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The Stretch (novel)

Career criminal Terry Greene is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of low-level drug dealer Preston Snow. Greene, who claims to be innocent, wants his estranged wife, Samantha “Sam” Greene to take over his illegal activities, which include money counterfeiting and drug and alcohol trafficking. Terry had previously hidden his illegal activities from Sam. She believes him to be innocent, and testifies on his behalf at his trial. Sam and Terry have three children, one of whom, the teenaged Trisha, lives with Sam in London. After some initial hesitation, Sam agrees to do as her husband wishes, in order to replenish the family's weakened finances. With help from Terry's driver/bodyguard Andy McKinley, Sam quickly becomes a capable, respected crime boss. Detective Chief Inspector Frank Welch is out to nab Sam, who, along with her husband, insultingly refers to him as Raquel. After another prisoner, Sean Kelly, confesses to Snow's murder, Terry is released from prison. Sam is conflicted as to whether or not she can trust Terry after his years of infidelity and lying about his criminal activities. Despite her hesitations, she allows Terry to move back in. Meanwhile, their daughter, Laura, is being abused by her husband, Jonathan Nichols. Sam's threats to Jonathan do nothing to halt the abuse; later, Terry beats him up and threatens him with murder unless he leaves the country, which Nichols does.

As Welch continues to investigate the Greenes, Sam implores Terry to retire from the criminal world. Terry convinces her to assist him on a big heroin score, which he plans to bring in from Spain and sell to North London gangster and distributor Geoff Donovan for 10 million pounds. Sam learns that Terry had a daughter with Snow's estranged wife, Alicia; that Terry did indeed murder Snow; and that Kelly only confessed to the murder because he was paid off and dying of cancer. When she confronts Terry, he admits to murdering Snow, but claims that it was in self-defense. Nevertheless, Sam helps Terry with the heroin deal, which appears to go off without a hitch, until they’re confronted by masked gunmen who steal the money and drugs and appear to murder Andy and Sam. Terry flees, only to realize that something's not right. He returns to the warehouse, finding nobody there, and no dead bodies. He finds a note from Sam stating that she and members of a rival criminal group tricked him, with Sam, Andy and her daughters planning to move to Spain to start over.

Scenic Route (film)

Mitchell and Carter, old friends who have begun to drift apart, agree to go on a road-trip. Along the way, their truck breaks down in the California desert. Mitchell is relieved when a motorist stops and offers help, but Carter admits he has sabotaged their truck in order to give them time to reconnect and force a dialogue between them. Carter, who has remained idealistic and continued with an unsuccessful writing career, believes that Mitchel has sold out, and Mitchell, who gave up his rock band for a corporate job, believes that Carter remains stuck in adolescent rebellion.

They dismiss the helpful motorist after Carter replaces the part he removed from the engine. However, after switching off the engine, the truck refuses to start, and tensions continue to rise as the former friends argue and blame each other. In a moment of reconciliation, Carter helps Mitchell to realize one of his dreams and gives him a crude Mohawk haircut. The two later come to blows over an argument, and Mitchell believes that he has accidentally killed Carter. As a stricken Mitchell drags Carter's body to a shallow grave, Carter wakes up in a daze and freaks out.

Thinking that Mitchell was going to bury him alive, Carter flees from their impromptu camp, despite Mitchell's protestations. Carter later returns during the freezing cold night, and they settle into a truce. Starving and ill-prepared for the desert's temperature extremes, the two decide to give up on waiting for help, and they attempt to cross through the desert on foot. As they pass through an abandoned town, Mitchell's cell phone starts ringing. They excitedly answer the call and are soon rescued.

In a rapid montage, Mitchell goes back to his roots as a rock musician, Carter moves into a guest house provided by Mitchell and his wife, Carter and Mitchell's wife come to respect each other, and Carter and Mitchell each experience professional success and personal growth. However, Mitchell calls Carter to voice his suspicions of their too-perfect dénouement, and suggests that it is a shared delusion experienced by the pair as they die in the desert, Carter denies this possibility and suddenly hangs up. The final scene of the film shows Mitchell lying in bed, with images from the desert while a faint cellphone sound is ringing.

The Thirteenth Chair (1937 film)

In Calcutta, India, Scotland Yard Inspector Marney (Lewis Stone) and local police Commissioner Grimshaw (Matthew Boulton)  discuss the murder of Leonard Lee as they approach the bungalow where he was stabbed in the back. Grimshaw succinctly describes the victim as “rotten”.

John Wales (Henry Daniell) is inside the supposedly locked house. Lee was his best friend. Wales proposes a séance, not to raise spirits, but to put psychological pressure on suspects. They agree, and Grimshaw calls the Governor, Sir Roscoe Crosby (Holmes Herbert), to make arrangements.

At the Governor's residence, the participants gather: the Governor and his wife, Lady Crosby (Janet Beechery); their daughter, Helen Trent (Elissa Landi) and her husband, Major Lionel Trent (Ralph Forbes); their son, Dick Crosby, (Thomas Beck) and his mother's secretary, Nell O'Neill (Madge Evans), who is secretly engaged to Dick; Dr. Mason (Charles Trowbridge); Mary Eastwood (Heather Thatcher); Professor Feringeea (Lal Chand Mehra ); Mr. Stanby (Robert Coote) and his emotionally unstable sister, Miss Stanby (Elsa Buchanan); and Wales himself.

The medium, Mme. Rosalie La Grange (May Whitty) is a grandmotherly woman with a lower-class accent. After demonstrating some tricks (floating tables and disembodied knocking), she promises that there will be no trickery tonight. When the ladies withdraw to witness a body search, she has a cryptic conversation with Nell.

Doors and windows are locked. Thirteen people sit in a circle. At Mary's suggestion, La Grange is tied to her chair, with guests' handkerchiefs. The lights go out; they all clasp hands. We hear La Grange's voice and Wales's. Wales asks repeatedly “Do you know who killed you?” and falls silent. People call to him; he does not reply. The lights come on, revealing Wales, sitting in his chair, dead from a stab wound to the heart.

Inspector Marney locks down the site. If Wales was right, he observes, someone in this room killed Leonard Lee. Someone in the room certainly killed Wales. Mason finds Nell's handkerchief on the floor, shows it to Marney and returns it to her. The knife cannot be found.

The investigation reveals many motives and dishes up some red herrings. Nell admits that La Grange is her mother. The medium is astonished to learn that this makes no difference to the Crosby family: They love Nell. Then Marney tricks Nell into admitting that she visited Lee the night he was killed. She went there to retrieve Helen's love letters. Helen denies this, and Marney plans to arrest Nell. La Grange begs him for time alone, in the dark. Weeping, she appeals to the heavens for a true message. It is the Inspector who knocks, but the message is real, she says, pointing to the knife embedded in the ceiling.

There are no fingerprints on it, and Marney remembers Nell's handkerchief, which shows a blood spot. Her mother begs for a chance to identify the killer. They recreate the séance, with Wales' body propped up in his chair. The Inspector warns everyone to be very aware of their neighbors' hands. The action of a hand may give the murderer away. In the dark, Nell cries out that Wales is moving. The lights flash on to show Wales' upraised arm pointing to the knife in the ceiling. The Inspector asks Mason to show his hands, which are quite clean. They should not be. Dick smeared lampblack on his hand; his mother's hand is now stained.because they reached across Mason. Proof that Mason kept out of the circle, just as he did when he killed Wales. Ironic, Marney says—Wales never suspected him for a moment.

The Whisper

After discovering that the world was not covered by catastrophic plague or poisonous yellow dust, telepathic twins Mika and Ellie realized that the government lied to the population. The governing elite wanted the people to believe this so that the rich could live in luxury on the southern side of the Wall while the most of the rest of the people starved in cramped conditions in the north.

Mal Gorman, a man who has avoided death for many years, controls the north and has an army of mutated children. He plans to break down the Wall and start a war against the south, but the children realize that this will have disastrous consequences. The twins join his army to work against him from the inside.

Category:2012 British novels Category:British young adult novels Category:British science fiction novels Category:2012 science fiction novels Category:Children's science fiction novels Category:Post-apocalyptic novels Category:Sequel novels Category:The Chicken House books

Police Story 2013

Detective Zhong Wen heads to Wu Bar in search of his estranged daughter, Miao Miao, who is now the girlfriend of the nightclub's owner, Wu Jiang. However, Zhong disapproves of Miao's relationship, which leads to an argument between the father and daughter. Before Zhong can make amends with Miao, he is struck in the head by an unnamed assailant, in a plot orchestrated by Wu.

Regaining consciousness, Zhong finds himself strapped onto a chair, and his hands bound by metal wires. He deduces that Wu was after him all along, but cannot conclude why. Zhong also learns that the other bar patrons, including his daughter, are being held captive. Wu phones the local Lieutenant and demands a hefty ransom as well as an audience with prisoner Wei Xiaofu, before leaving the room Zhong is trapped in.

Zhong breaks free of the wires and escapes from the room. Scouring the bar undetected, he finds Wu's secret chamber, which is predominantly filled with posters of a teenage girl and a younger Wu, who once went by the moniker "Spider" when he was a kickboxer. He also spots blueprints of the bar and discerns that Wu intends to bomb the entire bar should his kidnapping ploy fail. Through Miao, Zhong obtains a cell phone, which he uses to contact the lieutenant. Wu soon discovers that Zhong has fled the hostage room. Wu grabs Miao and threaten to dip her hand in a fish tank full of piranhas, forcing Zhong to reveal his hiding place.

Recaptured, Zhong offers an impatient Wu his assistance in finding Wei, who has yet to arrive. Wu agrees and gives Zhong two options — defeat one of his henchmen in a battle and be allowed to free three hostages, or admit defeat and find Wei alone. Zhong relents, agreeing to fight. With perseverance, and somehow unbreaking his broken finger, Zhong emerges as victor.

Zhong then convinces a reluctant Wei Xiaofu to enter the bar with him. Back in Wu Bar, Wu Jiang reveals the reason behind the kidnapping: he intends to exact revenge on Zhong, Wei, and three other hostages, all of whom were coincidentally witnesses to Wu's younger sister's death. On that fateful day, Wei had wanted to steal medicine for his mother at a pharmacy. Wu's sister was also at the drug store. When Wei's theft is discovered, he panics and holds Wu's sister at knifepoint. It transpires that she had been pregnant and, due to stress, had committed suicide by slashing her own neck with Wei's weapon. Zhong, who was driving back home, happened to pass by the crime scene, but could not save her. Suddenly, a worker of Wu (the bartender), reveals himself to be Wu's sister's boyfriend. He reveals that he was trying to get through the crowd of police, but fails, and watches his girlfriend die. The bartender tries to shoot himself, but Zhong stops him and holds on to his arm.

As Wu digests the truth, police forces storm into the bar. The bombs set in place by Wu go off and very few criminals flee through an underground escape route. The rest are gunned down. In the ensuing confusion, Wu leaves with Miao. Zhong gives chase and the trio end up in a subway tunnel. Wu offers Zhong an ultimatum: Shoot himself and his daughter lives, or shoot Wu and his knife will slice Miao's neck and she will die. Zhong chooses the former but realises after pulling the trigger that the gun is unloaded. Wu informs Zhong that he has passed his test and in doing so, has earned his respect. Wu returns Miao to Zhong and prepares to let an oncoming train hit him. Zhong tries to stop him, but gets shot and is unable to stop his suicidal act in time but luckily, the train switches tracks just as it is about to collide with Wu. It is then revealed that the lieutenant changed the tracks. Wu is apprehended, while Zhong is sent to the hospital to heal his wounds. Zhong reconciles with his daughter in the ambulance and the SWAT captain hands him a spider medallion as a parting gift from Wu.

Doomed (novel)

''Doomed'' follows Madison Spencer after she escapes from Hell, doomed to wander Earth in a state of purgatory for a year, haunting her parents. ''Doomed'' gives us a clearer view of Madison's childhood and explains why she was damned to Hell.


Mahora Academy has just gotten a new teacher, Negi Springfield. Asuna, a preschooler at the academy, falls in love with him at first sight.

The Queen of the Tearling

Princess Kelsea Raleigh Glynn must defeat the powers of the Red Queen, who is out to destroy her. She must journey to the royal castle to claim her throne, and is accompanied only by the loyal Queen's Guard which is led Carroll and the mysterious Lazarus. Along the way she must earn the respect of her people and fix the broken shambles of the Kingdom of Tear.

Hotel Transylvania 2

Some time after the events of the first film, Mavis and Johnny are finally married, with the approval of her father Count Dracula. A year after the wedding, Mavis reveals to Drac that she is pregnant and later gives birth to a baby boy whom the couple name Dennis, nicknamed “Dennisovitch” by Dracula.

As Dennis's fifth birthday nears, he has yet to grow his fangs and Drac worries that his grandson might not gain vampire powers. Noticing the potential dangers her son might face living in Transylvania, Mavis starts to consider moving to Johnny's hometown in California in order to give Dennis a more “normal” childhood, much to Drac's disapproval. Drac tells Johnny (who does not want to leave the hotel either) to bring Mavis to California to visit his parents, Mike and Linda, but to make sure to keep her distracted so that she will not move, leaving Dracula to "babysit" Dennis.

Convinced that Dennis is a "late fanger", Drac enlists his friends Frank, Wayne, Griffin, Murray, and Blobby to help train Dennis to become a monster, but every attempt that they try fails. Drac and the gang then go to Camp Winnepacaca, Drac's childhood summer camp, only to sneak away after Drac finds out that the camp has become much safer. Drac attempts to hurl Dennis from a tall, unstable tower to pressure the boy's transformation into a bat, but he does not transform and Drac flies down and rescues him at the last second.

Meanwhile, in California, Mavis enjoys exploring the more human world. When the couple arrive at Mike and Linda's house, Linda unsuccessfully attempts to make Mavis feel more comfortable by covering her room with spooky, Halloween decorations and inviting other monster/human couples over. Feeling like a stranger, Mavis retreats up to the roof, and Johnny tells her that if they stay together, Dennis will live normally, persuading her to stay at the hotel. However, Johnny then discovers a video of Dennis falling that was filmed by the campers, and he and a furious Mavis go back to Transylvania, with Drac and his friends reaching the hotel at the same time. Mavis confronts her father for putting Dennis in grave danger and failing to accept him as a human, and says that they will move out of the hotel after Dennis's birthday party.

The night before the party, Drac hosts Johnny's family, and finds out that Mavis invited his father Vlad. As Vlad is more hateful of humans than he was, Drac tells Johnny to have his family disguise themselves as monsters. The next day, Vlad arrives with his monstrous bat-like servant Bela, and meets Dennis for the first time. Vlad believes that fear will cause Dennis' fangs to sprout and possesses a stage performer dressed as Dennis' favorite TV monster Kakie to scare him, but Drac shields his frightened grandson at the last moment, breaks Vlad's hold over the performer. Mavis finds out that Drac planned the ruse, and while the family argues about whether or not Dennis can be happy in California, he sadly flees the hotel and enters the forest with Wayne and Wanda's daughter Winnie, who has a crush on him, in tow.

Irritated with Vlad, Johnny and his family expose themselves, and Vlad is outraged that Drac has accepted humans. Upon hearing that Dennis is a human, Bela attacks him and Winnie in their treehouse. When Bela injures Winnie and threatens to destroy the hotel, Dennis's anger causes him to instantly grow his fangs and develop his vampire abilities, and he bashes up Bela. A furious but defeated Bela calls his giant-bat minions, but Drac, Johnny, Mavis, Dennis, and the rest of the monsters team up to defeat Bela's minions and drive them away, while Bela is shrunk by Vlad, who has been won over by Drac's claim that humans now coexist peacefully. With Dennis finally embracing his vampire abilities, Johnny and Mavis decide to continue raising him in Transylvania, and they resume the party with his friends and family.

Snail on the Slope

The novel consists of alternating chapters belonging to two loosely coupled parts: "Directorate" (or "Peretz", this part was published in 1968) and "Forest" (or "Candide", published in 1966).


A linguist Peretz, having been dreaming of visiting the Forest for years, has finally arrived at the Forest Directorate, with a distinct grim mid-20th century Soviet look and feel to it, perched on a high cliff amid endless Forest down below. He is unable to visit the Forest though, being refused the required permit time and again. He tries leaving the Directorate but each time is promised the car will be made available to him "tomorrow". All he can do is watch the Forest while sitting on the cliff's edge high above it, suffer through the car driver Tousik's endless sexcapades stories, and otherwise take part in Directorate life which is full of absurdity.

The Directorate has departments of Forest Studies; Armed Forest Security; Forest Eradication; Local Forest Population Assistance; Engineering Forest Penetration; Scientific Forest Preservation; etc. The Directorate personnel drink kefir with enormous appetite, calculate on broken mechanical calculators, issue strange orders, and listen to the Director General's personal messages on their stationary phones all at the same time. When a top secret robot escapes they hunt it down with their eyes taped shut to avoid the mandatory sentence for seeing it. Most of the staff only ever visit the Forest for a short trip to the bio-station where the salary payments are made. And this is the only way Peretz can enter the Forest.

When he is evicted from his hotel for the expired stay permit and still not being able to obtain his leave permit, having finally spent a night with Alevtina, a female employee who has long courted him, Peretz awakens to find himself the new Director General, and her as his personal assistant. Now at the top of this monstrosity, his every word is eagerly followed to the letter, however absurd the outcome might be.


Candide, a Directorate employee, survived a helicopter crash over the Forest several years ago. Saved by the talkative natives (it is hinted his head was transplanted on a native's body), embraced and given a wife by them, he is now known as Silent, living among them in a village, his thinking almost as blurred and foggy as theirs. They lead simple lives in apparent symbiosis with the Forest, exhibiting some biological powers. From time to time he is able to remember his former life and is eager to get to the bio-station, to his own people. But the Forest is supposedly full of dangers; Candide wants the locals to help him travel through it. Every day he wakes up making plans to leave the village and go to "the City" "the day after tomorrow". One day this suddenly happens when his wife Nava asks him to accompany her to the nearest village and they go off the track unintentionally.

In their travels he finds out there is more to the Forest people than just villagers, who are in fact a forgotten leftovers from a past way of life, now being slowly discarded by the advanced and much more powerful parthenogenetic all-female civilization based in and around lakes, in full control of the Forest. Sex is considered an atavism by them, an unwelcome relic of the past; any male, as nothing more than a he-goat to be disposed of; while the villages are being ''"overcome"'' one by one unawares—drowned, turned into lakes, together with the males—in a slow but unrelenting action.

Thinking this future too cruel and terrible, having his wife taken away from him by the females who know he's an alien "from the cliffs" but still refuse to engage with him for being a male and chase him away, Candide decides to throw in his lot with the villagers. He returns ''home'' and tries to warn them but they take his stories of ruthless Amazon rulers of the Forest as laughable fairy tales. Whatever the future must be, decides Silent, his place is here, among these nice good people, trying to protect them as much as possible for as long as he possibly can.

Hollow City (novel)

After fleeing in a boat from the hollowgasts, the peculiar children are caught up in a bad storm and need to find land. They land on a beach only to find that the wights are trying to track them down, so they flee into the forests of the mainland. With nowhere to run, the group wander aimlessly, until they find a statue from ''The Tales of the Peculiar''. There, they discover a time loop with the help of their book ''The Tales of the Peculiar'' and escape into it. Surprisingly, it is full of peculiar animals, who embrace and thank them for killing a hollow which had for a long time roamed in the time loop. After learning that Miss Wren, the ymbryne of this unique menagerie time loop, had flown to London to rescue her other fellow ymbrynes, the peculiar children leave in search of her, in hopes that she can turn Miss Peregrine back into a human, before her human self is lost forever. They travel with Gypsies whose leader has a peculiar son.

While trying to board a train, they are ambushed by wights and held in a small shed at gunpoint until Hugh, who had managed to evade capture, used the bees in his stomach to save his friends. The group then continue on their journey and intercept the train to board, and find Miss Peregrine, whom they had accidentally left on the train in Bronwyn's trunk previously.

In the city, they see horrible things left by bombers as they search for Miss Wren's flock of peculiar pigeons, which the group believes can lead them to her; they find a young girl named Sam who can suffer bad injuries and be OK but, she doesn't survive the war. They manage to make it to Saint Paul's Cathedral thanks to the book, where they enter an underground crypt and find two peculiar children named Joel and Peter -who are echolocators and seem to share one mind. The brothers then lead them to where the pigeons usually stay. Only Emma, Jacob, and Horace enter into the usual place of the pigeons- following the flutter of pigeon's wings up to the attic where they meet an aggressive girl named Melina Manon, who is a peculiar teenager gifted with telekinesis. Initially, Melina distrusts them but after Horace proves his peculiarity, begs's travel with them, bringing a pigeon that they believe will lead them to Miss Wren. They finally reach a time loop under the pigeon's guidance that led them to Miss Wren. However, the pigeon had been murdered by 'miss peregrine.' Miss Wren was hiding in a building coated in thick ice to prevent wights from entering and proceeds to help Miss Peregrine retain her human form once again, which she estimates will take the whole night. Meanwhile, Jacob, Millard, and Emma deduce that the wights are extracting peculiar souls and feeding them to hollowgasts, allowing them to attain the ability to pass through time loops.

Miss Wren is finally able to allow Miss Peregrine to change back into human form, but everyone is shocked to find out that the falcon is not Miss Peregrine at all, but her brother Caul, a wight. He reveals that it was himself and not Miss Peregrine that the children rescued from the submarine and that he has been following them to gain access to Miss Wren's menagerie and find Miss Wren herself, the only ymbryne that had managed to evade capture. Contacting the other wights, they proceed to kidnap every peculiar person in the building. While being marched away, Jacob manages to buy Emma time for her to melt their cuffs and escape into a phone booth in the present, where they meet Addison who has been tracking them the whole time. Jacob uses his cell phone to call his father to reassure him that he is alive, and discovers he has yet another hidden talent apart from seeing hollowgasts – the ability to speak to and control them as well.

Proxies (film)

As described in a film publication summary, Carlotta Darley (Dean) is engaged to Homer Carleton (Crosby), but regrets that Homer is not as tall and handsome as the butler Peter (Kerry). Her father Christopher Darley (Tooker) was aware that Peter was a former crook but believes that he has reformed. Clare Conway (Keefe), the household maid, is in love with Peter and jealous of Carlotta's admiration of him. A reception is in progress when John Stover (Everton) arrives with a paper that will bring about the Darleys' financial ruin. Peter arranges to have John brought into the reception room, then holds up the guests to secure the paper and save his employer. Peter and Clare then escape together.

Doublecross (1956 film)

The story takes place in a Cornish fishing town in the 1950s.

Local fisherman assemble in a local pub, apparently to practise their bell-ringing. They are approached by two foreign men (and one woman) who are interested in making use of a boat and ask questions about going to the French coast.

Albert Pascoe agrees to take them to France for £100, half paid in advance. They sail off on a moonlit night on a trip that will take until the next afternoon.

Meanwhile, back in the village, Albert's smaller rowing boat is found with four large poached salmon in it. A friend hides them from the authorities.

Police get involved when it is revealed that one of the foreign men is a murderer.

Albert overhears the two foreign men and woman (wife of one of the men) discussing that one of the men Dmitri Krassin had to kill a man in England while stealing UK state secrets. After this, Albert decides to doublecross the three tricking them by altering the boat's compass and landing them back somewhere on the coast of England, which he knows resembles the coast of France.

In mid-channel the foreign men plot to kill Albert after he drops them in France. He is forewarned of this by the woman Anna and attacks them as soon as they land, trying to wrestle a gun from Krassin. He spits in Clifford's face. Anna has not left the boat and when he returns to the boat they set off to sea again. Anna discusses her home country of Hungary where her father fished on Lake Balaton and Anna and Albert begin to fall in love.

When quizzed by the police Albert reveals that he dropped the spies at Lands End, England knowing that they could not get off the beach and had no idea that it was not France and defends Anna as being completely innocent.

The police refuse to charge Albert with illegally catching a salmon just as he returned to the harbour. Albert and Anna decide to try to live together as a couple.

The Three Swordsmen

At the presentation for the title of the world's greatest martial artist, Siu Sam-siu (Andy Lau), Ming Kim (Brigitte Lin) and Wang To (Elvis Tsui) were tied for the title. However, Wang-to has retired from the ''jiang hu'' after he was branded as the leader of the Godly Blades Troupe by the Emperor, so the battle for the greatest martial artist would be a battle between Siu Sam-siu and Ming-kim, who are scheduled to fight at the first day of the next year. At the event, Butterfly, the younger sister of Ku Choi-yee, who is married to Ming Kim's older brother, pretends to be Ming in order to get close to Siu as she is an admirer of him so Siu shows up and easily dispatches her. Right afterwards, officers from the Godly Blades Troupe arrive and attack Siu, who defeat them with little effort. The officers then accuse Siu for sneaking into the imperial palace and stealing nthe Ngo-nan Sword and the Godly Jade Jar as well as murdering the Empress and claim he stole the sword to defeat Ming. Siu then flee the scene and arrive at Butterfly's home and bumps into his old lover, Red Leaves, who reveals she framed him for breaking her heart in the past, but he finds out the mastermind is the King of Yin-tun, the leader of the Ming-fa Sect, who was defeating Ming seven years ago and imprisoned at Half Day Horizon and his followers poisoned Red so they can kill him while he tries to heal her. Siu kills the followers before bringing Red to the Sword Storage Villa owned by Tik Suen, who Red is married to.

The next day, Wang leads the Godly Blades Troupe to Sword Storage Villa to arrest Siu and Tik also discovers Red has left as she cannot forget Siu. Wang's subordinate tells him Siu was seen running in the forest, but Siu was hiding in Butterfly's home. Siu then encounters Wang alone as Butterfly had led Wang's subordinates away. Siu tells Wang he was framed but the latter insists on completing his duties and they engage in a fight that interrupted when Tik arrives demanding Red back. Wang kills Tik and Siu takes the chance to flee and save Butterfly from Ming-fa Sect followers. Wang and his troupes catch up to Siu but Siu manages to fend them off and flee.

Siu then decides to go to the Half Day Horizon to investigate the truth as members of Ming-fa Sect are imprisoned there and Butterfly decides to follow while on the other hand, the Prince of Hau was ordered by the Emperor to lead the arrest of Siu. At the Half Day Horizon, Siu and Butterfly encounter Ming Kim and Choi-yee. Siu and Ming finds something suspicious underground and they work together to destroy it and finds the King of Yin-tun, who is thought to be dead, but he framed Siu and was plotting to seek revenge against Ming. Siu and Ming fight the King of Yin-tun, but the latter escapes right before the Prince of Hau and Wang arrive to arrest Siu. Ming and Wang both defend Siu's innocence but Hau insists on arresting Siu, but Yin-tun returns to set a fire and Siu fights and humiliates Hau before fleeing and Hau declares he will arrive at Ming Kim Villa to arrest Siu 15 days later.

Wang's subordinate informs him that Red is healing from her poisoned and Wang finds out from the doctor that the origin of the poison came from a foreign flower brought in by Yin-tun. After Ming defeated Yin-tun, Ming destroyed all of the flower and planted in Ming Kim Villa for his sister-in-law, Choi-yee, who came from a foreign land, so Wang suspects someone in Ming Kim Villa is framing Siu, who is staying there to heal his wounds from his fight with Yin-tun. Siu suddenly leaves Ming Kim Villa which leads suspicion from Ming's mother, but Siu returns with the Ming's family sword manual stolen by Hau. Later, Butterfly decides she wants to be married to Siu and gains the approval of her family. At the night of the wedding, Red suddenly arrive and warns Siu of danger. Yin-tun, disguised as Butterfly, reveals himself and injures Siu and Red before hiding in Choi-yee's room and is revealed Choi-yee was the mastermind in framing Siu. Yin-tun berates Choi-yee for not killing Ming-kim, who she is in love him and takes her child hostage, but she kills him. However, everything was overhead by Butterfly so Choi-yee captures Butterfly. As Red dies from her injuries, she gives Siu a piece of jade.

Hau arrives at Ming Kim Villa with Wang and the Prince and his to arrest Siu and Wang proposes a duel with Siu. Before they fight, Siu gives Red's jade to Wang which gives clues to who framed him. As the two fight, Siu pretends to kill Wang which causes Choi-yee to pick up the jade andr revealing herself to be the mastermind for framing Siu. When stolen Jade Jar and Yin-tun's body were found in Choi-yee's room and forces Siu and Ming to duel in order to find the whereabouts of Butterfly, only revealing it to the Prince and telling him to only reveal to the winner. Choi-yee then throws her child in the air and causes Ming to draw his sword which she uses to kill herself and tells him she did everything so he can defeat Siu and become the world's greatest martial artist

At the day of their duel, Ming purposely gets injured by Wang in order to have a fair fight with Siu, who is still injured from fighting Yin-tun. During the battle, the Prince long for more excitement, so Wang fulfills his request by destroying the whereabouts of Butterfly which turns it into a three-way fight. However, Wang is actually using the opportunity to reveal where Butterfly is, who is hidden in a coffin hanging nearby. Wang informs the Prince he will be leaving him and retiring from the ''jiang hu'' while Ming admits defeat to Siu, proclaiming the latter the be world's greatest martial artist, but Siu does not care about the title and is relieved that Butterfly is safe.

After Dinner

An acutely observed but tender-hearted account of relationships and behaviour in a suburban pub bistro on a Friday night.

I Didn't Do It (TV series)

The series follows brother-sister twins, Lindy and Logan Watson, and their three best friends, Jasmine, Garrett, and Delia, as they begin their freshman year of high school at Ditka High. Each episode in the first season began with a comedic "what just happened" situation followed by the story being told in flashbacks. This concept was abandoned in the second season.

Aftershocks (play)

A moving documentary play drawn from the traumatic recollections of members of the Newcastle Workers' Club, which was destroyed in the 1989 earthquake.

And No More Shall We Part

The play is about Pam and Don; after a long and successful marriage, they are still very much in love. But Pam is ill and has to make a heartbreaking decision that will transform both their lives. She does so in the only way she knows how – quickly, pragmatically, and resolutely. Don behaves in the only way he knows how – struggling to keep up but desperate not to lose touch.

''And No More Shall We Part'' follows Pam and Don’s halting, humorous and devastating attempt at the impossible – to begin to say goodbye to each other after a lifetime together.

Life Partners

Paige, an environmental lawyer, and Sasha, a struggling musician working as a receptionist, are two best friends in their late 20s. After forcing themselves to try online dating one night, they go on separate dates. Sasha's ends in disaster, while Paige has a good date with Tim, a young and charming doctor.

Sasha continues to have a string of bad dates and failed relationships while Paige and Tim continue dating. Tim eventually proposes to Paige and she accepts. Sasha begins to feel excluded as Paige begins to focus more on Tim and their relationship, while Paige begins to feel that Sasha is childish as Paige hates the girls Sasha dates and does not think much of her lack of direction. At a barbecue that Paige and Tim host, they try to set up Sasha with a woman they think of as kind and reliable. When Sasha blows her off, Paige and Sasha have a falling-out and stop speaking to one another.

Sasha gets fired from her job over her poor performance. She later runs into Tim who is also having a difficult time in his relationship with Paige who is constantly trying to control him and refuses to apologize. While there, Tim also tells Sasha that it is fine for her to give up on her dream of being a musician if that is no longer what she is passionate about. The conversation leaves Sasha with a better impression of Tim.

Realizing that she is too stubborn, Paige apologizes to Tim. Sometime later as she is driving her car, she sees Sasha out driving. The two begin to honk at each other and shout at each other in pretend anger, a joke that they played on one another when they were friends.

The Water Diviner

The film begins in 1919, just after World War I has ended, and centres around Joshua Connor (Russell Crowe), an Australian farmer and water diviner. His three sons Arthur (Ryan Corr), Edward (James Fraser), and Henry (Ben O'Toole) served with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) during the military campaign in Gallipoli four years previously and are presumed dead. After his wife Eliza (Jacqueline McKenzie) commits suicide out of grief, Joshua resolves to bring his sons' bodies home and bury them with their mother.

Joshua travels to Turkey and stays in a hotel in Istanbul run by war-widowed Ayshe (Olga Kurylenko), but is unable to travel to Gallipoli by road. Learning the purpose of his journey, Ayshe tells him to bribe a local fisherman to travel to Gallipoli by boat. When he arrives, Joshua learns that ANZACs are engaged in a mass burial detail and all civilians are banned. Major Hasan (Yılmaz Erdoğan), a Turkish Army officer assisting the ANZACs, persuades the ANZAC captain Lieutenant Colonel Cyril Hughes (Jai Courtney) to prioritize helping Joshua with his search, as the only father to care enough to come all this way to find the fate of his sons. After finding Edward and Henry's graves, Joshua sees in his dreams that Arthur survives the battle. Hasan recognizes Joshua's surname and tells him that Arthur might have been taken prisoner.

Joshua returns to Istanbul, but fails to find out to which prison camp Arthur was transferred, as many Turkish records have been burned. He returns to Ayshe's hotel and learns that she is being pressed to marry her brother-in-law, Omer. Their argument becomes heated and Omer retreats when Joshua intervenes. Ayshe lashes out, blaming Joshua for making things worse and tells him to leave. As Joshua leaves the hotel, Omer and a few of his friends attack him, only to be stopped by Hasan's subordinate, Sergeant Jemal (Cem Yılmaz). Jemal takes Joshua to Hasan, who explains that the Greeks have invaded and they are going to defend their country as the British are not intervening. Joshua decides to travel with Hasan's group, who will pass through the region where his son might be. As Joshua returns to the hotel to retrieve his belongings, Ayshe apologizes for her earlier words.

While on the train, Jemal asks Joshua about a cricket bat he found in the Allied trenches when they retreated, as he is unsure whether it is a weapon or not. Joshua then explains to the Turkish soldiers on board the train the basic rules of cricket. However, Greek soldiers attack the train with only Jemal, Hasan and Joshua surviving the initial assault. Using the bat, Joshua saves Hasan as a Greek officer prepares to execute him but Jemal is killed in the resulting struggle. Joshua and Hasan flee to a nearby town where they spot a windmill, which Joshua saw in his recurring dream. There he finds Arthur alive but traumatized. Arthur reveals that at the end of the battle, Edward was still alive but badly wounded. He pleaded with Arthur to end his suffering, and Arthur reluctantly complied. Blaming himself for his brothers' death, Arthur felt he could never return to his family.

The Greek soldiers who previously attacked the train begin to attack the town, and the two men try to escape through the mountains. Arthur refuses to follow his father, but relents when Joshua says that without his wife and sons, he has nowhere else to go. They successfully evade the Greek army and return to Ayshe's hotel. The film ends with Joshua drinking a cup of coffee made by Ayshe which indicates that she has fallen in love with him.

Tracers (film)

Cam is a New York City bike messenger struggling to make ends meet. He rents a garage from a woman, Angie. While on a run, Cam wrecks his bike after a stranger named Nikki causes an accident while escaping police officers. Cam is later accosted by Jerry and Hu, enforcers who take his check and cash, warning him that he is behind on payments for a $15,000 loan to the Tong, a local gang that controls Chinatown, and warn him not to miss another payment.

Cam spends his free time trying to fix his father's 1967 Pontiac GTO. Cam's boss calls, telling him that his "girlfriend" has dropped off his new bike. Cam finds Nikki to thank her and tries to copy Nikki's parkour, but fails. He also meets the rest of Nikki's group, who warn him about the dangers of parkour.

Cam begins practicing parkour. Eventually, Cam catches the attention of the group, and is invited to train with them. He is formally introduced to the rest of the squad: Jax, Tate, Nikki's older brother Dylan, and Miller, the group's leader. After a workout, Cam arrives home to find Jerry and Hu taking his father's car, taking off $5,000 dollars off his debt for it. They warn him he has one month to pay the rest of the $10,000, threatening Angie and her son. Angered, Angie packs Cam's belongings and kicks him out. Cam joins the group for work.

Miller tells Cam that he must follow two rules: if Cam gets into trouble, he must call him immediately and he must stay out of Chinatown. Cam quickly becomes a valuable member of the team. He visits Angie at work and explains that he took the loan from the Tongs to help his sick mother keep her house, but that the money wasn't enough to stop foreclosure and his mother died a week after.

Cam runs into Jerry and Hu, who beat him for not having the money and give him two weeks to pay off his debt or they will kill Angie and Joey. Cam makes a move on Nikki at a party. Nikki initially reciprocates, but then runs out of the party. Miller arrives to pick her up as she is Miller's partner. Nikki apologizes to Cam for not being honest. Cam invites Nikki to leave the city with him once he clears his debt, but Nikki is hesitant.

For their biggest heist yet, the group tries to rob a bank run by Vietnamese gangsters. They discover that the money had been moved earlier, and flee as reinforcements arrive. Jax is shot and killed, and Cam is arrested. Miller visits Cam while the police question him. Miller reveals himself to be James Hatcher, a corrupt DEA agent. Miller tells Cam he can free him by claiming him as a confidential informant for the DEA; in return, Cam must help him pull off one last heist. Cam reluctantly agrees. Cam confronts Nikki for not telling him Miller's true identity. Nikki apologizes and reveals she is indebted to Miller for helping Dylan escape custody for beating a man who had sexually assaulted her.

On the day of the heist, Miller, Cam, and Dylan go to a Russian safehouse to steal a stash of diamonds. Nikki realizes Cam is being set up and goes to save him. Miller steals the diamonds and almost kills Cam, but is stopped as guards arrive and attack them. Cam takes the diamonds and flees, and Miller chases. Reuniting with Nikki, Cam leads Miller into a restaurant owned by Chen, leader of the Tongs. Chen reminds Miller that he has violated his agreement to never enter Chinatown and has him board a ship headed for Macau, never to return.

Cam hands the diamonds to Chen, clearing his debt. Jerry congratulates Cam for clearing his debt and returns his father's car, now fully restored. Cam and Nikki drive off.

The Alternative (film)

Melanie is an unmarried woman working for a women's magazine. She falls pregnant and decides to raise the baby on her own.

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

''Rocketbirds''' single player campaign opens with Hardboiled Chicken fighting a barrage of Penguin army soldiers. His mission is to find and kill the corrupt Penguin dictator, iL Putzki, in order to set the citizens of Albatropolis free. Hardboiled's jetpack runs low on fuel during his flight, dropping him into the woods where a nearby building is being guarded by penguins. Elsewhere, Putzki himself finds out about Hardboiled's whereabouts, going into a panic until Brno Albatross, Putzki's bodyguard, ensures him that Hardboiled is only a one-man army fighting against millions. Hardboiled soon enters the building, later getting himself trapped in a cell where he is then tortured by Brno. It is then revealed through a series of flashbacks that Hardboiled, alongside various others, had been initially captured at a young age and forced to serve for the Penguin army, after a failed attempt to cook him at birth led to him still being alive years later. The army's black star symbol was imprinted onto his head during training, where he was made to obey the dictatorial rules set by the Penguins. Hardboiled's reasoning for rebelling is implied in the third of these flashbacks, where during his time serving under Putzki, an adult Hardboiled spotted a younger chicken from Albatropolis who looked very similar to himself when he was young. This caused him to regain some sense of humanity and immediately turn against his own fleet, first by attacking one of his former colleagues after seeing the child being threatened with death if Hardboiled didn't follow orders. Having been rescued afterwards, the young chicken gave Hardboiled a grey bandana to cover the black star on his forehead.

