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The Call of Silence

Charles de Foucauld travels the Sahara as a missionary. He is killed by local bandits.

Unexpected Places (2012 film)

Cody is a troubled son who continues to make bad choices into his adult life. His mother (Pam) feels unbearable grief as she watches him grow up. Cody struggles with addiction and crime while Pam is hurt by all the relationships in her life including her marriage. Her faith is shaken and she feels more alone than ever, but God intervenes to open both their eyes to redemption and a new life.

After the Ball (play)

The play is about Stephen, who has, with ill grace, returned home to his mother's deathbed. As he and his sister rake through the family photographs and childhood memories, they find conflicting versions of their parents’ unhappy marriage.

Soulmates (play)

Set in Melbourne and New York, this is a tale of revenge as the best-selling expatriate author Katie Best engineers a scheme to bring her most craven critic Danny O'Loughlin undone.

No Sail

Goofy and Donald buy a coin-operated sailboat, which leaves Donald constantly depositing nickels into the slot to keep the sail functioning. Donald loses his temper and breaks the mechanism, stranding him and Goofy in the open ocean. After several days, they try to catch some fish to eat, but are beaten by a seagull. Donald realizes the sharks are beginning to circle, but Goofy remains happily oblivious. When the sharks leave, Donald accidentally falls bill-first into the coin slot, which sends the mast shooting out and folding into place.

Barking at the Stars

The story is told as a flashback. It was the year 1963 in the small fictional town of Moravski Karlovci. The action centres around the students in IV-2, the graduating class of the local high school. A boy whose nickname is Philosopher is developing feelings for his classmate, Danica. He's a lot smarter than other students, sometimes even smarter than his professors. There's also his best friend, who is trying to practice boxing for his big match in the capital, passionately trained by the P.E. teacher. In this story, everyone finds his/her soulmate, even the professors. Philosopher wants to win over Danica's heart, but he has a rival--his own older brother who appears to be cooler because he has a motorbike and earns money on his own. Danica tries hard to resist all the flirting and everything Philosopher says to her in an attempt to win her heart, but eventually, she can't fight back anymore. The class goes on an excursion to Montenegro with their homeroom teacher and along the way, Philosopher and Danica share their first kiss. Fast forward to the present, they're now married and have a son who is going to his prom, using his dad's old pick up lines to win a girl over. The movie ends with the legendary quote from Philosopher when he first confessed his feelings to Danica ("Kako Tanjug javlja, ja te volim"), and with Philosopher and Danica going out on their balcony and barking at the stars.

Flick (2000 film)

A plane touches down. Jack Flinter, mid-20s, collects his friend Des Fitzpatrick, at Arrivals. Back in Des’s place, they celebrate the smuggling in of ten kilos of good Moroccan hash until the arrival of Barry Devlin. Jack leaves and back in his darkened flat, Alice, his girlfriend, is unimpressed.

Next day he does his rounds, dealing hash to various people around town. In the Club he hooks up with Des, who tells him he’s contacted Gerry and Pop, major dealers, about getting into business together. Jack is annoyed but agrees to meet with them. Isabelle catches his attention. They meet at the bar and talk – she’s a German artist visiting the city. They go to a hotel and have sex.

Back in the flat Jack is confronted by a pissed off Alice. He apologises, she leaves. Des arrives. Jack is apprehensive and Des pulls out a gun, talking about taking precautions. Jack is freaked. When he hears that Des got the gun from Barry, a nephew of the guy they are meeting, Jack confiscates the gun and hides it up the chimney.

They meet with Gerry and Pop, two criminals. The meeting is brisk and to the point. Put up the money and they’ll do the rest. Pop warns them not to mess up. One of Jack’s customers, a barman, tells Jack that Des is taking heroin. Jack hides his shock. He is approached by a stranger looking for hash. Something is not right – police activity. Jack leaves the pub. In the Club, he confronts Des, who tells him not to worry. Jack tells him to sort it out. All this is observed by Inspector Mulligan from the Drug Squad.

At home, Alice tells him she’s going away for the weekend and that he should be gone when she comes back. He watches some home video of happier days with her and crashes out. He is shaken awake roughly. Mulligan and his squad surround him. Handcuffed, he is marched away. In the car, Mulligan warns Jack to get out of city before it’s too late. They dump him on the outskirts of the city.

In the Club, he meets Des who was also picked up by the police that afternoon. Jack tells him it’s getting hairy and to break off with Gerry and Pop. Easier said than done says Des. Isabelle arrives. Des splits.

They talk, she suggests they drop an E and go to a party. Keen to get away from his troubles he agrees. They swallow the E. They wander through the city to a carnival, go up on the big wheel, watch the fireworks and go to the party. In a haze, Jack looks around. He sees Isabelle mingling, but bumps straight into Kay, an ex-girlfriend, who winds him up, lambasting him. His head is spinning. He walks straight ahead, away from the partygoers, down to a river. Isabelle follows and by the river, he tells her about how fucked up everything has become. She doesn’t really care and cuts him off at the pass.

Jack returns to Alice’s flat and collects his things – passport, money, and gun. He listens to a message from Des’s sister, Vera, about Des being beaten up. He is in hospital. As Jack leaves the flat, he is chased by Gerry and his cronies, but eventually gets away. He visits Des in hospital. Des lies sedated, attached to a respirator. Vera tells him it was Gerry and Barry and questions him about what’s going on. He makes his excuses and as he leaves the hospital, he meets a doctor who calls him "Flick". The doctor is an old schoolmate who invites him to a school reunion.

Barry Devlin pulls up outside his house. Jack emerges from the bushes; Barry insults him and tries to walk away. Jack stops him, and a fight ensues. He leaves Barry in a heap. Jack meets up with Isabelle. He tells her he has to get away. They are interrupted by the sound of screeching brakes. Jack is bundled into a van.

Gerry and his cronies rough Jack up in the back of the van. He accuses him of grassing them up. Jack is defiant. The van pulls into a lock-up garage. Jack, bloodied and dazed, is interrogated by Pop Devlin. Jack feels the pain. Pop clutches his chest. The light flickers off. The place is plunged into darkness. Mulligan and his squad burst in.

In the melee, Jack escapes and runs for his life through the streets of Dublin. He runs to Isabelle. He asks for her help, then passes out. Dawn. Isabelle pulls into a lay-by overlooking the city. Jack gets out, dazed and confused, he doesn’t know where he is, what’s happening. He looks at the city shimmering below him. He looks at Isabelle. He looks back at the city. He turns and walks towards Isabelle. He gets back into her car. They drive west, away from the city.

Captain Kidd, Jr.

As described in a film magazine, the grandfather of Willie Carleton (Gordon) put his will in a book about pirates and buried treasure, and the book is purchased by a second-hand store run by Angus MacTavish (Aitken), who lives with his granddaughter Mary (Pickford) and a young author named Jim Gleason (MacLean). After the book comes into the hands of Mary and Jim, a lawyer and the former private secretary for Carleton's grandfather attempt to buy it back, but Mary has found a paper with a map showing where buried treasure may be found. Carleton agrees to share the treasure with the MacTavish crowd if they help find it. It is located at an old farm once owned by the elder Carleton, but now belongs to Lem Butterfield (Hutchinson). Pretending to be geologists looking for specimens, they convince the Butterfield to allow them to dig holes all over the place. The suspicions of neighbors and the constable are aroused, and the lawyer and private secretary arrive and attempt to stop the digging. A box is found, and when opened contains a note saying that the treasure mentioned in the will is the good health Willie Carleton will have from all of the exercise spent digging. When they return to the city, it turns out that this was a test as the lawyer has been holding the Carleton fortune in trust. Mary, who bought the farm with money left to her by her mother, sells it for a profit to a man who plans to run a railroad through it. Jim Gleason sells one of his novels to a publisher, and then has the courage to ask Mary a question, which at the end she gives an answer that pleases Jim and they embrace.

An Enemy of the People (1978 film)

Thomas Stockmann (Steve McQueen) is a doctor and amateur scientist in a small, unnamed Norwegian town. The town is expecting a major boost in tourism due to the therapeutic powers of nearby springs, but Stockmann has discovered they are being polluted by waste from the town's tannery. He writes an article exposing the contamination for the local newspaper, the ''Messenger'', but the staff is intimidated by Stockmann's brother Peter, the town mayor. Peter offers to use the springs' revenue to implement the changes his brother wants if Thomas will keep quiet, but the doctor remains uncompromising.

Thomas calls a town meeting to spread the news, but his brother and the newspaper's publishers shout him down and deride him, and he is unable to state his case. The townspeople treat the previously respected and popular Stockmann family as pariahs – his daughter is dismissed from school and rocks are thrown through the windows of their house. Thomas' family members remain loyal to him, however, and decide against emigrating to America. Instead, they decide to stay in the town and wait for Thomas' discovery to be proved in time. As they celebrate their decision, a fresh hail of stones comes through the family home's windows.

The Week of the Sphinx

Gloria is a young waitress who works in a restaurant, has a passion for puzzles and daydreams; the girl delights, causing the ire of her boss, in posing various riddles to the customers, without however anyone being able to solve them. One day Aeolus arrives for lunch, an antenna player with a reputation as a womanizer, and manages to win Gloria's heart; but Aeolus, allergic to lasting relationships, leaves the girl after only one night together, without even saying goodbye.

Gloria, seduced and abandoned, quits her job and sets out in search of her beloved. He travels all over Italy, crossing seas and mountains, beaches and convents, getting to know all kinds of humanity. After a long chase, the girl finally manages to find Aeolus, who, struck by her determination, falls in love with her in turn. But by now it's too late: Gloria, having reached her goal, runs away, returning to be a waitress and to dream of a new adventure.

Bestia (1917 film)

Pola Basnikov is an adolescent girl living with her parents. She likes to stay out late and rabblerouse with her friends, to the worry of her parents. One night she and her father get into a fight, so Pola decides to run away. Her boyfriend, Dmitri, helps her get lodging at a hotel. Pola gets him drunk, takes all his money, and leaves, leaving behind a note promising to pay him back. Pola gets work as a model at a modeling studio, which opens up work for her as a cabaret dancer. One of the cabaret's patrons, a married man named Alexi, is taken by Pola, and the two engage in an affair, with Pola unaware that Alexi already has a family. Once Alexi gets the courage to leave his wife, he and Pola go to Cafe de Paris to celebrate. There, her old boyfriend, Dmitri, waits on them, but does not recognize Pola. Pola repays the money she took from him, leaving it with a note on the table. When Dmitri finds the money and the note, he is enraged and plans to take revenge on Pola. Meanwhile, Alexi's wife, Sonya, grants him a divorce, and moves in with her mother, only to become deathly ill. Pola learns that Alexi is married and casts him off, not realizing that he has already left his family for her. Soon after, the vengeful ex-boyfriend Dmitri kills Pola. Alexi tries to reconcile with his wife, only to learn that she has succumbed to her illness and has died.

Der Gelbe Schein

Pola Negri plays Lea, a bright adolescent girl who lives in the Jewish ghetto of Warsaw with her ill father. She loves to read, and intends to study medicine at a university in St. Petersburg in the hopes of making her father well again. Her father dies suddenly and her tutor, Ossip Storki, is called away to work for the governor. When she goes to Russia, she learns that Jewish women are only allowed to work as sex workers with the benefit of a "yellow passport", otherwise they will be taken to prison. She applies for a yellow passport and takes up residency at a brothel. Upon finding the identification papers of her tutor's deceased sister Sophie in a book her tutor gave her, Lea applies to the University with the deceased sister's identification papers and is accepted. So begins an unhappy life of studying by day and receiving scholastic honors, while reluctantly working as a party girl at night. Her fellow students, including a boy named Dimitri who is in love with her, then find her out. Dimitri in particular is crushed to learn of Lea's double life. Lea realizes that this will be the end of her scholastic career, and attempts suicide.

Dimitri goes to their professor, Peter Zukowski, to tell him of Lea's double life. Prof. Zukowski then ruminates over his own double life, having fathered an illegitimate child 19 years prior with a fellow student named Lydia. He does not know what became of either Lydia or the child. Meanwhile, Lea's former tutor Storki learns that his deceased sister has allegedly received a gold medal for her studies at the University in St. Petersburg. Storki is suspicious and asks for a leave of absence from his work to investigate the matter. A meeting between Stroki and Prof. Zukowski reveals that Lea is actually the professor's long lost daughter. The next day, Lea is brought to the University for an emergency operation. The professor learns on the spot this it is Lea, his daughter, that he has to save from death. The surgery is successful, and Lea recovers, with both her father and her admirer Dimitri at her side.

Sappho (film)

Richard De La Croix has a brother, Andreas, who has been driven insane by a notorious vamp and socialite named Sappho. A man-about-town named Teddy takes Richard to the Odeon to meet her, but when Sappho actually meets Richard, he is unaware that she is the woman who drove Andreas insane. Sappho genuinely falls in love with Richard, and decides to leave her vampy ways behind her so that she can have him.

Sappho casts off her previous lover, an automobile company owner named Bertink, as she does. Richard and Sappho run off and engage in an affair. In the midst of their escapade, Bertink approaches Richard and lets him know that the woman he is with is the same one that drove his brother Andreas insane, and that he, Bertink, is the man that she left Andreas for. Richard is horrified and immediately terminates his relationship with Sappho.

Sappho tries to return to Bertink but is turned away, so she seeks out Teddy, Richard's man-about-town friend, and starts a rebound relationship with him. Meanwhile, Richard returns home to marry his childhood sweetheart, but then balks at the wedding supper and runs off in search of Sappho. All this time, Andreas, the mad brother, is having troubled dreams about Sappho in the lunatic asylum where he is kept. When Richard starts on his search for Sappho, Andres intuitively senses that someone is going after her, so he breaks out of the lunatic asylum and also starts to search for Sappho.

Richard finds Sappho at a ball with Teddy, and starts questioning her about her newest lover, before breaking down and admitting that she is the only woman he really loves. Andreas, the mad brother, barges in on this reunion, and manages to lock Richard out of the room. Alone with Sappho, Andreas attacks her, and in the process of doing so accidentally kills her.

A Delicate Truth

In 2008, Toby Bell, the Private Secretary to junior Foreign Office minister Fergus Quinn, becomes suspicious of his superior's behavior following a meeting with businessman Jay Crispin—founder of the private security firm Ethical Outcomes—and the company's financier, Miss Maisie, an independently wealthy, Islamophobic American evangelical. Digging into Quinn's history, Bell learns that Quinn had previously been involved in a minor scandal related to Ethical Outcomes at his previous posting. Under the guidance of his mentor, Giles Oakley, Bell secretly records a conversation between Quinn, Crispin, and an intelligence liaison code named "Paul" about a planned covert operation codenamed ''Wildlife.'' When Bell attempts to turn the recording over to Oakley, who has been researching Ethical Outcomes himself, he tells him to forget everything he has learned and drop the matter.

Without Bell's knowledge, ''Wildlife'' takes place in Gibraltar, where a company of British Special Forces under the command of a man named Jeb are tasked with helping an Ethical Outcomes team of American mercenaries with extracting a high-ranking jihadist arms dealer allegedly squatting in an abandoned vacation home. As Paul—acting as a neutral liaison between English and American intelligence—observes from a blind, a strike team lays siege to the house. He is assured that the operation is a complete success and that the jihadist has been taken alive for questioning.

Three years later, "Paul"—revealed to be a low-ranking career diplomat named Sir Christopher "Kit" Probyn—is living in retirement in Cornwall, where he comes across Jeb during a county fair. Now homeless and living in his van, Jeb informs Paul that, contrary to what he was told, the intelligence was faulty and the "jihadist" was, in fact, a refugee woman hiding with her infant daughter, both of whom were shot to death after a premature call to open fire. In the aftermath, their bodies were quietly disposed of and Quinn blamed for the operation's failure, with no attempts made to identify the victims and no responsibility accepted by either the American or British governments.

Probyn contacts Jay Crispin, who tells him that nobody was killed and that Jeb is mentally unstable and suffering from war-related PTSD. Jeb later meets Probyn in secret and provides him with a detailed account of the botched operation; the two decide to meet and write a complete report on ''Wildlife'' that they will present to the Ministry of Defence. When Jeb fails to show up at the meeting, Probyn contacts Toby Bell.

Probyn is surprised to discover that Bell was kept in the dark about ''Wildlife'' and that all his knowledge about it comes from the secret recording. Acting on Probyn's behalf, Bell looks for Jeb, only to discover that he allegedly committed suicide the day of his planned meeting with Probyn. Inconsistencies regarding his manner of death lead Bell to believe that he was murdered by Crispin with the acquiescence of the local police. Following a lead given to him by Jeb's widow, Bell retrieves photos Jeb took of the bodies and contacts "Shorty," another soldier who was present at Wildlife and disturbed by the outcome. Bell further reconnects with Giles Oakley, now a private banker, for advice; Bell learns that a guilt-stricken Oakley has suffered a nervous breakdown and the two part ways after Oakley makes awkward sexual overtures towards Bell. Over the course of the investigation, Bell grows close to Emily, Kit's daughter, an emergency room doctor concerned that her father is getting in over his head.

Posing as a reporter, Bell arranges a meeting with Shorty, intending to get him to speak on the record about the botched operation. Meanwhile, Probyn attempts to trigger an official investigation by communicating his half of the ''Wildlife'' dossier to the Foreign Office, but is rebuffed and threatened with a secret trial. Bell meets with Shorty, revealed to have accepted a high-paying job at Ethical Outcomes in exchange for his silence. Shorty assists Crispin's mercenaries in abducting Bell and taking him to a compound in North London, where Bell is offered a similar arrangement. Realizing that Crispin is panicking and that he overstepped his bounds with Jeb's murder, Bell refuses to drop the matter and returns home. That night, he's beaten nearly to the point of death by Crispin's mercenaries as a warning not to go any further.

Bell is rescued by Emily, who arrives to check in on him after learning about her father's ordeal with the Foreign Office. As Emily tends to Bell's wounds, Giles Oakley arrives, having suffered a crisis of conscience and stolen the "Aftermath and Recommendations" dossier on ''Wildlife'' that outlines the failure of the operation. His own computer having been compromised, Emily takes Toby to an internet cafe, where they email his recording, Jeb's photos, and Giles' dossier to several press outlets in the United Kingdom and the United States. Hearing police sirens coming from all directions, Bell and Emily wonder if the authorities are coming for them, or if they are simply responding to an unrelated emergency.

Dino Time

Ernie Fitzpatrick (Pamela Adlon) is a daredevil kid who lives in Terra Dino with his best friend Max Santiago (Yuri Lowenthal) and his sister Julia (Tara Strong) who likes to tattle on him. Ernie and Julia live with their overprotective mother Sue (Jane Lynch), who has been chosen as the mother of the year. Ernie is told to go to the store after school to keep an eye on it, but he disobeys orders and goes with Max to the Terra Dino Museum to sneak into a forbidden area still under construction to see the bones of the ferocious Sarcosuchus. Julia follows them there and uses a quarter that Ernie gave her to set off the alarm. Julia is able to escape while Ernie and Max get caught by the guards, and Sue grounds Ernie for three weeks. Ernie disobeys orders once more by sneaking out of the house.

Ernie goes to Max's house to see if his father Dr. Santiago (Fred Tatasciore) has had any success with activating a time machine he built four years ago. While Ernie and Max admire the time machine, Julia, who followed Ernie, reveals herself and attempts to call Sue. When Ernie and Max try to stop her, the former ends up spilling soda on the time machine's control panel, activating it and sending the kids back in time 65 million years ago, to the time of the dinosaurs.

Upon exiting the time machine, the kids meet a friendly Tyrannosaurus named Tyra (Melanie Griffith) who runs an orphanage for dinosaurs without parents. Among the orphans is a hyperactive dinosaur (Rob Schneider) who quickly befriends the kids. Tyra decides to take the kids in as her own, but the other dinosaurs do not think that the kids can protect them from the evil Sarcosuchus Brothers, Sarco (William Baldwin) and Surly (Stephen Baldwin). The brothers reside in the lower valley, and because their lair is sinking into the tar pits ever so slowly, they plan to kill Tyra so they can move into and take over the upper valley. The brothers' three bird henchmen Morris (Nolan North), Borace (Tom Kenny) and Horace (John DiMaggio) find out about Tyra's "newborn babies", and because they mistake the time machine for a real egg, the brothers decide to have their henchmen steal it so they can lure Tyra to their lair and kill her. Back in the present, Sue and Dr. Santiago discover their kids' disappearances and learn that Tyra's real egg has switched places with the time machine.

Ernie, wanting to explore the environment before they leave, hides the power key of the time machine in his pocket and tells a lie that it's missing. The kids sneak away from Tyra early in the morning to "look" for the power key, but they run into the hyperactive dinosaur from earlier who accidentally causes them to fall into a river. Because the dinosaur helps the kids dodge several boulders scattered throughout the river, they decide to name him Dodger. Unbeknownst to Ernie, however, the power key falls out of his pocket while he's in the river, and it is found by Horace who swallows it. After Tyra takes everyone back to her nest, the kids and Dodger decide to have some fun while Ernie is busy looking for the power key. At the same time, Sue and Dr. Santiago start building their own time machine out of Sue's car.

The next day, the group spot tracks from Morris and his gang and follow them, but it turns out to be a trick so that the henchmen can steal the time machine. As they are leaving, however, Horace spits out the power key. When the group return to the nest, Ernie finds the power key and reveals his earlier deception, angering Julia and Max. The kids become horrified to find the time machine gone and start to worry that they're trapped in the prehistoric era until Ernie gets the idea to make a landmark containing instructions to activating the time machine. By writing it on a place that's still in the present time, their parents will see it and discover how to find them. The kids decide to write the landmark on Mystery Rock, the center of Terra Dino, but before they can do so, Julia is captured by Morris and his gang to lure Tyra to the lower valley since stealing the time machine didn't work. Once the kids and Tyra reach the Sarco Brothers' lair, Tyra fights the brothers and knocks them unconscious. The kids and Tyra then attempt to escape, but Ernie gets separated from the group when Morris and his gang start chasing him. Before the henchmen can eat him, however, Dodger plays a trick on them, scaring the henchmen and causing them to fall into a tar pit.

Meanwhile, Tyra's real egg hatches in Dr. Santiago's house, and the newborn escapes and starts causing mayhem. Sue and Dr. Santiago are able to capture it with hamburgers from the Burgersaurus restaurant, but they still fail to activate the time machine. Upon seeing a landmark on Mystery Rock, however, Sue realizes that spilling soda on the controls activates the time machine. Back in the lower valley, the kids run into the Sarco Brothers again after they regain consciousness. Knowing Tyra will die fighting the brothers alone, the kids forego their chance to return home so they can help her, resulting in the time machine sinking into a tar pit. After having Julia blind Surly, Ernie throws his rocket-powered skateboard into his mouth and activates it, causing the ignition from the skateboard to blast Surly into the lava and kill him. Sarco goes for another attack but is stopped by Tyra, who is badly weakened. When Sue and Dr. Santiago arrive in the lower valley, Tyra regains her strength and kills Sarco by pushing him into a tar pit. Sue initially thinks that Tyra is an enemy, but once the kids clear up the misunderstanding, they all leave the lower valley together and return to the upper valley. Before the humans return to the present time, Dr. Santiago reunites Tyra with her real baby.

As the humans head back home, Ernie reveals to Sue that he did not write the landmark because he went to save Julia. They soon learn that Dodger is the one who did it when they see him in the time machine with them.

Ninjago: Skybound

Clouse (who is now a ghost escaped from the Cursed Realm) finds the Teapot of Tyrahn and frees the evil Djinn, Nadakhan. He grants Clouse three wishes, trapping him inside the teapot and then searches for the Realm Crystal to reunite his crew of sky pirates. When he discovers that the ninja are protecting it, he frames them, which results in them becoming wanted criminals. The ninja split up to escape but Nadakhan imprisons Wu and Misako in the teapot.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 1 "Infamous" Nadakhan finds the Realm Crystal in the Hiroshi Labyrinth Stronghold. In Kryptarium Prison, the ninja meet Captain Soto, who explains that they must use a drop of Tiger Widow venom to weaken Nadakhan, so they head for the location of the last Tiger Widow spider. Nadakhan frees his crew from across the Sixteen Realms and they repair Misfortune's Keep. They visit his home realm and kingdom, Djinjago and discover that it is deteriorating, caused by the ninja destroying the Cursed Realm. Khanjkhan gives Nadakhan the Djinn Blade, which Nadakhan uses to slash the Teapot of Tyrahn, causing the souls of Clouse, Wu, and Misako to transfer into the sword. He returns to Ninjago and swears revenge on the ninja.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 3 "Enkrypted"

Nadakhan tricks Jay into making his first wish. To impress Nya, Jay wishes he was rich and was never born in a junkyard and, as a result, discovers that he was adopted and that his real father is a famous actor. Nadakhan then traps Kai and Zane in his sword. He begins his plan to create New Djinjago by raising pieces of Ninjago into the sky.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 4 "Misfortune Rising" The ninja reach Tiger Widow Island and Jay extracts the venom. He is imprisoned on Misfortune's Keep.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 5 "On a Wish and a Prayer" Nadakhan reveals his plan to wed Nya (who resembles his lost love Delara), which will give him the power of infinite wishes. Lloyd, Jay, Cole and Nya are captured by the sky pirates and they waste their remaining wishes in combat, aside from Jay, who still has one wish remaining. Nadakhan traps Lloyd and Cole inside the sword, leaving only Jay and Nya still free. They escape by creating a fusion dragon of water and lightning.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 7 "Wishmasters" In their last stand against the sky pirates, Nya pushes Jay into a portal and is captured.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 8 "The Last Resort"

Jay gathers allies and they reach New Djinjago on a rising piece of land. He obtains the Djinn Blade and is struck with it to be transported into the blade to release the Ninja, Wu and Misako.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 9 "Operation Land Ho!" The wedding ceremony is completed and Nadakhan becomes all powerful with the ability of infinite wishes. In the ensuing battle, Flintlocke shoots Nadakhan with the venom, but Nya is also hit and dies in Jay's arms. Jay makes a final wish that the Teapot of Tyrahn had never been found. As a result, Nadakhan is forced to grant Jay his final wish, which causes the entire season's events to be reversed. Only Jay and Nya remember these events and they embrace. Clouse finds the teapot, but is chased away by locals, ensuring that Nadakhan is never released again.Ninjago, Season 6, Episode 10 "The Way Back"

Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab?

The game begins with Dexter's rival, Mandark, breaking into Dexter's laboratory and attempting to destroy it by reprogramming the lab's Computer to block Dexter from entering. This works, and Dexter is unable to enter without the right password to which he has to mimic Mandark's voice. After retrieving his voice-modulating invention from Dee Dee's cootie-ridden room, he has to dance with her in order to convince her to guess the password. Acquiring it, he successfully gets into the lab.

Finding that nothing in his lab responds to him now, he has to clear the computer systems of rogue atoms and get rid of a cyber bug that is destroying the system from the inside. Eventually he finds Mandark, who uses an early invention of Dexter's (an age-changing device) to turn Dexter into an old man. Though hindered, he is able to recharge the machine after first powering it through reliving memories.

Turned back into his normal age, he finds Mandark again, discovering that he has set a bomb to go off to destroy Dexter's large fish tank, filled with salt water that will destroy the lab. Dee Dee, having followed closely, suggests a game of wills against the two, bribing Mandark to play by promising to kiss him; if Mandark loses, he must give up the code that will deactivate the bomb. Losing to Dexter in both a chemistry experiment and ice hockey, Mandark gives a moot code in response. However, Dexter had seen through it and has successfully deactivated the bomb, saving the lab. Defeated, Mandark leaves while vowing revenge. Though all seems well, the game ends with Dee Dee angering Dexter by trashing one of his equipments.

My Whole Life Is Thunder

Jenna is incensed that Liz's unexpected wedding the day before has upstaged her plans for a surprise wedding to fiancé Paul L'astnamé. As a peace offering, Liz invites Jenna to accompany her to her receipt of an award honoring the "80 Under 80" from an organization called Women in Media. Jenna plans to get her revenge by disrupting the ceremony with a surprise wedding, but Liz is able to thwart her plan with unflattering stage lighting. Jenna eventually admits that she is having trouble adjusting the new power balance in their relationship as Liz has more success in her life. The award ceremony features cameos from Pat Battle, Judy Gold, Gayle King, Sue Simmons, and Wendy Williams.

Jack's mother (Elaine Stritch) comes to visit and continually warns she will not live much longer, much to his annoyance. When she does in fact pass away during the visit, Jack deals with his grief by resolving to perform the greatest eulogy of all time. He is successful through the means of emotional stories, comedic anecdotes, a flute solo of Danny Boy, an unseen performance from Sir Paul McCartney and the Harlem Boys Choir, and a lesson on the afterlife from Kermit the Frog. Despite his success the end of the service is interrupted by Jenna and Paul's surprise wedding which Jack allows as his mother would have hated it.

Kenneth tells Tracy he is upset that girlfriend Hazel lost her job at ''TGS'' and then dumped him. Tracy tries to cheer him up by making life more like TV, where people never leave, including by bringing in old TV star Florence Henderson. When Tracy "recasts" the "role" of Hazel with a new woman, Kenneth realizes how much his friend cares for him.

Gadis Desa

Abu Bakar (Ali Joego) attempts to evict Amat after the latter falls behind on his rent, only to fall in love with Amat's beautiful daughter Aisah (Ratna Ruthinah). He says that she shall work as his maid, although he intends to make her his second wife. Rusli (Basuki Zaelani), Aisah's cousin and a manservant at Abu Bakar's home, discovers this plan and tells Abu Bakar's wife. Aisah is sent back to her village and Rusli, who has fallen in love with her, proposes.

Queen of Hearts (Once Upon a Time)

Opening Sequence

The waters of Lake Nostos erupt from the ground in the forest.

In the Characters' Past

At the Evil Queen's (Lana Parrilla) fortress, Captain Hook/Killian Jones (Colin O'Donoghue) kills a guard in order to reach Belle (Emilie de Ravin), who is imprisoned there. Upon learning that she has no information that can help him kill Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle), he prepares to kill her, but is disarmed of his hook by the Evil Queen/Regina who asks for his help in casting the Dark Curse. He agrees after she explains that the Dark One will be rendered an easily killed mortal man by the curse. His assignment is to travel to Wonderland via Jefferson's hat and kill her mother, Cora (Barbara Hershey), whom Regina previously banished to that land. She enchants his hook so that it can be used to remove Cora's heart, and no more than one heart. He is sent with the corpse of the guard he killed, so that he can bring Cora's body back in accordance with the hat's "one goes in, one comes back" rule.

In Wonderland, Hook is brought before the Queen of Hearts, who reveals herself to be Cora. Hook attacks her with the enchanted hook, but fails to remove her heart as she does not keep it in her chest. She takes hold of his heart and forces him to divulge everything. After he tells her everything, she does not take control of him, as she knows Regina would detect it. Instead, she convinces him to side with her by explaining that Regina's curse would strip him of his identity, rendering him unable to exact his revenge, while Cora offers a guarantee of that revenge. Hook agrees to get Cora close enough to Regina to rip her heart out.

Hook brings Cora, who is feigning death, to Regina, and leaves them alone. Regina then confesses to her mother's "body" that she still loves her, but needed her dead because of Cora's own advice that "love is weakness," and Regina cannot allow herself to have a weakness if her plans are to succeed. Regina leaves and Hook returns to ask why Cora didn't kill her. She explains that matters have changed and takes him to another part of the Enchanted Forest to erect a magical barrier that will protect them from the curse. Cora explains that the curse is destined to be broken after 28 years, during which they will be frozen. Once the curse is broken, Cora will reconcile with her daughter, who will be distraught over her defeat, and "help her pick up the pieces." (The magical barrier created by Cora explains what Mulan was saying in the first episode about that section of the land not being affected by the curse.)

In the Enchanted Forest

Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin), Aurora (Sarah Bolger), and Mulan (Jamie Chung) reach Rumplestiltskin's cell, and Emma learns for the first time that he knew beforehand that she would be the savior. They search for the squid ink, but find only an empty container and a scroll with the name "Emma," written over and over. Aurora suddenly activates the mechanism that seals the enchanted cell, and Cora and Hook arrive and take the compass from them. Cora reveals that she holds Aurora's heart, and Hook insists that he would not have betrayed Emma. He now holds the giant's dead bean, which he likens to her and to their former association before he departs with Cora. Emma laments that her role in breaking the curse was all part of Rumplestiltskin's plan, and that she's not a hero who can rescue them now. Mary Margaret then realizes that the scroll is the same type of magical document as the spell book she watched Cora use when she was a little girl. Blowing across the scroll, Mary Margaret is able to use the copies of Emma's name, which Rumpelstiltskin wrote with the squid ink, as a spell to destroy the cell's door. Aurora insists that the others tie her up and leave her since she can't be trusted as long as Cora has her heart. Mulan reluctantly agrees, but vows to return the heart to her.

Cora and Hook travel to the dry basin of Lake Nostos, whose waters held the power to restore that which was lost. Cora magically causes water to erupt from underground. Hook pours the magical ashes into the new lake, and a portal opens. Emma, Mary Margaret, and Mulan arrive and a fierce battle ensues over the compass. Hook gives Aurora's heart to Mulan as a ploy to even the odds. Mulan immediately leaves to restore the heart to Aurora, but gives her sword, which is powerful enough to deflect Cora's magic, to Mary Margaret. Emma bests Hook in single combat and knocks him unconscious. Then Cora renews her attack and declares her intention to give Regina Mary Margaret's heart. Emma interposes herself at the last minute, so Cora reaches into her chest instead. Cora mocks them, reminding them that love is weakness. But when Cora cannot pull Emma's heart out, Emma realizes that love is strength and a burst of magic comes from her and knocks Cora back. Emma and Mary Margaret take the compass and jump into the portal.

Mulan restores Aurora's heart to her and frees her from the cell. Aurora then reveals that Cora told her that the soul of a wraith's victim can be reunited with its body and they agree to try and restore the soul of Prince Phillip.

At Lake Nostos, Hook suggests that he and Cora use the lake to restore the petrified magic bean he took from the giant.

In Storybrooke

Mr. Gold proposes a plan to destroy the portal to prevent Cora from traveling to Storybrooke, and Regina reluctantly agrees, convinced that it is the best way to protect Henry (Jared S. Gilmore), even though the portal's destruction will kill anyone who attempts to use the portal, including Emma and Mary Margaret. She lies to Henry about her plans, claiming she is preparing for his mother and grandmother's return, and he praises her for having changed. Regina and Gold go into the mines and Gold uses his stolen fairy wand to draw all the power from the diamonds. The Seven Dwarves soon discover the theft of the magic, and they, along with Ruby (Meghan Ory), inform Henry, who realizes that his mother lied. Henry declares that they must stop her and protect Emma and Mary Margaret.

Gold brings Regina to the well in the woods, which will be the location of the portal, and casts a spell that creates a deadly energy. Henry and Ruby arrive and Henry convinces Regina to have faith in his belief that Emma and Mary Margaret will defeat Cora and be the ones to come back into Storybrooke. Regina absorbs the energy of the spell and it dissipates just in time for Emma and Mary Margaret to emerge. Henry explains that Regina saved them, and Emma thanks her. Ruby takes Mary Margaret to David, and she successfully awakens him with true love's kiss.

Emma confronts Gold over his manipulations. He acknowledges that his plots have involved her from the beginning, but he reveals that he did not control her destiny or make her what she is, rather, he simply took advantage of his knowledge of the fact that, as the product of true love, she would be an exceptional and powerful individual. Henry accepts that Regina has changed, and he embraces her. But when he, his family, and the Dwarfs leave with Ruby for a celebratory dinner, a despondent Regina is left behind and Gold mocks her. The happy group walks to Granny's, but unfortunately, Hook's plan to use the bean had worked; his ship, bearing him and Cora, is seen heading straight towards Storybrooke.

Celestial Navigation (novel)

This story is set in the 1960s in a Baltimore rowhouse/boarding house, owned by Mrs. Pauling, the mother of an artistic 38-year-old man, Jeremy Pauling, who never left home. Jeremy is painfully shy, and has many symptoms of agoraphobia and of autism. The story begins with the death of Jeremy's mother and the funeral arrangements that needed to be handled by his two out-of-town sisters, Amanda and Laura. Amanda is unsympathetic to her brother's inability to come out of his shell, and attempts to persuade him to leave the boarding house and live with her and her sister in Richmond. Jeremy refuses and remains in the house. We meet many of the boarders who form a family of sorts and assist Jeremy in running the boarding house. But a new boarder, Mary Tell and her preschool daughter, Darcy, begin to inspire Jeremy in a new way. Mary has left her husband to live with a new lover, John, who has promised to divorce his wife and marry her. While John is supposedly arranging his divorce, he places Mary and Darcy in Jeremy's boarding house. When John returns to his wife, Mary and Darcy are left rather crushed and somewhat destitute, with no options but to remain in their boarding house room. Mary becomes anxious about her financial situation and the difficulty of raising Darcy under these conditions, but Jeremy and the other boarders help and support her in various ways. In the meantime, Jeremy has fallen in love with Mary, but is totally lost as to how to pursue his love.

Gone (NCIS)

A Naval Officer is murdered while attempting to prevent the kidnapping of his teenage daughter Lydia and her friend Rosie. Lydia escapes but witnesses the murder and Rosie is taken.

The team begins a search for the girl, at first suspecting a registered sex offender who had been stalking Rosie online, but he is cleared. Lydia repeatedly tries, without success, to give a description of the kidnappers. Ziva takes in the young girl whose mother is away serving on a carrier, and helps her cope with the loss of her father.

After learning that the abduction is related to human trafficking, Gibbs seeks the help of Miranda Pennebaker (Alex Kingston), a woman involved in illegal sales. She denies ever selling human beings but is able to steer him in the right direction.

Later, when one of the kidnappers is found dead after Rosie managed to use his phone to send a text message for help, Gibbs tells Ziva and Abby to stay with Lydia at his house and keep her safe. A man breaks into the house but is quickly taken down and brought in for questioning. Identified as a friend of Lydia and Rosie's families, he confesses to having been approached by human traffickers, who had offered him half a million dollars in exchange for helping them find two girls and to driving the van used to kidnap them. He had broken into the safe house after hearing that Lydia might be able to identify him.

With information from the man in custody, the team manages to arrest the kidnappers before Rosie is sold.

Meanwhile, Tony becomes jealous when he learns that Ziva is making plans with Shmeil, a friend from Israel. Shmeil turns out to be an elderly man who has known Ziva since she was three and they both invite Tony to have dinner with them.

Red Hood: The Lost Days

Jason Todd is reawakened from death, as he is taken care of by Talia al Ghul he plans to take revenge on those who hurt him in life.

