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Moscow Chill

American computer hacker Ray Perso is brought to Russia. His client is a Russian oligarch sitting in jail. He orders him to track down and steal the money that is hidden in the "International Bank Transfer System". Unexpectedly, Ray falls in love with a girl named Maya. Having successfully breached the system Ray realizes that he has become a pawn in someone else's game, and now the fate of people Perso cares about hangs solely upon him.

Macbeth (2015 film)

Act I

The film starts with the Macbeths grieving at their child's funeral. Then, Macbeth leads King Duncan's troops into a civil war battle. He emerges victorious, despite losses, including boy soldiers. Three women with a girl and infant approach Macbeth and Banquo, hailing Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor and future King, and Banquo as a father of Kings, before disappearing.

Act II

Duncan hears of Macbeth's victory and executes the Thane of Cawdor for traitorously allying with Norse invaders, giving Macbeth his title. Macbeth tells his wife of the prophecies. Lady Macbeth prays to the dark spirits for guidance. When Macbeth says Duncan will stay overnight, she urges him to kill the King to fulfill the prophecy. A feast is held, where the King pronounces Malcolm his heir. Macbeth hesitates but Lady Macbeth persuades him to kill Duncan while she drugs his servants. After the feast, Macbeth sees a boy soldier's ghost, who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent whom Macbeth slays. Malcolm enters and, seeing the body, flees. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife, giving her two daggers. Lady Macbeth rebukes him for not leaving them and puts them in the sleeping servants' hands. She meets Macbeth in the church where they wash their hands, saying they have washed their deed away.

In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead and Macbeth slaughters the servants to prevent their denial. Macduff and noble Lennox believe Malcolm's flight is suspicious and admire Macbeth's summary justice. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is crowned. Afterwards, he sourly complains to his wife that killing Duncan was for nothing as Macbeth has no heirs, so the crown will pass to Banquo and his son, Fleance, as prophesied. He invites them to a banquet but discovers they plan to leave, as Banquo is suspicious. Macbeth sends assassins: Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes. During the evening, Macbeth mentions Banquo not attending as promised. Macbeth asks the assassins for news and is enraged that Fleance has escaped. Then, Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost. Afraid, he talks to it. Lady Macbeth says her husband is unwell, but Macbeth continues to rave, prompting Macduff and his wife to leave. Lady Macbeth dismisses the guests and takes Macbeth away.

Act IV

Macbeth talks to the witches. They show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to the royal castle at Dunsinane Hill. The boy soldier's ghost who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he will not be slain by man born of a woman. The King is found wandering by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled. Anxious and enraged, Macbeth orders the death of Macduff's family and servants. The family are burned at the stake, while a distraught Lady Macbeth watches. Afterwards, she washes the dagger. Meanwhile, Macduff meets Malcolm, who is gathering troops. Ross and Angus inform Macduff about his household's murder. Grief-stricken and angry, Macduff swears revenge.

Act V

Guilt-ridden, Lady Macbeth returns to the church, lamenting their deeds and her bloody hands (in a soliloquy often referred to as "Out damned spot!"). She sees her child's ghost, which she urges to sleep. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the witches.

In the castle, Macbeth is rumoured mad, and all fear his anger and tyranny. He is told of his wife's death. Speaking the famous soliloquy, starting "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" (also known by the lines in it beginning "Out, out, brief candle!"), he carries her body in despair. Seyton brings news Malcolm is leading an army and Macbeth demands his armour.

Macduff fires Birnam Wood: with smoke blowing towards them, the prophecy is fulfilled. Macbeth sallies out and duels with Macduff. Macbeth is confident, as "no man born of woman" can kill him. Macduff states he was untimely ripped from his mother's womb and, using Macbeth's distraction, stabs him. Macbeth regrets his mistakes, knowing redemption is impossible. Macbeth refuses to bow before Malcolm, allowing himself to be killed. The witches, observing, leave. Malcolm is hailed King and all go to his castle. Malcolm leaves the throne room while Fleance takes Macbeth's sword and charges through the empty battlefield, disappearing into the smoke.

A Country Doctor (novel)

The main character of ''A Country Doctor'', Nan, is a young woman that encounters much strife when she decides to go against the traditional values of the day and become a doctor.

Funland (film)

Funland is a family-oriented amusement park owned by the eccentric Angus Perry. Niel Stickney, the clown mascot and one of the founders of the park and its former accountant, suffered a nervous breakdown and his grip on reality is slowly deteriorating. After the mob kills Angus and takes over the park, Stickney begins to have increasingly bizarre hallucinations, including envisioning the patrons of the park cafeteria spontaneously breaking into song and dance and seeing visions of the dead Angus. He then begins to believe himself to be his clown persona, Bruce Burger. After the new mafia management fires him, he finally snaps. He steals a briefcase containing a rifle, intending to kill his replacement and reclaim the theme park. While firing the gun the mob bosses two sons recognize the sound and investigate. Bruce then shoots and kills the mob bosses son in self defense. The film ends with Neil Stickney (Bruce Burger) owning and running the park.

Captured (1998 film)

The film follows Holden Downs (Nick Mancuso), a powerful, hot-tempered workaholic real estate developer struggling with an environmental injunction against a property that he plans to build, which threatens to halt construction of his dream development. Brothers Joey (Michael Mahonen) and Robert Breed (Andrew Divoff) attempt to steal Holden's prized possession, a Porsche 911 Turbo until Holden arrives, fights him off and breaks his arm. Robert creates a diversion, knocks Holden down and threatens to steal his car again. Holden enlists the help of his nephew Buddy (Seth Peterson) to reinforce his car's security system, as Holden continues to deal with worsening news about his property development and his crumbling marriage with his wife, Faye Downs (Linda Hoffman).

Robert breaks into his house and subsequently attempts stealing the car again, but discovers its new security features: Bulletproof glass, reinforced interior, remote-controlled windows and stereo, and a lockdown feature where he is trapped within the car and held hostage. After refusing to cooperate with Holden, he begins torturing Robert by blaring loud music and withholding food and water after mocking him the next day. Meanwhile, Holden loses his case and employees, but then suddenly remembers that his maid (Luisa Leschin) is at his house and rushes home just in time to prevent her from entering the garage, where Robert has been honking the horn to summon for help after seeing her. Robert continues to mock Holden to the point where he fires a warning shot at Robert, but winds up in a scuffle and Holden replicates Sharia Law and cuts off Robert's fingers with pruning shears.

After seeing Holden's scuffle with an environmentalist (Thad Geer) on the news, Faye decides to return home from visiting her sister Sheila (Beth Tegarden) earlier than planned. Deciding that Robert still hasn't come home, Joey decides to look for him and sneaks into Holden's house, Holden encounters Joey and several fights erupt until Joey is shot and killed. After Harry (Paul Collins) visits and announces that he has reached an agreement, Holden leaves for a meeting. Meanwhile, Faye returns home to find Robert trapped in the car, where she opens the door for him, only for her to be locked in. Robert soon destroys the phone lines and waits for Holden to return, then locks Holden in the car while holding Faye hostage and taunting him. Meanwhile, Holden calls Buddy for help. As Buddy frees him, Holden runs back in the house armed with a Speargun and instructs him to hide in the garage. However, Buddy decides to run into the house anyway to try to help, only to get shot when he is mistaken for Robert. Soon, Robert and Holden encounter each other and begin having a scuffle, only to be interrupted by Faye with a gun pointed at both of them. As they both try to reason with her, she eventually shoots Holden. The film ends with Faye and Robert sitting on the floor.

The Little Prince (2015 film)

An ambitious young mother moves to a new neighborhood and imposes a coaching life plan for her daughter that leaves no time for playing or even making a friend, all for her to enroll at the prestigious Werth Academy. The girl, however, becomes distracted by her elderly retired aviator neighbor, who tells her the story of the "Little Prince", claiming that he encountered him in the Sahara after crash-landing there. The aviator recounts the Little Prince asking him to draw a sheep. He drew two sheep (including a ram) before the Little Prince complained he needed a sheep that would live forever. The aviator drew a box with three holes saying that the sheep that he desired was inside it, which satisfied the Little Prince, much to the aviator's surprise.

The girl and the aviator continue to read and play together without the mother's knowledge. The aviator tells the girl about the Little Prince's home, "Asteroid B-612", covered in baobab sprouts. He states that after clearing away the sprouts, the Little Prince discovered and found and nurtured a Rose into maturity. Despite becoming his friend, she was rather selfish and both too young to know how to love each other, which caused the Little Prince to travel to elsewhere with a flock of birds. During his journey, he meets adults that live on other asteroids, such as a king, a conceited man, and a wealthy businessman. The Little Prince eventually landed on Earth, meeting a snake who tells him where he is. The little Prince then meets and befriends a red fox. After a while, the fox bade goodbye to the Little Prince, advising him to always see with his heart. The aviator gives the girl a stuffed fox as a gift, telling her that he will leave soon to go find the Little Prince.

The two decide to go out for her "birthday", but when they are pulled over by a police officer, the aviator is revealed to have no licence and the officer takes the girl home. Realising that she has not been following the plan, her infuriated mother redoubles her daughter's assignments. Nevertheless, the girl continues to read the story of the Little Prince, secretly visiting the aviator to find out the story's ending. The aviator tells her that the Little Prince had succumbed to a venomous snake bite to be reunited with his beloved Rose. Although the aviator assures her that he firmly believes the Little Prince succeeded, the girl, upset by the dark twist to the story, wishes that she had never met the aviator or heard the story. The girl tries to forget about the Little Prince, and focuses on her assignments.

Towards the summer's end, the aviator is hospitalised. Deciding to put things right, the girl sets off in search of the Little Prince. Escaping out through her bedroom window to go to the aviator's yard, the girl, accompanied by her now-conscious stuffed fox. The Little Prince's story pages, flies the aviator's now-fixed plane into space. They find all the stars mysteriously gone, all the while landing on an asteroid populated by workaholic adults owned by the Businessman from the Little Prince's story, who captures and holds all the stars to power his asteroid and belongings (including his employees). After encountering a police officer and an elevator operator who were the Conceited man and the King from the story, they finally find the Little Prince, who has become an anxious, incompetent adult renamed "Mr. Prince" and works as a janitor for the Businessman, having no recollection or memory of his past.

Mr. Prince accordingly takes the girl to an "academy" where she is to be "reconditioned" as an adult via a machine controlled by a tall, sinister Teacher. Recognising the drawing of his sheep's box from the aviator's pages, which he still keeps the original despite his amnesia, believing it could be important, Mr. Prince begins to regain his memories and saves the girl from the same fate that he had by putting the Teacher in the machine instead.

They escape from the Businessman together and liberate all of the stars from his glass vault, which return to their rightful place in the sky. The girl and the fox then take Mr. Prince back to B-612, which is overgrown with dead, withered baobabs. They find the Rose dead, but seeing her image in the sunrise, the baobabs disappear and Mr. Prince turns back to his younger self, giving him renewed hope.

The girl and the fox (once again an inanimate toy) return home, accompanied by another flock of birds. The next morning, the girl and her mother visit the aviator in the hospital. The girl apologises and presents him with the formerly loose pages bound together as a book, along with all the formerly missing parts filled in. The girl subsequently begins her studies at Werth Academy and reconciles with her mother. Both of them happily stargaze one night, while the Little Prince and the aviator are heard laughing joyfully together on Asteroid B-612.

AE: Apocalypse Earth

A group of refugees from Earth land on a planet inhabited by ruthless aliens and fight for their survival.

The film opens on a scene of battle and retreat as spaceship 'arks' are loading civilians for transplant to other worlds. Lt. Frank Baum is one of the military officers in charge of overseeing the loading of the transports. Owing to a bombing run of the city by Earth's alien attackers and riots on the ground by scared people he and a few of his people get shoved into the ship along with the last of people boarding and are removed from Earth along with the regular evacuees. He reluctantly submits to cryo storage when he finds he can't get back to his post on Earth. When the ship finally descends planet-side it breaks up due to atmospheric pressures and crash lands. Many people die in the crash while others end up having to run for their lives after they are attacked on the ground by near-invisible humanoids they christen chameleons. Frank is able to assemble a small group of survivors including a small set of humans who also crash landed two years ago from the Alpha Centauri-bound ark. They find and are aided by a camouflage-skinned native female named Lea. While being chased by the Chameleons they learn of and pursue the goal of finding a left over space ship facing difficulties and fatalities during their journey. Most of the survivors choose to follow Frank in his pursuit of leaving the planet and returning to Earth but one wants to remain and plots to kill the Captain of the ship that brought them there. While they eventually find the ship and are able to scavenge parts from the ark to make it work, their numbers continue to decrease through attrition by native fauna and additional Chameleon attacks. When they finally reach space and are able to get their bearings, they find in a 'Planet of the Apes' twist that they are actually on Earth - 325,000 years after they left.

Captain Nemo (miniseries)

Episode 1. "Iron Whale"

The second half of the 19th century. An unknown sea monster has been destroying and damaging warships of different countries for the last two years; those of them who get to the port find giant triangular holes in the sides. Sailing under threat, the United States equips the Blue Star military frigate to find and destroy the monster. Famous for his work on the mysteries of the depths of the sea, the French professor Pierre Aronax on the day of his wedding receives an invitation to join the punitive expedition and accepts it. After a three-month unsuccessful search in the ocean, the frigate discovers a monster and attacks it, but as a result gets damaged itself. The professor, his servant Conseil and Ned Land whaler fall overboard onto a submarine, which they initially mistake for a giant dangerous animal. An unnamed ship is called the Nautilus. The creator, owner and captain of the ship is called Nemo ("Nobody" - in Latin). He declares to the saved ones that they will remain on the Nautilus forever, so as not to be able to disclose his secret. Professor, Conseil and Land are forced to obey.

It turns out that Nemo and Aronax have long been acquainted in absentia: it was Nemo who read the work of the professor and realized that his author was genuinely fascinated by the sea and its secrets, from time to time sent sea wonders, sketches, photographs and descriptions to Aronax that refuted many of the professors theoretical assumptions. Now the professor has been invited to study the depths of the sea "from within" - such a proposal can not fail to attract a true enthusiast. And the wife of Aronax, at the initiative of the captain, receives a letter from which she learns that her husband is alive.

Meanwhile, Ned Land only thinks about escaping. He finds François, a young sailor-Frenchman in the crew of the ship, at one time picked up by the captain in the sea and left on the "Nautilus" voluntarily. With his help, and also by observing what is happening, Land is looking for a suitable opportunity to run away. For the escape it is supposed to use a detachable underwater vehicle available on the ship. But "nothing can be done on this ship unnoticed", Francois says, which turns out to be true — as the first spontaneous attempt to escape does not succeed.

Episode 2. "Prince Dakkar"

"Nautilus" comes to the shores of India. The heroes make a walk along the seabed in diving suits, visit the pearl deposits, and soon they witness the visits to the Nautilus of the envoys from the shore and learn the story of Captain Nemo. In fact, the captain is a Hindu, Prince Dakkar, formerly known as Nana Sagib, the leader of the Sipai Rebellion, for whose head a price has been named. At one time, in order to catch Nana Sahibi, British Colonel Bunro captured his wife and children, for a long time persuaded his wife to extradite her husband and, drove her to insanity by organizing a fake execution of her children before the eyes of a woman. Later, Nana Sahib was captured by a betrayer of one of the companions among the other leaders of the sepoys, but Bunro left him alive, publishing in the newspapers the message that Nana Sahib had surrendered his companions to the Englishmen and was pardoned for this, and fabricating a photo confirming this message. Without yielding to the provocation of the British, loyal comrades liberated Nana Sagib and helped him escape. Thanks to the education received in Europe, Prince Dakkar designed and organized the construction of an underwater ship of fantastic qualities for his time and left with some of his faithful friends to sea. But, having left the earth, the captain's soul did not cease to ache for the people fighting against the colonizers. He continues to help the sepoys by transferring to them gigantic valuables collected on the seabed for the purchase of weapons.

Episode 3. "Nautilus continues to struggle"

In the meantime a pursuer is discovered. The English military frigate, armed with powerful cannons, depth charges and moving at the same speed as the Nautilus, pursues Captain Nemo on the way to Crete. On board the frigate - the same Colonel Bunro. Unlike Nemo, who knows his enemy exactly, he only foresees that he had already met with the captain of the submarine ship before, but he is absolutely sure that the Nautilus must be destroyed, since whenever it appears, the national liberation movement increases.

"Nautilus" is in an unfavorable position and can not attack. Nemo tries to hide the ship in the crater of an extinct volcano, where it is possible to get underwater passage, but at the most inopportune moment the volcano wakes up. The exit is piled up, the Nautilus is trapped, the air remains only for several hours. Through titanic efforts of the entire team, including Professor, Conseil and Land, they manage to manually disassemble the dam and leave the dangerous shelter. To deceive the British, Nemo explodes tanks with a combustible substance in the water, so as to simulate the destruction of the ship, and the Nautilus escapes from pursuit.

Then the ship goes to the island of Crete, which rose against the Turkish invaders. There the captain again meets with the envoys of the rebels and provides them with gold. After that, having met in the sea the frigate-pursuer, "Nautilus" drowns him with a ramming blow. After a while, when the ship is off the coast of Norway, Land offers to try again to escape. At the last moment the fugitives learn that the ship is entering Malmstrom. Running here is almost a sure death, but it's too late to change their mind - everything seems hopeless and the apparatus is separated from the Nautilus and begins to ascend. Waves break it, and the characters are thrown into the water.

Despite everything, all three are alive. Nobody really remembers what happened, but everyone had the same feeling that at the last moment, when they were ready to sink to the bottom, someone helped to stay and get to the shore. On the Norwegian shore heroes find people and the last message from Captain Nemo - a letter in an iron box, which mysteriously appeared there. In the letter, Nemo says that he did not interfere with the escape, because the mystery of the Nautilus is uncovered and the fugitives no longer pose a danger to him. In the final shots Professor Aronax is at home, in the company of his wife and Conseil, giving an interview to a correspondent and talks about his plans for writing a book about an unusual subaquatic journey.

"W" Is for Wasted

Kinsey Millhone's colleague Aaron Blumberg informs her that a homeless man has been found dead on the beach with her contact information in his pocket. Kinsey tracks down the dead man's friends, three other homeless people named Felix, Dandy, and Pearl. With some difficulty, Kinsey persuades them to tell her the man's name: R. T. Dace. At the bank, she finds a safe deposit box in Dace's name containing $600,000 and a will leaving it all to her.

Kinsey, who never knew Dace in life, travels to Bakersfield to notify Dace's surviving family members: his son Ethan and daughters Ellen and Anna. All three have been estranged from their father for many years and are unmoved by the news of his death, even more so when they discover they have been disinherited in favor of a stranger. Returning home, Kinsey travels to the homeless camp where Dace lived in order to scavenge some of his stuff. As it turns out, what he left behind provides valuable clues about not only Dace's murder, but the death of another private investigator some months before.

Vourate Geitonoi

The series evolves around the lives of the residents of a Nicosia apartment building.

Daylight (video game)

The plot is centered around a woman named Sarah who regains consciousness in an abandoned hospital with no memory of how she got there. A mysterious voice tells her to find the secrets of the hospital. With a cell phone, which is her map, she must explore the haunted hospital and survive the mysterious shadow people in order to escape.

The Liability

Young and naive 19-year-old slacker, Adam (Jack O'Connell), lives with his mum, Nicky (Kierston Wareing), in the home of her intimidating gangster boyfriend, Peter (Peter Mullan) and is sent to conduct a day of driving for Peter's associate after Adam inadvertently views an incriminating video on Peter's laptop. This takes Adam on the road with aging hitman, Roy (Tim Roth), as he enters a world of murder for 24 hours. After Roy kills a man, Danil, living in a camper in the woods, He tries to force Adam to kill a mysterious girl (Talulah Riley) who seems to be an unsuspecting witness of the murder. Adam refrains from doing so, giving her the chance to escape and drive away in their vehicle.

Not pleased, Roy uses Adam to hitchhike and they steal a camper van from an elderly couple. They call the girl on Adam's phone that was left in the car she took, striking a deal to give her £7000 in return for the bag of evidence that was left in the vehicle, even though Roy doesn't actually have the entire amount. Roy robs a diner to make up the rest. He holds the diner employees at gunpoint and uses them as hostages to make sure the deal goes through.

Having reclaimed the bag, Roy and Adam plan to switch vehicles and dispose of the evidence. However, Roy knocks Adam unconscious at a quiet roadside area. Before Roy can kill and dismember his body, the girl, who followed them, runs over Roy and kidnaps Adam.

Retreating to a water pumping station, the girl ties Adam to a rail upstairs. She claims her sister was sold in a line of sex trafficking, by Sergej to Ivan, to Danil and finally to an "Englishman". She shows Adam a photo of her sister who bears resemblance to the girl in the video on Peter's laptop. Swiping through the photos on Adams phone the girl discovers a picture of his mother and her boyfriend. She asks Adam for Peters name, claiming Sergej and Ivan also had his picture.

Roy finds his way to the hideout and confronts the girl, starting to fight with her. Adam manages to free one of his hands and retrieve Roy's fallen gun. Regaining his memory, Adam realizes Roy attempted to kill him. Irritated, he fires shots off, injuring Roy as the girl flees. Roy pleads with him to stop shooting and tells Adam he was given orders to kill him but no reason, with Adam's death meant to be part of "the job" all along. Adam realizes it must be because he saw the video incriminating Peter of sex-trafficking.

They leave the factory, finding out the girl left behind the car, money and other belongings she had taken. Adam drives Roy in their stolen van to a church for Roy's daughter's wedding. During the ride, Roy reveals he spared Adam's life because of his innocence and tells him he has a second chance at life while Peter believes he's dead. After dropping off Roy at the church, where his fate is left ambiguous, Adam takes the van away to set fire to it and destroy any evidence linking them to the murder done in their travels, but keeps the gun.

Adam returns home, confronting Peter with the gun and alerting his mum Nicky to his double-crossing ways. Adam attacks Peter, who gets a hold of the gun, Peter knocks out Adam's mum and drags him out to the car park. There, the girl shows up and shoots Peter for what he did to her sister. Peter starts to strangle her until she stabs and kills him.

The girl gets in her car, opens the passenger door and gives an inviting look to a bewildered Adam.

Kaze no Yō ni

The manga takes place in a rural town in Japan. It focuses on Sanpei, a beekeeper and lone survivor of an accident that killed his entire family. While traveling alone, he meets a girl named Chiyo, who Sanpei helps after she is stung by a bee. Having nowhere else to go, he tries to begin a new life in her town. Sanpei begins to tend to an abandoned planting spot, but suddenly disappears afterwards. Soon the town begins to bloom with the flowers he planted, and Chiyo waits for Sanpei to return.

The Ape Man's Brother

Bill, the protagonist and narrator, lives on an undiscovered island. Bill's people are an undiscovered race of humanoids and live a primitive life. All that changes when an airplane crash lands on the island. The only survivor is an infant. Bill's mother, who just lost a young baby, takes the child in and raises it as her own. Bill's people notice a curious lack of body hair, but soon the young human is accepted among Bill's people. As he grows up he is simply called The Big Guy. Bill and The Big Guy become friends. The Big Guy shows an aptitude for hunting and adopts the natives ways. Things become very complicated when an expedition traveling in a zeppelin lands on the island. One of the explorers is a beautiful woman who becomes known as The Woman. When a giant flying lizard tries to carry The Woman off, The Big Guy rescues her and they begin a torrid affair much to the dislike of the other men in the expedition. Soon Bill and The Big Guy accompany the expedition to New York City. The affair between The Big Guy and The Woman causes big trouble as Bill and The Big Guy try to adapt to a civilized way of life.

El Leila El Kebira

The operetta describes the celebration of the last night of the moulid, a festival celebrating the Prophet Mohamed’s birthday, through the displaying of the activities done in an Egyptian village. Through a playful colorful and musically lively manner, it centers on displaying certain scenes from the carnival and the circus including food stall vendors, a fortune teller, hummus, circus performers (such as jugglers, clowns and lion tamers) and bellydancers, with catchy Egyptian folk songs and rhythms

Among the notable vocalists who have appeared in it are Sayed Mekawy and Salah Jahin.

Black Box (TV series)

Catherine Black is a famous neurologist who secretly has bipolar disorder. The only person who knows is her psychiatrist, Dr. Helen Hartramph, who has been with Catherine since her first break and has been a maternal figure for Catherine since her mother, who also had bipolar disorder, committed suicide.

Manam (film)

Radha Mohan and Krishna Veni are a couple who were initially in love with each other but later on lead a difficult marital life due to several misunderstandings and decide to file for divorce, against their six-year-old son's wishes. However, they die in a car accident on 14 February 1983 at 10:20  am near a clock tower on their way to the lawyer's office. 30 years later, their son, Nageswara Rao, becomes a rich and influential businessman. He happens to come across his parents' lookalikes, Nagarjuna and Priya. After befriending them, Rao decides to re-establish them as a couple but is shocked when Nagarjuna introduces his lover, Prema. Rao manages to dissolve the relationship with the help of his adviser, Girish Karnad. Unaware of this, Nagarjuna swears not to fall in love with anyone. At the same clock tower, Rao meets Dr. Anjali and falls in love with her at first sight. He helps her in admitting an injured old man to a nearby hospital and donates his blood. The injured man, Chaitanya, is shocked upon seeing the pair as they resemble his deceased parents, Seetharamudu and Ramalakshmi.

Seetharamudu was a barrister who returned from London upon his father's death to manage his family businesses. He was a zamindar and fond of cars. While looking through photos of potential brides, Seetharamudu selects a poor farmer, Ramalakshmi. Asked by a mediator, she accepts the proposal, without meeting Seetharamudu, but asks him for six months delay as she has to buy new clothes for the bridegroom, following the village's tradition. Seetharamudu learns about this and meets Ramalakshmi in disguise as a reformed thief. With his help, Ramalakshmi can cultivate enough grain in three months and buy new clothes with that money. On the day of her marriage, she is pleasantly surprised to know that Seetharamudu is her chosen groom and they marry. On 14 February 1924, the couple goes out, but eight-year-old Chaitanya, suffering from a fever, fakes a stomach ache so that his parents return. The plan works and the couple rushes home at high speed but dies in an accident at 10:20  am near the same clock tower where Radha Mohan and Krishna Veni would die nearly 60 years later. Now, Chaitanya aims to reunite them without letting them recollect their past as they cannot bear the pain of losing him.

Chaitanya stays in Rao's house for further treatment while Nagarjuna joins them as he was expelled from his hostel due to his mischievous trait- Nagarjuna drinks the whole day in the hostel talking about his broken love & when the principal inquiries about his health, he argues with him & in the meantime begins to experience nausea & as the argument proceeds, Nagarjuna starts to vomit on the principal & out of fury principal throws him out of the hostel. One night, Priya, remembering her past life, visits Rao's house only to see Nagarjuna sleeping beside him. She leaves the house in tears. While Rao attempts to court Anjali, Nagarjuna and Priya join Salsa dance classes where Priya constantly expresses her anger towards Nagarjuna. On Rao's birthday, 13 February 2014, Anjali proposes to him which he accepts. This makes Chaitanya very happy. Priya meets Nagarjuna there who is dressed as Radha Mohan, who reveals that he too recollected memories of his past life on the night she left the house in shock. He apologizes for his wrong deeds and proposes to her. She accepts his proposal and Rao is relieved.

The next day, Nagarjuna goes to a temple with Priya in a car that has no brakes and Rao chases them along with Anjali. Both the couples are nearing the same clock tower where they died in their past lives. A worried Chaitanya is offered a lift by a young biker who follows them. At 10:20  am when all the four are safe near the clock tower, a lorry driven by a drunk driver is shown rushing towards them. The biker and Chaitanya jump from the bike, which goes on to hit the lorry tire, distracting the lorry's path. The four thank Chaitanya, who urges them to thank the random-biker Akhil, who saved them in the nick of time by offering Chaitanya a lift.

Tales from the Vienna Woods (1979 film)

In Vienna, in 1930, a young woman falls in love with a gambler and leaves her fiancé, a common butcher. They become a couple and have a baby, but he gets bored and leaves them. Without means to support herself, her downfall begins.

Heaven Only Knows (film)

Due to an error in Heaven, Adam "Duke" Byron, is born without a soul in 1858. The "Book of Destiny" shows that he was supposed to marry a minister's daughter in 1885 and set a fine moral example. Instead, he is a saloon keeper and gambling hall owner in Glacier, Montana. As it was the fault of his department, Michael is sent in 1887 to set Duke on the life path for which he was destined, but Michael must do so as a human being, without miracles, not even a small one.

Michael encounters Bill Plummer. Plummer and Duke are rival saloon keepers and partners in a mining company, but due to a dispute between them, the mine is closed, leaving many of the townspeople destitute. Plummer has hired the Kansas City Kid, a gunslinger, to kill Duke. When Bill finds out that Duke knows about his plan, he gives Michael a lift into town and as Plummer hopes, Duke mistakes Michael for the Kid. Duke's satanic henchman, Treason, takes a shot at Michael, narrowly missing a young girl. Furious, parson's daughter and schoolmarm Drusilla Wainwright storms into the "Copper Queen", Duke's saloon, and slaps him.

Drusilla and most of the other residents want to take the law into their own hands to take back their town, but Sheriff Matt Bodine talks them into waiting until Plummer and Duke's men kill each other first.

Michael accidentally foils the Kid's attempt to shoot Duke. When Duke learns that the dead assassin is actually the Kansas City Kid, he believes that Michael is a smart, ambitious outlaw, so he hires him. Showgirl Ginger, Duke's girlfriend, takes a great liking to Michael; Treason hates him on sight.

Plummer sets fire to Duke's saloon, trapping him inside, with Plummer's men waiting for him to come out. Duke's secret passageway is locked from the outside, but Michael opens it and rescues him. They take refuge in the school. While they wait for darkness, they start talking to Drusilla. Duke admits that he feels that he is "meant for something ... something big, something important", not what he is doing now, but he does not know what it is. Before he leaves, Duke kisses Drusilla; she resists at first, but not for long.

In retaliation, Treason, who walked through the blaze unharmed, sets fire to Plummer's saloon. Speck O'Donnell, a sickly child Duke likes, is trapped inside. Michael goes in after him, but Duke follows, sends Michael out and rescues Speck.

Sheriff Bodine maneuvers Duke and Plummer into a showdown for sole ownership of the mine. Duke accepts the challenge, even though he is at a great disadvantage against skilled gunman Plummer. Duke is wounded, but Plummer is blinded by sunlight, perhaps by divine intervention. Speck runs to Duke, pursued by Judd, who is shot saving the boy. Duke manages to kill Plummer with his last shot. In a daze, he walks to the church, where Drusilla waits. Dying, Judd recognizes Michael.

With Plummer dead, vigilantes plot to lynch Duke. Drusilla persuades Duke to flee rather than shoot it out, but he insists he will only go if she comes with him. She agrees. Once they are safely away, she confesses her love but refuses to marry him. Thwarted, the mob decides to lynch Michael instead, but the horse he is on refuses to move. At the last minute, Duke rides back with Drusilla, to save Mike's life and reform. Treason vanishes. That night, Mike rides off on a special coach to Heaven, taking Speck with him. Speck's tearful mother somehow knows her child's fate.

You Have to Run Fast

After trying to save a mortally wounded detective's life, Dr. Condon flees for his own life because of gangster Jim Craven's intention to eliminate him, an eyewitness to the crime. Condon moves to another town and changes his name. He finds lodging in the remote home of the wheelchair-using Colonel Maitland and daughter Laurie.

Craven comes to town, is recognized by a deputy and shoots him. Condon must reveal his true identity as a doctor to operate on the law officer. He is at Craven's mercy, but Colonel Maitland's deadeye aim with a rifle saves his life.

Woman of Matchless Beauty, Park Jung-geum

Park Jung-geum is far from what is conventionally considered "beautiful." She is a tough, uncompromising detective who investigates and arrests violent criminals. At the same time, she is a 38-year-old divorcee and single mother who is raising her son. Jung-geum becomes caught between two men—Yong-joon, an unmarried doctor who was her friend from elementary school, and Gyung-soo, a lawyer who is the fiancé of Jung-geum's glamorous stepsister Yoo-ra.

From TV Animation - One Piece: Grand Battle!

A boy named Monkey D. Luffy goes on a journey to become king of the pirates. During his journey he fights many foes and little by little gathers a strong and stable crew. This game is based on the East blue saga and Whiskey Peak Arc in the ''One Piece'' anime.

Chiquititas (Portuguese TV series)

Madalena Santana is a cold hearted, strict and busy young woman who got pregnant in the past and, after revealing it to her father Vítor, was sent to an abandoned place. Her son was taken by the Garcia's servant, under Vítor's orders, to an orphanage, and she forced to lie by saying to Madalena that her little child was stillborn. Repentant, the servant then told Madalena the truth, which made daughter hate father since then. Madalena started looking for her child, and was sure that the kid lives inside the Do Monte Orphanage. She goes there under a new identity: with the help of her best friend Catarina, she assumes the role of an adorable and somewhat crazy woman, the sweethearted Lili. Under this alter ego, she ends up on a maternal figure to the orphans of the place, appearing as a Madalena's distant cousin. Beyond them, Lili meets Laidinha, the arrogant housekeeper who is seen by the kids as an "evil witch", the orphanage's owners Júlia and Pierre De Mont, and their little spoiled children, Marcel and Alice. The De Monts are an ambitious, greedy and perverse family aspiring for money. Lucas is the handsome, sympathetic and adorable chef of the orphanage, and he and Lily soon fall in love for each other. They both take care of Anita, Zeca, Susto, Bocas, Chico, Minorca, Kiki, Vanda, Paula and Lua (the youngest of them). Lili gradually changes the lives of the ''chiquititas'', while she is sure that one of them is her lost son.

Olympics 40

The film is based on actual events from World War II. During August 1940, prisoners of war celebrated a "special Olympics" called the ''International Prisoner-of-War Olympic Games'' at Stalag XIII-A in Langwasser, near Nuremberg, Germany. An Olympic flag, 29 by 46 cm in size, was made of a Polish prisoner's shirt and, drawn in crayon, it featured the Olympic rings and banners for Belgium, France, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands. ''Olympics 40'' tells the story of these games and of one of the prisoners of war, Teodor Niewiadomski.

English Music (novel)

The plot is split between a continuous narrative and a series of self-contained stories, all related to the main tale.

Odd Numbered Chapters

The novel opens in the early 1920s, and is for the most part told in the first person of Timothy Harcombe, aged nine at the beginning of the narrative. Timothy lives with (and is home-educated by) his widowed father Clement, a faith healer whose performances at the Chemical Theatre, Hackney, involve Timothy as his assistant. Clement Harcombe instills a vivid sense of English culture in Timothy, principally through selected readings of classic works like ''Robinson Crusoe'' and ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland''. Timothy's life is suddenly turned upside-down by the arrival of his maternal grandfather, who takes Timothy away to live with him and his grandmother in Wiltshire. After an abortive attempt by several of Harcombe's acquaintances to reunite Timothy with his father, Timothy is returned to Wiltshire where he attends the local school and befriends a disabled boy, Edward Campion. It becomes evident that Timothy possesses skills akin to those performed onstage by his father, as he cures his grandmother of a debilitating nervous shake.

Time passes and Timothy does not hear from his father again during most of his schooldays. On leaving school he returns to London where he finds his father, recently separated from his girlfriend, Gloria Patterson. He is virtually destitute and making ends meet by carrying house-calls as a healer, with largely unsuccessful results. Finding his father's finances in chaos he decides to accompany him on his healing visits, and Harcombe's skill miraculously reappears. Timothy becomes briefly infatuated with Gloria, whom he encounters by chance, and whose callous, scheming attitude both repels and arouses him. He also discovers that his father had been pressured into sending him to Wiltshire by the educational authorities, whose concerns about Timothy's unorthodox schooling were exacerbated when they discovered that his father had been using him as part of a theatrical performance.

Becoming increasingly unsatisfied with his existence, Timothy decides he needs to move on and secures a job as an art gallery security guard, courtesy of another of his father's acquaintances from their theatre days, Stanley Clay. In the intervening period, he loses touch with his father again. Growing unsatisfied once more, he briefly entertains the idea of further education before deciding to return to his grandparents in Wiltshire. It is there that he discovers that his father is now a magician with a travelling circus, and his grandparents inform him that this had been Harcombe's job before Timothy was born. Once again father and son team up with spectacular results, and Harcombe manages to heal the disabled Edward, but at the cost of his own life. Timothy continues the circus act after his father's death, until he inherits his grandparents' cottage after they die. After he is drafted in the Second World War, Timothy continues living at the cottage until old age.

Even Numbered Chapters

Interspersed with Timothy's story are a series of dream sequences which occur to him either as he sleeps, falls unconscious or ill. Each story involves aspects of English culture, derivatively through stylistic imitation, direct quotation or as an original story. Some stories involve characters from literature or the real-life authors, artists and composers. All the short stories involve Timothy's character or a version of him, and are told in the third person.

  1. ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'', ''Through the Looking-Glass'' (Alice, The Red Queen, The White Rabbit, The Mad Hatter) ''The Pilgrim's Progress'' (Christian)
  2. ''Great Expectations'' (Pip, Miss Havisham, Estella Havisham, Orlick), Charles Dickens
  3. Sherlock Holmes
  4. ''The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe'', ''Gulliver's Travels'', ''A Journal of the Plague Year''
  5. William Byrd
  6. William Hogarth (''The Rake's Progress'', ''Beer Street and Gin Lane'')
  7. Paintings by Richard Wilson (''[ Hounslow Heath]''), Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable, Joseph Wright of Derby, John Martin (''[ Landscape with a Castle]''), J.M.W. Turner, Samuel Palmer, Ford Madox Brown, James McNeill Whistler (''Nocturne: Blue and Gold – Old Battersea Bridge)''. ''The Canterbury Tales'' and the novels ''Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded'' (Pamela Andrews, Mr B), ''The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle'' (Jack Hatchway, Commodore Trunnion), ''Tristram Shandy'', ''A Sentimental Journey'' (Parson Yorick), ''The Mill on the Floss'', ''Wuthering Heights'' (Catherine Earnshaw).
  8. A long poem in the style of William Blake, celebrating English poetry from Cædmon to Ernest Dowson.
  9. ''Le Morte d'Arthur'' (Fisher King, Merlin). T.S. Eliot


The film is about an extra-marital affair involving a married man and a medical student. Sambit (Silajit Majumder) and his wife (Aparajita Auddy) are in love but they could never express their love for each other. Anwesha (Payel Roy) is a young medical student who happens to be as lonely as Sambit. Both of them required someone to share their emotions with. As a result, they start finding themselves comfortable with each other. Sambit helps Anwesha while she is still a student and in return, she gives him company. They experience an unspoken closeness towards each other and fall into a complicated relationship. Because the relationship has no future, neither of them could express their feelings, even as they love and share a mutual respect towards each other. Sambit later has a heart attack and Anwesha performs the operation for free since she considered she owed Sambit this. In the end, they part just as they meet, and things remain the way they were earlier.

Born to Sing (2013 film)

The TV program ''National Singing Contest'' is set to film in the city of Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province. Because the contest is well known as a ticket to becoming a star singer, a number of locals scramble to appear in the televised show.

Among the applicants is Bong-nam (Kim In-kwon), a financially inept, socially awkward man who works as an assistant at his wife's hair salon during the day and as a personal driver for intoxicated businessmen at night. But Bong-nam's lifelong dream has always been to sing. When he hears the news that the country's most popular singing contest will be held in his hometown, he takes part in the preliminary auditions without telling his wife Mi-ae (Ryu Hyun-kyung). But soon, his stunning performance makes him the talk of the town, and he becomes an overnight star among the middle-aged women in the city.

Hyun-ja (Lee Cho-hee) is Mi-ae's younger sister. She works for a local health drink company, and has a crush on Dong-soo, a guy in the PR department (Yoo Yeon-seok). The company CEO orders Hyun-ja to enter the singing contest in order to promote their drink, which she does with Dong-soo's help.

Mayor Joo Ha-na (Kim Soo-mi) is running for reelection and thinks an appearance in the contest will boost her bid. Unfortunately, she is tone-deaf and a terrible singer. Maeng (Oh Kwang-rok), the section chief at city hall, is in charge of helping the production while they film in Gimhae, and he gets pressured by the mayor to find a way of getting her in.

Bo-ri (Kim Hwan-hee) lives with her grandfather (Oh Hyun-gyung). She helps him prepare for his audition, though he keeps forgetting the lyrics. But Bo-ri's mother arrives and wants to immigrate to Canada. So her grandfather is determined to join the contest to leave a lasting memory for his granddaughter.

The Envy of Gods

In the "History" Herodotus says, "The gods do not like happy people". In ancient times, people knew why they can not demonstrate their good fortune and happiness: it can cause jealousy and anger of the gods, because they believed that happiness is their, gods, privilege, and daring people who want the same thing, should be punished.

The film takes place in early autumn 1983 in Moscow, in an atmosphere of acute cold war (including the war in Afghanistan, the incident with the South Korean "Boeing", etc.).

The main heroine of the picture Sonia (Vera Alentova) is an editor in television, she has a son, a graduate of the school, and her husband Sergei (Aleksandr Feklistov) is a quite successful Soviet writer. One day to visit them a Frenchman Bernard (Gérard Depardieu) comes, whom Sergei met while working on a book about the French Resistance, accompanied by a French translator of Russian descent named André (Anatoly Lobotsky). André also has a family in Paris. However, this meeting turns their lives upside down. André falls in love with Sonia at first sight and emphatically tries to get a new meeting with her. Sonia, a faithful wife, educated in the Soviet tradition of chastity, at first refuses; moreover employees of Soviet television are not allowed to enter in unsupervised contact with foreigners. But André still gets his way, and Sonia is also overtaken by a violent passion. She discovers such strong feelings about the possibility of which she previously did not know. For a few days of their lives Sonia and Andre are absolutely happy. But they soon have to separate because their countries belong to different worlds, divided by the Iron Curtain.

