dandy decides to craft the pieces into a Twisty the Clown costume.
A woman named Maggie Esmeralda arrives joins the freak show claiming to be a fortune teller in need of a job. In reality, she is a con woman looking to buy freaks for a museum.
In the trailer, Dell pumps iron while Desiree unsuccessfully tries to get his libido going. Ethel reveals to Dell that she is dying. She asks Dell to guide and take care of Jimmy, who is Dell's unacknowledged son.
Bette and Dot go to rehearse, unafraid of the Mordrake legend. As they rehearse, Edward Mordrake emerges in a green mist on the freak show grounds and enters the tent to watch Elsa.
Mordrake continues to seek a "pure freak" for his spirit troupe. He visits Ethel, Suzi, Paul, and Elsa, who tell their respective stories. Mordrake's other face whispers that Elsa is "the one", and he prepares to kill her, but stops as he hears music.
Jimmy and Maggie stumble across Twisty's trailer. After freeing the children and phoning the police, Maggie hides as Twisty tries to murder Jimmy. Mordrake finds Twisty and listens to his backstory. Mordrake, seeing the pain and grief Twisty has suffered, kills Twisty and adopts him into his spiritual troupe.
A distraught Dandy takes Twisty's mask and returns home, where he murders Dora. As the town learns that Twisty is dead, the curfew is lifted and many residents of the town visit the freak show to thank Jimmy. Elsa announces her grand premiere to the town, and tickets sell out. Esmeralda's partner Stanley arrives at the freakshow, where he poses as a Hollywood agent.
Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) calls Linden from their office to tell her that it has been cleared out. Lt. Carlson (Mark Moses) tells Holder that the Larsen case has been transferred to County Sheriffs Office and that he is risking his career by continuing to be Linden's partner. Holder defends Linden, but Carlson tells him that she once spent a month in a psych ward after she "completely lost it" working on a case. Outside in Linden’s car, Holder calls County looking for Rosie's case files but is unable to reach anyone in Evidence. When Linden suggests they work around Gil and the County Police, Holder reminds her she is suspended. The two visit Richmond to ask him to persuade Jackson to get them access to the casino. Richmond replies that he is also not on good terms with Jackson. In the car, Linden apologizes to Holder for their separation at the reservation on the day he was assaulted. He reassures her that they are still friends and exits the car. After parking at her motel, Linden finds her son Jack's jacket in the back seat and begins to cry.
The next morning, Mitch goes to see David Rainer, Rosie's biological father. Rosie had visited him before her death. He is unaware that Rosie has since died. He tells Mitch that Rosie wanted to know more about Mitch's life. As they reflect on the past, he mentions that Rosie was planning a trip to California to see the monarch butterflies. As she leaves, he asks if Rosie is his child. Mitch lies, saying that she is Stan's.
Tommy Larsen's elementary school principal (Nancy Kerr) leaves Stan a message concerning his son. At school, he is told that Tommy stomped on a nest of baby birds and is suspended for two weeks. To no avail, Stan pleads his case about not being able to take care of his son while he is working. Outside, he yells at Tommy and takes away his house privileges, comparing his behavior to Rosie misbehaving. Tommy argues that point and says that he hates her and is glad she is dead. Stan slaps Tommy and orders the boys into the truck.
Holder finds Linden asleep in her car and tells her the case files never made it to County. Gil Sloane (Brian Markinson) later arrives at his apartment to find that Holder has ransacked it and is still there. Holder demands to know where the Larsen case files are. Gil denies knowledge. While Holder is inside, Linden takes Gil's GPS from his car. The detectives access it to find two addresses visited by Gil the previous night. Holder suggests that Gil stashed the case files at one of the locations. They arrive at a Greek restaurant, one of the addresses Gil visited. Holder recalls previously visiting the place with Gil, adding that Gil has a storage unit in the back. After finding the unit and breaking in, they find plastic bags containing the Larsen evidence and Rosie's keychain.
In a meeting with Richmond, Jackson speaks of plans to build a museum and gift shop on the waterfront, and requests tax exemption for all tribal lands in the city in exchange for her campaign backing. He responds by asking her to let the police search the casino. She refuses and he ends the negotiation. Despite Jamie's (Eric Ladin) insistence, Richmond refuses to negotiate with Jackson, saying that she only serves herself. Jamie says that the race will never be won with such a clean campaign, and Richmond later admits to Gwen (Kristin Lehman) that he is probably going to lose.
At home, Stan apologizes to his sons, both of which voice their abandonment concerns. Stan assures them they will never be alone. Mitch later calls Stan crying and saying Rosie had been planning a trip. Their daughter was leaving them.
Mayor Lesley Adams (Tom Butler) meets with Gwen, who tells him to walk away from Jackson's waterfront project. She threatens to tell her father, a key figure in Adams' political career, about an intimate moment they shared years ago. She points out that she was 14 years old at the time, but he says her father already knows. He then calls Richmond "desperate" for this latest threat from her.
At the casino, Holder and Linden realize Mary is too scared to let her into the casino through the kitchen, where she would avoid security cameras. Holder maps out the route to the elevator for Linden, who enters a side door on her own. Holder distracts the security guards by causing a commotion on the casino floor, finally leaving when Roberta Drays (Patti Kim) shows up. Linden gains access to the tenth floor construction site and calls Holder to describe what she sees. She turns on a generator and opens a sliding glass door, causing sounds identical to the background noises heard in Rosie's voice mail to Alexi. She gazes at the Seattle skyline from a balcony, deducing that Rosie was leaving town that night, came to the tenth floor to say goodbye to the city, and must have seen Michael Ames meeting with someone. Back inside, she notices a keycard from City Hall between some exposed floorboards. The card is smeared with blood. As she attempts to retrieve the card, she is knocked out from behind.
A pair of mobsters storm the office of a university professor, only to find the professor missing. The trail eventually leads to the waterfront Gas 'n' Charter, which has been run by Bwana and Kito ever since they were mysteriously abandoned by their adoptive father. When given the opportunity to help a young woman named Lina, the pair jump at the chance, as they are seriously behind on their electricity bills. Lina is seeking a lost book that may hold the illegal secret to reaching the Underland. Unfortunately, their airplane hasn't been flown in years, and will need a variety of parts and repairs in order to take off.
The group heads to the gloomy, mist shrouded town of Port Artue. Upon arrival, the trio find themselves confronted by local police. Bwana and Kito are thrown in jail, and Lina is taken away by the police chief. Bwana and Kito then attempt to find a way to escape from prison, find Lina, and attempt to discover how their adoptive father was connected to the mystery of the Underland.
In the final chapter, the trio heads into the depths of the Underland where they discover a huge mining facility belonging to the Armando Power Company. Bwana and Kito return to the city of St Armando in hopes of finding Professor Moorhead who they believe can help them stop the power company, while Lina ventures further into the Underland.
In 1984, a London club explodes. The plot then moves to a strip club in 2011 in which dancer Justice's client becomes a werewolf. Justice uses a silver fountain pen to kill the werewolf by stabbing him in the eye. The leader of the werewolves, Jack Ferris, wants retribution for the death of the werewolf. Unknown to Justice, her fiancé Scott is part of the werewolf pack. The werewolves and strippers, including some from the 1984 bombing, prepare to fight each other in the strip club. A problem is that Scott bit Justice while they were being passionate, slowly making her transform into a werewolf.
As described in a film magazine, Jim Hawkins (Carpenter) and his mother operate the Admiral Ben Bow Inn, and when they are threatened by an attack by pirates they go to the home of their friend, the squire, for the night. Mrs. Hawkins (Washington) hands the squire a package she found in a chest that was owned by Billy Bones, one of her boarders who had died. The squire discovers a map showing the location of treasure buried by someone named Flint. Jim, overhearing the squire's plans to recover the treasure, goes to sleep and dreams that he, Louise (Corbin), and a ship's crew have set out to find the gold. Long John Silver (Radcliffe), their first mate, is a crook and with some of the men plan to rob Jim and Louise of the treasure. After a fight on the island and the killing off of Long John Silver's men, Long John Silver joins Jim and his gang and through Ben Gunn (Sargent) they find the treasure. Just as Jim is about to distribute it, he wakes up.
Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) is with his wife Hannah (Laura Allen) in the "red reality" talking to a real estate agent (Maura Soden) about selling their house and moving to Oregon. Later, Britten stops at Ricky's Tacos to order at the drive thru speaker, he hears the attendant (Barrett Shuler) say Britten cannot move until he solves the Westfield case. However, when Michael replies, the attendant has no idea what Britten is talking about. Britten drives to the Westfield Distribution Center and discovers that it is abandoned. He talks to the owner (Loren Lester), and explains that he was investigating a case there four months ago. The owner says that he is now leasing out the space and he does not know where the previous distribution owners went. While Britten is searching, he finds a Ricky's Tacos bag in the unit. In the "green reality", he speaks to Dr. Judith Evans (Cherry Jones), who claims that his subconscious is trying to stop their move to Oregon. Britten states that there was a case shortly before the accident. At the station, Britten speaks to Bird (Steve Harris) about the case. Britten starts to go to the records room. However, the detectives are sent on a new case. Sabrina Ferris jumped to her death from a hotel room, and landed on a car. They speak to Tim Wax (Charley Koontz), who witnessed the jump. He explains that they were lab partners and Sabrina invited him over to study and he did, and then they had sex, and shortly after, Sabrina jumped off the ledge. Sabrina's father John (Christopher Cousins) tries to attack Wax, automatically assuming that he pushed her. Back at the station, Dr. Banks (Chris McGarry) warns Bird and Britten that they found signs of rape. Britten talks to Tim in the interrogation room, where Tim claimed that he did not want to hurt her.
After transferring into the "red reality", Britten speaks to Captain Tricia Harper (Laura Innes) about the storage unit, however she wants him to work on cases that have not been closed. Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama) and Britten investigate at a hotel site that was being cleared for new construction. The workers found a man buried in the foundation. Banks shows them the site and the corpse, which has a fractured skull. Banks has managed to identify the victim as Pablo Cabrera. Britten speaks to his brother Jose (Lombardo Boyar), and notices a tattoo of the college logo of Tioga College in the other reality, on Jose's arm. Back in the "green reality", Britten goes to the impound lot and finds the parking pass with the tiger logo. At the station, he tells Bird that it was stamped two days ago and Sabrina drove 300 miles there and back without telling anyone. Britten decides to drive to San Diego, and at the college, Michael goes the room of the ex, Chris Chapman (Chris Brochu) to break the news, and Chapman noted that Sabrina had diary with she kept all personal information. Britten and Bird observe that she had a pregnancy to hide. In the "red reality", Michael drives back to Westfield Distribution and discovers that the doors are locked to look for more evidence, unaware that Detective Ed Hawkins (Kevin Weisman) is watching him. Hawkins notifies Captain Carl Kessel (Mark Harelik), and Kessel phones Harper to speak about it. Vega and Britten track down one of the foremen from three months ago, but does not recognize Pablo.
In the "green reality", Britten goes to the distribution center, who tells him exactly what he said in the "green reality". Later, Bird calls to tell Michael that the autopsy report shows that Sabrina was four weeks pregnant when she killed herself. The partners go to see John at his home and explain that new information has come up revealing that Sabrina was pregnant. The father takes them to the bedroom to find the diaries and Michael notices something in a dresser. He asks John to get him a glass of water and then shows Bird how the dresser was moved to barricade the door. When John comes back with water, Britten takes him to the station. John had sexually molested her daughters. When she became pregnant, she tried to use Chris and then Tim to cover the pregnancy, but finally killed herself out of shame. To find evidence, Harper meets with Ally (Brighid Fleming) to get her to confess. She does confess, and John is led away and Wax is released from prison. In the "red reality", Britten realizes that Jose had a tattoo of a tiger put over his original tattoo of a devil. Michael and Vega go back to Jose's home and hear him run out the back. They give chase and Michael goes after him while Vega goes around and gets ahead to capture him. At the station, Britten says that Jose is really Pablo, due to the evidence, and Jose admits it. Britten tells Harper that he is moving to Oregon, and Harper calls Kessel to tell him that Britten resigned.
Phil (Ty Burrell) wants to buy a new car and he takes his friend Andre (Kevin Hart) with him who convinces him to buy a two-seat convertible instead of his regular Cadillac. Despite his fear of Claire's (Julie Bowen) reaction, he decides to do it anyway. Phil gets back home in his new car. Luke (Nolan Gould) is excited seeing it but he asks if mom would be OK with it, so does Alex (Ariel Winter). Haley (Sarah Hyland) is also excited seeing the car because she believes her dad bought if for her since he is too old for that car. Surprisingly Claire does not criticize Phil's decision and hopes he will realize buying the convertible was a mistake on his own.
Due to the convertible only being a two-seater, Phil is forced to switch cars with Claire for work. Phil has to also drive/pick up the kids from school because he has the big car. Phil is mad at the fact he had to switch cars with Claire but he soon realizes that driving the kids to school and picking them up, leads to learning things about them.
Claire decides to ditch her chores and to take the convertible to the coast for some time to herself to calm down. She soon loses the keys on the beach and Phil later arrives with a spare. The two spend time together and agree to make time for one another from now on.
Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) decide to take Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) to a ride with the subway to the Chinatown but they lose her favorite stuffed rabbit. They try to get Lily to choose a new favorite out of her other toys, but she refuses. Cameron and Mitchell are therefore forced to go to desperate lengths to get the stuffed rabbit back, including putting up flyers in the subway and offering a reward for its safe return. They soon decide that Lily will have to deal with her loss when they discover the stuffed animal has been in the care of a homeless man.
Meanwhile, Jay (Ed O'Neill) is ecstatic to take Gloria (Sofía Vergara) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) on a trip to his college reunion as he claims he was considered somewhat of a legend by his fellow students. Jay is irritated when he is forced to drive them there due to Gloria's refusal to ride in a small airplane. On their way there, one of the tires punctures and they are once again forced to find an alternative way to travel to the reunion. Gloria is hesitant to go and wants to return home until she realizes Jay is so excited to go because he wants to show his new family off to his old friends, who all used to think that Jay would not amount to much. Gloria agrees to go with him, happy to play the trophy wife role.
The novel picks up 15 years after ''Waiting to Exhale'' ends. Savannah has since married but decides to divorce her husband and be single again at the age of 51. Bernadine is on much better terms with her first ex-husband John than with her second ex-husband James, who turned out to be a con artist. She also suffers from an addiction to prescription pills. Gloria deals with the heart-breaking death of her husband Marvin and the marital problems of her now grown son Tarik. Robin realizes that, at 50, she has yet to accomplish one of the goals of her life: to wear a wedding dress. She keeps trying on men like shoes until she finds one that fits, and in the meantime is busy raising her now teenaged daughter Sparrow.
A young man in Poland, Antek Gralak (Jerzy Stuhr), is released from prison after serving a three-year sentence. Leaving his home town of Kraków, Antek heads for a construction site in Silesia where he is not known. He dreams of living a simple life, with a job, a wife, and home. In Silesia he is anxious to avoid trouble and is friendly with his colleagues and grateful to his employer for hiring him.
Antek meets a nice young woman, falls in love, and gets married. His joyful new life is soon interrupted, however, when he becomes involved in a conflict at work. Construction materials have disappeared and Antek's boss, who is involved in the theft, deducts the loss from the workers' wages. Thinking he can trust Antek, the boss tries to get him involved in his underhanded deals.
Soon a strike breaks out among the workers. Torn between his boss and his coworkers, Antek, who is only interested in finding peace, shows up for work. Believing Antek to be in league with their corrupt boss, the striking workers beat him up as he mutters, "Calm ... calm ..."
In 1936, African American boxer Joe Louis (Leonard Roberts), trained by Jack Blackburn (Richard Roundtree), is undefeated and apparently invincible. Then Jewish-American boxing manager Joe Jacobs (David Paymer) obtains a film of his fight against Paulino Uzcudun in Madison Square Garden. Jacobs delivers the film to his client, German heavyweight champion Max Schmeling (Til Schweiger). A pioneer of video analysis, Schmeling discovers how Louis always neglects his guard when he has just delivered a certain blow. Schmeling decides to seek a fight with Louis. The next year they fight in the United States. The German, who is nine years Louis's senior, surprises everybody by winning.
The German boxer returns home. The reigning Nazi government strive to exploit his coup for their propaganda, but he refuses to sign a treatise supporting the Nazi line because for him it is unthinkable to comply with the racial policy of Nazi Germany. Only his currently huge popularity saves him from their wrath. Moreover, Schmeling is allowed to keep his manager despite all the discrimination Jews are facing in Germany at this time. Nevertheless, Hitler (Rolf Kanies) himself forces Schmeling to sign the Nazi treatise at last.
Schmeling feels that he owes Louis a rematch. This time the American audience is completely against Schmeling because the Nazis have succeeded in using him in their propaganda. Right at the beginning of this fight Schmeling is hit in the lumbar region and suffers a spinal injury. Unable to keep on fighting he must forfeit. Joe Louis visits him after the fight when Schmeling is being treated in a hospital.