After the torture flashback, Hardboiled wakes up in another cell with a cardinal standing next to him. He is then provided with a box of brain bugs to trick the prison guards into letting both them and the other captives free. On his way out of the facility, Hardboiled encounters Brno fleeing with Putzki to go on a rocket ship departing into space. Hardboiled eventually reaches the rocket with his jetpack, provided by a cardinal finding it and giving it to him on his way out, where he is soon ambushed by Brno from behind a nearby door. Hardboiled eventually kills Brno, and he soon gives chase to Putzki on a series of elevators. At the end of the game, Hardboiled corners and possesses Putzki with a brain bug and forces him to walk into the vacuum of space without a suit, causing his head to explode and ultimately killing Putzki. The final cutscene reveals three Cosmic Owls finding Putzki's fez in space and Brno's corpse in the rocket where Hardboiled fought him in, setting up events for the sequel.

In the co-op campaign, the main mission is to rescue the general's daughter (later named Pinky in ''Rocketbirds 2'') and bring her back alive from the hands of the G-Men, who are geese that look similar to Brno. Every time she's found however, she runs off elsewhere and leaves the player characters confused. This persists until the final stage in the campaign, where the now annoyed Budgie Commandos wrap her near the end of their escape rope as they head back into the rescue helicopter, flying her back home with them.

Trail of the Vigilantes

Undercover agent Tim "Kansas" Mason is sent from the East deep into the Mid-west to investigate the murder of a newspaperman. Kansa arrives in the middle of a bar fight, when the sheriff, Corley, and his deputies defend themselves against local cowboy Swanee and his valet Meadows. Kansas manages to take the wrong side in the brawl. The commotion stops when Swanee's boss, John Thornton, and Mark Dawson from the Cattlemen's Protective Association arrive on the scene.

Kansas is hired by Thornton as a cowboy and he returns with the rest of the cowboys to the ranch. Thornton's teenage daughter, Barbara, instantly falls in love with Kansas. He soon learns that this ranch and other ones that have refused to become members of the Cattlemen's Association, have been victims of vandalism. Kansas is therefore suspicious and decides to search Dawson's office for clues. He finds proof that Dawson has been taking money from the association for various unknown purposes.

Unfortunately, Dawson walks in on Kansas when he is in the office, but he manages to escape and brings the proof with him. Dawson reports the break-in to the police and make them arrest Kansas. The other cowboys at the ranch rescues him from the town jail, and they know that he is a federal marshal undercover.

Kansas deduces that Dawson and his men plan to rob the Cattlemen's money, $20,000 in total. With the help of the other cowboys, Kansas manages to take the box with all the money before Dawson gets it.

Jailed for robbery, Kansas is rescued by Bolo, Meadows and Swanee, who know that he is a federal marshal. Dawson tries to frame Kansas, claiming that he has robbed the Cattlemen of its money. Again he tries to get Kansas arrested, but the other cowboys all testify on Kansas behalf.

Having retrieved the money, Dawson plans to leave town, but the sheriff has got hold of the proof of Dawson's illegal activities and plans. Kansas and the three cowboys ride into town to confront Dawson and stop him, and meet him at the saloon. When Kansas' horse runs amok into the saloon, scared by gunfire, the rest of the cowboys manage to overpower and apprehend Dawson and hs men. After Dawson's men are put behind bars, Kansas remains in town and marries Barbara, settling down as a full-time cowboy.

If I Stay (film)

Mia Hall and her family are getting ready to go on with their normal day activities when it is announced on the radio that school has been canceled. Mia's father, Denny, is a teacher and as a result of the snow day does not have to go to work. Mia's mother, Kat, a travel agent, decides to call in sick and along with her family and Mia's brother Teddy so they can get on the road to visit Mia's grandparents, who live on a farm.

The story flashes back to Mia's early life with a rockstar father and an inexperienced mother, when one day they take Mia to a music class where Mia decides that she wants to start playing the cello. After her parents see that Mia is passionate about the cello, they hire a teacher to help her play. Kat is shown pregnant with Teddy, whom Mia thinks is the reason for her father's departure from his band.

Years later, an adolescent Mia is still passionate about the cello and is playing at school in the band room where Adam Wilde, a popular student and up-and-coming rockstar, peeks in on her playing. This leads him to ask Kim, Mia's best friend, about her. Adam then asks Mia out on a date to a cello recital, where they kiss.

The story flashes back to the present day, where the family is driving to the grandparents' farm, before their car suddenly collides with an oncoming truck. Mia appears to have an out-of-body experience where she finds herself barefoot and sees her body lying on the road while paramedics are trying to help her and her family. Mia tries to ask a paramedic what is happening, but realizes that no one can see or hear her. Mia, now in the hospital, panics as she does not know the current status of any of her family members when they take her in for surgery. A sympathetic nurse, Nurse Ramirez, tells Mia—her physical body, not Mia's spirit, which apparently she cannot see either—that it is up to her whether or not she wants to stay.

The story flashes back once again to Mia attending one of Adam's concerts with his band Willamette Stone, where she does not seem to fit in. Adam's band is steadily gaining more recognition and gets signed to a label, which puts a strain on their relationship due to the travel schedule. While at dinner, Mia's grandpa suggests that she should apply to Juilliard, an idea which she initially rebuffs, but later further researches. She eventually lands an audition in San Francisco. It takes a while for Mia to tell Adam about her audition and when she does he becomes upset and leaves for a week-long gig.

In the present day, Mia undergoes surgery. She sees a doctor speaking with her grandparents who are standing outside of a pediatric room where Teddy lies in a coma-like state. Adam comes to the hospital to see Mia, but is not allowed in as he is not an immediate family member. It is then revealed that Kat was pronounced dead on arrival and Denny died on the operating table. She later finds out that Teddy has died from an epidural hematoma. Mia's grandfather George talks to Mia, revealing that when her father heard her playing cello one time, he decided to sacrifice his career knowing that she was talented, so quit his band, sold his drums, and bought her first cello. He also tearfully gives Mia permission to move on from this life if she wants, which influences Mia to decide that she wants to die so that she can join her family on the other side.

The story flashes back to Mia at her audition for Juilliard, where she plays the best she has ever played, leading her to think that if accepted, she would go. After a reconciliation with Adam, they talk about the huge possibility of her going to Juilliard, which ultimately leads to them breaking up and going their separate ways.

After some time, Mia seems stable enough to receive more visitors. Mia is shown symbolically about to let go when she hears the music performed at the cello recital that she attended with Adam. It is revealed that Adam has come to see Mia and that he is playing his iPod for her. He brings with him a letter Mia has received from Juilliard saying that she has been accepted and lets her know that he would do whatever she wants if she stays. He begins to play the song he has finally written about her. Mia, after flashing back through all the happy moments in her life, squeezes Adam's hand and opens her eyes. She sees Adam looking at her saying, "Mia!"

Pieces of Dreams (film)

Father Gregory Lind (Robert Forster), is a Catholic priest struggling with his life in the priesthood. He wishes to change parishes, but is denied the transfer time after time. The story starts with him arriving at the local hospital after being informed that one of his charges is dying after trying to steal a car. He meets there Pamela Gibson (Lauren Hutton) – a widowed and rich social worker from the local Community Center. Together they decide to find out more about the deceased teen. The pair checks up on Estella Rios (Kathy Baca), the boy's pregnant, underage girlfriend. They don't agree on what should be done about her and later Father Lind finds out from Mrs. Rios (Miriam Martinez) that Pamela took Estalla to probably get an abortion. This leads to more arguments between the two, but they lose importance when the girl ends up in a hospital and miscarries. The social worker breaks down and Father Lind ends up having sex with her, after taking her back home.

To forget the act and the woman, he spends some time away from her, but in the end goes back to Pamela and they go on a romantic weekend in the mountains. To clear up his confusing feelings about his love for the widow and priesthood, Father Lind visits his family, hoping for support. He receives none from his mother (Edith Atwater) when he informs her about his wish to leave the life of a priest, and is forbidden by her from doing so. Feeling angry and betrayed, he takes a vacation and goes to work in a hospital in Santa Fe. Unknown to him, one of the priests from his parish pays a visit to Pamela to force her to leave Father Lind alone, accusing her of trying to destroy his future. The social worker disagrees and goes to see the priest, but they end up in another argument, when the woman forces him to choose between his love for her and priesthood. After spending some time back at his parish in Albuquerque and thinking, Father Lind visits the Bishop (Will Geer), to inform him about his wish to leave the priesthood, because he is in love. The Bishop is unable to change his mind. Father Lind, no longer a priest, goes then to see Pamela and tell her that he chooses her and they end up staying together.

Lords of the Fallen

The game is set in a world long after the defeat of a god named Adyr that formerly ruled humanity with an iron fist, by three heroes, a rogue, cleric, and warrior, who later became known as the Judges and were elevated to the status of demigods. Unusually, all sins are punished, even small and petty ones. Players take on the role of Harkyn, a convicted criminal whose sins are visible on his face, in the form of runes.

Harkyn is released from prison by a monk named Kaslo in order to stop a mysterious invasion of Adyr's demonic forces, the Rhogar, into a monastery near the Hand of God mountains (literally the hand of the fallen god). He comes across a number of powerful beings called Rhogar Lords who are invading from an unknown place into the human realm. With the help of an explorer named Yetka, he is able to discover the location of the Pathway, a portal to the Rhogar Realm, a former temple of Adyr that was banished to another dimension by the Judges and sealed in the monastery.

Harkyn travels to the Rhogar Realm where he meets the Crafter, an immortal, extra-dimensional being whose Crystal of Travels was stolen by the Rhogar. He fights through the realm and takes back the Crystal, stopping the invasion. When he returns to the monastery, he is tasked by Antanas, the leader of the human forces, to slay Adyr, who has revived once again. However, he discovers signs that Antanas is up to no good and fights a monster of unknown origins. Harkyn enters the Chamber of Lies in the Rhogar Realm and unlocks the path to an unusual demon that Yetka says is linked to her family. He can choose to kill it, or let Yetka leave with it. Finally, he defeats the final Lord and speaks to Adyr, who tells him that humanity needs a god to preserve order, showing Antanas imbibing a potion and turning into a hideous monster, as an example of human failings. Adyr gives Harkyn a special rune that can be used to restore Adyr's power. When he returns to the monastery, he is faced by several monsters, confirming that Antanas experimented on monks in order to make mutants that could fight the Rhogar.

Antanas' forces believe Harkyn has turned traitor, since he did not kill Adyr, and attack him. He fights his way to Antanas, and realizes that the mutated Antanas killed Kaslo when he tried to stop him from transforming. Harkyn fights and kills Antanas, and he has the option of using the Rune of Adyr in his weapon to revive Adyr, in his armor to kill Adyr, or giving it to the Crafter for a neutral ending where Adyr remains dormant.

The Mill at Sanssouci

Prussia, 1750. After the end of the Silesian Wars, Frederick II returns to Sanssouci exhausted from the events of the war. But the mill of the miller Casper, once the noblest and most expensive construction in the world rattles so loudly, that his majesty feels very disturbed during the time of rest. He issues an edict which should silence the miller and his mill from functioning during the time of peace, but Casper is beyond stubborn. He confronts the king's decree, insisting that all people are equal before the law in Prussia.

Soon the dispute escalates, and Casper decides to even obtain a court ruling in this matter (of which Frederick knows that he can only lose before Justice in view of the equality requirement he had established). Eventually, the two parties decide to seek an out-of-court solution that enables reconciliation. Under various pretenses, His Majesty can promote the marriage of two couples, including two of his soldiers (Lieutenant von Bärenfels and Corporal Jobst) by following in the footsteps of French writer Voltaire, and eventually move things forward in his own amorous affair – his relationship with the dancer Barberina.

Typhoon (1940 film)

A young girl abandoned on a South Seas island falls in love with a worthless seafarer.

The Last Seduction II

Bridget Gregory, a femme fatale hiding from the law in Spain, cons a phone-sex entrepreneur while being pursued by a relentless private investigator.

You Pay Your Money

On a visit to Belgium, married couple Bob (Hugh McDermott ) and Susie Westlake (Honor Blackman) become involved with wealthy financier, Steve Mordaunt (Ivan Samson), in the sale and transfer of a collection of rare books. In an attempted burglary at Mordaunt's home, his love interest, Mrs. Rosemary Delgado (Jane Hylton), is suspected. She was once romantically linked to a gangster and she leads the Westlakes in a search for Achemd's writings, a middle eastern 14th Century seer which has inspired an extreme political group, and thought to be in the collection of rare books that Mourdaunt now owns.

The Westlakes become embroiled in a struggle over the valuable Arabic manuscripts, and when Susie is kidnapped by extremists, Bob works as an assistant to Tom Cookson, a manuscript smuggler (Hugh Moxey) who is importing the rare texts the gang are seeking. The extremists demand Mourdaunt turn over his collection of rare books, and plot to incite a revolution across the Middle East but can the Westlakes prevent a serious international situation?

Eye of the Beast

Robbie and Krissy are enjoying a date off the fictional Fells Island on Lake Winnipeg in a small speedboat. While kissing, a huge tentacle slithers into their boat and wraps onto Krissy's leg. She panics, and Robbie falls overboard. More tentacles emerge and crush the boat, pulling it underwater and tearing Krissy apart. The next day, Krissy's older brother, Will Neepanak, stops to report her missing to Katrina “Kat” Tomas, the acting sheriff for Fells Island. Later, Dan Leland arrives, having been sent from the National Oceanographic Research Agency (NORA) to investigate why fish catches are plummeting. She introduces him to Captain Gunner Thorson, Dan's escort, while he researches on the water, to Gunner's dismay. His crew, Jordy and Spider, blame the First Nations fishermen and are openly racist towards the Cree population and Kat, who is half Native. Dan boards Gunner's boat, the Freya, and they set out.

A family of tourists is walking along the beach. The father walks in the rear when a massive tentacle snatches him and pulls him under before his family notices he is gone. They report him missing. Night falls aboard the Freya, and Dan picks up something large on his radar that is not responding to their radio calls. They come upon the wreckage of the speedboat & Robbie, unconscious in a life preserver, pulling him aboard. Robbie is in the advanced stages of hypothermia but tells them of witnessing a monster kill Krissy with his dying breath. Dan pulls bits of the boat aboard and discovers massive toothed sucker marks on the pieces.

Kat is called to the morgue after Gunner returns with Robbie's body. At the morgue, Gunner, Spider, and Jordy try to cover up the attack by saying Robbie was incoherent and by stealing Dan's pieces of the wrecked speedboat, intent on selling them. Dan emails pictures he had taken of the sucker marks to a coworker, Dana Perch, for her opinion on them. Later, he and Kat are walking on the beach and come across the missing tourist's battered torso and another local, Old Salt, pulls up Krissy's leg. He turns it in, and Will is notified. Dan and Kat try to prohibit fishing temporarily while waiting on resources due to the deaths and possibility of a giant squid which angers much of the town. Dan's boss at NORA, Dr. Gorman, denies Dan's request for additional aid and calls his claims of a giant freshwater squid absurd, cutting his funding entirely. He tells Kat, who is devastated, and tries to persuade him to stay, revealing she had seen the beast when it killed her father years before; Dan is not convinced, saying he would need proof of the creature's existence in order to persuade NORA even though he believes her.

Later, the squid attacks Gunner and his wife Jen on the pier, but Gunner cuts the tentacle off and brings it to the bar as proof of the squid. That night, Gunner, Jordy, and Spider start prepping the boat to hunt the squid, refusing the help of Dan, Kat, Will, and his crew, Jack and Ryan. Dan warns them of the dangers, and they agree to work together. Dan and Kat board the Freya, and Will and his crew follow in the Wiiskachaan, planning on netting the squid between the two boats to disorient it after it loses buoyancy. After throwing buckets of chum overboard, the squid is lured to their location, then the Freya's engine dies. The squid attacks the live engine on Will's boat, sinking it and killing Will and his two men aboard, so they change plans to destroy the squid. While it attacks the ship, Kat, Jordy, and Spider fend off the tentacles, and Dan rigs some electrical wire to a harpoon while Gunner fixes the engine. Spider and Jordy are both pulled overboard by the squid and eaten. They finally get the engine running, and when the squid surfaces, they shoot the harpoon into its massive eye and turn on the boat's power, electrocuting it. The Freya heads for the harbor as the sun rises, and Dan and Kat talk about their future together.

Hellhounds (film)

The warrior Kleitos marries the princess Demetria. Kleitos' friend Theron kills Demetria out of jealousy, which sends her to the underworld. Kleitos gathers a group of warriors to head to the underworld in order to rescue Demetria. They manage to free the princess from Hades, but they are attacked by hellhounds under Theron's control once they go back to their world.

Rolling Vengeance

The five drunken sons of influential local business owner Tiny Doyle have been terrorizing the streets of their small town in their pick-up truck. Local trucker Big Joe Rosso has a wife named Kathy, a son named Joey, and two young daughters named Allison and Kristin. Big Joe and Joey do business with Tiny, delivering liquor to his bar, but that doesn't stop Tiny's son Vic from driving drunk and running Kathy off the road, killing Kathy, Allison, and Kristin. Thanks to Tiny's influence, the local judge sets Vic free after ordering Vic to pay a $300 fine. Lieutenant Sly, one of the local cops, is sympathetic toward the Rosso family, but Sly is about to retire, and Tiny has a lot of clout in this town. Enraged and bereaved, Big Joe goes after Vic, but the Doyles kill Big Joe. After that, they rape Joey's girlfriend Misty. Enraged and frustrated, Joey builds a monster truck out of junked car and truck parts, with seven-foot tall tires, a flame thrower, and a giant retractable combination drill and metal cutter mounted on it. Joey is out to do what the local authorities cannot or will not do...put an end to the Doyles once and for all.

My Worst Nightmare

Icy, uptight Agathe is a successful art dealer who lives with her longtime partner François, a publisher, and their teenage son Adrien in a wealthy quarter of Paris. Adrien is an underachiever at school, and Agathe is desperate to keep him on track to a good education. At a parent-teacher conference, she clashes with Patrick, who is the father of one of Adrien's friends, Tony. Unlike the reserved and repressed François, Patrick is a vulgar, but fun-loving blue-collar skirt-chaser. François becomes intrigued by Patrick's carefree lifestyle and hires him to renovate the family's apartment, much to Agathe's chagrin. Patrick and Agathe clash repeatedly due to their differences, and Agathe is distraught when François lets the homeless Patrick live at the apartment even after renovations are completed. However, Agathe develops a soft spot for the brilliant but underprivileged Tony, especially when Adrien's grades seem to improve due to his influence.

Through Patrick, François meets Julie, a young social worker who Patrick is trying to seduce. They quickly enter an affair, and on Patrick's encouragement due to his awareness of François's sexless relationship with Agathe, François leaves her for Julie. Meanwhile, Adrien is revealed to be cheating to improve his grades, and is expelled from the school. Patrick feels guilty about encouraging François to abandon the family, and he attends one of Agathe's art shows, where they bond and then sleep together during a long night of drinking. Later, when social services interview Patrick to assess whether Tony belongs in foster care, Agathe agrees to pretend to be his partner in order to help him keep custody of Tony.

After François realizes that he is too meek to keep up with the new-age and adrenaline-chasing Julie, he returns to the apartment, and is surprised to find that the family operating normally. François impulsively proposes marriage, but Agathe rejects him and reveals her encounter with Patrick; François returns to Julie. Patrick and Agathe grow closer, and they begin to have a normal life with Tony and Adrien, but their relationship is tested when Agathe refuses to invite the tactless Patrick to a dinner with a renowned artist; an upset Patrick drinks heavily, returns to the apartment, and embarrasses her in front of the guests. The next morning, social workers arrive for an inspection into the "couple's" home life, only to learn from an unwitting Adrien that their situation is dysfunctional, and Patrick is missing. The unimpressed social workers declare that Tony will be placed in foster care shortly.

Agathe learns that Patrick returned to his brother's home in Belgium and departs to retrieve him, telling him that she also needs him. However, Patrick refuses to return to France, saying that he is unworthy of being Tony's father and that he is no good for her. Heartbroken, Agathe returns home, where she learns that Adrien wants to live with François and newly-pregnant Julie instead of with her. Patrick returns to reveal that he is leaving with Tony (who admits the scheme to help Adrien cheat was his idea) to escape child services, but Agathe finds a solution by hastily marrying Patrick. Despite the sham wedding, Agathe is happy to be with Patrick, and gifts him an expensive portrait that he can sell to finally achieve his dream of opening a concept aquarium. However, when partying in Belgium, the picture is ruined, and an outraged Agathe breaks up with him. Patrick leaves to work a menial job for a few months; when they reunite, Patrick asserts he is a changed man who no longer drinks. He tells Agathe that he wanted to be a better man for her, but Agathe is uninterested in resuming their relationship. Patrick returns the defaced portrait, which seems to change Agathe's mind. Sometime later, he arrives at an opening to the aquarium concept he had dreamed of, and Agathe reveals that she had framed the defaced portrait, which is now considered a great work of art. The couple finally reunites for good.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Characters and setting

''Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number'' takes place in a heavily anachronistic order during, before, and after the events of the original, focusing on events in 1985, 1989, and 1991. Following the events of ''Hotline Miami'', the player character, "Jacket", has been arrested after being unwittingly manipulated into killing off the leadership of the Russian Mob by 50 Blessings, a neo-nationalist terror cell that masquerades as a peaceful activist group, gaining nationwide infamy.

The game follows several playable characters in a series of intersecting plotlines exploring both the background and the aftermath of Jacket's rampage: Martin Brown, a sadistic actor who uses his role in the film ''Midnight Animal'' to live out his violent fantasies; The Fans, a group of copycat killers seeking to emulate Jacket; Evan Wright, a journalist who seeks to write a book about the killings; Manny Pardo, a detective who mainly uses violence to dispatch criminals; The Soldier, the basis of the shopkeeper from Jacket's hallucinations in the first game who is part of a commando squad with Jacket in Hawaii; the Son of the Russian Mafia boss of the first game, who seeks to return the Russians to power against the Colombian Cartel; The Henchman, who seeks to retire from the Mafia; Jake, an obese, violent, and nativist member of 50 Blessings, and Richter, a reluctant operative of 50 Blessings who was threatened into committing the murders, both of whom were active alongside Jacket in 1989.

Furthermore, "Richard", a mysterious figure in a rooster mask that occasionally appeared to Jacket in the original game, appears at different points to most of the game's playable characters, taunting and criticizing them for their actions throughout the game.


In 1991, Jacket is undergoing trial for the series of killings he perpetrated. Meanwhile, journalist Evan Wright is working on a book about the killings and trying to learn more about the people behind it. Evan is given leads by his friend Manny Pardo, a police detective who uses his position to go on killing sprees during stakeout operations, justifying them as self-defense. A slasher film adaptation depicting Jacket as "The Pig Butcher" is also being produced to capitalize on his infamy; the film's star, Martin Brown, dies when he is accidentally shot by his fellow actress with live ammunition on set during the shooting of the film's final scene.

The Fans carry out a string of murders against petty crooks and drug dealers, unaware of the larger context of Jacket's campaign of violence. Eventually they kill a former henchman of the Russian Mafia, and when his boss attempts to reconnect with said henchman the Fans trace his call to his new hideout. The Fans are all killed during this attack; their last survivor, Tony, is personally killed by Pardo after attempting to surrender to the police, to deny him his "fifteen minutes of fame." Following this, Pardo has a nightmare wherein he is outed as the "Miami Mutilator", a serial killer he has seemingly been after to attain fame similar to Jacket, and barricades himself in his home.

In 1985, The Soldier and his squad are conducting special operations against Soviet forces in Hawaii. However, their psychologically troubled Colonel begins to be lose his grip on reality as the war proceeds, volunteering them for increasingly desperate and dangerous missions while ruminating on their impending deaths and the loss of the war. Their last assignment involves besieging a heavily guarded Power Plant controlled by the Russians. As they make their way into the building, the commander in charge, having apparently gone insane, murders the plant's technicians and begins a meltdown on the main reactor before shooting himself in the head. The Soldier saves Jacket's life during their escape attempt, after a booby trap explodes and severely injures two members of their unit including Jacket, but dies a year later during a nuclear strike on San Francisco which decisively terminates the war in the Soviets' favor, revealing his appearances to be Jacket's comatose hallucinations.

In 1989, Jake and Richter are sent on individual missions parallel to Jacket's; Jake realizes the officially-peaceful 50 Blessings organization has been the one giving him orders all along when he meets with one of their representatives, who denies everything. Afterwards, he is sent on a suicide mission, which ends differently depending on the player's actions: if the player fails, he is captured, tortured, and eventually killed by the Russian Mafia, and if he succeeds, 50 Blessings takes him to a safehouse and kills him anyway to silence him. Richter is revealed to be reluctant to work with 50 Blessings until they threaten his ailing mother. Richter is eventually captured and imprisoned, but manages to escape during a prison riot orchestrated by 50 Blessings to kill him to keep him from corroborating Jacket's testimony.

Back in 1991, the escaped Richter shares his story with Evan in exchange for plane tickets for his mother to come to Hawaii. Evan's marriage and finances, however, are under pressure as he spends more time working on his book, and he must choose whether he abandons the book or his family.

Meanwhile, the Son is trying to reclaim his father's empire from Colombian gangsters who filled the power vacuum his father's death left. After the Son eliminates the Colombians, he invites his old henchman to visit their new hideout, inadvertently giving away his location to the Fans and triggering the attack depicted earlier. Under the influence of his own designer drugs he goes on a rampage, killing his own men in addition to the superhuman monsters he sees the Fans as, then walking off the hideout's roof on a rainbow bridge to his death.

The epilogue shows Richter, reunited with his mother, hearing on the news that the American and Soviet presidents were both assassinated in an attempted coup d'état, with the prime suspect being an American general. The Soviet Union declares this an act of war, and launches several nuclear attacks against the United States which obliterate Miami and Hawaii. Each of the surviving characters are then shown in their last moments - Manny, drunk and pointing his gun at his barricaded door, Evan either working on his book or eating with his family depending on the player's actions, the actress from Midnight Animal, and finally Jacket alone in a prison cell - before being obliterated by the bombs. Subsequently, starting a new game adds an extra introductory scene where Richard berates the playable characters for, once again, starting down a path that can only end in their deaths.

Trinity War

In the year 8000 BC, Pandora finds the box and inadvertently opens it, unleashing the Seven Sins on the world. As a result, she is punished by the Council of Wizards with immortality. Pandora begins her travels, training and trying to destroy the Seven Sins. In the present, she receives information from the Wizard informing her that the box can only be opened by either the purest or darkest of heart. Pandora approaches Superman to open her box, believing he is 'without sin', but when he touches the box he appears to become possessed. Pandora manages to escape with the box, after which Superman seems to return to normal.

Shazam, having defeated his arch-enemy Black Adam, journeys to Kahndaq to bury him, inadvertently risking a diplomatic incident. Superman and the Justice League attempt to stop Shazam, which escalates into a fight. Amanda Waller decides it is the perfect opportunity for the Justice League of America to confront the Justice League, and dispatches them. During the conflict, it appears as though Superman murders the JLA's newest recruit Doctor Light. Seeming to have lost control of his powers, Superman surrenders himself to A.R.G.U.S.

Wonder Woman, believing that Pandora's box is responsible for Superman's actions, meets with Hephaestus, for answers about the box. She learns that he did not forge it and that Zeus and the other gods used Pandora to open the box because it contained something that the Gods of Olympus could not control. She meets with the Justice League Dark in order to recruit them to track down Pandora. At A.R.G.U.S. headquarters, the Question enters Superman's cell and releases him.

The Question explains that he has evidence that indicates Doctor Psycho was in Kahndaq when Doctor Light was killed. Superman is physically ill and struggles to control his powers as he and the Question break out of the base to track down Doctor Psycho, with several other heroes in tow. When they confront Doctor Psycho, they determine that although he was present, he was not responsible for what happened in Kahndaq. Meanwhile, Pandora attempts to convince Vandal Savage to open the box, but he is also unable to do so.

While Batman examines Doctor Light's body, the Phantom Stranger arrives to warn him that should Wonder Woman locate Pandora and the box, it will be the death of all. They confront Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark at Constantine's House of Mystery, but when Wonder Woman questions the Phantom Stranger about Superman's ailment, the Stranger admits he does not know what caused Superman's condition.

Batman convinces the Phantom Stranger to bring him to the afterlife so he can question Doctor Light. When Batman questions Doctor Light, the group learns that he does not remember anything about his death. Doctor Light gives a piece of his soul to the Stranger in hopes that he can give it to his family as a final gift. As the group is ready to leave, Zauriel appears, dismisses Batman and Deadman, and follows through on his promise to erase the Phantom Stranger from existence. Wonder Woman and her team track Pandora to the prison where Lex Luthor is held. Pandora approaches Luthor, hoping that he can open the box. Before she can give it to him, Wonder Woman and her group arrive to retrieve the box. Upon touching the box, Wonder Woman is apparently possessed just as Superman was.

The other superheroes around her attempt to get the box from her and free her from its power; one by one it begins to corrupt them all. Pandora can see the sins above the Justice League members fighting over the box. As the battle continues, Pandora is finally able to attack the Sins, by killing Envy. Constantine takes Shazam out of the area and tricks him into switching off his powers. Constantine then uses a ritual artifact to steal Billy's powers. When he is attacked by an agent of the Cold Flame, Constantine uses the Shazam power, but is unable to control it. Billy Batson distracts the agent, giving Constantine time to kill it, and Billy regains his power. Constantine pleads with Billy not to touch Pandora's box, afraid of the power it may possess, but Shazam leaves Constantine and returns to the group, where he sees the effect the box has had on Wonder Woman. He knocks the box aside and picks it up; the resulting contact corrupts him also, giving him an appearance similar to Black Adam and causing a huge ripple through the magical planes.

During the conflict, Constantine arrives, takes the box, and transports himself and Zatanna to the Temple of Hephaestus. There they find that Madame Xanadu had been kidnapped and locked away in a secret bunker. Madame Xanadu tells everyone that Pandora had it wrong, that the box is actually a doorway.

Superman, Wonder Woman and their respective groups arrive at the temple. Constantine, still in possession of the box, realizes that the box is allowing evil thoughts to go through everyone's mind, and a massive fight breaks out as the heroes struggle to get possession of the box. Firestorm tells everyone that Superman is emitting Kryptonite. Element Woman goes inside Superman's blood stream and finds a small sliver in his brain. Atom then tells everyone that she put it there in Kahndaq, and that it was this that has been causing Superman's illness and loss of control of his powers. The Outsider comes out of the shadows to pick up the box. He tells the heroes that the box is not magic, but science, that was created on his world and can only be opened by someone from his world. He explains that the box opens a gateway to his homeworld, and that he and Atom arrived following the weakening of the barriers between the universes resulting from the Justice League's battle with Darkseid. The Outsider uses Pandora's box to open a portal to his home world, Earth-3, breaking the box in the process. The Earth-3 incarnation of the Justice League emerge — Ultraman, Superwoman, Owlman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, and Deathstorm. Sea King does not survive the journey and collapses dead. Atom joins the group, answering to the name Atomica, revealing that she had arrived on Prime Earth along with the Outsider, who is revealed to be the Alfred Pennyworth of Earth-3. Cyborg's Apokoliptical mechanical prosthetics proceed to tear themselves from his body, ripping free from his biological form and coalescing into a robot named Grid, a sentient computer virus. Trailing behind the Crime Syndicate is a prisoner from Earth-3 whose identity is not revealed. The Crime Syndicate claim the planet as their own, and attack the three weakened Justice Leagues.

Kung Fu VS Acrobatic

Advertising company staff Mo Tak-fai (Lau) and his friend Lai Chi (Chan) go to mainland China for a business trip. Chi smuggles some relics, leading to them being chased by the police. They go into a cave to escape capture, but Chi is bitten by a poisonous snake. He finds a medicine belonging to an ancient hero named Long Jianfei and shares it with Tak-fai. Not only does the medicine detoxifies Chi, it also bestows Tak-fai and Chi internal strengths. They also rescue Princess Yunluo (Wong) and her maid Xiao Man (Mui) from the Yuan Dynasty after 800 years of slumber but in the process also releasing a two-hundred-year-old evil martial arts expert Tian Can (Yuen).

Fai and Chi remain skeptical about the things that happened and they bring the two ladies to Hong Kong. Yunluo is able to adapt to modern life in Hong Kong very quickly. On the other hand, in order to defeat Tian Can, Yunluo helps Fai to learn the "Buddha's Palm" technique while Chi, due to poor qualifications, only excel at the "Seven Rotary Slice" technique. However, when Tian Can arrives he effortlessly defeats Fai since he has not mastered the "Ten Thousand Buddhas" technique. Tian Can forces Fai to eat a cursed silkworm, which can cause pain to people who consume it when Tian Can plays his drum.

The next day, Tian Can goes on a spree. He steals money from a bank ATM, threatens Fai and Chi to go to their boss' home and capture his family, as well as defeating the police who come after them. Yunluo saves the two men but Fai is furtherly injured by Tian Can in the process. Fortunately they come across Yim Chan, leader of a supernatural performing troupe from China, who heals Fai from his injuries while also channelling energy to him. A few days later, Fai finally masters the "Ten Thousand Buddhas" technique. He and his friends confront Tian Can in a final duel and Fai uses "Ten Thousand Buddhas" to cripple Tian Can's martial arts ability, becoming a true hero in the end.

The Royal Trap

Madeleine Valois is the companion of prince Oscar of Ocendawyr; her job is to guide and advise him, as well as serve as a bodyguard. One day he is invited to present himself as a potential suitor to the princess of a rival kingdom: Princess Cassidy. She is the heir and future queen of Gwellinor. However, things in Gwellinor are not as they appear. Oscar, Madeleine, and other foreigners attend a party held in Cassidy's honor. During the party, Cassidy is kidnapped, and Oscar is accused of being involved in the crime. Madeleine takes the initiative and searches the castle, attempting to rescue the princess and clear Oscar's name.

The second half of the plot splits based on whom Madeleine gains as an ally. If she has enraged all parties, the plot ends in a "bad ending", but otherwise one of Oscar, Prince Calum (Cassidy's brother), or two foreign nobles also here to court Cassidy will ally with Madeleine to pursue both their own and Madeleine's goals.

Raven Black

''Raven Black'' is set in Shetland, an archipelago off the coast of Scotland. The novel opens with the death of a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl named Catherine Ross, whose body was discovered on the beach on New Year's Day by Fran Hunter, an English artist staying in Shetland. Local police inspector, Jimmy Perez, leads the investigation into the death. Perez is directed in the investigation by a team of detectives from Inverness, led by Detective Inspector Roy Taylor. Initial suspicion is aimed at Magnus Tait, a mentally-challenged man living in the vicinity. Magnus Tait had previously been questioned in an old case involving the eight-year old disappearance of Catriona Bruce, a six-year-old child who lived near his house and often visited him to play. Tait was known to have been fond of her, as she was similar in age to his younger sister, who had died of an illness. Although Tait was never convicted, he was shunned locally and believed to be involved when she disappeared. Suspicions are raised when it is discovered that Catherine Ross and her friend Sally Henry had visited Tait shortly before Catherine was murdered. Tait keeps an injured raven as a pet in his house.

Catherine Ross' body was discovered by her neighbour, Fran Hunter. Fran, an English artist, had moved back to Shetland so that she could raise her young daughter Cassie with her ex-husband, Duncan Hunter, a Shetland businessman. Fran Hunter also finds out that Catherine Ross attended a party hosted by her ex-husband the night before she died, and reports this fact to Taylor and Perez. Despite local suspicions around Tate, Taylor and Perez interview a number of other people that they suspect of being involved. These include Catherine's friend Sally Henry, a lonely girl who was isolated and bullied before being befriended by Catherine; Duncan Hunter, who hosted the party that Catherine attended; Robert Isbister, a local playboy who is known to date younger women and reportedly spent time with Catherine at the party, and Catherine's male English teacher, who admits to being attracted to her and had kissed her a few months earlier after inviting her to his home on the pretext of offering her advice on reading.

Through these interviews and by talking with her father, they find out that Catherine had been making a documentary on Shetland for her project, and had filmed Tait talking about Catriona Bruce's disappearance, as well as taken extensive footage of local residents. They also learn that since her death, the documentary had gone missing, although her notes reveal that it was thematically inspired by Robert Frost's poem 'Fire and Ice'. Fran Hunter later also discovers the body of the missing child, Catriona Bruce, hidden among some rocks in a peat bog near Tait's house. Although Tait is subsequently arrested and charged with Catriona Bruce's murder, there is insufficient evidence to link him to Catherine Ross' disappearance. Taylor consequently decides to remain on Shetland and investigate further with Jimmy Perez. Finally, Perez discovers that Catherine's friend, Sally Henry, had been carrying on an affair with local playboy Robert Isbister. After discovering that Catherine had obtained footage of Robert Isbister behaving rudely and violently striking Catherine for her documentary, Sally Henry strangled Catherine and left her body on the beach, where it was picked over by ravens and discovered later by Fran Hunter. Sally is arrested after she kidnaps Fran Hunter's daughter during the Up Helly Aa festival, to prevent her from disclosing that she saw Sally with Catherine on the beach where Catherine was murdered. When Perez finds the kidnapped child unharmed, he questions Sally, who confesses to killing Catherine, and planning to kill Cassie as well. Through interviews with Magnus Tait, they further learn that he didn't kill Catriona Bruce; Catriona Bruce was killed by Tait's mother, who was infuriated with Catriona after she discovered her playing with her dead daughter's belongings. Tait hid the body and followed his mother's instructions to never disclose the secret to anyone. While Tait was in custody, his pet raven, placed into the care of a local animal lover, also died.

The Long Short Cut

The story is a traditional thriller. The gentleman of the novel is called Michael Bliss. The novel describes him as attractive, captivating, intelligent, and adventurous. His beautiful blonde female partner is Corrine Lake. She is voluptuous, crafty, and bright. They’re a crafty team to match their wits and nerve against the business society. Bliss is a con man who witnesses a gang shooting in London with a certain businessman involved. Bliss with Miss Lake, being his partner in crime, contrives an ingenious plan to use what he has seen to con a businessman out of a large amount of money. They bribe the businessman out of two million pounds through a confidence trick by offering him a passage to France hidden in a box. Eventually they turn state’s evidence and turn over the businessman for his role in the murder. The businessman is out his money as Bliss and Miss Lake quietly slip away with his money.

Pagpag: Siyam na Buhay

Zarina (Empress Schuck) visits the funeral of her boyfriend Joseph Maurice (Enchong Dee) who hung himself. She is driven away by the boy's mother, insisting her son died because of her. When she arrives home, her sister asks her if she did the "pagpag" but she replies that she doesn't believe in it. Afterwards, she is suddenly haunted by the ghost of her dead boyfriend.

Cedric (Daniel Padilla), his friends; Hannah (Michelle Vito), Ashley (Miles Ocampo), Justin (CJ Navato) and Rico (Dominic Roque) enter a horror house. Hannah is assaulted by one of the men in the haunted house and Cedric fights for her. At home, Cedric's father scolds and grounds him and takes Cedric's fake keys for the car. While his Dad gave orders to their maid, Cedric escapes and drives the highways until he almost runs over a girl, Leni (Kathryn Bernardo). They fight and Leni unknowingly loses her charm bracelet in Cedric's car.