Si Tjonat

Tjonat, a Sundanese youth, kills his friend and escapes to Batavia (now Jakarta), the capital of the Dutch East Indies, where he finds work with a Dutch man. Tjonat soon robs the man of his wealth and seduces his mistress (''njai''), then leaves the household to live the life of a bandit. When he asks Lie Gouw Nio (Ku Fung May), the daughter of a ''peranakan'' Chinese farmer named Lie A Tjip, to be his lover, she refuses. Enraged, Tjonat kidnaps her, but Lie is rescued by her fiancé, Thio Sing Sang (Herman Sim), who is well-trained in martial arts.

The Actor's Children

The plot of the film was best convened through a published synopsis in trade which introduced the names of the cast and the backstory. Eugenie Freeman and Paul Temple, marry and have two children, a boy and a girl. The parents have been unemployed, but the film starts with the parents finding work in an upcoming production at a theater. As they return home, they are interrupted by the landlady, Mrs. O'Brien, who demands the rent. The landlady does not care about the family's misfortune and is upset when she cannot collect. She provides one week for the Temple family to pay up.

The production is postponed and the parents are out looking for work when a prospective tenant appears. Mrs. O'Brien shows him the room and he is interested, but does not know what to do with the children. Mrs. O'Brien puts the children out onto the street where they dance to the music played by an organ grinder. The organ grinder earns more money from their dancing and he entices the children to return to his hovel and teaches them to dance. The organ grinder instructs them to dance for money. The children are rescued by a theater manager and finds them a place in the theater program.

In the meantime, the parents have searched for their children and suddenly come into a fortune when a relative bequeaths a large sum of money to them. The parents search for their children in large gatherings and find their children dancing on the vaudeville bill from their theater box. The family is reunited and the film concludes.

Earth Spirit (film)

Dr. Schön marries a lower-class girl, Lulu. Young and voluptuous, she attracts the attention of all the men, but the doctor will not let her go. After Lulu shoots the doctor, his son has to make a serious decision.

Homo Sapiens Berliner Art

Struggling artist Albrecht breaks up with his girl-friend and suddenly finds himself alone in a huge and empty apartment in downtown Berlin. A new roommate moves in, overweight Guru Chris, who specializes in self-help courses for stressed managers. He turns out to be broke so the two young men start to work on their finances - with catastrophic results. Inspired by a beautiful girl named Jana Albrecht starts a series of oil paintings but Chris is allergic to paint. Albrecht, while dog sitting his sister's golden retriever Orest misses the birthday of his wealthy uncle George, an octogenarian. When Albrecht visits George to apologize, the uncle, having misplaced his hearing aids, misunderstands and keeps the dog as a gift. Albrecht tries to find another dog for either the uncle or his sister, but fails so he decides to flee the city. Meanwhile, more people move into the apartment, sexy Jenny Epstein who never had an uncle (so she adopts George) and young cousin Bernhard, an under-age kleptomaniac who thinks he is a womanizer. On the baltic island of Rügen Albrecht makes friends with posh Wibke Schmidt, who believes to be a telepath. They return to Berlin when Chris tells them that he has managed to organize a happening for Albrecht's paintings (during which the paintings are burned). Later uncle George dies. Jenny is devastated. The family suspects her to be a legacy huntress which adds to her grief. Upset by too much clan-diplomacy, Albrecht misses the funeral just like he missed the birthday and has to improvise once again.

Nishpap Munna

An orphan sentenced for the murder of his foster uncle, Munna spends most of his early life in jail. Upon his release, he tries his best to redeem himself despite facing several hurdles.

Gargoyle: Wings of Darkness

In 1592 Romania, villagers tormented by an evil demon ultimately succeed in sealing the creature away in a tomb, until a series of earthquakes in 2004 finally unleashes the evil thought to have vanished from the earth forever. Now, two CIA agents Ty 'Griff' Griffin and Jennifer Wells who have been sent to Bucharest to investigate a kidnapping must solve the string of brutal murders that are multiplying rapidly. Unfortunately, they have no idea of the enormity of the evil they face. As their investigation leads them astray, the monster has reproduced, and gargoyle eggs are hatching a reign of terror worldwide. The result is a struggle between good and evil of mythological proportions.

The Pill (film)

Mindy (Rachel Boston), a young, single woman living in New York City meets Fred (Noah Bean); the two soon after embark on an evening of unprotected sex. The following day, Fred panics after he discovers Mindy's not using contraception. The plot begins when he insists that she use emergency contraception, to which she obliges. Soon after, Fred breaks it off only to realize that the process will require taking two pills. Fred spends the day with Mindy to ensure she takes the second pill and in the process gets to know her better. When Mindy finds out that Fred has a live-in girlfriend, she takes the second pill and breaks it off. The film ends when weeks later they both meet up again. By then, Fred has broken up with his girlfriend and they seem to give it a new start.

The Nurse's Secret

A nurse (Lee Patrick) moves into a mansion after an apparent suicide to care for the old mother. The mother is kind of spooky, but so is the butler, and the girlfriend, and the doctor. After the insurance policy is found, the plot thickens.

Seventeen (The Killing)

After Linden finds the pond containing decomposed bodies, Skinner debriefs a task force at the station: 17 bodies were found encased in biohazard bags, throats slashed or heads severed, all female teenagers. Ashley Kwon is confirmed as having likely been killed by the same person. Skinner presumes the killer may hold victims for several days before killing them. Holder mentions teenager Kallie Leeds (Cate Sproule) has recently gone missing. In Skinner's office, Linden suggests a connection to the Trisha Seward case. Skinner gives Linden a badge, welcoming her back, but is hesitant about re-opening the Seward case. In prison, Seward showers next to Alton (James Lewis), who asks about an "A" tattoo on Seward's chest. Becker (Hugh Dillon) says it's for Adrian (Rowan Longworth), Seward's son. Seward finds a razor blade planted in his soap and hides it inside his mouth.

Lyric (Julia Sarah Stone) services cab driver Joe Mills (Ryan Robbins), who mentions the news about the dead bodies and urges her to be careful. On a stakeout, Reddick and Holder question the driver of an arriving car, as well as the teenage girl with him. The girl doesn't know Kallie but suggests they look for Bullet on an overpass. They find Bullet there, and Holder tells her they're looking for Kallie. Bullet says she heard a woman crying at Goldie's apartment but warns that Goldie (Brendan Fletcher) has a big knife. After busting into Goldie's apartment, Holder and Reddick find a television playing pornography showing a girl crying. Goldie tries to sneak out behind them, but Holder tackles him. At the station, Goldie admits to distributing child pornography and demands a lawyer when asked about Kallie.

Skinner tells Linden that Goldie's knife does not match the murder weapon used on Kwon and the 17 dead girls. As she leaves, Linden warns Skinner that his wife knows about their past affair. In the hallway, Linden admits to Holder a possible connection between Trisha Seward and the other murders; Trisha's finger was broken and missing a ring, just like Kwon's. At a school playground, Linden introduces herself to Adrian and asks if he remembers her from working on the Seward case. She asks why he added a factory to his drawing. He asks to see his dad and she agrees to look into it. Bullet finds Holder and Reddick staking out Goldie's apartment, and demands to know why Goldie wasn't locked up. Holder asks if Goldie did something to her, but she avoids answering. Later, Goldie spots the detectives on their stakeout.

The coroner (Fred Keating) estimates the bodies were in the pond for three to five years; all were killed within a six-month period. Linden asks if any bodies had broken fingers. He confirms some had broken, even severed fingers. Seward tries to bait Becker by saying he tore out Becker's cousin's eye at Cedar Creek prison. As Becker approaches, Seward readies the blade found in the soap. However, Becker is called away at the last second. That night, Seward slashes at his "A" tattoo and swallows the razor blade. Finding Seward bleeding on the floor, Henderson calls a Code Blue and guards rush to help Seward.

At the overpass, Bullet suggests Lyric stop hustling for a while and offers to help with money. Twitch (Max Fowler) and Rayna (Benjamin Charles Watson) arrive and propose visiting the crime scene. Later, the four of them observe the pond where the bodies were found. Bullet takes Lyric's hand. At the station, officers screen Goldie's porn videos to try and match any of the girls to the bodies from the pond. A cop brings a DVD to the attention of Holder and Linden, who watch the DVD and hear a male voice ask Kallie to remove her shirt.

The Black Coat

The novel tells the story of journalist Khaleque Biswas and his protege Nur Hussain. After Khaleque loses his job with the ''Freedom Fighter'', he trains Nur only to turn him into a fake Sheikh Mujib. Sheikh Mujib was the leader of the Bangladesh Liberation War and Prime Minister of the country in its post-independence period. Khaleque and Nur start earning money using the blind nationalistic fervour of their countrymen during the Bangladesh famine of 1974 when thousands of people died from starvation and Sheikh Mujib began to lose his popularity.

Nur recites the famous 7th March Speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, trying to popularise Sheikh Mujib and his party the Awami League. But after observing the sufferings of Bangladeshi people during the famine, he begins to criticise Sheikh Mujib. At the height of that criticism, he calls Sheikh Mujib a 'monster' and a 'disgrace'.

After this, Khaleque has only one thing to do. To eliminate Nur or bear the consequences, as Moina Mia, Awami League MP and the person who has introduced the duo to Sheikh Mujib, thinks it is Khaleque who has convinced Nur to speak against the Prime Minister. He chooses the former.

Das Nibelungenlied: Ein Heldenepos in 39 Abenteuern

When Siegfried, a very rich barbarian prince from the north arrives at king Gunther's court he causes a dramatic shift in power. His vast treasure dwarfs and finally destroys the local economy. Therefore, the nobles plot to assassinate him. Siegfried, unaware of the plot helps king Gunther to find a wife, Brunhild of Iceland, and defeats the invading Saxons. The princess of the realm, Griemhild of Burdundy, has fallen in love with Siegfried and they marry. Hagen the murderer strikes and makes her a widow. She vows revenge. After ten years of mourning she marries again, king Etzel of Hungary. She invites her brothers and the nobles to her new home. When they arrive for the feast (against Hagen's advice) she has them all slaughtered.

Pilot (The Critic)

According to, the synopsis is "When Jay has actress, Valerie Fox, on his show, they both fall in love with each other and get involved in a caring relationship. A relationship that may be threatened if Jay pans her performance in her new movie."

Sorga Ka Toedjoe

Rasminah (Roekiah) is living with her blind aunt Hadidjah (Annie Landouw) in Puncak, a village south-east of Buitenzorg (now Bogor). Hadidjah has been separated from her husband, Kasimin, for several years, ever since she accused him of adultery. Although she regretted the incident almost immediately, it was too late; a corpse resembling Kasimin was found floating in a river, and in her hurry to see the body Hadidjah was struck by a car, blinding her. Now she sings the ''kroncong'' song "Sorga Ka Toedjoe", which Kasimin declared to be a symbol of his love, at 5 p.m. every day. Unknown to Hadidjah, Kasimin (Kartolo) is alive and well; he also sings "Sorga Ka Toedjoe" every day at the same time.

Following an encounter with the rich and detestable Parta, who intends to take her as his second wife, Rasminah goes to the nearby city of Batavia (now Jakarta) to find a job. Several days later, having found work, she returns to Puncak to pick up Hadidjah and take her to Batavia. Parta and his cohort Doel are waiting in ambush, and when Rasminah's carriage is stuck in a rut, the two begin to chase after her. Rasminah runs into the woods and, after several close calls, finds shelter in a small house. There she rests the night, without seeing the owner.

The following morning, Rasminah is awakened by the sound of a guitar, played by the house's owner, Hoesin (Djoemala). Afraid that he is collaborating with her pursuer, she sneaks outside, only to be confronted by Parta and Doel. Retreating, she is chased by the pair. Hoesin intervenes and, after a fierce fight, defeats the two and chases them away. He then reassures Rasminah and escorts her home.

Over the following days, Hoesin repeatedly visits Rasminah, and slowly the two begin to fall in love. When Rasminah takes her aunt to Batavia to live, Hoesin follows. They begin discussing their future together, but Rasminah insists that she will only marry when her aunt is reunited with Kasimin. After a lengthy search, in which he almost gives up hope, Hoesin finds Kasimin at a small plantation in the hills outside of the city – Hadidjah's long-lost husband previously operated his own orchard, but had been evicted by a conniving and greedy landlord only days before. Kasimin and Hadidjah are reunited, allowing Hoesin and Rasminah to begin their own preparations.

Lost Girl (season 3)

With Fae society in upheaval, Bo finds herself facing further changes and challenges as former ally Hale becomes the acting Ash – trying to forge a new balance between Light and Dark by appointing a Valkyrie aligned with the Dark Fae, Tamsin, as Dyson's new detective partner. Meantime, Tamsin is a secret agent working for two separate clients: The Morrigan, who wants to build a case against Bo so that she can execute her; and as a mercenary for someone who wants to entrap Bo. Matters become complicated when Kenzi is kidnapped by a crazed Kitsune who assumes her identity and deliberately sows distrust in the relationships between Bo and those closest to her; just as Bo must prepare for and go through an evolutionary Fae rite of passage that forces her to explore her past and future. Danger escalates when a human scientist convinces a despondent Lauren to join him in conducting scientific research in his private laboratory – all the while deceptively concealing his intent to harness Fae genetics for himself with the use of her expertise. The third season culminates with Bo being engulfed by black smoke and disappearing into thin air, presumably whisked away by her mysterious and powerful biological father (who may be "The Wanderer" that recurred throughout the season's story arc).

Sunset Overdrive

On July 13, 2027, megaconglomerate FizzCo hosts a massive pre-release party in Sunset City for its new energy drink, OverCharge Delirium XT (also known as OverCharge), allowing the citizens to be the first to try it. In an attempt to sell OverCharge faster, FizzCo skipped health regulation protocols and rushed through testing, leading to the drink being so toxic that anyone who drinks it transforms into a violent, boil-covered mutant known as an Overcharge Drinker (OD). In order to cover up the deception, FizzCo claims that a viral outbreak has happened and quarantines the whole city, preventing anyone from entering or exiting. The player, a FizzCo employee who works in the sanitation division, is saved from an attacking OD by Walter, a fellow survivor; the player is unaffected by the drink, as they were not allowed to attend the launch party for OverCharge, later referred to as "Horror Night".

Upon learning that Walter is creating a plane to escape the quarantine, the player obtains the aid of Sam and the Oxfords, a group of rich but lazy geniuses from a local university. After multiple errands, the Oxfords build a propeller to complete the plane. The player joins Walter in his plane to escape the city and reveal the truth about the outbreak. At the last second however, Walter notices an invisible wall preventing their escape and pushes the player out of the plane before dying in the subsequent crash.

Still planning to escape, the player aids Troop Bushido, scouts living in a samurai museum, and the Fargarths, a group of larpers. In thanks, the two groups design and build a ship out of garbage which tricks the FizzCo sensors and allows them past. As the player is about to escape, they learn that FizzCo robots are attacking the Oxfords and Troop Bushido in order to kill all witnesses and complete the coverup. The player returns to Sunset City and rescues the survivors. Sam informs the player that there is a deadly superweapon in FizzCo headquarters, which the player is able to break into after obtaining the help of Las Catrinas, a group of skeleton-themed Mexican American cheerleaders caring for the children's ward of a hospital, by recruiting a band fronted by King Buzzo (voiced and mocapped by the real Melvins singer) to perform for the children.

The player rallies the four factions to attack FizzCo headquarters, and attempts to destroy FizzCo HQ by riding a giant bottle of OverCharge into it. The player is killed in the blast, and the factions mourn them. However, the player breaks the fourth wall by pausing the credits rolling after this scene to complain about how depressing the ending is, and decides to change it. The player survives and gets respawned in this ending, and it is revealed that the FizzCo building is a robot that is meant to destroy the city to cover up the OverCharge outbreak. The player destroys the robot and has milk and crackers with the other survivors. After the credits, however, computers in the FizzCo headquarters automatically activate a protocol sending FizzCo helicopters full of OverCharge around the world, foreshadowing an international OD outbreak.

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

Two years prior to the events in the game, David Young, a narcotics officer for the Boston police, comes home to find his wife dying. He hears her final words, "Look for D," before waking up in the ICU. Lodged in his head is a bullet that the story alludes to being received by his wife's murderer. Other than coming home to his dying wife and her final words, Young cannot recall what happened that day. This inability haunts him as he undertakes the investigation into the incident. A botched investigation by the police (and a questioning of his sanity) leads Young to resign and become a private investigator, opting to solve the case himself. Aiding him is his newfound "gift" to travel into the past: an ability he credits to a bullet lodged in his head. By touching objects, or what is referred to as "mementos," Young can travel backwards to a specific place and time and to where that object was relevant. What he gains with his gift, however, he loses with memories of his wife and the incident.

David, with his newly gained ability, uses it to uncover the unknown assailant by investigating everyone whose name starts with "D." With help from his former partner, Young gets a lead about a man whose boss's name starts with "D" and who went missing on a plane after it was struck by lightning. David uses a memento to travel back into the past to investigate.

Dead Rising 3

''Dead Rising 3'' takes place in 2021, 10 years after the events of the Fortune City outbreak and 15 years after the Willamette outbreak. The story follows a young mechanic named Nick Ramos and his attempt to survive a massive zombie outbreak in the fictional city of Los Perdidos, California. The game begins three days after the initial outbreak. After returning from a failed search for supplies, Nick reunites with some other survivors at a diner including his boss Rhonda, a girl named Annie, a trucker named Dick, a man named Peter and his mother. After the zombies break into the diner and kill Peter and his mother, Annie runs back to her own group of survivors. Nick and the others make it to Rhonda's auto shop and learn that the government is going to bomb the city in six days to stop the outbreak. The group drives to a military checkpoint, only to find everyone there dead and be ambushed by a rogue biker gang.

After defeating the bikers, Nick reunites with his old friend Diego, who is now a soldier, and learns from him that there is a plane at the old museum in town that can be fixed up and used to escape the city before it is destroyed. However, before starting to work on the plane, Nick is bitten by a zombie and heads to the crematorium in town to search for some Zombrex, meeting a man called Gary on the way, who is looking for a certain girl under orders from his boss. Unable to find any Zombrex, Nick loses all hope until Gary notices that his wound has healed, revealing that he is somehow immune from turning. Realizing that the girl Gary is looking for is actually Annie, Nick agrees to help him retrieve her in exchange for fuel for the plane. Nick then tracks her down but fails to convince her to come with him. The leader of her group, Red, tells Nick that the military is in fact not evacuating survivors but killing them off instead, and Nick agrees to help them in exchange for the fuel he needs. After retrieving some evidence of the military's crimes, Nick learns from Red that all of his friends, including Annie, were captured by them.

While infiltrating a military encampment to rescue the captives, Nick learns that government officials General Hemlock and Marion Mallon are responsible for the outbreak and witness them turning the U.S. President into a zombie as well to assume full control of the government. After rescuing the captives, Nick learns that the government is offering five million dollars as a reward for anyone who captures certain individuals with numbers tattooed on their neck, like him and Diego. Having finally obtained the fuel from Red, Nick returns to Rhonda and Dick only to find out that a deranged Diego has fled. Nick confronts him at the museum and has him return to his senses. After retrieving parts for the plane Nick learns from Rhonda that she is not going with them because she wants to stay and attempt to reconcile with her ex-husband. Nick then leaves to round up the other survivors but he and Diego are captured by the military. Nick awakens in a room, restrained next to Diego, who is killed in front of him, and the hundreds of parasitic wasps and larvae swarming out of his body create a confusion that allows him to escape, meeting Isabella Keyes on the way, who reveals that he is the one the military is looking for because of his immunity. After surviving an attack from Mallon, Nick discovers that Gary had captured Annie and he refuses to let her go. However, upon learning that Gary is actually Rhonda's ex-husband, Nick have the two reunited in order to rescue her.

Once reunited with the others, Nick learns from Isabella that he, Diego and other orphans born from U.S. soldiers stationed in Santa Cabeza were experimented upon by her brother Carlito in order to become live biological weapons, with each of them carrying the parasite. However, Nick is immune to it instead, and he must leave the town alive in order to have a cure developed. Interested in the reward for Nick, Red turns on the group and fights him. After Red is killed, Nick uses a transceiver, and pretending to be a military agent, tells Hemlock that they need more time to apprehend him. The general agrees, extending the time before the bomb deployment by an extra day. Nick and Annie end up kissing. Soon after, Chuck Greene arrives with Rhonda and Gary, revealing that Annie is actually his daughter Katey and that Gary was working for him. Chuck had turned to a life of crime in order to provide Zombrex for his daughter, but this led to his daughter running away from home. Chuck and Annie reconcile. Gary and Rhonda volunteer to stay and help rescue any remaining survivors before leaving the city.

As Nick is about to take off with the others, he overhears on the radio that Hemlock is planning to create a biological weapon with the zombies. Nick and Chuck then decide to team up to stop Hemlock's plan before escaping. After Hemlock kills Mallon upon being angered by her disrespect, he proceeds with the extraction of king zombies from the city, but Nick and Chuck stop him. The General is ultimately killed in a confrontation with Nick, who escapes the city with the others, leading to the creation and distribution of a cure to the zombie infection. After the credits, it is revealed that Isabella was truly responsible for the outbreak, convincing Mallon to begin it so that the carrier of the immunity would be revealed, and successfully making herself the creator of the cure while clearing her family name from Carlito's crimes in Willamette. Back in the present, Isabella destroys some evidence incriminating her and leaves the city with the others.

Alternate Endings

Like the previous games, ''Dead Rising 3'' has multiple alternate endings that can occur, depending on the player's choices in the last chapter of the game and if the main campaign is completed before the bombing of Los Perdidos begins. The summary above is the canon ending, '''Ending S''', unlocked if the player follows Nick's morals in the game. ('''Note''': Unlike previous games, Ending A is the ending that leads into Chapter 8 and Ending S, making Ending S the true ending and Ending A the "gateway" true ending.)

The other endings are:

'''Ending C''' (Complete all chapters and kill Gary at the club instead of finding Rhonda) : After Red is killed, since Gary is dead, he, Rhonda, and Chuck do not show up. Isabella runs up to Nick and Annie exclaiming that they have to leave immediately and they board the plane, but it stalls as they try to take off and are overrun by zombies. The end text states that Hemlock was arrested for his actions; however the parasite infection continued to spread, and rumors of Carlito's "immune orphan" were never proven. '''Ending D''' (Complete chapters 1 - 6 and escape the Metro Station, but go straight to the plane instead of the club where Annie is being held hostage) : Nick decides to leave the city by himself, but is discovered by Rhonda, Annie, Red, and Gary, who leave him behind as they escape the city using the plane. The end text states that no survivors were found and the outbreak was the beginning of the end for the United States, as the West Coast went under martial law. Hemlock created his biological weapon from the mutated zombies and caused outbreaks all over America and rumors of Carlito's "immune orphan" were never proven. '''Ending F''' (Do not complete all the chapters by time the firebomb is scheduled at the end of the 7th day) : A cutscene plays of the city being destroyed by incendiary bombs. The end text states no survivors were found, Hemlock succeeded in creating his biological weapon from the mutated zombies, and America was put under martial law. '''Overtime Alternate Ending''' (Fail to stop Hemlock's harvesting of the mutated zombies in chapter 8) : Hemlock declares success and escapes the city. The end text states that Los Perdidos was destroyed by incendiary bombs and Hemlock created his biological weapon from the mutated zombies and rumors of Carlito's "immune orphan" were never proven. Getting this ending will result in a game over screen, and the player can choose to return to the last checkpoint and try again in Overtime Mode. '''Ending X''' (Scrapped Ending) :After defeating Red, Nick and Annie hug each other. Annie thanks him for saving her, before revealing that she knows of Nick’s wrongdoing. A group of survivors appear: Joey is unarmed, Hank is wielding a spiked bat, Kyla has a crowbar, Kent DeMare is armed with a whisky bottle and one additional unused survivor has a lead pipe. Nick tries to explain that he is special, which makes the survivors angrily question him. Nick pleads with them that he needs to escape before Annie lets him know that he will be in the “Safehouse in the sky”. Nick tries to run, but is knocked down and beaten by the survivors before the final blow is stricken by Hank with the spiked bat.

Halo 5: Guardians

Fireteam Osiris is deployed to the planet of Kamchatka, occupied by Jul 'Mdama's splinter Covenant faction, to retrieve the rogue Dr. Halsey and her intel amidst a battle between Covenant forces and the Prometheans. Halsey claims to have information on a series of devastating attacks on several human worlds. While the team is successful in retrieving Halsey and eliminating the Covenant faction's leader Jul 'Mdama, Halsey informs them that a new threat is about to emerge.

Elsewhere, the Master Chief leads Blue Team on a mission to secure a derelict ONI research station known as Argent Moon. The arrival of Jul 'Mdama's Covenant fleet forces Blue Team to scuttle the station instead. During the sabotage, the Chief receives a cryptic message from Cortana, directing him to the planet Meridian. John is ordered to return to ''Infinity'' upon destroying Argent Moon, but he and Blue Team disobey orders and set out after Cortana, forcing Captain Lasky to list the rogue Spartans as AWOL. This causes consternation aboard ''Infinity'', as Halsey believes that Cortana's survival through the use of Forerunner technology makes her unpredictable and untrustworthy.

Lasky tasks Fireteam Osiris with finding and capturing Blue Team. Osiris is deployed to Meridian to pursue Blue Team, where they find a human colony under attack by Promethean forces. During their pursuit, they encounter the Warden Eternal, a Promethean serving as Cortana's enforcer. After temporarily defeating the Warden, Osiris catches up to Blue Team, ordering them to stand down and return to ''Infinity''. Chief bests Locke in hand-to-hand combat and flees with the rest of Blue Team as they board a Guardian, one of several colossal Forerunner constructs built as enforcers of entire worlds. Osiris barely escape the colony's collapse as the Guardian activates and disappears. The Guardian emerges on the Forerunner planet Genesis, where John and Cortana reunite. Cortana says that her terminal rampancy was cured by the same Forerunner technology that had saved her.

Osiris is deployed to the Sangheili homeworld of Sanghelios, where they plan to use a dormant Guardian that resides there to travel to Blue Team's location. However, the planet is engulfed in a civil war; the remaining forces of Jul 'Mdama's Covenant have chosen to make their last stand there. To hurry their mission along, Osiris joins forces with the Arbiter and help him strike a crucial blow at Jul's Covenant. Osiris boards a Guardian with the help of Commander Palmer while the Arbiter finishes off the last troops of the Covenant faction.

On Genesis, Osiris encounters the planet's caretaker, the artificial intelligence 031 Exuberant Witness, who allies with them to stop Cortana. Osiris catches up to Blue Team, who reveals that Cortana is planning on using the Guardians to achieve galactic peace through forcible disarmament. Master Chief, aware of the massive devastation that Cortana's plan will cause, attempts to convince Cortana to stand down. She refuses and confines Blue Team in a Forerunner prison in order to prevent them from interfering with her plan. Osiris manages to transfer control of Genesis back to Exuberant, who wrests the prison from Cortana as she leaves the planet via a Guardian.

Artificial intelligences across the galaxy begin swearing allegiance to Cortana and her plans. Cortana locates ''Infinity'' and prepares to disable it, but Lasky has the ship's AI Roland, who is still loyal to ''Infinity'', engage slipspace away from Earth and commit to random jumps until they can develop a way to combat Cortana. With Blue Team recovered, Osiris returns to Sanghelios to reunite the SPARTAN-IIs with an injured Commander Palmer, Thel 'Vadam, and Halsey. If the player completes the game on Legendary, an extra cutscene shows Halo Installation 07 powering up while Cortana hums, before cutting to black.

Nerilka's Story & The Coelura

''Nerilka's Story & The Coelura'' is composed of two mini-novels, ''Nerilka'' and ''The Coelura''.

Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf

Capturing the sadistic serial killer "The Wolf" was just the beginning for rookie cop Johnny Morgan. As he escorts the monster to his new home in the dark underground halls of Parker's Asylum, bedlam ensues and Johnny along with a handful of civilians become players in a night of survival against the world's most terrifying inmates.

Dates (TV series)

Set in London, each episode focuses on one date.

The Prince of Venice Beach

The book follows a seventeen-year-old runaway named Robert "Cali" Callahan who is hired to track down other runaway youth. What should be a simple assignment quickly becomes something more when he finds and falls in love with Reese Abernathy who is hiding from more than just her family.

The books takes place around Venice Beach California. A place known not only for its gritty skate and surf culture but also for its large population of homeless and runaway youth driven there by the warm weather.

Tom Clancy's The Division

On Black Friday 2015, a viral epidemic, transmitted by a Smallpox-based virus planted on banknotes, sweeps through New York City. The disease, known as Green Poison or "The Dollar Flu", causes widespread chaos, and major cities across the United States are placed under quarantine. The U.S. Government activates sleeper agents in the population who operate for the Strategic Homeland Division (or simply "the Division") to assist emergency responders and the National Guard, now called the Joint Task Force (JTF), in restoring order. In Brooklyn, the protagonist, a Division agent, assists the JTF before planning to depart for the Quarantine zone with fellow agent Faye Lau. However, the VTOL meant to take them there is destroyed in an explosion, killing the Division Commander along with most of the second wave and severely wounding Faye Lau. Arriving in a JTF-commandeered news helicopter instead, the Division agents reclaim the James A. Farley Post Office Building as their base of operations. From there, the agents undertake assignments to rescue important personnel, help in restoring the base of operations to full working capacity and combat criminal groups, such as the Rioters, common street thugs in New York who generally want to take advantage of the quarantine; the Rikers, escapees from Rikers Island; and the Cleaners, insane New York Sanitation workers who wield flamethrowers and believe everyone is infected. In the course of the game, the agent helps rescue important personnel like Dr. Jessica Kandel, Captain Roy Benitez and Paul Rhodes. These personnel head the Medical, Security and Tech wings of the base of operations, respectively. Agents also recover a sample of Green Poison. Studying the sample reveals the virus was manufactured and then heavily modified by a controversial biologist named Dr. Gordon Amherst.

Eventually, the agents find footage of Division agent Aaron Keener going rogue and killing other agents, having gone insane after witnessing the chaos and destruction caused during the breakdown of order following the initial outbreak. It is also discovered Keener and the rest of the first wave of agents who went rogue along with him are assisting the "Last Man Battalion" (LMB), an equally rogue private military company that was abandoned by the government during the evacuation, and are now hostile to it. Working together, these two groups destroyed the VTOL and killed the Commander to weaken Division operations in New York. Intercepting a signal from the Russian consulate, the agents attempt to rescue Vitaly Tchernenko, a Russian virologist who claims to have information on the Green Poison. However, he is kidnapped by Keener and the LMB before the Division can reach him. After helping the JTF secure supplies and weapons, the JTF and Division agents launch an attack on the LMB's base, the now-evacuated United Nations headquarters. The agent finds footage of Keener and his fellow rogue agents abandoning the LMB, with Tchernenko as their prisoner. The leader of the LMB, Charles Bliss, initially escapes in a helicopter, but then returns to make a final stand alongside his men. In the end, the agent destroys the vehicle, killing Bliss. Lau informs the agent that most threats are destroyed or weakened, however the LMB was split into factions. New York is approaching stability, but an unknown signal leads the agent to a secluded laboratory. There, they find Dr. Amherst's remains, having discovered that he has died from exposure to his own virus. They also find a message from Keener, showing he has the technology to manufacture a new strain of Green Poison and intends to do so, and mysteriously tells the agent to explore the center of Manhattan, called the “Dark Zone.” The agent is informed that the information in the lab will further the development of a vaccine and is shown a recovered message from Amherst. In the message, Amherst reveals he engineered Green Poison as part of his eco-terrorist plan to decimate the human race and preserve the planet. If the player follows Keener's instructions, they will discover a message from Keener claiming that he plans to continue with Amherst's plot, as he has come to worship the virus as the judge of all humanity and plans to reverse engineer and improve it; he then offers the player a position beside him based on their actions in the Dark Zone.

The Crew (video game)

The story begins with main character Alex Taylor (Troy Baker) being pursued by local law enforcement near Detroit. After losing the cops, he finds a Chevrolet Camaro loaned to him by his friend and father figure, Harry (Charles Parnell). Harry explains to him that Alex's older brother and the founder of the 5-10 motor club, Dayton (Travis Willingham), wants to speak with him. Dayton arrives and orders Alex to drive him to Ambassador Bridge. Once there, Dayton tells him to keep his head down. A Ford GT pulls up, Dayton goes and talks with the driver before walking back to the Camaro, but before he can get there, the driver shoots him and drives off. Alex rushes to Dayton's side as the police arrives to arrest him. Dayton succumbs to his wound, while Alex is charged and later convicted of murder by FBI Special Agent Bill Coburn (D.C. Douglas).

Five years later, Alex, now in prison, encounters FBI Agent Zoe Winters (Amy Rosoff) who informs him that he will be temporarily released if he agrees to cooperate with the FBI in exposing Coburn's corruption, and finding the truth behind Dayton's murder, which has been committed by the new leader of the 5-10s, Dennis "Shiv" Jefferson (Jason Spisak). In doing so, Alex has to infiltrate the 5-10 and climb up its hierarchy, named after V engines, with Shiv being labeled as the “V8” (King V/Big Block/Big Eight). Other ranks included the starting rank of “Chauffeur”, the “V2” (V-twin), the “V4” (Four Block/Four Banger), and the “V6” (Hard Six).

After getting released from prison, Alex accepts his first mission to help the Detroit 5-10 lieutenant Troy (Joel Steingold). After doing several missions for him, Alex is sent to St. Louis to kill that city's V2. Alex and Zoe fake the V2's death, but Troy finds out that she is still alive, and manages to kill her himself. Alex then gets a call from Herschel Craig (Johnny Hawkes), the Chicago 5-10 and Troy's rival. Craig asks Alex for help to claim territory from Troy. Alex is able to get his 5-10 ink by helping Craig recover a stolen car from Europe. Alex is sent to New York City soon after to help a V6, Shiv's childhood friend, Eric Tsu (Vic Chao).

Alex goes to New York and is reunited with Harry, who agrees to help him. Alex gets an off-road vehicle and meets Eric, racing him and later doing missions for him. Meanwhile, Zoe and Alex are suspicious of Harry when he gets secretive. As it turns out, car shipments for the 5-10s went missing, and Harry had been behind them. It is later revealed that Harry is helping Dayton's girlfriend, Connie, and her five-year-old son, Ben, by stealing a proper escape vehicle to escape the city from the 5-10s after hearing about Dayton's death. Alex also has to do a delivery for a mysterious person, later revealed to be Coburn. Harry has Alex follow him with Connie and Ben in the car so they can escape the city. Alex gets his V2 ink, and is asked to go to Miami.

Alex goes to Miami and meets Alita (Cyrina Fiallo), Shiv's ex-girlfriend. After winning a race against her crew, and later Alita herself, Alex is tasked with claiming The South from Cameron “Cam” Rockport, who has been killing various 5-10s to stay in power. Coburn, using a voice scrambler, then calls Alex for help in taking down Shiv. After winning the South from Cam in a race, Alex notices Coburn's plan of killing Cam, and is forced to go to Miami Beach to save Cam. Cam catches up on Alex's plan to take down Shiv, and allows him to go do so. Afterwards, Shiv notices Alex's activities and gives him the V4 ink. Alex is then sent to Las Vegas.

Alex goes to a diner and meets Roxanne (Tonantzin Carmelo), a technology whiz whose missing sister, Daria, joined the 5-10s. After several missions, including one revealing that Daria had been killed by Shiv, Zoe finds out that Coburn is selling impounded contraband. She then orders Alex to travel to Death Valley to collect evidence against Coburn. After collecting sufficient evidence, Coburn eventually shows up. Alex proceeds to chase Coburn down across Las Vegas, and they end up in an airport, where Zoe arrests the corrupt FBI agent for a slew of charges, including his involvement with Dayton's murder. With Coburn finished, Alex gets a call from Shiv saying he is invited as a V6 to "The 5-10 Face-Off" on the West Coast.

Alex goes to Los Angeles and meets Vincent (John Paul Pitoc), a former pro racer. Vincent agrees to help Alex, but Shiv has rigged the events against Alex. First, during a race at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, he calls the police to arrest Alex. Later, in a race in the Yosemite National Park, Alex is forced to race in a car that isn't as fast as the others' cars. However, Alex overcomes all these odds and manages to win. Shiv discovers Alex's desire of vengeance, and sends his henchmen to go after Alex. Alex escapes and goes to Shiv's victory party with the intent of assassinating him, but Alex realizes that the people he met on his mission are his new family, and refuses to do so. He suggests to settle it in a race instead. Alex wins, but Shiv refuses to give up and the police arrives to arrest Shiv in which he pins the blame on Alex and says he will kill him for selling him out, leading Alex to chase him down along the coast.

At the end of the game, Shiv is confronted by the police as his car is totaled. In the subsequent epilogue, Alex explains his love for racing as he is named the new V8.

Robinson Crusoe (1902 film)

Robinson Crusoe, a sailor, is shipwrecked on an island. He gathers what provisions he can from the wreck, including a dog and a cat, who are the only other survivors of the catastrophe. After signaling a passing ship to no avail, Crusoe builds a hut.

Elsewhere on the island, at the base of a cliff, cannibal natives have taken prisoners, and have eaten all but one of them. They are about to kill the last prisoner when Crusoe appears and scares them off with gunfire. Crusoe takes charge of the prisoner, naming him Friday. The two of them scale the cliff, fighting off natives attacking them as they go. The fight works its way up the cliff and into the hut. Together, Friday and Crusoe manage to kill all the attacking natives. Safe at last, Crusoe makes friends with Friday and teaches him some skills. They set up home in their hut, along with the dog and the cat as well as a parrot and a goat. Together they build a canoe, brave a hurricane, hunt, and sail around the island.

Twenty-five years after Crusoe’s shipwreck, some sailors land on the island; they have mutinied against, and imprisoned, the captain and officers of their ship. Friday and Crusoe attack the mutineers and set the prisoners free. The captain and officers let Crusoe and Friday onto their ship, and bring them to England. Landing in Southampton, Crusoe goes home and is reunited with his wife and children. Friday is adopted into the family. In a final "apotheosis" scene, Crusoe and Friday are shown once again after their fight with the natives, standing in glory on their island.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Set after the events of the original game, ''Dadliest Catch'' features Octodad working around the house, going grocery shopping, and accompanying his family on a visit to the local aquarium at his wife Scarlet's request, much to his chagrin. As before, he must spend time with his wife and children while not arousing the suspicion of other humans, including the evil Chef Fujimoto, who knows Octodad's secret and seeks to expose and cook him. A series of flashbacks also explains how Octodad originally took on a human identity, met Scarlet, and eventually married her. Eventually, Chef Fujimoto throws Octodad into the shark tank and kidnaps his family, trying to convince them that Octodad is an octopus. Octodad escapes and shows up without his disguise, revealing the truth to his family, though his daughter Stacy admits she knew the entire time. Fujimoto tries to kill Octodad, but is incapacitated by Octodad and his family. Octodad, however, forgives Fujimoto, who makes amends with Octodad. The family comes together, with Tommy and Scarlet looking toward a hopeful future with their new knowledge of Octodad. The credits play on a theatre screen, with the player having free rein over popcorn and the theatre seats; here, Fujimoto is heard saying "The book was better!" before going out of the cinema.

Two bonus chapters were released under the name "Octodad Shorts". These include a flashback recounting Octodad and Scarlet's first date, and a story Tommy and Stacy are making up about Octodad working in a hospital as a nurse.

Another Face

Wanted by the police, murderer and gang leader Broken Nose Dawson (Brian Donlevy) goes to unscrupulous Dr. H. L. Buler (an uncredited Oscar Apfel) to have his appearance changed. Buler is assisted by nurse Mary McCall (Molly Lamont), who is aghast when she recognizes the patient. When Dawson heals, he is amazed by his new face; his underling, Muggsie Brown (Frank Mills, uncredited), remarks that he is now as handsome as a movie star.

Dawson sends Muggsie to eliminate Buler and McCall, then phones in an anonymous tip about his henchman to get rid of everyone who knows about his new appearance. Muggsie kills Buler and a nurse (only it is not McCall) and is in turn gunned down by the police. Frightened when she reads about the murders in the newspaper, McCall flees across the country.

Remembering Muggsie's comment, Dawson decides to become a movie star and moves to Hollywood, where he takes elocution lessons. Under the alias "Spencer Dutro", he gets hired to portray a gangster opposite top actress Sheila Barry (Phyllis Brooks) by director Bill Branch. Barry is unimpressed by Dutro's acting ability and inflated ego.

Meanwhile, Zenith Studio press agent Joe Haynes (Wallace Ford) is warned about his publicity stunts by Police Captain Spellman (an uncredited Charles Wilson). Studio general manager Charles L. Kellar (Alan Hale) agrees that Joe's zany antics have to stop.

Mary McCall calls on Haynes, sent by her fiance, Western star Tex Williams (Addison Randall), to get a job. She recognizes Dutro from publicity photos on Haynes' desk and tells Haynes who he is. When Dutro comes into the office, Haynes locks McCall in a closet for her safety. After getting Dutro to leave, however, Haynes decides not to call the police right away. He wants to milk the gangster's capture for all the publicity he can; Kellar reluctantly approves his plan.