Joe Jacobs remains in USA when Schmeling returns home again. Schmeling's wife, Anny Ondra (Peta Wilson), waits for him at the airport; but this time there is nobody else to receive him. Joe's fate is exactly the opposite. He is revered by the public, but his wife Marva (Siena Goines) leaves him because she can't deal with the effect this has on him. Meanwhile in Germany, the Kristallnacht takes place. Max Schmeling and Anny Ondra hide his Jewish tailor in their house. In the end only Anny Ondra's aptitude as an actress saves their lives. Even so, Max Schmeling never agrees to become a member of the ruling Nazi party. Eventually he has to serve as a soldier in the ''Fallschirmjäger'' while Joe Louis does exhibition fights for the United States Army.
After the war both boxers face personal difficulties. Schmeling's house in Germany is destroyed. Joe Louis has problems with the Internal Revenue Service. Both are clearly past their prime, but still they have to return to the boxing ring. Max Schmeling is eventually lucky because an American boxing official remembers him when Coca-Cola is looking for an appropriate representative in Germany. With Anny Ondra's approval, he accepts the offered position. When Schmeling travels to America on a business trip, he visits the divorced and impoverished Joe Louis. They remain friends for the rest of their lives.
Ignoring Inspector Farraday's (Richard Lane) friendly advice to stop helping women, Boston Blackie goes to the rescue of a female being attacked by two men. She turns out to be Geraldine "Gerry" Peyton (Lynn Merrick), an old flame of his. She begs him to help protect her baby from her husband John (an uncredited Mark Roberts), who has just been paroled.
When John finds them together, he assumes the child is Blackie's and pulls out a gun. A fight breaks out, during which an unseen third party shoots John. Acting on an anonymous tip, Farraday arrives soon after and assumes Blackie is responsible for the dead body. Blackie has his sidekick, "the Runt" (George E. Stone), hide the baby at the apartment of the latter's girlfriend, Mamie Carleton (an unbilled Claire Carleton).
Blackie escapes from dimwitted Sergeant Matthews (Frank Sully). An investigation soon arouses his suspicions. It turns out that Gerry and Smiley Slade are trying to swindle her wealthy father-in-law, Cyrus Peyton. The child is actually her brother Hack Hagen's (an unbilled Charles Lane). They framed Blackie in order to get rid of John. When Hagen tries to back out, worried that he will not get his son back, Smiley guns him down.
Disguised as Cyrus, Blackie goes to see the pair. He manages to overcome Smiley, only to have Farraday break in, arrest him, and let Gerry and Smiley go free. However, it is all a joke on Blackie. For once, Farraday has figured out who the real crooks are; when Blackie goes downstairs, he sees the pair in handcuffs.
As described in a film publication, Huckleberry Finn (Sargent) has been adopted by the Widow Douglas (K. Griffith) who plans to "civilize" him. With Tom Sawyer (G. Griffith) he forms a robber gang, and in a cave has the local boys take an oath to stick together. In his bedroom he runs into his no-account father (Lanning) who steals Huck's small change and later kidnaps Huck, taking him in a small boat down the river, while Tom and the gang wait for their leader to appear. Huck later escapes from a cabin where his father mistreated him, making it look as if he drowned while getting away in a canoe.
Rumors of Huck's death spreads. Jim (Reed), the widow's slave boy, hears that he is to be sold and runs off, and joins Huck on a raft. Duke (Humphrey) and King (Bates), two broken-down actors fleeing a crowd they had fooled with a mock theatrical performance, join them. At the next town the actors again fool the people with a pretend theatrical performance with Huck acting as the doorkeeper. Further downstream the actors then impersonate the brothers of a deceased man named Wilks in an attempt to obtain the inheritance, but Huck takes the money to keep it from the actors after he is smitten by the daughter, Mary Jane Wilks (Ralston). Huck and Jim leave to escape the wrath of their former companions just as the actual relatives of the dead man show up.
After peace is made when King and Duke rejoin the group, a shabby trick is performed when King sells Jim to a man named Phelps and then tells Huck that Jim has been lost. Upon learning the truth, Huck sets out to rescue his friend. He discovers that Mrs. Phelps (Moore) is the sister of Tom's Aunt Polly. Huck poses as the nephew Tom, whom Mrs. Phelps has never met. Then the real Tom arrives, who is surprised as he believed that Huck had died. After exchanging signals, Tom poses as his brother Sid and they go through with a plan. In a struggle to get Jim away, Tom is shot in the leg. Jim escapes, and while the two youngsters are congratulating themselves at Tom's sickbed, Aunt Polly arrives and says that Jim had been freed a month earlier. She informs the Phelps of Huck's actual identity and takes him back, cured of his wandering, to the Widow Douglas.
''Jubilee Bunt-a-thon'' follows Wallace and Gromit as they prepare for the Jubilee weekend, hoisting up bunting around Trust manor.
Mona Craine and her brother react with nationalist pride when World War I is announced. In contrast, their father, Robert Craine, a tenant farmer at Knockaloe Farm, is concerned and dismayed at the bad that he fears will come of it.
Mona and her father's lives are disrupted first by her brother being called up to fight in France, and then by the authorities agreeing with the owner of the farm to set up an internment camp for enemy aliens there at Knockaloe. Mona consents to live there still and supply food for "those Germans whose brothers are killing our boys in France", greatly against her wish and only for the sake of her ageing father.
The erection of the camp's huts, concrete and wire on their fields only hardens her heart against the Germans. This is further entrenched when the internees begin to arrive, first the aloof privileged rich, followed by the rowdy sailors etc. When news of her brother's death at the front arrives, her father has a seizure and becomes bed-bound. Mona's hatred of the German's now reaches a new pitch:
She hears of frequent rioting, rigorously put down, and then of an attempt at insurrection in the messroom of the First Compound, and of four prisoners being shot down by the guard. Serve them right! She has no pity.
However, her hard and unforgiving attitude towards the Germans begins to lessen when she meets the polite and well-spoken Oskar Heine. As she begins to fall in love with him, her virulent hatred of the Germans begins to break down as she increasingly comes to empathise with their plight and understand their common humanity. In contrast, her father has grown almost deranged in his spiritually-infused railing at the German "sons of hell". This comes to a head on Christmas Eve 1917 when Oskar receives news that his young sister has been killed by an allied bomb as she slept in her home in Mannheim. After he confides in Mona they embrace, only to be caught by her father who has pulled himself from his bed. Outraged, Mona's father rails at her as a “Harlot! Strumpet!” before passing out with a seizure from which he dies some days later.
The local community come to know of the relationship between Mona and Oskar, and the couple then face increasing hostility. As the war draws to a close, their hope of a future together is dashed in stages: the landlord of the farm refuses to extend the lease to Mona; Oskar is required to return to Germany despite having lived in Liverpool prior to the war; Oskar's mother refuses to accept Mona into her home in Germany; and their passage to America is blocked when Mona fails to raise the required money due to collusion in the auctioning off of the farm's livestock.
Realising that there is no future for them together in a world so divided by war, Mona and Oskar commit suicide together by leaping to their deaths from the cliffs overlooking the sea.
When the United States enters World War I, Rocky Thorne has no interest in joining the military, but just wants to pursue his career as a sculptor. He is cynical about the purpose of the war and the enthusiasm of those who have enlisted, comparing them to lemmings that will swim until they drown themselves. But his fiancée, Nancy Adams, becomes a Red Cross nurse; she mocks his pacifism and accuses him of cowardice. To prove his bravery, he enlists and becomes a fighter pilot as part of the American Expeditionary Forces. Arriving at his assigned squadron, he is concerned about the people he is going to be shooting at; but his initial reluctance lasts only until he is shot at himself. Then he retaliates, shooting down his first enemy aircraft.
Rocky now renounces his past attitude and becomes completely committed to the war in the air, even taking individual flights against orders, to get more chances to shoot down Germans. In a few months he becomes the leading ace. Then, while on furlough in Paris, he runs into his former love, who is a nurse on the front lines. She has been impacted by her experiences and is torn by guilt. When Rocky says that he does not want to waste his valuable leave time on talking and demeans her moral attitude for not wanting to spend the night with him, she agrees to do it.
Back at the squadron, a German cadet on a mercy mission drops a note over the airfield, telling the Americans that one of their pilots who was shot down is alive as a prisoner. At this point Rocky's plane appears. Not having seen the note being dropped, Rocky attacks and shoots down the young German, who is badly injured but not killed.
At the hospital, Rocky finds the German in the next bed. The young man is in agony and is not allowed liquids because of a stomach wound. Eventually he begs for water, saying he is going to die anyway, and Rocky leaves a bottle of wine by his bedside. Then Rocky is told he is being transferred away from the front to become an instructor. While he does not tell anyone, he feels guilty over the German's death, so the transfer comes as a relief. But before it takes effect, he learns that a young pilot has bettered his record of victories. He flies another unauthorized mission to fight individually against the newest German aircraft. But as he prepares to close in for the kill, he again thinks about the German cadet, and is unable to fire. The Germans see him and shoot him down, but he lives to return home to his sweetheart after the war.
In the final scene, he still feels guilty for what he became, and says he has been unable to sculpt. But Nancy is supportive and still wants to marry him. They will get past it together.
Davos leads Stannis's fleet into Blackwater Bay. Grand Maester Pycelle gives Cersei a poison to use should Stannis take the city. Outside the Red Keep, Bronn's carousing is soured by the Hound; their tension is interrupted by bells, indicating Stannis's fleet has been spotted. Varys brings Tyrion a map of tunnels beneath King's Landing. King Joffrey leads his forces from the Red Keep and orders Sansa to kiss his sword, vowing to use it to slay Robb. The noble ladies and children are interned at Maegor's Holdfast under Ser Ilyn Payne's watch. Cersei drunkenly mocks Sansa's innocence, warning she will be raped should the city fall.
Stannis's fleet is confronted by a single unmanned ship, which Davos realizes too late is a trap; the ship, rigged with explosive "wildfire", kills scores of Stannis's men, seemingly including Davos and his son Matthos. Stannis orders his surviving army to attack the vulnerable Mud Gate. The defenders are routed; Lancel, injured, retreats to the Holdfast. Set on edge by his childhood fear of fire and disgusted by Joffrey's cowardice, the Hound deserts his post and renounces his allegiance to the Lannisters. Stannis himself storms the battlements as his men employ a battering ram. Cersei nearly learns Shae's true origins, while Sansa realizes Ser Ilyn's orders: to kill her and Cersei if the city falls.
Cersei orders Lancel to bring Joffrey to safety; frightened, Joffrey orders Ser Mandon Moore take command. Tyrion rouses the defenders and leads them through a tunnel from Varys's map, flanking the Baratheons. Lancel demands the king return to battle, causing Cersei to assault him and depart with Prince Tommen. Sansa rallies the panicked ladies but is convinced by Shae to flee to her quarters, where the Hound offers to take her north; Sansa's decision remains unclear.
Tyrion's men defeat the surprised Baratheon forces before facing a larger group of Stannis's men. Tyrion is slashed across the face by Ser Mandon, who is killed by Tyrion's squire, Podrick Payne. On the Iron Throne, Cersei tells Tommen a story about "the mother lion and her little cub", referencing House Lannister and Cersei's relationship with her children. As Tyrion falls unconscious, he witnesses a surprise cavalry assault on Stannis’s army, led by Tywin. Stannis unsuccessfully orders his men to stand their ground as he is dragged to safety. Cersei, about to give Tommen the poison, is startled by Ser Loras Tyrell, wearing Renly Baratheon's armor, and Tywin, who declares they have won.
Marge Simpson drops off Maggie at the Ayn Rand School for Tots, where, after going through a security screening, she is classified as being of "average intelligence", by a machine manufactured by "Often-Wrong Technologies". A guard then carries her past the "Room for Gifted Babies" and puts her in the "Nothing Special" dreary corner. The playtime items are either taken away or eaten by the other babies. A butterfly then makes its way into the room as Maggie's nemesis, Baby Gerald, squashes and kills it on the wall with a mallet and draws a box around it with a crayon. A second butterfly also meets the same fate. Maggie finds a caterpillar and a pop-up book about the life cycle of the butterfly. Realizing that the caterpillar could also meet the fate of the first two butterflies, she tries to protect it from Gerald. The caterpillar later encases itself in a chrysalis and starts to transform. Once the newly formed butterfly emerges, Maggie tries to help it fly out of the window, but Gerald seemingly kills it by shutting the blinds on it as it attempts to pass through. Maggie dramatically mourns as she falls to the floor. Marge then arrives to pick her up, when it is revealed Maggie's scene was only a ruse to cover the truth: she had slipped her hair bow onto the windowsill and wore the butterfly on her forehead in its place. She then sets the butterfly free as Marge drives her home.
Tywin is named Hand of the King and Baelish is awarded Harrenhal. Ser Loras asks Joffrey to wed Lady Margaery, with Cersei and Pycelle's agreement. Baelish offers to smuggle Sansa home but she declines. Varys plots to undermine Baelish.
Scarred and without allies except Podrick, Tyrion suspects his sister Cersei was behind the attempt on his life. Bronn is dismissed from his position as captain of the City Watch. Shae tries to convince Tyrion to leave for Pentos, but he refuses.
Stannis tries to strangle Melisandre for his defeat but relents after truly comprehending her involvement in Renly's death. His faith in her is restored when he sees visions in the flames.
Escorting Jaime to King's Landing, Brienne finds three women lynched by Stark soldiers for sleeping with Lannister soldiers. She kills the Stark soldiers before burying the women. Brienne reminds Jaime that she serves Catelyn, not House Stark.
Robb confides in Catelyn that he loves Talisa and will not proceed with the arranged marriage to House Frey. Despite Catelyn's warning, Robb marries Talisa.
Under siege, Theon rejects Luwin's advice to leave for the Night's Watch, believing Jon will kill him. Theon tries to rally his men, but is knocked out by Dagmer and brought to the Bolton forces. Luwin is stabbed by Dagmer.
Bran and his party find Winterfell burned and Luwin dying in the Godswood, advising them to head for the Wall before having Osha mercifully kill him.
Fleeing Harrenhal, Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie are surprised by Jaqen, who offers to train Arya in what he knows, but she declines, saying she must find her family. He gives her a special coin and the phrase "''Valar morghulis''" to use to find him, and reveals his face-changing ability before departing.
Pyat Pree's magic strands Jorah and Kovarro outside the House of the Undying while trapping Daenerys within. After encountering strange visions of a ruined King’s Landing, entering beyond the Wall and lastly seeing Drogo with their deceased baby boy, she finally finds her dragons chained as Pyat Pree appears and binds her. Daenerys orders her dragons to breathe fire, killing Pyat Pree and freeing her.
Daenerys finds Xaro in bed with Doreah and seals them in Xaro's empty vault (revealing that his claim to be wealthy was a fraud all along). She and her companions then loot Xaro's house to buy a ship to sail to Astapor.
Qhorin goads Jon into killing him, convincing the wildlings Jon has defected. Jon is introduced to the massive wildling force and promised a meeting with Mance Rayder.
Edd, Grenn and Sam hear three horn blasts (meaning White Walkers). Edd and Grenn run and leave Sam. Sam is surrounded by an army of wights and a White Walker, who notice but ignore him as they march toward the Night's Watch's encampment.
This film tells a story of young hearts seeing each other and falling in love; this falling in love makes their life so different and beautiful. It shows the college life of students, their hostel life, the way they enjoy themselves in the college and the hard work they put in for their studies. Fellow students of Punjab University, Navdeep Singh (Jimmy Sheirgill) and Harman Kaur (Juhi Babbar), fall in love with each other. Both start to dream of a happy life together. But problems arise when they think of taking their parent's consent before going any further. Harman's father Col. Thakur Singh (Anupam Kher) is a typical Punjabi father with a big ego who does not appreciate the idea of his daughter selecting a groom herself. Deep's Father, Retired Major Balwinder Singh Brar (Raj Babbar), also opposes this alliance, and wants his son to complete his studies before getting married. Balwinder subsequently changes his mind but wants Thakur to adapt to tradition and approach him – but Thakur refuses to do so. The couple then conspire with their fellow students and arrange for their parents to meet on neutral ground. It is this decision that will shatter and change their lives forever. Now both Navdeep and Harmaan are in a dilemma: neither can they go against their parents, nor can they live without each other. How they convince their parents about their relationship without hurting their sentiments is the rest of the story.
Hamid is a young Muslim living in Sumatra. Two years after his father dies, the six-year-old Hamid and his mother move in with Haji Ja'far and his wife Asiah, members of the Minang nobility. There, Hamid finds a playmate in the couple's daughter Zainab. They are raised as brother and sister, and Ja'far pays for Hamid's education.