Sirat Sayf ibn Dhi-Yazan

The story revolves around three main locations which form cycles. Yemen, the land of origin, forms the departure point for the epic which gets going very quickly with the voyage of Dhū Yazan, father of the hero, to Abyssinia – this is the second location of the epic where all the events take place linked with the youth of the hero. Finally the Egyptian cycle begins with the quest for the Book of the Nile; if Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan find this book, he will be able to sail down the course of the Nile as far as Egypt the pure land and refuge of the hero and of his peers tyrannized by the Negus Sayfa Ar'ed.

The Yemeni Cycle

The romance opens with a prologue retracing the conquests of Dhū Yazan, the hero’s father, in Yemen and further afield in Arabia. We are told how he and his armies were converted to monotheism thanks to his vizier Yathrib, a learned man who had read the holy books, and who believed in the imminent arrival of the Prophet Muḥammad. They followed a kind of Islam even before Islam which was known as the ‘Religion of Abraham (Ibrāhīm)’, which the hero has as his mission to defend and to propagate everywhere. Once Dhū Yazan has converted he allows his vizier to found the city of Yathrib, which would become the future Medina, city of Muḥammad. The victorious conquests of Dhū Yazan take him as far as Abyssinia. Having fallen for the charms of this region he settles and founds the city of al-Hamra, incurring the wrath of Sayfa Ar’ed, the ruler of the kingdom. He marries Qamarīyah, a sorceress sent by Sayfa Ar'ed to poison him but who fails in her mission Despite everything she manages to make him fall in love with her and he names he his regent after his death. Eager to achieve power for herself, a few months later she abandons their infant Sayf in the desert.

The Abyssinian Cycle

Sayf is then found by an Ethiopian king, Afrah, who raises him like his own son and calls him Wash Al-Fala, completely unaware of the identity and the royal origins of Sayf. Sayf is brought up bearing his new name and falls in love with his milk sister, the daughter of Afrah, called Shamah. After waiting for his reputation to grow sufficiently, Wash Al-Fala asks for the hand of Shamah. In order to prove that he deserves this he is given a series of tasks. During the course of one of these Wash Al-Fala gets to know a hermit who reveals to him the secret of his birth and his true identity. Wash Al-Fala resumes his original name Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan, converts to Islam and takes his destiny into his own hands. Here the story is actually about the doctrine of predestination. But the negus Sayfa Ar’ed does not see this possible union in a good light because he is afraid that Sayf will realize the curse of Noah through the descendants of his son Shem on his son Ham, the Abyssinians. The tests given to Sayf were actually intended to prevent any notion of marriage and to get rid of the young man. These adventures lead to the Egyptian Cycle through the quest for the Book of the History of the Nile.

The Egyptian Cycle

Now the hero has the mission to redirect the waters of the Nile, held back by the Ethiopians, back towards Egypt. The adventures centering on this quest form the myth of the foundation of Egypt. Sayf, with the aid of beings with supernatural powers manages to free the waters of the Nile and directs them into Egypt, making a prosperous and rich land where he settles.

Once this mission has been completed Sayf marries Shamah, and then he and his descendants are able to put their minds towards the third part of his work: propagating Islam. After having passed on his power to his son Miṣr (whose name means literally "Egypt"). Sayf retires alone to a mountain where he can dedicate himself to his faith.

The Beginner's Goodbye

Aaron Woolcott is an editor for a publisher of books with the beginner in mind. After the death of Aaron's wife, Dorothy, he thinks there should be a beginner's guide to dealing with the death of a spouse.

The Truth About Markets

''The Truth About Markets'' looks at why market economies performed better than socialist or centrally directed ones. The book looks at markets in a number of different settings around the world.

Birthrights (play)

At twenty-nine, Helen has a vital operation that stops her from having what she desperately wants: a child. Her younger sister Claudia gives her a wonderful gift when she agrees to be a surrogate mother. But what happens when, years later, Claudia discovers that she and her husband Martin cannot conceive and that Kelly, the child she gave to her sister, is the only baby she will ever bear?

When Dad Married Fury

Two brothers, engineer Ian and arts lecturer Ben, are upset when their father Alan, marries an American woman, Fury, half his age who is a fundamentalist Christian. Ben's wife Laura blames Alan for the suicide of her father. Matters are complicated by Laura's mother Judy, Ian's corporate lawyer wife Sue, Laura and Ben's daughter Adele and her girlfriend Sonya.

Parole Girl

When Sylvia Day (Mae Clarke) is caught trying to pull a scam on the Taylor Department Store in New York City, she pleads with the store manager to let her go, but his boss, Joe Smith (Ralph Bellamy), insists on following store policy, and she is handed over to the police, convicted and sentenced to a year in prison. Sylvia is consumed with the idea of getting revenge on Joe.

She becomes friends with chatty fellow inmate Jeanie Vance (Marie Prevost), who offers to team up with her and commit more crimes once they have served their time. When Sylvia learns that Jeanie has a surprising connection to Joe, she decides to get out early. She sets a fire, then passes out from the smoke while trying to put it out. For her "heroism", she is granted parole.

Tony Gratton (Hale Hamilton), her partner in the failed con, tries to talk her into marrying him and going to Chicago to continue their life of crime, but she is determined to avenge herself. Besides, she knows that Tony is already married.

Sylvia stalks Joe, learning all she can about him. Then, she pretends to be an old acquaintance at a nightclub where Joe is celebrating his promotion to general manager by getting drunk. The next morning, Joe discovers her in his apartment. She informs him that they have gotten married. Joe laughs, then tells her that he already has a wife. She tells him she knows (it is Jeanie), then reveals her motives. Tony shows up, masquerading as the person who married them; he gives Joe the marriage license the couple supposedly left behind. Threatened with a charge of bigamy, Joe reluctantly agrees to support Sylvia for a year, the length of her parole.

Tony tries again to get Sylvia to be his partner in crime. When she refuses, he slips a counterfeit $20 bill in her purse. Sylvia goes on a shopping spree and pays for some of her purchases with the bill. Joe is unhappy when he sees all her purchases and asks her to be reasonable in light of his paycheque and send them back to the store. She was going to do it but then changes her mind. The fake money is traced back to her, but when a policeman shows up to take her back to jail, Joe pretends that she took the money out of his pants pocket. As a store manager, he deals with counterfeit money all the time. His ploy to win her over with kindness works and Jeanie sends back her extravagant purchases.

Later, Joe calls her from the office and asks her for a favor. Mr. Taylor (Ferdinand Gottschalk), the store's somewhat eccentric owner, has found out that Joe is married, so he is coming to dinner at their apartment. While Sylvia is cooking, Jeanie arrives. Her friend has been released early and intends to blackmail her husband (whom she married long ago while he was in college and then lost track of), once she can locate him, before heading to Florida with Sylvia. Sylvia gets her to leave before Joe and Mr. Taylor show up (early) by promising to give her a decision the next day. Taylor insists on doing the cooking; he is fed up with being waited on by servants. He becomes very fond of the couple and hints at a promotion to vice president if they were to have a baby.

The next day, Sylvia persuades Jeanie that it is too dangerous to try blackmail in New York because of her record and agrees to go with her to Florida. Sylvia leaves a letter for Joe explaining everything, ending with the admission "I love you". On the train, however, Jeanie reveals that she divorced Joe without his knowledge. Sylvia gets off and rushes back to the apartment; Joe has already read the letter and takes her in his arms.

Hot Rod Gang

John Abernathy III needs to lead a blameless life to inherit his father's estate, but he also engages in hot rod car racing.

A Trip Without a Load

A young novice Muscovite journalist, Pavel Sirotkin, (Aleksandr Demyanenko) is assigned to write an article on the editorial board of the northern timber industry driver, leading toiler Nikolay Khromov (Georgi Yumatov). Ending up in the harsh winter conditions of work and life, at first Sirotkin by chance is confronted with merely with negative developments, and then with outright fraud in the timber industry. Front-rank Khromov is a shrewd operator who deftly manipulates the mileage account, and the company's director Akim Sevastyanovich (Anatoliy Papanov) is a cunning and resourceful chief for whom implementation of the plan at any price is a principle of leadership. The journalist is to choose between precise execution of the assigned task or staying true to his principles.

After gathering enough facts about the activities of some self-serving timber industry workers which is sufficient for an exposing and devastating article, Sirotkin notifies Akim Sevastyanovich. Director of the forestry administration tries to dissuade Pavel in his findings. When this does not work, he gives Khromov the task of driving Sirotkin by car to the district center, hinting that he is interested in the disappearance of the journalist.

It seems that fate gives a chance to Khromov to bury all evidence of his misdeeds with impunity. It is possible to just leave the inexperienced urban dweller in the snow-covered taiga far from settlements and to allow him to freeze. The moral conflict of the journalist and chauffeur approaches critical mass. But suddenly the truck loses all gasoline because of a malfunction and stops in the middle of the frozen river and the vast plains. The short day passes, the snowstorm begins and the long night is approaching, the temperature drops to minus 40 degrees Celsius. Khromov and Sirotkin face the prospect of freezing to death before they are found or to survive at any cost. In this situation manifest the true psychological and human qualities of each man.

Death Is Called Engelchen

At the end of the Second World War Zlín is liberated by advancing Soviet army. Young Czechoslovak partisan named Pavel was injured in a gunfight with Germans and lies in hospital. He is paralyzed and while recovering, he spends his days by lying on his back. He recalls memories from his life during the war - his experience as a resistance fighter, his comrades, his fights with Germans in Slovak mountains and his love, Marta, who acted as a spy for the resistance. He also remembers Engelchen, who is responsible for death of many Pavel's friends and for a massacre of 2 mountain villages. Marta comes to visit Pavel in the hospital to say goodbye. Her work as a spy made her look like a German collaborator to some and it earned her hate. After some time, Pavel recovers and leaves hospital to find Engelchen.

Aron's Absurd Armada

Lord Aron Cornwall, son of bookish Duke Victor Cornwall and warrior-like Duchess Cornwall, and nephew of the seemingly psychic King, has decided to become a pirate. However, he is a stupid fool who makes for a poor captain. His crew consists of his manservant Robin, who acts as Aron's bodyguard and whose main interest is making money, and general servants Anton and Gilbert. The crew rescue a woman called Ronnie, but because a jellyfish got caught in her long hair, Anton and Gilbert cut her hair to a more boyish length resulting in the crew thinking that she is a man. When she denies this, the crew come to the conclusion that Ronnie is gay. She also instantly falls in love with Robin at first sight. Later on, the crew are joined by two more members: Mercedes, a male transvestite who joins the crew as a hair stylist but is actually an assassin; Vincent, a cook whose food tastes so awful that it can be used as a weapon; the masked burglar Luna, who works under the name of Phantom Thief XX; and Wendy, a witch who specialises in making rare poisons.

Aron's crew go out searching for treasure, including the tiny but valuable "Crown of the Queen of Ants". Along the way the marines try to scupper their plans. The marines responsible are Lieutenant Luther Nelson, who has had an antagonistic relationship with Aron since childhood and is the illegitimate son of Duchess Cornwall's rival Admiral Nelson, and Ensign Dorothy Nelson, Luther's cousin with whom he is deeply in love.

The Durango Kid (film)

In this timeless classic western film the protagonist Durango kid (Charles Starrett) stands off against Sam Lowry (Frank LaRue) for the hand of Nancy Winslow (Luana Walters)

Broken Hearts (Homeland)

Saul (Mandy Patinkin) talks with Dar Adal (F. Murray Abraham) at a local diner. Adal confirms that Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) is one of his men on loan to Estes, but for what purpose, he claims not to know. Later, at Langley, Saul confronts Estes (David Harewood) regarding why Quinn is involved in the operation. Estes becomes furious when Saul implies that Quinn was brought in to kill Brody to cover up Estes' complicity in the drone strike that killed Abu Nazir's (Navid Negahban) son Issa. Quinn approaches them, reporting that Carrie (Claire Danes) was in a car accident and is now missing. Saul heads to the accident scene. While he is gone, Estes tells Quinn "he knows."

At the safehouse, Jessica (Morena Baccarin) and Mike (Diego Klattenhoff) reminisce about sleeping together the previous night. They begin kissing, but stop when they hear Brody (Damian Lewis) at the door. Brody receives a call from Nazir, who has taken Carrie hostage in an abandoned mill. He rebukes Brody for betraying him and threatens to kill Carrie unless Brody carries out a task for him. He orders Brody to enter Vice President Walden's (Jamey Sheridan) home office at the Naval Observatory and retrieve a serial number that corresponds to Walden's pacemaker. He explains that he will be able to use the serial number to manipulate the pacemaker wirelessly.

While Carrie and Nazir get into a heated debate of ethics, Brody goes to the Naval Observatory to find that Walden is in a meeting with the Israeli ambassador to the United States. He sneaks into Walden's office and sends the serial number by text message to Abu Nazir, only after confirming that Carrie has been set free. Nazir sends the serial number to an associate who is sitting at a computer. Walden, finished with his meeting, enters his office and finds Brody. Brody tells Walden that he is withdrawing as a candidate for vice president in order to take care of his family; Walden bristles at the idea. Nazir's associate gains access to Walden's pacemaker and accelerates his heartbeat, inducing a heart attack. Brody sees Walden struggling and reveals his true motivations for withdrawing: his desire to be "clean" again and his disagreement with everything Walden stands for. Walden tries to call for help, but Brody pushes the desk phone out of Walden's reach. As Walden succumbs, Brody tells him, "You still don't get it, do you? I'm killing you." After Walden is dead, Brody finally calls for help.

Finn (Timothée Chalamet) visits Dana (Morgan Saylor), telling her that he is haunted every day by the fact that he killed someone, and that Dana is the only one to whom he can talk about it. He floats the idea of renewing their relationship, but Dana declines.

Carrie, having been set free, stops a truck driver on an unknown road and grabs the driver's cell phone to call Saul, telling him of her location. Langley forces move in en masse, but as Saul is leaving the CIA building, he is detained by two men. He tells the officers to call Estes to get him out, but they inform him that Estes is already aware. Not content to wait for backup, Carrie returns to the abandoned mill to look for Nazir. The episode ends with Carrie opening the door where she believes Nazir is hiding.

In Memoriam (Homeland)

The episode opens with Carrie (Claire Danes) exploring the mill in search of Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban). She sees someone in the building but loses track of him. Continuing to search, she goes through an exit and finds that a slew of CIA and FBI reinforcements have already arrived. Carrie tells Quinn (Rupert Friend) that she spotted Abu Nazir in the building. SWAT teams are sent inside but they do not find anyone. Quinn tells Carrie that Vice President Walden is dead, apparently due to a pacemaker malfunction. Carrie calls Brody (Damian Lewis), who is at the safehouse with Jessica (Morena Baccarin). Jessica overhears enough of the conversation to know who he is talking to; Brody finds her crying when he gets off the phone with Carrie.

Saul (Mandy Patinkin) is taken to an interrogation room. Saul angrily calls the interrogation a "farce" and tells the interrogator (Chance Kelly) that the real reason he is there is that he has uncovered a plan to assassinate a U.S. Congressman. Among other things, Saul is interrogated about the circumstances surrounding Aileen Morgan's death, and whether Saul supplied her with the suicide weapon (his glasses).

Carrie tells Quinn that if Abu Nazir somehow got away with so many personnel surrounding the building, then he must have had help from someone working for them. She asks who was directing the search; Quinn replies that it was himself, along with Galvez (Hrach Titizian). They then learn that Galvez recently left the area. Carrie concludes that Galvez must have smuggled Abu Nazir out of there. They track down Galvez and search his car but find him to be innocent. Galvez explains that he was rushing to the hospital because his stitches had opened up.

Estes (David Harewood) presents Saul with the results of the polygraph session. Saul says that he must have been right about Estes' plan to assassinate Brody. Saul reminds Estes that they made a deal with Brody, but Estes replies that they do not make deals with terrorists. Estes says that he wants Saul out of the agency, either on his own terms, or by Estes using the polygraph results to destroy his career.

Carrie attempts to interrogate Roya Hammad (Zuleikha Robinson). She approaches Roya as someone who has been manipulated by Abu Nazir into doing things that she would not normally do, but this only results in Roya exploding in anger, telling Carrie that "Abu Nazir is not afraid of you" and ranting in Arabic. Afterwards, Carrie is sent home to get some rest, but on the way she recalls Roya literally saying in Arabic that Abu Nazir would not run, leading her to wonder if he has been holed up in the mill the whole time. She returns to the mill and encounters one remaining SWAT team there; she takes the team back inside. Carrie spots an entry to a hidden room where a sleeping bag is found. Carrie goes to retrieve the rest of the SWAT team, but hears a noise and comes back, finding the dead body of the SWAT team member who was accompanying her. Carrie shouts to the rest of the team that Nazir is in the building. Nazir finds Carrie and attacks her but retreats when the SWAT team approaches. They corner Nazir, but are forced to kill him when he reaches for his gun. Afterwards, Carrie is commended by Estes for being the driving force behind the capture of Nazir. Estes then privately tells Quinn that he should proceed with killing Brody and that it should be done as soon as possible.

At the safe house, Brody and his family receive the news that Abu Nazir has been killed and they are free to go home. Brody is overcome with emotion and cries briefly while his family watches in confusion. When they arrive home, Brody stays in the car. When Jessica comes back out to get him, Brody tells her that he cannot go in. They are resigned to the fact that their marriage is over and discuss how it went wrong. Brody starts to tell Jessica about what he was planning on the day Elizabeth Gaines was killed, but Jessica stops him, saying that she does not need to know the truth anymore.

Brody goes to Carrie's house. They embrace in the doorway as Quinn watches from afar.

The Choice (Homeland)

Carrie (Claire Danes) and Brody (Damian Lewis) spend another night at the cabin where they had their previous tryst. They discuss their futures, and whether it is possible for Brody to have a fresh start. They mutually realize that if they were to continue their relationship, then it would be impossible for Carrie to remain with the CIA. Meanwhile, Saul is still detained at Langley, and pleads with a CIA officer (TJ Hassan) to contact Carrie. The officer is reluctant as he does not want to suffer the same fate as Saul.

Quinn (Rupert Friend), under orders to kill Brody, has tracked Carrie and Brody and is across the lake watching their every move. The next morning, Brody alone goes outside to pray, giving Quinn, carrying a sniper rifle, an opportunity to kill him. Quinn has Brody in his sights but does not pull the trigger.

Quinn later goes to Estes' (David Harewood) house and tells him that since Brody's political career is over, he is no longer a threat, and that his information was instrumental in catching Abu Nazir. Quinn says that the only reason to kill Brody now is for Estes' personal reasons, and that the collateral damage would be wrecking Carrie's life yet again, and so he refuses to do it and threatens Estes should anything happen to Brody. Estes releases Saul (Mandy Patinkin) from detention, claiming that he decided Saul was right, and that Brody held up his end of the deal and should not be killed.

Brody goes back home to pick up a suit for the memorial service that the CIA is holding for Vice President Walden. He finds Dana (Morgan Saylor) to be the only one home. Dana reflects on the day that Carrie told her that Brody was going to carry out an attack at the Vice President's summit, remarking that it all "adds up", and that it is the only thing that makes sense. Brody admits that he was "screwed up" at the time, and that he was planning to do it, but ultimately he did not, and he never would do such a thing in the future.

Saul finds Carrie and tells her that he is going to recommend her promotion to station chief. When Carrie is less than thrilled, and says she has to think about it, Saul sees that her problem is that she wants to be with Brody. The conversation gets heated as Saul admonishes Carrie for throwing away her career to be with a terrorist. Carrie retorts that she does not want to be alone all her life like Saul. Saul leaves her with the words "You're the smartest and the dumbest fucking person I've ever known".

Carrie and Brody attend Walden's memorial service at Langley. At the same time, the Navy holds a ceremony to bury Abu Nazir at sea, which Saul oversees. While David Estes delivers Walden's eulogy, Carrie and Brody sneak away to Saul's office to talk. Carrie reveals to Brody that she has decided to forsake her career and be with him. They kiss. Brody looks out of the window and is surprised to see that his car has been moved and is now parked right outside the building where the memorial service is being held. As Carrie processes what is happening, the car explodes, leveling a large portion of the building. David Estes, Cynthia Walden (Talia Balsam), Finn Walden (Timothée Chalamet), the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security are among the many who perish in the blast. Carrie holds Brody at gunpoint, accusing him of orchestrating the attack. Brody is steadfast in his innocence, saying that he had no motive, and that they were all set up by Abu Nazir, who sacrificed Roya and her team on a decoy attack, and even sacrificed his own life, in order to let everyone's guard down, clearing the way for the bombing of Langley. Carrie seems convinced but tells Brody that nobody else will believe him, and that they need to go on the run immediately.

Saul surveys the damage at Langley and is distraught to learn that the death toll is near 200 and rising, and that Carrie was present at the ceremony but is unaccounted for and presumed dead. He gets a call from Mira (Sarita Choudhury), who is relieved to learn that Saul survived, and says that she is returning to the U.S. Saul is also informed he will be meeting with the President as he is the new Acting Director.

Carrie takes Brody to a storage unit where she has hidden some cash and a fake passport for herself. They then go to get a fake passport made for Brody. On a television, they see that al-Qaeda has taken responsibility for the attack, and released Brody's confession video (which he made for the planned suicide attack against the Vice President in season 1) to the media, firmly placing him as the culprit. As the video plays on the news, the Brody family is shown at home watching in horror. Carrie and Brody head to the Canada–United States border, planning to cross it on foot and head for Montreal. When they reach the border, Brody realizes that Carrie is not coming with him. She instructs him to walk through the woods the rest of the way to the border to meet with her friend June, who has a cabin at Lake Selby on the Canadian-side of the border. As they say goodbye, Carrie promises Brody that she will clear his name. Carrie returns to Langley, where Saul is reciting the Kaddish while standing among the rows and rows of dead bodies. Saul is shocked and elated to see that Carrie is alive.

Horror vacui (film)

Shot in a neo-expressionist style, the film is a satire on cults of any kind. The plot follows Frankie and Hannes, a young gay couple living in Berlin. One is studying art and the other medicine. Their happy life is disrupted when Frankie attends a lecture and quickly becomes involved in a sinister cult operating as a self-help group called "Optimal Optimism". 'Madame C', a former Nazi party member, is the leader of 'Optimal Optimism'. When the cult members find out that Frankie is gay, they rape him. Hannes has to find a way to save him..

Sea Wolf (miniseries)

In a mishap, a young poetry critic Humphrey van Weyden is cast adrift in the open sea. He is picked up by a seal hunting schooner, but his miraculous escape turns into a brutal struggle for survival. The schooner is captained by 'Wolf' Larsen - an authoritarian and harsh captain.

A Man Called Adam (film)

Adam Johnson is a talented African-American jazz cornetist, plagued by ill health, racism, alcoholism and a short temper, as well as guilt over the deaths years before of his wife and child. The result is a caustic personality that wears even on those who care the most about him, such as his best friend Nelson, and Vincent, a young Caucasian trumpeter whom Adam mentors. Arriving unexpectedly at his New York home drunk after walking out on his jazz quintet, Adam finds prominent Civil Rights Movement worker Claudia Ferguson and her grandfather, Willie, who is himself a well-known jazz trumpeter, in his apartment. The two have been given access to the apartment by Nelson, but despite having authorized this, the drunken Adam is rude to both, including making a vulgar pass at Claudia.

The next day, a sober Adam is apologetic and strikes up a new friendship with the two. This eventually leads to a romance with Claudia, who cautions Adam that from that point on, she will not allow him to be any less than he is. Nelson warns Claudia against it, saying that although he understands what she sees in Adam, he will still ultimately only hurt her. She is not dissuaded, saying that she is determined not to let Adam destroy himself.

The relationship has a positive effect on Adam and all is well until an encounter with some racist police officers. Adam tells them off and fights with them when they seek to take him into custody. Claudia is upset that he intentionally antagonized them, while Adam can't understand why she thinks he should submit to being humiliated. They quarrel, leading to Adam drinking more and beginning to lose control of his temper. Manny, Adam's booking agent, says he intends to send Adam on a tour of the South, insisting Adam accept whatever racist treatment he may encounter there. Adam violently threatens Manny and later physically assaults a jealous former girlfriend who had just slapped Claudia.

Adam tells Claudia she is too good for him, but when he subsequently takes ill, she moves in with him and their relationship is renewed. He confesses to her his secret that he was driving while intoxicated during the car accident which killed his family, having gotten drunk in response to being demeaned and insulted by a racist police officer. Claudia convinces Adam's old group to reunite with him and things again seem to be looking up for him. However, the police pressure the owner of the club where the group plays to ban him. When he learns of this, Adam lashes out at everyone, including Nelson, Claudia and Vincent.

A drunken Adam crawls back to Manny, who sends Adam on the Southern tour. Adam asks to have Vincent come along and they perform well together. On one occasion, Adam and Vincent hug after a particularly well-received number, prompting a violent audience reaction. This time, Adam maintains control of himself and does not respond. The tour continues very successfully, and upon returning home, a cheerful Adam proposes to Claudia.

Afterward, Vincent is violently attacked in front of Adam and Claudia. Claudia looks for Adam to do something, but he remains frozen, only watching as a helpless Vincent is pummeled. Finally, Adam just runs away. Claudia reflects that it was her insistence that caused Adam to change from a man who would never accept any slight to the man she had just witnessed. She regrets that she effectively took away his manhood.

Eventually, Adam resurfaces at the club, looking "chewed up and spit out", as Willie puts it. Adam is relieved to learn that Vincent is not dead. Despite his physical condition, Adam accepts the invitation to join the group on stage. His performance is first brilliant, with Claudia, Willie and Vincent all watching and thoroughly enjoying his resurgence. Soon, though, Adam begins to struggle physically and his playing turns frenetic. Eventually, everyone stops playing, leaving nothing but Adam's fevered trumpeting, which he attempts to continue even while virtually doubling over in agony. Finally, he collapses and dies, leaving his friends to grimly mourn him.

Recollections of the Yellow House

João de Deus, a middle-aged man, lives in a cheap boarding house in an old part of Lisbon. He relies on Franz Schubert's music and films to stave off misery. After harassing his landlord's daughters, he is thrown out of his room. He is sent to a mental hospital; however, he eventually manages to escape through the sewers.

Requiem for a Handsome Bastard

The film was shot in 35 mm and uses flashback and flashforward narratives. French Canadian criminal Reggie Savoie (the character is based on Richard Blass) is in prison, his son is visiting (five years have passed since their last meeting). During a riot Savoie manages to escape. A manhunt ensues while he enjoys life outside of prison, tortures people, and seeks revenge on someone who testified against him. Three days after his escape Savoie is killed. The story is told through different points of view through the film, eight in total including Savoie's son, an assistant to a policeman following Savoie, and a journalist.

The Yellow Ticket (play)

Anna Mirrel, a young Jewish girl in Czarist Russia, is forced to pretend to be a prostitute to obtain a prostitute's passport (a "yellow ticket") in order to visit her father, whom she believes to be ill. When she arrives in St. Petersburg, she learns that her father has been killed. She encounters a young journalist and tells him of the crimes the state perpetrates against its citizens.

Ripper Street

Series 1

The series begins in April 1889, five months since the last Jack the Ripper killing, and in Whitechapel the H Division is responsible for policing one and a quarter square miles of East London: a district with a population of 67,000 poor and dispossessed. The men of H Division had hunted the Ripper and failed to find him. When more women are murdered on the streets of Whitechapel, the police begin to wonder if the killer has returned.

Among the factories, rookeries, chop shops (food establishments), brothels and pubs, Detective Inspector Edmund Reid (Matthew Macfadyen) and Detective Sergeant Bennet Drake (Jerome Flynn) team up with former US Army surgeon and Pinkerton agent Captain Homer Jackson (Adam Rothenberg) to investigate the killings. They frequently cross paths with Tenter Street brothel madam Long Susan (MyAnna Buring), who came to London with Jackson from America and lets him reside at the brothel. Their relationship becomes strained due to Jackson's attraction to one of her most profitable girls, Rose Erskine (Charlene McKenna), and because of his close involvement with Reid and H Division.

Reid and his wife Emily (Amanda Hale) only have one daughter, Mathilda, who was lost and presumed deceased, some months before the series begins, in a river accident (the disaster) during the hunt for the Ripper. The newspaper reporter, Fred Best (David Dawson), knows a dark secret about her death. Although still troubled, and despite her husband's reservations, Emily is determined to make a new life for herself by helping the fallen women of Whitechapel.

Series 2

The second series is set in 1890. Emily has left Reid after he gave her false hope that Mathilda might not have drowned. Rose Erskine has left Long Susan's brothel to work as a waitress at the music hall, Blewett's Theatre of Varieties. Sergeant Drake has married another of Susan's girls, Bella. A new detective constable, Albert Flight (Damien Molony), is introduced.

Reid crosses swords with the ruthless Inspector Jedediah Shine (Joseph Mawle). Ten years an Inspector on the Hong Kong police force, Shine has used that experience to exert a firm grip over Limehouse's neighbouring "K" Division and the emergent Chinatown that grows within it. Long Susan, happy as brothel keeper, is in debt to Silas Duggan (Frank Harper), who lent her funds to start the business, unbeknownst to Jackson who wants to leave London.

Historical backdrops to episodes in the second series include Chinese immigration, the London matchgirls' strike of 1888, electrical war of the currents, the Cleveland Street scandal, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Joseph Merrick (known as "the Elephant Man"), and the Baring crisis.

Series 3

In 1894, a train accident in Whitechapel kills fifty-five civilians. At the scene of the accident, Reid, Drake, Jackson, Rose Erskine and Long Susan are reunited after a long period of separation. Reid investigates the derailment and discovers that it was caused by a heist. The organiser is Susan's solicitor, Ronald Capshaw. His intention is to steal US bearer bonds in order to bail out their financially stricken Obsidian Estates and to continue in their attempt to gentrify Whitechapel.

Mathilda is discovered by Capshaw to be still alive, although Reid is told by Susan that she has died since being rescued. Mathilda escapes and is picked up by Harry Ward, a teenage pimp. Receiving a tip-off where she was last seen, Reid and Drake find her, but she runs away. Reid returns to his home and father and daughter reunite.

Series 4

Series 4 opens in 1897, the year of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee. Reid has now given up his detective work and is living in Hampton-on-Sea with Mathilda. He is drawn back to Whitechapel after a visit from Deborah Goren, who urges him to return to investigate the murder of a rabbi at the hand of Isaac Bloom, whom she believes innocent.

Meanwhile, Drake is now head inspector of Whitechapel and still employs Jackson, who has given up his drinking and gambling in order to save money to free Susan, who is now sentenced to hang for her crimes. When his attempts to legally free her fail, he helps to fake her death, forcing her to give up their son to be raised by Drake and his wife Rose, while Susan hides out of sight and Jackson pretends to be a grieving widower to his friends.

Series 5

Series 5 continues the events of series 4. Following Drake's murder and the exposure of their various crimes, Reid, Jackson and Susan hide out in Whitechapel with the aid of Mimi Morton. The trio covertly attempt to expose the true Whitechapel Golem, Nathaniel Dove, and bring his brother, assistant commissioner Augustus Dove, to justice. An unstable Jedediah Shine becomes the head of H Division and vows to capture Reid, while Mathilda now lives with Sergeant Drummond.

Lightning Rods (novel)

Joe is a struggling encyclopedia salesman who moved from Eureka, Missouri to Florida in order to sell vacuum cleaners, only to find that another salesman had already saturated the market in the aftermath of a hurricane. One day while driving along the shore he stops and parks his car on a whim, and while looking at the shorebirds, he has a revelation. He realizes that companies could avoid sexual harassment in the workplace and the consequent expensive lawsuits if they provided some kind of outlet for their male employees' sexual urges. Combining this insight with one of his own recurring sexual fantasies, he hits on the idea of hiring women to have sex with selected male employees, with the anonymity of both the men and women protected by a wall that would separate them and only expose the woman's lower half. The women, referred to as "lightning rods", would otherwise work as regular office employees, and no one in the office would know who they were.

In the first phase of Joe's project, he convinces a small office to implement a voluntary "spin the bottle"-like program in which two employees are randomly selected once a day to kiss each other in front of the rest of the office. The program turns out to be popular, and, emboldened by its success, Joe decides to look for a company to pitch his full idea. Most of the executives he talks to reject him out of hand, but he is able to find one who is willing to try it. Joe has an elaborate mechanism installed in the disabled stalls of the men's and women's bathrooms, which share a common wall. It is kept secret to everyone except Joe, the CEO, the group of high-performing male employees selected to participate, and the lightning rods themselves.

The program is immediately successful. Some of his lightning rods use the extra earnings to further their careers; two of them in particular, Lucille and Renée, are able to save up to go to Harvard Law School, and later in life Lucille becomes a wealthy corporate lawyer and Renée becomes a Supreme Court justice. Many of the other lightning rods find the work psychologically difficult, however. As the program becomes well-established, Joe makes refinements and starts expanding to other companies.

At some point, the idea takes off in the wider world. A couple of competitors crop up offering a cheaper version that is closer to outright prostitution. Joe is contacted by the FBI and agrees to an expansion into the public sector on condition that the FBI can access the participants' identities. Joe also branches out into tangentially related products: inspired by seeing a man with dwarfism in Kansas City, he invents a height-adjustable toilet.

At the end of the novel, lightning rods have become a widespread, though still controversial, industry.

The Everlasting Secret Family

A fictional group of middle-aged homosexual men, including a senator, exercise quasi-masonic influence and power over teenage schoolboys from the fictional Saint Michael's Private School for Boys. The film follows one of these boys (called only 'Youth'), as he rises through the ranks of the secret society.

The Plan (video game)

Professional thieves Robert Taylor, Alan Siegel, and Stephen Foster are hired by the mafia to steal two Rembrandt paintings from a museum in exchange for an extremely valuable diamond. Foster brings his girlfriend, Valerie Carrera, along on the job. The team is able to get one of the paintings out, but the alarm is tripped in the process. Foster immediately flees in the getaway van with a shocked Valerie and the stolen painting, leaving Robert on the side of the road and Alan trapped inside the museum as the police close in. Robert manages to escape, but Alan is arrested.

Five years later, Robert visits Alan in prison and tells him about a plan to ruin Foster in revenge for abandoning them. Assisted by Valerie, Robert breaks Alan out of prison to join them on the job. The mafia refused to pay Foster for only one painting, and he has remained beholden to them until he delivers the second Rembrandt, currently housed in the Prague Museum of Art. Robert plans to steal the painting first, leaving Foster at the mercy of his employers. Robert, Alan, and Valerie board a luxury train in Prague, on which Foster is meeting his mafia contact to discuss the plan to rob the museum. The team copies Foster's intelligence on the museum and replaces the mafia's diamond with a fake. They are then forced to make a quick escape when Interpol agents board the train looking for Alan.

Foster's data indicates that he is planning to rob the museum in two weeks, forcing Robert's team to go after the painting first. Robert brings in three additional team members: hacker Bernie Stanton, demolitions expert Gary Willis, and close-combat specialist Martin Crane. Together, the six of them manage to break through the museum's security and escape with the painting. However, Foster intercepts the team during their getaway, holding them at gunpoint and stealing the painting before leaving them for the police. They are rescued by Nina Wilson, a sniper hired by Robert as insurance. The team regroups and Robert explains that he planned on Foster's interference and planted a tracking device on the painting so it could be followed to the location of the painting already in Foster's possession. This will enable the team to steal both paintings back, completely ruining Foster's reputation and forcing him into hiding from his own bosses.

The painting is tracked to a villa belonging to Foster, used as a front for transporting black market goods. Robert and Valerie enter the villa through the front door to meet with Foster and keep him busy. Meanwhile, the rest of the team infiltrates the villa's basement, steals the paintings, and plants enough explosives to destroy the building. As the team prepares to make their escape, the mafia figures out that their diamond has been stolen and sends men to attack the villa, believing that Foster is trying to rip them off. Most of the team escapes, but Robert is taken captive by Foster. With the explosives still counting down, Alan and Valerie re-enter the villa to save him. The two manage to rescue Robert, but Foster escapes. Robert gives chase and kills Foster in a gun battle before fleeing. The team watches the villa explode from afar. Robert explains that the mafia will likely want to cut a deal in exchange for the real diamond and the two paintings, and the team part ways.

The Lovemaster (film)

A stand-up comic performs at a comedy club and rants about his personal life and discusses, via fantasy flashbacks, his many personalities and anxieties.

The Snow Queen (2012 film)

The Snow Queen covered the world in ice. Only Master Vegard stands in her way, whose mirrors reflect not only appearances but also souls. One day the polar wind takes away Vegard and his wife Una, but they hide their children Gerda and Kai. Years later, the Snow Queen's servile troll Orm (who can shape shift into a black weasel) locates Kai, who is deemed Vegard's successor, at the orphanage St. Peter's Kids Shelter. At the orphanage Gerda sews mittens. After a tangle between both siblings and Orm, Kai is abducted by the North Wind, a polar cold spell that can only be invoked by the Snow Queen. The polar vortex shuttles Kai to the Snow Queen's palace. Gerda embarks on a journey with Orm and her pet white weasel Luta across the icy lands to rescue her brother.

They first enter a garden dome run by an old lady who seems nice, but her true intentions are to drug and enslave Gerda to grow and sell flowers. Orm and Luta catch wind of the scheme and thwart it. The lady sends out her carnivorous plant, Ivy, but the trio make their escape. Meanwhile, in the ice palace, Kai arrives and the Snow Queen leads him to her throne room. The Queen's mirror, after examining Kai, reveals that Master Vegard has two heirs. Kai tries to hide the truth, but the Snow Queen reads it in his heart and sees Kai's painting of Gerda.

Gerda thanks Orm for saving her life and they begin to warm up to each other. Then the three stumble into Imana's caves, the birthplace of trolls. Orm briefs about how the trolls' age of peace was tainted by the Snow Queen and turned their clans to fight each other, until only the cowardly Orm survived, and the souls of the trolls remained trapped in Lake Gao. While Gerda and Luta look around, Orm is contacted by the Snow Queen with orders to bring Gerda to her. Orm helps Gerda and Luta cross the evil Lake Gao, and Gerda avoids its curse, much to Orm's amazement.

Outside the cave, the trio encounter a king on a royal hunt. The king tries to hunt Orm (in weasel form) and Luta, but he bumps into a tree. The trio are escorted to the king's castle. The king has had a trouble in which his children have literally half-shares in his property after the Snow Queen split the castle in half and Queen Anself was lost. The king takes Gerda as his prisoner, until she shows compassion for her brother. The king and his children have an argument and start a fire, but Gerda saves them. As a reward the trio are given a sleigh for their journey.