Haynes arranges for everyone to work on the film that night, including an annoyed Barry (they were to fly to Yuma to get married). Things do not go quite as planned: when the police arrive, Dutro takes Barry hostage and flees. In the search of the studio grounds, Dutro also captures Haynes. When Dutro tries to leave a building and get to a car, Haynes pushes Barry outside and locks the door, with the two men inside. A chase ensues. In the end, Haynes manages to knock Dutro out, and is forgiven by Barry for his latest caper.

And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side

In the far future humanity has begun to interact with aliens from all over the galaxy. A journalist has arrived on a space station in hopes of photographing an alien ship. He encounters a station engineer who tells him about his past and issues him a warning.

When the engineer was a young pre-med student he became obsessed with aliens despite watching similar obsessions result in death or permanent physical and mental harm. The engineer sacrificed a promising medical career in order to obtain an unfulfilling one that would allow him to go into space. He has also spent more money than he should wooing generally uninterested aliens.

He warns the journalist that aliens do not interact with other alien species and do not seek out humans either. The humans instead come to them, driven by their obsession and willing to act as menial servants for even aliens deemed failures by their own species. The aliens rarely take humans as sexual partners and never as romantic ones. The engineer theorizes that this obsession, which he views as uncontrollable due to humanity's sex drive, has dramatically reduced the birth rate. He also implies that aliens hold humanity in low regard due to their continued destruction of Earth.

The engineer's wife arrives, heavily scarred and fatigued from interactions with the aliens. He reveals that theirs is a loveless marriage of convenience, as the station exclusively hires married couples. The agreement allows them to pursue aliens, even as both seem aware of the negative repercussions. The engineer begs the journalist to return to Earth and warn others to stay away from aliens. The story ends with the infatuated journalist choosing instead to pursue his first interaction with aliens.

Super Time Force

Commander Repeatski sends the Super Time Force, a time-traveling military organization, to various points in history such as prehistoric times, the middle ages, and the future in order to make the present a better place to live.

Spider-Man Strikes Back

At the New York State University, Dr. Baylor, one of Peter Parker's tutors announces that they are going to carry out an experiment using plutonium. A group of students, including Peter, are appalled as they think it's too dangerous. Later on, Peter meets an attractive journalist named Gale Hoffman, who is determined to get an interview with Spider-Man after his well-publicized rescue of a suicide jumper.

Later, three students steal some plutonium from the lab. They want to use the plutonium to build an atomic bomb in order to illustrate about the dangers of nuclear power. Spider-Man appears on the scene in an unsuccessful attempt to stop them but is seen by security guards. As a result, thee police blames Spider-Man for the theft and Inspector DeCarlo suspects of Peter Parker.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland, villain Mr. White reads a newspaper report of the theft and deduces that it was the students rather than Spider-Man who stole the radioactive material. He plans to steal the plutonium so that he can obtain his own version of the weapon. He departs immediately for the United States with his monstrous henchman, Angel.

White tries to kidnap Peter, in an effort to locate the plutonium, but he manages to escape. When one of the students involved in the theft is admitted to the hospital with radiation poisoning while building the bomb, Peter changes to Spider-Man to track down the plutonium. White's henchmen engage in a fight against Spider-Man and hurl him off a twelve-story building, seemingly to his death. He saves himself by forming a net with his webbing, but in the confusion, White escapes with the bomb. Spider-Man is forced to defeat this scheming villain in order to stop him blowing up Wall Street.

J. Jonah Jameson, the owner of The Daily Bugle, discovers that White has fled to Los Angeles and arranges for Peter Parker and Gale Hoffman to travel to the west coast in search of him. Mr. White demands $1,000,000,000 in return for not setting off the plutonium bomb in a heavily populated area. The authorities assume, wrongly, that he means New York City. In fact, White plans to set off the bomb in Los Angeles at the time the President is giving a speech there.

Spider-Man finally tracks White to his lair and learns of his plans. He locates the bomb and defuses it at the last second. However, White escapes and vows that he and Spider-Man will meet again.

The Land of Smiles (1930 film)

It is no coincidence that the master of the house chose the Lehár operetta "The Land of Smiles" for a performance in honor of his daughter's forthcoming marriage to an "exotic prince", a Japanese diplomat. It's meant to be a metaphor of what might await them. The well-known plot of the Lehár operetta about a tragic marriage between a Chinese prince named Sou Chong and a young Austrian shows parallels to the upcoming, real connection of the lord's daughter, who breaks up with her local admirer Gustl and her future husband from the Far East has turned towards. Both storylines are soon interwoven, and the operetta reflects reality.

Prince Sou Chong brought a wife with him from his trip to Europe. He hides the young woman in a pavilion in the park, fearing that his traditional family will be hostile to his wife. He only lets his sister Mi in on his secret, who soon becomes friends with the stranger. When Sou-Chong's uncle Chang suggests that his nephew choose four wives from the country's most distinguished families, the young prince initially refuses, but then has to admit that he is already married. However, his uncle continues to press him and so Sou-Chong ultimately follows the old laws of his country. When his wife Liesl found out about this, she was very unhappy. Then, however, her cousin and admirer from her homeland surprisingly turns up and gives her comfort. They then agree to escape together. However, the plan fails. However, Sou-Chong has now realized that his wife will never be happy under the given circumstances and releases her. He hides his sadness.

Liesa recognizes herself as a Central European in the sad woman from the operetta, and she begins to question her upcoming connection: the customs and customs as well as the habits to which the Austrian in the song in the East Asian foreign country has to submit make the heroine unhappy. The couple fails because of the incompatibility of cultural differences. And so, in the operetta, Gustl and the prince's wife flee Chinese pomp to return home to Europe. Liesa also thinks better and decides to accept the proposal of loyal Gustl instead of becoming unhappy abroad despite all the wealth.

Sorga Palsoe

Hian Nio is displeased as her mother, Roti, treats her poorly and favours her siblings. One day, Hian Nio's boyfriend Kian Bie is fired from his work. Kian Bie's former employer, Bian Hong, uses the opportunity to take Hian Nio as his wife. She is, however, unhappy, and after a year abandons Bian Hong and their newborn daughter. Eventually Hian Nio returns to claim their daughter, but she dies soon afterwards.

Super Mario 3D World

Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad are watching a fireworks show until they find a tilted glass pipe. After Mario and Luigi fix it, a green fairy-like Sprixie princess appears and tells them that Bowser has kidnapped and trapped the rest of the Sprixie princesses in jars. He arrives and captures her before escaping through the pipe, while the heroes enter it and pursue him. They find themselves in a realm known as "The Sprixie Kingdom" and set off to find the Sprixies. After the heroes save the final one, Bowser recaptures all seven and heads to his amusement park fortress. Thereafter, Bowser uses the Super Bell to transform into a cat form called Meowser. The group proceeds to climb the tallest tower and defeat Meowser. The heroes say goodbye to the Sprixies and travel home through the pipe back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

As the Kongs celebrate Donkey Kong's birthday, their island is attacked by the Snowmads, arctic invaders. Their leader, Lord Fredrik, blows a horn that creates frozen winds and an ice dragon. The Kongs are blown away and the Snowmads seize the frozen Donkey Kong Island.

The Kongs traverse a series of islands and make their way back to Donkey Kong Island. They make their way through the frozen fortress until they encounter the leader of the Snowmads, Lord Fredrik, who challenges them to a battle deep in the depths of the volcano. Donkey Kong delivers the final punch to Lord Fredrik, who crashes into the Snowmad ships, defeating the Snowmads. Donkey Kong blows into Fredrik's horn, producing a breeze that thaws Donkey Kong Island.


The game's story focuses on the Snowmads, a group of Viking-themed arctic animals such as walruses, owls and penguins that invade Donkey Kong Island, forcing Donkey Kong to go against them with the help of his friends Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, and Cranky Kong. This is Dixie Kong's third appearance in the main series and the first since ''Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!'', released in 1996. This is also Cranky Kong's first appearance as a main playable character in the ''Donkey Kong Country'' series, although he was previously playable in minigames in the Game Boy Advance versions of ''Donkey Kong Country 2'' and ''3'' and 1984's ''Donkey Kong Hockey'' (when he went by the name of Donkey Kong).

Numbers (novel)

The novel is about the life of a Soviet boy named Styopa, who resorts to the magic of numbers. At first he chose the number seven as his patron number, but then he changed his choice in favor of the number 34. First, seven was "worshipped" by many famous people, and Styopa estimated his chances of "being heard" by the number 7 as minimal. Secondly, the sum of 3 and 4 gave the same seven. Subsequently, always guided by his number and its peculiarities, Styopa became a businessman, and in the post-Soviet period he became a very successful banker.

But one day fate brings him also to the manifestations of the enemy number 43, which is the antipode of the number 34. To make matters worse, Styopa discovered that another Russian banker, in the same weight class and rotating in similar circles, had chosen the number 43 as his personal patron. The meeting with this man had been foretold to him long before that by a clairvoyant. When Styopa turns 43, this circumstance brings him a lot of trouble, puts him in extremely uncomfortable situations, and undermines the balance of his inner world.

The work, like many of Pelevin's novels, is replete with parallels to the phenomena of contemporary culture. For example, Mus Julianovna (Styopa's woman) identifies herself and him with Pokémon, and the FSB officer identifies himself as a Jedi.

This novel is about the way: the way of the banker, the way of the samurai (hagakure), the way of the consumer to his dreams, the route of oil; finally, the Way of Tao.

The narrative is complete with ringed, bold metaphors-they alone can feed the reader's imagination for quite a long time. "Stepa has respected Pasternak since high school, knowing how difficult it is to find among the domestic hostages of eternity to time in captivity those who do not suffer from Stockholm syndrome in an acute festering form."

The novel makes connections to dozens of classic works of Russian literature, which include: Dostoevsky's «Crime and Punishment», «The Brothers Karamazov», Sologub's «The Petty Devil», Kaverin's «The Two Captains», Solzhenitsyn's «The Gulag Archipelago», and numerous references to the works of Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin («Eugene Onegin», in particular) and Vladimir Mayakovsky. There is also a dialogue with European and American literature: references to Shakespeare («Hamlet», «Romeo and Juliet»), Stendhal («The Red and the Black»). The strongest connection both in the subject matter and in the creative method of the novel can be traced to Russian avant-gardists, in particular, to the poets of OBERIU: A. Vvedensky, D. Kharms, and N. Zabolotsky.

Love & Mercy (film)

The film alternates between the 1960s and the 1980s. The early timeline begins with a young Brian Wilson suffering a panic attack on an airplane. After recovering, Brian convinces his brothers Carl and Dennis to let him quit touring with the Beach Boys and instead focus on composition and studio work. Despite his father and his cousin Mike Love's criticisms regarding the lyrics and production, Brian completes the ''Pet Sounds'' album. It is a critical hit, but sales are underwhelming. LSD is supplied to Wilson by a coterie of hippies who praise him as a "genius", and his mental health subsequently worsens. After the success of a new single, "Good Vibrations", he fails to complete the album ''Smile'', his would-be masterpiece. As Wilson's bandmates are left to finish a simplified version of the album, now titled ''Smiley Smile'', he learns that his father has sold the publishing rights to the Beach Boys' songs without their consent. This timeline ends with Wilson apathetic and detached from life.

In the 1980s, an older and heavily medicated Brian Wilson meets Melinda Ledbetter, a Cadillac saleswoman. She begins a relationship with him, but is disturbed by the controlling influence Wilson's therapist and legal guardian Dr. Eugene Landy has over Wilson's life. Eventually, she disengages from the relationship, but not before providing evidence to Wilson's family that Landy has been made a beneficiary in his will, with help from Wilson's housekeeper Gloria Ramos. This leads to a restraining order being taken out to prevent Landy from seeing Wilson, who begins a new and more appropriate course of treatment. A few years later, Wilson bumps into Ledbetter again while walking across an intersection. They eventually marry, and Wilson completes ''Smile'' as his own solo album.

Yoshi's New Island

''Yoshi's New Island'' takes place immediately following the events of ''Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island'', where a stork delivers twins Baby Mario and Baby Luigi to a couple in the Mushroom Kingdom assumed to be their parents. The opening of ''Yoshi's New Island'' reveals that the stork had delivered the babies to the wrong couple. The stork reclaims the babies and sets off to locate their real parents, but is ambushed by Kamek in mid-flight. Kamek captures the stork and Baby Luigi, but Baby Mario falls and reunites with the Yoshi clan on Egg Island, a floating island that was conquered by Baby Bowser. Baby Mario can telepathically sense Baby Luigi's location; the Yoshi clan agrees to escort Baby Mario across the island and rescue Baby Luigi. Once Baby Mario and Yoshi make it to Baby Bowser's castle, Baby Bowser wakes up and jumps on Kamek who attempted to get Baby Mario and Yoshi out. When Baby Bowser tries to ride Yoshi, Baby Bowser is defeated. Kamek uses a Giant Magical Hammer to make Baby Bowser gigantic. After defeating Giant Baby Bowser, Yoshi proceeds to rescue the captured stork and save Baby Luigi only to be met by Adult Bowser, who appeared after warping through space and time. After Yoshi defeats Adult Bowser, Kamek once again uses a Giant Magical Hammer to make adult Bowser gigantic. After defeating Adult Bowser, Yoshi once again comes to the stork and Baby Luigi, and the stork delivers Baby Mario and Luigi back to their true home. The moving helping warp pipe, who helped Yoshi throughout the journey, is seen at the end and is revealed to be adult Mario who also travelled back through time and space to help Yoshi to succeed and returns to his own timeline.

Wibbel the Tailor (play)

According to the author, the story goes back to a true story in Berlin from the time of Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm IV. A master baker had been involved in a drunken knife fight, and had been sentenced to several weeks in jail. The baker persuaded his journeyman assistant to serve the jail sentence in his stead. However, the journeyman dies in prison, and the baker is declared dead. When this becomes known, the Kaiser pardons the baker.

For his play, Müller-Schlösser changed the setting to his hometown of Düsseldorf at the "period of the French occupation" following Napoleon’s conquest of the region in the early 1800s. The baker became Wibbel, a master tailor. While inebriated, Wibbel had insulted the Emperor Napoleon and been sentenced to a jail term. Again, Wibbel persuades his journeyman to serve his sentence, and the journeyman dies while imprisoned. As Wibbel and his wife Fin watch his own funeral from their window, Wibbel remarks (in dialect) "Nä, watt bin ich für ’ne schöne Leich" (literally, "Well, I am a beautiful corpse”). This line from the play has become famous. After a period in hiding, Wibbel returns to his life by claiming to be his own twin brother, and marries his wife Fin. When the French forces withdraw from Düsseldorf, he announces the deception.

Shovel Knight

''Shovel of Hope'' campaign

Prior to the game, adventurers Shovel Knight and Shield Knight journeyed across the world alongside one another, but while exploring the Tower of Fate, an amulet curses Shield Knight and leaves Shovel Knight stranded outside of the sealed tower. Grieving for his beloved, Shovel Knight gives up adventuring and goes into self-imposed exile. During his absence, a powerful being known as the Enchantress rises to power, spreading evil across the land. Upon hearing that the Enchantress has unsealed the Tower of Fate, Shovel Knight begins his journey back to it, hoping to find and rescue Shield Knight. In order to do so, Shovel Knight must fight the members of the Order of No Quarter, a group of knights serving the Enchantress.

While journeying towards the Tower of Fate, Shovel Knight continuously battles with his old rival Black Knight. After Black Knight is defeated for a final time at the outskirts of the tower, he reveals that the Enchantress is actually Shield Knight, who is possessed by an evil spirit that inhabits the amulet. Shovel Knight ascends the tower and defeats the Order of No Quarter again, before battling the Enchantress. He manages to exorcise the evil spirit, turning her back into Shield Knight. The amulet transforms into a powerful monster known as the Remnant of Fate, which Shovel Knight and Shield Knight defeat together. Shield Knight holds back the Remnant of Fate as the tower collapses, while Black Knight carries an unconscious Shovel Knight to safety. He leaves Shovel Knight by his campfire and departs. A post-credits scene shows Shield Knight, who managed to escape the collapsing tower, lying next to Shovel Knight as he sleeps.

''Plague of Shadows'' campaign

Running parallel to ''Shovel of Hope'', Plague Knight, a member of the Order of No Quarter, plots his own scheme. He plans to steal essence from Shovel Knight and the other Order members to use as ingredients in the ultimate potion, capable of granting any of its user’s desires. He is aided by his alchemists and a witch named Mona, who all pursue alchemy in secret due to the rest of the world fearing and rejecting it. Plague Knight defeats the other members of the Order of No Quarter as well as Shovel Knight, and gathers the essences into his alchemical machine. While collecting the essences, Mona and Plague Knight are revealed to harbor romantic feelings for each other. Plague Knight later witnesses Mona and Black Knight talking, only for Mona to leave, mistakenly believing that she is only a tool for Plague Knight's schemes.

Once Plague Knight gathers all of the knights' essences, he journeys to the Tower of Fate for the Enchantress' essence. Plague Knight again defeats the Order of No Quarter as well as Shovel Knight, but is knocked off the tower by the latter while celebrating his victory. As Plague Knight reaches the Enchantresses’ chamber and finishes the potion with her essence, Black Knight and Mona arrive and try to stop him. Plague Knight reveals that his intention was always to use the potion to win Mona's heart, but she confesses she already loves him. Plague Knight attempts to stop the reaction, but it goes out of control, creating a dark version of himself. The real Plague Knight defeats the shadow and stabilizes the potion. Mona and Plague Knight decide to instead use the potion to destroy the Tower of Fate. The villagers learn of the Tower's destruction, and hail Plague Knight and his alchemists as heroes. In a post-credits scene, Plague Knight and Mona are seen sharing a dance together in their laboratory.

''Specter of Torment'' campaign

Before the events of ''Shovel of Hope'', the Enchantress' undead servant Specter Knight is sent to recruit eight knights to join the Order of No Quarter. The Enchantress gives Specter Knight a magical locket, which grows in power as he defeats the knights. Once all the knights are defeated, its magic will resurrect him as a living being. As Specter Knight defeats the knights and forces them to join the Order, he recalls memories of his former life; Before dying, he was an adventurer named Donovan, who adventured alongside his partner, Luan. The two scaled the Tower of Fate in search of a magical amulet to give to Luan's son. Once at the top, they found the amulet but ran into Shield Knight, who warned them that the amulet was cursed. Donovan fought Shield Knight against Luan's wishes, causing the floor beneath them to collapse and killing Luan. Shield Knight, now transformed into the Enchantress, offered to save a mortally wounded Donovan in exchange for servitude. He accepted the offer, and the Enchantress transformed him into Specter Knight.

After Specter Knight assembles half of the Order, a boy named Reize breaks into the Tower of Fate with the hope of defeating the evil within. Seeing his potential, the Enchantress fills him with dark energy, corrupting him despite Specter Knight's protests. Once seven knights have been recruited, Black Knight breaks in and reveals that the Enchantress is Shield Knight. Enraged that he has been working for Shield Knight, Specter Knight goes after the Enchantress through the hole that Black Knight dug into the tower. Upon his arrival, the Enchantress summons Reize and fills him with more dark energy, turning him into a powerful monster. Specter Knight defeats Reize, but the Enchantress nonetheless intends to transform him into her eighth knight. Specter Knight promises to be the last knight in Reize's place, and uses his locket to restore Reize to life instead. With the Order of No Quarter fully assembled, Specter Knight returns Reize to his village. Now bound to forever serving the Enchantress, he laments to Black Knight that the Enchantress is unstoppable. In a post-credits scene, Specter Knight reminisces over the locket, which is a keepsake given to him by Luan. In a final memory, it is shown that Luan asked Donovan to protect his son, Reize.

''King of Cards'' campaign

Prior to the events of ''Shovel of Hope'' and ''Specter of Torment'', a card game called Joustus becomes popular across the world, with a tournament offering the title of "King of Cards" to whoever can defeat the three Joustus Judges. King Knight, wanting the title of king, receives a deck of cards from Specter Knight and begins to work his way through the tournament. King Knight's victories attract the attention of a bard and an airship captain named Cooper, who both seek a Joustus champion. With Cooper's airship, King Knight travels to Pridemoor Keep to battle the first judge, King Pridemoor, gaining supporters along the way. However, due to the rules simply saying that the Joustus judges had to be defeated, King Knight defeats King Pridemoor in battle instead of using cards.

As King Knight searches for the next judge, he battles various future members of the Order of No Quarter. King Knight's mother starts showing romantic interest in King Pridemoor, which disgusts King Knight. He defeats the second judge, the Troupple King, before continuing on towards the last. On the outskirts of the final judge's lair, King Knight witnesses a conversation between Specter Knight and two hooded figures. After beating Specter Knight, King Knight finally makes it to the last judge, King Birder, who is revealed to be one of the hooded figures. After King Birder is defeated, he is revealed to have been controlled by the Enchantress, the other hooded figure. She tells King Knight of her plans to assemble the Order of No Quarter. With the help of all of the supporters he gained along his journey, King Knight defeats the Enchantress as well as a monster she creates using the three judges. King Knight is swayed by an offer from the Enchantress to be Pridemoor's "true" king, and turns on his allies to join the Order of No Quarter. King Knight ends the Joustus contest and usurps Pridemoor's throne, with King Pridemoor and his mother abandoning him. In a post-credits scene, King Knight finishes renovations of Pridemoor Keep, and remarks to himself that he is finally able to enjoy his kingdom. Shovel Knight enters moments later, and both prepare for battle.

''Shovel Knight Showdown'' story mode

During the events of ''Specter of Torment'', as Specter Knight journeys to defeat the Enchantress, the inhabitants of the Tower of Fate decide to help Specter Knight. They attempt to trap the Enchantress inside her magic mirror, but accidentally also trap Shovel Knight, the members of the Order of No Quarter, and many others. Inside the mirror, the characters do battle with each other until they each find the corrupted Mirror of Fate. After each character defeats the Mirror of Fate, they are sent back to the moment of time before their imprisonment, with each character experiencing their own unique ending.

Beast (Benchley novel)

A fishing community in Bermuda is disrupted by a series of mysterious disappearances at sea. Veteran fisherman Whip Darling suspects the truth, and after discovering two large hooks advises confidant Marcus Sharpe, a local Navy pilot, that the culprit is ''Architeuthis dux'': a giant squid.

A marine biologist called Talley also guesses the truth after the latest disaster, and convinces the millionaire father (Manning) of two of the victims to fund a hunt for the creature. The local mayor attempts to overrule all parties and participates in an exploratory mission on a mini-submarine, but is killed when the creature destroys the vessel. Darling's crewmate also perishes.

Although reluctant to participate any further, Darling is blackmailed when Manning assumes ownership of his outstanding mortgage. Darling, Sharpe, Talley and Manning embark on a new hunt, although Manning is later killed in an accident. The creature is attracted by hormones Talley cultivated from a dead giant squid, and threatens to sink their vessel. Darling wounds the creature, and its struggling attracts a sperm whale, which kills the squid.

Returning to land, the group are oblivious to the fact that some of the squid's spawn have survived and due to overfishing will grow to adulthood unchallenged.

According to Matthew

Father Mathew Pieris is an Anglican priest who is famous in his hometown. One day, after the daily communion, his wife Eunice Pieris introduces a very young couple who joined their church to him. They are skilled sportsman Randy Reynolds and his vivacious newly wed wife Daphne Reynolds who used to be a typist and a telephone operator before marriage. Father Pieris in return introduces them to their Cricket Captain Steven who is learning in the Police Academy to become a Police Officer and befriends them. One evening, Father Pieris suggests Eunice that they should hire Daphne as his Secretary. They recruit her the next day and she starts work by typing the book Father Pieris was writing. They also provide her accommodation in their own home. Meanwhile Randy joins the Cricket team and often discuss how good Father Pieris is to them with Steven, saying how he helped them to achieve some financial stability during difficult times. One day, after the end of work, Daphne herself thanks Father Pieris and provocatively tells him if he needs anything, not to hesitate but to ask.

Father Pieris is renowned as an Exorcist in the town an often called by distraught parents when their children, specially teenage girls start to show abnormal behavior. One night after returning home late after inspecting one of the girls who were unresponsive to their parents, Father Pieris takes a sneak peak at naked Daphne who is wiping her hair after a shower. Frightened, Daphne covers herself with the towel while Father Pieris flees. Next morning, Father Pieris gently caresses Daphne's shoulder while she types and she reciprocates by closing their office room door. This triggers Father Pieris to close the curtains of the window and they kiss and have mutual oral sex. Sister June who was teaching a group of children adjacent to the office room sees that the door and window is closed and grows deeply suspicious.

Father Pieris insists Eunice to visit their children in London. In the same time, Randy is also often out of town for Cricket practices with Steven. One rainy night after returning home late again after performing an exorcism to another teenage girl, Father Pieris and Daphne knowing well that they are alone unleash themselves and have passionate sexual intercourse. Their daily sexual relations escalate to the point where Father Pieris decides he should get rid of those who are in-between them. Eunice hears rumours of their affair and starts worrying with her children in London. Meanwhile Randy falls seriously ill and is diagnosed with severe Hypoglycemia. Father Pieris and Daphne regularly visits him in the hospital and he gradually progresses buy his situation mysteriously deteriorates and he dies. Eunice returns home and she too mysteriously falls ill and is admitted to the hospital, only to be found out that she also is suffering from severe Hypoglycemia. Her situation betters and worsens between her stays with her family members and with Father Pieris. But her condition further deteriorates and she falls into a coma.

In the meantime, while on duty, Dr. Terrance who administered her Dextrose realizing that she does not respond to it seeks a second opinion from fellow colleague Dr. Mohan who identifies that he too had a similar case a few months ago, where a non-diabetic and severe hypoglycemic patient (Randy) also had the same treatment and he eventually died. At a hunch, they realizes that Father Pieris is related to both the patients and informs their suspicion to District Medical Officer Dr. Ferry who assigns Detective Cruse of the Criminal Investigation Department to investigate on the circumstantial evidence. During the investigations Eunice Pieris dies.

Distraught, and following testimonies from his girlfriend and her friends that Father Pieris is notorious for molesting young girls and newly wed women during communions, Steven decides to do his own investigation and surreptitiously obtains crucial scientific evidence which corroborates District Medical Officer and Detective Cruse's suspicions. Father Pieris is apprehended and is charged with double murder. During the trial, plaintiff proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Father Pieris systematically and intentionally administered Euglocon laced chicken and beef liver to both Randy Reynolds and Eunice Pieris, and the cause of the Deaths were not Pancreatic cancer as indicated by the defendant. Father Mathew Pieris is convicted and is sentenced to Death.

The Geographer Drank His Globe Away

The main character, a biologist named Victor Sluzhkin, loses his job and, to make ends meet, is forced to take a job in a local school as a geography teacher. His family has little money and lives in a dilapidated apartment in an old Soviet era building. His best friend is having an affair with his wife. The students in his class do not respect him and the assistant principal does not like his teaching methods. He feels lonely and depressed. To deal with the stresses of life, he drinks a lot. His alcohol-fueled binges provide a temporary respite, but no lasting comfort. When he organizes a trip on the river with a group of students from his class, it turns into a journey of self-discovery both for him and for the young men and women from his class.

Quiero amarte

Mauro Montesinos is a widower and owner of a coffee plantation. He falls in love with Florencia Martinez, the owner of some coffee lands next to his plantation. However, the love between Mauro and Florencia is impossible because when they are about to marry, Mauro discovers that Lucrecia, an old friend of his, is pregnant with his child. Mauro and Florencia must separate despite their big love. Thirty years pass, and Florencia and Mauro´s past is brought back to life when Maximiliano Montesino, (Mauro´s son) falls in love with Amaya, Florencia´s daughter. Both must fight against many hardships in order to discovery if their love is stronger than the unfortunate past lived by their parents.

Por siempre mi amor

Arturo De La Riva is a successful architect who has been happily married to Eugenia for ten years, and they have a daughter, Aranza. However they do not imagine that Sonia, Eugenia's cousin, is secretly obsessively in love with Arturo and secretly hates Eugenia for that and tries to get rid of her by secretly switching Eugenia's medications, causing her a coma, to have Arturo for herself.

Meanwhile, Isabel López Cerdán is a successful interior decorator who has been married, for two years, to Fernando Córdova, whom she loves above all else.

Eugenia passes away, coinciding with the time Isabel discovers that Fernando is a swindler who has been stealing her money and also has been married to a young woman named Andrea for ten years and has two sons with her, Esteban and Angel, the latter having been born while Fernando was supposedly married with Isabel, so Isabel has him sent to jail.

After these blows, Isabel and Arturo are united by destiny in a paradise-like beach of Mexico, initiating a relation that will have to overcome different obstacles like Sonia's manipulation of Aranza, so that she does not accept Isabel and also Fernando who escapes from jail to get revenge on both Isabel and Andrea.

Odysseus' Gambit

''Saravuth Inn'' was one of the most interesting human beings you could find in New York's Union Square. There, he used to play chess with people, getting 5 dollars for each game that would allow him to make it in the city one more day. Through the rules of chess and his conversations with other players and walkers, we got to know the story of this American of Cambodian origin who was airlifted after the Vietnam war to find a better life. But unfortunately, those good intentions got trapped in a glitch of the capitalist system.

Mad Max (2015 video game)

In search of fuel, highway patrol officer-turned-survivalist Max Rockatansky (Bren Foster) journeys to the Plains of Silence. His runs into the War Boys led by Scabrous Scrotus (Travis Willingham), son of Immortan Joe (Fred Tatasciore) and ruler of Gastown. The War Boys run Max off the road and steal his car and supplies, leaving him to die in the desert. Max chases them and challenges Scrotus to a duel on the Land Mover. Scrotus sics his war hound on Max, but after Max fends off the dog, Scrotus throws it off the Land Mover in disgust. Max then stabs Scrotus in the head with his own chainsaw, but Scrotus kicks Max off the Land Rover.

Befriending the abandoned dog, Max obtains a weapon and clothes from a dead Wastelander. In the desert, Max finds a hunchbacked mechanic named Chumbucket (Jason Spisak) who calls him the Saint. Chumbucket leads Max to Scrotus and the War Boys and tells him that he is building a car, the Magnum Opus, but it lacks critical parts; Max agrees to search for them. Max must first liberate Wasteland leaders' territories from the War Boys: Jeet (Josh Keaton), whose stronghold is in an old lighthouse, and Gut Gash (Liam O'Brien), whose followers believe that they will be protected from a flood in their ship stronghold built on the remains of an oil tanker. He must penetrate a massive gate protected by War Boys, using the Magnum Opus outfitted with an exploding harpoon. Max and Chumbucket must then save Pink Eye (Adrienne Barbeau), a woman whose mechanical skill rivals Chumbucket's, from an invasion of her silo base led by Stank Gum—one of Scrotus' Top Dogs.

Searching for a V8 engine for the Magnum Opus, Max learns about a race in Gastown with a Big Chief V8 as a prize. After winning the race against Stank Gum (Yuri Lowenthal) and defeating the fighter Tenderloin in a Thunderdome duel, Max receives the engine and the concubine Hope (Courtenay Taylor). His victory is short-lived; Scrotus recognizes Max and attacks him. After he is shot with a crossbow and thrown down a mine shaft, Max is saved by Hope, who takes him to the Organic Mechanic and Scab (Orion Acaba)—also known as the Bloodbag. While Max is undergoing surgery, he has a hallucination that his wedding to Hope is officiated by Chumbucket and a man with a dog's head. When he wakes up, he and Hope steal the Big Chief; they drive to the temple of Deep Friah (Robin Atkin Downes), a friendly fire cultist.

At the temple, Hope asks Max to find her daughter, Glory (Madison Carlon), who had fled to Buzzard territory. He travels to the Underdune and rescues Glory from the Buzzards. Returning, he discovers that Chumbucket took the Magnum Opus to his old home. Max follows him in one of Deep Friah's cars, but learns that Scrotus and Stank Gum tortured Chumbucket, who revealed Hope and Glory's location and their ties to Max. Max kills Stank Gum, rushes back to the temple and finds Hope hanged to death and Glory tortured on the floor. Glory dies, and Max swears vengeance against Scrotus.

He returns to Gastown and learns Scrotus' location from Scab. Max and Chumbucket find Scrotus driving around the Purgatory Flatlands, and use the Magnum Opus to crash the Land Mover, which is pushed to the edge of a cliff. Max wants to push the Mover off the cliff with the Magnum Opus but is opposed by Chumbucket, who considers himself the car's protector. Ignoring Chumbucket, he rams the Mover at full speed; Chumbucket dies, and the Land Mover and Magnum Opus are destroyed. Scrotus escapes with the Interceptor, Max's car at the start of the game, and challenges him. Max wins the battle, pulling the chainsaw blade out of Scrotus' head and killing him. Max enters the Interceptor and places a picture of his family on the dashboard as he heads off.

The Barrel Organ

Mr. Tomasz (this is his ''given name'', "Thomas" in English) is a middle-aged gentleman who lives adjacent to Warsaw's Old Town. He is always neatly dressed and is endowed with a good sense of taste. Around midday, he walks from Krasiński Square to Senatorska Street. He has been doing so for 30 years. As a young man, Tomasz was a spontaneous and sociable attorney. He dedicated his days to two passions, work and women. Though he had many lady friends, he never married. Instead, he grew increasingly interested in high culture. He is now retired and is still alone. His apartment holds an impressive collection of art and furniture; he is very rich but has no women friends.[]/

Tomasz has one aversion: he cannot stand the sound of a barrel organ. His aversion is so extreme that he pays the porter to keep organ grinders out of the courtyard.

One day Tomasz discovers that a blind eight-year-old girl has moved into an opposite flat with her mother and the mother's friend. Tomasz feels intrigued by the little girl's odd behavior. Then he realizes she is blind. The child’s affliction shocks him.

The narration shifts to the life of the girl and her mother since the girl's loss of vision. It has been one of fairly happy moments spent in their old flat.

One day, as Tomasz is busy working, he ignores his daily routines, even forgetting to instruct the new porter not to let organ grinders into the courtyard. He is very upset on hearing the sounds of a barrel organ. But when he gets up in order to chase the organ grinder away, he sees the little girl in the opposite window enjoying the music's metallic tones. She likes listening to melodies played by organ grinders. Tomasz finds himself yielding to her charm and, in turn, to the barrel-organ music. He now pays the porter to let organ grinders in every day. He also decides to support the girl's medical treatment. In the final scene, he sets out to the eye doctor with a new life goal: to help the little girl and her mother.

Drive Hard

Former race car driver and American expatriate Peter Roberts has retired at the urging of his lawyer wife, though he resists getting an office job. Instead, he becomes an instructor at a driving school, while waiting for an investment opportunity to open a racing school. After he drops his daughter off to school and learns that he can no longer afford her private school tuition, he takes a fellow American as his first client. The man, Simon Keller, reveals that he has investigated Roberts' finances and personal life. Disturbed, Roberts insists on ending the lesson and returning to the school. Keller agrees but requests that they stop at a bank first, so that he can pay Roberts.

As Keller exits the bank, he opens fire on the guards, drops a bag into the car, and demands that Roberts serve as his getaway driver. Roberts protests in disbelief and attempts to surrender to the police, who open fire on him, too. Roberts reluctantly drives off and evades the police. Keller offers to share a percentage of his loot, but the panicked Roberts insists that he is now going to end up in jail. Keller assures him that the police will not pursue them, as the bank is owned and managed by a criminal syndicate with connections to the local police. Rossi, Keller's former associate, had previously betrayed him in the United States and then joined the Australian syndicate.

Rossi calls off the police and hires mercenaries to kill them. However, Agent Walker of the Australian Federal Police takes charge of the investigation over the objections of the corrupt Detective Chief Inspector Smith. Walker immediately threatens Rossi and Smith, both of whom she suspects to be part of the syndicate. Meanwhile, Keller and Roberts argue over Roberts' disappointment in his life, which Keller states is the result of giving up on his dreams. Upset, Roberts refuses to drive any further, and Keller shoots him with a rubber bullet. The two change cars, and Roberts once again becomes the reluctant driver.

After they evade Rossi's assassins, the car fails, and they pull into a reception hall. The owners recognize them, and an elderly woman viciously attacks Roberts after accidentally shooting her husband. Roberts and Keller escape in the husband's sports car and stop for gas. There, they are again recognized and attacked, though the cashier accidentally kills himself with his own shotgun. At Keller's urging, Roberts phones the police and his wife, telling both that he has been taken hostage, though neither believe him at first. In order to heighten Roberts' fear and make him more believable, Keller puts a gun to Roberts' head and threatens to kill him. In response, Roberts briefly holds Keller at gunpoint with the elderly woman's pistol, but he surrenders it when he realizes that it is empty.

Resigned to his fate as the getaway driver, Roberts offers to drive Keller to his final destination, a marina. On the way, the two reconcile their differences when both admit that the other has made good points about their respective lifestyles. When Roberts antagonizes a motorcycle gang, they become hostile and threaten to kill him. Keller saves his life, and, during the confrontation, the gang reveal themselves to be mercenaries in Rossi's pay. Roberts and Keller fight them off, only to be beset by Rossi himself and more mercenaries at the marina. Meanwhile, DCI Smith confronts Agent Walker, and Walker kills Smith in self-defense.

At the marina, Roberts and Keller defeat the mercenaries, and Roberts declines a share in Keller's stolen loot. Shot and left chained by Keller, Rossi is arrested. Keller handcuffs Roberts to the car and the two argue over whether Keller should punch him to make the situation look more believable; Roberts eventually agrees. Finding him ragged, wounded, and beaten, the police finally believe Roberts' story, and he returns to his family, who now respect him. Though she disapproves, Roberts' wife acquiesces to his return to professional racing.

Coralie Lansdowne Says No

Coralie is an independent woman who refuses to settle down to one man. When she stays at an ex lovers beach house, a series of visitors make her re-think her place in the world.

Louco por Elas

Leo (Eduardo Moscovis) is a beach soccer coach of an all-girl team who lives amid women. He lives in a big house with his lighthearted grandmother Violeta (Glória Menezes, witty teenage ex-stepdaughter Barbara (Luisa Arraes), and precocious daughter Theodora (Laura Barreto). Violeta's nutty attitude and open way of speaking keeps everyone in high spirits. She also manages to stage some of her wackiness whenever she finds it necessary in order to get her way. Theodora, the youngest member of the house, absolutely adores her grandmother and is the one who relates the most to her dreamy world. She is also very intelligent and constantly renders unexpected bold comments to everyone. Barbara's sweet nature isn't totally eclipsed by her typical teenage moodiness.

Leo is not only her soccer coach but also her father figure. She ended up living with him instead of with her mother Giovanna (Deborah Secco), but she never loses a chance to pick an argument with her ex-stepfather. As if dealing with all these women under the same roof weren't enough, Leo's ex-wife Giovanna is always around to stir things up. They decided to go their separate ways but hardly succeed in staying away from each other, since they are still in love and both daughters live with him. Giovanna is content with her thriving career as an author but suffers from the occasional guilt of having to juggle it with her role as a dedicated mother. Giovanna and Leo have an unresolved romantic issue between them which accounts for much jealousy and hilarious misconduct when it comes to each other's dating life.

Meanwhile, Leo's patience and sanity is put to test as he tries to deal with the many different women in his life, not to mention their contrasting problems and erratic behaviors. Caught in the middle of a parade of anxious soccer players, wacky family members, and potential girlfriends who come his way, Leo would have it no other way. In a comical attempt to satisfy their every whim, he renders an inside look at the souls of the women he adores in Crazy About Them.

Empire of Gold

The series is a multi-generational saga that covers a twenty-year span from 1990 to 2010, and follows one chaebol family as it arises out of the ruins of the 1990s IMF financial crisis that wreaked havoc on the Korean economy, becoming one of the top conglomerates in the nation. Three people become locked in a power struggle for control of this chaebol empire.

Lisbela e o Prisioneiro

The film tells the story of the trickster, adventurer and conqueror Leléu and the dreamy girl Lisbela who loves to watch American films and dreams of the movie heroes. The story takes place in the 20th century in Pernambuco. Lisbela (Débora Falabella) is engaged with other man when Leléu (Selton Mello) arrives in the city. The couple is charmed and begins to live a story full of characters taken from the brazilian northeastern scene: Inaura (Virgínia Cavendish), a married and seductive woman, who tries to lure the hero (Leléu) and betray her husband bully and mercenary killer Frederico Evandro (Marco Nanini); Lieutenant Guedes (André Mattos) a stern father and chief of police; Douglas (Bruno Garcia) a Pernambucano man with Carioca accent and São Paulo's slangs, seen from the perspective of regional humor; and Corporal Citonho (Tadeu Mello) a corporal of detachment, who is cunning enough to satisfy his appetites.

Lisbela and Leléu are going to suffer pressure from her family, the social milieu and also with their own doubts and hesitations. But in a final twist, full of bravery and humor, they follow their destinies. As Lisbela herself says, ''the fun is not knowing what happens, it is to know how it happens and when it happens''.

Come Fly the Dragon

Taiwan's uprising gang leader Lee Yan-chak uses violence to wipe out Taiwan's competing forces and won Asia's largest arms smuggling market. Because the smuggling group is powerfully armed, the military decided to set up a special group, where the leader chooses fighting pilots Chow Chun-kit and Lau Ka-lun to be trained by Colonel Ng. Kit was sent undercover to investigate on Lee's evidence of crime. Subsequently, Lee's men notices Kit. Lee also notices Kit's hale personality and takes him under his wing. In a choice of his task and his personal relationship, Kit chose task as the main importance and assisted the Special Force in infiltrating the arms base, while Lee plays dead and escapes from the law.

