Setting: The office of Gideon Bloodgood, bank owner. The act opens with Bloodgood preparing to abscond to England. He has been following the stock market and knows that his bank will collapse the following day. He reveals that he has done everything for his daughter's fortunes. Badger, a clerk in the bank, enters and successfully blackmails Bloodgood with the knowledge that Badger has been keeping an account of Bloodgood's dealings. Captain Fairweather enters and deposits his life savings with Bloodgood personally. Captain Fairweather has discovered that his previous bank was about to collapse and removed his money; he believes Bloodgood to be sound. He exits with a receipt for his deposit. The Captain returns demanding his money back: His ship's owners have filled him in on the rumors about Bloodgood's finances. Bloodgood refuses to return the money and in the heated discussion that follows the Captain dies of a heart attack. Badger helps Bloodgood dispose of the Captain's body and acquires the deposit slip. End Tableau: Bloodgood and Badger triumphant separately over the prostrate Captain.
Setting: The park near Tammany Hall.
Mark Livingstone explains how he has gone from a position of wealth and society to poverty and hunger. Puffy the baker enters selling sweet potatoes. He recognizes Livingstone as a former customer and explains how he has come down in the world due to the crash. He mentions his lodgers, the Fairweathers, and their fate in the crash. Livingstone reveals that he knows the Fairweathers, particularly that he had feelings for Lucy. Mrs. Fairweather and her son Paul enter. Paul demands an account of Livingstone's actions given his interest in Lucy, and Livingstone is forced to reveal his poverty. Bloodgood enters, demanding rent from Puffy. All exit except for Livingstone who gives a rousing speech about how the true poor of New York are the newly impoverished middle class. He is forced to exit by the police.
Setting: Exterior of Bloodgood's Bank, Nassau St.
Bloodgood recounts his crime, twenty years before to the day on that spot, and how the Captain's money secured his fortune. Alida Bloodgood enters, demanding money from her father for her lover's gambling debts. Bloodgood returns with Puffy. Puffy offers Bloodgood the note Mrs. Fairweather has given him in lieu of paying his rent. Bloodgood exults that he now has two sources to extort.
Setting: The interior of Puffy's house.
Mrs. Fairweather and Lucy Fairweather are setting the table for dinner in expectation of Livingstone visiting. Mrs. Puffy and her son Dan enter and help, adding to the food to be provided and offering to act as servants when Mrs. Fairweather insists they join in the meal. Livingstone and Paul Fairweather enter and the Puffys serve the meal. All are setting down to eat when sheriff's officers enter and demand payment of rent and Mrs. Fairweather's note. Livingstone reveals that he is unable to save his friends by making the payment for them.
End Tableau.
Setting: The interior of Bloodgood's residence.
Bloodgood is writing at his desk; Alida is reading an account of Bloodgood in the New York Herald, describing him as a financial vulture. Alida reveals her desire to enter high society, which has so far snubbed her. Livingstone requests entrance which Bloodgood denies but Alida forces her father to accept. Livingstone asks for a loan and admits that he is ruined. Bloodgood refuses, but Alida forces him to restore Livingstone's fortune so that she might purchase him as a husband. Badger enters, announcing his return from California. Lucy Fairweather enters to work on Alida's dress. The ladies exit and Badger extorts Bloodgood for more money, revealing that he has the receipt. Paul Fairweather enters, requesting leniency in regard to his mother's note. Badger recognizes him as the true heir to Captain Fairweather's fortune. Bloodgood offers Paul a position in Rio de Janeiro to foil Badger's threat of informing the heirs of Captain Fairweather and calls for the police. Lucy attempts to leave and encounters Livingstone returning to receive Bloodgood's loan. Livingstone professes his love to Lucy. Alida overhears and informs Lucy that she intends to purchase Livingstone as a husband, and that without her aid Livingstone will be ruined. Livingstone enters acknowledging Alida as his benefactor, without whose aid he was planning to commit suicide. Lucy renounces her love for Livingstone. Badger, Bloodgood and the police enter. Badger is arrested but has hidden the receipt in his lodgings, foiling Bloodgood.
Setting: Union Square, snow falling.
Puffy is selling roasted chestnuts. Paul is crouched in a corner. Dan enters carrying luggage for a gentleman. Puffy and Dan converse about their fallen fortunes. Mrs. Puffy enters with their dinner. All three decide to give some to Paul, without recognizing him. He is sleeping and does not wake. Badger enters attempting to sell matches to a gentleman. Mrs. Fairweather enters determined to sell her wedding ring in order to provide food for her children. Badger takes her ring, but returns it and directs her to a saloon warning her not to show it to strangers. Bloodgood enters waiting for the end of an opera. Badger attempts to sell him an opera program before recognizing him. Bloodgood threatens him with a revolver but Badger disarms him with the threat of a knife that he knows how to use from the California gold fields (see the cowardly nature of melodramatic villains). Badger reveals that he has gotten out of prison, losing the Fairweathers to Bloodgood's machinations but keeping the receipt. Badger extorts Bloodgood with promise of a confession to the newspapers, and Bloodgood promises to bring money to Badger's lodgings in the Five Points neighborhood. Both exit. Mr. and Mrs. Puffy exit. Dan calls on Paul to help him with the luggage without recognizing him. Paul attempts to carry the trunk, but is too weak and the trunk is removed by a porter. Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather enter, both having failed to gain money either by work, selling the ring, or begging. They meet up with Paul and reveal the extent of their troubles. Paul sends them home promising to bring food.
Setting: The Vestibule of the academy of music.
Alida and Livingstone enter. Alida revels in her triumph; Livingstone is bound to her father by debt and will marry her in one month, New York society now acknowledges her, and her lover still courts her to Livingstone's indifference. Paul enters looking for charity. Livingstone recognizes him and the two confer. Alida leaves for her lover's carriage. Livingstone tells Paul that he will aid the Fairweathers now that he has money, and gets their address, which turns out to be the same building that Badger is lodging in.
Setting: Two adjoining attic rooms, 19 1/2 Cross St., the Five Points neighborhood.
Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather are in one room, Badger enters the other. Badger fantasizes about the money he will receive from Bloodgood, while Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather separately decide to commit suicide by asphyxiation from the charcoal burner they use to cook their food. The Fairweathers leave, each attempting to draw the other away from their suicide attempt. Bloodgood enters and threatens Badger with his pistol, but is disarmed by Badger who draws two large revolvers from concealment. Badger insists that Bloodgood return to his lodging with the money. The Fairweathers return. Mrs. Fairweather stops up the windows while Lucy returns with the brazier. The two realize that they share the same intent and state their reasons for suicide before succumbing to the lack of oxygen. Badger in the next room starts to feel the effects. Paul and Livingstone arrive and save Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather. Badger realizes that he is succumbing and hides the receipt. Paul hears his cries and enters his room at the same time as Bloodgood returns. Badger recognizes Paul and reveals to him that he has proof of Bloodgood's robbery, but passes out before he can retrieve the receipt.
Setting: Brooklyn Heights, the garden of a cottage overlooking New York City and its harbor.
Mrs. Fairweather and Paul are seated at breakfast, being served by the Puffys. They converse about how Lucy is recovering and that Livingstone has set them up in their old home, found work for Paul and restored Puffy's bakery with a government contract. Livingstone has avoided visiting them because of Lucy's renunciation of their love. Badger enters, having nursed Lucy during her illness and now joining the police in a financial crimes unit. The receipt has not been recovered either by the Fairweathers or Bloodgood who has bought and locked up the building. Livingstone is to be married to Alida that night. Livingstone enters to say goodbye, and Badger reveals that Lucy in a fever confessed to refusing Livingstone's love so that he might regain his wealth. Livingstone and Lucy confirm their love. Dan enters, spying a fire in lower New York. He realizes that it is Badger's old lodgings. Badger determines that Bloodgood has set the fire to destroy the receipt and sets out to save the paper and the Fairweather's fortunes.
Setting: The exterior of 19 1/2 Cross St. in Five Points.
Bloodgood is seen through the windows setting fires. He exits and locks the building. The fire is seen to spread. A crowd enters to watch. Badger enters and breaks into the building through a window. Dan attempts to follow him but returns, burned and overcome by the fire. The top of the building crumbles inwards and Badger is revealed in his old room. The building collapses further and Badger falls with it. Badger reappears in the ground floor and drags himself from the ruins, on fire. The crowd rescues him. End Tableau
Setting: The Drawing room of the Bloodgood's Mansion on Madison Av.
Bloodgood enters, triumphant over the fire and destruction of the receipt. Alida enters dressed for the wedding. The wedding party is revealed. Livingstone enters and declines Alida's hand, presenting his reasons for the wedding, and Alida's letters to her lover as his reason for ending the engagement. Bloodgood reminds him of his debts, but the Fairweathers arrive and demand restitution of Captain Fairweather's money. Bloodgood calls for the police and Badger arrives. Bloodgood attempts to kill Badger with a knife but Badger disarms and arrests him. Alida in despair at her life denounces her father and leaves. Paul acknowledges Bloodgood's love of his daughter and forgives him, insisting only on reimbursement of his Father's money. Bloodgood leaves after his daughter. The Puffys are escorted in, afraid to enter so grand a residence. All prepare for the wedding of Livingstone and Lucy. The Fairweathers appeal to the audience to extend their hands to the poor of New York.
In 1994, Robin and her father visited New York (on what Robin Sr. called a 'father-son bonding trip') with Robin determined to move to the city one day. While in Central Park, Robin buried a locket intending to return for it before her wedding so it could be her "something old". Visiting the park with her father again in 2013, she intends for the two to find the locket, only for Robin Sr. to quickly leave to join Barney (who he has bonded with to the point of nicknaming him 'B-Dog') for a round of lasertag. The two initially get along well against the children also playing, but soon get into an argument and organize the children into their own teams to take each other on. After a hard-fought battle, the two reconcile and happily return to shooting the other kids.
While Robin searches for her locket, Lily and Marshall prepare for their "something new" by packing up for their move to Italy. However, since neither can bring themselves to leave anything behind, they call in Ted (who believes himself to be an expert after travelling around Mexico for two weeks with only a fanny pack) to help decide what goes with them and what goes in the "Bermuda Triangle". Ted agrees to help despite having an important meeting, but he proves to be more of a hindrance, as he packs seemingly useless stuff including an old and leaking bean-bag chair to Italy while intending to leave more valuable things such as an Italy guide book in the Triangle. Eventually, Marshall and Lily call Ted out on this but when he refuses to relent, they send him out to buy fanny packs. On his return, he finds Marshall and Lily about to leave the bean-bag in the Triangle and begs them to keep it, sitting down in it and refusing to move even if it means missing the meeting. He admits the chair means a lot to him as it was the first piece of furniture they bought after moving into the apartment. When he admits his worry that their friendship will deteriorate if the two are not around, Marshall and Lily promise that it will not happen. They decide to leave Ted alone, and after a few seconds' thought about holding on to the past, Ted hails a cab and later sees that the bag is gone. He later gets a picture message from Marshall and Lily revealing that they have reclaimed the bean-bag chair, however Ted encourages them to get rid of it, much to their relief.
Robin discovers that the locket is not where she thought she buried it, and frantically digs up several holes in a fruitless attempt to find it. She calls Barney in the middle of his game but when he asks if it is important, she just responds that it is "stupid" and Barney goes right back to playing. She calls Ted, who is on the way to his meeting, and gives the same response when he asks if she has something important. Despite this, Ted turns up at Central Park to help Robin dig and she admits her fears regarding marrying Barney, particularly because Ted implicitly knew she needed help and Barney did not. When Robin does find the locket box, she thinks finding it is a sign she should push through with the wedding – and when the box turns up empty, she laments about Barney not being meant for her, further thinking that a fresh downpour is indeed a sign. Ted reminds Robin that she is usually skeptical of this sort of thing and maybe signs do not exist; but then Robin takes Ted's hand, as the storm begins to settle down.
Poet Tố Như meets a musician and they fall in love. But he already has a wife, and doesn't want to take her even when he meets her several times and even has sex with her later. He meets her when she is old, feeling sorry, writes a poem for her, and she jumps into a well that nobody wants to drink the water later.[ Khúc hát nhạt Long Thành cầm giả ca] Nguyễn Trâm Anh, báo Sài Gòn tiếp thị 15.09.2010, 08:40 (GMT+7)
Craig (Pat Healy) is an auto mechanic who loses his job. He is unable to pay his rent and after seeing the eviction sign, he goes to a dive bar, where he meets an old friend from high school, Vince (Ethan Embry). After their reunion, they meet a rich couple, Colin and Violet (David Koechner and Sara Paxton), who appear friendly and benign initially, and after becoming aware of Craig's dire financial situation, offer them money in return for completing certain tasks to entertain Violet, as it is her birthday.
As the first task, Colin offers fifty dollars to whoever between Craig and Vince can drink a shot he pours first. From there, the danger of the tasks escalates along with the payout. The dares result in a bouncer confronting Craig, who is offered five hundred dollars by Colin to hit him first. He does so and is knocked out. When he comes to, he realizes he been brought to the home of Colin and Violet. Tensions between Craig and Vince begin to emerge when they compete with each other in a breath-holding contest and Vince punches Craig in the stomach to prevent him from winning so that he may claim the prize money himself. Another dare between Colin and Vince involves Vince urinating on Craig's shoes. When Craig angrily goes to clean up in the bathroom, Vince accompanies him and they hatch a plan to rob the couple. Vince divulges that there is $250,000, which he instructs Craig to steal as the safe is unlocked.
At knife-point, Vince manages to get Colin to reveal that the safe is unlocked. Craig retrieves the money and returns only to have Colin and Violet turn the tables on them when Colin easily disarms Vince as Vince not aware that Colin is an award-winning martial artist and Violet has a gun with her. Colin and Violet agree to let "bygones be bygones" and reveals the money is actually prepared for them to have but only if they go through with the game, which explains why the safe is unlocked. Another dare involves Craig having sex with Violet as well as getting $4,500, the amount required to pay for Craig's month's rent. This angers Vince, who views it as an unfair bet, increasing hostilities between the two friends. Humiliated and feeling guilty for cheating on his wife, Craig withdraws from the game and departs, having earned enough money to delay homelessness for the time being. Violet, who seems to have begun to develop feelings for him, is upset and becomes withdrawn, causing the game to end as its purpose was to entertain her. Vince, desperate to win more money, offers to perform anything asked of him. Colin suggests the amputation of his pinkie finger for $25,000. Just as Vince is about to accept, Craig returns to the game, stating that he only temporarily solves his problem with the $4,500 he has earned so far, and offers to do the same dare for a smaller sum. Vince also goes lower, and they go back and forth until Craig settles for $15,000. Vince cuts Craig's pinkie off, resulting in Craig winning again, which only serves to anger Vince further.
The next challenge involves eating a cooked dead dog, which had died while trying to eat Craig's finger, with the winner who finishes his portion first receiving $50,000. The contest results in a draw, and the tie is broken by whoever eats Craig's finger. Craig wins but he is beaten up by an enraged Vince. After being taken outside to calm down by Colin, he suggests that Vince kill Craig for the remaining portion of the $250,000. Vince considers the offer but finds himself unable to kill his friend; he urges Craig to leave with him but is suddenly shot to death by Craig. Colin calls Craig a taxi and he leaves with his winnings in hand. After he has left, Colin pays Violet her money, as the two had made a bet on which friend would kill the other; Colin chose Vince with Violet choosing Craig. The film ends with Craig arriving home, comforting his child, when suddenly the light turns on and his wife appears, staring at Craig covered in blood and at the money strewn all over the room.
Meredith Davis is divorced from her rich husband, who leaves her with nothing due to a prenuptial agreement that she clearly did not read. She moves in with her friend's family, whose stepdaughter Lily inspires her to come up with a plan – become hired as a teacher at Lily's school, Richard Nixon Middle School, meet and marry a rich single father, and return to the extravagant lifestyle to which she was accustomed. Using a fake résumé and her feminine charm, she gets Principal Carl Gaines to hire her. The faculty includes Joel, a former high school classmate who is now a gym teacher; Irene, a shy fellow teacher who becomes excited to have a new friend; and Ginny, faculty president who resents Meredith and is suspicious of her. Although an incompetent teacher, Meredith imparts life lessons to Lily and her friends.
The film takes place after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The film opens with retired Major Józef Mayer in a doctor's office in Warsaw. Mayer is a former agent of the Polish Office for State Protection (UOP), the main Polish intelligence agency. Mayer's doctor tells him that he may die from an unspecified disease. The film then shifts to Baghdad, Iraq, where Iraqi security forces raid a CIA safehouse maintained by CIA agent Jeff Magnus. Walton and his two other CIA agents manage to escape into hiding as they prepare to leave Iraq before a possible war. Walton is warned by a Polish-American Mossad agent named Karen Pierce to leave Iraq immediately. Meanwhile, Pierce is having an affair with Mayer's son Paweł, who is a Polish engineer working in Iraq. Paweł is detained and Pierce escapes after they are stopped by Iraqi secret police. While in a military prison, Paweł is tortured for not disclosing Pierce's location to the Iraqis. The Iraqis suspect that Paweł is a spy.
Józef Mayer is summoned to UOP. The head official of the agency informs Mayer that his son has gone missing after meeting Pierce. Mayer then inquires to an attaché of the American Embassy in Warsaw regarding the whereabouts of Karen Pierce. The film shifts back to Iraq, where two Polish UOP agents, Edward Broński and Stanisław Kosiński, are inquiring on the whereabouts of Pierce and Mayer's son. Mayer manages to discover from his embassy attaché that Pierce is a Mossad agent. At the same time, Magnus and the other CIA agents prepare to leave Iraq via a helicopter extraction, until their helicopter is shot down. They escape and go back into hiding. In Poland, the head of the UOP meets with Hayes, a high-level official of the CIA. Because the UOP still has agents in Iraq, Hayes asks the head of the UOP to extract his CIA agents out of Iraq. Hayes says that if the extraction is successful, Poland's foreign debts to the United States would be decreased dramatically. Hayes stresses that his agents must be evacuated out of Iraq, because they hold sensitive materials viable for war. Meanwhile, Mayer demands to go into Iraq and get his son out, undercover as a construction engineer. Pierce manages to escape Iraq and meets with the head of Mossad, Shopsovitz. Shopsovitz reveals that Magnus and his team hold a microfilm containing Saddam Hussein’s daily schedules. Pierce agrees to take the microfilm from Magnus.
In Baghdad, Mayer arrives and meets with Broński and Kosiński. The agents provide Mayer with an Iraqi driver named Faisal, who is fluent in Polish. Mayer and Faisal drive to the Iraqi construction site where his son worked. They discover that Mayer’s son is possibly being held at a nearby police station. Meanwhile, Pierce goes back into Iraq and receives the Magnus’ microfilm. The next day, Pierce finds Broński in Baghdad and gives him information on the location of the CIA agents. As Broński and Kosiński head out of the Polish Embassy to find the agents, they are followed by Iraqi secret police. Kosiński manages to drop out of the car without notice of the secret police agents. As he heads off on foot, he tracks down the CIA agents in hiding. Kosiński gets the agents on board of a bus with other Europeans and gets them inside the Polish Embassy without being noticed by the secret police. Broński and Kosiński give them Polish passports and new cover identities. Back in Poland, the chiefs of UOP, Mossad and the CIA agree to use Mayer as bait to get the CIA agents out of Iraq. They want the Iraqis to believe that Mayer is going to get the agents out himself, but in reality he only wants to get his son out. At the Embassy, Kosiński and the CIA agents leave on a bus towards the border. Meanwhile, Mayer infiltrates the Iraqi police station and gets his wounded son out. Kosiński and the agents cross the Iraqi-Turkish border without trouble or raising suspicions. At another border checkpoint into Turkey, Broński assists Mayer, his son, Pierce and Faisal get across. Once they cross the border, Pierce is shot and killed by an Iraqi colonel and his troops. Back in Poland, Mayer, Broński, Kosiński and the UOP chief are awarded medals of distinction at the American Embassy. As the film closes, Mayer reacquaints with his estranged son.
Lisa Johnson, the ghost of a teenage girl who becomes aware that she is dead, haunts a house somewhere in northern Ontario. Along with her parents and brother, who are unaware that they are dead, she is stuck on the same day they were murdered in 1985. As she becomes more aware of her circumstances, she realizes that she can make contact with people in other timelines. As she explores this ability, a pale man appears and warns her to stop. Undeterred, Lisa uses personal items from other people killed in the house to make a connection with Olivia, part of a family living in the house in the future who will become the next set of victims.
With the help of Olivia and the spirits of other murdered girls, Lisa is transported into the timelines of other victims and unravels the mystery of the house, realizing that the previous resident of the house, Edgar Mullins, is possessing the fathers of the families who live in the house to continue his serial murders. She helps her family to come to terms with the knowledge that they are dead, and thus "awakened", they become able to assist her. After her family escapes to the afterlife, Lisa stays behind to stop Mullins. She is nearly trapped in Olivia's body as Mullins moves on to kill them, but Lisa is able to escape him long enough to summon the spirits of Mullins' past victims, delaying his next kill long enough for the spirits of his other victims to join her. As Mullins is "incinerated" in the furnace where he killed his own victims, Olivia's father retakes control of his body, confused about what just happened. After assuring him and Olivia that they will be a happy family again, Lisa goes to sleep, but awakens with her family on her birthday in heaven, out of the loop that Mullins trapped them in.
When Harold Shea's wife Belphebe, originally from the world of Spenser's ''The Faerie Queene'', was accidentally spirited off to that of Ariosto's ''Orlando Furioso'' (''The Castle of Iron''), he came under suspicion by the police for her disappearance. While he was ultimately successful in retrieving her, two others, his colleague Walter Bayard and policeman Pete Brodsky were left trapped in the world of Coleridge's Xanadu. As Shea's skill in traveling between universes is still somewhat hit or miss, he decides to seek professional assistance in rescuing them, from the wizard Väinämöinen in the world of the Kalevala. Harold and Belphebe attain the right world but the wrong magician, ending up instead with the touchy and unreliable Lemminkäinen, who tricks them into serving his ends. Persuading him they need their stranded friends' aid, Shea persuades the wizard to summon them. Later, after their quest with Lemminkäinen to Pohjola goes sour, Bayard inadvertently transports them to the world of Irish myth.
In present-day Scotland, a couple of American tourists meet an old man who, upon request (after seeing the surgeon's photo), tells them about the Loch Ness Monster and why the photo is a fake.
In 1942 during World War II, a boy named Angus MacMorrow lives in the manor house of Lord Killin on Loch Ness with his mother Anne MacMorrow and his sister, Kirstie. Lewis Mowbray comes to work as a handyman there. Angus' father Charles, the former handyman, is a sailor in the Royal Navy, missing since his ship was sunk in the war a year ago; Angus is unable to accept that he won't return.
One day, while collecting seashells, Angus discovers a large, mysterious egg in the sand, and an unknown creature hatches, which he calls 'Crusoe' after Robinson Crusoe. He decides to keep the creature a secret, eventually telling his sister and Lewis. Lewis explains that it is a genderless "Water Horse" that lays one egg, then dies before it hatches.
Royal Air Force troops arrive at the house, commanded by Captain Thomas Hamilton – a friend of Lord Killin. An artillery battery is set up near the lake to defend against German U-boats while the troops set up on the grounds. Meanwhile, Lewis decides Crusoe is so big they have to free it in the loch.
Captain Hamilton proclaims Lewis to be a bad influence, and Angus' mother allows him to teach Angus some discipline. After a few days of training, he escapes, returning to the lake and a full-grown Crusoe, who gets Angus to ride on its back. After some time, it begins to dive. Angus protests diving, later enjoys himself and finally overcomes his phobia.
The next day, Captain Hamilton takes the MacMorrow family to a hill overlooking Loch Ness; Crusoe is almost hit by an exploding shell during a firing demonstration. Angus interrupts to save Crusoe from injury or death, enraging Hamilton and irritating his mother, who is unfamiliar with Water Horses and won't believe him. He is punished, having to be in his room at six every night for a month.
Two fishermen who had seen Crusoe, try to take a photo of the creature for fame and fortune. When they can't photograph the real thing due to the bombardment, they create an imitation. (The result is the real-life faked photo of The Loch Ness Monster known as "The Surgeon's Photo".) It interests a few soldiers, who go out to hunt it.
Sneaking out of his room with his sister's help, Angus visits the lake, calling for Crusoe. Crusoe rises, still in shock and fear from the earlier bombardment, nearly bites off Angus's hand before sinking back into the loch. Hamilton's dog Churchill, having smelled Crusoe from the shore, alerts the soldiers of its presence before being eaten by Crusoe. Crusoe then surprises the soldiers, capsizing their boat but not before one of them sends out an SOS to Hamilton, who thinks the Germans are attacking. At the loch, Angus calls out to Crusoe, who is attacking Strunk. In his attempt to calm Crusoe, Angus wades into the lake, slips and sinks.
Crusoe rescues Angus. When his mother arrives, she finally believes him when she sees Crusoe, though at first she accuses Lewis of filling Angus's head with nonsense. The nearby artillery battery soon opens fire upon Crusoe, mistaking it for a German U-Boat. Angus, Hamilton, Anne and Lewis lead Crusoe to safety at the net, who escapes into the sea.
At sunrise, Angus finally accepts his father has passed before they watch Crusoe go. It is implied that Anne is also ready to move on, having fallen in love with Lewis. Over the years, several people claim spotting it but Angus never sees Crusoe again while others say that it returns, seeking Angus.
The tourists thank the old storyteller and ask for his name, which he reveals to be Angus Macmorrow. Outside the pub, a mother calls out to her son William, who is walking down the beach. He spots a large 'rock', which has an iridescent blue shell just like Crusoe's, hinting that Crusoe has left a descendant behind to become the next Water Horse.
Set during the reign of King Injong, the protagonist is a royal physician desperate to cure his ailing daughter. He becomes a fugitive when he gets entangled in an assassination plot to poison the crown prince, and fights to save both his daughter's life and his own.
The film follows young bank clerks Lee Dong-hee (Lee Min-ki) and Jang Young (Kim Min-hee) who have just broken up with each other. They work at a local branch of Standard Chartered, and their seemingly nasty split turns scandalous in the office. After going through a period of irrational behavior, including physical fights and Young’s impulsive one-night stand with a mutual colleague at work, the two decide to give their relationship another try. Once again, they are madly in love.
The real story of the film begins as the two begin to date again, in spite of their shared doubts and fears. As the second honeymoon phase ends, the same problems ― those that had led to their initial break-up ― surface: the boredom, the trust issues, and the mutual dishonesty about what they really want. The hot-tempered Dong-hee seems like he needs an anger management class, while Young tries to avoid conflicts by telling small lies ― unaware of how lies, regardless of the motivations, can destroy trust.
Above all, the couple's shared experience of the break-up gradually makes them insecure about their relationship. This eventually leads to a suffocating disaster: Dong-hee tries very hard to pretend that he is interested in the things Young suggests doing, only to please her and save their relationship ― although he'd really rather sleep in than go to an amusement park on his day off. Young, on the other hand, gets extremely self-conscious of everything she tells Dong-hee, as she is worried that she will upset him off by "saying something wrong" ― just like how she did before the first break-up.
There is a sadness that fills the screen as the two desperately try to save their relationship, pretending nothing is wrong and trying to believe that things will work out in the end. "I will be good to her," Dong-hee repeatedly says in the film. "I’ll try harder to make this work."
But watching them forcing on a smile while obviously annoyed by each other’s company, the audience can instinctively tell that the two will soon part ways ― in spite of their genuine efforts and affection for each other. The movie reaches its climax as the two flawed characters realize that they've messed it up again, that they can no longer be in denial, and there are some things in life that cannot be controlled no matter how hard they try.
When Diego is abandoned by his girlfriend a day before their wedding, he decides to go with his two cousins, Julian and José Miguel, to the village where they used to go on vacation when they were children to recuperate Diego's first love: Martina. There, the trio will face again their past and some people who took part of it, such as the irreconciliable "El Bachi" and his daughter Clara.
'''''Victor "Young" Perez''''' tells the astonishing, harrowing and poignant story of a Tunisian Jewish boxer, who became the World Flyweight Champion in 1931 and 1932. Perez started training as a boxer at age 14 along with his older brother Benjamin "Kid" Perez and rose to great fame thanks to the help and guidance of Leon Bellier. Moreover, he had a love affair with French-Italian actress Mireille Balin. The 5'1", 110-pound Perez won the International Boxing Union's version of the World Flyweight crown by a 2nd-round knockout of US-American champion Frankie Genaro, subsequently becoming the youngest world champion in boxing history. Perez got arrested in Paris on September 21, 1943 and was detained in the Drancy internment camp France, before being transported to the German extermination camp in Auschwitz where he was assigned to the Monowitz subcamp to serve as a slave laborer. Victor Perez arrived at Auschwitz on October 10, 1943, as part of "Transport 60" a group of 1,000. He was held in AuschwitzIII/Monowitz. While there he was forced to fight in boxing matches for the amusement of the SS command. By 1945 Victor had survived 140 bouts in 15 months. Perez was one of the prisoners on the death march that left the camp on January 18, 1945.
Taking place in the 1960s during Singapore's formative years as a young independent republic, the novel traces the growth and sexual maturation of young Esha (also named Su Yen) as she grows up an orphan reared by the matriarch of her extended clan, known only as Grandma, and schooled in a Catholic missionary school. Her two older cousins, Li Shin and Li Yuen, are her constant companions. Narrated in the first person, the novel is notable for its use of limited perceptive; major events in the narrative are not totally explained – for instance, in the disappearance of her paternal uncle Tien, and Li Shin's death.
A few months after the events of ''Saints Row: The Third'', the 3rd Street Saints are called to assist MI-6 agent Asha Odekar (Rebecca Riedy) and former Deckers leader Matt Miller (Yuri Lowenthal) in foiling a terrorist plot by former S.T.A.G. leader Cyrus Temple (Richard Epcar). The Boss (Troy Baker, Kenn Michael, Robin Atkin Downes, Laura Bailey, Diane Michelle, Sumalee Montano, or Nolan North) and their top lieutenants, Shaundi (Danielle Nicolet) and Pierce Washington (Arif S. Kinchen), breach Cyrus' base with Asha, killing him and preventing a nuclear missile from hitting Washington D.C. Five years later, the Boss has been elected President of the United States for their heroism, receiving actor Keith David (himself) as their Vice President, while assigning their cabinet roles to various Saints members and former Vice Kings leader Benjamin King (Terry Crews). Moments into a press conference, Earth is hit by an invasion from an alien empire known as the Zin, led by the ruthless Zinyak (JB Blanc), who destroy the White House and abduct the Boss, Keith, and most of the cabinet.
After the Boss escapes from a computer simulation based on a 1950s sitcom environment with the help of the Saints' hacker specialist Kinzie Kensington (Natalie Lander), they find themselves brought into a virtual recreation of Steelport. Working to manipulate the environment with special powers, they eventually reunite with Kinzie and Keith in a stolen Zin ship. When the group try to contact other Saints for help, Zinyak stops them by destroying the Earth. Enraged, the Boss re-enters the Steelport simulation to find the others that the Zin abducted, rescuing each from simulations based on their personal nightmares. Zinyak responds by having the Steelport simulation flooded with copies of gang members the Boss faced in the past, which causes Kinzie to suspect he is drawing them from the memories of someone else who has fought them. The Boss quickly deduces that the Zin abducted Johnny Gat (Daniel Dae Kim), the only Saints lieutenant who has been with the gang longer than them, and who was supposedly killed years ago. After rescuing Gat from his own simulation, he explains that Zinyak captured him years ahead of Earth's invasion because he was the only one who could have thwarted it, and officially rejoins the Saints.
The Saints soon rally inside the simulation to confront Zinyak, only for Kinzie to be captured in the real world by Zin forces. Discovering that Keith betrayed them, the Boss confronts him and learns he did so in exchange for the Zin restoring Earth. After pursuing him through his own personal nightmare, the Boss reveals to Keith he was tricked, and convinces him to rejoin the Saints. Learning where Kinzie was taken, the Boss rescues her from her personal nightmare. With the group back in operations, Kinzie formulates a plan to board Zinyak's ship by overloading the Steelport simulation to create an opening. Upon the Saints achieving this, the Boss boards Zinyak's ship, steals power armor that emulates their powers from the simulation, and uses it to kill Zinyak in front of the Zin, taking control of their empire.
The game's ending depends on the number of optional "loyalty" missions completed. If any of them were omitted, the Boss makes plans for the Saints to take over more planets and expand their new empire. Otherwise, the Saints learn they can restore Earth using time-travel, after discovering that Zinyak captured several historical figures and placed them in suspended animation. The Boss decides to awaken one of them from stasis, namely 19th century writer Jane Austen (Eden Riegel), whom they are a fan of, and who reveals herself as the game's narrator once she awakens.
Loosely based on the film (and in turn, the comic book), the game is about an alien electrical life-form (usually referred to as "the Evil") which hijacks a space station, beams itself down to a ship called ''The Electra'' and plans to take over the world. To do so, it killed the ship crew and outfitted them with implants to infiltrate the human race. Unlike in the film, the ship makes it to port and the cyborg monsters infest the "Nakomi hotel". This divergence from the film was due to Cryo Interactive believing that a game set entirely on a boat would be too limited. A female police officer and specialist in criminology, Joan Averil, is sent in to investigate "strange events" along with her partner Sutter. They discover the monsters, and fight their way through, rescuing two civilians on the way. Yakuza criminals also appear as enemies on the way. As reports of strange activity on ''The Electra'' surfaces, they track the infestation down to the ship and board it. Joan reveals that her brother Thomas works on the ship, and hopes to find him. They do, but Sutter is killed. They eventually manage to blow up the ship and escape. The ending cinematic ominously zooms out to depict the infested space station.
The back insert blurb of the game states ''"The virus has arrived on earth to destroy the human race. This time bullets will be used to cure evil."'' In the native French, it says that bullets will ''have'' to be used.
The movie depicted the tragic life of model Anna Nicole Smith from small town dancer to Playboy centerfold, to her marriage to a billionaire, and her death in 2007.
Irish novelist Brian O’Nolan uses numerous pseudonyms for his literary works. In this radio-drama, these pseudonyms meet and argue with characters from O’Nolan’s novels and narrations. The plot roughly follows O’Nolan’s real life as a student in Nazi-Germany, his return to inter-war Ireland, unemployment and career in the civil service, his declining health, dislike of James Joyce and constant financial troubles.
In the German original the drama was subtitled ‘’Eine Hörspielcollage aus der Welt der Wissenschaft und des Suffs’’ (A radio play patchwork from a world of science and booze), a claim that was brought to life by creative use of sound footage, music, audio-gags, and music by The Dubliners and other celtic folksingers.
The story is set in the city of Erzurum in Western Armenia, the Armenian-populated area of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century. Nerses Akhpar, a poor old man, goes to the local shop to buy food for his family. "In a close-knit community, food was one of the main topics of discussion. Everybody knew through the grapevine what was on each other's table for dinner. The status of town inhabitants was measured by the number of visits to the butcher shop, which was pretty much the center of the Armenian universe." Nikoghos Agha, who is the owner of the shop, gives him liver for free. Every time they meet, Nikoghos Agha reminds Nerses Akhpar about the liver he gave away. At the end of the story, Nerses buys the liver he owned and after finding Nikoghos Agha throws it into his face in the presence of several others screaming "Here is your ''tjvjik''." The 2006 book ''Armenian Food: Facts, Fiction & Folklore'' jokingly concludes ""Charity exacerbated the resentment felt by the recipient", modern psychoanalysts would say."
''The Village'' tells the story of life in a Derbyshire village through the eyes of a central character, Bert Middleton. Bert has been portrayed as a boy by Bill Jones, as a teen by Alfie Stewart, as a young man by Tom Varey, and as an old man by David Ryall. John Simm plays Bert's father John Middleton, an abusive, alcoholic Peak District farmer, and Maxine Peake plays Bert's mother, Grace.
Writer Peter Moffat has spoken of wanting to create 'a British ''Heimat''', alluding to Edgar Reitz's epic German saga ''Heimat'', which followed one extended family in a region of the Rhineland from 1919 to 2000. Unlike ''Downton Abbey'', this version of history is a working-class history—"domestics are expected to face the walls when the master walks by".
It is set on a Greek island. The plot involves two British children, Amanda and David, who regularly vacation on the island, and who are friends with two Greek children, Yani and another who has a speech impediment. Yani has financial difficulties which mean that he is in danger of losing his land to the local mayor, the villain of the story. Together they embark on a plot to help Yani by abducting all the donkeys in the village. Amanda and David's father finds out what they are up to, but ends up surreptitiously assisting them. Right at the end, after Yani's financial problems are solved, the villagers realise what the children were up to, but laugh it off as a joke, as they are sympathetic and glad to see the mayor defeated.
It has a slightly Enid Blyton-ish plot, with children getting up to adventures and fooling adults in a way which they would be unlikely to get away with in real life (although not all of the adults are fooled for all of the time, and it does touch on some mature issues in a few places). However readers have enjoyed its imaginative feel-good plot, and well-drawn characters and location. It is influenced by Durrell's own childhood on Corfu.
The Russo family, Harper, and Alex's boyfriend, Mason, arrange "another" congratulations party for Justin for taking over WizTech. A student named Dominic visits the family to inform them that Justin is too busy to get away from work, and flirts with Alex, which makes Mason jealous. Jerry announces a family reunion in Tuscany, Italy. Alex creates a portal between the villa in Italy and their loft back in New York to ease the travel, but Jerry scolds her for being immaturely selfish.
After a talk with Dominic, Alex tries to prove that she is not the irresponsible wizard she used to be by casting a spell to expel the negative parts of her personality, but accidentally creates an evil reflection of herself in a mirror. Evil Alex escapes the mirror and runs to Italy. Meanwhile, Max gets the attention of an Italian girl and tries to find her, unaware that she is his cousin, and Jerry and Theresa follow to get him back. They accidentally meet with their cousins and the reunion begins early.
Evil Alex shrinks and imprisons Max, Jerry, and Theresa with the help of another anonymous wizard, who is later revealed to be Dominic, the nephew of Gorog, the former leader of the Angels of Darkness. Harper and Alex follow them to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, where Harper is also captured. Dominic wants to use Alex's magic to capture all mortals in tiny beads through a spell replicator installed at the top of the tower so he can take over the world. When she refuses, Evil Alex goes to capture Mason.
To save her family, Alex goes through with Dominic's plan, activating his machine. Before she is able to turn on Dominic and reverse the spell, she is instantly transported away and found guilty of attempting to destroy the mortal world, with Dominic's twisted testimony. She is later saved by Mason who manages to destroy her jail cell. The two race back to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, where evil Alex and good Alex end up in a battle by magic and combat at the Russo house and the Jumbotron, while Mason fights Dominic. Alex manages to recover the bracelet from Evil Alex's hands.
When Dominic knocks out Mason, Alex is about to defeat him. Evil Alex and Dominic join forces against her, but she manages to destroy one of them and free her family. After that, Mason pushes Dominic off the tower. Evil Alex reforms and Alex gives up all of her powers to destroy her evil twin. In the end, Alex is given her magic back after accepting that she doesn't truly need it. The Russo family, Harper and Mason enjoy the rest of their family reunion before heading back to the Sub Station.
The movie ends with Alex telling Harper that they should have to stay in Italy for a while because Jerry and Theresa got upset about their living room being destroyed from the battle between both Alex and Evil Alex.
Lena is a middle-aged woman who has recently been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. In an attempt to come to terms with her transforming body, she leaves her home in the city and her ailing father to begin a new life at a remote cottage in Northern Ontario. There she begins to create an interior routine while exploring the natural world encircling the cottage.
Lena learns of her father’s death and mourns the loss from afar. Later, she watches as an emaciated figure hobbles across the frozen lake outside her cottage. She locks the door and tries to push the image from her mind, but the figure remains a source of both fear and fascination. The following day, Lena hikes through the forest, seeking the creature. She finds a few signs: a claw-mark in the trunk of a tree, a patch of half-eaten berries.
As the sun descends, she realizes she is lost and the temperature is dropping. Just as the forest goes dark and panic sets in, an ethereal, pulsing light appears in the trees. Lena follows it back to her property, but instead of returning to the safety of her cottage, she chooses to pursue the flickering orb out onto the ice. The light extinguishes, leaving Lena alone on the lake and unable to find her way back to the shore, she succumbs to the cold.
The next morning, Lena awakes and stumbles home. After nursing herself back to health, she decides draw the creature to her. Returning to the bramble of berries, she picks every last one and lays a trail from the lake to her front door. That night, the creature appears. Lena lets it in and the two observe one another hesitantly. Lena loses physical control, but the creature’s presence calms her. She touches its face, revealing an eyeball beneath the dried flesh. It rears up in pain, its eye freshly exposed to the light. After darkening the room, Lena comforts the thrashing creature. Slowly it calms and they lie together on the floor.
Still locked in a tight embrace, the creature is awoken by the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows. Lena watches in horror as it bolts away in agony. Days pass and the sun begins to thaw the snow and ice, exposing a world of green below. Somewhere in the woods, the creature, now dead, is revealed beneath the melting snow.
Geoffrey West and Marion Ferguson (Grant Withers and Loretta Young), two American tourists in London, meet each other at a London hotel while eating breakfast. Both are reading the personal columns of ''The Times''. The next day West inserts an ad, under the alias of Lord Strawberries, which requests her friendship. Ferguson, using the alias of Lady Grapefruit, places an ad in reply which suggests that he should write a series of five letters proving himself worth knowing.
West makes up a fabulous story about a murder mysterym based on the things he has heard his upstairs neighbors arguing about. Ferguson's aunt, who disapproves of West, suspects West is the murderer and contacts Scotland Yard. West's neighbor (the one he mentioned in his letters) is found dead and the police immediately suspect West and Ferguson as being involved in the murder. The real murderer, when he hears they are prime suspects, then attempts to frame them.
In the 2000s, Wadjda, a spirited 10-year-old living in Riyadh, dreams of owning a green bicycle that she passes at a store every day on her way to school. She wants to race her friend Abdullah, a boy from her neighborhood, but riding bikes is frowned upon for girls and Wadjda's mother refuses to buy one for her. The bike is expensive, costing SR800 (~$213).
Wadjda begins to earn the money herself by selling mixtapes, hand-braiding bracelets for classmates, and acting as a go-between for an older student. These activities get her into trouble with the strict headmistress. Her mother, meanwhile, is dealing with a job that has a terrible commute with a driver who often gets angry with her for making him wait. He tells Wadjda's mother that he will no longer drive her to work, but Wadjda and Abdullah find where the driver lives and visit his house to tell him to take her mother's business. After Abdullah threatens to have his uncle deport the driver, he agrees.