The trio are captured by pirates and taken to their ship, but Gerda is able to persuade them to let them continue their quest, and the captain's daughter gives them a reindeer for the journey. Meanwhile, in the Snow Queen's ice palace, Kai is frozen by the Snow Queen. Gerda meets the Lady of Lapland in a tent, who recounts the Snow Queen's origin. As a girl, Irma, who had a gift of magic, was ostracized and went to Imana's caves where her ill wish upon the people, granted by the Lake Gao, turned her into the Snow Queen. The Lady of Lapland grants the trio a snow boat and sends them to the Snow Queen. The palace of the Snow Queen is located in Spitsbergen.

Orm tries to protect Gerda and make her change her mind, but Gerda is dead set on saving her brother. At the Kingdom of Eternal Frost, Gerda finds her brother frozen. Then the Snow Queen appears. Orm turns down his reward to be free and beseeches the queen to spare Gerda. Since the queen will not listen to reason, Orm ceases to serve her. The Queen summons ice trolls and giants, but Orm transforms into a polar bear to defeat the monsters and allow Gerda to reach the throne room. Both Orm and Luta are cornered by the North Wind.

Gerda finds the queen's mirror and walks through it, entering the mirror realm. The Snow Queen tries to freeze her heart but, guided by the spirits of her family, she regains hope and retaliates with the magic mirror. The Snow Queen's curse is finally broken, Irma is transformed back and Gerda banishes the evil curse from returning. Irma revives Kai, Orm turns back into a troll, Luta wakes him up and the eternal winter is finally ended. With that Gerda, Kai, Orm, Irma and Luta all set off home. Gerda and Orm finally accept each other as best friends.

During the end credits, there are scenes showing the lives of people they met throughout their journey after the Snow Queen's defeat and started living happily.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The game is based on Bram Stoker's tale of Count Dracula, similar to how the developer's earlier role-playing game ''King Arthur'' was based on the tale of King Arthur. The game is not set strictly in the same fictional universe as Bram Stoker's novel ''Dracula'', but rather a similar one in a twisted 19th century Europe with "monsters, magic and weird technology". The game takes place in Borgova, the gothic-noir capital of the fictional kingdom of Borgovia. The city is vast, bolstered by anachronistic science, but also filled with evil creatures that this science has created. The game's protagonist is the son of Abraham Van Helsing, the vampire hunter from the novel, and it is his job to continue in his father's footsteps and exterminate the monsters from the city.

The Suicide King (The Walking Dead)

Brothers Daryl and Merle are forced to fight to the death for the entertainment of the residents of Woodbury, despite Andrea's protests to The Governor. As they wrestle, Merle discreetly tells Daryl to follow his lead as walkers are herded into the arena. Suddenly, Rick and Maggie appear, throw a smoke bomb into the arena and help Daryl and Merle to escape through a breach in Woodbury's fence. On rejoining Glenn and Michonne nearby, Merle's past interactions antagonize the group, particularly when he reveals that he had brought Michonne and Andrea there. Rick forbids Merle from returning with them to the prison, and Daryl refuses to leave his brother's side, and they set off on their own. As the others return to the prison, Rick tells Michonne that she will also have to leave once her injuries are treated. Glenn accosts Rick for the failure of their mission, not only failing to bring back Daryl but forgoing the opportunity to assassinate The Governor.

In Woodbury, the recent events have caused a number of residents to demand they be allowed to leave Woodbury, but The Governor refuses to listen, bitter over Rick's attacks. When a few walkers manage to enter Woodbury by the breach Rick's group used, The Governor only exits his home to finish the walkers and euthanize a resident, then retreats back to his home. Andrea tries to coax The Governor to drop the matter, but learns from him he was aware of her friends at the prison and did not tell her, not believing that she supports Woodbury. Later, Milton and Andrea speak inspirational words to the Woodbury residents about rebuilding and persevering, winning over the crowd and defusing the internal strife.

Meanwhile, at the prison, Hershel, Beth, and Axel visit Tyreese, Sasha, Allen, and Ben, the last survivors of a larger group that recently found their way into the prison. Carl has kept them locked in a different cell block, unsure of their loyalty and waiting for Rick to return to make a decision about whether they can stay. Ben and Allen discuss a plan to overpower their captors, but Tyreese and Sasha refuse to allow this to happen, still hoping for the best.

Rick's group returns, and Carol is dismayed to see Daryl is not with them, but understands why he would stay with Merle. Hershel tends to the wounded, while Rick goes to talk to Tyreese's group. Tyreese and Sasha plead with Rick to allow them to stay, but Rick is unwilling to give them a chance. Hershel speaks to Rick and has appeared to convince him to allow the newcomers to stay, when suddenly Rick has a vision of his dead wife Lori, and madly yells out "Get out" and "I can't help you!" Everyone is frightened by this outburst, and Glenn quickly escorts Tyreese's group out of the prison before the situation escalates further.

Nebraska (film)

In Billings, Montana, a police officer discovers Woody Grant walking dangerously on the shoulder of the roadway and takes him to the local police station. Woody is picked up by his son David, who learns that Woody wants to go to Lincoln, Nebraska, to collect a million dollar sweepstakes prize he believes he has won. When David sees the sweepstakes letter, he knows immediately that it is a mail scam designed to get gullible people to purchase magazine subscriptions. David brings his father home, where his mother Kate becomes increasingly annoyed by Woody's insistence on collecting the money.

After Woody is picked up again trying to get to Nebraska, David and his brother Ross discuss putting Woody in a retirement home. Ross is especially frustrated because their Dad didn't put any effort into parenting them and used to drink a lot. He doesn't feel they 'owe' their father anything.

David is visited by his ex-girlfriend, Noelle, who returns his belongings and refuses to move back in with him. Their conversation is cut short by a call from Kate reporting that Woody has taken off once again. David retrieves Woody and decides to drive him all the way to Lincoln, much to Kate's dismay and anger.

While in Rapid City, South Dakota, Woody goes on a bender and hits his head while stumbling back to their motel room. David takes him to the hospital to get his head stitched up. The doctor wants to observe Woody for a day and when he hears about Woody's 'win' he says that'll cover the hospital fees. David learns that they will be passing through Woody's hometown of Hawthorne, Nebraska, and suggests they spend the night with Woody's family. Woody is against the idea, but they end up going anyway.

They stay with Woody's brother Ray, his wife Martha, and their two sons, Cole and Bart. Woody and David visit a mechanic shop Woody once co-owned, followed by some drinks at a bar. Woody pressures David into having a beer. When David was six his Dad had let him drink beer thinking it harmless. David brings up Woody's alcoholism and problems within the family — with Woody implying that he fell into marriage and did not discuss having children with Kate; he just liked 'screwing' — they get into an argument.

At another bar, they meet Ed Pegram, whom the family blames for stealing Woody's air compressor decades ago. But Woody previously said he had sold the garage to Ed. Over David's objections, Woody mentions winning the money and the barflies toast his good fortune. The next day, they learn that the news has spread through the town like wildfire.

Kate arrives by bus in Hawthorne, where David escorts his parents to the cemetery. Kate pays her respects there while providing some colorful history on Woody's relatives, particularly their sex lives. A local newspaper owner wants to run a story about Woody and his sweepstakes "victory." She is an old girlfriend of Woody's and provides David with some background about his father. That night, Ed corners David in the men's room about some money Ed loaned Woody years ago that he wants back, threatening legal action.

The rest of Woody's family, including Ross, come to visit him. Cole and Bart, along with others, approach David and Ross about their share of the money that they believe Woody owes them. A fight begins, ending abruptly with Kate calling out the relatives for their own unpaid debts. David, Kate, Ross and Woody tour the latter's childhood home, which has fallen into disrepair. They drive past a house Kate identifies as Ed's, so David and Ross conspire to steal back the air compressor. Kate soon realizes that the house actually belongs to another couple. She distracts the homeowners so David and Ross can quickly return the stolen compressor.

At the bar, asking Woody for money, Ed reveals that Woody cheated on Kate before David's birth. As they leave, they are attacked by a masked Bart and Cole, who escape with the sweepstakes letter. They later tell David they threw it away after finding out it was a scam. Nevertheless, David and Woody go searching for it. They enter a bar where they find Ed reading the letter aloud to the other patrons, humiliating Woody. After Woody takes the letter back and goes outside, David punches Ed in the face.

Woody has repeatedly said he wants to buy a truck with the money. He cannot drive any more, but Woody tells his son that he also wants to leave something for his family when he dies. David says that they are not going to Lincoln, at which point Woody collapses. David takes him to the hospital in Norfolk. In the middle of the night, Woody abruptly leaves and starts walking, so David relents and drives Woody to Lincoln.

They arrive at the marketing agency, where they are told that Woody did not have the winning number. He is given a consolation gift of a hat that reads "Prize Winner". David goes to an auto dealership and trades in his Subaru for a late-model truck that his father always wanted, along with a new Craftsman air compressor. While driving back through Hawthorne, David hides below the dash and lets Woody take the wheel for all to see. Among them is Woody's former flame who smiles at him, a nonplussed Ed with a black eye, and Woody's brother Albert. Woody waves goodbye and drives out of town, then stops in the middle of the road and switches seats with David, who takes them the rest of the way back home.

The Labour Leader

After his friend impregnates a laundress, a socialist marries her while navigating his own rise to become a Labour Party Member of Parliament.

On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel

Sixteen-year-old Scott McCall is looking for half of what's left of a murdered woman, with his best friend Stiles. While after being left alone in the woods, he was bitten by an alpha werewolf.

Newborn King

When a Navy captain is killed in a hotel room, NCIS must track down and protect his heavily pregnant companion from unknown assailants. They discover that his companion was a Marine Lieutenant Emma Reynolds who had had a romantic relationship with an Afghan heir of a powerful tribe with strategically important land holdings in Afghanistan. The team has to put their Christmas Eve celebrations on hold as terrible weather conditions and the absence of government employees due to the holiday season hamper the investigation. After doing some research, they find out that the father is dead and the unborn child, if male, will inherit his land. One of the three Russian mercenaries sent to kidnap the child is captured and taken back to headquarters where he is interrogated by McGee and Tony while Gibbs and Ziva go on the run with Emma. McGee and Tony manage to find out that the mercenaries were hired by elders of the Afghan tribe to prevent the child from falling into the hands of the United States, who they feared would use the child as a bargaining chip to gain control of their land. The freezing temperatures causes Gibbs' car engine to freeze and break down. The remaining Russian mercenaries catch up with the trio by the time McGee and Tony, back at the lab, can locate them. Emma's water breaks and Gibbs doubles up as midwife while Ziva engages in a gunfight to fend and kill the mercenaries who have been tailing her, Gibbs and Emma. The baby is then revealed to be a girl.

Meanwhile, Jimmy has problems of his own when he brings his future father-in-law Ed to work. He is initially rude and unappreciative towards the team, wondering why Jimmy hasn't gotten a better job in the private sector. Offended, Gibbs, Ducky and rest of the team hold back to give Jimmy face. Unable to endure Ed's constant whinging any longer, Jimmy chastises his father-in-law and tells him about all the good he can achieve in NCIS, convincing him to bless their marriage.

The episode ended with the following dedication: "Happy Holidays to the men and women who protect and serve our country at home and abroad."

La otra familia

thumb Hendrix is the seven-year-old son of Nina, a woman addicted to drugs. After leaving Hendrix home alone for three days, Nina's friend Ivana takes him away, but cannot house him. Instead, she gives him to her friends, Jean Paul and Chema, a well-to-do, stable, gay couple. At first, Chema bristles at the intrusion, and the couple's maid and gardener worry if homosexual men will make good role models to a young boy. However, soon they become a warm and loving family. Meanwhile, Patrick, Nina's drug addicted lover and dealer, decides a good way to pay off a debt to his dealer would be to sell the child. He helps Nina to track down her son, and she insists on taking him away, even though Hendrix wants his mother to stay with his new family. While Nina is in a drug-induced stupor, Patrick takes the child and sells him to a couple having marital problems after the loss of their infant son. Not long after the couple is left with Hendrix, the boy insists on calling his "dads", who come to get him. The husband, worried about gay men taking Hendrix, calls the police. The police arrest Jean Paul and Chema for kidnapping and sexual assault, though there is no evidence of abuse to hold them for long. Nina, distraught over losing her son again, overdoses and dies. Patrick, trying to meet with the husband again to get money, is arrested. In the end, Hendrix is returned to Jean Paul and Chema, and allowed to resume a healthy life as their son.

It's Christmas, Carol!

Carol, a bitter workaholic Chief executive officer, gets a wake up call from her deceased boss and predecessor Eve. Eve appears as the three different ghosts of Christmas (Past, Present, and Future) due to budget cuts in the afterlife. In the end, Carol realizes what she'd lost over the years and changes her ways.

Wo Hu

Superintendent Wai (Michael Miu) organises an operation, code named WO HU, where he sends an army of undercover cops to spy on triad leader Jim (Eric Tsang). Jim discovers one of the undercover cops, Eric (Timmy Hung), and sends low level triad member, Killer (Shawn Yue), to assassinate him. Killer carries the hit but failed to flee Hong Kong afterwards. Then, Jim orders other triad leaders, Walter (Francis Ng) and Tommy (Julian Cheung), to keep it low in order to avoid the cops' attention. Tommy believes that his triad brothers are plotting to take his assets. After Tommy was exposed by an undercover cop in his crew, he must flee Hong Kong and leave his businesses to Jim. Tommy, however, does not trust Jim and plots against him.

Nerve (2013 film)

After suffering a breakdown due to the death of his wife in a car accident, Jakob Evans tries to find closure in confronting her lover. Helped by the lost and troubled Grace, Jakob's search transforms from finding closure to obsession and revenge. While forced to face his own failings, Grace realizes all is not what it seems.


Seoul, the present day. Ten-year-old Yeon-joo (Lee Jae-hee) is picked up outside school by a man (Hwang Tae-kwang) who says he knows her mother and is then driven to a flat where she is sexually abused. Six hours later, her mother, Yoon Young-nam (Jang Young-nam), reports her disappearance to the police, who say it is too soon to launch a proper investigation. After being found dumped on the street in a suitcase, Yeon-joo is taken to a hospital by Yoon and recovers; however, Yoon's ex-husband, TV celebrity dentist Dr. Lee (Bae Sung-woo), is not happy at the adverse publicity Yoon's action has generated. Yoon eventually persuades a busy detective, Ma (Ma Dong-seok), to take an interest in the case; he questions Yeon-joo in hospital but the child reveals little. Later, a female police officer questions her, with more success. Angry at the apparent slowness with which the police are treating the case, Yoon tracks down the child molester herself and confronts him at his flat. After a struggle and chase, the police arrive and take both of them in, though en route the child molester escapes. Yoon decides to take more radical action.


Karim (Mahbub Alam) is a 27-year-old Bangladeshi working in an industrial laundry. An intellectual whose academic degree was not recognized in South Korea, Karim's work permit is about to expire and he's still owed a year's pay by a previous employer, Shin (Jung Dong-gyu), who's not taking his calls; meanwhile, his wife back home is giving him a hard time about money problems.

Seventeen-year-old high schooler Min-seo (Baek Jin-hee) is a social loner at odds with her mother, Eun-joo (Lee Il-hwa), who has a jobless, live-in lover, Ki-hong (Park Hyuk-kwon), whom she's planning to marry. Minseo's friends all take after-school classes at study institutes, but her single mother can't afford to pay for them. She eventually gets an under the table job at a massage parlor in order to pay for English classes.

On the first day of summer vacation, Min-seo is riding the bus when Karim drops his wallet. He exits the bus, and Min-seo takes the wallet for herself. However, Karim soon realizes what happens and manages to chase Min-seo down in a side street. "Let's go to the police station," he says in excellent Korean, but Min-seo tries to dissuade Karim from reporting her to the police by offering to grant him a favor, and reluctantly agrees to help track down his former boss. As the unlikely pair pose as loan sharks, they find themselves transforming each other's worlds in unexpected ways. They slowly form a mutual understanding, with the girl asking indiscreet questions and the gentleman preaching about problems in South Korean society. For Min-seo, Karim is initially a convenient badge she can wear in a society she sees herself at war with. But as she lowers her defenses, the relationship touchingly turns into a friendship between two lonely souls. But Karim's visa will not last forever.

An Enemy of Fate

September (Michael Cerveris), talking to December (Eugene Lipinski), implores him to help fix a key component of the device, an initiating reactor, to send Michael (Rowan Longworth) to the future, despite knowing this will erase September from time. September pleads for the same compassion that December, like the others of the original Observer team, developed for the humans. Later, September regroups with Fringe to explain the failing reactor and describe the function of the device: to create a wormhole, using the two Observer cylinders as stabilization points on either end, and the large electromagnet needed to launch the second cylinder into the future of 2167. Once the wormhole is stabilized by the red rocks from the mine, Michael would be sent through, to meet an agent to take him to the Norwegian scientist to stop the experiment that would be responsible for creating the Observers. As they discuss this, Olivia (Anna Torv) is still concerned as to why Michael willingly let himself be captured previously and believes him to have expected to be rescued. One additional part is revealed to be necessary to assure the magnet's operation: a synchroscope. Peter (Joshua Jackson) begins to dig through the amber in the lab to look for it.

Captain Windmark, having discovered Broyles' alliance with the Fringe team, interrogates him about the recovery of Michael from a secured facility, believing him to be "The Dove", a mole for the underground. Windmark leaves, and Broyles sets off to meet Fringe until he realizes that Windmark intended to follow him to the Fringe team, and keeps his pursuers distracted. Though he tries to elude them, Broyles ends up captured.

In looking through the amber, Peter finds a tape addressed to him in Walter's handwriting. The tape is a goodbye message from Walter to Peter recorded before they were frozen in amber, and alludes to an envelope that he will receive at some point; Walter in the present explains that he will be the one to travel with Michael into the future, having already inoculated himself in 2015 to do so, and they will be forced to live out their lives there to ensure that a paradox is not created and that the Observers are wiped out from the point of the original invasion in 2015. Walter and Peter share an emotional moment, Walter saying he appreciated every minute of the "stolen" time they have had, and calling Peter his "very favorite thing".

Olivia and Astrid go to get a new initiating reactor from December, but find him hanged and the reactor stolen by other Observer and Loyalist forces. September asserts that there's no technology in 2036 to create the reaction needed. Olivia looks to Michael to gain insight; he motions her to be quiet, during which Astrid comes up with the idea of using one of the Observer shipping lanes as their wormhole. They begin to make plans to take over one of these the next day, when they learn of Broyles' capture from Anil. They set to use many of the past Fringe biological materials to kill many of the Observers and Loyalist forces. They obtain the control cube needed to operate the shipping lane and rescue Broyles along the way.

Meanwhile, Astrid takes Walter to show Gene, the cow, ambered in motionless peace in the lab. Walter and Astrid share an emotional moment with the hope to wake up back in the lab drinking strawberry milkshakes after all this ends. Walter finally shows his appreciation to Astrid, saying she always knew how to soothe him and adds that her name is beautiful. After this, September reveals to Walter that he has taken the only spare dose of inoculation to take Michael into the future instead of Walter, having come to have feelings for Michael.

The Fringe team races ahead of the Observers to hijack the wormhole and launch one of the Observer Beacons through it. As they get ready for Michael, Windmark arrives and attempts to grab him. September, Peter, and Olivia fight Windmark. Windmark gains the upper hand, but Olivia, under emotional duress from fighting for her daughter Etta, activates her latent Cortexiphan powers. She draws power from the surrounding city, and Olivia psychokinetically smashes Windmark between two cars (this was only possible because Olivia dosed herself with Cortexiphan in order to save Michael, explaining why Michael allowed himself to be captured, as he knew she would need her Cortexiphan abilities to stop Windmark).

September races to take Michael to the wormhole but is shot and killed by a stray bullet. Walter realizes his fate, and decides to take Michael through the wormhole as Peter, Olivia, and Astrid look on. Before entering the wormhole, Walter looks back at Peter and Peter mouths "I love you, Dad" to Walter.

Time flashes back to 2015, where Peter, Olivia, and their young daughter Etta are enjoying a day in the park (as seen in "Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11" and throughout the season). The Observer invasion does not occur, and the family returns home. When Peter checks the mail, he finds an envelope addressed to him from W. Bishop, containing only a piece of paper with a drawn white tulip on it.


Of the past Fringe cases that the team uses against the Observers, these include the nematode worms, the radioactive isotopes, the parasitic cold slug, anti-gravity osmium bullets, the hallucinogenic drug that simulates deadly butterflies, and the skin-growth toxin. These cases all occurred within the show's first three seasons, showing that they still occurred in some way in the timeline created by Peter being erased.

On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Folks

A mysterious bacteria has escaped a lab and is causing all the "dead folks" to re-animate. Bounty hunter Wayne (no last name given) is hunting his quarry Calhoun in a "Dead Dancing" bar where patrons pay to dance with female zombies and sometimes other things... After a violent struggle, Wayne manages to handcuff Calhoun who's wanted for raping and murdering a young girl. In order to collect his bounty, Wayne has to cross the Cadillac Desert to a place called Lawtown where criminals are executed by being pulled apart by tractors. Calhoun advises Wayne to sleep with one eye open as Calhoun has managed to kill every other bounty hunter that has pursued him. Wayne's dream is to collect enough money to buy a wrecking yard and retire from bounty hunting as he knew his luck would sooner or later run out. And besides Wayne is weary from the whole lifestyle and people like Calhoun.

The Cadillac Desert stretches for miles with old Cadillacs buried halfway in the ground at a slant. They were the result of the Chevy/Cadillac wars that took place years ago with the Chevy's being victorious. As Wayne and Calhoun descend deeper into the Cadillac Desert, a sandstorm suddenly starts and visibility is reduced to almost zero. Suddenly a large object looms in front of them and they crash into it taking out Wayne's Chevy. Suddenly the rotted faces of the dead folks appear and Wayne and Calhoun figure it's the end. However instead of being eaten they are led to the object that Wayne recognizes as a school bus. On board they are confronted by a nun dressed in very provocative clothing armed with a shotgun. They are introduced to Brother Lazarus who is driving the bus. Wayne observes the bus is equipped with radar and collided with them on purpose. Soon they arrive at a converted theme park that used to be Disneyland. Wayne observes that the dead folks have strange-looking ears (Mickey Mouse) and a bolt sticking out of their heads. This bolt is how they are controlled by Brother Lazarus.

Soon Wayne is befriended by a nun named Sister Worth who wants to leave "Jesusland" and tells Wayne of Brother Lazarus's plans for the two men which aren't very nice. So Wayne and Calhoun agree to a pact: Along with Sister Worth, they help each other escape and then settle their differences.

Luisa Sanfelice (2004 film)

The film is about the life of Luisa Sanfelice, a young member of the Neapolitan nobility who is in love with a republican, Salvato Palmieri. In the wake of the French Revolution a Napoleonic army led by general Jean-Étienne Championnet enters in Naples. Horatio Nelson receives the duty to organise the exile of King Ferdinand to Palermo. After the court has fled the Parthenopean Republic is proclaimed in January 1799. Also Luisa's husband, Cavaliere Luciano Sanfelice, has gone, but she stays. Luisa becomes the symbol of the hatred nobility though she supports the revolution. In June of the same year Naples is taken by the royalist troops conducted by cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo. Ferdinand returns to the town: with his well-known brutality he orders several massacres and the elimination of all opponents. 50000 Neapoletans are left dead. Disregarding the outrage of the population Ferdinand puts Luisa to death on 11 September 1800.

Drug War (film)

Fleeing from an explosion at his drug manufacturing facility, Timmy Choi crashes his car into a restaurant and as he revives he is captured by Captain Zhang Lei. Realizing that he will receive the death penalty for his crimes, he bargains information on his colleagues to survive and introduces Captain Zhang Lei as "Uncle Bill", to become a supplier to Haha, who owns a port and can distribute drugs to other countries. Captain Zhang Lei poses as Haha to the real "Uncle Bill". Choi goes to his factory where he meets with his two mute employee brothers. Choi plants recording devices in his factory, setting up everyone in it. Then they set up the real Haha with the real Uncle Bill. However, an attempt to capture the mute brothers at the factory fails, and they escape through a hidden tunnel. Captain Zhang is livid at Choi for withholding information about the secret exit, which has cost the lives of several police team members.

Choi pleads for a second chance as "Uncle Bill" is really just a front for 7 influential Hong Kong gangsters whom he did not wish to rat out because 2 of them are his relatives as they are his brother and godfather. The next day, Captain Zhang poses as Haha again and meets with "Uncle Bill". They negotiate a deal to distribute drugs using Haha's port, while Choi identifies the 7 gangsters's bosses. Later they discuss terms of the deal at a nightclub, where Captain Zhang, posing as Haha, accuses "Uncle Bill" of being a cop, pretending to be infuriated. The big 7 confront him in the parking garage, revealing their identities and confirming their business relationship. On the day after that, Choi leads the big 7 and their entourage to the port, but instead pulls the entourage in front of a primary school as parents and children are arriving for the day.

Choi removes his wires and reveals to the big 7 that he has ratted them out and they are surrounded by cops. Realizing that something has gone wrong, Captain Zhang and his officers close in. A shootout ensues, and nearly all of the gangsters, along with several officers, are killed. Choi escapes in a school bus. However, he crashes into the escaping mute brothers as they are fleeing, believing that Choi has ratted them out. Another shootout takes place. Captain Zhang, wounded, arrives with several other wounded comrades to stop the mute brothers. Though the mute brothers are killed, the cops are all severely wounded from the shootout. Choi who was handcuffed earlier by Zhang escapes and uses the opportunity to fatally gun down Zhang and the other officers, but Zhang is able to handcuff himself to Choi's leg before he dies. Choi is then captured by SWAT reinforcements before he can escape. Choi begs them for another chance to live by trading more information on other gangsters, but is executed by lethal injection.

Nietzsche's Kisses

''Nietzsche's Kisses'' is the narrative of Friedrich Nietzsche's last mad night on earth. Locked in a small room on the top floor of what would become The Nietzsche Archives in Weimar, one of the most radical and influential of nineteenth-century German philosophers hovers between dream and wakefulness, memory and hallucination, the first person, second, and third, past and present, reliving his brief love affair with feminist Lou Andreas-Salomé, his stormy association with Richard Wagner, and his conflicted relationship with Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, his radically anti-Semitic sister.

Recently, My Sister Is Unusual

High school girl Kanzaki Mitsuki "inherits" an older brother when her mother remarries a fellow divorcée with a son. Soon after, her new stepdad is transferred overseas and her mother follows him there, leaving Mitsuki to live alone with her new stepbrother, Yuya. Feeling abandoned by her mother, she stays distant from Yuya, never really getting along very well with him nor even keeping a conversation with him. One day, Mitsuki is visited by an angel/ghost named Hiyori, who takes over her body and makes sexual advances towards Yuya. Hiyori is the lost spirit of a girl who in life loved Yuya deeply, however she died before she could confess her feelings and thus can not reach the gates of heaven and obtain eternal peace.

In order to reach heaven, Hiyori puts a chastity belt on Mitsuki that fills up every time Mitsuki has sexual feelings from Yuya, whether it be from simply going on a date with him to kissing and sex. For every time it fills up a little, Hiyori gains a step on a bridge that connects her current situation and the literal gates of heaven. If Mitsuki doesn't help her then it will result in both their deaths, and so if she wants to get rid of the annoying Hiyori, Mitsuki has to make some bold and sexy moves against her own brother, even if he is just a stepbrother. As the series progresses Mitsuki questions if the feelings towards her brother are of true love that goes beyond just brother and sister or if they are a result of Hiyori's feelings towards him.

Mavra Mesanychta

The story is about mafia and family, kitsch and glamour.

Everything starts when Thrasos,[], . a peaceable breadwinner, inherits the fortune of his brother a man of night and owner of a nightclub that was killed by a bomb in his car. Thrasos suddenly from a low abiding citizen becomes the owner of the 95% of a big nightclub and one of the main heads of the underworld against his will.

Thrasos does not want to take his brothers fortune because of the fear that he might end up just like his brother, but his wife Lena, thirsty for money and luxuries, has other plans and forces him to accept the fortune. However, the ambitious Silvy, the lover of Thrasos' brother for many years, received only 5% of the nightclub, which she is not satisfied with, growing willing to do whatever she can to take the power on her own hands. In all that Thrasos will have to deal with the circumstances, and he will start having problems at work, buying off corrupt police officers to take decisions he does not want to, losing his family with the decisions he has made.

Mob Boss (film)

Don Anthony (William Hickey) is the head of California's largest crime family. Unbeknownst to him, his voluptuous mistress Gina (Morgan Fairchild) and his arch-rival Don Francisco (Stuart Whitman) have plotted a hostile takeover of the business, and Don Anthony is gunned down following a mob meeting. Lying mortally wounded in the hospital, Don Anthony directs his chief lieutenant Monk (Irwin Keyes) to locate his estranged son Tony to assume the family business and carry on the Anthony name.

Unfortunately for the family, Tony (Eddie Deezen) is a wimpy nerd with no idea of the true nature of his father's business. As Monk tries to transform the milquetoast geek into a fearsome gangster, Don Francisco attempts to overthrow him through Gina's powers of seduction, while a pair of bumbling hitmen (Brinke Stevens and Jack O'Halloran) try to bump Tony off at every turn.

For the Term of His Natural Life (miniseries)

Well-educated but adventurous young British aristocrat, Richard Devine, son of Sir Richard Devine, learns his Mother's secret - his biological father is in fact Lord Bellasis. To protect his mother's reputation, he leaves home to take ship to India, but is arrested after Lord Bellasis is murdered. He is tried for murder and acquitted but found guilty of theft of a pocket-watch which was given him by Lord Bellasis. Under the alias of Rufus Dawes, he is sentenced to transportation for life.

Dawes is shipped to Van Diemen's Land on the ''Malabar'', which also carries Captain Vickers, who is to become the new commandant of the penal settlement at Macquarie Harbour, his wife Julia and child Sylvia, Julia's maid, Sarah Purfoy and Lieutenant Maurice Frere, During the voyage, Dawes starts to tutor an illiterate young convict boy, known as ‘Blinker’, in the basics of arithmetic.

Life is brutal for the convicts. Vickers tries to be relatively humane but Frere goes out of his way to be as brutal as possible. Because of his gardening knowledge, learned at the family home, Dawes is assigned to create and maintain a garden around the commandant's house.

Dawes is transferred to Port Arthur under Frere's command. As punishment for being involved in an attempt to escape, he is sent into solitary confinement on Grummet rock, a small island off the coast. Dawes manages to escape and is washed up on a beach, where he finds Frere, Mrs Vickers and Sylvia, who have been marooned there by escaped convicts. Dawes plans, and succeeds in building, a boat out of saplings and goat hide. Frere promises Dawes a pardon if they are saved. Sylvia calls him, "Good Mr. Dawes". They take to sea and are rescued by an American vessel, but Frere has Dawes arrested. Sylvia has blocked out all memory of the events and cannot defend Dawes. Mrs. Vickers dies.

Sylvia, now a young woman of sixteen, marries Frere, who has lied about the events and painted Dawes as a would-be murderer.

Dawes escapes again to see Sylvia, but in her amnesia she is afraid of him. John Rex, another convict, tries to persuade Dawes to join him in an escape. Rex reaches Sydney and travels on to London with Sarah, now his wife, where he presents himself as Richard Devine. Lady Ellinor Devine, Richard's mother, accepts him as her long-lost son.

In Norfolk Island, by 1846, Reverend James North has been appointed prison chaplain. He is appalled at the horrible punishments inflicted. and also has strong feelings for Sylvia.

John Rex leads a life of debauchery, much to the disapproval of Lady Ellinor, and wishes to sell off the family estate. Lady Ellinor's suspicions have reached the point where she attempts to test her alleged son's knowledge of family secrets.

North visits Dawes in prison where he has been sentenced to death by Frere; he changes places with him and Dawes takes ship to Sydney without being discovered. He makes his way to the gold diggings at Ballarat, opening a general goods store. But Frere, now posted to Melbourne, tracks him down with the aid of a lawyer. The lawyer proves to be ‘Blinker’ now well educated, and Frere is shot dead.

Dawes travels to his home and is accepted by his Mother. Rex and his wife, now exposed as frauds, vanish into the night. Vickers arrives and hands Dawes a pardon, having personally lobbied on his behalf. It is assumed that Dawes and Sylvia will now marry.

Teenage Exorcist

Diane (Brinke Stevens), a prim and proper grad student, rents a spooky old house from a creepy realtor (Michael Berryman). Unfortunately for Diane, an ancient demon (Oliver Darrow) resides in her basement. She's soon possessed by the spirits of the house, turning her into a leather-clad, chainsaw-wielding succubus. When Diane's sister Sally (Elena Sahagun), Sally's brother-in-law Mike (Jay Richardson) and Diane's boyfriend Jeff (Tom Shell) come to visit only to be attacked by her demonic incarnation, they summon a priest, Father McFerrin (Robert Quarry), to handle the situation. Failing that, Father McFerrin attempts to call an exorcist, only to dial the wrong number and unwittingly place an order at the local pizza parlor. When the pizza delivery boy (Eddie Deezen) arrives at the house, it's up to him and the rest of the gang to destroy the demon and stop his nefarious scheme.

Spilt Milk (American Horror Story)

In 2012, Johnny sits in Dr. Thredson's apartment waiting on a prostitute named Pandora. As she gave birth three weeks prior, Johnny is able to suckle her breast. He attacks Pandora when she jokes he has "mommy issues".

Dr. Thredson gets Kit out of his cell to take him to visit Grace and his newborn child in the dayroom. Kit asks Grace what she remembers of her alien abduction and she recalls the painful process of the baby being put inside her. The baby had grown quickly inside of her as time runs differently for the aliens. Kit believes Alma is dead and he proposes to Grace. Monsignor Timothy Howard takes the baby for adoption.

Mother Superior Claudia sneaks Lana out of Briarcliff. Lana tells Judy that she will come back for her. Thredson notices Lana leaving with his recorded confession.

Lana gives the tape to the police, then goes to Thredson's house. After Thredson points out he's unlikely to receive the death penalty, Lana shoots him dead.

Kit is being released as Thredson is confirmed to be Bloody Face, rather than him. He blackmails the monsignor into returning the baby and releasing Grace. He arrives home with Grace and the baby where he finds Alma with a baby, fathered by Kit.

Lana visits a woman to have an abortion performed. Before the woman even begins, Lana thinks back on all that she has witnessed and stops the procedure, suffering from P.T.S.D. A few months later, Lana takes detectives to retrieve Judy, but Timothy tells them that Judy has committed suicide. However, Judy is actually alive.

Lana gives birth to a boy.

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Clumsy, with average intellect, and incredibly shy - these are some of the characteristics that middle schooler Inari Fushimi possesses. Despite her always getting into trouble, she is always optimistic and considerate of others. When someone needs help, she really can't ignore them. She also has a crush on Kouji Tanbabashi, who she always admires for being cheerful and extremely hardworking. But she couldn't bring herself to expose her feelings as her shyness kept getting in her way.

''Inari, KonKon, Koi Iroha'', begins with Inari taking a shortcut to school. On her way, she sees a fox pup who is about to fall into a river. Despite being late, she jumps into the river and manages to save the little fox pup from being washed away. Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami, the goddess of the Inari Shrine is extremely thankful for Inari's kindness towards the little pup, who turns out to be a familiar named Kon. As a token of her gratitude, she fulfills one of Inari's wishes. But the fulfillment of the wish only invites trouble and Inari soon finds herself in a pinch. To compensate for her mistake, Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami bestows a small part of her divine power to Inari, giving her the ability to transform into anyone at will.

Inari now possesses the power of a god, even if its just a small amount. Soon, various otherworldly beings start taking an interest in her, for the better or worse. What kinds of adventure awaits Inari? And will she able to tell Koji everything that she kept in her heart for a very long time?

Devil's Triangle (NCIS)

Gibbs and Fornell are approached by their mutual ex-wife, Diane, when her current husband Victor, a Homeland Security employee, disappears from a drive-through under suspicious circumstances. NCIS is officially brought into the investigation when a dead employee from the same drive-through is revealed to be a Navy reservist. Tony, Ziva, McGee, and Abby are all amused by Gibbs and Fornell's awkward behavior around Diane and attempt to find out more about their boss's marriage.

Investigating Victor, they find that he has $2 million hidden in banks in the Cayman Islands, and accessed a government database to copy a genetic blueprint for a deadly Ebola-variant virus. The obvious conclusion is that Victor has been embezzling funds from the Department of Defense, and is planning on selling the virus to the highest bidder. Checking Diane's background, McGee also discovers, to his embarrassment, that Diane was traveling to the Caymans with Victor while she was still married to Fornell.

The team finds Victor being held prisoner at an abandoned warehouse. Diane confronts him over the $2 million he was hiding from her, and he tells her he inherited it before they married, and he has kept it secret just because "when you have a lot of money, it's hard to know who your friends are." He tells Gibbs and Fornell that the kidnappers forced him to steal the virus recipe by threatening Diane, and they are not planning to sell it, but to use it. Based on a conversation Victor overheard, the team is able to prevent the attack in the nick of time, on an assembly of high-ranking officers from all five branches of the armed forces, at a football game. The mastermind is revealed to be Victor's boss, a Homeland Security agent who was hired by someone inside the military-industrial complex, hoping to prevent a planned reduction in the size of the U.S. military. With the threat over, Fornell and the FBI take control of the case.

In private, Diane visits Gibbs and thanks him for rescuing Victor. Gibbs is uncomfortable when she admits that their marriage was a mistake, because Gibbs will never love another woman the way he loved his first wife, Shannon; he is even more uncomfortable when she admits that it was a mistake for her to marry Fornell, because Gibbs was her "Shannon", and she loved him in the same way, even when he didn't love her back.

Urlaub auf Ehrenwort (1938 film)

Based on the autobiographical novella of the same title by Kilian Koll, the film is set late in 1918, during the final stages of the First World War. A troop of German infantry are on their way from the Eastern to the Western Front and must change trains in Berlin. After marching through the centre of the city from one station to another, they must wait several hours for their connecting train. The major in command gives strict orders that no one must go into this city full of "deserters, revolutionaries, and defeatists", even though most of the men are from Berlin, but in response to the pleading of Private Hartmann (Fritz Kampers), who had saved his life in the trenches, young Lieutenant Prätorius (Rolf Moebius) grants passes on the men's solemn promise to return in time: "I have your word of hono[u]r that you will return and fulfill your duty in this critical hour of the fatherland. The unit is counting on you—and so is Germany." The film follows several of the men, in particular four of different ages and from different milieux. Infantryman Ullrich Hagen (Wilhelm König) is a composer; he visits his music teacher, who will shortly be performing one of his works and begs him to be true to his talent rather than throwing his life away in a futile cause. Private Hartmann, who is middle-aged, surprises his young wife, Anna, who has replaced him at his work driving a tram; she begs him to stay with her and their four children rather than returning to a war which is already lost. The third, a young man, after discovering his only relative has died, meets a girl and falls in love for the first time. The fourth, Infantryman Emil Sasse (René Deltgen) is a "leftist intellectual" who was cursing the notion of 'heroic death' and announcing his intention to desert in the opening scenes of the film; he finds his girlfriend Fritzi (Margot Erbst) printing anti-war leaflets.Altmann, [,+Propaganda+and+the+German+Cinema&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AYO-UImaNamtiQLMj4GIAQ&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=Urlaub%20auf%20Ehrenwort&f=false p. 65]. All four, however, resist the temptation to desert. Hagen responds that his works can speak for themselves; the young man considers his companions closer to him than his new love; Sasse finds he no longer likes revolutionaries: "We soldiers are dying for our country while you drink, hold meetings, and make love. ... I have nothing in common with you any more." He fights his way out of the meeting and arrives with a black eye and bruises. Hartmann loses track of time, but his family all pile into a friend's lorry and race the train to the next station; the lieutenant spots the speeding vehicle and all the men are back as they promised.Waldman, [ pp. 164]–65.