By the time he becomes an adult, Hamid no longer accepts the traditional class system, instead viewing everyone as equals. He finds himself attracted to Zainab for her noble character; unbeknownst to him, Zainab also has feelings for him. After moving to Padang Panjang, Hamid becomes distanced from his adopted family. However, he continues to correspond with Zainab.
After Ja'far's death, his extended family moves into the house. Hamid's mother dies soon after, warning her son that he would never be allowed to marry Zainab because of their different social statuses. Asiah later asks Hamid to convince Zainab to marry her cousin – traditional amongst the nobility – which he attempts. Thinking his efforts successful, yet heartbroken, Hamid makes his way to Mecca.
A year later, during the hajj, he meets his friend Saleh and Saleh's wife Rosna, who tell him that Zainab has not married as she loves only Hamid. Hamid intends to return home to be with Zainab after his pilgrimage, but falls ill and dies soon after. Zainab, already ill, dies soon afterwards.
In Elizabethan England, Sir John Falstaff is embroiled in attempting to have a love affair with several women, which soon turns into a humorous adventure.
The novella is mainly set prior to the incidents in ''What The Night Knows'', but also bookends the novel itself. In the initial part of the novella, Alton Turner Blackwood, the antagonist of ''What The Night Knows'', meets a boy named Howie, and the events of this novella dovetail into the background of the main novel.
''The Secret River'' is a story of Magical realism, blending real life and fantasy. Young Calpurnia is an aspiring poet living in rural Central Florida during the Great Depression. Hard times have come to her people; the animals have disappeared, her father is unable to catch fish to sell, and everyone in the community is too weak from hunger to work. Calpurnia bravely leaves home with her little dog, Buggy-Horse, to find the secret river that her neighbor Mother Albirtha has told her about. She intends to catch fish for her father to sell in his shop. When she finds the river she politely asks it to allow her to catch some fish and uses her creativity, and the pink ribbons from her hair, to catch them. On her way home, an owl, a bear and a panther each challenge her, and she has to give away some of her catch to get home. She also shares some fish with Mother Albirtha and takes the rest to her father, who gives them to the starving people in return for future payment. Strengthened by the fish, people begin working again. When the crisis is past Calpurnia searches for the river again, but cannot find it, as she no longer really needs it. Still, she realizes nothing is lost to us forever, and the book ends with one of her poems, expressing this sentiment:
Ryan Varrett (Steve Austin), is an ex-cop determined to avenge the murder of his family. In 2009, when Ryan was a cop in Dallas, Texas, his wife Constance Marie Varrett (Rebecca Robbins) and 9-year-old son Matt Ryan Varrett (Connor Stanhope) were viciously killed by a gang. Ryan survived the assault and killed three of the gang.
However, Ryan quits the Dallas police and hits the road to find everyone else responsible for the deaths of his loved ones. Special Agent Frank Sutton (Lochlyn Munro) of the FBI's Seattle office is investigating the deaths of criminals.
After killing a rapist named Dale James Burrows (Roman Podhora), Ryan ends up in the small town of Hope, Washington, where a gas station owner named Kirby (Patrick Gilmore) directs Ryan to a tiny hotel run by a woman named Darcy (Serinda Swan). Ryan finds Rex Ray Santiago (Noel Gugliemi), a member of the gang that attacked Ryan's family.
It turns out that Hope is under the control of the Circle, a drug and arms dealing biker gang led by Rex's brother, Drayke Santiago (Danny Trejo), who is on the ATF's most wanted list. Sheriff Cole (Tom McBeath) is in Drayke's pocket, so Ryan has only himself and Darcy to depend on.
Ryan kills Rex, Drayke declares war on Ryan, and the town of Hope becomes a battleground. It turns out that Drayke masterminded the shooting of Ryan's family members, and the families of other cops who years ago sent him to prison, where he was brutalized. Drayke got even with the prisoners who brutalized him, then got even with the cops who put him away.
After Kirby is killed by Crab (Keith Jardine), Drayke's right-hand man, Sutton arrives in town, and Cole tries to convince him that Rex's death was an accident. Cole thinks that by appeasing the bikers, he is protecting the town from more bloodshed. Ryan finds Crab and burns him to death.
Since Cole is not much help, Sutton goes to Cole's son, Deputy Hedge (Adam Greydon Reid), who is not in Drayke's pocket. Hedge explains that a long-time ago, the Circle used to protect the town. That was before Drayke took over and started running guns. Rex provided Drayke with a recipe for meth, and Drayke and his gang started selling drugs too.
However, Drayke and his gang are arming themselves for all-out war against Ryan, and they don't care whom they have to kill. At night, Darcy hears bikers approaching her hotel. Ryan kills the three bikers. Outside, more bikers grab Darcy and beat Ryan up.
On the next day, Ryan has been taken to Drayke, and some of his men bring Darcy into the room. Darcy is held tied up with tape on her mouth. They're on an abandoned ferry boat that Drayke uses as his headquarters. Drayke leaves his man Prospect (Tygh Runyan) to beat Ryan up. Ryan breaks free from his restraints and takes care of Prospect. Ryan overcomes Drayke's men, finds Darcy who is tied to a chair and gagged with tape. Deputy Hedge goes to his father's house and finds Cole has shot himself. With Sutton's help Hedge plans to go after Drayke.
Ryan remembers Drayke being present during the attack on his family. Until Ryan came to Hope, Drayke thought Ryan was dead. Ryan and Drayke start fighting. A shot kills Drayke. It was Sutton who fired the shot. Darcy decides that she's going to stay in Hope, and Sutton decides to not arrest Ryan. Hedge becomes the new sheriff. Ryan decides to leave town, but promises Darcy that he will send her a postcard to let her know where he is.
Opera singer Tamara is heavily addicted to cocaine. Her manager Mangol, who also acts as their coke supplier, goes in and out of her house and uses it as his drug transshipment point. Due to her addiction, Tamara has now lost both her husband and her daughter, who is growing up with her ex-husband. In order to spare his daughters' greater suffering, Mangol tells them both that their mother had died. When her daughter sits in the audience for one evening, she becomes a great admirer of Tamara's singing skills.
For Mangol, the young girl is nothing more than another potential customer whom he wants to make addicted to cocaine, but Tamara is on guard, and won't let it happen. Tamara decides to snatch her daughter from the dirty hands of the dealer and put her back in the safe hands of her ex-husband. Tamara sees no hope and commits an act of desperation. She snatches her daughter while Mangol is strangled by one of his junkie customers with bare hands.
Lane Pryce's attorney abroad instructs him to wire £2,900 (US$8,000) to England to cover back taxes within two days. Lane (Jared Harris) worries he cannot come up with the money. Harry (Rich Sommer) schedules coffee with Paul Kinsey (Michael Gladis), then reports a strong first-quarter outlook to Lane but warns that actual commitments from clients are still uncertain. Lane visits the firm's bank manager and convinces him to authorize a $50,000 credit extension.
Pete (Vincent Kartheiser) tells Don (Jon Hamm) and Roger (John Slattery) that Edwin Baker has been fired from Jaguar and their firm is back in contention for the account. Presentations will be in mid-January. Don comments on it being a lot of work, to which an annoyed Pete replies that Don "may have to work past 5:30".
Paul, wearing a robe and sporting a shaved head, greets Harry at a Hare Krishna gathering. He introduces his friend Lakshmi (Anna Wood), who convinces Harry to join them in a group chant. In a taxi after the gathering, Paul admits to Harry that he loves Lakshmi but the Krishna movement does not make him happy. Paul later hands Harry a spec script he wrote for ''Star Trek'' entitled "The Negron Complex" and asks Harry to pass it along to NBC. Hesitant, Harry agrees and later asks Peggy (Elisabeth Moss) for her opinion on Paul's script, which they agree is awful. She advises him to tell Paul the truth—that he can't write—but Harry is clearly reluctant.
Lane calls a partners meeting to announce they can hand out Christmas bonuses thanks to a $50,000 surplus; however, Don recommends waiting until the Christmas party. Pete agrees, explaining the Jaguar announcement will be a sufficient morale boost until then; this gets no response from anyone, frustrating Pete. In Joan's (Christina Hendricks) office, a drunken Roger says he wants to financially support her and Kevin. She refuses, claiming the child would be better off without Roger's involvement.
Megan (Jessica Paré) and Don watch the play ''America Hurrah'', in which a character rants against TV advertisements. After the play, they argue about its negative portrayal of advertising.
Lane sneaks into the office after hours and forges Don's signature on a $7,500 check written out to himself. The next day, he assures his attorney that the funds are available, but hangs up when the attorney mentions his fee.
Pete asks Don to test drive a Jaguar for research purposes. Don agrees but declines Pete's suggestion to bring Megan. Pete is again annoyed that no one seems interested in the fact that he has put them in the running for Jaguar.
Lakshmi shows up at the firm and seduces Harry in his office. He resists but gives in when she assures him that the movement allows it. Afterward, Lakshmi reveals that Paul is the movement's best recruiter and, subtly blackmailing Harry over what just happened, she tells Harry to stay away or he might turn Paul into a "gross materialist."
Joan is summoned to reception for a signature, but instead receives divorce papers from a process server. She loses her temper with Meredith, the receptionist, who had let the process server in, and smashes the model Mohawk airplane on Meredith's desk. Don leads her out of the office and takes her to a Jaguar showroom where they pretend to be a couple looking for a new car. Don offers the salesman a $6,000 deposit to let them test-drive an XK-E alone. At a bar, Joan reminisces about the days when, if she was called to reception, it was to receive flowers from various suitors. Don admits that, due to the sheer volume of flowers she received, he thought she was dating Aly Khan. She replies that her mother raised her to be admired, and then asks why Don never showed interest in her. He admits he was afraid of her, and that Burt Peterson had told him she was the one person in the agency he shouldn't cross. They discuss starting over and flirt. He points out a man at the other end of the bar who seems interested in her and she guesses the man has a wife. When he's ready to leave, Don offers to return the Jaguar by himself, slipping Joan some "mad money" in case it doesn't work out with the other man, and advising her to stand over by the jukebox: "That was a pretty good look before." Alone later in the Jaguar, Don furiously shifts gears and accelerates. The next day, Joan is delivered flowers from "Ali Khan," with a note stating that her mother did a good job.
Don arrives home drunk and finds an angry Megan at the dinner table. She throws her plate against the wall and asks where he's been. She yells that she has sat waiting for someone who does not care about anybody. She orders him to sit at the table and eat.
Rebecca (Embeth Davidtz) tells Lane she wants to visit England for Christmas. He claims the office needs him after Jaguar has renewed interest in the firm and he does not want to spend another Christmas alone.
Harry tells Paul that his business connection liked the script but passed on it, even though he didn't really show it to NBC. He gives Paul $500 and a ticket to Los Angeles, urging him to leave the Krishnas and start over. Paul hugs him, saying that Harry was the first person to do anything for him.
At the office, Pete informs the partners that Mohawk Airlines is suspending their advertising budget due to a machinist strike. When Lane protests cutting the bonuses entirely, the other partners agree to give bonuses only to the staff and defer their own. In the conference room, the partners inform the employees about Mohawk, Jaguar and the bonuses, only the last of which gets a response after Roger makes it clear that the employees are getting bonuses and the partners aren't. Don ends the meeting with a rally, saying that every Madison Avenue agency is defined by their first automobile client, and that when they obtain the Jaguar account, the world will know about SCDP. The room erupts in applause; Lane, however, is visibly uneasy as everyone files out.
''Tesla Effect'' begins in 2050, seven years after Tex and his love interest, Chelsee Bando, were attacked at the end of ''Tex Murphy: Overseer''. The story starts as Tex suddenly awakes disoriented in his office at the Ritz Hotel with strange markings and signs of violence on his body and no memory of the past seven years. He then discovers that Chelsee has been missing ever since the attack and is presumed dead. He sets out to find out what happened to him, what became of Chelsee, and to regain his past memories. In so doing, Tex uncovers a web of intrigue involving murders, double crosses, and the lost inventions of Nikola Tesla.
Five British agents are eliminated in rapid succession on an Austrian "pipeline" escape route. Steed goes to investigate and finds himself wrongfully accused of betraying them.
The film takes place in Diamantina, Minas Gerais in the period following the abolition of slavery in Brazil. It focuses on the life of Helena Morley, an adolescent who tells her daily life in her diary which, when published in the 1950s, became internationally famous.
When the single parent owner of ''Cinnamon'', a Maltese puppy, falls for a single parent architect, the dog tries to break up the relationship, succeeds, realizes the unhappiness that results, and then tries to reunite the couple.
Sophocles' ''Antigone'' (ca. 441 BCE) told the story of how Oedipus' daughter Antigone buried the body of her brother Polynices who had led an invasion of Thebes, defying the order of her uncle Creon who was ruling Thebes. As a result, Creon condemned her to death, and although Creon rescinded the death sentence, Antigone and her lover Haemon, Creon's son, killed themselves.
The extant fragments of Euripides' ''Antigone'' do not reveal much of the plot, but Aristophanes of Byzantium has written that Euripides' play differed from Sophocles' in three major ways:
Modern scholars interpret Aristophanes comment to indicate that Euripides' play developed along similar lines to Sophocles', except that Haemon's participation in, or at least knowledge of, Antigone's burial of Polynices led to the happy resolution of their marriage in Euripides' play instead of their deaths in Sophocles' play. One extant fragment is a plea to the god Dionysus, suggesting the possibility that Dionysus was the ''deus ex machina'' who saved Antigone and Haemon and prophesied the birth of Maeon. Several extant fragments deal with love and marriage, and John Homer Huddilston believed that this, and hint from other fragments (although some of these are now believed to be from plays other than Antigone) indicate that Antigone and Haemon were married secretly.
There are two vase paintings showing scenes from an ''Antigone'' play which were historically attributed to Euripides' play, although modern scholars generally believe that they depict scenes from an ''Antigone'' play by 4th century Attic dramatist Astydamas the Younger. However, the possibility that the vases depict scenes from Euripides has not been definitively closed and even if they depict scenes from Astydamas' play they may be relevant since Astydamas may have been influenced by Euripides. The vases suggest that Heracles was the ''deus ex machina'' who saved Antigone and Haemon.
A fable by Gaius Julius Hyginus is consistent with these vase paintings and was historically attributed to Euripides' play, but modern scholars believe that this too relates to Astydamas' play rather than Euripides'. Per Hyginus, Creon had delegated the task of executing Antigone to his son Haemon, not knowing that they were secretly betrothed. Haemon deceived Creon and spared Antigone, who later bore Haemon a son. The son came to Thebes as an adult, and Creon recognized him, realizing Haemon's deception. Creon refused Heracles' request to pardon Haemon, who then killed Antigone and himself.
Huddilston, believing the vases and Hyginus fable to relate to Euripides' play, reconstructed the plot as follows. Maeon is already grown and has come to Thebes to participate in games. Creon recognizes him and is enraged that Haemon deceived him years earlier. He orders Antigone to appear before him, and she does so along with Haemon. Creon sentences one or both to death, when Heracles appears to intercede as a ''deus ex machina''. In this reconstruction, the comment by Aristophanes of Byzantium does not apply to the plot of Euripides' play, but only to the background to the play.
Norman Mott, a young man and not a Hoople, has a number of picaresque adventures.
Facing a prison sentence for refusing to be drafted into the Vietnam War, he takes a job (despite his abhorrence of regular employment) as a ticket taker for a traveling amusement fair. He moves into a boarding house where his friend Frank Pappas and two girls, midget Dolly and German immigrant Ulla, live. He has an affair with Dolly (despite already having a girlfriend, Sandra) and rejects Ulla.
He cures Sandra of her fear of sex, then spends the next year and a half in prison, which he describes as comparable to working for a major corporation, except that "here they don’t let you out at night."
After release from prison, Mott, now addicted to tranquilizer pills, returns to New York. He wanders around the city, and visits Pappas, who now works for quack evangelist Reverend Smiley Harley Gurrey. Ulla is also present, and after sleeping with Reverend Gurrey (which Pappas surreptitiously photographs) she unsuccessfully tries to induce Mott to murder her.
Mott then accompanies an African-American friend on a road trip through the southern US, where they experience racist harassment. Mott then joins Sandra and her parents (Ethel and Spencer) in Florida, Ethel being a follower of Reverent Gurrey. Mott reluctantly accepts a job at Spencer's department store chain; he dulls his unhappiness with the work and with becoming a Hoople using alcohol and tranquilizers. He asks Sandra to marry him.
Mott is invited to dinner with Sandra, Ethel, and Reverend Gurrey, where the latter two attempt to convert him to Christianity. Mott then facetiously attempts to convert them to Judaism, and, finally angered as Gurrey begins to say grace, begins to recite a Hebrew prayer, realizing that "I had arrived as an atheist, but they had made me a Jew."
When Ethel goes on a hunger strike to pressure Mott to convert, he goes to reason with her and ends up having sex with her. Visiting Spencer late one night, Mott inadvertently learns that he is a transvestite.
