The title refers to the leading character, the post mistress Christel, in Carl Zeller's 1891 operetta '' ''.
As a boy, Noah sees his father, Lamech, killed by a young king named Tubal-cain. As an adult, Noah lives with his wife, Naameh, and their sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. He witnesses a flower grow instantly from the ground and dreams of a great flood, so he takes his family to consult his grandfather, Methuselah. On the way, they come across a group of recently killed people and adopt the lone survivor, a girl named Ila. She is treated for an abdominal wound, but Naameh determines she will be unable to bear children. The group is chased by the murderers and escapes into the land of the Watchers, fallen angels that were left stranded on Earth as stone creatures after they descended from Heaven to help Adam and Eve when the pair was banished from the Garden of Eden.
Methuselah helps Noah understand his visions and gives him a seed from Eden, which he plants nearby. The Watchers arrive the next morning, and, while they debate whether to help Noah build his ark, water spouts from where Noah planted the seed and a mature forest pops up around them. The Watchers are convinced Noah is serving the Creator.
Years later, Tubal-cain notices a huge flock of birds flying to the almost-completed ark and leads his followers to confront Noah, who defies Tubal-cain and remarks that there is no escape for the line of Cain. When the Watchers form a defensive circle, Tubal-cain retreats and begins to build weapons to take the ark. More species of animals come to the ark and are sedated with incense.
With Ila in love with Shem, Noah goes to a nearby settlement to find wives for Ham and Japheth, but, after witnessing the settlers' cruel and shameless behavior, he abandons his effort, as he now believes the Creator does not want humans to be part of the world once he and his family get the animals reestablished after the flood. Devastated by the idea of being alone his entire life, Ham runs into the forest. Naameh begs Noah to reconsider and, when he will not, goes to Methuselah for help. The old man cures Ila's infertility, while Ham befriends a refugee named Na'el.
When the rain begins, Tubal-cain incites his followers to storm the ark. Noah finds Ham in the forest, but leaves Na'el, who is stuck in an animal trap, to be trampled to death. His family enters the ark, except for Methuselah, who remains in the forest and is swept away by the rushing waters. The Watchers hold off Tubal-cain's army, sacrificing themselves and ascending back to heaven. Tubal-cain slips onto the ark and solicits help from Ham, playing on the boy's anger toward Noah.
Ila discovers she is pregnant and tells Noah. He pleads with God not to make him kill the child. The rains stop, indicating that God wants the baby to die, so he tells his family that, if the baby is a girl, he will kill her to ensure that the future will be uncorrupted by humans.
Nine months later, Ila goes into labor as she and Shem are about to leave the ark on a raft. Naameh begs Noah to spare the child so they will stay, but, instead, he burns the raft. Ham interrupts to tell Noah the beasts are awake and eating each other, which is a ruse so Tubal-cain can attack Noah. While they fight, Ila gives birth to female twins and the ark hits a mountaintop. Shem attacks his father and Tubal-cain is about to strike Noah with a rock, but Ham kills Tubal-cain with a dagger. With his dying breath, Tubal-cain tells Ham, "Now... You are a man". Noah finds Ila, intending to kill the babies, but spares them because he finds nothing but love in his heart when he sees his granddaughters.
Upon exiting the ark, a shameful Noah, thinking he has failed the Creator and deeming himself a monster, goes into isolation in a cave and makes wine to drown his sorrows. Ham, after witnessing his father's unseemly and naked drunkenness, leaves to travel alone. Reconciling with his remaining family at Ila's behest, Noah charges his progeny with caring for the world and tells them "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth," after which they witness intense waves of rainbows.
A man has discovered a fail-proof way of betting on the winning horse in any race. There is only one catch: He must never be the person to place the bet.
The show focuses on a group of young nannies working for the higher-class wealthy in one of the world's most prestigious zip codes.
The novel concerns the efforts of ''Condor Oil'', a (fictional) American oil company, to purchase a Mexican ranch from its unwilling owner.
Jane, also known as Tess, is a young woman who shares an apartment rented by Melissa and her boyfriend Mikey. Jane has a Chihuahua named Starlet.
Melissa tells Jane she cannot change the color of her room as she wishes because Mikey needs it for "shoots". Seeking change, Jane buys furniture at neighborhood yard sales. At one such sale she comes across an old woman named Sadie, from whom she buys a Thermos.
Back at her place, Jane discovers a stash of money in the Thermos. She spends some of it on extravagant luxuries, but decides to return the money to Sadie. The cranky older woman turns Jane away before she can explain. Despite Sadie's abrasiveness and resistance, Jane begins to form a friendship with her. She learns that the widow Sadie always loved Paris but has never been there.
After an argument with her boss, Melissa is fired from her job where she, Mikey, and Jane are adult film stars. Jane convinces their boss to suspend Melissa for a month instead. Jane gets a promotion. Melissa's car is repossessed, but she gets it back from money doing "privates". Jane begins to leave her dog Starlet with Sadie while at work. One day the dog gets loose and, although Sadie finds Starlet, she suggests ending the friendship with Jane.
Jane still has most of the money she found in the Thermos. Melissa advises her to spend it on someone she cares about. Jane buys two first-class tickets to Paris for Sadie and her, but Sadie refuses to go, before eventually agreeing to go on the trip. When Melissa learns that Jane spent all the money on Sadie, she is enraged. Melissa screams at Jane and kicks her out of the apartment. Jane contacts her boss, who provides her a room in a large house which serves as a dormitory for a stable of porn actresses. In an act of revenge, Melissa tells Sadie about the stash of money. Sadie briefly unpacks her suitcase, but stops and gets ready to travel. Later, Jane, not knowing that Sadie has been told about the money, picks her up to go to the airport.
Sadie asks Jane to stop at the cemetery to leave flowers on her husband's grave. Jane notices the nearby grave of Sadie's daughter. She returns to the car, and the two drive away.
Battle Nations also has a few major storylines as well as many smaller storylines (most of which were for limited edition events). Some major plot points include defeating Warlord Gantas (the antagonist boss of the Raiders), Attacking Rebel Forces (after they successfully take down the Imperial Forces), and confronting the Sovereign Navy (mainly by boats).
The characters that routinely assist in this plot include Lieutenant Morgan (who loves to drink whiskey), Sergeant Ramsey, Perkins, Dr. Aurora, and many more.
The Munich-based interior designer, Eliane Richter, shown "in the constant stress of the annoyed career woman", commissions the painter, Max Hollander, to draw a portrait of her children, Alexander and Lilly. Eliane´s husband depicted "in the hard shell of a cultivated power man", goes along with her wish. Eliane wants the portrait in memoriam of Alexander, who took his life about a year before. She provides pictures and videos of him for the painter. She wants Lilli to sit for a double portrait, but Lilli is disgusted by the idea to have her dead brother on the wall "for decoration". Lilli is an emotionally troubled ballet student, unsettled by career and commitment pressure. Unlike her mother, she is not disciplined and loses her leading role at the Theatre Academy because of disputes with her teacher. She tries unsuccessfully to find closeness and intimacy in her relationship with the artist Aldo.
At the sessions with Max, Lilli is reserved at first whereas he seeks to look behind her facade and capture her character in the painting. He recognizes the profound relationship between the siblings and understands Lilli's realm of feelings better and better. Thereby he also is able to connect to the personal losses in his own history. The relationship between painter and model deepens, and they trust each other more and more.
The resulting portrait does not meet Eliane's expectations, but breaks her reservations regarding Lilly. She is able to begin to cope with the death of her son. Lilly accepts that she will not figure out the reason of her brother's suicide, and is then able to forgive him.
In an interview Karoline Herfurth said the film is about "a family of facades which falls apart by suicide. In this family, one must not make mistakes, one must not fail, one does not learn to deal with failure, to ask each other for help."
Although sisters Geraldine and Carol Stewart live luxuriously in a Park Avenue apartment in New York City, their money has run out due to some bad business investments. Their servants, Williams and Annette, expect to be leaving, but the sisters invite them to remain as paying tenants. They agree, then surprise the haughty sisters by expecting them to share in performing the household chores.
Geraldine looks for work, but receives no offers except for a striptease act in a burlesque show. Williams is mistaken for a taxi driver by a wealthy tourist, "Pancake Annie" Jones from Nevada, who has come with her son Phineas to seek an entry into Manhattan high society.
Carol elopes with a rich acquaintance, Garrett Wetherby, which leaves Geraldine on her own, needing money. She accepts the job doing a striptease, but is arrested when the club is raided. Williams decides to accept Pancake Annie's offer to go West in her employment. Geraldine realizes she loves Williams and asks to go along.
The film primarily revolves around the family of Pok Eng (Wan Hanafi Su), a once renowned shadow play puppeteer who has gone out of business following the banning of the performance by the local Islamist state government. He was first married to a mysterious woman known as Mek Yah (Tengku Azura) who he was pressured to divorce because of her unorthodox ways. She bore him his eldest son, llham (Faizal Hussein) who left home at a very young age following his parents' divorce. Pok Eng then remarried, this time to a woman from the city named Mek Na, who he is now separated from and has since returned to the city. Through his second wife, Pok Eng had his middle son, college professor Bakar (Pekin Ibrahim) and the rebellious Adil (Zahiril Adzim), whom his own mother despises for unknown reasons. The family's hometown is in the rural Malaysian town of Bunohan in Kelantan, which is located close to the Thai border.
The story begins with the youngest brother Adil, who is now a young kick-boxer since leaving home five years ago. He has fallen deeply into debt, with little hope of paying his creditors honestly. In desperation, he agrees to an illegal high-stakes death match at a boxing club on the other side of the border. In the midst of the fight, with Adil losing badly, his best friend Muski (Amerul Affendi) bursts into the ring and breaks up the match, dragging Adil away. Adil and Muski return to Bunohan. They take refuge at the swamp of Pok Wah (Nam Ron), the owner of the local fight club and Aidil's former mentor. During their journey, Aidil almost gets lost while hallucinating about a familiar looking woman but is quickly rescued by Muski.
Meanwhile, the middle brother, Bakar returns to Bunohan from his comfortable upper-middle class life in Klang Valley on the pretense of looking after his ailing father. In reality, he wants to convince his father to sell their family's land to a large business corporation from Kuala Lumpur for a huge amount of money. Although he is the most successful and educated of his brothers, he is also the greediest. Pok Eng refuses to give Bakar their land since Bakar had already received his share and lost it in his previous business ventures. Regardless, Bakar is determined to claim ownership of his family's remaining land. Pok Eng is aware that his second son has plans that will bring disrespect to their family and community.
At the same time, Peng (Bront Palarae), one of the organizers of the fight in Thailand, sends Ilham, who is now a ruthless hired killer, to find and execute Adil to set an example for their other fighters. Ilham reluctantly goes to Bunohan, which he left many years ago after his parents' divorce. Upon returning, memories of loneliness and abandonment flood his mind, and he experiences waves of resentment and regret. As Ilham narrows his focus on his target, he learns from an old friend, Jing (Jimmy Lor) that he and the boy he is supposed to kill are actually half-brothers. However, Ilham is not deterred since he despises his father and hardly knows his stepmother. He then finds his mother's grave in a piece of land near the beach and starts digging for her remains to give her a proper burial. When he finds out that his father's new family is planning to sell the land, he goes all out to prevent this from happening.
When Bakar learns that Aidil is also back in town, he becomes nervous since he fears his younger brother will come to claim his share of the land. Jolok (Hushairy Hussain), the local don agrees to help Bakar take control of the land as long as they can become business partners. Bakar arranges for Jolok to visit his father with a business proposition, all while pretending to not know the man. However, Pok Engs senses Jolok's real intentions and sends him away, claiming the land is merely in his name but is not actually his. Regardless, Bakar hires local thugs to dig out the graves. Ilham follows the thugs into the swamp and kills them, but is injured in the process. He is then rescued by the same woman Aidil encountered earlier in his hallucinations.
Part of the land is now the site of Pok Wah's fight club, who received it from Aidil's mother while she taught him traditional medicines. Awang Sonar (Soffi Jikan), who is Pok Wah's partner, owes Bakar money. Jolok pays of Awang's debts and now Awang has to repay him with the land. They then organize a match with Aidil against a fighter from Bachok District. Aidil wins the match easily but the money is still not enough to repay Awang's debt.
Ilham and Aidil finally come face to face on their father's land. Ilham almost kills his own brother, albeit reluctantly, but is stopped by Pok Wah. While tending to their wounds, Pok Wah and Jing reveal that contrary to popular belief, Aidil was not born to Mek Na but was born to both Pok Eng and Mek Yah after their divorce, making him an illegitimate child. Ilham starts to have a change of heart when he learns Aidil was born to his own mother and is thus, his biological brother. Finally realizing why Mek Na despised him, he promises to return home to his father for good after one last fight to help Pok Wah and Awang pay off their debts to Jolok and Bakar. Meanwhile, Pok Eng is visited by the spirit lady that appeared before both Aidil and Ilham before. She turns out to be their biological mother, Mek Yah, who is now a guardian spirit of the land. She asks Pok Eng to come with her to her realm, but he refuses, saying that he is not done raising their sons properly and can only join her once his duty is completed.
Before the final fight, Bakar goes to meet Muski and pays him to fight Aidil by promising to pay off his sick mother's medical bills. At the same time, Jolok rigs the match by putting poison into Aidil's medication. During the fight, Muski unwittingly kills his own best friend in the ring. Meanwhile, while the entire village is at the boxing match, Pok Wah is conducting a cleansing ritual in his land to ward off evil spirits. Bakar shows up uninvited and murders his own father in cold blood. At the same time, Ilham confronts Peng, who has come to the village, and asks him to let his brother go. Unwilling to let Aidil live, Peng stabs Ilham and leaves him to die at the swamp. With his father and half-brothers now dead, Bakar has full control of his family's land.
The film ends with a shot of board proclaiming the development of a new holiday resort on the land that was once owned by the family.
Alona Dare was the most popular girl in school, at least she was until she was hit by a bus. Returning to the scene of her death as a ghost, she expects everyone to be upset over her death, but her classmates move on faster than she had hoped. The only person that can see and hear her is Will Killian, the school outcast and ghost-talker. Alona, used to getting her own way, haunts Will until he agrees to help her figure out how to cross over to the big white light that she keeps expecting. Will has problems of his own; every ghost in Groundsboro High, including a seething black mass of energy, knows that he can see them, and they all want him to carry out their final wishes. Will and Alona have to work together to get the ghosts to move on, and figure out what Alona has to do in order to move on to the white light.
Choi Seok-bong believes he is the son of a billionaire, from a one-night stand with his mother. While working as a bellboy at a luxury hotel, Seok-bong practices the qualities he thinks a billionaire's heir would have; all these efforts are for the day he meets his birth father. But one day, Seok-bong is diagnosed with breast cancer, which only has a 50 percent survival rate. Seok-bong doesn't have enough money for treatments, and finds it absolutely ridiculous that a billionaire's heir would die because he has no money. Finding his biological father may be Seok-bong's only hope. So he turns for help to Lee Shin-mi, the heiress of Ohsung Group and a notorious penny-pincher.
The porter at a hotel has ambitions to travel the world, and so quits his jobs and travels to a ski resort, trying to pass himself off as a wealthy cattle baron to impress a woman.
A biological weapon of unknown species attacks scuba divers in the Pacific Ocean, killing them with its sting before disappearing. It manifests as green vegetation. Nobody knows where it came from, or its motive. It sabotages top secret U.S. installations operating a "Star Wars"-type project, and destroys a Soviet spy ship. The lifeform inflames the tension between the United States and Russia. Nick Carter is fast on the tracks of the mysterious force, but a plot has already been triggered.
The game is set in 1999 (three years into the future) on the ''Antares'', a futuristic nautical research lab which sails off from Honolulu.
The player character is Chris Young, a former racecar driver and Gulf War pilot, who was hired by Cousteau because of his interest in marine technology, to pilot the ''Antares'' and find the ideal location to launch the ''Poseidon'' research lab.
Early in the game, the player receive a videophone message from Steve Grant of the "Worldwide Heritage Foundation". Archeologist John Braddy was after a sacred Japanese mirror of the Kofun period which belonged to a Japanese warlord Ishuta who led the Yamato armies to fend off invaders from the Kinai plains. The mirror was given to him as a talisman by his wife, Maiko. It was said that its reflection helped him defeat his enemies and afterwards his victory was engraved on the mirror. After his death, it was buried in his kofun (tomb). Fifty years after World War II, an ancient document came to light which established the mirror's historicity. Grant had failed to find the mirror but Braddy found Ishuta's lost tomb.
The player has to navigate the ''Antares'' to the wrecks and reefs of the West Pacific and the Palau Archipelago, explore islands, gather clues and combine them using the database of EDWARD to unfold more clues. The educational portion of the game includes scuba diving with the aid of the ''Angel Shark'' diver propulsion vehicle, taking photographs of the sea fauna and then cataloguing them to EDWARD. The player is additionally tasked to locate Braddy.
There are several characters the player can interact with, mainly from the ship's intercom. '''Jean-Michel Cousteau''' - In the game, Cousteau was given the responsibility by the "International Scientific Committee" to produce several programs in order to evaluate the health of planet Earth. '''Steve Grant''' (Nat Benchley) - The head of the "International Scientific Committee" and board member of the influential "Worldwide Heritage Foundation". With Cousteau he studies the global environmental trends and their effects on the coral reefs. He is also interested in finding Ishuta's mirror and after he failed, he sent Braddy after it. '''EDWARD''' (Jon Radulovic) - An Artificial Intelligence created by Dr. Paul Sinus, who runs the ''Antares'' and also the interface of its mainframe. EDWARD stands for the words ''Encyclopedia-Database-WorldNet-Album-Reports-Disconnect''. EDWARD also contains Jean-Michel Cousteau's ''Encyclopedia of the Sea'' built into, with information on underwater ecology, fauna, the geography and history of Micronesia, and the actual Japanese ships that sunk in the Chuuk Lagoon, including tonnage, dimensions and blueprints. '''Luciana Capucci''' ([ Faby Schneider]) - An Italian specialist in underwater biology. She is on board the ''Antares'' to help the player locate the ideal spot for the ''Poseidon''. '''Paul Sinus''' (John Gallagher) - A scientist introduced by Cousteau to the team, the inventor of the ''Poseidon'', the ''Antares'', the ''Angel Shark'' and EDWARD. His main duty is to keep the high tech equipment aboard the ship working '''Ann Fong''' (Valentine Zhou) - A Chinese historian, expert in ancient Japanese legends. She is the last to join the crew early in the game, as soon as the fate of Braddy is known. *'''John Braddy''' (Ian Marshall) - The scientist who looked for the Sacred Mirror and was lost.
A week before Christmas, a viral outbreak turns the citizens of Los Angeles into the walking dead. On the brink of severing ties with both his wife and his longtime partner Nash, L.A.P.D. officer Frank Talbot instead winds up trapped with them as death closes in.
The Rhythm Boys are some of the students from Tait College who patronize a tailor named Ginsberg who is affectionately known as Ripstitch. The tailor hits financial problems and is threatened with eviction by a bullying landlord. He is eventually saved by the support of all the students led by the Rhythm Boys.
The book follows up the events of ''Delirium''. Lena is now in the Wilds alone, and the sequel begins by switching the chapters from the present "now" and the past "then" point of view of Lena until they are joined together in Chapter 13.
Unfortunately for her, the Wilds are less wonderful than she thought. She becomes very weak and is found nearly dead by a group of people. She is helped her back to health by the group, which takes place as her new family. She is now free of the "cure," but she and her acquaintances decide that they must do the same for everyone else and restore society to its former state.
That is easier said than done, as Lena and her group have much standing in their way. The book also follows Lena in her life while she lives in New York City with two other characters from the Wilds: Raven and Tack. She is part of the DFA, the Deliria Free America, and during one of its rallies, she is kidnapped by other Invalids, called Scavengers, and held in captive with Julian Fineman, the leader of the youth division of the DFA. Julian is unable to receive the procedure because he has a brain tumor.
With the memory of Alex's sacrifice in mind, she navigates her way out of the place with Julian. Lena slowly begins to fall in love with Julian as he begins to tell more about his abusive father, his real thoughts in the disease, and why he really joined the DFA.
When Santa Claus leaves an Elf behind on Christmas Eve, the Harper kids help him realize that he's the super-hero: "Elf-Man". Together they must save their Dad's new invention from a bumbling gang of thieves, and enjoy the best Christmas ever.
The story begins in the year 1860. The young Count of Munkkiniemi, Mauritz Armborg, and Katariina, the daughter of a farmhand on the estate of the Count's family, are attracted to each other. However, the count's grandmother, Yvonne Armborg, objects to the romance and tries to obstruct it. Elias Jahnukainen, a fisherman, is himself in love with Katariina and wants to marry her, but she has demurred at his marriage proposals to date. Count Mauritz dreams of making a career as a violinist and wants to study music abroad. To try to divert Katariina away from her grandson, Countess Yvonne offers to finance Katariina's dowry if she is willing to marry Elias. In addition, Countess Yvonne introduces the young count to Ingeborg Liliecrona. However, Mauritz is not attracted to Ingeborg.
Mauritz and Katariina plan to elope, and make their way to Copenhagen and Rome. The lovers meet at an inn, and spend the evening together. At dawn, Mauritz leaves Katariina an old family heirloom, a necklace. However, a servant to Yvonne informs her of the lovers' plans. The lovers are intercepted before they can travel together to Copenhagen. Katariina is escorted back, apart from Mauritz.
Unhappy at being separated from Mauritz, she tries to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, but Elias saves her. She then accedes to a marriage with Elias. Separately, Mauritz has continued his journey to Copenhagen, where he is confined for several weeks because of a severe illness. Ingeborg travels to Copenhagen, meets Mauritz, and falsely tells him that Katariina will arrive in Rome in the company of Countess Yvonne. However, upon their arrival in Rome, Mauritz meets Countess Yvonne, who has traveled alone. She tells him that Katariina has married Elias, which leaves Mauritz distraught.
Katariina and Elias have moved into the lower-income Katajanokan district. She has given birth to a son, whom she names Mauritz. Even though the Count is the biological father, Elias promises to treat the son as his own.
Seven years pass. Mauritz and Ingeborg have married, but Mauritz is unhappy because he is still in love with Katariina. At the end of the 1860s, Finland is enduring famine, and plague. Katariina writes a letter of intent to gain admission for her son into a good school, but her application fails, because Elias is of too low a social station.
One day, young Mauritz disappears. Katariina finds him at the house of the governor's wife, Elisabeth Gerhard, whose own son has died. Elisabeth offers to take care of young Mauritz. Katariina objects, but changes her mind after the death of her husband Elias from the plague. Katariina leaves young Mauritz in the care of Elisabeth, and also leaves the necklace with him. Elisabeth and young Mauritz travel to Rome, where young Mauritz meets Count Mauritz. He sees the necklace with young Mauritz, and realises that he is Katariina's son, and thus his own son.
The marriage between Count Mauritz and Ingeborg finally collapses, as the Count has requested permission to travel to Finland with young Mauritz. Ingeborg agrees to a divorce. Count Mauritz and young Mauritz return to Munkkiniemi to a solemn welcome. Count Mauritz plans to apologise to Countess Yvonne, who in her turn has since repented of her scheme to keep Count Mauritz and Katariina apart. When Countess Yvonne meets young Mauritz, she immediately feels great affection for him. Upon seeing the necklace in his possession, she realises that the child is her kin. In the meantime, Katariina has also learned of her son's return to Finland.
One day, Count Mauritz is walking in a park where he and Katariina spent past days of their time together. He begins to sing the "Romance", a song that they both loved. Unbeknownst to him, Katariina is in the same park, and hears the song. The couple finally reunite, as Count Mauritz asks Katariina to come home with him, to "our home".
The two principal protagonists of "The End of the Party" are nine-year-olds, Peter Morton and Francis Morton. The story makes clear that although they are identical twins, they possess profound psychological differences – Peter, the elder by several minutes, is presented as a healthy child with an intensively protective attitude towards his impaired brother, while Francis is depicted as being challenged by an intense anxiety disorder. The unnamed narrator speculates that Francis suffered psychological trauma when he was briefly separated from Peter during the birth process.
Peter and Francis will be separated again during a game of hide-and-seek that is the scheduled climax of a birthday party for a family acquaintance, ten-year-old Colin Henne-Falcon. Descriptions of the home of the Mortons, where the story begins, and the Henne-Falcons, where it ends, make clear that the ambiance of the story is that of the English upper class between the two World Wars. The brief appearance of a child's nurse, and other servants, help establish the social setting. Cozy elements such as an egg-and-spoon race, a three-legged race, and a birthday cake do little to diminish the mounting horror of the story, as Francis is increasingly terrified by the prospect of being required to play hide-and-seek in the dark.
As the climactic hide-and-seek game begins, the adults present turn out the lights, and the children designated to hide, including Peter and Francis, are required to scatter. Peter senses his brother's terror and, aided by his instinctive grasp of his brother's psychological fears and needs, is able to guess where Francis has hidden. A gesture of Peter's hand in the dark, as he reaches out, tells him that his guess has been successful: he touches his younger brother and then grasps his hand and crouches close to him, attempting to provide a continuing presence of reassurance. Faint noises, described meticulously by Greene, show that the game is continuing, and darkness continues to enshroud the place of safety where the two brothers are hiding.
Finally, the game is over, a chandelier is lit, and the party's hostess begins to scream with horror. As light floods into the niche where the brothers have hidden themselves, the narrator reports that Francis Morton has lain sprawled and still since the terrified child was startled beyond endurance by the touch of a human hand in the dark. The story's ironic ending makes clear that the nine-year-old did not live long enough to realize that the fingers descending upon his face were those of his protective brother. Their separation would now be permanent.
After a spell in the US, master criminal Henri "le Nantais" returns to Paris and is recruited by Paul Liski, head of a major narcotics ring, to improve efficiency of distribution. Merchandise has been disappearing and unreliable dealers must be eliminated. For the latter purpose he is assigned two hit men, Catalan and Bibi. As his cover, he is made manager of a restaurant, Le Troquet, much favoured by the underworld. As soon as he walks in, he catches the eye of the cashier, Lisette, who resolves to be his girl. The first task he is given is a courier who wants out, not understanding that there is only one way to leave the organisation: Catalan and Bibi quickly eliminate him. Then he visits a laboratory, whose courier has been dealing on the side and is quickly dealt with by the two hit men. Deciding that the laboratory is compromised, Henri himself takes its entire stock to the port of Le Havre, to be shipped overseas. Later, the organisation is shocked to learn that French police found the whole consignment.
Police pressure intensifies, with a raid on Le Troquet in which staff and customers are all taken in for questioning. They exempt Lisette, who has moved into Henri's apartment upstairs and has been given a number to ring if Henri's life is in danger. Freed, he continues his investigations into weak links, visiting among other sordid spots a Chinese opium den and a club for black marijuana smokers. When Catalan and Bibi are sent on a job, they walk into a police ambush and escape wounded, after killing two cops. They rush round to Le Troquet, where Lisette overhears their story, and Henri decides that Paul must solve this problem. When the three go to his house, he gives them a map and the keys to a country hideaway; Driving there straight away, they are looking for food and drink when the house is surrounded by police and in a gun battle Catalan and Bibi are killed. The police, who had been alerted by Lisette, take the lightly wounded Henri back to headquarters, where the whole drug ring from Paul downwards has been arrested. Revealing himself to be an undercover police inspector, Henri looks forward to interrogating them.
Two petty criminals are pursued by a gangster from the United States to Paris, France, where they enlist into the French Foreign Legion to escape. After being drafted to a garrison in North Africa, they fall foul of military authority and are sent to a sadistic punishment camp, where they lead an insurrection against its commanding officer, and then help to defeat a native Mohammedan revolt.
One year after the events of the animated series' thirty-episode fourth season, Aelita Schaeffer, Jeremy Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama, and newly-welcomed William Dunbar return to their daily lives and routines at Kadic Academy. X.A.N.A., despite their success in defeating it previously, suddenly reappears, reborn with even more strength and power than ever before. The protagonists reactivate Franz Hopper's quantum supercomputer, which runs the virtual world Lyoko, and resume their former double lives in order to protect humanity from the threat of X.A.N.A. once again. Joined by William Dunbar, who has finally been accepted as the sixth Lyoko Warrior, and an unreliable girl-genius named Laura Gauthier, the seven heroes are bent on unraveling the reasons for such a return and to exterminate X.A.N.A., the autonomous, sentient multi-agent system/artificial intelligence that is threatening humanity once again.
X.A.N.A. is currently unable to take over the network due to it missing some of its essential "Source Codes," which it injected into the Lyoko Warriors, except for William, during their final virtualization in the original series, and is now trying to steal them back through its polymorphic specters. Jeremy reasons that if X.A.N.A. regains all of its Codes, it will take over the internet again and nothing will stop it. One benefit to having Codes, however, is that the carrier can deactivate towers on Lyoko under X.A.N.A.'s control, making all but William capable of doing so, as opposed to just Aelita alone. With the help of Laura, Jeremy works to write a virus that will be capable of hopefully eradicating X.A.N.A. for good this time.
In addition to X.A.N.A., the gang eventually discover that they have another dangerous enemy, a Swiss mad scientist named Professor Lowell Tyron, who seems to be the one responsible for unintentionally reactivating X.A.N.A.. He claims to have no knowledge of X.A.N.A., despite its high level of activity in the Cortex system, which is a Replika (a virtual world that is similar to Lyoko) that Tyron created. He commands a group of several virtual human avatars in green and black-striped ninja-like costumes to counter the Lyoko Warriors' efforts to hack into his system. In Professor Tyron's lab, the group also discovers Aelita's long-lost mother, Anthea. They seek to discover why she is with their new enemy and how to reunite Anthea and her daughter.
In the cliffhanger finale, it is revealed that Prof. Tyron has been married to Anthea for four years now, making him Aelita's stepfather. Tyron attempts to coerce Aelita into telling her friends to abort their plan to destroy the Cortex and coming with him, as he has legal custody of her, or risk never seeing her mother again. Aelita ultimately chooses to forsake her mother and go through with their original plan, and Tyron orders his subordinates to shut down his supercomputer while the Lyoko Warriors are still inside. They barely escape, having just injected Jeremy's virus into the core of the Cortex, which means that X.A.N.A. would be destroyed upon rebooting of Tyron's supercomputer, unless either X.A.N.A. was able to back itself up, or Tyron is able to repair his supercomputer, and by extension, X.A.N.A. along with it; never truly confirming whether X.A.N.A. was entirely destroyed a second time nor the identities of the Ninjas and the long awaited reunion between Aelita and Anthea.
Diane is an English girl in her late teens who's visiting with her aunt in New York and suffers from chronic nosebleeds. She checks herself in a mirror and transforms into a werewolf-like monster before falling unconscious. Earlier, she walks in the streets trying to borrow a cellphone in order to call her twin sister Karen. Having no luck, she enters a clothing store and asks to use a phone. There, she meets a girl of her age, Jack, who presents as butch and is instantly smitten by Diane. Diane's nose starts bleeding again and Jack helps her. Jack then takes Diane to a night club. Diane seems nauseated, and she goes to the restroom. Once she feels better, she meets up with Jack and the girls passionately kiss.
By morning, the girls part ways and Jack is hit by a car, though not badly harmed. At her aunt's home, Diane is reprimanded by Aunt Linda, who tells her she is grounded. Both of the girls feel misunderstood by their respective parent figures. Diane visits Jack in her home. Jack confides in Diane about a cassette tape with the song "Only You" that she kept as memento of her late brother. Not having access to a personal phone, Diane asks her sister Karen to call Jack pretending to be Diane. When Jack tries to have phone sex with her, Karen reveals she's not really Diane. The next day, Jack visits Diane at her aunt's and the girls get into an argument when Linda intentionally tells Jack about Diane soon leaving to attend fashion school in Paris, along with her sister. This and the fake phone call anger Jack, who leaves abruptly.
With Jack not wanting to be with her anymore, Diane suffers from desolation. Meanwhile, Jack hangs out with a colleague, Tara. They have an intimate moment but Jack rebuffs her shortly thereafter. The next day, Diane hangs out in the store where Jack works with one of Jack's friends, Chris, to Jack's annoyance. Jack asks Diane to leave, but Diane challenges her to a childish game. Jack wins so Diane is forced to go. Jack gets back to Chris, who found a video of Diane's sister getting raped on an adult website. Despite their falling out, Jack seeks Diane to tell her about the video. After Diane talks to Karen on the phone, she and Jack reconcile. Diane wants to go back home to be with Karen, but Karen refuses. Diane says she always felt like the stronger sister.