Trap for Cinderella (2013 film)

20-year-old Micky (Tuppence Middleton) regains consciousness in a hospital after suffering severe burn injuries requiring reconstructive surgery, and she's still suffering from amnesia. She is shown photographs of friends and relatives, but she can't recognize anybody. The doctors tell her she lives in London and her parents died in a car accident when she was 9. Her aunt, Elinor (Frances de la Tour), took care of her ever since, but had died sometime before Micky's accident.

Micky is discharged from the hospital, having recovered from her injuries but not regained her memory. Her aunt's personal assistant Julia (Kerry Fox) is now her guardian and takes Micky home. A boy named Jake (Aneurin Barnard) tries to contact her, but Julia intercepts the call and tells him that Micky is not ready to meet her friends. Later, Julia tells Micky that Jake was her boyfriend. Micky sees some photos of a friend of hers, Domenica "Do" Law (Alexandra Roach). Julia also informs Micky that when she turns 21, she's bound to inherit Elinor's entire estate.

Among the photographs, Micky finds an envelope sent by Jake. While Julia is distracted by a call, Micky takes a cab and goes to the address on the envelope, which turns out to be the office of James Chance, Elinor's lawyer as well as Jake's employer. Leaving the office before Chance could warn Julia, Micky runs into Jake, who invites her to his apartment. Jake explains they had broken up the last time they met before the accident. Not remembering anything of their past relationship, Micky bonds with Jake and they have sex. Jake gives her the keys and address to her old flat. When Micky asks Jake about Do, Jake reveals that Do died in the fire, and he's surprised Micky was not informed.

At her apartment, Micky finds Do's suitcase which contains her letters, clothes and a diary. Micky reads the diary, learning from it the details of her friendship with Do. The two of them were close childhood friends who used to vacation together with their families at Elinor's house in the South of France. They casually reconnected as adults after a long gap. Since they had last met, Do's parents had died, with her father committing suicide. During their childhood, Micky had accidentally almost caused Do to drown in the swimming pool; Micky ran away scared, Do followed her and they saw something, which caused Do's mother to take her daughter away and leave her husband.

While Micky's reading Do's diary, Julia enters the apartment and addresses her as Do, which confuses Micky, pushing her to leave. She checks into a hotel and instinctively signs the registry as Domenica Law. Micky continues to read the diary, chronicling the period that saw the girls spending more and more time together after they first reconnected. Micky had Do move to her apartment, and Do started obsessing over her, becoming jealous of Micky's relationship with Jake. After Jake and Micky broke up because of her interference, Do revealed to Micky that she was in love with her, but angry Micky didn't reciprocate. During this time, Do was also in correspondence with Elinor, receiving a check from her but sending it back.

Micky starts to think that she could really be Do and not Micky. She visits Julia in the morning and demands an explanation. Julia reveals that she had asked Micky and Do to visit Elinor on her deathbed in France. Julia had also privately told Do that she had read her letters to Elinor. The girls went visit Elinor, who was too sick to talk. They stayed at Elinor's house, where they used to vacation. Do called Julia up in London, who reminded her she could never be with Micky the way she wanted to, and that Micky had already ruined her life by reporting to Do's mother what the two girls had seen that day Do almost drowned: that Do's father and Elinor were having an affair, which is the reason Do's father committed suicide.

Julia then joined the girls with the news that Elinor had expired. Do finally agreed to Julia's plan: to set the house on fire and kill Micky, then go to Switzerland and undergo surgeries to make her look like Micky. The plan worked, but Do damaged her face and lost her memory after jumping from a window. After hearing all this, Micky seems to finally accept she is actually Do. Soon after, however, she's confronted by Serge, a local barman who says she still owes him. Serge recounts how he had overheard Do and Julia planning to kill Micky, allowing Micky to escape the trap. Hearing this triggers Micky's memory and she realizes she's still actually Micky, while Do really died in the fire, in spite of Micky's attempt at saving her despite everything. Micky gives Serge her expensive car to buy his silence.

Later Micky meets up with Julia, who's been to London to read Elinor's will and found out Elinor left everything to Do because she felt her affair with her father had ruined Do's life. Upon realizing that Micky is the one who survived, Julia attacks Micky but Micky manages to drown her in the swimming pool. Micky cries and walks away to the beach and swims all night in the ocean, which is final proof she's Micky as Do couldn't swim. After that, she rests on the beach and awakes in the early morning and walks out to the beach with the waters.

I Can't Believe It's a Clip Show

ShareTV describes its plot thus: "Jay hosts his tenth anniversary show live from Carnegie Hall, where he shows movie clips from past episodes like ''Rabbi P.I.'', and many others. Jay's anniversary show at the Carnegie Hall gets held hostage by terrorists, who threaten to blow up the place with a bomb tied to Jay's waist."

Kathleen (film)

Kathleen Davis (Shirley Temple) is a 12-year-old who lives in a big house with a nanny, a butler, maids, and no mother. Her father, John Davis (Herbert Marshall), spends most of his time at work, and has little time to spend with his daughter. She dreams of a traditional family, and tells her friends that she has such a family. Because of this fib, she cannot invite any friends to her home, as they would see the truth.

Kathleen and her nanny, Mrs. Farrell (Nella Walker), have a contentious relationship. Mr. Davis dismisses the nanny, and hires a psychologist named Dr. Angela Kent (Laraine Day) to look after the young girl for the summer. He has begun seeing a woman named Lorraine Bennett (Gail Patrick), whom he considers marrying. But Lorraine and Kathleen dislike each other intensely. Instead, Kathleen envisions Dr. Kent as the perfect mother for her, and wife for her father. When this seems unlikely, Kathleen runs away from home. After a confrontation with Lorraine and Dr. Kent, Mr. Davis decides that he, too, prefers the doctor. The film ends happily, as Kathleen is reunited with her father and his new fiancée, the doctor.

Revenge (season 3)

Six months after the end of the second season, Emily pursues a new strategy to take down the Graysons once and for all – on her and Daniel's wedding day – as turned allies, new enemies, and ghosts from the past threaten to expose her. With an ultimatum from Jack and her complicated history with Aiden resurfacing, Emily must take extreme measures to ensure her plan goes off without a hitch. But Victoria has new reasons to destroy the girl next door, and with her long-lost son by her side, everyone – including Nolan – may become collateral damage in Emily and Victoria's vicious war.

One Piece: Become the Pirate King!

, the king of the pirates had obtained wealth, fame and power from people all over the world. Before his execution, he announced that he had left his treasure, the One Piece in a single place. Because of this, many pirates from all around the world set sail for the grand line. The time period was known as the "Great Pirate Era". Twenty years later a young man known as finally sets out to sea. This game is based on the East Blue saga and the first ''One Piece'' film.

Dogpound Shuffle

Two drifters, a former vaudeville dancer and a boxer, bond with a stray dog. When their dog is accidentally impounded, they form a song-and-dance act to raise money for the dog's release.

Pillow to Post

Socialite Jean Howard (Ida Lupino) is stirred to patriotism and eager to help the war effort. When she overhears her father, J. R. Howard (an uncredited Paul Harvey), complain that the military has taken all of the salesmen of his oil rig supply company, she volunteers to take their place. J. R. gives in, though he reminds her that she has never worked a day in her life.

On one business trip, she arrives at a town where the only available place to sleep is a bungalow reserved for married couples. When she is mistaken for the war bride of a lieutenant, she goes along. To register at the Colonial Auto Court, however, she has to produce her "husband". She persuades a very reluctant Lieutenant Don Mallory (William Prince) to help her out, promising it will only take a few minutes of his day off. The couple become trapped in their masquerade as newlyweds when they run into Don's commanding officer, Colonel Michael Otley (Sydney Greenstreet), who lives just a few doors down with his wife.

When Jean goes out to see prospective customer Earl "Slim" Clark (Johnny Mitchell), he insists on taking her out to dinner to discuss the deal. To maintain appearances, Don goes along. The dinner does not go well. While trying to restrain a drunk acquaintance, Slim accidentally knocks Don out and is himself rendered unconscious by the drunk man.

When they return to the auto court, Don and Jean have to sleep under the same roof on their "wedding night". He gives her the bed and sleeps first in the kitchen, which proves too uncomfortable, so he goes outdoors.

Complications ensue when Otley takes an interest in the couple and insists that Don make Jean the beneficiary of his insurance policy and allot her part of his pay. Don's mother also arrives for an early unexpected visit.

During a dinner party given by the Otleys for the couple, the colonel mentions to Jean the impending court martial of another lieutenant who lied about being married. Alarmed, she drinks too much sherry to steady her nerves. While drunk, she privately reveals to Don that she has fallen in love with him.

The charade is finally revealed when the colonel and Don's mother meet. Jean's father also joins the festivities. Fortunately, Lucille (Willie Best), a male auto court employee, tells Otley that he did see Don sleep outside, so the colonel does not press charges. Don decides the thing to do is to get married for real, much to Jean's delight.

The Order: 1886

During the autumn of 1886 London is plagued by both attacks by half-breeds and an anti-government insurgency. After fighting off rebels in Mayfair, Sir Galahad pursues the survivors into the Underground where he encounters a number of werewolf-like half-breeds known as Lycans. Galahad's mentor, Sir Percival, one of the Order's most veteran knights, suspects that there is a correlation between the two and requests permission to investigate the rebel stronghold of Whitechapel. His concerns are dismissed by the Lord Chancellor, who believes that the Order should remain dedicated to fighting half-breeds.

With tacit approval from Sir Lucan, the Order's Knight Commander and adopted son of the Lord Chancellor, Percival and Galahad undertake a mission into Whitechapel accompanied by the other two members of their team, Lady Igraine and the Marquis de Lafayette. After encountering fierce resistance they reach the rebel headquarters in the abandoned Royal London Hospital, to find it occupied by Lycans. Galahad and Igraine discover evidence of a rebel plot to infiltrate the ''Agamemnon'', flagship of the United India Company's airship fleet, and assassinate the company chairman Lord Hastings, a frequent guest to the Round Table. The team boards the airship and foils the assassination attempt before a bomb detonates on board. Hastings and most of the passengers are evacuated, but Galahad and Percival remain on board to search for the rebel leader. A second explosion sends the ''Agamemnon'' crashing into Hyde Park, destroying the Crystal Palace in the process. Galahad survives but discovers that Percival has been killed.

In council at the Palace of Westminster, Lafayette is knighted and assumes Percival's seat at the Round Table. The Lord Chancellor is highly critical of the mission, asserting that Percival's death and the extensive collateral damage were in vain. The council is interrupted when rebels stage a major attack on Westminster Bridge aimed at killing Hastings, who is saved by the knights.

Enraged by Percival's death, Galahad returns to Whitechapel seeking a confrontation with the rebel leader, who is revealed to be an Indian woman named Lakshmi who is later revealed to be the hitherto presumed dead Queen Lakshmibai of Jhansi of the princely state of Jhansi in the Indian subcontinent. Pleading with Galahad that the United India Company is the true enemy, she leads him to the company's warehouses in Blackwall where they discover a large number of hibernating vampires packed in crates bound for the Northeastern United States. According to Lakshmi, Lord Hastings is a vampire (known to the general public as "Jack the Ripper") and is acting in response to the Order's recent success.

At Westminster, Galahad's concerns fall on deaf ears. Lucan sympathizes with him however, and joins Galahad and Lakshmi in infiltrating the United India Company headquarters in Mayfair. They find evidence of a conspiracy to traffic half-breeds overseas and encounter Hastings in his vampire form. Before Galahad can act against Hastings, Lucan reveals himself to be a Lycan and attacks Galahad. The two fight, but Lucan flees as the authorities arrive. Galahad is taken into custody by Lafayette and Igraine, charged with treason, and sentenced to death.

After several weeks, Galahad escapes captivity in the Westminster Catacombs and attempts to flee only to be cornered. Facing re-imprisonment, Galahad throws himself off a ledge into the River Thames and is recovered by Nikola Tesla, the Order's armourer with help from an old man. Tesla seeks help from Lakshmi to help take care of him. Lakshmi reveals to Galahad, upon being questioned about her having blackwater, that she was bestowed a knighthood by Sir Bors de Ganis. Fearing that Tesla has come under suspicion, Galahad returns to Westminster in an attempt to extract him. He finds Tesla alive but also encounters Lucan in the laboratory. The two fight a second time with Galahad emerging the victor. The mortally wounded Lucan expresses regret for having betrayed the Order, claiming that he did so in order to save his race from extinction. The two are discovered by the Lord Chancellor, who confesses his knowledge of Lucan's true nature. He reveals to Galahad that centuries before he had fought and destroyed an entire tribe of Lycans, but could not bring himself to kill the infant Lucan, who he adopted as a son instead. The Lord Chancellor orders that evidence of Lucan's betrayal may not be used to exonerate Galahad and must be kept a secret for the sake of the Order. Unwilling to kill his son, he leaves Galahad to administer the coup de grace, then banishes Galahad from London. The two former comrades reconcile, and a remorseful Galahad raises his weapon and fires, killing Lucan, as the screen cuts to black.

In a post-credits scene, Galahad is seen on the roof of a building overlooking London, which has been put under martial law. He is warned by Tesla over the radio that the police could strike anytime and that they should leave the city immediately. Galahad reminds Tesla that he is "Galahad no more".

Dust (2005 film)

The protagonist, Aleksei, is a passive young outsider with a bloated body and poor vision. He does a monotonous job at ZAO Progress company (a typical name of a post-Soviet enterprise converted from a military plant into a company producing consumer goods), strives for nothing, wants nothing, is interested in nothing at all. He dedicates his free time to gluing plastic models of aircraft, which is quite similar to what he does at work. He apparently has no parents, perhaps they died, and lives in his grandmother's apartment, who loves her grandson and buys him second-hand clothes up to her taste. She must be an arduous Christian, but rather an adherent of one of numerous non-traditional confessions that emerged in Russia after the perestroika.

One day the CEO of Aleksei's plant invites him to his office where he meets two FSB officers who offer him to "help the Motherland's science" and to take part in a secret experiment. The latter, unbeknownst to him, represents a machine that can produce an effect of realizing one's most cherished dreams, which in Aleksei's case is a perfect body. Once the experiment is completed, he is supposed to forget everything (and to die soon, as the machine's effect on humans is as devastating as radiation). However, from then on he is obsessed with the desire to find the mysterious machine and to feel perfect once and once again.

Burnt Offering (novel)

Marie Pascal is a single woman who teaches seventh-grade "literature, geography, history, everything" at a small school in a small town in Picardy. Her very quotidian life ("the emotional vacuum that overcomes a young educator, once her school career is finished") changes when one of her students, 12-year-old Annette Rieu (whose father died in World War I "because he suffered too much (31)), writes an essay containing the sentence, "The saddest day of my life comes back every week, the day when Mother entertains her friends and I hear the sound of laughter" (25). Until then, Annette had not drawn attention to herself, but the essay prompts a fascination and attraction in the childless and single Marie that she finds hard to control, and her love for the child seems to be reciprocated. Annette blossoms under the attention paid to her, holds the door for her teacher, plucks the most beautiful flowers for her, and waits for her every afternoon after school to say goodbye. Initially reciprocating the child's devotion, Marie herself grows as a person and as a teacher, and is even recommended by a school inspector to transfer to a school in Paris. She declines, and finds it difficult to act on the child's attention and on two occasions even rebuffs her.

During a vacation, which Marie spends as usual with her grandparents in the country, she receives a letter from Annette, declaring her love. No longer able to disguise or justify her feelings as maternal, Marie responds by withdrawing her affection. The child, however, falls ill with pneumonia, and on the night the child's fever breaks, it is Marie who is with her, instead of Annette's mother, who thereafter becomes hostile, pulls the child from school, and forces Marie to transfer to another school. Annette does leave a token of love: the name "Marie" carved in her school desk.

Power Games: The Packer-Murdoch War

'''Episode 1:''' The rivalry between the families dates back to a brawl in 1960, when Sir Frank Packer was trying to take over the Anglican Press, which owned a printing press that would help him take on the Murdoch-acquired Cumberland Press. When publisher Francis James refused to sell, Kerry Packer and some burly friends were sent down to help him change his mind. According to legend, they broke in and forcefully evicted the people still inside, cut the phone lines, changed the locks and barricaded the windows. Francis called upon Rupert Murdoch and boxer turned editor Frank Browne for help. Despite Packer having been an amateur boxer himself, he emerged with black eyes and a badly swollen face. The brawl made headlines in the Murdoch papers.

For the next year Murdoch competed with Packer and Fairfax in the suburban newspaper market, until they decided to carve out the territory between them, setting the scene for a lifelong rivalry between Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch.

'''Episode 2:''' Rupert starts "The Australian" newspaper and provides gentle editorial guidance.

There is a journalist strike with the shared newspapers, however when Frank refuses to negotiate with the union, Rupert realises that Frank is trying to bankrupt him. Rupert lies to Frank and tells him he is financially sound, so Frank ends the strike.

Rupert 'risks all' to buy "News of the World" in London. Later he does a similar deal to buy "The Sun". He makes it more competitive by taking the best ideas from other papers, and adding attractive girls to page 3. Later Rupert's wife is shocked to learn that the paper is displaying naked women. Rupert tells her he is not interested in what the 'establishment' think. Rupert's wife reminds him that he is 'the establishment'!

Rupert lends his Rolls-Royce to an editor in London while he is in Australia. The editor's wife is taken hostage after being mistaken for Rupert's wife. Frank gives Rupert advice, but the woman is killed. Rupert hires bodyguards for his family.

Rupert sacks his editor at "The Australian" for not following his instructions. Both Rupert and Frank appear to influence public opinion over their choice of prime ministers, yet Rupert has more success.

Frank struggles to relinquish control of his empire to his sons. Kerry, the younger son demonstrates more interest and a better business mind than his older brother Clyde. Although the newspapers are losing money, Frank does not want to sell them to Rupert. However Kerry's main interest is with magazines and television, so when his father falls ill, he sells the newspapers to Rupert. Kerry tells Rupert that he has won the battle. Of course history shows that Kerry doesn't do too badly himself.

Deadly Strike

To Tsao-chan is a warlord who risked his life to escape from the army. He rushes home and outside his house he sees three men running for the door. To hurried into his house and sees his mother and ten-year-old sister killed while his older sister is also injured. His neighbor Siu Sam-chi's right eye was also wounded. Then the dying Sam interprets the incident to To that three thieves passed by and was fascinated by the beauty of To's sister and then proceeded to gang rape her, while his mother and younger sister was yelling and the thieves killed the two. Sam tries to come by to help but was injured by the thieves. Sam dies after finishing his last sentence. To has a strong heart and have concluded who the murderer is.

In town, a mean man named Au San-yeh owns a firework factory who treats his workers as slaves while not paying them fairly. To avenge his family, To pretends to help Au against the Cheung brothers who always opposes him. After big fights, To later found out the murderer was actually Sam.

Flashback (2013 video game)

The game begins with the protagonist, who tried to escape from Cyborgs using a jetbike. Unfortunately his vehicle got severely damaged and crashes in a jungle of Titan. He wakes up after a while, finds a gun and retrieves a holocube later on. His own hologram tells he is Conrad B. Hart, and he has to go find Ian in New Washington, telling he's not safe. After a little journey in the jungle, he meets ''Bolton'', and asks to find his teleporter for medical assistance. After retrieving the teleporter, he teleports as he leaves his own ID card. After venturing for a while, Conrad meets ''Joe'', he tells that New Washington is down the hole behind him, but an Anti-Gravity Belt is needed. To have it, he asks for several Grenada fruits. After swapping what they both want, Conrad jumps into the hole and activates the belt to safely arrive in New Washington.

Near Ian's place, he overhears a Cyborg interrogating him about a neurophage. After saving him, he gives a part of his memory back and gives a force field to protect him from bullets. Conrad then checks his GBI Virtual Reality with a virtual professor, who mocks him and tells him his own cryptic location. He finds a Memory Flash at the place, to learns about a deal with aliens in disguise in ''Death Tower''. Conrad asks Joe for a new identity for the ''Death Tower'' TV show. Joe tells him that the cost would be 1500 credits, and points out the Administration Center to get a Work Permit for a salary. He uses Bolton's ID card to get a Work Permit. After doing his first job, he gets another Memory Flash, about a meeting between him and the real professor, telling him the Earth is being quietly invaded by aliens nicknamed ''Morphs''. Professor then talks about a neurophage that he made to destroy them all. As Conrad performs other jobs, he finds other pieces of his memory as well as instructions to find the neurophage and its activator. With all the salary he got from performing jobs, he buys what he wanted from Joe, and enters the ''Death Tower'' TV show as ''Jay Carpenter''.

After winning the show and getting a ticket to Earth, Conrad talks to the announcer about finishing up the deal. The disguised morph then reveals they have the new senator and senator's assistant Sonia, Conrad's girlfriend, and that they will soon be absorbed by ''The Mind''. After killing the announcer, he uses the ticket to go to Earth to save Sonia and the planet.

Eventually, he is arrested in Earth's spaceport by corrupted cyborg cops, but manages to get out. He meets Ian again, who says that erasing his own memory to fool them didn't work, reminding him that he gave Conrad his first flashback, and thus reveals that he's a Morph, and the Morphs' goal: To perfect humanity according to the Morphs' vision for it. He gives Conrad his painful last ''Flashback'': showing that he had a very risky plan to go to the Morphs' homeworld. He then drives a jetbike, and asks Bolton where is the senator, and talks about the ''Paradise Club''. When he goes there, he witnesses a meeting between the senator and the Morphs, who absorbed him, and talks about the Earth's colonisation. The vent where he stands for falls under his weight and he is imprisoned by the Morphs. He manages to escape and meets Ian once more, and kills him. He finds a teleporter which leads him to the Morph homeworld.

After being teleported, he frees the professor from his prison, and professor then tells Conrad to get rid of an auxiliary brain so he can save Sonia. After that, he tells him to destroy ''The Mind'', and use the neurophage in the planet's core. As he meets ''The Mind'', it tries to persuade Conrad into being absorbed, only to get mocked, and Conrad says he prefers being himself. After destroying it, Conrad releases the neurophage. As he tells Sonia that he's sorry, the professor tells Conrad to run as there is a spacecraft not far away.

Conrad manages to leave the Morph Planet alive with the spacecraft as it explodes. He tries to find where he is on the map, only to learn that his position is unknown. Unhappy, as he goes to his room, his holocube shows a hologram of Conrad congratulating him. Conrad then enters into suspended animation as the spacecraft continues on its course. The credits shows the cutscenes, including one when the suspended animation ends as Conrad wakes up. The post-credits cutscene is a discussion between some of the characters, with Sonia feeling that Conrad is still alive.

Charlie Murder

The game's protagonist, Charlie Murder, is a member of a garage punk band of the same name. Charlie kicks one of the founding members, Paul, out of the band, and begins to experience chart-topping success creating music in a new genre with new bandmates. Under the name Lord Mortimer, Paul forms his own band, Gore Quaffer, and makes a pact with a demon, raising an army of demons and undead in order to destroy Charlie Murder. Charlie and his band are killed at the beginning of the game, fight out of hell, and are reborn on Earth amidst an apocalypse caused by Lord Mortimer and his army. In order to stop the apocalypse, Charlie Murder must defeat Gore Quaffer in a Battle of the Bands.

During the game, a series of flashbacks detail the game's backstory. As Charlie and his new bandmates experience success without Paul, the latter becomes increasingly upset, eventually vowing revenge. The flashbacks neither paint Charlie Murder in a wholly positive light, nor Paul in a wholly negative light. ''Charlie Murder'' has an in-game talk radio station, which plays in enemy-free areas. Additional information about the band and about the game's world is presented in the form of people calling into the radio program.

The game has two endings that depend on whether or not the player has acquired all of the hidden pieces of Smockula by the time of the final battle. If the player has not gathered the pieces, then the game immediately ends upon Lord Mortimer's defeat, and a credits montage reveals that, back when Mortimer was Paul, he was childhood friends with Charlie. This is considered the "Bad Ending".

If the player collects all the pieces of Smockula and has them equipped during the final battle, then Lord Mortimer is incapacitated instead of killed, and Charlie Murder confronts the demon who granted Mortimer his power, a being known as the Angel of Chaos. After the Angel's death, Mortimer turns back into Paul and he and Charlie reconcile. The credits montage shows how each of the surviving band members now live comfortable, happy lives. This is considered the "Good Ending".

Predestination (film)

In March 1975, an agent stops a bombing of a public building in New York City, but is caught in a gunfight, containing the bomb too late and suffering severe burns. Someone unseen helps him grasp his time-travel device, which he uses to retreat to his employer's facility. The agent considers his mission a failure because the "Fizzle Bomber," the unidentified serial-bombing fugitive he confronted, remains at large and will carry out his bombing on another day, ultimately killing over ten thousand.

The agent recovers from his injuries, but facial reconstruction surgery and vocal cord damage have altered his face and voice. His superiors force his imminent retirement due to the dangers of the extensive time travel undertaken over the course of his career. His doctor diagnoses him with symptoms of psychosis and depression, but does not disclose this.

The agent is sent on his final mission. Working undercover as a bartender, he converses with a customer who writes true confession articles under the pen name "The Unmarried Mother". The reticent customer begins telling his own life story after much prompting.

Born female, the customer grew up as Jane in a Cleveland orphanage. Superior in intellect and physical strength but plain in appearance, Jane suffered as an unloved outcast and was never adopted. These qualities, however, led a man named Robertson to recruit her for SpaceCorp, a space flight organization seeking young women as R&R companions for male astronauts. During Jane's aptitude testing, a physical examination revealed an undiscovered, disqualifying medical condition. Keeping this a secret, Robertson rejected Jane under a pretense while promising to re-enlist her.

In 1963, Jane fell in love with a man by a chance encounter, briefly finding happiness before the man deserted her one day. Robertson finally revealed to Jane that SpaceCorp was a front to recruit elite operatives with no family ties for a secret government agency, but Jane became disqualified again due to being pregnant by her lover. While performing a Caesarean section, doctors discovered Jane was intersex. As a result of a forced hysterectomy due to birth complications, Jane underwent gender reassignment through an ordeal of extensive surgeries. Amidst all this, her baby was abducted by an unidentified man. Resenting her lover for ruining her life, Jane adopted the name of John and eventually moved to New York City.

The agent offers John the chance to take revenge on his lover scot-free, in return for John taking over the agent's job. The agent time travels with John to Cleveland in 1963, admitting that he works for Robertson's secret agency, the Temporal Bureau, which uses time travel to prevent crimes. Following instructions for finding Jane in the past, John unwittingly falls in love with his younger self and realizes that the agent set him up to become Jane's lover. Despite knowing that their love is doomed, John cannot bring himself to break off their relationship.

Deviating from his mission, the agent illegally time travels to March 1975 to pursue the Fizzle Bomber once more. The Fizzle Bomber bests him in combat, leaving him to witness, and help, his earlier burned self. The agent expects to be punished by execution, but Robertson excuses him, dismissing the Bureau's protocols.

Continuing his mission, the agent brings Jane's baby, born from her self-fertilization by John, back in time to the Cleveland orphanage in 1945. Thus, Jane, John, and their baby are the same person, a predestination paradox. The agent returns to 1963 and convinces John to leave Jane at the preordained time, inducting John into the Temporal Bureau and completing his mission. Robertson extols the importance of John's future role at the Bureau, as a unique operative with no ties to the past or future. The agent still regrets his failure to stop the Fizzle Bomber, but Robertson credits the Fizzle Bomber for motivating the Bureau's growth and success.

The agent chooses to retire to New York City in 1975 shortly before the March attack; arriving, he decommissions his time-travel device as planned, but the device remains operational. He also finds that Robertson gave him an exact location and time where the Fizzle Bomber will be found. There, he discovers that the Fizzle Bomber is his future self, who claims that his bombings averted greater death tolls in alternate futures. The Bomber also claims that Robertson set up this path for him. Vowing that he will not become the Bomber, the agent guns down his older self.

John's surgical scars are shown on the agent's body, confirming that Jane, John, the agent, and the Fizzle Bomber are all the same person. Robertson knowingly orchestrated this agent's existence, responsible for both his own conception and death. On a tape recording left for John, the agent contemplates whether the future can be changed.

Web Therapy (season 3)

After Kip's disastrous campaign which has resulted in him moving in with Ben in New Mexico and the revelation that Austen got Gina pregnant, Fiona takes some time off and relaxes at a beach resort in California where she has a casual fling with Jackson Pickett; only to get annoyed when he imagines a future between the two of them. Jerome continues work for Putsy and reveals to Fiona that Google wants to buy Net Therapy for a seven-figure deal. With Hayley working as Fiona's new assistant and overseeing the new musical simultaneously in New York, Fiona meets the musical's songwriter, Franny Marshall, whose songs are threatening to Fiona's appearance. In an attempt to save her image, Fiona gets Franny drunk and replaces the original songs with more enlightening ones, convincing Franny that there is potential in them.

When Austen, whom Fiona is still angry with, reveals that he plans to marry Gina to secure a legitimate heir for himself, he earns Fiona's forgiveness by buying her a penthouse in New York City, and also helps Fiona out by buying Net Therapy and shelving it; in return, Fiona helps Austen and Gina draw a prenup which allows Gina to take advantage of the money and jets. Jerome feels insulted by Putsy and returns to work at Web Therapy with a reduced salary. When the musical loses its investors and Franny becomes a hit songwriter working with famous pop stars, Jackson reveals that he is part of a company who wishes to invest in the musical. Wanting him to back off for good, Fiona exposes Jackson to his clients as a misogynist cult leader and scammer. However, she is annoyed when Hayley uses her New York penthouse to entertain various clients; which causes Jerome to feel lonely.

With Kip and Fiona forced by Ben to file for divorce, Fiona is investigated for the misuse of campaign finances and suspects that Ben is responsible. Seeking to prove her innocence, Fiona asks Richard for help retrieving the campaign records. However, he reveals that Ben ordered all campaign materials to be destroyed and refuses further contact with her. Fiona then asks Richard's pregnant now-wife Robin for the footage she captured while illegally documenting the campaign. After Robin and Fiona meet at a gala event for the transaction, Fiona reviews the video footage, which depicts Ben as a controlling, vindictive and irresponsible man. Seeking further evidence, Fiona needs passwords to the campaign accounts that are located in Kip's briefcase, which Hayley unknowingly sold in a box of campaign items to a buyer at a yard sale who sells it on eBay to Karen Sharpe, a hoarder who keeps tons of memorabilia from the campaign. Fiona meets with Karen and successfully convinces her to hand over the passwords from the briefcase; also discovering a shredded diary in Karen's possession that further implicates Ben. After Fiona retrieves the diary and hands over the evidence, Ben takes a plea deal for poor management in exchange for a lighter prison sentence.

Meanwhile, Robin reveals to Fiona that she had captured footage at the event which implicates Austen in a mass cell-phone hacking conspiracy, and rebuffs Fiona's demands to hand over the footage. When Fiona goes to Richard for help controlling Robin, he refuses to help her and reveals that he is secretly working for drug lords in the Russian mafia at a warehouse. Discovering that Richard's new job is putting him in danger, Fiona meets with the FBI, who shut down the operation and place a grateful Richard and a furious Robin into the witness protection program.

Fiona continues her branch of therapy by treating her transgender ex-husband who attempts to embarrass her in a reality show, an online gambler, a couple who have never met in person, and a woman who has trouble with an office romance. Near the end of the season, after Gina marries Austen and gives birth to her son Angus, Jerome realizes that the baby is his own; having had sex with her while visiting her previous office in Alaska nine months prior. After Gina agrees to a divorce, Austen proposes to Fiona; but when he reveals that he has given his fortune away and wants her to live with him in a mud hut in Africa, she breaks up with him. Jerome then receives $20,000,000 from Austen for Angus's trust fund, and he, Hayley and Gina make plans to move into the luxurious house next door to Fiona to raise Angus together.

Near the end of their divorce, Kip reveals to Fiona that he has tried dating other women to move on from both her and Ben, and that he may be moving back to Philadelphia to restart his law practice. When the two realize that their problems had increased when they were apart, they decide to call off the divorce. Putsy tells Fiona that she has written a book on senior abuse which depicts Fiona as the villain, and also reveals that she will be moving in with Fiona, having been given approval by Kip, and plans to help him get appointed as a justice on the Supreme Court using her connections. After the book becomes a success, Fiona contacts the book's publicist, Gareth Pink, who tells Fiona that Putsy has moved in to the New York penthouse to capitalize on the publicity. He also reveals to Fiona that he and Putsy are getting married and the two will bring down Web Therapy together.

Bracken Moor

Act 1

Harold, a coal magnate in 1930s Yorkshire, discusses the closure of one of his pits with his foreman John Bailey, including the loss of 140 jobs that will result. Bailey tries to outline a plan to save the jobs but Harold rejects this out of hand. He then has an argument with Terence Avery over politics - Terence has just arrived with his parents Vanessa and Geoffrey, family friends of Harold and his wife Elizabeth.

The Averys have not seen Harold and Elizabeth for ten years, last seeing them just before Harold and Elizabeth's son fell down a disused mine shaft at Bracken Moor and died a slow and agonising death. Elizabeth is still deep in mourning and reacts badly to Vanessa's suggestion that she return to London society. Terence is more sympathetic to her grief and a strong emotional bond is formed between him and the grieving Elizabeth. Early one morning soon after their arrival, Terence awakes after a nightmare and in the presence of the four other adults has a seizure where he seems to speak in the voice of Harold and Elizabeth's dead son Edgar, relaying information that only the boy and his parents could have known and suggesting they return to the place of his death.

Act 2

After visiting Bracken Moor, the four adults bring in the sleeping Terence and argue over his behaviour there - whilst in the mine he was still again apparently possessed by the dead son's spirit whilst in the mine and reenacted his last moments there. Elizabeth and Harold are left alone with Terence, who again speaks in the son's voice. The Averys decide to leave soon afterwards and before leaving Terence meets Harold alone - he admits that he had found the son's private diary and, using this, had fabricated the possession in order to alleviate Elizabeth's grief and help Harold admit to his grief. He also leaves the diary with Harold.

Elizabeth admits that she needs to leave the family home, moving to her sister's house, since her life with Harold has become oppressive. She does not react badly to finding out that the possession was fabricated and instead praises Terence's motives. Harold meets again with his foreman but, despite Terence's advice to the contrary, goes ahead with the pit closure. He then settles down to read the diary and a moment later sees the ghost of his dead son.

In Italia Sono Tutti Maschi

It tells of the confinement of homosexuals during fascist Italy and more precisely the last year of exile (1939–1940) of a group of men to San Domino in the Isole Tremiti archipelago. The story of the protagonist Antonio "Ninella" Angelicola during his confinement is intertwined in a second-floor time set in the late 80s with that of the young documentary filmmaker Rocco. The events recounted in the book and the characters are drawn from true stories and real people. In particular, the story is based on that of Joseph B., ("Peppinella"), who was also interviewed by his real name in Gabriella Romano's docu-drama, ''Ricordare''.

Yuri Dmitrievich Petukhov

''Angel of Revenge'' (''«Ангел Возмездия», «Система»,'' 1990)

:Main character, space desanter Ivan, suddenly remembers how his parents were killed by non-humanoids, and he as baby was left in rescue boat into open space. Ivan wants revenge and finds way to that place, but can do nothing to superpowered aliens; escaping in last moment, he knows that invasion on the Earth is prepared.

: Being back, Ivan tries to warn government, but he is not listened at. Some time after he is sent to some planet to rescue earthlings-hostages. It appeared that people of the 33rd century made there a polygon beyond time and space; they created monsters—leshys, undeads etc. They didn't know that there were really such beings. Monsters from hell got to the polygon, killed half of people and turned others into living source of biomass. The polygon was closed, turned into Refuge ( ) and sent into past—to 25th century. Monsters wanted to get to the Earth, where they already have supporters – as members of government, who have sent Ivan to death. Ivan succeeded to get out from Refuge; now he knew that the invasion can happen any moment from two directions – from System or from Refuge.

: Ivan decided to fight on his own and gathers a crew. Ivan goes to underwater servitude on planet Girgea to rescue his friend—former space desanter and chief of a band Goog Hlodrick the Wild. He and his friends meet different strange races–"before-exploders" (bodyless supercivilizations of universe which was before Big Bang), troggs etc. It appears that Earth is already governed by banditic syndicates and satanic sects, some of which has relations to invaders.

:Ivan and his friends are up to overthrow malicious government of Earth. Alpha-corpus of space desant takes their side, great war shocks all the world, Antarctic continent is beaten through to destroy shelter of rich rascals. They take power over Great Russia and whole world, but too late—traitors have called back all the outer armed forces for renovation to open road for invaders. But main struck is from underearth—hordes of satanoids and diabloids (mutated members of satanic sects controlled by aliens) creep out, destroy everything and kill everybody. Ivan accuses himself that humanity is destroyed from his wrongs, and in Khram in Moscow (associated with Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, it's the only place which is protected from invaders by supernatural force) he commits suicide.

''Sword of Pantocrator'' (''«Меч Вседержителя», «Армагеддон»'', 1995)

:All people of Earth are arisen from death by "infernofields" for endless torture and serving as blood and flesh fabrics for monsters. Last centers of resistance in space can do nothing but continue their hopeless struggle. Ivan goes to hell but is taken from there by a light ray. He sees Archangel Michael and then God (in image of grey-eyed fair-haired men, which is prototypic appearance of Petukhov's Ruses). God tells him that a "chain of worlds" has been before – each world was created good with some beings having soul (in Ivan's world, they were Ruses) and some not, but afterwards by freedom of will evil appeared and by cunning way took the upper hand so that the world turned into hell-like place; after that world was destroyed by "Big Bang", but some evil forces can stay alive and get into future and another worlds. He says that Ivan has no guilt except suicide, and as the last Rus Ivan is sent to be "Pantocrator's sword". Ivan is arisen from death in Khram and joins to his friends for a while. Then he goes into Axial dimension (a road connecting worlds and places where one must struggle with phantoms of his memory) and finds road into Old World – place out of time which bourned everything else, "New worlds". Mag lived 3000 years before tells him (Petukhov's version of) world history: how Proto-Ruses came from Hyperborea and learned soulless protanthrops to be humans, and how then among them God's space rays introduced to be born Ruses – people who created all the civilization but by traitors and false historians came into forgottenness and decay. Ivan gets power of all Ruses ever lived. Additionally, mag learns him how to travel by time. The learning in Old World happens beyond time but Ivan must see all his friends dying. Afterwards, he comes out, and with his power destroys parasites from all Earth's history, so that the invasion have never happened.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

''Xenoblade Chronicles X'' opens as humanity, warned of its impending destruction in the crossfire between two warring alien races, constructs interstellar arks to escape Earth. However, only a few arks escape the destruction, including the White Whale. Two years after launching, the White Whale is attacked and transported to Mira. During the crash-landing, the Lifehold—a device containing the majority of the human colonists—is separated from the White Whale, with lifepods containing colonists being scattered across Mira. The avatar is awoken from a lifepod by Elma and brought back to New Los Angeles. While suffering from amnesia, the avatar joins BLADE, working with Elma and Lin to recover more lifepods and search for the Lifehold. During their missions across Mira, BLADE encounters multiple alien races, learning that those attacking them are part of the Ganglion coalition, an alliance of races led by the Ganglion race, who are intent on destroying humanity.

During one mission, the avatar is wounded, revealing that they are in a robot body. All the people of NLA are in robot bodies called Mimeosomes, with their true bodies held within the Lifehold. The White Whale's power supply is depleting without the Lifehold, meaning the Mimeosomes will eventually shut down, killing the human population. BLADE fight off multiple attempts to destroy the White Whale and the Lifehold, eventually dissolving the alliance between the Ganglion and their allies. Due to his bitterness against NLA's leaders for abandoning his family on Earth, Lao attempts to betray the White Whale to the Ganglion, but is persuaded otherwise and gives them the information needed to find the Lifehold. Other missions also reveal that humanity are descended from the Samaarians, an other-dimensional alien race who once controlled the Ganglion.

Within the Lifehold, BLADE discovers a pool of genetic material for recreating Earth's lifeforms and restoring humanity. Elma explains that their human bodies were destroyed with Earth, but their memories and consciousnesses are preserved in the Lifehold's computers for transfer into newly created bodies. Due to the plan's questionable ethics, this decision was kept secret from the general population. Luxaar attacks the group, but Lao fatally stabs him. The two fall into the pool of genetic material causing Luxaar and Lao to merge. BLADE is reluctantly forced to kill them. Before dying, Lao reveals from Luxaar's memories that humanity's DNA was designed by their Samaarian ancestors to destroy the Ganglion using a genetic failsafe. Though Lao dies, Elma assures the group that the Lifehold can revive him. With the Lifehold power restored, Elma deactivates her Mimeosome and reveals her true form as an alien. A narration by Lin reveals that Elma visited Earth thirty years before the Ganglion arrived, giving humanity their means of escape. In a post-credits scene, a team led by Elma discover that the Lifehold's databases containing humanity's memories were destroyed upon impact with Mira. Elma speculates that Mira is somehow preserving humanity. Lao is then seen unconscious on a beach, waking when approached by a cloaked figure.

Sakura Trick

Haruka Takayama and Yū Sonoda were inseparable during middle school, but upon entering high school, they end up being seated on opposite sides of the classroom. Having to spend time with new friends, the two decide to make their relationship special by kissing each other in secret.

I Do? I Die! (D'yos Ko Day!)