David Stewart Hull, in his 1969 study of Nazi films, pointed out that the film greatly resembles ''Farewell Again'', a British film directed by Tim Whelan which was made the same year.

Kibar Feyzo

The film takes place in a feudal village in Southeastern Turkey in 1970s. Feyzo, a poor peasant, returns from military service dreaming about marrying Gülo, the love of his life. However, he has to face many obstacles. According to tradition, a man has to pay a lot of money to the bride's father in order to get the bride's hand. While Feyzo is trying to deal with the greed of Gülo's father, who is asking for an astronomical amount of money, he has to also convince his mother, who wants to buy an ox instead of a bride. Feyzo overcomes all these difficulties, but he gets kicked out of the village on his wedding day by the landlord, Maho Aga, who is eager to protect his status against any threat. However, Feyzo goes to the big city on exile only to bring back more problems for Maho.

Horns (film)

Ignatius "Ig" Perrish is the prime suspect when his girlfriend, Merrin Williams, is raped and murdered. Despite his declarations of innocence, he is shunned by the community. He visits his parents and brother, Terry, to hide from the press. After a vigil led by Merrin's father, who believes Ig to be guilty, Ig gets drunk, urinates on Merrin's memorial, and wakes up with a pair of horns protruding from his head. The horns have special powers that force people to tell Ig their darkest secrets and desires. At Ig's bidding, they act upon them.

While seeing his doctor about getting the horns removed, Ig, under anesthesia, dreams of his childhood, when he first met Merrin. A young Ig and his friends play with cherry bombs; Ig risks a dangerous dare to win a cherry bomb and nearly drowns, but is saved by Lee Tourneau, his childhood friend, who is now a lawyer. He trades the cherry bomb with Lee in exchange for fixing Merrin's broken necklace. Lee loses two fingers when the cherry bomb goes off accidentally. Ig and Merrin bond over the fixed necklace and fall in love, frequenting a treehouse in the woods together.

Ig visits his parents and, under the horns' power, his mother reveals she doesn't want him as her son and asks him to leave. His father tells him he is worthless without Merrin and his friend helps him burn down the lab where DNA tests were being conducted. As Ig heads to a bar, in the parking lot he goads the reporters into a brawl. He attempts to find evidence proving that he didn't kill Merrin from people in the bar. Several people confess their deepest and darkest secrets and the owner-bartender burns down the building to collect the insurance.

From one confession, Ig learns a new witness in the case is a waitress at the diner where Merrin broke up with him the night she died. Ig finds her and discovers she has been fabricating her stories to become famous. When Ig talks to Terry, he learns that Terry drove Merrin from the diner the night she died. When he touches Terry, Ig sees what happened that night: Merrin left the car en route to her home and ran into the woods. Terry passed out in the car and woke up the next morning with a bloody rock in his hand, finding Merrin dead under the treehouse. Afraid that he would be implicated, he fled. Infuriated, Ig assaults Terry until he is arrested by Officer Eric Hannity, who is another childhood friend. The next morning, Ig is released from jail with Lee's help. Ig notices Lee wearing Merrin's cross necklace and questions him about it. Lee insists there are things about him and Merrin that Ig never knew.

Later that night, Ig realizes snakes are following him wherever he goes and he uses them to exact vengeance against the waitress. Additionally, he gets Eric to act on his feelings for his police partner (who reciprocates his feelings) and forces Terry to overdose on drugs, causing Terry to be tormented by memories of Merrin's death. Ig meets Lee by the docks and pulls off Merrin's necklace. Ig realizes Lee was unable to see Ig's horns because he was wearing Merrin's cross necklace. Exposed to the horns, Lee falls under their influence and admits to killing Merrin. In flashbacks, Lee was also in love with Merrin and was deeply jealous of Ig throughout their childhood. Lee followed Merrin into the woods, thinking that Merrin had been sending him signals for a long time and that she had broken up with Ig to be with him. When Merrin insisted that she loved Ig more than anyone in the world, Lee raped her in a jealous rage and killed her with a rock, stole her necklace, and planted the bloody rock on Terry. In the ensuing confrontation, Lee overpowers him and lights him on fire in his car, causing Ig to drive into the bay. Lee claims that Ig confessed to the crime and committed suicide. The horns allow Ig to survive, horrifically burned and disfigured.

Merrin's father, who now believes Ig is innocent, gives Ig the key to Merrin's lockbox. When Ig puts on Merrin's cross, his body is restored and his horns disappear. In the box, he finds a note from Merrin explaining she knew he was going to propose, and she was dying from cancer and didn't want him to suffer, so she pushed him away under the pretense of loving someone else.

Ig confronts Lee, who does not remember their earlier fight, and leads him into the woods where Merrin was killed. Eric and Terry arrive to arrest Lee. Lee confesses to the murder, but then gleefully kills Eric and injures Terry. Ig tears off the necklace, sprouting a pair of wings and bursting into flame, transforming into a demonic monster. Despite Lee fatally wounding him, Ig impales Lee on one of his horns and telepathically forces a snake down Lee's throat, killing him. Saying that his vengeance was all-consuming, Ig dies from his injuries and his smoldering corpse turns to hardened ash, and he appears to be reunited with Merrin in the afterlife.

We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes

Elena is hallucinating about the death of Connor, which is slowly driving her crazy. Klaus informs the Salvatore brothers that Elena needs to be locked away, because eventually she will try to kill herself. After stealing her away from the brothers, he explains that due to killing the original five hunters, he experienced the same thing and there is no cure. Meanwhile, Professor Shane is hosting an exhibition at the school with Bonnie's help. Damon and Bonnie turn to him for answers. He tells them that Elena's hallucinations are due to a witch's curse and the only cure is for a potential hunter to make his first kill and pass along the last hunter's powers. Jeremy has discovered the beginnings of the mark on his body.

Stefan goes to break Elena out only to have her attack him and escape. She goes to the bridge where she died and Connor, Katherine, and her mother convince her to take her own life. She drops her daylight ring into the water. Stefan sends Damon to bring her back. Klaus provides Jeremy with one of his hybrids to kill to complete his transition to a hunter and break the curse. The curse is broken just as dawn comes, and Damon saves Elena by throwing them both in the river. He tells Elena that Stefan had been lying to them, but it was all for her. Stefan and Elena sit on the front steps and talk. Elena admits that as a vampire, her feelings for Damon have been magnified, and Stefan tells her he can't do this anymore so they mutually decide to split up.

My Brother's Keeper (The Vampire Diaries)

The Miss Mystic Falls pageant is back, and Elena and Caroline help April find a dress to wear. Meanwhile, Caroline calls Stefan and he tells her about Elena's feelings for Damon, which Caroline disapproves of. Klaus shows up shortly afterwards, questioning his trust in him. Damon and Stefan's relationship is strained, but nonetheless, they still search for the cure. Caroline and Elena are suspicious of Shane, who Damon decides to confront. Ever since awakening as a hunter, Jeremy has been having nightmares of killing Elena, and Stefan uses criminals to provide vampires to complete Jeremy's tattoo. Hayley and Tyler work to break the sire bond of Klaus's hybrids.

Caroline is stressed by a favor she owes Klaus, which is a date. Klaus makes her jealous of Hayley and Tyler's friendship, but also charms her and she asks if he ever wanted to be human again. Jeremy's hunter instinct develops to the extent where he grows a hatred for vampires and attacks Stefan. Damon asks why Shane showed up in Mystic Falls in the first place and reveals his vampirism to him. Jeremy arrives at the pageant and attacks Elena, nearly killing her, but she is rescued by Stefan and Matt.

Stefan reveals to Elena he provided vampires for Jeremy to kill and she replies she doesn't want her humanity back if it costs her brother his. Matt moves into her house and Elena decides to stay in the Salvatore House for safety. Stefan then decides to leave, unable to stay in the same house as Elena. It is eventually revealed that Shane and Hayley are working together to break the sire bond with Klaus's hybrids.

Caroline and Stefan begin to believe that Elena is sired to Damon. Later, Elena moves into the boarding house. She and Damon talk for a bit before they stand up and begin to dance by the fireplace. After a moment or so of dancing and holding each other close, they kiss. The two make out in the living room for a while before they go upstairs to Damon's bedroom and have sex for the very first time. The episode ends with Damon and Elena cradling each other's faces in a loving kiss.

Upstream Color

The film begins with a man (mentioned in the credits as the "Thief") who seems to be harvesting a type of larva for the peculiar effects it has on the human mind when ingested.

At a club, Kris (Amy Seimetz) is tasered and is kidnapped by the Thief. He makes her swallow the larva, which induces a sort of hypnotic susceptibility, causing an extremely suggestible mental state the Thief exploits. He uses an elaborate set of distractions, such as getting her to create a paper chain where each link features a transcription from the book ''Walden,'' to distract her while performing his mind control. He eventually manipulates her to liquidate her home equity, reveal to him a stash of valuable rare coins, and empty her bank account. Through hypnotic suggestion, Kris is prevented from consuming solid foods. She is allowed only to drink small amounts of water at regulated intervals, which she is compelled to perceive as extremely refreshing and delicious. Thief eventually releases Kris, who binges ravenously and falls asleep in soiled clothes in her home. She awakens to find several large worms visibly crawling under her skin. She unsuccessfully attempts to remove them with a kitchen knife.

Later, a pig farmer and avid field recorder—the "Sampler"—draws Kris to his farm using infrasonics. The Sampler silently sets up a transfusion through which he transfers a worm from Kris's body into that of a young pig. Kris then awakens in an abandoned SUV on the freeway with no memory of these recent traumatic events. Upon arriving at her disordered house, she quizzically notices blood on her sheets and floors and considers calling the police. She realizes she has no information to tell them and stops dialing. After cleaning up, she heads to work, where she is promptly fired for her unexplained absence. A trip to the grocery store reveals to Kris that her personal funds are gone.

A year later, Kris meets a man named Jeff (Shane Carruth) on a train and connects with him. They meet several times before finally spending the night with each other. Afterwards, they realize that they both have identical stitching scars from the aforementioned, forgotten, transfusions. They soon realize they had similar experiences; Jeff lost his job as a broker due to shifting company funds around to cover for money stolen from him and attributed the incident to drug abuse. At the same time, it is made clear to the audience that a parallel exists between the emotions Kris and Jeff have been feeling and two pigs, one of which is the host to Kris's parasite. As an example: Kris mistakenly believes herself to be pregnant at the same time her pig counterpart is actually pregnant. Upon consultation with a doctor, she is diagnosed with having had endometrial cancer that was successfully removed. The supposed cancer, she is told, is no longer a threat to her body, but it has rendered her infertile.

The Sampler finds that the pig containing Kris's worm has now given birth to piglets. He throws the piglets into a burlap sack and tosses them into a river. This event coincides with Jeff and Kris feeling an extreme sense of loss and frustration, and both act as if something terrible is happening to them; Jeff spontaneously picks a fight with two of his co-workers while Kris frantically searches as if she'd lost something. The two, in their panicked state, reunite and travel to Kris's house, where they gather supplies, including a gun, and make camp in her bathroom's tub, expecting the worst. Meanwhile, the sack of piglets is seen rotting away and a blue substance bursts from the piglets' open wounds, filling the surrounding waters, from which orchids have emerged. The orchids eventually turn the same color blue and are collected by farmers, who sell the plants in the neighborhood where the Thief operates.

These events seem to mark a change in the state of things. Kris and Jeff begin to remember each other's personal histories as their own. Jeff discovers Kris mumbling the text of ''Walden'' while swimming. It is while performing this ritual that Kris comes to sense things that the Sampler has sensed, and it is this moment that the two start to piece together what happened to them both. In a dreamlike sequence, Kris, Jeff, and the Sampler all sit down at a table in a bare, white room where Kris reveals to the Sampler that she is aware of him; the Sampler collapses from an apparent heart attack. The scene then cuts to a parallel shot at the pig farm, where Kris shoots and kills the collapsed Sampler. Kris and Jeff collect a box of written records detailing others who were similarly drugged; they summon these other victims to the farm by sending them copies of ''Walden.'' The farm is thereafter remodeled and the pigs are better cared for; as a result, no more pigs are drowned, the orchids in the river no longer turn blue, and the Thief is deprived of the larvae for his drug. The film ends with Kris cradling a baby pig, at peace.

The White Silence

As the story begins, Mason, Ruth and the Malemute kid are on the Yukon Northland trail, the temperature is colder than −50 degrees, and they are trying to reach civilization before the spring. They are running low on food and do not have enough to give the dogs their fill so they are becoming ravenous. Mason tells the Malemute kid that one of the dogs does not have long to live. Mason attempts to mush the weak dogs up a hill, but once at the top one of the dogs falls, Mason is swept off his feet and the sled tumbles back, dragging everything to the bottom. Mason whips the dogs savagely, crippling the dog who was previously hurt and angering the other dogs. Ruth and Malemute kid watch in silence. Later, Mason has just stopped his sled when a massive pine tree comes crashing down on his shoulders.

Malemute kid and Ruth chop away the tree, build a fire and wrap Mason in furs. He has a broken leg, arm and back, and is paralyzed from the waist down. As they set up camp, Mason talks of his home in Tennessee and his previous wife, but mostly he talks of his love for Ruth. He asks Malemute kid to leave him so as to save Ruth and her unborn child. Malemute kid goes out to hunt a moose, which could keep them all alive for weeks, but is unsuccessful. Returning to camp, he finds that the ravenous pack of dogs have gone after their food. Malemute kid with his rifle, and Ruth with an axe, fight off the beasts, but all of their dry salmon is gone.

With only five pounds of flour remaining for the 200 miles of wilderness in front of them, Malemute kid and Ruth have no choice but to continue on their journey without Mason, who has fallen into a coma. Ruth, a native who is not accustomed to showing grief, kisses Mason and blindly takes off on her sled towards civilization. As Malemute kid waits for Mason's death, "the White Silence seemed to sneer, and a great fear came upon him." Mason's heart stops beating, and Malemute kid races in his sled across the snow with Ruth.

Custom Nation

''Custom Nation'' examines the trend in today's market towards customizable products. It looks at Vistaprint, Shutterfly, Zazzle, CafePress, Starbucks, Dell, Subway, and other companies whose business concepts depend on customization.

''Custom Nation'' includes chapters on mass production, the inception of customization, advice for how to launch a customization-based business, advice for how to add customization to an existing business, and methods to grow and market a customization business.

Agustín's Newspaper

Journalism students start an investigation about the editorial line of El Mercurio S.A.P., a media corporation owned by Agustín Edwards Eastman that publishes Chilean daily newspapers ''El Mercurio'', ''La Segunda'', and ''Las Últimas Noticias''.

The documentary focuses particularly on the role of ''El Mercurio'', Chile’s leading conservative newspaper. The events covered include the land reform that occurred during the Eduardo Frei Montalva government, the opposition to Salvador Allende, the collaboration with Augusto Pinochet's military government, and the position held until the arrival of democracy in Chile. Overall, it presents a strong indictment of the newspaper and its editor, which are accused of public opinion manipulation, especially with disinformation campaigns.

The Power (Regular Show)

In their room at the house, as a wrestling match plays on the TV in the background, Rigby, standing on top of a filing cabinet in the corner of a home-made wrestling ring, tells Beef Burrito (a doll) to "take back" what he said about his mom. When Beef Burrito is silent, Rigby jumps from the filing cabinet to a trampoline, then onto Beef Burrito. He unleashes several moves on him, then makes the doll punch him back. Mordecai requests to be tagged in, which Rigby does. Asking Beef Burrito if he wants the pair to "put the hurt on" him, Mordecai, standing on the filing cabinets, slam dunks Rigby into the trampoline. This hurls Rigby across the room, smashing into the wall and landing in a trash basket. Rigby and Mordecai enjoy a laugh over the match that just transpired. After a moment, the pair scream in panic as they realize that they have busted a hole into the wall. Mordecai laments his decision to play-wrestle instead of going outside to work. He worries that the pair will get fired. When Rigby asks how the two will fix the hole, Mordecai reminds him that they can't fix it, and can't afford to pay for it. Mordecai suggests that they convince Benson to give them raises so they can cover the cost of repairs.

Rigby agrees that getting raises is the perfect solution, and tells Mordecai that they should ask Benson, and use Hamboning to convince him. When Mordecai suggests just explaining the situation, Rigby mocks him and again suggests Hamboning, that Hamboning will save his life someday. Mordecai insists that they are not going to use Hamboning, and Rigby pulls out a The Power. Impressed, Mordecai asks him where he got it from, and Rigby replies, "I have my methods".

In a flashback, a Wizard leaves the keyboard on a park bench while he relieves himself behind a bush. Rigby sneaks up and takes it.

Back in the present, Mordecai asks how the keyboard will get them raises. Rigby responds by playing a few notes. Impressed, Mordecai asks if Rigby has named the keyboard. Rigby allows Mordecai to choose the name, and Mordecai chooses "The Power" because he has always wanted to date a girl by that name. Rigby announces that he likes the name, and "The Power" magically appears on the keyboard.

Outside, Mordecai and Rigby use the keyboard to practice a short choreographed song, ending with them saying, in unison, "Give us a raise, loser!" Pops approaches the pair. Rigby suggests privately to Mordecai that they test the Power on Pops. Mordecai agrees, suggesting they don't call Pops a "loser" so he doesn't cry. The pair test their song on Pops, who proclaims it a "good show", and gives the pair a "pay increase" of butterscotch ripple lollipops. They successfully test its magical properties on Pops, who gives them lollipops. The pair take their song to Benson, who agrees that the pair deserve a raise. Telling them that they'll negotiate their new pay rates later in the week, he gives each of them twenty dollars. Rigby declares that they can do everything they've ever wanted.

A montage follows in which the pair use the Power to, among other things create a bouncy castle, blast off into space and drive a classic Dodge Challenger. Their fun is interrupted by Skips, who tells the pair that they shouldn't be doing what they're doing. The pair attempts to use the Power to persuade Skips to "go away" with a lengthy song. With the last line, "it's time for you to go to the Moon", Skips disappears. Mordecai berates Rigby for saying "Moon" instead of "room", and demands that he bring Skips back. Rigby explains that he can't bring Skips back since he can't see him, and Mordecai declares that they have to get Skips back.

Benson and Pops come out of the House, asking if the pair has seen Skips. Mordecai blurts out that "Rigby sent him to the Moon". Not believing, Benson again asks where Skips is. Mordecai replies that they'll show him.

A short time later, the four pile into the Cart. Mordecai and Rigby use the Power to play a song to be taken to the Moon. As Benson is saying "ha ha, very funny", thinking it's a joke, the Cart disappears, travels through space, and crash lands on the Moon, knocking the group out of the Cart onto the lunar surface. Looking around, many objects are on the Moon, including the bounce house, a broken soda machine and a small group of ducks. Rigby timidly admits that he sent "a bunch of stuff" to the Moon using the Power. Angry, Mordecai calls him a "drill bit" and ask him what else he sent.

A large creature, appearing to be a conglomeration of Rigby, Mordecai and the Beef Burrito doll, is spotted by the group, chasing Skips. Mordecai sends Rigby and Benson, with the Power, to rescue Skips while he and Pops attempt to right the Cart. The creature has Skips in one hand as Rigby puts the Power on the ground, trying to come up with the words to use to save Skips. He starts to play a song on the keyboard, but the audio quickly fades and dies, Rigby announces that he thinks the batteries have died.

The creature approaches Benson and Rigby as Pops and Mordecai set the Cart right. Recalling his earlier declaration that Hamboning would save his life, Rigby gives the keyboard to Benson and runs toward the creature. As the monster begins to put Skips in its mouth, Rigby begins Hamboning on its leg, distracting it enough for Skips to break free of its grip. Skips runs by, grabbing Rigby moments before the creature smashes a fist to the ground where he was standing. Skips jumps onto the Cart, which is driving away from the creature.

With the monster gaining on them, Skips tells Rigby to use the keyboard. When Rigby tells him the batteries are dead, Skips punches through the dash of the Cart, pulling out some wires and connecting them to the Power. Rigby plays and the entire group chants "Take us home! Take us home!" The group disappears from the cart mere seconds before it is destroyed by the creature's fist.

The group appears in Mordecai and Rigby's room in the House, the force of their landing shattering the drywall. Rigby lifts up the Power in triumph, which is promptly taken from him by Benson. Benson hands the keyboard to Skips, proclaiming that it's payback for sending him to the Moon. Skips immediately destroys it, to the disappointment of Mordecai and Rigby. Enraged, Benson demands the forty dollars he gave the pair back. They return the money to him, and Benson tells them to clean up the mess or be fired. He, Pops and Skips leave the room.

Rigby notes that the hole from their wrestling match is still there (a circle of drywall surrounds it). When he asks if Benson will notice it, Mordecai covers it with a poster, proclaiming that "he won't now". Rigby calls him a genius, and they pair high-five.


It tells the story of Heleno de Freitas (Rodrigo Santoro), a legendary football star who played for Botafogo during the 1940s. Most of all, Heleno's self-destructive behaviour turned him into a myth.

Curse of Simba

Mike Stacey (Haliday) is leading a safari when one of the hunters, Radlett (Tony Thawnton), wounds a lion. Mike says he now must kill it, but Major Lomas (Price) warns him that they are on Simbazi tribal land and, as the Simbazi worship lions, Mike will be fatally cursed. Mike scoffs at the notion and heads out with his native guide Saidi (Dennis Alba Peters). Mike kills the lion but gets mauled in the process.

The Simbazi tribal chief, Simbaza (Danny Daniels), and several warriors arrive at the safari camp. Spotting the lion skin stretched on a rack, Simbaza curses Mike by thrusting a spear into the ground at his feet.

The next morning, to Mike's dismay, the safari packs up to return to Johannesburg. Most of the bearers have run off during the night, frightened by the curse. As they drive through the bush, Saidi attempts to stab Mike, who has lost consciousness from his injuries. Saidi and Lomas struggle. Lomas wins; Saidi runs away.

In Johannesburg, Major and Mrs. Lomas (Jean Lodge) arrange to meet Mike at a nightclub. Mrs. Lomas tells the Major that Janet (Daniely), Mike's wife, has left him, taking their son Tommy (Andy Meyers) with her to her mother's home in London. When a drunken Mike shows up (he is an alcoholic), Mrs. Lomas tells him that he really ought to go home to save his marriage.

At the home of Janet's mother (Mary Kerridge), Mike insists that Janet meet him that night in the bar of his hotel to discuss their future. Janet stands him up, and Mike hooks up with a woman (Valli Newby) at the bar. He goes to her flat with her but passes out on her bed as soon as they arrive. He has a nightmare about Saidi, who at that moment is being held captive by Simbazi tribesmen. At 4:00 a.m., Mike walks back to his hotel, but a lion seemingly stalks him. He returns to the woman's flat later that day. She says that she too heard a lion- but, then, she lives only 500 yards from the zoo.

Mike again invites Janet out for a drink and a chat. As they sit at their table, Mike sees Simbaza (Nigel Feyisetan), wearing a suit, tie, and hat, looking at him. Janet sees nothing. Mike follows Simbaza through the streets of London and onto a city bus, but when Mike gets aboard, Simbaza has vanished. Then, when Mike sits down and looks over his shoulder, Simbaza is sitting behind him. Mike looks away, but when he glances back, Simbaza has again disappeared.

At his hotel that night, Mike is awakened by someone rattling his room's doorknob. He grabs his revolver, quickly opens the door, sees Simbaza, pushes him away, and fires four rounds through the closed door. Janet is called to Mike's room by a Police Inspector (John Witty), who explains what has happened and confiscates Mike's pistol.

Mike is next pursued across a misty Hampstead Heath by two Simbazi warriors carrying spears and in native dress. He wakes up in his hotel room after this, being treated by a doctor (Ronald Leigh-Hunt). Janet tells the doctor about Mike's hallucinations, which he says could be caused by Mike's alcoholism or his infected wounds, but probably both. Janet declares that she will nurse Mike back to health. That night, Simbaza peers through Mike's window, still in city clothes, and Mike has another nightmare about Saidi, who is still being held captive.

After three days of hotel room care, the doctor recommends that Mike be committed to a mental institution. Janet refuses to do so and instead consults a Simbazi expert (Louis Mahoney), who tells her the only way Mike will survive the curse is to return to Africa and kill the man who had put it on him.

Mike and Janet go back to Africa. They meet Lomas at a bush camp. Mike turns down Lomas's offer of help and sets out alone. He finds tribesmen stomping Saidi. Mike shoots and kills one of them; the others scatter.

Mike and Simbaza stalk each other through the jungle. Mike eventually runs Simbaza down with a World War II vintage Dodge WC series truck, crushing him between a front wheel and the frame. Simbaza is dead; the curse is broken. Mike and Saidi walk away, both now free.

The Death of Bees

After Marnie discovers the dead bodies of her parents, she and her sister decide against reporting the deaths to the police and instead bury their bodies. Reporting the death would mean social services stepping in and placing them in foster care. The sisters' lie about the disappearance of their parents is initially believed because their parents are considered unreliable drug addicts by many in the community. This lie is eventually uncovered by their homosexual neighbor Lennie, who takes them in and cares for them. Despite Lennie's care and kindness, Marnie and Nelly are both haunted by the ghosts of their past. Nelly wakes up screaming in the night because of memories of her father molesting her while Marnie drowns her sorrows by drinking, selling drugs, and sleeping with a married man. When their maternal grandfather discovers the situation and insists on taking the two girls in, Lennie becomes intent on keeping them by his side.

Beautiful Redemption (novel)

Ethan Wate finds himself in the Otherworld’s version of Wate’s Landing, where he sees his mom, Lila Evers Wate. Although Ethan is happy to see his mother again, he longs to be with Lena. To make his presence known, he creates crossword puzzles at Gatlin’s local publication, The Stars & Stripes, to get his messages to Lena.

Ethan's Aunt Prue tells him that his death wasn’t supposed to happen, and, upon consulting Obidias Trueblood, learns that the only way he can return to the Mortal world is to remove his page from The Caster Chronicles held by the Keepers at the Gates of the Far Keep. To get there, he must get two “river eyes” – two perfectly smooth black stones – to get across the Great River and to the Gates, where he must give the Gatekeeper “something he can’t refuse.” Ethan acquires the first “river eye” from Sulla the prophet, one of the Greats. The second one was given to Lena by her great-aunt Twyla. Making another crossword puzzle in The Stars & Stripes, Ethan acquires the second “river eye”. Ethan is helped along his journey by Uncle Abner's crow, Exu; crows are the only animals capable of crossing one world to the other.

Ethan, with the help of the map given to him by Aunt Prue, navigates the Otherworld and meets the River Master.

Upon reaching the other shore, Ethan meets the Gatekeeper Xavier who demands payment before showing Ethan the Gates. Xavier reveals that he is a former Keeper condemned to be a monster and Gatekeeper for questioning Angelus’ “experiments” – injecting Caster tissue and blood into himself to become immortal. Upon seeing the Book of Stars, the Light equivalent of the Book of Moons, Ethan realizes that the safest place to hide the Book of Moons is with Xavier. Making another crossword puzzle, he asks Lena to give him the Book of Moons.

Upon receiving Ethan’s message asking for the Book of Moons, Lena plans to get to Abraham Ravenwood, the person last known to have the Book. Abraham nearly kills Lena and John on their trip to get the book but are saved by Macon Ravenwood’s intervention. Macon, with his developed Light Caster powers, kills Abraham's protector Hunting with sunlight. While Macon directs the sunlight at Abraham, Link stabs Abraham with his garden shears.

To get The Book of Moons to Ethan, Macon seeks out Amma. In the middle of their ritual, Genevieve Duchannes’ Sheer appears, offering her help in bringing the Book to Ethan. Lena eventually gives the Book to Genevieve, who, in turn, give it to the Greats.

Ethan, while waiting for the Book of Moons, helps Xavier catalogue his many possessions and slowly loses his memories of Lena. When The Book of Moon arrives, however, his memories return. Ethan offers up the book to Xavier as payment, and Xavier takes him to the Gates.

Upon entering, a Keeper tells Ethan that he must go through a labyrinth before entering the Far Keep. In the labyrinth he finds Sarafine surrounded by bones. As a punishment for being so evil while she was alive, Angelus has condemned her to be the Guardian of the labyrinth. Expressing her deep hatred for Angelus, she burned herself to death so that Ethan can get to the Far Keep and kill Angelus himself.

Inside, Ethan is welcomed a hero. Ethan expresses his wish of removing his page from The Caster Chronicles, and Angelus refuses. He reveals that he has re-written several fates of Casters to fulfill his plan of annihilating the Mortals, and that Ethan’s death was not supposed to happen. The apocalypse, which started after Lena’s Seventeenth Moon, should have continued until the world was free of Mortals but was thwarted by the Lilum, who told Ethan what must be done to restore the Order.

Xavier appears as Ethan’s friend and proposes a challenge: the one who reaches the Chronicles first shall do whatever he wishes. Ethan is separated from The Caster Chronicles by a pool of water. Angelus taunts him with the body of Ethan Carter Wate, Ethan's ancestor who also tried to remove his page from the Chronicles but failed. Ethan reminds Angelus of his own mortality, and Angelus angrily denies it. As proof, Angelus throws himself to the pool full of corpses. Thinking Angelus dead, Ethan finds the bridge and crosses the pool, but is stopped by Angelus, who performed a Cast underwater. Ethan remembers that he has one more “river eye” and throws it at the pool. The corpses go back underwater, and Ethan reaches the island where the Chronicles lies. Ethan removes Angelus' page from the Chronicles, causing Angelus’ death. He finds his own page (written by Obidias as punishment for trying to remove his own page, along with turning one of his hands into snakes) and removes it.

Ethan wakes up back at the water tower where he jumped and sees Amma going upwards, joining the Greats: To fulfill the prophecy, Amma had traded her life for his. In Gatlin, the news of Amma Treadeau’s death is met with utter disbelief. Lena and Ethan spend their time together. Link and Ridley renewed their on-off relationship, and John and Liv’s relationship continues. Amma, through another crossword puzzle, tells Ethan to "be good".

The book ends with Ethan offering glasses of chocolate milk to Aunt Prue, Twyla, Amma and his mother and, drinking his own glass, remarking that “life has never tasted sweeter

Cinderela Baiana

Carla Perez (portrayed by Carla Fabianny as a child and by herself as an adult) lives with her father Raimundo (Armindo Bião) and unnamed tuberculous mother (Juliana Calil) in a small, poor shack located somewhere in the middle of the ''sertão'' of Bahia. After her mother dies, Carla and her father decide to move to Salvador in order to achieve better life conditions. Carla, having an innate talent for dancing, soon is spotted by eccentric talent manager Pierre (Perry Salles) and his personal assistant Beto (Val Perré); she is initially enthusiastic about her newly acquired fame, but soon discovers Pierre is an unscrupulous man that is only interested into the profits of exploiting her. Helped by her two vagabond friends, Bucha (Lucci Ferreira) and Chico (Lázaro Ramos), and by her boyfriend, Alexandre Pires (portrayed by himself), she garners the strength to fight Pierre back and live freely as she wishes.

Truth (2013 film)

After a chance encounter over the internet, Caleb (Sean Paul Lockhart), who suffers from borderline personality disorder, meets and falls head over heels for Jeremy (Rob Moretti), and soon the line between love and lies blur. Struggling to keep his past a secret, including his mentally ill mother, Caleb slowly succumbs to his darker side. A sudden turn of events finds Jeremy held captive, until Caleb's quest for the truth is revealed.

Me Mage Sandai

A Sinhalese soldier (Saumya Liyanage) fighting against rebels struggling for Tamil independence is left behind by his company one night. While hiding in a bunker, he's discovered by a Tamil woman (Dilhani Ekanayake), with whom he experiences a violent sexual encounter. She proceeds to follow the soldier after he comes to the realization that his company isn't coming back, and he decides to leave the fighting behind and return home.

However, the soldier's return doesn't bring much joy to his village—his family, who imagined he was dead, was counting on his pension to help them dig their way out of poverty, while his fiancée refuses to have anything to do with a deserter. With no one willing to help him in his village, the soldier finds himself turning to the Tamil woman for affection.

The Effect of Love

Mabel (Sofía Gala) is raped in the chapel of the shantytown where she lives and then she becomes a clown and a prostitute. Martín (Guillermo Pfening) is a lawyer who has recently separated from his wife and left his father's law firm. They meet and eventually fall in love, but soon after Mabel discovers she is a HIV virus carrier.

Errors of the Human Body

Dr. Geoff Burton (Eklund), a brilliant genetics researcher, is invited to a lab in Dresden, only to discover a lethal virus is being created, which he may have unintentionally caused and be its first victim. This mystery is set against Dr. Burton trying to find redemption and peace from a past haunted by the death of his infant son.

Yaaruda Mahesh

The film opens with the protagonist Shiva going to college for an exam, where his pen runs out of ink. He receives a new one from the girl next to him, Sindhya. He immediately falls for her and starts following her. He attends an educational tour with Sindhya, Vasanth, and Priya (Vasanth's lover). Eventually, Sindhya too falls for Shiva. He then finds out that she got the top rank in the test and a scholarship to the US. Before she leaves, Sindhya invites Shiva to breakfast at her house while her family is out. At her house, Shiva strips her, and the two end up having sex. Sindhya then goes to the US. She comes back three months later, saying that she has some private information to tell him. When she gets back, she announces to Shiva that she is pregnant, thinking that no one else is in the house. However, Shiva's parents overhear this, and they scold the two for having sex.

The film skips ahead a few years to show Shiva and Sindhya, husband and wife, having a child. Sindhya is working, while Shiva is an unemployed husband, looking after the child at home. Sindhya's brother Randy, a psychiatrist, tries to help by setting up a trick for Shiva to discover his interests. He sets up a plot in which Shiva overhears Sindhya talking to a person named Mahesh who is really Randy, making Shiva think that the child is not his, but someone else's. Sindhya and Randy want Shiva to overhear them talking. Shiva gets suspicious about who Mahesh is and starts getting data from the library, helped by Vasanth. The climax is in the people he meets and he finally figures who it is. He accuses Sindhya and tries to kill the child. His family and Randy then explain what happened. He then rewrites the test and passes. The movie ends with Shiva getting a job and Randy still on his case on whether he is back to normal.

Mosquita y Mari

When Yolanda Olveros meets her new neighbor Mari Rodriguez, all they see in each other are their differences. An only child, sheltered Yolanda's sole concern is fulfilling her parents' dream of a college-bound future. With her father's recent death, street-wise Mari, the elder of two, carries the weight of her sister as their mother works to keep them above water.

But despite their contrasting realities, Yolanda and Mari are soon brought together when Mari is threatened with expulsion after saving Yolanda from an incident at school. The girls forge a friendship that soon proves more complex than anticipated when the girls unexpectedly experience an intimate moment between them.

As Yolanda and Mari's feelings reach new depths, their inability to put words to their emotions leads to a web of unspoken jealousy. Mari ends up meeting with a boy from the street for money in their study hideaway. The two girls spend time apart. The final scene shows them looking at each other from opposing sides of the street, with gentle smiles.

Blood Red Horse

''Blood Red Horse'' follows Will and Ellie, two young teens growing up during the time of the Crusades. Ellie has feelings for Will, yet has been promised in marriage to Will's brother Gavin. When King Richard announces that he will launch a Crusade, both Will and Gavin are sent off to fight. Will chooses the scrawny Hosanna to ride into battle, drawn in by the horse's allure. Along with his horse, Gavin doesn't want Will to find a way to survive the battle and return home.

Seven Keys to Baldpate (1925 film)

Writer William Magee arranges to stay at the old deserted Baldpate Inn so he can write a mystery novel in peace. He makes a bet with his friends that he can write the entire book in 24 hours. One by one, strangers begin showing up at the inn, each with a key to the place.

Wikipedia:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia/Rudolph's Greatest Adventures

This features a four-story round based on the classical Rankin/Bass specials: '''Rudolph's Shiny New Year''', '''Frosty's Winter Wonderland''', '''Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer''' and '''Jack Frost'''.

Seven Keys to Baldpate (1947 film)

While the Baldpate Inn is closed for the winter, mystery writer Kenneth Magee makes a $5,000 bet with its owner that he can spend one night there and write a story. He starts the work while on the train there, but a stranger named Mary Jordan manages to steal the typed pages. At the station she tries to warn him not to go there, but he does. Believing he has the only key, he is surprised to find Cargan, who says he is the caretaker and was not expecting him. There is no electricity, but Kenneth is willing to work by an oil lamp and firelight. Then Mary turns up at the inn and the weather is bad enough that she is given a room as well. Kenneth again starts writing his story, ''A Key to Baldpate''.

But then other people also begin arriving, and behaving suspiciously. Also, an innocent-looking old man slips in by a window and explains that he is a local hermit who was curious about the lamplight in the closed inn.

Mary is in fact the owner's secretary, and is there to distract Kenneth to keep him from winning the bet. Kenneth learns this when he overhears her making a phone call, but assumes that all the other people are also part of the plot to distract him, which they are not. In fact, except for the hermit, they are part of a criminal gang. Eventually it becomes clear that they were to be paid $200,000 to steal a fortune in jewels from a supposed victim, who would get the jewels back and file a fraudulent insurance claim. Meanwhile, Kenneth restarts his story with the new title ''Three Keys to Baldpate''—and, later, ''Five Keys to Baldpate''.

More of the gang arrive, and with both the jewels and the money on the inn's premises, they try to seize any opportunity to double-cross each other. When Mary tries to call the police, Cargan slips outside and cuts the telephone wire. She tries to tell Kenneth that the men are criminals, but he still assumes this is all part of the plan to distract him—until they stumble across the murdered body of one of the gang. Then they try to get away, but are unable to get past Cargan and his men.

Eventually the hermit manages to go for the police, who do not entirely believe him. At the inn, they try to determine who is telling the truth; Kenneth must stall for time as Cargan holds Mary at gunpoint in an adjacent room. Eventually he manages to lead the police to the dead body and the crooks are soon arrested.