Over the next few days, Jack and Diane spend a lot of time together. One night, Diane has a dream of transforming into a monster and devouring Jack's heart. She wakes up only to find Jack at her side with blood gushing out of her nose. As the days narrow down before Diane has to leave for school, the bond between the two girls is threatened by the upcoming separation. While they're in a locker room to retrieve Diane's suitcases, the lights suddenly go off. In the dark, Diane is startled by the monster she had previously dreamed of transforming into. Jack goes to see Diane on her last day in New York and the two girls console each other, finally letting go of their fears.
After a few weeks, Diane receives a cassette player with the tape made by Jack's brother. She turns the song on and listens to it profoundly.
When an overworked housewife goes on strike to persuade the rest of her family to share in household chores, she becomes a national celebrity.
Unsure of their financial situation, Richard Sutton and Linda Pearson have postponed their plans to marry to when they have a steady income. To be able to turn down a job offer he doesn't like, he pretends to have inherited money from a relative. Problem arises as his grandmother hears of the inheritance and believes it is a particular wealthy uncle Woodrow in Brazil who has thrown in the towel, leaving his $3 Million to Richard. She is also unaware of Richard's engagement to Linda.
When Richard wants to take the grandmother out of her misconception, her doctor advises against it, saying the shock could cause her death. Believing her grandson is rich now, she starts campaigning for his engagement to young beautiful Gwenny Miller. Gwenny is the grandmother's ward.
Another wealthy young woman, Barbara Cartwright, tells Richard she has an idea of how he can solve his problems. Richard goes to visit Barbara, but is quite dozy after involuntarily taking sleeping pills. He falls asleep, and when he wakes up again, he is seemingly engaged to Barbara.
Outraged and jealous, Linda breaks off their engagement, and Richard goes on a bender to drown his sorrows. Again he is knocked out, and wakes up in the apartment of infamous playboy Chester Wannamaker. With him in the apartment is a chorus girl named Lorraine O'Reilly, who really is Chester's fiancé.
Both Barbara and Gwenny soon arrives to the apartment to confront him, and after that also Lorraine's brother. The brother believes Richard is Chester and uses a gun to threaten him into marrying his sister.
Later, Richard's grandmother and uncle arrive at the apartment, saving him from the wrath of the women and the brother, explaining to them that Richard is poor. Richard reconciles with Linda after explaining the whole misunderstanding.
Nae-gyeong, the most skillful face reader in the Joseon dynasty, was living in seclusion when he was offered a lucrative partnership by Yeon-hong, a gisaeng. Nae-gyeong accepts the proposal to read the faces of Yeon-hong’s guests only to get involved in a murder case. With his face reading skills, Nae-gyeong successfully identifies the murderer and his skills are soon acknowledged by King Munjong who orders him to identify the potential traitors who threaten his reign. However, after the unexpected death of Munjong, Nae-gyeong is courted by Grand Prince Suyang who yearns to become King himself by killing the young successor Danjong. Nae-gyeong decides to keep his loyalty to the late King and help Kim Jongseo protect the young King which forces him into the biggest power struggle in the history of the Joseon dynasty.
When a dog walker agrees to housesit for a wealthy client with a penthouse apartment, he is mistaken for the apartment's owner by a dog-loving neighbor.
When a recently deceased playboy, Max, gets to heaven, he is granted a wish. His request: to watch his three best friends, with whom he regularly played poker, for the next 24 hours. That day, each man would receive a letter; tomorrow, Max's will is to be read. Each letter states that he had an affair with that man's wife, all of with whom he was close. With one, Max attended Friday symphony matinees and had tea afterwards; with another, he went to night clubs and taught French; the last, he repeatedly hired as his nurse through his long battle with heart disease.
Each husband reacts differently, as does each wife when she discovers that something has happened to make her husband distrust her. At the end of the 24 hours, each couple declares their intention to divorce, mistrust and disbelief having split each relationship. The lawyer reads the will, stating that Max's great fortune has been left to the three wives, as he believes that marriage is stronger when a wife is not dependent on her husband. It states in his will that Max wrote the letters to show each of his friends how much his wife was worth, as each had begun to take her for granted; he believed that jealousy was the perfect motivator to make someone re-appreciate something/someone.
Each wife reiterates her intention to divorce; each husband apologizes and begs her to reconsider. The three couples all reconcile, everyone grateful for having had Max and for his final gift to them - each other.
The player takes on the role of a young man named Monobe who is searching for the past of his people. Monobe has always wanted to know the origins and destiny of his people. He is told by his tribal elder of the stories of old and given a set of technologically sophisticated armor and an arm-mounted gauntlet that projects a strange energy. He leaves his people behind and wanders through jungles and temple areas. His devices allow him to navigate hazards and stop dangerous foes. Along the way he must use the gauntlet device to open doors and to access different areas of the landscape which become increasingly futuristic and industrial.
Monobe discovers that this "world" he and his people live on is not a planet but a generation ship sent from Earth (via Luna Colony) in May 2037. Its purpose was to colonize a world named "Hope", in an interstellar voyage that would put them in orbit around Hope in the year 2385. The ship, ''Heritage'', was designed to support 20 generations of colonists. Monobe's discovery is made in August 2671; fortunately his ancestors built the ship to sustain life for at least 700 years. The breakdown of protocol on board the vessel throughout the many generations meant that key systems were not maintained and the automatic descent systems that would have brought the ''Heritage'' down safely on Hope were not engaged so that the ship stayed in orbit for more than 200 years after arrival, with its occupants unaware that they needed to disembark on shuttles to the planet below.
When the team takes on the case of Emily, a six-year-old girl who has numerous preexisting health problems, they must work with her mother, Elizabeth, a doctor who specializes in her daughter's condition. The team must also deal with the battles raging between Emily's mother and father who have conflicting views on how to handle her health issues. When searching the family's home for clues to Emily's illness, the team realizes that Elizabeth's determination to cure her daughter could be the very thing that is killing her. Meanwhile, House and Wilson deal with Wilson's stage two cancer at House's apartment. Wilson feels that going forward with the more radical treatments first would be the best way to deal with it instead of dying a slow death, and this puts his life in jeopardy.
The film details the last three days of Ryōma's life.
Paquita, the widow of a Paraguayan officer, rescues a wounded sergeant who has been a companion of her husband. She takes care of him and nurtures him back to health. But they only have one hope, to keep fighting for Paraguay against the Argentine Army.
When a change in Teenage Ben's Omnitrix goes wrong, his new partner, Rook, is sent back in time, finding Ben from when he was eleven years old. Young Ben and Rook get into a fight with the villain Malware who absorbs Rook's Prototool to get new, much stronger abilities, which leads to a terrible alternative future timeline.
Both young Ben and Teen Ben need to work together with his new partner Rook to solve the crime, fix the past and present, and defeat the evil intentions of Malware on destroying the world.
Megan Hunt (Dana Delany) and Todd Fleming (Jeffrey Nordling) are called to Lacey's (Mary Mouser) school when she is seen looking at photos of a young woman, Nikki Parkson (Mary Fegreus) who died, after battling a terminal illness. When Megan looks at a photo, she sees irregularities and without permission from Kate Murphy (Jeri Ryan), Megan and Peter Dunlop (Nicholas Bishop) stop Nikki being buried, so they can look at her body, much to the horror of Nikki's mother Lillian (Jill Eikenberry). Although Nikki's family say that she committed suicide, Megan finds evidence to suggest otherwise; Nikki's neck has bruising on the bottom, showing that she was strangled. Nikki was being given pills to help her illness by Lillian, but it turns out they were placebos, making sure her worsening disease keeps Lillian in the social limelight, getting sympathy from friends; however Lillian did not kill her. Samantha Baker (Sonja Sohn), Megan, Ethan Gross (Geoffrey Arend) and Curtis Brumfield (Windell Middlebrooks) find out that Nikki's boyfriend Shane (Charlie Semine) was actually working together with Nikki's sister Sara (Jo Armeniox). It is revealed that Shane and Sara killed Nikki, as in Nikki's will she was giving all her money to a fake wildlife foundation which Sara had set up. However, Nikki wanted to switch charities, so Sara killed her to stop her from doing this, with Shane helping her to stage it as suicide, so they could both get the money.
The two are arrested, and Nikki's funeral takes place. However, Samantha arrives to arrest Lillian, as Nikki's brother Billy (Eric Sheffer Stevens) found the pills Lillian wasn't giving Nikki, and Lillian is charged with interfering with her daughter's medical care. Bill assures Megan that Nikki's money, in her will, will be put to a good use and thanks her and the team for investigating. Throughout the investigation Lacey thinks that Megan and Todd are getting back together, as Todd has made many calls to Megan's work. Lacey is shocked to find out that Todd is not phoning Megan, but Kate, and the two are in a relationship. Megan is angry at Kate, but tells Lacey to respect her, even if she does not like her yet.
Following the next few days of two drug users that meet by coincidence, film school student Paul Moon (Anthony Shim) and meth making Jay King (Joey Pierce) who also deals ecstasy and cocaine, with Briana Clark (Ashley Whillans) (Paul's film school colleague), spiral into self-destructive and havoc wreaking misadventures before tragically succumbing to the paranoia inducing effects of meth.
Five years prior to the start of the story the residents of Ōtsuka village all died in a plague, with only three survivors; Shino Inuzuka, Sosuke Inukawa and Hamaji. They take shelter in a church near another village, whose people views the survivors with suspicion. Now the Imperial Church comes in search of "Murasame," the demon blade containing "life" which Shino possesses within his body. When the Church realizes that Shino will not come quietly with them, Hamaji is kidnapped, which results in Shino and Sosuke traveling to the Imperial City to rescue her. There they encounter Satomi Rio, a Dean of the Church, who tells Shino he must find the other six bead holders.
''Starters'' takes place in a futuristic Los Angeles, where a biological weapon has killed everyone not vaccinated against it. The only ones that survive the attack are either under 20 or over 60 years of age, due to being given priority for the vaccine before the war. The term "Starters" refers to those under the age of 20, while "Enders" is used to describe the survivors over the age of 60. Because Starters are underage and not allowed to work, many of them are starving and desperate, not having funds to afford necessities. Some Starters have heard of an illegal way to earn money by allowing Enders to temporarily inhabit their bodies via a neuro-chip implanted by the Body Bank.
Sixteen-year-old Callie is one such Starter, who has lived in abandoned buildings with her brother Tyler and friend Michael thus far to survive. When her temporary home is smoked out and cleared of people, she resorts to the Body Bank in order to provide for the three of them. She is startled to awaken in the life of a rich Ender after her neurochip malfunctions. Callie initially relishes the chance to live a lavish life where she wants for nothing and even finds herself dating the grandson of a U.S. Senator, but soon discovers that the Ender she's linked to has big plans to bring down the Body Bank, and not everyone she meets is what they seem.
The story had the G.I. Joe Team and the Autobots joining forces to stop the Decepticons and Cobra from destroying the world. The story featured Bumblebee being destroyed by G.I. Joe forces and rebuilt as Goldbug. The Joes, the Autobots, and Cobra (after being betrayed by the Decepticons) must join forces to stop the Decepticons from activating an energy drill device to suck up energy from the Earth's core, which would destroy the planet in the process.
In the 1970s, successful graphic designer and ladies' man Charles Swan III (Sheen) is dumped by his girlfriend Ivana (Winnick), and it throws his life into a tailspin. He does not know whether he loves her or hates her or wants her back or never wants to see her again. Along with his best friend, Kirby (Schwartzman) and his manager, Saul (Murray), Charles starts to suffer from nightmares, fever dreams of past relationships and hits rock bottom as he tries to recover from the recent breakup and tries to turn his life around.
Set in 2004, Archy Stallings, who is black, and Nat Jaffe, who is Jewish, are proprietors of Brokeland Records, a record shop located in north Oakland for twelve years. Their used vinyl business is threatened by ex-NFL superstar Gibson Goode's planned construction of his second Dogpile Thang megastore two blocks away. They feel betrayed because their local city councilman, Chandler Flowers, has switched sides, and now supports Dogpile.
A subplot concerns their wives, Gwen Shanks and Aviva Roth-Jaffe, who are partners in Berkeley Birth Partners, a midwifery business. A home birth goes wrong, the mother is rushed to the hospital, and the attending physician, after taking care of the mother, insults Gwen in a racially tinged manner. She blows up, and the doctor has the hospital start procedures to drop Gwen and Aviva's hospital privileges.
Another storyline concerns Luther Stallings, Archy's father, an actor in blaxploitation films in the 70s. He was never a part of Archy's life, and Archy wants nothing to do with him. Luther has been in and out of jail and on and off drugs since his acting career ended, has been clean for over a year, and he keeps himself trim. He is involved with his former co-star Valetta Moore.
Luther had been best friends with Chandler in the old days. Their friendship came to an end, after Luther abetted Chandler in the murder of a drug dealer. Luther is trying to exploit his knowledge in order to finance the making of a film.
Another storyline concerns Julius Jaffe, Nat and Aviva's 14-year-old son, and his new best buddy, Titus Joyner, who has shown up from Texas after his grandmother died. Titus, it turns out, is Archy's long lost son. His arrival is the last straw in Gwen's relationship with Archy.
Setting up a gig for a fundraiser for an Illinois politician, Barack Obama, running for U.S. Senate, Archy learns of the death of Cochise Jones, Archy's spiritual father, and Archy fills in. Obama is impressed with the performance, and tells Gwen he admires Archy's dedication to doing what he loves. Gwen takes those words to heart, and resolves to stand up for herself. The first stand she takes is to walk out on Archy.
The funeral for Jones is held in the store. Plans are made, people get drunk, and the stage is set for shaking up everyone's future.
In 1971, French student Gilles gets entangled in contemporary political turmoils although he would rather just be a creative artist. While torn between his solidarity to his friends and his personal ambitions he falls in love with Christine.
An ambitious farmer Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid) discusses with his 20-year-old son Dean (Zac Efron) about the art of sales. Dean is reluctant to be as ruthless as his father as they offer condolences and also unscrupulously attempt to purchase land during a family funeral. After returning home, Henry rolls out the red carpet for his eldest son Grant, who has left the farm and mentions returning via a postcard, but it appears that he’s unlikely to return. As the story progresses, we see that Henry Whipple is having an affair with Meredith Crown (Heather Graham), his ex-girlfriend from high school, and his ongoing selfish decisions will continue to derail his future. He has created enemies within the genetically modified (GMO) seed-selling business including Jim Johnson (Clancy Brown) -- his main competitor -- and fails to help those that have helped him by buying cheaper illegal “cleaned“ seeds in his search for more money and land.
Dean desires to become a professional race car driver as a means to escape the generations of family farming and his father's neglect (and undesirable sales techniques). He spends much of his spare time training for races and hanging out with his 18-year-old girlfriend Cadence Farrow (Maika Monroe). She appears to be a typical country girl, but also displays sales savvy to help Henry, as well as being aware of the father and son attraction to pretty gals like Meredith.
During yet another local racing competition which he wins, Dean's aggressive driving causes the crash of Jim Johnson's son, Brad. They fight after the race, further fueling the feud between Henry and Jim. Racing scouts give Dean an opportunity to race at a professional level. He needs $15,000 to compete and his mother Irene (Kim Dickens) supplies it. This causes tension with Henry who is worried about his illegal dealings catching up with him.
Dean falters during his NASCAR opportunity by slowing when pressured by aggressive drivers during the race. He knows his opportunity to leave the farm is now gone and he spirals downwards, drinking and having sex with Meredith Crown, which damages his relationship with Cadence. One night, Dean purposely drives his car into a tree in a field which requires hospitalisation and a long recovery period. Shortly after he’s released from the hospital and fully recovers, Dean’s father buys him another race car, but he is not interested anymore.
Henry is followed and confronted by Liberty investigators, the company he buys and sells his GMO seeds from. He has been "cleaning" seeds and reusing rather than buying from Liberty. If found guilty, he will likely be bankrupt and lose everything. Meanwhile, Cadence and her friend Andy drop in on Meredith Crown’s house after she finds out about Dean’s cheating, dishonest behavior and starts throwing rocks at her door and windows. Meredith confronts her and threatens to have her thrown in jail, but Cadence slaps her across the face and angrily states, “Find your own boyfriend, old whore.” Upon realizing that Cadence found out about her and Dean’s affair, a shocked Meredith decides to cut ties from Henry Whipple and his son for good.
The next morning, Dean finds out about his father's crime from Cadence, who also breaks up with him and tells him that their relationship is over. Devastated over the loss of his girlfriend and shocked at the news of his father’s crimes, Dean searches for the informant who contacted Liberty. He wrongly believes it is their major sales opponent, Jim Johnson. He ends up in another altercation with Jim Johnson's son Brad on the side of the road and, after some fighting, he hits Brad with a hammer causing his death. Together with his father they bury Brad and the hammer in a deep well.
Henry finds out the real informant is Larry Brown, the tenant farmer who missed out on the land Henry purchased at the start of the movie. Henry offers Brown a (life tenancy) for free if Brown will “call off” Liberty investigators. Dean's mother is aware something is wrong with Dean and Henry and that they may have been involved in Brad's disappearance. When she confronts Henry, he informs her that he alone was responsible. Dean is listening, realizing his father does truly love him and that he is also permanently indebted to him.
Life goes on with Dean becoming more like his father as they easily outsell their main opposition Jim Johnson, who is a shell of a man after his son's disappearance. Though Dean has helped his father win back some of their clients, he never spoke to Meredith Crown again or dated other girls after his painful breakup with Cadence. Henry almost confesses to Jim about what happened to his missing son, but then falls back into his capitalist persona, letting him know they have retaken some of his clients. Dean’s ex-girlfriend Cadence, who was leaving town to establish a new life for herself, bids farewell to Henry Whipple and thanks him for letting her work for him. Irene receives one of several postcards in an ongoing series from her overseas traveling son, suggesting once again he would be home soon. The movie ends with Henry, Dean and Irene Whipple putting on a party at their home for clients and friends with strained smiles on their faces.
The film revolves around the true story of Eluana Englaro, a girl felt into an irreversible coma in 1992 following a car accident and deemed incurable. After long years of struggle, her parents opted to euthanize her, asking the authorization to the competent authority and obtaining it in 2009. The Catholic Church and some political parties during the Berlusconi IV Cabinet ruthlessly attacked them. Eluana is never shown in the film, but images of television programs and newspapers mentioning her case are constantly in the background reminding the audience about her presence.
The plot features several stories chained to themselves and to the themes of life and death. Uliano is a Member of the Parliament elected for Forza Italia who refuses to align himself with the party and plans to vote against a bill that will make euthanasia illegal; his daughter Maria joins an anti-euthanasia Christian prayer group in front of Eluana's hospital, but then she falls in love with Roberto, an activist for the opposite pro-euthanasia group whose brother Pipino suffers from bipolar disorder. A great French actress referred as the "Divine Mother" is married to an Italian actor, but since when their daughter Rosa has felt into a coma she stopped caring about her husband, son and work, spending her whole time praying for her health. Rossa is a young woman addicted to heroin with suicidal tendencies saved and eventually persuaded to live by Pallido, a doctor who felt in love with her.
Shadowhunters of the Los Angeles Institute meet to discuss the army of Endarkened Shadowhunters when the army, led by Sebastian Morgenstern, ambush the Institute, endarken some shadowhunters, and kidnap Mark Blackthorn, leaving Mark's five half-siblings and Emma Carstairs to escape to Alicante.
Maryse Lightwood announces to the New York Institute that an emergency meeting is due in Alicante to discuss the attack on five Institutes around the world. Clary Fray reluctantly leaves Simon Lewis to be guarded by Maia Roberts and Jordan Kyle for his safety. However, Simon is kidnapped by Maureen Brown and her vampire aides to be her groom, but Raphael Santiago frees and helps him to come to Alicante. Praetor Lupus, the brotherhood of werewolves, is soon attacked by the Endarkened with Jordan and Praetor Scott among the casualties, resulting in Bat Velasquez and Rufus Hastings battling for the position of pack leader. Rufus is about to deliver the death blow to Bat when Maia Roberts steps in and challenges Rufus. The vacuum of power is finally ended when Maia kills Rufus, becoming the new leader, and also tricks Maureen into drinking holy water so the latter's aide, Lily, can usurp her to become the leader of the vampire clan.
At Alicante, Emma and Julian Blackthorn are interrogated using the Mortal Sword, Clary comforting the former when she breaks into tears. Choosing to accept her Morgenstern heritage, Clary claims Heosphoros, the twin of Sebastian's Phaesphoros, as her sword. The Seelie Queen, now allied with Sebastian, sends Meliorn to ask the Downworlder Representatives (Jocelyn Fray, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, and Raphael) to join them; when they refuse, he brings them to Edom, the realm of demons. Jace Herondale is injured during the ensuing conflict and burns Brother Zachariah back into his Shadowhunter persona. An Endarkened soon gives an ultimatum for the Clave to hand over Clary and Jace. Clary, Jace, Simon, and Isabelle and Alec Lightwood, force the Seelie Queen to send them to Edom. Confronting Sebastian, Clary pretends to agree to rule by his side, but then stabs him with Heosphoros, reverting him back momentarily to the brother she could have, Jonathan Morgenstern, who destroys the Infernal Cup before he dies, killing the Endarkened, including Luke's sister, Amatis. To escape Edom, Magnus summons his father, Asmodeus, who offers a way out in exchange for Magnus' immortality and life. Simon offers a lighter option: his immortality and memories of the Shadow World. The Clave punishes the faeries and sends Emma to live with the Blackthorns. Alec and Magnus reconcile and get back together. Meanwhile, Clary scatters Jonathan's ashes in Lake Lyn and mourns for Simon.
Several months later, Jocelyn and Luke hold their wedding, attended by numerous Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike. Simon has remembered bits of the Shadow World as well as his relationship with Isabelle. Attending the wedding is also Tessa Gray and Brother Zachariah (whose identity is not revealed), both of them having formally introduced themselves to Clary.
One night in the fishing village of Chimayo, Colombia, María Reyes witnesses a monster devouring her husband José. Some years later, the American cement manufacturer Durado Cement dispatches troubleshooter Bill Travis (James Mitchum) to Chimayo to restore order to their manufacturing plant there: an anticorporate activist named Víctor Sánchez has been exploiting the villagers' fear of the monster to stir up hostility against Durado, which has been polluting their fishing waters in Lake Chimayo. In the process, María has become ostracized from the villagers; a group led by a man named Carlos calls her ''la bruja'' ("the witch"). In addition, Travis must silence an American TV reporter named Patty Clark, who has been exposing the pollution of the lake.
In Chimayo, children Andrea and Glen Anderson observe strange ripples in the lake. Glen claims they belong to an animal he has been sighting in the lake for some time. Their father Pete (Anthony Eisley), administrator of the Durado plant, is introduced to Mayor Montero and his daughter, helicopter pilot Juanita. Sánchez meets with Carlos in a church, and together they plot to drive out the Americans and the monster he thinks was created by the pollution of the lake. When María goes to visit José's grave, Carlos's men attack her.
Juanita picks up Travis at the airport. When he gets to Chimayo, he is accosted by Clark, and curtly refuses any interviews. Meanwhile, Pete is trying to break up with his secretary Laura to pursue a new affair with Juanita, but cannot bring himself to do it. He visits her again that night when she is skinny dipping in the lake, and successfully breaks up with her, but the monster emerges from the lake and kills Laura after he leaves. The town is busy celebrating its 200th anniversary and the body goes undiscovered until the next morning.
Travis and the plant doctor investigate the killing, and link it to José's death. Glen tells Travis about the animal he saw, convincing Travis that something is in the lake. Soon afterwards, Sánchez meets Travis and threatens violence against Durado. Travis and Montero confront Clark about her reporting, and they negotiate exclusive rights to the pollution story in exchange for her temporary silence. Travis also calls his boss Barnes (Philip Carey) to request sonar equipment with which to track the monster. Determined to prove the monster's existence, Glen decides to stake out the lake at night. He drags Andrea along, and they manage to take some photographs of the monster before it attacks some drunken fishermen.
They present their evidence to Travis while the village continues celebrating its anniversary. Simultaneously, Sánchez sets some plastic explosives to blow up the plant. However, he gets trapped after lighting the fuse. Meanwhile, a party of men chases María, whom they blame for all their troubles. The town priest (John Carradine) claims that he can exorcise her, but the men are unconvinced and burn her at the stake. Sánchez's bomb goes off, and the next day, Travis reveals that the plant has been badly damaged and María severely burned. Consequently, she is airlifted to a Panamanian hospital in Chimayo's only helicopter to get treatment.
Travis comes up with a plan to kill the beast; he stuffs some explosives into a goat carcass, which he will hang by the detonator cord from a helicopter. To obtain a new chopper, Juanita lures some rescue workers with a fake mayday and hijacks their craft at gunpoint. They get to the lake and the Nessie-like monster takes the bait, but Travis loses the detonator and dives in after it. A local policeman distracts the monster by circling it with his boat, thus buying Travis enough time to retrieve the detonator and blow the creature to pieces.
Some time later, though, the Andersons are down by the lake again, and their German Shepherd finds a large egg. A reptilian creature hatches out of it, and the film ends as the camera pans over a clutch of dozens of similar eggs.
Penelope notices a luxurious ocean liner (the "Eel de France," a parody of the legendary French liner Ile de France) and wishes to go aboard, but the ticket collector will not permit her and tosses her away when she kisses his nose. As the ship begins to sail away, Penelope squeezes under a painted white fence, receiving a white stripe across her back. Penelope makes a running jump, catches one of the overhanging ropes and climbs aboard. Meanwhile, on the coast, Pepé Le Pew is taking a walk, singing "The Band Played On" and notices the passing liner. When he takes a closer look through binoculars he spots Penelope. Thinking she is a female skunk, the lovestruck Pepé runs across the seabed.
As Penelope clambers aboard, the entire crew and passengers evacuate the ship, spelling "LE PEW!" in the water. Pepé then emerges dripping wet and finds Penelope. First he asks her for a date, but then immediately leaps on her and smooches her. Penelope wriggles free and runs off. Pepé heads to Beauty Salon and dries himself with a hair dryer puffing his fur up, but then he brushes himself. Pepé then rushes to Penelope and smooches her again and she wriggles and rushes off. Pepé chases Penelope wherever she goes until Penelope escapes on the lifeboat. But as Penelope watches the ship drift away, Pepé emerges and Penelope has nowhere left to run.
Three Interpol agents meet at a cave where several corpses have been uncovered. While the other agents go for backup, Steven Bauers investigates the cavern, finding a journal under one of the bodies. Bauers skims through the journal, which tells the story of Nikos Karamanlis, beginning with him lost at sea with his daughter and pregnant wife.
The film then shows a couple, Mary and Stuart, camping on a beach, where they are murdered by Nikos. At a train station, Mary and Stuart's friends (Vincent, Marc, Caroll, Rita and Georg) head to a vacation home in Borgo San Lorenzo, where they expect to rendezvous Mary, Stuart and Caroll's husband Stan (who is preoccupied with work). The quintet reach the outskirts of Borgo San Lorenzo, where their RV breaks down. Georg, Rita and Marc go ahead (finding the village full of bodies and abandoned except for an elusive woman in black) while Vincent stays with Caroll, who had twisted her ankle. Nikos kills Vincent, abducts Caroll, moves the RV, and disposes of two nearby campers, Hank and Allan.
Georg, Rita and Marc take shelter in the vacation home, where they find Mary's blind sister, Auriet, hiding in the basement. The next day, the group reach the Karamanlis estate, where Nikos's sister Irena (the woman in black) commits suicide by leaping out a window. Inside the house, Georg finds more bodies and Nikos's journal, which he reads as Marc wanders off, running into Stan. They search for Caroll and Vincent, but Marc falls behind and is impaled on a stake by Nikos. Stan finds Caroll in the cave, and they are confronted by Nikos, who flashes back to accidentally killing his wife (during an argument over whether they should eat their dead daughter) while lost at sea. With his wife dead, Nikos ate her and their daughter to survive. After recollecting, Nikos impales Stan through the head with a machete, and cuts out and eats Caroll's unborn child.
Realizing Marc is gone, Georg, Rita and Auriet look for him, with Auriet being killed by Nikos when she becomes separated from the others. After hours of wandering, Georg and Rita are ambushed by Nikos, who rips Rita's head off. Georg shoots Nikos several times, prompting Nikos to reach into the wounds, rip some of his own innards out, and gnaw on them. Despite the severity of his injuries, Nikos continues to attack Georg and tries to drown him in a pool, but becomes distracted when he hears his wife's voice. Georg gains the upper hand, and beheads Nikos with a shovel, at Nikos's own insistence.
In the present, Bauers ponders how the journal got into the cave, and how it could be so thorough. As he exits the cave, Bauers finds what appears to be Georg's cell phone, and has his head shot off by an unseen assailant.
The principal protagonist of ''The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes'' is a fifteen-year-old boy, Herbert Bittman. Herbie has a youthful fascination with astronomy but is otherwise presented as being a normal child. Shortly before the opening scenes of the story, however, he has begun to enjoy psychic skills in the area of precognition. Armed with this ability, producers have put together a reality TV show in which Herbie is filmed speaking directly to the camera and making predictions about random events, such as earthquakes, that Herbie asserts will happen in the near future. As these predictions have invariably come true, Herbie and the television show have become wildly successful.
Despite this acclaim, one day Herbie refuses to allow himself to be photographed or broadcast. Without giving any reason, he flatly refuses to perform his usual role. After intense and cruel psychological pressure, he is forced to give in; the force placed on Herbie to perform on camera serves its purpose in increasing the atmosphere of fear and horror surrounding this story. Despite this pressure and his own refusal, when Herbie is broadcast making his weekly predictions of the near future, he astonishes his audience by predicting an immediate, and dramatic, paradigm shift of humanity from the familiar, ugly conditions of everyday life into worldwide utopia. Greed and hatred will disappear; and the resources wasted on competition, and worldwide preparations for war, will instead be spent for the plentiful enjoyment of all.
Herbie's broadcast generates a sensational global response, as his predictions are rebroadcast around the world and millions of viewers have become convinced that he can accurately read the future. The boy and an unnamed narrator, pursued by ecstatic fans, are forced to take refuge in a skyscraper hotel located near the broadcasting studio. The rejoicing crowds cheer Herbie from far below; close to the top of the building, all he and the narrator can see are sun and sky.
In the story's climactic scene, the narrator asks Herbie why he had been extremely reluctant to issue his prediction for that week. The boy responds with a confession that, although up until this point his precognitions had been accurate, this one would not be; he had deliberately lied to his television audience. With mounting dread, the narrator realizes that Herbie had, in fact, looked into the future of the coming days and seen something else, which he had not wanted to describe or share. In pressure similar to that placed on Herbie by the television producers, the narrator demands to know what it is.
Herbie reports that he has seen a scene enacted in the near future which he could not understand until his childhood research in astronomy has explained it to him: he has learned about something called a nova. What he has really seen, and had not wanted to tell his audience, was that "tomorrow – the sun is going to explode."
Barney Morgan is a reporter who works for a French journal. His editor-in-chief Rupert finds his lover Alice murdered. His boss is the main suspect but Barney doesn't believe his boss could possibly be a murderer. Subsequently he tries to prove the man's innocence.
Barney suspects Alice's husband and gathers enough circumstantial evidence to make his point. But the widower's lawyer can prove he didn't do it neither. Barney concedes he was wrong and commences a new investigation.
Digging deeper he discovers something about the journal's publisher and especially about the publisher's son Oliver. While finding the real killer and proving his guilt Barney wins the heart of beautiful Marianne.
Scott Thorson recounts his relationship with the entertainer and pianist Liberace.