Cedric and his friends party on a hill. Cedric and Hannah have a heated argument which ends in Cedric revealing that he doesn't actually have feelings for Hannah and is not ready for a committed relationship, which prompts her to throw a rock at Cedric, wounding his shoulder. Cedric loses control and drives up until morning where they come upon the funeral of Roman (Paulo Avelino) with his wife, Lucy (Shaina Magdayao), in despair. They soon discover that the funeral was arranged by Leni, Dencio (Janus del Prado) and Marcelo (Marvin Yap). After the funeral, Marcelo is seen sweeping the room when Eva (Matet de Leon) suddenly scolds him as it was a bad superstition. All of the unwanted guests violate a superstition including: Hannah, who dropped tears on the coffin when she saw Cedric holding Leni's hand; Rico, who wiped the coffin with a handkerchief; Justin, who stole bread from the funeral; Ashley for looking at her reflection in the mirror; Cedric, by attending the funeral with a wound; Dencio, who stole the money below the coffin and Leni and everyone else who did not do the "Pagpag," an act of dusting off oneself after a funeral to avoid evil spirits following you home.

At home, Leni's stepbrother Mac-Mac (Clarence Delgado) sees apparitions and draws nine figures with a number 8. Marcelo who was sweeping outside is killed by a malevolent entity. Dencio blames Leni for not doing the Pagpag and tells her that the spirit is coming back for the rest of them. He proceeds to tell her the story of how Roman, the husband of Lucy, died. Roman and Lucy once had a child who unfortunately died. Roman made a pact with the demons to bring back his son's life, but on the consequence that he kill nine people in order to do so, and he willingly obliged. After committing his sins, he found his son well and alive inside his coffin. One night, the people from the barrio tried to burn Roman's house down because they knew he was working for the devil. This act led to the loss of Roman and his son, Emmanuel lives.

Meanwhile, Hannah is planning to commit suicide when she suddenly sees a shadow which she thought it was Cedric's, which she tries to follow. After a while, her phone suddenly rings and it turns out to be Cedric telling her that he is on his way there. Hannah panics and a demonic form gouges her eyes out and throws her into the pool, killing her. Cedric witnesses the event and is blamed for what happened. One by one, Cedric's friends are killed by the unknown entity they brought back with them from the funeral. Rico is killed when the soul from his handkerchief throws him against a wall in a gym's shower room, which he first thought was Justin and says that he is really gay. Cedric consults Justin and Ashley and insists them to burn the clothes they wore so they did.

Cedric decides to go back to the house of Lucy so he can talk to Eva (Lucy's older sister). While on his way, he sees Leni in the market and decided to follow her. While in the market, Leni suddenly sees the ghost of Roman which caused her to run and panic. Cedric saw Leni panicking causing him to worry about her and chase after her. Leni blacks out while being chased and Cedric rescues her before Roman's ghost catches her. Cedric brings Leni to his car and drives. Leni woke up and was alarmed she ordered Cedric to stop the car. After the car stopped she and Cedric talked, they both find out they have the same goal and decided to team up.

When they found the coffin, the body is not there anymore. They searched the house and saw three human figures in the wall drew in blood. Leni goes to find Mac-Mac in the church and Dencio, together with Eva also arrives to warn them and tells the group that Mac-Mac is really Emmanuel. She tells them that during the fire, she went there to save the baby in order for him to stay away from the demonic lives of his parents.

When Eva tells Cedric and Leni that the body is in their old house, they went to find it. In the church, Mac-Mac was then trapped inside. Eva is killed when she is sucked inside a tomb. Meanwhile, Ashley and Justin had done what Cedric asked them to do, they went inside Ashley's house, Justin told Ashley he will leave for a while to make a sandwich in the kitchen which caused Ashley to panic and to be scared. To overcome her fear she took pictures of herself but while she was taking pictures she saw one of the images has the face of the ghost. She is soon thrown to a mirror then falls down. Ashley is impaled by a falling chandelier and Justin, who was running away in the streets calling Cedric about it was crushed by two trucks, getting sandwiched in between.

In the church, Dencio is trapped inside his car when he plans to save Mac-Mac in the church. The spirit taunts him and he tries to give back the money he stole. He rolls down the windows and tries to get out but is ultimately killed after his neck being impaled by a shattered glass of a car window. When Mac-Mac is able to get out from the church, he sees the spirits of the recently killed victims warning them that Cedric and Leni are both in danger. He then follows Roman's spirit on the way to the house.

Meanwhile, when Cedric and Leni find the old house, they realize that it was Lucy who sent her husband's spirit to murder the victims until he obtains nine lives for him to be alive. Mac-Mac rushes in to save them but he is caught by Lucy and threatens to kill him. Before she does, they tell Lucy the truth about Emmanuel. The entity tries to kill Leni and Cedric, but Lucy intervenes and was impaled by a girder. After Roman finally reanimates from the dead, he rushes to Lucy, who reveals to him that she was pregnant which killed their second child and explain to him that their son is still alive before she dies from her wound. Enraged of her death, Roman attempts to kill Leni before being stabbed by Cedric.

In the aftermath, Cedric arrives in the hospital to visit Leni and Mac-Mac. Within seconds of having fun, they see the apparitions of Lucy and Roman smiling at them eerily.

Dead Sands

In the wake of a viral outbreak throughout Bahrain, a group of strangers become acquainted with each other when they realize that they must unite to ward off the undead plague.

High Lane (film)

Young adults Fred (Nicolas Giraud), his girlfriend Karine and their friends Chloé (Fanny Valette), a nurse grappling with guilt after accidentally killing a young patient; Guillaume (Raphaël Lenglet), who harbors feelings for Chloé; and Loïc (Johan Libéreau), Chloé's unpopular boyfriend, travel to Croatia to climb and hike. They find the starting point closed off with rocks but experienced climber Fred convinces the others, including Chloé's boyfriend Loïc, to cross the track. The inexperienced Loïc is consistently paralyzed with fear, often needing encouragement from Chloé to continue. As their journey progresses, they realize that the trail is more dangerous than they had first thought: an unstable rope bridge collapses after their crossing, nearly killing Karine. With the bridge gone, the group realizes that they can't turn back, and Fred, feeling guilty after persuading the group to hike a closed-off trail, tells them that they need to go to the end as quickly as possible.

Fred climbs ahead with Karine as the rest of the group hangs off of a cliff, but is wounded in a bear trap. As Karine tries to pry the trap off of his leg, the rest of the group struggles as a vertigo-stricken Loïc fails to belay the rope; Loïc ignores advice from Guillaume, jealous and hostile because of the latter's obvious feelings for Chloé. Loïc's support fails and he falls, bringing the attached Guillaume down with him, and the two are suspended as Chloé looks on in horror. Meanwhile, Fred tells Karine to leave him and retrieve the others. Soon after Karine leaves, Fred hears movement in the trees around him as the chain to the trap tightens, and he is suddenly dragged off.

Karine uses a rope to bring help the rest of the group to the top, but when they return, Fred is missing, but Loïc finds blood on the surrounding foliage, and the empty, bloodstained bear trap is found discarded. Karine, though confused as to how he managed to get out of the trap when they couldn't open it before, panics and believes that Fred must have wandered off and gotten lost. Chloé assures Karine that they will look for Fred despite the fact that it's becoming dark and Fred's bag had the flares inside. As they search, Loïc and Guillaume bicker over Chloé and begin to grapple. Chloé, going over to break them up, falls into a pit trap. Karine rappels down and finds a poacher's trap full of spikes; one went through Chloé's arm and she is injured. As they watch Karine rescue Chloé, Guillaume feels they're being watched and tells Loïc, who ignores him. When Karine finally rescues Chloé, Chloé realizes that the trap is a poacher's trap; they wonder what could be the prey.

Rain pours as the group ropes themselves together and searches for Fred. Karine, at the end of the rope, is hit by an arrow through the chest; when she pulls her rope, she finds that it has been cut. A shocked Chloé notices and tries to rush towards her, but Karine is suddenly pulled and dragged away. Chloé, distraught, tries to find her, and Loïc insists that they should abandon Fred and Karine to escape. As they continue on they find a cabin in the forest and enter; inside, a naked and bloodied Fred is lying on a slab, and though Chloé tries to save him, he dies shortly after from shock and his wounds; Loïc covers his body with a sheet.

Guillaume finds a door to the basement and goes down to find Fred's bag; there he also finds animal pelts, shackles, hunting equipment, and hanging decapitated heads. On the wall is the name "Anton." Guillaume realizes that the poacher, named Anton, must live alone in the cage, but when he tries to tell Loïc, the latter refuses to listen. Loïc pushed Guillaume down the stairs to the basement, accidentally knocking him unconscious. Loïc locks him in the basement and tries to tell Chloé to leave with him (with the lie that Guillaume was trying to abandon the both of them), but Chloé, disturbed at his behavior, refuses. Anton suddenly returns with Karine's corpse, and Chloé is briefly knocked unconscious as Loïc ineffectually grapples with Anton. Chloé regains consciousness and helps Loïc fight Anton, but when she manages to get an advantage over Anton and looks to her boyfriend to help, the cowardly Loïc flees with a flare, leaving her to die. Chloé is quickly overpowered by Anton.

Chloé and Guillaume, shackled to the wall in the basement, hear Anton eviscerate the corpses of Fred and Karine. Though Chloé is close to escaping from the shackles, Anton returns and takes her upstairs to kill her. Meanwhile, Loïc's flare dies and he reluctantly returns to the cabin. Guillaume, fighting to save Chloé, escapes his bonds and yells through the basement trapdoor for Chloé to call the poacher Anton. The poacher pauses, and Loïc appears to attack Anton. An enraged Anton chases a fleeing Loïc, giving Chloé enough time to escape and free Guillaume. Guillaume wants to escape to the nearby cable, but Chloé insists on saving Loïc.

Anton chases Loïc with a crossbow and shoots Loïc in the leg, but Loïc fights Anton, stabbing him and hitting him with a rock several times, though he flees to the cable before killing him. However, he misjudges the distance and ends up on the wrong cliff, and in escaping Anton climbs down an unstable cliffside ladder. Loïc calls for help, and Chloé and Guillaume arrive. Guillaume initially tries to pull him up, but is overcome by hatred and anger from Loïc trapping him in Anton's house, and lets him fall to his death off the cliffside. Guillaume tells Chloé that he had slipped and the two embrace; however, it's cut short when Anton shoots a crossbow arrow through Guillaume's head, killing him.

Chloé charges at Anton with a knife and attacks him. The two fight, but Anton gains the upper hand and begins to beat her. Chloé says his name, making him pause once more, and she cuts his neck with the knife. Though she has an opening to kill him, a flashback to her dead patient makes her realize that she cannot do it. Leaving him to die, Chloé escapes to the cable and in tearful joy begins the descent to safety. However, she leaves her knife behind, and Anton takes it up and goes to the cable in a fit of rage. The last shot is of Chloé traveling down the cable, and a loud snap is heard before the film cuts to black, implying that Anton managed to cut the cable. The film ends with the note that only Loïc's body was found; Fred, Karine, Guillaume and Chloé remain missing, and a boy named Anton, kidnapped at the age of five, also remains missing: countless people go missing in the Balkans every year.

Raggedy Ann (musical)

Act I

Young Marcella is suffering from psychological trauma. Her mother ran away with another man, which drove her father to drink. Her dog tried to eat her pet bird, which killed them both ("Gingham and Yarn"). In Marcella's bedroom, a trio of doctors give differing but equally dire warnings regarding the youngster's ailments, until Poppa throws them out. Lightening the mood, Poppa presents her with a doll that he created, which he names Raggedy Ann. Marcella complains that she has no heart, so Poppa pulls a candy heart from a box and stitches it onto the doll. He sings his daughter a lullaby, claiming that her toys spring to life when she's asleep ("Carry On").

Marcella's bed whirls around, and out from the covers pops Raggedy Ann. The girl says she's dying and the trio of doctors emerge from beneath the mattress to corroborate her story ("Diagnosis"). Raggedy Ann shouts them off and urges Marcella to get out of bed, revealing that this is a dream, so she can do anything she wants. The rag dolly calls for help from her friends, Raggedy Andy, Baby, and Panda, who emerge from the toy box one by one ("The Light").

Andy is curious as to what's behind the closet door, so he opens it despite Marcella's pleas. General D. emerges with his cronies, the sexy Bat and the roguish Wolf. He says that he's enlisting recruits for his Army of the Dead and thinks Raggedy Ann is the one he's looking for, but she argues that she's only "Make Believe". The General learns that Marcella is dying, so he declares that he'll be back to collect her at 6 a.m.

Suddenly, Marcella and the toys find themselves at the Miami shipyard, where old toys go to die. The doctors appear and drop the Camel behind a chain link fence ("Diagnosis (Reprise)"), and the animal tells the toys that he's all alone and "Blue". Raggedy Ann suggests that they should head to Los Angeles to visit The Doll Doctor. Andy leads them in transforming the bed into a boat and they set sail ("Make Believe Reprise").

A giant hand sporting a thumb ring attempts to drag the boat down to Davy Jones' Locker, so the toys begin flapping the bed's blankets like wings and rise into the heavens ("Something in the Air"/"So Beautiful"). Along the way, Marcella reunites with her pet bird ("A Heavenly Chorus") and her parents ("The Shooting Star"). The Rat in the Rolls-Royce, representing the man her mother ran away with, jumps out to steal Mommy away, so Poppa punches him out, and the couple agree to remarry ("The Wedding"). Marcella says that she's tired of pointless stories and walks off, which fills Raggedy Ann with self-doubt, though the rag doll refuses to give up ("Rag Dolly"). Bat gnaws through the rope tethering them to the clouds and the boat plunges from the sky.

Act II

Marcella and the dolls land on the roof of a meatpacking plant in Omaha and have only four hours left to get to the Doll Doctor. Bat talks Raggedy Andy into handing over the map ("You'll Love It").

General D. arrives and commands Marcella to look at his opal thumb ring. He states his intention to make Marcella his queen. The toys lull the General and his cronies to sleep ("Would You Like a Little Music?") and steal the ring. The melody fills the Camel with such spirit that he's able to soar on the wings of the song, so everyone grabs on and they float away. The General awakens and orders Bat to follow them, but Bat refuses, so the General throws her down a chimney and sends Wolf to find the dolls instead.

The toys find themselves separated in The Grisley Woods National Park, frantically searching for one another through a maze of trees littered with red-glowing-eyed skeletons ("Gone"). They meet the Witch, dressed like a 1920's flapper ("Why Not?"). The Witch pulls a bundle of clothesline from her bag and tries to fashion a noose. Raggedy Ann tells the Witch that it's a terrible idea to kill herself, and the Witch reflects on the life that she gave up ("What Did I Lose"/"Somewhere"). The Witch reveals that she had a daughter named Marcella, and comes to realize that the young lady standing before her is her child. They have a tearful reunion, which is interrupted by the arrival of Wolf. Bitter towards his master for killing Bat, he allows Marcella to escape, but pursues the Witch into the woods.

The toys arrive at The Doll Hospital ("Welcome to L.A."), but the doctors are revealed to be the same "quacks" as before ("Diagnosis (Reprise)") and tell them the Doll Doctor is dead. Panda suggests looking into the ring, where they see the head doctor alive and chained up. General D. emerges from the cellar and declares that this is his field hospital for the terminally wounded ("I Come Riding"). He becomes curious about the heart on Raggedy Ann's apron, but upon touching it, he collapses, crying that he's been poisoned by love. They tie up the General, swipe his keys, and head downstairs. He vows that he'll get loose.

In the dungeon, the Doll Doctor examines Marcella, declaring the "chick" has a broken heart. Upon hearing her father's pet name for her, Marcella realizes the Doll Doctor is actually Poppa. Poppa says that a heart transplant is the only thing that can save her, but those haven't been invented yet, so he suggests a candy heart. Just as the General bursts in to collect Marcella, Raggedy Ann sacrifices her own candy heart, which she coerces the girl to eat ("The Light (Reprise)") before leaving with the General, who is satisfied he was right all along.

Back in her bedroom, a now-healthy Marcella tells Poppa of her adventure, and he offers to sew a new heart on Raggedy Ann's chest ("Gingham and Yarn Reprise").

Dances with Dragon

Lung Ka-chun (Andy Lau), chairman of Lung's Enterprise, nearly runs over Moon (Sharla Cheung), a interviewee for a position in his company from Lantau Island while on his way to work. Despite her throwing a tantrum at him, he is attracted to her and she scores the position. At the same time, Lung is by his mother (Lee Heung-kam) to marry his younger cousin, Diana (Yvonne Yung) and sets them up on a date on a yacht. However, Diana is irritated by Lung's disinterest in her and pushes him in the water and gets mixed with a group of illegal immigrant swimming from mainland China and end up on Lantau Island by police officers. Lung gets caught by an officer and was unable to prove himself as a Hong Kong citizen as he left his ID on his yacht but another illegal immigrant knocks the officer out and Lung flees and hides on the roof of Moon's home. The roof collapses and Lung's falls into the bathroom where Moon was showering so she and her mother, Aunt Eleven (Deanie Ip), beat him. Thinking Lung is an illegal immigrant, Eleven takes him in to work as a cheap labor in her store and he agrees to stay to purposely want his mother to worry for forcing him to marry his cousin. Lung informs his assistant, Uncle Fly (Ng Man-tat), about this and Fly arrives to give him a cellphone and a shoe telling him to look for police sergeant Uncle Prawn (Wu Ma), if he gets into a dangerous situation.

Moon and her best friend, Charmy (May Lo) reunite with her old classmates and one of them, Mary, invites them to her birthday party next week. Moon lies to Mary that she has a boyfriend so Charmy suggests Moon to bring Lung to the party to pose as her boyfriend and give him an oversized suit. At the party, Moon's ex-boyfriend, Mr. Sze (Pal Sinn), humiliates her and Lung. Fly secretly arrives and gives Lung a new suit while helping him humiliate Sze buy helping him buy a lottery ticket to show off his wealth as well as driving a helicopter to pick Lung and Moon up. Lung lies to Moon that Fly is a fellow soldier turned gang member from China. Moon later watches the sunset with Lung and tells him on her birthday, she wants to turn her home into a palace and have a prince dance with her.

Meanwhile, Aunt Eleven instructs Lung to help her cheat in a mahjong game with triad members which did not go well and they discovered it and threaten Eleven so Moon asks Lung to call for his "fellow gang comrades" for help. Lung calls Fly, who is arrested for carrying realistic-looking you guns with his subordinates posing as gangsters, so Fly tells Lung to find Uncle Prawn with the shoe. When Lung goes to the police station, he discovers Prawn is to officer that caught him earlier and was knocked out. Making matters worst, Lung's shoe is bitten up by pigs while he also accidentally kills Prawn's prized pet cricket. Lung then calls Fly, who tells him to sing Prawn's favorite Cantonese opera song and finally gains his trust, so Prawn leads his subordinates posing as a group of criminals to threaten and torture the triads. Through the torture, the triads reveal that Lung paid them to force Eleven to sell her store and land to develop a resort.

Eleven, Moon and Lung go to the office Lung Enterprise to find Lung, who tries hard to not reveal himself as Eleven and Moon are still unaware of his real identity. Lung then discovers, his older cousin, Martin (Alfred Cheung), was scheming with his rival, Chow Tai-pang to develop land and framed Lung for ordering the triads to cause trouble at Eleven's store. At meantime, Eleven and Moon were thrown out by security guards. When they return home, Moon waits for Lung to return and Eleven deduces her daughter has fallen in love with him. Fly then arrives to tell Moon Lung will return after making big bucks and will remember her birthday.

Lung returns home telling hus mother he came back from vacation and she agrees to not force him to marry. On Moon's birthday, Lung gives her a batch a roses and tells her he will go to the Prestigious Charity Auction to tackle Lung Ka-chun so Moon and Eleven goes as well. At the auction, Moon and Eleven discover Lung's true identity while Eleven also reunites with her first love, Chu Chi-keung (Paul Chu), who is the new assistant manager of Lung's Enterprise. Lung defeats Chow in bidding two pieces of land from Lantau Island with HK$610 million and persuades Eleven to sell her store while offering her a new supermarket when the resort is finished at Lantau Island while also transfers Martin to New Guinea as punishment. Right before the ball starts, Lung announces he wants to dance with an important woman, who is his mother, and Moon leaves in dismay. When she returns home, Fly surprises her with a cake and tells her it was from Lung and she walks outside and realizes Lung fulfilled her wish of turning her home into palace. Lung walks to her and gives her a batch flowers as well as a new pair of glasses of a discontinued brand which Diana broke earlier, and dances with her.

Beautiful Words

An epic chronicle of the refugee experience, ''Beautiful Words'' weaves together three very different stories of survival, told through the eyes of three children in different times and places. The outcome is heart-rending, humorous, and surprising by turns. From the horrors of Auschwitz Concentration Camp in the final days of World War II, to Taliban-ruled Kabul, to present day Australia, this enthralling play presents a rich tapestry of human experience, overlapping lives, and the bonds that unite generations.


In Abruzzo, in the town of Chieti, a group of friends workers, with the passion of classical music, try to rebuild a historic city orchestra, which no longer exists. The final concert provides only compositions the famous composer Frédéric Chopin, and the citizens of Chieti seem willing to finance the project. However, the mayor and local officials are skeptical, because the think only to their interests. So the project soon failed, but the workers come from defeat with a smile.

Women in War

Socialite Pamela Starr meets Mr Tedford, an older man in a London night club. After he escorts her home he tries to enter her flat feeling he has deserved the right to sleep with her as he has paid for her entertainment. Pamela thrusts a £5 note in his hands as reimbursement and attempts to enter her room but Tedford won't let her. The spirited Pamela strikes the drunken Tedford sending him across the landing where he crashes through a railing over the stairwell sending Tedford to his death.

The ensuing court case doesn't go well for Pamela as her playgirl lifestyle is paraded as evidence against her, and to Pamela's surprise, Mr. Tedford was actually a British captain on leave from the war front. Watching the trial is Matron O'Neil, who was formerly Pamela's mother until she divorced her husband and left to go nursing around the troubled world to help those in need. Pamela had never known her mother and her late libertine father had denied her moral leadership and discipline in raising her. O'Neil and Pamela's defence solicitor concoct an arrangement where Pamela won't be charged with Tedford's death if she volunteers to be an Army nurse in France. Pamela is assigned to a VAD Detachment led by Matron O'Neil with Pamela still unaware that O'Neil is her mother.

Pamela's infamous reputation precedes her and furthermore the fiancée of one of her fellow nurses, Flt. Lt. Larry Hall of the RAF falls in love with Pamela. The tensions of the nurses continue as their detachment is sent to a dangerous area of the battle line.

Mountain of Destiny

After a mountaineer is killed attempting to climb a difficult mountain, his son dreams of conquering the peak that has defeated his father. But his mother makes him promise never to attempt it. Events eventually force her to release him from the promise, and he ascends the mountain successfully.


There is no dialogue in the film; the story is told in its imagery. The boy and girl (siblings) in the story (Banduk and Yalumul) realise that the ice-cream van owners are smuggling native animals out of Australia, including one of the Yolngu sacred animals, the red-collared lorikeet, or ''lindrij''. With the help of Banduk's grandfather, they manage to trap the smugglers and are given a reward.

The sub-plot involves the children raising money to buy musical instruments for their band.

Because He's My Friend

Eric, a Canadian naval officer serving with the Royal Navy is transferred to Australia for a submarine training exercise. He moves to Sydney with his wife Anne and their 12 year old mentally disabled son, Petey.

Anne takes her son to a special school, who encourage her to take a firmer line with her son. This results in a clash with Eric.

Big Ideas (film)

Jimmy Kovak attends a Sydney public (State) school, and is falling behind in his studies, partly because of his love of soccer, and his part-time work producing compost from garbage he collects, and which he sells at a local hardware store.

His next door neighbor has an antipathy to the Kovaks, at least partly because of their nationality, and runs a spiteful campaign against the boy, resulting in confiscation of his compost bins, and other harassment.

His widowed mother is handicapped by her inability to recognize the Latin alphabet (presumably she can read Cyrillic perfectly), and is too embarrassed to seek help, so is forced to accept piece-work, sewing at slave wages. Financial relief comes in the form of Sam Stevens, who recognizes the boy's ingenuity and offers him a contract to invent a chicken feeder. Sam gives Jimmy some valuable lessons in planning and time management.

Jimmy is made aware of oil pollution from a nearby outfall, and with a team of fellow students investigates its source and photographs the culprit in the act. His teacher, Mr. Searle, accepts the report as their Social Studies homework.

His mother grows closer to Sam Stevens, and enrolls in an English reading course.

Gaku Ou: The Royal Seven Stars


Hiroto is a prince from the Kingdom of Eleutheria on the small far-away planet of Fadenfrus. He was tired of spending his days in the royal palace and yearned for a school life like those on Earth, where his mother had once attended. His wish came true when he was allowed to attend Konoegahara Gakuen in Junesis, a country well known for its superior education system. However, the school only had 7 students (including himself) and was on the brink of closure since it was being targeted by officials. He decided to oppose the country to save the school and protect the school life that he had longed for… but moreover, the ulterior motive for him being sent to Earth was to take over Junesis! PSP cover art, featuring new heroine, Sorano.

Playable characters

; :Hiroto is the male protagonist of the game.

; :Sorano is the female protagonist of the game. She is Hiroto's younger sister. This character is only playable on the PSP version of the game.

Seven Stars

; * Voiced by: Yuka Kotorii (PC), Natsumi Takamori (PSP) Akari is the first heroine met by Hiroto, she is the school director's granddaughter.

; * Voiced by: Usa Fujisaki (PC), Chiyo Osaki (PSP) Annemarie is a cute girl who is an exchange student from Switzerland. She enjoys baking.

; * Voiced by: Rokka Kitami (PC), Ryoko Ono (PSP) Hinayu is one of the teachers teaching at Konoegahara Gakuen, she is quite shy at times. Despite her small stature, she is a senior classmate.

; * Voiced by: Yuri Bara (PC), Misato Fukuen (PSP) Uzuki is a high spirited, energetic girl who excels in sports. She likes to tease Akari.

; * Voiced by: Ryōta Ōsaka (PC, PSP) Erkenbert is Annemarie's older brother, he is an otaku.

; * Voiced by: Kōta Ōshita (PC, PSP) Shou's nickname is Harashou, he likes music.

Breakaway (1990 film)

An escaped prisoner abducts an accountant as he tracks a rodeo fair which is sheltering his wife.

Pygmalion and Galatea (1898 film)

Pygmalion, completing his statue of Galatea, is madly in love with it. To his delight, Galatea comes to life. When he tries to embrace her, however, she magically changes place; then her upper and lower halves come apart, much to Pygmalion's confusion. Galatea's halves join back together again, but just as he is about to kiss her at last, she steps back onto her pedestal and becomes a statue again.

Freedom Song (film)

''Freedom Song'' is told in flashbacks from the perspective of Owen Walker, a high school student in the fictional town of Quinlan, Mississippi in the early 1960s. Growing up in an insulated black community, Owen is oblivious to the white supremacy that still reigned in his town until he has a run-in with racists at a local bus station. While waiting for the bus, five-year-old Owen wanders unknowingly into the "Whites Only" diner. His father, Will, soon follows quickly behind and is forced by white diner attendants to spank his son in public. Will later tells his son, "someday you'll be eating at this counter". But this scene of public humiliation leaves a lasting scar on their relationship.

Will Walker had been a civil rights activist in the late 1940s. After returning from World War II, where he fought for freedom of oppressed groups abroad, Will resented the continued oppression of African Americans in his hometown. He worked to register African Americans to vote in order to replace the town's racist sheriff. Will's organizing was met with violent resistance by white supremacists. One night, when Will, his wife, and young son were in the house sleeping, Klansmen shot at their house. The family survived, but townspeople began to boycott Will's store, and he was driven out of business. Will was left with lingering feeling that organizing for equality was dangerous and worthless.

As Owen grows up, he becomes increasingly restless in the face of injustices against African Americans. He is inspired by the Freedom Riders he sees in the newspapers and on television, who are staging sit-ins across the South. When a Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizer, Mr. Wall, comes to Quinlan from Chicago, Owen is excited for the possibility of some action. But Wall is there to help African Americans register to vote. Owen's peers begin the slow, steady work of teaching eligible voters to pass the literacy test and register. While the voter registrants are met with resistance by white city officials, their movement is gaining steam, and Owen decides to become a part of it. Owen's parents still fear his involvement in agitating against white power, but alongside his friends and SNCC organizers, Owen continues to fight for justice.

The struggle for equality is not without a backlash from whites in the town. A verbal altercation downtown results in an older, respected black man getting shot and killed. As the town mourns their loss, Wall and other organizers feel responsible for stirring things up in such a volatile environment as Mississippi. The movement has not lost hope yet, and the organizers decide to begin staging strategic sit-ins at all-white establishments around the community. Protesters are arrested several times, culminating in a four-month sentence for Owen, Mr. Wall, and the youth's fellow friends and organizers, Charlie and Isaac. From the county jail, the organizers are heartened to learn that comrades from New Orleans have come to Quinlan to stand in solidarity for their cause. After Owen and his fellow organizers are released, segregation becomes illegal. Owen is able to dine with his father and reconcile at what was not long ago the "Whites Only" counter.

Pilot (Defiance)

Nolan (Grant Bowler) and Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) drive through the terraformed landscape of Earth and observe an Arkfall event. They find the impact site and search the wreckage for salvageable technology, recovering a spherical power source. They are ambushed by Irathient marauders but escape with the sphere; Irisa is wounded and collapses. Nolan hides the sphere and then fights off an attack by spider-like creatures until he runs out of ammunition; he and Irisa are rescued by lawkeepers who escort them to the nearby settlement of Defiance, which is built on the ruins of St. Louis, Missouri.

The people of Defiance are celebrating the anniversary of the end of the Pale Wars and the founding of Defiance, which is home to a mixture of Human and Votan survivors of the wars. The mayor, Amanda (Julie Benz), seems to be losing faith in her ability to lead the people of the town. To make matters worse, tensions are rising between Datak Tarr (Tony Curran), a wealthy and influential Castithan, and Rafe McCawley (Graham Greene), owner of the mines that fuel much of the local economy. Irisa is taken to the Indogene Doctor Yewll's (Trenna Keating) office to be treated; she recovers from her injuries.

A budding romance between Tarr's son Alak (Jesse Rath) and McCawley's daughter Christie (Nicole Muñoz) is met with disapproval from her older brother Luke (Wesley French), and he and Alak have a minor but uneventful scuffle before Luke excuses himself from the festivities and disappears. Later that night Luke meets someone on the edge of Defiance and is killed. Meanwhile, with no money and no equipment, Nolan attempts to make a quick fortune prizefighting; he wins, but most of his winnings are confiscated by Datak Tarr, who runs the prizefighting ring and, it seems, just about everything else in Defiance. McCawley, notified of Luke's death, pursues Alak in a rage with the intent of lynching him. Nolan intervenes; in the ensuing fight, the town lawkeeper (Peter MacNeill) is accidentally shot and killed. Nolan persuades Amanda to let him track down Luke's killer; he investigates and discovers that Luke was killed by a Votan "coldfire" weapon.

Tracking the killer, Nolan and Amanda discover that it is her Indogene assistant, Ben (Douglas Nyback); Ben subsequently destroys the generator powering the shield which protects Defiance. They learn that a party of armed Volge are approaching Defiance with the intent of destroying the town. While Amanda attempts to rally the people of Defiance and construct a defense plan, Nolan and Irisa collect their reward and leave, retrieving the sphere. Nolan has second thoughts and returns to help defend Defiance and its people; Irisa, furious, leaves him behind.

The people of Defiance attack the Volge in a narrow canyon outside Defiance. During the battle, another Castithan, Elah Bandik (Robert Clarke), displays cowardice and flees, infuriating Datak. The battle is going badly for Defiance until Irisa returns, leading the Irathient Spirit Riders to attack the Volge on the ground; Yewll then uses the sphere to completely destroy the Volge. Nolan and Irisa reunite and decide to remain in Defiance; Amanda persuades Nolan to become the new lawkeeper and Irisa becomes one of his deputies.

At the end of the episode, it is revealed that former mayor Nicky Riordan (Fionnula Flanagan) and a man named Birch (Steven McCarthy) were behind Ben's treachery. They wanted the Volge to attack and destroy Defiance, for unknown reasons.


The book chronicles the journey of the singer R. Kelly from poverty to fame: his life begins in a rough neighborhood, being molested as a little kid by a woman and street performing by the Chicago 'L' tracks and struggling to make it and provide money to his single mother for rent and comfort. Ultimately, however, he becomes a rich and successful musician.

Padroni di casa

Cosimo and Elia are two tilers from Rome commissioned by the singer Fausto Mieli to repaving the terrace of his house. A very successful singer, Fausto has chosen to retire from the stage following a serious illness of his wife Moira confined to a wheelchair. Despite the great displays of affection, it is clear that there is something wrong between Fausto and Moira. The couple lives withdrawn from the world in an apparently paradisiacal corner of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. To support tourism promotion, Fausto agreed to return to perform in public. Despite being brothers, Cosimo and Elia are profoundly different. The first, who is the older brother, has difficult stories behind him that have marked him deeply while the second, while loving his brother, suffers his presence as a limit. The small community immediately welcomes the two brothers with great distrust, like two foreigners. And if Elia tries to behave in an extremely professional manner, Cosimo cannot help but succumb to the charm of the star Fausto Mieli. Little by little, the mistrust between the two brothers and the rest of the village intensifies. Elia starts dating a local girl, triggering the jealousy of a boy who courts her. Cosimo, on the other hand, misunderstanding a compliment from Fausto, clashes with his client. To calm the ensuing humiliation he goes to the village bar and drinks more than he should. Meanwhile, as the day of the concert and Fausto's great return approaches, Elia and Cosimo's work is far from finished. Tensions between the singer and his immobilized wife escalate, just like the conflicts between the two brothers and the rest of the country. And when Cosimo involuntarily witnesses something that he shouldn't have seen, the reactions of the hosts are no longer delayed.

Patrol 03

The show centers around a trio of animal police officers called Shorty, Wilfred and Carmen; who solve crimes in the city of Los Diablos as "Patrol 03" - most of the police force considers them a joke and looks them down due to the minor assignments they get and their broken-down patrol car. The main villains of the show are the power-hungry Police Chief Pamela Bondani, who wants to become the town's mayor, and her mole assistant Professor Molo. The two are always trying to take over the city using various schemes while Bondani assigns Patrol 03 with various meaningless tasks to keep them out of the way.

Little Cop

Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin (Eric Tsang) has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer.

He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu (Natalis Chan). During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man (Michael Miu), to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice.

The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.

Body of My Enemy

After François Leclercq seduces the young and rich Gilberte Beaumont-Liégard, she introduces him to her family. Through the budding relationship with her in-laws, Leclercq is able to assimilate into the local upper class of his hometown, Cornai. A friend of Gilberte's father, Raphaël Di Massa hires him as manager of his new nightclub, "Number One". The oblivious parvenu Leclercq eventually discovers that "Number One" is actually a cover-up for Raphaël Di Massa's illegal drug trade. Following a dispute between Di Massa and Leclercq, the gun of the latter is stolen and used in the murder of a local football star. An orchestrated miscarriage of justice puts Leclercq in prison, despite his innocence. Seven years later, he returns to Cornai and discovers that it wasn't Di Massa, but Gilberte's father Jean-Baptiste Beaumont-Liégard who ran the drug operation during Leclercq's employment. In an act of retaliation, Leclercq turns Beaumont-Liégard's accomplices against him. As Jean-Baptiste Beaumont-Liégard is executed, Leclercq leaves the city satisfied with his revenge.

Cosita linda

Luján families and Rincón live in different worlds; the Luján live a life of privilege, enjoying the benefits of their economic status; while the Rincón are a middle, simple working class. The fate join Diego Luján and Ana Rincón and their families in the process.

Noesa Penida

On the island of Nusa Penida, two common-born brothers (Jaya and I Pageh) are friends with Pandansari, daughter of the king. When the king is murdered, Pandansari goes into hiding with her father's loyal manservant I Murda. Jaya, I Pageh, and Pandansari are soon entangled in a love triangle, one which is rendered more difficult owing to differences in caste. Ultimately, after rumors emerge that Jaya has been killed, Pandansari chooses I Pageh.


Delegates attend a multi-racial UNESCO conference. Dr Cindy Broughton is raped by three Aboriginal delegates but refuses to press charges.


Jacqueline Bisset plays a respectable Sydney housewife and magistrate who leads a double life selling expertly devised crimes. In fact, she seems to have sassed it until she falls for Japanese criminologist Masaya Kato and is drawn into a partnership with him that could be dangerous for her health.

Sworn Brothers

When Lam Ting-yat was little, his father died and he was raised by police officer Uncle Pau and was very close to his son Ngan Kwok just like brothers. Now Kwok has become a police inspector who just came back to Hong Kong after training in the Scotland Yard and Ting is a triad member working for crime lord Yeung Tung-hoi. Despite being on the opposite side of the law, they still maintain a close relationship.

When Kwok came back to Hong Kong, he and his father and Ting had dinner and afterwards they went out and competed on who can pee the longest in an alley. There, they see a police officer Shek, nicknamed Portuguese, harass a call girl and Ting fights with him and Kwok helps him and cuffs Shek on a cart and pushes him down the alley.

The next day Kwok reports to the police and is given a case of investigating Yeung's gang and Shek, who has been following this case, was assigned as his subordinate to assist him. In the files, Kwok also sees a file of Ting.

Later, on a ship, Ting meets a singer girl named Peggy who asks him to use his phone and offers to pay him two dollars for using his phone. However, she did not have money at that time and saves it as a debt.

Ting, Kwok and Pau go to a temple where Pau pays respect to Ting's father and asking for his blessing of Ting being safe, Kwok being promoted soon and his own health since his suffers from heart disease. Outside of the temple, Kwok asks Ting about his boss being involved in drug trafficking which Ting replies he does not know about it. Kwok tells Ting that he is not asking for tips from him but is trying to help him and not arrest him one day. Ting tells him about his plan to emigrated to America and jokingly asks him to teach him English. Before leaving, Ting goes back inside the temple and kneels in front of his father's grave. Afterwards, Ting goes to a private hospital and gives HK100,000 to the doctor to do surgery for Pau but also tells him to not tell Pau that the money came from him.

Ting then goes to his boss Yeung and tells of his plan to quit the triads and emigrate to America and Yeung tells him he will ask his underling Paul to help him deal with his immigration procedure. Afterwards, Ting goes down to his car where his parking meter just expired and Peggy was just there to pay it for him. Peggy says that she owed him two dollars last time and paid four dollars for the parking meter, which makes Ting owe her two dollars now. Ting offers Peggy a ride to her outdoor concert which she refuses and prefers to ride the train instead. While Peggy was riding on the train, Ting follows her in his car.

At the concert, Peggy trips and falls on stage which saddens her when everyone boos at her. Peggy goes to the side and cries, until Ting comes by and consoles her and takes her out to dinner and stay overnight at his house. At the same time, someone also attempted to assassinate Yeung where he was stabbed on his hips.

In the morning, Peggy unsuccessfully attempts to make breakfast at Ting's house and burns the food and offers him a piece of chocolate for breakfast which Ting replies he wants congee and youtiao. When Peggy is about to leave, Ting gives her a watch to which Peggy replies that they are "common friends, easy come easy go". Later, Kwok comes up to Ting's house where he buys him breakfast and makes coffee and sees Peggy, who attempts to leave through the back door. Kwok asks him whether it is his girlfriend to which Ting replies "common friend, easy come, easy go". He then proceeds to tell Kwok his plans to emigrate to America next week.