Meanwhile, Wadjda's grandmother on her father's side is looking for a second wife for her son because Wadjda's mother cannot have any more children and Wadjda's uncle wants a son. Wadjda's mother is angry and scared by this, so she tries on a beautiful red dress for her brother-in-law's wedding to gain support and to "scare off" any potential women who may consider marrying him.
At school, Wadjda decides to join the religion club to participate in a Quran recital competition featuring a SR1,000 cash prize (equivalent of about US$270). Meanwhile, two girls at the madrasa caught by the headmistress for adorning themselves with nail polish and marker-drawn ankle tattoos are surprised when Wadjda, in keeping with her new pious image, does not stand with them by testifying in their favor. Wadjda's efforts at memorization impress her teacher, and she wins the competition. The staff and students are shocked when Wadjda announces her intention to buy a bicycle with the prize money. The headmistress is furious, and instead donates the reward to Palestine against Wadjda's will.
Wadjda returns home to find her father and begins crying when he says he is proud that she won the competition. After a brief conversation, he asks Wadjda to tell her mother that he loves her, and leaves the house to take a phone call. Later, Wadjda finds out that her father has taken a second wife as she joins her mother in viewing the wedding ceremony from their rooftop. Wadjda suggests that her mother could buy the red dress and win her father back again, but her mother reveals that she has instead spent the money on the green bike her daughter wants. The two hug as fireworks from the wedding light up the night sky behind them.
The next day, Wadjda rides down the street on her new bike. The owner of the bike shop sees her passing and smiles. She races Abdullah and wins.
Gretchen Finkle (Courtney Davis) is a 17-year-old high school student with a romantic obsession over Ricky (John Merriman). Her mother (Becky Ann Baker) becomes so concerned about Gretchen's crush that she sends her daughter to an in-patient emotional therapy clinic.
Julieta Torres, known by her friends as 'Kotufa' (popcorn), is a social communication university student who is required to submit a thesis project on her favorite journalist. She approaches Salvador Duque, a handsome and intelligent journalist, who she admires a lot. Salvador works in Brazil and is only in Venezuela for a couple of days for a family party, when he meets Julieta. He shortly starts working at his father's newspaper. But the Duque Family also runs a women's magazine publication titled "Exquisita" . With time, the two fall in love with each other as they interact over their love of journalism and magazine publication.
Their growing love becomes complicated when Salvador's uncle, Cristóbal Duque also falls in love with Julieta. Cristóbal and Julieta meet the same day Salvador and Julieta meet. Julieta crashes Cristobal's car, where Cristobal falls in love with Julieta. Cristobal makes up things and follows Julieta so he could see her. Laly Falcón who is Salvador's girlfriend, does everything to separate the two lovers. Laly is an ambitious executive who wants to keep Salvador at her side in order to utilise his family's influence in the publishing business, especially considering that Salvador's father Napoleón Duque is a dominant figure in the publishing industry while his strict and demanding mother Olimpia is the editor-in-chief of the magazine where Julieta begins to work as an intern.
''La vida entera'' explores the complex personal and professional relationships developed in workplace while looking at the intrigues and romances that surround the publishing business.
William, a wealthy Navy Admiral's son, is coming to terms with his beliefs and his calling. He explains to his colleague, Algernon, that he believes everyone is equal in the eyes of God to speak freely and worship in any way they see fit. William becomes disgusted at scenes of decadence and violence in London but then they meet Guli and the Friends and agree that a simple life is the best life. William goes home to meet his father. However, his father is very angry and says he will rot in hell if he continues his rebellious ways.
The Friends go to a meeting outside a locked room. William makes a speech (Salmon Speech) is arrested and taken to court. William is accused of incitement. The Judge is furious and everyone is jailed, including the jury. In prison, the jailers make fun of the posh Admiral's boy. He sees people starving and dying from smallpox and the plague. Guli who is visiting her father, recognises William and they begin to fall in love. Guli goes to speak to the Admiral to ask him for help. The Admiral believes that Friends take part in witchcraft, astrology, and magic. Guli puts him straight and tells him that he should do something to get his son and her father out of prison. In jail, William vows to change things and help his poor friends if he is ever freed.
The Admiral arranges for his son to be released. William finds Guli and asks her to marry him. Anthony, the servant, interrupts the wedding to say the Admiral has had a bad fall and may be dying. Guli persuades William to go to his father. The Admiral forgives his son and bequeaths him land in America that the King owes him and asks him to look after his loyal servant, Anthony.
When William receives the deeds to the land in America. Ford discusses with William how he must market and sell plots of land, but William tells him he will be staying in England with his new family.
More Friends are arrested and tortured. William receives a letter telling him that they will be released on condition that he takes them away. Ford encourages him to sell land in America to make their fortune, as his father was not always a “wise investor”. They all look forward to a new life in America.
William and Guli have an argument about whether their family can go abroad. Guli states her worries for their children and about the practicalities of travelling and life in strange lands. William Penn – the idealistic dreamer has other things on his mind ....his thoughts of a Free Land and his belief that God has chosen his destiny. Algy also tells William he will not be going with him. Guli suggests that William takes Anthony in their place.
William and the others pray to God to bless their voyage. As they prepare for the voyage on the ship, “The Welcome”, they are warned about bad weather, monsters of the deep and vicious Indians when they get there. Guli, the children and the crowds stay behind and say farewell to William and the first Quaker emigrant families. William takes the ‘kitchen sink’ with him. Just before they leave, Philip Ford gets him to sign business papers. Anthony has tried to warn William not to trust Ford – but William hasn't heard.
Lights coming up on “the perfect city” being built in Pennsylvania, America:
William writes to Guli explaining how 30 people died from smallpox on their ship before they landed in America. On arrival, he meets the various settlers from Sweden and Denmark and the native Indians. As the first Governor of Pennsylvania, William appoints officers to the Assembly and Council and instructs as they build his “Perfect City”.
William greets Francis Pastorius who arrives from Germany. William finds him plots of land for the new families in a place they name Germantown. Anthony again tries to warn William that Philip Ford is swindling him but William ignores him.
Lord Baltimore visits with his servant Mary. He tells William how he trusts no-one and thinks William has taken land that belongs to him. Anthony meets Mary and falls in love. An argument ensues between Baltimore and William over the borders of their properties (and who owns the land his city is being built on). He mentions that Maryland is being developed much faster with the use of slaves obtained by the King's Royal African Company (RAC)
The Settlers complain to William about the laws even though they are not paying him rents. Ford writes to tell William he is losing money and needs to do something about it. Francis Pastorius campaigns against slavery and totally fails to persuade the settlers. Anthony secretly tells Francis (William's Friend) that he has met the love of his life, Mary, who is a servant of Baltimore. Francis tells him to take care. When the Settlers begin to buy more ‘servants’, William is torn between the Golden Rule: how all people should be treated fairly and the needs of the Settlers for workers on their lands. William tells Anthony he has to look at life's realities. The Settlers need ‘servants’ to create wealth. Francis tells William that 10 years hard labour is enough for anyone, then they should be given freedom and land for their families. William agrees and suggests they give them tools to help them start as farmers. William explains to Anthony that he will put forward a bill in the assembly to allow ‘servants’ to get married. However, the bill fails to get sufficient votes. Anthony hears the result and tries to run away with Mary. Baltimore catches Anthony and murders Mary. Anthony is jailed and threatened with the death penalty for Mary's murder. William is torn between building, ‘The Perfect City’ and doing what is right-saving his servant.
William receives a letter from Guli. She tells him about the death of their new baby. She tells of the continued persecution of the Friends in England and how Algernon has been executed for treason. She asks William to look after Anthony and finally, she says that Ford has stopped sending her money. When Anthony is brought before the court, William asks God what he should do. He realises what he has become when he orders his Jury to find Anthony innocent. There is outcry. So he hurriedly returns to England taking Anthony to safety. They find Guli in bed – she is very ill. Ford arrives and William confronts him. Ford tells him that he has forfeited Pennsylvania by signing it away as well as the fortune to be made through slavery. William is so angry that he is about to kill Ford when Anthony reminds him of his pacifism. Ford escapes and gets the militia to arrest William and take him to jail. Anthony visits William in jail. William tells Anthony he is a free man. William tells Guli that he wants to give up his American Dream and let Pennsylvania go. Guli makes him promise to continue to fight for his land and his dream and return to America. William, Guli, Anthony, Mary, Ford, Lord Baltimore and the Settlers dream of as truly Perfect City.
After many years Pooch returns to his old New York neighborhood and teams up with his old high school friend Big Boy to run the local rackets. Big Boy realizes that Pooch is a valuable and trustworthy asset in his plans of becoming local crime lord, and the two get involved with the local drug trade of the neighborhood. With the help of their pal Juanito, the pair continue to get close to having total control and will be able to make a proposition to the mob behind it all. However Big Boy doesn't know that Pooch is a cop being charged for corruption, who was given one last chance to avoid jail by going undercover to clean up his old neighborhood. To Pooch, this reunion is painful because as an undercover cop, he is working as an informer within Big Boy's gang, with plans to bring Big Boy down. While Pooch is undecided about whether he should help them, or help himself, as well as struggling between loyalty and betrayal, the two friends relationship is further tested with an arrival of aspiring-model and pathological-liar Eva, who Pooch meets in a health food restaurant. Both men fall in love with her and it isn't long before all three of them are sleeping together, whilst each have their own agenda.
The Eleventh Doctor, having seen Clara die twice before, decides to learn more about his new companion and travels into her past to observe her. He finds that her parents met by a chance encounter caused by a gust of wind blowing a leaf into her father's face and discovers that her mother died while Clara was a teenager. The Doctor goes back to the present and collects Clara, then takes her to the Rings of Akhaten, where they observe a series of planetoids in a ring system orbiting a planet, with a shining pyramid on one planetoid. The Doctor takes Clara to a giant alien marketplace where the currency is items of sentimental value. Clara then encounters a girl called Merry Gejelh, the Queen of Years. Merry tells Clara that she is hiding because she is supposed to sing a song at a ceremony and she is afraid to get it wrong. Clara reassures her by telling her what her mother once said, and Merry heads to the ceremony.
The Doctor and Clara attend the ceremony, where the Doctor explains that since the Rings were settled there has been a constant song sung to keep the Old God of Akhaten asleep. Merry begins singing, joined by a chorister at the pyramid. During the song, a beam of light from the pyramid envelops Merry, and she is pulled toward the pyramid to have her soul sacrificed to Akhaten. The Doctor and Clara rent a space bike which they ride to the pyramid. The Doctor promises Merry that she does not have to sacrifice herself and that he will stop Akhaten. The Doctor lets Clara and Merry escape from the pyramid, but Akhaten, a planet-sized parasitic creature, awakens.
Clara and Merry flee back to the ceremony and the Doctor faces the creature, realising it feeds off memories, stories, and feelings. He tries to overfeed it by offering the sum total of his Time Lord memories; Merry also leads the citizens in a song of hope, confusing Akhaten who then disappears. However, the Doctor's memories are not enough to sate the creature and Akhaten reappears. Clara returns to help, offering Akhaten the leaf that blew into her father's face on the day he met her mother, which contains an infinite amount of untold potential that Clara's mother never saw because she died early. Akhaten implodes on itself and the Rings are saved.
In "The Bells of Saint John", the Doctor finds a preserved leaf pressed between the pages of Clara's book, ''101 Places to See''. Clara enigmatically refers to it as "page one". The opening scene in "The Rings of Akhaten" explains this statement, showing how a mishap involving the leaf led to her parents' first meeting. The Doctor mentions to Clara that he had visited Akhaten long ago with his granddaughter. This is a reference to Susan Foreman, the Doctor's granddaughter and companion who travelled with the First Doctor.
In his speech to Merry Gejelh, the Doctor cites Lewis Carroll's poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter" when he mentions " and ships and sealing-wax [...] cabbages and kings...".
A Soviet submarine is sailing near the North Pole in 1983 during the Cold War. In the submarine's cargo hold a sailor prematurely begins to defrost a block of ice that Professor Grisenko believes contains a frozen mammoth, and is attacked by an Ice Warrior.
The submarine begins sinking as the Ice Warrior runs amok. The TARDIS materialises inside the submarine and the Eleventh Doctor and Clara tumble out. The Doctor convinces Captain Zhukov to maneuver the submarine to the side, landing it safely on a ridge and preventing it from imploding. During this the TARDIS dematerialises by itself. The Doctor encourages the crew to be peaceful to the escaped Ice Warrior, Grand Marshal Skaldak, but the ship's executive officer Stepashin knocks out Skaldak. Knowing that Skaldak will desire vengeance for being attacked, the Doctor and the crew chain Skaldak.
Clara volunteers to speak to Skaldak to try and calm him, relaying the Doctor's words to Skaldak, though he knows that the Doctor is listening. The Doctor informs Skaldak he was encased in the ice for 5000 years. Skaldak laments the loss of his daughter and his people; however, the Doctor tries to comfort him with the knowledge that the Ice Warriors still live, just not on Earth or Mars. Skaldak does not believe the Doctor and stops broadcasting his distress call to the other Ice Warriors. The Doctor surmises that, thinking himself to be the last of his kind, Skaldak has nothing left to lose. He grabs and kills three members of the crew, including Stepashin.
Having learnt of the ongoing Cold War and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction from Stepashin, Skaldak plans to use the submarine's nuclear missiles to provoke a global thermonuclear war and destroy humanity as revenge for the humans attacking him – under the Martian code humanity as a whole has declared war on the Ice Warrior race by assaulting him. Reaching the bridge, he is able to connect himself to the submarine's missile guidance systems and activate the missiles. The Doctor and Clara are attempting to persuade Skaldak to show mercy when the submarine is rocked by a tractor beam from above: the Ice Warriors heard Skaldak's distress call and haul the submarine to the surface. Skaldak is beamed aboard the Ice Warriors' spaceship and deactivates the missiles remotely. The Doctor discovers the TARDIS has relocated to the South Pole.
In November 1974, Professor Alec Palmer and his assistant Emma Grayling collect photographic evidence of a ghost in Caliburn House. Professor Palmer is using Emma's strong psychic powers to create a connection that appears to summon the ghost. They are surprised by the arrival of the Eleventh Doctor and Clara, who claim to be from military intelligence. The Doctor shows interest in the investigation and Clara points out that the ghost appears in the same position within each photograph.
The Doctor takes Clara in the TARDIS to examine their specific location at various points during Earth's history and repeatedly takes photographs of the same area. From his pictures the Doctor comes to the conclusion that the "Caliburn Ghast" is actually a pioneer time traveler named Hila Tacorian. Hila was trapped in a pocket universe where time moves more slowly. The Doctor prepares a device to stimulate Emma's psychic abilities to open a gateway to this pocket universe. Once opened, the Doctor will travel across and rescue Hila with a harness anchored in the normal world.
The Doctor finds Hila in the pocket universe, and the two are followed and chased by a creature in the forest. Hila returns to Caliburn House, but the gateway closes before the Doctor can return. Clara pleads with the TARDIS via its holographic voice interface to help her save the Doctor, and after initially refusing the TARDIS finally opens up and allows Clara in. As Emma reopens the gateway again with Palmer's encouragement, the TARDIS briefly flies into the pocket universe and moves close to the ground, allowing the Doctor to jump and hang on before the creature can grab him.
Before leaving the next morning, the Doctor stops to ask Emma if she could sense anything unusual about Clara, but Emma reveals that Clara seems normal to her. The Doctor concludes that Hila is a direct descendant of Emma and Palmer. He reasons that their relation resulted in a blood connection that helped Emma open the gateway to rescue Hila. The Doctor suddenly realises that there is another creature within Caliburn House, and the creature chasing the Doctor and Hila in the pocket universe is its mate which was trying to reunite with the creature. The Doctor asks Emma for a favour and they use Emma and the TARDIS to retrieve the other creature from the pocket universe.
In the episode, the Doctor uses a blue crystal from Metebelis III. Metebelis III has featured before when the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) took a blue crystal from the planet in ''The Green Death'' (1973) and returned it in ''Planet of the Spiders'' (1974), although it was pronounced differently. The Doctor mentions the Eye of Harmony, which was introduced in ''The Deadly Assassin'' (1976). The Doctor puts on the orange spacesuit he wore originally in "The Impossible Planet" / "The Satan Pit" (2006) and wore on a number of occasions up to "The Waters of Mars" (2009) when taking the photos.
Two young lovers Ray and Suzy are split apart by the revelation of Suzy's one night stand with Ray's best friend, and fellow storm chaser, Stanley. Both friends operate a Toteable Tornado Observatory ("Toto" for short) in a pickup truck. Before Ray and Suzy can resolve their issues, Ray is called away to chase the biggest tornado producing storm to hit Texas in a century along with Stanley. As they race towards the storm, arguing and fighting with each other, they come across a mysterious woman named Ruby, who changes the course of their destiny and scramble their senses and lives.
As the guys hang out at The Drunken Clam, they decide to do something to shake up their boring lives. They take Peter up on his suggestion to take up skydiving. Peter is invigorated by their jump and keeps up skydiving despite Lois' concern, even as his jumps usually result in accidents. An accident in Las Vegas lands Peter in the hospital where he meets Mahmoud, a Muslim. He finds he gets along great with Mahmoud and back at the Clam, he has Mahmoud stop by to introduce him to the guys. They find he has nothing in common with them when he refuses to drink or look at other women. Mahmoud introduces Peter to Islamic culture and he becomes interested in becoming a Muslim. Lois has reservations as Peter starts studying Islam in-depth although she decides to let it pass. Mahmoud invites Peter to a Muslim get-together but finds himself unwitting involved with terrorists intent on blowing up the Quahog Bridge.
When Peter drops that he is trying to act inauspicious, the guys begin to suspect that he is involved with terrorists. Peter realizes that he has been duped and wants to drop out but Joe convinces him to go along since he is already on the inside. As they go over the plan, Peter finds out that he will be driving the van but is caught when he reveals he is wearing a microphone. The guys hear as the bombing plan is rushed into action. Peter is held at gunpoint and forced to drive the explosives-laden van to the bridge. Peter tries to talk Mahmoud out of his plan but fails. Joe arrives in time to stop him and destroys the detonator by knocking it out of Mahmoud's hand. Joe thanks Peter for his involvement as Peter decides to call Horace to get their table ready. As he dials his cell phone, the bridge explodes and Peter forces everyone to run away.
In Padang, childhood friends Samsoelbahri and Siti Noerbaja fall in love and kiss on the veranda, but are soon parted by their parents. Samsoelbahri goes to Batavia (Jakarta) to study, while Noerbaja must marry the contemptuous Datuk Meringgih so that he will forgive her father's debts.
Writing to Samsoelbahri, Noerbaja tells him that they can never be together as she has married. However, when she realises Merringih's violent nature she runs away to Batavia to join Samsoelbahri. They fall in love again, but must part after Noerbaja hears of her father's death. She hurries back to Padang, where Meringgih's men kill her with poisoned food. Receiving news of her death by letter, Samsu seemingly commits suicide.
Ten years later, Meringgih leads an uprising against the Dutch colonial government to protest a recent tax increase. During the uprising, Samsoelbahri (now a soldier for the Dutch) meets Meringgih and kills him, but is mortally wounded himself. After he dies he is buried next to Noerbaja.
Onimata Kan (Tarō Suwa) is a middle-aged writer of BDSM literature fame and he hosts in a Tokyo Bay houseboat named the "Slave Ship" swinger-style BDSM parties attended by couples. When he pays a visit to the Umezu onsen owned by a couple who are frequenters of the Slave Ship, he learns that the elderly wife Kikue (Kyōko Aizome) has moved to a mental institution. Her husband Zenzaburō claims that she is suffering due to abnormal interest of Kazuo Kitagawa, a married young admirer attending the Slave Ship parties. Onimata Kan is intrigued and finds Kitagawa, learning from him the intimate aspects of his dangerous liaison with Kikue.
The film begins on August 23, 1992 with the top-secret weather experiment led by Air Force General James Roberts off the coast of Florida. The team uses a specially modified cargo plane to launch a special generator into the developing storm to enhance its power. As the plane is destroyed by a lightning strike, the control of the experiment is lost and within a few hours the storm develops into the hurricane Andrew which devastates Miami. The details about the experiments are buried after the disaster.
The story then moves to 1999 where Dr. Ron Young and his assistant Dr. Brian Newmeyer perform the experiment designed to steer the path of the storm with the generator towed by a small airplane. While the experiment is successful, Dr. Young's flight license is revoked because of the airspace violation which nearly causes the accident. His boss has enough of the risky experiments and decides to fire both Dr. Young and Dr. Newmeyer.
Soon after this Ron is approached by a mysterious man named Tom Holt who knows many details of his research. He offers him a new job for the Zephyr Weather Dynamics based in Los Angeles. Though reluctant to move to L.A., Ron accepts the offering while Dr. Newmeyer decides to stay at home. Ron is introduced to General Roberts who has revived the weather control project and wants Ron to help him achieve the goal of developing and steering the storms and hurricanes which could be used as a covert and deniable weapon of mass destruction. Ron is also introduced to the remainder of the team consisting of unknown meteorologist Dr. Daniel Platt and Major Tanya Goodman who flies the C-123 transport aircraft. Ron finds the activities suspicious and contacts Brian to find any information about the project and the people involved in it, although he is reminded of the covert work. He quickly finds out that the Zephyr Weather Dynamics is a continuation of the General Roberts failed weather control project.
Ron helps the team to develop the weather control software for use in the improved version of the storm generator seen in the beginning of the film. After the generator is ready, General Roberts orders the team to launch it into the weather front off the U.S. West Coast to generate the hurricane and steer it to Mexico. The hurricane is successfully generated but the control of the generator is lost so Dr. Platt is sent airborne to try to re-establish a connection with the generator. When he succeeds, Dr. Platt decides to steer it away from Mexican coast. This enrages General Roberts who orders the immediate execution of Dr. Platt. With the death of Dr. Platt the control over the generator is lost and the hurricane steers to the north towards Los Angeles.
After Ron discovers the General Roberts plans he starts to uncover more data about the experiment and also passes some secret information to Brian and Andrea McIntyre, a weather reporter working in L.A. who was dating him in the past. Soon after that Major Goodman invites Ron to dinner. They both get drunk and Ron falls asleep. The next morning Brian's wife informs him that Brian has died in a car accident. Immediately after the call the police arrives and orders Ron to go with them because he is framed for killing of a woman and her daughter in the car accident. Believing that both Brian's death and the charge he is facing are a revenge of General Roberts for sharing the top-secret information outside the team he escapes and infiltrates the company. He faces Major Goodman but is beaten down by Holt who brings him to General Roberts.
It is revealed that Holt is a rogue CIA agent who staged both Brian's death and blamed Ron for a hit-and run accident he didn't commit. General Roberts then tells Ron about the coming destruction of L.A. and asks him for the help to recover the storm generator. He boards a plane piloted by Major Goodman and finds the generator. After a risky operation Ron manages to intercept the generator and switches it off manually. General Roberts then orders that the generator is released again and reactivated to steer the hurricane towards Mexico. Refusing to do so, Ron is first assaulted by Holt and later by Major Goodman. As she holds Ron at gunpoint, the plane hits the storm generator which destroys both plane and the generator. Ron manages to bail out with the parachute and is reunited with Andrea who reports from a nearly saved Los Angeles.
Banri Tada is a newly admitted male student at a private law school in Tokyo. Due to the after-effects of a fall from a bridge shortly after his high school graduation, he has lost all of his memories prior to the accident (retrograde amnesia).
Banri finds himself completely and utterly lost after the big opening ceremonial event and tries to find his way to the freshman orientation. Along the way, he runs straight into another lost and confused freshman from the same school, Mitsuo Yanagisawa, and they immediately hit it off. Somehow arriving at their intended goal just in time, there appears in front of them a beautiful girl holding a bouquet of roses, who congratulates Mitsuo on getting into the school then hits him across the face with them before tossing the bouquet into his lap and leaving. This stylish, well dressed, and obsessive woman is revealed to be Mitsuo's childhood friend, Koko Kaga. As children, they had promised to marry each other one day, something she has taken to heart this entire time. Mitsuo had gone out secretly and taken the examination for this private college in order to escape from her, but she used her connections to find out about it and enrolled in the college herself.
Banri meets a second-year student named Linda; unbeknownst to him, she was his best friend in high school, and holds herself responsible for his memory loss. As the series progresses, Banri deals with his slowly re-emerging memories, which often come into conflict with a relationship that blooms between him and Kaga.
On Itogami Island, a man-made island south of Japan which has developed into a monster and demon sanctuary ( ), Kojo Akatsuki is suspected of being the Fourth Progenitor, a powerful vampire who could potentially disrupt the balance of power among the world's three ruling progenitors.
Kojo was an ordinary high schooler before becoming a vampire and is reluctant to use the powers which he barely controls. Yukina Himeragi is a neophyte Sword Shaman whose first mission is to 'observe' him.
Before long, Kojo is the centre of attention of many who are concerned about the risks he represents. Kojo and Yukina befriend various students and others, some of whom are attracted to Kojo, and whose situations drive his libido, which provides the source of much of his power.
The film opens with two men, José and Antonio robbing a pawn shop in Madrid. Antonio is unhappy that José has brought his son Sergio along on the heist and is even unhappier that the child is participating with them, as this puts both him and them at risk. The robbery turns sour and several people die in the resulting gunfire. The men hijack a taxi and stow its unwilling passenger in the trunk, then force the driver, Manuel, to drive towards Spain's border with the intent to flee to France.
The group is followed by Sergio's mother and José's ex Silvia as well as two police investigators Pacheco and Calvo, who are tracking Silvia. The men end up in Zugarramurdi, Navarre, where they come across a group of cannibalistic witches led by Graciana, whose mother Maritxu tries to cook Sergio in her oven. They manage to escape the witches once but are forced to turn back, and they are thereby swiftly captured by the witches.
Silvia manages to find the witches' house, enlisting the help of the cops to break into the house. José, Antonio, and Manuel end up escaping in the ensuing chaos, however Silvia and the two cops are captured, with Silvia turned into a witch with the use of tainted toad juice. The three men are captured by the witches except for José, who survives only through the intervention of Graciana's daughter Eva, who has become infatuated with him. She demands that he leave with her right away, yet José refuses to leave his son behind. With help from Eva's brother Luismi, José finds its way to the ritual chamber. Along the way they free Eva, who had been buried alive by her mother for her betrayal.
Already in the chamber, Luismi and José are witness to Antonio, Manuel, Pacheco, and Calvo slowly burning in a pyre and the emergence of Graciana's goddess, a grotesque gargantuan woman resembling a fertility statue. The goddess devours Sergio, who passes through the giant and emerges alive. José confronts the witches with the help of Eva, who manages to cause the goddess's destruction, and José manages to escape the chaos with Sergio, Eva, and the other men. One month José and Eva are shown to be a couple raising Sergio, who is growing into his powers, yet Silvia, Graciana, and Maritxu are shown to be all alive and are content to wait for the couple to grow discontent with their happiness.
Yura Yamato has just transferred to the prestigious and discovers that it is difficult to find friends in her first day at school. It is there that she comes across the school's airsoft club, aptly named the , and winds up becoming one of its members. The story revolves around Yura's experiences as a member of the C3 Club and her interactions with her fellow members.
Murakami is a police detective who is assigned to investigate a serial bombing at Shuei Elementary, he and his partner Nakabayashi learn that a doctor from a mental institution called on behalf of one of his patients about the explosion minutes before the bomb went off. This leads to Murakami's meeting with the nameless and amnesic patient whom they would eventually call "Maki", who appears to communicate with deceased spirits of the dead that tell her things which no living human would know. Murakami tries to uncover the secret behind the Maki as she helps him and Nakabayashi deal with a series of supernatural crimes by a mass murderer that are occurring. But as Murakami finds himself falling in love, he learns of Maki's true nature and her connection to an identical woman named Satsuki.
With the Germans apparently near defeat in the latter part of World War II, a squad of American soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division on a routine mission near Elsenborn in the Belgian Ardennes encounter a surprisingly strong German tank destroyer and infantry force. After a fierce firefight, the Americans escape and try to make their way back to their own lines to report the German surge. En route, they stumble across a German experimental site, still smoldering with flames from some devastating event. Surprisingly, this site is in Heidenfeld, Thuringia in Germany, although their own lines are hundreds of kilometers away in Belgium.
They come across an American OSS agent suffering from horrific burn wounds, and learn that the Germans are close to development of a super-bomb which will enable them to turn the tide of war and achieve victory. The American agent, knowing that he is near death, asks the soldiers to complete his mission: to find the bomb; disable it; and extract the scientist developing it, who wishes to defect. With their sergeant and other NCOs dead, the youngest of the soldiers, Nathaniel "Nate" Burrows, Jr. (Chad Michael Collins) and Dean Ransom (Tom Sizemore) (a cook who had been demoted from Lieutenant after the D-Day landings) lead them deep into Nazi territory. There, they are joined by escaped British airman Brent Willoughby (Vinnie Jones) and Red Army soldier Ivan Puzharsky (Dimitri Diatchenko). Discovered and pursued, the Allies make a series of hair-breadth escapes from vastly superior numbers of well-armed Nazi soldiers and finally make contact with a woman named Kestrel (Melia Kreiling), their link to the atomic bomb and to the scientist Dr. Luca Gruenewald (Jürgen Prochnow).
In the end, the squad managed to escape the Nazi facility as the Allied bombers decimated the place. Ivan escaped with the documents of Gruenewald's research. The squad, Doctor Gruenenwald and Kestrel reached the Allied-controlled territory safely. Nate and his squad are briefed by his superiors that they will not receive any recognitions or rewards and they must keep the secret of their mission in order to keep the secrets of the atomic bomb and Dr Gruenewald from their allies, the Soviets and the Axis Powers. Dr Gruenewald is then transferred to the US mainland to work on the Manhattan Project.
In the 2040s, a Martian research base, Tantalus Base outpost, is established. The eight person crew, who have been stationed there for six months, is only nineteen hours from the completion of their research mission. The spacecraft ''Aurora'' is inbound from Earth and will collect the team by lander. Mars scientist Marko Petrović has found samples that point to life on the planet. Without revealing his discovery, he devises a ruse for a last EVA on the surface. Crewmate Richard Harrington drives Petrović in a solar-powered rover to the spot where he had found the sample. After he obtains soil with the biological agent present, Petrović falls into a sinkhole that suddenly opens.
Captain Charles Brunel and crewmate Lauren Dalby plan to explore the pit to retrieve Petrović's body. Dalby remains at the pit but disappears before the team can return with equipment. Brunel authorizes Vincent Campbell to explore the pit and he finds that a fungal organism is present in the fissure. Dalby and Petrović reappear at the main outpost, but exposure to the organism has altered them into fast, aggressive, intelligent, zombie-like creatures with blackened skin and no trace of their original personalities. Harrington dies from a power drill attack by one of the zombies and later revives as one himself. The remaining crew hold off the zombies while Brunel and Campbell return. Brunel is also fatally injured and reanimates, which provides the crew with new insight into the symptoms: thirst, memory loss and aggression. It’s also discovered, that antibiotics delays the infection.
After several fights and escapes from the zombies through the habitat modules, mission psychologist Robert Irwin traps scientist Kim Aldrich, who had often infuriated her crewmates. Rebecca Lane is also stabbed in the leg during the frantic escape to a rover. With their rover's power low, the survivors – Campbell, Irwin and Lane – decide they must get to the other rover, which is still at the site of the fissure. Under the pretence of a scouting operation, Irwin steals the second rover and fails to persuade Campbell to abandon Lane, who he states is infected. Irwin meanwhile conceals evidence of his possible infection.
While Campbell and Lane wait for the sun to rise and the solar powered batteries to recharge, they discuss the nature of the zombies and Lane questions whether any human consciousness remains trapped in them. Campbell attempts to comfort her and falls asleep. When he wakes up alone, Campbell realizes that Lane has fled into the desert and he chases her. Lane, who knows she is likely to turn, fails to deter Campbell from following her and in desperation, commits suicide by removing her helmet. After she dies, Lane reanimates and begs Campbell to destroy her. Campbell reluctantly complies by bashing her head in with a rock.
Campbell and Irwin separately converge on the ''Aurora'' lander, where the reanimated Aldrich kills the lander's crew. Petrovic and the other zombies appear desiccated and inert. An infected Irwin initiates a launch, which takes him and Campbell into orbit. Campbell kills Irwin and ejects the body and virulent blood droplets into the vacuum of space. In a message to mission control, Campbell says he does not have enough fuel for a rendezvous but supplies aboard can last for months if they want to launch a rescue. He tells them that this might not be advisable as he could be infected; if so he has just enough fuel for re-entry and a fast death. Campbell concludes that it will take 15 minutes for the transmission to be received and will await their reply. He subsequently ends the communication, still floating alone in space.
Lady Jane Winston (Lane), heiress to a company called the West Africa Ivory and Rubber Co., travels to Africa because she believes that George Castle (Loder), the company's manager in Africa, is stealing from the company. Rin Tin Tin sails on the same ship that she does.
When the ships arrives near Africa, Rin Tin Tin jumps overboard and swims ashore. When Rin Tin Tin arrives on the beach he befriends Jim Clayton (Delaney), a former employee of Winston's company. As she is above to get off the ship, Winston falls into the water, as some ferocious sharks appear. Clayton and Rin Tin Tin rescue her and they become friends. They decide to help Winston entrap Castle. When Clayton discovers a cache of ivory that Castle had hidden he is surprised by Castle's men and imprisoned.
Luckily, Clayton manages to give Rin Tin Tin a message who delivers it to Winston. When Winston attempts to help Clayton escape, Castle kidnaps her as well. In order to escape arrest by the authorities, Castle than inspires the natives to revolt against the whites. Rin Tin Tin manages to get to a British outpost just in time and the British soldiers quickly restore order, arrest Castle, and free Winston and Clayton.
'As a means to maintain order without violence, the Creterakians devised a distraction for the masses: the Galactic Football League. The GFL is a sports league modeled after the game of American football, with teams of varying skill separated into three tiers: the most skilled playing in Tier 1, the least skilled playing in Tier 3. The multi-species nature of society is reflected in the make-up of the GFL team lineups; the strengths of certain species make them natural fits for certain football positions. The quarterback, running back and tight-end positions are generally played by Humans. The female Sklorno, known for their speed and jumping ability, play the wide receiver and defensive back positions. The offensive and defensive lines are composed of the Ki, a race of huge, agile creatures with enormous mass. And finally, the linebacker positions are played by Quyth Warriors and High-G Humans.
The Rookie is the story of Quentin Barnes, a human Tier 3 quarterback raised in the Purist Nation. Quentin's planetary religion is that of the Purist Nation, which is very xenophobic. Even other evolutionary strains of human beings are clearly looked down upon - only "pure strain" humans are regarded as proper beings. As a result, Quentin has a very hard time trusting and working with his team-mates. The Purist Nation is composed entirely of humans. They shun and demonize any species other than humans, calling them the 'Satanic' or 'Lower' races. As a Tier 3 quarterback, Quentin is a superstar and a hero among the Purists, and he has used his talents to easily lead his third rate team to the championship of a Tier 3 division. His natural talent, coupled with his Purist Nation upbringing have made him extremely arrogant and racist.
The story begins with Quentin Barnes playing Tier 3 football on a small planet colony nicknamed 'Micovi'. His contract is purchased by underworld mogul Gredok the Splithead, who is a Quyth Leader, or Shamakath, and suddenly Quentin is on his way to 'The Combine' to get cleared before he starts playing with the Ionath Krakens, a Tier 2 football team. A great deal many people attempt to clear the Combine, a former Creterakian prison station, with biological and cybernetic enhancements in place. The Creterakians require all football players to go through the extensive testing for enhancements in The Combine as any modification or 'Mods' are highly illegal. Quentin passes the tests and is admitted to the team. He then goes to practice with the Ionath Krakens where, for the first time, he has to come face-to-face with the reality of his new team-mates' alien origins.
''The Rookie'' shows Quentin's fight to not only win the Tier 2 Championship and advance to Tier 1, but also his fight to overcome himself and his own prejudices.
A tree falls on Kurt's truck in the forest.
The Storybrooke flashbacks take place right after the Dark Curse engulfs the Enchanted Forest and takes everyone there in "Pilot" and ten years before "Awake". The Storybrooke events take place after "The Miller's Daughter".
In 1983, Kurt Flynn (John Pyper-Ferguson) and his young son Owen (Benjamin James Stockham) are camping in the Maine woods and Kurt gives Owen a lanyard he made as a child. Then the Dark Curse, which they perceive as a storm, strikes and damages Kurt's truck. They plan to hike to find help, but soon discover that the town of Storybrooke has appeared in a wilderness area through which they recently drove; Sheriff Graham (Jamie Dornan) welcomes them to town.
Regina (Lana Parrilla) is delighted to discover that her plan has succeeded. She revels in the townspeople's mundane and repetitive lives; every day, Regina wakes in bed with Graham, Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) limps along the sidewalk, Marco (Tony Amendola) repairs the sign over his shop, Granny (Beverley Elliott) and Ruby (Meghan Ory) argue, Dr. Hopper (Raphael Sbarge) walks Pongo, and Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) volunteers at the hospital where she does not recognize the comatose David Nolan (Josh Dallas). Regina is displeased that the Flynns are present, and hastens the repair of the truck so they can return home to New Jersey. However, Regina quickly becomes bored as the days pass, and it made her realize that everyone's obedience is not real. She confronts Mr. Gold about her displeasure but leaves his shop unsatisfied as he seems to not know what she is talking about. She invites Kurt and Owen to dine at her home that evening. There, Regina learns that Kurt's wife died six months earlier and Owen is no longer happy at home. She shares that she, too, wanted a fresh start but that it hasn't been meaningful as she has no one with whom to share it. Owen tells Regina she'd make a good mother. She invites them to relocate to Storybrooke and Owen is enthusiastic about the idea, but Kurt insists that their life is in New Jersey.
The next day, Regina learns the Flynns are leaving. She uses Graham's heart to order him to arrest Kurt and abduct Owen for her. Kurt witnesses this and escapes Regina's office, but Regina and Graham cut off the Flynns' escape from town after a car chase. Kurt orders Owen to run as far as he can, which he does while Graham arrests Kurt. Regina tells Owen she just wants him to stay with her, but he refuses under these circumstances; she apologizes and he runs. Owen returns with police officers, but Storybrooke is no longer evident. Owen vows never to stop looking for his father, while Regina weeps as she reaches out to him from inside Storybrooke.
As Regina prepares to bury Cora, Gold comes to pay his respects as Cora has a place in his heart. Regina intends to kill Snow White, but Gold points out that would cost her Henry (Jared S. Gilmore); he tells her she can't have everything, but she vows to have both Henry and vengeance.
Mary Margaret is near-catatonic and refusing to eat. In light of Emma Swan's (Jennifer Morrison) lies about Neal, Henry demands to know the real reason for her condition. Emma reveals that Mary Margaret had a role in Cora's death, but Henry doesn't believe Snow White would hurt someone. Gold arrives to warn them that Regina plans to kill Mary Margaret, and David demands that Gold save her as repayment for Mary Margaret for saving his life.
A distraught Regina ransacks her mother's belongings until she finds a small scroll. Gold and David later investigate the vault and Gold determines that Regina has taken the ingredients for "the Curse of the Empty-Hearted." He explains to Mary Margaret's family that this spell makes its victim believe they love somebody, and that the final ingredient is the heart of the person the caster hates most—Mary Margaret. Henry realizes Regina plans to use the curse on him, and Gold explains that Regina will get everything she wants by killing Mary Margaret to compel Henry's love. Gold refuses to intervene further and advises them to kill Regina, at which point Henry denounces them and runs off with Emma in pursuit. She brings him to the diner where Neal (Michael Raymond-James) is waiting. Neal asks Henry to go with him to New York where he'll be safe from the curse. Henry would rather work to eliminate magic from Storybrooke, but he agrees to Neal's plan for the time being. Greg (Ethan Embry) buys a sandwich to take on a hike, and he tells Emma that he hasn't left town yet because he's enjoying his time there. Emma and Neal then realize that Henry's quick agreement was a ruse; he has given them the slip.
Regina breaks into Mary Margaret's apartment, but Gold stops her from attacking. Regina leaves after warning Mary Margaret that Gold can't watch her forever.
Henry literally runs into Greg in the woods, and Greg contacts Regina about the boy's whereabouts. With David, Emma, and Neal in tow, Ruby tracks Henry; they discover he took dynamite from the mine, and Neal believes he plans to use it to destroy magic. At the wishing well, Regina interrupts Henry before he can light the dynamite. He explains that he wants to get rid of magic because it's ruining everything. Regina magically eliminates the dynamite and tells Henry that he means too much to her for her to lose him; he asks her to prove it by not casting the curse. She insists that the imitation of love created by the curse will make them happy, but he refuses her offer, his response echoing Owen's in 1983. Emma, Neal, and David arrive; a battle seems imminent until Henry steps between them and demands that they help him destroy magic because of what it has done to everyone. Regina explains that what he's asking is impossible, but she destroys the curse scroll. Henry thanks her, but leaves with the others.
Gold receives a call from David and updates Mary Margaret. She asks how he can live with his own misdeeds, and he explains that he convinces himself he has done the right thing. Mary Margaret goes to Regina's house and tearfully begs Regina to kill her. Despite acknowledging that Henry would never forgive her, she takes Mary Margaret's heart. Upon discovering that it now contains a spot of darkness, she restores it to Mary Margaret rather than putting her out of her misery; she declares that Mary Margaret will destroy herself and her family, and Regina will have everything after all. Hidden nearby, Greg has captured video of the incident. He promises to find his father and is revealed to possess Kurt Flynn's lanyard; Greg is an adult Owen Flynn.
A Parisian artist becomes addicted to the liquor absinthe and sinks to robbery and murder.
A bomb planted in a lorry detonates in London's Borough Market killing 120 people. The London police receive an anonymous tip and arrest Farroukh Erdogan, a Turkish immigrant, as the terror cell leader and mastermind of the attack. Two other members of the cell die in the bombing and the fourth is killed by police in a shoot-out during the raid to apprehend him. When Erdogan's defence barrister commits suicide, Martin Rose is appointed by the Attorney General to replace him, joining special advocate Claudia Simmons-Howe. Due to national security concerns, Erdogan's case follows closed material procedures; Claudia represents Erdogan during closed sessions with a judge ruling what evidence is permissible for Martin to use in the open public trial. MI5 Agent Nazrul Sharma is assigned to provide Claudia with the closed material and monitor her activities.