The book's prologue describes a chance meeting of several people in Oxford University in 1947. The main character is Nathaniel "Nat" Dickstein, a victim of experimentation in the Nazi concentration camps who later becomes an Israeli agent; also the American Alan "Al" Cortone, of Italian origin, whose life Dickstein saved in Sicily; and the Russian chessmaster David Rostov, who subsequently joins the KGB. The three go together to a sherry party given by Professor Ashford, who teaches Hebrew Literature at Oxford. Dickstein, who is studying under Ashford, is in love with his Lebanese wife Eila, but there are rival suitors. Another guest, Yasif Hassan, of Palestinian origin, has an affair with Eila, as later seen in Professor Ashford's garden. Ashford's daughter, Suza, also makes an appearance.
In the first chapters Pierre Bourg, the head of the Mossad, finds out in 1968 that Egypt is building a nuclear reactor in the Western Desert, in order to produce a nuclear bomb. He assigns his best agent, Nat Dickstein, to steal about two hundred tons of uranium ore for Israel, to pre-empt the potential Egyptian threat and to enable them to build a nuclear bomb themselves. Dickstein has to ensure that nobody suspects Israeli participation in the theft.
Dickstein travels to Luxembourg to obtain documentation on all uranium shipments from the EURATOM agency located there. He eventually achieves this by blackmailing a EURATOM employee. In his hotel he has a chance encounter with Yasif Hassan, who is now an Egyptian Mukhabarat agent. As a result of this the KGB gets onto Dickstein's tail. For practical reasons, and also because in 1948 he successfully hijacked an arms shipment at sea, Dickstein decides to make the uranium theft from a maritime transport of yellowcake ore, from a freighter called the ''Coparelli''.
Dickstein is persistently followed by Rostov's KGB group, to which Hassan now also belongs. This culminates in the tailing of all Israeli diplomats in London by the KGB. Despite this, Dickstein succeeds in repeatedly shaking off his pursuers. He travels to Oxford to see Professor Ashford again. Instead of his former teacher, the now grown-up daughter Suza Ashford answers the door. They have a candid conversation and fall in love. A short time later, Hassan visits the Professor (whose sympathies were already pro-Arab), and tells him of Dickstein's true activities and plans. The two persuade Suza to help eliminate Dickstein. She pretends to go along with this in order to be in a better position to warn her lover of this danger. Hassan also intends to deliver the uranium to the Palestinian Fedayeen, betraying both Rostov and the Egyptians.
To facilitate the robbery at sea, Dickstein acquires the ''Stromberg'', a sister ship of the ''Coparelli'', and founds a bogus maritime company. He also arranges for the ''Coparelli'' to suffer a mechanical breakdown at sea, and for the crew to be almost completely disembarked. Through further complicated measures, Dickstein hopes to erase traces of the uranium theft.
Israeli naval commandos aboard the ''Stromberg'' are to attack the ''Coparelli'', but Hassan and his Fedayeen arrive first. However Dickstein and the Israelis recapture the ''Coparelli'', and Hassan is killed. Dickstein then goes alone to board the Soviet ship ''Karla'', that is also in the area, as Suza Ashford is a prisoner there. Rostov and a KGB force are aboard. Suza is able to create a diversion, enabling Dickstein to rescue her and destroy the ''Karla'' by means of a magnetic mine.
The story ends with the statement that Dickstein has left Mossad to settle with Suza in Israel. The book concludes with an newspaper article appearing in the ''Daily Telegraph'' in 1977, revealing that Israel is suspected of involvement in the disappearance at sea of the uranium shipment nine years earlier.
The aspiring actor Víctor Ventura has a night job at a phone sex agency. He gets to know a woman who wants more than just talking. The seductive Amanda drags him into an assassination plot and his dream of an acting career moves further into the distance.
An unnamed hero travels across seven worlds to kill dragons, rescue Princess Kirstie and restore the ultimate power to the dragonstones to vanquish the dragon hordes.
The season has two arcs. The first arc focuses on Fitz's attempted assassination in addition to the election-rigging, of which, more information is revealed through flashbacks. James investigates Defiance and the election-rigging for Fitz's campaign. It's revealed through flashbacks that the rigging was done by Olivia, Cyrus, Mellie, Verna and Hollis at election campaign headquarters. James teams up with David to try to build a case to take down Cyrus and Fitz. However, James ultimately lies in court, covering for Cyrus.
An assassination attempt is made on Fitz's life, which almost kills him. As a result, Sally takes over as President, much to Cyrus' dismay. After surviving, Fitz decides to get a divorce, which Mellie tries to avoid by somehow convincing her OB/GYN to induce her labour 4 weeks early. Huck is arrested for the attempted assassination after being framed by his girlfriend Becky. After David helps Huck go free, Huck, Olivia and her team trick Becky to show up at the hospital where she is arrested. Fitz finds out that Verna was behind the assassination and kills her. At the funeral, he reveals to Olivia that he doesn't want a divorce as he is devastated after learning about the rigging from Verna.
The second arc focuses on finding the mole who is leaking classified information from the White House. Olivia and the team investigate the case after figuring out that the CIA Director's suicide was actually a murder. Olivia gets to know Captain Jake Ballard, who works with the leader of B613, Rowan, who orders Jake to get close to Olivia. At the end of the season, Mellie gives Fitz an ultimatum, either he becomes loyal to her, or she goes on national television and reveals Fitz's affair with Olivia. Fitz chooses Olivia, which makes Mellie reveal the affair. Fitz announces his re-election campaign.
As Olivia and the team continue to investigate who the mole is, Huck manages to capture Charlie, who reveals the mole's identity: Billy Chambers. They figure out that Billy is working with David, who steals the Cytron card, but frames Billy and gives Cyrus the card in exchange for being reinstated as US Attorney. At the end, Olivia's name is leaked to the press as being Fitz's mistress, and it is revealed that Rowan is Olivia's father.
The Doctor arrives in the glorious galactic Drashani Empire, after a terminated wedding brings two royal houses to war.
The Doctor returns to The Drashani Empire, which is now under attack from alien invaders known as The Wrath.
The Doctor returns to the fallen Drashani Empire, just as The Wrath look to conquer the Earth Empire. But he finds his own past coming back to haunt him in the worst possible way, as the galaxy's greatest bounty hunter is assigned with the task of hunting him down.
The Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on xeno-botany lab, Earth Station 454, as it is usurped by The Rosemariners of Rosa Damascena.
A stirring story about regret, love, and second chances, woven together in a vignette style. The story follows five very different people who sit at a crisis point in their lives—their desires clouded by fear, duty, tragedy, and regret. As each story unfolds, the characters struggle to find the courage to live for themselves, to reclaim the relationships they have lost along the way, and to make time for the things that really matter.
SpongeBob and Patrick play in the sand on Sand Mountain when they see an extreme sports team named The Drasticals, consisting of Johnny Krill, Not Dead Ted, and Grand Maul Granny. A British fish tells SpongeBob and Patrick about The Drasticals, with Patrick mishearing "extreme sports" as "extreme spots" due to the fish's lisp, then getting stung by jellyfish to get "extreme spots." Johnny laughs and tells SpongeBob to try motorbiking to see if he is good at extreme sports, while Patrick sandboards down the mountain with Granny.
The sports are too "extreme" for SpongeBob and Patrick, and they jump rope instead. Patrick quickly gets tired, and The Drasticals demonstrate "extreme" jumping rope, with Ted lighting on fire and jumping into a plane. SpongeBob and Patrick then blow bubbles, which the Drasticals make extreme by having Johnny ride his motorcycle inside a bubble and knock over a building. SpongeBob boxes a pillow and loses, which Johnny puts in a washing machine and is attacked by a living mattress. Patrick demonstrates dumpster diving, which Granny takes further by having the trash compacted with her still in it.
SpongeBob and Patrick show that they like to catch jellyfish, which gets The Drasticals injured and covered in welts. Johnny admits that the spots are "way extreme," and the British fish says that extreme spots come from extreme sports. The episode ends with Patrick asking, "Who is that guy?"
"The Passing of Grandison" starts with a conversation between Dick Owens and Charity Lomax. Charity tells Dick that if he did something she considered heroic, she could be convinced to fall in love with him and marry him. For this reason, Dick decides to help one of the slaves of his father's plantation to escape to the North. He chooses this particular way to impress Charity because she admires the courage of a man from Ohio, who tried to help another man's slave gain freedom but was unsuccessful and, as a consequence, was jailed. The man died of a disease shortly after being imprisoned.
To achieve freeing one of his father's slaves, Dick decides to go on a trip north and take his slave Tom along; he is convinced Tom will use any opportunity to escape and Dick will achieve his goal very easily. However, Colonel Owens, Dick's father, is opposed to his son's being accompanied by Tom as he is convinced that the slave will escape and constitute a property loss. Instead he suggests that Dick take Tom's brother, Grandison. He suggests that his son ask Grandison about his status as a slave to ensure that he is trustworthy and will not try to escape.
Dick takes Grandison with him to New York City and Boston, and then to Niagara Falls, New York, where he even crosses to the Canadian side. (Great Britain had by then abolished slavery in Canada and other colonies in the Western Hemisphere.) Despite having numerous opportunities to escape, Grandison does not run away and refuses abolitionists' attempts to persuade him to flee into freedom. Dick decides to have Grandison kidnapped to get him out of view in order to appear to have helped the slave gain freedom when he reports back to Charity.
Four weeks after Dick Owens' return to his father's plantation in Kentucky and one week after his marriage to Charity Lomax, Grandison returned to the property. He was welcomed and celebrated as a loyal slave, as he confirmed Colonel Owens' positive understanding of slavery. The colonel gave Grandison a place as a house servant.
After about three weeks, Grandison and his family (his new wife, his parents and his three siblings) go missing. Colonel Owens' view on slavery is shaken when he discovers the slaves have escaped. He searches for the fugitives and last sees them on a small steamboat crossing Lake Erie toward Canada, where they will be free.
Shira Mendelman, an 18-year-old Hasidic girl living in Tel Aviv, is looking forward to an arranged marriage with a young man whom she likes. However, on Purim, her family suffers a tragedy when Shira's older sister Esther dies in childbirth. Shira's father subsequently delays the engagement so as not to have to deal with an empty house so soon after Esther's death. Esther's husband, Yochay, begins to regularly bring their son, Mordechai, to the Mendelman's house, where Shira cares for him.
One day, Yochay's mother approaches Shira's mother, Rivka, about the possibility of Yochay remarrying, believing it to be best for Mordechai. She plans to suggest an offer from a widow in Belgium. Rivka is distraught by the idea of Mordechai being taken out of the country, and suggests that Yochay marry Shira instead. He and Shira both initially oppose the prospect, though he eventually warms to it, and she agrees to take it into consideration on learning that her previous engagement has been called off due to her father's delays. However, she had hoped for a younger husband; her dream was of someone who would discover married life for the first time together with her.
Shortly afterwards, Frieda, a friend of Esther who has never received any marriage proposals, tells Shira that Esther would have preferred that Yochay marry her in the event of her death. As a result, Shira tells Yochay that Frieda is more suitable, which he takes as an affront.
Shira and Yochay remain distant from one another afterwards, and he announces that he plans to move with Mordechai to marry the widow in Belgium. Shira, pressured by her family, agrees to go forward with the engagement to Yochay, believing it to be the best scenario for everyone. However, the rabbi realizes that Shira is half-hearted, and he refuses to condone the marriage.
Time passes, and Shira eventually concludes that she was meant to be with Yochay and his baby. She approaches the rabbi and asks again that she and Yochay be married, and he agrees this time. The film closes with their wedding.
Christine, an American advertising executive working in Germany, is working with her protégé Isabelle on an ad campaign for a new smartphone. Isabelle, who is secretly having an affair with Christine's boyfriend Dirk, comes up with a well-received marketing idea. When Christine claims it as her own, Isabelle is disappointed but reconciles with her boss when Christine shares the story of how her twin sister died. At the urging of her loyal assistant Dani, Isabelle uploads a self-made version of her ad to the web, where it goes viral. Angered at the attention Isabelle has received, Christine vows revenge, taunting her with a sex tape which Isabelle had made with Dirk. After an angry Isabelle crashes her car in the company's parking garage, Christine shares the security footage with the rest of the company, humiliating Isabelle who spirals into a depression and begins abusing pills. Christine tries to get Dani fired and then threatens Isabelle with a letter she typed on Isabelle's computer vowing revenge.
After Christine is found dead, Isabelle is arrested and confesses to the murder while in a drug-induced stupor. Based on her confessions, the revenge note, and fibres matching a scarf which Isabelle was seen wearing, the police charge her with murder. However, they drop the charges when they discover someone who saw Isabelle at the ballet that night and when Dani discovers Isabelle's scarf, undamaged, in her apartment. The police learn that Dirk, who was in the neighbourhood at the time of the murder, had been embezzling money and Christine discovered this. When they find a bloody scarf in his car they arrest him.
Eventually, it is revealed that Isabelle had murdered Christine, and set everything up to convince everyone that she was having a nervous breakdown while framing Dirk for the crime. Dani, who is secretly in love with Isabelle, reveals that she had captured Isabelle on video at various moments during the night of the murder. Dani then tries to blackmail Isabelle into becoming her lover. That night, Isabelle has a strange dream where she strangles Dani after being seduced by her, but not before Dani sends the video incriminating Isabelle to the investigating detective. Suddenly, Christine's twin sister appears and strangles Isabelle from behind with a bloodstained scarf. The next moment, Isabelle wakes up in her own bedroom from her nightmare only to face a new one with Dani lying dead at the foot of her bed.
Kang-do leads a solitary life as a seemingly heartless and brutal debt collector for his clients, loan sharks who demand a 10x return on a one-month loan. To recover the massive interest, the debtors sign an insurance application for handicaps, and Kang-do injures them to file the claim.
On one such instance Kang-do visits Hun-cheol, who works in a decrepit factory with his wife Myeong-ja. The small loan he took out a month ago has snowballed into a much larger figure, and Kang-do arrives to cripple him and file the claim. In an act of desperation, Myeong-ja tries to seduce Kang-do by stripping, begging him to give them another week to get the money for the interest. Kang-do strips her bra, but refuses to have sex with her. He cripples Hun-cheol and files for the insurance.
Later, he notices he is being followed by a middle aged woman. She claims that she is his biological mother, who abandoned him 30 years ago, and introduces herself as Mi-sun. Despite initially pushing her away, Kang-do eventually lets her into his life and opens up to her, mellowing in the process. He is less harsh in pursuing interest, on one occasion refusing to injure a young factory worker who is about to become a father. Seemingly innocent on the surface, Kang-do's relationship with Mi-sun is disturbed by his abandonment anxiety and his life growing up without a mother figure, which manifests itself in sexual ways. Kang-do molests her, asking "I came out of here? Can I go back in?". Another time he tries to get into bed with her and put his face against her breasts. Both times he is pushed away and she is uncomfortable.
On an outing with his mother, Kang-do is childishly excited and whimsical. When insulted by a bystander, he almost gets into a physical altercation. They are followed home by one of the debtors Kang-do has crippled, who is now a beggar. The beggar holds Kang-do's mother hostage as revenge for crippling him, but is mortally wounded in the altercation. Frightened by the situation, Kang-do asks Mi-sun not to go outside without him for her safety.
As Kang-do's birthday approaches, Mi-sun fakes a kidnapping and leaves the house. It is revealed that she isn't actually Kang-do's biological mother, but instead the mother of a deceased debtor Kang-do crippled in the past. Not knowing this, Kang-do desperately chases every person he crippled in the past in order to find Mi-sun. He meets Myeong-ja and Hun-cheol, who now live fully on Myeong-ja's earnings. Hun-cheol cannot work due to his disability and relies on Myeong-ja's job selling food at the side of a highway to live. Kang-do is forced to face the consequences of his job as a loan shark, as many of his debtors either die or live in poverty.
Mi-sun commits suicide in front of Kang-do, but expresses pity for him before doing so. After her death Kang-do realizes she isn't his mother, and buries her next to her son. Kang-do commits suicide by tying himself underneath Myeong-ja's truck, which she unknowingly drives, leaving behind a steady trail of his blood.
Phyllis Tredman is shocked when husband Lloyd, a decorated Korean War pilot, sends word to her after his discharge from military service requesting a divorce.
She tracks him down in Madrid, Spain, where it turns out Lloyd is drinking and gambling heavily. He is tormented by having ordered so many Air Force pilots to their death on dangerous missions. He also is strangely attracted to Paquita, the wife of his friend and fellow pilot Jimmy Heldon.
A mysterious man named Bert Smith, aware that Lloyd is down on his luck, offers him $25,000 to do something illegal and dangerous—transport currency from Cairo to Madrid, dropping the box of cash in mid-air. Lloyd has wagered his last $1,000 on a horse race. He says if the horse wins, he won't need Smith's offer, but the race ends tragically with the jockey killed. Lloyd suspects foul play.
Jimmy takes the job after Lloyd refuses. He ends up missing and Paquita blames Lloyd, calling him a coward. It turns out to be a test run from which Jimmy returns late but safely. He intends to go through with the crime, risking everything, but Lloyd knocks him out and pilots the plane himself.
Steadying himself after first being paralyzed with fear, Lloyd's flight goes badly when a propeller is damaged. Authorities are put on alert and Interpol agents begin tracking the plane. Lloyd tries to hide the money, only to discover narcotics are being smuggled by Bert as well.
He drops the box from the sky as planned, but notifies Interpol and gets Bert arrested at the scene of the crime. The thankful authorities elect not to punish Lloyd, who returns to Phyllis' open arms.
In New York City, hot-tempered gangster Joe Gallo pulls a knife on a man in a theater who complains about Joe's talking during the movie. Joe later enters a car with his brother Richie and cronies Jelly and Mannie. They don masks, pull guns and perform a mob assassination at a restaurant.
Joe and Richie are offended when their boss Falco does not invite them into his home when they arrive for payment of their crime. Falco pays them just $100 each for the job. They crash through the gates of his stately lakeside mansion and take Falco's brother and others prisoner. Don Vittorio, the head of all New York crime families, settles the dispute. Falco agrees to reward Joe and Richie in the future, but he double-crosses them, his thugs nearly strangling Richie to death before burying Jelly in cement.
Coletti, who also betrayed Joe and Richie, takes over Falco's operations after the terminally ill Falco dies inside an iron lung. Richie is also ill, suffering from a stomach ailment. His brother is set up, cops catching him red-handed as he tries to extort a merchant. Joe is sent to prison, where he befriends Willy, a black inmate, and helps Willy instigate a prison riot over the prison's unjust conditions. Joe is glad to have a new ally, particularly with the terminally ill Richie committing suicide by driving a car off a cliff.
As soon as Joe gets out of jail, he returns to New York and the woman in his life, Anne, then begins building his crime organization with the help of Willy and Harlem associates. "Crazy Joe" becomes a notorious figure in New York, known for his temper but also for his colorful associations around town.
Joe has a confrontation with Coletti and vows to avenge the betrayal that landed him behind bars. But before he can, Don Vittorio beats him to it. Upset with an Italo-American federation Coletti has organized that attracted unwanted attention to the crime families, Don Vittorio arranges for Coletti to be assassinated at a rally and for Joe to be blamed.
Anne pleads with Joe to leave town, and an angry Willy needs to be convinced that Joe wasn't the one responsible for Coletti's murder. When he and Willy go to Don Vittorio's home to discuss the situation, Joe threatens the mob boss rather than believe his offer to work together. Vittorio immediately puts out a contract on Joe, and at a restaurant where he, Anne and Willy are having dinner, gunmen turn up and open fire, both men ending up dead.
23-year-old Martine (Olivia Thirlby) has just arrived in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles when she moves into a wealthy family's pool house, and begins working to complete her art film. Meanwhile, Peter (John Krasinski), a laid-back father of two, agrees to his wife's request to help their young guest complete the project. The more time Martine spends with her surrogate family, the more apparent it becomes no one will walk away from this situation unchanged.
After taking a family trip to their summer cabin for Memorial Day Weekend, 13-year-old Chris Barton is supposed to be watching his 3-year-old sister, Molly. However, he wanders away for a few minutes to film scenery with his video camera, and eventually falls asleep. When he wakes up, he quickly returns to where he last saw Molly, only to find that his parents have also fallen asleep and his sister is nowhere to be found.
When her coloring book is found at the end of a nearby dock, it is believed that the little girl has fallen into the river drowned. Days of searching turn up nothing, and many assume that Molly's body was pulled too far downstream and is lost.
Six months later, Chris makes a discovery on his video camera that may prove Molly didn't drown in the river that day. He instead believes that she was kidnapped and may still be alive. With the help of his best friend, Pat, the two set off on a journey from Wisconsin to Florida to discover the truth.
Tired of supporting his freeloading nephew, Max's uncle arranges an introduction between Max and an old friend who has a farm and two unmarried daughters. Max's uncle suggests the eldest daughter as a good match, but she fears that Max will be more interested in her younger sister. So, it is arranged that during Max's visit, the younger daughter would be disguised as the maid. Unfortunately, Max is immediately taken by the maid. As a distraction, a tour of the farm is suggested, during which Max takes every opportunity to sneak away to see the maid as she performs chores such as milking the cow. Max gets separated in an attempt to hide his attentions to the maid from the father and ultimately finds his way back to the main house where he finds the maid on the father's lap. Max reacts with outrage, and the father reveals the deception. With everything cleared up, Max proposes to the youngest daughter and she and the father accept. At this point, the eldest daughter rejoins the group and is angry to learn that despite her precautions, her fears were realized after all. Max entreats her for forgiveness and she relents.
Max is forced to choose between losing his newly-wedded wife and a fortune. He hits upon a brilliant scheme: He will give his wife grounds for a divorce, secure the money, and then make his ex-wife Mrs. Linder again. He goes through any amount of trouble in helping her to get the necessary evidence, only to find that it is all a mistake on the part of a stupid lawyer - the money and the wife are both to be his. -- Edward Weitzel, ''Moving Picture World'' (April 7, 1917)
Alvaro fights during World War II against the Nazis and soon becomes a partisan leader. The other resistance fighters eventually dismiss him because they find his behaviour inacceptable. After the war he doesn't return to a normal life but turns into a foolhardy gangster.
Earth sends out a spaceship to investigate starfaring in far distance space of which traces have been found. The ship ''Envoy'', bearing a crew of six men and four women, travels at speed close to the speed of light. At the end of the journey the crew meets a Centaur-like species on a planet they call Tahir that has left spacefaring behind. Sentient life is also detected in connection with a nearby black hole, a reading confirmed by the Tahirans. Their interest aroused, the Earthlings can send a combined crew to investigate.
Communications with this "Holont" is established and much knowledge acquired. Differences aboard the ship, however, lead to the death of three men (Brent, Russek and Cleland), and female pilot Kilbirnie crashes into the black hole. The six Earthlings left drop the Tahirans off at their homeworld and head towards Earth.
In between the story jumps regularly back to the development of human society over the gaps of many thousand years and to that of the Kith, the closed group doing the starfaring, who are often shunned by the rest of Earth. The Kith have their own settlements on different planets, where some retire to from time to time.
Earth has changed over the long period of time taken up by the voyage of the ''Envoy'', and no one is much interested in spacefaring anymore. On Harbor, a colony of Earth, the ''Envoy'' crew finds remainders of the Kith society, which still are connected to spacefaring. But the last ship to plot trade-routes in space, the ''Fleetwing'', disappears from tracking. The cause is a Zero-Zero-failure ripping off the rear part of the ship. The ''Envoy'' sets out on a rescue mission as soon as possible but twenty years of outside time have passed by the time they reach the ''Fleetwing''. They save the remaining crew, thus building a foundation of experienced spacefarers to start spacefaring anew with the knowledge acquired from the Holont.
Five years have passed since the events of ''Outrage''. Otomo, former Yakuza of the Sanno-kai crime syndicate, is presumed dead after being stabbed in prison by Kimura, whose clan Otomo helped destroy. Sekiuchi, chairman of the Sanno-Kai, was assassinated and succeeded by his underboss Kato, who has completely overhauled the syndicate to involve more legitimate businesses and build influence among high-ranking government officials, overseen by Ishihara, Otomo's treasurer and betrayer. However, Kato's emphasis on a system of modernization and profit-based promotion offends and concerns the more senior bosses, who are continually passed over in favor of younger, more profitable members and fear becoming obsolete.
The murder of an anti-corruption cop unnerves his colleagues, who know he was investigating corruption on the part of a Land Minister in league with the Sanno-kai. The anti-corruption department decides the Sanno-kai has become dangerously powerful and must be dismantled. To that end, they call in detective Kataoka, whose well-known ties among the yakuza allowed him to orchestrate much of the events of the first film. Corrupt and self-serving, Kataoka decides to instigate a war between the Sanno-Kai and the Hanabishi-kai from western Japan, in the hopes they will destroy each other. He convinces Tomita, one of the most senior and vocally resentful Sanno-kai bosses, to meet with Fuse, chairman of the Osaka branch of the Hanabishi-kai, about forcing Kato to retire. Fuse, concerned Tomita lacks the support needed to mount a takeover, reports him to Kato, who kills him as a lesson to other dissenters.
Kataoka turns to Otomo, whose death was just a rumor spread by Kataoka; he has spent the last five years in a maximum security prison. Kimura, his nemesis, has been released and struggles to adjust to civilian life as the owner of a batting cage. Kataoka has Otomo's sentence commuted and secures his early parole, while informing Kato and Ishihara he is still alive. A paranoid Ishihara hires assassins to kill Otomo, while Kataoka has him meet with Kimura. Time has caused the animosity between the two to become remorse, and Kimura expresses interest in joining forces to get revenge on those who betrayed them. Otomo knows they are being manipulated by Kataoka and wants no part of it. He is contacted by a childhood friend, Chang Dae-Sung, who is now an underworld fixer for gangs in both Japan and Korea and offers him a place in his employment; Otomo promises to consider it. When one of Ishihara's assassins nearly kills him, however, Otomo realizes he will never be left alone and agrees to partner with Kimura.
With the tacit approval of the Hanabishi-kai, Otomo and Kimura carry out a ruthless and bloody rampage through the ranks of the Sanno-kai. Kato's inability to stop the attacks causes increasing dissent in his syndicate, and the senior bosses are further manipulated by the Hanabishi-kai. Fuse also reveals he knows the truth about Sekiuchi's murder, using it as leverage. Kimura captures Ishihara, whom Otomo ties to a chair to be beaten to death by a pitching machine. Eventually all but a few of the Sanno-Kai bosses demand that Kato retire. Pressured by Fuse, he makes a public statement to the police taking responsibility for the war and Sekiuchi's murder, which is an enormous boost to Kataoka's career. Kimura decides to make a pact with Fuse, but Otomo, warned by Chang that both syndicates deem the two of them expendable, declares himself finished with the war and leaves. Kato, reduced to a mere civilian, is personally assassinated by Otomo at a pachinko parlor. The Sanno-Kai, decimated by the war, is absorbed into the Hanabishi-kai, making it almost omnipotent in central Japan.
Chang's warning proves to be true as Kimura is killed by Hanabishi-kai hitmen, after a police raid led by Kataoka leaves him defenseless. The Hanabishi-kai and Sanno-kai bosses gather at his funeral service, observed by Kataoka. Otomo arrives, intending to pay his respects; Kataoka, knowing both clans want Otomo dead, gives him a gun. But by now Otomo knows the war was entirely his doing, and shoots him.
Walter and Artie are almost married. They've churned out scripts for movies and TV shows for 20 years, and as writing partners, they have shared a lifetime of experience, experiences that include Artie's three packs of cigarettes a day. Despite his squeaky clean lifestyle, now Walter has lung cancer, where he is given six months to live, and his life is literally going up in Artie's smoke. As Walter fights cancer he also tries to put his affairs in order by teaching writing to prison inmates, talking to his son and ex-wife, and getting his partner to quit smoking.
The intricately narrated story involves a mermaid who comes ashore on the southern coast of England in 1899. Feigning a desire to become part of genteel society (under the alias "Miss Doris Thalassia Waters"), the mermaid's real design is to seduce Harry Chatteris, a man she saw "some years ago" in "the South Seas—near Tonga," who has taken her fancy. This she reveals in a conversation with the narrator's second cousin Melville, a friend of the family who adopts "Miss Waters". As a supernatural being, she is unimpressed with the fact that Chatteris is engaged to the socially-minded Miss Adeline Glendower and is trying to make amends for his wastrel youth by entering politics. With mere words, the mermaid shakes both Chatteris and Melville's faith in their society's norms and expectations, enigmatically telling them that "there are better dreams". In the end, Chatteris is unable to resist her alluring charms, though succumbing supposedly means his death.
Thirty years ago, an unborn child was buried in the garden of what is now a boardinghouse in Cubao. It lies beneath the ground, unbeknownst to the tenants who live there. One of the tenants is Mylene (Lovi Poe) who appears like the perfect girl, nice, pretty and at the top of her medicine class. But nobody knows about her past, not even the man who loves her most, Paolo (Benjamin Alves). Paolo doesn't know anything about Mylene's family, her long, lost sibling or her estranged, nervous wreck of a mother. Nor does he know about the very long scar that runs across Mylene's body, nor of how incomplete she always feels. And he finds that the more he tries to win back her love, the more she retreats to her secret world that nobody could enter.
One day Mylene is asked to perform an abortion for a fee, she feels conflicted about doing what is right and at the same time, being in dire need of tuition fee. Her decision ultimately leads to a dark outcome and awakens a force that has laid quiet for years in the boardinghouse grounds. Thereafter, she becomes tormented by nightmares of a dark twin, whose presence gets stronger as days pass, as strange things start to happen in the house. When one by one, the boarders die of unexplainable causes, Joanna (Empress) the resident psychic and Mylene's best friend struggles to understand the impending danger that she senses and decides to get to the bottom of the mystery; and as it unravels, they find themselves confronted by an angry soul that seeks justice.
Forced to participate in a prison break, a convict on the run holes up at a roadside diner.
Mariah Mundi has no choice but to unite with the enigmatic Will Charity when his family is kidnapped by an unknown enemy. Their adventure leads them to the mysterious and majestic Prince Regent, a huge steam-powered hotel on a small island at the furthest reach of the Empire. Mariah, with the help of Sacha, must unravel the secrets of the island to find the truth behind the disappearance of his family, and prevent Otto Luger from getting his hands on the mystical and powerful Midas Box.
At the end, Will leaves to search for the boys’ parents, who are still missing. He promises to return for Mariah. A mid-credits scene reveals that their mother has been taken to Egypt by the villain Gormenberg—her husband, the boys’ father.
A young woman is torn between the affections of her two lovers. One is a young bachelor who brings passion into her life. The other is a married old man who has kept her as his mistress for years.
Architect JD (John Lloyd Cruz) has a chip on his shoulder about his businessman father Rico (Ronaldo Valdez) never really accepting him as his son. Seamstress Sari (Bea Alonzo) struggles to take care of her family. The two meet by chance, and JD aggressively pursues Sari's affections. Though the two are clearly a good match, there is a problem standing in the way of their bliss: Sari is the mistress of JD's father. Against his better judgment, JD continues to court Sari even after finding out this difficult fact. He hides his true identity as Rico's son, and fights to win Sari's heart.
Upon their struggles, Rico's wife was angrily dismayed to see Sari, who happens to be his mistress, as both his son JD and himself had a rivalry for Sari's heart. When they travel to the province to deliver their client's Barong Tagalog, both Sari and JD finally show their true feelings for each other as they watch the wedding ceremony. Despite her relationship with JD's father, Sari finally gives in to JD's feelings and both become romantically involved as they make love.
After their travel in the province, they were found by JD's father Rico, who is furious to see his son become close to his mistress. It made both Rico and JD argue, ended up having a fistfight as Sari tried to stop them until Rico suffers from a severe heart attack.
At the hospital, JD finally apologizes to his father, Rico, who is bedridden and dying, and Rico appoints his son as the CEO and president, handing over their family business before he dies.
The two part ways in Rico and Sari's house, their love nest, with heavy hearts because they both know they can only love each other when they pretend.
At the end of the movie after JD delivers his speech to his father's employees about his father's life and his business, people applaud him. Then he comes to pass by the shop, stops and watches Sari as she fixes the formal suit she had sewn in the dress shop. The two see each other, make eye contact and flashback to the scene in Tuguegarao where they pretended and thought about the “what ifs”. Sari saw JD before he drove his car away, smiling at each other.