Later, Ting goes to a facial center where Peggy works and gives her several boxes of chocolate. She refuses it in front of him and gives it to her fat colleague but takes a bite at one when Ting leaves and he sees her doing so.

At Yeung's estate, he wants Ting to settle a problem with rival Fung which Ting refuses due to sticking to principles. When everyone blames Ting to be a defector, he decides to help his boss and brings his underlings Ka-lok and Chan Kwo with him. Later, it is revealed that the assassination attempt was set up by Yeung so Ting would help him.

When Ting and his crew make it to Fung's place, Ting and Kwo goes up and asks Ka-lok to wait in the car. While discussing with Fung, Ting and Fung get into a heated argument when Fing wants a bigger piece of the pie and Ting beats Fung's head on the table which then all of Fung's henchmen drew their guns at Ting. Fung asks Ting where is Yeung's cocaine, which the latter refuses to tell and Fung then ties up Kwo and beats him with a hammer. Ka-lok hears noise from downstairs and proceeds to get guns and alcohol from his trunk while also seeing his mother in the streets, who have not seen him in a while. After a brief talk with his mother, Ka-lok proceeds to go up the building and comes in and throws the alcohol which causes a fire and shoots at Fung's henchmen. After Ka-lok runs out of ammunition, one of Fung's henchmen shot and killed him which then Ting fights the henchmen and stabs him with a dart before killing him with his gun. Fung escapes by jumping out the window to the next floor and Ting chases him by jumping down floor by floor to the street and finally confront him and shoots him multiple times to death.

Afterwards, Ting gives a call to Peggy who then goes to his house and treat his injuries. There, she cries and tells him that her heart aches while seeing him bleeding. Ting asks her that she said "easy come, easy go", but Peggy finally confesses that she loves him.

At the police station, Sergeant Shek tells Commander Chan Chung-hon that he found evidence that Ting killed Fung. Commander Chan then gives permission to Shek to arrest Ting. When Shek and his crew arrive at Ting's house, Peggy tries to stop them but is beaten up by them and Ting escapes through the back door to the top of the building. Ting manages to overpower Shek's crew and then Shek holds Peggy hostage at the top of the building. Ting then hits Shek's gun away with a metal pole and fights with him until Shek is about to fall off the edge of the building. Shek begs for Ting's help and offers a deal to not arrest him if he saves him and Ting tries to pull him up. At that time, Kwok also comes to his house and seeing it all messed up with the window broken and some blood, he comes to the top of the building and sees Ting where he says he will arrest him for killing a police officer. After pulling Shek up, Shek proceeds to fight Ting where Kwok helps Ting to fend him off. Kwok then points his gun towards Ting where Shek tries to hit him with a metal pole from behind which then Ting kicks him off the building but landed on the air conditioners. When Kwok tries to arrest Ting, Peggy takes the metal pole and hits Kwok's back and she and Ting leave.

At the police station, Commander Chan demotes Kwok after knowing about his close relationship with Ting and after reading Shek's report stating he saw Kwok letting Ting go. After leaving his office, Shek comes by and humiliates Kwok, who proceeds to fight with him before being stopped by his colleagues. Kwok then goes to a private restaurant where Yeung and his underling Fat Ko Wai are eating and attempts to arrest Yeung before being kicked out by the manager since he does not have a warrant.

The next day, Ting goes to the estate of Yeung, who gives him a large sum of money to illegally enter Brazil, to which Ting asks Yeung to give half of the money to Ka-lok and Kwo's families. Yeung then expresses he does not want Ting to leave and tells him to take care. Ting then tells Peggy his plan to go Brazil and cannot take her with him since he is a wanted criminal and does not know what will happen. Peggy then convinces Ting to take her with him by stating she wants to start a new life with him and if he lives, he would have no friends, and Shek would kill her if he tries to find him. Ting finally agrees to take her with him and tells her he will go pick her up at 3 AM after visiting Uncle Pau.

At Pau's house, while he was fixing something, Ting knocks but ignores him to which then Ting climbs in. Ting then apologizes to Pau and gives him a sum of money which Pau refuses and states that Ting needs it more than himself. At first, Pau refuses to let Ting in the house and close the window shades but he was actually trying to hide Ting and lets him in and tells him to leave through the back door as there are people spying on him outside. He tells him to not trust anyone and depend on himself. Before leaving, Ting puts the money on top of a shelf. Then, Shek comes by and attempts to search the house without a warrant. Pau attempts to stop him but Shek pushes him away and tries to find Ting. Later, Pau unsuccessfully try to tackle Shek and Shek leaves. Ting comes back in the house and sees Pau having a heart attack and Ting gives him his medicine while trying to leave the house to the hospital, Shek comes back and Ting begs Shek to allow him to take Pau to the hospital. When Shek refuses, he tries beat him and Pau bites his leg and Ting pushes him to a rake where he was stabbed to death.

Ting then takes Pau to the hospital and tries to hide his face when he sees his wanted poster on the wall. When the police recognizes him, he runs. Then, Kwok comes into the hospital and was informed by his colleague that Ting brought Pau to the hospital and is running now. Kwok then receives a message from Ting and he calls him back which Ting tells him he needs to take good care of Pau and he has left money at his house while also stating they might not see each other again. In the hospital, Pau asks Kwok to help Ting leave Hong Kong safely.

Ting goes to pick Peggy up but was confronted by Kwok in the parking lot where Kwok questions him how many has he killed. Kwok is determined to arrest Ting for killing people. Peggy then tells Kwok that Ting saved his father's life and risked himself as a wanted criminal to take his father to the hospital. Ting then tells Peggy to shut up stating that it is between him and his brother and is none of her business. Peggy states Kwok is not worthy enough to be Ting's brother since she understand him better than a brother of over 20 years. Ting holds his hands up and Kwok proceeds to cuff him but Peggy takes Kwok's gun and points at him saying this is Ting's last chance and asks him whether he really wants to arrest Ting and have him imprisoned for life. She also states their future is depending on him and begs him to let them go. Ting then takes the gun and tells Kwok that they were childhood friends who both dreamed of being cops. They both joined the police academy together but Ting was unsuccessful. He also tells him he does not want to be a wanted criminal and have no choice but to leave. Ting gives Kwok back his gun and finally agrees to let them go while also offering his motorbike to them since Ting's car is being tracked by the police.

On the ship leaving Hong Kong, Ting and Peggy happily talk about their life in the future stating that there will be hardship, but they can start a new life. Peggy then jokingly warns Ting not try to court girls in Brazil since she heard that they are very nice. Ting says Brazilian girls are dark skinned and have body odor and would only love Peggy. Peggy then says she wishes their children in the future to join the Brazilian soccer team and play at the World Cup. Ting then asks Peggy how long have they known and Peggy clearly remembers it has been a month and six days. Ting also asks whether she will worry that he might leave her to which she replies she is the only girl in Brazil without body odor. As they are kissing, Fat Ko comes up and shoots Ting in the back and he falls into the water and the ship explodes which kills Peggy and several of Yeung's henchmen. Yeung watches this on the shore with his lawyer.

At Yeung's estate, his lawyer tells him Ting will find out that Yeung was the mastermind behind this and he would testify against him. Yeung then decides to kill him but his lawyer tell him that it is impossible to do so since he is a wanted criminal and he is locked up tightly.

Kwok visits Ting at the hospital and brings him a jar of soup. There, Ting asks Kwok about Uncle Pau's condition and tells him not to tell Pau that he is in prison since it would greatly upset him. Ting then gets angry and upset and Kwok tells him not to be upset and saying he would serve a lighter term if he cooperates with the police. However, Ting states that even so, he would still have to serve 30 to 50 years in prison and would be old when he comes out and would be useless. He is only in his twenties and he is afraid. Kwok then tells him that being in jail does not mean there is no more hope. Ting then says over the past ten years he has not done anything right and is a failure and says he will do something right this time by testifying against Yeung and helping Kwok recover his position. He tells Kwok that he will think it over in prison and is determined to become a good person again. Kwok leaves and steps in to his car but upon seeing Ting's watch, he comes back and gives it to the officers to safely store it for him.

While showering, a prisoner tries to stab Ting but misses and stabs someone else. Another prisoner strangles Ting with a towel and Ting was stabbed. The injured prisoner crawls out calling for help and Kwok sees this and goes in the shower room with the other officers. Kwok sees Ting being tortured by two prisoners and hits one of them to the wall while other smashes his head with a piece of glass which knocks him unconscious.

At the hospital, the doctor tells Pau that Kwok's left brain was devastated and dry blood are on his brain stem which causes his brain to be heavily injured. The doctors states that if he does not do surgery immediately, he would become aphasia, if worse, may become hemiplegic. Pau then asks the doctor the probability that the operation would be successful to which the doctor replies fifty percent.

Afterwards, Pau visits Ting and seeing him all injured, he is sorry to his father. He tells Ting that since he was a child, he treated him very well as his own son and would only beat Kwok for misbehaving and when he wants to beat him, he would think of his father and give him a lot of freedom. Pau now realizes that this is a mistake and saying that he does have much time left but hopes to see the two brothers have a successful career and family. Seeing Kwok being heavily injured in the brain and Ting being beaten badly and in prison, Pau is greatly saddened and has a heart attack and is taken away by the nurse.

Later, when Ting sees Yeung on the newspaper, he becomes furious and decides to escape from prison by holding a nurse hostage. After he successfully escapes, he goes to an opening ceremony of a Buddhist temple where Yeung funded to build. There, Ting takes out his gun and attempts to shoot Yeung but her daughter Lai-chu blocks him. However, Yeung pushes his daughter away and runs towards Ting was being tackled and cuffed by the police. At that time, Yeung was also informed that her daughter has a miscarriage which makes her greatly mad at her father.

Ting and Yeung were brought to court and were charged for 28 cases of smuggling and 15 cases of instructing murder during 1974 to 1986. Since their crimes were major, they are not allowed for bail. However, Yeung's lawyer tell the judge that his client is a public figure in Hong Kong who must attend public meetings during the week and may not be locked up. The judge then allowed Yeung to be bailed on HK$3 million cash and must give out his travel passports. During the second court trial, Ting's lawyer convinced the judge that Ting lost his parents during childhood and never had a proper education while also being stressed by Yeung while Yeung's lawyer stated that his client is a rich tycoon with a net worth of HK$500 million and would not smuggle for only $3–4 million and the lack of evidence against him. In the end, the jury decided Ting to be guilty and Yeung not guilty. Ting was pleaded guilty by the judge and is sentenced to capital punishment since murder is a cruel crime and selling drugs does great harm to the community while Yeung is pleaded not guilty is released immediately. After the trial, Kwok, who is wearing a neck brace comes and gives a hug to Ting while he is actually giving Ting a chance to pull out his gun and shoot Yeung multiple times to death and the bailiffs were trying to stop him. After killing Yeung, Ting drops the gun and he and Kwok happily raise their hands up.

Tulpa (film)

Lisa Boeri is a business woman with a secret double life: if during the day she is a busy and serious worker, the night she is an assiduous frequenter of the private club Tulpa, owned by a haunting Tibetan guru, where the sickest fantasies of customers become reality. But the fiery lovers who attended Lisa begin to die one by one in increasingly cruel ways, and the woman finds herself involved in the chain of murders. Forced to investigate on her own, not to discover her double life to the police, she will face a terrible escalation of death, mystery and eroticism.

Il Rosa Nudo

'''''Il Rosa Nudo (Naked Rose)''''' is a film inspired by the life of Pierre Seel. The film focuses on an episode which will mark forever the existence of Seel, who was imprisoned by the Nazis at the age of seventeen: deported to the Schirmeck concentration camp, he witnessed the atrocious death of his partner. After the war he didn't speak to anyone about the reason for his imprisonment, and eventually he married and had three children.

In 1982, outraged by the violent attacks against gays by the Bishop of Strasbourg, he decided to write his autobiography and to denounce the atrocities he suffered.

Coda's film recalls the testimony of other victims of Nazi persecution of homosexuals and describes the pseudo-scientific experiments to which many of them were subjected by the SS physician Carl Vaernet.

Pan Twardowski (1921 film)

According to a 16th-century Polish legend, an occultist from Krakow sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for magic powers, but later reneged on the deal. The character is said to have been based on a real-life 16th century German nobleman who lived in Krakow and Nuremberg. There were many variations of the folktale over the years and since this film is now considered lost, it's impossible to tell which variation of the legend was used for the plot. But the 1936 sound film remake is said to have followed the story of this film closely, so the two films' storylines must be very similar.

Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go

Elah Bandik (Robert Clarke), the Castithan who fled the battle in the pilot episode, is accused of cowardice by Datak Tarr (Tony Curran) and must undergo a "cleansing" ceremony which is actually ritual torture and execution. Nolan (Grant Bowler) and Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) intervene and stop the ceremony, but Amanda (Julie Benz) allows the ritual to continue, citing a previous incident in which many Irathient were killed and those remaining left Defiance.

Rafe McCawley (Graham Greene) is displeased with his daughter Christie's (Nicole Muñoz) engagement to Alak Tarr (Jesse Rath); he asks her to call off the wedding. Christie seems to have second thoughts; however, Stahma Tarr (Jaime Murray) intervenes, meeting Christie at the diner where she works and changing her mind.

Meanwhile, Birch (Steven McCarthy) and Nicky (Fionnula Flanagan), continue with their plan; Birch releases Ben (Douglas Nyback) from his restraints at the hospital and forces him to try another approach. Ben triggers an explosion at the McCawley Mines, trapping himself in a shaft leading deep underground. Rafe McCawley leads Nolan through a series of caverns called "The Rat's Nest", meeting up with the blocked shaft in the ruins of Old St. Louis. They find Ben attempting to blow up a nuclear power plant. Ben is captured and the bomb is deactivated; Nolan talks Rafe out of killing Ben in revenge for Luke's (Wesley French) death. Ben tells Rafe that Luke was trying to earn money to leave Defiance and his father by helping him, because Luke hated Rafe for what he had done to his mother. Ben then throws himself on McCawley's gun and pulls the trigger.

In Nolan's absence, Irisa is incensed by the torture ritual and rescues Elah Bandik. With the help of Tommy (Dewshane Williams), a Deputy Lawkeeper, she arrests Elah as a means of providing protection for him. Datak is furious and tries to retrieve him; Amanda, Nolan and Rafe arrive just in time to prevent further violence and Datak appears to give in.

A memorial service is held for those who died defending the town from the Volge. Rafe tries to mourn, but he is struggling to comprehend Ben's final words regarding Luke. He searches Luke's room, discovering maps, a pile of scrip, and a strange gold object.

At the end of the episode, Elah Bandik has one last meal with his family, then departs with Datak. Elah is subsequently found dead in front of the lawkeeper's office.


To protect the world from the impending invasion of the alien species known only as "Evolutionary Invasion Objects" (EIO), the supranational organization DOGOO created special warriors through DNA manipulation called E-Gene holders. These E-Gene holders are the reincarnations of various historical figures. Using special weapons called AU balls, E-gene holders can call forth AU weapons with an affinity to their assigned historical figure and use it against the invaders. Sio Ogura is one of them, being the reincarnation of Oda Nobunaga. However, her memories of her past life are limited only by dreams about the military past. Going on a school trip in Taiwan, Sio gets caught in the middle of a battle between Evolutionary Invasion Objects and Dogoo's E-gene holders, alongside her classmate Kaoru Asao. When one of the E-Gene holders, the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper, gets incapacitated and Kaoru ends up in danger when confronting an Evolutionary Invasion Object, Sio uses Jack's AU ball to fully activate her E-Gene holder status. She gains her AU weapon, a massive machine gun, and assists the other E-Gene holders to put an end to the Taiwan invasion. After some reluctance, she joins DOGOO at Kaoru's behest.

Divinity: Dragon Commander

''Dragon Commander'' takes place thousands of years before all other ''Divinity'' games. The player character is the titular Dragon Commander, the bastard son of Aurora, a dragon who took on human form, and Emperor Sigurd, who united Rivellon into a single empire for the first time in history using steampunk-styled technology provided by a demon named Corvus. When Aurora is fatally poisoned, Sigurd withdraws from his duties, his empire becomes unstable, and his three legitimate yet insane children amass their own armies in secret before launching a coup and then embroiling Rivellon in civil war. Maxos, a powerful wizard and ally of the late Sigurd, comes to the Dragon Commander as the only sane heir remaining, and asks him to enter the fight and win the war so that the demonic technology can be destroyed. With no army of his own, the Dragon Commander is obliged to draw much of his support from the non-human races: the traditionalist Undead, the libertarian Elves, the capitalist Dwarves, and the republican Lizardmen. This requires him to enter a political marriage with one of four princesses and carefully balance the advice and requests of ambassadors and generals to retain each race's backing.

At first, the Dragon Commander is ignored by his siblings and viewed with apprehension by the public due to his limited forces, but a series of victories in an island province demonstrate his strategic talent and position him to invade Rivellon's heartlands. As the Dragon Commander grapples with his siblings' armies, Maxos reveals that Corvus is being used to power his airship, and offers him the chance to gain advantageous new technologies from the demon by sacrificing people to it. When the three other heirs are defeated, Corvus breaks free of his bindings and assumes control of the remnants of the enemy armies, revealing that he had planned for all four heirs to destroy each other so he could wreak havoc on Rivellon unopposed. Corvus's armies vary in strength depending on how many sacrifices were given to him, but each one that is defeated partially weakens the demon. When at last Corvus is vanquished and Rivellon is reunified under the Dragon Commander, the demon's machines are destroyed and the world enters an era known as the "Pax Draconis". Depending on the Dragon Commander's political decisions, the restored empire ranges from oppressive and tyrannical to just and enlightened, or may even be converted from a monarchy into a republic.

The Long Hot Summer (1985 film)

Drifter Ben Quick arrives in a small Mississippi town and Will Varner, a family patriarch, sees Ben as a better choice to inherit the family business than his only son Jody. Will tries to push Ben and his daughter Noel into marriage. Noel is initially reluctant to court Ben and Jody senses that Ben threatens his position.

Buk Fatey To Mukh Foteyna

Rimaan (Shakib Khan) is the son of a multimillionaire in Dhaka. He has a love interest in Rumana, who has a friend Apu. Apu's father Shohel Rana wants to get her married to her cousin Misha Shadogor, who is a rowdy, which Apu doesn't like. Naturally, her paternal-grandfather bluffs to the family that she has already fallen in love with a guy in the city. Rumana helps her by renting Rimaan as her would-be, just to let her escape the wedding situation for the time being.

Poetri Rimba

Achmad and his group go hunting on an island. After they are separated, Achmad wanders through the island's dense jungles until he is ultimately captured by a gang of bandits under the warlord Kumis Panjang and his right-hand man Perbada. As Perbada prepares to burn Achmad alive, it is revealed that Achmad had once saved Kumis Panjang's daughter, Bidasari, from death; as a result, he is not executed. Although Bidasari is betrothed to Perbada, she and Achmad begin falling in love. In a rage, Perbada captures Kumis Panjang and Bidasari, who are eventually rescued by Achmad.

The Kill Order

In the prologue, Thomas goes through the Swipe and is put in the Box, as he is one of the candidates who is needed inside. He is told that Teresa will get the Swipe as well. Thomas is then sent into the Maze with Teresa, setting the events of ''The Maze Runner'' in motion.

Set thirteen years before the prologue and the events of ''The Maze Runner'', the main story of the novel begins in New York City, when the world is hit by catastrophic solar flares.

Mark and Trina form an alliance with Alec, Lana, and others, who rescue them from a group of street urchins. The group flees to the fictional Lincoln Building to avoid an impending tsunami. The Tsunami ends up being made of searing hot water due to the solar flare, killing most of the survivors in New York and giving Mark PTSD. They camp out in the building for weeks until a yacht arrives, but the yacht's crew takes them hostage and kills one of them in order to persuade them to give up all the food in the Lincoln building. Alec manages to overcome their captors, and they take the yacht as their own and pilot the boat to the Appalachian Beaches.

The story resumes one year after the tsunami near Asheville, a small North Carolina village in which Mark, Trina, Alec, and Lana now live. Huge helicopter-like vehicles, called Bergs, arrive and attack the people in the villages. The crew showers their settlement with darts that kill many villagers. Alec and Mark manage to subdue and take over a Berg, but its pilot crashes the vehicle in order to avoid answering their questions. They discover that the darts contained a deadly virus, and they start their long journey back to their village.

Three days later, they reach the village to find that the virus had killed most of the infected. Lana and Trina explain that after the initial death toll, people started living a little longer before they die, and symptoms of infection also changed. Mark and Alec explain that the darts were filled with a virus, and the group suspects that the virus is mutating.

Trina and Lana take Mark and Alec to a locked room in which one of their other friends, Darnell, is confined. Increasingly sick, he had started having hallucinations, apparently from the virus, and begged Trina and Lana to lock him up, which they did. Their friend started saying that "they" were in his brain and eating it away. He kept repeating that "they" were going to eat at his head until nothing was left. He suddenly starts banging his head against a wall to silence "them" and ends up killing himself.

Another girl, Misty, who was his friend goes into the room and comes out reporting a headache that alarms Mark and Alec. They tell Lana and Trina to lock her up as well. Immediately after they confine, she starts acting just like her dead friend by talking about "them," and she starts to sing an eerie song about death.

Mark and Alec take Lana and Trina to find the mysterious attackers' base. The group passes through an abandoned village where they meet a five-year-old girl, Deedee, who they take with them. She tells them that just like their own settlement, her village was attacked months earlier. The people turned crazy and left her behind. She shows the group a puncture mark that alarms Alec, who tells the group that Deedee must be infected. They decide to take her with them anyway since if she had no symptoms months after she had been infected by the virus, she was obviously immune to it.

Traveling to find the attackers' base, Mark and Alec leave the group for a while to investigate a loud noise. They encounter a cult of infected people that believes that since Deedee is immune to the virus, unlike them, she must be some sort of demon. Mark and Alec manage to escape from the cult but find that a forest fire has been started and that Trina, Lana, and Deedee are gone from their campsite. Believing that the three girls in their party must have escaped and gone ahead of them to the attackers' base, Mark and Alec continue on to the site.

They arrive at the base and sneak into what appears to be the site of the Post-Flares Coalition (PFC). They eavesdrop on a conversation and realize that the disease is widely known as "the Flare" and caused by a virus that shuts down the thinking part of people's brains. They also learn that the girls were given back to the infected cult. They are caught eavesdropping but manage to escape and steal a Berg. Mark and Alec find weapons inside the Berg; the ''transvices'' are guns that evaporate people's molecules. They recharge one to use so that they can battle the infected. Mark realizes that the Flare has started to affect his mind.

Their journey in the Berg takes them near Asheville, where they find Lana suffering badly from torture by the infected. To end her suffering, Alec must kill her with the transvice. They find Trina and Deedee at an old house, but Mark realizes that Trina also has the Flare and has forgotten him. They are attacked by the infected but manage to escape to the Berg. As Mark starts to lose his sanity, he recognizes that Deedee is truly immune to the virus and should be sent to the safety of the PFC base in Alaska. Mark plans on delivering Deedee by using a teleporter, called a ''flat trans'', inside a PFC base in the safe part of Asheville. As they travel, they find that Alec is also dying from the Flare.

Mark and Trina manage to bring Deedee to the flat trans and send her through it to safety at the Alaska PFC base. Mark orders Alec to crash the Berg into the flat trans building to prevent the infected from escaping Asheville. Trina remembers Mark, and they kiss just as the Berg crashes, killing everyone in the base and destroying the flat trans.

In the book's epilogue, two years later, authorities from WICKED take a little boy, Stephen, away from his mother, because he is immune to the virus. They rename him Thomas. In the second epilogue, Deedee is revealed to be Teresa from the original trilogy, who sees the infected as worthy of saving due to her experience with Mark, Trina, and Alec, who tried to save her and the world in spite of suffering from the infection. When she first meets Thomas, on the other hand, Thomas tells her that he was grateful to escape his infected parents.

Elang Darat

After a series of robberies led by a bandit known as "Elang Darat", the chief of Kresek village calls in a detective named Parlan (Astaman). While investigating the crimes, Parlan is attacked and knocked out by a blow to the head. The chief's daughter, Rukmini, nurses him back to health and the two begin falling in love. This leaves the chief's adopted son, Gunawi, in a fury, as Gunawi is in love with Rukmini as well. Parlan's investigation reveals that Gunawi is, in fact, his long-lost half brother. Later the two must fight after it is revealed that Gunawi is "Elang Darat".


Lindsey Lewis and her boyfriend Ben House are left on Earth after the rapture. The souls of the worthy have been taken to Heaven while everyone else has been left behind. The people left on Earth must fend for themselves in a world now plagued by evil locusts that constantly yell "suffer!", talking crows that use profanity, brimstone, wraiths, and storms that rain blood. A politician named Earl Gundy takes control of the government and begins calling himself The Beast.

Lindsey's mother, a fervent Christian, was raptured but becomes the only person sent back after starting a fight in heaven. Her father is killed by one of the falling meteorites, and her brother Clark begins selling pot to the wraiths. Ben's father, an employee of The Beast, attempts to recruit Ben and Lindsey into working with The Beast. At first they refuse, but after their dream of opening a sandwich cart is literally crushed, they are forced to accept. On his day off, Ben's father begins to give them a "tour" around the Beast's mansion outside their hometown of Seattle. The mansion is heavily guarded by the Beastly Guards, the Beast's own private army of humans who made the deal with the Antichrist and the wraiths that serve his command. As warned by Ben's father, it is secretly loaded with land mines. The Beast, his guards, and his son Little Beast unexpectedly arrive, interrupting the tour. The Beast becomes smitten with Lindsey and pressures her to marry him and bear his evil children, giving her eight hours to decide before he will kill everyone she knows and loves.

Lindsey consults a Bible and together with Ben hatches a plan to imprison The Beast. They are warned not to kill The Beast as he will just return as Satan. Ben's father had built an escape-proof dog kennel for their pet, so they decide to use it to hold The Beast. They hatch an elaborate plan to isolate The Beast from his guards and the wraiths. They enlist Lindsey's brother and their undead zombie neighbor Mr. Murphy to assist in the plan, and Lindsey returns to The Beast's mansion to be wooed. While Lindsey's brother and his friend smoke pot with the wraiths and their neighbor engages the guards in a distraction, Lindsey attempts to spike The Beast's drink. When he fails to drink it, she is forced to lure him to the pool so that Ben can help her.

Outside, Lindsey begins yelling for Ben who arrives and challenges The Beast to a fight. After mocking Ben, The Beast pulls a gun and attempts to shoot him before Lindsey intervenes. The Beast knocks Ben out with a champagne bottle before being shot by Lindsey. As Ben comes back around, The Beast begins to recover. Lindsey begins shooting him again as Ben brings her more guns. Out of ammunition, they resort to bludgeoning him with a shovel before Ben decides to try and shoot him with a giant poolside laser that The Beast had installed. As Lindsey and Ben try to aim the laser they are blinded by a light coming from the sky. Ben is startled to see a man in white riding a winged horse and shoots him in panic, killing him and the horse.

Ben and Lindsey slowly realize that they've accidentally shot Jesus Christ. There is suddenly lightning from the sky, and the pair are confronted by a man in a white suit whom they realize is God. God angrily explains that Ben and Lindsey have ruined his entire plan involving the fate of all mankind by killing Jesus. Ben and Lindsey at first apologize, but God begins mocking and insulting them. The Beast revives as Satan and sneaks up on God, waylaying him with a shovel and starting a fistfight between the two. The fight spills over into the hot tub, where Satan deliberately drops a boombox in the water and electrocutes them both.

The Beast's guards drive up and see the two bodies. Ben's dad arrives and the men begin arguing over who will take The Beast's place as ruler of the world. Lindsey interrupts to point out with God and Satan dead, everyone is now in charge of themselves. Lindsey and Ben kiss as the men decide what to do now that they are free.

Ben and Lindsey finally open their own sandwich shop (which turns into a thriving lunch destination) and Lindsey is shown visibly pregnant with their child. Little Beast is now happily working with them. Lindsey's mother has made friends with some of the wraiths that are still around and is shown smoking pot with them. Ben's father moves into the mansion and throws a huge party with many other people including Morgan, the Beast's former right-hand man and leader of the now-disbanded Beastly Guards, as they celebrate their freedom with barbeque and salsa loaded with PCP.

Madame Thérèse

The book is told through the eyes of a young boy, Fritz, who lives with his uncle Jacob and housekeeper Lisa in a small village called Anstatt, near the present-day German towns of Kaiserlautern and Landau. After Fritz was orphaned he was adopted by his uncle, who is a doctor for the village and surrounding areas. One day in November 1793, the village awakens to find the French Republican army, who go house-to-house searching for food and supplies for their battalion. The army Colonel comes to doctor Jacob’s house, where his men start baking bread for their soldiers. It is here that little Fritz, doctor Jacob and their housekeeper first meet Thérèse, who is a cantinière travelling with the French battalion along with her little twelve-year-old brother Jean. The Colonel and the Republican army personnel do not use formal titles such as ‘Madame’ or ‘Monsieur’ when speaking to each other; instead, they address each other mutually using only the salutation ‘citizen’.

Later during the same day, a battle ensues in the village between the French Republicans and the defending armies of the Prussian and Austrian rulers. Fritz witnesses the bloody battle with his own eyes and sees firsthand the loss of lives and destruction of property that war brings. The Republican army is outnumbered and they realise they have to retreat. As the soldiers are departing, they quickly set up a barricade of stolen furniture and straw to block the street and then light it on fire, which soon spreads to nearby houses. Several other Austrian battalions pass through the village throughout the day and the accompanying army doctors and ambulances collect the wounded soldiers who are still alive. The village residents are left with putting out the fire and burying the soldiers who were killed. As the local undertaker and his men are carting away the dead bodies for burial, it is discovered that the cantinière Thérèse, who was wounded and is lying unconscious among the dead, is still alive also. She is rescued by doctor Jacob, who takes her to his house and with the help of friends performs an operation that removes a bullet from her shoulder. After several days, Thérèse regains consciousness. She continues to live and recuperate in doctor Jacob’s house along with her poodle dog Scipio, who becomes a good friend to Fritz. As time passes, Thérèse becomes well-acquainted with and respected by the members of doctor Jacob’s household and his close friends. The relationship that develops between them, as well as the turn of events on the military front, eventually culminates in her marriage to doctor Jacob, the victory of the Republican army over the Prussian forces, and the joyful reunion of Thérèse with her little brother Jean. The reader is left with the impression of a moral victory of the French Republican cause due to their ascribed ideals of social justice, fairness, and equality among classes as personified by the good-natured and kind Thérèse.

The Dean Case

The movie tells the story of George Dean, a Sydney-based ferry boat master, arrested in 1895 for attempting to poison his wife.Ed. Scott Murray, ''Australia on the Small Screen 1970-1995'', Oxford Uni Press, 1996 p41

The Death Train

A dead man is discovered at the bottom of his garden. It appears he has been hit by a train even though no train has run along those tracks for years.

Demolition (1978 film)

British Intelligence have been conducting sound tests in different countries on techniques to increase the ability of long-distance truck drivers to stay awake - sounds were pumped into their ears to see the results. They discover that one method could completely erase memory.

An intelligence officer, Ainsley, blackmails Peter Clarke, an Australian who used to work for him as an agent, Peter Clarke, into returning to Sydney as a courier. Clarke is to take an audio tape of recordings that will erase the memory of the listener. Ainsley wants the tape to lure an enemy agent, Korcheck - the plan is to trap Korchek into listening to the tape and have his memory wiped.

An American friend introduces Peter to Faith Camden and they begin an affair.


The disappearance of money from a safe in a police station leads to an internal inquiry.

The Distant Home

Jim and Maria Harrison are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary suburb. The only extraordinary thing about them is that their daughter Sally is about to become ruler of the galaxy.

The Harrisons were expecting their first child. On the way to the hospital the weather was strange, the electrical system of the family sedan failed, and when their child is born, it was unexpectedly twins, a boy and a girl, Bobby and Sally.

What the Harrisons did not know was that the leader of the Galaxy Empire was also pregnant at the time. As there was a war between the Empire and the Confederacy, to safeguard the Empires child, it was implanted in Maria's womb and left up to her to raise.

Twelve years pass and the twins have grown up, but the time has come for Sally to return to her real family, and rule as she was meant to. Unfortunately she is knocked over by a car while riding her new bike and is taken to hospital where it is discovered that she is an alien. With the government involved, Sally is unable to return to either family until the Harrisons make plans to rescue her and return her to her real mother and fulfill her destiny out among the stars.

Dot in Space

Dot decides to rescue Whyka, the Russian space dog, who is circling the earth trapped in a broken down satellite. After making her way into the space lab's complex, Dot trades with the space monkey Buster, then pilots an American rocket and sets a course to rescue Whyka. After the successful rescue, they both end up stranded on an alien planet, where a dictator named Papa Drop rules over people who are perfectly round in shape (called the Roundies) and ostracises people who do not have this perfection. Dot makes her escape and helps 'The Party' (In fact Papa's defective son Rolly) to turn the Roundies army against Papa and enable everyone no matter their shape, to a peaceful coexistence once more. With this business finished, Dot and Whyka get back in their rocket and return to Earth.

Rendezvous with Annie

Ex serviceman Jeffrey Dolan is held incarcerated in a New Jersey jail, suspected of murder. He gets a visit from a night club singer, Dolores Starr, and recapitulates the events leading him to his current miserable situation.

Not long ago Jeffrey was an Air Force clerk stationed in London. He shared a bomb shelter with a British man he calls "The Old Duffer", and tells the man about his wonderful wife Annie and her exquisite cakes, for which he longs.

Jeffrey manages to get a three-day pass. His Air Force friends persuade him to go AWOL with them as they fly overnight to the U.S., so that he can visit his wife on their wedding anniversary. General Trent is traveling with them on the plane, and he almost discovers Jeffrey as they fly over the Atlantic.

When the friends arrive at their destination, Jeff is taken by two of them, Spence and Avery, to the Bongo Club, mainly because Avery's girl Dolores Starr sings at the club. Jeffrey bumps into an old friend, Everett Thorndyke, and since Everett is currently in the company of his mistress, they agree to not talk about their visit there.

Eventually Jeffrey gets home to see Annie and they share a very romantic evening together. Annie promises not to tell anyone about his visit, but sends a piece with him back, which he gives to The Old Duffer. Jeffrey also tells the man he has been AWOL.

Jeffrey is discharged and returns home nine months later, and is overjoyed when he finds out his wife has given birth to a son. People in town looks strangely at him and he soon realizes it is because they think the child is someone else's, not knowing about his secret visit. A lawyer tells him he has to prove his paternity, or the baby will lose its inheritance of half a million dollars. Jeffrey has only one week to prove he is the father.

Jeffrey reaches out to everyone he saw that particular night, but Thorndyke denies meeting him at the Bongo Club, and the same goes for Avery and Spence, who are afraid of being court-martialed. It also turns out that General Trent, who was on the same plane, doesn't remember seeing him at all.

Jeffrey tries to get hold of a photograph taken of him at the Bongo Club and visits the photographer, Louise Grapa, together with Dolores. It turns out Jeffrey isn't in the photograph at all, and he is also attacked by Dolores' jealous husband, Phil Denim. Jeffrey knocks Phil unconscious.

Dolores, relieved, kisses Jeff on the cheek, and when Louise snaps a photo, unscrupulous newspaperman Al Morgan prints it in the paper. Annie sees the photo and confronts Jeffrey with cheating.

In the same paper, Jeffrey notices an article about The Old Duffer, whose real name is Sir Archibald Clyde. He is in the U.S. on a visit from London. Jeffrey runs over to meet the old man, and spots the newspaperman who printed the picture of him and Dolores once he arrives. Furious, he attacks the man, Morgan, and is apprehended by Clyde's guards. Jeffrey is arrested for suspicion of trying to murder Clyde.

When Jeffrey has told Dolores the full story, she agrees to help him. She contacts Clyde, Spence and Avery and brings them to Jeffrey's house to prove Jeffrey's version of the story. Thorndyke is also summoned, and the story is interesting enough to be published in the papers. In the end Jeffrey manages to prove his paternity, and his son is granted the rights to his inheritance.

Johnny Comes Flying Home

U.S. Army Air Forces fighter pilot Johnny Martin (Richard Crane) is diagnosed with nerve exhaustion at his discharge medical and is prevented from flying for a year. Instead he goes home with one of the other pilots, Miles Cary (Charles Russell), to his hometown in Iowa. While Miles returns to his family and his job at the bank, Johnny has a hard time adapting to the tedious ordinary life in the small town and starts working as a bus driver. One day he quits his job.

Joe Patillo (Henry Morgan), his other pilot buddy from the Army, is planning to start flying again, using a surplus Douglas C-47 transport aircraft. Johnny and Miles both agree to join Joe in California where Joe lives, and get their first job, to fly to New York.

Since Johnny is forbidden to fly, Miles and Joe fly the C-47 to New York. Miles's wife Sally (Faye Marlowe) is anxious about him flying again and asks why Johnny is not flying. Ashamed over his inability to fly. Johnny lies, telling Sally that he needs to work with the administration and marketing of the company.

Joe and Miles return with a passenger in the aircraft, Anne Cummings (Martha Stewart). Johnny is upset since he was not informed, and does not calm down knowing Anne paid for the trip. He is further upset when he finds out that Anne is hired as the new company mechanic.

Johnny keeps trying to get business for the company and works hard to get a contract with oil tycoon J.P. Hartley (Roy Roberts). He fails because Hartley considers their operation too small to carry out the work. Instead they continue flying for other companies.

After a while Anne demands they use the earnings on repairing the aircraft. Since the men do not follow her advice she takes matters in her own hands and talks to the owner of a garage, Harry (Charles Tannen), about the repairs and the aircraft is transported there.

Johnny is furious when he finds out, since the company is prevented from flying a mission and loses its commission. Since they don't have the money to pay Harry, the aircraft remains at the garage. Anne is subsequently fired. Soon after they hear that Hartley's aircraft has crash landed in the middle of nowhere. The men decide to steal their aircraft back from the garage and fly out there to fetch Hartley. As gratitude for saving him, Hartley pays their debts to the garage and they are in business again.

Miles is beginning to worry about his own finances, since Sally is about to give birth to their second child any day. He accepts a job test flying a new jet aircraft, to earn $10,000. He makes Johnny swear not to tell Sally, since she would be too worried for his safety.

The same day as the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star test flight, Sally goes into labor. To prevent Miles from flying, Johnny locks him into a phone booth and takes his place as pilot on the test flight. Anne finds out and pleads with him not to fly, knowing his medical condition. Johnny admits his love for Anne as they speak, but insists on flying to save his friend and prove his own capability as a pilot. He successfully flies the P-80 and returns to Anne on the ground.

Games People Play (Modern Family)

Phil (Ty Burrell) gets a new RV after selling a house and he wants to go to Yellowstone National Park for the summer, so he takes everyone on a test-drive just to get a taste of what the trip will be like. Claire (Julie Bowen) believes that the trip with an RV is not a good idea because she knows that having all the kids together in the same place can easily turn into a disaster. Without saying anything to Phil, the five of them set off.she lets him discover it by himself. At first the kids behave nicely, which frustrates Claire; but then a bee got into the car and chaos ensued. Phil gets mad at Claire and the kids as he just wants a nice family vacation together. In the end, all of them work things out.