Martin discovers that despite his extensive criminal record, Erdogan was somehow quickly approved for immigration from his previous residence in Germany to England and within six months was living well beyond his income. He finds proof that Farroukh Erdogan is really Mussi Kartal, a member of a terror cell responsible for bombing a U.S. Air Force base in Munich a few years prior. Kartal cut a deal with prosecutors to avoid prison, agreeing to work as an informant for MI5 by infiltrating the London terror cell and providing MI5 with information to make arrests. Martin suspects that after the Borough Market bombing, MI5 feared their botched operation would be publicly blamed as directly financing terrorism and sought to have Kartal take the fall and suppress any evidence of MI5 involvement. Martin and Claudia discussed the matters discreetly during the England national football team match at the Wembley Stadium.
In the first closed court session, MI5 Agent Melissa Fairbright reveals that Kartal's son Amir had hacked into his father's laptop and had provided valuable information to MI5. The judge orders Amir's testimony in court, deeming it relevant to the case. Amir, who is being monitored by MI5 agents at a safe house with his mother, manages to escape to his aunt's home. He meets with Martin and Claudia, giving them a flash drive detailing his father's involvement with the MI5 terror cell operation. Martin and Claudia realize MI5 will kill Amir to protect themselves and go on the run with him overnight, planning to have him testify in court the next day. Amir testifies in closed session, but Kartal is later murdered in prison and made to look like a suicide by hanging. With Kartal dead, the case collapses and all evidence of the MI5 operation is suppressed from public disclosure. Amir and his mother, however, are allowed to remain in England.
Three months later, as Martin and Claudia rekindle their romance that resulted in Martin's divorce from his wife, information of MI5's involvement in the Borough Market bombing is anonymously leaked to the media.
In a small town in Virginia, Barbara Kent, is being forced into a marriage with a missionary reformer by her socially prominent parents. Kent meets Robert Armstrong, a prizefighter, and falls in love with him. Armstrong's manager, played by James Gleason, tries to dissuade Armstrong from the relationship.
Nevertheless, Kent's grandmother, played by Beryl Mercer, and her uncle, played by Claude Gillingwater, do their best to help the romance between Kent and Armstrong. Eventually Kent and Armstrong quarrel, and this leads Kent to agree to her mother's request that she marry the missionary (Arthur Hoyt). When the missionary invites some weak sisters to a revival meeting one of them, a showgirl, accuses him of being responsible for her downfall.
Because of this, the missionary is publicly disgraced and the marriage cancelled. Gleason helps Armstrong become reconciled with Kent and they marry with the blessings of the family.
Formerly successful record label executive Dan Mulligan lives in New York City, estranged from his wife Miriam and struggling to keep up with the changing music industry. After being fired, he goes on a drinking binge, leading him to a bar in the Lower East Side where he encounters Gretta James.
Gretta is a young, fiercely independent songwriter from England, just broken up with her longtime boyfriend and songwriting partner Dave Kohl. A newly successful musician, he's had an affair with a production assistant. Captivated by Gretta's music, Dan offers to sign her to his former record label, and although initially refusing, she reconsiders and agrees.
Dan and Gretta meet with Saul, Dan's business partner and co-founder of the record label, but he does not see the same potential in her, turning her away. Undeterred, Dan proposes they produce their own album together, to be recorded live during the summer at various public locations around the city. Recruiting a team of talented musicians, including Steve (a busker and an old best friend of Gretta's), Dan sets out to make an album worthy of being published. During this time, Dan and Gretta bond both personally and professionally, and she takes his teenage daughter Violet, a fledgling guitarist, under her wing and encourages her to play on the album.
When Gretta sees Dave accepting an award on television, she criticizes him for selling out to the music industry and, with the help of Steve, she expresses her grievances with him in a song which she records on his voice mail. A remorseful Dave, back in New York promoting his new album, returns her call and asks to see her. After some consideration, she decides to meet with him and they critique each other's albums.
Gretta feels betrayed by Dave's heavily commercialized rendition of "Lost Stars", a love ballad she had once written and composed for him as a Christmas present, believing the true meaning of the song has been lost. He tells her the audiences love the way he plays it, and that their energy fills the room. He believes that music is about sharing it with people, but Gretta insists it is not what she intended for that song. Nevertheless, Dave invites her to come and hear him play the song at the Gramercy Theatre that weekend so that she can see how his fans react to it.
When the album is finished, Dan and Gretta meet again with Saul, who is very impressed with their collaboration. She demands Saul give Dan his job back and her a bigger share in the deal. They leave without reaching an agreement, but Dan feels confident that Saul will eventually sign on Gretta. Later, after receiving a text message from Dave reminding her of his concert and much consideration, Gretta arrives at the venue just in time to watch Dave play her original arrangement of the song.
Watching him play, Greta is initially happy to hear their song as she envisioned, but when the audience starts to cheer as it climaxes, she realizes that too much has changed. She leaves the concert and cycles through the city with a feeling of newfound hope and closure as a dejected Dave continues to perform.
Afterwards, Gretta visits Dan at his apartment as he prepares to move back home, having made amends with his wife. She tells him that she does not want him to release her album, instead preferring to distribute it online for $1. Although Dan returns to work with Saul, he agrees to let Gretta release the album online and helps her to promote the release. The next day, Saul jokingly fires Dan for promoting Gretta's album and informs him that it sold 10,000 copies in its first day of release.
The novel begins with Subject Seven in the compound containment room. Subject Seven doesn't like being there as a test subject, so he escapes the compound. Afterwards, Subject Seven goes to the city to live on his own. While living in different cities, he learns to steal and kill to get what he wants.
Hunter Harrison wakes up and doesn't know where he is or who he is, but there is a tape telling him that he will get all of the answers he want as long as he listens to his kidnapper, Subject Seven. Meanwhile, Subject Seven pays Clarkson for information on the other subjects. After he knocks Hunter out again, Subject Seven gives him the task of finding all of the other subjects. As a result of Hunter completing the task, Subject Seven goes out to finds them and knock them out. When the characters, Gene, Tina, Cody, and Kyrie, wake up, they do not know where they are, but they do know who they are. They all wake up in different places and they all try to go back to their homes'. Subject Seven finds all of them and knocks them out again.
Subject Seven gathers them up and tells them that they were test subjects for the military. After he lets them take in what he said, he tells them that they have alter egos that they can change into. These alter egos are faster stronger and smarter, and when they are in them they don't remember anything. At first they all have Subject Seven and want to go back home, but once Subject Seven tells them what the military did to them, they all change their minds. Although they used to hate each other, they become good friends and start to learn about each other.
Meanwhile, Evelyn Hope is coming up with a plan to capture Subject Seven and the others. She then finally decides to send soldiers to capture them and take them back to the compound. Soldiers came to the hotel room that they were staying at and tried to take them back to the compound. the subjects changed into their alter egos and started to fight the soldiers. the subjects killed all of the soldiers and realized that their testers really wanted them back. The subjects are now very hype, ready to kill, and full of anger. With all of that they decide to kill their testers.
The novel opens with Alice and her friends plunge into the final semester of their senior year. Alice complains that she can’t do anything, like sports or a club, because she isn’t into stuff like that plus the year is almost over. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is be honest with yourself—and sometimes the most incredible thing you can do is sneak a little fun into all this soul-searching. (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, 2011)
Alice wants to make her last year of high school fun, though her friends say it's going to be fun anyway because they have each other. One of Alice's friends, Gwen, suggests finding work on a cruise ship over the summer. Gwen didn’t want to work on the cruise ship just for money but also to have some fun with her friends while working. While at first hesitant, the group of friends changes their minds and all the girls apply to work on the ship after graduation.
Alice's AP English teacher, Mrs. Rosen, asks her if she could stay after class for a few minutes. Mrs. Rosen talks to Alice about writing poetry and asks if she knew about the Ivy Day Ceremony. Alice replies “yes” with a full speech about it. Although Mrs. Rosen wants her to write a poem for it, but Alice is unsure as she feels that she cannot write poetry.
After working on stage crew for the preceding three years, Alice decides to try out for the senior play. She calls Pamela, saying, ”tell me if i'm crazy, but i'm going to try out for the part of Anne.” During the next few days of the tryouts and Alice is so nervous, doubting that she will make it. The day when the list is posted everyone congratulates Alice, and she was so confused until she saw a crowd by a list of names. When she pushes her way through the crowd, all of her friends are by the list yelling and screaming with joy. She looks for her name and there it is, Anne: Alice McKinley.
Since Alice has not been getting much sleep, the next few weeks are hectic, and rehearsals are making them even worse. The day of the play had arrives and Alice is scared but also happy to be performing in the play. As Alice enters the stage she "not only had butterflies in her stomach, she had horses galloping around and gorillas in hiking boots". As an hour had goes by and the first performance is done, Alice realizes that it wasn't so bad after all!
Alice and the cast and crew from the play go bowling. Ryan drives Alice and some friends home. Alice is the last stop, and she and Ryan end up kissing before she leaves the car. Afterwards, she walks into her home and wonders why she had done that. She doesn't want to say anything to Patrick cause she doesn't know how he would react to it.
Later in the novel, Alice, Liz, Gwen and Pamela spend the day at the mall because they were invited to a baby shower.
The group of friends finally graduates high school and Patrick is Alice's prom date.
In 1912 Germany, a freshly graduated engineer with modest origins, Friedrich Zeitz (Richard Madden), starts work at a steelworks owned by ageing tycoon Karl Hoffmeister (Alan Rickman). Hoffmeister is impressed by Zeitz's knowledge and commitment to the work, and Friedrich moves up through the ranks. When Hoffmeister's declining health starts to confine him permanently to his house, Friedrich has to visit him at home for briefings, which he then relays back to the steelworks. Through his visits, Friedrich makes the acquaintance of Hoffmeister's younger wife Charlotte (Rebecca Hall), a beautiful and reserved woman in her early 30s. He immediately becomes enamoured with her.
Friedrich begins to spend more time with the Hoffmeisters, tutoring their young son Otto. Hoffmeister asks Zeitz to move in with his family, so as to be as close as possible for business matters. Friedrich struggles with his growing feelings for Charlotte, not realising that they are reciprocated. Just as they disclose their mutual attraction towards one another, Friedrich has to leave the country to represent Hoffmeister on an overseas mining venture in Mexico. They make a promise to one another that, once Friedrich returns from Mexico, they can be together.
Charlotte and Friedrich communicate frequently in secret, but the outbreak of World War I and a military blockade prevent Friedrich from returning to Germany. Eventually the letters between the lovers are unable to pass through the blockade, and Charlotte begins to fear that Friedrich may be dead. Karl Hoffmeister dies of his illness, confessing to Charlotte that he should never have kept her and Friedrich apart. Some time after the war, Friedrich finally returns home. At first, the relationship between Charlotte and Friedrich is tense - so much has changed in the time they were apart - but they reunite and promise to never leave each other again.
Tina asks Jimmy Jr. to the Wagstaff school dance and he says maybe, wanting to keep his options open. On her way home she sees her former love interest, Josh (from 'Lindapendent Woman') dancing in the street with a group. After some flirty banter, Josh asks Tina to go to his school's dance and she's torn on whether to accept or to wait if Jimmy Jr. changes his mind.
Her parents both believe it's better to go with the boy who definitely wanted to go with her rather than who maybe wanted to go. When Tina tries to get a definitive response from Jimmy Jr, she gets dismissed right up until the moment she mentions someone else asked her out. Jimmy Jr. gets jealous and tries to change his answer to a yes but Tina decides to go with Josh. Meanwhile, Linda gets a call to chaperone her daughter's dance and she convinces Bob to join her to make up for the dances he never went to as a kid. Suffice to say Bob does not look forward to the dance.
Jimmy Jr. and Josh meet when he stops by after school to pick Tina up (literally) for frozen yogurt. After picking up a nervous Louise and getting an earful from a jealous Jimmy Jr (making Tina a little enthused at the possibility of two boys fighting over her) Tina and Josh leave. Zeke promises to help his friend get Tina back. At home, Bob notices how much Tina enjoys having two guys vie for her affection and doesn't like how she's seemingly stringing them along because it reminds him of the time he got dumped right outside the school dance by his date.
Zeke and Jimmy Jr. get into an impromptu wrestling match at lunch time in front of Tina, and Zeke lets his friend win to try and make him look good. Tina doesn't get swayed that easily but tells Jimmy Jr. to keep trying to impress her. Jimmy Jr. goes to Louise and Gene for help and ends up dressed as a horse reciting garbled messages via walkie talkie. Tina is firm in her decision to go with Josh and is pleased to know that her rejection just makes Jimmy Jr. want her more. While Louise and Gene stay home with a baby sitter, a dressed up Tina and Bob get ready for the dance of their lives (Linda even rented a limo hummer to take Bob to the dance in style).
School chaperoning is basically a failure in between Linda getting jealous over Bob ogling a teacher, slapping him, crying in the girl's room, revealing she faked it to give Bob a genuine taste of middle school dance drama, and sharing smuggled alcohol. Meanwhile, Jimmy Jr. crashes Josh's school dance with Zeke, Louise, Gene, and the baby-sitter in tow. Jimmy Jr. challenges Josh to a dance-off for Tina. It's quick moves vs expressive ballet and in the end, Tina cannot choose between the two boys. She tries to make it work between the three of them, but Jimmy and Josh are put off by this and Tina ends up alone. Bob and Linda's evening ends about as well as Tina's when a drunk Linda vomits all over Bob and the two are escorted out by middle schoolers.
The story is set in 2191. The latest spaceliner for the Whitestar Lines is the ''Arcturus'', on its maiden voyage. On its approach to Callisto, for unknown reasons, the spaceship's computer, the Main Cerebral, declares an emergency and orders "Abandon ship". Most of the crew and passengers leave in lifepods. Captain Montaine stays on the bridge. Main Cerebral begins to evacuate the ship's compartments of oxygen. Third astrogator G.W. Simmons is caught on deck 16 while it still retains an atmosphere. He runs into Fiona Harrison, a passenger from deck 15, who did not leave with the others because she went back for her bird, Dwayne. Because life support has been shut down for all the decks below, Simmons and Fiona head to the bridge via an elevator. When the doors open on deck 1, they are met by news reporter Roz Keshah from level 3, who is wearing a tiny, discrete, head-mounted optical display/camera (predictive of Google Glass). He has found two people, Whitestar Lines director and major stockholder Lloyd DeMatte and his companion the Lady Lima.
On the biobridge, the five meet Captain Montaine, who is accosted by DeMatte and accused of damaging the Arcturus. The captain explains the situation, then offers an escape tunnel to a lifepod. He remains behind, out of duty as the captain and also a strong sense of curiosity. Fiona accidentally leaves behind Dwayne, who becomes a sort of companion for the captain.
Simmons takes command of lifepod #3; DeMatte attempts to hijack it and is killed in the process. It is revealed that the Arcturus was intended as an interstellar vessel but repurposed for economic reasons by financial-criminal DeMatte. Also, the Main Cerebral is discovered to be the former intended pilot of the interstellar Arcturus, rendered an amnesiac and made cyber-controller of the interplanetary Arcturus by DeMatte; memory restored, he launches the Arcturus on a flight to Sirius, accompanied by Captain Montaine.
An easy going young man named Jack, a bit of a directionless 'lost-soul' and previous hedonistic 'wild-child' alcoholic (and unfortunate believer that most he's attempted in life he's failed at miserably) is attempting to, on this his seventh straight year of sobriety, straighten out his life once and for all by taking his relationship in a more serious direction with a proposal of marriage. He's living with his partner Camilla, an assertive aspiring young doctor who is pretty much the driving force (not to mention, main financial supporter) of their otherwise contented life together. And even though he lives in a house bought and paid for by Camilla's wealthy father, still Jack struggles to afford an engagement ring to go with the very proposal he's just sprung on his tearfully accepting now fiancée. Camilla not only jumps straight into reception planning, but having previously suffered a problematic miscarriage, pregnancy preoccupation and planning has shot to the top of her priorities list. Jack, though terrified at the idea of becoming a father, is nevertheless even more fearful of losing the only thing truly stable and loving in his life, so silently acquiesces to his fiancée's wishes. Little does he know just how much his life is about to change when he answers the door to someone he doesn't immediately recognise, but who certainly seems to know him.
The incessant ringer at the door is Anna (Anna Friel). Soon, Jack is reminded that Anna is someone he drunkenly hooked-up with at some concert 8 years previously - a one-night stand as it happens - and informs him that they have a seven-year-old son called Phoenix. At first Jack is rude and dismissive, clutching at denials and misremembered snippets of having worn a condom. But Anna's insistence on a paternity test soon sets him on the right path to accept and meet his son. Jack begins to spend time with Phoenix but is reluctant to tell Camilla about everything that has been going on, unsure how to juggle both sides of his life at once. Meanwhile, Camilla's meticulous ovulation tracking soon means that Jack is about to be father for a second time. Fearful of losing out, Jack mishandles the situation by not being honest with either party. Camilla however soon finds out the truth when Phoenix needs to be rushed to the hospital she's working at after a nasty fall from a jungle-gym at the playground during one of their weekly visits. Consequently, feeling lied to and betrayed, Camilla kicks Jack out the house, cancels their wedding plans and wants nothing to do with him. Jack is devastated and attempts to explain and set things right, but ultimately understands that the right choice is actually making his son his priority and to just give the situation some time.
Later, it is revealed that Anna has a terminal illness (ovarian cancer) and that Anna's awareness of doomed fate is what prompted her to seek out Jack in the first place. In order that Phoenix not be left alone in the world after such a traumatic event as losing his mother, she asks Jack to promise to care for Phoenix as he'll be needing his father more than ever once she's gone - which Jack immediately agrees and promises to do. In the end, Anna dies and Phoenix goes to live with Jack, who eventually makes things right with Camilla too. The film ends just before Camilla is due to give birth to their baby. But it's implied that the four will go on to heal and grow into one happy family together, finally having all they wished for at the beginning of the film.
Suffering from double vision, a single mother (Cocco) tries to take care of her baby in the grip of terrifying hallucinations. Experiencing a nervous breakdown, she is deemed unfit to take care of her child and has it taken away from her. The only respite the mother has from her visions is when she sings. An award-winning novelist (Tsukamoto) overhears her singing whilst riding the bus and the pair subsequently develop a volatile relationship.
A man attends an erotic show at an underground club, which culminates with a naked woman on the verge of crushing a live tarantula under her platform high-heel.
Adam Bell, a college history professor, lives a quiet, monotonous life in Toronto. He rents a film, ''Where There's a Will There's a Way'', on the recommendation of a colleague, and spots an actor who looks strikingly like himself, briefly, in the film as a bellhop. Searching online, Adam identifies the actor as Anthony Claire, whose stage name is Daniel Saint Claire. Adam rents the other two films in which Anthony has appeared and becomes obsessed with the man, who appears to be his physical twin. Immediately afterwards, Adam searches some boxes in his own house and finds a photo of someone who looks like himself, with a woman's hand over his shoulder. However, part of the photo is torn out, making the woman impossible to identify.
Adam stalks Anthony, visiting his talent agency, where he is mistaken for Anthony and given a confidential letter. Discovering Anthony's apartment in Mississauga, Adam calls the home, but reaches Anthony's pregnant wife, Helen. She also mistakes Adam's voice for Anthony's and assumes it's a joke, but Adam insists he is not Anthony. This frightens Helen, and Adam abruptly ends the call.
Adam calls again later and reaches Anthony, who assumes Adam is a stalker and tells him not to call again. Helen confronts Anthony about the phone call and Adam's existence, but Anthony insists he knows nothing. Unconvinced, Helen researches Adam, discovers the college where he teaches, and finds him. Helen is visibly stunned at his exact resemblance to her husband, though Adam does not realize who Helen is.
Anthony eventually calls Adam, and they agree to meet in a hotel room, where they discover that they are perfectly identical, even having the same scar. Adam is taken aback by Anthony's direct personality, says the meeting was a mistake, and swiftly departs. The two men begin having similar dreams, or perhaps the same dream, featuring first a naked woman with a spider's head, and later a giant skyscraper-sized spider walking amidst the buildings of the city where they live.
The next day, Anthony is now stalking Adam. He sees Adam's girlfriend, Mary, whom he finds attractive. Anthony plots to accuse Adam of sleeping with his wife, and shame and manipulate Adam into letting him sleep with Mary to 'get even'. He demands Adam's clothes and car keys for a night, after which he promises to disappear forever. Adam complies. Anthony impersonates him and takes Mary to the hotel.
Meanwhile, Adam goes to Anthony's apartment in retaliation, and is let inside. The building concierge desperately asks 'Anthony' to take him back to the underground sex club. Inside the apartment, Adam finds a framed photo on a shelf which looks like the one he had found earlier in his own house, but now the photo is intact, and the woman is revealed to be Helen. Adam tries to act as Anthony in front of Helen, but it appears that she recognizes his nicer demeanor. She pretends not to notice and cuddles with him. Later that night, however, Helen wakes to find Adam crying and apologizing; she tells him she prefers him and asks him to stay, then has sex with him.
Back at the hotel, Mary panics during sex when she notices Anthony's wedding-ring mark and asks who he really is. Anthony claims he has always had the mark. She forces Anthony to drive her home; the two get into a fight in the car which results in a high-speed crash, presumably killing them both.
The next day, Adam dresses in Anthony's clothes and finally opens the confidential letter received earlier. He finds the key to the underground sex club, given only to select members. He resolves to go there, and tells Helen that he's going out, but she doesn't respond. As he enters the bedroom, he sees, instead of Helen, a room-sized tarantula cowering against the rear wall. Adam, with a resigned look, sighs.
The novel has two main threads: a bildungsroman describing the life of Joseph Skizzen, and Skizzen's own private philosophical meditations on how horrible humanity is. In addition, there are a few separate scenes from Skizzen's life, including two lectures on contemporary music to freshman, and conversations with his mother about gardening.
In the late 1930s, the Austrian Rudi Skizzen decides the current situation with Nazi Germany is only going to get worse, and decides to escape to London with his pregnant wife and young daughter. He successfully passes off his family as Jewish refugees, changing the family name to Fixel, his to Yankel. His son Yussel Fixel is born in London, and grows up with memories of the Blitz. Having made it to London, Yankel Fixel changes his name to Raymond Scofield, the better to blend in with the British. Having won a surprise payoff at the racetrack, he and the money disappear. The police cannot tell whether he was killed by criminals or if he bought himself yet another identity and emigrated.
After the war, the remaining Fixel family is relocated to America, ending up in the small town of Woodbine, Ohio. The family name reverts to Skizzen, with Yussel becoming Joey or Joseph, his mother keeping the name Miriam, and his sister becoming Deborah. In high school, Joey scrapes along as a mediocre student, and learns to play the piano passably. He develops a low-key interest in classical music, and works at a record store. Facing theft charges, he quits, and attends Augsburg Community College, which despite its name, was a Lutheran private college, not a "community college".
Joey spends two years at Augsburg, but quits after his French teacher clumsily tries to seduce him, and the rector forbids him from playing the organ part-time at his mother's Catholic church. He takes a job at the nearby Urichstown public library, buying a run-down car, forging a learner's permit for himself. He lives during the week in the librarian's converted garage. A load of donated books awakens an interest in contemporary music. But after some time, the librarian tries to seduce him, fails badly, and Joey finds himself evicted.
Moving back with his mother, Joseph cons his way into a teaching position at Whitterbauer College, located in Woodbine, and also a Christian college. With great effort, he publishes two measly articles on Schoenberg, finds himself tenured and given a house. Over the decades that follow, he works on his "Inhumanity Museum", the top floor of the house, with articles on man's inhumanity to man all over the walls and flypapered to the ceiling. His mother becomes a serious amateur gardener. Joseph successfully passes himself off as a slightly eccentric Austrian born and raised expert on 20th-century music.
The novel culminates in an ethics committee faculty meeting, whose high point is the exposure of a fraud amongst them. Joseph had been convinced he was going to be named, and is surprised and relieved that someone else is revealed. He is genuinely happy, seemingly for the first time in his life, but he is not able to share his happiness with anyone, not even his mother. The novel ends with Joseph in the house, his mother outside, Joseph waiting for her to come in, since "she couldn't cultivate her garden forever," a direct allusion to the end of ''Candide''.
''Del-Del'' is narrated by Beth, a teenage girl whose younger brother, a child prodigy named Sam, begins exhibiting strange behavior on the anniversary of the death of their sister Laura. He begins to refer to himself as Del-Del, and acts out in increasingly destructive and harmful ways. Eventually the family begins to believe that he has become the victim of demonic possession, and seeks a variety of solutions. Eventually they successfully banish the Del-Del personality with the assistance of an exorcist, only to have it return once more, this time in the form of an alien consciousness inhabiting Sam's body. This being, also calling itself Del-Del, claims to be a traveler from the constellation Delphinus. Eventually it is determined that the various personalities of Del-Del are in fact products of Sam's overactive mind, the result of his inability to accept the loss of his sister.
The film opens with the death of the elderly and wealthy Leo Cryptus (Denys Ferry), the Chief Returning Officer for the 1948 Newfoundland referenda on whetherh to return to responsible government, become a province of Canada, or remain under direct rule from London. The film then shifts to Montreal, introducing Frieda Vokey, a graduate student of McGill University completing her doctoral thesis on Newfoundland's 1949 entry into confederation titled “the decline of the sovereign Newfoundland state”. After academic advisors in Montreal ask if her thesis is "some kind of 'Newfie' joke?" because they don't understand it, she returns to her hometown of St. John’s, Newfoundland to conduct primary research on the topic.
Frieda is greeted by her mother, Oona (Mary Walsh), with whom she strikes up a womanly conversation. Upon arrival to her home, Frieda is welcomed by her brother Chris (Rick Mercer) and Frieda begins a heated discussion with her father, Lester, a private advisor to Premier Valentine Aylward (Andy Jones) about seeing Joey Smallwood (Kevin Noble) before his death.
While paying her respects for the Cryptus family, Frieda is introduced to Michael Cryptus (Géza Kovács), son of Leo Cryptus. Frieda is then warned by Dr. Furey (Brian Hennessey) that Newfoundland is not the best place to study Newfoundland history because the people here are still very involved with Newfoundland history.
Frieda intends on meeting a local Newfoundland journalist, Daniel Maddox (Ron Hynes), about discussing her thesis. Upon this meeting, Dan suggests that Frieda come to his home for dinner and further discussion. Following dinner, Frieda and Dan have an intimate encounter, after which, while he is sleeping, she sneaks into his office. She finds classified information regarding records of cheques sent to the British that were declined, and also letters sent to Dan declining his request for more information about the apparent conspiracy surrounding Newfoundland’s joining of confederation. Dan then awakens to find Frieda has left his home, and that his belongings have been searched. Both Frieda and Dan are later involved in an interview over the radio, in which Frieda discusses her findings discovered in Dan’s office. Frieda continues her investigation, after the interview, meeting with Michael, believing he has the information she is looking for regarding his father and the confederation conspiracy. Michael informs Frieda he knows nothing of this and becomes worried that his father was a political monster.
Frieda’s father later decides to help bringing her to an archive containing information on confederation. Frieda questions her father about British spies who helped the apparent scam. Her father states that he has no knowledge on that situation. Frieda then meets with Mr. Joey Smallwood at the hospital, she extensively questions him but he is not willing to speak to her because of his illness.
While attending a benefit banquet, Chris overhears Michael tell Frieda that two British gentlemen willbe taking his father's papers to London the next day. He then steals the keys to the legislative assembly building from Doris' handbag and gives them to her. Frieda leaves the benefit dance, goes to the assembly building and quickly locates the secret files she was hoping to find. She also finds the stubs of cheques issued to her father, Lester, in 1949 - apparently to keep him silent about the true outcome of the second referendum. The two British men Michael mentioned arrive and enter the building over the objection of the security guard. Doris (Mary Lewis) and Dan arrive at the building to find out what's going on. Doris tells the men the Public Records Office will get the papers in due course but they are currently ''her'' responsibility. The men claim they are worried the papers may have been tampered with. Doris tells them that is ridiculous but she and Dan are quickly restrained when she picks up the phone to call the police. She is shown a badge by one of the men and says to Dan, "They ''not'' from the Public Records Office." The four of them then begin to search the building.
Frieda hears the footsteps and quickly packs up some papers to take with her while leaving the rest, as the lights on the floor come on. She encounters Dan as she quietly negotiates her way through the stacks but he does not betray her, instead directing her to an escape route. Frieda then meets Premier Aylward in a taxi outside and shows him the files. He looks at them, puts them back into the envelope, returns them and says, "Don't lose it!" Meanwhile, back at the legislative archive, Doris, Dan and the two British gentlemen find the papers Frieda had been looking at, all back together again. "''These'' papers haven't been tampered with!" she says, but then notices that the elastic band on one accordion file has been undone (but says nothing about it).
Frieda confronts her father when she gets home, showing him the cheque stubs. He then shows her the cheques, which he never cashed. But he admits to conspiring in the deception over the result of the vote, because the people needed relief and he believed joining Canada was the best way to achieve economic stability for the former Dominion.
The next scene is dated December 28. The papers are announcing the death of Joey Smallwood, while the Vokey family are preparing to celebrate the completion of Frieda's thesis, ''A Secret Nation.'' This happy scene dissolves to a voice over of a letter written by Leo Cryptus August 12, 1948. He reveals to his friend, Douglas, that the vote was for responsible government not confederation with Canada. But the result was changed. He has the only proof - the original signed and sworn affidavit - which he cannot bring himself to destroy. Now, Frieda Vokey has it.
The final scene of the film shows two men taking a cartload of papers to an incinerator. It is the files from the 1948 referendum, and they are being destroyed. One of the men worries aloud that someone may have seen. Someone may know. This scene dissolves to the closing theme, the camera shifting between various images, and finishing with audio recording from the 1948 debate in the Newfoundland House of Assembly, as the credits finish and there is silence.
Early morning hours on April 20: A man burying his wife in the woods, sees a meteor crash nearby. Investigating, he finds it’s no meteor, but an alien capsule containing a large Space Bong, that he takes with him. Alistair McDowell, now working at the Space Institute, has been tracking the comet. He finds it in the woods and realizes it’s not a comet. He’s surprised by Larnell, who’s apparently a Black Belt now and who initially doesn’t recognize him (a reference to Alistair’s 2nd recasting). He immediately pushes conspiracy theories on Al, claiming James Cameron is an alien and that all forms of government agencies are corrupt. He also explains he’s running from the government, living off-grid and training in fighting with a “Ninja Master” Wong Dong, who’s really just a car stereo thief. He convinces Al to help him find what he thinks is an alien bong, due to the marijuana residue on the object. The Killer Husband brings the Space Bong to a small smoke shop co-owned by Brett and Bachman and sells it to them. It’s revealed that the alien marijuana he found on the meteor, has spread like a rash over his skin. Brett calls Al to see if he can tell them anymore about the bong. In a back room, Bachman smokes from Space Bong, who comes to life, and is pulled into Space Bong’s Bong World, where he’s set upon by mostly nude women.
Al and Larnell arrive to inspect the Bong. Brett notices the alien fungus has grown on things the Killer Husband touched and Al finds the same thing happening with his meteor samples. Just then, Rabbit, still a “practicing” priest shows up for a scheduled “study session” with Bachman, who’s gone missing. Brett’s ex girlfriend, Luann, who he now avoids, briefly stops by. Rabbit’s enticed into smoking from Space Bong who reveals his intentions to take over Earth. Larnell, Brett, and Al enter the back room in time to see Rabbit being sucked into the Bong World. Larnell suggests they contact his grandfather, Cyril (now a medical marijuana doctor going by Dr. Weed) who shows up with his assistant Nurse Hookah. Cyril, along with Evil Bong, Eebee, was ditched by the gang in the Amazon after defeating King Bong, and having escaped together, the two have since become friends and business partners. Space Bong insults Eebee, so she and Cyril agree to help the gang stop the alien invader, who thinks he can outsmart everyone. Larnell, Alistair and Eebee all enter Space Bongs Bong World while Nurse Hookah holds Brett hostage, per Cyril’s orders, in case anything goes wrong.
Inside, Larnell and Eebee find Rabbit and Bachman hooked up to an alien contraptions used to farm their sperm. Soon, Alistair finds himself trapped in one of the machines. Meanwhile outside Bong World, Space Bong convinces Cyril that he’s not an invader an simply a peaceful alien visitor. Brett overpowers Nurse Hookah and enters the Bong World. He finds Rabbit and Bachman, both milked dry and delirious, Bachman covered in the alien fungus. The trio find Eebee and Larnell trying to get Al out of the sperm extractor, whose sperm is more valuable to Space Bong since he’s more intelligent. Larnell uses him fighting skills to take out the nude alien women and free Al, but the gang is still trapped in Space Bong’s Bong World.
Eebee suggests they create a reverse entryway out of the Bong World by combining Space Bong’s “female units” and smoke from alien-weed-covered Bachman, who they light on fire. After, he lights up a joint, the power of which causes Space Bong and his women to explode, returning the gang to Earth. Some time later, Brett and Luann are back together and the gang is hanging out at his shop. Larnell orders pizza, remarking on how he misses Velicity, who walks in with the pizza. She explains she lost her income after they destroyed King Bong and Cyril stopped employing her, so she’s decided to crash with him. Brett is revealed to have some of the alien marijuana fungus growing on him, to Luann’s dismay. In a final scene, Cyril and Nurse Hookah find the original meteor, the crash site now having been overgrown with the alien weed.
In the near future, Earth society is breaking down, with wars, violence and over-population the norm. On the other hand, a colony has been established on Venus, an ocean world with no land masses and no human-breathable atmosphere. A small trade and research base exists, which trades various items of goods with the aquatic population. They are air-breathing and known to the humans as ''cetoids''. One is known to them as Oscar. Although Oscar and others exchange the goods for firegems, which are highly valued on Earth, no real attempt has been made to establish how intelligent the cetoids are. The source of the firegems is also unknown.
Two of the researchers, Dykstra and Cheng-tung, have been investigating the geology of Venus. The conclude that the planet is in many ways similar to Earth, and could be terraformed and made eventually inhabitable by humans. An oxygen atmosphere could be created and land masses formed. However, the native population would be destroyed in the process.
One of the researchers, Hawthorne, a keen diver, has established close relations with Oscar, who guides him into the depths of the ocean. He sees elaborate and artistically designed creations of coralite, but with no indication of what they might represent. He realises that if the planet is terraformed, not only will an obviously intelligent species be destroyed but all this fantastic artwork will be lost.
Although it is decided not to continue with the terraforming project, and even to destroy the research before it can be reported to Earth, Hawthorne knows what he must do to stop a repeat of the research by others. He sabotages the colony, leaving no-one alive but him, and shoots many cetoids, to make them distrust and fear humans. As he recognizes Oscar's dead body, he thinks to himself "Oh God. Please Exist. Please make a hell for me."
In 1975, James "Whitey" Bulger, leader of the Winter Hill Gang, controls most organized crime within South Boston, along with his right-hand man Stephen Flemmi, newcomer Kevin Weeks, and callous hitman Johnny Martorano. Bulger lives with his longtime partner Lindsey Cyr and their young son Douglas.
Bulger's supremacy is challenged by the North End-based Angiulo Brothers, a rival gang that is part of the New England Mafia family. FBI agent John Connolly returns to the area, having grown up in South Boston as a friend of Whitey and his brother, Massachusetts Senate President William "Billy" Bulger.
After the Angiulo Brothers send a motorcycle-riding assassin who murders a Winter Hill soldier, Whitey becomes an informant for Connolly. Connolly believes he can infiltrate the Angiulo Brothers' organization with Whitey's help. Although Whitey hates the idea of being a rat, he understands the protection doing so would afford him, his gang, and his family. Douglas suffers from Reye syndrome, leading the devastated Lindsey to remove him from life support over Whitey's furious objections.
Although Connolly is supported by his co-worker John Morris, their boss, Charles McGuire, is suspicious. Whitey increasingly exploits his status as an informant, using Connolly's "protection" as a cover for his crimes. When Connolly demands information on the Angiulos' racketeering locations, Whitey gets pictures of the rival gang's hideouts, allowing the FBI to plant wiretaps. The FBI arrests the Angiulos, thus eliminating the remaining opposition to Whitey's power. Blinded by his past, Connolly grows closer to Whitey and the gang and even invites them to his house for a cookout. His wife, Marianne, sees negative changes in her husband as his agent-informant relationship with Whitey grows, including accepting expensive gifts and money from the gang.
An associate, Brian Halloran, fears for his own life and goes to the FBI to report Whitey's involvement, much to Connolly's displeasure. Connolly then tells Whitey of Halloran's accusation, thereby resulting in the murders of Halloran and an unnamed accomplice. Following his mother's death, Whitey's behavior becomes increasingly violent and unpredictable, deteriorating his informant relationship.
When "bulldog" prosecutor Fred Wyshak is appointed the new assistant U. S. Attorney in Boston, Connolly attempts to make friends and perhaps divert his attention from Whitey. Still, Wyshak bluntly refuses and demands the FBI arrest him. John McIntyre, an informant within the Winter Hill Gang, informs on an attempt by Whitey to smuggle weapons for the IRA. The shipment is seized, and Whitey kills McIntyre after Connolly tips him off.
Wyshak and McGuire investigate Connolly's management of Whitey's informant role and realize that most of the "tips" provided by Whitey were already obtained from other informants (that Bulger could've possibly killed since he was ironically known for killing "Rats"). Morris, disillusioned and fearing prosecution for his association with Connolly's activities, divulges Connolly's and Whitey's relationship to ''The Boston Globe'', and a front-page story exposes the FBI's links to organized crime. As Connolly, Flemmi, Weeks, and Martorano are arrested, Whitey gives Billy a final goodbye from a gas station pay phone before leaving Boston.
A textual epilogue reveals Weeks received a five-year sentence, Martorano a twelve-year sentence, and Flemmi a life sentence, while Morris received immunity for his cooperation; Billy became Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts but resigned following the discovery that he was in touch with Whitey; Connolly was convicted of second-degree murder and received a forty-year sentence, and Whitey, after an anonymous tip led to his arrest on June 22, 2011, in Santa Monica, California, received two consecutive life sentences with an added five years.
On 16 September of an unspecified year in the 1980s, the United States conducts an orbital test of the new Space Ranger antimissile laser defense system. American scientist Burt Gains oversees the test under the aegis of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with the target warhead being launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base as the international media covers it. After the Space Ranger module successfully destroys the warhead, the crew of the ''Space Voyager'' shuttle carrying the module returns to worldwide adulation. Gains looks at the successful test as a sign that nuclear war can be prevented but has reservations about its potential to inflame the nuclear arms race. His sister Laura and his best friend Wataru Mikumo soon find out that he was kidnapped by Soviet spies while heading off to work. A Soviet Alfa-class submarine is tasked to transport Burt to Vladivostok. Seeing the danger of Burt forced to replicate his Space Ranger work for the Soviets, US President Gibson orders the submarine to be sunk. After a failed earlier attempt by S-3 Vikings to attack the Alfa, a P-3 Orion from Midway Island sinks it with a nuclear torpedo.
Tension builds up between the US and the USSR in the wake of the sinking, with President Gibson attempting a peaceful solution with the Soviets, who promptly put their forces in Eastern Europe on high alert. Wataru is promoted to lead the Space Ranger research team as Laura is medically confined due to depression over her brother's death.
On Christmas Eve, the Soviets get the news that an elite Soviet Air Force pilot has defected, flying the USSR's most advanced strike aircraft, the 'Black Dragon', to a West German Air Force base in West Germany. Fearful of NATO acquiring Black Dragon's technology, the Soviets launch a Spetsnaz commando using an An-12 raid to kill the pilot and destroy the plane, leaving a wake of devastation in the process. NATO forces are then ordered to counterattack, leading to war. The Soviets and the Warsaw Pact forces go into battle. After days of fighting they easily blast their way across West Germany and the Low Countries, eventually capturing Paris.
The Soviets keep up the offensive, with attacks on Iran, Turkey, and the other parts of the Middle East to capture oil resources while launching airstrikes with Tu-22M2s on Japan due to Japan supporting NATO forces. China joins the war as well at first on the side of the Soviets and invades Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea. However disagreements over which nation will control Japan and racial tensions lead to fighting between Soviet and PLA forces who then attack the USSR's Far East region. US forces invade Cuba and Nicaragua. Soviet First Deputy Premier Kutuzov convenes the Politburo on Premier Orlov's behalf and proposes a ceasefire to secure oil rights to the Middle East while plotting to arrest Defense Minister Bulgarin, who earlier pushed Orlov to go to war. However, Bulgarin appears and has the entire Politburo arrested by Soviet forces that are loyal to him.
A Soviet Navy ballistic missile submarine receives orders to launch on the US, but comes under attack from the US Navy and sustains heavy damage. Waiting for a recall order from Premier Orlov himself, the submarine captain refuses to launch the missiles, but with the sub rapidly sinking, his executive officer kills him and completes the launch with his communications officer. Several US cities are destroyed in the attack and President Gibson authorizes a limited nuclear counterstrike. Bulgarin launches a second strike while one of his assistants kills Orlov as he tries to negotiate peace with Gibson over the hotline. The Soviet attack hits more US and allied cities, with casualties estimated at 20 million. Gibson learns that Vandenberg is still safe and authorizes the Space Ranger's deployment with Wataru sent up as well. Meanwhile, survivors in the war zones begin a peace movement together with deserting soldiers. When Bulgarin learns that the deserters include Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops, outraged that his forces are abandoning the Soviet cause he prepares to launch all remaining Soviet nuclear missiles, but Kutuzov reappears in a bid to force him to stop. Bulgarin is killed, but not before he presses the launch button with the override canceled.
Word of the new strike inbound reaches Gibson and the Space Ranger forces, with four modules in orbit to stop the warheads. While the satellites destroy many MIRV warheads, three are destroyed by the Soviets' killer satellite network and one warhead severely damages the fourth and the Space Voyager shuttle. Wataru decides to head to the last remaining satellite and repair it ahead of another wave of MIRVs before his oxygen runs out. The module is repaired and Wataru shoots down seven MIRVs but is forced to maneuver the satellite to get close and shoot down the eighth bearing down on Los Angeles, but the blast shakes him loose from the module and out into space. Laura, who was evacuated to the US after being caught in the Soviet airstrikes on Japan, flies in another shuttle to save Wataru while Kutuzov orders the crew of a nearby Soviet space station to rescue him. A ceasefire is declared by both forces and both sides agree to work together to help rebuild the damaged world.