The movie begins with Killua dreaming about his brother's Illumi's warning to never make friends, claiming that eventually he will betray or get betrayed by them. He wakes up along Gon on an airship. Upon arriving at their destination, they meet Leorio and learn that he and Kurapika were investigating a rumor about a survivor of Kurapika's Kurta Clan until they meet a young boy whom Kurapika recognized as his childhood friend Pairo, who attacks him and steals his eyes. Unconscious since then, Kurapika awakens beside the others and soon after he has visions through his stolen eyes of a man whose right palm is marked with a spider tattoo, the same used by the members of the Phantom Troupe.
Based on other details seen by Kurapika in his vision, Gon and Killua leave him under Leorio's care and split up in search for Pairo's location. Gon ends up meeting and befriending a young puppeteer called Retsu and when Killua reunites with him, they realize that Retsu is a girl. When night falls, Leorio and Kurapika are approached by Hisoka while Gon and the others are attacked by Uvogin, who was presumed to be dead and saved by Nobunaga and Machi who defeat him. It is then revealed that Uvogin was revived as a puppet by Omokage, a former member of the Phantom Troupe who was defeated and replaced by Hisoka. Omokage sends a team of puppets including one based on Pakunoda to attack his former companions but they are all destroyed by them. After Omokage retreats, Nobunaga and Machi leave as well, warning Gon and Killua to not stand between Omokage and the Phantom Troupe as they have a score to settle with him.
In the next day, Retsu leads Gon and Killua to the mansion from Kurapika's vision and after leaving her behind for her safety, they meet another puppet, now based on Illumi who attacks them. Just as the Illumi doll is about to steal Killua's eyes, Gon intervenes and has his own eyes stolen instead. Ashamed for failing to protect Gon and believing that he had betrayed his friend, Killua flees and contemplates suicide but is saved by Gon who had tracked him with his acute sense of smell. Gon then reveals that he had let the Illumi doll steal his eyes by his own volition so they could track down Omokage. He also states that he had long realized that Retsu was one of his puppets as well. Reunited with Leorio and Kurapika, they set for Omokage's location to confront him.
Back at his hideout, Omokage reclaims his eyes from Retsu, who is revealed to be a puppet made from his deceased sister and when Gon and his friends appear, he reveals that he let them track him down by purpose as he intends to claim Leorio and Killua's eyes to use on his puppets as well. After confessing to Kurapika that he also took part in the Kurta Clan's massacre and claiming that he currently has no other scarlet eyes in his possession, Omokage sends the Pairo and Illumi dolls to attack the Hunters, but Gon and Kurapika defeat them with Leorio and Killua's help and retrieve their eyes. However, Omokage activates six other dolls based on members of the Phantom Troupe to attack them but Hisoka appears to fight by their side. While Hisoka deals with three of the puppets, Omokage absorbs the other three to attain their powers and fight Gon and co. until they join forces in a combined effort that allows Kurapika to successfully restrain him with his chain.
With Omokage defeated, Kurapika offers him a chance to be spared in exchange for having his powers sealed for life, but he refuses. Killua offers himself to kill Omokage in Kurapika's place but the puppeteer is then stabbed by Retsu, who claims that he had already caused enough suffering to her and her friends. The real Phantom Troupe arrives soon after, but they decide to let Kurapika and Hisoka leave, claiming that they will settle their scores with them in another day. As the whole place is put on fire, Retsu decides to let herself be consumed by the flames along her brother and thanks Gon and Killua for the moments they spent with her. Some time later, Gon and Killua part ways with their friends as they leave to continue their adventures together.
Eric Idle and Robert Wuhl star as a mismatched couple, Wendel and Lou in this mystery-comedy caper. Characters include a one-handed kingpin,a lawyer who suffers from dwarfism, and twin brothers, one a crazed photographer and the other a mild-mannered antique dealer. One of Wendel's many former foster parents, Mr Hu, dies, and his lawyer (the dwarf) gives Wendel his inheritance. A riddle. Wendel and Lou (his cello-playing best friend) soon realise the riddle isn't Hu's heirloom, just the key to finding Wendel's inheritance. But they are pursued by several unfavourable characters, almost all of whom want them dead. The end.
The story revolves around a group of South Asians and their lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with consistent digestion and constipation problems.
Disillusioned by Britain, wealthy youth Oliver Chant is sent abroad to Trier (Germany) by UK Communist leader Kurtz. Kurtz had been exiled to Britain by Trier's new dictator Demassener and promised Oliver Chant that he'd be part of a dramatic rebellion. Chant arrives in Trier with orders to meet up with the underground party run by a Jewish poet, Joseph Kapper and comrades Torner (an artist) and Lintz (a shoe maker). It becomes apparent that the small faction are not interested in bloodshed, but spreading dissent against the Dictator only by literature and posters.
By a strange turn of events the dictator's wife, Anne-Marie Demassener, enters the party's quarters seeking help from a minor car accident. She claims that her husband is more than aware of what these men do and isn't in the least concerned. Oliver Chant is invited to meet her husband that night, where he witnesses the mother of an executed gun runner come pleading for her son's body. Over the course of the evening Chant becomes infatuated with the dictator's wife. He heads back after the town's curfew, and after being cornered by local police is rescued by the poet Kapper, who shoots the policeman dead in the street. Kapper and Chant dispose of the body in the canal and then send Kapper's wife out with a tray of raw butcher's meat to spread over the area where the murder took place. In the morning Kapper and Chant argue over the murder, and further conflict arises when Kapper shows him the party's next propaganda poster which is a slur on the dictator's wife. Chant vows to leave the group and the country. He visits Anne-Marie Demassener to bid farewell and to declare his love for her. During his visit the owner of a canal boat enters, and tells her of the murdered policeman he fished out of the river. Anne-Marie presumes Chant is involved and tells him to leave the country; he proposes that she come with him, which (though unhappy herself) she mockingly rejects. Chant vows to stay on in Trier and try and fight for her. He goes back and, overruling a humiliated Kapper, leads the party on a planned rebellion. Chant arranges for a risky liaison to smuggle in arms by canal boat. Anne-Marie is destined to interfere with his plans again, making him question the motive for his involvement and giving Kapper an opportunity to lead the party to success by other means.
The game begins with the first game's protagonist, Ghat, meeting with his antagonistic sister Rimat in a bar. Since the events of the last game, the Northern Golem has established the rule of law in the previously lawless city of Halstedom. After law was established the Golem promptly arrested Ghat and Rimat's single parent, the creature named Father-Mother, for the crime of serial kidnapping.
While Rimat is furious and wants revenge against the Golem for the arrest of Father-Mother, Ghat is a true anarchist and has come to hate the Golem for taking away Halstedom's freedom and wants to kill him to restore it. Regardless of their different motives, this shared anger at the Northern Golem leads them to set aside their differences. Together they enter the newly built prison and free Father-Mother. But by doing so, they end up in the middle of a conflict between the authoritarian Northern Golem and the laissez faire but cruel Southern Golem. To free their city from the tyranny of the seemingly invincible Northern Golem, they must journey through all of Zenozoik to find a method capable of killing their near immortal overlord, even if it means playing right into the Southern Golem's plans. Along the way, Ghat and Rimat will discover the secret past of their mysterious planet.
A US Senator's son, Bill (Jamie Kennedy), who attempts to forget the breakup of his fiancée, is forced to vacation in Turkey with his best friends. During forced parasailing, he is caught in a plane’s tire. He falls from the plane, crashing into a barn in a small village in Armenia, where he is accused of being a Turkish-Azeri spy as he said 3 basic phrases in Turkish, and asked the locals if they were Turks.
He was locked in a basement where the locals kept watch on him. A local who could speak Turkish-Azeri was taken to interrogate him, and failed. Another local was brought to interrogate him after claiming he spoke English. However, he lied, and spoke some Italian instead. A young woman named Ani (Angela Sarafyan) comes home from Yerevan after learning English. When Grandpa Matsak (Michael Poghosyan) discovered this, she was summoned to interrogate him, which turned out to be a success. Although, Bill is saying he is American, but the locals don’t believe him.
Hovnatahn (David Tovmasyan) tries hitting on Ani, and fails. On the news, the locals find out he is an American who was declared missing in Turkey. When the news is spread, the locals go to the basement where Bill is imprisoned, only to find out he escaped. While Bill attempts to flee, and is knocked out by a rake, a manhunt is declared.
On the next day, Bill encounters Ani, and talks with her. Meanwhile, Hovnatahn, his father (who is the mayor of the village), and mother meet Ani's mother to propose an arranged marriage. It is declined when Ani comes home with Bill. She learns that the locals want him to leave.
On the next day, Ani takes Bill to her relatives graves and talks about Armenians suffering during the war in Artsakh, she is later kidnapped by Hovnatahn and his friend Bldo (Vache Tovmasyan). While they’re driving, the car’s brakes stop working. Bldo chickens out, and escapes the car. Hovnatahn and Ani crash and are kidnapped by soldiers of the Azerbaijani Army. The Azeris threaten to assault Ani in front of Hovnatahn, then kill both of them. Bill finds the post, and knocks out one Azeri soldier. He threatens to shoot the other, but fails. As the Azeri soldier is about to kill Bill, he is knocked out by Bldo who came back to save Hovnatahn and Ani.
In the night, the locals celebrate, and congratulate Bill for his heroism, and as an apology for mis-naming him as a Turkish-Azeri spy. In the morning, Bill is going home. Ani is holding back her sadness, because she loves him. In the last seconds, a silhouette of Bill is walking to Ani and embrace, starting a new relationship.
Metropolitan Police Superintendent Stella Gibson, a senior investigating officer who reviews investigations, is seconded to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to assess the progress of a murder investigation that has remained active for longer than 28 days. When it becomes apparent that a serial killer is on the loose, local detectives must work with Stella to find and capture Paul Spector, who is attacking young professional women in the city of Belfast. As time passes Stella's team works tirelessly to build a case but they are met with complications inside and outside the PSNI.
A worldwide ecological disaster occurred in the year 2020, wiping out approximately 90% of the human race. The disaster takes the form of a fast-growing forest, that actively seeks out threats to its growth and destroys them. Such targets include weapons manufacturers, military installations and laboratories that are working on methods of stopping the spread of the forest. No manmade efforts to stop the forest worked, with only natural barriers being able to slow it down.
''Survarium'' takes place in 2026 with players attempting to survive and defend themselves against the forest in destroyed cities and encampments. Players can choose to join a faction to gain access to supplies and resources. There are currently four factions, although Vostok Games has stated that they intend to have nine factions upon completion, however not all will be playable as some are intended to add support to the story as players progress. The factions all follow different ideals and often conflict with that of other factions, creating hostilities.
The cause of the disaster is not known, stated to be discovered by players as they progress through the game. The story itself is intended to be shaped by choices made by players while representing their chosen factions.
Lois Conway (Williams) works as a music teacher at a local high school in a small town, where recently a woman was found murdered. When she starts receiving notes from an anonymous admirer, she suspects her favorite student Sandy (Wilder) is responsible, and tells him they could never be lovers. The notes grow more violent and when, in her latest letter, she is invited to meet at the school's lockers at night, Lois decides to visit, hoping to stop the young man. There, she is attacked by an initial shadowy figure, whom she later identifies as Leonard Bennett (Saxon), the high school's star football player.
She successfully gets away, though drops her purse, and is aided by Lieutenant Harry Graham (Nader). Graham advises her to press charges, but Lois wants to drop the matter in hopes of it blowing over.
Back at home, she notices her purse on her table, and aware that the thief is in her home, orders him to leave. As he bashes through the door to get away, Lois is now certain that Leonard is her attacker.
Leonard is able to get home without his dominant and overbearing father (Andrews) noticing he is gone. Mr. Bennett lectures his son on the dangers of women, stimulated by the occurrence of him being left by his wife and Leonard's mother when he was very ill.
The following day, Lois reports the incident to the principal Pendleton (Tremayne), but when Leonard denies the whole matter, Pendleton protects the school's most valuable athletic asset by suggesting to Lois that she should provide evidence.
Soon the story spreads around school, and with gossip surrounding Lois allegedly pursuing Leonard, both her personal and professional life becomes a mess. One day, she pulls him out of class and tries to reason with him, but he refuses to listen to her. Meanwhile, she grows closer to Graham, who does not understand why she is sympathetic to Leonard.
Nonetheless, she decides to visit the Bennetts, but the father does not want her to interfere with his son and accuses her of seducing Leonard. He is startled, though, upon finding out the police are now involved in the matter. Mr. Bennett is unaware that Leonard again sneaked out of his room to visit a waitress whom he has dated in the past.
Sometime later, Graham accompanies Lois to a football game, where Graham is inspired to retrieve Leonard's fingerprints from his locker. It turns out the fingerprints match those found at Lois' place.
At a school dance, she tries to warn Leonard about the police discovery, assuring him he will get into big trouble if he does not come clean. Leonard, for the first time, speaks truthfully to her, but they are interrupted by Mr. Bennett, who convinces Leonard Lois is manipulating him. Leonard asks her to meet him in the cloak room to discuss the matter, but Lois is unaware Mr. Bennett and Pendleton are hiding in the same room. Her presence convinces them she must be having an affair with the teenager. Lois, being tricked by Leonard, falls into Graham's arms, and finally allows him to arrest the kid.
At the police station, the now suspended Lois is brought in by Graham to get an honest confession from Leonard. During the interrogation, the couple is informed that another man has admitted to having committed the murder. Graham wants to continue prosecuting Leonard for breaking into Lois' apartment, but she wants to drop the case and orders him to bring the boy home.
Back home, Lois is about to undress, when suddenly Mr. Bennett jumps out of her closet and starts assaulting her. At the same moment, Leonard, impressed by having been forgiven by his teacher, confesses to Graham that his father is responsible for the murders. Graham decides to share the news with Lois and arrives at her home just in time to save her from being murdered by Mr. Bennett. Bennett suffers a heart attack after attempting to flee the scene, and dies in front of Leonard.
Alex wakes up every morning in a different body. He's the same person inside, but outside he's always someone else. And it's been happening for as long as he can remember. He shares his story through filmed episodes and real-time conversations with the audience. Audience members play Alex throughout the experience, both in filmed episodes and on his Facebook timeline, via photos and videos, adding to his narrative at every step of the story.
The series is about two bickering siblings living in an adoptive family; Taki and her younger sister Olivia. When the two girls accidentally gain powers, they decide to become superheroes.
Mike and his attorney spend an entire day visiting his former subordinates in jail who are under heavy scrutiny from the police due to the association with Gus. Mike reassures them they will get their compensation.
While scouting for a new location for a meth laboratory, Walt proposes using a pest removal company to secretly make meth in their clients' homes. Vamonos Pest, a local pest removal company, is perfect for this as the owner and his employees are already criminals. They agree to facilitating Walt and Jesse cooking in their clients' homes. The first cook at the mobile site is a success, and afterwards, Walt feigns enthusiasm for Jesse's relationship with Andrea, but hints that Jesse should break up with her after mentioning the problems it would cause if she discovered his secret life.
While discussing Walt's upcoming 51st birthday with Marie at the car wash, Skyler begins to light a cigarette. As Marie begins to confront her about smoking, Skyler suffers a nervous breakdown. Marie confronts Walt at home about Skyler's breakdown and demands to know the truth. Walt tells her about Skyler's affair with Ted and that her breakdown was due to stress over his recent accident.
Mike allocates the money earned from the first cook, but Walt becomes upset when so much of it is given to dealers, mules, Saul, and Vamonos Pest. Walt becomes further angered when he learns of the hazard pay to Mike's old henchmen, but eventually relents. Walt deduces that the final amount taken home by the partners was less than what he was making when he was working for Gus. Jesse, who reveals that he broke off the relationship with Andrea, tells Walt that he was "looking at it wrong." Jesse explains to Walt that under Gus, they were employees, but as owners they were actually making more considering the volume of the output. Walt, however, hints that they may need to get rid of some of the other members of the team.
After having it repaired, Walt impulsively sells his Pontiac Aztek to the mechanic for $50 and leases himself a new Chrysler 300 and a Dodge Challenger for Walt Jr.
At Madrigal's Houston branch, Lydia Rodarte-Quayle's inside man for methylamine is arrested by the DEA. Mike reassures Lydia that Ron will not talk, adding that she will have a new guy in the warehouse soon.
The next day, SAC Ramey offers Hank the position of ASAC (Assistant Special Agent in Charge) vacated by Merkert. Hank accepts, even though his pursuit of Heisenberg will be given to a field agent.
That evening, the Whites and the Schraders finish a meager 51st birthday dinner for Walt. After Walt Jr. leaves, Walt notes that it has been a year since his cancer diagnosis. As he reflects, a fully clothed Skyler steps into the pool and slowly submerges herself. Marie panics while Walt jumps in to pull her out. Walt then learns that Skyler has asked Marie and Hank to look after the kids until her issues with Walt are resolved. Skyler insists that she will not have her children living in a house where dangerous events that occur are just shrugged off. She threatens to further harm herself, to fake spousal abuse and to send Walt Jr. to boarding school if Walt brings the kids back home, but he belittles her plans as unworkable. Breaking down and realizing there is no way out of her situation without hurting her family, she relents to his arguments but not without admitting to him that her only option is to hope that Walt's cancer will come back and kill him.
At the warehouse, Lydia leads Jesse Pinkman to a barrel of methylamine. They find a GPS tracker on the bottom of a barrel of methylamine, compromising it. Mike is skeptical that the tracker was planted by the DEA because of its crude placement on the bottom of the barrel. When informed by Jesse that it was Lydia who spotted it first, Mike concludes that Lydia planted it herself in order to get out of their deal and vows to kill her. Jesse pleads for Mike to show mercy and asks for Walt's opinion. Walt votes to keep her alive so no time is lost finding a new precursor supplier. Jesse later gives Walt a TAG Heuer Monaco Calibre 12 wristwatch as a birthday present, which pleases Walt.
Upon returning from the train heist, Walt, Mike, and Todd destroy the dirt bike belonging to the boy and the corpse itself. While Todd and Jesse are smoking outside, Todd glibly dismisses the tragedy, leading an incensed Jesse to punch him. After a heated debate, Walt, Jesse, and Mike agree to spare Todd's life and keep him on the payroll with Vamonos Pest, in order to monitor him.
The DEA begin to surveil Mike which leads him to leave Walt's meth operation, along with Jesse who is distraught about Drew. They propose an idea to Walt to sell the stolen methylamine, amounting to $5 million each. A rival meth dealer is offering to buy the methylamine to have increased market share as it would remove all blue meth from the streets. Walt refuses to sell the methylamine as it can be made into $300 million worth of meth, which also prevents Jesse and Mike from selling their share.
Elsewhere, while visiting Holly, a tearful Skyler is tempted to confess to her sister Marie, but stops short when Marie discloses her knowledge of Skyler's affair with Ted. Marie mistakenly believes this to be the reason for Skyler's mental anguish.
Jesse comes to Walt's house to try to change Walt's mind. Walt rejects the sale, comparing such a sellout to Gray Matter Technologies. Decades prior, Walt had sold his shares in Gray Matter for $5,000 when the company is now worth well over $2 billion. He tells Jesse he is not in the meth business, or the money business, but rather the "empire business". Skyler arrives home and Walt insists that Jesse stay for dinner, leading to an awkward meal.
Walt tries to hide the methylamine, but Mike anticipates the move, restraining Walt in the Vamonos Pest offices. Mike and Saul meet with Hank and Gomez at the DEA to advise them Mike has obtained an injunction preventing their continued surveillance of him. Meanwhile, Walt breaks free from his restraints and hides the methylamine before Mike comes back. When Mike arrives, he threatens to kill Walt but Jesse interrupts, saying Walt has a plan to get all three of them their money.
Born Rita Cansino, Rita Hayworth rises to the top of Hollywood becoming a World War II "pinup girl" next to Betty Grable and for three years she is one of the top movie actresses in the world. However, her personal life does not match her professional success. Happiness eludes her in her tumultuous relationship with tyrannical studio executive Harry Cohn, who often exploits her. She also has an unhappy marriage to Orson Welles and to Prince Aly Khan.
After three years of a happy relationship, Mike (Luis Manzano) decided to end his relationship with his gay lover, Lester (Vice Ganda), After their break-up, Lester soon finds out that Mike was cheating on him for the past year with a bank accountant Gemma (Toni Gonzaga). This leads to Lester hatching a plan to destroy Mike and Gemma's relationship, by acting like a straight man so that Mike will come back to him. He told his four gay friends who are also his employees in his parlor, Babushka (IC Mendoza), Ricky (Lassie Marquez), Fanny (Ricky Rivero) and Bambi (Ricci Chan) to pretend to rob Gemma after her shift. Lester pretends to be her "knight and shining armor" and saves her from the "robbers". After the ruckus, Gemma took Lester home to meet her parents (Boboy Garovillo and Carla Martinez). After a dinner with Gemma's family, Lester went home. He stopped by his parlor and shocked at his friend's broken faces (the bruises he left after he saved Gemma from them). After they tried to have their revenge on him, he soon apologized and get together again. Gemma called Mike that same evening, telling him that Mike should meet with Lester in order for him to learn martial arts, which he declines. With his family's suffering for poorness, Mike doesn't know where to get money for his and Gemma's wedding. He proposed to Gemma, which caused Lester to have his plan.
One day at her job, Lester visits and deposits P5,000,000 on their bank. Gemma and Mike met up again, after seeing the flowers that Lester gave Gemma (Mike doesn't know who Gemma's suitor is) he became extremely upset which caused their argument. Gemma and Lester began dating. One day Gemma was visited by her family to her room, all of them except her mother left the room, which tells her, if she loves Lester, she replied that she was confused and doesn't know what to answer. One day at her job, Lester calls and invites to come to The Dream Concert she really wants to go. After a long and fun night, Mike soon learned that it was Lester who was Gemma's suitor. One day after a tiring game of basketball, Lester got sick and was taken care of by Gemma. Lester learns that Gemma was a good person and wanted to stop what he was doing to her. Mike told Gemma that something is wrong. He then brings Gemma to Lester's house and showed her his room (Lester's room was filled with pictures of Mike), which Gemma became really angry and disappointed. He then broke up with Mike and cancelled their wedding.
Mike apologized to Lester for using him, which Lester accepted. Mike and Lester did everything for Gemma to forgive them, but both of them failed. When Mike was apologizing to Gemma, Gemma taunts Mike that she will jump in the bridge that they were standing to. But soon, Gemma forgives Mike and Lester.
Gemma and Mike's wedding was held at a beach and live happily ever after. Lester found his one true love (the guy that saved him from the bridge where he almost drowned (Sam Milby). But it was only to be revealed that the guy who saved him was a priest and was going to hold Gemma and Mike's wedding, which causes Lester for a traumatic experience.
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.
A man raised by wealthy and powerful Arab parents, is put in charge of his country's vast oil fortunes; only to discover he was born to Jewish birth parents. He then comes into conflict with a terrorist group...headed by his own daughter!
Kept secret from the rest of the world, high school girls are secretly trained in the art of ninjitsu. ''Senran Kagura: Skirting Shadows'' revolves around the trainee shinobi of Hanzō Academy; Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyuu and Hibari, as they complete missions and battle against rival ninjas. ''Crimson Girls'' on the other hand follows the students of the dark academy, Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy; Homura, Yomi, Hikage, Mirai and Haruka.
''Senran Kagura Burst'' includes an additional story, ''The Crimson Girls''.
Joo Yeol-mae was in a 12 year on-and-off relationship with her boyfriend Yoon Seok-hyun, before they broke up for the fifth time 3 years ago. This is mainly because Seok-hyun keeps her at arm's length and does not want to get married. However, even after they break up, Yeol-mae and Seok-hyun remain friends and are present in each other's lives. Enter Shin Ji-hoon, an alluring new love interest who shakes up Yeol-mae's world and lands her in a love triangle. Torn between two men, can Yeol-mae find true romance, or will she lose it all?
Rock Polotan (Concepcion) and Tracy Fuentebella (Dos Santos) are teenage sweethearts and both nursing students in a university in Manila, they are in love and full of dreams. A youthful indiscretion leads them to early parenthood, a situation they face squarely, and quite maturely, by planning to get married. They shortly realize, however, that the problem behind their wedding plans has less to do with themselves than with their own parents.
Rock's parents are an oddball couple with odd professions. Pol Polotan (Ogie Alcasid) is a one-hit-wonder composer now reduced to teaching guitar lessons to neighborhood kids. His sassy wife (Eugene Domingo) has the entrepreneurial smarts to be a caterer, even if it means her clientele are bereaved families at funeral parlors. Always struggling to rise above life's hard knocks, the Polotans (like your average Filipino family) manage to get by somehow through their keen sense of humor, resilience and resourcefulness.
At the other end of the social spectrum is Tracy's family, the Fuentebellas. A landowner son of a retired general, Tracy's father, Nick Fuentebella (Gary Valenciano), is a stuffed-shirt husband with more skills as a businessman than as a family man. Alienated by his passiveness and lack of ardor, his wife Elaine (Zsa Zsa Padilla) and daughter Tracy are mostly left to fend for themselves, when it comes to their own needs and problems. It also doesn't help that Nick's military father (Jaime Fabregas), a retired General, is a closed-minded conservative with no allowances for human frailties.
When the families finally meet for the eventual “pamamanhikan” at the palatial Fuentebella residence, what starts as a civilized encounter between two families escalates into a hilarious rich-versus-poor mano-a-mano where Tracy's grandfather (Jaime Fabregas) insulted the Polotan's family, a scenario that turns the mansion into a madhouse of outlandish proportions which resulted in Rock and Tracy's separation. Rock got depressed and did not leave his room for three days. He was confronted by his mother Rose, saying that life must go on. Rose thinks her son is still young for fatherhood, so she is not in favor of the marriage. Nick thinks the family would be in shame if Tracy will raise a child with no father, so he wants the wedding to push through as soon as possible. Elaine, who also got pregnant at a young age does not want her daughter to experience a forced marriage and get trapped in a loveless marriage as what had happened to her and her husband, Nick. Elaine suggested that it would be better if Tracy would just go to the US and give birth there, but before Tracy's departure, Rock was able to sneak into Tracy's room, and they elope. The two then sent an MMS to their families stating that they got married in the City hall. The two parties become so depressed because of Rock and Tracy's decision. Elaine seems to be disappointed with Nick. She thinks that Nick is not a good father to Tracy so their daughter grew up to be imperfect person. She decides to leave, but on her way out of the estate, Nick stops her and professes his undying love, stating that it would be best if they will try to start again. On the other hand, Rose and Pol also renew their love. Meanwhile, Brent (Coleta), Rock's best friend who is a closeted gay and is secretly in love with Rock, professes his love when they were drunk but the two remain best friends. In the end, the two families are able to accept the fate of Rock and Tracy who become parents at 19. The movie ends with the cast singing "Pag-Ibig", and "I Do Bidoo Bidoo".[ Now Showing: I Do Biddo Bidoo-(PG13)] ''SM Cinema''. Retrieved 30 August 2012
In 1990, in his cell in Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow, Paul Ferris reflects on his childhood.
Young Paul's is told by his father to always beware of strangers, to always be loyal, and to be a "lion" and avoid following others actions. He witnesses the Banks brothers carry out an armed robbery, after which the Banks brothers harass Paul and kill his dog.
Teenage Paul is at a party when the Banks brothers crash it and wreck the house. Paul fetches a knife and returns to find two of the brothers sexually assaulting his girlfriend. He wounds them both and flees. His sister berates him as their older brother is serving life in prison for murder. Paul says he enjoyed the violence as he felt in control.
In prison, Paul arranges the killing of one of the Banks brothers. Upon his release Paul shuns a party thrown for him by Glasgow godfather Arthur Thompson, recalling that his father called Thompson "The Devil incarnate".
Paul argues with his wife Anne Marie over her fear of him being imprisoned or killed. In the pub Paul meets Arthur Thompson and his obnoxious, cocaine-addicted son Junior "Fat Boy" Thompson. Arthur praises Paul for the prison hit and gives him a job. Paul recalls as a child witnessing Arthur execute a man by shooting; and that he and his friends had taken money the from the dead man's wallet, money that the police confiscated when interviewing Paul about the murder.
Arthur confides to Paul that Junior has been scammed over £50,000 worth of drugs, and tasks Paul with retrieving the money. A car bomb kills Arthur's mother and hospitalises Arthur, who orders Paul and associate Tam "The Licensee" McGraw to find the culprits. They are told that the Banks brothers were responsible. Paul is overjoyed that Anne Marie is pregnant.
Junior reveals to Arthur his jealous rivalry of Paul, sparked by Arthur's praising of Paul. During a home invasion massacre of the Banks family, the rivalry escalates when Paul stops Junior from killing two of the Banks women. Junior slashes a father's face in front of his children, shocking Paul due to Anne Marie's pregnancy.
Paul tells Anne Marie he has become what he had always hated and wishes to leave Glasgow because of the slashing incident, and that he wants to turn his back on crime. Junior and McGraw frame Paul for a hit attempt on Arthur. He serves eighteen months in prison for possessing a weapon, after which he meets his new son and Anne Marie says she no longer loves him.
Junior has Paul's father beaten up in an alley. Later Junior is brutally executed outside Arthur's home by a masked assailant, who is addressed as "Paul" by the getaway driver. Paul is arrested for Junior's murder. With Paul in jail, Arthur sanctions the murder of Paul's associates Jimmy, Johnny, Bobby and Joe, in collaboration with McGraw. Paul learns of McGraw's betrayal and threatens revenge when he is released. Paul is acquitted of Junior's murder. Final scenes show McGraw escaping assassination and boarding a flight to Tenerife, but despairing as he notices Tam and Bob behind him on the plane.
Closing text tells the fates of the real-life characters: Anne Marie and Paul separated; after many attempts on his life, Arthur "The Godfather" Thompson died of natural causes at 61; Junior Thompson's murder remains unsolved; Arthur's wife Rita never got over Arthur and Junior's deaths and died of a broken heart; Tam McGraw died of a heart attack aged 55 ; Bobby and Joe's murders remain unsolved; Paul Ferris still lives in Glasgow, and has turned his back on crime.
'''NOTE''': This film has character names. However, names of real-life performers are used in this article.
The story is set in Herbert Hoover High School in Heartland Heights, Iowa. It features seven former high school basketball players, part of the class of 1957, and it then shows their five-year reunion in 1962. The movie switches scenes between high school and the reunion.
In 1962, Rick Chase is now an actor in California. Aaron Lawrence becomes a reverend primarily to repress his homosexuality and his love for Chase. Tony Donovan is unhappily married with a wife and children, and Kurt Young cruises around with men and women. Scott Lyons has turned to drink. Kristian Brooks and Lucas James are secret lovers.
In one scene, Chase and Lyons perform fellatio on each other in 1957 and anal penetration in 1962. In another, sexually frustrated married men Donovan and Young make love to each other in both years in the same basement, filled with pictures of naked women (In 1962, they are blindfolded though). In another scene, lovers Brooks and James engage in a threesome with Lawrence, who later leaves the two alone to let them penetrate each other. In another, after the basketball team loses often, the coach (Preston Richie) "locks up seven players in the locker room", where they create an orgy. Later, they win the basketball game. In the final scene, set in 1962, best friends Chase and Lawrence admit their feelings for each other and then have sex.
Dr. Gabriel Schreklich loses his wife and daughter. Distraught, he founds The Institute for Life Extension, where tries to find a way to resurrect the dead. Schreklich's nephew Peter helps him, not knowing that his pregnant wife Anais is in danger. Schreklich's experiments are a success, and his family is brought back to a semblance of life, but they are now ghouls, in pain and hungry for the flesh of the living. When they escape their confinement, the whole institute is put at risk.
The novel begins in a small Welsh town in 2013, where Basil Grey, a mechanical engineer and a member of the United Nation's run Institute, has just witnessed his lover, an alien named Kalp, being shot to death in their living room. Basil's coworkers, led by Agent Aitken, shot him for a traitor and a spy, and drag Basil out of the house and to the Institute's interrogation rooms. He is joined by his wife, Gwen Pierson, and as she tries to convince him that Kalp had betrayed them, Basil has a revelation about a small mechanical device he had seen in the Institutes workrooms, which he has nicknamed a "Flasher".
'''Part I: Back'''
Narrated by Evvie Pierson, the first part of the book opens on a fall day in 1983 on the Pierson Family farm. Evvie's gardening is interrupted when an alien spaceship crash lands in her raspberry patch and the pilot attempts to murder both her and her infant daughter, Gwennie. They are saved by Basil Grey and an adult Gwen Pierson, who didn't realize that the Flasher would make them travel backwards in time.