But Kenneth still has to win the bet. He returns to his room and starts the story again, typing the new title ''Seven Keys to Baldpate''—whereupon Mary kisses him warmly, and he turns back to the typewriter and immediately types "THE END".

The Heart of Christmas

Megan Walsh is a successful businesswoman who does not seem to have enough time for her husband and two children. While taking her children trick-or-treating during Halloween, she encounters a confusing situation in which many families are decorating for Christmas (which is nearly two months away). Their explanation is that they are trying to provide one last Christmas for Dax Locke, a toddler in their neighborhood who is dying of a rare form of leukemia. Curious, Megan reads Dax's mother Julie's blog and learns about the Lockes' journey. Inspired, Megan examines her own life and priorities.

Don't Starve


Wilson, a gentleman scientist, is the protagonist of ''Don't Starve''. While Wilson has no special abilities beyond growth of "a magnificent beard", which slows the speed of freezing in winter and accelerates overheating in summer, other playable characters do: Willow, a firestarter, has a unique lighter and is immune to fire damage, but will start spreadable fires on the ground when she has low sanity. A girl named Wendy receives visits from her deceased twin sister Abigail when summoned, who can help her attack monsters. The strongman, Wolfgang, has high health and significant offensive capabilities that grow better the more his hunger meter is full, but he starves faster and loses more sanity when near danger. WX-78 is an android who nonetheless needs to eat, sleep, and stay mentally stimulated, but does not become ill from spoiled food, can increase their maximum health, hunger, and sanity with gears (reset to the original maximum after dying and respawning; the corpse leaves behind a portion of the used ones), and takes damage from rain (which causes sparks bright enough to ward off Charlie). Being made of conductible material, WX-78 also attracts lightning that surrounds them by a glow that gradually dies down as time passes and refills their health, but also lowers their sanity. Wes is a mime with fast depleting hunger and low damage. His maximum health and hunger are lower than most characters and he cannot talk, making him unable to warn the player of status ailments or incoming enemy waves. His sole merit is the unique ability to make balloons (which can act as diversions). Other characters include Wickerbottom, an insomniac witch writer and librarian who doesn't require a science machine to craft many items because of her advanced intellect and who takes greater penalties from spoiled food; and Woodie, a Canadian lumberjack accompanied by a talking axe named Lucy and who has the dark secret that he turns into a werebeaver under the full moon.

The game's supposed antagonist is Maxwell. Maxwell is described as a puppet master who is dapper and frail in stature. He is the final unlockable character, obtained after completion of the story rather than with experience points. The character version of Maxwell starts with more powerful items than the others and has a book that when activated, spawns a shadow clone of himself that aids him in battle, mining, and wood chopping. A maximum of 3 puppets can be spawned at once, and each will disappear 2.5 days after it is spawned if it doesn't die earlier. The secondary antagonist in all games, and the primary antagonist of the multiplayer sequel § ''Don't Starve Together'' (DST), is Maxwell's old magic assistant Charlie, attacking the player if they're in complete darkness.


The game opens with Maxwell snidely commenting on the player's gaunt appearance and includes little further story. The game's setup is told further through its trailer: on a dark and stormy night, in his house deep in a mountainous forest within New England, Wilson appears to be getting nowhere in a chemistry experiment until he is startled by his radio speaking to him. It reveals that it has noticed his trouble and has secret knowledge for him. When he eagerly agrees, a flurry of equations and diagrams encircle him and fill his head. Using white rats, a typewriter, and his blood among other tools and materials, Wilson creates a giant machine. The radio commends his work and tells him to pull the machine's switch. He hesitates, but at the radio's insistence, he does so. The machine rattles violently, and a pair of ghostly arms whisk him into a different world while an apparition of Maxwell cackles.

As Wilson (and indeed the other characters who were lured into Maxwell's door) survives, he finds that the Constant, despite at first glance resembling the real world, is not a normal plane of reality, as it is infested with not only creatures different from their real world counterparts, but overall hideous monsters that are unrecognisable from anything found in the real world, and worst of all, shadow creatures materialise whenever he is feeling afraid, and deep within the caves on the mainland, Wilson is able to find the ruins of a technologically advanced race of arthropod creatures who were once the dominant species of the Constant, but destroyed themselves with the overuse of nightmare fuel that these creatures are composed of.

During the Adventure mode, at the start of each chapter, Maxwell appears and comments. At first, he seems impressed at the player's hardiness; he then becomes irritated and urges the player to turn back. He offers the player a truce but, upon its decline, becomes enraged.

At the end of Adventure mode, the player reaches an island called ''Maxwell's Island'' with a hall belonging to Maxwell on it. The player finds Maxwell trapped in a throne encircled by short stone pillars. It is implied that this is a fate worse than death, and Maxwell was trying to kill the player to prevent them from meeting the same fate he has. The player is at first unable to free him but finds a keyhole and a key nearby. The player sets Maxwell free, but he turns into a skeleton and disintegrates as he stands up. The ghostly arms from the trailer then grab the player and ensnare him in the throne. An epilogue implies that the player will take on a villainous role similar to Maxwell's using newfound powers given by the throne but will nonetheless be trapped forever.

The Last Enemy (play)

Two explorers die in the Antarctic but live on as spiritual guides to their children.

The King Is Dead!

Max (Dan Wyllie) and Therese (Bojana Novakovic) have just moved into a new house, unfortunately they are now next door to a strange man named King (Gary Waddell). At first, things seem to go smoothly until King and his friends become trouble with Max and Therese and they both suspect he may be a drug dealer, so Max and Therese concoct a plan to have King move out of their neighbourhood.

Lakeside Murder Case

Four couples are staying at a lakeside cottage with their children. They want them to prepare intensely for a prestigious high school's entrance exam with the help of a private tutor. One night, one of the wives confesses to her husband that she has killed his mistress...


The film tells the story of Chandran Pillai (Jayaram), a widower from a village in Kerala. Bhama (Meera Nandan), who is a teacher, wants to marry Chandran Pillai and be a mother to his son, whom she likes a lot. The story begins with a young chap (Kailash) getting kidnapped. In the meantime, Chandran Pillai travels to Madirasi, to buy for his son a brand new cycle. There he is drawn into a very vicious circle when he goes probing the disappearance of Johny (Kalabhavan Mani), a police constable.

Calendar of Regrets

''Calendar of Regrets'' is a collage novel comprising twelve interconnected narratives, one for each month of the year, all pertaining to notions of travel—through time, space, narrative, and death.

The narratives involve: 1) the poisoning of the painter Hieronymus Bosch; 2) former CBS anchorman Dan Rather's mysterious mugging on Park Avenue as he strolled home alone one evening; 3) a series of postcard meditations on the idea of travel from a young American journalist visiting Burma; 4) a high school teacher who videos her own auto-erotic asphyxiation and sends them to strangers across the U.S.; 5) a husband-and-wife team of fundamentalist Christian suicide bombers in London; 6) a terrorist commandeering a family's car on the Italian Autostrada; 7) the myth of Iphigenia from Agamemnon’s daughter’s point of view; 8) a series of pirate podcasts by a young drifter along the shores of the Salton Sea in southern California; 9) an interview between forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz and the man who assaulted Dan Rather; 10) an angel (based on the one appearing in symbolist Hugo Simberg's famous painting titled ''The Wounded Angel'') discovered by two boys in the Finnish countryside; 11) a man built of borrowed organs, each with its own story; 12) a boy born as a notebook.

Each narrative is composed in a unique style and genre, breaks off in the middle, and is nested inside the one that preceded it. The twelfth forms the mid-point of the novel. Each interrupted narrative then concludes. Reminiscent of David Mitchell's ''Cloud Atlas'', they form a mosaic, connected through a pattern of musical motifs, transposed scenes, and recurring characters. ''Calendar of Regrets'' is a narrative about narrativity itself, the human obsession with telling ourselves and our worlds over and over again in an attempt to stabilize a truth that, as Vladimir Nabokov once said, should only exist within quotation marks.

Courier (film)

Ivan Miroshnikov, а 17-year-old high school graduate, fails to enter university and gets fixed up with a job as a courier (delivery person) in a small publishing company. At the same time his parents get divorced. His ironic and careless attitude to his new miserable job covers the deep confusion of his soul. By pure accident he meets a girl named Katya, daughter of a famous professor. She is bored with her perfect family and ordinary prosperity, and they start dating. But her sudden interest gradually fades away because she doesn't have enough strength for deliberate protest and Ivan, truthfully, is not particularly interested in her. Soon she returns to her old environment, and he stays face-to-face with his near future.

The Lego Movie

In the Lego universe, the wizard Vitruvius fails to protect a superweapon called the "Kragle" from the evil Lord Business, but prophesies that a person called "The Special" will find the Piece of Resistance capable of stopping the Kragle. Lord Business claims it untrue and kicks Vitruvius off a cliff.

8 1/2 years later in Bricksburg, construction worker Emmet Brickowski comes across Wyldstyle, a woman searching for something at Emmet's construction site. Emmet falls into a pit and finds the Piece of Resistance. Compelled to touch it, Emmet experiences visions and passes out.

He awakens in the custody of Bad Cop, Business's lieutenant, with the Piece of Resistance attached to his back. Emmet learns of Business's plans to freeze the world with the Kragle, a tube of Krazy Glue with the label partially rubbed out; the Piece of Resistance is the tube's cap. Wyldstyle rescues Emmet, believing him to be the Special. They escape Bad Cop and travel to "The Old West" where they meet a blind Vitruvius. He and Wyldstyle are Master Builders, capable of building anything without instruction manuals, who oppose Business's attempts to suppress their creativity. Though disappointed Emmet is not a Master Builder, they are convinced of his potential when he recalls visions of "the Man Upstairs".

Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius evade Bad Cop's forces with Batman's help and escape to Cloud Cuckoo Land where all the master builders are in hiding. The Master Builders are unimpressed with Emmet's cowardliness and refuse to help him fight Business. Bad Cop's forces attack and capture everyone except Emmet and his friends. Fellow Master Builder MetalBeard rescues Emmet from drowning and Emmet devises a plan to infiltrate Business's headquarters and disarm the Kragle. The plan almost succeeds until Emmet and his friends are captured and imprisoned. Lord Business murders Vitruvius by decapitating him with a penny, throws the Piece of Resistance into an abyss, and sets his headquarters to self-destruct, leaving all present to die. Vitruvius reveals he made up the prophecy as he dies, but his spirit returns to tell Emmet it is his self-belief that makes him the Special. Strapped to the self-destruct mechanism's battery, Emmet flings himself off the edge in the tower and saves his friends and the Master Builders. Inspired by Emmet's sacrifice, Wyldstyle rallies the Lego people across the universe to use whatever creativity they have to build machines and weapons to fight Business's forces.

Emmet finds himself in the human world where the events of his life are being played out in a basement by a young boy, Finn, on his father's Lego set. The father — "The Man Upstairs" — chastises his son for creating hodgepodges of different playsets and begins to permanently glue his perceived perfect creations together. Realizing the danger, Emmet wills himself to move and gains Finn's attention. Finn returns Emmet and the Piece of Resistance to the set, where Emmet possesses the powers of a Master Builder and confronts Business. In the human world, Finn's father looks at his son's creations and sees how he based the villainous Business on him. Through a speech Emmet gives Business, Finn tells his father that he is very special and has the power to change everything. Finn's father reconciles with his son, which plays out as Business having a change of heart, capping the Kragle with the Piece of Resistance, and ungluing his victims with mineral spirits as Wyldstyle and Emmet enter a relationship. As Finn's younger sister joins in playing with the Lego sets, Duplo aliens arrive in the Lego universe and threaten destruction.

Dark Souls II

The story of ''Dark Souls II'' begins with a human who has become Undead, cursed to never die and doomed to eventually become a Hollow, a zombie-like being with no memories or purpose. The protagonist is also known as the Bearer of the Curse. To break the curse, the undead travels to the fallen kingdom of Drangleic and is tasked by the Emerald Herald with obtaining four Great Souls from powerful Old Ones whose names are long forgotten and forbidden. Once obtained, the Emerald Herald directs the undead to "Seek the King" in the capital. After fighting through the remains of the royal guards, the player encounters the Queen Nashandra, who reveals that the king failed in his duty and fled his kingdom long ago. She asks the protagonist to slay the king.

Near the end of the Queen's quest, the player learns that the ruin of the kingdom was in fact caused by Nashandra. She came to the king and deceived him into launching an ill-fated invasion across the sea into the lands of the Giants. She coveted their souls and sought to steal their power. Though the raid succeeded in stealing the Giant's unspecified power, the Giants retaliated. Invading Drangleic, the Giants eventually destroyed the kingdom. With his kingdom in ruins, the king discovered Nashandra's true purpose and locked himself inside the Undead Crypt.

In order to confront Nashandra, the player character travels to the keep of Aldia, the King's brother, to obtain the Ashen Mist Heart, an artifact that allows a form of time travel, by accessing the "memories" of corpses. The player must enter the memories of a deceased Giant to defeat the Giant Lord during the invasion and claim his power for their own. Confronting the Emerald Herald one final time, she states that Nashandra is a fragment of Manus, the final boss in the ''Artorias of the Abyss'' expansion in ''Dark Souls''. She then asks the protagonist to put Nashandra to rest and to take the Throne of Want.

In the ''Scholar of the First Sin'' version of the game, the base story changes slightly, notably with the addition of Aldia after the defeat of Nashandra. If the player has defeated King Vendrick, Aldia attempts to help the protagonist understand that there might be a way out of the endless cycle of death and rebirth. The player is given a choice: they can either take the throne, thus allowing the cycle of Age of Fire and Dark to continue; or the player can abscond the throne, resisting the effects of Hollowing and following their own unknown path beyond light or dark.

The Human Kind

Olivia (Anna Torv) is still worried about the effects of the Observer implant on Peter (Joshua Jackson), and succeeds in getting another one from their ally Anil (Shaun Smyth) for Walter to study. Peter is still trying to track down Captain Windmark (Michael Kopsa) to avenge killing his and Olivia's daughter Etta, using the precognitive abilities of the implant. He flees Etta's apartment just before Windmark and his associate arrive, and heads to New York City to put his plan into motion.

Walter frees another video tape, this one directing him to the town of Fitchburg outside of Boston. The tape instructs them to recover an electromagnet. Olivia, after giving the implant to Walter (John Noble), goes off alone to recover it, anxious about Peter's whereabouts. As Olivia travels, Walter and Astrid (Jasika Nicole) discover that the implant can transform the human brain into one of advanced intelligence but at the cost of losing all emotions if left in too long, and let Olivia know this.

At a scrap auto yard in Fitchburg, Olivia meets Simone (Jill Scott), who has been waiting for her arrival. Simone explains that a man matching Walter's description had asked her mother shortly after the Observers' purge to set aside the electromagnet and a truck to transport it, and she in turn kept to her mother's promise. While they wait for one of Simone's crew to get diesel fuel for the truck, she explains to Olivia that she has a mysterious sense of the future, which Olivia dismisses given her own past experiences with Fringe events. Nevertheless, Simone implies that it is a gift and notes that Olivia still carries the bullet that Etta had on her necklace.

Peter tries to set up a trap for Windmark in New York, but instead is cornered by him and his associate. Peter and Windmark fight, during which Windmark claims that despite Peter's precognitive abilities, everything has been going as Windmark planned, all aimed towards this moment. He also provides Peter a mental image of what Etta's last thoughts were before her death - that of her parents before the arrival of the Observers. When Windmark's associate appears and tries to subdue Peter, Peter is able to turn the tide, kill the associate, and escape. He returns to Walter's lab to take care of his wounds, where Walter tries to implore him to stop, as Peter is his emotional basis. Peter refuses to listen and then returns to New York to make another attempt on Windmark's life.

When the fuel is delivered, Olivia leaves alone with the truck. However, along the way she is captured by humans who know she is wanted by the Observers. They lock her in a building to await the Observers' arrival. She is able to set a trap using loose trash and the bullet necklace, kills the men, and escapes with the truck and magnet. She arranges with Anil to store the magnet and truck until needed, and learns of Peter's current state from Walter. She finds Peter waiting to kill Windmark, but coaxes him out of it by explaining that Etta remains within them and their memories, showing him the bullet necklace. After verifying that his plan to kill Windmark is on track, Peter pauses for a moment, and then voluntarily removes the implant. He then falls into Olivia's embrace.

Rurouni Kenshin (film)

As the Imperialist forces celebrate their victory in the Battle of Toba–Fushimi, a participant known as the ''Hitokiri Battōsai'' walks away from the battlefield, abandoning his sword. But Battōsai's old katana is not left alone. It is claimed by one of the fallen, Udō Jin-e.

A decade later, Saitō Hajime and his fellow policemen investigate the murder of an undercover cop supposedly by the hands of the Battōsai. But Saitō is not convinced and suspects Takeda Kanryū, a wealthy, but cruel businessman. Meanwhile, the former Battōsai (now calling himself Himura Kenshin) arrives in Tokyo. While roaming its streets, he meets Kamiya Kaoru, the owner of her late father's Kendo school. With her dojo's name smeared by one bearing the name of Battōsai, she attacks him believing him to be the famed killer, but is proven wrong when Kenshin reveals he only carries a .

Elsewhere, Takani Megumi, a woman forced to make opium for Takeda Kanryū, escapes and turns to the police for a safe haven after witnessing the deaths of the other opium makers. However, Udō Jin-e, under the service of Kanryū, hunts her down, slaying everyone in the police station. Luckily, she escapes in the ensuing chaos.

Kaoru crosses paths with Jin-e, the actual perpetrator killing under her dojo's style of swordsmanship. Utterly no match for him, she is injured in the fight, but Kenshin appears out of nowhere and saves her. Jin-e immediately realizes Kenshin's hidden identity as the true Battōsai, before a swarm of policemen rush onto the scene, giving Kenshin and Kaoru a chance to flee. Kaoru leads Kenshin to her dojo where they will be safe. Later, a group of thugs under Takeda Kanryū attempt to take over the dojo. Kenshin beats down the entire gang without killing a single one before the police arrive. Kenshin takes the blame for the incident and gets himself arrested in order to help avoid Kaoru's dojo being blamed for the violence. Soon, Saitō recognizes him, briefly fights him when he refuses to help the police because he has vowed not to kill again and then releases him. After his release, he is greeted by Kaoru who knows Kenshin is not the Battōsai who had defamed her dojo and takes him back to the dojo. Kenshin afterward moves in with Kaoru and her only student, the boy Myōjin Yahiko.

Still running on the streets for her life, Megumi runs into Yahiko who helps hide her and brings her to the dojo where she is introduced to everyone. Kaoru treats everyone to a sukiyaki dinner at the Akabeko restaurant, only to have the occasion spoiled by Kanryū coming and offering to hire Kenshin, who humbly declines. Here, he is challenged by Sagara Sanosuke for the job and they leave the establishment to fight.

Later that evening, Jin-e goes on a killing spree leaving many corpses for the police to find the following day. Kenshin witnesses the horror, as well as a woman mourning the death of her lover. This evokes a memory for Kenshin from his years as an assassin when he witnessed a woman mourning a man that he had killed, a sword fight that left a scar on his face. Later that night, a masked man working for Kanryū warns Megumi of coming dangers.

The next day the people around the dojo fall ill from rat poison contaminating the community wells. Megumi suspects it is Kanryū's doing and helps by providing medication for the victims. Angry at Kanryū, Megumi attempts to kill him, but fails and is instead held hostage by the wealthy drug-dealer. Besting all his men, Kenshin and Sanosuke attack Kanryū's mansion in hopes of rescuing Megumi. Saitō assists them to subdue Kanryū, who is armed with a Gatling gun. They rescue Megumi, but discover that Jin-e, the fake Battōsai and Kanryū's man, has kidnapped Kaoru.

Kenshin pursues Jin-e. To further provoke Kenshin, Jin-e uses a special technique that paralyzes Kaoru's lungs and can only be undone with his death. After an intense battle, Kenshin critically injures Jin-e by shattering his elbow with his scabbard. Before Kenshin could land the killing blow, Kaoru overcomes the paralysis and stops Kenshin from killing Jin-e. Jin-e commits suicide, telling Kenshin before his last breath that he who lives by the sword must die by the sword, a re-occurring theme, counter to Kenshin's vow never to kill again.

Kenshin, tired and wounded, carries the unconscious Kaoru back to the dojo. They rest, in the care of Megumi and Yahiko. Upon waking up, Kaoru does not see Kenshin and goes in search for him. She finds him carrying back some vegetables, and is relieved of her fear that he may have left permanently.

December (2008 film)

Caio (Leonardo Medeiros) travels to his hometown to visit his family on Christmas Eve. At the reunion, he must deal with past memories.

From start, the film exposes a structural functioning: it is an example of a "performance cinema".

I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You

José Renato (Irandhir Santos), a geologist, is sent on a 30-day assignment into an isolated region in the Northeast of Brazil. The film is a road movie with a succession of images of the passing landscape and seemingly endless highway, narrated by the protagonist.

Gormiti Nature Unleashed

Three thousand years ago, the Island of Gorm faced its gravest hour - Magor, the Volcano tribe's dreaded leader, was at the zenith of his power. His dark rage and volcanic powers threatened to consume the entire island along with every living Gormiti! Magor was repelled only through the selfless combat and incredible power of the Invincible Lords of Nature. Called from the other four tribes - Earth, Air, Sea, and Forest - they were guided by their mysterious benefactor, the Old Sage.

The Lords knew that a victory against Magor was temporary if the source of their newfound power remained intact. The wisest among the original Lords devised a brilliant, but drastic plan - divide the source of all their power - The Heart of Gorm - into four Gorm Stones, and hide each piece deep within their respective kingdoms. To ensure that these Gorm Stones remained forever apart, the Lords made a difficult but necessary decision that changed their island nations forever. They constructed massive, impenetrable walls separating their formerly unified kingdoms for all time. To further ensure Magor was lost to time, each Lord allowed Old Sage to remove their memories of the Gorm Stone locations from their minds.

It was an enormous price to pay. The Gormiti had forged a wonderful society by living and working together. However, if peace was to prosper, there was no other way. Or so they thought. Each of the Elemental Lords of Gorm retreated to his kingdom, sealing it off from his allies forever. The legends of this epic battle and the willpower it took to complete it lived on through generations in the form of a story known as The Way. The story is a roadmap that details the legendary Lords' plans for hard fought peace and provides hope for future generations to continue The Way.

And for over three thousand years the peace has lasted...Until today...

The day young Agrom, prince of the Earth Tribe, found a crack in his kingdom's wall...

The Accomplished Rake

''Dedication to the Beaus of Great-Britain:''

Davys dedicated the text to the Beaus of Great Britain, stating that she is “draw[ing] the Character of a Rake” and “lay[ing] it under the Protection of a Beau.” In her preface to the Beaus, Davys also proposes that it is an example of the “bad taste of the age” that the actions of the Beaus are seen as inferior.

Davys begins the text by describing Sir John’s family: his mother has the “best blood in the Nation” but lacks education and is temperamental. Likewise, his mother cares more for pleasure than for the domestic affairs of the household. Sir John’s father was a good man who looked on his wife with pity, but died of smallpox when Sir John was fourteen. His father’s dying request was that his wife teach his young son and daughter be given “an early notion of virtue and honor.” He encourages his son to “despise and shun those Libertines who may strive to poison your Morals, be dutiful to your Mother, love your Sister, and marry a Woman of virtue.” Upon his father’s death, Sir John is left sole heir of the estate.

Following his father’s death, Sir John spends two years in “careless lethargy” until Mr. Friendly, a dear friend of his father, intervenes. Mr. Friendly invites the Galliard family to dinner, and introduces his footman, Tom. Mr. Friendly explains that Tom was born a gentleman, but was spoiled for twenty years by his mother. When Tom’s mother died, the family estate was left to his uncle, who cheated him out of the fortune. Because he had squandered what money he had on gambling, Tom is forced to become a footman. Lady Galliard and Sir John realize Mr. Friendly told Tom’s story because he feared Sir John would have a similar fate. Mr. Friendly then proposes that Sir John begin learning from his acquaintance, a tutor named Mr. Teachwell. Sir John accepts the proposition, and asks that in exchange Tom become his footman. Mr. Friendly obliges and Tom becomes a member of the Galliard household. Two years later, Tom’s uncle dies and with Sir John’s permission, he makes plans to leave to attend to his affairs. Mr. Teachwell proposes that he and Sir John embark on a trip to France or Italy, so as to further Sir John’s education. Teachwell hopes that Sir John will choose to attend Cambridge.

Once Lady Galliard has left, Teachwell tells Sir John of his mother’s affair with the footman, Tom. Distraught, Sir John asks Teachwell if all women are like his mother. Sir John resolves to catch his mother in the act of adultery. Later that night, Sir John confronts Lady Galliard about her affair. Sir John angrily resolves to go to London to seek pleasure rather than go to Cambridge. On his way to London, Sir John encounters Mr. Friendly and his daughter. Meanwhile, Tom—now married—returns to work at the Galliard estate. Tom continues his affair with Lady Galliard, which his wife discovers. Tom tells Lady Galliard he will not speak a word of the affair in exchange for a large sum of money. Three months later, Tom’s wife dies of what is probably a sexually transmitted infection from Lady Galliard.

Mr. Friendly dies of consumption in Bath, and Sir John travels to London to stay with Mr. Friendly and his daughter. After a period of time, Mr. Friendly leaves London to travel to the country, leaving Sir John alone in the city. Sir John quickly falls into gambling, drinking and associating with other Rakes. Sir John encounters Miss Friendly, Mr. Friendly’s daughter, at a play, and resolves to have sex with her. He devises a plan to drug macaroons and give them to Miss Friendly, and rape her while she is incapacitated. His plan succeeds, and Miss Friendly retains no knowledge of what has happened. Later, Sir John discovers that his sister has been abducted by Tom and forced into prostitution and is about to be raped. Sir John intervenes and is about to attack Tom when Tom reveals that he is seeking revenge against the Galliard family because he believes Lady Galliard killed his wife by causing him to unknowingly transmit a sexual disease to her. Lady Galliard arrives at Sir John’s dwelling and they discuss the event. Sir John asks about the state of the Friendlys, and Lady Galliard explains that Miss Friendly is pregnant and that the entire family is in ruin and despair. Sir John begins to regret his actions.

Sir John then becomes intrigued with a woman named Belinda, who he intends seduce or rape. Belinda narrowly avoids assault using wit and guile. Sir John is punished by a man whose wife he seeks to sleep with by setting off fireworks that light Sir John on fire. Sir John returns home and visits Miss Friendly. Her child bears an uncanny resemblance to Sir John. Miss Friendly maintains that she has never slept with a man, and has become the mockery of the town. Sir John confesses his misdeed to Miss Friendly and decides to marry her. Miss Friendly agrees but requests partial ownership to his estate, and that her son be named full heir by an act of Parliament.

Davys ends the tale by stating that she will keep watch over Sir John, and report any relapses in his character by “advertisement to the Public”

Still You

Soon-young divorces her husband Han-joon legally due to his business troubles, but they carry on having a happy married life. But the "fake divorce" turns real when Han-joon's old flame Chae-rin comes back and offers him her financial assistance in exchange for choosing her. In order to get her husband back, Soon-young tries to make Han-joon jealous by dating his rival Woo-jin. But Soon-young and Woo-jin begin to develop feelings for each other.

Kokowääh 2

Two years have passed since Henry, Katharina, Tristan and Magdalena became a family. Just when they think that everything has returned to normal, chaos breaks out. Henry begins a career as a film producer; for his first project, he must work with eccentric young actor Matthias Schweighöfer. Meanwhile, Katharina is struggling with her role as a housewife and mother to baby Louis. In an attempt to save her marriage and rediscover herself, she moves into her own apartment. When Charlotte accepts a job abroad, Tristan faces a midlife crisis in the form of a young new girlfriend, Anna. He moves in with Henry, and the pair quickly become overwhelmed at the prospect of full responsibility for Louis and Magdalena. They decide to hire an attractive live-in nanny to help them out, which threatens Henry's possibility at a second chance with Katharina. During all of this, Magdalena develops romantic interest in a boy for the first time.

Peacetime (film)

Segismundo (Tony Ramos) is a former political police officer of Getúlio Vargas' government, who used to torture prisoners. In April 1945, he is the chief of the Immigration Office in Rio de Janeiro and, therefore, is in charge of preventing the entry of Nazis. Then, the Polish Clausewitz (Dan Stulbach) must convince him that he is a victim in order to gain access to the country.

''Peacetime'' is a film that turns a very complex issue (i.e. immigration) into a simple story of a day that changes the lives of two men.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Part II

Ten years after the last film, serial killer Henry continues his killing spree when he takes a job at a port-o-john company where he meets two employees, Kai and his wife Cricket. They take pity on Henry when they learn that he is a homeless drifter and offer him a room in their home. Also staying with them is Kai and Cricket's emotionally fragile teenage niece, Louisa.

Henry learns that Kai has a side job as an arsonist-for-hire, setting up phony insurance scams to make money for their boss, Rooter. Henry agrees to join Kai and on one of their first outings, they discover two squatters in a building that's been marked for fire. It is then that Henry introduces Kai to his life's work of being a serial killer and the murders begin. Kai has never killed before, but he turns into a willing accomplice. Initially, the two men work well together. But as the killing sprees increase in their depravity, it's more than Kai can handle. He wants out, but he's in too deep with both his insurance scam with Rooter as well as being a murder accomplice with Henry.

In the meantime, Louisa develops a romantic crush on Henry, but he refuses to respond to her sexual advances. After Henry rejects Louisa's advances, she becomes more dangerously disturbed and suicidal. When Henry attends a gathering with Kai and Cricket at Rooter's house, he refuses to take recreational drugs until Rooter slips Henry a roofie in his drink, Henry passes out and wakes up later after the other guests leave. Angry that Rooter drugged him, Henry murders Rooter on the spur of the moment as well as his friend, which is against Henry's "code" never to murder people that he knows personally. Kai helps Henry dispose of the two bodies with Cricket finally seeing the side work that Henry and Kai have been doing. When the three of them return at Kai and Cricket's house, they find Louisa who kills herself in front of them.

Again on the spur of the moment, Henry takes the gun that Louisa used to kill herself and shoots both Kai and Cricket. Cricket dies while Kai is critically wounded. Henry takes the bodies to the basement of the house, pours gasoline all over the place and sets fire to the house allowing Kai to burn to death. Henry gets into Kai and Cricket's car and drives away into the night, alone once again to continue his killing spree as the house explodes and burns to the ground, again leaving no trace for the police to learn about Henry's existence.

Tourist Trapped

The episode starts with Dipper and Mabel speeding on a golf cart and being chased by a big monster. Dipper then narrates the episode from the part where the twin's parents bring them to Gravity Falls, Oregon where their great uncle Stan lives. Dipper was anxious about spending his entire summer working for his "Grunkle" in the Mystery Shack (a tourist trap and gift shop). However, as he hangs signs to promote the Mystery Shack, he stumbles onto a rusty machine hidden in a tree which opens a secret compartment where Dipper finds a book that has a golden hand with the number ''3'' on it and starts reading it. The book contains the secrets and wonders of the town of Gravity Falls. While reading, he learns that Mabel (who is trying to have an "epic summer romance") has a date with her new boyfriend Norman. Dipper thinks Norman is a zombie and starts catching them on film. Mabel is frustrated when Dipper notes his scepticism to her.

Whilst on a date in the middle of the forest, Norman shows who he really is: a bunch of gnomes (led by Jeff). After Mabel rejects the gnomes, they kidnap her and drag her deeper into the forest. Meanwhile, as Dipper watches the video he took, he finds a part of the video where Mabel's boyfriend's hand falls off. He quickly rushes into the forest to find Mabel, whilst riding on a golf cart (borrowed from the Shack). Shocked by the fact that Norman was just a bunch of gnomes, he manages to rescue Mabel by knocking Jeff over via a shovel. Angered, Jeff calls the gnomes to form a giant gnome to capture Mabel. They are unable to evade the gnomes as they reach the Mystery Shack. Mabel seems ready to surrender to the gnomes, agreeing to marry Jeff. However, she grabs a leaf blower (which she used to practice kissing) and blows away the gnomes.

Later that night, Stan allows them to take an item each from the gift shop: Mabel gets a Grappling hook, and Dipper acquires a new hat. As Dipper and Mabel prepare to sleep that night, Stan enters a hidden room behind the vending machine in the rec room, making sure that nobody can see him.

Girls in Prison (1994 film)

A young aspiring singer is sent to prison after getting wrongly convicted of murdering a record company president in 1950s Hollywood. With the help of two other convicts whose backstories we see previously, she must survive as the real culprits send "hit girls" to kill her inside. One of these convicts connects her to a private investigator who tracks the culprits down, but the murderer has determined to silence her.

Monster Monpiece

In the world of in which two enormous pillars known as the Hammers of God penetrate the Earth, a race known as the monster girls have come to coexist with humans. May, Elza, and Karen are best friends at the where they learn to become Masters of the monster girls, but a mysterious person curses Elza and she becomes Lost. Trying to learn what master plan has been unleashed, May follows Elza, gathering treasure scattered across the world, and using the monster girls' Magus Quartz crystals to help on the way.

Vile (film)

The film starts with a man on an operating table. A surgeon enters and tortures him by cutting into his chest and pouring salt in his wound. The scene shifts to four friends, Tayler, Tony, Kai, and Nick, on a camping trip. On their way home, they stop at a gas station where an alluring stranger named Diane asks for a ride to her truck, which has run out of gas. Nick agrees, but his girlfriend Tayler is suspicious. Nick drops her off at her truck, and Diane offers to get the girls some of her perfume samples in gratitude. Diane then returns wearing a gas mask, and knocks everyone out with sleeping gas. The friends awaken to find themselves trapped in a house with four other people, one of whom has already ripped off Kai's nail. After a brief fight, Nick and Tony calm down and learn they have all been captured and the doors are locked. Everyone has a gadget inserted into his or her neck and they watch a video from a projector of a woman telling them they have 22 hours to escape. In order to do so they must inflict harm on each other using the weapons they have been supplied with.

Suffering fills up a jar and once the jar is filled, they will be able to remove the gadgets and escape. If they fail, the gadget will inject poison into their brains and kill them. One man, Julian, breaks down and removes his gadget, dying instantly. The others decide they have no choice and begin with Greg, a reporter who may know about this plan and hopes to see his son again. The group beats him and breaks off his fingernails. One girl, Tara, is especially violent and breaks his leg on the table, causing him to pass out. Deciding they cannot risk injuring each other to this extent, the group agrees to torture each person up to no higher than six percent of the meter in a certain order. Sam is up first, and already has many mysterious wounds. After being burned on the stomach with an iron and having some fingernails ripped out, it is Nick's turn. In attempt to make things easier for him, Tayler sneaks Nick some oxy pills; however, this slows down the meter. While Nick is semi-conscious, the group contemplates leaving Greg behind, as they will need their strength to escape. Everyone agrees except for Tony, while Tayler agrees for both herself and Nick. Next on the list is Lisa, who tries to avoid being tortured by hiding, but is dragged out by Sam and Tara. Nick eventually regains his senses, and tells Tayler that he would never have opted for the group to leave Greg behind, and that he can't understand why Tayler would. Tayler apologizes for the pills, saying she only meant to help Nick, and reveals that she is pregnant. Tara overhears this and informs the group, insisting that Tayler go anyway; Nick volunteers to go in her place.

Tara tries to stop Nick from giving the remaining pills to Greg, but Tony, fed up, knocks her out and Nick gives Greg the rest of the medication. Later on, Tony, Tayler and Kai, try to get six percent each by sticking their hands in boiling water, but Kai backs down so Tony and Tayler stick their arms in the boiling water again. Meanwhile, Tara who has regained consciousness, takes a kitchen knife and tries to kill Tony for punching her. Tony is stabbed in the shoulder and falls to the floor as the boiling water spills onto his body. Tara attempts to stab him again, but is knocked out again by Nick. Tara regains consciousness on the torture table and immediately asks what percentage the meter is at. Tony tells her that her actions raised the meter to 48%. Tara, somewhat nervous, urges them to get her shift done quickly, but Tony reveals they will be pushing higher than the usual six percent this time. Tara starts to protest that they had voted on six percent and then cries, begging to be released. But the group took another vote while she was knocked out and decided on this instead. She desperately tries to hold them back and in the process, cuts Kai, fatally wounding her. Tony, distraught and enraged, tries to kill Tara but Nick convinces him to keep her alive. Tony agrees, but demands that he gets do what he wants to her, and the rest of the group agrees. Tony severely damages Tara's larynx with a wrench, removes some her skin with a grater and cuts her arms open with a knife. When Tara finally passes out, the meter is at 80%.

With little time left, the remaining five agree to simultaneously break their collarbones. Tony is chosen to break everyone's collarbones, but can't force himself to break Tayler's. Nick instead breaks Tony's, filling the meter to 100%. The projector flashes a new message of the woman congratulating them and instructing them to place the vials in their gadgets in the door allowing them to escape. Sam kills everyone as they leave the room, though Tony has just enough time to warn Nick before Sam stabs him in the stomach. Soon only Greg and Tayler are left in the room while Nick is unable to reenter. Greg, still under the influence of the oxy pills, admits to Tayler that he knew about this cult that feels everyone deserves pain and agony, but he never believed the rumors were true. Sam is revealed to be the one who orchestrated this scenario. Nick chases Sam into the room seen at the beginning where Sam, having removed his gadget, kills Greg with a signal sent from a computer, locking Tayler up again. Tayler tries to escape by inflicting burns on her back with a countertop grill, and hurting her already burned hand. She manages to get the meter back up to 100%. Sam, amused, admits that he was one who had suffered injuries in his life and yet survived, leading him to believe that everyone deserves pain to be innocent. Sam then activates the device containing the poison on the back of Nick and Tayler's necks. Despite the poison, Nick is able to kill Sam with a screwdriver and takes some of the meds left in the room that counteract the poison. He also uses another device to remove the one from his neck. Nick rushes back to the room, able to see Tayler through a monitor on the screen but unable to reach her as she dies. Though heartbroken, Nick uses bolt cutters to free himself from the building and escape.

Some time later, Nick is seen in a restaurant, his injuries healed, and through the window he spots Diane and goes to her. Nick slams her head against her car, knocking her out. Nick stuffs Diane in the back and puts on "Lethal Injection" on the radio and comments what Diane said earlier: "I love this song."