In the meantime, Manny (Rico Rodriguez) tries to find his backpack that he thinks he has left in Luke's (Nolan Gould) room. Gloria (Sofía Vergara) breaks into the house along with him and Jay (Ed O'Neill) to search for it. Capitalizing on the situation, Gloria and Jay end up snooping through Phil and Claire's stuff, something that they also do later at Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron's (Eric Stonestreet) house once Manny remembers that his backpack is not in Luke's room but at Mitch and Cam's house instead. While snooping around, they find out that they were not invited to a game night and they start wondering why Mitch and Cam did not invite them. It is then revealed that Manny has forgotten to give them the invitation to the game, and decides to hide it after condemning them for not being game night material. Later they found out that Manny hid the invitation, but decide not to get mad at him.

Meanwhile, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) participates at a gymnastics competition and she does great. Cam and Mitch's competitive spirits, along with a series of miscommunications, though, gets them frowned upon by the parents of other kids.

Why I Live at the P.O.

On the Fourth of July in China Grove, Mississippi, Sister, the narrator, who is also a protagonist, begins her story when her younger sister, Stella-Rondo, comes back home after separating from her husband – Mr. Whitaker. Stella brings with her a child, Shirley-T. and despite a great resemblance to Papa-Daddy (grandfather of Sister and Stella-Rondo) she claims the girl is adopted. Sister does not believe her and that begins a series of quarrels between the siblings, whose relationship has been tough since Stella caused Sister's and Mr. Whitaker's breakup and married the man. Later that day, Stella lies to Papa-Daddy about Sister suggesting that he should shave his beard, to which he is very devoted. That causes a tension between him and his granddaughter. Then Uncle Rondo enters the house and borrows Stella's negligee, which makes her comment upon his look to Sister. A while later the sisters have another argument concerning Shirley-T. – Sister claims that the girl cannot speak, which angers Stella and also makes Mama upset. Mother even suggests that Sister should apologize to Stella, but she refuses and quarrels with Mama. As a result, Stella convinces Uncle Rondo that Sister suggested that he looks like a fool in her pink kimono. This lie aggravates the uncle; he believes that Sister really vilified him and that makes him mad at her. As everyone in the house is angry with Sister because of Stella-Rondo's lies, she leaves her home and moves to the post office, where she works.

Storm in a Water Glass

An ambitious town councillor feels confident he will be elected the next mayor, but a dispute over a mongrel dog owned by a local flower seller rapidly turns into a scandal which threatens his political career.

Five Dances

Chip, a young dancer who recently arrived in New York City, starts to train and practice with three other dancers and the ballet master; the dancing room where they practice is in SoHo. While patiently rehearsing each figure of the five dances making up the ballet, Chip has to choose between going back to his family home in the Midwest and starting his own career and personal life.

The County Fair (1934 film)

Oswald is walking merrily on the road, heading towards the county fair. On his way, the boy beagle is expelled out of the house by a disgruntled father. The father dog roughs up the boy beagle some more before returning indoors. Feeling sorry for his little friend, Oswald decides to take the little dog along.

At the fair, Oswald and the boy beagle disguise themselves as a single customer in an attempt to just pay for one ticket. But their cover is blown when they stumble, prompting the ticket seller to shoo them. Annoyed by that employee, the boy beagle assaults the ticket seller, eventually knocking the latter out of the ticket booth.

Going further into fair, the boy beagle wishes to board the roller coaster. But when a guard demands for a ticket which he has none, the little dog decides to just harass the guard, momentarily knocking that worker using the spinning bars. Oswald, who tries to take him, would also be knocked down by those bars.

Oswald chases the boy beagle into the trousers of a hefty tourist. While the little dog is able to get out of the pants, the rabbit gets stuck. The boy beagle begins pelting Oswald in the head with some baseballs.

Oswald then pursues the boy beagle into a high striker which the little dog climbs up. Oswald strikes the lever with a mallet but the boy beagle is able to dodge the bell-hitting mechanism. Oswald strikes the lever once more but harder. The impact of the second hit was so powerful that the high striker collapses. The rabbit then captures the boy beagle in a way that the tiny canine cannot escape.

Returning to the house, Oswald hurls the boy beagle back inside. In no time the house starts to rattle violently, giving Oswald the notion that the little dog is getting battered more by the father. It then appears that the one getting the abuse is the father dog who runs away in terror. The angry boy beagle shows up holding a short 2x2 lumber. Frightened, Oswald runs as far as he could. The boy beagle tosses the lumber which lands on Oswald's head, putting the rabbit dazed on the ground.

Purno Doirgho Prem Kahini

The film is about Joy (Shakib Khan) who is engaged to his cousin Mitu (Mimo). But he promises his grandfather that he will not tie the knot before he finds his missing aunt and uncle. In search of his missing relatives, he goes to Malaysia, where he meets a girl Zara (Jaya Ahsan) who is a UN employee. They become familiar with each other and Zara helps Joy find his aunt. Joy, appreciative of her companionship and help, falls for Zara. To avoid him, Zara gets involved with another man Shakib Ahmed (Arifin Shuvoo). In this situation, the climax of the film comes down between responsibility towards family, relatives and love affairs.

Oh What a Knight

In the Middle Ages, Oswald, a minstrel, rides his horse while singing and playing a concertina. He reaches a stone tower in which Pete is keeping his daughter Ortensia captive. He scales the tower and he and Ortensia kiss. Pete appears carrying a spear. Oswald grabs a sword and they fight. Pete breaks through a wall and gets stuck, allowing Oswald to free Ortensia from the large iron ball to which she is chained. Pete gets free and calls nine knights to help him. Oswald rolls the iron ball toward them like a bowling ball and scatters them. Escaping by the door, they discover a hostile lion, so they leap from the tower using her dress as a parachute and kiss as they fall.

12 in a Box

''12 in a Box'' sees twelve people attend what they think is a school reunion lunch but when they get there they discover that, as part of the last wish of a dead classmate, they will inherit £1,000,000 each if they can all stay together in the house for 96 hours. With one of the participants due to be married and another dropping stone dead on the first day, they have their work cut out to go the distance.

Crows Explode

Kaburagi Kazeo is a new transfer student at Suzuran All-Boys High School. While walking to school, he witnesses a group of students get clipped by a passing town car. He arrives just in time for the “opening ceremony”, a showdown between Goura Toru, the school's number one fighter, and another student. The fracas is interrupted by the arrival of Kagami Ryohei, another transfer student, whose arrogance immediately draws the ire of the crowd. Recognizing his vehicle as the town car from earlier, Kazeo confronts Ryohei, who ignores him and walks away. Before he can follow, Kazeo is attacked by another student, Wajima, whom he promptly knocks out with a single punch.

At the Doberman Bar, former mob enforcer Katagiri Ken enjoys a drink while trying to keep a low profile. He encounters Makise Takashi, whom he implores to forget they saw each other. Makise instead ropes Ken into coming to work with him at a local auto dealer. Back at Suzuran, Kazeo is approached by Ogisu Kenichi, who explains that since beating Wajima at the opening ceremony, Kazeo has been ranked as the school's number five fighter. He goes on to suggest that Kazeo might be a contender to take on Goura for the top spot, and that they should join forces. Kazeo rejects the idea, asserting that he has no interest in conquering Suzuran. Meanwhile, Ryohei begins taking on challengers, and proves to be a skilled fighter himself.

Later, at the bar, Kazeo and Kenichi get into a scrap with Shibata Hiroki, the top fighter from neighboring Kurosaki Industrial High. Back at the Nakata dealership, Ken is adjusting well to his new life as a salesman, and has become smitten with the owner, Aya. However, he soon discovers that the local mob is trying to force the shop out in order to redevelop the land. To protect Aya and the business, Ken goes to see the mob boss, Mr. Nara, who refuses to stop pursuing the Nakata property. During the meeting, Ken encounters Fujiwara, a former Kurosaki student turned mob recruit, as well Ryohei. Having known Ryohei's father from his former profession, Ken is disheartened to learn that Ryohei is now being groomed as Nara's successor.

Kazeo visits the cemetery accompanied by his mother, with whom he has a strained relationship. It is revealed that his father was a professional boxer who died due to injuries sustained during a match, and that his mother subsequently developed problems with drinking and gambling. The next day, Ken comes to Suzuran to find Ryohei but runs into Kazeo, with whom he shares stories of his youth at the school. Fujiwara is sent on behalf of the Nara Gang to harass the Nakata shop. He also begins stirring up conflict between Kurosaki and Suzuran as revenge against Shibata, with whom he holds a grudge following an incident which landed Fujiwara in prison. His plan pays off, as an enraged Goura begins attacking Kurosaki students in retaliation. Goura soon learns that Ryohei and Fujiwara are acquainted, but is stabbed by a Kurosaki student.

Shibata confronts Fujiwara, but is defeated and left with a broken arm. Ryohei and his gang begin relentless assaults at Suzuran, resulting in Kenichi being hospitalized. The injured Goura challenges Ryohei, but is also defeated, and Ryohei is named Suzuran's top fighter. Later, Fujiwara and Ryohei return to the Nakata shop to shut it down once and for all, setting fire to the building. Escaping the blaze, Ken seeks out Kazeo and begs him to stop Ryohei, for his own good. Spurred on by the escalating violence, Kazeo assembles his own force to take back the school.

Kazeo leads his gang, joined by Goura, to confront Ryohei and Fujiwara. Despite his injury, Goura singlehandedly dispatches many opponents before taking on Fujiwara himself, where he quickly loses the upper hand. As Fujiwara prepares to finish Goura, Shibata arrives. Noticing burns on Shibata’s chest that he caused, Fujiwara admits that he had deserved to have been punished for his actions; he apologizes to Shibata and retreats. Kazeo finally clashes with Ryohei, and after an intense and lengthy battle, he emerges victorious. Ken arrives soon after and whisks the battered Ryohei off for treatment, and away from the influence of the Nara Gang.

Sometime later, the Nakata auto shop has been renovated and is a thriving business again. Kazeo, having become the number one fighter and united the school, faces down the final obstacle on his path to completely conquering Suzuran - the indomitable Rindaman. The film ends as their battle begins.

The Trunks of Mr. O.F.

When thirteen large suitcases arrive at a hotel in a small town, labeled as belonging to a mysterious O.F., they provoke curiosity and speculation. Rumours begin to spread like wildfire that they belong to a millionaire. Although O.F. fails to appear, his anticipated arrival is a catalyst for a series of dramatic changes in the town.

Five (2011 film)

An anthology of five short films exploring the impact of breast cancer on people's lives.

Room 10

During one of her shifts in the emergency department of a hospital, Frannie Jones (Wright), an overworked nurse, meets a couple in Room 10 where the woman is close to death.

The Alton Gift

Book One

Domenic Alton-Hastur arrives at Comyn Castle in Thendara, accompanying the body of his late grandmother, Javanne Lanart-Hastur. He is reunited with his cousin, Alanna Alar, an emotionally unstable young woman who is unable to control her outbursts of temper and ''laran''.

Domenic and Danilo Syrtis-Ardais learn that Alanna appears to have a version of the Elhalyn gift, which shows the possessor multiple possible futures. Alanna has no control over the gift, and the episodes of precognition come on her without warning. Danilo tells her she should go to Arilinn Tower for training, but she refuses. Domenic realizes that he is becoming increasingly attracted to Alanna, though he knows his family would object. They agree between themselves to a secret handfasting.

Lew Alton is suffering increasing depression and nightmares. He confides in Danilo Syrtis-Ardais that he cannot shake the weight of the events of his life, particularly his participation in the Sharra catastrophe (see ''The Heritage of Hastur'' and ''Sharra's Exile'') and the battle on the Old North Road (see ''Traitor's Sun''). Danilo recommends a retreat at the ''cristoforo'' monastery, St.-Valentine-of-the-Snows. Though he is skeptical, Lew agrees to go.

Book Two

Jeram, a man living in a small village, begins to suffer Threshold Sickness. His family takes him to Neskaya Tower, where the keeper, Silvana, and her underkeeper, Illona, identifies him as a Terran. As he recovers his memories, he realizes that he participated in the battle on the Old North Road. Now self-identifying as Darkovan, he decides he must seek forgiveness from the Comyn Council. Silvana arranges a meeting between Jeram and Lew Alton, which proves healing for both men. Lew observes that Silvana has the Hastur gift (living matrix). He believes that she may be Kierestelli, the daughter of Regis Hastur entrusted for protection to the ''Chieri'' in ''Hastur Lord''.

Domenic arrives at Neskaya and reunites with Illona Rider. He realizes that he loves Illona far more than he does Alanna, despite his promise. He accompanies Lew, Jeram, and Illona back to Thendara. Illona tells Domenic that she accepts the nature of their relationship – that she realizes they can never marry.

They encounter a man who appears to be suffering from Trailmen's Fever (see ''The Planet Savers''), which all believe to have been wiped out over 40 years prior.

At Thendara, Jeram takes shelter in a transient camp. He meets Liam, an associate of Francisco Ridenow, who tells him that the Comyn Council will not agree to hear him. Liam turns out to be right. He takes Jeram to Francisco Ridenow, who appears sympathetic at first, but drugs Jeram and takes him prisoner. Under questioning, Jeram reveals that Lew and Marguerida used their Alton gift on the Terran forces during the battles of Comyn Castle and Old North Road, in violation of Comyn custom.

Book Three

Domenic, Lew, and Illona arrive at Comyn Castle in Thendara. Lew suffers a heart attack but survives. He asks Domenic to find Jeram, saying that he believes Jeram is in terrible danger.

At the opening of Comyn Council season, Danilo Syrtis-Ardais proposes that nedestro offspring of the Comyn be seated in the council if they have laran. Accordingly, Kennard-Dyan Ardais legitimates three of his ''nedestro'' children, including Illona Rider.

Alanna discovers Domenic in conversation with Illona, and realizes they are in love. She runs, and stumbles into a back passageway that leads to Lew Alton's bedroom. Alanna tells Lew her fears, and has the first honest exchange she has ever had with another human being. Again, as with Jeram, the experience is healing for both of them.

The following day, Danilo Syrtis-Ardais surprises the council with another revelation – a candidate to fill the vacant Aillard seat, Darius-Mikhail Zabal.

Francisco Ridenow brings a drugged and beaten Jeram into the council chamber and demands that he recite Ridenow's version of the battles of Comyn Castle and Old North Road. Despite his condition, Jeram resists. Marilla Lindir-Aillard collapses and confusion ensues.

Undeterred, Ridenow accuses Mikhail Lanart-Hastur of holding power unlawfully. Francisco Ridenow challenges Mikhail to trial by single combat, and reluctantly, Mikhail agrees. Mikhail kills Ridenow, but not before he is wounded with a poisoned blade. The keepers attending Council join to save Mikhail's life, but they are able only to slow the inevitable.

Illona informs Marguerida that Marilla Lindir-Aillard's collapse was not caused by a heart attack, but by Trailmen's Fever. Marguerida takes a party to the abandoned Terran spaceport, to search out records of the vaccine created nearly 50 years earlier to treat a similar epidemic. With Jeram's assistance, they are able to retrieve the records.

Book Four

In one of the transient camp, Jeram's friend Ulm recovers from the fever. Jeram persuades him to donate blood to assist in finding a cure.

The keepers join to use ''laran'' to synthesize a cure, but the process is too slow. Marguerida uses her shadow matrix to make a sufficient quantity, but the effort traps her in the Overworld. Domenic joins his parents' hands, once again joining the ring of Varzil the Good that his father wears with his mother's Shadow Matrix. Marguerida uses their joint power to heal her husband's wound.

With the epidemic receding, Comyn Council gathers again. Domenic announces his engagement to Alanna, but she declines, saying she needs training at a Tower to master her ''laran'' gifts. This leaves Domenic free to marry Illona. The Keeper's Council charges Marguerida with the misuse of her ''laran'' at the battle of the Old North Road, while acknowledging that she saved most of their lives by doing so. They require her to finish her Tower training, which had been interrupted by the events described in ''The Shadow Matrix''. The council brings no charges against Lew, saying he is free to return to the St.-Valentine-of-the-Snows monastery.

Jeram returns to his family and moves to Thendara to help prepare for the eventual return of the Federation.

Exile's Song

Marguerida Alton, a music scholar, accompanies her friend and employer, Professor Ivor Davidson, to Darkover where the two intend to study local folk music. She hires two children to guide them to Music Street in Thendara. Her conversation with the children ignites long-forgotten memories of the five years she lived on Darkover as a child.

Several days after their arrival, Ivor dies in his sleep and is buried on Darkover. After the funeral, Marguerida is approached by Captain Rafe Scott, who tries to explain how they are related, but discovers that she knows nothing of her own family history.

At Rafe's suggestion, Marguerida hires Rafaella n'ha Liriel, a Renunciate guide, to assist her in her folk music gathering project. They successfully gather many songs, but Marguerida's dreams begin to be troubled by long-repressed memories of her childhood on Darkover.

Marguerida becomes ill and the pair take shelter at the Ardais estate. When the illness appears to be Threshold Sickness lasting several weeks, her host, Lady Marilla Aillard, sends for Istvana Ridenow, keeper of Neskaya Tower.

Istvana becomes aware of a presence in Marguerida's mind that occasionally controls her. With Istvana and Marilla's assistance, Marguerida confronts the presence, which turns out to be the will of a long-dead Keeper, Ashara Alton. Marguerida recognizes a keystone, a visual representation of Ashara's hold on her, and takes hold of it. She is able to dislodge the keystone with the unexpected assistance of Mikhail Lanart-Hastur, another house guest whom she barely knows. The experience leaves a "''shadow matrix''" in her right hand – the blue glowing outlines of the keystone that function as a matrix. Having broken the "tower of mirrors," Marguerida begins to recover.

Gabriel Lanart-Alton, Marguerida's uncle and Warden of Alton, arrives at Ardais. He demands that she decamp to the Alton estate, Armida, and finds himself on the losing end of a very loud fight. In the end, Marguerida hears her father's voice telling her that it will be alright if she goes to Armida.

Before she leaves for Armida, Marguerida has an unexpected conversation with Mikhail. He tells her that his parents want to marry her off to one of his brothers and asks her to promise that she won't allow this. She assures him that she won’t allow herself to be married against her will, though both of Mikhail's brothers do eventually propose. She turns down both of them.

At Armida, she finds her aunt and uncle, Javanne and Gabriel Lanart-Hastur, to be conservative, and they are shocked by her unconventional life and opinions. More to her liking are her uncle, Jeff Kerwin (see ''The Bloody Sun''), and cousin, Liriel, a matrix technician from Arilinn Tower. However, Liriel's twin, Ariel, is so unnerved by Marguerida that she and her family abruptly leave Armina, inadvertently causing a carriage accident that leaves one of her sons mortally injured. Ariel blames Marguerida.

In the midst of the commotion, Lew Alton, Marguerida’s father, arrives at Armida. He informs his relations that Dio, his wife, is ill and has remained behind in Thendara. He also explains that he has resigned as Darkover's representative to the Terran Federation Senate, and has been replaced by Herm Aldaran. Another loud argument with Javanne ensues.

During the night, Donal Alar, a young boy, attempts to frighten Marguerida as a prank. She unintentionally uses Command Voice -- a trait of the Alton telepathic gift -- on him and send his spirit into the Overworld. with the support of her relatives Marguerida returns to the Tower of Mirrors in the Overworld, greets her dead mentor Ivor and successfully returns young Donal to his body.

Marguerida, Lew, Mikhail, Jeff, and others undertake the journey back to Thendara so that Marguerida can see her dying step-mother, Diotima. In telepathic discussions with Mikhail, Marguerida admits that she needs to remain on Darkover and gain control of her new ''laran'' abilities. Mikhail explains the unspoken objection everyone has to their relationship – that a marriage between Mikhail and Marguerida would concentrate too much power, both political and ''laran'', in a single couple.

During the trip, she points to the ruin of Hali Tower and asks what it is. It becomes clear that she sees the tower as it originally stood, while everyone else sees the ruins, foreshadowing events in ''The Shadow Matrix''.

The traveling party arrives at Comyn Castle. Marguerida discovers that her months of experiences on Darkover have left her more comfortable in the castle than she was the first time.

Regis calls a meeting in the Crystal Chamber of whats left of the Comyn. He explains that the Telepathic Council (see ''The World Wreckers'') has not provided sufficient leadership for Darkover. He further explains that the Elhalyn line has essentially gone extinct, leaving no one to inherit the Elhalyn kingship. These two problems leave Darkover vulnerable to Terran predation. Regis determines to reconstituting the Comyn Council to replace the Telepathic Council. He appoints Mikhail Lanart-Hastur as Regent of Elhalyn.

Marguerida admits to her father that the only man on Darkover she would willingly marry is the one forbidden to her. She and Mikhail quietly agree to make the marriage happen.

The Most Fun You Can Have Dying

The story begins in Hamilton, New Zealands fourth largest city where Michael (Matt Whelan) lives in a run down student flat with his best friend David (Pana Hema Taylor). Michael has been having medical tests and is given the shattering news that he has terminal liver cancer. Michael reacts by drinking excessively and hiding the news from his friends. Through the support Michael is offered by his friends, especially David, he begins to accept his prognosis. It is revealed via photographs that Michael's mother also died from cancer.

The community of Cambridge, a small town where Michael grew up raise $200,000 in an attempt to save his life through a revolutionary medical programme in the United States. However, Michael is concerned about the side effects of the programme and the fact that it only has a 10% chance of working.

In a moment of honesty Michael confesses to David that he had a one-night stand with David's girlfriend. David is furious and storms off leaving Michael to his thoughts. Michael then makes the decision to leave New Zealand and see the world during his final few months. Without telling anyone Michael manages to scam the $200,000 and flees New Zealand stopping off in Hong Kong en route to London. Michael then descends into a hedonistic lifestyle drinking and spending his nights in seedy nightclubs. One night Michael hits on a woman only to have her boyfriend violently attack him. Bleeding and bruised Michael is awoken in alley by Sylvie (Roxanne Mesquida) and invites her for a coffee. When she asks "where?" he replies "how about Paris?".

Michael and Sylvie then begin to travel a snow swept Europe taking in the sights in Paris, Munich, and Berlin. Initially the mysterious Sylvie rejects Michaels romantic overtures but after a short time they become lovers. Michael is rapidly becoming unwell and Sylvie confronts him about his illness. An emotional Sylvie reacts by picking up another man only to be discovered by Michael having sex with him. Michael is distraught and packs his bags to leave only to calm down and eventually forgive Sylvie.

Sylvie is clearly troubled and we discover that she has suffered a miscarriage, the father being someone she had known sometime before Michael. Whilst travelling across Germany in a car Sylvie and Michael start playfighting, Sylvie then takes the wheel and unexpectedly wrenches the wheel causing them to deliberately crash.

Michael awakes in a German hospital to find Sylvie is dead and that he is to be arrested for fraud for his theft in New Zealand. He is also under suspicion for having caused the death of Sylvie. Michael is grief-stricken at Sylvie's death and later awakes to find David next to him who has flown from New Zealand to take him home. A sympathetic German doctor refuses to let the police arrest Michael and hints that he has to the morning to escape.

A seriously ill Michael and David flee the hospital and agree to one final session of partying before returning to New Zealand. Michael and David travel to Monaco and dress up formally to gamble in a casino. Michael persuades David to risk all their money on the roulette table and they end up winning hundreds of thousands of Euros. They return to their hotel with the intention of returning to New Zealand the next day. A critically ill Michael instead sneaks out of the hotel, leaving behind a note for the sleeping David and his father and travels to Venice.

In Venice Michael stares lovingly at a photo of his mother - taken in the same spot in Venice, and takes an overdose of his cancer drugs, washed down with copious amounts of wine. Michael dies looking out on a stunning Venice, leaving this world on his own terms.

Dracula Reborn

In Los Angeles, California, realtor Jonathan Harker proposes the sale of an abandoned building in a gang-dominated neighborhood for $12.5 million to his wealthy client Vladimir Sarkany - who is actually the vampire Count Dracula. The sale make Jonathan enough money to start a family with his wife, Lina. The night that Jonathan visits Dracula at his home to have the property deed signed, he notices a painted picture reminiscent of Lina. Later, Quincy Morris warns him about Dracula, who murdered his girlfriend, Lucy Spencer.

Police detectives, Holmwood and Varna investigate Lucy's disappearance. Dracula's associate, Renfield, frames Quincy for her murder. Jonathan takes Lina to see the painting at Dracula's home, where Dracula begins to hypnotically seduce Lina, who reminds him of woman on the painting. Jonathan and Lina head back home, but their car breaks down on the way, causing them to camp in the woods. During the night, Dracula seduces the detectives and goes to bite Lina, sparking her illness. At dawn, the car is able to start back up and Jonathan takes Lina to get blood work done by Dr. Joan Seward (Dani Lennon).

The following day, the detectives discover Lucy's corpse in a trunk. Jonathan finds out Lina is infected with an anonymous organism that is multiplying inside her system. While on the run, Quincy pleas to Jonathan for help to kill Dracula, although Jonathan refuses to believe Dracula is a vampire. Shortly after, Renfield runs Quincy over with a truck, killing him. When Lina begins feasting on their dog's corpse, Jonathan gets in contact with vampire hunter, Van Helsing for help and learns Quincy was killed. After Dracula seduces Lina and takes her away, Jonathan learns from Van Helsing and a mythical book that they have one day to rescue Lina and kill Dracula, or Lina will turn into a vampire. Jonathan confronts Dracula at his house, but Dracula wards him off. Jonathan hallucinates that he sees Lina on the road and crashes his car, but survives.

The next day, the detectives come to arrest Jonathan for his wife’s murder, and Van Helsing kills them. Jonathan and Van Helsing confront Dracula at his new house, which is about to go into closure. They find Dracula resting inside a coffin, and Van Helsing tries to kill him while Jonathan takes Lina upstairs. Dracula escapes and kills Van Helsing. He suddenly appears in front of Jonathan and attacks him; however, Jonathan and Lina kill him by driving a stake through his heart. Afterwards, Lina bites and presumably kills Jonathan, revealing she has become a vampire. Lina takes over Dracula's home, with Renfield as her assistant.

Russian Dressing (film)

Krazy is on a horse-drawn sleigh, riding through the countryside, and playing a balalaika. He then stops at a house, and sings the Russian song ''Dark Eyes'' to serenade someone. Coming out of the house is Krazy's spaniel girlfriend. They would then walk around and sing the song together.

Krazy and the spaniel enter the house, which turns out to be a tavern, where they do the Cossack dance. It is a pleasant experience for them. Meanwhile, a hefty hog drinks an entire bottle of vodka, thus becoming intoxicated and psychologically corrupted. The hog nabs Krazy and tells him to blow up "the palace" with a round black bomb. Krazy, at first resists, but is compelled by the hog who is heavily armed.

Krazy jigs out of the tavern while holding the bomb. He tries to hurl it at a distance but animals in the vicinity, such as dogs and birds, keep throwing it back. Not liking what the cat is doing, the hog engages with Krazy in volleying the bomb back and forth. The bomb finally detonates at the hog who then runs off in a barrel. Krazy and the spaniel go on to celebrate by doing the Cossack dance outside and kissing.

Scared and Running

A badly injured and bleeding girl (Laine MacNeil) runs into the middle of a road and gets struck by a car. She flees before the driver (Harrison MacDonald) gets out to help her. The driver then sees a man's silhouette standing in front of his headlights.

The next morning, Danette Leeds (Amy Seimetz) awakens to find that she has missed a call from daughter Kallie. Danette's boyfriend Joe Mills (Ryan Robbins) returns to the trailer after having been gone for much of the night. Danette voices her concern about Kallie. He dismisses himself and gets ready for work. Holder and Linden visit Danette after Mama Dips (Grace Zabriskie) reveals Mills is her son, and she called him at Danette's trailer from jail. Linden tells Danette that Mills made the porn video of Kallie. Danette insists Mills never looked at Kallie in a sexual way. She also mentions Kallie tried to call her the previous night. Skinner calls Holder with news that someone may have spotted Mills.

At the scene of the car accident, Skinner tells Linden and Holder the girl had red hair and was badly injured. The driver says a man pursued the girl through the forest. Linden traces the girl's original path to find a red biohazard bag hanging on a tree. Back in the car, Linden and Holder interpret the empty biohazard bag as a sign the girl is still alive. They begin to canvas the area and the city looking for her.

In prison, Alton rehearses the speech he plans to give to the family of his victims. When inmate Dale (Nicholas Lea) says God has already forgiven them all, Seward says he's not asking for forgiveness. Elsewhere, Becker (Hugh Dillon) requests six volunteer guards to assist with Seward's execution. Henderson (Aaron Douglas) does not sign up.

Linden and Holder visit Beacon Home. Pastor Mike (Ben Cotton) suggests they check one of the city's three remaining 24-hour clinics. Outside, Bullet arrives and asks what the gameplan is. Holder says they're going to look for Kallie at the clinics. Bullet says she has a better idea and gets into their car. She directs them to an overpass where Kallie sometimes sleeps when she can't find a bed elsewhere. Holder swaps his suit for a hoodie and talks to a gang of punks loitering nearby. One punk (Nelson Leis) heard crying near the river the previous night. Across the river, Holder notices some large drainage pipes. He, Linden, and Bullet drive to the pipes and find blood stains inside one of them. Holder hints Kallie may be dead and Bullet gut-punches him for giving up. He invites Linden to his apartment for food, but she declines.

Dale asks Seward if he loved his wife. Seward says he liked her wild side but she was neither mother nor wife material. Seward gets a visitor. Tess Clarke (Ingrid Torrence), Adrian's foster mother, tells him she'd like to adopt Adrian and Adrian wants to visit. When she adds that Adrian has forgiven him, Seward laughs and calls for the guard.

Linden misses the ferry home and goes to Holder's apartment. His girlfriend, Caroline Swift (Jewel Staite), introduces herself. Caroline serves her food and gives Holder a cupcake, wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day. Holder makes up an unconvincing excuse for not having anything for her, then gets a work call and looks at Caroline for permission to go. She cautions them to be safe. In the car, Bullet tells them that a friend saw a man carry a bleeding girl into an alleyway by a nearby veterinarian's office.

Linden and Holder bust into that office. A man (Jeff Gladstone) emerges from a room with his hands raised, insisting he doesn't know who dropped off the girl. Linden finds a girl on an operating table—her throat covered with sutured cuts and her hand wrapped in gauze. Linden knows it's not Kallie. Outside, Bullet cries as she slowly accepts the fact that Kallie might be dead. Holder comforts her.

Alton returns to his cell after meeting the family of his victims. He reveals to Seward that the visitors were his brother and sister and that his victims were his parents. He says his siblings told him they've forgiven him. Danette slowly drives down the city streets looking for Kallie. She calls her daughter and leaves a voicemail. She later meets Mills in a motel room. As he showers, she calls Kallie again. Drawn by the sound of ringing close by, she discovers Kallie's phone inside Mills' bag. He exits the bathroom and stares at her.

Top Five

''New York Times'' reporter Chelsea Brown is spending a day interviewing comedian and recovering alcoholic Andre Allen, star of the hit film franchise ''Hammy The Bear,'' about a cop in a bear suit. Chelsea has forgotten her audio recorder, so they first go to her apartment. While there they discuss a magazine article about the Cinderella complex. Chelsea explains that Cinderella left something behind to let the prince know that she wanted to see him again.

Andre is attempting a foray into serious films with ''Uprize'', in which he portrays Haitian Revolution figure Dutty Boukman, and is sensitive to criticism, particularly by ''Times'' critic James Nielson, whose previous reviews of Andre's work have been negative and insulting. As the interview begins in his limousine, Andre recalls his lowest point, when he was in Houston in 2003 and met Jazzy Dee, who supplied him with drugs, alcohol and women. When Jazzy refused to pay the women, they contended they were raped, leading to Andre's arrest and subsequent sobriety.

After the limo gets hit by a cab, Andre and Chelsea wander the city. Andre stops at a jewelry store to pick up the rings for his wedding to reality-TV star Erica Long. Following a subtle, tense interaction with Andre assisting an acquaintance who is actually his father, they visit the apartment of Andre's old friends and his ex-girlfriend. Chelsea interviews each, learning that Andre wasn't particularly funny when he started in stand-up comedy. They nominate their five favorite rappers, including a sixth in their lineups as well. Andre goes to radio shows such as ''Opie and Anthony'' to promote ''Uprize'' and attends a press conference with fellow stars including Taraji P. Henson and Gabourey Sidibe. To his chagrin, Andre is asked when there will be another Hammy movie.

At a hotel, Andre and Chelsea unexpectedly encounter her boyfriend, Brad, along with his friend Ryan, who is wearing Brad's shirt. Chelsea deduces Brad is cheating on her with Ryan. She and Andre, both recovering alcoholics, stop in a liquor store but resist making a purchase. Chelsea explains in graphic detail how the signs were there that Brad was gay. Andre laughs, calling Chelsea naive. She becomes angry and insults his movie, but the two end up kissing. Andre asks to borrow Chelsea's phone, since his own died. While using it, he sees an email from her editor, revealing James Nielson is Chelsea herself. The truth devastates Andre, who angrily tells Chelsea he felt he was never funny unless he was drunk or high, and now is fearful for his career. Despondent and acting out at a supermarket, he is arrested by police.

In jail, Andre calls Erica, who fumes over the arrest, mainly because of how it will look for her image. She tells Andre this piece of fame is all she has since she thinks she has no other talent. Erica's manager Benny takes the phone and tells Andre to go to his bachelor party for good press and fly out for the wedding. Andre's bodyguard Silk bails out Andre, and they go to a strip club for a bachelor party with a theme based on Hammy The Bear. There, Andre hangs out with Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, and Whoopi Goldberg. They give him different views on marriage and sex. Andre runs into Chelsea, who wants to make it up to him and invites him to follow her.

Andre, Chelsea, and Silk go to the Comedy Cellar, where Andre gets up onstage and performs standup for the first time in years. He turns out to still be funny, and the crowd loves him. After the performance, he tells Chelsea he got inspired to return to standup after being in jail and talking to DMX, who told Andre he does not want to keep rapping and wants to sing instead. He then sings "Smile", terribly.

They drop Chelsea off at her place, where she and Andre share one last kiss before departing. Andre asks for her top five rappers, which she lists. While driving away, Silk tells Andre he should have gone after Chelsea. Andre goes through the gift bag from the party and finds items including a scented candle and a bottle of vodka. Then he pulls out a slipper, and Silk smiles.

After the credits begin rolling, the movie returns to the party, where Jerry Seinfeld shares his "top five" as Sugarhill Gang, Eminem, Wale, Ice Cube, and Sir Mix-a-Lot.

Propinquity (novel)

''Propinquity'' begins in the 1970s at Geelong Grammar School, with central character and narrator Clive Lean and his friends surreptitiously smoking cigarettes, and contemplating their "maddening" girl-less existence, beside a small bay near the school. The friends end up together at Melbourne University, until Clive's wealthy father dies on the golf course - bequeathing him the family plastics business. Clive is not a success as a businessman, and within two years he is forced to sell ''Plas-E-Quip'' to a tramp in the Botanical Gardens, in a bid to evade back taxes. He flees the country.

At Oxford University – where he enrolls to complete his medical degree – he falls in with a second group of friends, and on a trip to London meets Samantha "Sam" Goode, daughter of the Dean Of Westminster Abbey and a medieval scholar. As they draw closer to each other, Sam begins to drop hints about the Abbey's housing ancient secrets. She soon she reveals that beneath the floor in the Chapel of Henry VII lies the body of Berengaria of Navarre, widow of Richard Lionheart.

An intrepid soul, Berengaria had been a follower of the Indian mystic Kabir, who had taught ''gnosis'' - the direct connection with the divine, which did away with religion, priests and even belief. On her return to London, Berengaria met the monks at Westminster, who had kept the flame of gnosis alive for twelve centuries. The Westminster monks had originally been initiated by Joseph of Arimathea, the provider of Jesus's tomb, who had travelled to Britain after the crucifixion. A reading of one of Berengaria's letters – entombed underground with her – leads Sam to the startling conclusion that the queen is not dead, but in a trance induced by a medieval herb.

When they learn there is an herbal antidote, but that it no longer grows in Africa, Clive travels to Haiti, where he hopes the herb may have been brought by African slaves. Here he teams up with his old school and university friend Alistair - now a revolutionary fighting "Baby Doc" Duvalier's government – in search of the elusive antidote. Clive eventually purloins it from a witchdoctor. Back in London, the visits by Clive and Sam to Berengaria's underground tomb have been discovered by the Dean, and the group's efforts face ruin.

Now their task is to remove the body from the grasp of the Church, enabling them to revive Berengaria. Several of the group create loud distractions in other parts of the Abbey as Clive goes underground and grabs Berengaria's body. The queen is revived with the antidote herb at a secret workroom, and they spirit her out of the country. The group arrives in Mullumbimby in rural Australia, where Lake - Clive's best friend from school - now lives. They stay in his house. Despite Clive's reviving her from eight centuries of sleep, Berengeria does not appear to take to him. A protracted ''longueur'' ensues, as the two try, and fail, to communicate.

On a shopping trip to nearby Byron Bay, Clive is spotted by a policeman and arrested. He is extradited to Melbourne, where he faces charges of tax evasion. In jail he meets the tramp to whom he had sold his company, and bribes him to give favorable evidence; he is acquitted. Meanwhile, the Church has been announcing that the kidnap of Berengaria never occurred. On the courtroom steps, Clive confirms the claim: saying that there had never been a body under Westminster Abbey, and that the "kidnap" had been a hoax arising from a student bet. After the trial, Sam reveals she has been given Berengaria's ''gnosis'', and discusses its revelatory qualities with Clive. He shows an interest in learning it. He also tells Sam that he loves her, and wants to settle down with her and have children. She laughs, replying, "I don't think you could breed in captivity".

Pots of Gold

Mong-hee and Yoo-na are two different women who look exactly the same, so much so they could be twins. Mong-hee is a cheerful and hardworking street vendor who sells accessories and dreams of becoming a jewelry designer. On the other hand, Yoo-na is the cold daughter-in-law of a wealthy chaebol family.

Yoo-na has just gone through a divorce with Park Hyun-soo. Hyun-soo's parents own a jewelry company, which he is due to inherit as the eldest son. But his younger brother Hyun-joon wants the CEO position for himself, and he schemes to gain control of the family business, along with his wife, Sung-eun, a successful jewelry designer. When Hyun-soo meets Mong-hee, he gets a real chance to find love and happiness, but the fact that she looks exactly like his ex-wife might become a problem, as he asks her to pose as his wife. Mong-hee soon finds herself caught up in a power struggle within the Park family and also discovers the tragedy behind her and Yoo-na's births.

Bad Hair Day (Modern Family)

Claire (Julie Bowen) has her college reunion and she is glad that Phil (Ty Burrell) can not go with her because there will be many things he does not know and to try to explain him everything all the time can be really annoying. Her ex-boyfriend, a professor (Maxwell Caulfield) she dated 20 years ago, will also be there, another reason she does not want Phil to be there. When Phil's plans for bowling get cancelled and he surprises her by showing up without telling her, things get awkward.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) has a bowling tournament and he is determined to win. Having his plans for the day, he leaves Gloria (Sofia Vergara) alone with the baby and running around for errands. When Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) comes to her house to ask her lend him a boa, she slips and hurts her ankle. Mitchell feels bad and offers to take little Joe for the day. Gloria accepts his offer and takes advantage of the opportunity to go for a free spa day.

In the Tucker-Pritchett house, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has one of his elaborate photo shoots. When Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) gets bored and quits, Cam can not waste the opportunity to use Joe. A wig malfunction though—Lily glued the wig to Joe's hair—leads the two men to cut off Joe's hair and of course no one wants to tell Gloria because they all know how she will react. Finally, Jay is the one who ends up telling her and takes the blame, but surprisingly, Gloria reacts very well.