Overwhelmed, Mott returns to work, injures himself in a manner that suggests stigmata, goes on a rampage, trashes the store, and tears off his clothes. He grabs those of the nearest mannequin, which happens to be a woman's dress. Arriving home in the dress, he is met by Sandra and Ethel. Ethel, assuming he is also a crossdresser, leaves in horror and takes Sandra with her.
The next day, Mott learns that Sandra is being made to accompany Ethel to a rally Reverend Gurrey is holding in Tulsa. Mott flies to Tulsa with his disabled brother Paulie to rescue Sandra. There, Mott runs into Dolly and Ulla. He leaves Paulie with Dolly, but leaves Ulla in a terrified, near-catatonic state as the revival meeting is giving her flashbacks of Nazi rallies.
Mott, armed with stolen photos of Reverend Gurrey and Ulla having sex, storms into the revival tent and tries to leave with Sandra. As they flee the tent, Reverend Gurrey proclaims Mott to be a demon and orders the crowd to stop him. When Dolly and Paulie show up, the crowd mistakes Paulie for Mott, and Mott, unable to stop their frenzied attack, is separated from Sandra but makes his escape in one of Reverend Gurrey's hot air balloons.
When the game begins, Ghost is searching among the detritus of Old Russia until it finds and resurrects the player's Guardian, who had been killed in an ancient battle—upon resurrection, Guardians have no memories of their past. Ghost then guides the Guardian to a jump ship and they take it to the Tower. There, they meet the Speaker, who briefs them about the Darkness. The Guardian is then tasked to probe the nearby Cosmodrome, where humanity used to launch its forays into outer space, fending off Fallen enemies and eventually the Hive, who were thought to have been confined to the Moon. The Guardian discovers that an old Russian Warmind called Rasputin, an AI built to defend Earth, is still alive and acting with unknown intent. The Guardian also tracks down codes to raise an ancient Array to connect it to long-lost colonies throughout the Solar System, and finds that Rasputin is controlling the Array. They then set off to the Moon in search of a lost Guardian who was looking for a way into the Hive fortress. After locating his corpse and dead Ghost, the player's Guardian's Ghost discovers that the Hive are raising an army and plan to invade Earth. The Guardian quickly sets about disrupting their efforts, including shutting down a ritual that the Hive were using to drain power from the Traveler, destroying a powerful weapon called the Sword of Crota, and severing their long-distance communications. Around this time, the Guardian is contacted by the Exo Stranger, a mysterious woman who summons them to Venus to face a new enemy, the Vex.
When the Guardian arrives on Venus, the Exo Stranger describes the Vex as an evil so dark it despises other evil. She tells them about the Black Garden, a city where the Vex are born, and implores the Guardian to find it and rip out its heart, as it is the only way the Traveler will begin to heal. Ghost says that they need to speak to the Awoken, who lurk out in the Reef (the asteroid belt) and refuse to take sides in the galaxy's wars. The Exo Stranger then leaves, as she did not have time to explain things further. Once the Guardian arrives at the Reef, they meet the Queen of the Reef, Mara Sov, and her brother, Prince Uldren Sov, who tells the Guardian that they will help them locate the Black Garden if they bring them the head of a Vex Gate Lord. The Guardian travels back to Venus, where they uncover the Archive, which reveals secrets about the Vex, including the location of a place called the Vault of Glass, and pathways across the galaxy. After defeating Draksis, a Fallen Kell of the House of Winter, the Guardian confronts the Vex Gate Lord, claims its head, and returns to the Queen, who tells them to take its eye to the Meridian Bay on Mars, where it can be used to enter the Black Garden.
After arriving on Mars in the Meridian Bay, Ghost informs the Guardian of its inhabitants. The Cabal have been trying to break the encryption on the Vex Gate with only limited success, but they do control many of the places that the Guardian needs to visit on Mars thanks to their Exclusion Zone, which nobody had ever penetrated. The player's Guardian becomes the first to penetrate the Exclusion Zone and heads to the Garden's Spire, which charges the Gate Lord's eye. They also travel to the Buried City, the birthplace of many technological wonders where they discover an AI that used to be linked to the Warmind of Mars, but is now controlled by Rasputin. With the Vex now present on Mars, the Guardian finds out what they are doing; they are returning to their home, the Black Garden.
The Guardian then sets off to the Black Garden. After going through a teleporter, they find themselves in a place that is not on any map of known space and time. After several battles, the Guardian reaches the heart of the Black Garden, which the Vex appear to be worshipping. The heart summons three Sol Progeny— a group of Vex units called Eschaton Mind, Imminent Mind, and Primeval Mind. After defeating the three Sol Progeny, the heart is destroyed, returning the Guardian to Mars and lifting the shroud of Darkness from the Traveler back on Earth. At the Tower, the Speaker addresses gathered Guardians in a celebratory speech. Over in the nearby hangar, though, the player's Guardian converses with the Exo Stranger, who says that the fight is far from over.
The heart of the Black Garden may have been destroyed, but beneath Venus, evil stirs. A team of Guardians decide to investigate the mysterious Vault of Glass ("Vault of Glass" raid), described as the "Vex underworld" by the Ishtar Collective. The Vault is a realm where the Vex can control reality, and even erase people from existence. This power is used by the most powerful denizens within the vault: a Vex sub-race called the Gorgons, a powerful Vex mind called the Templar, and Atheon, Time's Conflux. Both Atheon and the Templar utilize machines called Oracles to do so. While these powers do not extend to outside the Vault, its enigmatic nature has lured countless Guardians to their doom— the most infamous being the ill-fated fireteam of Kabr, the Legionless, which consisted of himself, Future War Cult Warlock Praedyth, and well-known hunter Pahanin. Pahanin was the only member to make it out alive; Praedyth was forever lost in the dark corners of time, and Kabr drank the radialoria of the Oracles, and was turned into a Vex. However, in Kabr's last moments, he used his Light to leave behind an artifact, the Aegis, to help any other Guardians daring enough to follow in his footsteps. The new fireteam of Guardians make their descent, and attempt to succeed where Kabr and his fireteam failed. Using the Aegis, the Guardians manage to defeat the Templar and its Oracles. They then successfully traverse the Gorgon's labyrinth undetected before finally reaching Atheon, Time's Conflux. A central figure of the Vex Conflux network, Atheon is able to send Guardians into the distant past or future at will, and summons versions of Vex from the past and future to aid him. The Vex mind is also capable of summoning Oracles like the Templar, and attempts to erase the new Fireteam from existence. However, despite the astronomical odds, the Guardians fight their way through time, destroy the Oracles, and defeat Atheon, eliminating a major Vex threat.
At a party celebrating the Padmos (Rachmat Hidayat and Tuti Indra Malaon) 25th wedding anniversary, a fit of jealousy breaks out. Mrs Padmo is jealous of her husband's secretary, Retno (Niniek L. Karim), who often rides in the same car as Mr Padmo. Meanwhile, the Padmos' son Heru (Onky Alexander) is with Ipah (Nurul Arifin), while the family's driver Martubi (Alex Komang) is with Retno's maid Juminten (Nani Vidia). This situation is exacerbated by the Padmos' daughter Riri (Ayu Azhari) dating Retno's son Arsal (Iwen Darmanyah). This leads to numerous misunderstandings, which are worked out by the end of the film.
A young man from a far away village appears in County Mayo announcing to all and sundry that he has murdered his father with a blow to the head. With the tale growing in the telling, the young man becomes a local hero, until his angry father comes to fetch him home.
Oliver Aliciano (Eric Quizon), a college professor, began to leave Manila with his wife Leah (Jean Garcia), his rebellious stepdaughter Nica (Jennica Garcia) and her young brother Uno (Julijo Pisk) after he was blamed for the death of Ella Cabuena (Valeen Montenegro), Nica's best friend. After moving to an abandoned house to stay, they are troubled by ominous visions and hauntings.
At first they didn't mind the strange apparitions and continue to live like there's nothing else with them in the house. Later, they find out the real story of the house. Before, a rich family lived there and the husband had an affair with the maid, Dolor (Alessandra de Rossi) the husband of Dolor – Gener (Ryan Eigenmann) gets jealous and suspects that their daughter and her upcoming baby is not his.
So Gener confronted Dolor as she also admits that he has nothing to suspect because their daughter is his, but Gener didn't listen and as the struggles goes on Gener accidentally kills her daughter and also kills Dolor along with her unborn baby. Gener was killed later when the police tried to arrest him. After hearing the story Oliver and Leah find ways to stop the haunting but later they realize that the ghost of Dolor and her daughter only wants to help them and the ghost of Gener wants them killed like what he did to his family.
The ghost of Gener possesses Oliver and made him attacked every member of his family but because of the help of Dolor and her daughter, they stopped the ghost of Gener and free Oliver's body. It ends with them leaving the house to start a new life back in the city while Oliver is also acquitted from the accused murder and also getting to bond with his step daughter.
After his wife Empress Myeongseong is assassinated by the Japanese army and under threat of coup d'etat, Gojong the 26th king of Korea's Joseon Dynasty (Park Hee-soon) briefly seeks refuge at the Russian consulate in 1896. While he is there, he tastes and falls in love with a bittersweet drink that had yet to gain popularity in his homeland: coffee.
Upon returning to the throne, King Gojong hires the beautiful and cosmopolitan Tanya (Kim So-yeon) as his personal barista. Tanya becomes involved in a dangerous social circle that involves not only the Russian sniper Ilyich (Joo Jin-mo) but also the mysterious socialite known as both Bae Jeong-ja and Sadako (Yoo Sun). With the Russian army hot on their trail, Tanya and her lover Ilyich eventually become ensnared in a plot to assassinate King Gojong that is orchestrated by Sadako, a Korean-Japanese collaborator. Ilyich becomes a spy to protect Tanya, who has begun to fall for Gojong while she makes his coffee every day.
With her intimate connection to the King, making a drink that could easily conceal poison, Tanya must decide if she will become a pawn in the political battlefield of late 19th century Korea.
''Into the Dragon's Lair'' takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting, and takes place after the novels ''The High Road'' and ''The Death of a Dragon'' by Troy Denning. The nation of Cormyr tries to rebuild after the death of King Azoun IV, and seeks the treasure hoard of a dragon to fund these efforts and keep the kingdom from falling into chaos. The player characters must find this treasure before all the other seekers.
''Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor'' takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting. The Cult of the Dragon has built a secret stronghold in the ruins of Myth Drannor, and seeks to subjugate Faerûn using the power of a corrupted pool of radiance.
In ''The Speaker in Dreams'', the town of Brindinford is besieged by evil forces under the command of Ghaerleth Axom. A street fair is interrupted by an attack, which serves as a distraction for the villain's forces to attack the keep of the local baron. This provides an entry point for the player characters into the main quest to discover the secret alliances trying to take over the town. ''The Speaker in Dreams'' is an event-based, rather than site-based, adventure.
In ''The Standing Stone'', a tiefling sorcerer named Dyson discovers a circle of standing stones constructed centuries ago by druids to hold their annual rituals; the druid community was later destroyed by the great dragon Ashardalon. Dyson uses the magic of the stones to replace people with animals transformed into humanoid form, loyal to him. Dyson encounters the player characters in the village of Ossington and tries to manipulate them into eliminating the remaining enemies standing in his way.
In ''Heart of Nightfang Spire'', the player characters are drawn to investigate Nightfang Spire, a lonely stone tower in a barren land. The vampire lord Gulthias, servant of the great dragon Ashardalon, has returned to the tower which was once the main cult temple of Ashardalon. The vampire prepares for the dragon's return by awakening the other cultists who had preserved themselves as undead creatures.
In ''Deep Horizon'', the subterranean humanoid race known as the desmodus are in danger of being eliminated by evil beholders and salamanders.
In ''Bastion of Broken Souls'', the great wyrm Ashardalon accumulates power, while one of the heads of the demon prince Demogorgon plots to use the player characters in its plan to slay the dragon and thereby gain enough power to destroy the other head and become a singular being.
Kan Siu-Nam (Adam Cheng) is a stage actor whose daughter, Tansy, was wrongly kidnapped more than 20 years ago. Refusing to accept it as a fact, he clings on to the belief that she is still alive. When called upon to play the role of a convicted murderer who insists he is wronged, Kan discovers that he can use his skills to replicate the subject's psyche in his own mind and take on other people's persona within himself.
Ivan Cheung Sai-yin (Moses Chan) is a stage magician who has a dark past of his own, being involved in the kidnapping of Siu-Nam's daughter Tansy. Ever since his father disappeared when he was a child, he has been living a new life with his sister Natalie (Aimee Chan). When an old acquaintance from his past reappears, threatening to unravel his present life, he has no choice but to kill him. However, killing him triggers Ivan's dissociative identity disorder, unlocking his other personalities: Eric, the personification of his evilness; Michelle, the personification of his lust and envy; Edwin, the personification of his pride and cunningness; and Martin, the personification of his wrath and temper. These 4 personalities influence him to kill more and more people, in order to keep his past a secret.
As fate would have it, Siu-Nam and Ivan eventually cross paths despite the latter's attempt to avoid him. When a streak of serial killings hit Hong Kong, the police seek Siu-Nam's assistance in the investigations. As Siu-Nam digs deeper, he realizes that Ivan is more complicated than he appears to be, and that Ivan was related to his daughter's kidnap. In order to find out the truth, Siu-Nam replicates Ivan's psyche in his own mind, unwittingly taking on Ivan's 4 other personas as well.
Getting too deep into Ivan's psyche, with the other personalities dominating him, Siu-Nam starts to lose his grip on reality, becoming every bit as dangerous as Ivan. Can he unravel the truth before he is consumed by madness? Who will win in this battle of wits and emerge as the ''Master of Play''?
A large number of prominent businessmen are buried in a Cornish graveyard near to a tin mine. Steed suspects foul play after a close friend meets the same fate.
In a humble Mexico City neighborhood, a small boy named Angel lives with his mother, who is a homemaker and works as a seamstress. She really dreams that her son will study and someday receive a bachelor's degree. When Angel is at school, a strong earthquake strikes the city leaving thousands of people injured (or worse), including Angel and his mother.
Angel was desperate to find his mother alive, he decides to walk a few steps until arriving at the Basilica of our Lady of Guadalupe, with the intention of praying for his missing mother. At the same time, Alicia, his mother, is helped by Carlos, a hospital doctor. As the boy leaves the church, he sees a large statue of Pope John Paul II, and a priest tells him that the next visit of saint father will be to Colombia.
An hour later, he went forward onto the registration of missing people, and he realized that his mother's name would not appear among those found persons and he should be sent to an orphanage. Hearing this, he decides to flee until coming curiously to the airport, where he thinks it would be a good idea to take the next flight bound to Colombia with the aim of meeting the Pope.
Arriving in Colombia, some flight attendants find him hidden in a bathroom of the plane and hand him over to a woman to take charge, but suddenly the boy escapes. The next day, Angel went to a food stand and he is seen by Carmen, who works as a saleswoman at that place. When she offers him a potato, he steals a piece of "black pudding" and he is caught immediately by the business owner, and when Carmen realizes he is attacking Angel, she intervenes on his behalf and eventually quits her job.
Thereafter, Angel apologizes for bad behavior, until she decides to forgive him, then explains what happened with the earthquake and his mother and insists to stay in her home; she finally believes him and agrees to give him shelter. On the other hand, the doctor realizes that Alicia suffers from amnesia, because she doesn't remember anything about her past life and she had forgotten her own name. The doctor decides to call her "Guadalupe".
Carmen knows the Angel's wish is to meet the pope personally, and she accompanies him to Bolivar's square and tells some of the places where he might go to get information regarding the Pope.
After unsuccessful attempts to establish contact with the Pope and in the midst of a difficult situation with Carmen unemployed, Angel read the newspaper and he noticed that they were looking for a performer to sing at the Pope's reception. Angel realizes that Carmen has a great aptitude for singing, and convinces her to answer this call. On the other hand, Alicia remembers little about her past and Carlos invites her to meet his mother, who cordially received at home. Meanwhile, Angel decides to ask for help from "Mr Fulgencio" to compose a song for the Pope, being precisely the singer Carmen. However, Carmen, was not entered formally in the competition, they were rejected. Despite the adversities, the parish Father which the contestants were presented, was that Carmen had a great talent and felt the song as the best of all, so that gave him the opportunity to perform. Time passed and Carmen did not receive the invitation to present that act, because the contest was rigged in favor of another singer. However, Angel decided to investigate and discovered that everything had been controlled, is with the Father and then apologizes for not coming, so does perform alongside Carmen "Mr Fulgencio" and she is chosen to sing on July 2, the very day the Pope arrives. When Carmen was ready to sing before thousands of people in the pavilion of Tunal park, Angel is prevented from entering, since only the singer could be near the Pope during the tribute. But ultimately, the child manages get in and goes up to the pavilion and he is received by the Pope, who gives him a kiss on the forehead and blesses him.