Over the course of twenty four hours, Basil attempts to repair the Flasher so they can make a return trip to the 21st Century; Gwen, Basil, and her father Mark bury both the body of the alien pilot and the space ship; and Gwen reveals to Evvie that they have a tumultuous relationship in the future and that Gwen has stopped speaking to her mother. Evvie blames herself and resolves to do her best to repair the rift when Gwen has grown up. Gwen also reveals that she was married to both Kalp and Basil in a triad relationship called an Aglunate, a tradition of Kalp's people, but that Kalp was killed for selling secrets about the Institute to a group of assassins who are targeting Institute employees. With the help Evvie, Basil and Gwen realize that the assassins are time travelling to target Aglunated Institute Employees and as such, Kalp can't have been the traitor.
Overwhelmed with relief and grieving their lost lover, Basil and Gwen return to 2013 to clear Kalp's name and to try to locate the actual traitor.
Evvie writes a letter to Kalp, intending to warn him of his impending death in an effort to change the future.
'''Part II: Middle'''
Told from Kalp's POV, this section encompasses his first meeting with Basil and Gwen (who are already dating and living together) at the Institute through to his death. Kalp is assigned to a team with Gwen and Basil, who are working together to try to build a solar power generator based on shared alien technology. Over the course of the section, it is revealed that Kalp's home planet was destroyed in a natural disaster and a very small ship of refugees was able to escape and seek asylum on Earth. Kalp's family – his Agulnates Maru and Trus – were among the dead. Kalp had volunteered to work at the Institute, which was set up by the United Nations in an effort to aid the aliens in acclimatizing to human cultures.
Overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him by Basil and Gwen, Kalp soon falls in love with the couple and moves in with them. He convinces them to become his lovers on Christmas Eve, several hours after Gwen has revealed that she has fallen pregnant with Basil's child. There is an extremely negative media backlash to their Aglunation, and as a result the Aglunate is attacked outside of a concert hall. Gwen loses the baby and Kalp is grievously injured.
An unknown assassins group begins to target Institute Employees, and Kalp is suspected of selling Institute training secrets to the group and placed under house arrest. Kalp receives a vaguely threatening letter from an anonymous stranger and decides that he must attempt to escape the Institute and clear his name. He is, however, caught by Agent Aitken and shot.
'''Part III: After'''
Basil and Gwen have returned to 2013 twenty four hours after they left. At first they are taken into custody for being AWOL and theft, but they eventually convince the Institute of both Kalp's innocence and their own. They are allowed to join a secret ops mission to break the assassin's circle and capture the ring leaders.
During the assault, Gwen and Basil stumble upon a warehouse where exactly the same alien ship that they shot down in 1983 is preparing to travel back in time. They are surprised by the pilot – not an alien after all, but Agent Aitken, who reveals that she is both the mastermind behind the assassins circle and the traitor. She is an extreme bigot and zealot and has vowed to purge the world of the disgusting, unnatural people who participate in Aglunates, and has figured out how to use the alien technology to travel in time to kill those who accept and love the aliens before they can grow up and pervert the Institute.
Gwen is injured in the attempt to stop her, and Basil unsuccessful at destroying the ship. He is, however, able to sabotage it. He then realizes that Agent Aitken has travelled back to the Pierson Farm in 1983, where he and Gwen will shoot the ship down and kill Aitken before the rogue agent has the ability to murder infant Gwennie.
Basil and Gwen travel to the Pierson Farm in 2013 to retrieve the buried space ship and Aitken's remains. They travel alone in order to maintain their privacy and to keep media speculation to a minimum before the trial of the remaining assassins.
After they have unburied the space ship, Mark coerces Basil to join him in mucking out barn. They discuss Basil's intentions towards Gwen, and Mark reminds Basil that he owes him a favour for destroying their betamax. Mark then offers Basil a family heirloom ring with which he'd like Basil to propose marriage to Gwen.
Basil decides that he will, both in memory of Kalp and in order to open a new chapter in their lives where the shadow of the tragedy can finally be left behind. As he approaches the farm house with the ring, Basil catches sight of Evvie and Gwen's tearful reconciliation through the kitchen window.
The game takes place a few days after the events of ''Orcs Must Die!''. The Sorceress is hiding from The Mob when mysteriously, a Rift opens next to her. She steps through, and finds herself in the Dwarven Mines, right in front of The War Mage, who now works at the mines. She enlists his help in fighting off the Orcs. The two discover that more and more rifts are opening in different locations. They decide to enter the rift and return to the Dead World.
It is revealed that the War Mage's master had not died; he was still alive, and had opened a small, weak rift to allow the Sorceress to escape and battle the Mob together. After the War Mage and the Sorceress begin to communicate with their master, he explains that he started to open the Rifts again because the world beyond the Rifts could not cope without the magic the Rifts provided.
After the two have defended the last Rift, the magic fully returned to the world. The War Mage's master disappeared and the War Mage states that he and the Sorceress will 'always be out there on the Fortress walls, guarding the Rifts and protecting the world, because they (the Orc Mob) will always be out there'.
A group of close-knit thieves are led by Johnny (Antonio Sabàto, Jr), Mollie (Amy Smart), Larry (Lochlyn Munro) and Sam (Mike Mains). Their latest target is a small bank in Little Saigon, Orange Country, California. Mollie has been working in the bank undercover for months with the bank's manager Jane (Shannon Lee) unaware of what she plans to do. On the day of the robbery, Johnny and the rest of the gang burst in, forcing everyone on the floor. Johnny orders Jane to open the bank vault. As she opens it, Johnny discovers a large cache of money which is laundered by a Vietnamese mobster named Victor Phan (George Kee Cheung). Instead of taking the money, they escape empty-handed. Victor orders his men to go after the gang and Jane is revealed to be Victor's mistress who is imprisoned by him. She wants to leave Victor but knows he would never let her go. Johnny and his gang manage to survive an attack on them by Victor's men and join forces with Jane, who offers them Victor's money if they kill him. On the night Victor is meeting with drug dealers at his nightclub, Johnny and his gang burst in, leading to a shootout. They successfully steal his money and escape with Jane, but Victor survives the attack, forcing the group to go on the run with Victor and his men after them.
The plot is set minorly in Dar-es-Salaam and majorly in the Ethiopian desert-lands sometime in the 1930s, just as the Axis powers were starting to pursue their colonial ambitions.
The novel starts off in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania. Jake Barton, an engineer from Texas, and Major Gareth Swales, a British hustler, form an uneasy alliance in order to refurbish four armoured cars which Swales is planning to sell to an Ethiopian prince, Lij Mikhael. During their meeting and proposed selling, they meet the American reporter Victoria "Vicky" Campbell and both the men are smitten at once. Later the Lij tells them that he is buying the armoured cars as well the ammunition to fight the Italians, who are planning an invasion of Ethiopia, but owing to an international embargo imposed on Ethiopia, he can not import weapons by himself and consequently asks Swales to smuggle the cars into Ethiopia via French and British Somaliland. He also dispatches the services of his nephew Gregarious to help. Vicky also volunteers to help. The four of them ship the cars in a slave ship, then drive it from the seashore across the desert to the Ethiopian highlands, where they are met by the Ras Gholum and the Ethiopian people.
On the Italian side, Colonel Count Aldo Belli has been ordered the task of securing the Wells of Chaldi, a seemingly barren piece of land where it seems there will be no action taking place, in order to remove him from the more important locations which require more battle-hardened personnel, contrary to the Count who gets the position owing to his proximity to Mussolini. He sets off to the Wells, engaging in all forms of luxury at the cost of time and hardships for his comrades, and with the help of his trusted Major Luigi Castelani, manages to engage the Ethiopians in an ambush, and inflates the amount of losses caused by him and his men.
The Lij then requests Barton and Swales to stay and help the Ethiopians, in the process enlisting the help of another Ras. Unknowing to him, this Ras has betrayed him to the Italians. After a whirlwind of events, Vicky starts falling in love with Jake. The Italians, on the other hand, start their invasion plans.
At the end, with all the best efforts of the Ethiopians, the Italians break down their defences and reach the town of Sardi, which had been the rally point for the protagonists. With nowhere to go, Vicky, Sara, Gregarious and Jake get into the plane, with a severely injured Gareth who was shot by the invading Italian forces.
A group of misfit shopping cart attendants deal with another day at their dead end jobs.
Akhilandeshwari (Vanisri) is an arrogant rich lady who loves money dearly. She has two daughters Sravani (Nagma) and Sandhya (Meena). While Sravani is as arrogant as her mother, Sandhya is a lover of poor people and values humanity like her father (Rao Gopala Rao). Sravani arrives in town to study for a degree, where Kalyan (Nagarjuna) is a canteen owner. Sravani finds Kalyan's bold nature and cool attitude highly demeaning and her anger goes to heights when Kalyan teases her in front of all the college students. Sravani cleverly traps Kalyan saying she is in love with him and gets him imprisoned during a rift in college. Kalyan decides to teach Sravani a lesson and he arrives at Akhilandeshwari's house as the latter's associate and helps her with income tax issues. At one moment when income tax issues are unbearable, Kalyan suggests to Akhilandeshwari that somebody in the family should take the responsibility for the property. When nobody is willing to do so, she offers Kalyan the same and also asks him to marry Sandhya. Sravani gets distraught knowing this and the rest of the film is about what happens to the equations between the lead characters.
Scottish writer, Jane Lockhart, has received multiple rejection letters before Tom Duvall, the Franco-Scottish editor of a struggling publishing company, tells her he will publish her first novel. Overcome with happy surprise, she breaks out in tears.
As they go through the editing process they have a natural, positive rapport, in sharp contrast to his notorious, harsh demeanor most writers encounter. Jane is generally perky and upbeat, but she impulsively tells him she won't work with him after she completes her contract (another book) as he changed the title without her consent.
Jane's book is the first truly successful book Tom's published. From her first book signings, it's apparent it is a great success, and she wins an award for best new writer.
Willie Scott, the screenwriter who presented her with the award, flirts with her on stage and they end up becoming a couple. Thirty-six chapters later, Jane calls Tom to announce she's one chapter short of finishing, and he reminds her their connection will be severed once it's done.
Suddenly, Jane is left unable to write and Tom is concerned. When he calls, he realises she's baking, something she does when she's blocked. Her protagonist Darsie (a figment of her imagination) begins popping up at awkward moments.
Partly from his roommate's theory as a high school English teacher: 'no misery, no poetry,' Tom is convinced Jane's writer's block is from being excessively happy. He feels he must make her incredibly unhappy to unblock her. However, the worse he makes her feel, the more he realizes he's in love with her. He goes to her place to demand to see the first draft. Tricking her into getting some of the pages, he holes himself into a room to read.
He emerges and, after praising what he's seen, they easily slip into their almost flirtatious banter and interaction as they edit. A call from Willie, professing his love and proposing, prevents them from kissing.
Once Willie returns home, he slips into his old routine, taking Jane for granted. He finishes the screenplay for her book, but changes the ending, making it a happy one. Tom tries to suggest to him to fix the ending. He refuses and, once Jane sees it, she kicks him out. Her writer's block is over, she promptly goes off to the countryside to be alone after leaving the last pages at Tom's.
Tom follows her, with an apology and a suggestion to rewrite the ending. She makes him stay out in the cold until nightfall, but ultimately lets him in. After she blows up at him, they finally kiss, another inspirational wave hits her. As they finally fall into each other's arms, his heart seems to stop.
The closing scene is in a cemetery, Jane is saying a few words over a casket. Suddenly it is announced by Tom that she will be signing copies of her new book, which they take from the casket. Taking her aside, he offers a new book contact, and they kiss.
Nick Carter knows that the KGB has called a meeting of all the world's terrorist organizations. It's a party he wants to crash: the only problem is, he doesn't know where or when. But espionage has its own deadly etiquette, and with the help of a beautiful double agent and a black market death-merchant, N3 proves that there are ways to get invited to even the most exclusive affairs...
The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her classmate Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has come to the town to investigate, and initial suspicion has fallen upon Palmer's boyfriend Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook) and the man with whom she was cheating on Briggs, James Hurley (James Marshall).
Cooper takes breakfast at the Great Northern Hotel, enjoying a "damn fine cup of coffee" as Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn) introduces herself and begins flirting with him. He makes his way to the sheriff's department, where he and Sheriff Truman (Michael Ontkean) discuss the day's plans. They interview Dr Hayward (Warren Frost) who has had an autopsy conducted on Palmer's body. They learn that Laura had had sex with at least three men the night she died.
Waitress Shelley Johnson (Mädchen Amick) is about to leave for work when her abusive husband Leo (Eric Da Re) demands she do more laundry. She finds a bloodstained shirt among Leo's clothes and hides it before he notices. However, he later realizes that it has gone missing. When she returns home that night, he questions her about its whereabouts, and savagely beats her with a bar of soap in a sock.
Cooper interviews Hurley about a video of Laura and Donna Hayward (Lara Flynn Boyle); Hurley had denied him being present the day it was taken but Cooper notices a reflection of his motorcycle in the video. Cooper confronts Hurley about the affair he was having with Palmer, and about her cocaine habit. Hurley admits seeing Palmer the night she died but denies killing her. James' uncle Ed Hurley (Everett McGill) comes to the sheriff's department to pick his nephew up. Ed tells Truman that he was drugged the previous night at The Roadhouse, the town's bar; he suspects bartender Jacques Renault (Walter Olkewicz) was responsible. Cooper takes a telephone call from his colleague Albert Rosenfield, who is on his way to aid the investigation. Meanwhile, Briggs and his friend Mike Nelson (Gary Hershberger) are in a jail cell, discussing money they owe to Leo. The $10,000 they were meant to pay him is in a safe deposit box owned by Palmer, which they can now no longer access. They are later released by Cooper, who warns them not to approach James Hurley. The scene fade cuts into a short clip from the VHS tape of Palmer dancing outdoors, and pauses on a close up of her face. The words "Help Me" can be heard.
Josie Packard (Joan Chen) and Pete Martell (Jack Nance) discuss Packard's trouble with her sister-in-law Catherine Martell (Piper Laurie). Truman and Cooper arrive to speak with Packard, who had employed Palmer as an English tutor. Packard admits to sensing that Palmer was troubled but cannot help further; Cooper picks up on the fact that Truman has been having a relationship with Packard. Catherine calls Packard to tell her that the latter's sawmill lost $87,000 the day before; Catherine is having an affair with Benjamin Horne (Richard Beymer), with whom she is conspiring a hostile takeover of the mill. That same day, Hayward visits Palmer's mother Sarah (Grace Zabriskie), attempting to console her. However, Sarah has a vision of a sinister man (Frank Silva) crouching in the corner of the room, and panics. Meanwhile, Lawrence Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn), Laura's psychiatrist, listens to an audio tape she had made for him, and sobs as he toys with half of a golden heart necklace, the other half of which was found at the scene of the crime.
The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has come to the town to investigate, and initial suspicion has fallen upon Palmer's boyfriend Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook) and the man with whom she was cheating on Briggs, James Hurley (James Marshall). However, other inhabitants of the town have their own suspicions: the violent, drug-dealing truck driver Leo Johnson (Eric Da Re) is seen as a possible suspect. Cooper experiences a surreal dream in which a dwarf and a woman resembling Laura reveal the identity of the killer.
Cooper and Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn) share breakfast, as he realizes she had slipped a note under his hotel room door; the note referred to One-Eyed Jacks, a brothel over the Canada–US border. When she leaves, Cooper discusses his dream with Sheriff Harry S. Truman (Michael Ontkean), believing it to be a coded solution to the murder.
Cooper's colleague, Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) wishes to conduct a further post-mortem on Laura's body, but it is due to be released for the funeral that day. As the argument grows more heated, Truman ends it by punching Rosenfield and knocking him down. Later, Rosenfield shares what he has found; Laura had been bound when she was killed, had been addicted to cocaine, and had been clawed by a bird. An unidentified plastic shard was also found in her stomach.
Leland Palmer (Ray Wise) is at home when he is visited by his niece, Madeline Ferguson (Lee). Ferguson is identical to Laura save for having black hair, not blonde. At the same time, Cooper and Truman question Johnson about Laura's death, believing him to be lying when he denies knowing her. Later, Hurley arrives at Laura's funeral late, watching from a distance. Briggs begins to accost the mourners, accusing them of doing nothing when they knew Laura had been troubled. Hurley intervenes and the two begin fighting; Leland falls on the casket as it is being lowered into the grave, sobbing uncontrollably.
That night, Cooper, Truman, Deputy Hawk (Michael Horse) and Ed Hurley (Everett McGill) meet at the RR Diner. Truman explains that someone has been smuggling cocaine into town; he suspects that Jacques Renault (Walter Olkewicz), bartender at the town's Roadhouse Bar, is involved. He also explains that the woods around the town seem to contain a "darkness", and reveals that there is a secret society of men gathered to stand watch against this: the Bookhouse Boys. Truman and the others bring Cooper to their headquarters, where James has Jacques' brother Bernard (Clay Wilcox) bound and gagged. They question Bernard but he denies any crime.
Elsewhere, Jacques realizes his brother is in trouble, and calls Johnson for help. When Johnson leaves, his abused wife Shelley (Mädchen Amick) hides a gun in a secret drawer. Meanwhile, sawmill owner Josie Packard (Joan Chen) tells Truman, her lover, that her sister-in-law Catherine Martell (Piper Laurie) is scheming to take over the mill. Packard knows there are two account books, one fake and one real, but cannot locate the real one Martell has been hiding.
Don and Ellie Griffin were a New England couple married for twenty years before they divorced. They have three children from their marriage – Lyla, Jared, and adopted son Alejandro, who originates from Colombia.
In preparation for Alejandro's wedding, Ellie arrives at Don's (and her old) home, and lets herself in. She interrupts Don just as he is about to perform oral sex on Bebe, his girlfriend of eight years (and Ellie's former best friend). All are embarrassed, but they make small talk, and he shows Ellie to her room. Meanwhile, Alejandro and his fiancée Missy are meeting with Father Moinighan, the priest who will be marrying them. It is revealed that Alejandro's biological mother Madonna is going to be coming from Colombia to the wedding, which upsets Alejandro since he does not have a "traditional" family, and his Catholic mother would not approve of that or the fact that Don and Ellie had been divorced.
Lyla, who reveals she is separated, goes to the hospital and, after passing out briefly, sees her 29-year-old brother Jared, an obstetrician. They talk and it is revealed that he is a virgin and is waiting for the "right one". Back at home, Alejandro tells Ellie that his mother Madonna is coming to the wedding. Explaining that since she is a devout Catholic and doesn't believe in divorce, Alejandro asks Ellie and Don to pretend to be married for the next three days. Hearing this, Bebe becomes upset with Don and leaves the house. Madonna arrives with Alejandro's biological 20-year-old sister, Nuria. Later, Nuria flirts with Jared, after she brazenly strips naked to skinnydip in the family's lake as he watches.
That evening, the family goes out to dinner with Missy and her parents Muffin and Barry, and Bebe shows up as their waitress, which surprises everyone. Meanwhile, Nuria starts fondling Jared under the table, and Ellie sees Nuria giving Jared a handjob. She takes Nuria to the restroom for a chat, telling her that American women behave differently with men. When they arrive home, Jared tells Nuria he wants to have sex, as she had suggested earlier, but she tells him "No", asking him instead to do romantic things for her such as read her poetry. Don and Ellie, meanwhile, end up having sex after Ellie, still pretending to be Don's wife, sleeps in Don's room.
Ellie and Madonna go for a walk in the woods and talk. Neither understands the other's language, though they think they are communicating on some level. At the same time, Don and Lyla talk privately and Lyla reveals she is pregnant. On the wedding day, before the ceremony, Don tells Bebe he had sex with Ellie. Bebe says she forgives them but then punches him in the face. She also reveals that Ellie cheated on Don with Missy's father before Don cheated on her. Muffin says that she knows about Ellie and Barry, and tells them that she is bisexual, implying that she is interested in a sexual affair with both Bebe and Ellie. Meanwhile, Missy and Alejandro have decided to get married on the family dock to escape the chaos. The family runs after them and, after some of them fall into the lake, the wedding reception is on.
During the reception, Jared goes upstairs to talk to Nuria, who tells him she has decided to no longer follow Ellie's advice (about not being so available sexually), and they sleep together. Back at the reception, Ellie and Bebe have made up. Don surprises Bebe by proposing to her, and they get married on the spot. Lyla's husband Andrew arrives at the wedding and, upon finding out that Lyla is pregnant, reconciles with her. Alejandro's mother realizes she has been lied to about his family and he runs after her as she starts to leave. But she reveals that her own past was not as pure as he thought, that she too had lied to protect him, and she forgives him.
Time passes and it is revealed that Lyla has had a daughter named Jane, as Don attaches a plaque with her name to their family tree.
Two screenwriters, Law and Benson (James Cagney and Pat O'Brien), are in need of a story for cowboy star Larry Toms (Dick Foran). When studio waitress Susie Seabrook (Marie Wilson) faints in the office of producer C.F. Friday (Ralph Bellamy) because she is pregnant, the writers get an idea for a story about a cowboy and a baby, and cast Susie's unborn baby Happy in the part. The story will be the classic Hollywood tale: Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl. When they all leave to sell the idea to their boss, Susie meets and is intrigued by, Rodney Bowman (Bruce Lester), a good-looking young Englishman who is an extra on one of the studio's films.
Larry is tired of having a scene-stealing baby as a co-star, and his agent, Rossetti (Frank McHugh), devises a scheme to have Larry woo Susie in order to marry her and, as Happy's father, get him out of show business and into a normal life. When they hear about this, Benson and Law hire Rodney, unaware that Susie knows him, to pretend to be Susie's long-lost husband, Happy's father; Rodney thinks it's just an acting job, and is not in on the deception. Their plan works, and Larry disavows any planned future with Susie, but an unwanted result is that Baby Happy is fired due to the scandal.
When their plot is exposed, the two writers are fired, and Law makes plans to move to Vermont to suffer and write the Great American Novel, but Benson, whose wife has just left him, is too deep in debt to leave - so they come up with another plan. They have a friend in London send a wire to B.K. (Pierre Watkin), the head of the studio, with an offer from a British studio to buy it, as long as Baby Happy is under contract. Under the circumstances, Happy, Benson and Law are all re-hired.
Just then, Rodney bursts into the office and asks Susie to marry him and come to England. Benson and Law try to persuade Susie that Rodney is a no-good cheat and philanderer only after her money, but the American representative of the British studio shows up to identify him as the son of an English lord. The rep also reveals that the plan to purchase the studio is a fraud. Producer C.F. wants to fire Benson and Law again, but their new contracts are iron-clad. Susie leaves with Rodney, heading for England, and C.F. learns that his wife is pregnant.
Innocent young Connie Heath (Jane Bryan) is persuaded to borrow a party dress from her friend, "fast girl" Hilda Engstrom (Sheila Bromley), who has actually misappropriated it from the dry cleaner where she works. After the real owner of the dress, witchy Gloria Adams (Susan Hayward), spots Connie out in the dress (which is subsequently torn in a car door), Connie is falsely accused of theft and prosecuted as Hilda flees town and leaves her to take the blame. Though Gloria withdraws her charge, the insurance company continues to persecute poor Connie, resulting in a charge of grand larceny. Championing her cause is crusading attorney Neil Dillon (Ronald Reagan)- coincidentally, also Connie's date on the evening in question- who gets Connie off with probation.
Connie leaves town after being mistreated by her unsympathetic father (Sig Ruman) and gets a job in order to pay for the damaged dress. One day she spots Hilda waiting in a parked car on the street and begins to argue with her in the car when Hilda's boyfriend emerges from a bank he has just robbed, fleeing the scene with Connie in tow. She is arrested and convicted while refusing to give her real name or full story for fear of humiliating her family.
Eventually the truth begins to emerge, and Connie is given probation, returns home, and becomes engaged to Dillon. When Hilda is given probation, she returns to town as well, to make even more trouble for Connie, especially after her boyfriend escapes prison.
An undercover Secret Service agent stumbles upon a smuggling ring illegally transporting Mexicans into the United States by air. When he pulls a gun on the pilot on one such trip, the pilot sends the aircraft into a sudden climb, causing the agent to tumble back into the cabin; the pilot then pulls a lever which opens the cabin floor, sending the agent and six illegal aliens plummeting to their deaths.
The agent's boss, Tom Saxby (John Litel), needs a pilot to infiltrate the smuggling ring. He turns to commercial airline and former military pilot "Brass" Bancroft (Ronald Reagan), who has applied to join the Secret Service.
Arrested on a trumped-up charge of counterfeiting, Brass is locked in a cell with gang member "Ace" Hamrick (Bernard Nedell). Brass learns that the smugglers use the Los Angeles Air Taxi Company, where he lands a job (after Saxby has the regular pilot arrested). With his friend and radio operator, "Gabby" Watters (Eddie Foy Jr.), Brass convinces the ringleader, Jim Cameron (James Stephenson), to let him take over the smuggling flights. He tricks Cameron into entering the United States to be captured by the Border Patrol. After an air battle, Brass turns the smugglers over to the authorities, and is greeted by his fiancée, Pamela Schuyler (Ila Rhodes).
John and Margaret Begbie are two adolescent siblings from England vacationing in Germany with their parents. While resting at the edge of an area of the Black Forest, which is named "Wolfenwald" ("Wolf Wood"), they suddenly see a strange man dressed in archaic garments running past them, weeping. Curious, and with their parents distracted, they follow him and soon come upon a gold medal they saw around the stranger's neck and which he lost in his flight. Then they follow his trail to an ancient, derelict cottage in the forest, where they find the stranger's clothes under the bed. Dusk suddenly falls, and the two children are menaced by a huge wolf appearing at the hut. John chases it away by hurling the medal at him, and he and Margaret run back to their campsite, only to find their parents and the car mysteriously missing.
After settling down for the night, in the hopes their parents will return soon, they are woken at dawn by the re-appearance of the wolf being chased by a medieval-looking hunting party. After Margaret sends them the wrong way, and noting more and more features in the surrounding area changing gradually, the children begin to believe that they have been caught in some sort of weird dream. Lacking an alternative, they return to the cottage, where they are surprised to find it inhabited by the weeping stranger. The latter introduces himself as Mardian, a courtier and close friend to one Duke Otho, the ruler of these parts, and explains that he is the wolf the children have encountered. Five years previously, Duke Otho was wounded in battle and since then rendered unable to walk, even though by all rights he should have fully recovered. Otho became bitter towards Mardian, who had to stand in for him since that time, a sentiment which attracted Almeric, an evil, ambitious nobleman and enchanter at Otho's court. Lusting after the Duke's wealth and lands, he tried to gain Mardian's aid in his schemes, but failed. After unsuccessfully attempting to assassinate him, Almeric used his knowledge of the black arts to curse Mardian into becoming a wolf every night and to turn himself into Mardian's doppelgänger. Mardian suspects that Almeric will soon murder Otho (whom he has been slowly poisoning) and the Duke's son, Crispin, to assume the Duke's title for himself, and that John and Margaret were transported into his era by the power of trust and fidelity between Mardian and Otho, symbolized by the near-identical amulets they are wearing, in order to set things right.
After hearing this story, John and Margaret pledge themselves to Mardian's cause. After being given clothes matching this timeline and getting explained how to help him, the children lock themselves away while Mardian turns into his wolf form upon nightfall. After sating his animalistic bloodthirst on a kill in the forest, Mardian leads John and Margaret to the Duke's still-ruined castle and into a secret room ony he and Otho knew about, before leaving them with his amulet and with a previously arranged promise to return the following night. The next morning, the magic transition is complete, and John and Margaret emerge into a castle bustling with medieval life. While John ends up as one of the pages serving the castle's inhabitants, Margaret is collared and put into the castle's nursery. In the gardens, she incidentally overhears a conversation between Almeric and Crispin, who is suspecting that his father's unnatural illness must be linked to the wolf (Mardian) he's been hunting. After nearly being recognized by a lady at court who was part of the hunting party, Margaret confines herself to the secret room.
The same evening, Hans encounters Justin, Duke Otho's personal page who has been roughed up by his jealous peers. Seizing his chance, John trades clothes with Justin to bring Mardian's amulet to the Duke. At first he tries to do so surreptitiously, but is found out. After he manages to present the amulet and Mardian's tale to the Duke, Otho snaps out of his poison-induced daze and takes charge to arrest Almeric for his treachery. However, in the meantime Almeric comes to the secret room (which he somehow found out about and which he has been using as his secret laboratory), captures Margaret and discovers her connection with Mardian. When the werewolf returns, Almeric takes Margaret hostage, but John and Duke Otho's arrival foils his attempt to leave Mardian to be slain by the castle guards.
Otho has the wolf and Almeric brought to the surface, where with the sunrise Mardian is turned back to his human self. Almeric is accidentally exposed to the magic powder he used to curse Mardian, is turned into a werewolf himself and flees. With Almeric's poisons fading, the Duke regains his ability to walk and joyfully reunites with Mardian. After a celebration and a farewell to Mardian, John and Margaret leave the castle and abruptly find themselves back in their own time, just as their parents are packing up to continue the trip.
Animal activists Helen, Matt, Louise, and Gary break into an animal research facility, when Gary (McCall) gets caught in a bear trap. Unable to free Gary, the rest of the group flees, leaving Gary to take the blame. A year later, the group has since disbanded until an encrypted e-mail from Gary arrives asking for help. Danny (Bill), who has been visiting Gary in prison, tells the group that Gary has traded his body for experiments in exchange for a reduced sentence.
The group, still stricken by guilt one year later, eagerly reunites and investigates the research facility attempting to help find information on the request of Gary. When they arrive to the facility however, they find the place is a dump and abandoned. They continue to investigate anyhow, and soon realize that the facility has been the location of many recent illegal government experiments, not only on animals but on humans as well.
They then realize that they are locked in the facility and they battle explosions, chemicals, fires, floods, unknown creatures, and government agents. Helen attempts to recover more information, while Matt and Louise search for a way out. However, they split up, and Matt is captured by the government agents. Helen comes across a computer, and realizes that there are government agents who have gone rogue and are illegally attempting to create a super-human being. She is astonished at the discovery.
Meanwhile, Louise is attacked by a rabid animal, but is able to fight it off and electrocute it with wires that are dangling nearby. She then stumbles across a bubbling vat of acid. Realizing that the acid is being heated up, she figures that someone is there and begins to investigate carefully. She enters a storage room nearby and finds Matt inside, all bound and gagged. She realizes that someone is planning on throwing Matt into the acid and she promises to stop them, and to the dismay of Matt, leaves him tied up.
Meanwhile, Helen is confronted by "The Creator," the individual behind the program. Helen has already printed copies of the research and threatens to expose him and tells him he will go to jail. The Creator laughs it off and attacks Helen, trying to drown her in water. Helen smashes a vase over his head and knocks him backward. The Creator stumbles into chemicals and catches on fire. He tries to get into the water to put it out, but accidentally jumps into chemicals that accelerate the burning. He burns while Helen escapes.
Meanwhile, Louise is trying to save Matt. She hides behind some cargo after hearing two men approaching going toward the closet. They talk about throwing Matt into the acid and getting rid of him, so Louise ambushes them in surprise, throwing chemicals onto them she grabbed from a shelf. The men scream in agony and try to attack her, but they are startled and blinded. She ends up knocking both of them into the acid in self-defense. After that is done, she starts to retreat, apparently forgetting Matt is tied up. However, Matt realizes that Louise won the fight and hears her leaving, and, although gagged, he screams out hoping Louise will hear him. Louise does hear him and remembers, and she returns to the closet and she helps him and gets him untied and ungagged.
Helen, Louise, and Matt all meet up together. Realizing what each of them have gone through, the trio decide to call it a day. They exit the facility, having defeated The Creator and his henchmen, and plan to report it to the FBI. However, the area has flooded, and their van is beneath the water. They borrow a raft from the facility, load themselves into it, and head home.
The preparation and events leading up to the inaugural modern Olympic Games held in Athens, 1896. The movie examines the experience of competitors from different nations, but especially concentrates on the creation of the first American Olympic team and their trials in getting to the Olympics in Athens. The series ends with a voice over giving brief descriptions of the various historical individuals that took part.