On the eve of the German occupation of Hungary in 1944, as Nazi presence and anti-Semitic laws increase in Budapest, Jewish radio repair shop owner József (Simon Kunz) sends home the two young men who work for him, Elek Cohen (Jonas Armstrong) and Ferenc Jacobson (Mark Wells). They obtain forged baptismal certificates from a Catholic priest and urge their families to use them to escape Hungary when they themselves are forced to join the Hungarian labour service, in which Jewish men are brutally treated, shot if they cannot keep up or are injured while doing work.
Meanwhile, Carl Lutz (William Hope) runs the Swiss diplomatic office at the Glass House in Budapest. Supposedly, anyone with a Swiss passport can safely leave Hungary for Switzerland. He was given permission to issue 8,000 passes to individual Jews, but he interpreted this to mean families, and printed and numbered the passes accordingly.
When Elek and Ferenc escape from the Labour Service, they find their way back home and discover their families have been sent away. Elek's home has been ransacked, and he finds the baptismal certificates taped to the back of a family photo that he saves. Meanwhile, Horthy secretly negotiates with Stalin for an armistice with the Allies, but the Nazis learn of this, abduct his son, storm the Buda Castle and he is overthrown, later to be imprisoned in Germany. In his place, the Hungarian fascist Arrow Cross Party assumes power, led by Ferenc Szálasi, who collaborate with the Nazis in rounding up Jews.
On instinct, Elek and Ferenc start to do whatever they can to save Jewish families and eventually begin to work with Lutz. Before the Nazis focused on eliminating the Jews from Hungary, Elek met a Jewish girl named Hannah (Hannah Tointon). One evening some time later, Nazi officers follow her to where many Jews, including Elek, are hiding. Elek kills them before they can rape Hannah. Later Elek, who speaks fluent German, and Ferenc dig up the bodies of the Nazi officers and take their uniforms. For months their fearless impersonation of SS officers allows them to pretend to round up Jews for transport while saving thousands by redirecting them to safe houses. Once there, in care of the Swiss (and in at least one case a convent), the Jews begin their journey to freedom.
The story ends at the Siege of Budapest and the Russian army defeat the occupying Nazis. Elek is shot by an SS lieutenant when his son leaves a group of captured Jews to hug him and calls him by name. The lieutenant is killed in turn by the German commander tired of him disobeying orders.
As an epitaph the story jumps thirteen years, to 1958. Elek junior has emigrated to New York City and is shown at the wedding of his adopted son.
; Postscript
This movie was inspired by true events and the movie postscripts read: "This film was inspired by the courage of Pinchas Rosenbaum whose passports and rescue missions saved thousands of lives. His family was murdered in Auschwitz along with 500,000 Hungarian Jews. SS Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny surrendered to the US Army. After trials and reprieves, he died in 1975. Dieter Wisliceny was hanged in 1948 for war crimes. Ferenc Szalasi was hanged in 1946 for war crimes and high treason. Arrow Cross Captain Kovarcz was hanged in 1946 for war crimes. Adolf Eichmann escaped to Argentina and was later captured by Israeli agents. He was convicted for crimes against humanity and hanged in 1962. Regent Horthy and his son were held in German imprisonments until after the war. They never returned to Hungary due to the Soviet occupation and died in Portugal in 1957 and 1993. Carl Lutz established the Swiss Legion (The Glass House) and is honored for the lives he saved. He died in 1976. After the war, Mr. Rosenbaum seldom spoke of his heroic deeds. He died in 1980 and his wife died in 2010. They are survived by three children. In 2005, the memorial Shoes on the Danube Bank was dedicated in Budapest to honor the victims murdered during the Nazi and Arrow Cross terror."
The film begins with a parked car with drawn curtains inside of which three gangsters (played by Walter Miller, Richard Alexander and Skeets Noyes) and silently waiting for their prey. When a large closed vehicle approaches the car with gangsters it crashes and the gangsters quickly rush to the vehicle, kill the chauffeur and two guards and steal a satchel with 100,000 dollars.
The gangsters then look for a hideout and find a fishing hut. This hut is the home of Capt. Thomas (Breese), who can no longer walk and is confined to a wheelchair, and his young daughter Mary (Ralston). Mary is in love with Cal Morton (Chandler), who is a policeman that rides a motorcycle. Morton is Rin Tin Tin's owner. Masquerading as government agents, the gangsters break into the hut and prevent Capt. Thomas and Mary from leaving.
When Rin Tin Tin delivers the daily newspaper, as usual, Mary manages to place a note on Rin Tin Tin for Cal Morton. When Cal arrives with Rin Tin Tin, he and his dog are wounded by one of the gangsters. The gangsters also capture two mail agents (William Irving and George Rigon). The gangsters then attempt to make a getaway by using a boat. In spite of being injured, Rin Tin Tin manages to prevent the escape of the gangsters and delivers them to Cal who handcuffs them with Bill's help.
Mia Sullivan (Monica Calhoun), wife of Lance Sullivan (Morris Chestnut), has sent letters requesting that the old gang joins them for Christmas: Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs) and his almost-ready pregnant wife Robyn (Sanaa Lathan), Julian "Murch" Murchison (Harold Perrineau) and wife Candace Sparks (Regina Hall), her best friend Jordan Armstrong (Nia Long) and boyfriend Brian McDonald (Eddie Cibrian), Quentin "Q" Spivey (Terrence Howard), and Shelby Taylor (Melissa De Sousa).
Shelby is living the dreamed life as a cast member of a popular ''The Real Housewives'' television show franchise, and is now a prominent reality television star. Q is now a successful brand manager and heavily connected to prominent celebrities.
Years after his debut novel, Harper is struggling with writer's block and financial difficulties, having been recently relieved of his faculty position at NYU, compounded by his wife having difficulty conceiving. Harper's agent suggests that Harper writes a biography of his estranged best friend, Lance, who is set to retire from football. Though Harper and Lance are on good enough terms to maintain an acquaintanceship, Lance makes it a point to keep an emotional distance. Harper reluctantly agrees to the biography, but keeps the idea a secret.
The Murch family now includes two little daughters and Julian finally opened and runs a renowned school, with his wife former stripper, Candace, as his head of admissions. His main donor, however, abruptly terminates his relationship with the school when he learns of Candace's past. It is then that Julian finds a YouTube video of his wife stripping and accepting money for sex at a fraternity party. Julian confides in Quentin.
All the friends arrive at the house, the first time they've come together in 14 years. At dinnertime, the old friends catch up but old tensions resurface and grow.
Brian leaves for his family's annual Christmas gathering in Vermont. As he leaves, Jordan tells him that, while she loves him, she does not need him. 'Everybody needs somebody, Jordan,' Brian says.
Among other things, on another night the band has a good after-dinner time with the men dance and lip-sync to "Can You Stand the Rain" which Mia notes works well to patching up old wounds between Lance and Harper.
It is when Harper goes down to the kitchen that he finds Mia throwing up blood. Mia reveals to Harper that she was diagnosed with cancer more than a year ago and it's terminal but that she needs Harper's help to guide Lance coming to terms with it.
At breakfast the next morning, Q and Shelby accidentally switch phones and Shelby finds Candace's video on Q's phone. She tries to use it to coerce Julian to resume his previous relationship with her but Julian refuses. Not long afterwards, Candace loses patience with Shelby and confronts her, which leads to a physical altercation after which Candace leaves the house with her and Julian's daughters. Later, Candace returns and reconciles with Julian through dialogue.
The ladies are preparing for a spa day when Mia collapses while trying to hang an ornament on the Christmas tree. This forces Harper to tell the rest of the friends about Mia's condition; the friends are supportive.
While Harper is wrapping the children's Christmas gifts, Lance approaches him and the two reminisce about their college days and seem to overcome their differences. The next day, the gang volunteers at a shelter, with Q acting grudgingly as Santa Claus. But Lance soon stumbles across Harper's iPad and journal in Mia's purse, and a mock book cover for his unauthorized biography on the tablet. Lance angrily confronts Harper and tells him to stay away from him and his family, 'forever this time'. Mia unsuccessfully tries to calm Lance down. He takes Mia home, leaving Q and Harper behind where Harper finally breaks down and admits the truth of his financial situation. After giving humble words of comfort to Harper, Q vows to take care of his debts as a friendly favor.
Lance is still heated over the biography when Mia challenges Lance to acknowledge the truth. She is to blame equally with Harper for the longtime feud between the two men by virtue of her having been in full knowledge of the pain her affair with Harper (see The Best Man) would incur on Lance. Mia then takes off her wig, forcing Lance to also acknowledge the severity of her condition.
Christmas Day is also Lance's big game. Brian returns, affording Jordan an apology. Lance starts a troublesome first half. Mia calls Harper to speak to Lance, inspiring him to ultimately break the all-time rushing record in a game-winning performance. The men then rush home to Mia who, not long after, succumbs.
At the memorial service, Harper delivers a heartfelt eulogy confounded as to why God would take a human away to heaven on the same day he gave his Son to the earth. Lance later thanks his friend and in the conversation affirms, 'But God is always there when we need him.' Harper is encouraged: 'That is why you will always be the better man, Lance.'
All are shown to reconcile and Q and Shelby come to terms with their romantic incompatibility. Shelby gives Julian a check for two million dollars, covering the funding gap created by the donor pull-out with no special favors in return. Later Brian, Jordan's boyfriend, promises to assist by some investors he knows personally.
Robyn's water suddenly breaks. Lance, Harper, and Candace try to rush her to the hospital but they get stuck in traffic; it is thus Lance who delivers Harper's baby in the backseat of the SUV. The healthy baby girl is named Mia.
Ten months later, Harper and Lance are closer than ever and Harper has now written Lance's biography, ''God, Family and Football''. When Lance visits Harper and Robyn at their house in New York City, Harper gets a phone call from Q wherein Q announces his anticipated marriage but immediately warns Harper that he better not have had slept with his bride.
Csiwi (Xaver Hutter) is 14 and "borrows" his brother's car at night - thus not only driving around the suburban streets until dawn but also to find his way in life. When he meets Valeska (Sylvie Testud) – who seems to know her destination which she has identified on a postcard - and Levi (Merab Ninidze) – who is tired of fighting and searching and wants to arrive only. Together they live through a summer of friendship at which end Csiw is alone again but finally knows his way.
Fe Quintero Ruiz is a Literature teacher who has been best friends with Dr. Gloria Miralles since childhood. While Fe is sweet, sociable and works hard to assist her parents with the household expenses, Gloria is a beautiful, arrogant and cold-hearted millionaire who has everything she could ask for except that she is unhappy and has a deep resentment towards her best friend with whom they affectionately call each other "monster".
One day, Fe falls madly in love with Sergio Grimán, a legal assistant who failed to finish Law school due to several family problems. Gloria's bitterness towards her friend intensifies when her mother Alicia reveals that Fe is her half-sister after she had an affair with Chon, Fe's father who previously worked for them as a chauffeur. Her hatred and envy for her friend grows everyday when she realizes that Fe will have everything that she cannot have: half of her fortune and the love of Sergio, with whom Gloria has also developed an attraction to. She therefore develops a plan to disinherit Fe and steal away the man that she loves. Considering that her late father put a clause in his will that she can only receive her inheritance once she is married, Gloria begins the process of seducing Sergio to steal him away from her friend. The only person who is aware of her plans is Elias Grimán, a handsome young priest who tries to counsel Gloria to find it in her heart and forgive her friend. It is only later that Fr. Elias discovers that the woman Gloria has been talking about in the secrecy of confession is his brother's girlfriend and future fiance, Fe.
While Fe is happy finding the man of her dreams, the mysticism she is interested in and the tarot cards she reads tell her that impending doom is approaching to ruin her happiness. She could never guess that her enemy is her friend Gloria.
Camila Montes de Alba (Scarlet Ortiz) is a beautiful, hard-working Economics student who hails from one of the aristocratic families in Lima. But since the death of her father, she is now forced to work in an exclusive club as a waitress after her family has been left bankrupt, with the luxurious Montes de Alba mansion, the Montes de Alba Foundation and the prestige of their last name being the only evidence they can show of their aristocratic lineage. Her mother, Florencia Montes de Alba (Yvonne Frayssinet), refuses to accept the fact that they are penniless and cannot afford the previous comforts that high class people of their status are expected to have. Together with the help of her nanny Juanita (Mariela Trejos), she tries to make ends meet, just like any other ordinary person.
During a fundraiser to collect funds for her family's foundation, Camila meets Alejandro Novoa (Segundo Cernadas), the heir to a hotel empire from (Ecuador). A lawyer by profession, Alejandro is passionate about the environment, but his family's expectations prevent him from pursuing that which he loves most. The two spend time together, and a mutual attraction develops between the two.
However, their future happiness is threatened by the appearance of Eduardo Bonfil (Bernie Paz), a mean and calculating business who has accumulated his fortune through unscrupulous means after rising up from poverty in the city slums. He makes a bet to be the first man in Camila's life, with the aim of marrying her in order to improve his position in society due to the benefits he will obtain from Camila's privileged last name. To achieve his goal, Eduardo goes as far as to seduce Florencia, and knowing that her family is in debt, he loans her money for a potential business where he tricks her into signing up her mansion as surety. Furthermore, Eduardo purchases a very expensive ring that belonged to European nobility to present to Camila as an engagement ring. Meanwhile, Alicia (Carla Barzotti), Eduardo's assistant and lover, is furious over the attention that Eduardo is giving Camila. Out of jealousy, she hires a jeweler to create a fake replica of the queen's ring in order to implicate Camila in theft. After some time, Camila tells Eduardo that she is not in love with him and wants to break off their engagement. However, she agrees to move forward with the engagement party which is to be held at sea in a luxurious yacht near the Galápagos Islands. However, during the party, Camila overhears a conversation between Felipe and Eduardo over the bet they made to win her over. Furious, she leaves the ring to Alicia and jumps off the boat. coincidentally, she ends up at the shore where Alejandro has a lake house. The two make love on that night. The next morning, Alejandro wakes up only to find that Camila is gone. While walking about in the streets of Quito, she meets German and Flavio, two journalist students who met her and her mother while they were studying in Lima. The two agree to help her and take her to their home. In order to hide her identity, Camila cuts off her long, beautiful hair and pretends to be man for a while before she reveals her true identity to German's family.
After a sea search is conducted and with no trace of Camila's body, she is presumed to be dead. In order to achieve her goal of framing Camila, Alicia takes her laptop where Camila typed her journal entries and edits specific parts so that it could appear that Camila had planned stealing the Queen's ring all along. Eduardo becomes furious when he learns of Camila's supposed betrayal, and he vows to ensure to put Camila in jail. After Alicia collaborates with Elena (Alejandro's mother) and Claudia, Alejandro's former girlfriend, Camila is arrested and transferred to Peru for her trial. She is sentenced to life in prison with an impending pregnancy after Eduardo bribes the Prosecutor and the judge conducting her case. Using money in order to achieve his means, Eduardo bribes the prison guards at the women's penitentiary so that he can be left alone in Camila and rape her. However, Camila defends herself by piercing one of Eduardo's eyes with a knitting needle she was using to knit clothes for her baby. After being illegally locked in a dark cellar within the prison, Camila is released through the intervention of Flavio and German who use their journalism skills to lobby against the corruption within the prison. Camila gives birth to a baby girl. Later when she returns to the prison with her baby, there is a fire breakout at the prison after Eduardo bribes two female guards to orchestrate a prison riot where Camila will then be murdered in the scuffle. During the commotion caused by the fire, Camila escapes with her child and fellow cell mate Heidi. they go to her nanny's house where they hide for several days. Now a rich woman after Felipe Bayon left her all his fortune as atonement for making the bet with Eduardo, Camila and Heidi buy fake passports and escape to the United States where she establishes herself as a media mogul and uses her radio and newspaper to destroy Eduardo by detailing all the crimes they have committed.
The film tells three inter-connected love stories that take place in Paris, New York and Rome/Taranto.
''Paris'': Michael, a writer who recently left his wife Elaine, receives a visit from his lover Anna. The story explores their very complicated on/off relationship due to her inability to commit because of a terrible secret.
''New York'': Julia, an ex-soap opera actress turned hotel maid is accused of harming her young son, a charge which she firmly denies. As a result of these charges, he is now in the custody of her ex-husband Rick who is trying everything in his power to take the boy away from her. Meanwhile, she is trying at all costs to regain custody of her son.
''Rome and Taranto'': Scott, an American business man on a trip to Italy, falls in love with a Romani woman, Monika. Scott is inevitably drawn into a plot where he tries to free Monika's daughter who has been kidnapped by an Italian gangster in Taranto city and is being held for ransom. Emotions run high as the viewer and Scott question whether this is a set up or not.
The game opens with the player character, Red, kneeling by the body of an unknown man who has been killed with a glowing great sword—the titular Transistor. Red is a singer, and the attack which killed the man has also stolen her voice, sealing it inside the Transistor. The dead man's consciousness has also been absorbed into the sword, and through it, he is able to speak to Red and act as the game's narrator. As Red makes her way out of the district in which the game starts, she comes into conflict with an army of robotic intelligence known as the Process.
Red makes her way to her former performance stage, in Cloudbank's Goldwalk district, where it is revealed that the Process is being controlled by the Camerata, a sinister group of high-ranking officials. They were the ones who attacked Red, though the attack was thwarted when the man in the Transistor stepped in front of the blow. As Red travels, she discovers several Cloudbank citizens who have been "integrated" by the Process and absorbs their trace data into the Transistor, expanding the weapon's functionality. Upon reaching the stage where she performed that night, Red encounters Sybil Reisz, the Camerata member who had befriended her before the assassination attempt, in a corrupted Process-like form. It is revealed that Sybil was in love with Red, and that she arranged for the attack in an attempt to cause the man's death and have Red to herself. After defeating Sybil and absorbing her consciousness into the Transistor, Red uses Sybil's knowledge of the Camerata to locate their leader—one of the administrators of Cloudbank, Grant Kendrell.
As Red enters the Highrise district, the Process becomes more aggressive in their actions, attacking the entire city; this leads to the Process becoming public knowledge. Asher Kendrell, another member of the Camerata, publicly apologizes for the Camerata's actions and reveals their involvement in the Process invasion, going so far as to contact and apologize to Red for all that the Camerata has done to her, the mysterious man in the Transistor, and the dozens of other influential figures who have been Processed and destroyed. It becomes apparent that the Camerata are no longer in control of the Process, and that the current situation is very different from their intended vision. After fighting past numerous Process enemies, including a massive creature referred to as the "Spine" whose mere presence severely affects the man in the Transistor, Red reaches the hideout of the Camerata in Bracket Towers only to find that Grant and Asher have committed suicide.
After resolving to hunt down the final member of the Camerata, Royce Bracket, and then escape the city, Red and her companion find themselves traveling back through the starting portion of the game which has now been "Processed" into a blocky, white facsimile of its original form. Upon reaching the starting point of the game, Royce approaches Red through a robotic proxy and offers a truce in order for them to work together to stop the Process. Royce reveals that the Transistor is a "remote-control" to manipulate the changing landscape and environment of Cloudbank. It is the central part of the apparatus used by the city's administrators, including the late Grant, to change the city to fit the whims of the people. After fighting through the completely Processed district of Fairview, in which the Process has evolved a humanoid form and the laws of physics only loosely apply, Red arrives at the Cradle, the system that the Transistor powers in order to manipulate the Process—which is suggested to be an integral part of the system to rearrange and change Cloudbank—and stop the invasion. After Red places the Transistor in the Cradle, she and Royce are absorbed into it. In the Transistor's virtual realm, now armed with a Transistor of his own, Royce informs Red that only one of them can escape back to Cloudbank and repair the city. He apologizes to Red for this and the two clash.
After defeating Royce, leaving him trapped inside the Transistor-world, Red is transported back into Cloudbank, where she begins the task of rebuilding Cloudbank's Processed areas. Upon un-processing the mysterious man's body and learning he cannot be restored from inside the Transistor, she sits down beside him and—despite his protests and pleadings otherwise—impales herself with the Transistor, committing suicide. In the closing credits sequence, it is shown that the man is reunited with Red within the virtual world of the Transistor. At this moment, a heartfelt embrace reveals that her voice has also been restored.
Pathologically single, 30-something, "Trans-Alliance" airline flight attendant, Montana Moore (Paula Patton) is on a mission to get her overbearing, frequently married, mother (Jenifer Lewis) to stop pressuring her to get married. After being jilted by Graham (Boris Kodjoe), Seat 5C, her only prospect, just as her younger sister, Sheree (Lauren London), becomes engaged.
Montana and her friends, Sam (Adam Brody) and Gail Best (Jill Scott) devise a plan to help her find a potential husband before Sheree's wedding. Rifling through her old contact list on her phone, the pair come up with a "prospective suitors" list. Over the course of 30 days, Montana flies all over the country (with the help of a colorful team of coworkers) hoping to reconnect with a litany of ex-boyfriends that include Langston Jefferson Battle III (Taye Diggs), a misogynistic politician, Damon Diesel (Trey Songz), an irresponsible entertainer and Quinton Jamison (Djimon Hounsou), a commitment shy multi-billionaire.
Though her quest to find a husband proves to be a disaster, Montana is oblivious to the developing romance with William Wright (Derek Luke), her longtime best friend and next-door neighbour. On the night before the wedding, Sheree’s fiancé (Terrence Jenkins) reveals that he does not want to get married yet and that her mother was the one who pressured him to get married with Sheree right away.
Once Montana realizes that she does not need a husband to live a fulfilling life, she finally stands up to her mother and gets her proposal from "Mr. Wright."
Laura is a model who obtains additional income by picking up men, slipping them a mickey, and robbing them. She has a friendship with her neighbor William Tilden. Sid tracks Laura down in search of her ex Johnny, with whom he wishes to start a band.
Dr. Richard Feynman, a physics professor at Cal-Tech, gives a guest lecture to students, lamenting on both the power and limitations of science. While driving home, he hears on the radio that the Space Shuttle ''Challenger'' exploded on takeoff and that it is very likely the astronauts perished in the accident. Several days later, Richard receives a phone call from a former student of his, who asks him to sit on the Presidential Commission to determine what caused the accident. Feynman, a vocal opponent of the political games politicians and government play, initially isn't sure if he should sit on the inquiry; however, his wife Gwen encourages him that he cannot pass up a puzzle like this, and must sit on the inquiry and figure out what really happened.
Feynman arrives in Washington and quickly realizes the chairman William Rogers wants to protect NASA and may not be seeking the real truth of what caused the accident. Unbeknownst to Feynman, the commission will be in recess for five days before any official work begins. During this time he visits various NASA production facilities on his own to learn and attempt to determine the cause of the accident. He finds there is a culture lacking in truth and reality as NASA employees are afraid to openly discuss known issues with the shuttle program out of fear. As a maverick investigator, Feynman discovers many other known issues through research and a surreptitious note that the loss of a shuttle was expected. Feynman's only ally on the commission, General Donald J. Kutyna, attempts to leak information to Feynman as he has a secret source within NASA who knows what really happened.
As Feynman draws closer to the truth his health dramatically changes as he discovers he has cancer. Realizing how important the truth is, he returns to Washington to divulge the reason for the shuttle's failure. In a televised broadcast of the commission hearing, having discovered that the O rings were the culprit for the explosion, he demonstrates that due to cold temperatures, the O ring could not expand and caused the explosion. Unable to hide from these findings, the commission issues its report to president Ronald Reagan with Feynman including an appendix with his own findings, citing "for a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." The film closes with a montage of several key members in the film and their contributions.
Future Ted tells his kids that, during the spring of 2013, he was making the final adjustments to the house he bought, while Barney and Robin were preparing for their wedding. As Lily and Marshall pack their things to go to Italy, Marshall's mother calls them and Lily slips the fact that they are moving. To compensate, Marshall promises her that he and his son will visit her for a week. A free Lily visits Ted in MacLaren's and he shows her his finished house.
Meanwhile, Barney and Robin sit in a bar and an obnoxious couple, Krirsten and Calvin, start bothering them – not letting them look at their cigars and stealing their reserved table. Barney and Robin start planning to break them up, so Robin puts her engagement ring in one of their champagne glasses. When Krirsten finds the ring, she excitedly responds that she will marry Calvin, but he has no intentions of doing so. After their break-up, Robin and Barney smoke happily in a park when the couple find them, saying that after the fight, they agreed to get married. Barney and Robin feel proud after seeing them happy.
When Lily and Ted reach his house, Lily realizes that Marshall's mother is trying to convince Marshall to not go to Italy, after seeing some Facebook photos. When Lily sees a "For Sale" sign, Ted reveals that he is moving to Chicago because he cannot be around Robin after the wedding. Marshall calls Lily for a final time, saying that no matter what happens, he will move to Italy with her. After this, Marshall receives a call, saying that his application to be a judge has been granted. Marshall realizes then that he cannot join Lily in Italy.
Ted reveals to Lily that after he found Robin digging her old locket only to find the empty box, she interpreted it as a sign to not marry Barney and grabbed Ted's hand. Ted left, saying that he would see her at her wedding. He realizes that after all these years, he still feels something for Robin and would do anything to make her smile. Lily admits where the locket is: before Ted almost married Stella, Lily chanced upon Robin drinking away her sorrows at Ted going ahead with his wedding. Both of them went to the park where the locket was buried and Robin found it, taking it to Ted's apartment and putting it in a race-car pencil box which she intended to take to Japan. Ted realizes he still has that box and wants to give her the locket as a wedding gift.
With the wedding scheduled in 56 hours, Ted moves out of his empty apartment and meets up with Lily to go to the wedding. When she asks how he is returning to the city before going to Chicago, Ted says that he will take the train. Ranjit picks up Robin and Barney at their apartment. Marshall calls Lily and she reminds him that in a week, they will be living in Italy. When Marshall's brother Marcus reminds him that he has not told her about the job, Marshall says that it is "face to face" news.
During a closing montage featuring all of the gang heading to Farhampton for the wedding, the titular "mother" (Cristin Milioti) is finally revealed to the audience for the first time, as she steps up to a counter at a Long Island Rail Station while carrying her signature yellow umbrella and bass guitar and asks for a ticket to Farhampton – where she will eventually meet Ted.
Bodhidharma was born in India sometime in the fifth or sixth century as the third son of a king. When his father died, he leaves home and practises Buddhism under the tutelage of the master Prajnatara. Many decades later, he travels to China to spread Zen Buddhism and search for a successor.
In China, Bodhidharma meets Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty and tells him he has not accumulated any merit even though the emperor has made many financial contributions to the Buddhist community. The emperor is displeased by Bodhidharma's comment. The locals are also not very friendly towards Bodhidharma, but he surprises them on one occasion when he saves a girl from drowning, and crosses a river by using ''qinggong'' and with the aid of a reed. Bodhidharma eventually arrives at Shaolin Monastery and settles down in a cave in the backhill. He faces the wall and enters a state of meditation for nine years. He did not move at all throughout those years and many people came to look at him when they heard about it.
Shenguang is a former soldier who has given up violence and become a Buddhist monk to seek peace and redemption. After experiencing strange visions, he makes his way to Shaolin and kneels outside the cave under heavy snowfall. By then, Bodhidharma has awakened from his meditation and he accepts Shenguang as his apprentice after Shenguang cuts off his left arm to show his sincerity. Bodhidharma renames Shenguang to "Huike".
Bodhidharma fends off a group of thugs trying to rob the Shaolin monks and miraculously survives after being set on fire. The robbers retreat in shame when they realise they cannot harm this holy man. After witnessing the Shaolin monks' inability to protect themselves, Bodhidharma teaches them martial arts, which later evolved into Shaolin Kung Fu. In his old age, he wishes to return to India so he gathers his students and tests their understanding of his teachings. He eventually chooses Huike to be his successor.
In the final scene, Bodhidharma is seen walking away with a single shoe dangling from his staff. He meets a peasant, who greets him. The peasant later goes to Shaolin to tell a monk that he met Bodhidharma earlier, but the monk says Bodhidharma died three years ago. To verify the truth, they open Bodhidharma's coffin and are surprised to see that it is empty, except for the other shoe.
A recently graduated art school designer joins a wallpaper manufacturing company and catches the eye of a married middle manager. They begin a workplace affair during their lunchtime breaks but their attempts to find privacy are continually thwarted.
The man eventually locates a small hotel where he books a room for just one hour, but then feels the need to invent a hugely-complicated tale to tell the hotel manageress about a troubled marriage and a wife travelling down from Scarborough for a heart-to-heart.
The still-suspicious hotel manageress continually interrupts the couple and, as the man slowly tells the story to his would-be lover, she starts to believe the whole fantasy. She sees herself as the stay-at-home wife, ironing the man's shirts and starts to have sympathy with the wife. The couple argue over the woman's imagined life, and as their hour in the hotel is up, the affair between the couple ends and they return separately to their work roles. There, the man appears sullen and unhappy, while the woman smiles quietly to herself as she works.
Jung Yi-hyun is a genius, but she suffers from psychogenic amnesia and does not remember her husband and young daughter. Hong Gyung-doo is uneducated and poor, but he's a loving father to young Hae-deum, who's inherited her genius from her mother. Yi-hyun and Gyung-doo met just as both were on the brink of suicide, and they'd decided to choose life together. The drama is about Yi-hyun's journey to putting together the pieces of her lost memory with her husband's help, a man who seems completely unsuited for her. The story explores the relationship from the viewpoint of both parties.
Meghla is an aspiring media star. But her fate always takes her back to the ground whenever she is riding the stairs of touching the sky. The busy businessman Ananta falls in love with Meghla. He also has authority over the commercial film industry and a hero. In her childhood Meghla belong to a lower-class family. Her father used to bring cheap vegetables for them. her mother refuses to eat vegetables every day thus their family starts to fall apart. Meghla tries to save her family and requests earnestly to her father "I will eat those vegetables, please don't beat my mother". They continue to live their life like that. in lower-class family where food is very scarce beating wife is a common phenomenon in our country.
At this point, her grandfather Rajjak appears. He builds up Borsha with morality and ethics.on the other side. After his death Meghla had to earn and feed her family so she became obsessed about being a model. The busy businessman Ananta falls in love with meghla. He also has authority over the commercial film industry and was a renowned star at that time. Borsha gets Ananta's phone number when she reached his office and told her sad story. He then gives Borsha a key of car for her transportation. even agrees to become a model with Borsha. staying beside people in their need is the ultimate vow that Ananta has taken. Where humanity is doomed, Ananta always spreads his hand full of love there. He gives Meghla an apartment. And she arranges lunch one day. Feeding Anata with her hand they become lovers easily.
In her becoming a model, Meghla ditches Ananta and starts to date another man. She got drunk one day and Ananta saved her. Ananta forgives her for her misconduct. Due to excessive greed for success Meghla falls into the trap of Misha Shawdagor. She cheat Ananta again. Meghla is portrayed as a very non-empathic person who only loves herself and she cheats Ananta again and again for fake fame and avarice. Even when Ananta was in the hospital she completely forgot about him and kept cheating him. We have seen Meghla suffered a lot in her childhood. She had nothing of her own, for a long time of hardship she wanted to do something on her own but with the wrong motivation. She cannot commit to Ananta, violated the sanctity of his commitment, partnership, and love, disrespected him in front of another guy to tell him lie that she is not in any relationship with him. Meghla broke his trust, yet Ananta gave her all his property and left home. Here in the film Meghla is shown as a very evil fated woman maybe because the film was made by a man. What happened inside her mind and she was not satisfied after having everything in life seems to be very surprising. She is portrayed in a very negative way and the male protagonist seems to be a saint which is an imbalanced characterization.
Ananta decided to commit suicide at that time. Just before he jumped down, his phone rang. A terrific fight took place between him and the villen gang, Ananta gets injured immensely. He was shot many times. A few shots after that- cars are stopped in the road, garments are closed down, so are the shops. precisely, the whole country is astounded. People from all over the country pray for Ananta. Their prayer gets accepted and finally, Ananta's life was saved. The doctor comes out and says "I have seen many miracles in life but this one is nothing alike to the others".The movie comes to an end and Ananta continues to love Borsha.The overall story is very unrealistic and sensitive towards representing women. If Ananta loved her so much why they were not married? Meghla seems to have no talent she is a model just because of Ananta. She came to the limelight not by hard work but only for being with Ananta. She is fully dependent and an evil-spirited woman who was trapped by the wrong guys every time. At one point Megha wanted to stand on her foot. she wanted to become a model and don't wanted to use Ananta's car. but this was shown in a very negative way. she was framed as a villain throughout the film who just relied on Ananta's goodness.
Based on South African President Nelson Mandela's autobiography of the same name, which chronicles his early life, coming of age, education and 27 years in prison before becoming President of South Africa and working to rebuild the country which was ravaged by Apartheid.
Grant Withers is a conceited dancer who spends all his free time dancing. He leaves his partner Edna Murphy, after seeing Sue Carol in the dance hall. He enters the waltz contest with Carol and ends up winning the first prize. Soon after they are convinced to marry by Sid Silvers (the dance hall manager), who needs a new couple to marry in a live ceremony in the dance-hall after another couple cancelled. He convinces them when he offers them a free furnished apartment which the other couple forfeited by not showing up. Withers' and Carol's parents are shocked by news of the marriage. Withers soon gets bored of home-life and the in-laws and yearns for dancing again. He convinces Carol to join him in a dance contest, but when she is unable to perform the dance steps of a new fox-trot, they fight. The fighting continues until they split up. After a while, Grant realizes what he has lost but thinks it may be too late to patch things up.
Brothers Reg (Damon Herriman) and Lindsay Morgan (Angus Sampson) own and operate a small blood and bone fertiliser business in South Australia. While making local deliveries and the occasional roadkill pick up, Reg, a soft and friendly man, encounters the crash site of a van, and finds the driver dead inside. Recovering the body from the crash, he puts it in the back of his own truck. Making his way back to the brothers' plant, Reg is delayed again, this time by three tourists stuck on the side of the road: Sophie (Anna McGahan), a young woman; James (Oliver Ackland), Sophie's boyfriend; and Wes (James Kristian), James' friend. Reg takes an instant attraction to Sophie, and, against his better judgement, allows the three to ride with him.
Before the trio climb into the truck, Reg frantically hides the body beneath a pile of fertiliser sacks and manages to hide all of the evidence, explaining away the smell as manure and roadkill. Wes and James ride in the back of the truck with the hidden corpse, and Sophie rides up front with Reg. Sophie gets to know Reg and the two appear to form a bond. Sophie confides in Reg that she’s having an affair with Wes, and Reg attempts to comfort her. Meanwhile in the back of the truck, James tells Wes that he plans to marry Sophie.
To pass the time, Wes offers James a tab of LSD, which James declines. Wes nevertheless consumes the LSD, only to suddenly discover the corpse of the van driver. The two, in fear for their lives, try to persuade Reg to pull over under the guise of needing fresh air from the smell. Pretending to let the boys out, Reg fearfully threatens them, all without Sophie realising something’s wrong. When the boys reveal they know about the body, Reg begins to panic and pulls back onto the road. Sophie starts to find things in common with Reg, but Reg's anxiety continues to get the better of him. This unnerves Sophie, and, as soon as the truck arrives at the plant, Reg detains her.
The rough, angry and volatile Lindsay arrives and demands to know what is going on. Reg suggests that they can grind the people into fertiliser, and Lindsay berates him for his lack of planning for such a bold crime. Ultimately, Lindsay agrees to Reg's idea, and it is revealed that the pair have ground humans in the past, in order to create a new formula for their fertiliser. The brothers had once ground up a group of charity volunteers who crashed and died in a nearby road accident. Reg manages to convince Lindsay that their product needs a component that gives them an edge over the competition, and uses a new, major client as collateral in justifying his crimes.
Wes and James are soon detained with Sophie, and the trio watch as Reg and Lindsay grind the driver. When Wes cuts himself loose and escapes, Lindsay pursues him. Sophie takes advantage of the situation and attempts to seduce Reg, much to James' chagrin. Reg catches on to the ruse and exposes Sophie's infidelity with Wes, further angering James. The chains suspending James above the boiler are beginning to slip, and a frantic Sophie watches James drop lower and lower.
Wes manages to flee to a nearby attraction, where he evades Lindsay and lures him to a secluded area. When Lindsay is distracted, Wes strikes him over the head, knocking him out. Wes runs out to Lindsay’s car, only to realise that the keys must still be with Lindsay. Before he can retrieve the keys and make a clean getaway, the LSD begins to take effect, and Wes begins to deeply hallucinate. Lindsay regains consciousness. In a state of euphoria, Wes mistakenly approaches Lindsay, who strikes and captures Wes, trapping him in the back of his car.
While driving back to the farm, Lindsay is pulled over by state police officer Burke (referred to as “Burkey”, played by John Jarratt), who is investigating the van crash that Reg encountered earlier. While Officer Burke chats with Lindsay, he observes a knocking coming from the back of Lindsay’s car. Lindsay convinces Burke that the noise is thanks to a twitching, nearly dead kangaroo he found on the side of the road. Just as Burke prepares to leave, Wes screams out, and Lindsay opens to boot. As Burke scrambles to get help, Lindsay shoots him, loading him into the back of the car.
Lindsay soon returns with Wes and Burke. Reg now begins to have serious second thoughts about their actions and plan, especially since he admitted his feelings of attraction to Sophie. Reg saves James, who’s now suspended and gagged. When Reg removes James’ gag, only for James to insult Sophie, Reg smacks him. Flustered, Reg hears Lindsay return and attempts to reason with him. Reg stands up to Lindsay, only for Lindsay to beat him down. Lindsay drags Reg to the car, and Reg absentmindedly opens the boot. Still somewhat hallucinating, Wes fires a shot at Reg, hitting him in the shoulder. Lindsay strikes the gun out of Wes’ hand, cutting Wes’ fingers and part of his palm off in the process. When Nancy (Chrissie Page), their elderly neighbour, surprises the brothers with a visit, Lindsay stuffs Reg in a car boot with Wes. Reg comforts Wes, and they work together to escape. Reg enters the house alone to confront his brother.
Reg overhears Lindsay tell Nancy that Reg has moved away, perhaps permanently. As Reg gathers his courage, Lindsay and Nancy begin to have sex. Severely disturbed, Reg decides instead to stealthily steal Lindsay's keys. As he is about to take them, Wes stumbles into the house, looking for his missing hand. In a fit of rage, Lindsay kills Wes and Nancy, and Reg flees with the keys. James and Sophie panic when they hear the gunshots, but Sophie decides to return to the farm when she hears Reg call out to her; James angrily breaks up with Sophie as she leaves. After a brief struggle, Lindsay overpowers and ties up Reg. As Lindsay prepares Reg for grinding, Sophie returns and distracts Lindsay. Reg is able to pull him in to the grinder, killing him; afterward, Sophie and Reg share a momentary attraction. In a post credits scene, James hysterically runs onto the road and is killed by a reckless driver.
Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan), Kyle Bishop (Andy Mientus), Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez), and Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) present parts of ''Hit List'' to Scott Nichols (Jesse L. Martin), director of the Manhattan Theater Workshop that is sponsoring the musical. Scott says he needs to talk to his people. Scott later suggests that they add a narrator to the show to help explain things since it's now sung-through and lacking dialogue. Scott feels that if their older audience doesn't understand it, it can't be presented on their bigger main stage and will have to be relegated to a tiny under 80 seat room for more experimental work. Jimmy is very resistant to any changes, while Kyle and Derek think it's a good idea, and Derek and Jimmy clash about it.
''Bombshell'' rehearsals aren't going so well, with Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) learning to direct, butting heads with Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee), and trying to avoid using Derek's choreography until he signs a release to allow them to use it in the show. Producer Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston) schemes to get control of ''Bombshell'' back from her ex-husband Jerry (Michael Cristofer). Her daughter Katie (Grace Gummer) has arrived to help her mother. Julia Houston (Debra Messing) is supportive of Tom's direction but she isn't happy that Tom has dropped the part of the storyline that was about Marilyn's mother.
At ''Liaisons'', the show remains terrible and the cast is unhappy with how it has turned out when it starts doing shows in front of preview audiences. Both Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) and Terry Falls (Sean Hayes) lament how things are going and they fear the show will not make it to opening night. Ivy suggests that if the show is going to be closed anyway, why not go all out crazy; Terry likes that idea.
As a peace offering, Tom asks Karen to go see ''Liaisons'' on opening night with him. It turns out that Derek has invited Kyle and Jimmy to go to the show with him. They all meet up before the show starts and Derek argues with Jerry and Tom about him leaving ''Bombshell'', while Kyle and Jimmy assume Derek will go back to that show. During the show, the audience isn't responding well, but then the "Ce N'Est Pas Ma Faute (It's Not My Fault)" number starts and instead of being a bore as previously done with preview audiences, Terry and the ensemble have turned it into a very bawdy, outrageous number that has the audience laughing. At the end though, Terry falls out of a swing and onto the floor.
Tom and Karen meet up with Ivy after the show and Karen sees the chemistry between them. She tells Tom that since the ''Liaisons'' show will probably close, Ivy will be free (to take over ''Bombshell'') and that it's for the best that she (Karen) leaves ''Bombshell''. Tom sadly agrees that this idea is for the best and he will work out the contract issue (for letting Karen out of the show) with Eileen. Karen meets up with Derek, Kyle and Jimmy and tells them she has left ''Bombshell'' and asks if they would let her back into ''Hit List''. They happily agree.
A chastened Terry tells the cast that he'll be ok, but confirms that his understudy will take over for the rest of the week and the show will then close. Ivy leaves the theater with a big smile (presumably knowing she can now return to ''Bombshell'', but that's left unclear).
After talking to Karen about the problems with ''Hit List'', Jimmy gives in on making changes and he and Kyle have added a new opening number. Jimmy and Karen perform "Rewrite This Story" in front of Scott and his team, while Derek imagines video screens and massive lighting has been added to the stage. Scott likes the new number and offers the main stage to the show.
Eileen, Katie, Tom, and Julia confront Jerry about returning the show to Eileen, but he refuses to relinquish control. Katie pulls out the "I'm disappointed in you Dad" card and Jerry gives in. Later, Derek approaches Tom and Julia in their rehearsal hall and gives them the signed agreement to let them use his choreography. Eileen comes in and confirms to them that a bunch of lawyers and someone from the ADA's office have worked it out so that she has control of the show again. They toast to Bombshell going to Broadway.
Suffering from writer's block, a manga artist Atsumi (Haruka Ayase) has attempted suicide and is in a coma. Koichi (Takeru Satoh), Atsumi's lover, tries to awaken her. With help from doctors Aihara (Miki Nakatani) and Yonemura (Keisuke Horibe), Koichi enters the mind of Atsumi by using the experimental technology called "sensing".