Carlos's mother turns on the TV just as the Pope's visit to Colombia is broadcast, so that Alicia sees her son and she begins to remember everything that happened. At that moment she asks Carlos' help, and he manages to communicate with the singer. The film ends when Angel, eager after all this time, greets his mother by phone.
Jesse Stone still misses the Paradise, Massachusetts police chief position, which he lost because the current town council president, Carter Hansen, wanted his son-in-law, William Butler, to have the job. A suspicious police cruiser explosion kills chief Butler and officer DeAngelo. Curiously, the former town council president, Hastings "Hasty" Hathaway, appeared to know about the incident before the current town council president was officially notified. Jesse is reinstated as "temp chief" by Hansen and uncovers apparent (but unproved) police corruption involving Butler. Jesse discovers a possible clue: the characters "2AH10" written on the April 24 page of Butler's desk calendar.
Jesse attempts to reassemble his team, starting with his deputy Luther "Suitcase" Simpson and then longtime assistant Rose Gammon, but both have moved on to other pursuits after choosing to not work with Jesse's replacement, thus Jesse is left to solve the case himself. State Homicide Commander Healy also returns, along with Jesse's psychotherapist Dr. Dix. Thelma Gleffey also remains in Jesse's life, and continues to work as a sales associate at Hasty's luxury car dealership. Gino Fish is still in town as well, also still apparently in the illegal drug business while using his boxing business as a "front".
Along the way, Jesse discovers that the most likely perpetrator of the cruiser explosion, a former associate of Gino, has apparently hanged himself. He learns from Amanda, Gino's executive assistant, that Gino "has a boss", whose identity is a mystery. An otherwise routine traffic stop adds an additional clue: there is an assassin, Arthur "Art" Gallery, who has been following Jesse. Despite finding a "deer rifle" in the car's trunk, Jesse lets the man go with a warning: "Don't follow me around!" The flashlight which was attached to the barrel of the "deer rifle" would have been illegal for hunting game, a deer, but would be quite helpful, if not mandatory, for the assassin's assumed purpose, the killing of a man, and Jesse made a mental note of that.
To integrate all these seemingly disparate clues and to get to the truth, Jesse employs "carefully applied pressure" to former town council president and felon Hasty (and ultimately exposing Hasty as the true drug kingpin and Gino's boss).
Jesse tells Hasty about the 2AH10 clue & lets him believe that data on the police Laptop hard-drive is being recovered. As a result, Hasty panics and calls his people, telling them they have to "move it up" (presumably Jesse's murder, but also the scheduled April 24 drug sale). The events are rescheduled for later that day, although a daylight murder/drug sale is risky for all involved. ("Risk is the price you pay for opportunity", to paraphrase Hasty's orders to his people.)
At the shipyard, Gallery tries to murder Jesse using his "deer rifle", but Jesse tricks him into exposing himself to deadly force and he proceeds to take him out with five shots from his .45 ACP semiautomatic pistol, which is always at Jesse's hand. (To paraphrase Jesse, from an earlier episode, "Fire at the center of mass and continue to engage until the threat is eliminated.") Hasty hastily escapes via motor boat, and is now "on the run" and wanted for drug distribution, money laundering and conspiracy to murder sworn officers and others.
In the end, Simpson returns and it is implied that Rose may return as well. As Jesse has proved Hansen's beloved son-in-law to be corruption-free, it is also assumed that Jesse's position as chief is permanent, and not "temp chief" as Hasty preferred to call him. (When Jesse initially accepted this assignment, he replied to Hasty, "Not 'temp chief', just 'chief'", and Hansen did not demur.)
The title "Benefit of the Doubt" refers to Jesse's (and Dr. Dix's) belief that police officers who appear to be corrupt must be accorded the benefit of the doubt, until proved otherwise.
In 2012, Ana, a failed writer who works as a nurse, meets Freddy, an aspiring comic book artist, on a bus. Though Ana brushes him off, Freddy persists in conversation. The two are surprised to find that they live on the same street in a small town, but before they can talk any further, the bus is involved in an apparent crash. Ana wakes up in her bed, late for work. When she arrives at the hospital, it seems deserted, though she finds a mysterious, barely-intelligible audio recording. Although the town initially seems empty, loud music draws her to Freddy's house. After comparing experiences, the two set off to explore the town.
At a police station, they find that all communications channels, including radio transmitters, are down. As they explore the town limits, they discover a dark wall of fog encircles the town and is slowly encroaching. Unwilling to drive through it, they retreat to the center of town, which they discover has suddenly reverted to 1992. As Freddy unsuccessfully attempts to get the attention of passers-by, Ana observes a younger version of herself interact with her Aunt Lu. After they suddenly shift back to 2012, Freddy estimates that they have three days until the fog engulfs them. The two discuss theories, including whether they have died in the bus crash.
Remembering the recording at the hospital, Ana shows it to Freddy. They are surprised to hear a real-time conversation in which doctors discuss cutting off life support for Ana in three days, as she has been in a coma for two months. Ana explains that after her aunt's protracted coma and eventual death, she signed a living will. Freddy suggests that the fog represents Ana's impending death, and the two reluctantly enter the fog to find answers. They find a locked door, thousands of keys, and a chain. They flee back to town when they hear monstrous growling, and a chained monster chases them. As they gather supplies, Freddy experiences a memory of his step-father, who attempts to bond with him after Freddy gets in trouble at school.
Ana describes a play she wrote about a monster similar to the one that chased them, and Freddy shows her a comic book that he made that ends with a locked door and thousands of keys. Convinced that their experiences and memories are being brought to life, the two go to a fairground they both visited on the same day in 1992. There, they observe a brief meeting between their younger selves. Convinced that they must face the monster, they set a trap, but it only frees the monster from its chains. Freddy and Ana hole up in a church. When Ana suddenly becomes ill, Freddy leaves to confront the monster by himself. Ana is horrified to see him dragged off, and she retreats to her childhood house.
There, she experiences a memory in which she performs her play with Aunt Lu. During the play's climax, Freddy's friends coerce him into petty vandalism that results in an accidental fire and Aunt Lu's coma. Back in 2012, a bruised and battered Freddy appears and apologizes before sinking into unconsciousness. When the monster appears, Ana kills it and takes the crucial key from its corpse. She drags Freddy to the door inside the fog, and when the key opens it, she pulls him across the threshold so that they escape together. In the hospital, Ana wakes up and rushes to find Freddy, whom she learns has already been released. His caretaker explains that Freddy has partial amnesia and remembers little except the crash itself. Using his sketchbook and an emotional embrace, Ana helps him to remember their shared experiences.
The game begins with protagonist Malcolm and his best friend Ronnie driving down zombie infested streets in a beat-up car. Upon learning that Ronnie is driving them directly into the heart of the undead infestation, Malcolm grabs the wheel and causes them to crash outside the MediGeniTech building, a place where nefarious medical experiments are said to take place. Ronnie dies a violent death in the wreck, leaving Malcolm to find his way into the building on his lonesome. Once inside the facility, Malcolm meets Doctor Fritz Von Fechenheim, a stereotypical German mad scientist who sends him on an errand to collect the head of a zombie.
When returning to the wrecked car, Malcolm finds that Ronnie has already become one of the undead. Using his wits, he manages to remove Ronnie's head without damaging the brain and brings it back to Doctor Fechenheim, who then performs an experimental surgical procedure. By installing a speaker and other various machinery inside the disembodied cranium, Fechenheim gives Ronnie the ability to communicate as if he were never dead. Before long, Ronnie is back to his normal self, sans body and perhaps a little more rotten than before.
As friends reunited, Malcolm and Ronnie vow to discover the cause and source of the zombie apocalypse, which seems to be converging on the MediGeniTech building. With an elevator keycard obtained from the Doctor, they begin their ascent, meeting a cast of weird characters along the way and uncovering the building's dark secrets.
Sheldon, Raj, Leonard and Howard discuss Howard's bachelor party, with Howard reaffirming to Raj that strippers are banned from the party. Raj then suggests a wine tasting train trip through Napa Valley but, despite Sheldon's approval, this idea is rejected as well. Meanwhile, Amy is filming Bernadette and Penny making wedding party gifts. She begins to ask a question about consummation but Penny tells her to ask something normal, such as what Bernadette's married name will be.
The bachelor party proves to be a failure, with Sheldon's jokes falling flat and Barry Kripke complaining about the lack of strippers. A drunk Raj then begins his speech by saying that he was lonely when he first moved to America until he met Howard. He then tells embarrassing stories about Howard's sexual history, including how Howard lost his virginity to his second cousin, had a threesome with Raj and a Sailor Moon cosplayer at ComicCon and slept with a prostitute.
Later, Bernadette comes to drive Howard and Raj home and reveals that Wil Wheaton (playing himself) put a video of Raj's speech on YouTube. Howard had previously claimed that he told her about every girl he had been with, but had not done so. Back at her apartment, she questions whether she can marry him. She is also upset at Penny, who originally set her up with Howard.
Howard shows up at Bernadette's apartment and asks Penny to give Bernadette his heartfelt and genuine apology, which reduces Penny to tears. Bernadette overhears this and forgives him. Amy is relieved that she is still a maid of honor and the four hug. Leonard later meets Penny in the laundry room and wants to have sex, but Penny declines.
Boxing fan Sonya Bartow and manager Pop Richardson are both impressed the first time they see amateur Paul Callan win a fight. They are more amazed, and Sonya somewhat appalled, when they discover later that Paul is deaf.
Pop agrees to train him, even though he's still not quite over the death in the ring of a former protege. A romantic relationship begins with Sonya, but she refuses to marry Paul until he's a champion. She impatiently pushes Pop to set up a title fight, even if he is not ready yet.
When a reporter, Ann Hollis, comes to interview Paul, she uses sign language. Sonya mocks it as a "dummy" language and Paul explains that he has always been reluctant to use it. Ann begins seeing Paul socially, takes him to a deaf-children's school and introduces him to her deaf father, a successful architect. Sonya drunkenly threatens to kill Ann if she does not leave Paul alone.
A doctor performs an operation that restores Paul's hearing. He rushes to Ann's house, but a party there is so noisy that it confuses and overwhelms him. Paul goes back to Sonya and is excitedly told that a fight's been arranged with Logan, the champ. Paul discovers that Sonya has hidden a telegram from the doctor, explaining that a beating in the ring could cause him to again go deaf.
Sonya bets heavily on the fight, but on Paul to lose. The punches he absorbs cause his hearing to fade. With all the distracting noise tuned out, Paul rallies to win the fight. He reunites with Ann, and is relieved when he can hear her speak.
Vineyard owner Alvah Morrell and his girlfriend Lee Kingshead elope to Las Vegas before he must return to active military duty. They are unable to have a honeymoon because Alvah comes down with a case of chicken pox and Lee must be quarantined from him.
Alvah leaves for 10 months. During this time, Lee finds no suitable way or time to tell her manipulative mother about the marriage. Mama pretends to have fainting spells and hides her personal foibles, which include smoking and gambling.
Mama's goal is to marry Lee to the wealthy Herman Strouple, who owns a thriving cement business. Mama hopes to keep the married couple apart so that their union will never be consummated and can be legally annulled.
By the time Alvah returns, so many people are pressuring him to sell his vineyard land and home to Herman that he feels alone, particularly when others conspire to have Alvah declared mentally ill and unable to conduct his own affairs. He must trust Lee to do the right thing, and soon they're finally spending their first night together.
Eddie Darrow (Tony Curtis) works for American gangster Barney Pendleton, who sends him to Macao to find a woman, Christine Lawrence, and bring her back to the United States. Aware of a previous romantic attraction between the two, Pendleton tells his thug Chalmer to follow Eddie on the trip, just in case.
At a nightclub and casino, Eddie saves the owner, Justin Keit, from some Chinese men attacking him. A grateful Justin invites him home and introduces Eddie to his fiancée, Christine. Eddie is bitter because Christine had run off to marry a criminal named Manard, who is now dead. A jealous Justin overhears Christine explain to Eddie that she only wed Manard because he threatened to harm Eddie. She also says Pendleton wants her back because she has hidden documents that could land him behind bars.
In order to keep an eye on Eddie, Justin offers him a job at the casino. There he befriends an Asian piano player named Allan. A local gambler named Hon-Fai is robbed and killed, and Eddie suspects Justin could be behind this. Christine makes it clear she does not love Justin, and she and Eddie passionately kiss. Chalmer shows himself, suspecting that Eddie has decided to take Christine for himself and flee. Eddie denies this, claiming that he fully intends to follow Pendleton's orders and bring Christine back to the States. Christine overhears this and angrily decides to marry Justin.
As a gang war breaks out, Chalmer is killed and Justin does indeed turn out to be a ruthless criminal. Allan, the pianist, reveals himself to be an undercover agent of the law. He is able to get Eddie and Christine on board a boat leaving for San Francisco, and when Justin tries to pursue them, he ends up on a boat that explodes.
Johnny Dark and his pal Duke Benson work for Fielding Motors, where owner James Fielding manufactures family-friendly automobiles. Chief engineer Scotty overhears the guys complaining about the company, and spots a sports-car design Johnny and Duke have done.
New employee Liz catches the eye of the guys. Her secret is that she is Fielding's granddaughter. When a major stockholder, Winston, protests the company's unwillingness to create new products for more profits, Scotty blurts out that Fielding Motors is developing a new sports car.
Liz is chosen as the car's designer while Johnny and Duke go to work building it. Duke invites her to go dancing, but is jealous when he spots her kissing Johnny, who has discovered Liz's true identity.
Duke is fired after flipping the car during a practice run. He blames it on brake failure, but Johnny feels it's just an excuse. Liz is disappointed in Johnny for not defending his friend.
The car is entered in a Canada-to-Mexico race. Johnny must drive it himself, Duke having been hired to drive another vehicle. Fielding dislikes making a sports car, but accepts Scotty's wager on the race. The car has a breakdown and Johnny must push it into Las Vegas, but when a radio broadcast implies that Fielding doesn't care, Scotty and a team of mechanics rush to Vegas to help Johnny get back into the race and win, which Liz and Duke help him celebrate.
France, 1803, is under Napoleon Bonaparte's rule, but royalist adversaries rally behind the mysterious Purple Mask, whose daring feats give them hope. A police captain, Rochet, goes after the Purple Mask only to be taken captive by him, whereupon Napoleon assigns the expert swordsman Brisquet to go after him.
The lovely Laurette de Latour, daughter of a duke and romantic interest of Captain Laverne, is on the side of the royalists. She helps hatch a scheme in which the foppish Rene de Traviere, who seems able with a sword, impersonates the Purple Mask to infiltrate Napoleon's ranks and free her kidnapped father.
Laurette is unaware that Rene is, in fact, the Purple Mask, who continues his charade, drawing ridicule on himself, until ultimately he is imprisoned along with the duke. Laurette discovers his true identity while imprisoned.
On their way to the guillotine, Rene, Laurette and the duke are rescued in a pre-arranged raid through the sewers of Paris by the royalist rebels. Napoleon, glad to be rid of the troublemakers, permits Rene and Laurette to leave the country for England.
Ben Matthews gives up the flashy life of a riverboat gambler, hoping to settle down in Galena with his girlfriend, luscious entertainer Zoe. But, Galena's leading citizen is murdered on the riverboat while on their way. Ben is implicated on arrival and flees, all the while working both sides of the law to clear his name. Three years of wandering later, Zoe's letters stop coming and Ben returns to find her. Encountering Rick Harper, whom he initially takes as a would be bandit, they develop a friendship that winds up with both men saving the other's neck.
Pat Quaid, an alcoholic San Francisco widower, ends up in jail. His grocery-clerk son, Eddie, needs $25 to bail him out. When he can't borrow it, Eddie enters an amateur fight contest and wins it.
Julie Walsh is in love with Eddie, but her father disapproves of the Quaid family, particularly the boy's father, so he makes Julie stay away. Pat Quaid, once a promising prizefighter, urges his son to give it a try professionally. Eddie agrees on the condition that Pat quit drinking.
Eddie decides to adopt his dad's old ring name, Packy Glennon. To train him, the Quaids go to Bernie Browne, who also has had a problem with booze. Bernie's work with Eddie eventually leads to a fight with Al Gorski for the middleweight championship. Julie shows up, but Eddie angrily dismisses her. Pat explains that Julie's dad has recently committed suicide. Eddie chases after her.
Eddie wins the fight and becomes increasingly arrogant. He trains lazily for the rematch with Gorski and is beaten badly. A referee's decision to stop the fight might have saved Eddie from permanent damage or death, but instead of being grateful, Eddie complains publicly that Tommy Dillon stopped it too soon and should be banned as a referee.