Selected as a torch bearer for the 2012 London Olympics, Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) is stuck on the London Underground with members of his local football team because someone pulled the emergency stop when an argument broke out. The train starts but police are waiting at the tube station and will not let them through. Billy manages to escape, and frantically tries to get ready for the torch. Meanwhile, Billy's granddaughter, Lola Pearce (Danielle Harold), is in labour in a local fast food restaurant, refusing an ambulance, and refusing to give birth until she knows Billy has carried the torch and can be there. After some delays, Billy is able to carry the torch, watched by his friends and neighbours. He then hears that Lola is in labour, so rushes to the restaurant, where Cora Cross (Ann Mitchell) delivers the baby.
A Feydeau-style farce in which a burglar who is in the act of burgling the house is interrupted by the arrival of a couple - who are in fact having an affair. The farcical complications that ensue also involve the arrival of the burglar's wife. In the end, as they are all arguing among themselves, yet another burglar arrives to burgle the flat.
The play begins with a burglar breaking into a luxury flat. His wife phones him and he is annoyed. As he hangs up, the owner of the house and a woman turn up. The burglar hides inside a grandfather clock but knocks the pendulum, leading the owner and the woman to think that the clock has struck 1:00am. The owner and the woman are having an affair. The owner complains that his wife is so old fashioned and the woman complains that her husband is easily persuaded.
The burglar's wife phones and the owner answers. The burglar's wife thinks she is talking to her husband and that he is having an affair. The owner explains that he isn't her husband and believes that because the husband was watching them, he is a private detective, hired by his wife to see if he was having an affair. This leads the burglar's wife to think that the owner of the house's wife and her husband are having an affair. The owner tells her to phone the house where he thinks his wife is. The woman believes that the 'detective' has phoned the police already and tells the owner to shoot himself. As he is about to pull the trigger, the clock strikes 12:30. This confuses the owner and the woman as they believe the clock is going backwards. The burglar emerges from the clock, having been hit repeatedly by the pendulum. The owner and the woman think they have found the 'detective' and plan to shoot him.
The burglar convinces them not to, but instead, get him drunk. Suddenly, the burglar steals the gun from the owner and threatens him. He reveals he is a burglar. This interests the woman as she has an obsession with "Celebrated Crimes and Thefts." The burglar proves he is a leading member of a notorious gang.
Suddenly, the owner's wife, Anna, turns up. The owner takes the gun and forces the burglar to pretend to be the woman's husband. Anna comes in and tells them she had a telephone call from a woman (the burglar's wife) who said she was having an affair with her husband. The owner introduces the burglar and his "wife" and Anna invites them to stay the night. The spiteful burglar agrees, much to the disdain of the owner and the woman.
The woman and Anna go to sort out a room. The owner forces the burglar at gunpoint to steal, because the burglar said that they exploited burglars. The burglar's real wife turns up and, after a brief conversation, believes that her husband has two wives. Anna appears and the owner poorly explains why the burglar has two wives. The owner spitefully tells the real wife to come and meet the other "wife".
After they have left, a man, Antonio, appears, asking Anna if she is alone. They are having an affair too. Antonio believes Anna set everything up so that she could cancel their date to have an affair with someone else. At this point, the burglar returns to collect his bag. Antonio thinks the burglar and Anna are having an affair and locks them in. Anna explains but Antonio loses the key. Suddenly, the "wives" and owner return. The burglar helps Antonio hide in the clock. The burglar's real wife wants to leave, but there is no key. The burglar picks the lock. As he does so, the clock strikes 1:00am. Antonio emerges, having also been hit by the pendulum. The woman and Antonio are surprised to see each other as they are married.
The burglar attempts to explain things, but the others shut him up so he doesn't reveal the affairs, saying it's all one big misunderstanding. The burglar and his wife escape. The others try and catch them. As they do, another burglar arrives. The others, thinking the first burglar has returned to collect his loot, grab the second burglar. They tell him it's all one big misunderstanding and say they will explain. As they all ramble on with their lies, the second burglar escapes.
''Uta Koi'' details a selection of romantic poems from the Hyakunin isshu, including the tale of Ariwara no Narihira's affair with imperial consort Fujiwara no Takaiko, the romantic relationship between Narihira's brother Ariwara no Yukihira and his wife Hiroko, amongst others.
Brendan Brady (Emmett J. Scanlan) and Joel Dexter (Andrew Still) kidnap Joel's stepfather Mick (Gavin Marshall) due to his repeated domestic abuse of Joel's mother. Cheryl Brady (Bronagh Waugh) convinces Brendan to visit their grandmother Nana Flo (Sharon Morgan) who has cancer. While being transported from a psychiatric hospital, Mitzeee is handcuffed to Lauren (Emmanuella Cole) who manages to escape, forcing Mitzeee to go with her. Bart McQueen (Jonny Clarke), Jono (Dylan Llewellyn) and Neil Cooper (Tosin Cole) travel to Amsterdam to meet Lola (Lola Créton), who Jono met through the internet.
On his birthday, Andrew Robinson (Jordan Smith) receives two cheques for the sale of a mobile app that he helped create along with Natasha Williams (Valentina Novakovic) and Ed Lee (Sebastian Gregory). Andrew attempts to tell Natasha that he sold the app without her knowledge, but decides to wait until the following day. Natasha, Chris Pappas (James Mason) and Summer Hoyland (Jordy Lucas) give Andrew tickets to see The Jezabels in the city that night. Sophie Ramsay (Kaiya Jones) also plans to attend the concert, but her uncle, Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis), forbids her from going because she has not done her homework. Andrew and his friends meet outside in Ramsay Street to put their belongings in Chris' car and Andrew expresses his unhappiness that Ed is coming along. While the group talk, Sophie sneaks out of her house and gets into the boot of Chris' car unseen.
During the journey, a phone begins ringing, but the group cannot work out whose it is. Ed believes the ringing is coming from the boot, so Chris pulls over to the side of the road. The group discover Sophie in the boot and try and work out what to do with her. Summer suggests that Chris takes her home, while Ed offers to call a taxi and go back with her. Andrew, desperate not to miss the concert, asks Chris to take her in the car, despite knowing that there is not a spare seatbelt. Chris reluctantly agrees and Sophie sits on Summer's lap. Summer asks what time The Jezabels are on stage and Andrew mentions that he wrote it down on his ticket, which is in his wallet inside Summer's bag. As Summer searches for the ticket, she finds the two cheques inside and asks Andrew about them. He tries to get his wallet back, but Summer discovers the cheques are worth $25,000 and Natasha realises he has sold the app.
An argument breaks out between Natasha and Andrew, which Summer and Ed join in on. Ed asks Andrew how he sold the app without Natasha's signature and they all realise that he forged it. Chris struggles to stay focused and asks everyone to calm down, while Natasha wants him to stop the car. She then decides to call the police and Andrew reaches back to stop her, but jostles Chris' arm causing him to lose control of the car. It runs off the road and hits an embankment, before flipping over and coming to a rest upside down. Natasha pulls Ed from the wreckage, while Chris helps a shocked Summer out and then returns to check an unconscious Andrew. On his way home, Rhys Lawson (Ben Barber) drives past the crash site and is flagged down by Natasha. He calls an ambulance and begins assessing everyone. Rhys tells Chris to keep the others warm and awake.
While he is helping Andrew, Rhys cuts his hand on the wreckage. Sophie lies unseen and unconscious in the grass, a few yards from the car. After the ambulances take the others to the hospital, Rhys and a police officer hear a phone ringing and go looking for it. Rhys then finds Sophie and she is rushed to the hospital, where Paul and her sister, Kate Ramsay (Ashleigh Brewer), are waiting. Natasha, Summer and Chris are treated for minor injuries, while Andrew recovers from a serious head injury. Ed has fractured his collarbone and Sophie has a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. Rhys hand is treated by Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher) and he tells his girlfriend, Vanessa Villante (Alin Sumarwata), that their trip to Japan is off. Ed wakes up with Natasha by his side and they share their first kiss. Sophie's heart stops, but Karl manages to stabilise her. He then tells Kate and Paul to prepare themselves for the worst.
Chris has his driver's license suspended and Paul later announces that he is suing him. Natasha and Summer state that they blame Andrew for the crash and he is ostracised from the group. Chris attends court where he is given a fine and told that his license will be suspended for six months. He goes to visit Sophie and tells Paul that he will not be pushed around by him, before breaking down at her bedside. Karl realises that Summer has been traumatised by the crash and helps her out by encouraging her to get in another car. He later tells a devastated Rhys that he has suffered severe nerve damage to his hand, as a result of the cut, and there is only a five per cent chance of a full recovery. Andrew suffers from headaches, dizziness and blackouts following the crash. He eventually seeks help and is diagnosed with epilepsy, which he keeps a secret from his friends and family.
A few days after she wakes up, Paul sends Sophie to a rehab clinic in Sydney. Andrew purchases some medication online to control his epilepsy symptoms, which Aidan Foster (Bobby Morley) advises him against taking. Chris is asked by his lawyer to collect witness statements from everyone involved in the crash, but Andrew refuses to give him one. However, Paul is forced to call off the lawsuit when Andrew admits that the crash was his fault. He makes up with Chris, while Summer and Natasha initially keep their distance. Sophie returns from rehab and is able to walk with the help of crutches, but she struggles to be around her friends. She later admits to Chris that she blames herself for the accident, but he states that it was not her fault. Months later, Chris suffers flashbacks to the crash, causing him to admit that he is struggling to get back behind the wheel.
The play is considered "an attempt to demystify and debunk the traditional history-book image" of Christopher Columbus. Fo said: "I wanted to attack those Italian intellectuals who, with the centre-left and the Socialist Party in the government, had discovered power and its advantages and leapt on it like rats on a piece of cheese. I wanted to dismantle a character who had been embalmed as a hero in school history books, whereas he is in fact an intellectual who tries to keep afloat within the mechanisms of power, play games with the King and be cunning with power figures, only to end up reduced to a wretch."Mitchell 1999, p. 75
''Isabella...'' is a play-within-a-play wherein an actor condemned to death (for performing the works of a banned author) is granted a last wish to perform one last play. He performs a history of Christopher Columbus, of which Roberto Rebora, writing in ''Sipario'' in 1963, says:
The play about Columbus presents the Genovese hero as an obsessive, wily individual, pitting his wits against Isabella, Filippo, Giovanna the madwoman, the (Spanish) court, sailing ships, enemies, a trial, and eventual obscurity, a consequence of the fact that cunning and unscrupulousness (even to honourable ends) is not enough if the powers that be are not on your side.'
During Mao's Long March across China, a revolutionary soldier is wounded. His comrades leave him behind. Gangrene sets in, and he believes that he is about to die. He drags himself into a cave and falls into a deep sleep. When he awakens, he is confronted by the sight of a tiger and her cub. What follows is a comic narrative about their domestic life together, as the tiger nurses him back to health.
Young teenager Billie Calhoun is wrongly accused of setting a deadly arson fire that killed her mother and sister. After years in a juvenile detention center, she requests an early release around the age of 18, but it is denied. During the journey back to the center, she escapes the prison van to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Out on her own, she disguises herself and befriends a young cop named Matt Samoni, and together they set out to uncover the truth.
Rafe is bored at Hills Village Middle School with sixth grade at first, but he and his friend Leonardo the Silent invent "Operation R.A.F.E." (stands for "rules aren't for everyone"), a challenge to break every rule in his middle school handbook. He also deals with problems at home. His mother constantly works double shifts at a Swifty's Diner and barely gets to see Rafe and his sister Georgia. He has a verbally abusive stepfather-to-be named Carl (aka Bear), who "watches" over him when his mother is not home. He finds consolation in Jeanne Galletta, who is skeptical of Operation R.A.F.E. and encourages him to work on his schoolwork. Miller, also known as Miller the Killer, the school bully, stole Rafe's journal that had drawings and Operation R.A.F.E inside. Miller refused to give Rafe his journal back unless he pays $1 per page. After getting expelled for fighting Miller before a parent-teacher conference, Rafe decides to perform one final act, and proceeds to paint a mural across the entirety of the school exterior, though he is taken in by police after he finishes. When he arrives back home, Bear physically hits Jules, knocking her down and causing Rafe to yell at him, and he and his family are taken by the police. By the end of the book, after a suggestion from his English teacher, Ms. Donatello, Rafe is preparing to head to Air Brook Academy, an art school.
As described by Cappa and Nepoli, 'Alfonso Ferdinando de Tristano, an incorruptible, progressive magistrate (who disapproves of torture as an instrument of persuasion) investigates an arson in the cathedral. Unhappy about being subjected to his investigation, the prominent citizens of the town launch a campaign to discredit him, employing a couple of devils. One of them is instructed to enter the magistrate's body "through the most suitable orifice, the anus," transforming him into a rogue, a debauchee, a hypocrite and a black marketeer. Due to a misunderstanding, the devil Barlocca enters the body of Pizzocca Gannàssa, Alfonso's elderly and ungainly housekeeper, who is transformed into a delectable, busty lady (the 'boobs' of the title). Led astray by this beauty, the magistrate is dragged into court, but the she-devil allows him to be acquitted. Nonetheless, he is condemned to become a galley slave in a subsequent trial.'
Touching on the 'frustrations' of transitioning, particularly taking estrogen, the game documents a six-month period in her treatment via a succession of mini-games that reflect on gender politics, identity, personal responsibility, white privilege, and personal development. While discussing the concept with the ''Penny Arcade Report'', Anna Anthropy remarked, "This was a story about frustration—in what other form do people complain as much about being frustrated? A video game lets you set up goals for the player and make her fail to achieve them. A reader can’t fail a book. It’s an entirely different level of empathy that most people simply cannot comprehend, and so the game makes this particular empathetic frustration available for all to experience."
On a secluded island, Hwa and his girlfriend are killed by a chainsaw-wielding man covered in bandages. Later, three couples (Professor and Linda, Ken and Winnie, and Soldier and Be Be) travel to the same location by boat, planning on camping out on the island for three days. To ensure they are not disturbed, Soldier collects everyone's cell phones and hides them, though as he leaves the hiding spot someone takes the phones. That night, the sextet run into a group of four led by Boar, who claims to be a prophylactic salesman (in actually, he and his associates are smugglers looking for Hwa). Boar's henchmen, Pervert and Blowie, wander off to urinate, and accidentally pee on and set fire to a deformed boy they encounter. Pervert and Blowie run off, and the boy returns home, where he is tended to by his father, the bandaged man.
In the afternoon of the next day, Pervert is captured by the boy and his father, who dismember him with a chainsaw. Blowie tells Boar that he thinks something has happened to Pervert, but is ignored. While Pervert goes to hang out with the couples, Boar and his wife Mi Mi are captured by the bandaged man, who takes them to his home. In attempt to barter for his freedom, Boar tries to teach the man's son how to "screw" Mi Mi, but she enrages the man into killing her when she knocks the boy away. Boar escapes the house, but triggers a tripwire on his way out, and is impaled by punji sticks.
While going to wash dishes, Linda and Be Be find Boar's body, and the latter is captured by the bandaged man. After Linda tells the others what happened, Soldier goes off to find Be Be, eventually stumbling onto the killer's lair, where he is killed with his own knife. The next to die is Blowie, who goes off alone to find a cell phone he and Pervert had earlier lost. The killer gives chase to the other campers, but loses them, so he returns home, and decapitates Be Be when she rejects his son's advances.
When a fight breaks out between the remaining campers, they become separated, and Winnie and Linda are captured. Professor and Ken find the killer's home by following his oblivious son, and rescue the girls by taking the son hostage. As the group is escaping, Professor triggers the reset punji sticks, and he and the son are killed by them. The next day, Ken and the two girls lure the killer into a trap they have set, a snare which swings him into tent spikes embedded in a tree. As the trio celebrate their victory, the killer's previously unseen wife appears, and slices Linda's neck open with her husband's dropped chainsaw. The wife chases Ken to a cliff, which he knocks her off of.
With every member of the deranged family apparently dead, Ken and Winnie go back to their campsite, just as their boat arrives. After Ken and Winnie board the boat, the wife's hand shoots out of the water, and grabs the side of it.
Michio Yamada, a recent school graduate from Hokkaido, is sent to Tokyo to work as a fruit packer in a department store as part of a government programme. One participant after another quits, and so does Yamada. He drops out of various jobs, is caught while secretly trying to board a ship to the U.S., and is rejected when he volunteers for military service. Later, he kills two guardsmen with a gun which he stole from a house on an American base.
Halfway into the film, a flashback sequence tells of Yamada's poor upbringing as the seventh child of eight of a submissive woman and her irresponsible husband. As a young boy, he is forced to witness the rape of his older sister, who suffers a trauma and is sent to a mental institution, and the starving of two other sisters in their attempt to feed the youngest siblings.
Back in the present, Yamada kills two taxi drivers and steals their money. He has an affair with a young prostitute and later with a girl who frequently visits the night club where he works at. When his girlfriend drugs a customer and takes his money, she is severely beaten by a yakuza gang. Yamada in return confronts the gang's leader with his gun and beats him up. After a failed burglary, Yamada is arrested by the police.
This psychological thriller is set in Berlin. It revolves around the central character, Jane, who has recently moved from Glasgow to the city with her lover Petra. As Jane adjusts to her new life and pregnancy she becomes curious about the neighbour’s daughter Anna, the arguments she hears through the wall and Anna’s strange appearance on the stairs.Tripney, Natasha [ "The Girl on the Stairs by Louise Welsh - Review"], ''The Guardian The Observer'', 4 August 2012. Retrieved on 9 August 2012.
In a dystopian future, Sentinels have been programmed to identify and hunt down mutants and any humans who help them. In Moscow, they attack a small band of X-Men survivors consisting of Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Blink, Warpath, Bishop, Iceman and Sunspot, who sacrifice themselves to give Kitty moments to send Bishop's consciousness back in time a few days to warn the others as to ensure their survival.
The group retreats to a remote Chinese temple where they meet with Storm, Wolverine, Professor Charles Xavier, and Magneto. Xavier explains the history of the Sentinels, which were designed by Bolivar Trask, a military scientist whom Raven Darkhölme assassinated in 1973. In response, government forces captured Raven and experimented on her, using her DNA to advance the Sentinel program, allowing Sentinels to adapt to nearly every mutant power. Xavier plans to go back in time and prevent Trask's assassination in hopes of changing their future but since Xavier would not survive going back decades, Wolverine volunteers instead because his regenerative powers allow him to survive the process.
Awakening in his younger body in 1973, Wolverine goes to the X-Mansion, learning from Hank McCoy that the school has been closed for years due to many students and staff being drafted into the Vietnam War, and Lehnsherr (Magneto) being falsely arrested for assassinating fellow mutant John F. Kennedy. A young, broken Xavier turned to alcoholism and frequently uses a specialized serum that allows him to walk but suppresses his telepathic abilities. Hoping to reunite with Mystique, Xavier agrees to help Wolverine. The trio infiltrate The Pentagon and break Lehnsherr out of prison, aided by the newly recruited Peter Maximoff.
Raven discovers Trask has been experimenting on mutants, and in revenge, she plots to assassinate him at the Paris Peace Accords, but Xavier, McCoy, and Logan foil her attempt. Lehnsherr attempts to kill Raven, believing this could prevent the Sentinel takeover. An alarmed McCoy fights him, allowing Raven to escape but publicly exposing the three as mutants. Trask takes advantage of this and successfully convinces President Richard Nixon to initiate the Sentinel program.
Lehnsherr retrieves his helmet from military custody, using it to block Xavier's psychic powers, and secretly takes control of Trask's Sentinel prototypes by infusing them with metal. Returning to the X-Mansion, Xavier abandons the serum, regaining his mutant power, and communicates with his future self, who inspires him to protect the relationship between mutants and humans. After Xavier uses his mutant-tracking computer Cerebro to find Mystique, he, McCoy and Logan travel to Washington, D.C. to stop Raven's continuing plan to assassinate Trask.
At a ceremony where Nixon unveils the Sentinels, the three search for the disguised Raven. Magneto appears, controlling the Sentinels, and barricades the White House within the outer structure of Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium. During the battle, Magneto impales Logan with rebar and throws him into the Potomac River. Nixon, Trask, and a disguised Raven retreat to the White House Bunker, but Magneto rips reinforcing steel bars out of the building with the intention of killing Nixon.
In the future, the X-Men make their last stand as an onslaught of Sentinels attack them. Many mutants perish while attempting to buy more time, with Magneto being seriously injured. In 1973, Raven, openly showing herself as a mutant, subdues Magneto, saving Nixon and his cabinet. She goes to kill Trask but Xavier convinces Raven to spare him. As a mutant was publicly seen saving the president, the Sentinel program is decommissioned, altering history and erasing the future Sentinels from existence. The mutants in the past depart separately; Trask is later imprisoned for attempting to sell military secrets to Vietnamese military officials.
Wolverine awakens at the school to find Iceman, Colossus, Kitty, Hank, Storm, Rogue, Jean Grey, Cyclops and Xavier alive. Logan asks Xavier for information about modern history from 1973 to the present, and, realizing that the Wolverine from the original timeline has returned, the professor assents. Back in 1973, the younger Logan is rescued by Raven, who is disguised as Major William Stryker.
In a post-credits scene set in ancient Egypt, a crowd is seen chanting to En Sabah Nur, who telekinetically elevates building blocks to build pyramids, as four horsemen observe him from afar.
A group of young Milanese men play a prank on one of their group - "Lofty". They arrange a fake marriage to a prostitute, who pretends to be a beautiful Albanian princess. Lofty has a problem - he needs to get identity papers from the Ministry. The only way he can do this is to become a dog. He is taken into a local kennel, where he is eventually bought by a circus owner. After various further adventures, Lofty eventually awakes, only to find that it has all been a dream. But the lovely lady is still there with him. Archangels don't play pinball with people's lives.
The average world of an average man turns upside down when he is arrested as the prime suspect in a series of rapes and robberies. In a gripping tale, professional photographer Jim Anderson (Tim Matheson) becomes trapped in a web of circumstantial evidence. After a zealous policeman arrests Anderson for indecent exposure for urinating during his morning run, he is soon fingered by witnesses as the criminal in relation to the rapes and robberies, despite his innocence. For the next 14 months, his life is hell. The case against him is so strong and his resemblance to the criminal is so exact, he begins to question his own innocence. Wrongly-accused and suffering the growing suspicions of his loyal wife (Mimi Kuzyk), Anderson begins to crack under the strain of clearing his name. He is forced to endure the ruthlessness of a police and legal system that becomes convinced that they have the right man. It also examines the personal impact that comes from such an assault. Too much circumstantial evidence surrounds the case, and too much information leaks out to the public; even if Anderson beats the rap, he'll be ruined in his community. Police Officer Kramer (Tom Atkins) is determined to bring him to justice, whilst Carolyn Shetland (Lisa Eichhorn) is Anderson's defense attorney.
A lawyer from Texas who is known only as "The Counselor" and his girlfriend Laura are talking dirty to one another in bed. Meanwhile, somewhere in Mexico, cocaine is packaged in barrels and concealed in a sewage truck, and driven across the border to the United States where it's stored at a sewage treatment plant.
The Counselor goes to Amsterdam to meet with a diamond dealer to purchase an engagement ring for Laura. There, he has a lengthy discussion with the Diamond Dealer about topics ranging from the business of diamonds, to philosophy surrounding Judaism and its place in the modern world. Returning to the United States, The Counselor attends a party back in Texas thrown by Reiner and his girlfriend Malkina. He discusses an upcoming drug deal he is going in on with Reiner, which would be The Counselor's first. Their discussion ends with Reiner describing an execution device called "the ''bolito''" which gradually strangles and decapitates the victim. Afterwards, at a dinner with Laura, The Counselor proposes to her and she accepts.
The Counselor meets with Westray, a business associate of Reiner's, to deliver his investment for the upcoming drug deal. Westray informs the Counselor of the deal's 4000-percent return rate, but cautions the Counselor about becoming involved, saying that Mexican cartels are merciless. Despite this, the Counselor remains outwardly confident and unconcerned. Following the conversation with Westray, The Counselor visits a prison inmate named Ruth, a client of his who is on trial for murder. Ruth explains that her son is a biker who was recently arrested for speeding and cannot post bail. She asks the Counselor for help and he agrees to bail Ruth's son out for her as a favor. Later, at a club, Reiner tells the Counselor how disturbed and oddly aroused he was from an incident where he witnessed Malkina masturbate with his Ferrari California's windshield.
Malkina senses an opportunity to undermine the Counselor's upcoming deal and to profit for herself. To that end, she employs "the Wireman" to help her steal the drugs. After discovering that the biker is working for the cartels and has plans to pick up a truck with a drug shipment, the Wireman executes a plan to steal the component needed to start the truck by decapitating the biker with a wire stretched across an empty desert road. With the component in his possession, the Wireman steals the truck containing the cocaine.
Learning of the theft, Westray meets with the Counselor to notify him of the biker's true identity, a valued drug cartel member known as "the Green Hornet." He explains that the biker is now dead, with the cocaine also being stolen, bleakly intoning the Counselor's culpability in the eyes of the cartel. Westray says he is leaving town immediately and suggests the Counselor do the same. Westray explains that the cartel's ruthlessness extends to creating "snuff films" where kidnapping victims are filmed being decapitated. The Counselor makes an urgent call to Laura, arranging to meet her in another state, where he will explain the situation to her.
While transporting the drugs, the Wireman is pulled over by two cartel members pretending to be police officers. A gunfight ensues, resulting in the death of the Wireman, his accomplice, one of the cartel members, and an innocent bystander. The surviving cartel member repossesses the truck with the drugs and gets it delivered to its final destination. Reiner is accidentally killed by cartel members while they are attempting to capture him. The cartel then kidnaps Laura.
In a last-ditch effort, the Counselor contacts ''Jefe'' (Boss), a high-ranking cartel member, for suggestions on what to do next and to plead to spare Laura's life. Jefe begins speaking philosophically, citing the life and poetry of Antonio Machado to underline his advice. Jefe darkly and mordantly advises the Counselor to resign himself to his fate that was created by the choices he made long beforehand. He explains that despite the Counselor's willingness to exchange his life for Laura's, it is too late.
The Counselor remains in Mexico, defeated and in mourning. A package is slipped under the door of his hotel room and in it he finds a DVD with "''Hola!''" (Hello!) written on it. Realizing that the disc likely contains a snuff film of Laura sent by the cartel, he breaks down. In an unnamed location, Laura's headless body is dumped into a landfill.
Malkina's failed effort to steal the drugs does not deter her. She tracks Westray to London, where she hires a blonde woman to seduce him and steal his bank codes. She then has accomplices steal Westray's laptop, and he is killed with the "''bolito''" device that Reiner had previously described. Malkina then meets her banker at a restaurant, coolly explaining how she wants her profits and accounts to be handled and plans to move to Hong Kong.
Hari Damle (Sachin Khedekar), head of a Chitpavan Bramhin family, lives in the village Torgaon in Konkan with his wife Tara (Medha Manjrekar), their three children, his younger brother Mahadev (Abhijit Kelkar), and his widowed aunt, Namu Aatya (Savita Malpekar). Hari arranges the marriage of Mahadev with a pre-pubescent girl, Durga (Ketaki Mategaonkar), renamed as Uma after marriage. However, Mahadev dies before the consummation of the marriage. Hari performs death rituals (Śrāddha) for Mahadev but crows (symbolic of the spirit of the deceased in Hinduism) refuse to touch the offerings. Hari mumbles something while offering food after which crow touches the offerings.
The Brahmin community in the village now expects widow Uma to have her head shaved (a ritual). Hari opposes and does not allow any rituals to be performed for her as a widow. Hari stands behind Uma in all her difficulties which raise doubts about his intentions, including that by his wife, Tara. Years later, when Tara is diagnosed of a terminal disease, the now grown-up Uma (now played by Priya Bapat) takes charge of the household. Before Tara dies, she realises her mistakes and requests Hari to marry Uma which he readily refuses.
In the meantime, Hari gets his son Sankarshan (Saksham Kulkarni) married. Once Hari finds Uma sitting outside the room of the newly married couple, listening to their playful banter. Disgusted by Uma's behaviour, Hari starts avoiding her. Upset by this behaviour, Uma tries to talk her heart out to Hari's friend Balwant (Sanjay Khapre) and requests him to find out the reason. Coincidentally, Hari overhears this and severs his relations with Balwant. Unaware of the reason for Hari's changed behaviour, Uma starts staying aloof, while her health starts degrading. Worried Sankarshan requests his sister Shanti (Manava Naik) to talk to Uma. Frustrated and unknowing of what loss she had throughout her life, Uma opens her heart but situation raises more questions about her relation with Hari.
Uma decides to go on a fast and relents to none of the family member's request to quit. Hari, left with no other option, explains his behaviour. Hari reveals to Uma that when he was performing death rituals for Mahadev and offerings were not accepted by crow for a long time, he took a vow that he would not let any other man touch Uma. Thus, he did not allow practised rituals of shaving her head to be performed and also declined Tara's request of their marriage. When he learned through Tara that Uma has started loving him, he stopped talking to her, in spite of his love towards Uma.
He eventually accepts that he loves Uma and would marry her, breaking his vow. Knowing the truth, Uma forgives Hari and agrees to the proposal. Hari fetches Mangala sutra but finds out that Uma is dead. He realises that Uma has sacrificed her life for his love where she did not want Hari to break his vow.
After many years working as a journalist in France, Giuseppe returns to the empty family home in his native Acireale and looks up his old flame Caterina, now a widow and mother of the teenage Graziella. A staid middle-aged romance is rekindled and he begins spending nights in her home. Graziella, though she has a local boyfriend, finds her mother's mature and sophisticated lover far more alluring and starts trying to entice him.
Bit by bit he succumbs, and the affair has only just been consummated when Caterina finds out. Stormy arguments among the three end with a fragile truce, in which Giuseppe will not abandon Caterina. Unhappy that she has not won, Graziella gets her friend Rosina to tempt Giuseppe into a beach cabin and then rushes to tell her mother about this new infidelity. Dressing herself immaculately, Caterina waits outside Giuseppe's house until he emerges, when she shoots him dead.
Anne-Marie Gratigny is the wife of a famous plastic surgeon, Gilbert. She has a good life, with maids, money, and everything ordinary women would dream of. But her marriage is a total failure. Her husband lives for his job and does not pay proper attention to Anne-Marie. As a result of years of neglect, Mrs. Gratigny has a lover named Leo, who works as a ship builder, and is urging Anne-Marie to leave her husband and this unbearable situation, and go with him to China, where he is seeking a big project for his work. However, after spending an entire day out, planning her departure, when Anne-Marie returns home, she is surprised to find the whole family there, with some very shocking news: Gilbert has died in a car accident. Relieved that her failed marriage is at an end, Anne-Marie now sees the chance to meet her lover more often, and is looking forward to being able to go to China with him, but all her hopes are dashed by the continuous presence of her family and in particular her son, who won't give her a break, thinking she's in shock because of losing her husband. She now has to pretend to be in mourning and hide her happiness and relief.
Mark Brennan (Scott McGregor) waits nervously for an answer from his girlfriend, Kate Ramsay (Ashleigh Brewer), about going into witness protection with him. He states that it is too dangerous for him to stay in Erinsborough and that she can bring her younger sister, Sophie (Kaiya Jones), with them. Kate tells Mark that she does not want to lose him and agrees to go. Mark reveals that they only have half an hour and heads over to his house to pack. Sophie returns home and Kate tells her that they are leaving town that night. An upset Sophie explains that she cannot pack her life up in a bag and refuses to go. Kate tells her the decision has already been made and they are leaving. As Mark is wondering whether to call his parents, his housemate, Jade Mitchell (Gemma Pranita), arrives home unexpectedly. When she enquires about his bag, he tells her he needs a change of clothes for a double shift. Kate finds Mark and asks for more time, but Mark tells her they do not have any. He gives her the details of the meeting point and they kiss, before Kate leaves him.