Persona 3 The Movie: No. 1, Spring of Birth

Arriving in Iwatodai, High school student Makoto Yuki witnesses a strange phenomenon grip the city—shutting down all forms of technology and causing humans to become encased in coffins. Makoto makes his way to the Iwatodai Dormitory where a mysterious boy greets him with a contract after which he meets fellow dormmates, Yukari Takeba and Mitsuru Kirijo. The next day, Makoto enrolls at Gekkoukan High School as a sophomore with Yukari and fellow classmate Junpei Iori. Afterwards the school's Chairman of the board, Shuji Ikutsuki, asks Yukari to investigate Makoto due to his uncanny characteristics which hint at his "potential" and coincidental circumstances involving the death of his parents during an accident in the city some ten years previous. Meanwhile Makoto finds himself in a place called the "Velvet Room" and becomes acquainted with its master, Igor and his assistant Elizabeth. During the midnight phenomenon, Akihiko Sanada rushes back to the dorm just as it comes under the attack of a swarm of monstrous creatures. Yukari grabs Makoto and flees to the roof. However they are cornered by a giant creature Makoto awakens to the power of two Personas to defeat the foes.

After having been unconscious for over a week, Makoto awakens in the hospital to find Yukari, who explains their similarity in having both lost parents during the accident in the past. Ikutsuki, Akihiko and Mitsuru recruit Makoto to the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad—SEES to help them fight the Shadow creatures responsible for the ''Apathy Syndrome'' by preying on humans during the Dark Hour midnight phenomenon. Not long after as Junpei also joins SEES, Akihiko deduces that they have enough members to begin exploring their school's Dark Hour form, a Shadow-infested labyrinth called Tartarus, where they hope to unearth the mystery of the Dark Hour. Makoto also befriends Fuuka Yamagishi and learns of her strained relationship with class bully, Natsuki Moriyama.

On another full moon, Mitsuru detects an abnormally large Shadow presence aboard a train and deploys Makoto, Yukari and Junpei to investigate. However the trio are ambushed by the Shadows just as the train begins accelerating. Junpei charges ahead and encounters the Priestess Arcana which overwhelms him. However as the train nears an inevitable collision, Makoto defeats the Priestess with Junpei before stopping the runaway train.

Yukari, Junpei and Makoto go looking for answers from the delinquents behind Port Island Station and learn from Shinjiro Aragaki that the girls had been bullying Fuuka before the latter disappeared that same night. Natsuki confesses to Mitsuru that she and her friends had locked Fuuka inside the school's gymnasium. However when her friends went to check on Fuuka that same night, she had mysteriously vanished while the latter developed the ''Apathy'' cases after being preyed on by Shadows. That night the SEES members deduce that Fuuka may be trapped inside the Tartarus tower and plan to rescue her. Mitsuru elects him to protect Natsuki at the dorm where he listens to Natsuki's reasoning for bullying Fuuka and relates that Fuuka genuinely considers her as a friend.

Afterwards the SEES members break into the school and indeed find Fuuka inside Tartarus when the Dark Hour strikes. Mitsuru and Yukari come under attack by the Emperor and Empress Arcanas at Tartarus' entrance. Junpei, Akihiko and Fuuka rush to their aid however the Arcanas easily overwhelm all of their Personas. In the midst of the battle, Fuuka also awakens a Persona, Lucia, to defend an entranced Natsuki. With everyone approaching their physical limits, Fuuka uses Lucia to sense the Arcanas' weaknesses and coordinates the SEES members in a collaborative effort which results in the Shadows' defeat. A few days later, Fuuka moves into the Iwatodai dorm and repairs her relations with Natsuki, while life returns to a level of normalcy.

In a post-credits scene, the mysterious boy appears to Makoto and introduces himself as Pharos. Meanwhile at an undisclosed location, a girl awakens from a slumber.

Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow

After being evicted from their old clubhouse, members of a Los Angeles drag racing club move into an old deserted mansion and set up shop, making it their new headquarters. For the club's grand opening, they hold a Halloween masked ball and invite everyone to come dressed as their favorite monster. The festivities take an unexpected turn when one of the youths discovers an impostor among them: a real live monster who has been hogging all the dances with the best-looking girls.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS


The TARDIS is caught by the magnetic tractor beam of a space salvage ship, damaging it. Clara pleads with the Eleventh Doctor to fix it, but he claims there is no "big friendly button" that can fix everything. Clara spots a strange egg-like device roll across the floor and tries to grab it but burns her hand. The ship jolts and the two are thrown into darkness.

The Doctor awakes to find himself on the salvage ship, manned by the Van Baalen brothers: Gregor, Bram, and Tricky. The Doctor forces the brothers to cooperate with him to rescue Clara. Gregor orders Bram to start salvaging the console, during which he is killed by an ossified humanoid creature. The TARDIS traps Gregor, Tricky, and the Doctor in a loop of corridors to prevent the theft of its systems. The Doctor recovers Clara and finds the TARDIS engines are damaged due to the leakage of time caused by the incident, and they must go to the engine room to prevent it from exploding.

The Doctor confesses that the ossified creatures which killed Bram and chased Clara are themselves from the future and tries to prevent that future from happening. However, Gregor and Tricky contact themselves and become a conjoined ossified creature seen earlier. The Doctor and Clara flee towards the engine. The Doctor, thinking they are going to die, asks Clara to explain who she is and how she could have died twice before. Clara does not understand, and the Doctor realises that she has no knowledge of their previous encounters and is simply a young woman.

Reaching the engine room, they find the engine has exploded but the TARDIS has placed the room in time stasis as a safety measure. Clara looks at her hand, the burn marks formed into words: "big friendly button". The Doctor realises that they need to go back to the point of the disaster and activate the remote control for the tractor beam – the device Clara picked up – to stop the tractor beam and prevent the disaster. The Doctor crosses through a time rift and gives the remote to his younger self, with a button marked "big friendly button" for him to press. Time resets to before the events of the episode. The TARDIS vanishes from the Van Baalens' scanner, and the Doctor and Clara continue their journey, with Clara not remembering her conversation with the Doctor.

Under the Hula Moon

Buzzard “Buzz” Wall and his wife Betty are an eccentric young couple living in a trailer in the desert outside Cactus Gulch, Arizona. Buzz dreams of becoming rich off of his new invention, a green 150 SPF sunscreen called Cammo, and moving to Hawaii, while Betty dreams of winning the lottery and starting a family. Buzz is unable to get funding for his product, but in his moment of despair, he sees a vision of the ghost of King Kamehameha, who tells him he will soon embark on a perilous journey that will reveal his destiny.

Elsewhere in the desert, Buzz’s half brother, Turkey “Turk” Dickson, has escaped prison. He kills a man for his van and makes it to Cactus Gulch, where he finds Buzz and Betty’s trailer. It quickly becomes apparent that Turk is completely deranged, and he threatens the couple for money. When Buzz reveals they only have $65, Turk gags and binds his brother and attempts to rape Betty. However, he is interrupted by a knock at the door for Betty, who has won a prize of $10,000 from a magazine. Turk poses as Buzz in order to accept the cheque, and then kidnaps Betty, leaving Buzz bound and bleeding in the trailer.

Across town, Buzz’s ex-girlfriend Maya Gundinger bemoans her job as a news reporter in a small town, dreaming of covering more important stories. She sees the broadcast of Betty’s win on TV, realizes that the man is not Buzz, and finds Buzz in his trailer. Once Maya frees him, the two hit the road to rescue Betty. Maya insists on filming everything, which aggravates Buzz.

Along the way, Buzz proves himself to be brave and able to overcome temptation, guided by the spirit of Kamehameha.

Turk ditches his car at the Mexican border and he and Betty walk through the desert until they reach a saloon, where Buzz and Maya find them. Buzz convinces a gang of thugs to confront Turk for him, but eventually runs in to fight Turk himself. Buzz nearly chokes Turk to death, but the spirit of Kamehameha disapproves of this, and Buzz lets go. The floor then caves in and the two fall into a secret underground DEA base, where Turk is arrested.

Buzz and Betty return home, where they both find jobs as burger flippers. Thanks to Maya’s coverage, the Turk case becomes headlining news for weeks on end. The couple are then visited by the US Marines, who are interested in buying Buzz’s Cammo sunscreen. Sales of Cammo are so successful that the couple are able to move to Hawaii. In the final shot, Buzz and Betty are seen sailing into the sunset on an outrigger canoe with their new son, Buzz Jr.

Naked (Glee)

The Dalton Academy Warblers are exposed for using steroids for their participation in Sectionals, and New Directions is given another chance to compete in Regionals. To raise money for the bus, Tina Cohen-Chang (Jenna Ushkowitz) successfully proposes they make a sexy "Men of McKinley" calendar with the male members of the New Directions.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) is asked to star in a student film, but becomes conflicted when she learns the role requires her to be topless. After singing "Torn", Rachel decides to go through with it. Although her boyfriend Brody Weston (Dean Geyer) supports her, Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) does not agree with her decision and calls Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) and Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera) to convince Rachel not to do it, but Rachel remains decided.

In Lima, Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) informs Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) that she had excellent grades in her SATs, but her boyfriend Sam Evans (Chord Overstreet) had a terrible score. Sam becomes convinced that he can only rely on his body to be successful, and through a mash-up of "Centerfold" and "Hot in Herre", pushes the guys of New Directions for the calendar, causing conflict with Artie Abrams (Kevin McHale), who is uncomfortable with his body. Cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) tries to stop the calendar from being released, but Finn (Cory Monteith) blackmails her with her own nude photoshoot for ''Penthouse'' magazine.

Brittany also convinces Marley Rose (Melissa Benoist) to declare her feelings for Jake Puckerman (Jacob Artist). They duet on "A Thousand Years", but Marley cannot bring herself to say it. Advised by Ryder Lynn (Blake Jenner), Jake then declares his feelings through a performance of "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)", and Marley reciprocates his feelings. Meanwhile, Blaine convinces Sam to stop pushing himself so hard, and, with help from guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays), selects colleges that do not require good SAT scores.

In New York City, Rachel eventually decides not to do the topless scene and thanks Quinn and Santana for their support. They perform "Love Song" together, and Santana voices her interest in moving to New York City. Meanwhile, in Lima, Sam apologizes to Artie for his actions, and convinces Tina to change the themes of the calendar so Artie can pose without having to be nude. They then join the others in a performance of "This Is the New Year".

Xingu (film)

The story takes place in the 1940s when the Villas-Bôas brothers—Claudio (João Miguel), Leonardo (Caio Blat) and Orlando (Felipe Camargo)—start an exploratory expedition into the Xingu River. They make contact with the local tribes, learn to live in the rainforest, and persuade a reluctant government to found the Xingu National Park.

We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

After Elena and Damon wake up and continue where they left off the night before, Stefan arrives to the Salvatore house and approaches Damon with the suspicion that Elena is sired to him. Stefan tells Damon to ask Elena to try to drink from a blood bag again and see if she can keep it down, since he believes the only reason she can only drink straight from the vein is because Damon told her to. Damon then asks Elena and sees that she can now keep the blood down. Damon decides to help Stefan investigate the sire bond in New Orleans, hoping to find a former flame of Damon's who was also sired to him. Damon and Stefan visit a witch who refuses to tell them anything and claims she is not a practitioner. While the Salvatore brothers are out of town, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie share a girls’ night, but an argument quickly ensues when Caroline starts criticizing Damon. When Caroline gets angry at Elena's stubbornness and how she is so smitten with Damon, Elena reveals that she and Damon slept together, which leads to Caroline telling Elena that she is sired to Damon.

Meanwhile, at Hayley’s urging, Tyler confronts one of Klaus’ hybrids, Kimberly, and the situation quickly escalates into violence when the hybrids start fighting over who takes the pack-leader role. Kimberly then captures Caroline to try to show Tyler that she is the leader, but Tyler and Elena end up saving Caroline, and the other hybrids (including Kimberly) accept Tyler as their leader.

While in New Orleans, Damon recalls some information from the past which figured out the witch was lying to them and went back for a second visit. The witch tells Damon that the only way to try to break a sire bond is by telling the sired vampire to forget about him or her and move on with his or her life. She also tells them that there is no way to ''officially'' break the sire bond. The witch also reveals that a sire bond only happens when the vampire who is sired has feelings for their maker ''before'' they turn into a vampire.

Damon realizes he has to do the right thing with Elena and decides to tell her to move on. When he goes to talk to her, Elena realizes that he wants to break things off and tries to convince him that her feelings are real, as she believes they are, and that the sire bond only affects the way she acts. Also in the episode, we find out that Professor Shane is teaching Bonnie a type of magic called "expression," which the witch in New Orleans called a thing that is even more evil than dark magic, and other witches don't even call it magic at all.

Friends Without Benefits

While at the cafeteria with her friends Patty, Esther, and Ruth, at school, Meg confides her infatuation with a popular boy at school, Kent Lastname (Chris Cox). Esther suggests that she ask Kent out, yet Meg admits that she fears certain rejection.

Meanwhile, the next morning, Brian and Stewie read Meg's diary, which confirms her long-term obsession with the boy. As Meg walks down the street, daydreaming about Kent, she causes Mayor Adam West to drive into a tree. She realizes that she can't go on without Kent, and successfully asks him out. When he turns up at the Griffins' house, Kent shows himself to be particularly friendly to Chris. After the date, Meg tries to kiss him. Kent however had no idea that Meg thought they were on a date and then reveals to Meg that he is gay. Making things even sadder, he admits that he has feelings for her brother, Chris.

In a small side plot, Stewie mishears Kent mentioning Meg's "brother" and believes Kent is interested in himself rather than Chris. The next day, Meg is in tears, and Brian is not able to avoid her by keeping silent as Peter and Lois are, so he reluctantly listens to her story about Kent. Questioning him further, she admits to Brian that Kent has feelings for Chris. Brian suggests Kent may be confused about his sexuality. However, at school the next day, Kent confirms that he's not confused and knows that he is gay. Meg later tries to make herself Kent's beard, but he refuses and states that if she's going to be like this then they can't be friends.

As Kent pursues an oblivious Chris, Meg decides that if she can't have Kent, then Chris being with him is the next best thing. She asks Chris to sleep with Kent and naturally he refuses the request. Refusing to take "no" for an answer, Meg attempts to drug Chris into having sex with Kent. She tells Kent that Chris is gay and to come to Chris' room, with Chris "pretending" to be asleep, as he isn't "open about his sexuality". After Chris shows Meg a photo he has been keeping of the two of them for years, she decides not to drug Chris and instead pours the drug into a plant which falls over and is subsequently raped by another plant. However, she forgets to tell Kent and later that night, Kent shows up at Chris' room expecting a submissive Chris, but instead discovers Chris is straight. Chris confronts Meg, now forced to reveal her plan. Both boys are outraged and Kent, deeming Meg a complete psycho, angrily leaves and a seductive Stewie is left very mad, however he accidentally eats the drug after he mistakes it for candy and is raped by the plant as a result. Meg is unhappy as Kent hates her now and Brian talks to her about it, reassuring her that all it will take is one drunk man getting her pregnant and upon her refusal to have an abortion, she'll have trapped her mate for life. Stewie comes in stating that his bottom was affected by poison ivy not knowing he was raped.

Band or DJ?

In 2013, Robin wants Barney to ask her father, Robin Sr, for his blessing on their wedding. They are surprised to find that her formerly strict father has taken a turn for the cool, wearing Hawaiian shirts, offering hugs instead of a formal handshake, and keeping himself up-to-date on Facebook. Despite his brighter demeanor, Robin Sr. nonetheless turns down Barney's request to marry Robin. While Barney attempts to win over Robin Sr., Robin notes her father's repeated insistence to add him on her Facebook friends list and finally accepts the friend request. She is bitterly disappointed to learn that her father got remarried to his girlfriend Carol without telling her (despite proudly proclaiming it on his page). Because of the elder Scherbatsky's lack of involvement in her life, Robin declares that she will marry Barney without his permission and will not invite him to the wedding. Barney later helps the two reconcile and Robin Sr agrees to her request to share a dance with her at the reception.

Meanwhile, Ted and Lily fight over whether to hire a band or a DJ for the wedding—Ted is determined to hire a DJ and blocks all of Lily's attempts to hire a band requested by Robin. With Marshall taking care of a constipated baby Marvin, Lily forces Ted to admit his unhappiness towards Robin and Barney being engaged by revealing a terrible secret of her own: sometimes she wishes she never became a mother. Although she loves Marvin and being his mother, she feels exhausted and unhappy that she was unable to fulfill her dreams as an artist. Ted finally admits hating the idea of Robin marrying Barney and feels extremely hurt, even though he is happy for both of them. Lily thinks that both she and Ted need to accept the pain in their lives and move on; Ted agrees to hire a wedding band.

Future Ted recollects meeting his ex-girlfriend Cindy and her wife, Casey, a week before the wedding and he revealed how the band Robin picked canceled at the last minute. Upon hearing the news, Cindy immediately suggests a replacement: her ex-roommate's band is available for the wedding since they were dropped from their gig. Future Ted goes on to tell his children that if Robin and Barney had let him hire a DJ, he would have never met their mother.

Ring Up!

Ted meets a new girlfriend who turns out to be a leather cuff salesperson just slightly younger than 21 who convinced him to buy a leather cuff, so the gang is unable to meet her in person at MacLaren's. While he finds her really attractive, their age difference means he has trouble connecting with her. When he is about to end things with her, Barney convinces him to give it a shot, which will allow Barney to live vicariously through Ted now that Barney is engaged to Robin. Ted is about to end it with her upon realizing she has a really strong fetish for old people (Her believing him to be a senior citizen despite him only being in his 30s), but finally gives in when he realizes she likes ''Star Wars''. After they sleep together, however, Barney finds out that she is actually Carly, his half-sister, and is furious at this betrayal. Later, Barney attempts to marry Ted and Carly, and mentions that he finds the idea of a one-night stand "cheap, meaningless and disgusting". Both Ted and Barney then realise that Barney is done with his detox from one-night stands. Though happy with this freedom, Barney urges Ted and Carly not to sleep with each other again.

While Barney struggles with his detox, Robin is going through her own struggles as well—she has difficulty getting used to being engaged. Where she used to get freebies by being a single, beautiful young woman, the ring now deprives her of them—including buying herself a beer at MacLaren's. However, Marshall and Lily assure her that when she looks at the man she loves, everyone else becomes invisible. Later that night, Robin understands the true power of her ring when she looks at Barney, and cleverly solves her problems by asking Barney to help buy her a drink instead.

Meanwhile, Marshall takes to wearing Ted's leather cuff as it turns Lily on. This is in spite of the fact that his wrist starts swelling and eventually gives off a horrible smell. Lily finally explains that he does not need the leather cuff to turn her on. Afterwards, Lily receives a pair of elastic waist jeans in the mail by mistake, which turns out to be a big turn-on for Marshall.

Tuan Direktur

''Tuan Direktur'' presents a chronological plot, divided into twelve chapters. It follows Jazuli, who leaves his hometown of Banjarmasin to go to Surabaya in Java and become a gold merchant. He is quickly able to earn great wealth. However, this causes the once devout and humble Jazuli to become arrogant and materialistic. He calls himself "Tuan Direktur" and surrounds himself with sycophants Kadri, Margono, and Hajji Salmi. He tries to buy Jasin's land to build a factory, but is refused.

Kadri uses Jazuli's belief in spirits to control him, manipulating his boss to fire numerous employees – including Fauzi, who is able to become a successful businessman with Jasin's help. In an effort to eliminate Jasin, Kadri calls the police to the latter's house, claiming that Jasin is holding clandestine, anti-government meetings. When the police come, Jazuli, who has come to Jasin's house to try and buy the land, is arrested with a number of other people.

After two days in holding, Jazuli is released but unable to enjoy his former arrogance, having been counselled by Jasin while in jail. When he sees Fauzi become a rich yet humble man, Jazuli is sent into a depression. He falls ill and does not recover, while Jasin and Fauzi live happily.

Frances Ha

Frances Halladay is a 27-year-old dancer who lives in New York City with her best friend from college, Sophie. Her life is upended when Sophie tells her she plans to relocate from Brooklyn to Tribeca, which Sophie considers her dream neighborhood. Frances, a struggling would-be dancer working as an apprentice at a dance company, is unable to afford the move and is forced to find someplace else to live.

She moves to Chinatown and shares an apartment with her friends Lev and Benji for a brief period. Sophie and Frances's relationship struggles as Sophie and her boyfriend, Patch, grow closer. Frances learns that the dance company does not need her to work their Christmas show, which means Frances can no longer afford the apartment. She visits her hometown of Sacramento for Christmas where she sees her family and reconnects with high school friends.

Rachel, a fellow dancer in the company, lets Frances stay with her for a few weeks. During dinner with Rachel's family, Frances discovers that Sophie has quit her job at Random House and is moving to Tokyo with Patch. Frances, on a whim, decides to spend an uneventful couple of days in Paris that she pays for with a credit card. She returns to Vassar, her ''alma mater'', to work as a waitress and summer resident assistant. Overworked and not allowed to take classes, Frances reads Sophie's blog of her life in Tokyo, Japan.

One night, Sophie and Patch are at an alumni auction which Frances is waitressing for. Frances learns they are engaged and sees the couple get into a fight. She lets a drunk Sophie stay with her in the dorm room she's been given, where Sophie reveals that she suffered a miscarriage while in Japan and is unhappy in her relationship. Sophie goes back to New York City the next morning, leaving a note for Frances. Some time later, Frances returns to Washington Heights in Manhattan. She laments her dire financial situation, her poor prospects as a professional dancer, and her increasingly strained relationship with Sophie.

Frances eventually reconciles with Sophie and enjoys a modest but satisfying existence as a fledgling choreographer, teaching dance to young children, and as a bookkeeper for her former dance company. She starts exploring a potential relationship with Benji and rents her own apartment. Upon moving in, Frances writes her name down onto a slip of paper in order to mark her new mailbox. Her full last name does not fit, so she folds the paper to read: "Frances Ha."

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn

''Dragonborn'''s main quest line is initiated following an attack on the player, the Last Dragonborn, by cultists worshipping someone named Miraak, who is also referred to as First Dragonborn. The player defeats the cultists and, upon investigating them, discovers a set of orders revealing their origins: the island of Solstheim. The player then journeys to Solstheim to confront Miraak and his followers by chartering a ship, the ''Northern Maiden'', out of Windhelm to take them to Raven Rock.

After arriving on the island, the player begins interrogating the citizens of Solstheim about Miraak. It immediately becomes apparent that a majority of Solstheim's population has been unconsciously enslaved by Miraak and forced to work on several runic monoliths called "All-Maker Stones", scattered across the island. Among the unaffected observers is a Telvanni wizard, Neloth, who directs the player to the Temple of Miraak. The player reaches the Temple and encounters a Nord named Frea, who is immune to Miraak's control, attempting in vain to break his spell over her people, the Skaal. She accompanies the player into the Temple. Inside, the player discovers a "Black Book", and after reading it, is unwittingly transported into a realm of Oblivion called Apocrypha, where they witness Miraak planning his invasion of Tamriel. Miraak discovers their presence, incapacitates them, and dismisses the player as inferior before having a pair of Seekers, guardians of Apocrypha, return them to Solstheim.

Upon their return, the player visits Skaal Village and, advised by the Skaal shaman Storn, performs a special dragon shout on an All-Maker Stone, purifying the monolith and freeing the Skaal and the other denizens of the island from Miraak's control, while also having to contend with Lurkers, the other guardians of Apocrypha, sent by Miraak to reclaim the All-Maker Stones. Storn then sends the player to Neloth, who reveals that the Black Books are relics belonging to Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate, Knowledge, and Memory, who is otherwise known as the "keeper of forbidden knowledge", and the source of Miraak's power.

Neloth accompanies the player to the Dwemer ruin of Nchardak to retrieve another Black Book sealed inside a complex container. They release the mechanism and learn of a shout called "Bend Will", which is believed to be instrumental in defeating Miraak. Through the Black Books, the player journeys into Apocrypha again, and personally encounters Hermaeus Mora. Mora explains that if the player wishes to defeat Miraak, he must gain the same knowledge that Miraak possesses. He agrees to impart such knowledge in exchange for the secrets of the Skaal, one of the few remaining pieces of knowledge kept from the Daedric prince to place in his vast library in Apocrypha. After encountering and killing the dragon Krosulhah outside Nchardak, sent by Miraak to eliminate the player, they return to Skaal Village and persuade Storn to surrender the tribe's secrets. If the Water, Earth, Wind, and Beast stones have been freed from Miraak’s control, Storn will agree. Despite Frea's protests, Storn communicates directly with Mora, who then proceeds to sap him of his knowledge, killing him in the process in front of the entire village. The player then learns the final word of "Bend Will", enabling them to defeat Miraak.

The player returns to Apocrypha and uses "Bend Will" to subdue Miraak's dragon, Sahrotaar, allowing them to mount him in flight. Sahrotaar flies the player to Miraak's tower, the Summit of Apocrypha. There, the player and Miraak battle, with Miraak sacrificing Sahrotaar and his other two dragons, Relonikiv and Kruziikrel, to replenish his strength until Hermaeus Mora intervenes, fatally impaling Miraak while expressing anger at his rebellion and betrayal of Mora's trust with the knowledge he was granted by the Daedric Prince. Mora transfers Miraak's soul and power to the player, who is then transported back to Solstheim. The Summit of Apocrypha becomes a place where the player can exchange dragon souls for recovering perk points to place on other skills, customizing their skills to their liking for other quests both in Solstheim and back in Skyrim.

A Kentucky Cinderella

This story takes place in the pre-civil war south. When Ed Long (played by Eddie Polo) and his brother Frank (played by Frank Lanning) try to claim-jump a California gold mine owned by "Kentuck" Windfield Gordon (played by Harry Carter) and his partner John Silverwood (played by Rupert Julian). "Kentuck" is killed defending his claim. His daughter Nannie (played by Ruth Clifford) is now an orphan. Silverwood decides to send her to an uncle, Henry Gordon (also played by Harry Carter), living in Kentucky.

After arriving in Kentucky, she finds out uncle Henry has remarried and the new Mrs. Gordon (played by Elsie Jane Wilson) mistreats her when she believes Nannie is competing with her own daughter Rachel (played by Myrtle Reeves). Nannie is asked to leave the house. Aunt Chlorindy (played by Lucretia Harris), the mammy who help raise Nannie when she was a child, helps her find a new home. The new abode is owned by a rich widow Mrs. Morgan (played by Aurora Pratt). While living with Mrs. Morgan she meets Tom Boling, a rich bachelor (played by Emory Johnson). Tom stops pursuing Rachel, starts courting Nannie, they fall in love and decide to get married. During their wedding, Silverwood shows up and announces the California mine has struck the motherlode.

La muñeca menor

As a young woman, "la tía" ("the aunt"), would often bathe in the river. One such day, she has an accident while swimming in which she is bitten on the calf by a chágara, a river prawn.

A doctor inspects her wound and determines that the chágara has nested inside the calf wound. The wound does not heal and her leg becomes swollen and enlarged, and the doctor continues to provide treatment for her. As the years go by, the aunt, though beautiful and wealthy, is ashamed of her disfigured leg and abandons the prospect of marriage, instead focusing on raising her nine nieces. The nieces and the aunt were very close, so much as she brought them up as if they were her daughters. Whenever the nieces were around the aunt, they would try to lift up her skirt slightly because the wound in which the river prawn was nested gave off a sweet smell. For each of their birthdays, she creates a doll for each one of them, and over the years, perfects the dolls to resemble each niece. When the aunt first started making the dolls they were made of basic materials, eventually leading up to porcelain and finer materials. The glass eyes that were to be put into the doll were always submerged into the river so that they "recognized the slightest stirring of the prawns antennae". The dolls were sized up to the daughters each year so that the heights and measurements were similar. As each niece grows and is sent off to get married, the aunt creates one last doll for each and states, in , "Here is your Easter Sunday".

As the doctor continues to treat the aunt over the years, he brings his son, who is also studying to become a doctor. His son examines her leg and later, tells his father that her leg could have been cured long ago. However, his father reveals to him that by exploiting the aunt's wealth for his regular visits, he was able to pay for his son's education, telling his son that "I wanted you to see the prawn that has paid for your education these twenty years." The doctor retires, and his son becomes the aunt's new physician, continuing to exploit her condition for his gain. Eventually, the young doctor asks the youngest niece for her hand in marriage, and she accepts. The doll that is made for the youngest niece is made of porcelain, honey, and has diamond "eardrops" for eyes. For the last time, the aunt sends them off saying, "Here is your Easter Sunday."

Once married, the young doctor immediately moves his wife, the youngest niece, to an ugly concrete building, a strong contrast from the luxury she has known. The doll is placed in their new home on top of the piano. The young doctor orders his new wife to sit on the balcony, as evidence for all to see that he married into high society. Over the years the doctor becomes a millionaire, thanks to his wife, for his clients see him just so that they could see the last of the sugarcane aristocracy. After some time, as the youngest niece remains on the balcony, the young doctor decides to sell the doll's diamond eyes. He scrapes them out of the doll's face and buys himself a pocket watch. The doll and the youngest niece close their eyes on that day. One day, the young doctor desires to sell the doll's porcelain skin, and sees that the doll is missing and his wife explains that ants must have found it and eaten it, given that it was filled with honey. Over time, the doctor observes that his wife does not age as he has over the years. One night, he checks on her and sees that her chest does not rise and fall as it would if someone were breathing. Listening into her chest, he can hear the sound of the river within her. Her eyelids then open to reveal lifeless eyes, from which begin to emerge the antennas of angry chágaras.

La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas

The story begins when Laura Aldama recounts to Nacha, her native housekeeper, about her trip to Guanajuato with her mother-in-law Margarita. After running out of gas on the bridge over Lake Cuitzeo, Margarita goes to find gas allowing Laura to escape to be with her 16th century Aztec husband, or "primo marido". In the 16th century Laura is part of the Spanish war, led by Hernán Cortés, against the Aztec civilization in Tenochtitlan. Returning to her life in 20th century Mexico City, Laura feels guilty and torn between her two lives. Laura goes back to meet her "primo marido" despite her 20th century husband's (Pablo Aldama) will and physically abusive reaction. Laura continues to see the suffering of her "primo marido" from his war wounds. The story finishes with an open ending as Laura leaves with her "primo marido" and Nacha decides to leave the house as well.

The Principles of Lust

Paul (Alec Newman) is a struggling writer and is driving his car to a meeting at an art gallery when he is involved in a collision with another vehicle. The other driver accuses Paul of being at fault, but when he shouts back, the other driver apologises and tells him his own car is not insured, and then persuades him to go for a drink in a local pub, introducing himself as Billy (Marc Warren).

Billy is accompanied by a young woman named Hole (Lara Clifton) who is a striptease performer at the pub. When Hole has finished her performance, Billy takes Paul into a back room of the pub and introduces him to his group of mates who live a life of drugs, sex, and violence.

The film then follows Paul as his life veers between a relationship with Juliette (Sienna Guillory) and her son, and the debauched excesses of wild nights out with Billy and Hole and their mates.

War for the Overworld

The "mad god" Mendechaus (voiced by fourth wall breaking narrator Richard Ridings) restores underlord Oberon and orders them to invade the underworld of the empire of Kairos, a realm protected by the goddess Kira. Oberon gradually pushes through Kairos' underworld, defeating both goodly heroes and traitorous underlords in an effort to retrieve the demonic Kenos artifact, which will allow for a final assault on Kairos' capital. After besieging the capital and defeating the emperor, Mendechaus betrays Oberon. Kira, who has previously played a role in the apparent betrayals of several underlords before, saves Oberon from destruction, addressing them as Overseer.

The Spectacular Now

Sutter Keely (Teller) is a charming and popular 18-year-old who has spent his senior year of high school partying and drinking alcohol. When his girlfriend Cassidy Roy (Larson) breaks up with him, Sutter goes home and writes a college application supplement, in which he says that his biggest hardship in life has been getting dumped by her. He goes out and gets blackout drunk after sneaking into a bar.

The next morning, Sutter is woken up on a front lawn by Aimee Finecky (Woodley), a girl in his year whose name he does not know. Aimee is in the middle of her mother's paper route, and Sutter joins her to track down his car. The next day, he asks her to tutor him in geometry. He learns that she is smart, funny and into sci-fi and comics. Sutter goes home and deletes the supplement he wrote about his life's biggest hardship. He takes Aimee to a party the next day, and they go for a walk and drink. Aimee confesses she has never been drunk before, never had a boyfriend and does not think she can go to college because she has to take care of her mother. Sutter tells her she is not responsible for her mother before complimenting and kissing her.

The next morning, Sutter wakes up hungover and realizes that he asked Aimee to prom at the party. He avoids Aimee during school and goes to Cassidy's house that night. They get drunk in her room and reminisce, but Cassidy tells him they have no future together and asks him to leave. After Aimee's friend warns Sutter not to hurt Aimee, Sutter takes Aimee to dinner at his sister Holly's house, where Aimee talks frankly about the death of her father from an opiate overdose and her dreams of a perfect marriage. Sutter and Aimee's relationship grows more serious and they eventually have sex. Afterward, Sutter confesses that his mother Sara (Leigh) kicked his father Tommy (Chandler) out when he was a child and has forbidden Sutter from seeing him, and the pair makes a pact to stand up to their mothers.

On prom night, Sutter gifts Aimee a flask so they can drink together. After the dance, Aimee tells him that she is going to college in Philadelphia near her sister, who can help her find an apartment and a job. She asks Sutter to come with her and go to junior college, and he hesitantly agrees. Sutter gets his father's phone number from Holly and arranges to meet up to attend a baseball game, bringing Aimee with him. Tommy answers the door, under the influence, and admits he forgot about their plans and instead takes them to a local bar. Midway through the night, Tommy picks up a woman, asks Sutter to pick up the tab and to meet him back at his motel. But when he fails to arrive, they find him immediately back at the bar drinking with his friends. Sutter and Aimee leave, heartbroken.

Aimee attempts to comfort Sutter and says she loves him, but Sutter, angry and drunk, snaps at her. After almost causing an accident, he tells her he is bad for her and forces her out of the car. Aimee, crying and not paying attention to the road, is clipped by a passing car. Aimee's arm is broken but she forgives Sutter for the incident. After the graduation ceremony, Sutter refuses to drink with Aimee and talks to Cassidy, who tells Sutter that she is moving to California with her boyfriend. Later, Sutter's boss tells him he can only afford to keep one employee and would like to keep Sutter, who is good with customers, but only if he no longer keeps working drunk. Unable to guarantee his sobriety, Sutter quits.

Sutter drives past Aimee, who is waiting for him by the bus to Philadelphia, leaving her heartbroken. He gets drunk at a bar, drives home and totals his mailbox. After an argument with Sara, Sutter reassesses his life and completes the personal statement for his college application, despite having missed the submission deadline. He confesses that his biggest hardship is himself and his insistence to only live in the moment. He drives to Philadelphia and finds Aimee as she is leaving class. They make eye contact, and Aimee smiles ambivalently before the scene cuts.

Captive (1986 film)

Gregory Le Vay is a wealthy business man whose daughter, Rowena is kidnapped by a terrorist group. Through manipulation psychologically she is subordinated by them and led from the cultural and emotional imprisonment of her former life to the liberation of theirs.

A Slipping-Down Life (novel)

Evie Decker is a shy, slightly plump teenager, lonely and silent. But her quiet life is shattered when she hears the voice of Drumstrings Casey on the radio and becomes instantly attracted to him. She manages to meet him, bursting out of her lonely shell—and into the attentive gaze of the intangible man who becomes all too real....

Splinter (novel)

As in Verne's novel, the main character is Hector Servadac, however, instead of being stranded on the comet while serving in the French Algerian army, his father is a supporter of a doomsday cult and Servadac is stranded on a splinter of the shattered Earth when the planet is destroyed by a comet. Roberts described the central metaphor as "the trope that the world might end and that we might not even be sure it has happened. We surely wouldn't be wholly oblivious (this is the end of the world we're talking about, after all!) But we might not be wholly certain, either. There would be a lengthy transition period during which we would become increasingly convinced that something substantial had changed in our lives."

The Tin Can Tree

The Pike family, including ten-year-old Simon Pike, are trying to carry on after the tragic, accidental death of six-year-old Janie Rose Pike. The brothers Ansel and James, neighbors of the Pike family, also pitch in to lend support to the Pikes. In the end, the Pikes learn that even after the traumatic death of a young soul, life still continues and they cannot mourn forever.

The Day the Earth Stood Cool

Homer becomes upset when someone believes him to be Bart's grandfather, and worries that he is no longer cool. He then meets Terrance, a cool donut chef from Portland, who is looking for a new place for him and his family to live as he believes Portland has been "played out". When he tells Homer that he sees potential in Springfield, Homer suggests he buy the house next door to his, which he does.

The Simpsons meet Terrance's wife Emily, his pet armadillo Chuey, their daughter Corduroy and their son T-Rex, and get their first exposure to their way of life. While Homer and Lisa are immediately taken with the family, Bart is irritated by T-Rex's cynicism and Marge is uncomfortable in their presence, particularly of Emily's public breastfeeding. Despite this, Marge supports Homer in his desire to fit in with their lifestyle, and allows him to combine their yard with the neighbor's into a "mono-yard" and lets him, Bart and Lisa accompany Terrance and T-Rex to rock shows, Mexican wrestling, roller derby, Korean gangster films and Modern Art exhibitions, even though she grows concerned that the kids are becoming pretentious. The Simpsons are invited to T-Rex's birthday party, where Marge makes enemies of Emily and her fellow nursing mother friends by refusing to breast-feed Maggie. Meanwhile T-Rex mocks Homer's present and calls him a poseur, which angers Bart and he starts a fight with him. This causes friction between the families (Homer is uninvited to go midnight bike-riding), but when Bart explains himself Homer decides to sever all ties with Terrance and his family.

Homer and Marge pressure Terrance and Emily to leave Springfield, but their "humble-bragging" of the town results in more cool people moving to Springfield. Their lifestyle quickly consumes the town; the Tire Fire becomes a Farmer's Market, the Android's Dungeon becomes a Taschen, King Toot's Music Store becomes King Toke's Medicinal Marijuana Centre, Springfield Elementary becomes a co-op, and the Kwik-E-Mart turns into ''Apu's House of Spats''. Meanwhile, Bart makes up with T-Rex and invites him to watch TV with him. Excited by the prospect, he abandons his compost-turning duties and joins Bart. The unturned compost, however, catches fire and starts to spread. Homer and Terrance work together to put out the fire using large drums of baby formula Marge keeps in the garage. Terrence and Emily apologize to Homer and Marge for being so judgmental.

Shortly after, the ''New York Times'' names Springfield 'America's Coolest City', which means it is played out. Immediately upon hearing this, Terrance and Emily and the rest of the cool people move, much to Lisa's dismay.

Whiskey Business

Noticing that Moe has fallen into a bout of suicidal depression, Homer, Marge, Lenny and Carl take him on an excursion to Capital City and buy him a new suit to lift his spirits. His enthusiasm restored, Moe fixes up his bar in order to attract a better class of customers and brings out a batch of homemade whiskey. Two venture capitalists stop by the bar, sample the drink, and are so impressed that they offer to become Moe's business partners in marketing it. Shortly before the new company's initial public offering, his suit is destroyed when he gets caught in an elevator door. Moe appears at the stock exchange in his ordinary clothes and addresses the traders for the IPO, but he inadvertently scares them so badly that his stock price plummets and the company becomes worthless. Returning to his once-again-squalid bar, he brightens up enough to sweep up the pieces of a broken beer mug and forgets about committing suicide, at least for the time being.