In a third and final bout, Eddie beats Gorski mercilessly. Dillon, the ref, doesn't stop it this time. The crowd jeers Eddie when he leaves the ring as Gorski lies unconscious. A depressed Eddie goes on an alcoholic bender with another woman at a motel. He feels "dead inside," but when Julie is able to get him back to a boxing arena, Eddie finds that Gorski and the spectators all have forgiven him.
A knight is forced to leave for the crusades without having had time to consummate his marriage with a beautiful woman. As was custom during the period, he applies a chastity belt to his bride.
Hunky writer Markus returns home to find his boyfriend of four years naked with another man. Newly single, he begins waiting tables at a swinging Chelsea hotspot where the indelible supporting cast of co-workers offers conflicting directions on the off-road map to love and lust in New York City.
The film opens with a man leaving his Moscow apartment building. On his way out he notices strange activity in the basement, but ignores it. As he leaves, the entire apartment building is destroyed in an explosion.
13 years later, the German tabloid journalist Paul Jensen (Moritz Bleibtreu) arrives in Moscow to work on a magazine owned by his late father's friend Onjegin (Rade Serbedzija). One day while buying a sandwich Paul witnesses the customer in front of him being assassinated in the street. Paul's photographer partner Dima (Max Riemelt) tells Paul that the victim was a famous journalist whose TV show got canceled due to him being critical of the government.
Paul meets up with the journalist Katja (Kasia Smutniak) in the lunchroom. Katja wants to publish an article about the assassinated journalist, but Jensen's editor does not dare to. Paul suggests that Katja rewrite the article and that he then publishes it in the celebrity section on account of the journalist's fame. Paul and Katja meet at a bar in the evening and Katja reveals that the journalist knew his father. Paul and Katja end up drunk and dance. The following day the two meet at a protest rally and Paul encounters Katja's brother Anatoly (Grigoriy Dobrygin). Police arrive and declare the protest illegal and Paul and Katja leave. They retreat to Paul's apartment and end up making love. The next day Katja finds out that Paul published the article without telling his editor. The editor tells Paul to never do anything like it again as they are now at risk of being shut down. Dima finds out about Paul's relationship with Katja and warns him not to have serious relationships with Russian women much to Paul's confusion.
Paul later meets with Katja at a party and she seems distracted and nervous. As they walk past a subway station a man approaches Paul for a lighter and Katja runs into the subway. Seconds later the subway is destroyed by an explosion that throws Paul through the air and knocks him unconscious. Paul wakes up at a hospital and is met by police. He is told that a backpack he helped carry for Katja contained explosives and that Katja died in the explosion in the subway. Paul is charged for terrorism and is presented with evidence that he is unable to prove false.
Onjegin is allowed to meet Paul and tells him he will be sent to jail while waiting for his trial, which is seven months away. Paul is sent to the prison known as "Little Chechnya" due to the large number of Chechen people held captive there. Paul is attacked and beaten up by an inmate but is saved by and taken under the wings of Aslan (Mark Ivanir) who serves as the leader of the Chechens. In a conversation Aslan tells Paul that he knew his father, Norbert Jensen (Björn von der Wellen). During the following days Aslan tells Paul about how Norbert interviewed him, how his and several of the terrorists in the prison lost their families in the invasion and how he became a terrorist. Aslan also teaches Paul about the relationship between oil, terrorism and money.
One night Aslan is taken out and beaten by the guards. Aslan suspects a prison snitch is informing the prison commander (Merab Ninidze). Aslan finds the snitch and Paul is forced to watch as the inmates kill him. Aslan is then taken away and murdered. Paul decides to sign a contract that will have him expelled to Germany in exchange for him declaring having been treated fairly by the authorities. Paul is driven away but when he realizes he is not being taken to the airport he jumps out from the car and outruns his guards.
Paul then meets with Dima and is hunted down by the authorities. He later finds out that Katja is alive and was tricked by authorities to trap him in a plot to get him arrested. He confronts Onjegin with evidence he retrieves from his flat belonging to his late father about authorities' plot to hide secrets behind the start of Chechnya's war. Onjegin arranges for him to leave the country using his money and contacts – he bids farewell to Katja and upon landing in Germany he watches the live feed on the TV about Onjegin's assassination.
As quail season opens, Barney Bear goes downtown to buy himself a bird dog to hunt quail. Unbeknownst to him, he ends up getting a bird-loving dog. While out hunting, he tells the dog to get him "something to shoot at", so it sets up some cans along the fence for him. But when Barney tells him to hunt for birds with him, the dog refuses, showing off his Bird Lovers card. The dog then runs out into the woods to save a baby quail while Barney tries hunting for it.
The dog tries to trick Barney by pulling off a disappearing magic trick, but is busted and the bird escapes. Barney tries to shoot it but the dog pulls an entire blade of grass out from under Barney like a mat, tripping him. Barney chases the bird and hides behind a tree, to which the dog sneaks up behind him and draws the quail on his trouser seat. The dog shows it to Barney and, thinking it is the real bird, shoots himself in the rear.
Barney then coaxes the bird out of hiding, by placing a trail of bird seed that leads into his gun. Barney attempts to run home with the bird, but is tripped again by the dog and his gun is broken in half. The bird once again escapes to the railroad tracks. Barney tries shooting the bird again, and the bird runs away from the oncoming bullets. After the dog switches the tracks, the bullets fly around and hit Barney's bottom again.
The chase continues until Barney has the dog and bird cornered in a bush and fires at them. The dog pours ketchup all over him and pretends to have been shot. Barney ends up saying "Please don't die. I'll do anything!" to which the dog holds up a Bird Lover's Pledge to never harm another bird again, which Barney reluctantly signs. A bird closes Barney's eyes which has his eyelid say "The End" and that concludes "Bird-Brain Bird Dog".
Anastasia 'Ana' Steele and Christian Grey return to Seattle after a long honeymoon. Christian is upset to find that Ana has kept her maiden name at work. After some resistance, Ana relents and changes her name at work to Grey after realizing how important it is to Christian. As a belated wedding gift, Christian gives Seattle Independent Publishing to Ana, and plans to rename it Grey Publishing.
While Christian is on a business trip in New York, Anastasia goes out for a drink with longtime friend Kate Kavanagh, doing so against Christian's wishes. Returning home, she finds that her former boss, Jack Hyde, who was fired for attempting to sexually assault her, has been apprehended by the security staff. Duct tape is found in his pocket and in his van there are tranquilizers and a ransom note—all indications that he had intended to kidnap her. Jack is arrested. Angry with Ana for defying him, Christian cuts short his New York business trip and returns to Seattle. Furious that Ana reneged on her promise to have Kate over rather than go out, an upset Christian sulks while Ana sleeps. Eventually, the two argue and Ana berates him for being overly controlling and possessive. She demands more freedom and access to her friends. Christian finally relents after realizing how much Ana's friends mean to her and that Ana did the right thing by staying with Kate rather than at home. Soon after, Christian surprises her with a trip to Aspen, with Kate, Elliot, Mia, and Kate's brother, Ethan. While there, Elliot proposes to Kate, and she accepts.
Ana's step-father, Ray, is in a medically-induced coma after a car accident. When he awakens a few days later, Ana and Christian arrange to move him to Seattle to recover. It is also Ana's birthday weekend, and Christian surprises her with all her family and friends at a dinner. He gives her a charm bracelet with the charms representing all their "firsts" including an ice cream cone to represent their "vanilla" relationship. Christian also gives her an Audi R8. Soon after, Ana learns that she is pregnant. Christian angrily accuses her of getting pregnant on purpose and leaves. He returns early the next morning drunk, claiming Ana will choose the baby - whom he believes to be a boy - over him. Ana says it could be a girl, though Christian refuses to accept that due to his sexist and chauvinistic nature. Ana becomes furious when she discovers a text message on Christian's phone from his ex-lover Elena Lincoln, the woman who seduced him when he was fifteen and introduced him to the BDSM lifestyle. The message indicates they met for a drink.
The next two mornings, Anastasia and Christian barely speak to each other: Christian is angry over the unplanned pregnancy; Anastasia is upset about his late-night encounter with Elena, though Christian insists their relationship is long-since over. When Christian is away on a business for a few days, Ana receives a call from Jack Hyde. He has kidnapped Mia Grey and demands $5 million in two hours. He warns Ana not to tell anyone or he will kill Mia.
Anastasia feigns illness and returns home to escape her bodyguard, Sawyer. She takes a gun and goes to the bank. While collecting the money, the suspicious bank manager calls Christian, who believes Ana is leaving him. To protect Mia's life, Ana lies to Christian, saying she is leaving him to raise the baby alone. Hyde instructs Ana to leave her phone but she tricks him by taking the bank manager's phone instead and dropping it in the trash. She leaves via the back entrance to a waiting car, shocked that Hyde's accomplice is Elizabeth Morgan, her co-worker. When handing over the money, Hyde tries to kill Ana out of vengeance for losing his job, causing Elizabeth to feel guilty for being involved. Angered by his behavior and his hurting Ana, Elizabeth argues with Hyde. On the ground and bruised, Ana shoots Hyde in the leg. As Ana starts to black out she hears Christian calling her name.
Ana wakes three days later in the hospital with Christian at her side. Though he is angry at Ana's recklessness and still anxious about fatherhood, he realizes how important their baby is to her, and they reconcile. Ana returns home the next day. Christian learns from his private investigator, Welch, that he and Hyde had the same foster family. He tells Ana about how he met and was seduced by Elena. By introducing him to the world of BDSM, Elena helped Christian learn to take control of his life. If she had not intervened, he would still be plagued with horrible memories of his mother and would never have been able to control his life. Ana feels guilty for her behavior when he explains how he ended up seeing Elena. He had been looking for his psychiatrist, Dr. Flynn, because he needed help and when he could not contact Flynn, Christian wound up at Elena's salon to talk to someone about his problems. Elena happened to be at the salon while she was closing. She knew Christian and Ana had had a fight about the pregnancy. Elena took him to her favorite bar for a drink and to help him relax. Although she made a pass at him, Elena realized that Christian loved Ana and finally agreed to leave on good terms. He reassures her that she did the right thing to call him out for his behavior because Dr. Flynn had been right that he still has a lot of growing up to do.
The next day, a furious Christian discovers from Welsh that Elena's ex-husband, Eric Lincoln, had bailed Jack from jail out of spite for her affair with Christian. Christian tells Ana that after learning about the affair, Eric severely beat Elena and divorced her. Despite Christian's urging, Elena refused to press charges against Eric out of guilt for the affair. Christian retaliated by buying out Eric Lincoln's logging company to sell it off. It is also learned Elizabeth confessed to police that she was blackmailed by Hyde to be his accomplice. (However, her ultimate fate remains a mystery.)
Seven months later Ana and Christian have a son named Theodore Raymond Grey, nicknamed Teddy. Two years later Ana is six months pregnant with their second child, a daughter whom they decide to name Phoebe Grey. Elliot and Kate have married and have a two-month-old daughter named Ava. At the end, after having BDSM sex, Ana and Christian are getting ready to celebrate Teddy's second birthday with their family and friends.
At the start of the film, Mei commits larceny and buys a jazz record, an upbeat recording of "Six Bits Blues". In town, he encounters civil insurrection following the killing of an American soldier, presumably by one of his colleagues who is now missing. When Mei returns to his home and his dog Monk in a half-destroyed church, the missing soldier appears from behind a curtain and points a gun at him. His leg is injured, supposedly by the real assailant's firearm. Since the soldier (Gill) is African-American, Akira is convinced that he will appreciate the jazz record he bought and tries to use it as a way of communication. He plays a few songs on the record, but the G.I. responds badly and, in a fit of restlessness, attacks and kills Mei's dog.
Eventually, the soldier asks Mei to take him to the sea, for unknown reasons, and on their way there, they form a bond and become close friends. However, eventually they encounter MPs. In a moment of despair, the soldier sings "Six Bits Blues" as its original blues dirge, affecting Mei. Mei and Gill find their way to the top of a building, overlooking the sea, where Gill ties himself to a balloon. He asks Akira to cut the rope, hoping to float up in the air and from there, to see his mother one more time. Mei reluctantly fulfills his request and they all watch the soldier, buoyed on his airborne balloon, as he approaches the sea.
The movie opens with Fuku and his fellow blind masseur friend Toku walking down a mountain path, heading for a onsen town where they have been hired to serve guests at the Goddess and Whale ryokan. Toku develops an affection for a female customer who passed him on his way to the village and whom he recognises by her distinct Tokyo smell. The woman also awakens the interest of a male guest who arrived together with his little nephew. When a series of thefts occurs, Toku, believing that she is the culprit, wants to help her escape. Instead, he not only learns that she is innocent, but also that she is on the run from her patron whom she dislikes. The next day, she leaves the village in a carriage with a man, possibly her patron, witnessed by Toku and the man with his nephew.
Peter can't get over his ex-girlfriend Elsa even though they broke up over a year ago. He spends all his time on a barge owned by his friend John and John's younger brother Colin. One morning Peter, John and Colin see a middle aged man, Clive, fall out of a motor cruiser into the water. They rescue him and decide to ransom him for £1,000. Peter and Elsa are-reunited but Elsa then commences an affair with Colin. Clive turns out to be Elsa's father.
The novel in based in the year 2020 and follows a stowaway named Jimmy Armstrong and his journey on the brand new and purportedly "unsinkable" cruise ship ''Titanic''.
Jimmys great-grandfather was on the original ''RMS Titanic'' and drowned when it sank. During a school trip Jimmy misses his chance to see the newly built ''Titanic'' and so decides to return later that night to take a look by himself. The ship leaves port at this point, making Jimmy an unwitting stow-away on the ship's maiden voyage from Belfast to Miami. Discovered by a crew member, Jimmy is brought before the Captain and, given their distance from shore, is ordered to work his passage on the ship's newspaper, the ''Titanic Times''. At the same time, an incurable disease is quickly spreading around the world resulting in widespread rioting and panic.
Pendergast's bloodlust continues as he chases those responsible for the abduction of Helen, who was revealed to have been alive and well for the past twelve years at the climax of ''Cold Vengeance''. But a new threat intrudes upon Pendergast's chase: a serial killer who holds New York City in the grip of terror.
When Vivian Bowers, a famous socialite, is found dead in a motel room from what appears to be a drug overdose, her estranged best friend Detective Joanna Locasto is re-embraced by the wealthy Bowers family. In time, she begins to uncover the truth of what really happened to her friend and who was behind the death.
Visiting a freak show, scientist Dr. Matilda Sandler takes an interest in the ape-man "Ungo-Bungo", who appears to exhibit genuine atavistic features. After the show she goes backstage and meets the man behind the role to ask if he will agree to be examined for scientific purposes. Ungo-Bungo, who calls himself Clarence Aloysius Gaffney, proves affable but reticent about his past and reluctant to submit to examination. In time, however, he warily consents in return for surgery to correct some old injuries.
Eventually it comes out that Gaffney is actually Shining Hawk, a Neanderthal Man over 50,000 years old, whose aging process was frozen early in life when he was struck by lightning. He had survived by his wits on the periphery of human society since the extinction of his own kind, using a succession of false identities and getting by as a blacksmith or in menial professions like his present one. He has been a witness to much of history from the margins, making little personal impact on it—though it is suggested that he may have been the original basis for the tales of the divine lame blacksmith Vulcan (his leg injury is very old).
As it happens, however, Gaffney's caution proves well-founded; not only does Sandler develop an unwelcome crush on him, but the revelation of his secret brings out the worst in some of the scientists to whom it is confided. Discovering that the surgeon who is to perform his operation secretly intends to dissect him, Gaffney skips out. Later, from an undisclosed location, he sends his apologies and regrets to those who have befriended and aided him.
The player takes control of the eponymous Tarzan, an orphan child who was adopted and raised by gorillas. At the beginning of the game Tarzan is still a young kid who has to learn different skills from the gorillas such as climbing trees, swinging down branches or fighting small but aggressive wild animals. He eventually grows up to be a strong and skilled man who must defend himself and his fellow animal brothers' home, the jungle, from hunters led by the evil hunter Clayton.
Spirits order a murder, leading to blackmail and a wine shop that is being used as a front for espionage activities.
In the city of Fairlake, Greenbrier County in West Virginia, the Hillickers—Three Finger, Saw Tooth, and One Eye start a murdering rampage with the help of serial killer Maynard Odets where they first murder news reporter, Kaleen Webber.
Meanwhile, five friends, Billy, his girlfriend Cruz, Lita, her boyfriend Gus, and Julian, are going to Fairlake to celebrate the Mountain Man Music Festival for Halloween. Along the way, they almost run over Maynard, who attacks them. Billy, Gus, and Julian attack him out of self-defense but are all apprehended along with Lita and Cruz by town sheriff Angela Carter and her deputy partner Kevin Biggs. While Carter leaves to take them to the police station, the cannibals appear and kill Biggs. Locked up in the police station, Billy convinces Carter to release his friends as he owns his drugs, and they left as he remained in his cell.