Mark's other housemate, Kyle Canning (Chris Milligan), gets in from work and realises Mark is leaving because of the harassment he has received due to exposing the corruption within the police force. Mark admits he is going into witness protection and he and Kyle say their goodbyes. Sophie decides to go with Kate and they hurry to meet Mark. At the meeting point, Mark's boss, Duncan Hayes (Paul Ireland), arrives and asks if Mark is ready. He replies that Kate is on her way, as he hands his wallet and phone over. Sophie struggles to keep up with her sister and tells her to go to Mark, as they can collect her on the way. Kate continues running, just as it starts to rain. Hayes tells Mark that they need to leave, but Mark asks him to wait for a few more minutes. When Kate reaches the meeting point, she finds no one there. Sophie questions whether Mark changed his mind and Kate runs home to Ramsay Street. She enters Mark's house calling his name and then receives a text message saying "I love you", which Mark sent from Hayes' phone. Kyle comforts Kate while she cries about Mark.
Trudy is a twelve-year-old girl who both wants to have her own television show and ‘cure’ her developmentally delayed brother Eddie.
Rahul (Sudeep Mukherjee) is a Bengali architect working at construction sites in Dubai. He returns home to Kolkata after several years. His girlfriend, Paoli (Paoli Dam), has been waiting for his return.
Rahul's seemingly successful life is overshadowed by the search for his brother (Sumeet Thakur), said to now be mad and living in the forest, where he sleeps in the trees and subsists on vegetation. This brother befriends a French soldier in the jungle. Rahul and Paoli journey in search of his lost brother.
The story involves people who are expropriated for construction projects.
Taylor and Scott Dolan (Jaimie Alexander and Frank Grillo) are on their honeymoon in Morocco where Taylor plots to kill her rich husband with help from her lover, Travis (Charlie Bewley). The plan goes awry when all parties are involved in a bloody car accident on a remote desert road. They escape the multi-car pileup at a desert intersection and encounter the group of survivors, including a wanted smuggler, Omar (Moussa Maaskri), a French woman, Audrey (Marie-Josée Croze), with a sick baby and Saleh, a mysterious "repairman" (Roschdy Zem). They embark on a journey of deceit and revelation that culminates in the medina of Essaouira.
The book begins with Jiggs in the inner world discovering that Drake is still alive, but has been affected by the nuclear radiation from the explosion at the end of Spiral. He also finds the burnt body of Rebecca One lying near Drake. Jiggs rescues Drake and carries him to the Topsoil. At the same time, Elliott and Will are trapped in the inner world, in the destroyed city of New Germania. They meet three New Germanians who have survived the virus released in the inner world and, along with them and a Bushman called Woody, they go to explore one of the Pyramids from the jungle. Also, they find out that the Bushmen are part Styx (because they speak the Styx language at a much higher pitch). After they get into the Pyramid, something unexpected happens as Elliott touches a trident sign (like the ones that Dr. Burrows and Will found on their first exploration of the Pyramid). The Pyramid vanishes into thin air and an enormous tower appears out of nowhere in the jungle. Elliott senses that there is something missing from the tower, then she and Will find out that at the top of the tower there is a portal to Topsoil, and so they teleport themselves to London.
Meanwhile, Chester is Topsoil with Stephanie, Old Wilkie, and Parry. Still grieving over the deaths of his parents during Professor Danforth's betrayal in the previous book, he discovers that Parry is still allied with Danforth and the death of his parents was being part of a plan. He then runs away from the others with Martha.
Danforth is infiltrated within the Styx, but he soon finds out that, after he is no longer needed, he is sentenced to death by the Styx. He manages to save his life, taking prisoners Rebecca Two and her crush (Franz, the New Germanian driver).
Now that they are finally Topsoil, Will and Elliott go to the British Museum because Elliott feels that she might find something very important there. She proves to be right and she finds a sceptre emanating a blue glow. When she and Will want to get out of the museum, they find themselves surrounded by Armagi. A tank driven by Drake and Jiggs suddenly appears. Elliott is saved, but Will is caught by the Styx. Elliott senses that she has to go to St. Paul's Cathedral, as she somehow knows that by doing this she might put an end to the threat of the Armagi, who seem to be moving towards the rest of the world to conquer it.
While Elliott, Drake and Jiggs are inside St. Paul's, Parry, Danforth and his team are watching them from the buildings around. As Danforth goes towards St. Paul's, trying to get through the Armagi, he is surrounded by Chester, Stephanie and Martha. Chester tries to kill Danforth but he is stopped by Stephanie and Martha. He gets angry and says some rude words to Martha, who kills him with her crossbow, then is elevated in the air and taken away by the Brights.
Elliott uses the sceptre and the dome of St. Paul's disappears just like the Pyramid from the inner world. Some Styx (including Rebecca Two and Alex) appear, carrying Will as a prisoner. Alex lays her eggs inside Will, in the view of everyone. As he tries to save Will, Drake gets shot and killed by two Limiters. Saving the situation, Elliott strikes the ground with the sceptre and all of the Armagi and Styx (including Elliott) get teleported inside the inner world, where they will all be killed by the virus, except for the vaccinated Elliott.
At the end of the book, Will finds himself inside a topsoil hospital, reunited with his mother and with Bartleby, one of the original Bartleby's kittens, who resembles his father. Elliott, who was trapped inside the Tower from the inner world, puts the sceptre in its place in the tower and suddenly the earth starts to move and get away from the Solar System. It is revealed that the Earth is a huge spaceship sent on a mission and, because the sceptre was stolen, the spaceship remained trapped in the Solar system. Now that the sceptre is again in its place, Earth starts its journey again towards Home. Will also finds out that, even though the eggs were removed, they may have turned him into a Styx.
The comic follows Chief Inspector George Suttle as he attempts to solve crimes in a post-Victorian England where the upper classes are composed of vampires and the lower class of zombies and humans. As Suttle tries to get to the bottom of an upper-class citizen's murder, he discovers that there's more to this murder than meets the eye.
Nakamura Mondo is an officer of the Minamimachi Bugyosho, but is also the head of the assassin group. Unidentified corpses are discovered one after another in the town of Edo. Mondo is ordered by his boss Tanaka to investigate a serial murder.
During a rainy night, Jake tells Finn a story about a supposed vampire that used to live in their tree fort. Finn, scared by the sounds outside the house, goes downstairs to talk to Jake. Suddenly, their window is blown open and the lights go out. Finn and Jake soon discover that Marceline the Vampire Queen has sneaked into their house. Both Finn and Jake are terrified that Marceline will kill them and drink their blood, but she reveals that she has no intentions of killing them, noting that she really only eats the color red. However, she explains that the tree house used to belong to her, and she promptly evicts them from their residence.
Finn and Jake then attempt to find new homes. After a string of failures, they soon stumble upon a cozy cave. They clean it up and throw a house-warming party, which Marceline crashes. She explains that the cave also belongs to her. Finn, having had enough, starts a fight with Marceline, who grows into a huge demonic bat. After she seemingly kills Jake, Finn goes into a rage and violently punches Marceline, who promptly shape-shifts into her regular form and then kisses Finn on the cheek, making him blush. Jake who it is revealed used his shape-shifting powers to save himself runs over to Finn, and Marceline states that the fight they had was fun. As a token of goodwill, she gives them their old house back. Once Finn and Jake return to the tree fort, they are promptly hypnotized by King Worm (voiced by Erik Estrada).
The play deals with the story of Mathilde, a beautiful and innocent young girl married to a libertine, Mr. de Chavigny. One night when she makes a purse for her husband, she learns that he has bought one the day before. Mathilde and Mr. de Chavigny compete, then Mr. de Chavigny goes to a ball, and Madame de Lery comes to visit Mathilde. She then embarks on the difficult task of reconciling the spouses.
Shortly after being recruited into T.W.O. (Tactical Worldwide Operations), T.W.O. founders Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem give bring Alpha and Bravo on a rescue operation to save multiple hostages in a cartel compound. Estaban Bautista and his henchman flee as Rios, Salem, Alpha, and Bravo raid the compound. Only one hostage is found alive, a girl named Fiona. Salem attempts to persuade the group to leave, not wanting to risk their lives to save Fiona, who is not part of their mission objective; Rios insists that she's innocent and that he won't leave her behind. Alpha and Bravo agree, and Salem decides to go alone and leave. During Salem's escape, a thug destroys Salem's vehicle, leaving Rios, Alpha, and Bravo attempting to rescue him, but Rios injures his right leg in the process. Alpha and Bravo save the girl from the cartel and evacuate with Rios.
Five years later, T.W.O. is hired by Mayor Cordova, a Mexican politician seeking to bring down La Guadaña and kill its leader, Bautista. The T.W.O. operatives believe nothing will go wrong until the convoy's movement is interrupted by La Guadaña's forces. Alpha and Bravo survive constant waves as Cordova escapes. Alpha and Bravo push their way to the Cartel's forces to City Hall for extraction. T.W.O. operative Mason drives them out of the city but is killed when the Cartel ambushes them on the road at a gas station. Alpha and Bravo meet Mason's contact, revealed to be Fiona, who aids the team in bringing down La Guadaña and killing Bautista. Fiona gives Alpha and Bravo intelligence that Cordova fled to a local church that is serving as a La Guadaña compound.
Alpha and Bravo fight through a hotel resort to encounter El Diablo, La Guadaña's top lieutenant, learning that El Diablo killed a number of T.W.O. operatives and captured Cordova. El Diablo sets off charges in the hotel resort to make his escape leaving Alpha, Bravo, and Fiona trapped inside. They survive El Diablo's counterattack, and the trio goes to the church, listening in on Bautista's interrogation with Cordova. El Diablo alerts them as the duo fight their way to Fiona. Surviving a train disaster, Alpha, Bravo, and Fiona temporarily rescue Cordova while surviving T.W.O. operatives die protecting the mayor. Alpha, Bravo, and Cordova navigate through a Mexican ghetto and are captured after trying to rescue T.W.O. operative Bradley.
Alpha, Bravo, and Cordova are tortured by the cartel in a room. El Diablo reveals his true identity as Salem, who survived the explosion and was forced to face the Cartel by himself. Surviving, he joined forces with Bautista and feels betrayed by Rios and the duo for not checking to see if he was alive. Salem kills Cordova and leaves. Alpha and Bravo escape and regroup with T.W.O. operatives "Baker" and "Chuy". Rios hears of Salem's betrayal and orders him to be kept alive and brought to him.
Fiona tells the team that Salem and Bautista are hiding at a hacienda. Alpha, Bravo, Baker, and Chuy lead a T.W.O. strike force with assistance from Mexican Special Forces to raid the hacienda. During the raid, Bautista kills Chuy and Baker. Fiona pursues him but is captured and relocated to a quarry. Alpha and Bravo are extracted by Rios via helicopter to rescue Fiona.
The trio crash as Alpha and Bravo save Rios, who tells them to go ahead and get Fiona. Alpha and Bravo reach Fiona, who kills Bautista for taking her. However, Salem reveals that killing him was part of his plan and holds Fiona at gunpoint. Salem tells of the times he risked his life for Rios (especially to "save Shanghai" and taking a bullet for Rios, implied of the previous installment), and kills Fiona. Rios charges at Salem, and Salem shoots Rios in the abdomen and throws him off of a two-story balcony before escaping.
Alpha and Bravo regroup with Rios, who now orders them to kill Salem. Alpha and Bravo corner Salem, who attacks them with an armored vehicle. Destroying the vehicle, Bravo is given the command to kill Salem, but instead, allows the Mexican Special Forces to take him into custody. Rios, Alpha, and Bravo promise to oversee Fiona's burial, carry out an extended vacation, and then sign on for the next mission. Meanwhile, Salem etches the name Alice on his prison cell wall. In the post-credits epilogue, Salem is seen smiling when an armored guard and an unidentified visitor approach him.
United States government agents Gene Autry (Gene Autry) and Frog Millhouse (Smiley Burnette) are sent down to Mexico to foil the plans of foreign spies trying to start a revolution on the Mexican island of Palermo in order to gain control of American oil facilities and establish a submarine refueling base. When they arrive in Mexico they attend a fiesta, where Gene has his heart stolen by the beautiful Señorita Dolores Mendoza (Lupita Tovar).
Soon after, Gene goes to the American Consulate seeking further instructions about his mission. He is informed that Dolores' brother Andreo (Duncan Renaldo) is the pawn of a gang of foreign agents operating on the island of Palmero with the objective of establishing an enemy submarine base that would put an end to Pan American neutrality. The Consul orders Gene to leave for Palermo immediately, using the excuse that he and his men are to help Don Diego Mendoza (Frank Reicher), Dolores's uncle, with his cattle roundup.
On the island of Palermo, Gene and Frog learn that Don Diego's caballeros are in fear of Andreo and his band of revolutionaries. Intercepting a secret code broadcast over the radio, Gene traces the signal to the abandoned oil fields and confirms that enemy agents are plotting to gain control of American oil holdings intending to use them for establishing a submarine refueling base. Gene cleverly allows one of the agents to escape and follows him to the office of Saunders (Alan Edwards), the head of the gang of foreign spies. Before he can act, Gene is captured by Saunders, who then leads his men and a convoy of oil trucks to the submarines waiting offshore.
Frog rescues Gene, and with the help of the Mexican army, they commandeer the trucks and arrest Saunders and his gang. Andreo tries to escape and is killed. The threat of revolution in Mexico is ended. Gene returns to his sweetheart Dolores, only to learn that she has become a nun to atone for her brother's sins.
A peasant narrates how he had found and created a fine piece of land, and all was well. But then the Lord of the Manor came to take his land from him. He raped the peasant's wife. The peasant was about to hang himself, when Christ and the disciples appear at his door asking for something to eat. The peasant offers them food. In return Christ gives him the power of speaking out against the rich and powerful.
Kendall, James, Carlos, Logan, Gustavo, Kelly, Katie (Kendall's younger sister) and Jennifer (Kendall's and Katie's mom) are on their plane ride to London for first stop on their world tour. At the baggage claim in the airport, MI6 Agent Simon Lane switches identical bags with Kendall, unbeknownst to the boys, to prevent henchmen from retrieving the Beetle, a powerful device capable of reversing gravity that Lane took from evil airline mogul Atticus Moon while his henchmen take him away.
Big Time Rush check in at the Queen's Hotel and unknowingly to them, MI6 agents fail to take out the boys and they finally realize that Kendall has the wrong bag. In the same moment they also realize that MI6, Swedish spies and a mysterious woman in leather are all out to get the Beetle from them by any means necessary. The woman in leather is revealed as Penny, daughter of Agent Lane, and the band sets out with Penny in a black spy van with an AI to rescue her father, while Gustavo and Kelly worry about what the boys are up to like causing trouble while they are away from them.
Meanwhile, Gustavo and Kelly are mad at the boys for being late for their soundcheck rehearsal, and end up doing their best to find them. Meanwhile, for the story line of Katie and Mrs. Knight, they were having their pastime with the Duke Of Bath which Katie really wants her mom to fall in love with over the pastime so Katie can become a princess like in her dream. While everyone's busy, (Gustavo and Kelly being tortured at the MI6 HQ) and (Katie and Mrs. Knight having pastime with the Duke Of Bath), the guys, including Penny disguise themselves so they could get past Moon's crew through the park so they could carefully get to the soundcheck. They don't really get to the park safely-they get into problems, like being chased by fans, being chased by a dog, and more. After the boys finish their soundcheck, they meet up with Penny backstage and rush to the field where Moon's helicopter landed.
The MI6 Agency figure out Moon's plan and try to stop him but can't because Moon is jamming communication signals so no one gets in his way. The boys realize that Carlos' dream of becoming international super spies and singing the Beatles' is coming true so they follow Carlos' plan to stop Moon. After the boys manage to defeat Moon and save Katie, the MI6 agents arrive at the scene to give the boys a helicopter ride to Hyde Park just in time for the boys to finally start their world tour.
After they finished their first stop on their world tour concert, Gustavo finally allowed the boys to go anywhere, including visiting every single tourist spot in London that they wished to visit. While the boys realized they don't have a ride, Penny and Agent Lane come back and offer them a ride. As the boys agree to ride one more time, they ride off and disappear into the night.
Professor Farnsworth takes the Planet Express crew to Germany for Oktoberfest. Fry is disappointed to discover that the celebration has become much more refined since the 20th century, and he gets intoxicated and performs "The Chicken Dance", embarrassing his fellow workers, particularly Leela, who breaks up with him. Meanwhile, Bender discovers that Elzar is there, ready to win the sausage-making challenge using pork that has been aged over 3000 years. Bender is determined to win the event, and takes a despondent Fry with him in the Planet Express ship to look for woolly mammoths frozen in a nearby glacier within Neander Valley, believing that meat aged over 30,000 years should certainly win. Bender is successful at finding a woolly mammoth, and with Fry's help, proceeds to grind the woolly mammoth into sausages. Bender is unaware when Fry appears to fall into the grinder. Later, as the rest of the crew tastes Bender's sausages, they find traces of Fry's hair and clothing, and assume he has been killed and made into sausage meat. Leela is so upset that she decides to have all of her memories of Fry removed from her explicit memory. The Planet Express crew do their best to avoid mentioning Fry to Leela after this process.
A flashback shows that Fry had managed to pull himself out of the shredder in time, losing his clothes and some hair in the process. He then falls down a deep pit, hits his head, and is partially frozen. Fry is soon discovered by a lost society of Neanderthal cavemen and other prehistoric animals that have lived within the glacier for more than 30,000 years. These Neanderthals were long ago driven into exile by the then emerging ''Homo sapiens''. The fall, having given Fry both amnesia and an enlarged Neanderthal-like brow, leaves him unaware of his past, and he joins the tribe. He and Leela see certain objects that remind them both of each other, though they still cannot remember who the other is. Fry soon convinces the Neanderthals to return to the surface through a hole found in the ice.
At Oktoberfest, Bender is dissatisfied that his mammoth sausage only won third place. Fry leads the Neanderthals out of the pit, and they attack the attendees of Oktoberfest with woolly mammoths, a woolly rhinoceros, and a ''Megatherium'' (which moves slowly towards Hermes). Bender uses the chaos of the attack to secretly dispose of the chefs that won first and second place, so that he can be the first-place winner. Zapp Brannigan tries to attack from his ship only for the Neanderthals to catapult a saber-toothed cat into the ship, causing it to crash. The battle culminates with Fry and Leela having a face-off on the deck of the Planet Express Ship. The pair, still lacking memories of each other, nevertheless make peace with each other and embrace in a kiss. The two warring sides are inspired by this act of affection and decide to end the conflict before Fry and Leela's memories are fully restored.
A new and much-less-refined Oktoberfest celebration is restarted and the episode ends as Fry sits back while Leela performs the "Chicken Dance", allowing her to embarrass him for a change.
After salesmen Billy McMahon and Nick Campbell's employer goes out of business, Billy applies for Google internships for Nick and himself. They are accepted due to their unorthodox interview answers, despite a lack of relevant experience and not being of traditional collegiate age. They will spend the summer competing in teams against other interns in a variety of tasks, with only members of the winning team guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick's team is led by Lyle, who constantly tries to act hip to hide his insecurities, and its other members are seen as rejects: the smartphone-addicted Stuart, the tiger-parented Filipino Yo-Yo, and Indian American nerd-related kink enthusiast Neha. Although Stuart, Yo-Yo, and Neha find Billy and Nick useless in the initial tasks, Billy rallies the team in a comeback that unifies them in a game of quidditch. However, the team loses after an intern of the opposing team, Graham, cheats.
When the teams are tasked with developing an app, Billy and Nick convince their teammates to indulge in a wild night out, which includes going to a strip club. Lyle's drunken antics inspire the team to create an app that guards against reckless phone usage while drunk, and win the task by earning the most downloads. Meanwhile, Nick has been flirting with an executive, Dana, with little success. When he begins attending technical presentations to impress her, he develops an interest in the material. Dana agrees to go on a date with Nick, and she invites him in at the end of the evening. While the teams prepare to staff the technical support hotline, Billy is offered technical information by an introvert named "Headphones", which helps him. However, the team loses because Billy fails to log his calls for review. Dejected, Billy leaves the Google campus and pursues a job selling mobility scooters.
In the final task, which is a sales challenge, teams must sign the largest possible company to begin advertising with Google. Nick approaches Billy, and gives him an inspiring speech, encouraging Billy to return and help their team for the last challenge. Reinvigorated, Billy leads the team to show a local pizzeria owner how Google can help him interact with potential customers and thereby expand his business, while remaining true to his professional values. Chetty is about to announce that Graham's team has won, when Billy, Nick, and their team arrive to give a dynamic presentation about their new client. Chetty recognizes that although the pizzeria is not a large business, its potential is limitless because it is expanding via technology. Graham protests and is dressed down by Headphones, who turns out to be the head of Google Search. Nick and Billy's team win the challenge and the guaranteed jobs, while Graham is punched by an overweight member of his team who he constantly bullied. As the students depart, Nick and Dana are still seeing each other, as are Lyle and Google's dance instructor Marielena. Stuart and Neha have formed a romantic connection as well with Stuart promising to see her in person rather than texting her, and Yo-Yo asserts himself to his mother.
Renzo Dominici is an accountant for a company in Genoa, apparently lame and in poor health; in reality he is pretending to be in order to be able to carry out a robbery in the company without being recognized, and to disguise himself he uses a wedge in his shoe to limp, a brown wig and brown contact lenses to hide his blue eyes.
In the days before the blow, Renzo first comes into contact with Riccardo, a homosexual boy who works in a sauna, and after he has discovered him stealing in his wallet, he falls in love with him and follows him, being able to recognize him by the scent, and later with Stella, the young and attractive maid of the canteen of the company where he works, bored by the ménage he entertains with the head of the canteen and with another assistant, who tries to seduce him but is rejected however.
Renzo organizes the robbery in all the details, including the escape from Italy, also bribing a port employee to board a transport ship that will sail to Panama. The day when there is a large amount of money in the company, Renzo carries out the robbery with his face covered, stealing the sum of two billion lire from the safe, dropping his sunglasses and uncovering his eyes, which due to their peculiarity become a sort of legend for the media and the bandit has since been called "the blue-eyed bandit".
The police at first are clueless, but, due to some unforeseen events, some people who know Renzo begin to suspect him and endanger his cover: during the escape through the dungeons, where Stella is flirting with her lover, he drops a lighter which is picked up by her, and, remembering having seen it in his office when she went to bring him lunch, she reports it to the head of the canteen; together they go searching for clues in his office but are seen by Renzo who from that moment will try to eliminate them: the first will die locked up in the cold room, while the girl will be spared after being stunned.
Two other people are aware of his role in the robbery: one of the company's security guards, who identified him thanks to the cufflinks of his shirt that he also wore during the action, who, after having searched his home, claims a part of the loot but Renzo will kill him before going to recover the money. The second is Riccardo who recognized him after seeing him take off his glasses in the sauna, without however reporting it to the police, who stopped him as a suspect, and also attempting, with the help of two accomplices, to steal the stolen goods but Renzo will be able to neutralize them before escaping.
The last unexpected event is represented by the mother, hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic and whom he occasionally visits, who seeing the identikit of the bandit in the newspaper, immediately recognizes him as the son in front of the nurse nun, who immediately warns the police. giving the man's name and surname but Renzo, using a secret passage in his house, manages to get away before being captured, managing to board the ship for Panama and, in the last scene, waking up on the deck, receives breakfast by a sailor, rewarding him with a generous tip.
Zoe is forced to recall the memory of a trip back in time, to the year 2022. She attended the funeral of a girl she didn't even know, alongside the Second Doctor and Jamie.
A pair of Card Sharps shoot a simpleton after they are beaten by him in a card game.
The cartoon begins with the radio program, "We, the Animals Squeak!" in progress, and a hare finishing his story about how he got revenge on a hunter that had been stalking him. Porky Pig, the program's host, introduces the Irish-accented Kansas City Kitty, a champion mouse catcher.
Kansas City Kitty tells her life's story, including her marriage to Tom Collins and the birth of her son, Little Patrick. The main thrust of her story is how her reputation as a mouse catcher was nearly ruined by the mice, who – tired of being harassed by Kansas City Kitty and being kept away from the food – plot their revenge. In the catacombs of the house's walls, the lead mouse (Ratt McNalley) plots a scheme to kidnap Little Patrick while his mother is asleep. The mice carry out the plan and successfully flee the angry Kitty. The mother cat desperately claws at the wall, but Ratt stands up to her and threatens to brutally kill Little Patrick if their demands are not met.
Those demands – allowing free rein of the house – are played out in the next scene. A series of spot gags follow, where the mice carry food from the refrigerator, get drunk on milk and generally harass Kitty. Meanwhile, one of Ratt's henchmen decides to tease Little Patrick, but Patrick proves to be very resourceful and quickly turns the tables on his captor. Patrick escapes and reunites with his mother; Ratt, who is taunting Kitty, quickly knows what this means and tries to flee, but Kitty quickly catches all the mice and "shows those little devils they couldn't harm kit nor kin (a play on words of "kith nor kin") of Kansas City Kitty!"
The story brings loud cheers from the audience, and an impressed Porky gives her a present: a wimpy little mouse that scares her. "Well, faith'n me jabbers," intones the mouse, just as the Irish-shaped iris out ends the cartoon.
Yōto Yokodera is a second-year high school student who is arguably the biggest pervert at school. His problem is that he is not good at showing his real emotions. One day, his equally perverted best friend completely transforms and gets rid of his "impure thoughts"; a feat he attributes to the power of the statue of the "Stony Cat". As the rumors suggest, by wishing upon the statue and giving it an offering, one can wish to remove a personality trait from themselves that one does not wish to have anymore. However, this will remove the unwanted trait and give it to someone who does need it.
As Yōto is making his offering to the statue, a girl named Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi arrives to make her wish to be able to be more like an adult and not show her emotions so easily. Both of them wish upon the stony cat and to their surprise the next day at school, Yōto is unable to tell a single lie, and Tsukiko is unable to show any sign of emotion whatsoever. After realizing that they do not like the change that happened, they work together to try to find out who has received their trait that was taken away in order to get it back. They meet Azusa Azuki, an attractive second-year girl who has just transferred into their school. She is always being confessed to by many boys in school, but she has no friends and is always alone. Yōto finds out that Azusa is the one that received his unwanted personality trait and tries to get it back. As the two try to get back the unwanted trait, they develop feelings for each other.
Ninagawa was a powerful man in Japanese politics and with top economic connections. His granddaughter is then murdered. The suspect is Kunihide Kiyomaru. Three months after the murder of his granddaughter, Ninagawa places a whole page ad in the three major Japanese newspapers. The ad states that if Kiyomaru is killed, Ninagawa will offer ¥1,000,000,000 as a reward. Kunihide Kiyomaru turns himself in at the Fukuoka Prefectural Police station. Five detectives from the Security Police (SP) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department travel to Fukuoka to escort Kunihide Kiyomaru back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The distance between Fukuoka and Tokyo is apprixmately 1,200 km.
Nancy, the daughter of a native ''njai'' (mistress) named Dasima who was murdered several years earlier after leaving her family, returns to Batavia, Dutch East Indies (modern day Jakarta, Indonesia), as an adult. She discovers that her mother's murderers, a ''delman'' driver named Samiun and his wife Hayati, have returned from exile. In a dream, Nancy sees her mother, who asks that she hunt down Samiun and Hayati and take revenge upon them.
Intending to calm her mother's soul, Nancy sets out in pursuit of the murderers, who have taken what remained of Dasima's wealth and fled to nearby Banten. With the help of a local politician, she finds and chases Samiun and Hayati. Samiun falls down a hole and dies and, when Hayati tries turning on Nancy to kill her, Dasima's ghost startles the murderess into killing herself.
Santos suffers with the divorce from Tetona, while the people live and work with the group of regenerative zombies in Sahuayo. When Tetona arrives, she orders Santos to kill the zombies. Santos and Cabo Valdivia learn that if anyone kills all zombies will become the town's savior. Santos challenges Killer Peyote to make sure who will win the love for Tetona. Santos fails to kill the zombies, but Peyote uses a truck to lure them through the canyon cliff. Despite Santos' failure, the officers inform him about the town's abnormal situation. Tetona summons the female group of aliens from outer space. As Santos, Cabo and Peyote evade them, they wander around town. At the science room, Santos and Cabo inspect the remains of the zombie virus on the plate. It is later destroyed by Peyote, whom the aliens recruited. They imprisoned one of the male adults and force the female ones to work at the strip club. Santos and his captured friends are forced to stay in prison. Cabo, revealing to be one of the zombies, asks Santos to protect him and the zombies, before the decontaminated population can annihilate them. Santos and his friends win the first round in the game of soccer, but the others plan to escape. After losing the game in the second round, Santos and his friends escape from prison, being rescued by saddlers. After Santos uses DNA cell samples to spread the infection for everyone and revive the zombie population, he goes to the palace and confronts Peyote. The fight at the strip ensues, until Peyote slips on an avocado, suffers a bone fracture and ends up on a wheelchair. Santos goes to the bathroom, urinates the smoking weed from the bowel that he accidentally swallowed, and suggests for Tetona to forgive him. The married couple have children.
The Ashes is the pinnacle of world cricket with two old enemies, Australia and England, going head to head. This series is the story of World Series Cricket and its creator, Australian media mogul Kerry Packer, who signed up the world's greatest players and set up a parallel cricket competition.
The Australian cricket team, visiting England in 1977 for the Ashes series, fields a team full of legends. Cricket is undergoing a revolution and the cricket establishment will be brought to its knees.
Seven-year-old Nathaniel and his older sister Angelica move into their eccentric Aunt Eleanor's home, which was given to their parents after she died. Angelica frequently teases her little brother for traits that she perceives as immature, such as his inability to read. When they arrive at the house, Nathaniel becomes curious about what lies in the locked room that his aunt never allowed him to enter. Much to Angelica's dismay, in her will, Eleanor states that she wants to give Nathaniel the key to the room. To Angelica, she bestows a porcelain doll. Nathaniel enters the room alone and is horrified to discover that the room is filled with books — the tales this his aunt used to read to him — this results in him running out of the room.
In the night, the house is severely damaged by a thunderstorm. Since his parents lack the funds to repair it, Nathaniel offers to allow them to sell the books. When he returns to the attic room he discovers that the miniature forms of the characters in the books have come to life. Among them are Alice in Wonderland, Puss in Boots, Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood. They declare that he is their new guardian, and it is his duty to read the magic spell that will keep them alive, otherwise they will disappear within the next 5 hours. Nathaniel panics when he finds that he is unable to read the spell, and the evil witch Carabosse accuses him of not being their guardian; in retaliation, she decides to shrink him down to their size.
The antique seller arrives and is delighted to discover that many of the books are first editions. He devises a plan to play them off as worthless in order to resell at a much higher price. Nathaniel and all the characters are taken to the seller's shop, forcing them to have to find a way to return to Aunt Eleanor's house in order to read the spell. He travels with Alice and an Ogre, who learns to value friendship over the immediate satiation derived from eating humans.
The group encounters many perils in their journey back including other humans and a crab on the beach, but when they arrive, Nathaniel is finally able to prove himself and read the spell aloud. He returns to the seller's shop and forces the witch to restore him to his normal size. Nathaniel then convinces his parents that the books have too much value to sell away. Angelica discovers a collection of valuable jewelry within her doll, giving the family the money they need to repair the house. The two siblings learn to value each other and enjoy reading together in the attic.
Set in 2025, Net Force Explorers member Matt Hunter witnesses an attack at a baseball game attended by fans in holographic form through virtual reality. The attack involved holographic bullets fired into the crowded that actually harmed the people that were simply attending through virtual reality. Matt learns that the attackers might be the same group that have been hacking computer systems and injuring people recently. Hunter and his Explorer friends sets out to stop them as he solves the crimes and leads to a confrontation with them in the real world.
Net Force Explorers Megan O'Malley and Leif Anderson work to investigate an online Virtual Reality wargame.
''Planet Tad'' consists of daily blog articles that discuss events of the day in Tad's life, as well as random thoughts he might have. The arc of the story follows Tad's attempts to fulfill his New Year's resolution, which involve him starting a blog, finishing seventh grade, learning to perform a kickflip on his skateboard, getting favorable attention from girls, and starting to shave.
In Yokohama, Fusion reappears once again and threatens the city with calamity. Then, the Pretty Cures assemble and defeats Fusion again, scattering its parts around the city. Meanwhile, a girl named Ayumi Sakagami, who admires the Pretty Cures and witnesses the battle against Fusion, is having trouble making friends at her new school. On her way back home, Ayumi meets a small creature, and decides to name it "Fū-chan". Meanwhile, the fairies: Tart, Chiffon, Chypre, Coffret, Potpurri, Hummy and Candy gather for a meeting, and notices that Fusion's scattered parts are looking to recombine, so they all go and ask their respective Pretty Cure teams to search for the fragments to prevent its return.