In a World...

Sam Sotto is a Hollywood actor who is known as "king of voice-overs" for his extensive narration and voice-over work. He has recently published an autobiography and is about to receive a lifetime achievement award upon turning 60.

His 31-year-old daughter, Carol Solomon, is a struggling vocal coach who has always been overshadowed by her father. Carol agrees to help Eva Longoria to loop her accent as a British mob boss wife. Sam forces Carol to move out of his house so that he can live with his girlfriend Jamie, who is a year younger than Carol. Carol leaves to stay with her older sister Dani and her husband Moe.

An upcoming film series, ''The Amazon Games'', plans to bring back the "In a world..." line made famous by the late Don LaFontaine. The trailer voice-over is highly sought after. Sam bows out so that his friend and heir-apparent, Gustav Warner, can assume the role, but Gustav develops laryngitis and fails to show up to a temp track recording. Carol happens to be at the studio doing other work with engineer Louis, and she substitutes for Gustav. Katherine Huling, the series' executive producer, decides she wants Carol for the job instead. Carol also gets other voice-over work, but she neglects to tell her self-absorbed father about her newfound success. Gustav and Sam feel entitled and are dismissive of the unknown woman who "stole" the job from them.

Carol visits Dani at the hotel where Dani works as concierge. Intrigued by the voice of a flirtatious Irish guest, she asks Dani to interview and record him for her voice archive. During the interview, Dani pretends to be single.

Carol joins Sam and Jamie at a party at Gustav's mansion. Gustav flirts with her, and Carol ends up staying the night. While waiting for Dani to come home from work, Moe listens to the recording of her interview with the hotel guest and is shocked at her lie. He leaves the apartment after she arrives.

Rumors spread quickly about Carol and Gustav. Gustav boasts to Sam of his night with some party-crasher, and when Gustav learns she is the woman in competition for the job, he decides to keep pursuing her, still not fully realizing who she is.

Sam and Jamie host a meal for Sam's daughters. It comes out that Carol is the mystery woman in the running for the coveted job. Sam is indignant, furious at Gustav, and dismissive of Carol, causing her to leave angry. Sam vows to compete for the job himself.

Dani is distraught about her husband, and Carol secretly records her anguish, sending the message to Moe to help win him back.

Competition for the job heats up. All three must send recordings for the studio to decide among. Carol is ready to drop out, but Louis champions her cause, also explaining that he likes her. Carol admits she likes him, too. They work together to produce the audition recording, then party together afterwards. At the end of the night, Louis finally kisses her.

Though Carol is still angry at her father, Moe insists that she and Dani go to the Golden Trailer Awards, where Sam is due to receive a lifetime achievement award. There the trailer for ''The Amazon Games'' is revealed; Carol got the job and is elated. Sam storms off. Jamie berates him and threatens to leave him if he does not grow up and show support for his daughters. During his acceptance speech, Sam is magnanimous in victory, dedicating the award to his daughters. In the ladies room, Carol encounters Huling, who bluntly tells Carol that she was not the best person for the job, but was chosen for the greater meaning of having a woman in that role.

Carol goes back to her work as a voice coach, helping low self-esteem, high-pitched, squeaky-voiced women to speak less like a "baby doll" or "sexy baby" and be taken more seriously as mature women, using her voice-over on ''The Amazon Games'' trailer as their inspiration.


Guided by a strange, haunting song, elementary-schooler Sorata Suzuhara from the Heisei Era is warped back in time to 1919, in a high-tech ship called Norn9. This ship, flying above towns resembling that of the Meiji or Taishō period, harbours The Gifted, a group of three girls and eight boys with special abilities. As he tries to find a way to return to his time, he discovers incredible secrets about the world and spacetime itself.

Money on the Street

A young woman tries to escape her fate of marriage to a dull, but wealthy fiancée.

Lady of the Tropics

While visiting French Indochina with his girlfriend and her family on her father's yacht, freeloading American playboy Bill Carey falls in love with Manon DeVargnes, a beautiful, local woman of mixed race background he meets in Saigon. Manon is also being romantically pursued by local businessman Pierre Delaroch. Bill eventually marries Manon. When Bill is unable to find employment in Saigon, Delaroch secretly arranges to have Bill employed by his company.

Best Men (Modern Family)

Sal (Elizabeth Banks), Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam's (Eric Stonestreet) best girlfriend back from their party years, unexpectedly comes to their home and announces them that she will marry Anthony (Michael Masini) someone whom she met just three months ago. The wedding is the next day and she asks them to be her best men. Of course they accept but they are not sure if Sal is ready for a wedding since she was always been the party girl. When Sal makes out with the bartender just one hour before the wedding, Cam wants to stop the wedding.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofia Vergara) have hired an English nanny named Daliya (Nosheen Phoenix), but Gloria has some trust issues with her. Meanwhile, they also have to deal with Manny's (Rico Rodriguez) art love for nude females. Gloria and Jay believe that this kind of art love comes from Gloria who is breast-feeding little Joe in front of everyone, but the real reason is the new nanny, who Manny is in love with. To arrange some alone time with Daliya, he convinces Jay and Gloria to go to the movies, and he prepares a romantic dinner for him and Daliya. While Jay and Gloria are out, they find out about Manny's love for Daliya and they rush back home.

Claire (Julie Bowen) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) have one of their rare bonding moments and Claire asks Haley to go out for dinner, just the two of them. While dropping off Alex (Ariel Winter) to the bar she is playing with her band, Haley encounters to a friend of hers and she leaves with her, ditching her plans for dinner with Claire. Later, she comes back and hangs out with Claire because she feels guilty leaving her while they had plans. A nice surprise awaits both of them when Alex's band starts playing.

Meanwhile, Phil (Ty Burrell) tries to help Luke (Nolan Gould) get a date with Simone (Olivia Rose Keegan) through Facebook. When the date is arranged, Phil goes with Luke at the Dinner and sits at the bar to wait for him. Things get awkward when Simone's divorced mom, Valerie (Janelle Marra), comes to the bar to introduce herself and it is revealed that she was the one writing the messages on Facebook on behalf of her daughter.

Diabolik Lovers

The main heroine, Yui Komori, was just a normal teenage girl in high school until her father, a priest, went to travel overseas for work. As a result, Yui is sent to a new town and arrives alone at a mansion where she was told will be her new home. At the mansion, no-one greets her; however, the door swings open on its own accord. As she explores the area to find someone to escort her in, Yui then enters to find herself all alone, but before she does, she finds a handsome young man sleeping with no heartbeat on a couch. To her shock, he awakens, and five other young men gradually appear. Yui soon notices something different about all of them: she discovers that all six of them are brothers, but by three different mothers, and that they were all vampires from the very beginning.

After living with the Sakamakis for a month, Yui starts to have strange dreams and apparitions regarding a mysterious "Eve". One night, on their way to school, the brothers and Yui get involved in an unexplainable fiery car crash. The next day, four vampire brothers come to the house and kidnap her. What will happen with the Sakamakis? Will she come back?


Hiyori Iki was a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds: the Near Shore, where regular humans and creatures reside, and the Far Shore, where phantoms(demonic beasts) and human souls linger. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen coins , including Hiyori's to fix her body. Along with Yato's Regalia — a weapon from a spirit(dead human’s soul), and named by the god in question — Yukine/Yuki, the trio go through many adventures struggling with their friendship, identity, and pasts.

Supermind (novel)

As with many van Vogt works, the novel uses a psychological element, in this case Intelligence Quotient or IQ. The novel shows various alien races whose social roles within the galaxy are based upon their IQ. The story also includes the concept that at certain IQ levels various effects become manifest. For instance, at IQs in the thousands, individuals gain complete control over their body, allowing them to move at extreme speeds.

The book has three distinct sections, corresponding to the three original stories.

In the first section, two fugitive members of the Dreegh race arrive on Earth. They are vampires and set up an underground base where they plan to call on the other Dreegh to invade Earth and use humanity as food. The two are concerned that a famous doctor living on Europa, Ungard, is actually a member of the galactic civilization that is tasked with protecting lesser races like humanity. Using their mental powers, they take control of a reporter, Bill Leigh, and send him to track down the doctor and his daughter. During the mission, Leigh "awakes" to find he is actually a member of the Great Galactics, a race formerly believed to have left the material realm. He easily kills the Dreegh.

In the second section, another Dreegh arrives at Europa and takes the Ungards hostage, along with Hanardy, the captain of a freighter that makes the Earth-Europa run. Several other Dreegh arrive and they begin harvesting blood from the Europan public. Hanardy also turns out to be a supermind, this time a human boosted by Research Alpha. Using his mental powers, he propels the Dreegh thousands of light-years into space.

The third section takes place at Research Alpha, where one of the researchers is experimenting with a serum to rewrite human genetic code to create superminds. It follows a secretary as she undergoes two treatments, eventually reaching IQ 10,000 and gaining omniscience. The scientists at Research Alpha, members of the galactic civilization, become concerned with her power as it now outstrips their own. She is lured back to the lab where she is told her role is to marry Bill Leigh and recreate the Great Galactics.

The Wow Factor

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Claire (Julie Bowen) work together on the renovation of a house they intend to flip later, but they seem to disagree on many things. A disagreement on their respective visions of the backyard makes Cam call his lesbian friend, Pam (Wendi McLendon-Covey), whose son attends the same school as Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons), to tell them what she thinks since she is working on the constructions with the intent to make her side with Cam. This backfires when Claire charms Pam with her physique, swaying Pam in her favor. Nevertheless, Cam still goes ahead and makes the fountain he wanted on his own. Claire and Pam accept the feature but soon change their minds after goldfish in the fountain get sucked into the pump and are killed.

Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) drops off Lily at school, when he sees that there is a playground bully named Milo (Luke Grakal) who is being unfair to the other kids. His first attempt to teach him a lesson is to compete against him in a match of handball, which failed because of Mitch's lack of skill; he then asks for Luke's (Nolan Gould) help. He ultimately wins the second time around, but his victory is frowned upon by parents watching the match and he ends up receiving complaints.

Meanwhile, Jay (Ed O'Neill) encourages Gloria (Sofia Vergara) to spend some time with Manny (Rico Rodriguez) since both of them feels like she is ignoring him lately because of Joe, her newborn baby; thus, the two of them struck a deal: Jay spends time with Joe (in order to avoid having to go to a four-hour Moby Dick reading with Manny) and Gloria, with Manny. On his way to the baby class, he encounters an old high school friend of Claire's, Rachel (Margaret Easley), and after a little talk, Jay decides to skip the baby class and go to the movies with the baby. However, Joe starts crying during the movie and Rachel offers to take him outside until the movie ends. When Gloria sees her baby with a stranger, she berates him for it, but it is soon revealed that she pretended to misunderstand some English so as to also not having to listen to Moby Dick. In the end, Manny and Jay read Moby Dick together.

At the Dunphys house, Phil (Ty Burrell) tries to teach Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) few basic things about home management improvement. Attempting to explain them how the water heater works, he breaks it. Seeing that he cannot fix it, he asks the girls to go to the store to buy him a screwdriver so that he can call his dad (Fred Willard) to tell him what to do while being alone.

Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future


''Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future'' is set 3 years after ''Pretty Rhythm: Aurora Dream'' in Odaiba, Japan. The series focuses on Prism Stars, who are idols performing figure skating routines through a combination of fashion, song, and dance, with special moves called Prism Jumps and heart-shaped stones called Prism Stones to accessorize. Prism Shows have a new system called Prism Act and Fan Calls. Fan Calls are votes provided by the audience on their phone throughout the duration of a show. A Prism Act is a special finishing move featuring an acting performance that is achieved by landing perfect Prism Jumps and earning the highest amount of Fan Calls.


Mia Ageha decides to join Pretty Top School in order to challenge Aira Harune, the current Prism Queen. Mia, along with fellow trainees Reina Miyama, Karin Shijimi, and Ayami Ōruri, debut as Prizmmy. At the same time, Pretty Top School (owned by Kyoko Asechi) gains five international students from South Korea — Hye-in, Shi-yoon, Jae-eun, Chae-kyoung, and So-min — who debut as Puretty. While keeping up with their idol activities, both groups also enter the Symphonia Series tournaments, with prizes consisting of rare Prism Stones consisting various clothing from the Symphonia Series, a line created by Kintaro Asechi. In the process, they learn how to perform Prism Acts, a finishing move at the end of a Prism Show that includes a short acting performance.

As Prizmmy and Puretty's skills grow, Don Bomby, the host of the Symphonia Series, manipulates Pretty Top School into entering them into more Symphonia Series tournaments. Revealing himself as Kintaro Asechi, he hopes to realize his dream of performing "Grateful Symphonia", an ultimate Prism Act that will change the landscape of Prism Shows and end the need for competitive tournaments. Kintaro targets Aira as the performer of "Grateful Symphonia" and begins sniping all Prism Stars who lose against her to be in his company. In order to combat him, the outfits from the Symphonia Series tournaments are remade with purer thoughts to help Prizmmy and Puretty defeat Aira in the Sky High Symphonia tournament.

After Pretty Top School and Aira are saved, Kintaro sabotages Kyoko's reputation by revealing he used his connections to influence her Prism Star career in the past, and this causes Prism Shows to lose popularity. In order to heal Kintaro and change the public's favor, the acts at Pretty Top School agree to perform "Grateful Symphonia." The Grateful Symphonia tournament is held to decide the center dance position in "Grateful Symphonia", but Mia and Hye-in tie, and Pretty Top School decides to perform "Grateful Symphonia" for the Goddess of the Prism Shows to decide. During "Grateful Symphonia", Kintaro intervenes, but Mia convinces him that competitive Prism Shows and her friendly rivalry with Hye-in motivates her to grow as a better performer. Mia and Hye-in's friendship causes the Goddess to crown them both as the centers, and together, the acts at Pretty Top School complete the "Grateful Symphonia" and Prism Shows are saved. Afterwards, the characters move on with their lives and careers.

The Cool Ones

A millionaire rock promoter joins a pop singer and a dancer in a romantic match as a publicity stunt for a new television series.

Pilot (Under the Dome)

Dale "Barbie" Barbara (Mike Vogel) buries a man's body in the woods of Chester's Mill. As he tries to escape the town, a mysterious, invisible barrier descends on the borders of the township, trapping everyone inside.

Local newspaper reporter Julia Shumway (Rachelle Lefevre), who was investigating mysterious propane deliveries before the barrier appeared, takes a special interest in Barbie after he saves the life of teenager Joe McAlister (Colin Ford), whose parents are trapped out of town. Town selectman "Big Jim" Rennie (Dean Norris) makes an emergency radio announcement, while police chief Duke Perkins (Jeff Fahey) and his deputy Linda Esquivel (Natalie Martinez) try to quell the rise of panic in the town. Big Jim's unstable son Junior (Alexander Koch) kidnaps Angie McAlister (Britt Robertson) when he begins to suspect she had an affair with Barbie.

Carolyn Hill (Aisha Hinds) and her partner Alice Calvert (Samantha Mathis) are passing through Chester's Mill when the barrier appears and their daughter Norrie (Mackenzie Lintz) has what they think is a diabetic seizure, and starts repeatedly saying that she can see pink stars falling in lines.

A link between Big Jim, Duke and the stockpiled propane is revealed. Julia takes Barbie into her home, where he realizes the man he murdered and buried is her husband, Peter (R. Keith Harris). Duke suggests to Linda that the entire town is being punished and is about to reveal a dark secret about the town when his pacemaker explodes as he approaches the barrier. The U.S. military descends upon Chester's Mill as the world learns of the unprecedented phenomenon.

Retroactive (film)

Karen Warren (Kylie Travis), a former criminal psychologist, is driving on a lonely Texan road in the desert when her car breaks down. She hitches a ride with Frank Lloyd (James Belushi), who is traveling with his abused wife, Rayanne Lloyd (Shannon Whirry), on his way to sell stolen computer chips. They are briefly stopped by a state trooper (Sherman Howard) who gives Frank a ticket for speeding, and are passed on the road by a tow truck driver (Jesse Borrego). They make a stop at a gas station belonging to Frank's friend, Sam (M. Emmet Walsh), who gives Frank evidence of Rayanne's cheating on him with the tow truck driver, Jesse. Tensions rise; Frank shoots Rayanne and attempts the same with Karen, but Karen escapes into the desert where she stumbles upon a laboratory where Brian, a scientist, is testing a time machine on mice. The machine goes off by accident, sending Karen back to where she was twenty minutes earlier.

Karen awakes in Frank's car, just after she was picked up. This time when the trooper stops their car, Karen asks the state trooper for help, which causes the situation to worsen — Frank kills Rayanne, the state trooper and Jesse. Karen escapes to the laboratory, where she explains to Brian what she knows. They agree to go back in time together, so Brian can call the police on Frank.

Karen awakes in Frank's car and takes his gun, causing a struggle. Rayanne reveals a gun of her own, but misses when she tries to shoot Frank. Despite Karen's preemptive knowledge, Frank kills Rayanne, Jesse, the state trooper and the vacationing parents of a boy named Paul (Robbie Thibaut Jr.). Brian, who was unable to convince the police to come, arrives on the scene and explains to Frank about the time machine. Frank, using Paul as hostage, forces Brian to send them back in time.

Frank and Paul awake ten minutes earlier, in the middle of the fight. Paul helps Karen, but he and his parents are killed. When Brian arrives, Karen tells him that they have to go back again. They return to the laboratory, chased by Frank, but succeed in overloading the whole system to go back 60 minutes.

Karen awakes in her car, before Frank has picked her up. When Frank and Rayanne drive by, Karen politely refuses a lift. The state trooper comes by next, and Karen warns him about Frank. Brian then arrives to pick Karen up, and they arrive at the gas station after it's all over: Frank has killed Sam and Jesse, and has been shot dead by Rayanne, who is arrested by the state trooper.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned

Little information was revealed about ''Armada of the Damned'' plot. Sterling had no connection with the film series' characters and story arcs. The game and the films shared the same universe, but the former was to take place before the events of the latter. Sterling, raised in a poor family, was a young adventurer with dreams of fame and fortune who decided to become a pirate. Although he was killed on his first voyage, Sterling was revived by supernatural forces which gave him a second chance. After these events, the player had the option to follow two paths: become either a Legendary or a Dreaded pirate. On the Legendary path, the player would be a well-respected pirate who acted in good faith. On the Dreaded path, the player would be mysterious and feared.

Lady of the Forest

The story begins in the spring of 1194 in the English county of Nottinghamshire. Lady Marian FitzWalter attends a festival held at Huntington Castle by the Earl of Huntington, who wishes to honour the return of his only surviving heir, Lord Robert of Locksley, from the Crusades. Marian seeks an audience with Robert to learn the manner of her father, Sir Hugh's, death the previous year, as Robert was a witness. The reserved, mentally scarred Robert reacts strongly, having flashbacks to Sir Hugh's violent murder at the hands of Saracens. He informs her that Hugh wished for Marian to marry William DeLacey, the harsh and scheming Sheriff of Nottingham, to her dismay. DeLacey knows naught of this, but intends to make her marry him anyway.

Prince John arrives unexpectedly with plans: he states his wish to ally himself with the Earl by marrying Robert to his bastard daughter Joanna, and also approaches DeLacey about raising more taxes ostensibly to be sent to ransom John's brother, King Richard. In truth, John wishes to keep the revenue for himself and maintain his brother's imprisonment. Soon after, Marian is reluctantly manipulated into accompanying the Sheriff to attend a market at Nottingham Castle. There, she is kidnapped by the prisoner William "Scarlet" Scathlocke, an enraged man imprisoned for killing four Norman soldiers, and is taken into the depths of nearby Sherwood Forest. Lord Robert, who was taught how to navigate the massive forest as a youth, secretly tracks Scarlet and is able to secure Marian's release. While accompanying Marian back to her modest manor – Ravenskeep – Robert falls ill from a fever. Marian gradually wears down the mental wall he had built up in captivity by the Saracens, and after his recovery at Ravenskeep, they consummate their relationship soon after she refuses DeLacey's offer of marriage.

Robert returns to Huntington, along the way besting outlaws such as Adam Bell and Will Scarlet at a contest of archery. He encounters his father and several other prominent noblemen, and is told they wish for him to marry Joanna to mislead Prince John about their intentions to thwart his grabs for power. Robert refuses. Meanwhile, Marian barely avoids being forced to marry DeLacey, and only escapes with the help of the kind Friar Tuck and the Sheriff's seneschal Guy de Gisbourne, who is infatuated with her. She flees to Huntington Castle; the Earl is displeased with his son's disobedience and their liaison, causing Marian and Robert to travel to the small village of Locksley, his namesake and holding.

Robert endeavours to steal the funds needed for King Richard's ransom, and begins robbing the rich with the help of Sherwood's outlaws, whom he has gradually befriended. At the same time, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard's mother, is working to raise the ransom through more legal methods: by taxing clergy and laymen for a quarter of the value of their property, confiscating the gold and silver treasures of the churches, and imposing scutage and carucage taxes. Back in the small village of Locksley, Marian is captured and sent to the Sheriff's dungeon, where she is given an ultimatum: marry DeLacey or find herself charged with witchcraft. She is rescued by Robert, who arrives with his friends to free her. Just as they are about to be arrested by a wrathful Prince John, whose money has been stolen by the outlaws, King Richard arrives unexpectedly, allowing Robert and his associates to escape.

Violent Life

The film tells the story of a group of young adults who live in a township of the poorest and most disreputable neighborhoods of Rome. The story is set in the economically depressed climate of the Second World War's end. In this neighborhood, some people are living in makeshift shacks on the outskirts of the city. The postwar prosperity has not yet materialized. Tomasso is a youth who lives at the expense of others, like all his other companions, stealing cars, and wasting time and occasionally terrorizing complete strangers. Tomasso, in fact, is seen as a leader of this “gang”, stealing anything of value, such as pieces of iron, flour, whatever is not to difficult to steal and turn a profit on. Thus, with a few thousand lira, Tomasso and friends can have fun going to prostitutes or watching movies at the cinema.
Tomasso lives this dissolute lifestyle, returning home only for dinner and going out each night, looking for opportunities to enrich himself and his friends at the expense of others. Some of his companions are enamored with Mussolini and are hostile to those who support the Italian Communist Party. Yet, they visit the local communist party headquarters where dances are held and young people congregate. At one of the dances he meets a girl, Irene, with whom he becomes enamored. She agrees to go on a date to the cinema with him, but he is only interested in gaining sexual experience and she is quite uncomfortable with his clumsy approach. Inexplicably, something about him keeps attracting her. One night, Tomasso, after trying to reconcile with his estranged girlfriend, kills a man. He is arrested, and sentenced to 2 years in prison.
Tomasso comes out of prison a somewhat changed man, and the old neighborhood has also changed. Many new apartments have been built and his mother has been able to receive one.
Tomasso is a heavy smoker and he develops tuberculosis. He is sent to a sanitarium to recover. While there, he continues to reflect on his life, shows concern for others, and starts to think about his future and regret his past.
Returning home, Tomasso gets engaged to the beautiful Irene and also decides to join the Communist Party to please her father. However, he resumes smoking cigarettes and risks his life, while taking altruistic action on behalf of a complete stranger in a driving rainstorm. Although his inner spiritual health is much improved his physical health deteriorates again and he meets his demise before realizing his dreams.

The Scandal (TV series)

Detective Ha Eun-joong uncovers a shocking secret; Ha Myung-geun, the man he believed was his father, had actually kidnapped him as a child. Myung-geun had lost his own son in a building collapse, and as revenge against the man responsible, Jang Tae-ha, he abducted Tae-ha's son and raised him as his own. In the aftermath of revenge, Eun-joong searches for the truth and becomes caught between his two fathers and the woman he loves, Woo Ah-mi.

No Limit Kids: Much Ado About Middle School

A group of young adolescents: Celeste (Celeste Kellogg), Zach (Blake Michael), Ashton (Ashton Harrell) and Becca (Amanda Waters) that are entering middle school full of questions, doubts and fears, come together to form a club in an abandoned theater on Main Street. Inside the theater, they discover an interesting piece of their history, but also a seemingly homeless man named Charlie (Bill Cobbs), who connects with the kids through their mutual passion for musical theater.

When the teens learn the theater is scheduled for demolition, they embark on a mission to save the town's landmark and to keep Charlie safe. They decide to mount a modern-day version of a Shakespeare play called ''Much Ado About Middle School'' based on Shakespeare's ''Much Ado About Nothing''. Through the play's mistaken identities and false assumptions, the teens and others learn that you can not always judge a book by its cover.

Flying Devils

The "Black Cats", who are part of the Aerial Circus run by "Speed" Hardy (Ralph Bellamy), are a vagabond troupe of aerial performers in the 1930s. Speed takes on a new performer, former airmail pilot Ace Murray (Bruce Cabot). After performing a "double parachute" jump with his kid brother Bud (Eric Linden), who is also a pilot, Ace becomes aware that his brother is enamoured with Speed's young wife Ann (Arline Judge). Bud and Ann perform the dangerous double parachute jump together, becoming the show's main attraction, but Speed becomes jealous of the romance forming between them. After a flight together, Bud and Ann crash-land and spend a night in a deserted cabin, leading to the realization that Ann must seek a divorce. When Speed discovers them, he apparently agrees to the new circumstances and surprisingly offers to design a new aerial stunt for Bud and himself that will have two aircraft colliding "head-on", with both of the pilots bailing out before the impact.

Before the stunt takes place, another pilot who is usually inebriated, "Screwy" Edwards (Cliff Edwards), reveals that Speed has deliberately cut his rival's parachute and is planning an aerial murder. Ace takes off and crashes into Speed, sacrificing his life to save his brother. The two lovers eventually marry and due to Ace's earlier help in obtaining a job for him, Bud begins an airline career as a pilot alongside Edwards, who has begun a rehabilitation.

Coffee Town

Will is a website manager for an electronics company who uses his local coffee house, Coffee Town, as his own personal office. When the corporate owners of the shop have plans to convert the coffee house into a modern Coffee Town and Bistro, Will enlists the help of his two best friends – lighting salesman Chad and local police officer Gino – to save his office. In order to thwart the plans of Coffee Town's corporate owners, the trio plan to stage a robbery, creating the illusion of a crime-riddled neighborhood that is not suitable for a bistro. However, standing in Will's way is Sam, a disgruntled barista with big dreams of being a rock star. Meanwhile, Will tries his best to court his coffee house crush Becca, an ER trauma nurse.

The Devil in the Dark (Defiance)

Nolan (Grant Bowler), Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) and Yewll (Trenna Keating) are trying to find the culprit behind the murders of two humans. They discover that the two men were targeted with Hellbug attack pheromones, attracting Hellbugs to kill them. In the room where the second man was killed, they find an empty Hellbug egg purse - something that one can't find outside the nest - leading them to believe that someone is behind the Hellbug attacks.

Meanwhile, Hellbugs attack the Tarr residence, where Christie (Nicole Muñoz) is having dinner with Alak (Jesse Rath) and his parents. Datak (Tony Curran) manages to kill the attacking bugs, and they all escort Christie back to her home. Nolan arrives after them, along with Irisa, Tommy (Dewshane Williams) and Yewll. Checking if any of them was targeted, they discover that Christie's clothes are sprayed with the pheromones.

Nolan discovers that the two dead men had sold land to Rafe McCawley (Graham Greene) in the past for his mines. Nolan, believing that the attacks are somehow connected with that fact, asks Rafe for details. Rafe tells him that there was nothing illegal when he bought the land, but he says that the two men had bought the land from an Irathient family. When Nolan sees the signatures on the papers, he realizes that something is not right.

In the meantime, Irisa starts to have "visions" again. When Nolan realizes that, he reminds her that those visions are post-traumatic stress and they are not real. When Nolan tells her he had thought those visions had stopped, Irisa tells him that they never did, she just stopped talking about them. Her visions this time have to do with an Irathient family. In those visions she recognizes Rynn (Tiio Horn), one of the women of the Spirit Riders.

Later, while talking to Sukar (Noah Danby), the leader of the Spirit Riders, about Rynn and what she saw in her vision, Sukar informs Irisa that she has "The Sight", an ability where one can see the past, the present and the future without actually being present for the events. Sukar believes that this ability is given by the Irathient God Izru and the person who has it is blessed because they were touched by him.

Sukar helps Irisa to use her ability, so they can discover what happened in Rynn's past. Irisa sees that Rynn's parents were murdered because they didn't want to sell their land to the two men. Rynn managed to escape before the men could kill her. Rynn's father was an entomologist, a talent that Rynn inherited, helping her to use the Hellbugs to kill the men. Irisa's vision leads her, Nolan, Tommy and Sukar to the Hellbug nest that Rynn discovered, where they capture her. It is proved that she was behind the killings while she was trying to avenge her parents. Leaving the nest, they destroy it.

At the end of the episode, Rafe deeds the stolen land back to the Irathient Spirit Riders, since he didn't know that the two men had taken the land illegally before selling it to him.

Lady of the Glen

The novel is set amidst the background of the 1692 Massacre of Glencoe, which was ordered by King William III. Catriona of Clan Campbell, daughter of the Laird of Glenlyon, falls in love with Alasdair Og MacDonald, a member of a rival clan. Their love must endure the political machinations of King William and the Jacobites. In August 1691, William offers all Highland clans a pardon for their part in the Jacobite Uprising, as long as they took an oath of allegiance before 1 January 1692 in front of a magistrate. Alasdair struggles greatly to meet this deadline, as the message reached its recipients in mid-December, in difficult winter conditions, only a few weeks before the deadline. The tension of this political situation is mirrored by the fraught romance of Catriona and Alasdair.

Where's George? (film)

The film is about Alf Scodger's attempts to fool his overbearing wife. As a result of these attempts, he accidentally discovers that he has a talent for rugby league and is picked to play for his local Yorcaster club against their rivals Oldcastle from Lancashire.

'George' is a foal that Alf buys and then loses. While playing in the rugby match, Alf spots George in the next field and whilst running to recapture the foal, catches the ball and scores the match-winning try.

A local dignitary watching the match sees him score the try and this leads to Alf and his wife becoming reconciled.

Miss Esmeralda

;Act I The gipsy Esmeralda is in love with the dashing young Captain Phoebus, who is, unfortunately, engaged to the fierce Fleur-de-Lis. Esmeralda has inadvertently also captivated a monk, Claude Frollo, and the hunchback Quasimodo. Frollo vengefully stabs Corporal Gringoire and tries to frame Esmeralda with the crime; she is arrested.

;Act II Quasimodo visits Esmeralda in prison and vows to help her, assuring her that he can establish her innocence. Frollo says that he will liberate her if she agrees to marry him. At her trial, Frollo is the prosecutor, and Phoebus is counsel for the defence. Esmeralda's innocence is proved the apparition of Gringoire, which is produced by Quasimodo.

Chupacabra vs. the Alamo

A group of corpses are found in a tunnel, where they were attacked and killed by Chupacabras. The following day, Carlos Seguin (Erik Estrada) and Tracy Taylor (Julia Benson) begin to investigate the killings and discover a dying man who has also been attacked by the Chupacabras. The dying man identifies his killers as "Diablo" (Spanish for the Devil).

Tracy soon discovers a pile of bones deeper within the tunnel. A Chupacabra attacks Tracy, but she is able to kill it and the dead body is then taken back to a lab to study.

Later in the film, Agent Perez (Aleks Paunovic), one of Seguin's partners, is searching the field with his dog. Both are eventually killed by a pack of Chupacabras. Before the man is killed, he takes a picture of one of the Chupacabras, which Carlos later finds while investigating the murders.

The Chupacabras attack a group of teenagers during a Cinco de Mayo party, forcing Sienna (Nicole Muñoz), Carlos' daughter and one of her friends to hide inside the school. They are able to call Carlos, who is able to shoot the Chupacabras. However, later while they are recovering in their home, another pack of Chupacabras attacks, this time injuring Sienna and killing her friend, Brooke.

After being relieved by his boss, Carlos enlists the aid of his son's gang. One of his agent friends, Wilcox (Zak Santiago) also comes up to help with a tactical team. Using the signal from a transponder that Taylor tagged unto one of the Chupacabras, the group trace the pack of monsters into a nearby warehouse. However, they end up being ambushed by the Chupacabras with most of the tactical team being killed.

In the climax, Carlos and the group of survivors lead the Chupacabras to the Alamo, where a battle takes place. In the end, they kill all the Chupacabras by blowing up the Alamo.

Losing Absalom

In the novel, Absalom Goodman is dying from brain cancer in the hospital where his thoughts drift in and out of the past and present and to his two grown children's lives. Absalom's difficult relationship with his father led him to strive for his children to know gentleness, hard work, and respect but he worries that they have lost sight of these values. His son, Sonny, has moved far away from home and works in white corporate America while his daughter, Rainy, still lives in the family's first home with her boyfriend, aspiring to become a singer and helping her boyfriend deal drugs meanwhile. The novel is the story of this family and their hope in the midst of struggles.

A Hat in Time

''A Hat in Time'' follows Hat Kid, a little alien girl wearing a top hat trying to return to her home world via spaceship. While on her journey, she passes over a planet, and a member of the planet's Mafia comes to collect a toll for the Mafia Town government. When Hat Kid refuses to pay, the Mafia man busts the spaceship door open, causing Hat Kid and all of her "Time Pieces", magical hourglasses that power her ship, to fall to the planet below. Hat Kid lands in Mafia Town and meets Mustache Girl, a local troublemaker who hates "bad guys". Mustache Girl agrees to look for the missing Time Pieces in exchange for Hat Kid's help fighting the Mafia, and the two defeat the Mafia Boss. When Mustache Girl realizes the Time Pieces can rewind time, she wants to use them to become a time-traveling superhero, but Hat Kid refuses, as she is aware that messing with time is dangerous. Angered by this refusal, Mustache Girl declares the two enemies and sets off to find the Time Pieces on her own.

Hat Kid ventures across the planet looking for Time Pieces, encountering and befriending many foes that included two rival bird directors DJ Grooves and the Conductor competing for a movie award in a movie studio called Dead Bird Studio and a group of mountain villagers called Nomads infected by a dangerous plague, ultimately befriending them all. Hat Kid also outwits a malevolent spirit called the Snatcher into becoming her best friend after he temporarily stole her soul, tricked her into doing his dirty work in Subcon Forest, and attempted to murder Hat Kid. The game's DLCs have Hat Kid searching for Time Pieces while working in an ocean liner called the Arctic Cruise owned by the Walrus Captain and under the employ of the Nyakuza crime boss called the Empress in an underground city called Nyakuza Metro, the latter ending with Hat Kid being forced to flee the city after a bounty was placed on her head. Mustache Girl exploits Hat Kid's absence to break into her ship and steals the collected Time Pieces, using them to turn the planet into a fiery inferno where her word is law. Hat Kid confronts her, but Mustache Girl uses the Time Pieces to open a time rift and make herself all-powerful.

The enemies Hat Kid has fought come to her aid in battle, some sacrificing themselves so that Hat Kid can use their dropped Heart Pons (the healing collectible) to power herself up. Hat Kid finally defeats Mustache Girl and uses the Time Pieces to restore the planet to normal and revive all those who were lost. The player can then choose whether Hat Kid should hand over a Time Piece to Mustache Girl (so she'll be able to protect herself from the Mafia) or not. Though her former foes are sad to see her leave, Hat Kid restores the Time Pieces to her vault and resumes her voyage home. In a post-credits scene, Hat Kid is shown sleeping in bed surrounded by toys resembling the other characters.

Party Tricks

Kate Ballard (Asher Keddie) is facing her first re-election as State Premier. Committed and rigorous, her victory seems assured until the opposition announce a shocking new candidate: David McLeod (Rodger Corser), a popular media personality, and a man Kate had a secret, tumultuous affair with several years ago. To the world at large, David and Kate present as compelling, evenly-matched adversaries but a paranoid Kate fears that their complicated history is a trump card waiting to be played. Told in six parts, building to an election-night finale, this is a cat-and-mouse game, played out on a grand scale.

Between Two Waves

Daniel - a climatologist and advisor to the government - loses a lifetime of research in a flood. When Fiona tells Daniel they’re about to start a family, Daniel must choose between what he can predict and what he can't.

Kings of the Evening

The story follows main character Homer Hobbs (Tyson Beckford) as he travels in the Great Depression of the 1930s. Hobbs is a young African-American man who concludes his 2-year jail sentence and returns to his bleak hometown with a lack of opportunities. Here he meets four strangers Clarence (Glynn Turman), Gracie (Lynn Whitfield), Benny (Reginald T. Dorsey), Lucy (Linara Washington), all finding themselves in similar positions. Together they participate in activities that provide hope that there is a way to escape, even if just for the evening.

Blabbermouth (play)

The play concerns a young girl, Rowena, who moves to a new country town and school. Although Rowena can hear she is mute. Her widowed father has a penchant for satin cowboy shirts and embarrassing his daughter in public. This is a story about disability, friendship, fitting in, and how children and adults try to co-exist.

Black Box 149

An account of the grounding of British Airways Flight 149 at Kuwait International Airport during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

The Black Sequin Dress

A woman leaves her children for an evening to go to a nightclub. In a moment of indecision she glances back, slips and falls. Money, desire and dreams converge as she enters a surreal world of haunting colours and lyrical distortions.

The Heart of Justice

David Leader investigates a seemingly senseless murder, and in the course of it is drawn into the labyrinth of a sinisterly unique wealthy family. The family seems to revolve around its own beautiful and mysterious daughter, Emma Burgess, and soon Leader is deeply within her orbit as well.

The Grinning Face

In the late 17th century in France, the young son of a widowed lord is kidnapped by gypsies, who carve a permanent grin on the child's face. When the disfigured youth (Franz Hobling) grows up, he falls in love with a blind girl named Dea (Lucienne Delacroix), and joins a touring company as a performer. Calling himself Gwynplaine, he develops an act in which he reveals his hideous face to the crowds for money. A sexually perverse, seductive socialite named Josiane becomes attracted to him and seeks to possess him. He later learns he is heir to a fortune, but chooses instead to remain with his adopted family.

Essington (film)

In the 1840s, the settlement of Port Essington is run by Governor Macarthur. The inhabitants include Macarthur's wife, Private Evans, and a convict, Bob Squires, who has good relations with the local aboriginal population.

Private Evans falls for an aboriginal woman and goes missing from the settlement.

Nissaga de poder

Eulàlia and Mateu Montsolís are siblings who own a winery located in the region of Penedès, Cavas Montsolís. They are members of one of the richest families in the region.

The plot revolves around the incestuous love between Eulàlia and Mateu, which gave birth to a son, Eduard. But the Montsolís family cannot allow this to become public as the scandal would cause irreversible damage. Their official story is that Eduard is the illegitimate child of a sporadic relationship between Mateu Montsolís and one of his many lovers, Àngels Estivill. Eduard was raised by family employees Tomas and Assumpció.

The deceptions, murders, betrayals, envy and turbulent relationships between members of a powerful family in the midst of a stifling atmosphere are the plot of the series.

The Opposing Shore

A novel of waiting, it is set in an almost empty old fortress close to a sea which defines the ancestral border between the stagnant principality of Orsenna and the territory of its archenemy, the mysterious and elusive Farghestan. The two countries are officially at war although no fighting has taken place for decades, so that there is an uneasy, de facto peace.