Bernie and Helena had a dysfunctional marriage because of Bernie's playboy nature and Bernie's secretary was flirting with him. Domeng and Mokong were fired from their jobs where Bernie is the employer for doing rude acts accidentally and caught sleeping in the job due to overnight tasks assigned by their supervisor. They are trying to find a work in several jobs but unfortunately, Bernie is always the manager of every job they tried to apply including a construction firm and a country club even they are acting as blind beggars in the street. This further aggravated the situation, Domeng and Mokong have decided to seek revenge against Bernie for firing them in their jobs by robbing Bernie's house however when they tried to hide in the trunk of the car, someone locked them out. Then the car was driven by Bernie going to his vacation house Baguio City together with his secretary, unknown to them that Mokong and Domeng were inside the car trunk. Meanwhile Bernie and Helena's marriage got worse while their kids tried to help them resolve the issue, they convinced Helena to follow Bernie in Baguio. When they arrived in their vacation house. Helena and her kids caught Bernie in the act having an affair with his secretary and confronted them. Bernie and Helena's siblings walked out of the house together with the keys of their house and vehicles they will not give the keys and unlocked the house unless the two fixed their issue. Mokong and Domeng have finally escaped out of the car the assumed that Bernie's family left they entered Bernie's House unknowing to them that Bernie and Helena was inside the house and van they saw was their siblings driving the van and the two met the couple inside the house and confronting them. When Bernie and Helena were cornered, Mokong and Domeng started to rob the house and escape. Upon their robbery, Bernie and Helena marriage problems were finally resolved. While Bernie and Helena's children were driving to go home they encounter Mokong and Domeng's vehicle, losing out of control and their van went to the edge of the cliff and getting to fall. One of them escaped out of the van and he saw Mokong and Domeng. The two went to the van and saved them, then Bernie arrived and help Domeng. All the children survived, the van fell off the cliff and explodes. As Bernie's sign of gratitude, he decided to return Mokong and Domeng in their jobs.

Dexter's Final Cut

When a cable TV network comes to Miami to shoot a new crime show, Dexter Morgan and his sister Deborah are assigned as "technical advisors." The two are followed by the stars to research their roles: Deborah is followed by female lead Jackie Forrest, while Dexter is left with over-the-hill star Robert Chase. Sensing a strangeness in Robert, Dexter keeps him at arm's length. Shortly afterwards, the bodies of dead women begin turning up in Miami, all of whom bear a striking resemblance to Jackie. Dexter is assigned to protect Jackie in her hotel room. The "Dark Passenger" eventually compels Dexter to pursue the lead suspect, an obsessive fan of Jackie's.

While working the latest murder, Dexter notices a man fitting the description of Jackie's stalker watching the scene from a kayak. Stealing away to his boat, Dexter slips alongside him and makes the kill. Dexter initially assumes that Jackie is safe, only for her assistant Kathy to be murdered in the room below hers. Despite seemingly fitting the pattern of the earlier murders, Dexter notices several errors. That night, Dexter and Jackie start a brief but intense affair. Dexter thinks he may have finally fallen in love with Jackie, and considers leaving his wife Rita and their children.

Dexter is called onto the set to appear as a minor character. There, he gets a panicked call from Rita and learns that Astor has disappeared. Moments later, Dexter finds Jackie's dead body in her trailer. Upon interrogating the show's director, Dexter learns that Robert is a pedophile. He realizes that Kathy was silenced after catching Robert in a compromising position with Astor; he then killed Jackie when she found out what he had done. Following a hunch, Dexter travels to his new house. Robert catches him sneaking in and knocks him unconscious.

Waking some time later, Dexter finds Astor and Robert together. Robert has lured Astor with promises of stardom, and she appears to be ready to help him kill Dexter. Thinking quickly, Dexter tells Astor that Robert will be caught and sent to jail, and is therefore useless to her. When Robert tries to take Astor as a hostage, she stabs him to death. Dexter realizes that circumstantial evidence implicates him as Jackie's and Robert's murderer, and that the only person who can exonerate him is Rita. However, he discovers that Rita is dead, having been murdered by Robert. Dexter realizes that his luck has finally run out, and waits for the police to arrive.

Tableau Vivant (Modern Family)

At the Dunphys' house, no one seems to be able to sleep, each for their own reasons. Luke (Nolan Gould) cannot wait for the hero medal he is going to receive the next day at school because he extinguished a fire — though ''he'' started it, but only he and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) know this. Alex (Ariel Winter) is nervous about her school art project because she wants to impress the art teacher who after a year does not even know her name, which is unusual for Alex, who is always a standout pupil in other classes. Meanwhile, Phil (Ty Burrell) searches for a way to tell his brother-in-law, Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), that he is fired from his part-time job at Phil's real estate agency.

The next morning, Phil visits Mitch's house to tell him about his dismissal while Mitch also tries to tell him that he does not want to continue working at the agency. Mitch does not admit it to Phil, and Phil mistakenly believes that Mitch understood that Phil gently fired him. However, when Mitch appears at the agency later, Phil is forced to finally explicitly tell Mitch. When Mitch tries to leave the office, the elevator breaks down with the doors partially open, though not enough for him to fit through. He is stuck in the elevator for two hours while knowing he has been fired. The idea of losing his job does not sit well with him since, as he later explains to Cam (Eric Stonestreet), he has never been fired.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) takes Gloria (Sofía Vergara) to a diner to show her that they named a sandwich there after him. When Gloria tastes it, she says that she does not like it and that she is also jealous of their waitress, Maxine (Beth Grant), because Maxine seems to know more about Jay's life than she does.

Meanwhile, Cam demonstrates a theory about how a parent should discipline their kids: that they should never say "no" but redirect the kids to another activity. Claire (Julie Bowen) disagrees with it, insisting that it will end in disaster. Cam disagrees until Lily nearly turns on the kitchen sink garbage disposal while Cam's hand is inside it.

After all these conflicts during the day, the whole family convenes to participate in Alex's living art display of Norman Rockwell's Thanksgiving painting ''Freedom from Want''. During the live display, everyone is talking about their recent frustrations with each other while trying to be still at the same time. That leads Alex to get a B− on the project, but she is satisfied since at least the art teacher, who previously called her "Alice", finally learned her name.

The episode ends at the diner where all the family gathers to try the sandwich that was named after Jay, whereas Jay thought that no one would appear after everything that happened during the day.

Battle of the Atom

When Kitty Pryde's group of time displaced Original Five (O5) X-Men and Cyclops' Uncanny X-Men are forced to team up to stop an out of control new mutant, young Cyclops is killed by a Sentinel. He is resurrected moments later by one of Cyclops' recruits, who is a healer. However, in the brief moments that Young Cyclops was dead, the adult Cyclops blinked out of existence and the world around the two groups suddenly began to shudder and shake, as if reality was collapsing from the time paradox.

This causes another round of debate from Wolverine's X-Men about returning the O5 to their proper place in the timeline. The debate is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a group of older X-Men led by an aged Kitty Pryde, the grandson of Charles Xavier, and an adult Jean Grey (the time displaced O5 Jean Grey, having never returned to the past), dressed as the new Xorn. They seek to force the X-Men to go back to the past.

Realizing that something does not seem right, O5 Jean escapes with O5 Cyclops. The X-Men and "Future X-Men" pursue, with Xorn explaining that a catastrophe will soon befall the X-Men if the O5 do not return to their original place in the timeline. The exact nature of that catastrophe is left ambiguous.

O5 Jean & Scott eventually make contact with Cyclops team of Uncanny X-Men, and after some consideration Scott agrees to help his younger self and young Jean. Realizing that Scott's thinking on the matter is compromised, Emma Frost telepathically alerts the X-Men and Future X-Men of Young Jean's and Scotts location. However, upon seeing Xorn attack her younger self, Emma has a change of heart and attacks Xorn with the Cuckoos and O5 Jean.

Xorn is able to defeat the combined powers of Emma and her Cuckoos, but O5 Jean is eventually able to defeat her. Xorn gives O5 Jean a glimpse of the future, a ploy on her part, which convinces O5 Jean that they need to go back to their proper place in the timeline. The three teams of X-Men part ways, with Cyclops unsure if this fight is really over.

Magik, who is also suspicious of the motives of these new X-Men, travels to the future along with O5 Beast and O5 Iceman. It is discovered that these "Future X-Men" are really the "Future Brotherhood", and motives are purely self-serving. This new Brotherhood was created when Alison Blaire, also known as the X-Man Dazzler, is elected president and quickly assassinated, with the identity of the assassin unrevealed. The true "Future X-Men" agree to travel back in time and confront the Brotherhood.

Upon arriving at the X-mansion with O5 Jean, Scott and Angel, it is discovered that the O5 Beast and Iceman are in the future. The Brotherhood realizes that they will soon have to fight Cyclops's team and the true "Future X-Men", and accelerate their plans. It is revealed that the "Future Kitty Pryde" is really Raze, the shape shifting son of Mystique and Wolverine. They attack the original X-Men, including an incapacitated Wolverine. Raze is able to infiltrate Scott's team and capture O5 Iceman and Beast.

The O5 X-Men are brought to Beast's time machine and an attempt is made to send them back in time. However, an unknown force prevents this process from being completed. As the other Brotherhood members are overwhelmed by the Uncanny X-Men and the Future X-Men, the surviving Brotherhood members flee to Cape Citadel, the site of the first battle between the O5 X-Men and Magneto.

The Brotherhood attacks the military to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. The fully united force of the Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine's team of X-Men, and the "Future" X-Men arrive to stop them. Xorn is able to control the S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon systems on site and launch the government Sentinels, which were being created in secret. The X-Men defeat the government Sentinels, and turn their attention to Xorn. She is able to hold the combined forces off, but her powers overload and she explodes.

The exact catastrophe that befalls the X-Men due to the O5's presence is not revealed. The Future X-Men return to their proper place in the timeline with their casualties. The whereabouts of the Brotherhood member Raze is unknown. The O5 X-Men, due to being nearly forced to go back in time, decide to leave the Jean Grey School and join the Uncanny X-Men. Kitty Pryde, disgusted that the modern X-Men tried to send the original five back by force, even hunting Cyclops and Jean down like criminals, quits and joins the O5 Team to continue to mentor them.

A Perfect Plan

Isabelle is prepared to marry Pierre, the man she has loved for the past ten years, but first must overcome a curse that afflicts the female members of her family: all their first marriages are unhappy. She comes up with the perfect plan: marry a stranger, get a quick divorce to avoid the curse, and be happily married forever the second time. She flies to Copenhagen and finds the perfect pigeon in Jean-Yves, an editor for the ''Guide du Routard'', but her plans are complicated when he believes that she is in love with him. When an arranged marriage falls through, she tracks down Jean-Yves again in hopes she can somehow marry him and divorce him without too much trouble. She ends up following him with divorce papers, which he eventually signs after hearing her talking to her sister on the phone. She then explains the family curse and they spend the next day hanging out. After leaving, she realises she loves him, breaks off her engagement, and she and Jean-Yves live happily ever after.

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

The first episode begins in medias res as Arab fortune hunter Faris Jawad (Jeff Rosick) appears wounded and out to rescue his sister, Dania (Katie Crown). Once he confronts a wealthy antiques smuggler, Quinton, the plot jumps back three weeks earlier.

Faris and Dania are in Egypt and are on an expedition to uncover a hidden treasure inside the tomb of Pharaoh Ahmose. Faris then enters the tomb alone while solving puzzles and avoiding hazards to get to a small box containing Ahmose's prized possession. At that moment, the tomb is attacked by mercenaries, forcing Faris to shoot his way back to Dania. Dania is nowhere in sight when Faris returns but he is confronted by the mercenary leader Ozgur. After Faris defeats him in hand-to-hand combat, Dania appears and scares off Ozgur by shooting in his direction. Faris and Dania make their escape on an ATV while Ozgur vows revenge.

Faris then receives a phone call from a man named Rasheed Al Kalabi (David Lodge) who invites them to Morocco to show them a diary left behind by Ibn Battuta. Upon arrival, Rasheed takes them to a cafe to explain that he is a descendant of Ibn Juzzay who was a writer for the sultan who documented Ibn Battuta's travels. When they return to Rasheed's apartment they find the door open as a thief runs off with the diary (most likely a contact of Quinton). Faris chases the thief along the rooftops and then beats him up. Before Faris can get any information from the thief, the thief is shot and killed by a sniper, which attracts the attention of the police. Faris sneaks past the police and drives Rasheed's car out of the city. Since the thief did not have the diaries when Faris caught him, they are left without a lead until Rasheed admits that he has a copy of it, fortunately hidden in the glove compartment. From there, the three head off to uncover the mysterious discoveries of Ibn Battuta, setting up the events for a future episode.

Un Pecado Por Mes

Paloma and Marcel simulate toward each other that they are rich as they develop a whirlwind romance. She works as a secretary at a prominent auction house. He is a full-time student whose poor parents struggle to pay his tuition. To impress her, Marcel claims to be from a family of wealthy ranchers. To impress him, Paloma claims to be the daughter of Belisario Quintana, her wealthy employer who, apart from being her boss, is also her family's landlord. As the two get closer, their deceptions begin to unravel.

The Book of Esther (film)

In Shushan, the capital of the Persian Empire, in the year 482 BC, a Jew named Mordecai tells his young cousin, Hadassah, about a strange dream he had. He tells her that she can no longer reveal to anyone that she is a Jew, and he tells her that her new name will be Esther. He also says that their being related must also be kept a secret, because his dream foretold of terrible things to come.

Approximately 20 years later, we see Esther as an adult in the Persian capital. There is an air of great excitement, as King Xerxes is passing through the marketplace, en route to the feast he is hosting in his palace. Esther goes to speak with Mordecai, who is also getting ready for the feast. She tells him that she's envious of Xerxes, not because he's rich and powerful, but because he's married. Mordecai assures her that her time will come, when God decides it the appropriate time. While at the feast, Haman, one of the kings advisers displays anger that Mordecai is there, saying that it would give him great pleasure to see all the Jews eradicated. During the feast, the attendees notice that Queen Vashti is not present. Xerxes' commander, Sardar, reports this to him, and he has Vashti summoned. However, she refuses to come, saying that she is too busy to come and dance for him, and tells Sardar that his army can dance for the king. She says that even if the king himself would summon her, she would not come. Xerxes does not allow this impertinence to stand, and has Vashti banished from the palace, and nullifies his marriage with her.

Judith, a friend of Esther, relates the news to her. Esther replies that if she were summoned to dance, she wouldn't come either. Haman, seeing an opportunity to become closer with the king, devises a plot in which his eunuch, Gasparif will speak up at the kings meeting, and suggest his daughter, Zara, to be the next queen. In a conversation with Mordecai, Esther expresses that she would have acted the same way that Vashti did, reminding him that even if the king commanded them to break the sabbath, they would disobey him. At the meeting, Gasparif suggests Haman's daughter to be the future queen. Mordecai then speaks up, and says that he has a worthy candidate as well. The king then decrees that there will be a contest to see who will be the next queen. Haman, in a private meeting with Gasparif declares outrage over the kings decision, and tells him that he will pay dearly for causing this situation.

Later that night, Mordecai tells Esther that she has been suggested as a possible future bride for Xerxes. Esther is initially hesitant, but Mordecai warns her that if Haman's daughter were to become queen, it would be a travesty for the Jewish people. Haman returns to his home, and speaks furiously to his wife, Zaresh, saying that Mordecai will ruin his plans. His wife assures him that despite their daughter's homely appearance, she will make her presentable to the king.

Esther beseeches God, saying that she has a great challenge ahead of her, and begs Him to give her answers. The voice of God is heard, and He tells her that there will be a time for her to keep quiet, and also a time for her to speak out. At the same time, Haman sees his daughter, and expresses disgust at seeing her. Zaresh assures him that she will cover her face with a veil, to obscure it. The next day at the palace, the candidates are presented to the king. Xerxes has Esther and Zara sent to his private chamber, to await his decision. Xerxes tells Sardar that he will go to eavesdrop on their conversations, in order to figure out their true intentions. Esther inquires as to why Zara has her face covered, and she tells her that it is to hide her ugliness. Esther asks that she remove the veil, and tells Zara that she is beautiful, and that her parents have been lying to her. Zara admits that her father only wants her to be queen in order to control the king, and that she will be banished if she doesn't become queen. Esther assure her that she will have a place in the palace, as her lady-in-waiting. The next morning, the king announces his decision that Esther shall be the new queen, making his decision based on what he heard the previous night. Haman returns to his house in a fury, and tells Zaresh that he will wage a war against Mordecai and his people.

Esther is summoned by Xerxes, and has her sit by his feet, explaining that since she's not of noble birth, she has to sit below him. Esther tells him that as the king, he is the one who makes the laws, and Xerxes comes to sit beside her to talk. Sardar is seen plotting with Xerxes' bodyguard, Teres, saying that they will assassinate Xerxes that night, saying that he is too incompetent to serve. Mordecai overhears their plot, and rushes to tell the king, who has just been pulled into a meeting with Haman. Haman complains to Xerxes that since his daughter wasn't made queen his honor has been diminished, and asks to be made prime minister. Xerxes acquiesces, but tells him that it is merely another title. Mordecai arrives immediately afterwards, and tells the king about the plot to end his life. Haman demands that Mordecai bow to him, as befitting his new title, but Mordecai refuses.

Haman returns home enraged, and tells his wife that he will find a way to show the Jews as treasonous, and have them and Mordecai eradicated. Zaresh suggests that they have a gallows built, in order to hang Mordecai on it.

Haman again calls Xerxes to another meeting, and says that there is a threat to his kingdom from within. He says that the Jews are plotting treason, and quotes Hebrew scriptures, which state that God is the true king of the Jews. Haman tells him that he has selected the 13th day of the 12th month to slaughter all the Jews, and Xerxes decrees that it shall be so. Judith goes to visit Esther, who asks why Mordecai isn't there. She tells here that Mordecai is at home, mourning because of the decree. Judith tells her that she must appear before the king, and beg him to reverse the decree. She initially is hesitant, but Judith says that Mordecai has said that there is a time to keep silent, and a time to speak, but if she is silent now, she and all the Jews will surely be killed. Esther tells Judith to ask all the Jews to fast on her behalf, for since the king did not summon her, she might be put to death upon her unannounced arrival.

Esther appears before the king, and finds favor in his eyes. She requests that the king and Haman come to a feast that she will be preparing the next day. Haman returns to his home, giddy that all of his plans are going well, and that he is the only other person who is invited to Esther's feast. While at the feast, Xerxes says he will grant Esther any request, even up to half his kingdom. Esther beseeches the king, telling him that there is a great enemy in his palace, because Haman has ordered the slaughter of her and her people. Esther reminds him that Mordecai once saved the king's life, and Xerxes declares that there will be a trial held to verify whether Mordecai is innocent or not. At the trial, Xerxes again asks Haman to show his proof, and he does so willingly. Mordecai replies that God also appoints kings, and that to disobey the king would be to disobey God. Haman asks Mordecai whom he would obey in a situation where the word of God conflicted with the word of the king. Mordecai replies that long before Xerxes was even born, the Jews had worshiped the God of Israel. The people at the meeting are outraged, and call Mordecai a traitor. Esther then speaks up on behalf of Mordecai, reminding Xerxes that he once provided Mordecai with a royal horse and clothes for saving his life. She asks the same question to Xerxes that Haman asked to Mordecai, who declares that he would have the man follow his own conscience, for even a king can make a mistake.

The king absolves the Jews of all counts of treason, saying that none of them will be harmed. Xerxes then declares that Haman shall be hanged on a gallows, and Haman's eunuch tells the king that Haman has already constructed a gallows. Xerxes states that that day shall be a day of happiness and great joy for the Jews for all of history, and that the events shall be recorded in writing. Mordecai is appointed as the new prime minister, and a feast is thrown for the Jews to celebrate their newfound freedom.

Kokey (film)

On their way home, Bong and Anna discover Kokey, an extraterrestrial whose spaceship explodes upon landing on earth. Without the knowledge of their parents, the children keep Kokey at home. The three soon become the best of friends with Kokey turning out to be a big help to the family and their business, attracting customers using his extraterrestrial powers. But Kokey becomes homesick, pointing to the sky in silent tears, missing his parents. He tries to contact them but with no success. Will he ever be reunited to his family? How long can the children keep Kokey a secret?

Sie Po Giok

Eleven-year-old Sie Po Giok has been orphaned for some months and now lives with his uncle, Sie Thian Bie, his uncle's wife, and their seven children at their home in Batavia (now Jakarta). He is sensitive, well-mannered, and polite, yet feels insecure as if he has become a burden to the middle-class family. Moreover, two of Thian Bie's sons—Po Houw and Po Soeij—hate Po Giok. However, Po Giok can usually confide in Thian Bie's eldest daughter, nine-year-old Kim Nio.

One day, as Thian Bie is preparing to leave the city, he tells the children that someone has been stealing fruit from their orchard and that they should keep their eyes open. At night Po Giok sees a neighbourhood boy who sometimes works for them, 17-year-old Ho Kim Tjiang, stealing some guavas. When Po Giok attempts to accost Kim Tjiang, the bigger boy orders him to keep silent or else face Kim Tjiang's wrath; Po Giok promises not to tell anyone. When Thian Bie returns he is extremely distraught, but Po Giok remains silent. Ultimately, however, after several days Po Giok's conscience wins out and he tells his uncle about Kim Tjiang's deeds. Thian Bie then catches the boy and fires him. Kim Tjiang goes home and complains to his mother, who promises that they will have their revenge. Po Giok, meanwhile, is called a coward for not immediately exposing the perpetrator of the crime.

Conflict between Po Giok and Po Houw becomes exacerbated when Po Giok consistently performs better than his cousin at school and, after the two fight, Po Houw is punished by their teacher. When Thian Bie tells the children not to eat some ''sawo'' which he is putting aside as a wedding present, Po Houw is severely tempted. When nobody is looking he furtively steals a single fruit and eats it, then slips the skin into a nearby window leading to Po Giok's room. When the ''sawo'' skin is found, Po Giok is accused of having stolen it, and no matter how hard he pleads his innocence he is unable to dispel this lie.

The following morning Thian Bie, hungover from a party the night before, forces Po Giok to pray to his parents then takes a stick of rattan and beats the boy "half dead" when he refuses to admit to the theft. Over the following days Po Giok faints and is unable to go to school; he is further alienated from his adoptive family. Ultimately, however, Thian Bie learns that it was in fact Po Houw who had stolen the fruit. As Thian Bie prepares to hit the boy Po Giok insists that Po Houw not be harmed, a plea which Thian Bie heeds; instead, Po Houw is forced to eat separately from the family. Po Houw and Po Soeij slowly warm to their cousin as they see his pure heart.

Po Giok later hears from his teacher that his long-lost uncle, Tjan Haij Boen, wants to take him as a son. When Haij Boen meets with Po Giok and Thian Bie, they agree that Po Giok will join Haij Boen in China in several months, after completing his schooling. However, before this plan can be set into motion Kim Tjiang—long unable to find a job in Batavia owing to his theft—sets fire to the Sie family's home. As Kim Tjiang escapes with some of their valuables, Po Giok rescues Kim Nio from the burning building. They are both severely injured, but survive. At the agreed time, Po Giok goes with Haij Boen to China, where he becomes immensely wealthy over the next twenty years.

Triangle (2009 South Korean film)

Ji-young is a beautiful widow of an extremely wealthy family who finds herself attracted to Sang-woo, whom she meets at a ski resort. Sang-woo is the CEO of a company that arranges art exhibitions, and Ji-young finds him different from the gold diggers who usually come on to her. She starts opening up to him, because he is gentle-natured and seems to be rich enough not to want her for her money. But actually, Sang-woo is a con artist who only has left to his name. He approached her because he has his eye on an art piece called "Galatea's Tears" which is priced at over . His attempts are thwarted each time by a woman named Sung-hye who always appears right before he is about to make a crucial move. She claims to be Ji-young's batchmate from high school, but Ji-young doesn't remember her at all. Sang-woo is suspicious of Sung-hye and follows her, only to have his cover blown. Sung-hye had, in fact, been targeting Sang-woo. He panics but is surprised when she proposes that he let her in on his scam to steal "Galatea's Tears."

The Curse (1924 film)

A young Jewish woman in an Eastern European shtetl struggles to reconcile her aspirations with her duty to her family. As her lifestyle grows wilder, her mother is shocked by her immoral behaviour and commits suicide by drowning - repeating "the curse" which has haunted the family for centuries.

After the Banquet (film)

In the countryside at a Catholic church, luxurious cars come rolling in. A wedding is set to take place between Ji-hong and Yoo-ri. The couple met as music club members in college. Their friends from their university days are all arriving, most of whom haven't seen each other in 10 years.

Seong-ho is now a lawyer, and married. Hyeong-woo is now a university professor who is persistently single. Kyeong-ho is now a production director (PD) at a television station. Seong-joo is now a businesswoman, and she brought along her boyfriend who is 12 years younger. Min-hee has a stable family life.

All of these friends are in their mid-thirties. During the wedding they notice that one person from their music club, Jeong-hee, is missing.

After the wedding all the friends gather together at Ji-hong and Yoo-ri's vacation house. At the evening dinner, a young girl named Mi-rae appears. She informs the group that Jeong-hee was her mother and she died in a car accident one month ago. Furthermore, she tells everyone that she came here to meet her father. Tension, shock, and surprise overtakes the friends as they recall their relationships with Jeong-hee.

Bringing Up Baby (Modern Family)

It is Jay's (Ed O'Neill) 65th birthday and all he wants is a quiet day. However, Phil (Ty Burrell) has other things in mind. Along with Shorty (Chazz Palminteri) and Miles (Ernie Hudson), they decide to kidnap Jay and take him fishing. Jay, while blindfolded and with his hands tied, falls in the water and Phil punches him in the face to calm him down in an attempt to prevent him from drowning. Later, the men celebrate Jay's freedom from responsibility, now that he has reached an old age.

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) struggle after their attempts to adopt a second baby. They come to terms with the decision not to have a second child and propose to take a trip somewhere to deal with their disappointment, but Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) asks where her new baby brother is. Cam and Mitch tell her that she won't have a new baby brother and Lily responds that she wants a kitten instead. Even though Cam and Mitch are not thrilled with the idea, Cam changes his mind later and they go to an animal shelter. When the woman in charge tells them that they have to fill out paperwork to see if they are appropriate as cat guardians, Cam and Mitch become agitated due to its similarity to their failed adoption attempts and they leave.

Meanwhile, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) struggles with how to tell Jay that she is pregnant. She tells Manny (Rico Rodriguez) first to see his reaction and he tells her that Jay will not take it well, since he does not like changes. A conversation with Luke (Nolan Gould) about the new baby causes Manny to be concerned that Jay will not care about him as much anymore, and he becomes reluctant to leave for poetry camp for the summer.

At the Dunphy's house, Claire (Julie Bowen) is trying to deal with a hung-over Haley (Sarah Hyland) after her prom night and her request that Dylan (Reid Ewing) stay with them for a couple of weeks since he can not afford an apartment alone now that Haley is going to college. After Claire refuses, Dylan tries to make her feel guilty by telling her about his terrible alternate living arrangements, such as sleeping in his cousin's garage, in hopes that she changes her mind.

Gloria tells Claire, who is excited (mostly that Gloria will begin gaining pregnancy weight) and tells Gloria that Jay will be thrilled with the news, even though she knows that her dad will not react well, since Jay has a difficult time masking his responses. Concerned that Gloria will be hurt if Jay reacts badly, Claire warns Jay by telling him to react positively to the next big news he hears. Jay mistakes Cam and Mitchell's announcement that they plan to adopt a cat for the big news, and learns from a confused Manny that Gloria is pregnant. Gloria furiously announces that she will raise the baby with or without Jay's help, but is surprised when Jay tells her he is elated by the news. In truth, feeling that his freedom from responsibility signaled the end of his life, having the opportunity to raise a child all over again makes him very happy.

A few months later, the family is gathered at Jay and Gloria's house. Gloria's pregnancy is going well; Manny returns from the poetry camp and he reads a poem he wrote for his little baby brother or sister; Cam and Mitch have returned from London with a gift for the new baby and have adopted a cat named Larry, and Dylan has been staying with the Dunphy family (although the episode ends with Claire kicking him out).

Schooled (Modern Family)

The entire family is gathered at the Dunphy's house for dinner to celebrate Haley's (Sarah Hyland) upcoming first day of college. Right after Phil's (Ty Burrell) toast, Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) takes the opportunity to say that it is also Lily's (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) first day at kindergarten, while Manny (Rico Rodriguez) informs everyone that Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) are also starting classes on how to take care of a new baby.

After an emotional morning where Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould) say goodbye to their sister, Claire (Julie Bowen), Phil and Haley leave for the college. At the college, the only thing that Claire and Phil do is to embarrass Haley and she asks them to leave. Before they go, Phil is giving her a book he made with everything he has learned from life. He calls it "Phil's-osophy". On their way back home, they are both emotional, and a call from Haley to tell them thank you and that she loves them makes them tear up.

Gloria and Jay do not take the class very seriously, and after they share their experience with the rest of the parents-to-be of how to raise a baby, they leave the class early. Manny is disappointed on them for that and he cannot understand why they are not so worried for the baby's arrival when he is terrified. Jay reassures him that everything is going to be alright and he will not let anything happen to the baby or him.

Meanwhile, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) gets into a tussle on her first day at kindergarten. Mitch and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) run to her rescue and end up in the principal's (Tom McGowan) office. The principal has also informed Lily's assailant's, Conor, (Mason McNulty) parents about the incident, who are a lesbian couple named Pam (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and Susan (Michaela Watkins). The two couples get into an argument and the principal orders them to have a play-date all together along with their kids so that they can give their kids the right example of how people solve their differences. At Mitch and Cam's house, the playdate does not go well. Pam and Susan decide to leave, but cannot do so as Lily and Conor have locked themselves in Lily's room. Lily does not want Conor to leave because she likes him. When everything settles down, the two couples, despite all their differences, admit that when it comes to their kids they are very much alike.

Snip (Modern Family)

Alex (Ariel Winter) tries to change her style and the way she dresses to fit with the cool kids at school while Haley (Sarah Hyland) asks Claire (Julie Bowen) to send her the rest of her clothes with the mail. A kid at Luke's (Nolan Gould) school is always opening his locker, but Luke is going to be prepared the next time he will attempt to do it. When Claire comes to school to drop Luke's science project, she is the one who opens the locker.

Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and Jay (Ed O'Neill) visit the doctor for a check up on Gloria's pregnancy. Everything with the pregnancy is fine but Gloria has difficulties coming to terms with the new weight she is gaining. After a day out with Manny (Rico Rodriguez), she finally accepts the fact that she is gaining weight and goes for shopping to buy some maternity clothes.

Since the moment Phil (Ty Burrell) and Claire heard about Gloria's pregnancy they were thinking about Phil having a vasectomy to avoid any possible "accidents" in the future. With everything going on, Claire will not be able to make it in time and go with Phil to his doctor's appointment. He ends up going with Jay, something that makes Phil nervous. When Phil runs away from the clinic, Jay calms him down and takes him back. Claire, after a crazy day, gets there in time having second thoughts herself about Phil's vasectomy. Eventually, they walk away from the clinic with Phil not having the procedure.

Meanwhile, since Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) now attends kindergarten and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has many free time, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) tries to steer him toward getting a part-time job. That is not easy since getting a job was always being a sensitive topic for Cameron. Eventually, Cameron gets the job at Manny's school as the new music teacher.

The Butler's Escape

Phil (Ty Burrell) can not accept that Luke (Nolan Gould) wants to quit magic and he tries everything to change his mind about it but it does not seem to work. The real reason Phil does not like Luke's decision it is because that is the first time his son does not share the same interests with him and he is afraid he is losing him. At the end, he tells Luke that he can decide whatever he wants to do and he will support him.

In the absence of Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter) takes on a high-handed role as the new big sister in the house. Claire (Julie Bowen) can not understand why her little daughter is acting like that the last few days and tries to figure out why and what is happening. Later she realizes that Alex's strange behavior is because she misses Haley.

Gloria's (Sofia Vergara) snoring keeps Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) awake for days. They are both exhausted and try to find a way to get some sleep. Jay has a meeting in San Francisco and he takes the opportunity to sleep one night away from Gloria. The meeting ends up earlier than he thought, so he has to come back home. Instead of this, he goes to a hotel without telling Gloria that he is back. Gloria though finds out and she goes to the hotel thinking that Jay has an affair. Not having a choice, Jay tells Gloria the real reason he wants to sleep at the hotel.

Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) struggle to deal with their reversed roles as Cam takes on his new job as a music teacher. Now that Cam is teaching again, Mitch has to do everything at the house, including taking care of Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). But he is not very successful, so he calls Claire to help him out. Meanwhile, the kids at school do not seem as excited as Cam is with teaching. Both Mitch and Cam seem to have a horrible day and they both agree that they just need time to adjust to the new reality.

Aladdin and His Lamp

A poor young man finds a lamp with a genie trapped inside. The genie promises to grant the man three wishes if he frees him from the lamp.

Fort Vengeance

Two North Dakota brothers (James Craig, Keith Larsen) flee to Canada and join the Mounties during an Indian dispute.

Little Brother, Big Trouble: A Christmas Adventure

The sequel takes places a couple of months after the events of the first film, and follows the story of Niko the reindeer. He must deal with his mother Oona getting remarried. He gains a stepbrother named Jonni, whom Niko hates at first. However, when Jonni gets kidnapped by eagles, Niko flies off to rescue him.

During his journey, Niko is joined by an old, near-blind reindeer named Tobias, who is revealed to be the former leader of Santa Claus's reindeer, Santa's Flying Forces. However, standing in Niko's way is also White Wolf, Black Wolf's younger sister, who is the leader of the eagles and wants revenge on Niko for her brother's death.

Now, Niko and the rest of the team must come up with a plan to save Jonni, defeat White Wolf and return home. At the end of the film, Oona is revealed to have given birth to an unnamed fawn and introduces Niko and Jonni to their new half-sister.

Battle Zone (film)

A rivalry develops between veteran of World War II M/Sgt Danny Young (John Hodiak) and Sgt. Mitch Turner (Stephen McNally) Marine combat photographers over the attentions of Jeanne (Linda Christian), a Red Cross nurse during the Korean War.

Washington Merry-Go-Round (film)

Button Gwinnett Brown (Lee Tracy) is a new congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives. He refuses bribes, vowing to rid Washington of corruption; but crosses swords with powerful senator Edward Norton (Alan Dinehart), who wants to enlist Brown to help Prohibition bootleggers. Norton also happens to be chasing elder senator Wylie's (Walter Connolly) granddaughter Alice (Constance Cummings), who Brown has also fallen for. In order to silence the idealistic newcomer, politicians stage a phony re-count and Brown loses his government seat. However, with the help of Senator Wylie and Alice, Brown manages to win back his place and clean up the halls of justice.

The Royal Ranger: A New Beginning

Will Treaty tries to cope with the death of Alyss, who died in a fire set in an inn by a gang leader (Jory Ruhl) when she went back inside the burning building to save a young child. Will's friends begin to notice that his once cheerful personality has grown grim and uninviting. After numerous attempts to "snap him out of it", Gilan, the new Ranger Commandant calls on Halt, Pauline, Cassandra, and Horace to discuss how to deal with Will. Halt suggests that Will take on an apprentice to take his mind off his quest for revenge.

Meanwhile, Princess Madelyn, the daughter of Horace and Cassandra, is upset with her restrained royal life. Against the will of her parents, Maddie sneaks out at night to use her sling to hunt small animals. One night, Cassandra and Horace confront Maddie and ground her to her room for a period of two weeks. Halt suggests that Maddie be the one taken on by Will, which would make Maddie the first female Ranger's apprentice in Ranger history. At the beginning of her apprenticeship, Will gives Maddie a letter from her parents, in which says she has been disinherited as a princess of Araluen. This is a desperate last resort by her parents to get her under control. Will proceeds to train Maddie, and as he focuses on her, his quest for revenge is slowly forgotten. When Gilan suggests Will take Maddie on a mission, Will accepts without reluctance.

Gilan assigns Will and Maddie to investigate the death of Liam, a Ranger in Trelleth Fief, a northwestern fief. Will and Maddie soon discover a plot by an illicit slave ring who kidnap children. The criminals first send a storyteller to villages which frightens the children with a story about the "Stealer in the Night". The storyteller seeks out a child who is likely being abused at home and also takes children who aren't quiet about speaking about the Stealer. Will learns that the Stealer in the Night — the leader of the slave ring — is actually Jory Ruhl, but he manages to set aside his revenge to save the children Ruhl has kidnapped. Will and Maddie go to the slavers' camp, where Will distracts the criminals, while Maddie frees the slaves. Unfortunately, while Maddie is successful in freeing the children, Will is captured by the gang and tied to a stake to be burned. Maddie then goes to save Will, ending in, Ruhl's death.

Six months later, Maddie is awarded her Bronze Oakleaf, and Cassandra offers her reinstatement as a princess. However, Maddie declines, saying she wishes to complete her apprenticeship instead. Cassandra is stunned, and the book concludes as Horace explains to her that Rangers have always been different. When Cassandra asks what she should do, Horace tells her they just have to live with it.

Open House of Horrors

After last year's extreme Halloween decorations and a trick that led to a man almost having a heart attack, the neighbors have asked Claire (Julie Bowen) to keep her celebration kid-friendly this year. Claire agrees to that but even though she keeps everything kid-friendly, none of the neighborhood kids come to her home for trick-or-treat because they are afraid.

Phil (Ty Burrell) decides to hold an open house on Halloween. Before leaving their house, he says to Claire that she is not scary. Claire takes that personally and decides to prove him wrong. She and the kids go to Phil’s open house and scare him.

Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) throw a costume party and plan their costumes to show off Cam's new physique. However, there is a mistake on their costume order: Cam's matador costume comes in Mitch's size and Mitch's bull costume in Cam's size. Cam is worried that no one is going to notice that he lost weight in that costume.

Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) has an obsession with princesses and wants to dress as a princess for the second year in a row. Cam wonders where this is coming from. The reason is that a while ago Mitch told her that her mother is a princess. Mitch was hoping that Lily would forget about it but she did not and he is now trying to hide it from Cam since they agreed that one day they both would talk to her about her mom and tell her the truth. It doesn’t stay a secret for long, though, when Lily encounters a party guest dressed as a princess and brings up her mother. The family has a talk about it and everything is settled.

Manny (Rico Rodriguez) accidentally sets off the fire alarm at school, which leads everyone to miss the test and him to be sent to the principal's office. The cool kids of the class appreciate what he did and they thank him. Manny misjudges their behavior and agrees to hang out with them.

Gloria's (Sofia Vergara) hormones make her more quick-tempered than usual but she doesn't realize it. When Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Manny point that out, Jay tells her that it is because she is pregnant and that it is normal but she takes it as the baby is angry. Jay calms her down by saying that the baby is not angry and that she is going to be a great mother.

Simultaneously, when Jay can’t flirt his way out of a speeding ticket, he worries that he has lost his charm and is starting to look old. His confidence is boosted when the party guest in the princess costume- who, unbeknownst to Jay, is actually a man (Rodney To)- compliments his looks.

Yard Sale (Modern Family)

Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke (Nolan Gould) have a school charity fundraiser and Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) decide to help them raise some money by holding a yard sale. In the process of it, Manny and Luke are looking for things to sell and they find an old trunk in the attic. When Gloria sees it she gets mad and takes it away from them. Her behavior makes the two boys curious and they want to see what Gloria is hiding from everyone.

Phil (Ty Burrell) discovers his old cycle and Claire (Julie Bowen) thinks he is finally going to sell it, but he is not. In the meantime, Jay wants to sell his motorcycle since he will not need it anymore, especially with the baby coming. To prove that he is not afraid of riding a motorcycle, Phil is riding it and goes for a test drive. But when he fends off from the house, he falls and he gets trapped under the motorcycle. It takes him a while to free himself and get back home. When he finally does, he admits that he is not a motorcycle-rider and he will not be buying the bike.

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) wants to sell his "fat-pants" since he does not need them anymore. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) though, who is not very confident that Cam will keep his dietary practices going, struggles on how to tell him that he should not sell his pants because every time he loses weight and gains it back, he needs to buy new ones.

Meanwhile, Alex's (Ariel Winter) new boyfriend, Michael (Joe Metcalf), comes to the yard sale. Claire believes that Michael is gay and she tries to convince Alex because she does not want her to get hurt. To be more convincing, she asks for Mitchell and Cam's help. When they also tell Alex that Michael is gay, she decides to ask him herself.

Arrested (Modern Family)

Phil (Ty Burrell) and Claire (Julie Bowen) get a phone call in the middle of the night from the police because Haley (Sarah Hyland) has been arrested for underage drinking. Claire calls Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) to ask him to accompany them to bail her out in case she needs a lawyer. At the police station, they find out that Haley was not only drinking, but she also resisted arrest and assaulted a police officer. After being bailed out, Haley must attend a disciplinary hearing at school. Haley attempts to make excuses for her behavior but Phil, in a rare display of parental authority, tells her that she needs to start taking responsibility. Haley takes these words to heart, but goes too far and instead of defending herself at the hearing instead blurts out everything illegal she has done since the day she started college and ends up getting expelled. She goes back home with Phil and Claire who are disappointed but proud that she is taking responsibility for her actions.

Meanwhile, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has stayed back to look after Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould). He serves them soy bacon for breakfast without knowing that Luke is allergic to soy, so they rush to the emergency room. While there, Alex enjoys proving herself to be smarter than the training doctors although later passes out while watching a c-section.