While searching for the fragments, Miyuki encounters the ''Suite PreCure'' teams: Hibiki, Kanade, Ellen and Ako, whom all transforms and fight the fragments. Meanwhile, Ayumi notices that people around here are disappearing, and Fū-chan admits he did this for Ayumi in case anyone makes Ayumi suffer. Then, the ''Smile PreCure!'' teams assemble and fights Fū-chan, but shocked as he's absorbing their attacks. As the ''Suite'' team arrives to assist them, Ayumi stops them from hurting him. The Cures reveal to her that Fū-chan is a fragment of Fusion, and Fū-chan runs away as he tries to make Ayumi's wish granted while destroying the city.
While accompanied by ''Smile'' and ''Suite'' teams, as well as ''HeartCatch'' and ''Fresh'' teams, Ayumi is caught by Fusion's familiars, which in her heart's response to Fū-chan, she transforms into Cure Echo. Using the power of the Miracle Lights and aided by latter Pretty Cure teams: ''Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart'', ''Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star'', and ''Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!'', Echo rekindles her friendship with Fū-chan. As the remaining Fusion fragments gets ready to attack Ayumi, Fū-chan sacrifices himself to give the ''Smile'' team the powers to defeat the evil side. Afterwards, Ayumi grows more confident and starts making friends with her classmates.
The ''Suite PreCure'' team: Hibiki and Kanade arrives at the mall, and encounters ''HeartCatch PreCure!'' team: Tsubomi, Erika, Itsuki and Yuri, who are holding a fashion show, with the other Pretty Cures present. Suddenly, millions of fairies and mascots fall from the sky. Worried, Coco and Nutts wonder if something had happened, and then the villains Dark Witch, Freezen and Frozen, Sirloin, Shadow and Mushiban, Toymajin and Count Salamander appears before them. The Cures transform, and then demand why they have reappeared. The Dark Witch responds that it is due to Lord Black Hole, which was created by the evil energies from their respective villains' defeat, as well as creating Fusion and Bottom. Aiming to get the Prism Flower, the villains transport the Cures through different dimensions.
Cures Black, Bloom, Dream, Peach, Blossom and Melody ends up in a desert, and Cures White, Egret, Mint, Aqua, Berry, Marine and Rhythm end up in a wrecked ship surrounded by the ocean, while Shiny Luminous, Milky Rose, Cures Rouge, Lemonade, Passion, Sunshine and Moonlight on a giant board game. Despite their mishaps, they individually managed to escape and return to Earth. All their respective teams defeat the villains, while Melody and Rhythm finishes Freezen and Frozen. However, Lord Black Hole arrives and attacks, causing the Cures to lose their transformation devices. While despair, Coco and Nuts asks to use the Prism Flower's powers, but in process of the mascots will never meet the Cures again, as it is the bridge between their world and Earth. All is saddened, but Hibiki encourages everyone to move forward. The Cures plead the Prism Flower, and with its power and the Miracle Lights, they all transform into their upgraded selves, and combine their powers and attacks Lord Black Hole. Despite his defeat, the girls are saddened with the terms of their loss of their mascot.
Weeks later, the girls are playing at the park, and suddenly, their individual mascot appears. Chypre tells them that the Tree of Hearts had bloomed a new Prism Flower, which means that they will not be separated again.
Libero Burro is a man of southern origin, with no property and idle, who has decided to pursue a career as a manager in Turin. He decides to take a gamble and tries to grab La Cavallerizza, a central building owned by his friend Marione, horse player and father of the fascinating Rosa. Libero, who has no qualifications, enrolled in evening schools, attended by non-EU citizens, to obtain a surveyor's diploma. On this occasion he meets Caterina, an Italian teacher, with whom he falls in love. But a businessman, Gaetano Novaro, a graduate, opposes him in every way and life becomes difficult for Libero. Libero is no longer able to manage events, and decides to focus on more affordable objectives. Caterina remains with him. Then, for the future, we'll see.
Mamma Togni is a seventy-year-old former legendary partisan nurse from the Apennines hills of the Oltrepò Pavese. One day some boys called her into the street that Senator Franco Servello was holding a political rally in the square of Montù Beccaria (province of Pavia, Lombardy), where during the Second World War the fascists had killed 14 partisans in front of their mothers eyes.
Mamma Togni rushed in front of the stage of the rally, unleashing her stick and hits the microphone and then the knee of the politician and offending him as fascist.
The captain of the Carabinieri tries to stop Mamma Togni's trouble, who reiterates that she cannot tolerate the presence of a fascist in that place, since the fascists have killed her son. Eleven guys who followed the scene from the arcades of the square approach, but are loaded and beaten in blood by Carabinieri for no reason and finally arrested and loaded on a truck to police station.
Mamma Togni, together with a communist councillor, runs to the police station to talk to the ''Questore'' and tell how the whole thing happened, but the marshal stops them and at a certain point he falls pretending to have been hit by someone. Fifty Carabinieri arrive and begin to truncheon the councillor and Mamma Togni, who are arrested and tried immediately, while dozens of citizens of the village arrive outside the police station to ask for the release of Mamma Togni.
The trial takes place in a farcical manner, with the judge trying in every way to avoid the conviction for Mamma Togni, who instead proudly claims to have deliberately gone to the main square to throw a beating at Senator Servello screaming "fascists killers". The judge, however, does not feel up to continuing the process and makes everyone free: it is a great joy, similar to the Liberation Day.
Mamma Togni remembers the war, when she saved 32 wounded guys from the great raking of the winter of 1944–1945, placing them in a farmhouse and feeding them every day, with the good ones (receiving the help of farmers and mountain dwellers) or with the bad ones (robbing the wealthy with her pistol P38). One day a partisan told her that his son Enzo Togni had been killed on 18 September 1944 in Varzi by the "black robbers". Addressing her boys, the nurse tells them that, having no one left, from now on she would become the mother of all: ''Mamma Togni''.
The monologue ends with Mamma Togni who, answering to those who tell her not to get in the way anymore, because she is too old and had already done her duty, says that as long as there will be fascist killers around, we must go to the streets to tell the young people what happened during the war. While only those who give up fighting are old, remaining warm at home with a cap lent by the old and dead Christian Democrats as Amintore Fanfani and Giulio Andreotti.
The Net Force Explorer's mentor, Captain James Winter of the Net Force is put under investigation for a murder of a mobster. The younger team decide to take matters in their own handing believing him to have been framed. They do their own investigation, both in real life and in the virtual reality world in an attempt to clear his name. In time they realize the danger they are putting themselves in when other people connected to the case start to be murdered.
A famous television commentator's (Bonnevie) work is focused on political issues, particularly corruption in the government. However, because she was having an affair with a politician (Valdez) who was helping further her career, she turned a blind eye to her own evil deeds. But she would not remain unconcerned.
The sad plight of a syndicate moll (Medved) the commitment to the truth of her close friend (Gutierrez), and other events force her to take a look at her own values.
Martin Kazinski (Kad Merad) is a middle-aged working stiff who, on the train to work one morning, discovers he has inexplicably become a celebrity. His simple life is turned upside down. As he asks "Why?" his life becomes more and more complicated. He sees a lawyer for help in getting people to leave him alone, and is put in contact with a media agent, Fleur Arnaud, whose efforts inadvertently make him more and more famous. When he appears on Fleur's television show, everything he says is twisted into a symbolic statement, and the more he pleads for his privacy, the more famous he becomes. He is told he is causing disruption at his job and is pursued by well-wishers and paparazzi. Others are jealous and resent his "success." Fleur and he grow close, though she is having an affair with the manipulative producer of her television program.
Martin is now broke, and the TV studio offers him a chance to cash in on his fame. He turns them down. A TV host introduces him to some shady characters who try to get him involved in their activities but he refuses them too. Suddenly the public turns against him. A woman strikes and spits on him in a grocery store, and he is pursued by a mob. Fleur decides to move in with the TV producer. Martin quarrels with her, then falls into despair as he becomes an object of public vilification. He hides out with a drag queen (Philomène) who appeared with him at a talk show. He returns to the studio to ask for help but is treated with contempt by the producer, who does however reveal that Fleur has disappeared.
Months later we see Martin at a private launch of an autobiography he has had ghost-written for him. Some of his friends from his celebrity period are still around, but he has apparently been largely forgotten. The doorbell rings and, when he opens it, Fleur is there. He tells her to leave, but a passage Philomène reads from the autobiography makes him change his mind and he goes after her. As the film ends, the two seem to be returning to the launch.
Adela (Maricel Soriano) is a plain and pitifully awkward young woman whose father, the emotionally detached Maximo (Eddie Gutierrez), makes no secret how disappointed he is that she is nothing like his late wife (Dawn Zulueta), who died in childbirth. Despite his verbal and emotional mistreatment of her, Adela remains devoted to her father. Her widowed aunt Paula (Charito Solis) moves in with them and soon attempts to show Adela the world beyond their mansion.
At a wedding party, Adela embarrasses herself while attempting to dance, then runs and hides in the garden. There she meets the handsome and debonair David (Richard Gomez). He reveals that he knows who she is, saying he asked his friends who she was after seeing her from afar. David soon begins courting Adela, who has never received such care and affection, with Paula encouraging them. Maximo, however, is immediately suspicious of David's intentions. Over dinner, David confesses that he has never worked a day in his life, and used up his inheritance on travel, but insists that he is there because he is ready to settle down and start a family. Maximo tells Paula that he thinks David is only after Adela for her money. He feels his suspicions are confirmed after a frank discussion with David's sister Caridad (Armida Siguion-Reyna), who received no share of the inheritance from David despite being a widowed mother of five.
When David asks Maximo for his daughter's hand in marriage, Maximo gives the suitor a check to stay away from Adela. David refuses to accept the check, exclaiming he loves Adela. In order to test David's love for his daughter, Maximo separates the young couple for six months by taking Adela on a trip to the United States. When the father and daughter return, Adela is elated to learn from Paula that David has been steadfast in his love for her during their time apart. How Maximo takes the news, however, is that David had been visiting Paula at Maximo's home and treating the mansion like his own personal club house while they were away.
Adela and David make plans to elope. Maximo overhears them and over an abusive tirade tells Adela that David could only love her for her money as she possess no qualities any man could find attractive. When Adela and David see each other again, Adela says that she does not want to rely on her father anymore and affirms her resolve to elope. On the night of the planned elopement, David fails to show up. Adela runs to Caridad's house and learns that David has already left after borrowing money from his sister to go to Manila. Spurned by the man she loves, Adela grows cold, talks back to her father, and leaves his home.
Years later, Maximo is dying. Adela, with her child Jenny, returns to her father's home claiming she is there only to secure her inheritance. On Maximo's deathbed, over a tense and emotional exchange, the father and daughter reconcile. Soon after, Maximo dies. Adela is visited by David, who asks for her forgiveness, saying that he left because he cared for Adela so much that he could not let her be disinherited because of him. Falling for David's promise to dedicate his life to Adela and Jenny's happiness, the couple rekindle their former romance and begin planning their wedding.
However, Adela sees David so comfortably drinking her father's liquor and acting out as if master of the house already. She realizes that her father's suspicions were right all along. On the day of the wedding, Adela, arriving late to the altar and not wearing her wedding gown, confronts David in front of their guests. She declares that she will only be seeking her own happiness from then on without depending on anyone else. Adela throws bills of money at David before getting into a car and hugging her daughter.
Anna Maria (Maria Hofstätter) is a middle-aged Austrian woman who lives alone in a well-knitted house in Vienna. When she doesn't work in the hospital, she cleans her house thoroughly. But she doesn't feel alone; she has Jesus; she loves Jesus. This unconditional love of God empowers her to overcome the temptations of her flesh, by praying and by methodically using all sorts of self-punishments.
But she is not alone in her quest; she is a member of a small ultra-religious group which tries to bring the Catholic faith back to Austria; when she takes a break from her work instead of going on vacations, she tries door to door to bring God to poor neighborhoods which are occupied mostly by immigrants.
Although her faith is strong, it will be challenged not only by the various reactions of the people that she tries to approach, but also back home, where her past vividly returns. Her crippled Muslim husband returns and demands a share of her love, which she offers gladly only to Jesus.
Two random acquaintances learn that their spouses are lovers. This discovery makes them act in a way they would not have dared earlier.
A tough police inspector forms a special squad of motorcycle cops in order to track down a psychotic racketeer and his gang.
Roman Catholic priest Father Charlie and former police officer Lee solve a bank robbery mystery that stretches across the city. After Lee is removed from the force due to $1,000,000 being stolen from the bank, Father Charlie helps him to gain revenge for the loss of one of his friends.
John Felton, who lives in Orly County in an unnamed southern state, has a wife named Joanie, and two kids named Sam and John Jr.. John is a mild-mannered real estate agent who has just been fired, making his personal crisis (his marriage is on the rocks because of his infidelity) go from bad to worse.
John comes home and finds a foreclosure notice on the front door, and goes inside to a surprise birthday party thrown by Joanie and the kids. The foreclosure notice makes John angry, so Joanie takes the kids to a local park.
John is in the backyard, staring at the hole that's being dug for the swimming pool he is having installed and notices that the job is going slowly. There is an incessant banging on the front door. John answers, and it's a man who calls himself Richie. Wearing a suit and fedora, Richie says his car, a 1972 Pontiac GTO stalled and requires a push. As John pushes the car from the back while Richie steers, the car backfires, injuring John's left knee. Richie opens the trunk of his car and approaches John concealing a revolver behind his back but hides it when he sees a little girl walking her dog.
Richie offers to take John to the hospital, and he reluctantly accepts, not realizing that he's leaving his wallet and cell phone behind at the house. On the way, John wonders about Richie's strange behavior—Richie is continuously "whistling Dixie"—and then Richie stops at a bar. John goes across the street to a cell phone dealership, where Rhonda, a clerk with a severe attitude problem, rudely denies him the use of a phone to call Joanie for a ride home.
At the bar, John crosses paths with Trevor, the man who fired him, and Tammy Strate, the woman with whom he had his affair. Tammy was Trevor's girlfriend before she left Trevor to be with John, and this is hinted as why he was fired.
A few minutes later, police cars start showing up, and Richie suggests that he and John leave. They leave with Tammy in her car, and once they get out onto a remote part of the road, a trucker harasses them and forces them to pull over.
The trucker is Rhonda's boyfriend, angry that Rhonda has been killed, and he thinks John did it. John gets out of the car, and the trucker approaches him with a tire iron. Suddenly, Richie hits the trucker with the car, killing the trucker. It turns out that Richie, who killed Rhonda, is a murderous psychopath. Local cops Frank and Latisha think John is the killer.
John realizes that this was not the day to play good samaritan. He and Tammy are in for a violent ride that they don't want to be on. Tammy escapes from Richie, and John tries to escape, Richie, disguised as a deputy, recaptures John. John forces Richie to let him go, and Richie threatens Joanie and the kids.
After a massacre at a store, John is arrested by Frank, who refuses to believe John's story about Richie, and that night, Latisha learns that John is not the killer—murders were committed in a diner while John was in custody, and Tammy has corroborated John's story about Richie.
Frank releases John, who goes home with Joanie and the kids, and Frank and Latisha, who thought Richie was killed at the diner, learn that he's still alive, and may be on his way to the Felton house.
In fact, Richie is already there, harassing the Feltons, and it's raining heavily. While they are eating dinner, Richie explains to John that Joanie is having an affair and had, in fact, hired Richie to kill him for insurance money. John attacks Joanie being egged on by Richie, she tries to stab John with a knife and he takes it from her ready to do the same, but instead stabs Richie and she then uses one of John's golf clubs to attack Richie as well. John and Richie crash through a window and fall into the pool hole struggling, which has been filled with water because of the rain. Frank and Latisha arrive, and Latisha fires a shot that kills Richie. That night, in bed, Joanie asks if everything is going to be okay, and turns off her light. John doesn't answer and turns off his light too, ominously whistling Dixie, just like Richie.
Securities broker Larry McLinden (Peter Strauss) and Diane Middleton (Rachel Ticotin) are experiencing a rocky affair when Diane announces that she's pregnant. When it's discovered that infant Larry Jr. has traces of cocaine in his blood, the couple's romance is over. Except Larry - now far more enthusiastic about parenthood - wants custody of the child, whom Diane has taken to Florida. Larry's attorney (Lynn Whitfield) sues, and a custody arrangement is set up, which Diane soon breaks, explaining that her son needs more time with her. Then she marries David Meadows (Booth Savage), and tells Larry that the two will try to adopt Larry Jr. As the fight drags on, Diane surprises everyone by suddenly truthfully claiming, contrary to everything she'd said before, that Larry is not the child's biological father, causing things to become even more complicated.
Asuka Kyōno is a pretty but extremely clueless high school girl who has a knack for bringing herself into embarrassing, erotic-themed situations without herself noticing.
Charles, a young clerk employed in the counting house of the merchant Sir Stephen Bertram is fired because his sister Eliza is romantically involved with Sir Stephen's son, Frederick (who is also Charles's best friend). Unknown to both Sir Stephen and Charles, Frederick and Eliza have already been secretly married. To help his now unemployed friend financially, Frederick seeks to borrow money from a Jewish moneylender named Sheva, whom Frederick assumes is a merciless and stingy miser. Sheva is actually a very kind man and a sympathetic listener. When he realises that Charles is the son of "Don Carlos", a soldier who once rescued him from an angry mob in Cadiz, Spain, he decides to give Frederick the money to help his friend, and secretly invests money in Eliza's name to demonstrate to Sir Stephen that Eliza is a worthy wife for his son. Charles, however, is stubbornly proud and, when he learns that Frederick has secretly married his sister, he challenges his friend to a duel. Their sword fight ends quickly when Charles receives a minor cut on his wrist and, after the truth about Sheva's generous gift is revealed, everything ends happily.
During a fight with Batman, the Joker raises the issue of the existence of an afterlife, which Batman puts down, along with his nemesis. Jim Gordon summons Batman with a case in the suburbs of Gotham County, where entire families have been killed in the same grisly and ritualistic way, shortly after being robbed by a junkie. Batman investigates one of the crime scenes before being called to another murder in progress where he pursues the killer but is ambushed and knocked out. He is rescued by detectives Keith and Radmuller of the Gotham County Sheriff's Department and questions the junkie thief at his residence. Before the thief can give any information, he is shot by the killer who eludes Batman again, but not before Batman procures a Sheriff's badge from his person, that of Detective Radmuller. Batman arrives at Radmuller's apartment to apprehend him, but Radmuller has set a trap causing Batman to inadvertently hang him by opening the door. The case is solved and Batman returns to Gotham, but Radmuller springs to life in the back of the ambulance transporting his corpse, killing those inside and leading their reanimated corpses back into town.
Bruce is haunted by dreams and visions of reanimated corpses and his parents blaming him for their deaths. He suspects Radmuller of poisoning him with something, though his tests for such come back negative. Detective Keith contacts him to inform him that Radmuller's body is missing, along with those of the most recently murdered family. At the crime scene, Batman and Keith are accosted by the corpse of the murdered father, who shoots Keith with her own gun and flees. Deadman emerges from Keith's body and informs Batman that he is trapped in a world between that of the living and the dead, having been cursed by Radmuller before his death. Deadman tells Batman that he must open his mind if he is to escape the realm and lets slip that he is aware of Batman's secret identity, before they are accosted by a horde of zombies led by Radmuller and Deadman disappears.
Batman attempts to fight the zombies off, but they are immune to his struggles. Radmuller explains that they are the victims of crimes that Batman failed to stop. Batman flees and is saved by the zombie of Jason Todd, who thanks Batman for thinking of him. Batman takes shelter in a decrepit house, where he sees the corpses of Radmuller's parents, who tell how their son killed them just to watch them die. Deadman reappears with the Phantom Stranger, who destroys the attacking zombies. Batman goes to confront Radmuller, on the way meeting his parents, who ask him to believe in something beyond their violent deaths and inspiring Batman to confront Radmuller with his own dead parents. Radmuller's power over the realm dissipates and Batman returns to the moment before the curse was enacted, stopping Radmuller's hanging death and turning him over to the GCSD.
Horrid Henry is an 8-year-old boy who loves doing unimaginable horrible things. He throws food, he snatches things, he pushes, shoves and pinches. He has a 6-year-old brother called Perfect Peter. He is an extremely perfect boy who does uncountable good deeds. He always says "Please" and "Thank You", he loves vegetables and refuses cake and he never ever picks his nose. One day, Horrid Henry wonders what would happen if he were perfect?! So − the next day, Henry doesn't wake Peter up by splashing water on his head as usual, and Peter and his parents wake up late. Due to this, Henry and Peter are late for a class. Back at home, Henry doesn't bully Peter, instead, he reads a book about super-mice. At dinner time, Henry helps lay the table and ignores Peter's whining that he always lays the table. When the family eat spaghetti and meatballs, Henry does not kick Peter or slurp his food or leave behind his vegetables. Peter wants Henry to become horrid again and tries many ways to get Henry to hit him but Henry is resilient. When Henry's Mum gives Henry some fudge cake and a kiss for being so good, Peter can't stand it any longer and flings his plate at Henry but hits Mum. Mum screams at Peter to go to his room and when Henry laughs, she sends him to his room too. The story ends with Henry being surprised that being perfect was so much fun.
Henry and Peter have to go to the school's dance class taught by Miss Impatience Tutu, a very impatient woman who claims she is patient that Henry hates. The class has to play a concert and everyone is practicing for it. Impatience Tutu makes Henry sit behind a false bush for being horrid at her class so he won't embarrass everyone at the concert. When its time for the concert, Henry decides to make his part bigger and by doing so, makes Impatience Tutu stop the concert this story then ends with Henry being happy to finally go for karate.
Horrid Henry has an archenemy, and that is Moody Margaret. Margaret lives next door to Henry, is in Henry's class and owns all the things that Henry's goody-goody parents don't let him have. This is the only reason that Henry plays with Margaret. The two of them are playing pirates and squabbling over who is going to be Captain Hook and Peter is begging to not be the prisoner. When Margaret reluctantly hands over her Captain Hook role to Henry and takes his role as Mr. Smee and Henry orders her and Peter to walk the plank, she decides not to play pirates. Henry gets fed up and orders her to play but Margaret shrieks at him. Since no one can shriek as loud as her or as piercingly as her, Henry gives her back the hook and she decides to eat something. Selfish Henry doesn't want to share his food with her and gives her horrible choices. When he mentions "Glop"(A dish of horrible food mixed together), Margaret decides that she and Henry make the yuckiest Glop of all and eat it. After putting in horrible ingredients, Margaret eats a spoonful of it and doesn't show how much she hates it, in fact stating that it is good. When Henry doesn't want to eat it but takes a tiny spoonful, Margaret is about to do an unrevealed horrible thing if Perfect Peter had not intervened. He asks for some food and Henry gives him the glop!
Henry hates holidays. He has a very specific idea of what constitutes an ideal holiday, but his parents always have other plans. But when his family tell him they are going camping in France, he gets excited. However, the place isn't as good as Henry thought it would be. A rainy campsite with filthy toilets and he gets angry again. He tries to knock down tents and play horrible music but Dad stops him. Just as they are about to eat baked beans, it rains. The Family sleeps in the tent soundly but Henry can't due to the sharp rocks and mosquitoes. When they wake up, the family goes for a walk and Henry has to collect firewood. Henry uses the dry, wooden pegs holding up the tents as firewood and creates a big fire. Henry dreams that he is floating but when he wakes up, he finds that he actually is floating! The tent has been flooded, has collapsed and the rain has soaked everyone wet. Henry then takes his family to the campsite that he wanted to go with modernized things and the story ends with the family eating crisps and watching TV.
The story revolves around Go Seung-ji (Lee Donghae), a talented patissier who exudes a cold and tough exterior (like a hedgehog) which conceals his kind and understanding heart, and Pan Da-yang (Yoon Seung-ah), an optimistic and easygoing cafe owner with a laid-back personality (like a panda).
In Naples the Inspector Rizzo, nicknamed "Flatfoot", defeats a gang of drug traffickers. The criminals, from Marseille, were peddling drugs using frozen fish, but Flatfoot has managed to arrest them, with the help of a boss of the Neapolitan underworld, called Manomozza (snipped hand). After the arrest however, Flatfoot discovers that Manomozza did the double game and now intends to forge an alliance with the traffickers "Marseilles". Flatfoot, thanks to the tip from a friend, finds the place and time of the meeting between drug dealers, subdues them and sends everyone to jail.
As described in a film magazine, Drag Harlan (Farnum) comes upon Lane Morgan (Mayall) dying as a result of an attack by Deveny's gang, who are after his gold mine. After Drag promises to protect Lane's daughter, Lane dies. Appearing on the Morgan ranch, Drag is challenged by John Haydon (Millett). After identification of some watch chain found in the dead man's hand, John is proven to be the murderer. Harlan quickly escapes a near killing and rescues the kidnapped Barbara Morgan (Saunders), restores peace in general, and wins her heart.
Commissioner Bertone is an upright officer in a Rome over-run by crime. Due to a justice system which protects the rights of suspects and citizens against the police, many crimes go unpunished with convictions not being obtained the criminals ending up back on the streets. However, some of the released criminals turn up dead. Bertone discovers an organized group of vigilantes are dealing with the criminals the police cannot obtain convictions for. A young criminal on the run after a bungled robbery costs the lives of two citizens is the syndicate's next victim, followed by an older criminal. The vigilantes start to target prostitutes and homosexuals active on the streets at night, as well as a trade union leader who was accused of killing a policeman during a riot, and even a criminal in custody. Bertone tries to bring the second kid involved in the robbery to justice legally, but the self-appointed executioners are closing in and his own officers are sympathetic to the 'clean up squad'.
The story is of Italian and British troops facing off on the Greek-Albanian border in 1943. Both sides take, lose, and retake a border village countless times during the entire movie. The village is taken and retaken by both sides so many times that the locals don't even pay attention to the battles any more and openly collaborate with whichever side is occupying the village at that time. Both sides use the same hotel as their HQ and a friendship and mutual respect even develops between the two opposing commanding officers. This goes on until the Germans arrive and order the Italian commander to destroy the village killing its inhabitants, an order the Italian commander refuses to carry out bringing on a death sentence. His men refuse the German officer's order to fire and are also condemned to death. The British recapture the village just in time to save the Italians, all rejoice at the news that Italy has just asked for an armistice.
At the Commissioner Antonio is stolen the car during a night. He needs to find her first address four cases of thievery in the city of Rome. The defendants are Peppino De Filippo, Aldo Fabrizi, Nino Taranto and Erminio Macario. Thanks to the stories these four funny characters at the end Antonio, moreover, by disguising woman, manages to capture the thieves in an area of Villa Borghese.
Following the last day of school, Fred Figglehorn (Lucas Cruikshank) reveals his hopes to attend a very popular and luxurious summer camp named Camp Superior, but his dreams are dashed when he learns his mother is sending him to Camp Iwannapeepee (as Superior was too expensive), a camp Fred finds horrible. Upon arrival, he meets head counselor Floyd Spunkmeyer (Tom Arnold), and a host of other campers, Magoo (Joey Bragg), Chatter (Matthew Scott Miller), Spoon (Leah Lewis), and Dig (Adrian Kali Turner), and is introduced to Oksana (Madison Riley), a beautiful but incompetent Russian camp nurse. At night Fred has disturbing dreams of being at home (with a normal voice) but wakes to find he is still at camp.
Fred learns that Camp Iwannapeepee and Camp Superior have been competing in summer camp games for sixty-nine years and that Superior has always won. Fred tries asking his imaginary father (John Cena) for advice, but even he tells Fred that he's on his own at the camp before disappearing. Fred also thinks he has unearthed a plot to drug the food of the Iwannapeepee campers, in order for a giant rat to eat their brains in a place called "The Rat's Hole". Avoiding the gruel, he instead eats hallucinogenic red berries, and throws up when the others find him. Fred learns that Magoo, Chatter, Spoon, and Dig go to "The Rats Den" because it's a hideout they've had since being in camp. The "drug" that was put in the gruel was super-vitamins, because the gruel has no nutritional value. When he learns that his arch rival Kevin (Jake Weary) is on the team from Superior, Fred becomes determined to defeat the rival camp. When the competition begins, Camp Iwannapeepee falls behind in the contests.
After losing to Camp Superior for the day, everyone is down, and Magoo, Chatter, Spoon, and Dig don't even want to go their hideout (The Rat's Hole). Fred, on the other hand, says that they are losers, but they are good at being the best at the bad and good things they do. When the camps play the next day, Fred and Camp Iwannapeepee win the next contests that come up, much to everyone's surprise.
Kevin and Camp Superior perform a song-dance routine. When Kevin's cronies say that they should stop Fred, Kevin laughs saying that Fred is horrible at singing (but just in case, Kevin put a big tank of gruel behind the stage to hit Fred with). Fred and Camp Iwannapeepee are nervous at first, but go on stage. Fred starts singing a made-up song of his own called "The Loser Song". It starts making Kevin and the others laugh, but then Fred and the camp perform an impressive song-dance routine of their own, making everyone at Camp Iwannapeepee, except the members of Camp Superior, start cheering with excitement. Kevin wants the gruel to hit Fred, but Diesel says it's stuck. Camp Iwannapeepee finally wins The Summer Camp Games and Fred gets off-stage, where Kevin furiously regrets getting that trophy by saying that "Fred never wins." Diesel's messing with the gruel blaster, as it turns out it was not plugged in, which results in Kevin losing his clothes and being laughed offstage. Kevin then runs away in embarrassment and he is never seen or mentioned again. As the campers leave the camp for the end of summer and prepare to go home, Fred tells his mom that he has made some new friends, and his mom has found a new man (a pizza delivery guy).
Gabriel Allon and his team seek a lost Rembrandt whose previous owners have included both Holocaust victims and terrorists. In addition to regularly recurring characters, Julian Isherwood in his role as a gallery owner features prominently.
Unlike recent titles in the series, this book is set primarily in Italy as Allon helps the Pope's private secretary, Monsignor Luigi Donati with a case that is troubling The Vatican. The conclusion takes place in Jerusalem.
The Smurl family move into their new home on Chase Street only to find that it is plagued with three spirits and a demon. The demon wants to destroy their family, and they are desperate for help until they find the Warrens.
In Search of La Che follows he journey of hardcore music fan John Tavish (Played by Duncan Airlie James) on his quest to find out the circumstances behind the disappearance of Scotland most famous (fictional) son of rock and roll, Roxy La Che.
Searching the internet, John finds that Roxy's life hasn't been very well documented and comes across very little other than an unofficial fan page for the rock star. The owner of the site, Larry, agrees to meet with John but his mental instability becomes visibly clear during the interview and John decides to make a quick exit after obtaining the information he needed. John tracks down Archie Munro, a pub landlord who gave Roxy his first taste of music fame when he persuaded him to take part in a karaoke night. Archie gives John a history of Roxy's troubled upbringing on Pishi Island where the local economy was decimated by the actions of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Without adequate means to make a living on the island, Roxy moved to Glasgow and managed to transform his life through his love for music. During the interview, John discovers for the first time that Roxy was in fact signed by two record companies instead of one. The first record label was run by Hector 'Blitzkrieg' Wallace who was a Nazi sympathiser and forced Roxy to sing songs about hatred. Roxy's time with Blitzkrieg was brief as he later jumped ship to Met Records run by Gary Pringle.
After speaking with both of Roxy's managers, John is made aware of Roxy's various battles with depression which often lead to long stays at rehabilitation units. Moving from sofa to sofa, Roxy's last known appearance was with his old roadie friend Shimmy Quiffer. Shimmy explains to John that he had been staying with him for six months during the early 1990s but upon returning home one day, Roxy was packed up ready to go but couldn't tell Shimmy where he was going. Thinking the trail has gone cold, John receives an unopened letter from Shimmy that arrived for Roxy shortly after his departure. The letter is written by Alex H. Croy, an old friend of Roxy telling him that the pair should meet up as he is now staying in a hospice not far from Shimmy's location.
John visits the hospice in the hope of meeting his idol but his hopes are dashed when it is revealed that Roxy La Che had died in 2002, twenty years after the release of his first album.