The film has a framing narrative set in 2048 where viewers are offered the chance to look back at "The Ancients", which introduces the main narrative set in 1948. The film reflects the struggles of Otto Normalverbraucher (Otto Average-Consumer, played by Fröbe), a former German soldier returning to civilian life in Berlin after World War II. After many travails, struggling to find food, shelter, and work, he eventually falls in love and ends up happily with his dream woman.
Gough plays an Irish Traveller who is relentlessly pursued by a policeman (Mannigan, played by Noel Purcell) after accidentally killing a gamekeeper.
Glee club director Will Schuester (played by Matthew Morrison) creates a week assignment of "Last Chances" after Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) announces her beliefs that an asteroid will destroy the city, although she soon finds out that it was actually a Ladybug that was on her telescope. Brittany later tells Becky Jackson (Lauren Potter) that she'll be graduating soon, and Becky becomes scared of what will happen once Brittany is gone, but Brittany tells her she will be fine if she prepares herself. Meanwhile, football coach Shannon Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones) reveals her feelings for Will, but he reveals that he has gotten back together with Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays), leaving Beiste heartbroken.
Ryder Lynn (Blake Jenner) spots Katie Fitzgerald (Ginny Gardner), the girl he has been texting and that he has developed feelings for, and leads her to the choir room, where he serenades her with "Your Song", only to learn that her name is Marissa, and that she has never texted Ryder: someone else has been using Marissa's picture to pose online as "Katie". Ryder decides to find out who "Katie" is, having shared all of his secrets and fears with her, and arranges a meeting with her over text in front of the choir room the following day. Meanwhile, Sam Evans (Chord Overstreet) announces his love for Brittany and serenades her with "More Than Words" in the auditorium, but she struggles with her own feelings, and instead dedicates the song to her cat, Lord Tubbington, whom she feels is being neglected by her relationship with Sam.
As the glee club gathers in the choir room, two gunshots are heard, and the school goes into lockdown, with Brittany trapped in the bathroom and Tina stranded outside because she was late. Will and Beiste try to keep the students calm, but Sam decides to go after Brittany. Will then leaves them in Beiste's care and brings Brittany and two other students into the choir room. Meanwhile, Kitty breaks down and admits that she altered Marley's Sandy costumes and apologizes to her, and the two embrace. Ryder calls Katie's phone, and it rings inside the choir room; Artie Abrams (Kevin McHale) encourages the glee club members to record their goodbyes to their families in case they die. However, after several hours in lockdown, the police clear the area and the students are allowed to leave.
After the police fail to find the gun, cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) announces that it belonged to her, and misfired, in order to cover up for Becky, who had stolen her father's gun and brought it to school as she was afraid of being out of school after graduating. Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) is forced to fire Sue, but Will remains convinced of her innocence. Will also creates an online dating profile for Beiste, and is surprised when one of her suitors turns out to be former football coach Ken Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher), while Sam presents Brittany with another cat, Lady Tubbington, and she finally declares her love for him as well.
Ryder goes to the choir room the following day, but "Katie" never shows up. He then returns to the auditorium and joins his friends in a performance of "Say", during which they comfort each other after the traumatic experience.
Pilot Barry Eldon (Ralph Bellamy) is the owner of Independent Transcontinental Lines whose airline is in direct competition with Martin Drewen (Robert Middlemass), owner of Consolidated Airlines. With Renee Dupont (Tala Birell), a singer at a nightclub owned by Victor Arnold (Douglas Dumbrille), he believes that his airline's air mail routes will ensure success against his rival.
Arnold decides to ally himself with Drewen who has hired German inventor Shulter (Edward Van Sloan), the inventor of a death ray projector. With this device, they bring down three of Eldon's aircraft. Determined to set a new transcontinental record with Wiley Post flying the racer, Eldon has the help of his girlfriend to eventually expose his rivals and destroy their secret headquarters. A new contract in Washington awaits.
Shortly after marrying Louis (Daniel Auteuil), a French military officer, Jeanne (Emmanuelle Béart) must face solitude as Louis is sent to fight in World War II. While waiting for his return from a POW camp, Jeanne gets involved on different affairs with his husband's comrades-in-arms. When he finally returns home and finds out about his wife's cheating, he forgives her and offers her freedom, but she refuses to accept and they come back together. Looking for a new life, the family (now with two twins) move to Berlin, where Jeanne meets Matthias, a German industrialist who falls in love with her. A third child is born and shortly after, Louis is summoned to the First Indochina War, forcing his family to return to France.
During his husband's absence, Jeanne gets involved in an affair with Matthias, who has followed her to France. They try to escape with the children but their attempt is frustrated by Louis' brother. Louis returns home and, in an attempt to get Matthias out of her life, Jeanne uses her influence to move the family to Damascus. Despite her apparent success, she asks Matthias to go to Damascus and take her with him. When he shows up, Louis fights him but is severely injured by Jeanne. The family returns to France, where Louis is asked to fight in Algeria. Haunted by loneliness and despair, Jeanne once again finds Matthias, but he breaks up with her for good. Louis returns and meets his family, but he has to part again. During his absence, Jeanne dies without a cause, but he later finds in her purse a newspaper clipping informing of Matthias' death.
The story's main character is a 13-year-old boy named Darek living in Warsaw. One day, he rescues a black cat from a group of violent youths on his housing estate. It turns out that the cat can actually speak and introduces himself as Rademenes. Grateful for being saved, the cat offers to make Darek's seven wishes come true, one wish each Wednesday, and one for each episode. At first, the boy doesn't realize the power of the cat's gift and his wishes are selfish and superficial. Rademenes quickly becomes Darek's friend and enjoys granting his wishes. He cheers the boy up in hard times, and he in turn takes good care of the pet, keeping his supernatural abilities a secret from everyone. In episode 6, it turns out that the cat used to live as a human in ancient Egypt, and was punished to reincarnating as a cat for millennia because he had revealed the heliocentric theory and explained the effects of solar and lunar eclipses to the people. In the final episode, Darek's last wish is for Rademenes to turn back into a human. The cat vanishes, but then reappears as a man named Senemedar (Rademenes spelled backwards) who happens to be a co-worker of Darek's father.
Gibbs' barber Frankie asks him to find out if his son Cameron, a former Navy enlistee, was the "Dead Rose Slasher" - the nickname given to a serial killer who targets young female drug addicts - due to Cameron's physical resemblance to the photofit issued by the Metro Police. Frankie is worried Cameron might be involved due to his temper. Abby and her friend from the Metro PD's forensics lab pull an all-nighter while Ducky calls in a favor as they try to find out who the murderer is.
At the same time, the team is tasked with tracking down a Marine lance corporal who has absconded to the Caribbean with over $120,000 in cash from the cash sales office he was assigned to. Tony is sent to the Bahamas to stake out for the lance corporal along with probie agent Ned "Dorney" Dorneget and takes the opportunity to "probie" him like he did with McGee during Seasons 1–3, much to Ziva's amusement.
A deranged Satanic cult lures in couples and lone women so they can rape, butcher, and devour them.
Esmeralda Santiago is the oldest child her parents have together, although her father has an older daughter she doesn't know about. Her parents' relationship is damaged as her mother suspects her father is having an affair. Amid the drama, one of Esmeralda's siblings, Raymond, gets badly injured in a bicycle accident. Esmeralda's mother decides to move to New York, where she believes the doctors can provide better care for Raymond. In New York, which is filled with challenges for a new family to live easily, Santiago experiences the difficulties of racism and learning a new language. She feels humiliated when her mother, who speaks very little English, brings her to the welfare center to help fill out forms and speak with the social workers. Although life at school is difficult for the siblings, their mother insists that they study so they do not have to work in a factory like she does. The first installment in Santiago's biography closes with her audition to Performing Arts High School, an institution offering specialized instruction in dance, theater and cinema.Santiago, Esmeralda. When I Was Puerto Rican. Da Capo Press, 2006.
Actress Liv Rooney is a girly girl who has just returned to her birthplace of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, after finishing a four-year stint in Hollywood, filming a popular television series called ''Sing It Loud!'' Her identical twin sister, Maddie, a tomboy with a facility for sports and a particular talent for basketball, welcomes Liv back home with open arms. The twins have two younger brothers: Joey, a typical awkward teen who is one year younger than the twins, and Parker, a clever tween with a mischievous personality and the youngest child of the Rooney family. Their parents are Karen, the high school psychologist and later the high school's vice principal, and Pete, the coach of Maddie's high school basketball team who later accepts a position as the coach of a college team in Beloit, Wisconsin. The series revolves around Liv adjusting to normal family life after her successful career in Hollywood. Most events take place at the Rooney residence or at Ridgewood High School. At the end of the third season, the Rooney house collapses and Maddie enrolls in a college in Los Angeles, California. This prompts the rest of the Rooneys, except Pete who remains in Wisconsin to continue his coaching job, to move to Malibu, California, to take up residence with Karen's younger sister, Dena, and her daughter, Ruby, where the series' fourth season takes place.
As most of those who follow the Rastafari faith do, Snoop decided to go through a transformation into his new self; his new, Rastafari self. Reincarnated documents Snoop Dogg's transition into Snoop Lion, which involved him taking a trip to Jamaica to make a reggae album and discover more about the Rastafari faith. The documentary starts out by exploring Snoop's past; his time on Death Row Records, the loss of his friends Tupac and Nate Dogg, and the murder accusation. The focus then shifts to his spiritual journey and new style of music. While in Jamaica, Snoop collaborated with a few famous reggae artists, including Bunny Wailer and Diplo, to create the ''Reincarnated'' album, which focuses on love and nonviolence. Wailer was Snoop's guide throughout the trip, leading him through his journey into Rastafari. The film includes many intimate moments with Snoop, where he discusses his personal thoughts and reasons for becoming Rasta. The documentary also includes the heavy marijuana smoking in which Snoop participated, which is a common practice among Rastafari, and a common stereotype of how they practice their faith as well.
Casper the Friendly Ghost, sad that he can make no friends since everyone he meets is afraid of him, hatches an abandoned egg and becomes the emerging little duck's best friend ("Dudley") and protector. Casper continues to try and teach his new best friend the ways of being a duck, and gives Dudley a rough idea on how to swim—but with no surprise, Dudley takes to it—like a duck to water. More perils persist as Casper rescues Dudley from a Duck Hunter as a decoy plot thickens.
Tito Lombardi's struggling Fifth Avenue couture house is spiraling into financial failure. Through a Broadway investor he meets and falls for a showgirl who soon proves to be a gold-digger; his attractive but unassuming female assistant Norah loves him but has never made her feelings known. With money from a third-party inheritance and some ingenuity on Norah's part, the House of Lombardi is resurrected. Lombardi and Norah find true love together.
The protagonist of the game is sacrificed in order to become a ring of fire to combat the evil forces of darkness that mean to plunge the earth in eternal darkness. The evil forces exist in three different points of each Zodiacal constellation.
A family escapes their busy lifestyles to their upscale suburban cottage. Wedded couple, Mary Hughes (Selma Blair), a real estate developer and Mark Hughes (Joshua Close), a lawyer, have an 8-year-old son, Brendon Hughes (Quinn Lord), but grieve over their recently dead 6-year-old daughter, Tess, who died in an accident. They also have a dog named Harris.
One night while out for a walk, they come across a vehicle, appearing as if they were being watched. The next day, they meet their neighbors, Jane Sakowski (Rachel Miner), Bobby Sakowski (James D'Arcy) and their 9-year-old son, Jared Sakowski (Alex Ferris), inviting them over for afternoon lunch.
That afternoon, the mood becomes unsettling when the Sakowskis bombard the Hughes with endless questions about their lives and overstay their welcome, envying their "perfect" wealthy living. After Brendon invites Jared to his room to defeat him playing games, Jared threatens him with a knife to his neck. This instills panic into Brendon, who flees to alert his parents. Jared pretends to his parents that he was punched by Brendon, to which Brendon denies. After Mary finds marks on Brendon's neck, the Hughes dismiss the Sakowskis.
Mark is furious about what they encountered. He smashes a vase of flowers given to him by Jane, as it is witnessed by her husband Bobby through the kitchen window. When their dog, Harris, sets off into the woods for a walk, the Hughes hear the dog get shot and see a shooter emerge. They shift into lock down mode and Mark arms himself, while Mary searches for her phone to call the police. Mark soon finds his family vehicle has its tires punctured. Stepping outside, he sees Jared, who tells him Bobby is burying the dog. Jared runs off after using rocks to smash two windows of the Hughes cottage and almost hits Mark with one as well. Mark gives his hand gun to Mary and instructs her and Brendon to lock themselves in the bathroom while he goes out to search for their dog.
Taking a kitchen knife, Mark searches through the woods, but he is captured by Bobby and returned to the cottage where the rest of Sakowski members turn up. Bobby, carrying a shotgun, manipulates Mary and Brendon out of the bathroom, taking the hand gun from Mary. Mary pleads to take care of Jane if they let her family loose. However, Jane concedes to the family that Jared is her younger brother and they were removed out of a dark family life by Bobby, whose wife died of cancer, as Jane refuses to betray him. Bobby also reveals he raised his family in a run down station wagon and plans to assume the lives of the Hughes.
Abruptly, Mark's brother Toby (Matt Bellefleur) shows up to the cottage. The Hughes and Sakowskis put up a pretentious act of harmony. Jared holds Brendon hostage upstairs. After an awkward meeting with the Sakowskis, Toby goes to retrieve his bags from the car, and Bobby shoots him dead in the head, leaving Mark and Mary emotional. The Sakowskis take control of the house, ordering Mark and Mary around, forcing them to perform sex in front of them. As Mary is forced to dry hump on top of Bobby, she stabs him with a knife, rendering him weak. The Hughes gain control shortly, but then Jared threatens Brendon at gun point. Later, Mark grabs his gun from Jared. A weakened Bobby says he wants to live the life of perfection, but Mark reveals his family is not perfect and that he killed his daughter in an accident. As Bobby tries to attack him, Mark shoots him dead. Mark consoles his family, and the rest of Sakowskis are taken into custody by the police. In the final scene, Mark and Mary are interviewed, showing they've drawn closer as a couple.
Shalini is a depressed housewife who attempts suicide, but is interrupted by her ten-year-old daughter from her first marriage, Kali. Shalini calls her husband DCP (Detection) Shoumik Bose, asking for money but he refuses. Her brother Siddhant tries to convince Bose to smuggle iPhones. Rahul, Shalini's first husband and Kali's biological father, takes Kali to a work assignment, where she chooses to stay in the car. While Rahul is waiting for his casting director, a toy seller tries to catch Kali's attention with children's masks. Chaitanya soon arrives and gives Rahul a film script and informs him that Kali was not in his car. The duo rush back and find her missing. Chaitanya asks the toy-seller about Kali and notices that he has her phone. The man tries to get away but is eventually killed by a car while being chased by the two. They later go to the police station to report Kali's disappearance. The local police inspector Jadhav asks Rahul why he was travelling with his daughter. Rahul says that since his divorce, he can only meet Kali on Saturdays. Two officers find the mask seller's house and ask his aunt about Kali, but she claims to know nothing.
Bose taps Shalini's phone and listens to her conversation with Rakhee, a B-grade film actress. After being informed of his step daughter's kidnapping, he arrives at the station and beats Chaitanya. Bose accuses Rahul of the kidnapping and shows him the recording of Rahul and Shalini's conversation where she did not want Kali to meet him. Bose later reminds him of their college days when he used to bully him. Disguising his voice, Chaitanya calls Rahul and demands ransom. The call is received by Bose instead. Chaitanya also informs his agent to conduct an audition of ten-year-old girls to re-create dialogues for a ransom call. Next day, Jadhav follows Chaitanya into his office, where the police tap his phone and find out that he is in debt. He is arrested on suspicion of kidnapping Kali. Rahul escapes from the police captivity after a doctor arrives for his check-up. Later, Bose overhears one of Shalini's conversations, in which she explains how Rahul used to beat her after marriage and how she met Bose after filing a complaint. Jadhav interrogates Chaitanya who says that he had called for ransom because Bose was more interested in his personal grudge with Rahul than the kidnapping. Rahul tells Bose that Chaitanya could have not kidnapped Kali since he is aware of Rahul's lack of funds. The police expand their search operation.
Chaitanya uses a girl's audition to demand ransom from Rahul. Rahul, who is at Rakhee's place, tells Chaitanya about the call, which is tapped by the police. Chaitanya tells him to talk to Bose, who can arrange the money. Later, Rakhee urges Shalini to pay the ransom. Chaitanya is subsequently arrested by the police, and Rahul, who escapes, is later arrested after he tries to rob a jewelry store. Rakhee calls Rahul, and using the same recorded voice, demands ransom. Siddhant also makes a ransom call of to Shalini, who asks her father for . She asks Rakhee to hide the and delivers the rest. Rakhee eventually flees, stealing the money. Bose asks her about the money, but she does not answer and shoots him in the shoulder. Siddhant is then arrested with the money. Jadhav tells Rahul to deliver the money to the kidnapper but Chaitanya evades police interception and throws away his phone. Rahul, Chaitanya and Rakhee now have the money and Rahul calls Bose to taunt him. Realizing that Bose is unaware of Kali's whereabouts, Rahul murders Chaitanya, whilst Rakhee quietly leaves with the money. The police revisit the marketplace and talk to a woman who knew the toy seller, and find out that they have a history of abducting children. The woman finally leads the police to Kali inside the sidecar of a bike, where she is found dead. The police discover that she had been kidnapped by the toy-seller, who had previously died in the chase.
The film is a comical fable about an old man who gives his life savings to a priest, only for the money to be stolen by a thief (Ramokgopa), setting off a series of adventures. Eventually the thief is caught and the money returned, but before then the money is able to bring much good to several people whose hands it passes through.
The series begins with Sarah Manning, a British con artist residing in Toronto, witnessing the suicide of a woman, Beth Childs, who appears to be her doppelgänger. Sarah assumes Beth's identity and occupation (as a police detective) after Beth's death. During the first season, in episode 3, Sarah discovers that she is a clone, that she has many "sister" clones spread throughout North America and Europe that are all part of an illegal human cloning experiment, and that someone is plotting to kill them and her.
Alongside her foster brother, Felix Dawkins, and two of her fellow clones, Alison Hendrix and Cosima Niehaus, Sarah discovers the origin of the clones: a scientific movement called Neolution. The movement believes that human beings can use scientific knowledge to direct their evolution as a species. The movement has an institutional base in the large, influential, and wealthy biotech corporation, the Dyad Institute, which is seemingly headed by Dr. Aldous Leekie. The Dyad Institute conducts basic research, lobbies political institutions, and promotes its eugenics program, aided by the clone Rachel Duncan. It also seeks to profit from the technology the clones embody and has thus placed "monitors" into the clones' personal lives, allegedly to study them scientifically but actually to keep them under surveillance.
Sarah eventually discovers that she's also wanted by the police and by a secret religious group, the Proletheans. A faction of the Proletheans carries out the clone assassinations because they believe clones are abominations, and they use Sarah's biological twin sister, Helena, to kill the other clones. Sarah and Helena share a surrogate birth mother and are twins both genetically and with respect to their early maternal environment.
Eventually, the Dyad Institute and the Proletheans learn that Sarah has a daughter, Kira, the only known offspring of a clone; all other clones are sterile by design. The plotlines of the series revolve around Sarah and Kira's efforts to avoid capture by the clearly sinister Neolutionists and Proletheans, as well as around the efforts made by each clone to give sense to her life and origin.
The attempt to control the creation of human life is a dominant theme that drives various story lines. A second key theme forms around the intrigues made by the Dyad Group and the Proletheans, along with the earlier intrigues made by the authors of Project Leda (an allusion to the Greek myth ''Leda and the Swan''), Mrs. S., Sarah's foster mother, and her political network.
Both themes intersect in the effort to control the creation of human life. Sarah, who matures because of her struggles, defends the bond between parent and child against the Neolutionists and Proletheans.
The film tells the story of a boy called Kumasenu who moves to the city of Accra from a small fishing village, encouraged by his cousin Agboh's exaggerated tales of the wonders of city life. Hungry, he steals bread and is caught by police, but is rescued by a doctor and his wife, who find him work. Agboh attempts to get Kumasenu to rob the doctor, but Kumasenu foils his cousin's plans.
The film is set in France at the end of World War II. It is about a conscientious objector (Laurent Terzieff), imprisoned and on hunger strike, because of his opposition to war. He finds himself in jail with a German priest who had killed a French Resistance fighter. This set-up allows Autant-Lara to explore ideas about morality, obedience, and religion.
'''Act One''' opens in the library of Dr. James Richmond's New York mansion. Dr. Richmond believes that homosexuals can be treated through conversion therapy, and explains his theory to his close friend and brother-in-law Judge Robert Kingsbury. Judge Kingsbury believes that homosexuals are deviants who need to be controlled by the law. His son, Roland "Rolly", is married to Richmond's daughter Clair.
Two gay men then request an appointment with Dr. Richmond after office hours. One of the men, Clem Hathaway, has brought his friend, David Caldwell, because he is pathologically depressed. During their session, David admits that he had a lover who left him recently, and has allegedly taken up with another man. Dr. Richmond sedates him and leaves him in his office to rest.
Clair is then shown casually telling her father that she wants to make a European trip without her husband. She later confides to her Aunt Barbara that Rolly has no interest in a sexual relationship with her. Rolly readily agrees to his wife's European holiday. While away, Clair is seen at a social event with Allen Greyson, an architect, who is also one of Rolly's business associates.
When David groggily stumbles in from the office, he and Rolly instantly recognize each other as ex-lovers. The doctor reenters to find them struggling and assumes his drugged patient has become violent. Afterwards, Richmond tells Rolly "Thank God you're not what he is."
'''Act Two''' opens in the Kingsbury residence drawing room, later that afternoon. Parsons, the family butler, admits three obviously effeminate men who have come to plan a weekend party with Rolly. When Allen Greyson arrives, Rolly asks his friends to behave themselves. Allen has come to talk about an industrial building he is designing for the Kingsbury works.
After the other men have left, Rolly explains to Allen that he married Clair not just because it was encouraged by their two families, but because it provided a convenient cloak for his homosexuality. Rolly tells Allen that he is in love with him, but Allen is appalled because he has fallen in love with Clair. He threatens to quit, but Rolly persuades him to reconsider. Allen, no longer feeling an obligation to respect Rolly's marriage, proclaims his love to Clair, who is not displeased.
'''Act Three''', Scene one takes place in the drawing room of the Kingsbury mansion, which has been converted into a small ballroom. A drag ball is in full swing, with bizarrely attired transvestites and an onstage jazz band. Accompanying the solo songs and dances is a great deal of suggestive banter.
When the party gets too rowdy, Rolly sends the partygoers home and goes upstairs. A shot is heard off stage. Parsons the butler enters, clearly shaken. He phones Judge Kingsbury, telling him that Rolly has been shot.
A police detective and Judge Kingsbury come to the mansion the morning of the next day. Parsons tells them of the argument Rolly had with Allen, and of his later seeing Clair in the arms of Allen. Allen becomes the prime suspect.
David then arrives with Dr. Richmond, who confesses to Kingsbury that he killed Rolly, and that they were once lovers. The doctor pleads with the judge to be compassionate. The judge, wanting to avoid the scandal of his son and the two families being linked to the homosexual world in a murder investigation, tells the inspector to report the shooting as a suicide.
George Morris constantly lies to his wife, Helen, to hide his escapades. As he is about to leave his wife, some guests arrives, including Paul Wilcox, who is in love with Helen. By the end of the party, however, George and Helen have reconciled yet again. Soon after, George meets Joan Whitley and loses a lighter which his wife has given him; Whitley drives off with it. When Helen throws a party, Joan, who is an old friend of Helen, arrives. When Helen introduces Joan to George, they pretend not to know each other. George pleads with Joan to return his lighter. She agrees to meet him later in the library and if he is nice to her she will give him back the lighter.
Helen and Paul Wilcox find the lighter and hide in the library. When George comes into the library, he thinks Joan is there and tells Helen in the dark that he likes her [Joan] but they cannot do anything right now because his wife [Helen] is suspicious and keeping a close eye on him. Helen quietly hands over the lighter. When George leaves the library, he encounters Joan who assumes he took the lighter from her purse. When the lights to the room are turned on they find Paul Wilcox in the room. Helen tells the servants that she will be sleeping in the other wing of the house. When George arrives in Helen's bedroom he finds Paul in her bed, alone. The next day, Helen sees a lawyer about getting a divorce. As she does not have concrete proof of her husband's infidelity, the lawyer advises her to make her husband walk out on her because a divorce case can only be brought for infidelity or desertion in the state where they reside. Helen goes home and does everything is her power to make George want to leave her. This eventually leads to a case of food poisoning for George, which worries Helen, who realizes how much she still loves her husband. The couple agree to get back together again. That night, Joan arrives at the house and begins talking to George. When Helen comes downstairs she sees the couple embracing and gets upset. Helen tells her husband that if he is going to go out with other women, she will go out with other men, and pretends to telephone Cody to ask him out. This leads to another argument between husband and wife. George storms out with Joan. Paul coincidentally arrives and Helen goes out with him. When George and Joan unexpectedly return to change cars (from an open sports car to a closed car as it is raining), Helen and Paul hide in the back seat under a blanket. George and Joan drive off while Helen and Paul are hidden behind them, leading to amusing complications.
Bernice Claire is in love with Lawrence Gray. Claire's father, played by Ford Sterling, disapproves of Lawrence but approves another suitor, played by Alexander Gray. Alexander is shy and clumsy while Lawrence is outgoing and romantic. When Bernice returns one night at 5 a.m. with Lawrence, her father orders him to stay away from his daughter. Alexander, being discouraged at being rejected by Bernice, is offered help by Inez Courtney, Bernice's younger sister. Alexander follows her advice and attempts to make Bernice jealous to get her attention. He makes love to several women, including Bernice's mother. The trick works and soon Bernice thinks she is deeply in love with Alexander. Sterling gets into an argument with Lawrence and tells him to leave his house for good. Lawrence returns in the middle of the night to elope with Bernice but Alexander shows up and carries her off for himself. In the morning they are found together in Bernice's room, to the shock of the family, and they eventually reveal to everyone that they have eloped.
When Rowan and Isabel return to the coastline where they spent a blissful summer, almost fifty years before, it is with a very different purpose. Isabel is dying; she wants it to be here, now. As darkness falls, their past collides with the present and Rowan is called upon to make a sacrifice that will preserve their unity forever. Passionate, searing and poetic 'The Mapmaker' examines a life and love that, just like all of ours, is all too fleeting.
Robert Toulon, the great-grandnephew of André Toulon and his daughter, Alexandra have come into possession of the puppets and manage to bring them to life on Christmas Eve. Their success is noted by an evil toy manufacturer, Erica Sharpe, who is in possession of the demonic toys, but wants the puppets as the toys are not loyal to her. An initial attempt to steal the puppets is unsuccessful and only damages them with fire. Robert repairs them with new parts and weapons.
Unhappy, Erica summons the demon, Bael in order to fulfill her plans of using many demonic toys to cause mass murder and gain control of the puppets. The demon agrees, but only if she brings him Alexandra. She succeeds in kidnapping the girl, making it necessary for Robert to come to her rescue with the aid of a police sergeant, Jessica Russell and the puppets. The group is able to overwhelm and destroy the toys, as well as rescue Alexandra. Since Erica was unable to keep her end of the deal, Bael takes her to hell without fulfilling her evil plans. As the human and puppet survivors go off to enjoy Christmas Day, Baby Oopsie Daisy is shown to have survived.
Returning from a patrol, a well liked officer of the 14th Cavalry is wounded in the leg by a renegade Kiowa's arrow. Brought back to the post, their incompetent surgeon kills him through a lack of knowledge of stopping bleeding. As the three previous post surgeons were an alcoholic, a drug addict and a surgeon whom the soldiers regarded as being a "butcher", a new surgeon is requested who is competent. Surgeon Lieutenant Seward arrives at the post with the wife of Colonel Waters, commanding the regiment, and his flirtatious niece Laurie.
Waters and Captain Peter Blake are concerned with recovering ten stolen repeating rifles and preventing the so far peaceful Kiowa from leaving their reservation to join up with the warlike Comanche. Both treat the Kiowa roughly as enemies without concern for their welfare as government wards and human beings. Doctor Seward accompanies Blake to the reservation to recover the rifles and meets a white woman who has become Manyi-ten, and the tribal medicine man, Isatai, gaining compassion for the Kiowa. The woman's son has malaria; Blake tries to prevent Seward from treating him, but Seward does so anyway.
Seward tries to prevent an epidemic and suggests that the Kiowa move off their fetid reservation to the high country. An angry Colonel Waters at first places him under house arrest but then sends him on a combat patrol that is ambushed when the two tribes combine against them. With a number of troopers killed and wounded, the command turns on Seward as a "wood hawk" (traitor). Only Laurie, with a growing compassion for the Kiowa, remains loyal to Seward.
Manyi-ten brings warning of a combined attack on the fort by both the Comanche and Kiowa. The fort is besieged and half of the garrison comes down with malaria. Seward leaves the post to persuade Isatai into making peace but Blake follows in the dark to kill him as a traitor. Instead he shoots Spotted Wolf, the warrior son of chief Satanta. Seward brings Spotted Wolf back to the fort to operate on him and possibly stop the war. Despite his enmity, the colonel acquiesces in the face of the threat of overwhelming attack. Seward saves Spotted Wolf's life and Satanta calls off the war. Colonel Waters, in turn, vows to do all he can to allow the Kiowa to continue to live peacefully in the high country.
While driving drunk through Braiden County in the winter of 2000, two teenagers accidentally run over twelve-year-old Angela Isth, an act witnessed by her father, Hunter. Hunter disappeared, and rumors spread that he went violently insane, and took up residence in Braiden Woods.
Years later, depressed teenager Jenn is a released from a psychiatric hospital into the care of her parents, who convince Jenn to go on a camping trip with her friends (Michael, Michelle, Danny, Angie, Deron, and Jared) to Braiden Woods. As the group makes its way to the campgrounds, they are warned of danger by a vagrant, and someone kills the proprietors of a store. That night, while everyone else is in their tents, Jared goes off to urinate, and stabbed to death by the person who murdered the shopkeepers. The next day, the others go looking for Jared, and while they are gone the killer trashes their campsite, and sabotages the vehicle. While her friends are trying to get the car to start, Angie is captured, thrown onto the hood, and has her neck snapped. As the others run off into the woods, Danny's head is bashed in with a sledgehammer.
Michelle and Michael are attacked and taken to a cabin, where they are tortured, and Michelle is made to watch as Michael has a nail hammered into his head by the madman, who is revealed to be Hunter. Hunter rants about his wife (who died giving birth) and daughter, and kills Michelle with a saw, and a brick. Jenn and Deron stumble onto Hunter's house, and the lunatic goes after them with a sledgehammer. While Hunter is preoccupied with murdering Deron, Jenn makes it to a road, and flags down a car, only for Hunter to appear and bludgeon the driver.
Jenn is chased back into Braiden Woods, where Hunter catches up to her. As he strangles her, Jenn pulls a knife out of Hunter's belt, and stabs him with it. At sunrise, Jenn is found on the side of the road by a motorist, who promises to help her, though a brief shot reveals a pair of hammers similar to Hunter's in the backseat.
A post-credits scene shows Jenn back in the psychiatric hospital, where a doctor takes her to her room.
''Louella Persons'' tells the story of the first major official gossip that existed in the world of social commentary, Louella Parsons, and her rise and fall. From a small start writing in newspapers to how she managed to settle, reign Hollywood and become a moral judge of American society with her columns delving into the lives of the most famous of the golden age of cinema.
John Martin Bolton, a barber, is paroled after serving time for killing a man who murdered his brother. His son, Michael Bolton, ashamed of his father, works at a bank when the older Bolton is paroled. Michael wants nothing to do with John, despite John desiring to establish a relationship. Feeling that people are judging him because of his father, Michael decides to leave town with his girlfriend, Emily. However, Michael is financially unable to marry her. One of Michael's co-workers, Vint Glade, is also in love with Emily. Glade embezzles two thousand dollars from Michael's bank drawer hoping Mike will stand accused, thus ending any future with Emily. Michael assumes his father stole the money as he visited him at the bank earlier in the day. Michael falsely confesses to the embezzlement to prevent his father from returning to prison. At the same time, John confesses to stealing the money to prevent Michael from being charged. Emily suspects Glade stole the money and tricks him into confessing his crime. The Boltons, father and son, are happily reunited.
The plot spans 17 years, following the character of Daryll Fairley, and focusing especially on the relationships between gender, money, and power within a family. Paul Taylor sums up the theme, writing, "The play asks whether, regardless of gender, the controller of the family purse is bound to become an autocrat."
The play has a prologue and three acts.
In the prologue, Daryll is 18 years old, arriving home late from a dance. Her father, a doctor, scolds her for her lateness. She attempts to assert her independence, interested in work and the Suffragette movement, and wishing to be "of use". Her father reminds her that she is financially dependence on him and subject to his authority.
Act One begins thirteen years later; Daryll is 31 and her father and elder brother have died in the Great War. She has become a successful business person, directing a dressmaking firm, and supporting her sister, her mother, and her sister's and mother's feckless husbands. Although Daryll has a suitor, Rufus, whom she wants to marry, she feels unable to marry due because she is already supporting a large family, and does not want to burden a husband with her family's dependence.
Act Two explores the interplay between gender, income, and power in the household. Daryll sees herself as the family's father figure, and in a scene reminiscent of the prologue, she now plays the authoritarian breadwinner to her sister Fay "who wants all the comforts of living in the family home without any of the responsibilities." When Daryll's mother inherits significant wealth, Daryll asks Rufus to marry her make her "into the usual sort of wife".
The final act looks ahead four more years. Daryll has married and traded her business for domestic life, and feels unchallenged and unfulfilled. Despite Rufus's protestations that having them both working would be "unnatural," Daryll returns to employment to save the dress-making business.
In 1978, con artists Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser have started a relationship, and are working together. Sydney has improved Rosenfeld's scams, posing as English aristocrat "Lady Edith Greensly". Irving loves Sydney, but is hesitant to leave his unstable and histrionic wife Rosalyn, fearing he will lose contact with his adopted son Danny. Rosalyn has also threatened to report Irving to the police if he leaves her. FBI agent Richie DiMaso catches Irving and Sydney in a loan scam, but offers to release them if Irving can line up four additional arrests. Richie believes Sydney is English, but has proof that her claim of aristocracy is fraudulent. Sydney tells Irving she will manipulate Richie, distancing herself from Irving.
Irving has a friend pretending to be a wealthy Arab sheikh looking for potential investments in America. An associate of Irving's suggests the sheikh do business with Mayor Carmine Polito of Camden, New Jersey, who is trying to revitalize gambling in Atlantic City, but has struggled to find investors. Carmine seems to have a genuine desire to help the area's economy and his constituents. Richie devises a plan to make Mayor Polito the target of a sting operation, despite the objections of Irving and of Richie's boss, Stoddard Thorsen. Sydney helps Richie manipulate an FBI secretary into making an unauthorized wire transfer of $2 million. When Stoddard's boss, Anthony Amado, hears of the operation, he praises Richie's initiative, pressuring Stoddard to continue.
Carmine leaves their meeting when Richie presses him to accept a cash bribe. Irving convinces Carmine the sheikh is legitimate, expressing his dislike of Richie, and the two become friends. Richie arranges for Carmine to meet the sheikh, and without consulting the others, has Mexican-American FBI agent Paco Hernandez play the sheikh, which displeases Irving. Carmine brings the sheikh to a casino party, explaining that mobsters are there, and that it is a necessary part of doing business. Irving is surprised to hear that Mafia boss Victor Tellegio, right-hand man to Meyer Lansky, is present, and that he wants to meet the sheikh. Tellegio explains that the sheikh needs to become an American citizen, and that Carmine will need to expedite the process. Tellegio also requires a $10 million wire transfer to prove the sheikh's legitimacy.
Richie confesses his strong attraction to Sydney, but becomes confused and aggressive when she drops her English accent and admits to being from Albuquerque. Rosalyn starts an affair with mobster Pete Musane, whom she met at the party. She mentions her belief that Irving is working with the IRS, causing Pete to threaten Irving, who promises to prove the sheikh's investment is real. Irving later confronts Rosalyn, who admits she told Pete and agrees to keep quiet, but wants a divorce. With Carmine's help, Richie and Irving videotape members of Congress receiving bribes. Richie assaults Stoddard in a fight over the money, and later convinces Amado that he needs the $10 million to get Tellegio, but gets only $2 million. A meeting is arranged at the offices of Tellegio's lawyer, Alfonse Simone, but Tellegio does not appear.
Irving visits Carmine and admits to the scam, but says he has a plan to help him. Carmine throws Irving out, and the loss of their friendship deeply upsets Irving. The federal agents inform Irving that their $2 million are missing, and that they have received an anonymous offer to return the money in exchange for Irving and Sydney's immunity and a reduced sentence for Carmine. It is revealed that Alfonse Simone, with whom Richie had arranged the wire transfer, was a con man working with Irving and Sydney. Amado accepts the deal, and Stoddard removes Richie from the case, which ends his career. The Congressmen are prosecuted, and so is Carmine, who is sentenced to 18 months in prison. Irving and Sydney move in together and open a legitimate art gallery, while Rosalyn lives with Pete and shares custody of Danny with Irving.
The "Galactic Fire Brigade" has issued a code red: Plant Land is spontaneously combusting and everything is catching ablaze. Patrica Wagon must help as a "cybernetic firefighter", using the issued Infinity Dousing Apparatus, and rescue the Hooligan Sisters, who have been reformed since their capture, and are stuck in the infernos. At the same time, HQ has picked up cries of a distressed infant dubbed the "Ugly Secret Baby", or, "U.S.B". The "Rapid Sparkle Transmission System" usually used to extrapolate people was made for use on adults, so Patrica must find an alternative transport means (she achieves this by kicking the babies off screen, in-game).
The Virals are put to the ultimate test when they find a geocache containing an ornate puzzle box. Shelton decodes the cipher inside, only to find more tantalizing clues left by "The Gamemaster." A second, greater geocache is within reach—if the Virals are up to the challenge.
But the hunt takes a dark turn when Tory locates the other box—a fake bomb, along with a sinister proposal from The Gamemaster. Now, the real game has begun: another bomb is out there—a real one—and the clock is ticking.
But, unknowingly, one of the Virals has betrayed them. But will the others forgive them?
In 1938, a team of archaeologists is searching for the tomb of pharaoh Ahkmenrah in Egypt. Among the group is young Cecil "C.J." Fredericks, who discovers the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. As the team packs up the artifacts due to an incoming sandstorm, the locals warn them about removing the tablet from the tomb, saying "the end will come."
Seventy-six years later in New York City, five years after the events of the previous film, Larry Daley remains the night guard of the Museum of Natural History. He and the other exhibits are hosting an event to help re-open the Hayden Planetarium. As Larry makes sure everything is ready, the other exhibits inform him that the museum commissioned a new Neanderthal model resembling Larry. The new Neanderthal calls himself Laaa and considers Larry his father. Later, Ahkmenrah shows Larry that the tablet has a mysterious corrosion. As the corrosion spreads, the exhibits act abnormally and cause massive chaos at the planetarium. After calming the situation, Larry, frustrated, returns home to find his teenage son Nick throwing a party.
To discover what is happening to the tablet, Larry reunites with now-retired Cecil, a member of the expedition who discovered the tomb. Cecil remembers "the end will come" prophecy and realizes it refers to the tablet's magic ending and the exhibits becoming lifeless. Cecil says Ahkmenrah's parents, Merenkahre and Shepseheret, may be able to restore the tablet's power, but that they are in the British Museum. Larry convinces museum curator Dr. McPhee, who was fired due to the planetarium incident, to let him ship Ahkmenrah to London to restore the tablet, although McPhee believes the magic is just clever special effects. Larry and Nick travel the U.K. and go to the British Museum, bypassing the night guard Tilly. Larry discovers that some of the American exhibits have stowed away with Ahkmenrah: Theodore Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Attila the Hun, miniatures Jedediah and Octavius, Dexter the capuchin monkey, and Laaa. As Larry and the others search the museum, the tablet brings the British exhibits to life.
The group is joined by a wax figure of Sir Lancelot, who helps fight off aggressive museum exhibits like a ''Triceratops'' skeleton and a Xiangliu statue. The tablet's corrosion worsens, and the American exhibits begin experiencing side-effects such as stiffening limbs and memory reversion. The group finds Ahkmenrah's parents. They learn the tablet's power can be regenerated by moonlight, since it is empowered through the magic of Khonsu. Lancelot steals the tablet, mistaking it for the Holy Grail, and prepares to leave for Camelot. Tilly locks Larry and Laaa in the employee break room, but Attila helps them escape. Laaa remains behind to distract Tilly; they become attracted to each other.
Lancelot crashes the musical ''Camelot'' starring Hugh Jackman and Alice Eve and is stunned to realize that unlike the other exhibits, Lancelot and Camelot are not real. Larry and the others chase Lancelot to the theatre's roof, where the corrosion almost consumes the entire tablet, resulting in the exhibits dying. The group tells Lancelot that although Camelot never existed, he can have a life. Lancelot gives the tablet back, allowing Larry to straighten the pieces as the moonlight restores the tablet's power and the exhibits. As the American exhibits prepare to return home, they decide that Ahkmenrah and his tablet should stay at the London Museum with his parents, even though this means the New York exhibits will no longer come to life. Larry is upset, but they all inform him that they are at peace with their unanimous decision. Ahkmenrah thanks Larry for reuniting him with his family, and the exhibits go home. Back in New York, Larry spends some final moments with his friends and says goodbye to them before the sun rises, and then he leaves the museum for the last time.
Three years later, Larry now works as a school teacher after the museum rehired McPhee. Tilly, the new night guard, brings a traveling exhibit to New York in a collaboration with the Museum of Natural History. In McPhee's office, Tilly hands the tablet to McPhee, showing him its power and allowing the exhibits to awaken again as they throw a huge party. From across the street, Larry quietly observes the celebration and smiles.
In Sicily, in the first half of the eighteenth century, the twelve-year-old Marianna Ucrìa was taken by her grandfather to watch a hanging, in the hope that the show could make her recover from silence. But all is in vain. Marianna does not speak and does not hear. She is thus induced by her mother to marry her uncle Pietro and, when she reaches sixteen, she has already given birth to three children. Having become a young woman, she welcomes the visit of Grass, a French instructor who initiates her to sign language and introduces her to the Enlightenment philosophical ideas that move around Europe. When her husband dies, Marianna finds herself having to manage her life and relationships with others. She thus demonstrates that she has acquired a strong personality that allows her to govern relationships with easement and an important romantic relationship with the brother of her servant Fila. By now a mature and conscious woman, Marianna is able to understand the terrible secret that had been hidden to her: her silence came from the trauma caused by the sexual violence suffered by her uncle Pietro.