Meanwhile, Grampa watches the children while Homer and Marge are away. An elaborate prank by Bart, Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney leads to Grampa being injured, and Bart decides to care for him at home in order to avoid getting in trouble. With Grampa hiding in the basement to avoid being found, the two enjoy playing tricks on Homer. Grampa recovers quickly, but fakes a lingering injury in order to make sure that Bart keeps looking after him. Bart eventually discovers the deception and is angry, but the two reconcile after Grampa explains that he liked getting the sort of personal attention that he never could receive at the nursing home.

In order to keep Lisa from finding out about Grampa, Bart sends her to a jazz club where an all-star jam session is taking place. She is shocked to see Bleeding Gums Murphy among the performers, as she knows him to be dead, and discovers that he is actually a hologram. Outraged, she tries to start a boycott of Murphy's record label; shortly afterward, she is surprised to receive a visit from saxophonist Sonny Rollins at home. Rollins explains that holograms are simply the next step in the development of the entertainment industry. Realizing that he too is a hologram sent by the record company, Lisa becomes annoyed when the company proceeds to beam commercials that feature Diana, Princess of Wales, Tupac Shakur and Mahatma Gandhi into her living room.

Dangers on a Train

As Homer and Marge's wedding anniversary approaches, Homer remembers how they celebrated their first one: by visiting an outdoor mall and riding its miniature train, "Li'l Lisa." Homer visits the mall, intending to bring Marge back for this year's anniversary, but finds that it has become a run-down wreck. Taking the dismantled train home, he enlists his bar buddies and Reverend Lovejoy to help him refurbish it. Meanwhile, Marge goes online to order a batch of Dolly Madison snack cakes for Homer, but inadvertently ends up on a site called Sassy Madison (a parody of Ashley Madison), which helps married people set up affairs. She quickly receives a deluge of invitations from perverted men; while deleting them, she finds a message from a likable guy named Ben and starts talking with him. At first she tries to brush him off, but the two soon find that they share an appreciation for the British drama series ''Upton Rectory'' (a spoof of ''Downton Abbey''). Homer continues to work on his train project in secret, alienating Marge.

On the day of their anniversary, Homer fakes a back injury and sends Marge across Springfield to pick up a prescription for him. With her gone, he and his friends set up the train to run around the house. As she drives, Marge experiences visions of Ben, mentally pushing them away while bemoaning the state of her marriage at the same time. When she returns home, she sees the train, now renamed "Majestic Marge," and forgives Homer. Ben's wife Ramona confronts the couple over Marge's secret correspondence with Ben, but Homer and Marge explain that two people in a healthy relationship should not keep secrets from one another. Homer decides that Marge does not have to tell him how she came to know Ben, and Ramona tells Ben that the two of them are going to become closer by reviewing his computer browser history, much to his surprise. Ben returns to Sassy Madison and makes contact with a new woman, but runs away screaming when she turns out to be Selma.

The Fabulous Faker Boy

Marge attends a parent-principal conference with Principal Skinner, who tells her that Bart might be able to improve his academic performance by taking up a musical instrument. Marge takes Bart to several potential instructors - Sideshow Mel, Comic Book Guy, and Professor Frink - but he ridicules all of them. He becomes infatuated with a young Russian woman named Zhenya, who agrees to give him piano lessons in exchange for Marge teaching her father how to drive so that he can get a driver's license. While Marge makes little progress with Zhenya's father's dangerous habits, word of Bart's rapid progress and emerging musical ability quickly spreads, leading to Zhenya gaining many more students. However, it later emerges that he has only been miming in time with a CD that he has secretly slipped into a player mounted beneath the piano. Feeling neglected because Zhenya has very little time for him due to her other students, Bart publicly confesses to his deception during a talent show. Marge is enraged and disappointed in him until Zhenya's father tells her that he has obtained his license - not by passing the test, but by bribing Patty and Selma with jeans. He also convinces Marge to go easy on Bart as he only cheated for love and for his mother. Marge forgives Bart, saying she is proud of him for having told the truth and assuring him that he is unique and it will work out for him in the future.

Meanwhile, Homer loses the two last hairs on his head and becomes totally bald. He tries to hide it by using different hats and a wig, but these attempts only draw further attention to him. One worker at the power plant, who is also bald, inspires Homer with confidence by describing all the exciting experiences he has undergone since losing his hair. Homer tells Marge that he has gone bald; she comforts him, and the hairs spontaneously grow back. (Frédéric Chopin's "Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53" is played on piano during the closing credits.)

Pulpit Friction

After crashing onto the couch from the couch gag, the Simpsons decide to get a new couch, but before Marge can go to the store, Homer orders a new couch online from Brooklyn, New York. The new couch is infested by bedbugs and soon Springfield is overrun with them. As Reverend Lovejoy is unable to calm the town, the Parson (last seen on "Moe Letter Blues") demotes Lovejoy and promotes a new reverend named Elijah Hooper (Edward Norton). The town begins to appreciate Hooper and the cultural references he makes in his sermons.

Hooper and Homer bond and Hooper suggests that Homer could be the new church deacon. Homer accepts, but Bart starts to miss all father-son time with him, and turns to Ned Flanders who is still angry and devastated after Lovejoy left. They visit Lovejoy, who now works as a hot tub salesman, but he says he does not want to come back. Bart, with Milhouse's help, manages to procure some of the dead bedbugs which he gives to frogs to induce a plague upon the town. The frogs begin to invade the town, and Hooper is confronted by the angry townspeople when he is unable to do anything except talk about movies or music. Lovejoy makes an entrance with a speech to ease the plague, and happily accepts his post back after his voice makes the frogs fall asleep.

Meanwhile, while deinfesting her clothes, Marge finds that her wedding dress has been switched with one of Krusty's costumes. She admits that she was saving the dress for Lisa to wear at her own wedding; and is upset when Lisa says she cannot picture herself ever getting married. Marge confronts the clown who tells her that he no longer has the dress, having tossed it in the trash after using it for a skit on his show. However, Lisa manages to track down the dress's whereabouts: after being retrieved from the trash and being used during a production of ''Mamma Mia!'', it was sold to an engaged couple during a bankruptcy sale. Lisa then takes Marge to the couple's wedding ceremony, where she is touched upon seeing the couple's nuptials. However, Lisa assures her she may consider getting married in the future.

What Animated Women Want

Homer and Marge have a lunch date at an up-market sushi restaurant. Marge is excited at the opportunity to have 'grown up people' conversations as the kids are not with them, but Homer is only interested in eating. Enraged, Marge storms out of the restaurant. A worried Homer tries to fix his problems with Marge by finishing a to-do list from within his wallet that Marge had given him. Marge is disappointed because the list is from 6 years earlier. Homer returns to the Japanese restaurant and is given relationship advice by the head chef. Homer takes some food from the restaurant back home and offers it to Marge. She is almost impressed but becomes unhappy when Homer eats the food himself. Unsure of what to do, Homer goes to Moe's Tavern and talks to Moe about his marriage problems. Moe suggests winning her back by exciting her with sex, specifically sadomasochistic sex, as used in ''Fifty Shades of Grey''. Homer goes to the local sex shop where he purchases an array of different sex devices. When he shows Marge all that he has bought she is confused and unimpressed. Homer sits down on one of the machines by mistake and is injured by it. He is taken to the hospital and while he is being treated they reconcile. Afterwards they return home and set all the sex items on fire; Marge admits that she was too hard on him as she says that no matter what he will try to make things right.

Meanwhile, Milhouse is sitting with Bart in the Springfield Elementary School cafeteria. He looks at Lisa and hopes that she will come up to him. She begins to approach him and he becomes excited, but she has only come to the table to tell Bart that Marge had mixed up their lunches. She asks Milhouse if she can eat his cupcake. Having just seen ''A Streetcar Named Desire'' for a class assignment, Milhouse takes on the personality of Marlon Brando, and is rude and dismissive towards her, refusing her request for the cupcake. This causes him to win Lisa's respect. Confused as to why his new tactic works, he continues this to keep Lisa interested in him. Seeking answers as to if it is okay to pretend to be someone he is not, he approaches the school counselor (Wanda Sykes). Before she can give him an answer she receives a call notifying her she has been fired. Shocked, she tells Milhouse that he should continue pretending to be who he is not, because his regular personality is boring. Feeling as though he is betraying his character he throws cupcakes (the same from earlier on in the episode) at Lisa's window. He apologizes for pretending to be someone he is not and they feel happier.

Gorgeous Grampa

Homer becomes addicted to a reality TV show called ''Storage Battles '' and decides to participate in a storage unit auction as a result. He wins the storage unit with $1000, outbidding several townspeople and elephant Stampy. The family goes through its contents to find it is full of women's clothes and muscleman magazines belonging to Grampa Simpson. Marge comes to the conclusion that Grampa is a closeted homosexual who was forced to be heterosexual through most of his life. Homer and Marge set Grampa up with Waylon Smithers, but the plan fails when Mr. Burns arrives and scares Smithers off. Marge then admits to Grampa that she thought he was homosexual, to which Grampa becomes enraged and Mr. Burns reveals that Grampa actually used to be an old-time Gorgeous George-type wrestler called "Glamorous Godfrey", whose radical fighting style was heavily despised by the wrestling fan community, forcing him to retire. Burns reveals himself to be Godfrey's biggest fan (and only living one); he then persuades Grampa to return to the wrestling scene, which Grampa does. Though he is again met with loathing, Grampa continues the act under Burns's manipulation.

Bart soon becomes fascinated with Grampa and starts mimicking the mannerisms Grampa uses in the ring. However, he also attracts hatred and it worries Homer and Marge, but pleases Grampa and Burns. Under Burns's supervision, Grampa and Bart partner up in a tag team wrestling match. Marge tries to appeal to Grampa, but he turns her efforts down. However, he changes his mind when he observes Bart harassing the audience and takes on another wrestling identity that he calls "Honest Abe" in order to convince Bart to stop his ways. When Burns protests against this, Grampa and Bart defeat him in the ring. Afterwards, the two retire from wrestling.

Hardly Kirk-ing

Marge takes the family out on a TV-free day after finding Maggie watching a DVD from the ''Baby Poindexter'' collection, which, according to the news, was pulled for being ineffective in educating children (even though Homer likes it because it is not merchandise-driven like so many kids' shows today). A flashback reveals the material in question sent a younger Bart into a drooling fit while Lisa turns the presentation's packaging into an interactive diorama. The family goes to a bookstore, where Homer becomes fascinated with hidden-object puzzles and begins using his skills to find people and common objects in the real world.

Meanwhile, Bart hangs out at Milhouse's place. While bored, Bart squirts some epoxy in Milhouse's hair. Bart gives him a haircut to remove it, but he removes most of Milhouse's hair as a result, making him look just like his father Kirk. With Bart's help, Milhouse dresses up like his dad, becoming taller with the help of homemade stilts made from paint cans and making his voice sound like Kirk's by tying a tie tightly around his neck (though if the tie is put too tightly around his neck, he sounds like Duffman). Bart uses this to his advantage, as Milhouse, looking like an adult, is now able to commit adult activities. They bully Homer, purchase items for school bullies Jimbo, Kearney, and Dolph, and participate in municipal voting.

When Lisa wishes to go to downtown Springfield, Milhouse is able to buy tickets for himself, Lisa, and Bart. He collects a portion of the class action settlement being paid out to people who bought ''Baby Poindexter'' DVDs, but the money he receives is not enough to buy food for the three of them. They are forced to attend a condominium sales presentation for a free breakfast, but find that the doors have been locked to prevent them from leaving. The saleswoman, thinking Milhouse is an adult, attempts to seduce him. Homer and Marge, realizing the children are missing, rush to find them. Homer stops by for the free meal, rescuing the three children by coincidence. Milhouse later apologizes to Kirk for impersonating him, and admits that he wants to grow up to be just like him.

This Sorrowful Life

Rick privately tells Hershel and Daryl about The Governor's offer and his intentions to hand over Michonne, after which he will tell the rest of the group. Hershel refuses to be a part of it, while Daryl reluctantly supports Rick. Rick seeks Daryl's brother Merle to help as well, but he does not think Rick has the spine to do it. Merle later confides in Daryl that he considers Rick's decision hypocritical, since the group had become angry when he had turned Maggie and Glenn over to the Governor.

While Rick searches for wire to tie up Michonne, he has another vision of his dead wife Lori, which causes him to reconsider his decision. However, Merle has decided to take the task himself, and he subdues and binds Michonne and sets off in secret to Woodbury. When Daryl finds them missing, he follows along on foot.

Merle hot-wires a car and they start to drive toward the arranged meeting spot, with Merle pointing out to Michonne that she is an outsider to the rest of Rick's group like he is. Michonne gets Merle to confess that he had never killed anyone before joining the Governor, and tells him they should return to the prison. Merle has a change of heart, stops the car, and lets Michonne go free. He continues on to the arranged meeting point, while Michonne passes Daryl and informs him where Merle is going.

Near the meeting point, Merle uses the car's alarm and radio to slowly parade a line of walkers behind the car. He rigs the car to roll forward to the meeting site while he sneaks out. The Governor's men, including Martinez, have been waiting to ambush Rick's arrival, and are distracted by the empty car and the walkers. Merle sneaks behind them and kills several, but soon is assaulted by the Governor. The Governor bites off two of his fingers, but Merle refuses to beg for mercy. The Governor shoots and kills him.

At the prison, Glenn receives Hershel's permission to marry Maggie, and then proposes to her, using a wedding ring taken from one of the walkers at the prison fence. Rick arrives and tells the group of the offer to turn over Michonne but that he couldn't go through with it. He admits he made the decision on his own, and shouldn't have, not wanting to be a Governor. He asks the group to decide if they want to stay at the prison or leave, and leaves to go stand watch as they make their decision. There, he watches as Michonne returns to the prison.

At the meeting spot, Daryl arrives and clears out a few remaining walkers before coming across a reanimated Merle. Daryl cries at his loss, and as the walker approaches him, Daryl slams it to the ground and stabs Merle in the face several times.

The Heroine

The film was due to be a one-hour adaptation of an Isak Dinesen story of the same name, from her collection ''Winter's Tales'' (1942). It would have starred Oja Kodar as a young French aristocratic widow during the 1870 Franco-Prussian War. After being arrested by the Prussians in Sarre, she would have been allowed to proceed to France, but a Prussian officer would have offered a passport to all the French prisoners if she would come to collect hers naked.

Morgan's Passing

Morgan Gower is a middle-aged husband and father who works at Cullen's Hardware Store. Morgan's life is boring: His house is dominated by his wife and daughters who generally ignore him, and his workplace is too slow for his active mind, his wit, and his imagination. In short, his life has fallen far short of his heroic aspirations, and he keeps a closet full of costumes—priest, riverboat gambler, Daniel Boone outfits—donning a different costume nearly every day, wandering the streets of Baltimore, a man in search of an identity in which he feels comfortable.

One day, he meets a young couple, Emily and Leon Meredith, performing their puppet show in public. Emily goes into labor right after the show, and Morgan (posing as Doctor Morgan) delivers the baby in the backseat of his car. Over the next couple of years, an increasingly bored Morgan frequently runs into the couple "accidentally on purpose." He stalks them and over a period of time becomes their friend. Leon and Emily are not the happy couple that they appeared to be; Leon is a frustrated actor who has been reduced to a puppeteer. Emily seems uncertain of what she wants but it isn't Leon. Morgan initially tries to befriend them both (and their daughter Gina) but over several years becomes entranced with Emily. He spends more and more time with his new companions, and his wife and daughters barely notice his absence. Eventually Emily and Morgan sneak around their spouses, she becomes pregnant by Morgan, and they run off together to a new life, Morgan finally content as he assumes Leon's identity.


The scientist of T.I.A, Professor Bacterio, makes a device intended to make people have happy dreams but the machine fails and the dreams become nightmares.

All of those bad dreams involve Fréderico Krugidoff (a parody of ''A Nightmare on Elm Street'' antagonist Freddy Krueger), an overnatural man with his face burned and knives instead of fingers who threatens other people's lives. Mortadelo and Filemón, along with the Súper and the secretary Ofelia try to keep themselves awake until they find the way to defeat him, but the group don't imagine how hard that is going to be.

Non-Stop (film)

Two U.S. Air Marshals, Jack Hammond and ex-NYPD officer Bill Marks, board a transatlantic, long-haul flight from New York City to London. Marks sits next to Jen Summers, in business class, who has switched seats so she can sit by the window. After takeoff, Marks receives a text message on his secure phone stating that someone will die every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred to a specified bank account. Marks breaks protocol and consults Hammond, who dismisses the threat. Marks has Summers and flight attendant Nancy monitor the security cameras while texting the mysterious person to try to identify him.

When Hammond is seen using his phone and suddenly goes to the rear coach toilet, Marks confronts him. Hammond tries to bribe Marks, and attacks. Marks secures Hammond in a chokehold, and as Hammond raises a gun, Marks kills him exactly at the 20-minute mark. Marks finds cocaine in his briefcase, and learns the perpetrator had blackmailed him and set him up for death. He alerts the TSA, but TSA Agent Marenick informs him that the bank account is registered in his name and accuses Marks of being the perpetrator. Captain David McMillan dies, apparently poisoned. First Officer Kyle Rice, the co-pilot, convinces Marks that he is innocent.

Marks searches the resentful passengers. One of them uploads a video in which Marks accuses and manhandles schoolteacher Tom Bowen, convincing the rest of the world that Marks is the perpetrator. Kyle is instructed by the TSA to divert to Iceland. Marks persuades programmer Zack White to write a computer virus to make the hijacker's phone ring. The phone rings in passenger Charles Wheeler's suit pocket, but he denies it is his. As Marks roughly questions him, Wheeler suddenly dies, foaming at the mouth.

In the first-class lavatory, Marks discovers a hole drilled into the wall that offers a clear shot to the pilot's seat, and discovers a dart in Wheeler's body. A passenger tells him Summers entered the lavatory recently. Marks accuses Summers of being the hijacker. Summers becomes upset, as she had stood by him, and convinces him of her innocence.

Two RAF Typhoon fighter jets meet the plane to escort it to a military base in Iceland. Summers and Marks unlock the hijacker's phone, unintentionally starting a 30-minute timer for a bomb. Through words in a television news report claiming that Marks is hijacking their flight, Marks realizes that the bomb bypassed the security checks, and finds it in Hammond's cocaine briefcase. When some passengers attack Marks, Bowen stops them, believing that the bomb is the priority. Marks convinces the others of his innocence, and has them move the bomb to the rear and surround it with luggage to direct the blast outward, while everybody moves to the front of the airplane. Marks tells Kyle to follow explosive protocol and descend to 8,000 feet, from a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet and speed of 500mph, as the current pressure differential will destroy the airplane if the bomb explodes, although the escorting jets refuse to let Kyle deviate from his course.

Marks, watching the earlier video, notices Bowen planting the phone on Wheeler, implicating Bowen as the mastermind of the murders; White is Bowen's accomplice. Bowen reveals that his father was killed in the September 11 attacks and blames the U.S. for not improving their security enough to prevent future similar attacks. Their goal was to frame Marks as a terrorist, thus ruining the reputation of the Air Marshals Service to force the U.S. to create stronger security laws. Marks persuades White, who was in it for the money, to try to disarm the bomb. Bowen, who wishes to die on the plane in a suicide mission, double-crosses White. Kyle descends the plane to 8,000 feet, giving Marks the opportunity to kill Bowen. White attacks Marks, still wanting to escape the aircraft, but the bomb detonates, killing him and blowing open the back of the plane.

Despite the damage, Rice lands the plane in Iceland, with no loss of life. Marks is praised as a hero. It is implied he and Summers may begin a relationship.

Framed (1990 film)

A painter (Jeff Goldblum) is accused of art forgery. He thinks his girlfriend (Kristin Scott Thomas) betrayed him, so it's time for revenge.

Goodbye Goliath

In a small Alabama town, John Robinson, a disliked general manager of the local paper, ''The Catherine Call,'' is found murdered in the news room with a spike through his head. Managing editor Kiel St. James takes it upon himself to solve the crime to help keep the newspaper going.

Dani's Castle

Series 1

Following the events of ''Dani's House'', ''Dani's Castle'' sees Dani re-evaluating her whole life after McHurtie's Hospital, a fictional soap opera, is cancelled. But her fortunes soon change when her Great-Aunt Marjorie dies and leaves Dani with her very own castle. With dreams of becoming the lady of the manor, Dani arrives at her new home full of ideas and optimism. But she's soon brought up short when she reaches Bogmoor Castle to find it's been voted the "No.1 Worst Tourist Attraction" in the country for 10 years running, with crumbling towers, howling corridors, and an overgrown jungle for a garden, even a resident pair of young 250-year-old ghosts – Gabe and Esme. And Dani isn't the only heir; she soon encounters a troublesome cousin she didn't even know she had, who seems to break anything and everything. Worst of all: Great-Aunt Marjorie has left her a large stack of debts and unpaid bills.

Series 2

The new series picks up from series 1 and Dani has moved on. She's a Hollywood star now, but Bogmoor Castle is still her home and she cares about the people who live there. But since she can't be there in person, she can at least be a font of wisdom on the webcam. But Kait, Jimmy, Rich, Dylan, Esme, and Gabe still need her! Having left the castle in the hands of her cousins Rich and Jimmy, spectral ancestors Gabe and Esme, her best friend Kait, and Rich's little brother Dylan, there's still plenty for Dani to worry about. Also, there is a growing relationship between Kait and Rich. In this series, Rich is still coming up with money-making schemes for the castle – and sets up a brand new radio station, Bogmoor FM.

Series 3

The show was renewed for a new series and renamed ''Rich, Jimmy & Kait's Castle'' following Dani Harmer's exit. In the series Kait sets up her own business (Kait's bakes), while Rich and Jimmy work on adding a recording studio to Bogmoor FM, Gabe sets up a Ghostel, Leonie invites The Dead Headz to play on Bogmoor FM, and Dylan meets a ghost from the ''Titanic''. Rich and Kait split up, a prank war breaks out, Gabe and Rich counsel a nervous ghost, Gabe and Leonie switch places with Rich and Kait, Gabe gets a visit from a Ghostel inspector, Kait wins best newcomer at the pet snack business of year award, and it's Dylan's birthday. Rich and Kait feel awkward when they are made to play two people in love when acting out ''Midsummer Night's Dream'', Jimmy returns home from his Street Dance Academy tour, and Jimmy and Clare go on a picnic date. Jimmy and Clare get together and Rich and Kait get back together. Gabe wants to write a gossip novel. The series introduced two new characters, Clare (Jessica Forrest) and Leonie (Lucy Hutchinson). The series aired from 7 July 2015 to 15 December 2015. This was the final series.

Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise

A girl named Kayla falls asleep the night before her birthday. While she sleeps, her toys and stuffed animals come to life to prepare for her party. Fatty Bear searches through the house looking for ingredients with which to bake a cake. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as Fatty Bear thought he had planned on baking the cake, but in the kitchen was a mysterious package. When he curiously inspects it, a small brown puppy pops out of it and promptly runs away, tearing the ribbon on the box; Fatty Bear now has to return the puppy into the box, make a cake and get the house decorated for the birthday party.

Fatty Bear helps a doll named Gretchen set up for Kayla's party by blowing balloons in her bedroom and finding the letters for a "Happy Birthday" sign that the puppy ran off with. In the kitchen, the ingredients he found are used to bake a cake with the assistance of Matilda Rabbit. Then, using a bone and a ribbon he found, he lures the puppy back into her present box and wraps the box back up. Finally, Fatty Bear jumps into Kayla's bed, going back to stuffed animal form before she wakes up. The next morning, Kayla awakens and announces that her room is beautiful. Her father comes to wish her a happy birthday and deliver her surprise, which turns out to be the puppy that rushes into the room and leaps onto her bed. Kayla thanks Fatty Bear for the best birthday she has ever had, giving him a big hug. Fatty Bear winks at the player and the credits roll.

The Confession (The Borgias)

The episode begins with Savonarola (Steven Berkoff) being tortured, while Rodrigo (Jeremy Irons) demands of Cesare either a confession from the friar or his brother Juan. At Castel Sant'Angelo, Micheletto (Sean Harris) is trying to get a confession of heresy, but Savonarola says he will only confess to Cesare. That afternoon, Machiavelli (Julian Bleach) is a guest of Cesare's and they discuss the difficulty of extracting a confession from the rebel. Cesare (François Arnaud) knows that a confession is needed to recant all that was preached but Savonarola has proven stronger than he thought over the lengthy torture. Machiavelli states what he thinks to be obvious: if Rome needs that confession, then give it to them. In the dungeons, Cesare, tired of Savonarola's obstinacy, signs the confession in his name; Micheletto then pries out the friar's tongue, so he can reveal to no one about Cesare's deceit.

In the hallway of the papal suites Lucrezia (Holliday Grainger) encounters her latest suitor, Alfonso d’Aragona (Sebastian de Souza). Alfonso does not recognize her so she grasps the opportunity to have a little fun with him, pretending to be Lucrezia's intermediary. They both flirt with each other until Alfonso tells her to lie to Lucrezia that he is inept and to come with him. He doesn't care about prestige, he is looking for love, and this wins over Lucrezia, who kisses him. Rodrigo meanwhile tells Lucrezia to not dismiss Alfonso without meeting him. Later, Alfonso is shocked when he sees Lucrezia's name being announced and sees her walk into Rodrigo's court. Lucrezia then in front of the whole court and much to Rodrigo's surprise immediately agrees to marry Alfonso.

Rodrigo is informed that a body has been found. He proceeds to identify it, but it's not Juan's. Cardinal Sforza (Peter Sullivan) tells Rodrigo that he has ordered the searching of mortuaries, as he doesn't want to rule out any possibilities. Giulia Farnese (Lotte Verbeek) and Rodrigo pay mortuaries a visit in the dark of the night. While scanning through bodies, Rodrigo stumbles upon Juan's body. He is visibly moved and instructs the body be taken home. Later a pleased Cesare enters Rodrigo's chamber in order to hand him the friar's confession but he's shocked to see Juan's body lying there. In an explosive scene, Cesare and Lucrezia tell Rodrigo that they will not mourn his death, because Juan had no respect for anyone, including his family. Rodrigo tells the both of them to leave his sight. He refuses to have a funeral until Juan's killer is found. The friar Savonarola is meanwhile tied to a stake to be burnt, with all the townspeople jeering him. Rodrigo, wearing his ceremonial robes, walks up to Savonarola and tells him that if he repents, he might then forgive his sins. The friar in return spits in the Pope's face. Rodrigo then walks back and instructs that Savonarola be burnt.

In Lucrezia's bedroom Lucrezia asks if Cesare will marry her and he plays on the words to tease her. He says as she wishes, they shall have to run away together. Eventually, he states that he cannot, because his hands have seen too much of blood and sin. Later, Cesare looks for his father and finds him still in the mourning chamber. He confesses to Rodrigo that it was he who killed Juan, for the honor of the family. He then asks Rodrigo to relieve him of his robes of a cardinal and to grant him his forgiveness. Cesare hangs up his robe of a cardinal, and hands his ring over to Rodrigo. The day after, Cesare seeks out Vanozza and Lucrezia to tell them that Juan's funeral has been arranged. Vanozza reminds Cesare that his father will not have it but Cesare insists.

In the ballroom, surrounded by well-wishers, Cesare brings Lucrezia and Alfonso's hands together to signify their betrothal and the festivities begin. The Pope sits in the darkened mourning chamber while below the ballroom is filled with dancing and music. He lifts Juan's body into his arms and the corpse of the grown man is changed to body of a sleeping child, then he lays him on the grass in the Vatican gardens and begins to dig the soil. Inside the Palace, Lucrezia and Cesare dance together closely; Vanozza and Alfonso watch them suspiciously. Eventually, Vanozza asks Cesare what exactly is he celebrating, Cesare tells her that the happiness of his sister's marriage far outweighs the grief of his brother's death, but she remarks that they are all dancing on his brother's grave.

Rodrigo arrives at the ceremony with soiled clothes and tells Cesare that he wants to speak with him. The Pope's taster, Cardinal della Rovere's assassin (Jesse Bostick), meanwhile pours some wine for Rodrigo. Rodrigo tells Cesare that what Cesare did is also Rodrigo's fault, as he brought Cesare to this. Cesare asks Rodrigo his forgiveness, and just as Rodrigo is about to reply, he begins to choke like his taster, who suddenly falls to the ground dead. Cesare yells for help, while Rodrigo collapses to the ground, apparently dead. Lucrezia, Giulia, Vanozza, Alfonso and some cardinals rush into the room, and they are all shocked at the sight.

My Wedding and Other Secrets

A Romeo and Juliet story set in Auckland, New Zealand, Emily Chu (Michelle Ang) is the daughter of traditional Chinese parents, whose only wishes are that she marries a good Chinese boy and becomes a doctor. But life seems to have other ideas for Emily, who dreams of becoming a world-famous director and falls in love with a white boy from university, James Harrison (Matt Whelan).

When she and James, two kindred nerd spirits fall clumsily into love they must overcome the expectations of her parents. A Kiwi-Asian, Emily considers herself a banana (yellow on the outside, white on the inside), but her father Dr Chu has a different perspective, and his past threats of disownment on her sister hangs over Emily's head. With their secret marriage, Emily's documentary, and James' ultimatum to learn Mandarin or lose Emily, life suddenly becomes very busy for the young pair.

Emily is faced with the difficult decision of having to choose between long-suffering James and her parents who have made countless sacrifices to bring their family to New Zealand. It seems Emily must learn the hard way that love and family require sacrifice and not everybody can be happy.

Hwayi: A Monster Boy

In the middle of a forest, a notorious five-member crime organization lives together on a deserted farm. One day, following a plan that didn't go as expected, an infant whom they had kidnapped in a blackmailing scheme is left with them. 14 years later, this boy, who is now named Hwa-yi, lives as the son of his five criminal fathers: Seok-tae, the cold but charismatic leader, Ki-tae, a stammering driving expert, Jin-seong, an ideal planner, Beom-soo, a guns expert, and Dong-beom a cold martial artist. Hwa-yi has been brought up in a unique way, learning skills from his five fathers instead of going to school. Though he has adapted to this life, sometimes he longs for the ordinary life of other boys, which seems impossible for him.

The gang plans another crime, which will see Hwa-yi participate for the first time. During a fight, Hwa-yi fires a gun to kill someone. At first, his fingers tremble and the gun shakes but after one shot, he keeps pulling the trigger as though possessed. He finds a picture of a child on the man he shot and soon Hwa-yi starts to uncover a huge secret and his tragic destiny. His life is turned upside down when he learns that the man he killed was his real father. From that moment on, Hwa-yi vows revenge on his gangster fathers, using the devious skills he picked up from a life in crime.

Hwa-yi begins by killing one of five fathers. The rest of them go after him but lose him. Hwa-yi calls them all to Sungji Cement Factory. He also writes a letter to the rival gang and they show up an hour before. Both groups get into a feud. Hwa-yi positions himself at a high vantage point and snipes the men. Soon, everyone is dead except for Seok-tae and Hwa-yi. Seok-tae heads to the hospital where Hwa-yi's mother is admitted, Hwa-yi follows.

To Hwa-yi's mother at the hospital, Seok-tae reveals the story all the way from the orphanage to the kidnapping to raising her child. After this, he kills her and goes back home. Hwa-yi reaches the hospital too late, he goes home to confront Seok-tae. The detective who's been after the notorious gang is also there. The three of them have a standoff. Seok-tae kills the detective and Hwa-yi kills Seok-tae. He dies with a smile because his “son” is now the monster he always wanted him to become. The film ends with Hwayi sniping the CEO of the rival gang and disappearing into the crowds.

Quest for the Silver Sword

''Quest for the Silver Sword'' involves the exploration of a haunted keep.

Sword and Shield

''Sword and Shield'' features a confrontation with the mysterious Black Knight.

Don't Hesitate

Jang Soo-hyun was a woman who'd previously devoted her life to love, even donating her liver to save her first love, but was rewarded by betrayal. Since then, she has become jaded and resolved to distance herself from relationships. Until she meets Han Tae-woo, a man who has never known or believed in love. Tae-woo had built a wall around his heart in fear of being hurt again, but Soo-hyun becomes someone whom he learns to sacrifice everything for.

Juan dela Cruz (TV series)

The ''Tagabantay'' (Guardian) is a hero coming from an ancient lineage of defenders using the ''Bakal na Krus'' (Iron Cross) to protect the humans from the Aswang, who are strange creatures that appear as ordinary people to hide their real identities; they spread evil, kill, and eat people. The ''Bakal na Krus'' transforms into five weapons, namely: ''Espada ng Katapangan'' (Sword of Bravery), ''Pana ng Karunungan'' (Bow of Wisdom), ''Latigo ng Katarungan'' (Whip of Justice), ''Sibat ng Kagitingan'' (Spear of Valor), and the ''Kalasag ng Anking Galing'' (Shield of Aptitude).

The Aswangs and Tagabantay are mortal enemies. The story begins when Samuel Alejandro (Albert Martinez), the Haring Aswang (King Aswang), plans to make Amelia (Mylene Dizon), a ''Tagabantay'', fall for him so he could kill her and finally provide triumph for his race. However, he falls in love with her as well, betraying his entire race. Upon knowing his secret, Amelia and Samuel try to kill each other but Samuel chooses to escape instead of killing her—even if that’s what he should do as an Aswang.

Bakal na Krus and The Kapatiran

At 20, he successfully reclaims the ''Bakal na Krus'' from the thief, but was still unaware of its use and why it must belong to him. Eventually, Juan turns into a vigilant who seeks to help people in need. Soon, Juan later joins the ''Kapatiran'' (Brotherhood), a group composed of people with personal vendettas who seek to destroy the Aswangs. They have been spending years finding and seeking help from the ''Tagabantay'' they know, Julian (Eddie Garcia), who is Amelia’s father and Juan’s grandfather. Julian was actually imprisoned for killing Aswangs which the police thought were people.

One day, Juan accidentally manages to transform the Cross into a sword, making the ''Kapatiran'' convinced that he is the present-day ''Tagabantay'' for transforming the Cross into weapons only runs in their blood. The group, led by its leader Mang Pepe (Joel Torre), guides and helps train Juan into becoming the next ''Tagabantay''. He also teaches Juan everything that he should know about the war’s history, his duty as a hero, and most importantly, the Haring Aswang—their biggest enemy. Things did not become easy, for Juan constantly shows his mischievous, immature, and unruly behaviour.


While performing his duties as a protector, he falls in love with a 21-year old beautiful woman named Rosario (Erich Gonzales), the same girl he met when he was young. With Rosario, friendship and courtship are very difficult for Juan as he always ends up lying and keeping secrets from her to protect her from his enemies. She is actually the daughter of ''Kapatiran'' leader Mang Pepe, whose wife was killed by Juan’s father, Samuel.

The Anak ng Dilim

After a few weeks, Julian, Juan’s grandfather, escapes from prison to warn Amelia about the new prophecy—the ''Anak ng Dilim'' (Son of Darkness) who is set to be the most powerful Aswang to rule the people and the planet and destroy the Tagabantay. Upon returning, Julian finds out that Amelia has died but has a son. He then seeks for his grandson and finds Juan. He introduces himself to him as “Brother Jules”, and secretly watches over Juan in his responsibility as a ''Tagabantay''.

Eventually, Samuel and Juan meet without knowing their real connection. Knowing that Juan is the vigilant who has excellent skills in warfare, Samuel aims to gain Juan’s trust and to make him join the Aswangs, as he believes that Juan’s skills could be useful to their war with the ''Kapatiran'' and ''Tagabantay''. Sooner, Samuel learns to treat Juan as his own son. Similarly, Juan becomes closer to him and treats Samuel as his own father, as he has been longing to find his real father for several years.

Samuel has started his own family shortly after leaving Amelia. He lives with Laura (Zsa Zsa Padilla), the ''Reynang Aswang'' (Aswang Queen) and their son, Kael (Arron Villaflor) who also happens to be Juan’s rival with Rosario. Moreover, Samuel has been preparing Kael for 20 years, as the prophecy states that the ''Anak ng Dilim'' is the Haring Aswang’s son: the Aswang Prince. It is revealed that, the ''Anak ng Dilim''’s great power will emerge when he turns 21.

Finally knowing about the prophecy, the ''Kapatiran'', together with Julian’s guidance, soon start preparing Juan for a huge battle with the ''Haring Aswang'' and ''Anak ng Dilim''. When Juan turns 21, everything changed.

The plot twists as it turns out that the prophesied ''Anak ng Dilim'' is not Kael, but is actually the eldest son of the ''Haring Aswang''—Juan.

Juan's fate

Juan Dela Cruz is a half-Tagabantay and a half-Aswang. He inherited the ''Bakal na Krus'' from his mother to protect the humans from the Aswangs and spread peace, justice, and to fulfil his biggest mission—to kill the ''Haring Aswang'' and the prophesied ''Anak ng Dilim''. However, since Juan is the eldest son of the Aswang King, he himself is the prophesied Anak ng Dilim, the most powerful Aswang which is set to rule over the entire planet, create the ''Tatlong Araw ng Kadiliman'' (Three Days of Darkness), and destroy his mortal enemy: the ''Tagabantay''—which also happens to be him.

When the truth about Juan’s identity is revealed, difficult choices were made.

All of them are not victims of love; they are victims of fate.

Dragon Mountain (Dungeons & Dragons)

The box includes six poster-sized maps, half of which are tactical displays of village and battlefield settings, while the rest detail the three-levels of the mountain's interior. Six cardstock mini-maps show self-contained sections of the mountain that can be attached to the poster maps at various locations or simply set aside. The new Monstrous Compendium pages showcase several opponents, such as the gnasher and the brain spider.

Book One outlines the search for a map to Dragon Mountain, a plane-shifting construct that appears in a random location every couple of decades, and a magical item that will improve the party's chance of survival once they get inside. The hunt takes the player characters to a variety of sites, such as crypt of dancing wights and a snake-infested swamp. Books Two and Three lead the characters through the city-sized labyrinth of Dragon Mountain, a maze of traps, ambushes, and dead ends. The adventure concludes with a journey through foggy ruins that leads to the home of the dragon.

The Created

In this ''AD&D'' Ravenloft one-shot adventure, the player characters attend a festival in a village before it drifts into the demiplane of Ravenloft. The character encounter trouble with killer marionettes, and must use their wits.