The main character, Aldo, is sent as an "observer" to the isolated fortress. Bored with the immobility and eerie silence, he longs for action and slowly becomes obsessed with the unseen border. Aldo starts entertaining the thought of crossing it, even if that leads to a resuming of hostilities and the possible collapse of his own civilisation, reasoning that destruction may be preferable to slow decadence.

The novel ends when the "story" begins, i.e. when consequences of his actions start manifesting themselves.

Bleeding Edge (novel)

The often surreal and dream-like plot of the novel opens on the first day of spring 2001, with Maxine Tarnow walking her two sons to school before going to work.

Maxine, a former certified fraud examiner, is approached by Reg Despard regarding suspicious goings-on at hashslingrz, a computer security firm run by Gabriel Ice. She finds much of their financial numbers fail basic plausibility statistics, and notices large payments going to a now defunct website. She talks to an ex-temp for that site, learns they have strong Arab connections and move large sums of money through hawala, and notices she is being tailed afterwards. She talks to Rocky Slagiatt, VC investor behind some of Gabriel's start-ups, who is nervous about where they may be going. Meanwhile, mysterious government heavyweight Nicholas Windust puts pressure on Maxine, asking her to pump her Israeli brother-in-law for information regarding Mossad hacking methods.

Maxine's friend March Kelleher is suspicious about the activities of Gabriel Ice, her son-in-law, and asks Maxine to informally interview her daughter Tallis, Gabriel's wife. Tallis does admit to having concerns, but is unwilling to allow any auditing. Rocky introduces Maxine to Igor Dashkov, who asks her about Madoff Securities. A quick scan reveals to Maxine that the numbers are obviously too good to be true. Maxine pays a visit to Darklinear Solutions, another mystery vendor found associated with hashslingrz. She sees Tallis exiting the building, walking a bit; then someone else exiting, proceeding in the opposite direction, getting in a go-go mobile and picking up Tallis, so Maxine trails them.

The next morning, Maxine has an unexpected pre-dawn visit from Russian heavy Igor and March. Igor is very thankful, realizing he got out of Madoff Securities in time, and rewards her with illegally unhealthy ice cream. March and Maxine deliver some money to March's ex-husband, Sid, who takes them on his boat for a short drop off, but he is approached by patrol boats and races down the Hudson River, only shaking off his pursuit when he reaches New Jersey near the landfill islands.

Maxine receives a videotape which directs her to a Montauk house that suspect Vip Epperdew is known to visit. Epperdew is involved with zapper fraud. While trying to find the exact house, she's informed by a local that the house burned down a few weeks previously. The local sneaks her into the mansion Gabriel Ice is building, where he has her help him steal vintage wines. She finds a mysterious code-locked door that she breaks into, and finds it leads to a baffling underground complex. The sudden appearance of a strange, short, human-like creature sends her into a panic and she flees in a hurry.

Maxine, in following the hashslingrz money, finds some of it is being diverted into Lester Traipse's account. She confronts him, and he is terrified, and intends to return the money, and asks Maxine to arrange terms. She agrees, but next day he is found dead, an apparent suicide. With the help of Conkling Speedwell, a man with a superhuman forensic sense of smell, she learns there is a peculiar mystery scent at the scene of Lester's death. This scent is identified as "9:30 Cologne" and is soon connected with Windust. The smell also horrifies a friend of Conkling's with a supernatural sense of "foresmell" who has been smelling not-yet-existent great fires in New York for some time now.

Maxine receives a videotape of men apparently rehearsing on the Deseret rooftop the shooting down of a jet plane using a Stinger missile. She attends a humongous dotcom-style-excess party, sponsored by Gabriel Ice on Saturday night, September 8. Everyone is partying like it's 1999. She finds Felix, a teenage programmer also involved with zapper fraud, but he won't say anything about Lester. The following Tuesday, the 9/11 attacks occur. The day before, Maxine's ex-husband Horst had told her that he was going to be working all night, and she now fears the worst. But he and his business partner had watched ''Monday Night Football'' and fallen asleep, and the morning of 9/11 had joined the masses seeking refuge in New Jersey and was unable to get through. March, a blogger, leans towards low-level conspiracy theories (but nothing close to truther ideas).

Maxine takes Horst back. Eric and Driscoll, two temporarily homeless programmers, move in with them. March finds herself hunted and homeless, but she keeps up her blog using Wi-Fi. Gabriel breaks up with Tallis. Justin and Lucas, designers of the open-source program DeepArcher, find their work has become a home for numerous 9/11 ghosts. Maxine finds Windust's murdered body, and refuses to get involved. The Russians try a vircator attack on a Gabriel server farm.

The book ends with few resolutions. Maxine's children, Otis and Ziggy, display a new level of maturity and independence, as they walk to school alone.

The Future Dunphys

Claire (Julie Bowen) and Phil (Ty Burrell) visit the hospital for a check up after Claire's heart episode back on Valentine's Day. While waiting, they see an older version of their family and they start freak out and worry for the future of their children, calling them and making Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould) worried that Claire's condition is serious. When the kids arrive at the hospital to see what is going on, they realize that everything is fine, and they berate Phil and Claire for stressing them out.

Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) starts asking "girly" questions to Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) but the two of them call Gloria (Sofía Vergara) for help as they are unexperienced in the matter. As soon as Gloria leaves the house with Lily, Lily claims that she is a homosexual. While talking with her, Mitch, Cam, and Gloria realize there was just a misunderstanding caused by a conversation Lily had with a schoolmate. As such, they decide to educate her about her heritage by taking her out to a Vietnamese restaurant. There, Lily admits to falsely claiming her sexuality so that Mitch and Cam would feel better.

Gloria is worried over the fact that Manny is losing most of his Spanish knowledge, and projects her fears onto Lily's situation. In the end, she decides to take Manny and Jay to Colombia in the summer to keep them in touch with her heritage.

Meanwhile, Jay (Ed O'Neill) takes Manny (Rico Rodriguez) to an exclusive private school for an interview. During a prospective students' tour, Jay's secret childhood desire to fit in with the upper class crowd resurfaces, and he realizes he could live vicariously through Manny. Jay puts too much pressure on Manny, which stresses him out, leading to his botching his own interview.

The Bondman (novel)

The Book of Stephen Orry

An Icelandic fisherman, Stephen Orry, bears two sons, one to the governor's daughter in Reykjavík, another to the lowest of women on the Isle of Man. The Iceland-born son, Jason "the Red", is brought up in poverty and is left with his mother's dying wish for him to seek vengeance on his father who had brought them to that position. The Manx-born son, Michael "Sunlocks", is brought up by the Deputy Governor of the Isle of Man, alongside his daughter, Greeba, as Stephen could not support him or keep him from bad influences. When Michael is 19, Stephen returns and sends him to Iceland to make good his wrong to his wife there. As Michael sets sail from the Isle of Man, Jason arrives on a boat from Iceland. After surviving shipwreck in Ramsey bay, Jason is called upon to save Stephen Orry from his own boating accident off Maughold Head. However, Stephen dies of his injuries, but not before Jason comes to recognise him as his father and achieves a reconciliation.

The Book of Michael Sunlocks

Jason remains on the island and falls in love with Greeba. After four years without word from Michael, Greeba consents to marry Jason. However, when she then receives a letter from Michael, she goes to marry him in Iceland, where he has risen to become governor of the country newly independent of Danish rule.

Jason returns to Iceland, learns of Michael, his role in Greeba's departure and his being his half brother, and so resolves to kill him. However, Greeba learns of his plan and has him arrested. Upon learning this, Michael looks to make good his father's wrong and so sends to have Jason released.

Michael is then thrown into doubt by lies told to him in a vain attempt at blackmail by Greeba's avaricious brothers. Believing that Greeba loved Jason and had only come to him for his wealth and position, he resigns from his post in government. However, before this can come into effect, Danish soldiers storm the meeting, arrest the ministers and claim Iceland again as under Danish rule.

The Book of Red Jason

Michael Sunlocks is sent to work in the sulphur mines penal colony. Here he grows into friendship with Red Jason, as each is unaware of the identity of the other. Jason comes to increasingly protect Michael from cruel treatment by the Danish authorities, until he is forced to carry out an escape to save Michael from certain death through the dangerous work assigned to them. However, although Jason gains his freedom, Michael is again imprisoned, this time on Grimsey, a small island off the north coast of Iceland. Although officially still a 'bondman' (a "prisoner-slave"), Michael is now blind from the exertion of the work at the mines, and so he is left in the care of a priest. Greeba joins the household as a maid, but remains unknown to Michael by keeping silent when in his presence. This she does to demonstrate that she cares little for her position but is fully devoted to him, thus proving the inverse of Michael's suspicions.

After two and a half years, the Danish authorities grow nervous of Michael and so send to have him executed. Jason, however, who has returned to Iceland after some years away, hears of this plan and so races to Grimsey ahead of the Danish soldiers. Here he orchestrates Michael's escape with Greeba, by his stepping in as bondman in Michael's place. The next day Jason is shot by the Danish soldiers and he dies satisfied knowing that Michael is with Greeba safely sailing home to the Isle of Man.

Chi lavora è perduto

The film follows a day of Bonifacio (Sady Rebbot), a young and unemployed designer with anti-social tendencies. He has applied at a job and has an interview for the psychological test in the morning. The rest of the day, he starts to roam around Venice and recalls his past, also having daydreams about his future. Flashbacks reveal his troubled love affair with his former girlfriend Gabriella (Pascale Audret) and his relationships with his communist friends Claudio (Tino Buazzelli) and 'Kim' (Franco Arcalli).

The Bride Wore Black (Defiance)

The episode starts with the bachelor party of Alak (Jesse Rath), where a dead body (skeleton) is discovered by accident but no one knows who it is. Tommy (Dewshane Williams) recognizes the body by the ring the dead man was wearing and identifies him as Hunter Bell (Brendan McCarthy), the previous owner of the Need/Want bar and abusive husband of Kenya (Mia Kirshner), who went missing seven years ago.

Nolan's (Grant Bowler) first suspicions go to Amanda (Julie Benz) and Kenya and for that reason he wants to let the case go but Tommy, who was helped in the past by Hunter Bell, does not want that. He goes back to the place where the skeleton was found to search for any missing clues and Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) joins him in his research. The two of them discover hair of Liberata in the scene and they immediately suspect the barman of Need/Want, Jered (Jessica Nichols), who was working in the bar back then when Hunter Bell disappeared.

Tommy and Irisa go to Jered's home to question him but they find him dead. From the way he was killed, they suspect that Datak (Tony Curran) is behind the murder who probably killed Jered because he knew something and did not want him to talk. Nolan arrests Datak but soon lets him free. Knowing Datak and how he acts, Nolan never believed he was the murderer and he only arrested him so he can lead them to the real killer.

In the meantime, via flashbacks, we find out that Nicky (Fionnula Flanagan) is not a human but an Indogene disguised as a human. Hunter Bell had witnessed one of her meetings with Doc Yewll (Trenna Keating) and Nicky, not wanting him to expose her, she killed him. Jered witnessed the murder and now that the dead body was found, Nicky killed him too so he will not talk.

When Yewll finds out about Jered's murder, she realizes that Nicky is out of control and that she is not acting “for the greater good” anymore, as she was always saying. Yewll kills Nicky (by lethal injection) because it is the only way to stop her. Later, Nolan and Tommy find her body in her car—Yewll made it look like a suicide—with a note that Nicky supposedly wrote, confessing to both murders.

Meanwhile, Rafe (Graham Greene) realizes why Datak gave his permission to Alak to marry Christie (Nicole Muñoz) and he lets him know that after his death the mines are not going to Christie but to the Iraths. Datak, after hearing that, wants to cut off the wedding. When he tells Alak, Alak goes to Christie's house to let her know about his dad changing his mind. After having a talk with Rafe, Alak decides not to cut off the wedding.

The episode ends with the wedding and Nolan and Tommy solving the murder case by finding Nicky's body. Now that Nicki is dead, Yewll is the one who has the artifact and she hides it so no one can find it.


The plot centers on Teresa, a woman abused by her husband and who flees from Barcelona to the fictional village of Ventdelplà where she has an uncle, Gustau. Although initially intending to sell the house and go back to Barcelona, she stays in Ventdelplà. The series narrates the lives of the town's people.

Teresa Clarís is a housewife, married to a prestigious Barcelona lawyer. She has two children of 15 and 8 years, and completed medical studies. Her husband soon makes her drop everything to take care of the children and especially of him. When she wants to regain some independence, everything gets complicated. She has to flee and take refuge temporarily at her uncle Gustau in Ventdelplà.

Busses Roar

A bungling saboteur attempts to place a bomb on board a bus so that it will explode as the bus passes by some oil wells. The plot is foiled, but not by the authorities.

The Blind Giant is Dancing

A passionate examination of the way political power can corrupt the individual and society at large

The Locket (How I Met Your Mother)

On Friday at 11am, 55 hours before the wedding, the gang all set out on their separate trips to the wedding that will change their lives, as well as the life of the woman who will become Ted's wife.

Robin and Barney are being driven to Farhampton by Ranjit. They worry about which of their relatives will be the "Wild Card" (the person most likely to ruin the wedding). As they go through their family members, they find they share a "Crazy Cousin Mitch" and become horrified at the idea that they could be related. Though they try to make light of the situation, both are too repulsed by the notion to be affectionate with each other. After a bout of awkwardness, Robin finally speaks to her grandmother who confirms that Mitch is only related to them through marriage (for Barney) and adoption (for Robin). The awkwardness instantly lifts and Barney is not worried about a Wild Card anymore, promising it will be a "legendary" wedding. When Robin notes that he did not insert his usual "Wait for it" catchphrase into the middle, Barney tells Robin that thanks to her, he does not have to wait.

In Minnesota, Marshall is waiting on the plane for New York with Marvin while worrying about how to tell Lily about his job offer and irritating his seat neighbor, Daphne (Sherri Shepherd). When he discovers that his mother Judy (Suzie Plakson) has posted a photo on the internet of Marvin that reveals how Marshall will become a judge, Marshall realizes that the photo will also be forwarded to Lily. Marshall phones Judy to teach her how to remove the image, which delays the plane from taking off. A fight between Marshall and Daphne ensues, which results in both of them being removed from the plane. At the airport terminal, Marshall accesses his mother's account to delete the photo himself, but also finds himself stumped as to how to do it. However, the photo is successfully deleted when Marvin hits a random key on the keyboard. When Marshall and Daphne learn there is another flight to New York soon but there is only one seat available, the two race each other across the airport.

Meanwhile, Ted and Lily start their drive towards the Farhampton Inn. However Lily is soon irritated by Ted's behavior, which includes wearing driving gloves and taking her on long detours to see tourist stops. Lily eventually cannot take any more and has Ted drop her off at a train station. She gets on the train to Farhampton and ends up sitting just a few seats away from Ted's future wife. When she gets a notification on her phone about Marvin's photo, she decides to ignore it because all Judy's photos so far have been emotional blackmail to prevent her and Marshall from moving to Italy. When she starts to feel guilty about not looking at a photo of her son, the Mother notices and offers Lily a cookie, which Future Ted describes to his kids as "How Aunt Lily met your Mother". The two sit together and Lily sounds off about Ted's driving habits (which the Mother secretly thinks are cool) as the Mother tries to stop Lily from looking at Judy's picture of Marvin. The Mother notes that it seems like Ted wanted Lily to leave and Lily suddenly remembers the locket that Robin had been looking for that Ted thought he had. She recalls how Ted discovered he did not have the locket, but considered the idea that when he lived briefly with his former girlfriend Stella, she might have ended up with the locket and taken it with her to Los Angeles. Though Ted promises not to fly to Los Angeles to retrieve the locket, Lily worries that Ted has done just that, and is heading to the wedding with the locket now. Lily panics that Ted is going to ruin the wedding by using the locket as a last-ditch effort to win Robin back, but realizes that her bad mood can be partly attributed to not seeing Marvin for a week. The Mother allows her to look at the photo Judy posted, but it is deleted just before it can be opened. Lily begins to get upset, and the Mother hugs her in support.

Arriving at the Farhampton Inn, Ted is about to give Robin the gift when Lily tackles him (which Future Ted reveals was not the only time she tackled someone that weekend). Robin opens it, and finds not the locket, but a picture of the gang together taken soon after they started hanging out together. Ted tells Robin all her friends want is happiness for her and Barney. Lily apologizes for thinking the worst as Ted promises that he will not do anything insane and Future Ted claims that at that moment in time he meant it. However, Future Ted admits that he was a possible "Wild Card" at the wedding; unknown to Lily, Ted had actually flown to Los Angeles four days prior to look for the locket.


The film cuts between scenes of a hospitalized woman (later revealed to be Kyra) who was discovered with severe facial lacerations, speaking only the word "kolobos", as well as a group of young adults who have answered a personal ad seeking people to participate in a Big Brother-esque film. The group is made up of the director, Carl, and five participants, the peppy Tina, actress Erica, Tom the jokester, and Gary the college dropout. The fifth member, Kyra, is an artist living in a group home and taking anxiety medications.

Soon after their arrival the group members find themselves cut off from the outside world via heavy duty security shutters. They must also contend with deadly traps placed in the house and particularly the kitchen, where Tina was eviscerated. Kyra begins to experience visions of faceless doppelgangers after discovering Tina's decapitated head, as well as videos of a man cutting the skin off his face and a mysterious figure in black. Initially Carl is suspected to be the killer, only for this to be proven false after his body is discovered and Erica admits that the two of them were just actors hired to stir up drama. The true mastermind was never seen and never told them that there would be deadly traps. The group unsuccessfully tries to escape through the attic, which they find has also been shuttered. Gary is separated from the group and Kyra flees after experiencing more visions. She comes downstairs to discover the figure in black dragging Tom into a bathroom, where he is murdered. The figure then breaks through the bathroom door and knocks Kyra unconscious. In the attic, Tom and Erica discover several of Kyra's drawings that resemble the traps and deaths that they've seen so far.

Kyra awakens to find that she is now suspected to be the murderer. Tom and Erica lock her in the bathroom as they no longer trust her. They decide to try searching the basement for an exit, as it's the most heavily guarded with traps but are separated before both can successfully make it through the traps. Erica is wounded by one of the traps and then murdered by the figure in black. Kyra, who has managed to escape the bathroom, makes it downstairs and discovers Tom, who still suspects her. The two decide to go into the basement, however Tom once again goes missing. Once downstairs, Kyra sees that all of the murdered people have been strung up as macabre decorations, made to resemble her drawings. She also sees another video of the man peeling his face off just as the figure in black, implied to be the same man, appears and grabs her. He tells Kyra that he granted all of the victims their true forms before forcing her to cut her face while chanting the word kolobus. Kyra manages to turn on him and the two battle, during which she manages to kill him with a pool cue. She then tries to escape via a skylight.

The film cuts back to the hospital, where Kyra is being released. A doctor tells her that the police investigated but were unable to find any evidence or even the house she described. She also explains that the word "kolobos" means "mutilated" and implies that this could have something to do with past memories. Angry over the implications that this was something she did to herself, Kyra leaves. Kyra returns to a fancy home where she begins to hallucinate voices and imagine the traps from the filming house, while also mentioning that it is "just me". She hears the voice of the figure in black, who begs her to touch him. The voice is revealed to belong to a straight razor, which she uses to cut herself. The voice tells her that there is something that it wants her to do. She is then shown placing an identical order to the one given at the beginning of the film, revealing that the events were all in her head and that she is now planning to make them a reality.

The Man with Icy Eyes

A state senator is murdered outside his home, and the police arrest a strange man with "icy eyes" as the killer. An Italian reporter finds a stripper who claims that she actually witnessed the man commit the crime. But the reporter later finds holes in her story, and eventually comes to believe that the police have the wrong man.

Chocolates for Breakfast

The book opens with Courtney Farrell and her best friend Janet Parker at a New England boarding school, arguing over Courtney's attachment to her English teacher, Miss Rosen, whom Janet derides as "queer." Later the school pressures Miss Rosen to not talk to Courtney outside of class, and Courtney falls into a depression. She leaves school and joins her single mother, Sondra, in Hollywood. As Sondra struggles to find work as an actress, Courtney often has to take care of her and manage their situation. She also takes up with Sondra's friends, including Barry Cabot, a bisexual actor with whom she has an affair, though he breaks it off to return to his male lover.

Courtney often expresses a wish that she were born a man, as in this conversation with her teacher Miss Rosen:

"Don’t you think of yourself as a woman?” Miss Rosen said, amused. "No, not really," Courtney said thoughtfully. "I don’t think the way they do. Men always tell me that I think like a man. It would be a lot simpler if I were a man. I guess. But maybe it wouldn’t be. .../... Since I can remember I’ve dreamt that I am a man. I hardly even notice now that in all my dreams I’m myself, but a man. I wonder why that is," she mused.

Courtney and Sondra move to New York, where Sondra hopes to work in television and where Courtney's father Robbie might be able to give them more support. There she reunites with her friend Janet and they go from cocktail parties at the Stork to all-night debutante balls on Long Island. Courtney becomes fascinated by Janet's friend Anthony Neville, an aristocratic esthete who lives out of the Pierre hotel and has homes in the Riviera and the Caribbean. She and Anthony become lovers but hide it from Janet, who was involved with him in the past.

Most of the characters in the book are heavy drinkers, with the exception of Courtney and a young man named Charles Cunningham who gradually emerges as a love interest, although Courtney initially finds him too "straight arrow." Janet's father stands out as an alcoholic who "no longer cared for the niceties of companionship or ice in his bourbon." He often beats down the door behind which his wife and daughter hide from his rages. Janet leaves home to live with Courtney. When she returns, her mother has fled to a sanitarium and her father is alone and drunk, and blames his daughter for ruining their lives.

Coldly, with the full force of his body, he slapped her...He fell upon her and forced her onto the couch and lay above her as a lover might, and she was terrified . . . As her body went limp in his arms he rose and walked over to the window. Thank God, she thought. Thank God he got up."

Soon after, Janet jumps from the window to her death. In the aftermath, Courtney ends her affair with Anthony. The novel ends with Courtney on her way to see Charles Cunningham and her parents for dinner, while Anthony contemplates returning to his island in the fall. The last line notes "how quickly the summer had gone."

Boss of the Pool

Shelley is embarrassed when her mother starts working at the ‘retard farm’. Why can’t she get a decent job? At the pool, Ben is afraid of the water, but persists in hanging around the edge, and Tania in the wheelchair is organising a disco.

A Well Respected Man (Defiance)

Nolan (Grant Bowler) intercepts a shipment of weapons being transferred by two men working for Datak (Tony Curran). Nolan is unaware that after the town lost its shield generator, the town council - without Amanda's (Julie Benz)) knowledge - made an agreement between Datak to provide weapons for the town as a means of self defence.

Meanwhile, the relationship between Nolan and Kenya (Mia Kirshner) continues. Kenya wants their relationship to move from customer/prostitute to friends with benefits. Amanda is displeased with Kenya's relationship with Nolan, which leads Kenya to accuse Amanda of trying to replace their mother.

Kenya and Tirra (Brittany Allen), one of the girls who work at the Need/Want bar, are kidnapped by Ulysses (Rob Archer), a bioman working for Datak as a prizefighter. Ulysses is kidnapping people who are living in the street and taking them to Miko (Robin Dunne), a human lab technician who is harvesting their adrenochrome to use as an illegal drug.

Nolan and Amanda confront Datak, who refuses to help because they never show him any respect. Stahma (Jaime Murray) suggests to Amanda that the best way to show Datak respect is by making him member of the town council, which Amanda accepts in order to find her sister. With Datak's help, Nolan and Amanda locate the lab where Kenya is being held. Kenya escapes and kills Miko, and Nolan and Amanda arrive in time to save her from Ulysses.

Meanwhile, Rafe (Graham Greene) argues with his son Quentin (Justin Rain) following Rafe's decision to seal the shaft in the mines where Luke was working. Quentin believes Rafe sealed the shaft because he doesn't trust Quentin; however, the real reason is the strange object Rafe found in Luke's room. Rafe believes Luke found it in the sealed shaft and that it is the reason for Luke's death. Rafe and Quentin descend into the sealed shaft and discover a set of cave paintings featuring the object.

Flashbacks in the episode tell the story of Amanda, Kenya, and their mother (Severn Thompson) during the Pale War. Amanda and her mother were out scavenging away from town. When the area was attacked, their mother was prepared to abandon Kenya and flee with Amanda alone; Amanda refused to leave her sister, so their mother abandoned both. To spare her feeling, Amanda lied to Kenya, telling her that their mother died heroically. She gave Kenya a necklace they found while scavenging, saying their mother sent it as a gift for Kenya. As the young Amanda did not recognize the necklace as a St. Christopher's medal, she told Kenya it was "St. Finnegan, patron saint of lost children." Kenya attempts to give Tirra the "St. Finnegan" necklace as a gift after their rescue from Meeko and Ulysses, but Tirra correctly identifies the medal as St. Christopher. Kenya then confronts Amanda about the real meaning of her necklace and Amanda finally reveals the truth.

The episode ends with Datak taking his place on town's council, and Nolan realizing that Stahma is the more dangerous of the two. The last scene contains an allusion to the character of Madame Defarge in A Tale of Two Cities: as Stahma sits knitting outside the door to the council chamber, Nolan comments "I had my eye on the wrong snake. You are the dangerous one."

The Plot to Overthrow Christmas

The play, a fantasy told entirely in rhyme, begins with a narrative introduction. It proceeds without further narration, but a character named Sotto voce occasionally interrupts with parenthetical footnotes for the audience. Sound effects depict a descent to Hell: a gong, followed by two crashes of thunder; then an electronic hum, first descending, then ascending in pitch; which dissolves into a sustained violin note, which finally turns into a classical cadenza.

The violin is being played by the Roman emperor Nero, whose playing is interrupted by a courier summoning him to an urgent meeting called by the Devil, Mephistopheles. Mephisto explains to an assembly including Nero, Ivan the Terrible, the Biblical Haman, the Roman emperor Caligula, the Borgias, and Simon Legree, that he is concerned about the thwarting of his efforts to corrupt humanity, by the peace and good will generated by the Christmas holiday. He solicits proposals to deal with the matter. First, Caligula suggests poisoning Christmas foods and candies. Next, Nero suggests corrupting sacred Christmas music by converting it to jazz style, as has been done to classical music. Then Legree suggests bribing the US Congress to outlaw Christmas, but Mephisto points out the uncertainty of depending on corrupt politicians, who could just as easily be turned the other way. Finally, Lucrezia Borgia suggests assassinating Santa Claus, a deed she is anxious to do herself. Mephisto puts the proposals to a vote, and Borgia's plan wins. Nero is then chosen by lottery as the assassin.

After a bit of fuss about how to get to Earth and to find Santa, Nero ascends to Earth with a gun in Act II and makes the arduous trek to Santa's domicile in the North Pole. Santa invites him in, well aware of Nero's sinister purpose. Santa tells Nero that the Devil cares nothing about Nero, and is only using him to acquire as large an earthly empire as possible. Nero briefly succumbs to this logic, but then takes Santa's argument as a battle of wits, and boasts of his intellectual superiority and cultural (musical) sensitivity. Santa counters Nero's boasting by expounding on the sentimental joys and wonders of Christmas, of which Nero knows nothing. This touches Nero's heart and causes him to repent of his evil purpose and ask how he can help Santa. Santa then showers Nero with hospitality, and runs to get a present for him: a Stradivarius violin. Santa also gives him a piece of sheet music, and the play closes with Nero playing ''The First Noel'' on the Stradivarius.

Dying of Laughter

The plot tracks the mishaps of a comedic duo formed by Nino and Bruno who actually hate each other.

Princess Aurora (TV series)

Oh Ro-Ra is a 25-year-old woman whose family owns Chunwang Foods. As the youngest child of a wealthy family, Ro-Ra is charming, confident, and materialistic. The series is centered around Ro-Ra salvaging the second marriage of her 50 year-old brother.

Arrayán (TV series)

The story takes place in an existing luxury hotel in a fictional town but is filmed in Coin (Malaga) on the Andalusian coast, called "Hotel Arrayan". Germán Santisteban, its creator and director for decades, will retire; however, he is assassinated. This starts a chain of events. Although the plot of the series changed a lot, the series continues to show everyday life in the hotel, the lives of their workers and the relationship with other employees and with customers.

Every season shows new characters and situations, serving as a springboard for many Andalusian actors, as well as enjoying the participation of renowned actors of Spanish national scene, hailing both from Andalusia and elsewhere.

On January 9, 2013 the last 5 episodes of the series were issued, putting an end to the second long-running series of television in Spain so far, after the Basque Goenkale

Roger Rabbit short films

Roger is placed in charge of watching Baby Herman when his mother needs to step out for an hour; as soon as she leaves, Herman breaks into a heavy crying fit which Roger doesn't seem to be able to break until he pulls out a bright shiny rattle, which immediately garners Herman's attention. After a brief second of shaking it, Herman swallows the rattle, prompting Roger to scream and call 911 and to rush the baby to the emergency room. Roger is overcome with guilt when he visits, but quickly realizes Herman wants to drink from a milk bottle in the room; after Roger burps Herman, he hiccups the rattle, but finds, that in Roger's joyous celebration he accidentally swallows it, causing Baby Herman to become upset he lost his toy. Roger begins to dance, and has his hips rattling with the toy and giving Baby Herman some amusement, but is stunned when a doctor bursts in and mistakes Roger for Baby Herman and preps him for emergency surgery.

While Roger is gone, Herman spies Jessica Rabbit pushing a cart of milk bottles and gives chase, eventually following a runaway milk bottle into the emergency room where Roger is strapped to the table while the surgeons had disappeared for a lunch break. Herman mistakes a large surgical laser for a bottle and climbs up onto it, nearly dissecting Roger in the process. The laser detaches itself from the ceiling and flings a table of scalpels and hypodermic needles at Roger, who avoids them, but is electrocuted in the process. The laser flies around the room and lodges itself under Roger's stretcher and sends him and Herman both ejecting from the emergency room and causing Roger to gag up the rattle, and when Baby Herman to again swallow it before crashing into a wheelchair, they then fly down the hall and into an open elevator shaft due to wet floors causing the wheelchair they landed on to skid out of control. Baby Herman's diaper parachutes him safely to a floor while Roger ends up getting crushed by an elevator where Droopy is in while trying to catch Herman. Eventually they end up in a room with piles of gas pumps which are ignited and send them the pair launching miles into the air. As they fall, Herman coughs up the rattle, and causes Roger to swallow it again. As they crash back into the hospital, Roger crashes through several floors before landing smack down on the receptionist floor in the hospital. As he recovers, Baby Herman lands on Roger, causing him to cough up the rattle again, finally ending their adventure. But when Roger's celebration is short lived when he sees the bill for their rampant destruction and faints that he didn't win again, Herman then crawls over to the rattle and as the screen fades to black there is a gulping sound as he again swallows the rattle.

During the end credits, however, Herman spits the rattle out, and angrily threatens more trouble if he has to swallow the rattle again. After attempting to cool Baby Herman down, Roger is greeted by Jessica who seductively suggests they go home and play a little patty cake, in which a love stricken Roger coos as they walk off.

Roger Rabbit short films

Roger Rabbit, Baby Herman and Mrs. Herman are at the local county fair. Mrs. Herman leaves to get her palm read by a fortune teller; she asks Roger to watch Baby Herman until she gets back. She also reminds him not to mess it up again. Roger reluctantly watches Baby Herman. Baby Herman loses his red balloon and bursts into tears when Roger goes to get him a new one. Before he returns, however, Baby Herman sees another red balloon at a dart game and goes to try to get it. When Roger comes back to give Baby Herman his balloon, he finds that he is gone, and sets off as the chase begins. First, Baby Herman finds himself following the balloon into a field occupied by a grazing bull. Roger soon follows the youngster and falls in bull dung. Baby Herman walks directly underneath the bull. He notices a round balloon-like object and grasps it; unknown to him, it is in fact the bull's scrotum. The grazing creature snaps. Roger picks up Baby Herman but just happens to be looking the bull in the eyes. The animal hurls Roger and Baby Herman into the air, sending them flying out of the field, and causing the two to land crashing into a roller coaster carriage which is traveling slowly up.

In the next stage of this short, the carriage continues to climb a tall hill in the track. The two reach the top of the drop which is exaggerated to reach beyond the clouds and into space. Roger looks down and sees the world. Moments later the carriage drops down thousands of meters. The speed of the drop is maintained throughout the remainder of the chase. After a few twist and turns (in the track) a shot of Jessica Rabbit appears, where she is tied down to the tracks, unable to move. She calls out to be saved before Roger and Baby Herman's carriage crushes her. As the cart draws near, it topples over and fortunately bounces over Jessica, avoiding her completely. The camera moves along and beside her appears Droopy for a quick one-liner. The story then continues. Roger grasps onto Baby Herman, tumbling and losing their carriage, leaving Roger sliding along the tracks with his feet, gradually gaining friction causing his feet to catch fire. The tracks run into a dark tunnel and then stumbles across a 'wrong way sign'. Finally Herman and Roger crash through the sign and into a real-life filming studio, a direct reference to the reality/cartoon crossover in the feature film when Roger ruins the film and refuses to go back to do the whole scene again. As the credits finish rolling, Baby Herman says that he cannot take anymore of Roger as a woman gives him a balloon and he pops it with his cigarette.

Roger Rabbit short films

The short features Roger Rabbit, Baby Herman and Mrs. Herman at the park setting up camp. Mrs. Herman plans to go hunting and leaves Roger in charge of watching Baby Herman. Trouble begins when Baby Herman wanders off into the dangers of the forest and Roger has to go and save him, leading to multiple calamities; such as Roger panicking at the sight of a caterpillar and spraying so much insecticide (named Mink-Off) that many trees die. Later, when Roger reads the nutrition on the box, Baby Herman follows a bee up to a beehive and goes to get some honey when Roger tries to save him. The beehive falls on Roger's head, causing him to get stung multiple times. The bees proceed to chase him, so Roger runs into a lake, where he panics at the sight of a shark's dorsal fin (which is actually controlled by Droopy Dog).

Later, Baby Herman follows a beaver (mistaking him for a dog), and is followed by Roger, who chases after them. Baby Herman follows the beaver up a pile of logs, and is chased by Roger, who follows, only to have the log that Baby Herman and the beaver are on taken to the sawmill. This ends up with Roger being shredded by a sawmill (that of which the result is 13 tiny Rogers, which then join again into a regular-sized Roger, who follows Baby Herman (still following the beaver) onto a conveyor belt with logs). It ends up with the logs being thrown down a log flume, eventually landing in a river. The log, Roger, Baby Herman, and the beaver are on, crashes into a bear, who also ends up on the log. Then the four fall off a waterfall. Roger's head gets stuck in a twig sticking out of the waterfall, and when he catches Baby Herman (holding on to the beaver), the bear grabs onto Roger's legs. The combined weight rebounds, sending all four flying, landing on a large boulder.

The boulder proceeds to roll down a hill, knocking over a tree trunk (with the same sound effects as a bowling pin), and then flying off a cliff. Eventually, Roger, the bear, the log, the beaver, the boulder, and Baby Herman all land on top of Old Predictable Geyser in that order. Then, Old Predictable Geyser erupts, sending Roger, Herman, the Bear, the Beaver, the boulder and the log flying out of the studio, passing the Hollywood sign. The group flies over half of the country all the way to Mount Rushmore and they end up crashing into the mountain, destroying all the carving of the presidents. Everyone is battered and beaten (except for Roger); as they walk away, Baby Herman yells at Roger for destroying a "national monument." Roger retorts that it's "not as if it's the end of the world," but then sticks a US flag (made of his clothes) in the ground which punctures the Earth, making it deflate and blow away like a balloon.

Flip Flop (Modern Family)

The house that Claire (Julie Bowen) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) were preparing for a flip is ready and they are also ready to start searching for a buyer. After turning down an offer from Gil (Rob Riggle), another real estator, they struggle to find a buyer. Luke (Nolan Gould) tells them that he has a friend, Zach (Anders Holm), who is looking for a house and Haley (Sarah Hyland) uses her social network skills to research about him and learn what he likes. After learning what they wanted, they all make the house perfect for him.

They arrange a date with Zach but during the house inspection, Cam mentions Zach's dog name, something that makes Zach wondering how Cam knew something like that. When a little bit later Haley mentions his birthday too, he freaks out and leaves. Gil comes to gloat, but Phil (Ty Burrell) pretends that Cam and Mitchell are potential clients who are interested in the house. After seeing that, Gil is willing to renegotiate the price for his buyer and offers them a higher price.

Meanwhile, Gloria's (Sofía Vergara) ex-husband, Javier (Benjamin Bratt), introduces to Gloria, Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) his new fiancée, Trish (Paget Brewster). Gloria is worried about being replaced by Trish when she sees how close Manny and Trish get due to their many common interests. When Javier proposes to Trish, Trish runs upstairs and locks herself in Manny's room. Gloria tries to talk to her and convince her to come out. During their discussion, Gloria finds out that the reason Trish does not want to marry Javier is because she feels like she can not live up to Gloria as a mother and as a wife. Hearing that, Gloria abandons her plan to scare her away and welcomes her to the family.

The Bougainville Photoplay Project

Writer, academic and performer Paul Dwyer looks back at trips made by his father, Dr Allan Dwyer, a world-renowned orthopaedic surgeon, who visited Bougainville during the 1960s, healing crippled children. Family stories mesh with the larger narrative of Australian colonial influence in the years following.

The Rewrite

Keith Michaels is a divorced and depressed screenwriter whose only successful work was ''Paradise Misplaced'', which won the Best Screenplay Award fifteen years ago. Unemployed and low on funds after a long period of unsuccessful pitching, he reluctantly takes up a job teaching screenwriting at Binghamton University in Upstate New York.

On arrival, Keith angers fellow professor Mary Weldon with derogatory comments about Jane Austen and other misogynistic behavior; he also strikes up an unethical relationship with a young undergraduate student, Karen Gabney, which ends quickly. Keith also does not believe in the concept of teaching and is scornful of his job, as exemplified by his selecting mostly women students for his class based solely on their appearance and then dismissing the class for a month.

After being publicly challenged by an outraged Karen about his competence, Keith starts to devote more time and effort to coaching his students and helping them discover their passion and improve their writing; he finds great potential in Clem Ronson, a shy and awkward nerd, whose script quickly garners the interest of Keith’s agent, Elle. Keith also forms a friendship with mature student Holly Carpenter, a single mother of two who is in a steady but unloving relationship. The two of them often disagree on their perspectives on life, where Keith believes that nothing will salvage his failing career or mend his relationship with his estranged son Alex, whereas Holly maintains an optimistic outlook on life and believes that with effort, talents can be developed and problems can be solved. Despite their differences, Keith finds enlightenment in Holly’s advice and makes the first move in contacting Alex.

However, Keith’s problems worsen when his outline for ''Paradise Misplaced II'' gets rejected and he faces expulsion from the school after his short-lived relationship with Karen is exposed. In frustration, Keith gets into an argument with Holly and decides to leave the school. As a last parting gesture, he accompanies Clem to Manhattan to meet with Hollywood film producers. Halfway through the meeting, Keith has an epiphany about how he has helped his students and, leaving a newly confident Clem to resume the meeting by himself, he heads back to Binghamton to save his job — which he manages to do with a sincere apology to Professor Weldon. In a revelation of his renewed priorities, Keith expresses admiration for Holly’s determination in life and they both confess their love for each other. He also declines Elle's invitation to return to Hollywood, as he has decided to stay in Binghamton to teach and write a screenplay based on his experience there; and he tells Elle not to call during class hours.