RaiderZ takes place in the once prosperous and powerful kingdom of Rendel that is being overrun by marauding monsters.
Four couples gather for a regular brunch which, over the years, has devolved into a gathering fraught with tension and awkwardness. One guest (Glenn) is meeting the others for the first time, on his third date with Tracey, the notoriously picky doctor in the group. As they settle into the afternoon (awaiting an "always late" fifth couple, Jenny and Gordon), they get to know the new member of the group and catch up on old times. When the men excuse themselves to watch football, they discover the TV, Internet, and landline phones are down. When the host, Pete, accuses his wife Emma of not paying the bills, their upcoming divorce is revealed to the guests.
After a neighbor, Hal, appears in a hazardous materials suit with news of dirty bombs exploding in major U.S. cities, including one 12 miles downtown from them, the couples begin to accept that a disaster has occurred. They split up to search the house for emergency supplies and air seal it with duct tape. Throughout the hunt, revelations of affairs between both hosts and two guests, Buck and Lexi, are made, as are rejected sexual advances by the swinger couple toward Glenn who rebuffs them.
Through a shower radio, they hear an automated public advisory that the bombs contained the VX nerve poison. The chemistry teacher, Hedy, in the group understands that because the attacks were chemical, only hours remain before a gruesome death for them all. After going into a trancelike shock, she breaks her silence by asking for Scotch. She later mixes up a batch of "poor man's ecstasy" from what she raided from a medicine cabinet, has an epiphany and calls off her six-year engagement to Shane. Her spirits lifted, she champions a musical session/"dance party" in the living room, accompanied by Lexi and Buck.
Her now-former fiancé is a comic book trader and bases his survival strategy on what he's learned from zombie films like ''Night of the Living Dead''. After hearing of the bombs, he becomes highly suspicious of outsiders (including the new guy) and suggests others watch for bite marks or odd behavior, and they find weapons (like crowbars and chainsaws). He becomes concerned by the lack of life immediately outside the front window, so he questions the doctor guest about how quickly "mutations" should appear and spread. She explains how genetic mutation really works, with some disdain, but later agrees to not let the late fifth couple into the house when they finally arrive, with the pair visibly sick with something. While he seems more concerned by the woman's vague and rushed description of the situation outside, her decision to leave them is also partly punishment for always being late and for a past grievance between the two women over a man at a New Year's party.
Shane decides the best option is to leave the house and drive blindly till he either reaches fellow survivors or runs out of gas, having at least died trying. He asks if anyone's coming with him, and they all load into his SUV. However, the battery had been drained after leaving the vehicle on while listening to satellite radio, so it doesn't start.
The group eventually decides to stay home and have their meal as planned, enjoying what time they have. Glenn goes to the cellar to fetch wine, and is discovered by his date adding rat poison, sleeping pills, and muscle relaxants to it. He explains that he's a firm believer in The Last Judgment, this is likely that and he wants to save his new "non-believer" friends from experiencing the worst of the Great Tribulation. Convinced he's crazy, she goes upstairs and tells the others, who express their doubt in his craziness and their belief in her tendency to overreact, after the wine is poured, but before they drink. Glenn calmly admits it, and gives his reasons. They're unconvinced but Hedy agrees their deaths would be easier this way, without the VX symptoms she details.
After some debate, they all agree to drink the poison together on the count of three. After one count, everyone only pretends to drink, including Glenn, who says he figured that might happen. They again ready themselves and finally tip the glasses back in unison. Again, they all fake it. Their fate is left unknown.
The documentary follows Fuck for Forest, or FFF, a non-profit environmental organization founded in 2004 in Norway by Leona Johansson and Tommy Hol Ellingsen, which raises money for rescuing the world's rainforests by producing pornographic material or having sex in public.
Beginning right after the previous novel's conclusion, ''The Last Guardian'' starts with Jon Shannow near death on a mountain. The book is set in two different times; in ancient Atlantis eight thousand years ago, and in Jon Shannow's time several hundred years after "The Fall".
The core plot deals with the danger from ancient Atlantis which created a gate in time to Shannow's world, as well as the formation of a new city in the Shannow's post-apocalyptic time.
Like the previous novel the mystical stones (i.e.; stones of power) Sipstrassi once again play a large role, this time as the main way of traveling between times and worlds.
College student Beth Stratman (Constance Medrano) decides to travel to the small town of Bridgeport to do some additional research for a paper about local folklore. There are many stories about the old abandoned hospital there. The police think it is full of drug dealers and prostitutes. The locals think it is full of ghosts.
Unfortunately, they are both wrong. Beth instead finds Stanley Creech (Daniel Emery Taylor) who introduces himself as the caretaker of the grounds. She soon finds that Stanley is a psychopath, necrophiliac, and serial rapist. He holds her for several days, repeatedly raping and torturing her, leaving her no apparent means of escape.
Meanwhile, a group of hapless paranormal investigators, led by the goofs Alan (Jim O'Rear) and Jack (Jason Crowe), descend upon the property to document the alleged supernatural activity. This puts the group on a collision course with Stanley since he will do anything to keep his secret from being known. Girls begin to disappear in the night and the group learns that there is more to the story than originally thought. Both Stanley and the ghosts are just the beginning.
There is a local myth of a Witch whose spirit is said to inhabit an abandoned house known as Open Hearth. It is said the Witch eats children to live; girls to stay beautiful and young men for strength. Though the myth is initially regarded as superstition, it is proven to be real when a little girl named Amanda is snatched from her bedroom without a trace.
Max is a teenager mourning his Grandpa's death and is visited by his girlfriend Sammy. Sammy's mom is a drunkard, and her hobby is making prank calls to the police. Max and his brother Zach fight over everything. The next night Max's father has to work and asks Zach to babysit Max. But Max learns that Zach, along with his friends Julie, Carter, and Tracy are planning to go to Open Hearth and throw a rock through one of the windows to see if the myth is true. Max and Sammy decide to follow them and take pictures so he can have his revenge. They take a short cut through the woods on their bikes, where they kiss for the first time.
In the meantime, Zach and his friends arrive at Open Hearth and throw stones at the house. One of the stones hits the window, and they are not sure whose stone it was. They see a shadow moving inside the house and run back to the camping area. There, they get drunk and have sex with their partners. Max and Sammy find the house and throw stones at it. Max's rock hits the window, and they run after seeing the Witch. Later that night Julie hears a whisper and finds a teddy bear which belongs to Amanda outside the camp. The four decide to check out the woods to find the kidnapped girl. They come near the abandoned house of the Witch and hear a child crying from inside. Julie decides to go in despite the warning from her friends. Zach joins her in the search, and they find Amanda tied up in the basement with an apple in her mouth. They manage to escape into the woods with the witch in pursuit. Once at the campsite they are shocked to find Carter's truck missing and their tent and other camping gear are gone. With the town 10 miles away and the nearest ranger station 4 miles away, they decide to walk rather than wait for the Witch to catch them. Max shoots a video asking whoever finds the footage to burn the house down as the myth is real. The Witch then abducts Max while Sammy screams. Zach and his friends lose their way and wander in circles due to the Witch's magic. Zach finds Max's bike and decides to go into the house again to rescue his brother. The others go into the woods in search of the nearest rangers station. The Witch kidnaps Carter and his girlfriend Tracy while Julie and Amanda hide under the bush.
Zach finds Max in the basement and is knocked out by the Witch. Sammy reaches the nearby rangers station and calls the cops, who reject her call as a prank. She finally blackmails Deputy Karl, saying she will upload the photo which shows him smoking on duty if he doesn't show up. Enraged, Karl sets out to arrest Sammy. Back in the house Zach opens his eyes and sees Max, Carter and Tracy pinned to the walls with apples in each of their mouths. The Witch kills Carter and Tracy with a huge meat grinder and eats them both, thereby restoring her beauty. Zach manages to free his hands from the cuffs and tries to escape with Max. They manage to make it out of the house, but the Witch captures them again. In the meantime Karl arrests Sammy and takes her back to the police station, rejecting her pleas to save Max. He gets a message from another cop, Deputy Mahoney, saying the ranger in Speeder Station is dead, and he found Julie and Amanda. Karl realizes Sammy is telling the truth and drives towards Open Hearth, asking Mahoney to meet him there.
Karl arrives and goes inside, with Deputy Mahoney remaining to guard Sammy. The Witch kills Mahoney and attacks Karl inside the house. Sammy finds Max, and as she tries to escape with him, they find Zach on the table and save him. They find a bottle designed to capture the witch and decide to use it. The Witch runs away at first but then attacks them and start to drain their souls. They manage to burn her using the flamethrower given to Max by his grandpa, who is revealed to have been a witch hunter. When the police search the house later, they do not find any corpses.
The house is later torn down and turned into a children's park, and the film ends with the suggestion the Witch is still hunting children.
Theoretical physicist Niko Jovic is found fatally electrocuted in a remote Colorado laboratory, Technology of Tomorrow Today, under suspicious circumstances. Relating to wireless transmission of electricity, Niko Jovic's work could sell for millions on the market. With the case stuck at a dead end, the lab owner has asked Nancy Drew to go undercover to investigate this murder. Tensions rise as attempts on Nancy's life start, Nancy must get to the bottom of this case before the murderer catches up with her.
A small Norfolk village is outraged when it is discovered that the Ministry of Land Acquisition proposes to take over the nearby Island of Children, a bird sanctuary, for the RAF to use as a ground attack firing range. A struggle of wills begins between the authorities and the villagers, who resort to a variety of ways to prevent damage to the historic island. Harry Tilney is all for taking on the government, but his compatriot, Sally has a boyfriend stationed at the nearby Royal Air Force base, Corporal Bill Morris, so she goes to see him first.
Meanwhile, Squadron Leader Parsons is informed that his unit's mission is being changed to ground attack. The de Havilland Vampire jets have to be modified to mount rockets. Parsons is informed he will have three weeks for the conversion, then four weeks to get his men trained. His commanding officer is not at liberty to inform him that the unit will then be sent overseas, but he takes the hint.
The land acquisition is assigned to a bureaucrat, Mr. Wentworth, which is rather awkward for him, as he is a prominent member of a bird watching society. He comes to discuss the situation with Harry, but Harry is drunk and drives him away. The villagers then learn that fishing rights to the area were granted to the people by Henry VIII. "Soapy", the professional eel catcher, can squat on the land and use those rights to block the acquisition. However, Soapy receives a letter from the government stating that there is no evidence that such rights exist.
"Bookie" then discovers that the land was given to the Church by Henry VIII for assistance in quelling a rebellion. The villagers present this information to Parsons. He agrees to pass it along to the Government, but in the meantime he insists on continuing with the training.
In desperation, the local people take to their boats and sail to the island, to occupy the target area and prevent the first attack run. However, the field telephone wire is broken as they come ashore, meaning the RAF controller on the range cannot get a message through to have the flight cancelled. Low cloud cover conceals the site from the approaching aircraft, which commence their attack run, but fortunately the protestors are spotted by the leading aircraft and the attack is aborted just in time to avoid a disaster.
The near miss means that there will have to be an official inquiry, which will take months or a year, by which time the unit will have been sent to Malaya.
David and his Australian friend Johnny return to a Suffolk village after the war to find the community completely dispirited. Gradually by their enthusiasm they win support for a scheme to enter a boat designed by David in a race.
It is a science-fiction film about children who manage to split the atom and thereby create a new form of popcorn.[ "Margaret Thomson]. NZonscreen. Directed by Margaret Thomson, it was based on a script by Don Sharp, who also worked on the film as an assistant.
A pair of Piccadilly Club owners continually get in trouble.
A young man and woman help her aunt open a trendy coffee bar and they discover a singing star.The GOLDEN DISC Associated British-Pathe. Picture Show; London Vol. 70, Iss. 1829, (Apr 19, 1958): 5-6, 12-13.
Michael Grant (Ryan Robbins), is a paranoid and precarious criminal on the run, who regretfully takes in a twenty-year-old girl, Marilyn (Allison Mack), however, it is constantly hinted that she may be just a teenager.
Kanade Amakusa is a high school student who is suffering from a curse called . This curse requires him to select an action from a list of two or three options that appear before him at any time. He has no control over what choices appear. Many of them are weird or perverse and as a result, the curse has tainted his reputation with his classmates and other people around him, making his life difficult. However, one day, a choice he makes on his way home from school causes a mysterious, beautiful, young girl to fall from the sky. Amakusa discovers that she was sent from the God World to assist him in completing a series of missions given to him directly by God himself. After completing these missions, the "Absolute Choices" curse will be lifted from Amakusa; but should he fail in completing any of the missions, he will be stuck with the curse forever.
As the story progresses, the options change, such as a new option suddenly appearing, or the options suddenly disappearing before a choice is made, or even giving chances to decline all options. According to Amakusa, the three types of options are: options that force the person to take certain actions, options that alter other people physically or mentally who will not retain the memory afterward, and options that have unpredictable outcomes.
8 July 1982. In World Cup semifinal France was beaten by West Germany in penalty kicks, after leading 3-1 in extra time: It is a national tragedy.
Vincent (Patrick Braoudé), 30 years old, is an immature man. When Laurie (Maria de Medeiros), the woman he loves, asks Vincent to create a family, he is unable to make a decision. He also feels difficult to decide upon resumption of the family business, the association with Forsan (Thierry Lhermitte), his childhood friend, or simply to purchase a single pair of shoes. The same evening he is the victim of a car accident that catapults him 16 years later, on July 12, 1998. It is the night of the French victory of the 1998 World Cup against Brazil: thousands of French are celebrating the victory in Paris at the Eiffel Tower and Vincent is mistaken for a Brazilian and after for a fool, asking why they were celebrating a defeat.
Vincent has also some difficulty mastering that Jacques Chirac is the French president and cybercafés are trendy. His father (Wojciech Pszoniak) sold the family store against a pizzeria and Ronny (Daniel Russo) became their driver. Vincent also has difficulty when he discovers himself married with Sonia (Isabelle Candelier), father and CEO capitalist, greedy and ignoble. His son Cédric (Jimmy Redler) feels a boundless hatred to him and Vincent remains troubled by the beauty of his daughter Marina (Anne Abel). Shocked to have realized that he had become everything he hated in 1982 and having lost all his friends and Laurie, Vincent will try everything to go back in time and change his life, to delete this disastrous future.
The game begins with April O'Neil waking up in a warehouse at the docks. While avoiding laser beams fired by something outside, she tries to call the Turtles for help, but is kidnapped by Karai. Flashing back to several hours prior, the Turtles' daily training session is shown to be interrupted by Donatello and April's announcement of the former's newest invention: a tracking device built into one of the latter's boots, which will allow the Turtles to quickly find April, should she need their help. While checking the boot's map against a police scanner, the Turtles learn that a series of robberies have occurred at several labs across Manhattan and decide to investigate.
Arriving at one of the robberies in progress, the Turtles discover the culprits to be the Purple Dragons, whom they proceed to defeat. Learning that their next theft will be at the Krangs' TCRI building, they decide to investigate the connection between the robberies, and follow a truck full of stolen Krang technology into the subway, where they discover that the Dragons are working with the Foot Clan. Going deeper into the subway, they find a disfunct railway, which the Foot Clan uses to transport the stolen technology via subway cars to their lair undetected. The Turtles board the subway car carrying the latest technology shipment, but are attacked by Karai, who cuts off their trail by destroying the railway with explosives.
Unable to continue any further, the Turtles decide to return home, but while travelling through the sewers, they stumble upon Baxter Stockman's Mousers. While fighting them and trying to discover Stockman and the Foot Clan's connection, the Turtles are called by April, and reluctantly giver her their coordinates so that she could help them with the investigation. April finds herself infiltrating Stockman's warehouse at the docks, where she discovers he is working on a secret project for the Shredder using the stolen Krang technology, but before she can inform the Turtles, she is kidnapped by Karai. Meanwhile, the Turtles battle Stockman's massive, three-headed Cerberus Mouser, which they manage to destroy, though Stockman escapes, and the Turtles are shocked to discover April is gone.
Returning home, the Turtles seek Master Splinter's advice, who tells them to consider their next step very carefully. After tracking April to Shredder's lair, the Turtles mount a rescue, and decide to infiltrate the lair through its glass roof. They fight their way across rooftops to a crane, which is guarded by Karai. After defeating her, Leonardo offers Karai a chance to join them, but she claims that her father will destroy the Turtles and vanishes. Using the crane to break into the lair, the Turtles battle the Shredder, but are quickly overpowered, and saved only by Stockman's timely call, which informs the Shredder that his project is ready. While the Shredder leaves to check it out, the Turtles decide not to follow him, and rescue April instead. Once saved, she informs them of her findings, including the fact that the Foot Clan has been using Stockman's Mousers to dig an underground tunnel leading to TCRI.
The Turtles infiltrate TCRI through the same tunnel, and fight their way past Foot Clan ninjas and Krangs to reach the Shredder. Along the way, the disable a Dimension X portal to stop the Kran reinforcements, and discover that Stockman's secret project is a helmet which grants the wearer telekinetic powers. In spite of these new abilities, the Turtles ultimately defeat the Shredder, and decide to destroy the helmet to prevent its powers from being used for evil. Returning home, the Turtles recount their adventure to April and Splinter, and celebrate their victory with a pizza party. Meanwhile, the Shredder vows to kill his enemies one day, and the Krangs make plans of their own to eliminate the Turtles before they become a threat to their invasion plans.
Despite Ziva's efforts to help him, Mossad Officer Michael Rivkin (Merik Tadros) dies in the hospital, having suffered injuries from his fight against Tony in the last few seconds of the previous episode ("Semper Fidelis"), while Tony survives albeit with a broken left arm. While Tony claims to have acted solely in self-defense, Ziva, infuriated, does not believe him and Director Leon Vance is doubtful that he could have fairly survived the brawl with a Mossad assassin who was also a member of the Kidon Unit. Matters are further complicated after Ziva's apartment is destroyed in an explosion, severely damaging the evidence and the crime scene. Gibbs approaches Ziva, knowing that the gas lines were cut and the explosion was intentional, and asks her if she knows any possible suspects. She deflects, even when Gibbs notes her stoical response, reminding her that it is her home in question.
Ducky confirms that Rivkin and Tony's injuries line up with the latter's version of the story and provides a reason for his ability to win the fight: Rivkin was intoxicated by alcohol. As tension mounts, Vance has Gibbs, Tony and Ziva accompany him on the next flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, having been summoned there at the request of Eli David (Michael Nouri), the enigmatic and powerful head of Mossad and also Ziva's father, while McGee and Abby stay in Washington D.C. to work on the case.
In Israel, Eli interrogates Tony, accusing him of killing Rivkin solely out of jealously; DiNozzo in turn accuses Eli of sending rogue agents to Washington and ordering Rivkin to become involved romantically with Ziva to keep an eye on her. Tony later approaches Ziva, who viewed the interrogation, and tells her that Rivkin was "playing" her under orders from her father. She refuses to believe him, and he maintains that he had no choice in killing Rivkin. After he urges her to "take a punch" and "get it out of [her] system", Ziva snaps, knocking him to the ground while furiously contending that he could have chosen to wound, rather than kill, during the brawl. When he quietly asks her if she had loved Rivkin, she answers that she may never know. Afterwards, Ziva confronts Eli in his office, demanding to know if her relationship with Rivkin was real. He admits that he does not know, confirming Tony's assertions. He further states that he is no longer certain of her loyalty, insisting that she return to Mossad as a full-time operative and complete Rivkin's assignment.
In Washington, McGee and Abby manage to recover various emails and pieces of information from Ziva's laptop that allow them to assemble basic conclusions about the objective of Rivkin's mission and they also discover that Rivkin was in contact with Ziva. Gibbs, having gotten the information, ultimately decides to leave Ziva in Tel Aviv, hoping to give her time to "remember who she can trust" and consider returning to NCIS. The team is shocked by the turn of events, and Ducky notes that Gibbs took to Ziva more quickly than to any other agent before her and treated her as family. However, Vance confronts him shortly afterwards and questions the integrity of Ziva's position at NCIS as well as her motives for killing her half-brother, Ari Haswari, four years earlier to save Gibbs. Though Vance suggests that Ziva may serve them well at Mossad, Gibbs counters back, stating that if Vance knows Eli, then they may never see Ziva again.
Ziva is later shown having once again been recruited into Mossad and embarking on a mission to stop a terrorist cell. The episode ends in a cliffhanger when in the Cape of Africa, terrorist leader Saleem Ulman (Omid Abtahi) enters a room and asks a tortured Ziva for information on NCIS.
The story of three generations of women, from 1926 to the present day.
Former New York Police Department officer Carl Hickman's life has fallen apart after he was injured on the job; he has become addicted to morphine and works as a garbage collector at a carnival in the Netherlands. He is recruited to join the International Criminal Court's special crime unit (a fictional unit). Based in The Hague, it investigates a variety of crimes that cross international boundaries. The unit includes an anti–organized crime expert, a covert specialist from Italy, a technical specialist from Germany, a crimes analyst, a human-trafficking specialist from France and a weapons specialist and tactical expert from Northern Ireland.
When an aide to Mayor Adam West is found stabbed to death, evidence that the victim attempted to blackmail the Mayor suggests the Mayor as a suspect, and he is put on trial for murder. The jury selected for the trial consists of Peter, Brian, Quagmire, Mort Goldman, Tom Tucker, Herbert, Carter, Dr. Hartman, Seamus, Bruce, Carl, and Consuela. Brian is the only one voting "not guilty" and he tries to persuade his fellow jurors that there is a reasonable doubt of the Mayor's guilt. His insistence frustrates the others who do not trust the Mayor because he is a politician. Brian's examination of the evidence leads him to notice the paper on which the blackmail note was written matches a love letter he received from Quagmire's transgender father after they had sex. Since the paper was from the Marriot, and not from the Mayor's office to which the victim had access, Brian implied this means Mayor West was framed. Brian agrees that if no one is convinced of the possibility of the Mayor's innocence then he will change his vote, but the vote comes up with an agreement from Herbert that there is a chance of innocence. The other jurors just want to go home. Bruce calls for a break and Quagmire berates Brian for not going along when he had the chance.
Back in the jury room, Brian questions the witness's testimony of seeing the crime during an orgy. Quagmire tries to prove that it could really happen but finds that Brian may be on to something when his demonstration proves that the witness's position could not have allowed her to look out a window during the orgy, admitting that Brian was right. The jury finds itself deadlocked at 6-6 and Tom Tucker still holds out for a guilty verdict, due to being a bigot towards people without mustaches, until Dr. Hartman convinces him otherwise. Peter changes his vote after he finds out what "guilty" means. Later, with Carter as the lone holdout for a guilty verdict, Brian challenges his thought until Carter reveals that he felt betrayed by the Mayor, for he always endorsed West yet was not allowed to sink most of Quahog in order to further his real estate developing plans. Carter breaks down into tears and gives in on his guilty vote. Acquitted of the crime, Mayor West resumes his duties. Back at the Griffin home, Stewie is unsatisfied that they merely proved Mayor West was innocent; he reveals that more murders have occurred, proving that a maniac is still on the loose. The lights go out, prompting Stewie to say, "And we're dead."
In 1984 five children live on a farm near Piracicaba. Arthur spends the holidays at his uncle's farm. Elizabeth is the daughter of a seamstress. Guinevere is the daughter of a maid. Mary is the daughter of a wealthy farmer Lancelotti is the son of a farmer. The farm is on the edge of a river in São Paulo, in God Free Me village near Piracicaba.
The five play without realizing the social differences that separate them and feel confident that their friendship will last forever. The holidays end and with the exception of Lancelotti and Mary, never meet again.
Twenty-five years pass until fate puts Arthur, Elizabeth, Guinevere, and Maria Lancelotti together again. They meet in the city God of Me Free.
Arthur and Guinevere fall in love. Guinevere was previously married to Kermit (son of millionaire Botelho Bulhões) and had an affair with Lance (Lancelotti or Tico, the more intimate nickname), who is in love with Maria. Maria Bo had a husband Jean Luc, who supported France. He was a bankrupt earl. Maria also had a lover, Thierry. Arthur is married to Vanessa a mercenary who betrayed him with Juan. This helped Elizabeth (who becomes the major villain) in their frames, and encourages her to move to the side of evil. She had a crush on Deodato, who was the mysterious accomplice to Morgana. She had an affair with Merlin's friend, forming a love triangle.
Elizabeth will do anything to harm her former friends, moved only by envy and ambition, even to the extreme by money and power, while other friends join together and try to show her that love and charity are virtues needed to live happy truly.
A 16-year-old boy named "Maxwell McGrath" is thrown into a new life when he and his mom moved to a small town called Copper Canyon. There he meets new friends, bullies, enemies, and a lot more. But later he starts to generate a powerful blue energy called "T.U.R.B.O. Energy". Max must now join N-Tek, a top secret organization his father worked on and meets a friendly ultralink named N'Barro Aksteel X377/Steel. When sinister super villains attack Copper Canyon, Max and Steel must link together and transform into a powerful Superhero named "Max Steel!".
After Forge reveals that Jim was the former Max Steel, he is about to meet his greatest challenge yet! Max and Steel will face new and old enemies like Toxzon and Extroyer, get new turbo modes, and a bigger threat is coming to earth! Will Max and Steel stop the Makino Invasion?, will Sydney and Kirby find out that Max is Max Steel?, or will Max find out his dark secret about his past that Forge is trying to hide?
Makino has been defeated, but his core processing unit remains and is looking for a new host. Max Steel must destroy Makino once and for all. After Makino, Max Steel will have to face Morphos, a new villain who can replicate the abilities of his enemies and use their own powers against them. Max Steel must learn to combine two turbo modes to defeat Morphos. When Morphos returns stronger and more powerful than ever, he copies the powers of all of Max Steel's enemies, in order to prove he is the greatest villain of all. Max Steel will have to team up with his enemies (Miles Dredd, Toxzon, Extroyer, and The Elementors (Fire Elementor, Earth Elementor, Water Elementor, Air Elementor, and Metal Elementor)) and unlock his greatest power to defeat Morphos once and for all.
Two years afterwards, a new villain named Mortum arises searching for the powerful Connect-Tek, a device who can create everything that someone thinks of. After successfully taking down N-Tek, the villain reunites Max's rogues (Toxzon, Extroyer and the five Elementors) to set out after the Connect-Tek. Realizing that they cannot save the day by their own, Max and Steel create Team Turbo - composed of Tempestra, C.Y.T.R.O. and La Fiera to fight back and rescue Max's loved ones. The Connect-Tek ends up on Mortum's hands, but it reveals to be damaged and causes a massive explosion that ends up turning him into a robot zombie. Possessing an endless hunger for brainwaves, he wants to take over the world and turn everyone into his puppets and now Max and his team must face their biggest threat yet.
After Mortum is taken down and the world goes back to normal, a mysterious masked villain named Terrorax steals Max's energy and in the process makes him generate a much stronger, green variation that is so powerful to the point where Steel no longer is able to control it. After wenting under intense training and updating their tech, Max and his team are ready to go after Terrorax, who later on reveals to have synthesized his own version of Max's energy named Terror Energy - and he wants to take over by the name of the Nexus legion. However, after failing, his powers are greatly reduced and he needs the help from the Elementors, who join the legion. After getting his strength back, Terrorax invades Copper Canyon with Pantheon and wants to force people to join in the Nexus, and now Max and his team must stop him before it's too late, but things get fully compounded when La Fiera is turned into a bionic panther by Night Howl and Tempestra and C.Y.T.R.O. are captured by the legion. Now it's up to Max take down the Nexus before it's too late.
Five individuals unknown to each other—Jordan, Grant, Luke, Anna, and Alex—wake up in complete darkness surrounded by stone walls. They realize they have been abducted and make their way through a dark corridor trying to find a way out. The group discovers another room and realize that they have been placed at the bottom of an abandoned well. The well contains an in-ground toilet, toilet paper and four barrels of water but there is no food. There is also a clock that has thirty-hour marks on it and Jordan later reveals that one mark equals one day. Grant forms a bond with Jordan and encourages the group to work together to find a way out. Luke is disrespectful and aggressive and frequently challenges Grant‘s authority. An unidentified man watches and takes notes about the group’s behaviors behind the monitor of several hidden cameras.
On the second day a scalpel appears on one of the barrels of water. A note attached to the scalpel reads “the human body can only survive thirty days without eating“ and Jordan explains to the group that scalpels are designed for cutting into human tissue. The kidnapper’s identity is revealed and a flashback occurs to a boy with similar features. The boy and his mother are in a car accident and the boy realizes that his mother has died. The boy is trapped inside the car until discovered by authorities two weeks later. To the authorities’ surprise the boy survived the two weeks by eating the flesh of his deceased mother. In the present, photos on the captor’s wall reveal that he has been stalking his victims for quite some time.
As the days go by Luke, Anna, and Alex make plans to kill Grant who is dying faster due to a pre-existing condition. The three eventually knock Jordan unconscious, steal the scalpel and attack Grant—killing and eating his flesh. More time goes by and the three debate whether or not to kill Jordan. Alex eventually loses grip on reality and attempts to bite Anna. Luke stabs Alex in the neck and the Luke and Anna eat him next. Fearing for her life, Jordan steals the scalpel and runs into the room with the water, locking the door behind her. Luke eventually becomes unstable and strangles Anna. Jordan appears and kills Luke with the scalpel. Jordan then addresses the hidden camera, telling their kidnapper that she will not play his game by eating the remaining bodies, and states that she would rather just die. Jordan uses Luke‘s blood to write a message and obstructs its from the camera’s view. She sits beside it motionless for the next two days. Overwhelmed with curiosity and frustration the kidnapper climbs a rope ladder down to the bottom of the well. As he reads the hidden message Jordan mortally stabs her kidnapper with a piece of broken bone. Jordan is then able to climb the up ladder into the sun and collapses in exhaustion.
In 1918, two sisters, Sarah and Ellie Vinson, come into conflict. It results in murder..
An extended family in Le Marche reunites as the old father and leader of the family candy business is about to leave control of the company to his sons. The siblings hate each other and compete for the succession, to the point of ultimately placing a bomb in the villa and destroying everything, after the final choice is made.
Victor Bernabe was honed to become the ultimate weapon of revenge against the De Lara clan. But as he immerses in their world, his mission becomes unclear and he finds a family in the arms of his enemies.
The story takes place in a Dark fantasy universe, in the game, players assume the roles of Nora (the last surviving Eliatrope) and her dragon brother Efrim of whom are on a mission to reserve and restore the remains of their world, after a meteorite crashed on a nearby planet, reviving a malevolent curse.
Scarlet Benoit is a young girl living on her grandmother's farm in Rieux, France. Her grandmother has gone missing for many weeks and Scarlet is sure that she has been kidnapped rather than left on her own will as the authorities believe. While delivering fresh goods to one of her loyal but unfriendly customers, her friend Émilie introduces her to a jittery shy street fighter whose code name is Wolf, who saves her after she makes a speech defending Linh Cinder, the Lunar cyborg who caused chaos at the Eastern Commonwealth ball. She notices a tattoo on his arm; a string of numbers and letters that have no meaning to her. When she gets back from her job, her estranged dad is there and is desperately trying to find something. She questions her dad, who has burn marks all up his arms from being tortured, and he says that the same people have her grandmother because she is hiding something. The one clue that he can remember is that the kidnappers had a tattoo on their forearm, similar to Wolf's. Scarlet heads out to question Wolf in a fight ring, where he defeats and almost kills the champion. The next morning Wolf comes by her farm and tells her that the tattoo stands for a group he used to be part of and that they are the ones who kidnapped her grandma. He decides to help Scarlet and they both embark on a trip to Paris.
On the train to Paris, Scarlet meets a man called Ran, who Wolf seems to smell on her later. They jump off the train after a letumosis outbreak occurs and continue their journey through the woods. While resting, Ran shows up and Scarlet realizes that he and Wolf already know each other and don't get along well, and Ran is eventually revealed to be Wolf's younger brother. Wolf fights with Ran and almost kills him until Scarlet shoots him in the arm. They leave Ran unconscious and get on another train to Paris, and Scarlet learns that her father has died. Throughout this time, Wolf and Scarlet start to develop romantic feelings for each other.
Meanwhile, Cinder teams up with captain Carswell Thorne, a fellow prisoner who stole a spaceship from the American Republic military, and they escape from the New Beijing prison. Cinder passes out while trying to start Thorne's stolen ship up, and Thorne has to reboot her. They escape on the ship, a Rampion, but find problems with the autopilot. Cinder remembers that she has Iko's personality chip and inserts it. Once in space, Thorne asks Cinder where she wants to go and even though Dr. Erland told her to go to Africa, she chooses to go look for Michelle Benoit, a woman connected to the missing Lunar Princess Selene (Cinder) and Scarlet's grandmother.
When Scarlet and Wolf arrive in Paris, he leads her to where her grandmother is being held, but turns her in and reveals that he is a Lunar Special Operative, a bioengineered wolf-Lunar hybrid soldier who serves Queen Levana. Glamouring himself as her grandmother, Ran manipulates Scarlet into telling everything she knows about Princess Selene and why her grandma can't be manipulated. She recalls Linh Garan, the man who adopted Cinder after her surgery, talking to her grandmother but doesn't know why she resists manipulation. Then, she is imprisoned.
At the same time, Cinder and Thorne land in Rieux and discover Michelle Benoit's shelter, where Cinder was held in a suspension tank for eight years and later turned into a cyborg. They go to Gilles's tavern but are found by the military after tracking her dead stepsister's ID chip, which Cinder still had with her. Trouble gets worse when the Lunar wolf soldiers start attacking, following Queen Levana's order. Barely escaping, Cinder tracks down Scarlet.
Wolf visits Scarlet in her cell and kisses her in order to give her an ID chip, which she uses to escape and go to her grandmother's cell. Michelle Benoit tells Scarlet that Cinder is Princess Selene and that she must find her. Her grandmother also tells her that Scarlet is the granddaughter of Logan Tanner, the doctor who spirited Selene to Earth and performed her cyborg surgery, and eventually killed himself after suffering many years of Lunar sickness. Ran comes in and threatens her but her grandmother sacrifices herself to allow her to run away. However, after killing Michelle, Ran chases down Scarlet until Wolf appears and starts fighting with him, eventually killing him. Wolf then corners Scarlet and struggles with his thaumaturge's control, but is shot with a tranquilizer dart by Cinder, who thought he was harming Scarlet. Scarlet and Wolf reconcile, Wolf reasoning out that he was able to overpower his wolf killing instinct due to his overwhelming animal-like instinct to protect his mate, and Scarlet agrees to be his "alpha female". They all manage to escape in the Rampion with Cinder finally revealing to Thorne and Iko that she is Princess Selene.
Finally, Emperor Kai agrees to marry Queen Levana in order to stop the attacks against Earth.
The telenovela began in a 1993 high-school graduation. María Laura Falsetti was the girlfriend of Pablo Flores, the school's bully. She left the graduation party when she saw him having sex with another student. Andrés Jalifa, who was secretly in love with her, helped her to leave the graduation party, and had sex in the car. Unaware of this one-night relation, Clemente Falsetti ordered his daughter and Flores to get married, as she got pregnant.
The narration makes then a time skip to 2013. Pablo works at Clemente's firm, and Andrés is a dog walker, hired by chance by María Laura. She confirmed with a DNA test that her son Martín was the biological son of Andrés, not the son of Pablo as she had always thought. Most plots revolve around the consequences of this reveal.
The story follows Junichiro Kagami, whose sister Suzune is angry at him because of his complete disinterest in the real world. As Junichiro is interested in nothing but anime, manga and games, Suzune forces him to go on a job as a physics teacher substitute at the same high school from which he graduated. Junichiro proves himself a capable and hardworking teacher who comes with unorthodox methods based on the seemingly useless knowledge he obtained as an ''otaku'' to teach and motivate his students.
Fara is a good-natured fat man, the son of the murdered bank director. As a child, the boy was disabled, and only his sole friend Bob at the cost of his life helped to get the boy to his feet. Fara's father left him a legacy of millions on a secret account. Mafia's goal becomes to learn the code to it. Then a strange woman appears with a sick child whose life supposedly can only be saved by means of an immediate and very expensive operation.
18-year-old Molly Dawes (Lacey Turner), who lives in the East End of London, decides to join the army, deciding her life has no purpose on discovering that her boyfriend has been cheating on her. Encouraged only by the manager of the recruitment office, Sergeant Lamont (Paul Fox), she initially keeps her decision a secret from her family, which consists of her controlling father Dave (Sean Gallagher) and doting mother Belinda (Kerry Godliman). When the truth is exposed, Dave demands she changes her mind, threatening to disown her if she does not; leaving her to make the heartbreaking decision to step away as she heads off to training camp. Here, Corporal Geddings (Matthew McNulty) initially doubts Molly's merits as a potential soldier, but she strives to prove herself and eventually earns the respect of her peers, even reuniting with her mother Belinda when she visits her to apologise for Dave's actions.
Molly has completed training as a Combat Medical Technician. She is deployed to Afghanistan attached to a British Army infantry section based from a small UK/ANA shared FOB somewhere in Helmand. She arrives at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan alongside her new team, 2 Section, who are all men. She is disconcerted when she discovers that an ex-flame, Dylan "Smurf" Smith (Iwan Rheon), belongs to her new section, and gets off on the wrong foot with haughty team leader Captain Charles James (Ben Aldridge), a hailed war hero. On arrival in Afghanistan, Molly fights to prove herself to the men around her while also offering compassion to the locals, including 11-year-old Afghan girl Bashira (Becky Eggersglusz), giving herself an understanding of what it is like to be a civilian caught up in the Taliban's war.
Lance Corporal Georgie Lane (Michelle Keegan) is dispatched on a humanitarian tour to Kenya with 2 Section, and she quickly becomes involved in the activities of a terrorist group. Georgie's ex-fiancé, Elvis (Luke Pasqualino), a special forces officer in the Special Air Service, frequently attempts to regain her trust after jilting her at the altar on their wedding day several years previously. However, Georgie now has a new boyfriend, Dr. Jamie Cole (Royce Pierreson). Molly has been written out of the story, having returned to Afghanistan for a short tour off-screen. It is briefly mentioned by Captain James that he and Molly are now married.
Georgie, now a corporal, is dispatched alongside 2 Section on a humanitarian mission to Nepal following an earthquake. 2 Section discover a group responsible for trafficking children, connected to the Taliban, which sends them on a covert mission in the heart of Afghanistan supporting special forces. Captain James struggles with the point of British involvement in Afghanistan, and Elvis is desperate to get Georgie back. However, she is uninterested and meets a Nepalese engineer, Milan (Rudi Dharmalingam), whom she takes a shine to. Meanwhile, romance between the two new privates of 2 Section, Maisie (Shalom Brune-Franklin) and Rab (Harki Bhambra), blossoms.
Following Elvis's death, Georgie returns to duty as 2 Section are deployed to Nigeria to help the Nigerian Army in the fight against Boko Haram. But when she goes in search of a group of missing children, who are suspected of having been trafficked out of the country, she is kidnapped and held hostage by a group of Boko Haram rebels. Undercover Special Forces Captain "Bones" McClyde (Olly Rix), who has spent the last six months infiltrating Boko Haram, is forced to break cover in order to save Georgie. Later, 2 Section find themselves in Belize for a jungle training exercise. But when Captain James is severely injured by a bandit trap, Georgie is forced to put all her skills into action in a desperate attempt to save him. In Bangladesh, 2 Section are called to assist local police inspector Chowdrey (Navin Chowdhry) and his wife Barsha (Farzana Dua Elahe) who are running a refugee camp for thousands forced to flee from their war-torn villages, but Georgie soon begins to suspect the inspector of being involved in the trafficking of prostitutes and drug smuggling.
On 22 January 2019 it was confirmed by the BBC press office that Michelle Keegan would return for a six-part fourth series shooting in April, airing sometime in 2020. On 13 January 2020, Keegan announced that she had quit the role of Georgie and that this would be her final series. The BBC later confirmed that the show would not continue for a fifth series. in Early March it was announced the fourth series would start airing on 24 March 2020. This season Georgie returns as a sergeant. As 2 Section prepares to return to Afghanistan, Georgie is happy to focus on her training role in the UK and send trainee medic Mimi in her place – especially as she is privately haunted by thoughts of Elvis's death. But with Mimi's confidence dipping after some complex training exercises, Georgie is compelled to return to Afghanistan to support the new recruits. In Kabul, she is pleasantly surprised at how Afghanistan has changed. But on the way to a local hospital in Kabul, she and some of the section are caught up in a suicide attack targeted at Dr Bahil, the hospital administrator and a candidate in upcoming local elections. Georgie learns that the attack was orchestrated by Aatan Omar - Elvis's killer - who is still at large. Meanwhile, the newest members of 2 Section bed in: Prof, an ex-teacher with a painful past; Throbber, the section's clown, who has some growing up to do; and Sandy, their new commanding officer, who is determined to show them who's in charge. Mimi, meanwhile, harbours a secret about her home life.
The novel is set in Canberra in the months leading up to the 1996 Australian Federal election. Sandra Mahoney has been out of work for some years, raising her son Peter. Now that he is in school full-time, Mahoney returns to the work force and is hired by Rae Evans, head of the Australian Labor Relations Service Department Industries Branch.
A sum of $900,000 is stolen, and Evans is accused. The theft requires a certain expertise in computer technology, which Mahoney is convinced Rae Evans does not have. Mahoney is assisted by one of the department's IT staff, an eccentric, shambling Russian called Ivan Semyonov. Along the way Mahoney gradually learns some of the basics about computer crime. As the investigation into Evans and the theft progresses, Mahoney enlists the aid of an ACT detective sergeant, DS Brook, who is himself suffering from leukaemia.
Mahoney and her team meet a cast of mad public servants, each of whom is, in one way or another, a suspect; these include Bambi, a wordless child-woman who always wears a red cape, and Felix, another IT person, only ever encountered rushing into the department in his jogging shorts. Mahoney and Semyonov finally set a trap and catch the real thief.