Gloria (Sofia Vergara) wants to go baby shopping but Jay (Ed O'Neill) gets out of it — only to get a surprise visitor: DeDe (Shelley Long). He tries to get rid of her quickly so she will not find out that Gloria is pregnant, but he does not quite manage to do it before Gloria returns.

Mistery Date

Alex (Ariel Winter) is participating at the academic decathlon. Claire (Julie Bowen) drives her there for the weekend, bringing Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke (Nolan Gould) along. Alex is removed in the first round of the competition. Claire unsuccessfully tries convincing the judges to accept her back.

Manny meets a girl in the hotel lobby whom he comes to believe is the love of his life. He and Luke decide to attend all of the bar mitzvahs throughout the hotel in an attempt to find her.

Meanwhile, Phil (Ty Burrell) is home alone. After Claire's encouragement not to spend the weekend alone, he attempts to arrange a boys' night, inviting fellow Bulldogs alumnus Dave (Matthew Broderick), with whom he was acquainted at Cameron's (Eric Stonestreet) gym. Dave is gay and Cam, not knowing the guy Dave met is Phil, believes that Phil has invited him over for other reasons.

Cam and Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) want to make a surprise baby gift for Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara). In order for the surprise to be successful, they must keep Jay and Gloria out of their house for approximately four hours. Cam takes Gloria for lunch and Mitch takes his dad to the store. Being together during the day, Mitch sees that something is bothering Jay. He attempts to find out what is wrong but ultimately meets with difficulty because Jay is unwilling to discuss things with his son.

When a Tree Falls

An old tree is going to get cut down and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) is really upset about it since that tree means a lot to him. Deciding to save the tree, he gets there and climbs up it. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) is not thrilled with this idea and he is trying to get him down but when Cameron has to leave and go to the theater after an emergency call, Mitchell is the one who ends up sitting on the tree. At the end of the day, they manage to save the tree and Cameron makes it on the newspaper.

Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke (Nolan Gould) have to attend to a kid's party where they play different games and have fun. Games are not Manny's comfort zone. At the party are also the kids' parents and Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Phil (Ty Burrell) are the ones who accompanied Manny and Luke. Jay, feeling that he does not belong there since he does not know anyone, tries to be funny by telling stories about Phil to make the other parents like him. Phil feels embarrassed and when he and Jay have to compete against each other after a bet, Phil is very aggressive.

Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and Claire (Julie Bowen) decide to go together to the supermarket. Things do not go well and they end up at the store's police office for stealing. Claire tries to explain that there was a misunderstanding and that she was not trying to steal anything but she makes things worse. Gloria seeing that there is no other way out of this, she decides to pretend that she is in labor.

Meanwhile, after her arrest for under-aged drinking and assault, Haley (Sarah Hyland) has to do some community service. Alex (Ariel Winter) sees that as her opportunity to revenge Haley for posting a bad picture of hers on Facebook in the past and embarrassing her. She goes to the place where Haley is working and tries to get an embarrassing picture of her. But things do not go the way she planned as she loses her phone and gets covered in mud and she is the one ending up on Facebook again.

Diamond in the Rough (Modern Family)

Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke's (Nolan Gould) little league baseball team unexpectedly makes it into a playoff game, so Claire (Julie Bowen) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) scramble to find a location for the team to compete. They find an empty lot and decide to do a makeover on it transforming it into a baseball field. Later, Claire and Cameron come across an elderly woman selling her run-down house cheaply, and inspired by their efforts with the baseball field decide they want to try their hand at 'flipping' it (buying it, renovating and then selling it for a profit). Phil (Ty Burrell) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) think it's a bad idea that will just end up losing them money, but while Mitchell tells them immediately that it is not a good idea, Phil pretends that he supports Claire. A conflict between Phil and Mitchell starts but in the end, when they see what a great job their partners did with the field, they have second thoughts about buying that house. Jay (Ed O'Neill) later comes by and tells all four of them that family and business do not go together, however they still end up buying the house.

Gloria (Sofia Vergara) tries to bond with the unborn baby by using a microphone to sing to it in utero. Jay does not like that at all since Gloria is a terrible singer and hearing her all day singing is not the best thing; however, he cannot tell her that, much to his chagrin. In the thought that the poor baby has to hear that all day, he decides to take the microphone with the excuse that he also wants to talk to the baby. In the end, he finally confesses to Gloria after the two of them struck a deal to not fight when Gloria is still carrying the baby, which angers Gloria.

At the game, Manny and Luke's team finally won after Manny hit a home run.

The South of the Slot

Freddie Drummond is a sociology professor at Berkeley leading a rather dull life. He has no friends; he’s very reserved and stiff. He is also engaged to a very wealthy woman by the name of Catherine van Vorst who comes from an aristocratic family.

However, he is fascinated with the south part of San Francisco and starts working there. By impersonating a working person he examines the “south of the slot” to gain better understanding of the area. Over time, Freddie Drummond develops an alter ego, Big Bill Totts, who becomes more and more involved in the working life and labor organizing in the district. While making his ventures to the south, he meets and starts a relationship with the President of the International Glove Workers’ Union, Mary Condon. Still, when resuming his life as the professor, he continues to express Conservative opinions, side strongly with the employers and sharply condemn the same trade unions in which he is deeply involved in his other life. Freddie/Bill realizes that he cannot maintain his dual life and hopes to achieve happiness by Catherine Van Vorst’s side.

The story’s climax comes as Freddie and Catherine, quite accidentally it seems, run into a strike in the middle of Market Street. Here, we can observe Freddie’s moment of decision that takes places precisely between his two worlds. When recognized as Big Bill Totts, Freddie quickly morphs into Big Bill and joins the labor unrest leaving Catherine Van Vorst forever. In the end, Freddie/Bill had been correct. He could not maintain this dual existence. What he did not realize was which side of his personality would eventually win out and which would be discarded.

New Year's Eve (Modern Family)

It is New Year's Eve and Jay (Ed O'Neill) wants to celebrate it with his family (his wife, his kids and their husbands) by taking them to a hotel in Palm Springs. Jay visited the hotel in the past and speaks highly of it. Unfortunately, the hotel being much older, is not as it was. Claire (Julie Bowen) wants to have sex with Phil (Ty Burrell) and learns of a nearby hot spring from the bell boy. Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) wants to feel young again, so he and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) also want to ditch dinner. Jay takes Gloria to sleep, but when he returns, everyone else has gone. Jay ends ups playing poker with the owner of the hotel (Lainie Kazan) and her friends, which include Billy Dee Williams.

Phil and Claire strip and make love at the hot spring, but the demented bellboy forgot to say that nudists come there to celebrate the New Year as well. Now they are stuck with a bunch of naked people in a small hot spring with their clothes buried under a pile of clothes.

After Mitch and Cameron escape from the dinner, they attempt to go to a bar to relive their youth. But the bar is full of young people in sleeveless clothes, while they are in formal wear. They try another place, which although is not shown, can be presumed to be a strip club. Finally, on their third try, they end up in a gay bar made up of men twice their age.

Meanwhile, Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) are left back home babysitting the younger kids, Luke (Nolan Gould), Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons). Luke invites two girls over, one for him and one for Manny. Luke takes her up to his room, making it awkward for Haley and Alex, while Manny's date is a sullen, depressed weirdo, who shuns his gracious hosting. Meanwhile, Lily is completely left unattended to and at one point rang the doorbell, claiming to have seen a coyote.

Party Crasher (Modern Family)

Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and Jay (Ed O'Neill) try to a surprise birthday party for Manny (Rico Rodriguez) since it is his 14th birthday and also because it is the last birthday they are going to be just the three of them. While they are out of the house trying to get a cake, the rest of the family is at their home setting up the party. Manny, thinking that no one will be home, comes home with his new girlfriend (Krystal Gauvin), who kisses him as a birthday gift, oblivious to the fact that everyone is watching them in the dark. The girl feels embarrassed and runs away, and Manny locks himself in his room. Jay finally persuades him to come out and enjoy his party, only for Gloria's water to break when he does. She tries to not give birth until after midnight, so Manny won't have to share his birthday. Manny tells her he appreciates the thought, but he doesn't mind. Gloria then gives birth to a boy, who the family welcomes.

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) feels he has neglected Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) lately with his commitment to work which Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) misinterprets as his job not going well. In the meantime, Lily has asked Mitchell to marry her, and that makes Cam think that Lily does not love him anymore. This is not helped when, during the course of the episode, he is indirectly responsible for injuring Lily more than once.

Meanwhile, Haley (Sarah Hyland) starts hanging out with a much older guy named Kenny (Jason Mantzoukas), wanting to get a rise out of her parents. Claire (Julie Bowen) does not like it at all, while Phil (Ty Burrell) takes a while to realize that they are not just friends. In the process, he takes it extremely worse than Claire, who remembers that when she was at Haley's age, she started dating an older guy to get a rise out of her dad, and she realizes that Haley is doing the same. So, she convinces Phil to ignore it and not say anything because the more they show it bothers them, the longer Haley is going to stay with him. In the end, Haley breaks character and, after overhearing Phil at the hospital, rushes to hug him.

Ben Drowned

''The Haunted Cartridge''

In September 2010, Jadusable is a college student who bought a suspicious Nintendo 64 cartridge labeled "Majora" (indicating it to be a copy of ''The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask'') by a disconcerting old man at a garage sale, with the save data of former owner "Ben" still on it. As Jadusable plays the game, little inconsistencies begin to pop up, turning to outright glitches, leading Jadusable to go to the online site 4chan to post about his playing of the game as it unfolds. Playing as Link, Jadusable attempts different ways to modify the game out of curiosity. It reaches the point where he tries the day four glitch, a well-known glitch in the ''Majora's Mask'' community where you skip the third day's ending with the ability to explore the in-game world as depicted in the credits section. Causing the day four glitch breaks the normality of the game and Jadusable soon finds himself alone in Clock Town with all of the inhabitants gone, unable to advance the game by turning back time, while endlessly hearing the laugh of the Happy Mask Salesman. In an attempt to achieve a "Game Over" and return to the main menu, Jadusable forces Link to drown in a pond; when he does, Link clutches his head, screaming as in a mask animation, with the screen flashing to depict the Happy Mask Salesman, smiling and laughing. The game continues, and the "Song of healing" plays in reverse; a statue of Link is summoned, its face locked in an unblinking stare. The statue follows Jadusable's character, moving just outside of the camera's perspective, throughout the town. Jadusable tries to escape it, but nothing works. In desperation, Jadusable turns the camera to face the statue directly. After a while, the screen flashes back to the Happy Mask Salesman and Link, only the latter also turns this time. The Salesman, the statue, and Link all become locked in place, staring through the screen, directly at Jadusable.

Over the course of several sessions over a series of days, Jadusable writes in painstaking detail about each bizarre scenario he finds himself in, including spontaneously bursting into flames and lying unconscious (or dead) as the Majora-possessed Skull Kid looks on in silence. In a desperate attempt to return the cartridge to the old man who sold it to him, he sees the house empty, the old man's neighbor informing him that he has moved away. Jadusable, after hearing from the neighbor as to what happened in the house that the old man lived in, concludes that the cartridge is possessed by the spirit of its previous owner, a 12-year-old boy named Ben who had drowned almost eight years prior. Subsequently, a figure calling themselves "BEN" seemingly begins contacting him in and beyond the game itself, including changing his computer screen wallpaper to depict the Elegy of Emptiness and speaking through the online artificial intelligence Cleverbot. Using the Elegy statue as its physical form, BEN seems to take pride in being able to manipulate Jadusable, who subsequently describes a series of dreams about the Moon Children depicted in the game's finale, including himself physically transforming into the Elegy, and how he believes he saw the old man who sold him the cartridge on his street looking into his window. Eventually, BEN is revealed to have been hijacking Jadusable's computer and providing a false account of the story's narrative and resolution to 4chan and YouTube, using it to escape the cartridge onto the Internet, declaring "Now I am everywhere." A secret note from Jadusable after an apparent epilogue from his roommate Tyler (who accompanied Jadusable to the old man's former house after the first time he played the game) offers the "true" telling of events and references videos that were never published, seemingly because BEN had deleted them. After publishing his final account of the past week's events, called TheTruth.rtf, Jadusable is never seen again.

''Moon Children''

Two days after BEN's escape from the cartridge, a cult calling themselves the Moon Children reveal their existence to the world. An unnamed follower of Jadusable's story discovers a cipher on his YouTube channel that eventually leads them to the cult's official website,, in which three moderators discuss the upcoming "ascension" of one of their members. A post by a fourth user and the website's administrator, named DROWNED (supposedly Mr. D), appears to speak directly to the follower through the avatar of a man wearing a gas mask. By exploring the various links, the follower discovers various details about the cult, including that the original Ben was apparently a member who had been sacrificed alongside several other individuals under the pretense of achieving ascension, that another member named Alex had recently betrayed them, and that they have their own prophecy of end times revolving around the Moon destroying the Earth (à la ''Majora's Mask''), provided to them by their deceased prophet Kelbris in 1998. Kelbris, who similarly died under uncertain circumstances, is now seen within the cult as evidence of his own, successful 'ascension'. The next day, the users are able to contact the moderator "Rodney R" Ifrit, revealed to be "Matt Hubris", who answers several questions before disappearing, including referencing his siblings as Rosa and Ben; the original 'Ben' is confirmed as a member of the Moon Children who was sacrificed on April 23, 2002, via drowning, his body ascending to become the central home of 'BEN' in place of all other ascended members. Coinciding with the end of a countdown on a hidden page, a video of the Song of Time is uploaded as a video response to one of Jadusable's videos. Shortly afterward, their website collapses.

The following day, the website is reestablished in an unfinished glitching state, with posts from the previous incarnation being posted again with current dates, revealing that in-game actions from ''Majora's Mask'' have effects on the website. Over the following day, the follower uses in-game actions to advance the story, establishing contact with Rosa, the sister of Matt, whom Rosa says has disappeared, as well as the soon-to-be-ascended moderators Kevin F. "Insidiae", Christopher "Nekko" and Spencer L. "Duskworld23". However, as a result of the follower's actions, Rosa was taken away by a resurrected Kelbris, Alex was killed while working to prevent the actions of the cult, and time is reset again. Time is subsequently revealed to reset every three days, as in ''Majora's Mask''. Alex, apparently resurrected by the reset of time, returns under the guise of "TheLinkMissing" with an additional warning before disappearing, apparently for good, as a result of careless player actions.

On October 6, the website undergoes several drastic design changes, signaling the return of the story. Through clever URL changes, the follower discovers several hidden files ranging from used assets to cryptic documents aimed directly at them. Their biggest discovery is found to be the 59th file, mhftt.txt, a final message left by Ifrit before his disappearance. This file names a fellow reader to the follower, Kayd "Ryukaki" Hendricks, who had been in contact with Rosa prior to her death, as having been warned by him as to be in danger. Over the next two days, Ryukaki uploads a series of videos indicating that his life is indeed at stake. As of 2020, the videos uploaded by Ryukaki are now seen as ambiguously canon with many of the things posted in the videos coinciding with the current arc but others never referenced again.

On November 8, another video uploaded on Jadusable's channel by BEN signals the beginning of the arc's epilogue, with the coming months seeing small changes made to the Moon Children website. On February 17, 2011, a new forum called ''Within Hubris'' is launched as a central hub for the follower and others like them during the next portion of the story. Shortly after its discovery, a hidden section of the forum was revealed to contain the spirits of former members of the Moon Children. Within a week of the site's discovery, the follower begins receiving newspaper clippings in their mail that detail an apparent murder-suicide that took place "three months [ago]" in New York, and including an apparent message from BEN. On February 26, another video is uploaded to Jadusable's channel, predicting the final warning for the following day. On February 27, a video, known as ''h b i s r e a l'' is uploaded featuring the interior of the house featured in the newspaper. Following those events, the arc, and the story in general, was put on hiatus by Alex Hall for an indefinite time.


Two years after an unknown societal collapse in 2018, in March 2020, the YouTube channel formerly controlled by Jadusable and BEN is taken over by a resurgent "Jadus", who recounts the alternate history to have occurred in the time since the final ascension of "The Father", who was revealed to be Kelbris. The Father had killed Jadusable moments after the ending of ''The Haunted Cartridge'' arc, a moment shown in upload Kelbris.wmv. (Another unreleased video, CHILDREN.wmv, was also released around this point in time.) An as-of-yet unexplained event that occurred in 2012 apparently had global repercussions, leading to a modern-day Great Depression resulting in a total breakdown of American society by 2018. Addressing the follower, dubbed "The Second Player" (alternatively "The Main Character", or simply "The MC"), Jadus claims a partial cause of this collapse as being a mysterious virus known as "HEROES", of which they are a survivor, alongside their occupational partner Denton. The player is a prisoner in the mysterious Ethereal Hotel, through which he is guided by radio by another survivor, Abel, avoiding a gas mask-wearing entity known as "The Jailer", as they roam the halls. He is killed by The Jailer, and control is passed over to another person, named Sarah. She decides to stay and wait for a bit and is rewarded for doing so. Now in possession of a Nintendo 64, Sarah subsequently encounters the seemingly benevolent spirit of the original Ben within the original Nintendo 64 cartridge for whom she plays the ''Song of Healing'', which in-game is used to mend broken souls. Now healed, Ben explains that after Jadusable awakened The Father, he remained within the cartridge, tormenting Ben and the litany of souls he had been manipulating into imprisoning in BEN, including Jadusable and Rosa. Eventually, the souls were forced to flee deep within the code of the cartridge, which in turn caused glitches to render the game unplayable. Ben begs her to heal the souls BEN has left to The Father's mercy, before granting her Link's adult form from ''The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time''. The "Adult Mask," he explains, contains the souls of a large number of people, all seeking revenge against The Father. She then plays the Song of Time, sending her back to the normal yet altered ''Majora's Mask'' gameplay from ten years ago.

After this, an overjoyed Abel resumes communication with Sarah and muses over the interaction. He then claims that the game has been reverted to its pre-Jadusable state and that BEN — which he explains to be the ''Behavioral Event Network'' — is a hive mind consisting of both the souls of Moon Children who have been successfully digitized and of various artificially intelligent programs from ''Majora's Mask'' which he believes gained sentience either from a lack of input or by some sort of trigger, with the entity being named after the original Ben as a tribute, due to their soul having been the first human soul to have been successfully digitized. He ends his monologue and then says Sarah's part in the experiment is over, explaining he will be "coming over" to relieve her of the cartridge, before suggesting she 'stick around' to see other things he wants to show her.

Despite Abel's request, Sarah continues playing the game. In place of the Happy Mask Salesman, she finds Ifrit in the form of an unused NPC, who tells her that Ben has been "restored" into his enslaved state, and that to defeat the Father she needs to disrupt the simulation or replicate the same "fourth-day" glitch that freed Ben. When she exits the area, she is suddenly confronted by two duplicates of the first boss of ''Majora's Mask'', which she easily dispenses before continuing deeper into the game.

Sarah eventually encounters a Moon Child, who asks her to leave its "home". When she pursues it, she finds in its place a heart, which she collects. Ifrit then contacts her saying she must collect 3 hearts to free the souls trapped within the cartridge. Progressing further, she is confronted by several more Moon Children, who are seen apparently tormenting another NPC. After thwarting their attack, Sarah encounters this NPC, who now claims to be Rosa, who as thanks gives her a pendant containing her memories which she claims will be able to free the others. She continues onwards, finding a second Moon Child's heart and encountering another NPC who "knows exactly who he is" and thinks of Sarah as a monster, due to all the souls contained in the mask making her seem like a monster consuming them.

On August 23, 2020, a new video called ''The Showdown.wmv'' premiered, the contents giving another revelation to the story. Sarah, after escaping the clutches of one of the Moon Children, meets the once thought dead Jadusable, the original player from the ''Haunted Cartridge'' arc. Dismayed, Jadusable is discovered to now be working with The Father and after facing Sarah in one on one combat, kills her, leaving the story without a player character. The same video at the end shows a link to a new site called the ''Eternity Project'', a web page established by those who belong to a group of people called The Family with the purpose of achieving ascension to escape the world-ending event due to happen in 2020. On that website, users were able to confirm the current status of many of the characters from the entire story such as Sarah, Jadusable, and Rosa. The site promises prospective members to join the ''Eternity Project'' and to escape from the hell of the current world and embrace a new future through ascension, becoming Enlightened and free from the world. As is the tradition in sites belonging to this story, members could dig into source codes and puzzle-solving to discover hidden messages and pages. Here, Abel eventually contacted players (or rather, a "pity hire" at the Eternity Project) and gave them passwords allowing access to the 'heart' of World Alpha - now known to be the Haunted Cartridge, which all of the Eternity Project's subsequent virtual worlds are apparently built off of. Here, players were met with an option to upload "code" directly into the heart of World Alpha — an action which Abel hoped would stop the virtual world from imploding, along with the rest of the Eternity Project and everyone still trapped within.

Eventually, one of the players' uploads was accepted and the option to upload anything further disappeared. The uploaded code would successfully revive Sarah in Clock Town, albeit without the Ocarina of Time or the Adult form she previously had, with only 12 in-game hours remaining before the Moon would crash into Termina and start the entire game over again. Noticing that Clock Town is empty, she attempts to enter the buildings in the area, but all but one are inaccessible. Upon entering this building, Sarah finds herself in the code with Rosa and the rest of the humans digitized into Majora's Mask. They argue over whether to let the Moon fall and just reset everything, which Rosa believes will not result in what the rest expects it to, or to allow Sarah to perform the day four glitch, at the risk of unleashing the already looming Father all over again. Ultimately, Sarah races to the Observatory and prepares to perform the glitch — however, the choice to actually do it is left up to the players.

The players chose to perform the glitch, and after having done so, the world returns to a glitched state. Ifrit suddenly reappears and explains that by doing the glitch, she has killed the game's inhabitants and that with the Father freed once more, he intends to use his power to transform the world into a "nightmare". Clock Town becomes filled with cultic worshippers of the Father as Sarah runs to the clock tower, where she finds Jadusable and a newly freed Ben hiding. Jadusable explains that he was trying to stop Sarah from performing the glitch, and admonishes her for simply believing everything that the game's inhabitants had told her. He explains that Alex had passed the responsibility of being World Alpha's protector to him - and that now - he was going to do the same to her. Jadusable gives up his soul and joins his strength with Sarah, turning her back into Adult Link. Sarah confronts Ifrit, now joined by the last remaining Moon Child, and briefly battles the latter as it assumes the form of Majora's Wrath — the third phase of the final boss of ''Majora's Mask''. Suddenly, instead of fighting back, Sarah uses her ocarina to play the Song of Healing, and Majora's Wrath suddenly disappears. Ifrit briefly reappears to threaten her, but he is suddenly overcome with static and disappears himself. The Father appears in his place, demanding Sarah explain her actions. In response, she gives him the Pendant of Memories, and Circle explains that the inhabitants of World Alpha are just scared, and only want to live. In response, The Father 'changes his parameters' to heal World Alpha, by removing all "anomalies" which wish to harm the natural order of the world. He also explains that, as users interfacing with World Alpha's code, they too will be removed, and that to pacify the inhabitants' mental traumas he will need to reset their memories as well. Above all, The Father assures Sarah and Circle that World Alpha will continue and that Ben will be given a real host body, commenting that his imprisonment within the Elegy statue was an "oversight" made by dated A.I. When Circle asks what will become of Sarah after The Father 'removes' her, he says he doesn't know and fades away. Sarah fades away soon after.

The series ends with a shot of Ben, now in the body of Child Link, standing next to a now unpossessed Elegy statue and waving to the audience.

Fulgencio (Modern Family)

The main story of this episode is the christening of Gloria (Sofia Vergara) and Jay's (Ed O'Neill) son. For the occasion, Gloria's mother, Pilar (Elizabeth Peña), and sister, Sonia (Stephanie Beatriz), come to visit bringing with them the Colombian traditions. Pilar wants her grandson to be given the family name Fulgencio, but Jay finds the name terrible and wants to call his new son Joe. When he tries to talk to Pilar, he discovers that she never liked him.

Meanwhile, with Claire (Julie Bowen) running around for errands, Phil (Ty Burrell) is alone at home with the kids and their problems plus his own one — a billboard with his face is blocked by balloons. When the kids tell him what bothers them he tries to help. At first he tries to "kill" the problems with kindness but instead he makes things worse. When he realizes that being kind only helps sometimes, he follows another path. He has Luke (Nolan Gould) go around and cause trouble for the people causing problems for them by having him stay home while he and the others go to the christening, with Luke popping up during the baptismal vows, hinting at the fact that he has a devilish character like Satan.

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet), on the other hand, are trying to deal with Lily's (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) bad habit of making sarcastic comments. While trying that, they are wondering if they are bad parents since they are her role models. In the end, they find out that Lily's bad habits are coming from Claire when she drives her to her dance lessons.

The episode ends with the whole family at the christening of the newest member of the family. Finally, Jay goes with the name Fulgencio Joseph Pritchett to satisfy his mother-in-law, but he tells Gloria at the same time that they will never call him that. The godparents of the baby are Claire and Phil.

A Slight at the Opera

Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) puts on a school production of the "Phantom of the Opera", but when their main star falls ill, Manny (Rico Rodriguez) pulls all the stops to land the lead part. When Cameron hears Luke (Nolan Gould) singing, he wants him to take the lead. Manny convinces Cam to let him talk to Luke in order to terrify him so that he can get the lead. Later when Cameron asks Manny to hear Luke singing so that he can improve his, Manny understands that he is not the person for the role and lets Luke take the leading part of the play.

Cam has Gloria (Sofia Vergara) running for the errands of the play and she takes Alex (Ariel Winter) with her for help. Since they have some time to kill, Gloria takes Alex to her psychic (Norma Maldonado). Alex, who does not believe in psychics, pretends to validate the psychic's claims, although they are false. She intends to tell Gloria that her psychic is fake, but in the end changes her mind when a boy fitting the psychic's description as her new boyfriend sits next to her at Cam's play.

Meanwhile, Phil (Ty Burrell) decides that learning how to golf is necessary for his business and Jay (Ed O'Neill) agrees to teach him. While they are golfing, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) gets there with his friend Pepper (Nathan Lane). Mitch tells his dad that he has been practicing for a while now and the four of them end up playing a game; Jay and Phil against Mitch and Pepper.

With Cam in school, Mitch and Jay golfing and Gloria out, Claire (Julie Bowen) stays home to watch over Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) and little Joe. When she slips on one of the golf balls Phil left on the floor, she wants to teach him that leaving things around is not a good thing. While Claire is busy trying to stage an accident, Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Dylan (Reid Ewing) end up being the ones watching the two kids. This led to her thinking that raising a family is easy, and asks Dylan to give her a baby. This terrifies Claire, who switches from staging an accident to waking up the baby, as she believes that after seeing the baby cry, Haley would change her mind. However, Dylan left after Haley and him has a fight, just before Claire sets off the fire alarm and wakes up the baby.

The episode ends with the school play for which Luke's grandfather (Fred Willard) flew from Florida just to see him even if he was just painting a wall. No one knows that Luke got the lead part. Phil and Claire are surprised and moved when they see him on stage singing.

Heart Broken

It is the day before Valentine's Day and Phil (Ty Burrell) and Claire (Julie Bowen) decide to bring back their alter egos, Clive Bixby and Julianna. While they are getting ready to move on to the hotel room, Claire faints and they end up in the hospital instead. The diagnosis, Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome, requires Claire to "take it easy". Throughout the following day, Claire makes multiple advances on Phil, who wants her to simply rest. Phil accidentally tells Luke, Haley, and Alex that Claire suffered a "heart-related issue". Believing their mother had a heart attack, Luke, Haley, and Alex go see Claire to see how she is doing, but walk in on Claire and Phil. Phil, having suffered a nosebleed, accidentally gets blood on Claire, which only makes Luke, Haley, and Alex horrified.

On Valentine's Day Gloria (Sofía Vergara) and Jay (Ed O'Neill) are trying to have a romantic day but others keep interrupting them. Manny (Rico Rodriguez) has a date with a secret admirer and comes home to change his clothes. Joe and Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) are also in the house because Claire could not baby-sit them due to her "illness".

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) decide to do something different this year: throw a wild Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Party to which they invite all their single friends. They wake up the next day with hangovers, not remembering what happened. While they are trying to put every piece together to understand what happened the previous night, Dylan (Reid Ewing) appears and thanks them for letting him stay with them. While they are struggling to find a way to tell him that he cannot stay, Lily is the one who makes the big step and tells him.

Penny Dreadful (TV series)

The first season begins in London, 1891. Ethan Chandler, an American gunman and roadshow artist, is hired by the adventurer Malcolm Murray and the mysterious Vanessa Ives to help rescue Murray's daughter from a mysterious creature. They receive help from a young doctor named Victor Frankenstein, who is hunted by an undead man of Frankenstein's creation. Ives becomes romantically involved with the handsome, artistic Dorian Gray but also finds herself haunted by Lucifer, who wishes to make her his bride and queen.

In the second season, Ives is hunted by a coven of witches led by the charismatic Evelyn Poole, wanting to bring Ives to Lucifer, who is their master. Frankenstein is forced to make his creature a bride, and an inspector hunts Chandler after the Chandler commits a grisly murder in a London inn.

In the third season, the main characters find themselves scattered across the world. When Count Dracula appears in London, the final battle for Vanessa Ives' soul begins.


In its 1909 Cairo edition, the tale comprises 70 sections in seven volumes and 5,084 pages. The subject matter of the epic draws from the long history of Arab–Byzantine wars under the Umayyad and early Abbasid caliphs, until the reign of al-Wathiq in the mid-9th century, with elements from later events, focusing on the exploits of two rival Arab tribes, the Banu Kilab, who furnish the main characters, and the Banu Sulaym.

The tale begins with the story of the rivalry of the two tribes during the early Umayyad period, when the Sulaym held command over both. It continues with the assumption of command by the Kilab and the participation of the Kilabite al-Sahsah in the campaigns of the Umayyad prince Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik against the Eastern Romans, including the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople, his adventures in the desert and his death.Canard (1991), p. 234 Al-Sahsah's two sons, Zalim and Mazlum, then quarrel over their father's inheritance. Mazlum's daughter, Fatima, the eponymous heroine of the epic, is abducted by the Banu Tayy, among whom she becomes a fierce warrior and is named ''al-Dalhama''. This is possibly the feminine form of the name ''Dalham'' ("wolf"), but is more usually interpreted as a corruption of the honorific ''Dhat al-Himma'', "woman of noble purpose", which also appears in the tale along with other variants, the most common of which is ''Delhemma''.

At the time of the Abbasid Revolution (ca. 750), the Sulaym under Abdallah ibn Marwan regain the leadership of the Arab tribes thanks to their support of the Abbasids. Through the intervention of Delhemma, the Kilab acquiesce to this change, and together with the Kilab they participate in the renewed border warfare with the Romans. The Kilab settle in the city of Malatya, while the Sulaym take over the fortress of Hisn al-Kawkab. Delhemma's cousin, al-Harith (the son of Zalim), manages to make her his wife thanks to a drug, and she bears a son, Abd al-Wahhab, who has black skin. When he grows up, he takes over the leadership of the Kilab, and his and his mother's subsequent exploits in the wars against Byzantium are the main theme of the epic. He is assisted by the cunning al-Battal, a Sulaymi who joins the Kilab, and is opposed by the rest of the Sulaym, including the treacherous ''qadi'' Uqba, who has secretly converted to Christianity, and the ''amir'' of Malatya, Amr ibn Abdallah (or Ubaydallah), who distrusts the Kilab even though he owes his life to Delhemma. At the same time, Delhemma's husband, al-Harith, has gone over to the Byzantines with a band of Arabs and converted to Christianity. In turn, the Muslims find allies among the Romans, such as the crypto-Muslim Maris, the Byzantine emperor's chamberlain, or the lord of a border fortress, Yanis (John).

The epic follows its protagonists in a series of campaigns and adventures during the reigns of Harun al-Rashid, al-Amin, al-Ma'mun and al-Mu'tasim. To the end, the narrative is dominated by the Kilab-Sulaym rivalry, fuelled by Uqba's treacherous hounding of the Kilab and his spying for the Romans. The Kilab leaders, including Delhemma and Abd al-Wahhab, are captured several times by both the Romans and the Abbasid caliph due to Uqba's machinations, only to be set free after various adventures. Al-Battal plays a crucial counterpart to the traitor Uqba, with each one seeking to capture and eliminate the other. Al-Battal often saves the situation through his exploits, which bring him as far as Western Europe and the Maghreb. Successive Eastern Roman rulers attack and sack Malatya, but are either driven off or defeated by the exploits of Delhemma or Abd al-Wahhab. On the other hand, the Kilab frequently aid the emperors in recovering their capital, Constantinople, from usurpers or from Western (Frankish) invaders.

Finally, Uqba's treachery is unmasked, and in the last, and longest, section he is pursued by Caliph al-Mu'tasim and the Kilabite heroes across several countries "from Spain to Yemen", before being crucified before Constantinople. On its return, the Muslim army is ambushed in a defile by the Romans, and only 400 men, including the Caliph, al-Battal, Delhemma and Abd al-Wahhab, manage to escape, but the ''amir'' Amr is killed. In retaliation, al-Mu'tasim's successor al-Wathiq launches a campaign against Constantinople, where he installs a Muslim governor and rebuilds the mosque first constructed by Maslama and al-Sahsah. The tale then describes the death of Delhemma and Abd al-Wahhab, as well as the final days of al-Battal, who lives long enough to witness the resumption of Roman attacks later in the century. He dies at Ancyra and his tomb remains hidden, until the Turks (in some versions the Mamluks) arrive and re-discover it.Canard (1991), p. 236

Human Torpedoes

Italy, probably at the end of 1940. Several officers and non-commissioned officers of the Italian Navy met at a naval base at the invitation of the Italian Navy. Here they are told that a special operation against the Royal Navy is planned in Crete, which will require highly qualified personnel. All volunteer.

In a specially prepared training area, the volunteers train the use of small torpedo boats and speed boats of the explosive boat type M.T. against the British. The boats carry only one torpedo. The tactic is to sneak up on the enemy ships at night and then head towards the target at top speed. Shortly before the collision, the speedboat drivers, who are wearing diving suits, are supposed to jump backwards off the boats. It is expected that the British will then rescue those who voluntarily shipwrecked. As the training officer points out, this is not a kamikaze operation.

The unit is transferred to the Greek island of Leros. But before the mission against Crete takes place, an emergency occurs. An Italian submarine is attacked and sunk by two British fighter-bombers. However, since the wreck lies in shallow waters, there is an opportunity to rescue part of the crew, who are in an area of the boat separated by bulkheads. In a highly dramatic rescue operation, the members of the commando succeed in first laying an oxygen line in the submarine and then opening a hatch so that the crew, who are extremely nervous, can finally get out of the sunken wreck and be rescued.

The command then attacks the Suda Bay at night. With great difficulty it was possible to overcome sea mine barriers. Although they are spotted by the British guards and come under frenzied fire, the attack on the British units succeeds. The torpedo men who jumped off in time are rescued by the British and become prisoners of war.

Trap Happy Porky

At Uncle Tom's Cabins, Porky is trying to get some sleep, but mice Hubie and Bertie are down there stealing food and breaking things against his will. He tries to capture them with a simple mousetrap, but fails as the mice prove to be too smart for him. He then gets a cat and it throws the mice out with his contraption. Porky keeps the cat and goes to sleep, but the cat invites other cats to get intoxicated, play the piano and drunkenly sing. After failing multiple times to throw them out, Porky buys a bulldog from town to get rid of them, but the dog also gets drunk and sings with the cats instead. With no other options remaining, Porky joins and sings with the dog and the cats.

Tjerita Si Tjonat

Thirteen-year-old Tjonat, the spoiled son of a village chief, is chased out of his hometown after he is caught stealing his father's expensive batik shirt. Having no money and only a single torn pair of pants, Tjonat kills an 8-year-old boy to steal his buffalo. With the help of his elder mentor, Gondit, Tjonat sells the buffalo at a distant market. However, Gondit is unwilling to give Tjonat his share of the money until they reach Batavia (now Jakarta). Suspicious, Tjonat prepares a sharpened bamboo tip. When Gondit tries to kill him, Tjonat stabs him in the stomach with the bamboo and steals all of his money. He then goes to Batavia on his own.

Ten years have passed, and Tjonat has worked a variety of jobs under various names. However, he was often fired for stealing. Now he serves as a manservant for a rich Dutchman named Opmeijer. Using his charms, Tjonat woos Opmeijer's ''njai'' (concubine), Saipa, and convinces her to elope with him and take their master's possessions. The two make their way to Saipa's hometown and marry. However, theirs is an unhappy relationship and, after several years, Tjonat stops supporting his wife and returning home, instead choosing to spend his time as a robber. After asking for a divorce, Saipa prepares to marry a fellow villager. However, in a fit of rage Tjonat returns to their home and kills Saipa.

Tjonat, by now the leader of a gang of bandits, turns his attention to Lie Gouw Nio, the daughter of a ''peranakan'' Chinese farmer. However, Gouw Nio is already betrothed to Tio Sing Sang. After an attempt to furtively kidnap her fails, Tjonat and his gang launch an assault on the Lies' farmstead. The family is able to escape, and Lie Gouw Nio is sent to Batavia to stay with her future in-laws. In an attempt to eliminate the competition, several weeks later Tjonat and his gang invade Tio Sing Sang's home, killing his grandfather Keng Bo and injuring the youth.

After recovering, Sing Sang begins training in the use of weapons and prepares to fight Tjonat. Meanwhile, Tjonat has become aware of Gouw Nio's presence in Batavia. When Gouw Nio and Sing Sang's parents leave the city to attend Keng Bo's funeral, Tjonat ensures that his men are hired as bodyguards. Outside of Tangerang Tjonat makes his move, kidnapping Gouw Nio and allowing the Tios to escape.

Upon hearing of his fiancée's peril, Sing Sang follows Tjonat and finds him in a cave. Although capable of ambushing the bandit, he refuses to kill in cold blood. Instead, Sing Sang attacks an armed Tjonat with his bare hands and wins, using Tjonat's own knife to cut the bandit's ears off and mark his forehead with a "T" before ordering him to return Gouw Nio. Tjonat, however, does not obey, instead stabbing Gouw Nio in the chest and throwing her in a nearby river. At that moment Tjonat is arrested by arriving police and villagers, while Sing Sang rescues Gouw Nio from the current.

After a long recovery, Gouw Nio and Sing Sang are married. Tjonat and his men are executed.

Lee Rock II

The film directly continues with ''Lee Rock'', with a few minute recap of the main details of its predecessor.

In 1959, Yau Ma Tei foreign detective Reeve retires, which leads to a competition between Lee Rock and Ngan Tung for the position as Yau Ma Tei's chief detective. Ngan Tung does not hesitate to collude with many of Hong Kong's businessmen and drug dealers in hopes of taking the throne. Lee Rock also refuses to back down and pleases to Commissioner's wife, while the Commissioner also highly regards Lee. Although ultimately Ngan Tung gets the position as the chief detective of Yau Ma Tei, Lee Rock was also promoted as the Chief Chinese Detective, a newly created post, which puts Lee ahead of Ngan. After Lee takes office, he reforms the procedures of each department, gaining support from many businessmen and his momentum appears rises. As contrast to Ngan Tung, who standing plummeted, which makes his hatred toward Lee stronger. Therefore, he got King Crab's henchman to assassinate Lee, which Lee escaped unharmed. To avoid having Lee find out that he was the mastermind behind the assassination, Ngan kills Crab.

During the 1960s, Lee Rock's power is monstrous, not only does he control the entire Hong Kong Police Force's operations, but also actively invests in commercial real estate, entertainment and many other fields. He becomes a major figure with an estimated wealth of HK$500 million.

In 1972 Britain sent Sutcliffe to Hong Kong to be the new Commissioner of Police. He finds the Hong Kong Police Force to be extremely corrupt, making the entire community a big hotbed of crime, and he is determined to actively combat all criminal activities. This makes life difficult for Lee and everyone else. In 1974, the ICAC was established and is committed to combating all forms of corruption, which leads to Lee Rock's idea of early retirement. Lee decides to transfer all of its assets to Canada and migrating there with his family.

In the aspect of his family, Rose's arrival to Hong Kong coincides with the time polygamy was being abolished in Hong Kong. In order to avoid being the third party between Lee and his wife Grace, she chooses to bring their son Bill Lee away, and settled in Australia. Rose works hard to raise Bill, and they come back to Hong Kong after Bill grows up. Bill also became a staff member of the ICAC. Bill learned about his father's crimes, which causes strong hatred towards his father. The conflict between the father and son causes Rose to fall ill and be hospitalized. When Lee Rock learns that Rose is dying, he rushes to the hospital but was being hunted at the same time. It was King Crab's younger brother from Netherlands, who came to avenge his brother when he believed Ngan who told him that Lee killed Crab. Lee suffers from a gunshot wound and witnessed Rose's death at the hospital. The killers also arrived at that time and Lee Rock and his son work together to kill off the killers, which also improves the relationship between the father and son.

In the end, a lot of corruption is still happening in Hong Kong, especially in the police force where various police officers have been arrested by the ICAC and treated by the law; while the wanted Lee Rock enjoys a stable life with his family in Canada.

The Freaking Out of Stephanie Blake

A spinster from Ohio comes to New York before embarking on a trip to Europe. She discovers her niece has fallen with a bunch of hippies and becomes involved with them.

Lake Windfall

The film begins with five friends who are organizing a weekend camping trip to a Missouri lake. Three of the friends are deaf, one is a hearing child of deaf adult (CODA) and the last is a hearing person. The film focuses on the interaction between the friends, and mirrors the interactions between 'Big-D' Deaf, hard-of-hearing, CODAs and hearing people.