The cannibals use their truck to pull down a phone pole, taking out the service to the town. They then proceed to the power plant, killing a guard and shutting down the town's electricity. While most of the townspeople attend the festival, the teens register at a motel to stay while waiting for their friend to be released by his family's lawyer. Three Finger chases Cruz and kills her on her way to visit Billy. After Julian leaves the motel back to the police station, Gus is abducted by the cannibals while One Eye attempts to capture Lita, but she manages to escape.
Carter sees the cannibals drop Gus, who had his legs crippled. She attempts to save him, but the cannibals run him over with their pick-up truck, killing him. Carter frees Billy and gives him, Julian, and prisoner Mose shotguns to guard the station. She sneaks into an appliance store to communicate with radio jockey Teddy asking him to call for backup, but he rudely dismisses her message as a joke. After Lita reaches the police station, Billy and Julian leave to search for Cruz despite Carter's objections. They wander the streets and find Cruz's dead body; while trying to get the body back to the station, they encounter the cannibals, who capture them and place them on a football pitch, where Three Finger kills both with a snowblower. Carter then sends Mose to search for the deputies, but he unknowingly runs over a barbed wire in the road and crashes. He awakens to find himself captured by the cannibals, who burn him alive. After hearing Mose's screams over the radio, Carter exits the station as Lita unwittingly releases Maynard, who stabs her eyes out. Carter finds her husband Jason bound in a car and tries to help him, but a sickle tied to the door guts his body as Three Finger fights the sheriff before overpowering and capturing her.
Carter awakens in the jail cell with her hands tied to the ceiling. Maynard gives her the option of dying by fire or from a shotgun with the trigger near her feet. Carter eventually triggers the shotgun, killing herself as the cell burns down. Lita, unable to see, is captured by Maynard and the cannibals before being driven away into the woods, screaming.
The prologue is Angel's vision of Max's death. The book starts off with Max and her Flock preparing to go to school while they live in Oregon in a house Nino Pierpont gave them. Max is watching T.V. until it stops working. Iggy fixes it. The reporters are talking about a new group called the '99 Percenters' who are quickly growing into a powerful group. They don't know what their purpose is. Dylan comes in and Max snaps at him telling him that they will be late. Dylan points out that Max is still in her pajamas. At school, a teacher tells Dylan to capture Fang so they can perform tests on him. Dylan refuses to do so. The teacher tells him that they will kill or hurt Max if he doesn't which scares Dylan.
Meanwhile, Fang and his group go out, but they are attacked by Erasers. Among the Erasers is Ari's clone, wielding an RPG. Fang's gang, consisting of Fang himself, two boys named Holden and Ratchet, and three girls named Maya, who is Max's clone, Kate, and Star, take on the Erasers. In the midst of battle, Kate and Star reveal they are traitors. Fang and the other boys are so caught up in this new dilemma that they forget to watch the fighting. In the air, Maya's injuries, inflicted by Ari, cause her to fall from the sky. Fang catches her, but Ari delivers a fatal, rib-crushing blow while she is in Fang's arms. Maya soon dies while Fang is still holding her.
Angel has a vision of this while she is in a lab. However, she thinks it is Max who died. When she hears Fang tell his group Maya is dead, she feels relieved but instantly feels guilty about it. She is operated on and realizes that Jeb and Dr. Martinez are working for the 99 Percenters. She realizes in horror that the white coats have clipped her wings and blinded her like Iggy.
Afterwards, Fang leaves Ratchet and Holden. He hears the Voice in his head telling him to go to Max. He goes to an Internet cafe and searches 'Maximum Ride'. He finds out that Max is going to a private school called Newton in Oregon. His wing is injured so hitchhikes there. Three guys from the 99 Percenters push him off a cliff but he survives.
Meanwhile, Max and Dylan are having a date in a treehouse that Dylan built. Their candlelit dinner is interrupted by Nudge, Iggy and Gazzy spying on them. Their Voices have told them to record everything so they have a video camera which they filmed Max and Dylan's kiss with. Max is angry so she kicks the table causing the candle to fall over. This sets fire to the tree and the treehouse. Once the Flock gets to safety she apologizes to Dylan saying that the treehouse was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. Dylan tells her that she's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
An alarm goes off that night and the Flock sees Fang coming. Max and he reconcile making Dylan very angry. Fang tells them about a comment on his blog saying that a kid knows where Angel is. They go to where he said Angel was. Earlier in the book, Angel describes how smoke filled the building and they left her clamped to the table. The rest of the Flock sees the fire. Once it dies down they go inside the building to search for Angel. They find the dead bodies of whitecoats in a circle suggesting they knew what was going to happen. They see Mark again who jumps out of the window onto the broken concrete and dies. They find Angel, and it turns out that she is not completely blind, for as she says, "Everything is kind of a blur." Reunited, the flock heads back to Oregon.
Dylan watches Fang and Max reconciling from half a mile away. He is angry and flies into the neighborhood causing destruction to cars, windows and other property. The Flock sees this on T.V. and Max ventures out to find him but can't. At night the alarms go off again. Max opens the door thinking that it is Dylan. However, it is Jeb, Ari, and a hundred other Erasers. Jeb tells them that Fang has to die because his DNA is the next step to immortality and all the scientists will try to hunt him down to get it. Max refuses to let that happen and knocks out Jeb. Dylan comes in and kills Ari which kills all the Erasers as the flock believes they are connected. He then tries to kill Fang and almost succeeds until Max begs him not to. He then leaves.
Dr. Martinez comes in a helicopter and explains that she was brainwashed by Jeb and tells them that Nino Pierpont will take all of them to a safe place in his jet. They bring Jeb along and leave him in the plane under guard when they get to the tropical island. All of them have their own tree house (including Total and Akila who share one) which was designed to suit their personality. They also see other enhanced kids who live there. Dr. Martinez explains that a deadly disease called 'H8E' has been released to kill all the humans. The bird-kids are immune to it and the others who are on the island are safe because precautions have been set up to prevent the disease from spreading. If it did happen, there are caves and high technology force fields that they can go into and live in until the disease dies out. Iggy and Ella see each other again and kiss.
Fang and Max are kissing in Max's tree house when Dylan appears. They are both furious to see him. He says that he saw something large that he can't describe from above and everyone has to go to the cliffs, not the caves. Max and Fang refuse to believe him. He then says that he will tell everyone else to leave and then come back up there and if Max decides to stay and die he will do the same. Max sees the people going down into the caves. She sees her flock and tells them to stay. Only Angel hears her. She says they have to go. Max disagrees. Angel says that Max should listen to her because Max always listens to the Voice. She reveals that she is the Voice. Max says that she will go die with the humans. Fang tells Max that whatever the outcome, they'll face it together. Before Angel came Dylan also tells Max that after he gets everyone to safety, he will come back to her, even if it means that he will die with her; he tells Max that the only way he wants his life to end is with her.. Angel is upset and flies away. Then the sky explodes making it very hot. They fall from the sky. Fang wakes her up. They then see a giant tsunami. Fang says he loves Max, and holds her face with his hands, and she understands that it would be okay. They kiss multiple times before the water swallows them.
In the first epilogue, Max is talking to the reader. She says that she is the luckiest girl in the world because she died in the arms of the person she truly loved. She says that she knows the reader is wondering like she is wondering whether she was supposed to save the world or was it a lie. She wonders whether her life was a metaphor for what we're all supposed to do with our lives, that we can't leave anything up to fate or chance or for someone else to clean up. Or whether it was a lesson that you have to seize the day and hold on to your loved ones. She hopes that in the end, her life meant all of those things. She says she hears Fang calling her from far away and she doesn't know what's next but she's ready to see. She tells the reader to save their own world.
In the second epilogue, Max is underwater but she thinks she is dead. She hears singing that sounds like 'strangled whales'. It feels good. She sighs with relief. She then realizes that she is breathing, alive and underwater. Dylan pulls her out. Fang and Angel are also there. Dylan and Fang go to see if there is anything left of the tree house village and Angel enters Dr. Martinez's thoughts and says that they are monitoring satellite connection all over the world from inside the cave and whole countries may be covered in water, ash or flame.
Max looks at the island while she is sitting with Angel. Half of it is underwater and the other half is covered in high cliffs. She says that she and the others were made for this. They were made to survive in the new world after the apocalypse. Fang comes back and Max says she loves him. They hold hands and see the shadows of their figures together. She tells the reader, "This is my time. The time of Maximum Ride."
Pharaoh Amenes (Emil Jannings) receives glad tidings: King Samlak of Ethiopia proposes an alliance, to be cemented by the marriage of Amenes to Samlak's daughter, Makeda. Sothis, Amenes's master builder, reports there has been an accident at the construction site of the treasury and begs for more time for his workers' sake, but Amenes is unmoved.
As Samlak and Makeda trek to Amenes, Ramphis, the son of Sothis, spots Makeda's despised Greek slave, Theonis. Entranced, he takes her home with him. When Ramphis tries to kiss Theonis, she playfully runs away toward the treasury, unaware that the penalty to approach the place is death. Ramphis chases after her, but they are caught and brought before Amenes.
Pharaoh sentences them both to be executed at dawn. Theonis throws herself at his feet and begs him to spare Ramphis, as it was all her fault. Amenes immediately falls under her spell. He offers to let Ramphis live in return for her. Theonis rejects him, but seeing Ramphis about to be crushed underneath a gigantic stone slab, she gives in. Amenes commutes Ramphis's sentence to a life working in the quarries; the prisoner is told that Theonis has been executed.
Amenes decides to make Theonis his queen, mortally offending King Samlak. Samlak raises his army and invades the country. Meanwhile, Ramphis triggers a rebellion at the quarry when he goes to the aid of a stricken fellow prisoner. He escapes in the confusion when the news of the invasion breaks.
Back in Amenes's city, Pharaoh prepares to lead out his army. Before he leaves, however, he demands that Theonis swear an oath not to take another man if he is killed in battle. When she refuses, he orders that she be sealed within the treasury. He has Sothis show him the secret entrance to the treasury, then has the builder blinded.
Samlak launches a surprise attack on Amenes's camp, routing the defenders. He personally shoots an arrow into the back of Amenes, causing him to fall from his fleeing chariot. Before he succumbs, Amenes asks Samlak not to harm Theonis.
Ramphis makes his way home. When he learns what has happened to his father and Theonis, he enters the treasury, intent on killing Theonis, blaming her for his father's blinding. However, when he sees her, he cannot go through with it.
Samlak marches on the city. He gives the terrified inhabitants a choice: give up their queen or he will sack the city. Theonis, apprised of the situation, decides to give herself up, but instead, Ramphis rallies the soldiers and prepares an ambush, having the army hide in and around the treasury, and lets Samlak break down the gates and enter the city. Then the Egyptians attack the unsuspecting and celebrating Ethiopian army. The Egyptians are victorious.
Queen Theonis chooses Ramphis as her king, to the delight of the soldiers. Then Amenes shows up, haggard but still alive. The chief priest tells him he has lost his throne, but that Theonis is still his wife. No one dares challenge the law of the gods. In desperation, Ramphis offers him back the throne in return for Theonis. When the couple leave the palace, the mob turns on them, stoning them to death, despite Amenes's attempt to stop it. Distraught, Amenes returns to his throne, then falls down dead.
When notified of the North Korean invasion of South Korea, an American officer assigned to the Republic of Korea Army leads a mixed American and South Korean six man patrol to blow up a strategic bridge to delay the enemy's advance.
The film starts off with an old man in the desert, and two signs are shown; one marked East, the other West.
Japan has sent a mission to San Francisco. In San Francisco, the Japanese are surprised by American culture.
One American, Gus Taylor, and his gang steal all the gold from the mission and make their way into the desert. One of the samurai on the mission chases after the gang into the desert. He is joined by a young American boy, Sam, whose father was killed by the gang leader. The group picks up a variety of people along the way to New Mexico.
The Japanese and the Americans on the trip share parts of their cultures with each other. The group of vigilantes eventually makes it to New Mexico and finds the gang. They take back their stolen gold and return to San Francisco.
It is April 1941 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and Pvt. Robert E. Lee Prewitt is new to G Company. He is a skilled boxer who unintentionally severely injured a fellow soldier in an exhibition boxing match. As a result he refuses to be a boxer anymore. This places him at odds with his company’s commanding officer, Captain Holmes, who uses the reputation of many of the sergeants in his company as skilled boxers to further his military career. Facing pressure from the fascist-minded Gen. Barney Slater, who argues that the Army needs to control soldiers by fear of authority, Captain Holmes has many of his sergeants harass and abuse Prewitt in an attempt to pressure him to join the company's boxing team. Prewitt is tough and refuses to bend to the pressure. The company's First Sergeant, Milt Warden, attempts to help Prewitt, but there is only so much he can do.
Prewitt becomes involved with Lorene Rogers, a local prostitute. Prewitt’s friend Private Angelo Maggio is sent to the stockade after being court martialed for getting drunk and fighting with MPs. Things take a turn for the worse when Pvt. Prewitt is sent to the stockade for a few months of what turns out to brutal mistreatment at the hands of the Sergeant of the Guard at the stockade, Sgt. Fatso Judson, a bully and a sadist. While in the stockade, Prewitt reunites with Maggio and finds that he has been nearly beaten to death by Judson. Maggio dies after panicking and falling out of the ambulance on his way to the hospital. After Prewitt is released from the stockade he tracks downs Judson and kills him in a knife fight. Prewitt is wounded in the fight and he takes refuge at Lorene’s house while he heals.
Captain Holmes is promoted to major and leaves the company. The new company commander does not care about the boxing team. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and Schofield Barracks. First Sergeant Warden organizes the men of his company. He and the other sergeants of the company go to the armory and get Browning Automatic Rifles (B.A.R.s) and .30 caliber Model 1919 machine guns and return fire to the attacking Japanese warplanes. Warden and his men shoot down one of the Japanese "Zeros".
Wanting to join in on the upcoming war, and with Warden promising to help smooth things over regarding Fatso’s murder if he reports back, Prewitt attempts to rejoin the company but is mortally wounded by a nervous sentry that same evening. As he lies dying, he says he knows that Sgt. Warden will take care of his body (make sure his death is marked “line of duty”) and makes sure that it gets a military burial. After he dies, Warden assures the guilt-ridden sentry that Prewitt’s death was going to happen one way or another. When asked by the other soldiers if Prewitt was a good soldier in his company, Warden replies, “Hell, he was the only soldier.”
Constables Peter Grant and Lesley May, and Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale form the magical branch of the Metropolitan Police. Grant is called in for a murder investigation at the Baker Street Underground station: the victim, American art student James Gallagher, was fatally stabbed with a pot shard.
Grant visits James's art professor, and attends an exhibition of work by Irish sculptor Ryan Carroll. Peter realises some of the pieces incorporate pottery identical to the pot shard murder weapon and a bowl found at James's flat.
Following this lead, Grant and Lesley discover a warehouse where similar pottery is taken and stored. It is owned by The Beale Corporation, which was historically the maker of 'unbreakable' pottery. Its founders were instrumental in excavating the tunnels that later became the heart of the London Underground railway.
Grant and a team investigate in the railway tunnels, but they are attacked by pallid large-eyed individuals. They pursue them, eventually reaching an Underground platform, where ones of the individuals uses magic to tear the platform apart, burying Grant in the process.
While Grant is recovering in hospital, Lesley tells him she has confirmed Beale, Gallagher and Carroll are all descendants of the founders of the Unbreakable Empire Pottery corporation. James' roommate Zach also visits and accidentally mentions that he knows a pallid large-eyed man. When questioned he reveals that a group known as the Quiet People has been living underground and making pottery for the Beale corporation since the mid-Victorian Era.
Grant and Lesley investigate this group. As they talk to the Quiet People it emerges James Gallagher was courting the daughter of the chieftain of the Quiet People, which made Ryan Carroll jealous. When confronted, Carroll confesses, adding that he was also jealous of Gallagher's skill in pottery.
Olwen Williams (Gwyneth Vaughan) is a miner's daughter from a mining town in South Wales, where the mine has recently been nationalised. She is keen to move on from her impoverished upbringing to a more fulfilling lifestyle. An opportunity is presented to her when she wins a singing scholarship to a music college in Cardiff. She decides to leave her hometown to take up this opportunity, which means being away from Tom Thomas (Emrys Jones), a local miner who is in love with her.
While Olwen is away from home, an industrial psychologist from London named Alfred Collins (Anthony Pendrell) proposes to her, and she accepts. She announces this news to Tom while attending her father's funeral following a mining accident. Olwen moves to London with Alfred, but is disillusioned by her new life there.
Meanwhile, Tom is injured in a mining accident and spends time at Talygarn, a convalescent home. Here he is looked after by Glynis (Dilys Jones), a physiotherapist and friend of Olwen. Tom and Glynis fall in love. Tom also encounters success at work, rising to the position of manager. After his promotion, he visits Olwen in London, in a vain attempt to persuade her to return to Wales. Tom later dies of a mining-related condition. The film ends with Olwen singing "Home! Sweet Home!" in a radio broadcast.