Two years after ''Metro 2033'', Artyom has left the Spartan Order and now lives at his home station, VDNKh, with his wife Anya. Claiming to have heard a radio message in Ostankino Tower, Artyom attempts to make contact with other survivors in the world by broadcasting radio messages on the highly irradiated surface, but never receives any response. Anya considers Artyom's efforts fruitless, and his refusal to have children with her causes their relationship to deteriorate. Homer, a major character in ''Metro 2034'', arrives at the station, wanting to learn more about Artyom's conflict with the Dark Ones so that he can write a book about it. Artyom initially refuses to help Homer, but changes his mind after Homer claims that he met a man at Teatralnaya who made radio contact with Polar Dawns, a city on the Kola Peninsula. Artyom and Homer set out towards Teatralnaya. Lyokha, a dung broker from Rizhskaya, helps them cross the border of Hansa, a capitalist faction controlling the Koltsevaya Line. The three men eventually reach Tsvetnoy Bulvar, where Artyom gets drunk and blacks out at a local brothel. Artyom, Lyokha, and Homer arrive at Tverskaya, renamed “Darwin” by the neo-Nazi Fourth Reich, and are arrested shortly afterward. A Reich officer threatens to kill Homer if Artyom refuses to bomb the passageway leading from neutral Teatralnaya to Okhotny Ryad, which is controlled by the communist Red Line. At Teatralnaya, Artyom finds the radio operator that Homer mentioned, but Red Line soldiers take the man away before Artyom can speak to him. Artyom goes to Okhotny Ryad, where the radio operator is executed, but other prisoners tell Artyom that people from outside of Moscow allegedly came to the Metro. Artyom escapes to the surface and experiences a strange vision of a fantasy Moscow.
Artyom arrives at Polis, a union of four stations and the headquarters of the Spartan Order. There, he meets with Letyaga, a Spartan friend of his, and Miller, leader of the Order and Anya's father. Miller tasks Letyaga and Artyom with delivering a message to the Reich's ''Führer''. Artyom is allowed into the Reich after Letyaga says that the letter is actually from someone named “Bessolov”. Artyom is taken to Schiller (formerly Pushkinskaya), where he is forced to do manual labor with other Reich captives, including Homer and Lyokha. Artyom tells Homer about his visions of an alternate Moscow; Homer reveals that the visions are how Sasha, a young girl who seemingly died at the end of ''2034'', envisioned pre-war life. Artyom realizes that he saw a girl fitting Homer's description of Sasha at the brothel in Tsvetnoy Bulvar. One of the prisoners at Schiller reveals that a base supposedly exists on the surface at Balashikha. Artyom and Lyokha escape and return to Tsvetnoy Bulvar, where a heavily irradiated Artyom meets Sasha, now a prostitute in the service of “Bessolov”. Sasha and Artyom have a brief affair; she tells him that he likely only has three weeks to live because of his exposure to radiation. Accompanied by Lyokha and a surface explorer named Savelii, Artyom discovers the Balashikha outpost and kills the men inside. He sees what he assumes is radio equipment, but is unable to operate it and damages it in frustration. Shortly afterward, however, Savelii's car radio starts playing radio messages from around the world, revealing that the outpost contained a jammer that was blocking radio signals from being heard in Moscow. A group of men arrive at the outpost, claiming to be from Murom, where the air is breathable and crops can grow on the surface. Letyaga arrives and executes the Muromers, saying that they were spies and that the war between Russia and the West is still going on. Miller reveals that the jammer is a joint Spartan-Hansa operation, allegedly intended to prevent enemy forces from discovering that Moscow still has people living in it.
Miller accepts Artyom, Lyokha, and Savelii into the Order and tasks them with delivering ammunition to Hansa. As he is delivering the ammo, however, Artyom recognizes one of the “Hansa” men as a Red Line officer from Okhotny Ryad. The Red Line soldiers promptly use the ammo to massacre a crowd of refugees. Letyaga reveals that Miller asked him to kill Artyom, but he changes his mind and helps Artyom escape; Savelii, however, is trampled to death by the crowd. Increasingly suspicious of the role of “Bessolov”, Artyom goes to Tsvetnoy Bulvar to kill him but passes out in Sasha's room. He awakens in Tagansky Protected Command Point, a former government bunker, and has received treatment for his radiation. He speaks with Bessolov, who is a high-ranking official in the remnants of the Russian government. Bessolov reveals that he and the other members of the bunker secretly control the Metro's main factions from behind the scenes and keep people in the Metro to preserve civilization. Disgusted, Artyom asks to be taken back to the Metro, where he is informed by Sasha that the Order has captured his allies. Sasha refuses to accompany Artyom, stating that she loves Bessolov. Artyom is arrested by the Order upon his arrival in Polis. Miller arranges a comrades’ court to judge Artyom, Lyokha, and Letyaga, with Homer serving as a witness. At the court, Letyaga criticizes Miller and is shot and killed, sparking a fight. In the chaos, Artyom attempts to escape, but stays behind after Miller's men threaten to kill Anya. Homer supposedly heads to the Reich to print pamphlets telling the truth about the Metro while Lyokha travels to Tsvetnoy Bulvar to capture Bessolov. A meeting is called at Polis; the leader of Polis reveals to the people that other survivors have been detected but claims that the war is still going on, necessitating cooperation between the Metro's major factions. Lyokha arrives with Bessolov but reveals to Artyom that he has accepted an offer from Bessolov to join the bunker group. Artyom sees Homer, who admits that he never went to the Reich to print pamphlets and has instead decided to settle in Polis. Artyom and Anya escape to the surface, where they use Savelii's car to travel to VDNKh. Artyom offers to lead the people onto the surface and go to Murom, but nobody but Anya agrees to leave. Artyom and Anya leave the Metro and set off for Vladivostok, the childhood home of Anya's mother. In the afterword, Lyokha sees Artyom and Anya leaving Moscow, but Bessolov tells him to let them go.
Lee Tae-young has long been hardened from growing up in an unloving family. The only person whom he can open his heart to is his stepsister Han Ji-min, but their love is tested by his stepmother's manipulations and the cruelty of fate.
The Beagle Boys attempt another raid on Scrooge's money bin, with Baggy, Burger and Bouncer Beagle capturing Huey, Dewey and Louie. After Scrooge rescues them, he finds Big Time Beagle in his office with a painting in his hands. With the help of Duckworth, Big Time is defeated and retreats. The painting reveals the locations of five treasures, and Scrooge wastes no time to set out for them. Scrooge and Launchpad visit the Amazon to find the Sceptre of the Incan King. Using eight golden coins, they uncover the hidden temple of Manco Capquack, but the sceptre is lost and the temple is destroyed by its guardian statue. The chief of the natives then approaches Scrooge and Launchpad and thanks them for returning their city to them, and gives Scrooge the recovered sceptre in return, which was just the king's back scratcher. Scrooge, the nephews and Webby visit the castle of Drake Von Vladstone, also known as Dracula Duck, who was the heir to the Coin of the Lost Realm. The boys fall into a trap door and are spread throughout the Transylvanian mansion, but Scrooge saves them from the Beagle Boys, disguised as ghosts. Each of the beagle boys were also carrying a torn sheet of paper which contained part of a riddle. They uncover a mirror where Scrooge solves the riddle, and Magica De Spell reveals herself, who is also after the coin. Scrooge and Magica then face off for it, and the sorceress is defeated and retreats empty-handed. Scrooge and the nephews travel to the African Mines to find the Giant Diamond of the Inner Earth, but they find the workers are being scared off by voices and earthquakes, claiming the mine is haunted. Deep underground, Scrooge discovers that the Terra-Firmians and their games are the cause, and after interfering he is attacked by their king. Defeated, the king makes an agreement with Scrooge to stop the games in exchange for the mining operations to continue, as it will rid them of the diamonds they consider to be "garbage rocks". He gives Scrooge the Giant Diamond of the Inner Earth to start with.
Seeking the Crown of Genghis Khan in the Himalayas, Launchpad crashes into a mountain far from their destination and loses a spare fuel regulator, which is further spread throughout the level by rabbits. While recovering them, Scrooge stumbles upon Bubba the Caveduck who is frozen in ice, and after freeing him and brings him back to the plane, Scrooge discovers that Webby snuck along for the ride. After getting the plane airborne, they are all ambushed by Flintheart Glomgold and the Beagle Boys. After dealing with them, Scrooge confronts an angry Yeti, but Webby interferes and reveals that it was angry because it stepped on a thorn. As Scrooge suspects, the "thorn" is the Crown of Genghis Khan. Scrooge, Gyro Gearloose and Fenton Crackshell travel to the moon to find the Green Cheese of Longevity, able to breathe in space due to a special oxygen taffy Gyro invented, but Fenton is abducted by aliens along with the Gizmoduck suit, and after being saved by Scrooge, he becomes Gizmoduck and blows open a door that leads underground. Glomgold and the Beagle Boys take advantage of the opening, and Gizmoduck goes after Scrooge's rival. Scrooge deals with the Beagle Boys and discovers the cheese before they do, but a rat from the alien ship eats it and mutates. Scrooge defeats the creature, transforming the rat back to normal, and takes the cheese for himself.
After collecting all of the treasures, Scrooge finds the nephews taken hostage by the Beagle Boys and Glomgold, who bargains their safety for the treasures. After Scrooge agrees, Magica De Spell suddenly appears, claiming she was the one who sold Scrooge the painting of Drake Von Vladstone to have him seek the treasures for her, which are part of a spell to revive him. She steals the treasures, turns the Beagle Boys into pigs and kidnaps the nephews, and tells Scrooge to bring her his Number One Dime if he wants to save them. Scrooge and Glomgold form an alliance to respectively save the nephews and retrieve the treasure. After they reach Mount Vesuvius, they eventually find Magica's hidden fortress. Glomgold steals the dime and the two villains reveal they were working together the whole time. Magica successfully revives Dracula Duck and sends him to destroy Scrooge, but he is defeated and perishes. With the nephews saved and the place falling apart, Scrooge goes after Magica and Glomgold, who lose the Number One Dime. Scrooge races against them to retrieve it, succeeds, and narrowly escapes from being caught in the eruption while the two villains escape. Having lost the treasures, Scrooge tells his nephews the adventure was still worth it and they shared it together. Glomgold and the Beagle Boys are arrested, and Scrooge and the nephews leave to celebrate with ice cream cones—and Scrooge declares that he'll splurge just this once and even buy cones with ice cream in them.
The episode opens with a recap of the second season's finale, "Twilight": as the NCIS team by Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) engage in a gunfight against Ari Haswari's terrorist cell, Ari (Rudolf Martin), identified as a rogue terrorist, attempts to kill various NCIS agents including Tim McGee (Sean Murray) before Ari decides to fatally shoot NCIS Agent Kate Todd (Sasha Alexander) with a long range sniper shot, killing her instantly with a horrified Gibbs and Tony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) witnessing Kate's death. In the aftermath of the murder, the team struggles to come to terms with her death while an enraged Gibbs seeks revenge against Ari. Shortly afterwards, Ari attacks again, firing at Abby in her lab. However, she survives physically unharmed.
Then NCIS Director Tom Morrow (Alan Dale) announces that he is leaving the agency after receiving a job offer from Homeland Security and introduces Jenny Shepard (Lauren Holly) as his replacement. It immediately becomes apparent that Gibbs was romantically involved with Shepard while working undercover with her years earlier, though she insists that she is now nothing more than his boss and will act accordingly. Gibbs clashes with Shepard, who believes that Ari Haswari was not the one responsible for firing the bullet that killed Agent Todd due to the fact that there's no physical evidence or proof of any kind linking him to the crime.
Ziva David (Cote de Pablo), Ari's Mossad control officer, arrives shortly afterwards, striking up a rapport with Tony. She sides with the director and further weakens Gibbs' case, claiming that Ari is completely innocent and offering evidence to support her assertion. However, Ziva's motives for defending Ari become ambiguous when she communicates with him without informing anyone in the NCIS office and her conversation indicates a personal connection to him.
Gibbs realizes that Ziva has contacted Ari and orders Tony to tail her. Ari later returns, taking Gerald Jackson (Pancho Demmings) hostage, though he quickly notifies Ducky to divert the team's attention away from Ziva and force Ducky into a meet.
The episode ends with Ducky approaching the pre-arranged meeting point, unaware that Ari has a sniper-rifle trained on him.
Gibbs' determination to kill Ari in revenge for Kate Todd's death increases despite the skepticism expressed by his superiors. Ducky, who is released unharmed shortly after his abduction, admits to Gibbs that he has begun to believe Ari's claims of innocence after listening to his defense, leaving Gibbs further enraged.
After tailing Ari's control officer, Ziva David, for much of the evening, Tony reports to Gibbs that she is communicating with Ari and smuggling a passport and money to him through an unknown woman (Gloria Votsis), presumably another Mossad officer. However, Ziva later approaches Tony and informs him that she was aware that he was following her the entire time. She also tells him that her younger sister Tali, who was "sixteen and the best of us", was killed in a Hamas suicide bombing, and that she knows what it is like to want to seek revenge.
Ari's guilt is further called into question when another suspect appears, though Gibbs insists that it is a cover-up. The latter deduces that Ari is aware of the deaths of his first wife and daughter, as confirmed by Ziva, and that as a result he is targeting Gibbs' female coworkers.
Ziva begins to doubt Ari's innocence and agrees with Gibbs' plan to present Ari with the opportunity to kill him. Gibbs arrives at his house and to his surprise, Ari has been waiting for him, with Gibbs' rifle, planning to kill him before seemingly disguising the death as a suicide. The two briefly converse, with Ari confessing to the killing and claiming that he had terrorized the team because Gibbs reminded him of his father, whom he hated.
Just before Ari can kill Gibbs, Ziva who had been at the top of the stairs, listening to the two men talk, shoots Ari in the forehead, killing him instantly. It is only after the encounter between the three of them, that Gibbs discovers why Ziva was so quick to defend Ari: she and Ari share the same father, Deputy Director Eli David of Mossad, making Ari Ziva's half-brother.
In the closing scenes, Gibbs manages to get to Kate's hometown of Indianapolis for her funeral, joining the rest of the NCIS team. It's also revealed that Ziva is escorting Ari's remains back to Tel Aviv. Kate is finally laid to rest with civilian honors along with a Presidential Medal of Freedom that former NCIS Director Tom Morrow (Alan Dale) approved at Gibbs' request. Each of Kate's co-workers leaves a rose on the coffin while remembering their time with her, with Gibbs imagining Kate telling him that he's late for her funeral.
A while later, the team leaves the graveyard with the song "The Viper" in the background, Abby having prepared to "second line" as at a jazz funeral. As they walk alongside each other, Gibbs finally smiles, happy that Kate's death has been avenged.
August Booth's trailer appears in the forest.
In October 2011 in Phuket, Thailand, August (Eion Bailey) is now discovering that he is turning back into wood (at 8:15, which is when the curse starts to weaken). As he wakes up, August asks his girlfriend Isra to help, and tells her he has to go to the hospital. Weeks later he arrives at an ER in Hong Kong, where August tries to convince a doctor by showing him his wooden leg, even using a knife to stab it, but the only thing the doctor sees is his human leg. As the doctor screams for the orderlies, August escapes into the seedy streets of Hong Kong, where he meets an individual, who tells him of a person who can help him, The Dragon (Tzi Ma). When they reach the Dragon's place, August waits outside, then notices a person dropping her cell phone, and when he hands it back to her, it is revealed that the person is none other than Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green), the woman who became Neal's fiancee. August goes to see the Dragon, then shows him his wooden leg and the Dragon immediately recognizes him as Pinocchio. The Dragon tells him he can help him but there are conditions. First, the dragon needs to acquire something close to August's heart that cannot be replaced, his necklace that was made from his strings when he was a puppet. The second is $10,000 US Dollars, and if August brings it that evening he will become human again.
Later that night, August enters a bar and runs into Tamara, who offers to buy him a beer and explains that she went to see the Dragon because she was diagnosed with cancer. It turns out that she also is carrying an envelope full of money and when she excuses herself to take a phone call, August takes the money and races back to the Dragon's flat, where he gives him the money and as expected receives a potion that would stop him ever turning into wood. Just as he leaves Tamara chases after him and he falls to the ground and Tamara takes possession of the potion. Tamara later returns to the Dragon's flat, where he begins to figure out her deception that she never had cancer and that she was after the potion, which she noticed contained a substance that wasn't from "this" world. When Tamara says she cannot risk anyone else finding the Dragon and pulls out a tazer, the Dragon begins to rise from the floor, exhaling red smoke and exclaiming that she hasn't met the 'Real' Dragon. Tamara is momentarily shocked, but then thrusts the tazer into him, killing the Dragon.
Months later in New York City, and after learning that Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) has just arrived in Storybrooke to break the curse, August meets up with Neal/Baelfire (Michael Raymond-James) to confirm what will happen next, then tells Neal that he will follow Emma to Storybrooke and when she breaks the curse he will send Neal a postcard. As August rides off, the two are unaware that Tamara has been watching very closely from a vendor stand, where she had bought a grande size coffee cup and as expected "bumps" into Neal, putting her scheme in motion.
David (Josh Dallas) makes breakfast in bed for Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin). Emma thinks he is coddling Mary Margaret too much and cannot help her by being overly protective. Emma tells him that at the end of the day Mary Margaret needs to help herself. Mary Margaret gets up and tells David she has to go to the woods to think things over. In the woods, Mary Margaret sees a trailer and discovers August, who is now completely wooden and refuses to come out, telling Mary Margaret that he wants no one to find out that he is still in Storybrooke.
Emma learns that Neal has invited Tamara to Storybrooke and is worried that Tamara will find out the truth of who he is, but Neal says that he needs her. When Tamara shows up, Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) asks about how Tamara met Neal, then heads to school with Emma. Neal shows Tamara Henry's book and explains that he is from the Enchanted Forest. Tamara refuses to believe his claim because she believes that Emma is after him but Neal says that he and Emma are the past and Tamara wants him to prove it.
At Granny's Diner, Greg (Ethan Embry) is enjoying apple pie and learns that Regina (Lana Parrilla) had bought it for him as thanks for finding Henry. When Regina asks if they had met before, Greg claims that it's their first time meeting. Mary Margaret finds Marco (Tony Amendola) at the diner and tells him that she has found August. Someone else hears the conversation: Tamara, who finds August and tells him to leave Storybrooke forever. She gives him the keys to her vehicle to return to New York City to pick up the healing potion in her apartment.
As Emma, Mary Margaret, and Marco head to August's trailer, Marco confesses to Mary Margaret about the wardrobe and apologizes to her. Mary Margaret slaps him, then apologizes and says she would have done the same for her child. The three learn that August has just left Storybrooke. En route he finds and recognizes the photo of Tamara and her grandmother (which he had previously seen while with the Dragon), prompting him to return to town. As he makes a phone call to Emma from the Sheriff's office, Tamara cuts the phone line. Emma races back to the office; August realizes that Tamara killed the Dragon and that her real goal was to come to Storybrooke to take magic and plans to warn the residents. Tamara then pulls out her taser and uses it on August so he can't go through with it. As Emma, Mary Margaret, Henry, David, Neal, and Marco arrive to save the now almost lifeless body of August, August gives Emma his final words, then dies in Marco's arms. Henry believes that the warning August was attempting to give Emma was brave and truthful, then asks if the Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy) can save him. As August's actions were indeed brave and truthful, the Blue Fairy uses her wand and brings him back to life as a real young boy, Pinocchio (Jakob Davies). When Emma asks if Pinocchio remembers anything, he says he does not remember. Tamara tells Neal that she "believed" him, and will stay with him.
As the Charming Family returns home, Emma tells Henry that she is sorry about lying to him, and the two make up, while Mary Margaret and David have an exchange with Mary Margaret telling David about the darkened hole in her heart, and David vowing to do whatever it takes to protect their family. Regina goes to Greg's room and tells him that she knows who he was by showing him the lanyard she had kept. Greg responds by telling Regina that he will not leave Storybrooke without his father, despite Regina's claim that he left. Greg proves to Regina that he is not bluffing because hours later he gets a phone call from "Her," who is knocking on his door. That "Her" was Tamara, who is revealed to be using Neal and before they close the door, they prepare for a sexual encounter while Neal is taking a shower in the other room.
While the restaurant and the house are being fumigated, the Belchers decide to visit Linda's parents retirement community in Florida. Much to the kids' dismay, the retirement community pool is closed for cleaning and they have to find new ways to entertain themselves. Linda discovers that the community is for retirees who participate in swinging. Linda's parents decided to participate beforehand, but her father Al backs out for an unknown reason. Because of this, the homeowners' association are going to kick them out for "failure to perform" in the parties and other activities.
Bob decides to help the couple when Linda offers Al and Gloria residence in their own home. He talks to Al about the latter's insecurities, and finds out that what turns him on is a woman popping a balloon, which presents a problem since Gloria gets startled by sudden, loud noises. Bob makes Gloria wear ear plugs and sends them to the pot luck to participate and not get kicked out of the community.
Meanwhile, the kids get hired by a woman in the same village to hunt and take a picture of a python residing in the village forest, which she believes is responsible for the loss of her dog Bitsy. She offers them $100 and the kids decide to set up camp during the night, despite Gene's ophidiphobia. Tina and Louise end up hunting for the python alone, only to get trapped in quicksand. Gene decides to rescue them using a golf cart, and the kids find Bitsy alive. After a quick reunion with her owner, Bitsy runs back to the forest and to the python, who turn out to both be good friends.
The setting is the Castle of Rivoli. There are no scene changes.
The Duchy of Savoy, comprising Savoy proper and Piedmont (today in France and Italy respectively), has been united for three centuries. Over the past decades of Victor Amadeus's rule, the House of Savoy has prospered. It has successfully defended itself against its powerful enemies during the War of the Spanish Succession, after which a treaty permitted the acquisition of Sicily in 1713. Sicily was exchanged for Sardinia in 1720. Victor, the duke turned king, has solidified his power and is now one of the most absolute monarchs in Europe.
Polyxena is helping Charles to rehearse state speeches when they are visited briefly by the disdainful D'Ormea. Charles believes that he has been summoned to the palace to be disinherited in favour of an illegitimate son. Polyxena suggests that the King's mistress, Marchioness Sebastian, may have influenced Victor in that direction after he was widowed in 1728.
Victor soliloquises while carrying the regalia. Having foolishly made secret, incompatible deals with Austria and with Spain, he fears that a reconciliation between the two great powers will lead to the revealment of the deception, and justify the annexation of his kingdom. Nothing short of a change in ruler will extricate Sardinia from this situation, he believes. However, he has little faith in Charles, and expects to take power back from his weak son as soon as a renegotiation is complete and the coast is clear.
When Charles enters, Victor is startled by his tone of accusation, and wonders if D'Ormea (who expects to be made scapegoat) has told him anything. Victor places the crown on Charles's head and announces an intention to abdicate. He will take the name Count Tende and spend his retirement in Chambéry, 150 km away in the extreme northwest of Savoy. Charles is somewhat angry when he learns that Victor has secretly married his old mistress, but the guilt over his earlier suspicion is so great that he refuses even to consider the possibility that his father has ulterior motives for stepping down. When the baffled Polyxena suggests that all may not be as it seems, he turns away from her.
Nearly a full year has passed. The royal pair take the waters at Evian; but Polyxena returns home, as she thinks, a day ahead, and is greeted at the palace by D'Ormea, who informs her that Victor is returning to Turin, probably to take back the crown. Charles arrives back just minutes after her, before they have time to decide on a course of action. The king believes he has foiled the rumours, and cleared his father's name, by making a formal treaty with Austria and Spain; he sent word of this to Chambéry from Evian. He still refuses to believe that his father wants to depose him; Polyxena's insistence during the past few months has alienated him from her. At first he will not even look at D'Ormea's documentary evidence, and he is dismissive of it when he reads it.
Victor enters the palace alone, and is surprised by his son while wandering about his old chamber. At first the old man is tactful, but gradually his indignation over his son's failure to adhere to his policies causes him to demand openly the return of his crown.
Polyxena and D'Ormea enter and remonstrate with him, having overheard. Victor quickly dissembles, modifying the end of his rant to make it appear that he had been complaining about his allowance and living quarters.
Word comes to D'Ormea that Victor has approached several people for help in regaining his crown. Deeply worried, D'Ormea resorts to deception. He summons Charles to tell him that his kingdom is in imminent danger of being invaded by France, as a result of demands made by the old king for French intervention in his dispute. Victor, he claims, plans to ride thither within the hour. D'Ormea presents Charles with a list of people whose movements should be watched, and a shorter list of those to be arrested. He is alarmed when Charles, calling his bluff, orders all on both lists to be arrested—including Victor. But Charles has an entirely different plan in mind. Polyxena, guessing that his resolve to continue as monarch is wavering, tries to persuade him that his duty is to defy his father, keep his crown, and accept the burden of the world's adverse judgment as a form of self-sacrifice.
Victor is seized and brought to the palace. He is defiant, but when Charles places the crown on his head he is devastated by the filial piety the gesture represents. Fully reconciled with his son, Victor takes his old seat and passes away.
The White Walkers’ attack leaves few Night's Watch survivors. Samwell Tarly is saved by the direwolf Ghost and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, who reprimands Sam for failing to warn of the approaching army and orders the survivors back to the Wall.
At the wildling camp, Jon Snow mistakes Tormund Giantsbane for the King-beyond-the-Wall, but Mance Rayder reveals himself and questions Jon's motives for deserting the Night's Watch. Jon earns Mance's approval, declaring that he wants "to fight for the side that fights for the living".
Newly knighted Ser Bronn returns to the service of Tyrion Lannister, whose father Tywin, new Hand of the King, agrees to recognize Tyrion's accomplishments during the Battle of Blackwater but refuses to name him heir to Casterly Rock and viciously insults him.
Petyr Baelish offers to smuggle Sansa Stark out of King's Landing. Ros tells Shae to look out for Sansa, especially when dealing with Baelish.
King Joffrey Baratheon and his betrothed Lady Margaery Tyrell travel through Flea Bottom, when Margaery exits her litter to visit an orphanage as Joffrey hides. At dinner, Joffrey trades insults with his mother, in contrast to the harmonious Tyrells.
Stranded Davos Seaworth is rescued by the pirate Salladhor Saan, and recounts seeing his son Matthos die. Salladhor reveals he is leaving the service of Stannis, who is in seclusion at Dragonstone and will only speak with Melisandre, who is burning people alive because they are “servants of darkness.” Davos, intending to kill Melisandre, persuades Salladhor to bring him to Stannis.
Discovering Stannis is indifferent to his survival and that Melisandre believes him responsible for Stannis’ defeat, Davos tries to attack Melisandre but is thrown in the dungeons.
Robb Stark and his forces discover Gregor Clegane has abandoned Harrenhal and slaughtered the prisoners. Lord Roose Bolton sympathizes with Lord Rickard Karstark's frustration that Catelyn Stark let Jaime Lannister go, assuring Karstark that his best hunter is after Jaime. Robb finds a survivor, Qyburn.
Reaching Astapor in Slaver's Bay with her fast-growing dragons, Daenerys Targaryen considers buying an army of the "Unsullied", renowned eunuch soldiers. A warlock masked as a young girl attempts to assassinate Daenerys with a scorpion-like creature, but is thwarted by Ser Barristan Selmy, Kingsguard to Daenerys' father, who swears his allegiance to her.
The novel is set in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
Thorkell Mylrea buys himself into becoming a Deemster (or judge) on the Isle of Man. He then uses his influence to have his brother, Gilcrist, appointed Bishop, but Gilcrist disappoints him in being good, pious and beyond bribery. In contrast to their father, the Deemster's children, Ewan and Mona, grow up to become a conscientious and diligent priest and a good, caring woman. In contrast, without a strong hand to admonish him, the Bishop's son, Dan, grows up to become "thoughtless, brave, stubborn", likeable but unreliable. The cousins, Mona and Dan, come to fall in love.
Dan becomes a fisherman, his father funding the purchase of the boat. However, after only one season Dan is in debt due to the amount of time and money he has spent in the pub with his fishermen friends. Dan forges Ewan's name as surety on a loan. When he inevitably defaults on the payments, the Bishop comes to learn of the loan and, although Ewan tries to claim the signature is his, the Bishop casts his son Dan out. Ewan determines that he can no longer accept Dan as a friend, and he asks him to not see his sister, Mona, any more. To cover his shame and to try and hide from his failings, Dan again descends to his boisterous ways.
Dejected and depressed, Dan confounds the ban and goes to see Mona. The Deemster's maid, Kerry, has a vision of Dan in Mona's room, which the Deemster passes on to his son, saying that Dan is having an affair with Mona. Ewan confronts Mona but, through a failure of communication, she "admits" that she has feelings for Dan. Understanding that Mona has been "compromised", Ewan seeks out Dan to revenge her lost honour.
Ewan confronts Dan and they ascend Orris Head, a cliff top over the sea. On the summit, they ensure that neither can get away by tying their two belts buckled together around their waists. They fight with knives until Dan eventually cuts the belt and Ewan falls backwards over the cliff. Ewan dies on the rocks below.
After collecting Ewan's body and taking it to his fisherman's hut, Dan goes to confess to Mona. She cannot hold the murder of her brother against him, because she loves him. She tells Dan that he must hand himself in to atone for his crime. However, upon returning to the hut, he finds that the crew of his fishing boat have found the body there. In shock he allows himself to be taken with them as they take the body out to sea to dispose of it. However, when they throw the body into the sea, it miraculously escapes its weighted sheet and floats back to shore. This Dan takes as a sign of God's will, and so he steers the ship back to shore. But, once on land and taking a shortcut to the Deemster's house to hand himself in, Dan falls down a mineshaft, from which he is unable to escape until the next morning.
Ewan's body comes ashore and is buried within hours at the Deemster's superstitious bidding. The Bishop is brought various pieces of evidence that show for certain that his son is the perpetrator. The fishermen have meanwhile returned home but, under the suspicion of the coroner, they flee into the mountains.
Having climbed out of the mineshaft, Dan hands himself in to the Deemster in the Ramsey courthouse, from where he is taken to Peel Castle to await trial. Imprisoned in the castle, Dan refuses his father's offer of escape. However, while sleeping, Dan is abducted by the fishermen, who fear that he will give evidence against their part in the disposal of Ewan's body. They take Dan to a deserted mine in the mountains, where they try Dan and find him guilty of endangering their lives. They sentence Dan to death.
Meanwhile, the Deemster's maid, Kerry, has another vision, of Dan in danger on the mountain. The vision is transferred to Mona and she then sets off with the Deemster's men to the site of the vision. They arrive just in time to save Dan from being shot by the fishermen.
At the trial which follows, the fishermen are set free, as there is not enough evidence against them. As a resident of the Bishop's Barony, Dan is then tried by his own father. The sentence is for Dan to be "cut off from the land of the living", i.e. condemned to exile within the island:
“Henceforth let him have no name among us, nor family, nor kin. […] When his death shall come, let no man bury him. Alone let him live, alone let him die, and among the beasts of the field let him hide his unburied bones.”
Dan travels to the very south of the island, where he takes up a solitary life of hunting, fishing and farming. He progresses through stages of bitterness and loneliness, trying and failing to flee from the sentence through activity and even an attempt to emigrate to Ireland. He makes his home in a hut near Cregneash, and comes to be thought dead by the rest of the island, as two men mistake a homeless person's dead body for his own. Dan becomes increasingly close to nature; and to retain his humanity he takes up speaking again, in the only way that would not endanger his sanity: by repeating the one prayer he remembers, at sunrise and sunset each day on the hill overlooking the village of Cregneash.
Shortly after a period of heavy rain followed by strong sun, there are signs of distress on the island: fishing boats do not put out to sea, carts do not go to market, people are ascending to the mountains. Then a storm causes a shipwreck, and a survivor seeks refuge in Dan's hut. As he comes in and out of consciousness, the man tells Dan that he is a priest from Ireland come to help stop the sweating sickness which grips the island. Before the priest dies, Dan promises that he will take the priest's place and go to the Bishop to instruct the people how to halt the sickness.
Dan, taken for the Irish priest, directs the people of the west and north of the island how to drive out the dampness that causes the sickness. Dan is called to his dying uncle's bedside, where the former Deemster admits his sin of having driven Ewan to the confrontation with Dan; only after this he realises Dan's true identity. He goes to meet his father and they are reconciled. With the sickness defeated, Dan returns to his hut near Cregneash without having seen Mona, preferring solitude to the new-found adulation of the Manx people. However, by this time he has fallen ill and is close to death when Mona arrives, having followed him south with the official invitation to become Deemster. At last they are reunited, and she spends his last few minutes with him as he says his prayer once more, with her help, ending by asking God to "deliver us from evil, Amen."
In Worms, capital of the kingdom of Burgundy, Rüdiger von Bechelaren, margrave of Bavaria, arrives in embassy with Blödelin, brother of king Etzel, in order to ask for the hand of Kriemhild, sister of King Gunther, for the king of the Huns, but she refuses. However, Giselher, the king's brother, and Rüdiger's daughter Hildegund fall in love, and Rüdiger happily consents to this marriage.
The minstrel Volker von Alzey sings then the exploits of the hero Siegfried of Xanten. Son of King Siegmund of Xanten, he finishes his apprenticeship with the dwarf Mime and forges a magnificent sword. Learning that the dragon Fafnir is terrorising the region, he decides to challenge him in his cave. He kills him and then follows the advice of a bird and bathes in the dragon's blood, which makes him invulnerable except for a spot on his back where an ash leaf has landed.
He ventures into the territory of the Nibelung and seizes their legendary , stolen from the daughters of the Rhine by the king of the Dwarves, Alberich, as well as the magic helm which allows him to make himself invisible by pronouncing a magic formula. Siegfried then travels to Iceland, where he rescues the queen of the country, Brunhild, prisoner in a palace made inaccessible by the volcano. She falls in love with him and he promises to come back for her.
However, Siegfried arrives among the Burgundians and falls in love with Kriemhild, sister of King Gunther. After he helps King Gunther to repel an invasion of the King of Saxony, whom he takes prisoner, Gunther can no longer refuse Kriemhild's hand to Siegfried. One of his vassals, Hagen von Tronje, a man in black with an iron helm adorned with raven's feathers, makes a proposal: Siegfried will marry Kriemhild if he helps Gunther to obtain the hand of Brunhild. Using his strength and his magical helm, Siegfried helps Gunther to defeat Brunhild in the three trials that she imposes to her suitors. After returning to Worms and celebrating the double wedding, Brunhild resists the king's avance on their wedding night, so that Gunther is forced to ask again help from Siegfried: using his helm, he overpowers Brunhild and removes her magic belt, source of her power.
However, Kriemhild discovers what happened and, jealous of Brunhild's status as queen and rival for Siegfried's heart, she reveals in public to the new queen of the Burgundians the role played by Siegfried. Outraged, Brunhild demands the death of Siegfried from Gunther. A hunting party is organized and Kriemhild, thinking to protect her husband, shows Hagen where her husband's vulnerable spot is by sewing a cross on his tunic. Hagen points Siegfried to a spring of fresh water and hits him in his vulnerable spot with a javelin. Despite Kriemhild's despair, the Burgundian princes protect Hagen. She then swears that she will have no rest until Siegfried's murderer is punished.
Kriemhild cannot forget Siegfried and his cowardly assassination by Hagen von Tronje, who remains the protégé of the Burgundian clan. She gives birth to a child conceived with Siegfried and she also decides to distribute the gold from the Nibelungen treasure, inherited from her husband, to the population, in order to turn them against Gunther and Hagen. The rest of the treasure is then stolen by Hagen, who throws it into the Rhine after getting rid of Alberich, who wanted to take it back. When Kriemhild decides to flee to Xanten, Hagen and Gunther agree to kidnap Siegfried's son and bring him up in a monastery, so that one day he cannot be dangerous to them or lay claims to the throne. However, he dies while Kriemhild's convoy is attacked by Hagen's henchmen. Margrave Rüdiger saves Kriemhild and brings her to the Danube, where she accepts King Etzel's marriage proposal in order to carry out her revenge against Hagen.
Years later, a child is born, named Ortlieb, and the Burgundians are invited by Etzel to celebrate his baptism. On the road that takes them from Worms to Hungary, where Etzel and his court live, Hagen talks to water fairies, who tell him that none of them will return alive except the chaplain. Hagen then kills the boatman who did not want to let them cross the river in his boat. After all the Burgundians have safely crossed, Hagen tries to drown the chaplain to thwart the prophecy; however, he manages to swim to the other side, and Hagen understands the veracity of the prediction, which he reveals to his companions. They are welcomed in Bavaria by Rüdiger, Giselher's father-in-law, and they are then brought to Etzel.
By order of Kriemhild, Etzel's brother Blödelin and his men try to provoke the Burgundians, but at the end Hagen kills Blödelin in self-defense. A gruesome slaughter ensues during the banquet, in which Ortlieb is killed by Hagen. When Etzel seeks retaliation, he himself narrowly escapes death. Kriemhild offers to let Gunther and her other relatives leave in exchange for Hagen's head, but they all refuse, so she orders to set on fire the palace where they are entrenched. Despite his daughter's tears, even Rüdiger has to fight his son-in-law Giselher, and they both mortally wound each other. Gernot is killed by the archers and only Hagen and Gunther escape.
Dietrich von Bern and his armourer Hildebrand finally manage to take Hagen and Gunther prisoners. Gunther stands by Hagen until the end and bleeds to death before Kriemhild's eyes, severely wounded. In rage, Kriemhild strikes Hagen with Siegfried's sword Balmung before killing herself with the same sword. Rüdiger's daughter Hildegund and the minstrel Volker von Alzey, who was blinded during the fight, are the only Burgundians to walk back home.
The Pear Tree of the story refers to the Eurasian Perera ("pear" in Portuguese) family, whose viewpoint the story takes. The younger generation of the Perera family moves from Singapore to a Eurasian colony near Bahau, where Augustine "Gus" Perera, a young man of twenty-one, is recruited by a group of British-backed Chinese communists fighting a guerrilla war against the Japanese invaders. Meanwhile, Gus's sister, the beautiful Anna, is courted by Japanese officer Junichiro Takanashi.
During a family Christmas dinner, the Lévesque family meets in order to spend quality time together. However, a major topic of conversation spoils the festive atmosphere: the health of the father of this family (Jacques Godin), who is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. In addition, the quality of life is more than anything but fair at that time, as the family often quarrels. His eldest son André (Yves Jacques) and André's son Sam (Aliocha Schneider) want to end his suffering by making him live his last moments in happiness. However, the rest of the family does not agree to this, believing that their father should live as long as possible. One thing is certain, is that this father and his wife (Andrée Lachapelle) will not separate under any circumstances.
The film opens with ex-militants describing the torture they underwent when captured by the army. A Hindu describes his sentiment on being a part of the minority in the region at the height of militancy, when his grandfather was shot dead by militants. A politician and her husband describe the horror of being kidnapped and in captivity for over a month – and despite that, forming a human bond with the militants, and helping them escape when the army closed in on them. One understands from this section that militancy was not binary in nature. It was a dynamic and complex, resulting from various socio-political, economic and religious issues.
Disappearances and fake encounters led to the creation of mass graves, hidden away in sensitive border areas that civilians and journalists are not permitted to access in the name of national security. Human rights lawyer and activist Parvez Imroz reveals to us the presence of almost a thousand such graves in the valley. Rape victims from Kunan Poshpora describe the trauma they went through at the hands of the army and the stigma that they still face due to the incident.
The film also narrates how the minority Hindu Kashmiri Pandits were effectively cleansed from the valley as the majority of them fled the Islamic Terrorists. At several points in the movie, Kashmiri Muslims describe how the males are picked up and taken to Pakistan to be trained as terrorists. One former terrorist describes how his job will not be completed until Islam is spread through India and the World. He is prepared to die as he is firmly convinced he will go to heaven – though he cannot describe his concept of heaven. One Kashmiri woman openly admits that she sympathises with Pakistani Militants as they are Muslim. There are no interviews with the Indian Military in the movie.
The film then leads us to 'normalcy' or the social ramifications the last twenty years of devastation brought to the valley. Militancy in Kashmir resulted in the Government of India deploying tens of thousands of armed troops in the region. We hear the story of one boy who lost his leg because he was caught in crossfire. The film ends on a poignant note with a young artist saying 'I need my space.'
''Inshallah, Football'' is about 18-year-old Basharat Baba, known as "Basha". His father, Bashir, was a much-wanted leader of the armed group Hizbul Mujahideen. When he left his home in Kashmir to join the training camps in Pakistan in the early 1990s, his son Basharat was barely two months old.
Basharat belongs to a new generation of Kashmiris, having grown up under the shadow of a protracted conflict. His passion is football, and he has been coached by Juan Marcos Troia, an Argentinean national and FIFA accredited football coach by profession. Marcos aspires to breed world class players from Kashmir; he and his wife, being attached to both Basha and Kashmir, migrate to Srinagar with their three daughters to take up Basha's cause.''A football kick that aims for hope'' Deccan Chronicle, 13 November 2010
Marcos runs a football academy called International Sports Academy Trust; and an exchange program for his most talented players to train at Santos FC, Pele's old club in Brazil. Basharat was one of chosen few, but was denied a passport by the Government of India. The passport in question did come through after Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah intervened.Tehelka, 15 November 2010
''Inshallah, Football'' tells this story through Bashir's recollections and travails.''More Than A Game'', Express India, 5 November 2010 Kumar describes the film as "the story of three remarkable men – one is his father who fought for his beliefs, another about the football coach who's come all the way from Argentina to start this football academy, and this young man who is struggling to play football."''In Kashmir, inshallah, there will be football'', The Daily Rising Kashmir, 15 November 2010
The film has been critically acclaimed and played in competition part of the wide-angle documentary section at the Pusan Film Festival where it also received the Asian Network of Documentary (AND) Fund, and Winner of Muhr Asia Africa / Documentary /Special Mention : Ashvin Kumar (Director) at the Dubai International Film Festival
A university student (Robert Short) is researching his thesis on the "thoroughly German" villages of modern-day central Texas. He's on his way to Luckenbach - where people speak German more often than English - when his car runs out of gas. He walks into town and meets Kirska Schöennig (Jo Maryman), who takes him to the Schöennig Inn, the hotel run by her grandfather, Hans. While none of the older residents of the town will talk to the student about the "Luckenbach Witch," Kirska loans him a book about her.
Learning from the book that the witch is buried near the inn, the student goes to the cemetery and opens her shallow grave by hand. He removes from her mummified remains the spike that was driven through her. After he returns in haste to the inn, she rises naked from her grave, quite intact and intent on taking revenge on the Schöennigs, the descendants of her lover, the married man who denounced her as a witch a century earlier.
The witch steals the stake and goes to the bedroom of Kirska. She rips Kirska's nightgown off her and puts it on before setting out in search of the other two remaining Schöennigs, Hans and Franz. She quickly dispatches them both. The student finds the witch bathing nude in a creek and falls under her spell. But after spending the night with her, he snaps out of it and decides that it is his responsibility to stop her.