As the friends set off for the weekend, Jake (Jasun Hicks) has a heated discussion with his mom over video relay service (VRS) using his iPad. Cliff (Timothy Dillard) is watching and is fascinated by the speed of Jake's signing and seems unaware of the nature of the conversation. Cliff identifies as hard-of-hearing and has only recently begun learning ASL as he was brought up orally and was mainstream schooled. He is a nerdy guy, technology-addicted, and wears a hearing aid. At the beginning of the movie, he tries to align himself with the hearing people, to the annoyance of Jake. During the campfire that night, the two hearing guys sit around one side of the fire chatting. Cliff joins them and tries to follow their conversation but gets confused. Keith (Will Sanders), the hearing guy, gets annoyed with him and Cliff wanders off to the other side of the fire where the deaf men are chatting. The two deaf guys, Matt (Christopher B. Corrigan) and Jake, chide Cliff for trying to be part of the hearing world, while they were laughing at him. They play a trick on Jake by giving him a sign name. He is pleased by this and goes to tell Drew (Alex Laferriere) who tells him that it actually the sign for ''penis''. The others laugh at this, and he is infuriated.

Later, Matt and Drew are arguing and the audience learns that Drew is Matt's brother. A CODA, he has distanced himself from Matt and his deaf parents; his new wife had taken their calls and told them that Drew was not in. His wife has never learnt to sign, and it seems that she has played a part in Drew's disconnect from the rest of his family. Matt tells Drew that their mother has stage-2 breast cancer and he is shocked.

In the morning, Keith and Drew take the boat and go fishing in the lake without telling the others. They eventually wake up but the two other guys will not return. Instead, Jake goes to the truck where Cliff and Matt learn that he has brought his late father's rifle along on the trip. They all decide to take off for a few hours and do some target shooting. They go into the woods where they find a barn and set up some cans as targets. Matt and Keith are reasonably adept at shooting but Cliff has never fired a gun before, so he messes it up. The guys go off down a forest track to explore. Cliff needs a bathroom break, so he steps out behind a tree. Right at that moment, Jake spies a deer in the woods and decides to shoot it. Matt tries to stop him. Just as he is about to press the trigger on the rifle, something happens and they are flung to the ground. The world spins around them and the birds fly up. When Matt and Jake pick themselves up, they see the deer lying on its side, apparently dead. Jake checks his gun and, to his surprise, finds that the shot had not been fired. The deer suddenly gets up and runs into the clearing. Jake reloads, takes a few hurried shots at the deer and misses. It's then that they realize that Jake has accidentally shot Cliff in the lower left abdomen.

They eventually go back to the lake, where they meet up back with Keith and Drew. None of their phones work anymore, cars will not start and electric-powered devices no longer work. Keith is no longer able to hear as the cataclysmic event has deafened him. He does not handle this very well, can 'hear' phantom sounds, and is unable to communicate with the others. They keep going through the woods where they find a cabin lit with oil lamps. It appears empty, and they go in to investigate. There, they find a stack of notes where the occupants - a family - were deafened and were frantically writing notes to each other. Jake goes to investigate the basement where he discovers the father hiding. There is an altercation and both of them are shot and killed.

The brothers Matt and Drew escape from the house, along with Keith by taking a diesel Jeep and push-starting it. While they are getting the Jeep ready, Cliff dies from blood-loss. They stop briefly at a gas station where Keith is shot and killed by the owner. Drew is saved by his brother Matt, who shoots and kills the owner but is injured in the process. The main story ends with the brothers driving along while Drew is frantically trying to keep his brother alive.

As the movie ends, the epilog shows us a view of the future. It transpires that the vast majority of people on the planet had been deafened by a cosmic event known as the ''"Soundfall"''. The world falls into disarray and chaos but we learn that it is rehabilitated much sooner than expected thanks to a minority community (the Deaf world) which nurtured and kept ASL alive, and it was this that the world turned to. The audience then discovers that the person telling us these is actually the President of the United States and that he is deaf, too.

The Singing Forest

Christopher is a widower after his wife of 22 years, Savannah, dies. He begins drinking and becomes obsessed with the theory of past lives. Before long, he is convinced he is actually the reincarnation of a German resistance fighter (Jo) who was hanged by the Nazis for hiding Jews during The Holocaust. His situation becomes even more complex as his daughter Destiny's wedding approaches, and Christopher's sense of déjà vu around her fiancé, Ben, is enough to convince him that he and Ben were gay lovers during a past life. As Christopher becomes increasingly disturbed and goes about seducing his daughter's future husband, he begins to reveal the strange, violent path his life had taken well before his wife died. Ben gives in to Christopher's seduction and eventually visits Christopher's psychic to confirm he really was Jo's lover Alexander in a past life. Destiny discovers their affair and eventually gives them her blessing. In the end, she gives her father away at the church wedding that was originally supposed to be hers. The psychic reveals that Destiny had never really existed. Instead, she had been the spirit of a miscarriage Savannah had after she was raped. The spirit had always been destined to bring Christopher (Jo) and Ben (Alexander) back together in their present lives.

The Invisible Avenger

In Ginza, the dead body of an invisible man is discovered, alongside a suicide note. The note reveals that there is at least one other invisible man still alive. An ex-army commander reveals that during the war, Dr. Nishizaki discovered by chance a particle that, when properly utilized, turns any object invisible. At the end of the Pacific War, a special attack corps made up of invisible men crashed on Saipan Island, and were presumed dead, however, two survived. The effects of the invisibility particle cannot be undone.

Soon, there are robberies across Tokyo from a gang calling themselves the Invisible Men. Meanwhile Nanjo, a clown who works at the cabaret Kurofune befriends a young blind girl, Mariko, who lives in the same apartment. Komatsu, a newspaper reporter who witnessed the death of the invisible man, is investigating the phenomenon and spots Nanjo while visiting a robbed jewelry store. In a fake deal to gather money to cure Mariko's blindness, her grandfather is killed by the gang that has been terrorizing the town.

Soon after, Komatsu, who has been following Nanjo, finds himself alone in a room with him and discovers that Nanjo is, in fact, the other invisible man. He dresses as a clown with face makeup, gloves and so on so as to appear visible and lead a relatively normal life. Nanjo and Komatsu decide to work together to investigate and reveal the identity of the gang that is terrorizing the town and who murdered Mariko's grandfather, while also trying to save Michiyo, a singer who is stuck within the gang and cannot escape. They discover that the gang is led by the same people who own Kurofune, and in an ensuing battle and chase, Nanjo, using his invisibility to his advantage, saves Michiyo and kills Yajima, the gang boss. However, he is also fatally wounded in the fight and becomes visible again. He asks Michiyo to take good care of Mariko in his last breath.

Special ID

Yen takes on the role of Dragon Chan, a Hong Kong undercover police officer deep within the ranks of one of China’s most ruthless underworld gangs. The leader of the gang, Hung (Collin Chou), has made it his priority to weed out the government infiltrators in his midst. Struggling to keep his family together and his identity concealed, Chan is torn between two worlds.

Upping the stakes, as Chan’s undercover comrades are being dealt with, one by one, Chan fears his days are numbered. Now, he must risk everything to take down the organization and reclaim the life he lost when he took on this perilous assignment. As the action mounts, Chan must do everything he can to protect the SPECIAL IDENTITY he wishes he never had before it’s too late.

The Gunman (2015 film)

American Jim Terrier (Sean Penn), is a former Special Forces soldier who has become a black-ops mercenary. He is part of a team deployed by a corporation in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2006, under the cover of providing security to local projects. He falls in love with Annie (Jasmine Trinca), a fellow expat working as an NGO doctor in a local hospital. During this period, even though civil war has wreaked havoc on the country, large multinational mining companies continue to profit from the country's mining industry. After the Minister of Mining announces his plans to declare contracts with the mining companies unjust and renegotiate the terms, the mining companies hire Terrier's team to assassinate the Minister to ensure their access to the rich mineral resources. Terrier delivers the fatal shot from a sniper rifle and flees from Africa, leaving Annie behind. After that, Terrier retires from his mercenary career.

Eight years later he returns to DRC as a charity worker to build wells. One day Terrier is brutally assaulted by a local hit squad, but he manages to kill them all. While searching the attackers' bodies, he finds signs that the attack was not random and that he was the target. Scared and suspicious, Terrier flees to London to meet an ex-mercenary colleague, who reveals that Cox, their ex-boss in the Congo assassination, has formed a large international security firm offering its services to major clients, such as the Pentagon. The firm's head wants to eliminate all of the former members of the assassination squad as revelations of their former activities could hinder the development of the new firm. Now the firm's hit teams chase Terrier around the clock, meanwhile killing his friends and kidnapping Annie.

However, Terrier still keeps highly compromising materials that can reveal Cox's role in the Congo assassination and uses it to lure Cox and his team to a bullfight in Spain, threatening to expose their complicity unless they trade Annie for the evidence. Unknown to them, Terrier makes a deal with Interpol to provide evidence to aid their ongoing investigation. Despite battling severe head trauma suffered from his violent past, Terrier defeats the experienced mercenaries sent to kill him. As he struggles to help Annie escape to safety, Cox discovers them. Terrier is wounded but manages to shoot Cox, who is then gored by a loose bull. Interpol officers arrive and take Terrier into custody, though Agent Barnes promises to do what he can to help Terrier avoid doing more jail time than necessary.

The film ends with Terrier, recovered and released from prison, reuniting with Annie in the DRC.

Helix (TV series)

Season 1

Researchers from the CDC, led by Dr. Alan Farragut and Dr. Sarah Jordan investigate a viral outbreak at an Arctic bioresearch station, only to discover that it has disastrous and wider implications for the entire world. Proscribed genetic engineering research is being done by the Ilaria Corporation, the company running the research station, most interested in preventing exposure of their activities, rather than simply resolving the outbreak. Attempts at quarantine result in mutiny and attempted escape, and communication with the outside is mysteriously cut off. It is unclear at first whether the goal is to develop a bioweapon or to transform humans in some way. It is discovered that there are two variants of the virus: the first, Narvik-A, is fatal with no cure; those infected with the second virus, Narvik-B, become dangerous, violent, zombie-like vectors, spreading the infection to others, with a small percentage eventually regaining some normality if treated, as it seems several characters have already been infected and cured. Those cured seem to have the ability to control the infected. The outbreak is revealed to have been a cover story to recruit Julia Walker as an unwitting test subject by deceiving the CDC personnel into creating an anti-viral "cure", to benefit the Ilaria Corporation's objectives.

After becoming infected, Julia is cured by the station director, Hiroshi Hatake, who reveals he is her father, quasi-immortal and over 500 years old, as indicated by his bright silver eyes. He had created the Vector virus as a means to activate dormant genes within Julia to give her a similar variation of immortality. Ilaria, which is run by a similar group of immortals, wants the virus in order to exert control over the world. Ilaria's Chief Operating Officer, Constance Sutton, arrives with a mercenary army, and despite a protracted resistance effort by the CDC and base personnel, butchers most of the staff before abducting Julia. A cliffhanger, set almost eight months after the pilot episode (on Day 235), shows Alan meeting with his brother Peter somewhere in France, following a massive outbreak of the virus, to plan a border crossing. Alan is apparently oblivious to the fact that his brother is actively working with Ilaria and that Julia is an active member of Ilaria's immortal Board of Directors.

Season 2

Set once more in a remote, isolated place, this time the island of St. Germain, inhabited by members of a religious community going back several generations, the second season takes place approximately fifteen months after the events of the first season, with regular sequences showing events taking place an additional thirty years later on the same island. Alan, who has been interrogating and then killing immortals in his search to rescue Julia, has been discredited by the CDC. Peter leads the three-member team investigating a new outbreak on the island. In the future, Julia is on a quest of her own.

The Leftovers (novel)

Several years after a rapture-like event in which millions of people worldwide suddenly vanish without explanation, the citizens of Mapleton, Ohio are still struggling to cope with the massive loss and resulting culture shift. The story is told episodically, revolving around the four members of the Garvey family, who have each begun an unlikely relationship following the event.

Kevin Garvey, the patriarch of the Garvey family, is a prominent local businessman enjoying early retirement during the event. Afterwards, he is compelled to run for mayor of Mapleton to replace the psychologically compromised incumbent. Kevin stresses the importance of returning to normality as a way for the survivors to cope through initiatives like survivors' mixers and adult recreation leagues. The other major policy of his tenure in office is an effort to ease tension between the town and the Guilty Remnant (GR), an ascetic religious group that aims to provoke people into remembering the losses of the event and how meaningless life is. Following a violent conflict between police and the GR, Kevin has taken a hands off approach to their existence, preferring to ignore them entirely.

Kevin's wife leaves him to join the Guilty Remnant and he struggles to balance raising his daughter actively with respecting her privacy while she deals with the event and the breaking up of the Garvey family. He also finds he is unable to sustain new relationships with women, making a few failed attempts. Kevin develops a relationship with Nora Durst, a woman who has become quasi famous in Mapleton for losing her husband and both children in the event. Nora suffers a major depressive episode following the loss of her family, obsessively watching her children's favorite TV show, avoiding the holidays, and riding her bike for hours at a time. Nora is dealt a further blow when the town pastor, who has become a muckraking amateur journalist to reconcile how the event may have invalidated his own beliefs, publishes a tract that reveals Nora's husband had been carrying on an affair with her children's much younger preschool teacher.

Kevin and Nora connect at a mixer after Nora confronts her former husband's mistress. Nora finds she has more sympathy than she expected with the woman over their mutual frustration with her husband's emotional distance and manipulation. Nora pursues Kevin, who is hesitant, but impulsively agrees to take a trip to Florida with her. Afterwards they settle into a relationship, but Nora is bothered that she does not feel like the ‘good girlfriend’ she was always proud of being in college. Their burgeoning relationship falls apart on Valentine's Day when Kevin breaks one of the conventions of their arrangement by sharing personal feelings about his family, which makes Nora uncomfortable. She leaves him at the restaurant when he goes to the restroom.

Kevin is served divorce papers by his wife, and realizes that his daughter is in danger of not graduating high school. He has fallen into a domestic routine with his daughter's friend, Aimee, who has been living with them, drinking coffee together in the morning before they both go to work. Kevin is alarmed at the increasing flirtation between them, culminating that Spring. He resolves to avoid being alone with Aimee to suspend the flirtation. The Spring softball league begins and even though his team is short handed Kevin plays anyway. He finds great satisfaction in the game and his ability to handle a fly ball, even in adverse conditions.

Nora decides to leave Mapleton and adopt a new identity. She bleaches her hair but finds it's difficult to completely shed her identity when it comes time to sell her house. She writes a letter to leave for Kevin, explaining why she ran from him. In it, she is finally able to admit her ambivalence towards her family at the exact moment they disappeared, which had been a troubling source of guilt and anger. Opting to hand deliver the letter instead of mail it Nora discovers an infant left on the Garvey doorstep, instantly bonding with the child just as Kevin returns from his game.

Laurie Garvey, Kevin's wife, is a new recruit in the Guilty Remnant, a religious group she was initially skeptical of, but is recruited to after her best friend joins. The GR are mute, wear all white, must always smoke in public, and stage silent confrontations with the people of Mapleton. Their goal is to remind everyone that they have been left behind in the event, and prevent the resumption of the status quo.
After Laurie's integration into the group she is assigned a trainee, Meg. Meg is younger and less emotionally stable than Laurie, frequently remembering the wedding she had been planning before joining the GR. The two form a strong friendship and perform their GR duties, following around townspeople and confronting people from their former lives. Meg must confront her former fiancé, who she is distressed to learn has begun new relationships and seems to have resumed his old life. Laurie is asked to serve her husband divorce papers to gain access to half of the family assets, because this is how the GR can afford to maintain operations. On Christmas Meg and Laurie visit Kevin. He treats them like regular holiday visitors, and before they leave gives Laurie the gift their daughter left for her, a lighter. Touched by the gift Laurie uses the lighter once, but then must throw it out to remain within the tenets of the GR.

Laurie and Meg are “promoted” to live in an outpost, a four-person dwelling that provides many of the comforts they lost living in Guilty Remnant dorms, like privacy, better food, a hot tub, soft beds and less supervision. At first they are worried that living with the two men who already occupy the house will cause conflict and sexual tension, but the men are revealed to be in a secret romantic relationship and their personalities mesh well. One of the men is murdered while on their GR rounds, a troubling trend among the Remnant who resist all police investigation. Laurie's daughter, Jill, comes across the scene shortly after the murder and we learn that the GR has enacted a program in which one outpost member is commanded to kill the other as a sacrament.

Laurie and Meg grow closer living in the outpost alone, sharing the same bed and developing a nonsexual although romantic domestic union. The day comes when a new pair is introduced into the outpost, signaling the end of Laurie and Meg's time together. Laurie holds a gun to Meg's head but is unable to pull the trigger, even with Meg's encouragement that she will be delivered by the act. Meg takes the gun and shoots herself, which Laurie sees as a final act of love. Collecting the gun Laurie is whisked away by a Guilty Remnant car, leaving town.

Jill Garvey, Kevin and Laurie's daughter, is a senior in high school who was smart and hardworking but is struggling in the post-rapture world, especially since her mother left the house to join the Guilty Remnant. Jill's new friend, Aimee, has moved into the house because she cannot live with her stepfather after her mother disappeared in the event.
Aimee, also a senior, dresses provocatively and often encourages Jill to skip school and experiment (smoke weed, sex, etc.). The two attend regular parties at another teen's house, which always culminate in a variation of spin the bottle that pairs up the partygoers for random sexual encounters. The two girls carry on like this but find satisfaction in a happy “normal” Christmas spent exchanging gifts with Kevin. Kevin encourages the girls to resume their neglected educations; Jill agrees but Aimee decides to drop out to become a waitress. With Aimee more preoccupied with her job, Jill doesn't find the same amount of distraction when going to the same parties. She resolves that Aimee was the catalyst that made these events work with her talent for pushing things forward. Jill is distraught to learn that Laurie did not keep the lighter Jill got her for Christmas. She attends her last party and leaves early, opting to cut across a railyard instead of taking a ride from a set of twins Aimee is friends with. In the railyard Jill discovers the corpse of a GR member who she does not know had been her mother's housemate.

That spring Jill has a chance encounter with one of her favorite teachers who is now a member of the GR. Under the guise of helping Jill with school work, she is invited to attend a “sleep over” at the GR compound. Jill anticipates the stay and possibly seeing her mother again, packing her bags. Meanwhile, Aimee's relationship with Kevin has become blurred and threatens to turn sexual. Aimee resolves to move out rather than escalate things with Kevin. Jill leaves for the GR compound without her father's knowledge, but on the way runs into the twins again, who invite her to play ping pong. She agrees and is hopeful that one of the twins seems to like her, realizing that in that moment she is happy.

Tom Garvey, the older of the two Garvey children, is in college during the event. He returns home after all the schools shut down in the aftermath and drinks every night at the local bar, sharing news that trickles back of who had been taken. School resumes and Tom joins a fraternity which somewhat deifies one of their disappeared brothers. He becomes uninterested in school. One of his fraternity brothers reveals the fallacy of their fraternity's hero, and together they stumble across a New Age movement in which a man claims he can absorb the pain of others through hugs. Tom becomes wholly invested in the movement and climbs in the ranks, moving all over the country and cutting off almost all contact with his family. In San Francisco the movement takes on cultish overtones that trouble Tom. He remains faithful to Holy Wayne, the group's leader, but is marginalized when he questions some new aspects of the group.

It is discovered that Holy Wayne has “spiritually married” a number of underage Asian girls and is being brought up on criminal charges. The “brides” are sent into hiding and Tom is tasked with transporting one of them, Christine, across the country to Boston. They must travel in secret because Christine is pregnant and concrete proof of the charges against Wayne. In turn the group, including Christine, believes she is carrying the son of God.

Tom and Christine disguise themselves as members of a free love movement, the Barefoot People, and travel by foot and bus across country. They become close friends and easily fall into their cover story of a romantically linked couple. On a bus trip they accidentally convert a soldier into a Barefoot person, a group they don't actually belong to. Arriving in Boston is a disappointment to Tom, who now has to share Christine with the Holy Wayne couple that has been charged with overseeing the delivery of their Messiah. Tom enjoys spending time in the contemplative Barefoot People community and maintains his cover. Shortly before Christine delivers her child, a girl, Holy Wayne admits guilt and repents for his crimes. The Holy Wayne community is shattered, and Christine is despondent.

Christine wants to return home to Ohio because she doesn't know what else to do, and Tom takes her. He plans on stopping off in Mapleton to see his family again, hoping that it will encourage Christine, who has little interest in her daughter. At a rest stop Tom forces Christine to interact with her child, but when he leaves them to use the restroom she abandons Tom and her child to join a group of Barefoot People. Tom takes the baby with him to Mapleton and is surprised to see the town has not changed in his absence. He leaves the baby on his father's doorstep, knowing she will be well looked after, and leaves to pursue Christine and a life as a Barefoot Person.

Dr. Cook's Garden

James Tennyson is a young and idealistic physician who returns to his hometown of Greenfield to work with Doctor Leonard Cook, his mentor who is a father figure to him. Tennyson's father was an abusive brute who broke his arm in a drunken rage. Doctor Cook seems to be a positive role model to Tennyson and a pillar of the community who welcomes his young protégé home. Cook's housekeeper Dora tells Tennyson of Doctor Cook's heart troubles and how he needs an assistant. Upon his homecoming, Tennyson is reunited with Jamey Roush, his childhood sweetheart, and in the process begins to become suspicious of Doctor Cook's activities. He discovers that many of his patients have died suddenly and mysteriously. He also discovers in the doctor's medicine cabinet a large supply of poisons. The town constable tells Tennyson that he feels that the Lord has blessed the town because the "nice" people have lived to an old age and the mean ones have died off. He begins to look through the doctor's files and finds a mysterious code "R", which he notices is also in the doctor's garden, and he interprets it to mean removal of those that the doctor considers unworthy people. Tennyson confronts his mentor, who freely admits to euthanizing those that he considers unworthy. He tells him of killing his abusive father and considers his actions to be of community service, using his beautiful garden as a metaphor. Cook attempts to poison Tennyson, and they wage a battle to the death, which ends in Cook suffering a heart attack and dying after Tennyson refuses to bring him his medicine in a perverse act of final mercy.

Weekend (play)

A Republican senator's son brings home a black girlfriend.

Stories We Could Tell (novel)

The three main characters work at a music paper called ''The Paper'' and in the one night the story takes place they all grow up in one way or another. Terry Warboys returns from an interview with veteran musician Dag Wood in Berlin who is coming for a visit to London to meet Terry and his girlfriend Misty. She disappears with Dag Wood for the night and because of that Terry does lots of drugs, sleeps with another woman and wants to kill himself. In the end it turns out that Misty and Dag just talked and Misty is pregnant from Terry. They are engaged at the end of the novel. Ray Keeley is a young music lover who does not like the new punk music, but sticks to 1960s music. After the editor tell him that his only chance to keep his job on ''The Paper'' is to find and interview his idol John Lennon, who is in town for one night he starts searching for him, falls in love with a woman and in the end finds Lennon after a long, sleepless night. The interview turns out great and he can keep his job. The experience of the Battle of Lewisham the week before have made a huge impact on promising student turned squat resident Leon Peck. His political idealism, he is the editor of left-wing mag ''Red Mist'', leads to insulting reviews which eventually get him into trouble with the Dagenham Dogs, a gang of skinhead thugs. To escape them he runs into a disco to hide and meets the girl of his dreams. They spend the night together in his squat which gets shut down this very night. After running away he writes an article about a concert he was supposed to be at. In the end it turns out the concert did not take place and Leon loses his job. He moves back in with his parents.

The Education of Little Tree (film)

In the 1930s, an eight-year-old boy who is given the Native American name "Little Tree" (Joseph Ashton) was being raised alone by his mother, having been widowed by war, and is left an orphan when she dies of illness. His white mother's sister comes to take him but his paternal grandfather (James Cromwell) and grandmother (Tantoo Cardinal), whose ancestors had escaped from the Trail of Tears and hidden in the Great Smoky Mountains, arrive and take the boy to live with them. In his grandparents' care, the boy learns about his heritage as a Native American through them and their Cherokee friend Willow John (Graham Greene). Little Tree is not only taught how to live the Native way as one with the Earth but also to 'learn a trade' passed down through his grandpa's Scottish heritage, whiskey making. This leads to conflict with professional still thieves.

A complaint filed with child services by his white aunt gives reason for the government to take him into custody. Little Tree is removed from his home by the government and placed in the Notched Gap Indian School, a fictional Native American boarding school whose mission is to reform Native children and make them assimilate into the dominant white culture by stripping him of his Native heritage. Little Tree's grandfather, made aware of his desire to go home through the help of Willow John, soon rescues him and takes him home. Later, Little Tree is orphaned once again when his Grandfather dies and his Grandmother follows soon after. Willow John takes him under his wing to learn more of the Cherokee way, and the story is told into adulthood by reminiscences.

The Executioner (1970 film)

John Shay (George Peppard), a British MI5 agent, had grown up in the United States, and who was nearly killed while on assignment abroad. Convinced that he was framed, he returns to London to uncover the mole responsible for the set-up. John Shay suspects that his colleague Adam Booth (Keith Michell) is a Russian spy. The action takes place in London, Athens, Istanbul and Corfu, where Shay goes in his investigation trying to gather evidence that Booth is a double agent. When Shay's superiors are not convinced, and even after a special hearing clears Booth of any wrongdoing, he takes matters into his own hands and executes Booth.

Shay assumes the identity of Booth, and, with the assistance of Booth's widow Sarah (Joan Collins) and his own girlfriend Polly (Judy Geeson), he launches into an investigation to uncover Booth's connections. Shay maintains a romantic relationship with both women. Booth's wife is the romantic interest of Shay and British scientist Philip Crawford (George Baker), who provided information to Shay about Booth being a double agent. Shay's superiors are Col. Scott (Nigel Patrick) and Vaughan Jones (Charles Gray). Polly assists him in his investigations by providing him with information apparently confirming his suspicions.

Shay finds a plane ticket in Booth's pocket which he then uses to fly to Athens along with Booth's widow, who is unaware that her husband has been murdered by Shay. Upon arrival in Athens, Shay assumes Booth's identity and subsequently goes to Corfu, where he is captured along with Sarah by Soviet agents who want Crawford in return for the freedom of their captives. A CIA agent under the name of Professor Parker (Alexander Scourby) manages to free them both. Colonel Scott (Shay's superior) reveals that Sarah's husband was indeed a double agent who was used by MI5 to supply the Soviets with false information.

The Woman in the Advocate's Gown

A female lawyer commits suicide after discovering the forgery case she is prosecuting had been committed by her own father.

Superman Unchained

The prologue of the first issue takes place during the atomic bombing of Nagasaki; the "Fat Man" bomb is revealed to have been a superhuman employed by the U.S. Military.

Superman stops seven satellites from colliding into the Earth, letting an eighth object hit an abandoned military base. Superman initially suspects that Lex Luthor is behind this incident, as this attack is similar to a scheme Luthor had devised a while back. Luthor disavows all knowledge of the attack as years ago someone had stolen his research. He asks Superman if he had considered the cyber-terrorist group Ascension. When Clark Kent writes up an article about the event, Lois Lane informs him that all eight satellites attacks were successfully stopped. Superman investigates the impact site of the eighth satellite and notices that a superhuman had redirected it. After a submarine fires two torpedoes at Superman, General Lane is revealed to be working in a secret military installation, housing a superhuman who has been in the employ of the United States for nearly 75 years.

Superman is in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to combat a rogue construction machine that has been tampered with by Ascension. To stop the Burj Khalifa from falling, Superman creates a whirlwind of water and freezes it beneath the skyscraper before it can collapse. Superman then goes to the Batcave, where Bruce Wayne is testing a new suit that can manipulate the environment to render him undetectable by Kal-El. After studying a piece of the eighth satellite, Batman has determined that another being with slightly more power than Superman was responsible for stopping its impact. On top of that, Ascension concerns Bruce because they can access and control almost any technology and turn it into a weapon, like the construction robot from earlier. Clark calls Lois and inquires about her father's whereabouts. She mentions that General Lane's mail has been coming from Utah. While Superman was en route to Utah, Lois's plane was taken over by Ascension and crashes into the ocean. At the MAW, a high-security prison off the coast of Metropolis, Lex Luthor constructs a suit of powered armor out of various pieces of a model city and escapes. Once in Utah, Superman confronts General Lane, who has been anticipating his arrival figuring that his daughter would eventually help Superman. General Lane has his men unveil the weapons they had been developing to fight Superman. One gun can fire lasers that use black hole technology. Superman demands to know more about the superhuman, who is called W.R.A.I.T.H. (William Rudolph's Ace In the Hole).

General Lane's men open fire on him as W.R.A.I.T.H. bursts from the ground, stating that he's been waiting a long time to deal with Superman. Superman uses his powers to destroy General Lane's weapons but is stopped by W.R.A.I.T.H who kicks him so hard that he is sent flying and lands in Colorado. When Superman stands up W.R.A.I.T.H lands in front of Superman telling him, he was following the General's orders but wants to take Superman back to his home. General Lane and W.R.A.I.T.H show Superman "the Machine", a research facility dedicated to understanding and implementing the equation technology W.R.A.I.T.H had brought them in the years since his arrival on Earth. Superman learns that W.R.A.I.T.H has been working for America for all these years, eradicating anything the government considered a threat. Lane also criticizes Superman, calling him a coward. Lane argues that while Superman may save people such as the astronauts on the space station he is a mass murderer for not getting involved in political situations. For instance, not toppling dictators and warlords in various countries around the world: "You're deciding to let people live in misery, die suffering. You're killing them. Painfully... Because you're afraid to do the tough things you know you should do". Before Lane could continue, Superman and W.R.A.I.T.H fly to Tokyo to stop an Ascension attack. W.R.A.I.T.H is excited to finally work alongside Superman, while a mysterious person using a crystal recovers Lois's plane. Superman and W.R.A.I.T.H arrive at the attack, but not before Wraith tells Superman that soon he will have to kill him. Lex Luthor captures Jimmy Olsen telling him that since he's Superman's friend, why not be his.

Luthor tells the kidnapped Jimmy Olsen that he knows how Superman will die. Superman and W.R.A.I.T.H continue fighting the Ascension robots. Superman is hit during the fight and starts to bleed, W.R.A.I.T.H tells him that the robots were designed by the Russians for one purpose, to kill Superman. Lois helps the man with the crystal to safety, after which he gives her the gem and tells her Superman won't be alive for much longer. W.R.A.I.T.H and Superman encounter an Ascension video explaining to Superman that he will die in the same place where "the great lie began". Superman and W.R.A.I.T.H continue to fight as they come up with a plan to stop the robots. After the fight, Superman asks W.R.A.I.T.H why is he going to have to kill him. W.R.A.I.T.H tells him that eventually, he will do something that will cross the line and the US Government will need him removed. Perry White calls Clark saying that Jimmy is missing and that Lois' plane has crashed. Lois and the mystery man run away from Ascension guards, but as the man dies saving Lois from a car crash, he gives her the crystal, though she is captured immediately afterward by Ascension. Lex tells Jimmy that Jimmy Olsen himself will cause Superman's death. Lois wakes up in a room where an Ascension hologram tells Lois that they have the same father - General Lane.

In a flashback that runs throughout the fifth issue, Clark Kent and Lana Lang are standing on top of a grain store discussing their astronomy teacher. When they try to jump off the roof, Lana slips with Clark holding her hand. After closing his eyes in panic, Clark realized that he was flying while carrying Lana. Back at his house in Smallville, Clark stumbles upon Jedidiah Colder, whose property he and Lana had been trespassing on, pointing a shotgun at his mother. Colder tells Clark that he saw him floating in the air earlier. Realizing that he's not human, Colder shoots Clark while shouting "No more hiding!"

In the present, Superman brings W.R.A.I.T.H to the Fortress of Solitude after their failure to detect Lois and Ascension. The Ascension hologram reveals himself to Lois as Jonathan Rudolph, grandson of General William Rudolph, the creator of "The Machine". Jonathan shows Lois the Earthstone, a material created through the mixing of some of the rarest and purest stones on Earth. It's a technology far beyond any available to humankind in the 20th or 21st century and seems physically similar to Kryptonite. Ascension attempted to erase the work that Wraith's equation had done to aid humankind in progression, allowing them to develop on their terms. W.R.A.I.T.H notices that Superman doesn't share the technology in the Fortress with the US government. Superman believes that no country should have access to this kind of technology. W.R.A.I.T.H reveals to Superman that he was once ordered to find out who Superman was but refused because his human disguise will not last forever. Stating that as time passes, he will constantly have to change his appearance to look older to blend in: "You're neither here nor there. You live in a limbo that cannot last". W.R.A.I.T.H grabs one of the nearby weapons and alerts General Lane that he has the weapons. At that moment Batman calls Superman that Ascension has launched every nuclear weapon in the world at once.

Superman uses the data that he sent Batman to track Lois hoping she is still with the terrorist group. Superman arrives freeing Lois and notices the Earthstone crystals are similar to the ones that make the Fortress of Solitude. The Ascension leader blows up the base but not before Superman escapes with Lois and an Earthstone crystal. Superman uses one of the Earthstone shards to destroy all of the nukes. Superman lands with Lois trying to catch his breath, commenting on the fact he thought he heard a voice in the crystal. However, W.R.A.I.T.H arrives and attacks Superman. Superman uses a ring that was given to him by Batman to weaken W.R.A.I.T.H enough to beat him, causing W.R.A.I.T.H to fly away. Superman takes Lois to the Fortress of Solitude to try and study the crystal but is interrupted by her father and his Anti-Superman army.

Superman places Lois in a safe area while he puts on a battle suit. He fights but is overwhelmed by the General's machines. Lois escapes and uses the Earthstone crystal to save Superman. Superman opens General Lane's armor suit asking him where W.R.A.I.T.H is. Superman crashes into the Batcave seeing that Batman and Wonder Woman are fighting a losing battle against W.R.A.I.T.H. He fights W.R.A.I.T.H in a struggle that spans the globe. Eventually, their altercation ends up in the center of the earth. W.R.A.I.T.H realizes that the magnetic field is disrupting his power. Now that both aliens are on an equal playing field, Superman uses his superior fighting ability to win.

Superman flies back to Lois, and Jimmy Olsen is there with the device on his arm. It has a message from Lex Luthor. W.R.A.I.T.H was secretly planning on his people invading and taking over the world. The voice in the crystal was the armada on its way. Lex has a plan to stop them, but it would mean the death of Superman. Inside Jimmy's device is a solar reactor that could charge the entire city of Metropolis. Since Superman absorbs solar radiation, he could incorporate that power, but he would become a bomb. Batman and Wonder Woman call Superman informing him that something in orbit is approaching. Jimmy's device opens up and reveals that there is a needle inside. Superman takes the needle and flies into outer space as all the electronics in the world begin to shut down. While in space, Superman first tries to destroy the ships but is overwhelmed. Before he can inject himself, W.R.A.I.T.H takes the needle and injects himself. He pushes Superman away as he explodes taking out the entire armada. In the end, Superman captures Lex and Jimmy has the device cut off by A.R.G.U.S.

Blondie Brings Up Baby

Blondie is convinced by a salesman that Baby Dumpling is a genius with an IQ of 168, She enrolls him in kindergarten where he immediately gets into a fight resulting in a black eye. Later, Baby Dumpling skips school to play with Daisy. Blondie and Dagwood report to the police that Baby Dumpling and Daisy are missing. Meanwhile, Daisy is picked up by the dog catcher and taken to the pound where she is adopted by the nurse of a rich little girl who uses a wheelchair. Baby Dumpling spots Daisy inside the gates of the mansion and begins to play with Daisy and the girl. They are spotted. While adults argue about letting the children play together, Baby Dumpling and the little girl wander off with Daisy. The children are found playing on a swing where the little girl demonstrates she has been encouraged to walk. The nurse states, "Weak children can be taught by strong children and strong children learn compassion."

Dagwood shows his architectural model to the girl's father who decides to purchase the building. As a result, Dagwood, who had been fired by Mr. Dithers earlier, is promised a nice bonus.

Blondie on a Budget

Blondie Bumstead is having trouble balancing the family budget, particularly as she wants to buy a new fur coat. Her husband Dagwood also needs money for the membership fee of a fishing club he wants to join. Blondie becomes jealous when she finds Dagwood with an overfamiliar old friend, Joan Forrester, and begins to suspect that they are having an affair. After Dagwood wins money in a competition he decides to buy Blondie a fur coat, but uses Joan to try it on for size. Blondie sees them in the shop together and mistakenly thinks he is buying it for Joan. She decides to leave Dagwood for good, only to have a last minute change of heart.

Blondie Goes Latin

Mr. Dithers generously invites the three Bumsteads to go with him on an ocean cruise to Latin America and "not think about business." As they are on the ship ready to leave, a telegram arrives from a buyer anxious to meet very soon to purchase a property the Dithers company has had on sale for a long time. Because Dithers badly needs to relax from stress, it is decided that just Dagwood alone should return home to meet with the client. However, before Dagwood can debark, the drummer of the ship's dance band is taken ill, so Dagwood, despite his protests, is recruited to take his place. He dresses as a woman while drumming, so his family and Dithers won't recognize him. Meanwhile, a handsome Latin gentleman on board shows Blondie attention and dines with her. In the end, Dagwood's remaining on the ship turns out to be fortuitous, as the client buying the property is revealed as a con man.

Blondie in Society

Dagwood is given a Great Dane in lieu of repayment for a personal loan he made to an old buddy. The dog, named "Chin-Up," has a voracious appetite, incurs veterinary bills, and roams around stealing food from several neighbors, causing them to sign a petition to evict the Bumsteads. Blondie is sad that she now cannot afford a hair permanent, buy their first washing machine, or their son a bicycle. Different people involved disagree on whether Chin-Up is valuable or worthless. Despite Chin-Up's undisciplined nature, Blondie finally enters him in a major dog contest, where he wins a $500 prize, although there is confusion whether the dog's rightful owner is the Bumsteads, Mr. Dithers, a kennel owner, or a building client (William Frawley) who Chin-Up had been promised to. Blondie along with a boy scout choir at the dog show, sings the inspirational song Trees.

It's a Great Life (1943 film)

At home, Dagwood Bumstead mishears his boss, Mr. Dithers, giving him an order on the phone. He is to negotiate a price to buy a certain house from its owner (who also has a horse for sale). With the bedlam in the house, Mr. Dithers has to raise his voice to be heard. Dagwood only clearly hears the end of the call when Dithers states he is "getting a little hoarse." Dagwood aims to please his boss.

At the seller's, he overhears the seller on the phone about to accept an offer. Dagwood thinks it's about the horse, and buys Reggie.

The seller will not take Reggie back. Complications ensue when Dagwood tries to sell him. (The horse is rather intelligent; he and the Bumsteads have also grown fond of each other.)

Blondie's Blessed Event

Blondie gives birth to a baby daughter, Cookie, at the hospital. Dagwood is clumsy at doing housework in her absence. He is then sent to Chicago to attend an architects convention, where he meets an eccentric but impoverished hotel-room neighbor (Hans Conried). The man claims to be a playwright and mooches Dagwood's meal while writing a speech, which Dagwood then delivers at the convention. Unfortunately, the speech urges homeowners to design their own homes rather than hire architects. The man follows Dagwood home and takes over the running of their household, including hiring a maid (Mary Wickes), and browbeating Mr. Dithers into giving Dagwood a raise. Blondie finally demands that he leave.

Footlight Glamour

Dagwood is hired to work at a new tool manufacturering plant, but things become unusual when Blondie casts the daughter of the rich owner of the plant in a play.

Life with Blondie

A photograph of the Bumstead's dog, Daisy, is unexpectedly chosen by servicemen as their favorite pinup model, instead of a girl's picture. Numerous photographers then clamor to use Daisy on magazine covers and in advertising campaigns. Excited neighbors of the Bumsteads line up to get Daisy's "paw print." Daisy earns more money than Dagwood, and monopolizes most of Blondie's time and attention. Dagwood and the children feel neglected and overlooked. Mr. Dithers is irritated when Dagwood takes short breaks from his work to mind the children while Blondie is gone. At one point, baby Cookie crawls out onto a towering, precarious window ledge at Dagwood's office. Later, Daisy's photographer, after having a male model cancel, asks a reluctant Dagwood to substitute and model bathing suits with a group of flirtatious bathing beauties, which angers Blondie (as well as making Dagwood late returning to his office). Dagwood turns down representatives of a gangster who come to the house wanting to buy Daisy, and then return later to kidnap the dog, making Dagwood fight them.

Blondie Knows Best

Dagwood is under the threat of a lawsuit by a rival firm. But their choice as a process server is the terminally nearsighted Shemp Howard, who repeatedly fails to serve the summons.

Blondie's Big Moment

Dagwood begins the relationship by ruining the boss's new suit.

Blondie in the Dough

Dagwood and his boss (Cowan) are frantically searching for an eccentric cookie tycoon (Hugh Herbert) in order to sign him to a contract. Unknown to them, Blondie has already met him and the man is enjoying himself making cookies in Blondie's kitchen while Dagwood is at work.

Screenwriter Arthur Marx was the son of Groucho Marx.

Blondie's Anniversary

Dagwood is holding a watch, a gift that his boss George Radcliffe bought for a prospective customer's secretary, Gloria Stafford, as sort of a bribe.