The game features five main protagonists, the second highest number of main protagonists of any game in the series, with the previous highest being ''Yakuza 4's'' four main protagonists (With ''Yakuza: Like A Dragon'' surpassing ''Yakuza 5'' with a total of 7 protagonists). The game features series protagonist, Kazuma Kiryu, the main character since the original ''Yakuza'' game. There are also two returning protagonists from ''Yakuza 4'', namely Shun Akiyama and Taiga Saejima. One of the new main protagonists is Haruka Sawamura, a recurring character of the series since the original game. Though she has always been an integral part of the story, she has never been a playable main character before the game. Lastly is Tatsuo Shinada (Toshiyuki Morikawa), a new character to the ''Yakuza'' series.
For the first time in the series, the game features five distinct locales across Japan. First of which, returning from previous games, is Kamurocho (a.k.a. Kamuro City), a fictionalized yet realistic recreation of Shinjuku's red-light district, Kabukichō. Second is Sōtenbori, a fictional Osaka district based on Dōtonbori, returning from ''Yakuza 2''. The three new cities in the game are: Nagasugai, part of the fictional Fukuoka, based on Nakasu; Tsukimino, part of the fictional Sapporo, based on Susukino; and Kin'eicho, part of the fictional Nagoya, based on Sakae. According to general director Toshihiro Nagoshi and producer/writer Masayoshi Yokoyama, it would be like the "''San Andreas''" of the ''Yakuza'' series, as a "massive expansion on the core concept that takes the franchise to new heights."
In December 2012, the 7th chairman of the Omi Alliance, Tsubasa Kurosawa, is terminally ill. With his impending death, the truce between the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance deteriorates. Daigo Dojima leads delegations to negotiate with Yamagasa Family patriarch Tadashi Madarame. Daigo then meets Kazuma Kiryu, who is working as a taxi driver.
After work, Kiryu meets Daigo's bodyguards, Yu Morinaga and Masato Aizawa, who inform him that Daigo is missing. Minoru Aoyama becomes interim chairman in his absence. Kiryu meets detective Kazuhiko Serizawa, who points out Omi Alliance Captain Masaru Watase as a suspect. Watase is unaware of Daigo's whereabouts, but claims that Aoyama has been secretly giving him information. At a hotel where Madarame and Aoyama are meeting, Kiryu finds Madarame stabbed by Aoyama, who plans to take over the Tojo Clan. Afterwards, Kiryu learns from Madarame that Daigo had gone into hiding in fear of Aoyama, who looks to start a conflict with the Yamagasa. Preventing bloodshed, Kiryu defeats Aoyama’s army by himself. Before Aoyama can reveal his boss's identity, Morinaga kills him, and directs Kiryu to Kamurocho. While making preparations for his return, Serizawa reveals that Goro Majima has died.
Taiga Saejima is serving his sentence, and learns of Majima's death. The deputy warden helps Saejima and his cellmate Shigeki Baba escape. The two kidnap Taizo Kitakata, Majima’s supposed killer, who reveals that Majima faked his death. Baba shoots Kitakata to silence him, but he survives. Baba also reveals to Saejima that he deliberately planned to have him and Saejima escape prison so that he could be lured. Saejima subdues him but decides to spare Baba. He is then directed by Serizawa to Kamurocho.
Haruka Sawamura trains for a J-pop competition, having been scouted by Mirei Park under the condition that Kiryu leave the orphanage to protect Haruka's record. Haruka and Park bond, and Park confesses she received a letter from her ex-husband, who she plans to meet. The following day, she is found dead, of apparent suicide. Her death alerts Shun Akiyama, who reunites with Haruka. They conclude Park's suicide note was forged, at the behest of Naoyuki Katsuya, CEO of Osaka Enterprises, a subsidiary of the Omi Alliance. Akiyama finds Haruka's trainer, Kan Ogita, who confesses to killing Park accidentally after he tried to obtain a letter from Goro Majima from her, to find his whereabouts. Ogita is killed by Kamon Kanai, the Captain of Osaka Enterprises. It is revealed that Park's ex-husband was Majima. With Haruka's competitions completed and her protected from Kanai by Akiyama, she and Akiyama head to Tokyo, with Katsuya following.
Former pro-baseball player Tatsuo Shinada is hired by a disguised Daigo to investigate his own banishment from the league in 1997. Shinada investigates the scandal with Koichi Takasugi, his loan shark, and finds that his former manager, Fujita, is responsible for framing him, which led to the police investigation and subsequent expulsion of the local Tojo and Omi families. Daigo reveals his true identity, and the two return to Tokyo.
As Kiryu arrives in Tokyo, he learns that Baba is an accomplice in the Omi Alliance's plan, who planned to draw out Saejima and Kiryu. Serizawa tasks Saejima with finding Morinaga, but he is revealed to be dead. Akiyama and Shinada meet, and learn that Haruka may be targeted during the Princess League. Investigation into Katsuya reveals that he was Park's friend, and did not order her death.
Baba, Kiryu, Saejima and Aizawa see a broadcast claiming Haruka's concert has been canceled. Thinking Katsuya guilty, Kiryu and Saejima confront him. They, along with Watase, reach Katsuya, who intends to lure out the actual mastermind, Serizawa who is revealed to be Chairman Kurosawa. Daigo intervenes, but is shot and knocked unconscious by Kanai, who is also affiliated with Kurosawa. Kiryu refuses to cancel Haruka's concert, and the four decide to protect her. Majima is revealed to have only faked his death so that he could secretly investigate Kurosawa.
Before the plan can start, Kurosawa's men, impersonating the Majima Family, arrive at the Millennium Tower guns blazing to destroy Majima's reputation. With Haruka's concert underway, Akiyama and Kiryu fend off Kurosawa's men while Shinada fights Baba. At the top of the Millennium Tower, Saejima and Majima fight to a stalemate. Kurosawa loses his leverage when Baba refuses to shoot Haruka. Kurosawa attempts to kill Majima and Saejima, but is stopped by Daigo and Katsuya. In the streets, Akiyama defeats Kanai before being relieved by Watase, Madarame, and Kitakata.
At the Tojo Clan Headquarters, Kiryu learns that Aizawa is Kurosawa’s son. Kurosawa wanted to leave the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance to Aizawa, but Aizawa only cares for defeating Kiryu. A wounded Kiryu defeats Aizawa and reunites with Haruka, who makes her connection to Kiryu public and announces her retirement from the entertainment industry.
Amir and Bineeta come from Pokhara to live in Raj's house at Chapali Height, but the relationship between Amir and Bineeta sours and an accident occurs.
Amir starts thinking that Binee is attracted towards Raj. An incident happens where Binee encourages Raj to imagine her as his beloved and kiss her. Amir witnesses this scene, gets angry, and leaves. Binee, understanding that Amir is angry with her, follows her. Amir says that he is fed up with Binee for almost kissing Raj. Binee, in return, says that she was just role-playing kissing Raj. Amir leaves Binee in the night in Raj's house and vows never to return.
Binee wakes up in the morning just to find that Amir is no longer there. She cries and tries to kill herself. Raj saves her with a kiss. Binee begins her life without Amir. Raj tries to persuade Binee that he loves her more dearly than Amir does. Raj organizes a party where the only guests are Binee and Raj, and he proposes to Binee. Raj convinces Binee that whatever happened was the part of life and she should accept this and move ahead. Binee accepts the reality that Amir left her, along with Raj's proposal of marriage.
Binee finds Raj and Amir together with her in bed. Raj and Amir disclose their past to Binee: they were very, '''very''' good childhood friends, each liking whatever the other liked. When they grew up, their parents separated them, forcing Raj to move to Chapali Height, leaving Amir behind in Pokhara. They reveal that they still love each other and want to share everything they have with each other as in their childhood, including Binee. Binee tells them that they are sick and they need a doctor. Binee tries to call the police, but Raj and Amir stop her.
In the later scene, we see Raj and Amir making a plan to either persuade Binee to live with them together and enjoy it or they must kill her, otherwise, their truth would be known to the world. Binee remembers how her father said to her that she is his pride and remembers her childhood vow that she would never lessen his prestige in the society. She cries at how she betrayed her father's trust, and vows in her heart to expose the truth of Raj and Amir.
Raj and Amir try their best to persuade Binee to forget everything and live with them together. They untie Binee and Binee in return makes them believe that she has accepted them. In the night, Binee tries to leave the house leaving behind a drunken Raj and Amir who are passed out. However, Raj awakes, knocks Binee out, and brings her back to the house. Binee knocks Raj out/down and flees the house.
Amir wakes up just to find that Binee has left and Raj has been knocked down and out. Amir catches Binee this time and asks why Binee is not understanding their love. Binee attacks Amir and flees the scene, leaving Amir unconscious. Raj wakes up just to find that Binee attacked Amir, possibly fatally, and chases Binee. Binee tries to flee the house, pursued by Raj. Realizing that Binee is not going to accept them, Raj tries to kill Binee. In the meantime, Amir awakens.
Binee finds herself trapped between Raj and Amir. Amir hits her badly, knocking her down. Binee falls to the ground. Raj and Amir come down from the roof to find that Binee is not on the ground any longer. She has already escaped. They vow to find Binee and kill her, just to hide their secret from the society. Binee kills Amir from her hiding place. However, Raj is still alive, and she fights for her life with Raj. In the battle symbolizing homophobic good and innocence vs. evil, the innocence of Binee wins and she is able to kill Raj as well. She digs a graveyard where she buries both Raj and Amir together in Chapali Height to symbolize their eternal friendship. The movie ends with Binee leaving the grave of Raj and Amirat at dawn, free to live her life again having killed her would-be husbands.
The game follows the story of Eric Bane (Doug Cockle), a newly turned vampire suffering from amnesia. He learns that his transformation is not complete and that, if he does not drink the blood of his sire, he will mutate into a mindless ghoul. In order to avoid being such a foul creature, he receives missions to drink ancient vampires' blood. However, an angel in Eric's view appears to guide him to the righteous path, and ease intolerable pain that comes from not drinking appropriate blood as it disappears. With a question of this vision, he tries to recover his deleted memories and his true self.
Rosso Malpelo, a mischievous red-haired youth, is routinely beaten and picked upon for his assumed nastiness, as manifest in his red hair. He works in the sand mine with his father, Misciu, who is killed by a collapse whilst removing a support on request from the pit owner. Malpelo is deeply affected by the loss of his father as he was the only person looking out for him against a torrent of abuse from other workers in the mine. After two days however, he has to return to the mine. Vulnerable, Malpelo begins to develop contorted philosophies of life surrounding his experiences. He takes to beating one of the pit donkeys and taking revenge on those weaker than him, thus worsening his reputation to such an extent that he is blamed for every misfortune. Malpelo accepts the subsequent beatings without question. One day a new boy starts in the mine. A former bricklayer's labourer, he is no longer able to work above ground having fallen from a bridge. He subsequently walks with a limp and is known in the mine as Ranocchio, or frog. Malpelo takes Ranocchio under his wing, giving him a share of his food seemingly for protection and the right to beat him himself, in order, in Malpelo's eyes, to toughen him up. Malpelo continues to be beaten, and is no longer welcome at home, apart from when he is delivering his pay. He is depicted as becoming more savage as he laments being born into the mine. Soon Misciu's corpse is found. At this point, Malpelo takes a morbid interest in using his father's tools and wearing his clothes. He also cryptically denounces the existence of a heaven. Not long after, Ranocchio is taken ill and dies. Malpelo is left without anyone who cares for him, and finally, when asked to undertake a particularly dangerous piece of work, he resigns himself to his fate. He walks into the mine, never to be seen again. His name becomes a legend amongst the miners, who fear that some day he will emerge from the mine with his "red hair and grey, evil eyes".
A piano player discovers that the girl at the coat-check of a jazz club is a talented singer; she persuades him to form a musical act together.
The film begins with John "Soap" MacTavish sitting at a table, loading a STANAG magazine; in the corner stands General Shepherd, asking him to "start from the beginning." It then cuts to the Karkonosze Mountains, Ukraine (in reality, the mountains are both located in the Czech Republic and Poland), where Soap, Captain Price, Ghost, Roach, and other Task Force 141 operatives are seen walking through a forest. Delta Force operatives Sandman and Frost are atop a hill aiming with a Barrett M82 at several Russian soldiers guarding a safehouse. After requesting permission to engage, Overlord commences the operation and Sandman and Frost start to eliminate the enemy soldiers. A friendly AC-130, callsign Spectre 6-4, fires at the incoming waves of Russian troops in a large field outside.
After Spectre clears the way for the Task Force, Soap's team advances into the safehouse and kills all remaining hostiles. Roach plants a breaching charge on a wall, with Ghost entering the room first and killing the soldiers inside. The team enters the room after clearing it of the enemy, where there are pictures of an airport (hinting at the eventual massacre at Zakhaev International Airport) and a Bravo Six team that had been sent in earlier. Soap and Price discover that the picture of Bravo Six has several faces crossed out, implying each of the members have been executed. They then hear a C4 detonator beeping and escape before the blast can kill them.
The Task Force runs for a V-22 Osprey for exfil, while Spectre 6-4 provides covering fire for their escape. However, enemy RPG fire destroys Spectre 6-4, leaving the Task Force to fend for themselves. Another RPG is fired and explodes near Soap, knocking him semi-conscious and spitting blood. Sandman and Roach drag Soap to the Osprey while Frost rushes to cover them. Price then orders the rest of the Task Force to leave without him while he provides covering fire; Soap, however, refuses to leave him behind. Overlord orders the Osprey pilot to take off immediately, but Sandman argues with him, demanding that Price not be left behind. As Price shouts for the Osprey to evacuate, he is then shot and falls backward, struggling to get back up. He pulls out his SIG Sauer P226 sidearm and kills more soldiers before being shot again and overwhelmed by enemy forces.
The screen then fades to black and cuts to the present day, revealing the scars that Soap had suffered from the explosion. After demanding that Shepherd tell him Kingfish's true identity, Shepherd throws him a dossier with a picture of Vladimir Makarov, declaring "''We'll get him.''" Soap then draws his combat knife and stabs the picture of Makarov, ending the video.
In his "green reality" (where his son is alive and his wife is dead), Detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) sits in a prison cell temporary for killing Detective Ed Hawkins (Kevin Weisman), who caused Michael's car accident. Meanwhile, his partner in the "green reality", Detective Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris) finds heroin that Hawkins, under orders from Captain Kessel (Mark Harelik), had placed in a self storage unit. Meanwhile, Captain Tricia Harper (Laura Innes) shoots Carl Kessel in a hotel room, making it look like a suicide to cover up her involvement in Michael's accident. Michael is freed from the cell and Kessel's body is found.
Michael regains consciousness (after having passed out from a gunshot wound when Ed Hawkins was chasing after him) near a dumpster in the "red reality" (where his wife is alive and son is dead). The still-alive Detective Hawkins takes Michael to his car, but Michael flees after attacking Hawkins and causes a car accident. Michael finds his therapist in the "red reality", Dr. John Lee (BD Wong), forces him to sew up the bullet wound, and takes him to the self-storage unit to show him the heroin stash. Seeing no heroin, Michael then locks Lee in the containment center and contacts his partner in the "red reality", detective Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama). Vega secretly takes Britten to his house but, upon returning to the police station, is convinced that Michael is unstable and allows Michael to be captured. Michael is first taken to the hospital to receive medical treatment and then goes to jail.
Harper visits Michael in jail. When Michael notices the caller ID of an incoming call matching Kessel's hotel room pseudonym, he realizes Harper is part of the conspiracy and attempts to strangle her. Later, Michael is visited by himself from the "green reality" who leads him to the jail door. Past the door, Michael first witnesses Kessel's murder and Detective Vega, in a penguin suit, shows Harper's heel breaking in the process hinting that this can be used as hard evidence to place Harper at Kessel's murder. Next Michael briefly meets his wife, Hannah (Laura Allen) in a restaurant before he finds his "green reality" self sleeping in his bedroom. He – his "red reality" self – lies down in bed as well and merges with his "green reality" self before waking up in said "green reality".
In Harper's office, Michael confronts her about her involvement in his accident, pulling out his gun to shoot her. However, he instead lets Bird and another detective arrest her. Later, Dr. Evans applauds Michael's apparent rejection of the "red reality" and, when Michael suggests his fantastic experiences may have simply been a dream of the "red reality," Dr. Evans warns him not to create a third reality. She suddenly goes still. Michael, confused, goes through her office door and finds himself in his bedroom. He goes downstairs and finds both his son, Rex (Dylan Minnette), and wife alive. Concerned about Michael's odd behavior, Hannah asks if he is okay. He replies, "I'm perfect," and closes his eyes.