Friend of the Family

A married couple, Linda and Jeff, are trying to get their relationship under control. They do not communicate with each other much; Jeff is a workaholic and Linda thinks he is cheating on her. Linda and Jeff are both having trouble talking to Jeff's two college-aged children, Montana and Josh, from his first marriage. They then meet Elke, the younger sister of one of Linda's old friends. Elke, who is free-spirited and sexually uninhibited, begins interacting with most of the members of the family, emotionally and romantically, with a new openness and communication between them as the unexpected result.

In Love with Alma Cogan

The film revolves around, Norman, a world-weary manager of a pier theatre in a seaside resort. Norman has worked in the theatre for all of his life, but will not accept that the local council, which own the theatre, are planning to install more commercial management in an attempt to boost audience numbers. As the story unfolds he realises it may be time to move on and put behind him the ghost of 1950s and 1960s singer Alma Cogan, who had performed at the theatre many years before. Sandra, his devoted long-suffering assistant, and Norman decide to leave the theatre to fulfil her dream of being a professional singer and unexpectedly enjoy a late blossoming romance.

Constellations (play)

The play follows Roland, a beekeeper, and Marianne, a physicist, through their romantic relationship. Marianne often waxes poetic about cosmology, quantum mechanics, string theory and the belief that there are multiple universes that pull people's lives in various directions. This is reflected in the play's structure as brief scenes are repeated, often with different outcomes.

Roland and Marianne meet at a barbecue and become romantically involved. After they've moved in together, a confession of infidelity causes them to break up. After some time, they run in to each other at a ballroom dancing class, resume their relationship, and eventually marry. Marianne begins to forget words and has trouble typing. She is told by her doctor that she has a tumor in her frontal lobe and has less than a year to live. She eventually seeks assisted suicide abroad with Roland's support. The play ends with a flashback to the scene where Roland and Marianne rekindle their relationship in the dance class.

Concrete Night

''Concrete Night'' tells about a 14-year-old boy named Simo (Johannes Brotherus) who still lacks his own sense of self and the ability to protect himself from his surroundings. Simo and his big brother Ilkka are the sons of a helpless and unpredictable single mother. Their chaotic home is located deep in the heart of a concrete jungle in Helsinki. Ilkka has one day of freedom left before starting his prison sentence. The mother persuades Simo to spend the last night with his brother. Events heighten throughout the one day and night in Helsinki and the brothers witness incidents they would rather not see. Simo, who has no ability to distort what he sees or delude himself, sees things accurately as they are. When unfiltered, the world seems unbearable. Finally a casual encounter with a photographer, whose intentions Simo misreads, launches him into blind fear, which explodes in panic stricken violence. In this violence Simo finds his lacking identity, his true face.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

''Danganronpa'' takes place at an elite high school named , which accepts talented of the highest caliber in various fields each year. Makoto Naegi, a fairly optimistic but otherwise average student, is selected in a raffle and chosen to enroll into the academy as the "Ultimate Lucky Student". He meets fourteen other newly picked Ultimate students who are in the same situation as him. A sadistic, remote-controlled bear named Monokuma appears before them, telling them they will be imprisoned in the academy for the rest of their lives, and that they will be put to death if they violate any of the school's rules, demonstrated by killing fashionista Junko Enoshima when she attacks him. He states that there is only one way that a student can leave the academy: murder another student and avoid being identified as the culprit. If they are found out, the murderer will be violently executed; if the class identifies the wrong student as the murderer, they will all be killed and the real murderer will be allowed to "graduate".

After a murder occurs and the remaining students are given some time to investigate it, a is held, in which the remaining students must determine amongst themselves who the killer is. Makoto frequently takes the role of arbiter of the trial, providing most of the logical insights. Makoto receives assistance from Kyoko Kirigiri, a distant girl possessing keen observational and deductive skills. Several murders occur over the first few days: pop star Sayaka Maizono is murdered by baseball star Leon Kuwata after her plans to murder her would-be killer and frame Makoto for it failed; programmer Chihiro Fujisaki is murdered by gang leader Mondo Owada in a jealous rage; gambler Celestia Ludenberg manipulates fanfiction creator Hifumi Yamada into killing honor student Kiyotaka Ishimaru before killing Hifumi herself; and martial artist Sakura Ogami commits suicide after being revealed to be a spy working for Monokuma. In the penultimate chapter, the person controlling Monokuma commits the final murder. The only possible culprits from the surviving students are Makoto and Kyoko. A bad ending occurs if Makoto presents evidence that could potentially implicate Kyoko as the killer; she is executed while Makoto lives trapped in the Academy forever. In the true ending, Makoto is nearly executed but he is saved by Alter Ego, an artificial intelligence left behind by Chihiro. Makoto and the remaining students work together to solve the final murder and discover that the true mastermind behind the killing game is the real Junko Enoshima. She had employed her fraternal twin sister, mercenary Mukuro Ikusaba, to impersonate her, only to kill her on a whim early on to demonstrate Monokuma's danger. She later used Mukuro's corpse as the fifth chapter's "murder victim" to falsely implicate either Makoto or Kyoko.

Junko reveals that all of the students had already been in the academy for two years and all knew each other. However, when an apocalyptic event instigated by Junko and her sister occurred, global societal collapse and anarchy followed; the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, viewing the high amount of talent in the students as a sign of hope, decided with the students' permission to barricade him and themselves inside the academy to wait out the crisis. She executed the headmaster, took control of the academy, and erased all of the students' memories that took place after they first arrived at the academy two years ago. With Makoto's help, the students all overcome the doubt brought about by Junko's bombshells and decide to leave the academy. Junko willingly executes herself due to her enjoying the feeling of despair that came with her losing the final trial. Afterward, Makoto, Kyoko, and the other four surviving students (rich heir Byakuya Togami; swimmer Aoi Asahina; clairvoyant Yasuhiro Hagakure; and novelist Toko Fukawa and her split-personality serial killer alter-ego, Genocide Jack) exit the academy, uncertain of the current state of the world. In a post-credits scene, Monokuma re-activates and swears that it will continue its quest to spread despair.

Journey to the Center of the Earth (miniseries)

Theodore Lytton is an avid geologist and paleontologist who is aided by his nephew Jonas Lytton, a Harvard graduate. Theodore seeks for ways to finance his undertakings, including illegal street fighting. After one of his lectures, Theodore is approached by Alice Hastings who finances the Lyttons journey into the center of earth on a quest to find her lost husband Casper Hastings. Casper had 7 years prior gone to seek a fortune of gold rumored to exist far below the earth's surface. The Lyttons meet McNiff, a gun for hire, in New Zealand. The Lyttons, McNiff, and Alice Hastings find their way miles underneath the earth's and reach an underground sea lit by a gaseous anomaly that provides light and life to this underground world.

After traveling across the sea, the travelers encounter dinosaurs, 2 human settlements, and a humanoid reptilian species, the Solaroids, that may have evolved from dinosaurs. Alice is captured by the Solaroids. The group find Casper Hastings, who years prior discovered the humans, taught them English, and then endorsed a polygamist culture inducing a split in the human settlement. Casper Hastings is known as the 'School Master' in this newer polygamist settlement, while the more established human settlement endorses monogamy. There is friction between the human settlements and also with the Solaroids. Casper, joined by the Lyttons, free Alice from a Solaroid prison cell and return to Casper's settlement. There he reveals his plan to leave for the surface, with his wife and the Lyttons. McNiff decides to remain behind with the natives. Casper also reveals a mysterious plant with nearly magical healing remedies and intends to market it on the surface.

The group of travelers, now joined by Ralna, a native tribeswoman for whom Jonas develops strong feelings, begin their journey to the surface. Casper is killed by the Solaroids before reaching the sea. The 4 travelers sail across the sea and begin to head back the way they came to the surface. Ralna, sensing danger, leaves in panic and is separated from Jonas. The Lyttons and Alice reach the surface through an underground vortex that feeds water to a lake on the surface. It is discovered the magical plant dies within a few hours of being on the surface. Weeks later, Theodore and Alice are engaged to wed while Jonas, who was previously engaged, leaves his fiancée to find Ralna in the underground world.

A Stranger in Town (1967 film)

A blanket-clad gunfighter, the Stranger, rides into a largely deserted Mexican village, where he encounters Chica, a young widow with a baby son, and Paco, a bartender who orders him at knife-point to leave. After killing Paco with a bottle, he witnesses a massacre of Captain Cordoba's Mexican Army troops by the bandit chief Aguilar and his gang, who steal the soldiers' uniforms and a machine gun. Dressed in a Union Army uniform, the Stranger greets Aguilar and his dominatrix right-hand woman, Maria "Maruka" Pilar, and informs them that an attachment of Union soldiers, led by Captain George Stafford, will soon be arriving to deliver two bags of gold coins to Captain Cordoba's troops. In return for identifying Aguilar as Cordoba to Stafford, the Stranger requests a share of the gold. The plan succeeds, despite Stafford's scepticism.

Preparing to leave, the Stranger demands a half-share of the gold from Aguilar, who refuses, giving him only a single coin for his troubles. The Stranger creates a diversion by shooting the candles of the saloon, and steals the gold. Despite holding off Aguilar's men and escaping, he is forced to surrender the gold when they take Chica hostage. The Stranger later returns to recapture the gold, but he is ambushed and beaten by Aguilar's men, before being left to the attentions of Maruka, who becomes increasingly aroused by him. Eventually killing her by bashing her head against a stone floor, the Stranger distracts Aguilar and the gang by setting off an explosion, allowing him to steal the gold and save Chica, who has been abused by Aguilar.

After tending to his wounds, Chica gives the Stranger a shotgun and a sack of shells; he gives her several gold coins - hiding the remainder in a fountain - and advises her to leave town with her baby. Before she can do so, Aguilar and his men track her down and threaten to kill her baby so that she can reveal the location of the gold. The Stranger saves them by shooting one of the bandits, Marinero; in a prolonged battle, he eliminates the gang members one by one as they search for him throughout the town. Confronting and beating Aguilar, the Stranger kills him in a shotgun-versus-machine gun duel, and places a gold coin between his teeth. Stafford's troops, aware of who the Stranger is, arrive to recover their gold; Stafford, whose real name is Ted Harrison, agrees to allow him to keep half of the gold as bounty for killing Aguilar's gang. Bidding "George" farewell, the Stranger is watched by Chica as he rides out of town.

Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (film)

On the 10th anniversary of the great fire of Fuyuki City, Rin Tohsaka performs the summoning ritual and summons Archer. Archer soon fights Lancer, but their fight is witnessed by Shirou Emiya who flees but is found by Lancer and killed. Rin uses her necklace to revive Shirou but he is later attacked again by Lancer and inadvertently summons Saber, who drives Lancer off. At a church, Kirei Kotomine tells Shirou about the Holy Grail War and he decides to fight. Shirou proposes an alliance to Rin, but they are interrupted by Illyasviel von Einzbern and Berserker. A fight ensues which Archer ends with a massive explosion. Illya withdraws and Shirou collapses from his injuries.

The next day, Shirou gets a weird feeling upon entering the school and meets with Rin to investigate. They encounter Rider and her master, revealed to be Shinji Matou. Rin saves Shirou while Shinji flees into the school. Shirou summons Saber and they find Shinji huddled in the corner of a classroom with a defeated Rider who disappears. Shinji claims that someone else did it and flees again. Later, Kotomine offers Shinji a new servant.

That night, Shirou sleepwalks to Ryuudou Temple where Caster attempts to take his command spells. Saber follows but is stopped by Assassin while Shirou is saved by Archer who then engages and overpowers Caster, sparing her life. Shirou argues with Archer, who tells Shirou to accept that he cannot save everyone. Ignoring him, Archer turns on Shirou before being rescued by Saber. Returning home, Rin, Shirou, and Saber are ambushed by Caster who stabs Saber with Rule Breaker, a weapon that nullifies servant contracts. Saber resists Caster's commands to kill Rin and Shirou before disappearing with Caster. Caster kills Kotomine and takes over the church and Rin and Archer soon confront Caster and her master Souichirou Kuzuki, but Archer betrays Rin. Shirou intervenes before Archer tells Caster to spare them. Outmatched, the two decide to request Illya's assistance.

Shirou and Rin arrive at Illya's castle to find Illya and Berserker being attacked by Shinji and his new servant Gilgamesh, who defeats Berserker and rips Illya's heart out. Rin and Shirou confront Shinji who offers them a chance to join him which they refuse, and Shinji and Gilgamesh retreat. Following a short argument, Rin and Shirou encounter Lancer, from whom they accept an offer of assistance.

Returning to the church, Lancer engages Archer while Rin and Shirou engage Caster and Kuzuki. The two are suddenly saved by Archer who kills both Caster and Kuzuki, then resumes his attack on Shirou. Rin forms a new contract with Saber and Archer reveals a reality marble called Unlimited Blade Works. Archer unleashes a hail of swords at Shirou and Saber and takes the opportunity to kidnap Rin. Shirou demands Archer to confront him at the Einzbern Castle.

Later, Shirou confronts Archer and deduces from Rin's earlier comment that Archer is actually Shirou's suicidal future self, who seeks to kill Shirou to end his own regretful existence. Shirou and Archer begin their fight while Lancer rescues Rin from Shinji and Kotomine, who reveals that he is alive and is Lancer's master. When Lancer refuses to kill Rin, Kotomine forces Lancer to commit suicide. Before dying, Lancer impales Kotomine from behind, scares Shinji away, unties Rin, and sets fire to the castle. Shirou experiences a vision of the future that awaits him but continues the fight regardless, defeating Archer and declaring that he will not regret what awaits him. Gilgamesh suddenly interrupts the fight and critically wounds Archer before withdrawing due to the fire. Rin later transfers a part of her magical seals over to Shirou so that he can utilize Unlimited Blade Works to counter Gilgamesh. Elsewhere, Gilgamesh implants Illya's heart into Shinji and he mutates into a large mass.

Arriving at Ryuudou Temple, Saber fights Assassin while Shirou and Rin confront Gilgamesh. Saber helps Rin defeat Assassin and Shirou activates Unlimited Blade Works. Rin rescues Shinji and is about to be trapped until Archer intervenes. Saber uses Excalibur to destroy the unfinished Holy Grail and disappears, having exhausted her magical energy. Meanwhile, Shirou overpowers and severs Gilgamesh's arm. This causes a void to open from the wound that begins to consume Gilgamesh. He attempts to take Shirou with him, but is defeated by Archer. Rin reunites with Archer, who tells her to look after his younger self. She promises to do so, and Archer disappears. With the war concluded, life resumes as normal, and Rin and Shirou begin a romantic relationship.


Set in the 1830s, this black comedy centres on Helene, a woman who is washed ashore after her ship is wrecked off the English coast. There, she is courted by Edmund, a local pastor, and they soon get married under the understanding that Helene is still pure. However, she has a dark past that she must hide from him.

When Helene moves into Edmund's home, she falls under the watchful eye of housekeeper Dorothy, who is more than a little involved in her master's life and quite obsessed with his dead first wife, Arabelle, to whom, in her opinion, Helene simply does not compare. While Helene battles to keep her past a secret, she must navigate Dorothy's devious scheming, her husband's harsh critique and a potential new love interest in the form of Dr. Foggerty.

La morte non conta i dollari

Lawrence White returns to his hometown and reopens the investigation about the murder of his father. At the same time arrives Boyd, who frequently gets into fights. Doc Lester, who is the one behind the murder, hires Boyd and makes him the sheriff to stop White. However, it turns out that "Boyd" is the real Lawrence White, while ”White” is a friend of his. Rustlers kill Major White, and a witness who reports to the sheriff is later shot and has his tongue cut out. Many years later the son of major White returns in a stagecoach. It is stopped by some military, but another passenger, Boyd, discloses them as false, and they ride off. When White arrives people say that this will mean trouble for major Lester. White now tries to reopen the murder case of his father and gets into a fight with Lester's men. White's sister, on the other hand, advocates vengeance.

Boyd gets into several fights and is recruited by Lester, who has him appointed the new sheriff when the old one is killed. Elisabeth, a girl he has acquainted, now rejects him and asks him to find the murderer of her father, who has been killed by men of Lester, because he intended to help White. When he visits the widow of the former land officer, White is caught in a trap by Lester's men. She explains that they would have tortured her otherwise. Lester sends Boyd to make White confess to murder, but instead he unties White. Some Lester men now appear saying that Lester did right to check him. They start beating Boyd when the widow appears with a rifle. She is shot but Boyd gets a gun and kills them. We now learn that Boyd is the real son of major White, while "White" is his friend, a federal lawyer from Washington. White follows a lead and finds judge Warren's daughter as a prostitute in Mexico. He now can convince the judge top reopen the case. Lester's gang ambush White, but the stage is manned with dolls and explodes, and the rest of the gang is killed in the ensuing gunfight. Lester is arrested. White stays on as sheriff united with Elisabeth, while his friend leaves with White's sister.

Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened

The Pokémon trainers Ash Ketchum, Iris, and Cilan visit Pokémon Hills, a nature park surrounded by a city. While there, Ash quickly befriends a lost Genesect, a Pokémon that people brought back to life from fossils after being extinct for 300 million years. Ash offers to help the Genesect get back to its home. A red Genesect attacks Ash and forces the friendly Genesect to attack him as well. Mewtwo, another Pokémon created by people, blocks the attack, saving Ash, Cilan, and Iris's lives. The Genesect, not realizing the humans survived, leave.

That night, five Genesect take over the center of Pokémon Hills, driving out the other Pokémon and building a giant nest near some Panna Lotuses (a flower that existed in their home 300 million years ago) to turn it into their new home. This threatens the substation under Pokémon Hills, along with the city's power supply. Mewtwo, having been told about the Genesect's rampage, appears. Mewtwo tells the red Genesect not to hurt the other Pokémon, but it refuses to listen, and the two embark on a high-speed chase around the city.

Meanwhile, the Pokémon native to Pokémon Hills fight the three Genesect and begin to overwhelm them. The red Genesect then returns to protect them. The friendly Genesect saves Ash by taking an attack from the other Genesect, causing it to collapse. Mewtwo fights the four remaining Genesect and gains the upper hand. However, in the process the nest is set on fire.

Ash's Oshawott, together with the Pokémon of Pokémon Hills, help to put out the flames, and save three of the Genesect, who realize that the other Pokémon are not their enemies and save Ash from a falling beam. Ash, along with the four Genesect other than the red Genesect, run between Mewtwo and the red Genesect to stop them from fighting. The red Genesect claims that they are all its enemies and fires an attack, but Mewtwo blocks it takes it into space. In awe of the beauty it originated from, the red Genesect realizes that all people and Pokémon are friends. Unable to survive there, Mewtwo and the red Genesect begin to fall. Oshawott and the wild Pokémon create a giant ball of water to cushion Mewtwo and the red Genesect's fall. By morning, Eric restores the power.

Ash realizes that the perfect place for the Genesect to live is Absentia National Park, the only place where Panna Lotuses still grow naturally. Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Eric take the Genesect there, where they start building another nest.

The Reef 2: High Tide

Troy is revealed to be still alive and captured by the humans, locked in a cage and occasionally getting painful vaccines from them. However, with the help of a con-artist dwarf shark named Ronny, he manages to escape and decides to seek revenge on Pi.

At the reef, Pi is a father and enjoying life on the reef with no sharks. But Troy and his band of goons arrive at the reef wall and threaten the fish that in four days the water will rise high enough for the sharks to swim over the reef wall. Nerissa tells Pi that he must but tries to train the other fish to defeat Troy this time. Meanwhile, Troy threatens Ronny into following his orders by sabotaging Pi's training and tells him in exchange, he will let Ronny go. Ronny disguises himself with a piece of kelp as a wig and false dentures on is teeth. Witnessing Pi's disastrous training, Ronny gets an idea. He announces that the fish put on an "underwater extravaganza" saying every fish has a special skill, and by doing that, they will attract humans to protect them from the sharks. Everybody but Pi is enlightened by Ronny's plan. When Pi confronts Nerissa about this, Nerissa suggests that Ronny perhaps "offers something you haven't like a chance to prove themselves." Pi retorts that he tried train them to which Nerissa responds "I suggested that you teach them to be the best they can be--not to be you." He then shows Pi an image of the legendary Sea Dragon, which those who control it must be worthy to command it. When Pi asks him if he's ever tried summoning the Sea Dragon, Nerissa responds "many times."

Pi gets an idea to create a shark trap to catapult Troy out of the sea and orders the two to get him supplies. When Pi and his son Junior set up the trap, Pi orders Bart and Eddie to guard the grotto. However, Ronny overhears Pi's trap and Troy orders him to destroy it. So Ronny tricks the reef fish that he needs a clamp for his talent show and the reef fish soon suddenly race towards the grotto and destroy the Shark Trap. Bart & Eddie report the disaster to Pi. When Pi furiously confronts Ronny, Cordelia defends him, saying that Ronny believes in them the way they are and Pi didn't. Pi leaves sadly.

The next day, Troy and his goons ambush Pi and the evil shark threatens the fish that he's gonna destroy the reef tomorrow and that "shame you're gonna miss it." Troy bares his teeth, but Nerissa arrives from behind Troy and uses a sandstorm to make Pi literally disappear from the sharks. Troy, frustrated, orders his goons to move out.

Later, Troy orders Ronny to bring Cordelia outside the reef at sunset. When Ronny succeeds, Troy exposes Ronny's disguise to Cordelia, much to her horror. But Ronny, having grown to love the reef and the inhabitants, tries to explain himself, but Troy kidnaps Cordelia. Deciding that Ronny had outlived his usefulness, Troy decides to let him go.

Pi lies in pain in Nerissa's shipwreck when they hear a noise. They see Bart & Eddie having captured Ronny when he's exposed as a shark and bring him to Pi. But Ronny remorsefully tells Pi that Troy was forcing him and that he'll help Pi get Cordelia back from Troy. Pi, Nerissa, Bart and Eddie decide to give the remorseful dwarf shark a second chance. While Pi frees Cordelia, Ronny blocks the hench-sharks' path telling them to stand up to Troy. Unfortunately, Troy had overheard and furious with Ronny's betrayal, Troy gobbles the little dwarf shark up in one gulp.

Meanwhile, as the other fish try to prepare for the shark battle, Nerissa enters a mysterious volcano to summon the sea dragon, and mysterious powers flow around the turtle as he summons the mysterious dragon.

Troy and his sharks attack the reef, as many fish outsmart them. Troy bites Pi and subdues him but before he can kill him, Nerissa shows up with his powerful sea dragon and blasts the other sharks. But Troy sneaks up from behind the turtle and knocks him off the dragon, causing it to dissolve away. Troy then prepares to hurt Nerissa but Pi throws a Water Ball at him, and Troy returns his attention to his sole nemesis and gives chase to him. Eventually Pi, Cordelia, and Junior use the shark trap to beat Troy and send him flying out of the sea and back to the ship. As the humans approach the defeated shark, Ronny flies out of Troy's mouth and back into the sea. The humans then use another vaccine on Troy and he screams in pain (which the fish don't hear underwater)

As all the fish celebrate the defeat of Troy, Nerissa congratulates Pi for becoming a true leader. Pi and the gang thank Nerissa for risking his life for all of them to which the turtle responds "It was my part to play." Nerissa then dances with the other fish, just as a fully redeemed Ronny joins the party.

Continuum (American Horror Story)

Kit is living with both Alma and Grace (though polygamy is illegal) and his two children, one from each wife. Kit tries to comfort Alma's fear that the aliens might return, while Grace would welcome such an event. As Kit and Grace discuss this, Alma abruptly kills Grace with an axe, stating she had to stop her.

At the asylum, Judy is now known as "Betty Drake" to hide her identity and faked death. Monsignor Timothy Howard tells her that he is leaving to be Cardinal of New York and that the asylum has been donated to the state, and promises Jude he will get her out. Inmates from the local prison overflow will now be brought into the asylum. Jude hallucinates her roommate is Shachath, until she sees Dr. Miranda Crump, the asylum administrator. Crump tells Jude that she has gone through five different roommates in two months. Crump also informs her that it has been two years since Timothy left, having reneged on his promise, and that Pepper died in 1966.

Lana publishes ''Maniac, One Woman's Story of Survival'', a best-selling book about the events that happened to her. What she has written contains fabricated events, however, and at a reading she is haunted by visions of Thredson and Wendy, who confront her about her lies. Kit arrives to complain that she has failed to get Briarcliff shut down. He informs her that Alma had been admitted there, but has died. Kit tells her that Judy is still alive, as he has spoken to her, although she is becoming insane. He hopes the news about Judy will reinvigorate Lana's desire to shut down Briarcliff, but she claims Judy has brought her current situation on to herself.

In the 2010s, Johnny gets an autographed copy of ''Maniac'', telling the bookstore owner his plans for Lana, his mother: he will take the book, track her down, make her realize that he is her son, proving to her that he is alive, and then kill her, thus completing his father, Oliver Thredson's work.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short (novel)

Unlike McMillan's previous novels, ''A Day Late and a Dollar Short'' emphasizes the love and bonds of adult family members instead of friends. It explores relationships between parents, their children, and siblings.

When the reader is introduced to the characters, they witness a damaged family become torn even further apart. Near the resolution they will see how this torn family picks up the pieces to come together. The story is told from the perspectives of six different characters (each a member of the Price family). They deal with contemporary concepts like prescription drug addiction, alcoholism, incest, homosexuality, molestation, single parenthood, and divorce.

Kekec's Tricks

In the third and the last part of the film trilogy about ''Kekec'' (Zlatko Krasnič), evil wild poacher ''Bedanec'' (Polde Bibič) appears again. Kekec and his friends are there to chase and hunt Bedanec again and sent him far away. Bedanec catches ''Brincelj'' (Milorad Radovič) and ''Rožle'' (Boris Ivanovski). Very brave Kekec saves both of them with the help of his wisdom and tricks Bedanec, who catches in his own trap that he set.

Kekec saves Bedanec out of the trap because he asks him nicely, however he doesn't learn anything out of this. Will maybe wise man ''Vitranc'' (Jože Zupan) bring peace in these places...

The Tallow Candle

A tallow candle, whose parents are a sheep and a melting pot, becomes more and more disheartened as it cannot find a purpose in life. It meets a tinderbox who lights a flame on the candle, and it finally finds its right place in life and spreads joy and happiness for itself and its fellow creatures.

Suddilage Kathaawa

Set in 1958, Suddhi (Swarna Mallawarachchi) is married to a notorious criminal in the village, Romial (Cyril Wickramage), who has been taken into the local jail on suspicion of murder. In the meantime, Suddi depends on various men in the village to provide her provisions by sleeping with them. Some time before Romial comes home, Suddi starts sleeping with Mudalali (Somy Rathnayake), a shrewd businessman from town, and he becomes her main lover and provider.

Romial had been hired by Arachchila (Joe Abeywickrama), the local ex-headman, to kill an unnamed villager. Mudalali is married to Arachchila's only sister, mainly for the respect and the wealth she had inherited. The movie is set in the era of the Grama Niladhari system, which undermines Arachchila's village position, and Mudilali's connection with the new grama niladhari provokes Arachchila.

Muralali informs Avusadaya (Ananda Wijesinghe), a tenant farmer who works on Arachchila's land, of the Paddy Lands Act passed through Parliament in Colombo; this new law would force landowners to share the excess land with the landless. This conversation sets forth the conflict between Arachchila and Avusadaya.

Romial returns from jail to the village. Arachchila handed him over the contract to destroy Aushadaya by killing Peter (Salaman Fonseka), the brother of Aushadaya with whom he had regular quarrels after he gets drunk. When Romial hesitates to get back to violence, Suddi encourages him to go ahead with the killings. The murder trap ends with both Peter and Arachchila's deaths.

However Romial who commits the murder regrets this. He decided to help Peter's wife (Nilanthi Wijesinghe), who is left helpless after Peter's death, and remains unaware about the murder. Soon, Peter's wife falls in love with Romial, while Mudalali and Suddi continue with their affair. Peter's wife informs Romial about the affair between Mudalali and Suddi, and the film ends with an enraged Romial killing Suddi.

The Christmas Tree (1969 film)

The story follows a Frenchman named Laurent and his son Pascal, who live somewhere in France. Along the way, the widower Laurent meets and falls for the beautiful Catherine, but also learns that his son is dying after witnessing the explosion of a plane with a nuclear device inside. Finding this out, Laurent and Pascal have a string of adventures with Catherine along.

War Goddess

Set nearly three thousand years ago, the Amazons are a tribe of proud warrior women, who have seceded from the rest of the world, and set up a state purely composed of their own sex. The film opens with the tribe holding a tournament of various physical contests to select a new queen. In the final competition, man-hating Antiope defeats her longtime rival Oreitheia in a wrestling match and is crowned queen. The new ruler believes the tribe has gone soft and imposes a rigid discipline that allows sexual relations with men only once a year to procreate. Antiope also wants a return to a more egalitarian society, which doesn't sit well with Oreitheia and many of the other high Amazons, and she hatches various schemes to eliminate Antiope and take her place on the throne.

Since there are no men in the tribe, the Amazons hire men from another nation once a year for reproductive purposes; an "unpleasant but necessary" ordeal which Antiope herself also dutifully participates in. The Amazons soon go to meet a group of Greek soldiers led King Theseus of Athens for their annual mating ceremony. Meanwhile, Oreitheia and her loyal followers attempt to undermine the queen's rule by slipping an aphrodisiac in her water, only for her handmaiden to drink it instead and suffer the effects. Curious about of the Amazons, Theseus pretends to be a low-ranking captain and has sex with Antiope, impregnating her in the process. Much to the queen's dismay, she quite enjoys her first time having sex with a man. The next day, during a series of contests held between the two groups, Antiope attempts to one-up Theseus in a show jumping competition after he attempts to impress her. This results in the queen injuring her leg and is left unable to perform in bed the following night. Theseus meets with Antiope to apologize for showing off and attempts to change her man-hating ways, but her resolve remains quite firm. Secretly worried that she has feelings for Theseus and being perceived as weak, Antiope orders the Amazons to depart for home a day early.

The king recommends to the queen a certain way back to their home through the Blue Mountains, inadvertently sending the tribe into a Scythian ambush. Realizing his mistake, Theseus assembles a garrison of soldiers to aid the Amazons as they are attacked, and they drive off the Scythians. Believing that the Greeks deliberately set them up, the Amazons mount an expedition lead by Oreitheia to pillage the villages of the Scythians in retaliation. During the following months, Theseus has become smitten with the queen and sets up a makeshift camp near the Amazon's city. At one time covertly saving her from an assassination attempt and later sneaks into her bedchambers to make love to her again, the latter which she reluctantly accepts. Theseus also sends his wife Queen Phaedra to the city under the guise of a feminist representative from Crete, in order to learn more about the Amazon's matriarchal society. Suspicious of Phaedra's true motivations, Antiope followers her back to Theseus's campsite and discovers his deception. Seeing him with another women causes Antiope to believe the Theseus was merely using her and she angrily breaks off their relationship, making future plans for revenge. With their cover blown, Theseus and Phaedra return to Athens for the time being.

The time finally comes for the queen to give birth, but to her sadness the child is a boy and is left out to die as male children are not wanted by the Amazons. The apparent loss of her son causes Antiope to become conflicted and later more outspoken when Oreitheia's war party returns successful from their campaign against the Scythians. This in turn causes Antiope to lose some support among her fellow Amazons. Taking advantage of the political turmoil, Oreitheia attempts to murder Antiope in her sleep, but the queen anticipates her betrayal and catches her by spear point. Deciding that they need to settle their dispute once and for all, the two Amazons engage in a nude wrestling match as a thunderstorm rages outside. Exhausted from their lengthy struggle, they end up falling into each other's embrace and become lovers.

Antiope arranges for another meeting with the Greeks to mate again and then kill them all in revenge for their perceived role in setting up the ambush. Despite grim predictions from their priests that the mission will result in heavy losses, Oreitheia encourages Antiope to go through with it. Antiope and Theseus are finally reunited at the camp, where he confesses his love for her. After they're finished making love, Theseus reveals that he already knew about the assassination in advance thanks to some treacherous Amazons. The king also tells her that he had rescued their son (now named Hippolytus) and she slips out of the tent with him to go see her child in Athens. The other Amazons think she's been kidnapped, with only Oreitheia and few others realizing the truth, and chase after the Greeks to prevent word of this great dishonor from spreading. The Amazons eventually catch up and have a battle with the Greeks. To keep Antiope out of harms way, Theseus orders his men to tie her to the carriage against her will. As the conflict ensues, both side suffer casualties and Antiope can only watch helplessly as Oreitheia is killed on the battlefield. Deciding that there has been enough bloodshed, Theseus calls for the fighting to stop. In the aftermath of the battle, Antiope recognizes Oreitheia's desire to become queen, and places the ring symbolizing her status as queen on her finger. Having been conquered by the Greeks, Antiope and the survivors join them on the long journey back to Athens. Though disheartened that both she and the Amazons as a whole are now ruined, Antiope looks forward to her future role as Theseus's political advisor and is pleasantly surprised to find out that Phaedra is his first wife, not his lover.

Two Sons of Ringo

Franco and Ciccio leave Agrigento, in Sicily, to search of their fortune in the American West. In the land of cowboys and dueling weapons, they pretend to be skilled thieves and gunmen under the names Django and Gringo. When they meet a big shot, Franco and Ciccio are forced to live their roles and pretend to be the children of the great gunslinger Ringo.

Wonder Woman (1974 film)

This film follows Wonder Woman, assistant to government agent Steve Trevor (Kaz Garas) ,as she pursues a villain named Abner Smith (Ricardo Montalbán) ,who has stolen a set of code books containing classified information about U.S. government field agents. Along the way, she has to outwit Smith's chief assistants: the handsome yet dangerous George (Andrew Prine) and a rogue Amazon, Ahnjayla (Anitra Ford), whom Smith has taken on as a bodyguard; a brief duel between Wonder Woman and Ahnjayla is the film's only significant action sequence, which occurs during the final third of the story.

My Name Is Pecos

As a child, Pecos Martinez witnessed how Joe Clane had Pecos' family wiped out. By now Pecos is a grown man who's out for revenge, but Clane has a whole city under his sway. All too soon Pecos is made and Clane's henchmen are just too many. Once he's trapped and captured, he needs to conceive a striking ruse if he wants to live.

Many Wars Ago

The film is set on the Alpine Front of World War I, between 1916 and 1917.

The conflict has turned into a bloody stalemate. Bogged down in their trenches on a barren highland, the men of an Italian infantry division have been given one objective: retake a commanding height from the Austro-Hungarian forces. Unfortunately, the tactical ingenuity of General Leone, the unpopular division commander, consists of supplementing frontal attacks against machine guns with medieval fighting schemes. His dispirited troops must be prodded with ever-harsher measures into storming the Austrian positions.

As casualties mount, indignation spreads among the rank and file. In one attack, a beloved junior officer is killed during an attempted mutiny, and subsequently every tenth man of his battalion is chosen to be executed by a firing squad of his comrades, in some bizarre kind of compensation for the killed officer. Disturbed by his superiors' decisions, the young Lieutenant Sassu is progressively led to question the purpose of war and reconsider where his real duties lie.

Midnight Faces

Lynn Claymore inherits an estate in a Florida swamp from an uncle he never knew. His lawyer Richard Mason accompanies him to the property. A strange Chinese man is seen wandering the grounds at night, and a man in a cape is spotted skulking down the corridors by Claymore's clichéd "fraidy-cat" black manservant Trohelius. Then a young woman named Mary Bronson shows up, asking to be allowed in to escape an assailant with a knife who she says was stalking her.

Smiley's People (TV series)

George Smiley is called out of retirement when one of his former assets, an émigré general, is found murdered. In tidying up loose ends for the "Circus", his former employer, he discovers a clandestine operation run by his nemesis, Karla, for his own personal benefit. Smiley is able to use this irregularity against Karla, forcing him to defect to the West.

The Boxer's Omen

Chan Hung is a Hong Kong gangster and the brother of Chan Wing, a heavyweight boxer. The film opens during a brutal boxing match between Wing and Thai fighter Bu Bo. Wing eventually wins the fight, but Bo lands a sucker punch after the fight ends, paralyzing Wing. Shortly thereafter, the leaders of Hung's organization are killed by rival gangsters. Hung is abducted, but his captors are killed by an apparition of a Buddhist monk, and Hung begins to see more religious visions.

Wing asks Hung to get revenge on Bu Bo, so Hung travels to Thailand and challenges Bo to a match. He visits a Buddhist temple seeking information on his visions, whereupon he is informed that his coming was prophesied by the temple's deceased head abbot Qing Zhao. A year earlier, Qing had himself traveled to Hong Kong to break apart a gang of black magicians, killing one and disrupting the rituals of another. The second magician assassinated Qing by training spiders to stab him through the eyes with their stingers, killing him just as he was about to achieve immortality. Qing has nevertheless sustained his soul through his powers, and predicted that a twin of his from a past life (Hung) would arrive three months following his bodily death. Trapped in his decaying body, Qing asks Hung to become a monk, defeat the black magicians, and help him achieve immortality. After some hesitation, Hung agrees.

Hung takes the name Baluo Kaidi and trains in arduous conditions. Eventually he is granted magical powers and ordained as a hunter of black magic. Baluo challenges the magician who killed Qing to a ritual duel; during it, he neutralizes the magician's various spells and brutally kills him. Baluo returns to Hong Kong and breaks one of the tenets of his monastic vows by having sex with his girlfriend. During Baluo's fight with Bu Bo, the remaining black magicians begin a series of rites to take revenge on the monk, eventually creating an undead warrior. One of the spells injures Qing (and thus Baluo) during the boxing match, disorienting Baluo and nearly allowing Bu Bo to win. Though Baluo overpowers Bo, he begins to see hellish visions.

Baluo returns to Thailand to kill the remaining magicians, and he and his teacher extract an invulnerability-granting liquid from a plant in an abandoned temple. During the renewal of his vows, Baluo lies when asked if he has broken his vow of chastity, triggering a magical reaction and his expulsion from the temple. Baluo seeks help from Qing, who reveals that he will die shortly (killing Baluo in the process) unless he retrieves the ashes of one of Qing's past selves, venerated as a relic in Nepal.

Baluo travels to Namor Buddhist Lamasery in Kathmandu (actually filmed at Swayambhunath), where he finds the relic guarded by a series of magical defenses. He consumes the invulnerability potion and surmounts the defenses when he is attacked by the undead warrior. Eventually, the ashes manifest their own power, killing first the undead warrior and then the remaining black magicians. When Balou takes the ashes, spider-stingers remove themselves from his eyes, and he finds himself back in the monastery in Thailand. Qing has healed himself and become an immortal being with iridescent crystal skin. As the monks move to honor Qing, Baluo quietly exits the temple.

Black Magic 2

A martial artist fights against an evil sorcerer who has raised zombies.

Sweet Phoebe

When pet dog Phoebe goes missing, the impact on her minders is devastating. As Helen and Frazer desperately search the city streets, they encounter the unexpected, and are irrevocably changed.