As the witch magically summons Kirska to the graveyard, the student rushes in and struggles with the witch. She falls upon the stake, dead again.
Shug, a rich old man, has been living with his mistress Linda for five years. He kicks her out and replaces her with his niece, Baby Doll, a former stripper in New Orleans.
Sheila Rae is a mouse who boastfully claims she is not afraid of anything. She recklessly shows off in front of her friends and classmates acts of bravery such as tying Wendell with her skipping rope for snatching it. In addition, she teases her little sister, Louise, for being afraid of little things. But one day when Sheila Rae wanders down a strange route on her way home from school, Louise gets the better of her and for the first time, Sheila Rae feels afraid, while Louise gains courage and helps Sheila Rae overcome her fear.
Cynthia Wood is a 17-year-old, light-skinned black girl. She tries to pass as white after being hired by wealthy movie magnate, Mr. Langley.
Uzume Uno, a girl who used to be an elite player at card tournaments, is one day given a curious device which uses special cards to summon artificially intelligent female warriors known as Fantasista Dolls. From this day on, Uzume spends each day spending time with her new friends, while also fighting battles against other card masters who seek to have their wishes granted by the in exchange for defeating her.
After losing her baby, anthropologist's wife Susan Jamison heads an expedition to Africa to find her missing husband. There she discovers a group of ape men who decide to adopt her as their queen.
A poor artist signs a contract with a masked stranger, who gives him a magic brush, with which the artist rapidly rises in the art world. He is disillusioned when he discovers the world is corrupted by money, personified by his mistress. He wanders around the city, seeing his auctioneer and mistress in everyone he sees. Enraged by the hallucinations, he attacks one of them, who turns out to be a police officer. The artist is jailed for it, but he escapes, and a mob chases him from the city. He is injured when he jumps into a ravine to avoid recapture. A woman who lives in the woods discovers him and brings him back to health. They have a child, and live a simple, happy life together, until the mysterious stranger returns and beckons the artist to the edge of a cliff. The artist prepares to paint a portrait of the stranger but fatally falls from the cliff with fright when the stranger reveals a skull-like head behind the mask.
''Arroz con Leche'' revolves around the lives of three sisters as they try to find love in their unhappy lives. In the process, they discover that the path to discovering love is very difficult. Wenclaso is an older man left to raise his three daughters Belen, Amanda and Teresa alone after the death of their mother, Manuela. The three sisters have lived in the shadow of their deceased mother after their father still idolized Manuela even after her death.
Teresa (Alba Roversi) is an intellectual, radio presenter married to Jose Manuel "Chepo" (Manuel Salazar), a man who is unfaithful to her. Her marriage is in crisis, and she finds herself in a situation whereby she cannot use the relationship advice that she gives to her listeners to solve her own situation.
Amanda (Marlene De Andrade) is a housewife married to Thomas (Carlos Cruz), a sexist man who only thinks of himself. Frustrated by only being seen as a housewife and mother of two, she gets an opportunity of running a beauty salon in order to prove that she can also be successful in business. However, she finds true love with Rodrigo(Juan Carlos Garcia), an unhappily married man whose wife Cecilia is extremely jealous and threatens their newly found love.
Belén (Eileen Abad) is the youngest of the sisters who is left pregnant after discovering that her husband Danton (Henry Soto) is a polygamous man with three other marriages in which none of the women are aware that their husband has other wives.
Kate (Olivia Wilde) and Luke (Jake Johnson) are co-workers at Chicago craft brewery Revolution Brewing, spending their days drinking and goofing off. Seemingly perfect for each other, they are both in relationships with other people. Kate is with Chris (Ron Livingston), and Luke with Jill (Anna Kendrick). Jill is a nice, practical girl, and Chris an introvert. Jill wants to get married, which Luke promises to talk about soon.
One day, Luke and Kate are drinking with co-workers, and Jill and Chris also show up. Chris invites the other couple to join him and Kate on a trip to his cottage. On a hike on the trip, Jill and Chris kiss.
Luke and Kate spend the whole trip drinking and staying up late together, and have a bonfire. Kate dares Luke to go skinny dipping, stripping and running into the lake.
When the couples return home, Chris realizes his and Kate's differences and breaks up with her. Kate insists the whole brewery crew go out the next evening for drinks to celebrate her 'singleness'. That night she ends up sleeping with co-worker, Dave. When Luke hears, he is angry at them both, spending the whole day snapping at them, but later apologizes.
Jill decides to go away for a week with some college friends. During this trip, Luke and Kate go out for dinner and fall asleep together on the couch. He helps her pack up her old apartment and move the next day. At the end of the day, he falls asleep on the bed. Kate joins him.
The next morning, Luke and Kate keep moving, planning to have a celebratory dinner when they are done. He cuts his hand badly while helping move a couch, and she is squeamish about the blood and unhelpful. An impatient driver, blocked by the moving van, starts a fight with Luke. Kate calls Dave and another co-worker to help finish the move. Dave invites Kate out for drinks, and she agrees instead of dining with Luke. He is annoyed and they argue.
Returning home, Luke finds Jill has come home early, and she is crying. She sees his injuries and while cleaning him up, confesses to kissing Chris while at the cottage. She tells him how guilty she feels about it, and that she really loves him and wants to marry him. Luke forgives Jill and lets her know that he still loves her and wants to marry her too. The next day at work Kate and Luke awkwardly interact and then eventually sit together at lunch. They offer one another bits of their lunch, Kate refusing the banana and he tosses it, their way of saying they will remain friends. They smile and share a beer.
Ahmad Shah, a local Taliban warlord in the Korangal Valley is identified as the person responsible for the deaths of several Marines, plus any villagers who are believed to have aided the American forces in Afghanistan. A Navy SEAL team, consisting of Michael Murphy, Matthew Axelson, Danny Dietz and Marcus Luttrell, is ordered to capture Shah.
Inserted overnight via helicopter, the four-man team make their way toward Shah's last known location. Due to the mountainous terrain the team are operating in, communications with J-Bad become difficult. Though the team identify Shah, they are discovered by local villagers; one of whom is carrying a walkie-talkie. Believing that the villagers are Taliban sympathisers, the SEALs debate setting them free or killing them. Murphy orders them to be set free.
The team proceed up the mountainside, aborting their mission and intend to extract. However, true to the SEALs’ concerns the villagers alert the Taliban, who pursue the team. Though the SEALs begin with the advantage, the sheer number of the Taliban forces begins to overwhelm them and their position. Pushed toward a ravine the SEALs are given little choice but to jump, but are thrown off balance when an RPG detonates in front of them. Dietz is killed and the remaining SEALs try desperately to raise support. Murphy scales the cliff to gain a clear signal which finally alerts the QRF, though he is killed shortly after.
The QRF scrambles to the SEALs’ aid, though the two Chinook helicopters fly in without Apache support. Briefly encouraged by the arrival of reinforcements, Luttrell and Axelson watch helplessly as one Chinook is shot down by an RPG. The second aborts, leaving Luttrell and Axelson to fend for themselves. Already grievously wounded from battle, the disoriented Axelson is soon cornered by Taliban gunmen and killed. Luttrell is also discovered, though he survives an RPG attack and is able to hide from his pursuers overnight and escapes.
Wandering alone, Luttrell happens across a small stream when he is discovered by Mohammed Gulab, a local Pashtun. Taking the wounded and exhausted Luttrell into his care, Gulab hides him from the Taliban in his home, and also sends another villager to the nearest American base to report on Luttrell's location. Shah arrives at the village to execute Luttrell, however the villagers resist. Shah leaves, but returns later with several Taliban gunmen and engage the villagers. Rangers arrive mid battle and evacuate Luttrell, who also thanks Mohammed for his assistance.
Images of the real Luttrell, Gulab and the fallen service members killed during the mission are shown during a four-minute montage, and an epilogue explains that the Pashtun villagers agreed to help Luttrell as part of a traditional code of honor known as the Pashtunwali.
Nick is a young, carefree bachelor in New Jersey who spends nearly every Sunday afternoon visiting and dining with either of his two sets of grandparents, who are ethnic Italians. One Thursday he makes an unscheduled visit to announce that his corporate employer will be promoting and relocating him to Seattle, Washington in a few months. His grandparents are shocked, and dedicate themselves to making Nick stay. Without telling him, they invite a young Irish woman named Catlin to join them at the next dinner, hoping the two will bond and Nick will remain in the area. Instead, they embarrass Nick in front of her, causing Nick to repeatedly snap at them. This disgusts Catlin, and following her departure Nick yells at his grandparents, berating them at their attempts to control his life. The scene climaxes with Nick having a panic attack at the result of the stress.
Two days later, Nick is resting at his grandparents house recovering from the stress of his panic attack. His grandparents try a variety of methods to cheer him up, first by playing Trivial Pursuit, then by Nunzio telling a thoroughly exaggerated story of how he and Emma met. Later, when the two of them are alone, Frank recalls to Nick a story of his own father back in Italy, and Nick meditates on the complexity of his grandparents' lives. Later, Catlin comes to visit Nick and apologizes for snapping at him. She tells him that if he stays in New Jersey, she'd be willing to go on another date with him.
The next Sunday, Nick returns to his grandparents house for dinner. He announces that he's accepted the promotion, much to the dismay and grief of everyone. Nunzio goes to tell Nick about his terminal cancer, only to refrain at the last second, realizing that Nick needs to find himself without the help of his family.
Two months after Nick moves to Seattle, Nunzio dies of prostate cancer. Nick states in an aside that had he known, he would have stayed in New Jersey without question. Two years later, Frank and Emma have also died, and Nick is engaged. While visiting Aida, Nick offers to move her to Washington so they'll be able to see each other more often, but Aida refuses, stating she'd never be able to live in a house other than the one Frank built for her. In the final scene, Nick takes a few mementos of his grandparents (Nunzio's camera, Emma's prayer cards, and Frank's car keys), finally appreciating how much they loved and looked out for him.
In modern-day Kyoto, humans live in the city while tanuki roam the earth and tengu roam the sky. The story surrounds a family of tanuki, the Shimogamo family. They have the ability to transform into anything they wish, from humans to any animate/inanimate object. The third son, Yasaburō, enjoys a bustling daily life. He often visits his teacher Professor Akadama, a tengu. Through Akadama, Yasaburō is acquainted with Benten, a human woman whom Akadama taught to fly like a tengu. As the story unfolds, the members of the Shimogamo family are still dealing with the foggy past that surrounds their father's untimely death prior to the series's start. To complicate matters, Benten is a member of a social group called the Friday Fellows, people who enjoy a meal of tanuki hot pot at the end of the year. The Shimogamo family must balance between living carelessly, maintaining relationships among other tanuki families, and not getting put into a hot pot by the Friday Fellows.
Francisca Náranjo is a nurse who is hopelessly in love with Juan Andrés Róman, the director of the clinic where she works. Juan Andrés has never noticed or paid any attention to Francisca. However, through a twist of fate, Juan Andrés meets a taxi driver named Jason Martínez who looks exactly like him. Juan Andrés convinces Jason to take his place for a single afternoon so that he can obtain the opportunity to handle personal issues. It is through this exchange that Jason falls in love with Francisca the moment he sees her. Jason is completely convinced that Francisca is the love of his life.
But what seemed to be a simple game of amusement for Juan Andrés turns into a complete nightmare when he is forced to go into hiding after a series of unexpected circumstances, therefore leaving Jason to occupy his life and in a position which he cannot handle. Meanwhile, the love between Francisca and Jason continues to grow. Little does she know that the man she thinks she has finally fallen in love with isn't Juan Andrés.
Set in the fictional town of Ravenswood, Pennsylvania, the series follows five strangers whose lives become intertwined by a deadly curse that has plagued their town for generations. They have to dig into the town's dark past to solve the mysterious curse.
The series is loosely based on Louis C.K.'s life, showing him as a comic onstage, and depicting his life offstage as a newly divorced father of two girls. Each episode features either two stories that may or may not connect thematically, or a longer full-episode story (often consisting of numerous connected shorter pieces), all of which revolve around Louie. The pieces are interspersed with segments of C.K.'s stand-up comedy, usually performed in small New York comedy clubs, mainly the Comedy Cellar and Carolines in Manhattan. The stand-up in the show consists of original material recorded for the series, and is usually shot from the stage rather than from the more traditional audience perspective. Sometimes these comedy segments are integrated into the stories themselves, other times they simply serve to bookend them with a loosely connected topic. In Season 1, short awkward conversations between Louie and his therapist are also shown occasionally.
Episodes in the series have standalone plots, although some recurring roles (Louie's playdate friend Pamela, portrayed by Pamela Adlon, his co-star from ''Lucky Louie'') occasionally provide story arc continuity between episodes. Continuity is not enforced; there were two very different characters and actresses that served as Louie's mother in separate episodes. Episode 7, "Double Date/Mom" portrays a very unpleasant woman as Louie's mother, played by Mary Louise Wilson. By contrast, in episode 10, "God", a flashback to Louie's childhood shows the young Louie's mother as a very different woman with a nice personality, played by Amy Landecker. Landecker portrayed present-day Louie's date earlier in the season, in episode 9, "Bully". As C.K. explained, "Every episode has its own goal, and if it messes up the goal of another episode, [...] I just don't care." Louis C.K. segment on YouTube: [ Part 1], [ Part 2], [ Part 3] Some stories also take place outside of the series timeline, such as "God", which depicts Louie's childhood, and "Oh Louie", which shows the comedian 9 years earlier in his career.
The pilot episode includes segments on a school field trip and an awkward first date, with subsequent episodes covering a diverse range of material including divorce, sex, depression, sexual orientation, and Catholic guilt.
A cocky director named Ritchie Deaden is casting the lead actress for his first feature film. He discusses the process with his off-screen wife, becoming increasingly angry as he speaks. The director has selected Sandy, a young actress who is under the bed for some reason, and will finalise the deal in an upcoming meeting. Meanwhile, Sandy's roommate refuses to let her into their house, as Sandy has failed to pay back a loan. After convincing her roommate that she will pay her back once she gets the part, Sandy enters the house, where she has a phone conversation with her controlling and unsupportive mother. It is revealed that the director's wife is gagged and tied to a meat hook in their living room. The director, a violent misogynist, feels disgraced by his wife's lesbianism. He praises Sandy's qualities, then kills his wife with an axe. The director continues his diatribe, declaring that he will invite Sandy to stay in the house with him while they make the film.
At the final callback, the director and a group of studio executives watch a Hispanic girl audition, but decide she is "too ethnic" for the part. Sandy arrives and begins her audition, following the script. The director intervenes, asking Sandy to improvise a scene in which they play husband and wife. Pleased with her performance, he finalizes the deal. He asks Sandy to take a look at some "migrant trash picker" documents he has in his house; she hesitates but accepts. On her way out the door, Sandy drops several items from her bag, accidentally leaving behind a book. The director picks it up and sees that it is a compendium of ''A Return to Love'' and ''A Woman's Worth'' by Marianne Williamson.
Anne James is asked by Colonel Thomson of "Security" (ASIO) to visit and stay with her friend Darcy, now married to David Crawford. The Crawfords live at "Jacaranda House", in Sydney. Anna has misgivings but eventually agrees.
The film is set in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, in the wake of the Spanish Civil War. Fourteen-year-old Dani is a budding artist, who looks after Captain Blay (Fernando Fernán Gómez), an ageing civil war veteran. Blay suggests Dani draw local girl Susana as the subject of a poster warning of the dangers of factory smoke causing consumption. Dani and Susana begin a tentative romance, as they hear stories of Susana's father's exploits as a secret agent in the Chinese city of Shanghai from one of his wartime colleagues.[ Shanghai Spell], SBS Films.
The mother (Mouna Noureddine) gives her daughter Sabra (Fatma Khemiri) an oval stone to protect her from men until her wedding day. The stone is locked in a jewelry box, symbolizing Sabra being locked in society against her consent. While seeking and education in the male-dominated Tunisian society, Sabra fears being reduced to society's traditional roles. Flashbacks to her childhood reveal how her mother taught her to be wary of men. Sabra overcomes societal barriers and makes it into university and studies for her exams by candlelight. However, when her professor gives her a failing grade, Sabra decides that she has to leave. With her mother's support, Sabra continues her studies exiled in Europe.
''The Goldfinch'' is told in retrospective first-person narration by Theodore "Theo" Decker. As a thirteen-year-old boy, Theo's life is turned upside down when he and his mother visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see an exhibition of Dutch masterpieces, including a favorite painting of hers, Carel Fabritius's ''The Goldfinch''. There, he becomes intrigued by a red-headed girl with an elderly man. A bomb explodes in the museum, killing his mother and several other visitors.
In the rubble, Theo encounters the old man who gives him a ring and delivers an enigmatic message before dying. Believing that the man is pointing at ''The Goldfinch'', Theo takes it during his panicked escape. He moves in with a school friend, Andy Barbour, and his wealthy family in their Park Avenue apartment. He carries out the old man's last wishes and returns the ring to his business partner, James "Hobie" Hobart. Theo learns that the old man's name was Welton "Welty" Blackwell, and that he and Hobie ran an antiques shop together. He becomes friends with Hobie and encounters the red-haired girl, Pippa, who lived with Welty and Hobie after her mother (Welty's half-sister) died of cancer.
Theo's life is disrupted when his deadbeat dad arrives with his new girlfriend and whisks him away to Las Vegas. He takes the painting with him, and in Las Vegas, makes a new friend, Boris Pavlikovsky, the cosmopolitan son of a Ukrainian émigré. The two boys, both with absentee parents, spend most of their afternoons drinking, smoking marijuana, and using other illegal drugs. While hounded by a loan-shark, Theo's father gets drunk and dies in a car crash. Fearful of what his father's death may mean to his living situation, Theo flees to New York via cross-country bus. With nowhere to stay, he heads to Hobie's, who welcomes him. Pippa, now enrolled in a school for troubled teens in Switzerland, is visiting on break.
The narrative skips ahead eight years. Theo has become a full partner in Hobart's business. He has concealed ''The Goldfinch'' because he is afraid of being accused of theft. He is engaged to a childhood friend but is still confused and obsessed with this "love" for Pippa, who is living in London with her boyfriend. Over the years, he becomes addicted to prescription medication and saves Hobie from bankruptcy by selling fake antiques.
Theo is racked by guilt and fear over the fakes and ''The Goldfinch''. Boris reappears, now a wealthy man thanks to dubious unspecified activities. To Theo's astonishment, Boris reveals that he had stolen ''The Goldfinch'' from Theo while they were in high school; the painting has since been used as collateral by criminals and drug dealers. Boris feels guilty and has devoted himself to recovering the painting and returning it to Theo. At Theo's engagement party, Boris appears with a plan to retrieve ''The Goldfinch''. They fly to Amsterdam to meet with the dealers who have the painting. Boris and his associates steal it back but the plan goes awry when armed henchmen confront them. In the resulting conflict, Boris is shot in the arm and Theo kills Boris's attacker while one of the dealers escapes with the painting.
Boris disappears, leaving Theo in his hotel room, where he drinks, takes drugs, and recovers from illness, and is afraid that police will discover him. Unable to return to New York because Boris has his passport, Theo feels trapped and contemplates suicide. After several days, Boris returns and reveals that he has resolved the situation by phoning the art recovery police to inform on the dealers. Not only has the painting been saved for the museum, but Boris has received a huge reward, which he shares with Theo.
After arriving in the United States, Theo travels the country, using the reward money to buy back the fake antiques from customers. He realizes that Pippa does love him, but she would not openly reciprocate his feelings because she believes they share the same injury and flaws, both having survived the trauma of the museum explosion and both self-medicating to ease their psychological scars. In a lengthy reflection, Theo wonders how much of his experiences were unavoidable due to fate or his character, and contemplates ''The Goldfinch'' and "the history of people who have loved beautiful things, and looked out for them, and pulled them from the fire". The novel ends on a curious note, inasmuch as Theo's contemplation demonstrates both a hard fate still ahead and a sort of redeeming immortality through the admiration of beauty.
Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan) and Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) clash about ''Hit List''. Derek wants to go with a big production for "I Heard Your Voice In a Dream" but Jimmy wants it to be more simple and Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) agrees with him. Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) and Julia Houston (Debra Messing) visit the set and Tom, who is having issues with standing up for himself as ''Bombshell's'' director, has a talk with Derek about being forceful and getting things done. Derek gets Tom's point about listening and sits down and listens to Jimmy about his concerns for the song. They decide to forgo Derek's desired video screens and just use dancers for the number as a way to keep the Hit List characters of Jesse and Amanda apart.
Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) reprises "Let Me Be Your Star" in rehearsal as the ''Bombshell'' ensemble happily applauds that she's back in the lead. Tom struggles to assert himself as director of ''Bombshell''. His ex-boyfriend Sam Strickland (Leslie Odom, Jr.) returns to town for a visit and says he's unhappy with his ''Book of Mormon'' role and Tom offers him a part in ''Bombshell''. Julia tells him there isn't room for Sam. After the ''Bombshell'' group has some fun together with Sam singing the song "(Let's Start) Tomorrow Tonight" that Tom and Julia wrote for a never-finished 60s musical, Tom offers to put the song into the show. Producer Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston) finally comes down hard on him, telling him the song doesn't fit. Tom has his talk with Derek about being forceful and finally tells Sam he and the song can't be in the show. Sam angrily stalks off. Elieen and her publicist Agnes (Daphne Rubin-Vega) have been trying to get Richard Francis' (Jamey Sheridan) attention to write a positive piece about ''Bombshell'' in the New York Times. She finally hits upon an idea and tells Tom that she has asked Leigh Conroy, big Broadway star and Ivy's mom, to come out of retirement to do the role of Gladys, Marilyn's mom. Tom thinks that Ivy might have a problem with it, but tells Eileen to go ahead with the PR and will settle it with Ivy.
Karen and roommate and fellow cast member Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez) push each other to ask for what they want. At a ''Hit List'' cast party at a bar, Ana, who wants the Diva role in ''Hit List'' but has been afraid to push for it, gets Derek's attention and sings "If I Were a Boy" on the bar. Derek is impressed and tells her she has the role. Karen is interested in Jimmy but is afraid to tell him. At the same party, slightly drunk, she finally asks him if he likes her or not. He gets interrupted by Derek and Karen asks him to walk her home. At her apartment after Derek leaves, there's a knock at the door and it's Jimmy. He gets her in a steamy kiss and the episode ends with them on a table taking off their clothes.
Kate is a novelist who writes "modern" novels about sex, romance and relationships. She thinks that since she is a strictly modern women she knows everything about men. When she falls in love, she plans to act exactly like the heroines in her novels and expects her future boyfriend to do likewise. Kate attempts to apply the methods that uses in his books to her own life and the lives of those around her. As the film begins, we find out that Mackaill's cousin, Aimee (Johnston) is about to be married to Heath Desmond (Blackmer).
Two days before their marriage Aimee, apparently a prude, tells Heath that there will be no passion in their marriage and that they will strictly observe the sanctity of the Sabbath. Heath, quickly realizing what is in store for him, deserts Aimee and takes the next train out of town. Judge Bartlett (Richmond), who was to marry the couple, consoles Aimee. Meanwhile, Kate, who is on her way to the expected wedding, meets Heath on the train. Not knowing who he is, Kate quickly falls in love with him.
When Kate learns that Heath is her cousin's fiancé, she pretends that she had only been flirting because she thinks that falling in love with a man who is about to marry someone else is not appropriate. She vows to act in the proper way, the way in which the characters in her "modern" novels would. She does her best to bring Heath and Aimee back together again, even though she still loves Heath.
Kate manages to get them to the altar, but just before the marriage is solemnized Kate, realizing that Aimee is in love with Judge Bartlett, gives the judge a drug. The judge faints and Aimee declares her love for the judge. When the judge recovers, he is married to Aimee, leaving Kate and Heath free to pursue their romance.
An ex-con avenges his brother-in-law's death by infiltrating vicious loan rackets.
Cooper (Alan Arkin) and Durazno knock out a truck driver and steal his rig. They take it back to a shop where it is repainted and the numbers are filed. In it they find a truckload of carburetors. Cooper abandons Durazno at a gas station and sets out as an independent driver of the yellow Peterbilt.
He picks up a hitchhiker (Paul Benedict) but refuses to also give a ride to the man's accompanying woman and dog. At a diner the two notice the Duke of Interstate 40 (Hector Elizondo) eating at another table. Cooper asks him about his rig, which annoys the Duke. Cooper and the hitchhiker watch ''Samson and Delilah'' at a drive-in as Cooper discusses professions he's considered as a means to make money and how he reads the almanac so that he can be learning and earning money at the same time.
Cooper visits a shopkeeper and attempts to earn money by either selling some of the stolen carburetors or hustling work as an independent hauler but is turned down because the shopkeeper works with the wholesalers. The hitchhiker finds several prospective customers in the meantime and they pack the already-full truck with tiles and live chickens to be hauled, stealing food and supplies from other trucks. They visit the place where Cooper says his wife lives but she is not there. They are pulled over by a policeman and Cooper lies that he recently returned from the war to get the officer to let him go quickly without checking the contents of the truck. During the night Cooper takes Benzedrine to stay awake while driving.
The next day they are once again stopped by the police and forced to show the logbook, which is not up to date. The police also note that the plates are not Cooper's and the trailer is over its stated weight. In exchange for not charging him, the police convince Cooper to leave four tons of his goods on the shoulder for them. Cooper quickly dumps some of the goods and tells the hitchhiker to close the door but the hitchhiker fails to secure the door and most of the tiles and live chickens pour out of the back and onto the highway.
Just as Cooper feels that he is getting into it the truck breaks down. Cooper leaves to find parts while the hitchhiker stays with the truck in the heat. Johnny Mesquitero (Bruce Bennett) appears and gives him advice on how to handle the truck. He promises to fix the truck if they do not push it too hard. He fixes the piston seals and tells the hitchhiker to take 10 pounds of pressure out of the tires so that they do not jackknife, then he leaves. When Cooper returns the hitchhiker tells him about Johnny's visit and Cooper tells the hitchhiker that Johnny Mesquitero died six years earlier in a jackknife accident.
They stop at a cafe where Cooper's friend the cook tells him that the police have been looking for him. That night Cooper steals the plates and papers from another truck to disguise his. They have to pass a weighbridge where Cooper convinces the police that a drunk hunter is shooting people on the hill. Two of the police leave to investigate and Cooper knocks the remaining one out with a glass bottle so that they can continue driving. Further ahead the road is closed for construction but Cooper insists that they can still use one of the lanes.
They stop at a racetrack where the hitchhiker asks Cooper for some money but Cooper refuses to share. Later as they are riding again the hitchhiker points a flare gun at Cooper and demands the goods in the truck. Cooper climbs into the back and when the hitchhiker follows Cooper knocks him out and locks him in. On his fourth night without sleep Cooper forces an oncoming car off the road when he dozes off and veers into the oncoming lane. Cooper arrives at a barn, where he unhitches and unlocks the trailer. The hitchhiker climbs out and angrily chases after him but Cooper drives off and leaves him. Further down the road Cooper attempts to sell the tractor to a man for $200. The man refuses and Cooper abandons the truck in the parking lot, continuing his journey as a hitchhiker.
Paul Berger, known as Paulo les diams, is a smuggler who works with his old friend Walter, an antique dealer married to Irene. Paulo recruits his smugglers from a nightclub with the help of his employees Rene and Lili.
They recruit a man called Mike Coppolano to smuggle, not knowing he is an American secret agent who has gone undercover. Mike is hired as Paulo's bodyguard after saving Paulo's life in a shoot out.
Gangster Giulio kidnaps Irene, and Mike shoots Giulio. Walter is killed and Paulo swears to avenge him.
Mafia gangster Binnagio insists Paulo and Mario get along. Mike steals a notebook in which Walter wrote down the flow chart of the arms trade. Paulo sets off a bomb in the middle of a meeting with the mafia.
Paulo and the survivors of the bomb are arrested.
Two boys befriend a stranded alien in the shape of a little silver ball and help it to return home.
'' Fifi Sands (Wilson) is married to Mr. Sands (Love), an unpleasant millionaire, who is constantly cheating on her. Being fed up with his affairs, Mrs. Sands, who is in love with Owen McDonald (von Eltz), asks Mr. Sands for a divorce but he constantly refuses. Mr. Sands's lawyer (Warner), manages to prevent her from filing for divorce for a while.
One evening, at a dinner party given by Smith (Brooke), Fifi announces that her husband has finally granted her a divorce. McDonald, however, is disappointed to find that she did not ask for a settlement or alimony. Later, Alan Sands (Sage), Fifi’s son, discovered that his father had been murdered with poison and accuses McDonald of the deed and chastises his mother for protecting him. Sands' s lawyer accuses McDonald of being a penniless fortune-hunter. This further blackens the case again McDonald. Dr. Cummings, who is the family doctor (Birmingham). is also suspected because of his unusual interest in Fifi.
Fifi is also a suspect because she seems distraught during the dinner party, which occurred on the night that Mr. Sands was murdered. Fifi at first quarrels with Oliver Bedlow (Warner) and orders him out of her house. Later on she turns to him for help. He at first seem uninterested in helping, but when he discovers that Fifi is not in love with McDonald, he agrees to help her. Bedlow then locks the apartment door and begins to discuss the case. Mrs. Sands's loyal servants are coached in their testimony by Bedlow but they are unable to remember their lines. After an intensive investigation of suspects in the death of Mr. Sands, Bedlow breaks down and confesses to the crime. Bedlow declares his love for Fifi, but is rejected and commits suicide by falling out of a window.
Harry Dresden, still living on the island of Demonreach, is unable to reach his allies and plagued by increasing headaches. Queen Mab demands he undertake a job, but in return offers her aid with his headaches. Harry is to help Nicodemus steal something from the vault of Hades. Wary of the potential for betrayal, he enlists the aid of Karrin Murphy to watch his back.
Harry and Karrin meet Nicodemus and his crew, which includes Binder and a female warlock, Hanna Ascher, and soon Anna Valmont, the only surviving member of the group of thieves who had stolen the Shroud of Turin in ''Death Masks''. Harry and Karrin accompany Deirdre and the shape-shifting Goodman Grey, to collect a sample from an insider, who is immediately killed when Tessa unexpectedly intervenes. Dresden learns that the heist's target is the Holy Grail. At the third meeting, they realize that they are being spied upon by Waldo Butters. Giving chase, Harry manages to keep Binder's henchmen from catching him with the help of Bob. Nicodemus catches up with Dresden, Murphy and Butters on the street in front of Michael Carpenter's house, and a fight ensues. Murphy draws Fidelacchius and is tricked into using the sword to attempt to kill him while defenseless, which results in the sword's shattering and Murphy being badly wounded. Michael then appears, offering to leave his angel-protected house in exchange for the release of Harry, Karrin and Butters. Nicodemus accepts the deal, but before Michael leaves, Uriel appears, giving Michael Amoracchius and his own Grace. Nicodemus surrenders the fight and agrees to accept Michael as Harry's replacement for the wounded Murphy. That night while recovering at the Carpenters', Harry reconnects with his daughter Maggie for the first time since he saved her life at Chichen Itza in ''Changes''.
As the heist begins, the group breaks into a high security vault owned by John Marcone, where Dresden opens a Way to the true vault in the Nevernever. Ascher and Dresden open the gates of fire and ice respectively, leading the group to the Gate of Blood, where Deirdre willingly allows Nicodemus to sacrifice her to gain access to the vault. Dresden and Valmont manage to find an altar containing several powerful religious artifacts, including the Grail, at which point Hades stops time to talk to Dresden. Hades informs him that the vault is actually an armory: its purpose is to hold powerful artifacts and weapons until those with the knowledge and power to use them can claim them.
Armed with this knowledge, Dresden hides three artifacts in Valmont's bag and one in his sleeve before Nicodemus and the others arrive to claim the Grail. Nicodemus takes the Grail and turns on Harry and Michael after Harry makes a last appeal to Nicodemus's humanity, as Valmont has gone back to the vault's entrance. Hanna Ascher and the Genoskwa (an aggressive Bigfoot) are revealed to be the new hosts for Lasciel and Ursiel, respectively, and Nicodemus orders them and Goodman Grey to attack.
It is then revealed through a flashback that Harry had earlier hired Grey to back him up in anticipation of this fight. Grey takes on the Genoskwa/Ursiel, while Dresden fights Ascher/Lasciel and Michael fights Nicodemus. After Dresden manages to bury Ascher in a rockfall and Michael sends Nicodemus running, Grey blinds the Genoskwa, allowing the three of them to escape. On the way out, Dresden activates the Gate of Ice to crush the pursuing Genoskwa.
Dresden opens a Way and the four of them depart the Nevernever, but before they can close the Way, Nicodemus escapes and heads for Michael's house. With Binder's help, Harry and his team get out of Marcone's vault. Harry and Grey then leave to confront Nicodemus at Michael's home. During the final fight, Butters takes up the broken Fidelacchius, which emits a lightsaber-style blade, and chases off Nicodemus again. He agrees to become a Knight of the Cross.
Afterwards, the group divide up the backpack full of diamonds Valmont stole from Hades' vault. Grey turns down a share of them, instead accepting one dollar from Harry as his fee, and Harry uses that share as a "weregild" to pay for the death of Marcone's vault guard. He then visits Karrin in the hospital and the two share a passionate kiss and agree to try an actual relationship. Talking with Michael that evening, Harry reflects over the events of the past few days, and together they worry about a few things including Harry's future as the Winter Knight.
Harold Fry, 65, has cut the lawn outside his home at Kingsbridge on the south coast of Devon when he receives a letter. A colleague of twenty years ago, Queenie Hennessy, has cancer and is in a hospice in Berwick-upon-Tweed. The doctors say there is nothing more that can be done for her. He writes her a feeble and brief note and goes to post it, has second thoughts, and walks to the next post box, and the next. He phones the hospice from a call box and leaves a message. He is coming and she should wait, stay alive while he makes the journey. A girl at the petrol filling station where he stops for a snack says something that acts as a catalyst for his nascent project. He tells her he is on foot, posting a letter to someone with cancer. 'If you have faith you can do anything’ she replies, but quickly disclaims any religious reference.
As he begins the walk—which in 87 days will cover 627 miles—he reflects. About his marriage, his former employment as a brewery representative, about his son David, from whom he is almost completely estranged. From stopping places he sends postcards, to his wife Maureen, to Queenie, and to the unnamed girl at the filling station who gave him inspiration for his journey.
Maureen, although anxious about him, for a long time doesn't think of driving to provide help. Much later, when he has reached Yorkshire she drives up to see him. She thinks of joining his pilgrimage, but when he invites her she refuses, saying "It was selfish of me to ask you to give up your walk. Forgive me, Harold", to which replies, "I’m the one who needs forgiveness" (232).
Harold also realises that his journey to Queenie Hennesy is also a way for him to resolve issues from his past and to listen to the problems of others, such as a "silver-haired gentleman" whom he meets in a cafe early in his journey, or a middle-aged woman with cuts on her wrists.
He remembers how when he was twelve his mother 'walked out', and is aware that he is repeating her action. When he was sixteen his father 'showed him the door'. Later he went mad.
Six miles south of Stroud he phones the hospice and is told that the stay, cure, or miracle is working. His decision to walk appears vindicated. He finds a cast-off sleeping bag and carries it with another bag, looking now every bit a gentleman of the road. Faced with a shrunken bank balance he starts to sleep out. In Cheltenham he gives away his guidebook and posts home his debit card and other items. In the renunciation is the wonder of the impossible.
South of Coventry he is joined by a young man, Mick, who remarks, "What you’re doing is a pilgrimage for the twenty-first century. It's awesome. Yours is the kind of story people want to hear" (193). Mick, it appears, works for the ''Coventry Telegraph'', and Harold's story of modern pilgrimage was soon everywhere, including ''Thought for the Day'' on BBC Radio 4. Before long they are joined by several others from all walks of life. They do not use paid accommodation, always sleeping out or finding garden sheds.
There are disagreements, thefts, and soon Harold is thinking, "if only these people would go. Would find something else to believe in"(220). He decides to backtrack, which has the effect of throwing off the fellow-travellers who proceed directly to the Berwick destination. In the last stages of his walk Harold becomes badly disorientated, wanders around west of Berwick, sending home postcards from places like Kelso.
But when he at last reaches the hospice where Queenie has been waiting, he decides not to go in, and the reader is told, by means of a confessional letter to the girl at the filling station, of another motive for the walk. His son David, unemployed after Cambridge and addicted to drink and drugs, committed suicide in the garden shed, where he was discovered by the father with whom he barely ever communicated, and whose life is now a protracted mourning. The same letter divulges that when he and Queenie were working as colleagues she had taken the blame for a misdemeanour committed by Harold. "I let her take the blame"(264).
Finally, Harold changes his mind and goes to the sick room to find Queenie unable to speak and at the point of death. Maureen reaches him in Berwick, and he tells her that Queenie is beyond hope, beyond speech, and had been so since he set out. He however is able to say things to Maureen that were previously unspoken, about memories of David, of their earlier life, his own mother. They are reconciled before the waves breaking on the beach. Together they visit the hospice where Queenie has died and learned that she died at peace. When a young nun invites them to stay for evening mass they decline. Later, they head to the waterfront and reminisce on how they first met and they laugh for the first time in years.
Set in Israel during the eighteen months leading up to the Six-Day War, the novel portrays life on a fictional kibbutz, Granot, where the founding generation and their children struggle to come to terms with each other and the ideological tensions within Israeli society. Oz documents the gap between the socialist dream of the founders and the strained realities of Israeli life, but it is also, according to the author, a mystical tale about "the secret merger between six or seven very different human beings who become a family in the deepest sense of the term."
Set in March 1975, a few months after the events of ''Peace Walker'', players control returning protagonist Snake, also known as Big Boss (Akio Ōtsuka/Kiefer Sutherland), as he works with Militaires Sans Frontières (MSF) to infiltrate an American black site on Cuban soil called Camp Omega. Once used as a refugee camp for people fleeing Cuba and Haiti, Camp Omega is home to an old prison that is being used for extraordinary rendition as it has no legal recognition under the United States Constitution. Snake's main objectives are the extraction of Paz Ortega Andrade (Tara Strong/Nana Mizuki), who has information regarding the whereabouts of the person or persons known as Cipher; and Ricardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre (Antony Del Rio/Kikuko Inoue), a Sandinista and former child soldier who was captured by Skull Face (James Horan/Takaya Hashi), the commander of paramilitary force XOF, who are in control of Camp Omega. Snake's mission is supported by Kazuhira "Kaz" Miller (Robin Atkin Downes/Tomokazu Sugita) and Dr. "Huey" Emmerich (Christopher Randolph/Hideyuki Tanaka) from MSF's Mother Base.
In the aftermath of the ''Peace Walker'' incident, Paz Ortega Andrade is missing and presumed dead. Under the direction of Kazuhira Miller and Huey Emmerich, Militaires Sans Frontières (MSF) prepare for an upcoming inspection by the UN, amid suspicions that they possess a nuclear weapon; MSF suspects this to be an attempt by Cipher to stifle them. Their preparations are interrupted when MSF agents in Cuba investigate reports that Paz survived and has been detained at Camp Omega. To complicate matters, Ricardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre's attempts to rescue her has also resulted in his capture. Believing that both of them could compromise MSF, Snake is sent to infiltrate Camp Omega to extract them if they are alive, and confirm what they revealed to their captors. Snake believes rescuing Paz will convince Cipher to stand down, and that she will be willing to discuss Cipher's activities with MSF.
Snake infiltrates Camp Omega as a mysterious Special Forces unit known as XOF departs it. He locates and extracts Chico, who claims Paz is dead. Using a recording from Chico, Snake and Miller deduce that Paz is alive, and was moved deeper into the camp. Snake locates and rescues Paz, with the group escaping via an MSF helicopter designated Morpho One. On the way to Mother Base, Chico discovers that Paz was surgically implanted with a bomb, prompting Snake and an MSF medic to remove it by hand. They arrive at Mother Base to see it in flames as XOF forces attack. Morpho One lands long enough for Snake to rescue a few members of staff, including Miller, who claims that the UN inspection was nothing but a ruse for the XOF ambush, as it destroys Mother Base. As they attempt to escape XOF, Paz regains consciousness and warns them that there is a second bomb inside her. Knowing that she is about to die, she jumps out to throw herself clear of the helicopter. The resulting explosion causes Morpho to spiral out of control and collide with a pursuing XOF helicopter.
The epilogue reveals that the United States government downplayed MSF's destruction and attempted to cover up their dealings with the organization, as do many of MSF's clients. There are no known survivors of the assault, apart from Snake, Miller, and Huey. In a post-credits scene, set prior to Snake's arrival at Camp Omega, Paz is interrogated by Skull Face, the commander of XOF, who demands the whereabouts of Cipher / Zero, as Paz had met Zero in person. Paz eventually gives in and agrees to tell him Zero's location.
Collectible audio logs reveal that Huey arranged for the United Nations to come to Mother Base against both Snake's and Miller's objections, prompting them to hide the nuclear-equipped Metal Gear ZEKE underwater. At Camp Omega, Paz and Chico are tortured, physically and psychologically, for information about the MSF base. Chico tells Skull Face the location of the base and what defenses there are. Paz berates Chico for giving up the information, but later records herself saying she forgives him and would not have made it through the torture without him.
''Ground Zeroes'' also contains four additional missions, known as Side Ops, that take place in the weeks before the events of the main storyline. In the game's universe, they are labelled "pseudo-historical recreations". In the first mission, Snake is sent to a U.S. naval prison facility in Cuba to eliminate or extract a Marine Corps sniper team hiding at the facility to avoid extradition to Laos, where they stand accused of war crimes. Suspicious about the facility's purpose, MSF stations a spy—revealed to be the series' creator, Hideo Kojima, reprising a similar cameo in ''Peace Walker''—in the camp, who requests an emergency evacuation. Snake provides support from the air long enough for him to escape. Unable to plant another agent of their own, MSF send Snake in to make contact with an undercover informant posing as a guard. He discovers that the informant has set a trap for him, but is able to secure a recording made by the guard. Finally, with evidence that the base is an illegal black site, Snake returns in advance of an airborne assault to sabotage the facility's anti-aircraft defences. Although he is successful, the promised assault is replaced by an airstrike, leaving him stranded in the middle of the base with fighter jets inbound. After escaping, he and Kaz Miller speculate that the entire affair—from the camp's conversion to a black site to the aborted assault—were a series of plots orchestrated by Cipher, first to establish a compound outside any legal jurisdiction and later to disrupt Militaires Sans Frontières' operations.