Blondie's Reward

Dagwood purchases the wrong real estate property and Mr. Dithers promptly demotes him to office boy. Dagwood's substitute is sent to deliver blueprints to the estate home of a wealthy client, Mr. Dixon, and gets into a fistfight with Dixon's unwanted son-in-law. The delighted Dixon mistakenly thinks the substitute was Dagwood, and asks Dagwood for a personal boxing lesson, as a pleased Mr. Dithers restores Dagwood to his former position. Meanwhile, two swindlers come to the Bumstead's house to have him sign over a deed to what Dagwood doesn't realize is a valuable property. Alexander and his friend had overheard the swindlers plotting, and they try to interrupt the transaction, but are shooed away and have to take comical measures to stop the signing.

Blondie's Big Deal

Dagwood (Arthur Lake) accidentally invents a non flammable paint. Con men visit Blondie and, while her back is turned, switch cans of it for ordinary paint, hoping to have the special paint formula analyzed. Dagwood unwittingly paints his boss Mr. Radcliffe's barn with the wrong paint as a test, and with Mr. Radcliffe watching, sets the barn on fire, only to have it burn down, disgracing Dagwood. Blondie then, using an assumed name, is hired as a secretary in the con men's office, where she records their incriminating conversation. As she is about to leave and take back Dagwood's valuable paint, they seize the paint and tie her to a chair as prisoner, but she is soon rescued by a visitor. She rushes to Mr. Radcliffe's office, where the con men are in the process of selling him Dagwood's non flammable paint, which they claim is their invention. She then plays the incriminating recording, exposing them and having them arrested.

Blondie Hits the Jackpot

Dagwood is hired on a construction crew raising a new office building. After stumbling through several careless mishaps and pratfalls while handling construction materials, he overhears a foreman order a workman to patch a badly cracked steel girder rather than replace it. Racing to a pay telephone, Dagwood calls Blondie and asks her to contact the property's owner, who unfortunately has an unlisted phone number. The owner is finally located and races to the site in time to fire the foreman and give Dagwood a major promotion.

Beware of Blondie

Mr. Dithers goes on vacation, and leaves Dagwood in charge of the office. He arrives exhausted, having worked late on his tax return and being awakened by garbage collectors. Dagwood is recognized the next day taking an attractive female business client to lunch at a French restaurant. Blondie learns of this, is jealous, and insists that Dagwood start eating only from a lunchbox. However, remembering Mr. Dithers' insistence that he land the business contract, Dagwood takes the client out a second time, and follows her to her apartment afterward where she tries to seduce him. Blondie finally exposes the woman as a dangerous swindler.

Goddess of Marriage

The drama explores modern love, careerwomanhood, and the meaning of marriage as experienced by four couples.

Live Show (film)

The film depicts the lives of poverty-stricken young men and women, called ''torero'' and ''torera'', forced to the trade of performing live fornication on stage of Manila's nightclubs in exchange for money.

Casino Raiders II

Chicken Feet, Kit and James were Uncle Fan's apprentices in the past. When Uncle Fan brought them to Osaka to compete with Taro Yamamoto, James colluded Yamamoto and betrayed Fan, but still lost to Kit. James kills Yamamoto after the latter berates him. Chicken Feet arrives to rescue Fan, who is crippled after leaping off a high platform to escape from James while Kit was beaten by James's henchmen and framed for murdering Yamamoto, leading him imprisoned. Afterwards, James overtook Fan's casino ship so he and Chicken Feet operate small gambling boat. Chicken Feet works hard to prepare for the upcoming Asia Gambling Tournament but his skills are not yet up to par.

James needs a jade tablet belonging to the God of Gamblers to win in the Asia Gambling Tournament harrses Fan, who possesses the jade. Fan tricks Chicken Feet into delivering a briefcase to an old friend in order to steer him from danger and meets with James. When Fan refuses to hand out the jade tablet, James pulls out his gun and Fan's underling, Kei attempts to protect him but was killed by James's top henchman, Pau. Admist the chaos, Fan throws himself into the ocean and commits suicide. Chicken Feet's girlfriend, Mui realizes the briefcase contains two chunks of wood so they rush back to their boat and finds Fan's dead body.

Kit is released from prison and finds out Fan's death from the newspaper on his flight back to Hong Kong. Kit arrives at Fan's funeral informing Chicken Feet he intends to quit gambling for good. Kit's girlfriend also arrives to inform him that Fan sent her a telegraph with something to hand him. As Kit leaves the funeral home, he is approached by Mr. Yeung, who is betting on James to win the Asia Gambling Tournament, and offers Kit US$10 million to lose on purpose, but he assures Yeung he will not be participating. Kit then picks up his daughter, Yan-yan, from his cousin, who is traumatized by the abuse from his cousin's wife, but Kit manages to heal his daughter from the trauma as he cares for her.

Kit later works as a cocktail bartender at his friend, King Kong's bar but James orders Pau to trash the bar and beat up King Kong as well as kidnapping Yan-yan. Chicken Feet barges into James's office and beats up his henchmen in an attempt to rescue Yan-yan. James challenges Chicken Feet to a blackjack match and would allow him to leave with Yan-yan if he wins but he must strip down to his underwear if he loses. Chicken Feet loses and Kit arrives, so James demands Kit to cut off his own hand if he wants his daughter back to which Kit complies.

Later, Chicken Feet, Kit and Mui close their gambling boat and open a fast food restaurant but Chicken Feet is not contempt and becomes agitated when he encounters entitled customers, which upsets Mui. Mui confides with Kit's girlfriend to find the item Fan sent her through telegraphs in order to help Chicken Feet. Chicken Feet notices James's henchmen tailing Mui and Kit's girlfriend so he follows them as well, where they arrive at a cemetery and discovers 873154 is the number of a tombstone where Fan hid the jade tablet along with a letter inside a case. Chicken Feet tells Mui and Kit's girlfriend to leave with the jade tablet while he takes the case and part ways in order to fool James. However, Mui tells Kit's girlfriend to leave with the jade as she wants to help Chicken Feet. When Chicken Feet is stopped by Pau and his henchmen, Mui arrives with Kit's girlfriend's car and runs over Pau, killing him while Chicken Feet snatched one of the henchmen's gun and kills several of the henchmen before Mui crashes into the water, injuring her leg. As James and more henchmen arrives, Mui knocks Chicken Feet unconscious with a boat paddle when he turns around and puts him on a boat to sail away. However, Mui is captured and tortured by James. Chicken Feet wakes up and sees this so he crashes into James's henchman. While Chicken Feet fights off the henchmen, James hits his eyes with fluorescent lamp, which blinds him, while Mui dies from her injuries.

Kit reads a letter Fan wrote to him stating he has left US$20 million for him to participate in the Asia Gambling Tournament to seek revenge and use the jade tablet if necessary, but Kit throws it into the water. Chicken Feet and Kit both enter the Asia Gambling Tournament and end up in the finals along with James and a fourth competitor. Kit feigns his previous agreement with Yeung and loses, leaving Chicken Feet and James in the final battle. Chicken Feet hand has an A spades, 3 spades, 4 spades, 5 spades and a 2 spades covered, while James has a J clubs, J diamonds, Q diamond, Q hearts and a  Q spades covered. Chicken Feet calls show hand, as well as putting the jade tablet and his own life at stake to bet with James's life. Feeling intimidated, James quits the round and Chicken Feet wins the tournament before revealing to James he used a fake jade to fool him. Kit then feigns reconciling with James in front of Yeung while Yeung's rival, Mr. Chung, reveals to him that James bet US$5 million for himself to lose and Yeung's henchmen kill James as he exits the tournament. Chicken Feet temporary leaves Hong Kong to avoid danger from those who lost money from his win and right after sending him off, Kit was shot by Yeung's assassins.

WildStar (video game)


The Eldan, a highly advanced alien race, sought to create a perfect being called the Genesis Prime through the Nexus Project. This being, whom the Eldan named Drusera, seemed kind and benevolent, and was capable of shaping reality as she saw fit; shortly thereafter, the Eldan realized that their creation was less than perfect: Drusera contained an alternate, malicious personality which they called the Entity. They attempted to destroy the Entity using a device called the primal disintegrator. However, they were unsuccessful, and in retaliation the Entity annihilated all Eldan on the planet Nexus. Distraught over her failure to save the Eldan, Drusera then imprisoned herself (and by extension, the Entity).

Before their sudden extinction, the Eldan had sown the seeds for an intergalactic empire; they had contacted humans inhabiting a planet called Cassus, and assisted them in forming a mighty civilization which would span galaxies and ultimately be under Eldan control. After their patrons' disappearance, the majority of the Cassian humans continued as they had done before, forming a religion around the vanished Eldan. A splinter faction, who would become known as the Exiles, rebelled against the nascent Dominion and fled into the stars; over the years they accumulated other races who had grievances with the Cassian Dominion.

Shortly before the beginning of the game, an Exile explorer rediscovers Nexus. Both factions attempt to lay claim to the world: the Exiles want a planet to settle and call home, while the Dominion see the world as sacred and consider it a holy obligation to take it for themselves. Unfortunately for both sides, Nexus still contains Drusera, the Entity, and many holdovers from the Nexus project, both mechanical and living; the factions wrestling for control of the Eldan world need to fight not only each other, but the world itself.

My Lucky Star (2013 film)

Melding elements of romantic comedy, James Bond-style action and ''Pink Panther''-like capers, ''My Lucky Star'' tells the story of lovelorn Sophie (Zhang), who winds up in the midst of an international diamond heist, while falling in love with a dashing, heroic spy named David (Wang). Stuck in a dull job as a travel agent in Beijing, Sophie whiles away her time daydreaming and drawing cartoons of imaginary adventures starring a handsome hero or hanging out with friends Lily (Yao Chen) and Lucy (Ruby Lin). Her luck suddenly changes when she wins an all-expenses paid trip to a luxurious hotel in Singapore (shot on location at the Marina Bay Sands resort). Ditched by Lily and Lucy at the last minute, Sophie decides to go to Singapore on her own, where she runs into David, the living embodiment of her illustrated dream man. An American secret agent, David is at the hotel to retrieve the stolen Lucky Star diamond. The valuable gem has the potential to fuel a major atomic weapon, capable of destroying the world. David must retrieve the diamond from the evildoers in order to save the world. David intends to thwart a covert sale of the Lucky Star between arms dealer Li Wan (Morris Rong) and Mr. Gao (Jack Kao) at a posh rooftop party. Lovestruck Sophie crashes the party hoping to meet David. Through a series of misunderstandings and a case of mistaken identity, she briefly winds up in possession of the gem herself and is the only one who can unlock its top-secret case. Now with the help of David and his techie sidekick Bo (Ryan Zheng), Sophie is in hot pursuit of the jewel trying to retrieve it from evil mastermind Charlize (Terri Kwan), who plans to bomb Bermuda. Their chase takes them to the fishing villages of coastal Hong Kong and Charlize's secret underworld lair, culminating at the Venetian Hotel & Casino in Macau, where Sophie goes undercover as a gondolier on the resort's famous canal. In addition to the fast-paced, comedic action, which includes several fight scenes and a daring parachute jump off the hotel skyscraper, romantic sparks fly between Sophie and David. The film is also interspersed with dynamic animated sequences (straight from Sophie's doodles) and concludes with the ballad, "Love a Little (Ai Yidian)"<爱一点> sung by Wang and Zhang.

The Hundred-Foot Journey

It is a story about how the hundred-foot distance between a new Indian restaurant and a traditional French one represents the gulf between different cultures and desires. It focuses on the rivalry and resolution of the two restaurants and is based in Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, France. The book is narrated by Hassan Haji, the protagonist of the novel, who is born and raised in his family's Indian restaurant in Mumbai, and it encompasses his journey from child to world-renowned chef.

The Hundred-Foot Journey (film)

The Muslim Konkani Kadam family runs a restaurant in Mumbai. As a child, the second-oldest son, Hassan, would shop with his mother at the market, where he was adept at picking the highest-quality food. Now a young man, he is in training to replace her as the restaurant's main cook. When a mob attacks and burns down the restaurant after a disputed election, his mother dies in the fire. Seeking asylum in Europe, the Kadams first settle in London, but they dislike the climate and their house, which is right next to Heathrow, so they depart for mainland Europe.

Near St. Antonin in the Midi-Pyrénées in France, the brakes on the Kadam's van fail. Marguerite, a local woman, passes by and helps tow the van to town. She invites the family into her apartment while they deal with the auto repair shop and arrange lodgings for the night, and she treats them to a tray of delicious food she made using fresh, local ingredients.

The next morning, Hassan follows his father, Abbu, to an abandoned property they passed the night before. A restaurant had been there, but it failed because Le Saule Pleureur ("The Weeping Willow"), an upscale French restaurant with a Michelin star, is located just across the street, a hundred feet away. Abbu buys the land anyway, as he is confident the Indian food Hassan will cook for their restaurant will attract customers.

Naming their restaurant Maison Mumbai, the Kadam family renovates the property. One day, Madame Mallory, the proprietor of Saule Pleureur, visits and asks to see their menu. Abbu hesitates, but Hassan gladly gives it to her in case she wishes to dine with them sometime. When she buys all of the ingredients the Kadams need from the local market on the day of their grand opening, a war of sabotage and complaints to the mayor of the village erupts between Abbu and Mallory. While this is going on, Hassan asks Marguerite, who is a sous chef at Saule Pleureur, to help him learn about French cooking, and they develop feelings for each other.

The war between the restaurants peaks on Bastille Day, when one of Mallory's chefs, Jean-Pierre, and two others spray-paint "La France aux Français" ("France to the French") on the outer wall of Maison Mumbai and firebomb the covered outdoor eating area. Hassan catches them in the act and scares them off, but his hands get burned. Mallory, deducing who is responsible, dismisses Jean-Pierre and personally scrubs the graffiti off the wall. While she is cleaning, Hassan offers to make her an omelette, which is how Marguerite said Mallory interviews potential chefs. As his hands are bandaged, Hassan instructs Mallory how to make the omelet his way, which uses unusual spices and ingredients. She is so impressed by the result that she invites him to work at Saule Pleureur so he can get a more classical training to supplement his natural ability. Abbu is initially against the move, but ultimately allows Hassan to go.

Marguerite accuses Hassan of using her to help him get his new position, and they compete for Mallory's approval in the kitchen. Hassan outshines Marguerite, and his cooking, which evolves into a unique French-Indian fusion, results in Saule Pleureur receiving a second Michelin star. The award gets him national attention, and he accepts a job at a fancy Parisian molecular cuisine restaurant. While he is gone, Abbu and Mallory begin seeing each other.

In Paris, Hassan's style quickly draws attention, and there is speculation that he may bring his new restaurant a third Michelin star. Over time, however, he becomes increasingly lonely and distracted by thoughts of his family and Marguerite, so one day he returns to St. Antonin. He tells Marguerite he has a business proposition for her and asks her to help him cook a dish he has not made for a long time. They prepare it in the kitchen at Saule Pleureur, and, when the Kadams and some friends arrive for dinner, everyone is surprised to see Hassan. Mallory announces she is giving him control of Saule Pleureur, and he says he is moving back to the village to run the restaurant with Marguerite. Hassan does not answer the call that will reveal whether the restaurant in Paris received a third Michelin star, saying he will earn a third star with his friends and family. The group carries their meal across the road to eat at Maison Mumbai.

Planes: Fire & Rescue

Since winning the Wings Around the Globe Rally, Dusty Crophopper had a successful career as a racer. Unfortunately, his engine's gearbox becomes damaged because Dusty routinely operates the engine beyond its design limits. With that particular model of gearbox now out of production and none available anywhere, Dusty's mechanic Dottie fits a warning light to his control panel to ensure that he doesn't damage his gearbox any further.

Unable to race and faced with the possibility of returning to his old job as a crop duster, Dusty goes on a defiant flight and tests his limits. In doing so, Dusty exceeds his limits and makes a forced landing at Propwash Junction airport, causing a fire. The residents put out the fire with some difficulty, but the accident leads government inspector Ryker to condemn the airport for inadequate firefighting personnel. Aggrieved at his actions, Dusty offers to undergo training to be certified as a firefighter to meet the necessary regulations to reopen the airport.

The next day, Dusty travels to Piston Peak National Park, where he meets a fire and rescue crew under the command of a helicopter named Blade Ranger. The leader of an efficient unit, Blade is initially unimpressed by the small newcomer and Dusty's training proves to be a difficult challenge.

Maru, the team's mechanic, replaces Dusty's original undercarriage with two pontoons fitted with retractable undercarriage wheels for his new role as a single engine air tanker firefighter. During training, Dusty learns that Blade was formerly an actor who played a police helicopter on the TV series ''CHoPs''. Later, Dusty is devastated by a call from his friends at Propwash Junction, telling him that they've failed to find a replacement gearbox, meaning that his racing career is over.

Lightning in a thunderstorm over a forest near Piston Peak starts several spot fires which unite into a serious forest fire. The team fights it and seems to have extinguished it; but later, during the grand reopening of the park's lodge, visiting VIPs fly too low and create air eddies that blow embers about. This creates a larger fire, forcing the need to evacuate the lodge.

A depressed Dusty's education in the midst of the large fire falters, much to Blade's frustration. Things come to a head when Dusty makes a forced landing in a river while trying to reload his tanks against orders and is swept through the rapids with Blade trying to extract him. Eventually, the pair make it to land, and Dusty confesses his physical disability. Blade advises Dusty not to give up. They shelter in an abandoned mine while the fire passes. The situation is complicated because Blade was gravely burned from protecting Dusty in the fire and is grounded for repairs. While Blade is recovering, Dusty learns from Maru that Blade's co-star Nick "Loopin' " Lopez from ''CHoPs'' was killed during a stunt gone wrong on set that Blade was helpless to stop. Afterwards, he decided to become a firefighter to save lives for real.

When the wildfire threatens the lodge, the national park's superintendent Cad Spinner selfishly diverts the entire water supply to the roof sprinklers to prevent the lodge from burning. This prevents the firefighters from making fire retardant for their firefighting duties. With only their pre-existing tank loads, the firefighters manage to help the evacuees escape the fire.

Dusty is alerted that two elderly campers named Harvey and Winnie that he met earlier are trapped on a burning bridge deep in the fire zone. He races to the scene and pushes his engine to the maximum to climb vertically up a waterfall to refill his water tanks to drop water to save the campers, as the only other surface water nearby is the river in Augerin Canyon, too shallow, twisty, and rocky for him to scoop from. Simultaneously, Blade shows up and assists Harvey and Winnie by hooking up Winnie, preventing her from falling. Dusty successfully drops water and extinguishes the bridge fire, allowing the campers to escape just before the bridge collapses; but his gearbox blows out, his engine stalls, and he crashes.

Unconscious, Dusty is airlifted back to base where he wakes up five days later to find that park ranger Jammer is now in charge of the park, to much delight. Maru tells him that not only has his structure been fully repaired but he has built a superior, custom-refurbished gearbox for his engine that allows Dusty full performance once again. Impressed at Dusty's skill and heroism, Blade certifies him as a firefighter. Propwash Junction is reopened with Dusty assuming his duty as a firefighter, celebrated with an aerial show with his new colleagues from Piston Peak.

During the mid-credits scene, Cad has been demoted and reassigned to park ranger duty in Death Valley National Park.

Damned If You Do (NCIS)

In the aftermath of Gibbs' arrest , the DoD Office of the Inspector General broadens their investigation into NCIS, placing the future of the entire agency in jeopardy. While the team believes that the investigating agent is looking to capitalize on Gibbs' arrest to make his career, they soon discover that NCIS' pursuit of Ilan Bodnar was used to cover up the CIA's involvement in the assassination of a foreign intelligence head; meanwhile, director Vance calls a lawyer for Gibbs, choosing former U.S. Navy JAG Rear Admiral A.J. Chegwidden (he retired years before, at the end of ''JAG'''s ninth season, about 2003 or 2004; since then, he began a career of attorney). Instead of letting Gibbs take all the blame for the charges, Tony, Ziva, and McGee take responsibility for what happened and resign. The episode ends with a cut to four months later, showing Gibbs aiming a sniper rifle at FBI agent Fornell. The scene fades to black, where the sound of a gunshot is then heard.


In 1988, a telekinetic Soviet agent known as "Firehead" (Brett Porter) defects to the west after refusing to use his powers against Estonian protesters. Two years later, he begins blowing up American munitions factories for unknown reasons. An NIH chemist (Chris Lemmon) and a government assassin (Gretchen Becker) are ordered to track him down. Meanwhile, a secret society led by Colonel Vaughn (Christopher Plummer) prepares to use Firehead's activities as a pretext for a coup d'état.

The Theory of Everything (2014 film)

University of Cambridge astrophysics student Stephen Hawking begins a relationship with literature student Jane Wilde. Although Stephen is intelligent, his friends and professors are concerned about his lack of a thesis topic. After he and his professor Dennis Sciama attend a lecture on black holes, Stephen speculates that black holes may have been part of the creation of the universe, and decides to write his thesis on them. However, Stephen's muscles begin to fail, giving him decreasing coordination with his body. He learns he has motor neuron disease, which will eventually leave him unable to move, swallow, and even breathe. There are no treatments, and he has approximately two years to live. The doctor assures Stephen that his brain will not be affected, so his thoughts and intelligence will remain intact, but eventually, he will be unable to communicate them. As Stephen becomes reclusive, focusing on his work, Jane confesses she loves him. She tells his father she intends to stay with Stephen even as his condition worsens. They marry and have their first son, Robert.

Stephen presents his thesis to the examination board, arguing that a black hole created the universe in a Big Bang, that it will emit heat, and end in a Big Crunch. He begins using a wheelchair after his walking ability deteriorates. After the Hawkings have their daughter Lucy, Stephen develops a theory about the visibility of black holes and becomes a world-renowned physicist. Jane, focusing on the children as well as Stephen's health and increasing fame, is unable to work on her own thesis and becomes frustrated. Stephen tells her he will understand if she needs help. She joins a church choir, where she meets widower Jonathan and they become close friends. She employs him as a piano teacher for Robert, and Jonathan befriends the entire family, helping Stephen with his illness, supporting Jane, and playing with the children. When Jane gives birth to another son, Timothy, Stephen's mother asks Jane if the baby is Jonathan's, which she denies. Jonathan is appalled, but when he and Jane are alone, they admit their feelings for one another. He distances himself from the family, but Stephen tells him Jane needs him.

While attending an opera performance in Bordeaux, Stephen is taken ill and rushed to a hospital. The doctor informs Jane that he has pneumonia, and that he needs a tracheotomy to survive, but it will leave him mute. She agrees to the surgery. Stephen learns to use a spelling board, and uses it to communicate with Elaine, his new nurse. He receives a computer with a built-in voice synthesizer, and uses it to write a book, ''A Brief History of Time'' (1988), which becomes an international best-seller. Stephen tells Jane he has been invited to the United States to accept an award and will be taking Elaine with him. Jane faces the realization that the marriage has not been working, telling him she "did her best", and they agree to divorce. Stephen goes to the lecture with Elaine, the two have fallen in love, and Jane and Jonathan reunite. At the lecture, Stephen sees a student drop a pen; he imagines getting up to return it, almost crying at the reminder of how his disease has affected him. He goes on to give a speech telling audiences to pursue their ambitions despite the harsh reality of life: "While there's life, there is hope".

Stephen invites Jane to meet Queen Elizabeth II with him when being made a member of the Order of the Companions of Honour; they share a happy day together with their children. An extended closing series comprises select moments from the film; shown in reverse, back to the moment Stephen first saw Jane; the reversal is reminiscent of Stephen's research methodology of reversing time to understand the beginning of the universe. Later, Jane and Jonathan marry, and she completes her Doctor of Philosophy. She and Stephen remain close friends. Stephen declines a knighthood from the Queen and continues his research, with no plans to retire in the near future.

Wreckers (film)

A married couple, David (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Dawn (Claire Foy), move back to David's childhood village and work on rebuilding a house. They are trying for a child and arrange to see a doctor. David's younger brother, Nick (Shaun Evans), who has not been in touch for several years, comes back from the army and pays them a visit. Slowly, events in their messy childhood are revealed.

David and Nick, with Dawn, meet their childhood neighbours Gary (Peter McDonald) and Sharon (Sinead Matthews) who are now married. They recall their childhood memories and Dawn learns some unexpected things about David and Nick. She also learns from an old teacher of theirs that their father used to beat them. Day by day, Nick shows himself as a troubled man, especially due to his experiences during the war. Dawn reaches out to comfort him but it spites David who is tired of taking care of him and says that he can't be helped. David grows more and more jealous of the attachment between Nick and Dawn. Nick's mental illness gets worse and finally he decides to leave them and go back to the army.

Dawn meets Gary in the church where they attend a choir and he shows interest in her. They have a picnic where Dawn secretly sees Nick and Sharon having sex in the garden. While returning from a function in the church, Gary tries to kiss Dawn but she refuses. When David and Dawn consult with a doctor, David admits that he's unable to father a child. This leaves Dawn shocked and upset and they have a fight. David is horrified to think that Dawn might leave him.

Gary visits Dawn at their home the next morning. Dawn tries to avoid him by pretending she's not home but eventually they end up having sex. Later, feeling horribly guilty, David apologizes to Dawn who feels heavy with guilt herself. They reconcile, David realizes how much she wants the child and says he wants her to be happy.

They meet their friends for a barbecue before Nick leaves where David, Nick and Gary get into a fight, again revealing more of their childhood troubles. Some time after Nick has left, David receives a call which says that Nick has gone AWOL. Dawn goes looking for him at their childhood house and finds him there, much troubled. He tells her that David used to look after him as their father was abusive but that David kind of owned him. He claims that David loves him but Dawn says that's not love and that David hates him. She tells him to leave them alone if he truly loves his brother.

Later that night, Dawn goes back to the old house to give Nick some money but finds the place empty. She returns home and faints due to her pregnancy. She wakes up in a hospital, finding David beside her bed. He is filled with remorse about how he's treated her and the fact that he's kept secrets. He tells her to keep the baby, knowing that he cannot give her what she wants, probably assuming the baby is his brother's child.

Later the couple is seen as a happy family with a baby boy. David is raising him with Dawn as his own. In the final scene, they run into Gary and Sharon in a park. Whilst Gary is holding the boy, David suddenly realises that he is actually the father. But after they leave, David keeps walking, saying nothing, only holding the baby closer.

The Mysterious Mirror

A mirror in a creepy old Bavarian castle has the magical ability to reveal the future of whoever looks into it while the full moon shines brightly. A series of characters looks into the glass to learn their fate, and most are unhappy with what they learn. In the end, the hero smashes the glass and then commits suicide. After he is dead, the mirror magically reassembles itself into a whole as before.

The Midas Touch (2013 film)

Successful debt collector Chiu takes pity on a group of wannabe pop starlets when he goes to collect from the agency they are signed with. Naively thinking that he can do a better job in launching their careers, Chiu takes over the company in lieu of the debt but starts to realize he may have overextended himself. Hoping that things might change with a strategic approach, he hires experienced talent manager Suen but with money running low and the company on the brink of bankruptcy, a dejected Chiu is soon ready to admit that his Midas touch has run out until a Korean showbiz entity expresses interest in the girls.

Now Chiu has to decide whether he is willing to say goodbye to his investment and, more importantly, to a dream he has come close to achieving.

Durazno (film)

The documentary follows Ezequiel W. Gonzalez and Nahuel Pérez Biscayart as they set out on a road trip together. The two are both in search of something: W. Gonzalez is looking for his biological father while Biscayart is studying him with the intent of basing a character off of him. Both men suffer from issues stemming from identity. W. Gonzalez has to deal with the long-term effects of his abandonment as an infant by his mother, the lack of any clear knowledge of who his father is, and the mysterious death of his adopted father. Meanwhile, Biscayart struggles to identify his character, W. Gonzalez, and ultimately himself.

Slap-Happy Pappy

Porky owns a farm. The cartoon starts with him plowing the fields. But the bulk of the cartoon is about the poultry farm. A sign reads, "Miracle Eggs for sale, if it's a good egg it's a miracle egg". A rabbit impersonating Jack Benny (Jack Bunny) looks at eggs. He is about to smash a black egg, but it breaks and a black bird emerges (doing an impersonation of Rochester).

The scene then cuts to the Eddie Cackler family (based on Eddie Cantor). The family wants a son, but is having no luck. Five eggs hatch and not a single one of them is a boy. A Bing Crosby lookalike happens to be near by holding a stroller that has babies all of which are boys. The father asks him what his secret is, and he croons to a chick who then lays dozen of eggs, all of whom are boys.

Eddie tries the same thing to his wife, and she lays an egg, labeled "JR." (junior). The two are dancing when Eddie asks if the baby could really be a boy. He then says, shrugging, "Mmmm, could be!"

Mr. and Mrs. Gambler

Manfred and Flora are compulsive gamblers who can gamble on anything 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They meet at a casino in Macau, where they both suffer heavy losses and are held hostage by loan sharks. During their hostage ordeal, they start to have passion for each other. When they meet in Hong Kong again, they finally fall in love and decide to get married. After they marry, their luck turns, and they make great progress in both their career and relationship. They soon give birth to their daughter. With the assistance of a charming producer, Michelle, Manfred gets the chance to take a leading role in a new movie. The Casino Boss, Sam, invites Flora to work for him to chase away the con men. In fact, Michelle and Sam are ex-lovers. Both of them are now attracted by Manfred and Flora’s unique characters and go for them in full strength. Manfred and Flora cannot resist the temptation and decide to get divorced. However, both of them would like to obtain their daughter’s custody rights.

Sendokai Champions

Zak, Cloe, Kiet and Fenzy are four unpopular kids from Earth who are not very good at sports. One day they find bracelets that have the power to transport them to another dimension. There they meet Tänpo, the master, who explains that the Zorn Empire is about to conquer the Multiverse. The Earth is in danger and, if they want to save it, there is only one way: they will have to overcome their weaknesses, learn the art of Sendokai to become warriors, and win the Great Sendokai Tournament of the Multiverse.

Ask My Mom

The plot involves Maria acting as her mom. The character of Maria's mom is described by Bamford as "...a 70-year-old retired family therapist and a Netflix connoisseur. She has years of wisdom to tackle any query, question or fact of life. But, she's also one of the busiest senior citizens on the planet. We can only get her to answer questions while she's getting something done, but it's priceless hard-hitting advice - whether she's microwaving baked potatoes, doing yard work or jumping on a mini-trampoline."

Head Shots

Holder and Linden look on as Bullet watches Kallie (Cate Sproule) on the DVD seized from Goldie's apartment. Bullet says the video was shot at the motel run by Mama Dips (Zabriskie). She also notes that Kallie is wearing the blue ring Bullet gave Kallie when Bullet last saw her days ago. The detectives arrive at the motel with a search warrant. Mama Dips is taken in for questioning after a hidden door is discovered behind the front desk leading to the room seen in the seized pornographic DVDs. Mama Dips insists she knows nothing and then claims to be the voice on the DVDs.

Linden shows Kallie's DVD to Danette (Amy Seimetz). Danette says the man's voice is not familiar, then admits that Kallie stopped by her trailer on the night Kallie disappeared, but she didn't answer the door. Twitch gets into his parole officer's car and is told his urine tested positive for drugs. Twitch insists he's been clean, as he plans to go to Los Angeles. The parole officer forces him to have sex. After shooting up meth at the abandoned hotel, Twitch leaves when Bullet arrives, because she hassles him about the drug abuse. Bullet follows, telling him not to go to Freeway Park. At Freeway Park, Twitch gets brutally beaten by thugs, after ignoring Bullet's warnings to stay away. Bullet takes him back to the hotel room, where he cries about his ruined dreams. Lyric (Julia Sarah Stone) comforts him and they kiss. Bullet leaves.

At the station, Assistant D.A. (and Holder's girlfriend) Caroline Swift (Jewel Staite) recommends Skinner (Elias Koteas) and his team focus on Mama Dips. After the meeting, an officer posts two new photos of identified victims. Linden and Holder match one of them to an image of a girl from the porn videos.

In prison, Becker (Hugh Dillon) and Henderson (Aaron Douglas) escort a bandaged Seward back to his cell. Alton (James Lewis) says Seward removed his tattoo because it was a "point of weakness". Henderson tries to give Seward antibiotics. Seward throws the pills in the toilet. In the prison yard, Alton and Seward bond as Seward shows off various scars. Becker monitors them.

At the station, a cop recognizes one of the girls from the porn video grabs as a girl named Tiffany (Megan Danso). He had recently picked her up for solicitation. Linden questions Tiffany, who claims she can't remember the man in the video. Holder leaves with Reddick (Gregg Henry) to stake out Goldie. In the car, Holder asks Reddick to take it easy on Linden. Reddick warns Holder against putting his career in Linden's hands. Goldie drives by with an unidentified woman in the passenger seat. Holder and Reddick follow him to the retention pond crime scene, where he proclaims his innocence to a mob of reporters there, adding that the woman with him is his mother. He also claims another girl is missing. Danette gets a phone call from her boyfriend. She says she waited up for him last night and agrees to go out that night.

Becker gripes to Henderson about Seward and Alton's bonding, then asks if Seward took his medication. Henderson lies, saying there was no problem. Becker invites Henderson to his house for a beer. At home, Becker has beers with Henderson and confronts him about Seward's medication. Henderson admits Seward didn't take it. Becker's wife privately confides to Henderson about the toll Becker's job has taken on their marriage. At the prison, Seward refuses to take his medication, so Becker orders the guards to beat Alton. Seward reluctantly gives in.

At the station, Skinner criticizes Reddick and Holder for allowing Goldie to attract media scrutiny to the case. Linden asks Holder for help with getting more information out of Tiffany. Constantly annoyed by Reddick, Linden tells him that he hasn't made sergeant after 23 years because all he is simply "in the way." Holder and Linden ride together to go talk to Tiffany. They press Tiffany for more details about the man asking the questions in the video. At the station, he enters Joe Mills' name, which she provided, into a database. An arrest summary reveals that Mills was one of the people arrested at Mama Dips' hotel, and that he was released six hours earlier. Danette opens her door to boyfriend Joe Mills.

Chameleon (2005 video game)

The story focuses on a nameless former CIA agent who saw the death of his parents when he was a child. He tries to find the killers of his parents and take revenge. His investigation leads him to various locations around the world.

The Voyeur (1994 film)

In Rome, Dodo is a university lecturer taking a class in French literature. Also in the apartment is his bedridden father Alberto, whose nurse Fausta looks after his medical and sexual needs. The withdrawn Dodo does not respond to her provocative behaviour and is repelled by the rampant sexuality of his father. Part of his trouble is that he was too close to his now dead mother, who not only had to meet her husband's needs but also had to share him with countless other women. But his main problem is that his beautiful and sexy wife Silvia, who breezed into his quiet studious life, has vanished with another man.

After a class, an African girl called Pascasie asks him back to her flat and strips off, inviting him to photograph her. When her flatmate comes home, after an initial spat over the presence of a strange man, the two girls start making love. Dodo, always the observer and not the participant, leaves them to it. Increasingly, he fantasises about the absent Silvia and about the sex lives of his parents. One night there is a mystery woman in his father's bedroom and in the morning Fausta says it must have been Silvia, because she still has a door key. Then, all of a sudden, Silvia says she wants to come back to the apartment.

Katharina Knie (musical)

In a small town, the traveling circus Knie is devastated by the effects of inflation. Acrobat Karl Knie asserts himself as a sort of manager, unimpressed with the main attraction of the circus and the circus band. When his daughter Katharina falls in love with a farmer named Roth Acker, a decision has to be made to either continue their lives as wanderers in the circus, or change their way of life completely. Katharina's decision poses challenges to the circus dynasty.

A Most Violent Year

In 1981 New York, trucking company owner Abel Morales has had several trucks hijacked, ones carrying heating oil. Driver Julian is severely beaten by two hijackers. Abel's wife Anna beseeches Abel to fight violence with violence, but he refuses. Morales and his company are under investigation by Assistant District Attorney Lawrence, who seems determined to expose price fixing, tax evasion, and various other illegalities in the heating oil business.

Abel's attorney, Andrew Walsh, brokers a deal with Hasidic Joseph Mendellsohn, to purchase a fuel oil terminal on the East River for $1.5 million. He makes a large down payment with the agreement that he will close in 30 days or lose his money.

After moving into a new home, Morales chases an intruder, then finds a dropped gun. He confronts his competitors but they deny involvement. A Teamsters boss suggests Morales's drivers should carry handguns with fake permits. Morales refuses, fearing for his legitimate business reputation.

Julian is again accosted by hijackers, and they shoot at each other. The police chase Julian and the others, who all escape. Morales's bank says that, due to the impending criminal indictments and this violent incident, it can no longer finance his purchase of the terminal.

Morales gets a loan from competitors Saul and Lorraine Leftkowitz in exchange for partial use of the terminal, but it won't cover the entire purchase. Morales raises more money by taking out a mortgage on a building he owns with his younger brother. Another hijacking is reported, and he stops the stolen truck. The hijacker says he sells the oil in Far Rockaway. Morales confronts a competitor who has facilities in Far Rockaway, threatening to call the authorities. Morales is paid for the stolen oil but is still $600,000 short of the purchase price.

Morales visits another competitor, Mafia-affiliated Peter Forente, to ask for the remaining money. Forente warns him that any such loan will be on onerous terms and tells him to think things through before committing to it. Dismayed, Morales tells Anna about Peter's terms and she confesses that she has been skimming from the company for years, storing the money in a secret account. Anna convinces Abel to use this money instead of a loan from Forente.

Morales and Walsh pay the note and take possession of the terminal. Julian arrives carrying a gun, asking for a share of the profits. Morales refuses, and Julian kills himself. Morales tells Lawrence that the broader investigations into his firm are hurting his business, and that they should find a conclusion at some point. Lawrence agrees in general terms and suggests that the new oil terminal will develop Morales' business and give him "political influence." Lawrence then hints that Morales might be able to help him with his higher aspirations. Morales claims that he has always taken the path that is "most right".

Warcraft (film)

Draenor, homeworld to the orcs, is being torn apart by a mysterious force known as fel magic. Gul'dan, an orc warlock, unites the orc clans into the Horde, and creates a portal to the world of Azeroth by using fel magic to drain the life out of captive draenei. Gul'dan leads a small warband through the portal to capture and sacrifice prisoners on Azeroth to bring the Horde. Durotan, the chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, his pregnant mate Draka, and his friend Orgrim Doomhammer join this initial warband. When the orcs arrive on Azeroth, Draka goes into labor, and Gul'dan rescues the dying baby, named Go'el, by draining the life out of a nearby deer to revive and infuse them with fel magic. The orcs raid several settlements throughout Azeroth. Anduin Lothar, commander of the human forces of Stormwind Kingdom, finds a trespassing mage named Khadgar investigating the bodies of the slain men, who explains that the bodies contained traces of fel magic. Stormwind's king, Llane Wrynn, sends them to the stronghold Karazhan to inform Medivh, the Guardian of Tirisfal, of the fel magic's presence on Azeroth.

Lothar, Khadgar, and Medivh join a scouting team following traces of fel magic, but are ambushed by orcs. Medivh uses a spell to kill the fel-corrupted orcs, leaving the Horde's warchief, Blackhand, to flee along with Durotan and Orgrim. The team takes a half-orc slave, Garona, as prisoner, but Llane releases her in exchange for loyalty to Stormwind. Garona leads the humans to spy on the orc camp, where they learn of Gul'dan's plan to bring the Horde to Azeroth. While studying a book found in Medivh's library, Khadgar realizes that Gul'dan had help from someone in Azeroth opening the portal. Despite Orgrim's objections, Durotan meets with Llane secretly to unite the Frostwolf Clan and the humans against Gul'dan, but the group is ambushed by Blackhand. Medivh forms a magical barrier to protect the humans' retreat, but Lothar's son Callan is separated from the group and killed by Blackhand. Medivh is weakened, and Garona and Khadgar take him back to Karazhan to recover. After noticing Medivh's eyes shine green, Khadgar realizes that he has been corrupted by fel magic and that he is the one who helped Gul'dan. At the orc camp, Blackhand purges the Frostwolf Clan. Orgrim helps Draka to escape, and she sends Go'el down a river in a basket, but is found and killed.

Durotan challenges Gul'dan to Mak'gora, a duel to the death for leadership of the orcs. During the fight, Gul'dan violates the honorable combat rules by draining the life out of Durotan with his magic, killing him and earning the disapproval of the orcs watching, and he empowers Blackhand with the same magic. Medivh, now in a half-demonic state, starts to open the portal to Draenor, and Gul'dan begins sacrificing the captured human villagers to allow the rest of the Horde to enter Azeroth. Llane leads the human army in an assault on the orc camp, while Lothar and Khadgar fight Medivh and destroy the demon that had begun to manifest on the outside. Medivh is mortally wounded, and uses the last of his strength to close the portal to Draenor and instead open a portal to Stormwind, allowing Llane to evacuate most of the freed prisoners. Medivh dies and the portal closes, leaving Llane, Garona, and a small number of human soldiers to fight the orcs. Llane secretly orders Garona to kill him, bringing her honor among the orcs and putting her in a position of power to bring peace between the two races. Garona reluctantly does so and is welcomed into the Horde by Gul'dan. Lothar arrives to retrieve King Llane's body, but is confronted by Blackhand, who challenges Lothar to Mak'gora, with Lothar defeating him. Against Gul'dan's demands, the orcs, bound by tradition, allow Lothar to depart with Llane's body.

During Llane's funeral, the leaders of the other human nations, along with the high elves and dwarves, proclaim an alliance against the orcs and support Lothar as the leader of the Alliance. Elsewhere, Orgrim takes one of Durotan's tusks to one day give to Go'el, and the basket containing Go'el is found by a human.