Keith is welcomed back warmly by his students and apologizes to Karen. The film ends with Keith's phone flashing with a voicemail from Alex.

The Lumber Champ

Pooch (now having black ears) is a wood cutter who chops trees for the logging business. His boss is a tall husky cracks a whip at slow-moving works. While looking for trees to cut, Pooch spots his girlfriend, a coonhound, painting some pictures of the scenery. Delighted to see her, Pooch greets his sweetheart. They then sing the song "The Cute Little Things You Do" and walk around together. Looking from a distance, the husky sees them and develops an affinity for the female coonhound. The husky snatches her with his whip and shoots Pooch from a cannon in order to get away with the girl. Eventually, the husky attempts to run over the coonhound with a locomotive, but his attempt is foiled when Pooch redirects the railroad tracks. At the film's conclusion, Pooch and his girlfriend embrace.

Pepita; or, the Girl with the Glass Eyes

Professor Pongo is obsessed with automata, as is Governor Giavolo. Pepita, the professor's daughter and Pablo, the governor's son, are in love. Her father disapproves and Pablo is forbidden to visit. To gain entry past her father, Pablo disguises himself as one of the cadavers Pongo planned to use to augment his mechanical devices. That night when Giavolo paid Pongo a visit, curious to view his mechanisms, neither knew that two of the automatons entertaining them were actually Pepita and Pablo concealed inside.

Thulli Vilayadu

Raghu (Yuvaraj), Mano (Soori), and Thangavelu (Sendrayan) are faithful for politicians Singam (Prakash Raj) and Samipillai (Jayaprakash). Both politicians are fighting for 200 million rupees, which is meant to be used to bribe the people for the upcoming elections. in the meantime, the three men decide to jump in this and take it for their advantage. The men decide to go to Rajasthan to hide. On their trip, they meet a girl named Yamuna (Deepthi Nambiar), who is claimed to be Asin's younger sister. What is the next part of the chapter?

Career Day (Modern Family)

It is Career Day at Luke (Nolan Gould) and Manny's (Rico Rodriguez) school so their parents have to go to school with them and talk about their jobs. Phil Dunphy (Ty Burrell), while trying to talk about real estate, is upstaged by his rival, Gil Thorpe (Rob Riggle), who is also there for his daughter, and Phil's presentation is ruined. Later, Gil offers Claire (Julie Bowen) a position at his company, something that Phil disapproves of and tries to convince Claire not to accept it but she decides to take the job anyway. However, after one day at Gil's company, Claire quits the job since he treats her in a misogynistic way.

Jay (Ed O'Neill) reveals to Gloria that he always wanted to be a writer and had intended to start writing after his divorce with DeDe, but "life got in the way". Gloria (Sofía Vergara) tells him that he cannot write and she challenges him to write the thriller novel that he said he had put aside because of the lack of time. Jay tries to write but he struggles with it and Manny is the one who ends up writing the story. Jay presents it to Gloria as his but after Manny's reaction to her critique, the truth of who wrote the story comes out.

Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) loses her first tooth and she waits for the tooth fairy. Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) accidentally give her $100 instead of $1 as a present from the tooth fairy. They try to get the money back but Lily is adamant. They ask for Haley's (Sarah Hyland) help, who dressed up as the tooth fairy to try to convince Lily that she has to return her the money but Lily recognizes her. Haley tries another approach (telling Lily she will be on Santa's "naughty list" for the rest of her life, but will have $100 as a compromise) which works, leaving Cam and Mitch surprised by Haley's success.

The Case of the Bloody Iris

A prostitute, Luna, is buzzed into the high-rise apartment building of a potential client. She is stabbed to death in the elevator by a masked killer who vanishes before it reaches the top floor, where the tenants (Professor Issacs, widow Mrs. Moss, and casino stripper Mizar Harrington) discover the body. The police are called as Mizar leaves for her shift at the casino.

Meanwhile, the building’s architect Andrea Antinori hires a photographer, Arthur, to find models for advertisements. He becomes enthralled with Jennifer Langsbury, who is posing with her model friend Marilyn Ricci. On her way out of the studio, Jennifer is accosted by Adam, the leader of a cult named “Iris” she was a part of before escaping into modeling. He sternly warns her if she doesn’t come back to him, there will be consequences.

Mizar returns to her apartment, where she is drowned in the bathtub by the killer. In the morning, police commissioners Enci and Renzi investigate the murder. Mrs. Moss is interviewed as a witness. At the crime scene, a love letter is found.

To entice them to star in his advertisements, Andrea sublets Mizar’s now-vacant apartment to Jennifer and Marilyn. He joins them for dinner and is disturbed by the sight of Jennifer cutting her finger, revealing his blood phobia. On his way out of the building afterwards, Andrea is confronted by Adam, who tells him Jennifer can’t belong to anyone else.

Close to dawn, the killer enters the apartment by the balcony and wraps their hands around Jennifer’s throat, but flees when she screams. Marilyn thinks she imagined the encounter. The next morning at the drugstore, they meet their neighbor Sheila Issacs, who lives with the Professor, her father.

Andrea is interviewed by the police as a potential suspect. Enci orders Renzi to keep watch on him. Jennifer finds a crushedplant near her door and enters the apartment, where Adam attacks her. She manages to escape and call Andrea. The two go out to eat and take a walk in a park, being followed by Renzi.

Jennifer returns to the apartment that night to find the killer waiting, who attempts to kiss her. She hits them with a lamp and runs to Sheila’s apartment for help. When they go back together, the killer is gone. Marilyn arrives and finds a blood-soaked iris on the floor before opening a closet and discovering Adam, who's been stabbed to death. Jennifer tells Enci and Renzi about the cult and they assure her she will not be charged in Adam’s death, blaming the murder on the masked killer. Later, she thinks she hears Mrs. Moss talking to a man in the apartment next door, but Marilyn thinks she is imagining it. A handwriting sample test comes back on Mizar's love letter, revealing it to have been sent by Sheila. Enci interviews her, and she comes out as a lesbian (she was also the one who hired Luna at the beginning of the film).

Andrea invites Jennifer to his house, where he proclaims his love for her. The next day, Marilyn is stabbed in a crowd outside the high-rise by the killer. She manages to grab Andrea, who was waiting for a taxi nearby, before collapsing and dying. Frightened by the blood, he flees the scene and is chased by Renzi, but evades capture. Despite Enci’s suspicions, Jennifer is sure he is innocent of the murders.

She returns to the building and hears Mrs. Moss talking with the male voice again. She breaks into the neighboring apartment and is attacked by Mrs. Moss' son David, who is deformed. Mrs. Moss returns and yells at her before kicking her out. Jennifer calls the police, but Mrs. Moss has hidden David when they arrive and claims she lives alone.

Jennifer receives a call from Andrea, who asks her to meet him in a junkyard outside of town. She goes there, but Andrea is scared off by Renzi, who followed her. Jennifer goes back to the apartment, runs into Sheila, and the two board the elevator together. However, it goes down to the basement by itself. They exit and explore the room before Sheila is burned to death by a jet of hot steam from a boiler sabotaged by the killer.

Jennifer hides as someone stalks her through the basement. Andrea reveals himself and claims his innocence, but she doesn’t believe his words. The police arrive and chase him, but he escapes. Meanwhile, Mrs. Moss finds David missing from his room. Professor Issacs is distraught over his daughter’s death and plays the violin in mourning.

Jennifer decides to leave the apartment once and for all. While packing her bags, she is attacked by the killer again. She goes to Professor Issacs for help, only to find David’s dead body in a chair. The killer unlocks the door and takes off his mask, revealing himself as the Professor. Unable to cope with Sheila’s lesbianism, he blamed her sexuality on the other women in the building and murdered them for revenge, with assistance from David, who was under the mask in all the non-lethal appearances of the killer. He accidentally killed his daughter with the steam, thinking he was aiming at Jennifer.

The Professor chloroforms her and throws David’s body down the open stairwell before preparing to do the same to her. Andrea exits the elevator and attacks, managing to overpower the Professor and throw him over the railing to his death. Him and Jennifer share a passionate hug, happy the ordeal is over.

The Bloodstained Shadow

A mysterious stranger strangles a young girl in a field, and the murder goes unsolved. Years later, young Stefano (a college professor) returns home to Venice to visit his brother Don Paolo, a priest who has been ranting against the immoral people in his village...a group of ne'er-do-wells including a gambler, a pedophile/ Count, a fake medium, and an illegal abortionist. One by one, the sinners begin to get murdered, and Stefano tries to uncover the killer before he and his brother become victims themselves. The killer's identity is linked to a child-like painting.

Figures of the Night

Multi-billionaire Thomas Bezug is the richest man in the world and the loneliest. He is a cripple who can only laboriously move on his crutches, domineering, cruel, only full of fanatical love for his son, who lives like a monkey in a cage, climbs on trees and eats nuts. His minions are muscle-bound giants and misshapen dwarfs. His cunning secretary only strives to bring wealth into his possession. A dancer he loves leaves him. Then an unemployed inventor demands the hand of his nymphomaniac daughter for an invention with which it is supposed to be able to extract oxygen from the air. With it he wants to blackmail the whole world and become ruler over all countries.

The film is of note since it co-starred both Wegener and Veidt in the same movie, both of whom later went on to star in two different film versions of ''The Student of Prague'' (1913 and 1926 respectively). Director Richard Oswald later cast Wegener in his 1932 film ''Uncanny Stories''.

Madness (1919 film)

A wealthy banker (Veidt) is given a key to a lost trunk by a Gypsy, who tells him that the trunk's contents will lead him either to happiness or death. He becomes obsessed with finding the trunk, and his vain search leads him to a mental breakdown.

Despite the Falling Snow

After an early career amongst the political elite of Cold War Russia, Alexander Ivanov has lived in America for forty years and has managed to bury the tragic memories surrounding his charismatic late wife, Katya – or so he believes.

For into his life come two women – one who will start to open up the heart he has protected for so long; another who is determined to uncover the truth about what really happened to Katya all those years ago. The novel’s journey back to the snowbound streets of post-Stalinist Moscow reveals a precarious, dangerous world of secrets and treachery.

T.: The Terrestrial

An invasion of Earth by Lrrr and his son Jrrr of Omicron Persei 8 ends with the Headless Clone of Agnew's death. A furious Richard Nixon's Head imposes an embargo on their planet in retaliation, forbidding trade and communications with other planets. Due to the embargo, the Planet Express crew is sent to Omicron Persei 8 to harvest the "sacred weed of Omicron" for Professor Farnsworth's arthritis medication. Bender's electric field activates the herb's bioluminescence. The crew are nearly caught by the Omicronians and quickly escape, however Fry is stranded on the planet after being abandoned by Bender.

Jrrr discovers and befriends Fry, concealing him in his bedroom, and feeds him his feces, which resemble candy. Due to the embargo, Fry is unable to communicate with Earth, but Jrrr helps him create a distress signal. Bender, feeling guilty for his actions, deceives Leela and the rest of the Planet Express crew into thinking Fry is still around using an answering machine recording of Fry's voice. One night, Bender notices Fry's distress signal and steals the Planet Express ship so he can travel to Omicron Persei 8 to rescue him.

Lrrr discovers an extremely ill Fry in Jrrr's room, and commands his son to kill his friend. Jrrr escapes with Fry on a bicycle powered by love and takes him to a veterinarian, Drrr, where he reveals that he has been drinking Fry's blood. Drrr prescribes sacred weed to Fry, but suggests euthanizing Fry. Lrrr tracks down Jrrr and Fry, and repeats his order for Jrrr to kill him. Jrrr stands up to his father, winning Lrrr's approval. Fry seemingly dies from his injuries, overwhelming Jrrr and Lrrr with sadness. Bender arrives, and his electric field causes the ingested herbs to glow and inexplicably revive Fry. Drrr explains that the electromagnetic intensity of Bender and Fry's friendship caused the herbs in Fry's bowel to luminesce with love.

Fry and Bender return to Earth, where a romantic Leela unknowingly reveals just how far Bender went to cover up Fry's disappearance.

My Hero (Modern Family)

Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) encounter Mitch's ex-boyfriend, Teddy (Larry Sullivan), who invites them to a fundraiser at the local roller rink. Cam has no problem hanging out with someone who was dating Mitch before him, but when he learns that Teddy invited the whole family to the fundraiser and sees how friendly they all are with him, he gets upset. Even though Mitch reassures him that nothing is going on between him and Teddy anymore, Cam seems to not calm down. He only calms down when Jay tells him that although Teddy is a really good person and everyone likes him, he did not bring the best out of Mitch, something that Cam does.

Jay (Ed O'Neill), knowing that Claire (Julie Bowen) is looking for a job, offers her a position at his company. Claire though, having worked with him in the past and knowing how bad he can be as a boss, tries to avoid him so she will not have to tell him "no". Finally, not having any other choice, she confronts him and tells him that she can not work for him.

While the whole family is skating, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) sits on the bench because she does not know how to skate. When Phil (Ty Burrell) realizes that, he is willing to give her some skating lessons.

Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) meet two boys, Max (Zack Roosa) and Blake (Zac Goodspeed), at the roller rink and they flirt with them. However, Alex is not very good at flirting, so Haley tries to give her some tips. Though they succeed in attracting the boys' attention, Alex is confused when Haley turns them down for both of them after the boys remark how "un-masculated" they feel after losing air hockey to girls. Haley tells Alex that teaching her to flirt was about helping her gain confidence that will attract boys who don't feel threatened when they lose to a girl.

Meanwhile, Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Luke (Nolan Gould) have an essay assignment entitled "My Hero". They have to write about a member of their family who is a hero for them and why. Both boys are struggling with the subject because, for different reasons, they can not decide whom they should write about.

The Fire in the Stone

When his precious cache of opals is stolen, 14-year-old Ernie, who lives with his alcoholic father in the harsh and lawless opal fields of inland Australia, sets out with a friend determined to find the thief.

The Fish Are Safe

The romantic adventures of Lena Ranner a 34-year-old freelance graphic artist and a somewhat cranky, 60-year-old builder called Ned Foley.

Harvest of Time

The Doctor and the Master must make an uneasy alliance to overcome a common enemy, the Sild, which have been attacking the Earth and using the Master as their tool of conquest. With the Brigadier, UNIT, and others gradually forgetting who the Master is, the Doctor and the Master must defeat the Sild before the Master becomes unstitched from time and the Earth is overrun by the vicious Sild. The events of the novel take place at some point after The Dæmons and before The Sea Devils; settings include a North Sea oil rig and a distant planet in a very distant future.

Contrast (video game)

The game opens with Didi's invisible friend Dawn entering her room before Didi's mother puts her to bed before the mother leaves for the evening to sing at a local nightclub. Didi sneaks out of her house to watch her mother's performance, and ends up eavesdropping on her father meeting her mother, telling her mother about his newest plan to strike it rich, which is to open a circus. Didi's mother is not convinced, and leaves while the father tells her his hotel room number. The father then goes to meet with his headlining performer, the great Vincenzo, who is reluctant to perform without money up front, and refuses to lend a film reel of his performance to Didi's father, who wants to show it to his investors as a way to convince them to continue providing funding for the circus. Didi and Dawn steal the film reel, and follow the father to the cinema where he is soon confronted by mafia members, who start beating him when he claims the projector for the film is not working, and that he needs more cash to convince Vincenzo. Dawn and Didi start the film in the projector, which impresses the two mob members enough to continue their funding for the circus. Didi's father then goes to his hotel to wait for his estranged wife, who in the ensuing confrontation is vehement that she will not take the father back into the family until Didi intervenes, at which point she reluctantly allows the father to return to their home.

Several days later, with the circus nearly ready to open, Didi and Dawn set out to meet Vincenzo, who in the previous confrontation between Didi's mother and father is revealed to be Didi's biological father. They overhear Vincenzo accosting Didi's father, pointing out how ill prepared the circus is, with several attractions either broken or missing actors. Dawn and Didi fix the circus acts, and then go to see Vincenzo in his workshop, where Vincenzo reveals that Didi was the result of an accidental pregnancy between him and Didi's mother, saying that he wasn't capable of caring for Didi with his work. Didi persists, saying that she's already shown herself to be capable of being his assistant after fixing the circus, but Vincenzo refuses, and after comforting a crying Didi, brings her back to her mother and father. His opening act is then started, but the light fixtures overload and the bulbs explode, leaving him unable to perform. Dawn and Didi then repair a lighthouse and use its light to allow Vincenzo to perform, whose act is a great success. Dawn and Didi then follow her parents backstage, and after Didi's father says that he is clearly incapable of providing after there were so many malfunctions in all of his schemes and that Vincenzo should take Didi in, Vincenzo and Didi's mother rebukes him, Vincenzo pointing out that he is clearly suited, having risked his life to be with Didi, whereas Vincenzo has not done nearly as much for her. The game ends with Didi's family formally reuniting, and Vincenzo offering to let Didi see his workshop again, remarking that even if he didn't bring Didi on his upcoming world tour, she'd probably still find a way on her own steam. The game closes with Vincenzo directly displaying the same power that Dawn has, physically appearing in the game's shadow world next to Dawn and Didi, and thanking Dawn for looking after Didi, and remarking to Dawn that "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Through in game collectibles, it is revealed that Dawn and Vincenzo were originally a pair of illusionists from an alternate dimension, with Vincenzo building upon the work of Einstein to create his devices that allow him to manipulate reality. It is left unknown why Dawn has been left more permanently tied to this shadow world.

Rage 2

Players assume control of Walker, the last Ranger of Vineland, who must survive in a world inhabited by dangerous mutants and crazed bandits after it was hit by the asteroid 99942 Apophis. The majority of humankind died during this apocalyptic event. While new settlements and factions emerged, a group called the Authority declared themselves the new military power. The game's prologue begins in Walker's home, Vineland, a city founded by former Ark residents and their descendants. Vineland gets stormed by the Authority's rebuilt Abadon mutant armies, and Walker's adoptive Aunt Prowley is killed by General Cross. Prowley leaves a pre-recorded holotape asking Walker to carry out Project Dagger, a mission conceived to stop General Cross. Walker is inducted as the last Ranger, a group of Ark survivors whose nanotrite-powered suits give them enhanced combat abilities. They are asked by Prowley's recording to find the three other members of Project Dagger; Loosum Hagar, Marshall, and Dr. Kvasir. Prowley's biological daughter, Lily, provides Walker with the Phoenix, an indestructible vehicle to travel the Wasteland, and promises to rebuild Vineland in the Ranger's absence.

Marshall is found in the town of Gunbarrel. Walker is asked to assist him in restoring power to Gunbarrel and retrieving Gulo, a scout sent by Marshall from an hostile enemy clan named the Immortal Shrouded. The scout's last defiant act was to swallow the recorder with the bunker's location, which Walker recovers from her already-carved-out gut. They proceed to the bunker, wiping out both the Immortal Shrouded and the Authority patrol sent to dislodge them, and secures the data necessary to penetrate the Authority's security scans.

Loosum Hagar is the mayor of Wellspring, a major travel hub in the Wasteland. When Walker arrives at her office, the Ranger is forced to fight off an assassination attempt against the mayor, who she suspects Wasteland tycoon Klegg Clayton of masterminding the attack. Klegg tries to kill Walker after admitting he was on a first name basis with General Cross. Fighting through Klegg's henchmen, Walker warns Loosum of the plot against Wellspring and uncovers a Xerxes MK III Authority Predator tank hidden in Klegg's catacombs beneath the town. The Ranger follows Klegg to an Authority bunker, to witness General Cross put down his unsuccessful lackey for failing to deliver Wellspring. Exploring deeper into the facility, Walker finds evidence that the Authority is building massive Abadon mutants piece by piece, calling them "Titans" and planning to unleash them on the rest of the Wasteland. Walker tears the fusion core out of a huge, half-build Titan, causing a chain reaction that destroys the facility and simultaneously securing a power source for the Xerxes III Predator tank that is necessary to complete Project Dagger.

Dr. Anton Kvasir is a master of genetic manipulation tasked to create a nanotrite virus that would disable General Cross' ability to clone himself indefinitely to prolong his life. The scientist invites Walker into his sanctum, where he says he is held back from finishing his project by insufficient computing power. Walker is asked to land Eco-Pod 15, the last of a series of satellites tasked with re-seeding the Earth with life in the event that the Apophis meteor rendered the planet barren after impact. After entering EDEN Space Center, Kvasir hacks the Vault mainframe to grant Walker the status of POTUS to ensure they can access every aspect of the EDEN Project. Successful in lowering Eco-Pod 15 back to Earth, Walker slaves its processor to Kvasir's mainframe before being forced to fight off an Authority strike force. Kvasir sends Walker on a mission to retrieve a DNA sample from General Cross. Raiding an Authority base for the sample, Walker frees captives from Vineland whose DNA was used in horrific cloning and mutant experiments. Walker decapitates General Cross after defeating him in battle, though a fresh clone of the General escapes. Back at Kvasir's lab, the doctor uses Cross' severed head to produce the nanotrite virus that was his part of Project Dagger.

With the three components, Walker initiates the final phase of Project Dagger by infiltrating the Authority HQ. Able to gain entry to the compound by impersonating General Cross, the Ranger is discovered by the real general. General Cross meets Walker while riding a gigantic Cyber Titan, and the two battle. Killing the Titan, Walker stabs Cross in the eye with the Nanotrite Virus, causing his DNA to be corrupted to prevent future clones from being created. However, unbeknownst to Walker due to Kvasir's manipulation, the Ranger's own nanotrites are also susceptible to the virus. Choking to death alongside the broken body of General Cross, Walker is saved by the intervention of Lily, who returns them to Hagar's Wellspring office for medical treatment. With Lily's gun to his head, Dr. Kvasir works frantically to save the Ranger. When he succeeds, the doctor begs for his life from the enraged Lily, who spares him. The game ends with Walker regaining consciousness and thanking Lily for her help, promising to continue helping the Wasteland as the Last Ranger.

Child of God (film)

Set in mountainous Sevier County, Tennessee, in the 1950s, ''Child of God'' tells the story of Lester Ballard. Ballard is a dispossessed, violent man whom the narrator describes as "a child of God much like yourself perhaps." Ballard's life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes, and with few other ties, Ballard descends literally and figuratively to the level of a cave dweller, as he falls deeper into madness, crime and degradation.

Sherlock Gnomes

Sherlock Gnomes and his assistant, Dr. Watson, storm London's Natural History Museum where their nemesis, a pie mascot named Moriarty, is holding gnomes hostage. After a brief battle, Moriarty is seemingly crushed by a dinosaur skeleton.

Meanwhile, now happily in love, Miss Montague, Mr Capulet and their gnomes move from Stratford-upon-Avon to London, into a run down, unkempt new garden. Lady Bluebury and Lord Redbrick announce their retirement and appoint Gnomeo & Juliet as new leaders. The couples's relationship starts to shake when Juliet becomes stressed and determined with fixing the garden up, unintentionally ignoring Gnomeo. In a bid to get her attention, Gnomeo decides to get a Cupid's Arrow orchid for the new garden so Benny shows Gnomeo the closest flower shop in town from an old computer. When Gnomeo gets the orchid in the shop, the burglar alarm goes off after a falling stall, causing Juliet to rescue him. Once out, the couple have a heated row and Juliet angrily tells Gnomeo: "The garden can't wait and you can!". A signal on the walkie-talkie comes through of Benny saying that there is a monster in their garden. The two race back only to find everyone gone. Suddenly, Sherlock and Watson arrive and find a clue card. Juliet and Gnomeo urge the duo to tell them what's going on and Sherlock reluctantly agrees to let them tag along.

A clue from Moriarty, whom Sherlock believes survived their last encounter, leads them to Chinatown. They find the next clue at Curly Fu's Emporium, and escape a group of guards like black cats whom Sherlock had previously offended. They arrive back at the Natural History Museum, where Gnomeo suggests they look inside but Sherlock decides to visit an art gallery instead, as it helps him think. Gnomeo tries to convince him otherwise but is shocked and hurt when Juliet sides with Sherlock. The couple argue and Gnomeo storms off to the museum with Watson in pursuit. Once inside the museum, Gnomeo realises he shouldn't have left Juliet but before he can get back to her, he is kidnapped by a stone gargoyle who seemingly smashes Watson (off screen). Gnomeo is brought to the rest of the gnomes and informed they will be smashed during a fireworks celebration the following evening. Meanwhile, Sherlock figures out the next clue is at the royal park. He and Juliet disguise themselves as a squirrel to get the clue from a dog, and manage to evade the dog on a lawnmower.

Gnomeo attempts to free the gnomes, but only he and the Red Goon Gnomes are able to escape before the gargoyles arrive. The next clue leads Juliet and Sherlock to a doll shop where they meet his resentful former fiancée, Irene, who kicks them out, but allows Juliet back in after she distances herself from Sherlock. Irene gives Juliet the clue, which leads her and Sherlock to Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London. They discover Watson, apparently the true mastermind, who reveals that he pretended to be Moriarty to get through to Sherlock, who never showed respect or appreciation for him, and supposedly has the gnomes in custody, only to find them all missing. The Gargoyles reveal that they never worked for Watson, and dispose of Juliet, Sherlock and Watson on a ship.

Sherlock realizes the gnomes are being held at the bottom of the Tower Bridge with pie filling, and Moriarty appears, revealing that he really was behind everything (having manipulated Watson into helping him) and plans to smash the gnomes with the raised bridge. After witnessing Sherlock's mistreatment of Watson, he had the Gargoyles feign allegiance with Watson to access his map and identify the location of every gnome in London. Sherlock and Watson agree to work together a final time to save the gnomes, and they and Juliet head to the bridge on a drone.

Gnomeo manages to stall the bridge opening with the Red Goon Gnomes dancing, reunites with Juliet and together they defeat the Gargoyles. Although Watson frees the trapped gnomes with soap, Moriarty pursues Sherlock and injures his leg. However, just before he can kill the others, Sherlock throws himself at Moriarty, knocking them both over the bridge. Watson narrowly saves Sherlock with his cane grappling hook, whereupon Moriarty lands in the water and helplessly floats away. Afterward, the gnomes enjoy the fireworks.

The following spring, Gnomeo and Juliet happily reveal their completed garden and the gnomes celebrate with Irene and the cat guards in attendance. Sherlock and Watson leave for another adventure, friends and partners once more.

Future Past (film)

Harlan is a computer whiz kid who works in a video store. He comes into contact with a group from the future, including his own self.

Mortal Folly and Mortal Recoil

"Mortal Folly"

While meditating with Finn and Jake, Princess Bubblegum has a premonition involving the Lich, an evil undead sorcerer who was long ago trapped in a block of amber by the legendary hero Billy. Bubblegum tells Finn and Jake about the dream, and the three of them journey to the tree at the top of Bubblegum's palace where the block of amber is hidden; Bubblegum also places magical jewels on Finn and Jake's heads that will prevent the Lich from exerting mind-control on them. While examining the amber, a snail is placed under the Lich's spell and helps break him out while Finn and Jake are not paying attention. The Lich then blasts out of the kingdom, leaving a wave of destruction in his path.

Finn and Jake, after acquiring the legendary gauntlet of Billy as well as a special pink sweater made by Bubblegum, give chase, but they are consistently interrupted by the Ice King, who keeps trying to get Finn and Jake's blessings to marry Bubblegum. Fed up with their dismissive attitude, the Ice King kidnaps Bubblegum and follows Finn and Jake as the two heroes pursue the Lich. The Lich eventually reaches his lair, an abandoned subway station, and creates a pool of green liquid which he plans to use to regain his strength and destroy the world.

Finn, Jake, the Ice King, and Bubblegum follow the Lich into his lair. In the entanglement that follows, Billy's gauntlet is destroyed by the Lich and Finn breaks his jewel. The Lich attempts to exert his mind-control on Finn, but Finn finds himself able to resist it. It is then revealed that the sweater Bubblegum gave to Finn has the power to repel the Lich due to it being imbued with "liking someone a lot". Finn then takes the sweater and pushes it into the Lich's eye sockets and rips his face apart, destroying him. However, the Ice King accidentally drops Bubblegum into the Lich's evil vat, to the horror of Finn and Jake.

"Mortal Recoil"

After Princess Bubblegum falls into the Lich's well of power, she is rushed to the Candy Kingdom hospital and saved. However, the Ice King feels that something is awry and tries to warn Finn, but Finn angrily scolds him and tells him to leave the kingdom. Finn and Jake then focus their energy on taking care of Princess Bubblegum, whose behavior seems off. At first, she claims that she needs some rest, but soon she begins acting strangely, such as convulsing in her bed. Finn leaves to acquire items that Bubblegum requests—which includes weapons-grade plutonium, ammonium, and gasoline among other items—and Jake tries to cheer Bubblegum up with a song.

This, however, back-fires and Princess Bubblegum ignites her bedroom with some sort of dark magic. It is apparent that Bubblegum has been possessed by the spirit of the Lich. Finn returns, and the two discover Bubblegum mixing the ingredients that Finn retrieved in her bathtub and then drinking it. She soon deforms and turns into a grotesque monster; she hurls Finn and Jake through a wall and the two discover the Ice King. He finally tells them that he saw with his "wizard eyes" the spirit of the Lich descend into Bubblegum after she fell into the well of power. The three make an unlikely alliance, teaming up to beat the Lich-possessed Bubblegum.

While Finn distracts her, the Ice King uses his ice powers to freeze Bubblegum. Their moment of success, however, is cut short when the still-frozen Bubblegum tips over and shatters everywhere. Her body parts are again rushed to the hospital where she is reassembled. However, there are not enough pieces to complete her, and so she ends up reverting to a 13-year-old girl. Finn, who is also 13, is excited, but the Ice King temporarily gives up his pursuit of Bubblegum due to her age. As the episode ends, it is revealed that the Lich has once again possessed the body of the snail, who angrily waves goodbye to the camera.

Goodnight Gracie

Phil's (Ty Burrell) mother passes away and the whole family flies to Florida for the funeral.

When they get there, Jay (Ed O'Neill) runs into a woman who seems familiar to him but he cannot put his finger on where he has met the woman before. While talking to her, he remembers that he lost his virginity to her when he was 18 but she has trouble remembering him. Jay tries unsuccessfully to make her remember him, since it is revealed that many boys also lost their virginity to her back then.

An arrest warrant is pending in Florida for Gloria (Sofia Vergara), because after moving and subletting her room in a house there, her roommate turned their apartment into a brothel. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) agrees to represent her in court, and at Gloria's urging, he ends up negotiating the acquittal of numerous other defendants to the increasing ire of the judge. When he finally comes to represent Gloria, the judge settles the case since she can not stand to hear him anymore. After his success at the court, Mitchell regains confidence in his ability as a criminal defense attorney and wants to return to the court.

Cam (Eric Stonestreet) meets a few residents of the retirement community and when he sees that they have some common interests; subsequently, he spends time with them, talking about books and playing Mahjong. The women are insatiable gossips, just like Cam, and the stories he overhears are proved valuable later.

In the meantime, Phil's mother left gifts with attached notes for Phil and her grandkids, Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter) and Luke (Nolan Gould). In Phil's letter she writes about the last thing she would want him to do for her, which is to set up his father, Frank (Fred Willard), with Annie Fitzsimmons, a woman who is a neighbor of them so he will not be alone. Phil does not like the idea at all, but Claire (Julie Bowen) says that he has to honor his mother's wish, especially since it is her last one. As they arrive to the woman's house, a man answers the door and Claire is left stunned; she then pretends to be selling vacuum cleaners. Later, Cam shares his gossips with Phil and Claire and it is revealed that the man who answered the door earlier was not the woman's boyfriend but in fact her brother. Consequently, Phil heads over to her house with the offer, but it is unknown whether the woman accepted it or not.

Haley's letter was accompanied by a necklace, Luke's by a pocket watch and Alex's by a lighter with a note saying "this is a lighter." Alex, who was very close to her grandmother, is hurt by the seemingly shallow gift. Alex asks Frank about the note, and he notices it is in fact a letter which, in the humid environment in Florida, has become stuck together. In the letter, Gracie tells the story of how she got a hold of the lighter (by stealing it from her favorite actor, Paul Newman, who ate at the restaurant where she had been waitressing at at the time) and encourages Alex to "break the rules" sometimes (which she does by setting off fireworks during the funeral even though the memorial service guide specifically asked them otherwise).

Bonnie & Clyde (miniseries)

The two-part television series is based on the true story of Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker. Barrow, a charismatic convicted armed robber, sweeps Parker – a young and impressionable, petite, small-town waitress, who is already married – off her feet. In the early 1930s, the two embark on one of the most infamous crime sprees in American history.

'''Part 1:''' Tells the story of Clyde Barrow's childhood growing up in rural Texas with his older brother Buck as they steal chickens, and later they do a stint in prison for stealing bigger and better things. After Buck ends up incarcerated again, Clyde meets the love of his life Bonnie Parker, who dreams of becoming a movie star in Hollywood. Soon the couple goes on a crime spree, robbing banks together after Clyde's partner is caught. They are able to stay one step ahead of the "laws" while they rob bigger banks in the state.

'''Part 2:''' Clyde asks his newlywed brother Buck to help them. Not wanting to be alone at home, his wife Blanche becomes the fourth member of the Barrow Gang. However, Bonnie pushes Clyde to commit more dangerous crimes and rob banks across the state line to generate headlines in the newspapers, and their life of crime soon leads to their deaths.

The Serpent's Egg (Defiance)

On a bus to New York, Nolan (Grant Bowler) escorts Rynn (Tiio Horn) to prison, while Amanda carries money raised by the town to pay for a mag-rail spur to Defiance. Also on the bus are an Earth Republic representative named Olfin (Jane McLean), her two husbands, Kasper (Milton Barnes) and Ziggy (Steve Lund), and a preacher named Preston (Andrew Musselman).

During the trip, the bus is ambushed and the driver is killed by a bomb planted by Preston. Preston, joined by two hijackers, demands the money Amanda is carrying. The ambush goes wrong; one of the hijackers and one of Olfin's husbands are killed. Preston is injured and takes Olfin as a hostage. During the ambush, Rynn escapes and disappears.

Nolan and Amanda concoct a plan to rescue Olfin; killing Preston and the remaining hijacker, they discover that Olfin was a secret partner in the hijacking scheme all along. Her plan was to steal the money Defiance had gathered to force the town to take Earth Republic's funding for the spur. As Olfin tries to get the money, Rynn returns and captures her. Nolan arrests Olfin and takes her back to Defiance; Rynn leaves with Olfin's second husband.

In Defiance, Olfin boards the next bus to New York in handcuffs; however, her supposed police escort immediately releases her as they depart. Olfin orders the police escort to find out everything they can about Amanda.

In the meantime, in Defiance, Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) kidnaps a Castithan (Ben Cotton) because she believes he is the one who tortured her as a child. She tortures him in the same way, demanding he confess and explain his actions. Tommy (Dewshane Williams) sees Irisa's strange behavior, follows her and finds the captive Castithan. Tommy convinces Irisa to stop, which triggers the Castithan to confess and explain why he did what he did; he believed Irisa was a "destroyer/saver goddess", and to fulfill her purpose, she had to kill him after the tortures. Via flashbacks it is revealed that Nolan rescued Irisa as a child just before she was supposed to kill the Castithan. Irisa refuses to follow her supposed destiny, and releases him.

I Am Zozo

The film follows five friends that end up attracting a demon to them after they decide to play with a Ouija board on Halloween.

The Lord of the Dynamos

Azuma-zi, a character of ill-defined but dark-skinned race, apparently of South-East Asian origin, arrives in London from the Straits Settlements on board a steamer where he was a stoker. He speaks no English and is bewildered by the turmoil of London; he loses all the money he has earned serving on the steamer and eventually finds work, again as a stoker, in a power station at Camberwell which supplies power to an underground electric railway (given the date of publication, this can only be the City and South London Railway, although the power station supplying this line was actually at Stockwell).

The power station is in the charge of one James Holroyd, an electrician from Yorkshire. He is a bully and a racist; he drinks whisky while on duty and beats Azuma-zi with a rod of copper wire. He is irreligious; he lectures Azuma-zi against religion, and suggests to him that the largest and most impressive of the three dynamos in the plant is more of a "Gord" than the one preached by missionaries.

Azuma-zi is powerfully impressed by the humming, whirling machinery and comes to believe that the big dynamo is indeed a god. He starts to worship it; he salaams to it when he arrives at work, prays to it to save him from Holroyd, cleans and polishes it with devotional care, and anoints it with oil - by which he unintentionally damages an area of the insulating varnish on the coils, and on discovering this Holroyd orders him to stay away from the machine with threats of violence.

Holroyd's bullying and Azuma-zi's dynamo worship combine to convince Azuma-zi that his god disapproves of Holroyd and eventually that it desires Holroyd as a human sacrifice. Azuma-zi surprises Holroyd, trips him and throws him against the exposed live terminals on the end of the dynamo, where he is electrocuted. Investigation of Holroyd's death is extremely perfunctory; the police are not called, Holroyd is presumed to have committed suicide, and nobody thinks to suspect Azuma-zi of murder.

Holroyd is replaced by a character named only as "the scientific manager"; in contrast to Holroyd's bullying, he takes very little notice of Azuma-zi at all. Nevertheless, impressed by the swift death inflicted on Holroyd by the dynamo, Azuma-zi decides to make the scientific manager a sacrifice as well. The scientific manager fights back, and manages to keep himself clear of the live parts until a third person happens to arrive on the scene, at which Azuma-zi panics, abandons the struggle and seizes the live terminals in his own hands.


'Sujon' is a reckless boy of 'Sundorpur'. But his father becomes addicted to gambling, which changes his life. He started working as a helper of "Chander Gari". There he meets with 'Pori' and in time they fall in love with each other. But Pori's mother is not happy about this and she fixes Pori's marriage in another place, which makes Sujon unhappy. He becomes furious and destroys Pori's mother's cake shop. Pori's mother tries to kill Sujon with a sharp weapon but the villagers stop her. So Pori's mother complains against Sujon at the nearest police station and they arrest Sujon. The police officer Abid likes him which makes it easy for Sujon to flee from the station. Sujon goes to stop the wedding and escape into the forest with Pori. Abid starts to look for them. But in one situation Sujon rescues Abid from danger and saves Abid's life. So Abid promises to make their marriage happen.

Peacefire (film)

Colin McNally (John Travers) is a troubled teenager being brought up by his widowed mother following his father's death. With his carefree attitude towards the political situation in Northern Ireland, Colin becomes involved in criminal activities. He and friends, Spuds (Gerard Jordan) and Jimbo (Sean Roberts) begin to steal cars, take them for a joyride and later set fire to them. Following a car accident on one of their joyrides, Colin and his friends escape with only a few minor injuries and are arrested. While he and his friends are separately being questioned, a policeman makes Colin an offer - either he helps the police by becoming an informant in bringing down a top IRA man or he and his friends will be sent to prison. Although his father was a top IRA man before he died, Colin, knowing that he is making the wrong decision and that he would be going against his father and the others, takes the policeman up on his offer in order to stay out of prison which causes friction between him and his friends. Colin, Spuds, and Jimbo continue their criminal behavior and following numerous warnings from the police and the IRA, who has been lenient with Colin for who is father was, Spuds and Jimbo are kneecapped and Colin, having escaped this, is threatened and told to leave the country. Colin eventually has the top IRA man captured, and with his guilt he goes to the local priest for forgiveness. While there is nothing more the priest can do, the IRA men enter the church and take Colin to kill him. Colin asks one last thing of them for which it is granted. He writes a letter to his mother telling her that he is safe and well in England so that she will not worry about him. Colin is then shot dead by the IRA men.